
=== Daisuke-Ido is now known as Daisuke_Ido
DanaGAnyone here use dmraid?02:11
DanaGI can't get my raid1 volume to work -- it gives various errors about failure adding to table.02:13
\KiraHow could someone become a developer of ubuntu/kubuntu?04:50
CarlFK\Kira: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers05:11
\KiraCarlFK: thanks05:11
DanaGAnyone know how to trigger a rebuild (copy primary -> secondary) in dmraid?07:06
DanaGLooks like it might just not be possible.  Bummer.07:20
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01
bri-hHi everyone - I just filed a bug report for my new Lenovo S10 (Bug 312403).  The internal microphone doesn't work.  I don't know that much about alsa but it looks like a pin-out issue?  I couldn't find a bug report that matched but I have seen through Google that others have noticed this problem.  Does anyone know if it's already being worked?12:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 312403 in alsa-driver "Lenovo ideapad S10 internal microphone doesn't work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31240312:12
=== Sergeant_Pony is now known as KB1OHY_Rich
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01
wtgeeHi all...I installed alpha 2 and everything was peachy but after one upgrade I am getting a black screen where I should be getting gdm.  I tried all the solutions I could find but to no avail. Any ideas or should I just be waiting for an upgrade?18:26
wtgeeCtrl-Alt-F2 doesn't work and neither does Ctrl-Alt-Backspace18:26
wtgeeI have an ati hd340018:26
bardyrwtgee, ctrl+alt+print screen+ k18:28
wtgeebardyr: What does that do?18:29
bardyrwtgee, kernel reload, but the same happens as ctrl+alt+backspace18:29
wtgeebardyr:  I didn't know that...let me go try.  Thanks.18:30
wtgeebardyr:  any other ideas to try if that doesn't work?  I have to reboot since I just have this one machine.18:30
bardyrwtgee, what does the X.org log say?18:31
bardyrwtgee, and its a really bad idea to install alphas on machines you depend on18:31
wtgeebardyr: Nothing unusual that I can see...it loads all the drivers and goes all the way through the process.18:31
DanaGI get kernel panic if I try to use any ATI driver newer than 8.543.18:31
DanaGI had to roll back to the 8.543 fglrx version.18:32
wtgeebardyr:  Well, I don't really depend on it, I just don't have another machine right here handy as I am using this one right now. :)18:32
DanaGI also had to downgrade Xorg.18:32
wtgeeDanaG, bardyr: Okay thanks, I will be back in a few, hopefully within jaunty.18:33
manjamy webcam makes garbled green images in skype on intrepid and this workaround https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libv4l/+bug/260918/comments/112 tells my to use one lib from jaunty, but I don't know how23:31
ubottuUbuntu bug 260918 in amsn "needed: libv4l and associated application patches (or "gspca stopped working in 2.6.27")" [Undecided,In progress]23:31
DanaGHmm, my new "Audio Advantage SRM" sound card has something weird: two "Speaker" mixers.23:52
DanaGOr rather, one "Speaker" and one "Speaker 1".23:52
crimsunwhy is that weird?23:53
DanaGThe "Speaker" one doesn't seem to do anything.23:58
DanaGI also can't seem to get the headphone output to switch to be the last two channels (7 and 8) -- but I don't actually need that, anyway.23:58
DanaGInterestingly enough, it also opens in 8-channel mode under PulseAudio, even though I have default-sample-channels set to 6.23:59
DanaGTrying speaker-test on surround51:1 gave "invalid parameters".23:59

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