
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01
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LaserJockmorning all17:11
LaserJockwell, last night I was able to get sabayon to stop crashing at startup when I edit a profile17:14
alkisgLaserJock: how do you apply the profiles made with sabayon?17:15
LaserJockalkisg: do you mean in general?17:15
LaserJockyou select a user to belong to a profile17:16
LaserJockbut .... I haven't gotten that far yet17:16
alkisgIn a manual I saw that it was left to the reader.. And I thought, ok for new users, but what if I want to apply some settings to some existing users?17:16
LaserJockI'm getting crashers once I get into the profile17:16
LaserJockdon't read the manual, that's from like 200617:16
alkisgYou get crashes with sabayon on intrepid?17:17
alkisgLet me try...17:17
LaserJockI fixed one so now I can actually get the session started17:18
LaserJockbut then I get a ton of database errors and it dies17:18
LaserJockto use the profile you click on the profile and then hit the Users button17:19
LaserJockthen you can pick which users to apply it to17:20
alkisgAnd how did you bypass the first bug?17:20
LaserJockwell, it was actually a really little problem where it tries to find the orientation (top, bottom, etc.) of the panels17:21
LaserJockfor some reason it was calling the function without a panel id and it would then crash17:21
LaserJockso I just added a little time that checks if a panel id exists and if it doesn't just assigns it as "top"17:21
alkisgAh, in the source, it's python, got it17:22
LaserJockand it worked ok at first17:22
LaserJockbut then I got these database permission errors17:22
LaserJocklooking at the Gnome bugzilla sabayon has 57 open bugs and many of them are crashers17:23
LaserJockmy feeling is that Sabayon is trying to just do too much, you'd need a real team of people working in it to get it stable/maintained17:23
LaserJockthis crasher I fixed is probably just because something changed in gnome-panel17:24
LaserJockSabayon interacts so much with the apps that it has to keep up with *their* changes as well17:24
alkisgYes... it has to be plugin-based, possibly with different maintainers for each plugin17:25
LaserJockit's somewhat modular17:26
LaserJockbut I don't know that right now one can pick which "modules" to use17:27
alkisgWhere was this first crash again? In /usr/bin/sabayon or in sabayon-session?17:27
alkisgI can't get past it...17:28
LaserJockso if you click on "Edit" an Xnest window pops up and it tries to start Gnome17:28
LaserJockbut default Intrepid for me it just shuts down after a second or 2 and I never see anything in the window17:29
LaserJockalkisg: is that what you get?17:29
alkisgYes, the same17:30
LaserJockso now I need to figure out where these DB errors are coming from17:32
LaserJockit sort of looks like a permissions problem17:32
alkisgWhat did you do to fix the first error?17:32
alkisgchanged anything in paneldelegate.py?17:33
LaserJockyou want to patch /usr/share/python-support/sabayon/sabayon/sources/paneldelegate.py17:34
alkisgNah.. I don't even get to see the database crashes17:39
alkisgI see the desktop and then it's killed, but no error logs17:39
LaserJockwoot, it works for me17:39
LaserJocktry it again17:40
LaserJockI think I had some times where it wouldn't work the first time but if I hit "Edit" again it would17:40
alkisgI tried it some times, most of them plain crashes without error log, on 2 of them I got a dialog to sent a .conf file to the sabayon team (but the file didn't exist)17:42
LaserJockit's starting up every time here now17:44
alkisgI got something: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-bkaJq0tpTl: Connection refused17:44
LaserJockbut it's not saving some changes (removing launchers from the panel)17:44
alkisgMaybe I need to logoff17:44
nubaehmmm u guys working on sabayon... cool17:44
LaserJockI think I saw an upstream bug about that17:44
LaserJocknubae: I got it to start up here anyway :-)17:45
LaserJockthis thing is terribly complex17:48
Ahmuckyes, is it so complex it would be simpler to re-write?17:48
Ahmuckthat is what i was wondering17:49
LaserJockwell, not if you want to do what it does17:49
LaserJockbut it's just tracking *so* much stuff. My simple test profile where I turned off a couple things and edited the menu is a 11MB zip file!17:49
Ahmuckdid u get it to work?17:50
LaserJockwell, I created it17:50
Ahmucknubae: hey, u here today?17:50
nubaeyeah :-)17:50
alkisgI got it working (once at least), but it complained a lot, and didn't save anything17:50
alkisgHm... it also leaves a lot of processes running after each crash17:52
alkisgMay I should kill them before restarting it17:52
LaserJockyeah, kill them17:55
LaserJockI think that's what I was running into17:55
LaserJockI kept trying and got problems, then this morning I tried it again (without logging out or rebooting) and it works fine17:55
LaserJockwell, users-admin seems to not be able to add a user!17:56
LaserJockGnome is really falling apart when it comes to basic user management :(17:56
nubaeI use the command line only now17:56
nubaenot to mention its totally differenta cross all distros17:58
alkisgLaserJock: this happened to hardy as well, users-admin had problems getting root rights didn't complain about it or something17:58
LaserJockI see a bug where it looks for user "root" instead of UID 017:59
LaserJockI wonder if that's it17:59
alkisgI don't think so17:59
nubaeLaserJock: it worked fine for me in hardy18:00
Ahmuckwhich is why i think python would be better and modules18:01
Ahmuckthen you could step through it one at a time.  i am however NOT a programmer18:01
LaserJockwell, it doesn't really matter so much what language it's written in18:02
LaserJockbottom line there has to be people behind it18:02
alkisgYes, but if it's interpreter or shell-based, it's easier for admins to debug the problem and send accurate feedback / patches18:03
nubaeguess there is some truth to that18:04
nubaenot every admin is a package maintainer I suppose18:04
LaserJockalkisg: I'm not entirely sure about that18:05
LaserJockgdb can do a pretty good job of debugging C/C++ apps18:06
