
isilionzsquareplusc,  in hosts.allow ALL is uncomented, is this ok?00:00
zsquarepluscnwbie_: lspci or lshw -C network  might help00:00
dmxI need some help with Ubuntu I have v 8.10. my problems I can not get my wifi to work. I have ndiswrapper and it is set as it were, were assisted by a mate, but going by the clock when I press the network icon that shows only "wired network" no Wireless: /00:00
R0b0t1I'm having problems with my Java on AMD64, are there any help threads, etc?00:00
R0b0t1Some I've tried haven't worked.00:00
zsquarepluscisilion: yes. unless you have an ALL in .deny it's accepting all connections anyway00:01
AlmteshR0b0t1: I have a 64-bit processor, but I can't use a 64-bit kernel because the wireless card, flash, Java and screensavers don't work on it.00:01
SSilver2kwtf, now it just started working00:01
zsquarepluscAlmtesh: there is a 64 bit flash beta from adobe00:01
scythefwdalmetesh, if the wireless card you are using works with the ubuntu wireless extensions, it will default to eth1 once it is configured, I havn't seen a wlan0 but my experience is limited00:01
onetinsoldierAlmtesh: what's the output of...   uname -m   ??00:01
R0b0t1Almtesh: Odd, I've gotten all three to work :) (except Java, I'm working on that now, it has worked in the past)00:01
AlmteshR0b0t1 : try to install ubuntu-restricted-extra.00:01
MrCollinsmy mp3 player is not having other issues00:02
MrCollinsgparted gives me this error message at http://pastebin.com/m7d3dde6d can someone have a look please?00:02
onetinsoldierAlmtesh: that's your problem right there. you installed a 32-bit userspace architecture00:02
AlmteshI know.00:02
scythefwdmy issues are with firefox and wpa_supplicant (after dhclient has been ran and ip address has been recieved)00:03
isilionzsquareplusc,  in .deny i got sshd, and i commented it00:03
Almteshonetinsoldier I installed it to do work my wireless card, flash, Java and screensavers.00:03
techsuperfreakmrcollins:  you try to mount via terminal?00:03
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MrCollinstechsuperfreak, no what command should I pass?00:03
zsquarepluscisilion: did you try to connect the server on the server?00:04
isilioni restarted daemon, but still no being capable to connect desired port but default connects ok. zsquareplusc00:04
kdlhey all i am having problems wth ubuntu and my new nvidia gfx crd (9800 gtx+)00:04
onetinsoldierAlmtesh: ok, roger. ithought you were stating that working on them... isn't working. but perhaps i misread that00:04
isilionzsquareplusc,  im trying to connect to this machine via ssh, from a desired port00:04
isilionfrom this machine00:05
linny1ive recently started using ubuntu and  im having problems burning dvd-rs ive downloaded that are in the .img format.. Ive googled high and low and even tried windows programs in wine, ill explain what ive done and what problems ive had....First i tried k3b it does burn them natively but the end of the dvd seems to jump and sometimes cuts off the end of the movie. (i use k3b to burn .isos and they work fine). So i tried to convert 00:05
Almteshonetinsoldier I'm French. I've a bad English.00:05
hocemhello..how can i manage the widi connection in ubuntu?00:05
Almteshonetinsoldier Can you speak clearier?00:05
sfer21!repeat > linny100:05
ubottulinny1, please see my private message00:05
onetinsoldierAlmtesh: no problem.00:05
techsuperfreakmrcollins:  first unount, then mkdir ~/usbdrive then mount /dev/sdc -o rw ~/usbdrive00:05
ubottubenben: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!00:05
benbenCan anyone tell me how to boot to run level 3 on ubuntu intrepid? /etc/inittab isn't there00:05
MrCollinstechsuperfreak, ok00:06
linny1sfer21: im allowed to ask my quetion again im not spanning00:06
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riegersnwhere is irexec in intrepid ? apt-get says its not in repos00:06
kitchesfer21: no clue why you used the repeat factoid on linny1 since it's been well over 5 minutes since the last time he asked00:06
linny1sfer21: lol now i forgotten how to type look :)00:06
techsuperfreakmr collins: might need to use sudo00:06
mohbanacan i control my friends pc remotely?00:06
mohbanahe needs help00:07
zsquarepluscbenben: you don't, usally use runlevel 3 on ubuntu00:07
sfer21kitche: but no-one's known an answer00:07
MrCollinstechsuperfreak, yeah trying now00:07
sfer21linny1: maybe better to come back later00:07
hocemhelp please ...what is the better wifi software??00:07
kitchesfer21: hence why he needed to ask again00:07
Almteshmohbana You want to control your friend's PC?00:07
kitchelinny1: sounds like the .img is just cut short actually00:07
mohbanaAlmtesh: like remote desktop on windows00:07
benbenzsquareplusc, huh? Do you mean I am already at run level 3?00:07
Almteshmohbana Using what?00:07
linny1sfer21: what so im aske3d to leave now for asking the same question 5 mins apart ?00:07
zsquarepluscmohbana: yes. he ca share his screen and you can connect to using terminal server client or a vnc client00:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about irexec00:08
mohbanado you have a link?00:08
onetinsoldierbenben: are you in x-windows?00:08
mohbanazsquareplusc: and Almtesh00:08
Almteshmohbana What the OS of remote controlled PCs?00:08
sfer21kitche: usually, if no-one displays interest in the question 3 times, obviously there isn't anyone to help.00:08
zsquarepluscbenben: no, usually 2. but ubuntu doesn't use runlevels 3,4,5. they aren't any different from 200:08
R0b0t1I'm still trying to get Java to work. IS EVERYONE SURE THEY DON'T HAVE SOMETHING?!00:08
benbenonetinsoldier, yes, and i want to boot to command line without any GUI stuff00:08
linny1kitche: no ive rule that out ive tried multiple img files thanks for the input tho :)00:08
mohbanaubuntu 8.10 and i'm using the same,00:08
mohbanahis might be a 32bit00:08
kitchesfer21: he only asked it twice00:08
onetinsoldierbenben: ok... here's intructions on how to get to command line00:08
cirohi all00:08
isilionzsquareplusc,  why i can connect to port 22, but no to the one i want?00:08
zsquarepluscbenben: then try the recovery mode or add "text" to the kernel command line00:08
sfer21linny1: no, i didn't say to leave, i said if you're looking for help you may want to come back later because asking the same group of people a few times isn't going to get anything if it didn't the first time00:09
linny1 sfer21: and that works assuming nobody new comes to the channel00:09
AlmteshAgainst all odds, dnsmasq does not want to assume its DHCP functions. What can I do?00:09
kitchelinny1: hmm might want to ask a more advance channel actually on how to convert img to .isos but myself I tend to just extract everything and burn them regular usually00:09
benbenzsquareplusc, thanks00:09
onetinsoldier1) log out of x-windows.... menu up top  System -- Log Out <username>  2) Ctrl+Alt+F100:09
riegersn!info irexec00:09
ubottuPackage irexec does not exist in intrepid00:09
cirowho does use winwrap for animated desktop?i have a problem...when i star matrix screensaver as animated desktop i can't see icons below...my desktop "pulses"00:10
MrCollinsUnable to open /dev/sdc read-write (Read-only file system). /dev/sdc has been opened read-only.00:10
Almteshmohbana Wich OS use the PCs you want to control?00:10
zsquarepluscisilion a firewall or /etc/hosts.{allow,deny} might be blocking the connection as you say the server is listening in that port. if its across internet the IPS might also filter00:10
mohbanaAlmtesh: ubunun 8.10 32/64bit00:10
sfer21linny1: i've gone through, you've asked 5 times, i suggested maybe coming back later when other people will be on. this is an international channel.00:10
riegersn!find irexec00:10
ubottuFile irexec found in lirc00:10
onetinsoldierbenben: there's a little more to the instructions if you are wanting to actually shut x-windows down(turn it off)00:10
linny1kitche: i didnt know that was an option how would i go about doing that then ? i just want to get them onto the dvds00:10
benbenonetinsoldier, that is just switching between terminals...i basically don't want x windows to run at all00:10
Almteshmohbana You can use vncviewer.00:10
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mohbanathis channel is too packed00:11
MrCollinstechsuperfreak, mount: block device /dev/sdd1 is write-protected, mounting read-only00:11
mohbanait's hard to say focused00:11
zsquarepluscmohbana: the desktop sharing is in the system->prefs menu (remote desktop)00:11
isilionnot is in my lan. ive installed some seckurity packages, could that be the problem?00:11
mohbanazsquareplusc: thank you00:11
isilionnot,it is  in my lan* zsquareplusc00:11
Almteshmohbana Sorry, it's vinagre.00:11
kitchelinny1: well you can mount the .img usually but not sure how on linux since I forgot most of the linux specific things00:11
zsquarepluscmohbana: the other question is, how to connect. if it is across the internet it might be tricky (NAT routers..)00:11
techsuperfreakmrcollins: when mounted what is the output of ls -l for the dir?00:11
kdlI have the latest version of ubuntu and a nvidia 9800gtx+ Ihave the 177 drivers and I am having troubles figuring out how to make sure the gfx is working properly.  I just downlloaded flightgear and the gfx are really messed up.  I can see outlines of objects, but they are filled with weird lsd-type colors and patterns00:12
kdlcan someoneplease help me when youhave a moment00:12
onetinsoldierbenben: ok. are you wanting this behavior permanently?00:12
mohbanavia internet, nothing complex, we each connect to the net via a adsl box00:12
sfer21linny1: can't you just go "burn dvd image" in k3b?00:12
linny1kitche: ill google and give it a go thanks for your help at least i have a new lead to try happy new year00:12
zsquarepluscisilion: you could run sshd with -d instead of as a daemon to get more verbose debug outputs. or use nc/nc -l to check if you can make connections between pcs on that specific port00:12
sfer21oh wait, that's iso00:12
AlmteshAgainst all odds, dnsmasq does not want to assume its DHCP functions. What can I do?00:12
DeadmonkeyXplz help some one?00:13
AlmteshI'm tired!00:13
linny1sfer21: i obviosly didnt post enuff you didnt read it :)00:13
sfer21linny1: try coming back on later, because there will be different people on00:13
benbenonetinsoldier, if it is reversible then yes. I am trying to do some diagnostics on some other ubuntu boxes00:13
zsquareplusc!who > mohbana00:13
ubottumohbana, please see my private message00:13
AlmteshWhat's the problem DeadmonkeyX ?00:13
sfer21i kind of understood, but didnt00:13
mohbanazsquareplusc: via internet, nothing complex, we each connect to the net via a adsl box00:13
DeadmonkeyXI need some help with Ubuntu I have v 8.10. my problems I can not get my wifi to work. I have ndiswrapper and it is set as it were, were assisted by a mate, but going by the clock when I press the network icon that shows only "wired network" no Wireless: /00:13
kozlojakis there any programs for linux that work like a windows media center server and i will get the same fuctions from a xbox360 connecting to it?00:13
puffOne of my external USB drives isn't showing up.   The other one shows up. I don't see anything obvious in dmsesg, where else can I look for info on what's going wrong?00:14
isilionzsquareplusc,  whats the path to sshd to run sshd -d?00:14
onetinsoldierbenben: ok.   1) determine what display_manager you use with --> cat /etc/X11/default-display-manager   2) log out of x-windows  3) Ctrl+Alt+F1   4) login to the console termminal  5) sudo invoke-rc.d <display_manager> stop (for example -->  invoke-rc.d gdm stop  <--, this shuts down x-windows completely)00:14
linny1sfer21: k3b doent purn them properly it messes up the ends of the films it works fine with .isos tho ?00:14
AlmteshI go to sleep.00:14
redd1i added the q3 data files from the repository...but i cant play yet...what do i need to do?00:14
zsquarepluscmohbana: once the friend runs the desktop sharing you need to figure out how to connect to him. theoretically just a "vncviewer hisip", but when ther is a NAT router, you need to set up port forwarding on his side. this is also not encrypted. you could use ssh to make secure tunnels00:14
MrCollinstechsuperfreak, when I am in the dir and I do ls -l it returns total 000:14
white-sheepkozlojak: I don't think so.   Windows + Xbox360 are made by Microsoft.00:15
techsuperfreakmrcollins: ls -l ~/usbdrive00:15
zsquarepluscisilion: just sshd? that works here00:15
sfer21linny1: i think i have an answer00:15
AlmteshGood night Ubuntu !00:15
linny1hmm anyone know if theres a k3b support chan ?00:15
benbenonetinsoldier, sweet! Now how do I do this so that it boots without xwindows every time?00:15
sfer21rename the .img extension to .iso00:15
sfer21and try that00:15
MrCollinstechsuperfreak, wait error00:15
isilion$ sshd00:15
isilionsshd re-exec requires execution with an absolute path00:15
MrCollinstechsuperfreak, it returns this -rwx------ 1 brian root 2066844 2008-12-27 17:17 Every+Creature.mp300:15
MrCollinsdrwx------ 2 brian root    4096 2004-01-01 00:00 MICIN.DIR00:15
sfer21linny1: try renaming it from .img to .iso00:15
Milos_SDQ: I have 8 GB of ram, and using 64bit kernel, why system monitor shows that I have 7.7 GB of RAM? :S00:15
AlmteshMilos_SD Normal.00:16
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onetinsoldierbenben: System --> Administration --> Services --> disable Graphical Display Manager(gdm)00:16
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Milos_SDAlmtesh, why is it normal? :)00:16
kitcheMilos_SD: since it's MiB instead of MB00:16
kitcheMilos_SD: or GiB instead of GB00:16
redd1can anyone help/00:16
zsquarepluscisilion: you might want to stop the other instance, "invoke-rc.d ssh stop"00:16
linny1 sfer21: yes i read that oti it doesnt work for me, i read somwhere that it only works with single session .img files anyway i thought linux didnt take any notice of the file ext00:16
kkkduifjalsddhow do i set my wlan card in monitor mode?00:17
Milos_SDkitche, thanks....00:17
white-sheeplinny1: Try burning it at lower speed -- It do help issues sometimes -- This sometimes happened to me when I'm burning ISOs.00:17
AlmteshMilos_SD Because when you get a 8GB RAM, there's not 8GB of RAM.00:17
AlmteshThere's a little less.00:17
babdewirc.brokensphere.net 6667 #Spirit00:17
benbenonetinsoldier! Thanks a lot!00:17
MrCollinstechsuperfreak, did you see my message?00:17
isiliono$ sshd00:17
isilionsshd re-exec requires execution with an absolute path00:17
isilion zsquareplusc00:17
zsquareplusclinny1: file extensions, some programs ignore them, some look at them. you can use "file" to identify file types independent of ending00:17
Milos_SDAlmtesh, /proc/meminfo shows MemTotal:        8117128 kB00:17
onetinsoldierbenben: you're welcome :)00:18
ncfi1013"KLauncher could not be reached via D-Bus. Error when calling start_service_by_desktop_path: empty." is this some thing i should worry about? what does it mean? if i should worry about it, how do i fix it?00:18
redd1how do i run quake 3 after installing the data files from the repo?00:18
zsquarepluscisilion: yes, you still have the other sshd running00:18
AlmteshMilos_SD Yes, of course. 8117128 kB is not 8GB.00:18
linny1 white-sheep: thanks for the input00:18
SaturnDriverMilos_SD: yeah, because there's gigabyte as in 1074MB and gigabytes as in 1000MB00:18
Milos_SDAlmtesh, and when I had 2 GB of ram, it showed 2.0 GiB00:18
mohbanazsquareplusc: $ vncviewer hisip00:18
mohbanaThe program 'vncviewer' can be found in the following packages:00:18
mohbana * xvnc4viewer00:18
mohbana * xtightvncviewer00:18
mohbana * tightvnc-java00:18
mohbana * vnc-java00:18
isilionzsquareplusc,  i mean after rc...00:19
mohbana ... which one do i choose?00:19
sfer23linny1: did you try what i suggested?00:19
sfer23!paste | mohbana00:19
ubottumohbana: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:19
MrCollinstechsuperfreak, I got it00:19
zsquarepluscisilion: hm. you used sudo? otehrwise try /etc/init.d/ssh stop00:19
MrCollinstechsuperfreak, it requires me to turn ON the 'HOLD' button00:19
isilionafter invoke00:19
linny1sfer23: what change the ext yea i allready did earlyer it doesnt work00:19
SaturnDriverMilos_SD: It depends on what the manufacturer is calling a GB I guess00:19
techsuperfreakmrcollins: cool, works now?00:19
sfer23linny1:  hmm, okay, it should burn normally. are you sure there isn't a problem with the img?00:20
Almteshmohbana Use vinagre.00:20
isilionboth ways it says is stopped00:20
sfer23that could have been the problem all along00:20
AlmteshIt's on your computer.00:20
isilionfor reexec ask for full path00:20
zsquarepluscmohbana: doesn't matter much, they are all capable of the same basic protocols. maybe try tightvncviewer00:20
mohbanaAlmtesh: it seems like i need to run a server and client00:20
rhousandis there a way to make it where my wifi will connect to unsecured network with out asking me.00:20
* Almtesh baille en français.00:20
linny1sfer23: yea it does it with all the img files00:20
MrCollinstechsuperfreak, yeah thanks for your help... must be a manu defect because the hold button in the manual IS the write block! lol00:20
* Almtesh goes to sleep.00:20
techsuperfreakmrcollins: np00:21
Milos_SDSaturnDriver, hmm... ok ... In BIOS it is something like  8317128 insted of 8117128.... that is why I aksed :)00:21
sfer23linny1: have you tried any of the image files on any other computer to make sure they are all ok?00:21
linny1sfer23: i may have to dual boot or maybe a vm will do the trick ?00:21
zsquarepluscisilion: then try the fullpath. use which sshd to find it out00:21
redd1how do i run quake 3 after installing the data files from the repo?00:21
sfer23linny1: so you've not tested the images on any other computer?00:21
linny1linny1: no but im sure they are fine00:22
sfer23linny1: you never know, that may be the problem.00:22
SaturnDriverMilos_SD: Oh, well I don't know why that is then. Seems normalish though. As long as it's consistent00:22
mumblesok people who are still up a quick question00:23
white-sheepBreaking The Myth Of MegaPixels -- An article worth mentioning -- http://www.nytimes.com/2007/02/08/technology/08pogue.html00:23
mumblesafter having to reinstall xp on pernats machine i have just installed ubuntu so i can use dd or somethign to back up xp00:23
mumblesany ideas on the best way ?00:23
isilionzsquareplusc,  sshd -d returns this00:23
isiliondebug1: Bind to port 1720 on ::.00:23
isilionServer listening on :: port 1720.00:23
isiliondebug1: Bind to port 1720 on
isilionServer listening on port 1720.00:23
ubottuisilion: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:24
zsquarepluscmumbles: there is also partimage and other specific backup tools that try to avoid copying empty blocks00:24
eseven73howcome the floodbots stopped working?00:24
white-sheepeseven73: I don't think it's considered as a flood -- Few lines.00:24
sfer23white-sheep: no, normally they kick in at about 3 lines00:24
sfer23and that was 500:24
onetinsoldierwell, that was for or five lines all in a row00:24
eseven73yea after 3 it warns00:24
Milos_SDSaturnDriver, I compiled 2.6.28 kernel and now it is 7.7 GiB, but in Ubuntus generic 2.6.27-11 it was 7.8 GiB :)00:25
sfer23have passed it onto #ubuntu-irc00:25
LITSis there any multiplayer reversi game for ubuntu?00:25
SaturnDriverMilos_SD: Well I mean, with the same kernel it should stay the same. If it's 7.7GB one day, and 7.6GB the other day without reconfiguring anything then i'd be worried00:25
white-sheepMilos_SD: You have lot of RAMS -- I don't think this should be something you should be worrying about. ;)00:26
redd1how do i run quake 3 after installing the data files from the repo?00:26
ncfi1013"KLauncher could not be reached via D-Bus. Error when calling start_service_by_desktop_path: empty." is this some thing i should worry about? what does it mean? if i should worry about it, how do i fix it?00:26
rhousandis there not a way to have wifi auto join any unsecured network00:26
qwexerdoes anyone have a rocketfish bluetooth adapter working?00:26
Gnearedd1: i think you type 'quake3' and press enter in a terminal00:26
zsquarepluscisilion: so fas so good, it binds on port 1720 on all interfaces. now if you connect, do you get any errors?00:26
DIFH-icerootredd1: copy the *.pak-files to base-directory and then type quake300:27
sfer23There we go.00:27
redd1gnea: doesnt work...it installed from the repo with my cd in the drive but i wonder why it wont run i do not see a listing for the game ither00:27
eseven73sfer23 :)00:27
Gnearedd1: depends on where it installed to, i guess00:28
isilionzsquareplusc,  look http://paste.ubuntu.com/95498/00:28
derklempnerI'm trying to update my nVidia drivers, but I can't figure out how to restart the system without also restarting the X server.  Any tips?00:28
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=== Tetracom is now known as Tetracomm
onetinsoldierredd1: you might have to type in the full path to the game, depending on where it installed to00:28
techsuperfreakderk:  you want the machine to start in terminal?00:28
derklempnerYes, I do.00:28
trav1085i think i destroyed 105 GB of my personal data00:29
redd1how do i find it?00:29
trav1085i was resizing a partition and then i cancelled it00:29
trav1085and now i can't read the drive in ubuntu00:29
zsquarepluscisilion: if it sas tcp wrapper i guess its because of /etc/hosts.{allow,deny}00:29
trav1085and i have no other windows installations that work due to a virus00:29
trav1085but just because i cancelled the resizing,00:29
trav1085the data should be there00:29
onetinsoldierredd1: updatedb.... when that finishes ---> locate quake3 | less00:29
sfer23!enter | trav108500:29
ubottutrav1085: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:29
trav1085but i don't know how to access it <_<00:29
isilionzsquareplusc,  not. it says "ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host00:30
zsquareplusctrav1085: please don't use enter as punctuation. and what format was that parition you resiszed?00:30
white-sheepYou canceled the process of resizing hard disk -- and the data it contains.  You didn't make a backup. :-\00:30
trav1085it was ntfs00:30
onetinsoldierredd1: you'll need  --> sudo updatedb  ..actually00:30
trav1085it was just a resize,00:30
zsquarepluscisilion: look at line 22 of your paste00:30
ncfi1013"KLauncher could not be reached via D-Bus. Error when calling start_service_by_desktop_path: empty." is this some thing i should worry about? what does it mean? if i should worry about it, how do i fix it?00:31
trav1085gparted reads the harddrive as one ntfs partition, and ubuntu tells me to run chkdsk00:31
Ratiusis it possible to make a specific directory have by default a primary group appended to any file created for any users in that directory? (what I am trying to do is setup several users for a CVS repository with one group but those same users would be members of another CVS repository with another group)00:31
qwexerdoes anyone have any bluetooth adapters working in 8.04?00:31
derklempnerHow do I restart in terminal mode?00:31
onetinsoldierderklempner: restart what? Ubuntu?00:32
olli_qwexer, yeah, me00:32
zsquareplusctrav1085: there is ntfsfix and others. there is a ntfs-tools package IIRC. but i don't know if thats really helping to restore data.. i'd copy the partition prevously to trying to fixing (dd/partimage)00:32
vaderderklempner: sudo shutdown -r now00:32
qwexerolli_: is it usb, and did  you just plug and play?  What brand?00:32
olli_does anyone know whether it is possible to close all windows of a certain desk at once?00:32
onetinsoldierderklempner: are you wanting to reboot?00:32
trav1085well what i was trying to do was resize my 1 only ntfs partition, so that i could then create another ntfs to transfer my personal files to it and then format the "corrupted" partition my data was on00:33
redd1onetinsoldier: it found it under usr\share\ggames\quake3....but i still cannot execute it00:33
olli_qwexer, it is usb, I just plug and played it and erm, I forgot the bran00:33
zsquarepluscRatius: you can set the S bit on directories. but for cvs, cvs has means to map users itself (if your using pserver)00:33
derklempnerNo, I'd like to restart my machine into terminal mode.  Can I just use "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop" and then "/etc/init.d/gdm start" to restart it?00:33
white-sheepderklempner: That'll work.00:33
onetinsoldierredd1: what does this command give for output? --> file /usr\share\games\quake300:33
isilionzsquareplusc,  whats tcpwrapper and how i get rid off it?00:33
white-sheepderklempner: I think you can also do restart instead of stop/start.00:34
Ratiusthanks zsquareplusc Im using CVS through extssh though00:34
qwexerolli_: ok, mine isn't showing up when I plug it in00:34
onetinsoldierredd1: what does this command give for output? --> file /usr/share/games/quake300:34
derklempnerWell, I think I need to update my nVidia drivers because of an issue I'm having with a game crashing constantly.  So I don't want to restart completely, just enter terminal mode.00:34
kevin_hello, can i use wubi to install a basic command line system? this laptop only has 256 megs of ram, so i want to build up a base system instead of doing a full install00:35
olli_qwexer, there is a tool which shows all the attached usb devices...00:35
olli_what was its name....00:35
Labmonkey1So I've been trying to install ubuntu on an old inspiron laptop, and I got it working with minimal problems. But now I need to run it on an external monitor, and it is behaving strangely. It works on the other monitor until gnome starts, then it goes back to the laptop monitor.00:35
Labmonkey1I've googled around, and cannot seem to find solutions. Do you need any more information?00:35
onetinsoldierredd1: ok, then that's not the executable. do you know the exact name of the executable? if not, go into that directory and see if you can see it00:35
zsquarepluscisilion: "man hosts", also look at tcpdchk or tcpdmatch00:35
stickboyhey. I just got a new external but ubuntu  (8.10) won't recognize it so that I can format it. any ideas?00:36
redd1onetin1: it just comes up as directory...what would the exec file be?00:36
olli_<< I guess Mad Cow, as in denny crane ;)00:36
hollywoodbI don't want to have universe & multiverse enabled all the time, but I'd like to temporarily enable them to install a single package... is there a way to do this easily with apt-get ?00:36
JangariI'm having the same problem, Labmonkey1, I don't have a solution00:36
redd1onetin1: inside quake3 there is baseq3 folder with the pak files in it00:36
olli_is there a way to close all laptops of the current desk at once?00:37
zsquarepluscisilion: i mean man hosts.allow00:37
Labmonkey1so anyobdy got any ideas00:37
olli_is there a way to close all windows of the current desktop at once?00:37
onetinsoldierredd1: still does not sound like the game executable... see if you and find it. i know of a gui that will help you find executable only files...00:37
JangariLabmonkey1: this is what happens to me: the login screen shows up on both laptop and external monitor, but as soon as I log in, the external shows 'input not supported' and the laptop goes blank00:37
Labmonkey1was that directed at me lol? I can't tell00:37
justmeokhow do you delete directories in terminal and delete everything inside of them with a command?00:38
kevin_you can minimize them all with a control+alt+d00:38
olli_justmeok, rm -r00:38
Jangariyes it was, that's why your name was in it00:38
zsquarepluscolli_: joke answer: ctrl+alt+backspace ;-)    or keep on hitting alt-f400:38
Labmonkey1I was reffering to a different message00:38
isilionBut its ALL in .allow00:38
olli_zsquareplusc, :D00:38
techsuperfreakmonkey:  any output from dmesg00:38
redd1onetin: do i have to run it from the cd?00:39
Labmonkey1techsuperfreak: what's dmesg lol, sorry im new to this00:39
stickboyhey. I just got a new external but ubuntu  (8.10) won't recognize it so that I can format it. any ideas? http://paste.ubuntu.com/95502/00:39
onetinsoldierredd1: http://www.kbrandt.com/2008/06/pygnomefind-gui-frontend-to-gnu-find.html   ...with this utility, you have to have both files contained in the tarball unpacked into the same directory, then you have to go into the directory and type in -->   ./pyGnomeFind.py00:40
techsuperfreakmonkey: type dmesg in a terminal00:40
techsuperfreakstickboy:  same to you, what output from dmesg?>00:40
zsquarepluscstickboy: looks like sdb is ok. is it just unformated? try gparted00:40
Jangarisimple question, I have an .rb script to batch run over a directory of text files. What's the bash command?00:40
puffUSB drive, anybody?00:41
Jangarias in, what's the bash command to pipe a text file through a ruby script?00:41
onetinsoldierredd1: i'm pretty certain that you have to get the executable from the cd onto your hard drive. but i could be wrong00:41
redd1onetin: what is the cmfd to unpak?00:41
onetinsoldierredd1: keep in mind i'm not a quake3 player00:41
justmeoksudo rmdir laptopok/ -r00:41
justmeokrmdir: invalid option -- 'r'00:41
zsquarepluscJangari: install ruby. and how that specific script is used, we can not guess that00:41
redd1onetin:heh yea thanks for your help man00:41
batman76ubuntu sucks00:42
zsquarepluscjustmeok: rmdir only works with empty folders. rm -r removes recusively (and defnietly, no undelete..)00:42
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!00:42
Jangariit's just an .rb script, and I want to run some text files through it, not complicated, right?00:42
Picibatman76: ?00:42
batman76ubuntu sucks00:42
onetinsoldierredd1: i can tell you how to on cmmand line.. or you can just install the following. you can run it as sudo/root if need be.  --> file-roller00:43
musictotothanks pici00:43
justmeokhow do you delete all folder contents zsquareplusc ?00:43
elkbuntuwas he calling ops on anyone to begin with, or just to be a moron?00:43
musictotoelkbuntu to be a moron :D00:43
Jangarito draw attention, elkbuntu00:43
elkbunturightio then.00:43
onetinsoldierredd1: to unpack the file, in need to know the file extension on the end.   .tar.gz? .tar.bz2?00:44
onetinsoldieri need*00:44
redd1onetin: i got it unpacked now...so you think i am looking for a *.run?00:44
onetinsoldierredd1: i don't know. but i doubt's it s .run. let me google search00:45
zsquarepluscjustmeok: "rm -r" recusively removes files and folders with no way to undo. but why aren't you using nautilus, the gui file manager?00:45
justmeokbecause these folders wont give me permissions00:45
untermenschHow big is an Ubuntu server install on the hard drive?00:45
Labmonkey1techsuperfreak: sorry for long wait, I had to find a keyboard for that computer00:45
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techsuperfreakmonkey: np00:46
zsquarepluscuntermensch: depends on what you actually install. i guess starting around 400MB00:46
Labmonkey1techsuperfreak: what parts of dmesg do you want, it was a lot of stuff00:46
untermenschzsquareplusc: for a server install?00:46
techsuperfreakmonkey: last 50 or so lones00:46
untermenschzsquareplusc: i guess the standered install?00:46
puchatekIm new here... and Im trying to setup my wifi card with ubuntu00:46
puchatekand Im lost00:47
Labmonkey1techsuper: anything your looking for? I can't easily copy paste cause its on another comp without net access00:47
puchatekany help?00:47
musictotountermensch: yes. it has no graphical user interface so takes less volume on your HD00:47
zsquarepluscuntermensch: the "standard" serve install asks you (tasksel) if you don't select anything there you just get a minimal install00:47
techsuperfreakmonkey:  hard to say without seeing00:47
untermenschmusictoto: yeah, i have a server running it now. i just forgot the install size.00:48
untermenschThink I could make it with a 2 or 4 gb hard drive?00:48
musictotountermensch: for a basic install sure00:48
untermenschawesome :)00:49
musictotountermensch: take the 4GB to be sure ;)00:49
zsquarepluscuntermensch: sure, depends on whyt you understand under a server... apache?  check your current one's size with "df -h"00:49
Labmonkey1well im not sure how I would get the info over to you00:49
ozatomicHas anyone here had any experience with the package inn or inn2?00:49
Labmonkey1techsuper: it would take hours to type out00:49
techsuperfreakmonkey:  recap issue for me00:50
musictoto!ask > ozatomic00:50
ubottuozatomic, please see my private message00:50
onetinsoldierredd1: i don't know that i could figure out how to properly install quake3 without having it myself. all i can say is you can google something like   Linux quake3 install00:50
ozatomici've installed inn2 and been tring to test posting binaries to it but i always get a 502 error.00:51
hdonhi all. a windows xp system has my only internet connection! i can set up a proxy on it easily enough, but how do i create a virtual networking interface on my Etch system that will tunnel through the proxy?00:51
nwbie__hello, i need some help. I need to know what type of wireless card I have on my laptop, where can I get this info?00:51
scuzzo1sup any game developers here for ubuntu?00:51
hdonnwbie__: lspci or lsusb might help00:51
Labmonkey1tech: I am trying to get my laptop (dell insperion 5000) to work with an external monitor (just the external monitor, NOT dual monitor). I plugged the monitor in, closed the laptop, and it shows the computer starting up on the external monitor, but once gnome starts up, the external monitor goes blank, and it starts going on the laptop monitor again.00:51
onetinsoldiernwbie__: apt-get install lshw && lshw -C network00:52
mmhello ... i tried running java .class files using java app.class from terminal and it's not working00:52
mmsame with java -jar file.jar00:52
mmanybody here know whats up?00:52
screamsayonaradoes anyone have any links to like, terminal for beginners tutorials or something like that00:52
hdonmm: "not working" isn't a very good description of your problem00:52
techsuperfreakmonkey:  does it show on both screens with the top up?00:52
JangariLabmonkey1: I would try starting gnome first, then plugging in the external, and going to screen resolution settings to see if it's recognising the monitor properly.00:52
mmhdon: i get java error but the program does compile in the ide00:52
Jangarithat's part one of your diagnosis00:53
onetinsoldierhdon: http://linuxcommand.org00:53
Labmonkey1tech: I haven't tried00:53
zsquarepluscLabmonkey1: you gfx card probably supports two separate screens.  xrandr might help or pressing fn_F10/F5 (whatever the output selection key is on your laptop)00:53
techsuperfreakmonkey: give it a shot00:53
Labmonkey1im gana try what jangari said and if it shows on both screens00:53
hdonmm: also, a common mistake when trying to run Java classes is that you do *not* use .class at the end of the class name (you aren't naming the file, you are naming a class which the java vm can find on the classpath, which by default on some systems includes your cwd)00:53
treyk4what would be the best way to install compiz fusion on kubuntu?00:53
mmhdon: so it would be java filename00:53
hdononetinsoldier: wtf00:54
thebloggu i have a logitech elite keyboard, what should i change for the media keys to work with sonata/mpd ? using openbox00:54
hdonmm: no, you aren't naming a filename, you're naming a class, which is contained in a like-named <classname>.class file00:54
hdonmm: but you also said the -jar option didn't work either, so i doubt that's the only problem you're having, if you're having that problem at all00:54
onetinsoldierhdon: doh! so sorry.. i mistook you for someone else. i need glasses i guess. hehe00:54
hdononetinsoldier: np00:55
onetinsoldierscreamsayonara: http://linuxcommand.org/00:55
garyvdmHi - I'm setting up apache2 + php5 for the first time. php files work if they are in /var/www/ but not in /var/www/somedir/00:55
garyvdmI've added the following to /etc/apache2/sites-available/default:00:55
garyvdm <Directory /var/www/squarepegs/> etc...00:55
blamparsi've installed Intrepid Ibex on an Inspiron 4150 laptop.  Wireless works before system updates, but brakes when updates install + reboot.  Any ideas?00:55
garyvdmBut it dosen't work. I've done lots of googleing, but I'm at a loss. w do I get this to work?00:55
LogicalDashI'm using an Asus EeePC 900, one of the older ones with a Centrino processor. I want to play Neverball, but I seem to be getting no 3D acceleration whatsoever; the game runs at about 2fps with minimal graphics. How do I enable acceleration from the onboard Intel i915GM chipset?00:56
darkfrogInstalling Ubuntu and trying to set up RAID 0 and following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID#Partitioning%20the%20disk but on step 7 there is no option for "physical volume for RAID"...did I miss something?00:56
hdongaryvdm: are you remembering to restart your server?00:56
thebloggu i have a logitech elite keyboard, what should i change for the media keys to work with sonata/mpd ? using openbox00:56
zsquarepluscgaryvdm: maybe the filetype rule isn't applied in the subfolder. bu the experts are found in #apache00:56
Jaffarkelshacmy sound is gone, gnome-mplayer froze, when i restart it works but any other except this?00:57
LogicalDashI'm using the special kernel from array.org and updated drivers from the intel-graphics-testing PPA.00:57
garyvdmhdon: Yes00:57
zsquarepluscJaffarkelshac: sounds like pulseaudio isn't running anymore00:57
darkfrogIt says I need the Alternative Installation CD....is that what's wrong?00:57
garyvdmzsquareplusc: ok thanks - let me ask there00:57
hdongaryvdm: are you getting a 404 when you try http://yourserver/~yourusername/ ?00:58
mmhdon: http://paste.ubuntu.com/95510/00:58
hdongaryvdm: oh i'm sorry i totally missed your problem00:58
mmhdon: but if fully works fine in the ide00:59
hdonmm: the proper command is not `java DBMan.class` it is `java DBMan`00:59
hdonmm: but as i said before, it looks like you're having another problem too00:59
mmhdon: i tried that too00:59
rblstis there a simple way to change the resolution to 1024x768 in ubuntu 8.04;  it is not listed on the gnome interface00:59
Jaffarkelshacanyway to restart it zsquareplusc00:59
mmhdon: what do you think might be the problem?00:59
hdonmm: what program is this?00:59
mmits something i wrote00:59
mmhdon: its a custom app i wrote in java01:00
puchatekanyone has an Intel Wifi 5100 card?01:00
puchatekcant inject :(01:00
thebloggu i have a logitech elite keyboard, what should i change for the media keys to work with sonata/mpd ? using openbox01:00
hdonmm: Well it looks like your dbman.DBManApp class is missing. this is a java programming problem. you'll probably have better luck asking a java channel/forum. prepare your source code for assistants to review01:00
n8tuserpuchatek what is your purpose for injecting?01:00
=== Xjs- is now known as Xjs
alex789hi, I'm having a problem booting from my raid1 array. Basically the mdadm.conf found in the initrd image is wrong. I tried to boot with the live cd, unpacked initrd, edited mdadm.conf, packed it back, but I'm getting an error about the filesystem when I try to boot with that initrd01:01
thebloggurblst, gksu displayconfig-gtk01:01
mmhdon: #java is blocked, recommend any other?01:01
hdonmm: sign up with nickserv first to get into ##java. `/msg nickserv help` for more info on that01:01
zsquarepluscthebloggu: i think you are looking for something like http://mpd.wikia.com/wiki/Client:G15mpd01:01
rblsttheblogg, thanks, but the required resolution is not in the list01:02
stickboyi just partitioned a new external hd but it's not recognized in places, how do i refresh?01:02
alex789can you guys point me to a resource about editing files inside initrd ?01:02
blamparswpc11 wireless card stops working in fresh ibex install after updating and rebooting. help please?01:02
zsquarepluscstickboy: as its external, unplug, replug ;-)01:02
qwexerI am having trouble getting a bluetooth usb adapter showing up in 8.04, anyone?01:03
Jangariin setting up program launchers, or configuring 'opens with' configurations for filetypes, is there a way to make a file open in a tab in a program rather than initialising another instance of the program?01:03
onetinsoldierstickboy: you'll need make mount points for it and manually mount them. if you want them auto-mounted every time you boot up, then you'll need to edit your /etc/fstab file01:03
Jangarii'm running oxygen as a java program and 'opens with' opens a new oxygen window each time01:03
theblogguzsquareplusc, no, because i do not have a g15 and i am already running a frontend01:04
zsquarepluscJangari: that depends on the applications. maybe it has some remote control interface? e.g. firefox has01:04
rblsttheblogg, any other way?01:04
rblstthebloggu, any other way?01:04
zsquarepluscthebloggu: you can have multiple frontends at one time for mpd.01:04
edjuHow does one save the about:config page in Firefox?  It saves as about:config.xul and won't display.  Also, the page won't print.  Any suggestions?01:04
Jangarii can drag into it from nautilus, so it certainly supports tabs, it's just a matter of 'opens with' looking for previous instances of oxygen01:04
thebloggurblst, you chose your monitor ?01:04
hdonJangari: how annoying! oxygen maintainers may not have provided a file-opener dispatcher01:04
hocemhow to run network ,anager?01:04
zsquarepluscrblst: does xrandr list your wanted resolution?01:05
hdonJangari: what i called a 'file opener dispatcher' is what zsquareplusc called a remote01:05
theblogguzsquareplusc, i know, but i also know that sonata can do it01:05
Jangarihdon, it could be that I'm running the 'all platforms' version, the pure java one01:05
hocemplease how to run network manager?01:05
SkEmOhow can i enable my wireless card? kubuntu just doesent recognize it01:05
kbrosnanedju: prefs.js is quite readable, that is where all the changed about:config settings are01:05
hdonJangari: only if the maintainers haven't implemented a remote/dispatcher for the pure-java implementation01:05
nalioth!wireless > SkEmO01:05
ubottuSkEmO, please see my private message01:05
Jangarihmm, where do these remotes sit?01:06
kbrosnanedju: in your profile ~/.mozilla/firefox/...01:06
hocemhelp please01:06
SkEmOok, thanks nalioth01:06
Labmonkey1tech and janguri: back01:06
hdonJangari: in between the typical invocation path (the command that gets run when you open the program with or without filenames for opening) and the actual program binary01:06
Jangarii had to create my own by 'run a custom command: /usr/local/bin/oxygen/oxygen.sh'01:06
Labmonkey1tech:  none of that fixed the problem01:06
hdonJangari: the remote/dispatcher will either open a new instance of the application, or it will just tell the currently running one to open something new01:06
Labmonkey1but I have more information01:06
nicklas_i wanna say something smart, but nothing coming up in my mind :-P01:07
jwcgatorHey guys, I need some help pairing my bluetooth phone to my computer01:07
hdonJangari: you'll need to ask the maintainers of the program if there is a reason this doesn't exist or isn't properly configured for your system in the pure java version01:07
rblstthebloggu, thanks, i wasnt attentive enough, i managed to change it01:07
Jangariis there a flag or something that i can add to that terminal command to open the specified/selected file in a new tab of a current instance?01:07
hdonJangari: depends on the application01:07
edjukbrosnan, Indeed, that's it.  Thanks.01:07
Labmonkey1tech: both screens work while loading up01:07
hdonJangari: you'll need to ask the developers or look into the code yourself -- i wouldn't know about implementing such a remote/dsipatcher in java personally01:07
thebloggurblst, you're welcome01:08
Labmonkey1but the external one stops right after gnome loads01:08
Labmonkey1you there?01:08
rblstzsquareplusc: thanks, i've solved it01:08
theblogguzsquareplusc, im trying to work it out01:08
jwcgatorEvery time i try to connect my phone to my computer (as in, my phone finds my computer and lets me connect), I Kernel Panic01:08
techsuperfreakmonkey:  with the lid up, try the Fn F5 a few times and see if anything changes01:08
Jangariokay, i'll send oxygen support an email01:08
Jangarithanks guys01:08
Jangarihdon, specifically01:08
zsquarepluscthebloggu: right, they list that as a feature but there are no docs...  maybe it isn't working bacuase the keys are assigned in system>prefs>keyboard shortcuts?01:08
Labmonkey1tech: f5? ok il try01:08
techsuperfreakmonkey:  Yeah, on dell i think it is function and f501:09
theblogguzsquareplusc, yes, i think is that01:09
pyropheliawill 8.10 be updated with 2.6.28 or are they going to save that for the next release?01:09
Flannelpyrophelia: No, it wont01:10
Labmonkey1tech: woot! it works, but it wasn't f501:10
pyropheliadidn't think so01:10
zsquarepluscLabmonkey1: the key with a square in the colors of the Fn key, together with the FN key should toggle the VGA output (othen there are 3 states, so try to press it multiple times)01:10
techsuperfreakmonkey:  which key?01:10
Labmonkey1f8 is my crt/lcd key, and I had tried that before01:10
Labmonkey1but I just decided to hit random stuff, and the font key (f7) worked01:10
techsuperfreakmonkey: odd, but it works01:11
Labmonkey1the screen is slightly off, but I can adjust it (hopefully)01:11
pyropheliaHas anybody here use ext4 yet?01:11
Labmonkey1thanks for the help01:11
techsuperfreakmonkey: np01:11
onetinsoldierpyrophelia: good question01:11
pyropheliaexcuse me01:12
blamparswpc11 wireless card stops working in fresh ibex install after updating and rebooting. any help?01:12
techsuperfreakblampars:  when you say stops working, does the system still recognize?01:12
jwcgatorMy computer kernel panics every time I attempt to pair my phone with my USB Bluetooth dongle, any help? :S01:13
blamparsno, the system does not recognize the card any longer01:13
techsuperfreakblampars: wpc11 is pcmcia?01:14
blamparstechsuperfreak: yes it is01:14
techsuperfreakblampars:  output of iwconfig?01:14
pyropheliaHas ubutnu 64bit friendly with flash yet?  Last time I tried 64bit I ended up doing some long drawn out process to create a 32bit shell just for flash.  That may not be entirely accurate but it was it was overly complicated.01:14
pyropheliahas Ubuntu 64bit become* friendly with flash yet...01:15
n2diyI just tried to DL a video, and Totem is giving me an error message about Gstreamer support libs?01:15
onetinsoldierpyrophelia: i can help with that01:15
jwcgator(again) My computer kernel panics every time I attempt to pair my phone with my USB Bluetooth dongle, any help? :S01:15
zsquarepluscpyrophelia: you mean a chroot? :-)  flash is not apt-getable with a 32/64 bit wrapper (automatically) and adobe also has a64 bit beta01:15
blamparstechsuperfreak: my buddy has since reinstalled ibex w/o downloading or installing updates.  so i dont think iwconfig would help atm :(01:15
pyropheliathey have a 64bit version?01:16
onetinsoldierpyrophelia: yes.. but it takes a manual download of a file and manual install01:16
blamparsjust found that out heh01:16
pyropheliaI was not aware of that01:16
MrCollinstechsuperfreak, hey man i thought it worked but it didnt01:16
onetinsoldierpyrophelia: pretty easy though01:16
techsuperfreakblampars:  eject device, reinsert and tai the dmesg01:16
justmeokwhat services can i use to synchronize my tomboynotes?01:16
techsuperfreakmrcollins: new info?01:17
onetinsoldierpyrophelia: you go here and download file at the bottom of the page -->  http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html01:17
pyropheliait's alpha01:17
MrCollinstechsuperfreak, well... it showed that I was copying and moving files but when i took the mp3 player off the usb and plugged it back it, it went back as if I hadnt copied anything01:18
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techsuperfreakmrcollins, before removing the device, did you unount?01:18
norman_pyrophelia, but it works!01:18
MrCollinstechsuperfreak, no01:18
onetinsoldierpyrophelia: doesn't matter.. it's very stable, and better than many final releases i've seen. this is the second version of the alpha and even the first one was very good01:18
zsquarepluscMrCollins: you did unmount that device, din't you?01:18
MrCollinszsquareplusc, no01:18
justmeokhow do you undo a delete word in tomboynotes? i cant seem to find it ANYWHERE!01:19
techsuperfreakmrcollins: try again, this time from the terminal, unmount the device and let me know01:19
MrCollinstechsuperfreak, ok01:19
zsquarepluscMrCollins: you access devices as external storage, always unmount (eject button in nautlius, or rightclick) or not all data is written there01:19
mmhdon: i figured out how to run the app... for example i have to type 'java -jar "/home/mm/Desktop/testing/dist/testing.jar"' in order for it to work. Is there a way in ubuntu to run it from ANY folder on my computer?01:20
MrCollinstechsuperfreak, ok I unmounted it01:20
mmhdon: without typing the full path?01:20
Guest18381kroffe whay's good dog01:20
techsuperfreakmrcollins:  try on other machine and see01:21
zsquarepluscmm: make a little shell script with that line and put it into /usr/local/bin :-)01:21
MrCollinstechsuperfreak, on the windows machine?01:21
hdonmm: well there are different ways to do what you're asking, but it depends on to what end you want it01:21
techsuperfreakmrecollins: yeah, isn't that what you tried before?01:21
hdonmm: if you just want an easy command to type, then you can add an alias to your ~/.bashrc file (if your'e using bash)01:21
mmzsquareplusc: im new to ubuntu... dont know how to do the shell script01:21
mmhdon: in english :)01:22
hdonmm: brb 1 min01:22
zerothisI took my hard drive out of my no-CD no-USB device. Used unetbootin on it. Back in my device, it says it cannot detect my CD?01:22
zsquarepluscmm as hdon indicates, there are other ways too. e.g. if you want to have a starter icon. but the shell script is a text file starting with #!/bin/sh  following commandy you would type at the console01:22
=== phoenix_ is now known as phoenix`
Tweak1029I've got a friend using a bcm306.  Does anybody know if/how it can be set up?01:23
Tweak1029Maybe using ndiswrapper, but I've never used that before.01:23
=== phoenix` is now known as phoenix1865
Tweak1029If you need to ask him a question, he's here as "mesa"01:23
tsalhow the heck do I change the default irc network on xchat-gnome?01:23
mmzsquareplusc: im sure there are many ways but im looking for the easiest one ... under Windows I would type java program.class at ANY place on the PC as long as the program.class is in the same folder of where I am at the prompt01:23
MrCollinstechsuperfreak, it shows the same thing as this ubuntu box01:23
mmthis is pretty much what im looking for01:24
sloopymm, use alias  'alias dothis=java -jar etc'01:24
justmeokcan anyone tell me what's the shortcut keys for undo and redo in ubuntu?01:24
techsuperfreakmrcollins:  were you copying to or from the windows box?01:24
mmsloopy: can you explain how to use it?01:24
zsquarepluscmm that should also work in ubuntu (maybe w/o .class)01:24
tsaljustmeok: It depends on your application01:24
sloopymm, alias name=command01:24
mmzsquareplusc: its not for some reason i have to type full path in order for it to work01:25
=== Daisuke-Ido is now known as Daisuke_Ido
MrCollinstechsuperfreak, I have full r/w access on the windows box01:25
techsuperfreakmrcollins:  are you moving files from windows to linux or vice versa?01:25
tsalmm: full path to the class or full path to java?01:25
mmtsal: to class01:25
mmeg: java -jar "/home/mm/Desktop/testing/dist/testing.jar"01:25
MrCollinstechsuperfreak, neither i just want to write mp3 to the player in order to listen to them01:26
techsuperfreakokay, so the machines show the same thing?01:26
tsalmm: I'm assuming (I came in late) that you're running this in /home/mm/Desktop/testing/dist/ ?01:26
MrCollinstechsuperfreak, but i wish to figure this out in ubuntu because I am anti ms!01:26
sloopymm, 'alias run_test=java -jar "/home/mm/Desktop/testing/dist/testing.jar"01:26
techsuperfreakmrcollins:  ok, so you have mp3s on the ubuntu machine and want to copy to the usb device?01:27
sloopydrop first tick before alias01:27
myerkxHello, I was wondering if anyone can give me any pointers. I cannot get Ubuntu to boot when I install my NVIDIA GE Force 9400 GT, the loading bar stops 1/4 th of the way. I tried everything online but it all fails, any ideas (Clean Install)01:27
techsuperfreakmrcollins: just want to make sure I understand01:27
mmsloopy it works fine without the alias if I type in full path.. im trying to avoid it01:27
mmI want to simply type java program.class and for it to work01:27
mmi dont want to list full path01:27
MrCollinstechsuperfreak, you are correct01:27
mmtsal: yes, thats the path01:27
hdonmm: do you use bash? (is that the ubuntu default?)01:27
mmhdon: yes01:28
hdonmm: if you use bash as the default, you can add this line to your ~/.bashrc01:28
techsuperfreakmrcollins:  okay, so mount the usb device, copy files and then make sure to unmount na dlet me know how it goes01:28
sloopywith the alias all you will have to type 'run_test'01:28
hdonmm: alias myprogram='java -jar /path/to/jar.jar'01:28
hdonmm: then you can just type `myprogram` to run it01:28
MrCollinstechsuperfreak, ok so i do sudo mount /dev/sde1 /media/mp3player ?01:28
hdonmm: you'll need to restart your shell before the alias will take effect (try `exec bash`)01:29
