
=== chuck_ is now known as zul
Kanohi, somebody found the conflicting option that made nfs work again...02:50
Kanoreally good,but took a bit long02:50
Kanoi have got this error now:02:51
Kanoalg: cipher: Test 1 failed on encryption for aes-asm02:51
Kanoanybody else has that in dmesg?02:51
karthik_need some help in ubuntu regarding how it does switching workspaces internally06:55
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=== asac_ is now known as asac
CarlFKis there a .deb for the new firewire stack talked about here: http://ieee1394.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Juju_Migration  17:41
rexbronCarlFK: To my knowledge, the generic ubuntu kernel only builds the old firewire stack. 17:52
CarlFKrexbron: I was told I should try the new one.  trying to figure out what the easiest way to do that is17:53
rexbronCarlFK: myself and the ubuntustudio-dev team are looking at what it would take to transition to the new stack, but we have come across many issues17:53
rexbronCarlFK: have you built your own kernel before?17:54
CarlFKhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/CarlKarsten  top 7 lines 'My kernel howto'17:55
rexbronThen that might be the best way or if you want to help, I was looking at rolling a firewire kernel for testing purposes but havn't found the time.17:55
rexbronCarlFK: I would branch the kernel and modify the config as nessicary, then push to a PPA17:56
CarlFKok - was hoping someone else had already started 17:56
CarlFKthat's a good idea - I have a bunch of boxes I want to test on17:56
rexbronCarlFK: not to my knowledge, but we can always use help. if abogaini ever pops in here or #ubuntustudio-devel, he is our kernel guy and responcible for -rt. If anything I would expect the new firewire stack to be enabled there first17:57
CarlFKhave you encountered the  "ieee1394: Node suspended"  problem ?17:58
rexbronCarlFK: I worked out (most) of the dependancies that would need to be addresssd to enable the new firewire stack ubuntu wide here: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/better-user-firewire-experience17:59
rexbronCarlFK: no I have not17:59
rexbronCarlFK: what apps do you want to use with the new stack?18:00
CarlFKstreaming dv camcorder 18:00
CarlFKfor about 6 hours at a time 18:00
rexbronCarlFK: dvgrab depends hevily on libraw1394, which needs to be version 2.0 for compat with firewire-core18:01
rexbron2.0 is not in ubuntu or debian atm18:01
rexbronand as we found out with ffado, changes the api semantics in rather oblique ways18:01
rexbronCarlFK: so your more than welcome to try, but the solution to your problem is more work than just rolling a new kernel18:02
CarlFKgrumble :)18:02
CarlFKrexbron: I am guessing you are familiar with the current module code?18:04
CarlFKor something... Ill just continue.. :)18:05
rexbronCarlFK: I don't maintain any of this and couldn't write kernel code if I wanted to, I'm just the fw guy for ubuntustudio18:06
CarlFKwhat I am seeing is: run dvgrab.  after some random abmount of time, sometimes 5 min, sometimes 13 hours, the output file (dvgrab-nnnn.dv) stops growing 18:06
rexbronCarlFK: that said, I might be able to help18:06
CarlFKI have to either turn off/on the cam, un/plug the cable, or un/load the modules 18:07
CarlFKthe module thing kinda provs that the hardware is in a usable state 18:07
rexbronCarlFK: does it need to be in one contigous file? Can you just run a script that restarts dvgrab every x minutes?18:08
CarlFKyes and no.  18:08
CarlFKthat is going to cause a hickup18:08
CarlFKand to keep the 'down time' to under a minute, I would need to restart every min.  that's 'bad' 18:09
CarlFKgetting dvgrab to exit on this condition might smooth that over 18:09
CarlFKbut... I think a better solution (that requires a kernel hack...)18:10
CarlFKwhen the module detects whatever causes it to report "node suspended" is to first do its reset thing (whatever happens when I un/load it) 18:11
CarlFKand see if the device is still 'gone'18:11
CarlFKif it is, then the cam really was shut off. if it is back, ignore that signal? (or whatever its called) and just keep going like nothing happened 18:12
CarlFKwhen i plug the same cameras into a mac running osx, I see 'stuff' in the logs that looks like the same event, but the stream is not stopped. 18:13
CarlFKnetworking protocols have room for errors.  my guess is this is like that, but the linux code is not dealing with it as well as it should18:14
CarlFKso if you know someone who could make that hack, I would be happy to give it a good workout18:16
CarlFKhttp://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pIfz0wOzPtW1E6KpNZ_9oUQ&hl=en  my attempt to find a pattern 18:16
rexbronCarlFK: the only thing that jumps out at me is the Ricoh FW controler. They are very poorly designed and very buggy at the hw level18:47

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