[00:00] did you check kmix? === carrapuchi is now known as Krrapuchi [00:06] hi. How can I chose a soundcard in kubuntu (8.04)? I have a plug-in usb card, and can't seem to convince this darned thing to play back to it... [00:08] prxq: in terminal: asoundconf list [00:08] prxq: then: asounconf set-default-card jussi01: I get two line: 1:"V8237" and "default". When I write asounconf set-default-card default nothing happens. Not even if I reboot. Any ideas? [00:13] and btw, why can't i just choose it from a drop-down menue? :-) [00:22] hey anybody know how to work xdcc in ubuntu === pehrson is now known as bamfer [00:27] anyone awake? need some tips on a gfx card and drivers.. [00:28] nope [00:30] my setup: core i7 920 4 gig and gtx 280 gpu.. i cant get kubuntu to enable the drivers [00:34] !nvidia [00:34] For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [00:37] bamfer: this may help http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-865928.html [00:39] thanks! [00:42] haha nothing but problems... more fun to solve them with linux than win though it seems.. [00:43] it's more of an nvidia problem [00:49] none of this seems to work :( the gw drivers panel wont let me activate the drivers [00:52] how do i add winehq to my third party software sources? [00:52] bamfer: never having solved your particular problem I'm of no more help to you [00:54] software sources? [00:55] again i'm a distro behind so i"m not sure [00:57] if you have wine installed however, it will update through the ubuntu updates [00:57] at least mine does [00:58] david__: from Adept (KDE3) Adept -> Manage Repositories, from Adept (KDE4) Sources -> Edit Software Sources, then Third-Part Software -> Add. from Adept (KDE4) [00:58] *Third-Party [00:58] * mister-tea-lappy once again stdin comes to my rescue [00:59] stdin: do you know what to type in the third party software? [00:59] what says in http://winehq.org/download/deb [00:59] "deb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt intrepid main" for intrepid [01:00] "deb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt hardy main" for hardy [01:00] he's intrepid [01:01] stdin: im using kubuntu 8.10 [01:01] and if you want to add the key use "wget http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/Scott%20Ritchie.gpg | sudo apt-key add -" [01:01] then you can fire off a scathing email to winehq for being gnome-centric :) [01:01] david__: 8.10 is intrepid [01:02] also wine is in the repos [01:02] !info wine [01:02] wine (source: wine): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-0ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 7330 kB, installed size 54492 kB [01:02] but winehq usually has a later version, especially later after release [01:02] * mister-tea-lappy ok now you are just showing off [01:03] * stdin never shows off, just gently informs you that you're wrong and he's right :p [01:03] lol [01:04] stdin: so enough with all the showing off how do i add it to my repository and install wine so that it allways stays up to date? [01:05] david__: if you want the version ubuntu ships, then just install the "wine" package, else add the repository from adept and install the "wine" package after [01:06] if Adept or apt complain about authentication, then you do "wget http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/Scott%20Ritchie.gpg | sudo apt-key add -" from konsole and then "sudo apt-get update" [01:06] and you're done [01:07] stdin: thats what im asking i do not know how to do that? [01:07] I told you [01:07] ? [01:07] from Adept go to Sources -> Edit Software Sources, then Third-Part Software -> Add [01:08] :-D [01:08] there you just copy & paste the line "deb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt intrepid main" in [01:08] if you want another way, I could tell you one :) [01:09] like most thinks in linux, there are many ways to do the same thing [01:09] s/thinks/things/ [01:10] std ok i did all that now how do i install whine? [01:10] still in adept, type in wine in the search box, then install the package called "wine" [01:11] stdin: can i do it from terminal? [01:11] sue, just type in "sudo apt-get install wine" [01:11] !helpersnack | stdin [01:11] stdin: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! [01:12] std it just installed the same fersion i had before? [01:13] std im trying to get the newest version [01:13] try running "sudo apt-get update" [01:14] stdin: no i still have version 1.0.1 [01:15] ping [01:15] did you make sure to add the repository? [01:15] .p [01:15] ping [01:16] stdin: told you i dont know how? [01:16] david__: do this: echo "deb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt intrepid main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/wine.list [01:17] david__: then: sudo apt-get update [01:17] seems i was a moron to go for this install.. too bad this is the only thing i know that runs everything else on first book :/ [01:17] stdin: do i type that in terminal? [01:17] yes [01:18] last time i used the x86 version and everything worked fine [01:19] stdin: still version 1.0.1 [01:19] how the hell gnome became a dependency to synaptic. can I configure my touchpad without gnome-keyring ? [01:20] david__: after running "sudo apt-get upgrade" ? [01:20] somekool: synaptic is the Gnome package manager [01:20] ouch [01:20] stdin: you said update not upgrade [01:21] david__: you do update before upgrade [01:21] stdin: upgrading now [01:22] std thnx it worked [01:22] i see.... synaptic VS synaptics ;) [01:23] HI [01:23] I'm using a KVM guest on my host box and want to access a shared directory between them. I'm not /too/ keen on sharing my entire home directory, and I'd rather just share a directory under, say, /tmp. [01:23] somekool: go get the gutsy .deb from http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/ksynaptics and install with "gdebi-kde ksynaptics_0.3.3-2ubuntu1_i386.deb" (if you got in i386 version) [01:24] Actually: [01:24] the gutsy one works fine on intrepid [01:24] ok, configuration question... [01:24] I'm using a KVM guest on my host box and want to access a shared directory between them. I'm not /too/ keen on sharing my entire home directory, and I'd rather just share a directory under, say, /tmp. [01:24] I do want to be able to log in as my UNIX user though [01:24] (I'm running Samba on the host and Windows on the guest) [01:24] how do I do this? [01:24] !samba [01:24] Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/212098 [01:24] thanks.. [01:30] stdin: thanks. I got a problem though... I need to add SHMConfig in my InputDevice section of my xorg.conf but they all been commeted out because of HAL .... can I still use ksynaptics with HAL ? [01:31] somekool: it seems to work without SHMConfig for me [01:32] I think HAL automatically sees it's a touchpad and uses SHMConfig === josh_ is now known as Seneca [01:37] how do i get zsnes? [01:38] !info zsnes [01:38] zsnes (source: zsnes): Emulator of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.510-2.1ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 875 kB, installed size 4056 kB (Only available for i386 amd64) [01:38] it's in the repos [01:39] ksynaptics also tells me to set SHMConfig, so I need to find out how to tell HAL to set this option automatically like it seems to be doing on your desktop [01:39] stdin: how do i look in the repos? [01:40] stdin: sry im new to linux still learning [01:40] you can search in adept, or use "apt-cache search " [01:40] eg: "apt-cache search nintendo" [01:42] stdin: you have this file ? /etc/hal/fdi/policy/11-synaptic-options.fdi [01:43] no [01:44] stdin: ok ran that command now what [01:44] stdin: it came up with snes9x [01:45] david__: this is what I get http://paste.ubuntu.com/94726/ [01:46] if you go to Adept -> Sources -> Edit Software Sources, make sure that all the boxes are checked, that will give you more packages to choose from [01:47] stdin: nothing in the same directory that would enabled SHMConfig ? [01:48] somekool: all I have is /etc/hal/fdi/policy/preferences.fdi [01:48] somekool: /etc/hal/fdi/policy/shmconfig.fdi should like this: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m7a4f8122 [01:48] somekool: that has Synaptics working okay on my machine [01:49] leecat ? [01:50] stdin: oops, like some junk made it in there :( [01:50] you pasted twice or somethihng [01:50] now I guess I have to restart X, or even my computer. HAL is kinda low level stuff [01:51] yes, here's a clean version: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m205e14b2 [01:51] I wonder why mine works without any of that [01:51] yes, you would need to restart HAL and X, I believe [01:51] linux must just love me :) [01:52] stdin: this isn't just the touchpad; it's the touchpad customization utility [01:52] p_quarles: yeah, I use the ksynaptics GUI [01:52] and I remember editing my xorg.conf to enable SHMConfig, but that's all commented out now [01:53] I remember reading that the developers were trying to make shared memory work on-demand, but I guess it's not reliable yet [01:53] works for some, not others [01:55] p_quarles: why does stdin does not need this file. [01:56] * stdin is special, that's why all the teachers told him [01:56] I also found people on forums that put the config in there but still did not work. I guess there is something else that does the trick [01:57] somekool: basically because, as I've said before, HAL is a princess; it works when it wants to, how it wants to [01:57] stdin: maybe you had SHMConfig before the upgrade to HAL, and HAL picked it up [01:58] somekool: like I said, a lot of people are working on making this kind of stuff more transparent; it's supposed to work the way it does for stdin, but that doesn't mean it does for everyone yet [01:58] the only thing about SHMConfig in xorg.conf is now commented out "# commented out by update-manager, HAL is now used" [01:59] * somekool Need to reboot [01:59] grrr [02:00] i hope HAL will pick the file [02:09] do I have 4.2 Beta 2 [02:09] or is it Beta 1 [02:10] Open a KDE4 app and go to "Help -> About KDE" [02:10] The dialog that opens should tell you [02:10] Won't work with a KDE3 app [02:11] beta 2. ty [02:11] np === hang3r_ is now known as hang3r [02:16] hmm how could i set shortcuts for apps [02:18] Can someone tell me what to type at console to get a space in a file name [02:18] space bar? [02:19] directory name is "my home videos" - typing cd my home videos does me little good [02:19] it's something like my ./home ./videos...but it's not that [02:20] i have read thar Mandriva Linux gets around 700 fps with intel gma 965 [02:20] nobody knows? [02:20] you mean like to complete the name in console [02:20] Yes [02:20] i fail to understand your question [02:21] press tab [02:21] and if there are more possibilities [02:21] There are two directories, "my home videos" and "my.old.stuff" [02:21] press it twice and it will display all of them [02:21] so it just brings up a list when i type my [02:21] http://intellinuxgraphics.org/user.html [02:21] Yes, now aI need to know how to get to the one with the space in the name. [02:22] They display just fine, I just can't type the path correctly to get to it. [02:23] condon: 2 options cd "my home videos" or cd my\ home\ videos [02:23] It's "cd my\ home\ movies for future reference [02:23] Thanks stdin, just finangled my way through it :) [02:24] !ktts [02:24] Sorry, I don't know anything about ktts [02:24] didn't know I could use quotes, that would be easier :) [02:24] been to long since I've had to screw around in terminal. [02:24] condon: tab will also complete names in quotes :) [02:25] had similar named directories so that didn't work, just listed the one I wanted to get to along with the other :) [02:25] I mean like: cd "my [02:26] what space? [02:26] pressing tab should fill it in completely [02:27] back [02:27] opps [02:27] not if there are dirs like "my.old.stuff" and "my home videos" [02:27] just listed "my home videos" and "my.old.stuff" - didn't solve my dilema, needed the intel you supplied. Nice to know about the quotes thing though. Appreciate the help. [02:31] how do i use zsnes? [02:33] hello friends [02:33] hello [02:33] what about zsnes [02:33] how do i play on it [02:34] well [02:34] Qrawl: i have it downloaded to my desktop but when i try to open it it does nothing [02:35] Qrawl: i installed it through the pkg manager [02:36] zsnes isnt being worked on anymore. you should try this http://www.snes9x.