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Eli_Turkonetinsoldier, I'm here.16:02
onetinsoldierEli_Turk: when you got root user did you use    sudo -i    ???16:04
Eli_Turkonetinsoldier, yes.16:05
onetinsoldierok... i'm sureprised gedit won't run as root16:05
Eli_Turkonetinsoldier, why?16:06
onetinsoldiertry   gedit :0 &  ...i don't recall exatly how to do this for sure tho16:07
onetinsoldierthat might now work16:07
Eli_Turk[2] 935816:08
Eli_Turkroot@cet-ws:~# No protocol specified16:08
Eli_Turkcannot open display:16:08
Eli_TurkRun 'gedit --help' to see a full list of available command line options.16:08
onetinsoldierEli_Turk: roger... never mind it for now i guess.16:08
Eli_Turkonetinsoldier, Hehehe... Ok. =o)16:09
onetinsoldierapt-file update still running? in the background?16:11
onetinsoldierif it's in the background, you won't reall know if it's finished, unless you press enter on the command line. if it's finshed, it'll return with 'done'. if it's not, you'll just get a new command line16:12
onetinsoldierso you might want to bring it to the foreground16:12
onetinsoldierwith    fg 116:13
onetinsoldieror just...   fg16:13
onetinsoldierwhen it finishes, you will see it's very nice for searching for stuff.16:15
onetinsoldierwe will look for what supplies the 'hg' command with the following command...    apt-file search hg | grep bin16:16
onetinsoldierlet's let it finish first tho16:16
Eli_TurkI use that now or?16:16
onetinsoldieri think it will have to finish before you can use it16:17
onetinsoldieranyway, what cvs, svn, or mercurial is....16:17
onetinsoldierthey are programs that are used to pull down source code off the internet. except, they are used to pull down the the actual development tree thast a developer is working on16:18
onetinsoldiergetting a tarball is usually like getting a 'released' version of a program16:19
onetinsoldieran cvs, svn download gets what's called and up-to-the-minute snapshot of the source code... could be buggy or not work at all16:20
onetinsoldieror might compile andwork just fine16:21
onetinsoldierbe sure and let me know as soon as apt-file is finished16:22
onetinsoldiereven with your slow connection it probably won't be too awful much longer16:23
Eli_TurkI hope so...16:24
onetinsoldierEli_Turk: so how long ago did you install Linux?16:26
Eli_TurkAbout 6 months I think.16:27
onetinsoldieroh.. and you've never compiled anything from source before?16:27
Eli_TurkNope. Hahaha.16:27
Eli_TurkWhat about you?16:28
onetinsoldierit's not that surprising really, but maybe a little16:28
onetinsoldierwell, i've been using linux off and on for years16:28
onetinsoldierhadn't used it for a few years until i installed again about 5 weeks ago16:29
Eli_TurkWow. And you still remember all this stuff?16:29
onetinsoldierwell, i was very rusty 5 weeks ago!16:29
Eli_TurkIt is still updating. If it is ok with you, I'll be back in about 10mins.16:31
onetinsoldierok, no problem. see yo in 1016:31
Eli_Turkonetinsoldier, I got this message:16:43
Eli_TurkCan't get http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy/Contents-i386.gz16:43
onetinsoldierit normally compeletes ok without any problem. that might not really be much of a problem16:44
onetinsoldierarer you running 32-bit or 64-bit Ubuntu?16:45
onetinsoldierhhmm, i see16:46
onetinsoldierwell, i think you'll want it to be able to get that16:46
Eli_TurkI'm actually Kubuntu,16:46
Eli_TurkI'm actually using Kubuntu.16:47
onetinsoldieryou'll need to re-run it. but i'm pretty sure it won't try and get everything again, it'll just update what it doesn't have so far16:47
