
Jazzvacrimsun: either I have done something wrong, or this is not working :/. Now I lost all sound...00:00
crimsunJazzva: rerun the alsa-info.sh script00:01
JazzvaI copied the compiled snd-hda-intel.ko file to /lib/modules/.../hda/00:01
Jazzvacrimsun: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=165bfa1269c08c28f5b3241e1e21277c124b5a1300:01
crimsunJazzva: that's because snd-hda-intel isn't loaded. what happens when you `sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel'?00:02
crimsuni.e., what errors appear in dmesg|tail -50 ?00:02
Jazzvacrimsun: http://paste.ubuntu.com/93961/00:04
crimsunJazzva: oh, bah. so you need make SUBDIRS=sound instead of make SUBDIRS=sound/pci/hda00:04
Jazzvaah, ok :)00:05
crimsunsilly msyms00:05
Jazzvacrimsun: do I need to just rerun "make SUBDIRS=sound" or all make commands?00:05
crimsunJazzva: well, to be sure, make SUBDIRS=sound/pci/hda clean && make SUBDIRS=sound00:06
crimsunsorry, should have remembered you need SUBDIRS=sound instead. it has been a while since i did out-of-tree compilations.00:10
Jazzvano problem :)00:10
* Jazzva reboot00:12
Jazzvacrimsun: it works :D. Thanks a lot for the patch.00:15
crimsunJazzva: err, meaning "it works", please be more specific00:16
crimsunlike, that change potentially causes regressions, so i need to be very, very, very sure before i send it upstream00:16
Jazzvacrimsun: the sound is there, and the microphone jack works...00:16
JazzvaI'll test it a bit more (to see if the internal mic still works)00:16
crimsunJazzva: does jack sense/eapd work, too? e.g., when you unplug the headphones, speakers unmute, etc.00:17
Jazzvacrimsun: yes, for both headphone jacks...00:19
crimsunJazzva: ok, please test thoroughly as possible00:19
crimsunJazzva: i'm around for a bit more, so i can look into regressions if you experience any00:19
Jazzvacrimsun: weird. I have been playing with the sound controls, and suddenly the sound started fading-out, and now it's gone :)00:20
crimsunwhere were you playing with the sound controls?00:22
Jazzvacrimsun: And it looks like it switched back to built-in microphone, even though it's set to external...00:22
Jazzvacrimsun: changing the levels... there are master, headphone, pcm, front, surround, center, lfe... I think I was playing with Front or Surround when it started fading out.00:23
crimsunJazzva: ah, you need to reset the 'Input Source's, probably00:23
crimsunJazzva: open a terminal emulator and look at amixer -Dhw:000:23
Jazzvacrimsun: to reset to what?00:26
crimsunJazzva: i need to see the output from that command, first =)00:27
Jazzvait looks like my DNS died... not opening any site.00:30
Jazzvaheh :)...00:35
Jazzvasure, it's my providers bug... will switch to opendns after this. as soon as I'm able to get their IP addresses :). and then I will paste the output of "amixer -Dhw:0"00:36
crimsun"Our nameservers are and"00:38
Jazzvacrimsun: thanks :). I just started searching for that over mobile phone00:38
Jazzvahmm, weird. It's not opening anything I try, except for www.google.com... crimsun, I'll ping you once this issue with my provider/somebody-else resolves...00:42
crimsunok. in the meantime, i've triaged that bug.00:43
Jazzvacrimsun: not sure if you received my message, here's the paste http://paste.ubuntu.com/93977/01:12
crimsunJazzva: probably need to unmute 'Mic as Output' and 'IEC958'01:16
Jazzvacrimsun: nope, that does nothing... let me restart, and see if this reappears.01:18
crimsunprobably will, since alsactl store is used...01:20
Jazzvacrimsun: it seems it starts fading out when I plug in the headphones...01:25
Jazzvacrimsun: all volume settings seem unchanged01:26
crimsunJazzva: try the following, but be aware that it forces a reboot: sudo kill $(sudo lsof -t /dev/snd/*) && sudo modprobe -r snd-hda-intel && sudo rm -f /var/lib/alsa/asound.state && sudo reboot01:27
Jazzvacrimsun: ok, brb...01:27
D3RGPS31during upgrade, i get this error: http://pastebin.com/m4b5fa10d01:36
Jazzvacrimsun: the same happens...01:40
crimsunJazzva: so sound is audible as long as the headphones are _not_ plugged in?01:40
Jazzvacrimsun: yes. once they're plugged in, the sound starts fading out. If I unplug them, the sound stops fading out (but doesn't resume to the usual level)01:41
crimsunJazzva: ok, thanks.01:41