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?p=22874 [02:36] theres a link to an ubuntu package [02:36] it works really good [02:37] and I [02:37] am starter on linux [02:37] I'm having problems with my hard drive. Fdisk and Parted detect the partitions but they don't show in /dev [02:37] and I am trying to do a installation of a software in .tar package [02:37] zsnes stopped working in Intrepid for me in Ubuntu [02:38] what I have t do? [02:38] anderson_, what package [02:38] it is dssi-vst-0.8.tar.gz [02:39] It is a vst adapter software [02:39] to produce digital music [02:39] but I really don't know how to install it [02:39] I've installed linux yesterday and I am a starter yet [02:39] but I am going very good with konsone [02:40] more than I thought [02:40] is anyone aware of a text editor for blackberrys that have a syntax highlighter? [02:40] arent there any .deb packages for it [02:40] you dont want to mess around with tars or compiling [02:40] hmmm .deb would be [02:40] dpkg -i appndme.deb [02:40] I can't mount my undetected partitions to get data off. Is there something I can do? I'm on a LiveCD right now. [02:40] (using sudo su before) [02:40] Qrawl: ok i downloaded it how do i open it [02:41] I was trying to give the KOffice 2 beta 2 packages a look, and the install process didn't work; the data .deb is apparently broken; anyone else seeing this? [02:41] david__, maybe just add this to your sources deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/bearoso/ubuntu intrepid main [02:42] Qrawl: im using firefox and it asks me what application i want to use to open it [02:42] do you know how to add repo sourecs [02:42] Qrawl: in the third party sources? [02:43] yeah [02:44] hello david [02:44] Qrawl: ok i have added source now what? [02:44] i am having some graphics issues with Firefox 3 on 8.10. I tried disabling desktop effects and that doesnt seem to have solved it. Anyone have any advice or pointers? [02:44] sudo apt-get update [02:45] tim-: "graphics issues" could mean a number of things . . . [02:45] crimsun: hi again [02:45] crimsun: Sound stopped again. Trying to figure out why. [02:45] crimsun: I did fuser -v /dev/snd/* [02:45] can someone help me with my hard drive issue? [02:45] Roey: sudo fuser -v /dev/dsp* /dev/seq* /dev/snd/* [02:46] crimsun: http://rafb.net/p/Kps0bI79.html [02:46] Qrawl: ok im updated [02:47] crimsun: listings for /dev/dsp* and /dev/seq* are empty [02:49] ok [02:49] sudo apt-get install snes9x-gtk [02:50] Qrawl: ok that finished now what? [02:50] Roey: which app(s) are giving what errors? [02:51] now go to your Games [02:51] in the start menu [02:51] p_quarles: specifically.. checkboxes are usually half covered or not visible at all. On tabs there are always short (3 or 4 pixels high) lines across the bottom of the tab [02:51] snes9x [02:52] crimsun: I do not hear sound from either of amarok, mpg123 or snes9x-express. [02:52] Qrawl: sweet [02:52] Roey: which virtual sound devices are each attempting to use? [02:52] Qrawl: do you know were i can get any roms to play? [02:52] no [02:53] you cant talk about that here [02:53] crimsun: /dev/snd/* [02:53] Roey: no. i mean: is each attempting to use "default:" or "hw:" or ...? [02:54] tim-: I've noticed Songbird (another XUL app) looking pretty awful when trying to mimic Qt widgets; do you have GTK+ apps set to use Qt styles? [02:56] there is a gtk-qt theming engine in use by default, and yes, it's not the most pretty thing in the wordl [02:56] well, at least these days it doesn't crash random app all the time [02:56] p_quarles: not that I know of. This is a fresh install, nothing really changed except I have added Firefox and loaded the ATI FGLRX driver [02:56] I'd recommend using this theme to make firefox look acceptable: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/7574 [02:56] tim-: like JontheEchidna said, it looks like that's the default [02:57] personally, I think the gtk-qt-engine looks fine with a lot of things, but not with XUL based apps and their GTK mimicking [02:57] bleh. whats with all thees experimental addons [02:58] JontheEchidna: thanks for the tip.. I'll try that [03:00] crimsun: I think so? [03:00] crimsun: I just killed mpg123 [03:00] and I re-started amarok and still cannot hear anythihg [03:01] Roey: err, i was seeking an actual answer to my previous question (it's multiple-choice, not yes/no) [03:02] Roey: in any case, i guess i'll ask a slightly different question: which backend is snes9x using? [03:02] amarok is using 'default:' [03:02] oh, hmm [03:02] not sure. [03:03] Roey: if you're doing alsa directly, then make sure everything's using "default:" (or default) [03:03] ok. [03:03] Roey: nothing should be attempting to use "hw:" (or hw) or "plughw:" (or plug:hw or plug:hw:) [03:03] ok. [03:04] I mean it's not [03:04] and I checke [03:04] and nothing seems muted... [03:04] what is a program i can use to unzip files? [03:04] david__: unzip or ark [03:05] are they 7z files [03:05] crimsun: are they pre installed? [03:05] both should be [03:05] roms are often 7z zipped [03:05] please note that i literally interpreted your "unzip files" request [03:06] were would they be located if they are on my system? [03:07] Roey: just looking at snes9x-x's dependencies, it doesn't seem to require alsa, which means you probably need to wrap its invocation with aoss [03:07] crimsun: nevermind, [03:07] it was an mpg123 instance that had been backgrounded [03:07] I think [03:07] I couldn't kill it with 'kill' [03:07] I had to kill -9 it. [03:07] crimsun: I cant' stand this crap. [03:07] crimsun: sound either plays here or it doesn't [03:07] grr! [03:07] and this is alsa mpg123 [03:07] too. [03:07] well, those would be the two possibilities... [03:08] heh :) [03:08] you need to switch things to ALSO [03:08] ALSA [03:09] moro ketään hereillä? [03:10] JontheEchidna & p_quarles: thanks for the help. That theme helps some but it doesnt fix the checkboxes at all. Any other ideas? [03:10] checkboxes are a lost cause [03:10] crimsun: I installed mpg123-alsa. [03:10] hmm.. thats too bad [03:10] crimsun: so now do I have to alias mpg123 to mpg123-alsa in order for mpg123 to run in ALSA mode? [03:10] !fi | paronitar [03:10] paronitar: Suomenkielinen keskustelu (K)Ubuntusta kanavilla #ubuntu-fi ja #kubuntu-fi [03:12] hey can anybody help me... im running unknown version of linux and i cant get gnome or any desktop to run from console... [03:12] Roey: no, you shouldn't. [03:12] crimsun: so it should selec tthe alsa mode by default? [03:13] because I see that 'mpg123-alsa' is just a script that executes mpg123 -o alsa [03:13] paronitar, kubuntu? [03:13] crimsun: see above [03:14] !version | paronitar [03:14] paronitar: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy » [03:17] Roey: then yes, you do [03:19] crimsun: ok. [03:20] why is kubuntu so broken this way, argh. [03:20] kubuntu's not broken [03:20] it just doesn't have every single possibility covered, because that's not necessarily the right thing to do [03:21] hmm i typed lsb_release -a in the console [03:21] your use case will conflict with someone else's [03:21] and said command not found [03:21] either way, someone's going to be miffed [03:21] can ya tell me the command to run gnome? [03:23] ok. [03:23] paronitar, this is ubuntu or kubuntu [03:23] !gnome [03:23] GNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal. [03:23] mine is so simple though. [03:23] ok not sure what of what I typed before made it to the channel before I lagged out, but the basic gist is that I'm wanting to upgrade this laptop from kubuntu 8.04 to 8.10 and only have a ubuntu 8.10 cd image and slow (and expensive) net connection, was hoping to use the cd for the bulk of the upgrade process and just download the kde/kubuntu-specific packages from the net, is this going to be an option and if so how to get it happening? [03:24] yes it's possible but with a slow connection idk [03:25] hmm oay that installs new desktop but if there is one installed allready how to start it? [03:25] on my othe box I installed ubuntu and used synaptic to get the kde packages [03:25] mister-tea-lappy, how do i go about it, just dpkg -i everything on the ubuntu cd then upgrade kde and kubuntu-desktop packages by hand? [03:26] mister-tea-lappy, or would that be a bad idea? [03:26] no just install the ubuntu and install the kde on top [03:26] mister-tea-lappy, was hoping to not have to wipe this machine and do a fresh install [03:26] is space an issue? [03:27] what do you have installed now? [03:27] mister-tea-lappy, that's one way of putting it lol [03:27] kubuntu 8.04 [03:28] mister-tea-lappy, was looking at just using "adept_manager --dist-upgrade" and leaving it on overnight (probably over a couple of nights) until I realised how much that would cost me lol [03:28] I think with a slow connection you are screwed order a cd nad wait for the mail [03:29] and [03:29] dialup? [03:30] adsl but barely worthy of the name [03:30] 256k 1gig monthly limit most of which is already gone [03:30] and you don't want to know about the costs for excess data usage [03:31] ouch I don't have limits on my dsl [03:31] dal_: yikes; my 3G phone plan's better than that; my condolences :| [03:31] p_quarles, lol :) [03:32] a gig limit? I would use that up in two days [03:33] I've downloaded 4 Iso s yesterday [03:33] lol [03:33] about 1.8 g [03:34] just googling a little noticed there used to be a cdromupgrade script on the ubuntu cds that some guy used to upgrade kubuntu 7.04 to 7.10 but not on the image I have so I guess they don't include that anymore :( [03:34] ah things are different down under [03:34] yeah they are :( [03:34] in the country anyhow [03:35] my adsl in sydney is decent but I'm visiting the olds for a month or so :( [03:35] like I said order a cd [03:35] psst I think they are free as in beer [03:37] my son ordered some and they were here in like a week [03:38] * mister-tea-lappy thinks the olds must be his folks [03:38] yeah, might do that but still going to see if I can work a way around this [03:38] well maybe p_quarles could tell you how but idk [03:39] I've read some of his stuff and he's pretty sharp [03:41] o he's gone === mrgibson is now known as cobolfoo [03:42] best I can suggest is to ask again state the whole thing and maybe someone else here can help === cobolf00 is now known as cobolfoo [03:52] How do I remove a program? [03:54] sudo apt-get remove blah [03:54] Ok. What if I don't know the name of the program? [03:54] (It's a linxuant driver for modems) [03:55] well ther you got me [03:56] btw you said a program [03:56] Um. [03:56] I don't know what "blah" would be with it. [03:56] (I know, I'm sorry) [03:57] are you on 8.10? [03:58] * mister-tea-lappy tries to remeber the command to list modules [03:59] modinfo maybe? [04:07] Yes, I'm on 8.10 [04:08] kubuntu needs more then 512 of shared ram doesn't it? [04:08] as i have that now, and i get 'video' delay, if that makes sense. [04:08] i.e., i can't move too fast without a two second delay for it to catch up [04:19] Adola: try modprobe -all and that will show all the modules and hopfully you can find it's name [04:20] Ok [04:38] has anyone upgraded to the latest version of KDE 4.2 Beta 2 ? [04:40] MinusSeven: yes [04:41] is it buggy? [04:41] MinusSeven: it's a beta; no showstopper bugs for me; ymmv [04:41] i might try it [04:42] it's worth a go [04:42] many changes with it? [04:42] a pretty significant visual refresh [04:43] Plasma in 4.2 is a big step forward, actually [04:43] i found the taskbar with the version shipped with kubuntu 8.10 is very hard to handle. Like if you change the clock settings, it clips some of the info [04:43] or some of the icons become blank [04:44] the entire panel is a pretty big step up from 4.1 [04:44] i'll go try it, brb [04:54] hey guys, i just upgraded to 8.10 and my computer wont shutdown and the hardware manager will not enable fglrx and my gtk apps are not themed === kniolet__ is now known as kniolet === fei is now known as fei_ [05:53] :) [05:58] I need to remove a linuxant driver so I can install an older one. [05:58] How do I do this?! === keres is now known as keres`zZz === jon_ is now known as sarah === sarah is now known as Guest56383 [06:22] hi my kubuntu 8.10 has xorg issues while loading the live cd. how do i use vesa driver with the live cd? === Guest56383 is now known as doomdog [06:23] hi my kubuntu 8.10 has xorg issues while loading the live cd. how do i use vesa driver with the live cd? [06:26] neone there? [06:46] ddddddddd [06:46] 헬 [06:46] 가 [06:46] gool === VvTZtSgj is now known as LjL [06:55] hola...need help opening r00 files [06:55] sudo apt-get install r00 -- no package [06:55] any suggestions/ [07:00] DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD [07:00] D [07:00] D [07:00] D [07:01] D [07:07] hi === konu is now known as elle [07:08] hi [07:09] hi seb [07:09] hi [07:09] how ru [07:09] fine u? [07:09] good [07:09] where from [07:09] Hmm, where can I read about how to pull gcc 4.3 as an additional compiler? It's not part of the apt-cache, so I guess I need to add an experimental repository somewhere. [07:09] france [07:10] elle: seb_: #kubuntu-offtopic please [07:11] hi, when loading kubuntu from live cd it cant load vesa [07:13] hi when using kubuntu live cd i cant load vesa driver says no screens found === navid_ is now known as nahy [07:17] hi. i downloaded kde 4.1 and installed it but my pannel and desktop are not like the ones that i see in screenshots [07:17] what should i do? [07:18] nahy: what version of Kubuntu are you using? [07:18] what should i do? [07:18] 8.04 [07:18] nahy: and how did you install KDE 4.1? [07:19] bye adept [07:19] Hi. I'm running a kubuntu live disc because windows (parent's machine so they dictate the OS) got a virus and I can't kill it through windows. I'm having strange problems running Ubuntu from a disc but can't figure out how to install AVG in kubuntu and need to fix one of the I suppose three problems there. === ubuntu is now known as jeanette [07:19] Stupid handle [07:19] i introduced reposes [07:20] and by adept i installed it [07:20] nahy: so what specific problems are you seeing? [07:20] no problem just i cant see the menus like those i saw in screenshots [07:21] nahy: neither can we, since we're not looking at these screenshots :) [07:21] and when i check the version it's still 3.5 [07:21] well then, *there's* a problem :) [07:22] yeah but the problem is i check the version it's still 3.5 [07:22] any french people here? [07:22] !fr | seb_ [07:22] seb_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr [07:23] nahy: that's interesting; you said you used a different repository? which one? [07:24] not the different ... i used this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu [07:25] deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu hardy main [07:25] is that ok === jon_ is now known as doomdog [07:25] msg nickserv identify jajabinks [07:25] hi [07:26] nahy: yeah, should be okay; did you choose a KDE 4 session in your login manager? [07:26] doomdog: time to change your password :) [07:26] lol i knw === konu is now known as elle [07:26] yes and i made it default [07:26] hi [07:26] hate wen that happens [07:26] doomdog: :D [07:27] kubuntu live cd fails to start xorg in safe graphics