mmhdon: i have to do this every single time I get a new program out? there has to be a universal way of simply typing java program.class to execute it just like in windows01:29
techsuperfreakmrcollins: yes, to unoumnt, type umount /media/mp3player01:29
hdonmm: i think most java developers expect you to run their programs with double-clicking icons in a graphical shell01:29
n8tusermm you have to understand classpath, if you were using an IDE those are setup within an ide environment, so if you need jars, you have to setup your classpath01:30
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WoLf_LoonieHello, and sorry to disturb.. a quick question: How can I get my WAN ip on Ubuntu, without using any external site? UPNP?01:30
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qwexerbluetooth adapter not showing up, I run lsusb and broadcom corp shows up when connected but bluetooth icon does not appear01:31
uber_nooberHowdy folks! Quick question, I'm trying to play a DVD without results. I have installed both w32codecs and libdvdcss2. Anyone have a solution?01:31
zsquarepluscWoLf_Loonie: depends on your router.. your local ip, you see with ifconfig01:31
MrCollinstechsuperfreak, brian@lokbox:~$ sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /media/mp3player01:31
MrCollinsmount: block device /dev/sdc1 is write-protected, mounting read-only01:31
antonioprbuenas, alguien habla español?01:31
ThunderdomeI'm trying to save a document in my home folder, but I continue to get the error "error saving the document Forbidden Destination: General Error. General input/output error."01:31
Anacranomuber_noober, have you tried vlc?01:31
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uber_nooberyup, vlc, xine, mplayer etc01:31
zsquareplusc!es | antoniopr01:31
ubottuantoniopr: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.01:31
eseven73!restricted | uber_noober01:31
ubottuuber_noober: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:31
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techsuperfreakmrcollins:  sudo mount /dev/sdc1 -o rw /media/mp3player01:32
antonioprjajaja good bot!01:32
ThunderdomeI'm trying to save a document in my home folder, but I continue to get the error "error saving the document Forbidden Destination: General Error. General input/output error."01:32
Decepticonwhat should i do to compress files inside a dir, not the dir01:32
WoLf_Looniezsquareplusc: yeah I can see the local ip with that, but I need the WAN ip for a script, and I would prefeer to not have keep accessing some external resource over and over01:32
Anacranomuber_noober, with vlc, any dependencies it will ask you to install... did you?01:32
uber_noobereseven73: I did all that...no luck01:32
Jordan_UThunderdome, What application?01:32
thebloggui changed some keys in gnome-keybinding-proprieties. how can i reset default ?01:33
WoLf_Loonieon XP I get a "virtual" connection from the router, that states it's WAN ip and the uptime, speed and such01:33
ThunderdomeJordan_U: OpenOffice01:33
tsalmm: let me make sure I'm understanding this correctly - you want to execute a class within a JAR file?01:33
eseven73uber_noober: have you tried the medibuntu repos?01:33
WoLf_Looniethrough UPNP01:33
MrCollinstechsuperfreak, $ sudo mount /dev/sdc1 -o rw /media/mp3player01:33
MrCollinsmount: block device /dev/sdc1 is write-protected, mounting read-only01:33
zsquarepluscWoLf_Loonie: well then it depends on the box that does the NAT. maybe you can parse some config webpage, maybe it has a telnet interface. other solutions might be registering at dyndns.org or a similar service and use a name01:33
uber_noobereseven73: all's well in that department. How can I find out if the disk is encrypted or not?01:34
thebloggui changed some keys in gnome-keybinding-properties. how can i reset default ?01:34
techsuperfreakmrcollins:  same prob as before?  pressing button to enable read-write?01:34
MrCollinstechsuperfreak, ive tried it both ways01:34
uber_nooberAnacranom: I used aptitude to check for dependencies01:34
eseven73uber_noober: not sure, ive never used encryption01:34
mooglenorphHello. I'm trying to install libdvdcss2, like it says in this how-to: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu01:34
uber_nooberhm, this is weird01:34
techsuperfreakmrcollins:  unplug and replug the device, then tail dmesg so we can make sure the device is still /dev/sdc101:35
mooglenorphWhen I try to connect to the medibuntu servers during apt-get update, the connection times out.01:35
WoLf_Looniezsquareplusc: Thanks, I didn't think about using the configuration pages. that would pretty much solve my issue with a curl =)01:35
MrCollinstechsuperfreak, ok01:35
mooglenorph(all other repos connect and update fine)01:35
plzhelp4444Would someone please help me i<ve just installed ubuntu and there is problem with the authentication01:36
zsquarepluscWoLf_Loonie: the upnp info might also be available as http get. but upnp seems to be not really well supported..01:36
WoLf_Looniezsquareplusc: understood. Thanks a lot for the help =)01:36
MrCollinstechsuperfreak, $ sudo tail dmesg01:36
MrCollinstail: cannot open `dmesg' for reading: No such file or directory01:36
Decepticonwhat should i do to compress files inside a dir, not the dir01:37
plzhelp4444i changed the user account privs to disable administrator account andnot in <user settings> i get "an unexpected error hasoccured: could not authenticate" when i try to unlock to change it back!01:37
plzhelp4444how to i get things back to before? i cant login asroot01:37
zsquarepluscWoLf_Loonie: gupnp-tools (but they seem to be broken on intrepid/64)01:37
plzhelp4444anyone have any ideas ?01:38
WoLf_Looniezsquareplusc: then I'm out of luck ;P running Intrepid 64bit ;P01:38
zsquarepluscplzhelp4444: you usually use sudo/gksu to do stuff as admin. if that doesnt work, you might want to boot into the recovery mode01:38
plzhelp4444okay can you please be more specific i dont know how to use linux01:39
plzhelp4444i i need to type something into the command prompt01:39
plzhelp4444i just one the main user account to be reset to how it was when i just installed01:39
ferfactori have this problem with cheese any idea men http://paste.ubuntu.com/95538/01:40
zsquarepluscWoLf_Loonie: me too. i wanted to try some upnp tools, like exploring what upnp devices i have on my LAN. but there doesn't seem to be any good, free and working upnp tools01:40
MrCollinshow do I do a tail dmesg ?01:40
nwbie__does anybody know where can I get info on how to write drivers for ubuntu? I would like to learn and make some drivers...01:40
techsuperfreakmrcollins: dmesg | tail01:41
zsquarepluscplzhelp4444: does the system>admin>users config tool work for you?01:41
MrCollinstechsuperfreak, I figured it out01:41
MrCollinsi will pastebin01:41
Decepticonhow to grep for a string across a dir of logs01:41
MrCollinstechsuperfreak, http://pastebin.com/m7461954201:41
ssdtwhy does it say windows and windows in both sides of the partion from my live cd?01:41
zsquarepluscnwbie__: drivers? really?  that's kernel modules then in the usual terminology. kernel.org is your staring point01:42
plzhelp4444zsquareplusc: i go to System > Administration > Usersand Groups, everything is locked, wheni try to unlock i get an "unexpected error, could not authenticate"01:42
onetinsoldiernwbie__: O'reilly used to make a good book simply titled "Linux Device Drivers"01:42
plzhelp4444it won't let me type ina password or anything just the error message01:42
zsquarepluscplzhelp4444: oh. and when you open a terminal window and type  "gksu echo ok" does it show an error message01:42
cipherzanyone had any luck with the atheros 5006ex and ubuntu 8.10 ?01:43
white-sheepssdt: Because apparently you have two Windows partitions -- Maybe Windows Recovery Partition?01:43
techsuperfreakmrcollins:  still says write protect is on, when plugging in01:43
MrCollinstechsuperfreak, yes01:43
plzhelp4444<Failed to run echo as user 'root'>01:43
ferfactorany idea with this error ?01:43
ssdtwhite-sheep, then can i just close one of them and use it for the ubuntu?01:43
MrCollinstechsuperfreak, wait01:43
techsuperfreakmrcollins:  eject and try the button again and reinsert01:43
plzhelp4444what i messed up is i put a password on the root account and removed admin privs from the user i should have just left it alone!01:44
white-sheepssdt: Uh -- You don't close it.  You want to keep Windows?01:44
ssdtyeah and ubuntu too01:44
MrCollinstechsuperfreak, so wait, now I switch the switch this time and i mount and it says write protect is off so now I copy files, unmount and try again?01:44
plzhelp4444it saysthis:<Failed to run echo as user 'root'>01:44
zsquarepluscplzhelp4444: ok, so you can open a root shell? then just do an "adduser  youruser admin" as root01:45
techsuperfreakmrcollins:  yes01:45
white-sheepssdt: Google for dualbooting (Windows + Ubuntu).  There are handful of tutorials on the net.01:45
ferfactorhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/95538/ any idea with this?01:45
plzhelp4444how to i become root01:45
techsuperfreakplzhelp: sudo su -01:46
zsquarepluscplzhelp4444: type "su" in the terminal01:46
white-sheepssdt: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot01:46
zsquareplusctechsuperfreak: he removed the admin, so sudo wont work01:46
plzhelp4444[sudo] password for janina:01:46
plzhelp4444janina is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.01:46
techsuperfreakzsquareplesc: ahh01:46
plzhelp4444i ty[ed janina@janina-laptop:~$ sudo adduser janina admin01:47
anfangsis there any way to install a minimal x environment on server 8.10?01:47
zsquareplusctechsuperfreak: and what you suggest is not recommended anyway ;-) sudo -i instead, see !sudo01:47
eseven73anfangs: 'sudo apt-get install fluxbox' or xubuntu-desktop01:47
zsquarepluscanfangs: yes, there is. but dont ask me for a package name. i usually just install xterm if i need the basic X stuff01:48
zsquarepluscplzhelp4444: you tried just "su"? it will ask for the root password01:48
ssdtthank you white-sheep for helping me with the link01:48
anfangseseven73, zsquareplusc: i basically want to be able to run firefox, but I don't really want to full blown ubuntu-desktop01:48
eseven73anfangs: fluxbox or xubuntu01:49
eseven73or Enlightenment01:49
EeveeTrainerhelp, i have a virus... does anyone know any good antivirrus programs ??01:49
anfangseseven73: thank you01:49
hanselEeveeTrainer: ClamAV01:49
zsquarepluscanfangs: xubuntu gives you a smalll desktop.  you want to run the desktop on the server or remotely?01:49
eseven73!virus | EeveeTrainer01:49
ubottuEeveeTrainer: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2101:49
anfangszsquareplusc: on the server01:49
zsquarepluscanfangs: then you need a window manager like fluxbox, ion3.  or simply use xfce then you get a start menu and more which is still using not many resources01:50
zsquarepluscanfangs: xfce = install xubuntu-desktop01:51
anfangszsquareplusc: does that install all the miscellaneous appls like ubuntu-desktop does?01:51
eseven73xubuntu is nice its like gnome but without any resource usage01:51
zur47join #ubuntu-es01:51
zsquarepluscanfangs: yes it will.  if you want less, try xfce4 or some other window manager alone01:52
plzhelp4444OK that worked i can see that i now have admin privs andi have removed the root passwd, but User Settings still gives an error when i user unlock01:52
anfangszsquareplusc: thanks01:52
zsquarepluscanfangs: but then you might need to start X manually with startx. you'l get a login manager by installing gdm or xdm01:52
plzhelp4444so i cannot addany more users01:52
zsquarepluscplzhelp4444: groups are only applied when you log in freshly01:53
anfangszsquareplusc: ok. gotcha01:53
plzhelp4444ok ill try that now thanku v much for ur help01:53
EeveeTrainerhi, is it dangeous to always run as root?01:53
zsquarepluscEeveeTrainer: yes, we don't do that01:53
Fret18Good Evening!01:54
onetinsoldierhello Fret1801:54
byonixhi, i forget my password to login into my system how do i recover it?01:55
Fret18Well, I'm having some problems with flash player, could someone help me?01:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about passwd01:56
ubottuForgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords01:56
zsquareplusctechsuperfreak: yes, we're mistaken as search engine from time to time :p01:56
ferfactorany idea with this problem of cheese?01:56
techsuperfreakzsquareplusc:  at least it was google :-)01:56
zsquareplusctechsuperfreak: and not your webmail with the password in the url? ;-)01:57
techsuperfreakzsquareplusc:  if only.......01:57
JoesephHi. I'm trying to install Zebra (webcam barcode scanner).   whenever I run ./configure ,  It gets a while, then I get this error: "configure: error: Package requirements (ImageMagick++ >= 6.2.6) were not met: " .... then it suggests to "Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable "01:58
LothsahnI'm running kubuntu and my KDE desktop settings are all corrupted by an upgrade.  I want to reset everything--the bottom bar, the panels, everything to the default kubuntu install.  Is there a way to do this?01:58
Joesephany idea what I need to different?01:58
byonixhansel: thanks, i'll try the help page01:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rss01:58
Fret18Well, I'm having some problems with flash player, could someone help me?01:59
Satisfiedis there something so special about xmms/audacious that it's the only media player in linux with a decent and usable equalizer?01:59
ParadoxxWhich rss readers would you all recommend if any?01:59
techsuperfreakjoseph:  install imagemagick01:59
zsquarepluscJoeseph: you likely need to install one of these, output by that command: apt-cache search imagemagick | grep dev01:59
hanselFret18: its helpful if you ask a specific question about your specific problem.  We are here and willing to help.  No need to ask if you can ask or ask if we can help with a general problem.  Be specific.02:00
Joesephzsquareplusc: Thanks, I'll try installing some of those and see what happens.02:00
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:00
Fret18hansel: I was just asking. My flash plays too slow.02:00
Fret18hansel: YouTube videos and Flash games all play slowly.02:01
Fret18And, kind of, lagging.02:01
hanselwhat are your system stats?  Maybe its expected that it lag like this?02:02
jzittI'm trying to get a VFAT flash drive to mount under a consistent name under eeeBuntu on my Asus Eee 701. One bit of info I had told me to label the drive, which I did, but don't know how to proceed from there. Any clues/pointers?02:02
hanselDo you know which flash plugin you are using?02:02
doglinohello what the directory correspondent to program files of windows in linux?02:02
ParadoxxFret18, Which Flash plug in are you using? I currently have a similar problem02:02
JoesephFret18: Are you in firefox? if so, do you know which flash plugin you are using?02:02
chack-2how to mount raid partition plz02:02
Fret18I'm using Firefox 3.0, Adobe Flash Player version 10.02:02
pyropheliadoes anybody here have any experience with tablet pc's and ubuntu?02:02
zsquarepluscdoglino: programs are usualy not just a single file and they are installed at different locations. what do you want to know really?02:03
ParadoxxHow do I uninstall a flash plugin?02:04
Fret18Also, instead of playing those flash ads directly, there appears a 'Play' button, and you have to click to show the flash content.02:05
Fret18It happens to every flash content.02:05
SaturnDriverOh great, more flash problems. I ended up uninstalling the flash plugin02:05
zsquarepluscFret18: did you install adblock or noscript for firefox?02:05
dr_willisdoglino,  you can use the package manager tools to see exactly what files a program installed and where.02:05
SaturnDriverwith me, flash ads end up overlapping other stuff02:05
Joesephzsquareplusc: thanks for the help, that package seemed to do the job.02:05
Fret18zsquareplusc: no.02:05
SaturnDriverand youtube doesn't work :/02:05
doglinozsquareplusc I installed Skype and Opera bronwser and I want to know where they are02:06
Fret18It works for me, but poorly.02:06
zsquarepluscSaturnDriver: try totem for youtube (sidebar)02:06
doglinoI insorry about english02:06
Fret18doglino: they might be in Applications>Internet02:06
SaturnDriverzsquareplusc: If I can't get the plugin working properly ill just live without youtube02:06
Joesephoh.... now I need the 'pygtk-2.0' package....   I seem to have the "python-gtk2" ....  does anyone know the difference?02:07
pyropheliaOk I want to start some trouble.  Who can recommend the best ultra portable laptop (less than 5lbs and smaller than 17") that is fully compatible with Ubuntu?02:07
russ_Can I have different wallpapers on my dual monitor setup?02:07
zsquarepluscdoglino: "which someprogram" tells you where the binary is but thats not all the applications need. when you installed them as a package (what you should have done), dpkg -L <packagename> gives you a list of files02:07
pyropheliaRuss_, if I remember correctly yes, but you have to disable compiz to do it.02:08
Fret18Anything else about flash?02:08
dr_willisruss_,   I just join 2 wallpapers to one WIDE one. :)02:08
jzittpyrophelia: I'm happily running eeeBuntu on my Asus Eee 701.02:08
pyropheliaer wait no02:08
russ_dr_willis: how do you do that?02:08
tsalmm's problem was OpenJDK doesn't seem to recognize anything to do with Unix path's.  It didn't even expand ./02:09
pyropheliayou could assign each desktop in compiz a unique wallpaper but you lost your desktop icons.  wasn't sure if that was a bug or not02:09
tsalAfter installing SUN JDK, it works.02:09
dr_willisruss_,  with a image editor.. such as GIMP02:09
judgepgFolks, can anyone give me a hand with resume from suspend not working via USB?  I've enabled the USB ports to react on wakeup in /proc/acpi/wakeup  Any thoughts?02:09
pyropheliajzitt, why is there a special notation for the eee's?  I understand they dont have a cd rom, but is there anything else?02:09
chack-2some one can helpme?02:10
doglinoI will try, thanks]02:10
pyropheliachack-2, just ask your question02:10
pyropheliaoh sorry02:10
lawstudenthi, folks. all of a sudden our internet stopped working. by removing our wireless router from the equation, the internet is now accessible again. what could be the problem? we want to use our wireless router?02:10
pyropheliachack-2, what kind of raid?02:10
hansellawstudent - so wireless was working then kablamo it stopped?02:11
lawstudent(I'm typing on my friend's cabled/wired Windows XP computer, because my Ubuntu comp is on wireless, and I didn't want to complicate our troubleshooting.02:11
Fret18Apparently, the flash problem happened with Flash 9 and it was fixed by Flash 10 to some people, but not to me.02:11
lawstudenthansel: well wired too was working and then kablamo.02:11
JoesephDoes anyone know if there is a difference in the "pygtk-2.0" and the "python-gtk2" packages?  I seem to need the first for a dependency for Zebra, but I can't find it in the repositories... any ideas?02:11
hansellawstudent - plug it back in, connect wirelessly and then            dmesg | tail -f02:11
normlomandoes any other computer work with the wireless?02:11
lawstudenthansel: i'm on my friend's winxp computer02:11
hansellawstudent - sounds like your router might have tripped on itself... it has been known to happen.02:11
lawstudenthansel: tripped = garbage?02:12
hanselvommited profusely?02:12
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doglinozsquareplusc was exactly what I wanted WHICH02:12
hanselbasically a part of the logic got goofed up and it just stops working.02:12
pyropheliasuch colorful language.02:12
lawstudentnormloman: no. when the dell wireless router is used, neither Wired winxp comp nor Wireless ubuntu comp works02:12
normlomanif winxp and ubuntu dont work... id agree with ahnsel02:13
pyrophelialawstudent, have you rebooted the router?02:13
lawstudenthansel: stopped working temporarily? or is it permanently damaged?02:13
chack-2i want to mount a raid partition02:13
hansellawstudent - Try turning off the router, turn off your cable modem, then plug in the cable modem and wait for all lights to come on.  Then plug in the router and wait for its lights to come on.  Then reconnect each computer.02:13
=== felix-da-catz_zz is now known as felix_da_catz
chack-2from a rescue console02:13
lawstudentpyrophelia: yes.02:13
hansellawstudent - most likely just temporarily... let's try the Microsoft approach of "reboot everything" and see if that fixes it.  If it occurs again in the next few minutes then maybe something altogether more sinister is at work...02:13
chack-2mount /dev/sda1 /mdeia/disque02:13
lawstudentpyrophelia: unplugged power cable and replugged. went to web browser config and did a factory default thingamajig.02:13
chack-2dont work02:13
energYOne of my irssi terminals disseapread02:13
chack-2plz help me02:13
chack-2this is an imergency02:14
energYBut the nick is still active02:14
pyrophelialawstudent, if it's factory default you may have turned wifi off.02:14
jzittpyrophelia: It's a distro tweaked for the Eee. The boxes are standardized enough, and the small screen presents enough challenges, that a distro   with a kernel and apps specifically for it makes sense,02:14
pyrophelialawstudent, or reset the esid02:14
n8tuserlawstudent - call some indians support -- thats what you will get for supporting dell02:14
hanselchack-2         sudo lshw -C storage         see what /dev/sdX's are available... then       sudo fdisk -l to see which partitions are available.02:14
SpinachHeadhi after booting an open suse live cd (not installing) now when I boot my ubuntu hardy install I get the pop up "Your screen and graphics card could be detected correctly and will now only run in low graphics mode.  Do I have to reinstall NVID drivers or reconfig X?02:14
* pyrophelia shakes head @ n8tuser 02:14
lawstudentpyrophelia: yes, but still the wired connection on a wirelless router should still work. But in fact, wired using wireless router does not work.02:14
lawstudentpyrophelia: what's esid? and how to reset?02:15
tsalanyone know of a way to change the default server on xchat-gnome?02:15
jzittpyrophelia: But trying to get the removable flash drive to mount under a consistent name is baffling me.02:15
hansellawstudent - in the Status panel does it show that your router has a WAN ip address?  ie; not 192.x.x.x or 10.x.x.x?02:15
pyrophelialawstudent, wait your saying wired connections don't work when wireless is enabled?02:15
hanseland definitely not a 169.x.x.x address?02:15
lawstudenthansel: when i last checked, there was NO wan ip address.02:15
hansellawstudent - so lets login to your cable modem.... if your router is try for the cable modem.02:15
lawstudentpyrophelia: that's right. wired connection does NOT work when wireless router is used.02:16
lawstudenthansel: is there a way for me to determine my cable modem's ip address?02:16
normlomanfor further refference, essid  stands for extended service set identifier02:16
chack-2hansel, i whant to mount /dev/sda102:16
hansellawstudent - if you go to it oughta let you see.  Or just go to www.findmyip.com from a working computer.02:17
chack-2its i radi disque that's the prablem02:17
pyrophelialawstudent, ok i'm convinced.  your router is possessed by the specter in ghost busters I.02:17
hanselchack-2 you've confirmed it's there, exists, and isn't already mounted?02:17
normlomanit identifies the name of the wireles network i believe02:17
pyropheliayou know who to call02:17
lawstudenthansel: based on findmyip.com:
tsalchack-2: What are you using for software RAID?02:17
ThipThipI can't seem to make scheduled tasks / crontab work.  If I run the task manually, it works fine, but crond won't run it.02:17
hansellawstudent - well somewhere in your router I imagine it would show that address as well if it's all working.02:17
chack-2hansel, yes that dosn't work because this is a raid02:18
tsalchack-2: Or is this connected to a RAID controller?02:18
SwishThipThip, what's the filename of your script?02:18
lawstudenthansel: when i go to  on my firefox, it says i cannot establish a connection to server at
chack-2a have sda1 et sdb102:18
pyropheliajzitt: can't you specify it by device ID?02:18
lawstudenthansel: at this time, my wireless router is NOT plugged in02:18
chack-2a thinf this is a raid controller02:18
ThipThipSwish: the command is to make C-SPAN play using VLC player: vlc /home/justin/Desktop/c-span.xspf02:18
nwbie__I removed the internet icon on the upper right corner by mistake, how can I restore it?02:18
normlomannwbie - did you remove it from the top bar?02:19
Swishtry using the full path to vlc02:19
normlomanor was it on the desktop?02:19
tsalchack-2: hmm. I'm not sure if a raid device would be called "sda", though I've not messed with RAID devices on Ubuntu02:19
SwishThipThip, cron'd tasks may not have the same PATH as you have when you login02:19
nwbie__normloman, yes02:19
Belboz99hey all, I'm trying to start gnome-session on a remote computer through SSH, I've been trying to simply set the DISPLAY variable, but that hasn't worked, any ideas?02:19
chack-2ok so this is a soft raid02:19
chack-2how to mount it plz02:19
normlomanok well the two grey bars usually on top and bottom02:19
nwbie__normloman, on the top bar02:20
normlomanthey are your panels02:20
ThipThipSwish:  I don't think the path matters?  And also, it does nothing at all - doesn't even appear to try.02:20
normlomanright click the panel02:20
normlomanand select add to panel02:20
hanselchack-2       df -h    it probably already is.02:20
lawstudentguys ( hansel, pyrophelia , etc) to see ipconfig when internet is working and ipconfig when internet is not working, pls see http://paste.ubuntu.com/95569/02:20
tsalchack-2: You should have some devices named "md0" "md1" etc02:20
normlomanthen select custom application launcher02:20
nwbie__normloman, ok02:20
normlomanwhat browser do you use? Firefox?02:20
SwishThipThip, you can also try putting the entire command line inside a bash script, and naming the script "runvlc" or something similar02:21
hansellawstudent - you bypassed your router in the first one...   your cable modem likely has cached the MAC address of your computer.02:21
nwbie__normloman, yes02:21
SwishThipThip (don't use any punctuation in the command line)02:21
hansellawstudent - therefore when you plug in your router it will not be able to obtain an IP because the cable modem isn't expecting it.02:21
pyrophelialawstudent, I've got news for you, you're router is in bridge mode.02:21
normlomanAfter you doubleclick on custom application launcher, there is a window02:21
judgepgguys, can anyone tell me how  I can change change the S-state for the USB?02:21
chack-2tsal, im connected to the server with rescue mode02:21
ThipThipSwish:  What can I use as a sample command, to just test to see if cron is working at all?02:21
normlomanit saystype, name, commane, ect02:21
lawstudenthansel: ok. so what shall we do now.02:21
chack-2disuques are not connected02:21
nwbie__normloman, yes I got it02:21
hanselrestart all devices.  leave them off for 30 seconds a pop.02:21
tsalchack-2: oh, and you're using LVM?02:21
normlomanin the name part, put Firefox. In the command part, type firefox02:22
lawstudentpyrophelia: really? I think I've checkde severeal times, and router should be / is in gateway mode.02:22
hanseldo a lil "you will work when I plug you back in" chant...02:22
SwishThipThip, why not something like "echo foo > /tmp/bar.txt"  ?02:22
judgepgI want to change the S-state to level 3 (suspend to RAM).  How can I do that?02:22
SpinachHeadIf hardy herron stopped detecting my video card what do I do? xorg.conf looks right....  I alreay have Nvid drivers from their site installed....02:22
chack-2tsal, no02:22
normlomanthen press ok02:22
SwishThipThip, google about "debugging cron" tasks if you need more things to try :)02:22
pyrophelialawstudent, if it was your PC would get a 192. address when you plugged it in.  right now it's give you the IP of the cable modem, meaning it's not building a NAT list02:22
tsalchack-2: what are you using for your software RAID management, then?02:22
SpinachHeadI can't get higher than 800X600 now02:23
hikenboothello all anyone know how to get sound working i have been at it for about 2 hours with no luck02:23
normlomanthe command part of the application launcher corresponds to what you would type in the terminal if you were running a program from the terminal, so you can use application launchers for anything if you know the command02:23
=== HomingHamster is now known as [a-woo-im-at-the
tsalSpinachHead: did you change monitors?02:23
hikenbooti also have no volume icon in top right corner02:23
chack-2tsal, whait i will post some information that can be help02:23
pyrophelialawstudent, also known as pass through.02:23
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zsquarepluscjudgepg: you mean suspend your pc right now? pm-suspend should do that02:23
lawstudentpyrophelia: all right. I'm not sure i understand. But what are the implications? in other words, can we solve this problem? how/02:23
nwbie__normloman, I need the wireless connection icon, not the browser :s02:24
judgepgzsquareplusc: thanks for the reply.  I am looking for a way to restore my suspend using USB02:24
tsalDid you upgrade Xorg or the nvidia drivers?02:24
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ParadoxxFret18, It sounds like the have the gnash flash plugin installed. I also have that one. It sucks! Not sure how to uninstall it though02:24
tsalSpinachHead: And the most important question - did it work before? :)02:24
normlomani dont use wireless... im not so sure. Does anyone else know what nwbie is talking about?02:24
hanselhikenboot - from a terminal          sudo lshw -C sound02:24
judgepgzsquareplusc, I've checked /proc/acpi/wakeup and USB are in the S-state of 0.  Perhaps that's the problem?02:24
normlomansorry :-002:24
zsquarepluscjudgepg: you mean wakeup? then it's probably a BIOS setting02:24
SpinachHeadyeah, the driver from Nvidia site I installed and it worked at high res for about 5 months02:25
nwbie__normloman, the one that helps you connect to the wireless networks02:25
Fret18Paradoxx: I'm trying something. If it works, I tell you. :)02:25
SpinachHeadi get a blinking though when i boot02:25
pyrophelialawstudent, give me the exact model number and name of your router and i'll see what I can do.  basically your router isn't a router now.  somehow it's been switched into a normal hub unit.02:25
chack-2tsal, i will post fdisk -l02:25
ParadoxxFret18, sure m8. Thanks02:25
chack-2tsal, but this is in french02:25
lawstudenthansel: do you know what we should do?02:25
hikenboot MCP2S AC'97 Audio Controller driver=Intel ICH latency=0 maxlatency=5 mingnt=2 module=snd_intel8x002:25
hansellawstudent - what I've told you twice now... and reset the router back to factory default 1 more time.02:25
chack-2tsal, how to translate that in english?02:25
judgepgzsquareplusc, I can resume from wakeup when I type on the laptop keyboard, but I prefer to keep the lid down and use an external keyboard02:25
SpinachHeadsuch as /etc/rc.local and other boot daemons now blink like three times before hardy boots.  Don't know why02:25
hansellawstudent - when it comes back connect to it from a computer on the network by pulling up a webbrowser and going to
lawstudenthansel: oh, you did give a suggestion. i did not see it because your msg was not highlighted because you did not use my nick. Moral: pls use my nick. 8-)02:26
ludditehi in the menu is a app called "image viewer" - whats its command line to open it please?02:26
judgepgzsquareplusc, think this might still be a BIOS issue?02:26
zsquarepluscjudgepg: i don't really know what you have to change. i just noticed that the power button on my usb keyboard puts my pc into suspend but irt won't wake it up. i think the USB port is powered off02:26
tsalchack-2: go to http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste the results02:26
pyrophelialawstudent, I agree with him.  Factory defaults here would be your best option.02:26
hanselMoral: you are asking a networking question in an Ubuntu channel and using a Windows computer to try to troubleshoot it....02:26
tsalchack-2: and I'll see if I can translate :)02:26
normlomannwbie, im looking for something online to help02:26
nwbie__normloman, I was trying to configure the icons on the deskbar, and by mistake I removed an icon that helped me connect to internet.02:27
judgepgzsquareplusc, That might be it.  Perhaps if there was a way not to power off the USB port, perhaps?02:27
lawstudentpyrophelia: Dell Wireless 2350 Broadband Router02:27
nwbie__normloman, thank you very much, I really appreciate it02:27
normlomanok nwbie02:27
Rave1_nwbie as before right click pannel click add to panel browse the list the icon is there addto panel02:27
normlomango to your terminal02:27
nwbie__normloman, ok02:27
judgepgzsquareplusc, thanks though for your help on this02:27
normlomanin terminal type02:27
normlomansudo killall NetworkManager02:27
normlomantype it exactly like that with caps in tact02:28
zsquarepluscnormloman will also like pkill :-)02:28
normlomantell me if it gives you any errors02:28
mbdlhi there iv just installed ubuntu on my macbok pro 4.1 and the only thing i cant get working it the trackpad... i followed the instuctions via the community page but it doesnt work out of the box... cant right click02:28
hikenboothansel, http://pastebin.ca/129609702:29
normlomanafter that, type:          sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart02:29
Fret18Where should I extract a firefox plug-in to?02:29
tsalokay chack-2, those are part of a RAID volume02:29
Fret18To which folder(s)?02:29
mbdlhi there iv just installed ubuntu on my macbok pro 4.1 and the only thing i cant get working it the trackpad... i followed the instuctions via the community page but it doesnt work out of the box... cant right click02:29
chack-2i found it02:29
chack-2thanx to all02:29
hanselhikenboot: can you go to a terminal and type             sudo alsamixer02:30
pyrophelialawstudent, reset the router one more time (following the exact instructions on how to reset).  if that doesn't work I don't know what else anybody can do.  the documentation for your router clearly states that the factory defualt for the router is to have dhcp enabled on the cable port.  if it's not building a NAT table (routable LAN IPs) after a reset your router may be bad.02:30
mbdlis it a bad time to ask a question?02:31
normlomannwbie, u there?02:31
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:31
nwbie__normloman, sorry, I used the commands you were telling me and I think I disconnected before knowing what else to do02:31
normlomanoh ok02:31
Fret18Where should I extract a Firefox plug-in to?02:31
normlomanafter typing sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart02:31
normlomansudo NetworkManager02:31
trav1085i'm transferring some files in ubuntu to another partition (ntfs to fat32) and it is transferring at max 5 mb/sec -- i use EIDE interface is it limited to that speed02:31
nwbie__normloman, ok02:32
hikenboothansel, says I am using pulse audio is this right?02:32
normlomanand see if that works02:32
Fret18Where should I extract a Firefox plug-in to?02:32
hanselhikenboot - well I think you may be using the wrong driver...02:32
mbdlneed help fixing trackpad on mac02:32
SpinachHeadscore sharks!02:32
normlomanwhat these commands are doing is stopping the network manager, and restarting it02:32
hanselyour lshw claims you have an nVidia sound card (didn't know they made those) and you are using an intel driver...02:32
hikenbootah not the intel but ac97 audio or somthing instead02:32
SpinachHeadHmm, I just installed glx over the manual Nvidia and now it works...02:32
lawstudentpyrophelia: hansel. ok. i'm powering off my router and modem and computers for 30 secs +. pls save messages directed to me while I'm away. thanks!!!02:33
scientesi am unable to send mail through my postfix server but i recieve it fine02:33
ThipThipwhat's the easiest way to determine if crond (or whatever else is required for cron to work) is running?02:33
scientesi cant authenticate02:33
hanselscientes - your ISP may block you from sending outgoing mail through any servers but their own.02:33
scientesthats not the problem02:33
onetinsoldierhey. i'm trying to help some create a full xorg.conf file (while X is completely shut down) with the following command --> Xorg -configure  ....but they are getting a Signal 11 and and a complaint about it trying to open /dev/fb0 but that device file doesn't exist. any ideas?02:33
nwbie__normloman, nope, it didn't work. I think I did this about three years ago, but my memory is not very good and I do not remember how to fiix this :( Windows fried my brain02:33
scienteshansel, qwest does not block anything, the problem is solely in logging into my smtp server02:34
Belboz99ThipThip: ps -fade | grep cron02:34
scienteshansel, i could turn off authentication for my local net but i would like to get authentication working02:34
nwbie__normloman, I think I need to add a line in some configuration file02:34
normlomannwbie, i cant think of what to do. Im not exactly an expert02:34
some1normalhi ;) what's the best way to fix a extern dd02:34
scienteshansel, just using pam02:34
ThipThipSo, indeed cron seems to be running.  I don't understand why jobs in crontab are not executing.02:34
normlomanask someone else, im a fraid. Sorry, wish i could help more.02:34
hanselscientes - well this is probably a better question for your specific MTA channel...02:34
normlomanin mean time ill do some searches02:35
hanselThipThip - tail -f /var/log/messages       and see if any failure indicators are present.02:35
Rave1_nwbie_ the icon for the panel is in the menu that you entered before by right clicking the panel02:35
hanselthere is also likely a cron log specifically in /var/log for just such a thing but I never use it...02:35
nwbie__normloman, thank you very much. I really appreciate it. Specially because people like you help me keep up spreading the word and recommending ubuntu to my friends02:36
ThipThiphansel:  No, just a bunch of networking information.02:36
nwbie__normloman, I mean, by helping me02:36
Fret18Paradoxx: I don't know if it'll work, but try downloading mozilla-mplayer plug-in for Firefox. (sudo apt-get install mozilla-mplayer)02:36
=== Fret18 is now known as FontAway
=== FontAway is now known as Fret18
techsuperfreakscientes: check main.cf and look for local delivery02:37
ParadoxxFret18, Did that work for you? I think I have it installed already02:37
scienteswhat do you mean? techsuperfreak02:37
=== Fret18 is now known as Fret18_brb
Fret18_brbParadoxx: I'm installing it.02:38
nwbie__anyone knows how to restore the wireless connection icon on the deskbar? I think I need to add a command into a configuration file or something02:38
techsuperfreakscientes: /etc/postfix/main.cf and check settings for relay_domains my_networks and such02:38
Fret18_brbParadoxx: I'll check if it works. In any way, brb.02:38
gvsa123yipee! i have ubuntu again!02:38
hollywoodbnwbie__: does it show up when you run `nm-applet --sm-disable` in a terminal?02:38
Rave1_nwbie__,  yes right click panel it is in the add to panel menu02:39
zLouD_Hey, i'am tryin to compile xdebug as 32bit under my 64bit machine, but i fail on any try :/02:39
hanselnwbie__: from a terminal try this........           nm-applet network-manager-gnome &02:39
scientestechsuperfreak, so to send mail clients have to be in mynetworks? or is that only for passwordless?02:39
hanselis that the one you want?02:40
AvariceHello everyone02:40
techsuperfreakscientes:  are you trying to authenticate externally?02:40
zLouD_can someone help me with my problem?02:40
nwbie__hansel, thank you very much. That was exactly what I was looking for :)02:41
zsquareplusczLouD_: that means you have to cross compile. well, often its enough to specify the rught CFLAGS or CC so that a 32 bit output is generated by gcc. personally i found it easer to just set up a chroot02:41
scientestechsuperfreak, i want to turn on pam authentication02:41
Rave1_hansel he wants the little computer monitor icon for the panel   too easy02:41
gvsa123ok.. so i installed ubuntu via wubi. do i get to do everything the same?02:41
techsuperfreakscientes: check http://postfix.state-of-mind.de/patrick.koetter/smtpauth02:42
ThipThipAfter I follow the instructions in this thread (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=380296) cron does not appear to output anything to a log file.  I've never been able to make cron work.02:42
hanselRave1_: well I'm glad you are an Ubuntu expert and everything is so simple for you.  I look forward to seeing you help millions...02:42
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zsquarepluscgvsa123: i think so. but the linux files system is loop mounted over ntfs. the disadvantage is when you machine crashes/freezes.02:42
eseven73ThipThip: have you tried Gnome-schedule? its a GUI cron app for gnome02:43
Rave1_no expert  just following that problem02:43
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ThipThipeseven73: Yes, I started with gnome-schedule and it didn't work so I tried editing crontab manually.02:43
AvariceI've got several general linux questions, anyone willing to help me out?02:43
princess012508hi does anyone kno how to install any programs for ubuntu?02:44
SquideshiIs there a GUI for xrandr included with Ubuntu 8.10?02:44
zsquarepluschello ubottu? fell asleep?02:44
hanselprincess012508: System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager02:44
princess012508thank you hansel02:44
nwbie__thank you all guys for doing a terrific job helping newbies like me! Happy holidays!02:44
jonjoei need a hand the topbar which comtrols the apps you know like minimize and max has disappeared does anyone have any ideas on how to get it back?02:45
gvsa123zsquareplusc: like install applications from synaptic, configure via command line, everything?02:45
=== Fret18_brb is now known as Fret18
zsquarepluscgvsa123: that's all working as you would exepct02:45
hanseljonjoe - you mean like             metacity --replace             from a terminal?02:45
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DominiddioHello people :)02:46
zLouD_zsquareplusc: i tried this -> ./configure --enable-xdebug --with-php-config=/opt/lampp/bin/php-config --host=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu --build=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu --target=i686-pc-linux-gnu  << is that wrong or should i change someting, pls give me a code or a command, it would be enough if you say what i have to change :/02:46
gvsa123zsquareplusc: and this is the same as installing ubuntu on a separate partition right? i read that the difference is that the "partition" is disguised under it being a file within the windows directory?02:46
mib_5srjs6ehubuntu 8.04 wont boot , i get, system doesn't have /sbin/init any idea?02:47
SquideshiWhat exactly is displayconfig-gtk? I can't find it anywhere in Ubuntu 8.10.02:47
zsquarepluscgvsa123: yes. that "partition" is within a file, stored on your ntfs partition. so it might be slightly slower than a real partition and you should always correctly shut down to not get ntfs errors :/02:48
DominiddioMay I ask a simple and fast question? I'm actually unable to find the right packet to install to make Youtube and flash videos working on mozilla Firefox. I tried with all those wich got "flash" or "mozilla" in their name but didn't work. Could anybody suggest the right one PLEASEEEE?02:48
\Kirawhat is the client for tight vnc called in the respritories?02:48
gvsa123zsquareplusc: oh yeah... i read that somewhere also. logging the user off works fine. i did hibernate a while ago and it seems to be okay..02:49
zsquareplusczLouD_: that looks like an usual configure call for a cross compile. he --build- is not always needed. and do you see that gcc is called for 32 bits? (probably some -m option)?02:49
ParadoxxFret18, Any luck?02:49
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dr_willis\Kira,  theres several.    often they 'match' the vncserver package.. theres tightvnc, vnc4server, and a few others.. each often have their own client. (byt they all work with any vncserver)02:49
ZzeissDominiddio: I have it working now.... but not with Flash.  Instead, use Gnash.  :)02:49
kbrosnanDominiddio: you need flashplayer-nonfree and only that, any other file will mess up flash02:49
zsquarepluscgvsa123: just dont hibernate both OS changing while in hibernate02:49
\Kiradr_willis: thanks02:50
ZzeissDominiddio: First, install Gnash.  Then install the Firefox plugin.02:50
ZzeissDominiddio: that worked for me.  :)02:50
gvsa123zsquareplusc: ntfs errors are really bad? i mean crashing would be fine (as i have experienced in xp), but would i lose data or somthing?02:50
ThipThipOK, now I have cron putting errors in to the log.  It appears that it's trying to run in like a background terminal - I don't know the proper terminology.  It's running running as part of X.  For example: 00000398] inhibit interface error: Failed to connect to the D-Bus session daemon: dbus-launch failed to autolaunch D-Bus session: Autolaunch error: X11 initialization failed.02:51
Zzeisskbrosnan: That was true (must install Flash-nonfree) up until about two weeks ago.  Then Gnash got the video codec built in... and it worked.  :)02:51
matt__I am running a virtualbox windows xp. I do so in order to play aoe2, a great little game. I hate having to put the disk in to play it, I don't like using nocd cracks, as I feel they may sometimes be virus infected. I simply wish to do with what I use to do with alchohol 120%, make a backup copy of the disk and then mount it. I could install alcohol 120 in the windows, but don't want to unless I have to. I want to make a backup copy in02:51
zsquarepluscgvsa123: i don't really know. but that's what i read as a disadvantage of the wubi method02:51
DominiddioZzeiss & krosnan > well I tried Gnash too but looks like it gone in conflict with something I don't know. And "Flashplayer-nonfree" was already in.... Well I'll try again, thanx02:51
ZzeissDominiddio: Hmmm.... that's odd.02:52
zLouD_zsquareplusc: no, there is no type of -m.02:52
gvsa123zsquareplusc: i see... i'll go play around with it a while... thanks...02:52
zsquareplusczLouD_: and oyu get some sort of error or how did you realize that it doesnt work?02:52
subdolusWhat's a command that will go through a directory and delete any duplicate copies of files? Even if they're in different subdirs?02:53
Avariceso say I use the kill command to kill the network manager....how do I then turn it back on02:53
ianm_anyone using a Wacom Bamboo Fun in 8.10?02:54
fosco_Avarice: alt+f2 and run nm-applet02:54
techsuperfreakianm_: yup, plugged it in and off I went02:54
Avaricefosco tyvm02:54
hanselsubdolus: http://elonen.iki.fi/code/misc-notes/remove-duplicate-files/02:54
pathfinder662hello everyone. I am trying to set up a firewall/router with ubuntu server edition. I have everything done except I am having problems port forwarding with ufw. Can anyone help me out?02:54
zLouD_zsquareplusc: the compile works, but if i start lampp i get -> Failed loading /opt/lampp/lib/php/extensions/xdebug.so:  /opt/lampp/lib/php/extensions/xdebug.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS6402:54
zsquareplusczLouD_: yeah that looks like it wasn't cross compiled02:54
ZzeissDominiddio: Here's the list of plugins I have if you're interested; I *KNOW* this works for YouTube (how else would I get porn)...02:54
b_Whats the command to make Ubuntu kiss me before I go to bed?02:55
zsquareplusczLouD_: if you don't like cross compiling you can set up a minimal 32 bit system in a folder. see !chroot02:55
ianm_techsuperfreak: oh?  my friend is having trouble with it.  I have an intuis2 working in 8.04, but his bamboo fun doesn't work for me or for him in 8.10.  you didn't have to do *anything* to make it work out of the box?  can you pastebin your xorg.conf please?02:55
centr0hi, anyone know how i can make my window list on my taskbar extend the whole bar?02:56
JoesephOut of curiosity, about how many applications in the gnome-ubuntu desktop can have a file "dragged and dropped" onto their icon and it will open with that file?02:56
techsuperfreakianm_: no access to that box at the moment02:56
scribawfAny suggestions for linux App to work with a .gho file?02:56
scienteshow can i insert a null character into gnome-terminal?02:56
wally13371231231hello.. i was just wondering where i can download a powerpc version of xubuntu02:56
DominiddioZzeiss hmm WHAT list? And YES I'm looking to make XNXX and XHAMSTER work, i really don't care about youtube :P02:56
ianm_centr0: doesn't it expand automatically?  it seems to for me02:56
zsquarepluscwally13371231231: ports.ubuntu.com02:56
\KiraI just started a vnc server, how can I cancel it?02:56
hollywoodbscribawf: what does it say when you run `file filename.gho` ?02:57
ubottuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box02:57
hanselb_: I recommend you use         xmessage goodnight sweet prince &02:57
wally13371231231zsquareplusc: thankyou02:57
zsquareplusc\Kira: how did you start it?02:57
b_hansel: Thanks :)02:57
ianm_techsuperfreak: ok.  have you ever put any Wacom stuff in your xorg.conf ?02:57
ZzeissDominiddio: Default plugin, Demo Print Plugin, DivX Web Player, QuickTime plug-in 7.2.0, Gnash 0.8.4  (which reports itself as Shockwave Flash 9.0 r999 but is Gnash), Totem Web Browser Plugin 2.24.3, and Totem 2.24.3 (which reports as Windows Media Player but it's totem inside)02:57
centr0ianm_: it only expands to 50% of the bar.02:57
\Kirazsquareplusc: using the command "vncserver"02:57
centr0ianm_: nm i got it.  systray part was expanded.02:58
scribawfhollywoodb;  I have a file on CD of a "Ghost" image of another machine made with Symantec Ghost02:58
techsuperfreakianm_: nope02:58
zsquareplusc\Kira: then vncserver -kill :1  or whatever number it reported on start02:58
\Kirazsquareplusc: thanks02:58
\slashwhy do i get this msg when i run pico?02:58
\slashError reading /home/devil/.nano_history: Permission denied02:58
\slashPress Enter to continue starting nano.02:58
pathfinder662hello everyone. I am trying to set up a firewall/router with ubuntu server edition. I have everything done except I am having problems port forwarding with ufw. Can anyone help me out?02:58
\slashonly when im not using su02:59
hansel\slash: check the perms on that file.02:59
zsquareplusc\slash: you once ran it with sudo? the file might have wrong permissions02:59
\slashno i never did02:59
hollywoodbscribawf: ah, I see... really not sure on that one02:59
DominiddioZzeiss waw tnx I'll try this out02:59
\slashi did an apt-update and that happened02:59
scribawfhollywoodb, OK tnx anyways I have iso master (linux) but that's for iso types03:00
hansel\slash:         ls -alh  /home/devil/.nano_history03:00
hanselpaste the result back por favor03:00
ZzeissDominiddio: Good luck.  :)03:00
energYWhat is the name for the configuration program for compiz? And where can I find it?03:00
\slash-rw-------  1 root  root     21 2008-12-30 05:57 .nano_history03:00
hansel\slash: sudo chown devil:devil /home/devil/.nano_history03:00
ianm_techsuperfreak: OK thanks03:00
hanselsudo chmod 700 /home/devil/.nano_history03:01
wally13371231231zsquareplusc: where abouts would hte iso's be please?03:01
ThipThipCan anyone help me launch VLC using cron?  I think I need to use xterm to tell it where to display?03:01
techsuperfreakianm_: np03:01
zsquarepluschansel: eexcute?03:01
hanselsure, why not... 600 then.  :)03:01
hanselfull perms to a user wont hurt anything.03:01
eseven73!ccsm | energY03:02
ubottuenergY: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion03:02
zsquarepluschansel: nautilus acts differently and if you accidentally do ./file ;-)03:02
hanselwell he can secretly code shell scripts in his .nano_history and have an easier time of executing them?03:02
hanselzsquareplusc: I reckon if he did that it would just terminate unsuccessfully.03:03
zsquarepluscwally13371231231: there are installers cd somewhere when you dig down "main". but they arent live cds03:03
wally13371231231anyone know where i cna get powerpc xubuntu 7.10 isos from03:03
ThipThipIf I use screen, then VLC launches, but is not visible.  I'd like it to be visible.  I'm trying to launch it with cron.  Anybody?  Does nobody know how to make something appear in a viewport using cron?!03:03
wally13371231231ahh thankyou03:03
wally13371231231zsquareplusc: i dont see any iso's.. could you find the link please03:04
dr_willisThipThip,  using cron to launch X apps.. can be.. problematic..03:05
hanselThipThip - you probably need to throw a               -display :0 to the end of it.03:05
hanselie;                    vlc someviddy.mpg -display :003:05
zsquarepluschansel: an executable file with no #! is interpreted as bash script. so it might try to execute all the files he has opened. but i agree, we are talking of a silly use case :-)03:05
wally13371231231thats no use03:05
hanseloh, and throw a & on the end for good measure so it can detach.03:05
=== caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log
zsquarepluscwally13371231231: the netboot has an iso. it will download all the packages from the net though03:06
wally13371231231so there is no full iso?03:06
ThipThiphansel:  I put it into a bash script as per your suggestion - a & at the end of what?  like -display :0&  ?03:06