alkisgSure, but does a regular admin that exceriences the problem download the source, configure and compile it, and then run it under gdb to see where the problem is?18:06
LaserJockthey don't have to18:06
alkisgWhy not? How accurate feedback can you give now with the problem in users-admin?18:07
LaserJockthey might need to install the debugging symbols package, but they don't need to compile or anything like that18:07
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alkisgDebuggin on a live system is surely a better way than looking though a crash dump18:08
LaserJockright, but that doesn't have a ton to do with the language you write it in18:09
LaserJockI mean, don't get me wrong, I love Python and prefer it18:10
LaserJockbut I'm not going to just go rewrite every app that's not in Python :-)18:10
alkisgOf course not!!!18:10
LaserJockalright, I found the problem18:11
LaserJockusers-admin checks that each user has a login, password, home directory, and shell18:11
alkisgI've been an assembly/C/Pascal programmer myself for the last ...ehm... 17 years, so it isn't easy for me to switch to python as well18:11
LaserJockSabayon uses a user that doesn't have a home directory18:12
LaserJockso basically if you install Sabayon you can no longer use users-admin :(18:12
nubaepascal :-) such a educationally popular language18:12
nubaeat least it was18:12
LaserJockI never learned Pascal18:12
nubaeand what if u create the /home dir for the sabayon user?18:12
LaserJockwell, I *think* users-admin would work but I think it would break Sabayon18:13
LaserJockSabyon uses a temporary home dir in /tmp18:13
* nubae wonders what that would have changed from Hardy18:13
LaserJockit worked fine in Hardy with Sabayon installed?18:14
nubaeI remember adding users and making profiles18:14
nubaeand it working18:14
LaserJockI think what happened is the gnome-system-tools-backends changed18:15
nubaeah, makes sense18:15
LaserJockso that it added in these checks18:15
LaserJockthey probably were fixing a bug where people were creating users without /home dir :-)18:15
LaserJockbut this is sort of a nasty bug18:16
LaserJockthere are a lot of packages, not just Sabayon, that create users like this18:16
* LaserJock has a thought18:17
LaserJocksabayon creates it's user as a regular user, not a system user18:17
LaserJockI bet users-admin on checks for a home dir for non-system users18:17
LaserJockI wonder if anybody uses sabayon in Debian, it's only got 1 open bug18:22
Ahmuckinteresting.  i could no longer use users/admin so i simply did a backup and re-install of the os after installing sabyon18:23
Ahmuck*shrugs*, it worked18:23
LaserJockyeah, I reinstall a lot18:23
LaserJockI think I'm about the worst of the dev ;-)18:24
LaserJockI know one guy hasn't installed fresh since like Red Hat 6 or something18:24
LaserJock... and he's running Ubuntu Hardy or newer18:24
Ahmucknubae: i'm getting ready to tackle the inet problem if you have time today18:25
nubaeyeah sure, go for it18:27
nubaepaste me /opt/ltsp/fati386/etc/network/interfaces18:27
LaserJockso I think if we got a list of "things" we wan to be able to in user management then we can figure out what app(s) are going to be the best to look at18:28
LaserJockI think sabayon is too complex to maintain unless you have some people who can spend some serious time on it18:29
nubaewhatcha mean exactly?18:31
Ahmuck-Jrnubae: what did you want pasted?18:32
LaserJocknubae: did you mean me?18:33
nubaeLaserJock: yeah18:34
LaserJocknubae: well, it seems quite fragile18:34
nubaeAhmuck ^^18:34
LaserJockit's trying to track *ever* change made to a desktop18:34
Ahmuck-Jru know i was thinking about the sabyon vs python thingy.  being a non programmer it i guess it really doesn't matter.  i've heard various things about python that were always positive.  i guess from my pov, waiting is the hardest thing, and if someone is volunteering to do it in python and the other application is not being maintained i'm always the person to choose the most eficiant route,...18:34
Ahmuck-Jr...which is usually the shortest18:34
LaserJockand these days there is a lot that's going on18:35
nubaeah ok, gotcha, so limit what it does?18:35
LaserJockwell, I'm not sure18:36
Ahmuck-Jrnubae: what language is your script written in ?18:36
LaserJockI wonder if it's just not a great overall idea right now18:36
nubaeno :-) bash18:36
nubaeLaserJock: it is18:37
* nubae can't code C to save his life... no patience18:37
LaserJockI'm not sure that deployable profiles is really something that Linux can do18:37
Ahmuck-Jri understand the script, and will prolly customize the apps to my own need18:37
Ahmuck-Jris there anyway to "link"the system apps with the fat client?18:38
Ahmuck-Jrdeployable profiles ?18:38
nubaethat would be like using local-apps18:38
* Ahmuck-Jr used to code C++18:38
Ahmuck-Jr20 years ago18:38
Ahmuck-Jrk, not quite that long18:38
LaserJockSabayon is used to deploy "profiles"18:38
Ahmuck-Jrmore like 12 years ago18:39
nubaeAhmuck-Jr: paste me your ifconfig output18:39
nubaeon the from the server18:39
LaserJockI'm just not sure if that's something that Linux/Gnome is going to be able to do very well for the foreseeable future18:39
nubaewell if they stopped thinking about it as being a single user system, then sure18:40
nubaebut I think you're right18:40
nubaewell that looks fine, so must be dns not getting through to the thin client18:40
nubaeu got this in /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf?:     option domain-name-servers;18:41
alkisgEven if sabayon worked, I'm not sure I'd want to use it. I'd prefer a tool that would let me specify the changes I want, instead of tracking any change I (even accidentally) made.18:41
nubae 18:41
Ahmuckdo i need to add dns servers to the network18:41
LaserJockalkisg: you can manage the changes18:42
nubaeif you want to be able resolve web pages, then yes18:42
nubaeyeah, it just shouldnt track everything, is there an easy way to limit that LaserJock, or is it loads a work?18:42
alkisgLaserJock, inside a 10k-line file? (if I recall correctly the number you've said above)18:42
LaserJocknubae: there is some, you can choose what to track and what not to basically18:43
LaserJockalkisg: no, that's the source code. The GUI lets you look at changes and tell it to lock/ignore them18:44