crimsuni'll revise the patch01:41
Jazzvacrimsun: thank you :). I'll retest when you're done with it, just ping me.01:42
D3RGPS31during upgrade, i get this error: http://pastebin.com/m4b5fa10d :/01:43
crimsunJazzva: you'll need to reverse the existing patch and apply http://www.trilug.org/~crimsun/jazzva_dell_1525_take2.diff01:51
Jazzvacrimsun: ok01:51
crimsunJazzva: make sure you do a `make SUBDIRS=sound/pci/hda clean && make SUBDIRS=sound/pci/hda' afterward01:51
JazzvaSUBDIRS=sound :)01:52
crimsunnah, you should already have sound compiled01:52
Jazzvaah... right.01:52
Jazzvanoticed that after I wrote it :)01:52
crimsunactually, i think to be on the safe side you should use make SUBDIRS=sound01:53
crimsunso yeah, you're right originally01:53
crimsunyeah, i think clean actually does the right thing here, so you do need SUBDIRS=sound01:55
crimsunKconfig is subtle!01:55
crimsuni'm going to be offline for about 45-60 mins, but i'll be back immediately after02:02
Jazzva_crimsun: it looks like it doesn't fade out the sound, but the external microphone is not working again02:08
=== Jazzva_ is now known as Jazzva
DanaGHeh... update-manager is segfaulting.02:25
crimsunJazzva: ok, new patch03:34
onetinsoldieri'm about to burn the CD, install a pretty bumpy road? hehe03:54
nosrednaekimonetinsoldier: actually, it went smoothly for me (Kubuntu though)03:59
onetinsoldiernosrednaekim: roger, hmmm04:00
nosrednaekimKubuntu should actually rockier... since its using a beta of KDE4 :P04:01
onetinsoldiermy 8.10 install is Ubuntu. perhaps for Jaunty i sholkd make it Kubuntu04:01
nosrednaekimeh, whatever you like metter04:01
onetinsoldieri like KDE plaenty good too. i like a lot of the window managers that are available04:02
nosrednaekimyeah, then definately check out KDE 4.2 in Kubuntu04:02
onetinsoldieryou know what, i will04:02
* onetinsoldier goes to download kubuntu04:03
pflopskde4.1 was not all that good04:09
nosrednaekimyeah.... but 4.2 fixed pretty much every feature issue with 4.104:10
onetinsoldierkde 4.X.xis a major step for kde. it's not like the step kde2.X to kde3.x where the interface didn't change all that much04:11
onetinsoldierand new releases of kde are also rough around the edges at first04:11
onetinsoldierso, given time, it'll probably improve by miles04:12
onetinsoldiernosrednaekim: where's a good place to download jaunty  kubuntu?04:16
nosrednaekimI just got it from the link off the kubuntu.org announcement04:17
pflopsa search for 9.04 should yield something for it04:17
onetinsoldieri think i found it, thanks pflops04:18
onetinsoldiertime for bed for me. i'll install and be back tomorrow. night all04:40
weternalhow has everyone's experience of Jaunty been so far?  I'm just upgrading07:00
x1250is there any git update planned for the ati opensource driver?07:16
ttadoes anyone know why firefox metapackage still points to firefox-3.05 and not FF-3.111:44
=== Daisuke-Ido is now known as Daisuke_Ido
gnomefreaktta: make sure you add firefox 3.1 in custom prefered settings12:47
gnomefreakit should read firefox-3.1 %s12:48
ttagnomefreak: thanks, not going to install it though, just wondering why metapgk is not depenging on it...12:53
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=== LjL-Temp is now known as LjL
onetinsoldierhello. i installed Jaunty this morning and it went ok. but after the updating the system crashes with a Signal 15(seen in /var/log/messages), my monitor powers off when the loading bar gets to the end. it's probably an Xorg issue as that when the kdm screen should come up and there were certainly updates to Xorg. if anyone wants to try and help troubleshoot i'd be happy to work with you.15:43
charlie-tcaI don't much about troubleshooting, but if you edit the menu line in GRUB when starting and remove splash15:45
charlie-tcayou can see any error messages being output15:45
onetinsoldieryeah, i thought about that already and removed the 'silent' option, but haven't tried booting into Jaunty Kubuntu again yet15:46
charlie-tcaI do not run Kubuntu, but Xubuntu instead.15:47
=== jimqode_ is now known as jimqode
sanjivhi guys.. i upgraded to Jaunty and since then fglrx fails to load..16:34
sanjivit says that the Xorg version i have is 7.1-7.3 whereas i have 7.4 installed.. which it requires..16:34