dr_williszsquareplusc,  speaking of the #! - i noticed a odd quirk the other day where i had some trivial bash scripts ( of 1 line,  like just an alias) that did NOT run properly SOMETIMES if i did not have a #!/bin/bash  (or sh) at the start03:06
hanselvlc /home/thip/MomAndMe.mpg -display :0 &03:07
zsquarepluscwally13371231231: i don't know i don't have a ppc :/03:07
hikenbootanyone in here a sound wizard?03:08
racarteri'm dumb, how do you start a network game in gnu chess?03:08
n8tuserThipThip - what exactly are you trying to achieve?03:08
savidUgh! I'm having this really annoying problem where I can't watch any flash videos --  The video stops about two seconds into it.  If I move the slider to another position in the video, it plays for another two seconds and stops again.  Has anyone else experienced this?03:08
pathfinder662_hello everyone. I am trying to set up a firewall/router with ubuntu server edition. I have everything done except I am having problems port forwarding with ufw. Can anyone help me out?03:08
hanselsavid - it's probably just buffering...03:08
savidhansel, no, it's not buffering.  This happens even when the video has completely buffered.03:09
hanselpathfinder662_ you'll probably have better luck w something that complex in #iptables or something.03:09
bp0how do I change the volume of gnome system sounds without using master volume?03:09
hanselbp0 - sudo alsamixer from a terminal?03:10
eseven73hansel: or #Ubuntu-Server03:10
hanselsavid - never heard of that occuring... dunno, sorry. :(03:10
macjason0607guys .. i forgot the link on how to install windows drivers wireless on ubuntu03:10
hanselmacjason0607: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=569357803:11
macjason0607i have broadcom03:11
DiiPhantomsomeone knows how to setup proftpd?03:11
racarteranyone use gnu chess?03:11
sandeepI use gnuchess03:11
DiiPhantomi have questions about creating users and groups03:11
racarterdo you play network games?03:11
lamoI'm experiencing freezing issues with 8.10 that I believe are related to deluge. Has any progress been made in solving this issue? I went back to 8.04 and my system ran great but i decided to update in hopes it was solved.03:11
savidUgh and my now my browser freezes up when on a flash video page.  WTF?03:11
racarterif so, can you tell me how?03:11
eseven73!wtf | savid wtf is a swear word, even if masked...03:12
ubottusavid wtf is a swear word, even if masked...: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:12
\Kiraum.... I set up my vnc server, then connected. There was terminal open, and I closed it. Now I have a blank screen, even when I reconnect. What can I do?03:12
hanselDiiPhantom - edit your proftpd.conf file in /etc then restart the service...03:12
DiiPhantomhansel, Thank you for answering, but here is my problem, i installed it i confiured it but then i want to add users03:12
nino8085I'm also experiencing freezing at 8.1003:12
dr_willis\Kira,  restart the vncserver with 'vncserver --kill :1' (or whatrever #) and perhaps edit the .vnc/xstartup to spawn a window manger/desktop you want to use.03:13
CoJaBo-EeeIs it possible to restrict a Samba share to only certain IPs?03:13
zsquareplusc\Kira: ssh to the server DISPLAY=:10 xterm&03:13
hanselDiiPhantom - I believe it goes off of /etc/passwd file... do you want to add virtual users that don't really exist at the system level?03:13
AvariceDoes anyone know anything about simple program writing....The only programing I've done is using basic and I've got an idea to where I write one that ask's me some variables then open like three terminal windows and executes just a few commands03:13
lamonino8085: are you running any bittorrent clients?03:13
dr_williscojaBo Yes   I think it is.. I would check the books in the 'samba-doc' package to see if they mention that.03:13
hanselAvarice - what is your goal?  You want to write executables or shell scripts or what to do WHAT?03:13
DiiPhantomhansel,  i think thats where im heading03:13
nino8085lamo: nope..i don't03:13
dr_williscojaBo also check the smb.conf config files.03:13
riegersnare there any irc apps that can run python scripts for a bot? but with no gui03:13
savidnino8085, what kind of freezing?  are you talking about flash? or something else03:13
DiiPhantomhansel, do you mind a private msg?03:13
Pici!info supybot | riegersn03:14
ubottusupybot (source: supybot): robust and user friendly Python IRC bot. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.83.3-1 (intrepid), package size 495 kB, installed size 2968 kB03:14
eseven73riegersn: supybot03:14
eseven73ugh Pici :p03:14
eseven73beat me to it03:14
hanselDiiPhantom: sure...03:14
dr_willisriegersn,  i would not be suprised if tehrs not a irc bot written totally in python03:14
eseven73riegersn: ubottu is a supybot03:14
nino8085the system freezing, by not be able to click on something,03:14
\Kiradr_willis: would I edit that file on the server or client?03:14
dr_willisAnd there it is. :)03:14
hikenbooti have an abit nf7-s2g motherboard with a  nvidia MCP2S AC 97 audiocontroler rev a1 anyone know which module should be loaded03:14
dr_willis\Kira,  smb.conf controlls the server..03:14
bp0hansel, ... that seems stupid. but it worked, thanks.03:14
=== Mike_92 is now known as Mike9022
CoJaBo-Eeedr_willis: I see stuff about IPs globally, but not per-share03:15
Avaricehansel ummmm idk really.....there are just some packages that i use in the terminal that i have to type the same information over again and again and it takes a while to type it all out so to save time i was just gonna have it open some terminal windows and type the stuff03:15
\Kiradr_willis: ? Im talking about vnc03:15
dr_willis\Kira,   the vnc server runs the vnc desktop  thus the users .vnc/whatever stuff.. there is no file to edit on the client side.03:15
liza0hi all03:16
lamoyeah my system completely locks up have to do a hard restart to get it back, happens at least nonce a day.03:16
eseven73!welcome | liza003:16
ubottuliza0: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.03:16
dr_willis\Kira,  some vncservers may use differently named configs.. I tend to use vnc4server, it has a  home/username/.vnc/xstartup file that has what commands get ran by the vncserver when it starts up.03:16
hanselAvarice - shell scripting is what you want to learn probably..  http://wooledge.org:8000/BashSheet03:16
Mike9022For some reason, Skype isn't working for me. When someone tries to invite me to a confrence call, I click accept, but nothing happens. Sometimes the user inviting gets an error that says "The person you are calling has problems with the soundcard which Skype will help to fix". Can someone please help me fix this? I'm using Intrepid.03:17
ThipThipFor all those following my cron saga, the winner (inside the script) was: DISPLAY=:0 vlc /home/justin/Desktop/c-span.xspf --volume 102403:17
dr_willis\Kira,  by default its a bit stupid and trys to run twm and a xterm I think...  most people dont want twm. and its not instlled by default anyway.03:17
\Kiradr_willis: okay, what would be the command to start kde?03:17
hanselAvarice also see this URL: http://wooledge.org:8000/BashGuide03:17
ThipThipThanks particularly to Hansel, who stuck with me :-)03:17
nino8085the thing is I haven't install anything to it yet..,but it freezes almost trice a day03:17
hanselnp ThipThip... good going.  :)03:17
Avaricehansel kk looking03:17
dr_willis\Kira,  at one time it was 'startkde' :) or some variant like that.. kde may be a bit heavy and slow over vnc03:17
lamonino8085: also heard pulseaudio was maybe causing this03:18
\Kiradr_willis: what would you recommend?03:18
savidWhat's the difference between adobe-flash-plugin and flashplugin-nonfree?03:18
dr_willis\Kira,  i tend to use SUPER light window managers for vnc. such as jwm, or icewm or one of the XXX box's03:18
\Kiradr_willis: thanks03:18
nino8085hmmm....but only in 8.10?03:19
lamonino8085: yeah cause i rolled back to 8.04 for a month and no problems03:20
lamonino8085: and i upgraded yesterday and the freezing started again03:20
racarterubuntu 8.10 Chess.. it says disconnected when trying to start a network game.. how do i play a network game with this app?03:20
nino8085i see..03:21
racarterctrl+L starts a network game, the profile option says "Disconnected"03:21
racarterit's a dropdown with one choice...03:21
racarterthat choice is disconnected...03:21
nino8085anyway thanks lamo for the advice..03:21
Jack_Sparrow!enter > racarter03:21
ubotturacarter, please see my private message03:21
noriyukiis there a program in ubuntu to make loops (music)(dj like) such as "fruity loops" for windows03:23
nino8085i hope this problem may have the solution sooner or later..03:23
racarterhas anyone here ever played a network game using glChess 2.24 ?03:24
hanselnoriyuki: sudo apt-get install ardour03:24
eseven73noriyuki: audacity03:24
zsquarepluscnino8085: crashes/freezes may also be related to the graphics driver. did you try different versions?03:24
=== rob is now known as Guest85277
noriyukihansel, E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)  E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?03:25
hanselnoriyuki: you probably have synaptic open or something else is using it.03:25
noriyukihansel,  lol sorry i am updating ththe system03:25
Jack_Sparrownoriyuki, shut down the other package manager03:25
eseven73noriyuki: that last bit tells you everything03:25
nino8085hmm,.. i haven't tried it though03:26
Jack_Sparrowracarter, try man glchess in a terminal03:27
Mike9022Can someone please help? For some reason, Skype isn't working for me. When someone tries to invite me to a confrence call, I click accept, but nothing happens. Sometimes the user inviting gets an error that says "The person you are calling has problems with the soundcard which Skype will help to fix". I'm using Intrepid.03:27
Guest85277::1     ip6-localhost ip6-loopback how do i change this as apache2 doesn't recoginze it and won't open localhost03:27
Jack_SparrowGuest39686, /j #apache or #Ubuntu-server03:28
=== Guest85277 is now known as rob
rob ::1     ip6-localhost ip6-loopback how do i change this as apache2 doesn't recoginze it and won't open localhost03:28
eseven73lol changing your nick to repeat=bad03:28
=== rob is now known as Guest62497
Guest62497iv'e read the ::1 needs to go is this correct03:28
ubottuTo disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv403:28
linux733tMike9022: Do a hardware test in system -> admin if your sound card doesn't sound, there might be a problem with your card/driver03:29
noriyukihansel, Jack_Sparrow , eseven73, How about a program to play music (mix it, well not mix just like transition... some kind of "BPm player"03:29
Moocan anybody help me with a torrentflux install?03:29
Mike9022linux733t: I'm pretty sure my sound card works, I hear sound in Firefox, Pidgin, etc...03:29
Moounop: btw, i got it working :D03:29
=== Moo is now known as Guest46652
=== Guest46652 is now known as Overshee
Jack_Sparrownoriyuki, please dont direct your questions to specific people.  We will answer if we know and have the time03:30
cjsAnybody know how ghc-6.10.1 under windows execs gcc? It's obviously doing something in terms of options or environment or something, because c:\ghc\ghc-6.10.1\gcc.exe does not run standalone, claiming that it cannot find cc1.03:30
hanselnoriyuki - there are tons... Banshee, VLC, etc, etc, etc03:30
Oversheeaargh i cant get it working03:30
MerrntHow do I make a little copyright symbol? Like, to insert into text.03:30
Jack_Sparrow!info torrentflux03:30
ubottutorrentflux (source: torrentflux): web based, feature-rich BitTorrent download manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4-1 (intrepid), package size 444 kB, installed size 2780 kB03:30
eseven73noriyuki: audacity plays music as well as mixes them, yea its not as fancy as Fruity loops but it does some mixing03:31
cjsOops, wrong channel, that was! Sorry.03:31
Guest62497 ::1     ip6-localhost ip6-loopback how do i change this as apache2 doesn't recoginze it and won't open localhost03:31
Guest62497that site doen't do it03:31
hanselMerrnt: Applications -> Accessories -> Character Map -> find it, copy it, paste it.03:31
Merrntkk thanks!03:31
Guest62497localhost connection refused/failed to connect03:31
zsquarepluscMerrnt: altgr+shift+c works here03:32
noriyukieseven73, mixing is not exactly what I meant... its just like loading  two tracks and them like change from one to another when one is ending to make a transition to the other one03:32
Jack_SparrowGuest39686, Please stop, ask your question all on one line and wait03:32
hikenbootanyone able to help with sound issues?03:32
=== Guest62497 is now known as rob
hikenbooti have an abit nf7-s2g motherboard with a  nvidia MCP2S AC 97 audiocontroler rev a1 anyone know which module should be loaded03:33
Jack_Sparrow!nickspam > rob03:33
ubotturob, please see my private message03:33
=== rob is now known as Guest6915
eseven73noriyuki: im not sure really, im not a sound guy, just keep repeating your question like every 10 mins and someone will help you if they can :)03:33
azfiraaquarius girls03:33
Guest6915what message03:33
eseven73private message03:34
noriyukiDo you guys know about a program to play music (not audacity, vlc, or any other normal player) its just like loading  two tracks and them like change from one to another when one is ending to make a transition to the other one03:34
Jack_SparrowGuest6915, Stop changing your nick and you would find it03:34
Rapture2k4hello all03:34
theonejqyHello alllllllllllllllllllll03:34
earthmeLonHey guys, I just bought a USB soundcard and plugged it in.  I was wondering how I could see if Linux detected it and if it knows it's a sound card... :\03:34
peepsaloti have a laptop with bluetooth built in, but I never use it, is there a way to disable bluetooth as a poewr saver?03:34
noriyukiDo you guys know about a program to play music (not audacity, vlc, or any other normal player) its just like loading  two tracks and them like change from one to another when one is ending to make a transition to the other one while in a party for example03:34
Jack_Sparrowtheonejqy, Please stop03:35
Guest6915hpw do i permantely set it to rob03:35
eseven73noriyuki: i said every 10 mins not every 10 seconds03:35
dr_willisnoriyuki,  ive seen many 'normal' players that do that.. so im not sure what you are really looking for....03:35
Jack_SparrowGuest39686, You cant because it already is registered to another pewrson03:35
noriyukieseven73, just edited a bit lol03:35
Rapture2k4type /nick Rob03:35
eseven73lol ok03:35
eseven73jus tdidnt wanna see you get banned for repeating so fast :)03:35
noriyukidr_willis, some kind of dj program to interchange music03:35
dr_willisnoriyuki,  not sure what a 'dj' program really does.. other then play the music...03:36
qwexerI am still looking for an answer regarding getting my bluetooth USB adapter to be recognized by Ubuntu 8.04, is shows up w/ lsusb but that is it03:36
Jack_Sparrownoriyuki, getdeb.net might have something that will work for you03:36
dr_willisnoriyuki,  also 'google is our friend'  :)03:36
Guest6915 ::1     ip6-localhost ip6-loopback how do i change this as apache2 doesn't recoginze it and won't open localhost03:36
qwexerI thought I had all of the correct tools and such dl from synaptic03:36
hanselnoriyuki: you just want to create playlists and be able to change the order in real time?03:37
=== Guest6915 is now known as rob
Chrisienoriyuki: IDJC (Internet DJ Console) might be what you're after - worth a Google03:37
rccuearthmeLon: see dmesg output03:37
Rapture2k4is there a way to figure out the UUID of a flash drive?03:37
noriyukihansel, yeep! thats it03:37
Jack_Sparrowqwe1, Depends on if your hardware has support03:37
dr_willis!uuid | Rapture2k403:37
ubottuRapture2k4: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)03:37
earthmeLonThanks rccu03:37
Jack_SparrowRapture2k4, same as any other drive03:37
SpinachHeadcan someone kill internet explorer?03:37
robasically localhost fialed to connect03:37
=== rob is now known as Guest64786
noriyukihansel, but dont confuse with shuffling lol03:37
hanselnoriyuki: well most players can do that... Banshee, VLC, et al...03:37
qwexerok, I have rocketfish, but can't find anything anywhere03:37
Jack_Sparrow!ot > SpinachHead,03:37
Guest64786:: 1 might e the prolem as i have read03:37
macjason0607guys .. everytime i try to install this window driver it says unable to see if hardware is present .. any ideas ?03:37
nachohi88hey i used apt-get auto remove to remove old kernels but they still appearing in my grub screen.. How do i remove them?03:38
Jack_Sparrow!register > guest6478603:38
rccunachohi88: edit your /boot/grub/menu.lst03:38
dr_willisnachohi88,  try 'sudo update-grub' first..03:38
Jack_Sparrownachohi88, gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst03:38
=== geremy is now known as __geremy__
nachohi88hey looks like updating it worked03:39
Rapture2k4do UUIDs change from computer to computer?03:39
Jack_SparrowRapture2k4, it is assigned when you partition the drive, but can be changed03:39
Rapture2k4ah, ok03:40
qwexerdoes anyone have an external bluetooth adapter that does work?  anyone know their brand?03:40
Rapture2k4qwexer, I use a cheapo IOGear one and it works with every distro I've tried recently03:40
noriyukiqwexer, there are good options on deals2buy.com03:40
Jack_Sparrow!hardware > qwexer03:40
ubottuqwexer, please see my private message03:40
Rapture2k4you can find it a walmart for $20-$30 USD03:40
qwexerrapture: ok I will check that out03:41
qwexerJack: you too, thanks03:41
qwexernow I have to figure out what I'm going to do with this crapo if I can't get it to work, sigh03:41
Rapture2k4so, I've got this 2GB flash drive and I want to install xbuntu on it and use it as a file server... I know this kills the lifespan of the device, but are there ways to minimize the damage?03:42
Jack_SparrowRapture2k4, nope, write cycles are limited03:42
stickboywhenever i hit backspace and there's nothing to delete, my laptop beeps and i'm not sure how to disable it. on 8.10 64bit.03:43
Rapture2k4Jack_Sparrow: Hmm, ok. Is there a way to boot from LiveCD and load settings from a flash drive? I.E. Like FreeNAS03:43
zsquarepluscRapture2k4: put /tmp in RAM and avoid swap. the nslu2-linux wiki has some hints03:43
Jack_SparrowRapture2k4, yes, persistent mode03:43
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent03:43
aeolienHi! I'm looking for an HTML editor. Doesn't have to be WYSIWYG, but can be. Any ideas?03:43
hanselpersonally I use vi aeolien.  :P03:44
zsquarepluscaeolien: nvu03:44
Rapture2k4Jack_Sparrow: I've tried that, but after the 2nd reboot, it fails to load *buntu03:44
jtajiRapture2k4: also putting /var/log/ in tmpfs (ramdisk) can help03:44
hanselaeolien: http://www.screem.org/03:44
Oversheecan anybody help me with torrentflux03:44
CoUrPsE|DeAdnano pwnz *03:44
Rapture2k4jtaji: kk, lemme write this stuff down03:44
qwexeraeolien: I like screem and bluefish myself03:44
Jack_SparrowRapture2k4, last time I used it.. I had to type persistent on the command line.  I have not done it in awhile03:45
aeolienSweet, thanks guys!03:45
neetoOvershee: what's up with torrentflux?03:45
Oversheeit wont work >.<03:45
neeto /pm me03:45
Rapture2k4Jack_Sparrow: Well, I think my issue is that I'm using a BootCD to allow me to boot from the flash drive... not sure what's going wrong03:45
hanselCoUrPsE|DeAd: nano is an extremely basic text editor... vi can run circles around it all day.  :)03:45
zsquareplusccan in turn off the progress bar animation in the human there on intrepid?03:45
gorlakanyone had any experience with truecrypt and nfs togeather?03:45
Jack_SparrowRapture2k4, bootcd or livecd.. huge difference03:46
=== hansel is now known as Away_Eth
Rapture2k4Jack_Sparrow: I used a LiveCD to create a USB Startup disk (persistent) and then used a BootCD iso from PenDriveLinux to give me USB bootload capability03:46
Rapture2k4I have an old Dell that doesn't boot from USB :(03:47
Jack_SparrowRapture2k4, not surpriseed that didnt work03:47
Jack_SparrowI have several dells  6100's 640's etc03:47
FezzlerI have a 17.3MB PDF file that I archived with ZIP and it only shrunk it to 17.2MB.  How can I get this smaller in Ubuntu?03:48
Rapture2k4Jack_Sparrow: It does once... as in I can boot into it... if I reboot at all... it fails to load the kernel and I sit at an <(init)> prompt03:48
Jack_SparrowRapture2k4, Cant help with that..03:48
Rapture2k4I know... but I think I've got a solution ;)03:48
Jack_SparrowFezzler, pdf's are already compressed03:48
zsquarepluscFezzler: compressed pdf already uses the same algorithm as zip that's why it isnt getting smaller. try to reduce embedded image quality (pdf2ps|ps2pfs / ghostscript)03:49
=== fmartin is now known as altecom_
zsquarepluscFezzler: pdfedit might also do something03:49
=== jabagawee_ is now known as jabagawee
Rapture2k4I'm thinking that if I partition my flashdrive as ext3 -noatime, and put grub on the MBR of it, I can install grub on a CD and boot that way03:50
Rapture2k4the BIOS sees the drive as a HDD, but won't boot from it.. so I don't need USB drivers per say03:50
Rapture2k4per se*03:50
ThePubas guessed, that didn't go so well ;)03:51
rayluFezzler: also, try bzip203:52
=== Away_Eth is now known as mindrape
rayluRapture2k4: noatime is a mount option, not an fs option03:52
=== keres is now known as keres`zZz
macjason0607guys .. there a way to change my login name ?03:53
FezzlerThanks, I'll try PDFEdit or move to my work laptop that has full Adobe Acrobat.  Just like to do it all in Ubuntu03:53
* Rapture2k4 is a newbie, obviously.. please excuse the improper usages...03:53
macjason0607so my my terminal name will change with it03:53
FezzlerWhat is bzip203:53
raylumacjason0607: you can change the name that appears in the terminal without changing your name03:53
mindrapeFezzler: a compression type03:53
rccuFezzler: a compression program03:53
linux733traylu: How do you do that?03:54
mindrapeFezzler: to decompress a bz2 file just    tar -zxjf thefile.bz2 I believe.03:54
raylulinux733t: the terminal prompt is $PS103:54
gurenhey guys03:54
raylulinux733t: (usually)03:54
gureni am using irssi03:54
* raylu claps for guren 03:54
gurenhow do i change my nickname?03:54
* mindrape facepalms for guren03:54
rayluguren: the same way you do for every other client03:54
gurenits not really important but i wanted to ask for wifi help03:54
shipzWith ubuntu, do I need to manually set a root password, or will just having a useraccount with a password suffice?03:55
raylu!root | shipz03:55
ubottushipz: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo03:55
gureni donno03:55
rayluguren: /nick03:55
gurenok but i was trying to get some help with my wifi03:55
FezzlerSo much for PDFEdit, it can't even open the file03:55
=== guren is now known as smokeymirror
smokeymirroroh thanks :D03:55
DamnSLDamn Small Linux is better than Ubuntu !03:56
shipzI'm an idiot03:56
shipzYou may dismember me now.03:56
mindrapeshipz - Ubuntu is a quirky distro/community that doesn't believe (as part of our philosophy) in regular use of the root account.  It saves us from LOTS of headaches....  :)03:56
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.03:56
Wickedhow do i manually set the refresh rate for my monitor?03:56
raylushipz: not at all03:56
mindrapeWicked: edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:56
raylumindrape: he'd most likely have to generate one first03:56
zsquarepluscFezzler: recompressing the pdf with ghostscript might help03:56
Wickedmindrape, care to elaborate?03:56
DiiPhantomhow can i regenerate the proftp.conf? i uninstalled it and deleted the /etc/proftpd/ folder03:57
smokeymirrorok so anyone here have a hp dv5 1000 series laptop?03:57
rayluDiiPhantom: why would you want to?03:57
DiiPhantomi want to reinstall it raylu03:57
DiiPhantomand i need the original conf03:57
ubottuRemember that every time you hit refresh, Canonical is wasting money, bandwidth, and CPU time serving your request instead of doing useful things like uploading the image or paying for ShipIt disks.  Please do so sparingly.03:57
rayluDiiPhantom: when you install it, it will install the conf03:57
smokeymirrormy wireless card is recognized and all but i just can't seem to get it to connect to any networks03:57
FezzlerGot it, had to edit spaces out of file name for PDFEdit to open03:57
DiiPhantomthats what i though but its not03:57
yixilso a stupid ISP tech came here while only my mom was around, installed a new router, and didn't tell us the ip address or the pw03:58
DiiPhantomraylu,  thats what i though but its not03:58
Rapture2k4is there an easy way to install xbuntu on my flash drive while in Ubuntu?03:58
mindrapeWicked - basically in the monitor settings you set the refresh parms.03:58
yixilanybody know if there's a way I can find out what the ip address is?03:58
FezzlerNow to see options for shrinking.  I know Acrobat can03:58
Rapture2k4or do i need to burn a LiveCD?03:58
Wickedmindrape, hmm ok.03:58
netyireyixil: check the connection info03:58
Decepticonwhats a noob friendly command line text editor03:58
Decepticonnot vi03:58
yixilnetyire: where?03:58
sheepDecepticon: nano03:58
Decepticonvi is not noob friendly03:58
yixilsorry I'm a noob at this03:58
ubottuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code03:58
mindrapeyixil - pull open a browser and go to
rayluDiiPhantom: try sudo aptitude reinstall; i have to go03:58
netyireright click the image of two computers in the system tray and click connection info03:58
mindrapeyixil - if you want your internet IP go to http://www.findmyip.com03:59
netyirelook under default route03:59
yixilnetyire: they changed the default ip of the router03:59
Jack_Sparrowyixil, Are you hardwired to it?03:59
netyireyixil: traceroute google.com03:59
yixilJack_Sparrow: yeah03:59
netyirelook at the first few hops03:59
linux733tDecepticon: Nano03:59
Fezzlerwhat is Delinererize?03:59
smokeymirroranyone have any advice?04:00
yixilmy brother-in-law figured this out somehow, it was
mindrapesmokeymirror - brush your teeth.04:00
smokeymirrori know i know but that wont get my wireless enabled04:00
yixilso if att comes to your house and installs a random router, that might be where it is04:00
Rapture2k4smokeymirror: try typing sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces04:00
Rapture2k4smokeymirror: see if the interface is up04:01
Cpudan80anybody have a dell inspiron mini?04:01
Rapture2k4or even listed04:01
linux733tCpudan80: I want one! :P04:01
Rapture2k4smokeymirror: you should see something like: iface <interface_name> inet dhcp04:02
smokeymirrorit says auto lo and iface lo inet loopback04:02
Jack_Sparrowyixil, THis is all offtopic...04:02
mindrapesmokeymirror      sudo lshw -C network04:02
Rapture2k4mindrape: out of my head04:02
mindrapesmokeymirror - what kind of card is it?  Maybe you need Windows drivers instead of Linux?04:03
netyireyixil: #ubuntu-offtopic04:03
mindrapeEasiest way to get Windows wireless drivers working in Linux http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=569357804:03
dlx__got a simple question, how can i give x-chat a specfic port with the addresse of the server? I tried it like this: but i think its not working.04:03
Rapture2k4smokeymirror: if you see *-network DISABLED followed by the name of your adapter, we might be able to work with it04:03
FarajamoAlright, anyone think they can help me with a dual-boot problem that I'm having with Ubuntu/XP?04:04
sheepdlx__: use a / instead of a :04:04
smokeymirrordid you see the pastebin?04:04
Rapture2k4smokeymirror: yes04:04
Cpudan80Farajamo: only if you ask the real question :-)04:04
smokeymirrorany ideas?04:04
Jack_SparrowFarajamo, did you install xp first and single drive or dual drive system.. THe better the question, the better the answer04:05
mindrapesmokeymirror: try to          sudo modprobe iwl496504:05
smokeymirrorok one second04:05
MrAnthropeIf I typed 'chmod init.d -r -w -x' would Ubuntu hide all the files in that folder for some reason?04:05
smokeymirrorok i did04:06
mindrapenow sudo ifconfig04:06
Cpudan80MrAnthrope: no04:06
mindrapethen sudo iwconfig04:06
MrAnthropeI was trying to read write and execute a file in that folder and I typed that and now the folder is completely empty.04:06
Cpudan80MrAnthrope: you'd need to be root to change stuff in init.d04:06
MrAnthropeI was root.04:06
Wickedhmm ok...if my monitor says it should use 60mhz for the refresh rate...should i add 60 for both the veritcal and horizontal refresh lines in xorg.conf?04:06
MrAnthropeBut only in the terminal. not in the window.04:07
MrAnthropeHow do you become root in a window?04:07
Jack_SparrowMrAnthrope, sudo04:07
MrAnthropeThat's through the terminal...04:07
Cpudan80Aragon: gksudo nautilus04:07
mindrapesmokeymirror: okay... results of sudo iwconfig?04:07
Cpudan80Danger Danger Danger!04:07
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)04:07
Cpudan80Not a good idea to run nautilus as root!04:07
Jack_SparrowCpudan80, agreed04:07
Cpudan80Jack_Sparrow: aye04:07
mindrapesmokeymirror: iwconfig not ifconfig04:07
Jack_Sparrowsmokeymirror, Please post a description of the problem not just the link.04:08
Cpudan80Jack_Sparrow: dont want to go clicking and dragging all willy nilly04:08
Wickedwelp gonna try it anyways.....brb04:08
Jack_SparrowCpudan80, Thanks for giving the warning with that command.04:08
Cpudan80I do what i can04:08
mindrapesmokeymirror - next do a                sudo iwlist wlan0 scan04:08
Rapture2k4mindrape: what's that one do?04:08
CiArAgut mornin04:08
mindrapeit scans for open APs04:09
smokeymirrorhttp://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m6d439d7c i cannot get online with my wifi even though the card is registered04:09
Cpudan80Jack_Sparrow: you know much about enterprise level WPA wifi in ubuntu?04:09
MrAnthropeI can't get online with my dialup modem. :(04:09
mindrapeokay smokeymirror - you dont have an ESSID set... do you know the AP name?04:09
smokeymirrorsmokeymirror@SmokeyMiRROR:~$ sudo iwlist wlan0 scan04:09
smokeymirrorwlan0     No scan results04:09
mindrapesmokeymirror: sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid SETITHERE04:09
bullgard4What is the function of the file /boot/config-2.6.24-22-generic?04:09
Jack_Sparrowsmokeymirror, is it an open network or wep , wpa etc04:09
FloodBot2CiArA: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:09
smokeymirrorthere's a open and a secure around me04:09
mindrapesmokeymirror -alright.. if you get no scan results and you know the AP is broadcasting and available then you likely need a Windows driver for it... :(04:10
Rapture2k4smokeymirror: replace SETITHERE with the SSID your wifi router is using04:10
Wickednope that did not fix it :(04:10
Rapture2k4he shouldn't have to.. i have the same adapter on my laptop04:10
Rapture2k4and it works fine04:10
smokeymirrorwas that code sudo iwlist wlan0 scan?04:11
mindrapeRapture2k4 - which driver do you use?04:11
mindrapeyes smokeymirror.04:11
tonyyarussoIn firefox 3, even after I've cleared the history things will still show up in the autocomplete of the location bar.  Where is that information stored, and can it be cleared as well?04:11
netyiretools -> clear private data?04:11
mindrapetonyyarusso: that autocomplete SHOULD only show bookmarked URLs...04:12
Rapture2k4mindrape: it's been ages since i've IRC'ed... and i'm using irssi, what's the /command to reply? lol04:12
mindrapereply?   /msg user hey there04:12
mindrapeor what?04:12
tonyyarussomindrape: ooooh, that may very well be the case.04:12
smokeymirrorso if its more than one word i do "Wifi Name"04:12
ubottuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/04:12
mindrapeyes smokeymirror04:13
tonyyarussomindrape: Your'e absolutely right.  I had forgotten some of those things were bookmarked.04:13
smokeymirrorthis is what always happens when i try to set essid04:13
smokeymirrorsmokeymirror@SmokeyMiRROR:~$ sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "CCSF WiFi"04:13
smokeymirrorError for wireless request "Set ESSID" (8B1A) : SET failed on device wlan0 ; Resource temporarily unavailable.04:13
Rapture2k4smokeymirror: is your wifi router broadcasting? or simpler yet.. can you see if from another machine/os?04:13
netyiretonyyarusso: you can disable autocomplete from about:config04:13
netyireit's under browser.urlbar.maxRichResults04:13
netyireset to 004:14
smokeymirrori can see it from other devices04:14
smokeymirroreven my psp :(04:14
Rapture2k4strange.. i think mindrape might by right04:14
mindrapeRapture2k4 - if yours is the exact same model maybe we can modprobe your module name?04:14
Rapture2k4check out ndiswrapper (google/wiki)04:14
mindrapecan you check it in lsmod?04:14
mindrapehttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5693578   <--- makes ndiswrapper "easy"04:14
smokeymirrorndiswrapper doesn't work04:15
tonyyarussonetyire: also good to know - thanks04:15
smokeymirrorthe drivers for this wireless card is a 64bit04:16
Jack_Sparrowsmokeymirror, what chipset is in that card?04:16
smokeymirrorand ndiswrapper doesn't do 64bit04:16
shipzThis may sound dumb but, how do you tell if you are running 64bit or 32bit?04:16
ubottuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box04:16
mindrapeshipz - I believe uname -a will tell04:16
Rapture2k4smokeymirror: what was the model number again? 4965?04:16
smokeymirrorone sec04:16
Davi_you is girl ??04:16
Wickedbah. ok. nothing i do is changing my monitor refresh rate.04:16
mindrapeDavi_ there are no girls on the internets.04:16
netyireWicked: edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:17
netyirelook for horizontal and vertical refresh rates04:17
Wickednetyire, yea...your the second one to say that. and that didnt fix it either.04:17
netyireit'll be a range, like 60.0 - 120.004:17
smokeymirrorhttp://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m59e01c6d wifi card04:17
mindrapeWicked - CRT or LCD?04:17
Wickednetyire, yea i changed the ranges both to 6004:17
Wickedno dice04:17
netyirestill at 50?04:17
mindrapeWicked - you dont set LCD refresh rates...04:17
mindrapeits 60 by default.04:17
mindrapeCRTs you can bump them up to like 85 hz and whatnot.04:18
Wickedmindrape, well ubuntu set it to 50 and its making everything blurry and look like shit04:18
mindrapeI'd google the model number and see what the recommended v/hsync rates are for xorg.conf04:18
mindrapeodd that it would be 50... never heard of it that low.04:18
netyireWicked: hmm, have you restarted xorg?04:18
shipzThat worked...thanks04:18
Wickedi know they are. and i set them to it...still nothing04:19
Wickednetyire, yes.04:19
Rapture2k4smokeymirror: silly question, but is the wifi card on?04:19
bullgard4What is the function of the file /boot/config-2.6.24-22-generic?04:19
netyirehmm, possibly the driver?04:19
smokeymirrorwell i dont know04:19
mindrapeWicked - what is your resolution set to?  Is the whole screen blurry or just text?04:19
Jack_Sparrowsmokeymirror, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=101110404:19
smokeymirrorit only has a touch button04:19
Rapture2k4you using a laptop, right?04:19
Wickedmindrape, just test. and the colors are off04:19
FarajamoAnyone think they can help me with a boot problem?04:19
smokeymirrorthe touch button doesn't work and i have no way to find out how to turn it on04:19
mindrapeWicked - do you use an nVidia or ATI card?04:20
Rapture2k4smokeymirror: um... maybe a <FN> + Function key combo? like FN+F804:20
bullgard4Farajamo: Please put a specific question here. Your question as put is not smart.04:20
Wickedmindrape, brand spanking new msi nvidia 260...litterly put it in a hour ago04:20
smokeymirrorfn + f8 is brightnestt04:20
smokeymirrori tried all the fn + fkeys04:21
mindrapeWicked - do you have a System -> Administration -> nVidia X Server Settings option?04:21
MrAnthropeCan anyone think of a reason why Ubuntu would load my sound card drivers sometimes and not others?04:21
grayhanecannot mount usb drive after upgrading to 8.1004:21
MrAnthropeSometimes when I start up I have sound. Sometimes I don't.04:21
FarajamoWhen I boot into Ubuntu (or at least try to) it boots straight into a blank white screen. Anyone know why?04:21
Wickedmindrape, i do not04:21
netyireMrAnthrope: hmm, it's probably not the drivers04:21
Rapture2k4smokeymirror: i take it you don't get an on-screen display for those options, right?04:21
Jack_SparrowFarajamo, did you install xp first and single drive or dual drive system.. THe better the question, the better the answer04:22
netyireMrAnthrope: sound under ubuntu breaks down occasionally, when different programs try to access the soundcard directly04:22
Wickedmindrape, but i do have the nvidia-settings command via cli04:22
MrAnthropeOh I see. So that's why it's seemingly random.04:22
netyireMrAnthrope: are you on 8.04?04:22
Cpudan80Jack_Sparrow: did you see my question for you?04:22
FarajamoNo, I installed Ubuntu first but use the XP boot menu because of problems I had with grub. And when you say dual drive system I'm assuming harddrives? It's one drive partitioned.04:23
drone_here's something kinda curious: I just installed the 64 bit flash plugin on ubuntu 8.10 but it wont work unless I run firefox as root04:23
Cpudan80Jack_Sparrow: Enterprise level wifi on ubuntu .... gives troubles about certs ... ?04:23
Jack_SparrowFarajamo, sudo nvidia-xconfig from a terminal..04:23
netyireMrAnthrope: hmm, you can walk through the pulseaudio howto to make sure it's setup properly, or if that fails, use alsa with dmix04:23
Rapture2k4smokeymirror: mkay... well... best bet is to install ndiswrapper and download the drivers from intel04:23
netyireMrAnthrope: hold on, I'll link you04:23
FarajamoThat's the thing, I cant' even get to a terminal04:23
smokeymirrorhttp://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m44aad389 nm-tool results04:23
Jack_SparrowCpudan80, not something I deal with...04:23
Cpudan80Farajamo: try CTRL+ALT+F104:23
Cpudan80Jack_Sparrow: hrmm oh well04:23
FarajamoI did. No key commands work. I just get a blaring white screen.04:23
FarajamoIf it helps, this happened only after I upgraded my computer.04:24
Cpudan80Jack_Sparrow: have you seen anybody else coming in with issues related to enterprise level wifi (with WPA) ?04:24
netyireMrAnthrope: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78957804:24
MrAnthropeThanks, netyire.04:24
Jack_SparrowFarajamo, YOu cant use the xp boot instead of grub04:24
Rapture2k4smokeymirror: you can get it by doing: sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper04:24
Wickedbah. so mindrape i opened that up and wento the display configuration and set the resolution to 1920x1200 and the refresh to 60..hit apply and it still is blurry.04:24
FarajamoWell originally (before the upgrade) the xp boot menu was working fine.04:24
Cpudan80Farajamo: when you said grub gave you problems ... what do you mean?04:24
Jack_SparrowCpudan80, many have had issue with wpa as some chipsets dont have good support.04:24
Wickedi also tried setting the refresh to auto and hit apply....still is blurry :(04:24
mindrapeWicked - is there something on the monitor you can push to make it degauze?  Not sure if LCDs do that but used to be a common CRT issue...04:24
Wickedi do think so.04:25
Cpudan80Jack_Sparrow: yeah -- it all worked under HH, not sure what's up under Intrepid04:25
Rapture2k4Wicked: have you tried adjusting the temperature of the monitor to a higher/lower setting? (thru the buttons on the monitor)04:25
Jack_SparrowCpudan80, I have several boxes on HH waiting for something I must have before upgrading04:25
mindrapeWicked - can you also check the connection points of the cable to make sure its all tightly fitted?04:25
SaturnDriverdoes anyone know if unicode characters show up in windows04:25
dr_willisYou dont Degause LCD's :)04:25
FarajamoWell when I set up grub, Ubuntu booted fine, but when I tried to boot into XP I get an error akin to: ntfo.exe or something was missing and couldn't boot04:26
Rapture2k4Wicked: you'd be looking for color temperature04:26
dr_willisFarajamo,  ntldr was missing perhaps?04:26
WickedRapture2k4, yea. it has economy,text, and picture modes...it looks equally blurry.....only brighter or darker04:26
Cpudan80Jack_Sparrow: yeah04:26
MrAnthropeMy more pressing problem is Ubuntu can't find my PCI dialup modem. I've been trying to get Ubuntu to find it for two days.04:26
Wickedmindrape, yea. everything looks nice and secure04:26
Cpudan80Farajamo: not good...04:26
Cpudan80Farajamo: did you defrag the partition before you partitioned it to install ubuntu?04:27
FarajamoWell I tried replacing the file but it didn't make a difference so I used the XP boot menu.04:27
Jack_SparrowMrAnthrope, Sounds like a winmodem04:27
MrAnthropeIt is.04:27
ubottuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up04:27
dr_willisMrAnthrope,  some winmodems have no support.. some do...04:27
MrAnthropeStratitec IC56A agere04:27
Rapture2k4Wicked: I had this problem with a 9800 GTX... trying to remember how i fixed it..04:27
MrAnthropeAlready done, ubottu.04:27
Cpudan80ubottu: is a robot04:27
FarajamoI installed Ubuntu first. So I had it installed, then split the harddrive in two, then installed XP on the empty partition04:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about is a robot04:27
Cpudan80But then what did you do04:27
Cpudan80You have to put grub back on04:27
Jack_SparrowCpudan80, agreed04:28
FarajamoOh, and the missing file was "NTOSKRNL.exe"04:28
WickedRapture2k4, ah ok. i upgraded today from my old bfgtech 7800 gt oc to this new geforce 260.....and its been a pain........04:28
Cpudan80Farajamo: this was immediately after installing XP?04:28
fxhpI just installed 8.10 and now my video is all messed up04:28
MrAnthropeIt's an agere modem, which supposedly works. I just can't do it because I'm a total and complete Linux newb.04:28
Cpudan80Farajamo: As I understand it - you did04:28
fxhpI'm unable to run with nvidia drivers .04:28
MrAnthropeI have some drivers but I have no idea how to go about installing them.04:28
Cpudan80Partition --> Ubuntu --> XP --> ERROR04:28
Cpudan80Is that not right?04:28
FarajamoNo. This happened immediately after upgrading my comp with new parts (thanks to Christmas). I dual-booted with the XP boot menu fine up until then.04:29
syed_nawazwhen installing ubuntu, if there are partitions already in that system, then ubuntu displays the existing partition information, how does the installer get this information04:29
Cpudan80wait now04:29
Cpudan80That changes the ball game04:29
Dante123upgrade 8.04 to 8.10...all works fine except network manager says there is no connection....although there is and I am using it now.  What gives?04:29
mindrapesyed_nawaz: probably read via sudo fdisk -l04:29
Cpudan80What new parts did you put in farj04:29
Cpudan80Farajamo: ^04:29
Rapture2k4Dante123: sounds like some nice wifi :D04:29
FarajamoMobo, Video card, processor, and additional ram04:30
syed_nawazmindrape, i am looking for the labels which would also be displayed about the partition.04:30
FarajamoAnd an extra harddrive04:30
mindrapesyed_nawaz: sudo lshw -C storage04:30
Cpudan80Wait what?04:30
Cpudan80You replaced all that and expected XP to go along peachy fine?04:30
Rapture2k4Farajamo: .... wow man... this is gonna be fun... gotta figure out which drive has the bootloader installed on it04:30
Cpudan80Farajamo: XP will not boot after all those changes04:30
Farajamocpudan80: surprisingly, XP gave me no error, I'm only having problems with Ubuntu04:31
MrAnthropeXP hates when you change hardware. I've corrupted XP like that before.04:31
mindrapesyed_nawaz: dunno... could be a number of different places.  I'm pretty sure fdisk would be the spot to get all the details though via some command switches.04:31
Farajamocpudan80: I'm in XP right now04:31
Jack_SparrowFarajamo, Why did it take you this long to answer my question about single or dual drive etc04:31
linuxman410anyone here using a dlink kvm switch04:31
Rapture2k4i think drugs04:31
Cpudan80Now Im really confused04:31
wangjinquhaha   i have only one OS the ubuntu04:31
FarajamoJack_Sparrow: Sorry, I'm not sure what you meant by it04:31
Cpudan80So the only problem is that you can't boot to ubuntu Farajamo ?04:31
Farajamocpudan80: yes04:31
syed_nawazmindrape, can the information be obtained from the /proc04:31
Cpudan80Farajamo: Well after changing all that ...04:32
Cpudan80its no wonder why it wouldnt work04:32
Cpudan80You basically built a new computer04:32
Rapture2k4anyone know if it is possible to install Xbuntu on a flashdrive from inside Ubuntu via apt-get?04:32
Farajamocpudan80: more or less, yeah04:32
Farajamocpudan80: I don't see why that would affect me booting, though04:32
kakalto1I have an ISA SB16 sound card. I get the ubuntu sound at the login screen, but after this there is no sound, the system says it cannot find a volume control gstreamer plugin and/or device. I can't access volume controls in alsamixer without specifying "alsamixer -c 0" at which point it gives me volume controls. How can I fix all this, get the system to recognise my sound card and 'just work' ?04:32
MrAnthropeFarajamo: This is what I would do. I would change all my hardware back to what it was and then only replace the pieces one at a time with the new christmas stuff.04:33
Cpudan80Farajamo: ok so you boot ubuntu and get a white screen?04:33
Farajamocpudan80: Yep.04:33
Cpudan80so that means it is working off the correct HDD04:33
Cpudan80in theory...04:33
FarajamoMrAnthrope: Jeez, that would be a lot of work. Would I need new parts then?04:33
Rapture2k4Cpudan80: he could have multiple boot loaders..04:33
Cpudan80what does your XP boot.ini file look like?04:33
Cpudan80pastebin it somewhere04:33
Cpudan80!pastebin | Farajamo04:34
ubottuFarajamo: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)04:34
syed_nawazmindrape, does the installer uses fdisk to get the information about the existing partition of a system.04:34
MrAnthropeMaybe one of your new parts isn't Linux-compatible.04:34
Cpudan80highly unlikely04:34
mlesterhey how do you get moonlight working in firefox I can't find anything through google04:34
Farajamocpudan80: Sorry, I'm new to IRC and I have no idea how to pastebin. I rarely use IRC. Also, I can't seem to remember how to get to boot.ini, how embarassing04:34
KatangawiseHi all! How can I share my folder to another network users, please?04:34
fxhpUpgrade from 8.04 to 8.10...nvidia driver messed up.  Anyone have any tips?04:34
Cpudan80ehhhh errr04:34
fxhpKatangawise: google smb04:34
^paradox^when is the next release of ubuntu scheduled to come out? i mean how long before update manager gets it, notifies me?04:35
ChaorainI used NTFS Configuration tool to mount some internal hard drives but I reformated them and now the old icons wont go away04:35
Rapture2k4or maybe it's Windows\system32\boot.ini04:35
Cpudan80Farajamo: just go to pastebin.ca and paste the text from the file in the box - then tell us the link here04:35
bullgard4What is the function of the file /boot/config-2.6.24-22-generic?04:35
linux733tATI is good for linux.04:35
Katangawisefxhp, smb?! Thanks!:)04:35
Daliangi want to install ubuntu8.10 into a USB (1G fat32) whai should i do?04:35
Cpudan80^paradox^: april04:35
linux733tATU has a llinux suite that supports Nvidia cards04:35
fxhp^paradox^ Every 6 months there is a release04:35
Rapture2k4Daliang: get a bigger USB drive04:35
ChaorainI'm actually useing Mythbuntu04:35
^paradox^april huh?04:35
Jack_SparrowDaliang, 1 gig and full ubuntu.. wont work04:35
fxhp^paradox^ : latest release was 8.10, sooo that is 2008, oct... 6 months from that date04:36
^paradox^wasnt the last one this past june?04:36
syed_nawazhow does the ubuntu installer detects the existing partition information during installation.04:36
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases04:36
Rapture2k4Daliang: Ubuntu will need about 4-5GB install04:36
fxhpUpgrade from 8.04 to 8.10...nvidia driver messed up.  Anyone have any tips?04:36
MrAnthropeYea, 1 gig is not enough.04:36
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent04:36
Cpudan80fxhp: did you rerun nvidia-xconfig ?04:36
MrAnthropeI'm using nvidia on 8.10. Don't they all use the same drivers?04:36
^paradox^if it was released in oct 2008 how come im still on 8.04?04:36
Cpudan80Because you didnt upgrade?04:37
DaliangRapture2k4: thank you i konw now,is there any method i can try with the 1G usb04:37
Cpudan80The upgrade manager wont tell you about it by default04:37
Chaorainum any help with ntfs config tool?04:37
FarajamoCpudan80: http://pastebin.ca/129617304:37
Cpudan80!upgrade | ^paradox^04:37
ubottu^paradox^: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes04:37
MrAnthropeI just bought a 4 gig USB flash drive for 30 bucks.04:37
MrAnthropeThey're not that expensive.04:37
^paradox^wait a minute04:37
DaliangJack_Sparrow:o,that's a pity,that's the only usb i have now04:37
FloodBot2COTOCO: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:37
Cpudan80Farajamo: umm04:38
^paradox^update manager told me about my 1st update by default04:38
Jack_Sparrow!br > COTOCO04:38
ubottuCOTOCO, please see my private message04:38
Cpudan80Farajamo: I don't think...... that that boot.ini file .... is valid04:38
linuxman410i bought a 8gig flash drive for less than 30 on ebay04:38
Cpudan80^paradox^: things changed since HH was a long term service release04:38
Cpudan80at least thats my understanding04:38
Oversheei bought an 8gig for $1804:38
Oversheelike a month ago04:38
kakalto1I have an ISA SB16 sound card. I get the ubuntu sound at the login screen, but after this there is no sound, the system says it cannot find a volume control gstreamer plugin and/or device. I can't access volume controls in alsamixer without specifying "alsamixer -c 0" at which point it gives me volume controls. How can I fix all this, get the system to recognise my sound card and 'just work' ?04:38
mlesterhey how do you get moonlight working in firefox I can't find anything through google04:39
^paradox^do i need to upgrade?04:39
MrAnthropeI bought a 1tb usb flash drive for two half pence.04:39
FarajamoCpudan80: Well it works, interestingly enough. The K:\ drive is right because I had Ubuntu first, so XP assigned my drive to K:\ and the "ubuntu.bin" I did through a guide and I am not very familiar with it04:39
fxhpCpudan80: no help, I think I have an issue with old drive left on the computer04:39
COTOCOos servers do brasil acabaram todos...04:39
Jack_Sparrow!br > COTOCO04:39
COTOCOJack_Sparrow ?04:39
Cpudan80kakalto1: system --> prefs --> sound04:40
Chaorainis there a command to search inside all the man pages?04:40
Rapture2k4Farajamo: easiest way to fix this is to go into your bios and change the order of your hard drives until it works.04:40
Jack_SparrowCOTOCO, /j #ubuntu-br04:40
Jack_SparrowCOTOCO, This is english only channel04:40
Cpudan80Chaorain: aprop I think04:40
WebcamWonderChaorain: man -k IIRC04:40
greenleafQuestion:  Is it common for Ubuntu 8.10 to refuse to unmount a USB hard drive even when there are no operations being performed on it?04:40
COTOCOJack_Sparrow big shit04:40
Cpudan80Chaorain: man -k searchTermHere also works04:40
FarajamoRapture2k4: I don't believe it's a booting problem, but a problem with Ubuntu itself.04:40
Chaorainman-k works thanks04:41
FarajamoRapture2k4: I get the loading message from Ubuntu (so it's working) but then, BLAMMO, white screen.04:41
Cpudan80Farajamo: You really should switch to grub04:41
Cpudan80Farajamo: do you ever see the ubuntu screen at all?04:41
WebcamWondergreenleaf: Depends on what you mean by operation. Even though no read/write might be performed, a file on the stick might actually be kept open by any program which could theoretically prevent an unmount04:41
FezzlerI can't reduce this PDF.  17MB.  UGH.  Seems like the fellow scanned all the pages as art.04:41
FarajamoCpudan80: Well I see the loading bar and the logo, if that's what you mean04:41
quantumkennyI just want to say to anyone that will listen:  thank you for Ubuntu, I love it, it's wonderful04:42
Cpudan80Farajamo: so it gets all the way through that - and then you see the white?04:42
FarajamoCpuDan80: Yep. And when I try to get to a terminal nothing happens04:42
Cpudan80when you do ctrl+alt+F1 nothing happens?04:42
FarajamoCpudan80: Correct. Just stays white.04:42
WebcamWonderCTRL+ALT+F1 during the usplash should drop you to text during the initial boot04:43
Cpudan80Jack_Sparrow: now we finally get the full story...04:43
greenleafWebcamWonder: yesterday I mounted a USB hard drive, did ls on the root of that drive, and then tried to unmount it, and was informed that it could not unmount04:43
Cpudan80Interesting problem now...04:43
Jack_SparrowCpudan80, sometimes it takes awhile04:43
\Kirahow can I change a command priority?04:43
WebcamWondergreenleaf: It might be b/c your terminal was actually sitting in the directory you wanted to mount04:43
\Kiraand what is realtime scheduling?04:44
Rapture2k4anyone know if it is possible to use apt-get to install xbuntu on a drive? i'm in Ubuntu04:44
Cpudan80Farajamo: Yeah thats a good point, can you do ctrl+alt+f1 immediately when the thing splash shows up to get a full log of boot actions?04:44
Cpudan80\Kira: nice04:44
ubottu'Nice' is a property of a process that determines how willing it is to give CPU time to other processes.  A higher value makes it more likely to give away time.  A negative value makes it less likely. Values are from -19 to 19, with 0 being the default.  For more information, type 'man nice' at a terminal.04:44
\KiraCpudan80: the command nice?04:44