LaserJockbut  the problem is that it has to track everything in the first place, to then give you a choice :-)18:44
nubaewould limit crashes too18:44
LaserJockpessulus is great, but it's limited to locking down things in gconf18:44
nubaeif it just did what we know it can without crashign, thats a very good start18:45
LaserJocksabayon was designed to let you work with almost anything18:45
Ahmuck-Jrwhat is the purpose of tracking every change?18:45
LaserJockit has some support for Firefox and OO.o was planned18:45
alkisgLaserJock: so if I want to set a specific bookmark for all users with sabayon, you think I'll be able to do it somewhat easily?18:45
LaserJockalkisg: yes, if sabayon is working18:46
Ahmuck-Jrnubae: no, i meant external dns servers.  i'm thinking about going with OpenDNS18:46
Ahmuck-Jrbut i can add that in the file easlily18:46
LaserJockthe purpose of tracking everything is to create a complete "profile"18:46
nubaeoh Ahmuck your server is set to in there18:46
nubaehow does it even work?18:46
LaserJockwith sabayon basically you create a profile of what you want the desktop to look like18:46
nubaeits set as 0.254 when u do ifconfig18:46
LaserJockthen when the user logs in basically they're /home dir is replaced with the "profile"18:47
Ahmuck-Jrinet --> router --> server --> switch --> client18:47
nubaeif thats your live dhcpd.conf file, it shouldnt work at all18:47
Ahmuck-Jrworks great on regualar thin clients18:47
nubaein my script, and on the server, its set to
Ahmuck-Jrlike i said, if it can break, i can break it and if it shouldn't work, it works :)18:47
nubaeyet in the dhcpd.conf file its set to
Ahmuck-Jrah, so i need to change it18:48
* nubae scratches his head18:48
Ahmuck-Jror ur saying the fat client shouldn't even work?18:48
nubaeright, but it shouldnt work at all18:48
alkisgnubae, that's not the ltsp server, it's the dns server and the router, so it's working...18:48
nubaeright same thing18:48
alkisgNo, in the dhcp offer the client gets server = .25418:48
alkisgSo they boot fine, they just don't get correct dns/gateway addresses18:49
nubaewait.... his ifconfig shows his server has ip 0.25418:49
nubaeand his dhcpd.conf file shoes 0.118:49
nubaeohhh wauit18:49
Ahmuck-Jrit's magic \o/18:49
nubaeu're right18:49
alkisgThat's what I'm saying. The dhcp server still sends server=.25418:49
Ahmuck-Jrsorry ...18:49
nubaeltsp-server isnt defined18:49
alkisgIf he enabled next-server, then it wouldn't boot18:50
nubaeok... ahmuck, change everything that is .1 to 0.254 :-)18:50
nubaeright, thats what I expected18:50
nubaehmmm, and how are the thin clients getting inet then?18:51
nubaewith a broken router and dns server18:52
alkisgthey are?18:53
alkisgerm, that is, through the server or as fat clients?18:53
nubaeno as thin clients they are, which is off18:54
alkisgBecause if they work as thin clients, they don't need dns/gateway18:54
nubaeoh, well I guess if its properly defined for server18:54
alkisgThey just connect to the server, and the server in turn uses it's own dns/gateway18:54
nubaemine dont work if I dont have proper router defined18:54
nubaebut of course I use an external router18:54
alkisgthin or fat?18:55
Ahmuck-Jrto serve dhcp ?18:55
alkisgthin should work, as long as they boot18:55
nubaeyeah, true18:55
nubaeyeah Ahmuck just change dhcpd.conf settings18:56
Ahmuckis there a way to target a specific user with a specific fat client?19:01
Ahmuckthat's the next step19:01
* Ahmuck booting fat client now19:01
Ahmucknubae: should your script have "peeked" at the default settings and copied ?19:02
nubaedhcpd.conf is editted manually by the admin on the server side19:03
nubaeand the script just grabs whatever config details to connect from its side19:03
nubaeAhmuck: the way to set specific users is through mac:add:resses19:03
Ahmuck-Jrfat client is still dead to the inet19:05
Ahmuck-Jri haven't yet sat down and played connect the dot19:06
nubaedid u restart dhcpd3-server?19:06
Ahmuck-Jri restarted the server19:07
nubaebefore restarting the client?19:07
Ahmuck-Jryes.  i did not start the client this morning until i had restarted the server19:07
Ahmuck-Jri'll restart the client again just to be sure19:07
nubaeyes but when did u restart the server, just now?19:07
nubaewell, should actually be fine now, on the fatclient try pinging google.com19:08
nubaeto make sure dns is working19:09
nubaeunless u dont have a dns server running on the server, in which case, choose another address19:09
Ahmuck-Jrdoes dns run on server by default?19:10
Ahmuck-Jriirc, it does19:10
Ahmuck-Jrbtw,i love edubuntu's icons19:10
Ahmuck-Jrgoogle is dead on the fat client19:12
nubaethen its not resolving, paste me your /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf19:13
alkisgAhmuck-Jr, if I got this right, you're using as a dns server in your dhcpd.conf, but you don't have bind installed in the ltsp server.19:14
alkisgSo you should either install bind or just change dhcpd.conf19:14
nubaemuch better explained :-)19:14
alkisgand put whatever dns server your ltsp server has (cat /etc/resolv.conf on the server)19:14
Ahmuck-Jralkisg: i'm using a default ltsp server19:15
nubaek that looks fine, now do what alkisg says19:15
alkisgby default bind is not installed19:15
nubaebind = dns server19:15
Ahmuck-Jroutside of the modifications that nubae has had me make for the fat client setup19:15
Ahmuck-Jrah.  should that be part of your fat client setup?19:15
nubaeno :-)19:15
Ahmuck-Jrbind is already installed19:16
alkisgAlso, you have a 2 nic server, right?19:16
alkisgAnd the clients are only seeing your first nic19:16
nubaeoh right gateway from one to the other19:16
Ahmuck-Jrinet incoming on one, and thin clients on another19:16
alkisgyeap, masquerading19:16
Ahmuck-Jrthe thin clients work fine19:16
Ahmuck-Jrit's the fat clients that don't work19:16
Ahmuck-Jron the inet side.  the fat clients boot fine, but no inet19:17
nubaeright, imagine u had computers elsewhere on your nework though19:17
nubaefatclient is the same19:17
alkisgYou need gateway & dns on the fat clients (= put them in dhcpd.conf), and to enable ip forwarding on the server19:17
Ahmuck-Jrok.  i wondered about that19:17
