
munroe_Hi, I'm looking for help getting my touchscreen working.02:45
munroe_I have no idea what driver to use, but my product string for the touchscreen is 'E N E UTS 6680'02:46
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rzrare there any hacks on nokia770 ? beside deblet and nitdroid ?16:03
persiaI don't know of anyone running Ubuntu on the 770.  I've heard of it running on the 800.16:04
rzrjust rhumours maybe http://linuxuk.blogspot.com/2007/08/ubuntu-mobile-on-nokia-770n800.html16:06
rzrpersia: maybe a chroot version16:07
persiaThat's a fairly old post: even from before there was an ARM port.16:08
rzryes, i havent seen more recent stuff16:09
rzrbeside http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/maemo/users/42983#4298316:09
persiaWell, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/DeviceSupport indicates at least someone had it running on the n81016:11
persiaMore than anything, I don't know about the n770 hardware.  You might try something.16:11
persiaYou might also ask on #ubuntu-arm16:11
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