FarajamoCpudan80: I sure as hell can try and get back to you on that.04:44
greenleafWebcamWonder: I checked that.  It wasn't.  it was in the directory above it04:44
Dante123Rapture2k4 not using wifi....ethernet cable04:44
Cpudan80Farajamo: If you get to the white - try all the F keys <= 704:44
Jack_SparrowRapture2k4, you can add xubuntu desktop to your cuprrent install, but you cant apt-get it to a differnets drive04:44
=== tritium_ is now known as tritium
WebcamWondergreenleaf: Next time run the lsof command to see the open files, and run a grep on it... to find the applications that have open files on the USB stick04:45
FarajamoCpuDan80: I usually do, but I'll go through everything I can think of. I'll be back in a few04:45
\KiraCpudan80: would I have to be root to do this? Since it could crash the system?04:45
^paradox^ok so i didnt get this cause its not long term support?04:45
Cpudan80\Kira: ehhh no I dont think so04:45
WebcamWonderFarajamo: Cpudan80: CTRL+ALT+F1 during the usplash should drop you to text during the initial boot (Sorry forgot to put your names in :))04:45
FarajamoOkay, I will try this.04:45
Cpudan80\Kira: you have to be the owner of the process I think04:45
greenleafWebcamWonder: I tried that, too.  Nothing was using any files in that filesystem.  i've got to go to bed now.  I'll try working on it again tomorow04:45
=== greenleaf is now known as greenleaf-out
WebcamWonder^paradox^: Yes04:46
^paradox^they said its not a good idea to skip ubuntu versions so what version is coming out in april?04:46
\KiraCpudan80: yes, but If I was to run a huge proccess and set it max nice, wouldnt it interfear with other users or even crash the system? Kinda like a denial of service attack?04:46
firmfriendhey i m unable to install my modem could u please help?04:46
kakalto1Cpudan80: there has the same problems.04:46
WebcamWonder!jaunty | ^paradox^04:46
ubottu^paradox^: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April -Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion04:46
mindrape\Kira it could significantly impact performance, yes.04:47
\Kiramindrape: what about crashes?04:47
Cpudan80kakalto1: yes but nice limits the values you can use04:47
mindrape\Kira - some system processes can't be re-nice'd though so in general you oughta be relatively safe.04:47
\Kiramindrape: cool, thanks04:47
Cpudan80kakalto1: certain things will be give higher priority anywa04:47
^paradox^so what do i do? get 8.10 anyways to be safe and not skip a version?04:47
Cpudan80what mindrape said04:47
ThingsHi, i am dual booting ubuntu and windows, but is there any way to change the order of the boot list?04:48
WebcamWonder^paradox^: You can wait out till the next LTS04:48
mindrape^paradox^: depends on what you want out of your system....04:48
kakalto1Cpudan80: sorry, not the same problem, but also a problem: audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: could not get/set settings from/on resource04:48
mindrape^paradox^: if you like being on the bleeding edge and helping to find bugs then go for +104:48
Jack_SparrowThings, gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst04:48
mindrape^paradox^: if you like a VERY stable environment go with the LTS.04:48
\KiraThings: edit your boot.list file? Just a guess04:48
ThingsAhh thanks04:48
mindrape^paradox^: if you want something in between go w Intrepid.  :)04:48
Cpudan80kakalto1: Right you need to change the settings from system --> prefs --> sound04:48
kakalto1Cpudan80: you're aware I'm the one with the ISA sb16 card sound issues?04:48
Rapture2k4thanx for all the help everyone04:48
\KiraThings: sorry, Jack_Sparrow had the right file04:48
^paradox^all i want is for my pc to run properly and have the latest fixes updates04:48
Jack_SparrowThings, move the entry up or set the entry you want as the default04:48
kakalto1Cpudan80: change what settings?04:48
mindrape^paradox^: 8.04 or 8.10 oughta be your best bet.04:49
Rapture2k4i'll probably be back for help with Samba... cuz I can't understand simple english wikis04:49
Cpudan80kakalto1: You'll have to play with it04:49
kakalto1Cpudan80: when I try to change any of them, that error I just said comes up04:49
Cpudan80kakalto1: Most likely the default mixer track setting04:49
kakalto1(when I click 'test')04:49
kakalto1Cpudan80: it can't get a default mixer04:49
Cpudan80why not?04:49
Cpudan80What does it do?04:49
scott_hey, does Samba deamon requre the Cups?04:50
^paradox^mindrape: so youre saying 8.10 is kinda like a beta?04:50
Cpudan80if you want to print with it it does04:50
mindrape^paradox^: nah... its just not AS stable.04:50
Cpudan80^paradox^: no04:50
mindrape^paradox^: if you were running a production server I'd probably go w 8.0404:50
mindrapefor a desktop 8.10 is just peachy04:50
kakalto1Cpudan80: okay, from the task tray icon, I get "No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found." From preferences->sound, when I test, I get "audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: could not get/set settings from/on resource"04:51
^paradox^nah im not a production server04:51
Cpudan80kakalto1: right but you should still be able to change the settings...04:51
kakalto1when using alsamixer from the console, I must use "alsamixer -c 0"and then it supplies mixer volume thing04:51
Cpudan80kakalto1: Switch all the things to ALSA04:51
Cpudan80in the gui04:51
kakalto1Cpudan80: done. now what?04:51
Cpudan80push test04:52
gorlaki run 8.04 on my server, simply for the lts and so i wont have to upgrade for a while, set it up and let it go04:52
gorlakjust tinker with it from time to time04:52
kakalto1Cpudan80: did you read what I said? For the third time: TEST button comes up with a box that says "audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: could not get/set settings from/on resource"04:52
FarajamoOkay, I'm back. It didn't work out. I managed to get to the terminal during the loading screen, it showed reading boot files, starting all the processes, etc. But then once it finished it went to the white screen again where I was stuck.04:53
Cpudan80and that happened with the ALSA setting?04:53
Cpudan80kakalto1: ^04:53
kakalto1Cpudan80: Yes.04:53
Cpudan80The setting should read04:53
Cpudan80"ALSA - Advanced Linux Sound Architecture"04:53
^paradox^it just got confusing is all. i was under the assumption that each 6month release was a stable one04:53
kakalto1Cpudan80: I'm not a useless noob.04:53
Cpudan80not the ones that say "Intel .... (ALSA)"04:54
Cpudan80here I can take a screenshot04:54
mac2020I am attempting to use ubuntu server 8.10 as a router between two private networks I have assigned static ips to both interfaces.  I've tried a few commands with iptables and route but nothing seems to be getting it to start forwarding traffic - any tips?04:54
Cpudan80seeing as I have the same audio car04:54
kakalto1Cpudan80: sound blaster 16 ISA card?04:54
WebcamWonder^paradox^: It is a stable release each 6 month. However, LTS is more stable than your stable release, if you understand what I mean :)04:54
fxhpI just upgraded from 8.04 to 8.10 and now my nvidia drivers don't work... Any suggestions?04:54
Cpudan80kakalto1: ehh no...04:55
FarajamoCpudan80: It didn't work out. I managed to get to the terminal during the loading screen, it showed reading boot files, starting all the processes, etc. But then once it finished it went to the white screen again where I was stuck.04:55
Cpudan80somebody had an intel ICH card..04:55
* Cpudan80 is confused04:55
WebcamWonder^paradox^: And it would be supported with fixes for a longer time (until next LTS)04:55
kakalto1Cpudan80: You seem to be getting a little confused there, yes.04:55
Cpudan80I'll post the screenshot in case it helps04:55
kakalto1Cpudan80: unless you get the same output when clickign "test", I doubt it will04:55
^paradox^well im still pretty new to linux. is my best bet just to wait until april?04:55
^paradox^will i be notified of that one?04:56
WebcamWonder^paradox^: Depends on your settings in update-manager. If you have notification on LTS, then you will be notified on the next LTS only04:56
ChaorainI can't figure out how to unmount an internalll hard drive I mounted with ntfs configuration tool. any help?04:56
Cpudan80kakalto1: http://img267.imageshack.us/img267/8179/screenshotsoundpreferenqa4.png04:56
Cpudan80Farajamo: you didnt getting any failed lines?04:57
mdmkolbeI've got a few thousand image files (jpg, png, etc) that I need to preview in order to find the images I'm after (these are pulled from a disk recovery).  What good image preview apps does Ubuntu have what won't keep me waiting for the previews to be generated (I can visually scan dozons a second) and won't eat up all my ram (I only have 1GB)?04:57
nickrudChaorain, sudo umount /path/to/mouinpoint04:57
FarajamoCpudan80: Nope04:57
kakalto1Cpudan80: I have no default mixer track.04:57
WebcamWondermdmkolbe: Nautilus has a built-in preview feature... if you want to go with that one04:57
Cpudan80kakalto1: hrm...04:57
nickrudmdmkolbe, I'd say nautilus also, it thumbnails very quickly04:58
Chaoraincommand unmount not found?04:58
nickrudChaorain, umount , not unmount04:58
MrAnthropeI also read 'unmount', heh.04:58
mdmkolbeWebcamWonder: that is what I was using, but it thumbnaled to slow and eated up my ram until the machine started swapping04:58
nickrudone more example of human brain pattern recognition error ;;)04:59
MrAnthropeYeah I have lots of those.04:59
WebcamWondermdmkolbe: Ouch...04:59
WebcamWondermdmkolbe: Well, I personally use digiKam to organize my photos... which thumbnails, etc. everything for you04:59
nickrudmdmkolbe, give gthumb a try, it's pretty quick also.04:59
Chaorainthat fixed it but now I still have the folder there in Thunar File Manager04:59
^paradox^ok well im looking at update managers settings05:00
Cpudan80Farajamo: Id say that your video card is doing something odd05:00
scott_Hey all..  I have a samba question05:00
Cpudan80Farajamo: how to get around it...05:00
WebcamWondermdmkolbe: Yeah, gThumb would be a nicer option in your case too05:00
Cpudan80Farajamo: can you SSH to the machine?05:00
^paradox^it is set to long term support05:00
liza0for a system that has a athlon x2 4800 and 3GB ram which version of ubuntu do you guys receommend  32 bit or 64 bit ?05:00
Cpudan80Farajamo: Youd have to have setup SSH beforehand05:00
FarajamoCpuDan80: I have no experience with SSH'ing so you'd have to help me along there05:00
nickrudChaorain, yeah, the tool creates a mount point, you'd have to delete it (or leave it for next use)05:00
^paradox^how often do lts versions get released?05:00
nickrud^paradox^, 3 years05:00
nbeebowould there be any difference in download speed if i download all files on deluge same time instead of 5?05:01
FarajamoCpuDan80: So I guess that's a "no".05:01
Chaorainok how do I delete a mount point05:01
^paradox^ah ok05:01
nickrud2 years?05:01
* mdmkolbe goes and tries gthumb05:01
WebcamWonderFarajamo: And it doesn't work with the recovery option of the kernel either?05:01
onetinsoldierliza0: i'd recommned 64-bit05:01
FarajamoWebcamWonder: I actually haven't tried that05:02
nickrud^paradox^, http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/14605:02
morshi. is there a command that can be used to get a list of stations that are currently connected to my AP .. using wireless tools maybe05:02
FarajamoWebcamWonder: Nor have I used it before. Anything I should know?05:02
onetinsoldiermors: AP?05:02
Cpudan80Farajamo: do you see a thing about selecting boot options when you boot up?05:02
mindrapemors - needs to be done at the AP not local.05:02
johnny__anyone know how to fix the audio on an acer aspire one ?05:02
mindrapemors - your router can likely show you a client table05:02
onetinsoldierwhat is AP?05:02
Cpudan80maybe press esc or spacebar or something ?05:02
FarajamoCpuDan80: Yeah05:02
mindrapeaccess point05:02
WebcamWonderFarajamo: Nothing much... you should be given a list of otpions you want to perform, you can either do any of them, or skip the list05:02
onetinsoldierahhh, thanks05:02
Cpudan80Farajamo: press that and choose an older kernel05:03
onetinsoldierthanks mindrape05:03
Cpudan80See if that works05:03
FarajamoCpudan80: WebcamWonder: Okay I'll try that, brb.05:03
WebcamWonderCpudan80: I believe his Ubuntu hasn't actually booted properly once... then he would only have 1 kernel05:03
mindrapemors - technically you can sniff the wireless traffic and find out the MAC addresses of connected users...  could be difficult if you are in an area w a cluster of APs though.05:03
Cpudan80Well no05:03
morsmindrape: ah.. i thought if i put my wireless card into some kinda monitor mode, there might be utilities to look at current traffic and figure out the sta list.. thanks05:03
Cpudan80He had ubuntu before05:03
Cpudan80before he tinkered with the guts of his computer05:04
mindrapemors - yeah, you can do that... more difficult.05:04
morsyep. i thought there might be some util to do that. will log into the ap and check. thanks05:04
mindrapemors - easiest to just login to the router and get a client table.05:04
WebcamWonderCpudan80:  Wait, he tinkered with his PC... Anyone involved changing of video cards?05:04
Cpudan80WebcamWonder: yes - he swapped the vid card05:04
Cpudan80WebcamWonder: but he cant get to a terminal to rerun the nvidia-xconfig05:04
WebcamWonderCpudan80: And did he happen to have the propietary drivers enabled before he did the swap?05:04
Cpudan80Farajamo: hang on05:04
Cpudan80Farajamo: ^05:05
Cpudan80WebcamWonder: we'll have to ask him :-)05:05
Chaorainum how do I delete the mount points?05:05
WebcamWonderCpudan80: ;)05:05
FarajamoI switched to a different brand. I went from nVidia to ATI so the drivers are invalid I'm assuming05:05
mindrape/etc/fstab Chaorain05:05
Cpudan80oh god05:05
* Cpudan80 dies05:05
WebcamWonderFarajamo: And you had the official nVidia drivers enabled?05:05
demdemdoes anyone know a free compiler and how to install things on linux? sorry it's been at least ten years since i last used linux05:05
nickrudChaorain, its the same as any other dir:  rmdir /path/to/dir ; if it's owned by root, sudo rmdir /path/to/dir05:05
WebcamWonderFarajamo: Or were you running on the crappy Vesa?05:05
mindrapedemdem - sudo apt-get install build-essential05:06
sherl0ckdemdem, gcc05:06
Chaorainit makes sense now05:06
Cpudan80Farajamo: essentially, did you select the proprietary driver for nvidia from the restricted driver thing that popped up05:06
SonofC4Im on a live cd and tryin to burn an iso onto my secondary drive and it keeps telling me the disk is full but its blank05:06
Chaorainthanks a ton this has been buging me for weeks05:06
FarajamoWebcamWonder: I can't really remember. I did this a while ago.05:06
demdemminderape: thanks05:06
FarajamoCpudan80: I believe so, but I might have also went and downloaded drivers. Fuzzy memory05:07
WebcamWonderFarajamo: Well, if you had fancy graphics turned on, that would be the problem right there05:07
Cpudan80WebcamWonder: Im willing to bet it was enabled05:07
FarajamoWebcamWonder: Oh. Why?05:07
Cpudan80WebcamWonder: and the solution is .......05:07
WebcamWonderCpudan80: Yes, and nVidia drivers are attempting to load on an ATI card05:07
Cpudan80Farajamo: because its loading invalid drivers for your card05:07
mindrapehi kckc05:07
PUNISHERHello everybody!05:07
johnny__hello back to you kckc05:07
FarajamoCpuDan80: So what can I do to fix that?05:07
PUNISHERhow are you?)05:08
johnny__how are you doing PUNISHER05:08
^paradox^maybe i better not get 8.10 after all. its saying on the site geforce and a few other graphics cards are having problems. my box has geforce 620005:08
Cpudan80hopefully WebcamWonder will shed some light on that Farajamo05:08
WebcamWonderdemdem: gcc can help you compile things. However, debian packages allow you to install precompiled applications for your distribution and platform05:08
mindrapewe are all doing great, hello and hi to all... this is a support channel... if you wanna just chat head over to #ubuntu-offtopic05:08
MrAnthropeI have a geforce 5500 and 8.10 works.05:08
suboneWhats the deal with Vuze? did they go corporate or something? Is it safe to use?05:08
johnny__I love GCC just like ANSI C ..05:08
WebcamWonderFarajamo: Let me try to google the options on the recovery menu05:08
nickrud^paradox^, in case you missed my self correction, http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/146 : 2 years05:08
^paradox^3d acceleration?05:08
PUNISHERjohnny__: I'm okay. Has been come in to my work =)05:08
kckcI have a toshiba a205 laptop, which has a AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter, but its not detected by ifconfig or iwconfig (or present in the networking gui). I do see it in the lspci -v list though. Any ideas?05:09
FarajamoWebcamWonder: Okay, thanks05:09
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore05:09
Ubuntu_Cookiesi have a toshiba satilite05:09
MrAnthropevuze aka Azureus?05:09
PUNISHERjohnny__: and you?05:09
sherl0ckHey, I tried installing 8.10 on a 2004 G4 iBook (PowerPC). It installed fine, but after the yaBoot, the screen goes inverse with white background and black text. After that, the screen goes black and nothing shows up.05:09
MrAnthropeI used it for months after it became Vuze. But I'm on dialup now so I can't P2P.05:09
Cpudan80I'll let WebcamWonder take it from here Farajamo05:09
Ubuntu_Cookiesbut i need some help intallling ubuntu05:09
Cpudan80Farajamo: good luck05:09
bullgard4What is the function of the file /boot/config-2.6.24-22-generic?05:09
Cpudan80Im off05:09
nickrud!laptop | kckc (check for your machine there, it may have info that helps)05:09
ubottukckc (check for your machine there, it may have info that helps): Laptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org05:09
johnny__I'm doing OK PUNISHER.05:09
Cpudan80night all05:09
sherl0ckkckc, hey modprobe ath_pci05:09
FarajamoCpuDan80: Heh, thanks. Also thanks for all the help, 'preciate it.05:10
Decepticonbizinichi@ks361773:~$ cat .znc/users/biz-sct/moddata/log/spamd_20081230.log >> irc.log05:10
Decepticonbash: irc.log: Permission denied05:10
^paradox^i mean hell the guys who installed the card already had to use nonfree drivers05:10
sherl0ckkckc, or modprobe ath9k05:10
Cpudan80no problem05:10
Ubuntu_Cookiesthe bots work quite well05:10
PUNISHERjohnny__: good =) What do you talking about now?05:10
Ubuntu_Cookiesubuntu facts05:10
^paradox^all i need is to have problems with the graphics card05:10
nickrudbullgard4, it simply tells you what kernel compilation options were used for the kernel05:10
shredder12how do we apply a patch file??05:10
kckcsherl0ck, doesn't seem to help05:10
johnny__fucking acer aspire one. God I hate the PC speakers. how do i turn them off and have the audio jack working ? can anyone toss me a text link ?05:11
Fezzler their is no Macromedia Director/Lingo equivalent in Linux yet, is there?05:11
Ubuntu_CookiesI have a sony vaio that is about 5 years old05:11
WebcamWonderFarajamo: I can't help google find me any information... Coudl you tell me the list of toptions that you get after you go into the recovery mode?05:11
nickrudbullgard4, useful for starting a custom kernel compilation05:11
Ubuntu_Cookiescan i put linux on it?05:11
kckcnickrud: thanks, i'll check there05:11
Chaorainlast question for now. Is there a way to make an internal disk appear with the external disks in Thunar File Manager?05:11
FarajamoWebcamWonder: Sure, I'll be back in a bit.05:11
nickrudkckc, I think someone who already knew gave you the answer above :)05:11
WebcamWonderChaorain: #xubuntu would be your best bet05:11
FezzlerI want to write simple game for my kids.  Like a 5-6 level mario-type05:11
nickrudUbuntu_Cookies, probably, and since it's old the support will be either excellent or terrible :)05:11
Cpudan80WebcamWonder: it should just give you a prompt in recovery mode05:12
johnny__use GCC and/or rapidq Fezzler05:12
Ubuntu_Cookiesjohnny__> dont swear (the code forbids it)05:12
sherl0ckkckc, compile madwifi from source05:12
sherl0cksvn version05:12
Cpudan80WebcamWonder: he should just be able to do dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg from there05:12
johnny__you have to be kidding me ? Ubuntu_Cookies05:12
WebcamWonderCpudan80: Yeah... but I don't remmeber the options at all... completely blank here05:12
nickrudjohnny__, think disney G rated here05:12
WebcamWonderCpudan80: And google won't turn up anything either05:12
Cpudan80WebcamWonder: what do you mean all the options?05:12
Fezzlerjohnny__: how about Squeaky?05:12
Cpudan80you mean all the options in xserver-xorg ?05:12
Cpudan80for reconfigure05:13
WebcamWonderCpudan80: You are presented with a list of options when you into recovery mode, xserver-reconfigure, dpkg, etc...05:13
Ubuntu_Cookiesjohnny__ no im not kidding i like the cide05:13
johnny__thanks Nickrud i will keep down now.05:13
bullgard4nickrud: Ok. Thank you for explaining. --  So it is only an informational file to inform human beings?05:13
johnny__ok I see your point ubunut_cookies05:13
Cpudan80WebcamWonder: oh right right I forgot about that05:13
shredder12I have downloaded a patch file and i m supposed to "apply the patch file" now.. how do i do it..05:13
Cpudan80Well anyway05:13
Cpudan80he's in good hands05:13
nickrudbullgard4, I'm 99% sure of that. I've never seen it used anywhere05:13
Cpudan80Goodnight - goodluck05:13
cellofellowI have a TSSTcorp TS-L632D CD/DVD±RW drive on my laptop. It works OK for Data CDs, but from day one has been slow with Audio CDs and now doesn't read DVDs at all.05:13
suboneMrAnthrope: did you have any issues installing it?05:13
WebcamWonderCpudan80: Hardly... I am a noob by all standards :P05:13
johnny__hum wow05:14
WebcamWonder!compile | shredder1205:14
ubottushredder12: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)05:14
MrAnthropeInstalling what?05:14
^paradox^i guess ill just have to ask if anyone using pny technolgies nvidia geforce 6200 agp has had problems with it under 8.1005:14
bullgard4nickrud: Ok.05:14
MrAnthropeI didn't use it on Linux.05:14
Fezzlerjohnny__: What is GCC?05:14
WebcamWonder!gcc | Fezzler05:14
ubottuFezzler: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)05:14
johnny__how do you turn the pc speakers off on a ACER aspire one netbook running ubunut ?05:14
onetinsoldierFezzler: it stand for the Gnu C Compiler05:14
RabbitbunnyI'm having a problem with java. I can't view a java applet. http://www.javatester.org/enabled.html reports that java is not enabled, ff3 reports that it is. how do I procede?05:14
johnny__GCC is a C++ compiler05:14
shredder12ubottu: its a diff file..05:15
pist0l-fishhi all. I just installed 8.10 and I have no sound- I used to use 8.04 and had sound. I have an Intel ICH5 (which is supported by alsa) and I have turned all the controls up using alsamixer (and unmuted everything). Any suggestions?05:15
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:15
FezzlerOh, yea, write it in C.05:15
cellofellowIs there some way to diagnose problems in a DVD drive?05:15
johnny__rapid-Q is a windows XP / Linux GUI compiler.05:15
johnny__but I like C more.05:15
onetinsoldierFezzler: there is g++ for C++ compiling05:15
FezzlerI'll use Ruby before C/C++05:15
kckcsherl0ck, I actually just finished compiling madwifi from source, with no change in the problem05:15
johnny__Ruby how do you use ruby ?05:16
Fezzlerjohnny__: ?05:16
kckcsherl0ck, (as per the comment on this page http://www.linlap.com/wiki/Toshiba+Satellite+A205)05:16
WebcamWonderjohnny__: It is a scripting language like python, etc.05:16
Rabbitbunnyjohnny__: #ruby05:16
johnny__ok, Ruby and python. fail I say.05:17
johnny__maybe in time i will have more love for #ruby05:17
nickrudrelative merits of programming languages fit #ubuntu-offtopic better, not really ubuntu support related05:17
johnny__one day.05:17
FarajamoWebcamWonder: http://pastebin.ca/129619405:18
^paradox^well if im gonna get 8.10 ill do it later today. 0:17 here in sc and im too tired to screw with it ;-)05:18
Chaorainnobody is answering in #Xubuntu so. Is there a way to make an internal disk appear with the external disks in Thunar File Manager?05:18
Fezzlersounds like Macromedia Director and Lingo path may be easier (than learning C++)05:18
WebcamWonderFarajamo: pastebin.ca is always down for me... weird problem :S05:18
RabbitbunnyI'm having a problem with java. I can't view a java applet. http://www.javatester.org/enabled.html reports that java is not enabled, ff3 reports that it is. how do I procede?05:18
RabbitbunnyWebcamWonder: rafb.net/paste05:18
FarajamoWebcamWonder: resume, clean, dpkg, fsck, root, xfix05:18
WebcamWonderFarajamo: Never mind, got it... Proxied05:18
FarajamoWebcamWonder: Alrighty05:19
johnny__Alix Jones has his own shoutcast network.. lol.05:19
mac2020my ubuntu server has no resolve.conf file - is this normal?05:19
nickrudRabbitbunny, what version of java does firefox say it has?05:19
FezzlerI just want a little character to run in and out of five rooms and have arm go up and down05:19
shredder12WebcamWonder: Its actually a diff file.. Its actually a patch file for ethernet driver stuff.. now the article i read asked me to "apply the patch: patch<>" i tried the patch command and it gave me some hunk errors.. i think i m not able to use the command in the right format.. help please..05:19
nickrudmac2020, it should have resolv.conf05:19
mac2020ahh no e05:19
ardchoilleHow do I change the resolution of tty1?05:19
WebcamWondershredder12: patch -p0 < pathtofile is thee syntax of the command IIRC05:19
empirichi all any one use open source ALfreco DMS05:20
WebcamWonderFarajamo: Hold on05:20
FarajamoWebcamWonder: Sure05:20
mac2020okay my resolv.conf file is there05:20
shredder12WebcamWonder: kk let me try it..05:20
johnny__can someone help me with the PC speaker problem with Ubunut? I'm just looking to turn off the built in speakers and not the audio jack.05:20
webBuilderhello to everyone, my question more application oriented than ubuntu, but you guys are the best so please give me an answer.  I'm building image web Application. I'm storing the images outside tomcat and calling it via java servlet when ever I need to display the image/s to the user can linux handle this if I have multiple requests05:21
WebcamWonderFarajamo: Ok, I believe there are 2 ways of doing this... xfix or dropping to a root shell and modifying xorg.conf by hand. I have never done this before, so this is new territory for me as well... Although I have broken my xorg.conf many times05:21
mac2020johnny__: you can do that by blacklist the module that makes your pc speaker run - one sec05:21
^paradox^times kinda dragging by today. it feels like it oughta e 3:00 instead of 0:2205:21
shredder12WebcamWonder: it says that the "#1 hunk failed at 942"05:22
D3RGPS31i accidentally removed ubuntu desktop with tasksel :/ after reinstalled the desktop, will i have to fish through to find out anything else it uninstalled?05:22
WebcamWondershredder12: Are you sure the patch is against the correct source?05:22
FarajamoWebcamWonder: So I should just select xfix and work my way from there?05:22
onetinsoldierardchoille: you have to have a framebuffer driver set up. it probably already is. then you pass an option to the kernel like so...  vga=794 ...the value you use determines what the resolution is in consle tty's.05:22
WebcamWonderFarajamo: Hold on, let me ask someone here who might know this stuff05:22
nickrudD3RGPS31, no, the desktop is only a list of packages to install; removing the list doesn't remove the items in the list05:23
mac2020johnny__: that should get you the results you want05:23
earthmeLonHey guys, I just bought a new soundcard and I got it working (with OSS >_<) Im trying to figure out how to adjust the volume, though, from my panel.  I've tried changing the device to everything, but nothing adjusts the volume of the new sound card.  Is there something I need to restart so it will register the new card in the list?05:23
WebcamWonderGuys, will xfix in the recovery mode rebuild the xorg.conf and drop back to the open-source drivers?05:23
webBuilderhello to everyone, my question more application oriented than ubuntu, but you guys are the best so please give me an answer.  I'm building image web Application. I'm storing the images outside tomcat and calling it via java servlet when ever I need to display the image/s to the user/s. Can linux handle this if I have multiple requests05:23
webBuildersorry about my english05:23
ardchoilleonetinsoldier: Ah, yeah, it's the "vga" bit that I forgot. Thank you :)05:23
webBuilderI made the correction05:23
johnny__thank you05:23
webBuilderanyone please :(05:23
mac2020johnny__: my pleasure05:23
nickrudwebBuilder, maybe asking on #tomcat ?05:24
shredder12ya, i think so.. it was about resolving some ethernet problem with dell vostro 1510 in Ubuntu hardy.. i link to the patch was given in the article.. so i think.. that its correct..05:24
webBuildernickrud okay I'll try05:24
webBuilderthank you05:24
webBuilderbut they do not know about linux05:24
nickrudthe philistines ;)05:24
WebcamWonderFarajamo: As per this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=899594 try the xfix first. You can go ahead and later modify the xorg.conf if it doesn't work05:25
Mageiriki-me-basi did something and i lost my network connection icon from my gnome panel in ubuntu 8.10 :( how can i get it back?05:25
Rabbitbunnynickrud: Good thought path. Firefox is a liar. Installing java now.05:25
onetinsoldierardchoille: your welcome.05:25
shredder12WebcamWonder: ya, i think so.. it was about resolving some ethernet problem with dell vostro 1510 in Ubuntu hardy.. i link to the patch was given in the article.. so i think.. that its correct..05:25
FarajamoWebcamWonder: Okay. By the way man, thanks for all the help so far. I'm having such a weird problem that it's tough to find help.05:25
nickrudRabbitbunny, be sure to install sun-java6-plugin05:25
WebcamWondershredder12: Could you give me the path to the patch?05:25
Soliloquialanyone know why I might get a SESSION3_INITIALIZATION_FAILED bsod when trying to install windows in a virtual machine?05:25
WebcamWonderFarajamo: Ahh, no problems. Glad to help :)05:26
nickrudSoliloquial, hm, I'd suggest finding a forum/channel that supports the virtuall machine; we don't do windows here :)05:26
johnny__I hope this works05:26
WebcamWonderSoliloquial: You would be better off asking in the channel dedicated to your virtual machine application05:26
KohlrakSoliloquial: this is for linux, not windows. However, in a pm i might be able to help if you're willing to do some research =p05:26
Mageiriki-me-basi did something and i lost my network connection icon from my gnome panel in ubuntu 8.10 :( how can i get it back?05:27
cellofellowSome help with that maybe? ^^^^^^^^05:27
Chaoraincan someone explain how mount works? I know I need "mount -t ntfs 'device' /media/windows" but what do I put for the device?05:27
nickrudMageiriki-me-bas, you still have internet connection?05:27
Mageiriki-me-basnick, yes.05:27
KohlrakChaorain, have you tried man "mount"?05:28
onetinsoldierChaorain: try   parted -l05:28
cellofellowChaorain: try ntfs-3g instead too.05:28
mdmkolbeWebcamWonder, nitridr: fyi, gthumb didn't work (it wanted to pre-calculated all the thumbs), but it looks like gqview will do just fine05:28
Mageiriki-me-basnickrud, but there is not the icon, so i cannot choose in wich wireless i want to connect. So i have a problem :(05:28
onetinsoldierChaorain: then see if you see a partition that's listed as ntfs05:28
nickrudChaorain, the device would be in /dev ; it's a pointer to the physical partition.  sudo fdisk -l will list all the partitions and give the /dev/<path> to use05:28
nickrudMageiriki-me-bas, ok, do right click panel, add to panel, and add notification area05:28
WebcamWondermdmkolbe: Ahh... Sorry, I never knew it wanted to pre-calc. I used to use f-spot and then have only recently switched to digiKam05:29
ChaorainWOW connection lagged05:29
onetinsoldierChaorain: bah.. nvm, the parted command doesn't work..  try --> fdisk -l05:29
WebcamWonderonetinsoldier: Don't forget to sudo that :)05:30
addicted68098Hi, I am wondering if switching from a Pentium 4 1.67ghz processor with 512mb memory and 64mb video to an Intel Atom 330 w/ intel board will be a speed increase or decrease, thanks05:30
eseven73onetinsoldier: i think its sudo fdisk -l  :)05:30
Geoff_Hey, can someone help me with installing GRUB? I already have Linux and Windows installed, but I need to restore GRUB. My first hard drive got messed up and I needed to reformat it, but I can't figure out how to install GRUB to boot my Linux stuff on my second hard drive.05:30
Chaorainok thanks05:30
WebcamWonderaddicted68098: ##hardware05:30
sloopyaddicted68098, probly slight decrease05:30
shredder12WebcamWonder:   http://www.martinhenze.de/extern/r8168-8.006.00.hardy.diff this is the patch to the patchfile.. and this is the article i referred...   http://www.martinhenze.de/2008/05/24/ubuntu-linux-on-dell-vostro-1510/05:31
nickrud!grub | Geoff_05:31
ubottuGeoff_: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:31
WebcamWondershredder12: And the directory you are sitting in, has the r8168.h right?05:32
Mageiriki-me-basnickrud, thank you very very much!05:32
onetinsoldierChaorain: ok,,   sudo parted -l   ...does work05:32
nickrudMageiriki-me-bas, you're welcome :)05:32
Ward1983my friend and i both use dyndns, we want to make a littel script: PC1 checks every few minutes if PC2 is still online, if its not online, PC1 starts a ddclient and takes over the hostname (1:1 copy of the webservers)05:32
SindaciousIs there anyone here that successfully upgraded from 8.04 to 8.10 with no issues?05:33
shredder12WebcamWonder: yes it has05:33
Ward1983anyone know if something like that allready exists?05:33
Rabbitbunnywhile i'm in this channel, get some dolt to work on launchpad. what retard figured that forcing people to memorize a login to report errors was a great idea? I don't care to help with your errors... I want mine fixed. get it?05:33
Ward1983i mean well be having the same content on out webservers05:33
Ward1983we want more redundancy that way05:33
helloyogood to see linux is improving nicely while i've been away05:33
peepsaloti don't understand my network manager.  when I plug in to wired connection it shows the wired connection radio button selected, but the wireless network I was previously connected to is also still selected.  is it connected to both at the same time?05:34
eseven73Ward1983: maybe a bash script with rsync on a cron would do something like that , although dont ask me how :)05:34
WebcamWondershredder12: Try patch -p1 < path.to.file05:34
Ward1983eseven73, the syncing is not the problem05:34
Ward1983eseven73, the dyndns part is the problem05:34
WebcamWonderpeepsalot: It is possible to be connected to multiple networks at the same time05:34
WebcamWonder!pm | rzta05:35
ubotturzta: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.05:35
peepsalotWebcamWonder, well i'm trying to test the performance of my wired connection, so I need to be sure that I'm only connected to that05:35
peepsalotWebcamWonder, well i'm trying to test the performance of my wired connection, so I need to be sure that I'm only connected to that05:35
Ward1983so PC1 checks if PC2 (other location / ISP) is online, if not, PC1 takes over the dyndns domain that was first assigned to the ip of PC205:35
Ward1983and that also the other way around05:35
WebcamWonderpeepsalot: You can disconnect from the wireless if you want05:35
darkrubicanthaving a problem with sudo apt-get update05:36
eseven73yep Ward1983 that would require some sort of bash script over SSH, that pings PC2 every so many mins, if no ping responce, pc1 kicks things in gear, but you'd prolly have to crawl around the bash forums for the script :(05:37
shredder12WebcamWonder: same error.. "ing file r8168.h #1 failed at 942"05:37
nickruddarkrubicant, what problem?05:37
darkrubicantfailed to fetch problem05:37
darkrubicantI'll post in a paste bin what it's saying05:37
darkrubicantbeen doing this for days05:37
eseven73Ward1983: try #Bash?05:37
* nickrud backspaces05:37
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)05:37
WebcamWondershredder12: Ok, open the r8168.h in gedit/leafpad05:37
Ward1983eseven73, will look aroudn first this probably allready exists05:37
WebcamWondershredder12: And tell me what do you see at line number 94305:38
nickrudWard1983, or maybe a php script that passes info back and forth05:38
eseven73Ward1983: sounds like a common enough script, shouldnt have too much probs finding it, ask in #bash too :)05:38
darkrubicantthere's the paste of what's happening, it's failing to open two sources of index files, and it tells me to do sudo apt-get update again to fix the problem, but it doesn't fix it.05:38
nickruddarkrubicant, put your /etc/apt/sources.list on http://paste.ubuntu.com05:39
Ward1983nickrud, i'm pretty sure php cannot execure programs05:39
Ward1983nickrud, ddclient is a program05:39
shredder12WebcamWonder: this is line 943 CSIAR_Addr_Mask = 0x0fff,05:39
shredder12WebcamWonder:  and this one is 942 "CSIAR_ByteEn_shift = 12,"05:39
onetinsoldierdarkrubicant: you've been having that problem for days?05:40
WebcamWondershredder12: Yup, that source is not the same as the one with which this patch was generated05:40
nickrudWard1983, php is a scripting language, I do think it can call anything: http://us2.php.net/exec05:40
jtajidarkrubicant: your sources.list must be a mess, hardy, hardy backports, gutsy-backports, intrepid, wth05:40
darkrubicanthang on05:40
ardchoilleonetinsoldier: vga=794 didn't work, neither did 791. I stopped doing this in Feisty because there was a bug that rendered its use ineffective. However now it seems that Ubuntu will scan when prsented with the wrong value and offer correct values05:40
peepsalotare there any ways to optimize samba performance?05:40
WebcamWondershredder12: You can open up the patch file and see that it is completely different from what the patch file is expecting... that is why it is failing05:40
darkrubicantI know I changed some things because a post said to when updating some things, and i'm sure this is the problem now i'm not sure what to change back.05:41
FarajamoWebcamWonder: Success! I am typing this from Ubuntu05:41
WebcamWonderFarajamo: Congratulations!05:41
ardchoilleThis distro just keeps getting better :)05:41
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darkrubicanthere's the post of the pastebin05:41
FarajamoWebcamWonder: Thanks for all the help! Now I just need to re-do all my drivers and monitor configuration.05:41
nickruddarkrubicant, line 36, change ftp to http05:41
Ward1983nickrud, so i can start any program trough php? sounds like a very large potential security issue05:41
WebcamWonderFarajamo: Haha. No problem. However, now that you have an ATI, you would need the ATI drivers and the ATI tools to configure everything, not nVidia :)05:42
onetinsoldierardchoille: hmmm, i see. there should be a list somewhere that shows what given value determines what a specific resolution will be05:42
nickruddarkrubicant, also line 43, check for others05:42
tengulrehow to convert the .rle to .jpg ?05:42
FarajamoWebcamWonder: I see that now... Well, I'm off to enjoy. Thanks again. If I have anymore problems, I'll be back, don't worry.05:42
darkrubicantthe other ones are good.05:42
nickrudWard1983, yes: there are security options, read the link to exec for an exampel05:43
Brolyanyone have an idea why ubuntu would shutdown while i was asleep?05:43
darkrubicantwhat do I need to type to alter this file?05:43
ardchoilleonetinsoldier: sorted, 318 works now where 791 used to work (1280x1024)05:43
darkrubicantsudo gedit?05:43
Ward1983nickrud, im not gonna take those chances, php is just not made for this stuff05:43
WebcamWonderdarkrubicant: gksu gedit05:43
shredder12WebcamWonder: Ya i can see.. but i have downloaded the latest version of realtek driver.. is it because of it..05:43
shredder12WebcamWonder: i mean because of the latest version05:43
nickruddarkrubicant, cp /etc/apt/sources.list ~/Desktop (make a backup) then gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list05:43
ardchoilleonetinsoldier: when grub detects the wrong value, it will present you with a list of correct values :)05:44
WebcamWondershredder12: Highly likely05:44
onetinsoldierardchoille: ahhh, i see. well, i wonder where these newer values can found, but glad you figured it out :-)05:44
onetinsoldierardchoille: roger that.05:44
nickruddarkrubicant, a general rule: never use sudo with a gui app, always use gksu05:44
shredder12WebcamWonder: may be i should consult the writer of the article.. newaz.. thanks for ur help..05:44
WebcamWondershredder12: No problems. Glad to help05:44
akahige1due to hardware compatibilities with Intrepid, it looks like I'm going to have to revert to Hardy... is there a better way of doing this...?05:44
WebcamWonderdarkrubicant: sudo is for terminal based applications. gksu is the graphical counterpart to that05:45
jtajiakahige1: besides reinstalling? not really05:45
nickruddarkrubicant, there's a possibility of writing config files in your home directory as root; it causes real issues sometimes05:45
UndergroundZer0hi all05:45
darkrubicantthanks nickrud05:45
UndergroundZer0Wanna ask q? please help05:45
onetinsoldierakahige1: are you certain you hardware incompatibility cannot be solved under the newer version of ubuntu?05:45
akahige1jtaji: so reformatting the file systems and going from there?05:46
nickruddarkrubicant, when you have some time, you should compare:   env | sort ; sudo env | sort; gksu env | sort05:46
jtajiUndergroundZer0: ask away05:46
pentasideI'm new to Linux and I want to learn more about terminal commands.  Anyone have a book or website recommendations?05:46
UndergroundZer0Can I load both server edition and Desktop which will integrate both05:46
nickrudUndergroundZer0, yes05:46
UndergroundZer0nickrud: how?05:47
jtajipentaside: here are two to start you with ;) http://tldp.org/LDP/intro-linux/html/index.html  http://tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/index.html05:47
nickrudUndergroundZer0, in fact, if you install the server, you can just:   sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop to get the full desktop05:47
onetinsoldierpentaside: http://linuxcommand.org/05:47
akahige1onetinsoldier: I'm not sure about that. the prob is that xorg chews up >75% of the cpu. there are bugs filed, but no activity. I tried asking in the xorg channel if there's a possibility that it could be a kernel conflict, but no one responded05:47
onetinsoldier!terminal | pentaside05:47
UndergroundZer0i did that05:47
ubottupentaside: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal05:47
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darkrubicantthanks fixed.05:47
jtajiUndergroundZer0: or alternatively, just install the desktop form the start, you can use all the same server apps, it's exactly the same05:47
onetinsoldierakahige1: roger. sounds strange...upgrade to jaunty! hehe. j/k05:48
soreau! audio05:48
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP305:48
haggus99I have a problem saving my alsa settings can someone help me out?05:48
Ubuntu_Cookiescan you hack into ubuntu from command line (like in mac os x )05:48
UndergroundZer0does all the server tools like Mysql Php Apache tomcat mailserver ...etc come along with desktop edition05:48
pentasideOk thanks guys.05:48
WebcamWonderUndergroundZer0: Yes... that are one and the same thing05:49
WebcamWonderUndergroundZer0: Yes... they *are one and the same thing05:49
nickrudUndergroundZer0, the only substantiall diff between them is the desktop installs the -generic kernel, while the server installs the -server kernel. I've never really compared them, so the I'm not sure of the differences. But both work fine with either05:49
mindrapeUndergroundZer0: by default they aren't installed but it's as simple as sudo apt-get install <each>05:49
akahige1onetinsoldier: lol.  do you have any thoughts about the kernel theory?05:49
UndergroundZer0nickrud thank you so much and thank you guys05:49
deniz_im using intrepid ibex, how do i make all icons on desktop 75% of their size?05:49
Ubuntu_Cookiessh etc/rc/ passwd Usernamehere (hacking(change passwd) into mac from command line)05:49
WebcamWonderUbuntu_Cookies: That is not hacking. That is simple password changing05:50
mindrapewhat WebcamWonder said...05:50
WebcamWonder!offtopic | Ubuntu_Cookies05:50
ubottuUbuntu_Cookies: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:50
ubottumindrape: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:51
onetinsoldierakahige1: i doubt i know enough to really give anything other than a guess. and i'd have to know your hardware to even do that. like everything, vid card, chipset model, and a number of other things. but even with that info i really doubt i could do anything except guess05:51
huwenfenghi, i got a problem, i use ssh to login to a remote server, and if i did not input anything for a while, maybe 10 minutes,  when i input commands again, it will logout from the remote server.  it said somethig like : " connection closed by peer ....." .   anyone knows about this?05:51
Ubuntu_Cookiesi do05:51
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines05:51
WebcamWonderhuwenfeng: Idle timeout05:51
huwenfengUbuntu_Cookies: then ?05:51
huwenfengWebcamWonder: This is the setting of SSH or the Shell?05:52
onetinsoldierakahige1: with that said.. it is possible to compile and install the newer 2.6.28 kernel yourself in Intrepid and see what that does for you05:52
akahige1onetinsoldier: I understand.  I'm just terribly confused by the fact that everything worked fine under hardy and went to the dogs after I upgraded to intrepid.  same probs with both the open and closed nvidia drivers05:52
Ubuntu_Cookiesits happening to  one of my machines too (i need to debug it though)05:52
WebcamWonderhuwenfeng: Should be SSH, hold on. Using OpenSSH/05:52
error404notfoundhow do I configure tcpwrapper in ubuntu?05:52
WebcamWonderhuwenfeng: Should be SSH, hold on. Using OpenSSH?*05:52
huwenfengWebcamWonder: YEs, OpenSSH05:53
powertool08haggus99: have you tried "alsactl store <card #>"05:53
WebcamWonderhuwenfeng: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/02/03/keeping-ssh-sessions-alive/, let me find a more relevant link05:53
onetinsoldierakahige1: ok, upon hearing that you upgraded, my thought would be that you could try a fresh clean install with no 'major upgrade' involved and see what does for you. that could be the problem right there05:54
eseven73if i have like Vbox started, can i restart X and have vbox still active and i can come back to it ?05:54
eseven73Not sure that was worded well, but meh :/05:54
UndergroundZer0one more thinng guys05:54
akahige1onetinsoldier: if that was true, would you say that things should function correctly running from the live cd?05:54
UndergroundZer0Is it possible to load IRC Shell on Ubuntu05:55
aganthorpanyone running ubuntu on a macbook pro 5,1? I have a couple questions05:55
Ubuntu_Cookiesi am05:55
Ubuntu_Cookiesits the one im using right now05:55
zenoIs there any way to automatically check if any packages you have installed do not have a 64 bit version?05:55
aganthorphow did you get your sound to work?05:55
onetinsoldierakahige1: that what i do. if i ever o a major upgrade and and it's all fine after the upgrade, then ok. but if there's any hint of an unsolvable issue, then i do a fresh clean install05:55
UndergroundZer0Is it possible to load IRC Shell on Ubuntu guys05:55
onetinsoldierakahige1: yes.. you have the same problem on the LiveCD?05:56
mindrapeUndergroundZer0: what do you mean irc shell?  like an eggdrop?05:56
akahige1onetinsoldier: yes. same problem from the live cd05:56
UndergroundZer0Where you can run IRCD server and Eggdrop05:56
mindrapeyeah, install eggdrop like any other program and use it...05:56
Ubuntu_Cookies>how did you get your sound to work? (i re installed drivers for the Entire system and sound cards)05:56
UndergroundZer0Where you can run IRCD server and Eggdrop05:56
WebcamWonderhuwenfeng: Here you go... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=63130205:56
eseven73UndergroundZer0: easily05:56
eseven73ive done it05:56
mindrapeUndergroundZer0: sudo apt-get install eggdrop05:56
eseven73unrealircd is in the repos too05:57
onetinsoldierakahige1: hmmm i see. well then.you could be right about something in Intrepid not liking your system05:57
huwenfengWebcamWonder: OK, let me see it05:57
haggus99powertool08 yesit gives me this error alsactl: relocation error: alsactl: symbol snd_tlv_parse_dB_info, version ALSA_0.9 not defined in file libasound.so.2 with link time reference05:57
akahige1onetinsoldier: my assumption is that xorg is the culprit, but I was reading on /. about some graphics performance stuff in the new kernel and I thought "ah hah -- maybe it's a kernel thing and the xorg issue is just fallout"05:57
eseven73UndergroundZer0: theres a few ircd's in the repos05:57
WebcamWonderzeno: Most applications that are officially supported are available on all the platforms, unless otherwise restricted from obvious reasons05:57
onetinsoldierakahige1: could be. as i said, you could compile a custom 2.6.28 kenel and see what that does for you. i've done it. i can boot into 2.6.28 right now if i want to. but i like my fglrx drivers, and they don't have a version that works with 2.6.28 yet05:58
zenoWebcamWonder: i am using restricted drivers for nvidia and broadcom, also skype.  you know off top of head if they are 64?05:59
WebcamWonderzeno: I am on 64. All that you listed are available as far as I can see. Although in my defence, I am on hardy, and not intrepid06:00
akahige1onetinsoldier: got any idea how far away we are from the new kernel hitting the repos?06:00
huwenfengWebcamWonder: Oh, is there a possibility that it is the gateway that decide to close the connection?06:00
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:01
WebcamWonderhuwenfeng: I doubt that... unless the gateway is misconfigured... idle connections still transmit a certain amount of packets06:01
huwenfengWebcamWonder: i am inside a big Intranet, and i ssh to the outside server.06:01
powertool08haggus99: could you perhaps have two versions as the person in this post? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-utils/+bug/278615 you can find the executables with "whereis alsactl"06:01
sloopyubottu, thank you06:01
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)06:01
WebcamWonderzeno: But the version of the OS shouldn't be a problem. Those are officially supported packages/applications06:01
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johnnbstroudhow do you edit the menu.lst file in grub to show text with the splash screen ?06:01
WebcamWonderhuwenfeng: I doubt that. It is more likely that the idle setting is kicking in06:02
adityahahafuckin shit06:02
Mageiriki-me-basi have a laptop and ubuntu 8.10 can't configure an atheros wifi card. what should i do?06:02
huwenfengWebcamWonder: then must be the SSH Server, i ssh to my VM machine, the connection lasts for a very long time.06:02
WebcamWonder!language | adityahaha06:02
ubottuadityahaha: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.06:02
onetinsoldierakahige1: no idea. i really don't really even know if they'll make 2.6.28 for intrepid. if they do, i can only guess that it would be a few months from now, pure guess06:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about vulgar06:02
adityahahathis is ma first time06:02
akahige1onetinsoldier: cool. thanks for the  advice06:02
huwenfengWebcamWonder: Yes, maybe, can i config the ssh-client to send messages even if the connection is idle?06:02
deniz_is there a software alternative to totem for playing DVDs in repositories?06:03
onetinsoldiernickrud: hi. do you think they'll ever upgrade to kernel 2.6.28  for intrepid? if they might do something like that, how far into the future do you think it might be? just a total guess06:03
sloopyonetinsoldier, morning... gonna be around a while?06:03
nickruddeniz_, vlc is popular06:03
scunizideniz_, also mplayer06:03
WebcamWonderhuwenfeng: As long as you properly configure the server/client to not timeout, you should be fine. But I suppose your method could be done as well06:03
onetinsoldierakahige1: ok, you're welcome and good luck06:03
nickrudonetinsoldier, very unlikely. they may chose to backport bits of it, but change kernels? Not likely at all06:04
michaelwoo 06:04
onetinsoldiersloopy: no, not really. getting to be bedtime here really06:04
onetinsoldiernickrud: ok, that's pretty much what i figured. thanks06:05
sloopyonetinsoldier, ok i will show you in the morning...06:05
k0tar3lIs there a way to mass install every package possible in synaptic package manager?06:05
sheena1hello?  total newbie to the IRC thing..06:05
onetinsoldiersloopy: ok, sounds good :-)06:05
onetinsoldierand with that, i'm out. take care all06:05
nickrudk0tar3l, no, in fact many packages conflict with one another, and can't be installed at the same time.06:05
sloopyk0tar3l, this isnt a good idea, especially considering alot of packages conflict with each other06:06
johnnbstroudhello peoples :^D06:06
k0tar3lis there a way to ignore conflicting packages?06:06
sheena1im having sound issues. my speakers/sound works fine for youtube videos, and for both dvds and avi files, but will not play mp3 or m4a files (haven't got any other formats to try) using any player, including VLC (which plays everything else..)06:06