nubaeall this shoudl normally be already set up on standard 2 nic server19:18
alkisgAn external dns server?19:18
nubaeany dns server19:18
alkisgI don't think dhcp3.conf gets any dns server19:18
nubaeit gets 0.1 as default19:18
alkisgBut bind isn't installed by default19:19
nubaeyeah I know... but what I'm saying is, this is server stuff... the fatclient script shouldnt be setting server variables19:19
alkisgSure, that's correct19:19
nubaeits assumed that u have either installed bind, or u use another dns server19:20
alkisgBut Ahmuck-Jr still has to fix dhcpd.conf19:20
nubaebut he says he has bind installed19:20
alkisgSo Ahmuck change this: option domain-name-servers  to whatever dns your server uses (cat /etc/resolv.conf on the server)19:21
alkisgAnd you'll also need to enable ip forwarding on the server19:21
nubaeone shouldn't really need that, I think enabling gateway address for the internal nic should work19:21
alkisgI don't think so, the packets won't be passed to the other nic if he doesn't enable ip forwarding19:22
alkisg(for the fat clients again, the thin should work without any of these stuff)19:23
nubaewell, there is still a slight difference between fatclient and real fatclient19:23
nubaebut to be honest, I'v not looked at the script in a while, so your're probably right19:25
alkisgI don't know about that, it's your field! :)19:25
alkisgI'm talking about this:19:25
alkisgsudo su19:25
alkisgiptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE19:25
alkisgecho 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward19:25
nubaeright I know, I remember not having to do that19:25
alkisgOK, back to pascal programming... :(19:25
Ahmuckstill no connection19:49
Ahmucki'll have to sit down and connect the dots so to speak to see what's going on19:50
nubaeu masqueraded?19:52
Ahmuckyes, i did get my masquarde mask on.  i think it looks fashionalbe :)19:52
Ahmuckyes, i did19:53
Ahmuckthat waht alkisg posted19:53
Ahmucki'm a little confused19:53
Ahmuckk, i don't recall having to do this for the thin client setup.  it just worked, or sorta.  i did have to set one address to dhcp iirc19:56
nubaeright this is needed only if you are running external clients, which fatclient kinda is19:57
nubaeactually paste me /opt/ltsp/fati386/etc/resolv.conf please19:58
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Ahmucksorry for all the names, i have to walk from my office to the classroom20:06
nubaek its detecting your nameserver as
Ahmucker, nic names20:07
nubaeso put that in dhcpd.conf20:07
Ahmuck192.168.40.40 is a tomato router20:07
Ahmuckit's there20:07
Ahmuckah, it's there as the gateway20:07
nubaeso set it as dns server in your dhcpd.conf and u should see it working20:07
Ahmuck-Jrso delete the gateway and set it to be the dns server20:08
nubaeno no20:08
nubaejust in dhcpd.conf20:08
nubaeedit the current option domain-name-servers;20:08
Ahmuck-Jrsudo start dhcp320:08
nubaeand then restart dhcp3-server20:08
alkisgAhmuck-Jr: your interfaces file is wrong20:09
alkisg    gateway
alkisgThe gateway can't be on a different subnet20:09
alkisgSo you should delete this line, eth0 will be used when a gateway is needed20:09
nubaeyeah gateway will be automatic20:10
alkisgAhmuck-Jr: can you ping eth0 from a fat client?20:19
Ahmuck-Jri can ping the incoming nick as well as the thin client nic20:25
Ahmuck-Jrwhy would i see an eth38 ?20:26
Ahmuck-Jri cannot however ping from the client20:27
Ahmuck-Jrwhich is the router20:27
alkisgSo you ip forwarding doesn't really work20:27
alkisgWhere do you see an eth38?20:29
alkisgon the server?20:30
alkisgcat /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules20:30
alkisgand pastebin it20:31
alkisgEeeek!!! nubae, does this have anything to do with the fat client setup?20:32
alkisgThis file should only have your 2 nics..20:32
Ahmuckyes, well i was taken aback when i saw the file as i thought it was odd as well20:33
Ahmuck-Jri do have virtual box installed here, but iirc, it's self contained20:33
alkisgYes, vbox doesn't have anything to do with this file20:34
nubaefatclient doesnt touch that20:36
alkisgSo, Ahmuck, better start with this one! :) Leave only your two interfaces!!!20:36
alkisgreboot is needed, though20:36
nubaewhere are all those interfaces coming from?20:37
alkisgAnd you could rename eth38 to eth1, it would make much more sense20:37
nubaehis eth1 is the thin client one20:37
alkisgsorry, eth020:37
alkisgAhmuck: did you try 38 different NICs on the server?!!!20:37
nubaethat is totally weird man20:37
Ahmuck-Jrno, both nics are internal20:38
nubaeifconfig is handing out only 2 it seems20:38
Ahmuck-Jri thought i noticed this ealier with a firewall setup.  could it be a os bug?20:38
alkisgThere are different mac addresses there, so i suppose they are real NICs20:38
nubaeweird weird20:38
nubaewell vbox could do that20:38
alkisgNah, I got vbox for a year now, never seen it touching that file20:38
nubaeyeah but under different configs dont u get bridges instead of nat?20:39
alkisgI've only seen multiple nics in that file when replacing nics20:39
nubaeand a bridge would create other nics, no?20:39
alkisgI've used it with bridges as   well20:39
nubaek... just a guess :-)20:39
alkisg...and these aren't bridges!!!20:39
nubaeahmuck, u're a good tester... u really do find all user case scenarios ;-)20:40
alkisgAhmuck: did you run any mac-address changing utility?20:40
nubaeyeah those are all real physical devices...20:41
alkisg...and all forcedeth20:41
nubaewhat is forcedeth?20:41
alkisgso I guess something was changing his NIC mac address20:41
alkisgI guess it's a vendor / product name, like realtek or something20:42
nubaemust be  abug20:42
alkisg(nvidia google tells me)20:42
ubottuUbuntu bug 153727 in debian "Ethernet device's number increases by one after every reboot" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:42
alkisgNah.. Ahmuck's case is random, not increasing! :P20:43
nubaeits got from 1 to 3820:43
nubaethat seems increased20:43
alkisgI guess in the next reboot it'll be eth39!20:43
alkisgOh, I read "mac-address" instead of "device number", my fault20:44
alkisgAnd forcedeth again, eh? Good catch, nubae...20:44
nubaeso nvidia driver related it seems20:45