sanjivand moreover.. there is a miInitVisualsProc invalid symbol error.. and GLX does not load either..16:35
sanjivany idea what is wrong?16:35
sanjivi tried reinstalling all xorg packages.. and all fglrx packages.. and still this issue persists..16:35
sanjivanybody having the same problem with ATI fglrx driver?16:37
sanjivdkms status says that driver version 8.561 is installed on kernel 2.6.28-3..16:37
sanjivyet fglrx fails to load.. because it cannot see that xorg 7.4 is installed..16:38
onetinsoldiersanjiv: hi16:39
onetinsoldieryou're using jaunty?16:39
sanjivyeah.. upgraded two days ago..16:39
onetinsoldierone moment16:39
onetinsoldiersanjiv: well, first. we might be able to solve the mystery of the xorg version, maybe16:41
onetinsoldierunless i'm mistaken, you won't get the fglrx driver working in jaunty16:42
sanjivand why is that?16:42
onetinsoldierit doesn't work with kernel 2.6.28 yet, as far as i know. anyway, i'm pretty sure it doesn't16:42
sanjivwell.. i have kernel 2.6.27-10 installed as well.. however.. fglrx does not seem to work on that as well.. due to the same xorg version issue..16:43
onetinsoldierheck, they(ati) just made it so the latest version of fglrx works with 2.6.2716:43
sanjivsynaptic says that the xorg version is 7.4.. and "X -version" outputs
onetinsoldieroh.. i see16:44
onetinsoldierthere is a possiblity16:44
onetinsoldierthat the xorg 7.4 version is too new for it to recognize!16:44
sanjivbut.. i'll just tell you.. the kernel 2.6.27-10 after the jaunty upgrade does not work.. however.. i was running fglrx on the 2.6.27-10 while on intrepid.. now it shows up as 2.6.27-10 Jaunty (development branch)..16:45
sanjivwasn't xorg 7.4 installed on intrepid as well?16:45
onetinsoldiersanjiv: doh! yes, your right16:45
onetinsoldiersoo, hmmm16:45
onetinsoldierdpkg -l xserver-xorg   .. what's that show?16:46
sanjivone moment..16:46
sanjivii  xserver-xorg   1:7.4~5ubuntu9 the X.Org X server16:47
onetinsoldieri'm not in jaunty myself right now.. i installed it just today, and then I updated. after updating, it poops out on me16:47
onetinsoldierwont' boot16:48
sanjivhmm.. that's bad.. anyway.. do you have any idea how this could be fixed?16:48
onetinsoldierwelll, it boots and then poops out16:48
onetinsoldiersanjiv: i'm not sure what to think16:49
sanjivhave you heard of the "miInitVisualsProc" symbol issue in GLX?16:49
onetinsoldieri thought perhaps it would be that you didn't get fully updated16:49
sanjivit says that the minor and major ABI versions do not match.. as well..16:50
sanjivi did get fully updated afaik..16:50
onetinsoldierbut, if  you say that synaptic show the correct version and so is dpkg, then i'm not sure16:50
sanjivabout 462 packages updated..16:50
vishalraosanjiv, what if you use the ati driver instead of fglrx16:50
onetinsoldieri installed from the latest jaunty installer, which worked. have you thought about giving that a try?16:51
vishalraoedit xorg.conf and replace fglrx with ati16:51
vishalraoor radeon, or radeonhd16:51
sanjivim using the ati driver.. however.. no 3D accel.. and no compiz..16:51
vishalraothis breakage might last until more updates arrive16:51
onetinsoldieryeah, i tend to think it might too16:52
sanjivi hope not for long..16:52
vishalraoespecially ATI (the company) need to release their closed srouce driver update to work with latest stuff16:52
onetinsoldierlook at this...16:52
onetinsoldierwell, hang on16:52
sanjivwell.. the ATI linux driver website says that the latest closed source ATI Driver works with xorg 7.4..16:53
onetinsoldierxorg-server 2:
vishalraosanjiv, tried the radeon and radeonhd drivers? (if they support your card)16:53
sanjivhowever.. that is no the case here.. so probably there should be some problem with xorg..16:54
vishalraosanjiv , if xversion shows 1.5.99 that means its pre 7.516:54
sanjivhangon.. let me check..16:54
onetinsoldierthat's not a yet, so...16:54
vishalraoits like " 7.5 beta "16:54
sanjivyeah.. it is 1.5.99-3-0ubuntu316:54
sanjivhmm.. any solution to that? is a downgrade possible?16:55
onetinsoldieri never downgrade... bad idea to even think about it16:55
sanjivwhat's the solution then?16:55
sanjivim using a dell inspiron 1501 laptop..16:55
onetinsoldieranyone will tell you, downgrading is definitely not supported16:55