sloopyk0tar3l, deleting /usr/bin would be an easier way to hose your system...06:06
Jim_Raynoris there a way to recover a directory deleted using rm -R ?06:07
scunizi!mp3 | sheena106:07
ubottusheena1: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:07
sloopy!undelete | Jim_Raynor06:07
ubottuJim_Raynor: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel06:07
mindrapeJim_Raynor - not easily... but yes.  It is possible.06:07
nickrudsloopy, I'm quoting that one to :)06:07
sloopynickrud, quoting what?06:07
nickrudabout deleting /usr/bin a simpler system destroyer06:08
sloopynickrud, sure, i have seen many ways people can wreak havoc on a computer... that was just first in mind when i needed one...06:08
soreau! audio06:10
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP306:10
sheena1so even if the computer won;t play the files, if i convert them to this OGG thing, then they'll play fine?06:11
johnnbstroudsheena1 use and/or install mencoder or something06:11
sheena1I already have the restricted formats thing.06:11
sheena1what is mencoder?06:12
johnnbstroudsudo apt-get install mencode06:12
sheena1it is a file converter?06:12
johnnbstroudit's a multi format encoder audio and video for ubunut06:12
haggus99powertool08: I tried that renamed the file tried to save again still getting the same error06:13
sheena1i have Sound Converter. Will it do what i need to do?06:13
aoeuidI just installed intrepid onto an a acer netbook and there is no sound at all on skype, has anyone had a problem like this?06:14
powertool08haggus99: hmm, well I'm out of ideas, maybe if repeat your problem somebody else will know. Good luck06:14
sfer23sheena1: what are you trying to do? convert sound? soundconverter does just that.06:14
sfer23sheena1: although, soundkonverter has more choices06:15
Jim_Raynordamn... so, it's pretty much impossible?06:15
sheena1tada!!!! it works!!!06:15
haggus99powertool08: ok thx06:15
sheena1you guys are awsome!!!06:15
sheena1totally cool06:15
bullgard4What is the function of the file /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.24-22-generic/.config?06:15
mindrapeaoeuid: you can try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype to see if some of their Troubleshooting Skype section helps06:15
sheena1i have been trying to get a solution to this for weeks. Jeez. Thank you so much, everyone who contributed.. i got another one :)06:15
deniz_nickrud, scunizi, thx06:15
sloopybullgard4, it is the config when that kernel was compiled06:16
nickrudbullgard4, it's the config file that is used for compiling the kernel. Copying over the config-* to that .config is the first step in modifying the kernel parameters for your custom kernel06:16
sheena1Is there a way to increase the volume? I'm not sure that my physical speakers are the limitation. When I have the software volume on high, and turn the computer volume as high as it goes, most things are still rather quiet. I suppose its possible my speakers just suck, but I thought maybe there's a setting somewhere that changes this?06:16
bullgard4sloopy: Can you explain to me what do you mean by 'config'?06:17
mindrapesheena1: sudo alsamixer          from a terminal06:17
mindrapesheena1 you can push all levels to the max there...06:17
sloopybullgard4, when a kernel is compiled there are options for drivers/kernel options that need to be configured when the kernel is compiled, that file is the config for it, incase you need it for rolling your ownkernel06:18
bullgard4nickrud: Thank you very much for explaining.06:19
sheena1awsome. is there one of those for my webcam settings?06:19
huwenfengmindrape: is there a possibility that i send the music of left to both the left and right channel?06:19
mindrapehuwenfeng: never tried that... dunno.06:20
huwenfengmindrape: my right earphone is broken.06:20
bullgard4sloopy: Thank you very much for explaing.06:21
sloopybullgard4, np06:21
sheena1Is there a similar set of options (like alsamixer) that allows me to control the settings of my webcam?06:22
mindrapenever had a webcam... dunno.  :(06:22
sheena1thanks mindrape. maybe google knows :)06:23
mindrapesheena1 - maybe sudo apt-get install camorama?06:23
johnnbstroud.o0(thinking about stuff)06:24
linxerHi all..06:24
johnnbstroudhello linxer06:24
linxeris there a ubutnu version availbel for windows mobile (ppc) ?06:24
johnnbstroudlinpus linxer06:24
sheena1i have camorama. but when i try to use Cheese to record from webcam, it doesn't have any settings. i'll play with it. thanks so much, everyone for all your help. I will never go back to windows, and it's nice to know I have somewhere to figure out the bugs :)06:25
screamsayonarawhat do i need to do to amarok to make it able to import the files from my ipod into my.. uh.. "collection".. it seems to be extracting them, and then says "couldnt organise ...files"06:25
linxerjohnnbstroud: i will check it out thanks06:25
sheena1thanks everyone. good night/morning!06:26
mindrapescreamsayonara: what filetype?  mp3 or jpg?06:26
mindrapescreamsayonara: you can locate *.mp306:26
screamsayonarawhatever do you mean06:26
screamsayonarai can see and play the files off my ipod06:26
mindrapeit's a command.    pull up a terminal and type              locate *.mp3 to see where they exist on your local filesystem if you dont know where they copied to.06:26
screamsayonarabut i cant get em onto my harddrive, and i know it can be done cause i did it on my last ubuntu06:27
screamsayonarawas i supposed to substitute something for the *?06:27
mindrapeyou may need to              sudo updatedb                if they were just recently copied as the "location" database won't have entries for 'em.06:27
mindrapenope... * is a wildcard... although you may need to *.MP3 as it may be case sensitive.06:27
lanoxxi just upgraded to the latest kubuntu 8.10 and kde 4.2 beta 2, most of my gtk apps look very strange now. firefox even lacks a lot of icons in the toolbar and the webdeveloper bar is broken06:28
mindrapelanoxx - may wanna ask in #kubuntu.06:28
screamsayonarano they havent copied to my harddrive06:29
huwenfengRead from remote host xxxxxxxxxx: Connection reset by peer06:29
huwenfengConnection to xxxxxxxx closed.06:29
mindrapescreamsayonara: well if you use a tool like gtkpod I believe you can right click and save them locally.06:29
mindrapedont recall the exact context menu name but it is something like export.06:29
huwenfengthis is exactly what i got, when the connection closed!06:29
huwenfenganyone knows how to solve this problem?06:30
error404notfoundanyone who could tell me how can I use tcpwrappers on ubuntu in combincation with denyhosts?06:30
mindrapehuwenfeng: what were you trying to do?  Your IRC client said that?06:30
huwenfengno, my ssh connection said that06:30
mindrapeerror404notfound:  http://www.stepwise.com/Articles/Workbench/2000-04-08.01.html06:31
mindrapeits ancient but should still be relevant.06:31
error404notfoundmindrape: lemme check06:31
goodday324324hello i just installed ubuntu first time i use linux, is it normal it takes more than 5  min to boot up on my acer aspire laptop ?06:31
huwenfenggoodday324324: no,06:31
mindrapegoodday324324: should be a tad quicker than that I would think... maybe 2 mins?06:31
powertool08huwenfeng: I'd enable verbose debugging "-vvv" and maybe have it write to a logfile? It could give more clues as to what happens before the connection drops06:31
huwenfenggoodday324324: you must have some problem06:32
goodday324324it is very very slow starting up but once its started it runs fine06:32
goodday324324any ideas how to speed it up06:32
huwenfengpowertool08: Oh, you mean i should start the ssh connection like this: "ssh -p port -vvvv ip_addr"06:32
mindrapegoodday324324: I'd check /var/log/messages to see if there are any obvious issues in there and dmesg finally cat /var/log/boot06:33
jean_greyI need some help here..06:33
powertool08huwenfeng: yes but I think you can only have up to 3 v's06:33
mindrapegoodday324324: there is also a tool called bootchart you can install which graphs the time to boot and bottlenecks...06:33
jean_greywho can help me!!!!06:33
jarshi all06:33
william56anyone know a way to boost sound above the maximum of the volume control and alsamixer?06:33
mindrape!ask | jean_grey06:33
ubottujean_grey: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:33
goodday324324i also have another problem which issort ofconnected, if i insert anything in the usb, mouse , thumbdrive, etc it is not recognised by ubuntu, unless i restart with them connected06:33
goodday324324very frustrating using the thumbdrive with these long boot times !06:34
mindrapegoodday324324: well you can manually mount them... we can get to that in a bit.06:34
goodday324324so how do i find this log06:34
powertool08goodday324324: if you hit ctrl-alt-f1 during the boot splash it will switch back to showing you each step, just look for anything that stays for awhile before moving on06:34
mindrapecheck those logs I mentioned earlier...06:34
mindrapepull up a terminal06:34
Jim_Raynordamn... they're gone06:34
mindrapetype sudo apt-get install pastebinit06:34
mindrapethen type           cat /var/log/messages | pastebinit06:35
mindrapeit will give you a URL... paste it in here.06:35
mindrapethen do            dmesg | pastebinit        and give us the URL      and finally         cat /var/log/boot | pastebinit06:35
GreedyBWhats the best way to backup Ubuntu?06:36
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning06:36
GreedyBthank you!06:36
vavoyshhi there. how can i access a vista partition so that i may backup files from either an ubuntu partition ont he machine or through a live CD?06:36
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QTParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap06:37
WebcamWonder!gparted | vavoysh06:37
ubottuvavoysh: gparted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php06:37
gmathewsHi, what application can I use to manage events/birhdays (like a diary with a reminder etc)06:37
vavoyshwill that help me access the vista partition so that i may back up those files?06:37
mindrapevavoysh: I'd recommend using mount...06:38
mindrapevavoysh - you can find the partition by doing      sudo fdisk -l06:38
WebcamWondervavoysh: Sorry. I thought you said "resize a vista partition". Use mount mindrape is correct06:38
mindrapevavoysh - then you can       cd /mnt          mkdir VISTA            sudo mount /dev/VISTAPARTITION /mnt/VISTA06:38
sloopygmathews, evolution is a email/calender app06:38
mindrapevavoysh: you'll likely need to throw in -t ntfs to let it know its NTFS...06:38
mindrapebut usually mount is pretty intelligent.06:38
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.06:39
goodday324324ok! here theyare :06:39
vavoyshthank you06:39
gmathewssloopy: Isnt there a program just dedicated to what I'm looking for ?06:39
sloopygmathews, kontact does06:39
WebcamWondergmathews: There is mozilla's ... something I forgot its name06:39
Wickedbah. i cannot get this blurriness/washed colors to go away....im pretty sure its got to do with my refresh rate...but no matter what i do it doesnt get better06:39
mindrapegoodday324324: you have a TON of vc032x: I2c Bus Busy Wait 0 messages... this is likely the issue.06:40
gmathewsWebcamWonder: under what type of program will it be listed ? - a scheduler perhaps?06:40
WebcamWondergmathews: Hold on06:40
LancerNZ /msg NickServ identify blKnt306:40
WorldBFreeanybody ever install or boot a ubuntu image directly from their hd?06:40
gmathewsahhahaa LancerNZ :P06:40
WebcamWonderLancerNZ: Not a space in the front :)06:41
GneaLancerNZ: nice password06:41
goodday324324mindrape:  what do you think is the problem one of the devices ^06:41
mindrapegoodday324324: I found a post on an Ubuntu forum that seems to address your issue....06:41
WebcamWondergmathews: sunbird, it should be in the repos06:41
mindrapegoodday324324: you need to pull up a terminal and sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist06:41
gmathewsWebcamWonder: thanks :) gonna check it06:42
mindrapegoodday324324: then at the BOTTOM of that file add this... blacklist gspca_vc032x06:42
rccuno gedit, use vim instead!06:42
powertool08+1 for vim06:42
goodday324324ok and what will thisdo06:42
goodday324324will thisfixmy usb06:42
mindrapegoodday324324: it will make it stop trying to probe for that device which it clearly can't configure.06:42
LancerNZ /msg NickServ help06:42
samthetwohippmanWorldBFree:_ I havn't, but it can be done06:42
mindraperight now it just repeatedly tries to get it to work which bogs you down...06:42
WebcamWonderLancerNZ: You are really having a bad day aren't you?06:43
mindrapegoodday324324: you have probably close to 80 entries for just that one module...06:43
goodday324324ok so should i use vim or gedit06:43
powertool08whoever mentioned bootchart earlier, where does it install too? "bootchart" in terminal doesn't work06:43
WebcamWondergoodday324324: use gedit...06:43
mindrapegoodday324324: use whatever you want... gedit is going to be easiest for you.06:43
powertool08goodday324324: probably gedit06:43
goodday324324maybe its related to the problem i hadinstalling ubuntu it would halt at 90% concerning usb-storage module06:43
LancerNZOkay - what's passwd as far as Nickserv is concerned?06:44
mindrapegoodday324324: yup... maybe you had a USB device plugged in during installation and it kept an entry for it. For whatever reason it always looks for it now and you may not have it plugged in.06:44
WebcamWonder!register | LancerNZ06:44
ubottuLancerNZ: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode06:44
WebcamWonderpowertool08: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=86818906:45
LancerNZI have registered though06:45
LancerNZI just want to run a /passwd command06:45
powertool08WebcamWonder: thanks06:45
mindrapeLancerNZ: this is Ubuntu help.  If you want help registering your nick w the network then join #freenode for help.06:45
xavieranI've  been trying to install E17 on my ubuntu box using easy_e17.sh , but I come upon errors during the build process, notably: http://pastebin.com/m44e6e88106:45
shipz./nickserv identify06:46
mindrapexavieran - there are repositories that you can add to your /etc/apt/sources.list that will allow you to just sudo apt-get install e1706:46
xavieranI'm trying to install the dev version...06:46
goodday324324ok thanks so should i try now to restart and see if it works correctly ?06:46
powertool08LancerNZ: /msg nickserv set password $newpass06:46
gmathewsWebcamWonder: About sunbird - Thanks its exactly what I was looking for :)06:46
shipzI'm just sittin back, freezing my butt off eating ice cream during the winter and had nothing better to type06:46
WebcamWondergmathews: Glad to help :)06:46
mindrapegoodday324324: yes.06:46
goodday324324to see if it boots faster and the usb works06:46
mindrapegoodday324324: see if it speeds things up.06:46
xavieranmindrape, Do you know what repositories these are, then?06:47
mindrapexavieran: lemme look... hold06:47
LancerNZThanks powertool08... freenode still not answering... oh finally - someone there said to ask for "help"06:48
xavieranthank you mindrape06:48
samthetwohippmanxavieran: google E17 repositories ubuntu06:48
powertool08LancerNZ: no problem, I find google can be faster than IRC at times :)06:48
WebcamWonderpowertool08: IRC is just google with multiple front ends :P06:48
samthetwohippmanalmost all the time powertool06:49
shipzLancerNZ, /nickserv help will tell you anything you need to know about nickname registration06:49
powertool08WebcamWonder: true06:49
mindrapexavieran: see this forum... you can either grab one from an Ubuntu-based distro that makes E17 the default WM or there are some other repos listed... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=98363306:49
vengerhaving trouble authenticating to cups server from remote workstation, using account credentials for user account known to be on the server06:50
eeboy_Is inetd used in Hardy? If so... where can I find to restart it? It's not located where I expect /etc/init.d/inetd06:51
mindrapevenger - you going through web interface to auth?06:51
LancerNZAh well - hopefully I can remember that - only here for the basics really. Just downloaded IRC because certain forums are down06:51
xavieranthank you mindrape06:51
vengermindrape, yes06:51
mindrapegoodday324324: faster or no luck?06:51
goodday324324both issues completely resolved thnku v much !06:51
WebcamWondereeboy_: I don't think it is installed by default06:51
mindrapeglad to hear it goodday324324  :)06:51
dustin_Hi all. I have a newbi problem. I just installed 8.10 and am having trouble configuring the monitor. It started up with an "unknown" monitor setting running at very low resolution (600x800 ?). I then prompted me to install the "unsupported" drivers for my NVIDIA graphics card. After the reboot the resolution is set to 640x480. Can anyone give me advice on how to configure this or where to...06:51
dustin_...find documentation on how to set it up?06:51
goodday324324tank u have a nice day !06:52
mindrapevenger - what error do you get, if any?06:52
WebcamWonder!nvidia | dustin_06:52
ubottudustin_: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:52
mindrapevenger - what URL do you go to:   ie;  do you attempt to authenticate in the URL?        http://user:pass@server:port06:52
mindrapehi Seabornsol06:52
Seabornsolgood evening06:53
dustin_Ok, pulling up the documentation now. Thanks for steering me in the right direction. ;-)06:53
earthlingeeboy_ : its xinetd here06:53
eeboy_WebcamWonder: Hmmm... is there a reason for it?06:53
vengermindrape, right now i go straight to https://server:631 and when i go to print test page it pops up an authentication dialog which keeps repopping like its not accepting credentials eventually i get 401 not authorized06:53
Seabornsolthis is nice, this is my first time here06:54
abhi1how to delete a directory?using -r makes so slow..........06:54
eeboy_earthling: That's not present either....06:54
eeboy_earthling: Shouldn't there be a default install?06:54
WebcamWondereeboy_: I have no clue... I am not an expert here06:54
rccuabhi1: rmdir if it's empty; `rm -r` otherwise06:54
mindrapevenger - can you go into CUPS from the localhost that it runs on?            localhost:631        then look in the Administration tab under the Access Log on the right side?06:55
earthlingeeboy_ : what do you want to do exactly?06:55
bastid_raZorabhi1; rm -Rf will not prompt you..06:55
mindrapealso check the Error log venger...06:55
eeboy_earthling: I am trying to share a scanner...06:55
abhi1ya some contents are thr in directory,it just warns me of data?06:55
abhi1k i'll those cmd's06:55
eeboy_earthling: via xsane06:55
samthetwohippmaneeboy: of course there is a reason for "it"... The question is: what is it?\06:55
ubottuScanning software: XSane, the GIMP (GNOME), Kooka (KDE). For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners - See also !OCR06:55
vengermindrape, those would just be /var/log/cups/[access_log&error_log] right?06:56
vengermindrape, headless ubuntu server06:57
mindrapevenger - I believe so... but if you go into that panel on the localhost I believe the Admin tab will allow you to edit perms.  You can always just edit the files manually too06:57
earthlingeeboy_ : do you have xinetd.d in /etc?06:57
mindrapevenger - can you ssh to it then        lynx localhost:63106:57
mindrapeor links if you prefer?06:57
abhi1 < bastid_raZor>gud thr was some data,so ur cmd worked,thanx.....06:57
bastid_raZorabhi1; be very careful with that command. it is potentially dangerous.06:58
eeboy_earthling: Yes, I do and I have it configured. However, according to everything I read I am to add a line to inetd.conf... then restart. Well... inetd.conf exists but I can't find inetd.06:58
SunJayi just installed 8.10 on my toshiba satellite a205 and i accidently left the wifi card off during the install and now when i turn it on it doesn't even show up when i run ifconfig06:58
mindrapevenger - I believe you need to edit your cupsd.conf in /etc but not 100% sure what to change.  You either need to add the user you are authenticating to a group or change some other perms to make them less restrictive.     man cupsd.conf will be your best bet.06:58
mindrapeSunJay - does it show up in       sudo lshw -C network06:59
abhi1 < bastid_raZor>no i was reinstalling mplayer,was kinda removing junk files,thanx 4r info........06:59
mindrapeSunJay or in lspci or dmesg for that matter?06:59
vengermindrape, ok i had assumed it would just use pam06:59
earthlingeeboy_ : you must make change in xinetd.conf ..06:59
mindrapevenger - you need to configure it to use that... did you edit the default config?06:59
gvsa123what's the command again if i downloaded a targz to install?06:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rooms07:00
mindrapetar -zxvf thefile.tar.gz to extract it.07:00
earthlingeeboy_ : its in /etc07:00
vengermindrape, sure a plenty but it has auth type of basic07:00
mindrapethen once extracted you likely need to       ./configure then make then make install07:00
SunJaymindrape - yes it does show up07:00
mindrapeSunJay - sudo iwconfig doesn't list it?07:00
mindrapeSunJay - what does lspci list?  Can you paste JUST the single line related to the card in here?07:00
johnnbstroudwow, I'm back.07:01
mindrapehi Cooldogs_1_07:02
SunJayit shows up in iwconfig. and what is lspci?07:02
johnnbstroudhello peoples07:02
mindrapelspci lists pci devices... or is this a USB wireless device?  lsusb07:02
Cooldogs_1_im having difficulty with vsftpd07:02
^arky^can anyone help me configure atheros AR242x on Ibex07:02
Cooldogs_1_i want to change the directory it uses to /cars/www07:02
Cooldogs_1_and i want to beable to create a username/password07:02
SunJayits built into the laptop07:02
johnnbstroudacer aspire one ..07:03
mindrapeCooldogs_1_: man vsftpd.conf      cd /etc/       nano vsftpd.conf     edit it as necessary, save it,    then    /etc/init.d/./vsftpd restart07:03
mindrape^arky^: is that a wireless card?07:03
MononaWhat is the shell command used to look at diagnostic messages when a program crashes?  Do you need to have run the program from the command line to use it?07:03
mindrapeMonona: I use          strace theprogram07:03
^arky^yes, mindrape07:03
SunJayi think this is it "05:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection (rev 02)"07:03
mindrapethen it will show you all the data on what is wrong.07:03
Cooldogs_1_silly me07:03
mindrapeSunJay, ^arky^ - let me google your cards to see if a valid driver exists for Linux... if not you can use a Windows driver using ndiswrapper (ndisgtk is easy to config it)07:04
mindrapehttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5693578   <--- lets you use a Windows driver for your wireless card in Linux.07:04
samthetwohippmaneeboy: next time you want to find a file, try locate or find......you may need to use sudo with find07:04
SunJayok. thanks by the way07:05
mindrapeSunJay - can you confirm that the radio is actually on?07:05
^arky^mindrape, I think ath_pci should work with this device coz in ubuntu HH it works without a problem07:05
xunany Opera user in here? how can I configure my mx1000 mouse to use the "back" & "forward" button with opera? it works by default for firefox, but not opera07:05
SunJayyes the light for the wifi card is on07:05
bullgard4What do effect the lines CONFIG_NETFILTER_NETLINK=m, CONFIG_NF_CT_NETLINK=m, CONFIG_SCSI_NETLINK=y und CONFIG_QUOTA_NETLINK_INTERFACE=y in/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.24-22-generic/.config?07:05
Mononamindrape: Thanks. I'll take a look.07:05
mindrape^arky^: can you lsmod and see if it is loaded?         lsmod | grep "ath_pci"07:05
=== u is now known as Guest57109
^arky^yes mindrape its load ed ath_pci along with wlan and ath_hal07:06
BentFrankam i sick if i browse total strangers' pastebins for fun?07:06
earthlingmindrape: madwifi is a better option for atheros devices.. I had very bad experience with ndiswrapper.. but madwifi worked like charm for ateros devices07:07
mindrape^arky^: okay can you run       nm-tool07:07
mindrapeSunJay can you             lsmod | grep "iwl3945" and see if that is loaded ?07:07
^arky^yes, nm-tool only shows eth007:07
mindrape^arky^: and is eth0 listed as having a wireless interface in iwconfig?07:08
^arky^eth0 no wireless extensions07:08
gvsa123how come thunderbird isn't available through synaptic?07:08
mindrape^arky^: then I'd say that driver isn't cutting the mustard for you. :(07:08
Gneagvsa123: how are you sure that it isn't?07:08
mindrapemaybe there was breakage from your last release to 8.10?07:08
^arky^shall I install madwifi-tools ?07:09
SunJayiwl3945                98804  007:09
Gnea!info thunderbird07:09
ubottuthunderbird (source: thunderbird): mail/news client with RSS and integrated spam filter support. In component main, is optional. Version (intrepid), package size 10780 kB, installed size 32392 kB07:09
mindrapeyes ^arky^.... perhaps earthling could help you out w it?07:09
mindrapeI'm more familiar w ndiswrapper...07:09
gvsa123Gnea: i typed thunderbird from the search and i believe mozilla-thunderbird should show up, but it wasn't there.. there was an entry for a locale package of some sort but i don't think that's it... am i wrong in this?07:09
* ^arky^ looks around for earthling 07:09
xunany Opera user in here? how can I configure my mouse to use the "back" & "forward" button with opera? it works by default for firefox, but not opera07:10
platius^arky^; https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Atheros    I have not tried this07:10
damo22whats the command for gui partitioning?07:10
gvsa123Gnea: i just installed it through the terminal though...07:11
mindrapegparted damo2207:11
damo22can u format ntfs in gparted?07:12
earthling ***^arky^ : I hope you don't have one of those wifi connetion wwhere your wifi device connects to your PC using a usb cable.. as madwifi does not support such ateros devices07:12
lanoxxdamo22, yes u can07:13
Gneagvsa123: well, the name of the package is 'thunderbird', not 'mozilla-thunderbird'07:13
DanaGAnyone know how to trigger a rebuild (copy primary -> secondary) in dmraid?07:13
lintunen Does anybody have any advice on how to stop kernel packages getting upgraded via automatic update (aside from un-ticking the box every time) ?  I've tried locking in Synaptic but they still get overridden.07:13
nerdyperdyi got some questions...i am totally new07:13
nerdyperdyplease help07:14
gvsa123Gnea: ah yeah... i stopped the installation from the terminal and enabled the third party thing from synaptic.. installing it through that one...  but now, there is an entry for "thunderbird" and "mozilla-thunderbird" the latter a "transition package"... what's the difference?07:14
damo22in gparted, ntfs is greyed out so i cant format ntfs... do i need to build gparted with ntfs support or something?07:14
Kartagiskernel: [46858.284268] type=1503 audit(1230615824.457:22): operation="inode_permission" requested_mask="::r" denied_mask="::r" fsuid=113 name="/proc/4417/net/if_inet6" pid=4418 profile="/usr/sbin/named" <--- this is what i have in /var/log/messages. should i worry about them?07:14
damo22in gparted, ntfs is greyed out so i cant format ntfs... do i need to build gparted with ntfs support or something?07:14
Kartagisdamo22, you need ntfs-tools afaik07:15
jtaji!pinning | lintunen07:15
ubottulintunen: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto07:15
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE07:15
samthetwohippmanjust ask your question nerdy07:15
gvsa123Gnea: nevermind... it was in the definition...07:15
nerdyperdydoes anyone know what u get (apps) when u dld ubuntu8.10?? from the ubuntu website???07:15
nerdyperdyim worried that whan i install it i want be able to run anything07:16
n2diyI just tried to DL a video, and Totem is giving me an error message about Gstreamer support libs?07:16
nerdyperdyi have a p2p client and i dld alot of movies...and the net and that about all i use my omp for07:16
nerdyperdywill ubuntu quinch my needs07:16
bastid_raZor!codecs > n2diy07:16
ubottun2diy, please see my private message07:16
ardchoillenerdyperdy: I installed Ubuntu 8.10 and I currently use it to do office work, surf the web, email, instant messaging, irc, graphics work, videos, there's really a lot Ubuntu can do and I haven't had to touch any other operating system in 7 years :)07:17
lintunenI have already read the documentation on pinning and as I mentioned above I have already tried 'locking' in Synaptic.  I am out of ideas because it still gets overridden.07:17
samthetwohippmanNerdy: I think you need the edubuntu repositories07:17
aoeuidI've got an acer aspire one netbook and my internal mic works, but when I plug in an external one it isn't detected07:17
ardchoillenerdyperdy: it might help if you specify what you need to OS to do07:17
aoeuidhas anyone had something similar happen?07:17
nerdyperdywhat p2p client can i use...i currently have vuze...and what file extension are supported07:17
ubottuPeer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information07:18
nerdyperdyi need to be able to dld movies,music and surf the net,burn dvds and cds07:18
nonix4if multiple available apt repositories have the same pkg(s), which source will apt use?07:18
samthetwohippmanNerdy, ubuntu can do anything and more07:18
ardchoillenerdyperdy: Ubuntu can do all of that07:18
ardchoille!restrictedformats | nerdyperdy07:18
ubottunerdyperdy: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:18
nerdyperdyright after i install07:18
mindrapenerdyperdy - I like to use k3b for all my burning needs.  I use firefox to surf.  For watching movies/music I use VLC07:18
jtaji!apps | nerdyperdy07:19
ubottunerdyperdy: A comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant - Try also joining #ubuntu-bots and asking BestBot07:19
gvsa123ardchoille: only thing i didn't find in ubuntu coming from xp is webcam and pc to pc call support for yahoo messenger :)07:19
nerdyperdywhat comes with the dld...im sorry for all the questions.just wanting to make sure b4 i switch from xp07:19
ardchoillegvsa123: Ah, good point, I haven't ever used that stuff so I don't know07:19
jtajilintunen: I would probably try it the first way described on that page, rather than through synaptic if synaptic isn't doing it for you07:19
jtajinerdyperdy: just download the cd and run it, it is a livecd and will run the default system without installing anything07:20
samthetwohippmanyou will probably need medubuntu repositories to watch movies07:20
nerdyperdyso anything that linux supports...unbutu supports???07:20
samthetwohippmanedubuntu was a mistype07:20
lintunenjtaji:  thanks, I'll give it a go07:20
jtajinerdyperdy: but what comes with the download is rather besides the point, the system makes it simple to install new apps and there are thousands available07:20
nerdyperdythe cd dld is at 95%07:20
ardchoillenerdyperdy: Ubuntu is a distribution of Linux - one of many07:20
mindrapenerdyperdy: by default you get some basic tools like OpenOffice (equiv of MSOffice)... any tools you want in addition you can install via          System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager... you just click on the program you want and choose Apply and it gets installed to your Applications menu07:20
Alex_21Emergency! I need a client that works with dyndns that supports finding out my IP I get from my ISP, even though I am behind a router. Can this be done, and how07:21
ardchoillenerdyperdy: run the cd, it contains a live environment that yo can use to try it out before installing it on the computer07:21
nerdyperdymindrape<-----thats fuckin awesome...really????07:21
mindrapeAlex_21 - www.findmyip.com     if you just want it real fast.07:21
mindrape!language | nerdyperdy07:21
ubottunerdyperdy: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.07:21
samthetwohippmanuse ddclient07:21
AwsoonnI just swaped out a nic and I have no network, how can I make it recognize my new interfaces?07:21
samthetwohippmanyes you can configure ddclient to do that07:22
nerdyperdyand whats up with router support????07:22
nerdyperdyi have a wireless router...will it still work???07:22
mindrapeAwsoonn: hal should detect them automatically... if it doesn't then you can lspci to figure out what they are then google for the driver and modprobe drivername to get them working07:22
Alex_21Ok, how. I need to fix it before my account is deleted, and I have DDClient installed07:22
mindrapenerdyperdy: wireless support is kinda iffy... lots of people come here to get their wireless cards working.  In general you can get it working 95% of the time with limited tweaking.07:23
Awsoonnmindrape: detects them fine under lspci, and I have the same modle nic workgin in other systems07:23
ardchoille!wireless | nerdyperdy07:23
ubottunerdyperdy: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:23
jtajinerdyperdy: again, the livecd will tell you if wireless works out of the box, but if it doesn't it still might be able to be made to work07:23
samthetwohippmanNerdy, you can only do so much with the live cd. you can install whatever you want with the live cd, as long as you have the ram. As soon as you turn off the computer it will all be gone. to really see what can be done with ubuntu, you need to install it07:24
Awsoonnmindrape: I am under the impression this is a udev rule issue because they have new mac addressses, but don't know enough to fix it.07:24
mindrapeAwsoonn: if its working on other boxen then          lsmod to find out what module they're using then          modprobe thatdriver      on the one w the issue07:24
phixnerdyperdy: lol07:24
Alex_21Ok, how do I configure DDClient? Please. I need to fix it before my account is deleted, and I have DDClient installed07:24
samthetwohippmanlinux is way better than windows. you can get any program for free. you can do anything07:24
phixWhat's the Ubuntu command to disable network manager?07:24
sfer23nerdyperdy: Compatibility is not determined by the wireless router, but rather, by the wireless card in your computer.07:24
phixsamthetwohippman: windows has its place.07:24
mindrapephix - ps aux | grep "nm"        kill off the pids I guess?       or grep for "network" ?07:25
phixmindrape: where is it started? boot up scripts? gdm? gnome?07:25
omfgItsASharkwhats a good program to mount the ubuntu iso?07:25
phixomfgItsAShark: mount07:25
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.07:25
nerdyperdymaybe i should stick to xp...07:26
mindrapephix - not 100% sure... :(07:26
samthetwohippmanAlex_21: google it. that's how I did it. it was not easy, but if you go to the dydns information knowledgebase, its all there. it's hard to find, and it took me a while, but it's there07:26
phixnerdyperdy: perhap07:26
mindrapenerdyperdy: maybe so.  Linux isn't for everybody.  Get the LiveCD, check it out...07:26
nerdyperdyits done downloading07:26
CapaHI am looking for a simple way to convert a PDF to HTML, and vice versa - using command line tools. Can anyone suggest to me the best way to do this?07:26
omfgItsASharkwell i am on windows and i need to put the ubuntu iso onto a disk to install onto my laptop07:26
nerdyperdywhat exactly is the livecd07:26
phixCapaH: pdf2<TAB>07:27
Awsoonnmindrape: I have the modual loaded but nothign is using it.07:27
phixCapaH: press the TAB button twice07:27
samthetwohippmanphix: yeah windows has its place, especially in the workstation world, but I just think linux is better07:27
sfer23nerdyperdy: It allows you to test Ubuntu without having to install it on your computer, although it's somewhat limited in what you can do from a live cd.07:27
mindrapeAwsoonn: sudo iwconfig               any wireless interfaces?07:27
CapaHdsc or ps ..07:27
omfgItsASharkany help at all?07:27
ardchoillenerdyperdy: It provides Ubuntu in a "live" environment which runs from cdrom and ram to allow you to use the Ubuntu system without installing it to the hard drive07:27
unopCapaH,  poppler-utils: /usr/bin/pdftohtml07:27
mindrapeor is this a standard nic?  sudo ifconfig?       maybe you need to sudo /etc/init.d/network restart ?07:27
ardchoillenerdyperdy: I take the livecd everywhere I go so I can use Ubuntu anywhere07:27
nerdyperdyi mean...i downloaded 8.10 from unbutu.com...or .org...is that the live cd???07:28
nerdyperdyi want xp to go away07:28
Awsoonnmindrape: blimey! there is an eth4 and 5 listed there... silly kernel. :)07:28
CapaHI tried pdftohtml but 'zoom' seems to not work, and the pdf I am trying to convert ends up being very small - with no way to zoom past 1.007:28
jtajiomfgItsAShark: any cd recording software will allow you to burn an iso image to disk07:28
sfer23nerdyperdy: it contains the live cd and can be installed.07:28
Alex_21Help, how to I set ddclient to find the address from my isp if I am behind a router?07:28
gvsa123how do i import my thunderbird from windows xp to ubuntu via wubi? mail and everything07:28
mindrapeAlex_21 - in a terminal type          man ddclient07:28
nerdyperdyim going to install it...i'll be on tomorrow...thanks07:28
ardchoillenerdyperdy: one point, tho, burn it as an image, don't burn the iso file itself to cd. most burners have an option to "burn an image"07:29
mindrapetoo late ardchoille  lol07:29
sfer23gvsa123: You can just back up your profile from Windows and bring it across to Ubuntu, I don't trust automated things07:29
ardchoilleoh well, he'll get it I'm sure07:29
mindrapehe'll be back tomorrow or later tonight to complain07:29
unopAlex_21,  myip=$(wget -q -O - http://www.whatismyip.com/automation/n09230945.asp); echo $myip07:30
samthetwohippmanomfgItsAShark: you either need to burn an ISO with software that gives you that option, or if the software asks you if you want an exact copy, that will work07:30
mindrapeooh... spiffy idea unop.  :)07:30
* mindrape archives that away.07:30
gvsa123sfer23: i used mozbackup over at xp, but it seems that there is only a windows version for that.. can i simply import it from ubuntu without having to use any tool or something?07:30
ardchoilleUbuntu is just awesome. I entered the wrong video mode into grub (vga=791) and grub told me it was wrong and presented me with a list of other modes to use. This is new, it wasn't present in Dapper07:30
sfer23gvsa123: You can simply put it in your ~/thunderbird/profiles folder07:31
gvsa123sfer23: i see.. will give that a try07:31
samthetwohippmanAlex_21: do a google search:   configure ddclient     I guarantee you, your answer will be there. It will require you do search through each link, and take some time to read them. Otherwise, you can just forget it.07:32
sfer23gvsa123: Actually, it's ~/.mozilla-thunderbird, and then you can drag the folder of that profile into there.07:32
bullgard4What do effect the lines CONFIG_NETFILTER_NETLINK=m, CONFIG_NF_CT_NETLINK=m, CONFIG_SCSI_NETLINK=y und CONFIG_QUOTA_NETLINK_INTERFACE=y in/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.24-22-generic/.config?07:32
kindofabuzzduring boot, i get Activating swap [ok], but once booted, i have no swap.07:32
sfer23gvsa123: If you're dual booting, you can just make that thunderbird profile folder a link to your windows install's profile folder.07:33
gvsa123sfer23: i found the profile from windows... do i copy just the *****.default folder into ~/.mozilla-thunderbird?07:33
mindrapekindofabuzz: you sure?             free -m07:33
sfer23gvsa123: yes07:33
kindofabuzzmindrape, yup, i get 0 with free -m07:34
kindofabuzzmindrape, i can do the swapon /dev/sdb2 no problem, but how can i fix in fstab? maybe the UUID is wrong?07:34
kindofabuzzi don't know how it changed or whatever though07:35
mindrapepossibly... blkid07:35
kindofabuzzmindrape, hmm the uuid is correct, it's just not mounting, well during boot it says it is07:36
iluminator101Hey is there a way to add cleartype font to mozilla 3.0? Thanks in Advance07:36
GodfatherofEireEr, could somebody give me a little help with Installation here? I'm trying to install Ubuntu on my computer (again, for the 3rd time in 5 months, no idea how I screwed it up this time), but this time I'm trying to dual-boot the system with (goes and pukes) M$ Windows, with a ~40gig FAT32 partition for storage that both systems can access, any ideas on how I might manage this?07:36
eseven73if i send a app to the background does that mean i can restart X and it still be there later?07:36
ardchoilleeseven73: yes, but you might want to look into using screen07:37
mindrapekindofabuzz: try dmesg and var/log/messages to see if there are errors07:37
eseven73ardchoille: yea that was my next question :)07:37
ardchoilleeseven73: I use mutt, irssi, elinks, mc, bash, finch, and a few others in screen on tty107:38
Purposeful1is this where i can ask a question about compiz?  i'm on an eee 900 with ubuntu eee, and when i installed compiz and restarted, i got an error message saying that "your screen is not composited... please run compiz (-fusion) or another composite manager"07:38
eseven73ardchoille: so in theory i could do 'screen VirtualBox &' or -d  and restart X and VirtualBox would still be running?07:38
ardchoilleeseven73: anything used in screen will run regardless of what you do to x07:38
ardchoilleeseven73: my x was broke and I was like "pfft, I'll fix it later"07:38
Alex_21Where do I put that line, in the IP cache?07:38
Awsoonnmindrape: FYI the fix was in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules where I simply had to delete teh extranius lines, reboot and have udev recreate them for me. simple as pie :) thanks07:38
eseven73ok you sound like a minimalist like me, irssi, w3m, elinks FTW!!! :)07:39
ardchoilleyes :)07:39
eseven73icewm too :)07:39
nonix4ardchoille: well, excluding restricted drives crashing the entire host w/ blob...07:39
Alex_21Oh, ok, thanks07:39
Alex_21Good night. Bani bash07:40
eseven73ardchoille: sorry i got offtopic there, but thanks for the help :)07:40
ardchoilleeseven73: you're welcome07:40
samthetwohippmanAlex_21: read this page http://www.dyndns.com/support/kb/using_ddclient_with_dyndns_services.html#config07:40
GodfatherofEireEr, could somebody give me a little help with Installation here? I'm trying to install Ubuntu on my computer (again, for the 3rd time in 5 months, no idea how I screwed it up this time), but this time I'm trying to dual-boot the system with (goes and pukes) M$ Windows, with a ~40gig FAT32 partition for storage that both systems can access, any ideas on how I might manage this?07:40
eseven73he left samthetwohippman07:40
unopeseven73, there are better ways to have VB running unattended.07:41
jason_i'm having an issue with my wifi in my toshiba satellite a205 and was refered to this "http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5693578" however when searching my wireless card i stumbled across this ssaying i should already be supported "http://www.intellinuxwireless.org/?p=iwlwifi" PS: my card is the Intel® PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection07:42
Purposeful1can anyone help me with this "screen not composited.. please run compiz (-fusion) or another composite manager" error?07:42
eseven73unop: how so? screens pretty nice07:42
Purposeful1i'm a complete noob at all this, and i'm desperately trying to learn my way around ubuntu, lol >.<07:42
GodfatherofEire1Also. any ideas as to why/how I've managed to bork my fs 3 times in 5 months07:44
samthetwohippmanPurposefull: try typing the error message into google. it'll take some time and some reading, but you should find the answer07:44
Biovoreyou been using sudo :-P07:44
Purposeful1sam: i did a couple times... the results are all in either a different language or they're running full desktops that have video card issues07:46
kindofabuzzmindrape, i don't really see anything abnormal07:46
samthetwohippmanPurposefull: is compiz installed on your computer?07:46
samthetwohippmanwhen you googled, did you also type in ubuntu forums?07:47
samthetwohippmanor ubuntu geek?07:47
Purposeful1yeah--that's where i found the results that i did find07:47
Purposeful1in ubuntu forums07:47
Purposeful1compiz is installed, yes07:47
error404notfoundI am using squid server on Ubuntu hardy heron. When I set my firefox proxy to squid server, it works fine but when I enforce the use of proxy in shorewall, I get http://pastebin.com/m6a85bcbe07:47
Purposeful1but it doesn't seem to run very well--not sure if it's a graphics problem or a compiz problem07:47
koshiiHello, probably easy solution.  How do I install Firefox i386 on x64 version of Hardy Heron 8.0407:48
koshiiquestion mark!07:48
Biovorekoshii: need ia32-libs07:48
kindofabuzzmindrape, i think i may have found the problem, i had a space after UUID=   i know how picky fstab is about spaces sometimes07:48
GodfatherofEire1Er, could somebody give me a little help with Installation here? I'm trying to install Ubuntu on my computer (again, for the 3rd time in 5 months, no idea how I screwed it up this time), but this time I'm trying to dual-boot the system with (goes and pukes) M$ Windows, with a ~40gig FAT32 partition for storage that both systems can access, any ideas on how I might manage this?07:49
samthetwohippmanPurposefull: type compiz into a terminal, and what is the first thing it says:07:49
Purposeful1checking for xgl: not present07:50
koshiiBiovore, okay I have them07:50
BiovoreGodfatherofEire1: I thought the installer came with a partion resizer..   The disc thing (gparted) is a little confussing.07:50
koshiiI actually already had them :s07:50
Biovorekoshii: so you want the 32bit firefox for what reason?07:50
samthetwohippmangoogle xgl, or who knows what xgl is07:50
ardchoilleIs there a command-line only app that's close to being equivalent to gkrellm?07:50
koshiiso I can get adobe flash and java support07:50
nonix4GodfatherofEire1: painfully... since different versions of m$ stuff have different ideas of which kinds of partitions to support and which not07:50
samthetwohippmanit is obviously something to do with x windows07:50
Biovorekoshii: there supported via some wrapper.. they should work on linux x64..  It does here..07:51
kindofabuzzkoshii, have you installed java and flash?07:51
Biovorekoshii: apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras..07:51
Biovoreshould install them for you07:51
n2diyGodfatherofEire1, what problems are you having, sounds like a simple install?07:51
samthetwohippmanthis may be your problem. you may need an xgl07:51
koshiiyes, but not everything works for flash07:51
Purposeful1Xgl is an X server architecture designed to take advantage of modern graphics cards via their OpenGL drivers, layered on top of OpenGL via glitz.07:51
nonix4Biovore: the partition resizer happily creates 4 primary partitions leaving unused disk space there and then misses the ability to convert them non-destructively to any other format...07:52
koshiidoes that work for any of you on x64 firefox?07:52
mondayis it ok to just run 8.01??07:52
koshiiSo how would I install firefox i386? :s07:52
jim_pardchoille, htop :|07:52
samthetwohippmanso the architecture is what is built into your computer07:52
samthetwohippmanhow old is your computer07:53
kindofabuzzkoshii, doesn't work for 32 bit, it's probably the sites fault07:53
Purposeful1it's an eee 90007:53
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
koshiidon't x64 processors support i386 though07:53
unop!chroot | koshii07:53
ubottukoshii: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box07:53
samthetwohippmanoh...that's new enough for sure07:53
Biovorekoshii: they do..07:53
mondayanyone????? is ubuntu 8.01 fully functional??07:53
koshiiso, why can't I just install the 32bit version of firefox07:53
BiovoreI am still using 8.04.1 here..07:54
nonix4koshii: given the low quality of firefox plugins in general, running them in a virtual machine is what I do :)07:54
mondayer yea,8.0407:54
samthetwohippmangoogle: error xgl: not present eee 900 ubuntu07:54
mondaywine works for it ??? right?.07:54
nonix4(esp. flash)07:54
Biovoremonday: yup it should07:54
mondayi typed three sets of codes in the terminal,. but wine didn't load, any help??07:54
Biovoremonday: 8.04.1 is a long term release.. will be supported for a few years while 8.10 will die in 6 months.07:54
koshiiwhat's a good virtual machine? :s  I don't think I've ever used one07:54
jim_pkoshii, the thing in isketch does not appear for me either. its a .dcr file, no plugin available for linux i guess07:54
GodfatherofEiren2diy Heres the problem, windoze like to have the whole drive to itself, or at least one without any spaces, and when there are, the install fails07:55
koshiiis it something like wine?07:55
jim_pkoshii, virtualbox07:55
koshiiokay thanks07:55
koshiiis it difficult to setup?07:55
Biovorekoshii: vmware is one..  cost money07:55
unopkoshii, a virtual machine just for firefox would be overkill.07:55
Biovoreserver edition is free.. but confussing to use..07:55
n2diyGodfatherofEire, fine business, install Win first, then Ubuntu.07:55
Biovoreyou can run firefox in wine as well and just install the windows version..07:55
jim_pkoshii, no if you go step by stem and read settings and the like07:55
bullgard4What do effect the lines CONFIG_NETFILTER_NETLINK=m, CONFIG_NF_CT_NETLINK=m, CONFIG_SCSI_NETLINK=y und CONFIG_QUOTA_NETLINK_INTERFACE=y in/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.24-22-generic/.config?07:56
GodfatherofEiren2diy, therein lies the problem, I'd have to allow win to use the whole HD, then I'd have to partition it manually, and then that'd reformat the ntfs partition07:57
nonix4Biovore: well, kinda... that'd still lack the isolation advantages though.07:57
Biovorebullgard4: netlinked userpace based interface..  I don't think you need it.. but I am not %100 sure..07:57
Wickedhmm whats up with the new xorg.conf? there barely anything in it07:57
* nonix4 likes kvm, managed by virtual machine manager in hardy07:57
BiovoreWicked: Its magic :-P07:57
koshiiSo, there's no other solution?  Just virtualmachine, wine, or nothing?07:57
jim_pBiovore, 8.10 wont die in 6 months. every release has SECURITY updates for 1.5 years, while lts have for 3. every other update (eg for firefox) will either be backported or not installable at all07:58
n2diyGodfatherofEire, you don't have to reformat when you resize the partitions.07:58
Wickedwell i need to tell xorg to load glx....where do that?07:58
jason_i'm having an issue with my wifi in my toshiba satellite a205 and was refered to this "http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5693578" however when searching my wireless card i stumbled across this ssaying i should already be supported "http://www.intellinuxwireless.org/?p=iwlwifi" PS: my card is the Intel® PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection07:58
kalvin_can anyone tell me how i can use vmware that was installed with ubuntu?07:58
GodfatherofEiren2diy, I thought you did when dealing with ntfs?07:58
samthetwohippmanPurposefull: which eeebuntu did you install? did you install NBR?07:58
jim_pWicked, in xorg.conf07:58
GodfatherofEireOh well, I'll be back later then I guess07:58
Wickedjim_p, but where?07:58
Biovorekalvin_: I think thats just a vmware player..07:58
Wickedthere is barely anything in it...07:58
ardchoillejim_p: ah, htop is nice, thank you07:58
bullgard4Biovore: Thank you. I will ask again later because I would like to know that more precisely.07:58
Wickedand i cant run anything with opengl....07:58
samthetwohippmanif so, then you need to install the compiz libraries07:58
Wickedi get this:07:59
WickedXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".07:59
WickedError: couldn't find RGB GLX visual or fbconfig07:59
kalvin_says player and workstattions07:59
jim_pWicked, have a look at mine http://7g.pri.ee/mine.conf07:59
GodfatherofEiren2diy, thanks for pointing that out, I woulda been up all night cause I would've avoided the resizing bit07:59
jim_pardchoille, well htop does not show bandwidth07:59
n2diyGodfatherofEire, well, I'm not sure, never did a dual boot system. But on my last install here, I had the option not to reformat my /home partition, ext3, which I did.07:59
Wickedyea... jim_p the new xorg.conf looks nothing like that....07:59
Wickedbut thanks07:59
nonix4koshii: there is but I think the ia32-libs ff deb is outside ubuntu repos these days... or named something funny. Most likely because both culprits - flash & java - have 64-bit support, although not packaged in time for hardy07:59
jim_pWicked, make one07:59
cuonglbhey guys08:00
koshiinonix4, thanks08:00
Wickedjim_p, i tried adding the module section to my xorg.conf...it did not do anything08:00
samthetwohippmanPurposefull: the eeebuntu standard install comes with all the compiz libraries.08:00
koshiithanks guys08:00
* koshii installs wine08:00
kalvin_i hvae a version of vmware for ubuntu, but it fails to install, can anyone help?08:01
n2diyGodfatherofEire, The format option comes after you select the sizes, so it is an exercise in blind faith before you get to choose.08:01
Juhazsaler, first, turn off caps lock.08:01
nonix4koshii: which kind of a machine you on btw?08:01
farionWhat is a good alternative to the memory hogging Firefox?08:01
Wickedcaps lock......are u ready to unleash the fury? ;-)08:01
ardchoillejim_p: no prob, I can do without bw08:01
hugo33kalvin_: What error do you get?08:01
saleranyone/anybody can help08:01
kalvin_one sec, ill tell you08:02
n2diyfarion, Opera08:02
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nonix4farion: actually it doesn't hog much mem if you disable all plugins & pics & use less than 1000 tabs at once ;-)08:02