mode i.e. with vesa driver error is no modes found [07:27] nahy: I'm not sure what to tell you; it sounds like you've done everything right, but KDE 4 isn't loading [07:28] isn't there something in system menus that i should do? [07:31] how do i load kubuntu in the safest mode? [07:34] anyway thank you p_quarles [07:35] p_quarles: anyway thank you [07:35] nahy: what's the output of apt-cache policy kubuntu-desktop ? [07:36] i'm new to linux would you please make it easier? [07:37] nahy: open up a terminal and type "apt-cache policy kubuntu-desktop" [07:37] ok [07:38] installed 1.75 [07:38] candidate 1.75 [07:38] version table 1.75 [07:39] 500 http://ir.archive.ubuntu.com hardy/main Packages [07:39] 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status [07:39] nahy: and what about "kded4 -v"? [07:40] command not found [07:40] does it need sudo? [07:40] no [07:41] are you sure the cammand is correct? [07:41] nahy: try, "apt-cache search kde4" and pastebin the results [07:41] !paste | nahy [07:41] nahy: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) [07:42] nahy: I'm asking because I never ran KDE 4 under Hardy, and I'm just walking you through the steps I would take [07:42] if anyone else here has any shortcuts, please feel free to butt in :) [07:43] how can i paste it ?!?!?!?!? [07:43] see the link that ubottu gave you [07:43] aha [07:45] i paste it there and then.....??? === desti_T2 is now known as desti [07:57] p_quarles: i paste it but what is the topic about and what exactly should i do? [08:00] bazhang: can you help me about it? [08:06] OK I'm leaving for a restart to see what can i do [08:06] thank you guys [08:19] Hi @ All! [08:21] anyone out there ? ? ? [08:21] @echo [08:21] yup [08:22] good morning :D [08:22] or fill in the _blank_ for your part of the world. [08:23] data is copied to USB Flash disk very very slowly, where as the same data when copied to same USB disk is copied normally in windows. Help (it takes around 20-30min to copy 500MB data) [08:24] shb: here good noon === ssj1 is now known as SSJ_GZ === xxx is now known as Guest75063 === vito is now known as vito__ [09:08] hi my kubuntu 8.10 hangs on startup at the desktop. is it a driver problem thanks [09:15] hello [09:16] neone here? [09:27] anyone know where I can get help with frostwire? === rob is now known as Guest2685 [09:48] !ops | me [09:48] me: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Riddell, Tm_T, fdoving, Mez, stdin, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, genii, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, nixternal, PriceChild, Pici or jussi01! [10:02] hello everyone... [10:03] stop [10:03] stop === jon_ is now known as britnety [10:05] hi all [10:06] my pc hangs when the desktop loads via kubuntu live cd [10:06] i tried noacpi and vga=771 but stilll no luck [10:11] film [10:12] my pc shows blank screen instead of the login screen (8.10) [10:14] !oss [10:14] Sorry, I don't know anything about oss [10:15] can any one help me installing OSS [10:25] Hiya, I'm using k9copy to create a scaled down avi of one of my DVDs. [10:25] I'm not sure how to reduce the size, or how to strip away unneeded elements (alternate languages, special features, etc). [10:27] any one have issues with flashplayer [10:28] ??? [10:28] z666, issues like what? === sjr is now known as SJr [10:29] Hmmmmm okay gals and guys, I was trying to upgrade to KDE 4.2 beta-2, and accidentally put in the wrong source, into sources.list. That didn't seem to do anything perse, and I caught it and am now trying the other package. [10:30] However now I basically can't login as anoyone but root, I tried moving the .kde and .kderc files to something else, but I'm hung on the globe. [10:30] I'm also not sure that everything is 100% installed [10:30] When KDE launched as root, I got all these Invalid commands kdesudo, however the package is installed. [10:30] Thoughts?\ [10:31] when ever i want to watch any kind of flash media /video the page will load with out a the player buttons and just sort of sit there until i refresh it once [10:32] upon refresh it will then have the play buttons and be playable [10:34] mind you im using konqueror as my web browser [10:35] eh lain_wired? [10:39] hey sjr [10:40] hey sjr?? [10:41] hello [10:45] im looking for a download manager so it can download files one after the other cause i have like 300 files to download [10:47] anyone using kde4? [10:47] xp-killer: try download them all from firefox [10:48] shb: yes [10:49] 4.2b2 though [10:49] ahha [10:49] I am having problems understanding how this works in kde [10:50] shb: does fox download them 1by 1 or all together? [10:50] xp-killer: all together, you can try pausing them and resuming them one after another by hand, though [10:51] why do i loose fonts in some applications after installing nvidia driver ? [10:51] xp-killer: there is some program called kget, i havent used it myself so i can't say for sure if its what you are looking for, but it should be worth a look [10:52] YES KGET [10:52] IT WAS THAT I USE 1 YEAR AGO [10:52] :) you can release the caps lock ;) [10:52] xp-killer: when you use this plugin: http://www.downthemall.net/ then you have a good download manager [10:53] but you need firefox/iceweasel [10:54] Unksi: do you have any bluetooth help for me? [10:56] shb: i dont know much about it, but i can try [10:56] Unksi: do you have any bluetooth periphials? [10:56] i have used it a few times, usually theres not that many problems with it [10:56] a phone, yes [10:57] ahha... I am looking for a sort of device manager [10:57] why do i loose fonts in some applications after installing nvidia driver ? Anyone ? [10:57] strangely enough my installation does not seem to include the hidd binary [10:58] shb: there is something like kdebluetooth but its not as good as i would like it to be [10:58] or then i just can't use it the right way [10:58] hehe [10:58] I have done the configurations in etch/lenny [10:58] but even here I am missing the /etc/bluetooth/hidd.conf [10:58] I was not sure if this was being handled in a different way in kubuntu [10:59] no idea.. never heard about that so far :) [11:00] shb: bluetooth stack is broken read the release notes [11:00] robin0800: thanks for the tipp [11:03] are there any workarounds at the moment? === jon_ is now known as britney [11:25] Hey z666 what's up? [11:29] were you looking for an explanation or a solution [11:30] sjr? [11:33] where should I fill a bug against kopete if I use kde4.2 beta (from ppa kubuntu-experimental)? [11:35] Is there a way to make a command key for locking the computer? [11:39] corigo: ctrl +alt + l ;) [11:39] corigo: Ctrl+Alt +L [11:40] datat transfer to USB Flash disk is very slow (200kbps etc) can anyone help? [11:40] apparle: are you using a usb hub? [11:43] Hi there! [11:44] Please help. How to set static IP? /etc/network/interfaces way does not work for me [11:44] Hi andrew [11:45] The file was almoust empty - just one line anout loopback. I've added lines for eth0 and restarted it manually [11:46] it worked for some time, but then returned to another address [11:46] jussi01: Might be but it is integrated in the motherboard [11:47] Please help [11:48] andrew__: which kubuntu version? [11:48] 8.10 [11:48] andrew__: click on network manager -> new connection [11:48] (in the tray) [11:48] Where is the Network Manager ? [11:49] andrew__: the little "world" icon? [11:49] in the tray - bottom right corner [11:49] jussi01: Might be but it is integrated in the motherboard [11:50] apparle: no need to repeat, saw it last time, just dont know the answer [11:50] Thanks a lot! I've got it. It is not the time to edit configs manually yet! :) [11:50] andrew__: :) [11:51] jussi01: I was wondering why did you ask whether I had a hub [11:52] Bye! Thanks again [11:52] apparle: sometimes when I use my hub its slow, when I use the port on the machine its fast [11:52] Are not 'switches' slower then 'Hubs' - or am i backwards? [11:53] Its been a while since ive messed with my networking hardware [11:53] dr_willis: I have no idea... and we are talking USB ;) [11:53] No Switches are faster [11:54] jussi01: When I use the same port on windows it works normally [11:54] Switches are like Warp Drive in Star Trek, and Hubs are more like Hyperdrive in the Star Wars universes [11:54] Then it sounds like a USB 2 vs USB 1 issue.. [11:55] That's no moon [11:55] dr_willis: can you help [11:57] * dr_willis has missed the whole problem.. Perhaps rephrase it/clarify from the beginning? [12:00] dr_willis: Data transfer to the USb flash disk is very slow, when I boot through Windows,the data is transferrred normally [12:01] dr_willis: got the problem? [12:03] and this is direct to a USB port eh? [12:04] dr_willis: what do you mean dirt to a USb port [12:05] I want wireless assistant to automatically connect to known wireless networks - but it asks for the sudo password. Any suggestions? [12:06] Direct [12:06] as in - Nothing else in the way. :) no hubs/cables/extensions === jon_ is now known as britney [12:07] how do i set up wlassistant to not ask for sudo password? [12:10] dr_willis: I don't know. I think my motherboard has an integrated hub. I can assure it is direct from motherboard [12:10] Sounds like it may be some odd driver quirk. going on if Windows is different speed then linux.. You sure its not just a quirk in how you are measuring the speeds? [12:11] I have some MB's that are USB 1 on some ports and usb2 on others. :( But that would not seem to be the case here.. Sinceyou are trying the same port under both oS's [12:12] Beromuenster.ch [12:12] dr_willis: I don't have to measure speed> 500MB takes 20-30min in Linux and 3-5 min in Windows [12:12] beromuenster.ch [12:12] apparle: whats the filesystem on the stick? [12:13] fat32 [12:13] I would check 'dmesg' out put then.. there maybe some serious driver issue going on/kernel bug. also test with other linux disrto/live cd's [12:13] dr_willis: I didn't face the problem in previous versions of kbuntu [12:14] narrowing it down then to a kernel/driver issue perhaps then.. Trouble Shooting 101 :) [12:18] dr_willis: what to do? [12:19] i would check dmesg output for anything obvious. then be sure to update.upgrade tio the latest kernel. and try again.. then check out the ubuntu bugs site and check for your specific mb/bios/machine and see if others have issues... [12:20] also test with the latest 8.10 Live cd's and see if they also show the same problem. [12:20] its all about gathering clues/evidence and infomation at this point. Hard to even twll where to look for a fix untill more info is gathered === andreas is now known as barista78 [12:25] dr_willis: I will try to gather clues and the talk to you [12:47] wow, that's pretty odd, I'm using -150,000% CPU [12:59] where i can get kubuntu 8.10 kde 4.2 live cd, has anyone mixed some iso ? === andreas is now known as barista78 [13:17] !mp3 [13:17] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats === SSJ is now known as SSJ_GZ [13:36] !samba [13:36] Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/212098 [13:37] MERRY XMASS to EVERYBODY [13:37] thx [13:39] hej! I have problems with desktop effects in kde4. I use a nvidia card, so I think "composit-type: OpenGL" should be right [13:40] but I get this message: Failed to activate desktop effects using the given configuration options. Settings will be reverted to their previous values. [13:41] glxgears works fine (2700 fps) [13:41] so i don't know whats wrong... [13:52] make -C /lib/modules/2.6.24-19-386/build M=/home/guiterb/文档/ipwraw-ng modules [13:52] make: *** /lib/modules/2.6.24-19-386/build: 没有该文件或目录。 停止。 [13:52] make -C /lib/modules/2.6.24-19-386/build M=/home/guiterb/文档/ipwraw-ng modules [13:52] make: *** /lib/modules/2.6.24-19-386/build: 没有该文件或目录。 停止。 [13:53] hello.. ive tried live cd intrepid but it failed.. :| [13:53] make -C /lib/modules/2.6.24-19-386/build M=/home/guiterb/文档/ipwraw-ng modules [13:53] make: *** /lib/modules/2.6.24-19-386/build: 没有该文件或目录。 停止。 [13:53] hello ... i got problem sharing a folder from Xp to Kubuntu with Samba... when i try to open network from kubuntu i got error "time over on server -network-" [13:54] Any tip? === neversfelde_ is now known as neversfelde [13:54] paste | guiterb [13:54] !paste | guiterb [13:54] guiterb: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) [14:02] Hello, I just tried to activate the fglrx driver under Kubuntu intrepid via Kubuntu’s Hardware Driver application. Unfortunately, nothing changed, also not after a reboot. Can anyone imagine what’s wrong? [14:04] Hmm, I activated it but after a reboot and restarting the Hardware Driver app (jockey-kde), it tells me that fglrx is not activated. :-( [14:11] Hmm, interesting channel. People come, people go but noone writes. (Same on #kubuntu-de.) :-( [14:11] come on ubuntu-fr ;-) [14:12] jeltsch: it's not that unusual; did you have a support question? [14:12] Clache: Don’t speak french. :-( [14:13] p_quarles>I search a good tweak software for kde [14:13] p_quarles: I asked for help regarding fglrx activation. [14:13] Clache: I'm not sure what that means? [14:14] it's for hidden options of kde [14:14] jeltsch: sometimes you have to wait for a good answer; lots of people are idling here, which means they may see the question later [14:15] Clache: system-settings [14:16] p_quarlesI'm go seeing [14:17] Hmm, looks like the Kubuntu people are not that chatty as the Gentoo and Haskell people. :-( [14:18] hi [14:18] Hi. [14:18] kann mir irgendwer helfen? [14:19] !de [14:19] Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, und #edubuntu-de [14:19] habe firefox herunter geladen und kann es nicht installieren! [14:19] Auf kubuntu-de bitte!!! [14:19] i need some urgent help i left town for the holiday and laptop working fine when i return it boooots up as usual but at the x server login i type my password and it acts like its going to login and start kde but hen just spits me back out at the login win [14:20] Nicht auf kubuntu! [14:20] Oder auf englisch. === keres`zZz is now known as keres [14:20] p_quarles>I already have system-settings, I need to change more settings who are hidden [14:21] its the correct password because if i type an incorrect one it tells me login failed but when i type the correct pass i just keep getting spit out at the login screen [14:22] Clache: what settings? [14:23] About new user, kuser don't enough [14:23] Clache: what, exactly, are you trying to change? [14:23] i have to work on a project for work and the files are in my laptop so im realy in a bind.. ive searched forums and they say to do a file system check and i have done that with same result [14:24] p_quarles>how have the settings of my first user when I create a second user [14:24] i try repairing x server from recovery mode but it seems like it doesnt read my wireless internet connection and just get errors retrieving files [14:25] Clache: okay, *which* settings? [14:26] Clache: basically, there are lots of things you might mean, so please be as specific as you can [14:27] any help would be appreciated as i cant login [14:29] p_quarles>things like background pictures [14:31] wallabee_: do you have any other window managers installed that you could test? [14:32] Clache: KDE settings are stored in ~/.kde - wallpapers and such are going to be in there somewhere; to make those automatically apply to new users, you'll have to look into using /etc/skel [14:33] ok p_quarles === rob is now known as Guest47825 === guohj is now known as killbill [14:45] hey there, on bootup i get an error saying kernel panic, send init= option to kernal. what should i do about that? [14:50] SuspectZero: i'm guessing the kernel is unable to find init (probably unable to mount the correct root partition). can you boot from a live cd and paste the output of `sudo fdisk -l' to rafb.net/paste? [14:52] does anybody know howto change character encoding under dolphin? I'm able to see files stored on my DVD disk under konsole but dolphin shows empty mounted disk [14:52] http://rafb.net/p/5HxmC885.html [14:52] i badly i need of some assistance i cant login at x window login it acts like is going to load the desktop but spits me back out at the login window [14:54] wallabee: do you have another WM installed? Can you load that? [14:54] its the correct password whe i type an incorrect one it just tells me logn failed but with the correct password it acts like its going to load then spits me back out to the login [14:54] SuspectZero: which of sda5 and sda7 is your root partition? [14:55] sda7 is kubuntu [14:55] sda5 is another distro which im currently on [14:55] PhilRod: whado you mean by WM? === root is now known as Guest40236 [14:56] window manger? [14:56] right [14:56] like gnome or blackbox [14:57] PhilRod: i nt think so its just whatever the default is .. s [14:58] ok, we can still try to work it out [14:58] great! [14:58] so, describe the steps exactly: do you get a login dialog asking you to log in, or does it fail before that? [14:59] SuspectZero: can you check if there's /sbin/init in sda7? [15:00] yes there is [15:00] it boots up as usual and i get the login screeeen saying welcome to (name of computer) and username filled in [15:00] i can login to the console just fine [15:01] SuspectZero: reboot and on the grub screen press 'e', then the down arrow key, then 'e' and put init=/sbin/init at the end [15:02] ah ok. just a second i'll try that [15:02] SuspectZero: also, after pressing 'e' the first time, copy the first line (the one which says root (hdX,X) ) and paste it here. [15:03] when i supply the wanted password at the login window the screen the goeas black and has the two little ball (hourglass) spinning like its going to load but in the same instance just spits me back out at the login window [15:03] ive searched forums but i can only look from my phone sincei cant login [15:06] wallabee: my first guess would be that you've got some corrupted config settings somewhere. Two ways you could check: either log in with a different user (a newly-created one if you can) or rename ~/.kde(4) and try again [15:08] PhilRod: what will renaming this do? where can i find the file to rename? [15:09] I could create a new user bu not sure how from terminal [15:09] wallabee: kde looks for all application settings in the ~/.kde directory (or ~/.kde4 for kde4). Renaming it will mean your settings are still stored on disk, but that kde won't find and use them [15:10] wallabee: new user is cleaner for diagnosing though - I think "sudo adduser testuser" should do it [15:10] okay trying new user now [15:12] PhilRod: asking me for a room #? [15:12] enter for default? [15:13] hrm, not sure - let me see [15:13] Just press enter, its optional info [15:13] thanks Pici :-) [15:14] thanks [15:14] okay so reboot and try with new user? [15:16] PhilRod: same result with testuser [15:17] ok, that means it's probably not user config then [15:19] PhilRod: where can i go from here? [15:19] take a look at ~/.xsession-errors [15:19] that contains the terminal output from kde [15:19] it might have some clues [15:21] In the http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-experimental/ubuntu repo [15:21] I can't seem to find kwin3_icewm.so in any of the kdeartwork packages [15:21] Is this simply a temporary oversight? [15:21] PhilRod: where can i find this directory? [15:22] wallabee: "~" means "your home directory" [15:24] I just see Desktop, Documents, Music, Public etc... [15:28] wallabee: it's a hidden directory, so you'll need "ls -a" to see it [15:28] okay thanks [15:30] a question please... I need SpiderZilla (firefox add-ons) for Linux , but I have noticed that there's no way to have this on Linux... there's other solution? [15:30] wget? [15:31] http://fosswire.com/2008/04/21/create-a-mirror-of-a-website-with-wget/ [15:31] http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=wget+mirror&btnG=Search [15:31] wget allow to download entire sites on hard disk? [15:32] PhilRod: i see .xsession-errors and .xsession-errors-:1 [15:33] you probably want the first of those - but take a look with "ls -la" to see which has the more recent modification date - that'll be the one that has the most recent errors in it [15:33] amerigo: yeah, I'm pretty sure that's what the mirror options do [15:34] PhilRod: yes the first you were correct, when i try to "cd .xsession-errors" it says not a valid directory [15:35] wallabee: it's a file - you can look at it with less or emacs [15:35] amerigo: or you can just use httrack (http://www.httrack.com/), which is what Spiderzilla appears to wrap [15:40] PhilRod: less .xsession-errors gives me ".xsession-errors (END) [15:41] its hilighted [15:42] Hi! What can I write in konsole to fint information about what kind of kubuntu I have on my PC? [15:45] wallabee: that means you've got to the end of the file - you can hit 'q' to exit less === `Miam`No`Pvs` is now known as Ellana [15:46] wallabee: but there should be some text in the file - "cat .xsession-errors" will dump the whole lot to your screen - does that give you anything? [15:48] PhilRodD just takes me to another command prompt [15:49] wallabee: ok, that means the file is empty, which is odd === sicarivsperfidor is now known as SicarivsPerfidor [15:49] the mod date was for today too [15:50] ok, let's try a different tack - let's check that you can actually run a different window manager - blackbox is a nice easy one === SicarivsPerfidor is now known as Sicarivs [15:50] sudo apt-get install blackbox [15:51] wallabee: that'll install blackbox, then you'll want to reboot to get kdm to pick up the fact that it's available [15:51] then you should be able to choose it as a session type [15:51] ...in kdm, I mean [15:51] PhilRod: excellent [15:53] Hi! Is there a command line command that gives out information on what kubuntu version i have installed? [15:53] p_quarles>I read the help on etc/skel . It's exactly that I search, big thanx [15:54] PhilRod: arghh.. it says unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing [15:54] a bunch of failed to fetch [15:55] wallabee: is the internet connection on the machine working? [15:55] PhilRod: im use a wireless card do i need to hardwire === yop is now known as yop__ [15:56] PhilRodD works fine when im in kde but dont know if it can detect connection since i cant login [15:58] hey folks. ^^ im in trouble.. on my fresh kubuntu both adept and synaptic (apt-get) behave unusable. i cant find gimp because synaptic only shows what i already have and adept doesnt show anything with an search entered... what shall i do? : / [15:59] Hello guys [16:00] bonjour [16:00] I compiled qt from qtcopy, now programs that use qt (like vlc) only starts from terminal === andreas is now known as andreas_ [16:00] aleite pphello [16:00] I set the QTDIR variables correctly.. do you have any clue of what's happening? [16:01] i need to make a guest user for my kde4.2.x [16:01] pls [16:02] wallabee: yeah - do you have wired? That's easier to set up from the command line [16:04] hey, i have kde4, and i reduced the height of plasma, but now the dashboard icons never generate correcty. it just repeats the device notifier icon for every one of my running programs that has a task icon [16:04] PhilRod: okay have it directly wired from modem [16:05] wallabee: if you're lucky it connected automatically, otherwise try "sudo dhclient eth0" [16:05] then try apt-get again [16:06] PhilRod: thumbs up [16:10] PhilRod: unfortunately same result when i switch session type to blackbox [16:12] wallabee: I don't really know what's wrong, but I can think of one more thing to try, if you want === root is now known as Guest50391 [16:14] PhilRod: thanks for the help.. i'll give it a shot if it means a chance of accessing my project [16:15] wallabee: ok, we can try starting an X session directly from the command line. So, run "echo exec blackbox > ~/.xinitrc" [16:15] that creates a file called .xinitrc (note the dot) in your home directory [16:16] then "startx -- :1" which will start an X session and run the commands in ~/.xinitrc. The "-- :1" tells it to run alongside the existing kdm, which is already running an X process [16:17] ok [16:17] trying now [16:18] anyone know why system tray in kde4 is reusing other icons rather than generating small ones for my tray applications? [16:21] falckon: is this 4.2? [16:21] PhilRod: i get "echo: write error: no space left on device" when i run echo command [16:21] wallabee: aaaah, that's probably the cause of all your trouble [16:22] your disk's full [16:22] nosrednaekim: its kde 4.1.2 [16:22] wallabee: 'df -h' will show you disk usage [16:23] PhilRod: it says 71 of 72 G used [16:23] i have know idea how [16:24] falckon: ok, I'm getting that problem in 4.2, but I didn't used to [16:24] it started when I made some modifications to the xorg.conf [16:25] hmm i have just made some modifications, although at the same time i had shrunk the plasma bar so i thought it was related to that [16:25] PhilRod: ive only got a couple cds worth of music on it and maybe a movie..some stuffff like azureaus and firefox kaffeine...maybe its games? can i remove somethings like games to make space? [16:26] falckon: do you have an Intel graphics chip? [16:26] P [16:26] yep 945 [16:26] falckon: same here.... I added "Clone True" to the xorg.conf... I think might be the problem [16:26] yeah i added that too [16:26] Pbil [16:27] falckon: try removing it and restarting X [16:27] wallabee: that's probably the easiest way to clear enough space to get things running again [16:27] falckon: (I'm kinda busy right now or I would) [16:27] yeah i'll try that, brb, need to start using a curses irc [16:27] wallabee: once you get kde back up, you can probably find some tools to analyze disk usage [16:28] PhilRod: im only familiar with removing the games with adept how would i go about? === ubuntu_ is now known as kidflash [16:28] wallabee: sudo apt-get remove nameofgame [16:29] PhilRod: is there a way i can get a list of games so i know what they are? [16:30] wallabee: don't think there is === hannascott is now known as hannascott_NA [16:32] PhilRod: ahh.. i dont remember any of the package names [16:32] nosrednaekim: i found the line in the xorg config file that did it [16:32] which one? [16:32] it wasn't the clone one, its Option "MigrationHeuristic" "greedy" [16:32] commenting that out fixed it [16:33] they still generate incorrectly often, which is a different problem altogether that i'd like to fix [16:33] ok.... I was thinking that too... I already commented it out, just hadn't restarted yet [16:33] falckon: wouldn't happen to have a Aspire one would you? [16:33] yeah [16:33] lol, i figured [16:33] we probably got those options on the same aspire forum [16:33] lol... dang tutorials lol [16:33] I got them on the wiki page [16:34] oh yea, that one [16:34] i got a few things off of forums [16:34] but mostly the wiki [16:34] wallabee: ok, you can try clearing stuff out of your home dir. "du -sh ~" will tell you the size of your home directory [16:34] still having any problems? everything is working great here for me. [16:35] i think all the devices are working now, setting the snd-intel-hda model to acer-aspire fixed the headphones plugged in still playing through speakers issue [16:35] but the internal mic sounds terrible, on the wiki it seems to be a known issue [16:35] maybe just the laptop [16:35] well, i'm on Jaunty so thats fixed by default here [16:35] I haven't tested the mic though [16:36] and, i'm scared to plug an sd card into my left slot after i almost couldn't get it out the last time, the left one is an sd card reader right? [16:37] yeah, they both are [16:37] yeah, the right one clicks in and out, but the left one the card just completely disappears into the