
ubottuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at System > Administration > Networking on the "General" tab00:55
nickrudapparently the Networking dialog is gone, is there a replacement anywhere I just don't see?00:55
=== vorian is now known as awesome
=== awesome is now known as vorian
geniibazhang: Heh, you're awake :)01:46
bazhanggenii, hiya :)01:46
bazhang* [compuhacker] (n=CompuHac@user-69-1-35-217.knology.net): Jon Doezal02:10
bazhangseems to be trolling02:10
bazhangcompuhacker, you know why you were banned?02:26
bazhang!coc | compuhacker read this02:26
ubottucompuhacker read this: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/02:26
bazhang!guidelines | compuhacker 02:27
ubottucompuhacker: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:27
compuhackerI request an unban from #ubuntu incase I actually need help someday. I'm getting a new computer two days from now and I'm actually considering installing Ubuntu. I apologize for trolling, and I honestly hope that you will reach into your heart.02:27
bazhangcompuhacker, you know why you were banned?02:27
compuhackerYes. I do.02:27
compuhackerI was quite literally trolling.02:27
bazhangcompuhacker, and you were given more than sufficient warning beforehand02:28
compuhackerI know that.02:28
bazhanggenerally bans last a day or two compuhacker 02:28
bazhangcompuhacker, read the linked documents above please02:29
compuhackerI am reading them.02:29
bazhangcompuhacker, how about coming back in a day and then we can see about unbanning you.02:30
bazhangie 24 hrs02:30
compuhackerI get my new computer on Monday, it will likely be assembled by the next day. I'm requesting an unban immediately.02:31
bazhangcompuhacker, not going to happen.02:31
nickrudcompuhacker, if you do the math, you'll be back in on monday02:31
compuhackerThat's ok then. Just don't make this permanent and I'm happy.02:32
bazhangcompuhacker, you were admittedly trolling and given ample warning to take it to offtopic channel02:32
compuhackerThat is completely true.02:32
bazhangcompuhacker, usually warnings *and* a kick is enough to get people's attention02:32
bazhangcompuhacker, so come back in a day and we'll see about unbanning you02:33
compuhackerIf I come in there and troll again you can ban me forever. But for right now, I'd like you to unban me, and I'm going to leave the channel. There's absolutely nothing I can do or say to prevent you from leaving the ban for 24 - 48 hours, but I'd like the unban now, and I'm going to leave.02:33
compuhackerI'm probably not going to come back.02:33
bazhangthat doesnt really make sense.02:34
compuhackerYeah. Not because I'm angry about you banning me, but I won't have much of a reason.02:34
compuhackerIt doesn't make sense to anyone but me.02:34
compuhackerExactly how I like it ;)02:34
compuhackerSee ya in 72 hours. Maybe.02:34
compuhackerI'm waiting for a response, then I'll leave.02:35
nickrudcompuhacker, 24hrs, it's a firm policy learned from sad experience02:36
bazhangcompuhacker, response to what? immediate unbanning?02:36
compuhackerNo. Resonate some understanding. I'm asking you to unban me, so I can leave. Makes sense right? Nope. You don't even have to.02:36
bazhangcompuhacker, you have left the channel already.02:37
compuhackerI know. You banned me ;)02:37
bazhangwith good reason02:37
compuhackerExtremely good reason. You were right to ban me.02:37
compuhackerBut I don't want to be banned :/02:37
bazhangcompuhacker, so staying in here arguing about it is not going to help get the ban lifted any sooner02:38
compuhackerOk then. 24 hours, automatic unbanning? Good. That's all I need.02:38
compuhackerThanks peeps.02:38
bazhangdid I say automatic? :/02:38
nickrudwell, implied cuz normal :)02:39
bazhangtrue :)02:39
nickrud"usually", etc 02:39
nickruddang lotta bans there02:43
bazhangmostly one or two guys02:45
bazhangsken and one other guy02:45