MiladKhajavihow can I download list of video with youtube-dl program?. how can I say to terminal that when the first command finished, now execute the second command and so on?08:02
hugo33farion: Chrome?08:02
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samthetwohippmanfarion: konkorur: that may be mispelled, but then you will have to be running kubuntu08:02
cuonglbkalvin_ You can describe the error of vmware ?08:02
* nonix4 tends to do none of those, but it still works... kinda.08:03
hugo33kalvin_: If I suggested VirtualBox as an alternative, would you laugh? :) I've had good experiences w/ VirtualBox.08:03
cuonglbhugo33 you right :)08:03
kalvin_i just do sudo ./vmware-install.pl right?08:04
samthetwohippmanKonqueror: is the correct spelling08:04
MiladKhajaviANY on know: how can I download list of video with youtube-dl program?. how can I say to terminal that when the first command finished, now execute the second command and so on?08:04
hot_wheelzhi guys :-)08:04
mondaycan someone tell me the codes to load wine through a terminal for 8.04?08:04
Wickedmonday, ....um "wine"08:04
nonix4kalvin_: that sounds awfully complicated compared to "sudo aptitude install kvm virt-manager" :)08:04
mondaysince i am also in the need of a flash player ...08:04
hot_wheelzhow we all doing?08:04
eseven73Virtualbox is nice, the seamless mode is priceless.08:05
_sscan anyone tell me why my firestarter's Blocked Connection is full of 57079 UDP connections...I'm worried...and after a few hours my internet connection just drops???08:05
kalvin_i shall try that08:05
samthetwohippmanhugo33: chrome is probably a light browser. it is run by the same engine as safari08:05
cuonglbkavil_ Version of vmware you must install ?08:05
hugo33monday: /import duty-free ;)08:05
mondaywell between dl'ing 'wine' and trying to watch a movie or something, i have 579 new updates to dl but when i do, my pc crashes.... any help08:06
cuonglbVmware server version 1.0.3 ?08:06
hugo33monday: Driver issue, perhaps?08:06
mondayperhaps, but i dl'ed linux, and i can't hav a flash player/08:07
hugo33monday: Try upgrading/updating from a regular 80x25 console, not X.08:07
jim_phow can i disable ctrl+alt+del from bringing up that menu in gnome?08:07
hugo33monday: If X is crashing, it might be a video driver (or video configuration) issue. If the Linux kernel is crashing (if the upgrade from within an 80x25 console is crashing) then it might be the network card driver.08:07
MiladKhajavihow can I download list of video with youtube-dl program?. how can I say to terminal that when the first command finished, now execute the second command and so on?08:08
hugo33jim_p: I think it's in /etc/runlevel.* or something. You can disable ctrl-alt-del entirely.08:08
ardchoillejim_p: System > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts > Desktop section08:08
salerhi, i installed ubuntu server 8.4 on vmware with scsi drive ((10G))now i get new hard driveto my labtop ,and i don't wont to lose the vm scsi drive  ,so how to move the old scsi drive to new drive and can i extend the new drive,insteadof 10g be 40G08:08
Wicked!flash | monday08:08
ubottumonday: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash08:08
Wicked!restricted | monday08:09
ubottumonday: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:09
shingen!gparted saler08:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gparted saler08:09
jim_pthanks ardchoille08:09
ubottuQt is the Qt (pronounced "cute") toolkit, which forms the base of KDE and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI. Install the libqt3-mt-dev package to compile Qt 3 applications or libqt4-dev for Qt 4 applications. Qt 4.4 is available from hardy-backports08:09
Wickedmonday, as for the crashing. use aptitude from the command line08:09
vaderMiladKhajavi: cmd1 && cmd2 && cmd3 etc. Don't know about Youtube program.08:09
Biovoresaler: I think with VMware your screwed on the disk..08:09
kalvin_with this virtual machine manager, how do i just load a iso onto it?08:09
koshiiAre there any web browsers for wine?08:09
hugo33koshii: Internet Explorer?08:09
koshiithat have flash and stuff08:09
mondaythnks for the responses .  ty ty.08:10
Biovorekoshii: you can install firefox for windows into it..08:10
koshiiIE doesn't seem to work :S08:10
Wickednp. now i have to reboot. brb08:10
hugo33koshii: That's ok. It doesn't work on Windows either.08:10
koshiiso facetious08:10
koshiiI click iexplorer.exe and just a blank white window comes up with a scrollbar :/08:11
Biovoreyup.. IE6 I think is the only one I have gotten to work..08:11
koshiiI can rightclick and get the dropdown IE has, but nothing works at all08:11
Biovoreand that wasn't easy08:11
nonix4kalvin_: start it (applications->system tools->virtual machine manager) and then either create a _New_ virtual machine or attach it to an already existing one, the menus should be self-explaining :)08:12
=== mehteenager is now known as MrObvious
_sscan anyone tell me why my firestarter's Blocked Connection is full of 57079 UDP connections...I'm worried...and after a few hours my internet connection just drops???08:13
kalvin_i have an iso file, i want to load that up, but theres no place to do it, just to connect to a server08:13
_sssry for spam :(08:13
joeb3__ss, bittorrent running?08:13
nonix4kalvin_: iso w/ livecd?08:13
kalvin_nonix4: maybe im not doing the right thing, but i want to install windows xp on a virtual machine, i have the windows iso file and now i want to load it up08:15
gaminggeekHello does anyone know of any good time tracking apps in linux that will output a time sheet?08:15
willwillapt-get update show me a long traceback on my virtual machine (created with vmbuilder kvm) note that my machine does not support kernel based virtual machine08:15
nonix4kalvin_: I mean is that iso an installer type of iso? If so, you need to decide where you will be installing it as well :)08:15
rccugaminggeek: `time`08:16
n2diygaminggeek, google for openoffice extras08:16
gaminggeekn2diy: I dont want to have to have open office open all the time08:16
nonix4kalvin_: 3rd button from right at the bottom of the window should be "new", which you can use to allocate disk space for it and so on08:16
willwillmy python script to download packages works fine08:16
kalvin_new is shaded grey08:17
n2diygaminggeek, roger that, don't blame you there, GL.08:17
kalvin_do i need a xen-kernel?08:17
nonix4kalvin_: not necessary - above should be a list of currently available VMs, you need to choose which one to use - doubleclick on one of the localhost entries08:18
kalvin_right..and it says verify that a xen host kernel is booted and xen services have been started08:19
nonix4kalvin_: are there other localhost entries as well?08:19
bullgard4What do effect the lines CONFIG_NETFILTER_NETLINK=m, CONFIG_NF_CT_NETLINK=m, CONFIG_SCSI_NETLINK=y und CONFIG_QUOTA_NETLINK_INTERFACE=y in/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.24-22-generic/.config?08:20
kalvin_the other one says libvirt-bin package and libvirtd daemon has been started08:20
gaminggeekrccu: have you got a link to "time" the only thing I can find is a console command that doesnt look like any help at all08:20
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kalvin_verify that*08:20
^arky^ndiswrapper help needed once again atheros wireless card08:20
nonix4kalvin_: virt-manager can handle at least xen, kvm, qemu... not sure whether it is set up for vmware by default as well.08:20
kalvin_so its just a manager, it cant run the virtual machine?08:21
Fiberchunkshi all, problem: I press tab twice for autocomplete, and it kills the X server -- any ideas?08:22
nonix4kalvin_: ps auwx | grep libvirt # lists libvirtd now?08:23
nonix4kalvin_: that new button should be available at least on the one that said something about libvirtd...08:24
kalvin_k let me try08:24
sfer23Fiberchunks: do you mean autocomplete in the terminal? that only requires pressing tab once.08:26
kalvin_says: 11115  0.0  0.0   3236   804 pts/0    S+   03:26   0:00 grep libvirt08:26
kalvin_how do i put this libverd package on?08:26
nonix4kalvin_: well, been ages... but you can try the usual, "sudo /etc/init.d/libvirt-bin start" (possibly after aptitude install of it, if it wasn't already installed)08:28
kalvin_that doesnt work08:29
sfer23!hello | A4Tech08:30
ubottuA4Tech: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!08:30
A4Techwho suggest that we need to install to get rid of errors08:31
A4TechWe encountered a bit of trouble trying to load plugin 'Encyclopedia'. Python told us 'ImportError: No module named sqlite'. We'll skip over it for now, you can always add it later.08:31
nonix4(or invoke-rc.d if inclined to do that, but don't ask old-timers about such new things;) - so... maybe it wasn't installed? sudo aptitude install libvirt-bin08:31
A4TechI found a lot of packages associated with sqlite and python but the error is still there08:32
nonix4n2diy: think it didn't exist back in '94.08:32
n2diynonix4, oh, the BSD and Unix gang?08:33
Alex_21Hi, I needa web front-end for managing BIND. Does one exist?08:33
damo22what is the linux equivalent of defrag?08:33
xavierandamo22, none needed08:33
nonix4n2diy: no I mean whatever I say should be taken w/ grain of salt, dated back to '94 when I was learning to use Linux instead of the not-so-posixy-*nix-wannabe-ones :)08:34
Mageiriki-me-baswhere can i find free medical software for linux?08:34
damo22xavieran: how come?08:34
xavierandamo22 we manage our filesystem so well that no defragmentation is needed08:34
eseven73one of the perks of linux damo22 :)08:34
kalvin_nonix4: thanks a lot i got it08:34
damo22thats pretty cool08:34
eseven73no viruses either08:34
nonix4kalvin_: cool :)08:34
xavieranThis is why ext3 performs best with around 80% free space, also08:34
damo22mine is 70% full08:35
n2diynonix4, ok, roger that. I suppose that makes you an OM! :)08:35
damo22i just bought an external usb hdd, im dumping all my stuff onto it to free up my system drive08:36
Mageiriki-me-basIs there any free linux program for holding a medical database?08:36
Alex_21Sirs and misses, where can I find front ends for the web over top of applications?08:36
Alex_21Depends. There used to be a forum called Linux for Clinics on the Ubuntu Forums, maybe there you can dagnose the situation :)08:37
dns53Mageiriki-me-bas there are a few projects around the place08:38
willwillMageiriki-me-bas, maybe hospital-os08:38
Alex_21Sirs and misses, where can I find front ends for the web over top of applications? Like BIND 9 and the like08:38
Mageiriki-me-basdns53, willwill, i 've done some googling but i'm too lame, so i would really appreciate it if you found me one-two programms like these.08:38
Alex_21Mysql, maybe08:39
willwillMageiriki-me-bas, http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=14454408:39
eseven73Mageiriki-me-bas: have you searched synaptic for "Medical"?08:39
willwillthe hospital-os's homepage is in thai08:39
dns53Mageiriki-me-bas i have heard about http://www.oemr.org/ but it's not relvent to me so you probably need to research it on your own08:40
n2diyMageiriki-me-bas, only you can determine your needs.08:40
worldcitizenHow can I download via terminal from a website?08:40
dns53wget url08:40
nonix4Alex_21: ebox08:40
Alex_21Use WGET08:40
Mageiriki-me-basthank you all :)08:40
Alex_21EBox won't do BIND, will it?08:41
_sscan anyone paste a xorg.conf file...mine seems a little poor in configuration options and I want to compare with yours :)08:41
dangitdoes anyone know a good way to view webdav directories? nautilus has problem with spaces, davfs keeps popping errors...so is there another way?08:41
^arky^ndiswrapper help needed once again for configuring atheros wireless card08:42
n2diydangit, use the terminal?08:42
dns53dangit does firefox work?08:43
_ssanyone???...comon...should be a quick thing....please :)08:43
nonix4Alex_21: apt-cache show ebox-dns08:43
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dangitdns53, firefox doesn't have a (good) plugin for webdav08:43
dangitn2diy, how?08:44
nonix4Alex_21: also, "apt-cache rdepends bind9"08:45
n2diydangit, using the list, and  change directory commands.08:45
dns53dangit i thaught dav was a http extention so you should be able to view it if you cannot write to it08:45
dangitn2diy, uh...but that implies that it would be mounted with say...davfs...which isn't working?08:45
joeb3__ss, http://paste.ubuntu.com/95763/   xorg.conf08:45
plugazim trying to use qemu in ubuntu so I can run other distros08:46
dangitdns53, i can view it as a normal webpage, but i'd rather not manually download each and every document (there's a crapload)08:46
n2diydangit, that implies devfs isn't working, no?08:46
dns53dangit how about getting wget to scrape it for you?08:46
n2diydangit, does ls work?08:47
rccu_ss: http://paste.ubuntu.com/95766/ ;D08:47
Natalie hi there guys..I have a this router ( http://www.edimax.com/en/produce_detail.php?pd_id=11&pl1_id=1&pl2_id=2 ) but is running so slow (very very slow) when I'm on wireless08:47
Nataliedo you have any tips for me?08:47
dangitn2diy, ls of what? it isn't mounted in any way atm cause davfs isn't working properly08:48
xavieranNatalie, what wireless card are you running, it could be something to do with that08:48
dns53Natalie get a better areal, if you can focus it to where you are going to use it you may get better results08:49
xavieranNatalie, also, how far away from the router are you? I find that when I am quite far away from my wireless router, the performance deteriorates by a _large_ factor.08:49
Kartagiswhat are the odds of my OS not working if i get another mainboard?08:49
NatalieI have a Acer TravelMate laptop with a 802.11a/b/g/Draft-N08:49
NatalieI'm at 1meter distance by my router08:50
xavieranNatalie, that's pretty weird.08:50
n2diyKartagis, high08:50
dns53Kartagis quite low08:51
Nataliedo you know a channel where I can get the answer to my problem. I;m quite new into irc world08:51
n2diyKartagis, prepare for the worst, and hope for the best! :)08:51
mindrapeNatalie - we can troubleshoot it if you'd like.  sudo iwlist wlan0 scan          What does the Quality say for the AP you are connected to?  Are you using strong encryption on the device which could slow it down?  Can you traceroute to someplace and determine which hop is slowing you up?08:52
mindrapeNatalie: can you login to the router and determine if there is any useful info in the log that might determine what is happening?08:53
mindrapeNatalie: can you dmesg and see if any error messages are constantly being written relevant to your wireless device?08:53
Nataliethere are some logs08:53
Natalie2 seconds08:53
rccujoeb3_: how are your fonts handled in xorg if you do not have any FontPaths in "Files"?08:53
Natalienow I;m on windows08:53
NatalieI was hopping to get better result08:53
Nataliebut it's the same thing08:53
mindrapeNatalie - is it always this slow or just tonight?08:54
joeb3_rccu, no idea.  I clicked a few buttons when I installed and it works.08:54
mindrapeNatalie: is it possible that your ISP is having some outages of sorts that are impacting performance or otherwise causing network degradation?08:54
willwillapt-get update show me a long traceback on my virtual machine (created with vmbuilder kvm) note that my machine does not support kernel based virtual machine08:55
Nataliemindrape: this can be a possibility...lont time before, in the past were some MAC rules...now I connect throught PPPoE08:56
orkunis this chan for support only or are conversations about different distros encouraged?08:56
xavieranorkun, support only08:56
ardchoille!ot | orkun08:56
ubottuorkun: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!08:56
n2diyorkun, ubuntu-offtopic is the place for that.08:56
xavieranCHeck out #ubuntu-programming for some good discussions08:57
orkunty!(hope the last can count as one stupid support question :>)08:57
Alex_21Hi, All, I tried EBox and Googled around, but I can't find a good BIND9 web interface. Do any exist?08:58
A4Techhelp please -> http://paste.org.ru/?pap2g008:58
mindrapeAlex_21: none that I know of... webmin possibly but it's not "good"08:59
pikario!vmware > pikario08:59
ubottupikario, please see my private message08:59
joeb3_Alex_21, webmin has a bind module.08:59
amerinesehi, real dumb question from someone that just installs pkgs, doesn't do any app dev on ubuntu--what should i set PKG_CONFIG_PATH to?  i am trying to configure a dl'd package that is looking for the scim package using pkg-config and scim is installed through synaptic but no info is found on it?08:59
aprilhare!vmware > aprilhare08:59
ubottuaprilhare, please see my private message08:59
Alex_21WEBmin, I thought wasn't supported anymore09:00
joeb3_Alex_21, still works...09:00
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.09:00
mbdlneed help i tryed ubuntu 8.04 on my mac and after update my keyboard and mouse didnt work now iv reinstalled with the 8.10 will i have the same issue after reboot09:00
n2diyamerinese, re-install the packages with synaptic, it will find, and solve the issues for you.09:00
mbdlmy laptop is macbook pro 4.109:01
damo22can someone help, im trying to install xmms-flac... http://pastebin.com/d82c75aa09:01
amerinesen2diy: do you mean reinstall pkg-config or... ?09:02
Alex_21Ok, you say this, but others say that it may causeed issues. Doesss Ebox need a bindd extention, or iis theeeeeeere a bind9 module built-in09:02
ardchoilledamo22: xmms isn't any the repos for Interpid anymore09:02
mindrapedamo22 - sudo apt-cache search xmms flac09:03
n2diyamerinese, what ever you installed without synaptic, re-install with synaptic.09:03
mbdldoes anyone know how the macbook works? or has tried ubuntu on it09:03
Alex_21I have it on My Macbook with Virtualbox and it works fine09:03
damo22ardchoille: when i install the package manually with dpkg, i have to --force-depends, but then it breaks apt when i try to install something else, it asks to remove xmms-flac09:03
amerinesen2diy: but the reason i am manually configure make make install is bc the version available through synaptic is buggy09:03
mindrapesudo apt-get remove xmms-flac09:04
savvasmbdl: you can always try the ubuntu live cd with it, see if it works without even installing it on hard drive09:04
mindrapeor just autoremove09:04
damo22is there a way to force apt to accept the "broken" package... because it works09:04
n2diyamerinese, so your installing from source, and have dependency problems?09:04
savvasdamo22: which package? third-party?09:04
ardchoilledamo22: it's not a good idea to "force" anything unless you're pretty much of an expert, I've never seen any reason to force anything in Ubuntu, xmms is no longer in the repos and forcing it will likely break something09:04
mbdlit does im using ubuntu now... on it but my issue was when i did updates with the last version out 8.04 i did updates and the keyboard failed as did the mouse09:04
damo22savvas: im using hardy, i want xmms-flac09:05
apparleATI has given suppor t for ubuntu 8.10 in their latest dirver. So from where should we install repos or the driver09:05
savvasdamo22: you might be missing some important packages that are required from that application, if you force it to be installed, you might face problems with other packages09:05
damo22savvas: but when i force it, it works09:05
amerineseyeah it can't find scim, which it says it's looking for using pkg-config, but it's installed and it suggested setting PKG_CONFIG_PATH but i can't find what i'm supposed to set it to09:05
mbdlsavvas: it does im using ubuntu now... on it but my issue was when i did updates with the last version out 8.04 i did updates and the keyboard failed as did the mouse, was wondering if that will happen again in 8.1009:06
amerineselast msg at n2diy09:06
savvasdamo22: do you mean xmms2-plugin-flac ?09:06
damo22savvas: it wants xmms > some value, but i already compiled it from source.... so09:06
damo22savvas: not xmms2, xmms09:06
ardchoilledamo22: have you tried audacious? it's like xmms and it's in the repos09:07
mbdlsavvas: iv looked on google and there is an issue i can tell but nothing iv looked up has answers if the new ubuntu will work09:07
savvasdamo22: is there a specific reason you prefer the older xmms?09:07
mbdlit hast to do with the wrapper on the broadcom drivers09:07
damo22savvas: never tried xmms209:07
savvasdamo22: doesn't hurt to try it :) usually newer versions have better support over audio09:08
Alex_21Good night. Bani bash09:08
damo22savvas: i dont need a music daemon, just a simple player09:08
ardchoilledamo22: have you tried audacious? it's like xmms and it's in the repos09:08
damo22ardchoille: i'll give it a go09:09
ardchoilledamo22: audacious can even use your xmms skins09:09
mbdlSAVVAS:  well ill install the updates if they cause issues then ill haft to use a different linux build and see09:09
damo22ardchoille: oh cool! i love my skin09:09
savvasmbdl: I have no idea, sorry, perhaps you should visit the ubuntuforums.org and ask for help from the macintosh users :)09:09
mindrapedamo22: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/index.en.html#contents       That has all the info you want on running various versions of software, ignoring/forcing dependencies/conflicts/etc09:10
mbdlsavvas: ok well i have looked i guess ill ask around a little more thx anyways its nice to know u tried to help09:10
n2diyamerinese, welcome to linux, and dependency hell! If synaptic can't fix it, your on your on in the wilderness! :)09:10
cuneI LOVE YOU09:10
savvascune: #ubuntu-rs :)09:10
* hugo33 laughs09:11
savvascune: predji na taj kanal09:11
cuneKOJI KANAL09:11
Awsoonnwhen I use ifconfig I want to give each interface a nickname, 'private'; 'public'; 'backup'; etc is this possible? this woudl be just so other admins can quickly inspect the machine and not need to find documentation on it.09:12
savvascune: ako ti treba pomoc na srpskom, napisi: /join #ubuntu-rs09:12
cunegde da napisem09:12
hugo33Has anyone in here played w/ Python, PyQt, Qt etc.?09:12
Flannel!english | cune09:13
ubottucune: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat09:13
Seveas!anyone | hugo3309:13
ubottuhugo33: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:13
mindrapeAwsoonn: /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules  <--- I believe in there09:13
savvascune: ovde09:13
* hugo33 smiles09:13
mindrapeset the NAME= to whatever you want09:13
ardchoillehugo33: You might ask in #kubuntu09:13
Awsoonnmindrape: you see the iorny in that right :3 thanks!09:13
mindrapeAwsoonn: you can write a dynamic shell script to check on the environment... if you /msg me what you want I can maybe whip something up for you that can be applied to any server.09:14
=== tiago_ is now known as just_testing
mindrapebeats hard-coding aliases...09:14
mindrapeAwsoonn: you probably also can setup something using interfaces in /etc/network09:15
cunetamo nema nikog,odakle si ti?09:15
Flannelcune: English09:15
hugo33Although I've installed PyQt via apt-get, I can't "import qt" under Python 2.5; perhaps I've missed a dependency. I can import PyQt4 just fine but not qt itself. So, QDialog is unavailable, for instance. Google reveals no common "import qt" problems, which suggests either most people install qt+pyqt from source or that I'm doing something uncommonly wrong. Any thoughts?09:16
Awsoonnmindrape: I think I was looking for something that would be in interfaces, it feels right09:17
mindrapeAwsoonn: what is it you are trying to confirm?09:17
mindrapeyou just wanna know if it has an IP, is pingable, etc?09:17
mindrapeno rapping in the channel please.09:18
cuneznate neki drugi jezik09:18
hugo33mindrape: Step off and respect our flow. ;)09:18
bullgard4What do effect the lines CONFIG_NETFILTER_NETLINK=m, CONFIG_NF_CT_NETLINK=m, CONFIG_SCSI_NETLINK=y und CONFIG_QUOTA_NETLINK_INTERFACE=y in/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.24-22-generic/.config?09:18
cuneti si lud09:18
mindrapeAwsoonn: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-creating-or-adding-new-network-alias-to-a-network-card-nic/09:19
mindrape!ru | cune09:19
ubottucune: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke09:19
savvasmindrape: he's serbian, not russian09:19
hugo33Domo origato, Mr Ubottu.09:19
mindrapewell I guess I offended him?09:19
Awsoonnmindrape: that looks exatcly liek what I'm after, let me give it a shot. :)09:20
savvasmindrape: It's like calling an american canadian :p09:20
hugo33mindrape: Shame on you for picking the wrong Cyrillic language.09:20
mindrape!se | cune my bad dawg...09:21
ubottucune my bad dawg...: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se09:21
mindrapehopefully that is correct (lol?)09:21
hugo33er... Mea culpa, o canis?09:22
Ragingflameswhat does the "MARK" mean09:22
mindrapejust periodically writing to make sure all systems go... nothing of consequence.09:22
savvas!sr | mindrape serbian09:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sr09:23
ubottuMolimo udjite u #ubuntu-rs za pomoc u vezi sa Ubuntuom na srpskom jeziku.09:23
mindrapenuk nuk09:23
savvasah there we go09:23
savvas.se is for sweden09:23
mindrapeit's all Greek to me!09:23
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:23
* hugo33 notes that his next PhD will be on the subject of how transliterated cyrillic looks a lot like ROT13.09:24
* hugo33 snickers09:24
pikario!ot | hugo3309:25
ubottuhugo33: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:25
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damo22yay! audacious works with my flac files09:32
damo22thanks guys09:33
savvasso do rhythmbox, amarok, juk... :)09:33
damo22its using a hell of a lot more cpu though09:34
chris_paikI need some help with mail notification not launching from the menubar09:36
mindrapechris_paik - did you right-click on it and configure it for your proper smtp server?09:36
mindrapetoo late09:36
xnixanhi, is it possible to use ubuntu-desktop 8.10 cd as a repository for ubuntu-server 8.10?09:41
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mindrapexnixan: edit your /etc/apt/sources.list09:42
gvsa123how can i share my thunderbird profile between my xp and ubuntu (wubi). i was advised to copy the profile folder from xp to the directory in ubuntu, but some things got messed up... the emails and contacts were there... but add ons like lightning doesn't work. i also use webmail extension to access my hotmail account, and discovered i am having problems with this too... is there a better way to share the same profile between xp and linux?09:42
Nilesh<xnixan> - is it inhouse repository ?09:42
xnixanNilesh, yup!09:43
GibbaTheHuttgvsa123, not sure, I always just copy profiles and works fine for me (sometimes have to change permissions)09:44
dns53gvsa123 have a look for profile sharing extensions, there are a few to sync things like bookmarks09:46
mbdlsavvas: ok well i did the updates and they worked yay...09:47
mbdlsavvas: well nother question... how do u set the number of workspaces in the new version... i havent played with ubuntu since the 7 release09:48
gvsa123ok there's one problem solved. i was using the default setting for webmail extension and ubuntu was blocking the ports. had to change them to something higher than 1024. i can choose ports at random right?09:48
mindrapeany free port09:48
mindrapesudo netstat -tulp to make sure you aren't using an already assigned one.09:49
mbdlhow do u set the number of workspaces in the new version... i havent played with ubuntu since the 7 release09:50
screamsayonararight click ;p09:50
gvsa123mindrape: assigned one meaning some other application is set to use that port? only one application can use a port at anytime?09:50
mindrapegvsa123: yessir09:51
savvasmbdl: you right-click on the workspace at the gnome panel09:51
savvasmbdl: and go to preferences09:51
stmartinhello! why emesene doesn't store my chat logs?09:52
gvsa123mindrape: i don't understand what the output means... how do i know if i used something that is already being used? i set 1024 to be pop and 1025 for smtp09:52
mbdlsavvas: thats what i did and chagned those settings well nothing happens i have 4 workspaces selected09:52
FinnishCan someone help me with dvdauthor.xml-file? I made a DVD-film in Kino, and I only selected "Author"-option in the end. Now I'd like to make that resulted mpeg-film into a DVD. The xml-file is here: http://pastebin.com/m522decb809:52
savvasmbdl: you upgraded from hardy to intrepid, or did you do a clean install of intrepid?09:53
mathijsHi all, I'm looking for a way to sync most of my homedir between pcs. For most .files (config) I use git, firefox uses weave, kde stuff (mail rss agenda) I hope to get done once 4.2 comes out with akonadi fully functional. So I'm looking to sync just normal documents.09:53
* stmartin : could someone possibly tell me why emesene doesn't store chat logs? Thanks.09:53
mbdlclean install09:53
mathijsI'm using rsync at the moment (since not all pcs are online all the time) 3 ways (its 3 pcs), set to just update, not delete. That way when I save something on 1 place, the other places get it overnight. problem is... I can't delete anything anymore, unless I delete it on 3 pcs at once09:53
theunixgeek!repeat | stmartin09:53
FinnishHow do I use that xml-file in a program? In what program? etc...?09:53
ubottustmartin: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience09:53
theunixgeekFinnish: what XML file?09:53
savvasmbdl: weird, I have three workspaces.. did you reboot after applying the updates? :)09:54
mbdlwait ill be right back im going to reboot my system.. see if that helps09:54
Ohkiehi. the audio on my install just stopped working. I've tested it in my dual boot windows and it still works so it doesnt seem to be a hardware problem. anyone know how i can attempt to resolve this?09:54
Finnishtheunixgeek: dvdauthor.xml09:54
theunixgeekFinnish: what's that for?09:54
theunixgeekFinnish: here's something explaining its use: http://nfs.shawnfumo.com/wiki/DVDAuthor/XML09:54
FinnishIt came with Kino, when I rendered a dv-film into DVD-format.09:55
theunixgeekrather, its structure09:55
theunixgeekFinnish: oh, sorry, I've never worked with Kino09:55
savvasFinnish: you mean kino didn't transcode it to dvd?09:55
w00wi m looking for a server chere i can ask in french09:55
w00wmy question more easy09:55
savvasw00w: #ubuntu-fr09:56
Finnishsavvas: After render it gave me a mpeg-file and that xml-file09:56
w00wanyway one of my neighborood is using my network i want to stop it and to see exactly who he is09:56
mbdlsavvas: ok back... so it worked sry for the stupid question... i was trying to do everything at once to save reboots but i guess one of the updates was on gnome or something09:57
savvasmbdl: good :)09:57
Mageiriki-me-basi donloaded a .zip file with an application and i want to install it on ubuntu 8.10. can anyone tell me how to do this?09:58
Nilesh<xnixan> - if its inhouse repository you can go ahead. but make sure you have server packages copied to respective ubuntu-desktop repository.09:58
Ohkiefor some reason the alsa sound on my ubuntu install has stopped working? when i go to system -> preferences -> sound and click one of the test buttons all i get is loud crackling. if i change the device for a specific playback, i hear audio when i click the test button, but not in any other applications. I've tried restarting the alsa server, and it did not help. I've tested audio in windows which i dual boot and it works. can anyone help me09:58
savvasFinnish: I think there's an option to burn/make a dvd in kino, can't actually remember right now.. :\09:58
forensicwannabewOOW: sniff his packets: get backtrack3 and learn how to use Ethereal09:58
screamsayonarais it a fact that in nicotine, you have to actually go into chatrooms or you don't get hits on your searches?09:58
savvasFinnish: did kino cut the scenes you wanted in that mpeg it created?09:58
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kandjaris there anyone who know how to fix a blutooth issue with the latest version of ubuntu?09:59
savvasmagical: what is the name of the application? link?10:00
savvasoops sorry magical10:00
kandjarmeaning: I have to remove my mouse and readd it to the bluetooth app every time I reboot or woke the computer up10:00
savvasMageiriki-me-bas: what is the name of the application? link?10:00
Mageiriki-me-bassavvas, ellinas eisai re? :P10:00
Ohkieahh. its because im an idiot :) thanks for the help everyone10:00
savvasMageiriki-me-bas: nai :) #ubuntu-gr10:01
Mageiriki-me-bassavvas, http://linux.softpedia.com/get/Science-and-Engineering/Medical-Science-Apps-/MyPatients-31847.shtml10:01
gvsa123ah there you go... i had to sudo apt-get install libstdc++5 apparently...10:01
Finnishsavvas: Yeah, the mpeg-file is just the way I wanted10:02
forensicwannabeOhkie: I havn't dealt with that issue, but I know that if it happened to my computer, I could google the problem and find it.10:02
savvasFinnish: try burning it using k3b or something like that10:03
forensicwannabeas a matter of fact, I fix many problems for people who don't google hard enough on this chat site for problems on their computers which i've never seen10:03
zapNCommander, I noticed you being notified on the Frozen Bubbles backport request (310340). Is there anything I can do to make progress?10:03
gvsa123one more thing... how do i link my profile folder under the windows directory to the directory used by thunderbird in ubuntu?10:03
forensicwannabejust ask google the question: if you don't get the answer you want find another way to ask the question10:04
onxforensicwannabe, sometimes it's just that though: someone else finding better search terms10:05
forensicwannabeOhkie: I have a question. I know it seems obvious. but you said the sound stopped working. did it work perfectly before it stopped?10:05
forensicwannabeyeah, but I'10:06
forensicwannabeyeah, but I'm just trying to encourage him to get creative with his searches10:06
onxagreed, that helps ;)10:07
forensicwannabeOhkie: wake up....look at mjy question10:08
enigma_hi, I have resolution set to 1024*768, so WHY on each reboot Ubuntu change resolution to higher ?10:09
theunixgeekHow do I get to the LaTeX preamble in LyX?10:09
balachmarHi, I am trying to use my android dev phone and it a manual says that I should add a udev rule, however it still doesn't seem to be working what is the right name for the usb subsystem or how can I find the right name?10:09
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zhaozhoubalachmar, Are you sure you are changing the name of the whole usb subsystem? that seems very unlikely, but then i'm no expert in udev.10:11
balachmarzhaizhou: http://code.google.com/android/intro/develop-and-debug.html#developingondevicehardware This is what I am doing10:12
GibbaTheHuttenigma_, check also things like monitor thats set10:12
enigma_Ubuntu don't recognize monitor10:13
DefamedPrawncan anybody help me in this chan? Firefox won't start.10:13
GibbaTheHuttDefamedPrawn, try running it from a console and see if any error10:14
knut_hey someone into compiz preferences?10:14
dns53balachmar it is different hardware but have a look at http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/USB_Networking10:15
DefamedPrawnGibbaTheHutt nope. No error. Nothing.10:15
GibbaTheHuttps -ef | grep fox doesn't show any existing instance running ?10:15
DefamedPrawnGibbaTheHutt yes, the process exists ... it's just not doing anything.10:16
GibbaTheHutthow long has it been running ?10:16
GibbaTheHutt(from ps)10:16
forensicwannabeDefamedPrawn: man ps, and see what ps is...you'll learn something10:16
knut_when i compare the smoothness of the osx animations to compiz, it seems that compiz doesnt have enough frames per second.. is there a way to raise the framerate in compiz?10:16
balachmardns53: Thanks for the tip, but actually this doesn't need any networking10:17
DefamedPrawnforensicwannabe I know roughly what ps is ... and there is an instance of firefox there, according to ps -ef |grep fox10:17
jim_pdoes anyone know good zenity usage? i want to broadcast a message like "Dude turn off the bluetooth" using zenity though ssh10:17
jim_pwith an OK button under it :P10:18
dexiahhh new ubuntu install :)10:18
dns53balachmar you sure? i thaught that is how it did the debugging10:18
dexiisnt there some alltools thing i need to get guys?10:18
GibbaTheHuttDefamedPrawn, if its an old instance, you could try killing it and restarting it10:18
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forensicwannabeDefamed: does it tell you how long it has been running?10:18
GibbaTheHuttor maybe run strace on it and see what its up to, may give some clues10:19
DefamedPrawnGibbaTheHutt ok done that. Have now restarted firefox from the console and am waiting for something to happen..10:19
forensicwannabeDefamed: anyways, kill that son of a biscuiteater, and then try to restart10:19
forensicwannabekill it first10:20
DefamedPrawnforensicwannabe I did kill it .. then restarted it from the console.10:20
hateballknut_: If you're sure it's a compizspecific issue, try ##compiz-fusion10:20
* DefamedPrawn is still waiting10:21
knut_hateball: ty10:21
balachmardns53: It only says somthing about creating a udev rule, with the usb subsystem networking is never mentioned10:21
forensicwannabeDefamed: after you killed it in console, did you ps if | grep fox    ?10:21
* DefamedPrawn does a ps -ef |grep firefox and sees there is a firefox process running, even though it's not giving any data at all.10:21
forensicwannabecorrection ef | grep fox10:21
forensicwannabebecause, if you killed it, and then it is still running, then you didn10:22
forensicwannabe't really kill it10:22
ePax0sI'm getting this error while trying to install network printer from HP... when running sudo hp-setup... Anyone knows what this error can be? error: Unable to send broadcast SLP packet: (1, 'Operation not permitted')10:22
DefamedPrawnforensicwannabe no, I'll try that now.10:22
DefamedPrawnforensicwannabe just killed firefox, it is dead. I see no processes running in ps -ef |grep fox10:23
DefamedPrawnforensicwannabe shall I restart firefox from the console now?10:23
dns53balachmar well the g1 either uses serial or usb networking and i know it has usb networking avalable so i'm not sure if it toggles between the two while debugging10:23
DefamedPrawnforensicwannabe shall I restart firefox from the console now?10:24
forensicwannabeyeah good10:25
DefamedPrawnforensicwannabe yep. Restarted. Am now waiting for something to happen.10:25
DefamedPrawnforensicwannabe again, nothing happening.10:26
sybuxhow can I see what is compiled in my kernel ? for exemple is IPv6 enable or not ?10:26
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* DefamedPrawn kills firefox again10:26
forensicwannabehave you uninstalled any programs or packages lagtely10:27
dns53sybux your /boot has config files10:27
* DefamedPrawn tries firefox -safe-mode10:28
sybuxdns53: oh sure, I forget those one !!10:28
DefamedPrawnsomething happens10:28
dns53sybux you can also extract it from proc i think10:28
amerinese_hey i just want to report what i think is a bug, but i'm not sure and i don't really do development, can i tell someone here?  it has to do with the xulrunner package10:28
forensicwannabesomething happens????  yeah.....something happens every day.... you are right Defamed!!!!10:28
AwsoonnHow can I give an interface a nickname/label ex 'Public' and have it show in ifconfig?10:29
dns53amerinese_ have you reported it to launchpad? give lots of details, i used version, to do action and result happened10:29
unopAwsoonn, ifrename10:30
forensicwannabethedoctor can10:30
amerinese_dns53: i guess i'm not really familiar with that10:30
* DefamedPrawn tries firefox -safe-mode, disables all add-ons, and then finds that firefox works when he restarts it.10:31
forensicwannabethedoctor can't stay up for more than one minute10:31
hateballAwsoonn: Not sure about a nickname/alias, but you could always rename the interface altogether10:31
forensicwannabeokay, so one of your addons is the problem10:31
sybuxI've got some problem with my IntelSpeed step ? My laptop (poor pentium M) is always running @600Mhz even if i change in the gnome applet to 1Ghz10:32
aldinsybux, sudo invoke powernowd stop10:33
dns53amerinese_ https://launchpad.net/ is the bug tracking system used for ubuntu, try and find the application name and see if anyone has submitted a bug report for it, if it's a new issue include as much info as you can so it is easier to track down the bug10:33
DefamedPrawnok that's interesting. Firefox jams completely, whenever I try and view my downloads.10:33
natnayr89hi there ppl, how do i get my hp mini 1000 to work with the 3g sim card10:33
Awsoonnhateball: I wish to avoid renaming the device altogether10:34
aldinsybux, sudo invoke-rc.d powernowd stop (pardon, forgot '-rc.d')10:34
forensicwannabeDefamed: do you have bookmarks?\10:34
DefamedPrawnforensicwannabe yes I think so.10:34
ePax0sI'm getting this error while trying to install network printer from HP... when running sudo hp-setup... Anyone knows what this error can be? error: Unable to send broadcast SLP packet: (1, 'Operation not permitted')10:34
sybuxaldin: it's stop10:34
jokkaaWhat does  "Transport endpoint is not connected " mean? im trying to get my Zen working...10:35
hateballAwsoonn: Are you using networkmanager, or just regular /etc/network/interfaces ?10:35
DefamedPrawnforensicwannabe yes all my bookmarks are there.10:35
aldinsybux, perhaps to rmmod modulename - e.g powernow-k8 (for AMD) dont know for intel what is10:35
forensicwannabeDefamed: Then I would save them....backup.... uninstall firefox --remove   remove it completely.....ther is a webpage that tells you how to remove it completely, and then reinstall10:36
sybuxaldin: for being sure, I've recomipled my kernel for Intel Pentium M and activate Intel Speed Step10:36
forensicwannabeyour other option is to remove addons one at a time, and see which one fixes the problem10:36
DefamedPrawnforensicwannabe so lose all my addons, search engines, etc?10:36
sybuxaldin: it as works for about 10 minutes and now it can't change anymore10:36
forensicwannabeYou could probably figure out the problem, but it will take a long time10:37
Awsoonnhateball: interfaces, it si a headless machine10:37
forensicwannabeit's up to you10:37
aldinsybux, do you want or dont you want to have frequency scaling, i mean do you want it to always work on 100%10:37
forensicwannabego to addon manager and bookmark all the addons in your current firefox....before you back them up, so you can reinstall after removing firefox10:38
sybuxaldin: I want to scale but it never change. For exemple now I'm doing some compilation and my CPU is at 100% but only at 600Mhz10:38
hateballAwsoonn: couldnt you just 'cat /etc/network/interfaces' ?10:38
aldinsybux, hmm dont know10:39
hateballAwsoonn: and put comments in there10:39
ShanoesePaxOs: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57355610:39
sybuxaldin: and how to disable it ? I can run a shell when compiling for exemple10:39
forensicwannabeDefamed: one of your addons may be conflicting with another. I would google: firefox addon conflict.....or something like that\10:40
|HSOt|SadiQI'm gettin about 3 blocked packages/sec in firestarter's blocked connection on port 64339...should I worry about it???...seems like a flood :(10:40
aldinsybux, try to find name of that intel speed step module10:40
aigariussybux: try looking at files in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/10:40
orangeyhey all!10:40
orangeyI've been trying to find a way to unload services when suspending (to be reloaded when resuming)10:41
orangeybut I can't figure it out since the change to the new power management system10:41
sybuxaigarius: ok and what should I found there ?10:41
orangeyit used to be that I could use /etc/default/acpi-support10:42
orangeybut even that file now states that it is deprecated..10:42
aigariussybux: the best way usually is to use the ondemand governor by writing 'ondemand' to scaling_governor there10:42
Awsoonnhateball: redhat had a way to do it, so I thought it was universal. I am indeed just puttign comments in the interfaces file now10:43
DefamedPrawnforensicwannabe can you use my full nick when addressing me? That way the x-chat icon in the system tray flashes to let me know.10:43
balachmardns53: I've got it working now at least as root (which is good enough for me now)10:43
alaza1best linux/compiz supported dual-scrren graphics card? suggestions anybody?10:43
balachmardns53: Basically everything was fine, just needed to run the command (the server and the normal command as root)10:43
sybuxaigarius: this is the case but my CPU speed never change even when my CPU is at 100% of use10:44
SJrXQuestion, anyone know how to jump in XMOTO?10:44
forensicwannabeDefamedPrawn: yeah sure... no prob, but I have to go anyways. good luck with your prob. sounds like you got it licked.10:44
|HSOt|SadiQhmm...firestarter's eating 80% of my cpu now :((10:44
|HSOt|SadiQany help???10:44
SeveasSJr, drive up a hill very fast. At the top of the hill you jump :)10:45
orkunhey there: with 2.6.27-11 ubuntu switched back from r8187 to rtl8187 wireless lan module(which FINALLY works again) - why was the first change made anyway(rendering my installation useless for 3 months), who decides this stuff and where can i read about those changes/participate in deciding these things. my main concern is: will it stay like this? can i trust my installation not to be broken via upgrade again?10:45
dns53balachmar good to hear, i haven't played around with andriod yet on my openmoko10:45
aigariussybux: then what is most likely is that you do not have the correct driver loaded for the scaling to work, you can see the driver currently in use in the scaling_driver file10:45
SJrXHmmmm no10:45
sybuxaigarius: It's "acpi-cpufreq"10:46
orangeyWhat has replaced /etc/default/acpi-support for UNLOADING services?10:46
alaza1best linux/compiz supported dual-screen graphics card?10:46
balachmardns53: I have the android dev phone and I like it. I wanted a phone with hardware keyboard and 3G That why I didn't opt for the openmoko, and the fact that the openmoko is still a bit dodgy as a phone10:46
forensicwannabe|HSOt|SadiQ;  sounds like you're getting a DOS attack, but that's probably not it....maybe some bug.... you should renice your firestarter10:46
DefamedPrawn|HSOt|SadiQ yeah it does that sometimes ... especially if you have bittorrent running.10:46
balachmardns53: Although I really like that the devphone is hardware unlocked as well, so in theory I could run openmoko on this as well.10:47
|HSOt|SadiQI've just restarted my pc10:47
DefamedPrawn|HSOt|SadiQ you don't need firestarter running ... your firewall is up anyway, be default.10:47
|HSOt|SadiQand it seems they're probing the same port from a lot of different Ip ranges10:47
|HSOt|SadiQwell...my connection was gettin knocked about 2 times a day so I installed firestarter to check10:48
forensicwannabesounds like a DOS attack???\10:48
|HSOt|SadiQfor waaaay to many different Ipo's???10:48
forensicwannabesounds like a DOS attack10:48
forensicwannabewhy would anyone attack your IP10:48
aigariussybux: you can try telling the driver to switch frequencies directly by using the "userspace" scaling governor and writing a freqency to the scaling_setspeed file10:49
forensicwannabeit's a mistake10:49
damo22anyone know of a dvd player that plays divx, and also has volume control on the analogue outputs?  i googled it for a while and came up blank...10:49
|HSOt|SadiQI've got a clean ubuntu install10:49
DefamedPrawn|HSOt|SadiQ have you had Azureus or Vuze, or any bittorrent client up?10:49
|HSOt|SadiQyes...3 days ago10:49
|HSOt|SadiQturned it off thou :P10:49
unop|HSOt|SadiQ, probably too late by now.10:50
|HSOt|SadiQ3 days later???10:50
aigariussybux: but there is one more thing - I once had a broken AC adapter on my Dell laptop and the CPU on that laptop refused to go to full frequency when that adapter was plugged in because it could not detect how many watts it could provide10:50
|HSOt|SadiQand after the Ip changed???10:50
orangeyAny ideas on how I can unload / reload services when I suspend / resume?10:50
sybuxaigarius: actually I'm on the battery10:51
forensicwannabe|HSO|SadiQ:   what probably happened is that your internet provider changed your IP, and they gave you an IP of a business or organization that was prone to attack. Call your internet provider and tell them that you are being atacked by a DOS attack, and you need them to change your IP10:51
sybuxaigarius: I can't change the scaling_setspeed manualy. Vi says : Fsync error10:52
|HSOt|SadiQrebooting changes that Ip...but the same thing appears in firestarter...just a different port :(10:52
forensicwannabetell them to change your IP again. this is no an uncommon problem10:52
forensicwannabeare you running a server?10:52
|HSOt|SadiQI hate rebooting10:52
unop|HSOt|SadiQ, do you use a router for your internet connection?10:53
forensicwannabedo you have a nat router?10:53
FloodBot2|HSOt|SadiQ: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:53
|HSOt|SadiQno router...cable goes in eth010:53
forensicwannabeyou need to run your computer behind a nat router for a firewall10:53
unop|HSOt|SadiQ, ok, but how can you be guaranteed that the IP address changes?10:53
|HSOt|SadiQit's not the same???10:54
unop|HSOt|SadiQ, not necessarily10:54
|HSOt|SadiQI'm not exactly newbie i linux :P10:54
DefamedPrawnhey my Download Manager's fixed10:54
forensicwannabedidn't you say that rebooting it causes the IP  to change10:54
DefamedPrawncourtessy of Magilla in ##australia10:54
PokerFacePenguin|HSOt|SadiQ: you can sudo dhclient eth010:54
|HSOt|SadiQit changes after a reboot10:54
aigariussybux: so you need to try loadig different scaling drivers and then try to change the frequency manually, I don't know the list of possible drivers, however10:54
DefamedPrawn[21:21] <Magilla> rename downloads.sqlite to downloads.sqlite.old10:54
forensicwannabedid you put a strong password on your administrator account when you installed ubuntu?\10:55
unop|HSOt|SadiQ, in any case, use a firewall, secure all open ports and you should be ok - they tend to give up after a while.10:55
oobeforensicwannabe, do you want to know my root password?10:55
jim_phow can i scan for wireless networks around me from the terminal?10:55
forensicwannabeoobe.....I don't think so10:55
sybuxaigarius: he scaling_max_freq has 600000 value and I can't change to 110000010:55
jim_pi just want ONE ssid10:55
unopjim_p,  sudo iwlist scan10:56
PokerFacePenguinjim_p: try installing kismet10:56
oobeforensicwannabe, lol10:56
|HSOt|SadiQit's been like this for 2 days now :(10:56
jim_punop, thanks10:56
jim_pPokerFacePenguin, i dont have internet connection there10:56
forensicwannabesoftware firewalls are worthless10:56
aigariussybux: and what does cpuinfo_max_freq say?10:56
forensicwannabeonly a nat router will give you a secure firewall...... for your application10:57
sybuxaigarius: cpuinfo_max_freq is 110000010:57
|HSOt|SadiQmy connection got dropped with some strange "TCP: Treason uncloaked!" message last time10:57
sybuxaigarius: this is the point where I can't understand what's happend10:57
unopforensicwannabe, that's not true - in any case, you're offtopic there.10:57
forensicwannabedid you make a strong password when you installed ubuntu?10:57
forensicwannabeunop: he's in trouble...he's a newbie, and I'm just trying to help him get his ubuntu back on track10:58
aigariussybux: let me put it this way - the inux kernel hears that that the CPU is capable of 1.1Ghz, but is unable to find a knob that would allow it to reach that10:58
sybuxaigarius: exactly10:59
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unopforensicwannabe, to say only a NAT router will protect him is untrue - and subjective - anyway, offtopic.10:59
forensicwannabeunop: it's not absolutely true, but it is true in general.....like I said for his application......10:59
forensicwannabeexactly.....I was just trying to talk to him in terms that he could understand and deal with.11:00
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PokerFacePenguinhmm, looks like  a netsplit11:02
aigariussybux: look into /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/arch/x86/kernel/cpu/cpufreq for possible drivers11:02
|HSOt|SadiQthat sudo dhclient ppp0 killed my connection11:02
PokerFacePenguinit reset your ip address11:02
|HSOt|SadiQno...I had to use the GUI to do that11:03
PokerFacePenguin|HSOt|SadiQ: that command sends out a dhcp request11:03
|HSOt|SadiQNo working leases in persistent database - sleeping. ...was the response11:03
forensicwannabeoobe: cheers....I'm outta here..... I like someone who can make a wise crack from time to time..... do I want your password  lol11:03
sybuxaigarius: actually I'm using acpu-cpufreq but I don't know which other I can try11:03
PokerFacePenguin|HSOt|SadiQ: hmmm, no dhcp server listening to give you an ip11:04
PokerFacePenguin|HSOt|SadiQ: but you did it on ppp0 not eth011:05
|HSOt|SadiQright clicking on that network applet and selecting/deselecting Enable Network fixed it11:05
aigariussybux: could it be that your CPU is to new to have proper support in the kernel?11:05
|HSOt|SadiQon eth0 it had no effect11:05
sybuxaigarius: I don't think so, my laptop is 3 years old11:05
|HSOt|SadiQI'm connecting to the internet directly trough eth0---->ppp011:05
|HSOt|SadiQfirestarter's chilled out a bit now :)11:06
|HSOt|SadiQjust lots of requests for shoutcast servers and port 8080 in the logs11:06