laptop and doesn't click out [16:37] is it supposed to be like that cause its usually for more permanent storage? [16:38] I guess... it clickes out for me though [16:40] its just a bit tighter [16:40] hello [16:40] yeah, ok, it just didn't click in right the first time heh [16:40] Ubuntu doesn't see the difference between the two slots though IIRC so you may as well use the right one [16:41] oh really? the wiki said you just had to use the left one first and then you could use both [16:41] oh... ok.. [16:41] kinda odd behaviour [16:41] but whatever [16:43] PhilRod: how much space would you say is sufficient to get kde up? [16:44] wallabee: I'd clear out a couple of megabytes at least === Ellana is now known as `Away`No`Pvs` [16:52] PhilRod: im good now thanks for all the efforts !! [16:52] yw :-) === `Away`No`Pvs` is now known as Ellana [17:00] anyone know if there is an "approved way" of getting my bluetooth mouse working in intrepid without installing half of gnome? [17:01] i can do it via console but have to do that every time ... think i can hack the bluetooth config to enable the hidd daemon but wanted to know if there is a nicer way [17:01] did read somewhere that installing a later version of kdebluetooth4 sorts it via the gui [17:02] nosrednaekim: have any tips for making the kde gui stuff smaller? [17:03] turn your font sizes down :) [17:03] Hello i have a problem with wifi ad-hoc internet on kde, which i dont have on gnome, can anyone help me? === divinebovine is now known as holycow [17:03] yeah, that's most of it i suppose, and i shrunk the plasma bar [17:03] thanks UKMadBeef [17:03] aye thats as far as i got [17:04] i think there may be an option to turn down the DPI also but i haven't found that yet [17:04] only had kubuntu installed since this morning [17:04] yeah, in xorg.conf in section "Monitor" you add DisplaySize 195 113 [17:04] i'm not sure what size exactly that represents, but it made the start menu smaller [17:05] it actually fits on the acer aspire's 1024x600 resolution [17:05] ahh yeah cos opensuse asks you your physical screen size so it must calculate it and add the config [17:05] ah you on a netbook too? i've installed a bunch of different distros on my samsung nc10 [17:06] yep [17:06] think i'm sticking with kubuntu 8.10 even though it is full of bugs i think it's about as good as desktop linux gets right now [17:06] well maybe opensuse is better but i've always stuck to debian based stuff in my brief time using linux [17:07] i've tried a few, i liked the idea of gentoo but it wasn't stable enough [17:07] and it was a pain if you forgot a few use flags === ssj is now known as SSJ_GZ [17:07] debian's been my favourite mainly cause it just works [17:08] yeah i just wanted something i could install and then just tweak the extras, like you usually get with windows === root is now known as Guest543 [17:08] i tried sidux but got pissed off with that, too much work involved to get it to where i want it [17:08] I disabled the propriatary nvidia driver and now I get a completely blank screen once kde has launched. any clue on how to re-enable the driver from the console? [17:08] opensuse just didnt really click with me, looked very well rounded tho [17:09] how can I install the standar libraries for C++?? [17:09] NicholaiB: not 100% sure but try looking at your /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist file [17:09] think that's the name of it, one sec [17:09] fernando_: apt-get :) [17:10] UKMadBeef: package name? if you dont mine please === hannascott_NA is now known as hannascott [17:10] ok NicholaiB have a look at the file /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist at the bottom there may be a line that says something along the lines of "blacklist nvidia" or whatever the driver is called [17:10] ukmadbeef: will check that once I reboot. hopefully that's all that's needed [17:10] aha [17:10] if you see anything like that, remove it or comment it out, then reboot [17:11] that's how ubuntu turned my wireless card off anyway [17:11] ok, I'll have a look [17:11] good luck :) [17:12] I just wonder if it's trying to use the open source drivers instead [17:13] not sure with nvidia to be honest, only ever used desktop linux on this netbook here, and that's intel graphics (and if it makes you feel any better the drivers are crap for intel too, although i believe it stems from a fedora x.org patch which ubuntu includes) [17:13] ukmadbeef: but if several drivers are loaded, how does kde know which one to use? [17:14] doesn't seem to be the xconfig file anymore [17:14] dont know NicholaiB there could be a random number generator in there somewhere :) [17:14] hehe... [17:14] from what i read, x.org is largely self configuring [17:15] is anybody using gvim under kde (4.1.3) - intrepid? i installed vim-gtk, but gvim do not start from krunner neither konsole! Any idea? [17:15] so you could always try renaming your xorg conf and run with none [17:15] well, I'll better reboot and play around. thx anyway [17:15] no probz good luck [17:16] awidegreen: does it run when you call it via terminal or alt-f2 ? [17:16] awidegreen: dont know if it will add a menu item or not as gvim sounds like it's meant for a gnome environment [17:17] * UKMadBeef is a proper noob sorry [17:17] both don't work - and no output on the konsole [17:17] I'd have a look at apt and make sure it's installed it [17:18] is there a detter file manager for KDE, dolphin and konqueror dont seem as good as the one you get with gnome [17:19] awidegreen: should be able to just do apt-get (or aptitude) install vim-gtk [17:19] apostle_: detter? [17:19] apostle_: dont think so, although if you want you can run nautilus :) [17:19] yeah i meant better* but you know [17:19] UKMadBeef: it is installed - for sure! [17:19] i like dolphin think it's way better than the gnome stuff [17:20] apostle_: i think dolphin is as fast as nautilus and has more features than nautilus [17:20] awidegreen: what command are you using to run it? [17:21] apostle_: i have only some performance issues when nepomuk is enabled [17:21] UKMadBeef: gvim ?!? > /etc/alternatives/gvim -> /usr/bin/vim.gtk [17:21] i'm pretty sure its not my fault :D [17:21] hehe it's linux everything is your fault :) [17:21] tried vim-gtk ? [17:21] of course [17:21] may just install it myself and see what happens [17:21] although i hate vi [17:22] i really like it :D [17:22] i always forget half the command and end up getting really confused [17:22] but then i've been using windoze for donkey's years [17:22] using it for years - but now i want to test to graph. version ;) [17:23] a lad at work uses it on windows, he won't use anything else :) [17:23] UKMadBeef: is it working on your system? [17:23] . [17:24] just installing now === ubuntu_ is now known as carlFr [17:26] works fine on mine [17:26] type gvim into terminal and away it goes [17:26] I installed gvim-gtk [17:27] with it came tcl8.4 (which I also hate), vim-gui-common and vim-runtime [17:27] I did do it via aptitude though [17:27] not apt-get [17:28] in case you want to roll back your previous changes and do it the way I did, just do this: [17:30] sudo aptitude, press L then type gvim, open up virtual packages, select gvim and press enter, scroll to vim-gtk 1:7.1.314blablabla, press +, then press g [17:30] oh yeah then press g again i think [17:31] UKMadBeef: like i said, it isn't my fault :D https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk-qt-engine/+bug/270972 [17:31] sorry for bothering - find it 5 sec ago :D [17:32] no bother :) === ssj is now known as SSJ_GZ === gianni is now known as gianx === gianx is now known as gianxxxx [17:44] might just leave and come back again, feeling a bit left out with a screen full of that [17:44] heheh === Daviey_ is now known as Daviey === fernando is now known as Guest16706 [18:02] anyone any idea about bluetooth or intel gfx corruption on intrepid? [18:06] how do i install real player on kubuntu? [18:06] !mp3 | xp-killer [18:06] xp-killer: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [18:07] hehe your bot understands the pipe [18:07] thats ace [18:09] !bot > UKMadBeef [18:09] UKMadBeef, please see my private message [18:09] that's wicked [18:10] i've played with machine learning scripts for eggdrop but to be honest tcl makes my eyes bleed [18:13] Tm_T: i falow he first link u give me to restricted formats but i still cant read my videos [18:15] Tm_T: im trying to play rmvb video files [18:20] Hi! Do the KDE 4.2 Beta2 packages support Google Gadgets on plasma? [18:20] I am trying to use netbeans on linux, my first problem is doesnt find the library iostream, which package do I need to install in order to get it work properly?? [18:20] netbeans with c++ [18:22] no idea on either of those but fernando_ i would try looking through the repositories (using something like aptitude) for anything containing "libc" [18:22] but to be honest i have no clue when it comes to c++ if i write anything it's usually in vb hehe [18:23] oh yeah [18:23] piquadrat: there is a debian kde 4.2 live cd [18:23] might be worth looking at, in case you dont want to risk kde 4.2 on your installation [18:25] Hello? I need some help using IRC [18:26] UKMadBeef: I have already installed the Beta2 packages from kubuntu.org, they are absolutely stable for me. But I can't load Google Gadget files, altough I remember several announcements that KDE 4.2 should support them. === james_ is now known as james_26 [18:26] no idea then piquadrat you likely know more than i do already [18:26] Can someone help me out? [18:26] michael__: whats the problem you got this far :) [18:27] Well, I am trying to connect to a server for a new MMORPG in development [18:27] the channel is #AncientBeast [18:27] So, either I have not installed all the necessary deps for Google Gadgets or Kubuntu doesn't package them in the first place. Or perhaps the KDE devs dropped support for it for the 4.2 release... [18:27] I don't know how to connect, when I type in the channel, it says error connecting, and won't connect [18:27] if it's on the same server as this one, /join #AncientBeast [18:28] if not then it depends on which irc program you are using [18:28] Well, it let me now [18:28] but why wouldn't it before? [18:28] When I put it into auto connect [18:28] if you do that i think you have to disconnect and reconnect to the server [18:29] as auto connect probably only runs on startup [18:29] hmm, okay. I'll work with, thanks!!! [18:29] I'm connected now >.> [18:29] no probz :) [18:32] hyper_ch. ill pastebin that for u what i get k [18:32] deamoon: why? [18:32] deamoon: there's no point of you pasting the banned ips === lee_ is now known as Bowser [18:33] hyper_ch. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/95266/ [18:33] hyper_ch. its not that [18:33] deamoon: ??? [18:34] hyper_ch. i dont understand thant howto check [18:34] hello. i'm having trouble with the ide controller. http://pastebin.com/d1e797244 http://pastebin.com/d4e1699c2 [18:35] deamoon: I don't know what the problem is [18:35] deamoon: either your friend is banned, then he's in the deny.hosts file [18:35] deamoon: or you did not setup mysecureshell correctly, then you need to check the configuration and check the logs as to why it does not work [18:36] hyper_ch. w8 can u try to log in [18:36] hyper_ch. i did what web site sayd to do :) [18:36] DawnLight: does the hard drive click or anything while these errors are appearing? [18:37] like louder than usual [18:37] deamoon: giving someone you don't really know access is not a thing that is advised to do.... but I can try to login if you want [18:37] also do other operating systems work [18:38] hyper_ch. well ill creat a login for u [18:38] UKMadBeef: i can't check now - this is my friend's. windows works (as much as you can say such a thing) [18:41] hyper_ch. login pasw hyper ip [18:42] login can't be hyper_ch [18:42] deamoon, that is a really bad idea [18:42] deamoon, these channels are logged [18:43] bazhang: it's mysecureshell if everything works fine... so it's chrooted [18:43] deamoon, which means anyone reading the logs can get in now [18:43] (if correctly setup) [18:43] sorry DawnLight wife just got home looking at 2nd paste now [18:44] well im checkin is it workin [18:44] looks like no [18:44] :( [18:44] deamoon: [18:44] Could not chdir to home directory /home/hyper: No such file or directory [18:45] Connection to closed. [18:45] deamoon: so you did not set the home correctly [18:45] DawnLight: to be honest it doesnt look that much of a problem, all the hardware is pretty standard [18:45] what are the symptoms? [18:45] hyper_ch. so how to set up correctly [18:45] * UKMadBeef is a noob but will have a bash before teatime [18:46] deamoon: that depends on your config [18:47] hyper_ch. i dont know how to set dir as u sayd [18:47] deamoon: in the mysecureshell config you have currently set it to "Home /home/$USER" I assume [18:48] hyper_ch. i did /Home/home/$USER [18:48] hyper_ch. thats it [18:48] deamoon: well, that folder must exist [18:49] deamoon: if you want to make multiple users use the same folder then it should not have $USER at the end [18:49] deamoon: it's all a question of configuration [18:50] hello? [18:50] hyper_ch. so instead USER i should put user name? or what [18:50] $USER is a variable for the according user [18:51] deamoon: either create for each user a directory OR make one common directory for everyone [18:52] hyper_ch. so it should look like /Home/home if foe everyone [18:52] ? [18:52] hello there [18:52] hyper_ch. sorry for thes dumb questions [18:52] deamoon: I don't know.... you have to know what yuo want to do... I don't know what yuo want [18:52] any chance i can get ati card to work woth 3D? [18:52] with [18:53] kubuntu version 8.10 [18:53] deamoon: do you want that all people that get access to your box end up in the same