nickrudheh. sounds like they should have stayed banned, that many for 2 people02:47
bazhangwell sken is supposedly super secure banned, but he was in just yesterday under eleos2 nickname02:48
bazhanghe ban evaded 25+ times so far02:49
nickrudfrom what I've learned by osmosis, there is no really effective ban02:49
bazhanglike that sp0rtily guy in -ot02:49
nickrudyeah, I saw you stalking him :)02:50
bazhangreally creepy stalker fellow02:50
bazhangyes-man-1 is his latest incarnation02:50
nickrudtoo bad gpg is so cumbersome02:51
bazhangfor email?02:52
nickrudit can be used for other idenfication, irrc. Or maybe openid, or some other technique. Anything that identifies someone. I wouldn't care if the irc bot knew, just that 'Yes, this guy is who he says he is;02:54
bazhangI see what you are saying02:54
nickrudbut then I don't worry about anonymity myself, although I understand others do02:55
ubottuunop_ called the ops in #ubuntu (NewWork spamming)03:17
Paddy_EIREhey could someone kick the sectarian troll from #ubuntu-offtopic please.. his name is Set_, 03:45
PiciPaddy_EIRE: Watching03:48
Paddy_EIREI am going for some tea.. best way :)03:48
=== bluesmoke is now known as Amaranth
ubottujoot called the ops in #ubuntu ()06:57
ubottusfer21 called the ops in #ubuntu ()07:32
Flannelmmmm.  I make sense most of the time, honest.07:45
tritiumWhat a creepy nick07:51
tritiumBed time.  Good night, Flannel.07:53
Flannelnight tritium07:53
Flannel23:59 <CntryTrousrTrout> anyways, I'm taking off, you spend ur whole life in this irc channel because thats all u have. I'm sorry ops power has taken to ur brain.08:00
Flannel23:59 <CntryTrousrTrout> do me a favor ban me.08:00
FlannelI'm contemplating it.08:00
nickrudFlannel, you've been through too many wash cycles, you're soft :)08:36
FlannelPerhaps.  But I use colorsafe bleach, so I'm not faded.08:37
nickrudFlannel, you going to be at scale?08:42
Flannelnickrud: Yep!08:58
FlannelWe've got a booth there08:58
* Flannel needs to put that on ConferenceAppearances, and get a conference pack too.08:59
nickrudFlannel, if you need some booth time, I work about a mile from there09:11
Flannelsome booth time?09:11
nickrudkeep a seat hot, I'm sure some of you will want to sit in on some stuff09:12
nickrudat the least, I'm gonna show so I can get my key signed by a human beign09:13
FlannelAh.  We don't sit, actually.  Quite a lively booth.  I'll keep that in mind though.  Should know when we're low on people (hopefully anyway) before the weekend actually starts09:13
Flannelhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/nathanhaines/2353642188/in/set-72157604204639748/ that was our booth last time, before the demo computers rolled in09:14
nickrudcramped :)09:15
Flannelyeah, well, the booths are small.  Luckily we were on a corner, so the demo computers actually face out (towards the left), so the people don't stand inside the booth.  It actually works really well.  We only go 'into' the horseshoe to grab CDs/swag/etc to give to people.  Its actually quite roomy ;)09:16
nickrudthe key to these things is to expand your space with bodies out front. Amazing how much real estate people can claim. I worked with a traveling chef show once, that was one of our biggest problems09:17
Flannelyeah, we'd stand infront (or over on the side, near the demo computers) and use a lot of room talking to people.  Turned out really well, except for trying to keep up with the demand for CDs.  Hopefully we'll have that fixed this year.09:18
nickrudcrappy job, except for the time we were comped the penthouse at the new york hilton cuz they overbooked suites :)09:18
FlannelI certainly wouldn't be able to do it for a living.  But its an amusing foray into that stuff a few times a year09:21
nickrudglad handing is not my forte either09:22
ubottuuga called the ops in #kubuntu ()10:10
Mezscary, I'm actually replying to mailing list posts now!10:37