alkisgHmm... did you see the proposed workaround? It turns out that you may declare a NIC without declaring its mac address... Very useful for cloning!20:46
nubaewell, seems a fix would be replacing kernel driver20:47
nubaeactually intrepid should have fixed it20:48
alkisgI'm talking about this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/debian/+bug/153727/comments/720:48
ubottuUbuntu bug 153727 in debian "Ethernet device's number increases by one after every reboot" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:48
alkisgIt's useful for cloning20:48
nubaeso its a bug in forcedeth.c20:50
alkisgAhmuck? did you do the workaround?20:51
nubaewow, what an annoying bug20:53
alkisg(A difference in Ahmuck's file as opposed to mine, is that Ahmuck's gets generated by  /lib/udev/write_net_rules, while mine gets generated by  /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules)!!!20:53
alkisgSo there must be something else wrong also20:54
alkisg(it says so in the header of the files, Ahmuck's and mine)20:55
nubaemaybe something to with an upgrade vs install20:55
nubaeI've got the same as ahmuck actually20:56
nubae# This file was automatically generated by the /lib/udev/write_net_rules20:56
nubae# program run by the persistent-net-generator.rules rules file.20:56
alkisgOh, ok then20:56
alkisgI'm on a clean installation20:56
nubaewell, I upgraded20:57
alkisgwell, sounds like you're right! :P20:57
nubaebut from alpha 5 Ithink20:57
nubaeanyway its presistent-net-generator.rules creating it20:58
nubaeanyway its definitely because of the forcedeth driver20:59
alkisgOK, where is Ahmuck? !!! :)\21:00
nubaeLaserJock: if u are around... many of the apps mentioned in the spreadsheet don't have a counterpart on appnr.com21:13
nubaeand many more educational apps are in appnr.com but not on the list...21:14
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nubaeFor now I'm going to include only those that are on both, otherwise we cant take advantage of click and install21:18
LaserJocknubae: well, we need to categorize21:19
nubaewhatcha mean?21:20
LaserJockwell, we have different levels of "support"21:20
nubaeok, but shouldnt everything thats in edubuntu be in appnr?21:21
nubaesince appnr has universe and multiverse21:21
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LaserJockEdubuntu does not come from Universe or Multiverse21:23
LaserJockit comes from Main21:23
nubaeright, thats what I mean21:23
LaserJockand appnr.com is just a list some people made21:23
nubaehmmm.... I thought it took the packages as a base21:23
nubaeall the pacakges, sorry21:23
nubaeits a bit of a pain, because the lovely detailed explanations on appnr, for individual packages is a blessing21:25
nubaetaking that into account actually makes sense to put edubuntu into various categories, ie. -supported, -unsupported, maybe...21:26
LaserJockwell, the explanations are just from the package themselves21:26
nubaeI guess I should be installing the packages just to make sure they work and all21:27
LaserJocknubae: did you get the hardy and intrepid lists done?21:27
nubaeI believe I have infront of me the intrepid list, but really it should just be one list with 3 categories (hardy, jaunty, intrepid)21:28
LaserJockI think we want 1 list for each release21:28
LaserJockso something like edubuntu.org/8.10/apps21:28
nubaeyeah, but the spreadsheet to base it off21:28
nubaeor the whatever to base it off, a spreadsheet is a pain21:29
nubaea db would be best21:29
nubaebut for now I'm putting everything in an html file21:29
LaserJockthe spreadsheet was just to put something down21:29
nubaeso I can upload it to edubuntu.org as is21:29
nubaeok, well from what you're saying, I still need to figure out what is in hardy and intrepid, and make 2 lists for that, and then we need to decide what goes in Jaunty21:30
nubaeright now I have one semi-finished nicely laid out html file21:30
LaserJockcan you put it up somewhere for me to look at?21:30
nubaeyep, I'll put it up on a hidden node at edubuntu.org, let me just finish off what I'm doing...21:31
nubaeyou're sure all these apps are actually packaged, because there are some I can't find using apt-cache search or show21:33
nubaeand I have every repo enabled21:33
LaserJockI think they're packaged, but the spreadsheet just has the Add/Remove name21:34
nubaeshould still find it with apt-cache show21:34
nubaesearch I mean21:34
LaserJockonly if the Add/Remove name is similar21:35
LaserJockit may or may not21:35
nubaewell it looks in description too, no?21:35
LaserJockright, but Add/Remove can be anything21:35
nubaeok, yeah I'm seeing... sometimes no relation21:36
nubaefor example: CoqIde Proof Assistant does not exist21:39
nubaein add/remove21:39
Ahmuckok, i'm back22:06
Ahmucksorry, i have students for the rest of the day22:07
Ahmucki'll have to do this again tomorrow22:07
nubaeno worries,..22:07
nubaeu saw we found the bug22:07
nubaeits with your network card driver (forcedeth)22:07
nubaeLaserJock: I'm gonna have to go through all the pacakge lists? ie, edubuntu-legacy, edubuntu-yound, etc, to figure out whats in each distro22:24
LaserJocknubae: use edubuntu-desktop22:25
nubaeI'm doing it through the bzr meta package22:25
LaserJockso you want the desktop-addon seed22:26
nubaethat doesnt include everything at all22:26
nubaemaybe ship-addon22:26
nubaeoh wait not shipped anymore is it22:27
Ahmuckk, so how does one fix that bug?22:27
Ahmucki'll look at the link22:27
LaserJockship-addon has got a bit more but desktop-addon should have what you want22:28
nubaeno, maybe 10%22:28
nubae10% of what is listed in the spreadsheet22:28
nubaeif that22:28
nubaechildsplay isnt even listed there, looks like just the officially canonical supported apps22:29
LaserJockok, but the spreadsheet is *way* more than what Edubuntu supports22:29
LaserJockchildsplay is not part of Edubuntu22:29
nubaeok, now I'm very confused... I am using the spreadsheet as  base for what is or is not edubuntu22:30
LaserJockthe spreadsheet has everything that's remotely educational that in Add/Remove22:30
nubaefar from everything22:30
nubaeit must be based on hardy or even gutsy22:31
LaserJockshouldn't be22:31
LaserJockI think hardy or intrepid22:31