directory? [18:53] would the official ati drivers do the trick? [18:53] deamoon: if you want that, then don't use the $USER variable [18:53] hyper_ch. yes [18:54] deamoon: if you want them to be in an individual folder each, then use the $USER variable and make sure the according directory exists [18:54] hyper_ch. write me full line with folder sftp for every1 [18:55] deamoon: why don't you try it? you learn much more that way [18:56] hyper_ch. cos i still didnt get it u kno my english is not first language :( [18:56] deamoon: english is my fourth language [18:57] hyper_ch. u from? [18:57] deamoon: switzerland [18:57] hyper_ch. i c [18:58] hyper_ch. ok is it gonna be like Home/home/sftp? [18:58] hyper_ch. or Home/home/USER/sftp? [19:00] deamoon: make a whole line of what you would enter there [19:00] deamoon: and also tell why you think that is good so === amazon is now known as amazon_ === amazon_ is now known as amazon__ [19:02] hyper_ch. ok i think that user logging to ftp will be directed to home and than to sftp as a home dir rigth? Home/home/sftp? === amazon__ is now known as amazooon [19:03] deamoon: not really [19:03] deamoon: you should learn about absolute and relativ paths [19:03] hyper_ch. lol [19:04] hyper_ch. i need to learn whole lot [19:04] deamoon: life is an neverending learning experience [19:04] hyper_ch. agree [19:05] deamoon: I'd use: /home/sftp [19:05] deamoon: and then create that folder [19:05] hyper_ch i c [19:06] deamoon: and then play around with DirFakeUser and DirFakeGroup and DirFakeMode so that every user has access to all files [19:06] deamoon: or maybe is that done with defaultrights... not sure... you just need to test that [19:07] hyper_ch. omg it sounds hard but i need to read more about it [19:07] hyper_ch. or otherwise im in troble [19:08] hyper_ch. u brobably programer or so [19:08] deamoon: I do know a bit of programming but it's not my main work [19:09] hyper_ch. what u do for livin [19:09] deamoon: the man pages are usually excellent [19:09] deamoon: lawyer [19:09] damn [19:09] nice [19:10] a lawyer once told me that understanding legal documents and program code isn't too dissimilar :) [19:10] although i tried it once with some legal stuff and it was worse than reading perl [19:10] and everyone knows perl looks like you've just sneezed on your screen [19:10] heheh [19:11] UKMadBeef: being lawyer is simple [19:11] UKMadBeef: you just need to tell "your" truth and "your" facts and tell the judge where the law say that you're right because of that truth and that fact [19:11] then how come you all get paid so much?? :) [19:12] UKMadBeef: because most people don't want to read much [19:13] ciao [19:14] anyone that can tell me how i get the burning windows to work?? i have compiz fusion enabled and have cube and water and many other efects, but the burning windows wont work although they are enabled.. help anyone? [19:15] i use kde 4.1 on a fujitsu siemens lifbook-E notebook === jussio1 is now known as jussi01 [19:16] bonsoir, tout le monde. J'ai besoin d'un peu d'aide. J'ai un pc portable avec dual core 2 duo (T7600) 2,4g. et 4Giga de Ram, je doit prendre le version Kubuntu a proc 64bit pour pour voir gérer ma ram ? merci bc [19:17] anyone that can help me?? [19:18] rolf29: I dont know about compiz much, but i seem to remember if you have a conflicting effect on then it could negate the burn one. so check there is no other action for windows being closed also [19:19] such as?? i tried turning it to random efects also.. === haha_ is now known as haha_48 [19:28] hello.. which would be the package that I'd install to get the RSS dataengine for plasma (to get RSSNOW widget working) [19:28] ? [19:30] hyper_ch: hehe too true (sorry wasnt being ignorant, dog just puked up hehe had to clean) [19:30] wish IT guys got paid as much for reading manuals tho hehe [19:31] well [19:31] i guess some are but not me hehe === hannascott is now known as hannascott_NA [19:36] hi what would cause CUPS to be slow? [19:44] Hello, I'm having trouble after the first boot of a kubuntu 8.10 install. After I have logged in and the splash screen comes up it kinda stalls after the hd icon is fully visible but after 5-10 minutes its still at the splash screen and not starting up KDE. I'm using a i810 gfx card. Anything I should change? [19:46] It doesn't work from the Livecd either btw and it is a clean install === Ellana is now known as Skulblaka [19:54] kubuntu 8.10, doesn't show a dialog when a cd/dvd is inserted. It works fine with a usb storage [19:57] Hello my names Coltin, and im having a KDE issue with Kubuntu 8.10 can anyone help? [19:57] If you state the problem maybe [19:59] Well after I logged in The KDE desktop was no longer there, and was replaced, to what looks like a gnome desktop, it had an errorr, but i accidently pressed a button on it, so I dont know what it was. The options were Dont delete, or delete tho [20:01] sorry can't think of what to do [20:01] if you wait awhille maybe some one with more experience will help you [20:01] yea thank you, anyone you can recommend? [20:02] not really [20:02] k === oguz is now known as ogzy [20:04] So anyone else currently here than can help me, with a KDE 4 Kubuntu 8.10 problem? [20:06] did they get rid of desktop cube in 8.10 [20:07] im a complete noob lol [20:07] i have no idea what that is [20:08] how new r u coltin [20:08] Well I have merely dabbled in different linux programs, I want to become serious in learning, but was born and raised on windows, I really dislike windows tho === _2 is now known as root_____ [20:10] eh they all have their place [20:10] This problem im having is a serious annoyance tho, I really hope to get it fixed soon [20:10] what problem are u having [20:11] Well I logged on to my computer today, and KDE 4 was no longer there, what Im currently seeing is a stripped down gnome desktop, it had an error but i accidently exited out of it so i do not know what it was. [20:11] sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop [20:12] it says is already the newesst version [20:13] should i try uninstalling it then instelling it [20:13] try uninstalling gnome] [20:14] brb [20:14] i dont think its actually gnome on here, it just seems like it, it appears kde4 is the only actual thing on here so i dont get it [20:16] maybe it is gnome pretending to be kde [20:16] really being kde, trying to mess with your head [20:16] lol what [20:16] astleast you are getting to the desktop stage [20:16] I just want my kde 4 back on here lmao [20:16] i get stuck at the splash screen [20:17] thats how far i get [20:17] i just wanted to check out kde4 on kubuntu quickly, bit dissapointed with this [20:17] i guess im just going to have to uninstall reinstall [20:17] yeh me too, back to slackware, this is 8.10 is a joke [20:18] i like it a lot, but it did take a while to get everything to work right [20:19] not really [20:19] i tried another kubuntu and it was a few clicks here and there [20:19] easy peasy [20:19] (compared to slackware) [20:19] yea === DarkSmoke is now known as DS-BrB [20:38] man why is my video so weird [20:38] broken pieces, scrambled lines on tray icons [20:38] hi guys, i need your help, i need a link for a nice tutorial about the CardLayout class, thanks. === ssj is now known as SSJ_GZ === alexander is now known as AlexanderChriste [20:49] hey, just updated to 8.10 and i cannot shut down my computer from the graphical interface i need to sudo reboot or sudo halt to get it to shutdown, clicking logoff or anything from the kmenu appears to do nothing [20:49] also i cannot get jockey to install the fglrx drivers, it says they are available, i click activate it says downloading/ installing and then the window closes and i'm back to a view of an unactivated fglrx driver [20:50] Hello guys! I've installed ubuntu and I'm verry happy for it :) But I can't type an "at" (@) with my Danish keyboard - I've tryed googled it without luck though, any help? [20:52] AlexanderChriste: search the forums for dpkg-reconfigure xorg-server or something like that, it probably guessed your keyboard wrong with the autoconfigure, but you need to know more information about you compouter than you did when you first installed kubuntu when you do that === DS-BrB is now known as DarkSmoke [20:52] ciao [20:53] c'è qualcuno? [20:53] AlexanderChriste: it will ask you things like your video card, refresh rate, verticle/horizontal sync, as well as keyboard layout and screen resolutions, it stores the configurations in /etc/x11/xorg.conf or /etc/xorg/xorg.conf some string like that, sorry i'm not in kubuntu right now so i can't check [20:53] !it | floryn90 [20:53] floryn90: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) === root is now known as Guest61427 [21:00] Hello. How can I tell an X program's window ran from the shell to always keep on top? === hallowname|FFF is now known as hallowname [21:13] hello [21:13] how do i enable scroll lock button? i press it and nothing happens??? [21:15] without X, it works fine, but as soon as X starts (frooom kdm) i cannot press it [21:16] Hi, I updated to KDE 4.2 Beta 2 and the RSSNOW, weather and news applets are not retrieving the data. I tried reinstalling kdeplasma-addons to no avail. I opened plasmaengineexplorer and there is nothing under 'weather'. What may be wrong? === hannascott_NA is now known as hannascott === tobi_ is now known as tobi__ [21:41] guys, anyone else is seeing (on kubuntu 8.10) that inkscape is broken? [21:41] it doesn't draw anything at all [21:41] object are all invisible, and color bars don't even show up [21:42] ah, figured out [21:42] what on... it defaults to tranlucency == 100% for all new objects [21:42] very useful :( [21:42] and well, colorbars still don't show up in the object properties === blizzzek is now known as blizzz === mike is now known as Guest23149 === ssj is now known as SSJ_GZ [21:54] ouah putain ça debarque ici [21:54] Hi everyone. [21:55] hi [21:57] Hello. How can I tell an X program's window ran from the shell to always keep on top? [22:00] hello/ help me to find rus help [22:01] !ru > iGoose [22:01] iGoose, please see my private message [22:01] thx [22:01] hi is there any way to manage dual display in kde4? [22:01] krandtray sees both of the screens [22:01] Hi! I am under Kubuntu 8.04. I would like to upgrade to Kubuntu 8.10, but I fear that I will loose Khotkeys. Does Khotkeys finally work? [22:02] In Kubuntu 8.04, I am under KDE4, but I use khotkeys from KDE3. Is khotkeys still broken in Kubuntu 8.10? [22:07] Bonjour [22:07] !fr | elite47 [22:07] elite47: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr [22:08] No one knows about the status of khotkeys in Kubuntu 8.10? I thought it was intensively used by advanced users. [22:09] vivien: i don't think anyone here feels like talking about khotkeys right now :P [22:10] hallowname: Oh! Why is that? === erwin__ is now known as vaiursch [22:11] vivien: i don't know... maybe bad time of the day, and no khotkeys guru's are here :P [22:11] vivien: i dont know anything about it, i actually don't even have kubuntu, i just use the 'kubuntu-desktop' package + kdesvn-build [22:12] hallowname: Ok... Maybe KDE IRC is more alive? [22:12] hallowname: What is this package? [22:12] vivien: sort of... [22:12] vivien: huh? that package installs kubuntu desktop from an 'ubuntu' system [22:13] hallowname: ok, but does it not interfere with your kde builds? [22:14] hallowname: You are under KDE 4.2, then. Did you find significant improvements over KDE 4.1, in terms of stability and efficiency? [22:15] vivien: last I heard khotkeys was going to be fixed for kde 4.2 [22:16] hallowname: I see. I wonder how developers are working without it. I cannot believe they click on icons to launch applications! [22:17] dwidmann: thanks for the information. I guess there is no way to have it under 8.10. Then I will wait from 9.04... [22:17] Hi again guys - How can I open this file? [22:17] Change to the location where the WineCVS.sh is lying and start it with: [22:17] vivien: when kde 4.2 is released it'll probably find its way into intrepid-backports [22:17] $ sh WineCVS.sh [22:19] dwidmann: yes, but in between... This is a pity because I had to warn several people about that (possibly) broken feature. Kubuntu is not responsible for it, anyway... [22:20] vivien: the PPA repo for KDE 4.2 beta 2 is good [22:21] hyper_ch: And khotkeys is back in it? [22:21] vivien: what's that? [22:21] hyper_ch: It enables you to define global shortcuts. For instance to launch a konsole, or a browser. [22:22] hyper_ch: for instance ctrl+win+k or so to launch the konsole. How do you launch a konsole? [22:22] vivien: haven't tried [22:22] vivien: but kontact is a lot nicer [22:22] vivien: so is amarok [22:22] vivien: :) [22:23] hyper_ch: Yes, but without khotkeys... I am not going to launch applications with krunner or by clicking on icons!! [22:23] vivien: you can add shortcuts to the menu items from the menu editor. [22:24] vivien: you could make shortcuts with xbindkeys [22:24] vivien: atleast that works for me in 4.2 beta 2. [22:24] vivien: well, you do have to "move" somehow anyway until we have neural interfaces [22:24] fdoving: It does not work in Kubuntu 8.10 as far as I know. Khotkeys is supposed to handle that, but it seems to be broken [22:25] vivien: works for me with the beta 2 ppa. [22:25] hyper_ch: I am looking forward to that neural interface! [22:25] fdoving: good news! [22:25] Anyone running KDE 4.2 Beta 2 from the repos can say if the RSS, News and weather plasmoids work? [22:26] vivien: so am I [22:26] antiquark: rss plasmoid of kontact? [22:26] no RSSNOW on the desktop [22:26] fdoving: Is kde 4.2 beta 2 stable enough? [22:27] I filed a bug on the KDE bug tracker, but I was called it is probable a Kubuntu packaging issue [22:27] vivien: it's way better than 4.1 I think [22:28] vivien: also akonadi sometimes has a few