Mezdamn mutt for being good at letting me manage my email!10:37
Stormx2Don't know if it's relevent, but there's a bot in #ubuntu called "PROBCLONE" that seems to be responding to stuff prefixed with !, like ubottu normally does.10:59
Stormx2CaptainMorgan> !hcl | md2211:00
Stormx2<PROBCLONE> Sorry, i don't know about hcl.11:00
Stormx2Anyway, ta ra.11:00
ubottuGnea called the ops in #ubuntu (is PROBCLONE an authorized ubuntu bot?)11:01
gnomefreaki ighly doubt its one of oours11:03
gnomefreakhighly even11:03
elkeeeconsidering its mibbit, yeah11:07
Stormx2Listen guys, could someone send Gnea a PM saying that he shouldn't use !ops unless there's an immediate problem. 11:12
Stormx2He won't listen to me.11:12
GneaDon't bother.11:12
Stormx2(he's got me on ignore too, or so he claims)11:12
Stormx2I'm sick of new users not listening to advice unless it's coming from someone with a @ before their name.11:13
* Gnea sighs11:14
Stormx2And also perhaps that he might have a little more respect than to tell me to "shut it" (twice!) when I politely and humbly asked that he should leave a message in -ops rather than using !ops11:14
Gneaso, does anyone else have a problem with the way I handled that? I suppose I could have come here first.11:15
gnomefreakGnea: it was fine, come to us if you are not sure if its a bot, but you knew it was11:16
Gneagnomefreak: that's cool11:16
Stormx2Gnea, !ops is usually called when someone is spamming, or being super insulting, or there's some problem that needs addressing right there and then. I'm just going on past experience, there isn't some code for when you should/shouldn't use it.11:16
elkeeeStormx2, how about you let us ops speak for ourselves.11:16
GneaStormx2: why don't you go and yell at a wall? 11:17
Gneajust what we need, a spaz11:17
elkeeeGnea, please dont start like that11:17
Gneaelkeee: k11:17
Stormx2This is ridiculous. I've seen people get told off before for using !ops for minor things. I'm only going by what I know here. I was polite and curtious throughout. Don't be a jerk, Gnea.11:18
GneaStormx2: sometimes, not all situations can be covered by a blanket solution.11:18
elkeeeStormx2, thanks for trying to help, but i think it's time to drop this.11:18
Stormx2elkeee, yeah, okay.11:18
GneaStormx2: Whatever dude, you're being a jerk by going off on me. I already apoloized in the channel. Apparantly, you missed it.11:19
Stormx2Apparently I did, or did you mean the "sorry, but you're wrong" (paraphrased) "apology"?11:19
elkeeeboth of you, enough.11:19
GneaStormx2: enough.11:19
Stormx2Gnea, enough.11:19
Gneaelkeee: thanks, i'll be updating my /ignore list now11:20
Stormx2Wouldn't be the first time I heard that one.11:20
Stormx2You know, you coulda said "you were right but you didn't have to be so rude about it" to him.11:21
elkeeei dont have that highlighting on this. it'd be pointless ;)11:21
elkeeewell, im pretty sure i was fair to both. i mean, they're both still in channels ;)11:22
jpdsI just woke up, no idea what's going on.11:22
elkeeestorm trying to speak for ops, gnea getting pissy at him trying to speak for ops11:23
elkeeebattle of the wannabes11:23
* gnomefreak laughing at "why dont you go yell at a wall" sorry lack of work, and brain isnt working11:28
gnomefreaki need to fine a good IMAP email other than gmail11:28
jpdsSet up a dovecot server :p11:29
Slarthello.. can someone check out 'Sid' in the #ubuntu channel.. smells like a bot.. reacts to the command "!bash | whatever" with "| isn't a number".. has happened several times now11:29
ardchoillelooks like an annoyance bot in #ubuntu: nick sid11:30
ardchoillethank you jpds :)11:31
jpdsAre there no more mutes on Freenode?11:31
GneaI see that Stormx2 is very upset about things.  But I don't like the way that he goes off and complains the way that he did.11:37
GneaAll I saw was someone who woke up on the wrong side of the bed get all bent out of shape when I used the !ops command11:39