nubaemany apps are not in add/remove, and many many in add/remove are not in the list22:31
nubaeonly conclusion I can come to22:31
LaserJockmany apps are not in Add/Remove22:31
nubaejust looking at A, we have anki, adun, avogadro22:32
nubaeall listed in add/remove22:32
nubaebut not in the spreadsheet22:32
nubaeand its like that for every letter22:33
LaserJockI *think* the spreadsheet is from Hardy22:33
LaserJockI put avogadro in Intrepid so that would make sense22:33
nubaeok, so then I can conlcude this, whatver I don't find in the add/remove, has been removed since hardy, right?22:34
LaserJockhmm, not necessarily I don't think22:34
LaserJockit could be removed22:34
nubaewell, ok, I'll just put a little N next to the ones that are listed in the spreadsheet but not in add/remove22:35
nubaeand I'll use the add/remove in intrepid for the new base, sounds ok?22:35
Ahmuckwhere is the spreadsheet?22:36
nubaebut then again, we should really define what edubuntu is, cause if this is not edubuntu, then is this really what I should be doing22:36
LaserJocknubae: honestly, I wouldn't use add/remove at all22:36
* nubae runs around in circles22:36
LaserJockI would just use the seeds22:36
nubaethe seeds have practically nothing in them22:37
LaserJockbut that's what we have22:37
LaserJockyou should have a list of ~20-3022:38
nubae:-) so why did I get that list then :-/22:38
nubaeI've just been putting in hours of work with that22:38
LaserJockthat's why I've been poking you about it ;-)22:39
LaserJockremember, I said to use the seeds22:39
nubaeI understood work on the seeds for Jaunty, and for what to include in it...22:39
nubaegah, k, never mind... this can be the prospective edu apps list22:40
nubaeI can pull whatever from it and stick into the actual lists22:40
LaserJocknubae: yeah, don't scrap what you have for sure22:41
* nubae now understands what LaserJock means with just main22:42
nubaebrackets are recommends, right?22:44
nubaeits a good thing I didnt start with the games...22:44
nubaegames app list is humungous22:45
LaserJockhehe, yes22:45
LaserJockhumungous and not in Edubuntu22:45
nubaebut its confusing for folks if its available under Education in the add/remove menu22:46
nubaeI mean, if I got this confused... I'm surely not the only one22:47
nubaeI bet most people will assume education in add/remove is edubuntu22:47
LaserJockwell, there certainly is some confusion I guess22:49
LaserJockthat's why I think there may some value in these bundles22:51
LaserJockand separating "Edubuntu" from "Ubuntu in Education"22:52
LaserJocktraditionally Edubuntu was defined by the CDs22:52
nubaewell its easy enough, we can have 2 categories, supported and unsupported22:53
LaserJockright, but really that's not trivial22:54
nubaewell, it requires creating another seed right?, but that can be as big or small as one pleases22:55
nubaemaybe not if its supposed to be all encompassing though22:55
LaserJockbut if you put something in a seed you "own" it22:55
nubaeu mean u're responsible for its packaging??22:57
LaserJocktraditionally yes22:57
LaserJockfor it's bugs, etc.22:57
nubaebut thats where the -unsupported comes in22:57
LaserJockright, but -unsupported still needs to be supported ;-)22:58
LaserJocksoftware doesn't just "exist", it need to get maintained22:58
nubaeok, so u cant get around ignoring bugs on launchpad about something22:58
LaserJockin if you point people towards a package there is some assumption that you're going to take care of it22:59
nubaeand sending it all downstream to the package maintainer22:59
nubaenah... this is like recommended stuff22:59
nubaebut I can see this is not easy... it becomes extremely political23:00
LaserJockok, ... but still23:00
LaserJockif we say, "go install childsplay" and then don't do *anything* towards childsplay I think it's a bad thing23:00
nubaeu mean, just showing people the app exists, isn't enough?23:01
nubaeI'm thinking from the users point of view now23:01
LaserJockI think they assume the software is being taken cared of23:02
nubaebut it is, by the package maintainer23:02
LaserJockwouldn't you?23:02
LaserJockwe *are* the package maintainer23:02
LaserJockthat's my point23:02
nubaeok, I get that traditionally its that way...23:02
nubaebut the tux 4 kids suite for example23:02
nubaewhich IS supported, all its bugs get sent downstream23:03
LaserJocknot exactly23:03
nubaeas I understand it, edubuntu maintains the seeds only, not the packages themselves23:04
LaserJocknot at all23:04
LaserJockwe maintain everything in the seeds23:04
nubaehmmm... so basically edubuntu means... supported by canonical then23:04
* LaserJock thinks nubae's head is going to explode :-)23:05
Ahmuckusers want software that intalls and works23:05
Ahmuckif it installs and doesn't work is or is buggy, that's bad for any distro23:06
nubaeyeah, but there is such a thing as unsupported, in fact most of ubuntu apps are unsupported23:06
LaserJockno, that's a bad term23:06
LaserJock"supported" mean you can by Canonical support and that the software is maintained by Core Developers23:07
nubaeone of the biggest advantages edubuntu has, being the 'educational distro' is introducing users to great edu apps for whatever niche they need...23:08
LaserJockand should receive better security support23:08
LaserJock"unsupported" means you can't by Canonical support and the software is maintained by MOTU23:09
LaserJockand gets security support on best-effort basis23:09
nubaesoo all the apps in the seeds are supported officially then, right? or am I getting that wrong too?23:10
LaserJockyou're right23:11
nubaewould not that indicate that especially u should be being paid for that?23:13
nubaeI mean if u are the maintainer the minute u add the package to the seed23:14
nubaeso if someone bought canonical support23:14
nubaeu'd be paid...23:14
LaserJockumm, no23:14
LaserJockI wish it worked that way ;-)23:14
nubaeit logically should23:15
LaserJockCanonical gets paid for Canonical support23:15
nubaeotherwise I see no reason why one has to include only officically supported packages23:15
nubaeright... so by including only the official packages, that only helps them23:15
nubaeu see what I'm getting at?23:15
LaserJockno, it helps everybody23:16