issues [22:28] vivien: for my day to day work it's fine. haven't experienced any big issues, not that i've explored it much though. [22:28] yea 4.2.svn is great here [22:28] way better than 4.1 [22:28] hyper_ch & fdoving: I am tempted. Not sure yet [22:28] vivien: you can do it if you really want [22:29] vivien: you can do it if you really want, but you must try [22:29] im a plasma programmer so it's like desktop heaven to me... [22:29] vivien: try and try, try and try [22:29] vivien: you'll succeed at last :) [22:29] vivien: backup your homedir/configs and give it a try. [22:29] it's not too unstable really... [22:29] hyper_ch: but, there is no flight back [22:29] yea, keep ur /home safe :P [22:29] vivien: sure there is [22:29] vivien: backups :) [22:29] vivien: you should always have backups [22:29] vivien: no matter what you do [22:30] who konws, if you turn on your computer tomorrow the harddisk might just be dead [22:30] it can happen [22:30] hyper_ch: First, I need to upgrade to Kubuntu 8.10; I cannot get back to 8.01 [22:30] vivien: remove koffice2 if its installed before installing 4.2 [22:30] hyper_ch: I backup my home, not my /usr [22:30] just use kdesvn-build [22:30] vivien: there is no 8.01 [22:31] 8.04 [22:31] :) [22:31] I almost installed 9.04 yesterday [22:31] hyper_ch: im on 9.04 (kinda) [22:32] But, ok, assume I upgrade to 8.10. Then I have KDE 4.1.2 (or 4.1.3? I cannot recall). Now I install the 4.2 beta package. Is it possible to get back the 4.1 in case of problems? [22:32] With a backup of .kde of course [22:33] vivien: not really [22:33] well, reinstallation if that falls under "to get back to 4.1) [22:33] So, this is quite a jump. From Kubuntu 8.04 to Kubuntu 8.10 + KDE 4.2 beta... [22:33] i have done that kind of downgrading in the past, but it's not recommended if you need to ask that question, really. [22:34] i find 8.10+4.2b2 to be pretty usable. [22:34] I always do a reinstall upon each release [22:34] get rid of that crap that I installed for testing purposes [22:34] The funny part is that the stable version is not the one it is supposed (I mean Kubuntu 8.04). You are telling me the best version is a beta version :) [22:34] and have a clean build [22:35] vivien: it's LTS... [22:35] Which one? [22:35] vivien: and by default KDE 3.54 [22:35] vivien: kde4 is something altogether different [22:35] 8.04 is LTS [22:35] vivien: you can choose, stable, predictable and safe, or edgy, cool, new features, with a slightly higher risk of something breaking. [22:35] stable is also 8.10 [22:37] fdoving: Well, 8.04 is really broken. Konqueror crashes most of the time when it is closed. It has other bugs. Khotkeys is down. The whole is so slow. [22:38] hyper_ch: yes, you are right. KDE 3.5.9 (or 3.5.10) can be in a LTS. No problem. [22:38] vivien: then it might be a good idea to upgrade. 4.2 is a beta but it's still a 4.2, not a 4.1 :) [22:38] help me please [22:39] who are free now and will listen my problem? [22:39] is there any file where I can check what Ubuntu version the machine has ? [22:39] !question | jillsmitt [22:39] jillsmitt: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [22:39] EtherNet: lsb_release -a [22:39] cool [22:39] I do 8.10 :D [22:39] that's all I wanted to know [22:40] EtherNet: only 4 months to go till 9.04 [22:40] the countdown has started :D [22:40] if you wanna wait until it's declared "stable" [22:40] time flys when you get older. heh [22:40] fdoving: I will consider that. You can confirm me again khotkeys is ok in your KDE 4.2 beta 2? This is my main issue. I can cope with bugs, but a broken khotkeys is too much for me! [22:41] hyper_ch: emm, i delete all kde software from my kubuntu, i want to use just X, how can i do it? [22:41] vivien: i can't find the usual old khotkeys config-gui, where you can add commands and gestures etc. but adding shortcuts to menuitems does work. [22:41] jillsmitt: What do you mean by "use just X"? [22:41] * EtherNet is going to install OpenOFFICE 3 under Ubuntu, cause the repository offers OpenOFFICE 2.X [22:41] when OpenOffice is gonna be available on the repositories! [22:42] fdoving: menueditor, you mean? [22:42] vivien: kmenuedit [22:42] vivien: there is no graphical display manager now, i need to run flux for example, how can i realize it by only tty1 or tty2? [22:42] fdoving: apart from kmenueditor, the configuration is supposed to be in the system settings, adanced tab, 'input actions" [22:43] EtherNet: openoffice is availabile in the repos [22:43] EtherNet: just not v3 [22:43] vivien: i just dont have kde on my computer, and i want to try something else, is it possible? [22:43] EtherNet: and it won't be in the current release - at least not from the official repos [22:43] hyper_ch, sure I have 2.x installed from repositories, but 3.X is very cool and stable it should be available now [22:44] vivien: it's not there, but there is 'kcmshell keys' - doesn't work that well.. [22:44] EtherNet: that's not how it works [22:44] EtherNet: and to be honest, I don't see many things added to 3 that make me desperatly want it [22:44] vivien: that is 'kcmshell4 keys' [22:44] EtherNet: but then, all I need to do is writting letters and well structured legal documents [22:44] hyper_ch, not new features I think, but it's faster [22:44] jillsmitt: I do not know flux. Is there a logging manager associated to it? [22:44] EtherNet: faste on ...? [22:45] hyper_ch, it loads faster, I don't know I feel it faster when I work with it [22:45] jillsmitt: you probably need to launch xdm, gdm or kdm: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start (kdm or anything else you have) [22:46] EtherNet: if you tweak OOo 2 a bit it will launch fast also [22:46] jillsmitt: and choose your environment before you login [22:46] vivien: ah, input actions is there. it's in the general tab. [22:46] vivien: i try it, wait a sec [22:47] my OOo opens in 4 secs, on a 512mb 1ghz running kde4svn+compiz+firefox+amarok(while updating mysql collection) [22:47] * hallowname brags and hides [22:47] fdoving: if it is in the general tab, it is a good sign! [22:47] vivien: let me test it. hang on. [22:48] jillsmitt: you may consider launching "ls /etc/init.d/*dm" to check what login manager are installed [22:48] vivien: yep, works. [22:48] vivien: ok [22:48] fdoving: Wonderful!!! Thanks for trying this. [22:49] vivien: thereis no login managers, what manager is smallest? i whant to install it now [22:49] fdoving: would you be using kontact (kmail, akregator), konsole, amarok and konqueror? These are my main applications. [22:49] marek_: are you still awaiting an answer on dual screens? [22:49] hallowname: so does mine [22:49] hallowname: in a little faster comp [22:50] hallowname: but fully encrypted ;) [22:50] jillsmitt: I would install xdm for a light one: "sudo apt-get install xdm" [22:50] marek_: if so, I know it works just fine on 4.2 + nvidia, after configuring twinview mode using nvidia-settings app. Nto sure if that ever worked fine for 4.1 [22:50] EtherNet: so you still have OOo 2.4? [22:50] vivien: ok thx [22:50] hyper_ch, yep [22:50] EtherNet: open it :) [22:50] EtherNet: then we tweak a few settings [22:51] hyper_ch, :D hehe there we go, hold on [22:51] vivien: i use konsole and amarok. dolphin for filemanagement, and mostly opera for mail and web. but konqueror also works well, but i haven't used it as my primary browser lately. [22:52] fdoving: main issue I have with konqui is the JS support [22:52] that's not really good :( [22:53] * uga notes that it's usually sites that are not really good [22:53] hyper_ch, loaded. [22:53] EtherNet: go to: Tools --> Options [22:53] I am there [22:53] EtherNet: then in "openoffic.org" expand it and select "Memory" [22:53] there. [22:54] EtherNet: set number of steps to 40 [22:54] fdoving: And would kaffeine be back? [22:54] hyper_ch, changed [22:54] EtherNet:graphics cache --> user of OOo: 20mb [22:54] EtherNet: also, disablin the JVM ups teh speed... some ppl need it tho... [22:54] vivien: kio-umountwrapper is broken i think, how can i force remove it? [22:54] EtherNet: memory per obeject 5MB [22:54] EtherNet: number of objects: 20 [22:54] vivien: the old kaffeine is there. i don't use it at all. [22:54] hyper_ch, yep [22:54] EtherNet: then in the left tab again, select now "java" [22:55] I am there [22:55] it's using java runtime [22:55] EtherNet: and disable java runtime environment [22:55] jillsmitt: what makes you say that? [22:55] done [22:55] EtherNet: close it and restart [22:55] jillsmitt: i can probably help you there. what does it say? [22:55] vivien: i can download but i cant install xsm [22:56] hyper_ch, looks a bit faster :D [22:56] hyper_ch, menus renders faster. [22:56] jillsmitt: something like: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kio-umountwrapper/+bug/186729 ? [22:56] EtherNet: actually, change graphics cache: use for OOo to 128 [22:56] EtherNet: memory per object 20 [22:56] fdoving: first i open to u facts) i was del all kde software [22:56] EtherNet: number of objects 20 [22:56] vivien: tty only i can use now [22:56] lemme check [22:56] vivien: no browsers [22:57] jillsmitt: yeah, it's probably the bug vivien gave you the link to. it's a missing dependency. [22:57] fdoving: i cant use graphics, tell me how can i fix it? [22:57] EtherNet: on a blank document you probably won't notice much difference [22:57] hyper_ch, it loads faster even [22:57] maybe because of the lack of java now [22:57] EtherNet: oh ok :) [22:58] EtherNet: java is a big part [22:58] fdoving: i only have nude terminal alt+f1 alt+f2... [22:58] EtherNet: does OOo 3 still have java enabled? [22:58] EtherNet: if yes, then disabling it should make it even faster [22:58] hyper_ch, I am not sure [22:58] hyper_ch, thanks for your help :D [22:58] EtherNet: but you see, a little tweak makes it a lot faster [22:58] jillsmitt: sudo apt-get --reinstall install kio-umountwrapper [22:58] jillsmitt: mkdir -p /usr/share/apps/dolphin/servicemenus/ && touch /usr/share/apps/dolphin/servicemenus/media_safelyremove.desktop.distrib [22:58] and now: good night everybody [22:59] hyper_ch, have a nice sleep [22:59] jillsmitt: then remove it with 'sudo apt-get remove kio-umountwrapper' - or do as vivien says. [23:00] ooh, it was true ... the gwenview fullscreen thumbnail bar *is* fixed in svn [23:01] Hi Everyone, Not sure if i have understood this correctly.I am running Windows and Ubuntu as dual boot on a partetion hard drive [23:02] from Ubuntu i've installed Virtual Box [23:02] and want to load my windows inside Unbuntu.. [23:02] dinesh_: oh no!!! teh virtual bawkx :P [23:02] dinesh_: it's pretty simple really [23:02] hallowname: does VBox know how to run from real disks? and is it safe? [23:02] dinesh_: using it u can have doze load in about 8 seconds or so... [23:02] vmware keeps warning that it's not very safe [23:03] uga: huh? vmware is lame... and closed source... [23:03] uga: it's never damaged any disc of mine... ? [23:03] i want to load windows from a real disk [23:03] hallowname: and vbox is lame too, and closed source the most interesting part for linux users (usb devs) [23:03] dinesh_: that's fine [23:03] so it doesn't break all drivers etc? [23:03] i am not sure if Virtual box is capable of doing it [23:03] dinesh_: mount it under the virtual windows's settings [23:03] dinesh_: sure it can [23:04] the windows partetion is already mounted.. [23:04] is that what you mean [23:04] dinesh_: have you made a virtual windows machine yet? via the 'new machine wizard'? [23:04] jillsmitt: how is it going? [23:04] dinesh_: oh, you mean from actual disk [23:04] Yes.. [23:04] yes [23:04] actual disk [23:05] dinesh_: gotcha, that's not safe, but if you must, i would suggest converting the disk into a .vdi first [23:05] dinesh_: it's a google and read project ;) [23:05] hallowname: see? vbox is even more lame [23:05] dinesh_: it can be done however [23:05] lol [23:05] uga: haha, it must be... but i can read the source... which i like... [23:06] let me google a bit to see if its safe to turn my real disk to .vdi [23:06] hallowname: the problem is the only good reason for running windows on a virtual box is mostly usb gadgets [23:06] which require specific windows software [23:06] at least for me [23:06] and the opensource version doesn't do that [23:06] true [23:06] fdoving: fdoving vivien .../dolphin/... and .../d3lphin/.... too [23:06] uga: yea... but it's one step closer to gnu [23:07] uga: i could use photoshop if i wanted... but i use gimp... [23:07] hallowname: go bochs =) [23:07] uga: woot! [23:07] Hallowname thank you very much [23:07] dinesh_: yup === root is now known as Guest25173 === surma is now known as matti_ [23:08] hallowname: btw, photoshop runs under wine [23:08] at least CS2 does [23:09] uga: i kno :) [23:09] uga: CS3 even, with hax [23:09] hallowname: my working path: LightZone/bibble->showfoto/gimp->done [23:10] jillsmitt: "sudo apt-get --reinstall install dolphin konqueror libkonq4" [23:10] dinesh_: virtualbox works very well if you install windows directly on a drive that virtualbox manages [23:10] I haven't needed photoshop at all [23:10] uga: hehe, gimpz ahoy... i work at a tattoo parlor, and do all graphics with gimp... [23:10] imho photoshop is just an overpriced toy [23:11] uga: very overpriced... and over licensed :) [23:11] vivien: no thx i dont want it now, eeemmm i install xdm, why nothing works only mouse, nothing [23:12] jillsmitt: i did not understand your message, then. I thought you had the same problem with dolphin. === rob is now known as Guest17014 [23:12] jillsmitt: So, is xdm installed now? [23:12] vivien: i dont have dolphin any more) [23:12] vivien: yea it is [23:13] jillsmitt: and, what about the "sudo /etc/init.d/xdm restart" ? === andres__ is now known as nightborne [23:13] hallowname: we'll see new photo/drawing apps coming to linux soon. you'll see (even commercial