GneaI'm sorry, but how often do rogue bots enter the channel like that?11:39
GneaWell, next time it happens, I'll just come here instead of using it11:40
GneaBut I didn't like the way that he jumped on me about that.11:40
Gneatotall out of line11:40
sfer21Gnea: are you talking about this...?11:41
sfer21(22:02:02) Gnea: Stormx2: then shut it.11:41
Gneano, this: 05:01 < Stormx2> Gnea, it isn't really important enough to warrant !ops >.<11:42
sfer21but jump on you?11:42
Gneaby that point in time, I'd already used the !ops11:43
sfer21but didn't you jump on Stormx2?11:44
Gneanah, I just told him to shut it. I probably should have just kept my mouth shut.11:44
Gneaif he wanted to have a conversation with me about it, why didn't he take it to pm?11:45
Gneanow, the damage is done. i won't apologize until he apoloizes.11:45
Gneaand this keyboard has issues... *apologizes11:46
Gneaand he's still going off about it in #ubuntu11:46
Gneawhen he should really just step away from the keyboard and take a chillpill... maybe drink some coffee11:47
elkeeehow about we all drop this?11:47
elkeeeGnea, are you gaining anything by continuing this?11:47
Gneayou want me to pm him and apologize? I'd do that if he wasn't so fraking hostile.11:48
bazhangbest to just let it drop imo11:49
GneaI don't have a problem with that.11:49
GneaWhat I do have a problem with, is his continuing it in the channel and causing more disruptions.11:50
bazhangI think I got up on the wrong side of the bed today.11:50
Gneasorry :(11:50
elkeeeGnea, we are trying to deal with him. it's harder when we have to deal with you in here at the same time11:50
bazhangGnea, nothing to do with you :)11:51
sfer21Gnea: he's not complaining anymore, from what I can see.11:51
Gneaelkeee: you'd rather I just ignore the whole issue and let it get worse?11:51
bazhangsfer21, how may we help you11:51
elkeeehe said he has had to go now anyway11:52
bazhangGnea, go brew some coffee or something, that usually works for me :)11:52
sfer21Stormx2 has left, though, hasn't he?11:52
Gneabazhang: indeed :)11:53
bazhangtoo many bots these last few days (CM bot etc)11:53
Gneammm, I made tea instead 11:57
Gneaand, sent an apology to Stormx211:57
elkeeeGnea, unless you want to be like him and try speak for us?11:58
Gneaelkeee: that's a joke, right?11:58
Gneaelkeee: I know when to stop myself, it'd be nice if other people did as well. Sadly, the truth of the matter is is that it isn't possible all the time. I'm sorry if I was a bother.12:02
elkeeeGnea, well, no.12:08
elkeeemy parents router sucks bad and i have 3 minute lag at the moment12:08
elkeeeand i was trying to talk to storm12:08
elkeeeand instead i ended up in here dealing with you12:08
elkeeeand all you can say is that we're not doing enough12:08
GneaI said what?12:08
elkeeeGnea, i didnt notice him continue, since you came back in here and started ranting. i was trying to keep up with 3 minute floods of #ubuntu12:11
Gneaelkeee: he was causing strife in #ubuntu, and he was sending me !language through the bot. btw, what am I a 'wannabe' of?12:13
GneaI came back in here to shed light on that problem again. I thought that it was solved. I was obviously wrong.12:13
Gneaelkeee: I tend to look at ubuntu users/helpers/ops and see something of a chain-of-command kind of thing there. I try to respect that. If you feel that I've somehow disrespected that and am a 'wannabe op', please, just let me know. Otherwise, I'll just not use !ops again for matters of a lame bot coming into the channel. 12:17
elkeeei was trying to watch #ubuntu, and trying to pm him with minutes of lag. you also assumed we were doing nothing, it seems. meanwhile this was 40 minutes ago, and i have to get some sleep in the next 8 hours before i head off on a 8hr drive. i'd like to get home alive.12:22