nubaeit would help more people if we included unspported pacakges too23:16
LaserJockbut we can't support them23:17
nubaewe dont need to support them, I cant believe for a moment that all kubuntu packages are supported23:17
LaserJocksure they are23:17
nubaeI bet there are kubuntu packages that are not supported officially by canonical23:18
LaserJocknot in the seeds23:18
LaserJockif it's in the Kubuntu seeds it's officially supported23:18
nubaeright so basically edubuntu IS the officially supported educational ubuntu23:18
LaserJockor at least that's how it's traditionally been23:19
nubaewell, that shows sugar out the window...23:19
LaserJockwell, that's why we gotta work on it :-)23:20
nubaeand who chooses what is officially supported by canonical then?23:21
LaserJockwell, one has to be a bit careful here23:21
nubaeu know what I think is maybe confusing it for me, is that within edubuntu, there is no one officially working for canonical23:21
LaserJockthere used to be though23:22
nubaekubuntu there is23:22
LaserJockbut yeah23:22
nubaeyes, but not now23:22
LaserJockbut that doesn't so much change Canonical support directly23:22
nubaethat was of course a benefit23:22
LaserJockwhat we need are developers23:23
nubaewell it does in a way... its like canonical pulling out of the educational part... or at least edubuntu23:23
LaserJockwhether they come from Canonical or not is somewhat irrelevant23:23
LaserJockwell, in a lot of ways they have23:23
nubaeyeah and who wants to get caught up in it if its 'only canonically officially supported'?23:23
nubaeI just dont see the attraction to a dev23:24
LaserJockto work on software we love23:24
nubaeyeah, that we dont get to choose???23:24
LaserJockI like helping people and I think education is important23:24
LaserJocksure we do23:24
nubaeme too23:24
nubaeincredibly important...23:24
nubaebut we should be choosing what edubuntu is and whats in it23:25
LaserJockthe problem is that there are several, sometimes intertwined layers here when you talk about "support"23:25
LaserJockwe can23:25
LaserJockwe can't tell Canonical what to do, i.e. what it will or won't support23:26
LaserJockbut that's not everything, in fact it's fairly small23:26
nubaeyou're right, but we should be able to choose what we package/recommend23:27
nubaethe 2 being different23:27
LaserJockwe do determine that23:27
LaserJockany Core Developer can change the seeds23:27
nubaebecoming the owner of the package... thats not a solution23:27
LaserJockand anybody can file a Main Inclusion Report to move a package from Universe to Main23:27
LaserJockwell, we do that anyway23:27
LaserJockthat's what being a Core Developer is all about23:28
LaserJockmaintaining packages23:28
nubaeyeah, but here we are talking about a small amount of devs and many many useful packages23:28
LaserJockso we're spread pretty darn thin23:29
nubaethe user in the end suffers, because of rigid politics that shouldn't really apply to edubuntu23:29
nubaethats my opinion anyway23:29
LaserJockit's not politics!23:29
nubaeok facts then :-)23:29
LaserJockthe fact of the matter is that software doesn't just magically work on itself23:29
LaserJocksomebody has got to do it23:29
LaserJocksome software is better than others23:29
nubaelook, there is no drive for a current dev to put in any more packages in edubuntu, because they cannot maintain it... that makes total sense... so edubuntu will not grow23:30
LaserJocksure there's drive23:30
nubaenah, if u cant, dont have the time, u can't23:30
LaserJockI want to deliver more and better educational content to kids/schools/parents23:30
LaserJockso we build a community of people23:30
LaserJockthat's how this works, more people = more software maintained23:31
LaserJockif people want Universe software then it's certainly out there for them, and the MOTU do a pretty decent job of maintaining it23:31
nubaeso the process right now would be... become a package manager, then support the app of your choice, and then suggest it for inclusion into main, before it can even start being edubuntu23:32
nubaethat just seems like a really long, impossible process23:32
LaserJockno, no23:32
LaserJock*anybody* can contribute23:32
nubaeI get that... but I'm talking about the apps23:32
LaserJockthere's no reason people can't help out23:32
nubaewhy work on an app, if it might not get into edubuntu, or there is such a long procedure for it to happen23:32
LaserJockwell, because it's better for the users?23:33
nubaeits better for the users to get an unmaintained app, than non at all23:33
LaserJockit's really not all that hard to get something into Edubuntu23:33
nubaenot all apps, but some for sure23:33
LaserJocksure sure23:33
nubaechildsplay is a good example23:33
LaserJockbut it's in Universe, where it is maintained by MOTU23:33
nubaeyeah, but not in edubuntu23:34
Ahmuckperhaps we need a recomended list23:34
LaserJocknot currently no23:34
Ahmuckand default install, anything beyond that is up to the user to find out what's wrong23:34
nubaethis is the part I'm still confused with.... there are many really good apps in uni, which I see no reason shouldn't be listed for edubuntu23:34
LaserJocknubae: then lets get them in!23:34
Ahmuckhow do we get them in?23:35
Ahmuckdo they all have to be free?23:35
LaserJockwe file a Main Inclusion Report23:35
Ahmuckso for non-free apps we need a sepearte "recomended but not free" apps list23:35
LaserJockwe need to do a security review and file out "paperwork"23:35
nubaeok, maybe getting into main is easier than I think...23:35
LaserJockok, but hang on a sec23:35
Ahmuckthe security review is to prevent someone from inserting a rouge app23:35
nubaebut I was led to assume it isnt23:35
LaserJockthe problem I see is everybody is wanting to make big lists of software23:36
LaserJockwhen we can't even maintain the small list we have now23:36
nubaebut many apps in uni are better maintained than these because there is MOTU23:36
LaserJockI think it's wise to start small, and work our way out23:36
nubaeI agree23:36
LaserJocknubae: right, and that should *not* be the case23:36
LaserJockour apps should be better maintained23:37
nubaewe had thin client manager listed for 2 releases even though its totally unsupported and dead23:37