onetinsoldieranyway, about this wxRemind-100... i'm trying to get it to compile right now, but don't know if i can. if i can't, then we'll end up getting the pre-compiled library16:49
Eli_TurkHahaha. Whatever you say boss.16:49
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onetinsoldieridon't really know how to work this mercurial. it probably wouldn't be a problem but he doesn't include a doc that tell what url i need for mercurial to be able download the source16:51
onetinsoldierhang on.. i jst noticed something that i shold have noticed before16:52
onetinsoldiernever mind... it's just an empty .tgz file. nothing in it16:55
onetinsoldierso, are you trying the ap-file update again?16:56
onetinsoldieranyway, let's just download the binry of wxRemind16:57
Eli_TurkIt's still DLing. But I'm ready to just DL the binary also, if that is what you want. =o)16:59
Eli_Turkonetinsoldier, Pici said that it was http://www.duke.edu/~dgraham/wxRemind/wxRemind-100.tgz17:00
Eli_TurkIf I'm not mistaken17:01
Eli_TurkOh. Pici is here too.17:01
onetinsoldieryeah... i'll have to learn how to use this mercurial17:01
Eli_TurkSo. How do I do it? hehehe...17:01
onetinsoldierthe wxRemind-100-src wants a .hg directory in it, but i've never used mercurial before and so i'm not sure how to set that up17:02
Eli_TurkI can wait. =o)17:03
onetinsoldierEli_Turk: just unpack it and probably put the wxRemind executable in /usr/local/bin17:03
Eli_Turk1 sec. I'll be back in 5. Got an emergency.17:03
onetinsoldierfor a gui to the tar command, you can use file-roller or some other archive utility. but i can tell you how to do it all on the command line17:03
onetinsoldierEli_Turk: as root, go into the  /usr/local/bin  directory17:05
onetinsoldierEli_Turk: then..   tar -zxvf /path/to/wxRemind-100.tgz -C .17:06
onetinsoldierEli_Turk: and to let you know, it seems that the binary includes the source. when you unpack it there is a wxremind-100 directory created that looks tobe the same source as what we downloaded earlier.17:07
onetinsoldierEli_Turk: you still with me?17:09
onetinsoldierEli_Turk:  bah.. never mind me, the binary does not include the source. it just has the binary excecutables17:10
onetinsoldierwhich is what you want17:11
onetinsoldieryou place them in/usr/local/bin17:11
onetinsoldierEli_Turk: where are you?17:12
onetinsoldieri'll be back in a few minutes17:25
Eli_TurkSo sorry about that interruption. I am potty-training my daughter and she seemed like she needed to go to the toilet. So I put her on the toilet and waited. But it was just gas. So, false alarm. =o(17:32
Eli_TurkOk so I Dl17:32
onetinsoldierEli_Turk: if you look on the wxRemind was page, there is another requirement17:34
Eli_TurkOh. What?17:34
onetinsoldierapt-get install python-dateutil17:34
onetinsoldierbut after all this... the program maybe bugged :-/17:34
Eli_Turkok. that is done DLing17:36
onetinsoldierok.. i have encountred a bug that i don't know about. it's possible we are missing something else... or idon't know17:37
onetinsoldieri also tried installing the 99 version, but i ran into the same problem17:38
onetinsoldierRuntimeError: Fatal error: the command:  /usr/bin/remind -b2 -rls4  Nov 2008  raised a syntax error message from remind.17:39
onetinsoldieri've used this program before, years ago. it's nice when it works17:39
Eli_TurkI bet.17:40
onetinsoldieri might need to notify the developer, Daniel Graham, about the error. i used the program when he first released it many years ago and gave him a couple of bug reports back then17:45
Eli_TurkHmmm... so, no go yet?17:46
onetinsoldiernope... i left to boot into Ubuntu 8.10(Intrepid) to try and make sure the problem wasn't with using Kubuntu 9.04(Jaunty)17:47
onetinsoldierbut same thing17:47