|HSOt|SadiQactually I'm beeing scanned for opened ports....ip's are not too different now11:07
PokerFacePenguin|HSOt|SadiQ: you could deny that domain in iptables i believe....11:07
bazhang|HSOt|SadiQ, please take this to #networking or #ubuntu-offtopic11:08
|HSOt|SadiQoh...sry...didn't see the #networking in ubuntu.com's web page :(11:09
Shanoes|HSOt|SadiQ, might be worth looking into shorewall firewall if this continues11:09
|HSOt|SadiQsry all...and thx :)11:09
PokerFacePenguin|HSOt|SadiQ: your best/easiest solution is a router11:09
meekatronhello having issues getting my head round dns and proxy`s, i had a spare machine so decided to make my own dns and proxy server. my first question is if my local machine uses the dns server will it automatically use the proxy server because it is on the same machine as the dns server11:09
|HSOt|SadiQthat would be ideal, but every store out here is closed for holydays :(11:10
donkey3hi, could somebody help me with a wireless connection? (i had winxp on this laptop before and it worked fine) i cant find any wireless connections (hotspots) or connect to my own wireless server!11:10
PokerFacePenguin|HSOt|SadiQ: technically you could set it up with virtual ethernet interface and some routing, but that is a big onion to peel11:10
neko1 2 test11:11
|HSOt|SadiQI'm not that skilled yet :P11:11
PokerFacePenguindonkey3: router..lol11:11
nekohey how do i install a font in the last ubuntu11:11
PokerFacePenguinwrong name11:11
donkey3oh okey11:11
t_Hey all11:11
nekowas really easy on the older version11:11
|HSOt|SadiQthe thing is it worked perfectly 3 days ago...then I reinstalled ubuntu and all this started to happen :(11:11
nekoi try make some .fonts folder that didn't work11:12
t_Who's experienced with Virtual Box here?11:12
PokerFacePenguin|HSOt|SadiQ: yeah, its gonna work fine till somebody finds you11:12
n2diy|HSOt|SadiQ, things have "improved"?11:12
nekowhat about virtual box11:12
PokerFacePenguint_: I run it, not an expert11:12
|HSOt|SadiQyep...only port scans in logs now11:12
donkey3could someone help me with a wireless connection?11:12
dieter_Hi all, can anyone tell me how to make the extssh-protocol work with cvs on the commandline?11:12
t_Well, I cant find a way to sync my host resolution with the virtual machine11:12
|HSOt|SadiQthey made firestarter eat 80% of my CPU :((11:13
|HSOt|SadiQgot knopws the size of my logs in the HDD11:13
PokerFacePenguindonkey3: u running encryption?11:13
t_I'm running a WinXP in a virtual box, and it only goes up to 1240x102411:13
nekoi don't find info about how to install additional fonts on intrepid ibex11:13
=== RandomCake_ is now known as RandomCake
nekot_ , you have installed the additional drivers ?11:13
PokerFacePenguint_: i havent had that prob11:13
t_My host resolution is 1440x90011:13
t_I have no idea what that is11:13
t_I cant find an answer anywhere on the forum11:14
donkey3PokerFacePenguin: i have no ide, i havent installed anything to the wlan yet. ive downloaded madwifi but i dont know how to install/use it11:14
nekot_ maybe you need give it more video memory11:15
t_1 gig is fine11:15
neko1 Go for the video ,, fo sure would be enough11:15
chilli0hello all11:15
PokerFacePenguindonkey3: hmm, my card works out of the box......i recommend alfa 036e to everyone....500mw card ...that is 1/2 a watt11:15
PokerFacePenguindonkey3: most cards are like 30mw11:16
chilli0does adobe cs4 portable work in ubuntu wine?11:16
nekot_ you have installed the additionnal drivers ?11:16
donkey3PokerFacePenguin: is that a driver?11:16
PokerFacePenguindonkey3: it is a model of wifi card...usb type11:16
donkey3oh yeah i know thoose thing!11:16
donkey3but ive allready got a wlan in this laptop, why cant i make it work?11:17
PokerFacePenguindonkey3: enthusiastic owner of 4 of em11:17
nekot_ on your virtual windows xp installation11:17
Shanoesdieter, do you have ssh access to your cvs server?11:17
t_It says to download something online11:17
t_What's an additional driver?11:17
dieter_Shanoes, yes I have ssh access to the server11:18
nekot_ i don't remember how it is call but there is special drivers11:18
PokerFacePenguindonkey3: some of those drivers require finesse....linux is getting better tho11:18
nekot_ for windows xp inside a virtualbox11:18
t_Apparently those are never explained11:18
nekot_ wait a sec11:18
Shanoesdieter_ have you set CVS_RSH and CVSROOT?11:18
NET||abusehi guys.. trying to get Company Of Heroes on Steam working on Wine. there's a note on the forums and winehq about changing direct3d settings in the wine / windows registry.. but trying to run regedit is causing an issue for me11:18
NET||abusesays can't load an archive?ahhh11:19
NET||abusenever mind... i'm a moron..11:19
dieter_Shanoes, no up to now I tried only with cvs -d ... option11:19
hak5fanHi all does anyone know how to turn off sounds in kopete11:20
aresuI am newbies on linux. may I now, what is the similar k-lite code from windows on ubuntu os? thanks11:20
bazhangubuntu-restricted-extras aresu11:21
Shanoesdieter_, OK you will need to tell cvs to use ssh and where the repository is by using these variables11:21
bazhangaresu, you can also check at medibuntu.org for w32codecs and libdvdcss211:21
dieter_Shanoes, thank you, I'll check this out11:22
Shanoesdieter_, in your .bashrc (or elsewhere) export CVS_RSH=ssh11:22
aresubazhang: thank very much11:22
Shanoesdieter_, export CVSROOT=user@cvs.server:/path/to/repository11:22
Shanoesdieter_, have a read of http://www.mtu.net/~engstrom/ssh-cvs.php11:22
dieter_Shanoes, when using non standard port for ssh, do I specify it in the same way as I would for a nonstandard pserver-port in CVSROOT?11:24
|HSOt|SadiQcan anyone paste an xorg.conf please...mine seems to lack a lot of things in it :((11:24
NCommander|HSOt|SadiQ, just delete xorg.conf, it will automatically be regenerated11:24
aresuhi all, is it required to install antivirus on Ubuntu? like I install on windows before. thanks11:25
Shanoesdieter_, not sure but sounds reasonable...11:25
|HSOt|SadiQbut it will still lack a lot of things11:25
styleCan I ubuntu read a book for me?11:25
styleMy eyes are tired.11:25
dr_willis|HSOt|SadiQ,  the new X versions autoconfigure a lot of things. You can still use older xorg.conf to tweak things ibelive11:25
hak5fanaresu: Generally No11:25
dr_willis!virus |  aresu11:25
ubottuaresu: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2111:26
PokerFacePenguinaresu: not necessary except maybe to keep it from spreading to your friends on windows via email etc11:26
|HSOt|SadiQwell...I lack the old xorg.conf...that's why I need one of yours11:26
|HSOt|SadiQmine looks too simple compared to what I had before11:26
dieter_Schanoes, no, it wont work that way: "CVSROOT port specification is only valid for gserver, kserver, and pserver connection methods."11:27
dr_willis|HSOt|SadiQ,  simple is how its supposed to look.11:27
dr_willis|HSOt|SadiQ,  some systems can get by with no xorg.conf I hear. X can autoconfigure all the stuff  :)11:27
|HSOt|SadiQso...how do I know if Composite is enabled??? since it's not in xorg.conf :(11:28
aresuI guys, I really excited using ubuntu (my first linux) ;-) the program launch and process is very fast ;-), I am developing web application usually using xampp on windows, but is not so fast like on linux :)11:28
|HSOt|SadiQthat was an example11:28
aresui am so happy11:28
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
grobda24I tried using "Unetbootin super grub disk" to make a Windows XP boot loader load Ubuntu on a second harddisk. I selected something like "set laptop partition" by mistake, and now I get "error loading operating system". My files are intact. Partition table - http://paste.linuxassist.net/156491 ... Any ideas ?11:28
dr_willis|HSOt|SadiQ,  so you have an actual 'problem' with X  ? Theres commands that   tell that specific example I belive.. Not sure what ones.11:28
dr_willis|HSOt|SadiQ,  you could always add  specific 'sections' back to the xorg.conf if you want to try to override the defaults11:29
pznHi. the slash-question key stopped working (both tty1 and X11) after adding intrepid-updates to source list. which package should I downgrade to fix this? any other suggestion to fix it?11:29
|HSOt|SadiQno...X works fine...but I lack(I think) a lot of options in my xorg.conf that I used to tweak, or add things I needed11:29
Shanoesdieter_, non standard port info here http://www.bartbusschots.ie/blog/?p=52711:29
dr_willis|HSOt|SadiQ,  they are not lacking. they are being auto-set. If you have an old xorg.conf that worked for you.. copy it back over. if you really wan tto see all them.11:30
|HSOt|SadiQbut I can't add them without knowing wich are...and there doesn't seem to be a nice xorg.conf anywere11:30
|HSOt|SadiQI don't have :(11:30
|HSOt|SadiQif someone here can paste it for me...?11:30
dr_willistheres 100000's of web sites with people showing example xorg.conf files11:30
|HSOt|SadiQnone seem complete thou :(11:31
|HSOt|SadiQmy xorg.conf doesn't even have a Server Flags Option11:31
t_Excuse me but does anyone know how to install guest additions with Virtual Box?11:31
dr_willis|HSOt|SadiQ,  look for older ones then.   The whole point of the NEW changes in X was to make xorg.conf simpiler.11:31
t_I'm finding it impossible to get whatever that is.11:31
|HSOt|SadiQand I don't want to add it without knowing where and what to add :)11:32
grobda24|HSOt|SadiQ, I think you can auto generate one for your system if you read the docs on Ubuntu wiki.11:32
dr_willisTheres that old xorg-somthing reconfigure command also..11:32
PokerFacePenguint_: you  should be able to automount the ISO image11:32
* grobda24 wonders why if someone asks for help there are suddenyl "zillions" of sites out there with the answer ?11:32
dr_willist_,  i enable the 'install guest addations' in the menu, then  either mount manually the cd image it just added to the virtualmachine, or browse witht he file mnager and find it.. I use the terminal.. since i run the installer from the terminal11:33
NET||abusehmm, my wine registry doesn't have the key HKCU->Software->Wine->Direct3D which should then contain OffscreenRenderingMode,, it has up to Wine, why is this not available? or how do i try to fix the rendering problems in games?11:33
=== jared is now known as jadz0r
NET||abuseanyone know any other good guides for this stuff?11:33
grobda24NET||abuse, http://winehq.org ?11:34
=== jadz0r is now known as d31
SlartNET||abuse: or #winehq11:34
NET||abusegrobda24: i'm looking for this Direct3d Key under a posting on winhq.org     oh.. Slart: ok i'll check #winehq11:34
Melio1i have wifi stuff that doesnt work, on forums people are known to use the ndiswrapper to get it working. is this fairly easy?11:35
grobda24NET||abuse, dat da one11:35
d31Hey guys, what channel would be best to discuss full screen video playback issues?11:35
d31Melio1, fairly easy if you read the instructions11:35
Melio1d31 where's the instructions11:36
grobda24d31 ... with Kaffeine ?11:36
d31grobda24, at the moment using vlc11:36
dieter_Shanoes, thanks a lot, now it just works (tm) ;)11:37
d31grobda24, Not sure if it's a video driver issue, as I am using the latest ATI drivers. Framerate seems to be okay when i'm not using fullscreen11:37
Shanoesdieter_ no worries mate have fun11:37
sybuxaigarius: still here ? I've found an issue on internet. It seems that my laptop is becoming to hot and the thermal sense disable cpu scaling as my laptop is fan less. It seems to be reported as a bug. You can find more details here (for personal culture) : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/8889911:37
mikiI want to help in dev Open Source ware11:38
aigariussybux: that makes sense11:38
Shanoesmiki dont we all ;)11:38
d31I'm also not sure if VLC should be chewing up as much CPU as it does, currently using between 15/20%11:38
Melio1hmm. why wouldnt apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils work11:39
jim_pd31, are you on ati + fglrx +compiz?11:39
unopMelio1, depends on the error you get :)11:39
unop!info ndiswrapper-utils11:39
ubottuPackage ndiswrapper-utils does not exist in intrepid11:39
unopMelio1, ^^ that probably explains why11:39
jokkaajoin #zen11:40
mikishanoes i especially want to write some code11:40
Melio1er unop. when i type ndiswrapper -l11:40
d31jim_p, yeah I am11:40
Melio1it sais sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-common11:40
Melio1i tried that11:40
Melio1and it failed to retrieve11:40
bullgard4Who can explain to me the sentence  "NAME: rtnetlink - macros to manipulate rtnetlink messages" from man 3 rtnetlink?11:40
Melio1so i'm guessing it's something else11:40
Melio1!info ndiswrapper-common11:41
ubottundiswrapper-common (source: ndiswrapper): Common scripts required to use the utilities for ndiswrapper. In component main, is optional. Version 1.52-1ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 19 kB, installed size 96 kB11:41
d31jim_p, X1400, I thought that I had done everything to get video working, and it does work fine when i'm not using fullscreen, just that fullscreen does lack a decent framerate11:41
unopMelio1, post the output you get on a !pastebin11:41
Melio1E: Couldn't find package ndiswrapper-common11:41
Melio1standard error11:41
ltspI want to configure the common desktop with out administraor control what am i do in ltsp ubuntu?11:41
ltspI want to configure the common desktop with out administraor control what am i do in ltsp ubuntu?11:41
jim_pd31, and fglrx too?11:41
Mageiriki-me-basis there any way to use LTSP over wi-fi?11:42
ltspI want to configure the common desktop with out administraor control what am i do in ltsp ubuntu?11:42
Melio1ltsp: don't repeat what you want. your not 2 years old11:42
unopMelio1, sounds like you don't have the repository enabled.11:42
ltspsorry ...11:42
d31jim_p, yep11:42
Melio1unop, possibly. i'm fairly new to ubuntu11:42
d31fglrxinfo reports back that it is using the ATI d rivers11:42
unop!repositories | Melio111:42
ubottuMelio1: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories11:42
ltspI want to configure the common desktop with out administraor control what am i do in ltsp ubuntu?11:43
Shanoesmiki not sure this is the right forum for such questions, do a google for 'contributing open source newbie' of such11:43
jim_pd31, try changing video output (of the player you use) to gl or gl2. and close compiz when watching videos11:44
jim_pd31, or use the opensource radeon driver11:44
Shanoesmiki and get yourself a CS degree (if you dont have one already)11:44
d31jim_p, Thanks11:44
Melio1i bet changing adding repos will fix this11:45
SJrXWhat'll the fallout be if I change the partition that Linux / is on from Primary to Logical?11:46
ltspI want to install one application which is created by us. now i want to install it on the ltsp server, and every user can access from his menu...?can u help me...11:46
etronikhi all, what is the package name for the midnight commander thingy ? TIA11:46
dr_willisSJrX,  grub may or may not look in the wrong place.. but i think the newer grub setups use UUID.  So that may confuse things if the UUID changes11:47
n2diyetronik, mc11:47
dr_willisSJrX,  and the fstab file also uses UUID's so they will need tobe corrected11:47
BoohbahSJrX: try gparted to add and change partitions11:47
d31jim_p, turning off compiz, seems to fix the video playback issue11:47
jim_pd31, are you into gaming?11:47
ltspI want to install one application (spark which is messenger services). now i want to install it on the ltsp server, and every user can access from his menu...?can u help me...11:47
bullgard4etronik: mc11:47
Melio1ok rebooting once this installs11:47
ltspI want to install one application (spark which is messenger services). now i want to install it on the ltsp server, and every user can access from his menu...?can u help me...11:48
Melio1wifi should pop right up11:48
Melio1if not i'll fix it11:48
FloodBot2Melio1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:48
d31jim_p, nope, but i do enjoy a couple of the nice desktop effects that compiz does offer, mainly the transparency and expo...none of the stupid wobbly windows11:48
ltspI want to install one application (spark which is messenger services). now i want to install it on the ltsp server, and every user can access from his menu...?can u help me...11:49
jim_pd31, if not, use the radeon driver that can do compiz and flicker free video playback with compiz, but it only has the 20% of fglrx's power in 3d11:49
AMDMutantjim_p: fglrx+compiz. vo x11 runs fine11:49
etronikI installed commander but in putty, the pseudo-graphical lines appear as letters, how do I correct that ? TIA11:49
jim_pAMDMutant, sure? then 90% ati users need a doctor11:50
jim_petronik, do you use putty for ssh?11:50
dr_willisetronik,   tell putty to use the UTF-8 encoding scheme I belive..  i have to do that with mc also.11:50
etronikjim_p: yes11:50
etronikdr_willis: thanks, will try11:51
silv3r_m00nhi there11:51
silv3r_m00ni want to do some processing on mp3 files like changing bitrate from 128 to 32 etc11:51
d31jim_p, AMDMutant running compiz definitely seems to slow things down11:51
silv3r_m00nwhich tool can i sue ?11:51
dr_willisetronik,  translation -> utf-8 works for mc here. :)11:51
Boohbahsilv3r_m00n: lame11:51
imaginentIf i'm updating ubuntu from the internet using sudo, is it possible for someone to be able to access my system?11:51
Boohbahimaginent: if your system is connected to the internet there is always a possibilty that someone will access it11:52
silv3r_m00nBoohbah: lame ?11:52
silv3r_m00ninteresting name11:52
etronikdr_willis: that did it :-) thanks11:52
dr_willisetronik,  theres also other options that may affect that in tha tarea.. 'line drawing' features.. but I just use utf-8 and it works here for me.11:52
Boohbahsilv3r_m00n: yes, it is the best mp3 encoder11:52
Brandanholy crap this room has a lot of users11:52
silv3r_m00nBoohbah: let me install and try11:53
dr_willisBrandan,  actually its a slow day11:53
AMDMutantd31: yah, im slow anyway :)11:53
d31AMDMutant, :) I might have a poke around google, but at least I know that it's compiz that's the issue. Thanks for the help jim_p and AMDMutant :)11:53
silv3r_m00nBoohbah: it hasnt got a frontend ?11:54
qawshi, how to set LCD monitor native resolution (1920x1080) with DVI, please? With VGA, it goes OK, but when I connect DVI, it limits me to 1280x102411:54
jim_pd31, seriously, if you do not need max 3d performance, go to radeon driver11:54
Boohbahsilv3r_m00n: yes there are many frontends, not sure what they're called11:54
AMDMutantd31: nop11:54
dr_willisqaws,  have you rebooted after connecting to the new connection?11:54
Boohbahsilv3r_m00n: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29922211:54
qawsdr_willis, I connected it, when the computer was off11:55
dr_willisqaws,  normally DVI gets the right res for me.. If you  are using a NVIDIA card. You may need to have the nvidia Drivers installed properly first.. I had one box that dident get the right dvi res Untill I had the nvidia drivers going11:55
Boohbahsilv3r_m00n: http://lame.sourceforge.net/links.php11:55
silv3r_m00nBoohbah: thanks11:56
qawsdr_willis, my nvidia drivers are (should be) OK, 3D games go without problems with VGA and 1920x1080.11:57
Boohbahsilv3r_m00n: not sure of any GUI that does the bitrate conversion though, the command line syntax is not difficult and there are examples in the man page11:57
silv3r_m00nBoohbah: let me try11:57
qawsdr_willis, ... and I did not have to rewrite anything in xorg.conf, when I installed this monitor with VGA. I had only to change the resolution11:58
d31jim_p, heh, well here goes, we'll see how i go with installing the drivers11:58
monkey_d_luffyDoes anyone know of a GUI-based application for editing EXIF tags?12:00
dr_willisqaws,  ive seen some other cases where people have had to  add a new mode to their xorg.conf files.. but never with dvi connectors..12:00
dr_willisqaws,  check the xorg.conf - it could be theres some wrong mode/res entry thats limiting it.12:01
dangiti have a samba share mounted through nautilus, how can i check stuff like available disk size etc on the share?12:03
qawsdr_willis, is it possible, if it just works with VGA? I looked for wrong entry, but I did not find nothing12:03
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dr_willisqaws,  hard to tell.. I wouldent think so.. Ive never heard of such an issue.. as a 'test' try moving the xorg.conf to another file. and just restarting X :) see if that kicks it in the head.12:05
dr_willisqaws,  ie: restart X with No xorg.conf at all.. see if it rescans/configures12:05
qawsdr_willis, thanks, I will try...12:05
dr_willisdangit,  check with the mount command to see if its actually 'mounted' the gnome file manager can 'browse' shares without mounting them in the normal sence.12:06
dangitdr_willis, doesn't seem to be12:06
=== Igorots is now known as Igorot
dr_willisdangit,  then its not really mounted. Im not sure how to get the size/space of the thing the gnome way..12:07
jim_p!info nvidia-glx12:10
ubottuPackage nvidia-glx does not exist in intrepid12:10
jim_p!info nvidia12:10
ubottuPackage nvidia does not exist in intrepid12:10
=== ]L[iNu]X[ is now known as alessio4ever
UndergroundZer0chris4585, You need to set a channel greet message. "Set greeting Blah Blah Blah"12:11
UndergroundZer0chris4585, You can also specify which rooms to set your greeting in "Set greeting chans #chan1 #chan2 #chan3"12:11
UndergroundZer0y0315219, You need to set a channel greet message. "Set greeting Blah Blah Blah"12:11
UndergroundZer0y0315219, You can also specify which rooms to set your greeting in "Set greeting chans #chan1 #chan2 #chan3"12:11
FloodBot2UndergroundZer0: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:11
UndergroundZer0sprash, You need to set a channel greet message. "Set greeting Blah Blah Blah"12:11
UndergroundZer0sprash, You can also specify which rooms to set your greeting in "Set greeting chans #chan1 #chan2 #chan3"12:11
=== zerwas_ is now known as peter4241
etronikguys: apt-get installed phpMyAdmin into /usr/share, should I also place a manual install of bugzilla in there despite suggestions for /usr/local or /var/www ?12:13
mbdlanyone a mac user here12:13
UndergroundZer0Hi UndergroundZer0 , Welcome to Ubuntu Official Support help channel, Please read the topic .. Do not Swear, be friendly and nice to all ubuntu Lovers12:14
UndergroundZer0Hi C0p3rn11 , Welcome to Ubuntu Official Support help channel, Please read the topic .. Do not Swear, be friendly and nice to all ubuntu Lovers12:14
jim_pwhat package do i need to install for an nvidia 5700m ?12:14
UndergroundZer0Hi norbert79 , Welcome to Ubuntu Official Support help channel, Please read the topic .. Do not Swear, be friendly and nice to all ubuntu Lovers12:15
norbert79Good day... Hey, nice welcome message12:15
=== C0p3rn11 is now known as c0p3rn11
UndergroundZer0Hi pepi , Welcome to Ubuntu Official Support help channel, Please read the topic .. Do not Swear, be friendly and nice to all ubuntu Lovers12:15
UndergroundZer0Hi The_Mentor , Welcome to Ubuntu Official Support help channel, Please read the topic .. Do not Swear, be friendly and nice to all ubuntu Lovers12:15
norbert79Ehm, would it be possible not sending this message to the main channel, but as warning info or private message?12:15
UndergroundZer0Hi eleos2 , Welcome to Ubuntu Official Support help channel, Please read the topic .. Do not Swear, be friendly and nice to all ubuntu Lovers12:16
norbert79otherwise it is a good idea12:16
Boohbahkill the bot now!12:16
UndergroundZer0Hi Linda_ , Welcome to Ubuntu Official Support help channel, Please read the topic .. Do not Swear, be friendly and nice to all ubuntu Lovers12:16
UndergroundZer0Hi hak5fan , Welcome to Ubuntu Official Support help channel, Please read the topic .. Do not Swear, be friendly and nice to all ubuntu Lovers12:16
mbdlany mac users?12:16
norbert79mbdl: No, but give it a shot, maybe we can help you out after all12:16
UndergroundZer0Hi pratikk , Welcome to Ubuntu Official Support help channel, Please read the topic .. Do not Swear, be friendly and nice to all ubuntu Lovers12:16
eleos2how can i install the ext4 linux kernel in ubuntu12:17
norbert79mbdl: If it concerns Ubuntu related problems of course12:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ext412:17
jim_pwhat package do i need to install for an nvidia 5700m ?12:17
norbert79eleos2: You have to compile your own kernel, using the latest source12:17
dr_willisIs ext4 considered safe at this time?12:17
jim_pthat m is because its on laptop12:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kernel_compile12:17
mbdlnorbert79:  cant get my sound to work12:17
eleos2norbert79 how can i do that?12:17
norbert79dr_willis: Yes, afaik Linus set it as stable for the latest12:17
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages12:17
dr_willisnorbert79,  more fun for the next release then. :)12:18
norbert79dr_willis: More headaches too :)12:18
mbdlnorbert79: i tryed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro4-1/Intrepid12:18
mbdland it will not work12:18
dr_willisnorbert79,  i havent been  Keeping up with ext4 other then 'its comming....'12:18
norbert79dr_willis: Check the latest release of the kernel news12:18
norbert79mbdl: Hang on12:18
eleos2is ubuntu going to release  the linux kernel ext4?12:18
norbert79eleos2: Probably in the next release12:18
norbert79eleos2: But i doubt it12:19
mbdlnorbert79: thx12:19
norbert79eleos2: Maybe in 9.1012:19
dr_willisIts not like they would force people to use ext4  -12:19
eleos2is it good if install it by  myself?12:19
norbert79eleos2: It's way different, when you try to impőlement a new filesystem to a distro than having a new version of Gnome for example12:19
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dr_williseleos2,  you take your system in your own hands then..12:19
dr_williseleos2,  try it if you want. :) thats the linux way12:20
jim_peleos2, because its not a rolling release distro. you can always compile the kernel yourself12:20
norbert79eleos2: It's always nice experimenting, but do it at your own risk :) KNOW what you are trying to accomplish12:20
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.12:20
eleos2ok thx guys12:20
norbert79thats far night true12:20
norbert79Ubuntu uses the unstable tree from Debian12:20
norbert79if you want stability, use Debian, Ubuntu uses always the latest12:21
eleos2iam on debian12:21
jim_pin fact, ubuntu uses a mix of debian unstable + experimental branches12:21
norbert79jim_p: Thank you, thats the right definiton12:21
jim_peleos2, then 2.6.28 will come sooner or later12:21
norbert79mbdl: Ok, let me see12:21
stjepanhi, anyone using gnome2-globalmenu?12:22
jim_pwhat package do i need to install for an nvidia 5700m ?12:22
mbdlnorbert79: ok12:22
eleos2ho ho ho my friend jimbo12:22
eleos2ti kaneis re palikari?12:22
norbert79Que? :)12:22
norbert79Sorry, this is english only12:23
jim_peleos2, come pm me12:23
pppepppihi all12:23
norbert79pppepppi: Hi12:23
bullgard4Who can explain to me the sentence  "NAME: rtnetlink - macros to manipulate rtnetlink messages" from man 3 rtnetlink?12:24
norbert79mbdl: Check your private messagesd12:24
norbert79bullgard4: Whats rtnetlink?12:24
norbert79bullgard4: Ok, found, hang on12:25
norbert79bullgard4: What do you try to accomplish?12:25
norbert79bullgard4: If you would like to alter your routing table, use 'route'12:25
bullgard4norbert79: To understand an error message which I obtain when thawing my LAN.12:26
norbert79I see12:26
norbert79Whats the error message?12:26
bullgard4norbert79: " RTNETLINK answers: No such process"12:27
Fri13Hi, when is Ubuntu 8.04.2 coming out?12:28
norbert79Fri13: Ubuntu's latest version is 8.1012:28
bullgard4Fri13: Not so soon.12:28
Fri13bullgard4: on january? Isn't the x.xx.+1 released coming exact periods?12:29
norbert79bullgard4: Hang on for a moment12:29
bullgard4Fri13: There is no date scheduled.12:30
Fri13bullgard4: is there any roadmap for those, anykind?12:30
=== sale_ is now known as sale
bullgard4Fri13: Not that I knew of.12:30
Fri13Does anyone know is there release schedule for Ubuntu LTS's version point releases?12:31
Fri13bullgard4: As far I know, those comes when needed and not scheduled?12:32
bullgard4Fri13: This is correct.12:32
Fri13bullgard4: can I count your information too? Because I have never heard that LTS version would get exact schedules for point releases. Only know that those will come if there comes too serious bugs what needs that cd-image needs updateing too, so they include all updates to that and few other fixes for installer etc?12:33
Melio1i got wifi working, thanks guys12:34
Melio1works incredably well now12:34
Melio1didnt take much. just a kernel compiled module12:35
Melio1hopefully it doesnt mess up every time there's a kernel release12:35
Melio1if so. no biggie12:35
bullgard4Fri13: This is what I said too.12:35
vix8513.37 ^^12:37
kitplyhi all ,i have a samsung mp3 player ( YPU2J model) but when i plug it in Ubuntu doesnt seem to recognise it.Are there any drivers available for ubuntu for the samsung mp3 player?12:38
norbert79kitply: What Ubuntu are you using?12:39
kitplyUbuntu 8.1012:39
norbert79kitply: In generic any mp3 player is being recognised in default. Any error message?12:39
Fri13bullgard4: All what I now found is this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyReleaseSchedule12:40
kitplynorbert79: it doesnt get mounted at all..I am not able to see it under COMPUTER12:40
norbert79kitply: Can you please go to /proc/bus/usb?12:41
kitplynorbert79: ok.12:41
norbert79kitply: do you have anything there inside?12:41
kitplynorbert79: yes i do. i have songs in them ( mp3)12:41
Jimi__Hendrixhi...can i ask a quic semi off topic question: what does ubotu do?12:42
Melio1it's a database bot12:42
Melio1has info in it12:42
norbert79kitply: In a terminal, "cd /proc/bus/usb ; ls -la"12:42
Melio1!info ubuntu12:42
ubottuPackage ubuntu does not exist in intrepid12:42
Melio1it's got package info on it12:42
Melio1and other things12:43
Melio1like !info amarok12:43
Melio1!info amarok12:43
ubottuamarok (source: amarok): versatile and easy to use audio player for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.4.10-0ubuntu3 (intrepid), package size 2396 kB, installed size 7040 kB12:43
dr_willis!info gentoo12:43
ubottugentoo (source: gentoo): a fully GUI-configurable, two-pane X file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11.56-1 (intrepid), package size 773 kB, installed size 2436 kB12:43
Melio1gentoo is a x file manager12:43
bullgard4Fri13: So there is a date scheduled yet. I did not know of it. So it the exact date is important to you then please watch out. In the past, these dates often have been postponed.12:44
Jimi__Hendrixgentoo is a file manager?12:44
bullgard4Fri13: s/it/if/12:44
dr_willisJimi__Hendrix,  yes. :) it was around befor 'gentoo' the disrto was. :)12:44
cmv583can anyone direct me towards a good port monitor app?12:45
bullgard4cmv583: Define "good".12:46
cmv583bull on ethat is easy to use, I am having  speed issues and am wondering if its some problem related to ports being shared, or something12:47
theblogguhow can i reset the keybindings in gnome-keybinding-properties (System-Preferences-Keyboard Shortcuts) ?12:48
cmv583bullgard4: that is easy to use, I am having  speed issues and am wondering if its some problem related to ports being shared, or something12:48
bullgard4cmv583: "speed issues" may occur literally everywhere. --I cannot help you.12:50
cmv583bullgard4:  i know, just wanted to have something to monitor12:51
markwilsoni just got an inspiron 1525 shipped with hardy but it keeps crashing12:51
markwilsonthe wireless drops after a while and then i can't run anything with sudo12:52
serwouI've just upgraded to Intrepid and my TRAC web application doesn't work anymore, there is no more trac.cgi around, how I could fix that ?12:52
markwilsonso i have to force a shutdown and it fails on mdns daemon12:52
markwilsoncan anyone help? :)12:53
Boohbahcmv583: are you talking about server daemons listening on TCP/UDP IP ports? very unlikely that is causing any system slowdown, as someone would have to connect to the services and use them... but if you want you can check with 'netstat -anp'12:53
bullgard4cmv583: Try hapm.12:53
rva_lenioI have a question about wlan, CTS and kernel version: all kernels > 2.6.24-18 seems to use CTS with wlan, which disables me from accessing a EAP-TLS network. Do you know if something about CTS is enabled in kernels > 2.6.24-18?12:53
cmv583bullgard4:  thanks12:54
markwilsonboohbah: i don't really know why it's crashing, it seems to start with the wireless dying. it's only when i force a shutdown that i see the mdns daemon won't stop12:54
Boohbahmarkwilson: have you updated your packages?12:55
markwilsonboohbah: yep, although it's coming up with 16 more now, but it keeps crashing when trying to download them12:56
hari_i m new to this chat .12:56
hari_help .12:56
hari_what is it?12:56
dr_willis!irc | hari_12:57
ubottuhari_: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines12:57
dr_willishari_,  IRC has been a way to 'chat' for a very very very loooooooooong time :)12:57
hari_what is this chat for?12:58
dr_willishari_,  as the TOPIC says.. 'ubuntu support'12:58
hari_its cool12:58
norbert79Another happy customer... Ok, whos next? :)12:58
bullgard4hari_: Yes it is.12:58
hari_then tell me how  to get compiz working in my pc12:58
dr_willishari_,  you have the 3d drivers for your video card installed first?12:59
norbert79hari_: Should be enabled by default. Whats your hardware?12:59
hari_i downloaded by add/remove12:59
dr_willisdownloaded what exactly?12:59
markwilsonboohbah: is it likely to be a hardware fault?12:59
norbert79hari_: What exactly did you do?12:59
hari_i have nvidia 8400gs12:59
lintunenjtaji:  the method you suggested earlier for locking packages will not work for me because it talks about pinning to a particular distro, I want to stop custom kernel packages from getting overwritten13:00
bullgard4norbert79: "13:29 < norbert79> bullgard4: Hang on for a moment"13:00
markwilsonboohbah: it came with ubuntu preinstalled and hasn't worked properly, so i formatted and installed hardy again, but i get the same problems13:00
norbert79hari_: Good, and did you enbale the usage of closed source drivers using the option in /system/administration?13:00
hari_i didnt get you13:00
norbert79bullgard4: Didn't forgat you, but you didn't answer my question, besides, you got help after me as well.. I toguht it got solved. So what was your problem again?13:01
norbert79hari_: Just having Nvidia drivers installed might be not enough, you have to ENABLE them too13:01
hari_tellme how?13:01
bullgard4norbert79: Who can explain to me the sentence  "NAME: rtnetlink - macros to manipulate rtnetlink messages" from man 3 rtnetlink?13:01
norbert79hari_: Use system/administration/closed source drivers13:01
norbert79bullgard4: Ah yes, ok13:01
hari_i dont see closed soruce  thing13:02
markwilsondoes anyone else have any idea how to fix my inspiron 152513:02
hari_nobert help?13:03
norbert79hari_: Ok, do please the following "glxinfo | grep direct"13:03
lintunenCan anybody tell me how to prevent custom kernel packages from getting overridden with automatic update.  I have tried 'holding' as suggested in the pinning howto but this does not work.13:03
MaheshS@Markwilson What is the prob with 1525?13:03
keystr0kanyone know how to get Keepass 2.06 working in Ubuntu?13:03
hari_k thanks see ya13:04
ArrPirateI installed XBMC on ubuntu 8.10 yesterday and it crashed and since then I've had no audio playback possible... every time I open something that normally has audio all I hear i popping noises... I tried uninstalling xbmc and I still have the audio issues. How can I fix this?13:04
SJrI am getting GRUB error 17 when I boot, I just turned my primary partition into a logical one.13:04
markwilson@MaheshS the wireless dies after a random amount of time which leaves the laptop unusable. absolutely nothing will run after that. But it also happens when trying to do my 16 updates.13:04
dr_williskeystr0k,  issent that a windows program?13:05
markwilson@MaheshS and then when I have to hold the power off, it tries a forced reboot, but it fails on the mDNS daemon and doesn't actually reboot13:05
keystr0kdr_willis, Supported operating systems:13:05
keystr0kWindows 98 / 98SE / ME / 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista, each 32-bit and 64-bit, Mono (Linux, Mac OS X, BSD, ...).13:05
dr_williskeystr0k,  if its not in the repos.. i would say check the programs homepage/docs13:05
dr_williskeystr0k,  they may  have a ubuntu package for it.13:05
keystr0kdr_willis, yeah... I cannot seem to find an install guide. I'll keep looking. thanks.13:06
dr_williskeystr0k,  when all else fails.. compile from source.  Check forums for others that may have made a  package13:07
keystr0kdr_willis, definitely :)13:07
markwilsonkeystr0k: http://www.keepassx.org/downloads13:07
puremichaelhmm... does anyone else feel that code::blocks is really slow?13:08
pieterskan iemand mij helpen13:08
keystr0kmarkwilson, thanks, but I am particularly interested in the synchronization and group-sharing capabilities of the latest version of keepass.13:08
captainm!nl | pieters13:08
ubottupieters: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl13:08
pietersik kom er niet uit uit dat linux gebeuren13:09
ikoniaArrPirate: saying anyone is pointless, if they didn't see your question saying anyone is not going to let them know, if they don't know the answer saying anyone won't make them know13:10
ikonia!de > pieters13:10
ubottupieters, please see my private message13:10
captainmpieters als je naar #ubuntu-nl gaat zal ik kijken of ik je kan helpen13:10
ikoniacaptainm: english only please13:10
SJrMarkwilson are you mwilson on Undernet?13:11
markwilsonSJr: i don't think so, what's undernet?13:11
pieterscaptainm is leuk maar ik weet niks hier van dus help mij even op weg13:11
ArrPirateikonia: however if one repeats the question one gets told off.13:11
captainmikonia: I was just asking him to go to #ubuntu-nl13:11
SJrUndernet is the worlds greatest Network, much better than freenode, in fact #Ubuntu on Undernet has 1,000 people who are all Ubuntu engineers.13:11
ikoniacaptainm: now now, thats cool13:11
ikoniacaptainm: sorry, "no no, thats cool"13:12
ikoniaArrPirate: so wait a while, as anyone is just noise13:12
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ArrPirateor, it could be me seeing if anyone is currently trying to look something up to help me or if no one saw my message at all.13:12
pietersdenk dat ik maar weer terug ga naar windows of zo13:12
ikoniaArrPirate: it's just noise13:12
ikonia!nl > pieters13:13
ubottupieters, please see my private message13:13
SJr!nl > ikonia13:13
ubottuikonia, please see my private message13:13
captainmtiep "/j #ubuntu-nl" (zonder aanhalingstekens) en druk op enter, dan help ik je.13:13
pieterswat denk je zelf ikonia13:13
markwilsonSJr: Thanks, I'm on now:)13:13
ikoniaSJr: why are you sending me that13:13
ArrPirateI installed XBMC on ubuntu 8.10 yesterday and it crashed and since then I've had no audio playback possible... every time I open something that normally has audio all I hear i popping noises... I tried uninstalling xbmc and I still have the audio issues. How can I fix this?13:13
markwilsonSJr: it only has 9 people in there13:13
BoohbahSJr: actually undernet is full of bots and kiddies, but i know you knew that :)13:13
terosshello..maybe here could anyone tell me why i cant load live cd on my pc? i suspect its ati 3850 doesnt allow to load13:14
pietersoke dus niemand hier die wil helpen13:14
ikoniateross: ati is a common cause for the livecd being a problem13:15
ikoniateross: have you tried tha alternative cd to test if it loads normally (admitidley you won't get a live desktop)13:15
dangitis there any decent app (like evolution) that supports exchange 2007?13:15
dr_willis!info xbmc13:15
ubottuPackage xbmc does not exist in intrepid13:15
terossif i install kubuntu 8.04 or 8.10 via safe mode..its not enough for me - i want my pc would work efficiently, with vesa even firefox or movies, youtube lags.. :|13:16
aggarwhy are you installing via safemode?13:16
dr_willisteross,  its possible the full install  + the fglrx drivers will work.  The lvie cd does not have those drivers.. or may be trying ati drivers that dont work with that card13:17
ArrPirateI fixed my sound13:18
misty_wrkWhat's the secret to upgrading ubuntu feisty to 8.04LTS now?  I get an error when trying to follow the normal procedure, because the feisty files have been removed13:18
ikoniamisty_wrk: you have to change the fesity repo to the archive repo's due to them being removed (no longer supported)13:19
ikoniamisty_wrk: to be honest, from 7.04 to 8.04 I'd suggest considering a clean install and backing up your core files because so much has changed between the releases13:19
misty_wrkikonia: is there a list of what I should change?13:19
ikoniamisty_wrk: basiclly fesity is now on the archive release server rather than current13:20
ikoniamisty_wrk: thats the only real change13:20
Akos_BeginnerHi, Any of you used dansguardian with squid? Can they interoperate or both or Dansguardian can oerate alone?13:20
ikoniaAkos_Beginner: from memory you can use it with squid, but to be honest there are much better filtering options to use with squid nativly13:21
w00wcan u give me again french serveur for ubuntu13:21
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr13:21
everettzGood morning.  Looking for someone interested in a small contract to show me easy to follow instructions for removing PulseAudio from Intrepid in a way that will not break upgrades and that the Orca screen-reader will still work properly.13:22
norbert79everettz: I think you might ask for total World dominiation, that would be easier :)13:23
dr_willis'not break upgrades' - I dont see that happening..13:23
troythetechguyGood morning.  I'm considering purchasing the Acer Aspire AS4730-4857 notebook, but want to wipe Vista and install Ubuntu.  Does anyone have experience running Ubuntu, or any distro of Linux on this model, or on any Acer notebook?13:23
ikoniaeverettz: you can contact canonical for a paid for support option13:23
norbert79troythetechguy: Why dont you visit your local store, and take a copy of Ubuntu 8.10 with you? :)13:23
ikoniatroythetechguy: all you need to to is check that the hardware is supported on the linux platform you want to use13:23
dr_willistroythetechguy,  'any acer' is very very broad.. :) My AcerAspireOne runs Linux :)13:24
dr_willistroythetechguy,  theres several linux laptop sites out. and the ubuntu forum has a laptop section i think13:24
mrglinuxhow to recognize what is my wireless cart?13:24
troythetechguyThanks all!13:24
ardchoilleThe sales associates I've dealt with didn't have a problem with me booting Ubuntu on a prospective system while in the store. Some of them even knew what Ubuntu was.13:24
everettzTo bad.  Ubuntu would be a far more accessible operating system if Pulse did not make Orca lose responsiveness.  It is far better on Debian.  Perhaps I will look into a paid support option, thought someone here might want to make some money.13:24
ikoniaeverettz: please take your paid for support requests to a company, canonical is the official support company13:25
dr_williseverettz,  try a window manager/desktop thats not using Pulse perhaps.13:25
dr_willisBut ive not ever messed with orca.. so No idea  what it really needs/does13:26
mrglinuxmy wirless car dosen't detect on my 8.10 in the light of that is off13:26
everettzdr_willis: Unfortunately Orca needs gnome.13:26
dr_williseverettz,  wont work with xfce eh? :(13:27
norbert79troythetechguy: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834115543&nm_mc=OTC-RSS&cm_mmc=OTC-RSS-_-Laptops%20%2F%20Notebooks-_-Acer%20America-_-N82E1683411554313:27
norbert79troythetechguy: It stated, that Ubuntu works well13:27
norbert79troythetechguy: You might give it a try13:27
skreamcan i just copy a livecd to a usb thumbdrive to get a liveusb?13:27
ikoniaskream: no13:27
troythetechguynorbert79: Thank you.13:27
orgthingyhttp://pastebin.com/d63e8dbe6 anybody? I usually have a "Root Terminal" in my gnome-menu and double click it to launch it13:27
orgthingybut http://pastebin.com/d63e8dbe6 just started today13:28
skreamiko: where can i find info on that?13:28
orgthingywhich is quite weird i guess13:28
everettzdr_willis: It is a gnome package, gnome-orca.  Same development cycle as gnome.  Might be able to get it to work on another desktop, but it would be a great deal of work and basically a fork of the development process.13:28
ikoniaskream: https://help.ubuntu.com13:28
skreamim shooting you the bird right now13:29
ikoniaskream: why ?13:29
dr_willisskream,  the unetbootin  tool can make live-thumbdrives from many disrtos/cd/iso files13:30
skreamthank you sir13:30
terosswhere to see the full list of all monitors that are supported? or its the video card drivers that supports monitors?13:31
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ardchoille!hcl | teross13:31
ubottuteross: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection13:31
ikoniateross: monitors %99.9 are not a problem, its more a video card13:31
fosco_teross: open a terminal and write sensors13:31
=== yogi_ is now known as yogi192
ghalebhello, I get this message when I use sudo "sudo: timestamp too far in the future: Dec 30 09:04:17 2008"13:32
terossthere is no such program :(13:32
ikoniaghaleb: your clock is off13:32
terosswith vesa my monitor is not detected at all ikonia ..13:32
fosco_install it13:32
ikoniateross: your monitor is not detected ??? can you expand on that13:32
ikoniaghaleb: look in your bios and set your clock so it's not in the future13:33
terossmonitor is plugnplay.. maybe its because graphic card is vesa..13:33
ikoniateross: what do you mean it's not detecting your monitor ?13:33
ikoniateross: can you expand on the problem13:34
ghalebikonia: I used it before normally .. what happened?!13:34
=== Mr is now known as Guest94970
Guest94970no it is hard13:34
ikoniaghaleb: no idea13:34
ikoniamrglinux: what ?13:34
ikoniaGuest94970: what ?13:34
Guest94970me' not know!13:34
ikoniaGuest94970: you not know what ?13:34
terossikonia i have no idea how to install monitor drivers..if i see the list..there is no such model..13:34
ikoniateross: you don't need monitor drivers13:34
Guest94970i found it!13:34
ikoniateross: can you explain the problem13:34
Guest94970no it is hard!13:35
ikoniaGuest94970: please stop -13:35
terosswell resolution is small.. :)13:35
ikoniaGuest94970: do you have a question, yes/no ?13:35
Guest94970why doesent my amsn work?13:35
ikoniateross: ok, what actual video card to you physically have in the machine13:35
ikoniaGuest94970: does it not connect ?13:36
yogi192I'm registered!!!!!!!!!! WOOT13:36
teross3850 ati.. ehh :(13:36
mrglinuxikonia my wireless card doesn't detect on my ubuntu 8.10 ..it's seems there nothing drive as wireless13:36
ikoniateross: ok, ati cards are famous for having bad support13:36
ikoniateross: the first thing to decide i what video card drivers are best for you to use13:36
terossshame on them..yes i wont buy another ati produkt again :)13:36
Guest94970why doesent my amsn work??13:36
ikoniateross: have you tried the hardware drivers gui in system -> administation menu13:37
ikoniaGuest94970: what do you mean doesn't work, does it not connect ?13:37
terossi dont need for games.. i need only so pc can work fluently, firefox not laging, youtube not laging, movies not laging..13:37
ermovedGuest94970, If you don't get an answer wait, and rephrase the question.  In your case, it is hard to tell because you're not providing any information.13:37
ikoniateross: have you tried the hardware drivers gui in system -> administation menu13:37
yogi192if ubuntu desktop has all the server utilities/apps/ etc, why is there a server edition other than not having X installed?13:37
Guest94970no i click on it and it starts loading and than i stooops13:37
ikoniayogi192: it's optimised for enterprise hardware13:37
Guest94970do anny of u have amsn?13:38
yogi192true, didn't think of that, so for a home server, desktop edition is fine, right13:38
ikoniaGuest94970: so the application never actually appears on screen ?13:38
ikoniayogi192: %15013:38
yogi192sweet thanks13:38
terossim sorry ikonia im on kubuntu.. i choose kubuntu only because of quanta plus.. but the recomended drivers are vesa.. i dont want to experiment much, because i dont want to get black screen :)13:39
samphippeni have added a language file to /usr/share/gtksourceview-1.0/language-specs however when I open up source files that match that languge, i do not get syntax highlighting, is there anything else I need to do?13:39
ikoniateross: ahhh I don't k now what the kde version of the driver tool is, maybe someone on #kubuntu may know easier, or a kde user in here13:39
JMS32БЛин. Че за фигня?13:39
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke13:39
JMS32kak nastroit russkyiu raskladky v KDE chto bi rabotala?13:40
JMS32Oops... Sorry.13:40
ikoniaJMS32: english only please13:40
ikoniaJMS32: no problem13:40
norbert79Yeah, we are such anti-social, that we speak english only ;-)13:40
ikonianorbert79: don't talk nonsense13:41
rva_lenioanyone having trouble with wlan and CTS enabling/disabling?13:42
=== Guest94970 is now known as Mr
=== Mr is now known as MrHankey
MrHankeydo anny of u have amsn13:43
ikoniaMrHankey: I'm still waiting to find out your problem13:43
ikoniaMrHankey: does the application fail to appear on screen ?13:43
ikoniaMrHankey: ok, open a terminal from the application -> accessories menu and type amsn13:44
ikoniaMrHankey: paste any text you get in that termainl window to an ubuntu pastebin13:44
ikonia!pastebin > MrHankey13:44
ubottuMrHankey, please see my private message13:44
MrHankeyi have aleredy tried!13:44
ikoniaMrHankey: what happens ?13:44
MrHankeythe same!13:44
ikoniaMrHankey: what text do you get in that window13:45
ikoniaMrHankey: so you type "amsn" and you get no output in the window13:45
ikoniaMrHankey: I find that unusual that you get no text output in the terminal window, I'd expect at least some thing13:46
MrHankeyikonia, i type in "amsn" and than i press enter and it just jump down a line!13:47
ikoniaMrHankey: it should not jump down a line, it should either get text output, or not get a prompt back13:48
norbert79MrHankey: Is AMSN right now running? "ps -ef | grep amsn"13:48
VallaVIZIT MY WEB http://straseni.kompletne.cz/baf.php?page=straseni&kolo=7&od=6213:48
Funesgood evening.13:48
ikoniaValla: don't spam that in here13:48
Coggzhi, i am disabling some services to speed up my boot, and i was wondering if i need vboxdrv or virtualbo$ services I do have and use occasionally Virtual Box, so do i need these?13:49
ikoniaValla: do you understand ?13:49
ikoniaValla: thank you13:49
fosco_Coggz: if you use vbox you'll its services13:49
fosco_Coggz: if you use vbox you'll need its services13:49
theunixgeekWhat's the name of that one program that allows you to install 3rd-party programs like Google Earth more easily on Ubuntu?13:50
MrHankeyit suck!13:50
Coggzfosco_: but do i need them every boot? I only rarely use it13:50
MrHankeyhelp Ikonia!13:50
fosco_Coggz: you need them to use vbox13:50
BormyGood evening, morning, afternoon....13:50
Funesquick noob question.. hope some can help me out. could someone kindly tell me how to change the real name section on my irc whois. using xchat. tried changing my $IRCNAME env var. doesn't seem to help.13:50
Bormyi'm from cambodia13:50
Coggzfosco_: ok, do i need winbind?13:51
hspaansCoggz: search for insserv it can do some parallel starting during your boot13:51
Bormyan ubuntu newbie user13:51
HomingHamstertheunixgeek, are you talking about wine?13:51
fosco_Coggz: only if you are in a windows net13:51
RomDis there any way to lock nvidia-setting's XVideoSnycToDisplay? I have a dual monitor setup and want to sync twinview to the refresh rate of monitor two. however, XVideoSyncToDisplay keeps getting reset to sync to monitor one when I restart X.13:51
theunixgeekHomingHamster: no13:51
norbert79theunixgeek: medibuntu...13:51
MrHankeyhow to unistall amsn?13:51
norbert79!medibuntu > theunixgeek13:51
ubottutheunixgeek, please see my private message13:51
Coggzhspaans: what do you mean13:51
theunixgeeknorbert79: I don't think so13:51
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org13:51
fosco_MrHankey: sudo apt-get remove amsn13:51
Coggzfosco_: ah, yes i am, so ill keep it.13:51
theunixgeekI believe it ends with the number 213:51
theunixgeekthe name of the program13:51
theunixgeekit's a separate application, not a synaptic repository13:52
Coggzok, timidity?13:52
hspaansCoggz: search for "debian insserv" on google13:52
Vallahttp://straseni.kompletne.cz/baf.php?page=straseni&kolo=7&od=62 ROFL ! xD13:52
BormyDo we need anti-viruses for ubuntu?13:52
HomingHamstertheunixgeek, cedeiga or somthing like that?13:52
norbert79theunixgeek: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu13:52
theunixgeekHomingHamster: it has nothing to do with Windows apps13:52
hspaansBormy: basicly no13:53
theunixgeeknorbert79: it's not a repository; it's an application that ends with the number 2 :P13:53
HomingHamstertheunixgeek, oh, sorry :P13:53
norbert79theunixgeek: Medbuntu is a REPO for applications like Google earth13:53
Funesumm at the risk of spamming.. could someone kindly tell me how to change the real name section on my irc whois. using xchat. tried changing my $IRCNAME env var. doesn't seem to help. :S13:53