elkeeeyou were already told it was ok. the wannabe comment was more about him. it was an off-the-cuff comment. the ops reserve the right to be human and have some fun/humor12:22
GneaI never assumed anything of the sort.12:22
elkeeeits really hard to remain human/motivated when people read the logs and pick on every word we say12:22
elkeeereally really hard12:22
Gneayes, please, get some rest12:23
Gneathat's why I try to be careful about what I say in logged channels.12:23
GneaSo, have a good trip and be safe :)12:24
* Gnea has been used to 17hour drives. bleh. 8hours would be nice.12:24
elkeeeit shouldnt be too bad, doesnt look like a 30'C day, thankfully12:30
elkeeesun should be on passenger side this time anyway12:30
bazhangGnea, if that is all could you please /part this channel?12:36
Gneabazhang: sure.12:36
elkeeeif you need an indication of how crap the wifi on my parents router is... it barely keeps irc alive, and ... "Firefox can't find the server at www.google.com."12:43
elkeeethankfully i drive home tomorrow12:43
bazhangthe joys of home internet service12:44
bazhang* [culb] (i=culb@cpe-72-185-115-170.tampabay.res.rr.com): culb very odd14:05
=== _JKHKBeJ is now known as LjL
bazhanghe or it repeated exactly what  ward1983 said with the added smiley, but in all caps14:06
=== LjL-Temp is now known as LjL
ubottuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/15:20
relik77080so now what?16:06
Jack_Sparrow<relik77080> irc nazis16:06
Jack_SparrowJust because you were asked not to repeat so often16:07
relik770803 questions in 10 min16:07
relik77080yea im such a spammer16:07
relik77080good one16:08
Tm_Trelik77080: and you belive that repeating does good?16:08
Jack_SparrowDoes NOT mean you can act like that in this channel16:08
relik77080i belive so yes16:08
relik77080is it possible that people missed my message?16:08
Tm_Trelik77080: also, I wonder if you really believe that calling people being nazis is a good thing at all16:08
relik77080do i have to rephrase every time?16:08
relik77080actually i called them irc nazis16:08
Tm_Trelik77080: not any different16:09
relik77080thats a not a political statement really is it?16:09
Jack_Sparrowrelik77080, You dont have to rephrase but every couple minutes is fine, just because it is off the screen does not mean repost it16:09
Tm_Trelik77080: that's not an excuse for any bad behaviour16:09
relik77080ok i apologize16:09
relik77080i am sorry16:09
relik77080just frustrated16:09
Jack_Sparrowrelik77080, ban will be lifed in 24 hours16:09
Tm_Trelik77080: and no, you should NEVER use "nazi" slightly16:09
relik77080how about fascist?16:10
Tm_Trelik77080: that either16:10
Tm_Trelik77080: calling others by those names hurts my soul16:10
relik77080:) ok ok16:10
Tm_Tno, I'm not kidding16:11
relik77080i've searched for ages - could u just tell me if there is a bug in pulseaudio that causes system sounds to not work?16:11
Tm_Thmm, I almost confessed, hrrrr16:12
Jack_SparrowThis is NOT a support channel16:12
ubottuPlease keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only, and we ask you to part when you have no further business here, in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.16:12
relik77080good job - what a bunch of despots 16:13
Tm_TJack_Sparrow: I think its more than 24 hours now?16:19
Jack_SparrowTm_T, Can you tag it on bantracker for me..  trying to eat breakfast16:24
ubottuIn #kubuntu, jackpot_2001 said: ubottu...ethernet is not a package...its how you are conneted to network16:25
ubottuThe operation succeeded.16:27
Jack_SparrowTm_T, I took care of the tracker16:29
* Tm_T is quite busy16:29
bazhangvery unsafe for work links in -ot16:32
bazhangreally what does it take to clean up that channel? posting near-nude pics atm16:34
Jack_Sparrowsenseless to send people in there for anything ubuntu related.16:36
bazhangits a total cesspool16:36
bazhang* [nbeebo_] (n=nbeebo@217-210-198-227-no71.tbcn.telia.com): rikard enedahl  & * [zaapiel] (n=zaapiel@74-128-211-124.dhcp.insightbb.com): Zaapiel16:38