onetinsoldierhang on... i might have missed something17:48
onetinsoldieri should have looked closer! at the very first error message, doh17:48
onetinsoldierFatal Error: Could not find required file '/home/onetinsoldier/.reminders'.17:48
Eli_TurkThat take care of it?17:51
Eli_TurkWell...hmmm... I guess there's always kOrganizer. But this program looks nicer, in my opinion.17:53
onetinsoldieri'll bet there's a way to fix this,but i'm not sure what it is yet. i'm still looking17:54
Eli_TurkOk. I'll wait. And thank you so very much for all of your help! Even if we can't get it working, it was worth it for me to learn all of the things you have taught me. Thank you!17:56
onetinsoldieryou're welcome!  :-)  try and see if you can get apt-file to finish updating if you can and i'll show you how to use it17:57
Eli_TurkIt's done. But it did say this again, Can't get http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy/Contents-i386.gz17:59
onetinsoldierdang. i don't know what wrong there... ignore it guess18:00
onetinsoldierso let's say something complains that you are missing the following library... libXdmcp.so.618:01
onetinsoldieror i should say, it complains that you are actually missing that library 'file'18:02
Eli_TurkSo, I should DL it?18:02
onetinsoldierdo a search for it like so...   apt-file search libXdmcp.so.618:03
onetinsoldierlibxdmcp6: /usr/lib/libXdmcp.so.618:03
onetinsoldieris the response18:03
onetinsoldierso that tells you that you can get that file by installing the following package --> libxdmcp618:04
Eli_Turkroot@somebody-ws:~# apt-file search libXdmcp.so.618:04
onetinsoldierdid it work for you?18:04
Eli_Turklibxdmcp6: /usr/lib/libXdmcp.so.618:04
Eli_Turklibxdmcp6: /usr/lib/libXdmcp.so.6.0.018:04
Eli_Turklibxdmcp6-dbg: /usr/lib/debug/usr/lib/libXdmcp.so.6.0.018:04
onetinsoldieryep.. it worked18:05
onetinsoldieri got the same response18:05
onetinsoldieryou can also see what other file that package has by do the following  -->  apt-file show libxdmcp618:05
Eli_TurkSo, should I DL it now?18:07
onetinsoldierso what it does is allows you to see the actual contents of packages that you do not have installed on your system18:07
onetinsoldierdownload libxdmcp6?18:07
Eli_Turkroot@somebody-ws:~# apt-file show libxdmcp618:07
Eli_Turklibxdmcp6: /usr/lib/libXdmcp.so.618:07
Eli_Turklibxdmcp6: /usr/lib/libXdmcp.so.6.0.018:07
Eli_Turklibxdmcp6: /usr/share/doc/libxdmcp6/changelog.Debian.gz18:07
Eli_Turklibxdmcp6: /usr/share/doc/libxdmcp6/changelog.gz18:07
Eli_Turklibxdmcp6: /usr/share/doc/libxdmcp6/copyright18:07
Eli_Turklibxdmcp6-dbg: /usr/lib/debug/usr/lib/libXdmcp.so.6.0.018:07
Eli_Turklibxdmcp6-dbg: /usr/share/doc/libxdmcp6-dbg/changelog.Debian.gz18:07
Eli_Turklibxdmcp6-dbg: /usr/share/doc/libxdmcp6-dbg/changelog.gz18:07
Eli_Turklibxdmcp6-dbg: /usr/share/doc/libxdmcp6-dbg/copyright18:07
Eli_TurkReading package lists... Done18:08
Eli_TurkBuilding dependency tree18:08
Eli_TurkReading state information... Done18:08
Eli_Turklibxdmcp6 is already the newest version.18:08
Eli_Turk0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.18:08
onetinsoldierit isn't downloading anything. now that you have done the 'apt-file update', all that info is stored in apt-file's database on your system18:09
onetinsoldierit only downloads when you do    apt-file update18:09
onetinsoldierwhich you don't hardly ever need to do18:09
onetinsoldiermaybe every month or so18:09
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Eli_Turkonetinsoldier, I tried opening a private chat with you, but looks like it didn't work.18:19
onetinsoldierit worked... i replied now18:21

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