sanjivRadeon Xpress 1150 i think is the graphic card..16:56
sanjivyeah.. i know.. it might break more stuff i guess..16:56
vishalraosanjiv: i usually use "sudo aptitude safe-upgrade" on the command line16:56
vishalraothis is a slightly less risky update resolution for unstable stuff16:57
onetinsoldierhate to say, but i'm pretty sure fglrx driver is out of the question for a while in jaunty, and i expected that when installing it16:57
vishalraobut im a linux newbie myself16:57
onetinsoldiervishalrao: :-)16:57
vishalraocurrenty for me, i have old stable xorg server with nvidia working fine, it prompts to upgrade xorg but i avoid it for now...16:57
sanjivokay.. is there any solution to this problem at this moment then? or shall i just wait until we have some updates?16:58
vishalraoif ati driver is working, i think you'll have to live without 3D16:58
sanjivi always do manual updates.. never turn automatic updating on..16:58
vishalraoif you need it that badly, then prolly need to reinstall intrepid stable :)16:58
sanjivhmm.. i guess i'll have to chill for a bit.. until further updates that fix this problem..16:58
onetinsoldiersanjiv: hmmm, vishalrao says he has old version of xorg working, perhaps you could downgrade16:58
sanjivvishalrao: are you on jaunty?16:58
onetinsoldierbut downgrading is tough16:59
vishalraobut like i said i didnt do "manual upgrade" i did "safe upgrade"16:59
onetinsoldieryou have to use the --force option a lot, and then put packages on 'hold'16:59
vishalraoi use aptitude and not apt-get on command line, and use aptitude's "safe-upgrade" command16:59
sanjivi never tried the safe-upgrade.. probably i don't like to be safe.. and i like to take risks.. haha..17:00
onetinsoldieri have togo for a while. be back later. good luck guys17:00
sanjivthank you onetinsoldier..17:00
onetinsoldiersure. sorry i can't help17:00
sanjivit's alright.. at least we had a good conversation..17:00
sanjivand at least i know now that i didn't screw up..17:00
sanjivthank you.. :)17:01
onetinsoldierwell, i'm back for just bit longer, atm17:03
sanjivalright.. welcome back..17:03
onetinsoldierhello. i installed Jaunty this morning and it went ok. but after the updating the system crashes with a Signal 15(seen in /var/log/messages), my monitor powers off when the loading bar gets to the end. it's probably an Xorg issue as that when the kdm screen should come up and there were certainly updates to Xorg. if anyone wants to try and help troubleshoot i'd be happy to work with you.17:03
sanjivi'll try the radeon driver as well.. for my problem..17:04
onetinsoldieralso, i have since disabled the silent and splash options in grub's menu.lst17:04
sanjivyeah.. it is always good to know what is happening.. rather than be clueless about it..17:04
sanjivwhat if you go into recovery mode.. does it go into recovery?17:05
onetinsoldiersanjiv: yeah, i'm clueless about my problem right now17:05
onetinsoldiersanjiv: i could try that17:05
vishalraoonetinsoldier: can you pastebin your Xorg.0.log ?17:05
onetinsoldieri haven't. i will say, i thnik that would work because the system crashes right when the kdm login screen it supposed to appear17:06
onetinsoldiervishalrao: nothing looksworng with it.. but yeah. i can. but first. let me try and boot into it once more now that i have17:06
sanjivtry getting into the root shell at the recovery menu.. and then try starting the X server manually..17:07
onetinsoldierdisabled the silent and splash options in grub17:07
sanjivat least you have better control over it then wherein you can Ctrl+C easily.. :)17:07
vishalraosanjiv: See known issues in alpha2 release notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/jaunty/alpha2   they suggest to use ati open source driver for now17:07
onetinsoldierthe problem is the kernel crashes.. Signal 1517:07
vishalraokernel crashes??? ouch17:08
sanjivwhat version kernel is it?17:08
onetinsoldiervishalrao: ahhh, i need to have a look at that17:08
sanjivthank you vishalrao..17:08
vishalraoonetinsoldier: why not go ahead and do another full-upgrade to get the latest stuff, then we can look at your Xorg.0.log17:09
vishalraoonetinsoldier: btw which video card/driver are you using?17:09
onetinsoldierwell, i just installed and upgraded, not sure what you mean17:09
vishalraooh ok17:10