nubaein its place I'd rather see a uni maintained edu app23:37
LaserJockit's not dead, it's just been replaced23:37
nubaedead to me = not workign23:37
nubaewhich it didnt23:37
LaserJockit works in jaunty I believe23:37
LaserJockogra fixed up some stuff23:37
LaserJockin any case, that was an "in house" project that kinda died23:38
nubaewell still... dead for 2 releases23:38
LaserJockbut when people take off that kind of thing happens23:38
nubaeits just an example... something that was in Uni wouldnt end up like that23:38
LaserJocksure it would23:38
LaserJockfor thin-client-manager it would have been just the same in Universe23:38
nubaeit might, but then next release, u pull it23:38
LaserJockbut a top priority needs to be building developer community23:39
nubaeyeah which is easier if there are more apps in edubuntu23:39
LaserJockwe gotta have people working on the software23:39
nubaesounds like a chicken and egg situation23:39
Ahmuckmight i recommend only putting in stable for edubuntu23:39
LaserJocksomewhat yes23:39
LaserJockAhmuck: how do you mean?23:40
nubaebut the difference here is that both devs and users loose out... edubuntu remains small, a shadow of what it could be23:40
Ahmuckwell, a stable app is one that works23:40
nubaeAhmuck: that is the idea right now, edubuntu has only apps which are in the main branch23:40
LaserJockAhmuck: that is exactly what Main is supposed to be, well-working software that is maintained, stable, secure, and relatively bug free23:41
nubaebut the problem is that its too conservative an approach, there are not enough apps23:41
LaserJockmore apps doesn't really help us though23:41
nubaebut in reality its not like that for edubuntu due to the small dev community23:41
nubaeit helps growth23:41
nubaemore people use it, more likely to get dev interested23:41
LaserJockpeople aren't all that likely to use it if it's poorly maintained23:42
nubaeotherwise the way would be.... I like app such and such23:42
nubaein order to work on it officialy, it needs to get into main first23:42
nubaethats just backwards23:42
LaserJockthat's not how it is23:42
LaserJock*anybody* can work on *any* package23:42
nubaeright they would not be working on an edubuntu package23:43
LaserJockthe issue is if the work needs sponsorship or not23:43
LaserJockok, but I don't seen anybody out there23:43
LaserJockit's just me as far as I can tell23:43
LaserJockwell, and stgraber on LTSP23:43
nubaeright... which is why I'm saying why not focus on the stuff u have on your plate, and get the MOTUS to help with other apps23:44
nubaeand in the meantime, build the community23:44
LaserJockbecause MOTU doesn't have time for it23:44
LaserJockbut yeah23:44
LaserJockin a while (not sure how long exactly) Main and Universe won't exactly exist, which will probably get you closer to what you want23:45
LaserJockbut I'm not sure how to build a community that people don't want to participate in23:45
nubaelook, why dont we at least look at the edu apps that are currently in universe, and see what would be cool for inclusion, like a recommended list... we dont even have to put it in the seeds23:46
nubaewho said they dont wanna participate, I wanna particicpate23:46
LaserJocksure, no problem23:46
LaserJockwell, to be frank, education is the worst area I've seen for getting people to actually do anything23:46
LaserJockpeople just don't step up very often or very much23:46
LaserJockand I totally understand that23:47
nubaeand I know at least another 5 other people... but I think not everyone can make major commitments like becoming package manager of every app they recommend23:47
LaserJockbut it's a real struggle23:47
LaserJockno, no23:47
LaserJockyou don't have to23:47
LaserJockwe work as a team23:47
LaserJockyou do what you can, when you can23:47
nubaeok, well we still have that strategy doc to look at too :-)23:47
LaserJockbut people need to help23:47
nubaeyeah I get that, maybe a list should be made23:48
nubaeask what people want to work on23:48
LaserJockI need to figure out how to make Edubuntu appealing to 1) current devs and 2) educators who can become devs23:48
nubaewell there needs to be a procedure too23:49
nubaeits not that simple to get involved right now... well... not simple enough23:49
LaserJockright, it's not terribly simple23:49
LaserJockI'm not sure if I can do a whole lot about that :(23:49
nubaewell what do u tell someone when they ask what shall/can I do to help with edubuntu23:50
LaserJockone thing that I've thought about is getting an MOTU Education team23:50
nubaeand most of these will say, I have little programming experience23:50
LaserJockthe problem right now is we don't exactly have a lot of useful infrastructure for people to plug in to23:51
LaserJockback in the day it was a heck of a lot easier23:51
LaserJockright now I'd say the big things are 1) bugs 2) documentation 3) website23:52
nubaewell I've heard it said several times that installing edubuntu-addon was pointless23:52
nubaebecause it didn't really include a functional educational desktop23:52
LaserJockwe gotta take very little steps though23:53
LaserJockstarting from where we are at right now23:53
nubaeyeah I see that23:53
LaserJockso what kind of things can I/we do to help people get involved?23:54
nubaewell next meeting get a kinda roll call and find out who would want to be involved with what23:55
nubaeand list it somewhere23:55
nubaemaybe make it easy to do the same via a wiki/online form on the website23:56
nubaeor even form to email23:57
LaserJockshould there be a list of tasks that need somebody to work on them?23:57
nubaeyeah that too23:57
nubaeand just state, this is not an exhaustive list23:57
LaserJocknormally that would be on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Edubuntu/Devel/RoadMap23:58
nubaei think that link would scare people away23:58
nubaeespecially with the work devel in it :-)23:58
LaserJockit shouldn't23:58
nubaereaction might be, I'm not a developer, thats not for me23:59
LaserJockbut I guess it could, it's somewhat hard for me to think like a newb anymore :(23:59
nubaevery few people like to call themselves devs23:59
nubaeor dare23:59
LaserJockin Ubuntu we use if very loosely23:59

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