
ubottuTo rescue a broken system, boot the alternate install CD and select "Rescue a broken system"00:08
FlannelDo we not have any more information?  What does that do actually?00:08
elkeeewhy does offtopic have a 'robot roll call' in the topic? are we encouraging bots now or something equally stupid?01:19
Picielkeee: Have you not seen Mystery Science Theater 3000?01:20
PiciIts from the show... but I'll change it if its confusing.01:20
* Pici fires up fortune -s01:21
elkeeei have not, no01:21
PiciAh, found something that made me chuckle.01:30
FlannelMmmm, -ot03:25
FlannelAnyone awake with -ot stuffs?  He's coming back03:26
PriceChildMez: almost 4 hours ago.07:09
Mezoops ;)07:09
nickrudah, just the guy I need07:09
nickrudPriceChild, what's with this ubuntu-ops user I just was informed about? How/when should we use it?07:09
PriceChildnickrud: how were you informed about it?07:10
nickrudPriceChild, in a memo from ljl07:10
PriceChildnickrud: timestamp?07:10
nickrudhm, don't have that anymore. I saved the info on the 12th07:11
nickrudit's functional, I tested that today.07:11
nickrudI was recognized with the password I was given07:11
nickrudthat's as far as I took it, just logged back off07:12
* Mez hasnt been given a password :D07:12
PriceChildIt doesn't appear to have any special access anywhere afaik.07:12
PriceChildWell I haven't heard of it having any anyway.07:12
nickrudif it's not to be in my hands, that's fine and dandy. I understood it was to be given access by loco admins as they chose, but I'm fuzzy otherwise07:13
PriceChildahh ok07:13
PriceChildI've probably lost an email again sorry.07:13
nickrudok, sometime in the next few weeks/months I'm sure it'll get sorted ;)07:14
PriceChildnickrud: dude its Christmas, get off of irc!07:15
MezPriceChild: not anymore :D07:15
nickrudnah, day after. I had a rough day at work, I'm unwinding by teasing #ubuntu :)07:15
* Mez had to work over christmas :D07:15
nickrudlucky man. We took christmas off, but I had the whole darned office load by myself today. 07:16
bazhangnickrud, how did you get that user working?08:48
bazhangwould have been handy in -ot the the last couple of days with the influx of ban-evaders/stalkers08:49
elkeeehrm, myrtti still hiding from irc?12:13
jpdsShe was here yesterday.12:14
Tm_Telkeee: mostly still in vacation yes12:17
Tm_Telkeee: if any urgent thing, I can give her a call12:17
elkeeeTm_T, nah, i just miss her12:19
elkeeeand she's on jaiku if anything is so desperate12:19
Tm_Twe all miss her12:23
Tm_Tawwww, so beautiful when sleeping12:25
* Tm_T <3 Ronja12:25
elkeeeronja being?12:38
elkeeethe baby or the missus?12:38
elkeeeit's a sweet name :)12:41
topylimakes you a robber! :)12:42
Tm_Ttopyli: I am12:42
topyliooh i'm sure i'm the first to say that too :\12:42
Tm_Ttopyli: actually her second name consists Jussintytär12:42
Tm_Tsecond names12:42
topylimy brain is smoking while trying to figure that out12:45
bazhangAmblnb, how may we help you14:21
Amblnbbazhang @: А фиг ево сказали сюда зайти чтоб #ubuntu-ua  ожывить ))14:23
bazhangAmblnb, #ubuntu-irc please14:23
bazhangAmblnb, please /part this channel14:23
bazhang* [eleos2] (n=chatzill@athedsl-4406484.home.otenet.gr): New Now Know How sken is unbanned? ikonia14:25
Amblnbbazhang @: Куда это вставлять?14:26
bazhangAmblnb, ----> #ubuntu-irc (not here)14:26
bazhangGarfeild, #ubuntu-irc for this please14:35
nickrudbazhang, it doesn't have access there; I just tested that I could identify as it14:37
bazhangnickrud, ok thanks :)14:37
elkeeethis again?14:49
* nickrud looks around for the noun14:50
bazhangwhat again elkeee 14:50
elkeeebazhang, russian hoodlums15:01
bazhangelkeee, it was a misunderstanding; amblnb was banned in -ua and thought this was the place to receive help15:02
bazhangthe other one garfeild is an operator in -ru15:02
elkeeeand both coincidentally joined here?15:04
bazhangamblnb joined here assuming he could be helped; garfeild may have misunderstood and joined15:05
bazhangit has been resolved in -irc finally15:06
nickrudbazhang, how many languages do you speak?15:07
bazhangnickrud, not enough apparently; even knowing russian, seems sometimes misunderstandings arise15:07
elkeeeall except klingon15:08
nickrudrflol, I've been speaking english fluently for 52 years, and still have daily misunderstandings ;)15:08
bazhangloco channels have much less stringent behaviour filters it would seem15:09
elkeeewell yes. we allow a degree of autonomy, but they're all expected to stick to the code of conduct15:11
elkeeeevery single part of the ubuntu community is expected to abide by that. no exceptions.15:12
elkeeeunofficial or not. no exceptions.15:12
elkeeeif they don't, they have absolutely no right to call themselves part of the ubuntu community15:13
jpdsThe code is more like... a guideline.15:14
elkeeeit is, and those who choose to not be guided by it choose to not be part of this community15:16