onetinsoldierthe original install works.. then i upgraded, and pffft17:10
sanjivyou installed and upgraded.. you mean installed from the alternate CD and upgraded after that using the update-manager?17:10
vishalraowhat does "uname -a" show ?17:10
onetinsoldierit wasn't the alternate cd... but yes17:10
onetinsoldierand this is Jaunty Kubuntu if it matters17:11
sanjivokay.. i also updated all the packages today.. and it still works.. and im using the Gnome version.. so i really don't know what's wrong..17:11
vishalraoonetinsoldier: yours is also likely a video driver issue... what is your kernel detailed version and video card/driver?17:11
onetinsoldiervishalrao: HIS(ATI) Radeon 4850 512 MB with IceQ4 cooler fan17:11
vishalraoso you also probably have ati driver issue and need to change your xorg.conf to use "ati" instead of "fglrx"17:12
onetinsoldiervishalrao: yes..probably a video driver/xorg issue.. there were xorg updates when i updated17:12
onetinsoldiervishalrao: the Xorg.conf file is... empty17:13
sanjivwhy don't you do a dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg to auto-configure it?17:13
onetinsoldiervishalrao: i didn't upgrade to Jaunty.. it's a fresh install17:13
vishalraocan you post your /var/log/Xorg.0.log file to pastebin.ubuntu.com and give the link here?17:13
onetinsoldiersanjiv: i can't, now17:14
stansanjiv, whats phigh do?17:14
onetinsoldierhowever, i could just reinstall from scratch again, nothing lost... heck, i haven't done anything with Jaunty yet17:14
vishalraoonetinsoldier: can you post your /var/log/Xorg.0.log file to pastebin.ubuntu.com and give the link here?17:15
onetinsoldierstan: it make sure all the questions are asked when configuring a package, even if they've been answered before. if they've been answered when first installed, you might not get all the questions again17:15
onetinsoldierunless, you do the -phigh17:16
onetinsoldiervishalrao: hang on17:16
sanjivthank you for answering that onetinsoldier.. i only said that because the default xorg,conf has that line in there.. and it says that one should use it to reconfigure it.. i didn't know the answer..17:17
onetinsoldiersanjiv: roger, you're welcome17:17
onetinsoldiervishalrao: now, can you give me several minutes? i'm going to try to boot it again. i'll brb as soon as i can, ok? then i'll post it17:18
vishalraocool :)17:18
onetinsoldierok, cool17:18
sanjivvishalrao: i'll try using the radeon driver.. be back in a bit..17:23
onetinsoldierhello.. back17:27
onetinsoldiervishalrao: i may have to leave soon. just an fyi17:27
onetinsoldiervishalrao: there's 2 log files17:28
vishalraoXorg.0.log is the one of interest17:28
onetinsoldierXorg.0.log and Xorg.failsafe.log17:28
onetinsoldieri figured as much. just checking17:28
onetinsoldiervishalrao: http://paste.ubuntu.com/94425/17:30
vishalraolooking... lets see if i can figure out anything, being a noob and all :)17:31
onetinsoldierok, hehe17:31
onetinsoldiermy /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is empty, and as you can see, it's choosing the 'radeon_drv.so' driver17:32
vishalraolooks like you loading "radeon" driver? want to try "radeonhd" or just "ati" in your xorg.conf17:33
onetinsoldierwhich do you thinki should try first?17:33
vishalraotry ati first17:33
onetinsoldierok, hang on17:33
vishalraodo you know the lines to put into xorg.conf? could look up on the web17:34
onetinsoldiervishalrao: i know how17:34
vishalraoonetinsoldier: where are you on IRC from? console? another PC?17:34
onetinsoldiernope... guess again17:35
vishalraofailsafe X ?17:35
onetinsoldierit's an ancient chinese secret17:35
onetinsoldierok.. ok17:35
onetinsoldierhere's how17:35
onetinsoldieri have Intrepid installed on on the same PC. so i just mount Jaunty from Intrepis once i boot back into Intrepid17:36
vishalraocool :)17:37
onetinsoldierit makes working with unstable releases like this much easier17:37
vishalraobut when you try to load jaunty X, you boot into the jaunty kernel right?17:38
onetinsoldieroh yes...17:38
vishalraoits not like you chroot into jaunty and try to start X ?17:38
onetinsoldieri have to reboot to try all this17:38
vishalraocool... ok... i'll be interested ti know if ati worked for you.. you could also try radeonhd for kicks... then settle for ati17:38
onetinsoldierso, it takes a few minutes17:38
