
=== Jazzva_ is now known as Jazzva
=== PrivateVoid_ is now known as PrivateVoid
=== PrivateVoid_ is now known as PrivateVoid
=== crdlb_ is now known as crdlb
=== PrivateVoid_ is now known as PrivateVoid
=== PrivateVoid_ is now known as PrivateVoid
fuertesfjI need help or advise, I just installed ubuntu in my friends computer and it work perfectly fine and i installed it in my laptop and then i lost all my info can ANYONE HELP ME?06:49
MenZafuertesfj: You're probably better off asking in #ubuntu06:52
huatsmorning everyone !08:45
=== asac_ is now known as asac
cjpitti: okay, disregard in that case.  Sorry for interrupting your time off.16:59

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