elkeeethere's no point in defining a community by a set of values if people who urinate on those values are allowed to identify as the same as us. it lessens the integrity and relevence of those values15:21
bazhangvery true.15:25
bazhangand -ot is a perfect of example of abrogation of those values15:25
jpdsbazhang: 15:25:01 [!] wececw (CM bot) [n=KST_wece@] has joined #ubuntu15:25
bazhangthe topic in -ot may as well be: ban evaders and stalkers welcome!15:26
elkeeebazhang, yes, but not only.15:26
bazhangjpds, yep, they were joining all day yesterday15:27
elkeeeyou may kill unofficial bots on sight15:29
nickrudbazhang, you should (if you could) change to that topic. Not enough people with clout hang out there15:30
bazhangnickrud, not that loco channels dont have plenty of problems (they do); but the main channel referenced from #ubuntu (ie #ubuntu-offtopic) for chat is such a cesspool at times reflects very badly on the main channel imo15:32
bazhangalmost worried to send new users into that sharkpit at times15:33
elkeeei'm equally concerned about the other cesspool that falsely advertises being the first/best ubuntu channel which is closer to an sex and hate channel than an ubuntu channel15:36
elkeeeanyway, i need sleeps15:36
bazhangwow alsa has gone unhelpful of late16:25
bazhangor at least that fellow copper16:25
nickrudI can understand their frustration with becoming a dumping ground16:26
bazhanghe did not try to help anton at all.16:26
bazhanghe basically said 'ubuntu sucks, next!'16:26
nickrudno telling what prior experience brought that on. probably hit the overload point prior to this16:27
nickrudI can relate to beating on an innocent simply because he came after the breaking point16:27
bazhangthe helper gnubien was helpful; just bad luck to get that copper fellow16:28
bazhangI simply back away from irc when I get to that point16:29
nickrudI was nice to him: maybe he'll be nicer to the next ubuntu newbie, even if he doesn't help much. I keep saying that someday I'll study up on pulse audio, but will probably not16:29
bazhangsudobash seems to be trolling16:31
nickrudnah, he was told he was wrong about something and is puffing up16:31
bazhangthats never happened before16:32
sudobashAbuser of power and Anal retentive FUCKS16:34
Jack_SparrowAnd as polite in PM as in here16:36
nickrudhe's close to apologizing I think16:46
Jack_Sparrownickrud, You have him in PM16:49
nickrudno, I'm inferring from his quick join then part. Sorta like starting towards a person, then turning around ;)16:49
Jack_SparrowAh.. Hope your Holiday went well.  Ours was fantastic16:50
nickrudI've talked to him in pm before though, seemed rational and funny16:50
nickrudJack_Sparrow, yeah, it was fine. Family's in Seattle area, so it was kinda remote though16:51
Jack_SparrowWe have a house on the penninnsula, so I know what you mean16:51
=== Mez_ is now known as Mez
bazhangtook him a while to actually ask a question18:09
bazhangcrosspost flooding18:25
bazhangban-evader/stalker extreme yes-man-1 (aka sp0rtily, z, patchpocket) in -ot18:49
bazhangPici, jussi01_ Mez ^^18:49
bazhang* [yes-man-1] (n=eee@ purple18:50
jussi01bazhang: are certain, how do you know?18:52
bazhangjussi01, the way he is stalking, his speech patterns, referencing certain films as did patchpocket et al, acknowledging that he 'could be' though the IP is not stable, and more18:53
bazhangnickrud, that was not the context he was asking in though.19:25
Flannelbazhang: re: WoW?19:26
nickrudand counterstrike has a free version, http://www.soft32.com/download_2541.html19:26
bazhangFlannel, re: getting pirated games in general19:26
Flannelbazhang: You can't "pirate" WoW.  The game is free for download,you need an account to play, etc.19:27
bazhanghe had a whole list19:27
jpdsubottu: ping20:21
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore20:21
jpdsOh, so you are alive.20:21
ubottuThe operation succeeded.20:21
runescapemastr55i know a glitch i think23:22
runescapemastr55so you can talk whail your banned23:22
nickrudrunescapemastr55, there's lots of ways ... please don't educate people about it23:23
* nickrud smiles23:23
runescapemastr55im not23:23
runescapemastr55im tryin to report it23:23
runescapemastr55oh nevermind!!!23:24
runescapemastr55forget it23:24
nickrudrunescapemastr55, we're listening, and thanks for moving here. I'm a lowly op, not particularly intersested but others might be23:24
runescapemastr55i wanna describe a glitch to you23:31
runescapemastr55if you type "/msg #ubuntu <your message>" it will send it to the channel ven if your not in the channle23:31
PriceChildrunescapemastr55: #ubuntu is +n so I don't believe that true.23:32
runescapemastr55whats +n?23:32
PriceChildrunescapemastr55: http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml23:33
runescapemastr55im not reading yhat23:33
runescapemastr55an op made me read 323:34
* genii-around sips23:36

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