onetinsoldiernot that there's anyting to see, but i'll post my xorg.conf file17:39
vishalraoi hope its not due to unstable KDE 4.2 trunk KDM crashing :)17:39
onetinsoldiermight be... but i doubt. Signal 15 in /var/log/messages17:42
onetinsoldierKDE might be powerful.. but cause the kernel to crash all by itself? i doubt it17:42
onetinsoldierbut it could be17:43
onetinsoldiervishalrao: http://paste.ubuntu.com/94434/17:43
sanjivvishalrao hi im back..17:43
onetinsoldierok, going to reboot and try it out17:43
onetinsoldiersanjiv: wb17:43
vishalraohi sanjiv17:43
sanjivonetinsoldier hi.. i tried the radeon driver.. it works the same as the ati driver..17:44
vishalraosanjiv: now you can try the "radeonhd" driver before going back to "ati" :) just for kicks to see if 3D works17:44
sanjivokay.. let me try..17:44
sanjivvishalrao im back17:51
sanjivonetinsoldier im back too..17:51
vishalraoi just found out ati is same as radeon :) at http://www.x.org/wiki/ati17:51
onetinsoldierroger sanjiv hello and welcome back17:51
sanjivthanks.. :)17:51
vishalraoso sanjiv you should stick to ati, and onetinsoldier you can try radeonhd :D17:52
sanjiv vishalrao  thanks.. :)17:52
onetinsoldiervishalrao: yes..it's an HIS(ATI) Radeon 4850 512MB17:52
onetinsoldieri have a feeling it still won't work, but ill try it17:53
vishalraoonetinsoldier: so what happened? still crash with "ati" ? try radeonhd, if that also crashes its probably unstable KDE/KDM17:53
onetinsoldiervishalrao: i have a feeling it still won't work, but ill try it17:53
onetinsoldierit may be the KDE17:54
vishalraoyes :)17:54
vishalraobut its worth a shot, go for it17:54
vishalraoradeonhd FTW !17:54
onetinsoldierright now, i'm in Ubuntu 8.10, the gnome flavor17:54
onetinsoldierbut KDE is cool. i thought i'd put on a different flavor for Jaunty ;-)17:55
vishalraojaunty is surprisingly stable for me... nvidia , compiz, wireless, sound :)17:56
vishalraobut then again, i havent done a full upgrade to the bleeding edge17:56
onetinsoldieri was bale to ctrl+alt+delete to get a restart. so i checked my /var/log/messages, it still has the Signal 15 as the last line17:56
vishalraocan you paste the last line here?17:57
onetinsoldiervishalrao: lucky devil. i'm thinking i'm going to have to install what works, the version that's installed from the original installer, and then wait a couple weeks to upgrade17:58
onetinsoldierDec 28 10:45:34 maroon-bells kernel: [   20.055146] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): eth0: link becomes ready17:58
onetinsoldierDec 28 10:45:34 maroon-bells kernel: [   20.113795] NET: Registered protocol family 1717:58
onetinsoldierDec 28 12:45:52 maroon-bells exiting on signal 1517:58
vishalraothat may not be kernel, it could be anything printing that log, right?17:59
vishalraobut yes, install what works, then maybe try just "sudo aptitude safe-upgrade" if you want to risk it again...17:59
onetinsoldieri thought it was the kernel, but i might not be indeed, especially since i was about to get a reboot from a Ctrl+Alt+Delete18:00
Volkodavhmm when I get to partitioner it will not allow me to choose partitions - they are kinda blocked ?18:00
onetinsoldieri = it18:00
Volkodavis there a text installer ?18:00
vishalraoVolkodav: alpha2 ? i think this is a known problem with manual partitioning :)18:00
onetinsoldieri didn't have any problem with manual partitioning18:00
Volkodavwhat's the workaround ?18:01
vishalraoVolkodav: i believe even the alternate install CD has this issue, but you could try it if you can download it quickly...18:01
onetinsoldierVolkodav: are you using the .iso dated 12-19?18:01
vishalraoonetinsoldier: you used alpha1 right? this problem is with alpha218:01
VolkodavI think so yes18:01
onetinsoldieri used alpha2 i believe18:01
Volkodavalpha 2 here18:01
onetinsoldierhow can i checkfor sure?18:01
vishalraoi dunno, ISO MD5 sum maybe ?18:02
onetinsoldierhang on18:02
sanjivVolkodav do you have any idea about the fglrx issue? it's not working on Jaunty alpha 2 with 2.6.28-3 kernel with xorg 7.4 (1.5.99-3-0ubuntu3).. ?18:02
vishalraosanjiv: you still hope to get fglrx working? ::)18:03
onetinsoldierI did a search on Jaunty Kubuntu download - first hit at the top says... Kubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) Alpha 218:03