jussi01looks ok the last few mins...16:41
beniwtverr... Hi all... I was joining #ubuntu and it said my IP was greylisted as my ISP was sending spam. Now, I use an ISP in Spain called Iberbanda, which is really small on user base, and I don't think it's quite correct. Maybe an IP range from Telefonica was blacklisted? (AFAIK, Iberbanda uses them)17:04
jussi01beniwtv: Id rather leave this issue to one of the ops who set it, LjL or Pici. hopefully they are around soon. 17:17
beniwtvjussi01: ok, thanks17:26
nickrudany of the bot watchers around? seems excessively active to my little brain18:01
nickrudfloodbot4 etc18:01
jussi01nickrud: me also. not sure how to deal with them tbh.18:01
nickrudyeah, us small brained ones can only watch :)18:02
jussi01Ill try restarting floodbot 418:02
nickrudin the past only one bot at a time was normally active; you might try them all 18:03
jussi01lets just see if it helps18:03
nickrudthree kicked in 18:04
nickrudnow none, loverly18:04
nickrudargh, look at the right user list rudnick <-- small brained18:05
jussi01looking ok for now, lets hope...18:06
* nickrud crosses fingers18:07
ubottujtaji called the ops in #ubuntu (lollieluvr)18:25
stdinemma seems to have a dodgy connection18:27
bazhangoh in -irc18:29
stdinin #ubuntu #kubuntu -irc -devel -motu ...18:30
jussi01stdin: she does every couple of months18:30
bazhangheh not so noticeable in #ubuntu18:30
jussi01just forward her to ##fix_your_connection18:30
* stdin waits 5 mins for the next disconnect18:31
elkeeewhee, time to go home20:55
elkeeesee you in, like, 9 hours20:56
=== GazzaK is now known as Gary
* jussi01 waves to everyone. Im looking for a volunteer! anyone with a little spare time on their hands?21:24
jussi01What Im hoping for is for someone to go through the factoids a bit and check they are up to date. including the links :)21:26
jussi01Particulary the kubuntu ones - making sure they are KDE4'ised if need be.21:28
PriceChildjussi01: can we fix the english too? !ubotu's "favorite" for example.21:32
jussi01PriceChild: be my guest ;)21:32
PiciThat is english!21:45
jussi01Pici: no, english.... "favourite" :D21:46
jussi01same with "Colour"21:47
* jussi01 waves to nalioth22:20
FlannelMorning all.  Quite an eventful night.22:21
jussi01Got a quick question for you all, does anyone have any issues with me mentioning the company that provides ubottu's hosting in the owner factoid?22:28
ubottuThis bot is owned by jussi01 - Questions about ubottu should be asked in #ubuntu-bots22:29
Tm_Tjussi01: no problems22:29
Flannel"This bot is owned by foo, hosted by bar" etc?22:29
jussi01itd go something like: This bot is owned by jussi01 and hosted at Red Innovation, a proudly open source friendly company. - Questions about ubottu should be asked in #ubuntu-bots22:29
Flannel+1 on theory, but how does that work with the clones?  (not that its terribly important)22:30
stdinone would expect the owners of the bots to edit !owner22:31
PiciI think flannel is referring to the syncing of the factoids.22:32
stdinmaybe change "This bot" to "ubottu"22:32
Flannelsince when they sync, it'll just get overwritten.  Again, not the end of the world22:32
stdinor just put "ubottu is hosted on ..."22:32
jussi01ubot3: owner22:32
ubot3This bot is owned by jussi01 - Questions about ubottu should be asked in #ubuntu-bots22:32
FlannelIt's obviously a non-issue ^22:33
stdinor maybe we should just use the wiki more :)22:35
naliothit can get confusing22:36
naliothif you're gonna make a factoid, it'd need to reflect all the bots22:37
Picistdin: +122:37
jussi01nalioth: suggestions?22:38
jpdsMake !owner point at the wiki page.22:39
nalioththere ya go22:39
ubottueseven73 called the ops in #ubuntu (WubNet spamming his irc network)23:39
PiciBubble or Quick?23:39
PiciThose are sorting algorithms23:41

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