ones). So far I know lightzone (from lightcrafts.com), bibble (from bibblelabs.com), xara (xara.com), autopano pro (from autopano.net), pixel (www.kanzelsberger.com) and sure there are many others [23:13] jillsmitt: it does not work? [23:14] uga: indeed... i even like krita(kde4.trunk anyway)+wacom :) [23:14] vivien: xdm works, but only mouse cursor on my screen, there is nothing no fuctions no menus [23:14] vivien: just screen with mouse on alt+f7 [23:14] hallowname: yes, but it's still slightly buggy and features arent' that easy to use/complete [23:15] my first plasmoid hits 32 downloads... and no feedback yet... http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/OpenBrain?content=95913 [23:15] also, I do photos mostly, and krita authors aren't targetting photographers mainly [23:15] uga: yea i spose, but i still like it :) [23:15] uga: i do alot of business style graphics (tattoos, fonts, cards, flyers, etc) [23:16] hallowname: ah, your app must be loved by computer n00bs [23:16] uga: i dunno, i haven't had one person even tell me if they can get it to compile or not... [23:16] jillsmitt: Humm... Strange. Maybe you should try kdm, just to understand what is happenning. Later you will ge back to xdm. Install the package kdm and launch it. Tell us wht happend [23:16] I recall that long ago, when computers were still not that common, I was told a story about a mom... who entered her first computer and typed in... "who discovered america?" [23:16] she got an error prompt and wondered why [23:17] uga: of course [23:17] hallowname: does it build against trunk? [23:17] vivien: and how after install xdm use any programs, when i autorize nothing.. i just dont have any DE (no KDE, no Gnome) [23:17] if so I could test it [23:17] uga: i want computers to be easy for everyone to use... [23:17] uga: yea, trunk kde, and trunk qt-copy only dependencies [23:17] ok, lets try [23:17] jillsmitt: you said you had one called flux? [23:17] uga: oh yea, plus cmake, if that isn't a duh [23:18] vivien: yea i think so, but i dont know how to start it... only what i know - i have xdm and all [23:18] jillsmitt: actually, I guess it is fluxbox, right? If it is installed, it should be available. At leat it would under Debian. I have never tried anything else than KDE, under Kubuntu. [23:19] hallowname: builds fine but fails installing [23:19] hi [23:19] vivien: after autorize xdm shows only blank grey screen whith beautifull mouse cursor [23:19] uga: hmm, y? [23:19] -- Installing: /usr/local/kde4/share/kde4/services/plasma-applet-openbrain.desktop [23:19] -- Installing: /etc/openbrain_configuration [23:19] CMake Error at cmake_install.cmake:60 (FILE): [23:19] file unknown error. [23:19] hallowname: ^^^ [23:19] uga: crap... [23:19] i have a problem, does anyone use GEANY? i need help [23:19] jillsmitt: try kdm. Maybe it will be smarter and it will find fluxbox [23:19] uga: the cmakelist.txt just installs a dir called openbrain_configuration to /etc with +x permissions... [23:20] sounds like cmake didn't like it being a folder? [23:20] uga: any ideas? [23:20] I'm not a cmake-expert, but sounds like a -R is needed somewhere?=) [23:20] vivien: )))) how can human (me, you) find and tech xdm to run any DE like fluxbox or else? [23:20] uga: if i delete the entire project from my computer, it builds and installs fine... :( [23:20] uga: ingenius man! [23:20] uhm strange. what cmake version? [23:21] 2.6-patch2 for me [23:21] uga: that's it, i forgot -R when i added -a for the perms [23:21] heh [23:22] I'm running 8.04 - something i've installed has pulled in the KDE4 window manager and i'm not being asked which one I want to use - does it matter? [23:22] vivien: maybe xdm config files? tell me please what files may run anything after login? [23:22] ola [23:23] :D [23:23] jillsmitt: just try with kdm first. If it works, getting it in xdm will be a second step, an improvement [23:23] uga: crud... can't figure it out... i added that -aR from code... not cmakelist.txt... [23:24] you could possibly ask #cmake [23:24] hallowname: I'm an old autotools lover =) [23:24] uga: yea, me too, but cmake looks awful pretty with kde4 plasmoids [23:25] uga: try copying the openbrain_configuration folder to /etc with -aR manually, then installing [23:25] jillsmitt: I am no expert; I am not even sure kubuntu leaves room for another DE than Gnome and KDE! I am trying to search on the Internet, but I am experiencing connection problems right now! [23:26] hallowname: oups! foudn the problem [23:26] hallowname: nonono. hardcoded paths aren't nice =)) [23:27] uga: hmm? [23:27] vivien: i found it in xdm skills: xdm -session [] [23:27] hallowname: it should ionstall to the prefix/etc [23:27] uga: ahh? what linux wouldn't have /etc? [23:27] hallowname: but it's trying to install /etc [23:27] vivien: im going to try it [23:27] hallowname: linux got /etc, but no permissions ;) [23:27] my kde dir isn't / [23:27] it's under /usr/local [23:27] uga: ok... i see... i forgot cmake's variable for / tho [23:27] is there some ppa for 2.6.28 or some rc with GEM support? [23:28] for, intrepid.. [23:28] vivien: sudo xdm -session fluxbox - this gave terminal under xdm after login [23:28] uga: could you recommend storing that data somewhere else (in undeleteable to regular user form) [23:29] vivien: i am father of xdm now) heh [23:29] uga: thx for testing it tho! [23:29] uga: i really appreciate it [23:29] jillsmitt: I am loosing my internet connection! No more google or e-mails. I do not even understand how IRC is still up. I might leav anytime because of the connection issue [23:30] vivien: thx for help [23:30] hallowname: I can install those manually. possibly there's something like ${PREFIX}? [23:30] jillsmitt: well done! Is that what you wanted? [23:30] vivien: almost [23:30] uga: thx man AIML bot for everyone tomorrow [23:30] lol [23:30] jillsmitt: come back on KDE when you are tired with fluxbox. ;-) [23:30] vivien: iam on right way...) [23:30] vivien: no thx [23:31] hallowname: found it [23:31] hallowname: DESTINATION ${SYSCONF_INSTALL_DIR} [23:31] that fixes [23:31] jillsmitt: Ok, good luck for the next steps, then [23:31] vivien: its very interesting stuff [23:31] hallowname: ok, cya [23:31] uga: thx a ton man, ill push to git now [23:31] uga: c ya [23:32] hallowname: in case you're still around, runs and loads fine, but I get an "Internal Error!" msg [23:33] hi borthers, 8.10 's desktop's widgets are so nice, but it seems unstable [23:33] uga: sheesh... thx man, ill check it out [23:33] so i get back to 8.04 [23:33] my System Settings looks nothing like http://www.kubuntu.org/docs/kquickguide/C/ch03s07.html I don't even have a "Internet & Network" section. All that I have is a weak section called "Network & Connectivity" and under that I only have "Network Settings" and "Sharing". Under network settings I only have have "Proxy" "Connection preferences" and "Service directory" [23:34] nothing that really lets me manage my interfaces. === surma is now known as matti_ [23:35] anybody using kde 4.2 beta 2? [23:37] exothermc: can you check what files you have under /usr/share/kde4/services/ ? [23:37] exothermc: you should find tons of entries there, which correspond to the modules systemsettings can load [23:37] anyone successfully setup kubuntu to connect to wifi using tkip? [23:38] hell [23:38] o [23:38] anybody using kde4.2? [23:38] exothermc: entries called settings-***** [23:38] webbi, any problem? [23:39] I just update to kde4.2 (from kde4.1) and i found a couple of new plasmoids, but when i try to add them (for example, lancelot launcher) I receive an error: "could not find requested component: lancelot_launcher" [23:39] uga: ya there are the ones that are listed in my system settings panel. [23:39] I have no idea what is it or how to solve it [23:39] exothermc: you should have files named like settings-appearance.desktop [23:39] exothermc: and that should show an entry for appearance [23:40] you are lucky that you can log in, webbi... i'm presented with a black screen! [23:40] uga: yup. [23:40] Ekushey: ooooh that's so bad... I though it was a little more stable... [23:40] how exactly do I check my kde version? [23:40] exothermc: oh, so what was the problem, maybe I misunderstood [23:40] scythefwd: open any kde app and go to "help -> about" [23:40] scythefwd: for example, kate [23:41] uga: can you check to see if the openbrain plasmoid make a .openbrain in ur home dir? [23:42] exothermc: I run kde 4.2 from svn trunk, and there's nothing called exactly "internet & network" either. Just, network settings, which shows options for proxy etc [23:42] exothermc: I thoguht yoiu were missing system settings entries [23:42] hallowname: no [23:42] nowhere near 4. I am still using 3.5.10 [23:42] uga: Well I thought I was. For instance where do you go to configure an interface into bridge mode, or set your IP manually. [23:43] exothermc: bridge mode? you want yoru computer to act as a bridge for another one? [23:43] uga: crud... copy the openbrain_configuration dir to ~ as .openbrain, might load it... [23:43] exothermc: or you mean dhcp [23:43] uga: no bridge != dhcp and no I don't want to bridge to another computer. [23:43] uga: it's the same problem, just in qt instead of cmake... i hardcoded to copy from /etc... [23:43] exothermc: then why do you want a bridge [23:44] scythefwd: which app you used to see it? [23:44] exothermc: a bridge is something that converts one address to another one. Usually used on routers/gateways [23:44] uga: Yes you are correct. [23:44] scythefwd: because for example, konversation show me version 3.5, but im on 4.2 [23:44] scythefwd: you should try with konsole too [23:44] exotherm, you can go to /etc/network/interfaces to set IP, mask [23:44] check network settings network interfaces and routes. But honestly, it's better to do those manually if needed [23:44] as scythefwd said [23:45] webbi, kirc is what I used. how do I do that from cli? [23:45] uga: Ok what about just setting your IP manually? [23:46] exothermc: I usually do manually editing, but check same dialog I mentioned. Add new network interface, and configure with fixed IP address [23:47] uga: Under network settings I only have have "Proxy" "Connection preferences" and "Service directory" [23:47] ahhhhh, I see what you mean [23:47] exothermc: I have another entry in 4.2 trunk [23:47] which allows adding interfaces :/ [23:47] why would my terminal be useless (locks up and has to be killed before I get a prompt) but my konsole work fine? [23:47] uga: So it seems that 4.1 can't manage interfaces? [23:48] exothermc: maybe you can do that through knetworkmanager? [23:48] try running knetworkmanager. it shows an icon in the system tray, and right click can add interfaces iirc [23:48] exothermc: I still wonder why anybody thought of adding 4.1 to a linux distribution [23:48] uga: ok === ethernet_ is now known as aG0x [23:49] uga: ahh ok, for sysadmin would you recommend going to 4.0 or 4.2? [23:49] exothermc: for sysadmins I recommend http://rute.2038bug.com/index.html.gz =) [23:49] uga: hehe [23:50] lol [23:50] exothermc: but yes, you sure will get better utilities on the next releases [23:50] uga: is it feature frozen yet? [23:51] scythefwd: I dont know, i just open konsole or kate and go to help -> about [23:51] exothermc: yes [23:52] exothermc: well, kde 4.2 is, no idea about kubuntu [23:52] they are still in alpha I believe [23:52] 4.2 should be officially out in a month or so [23:52] way more stable [23:52] 4.2 is in beta [23:52] Tm_T: I meant kubuntu [23:53] the distro [23:53] uga: how would moving to 4.2 effect other packages on the kubuntu system? [23:54] exothermc: not much [23:54] Tm_T: ie, kubuntu jaunty (alpha 2). I don't suggest anyone installing beta packages. They easily go unsupported. Just like openoffice 3 which fails running now [23:54] uga: Jaunty? yes, Jaunty is in alpha [23:54] I think the best way for anyone to use 4.2 is thoruhg a distro upgrade [23:54] else it's asking for trouble [23:54] Tm_T: you have a good resource which describes how to bring kubuntu to kde trunk? [23:55] !neon | exothermc [23:55] exothermc: The Neon Project provides daily Amarok and KDE 4 trunk builds as packages for Kubuntu | See http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/User:Apachelogger/Project_Neon and http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/User:Apachelogger/Project_Neon/KDE/Info for more | Support in #amarok.neon [23:55] exothermc: but remind you, it might eat your children and burn your house === DarkSmoke is now known as DS-Sleepin [23:55] hmm my house ehhh? I could sacrifice a few children. [23:55] * uga thinks reading the linux rute guide is best option [23:56] it works for hardy, gutsy, intrepid and jaunty [23:56] and it's cross-distro compatible [23:56] uga: While my debian based sysadmin is a little rusty I do fine in it. [23:57] uga: I actually don't use a X11 manager for any of the linux machines I manage. I'm just trying to help a co-worker with his desktop. I use osx [23:57] exothermc: what areyou trying to configure anyway? a new route through a router? [23:58] uga: No we do some packet captures of some client devices we put behind the desktop for testing purposes etc. [23:58] ah [23:58] I was pretty confused as to what you were trying to do =) [23:58] most users say bridge here, and have their routers in mind [23:58] uga: We can do those configurations by hand down on the OS level, but the point I was trying to flush out was is the interface just really this broken. [23:58] say router, and they think a fully fledged gaetway or proxy [23:58] =) [23:59] or was I just missing something. Looks like the answer is the interface is just plain broke. [23:59] exothermc: I had to kill networkconfig myself [23:59] I really don't know how to control it [23:59] it's lacking features, and kills my networking now and then