vishalraowont happen until ATI release updated driver18:03
sanjivvishalrao sure.. hope never ends.. :)18:03
onetinsoldierthis is where i downloaded from...  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/jaunty/alpha-2/18:03
VolkodavATI sux0rz period18:03
sanjivvishalrao: someone somewhere might know or some fix for it..18:04
vishalraosanjiv: hehe18:04
vishalraoVolkodav: try the alternate CD, see known issues at http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/jaunty/alpha218:05
sanjivvishalrao: it's always good to have some hope.. and the optimism that all problems have a solution.. sooner or later you'll stumble upon those solutions..18:05
vishalraosooner or later....im guessing later :P   (pessimistic me)18:05
vishalraosanjiv: why is 3D important to you at the same time you are trying alpha unstable version?18:06
vishalraoif its so important you could return to intrepid, no? im curious18:07
onetinsoldiervishalrao and, especially sanjiv, from this page -->   http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/jaunty/alpha2 --> Known Issues "A new XServer, version 1.6, is included in Alpha-2. The binary proprietary drivers -fglrx and -nvidia are not yetsupported for this server and will exhibit various serious issues if run against it."18:07
sanjivvishalrao: well 3D is not important for me.. however, it is always good to have some eye candy.. :)18:08
vishalraoyes onetinsoldier18:08
onetinsoldierUsers of these drivers are encouraged o wait or to switch to the corresponding open source drivers (-ati and -nv respectively) in the meantime.18:08
vishalraoim thinking i should also do a full upgrade so that my nvidia eye candy breaks ! then i can try the open source nv driver :)18:08
vishalraoim just worried about losing wifi18:08
sanjivonetinsoldier: thank you.. i read that.. however.. just hoping that if someone has a workaround to that problem.. :)18:09
onetinsoldieri'm off to try radeonhd for the heck of it.. be back in a bit18:09
onetinsoldiersanjiv: yeah, roger. i'd loveto have fglrx working too. but i knew even before i downloaded Juanty, ain't happening18:10
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sanjivvishalrao and onetinsoldier: everything else seems to work on my system hopefully.. i noticed that skype crashes because of detecting the wrong sound hardware or something..18:10
vishalraosanjiv: try "pulseaudio -k" to kill it, then see if skype works18:11
vishalraosound will be especially broken due to pulseaudio work...18:11
sanjivany idea why skype crashes? i tried deleting the ".Skype" folder in my home dir..18:11
sanjivokay.. thank you.. i'll try..18:11
vishalraosanjiv: the root/main reason for all this is you are running an UNSTABLE alpha :D  it is also mentioned in the topic of this IRC channel18:12
vishalrao"it will most certainly break your system in bad ways" :)18:12
vishalraoonly the sadistic suckers for punishment run alphas18:13
sanjivvishalrao: hmm.. i know.. and yeah.. i tried that and it still crashes.. probably it should get fixed are more and more updates are released..18:13
vishalraobtw im upgrading my jaunty too... so i think im going to lose audio and nvidia 3d too :D18:14
sanjivvishalrao: well.. that's gonna be worthwhile18:14
sanjivi have broken my system a few times before.. since dapper.. and it's always a pleasure to try to fix it.. it teaches you not to be a "masochist".. however.. some people like me don't ever learn.. :P18:15
vishalraodid you say you have dell 1525 ?18:17
vishalraoi have hp pavilion tx1302au tablet PC18:17
vishalraoonetinsoldier: wb... so how did it go?18:18
onetinsoldiervishalrao: well, that was interesting18:18
onetinsoldierit went.... well, better18:18
onetinsoldieri came right back so we could discuss18:19
sean_ausvishalrao: i have a dell inspiron 1501..18:19
onetinsoldierit didn't put my monitor to sleep and there's no Signal 15 in /var/log/messages  !!18:19
onetinsoldierhowever, the kdm login screen failed to come up18:20
vishalraowhat about KDE? log in work?18:20
onetinsoldierso i ended up at terminal console to log into18:20
vishalraonow we can look into your Xorg.0.log18:20
sean_ausvishalrao and onetinsoldier: im sanjiv.. now known as sean_aus..18:21
vishalraoi read some issue about EXA needing to be enabled (or disabled)18:21
onetinsoldierthat means... either kdm is hosed, or, we have something interesting to look at in the X log file18:21
vishalraosean_aus:  :D18:21
vishalraoonetinsoldier: right18:21
onetinsoldierhowdy there sean_aus :-)18:21
onetinsoldierlet me have a look18:21
sean_ausvishalrao: EXA seems to be enabled by default in Jaunty.. however.. a few installations do not have it enabled..18:21
sean_ausso those have to be manually enabled..18:22
sean_ausim new to IRC.. someone msgd me.. a PM.. telling me that i shud change my nick and not display my real name..18:22
sean_ausso i did.. :)18:22
vishalraoya, i wonder if that EXA thing is causing onetinsoldier's KDM problem18:22
sean_auscould be..18:22
sean_austry disabling EXA..18:22
onetinsoldierwhat the?? --> (EE) Failed to load module "radeonhd" (module does not exist, 0)   (EE) No drivers available.   Fatal server error: no screens found18:23
vishalraoonetinsoldier:  heh, maybe its running vesa now :D18:23
onetinsoldierhaha, perhaps18:23
vishalraodoes it log what driver it loaded eventually?18:23
sean_ausonetinsoldier: i think that the driver is not installed18:23
onetinsoldierlet me post the log file18:23
onetinsoldierwell, sounds like it not installed, hang on and i'll see if i can tell from here18:24
sean_ausonetinsoldier: yeah i think you should install it and then probably do a modprobe if you do not want to reboot.. :)18:25
onetinsoldierok, just for kicks -->  http://paste.ubuntu.com/94458/18:25
sean_ausonetinsoldier you might need to run "sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd"..18:27
vishalraoonetinsoldier:  looks like X failed to even start... maybe thats why your monitor didnt blank... try changing Xorg.conf to use "vesa" now :)18:27
onetinsoldieryep.. looks like it. that deb package is not in /var/cache/apt/archives18:27
onetinsoldieri have togo for now, i think. i'll be either soon, or later. take care guys18:28
sean_ausonetinsoldier: hmm.. okay18:28
onetinsoldierhave a good one18:28
vishalraook bye18:28
sean_ausbtw.. guys.. i'll see you around tmrw..18:28
vishalraoim also going to log off18:28
sean_ausi dunno what the time is in your timezone..18:28
sean_ausits 4:30 am here.. and im still awake.. gotta sleep now..18:28
vishalraosanjiv are you bengali ?18:28
sean_ausvishalrao: nope.. im not.. im a tamilian.. but i don't knw to speak my mother tongue fluently..18:29
sean_aussee you tmrw.. on this channel.. bye.. gnite.. :)18:30
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razor1394my issue with slow 2d rendering is still not solved. what package should I report against? xserver-xorg meta?22:11
crimsunrazor1394: highly doubtful. which X.org driver?22:13
razor1394all made for ati: ati, radeon, radeonhd. fglrx crashes the system and vesa won't work at all.22:14
crimsunrazor1394: which actual driver is being loaded?22:18
razor1394radeonhd right now for ex...22:18
crimsunrazor1394: and, is exa or xaa being used?22:18
razor1394http://pastebin.com/d2cdbb9bd I have no idea about xaa/exa as I've never had to specify that.22:21
tormodrazor13941: you've got an RS780 card, maybe acceleration is not supported yet22:28
razor13941(**) RADEONHD(0): Option "AccelMethod" "EXA"22:28
razor13941(WW) RADEONHD(0): RS780: HW 2D acceleration is not implemented yet.22:28
razor13941but why did it work with Intrepid?22:28
tormodrazor13941: in that case, please file a bug and attach the intrepid log22:29
tormodrazor13941: well what "worked" ?22:29
crimsunrazor13941: known issues w/ exa and radeonhd.22:30
crimsunrazor13941: the source package name is xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd22:31
razor13941tormod, the 2d rendering part. 2d was usable (browsing, scrolling file management, vlc, totem), now It's like using windows with software acceleration drivers at all.22:33
tormodrazor13941: which driver did you use in Intrepid?22:34
razor13941crimsun, I know but the problem is there no matter if I use ati, radeon and radeonhd22:34
razor13941tormod, I used mostly radeonhd but radeon worked as well22:34
razor13941ok i will try xaa now, if that doesn't work i have tried shadowfb, exa and xaa22:38
IndyGunFreakanybody got a horror story?23:32
IndyGunFreaki'm bout to boot a thumb drive w/ Jaunty now.23:33

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