byranis there an app that will join any open wifi network in range?13:53
MrHankeyare there anny other good "chatt" clients forubuntu?13:53
norbert79theunixgeek: What exactly are you talking about? Medibuntu is a repository13:53
Coggzfosco_: is timidity needed?13:53
theunixgeekIt's an application, not a repository13:53
theunixgeekbut I'll look into Medibuntu anyway13:53
memphisMrHankey, try pidgin13:53
HomingHamsterFunes, booblaa13:53
fosco_Coggz: not sure, i do not have this service13:53
RomDMrHankey, pidgin for instant messengers, xchat for irc13:54
norbert79theunixgeek: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu Try to read first, and give comments AFTER it13:54
MrHankeypidgin sucks!13:54
Coggzfosco_: ok, ill google it some more.13:54
RomDhow's that MrHankey ?13:54
theunixgeeknorbert79: like I said, I was referring to an application, not a repoistory13:54
jarod_ hi all i wanted to request help my eth1 card does not come online i installed dhcp3 to no avail does it hand out adresses13:54
norbert79theunixgeek: Ok, but what application?13:54
MrHankeyit is lame and i don like the look oof it!13:54
theunixgeeknorbert79: that's what I'm asking! ;)13:54
HomingHamsterwe need a google that googles for Regular expressions13:54
=== qbmaniac is now known as qb|away
norbert79theunixgeek: What exactly are you trying to accomplish?13:55
MrHankeybut i do not want anything else then amsn13:55
memphisMrHankey, try a reinstall of the program just to make sure13:55
MrHankeyi have done t 4 times!!13:55
theunixgeeknorbert79: I want to find out the name of a certain application that allows one to easily install certain 3rd party apps (included with the app); I forgot the name of it, except I remember that its name ends with the number 213:55
norbert79theunixgeek: I think I know what the name of that tool was, but thats way outdated...13:56
Coggzhspaans: i cant find anything useful on insserv13:56
norbert79theunixgeek: I used to use it13:56
jopkyesterday i've asked here for help because my audacity didn't start any more (and there was no error message). Now I've just found out, that if I start audacity and switch the laptop to standby and back, audacity's form is there as usual! Any ideas how to get the audacity without the "standby hack" ?13:56
theunixgeeknorbert79: oh, it's outdadted13:56
theunixgeeknorbert79: :P I didn't know that13:56
norbert79theunixgeek: You can also use medibuntu and getdeb.net too13:56
memphisMrHankey, did you move it to another virtual desktop and forget it there?13:56
Funesah well. thank you and have a nice evening.13:56
norbert79theunixgeek: Depends what application you try to install13:56
theunixgeeknorbert79: I'll just use Medibuntu13:57
MrHankeyno caus than it woud open upp atomaticly!13:57
norbert79theunixgeek: If you would name the exact application, I might give you a hint13:57
HomingHamsternorbert79, i'm curious now, what was the name|13:57
bitannihilator42heylo, i've run into a bit of a snag13:57
norbert79HomingHamster: Can't recall, havent used it for years13:57
theunixgeeknorbert79: I said I *want to know the name of the app*13:57
HomingHamsternorbert79, OH NO!! :P13:57
theunixgeekI forgot it too, that's what I asked earlier13:57
RoMwhos got the coolest desktop here13:57
bitannihilator42i need a replacement /etc/ppp/options file for 7.0413:57
norbert79theunixgeek: But you made me going crazy after mentioning this... Damn it, I want to remember :D13:58
bitannihilator42forgot to back it up before editing it13:58
theunixgeeknorbert79: that's exactly what I want to remember too ;)13:58
norbert79theunixgeek: But be warned, that it is outdated13:58
Coggzhspaans: any help? winth insserv13:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about insserv13:59
norbert79thats it13:59
MrHankeyare there any other "chat" klients (Not amsn and pidgin)13:59
bitannihilator42can someone help me or give me some suggestions on what to do?13:59
ubottuAutomatix is no longer developed or supported by its creators and is not recommended, supported, or needed by Ubuntu. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubottu WorksForMe »13:59
bitannihilator42i was torying to make a pc/dc server13:59
norbert79theunixgeek: It used to be Automatix14:00
norbert79theunixgeek: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automatix_(software)14:00
MrHankeyplz help me!14:00
norbert79theunixgeek: But this is what you DONT need anymore14:00
MrHankeyare there anny other who speak swedich?14:00
evilxQuestion, I am trying to build-dep on a ltsp, but it telling me you must put some source uris in your sources.list where do I find these source uris?14:00
ubottuSvensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se14:00
ermovedMrHankey, there are PLENTY of other clients for "chatting."  You need to narrow it according to protocol14:01
memphisMrHankey, try kopete14:01
theunixgeeknorbert79: Automatix2 :)14:01
=== Things` is now known as Things
MrHankeymen finns det nåra bätre än amsn och pidgin?14:01
Vallahttp://straseni.kompletne.cz/baf.php?page=straseni&kolo=7&od=62 ROFL ! xD14:01
norbert79!offtopic | Valla14:01
ubottuValla: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:01
theunixgeek!sv | MrHankey14:02
ubottuMrHankey: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se14:02
bitannihilator42can someone help me?14:02
theunixgeek!somebody | bitannihilator4214:02
ubottubitannihilator42: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?14:02
MrHankeybut tell me one or more that at almost like amsn14:02
bitannihilator42i need a replacement /etc/ppp/options file for 7.0414:02
HomingHamsterHello, I have two virtual Ethernet interfaces (both working) and would like to know how I can use one of the interfaces for web traffic for IRC traffic (etc.), i have had very little luck googleing it because i don't know the name...14:03
ermovedMrHankey, open up Synaptic and search for "chat."14:03
jarod_ hi all i wanted to request help my eth1 card does not come online i installed dhcp3 to no avail does it hand out adresses14:03
=== felix_da_catz is now known as felix-da-catz_zz
jopkI've a problem with audacity: if I start it the process runs normal but nothing is shown. If I switch the laptop to standby and recover, the audacity application is drawn as usual. so for some reasen audacity's interface isn't drawn right away. any ideas why?14:03
bitannihilator42mine went poof and no longer exists14:03
evilxWhere does the source list go?14:03
HomingHamster**use the other for IRC**14:03
bitannihilator42mistakenly used sudo rm14:04
xjuniorhow do I upgrade my ubuntu from 8.04 to 8.10 ?14:04
ardchoille!upgrade | xjunior14:04
ubottuxjunior: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes14:04
norbert79jopk: Audacity uses a different method, than GTK, that what might cause the problem... Just shut down audacity after the re-hibernation process, and restart audacity14:04
xjuniorthank you!14:04
habitHello. I need some application for burn audio cd. Brasero is not able to burn cd's.14:05
habitTells me about 0 bytes is free on disk.14:05
JMS32http://picbite.com/image/14385wgolm/ Why? And how to fix it whiout windows?14:05
jopknorbert79, sry, what is "re-hibernation"14:05
habitWith all of disks.14:05
norbert79jopk: I meant when your laptop reawakens from the hibaernation14:06
Slarthabit: have you tried using k3b? any other burning software?14:06
stephansI need to change a disk label in ubuntu. How do I do that?14:06
norbert79habit: You might lack of mp3 support, I guess, use medibuntu's repos for mp3 support14:06
MrHankeyi do not find anything like amsn14:06
Slartstephans: e2label for ext3/214:06
stephansI suse I can use yast to change it.14:06
Slartstephans: there are other utils for other file systems14:06
habitnorbert79, nope, it's all ok, problem is with burning as I said14:06
JMS32no ideas?14:07
habitSlart, nope, I'll try now.14:07
jopknorbert79, after standby audacity is shown. If i close it and start it again, it won't be shown until next re-hibernation14:07
Nahuel1Hello, i buy a SATA DVD burner, it have no problem reading discs but it don't pass any data verification after a burning session with K3B. Is there a solution? wich is the problem in linux with SATA DVD drives?14:07
norbert79JMS32: You will need windows for this14:07
MrHankeygive ne un example for what i can use insad of amsn (not pidgin)14:07
norbert79JMS32: there are no open source tools which can replace windows chkdsk14:07
JMS32realy bad...14:08
xjuniorardchoille, dude, there isn't a "software sources" menu.....14:08
norbert79MrHankey: Kopete14:08
MrHankeynorber, what?14:08
ardchoillexjunior: ?14:08
norbert79MrHankey: Kopete14:08
=== Udunter is now known as Ubunter
SlartJMS32: you might, perhaps, be able to fix it from a vm.. not sure though14:08
MrHankeywhwt is kopete?14:08
norbert79!kopete  | MrHankey14:09
ubottuMrHankey: Instant Messenger Client Kopete (http://kopete.kde.org) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, YIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and, in KDE 3, IRC. See also !Pidgin14:09
onlymealoneIs it possible to get latest software releases via synpatic? via changing software sources?14:09
norbert79onlymealone: You might try getdeb.net14:09
xjuniorardchoille, I have only "update manager" and synaptic14:10
JMS32norbert79, i m must write this command in terminal in windows, write?14:10
jopknorbert79, I still didn't get it. how can I fix it?14:10
norbert79JMS32: In Windows, open up Command prompt, (cmd.exe) then type chkdsk /f14:10
habitHow to add mp3 support to K3B?14:10
norbert79JMS32: it will ask if after the next restart it shall run chkdsk or not14:10
ermovedonlymealone, you'll get the "newest" software package put together by the repository maintenance crew.  for newer software, try sourceforge, getdeb, or the software website14:10
JMS32and why i must reboot twice in windows?14:10
norbert79!Medibuntu | habitz14:11
ubottuhabitz: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org14:11
norbert79!Medibuntu | habit14:11
ubottuhabit: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org14:11
norbert79JMS32: Select "Y"14:11
norbert79JMS32: And restart Windows14:11
norbert79JMS32: and wait14:11
MrHankeywive me un example for un "chatt" client14:11
habitnorbert79, which package from medibuntu I need?14:11
norbert79habit: Not sure14:11
Slarthabit: wow.. I wrote your question in google.. and the first hit had the answer.. kind of amazing14:11
JMS32I m going to install windows... ;(14:11
norbert79MrHankey: We wrote you MANY examples, damn it, LOOK FOR KOPETE14:12
davidwany ideas about getting Bluetooth running on Intrep "The Big Regression" Ibex?14:12
Nahuel1 Hello, i buy a SATA DVD burner, it have no problem reading discs but it don't pass any data verification after a burning session with K3B. Is there a solution? wich is the problem in linux with SATA DVD drives?14:12
Slart!mp3 | habit14:12
MrHankeywtff is koooopete?14:12
ubottuhabit: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats14:12
norbert79JMS32: You might backup all your data too, and recreate that partition with ext314:12
JMS32mrhankey IM messenger14:12
Stormx2is MrHankey deliberately presending to be the South Park character?14:12
MrHankeyok.. rhx..14:12
norbert79!kopete | MrHankey14:12
ubottuMrHankey: Instant Messenger Client Kopete (http://kopete.kde.org) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, YIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and, in KDE 3, IRC. See also !Pidgin14:12
JMS32norbert79, =)14:13
norbert79Damn it, I have done this twice by now...14:13
JMS32ext3 will be good for films?14:13
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.14:13
onlymealoneermoved, i downloaded netbeans 6.5 from its website, but getting laf bug14:13
norbert79JMS32: Yes14:13
SlartJMS32: it will be fine.. it's a good general purpose fs14:13
Stormx2JMS32, yeah, fine. But if you want the partition accessible from both windows and ntfs, and it's not ubuntu's root partition, I'd recommend NTFS14:13
norbert79JMS32: Here, this is the ext3 driver for Windows: http://www.fs-driver.org/14:13
norbert79Stormx2: http://www.fs-driver.org/14:13
norbert79I use it daily, works perfect14:14
Stormx2No, it doesn't14:14
Stormx2It doesn't have proper journaling support14:14
Stormx2So it's not perfect.14:14
Stormx2The support on Ubuntu for NTFS is better than the support on Windows for ext3.14:14
JMS32ш ь вщте туув ощгктфдштп ащк ьн ашдьы14:14
norbert79Even better, This is why I use ext2 on my Eee14:14
Stormx2Hence you should use NTFS for shared partitions.14:14
JMS32*i m dotn need journaling for my files14:14
norbert79See? He doesn't need it neither14:15
Stormx2Yes you do if you want to avoid corruption.14:15
JMS32ok. i will use ntfs14:15
xjuniorHi, can somebody help me? I haven't the "Software Sources" menu option. I want to upgrade from 8.04 to 8.1014:15
davidwxjunior, beware!14:15
norbert79Stormx2: Like journaling would save yo8u from that... If you are such a poaranoid, use reiserfs14:15
Nahuel1 Hello, i buy a SATA DVD burner, it have no problem reading discs but it don't pass any data verification after a burning session with K3B. Is there a solution? wich is the problem in linux with SATA DVD drives?14:15
davidwxjunior, do you *need* to upgrade for any reason?14:15
OCBHi, all... I've started using Ubuntu Intrepid, mainly for the HSDPA dongle support, but it's running very very slowly, windows keep greying out (Firefox, Psi, XChat mostly) and the whole system is very slow. It wasn't like this when I first installed, it's happened pretty much today, although I had similar experiences when I tried it a few months ago. Is this a known problem?14:15
xjuniordavidw, no, I just want14:15
davidwxjunior, I would avoid it and wait for the next one.  Intrepid has a lot of regressions14:16
JMS32nahueli, i have it too, but havenot problems14:16
bitannihilator42i need a replacement /etc/ppp/options file for 7.0414:16
Stormx2norbert79, what advantage does using ext3 on both ubuntu and windows give over using NTFS on both ubuntu and windows? Both ext3 and NTFS are robust and mature filesystems. If you want to go without journaling you might as well use FAT.14:16
hspaansnorbert79: reiserfs is a dead end, please do not advise it14:16
bitannihilator42does anyone know where i can get one?14:16
norbert79Stormx2: 1. You don't need Windows for reparing an ext3. Period.14:16
xjuniordavidw, hummm what kind of regressions?14:17
Stormx2If you're going to use both, you're going to need to boot into one OS or the other to repair it, so that doesn't make any difference.14:17
Bormy1I love ubuntu....Happy New Year 200914:17
OCBI just wish Intrepid didn't keep freezing!14:17
OCBLagging, not freezing.14:17
=== salmenara is now known as Varanger
davidwxjunior, well, wireless broke for a lot of people, bluetooth, multimedia keys on laptops... a lot of it depends on your specific setup, of course, but there are a lot of bugs that weren't there in 8.0414:18
WastePotatoHi. Does anyone know if I can get rar unpacking abilities in Interpid?14:18
jarod_ hi all i wanted to request help my eth1 card does not come online i installed dhcp3 to no avail does it hand out adresses14:18
mick02Happy Christmas folks, just wondering if anyone can help me out with a problem I'm having. Everytime I open Firefox it covers the top toolbar and I can't manage to see the minimise, maximise or close buttons to resize the window. I've tried setting the top bar to auto hise and then changed it back, I've also looked in the preferences for Firefox and I can't see anything there either. It's pretty annoying so if anyone can suggest something I'd appreciate it14:18
OCBwaste, sudo apt-get install unrar then the gui will open rars.14:18
Varangerdoes anyone know any good Anjuta manual for Ubuntu?14:18
bitannihilator42i need a replacement /etc/ppp/options file for 7.04, does anyone know where i can get one?14:18
hanasakijust installed roundcube however its php pages are being delivered directly to the web browser instead of being interpreted as php by the apache sever.  how do I fix this?14:18
xjuniordavidw, hummmm well, thank you then :D14:18
WastePotatoOk. Thanks.14:18
Stormx2mick02: That happened to me a few times. Try hitting F11 (might need it more than once)14:18
MrHankeyare there anny swe pepole.se14:18
norbert79!se | MrHankey14:19
ubottuMrHankey: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se14:19
davidwxjunior, one think you could do is boot from the intrepid live CD, see if it works, and if it does, then upgrade14:19
Slart!rar | WastePotato14:20
ubottuWastePotato: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free14:20
xjuniordavidw, I don't use bluetooth, media keys or wireless on this computer, do you think that I might have any other problem?14:20
iceman_whats the german channel for ubuntu14:20
SlartMrHankey: go to #ubuntu-se, as you've been told many times14:20
Slart!de | iceman_14:20
ubottuiceman_: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, und #edubuntu-de14:20
davidwxjunior, no idea - the live cd option is probably the best way to see for yourself14:20
ardchoillemick02: you can use alt+f8 to resize a windows or alt+left click to move it14:21
xjuniordavidw, ok, but then, after, in case that I decide to update, how do I do if I haven't the "Software Sources" menu?14:21
=== kkdasd is now known as iagoOoOoOo
bitannihilator42i need a replacement /etc/ppp/options file for 7.04, does anyone know where i can get one?14:21
davidwxjunior, I do it from the command line14:21
davidwyou can google 'command line upgrade intrepid' or something like that and find the specific instructions14:22
xjuniordavidw, which is a better option :D14:22
cmv583is there a way to forward prots in ubuntu or is that router based?14:22
Slartcmv583: forwarding ports have to been at the router.. if ubuntu is your router it can do it14:23
Nahuel1Hello, i buy a SATA DVD burner, it have no problem reading discs but it don't pass any data verification after a burning session with K3B. Is there a solution? wich is the problem in linux with SATA DVD drives?14:23
mayankhow to download envy from terminal to download nvidia drivers?14:23
Slart!envy | mayank14:23
ubottumayank: envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!!  if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk14:23
Pirate_Hunterhi I am installing ubuntu but cant get dhcp to work on the intrepid minimal iso im currently located in portugal and trying to setit up with uk servers14:23
Slart!info envyng14:23
ubottuPackage envyng does not exist in intrepid14:23
Slart!info envy-ng14:23
ubottuPackage envy-ng does not exist in intrepid14:24
Ubuntu_Cookiesit does not exist14:24
ubottuenvyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!!  if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk14:24
Slart!info envyng-core14:24
ubottuenvyng-core (source: envyng-core): install the ATI or the NVIDIA driver. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.1 (intrepid), package size 117 kB, installed size 876 kB14:24
Ubuntu_Cookiesits an nvidia driver14:24
Slartmayank: so, sudo apt-get install envyng-core will do it14:24
Pirate_Hunterhi I am installing ubuntu but cant get dhcp to work on the intrepid minimal iso im currently located in portugal and trying to setit up with uk servers can someone help me?14:25
mayankthanx...lets try14:25
bitannihilator42i need a replacement /etc/ppp/options file for 7.04, does anyone know where i can get one?14:25
ardchoillebitannihilator42: is it possible to boot up the livecd and find that file in the live env and email it to yourself?14:25
xjuniorHow do I upgrade ubuntu from command line?14:26
bitannihilator42its an installed pkg afaik14:26
Ubunter!go nickname Suferr1ngLinUX14:26
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:26
bitannihilator42its part of ppp14:26
Slart!upgrade | xjunior, I think there's command line instructions in here.. search for ubuntu server14:26
ubottuxjunior, I think there's command line instructions in here.. search for ubuntu server: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes14:26
Ubunter!go nickname Suferr1ngLinUX14:26
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:26
=== UndergroundZer0 is now known as Suferr1ngLinUX
SlartUbunter: what are you trying to do?14:26
mayankits says unable to lock download directory14:26
bitannihilator42metter question, does anyone know how i could repair an installed pkg?14:26
ardchoillebitannihilator42: ok, then you should be able to download ppp without installing it14:26
Ubuntu_Cookies!go nickname slart14:27
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:27
Slartmayank: forgot the sudo?14:27
Ubunterbi Suferr1ngLinUX14:27
Ubuntersee ya14:27
bitannihilator42every .deb i find doesn't work14:27
SlartUbuntu_Cookies: huh?14:27
mayanki am typing same command as u said..14:27
Slartmayank: "sudo apt-get install envyng-core" ?14:27
onetinsoldierhi all14:27
Slartmayank: do you have synaptic open too?14:28
norbert79Dunno, maybe another "I was too lazy on learning a new OS, and Americas Army latest version wont work, so bye" person14:28
ardchoillehi onetinsoldier  :)14:28
Pirate_Huntercan someone help me please?14:28
norbert79!anyone | Pirate_Hunter14:28
ubottuPirate_Hunter: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?14:28
mayankupdate manager opened14:28
mayankupdate from manager is better or sudo14:29
bitannihilator42how would i go about reinstalling the pkg?14:29
mayankok..installation completed14:29
mayankno what?14:29
Ubuntu_Cookies!anyone pirate_hunter14:29
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:29
bitannihilator42without removing it14:29
norbert79Ubuntu_Cookies: You forgat | :)14:29
onetinsoldierbitannihilator42: you have the .deb?14:29
bitannihilator42no i dont14:30
ardchoillebitannihilator42: from the repos?14:30
bitannihilator42every one i find is corrupted14:30
Pirate_Hunterhi I am installing ubuntu but cant get dhcp to work on the intrepid minimal iso im currently located in portugal and trying to set it up with uk mirrors but i cant since dhcp isnt being picked up, can someone help me?14:30
bitannihilator42synaptic wont let me reinstall it14:30
Ubuntu_Cookiesforget what norbert7914:30
ardchoillebitannihilator42: sudo apt-get install --reinstall package_name14:30
mayankslart: envyng-core is already the newest version.14:30
mayank0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 204 not upgraded.14:30
onetinsoldierbitannihilator42: oh, ok. then...  sudo apt-get install --reinstall <package_name>14:30
Slartmayank: ok, then it's installed14:30
norbert79Ubuntu_Cookies: | ... The right command was "!anyone | <name>"14:31
mayankno what to do?14:31
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Intrepid, and help keeping the servers' load low!14:31
Ubuntu_Cookies!anyone | <norbert79>14:31
Slartmayank: just run it? envyng -t14:31
norbert79Ubuntu_Cookies: remove <>14:31
bitannihilator42E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)14:31
bitannihilator42E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?14:31
ardchoillebitannihilator42: close synaptic14:31
Ubuntu_Cookies!anyone | norbert7914:32
ubottunorbert79: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?14:32
norbert79Pirate_Hunter: You are looking for the list of english mirrors, right?14:32
Ubuntu_Cookiesyes !14:32
mayankshould i restart?14:32
norbert79Ubuntu_Cookies: Well done14:32
bitannihilator42Reinstallation of ppp is not possible, it cannot be downloaded.14:32
Ubuntu_Cookiesthen !mirror14:32
onetinsoldierbitannihilator42: you can only be running one package manager at a time. make sure you have all other package managers closed14:32
norbert79!mirror | Pirate_Hunter14:32
ubottuPirate_Hunter: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Intrepid, and help keeping the servers' load low!14:32
bitannihilator42they are14:32
norbert79That might be helpful14:32
Ubuntu_Cookies<Norbert79>your welcome14:32
bitannihilator42its just this and a term14:32
mayankthank you slart for helping me...bye and take care...14:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fact14:33
norbert79damn some are so unpatient14:33
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots14:33
Pirate_Hunternorbert79: no im trying to install ubuntu with the gb...etc mirror but the net im connecting to is from protugal and auto dhcp doesnt pick it up and i dont know how to set it up manually, so care to help14:33
Slart!factoid | Ubuntu_Cookies, read the usage info14:33
ubottuUbuntu_Cookies, read the usage info: please see above14:33
bitannihilator42Reinstallation of ppp is not possible, it cannot be downloaded.14:34
Ubuntu_Cookiesok i read the usage14:34
norbert79Pirate_Hunter: repos are stored in /etc/apt.d/sources.list ... You have to modify that file manually, or use synaptic, or aptitude14:34
damo22is there a simple command to compare directory structure of 2 directories and check for similarity?14:34
norbert79Pirate_Hunter: don't forget doing "apt-get update" or "aptitude update"14:35
blafaselHi there. What's the best way to get a kernel patch into the official kernel tree? Opening a bug, refering to the kernel.org bugzilla? Something else? Patience? :)14:35
norbert79Pirate_Hunter: after the modification14:35
norbert79blafasel: Launchpad would be a good idea14:35
blafaselofficial kernel tree = ubuntu kernel stuff14:35
Pirate_Hunternorbert79: no im trying to install ubuntu with the gb...etc mirror but the net im connecting to is from protugal and auto dhcp doesnt pick it up and i dont know how to set it up manually, so care to help14:35
Slartdamo22: doff might work14:35
Slartdamo22: sorry.. diff14:35
Pirate_Hunternorbert79: nvm that post did you understbd what my problem is?14:36
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto14:36
norbert79Pirate_Hunter: Partly, what is for sure, that you want to use a different server, than your local14:36
Ubuntu_Cookiesi want to double boot win xp and ubuntu14:36
damo22something like .... diff < find * dir1 <find * dir2 ?14:36
maverick340i got two ntfs drives which are not able to mount  without the force option14:36
norbert79maverick340: Run chkdsk /f in Windows on both14:36
Slartdamo22: there is a man page14:37
blafaselnorbert79: Will try to create a ticket there. Thanks.14:37
maverick340norbert79, thanks , let me try14:37
damo22thanks slart14:37
bitannihilator42Reinstallation of ppp is not possible, it cannot be downloaded.14:37
jchambersI have a Dell Latitude E5400 with Dual Screen docking station14:37
bitannihilator42now what?14:37
maverick340norbert79, sorry i dont have windows14:37
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norbert79maverick340: You have to restart windows after that, because it needs to be restarted14:37
maverick340anything i can do from ubuntu ?14:37
jchambersThe screen keeps blanking off and on occassionally and is getting very annoying14:37
norbert79maverick340: Hehhe... We had a situation same like yours a few minutes ago...14:37
Ubuntu_Cookiesi want to dual boot  windows xp and ubuntu HELP!14:37
norbert79maverick340: Well you need a recovery cd at least either a Windows 2000 installer CD or Windows XP14:38
Ubuntu_Cookiesi have my cds14:38
jchambersI disabled the TV output per an article I read (when running xrandr -q the screen blanks which it did) this fixed the blank when running xrandr -q14:38
yogi192ubuntu_cookies: install windows first then install ubuntu14:38
norbert79maverick340: There is no tool right now for NTFS problems which can correct all errors for NTFS other than Windows14:38
Ubuntu_Cookiesk (its already installed14:38
c0p3rn11how do you type frensh symbols in linux with a standard qwerty keyboard?14:38
maverick340hmm, i have that - but my DVD Multi drive is not reading CDs!14:38
jchambersany ideas14:38
maverick340any tool where i can check my optical drive ?14:39
bitannihilator42i need a copy of ppp14:39
norbert79maverick340: Weird... Did you try to BOOT with the CDs or did you try to use them Inside Linux?14:39
Pirate_Hunternorbert79: no im installing ubuntu and wish to use the net for updates, im currently in protugal and dhcp doesnt pick up anythign from the VOIP Modem so i need to get that working also I wish to use uk servers/mirros once thats doen but that is the easiest part, now how i go about setting up the installation to use the modem and it is a wired connection14:39
maverick340norbert79, both - the drive just wont read CDs14:39
norbert79saler: NTFS partition has errors, it needsa to be repaired first14:40
jchambersanyone have ideas?14:40
maverick340saler,  yeah. unclean installation of windows14:40
norbert79Pirate_Hunter: Not familiar with VOIP modems, sorry14:40
bitannihilator42all the mirrors from the repo are giving me 40414:41
ardchoilleHow do I tell mutt to check the mail?14:41
jchambersI have a Dell Latitude E5400 with Dual Screen docking station, the screen keeps blanking off and on occassionally and is getting very annoying.  I am running Ubuntu 8.10 i386.  I disabled the TV output per an article I read (when running xrandr -q the screen blanks which it did) this fixed the blank when running xrandr -q.14:41
maverick340on an entirely offtopic , any suggestions for a good DVDMutiDrive ?14:41
maverick340i have a Lite-ON currently ..14:42
norbert79maverick340: I think thats more for #ubuntu-offtopic :)14:42
maverick340ah yes14:42
bitannihilator42i ant find rel 914:42
Stalker72What instant messaging services do you recommend? I'm tired of MSN.14:42
bitannihilator42i can find rels 9&10 but they wont install14:42
norbert79Stalker72: Is it related directly to Ubuntu?14:42
Stalker72norbert79: Well, Pidgin.14:43
norbert79Do you experience any errors?14:43
jchambersHello?  Anyone have an idea?14:43
norbert79jchambers: We are all busy helping out, please be patient14:44
Pirate_Huntercan someone help me finish my ubuntu install with net access to a thomson residential VOIP modem model THG54014:44
TimothyAanyone knows how to unbind an bound mount?14:44
TimothyAmade a mistake with setting them up ;>_>14:45
jchambershow do I get in line?14:45
bitannihilator42i cant find ppp_2.4.4rel-4.1ubuntu2_i386.deb in the repos14:45
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norbert79Pirate_Hunter: Why don't you just try to use the generic Install CD?14:45
norbert79Pirate_Hunter: Maybe that has the support for your modem14:46
norbert79built in14:46
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bitannihilator42this is the error i get from the only deb i have14:46
bitannihilator42dpkg-deb (subprocess): short read in buffer_copy (failed to write to pipe in copy)14:46
bitannihilator42dpkg-deb: subprocess paste returned error exit status 214:46
bitannihilator42dpkg: error processing ppp_2.4.4rel-4.1ubuntu2_i386.deb (--install):14:46
bitannihilator42 short read in buffer_copy (backend dpkg-deb during `./etc/ppp/options')14:46
FloodBot2bitannihilator42: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:46
TimothyAnevermind, got it14:46
salerbitannihilator42, is this the  message "The "404 Not Found" messages show that that repository doesn't have sources"14:46
recon69got a couple of question, 1) how do i check to see if i'm running ubuntu 8.10 , and if so should I have my repos setup like this "deb http://packages.medibuntu.org/ intrepid free non-free " instead of like this "deb http://packages.medibuntu.org/ hardy free non-free"14:47
joaopintorecon69, on eht terminal run: lsb_release -a14:47
salerbitannihilator42, can u use paste.ubuntu.com for u error14:47
bitannihilator42saler: where would i see that?14:47
joaopintoor, system -> help -> about ubuntu14:47
norbert79jchambers: Did your Dell came with Ubuntu presinstalled?14:47
norbert79!ch | wanglei14:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ch14:47
joaopintorechael, for medibuntu help better check their page for the proper format14:48
joaopintoops, was for recon6914:48
jchambersnorbert nope14:48
jchambersI installed it myself, all is good and working14:48
joaopinto!cn | wanglei14:48
ubottuwanglei: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk14:48
norbert79dang, Dell support is out of the question14:48
jchambersScreen just randomly flickers/blanks14:48
norbert79jchambers: Sounds a contact error to me, hardware error14:48
recon69joaopinto: and the repos, they should be intrepid instead of hardy?14:48
bitannihilator42all give me 40414:49
jchambersNope doesn't do it in Windows14:49
joaopintorecon69, you must check at the medibuntu page, they must provide the instructions for setup their repository...14:49
norbert79!medibuntu | recon6914:49
ubotturecon69: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org14:49
jchambersSeems like something keeps polling to look for connections14:49
ardchoillebitannihilator42: feisty is EOL so the package archive has been moved to the archive area14:49
c0p3rn11how do you type  é,î,à, ... with a querty keyboard ?14:49
bitannihilator42where is that?14:50
recon69joaopinto: it's a general question, not specific to mediduntu14:50
joaopintoc0p3rn11,  ` then a14:50
norbert79!cn | wanglei14:50
ubottuwanglei: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk14:50
aoupi_hi, how do I change the keymap gdm uses? (it's using dvorak but there is no longer any dvorak user on the system)14:50
norbert79aoupi_: System/preferences/keyboard14:50
Slart!cn | wanglei14:50
ardchoillebitannihilator42: I'm not sure, but EOL means it no longer gets bug fixes and security updates, you might want to upgrade14:50
c0p3rn11joaopinto: then I get `a14:50
joaopintoc0p3rn11, that is because your keyboard is not properly setup14:51
srdgamewanglei: -_-!14:51
=== c0p3rn11 is now known as c0p3rn1c
aoupi_norbert79: I've been there and even clicked "apply system wide" and restarted gdm, doesn't help14:51
bitannihilator42i probably will after/if i cant fix this14:51
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes14:51
norbert79aoupi_: Did you also select the "default layout" for your layout?14:51
c0p3rn1cjoaopinto: how do I set it up to type these symbols?14:51
joaopintoc0p3rn1c, you need to select the keymap matching your kbd language, is is not just about "querty"14:51
aoupi_norbert79: there was only one, tried clicking but it did nothing14:51
joaopintoc0p3rn1c, on my case I use such symbols, with a portuguese keyboard14:52
c0p3rn1cjoaopinto: I'm using them because I'm learning french14:52
norbert79aoupi_: Check your current layout again, I am sure you have the right one selected right now14:52
joaopintoc0p3rn1c, selecting another querty layout for a keyboard from a language which does not use them, will not work, you need to know your kbd layout14:52
seanwHey all14:52
seanwMy ubuntu server's clock is about 40 mins wrong and ntpdate doesn't fix it.14:52
seanwThe clock just doesn't alter.14:53
seanwAny ideas?14:53
c0p3rn1cjoaopinto: ok I'll try14:53
norbert79seanw: Select the NTP service inside the clock settings14:53
norbert79seanw: Also called time-service14:53
seanwnorbert79, what do you mean? I note I'm on a server, hence only cli.14:53
norbert79seanw: I see...14:53
seanwntpd was running but it wasn't updating so I killed it.14:54
norbert79bad idea14:54
seanwI can start it again14:54
bitannihilator42apparently the feisty pkgs arent in the archives14:54
norbert79select a different ntp server then14:54
yogi192anyone suggest a good snmp trap gui application?  i just want an app that can receive snmp traps from hardware devices(non - pc's)14:54
seanwBut it isn't doing a lot.14:54
seanwnorbert79, I get this though which syuggests the server is fine: 30 Dec 15:34:11 ntpdate[19801]: step time server offset -2447.245363 sec14:54
HomingHamsterwhat can i install to make rhythem box recgonise and play wma files? i thought i hd it done, but it won't work...14:54
=== RandomCake_ is now known as RandomCake
joaopintoc0p3rn1c, I believe the proper term for what you are trying to achieve is "dead keys"14:54
istvan_does anyone know of a good php irc chat, or if someone can help me can you start a private chat with me?14:54
aoupi_norbert79: still doesnt work probably some gconf-only thing, Ill try looking there14:54
joaopintoyou want to turn your symbol keys into dead keys, meaning they will not produce a char until they are followed by another key14:55
joaopinto!ot | istvan_14:55
ubottuistvan_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:55
c0p3rn1cjoaopinto: is there any easy way in switching between layouts?14:55
rostamanI'm about to purchase a new HP or laptop and am going to blast Windoze and go Ubuntu...can I be confident that wi-fi will work with most new HP NICs?14:56
rostaman*HP laptop14:56
Ubuntu_CookiesMy LiveCD wont play sound14:56
Ubuntu_Cookiesplease fix14:56
Roland123anyone care to guess, if this keyboard works with linux? (The only place i found any mention of it was in a keytouch package) >> http://www.speed-link.com/?p=2&cat=141&pid=2415&paus=114:56
joaopintoc0p3rn1c, now that I am reading about the "dead keys", you should just keep your regular layout (matching your regular keyboard), but instead enable the dead keys functionality14:56
joaopintoc0p3rn1c, check http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=27607914:57
c0p3rn1cjoaopinto: ok thx14:57
Ubuntu_Cookieswhat about my ?14:57
HomingHamsterwhat can i install to make rhythem box recgonise and play wma files? i thought i hd it done, but it won't work...14:57
dr_willisRoland123,  looks like a normal usb keyboard to me...14:58
recon69could someone paste a copy of the /etc/apt/sources.list from ubuntu 8.10 plz? I change it without a backup :(14:59
luckyonehello all - before I pull the trigger on this ATI video card... I want to ask one more time for people's opinion14:59
yogi192if i copy it, will it be considered spam?14:59
Slartyogi192: only if you paste it here.. use a pastebin14:59
Slart!paste | yogi19215:00
ubottuyogi192: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)15:00
Roland123dr_willis: i hope you're correct, or someone will receive a nice new-years present15:00
c0p3rn1cjoaopinto: ok thanks it worked!15:00
joaopintoc0p3rn1c, great :)15:00
dr_willisRoland123,  its says its USB.. why do you think linux would have any problem with it?15:00
yogi192ok, let me read up on how to do it, so we keep this polite :-)15:00
qdbwhat port uses updates program to get packet new modifications15:01
c0p3rn1cjoaopinto: I will pass it forward later :)15:01
KiNnaZqdb http15:01
qdbinformation about new packet. ok kinaz15:02
KiNnaZi think atleast, if not then rsync15:02
joaopintoit uses whatever is setup on your repository for the updates source, either http or ftp15:02
bitannihilator42ok i managed to reinstall ppp, but the options file is still not there15:02
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qdbjoaopinto it has not worked with http i think15:03
yogi192recon69: http://paste.ubuntu.com/96015/15:03
yogi192i hope i did it correct15:03
Roland123dr_willis: i don't know if it'll have problems... some hardware just won't work out-of-box nicely15:03
recon69yogi192: thx :)15:04
dr_willisRoland123,  ive yet to find a keyboard that dident work.    Webcams.. yes..  ps2/usb keyboards.. no...15:04
yogi192you're welcome15:05
hanasakiwhat package do I install to get php support in apache2?15:05
Roland123dr_willis: nice to know that, thanx15:05
c0p3rn1chanasaki: aptitude search php15:05
teimuhi #ubuntu. i awoke this morning to find my computer unresponsive, even after several operations that usually work (some ctrl-alt-... commands). the power button wouldn't work either. where can i find the logs that would deal with a system-wide, presumably hardware-related failure?15:05
joaopintoteimu, /var/log/messages15:06
dr_willisRoland123,  only issue ive had with keyboards and some old machines is that the bios/grub menus may not like a usb keyboard.. thus i always keep around a PS2 keyboard15:06
teimuthanks, joaopinto15:06
bitannihilator42o great now i cant upgrade to 7.1015:06
c0p3rn1chanasaki: php515:07
hanasakic0p3rn1c: hmm looks installed.  i installed roundcube however apache is serving the php pages content directly to my browser.15:07
hwildeSuferr1ngLinUX, you can turn off that autogreeter please15:07
c0p3rn1chanasaki: http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu_debian_lamp_server15:08
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades bitannihilator4215:08
joaopintohanasaki, if you are using firefox there is a known caching "feature" causing that, you will need to clear firefox's cache first15:08
hwilde!lamp > hanasaki15:08
ubottuhanasaki, please see my private message15:08
c0p3rn1chanasaki: don't forget to restart your apache server15:08
=== Sergeant_Pony is now known as KB1OHY_Rich
bitannihilator42bazhang:thats what i did, the pastebin is what i got back from clicking upgrade15:08
joaopintoassuming you have libapache2-mod-php5 installed15:08
ardchoilleis there a mutt command that instructs mutt to start up, list new emails and exit? Or is there a way to have mutt check for new mail while it's running? I currently have mutt setup for gmail (imap).15:08
joaopintoc0p3rn1c, the module install package takes care of that :)15:09
yogi192i've read on the vim documentation that inserting syntax on in my .vimrc file that it would turn on syntax highlighting, but i keep getting the command is not available in this version15:09
ryan__I feel like this is a dumb question but in terminal how can i search a folder for all files that DONT have a certian extention15:09
bazhangbitannihilator42, you need to read the link and modify your sources.list as indicated15:09
c0p3rn1cjoaopinto: ic15:09
bitannihilator42i did....15:09
dr_willisyogi192,  you did install the vim-full package? the default is vim-tiny that does NOT have that feature enabled15:09
joaopintoryan__, find /path ! -name "*.ext"15:09
KurtKrautHow can I list iptable rules on Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex ?15:09
bazhangbitannihilator42, no you did not15:09
bitannihilator42http://paste.ubuntu.com/96021/ , yes,i did15:10
ryan__joaopinto: thanks i knew it was dumb i forgot about the !15:10
yogi192dr_willis: good point, i had vim-tiny installed15:10
yogi192installing vim-full15:11
c0p3rn1cKurtKraut: there is a nice gui interface for that, called firestarter15:11
bitannihilator42now what?15:11
dr_willisyogi192,  :) i also edit the /etc/whatever/vimrc to enable syntax and  a few other settings i always want on by default15:11
Lasivianis there any way to export my panel settings to another machine?15:13
yogi192dr_willis: changing it in /etc/vim/vimrc makes it global, so every users gets those settings if they don't have a .vimrc file?15:13
dr_willisyogi192,  yep. :)15:13
yogi192dr_willis, sweet15:13
hanasakilooks like the install of php did not put anything in mods-available or mods-enabled15:13
dr_willisyogi192,  theres some features in there i perfer.. but i am the only user. :)15:13
c0p3rn1cLasivian: these settings are stored somewhere in your home directory, ~/.gnome I guess15:14
theunixgeekHow do I enable the desktop cube in Intrepid? Is there something I need to install?15:14
Ubuntu_Cookiesis  suferr1ngLinUX  a bot?15:14
ubottuCompiz-Fusion (and the older Compiz and Beryl) are window managers that employ the "composite" extension of X to draw windows using graphics cards' 3D hardware. They can additionally provide "desktop special effects" (such as the "cube") by means of plug-ins. Join #compiz-fusion for help and support with advanced features. See also « /msg ubotu compiz » and « /msg ubotu effects »15:14
theunixgeekUbuntu_Cookies: yes15:15
preacheri've got the intrepid iso how can i put it on a usb jump drive to boot from that instead of a cd15:15
theunixgeekpreacher: burn it to a CD first15:15
preacheri want to try it on my acer aspire one netbook15:15
Ubuntu_Cookiesthen copy the files15:15
theunixgeekpreacher: then go to System > Administration > Create USB boot disk15:15
bitannihilator42anyone have any suggestions?15:15
theunixgeek*startup disk15:15
ubottusigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed.15:15
yogi192global syntax highliting muahahahaha lol15:15
hanasakiphp5 install put files in mods-available but not mods-enabled.. is this normal?15:16
bazhangbitannihilator42, your sources.list are wrong. fix them and then upgrade15:16
yogi192theunixgeek, the cube option is hiden in the latest version15:16
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades bitannihilator4215:16
yogi192i know becuase i spent an hour looking for it lol15:16
Lasivianpreacher: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AspireOne110L is what I used on my Aspire One15:16
Lasivianworked great15:16
Lasivianc0p3rn1c: thanks15:17
preacherlasivian: how did it work15:17
pikariohi, what is the difference between VMware, Qemu, and Virtualbox?15:17
preacheri got the win xp version but want to switch15:17
hanasakilooks like a php install bug15:17
Lasivianpreacher: terrific, I have a 110L myself and it's pretty nice15:18
theunixgeekpikario: they're different emulators15:18
Lasivianpreacher: the major limitations are the built0in mic and the headphones won't work at the same time, and I had some trouble with the webcam15:18
pikariohow do they compare?15:18
bitannihilator42the instructions from the page you linked: http://paste.ubuntu.com/96025/   my sources.list: http://paste.ubuntu.com/96021/   tell me where exactly is that wrong?15:19
theunixgeekpikario: I'd recommend VMware Workstation out of all of those15:19
theunixgeekpikario: VirtualBox second, and QEMU last (unless you have a GUI for it)15:19
c0p3rn1cLasivian:you're welcome, "pass it forward", not sure about the directory but as far as I know all settings are stored into your home directory15:19
pikariobut it's not free/open source, right?15:19
theunixgeekno, just QEMU15:19
theunixgeeknot sure about VirtualBox, though15:19
norbert79theunixgeek: And Virtualbox15:19
dr_willisI like VIrtualbox. :)15:19
pikarioyou mean i have to pay to get a linux program?!15:20
norbert79theunixgeek: But OS version of Virtualbox lacks of proper USB support15:20
theunixgeekpikario: some yes, but neither of those!15:20
bazhangbitannihilator42, the ones that are not old-releases.ubuntu.com are wrong15:20
pikarioi mean vmware !15:20
theunixgeekpikario: free as in freedom or price?15:20
norbert79pikario: LOL, does it surprise you? What did youn think? Open Source means not for FREE :)15:20
theunixgeekpikario: vmware is free as in price15:20
preacherlasivian: thanks i'll give it a try - i don't use mic and cam much anyway15:20
theunixgeekpikario: vmware is not free as in freedom15:20
norbert79pikario: take RedHat15:20
frostburnvirtualbox is great if you don't need to migrate any servers from a standalone vmware workstation image to an esx server or vice versa15:20
raisinCan anyone here explain how exactly do I enable nvidia tv-out on ubuntu intrepid?15:20
norbert79pikario: Thats Opensource too, but not for free15:20
bitannihilator42i followed the instructions to the T on the upgrade site.....15:20
bazhangbitannihilator42, then your sources would be correct, but they are not.15:21
theunixgeekpikario: free software (as in freedom) may be gratis (free as in price) or not; the same applies for open source software15:21
frostburni.e. virtualbox is great standalone =]15:21
pikarioso vmware is free but not open, qemu is open and free, and virtualbox is ???15:21
bitannihilator42so just delete everything else then your saying?15:21
norbert79pikario: It has a closed solurce version and an opensource too15:21
=== raisin is now known as UserC
bazhangbitannihilator42, the link says exactly what to do.15:21
frostburnpikario, free and open, compiled binaries on site are not free for non personal use15:21
norbert79pikario: Closed source and the open source are free, but opensource version lacks USB support15:22
bitannihilator42i did exactly what it said15:22
neetodoes anyone know anything about swami? I can't get it to output any sound...15:22
UserCCan anyone here explain how exactly do I enable nvidia tv-out on ubuntu intrepid?15:22
bitannihilator42see the pastebin, it says just add the 3 old-releases lines15:22
shakesbierhello, could u help me to find a way to minimize xchat to tray15:22
bitannihilator42which is exacly what i did15:23
norbert79shakesbier: Click on the X-Chat icon15:23
onetinsoldierbitannihilator42: what version were you hoping to eventually upgrade to?15:23
norbert79shakesbier: On your tray15:23
bitannihilator42i have no blanks either15:23
shakesbierit quits on "x"-click15:23
norbert79shakesbier: Click on the X-Chat icon on the tray...15:23
pikariohttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware <-- this says VMware workstation requires a paid license to use, is that true?15:23
grobda24UserC, here --> https://help.ubuntu.com/search.html?cx=003883529982892832976%3Ae2vwumte3fq&cof=FORID%3A9&ie=UTF-8&q=nvidia+tv+out&sa=Search15:24
bazhangbitannihilator42, you need to remove everything but those old-releases.ubuntu.com ones, as indicated in the link.15:24
onetinsoldierbitannihilator42: roger. have you considered just installing 8.10 clean and fresh?15:24
norbert79pikario: VMware yes... Vmware server also has a license, and needs a key, but you get it for free15:24
bitannihilator42bazhang:quote me the line where it says remove everything else15:25
popeyi have just booted a kubuntu 8.10 cd on my desktop and I get a logon screen.. kdm. if i logon with username ubuntu, no password it tries to start the session, fails and drops back to kdm.. suggestions?15:25
UserCgrobda24: thanks but that doesn't exactly help me. I wish to get the tv-out option in the movie player to work, i don't have problems with twinview or with displaying a picture on my tv15:25
bitannihilator42onetinsoldier:my last blank was a bad burn of 8.10 :/15:25
onetinsoldierbitannihilator42: oh :-(15:26
norbert79popey: Are you sure the CD was burned right? Do you have enough RAM?15:26
bitannihilator42the only good disc i had was a pressed 7.0415:26
popeynorbert79: it's got 2G of ram, and this is a shipit cd15:26
bazhangbitannihilator42, update your sources.list with a # in front of the dead archives15:26
norbert79popey: Thats a yes then15:26
bitannihilator42or that i had readily available15:26
Doonz2Hey Guys need some help investigating wether my box was comprimised or not15:26
norbert79popey: Hang on15:27
* popey hangs on15:27
grobda24UserC, that's not what you asked and you've asked the same thing under a different nick.15:27
norbert79dont, you might get hurt :)15:27
onetinsoldierDoonz2: you might read the /var/log/auth.log file15:27
popeyDoonz2: if you have any reason to suspect the box has been compromised you should a) disconnect it from the network, and b) wipe it15:27
popeygenerally :)15:28
Doonz2i was on hfboards.com when i noticed the find bar on the bottom of my firefox web browser start typing commands. i started breaking up the string and then firefox shutdown15:28
popeysounds like you accidentally activated find Doonz215:28
UserCgrobda24: oh well that nick was not of my choosing and It kind of annoyed me.. and sorry if it wasn't accurate i thought it was, i'm new to ubuntu and linux in general15:28
neetohow do I find the location of my sound card?15:29
Ubuntu_Cookiesi want to know too15:29
Doonz2popey no i didn't it was typing commands and then at the end said "You Got Owned" and the shut down firefox15:29
popeyDoonz2: possibly some malicious javascript on a dodgy site15:30
grobda24UserC, OK, the link is still relevant. Goodluck !15:30
Doonz2hmm looking through my log root logged in15:30
popeyDoonz2: unlikely, thats probably a cron job15:30
onetinsoldierDoonz2: oh, i suppose it's possible the gained access through web browser. but it sounds like if they did, you stopped them before they could do much of anything15:30
popeyDoonz2: ubuntu doesn't have a root user activated15:30
popeyonetinsoldier: thats a difficult one to call15:31
popeyDoonz2: have you installed all pending security updates?15:31
bitannihilator42http://paste.ubuntu.com/96033/  now what?15:31
UserCgrobda24: are you sure? i mean my tv output works, i can get the tv screen running and simply drag a file to the seperate monitor but i'm looking for a way to play a video with an output directly to the tv monitor15:31
grobda24UserC, sure enough .. just my two cents.15:32
UserCgrobda24: ok, thanks15:32
Doonz2Dec 28 08:13:05 sserver1 sshd[15846]: Failed password for root from port 57038 ssh215:32
Doonz2Dec 28 08:13:09 sserver1 sshd[15861]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost=59-124-57-151.hinet-ip.hinet.net  user=root15:32
Doonz2and then later in the log it shows root logged in15:33
popeyDoonz2: from that address?15:33
Ubuntu_Cookiesofftopic What about google chrome for ubuntu15:33
popeyDoonz2: do you have a password on your root account?15:33
neetowhere do I find the file for my active sound card?15:33
rblsti have an nvidia geforce 7 card, i can't set a resolution of 1024x768; if i install closed source drivers, i can change the resolution, but then my gdm screen is shifted; anyone know how to resolve this?15:33
popeyUbuntu_Cookies: this isn't the place for offtopic chat15:33
norbert79neeto: ? What file? What are you looking for?15:33
=== aaric is now known as Bleedorange
neetonorbert79: the device file15:33
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)15:33
Ubuntu_Cookiessound card15:33
Bleedorangehello everyone15:34
bitannihilator42bazhang: http://paste.ubuntu.com/96033/ well?15:34
Bleedorangeim new to linux15:34
norbert79neeto: You are looking for the module? First, find out what model was loaded15:34
Gurujihi thanx,15:34
Gurujican anyone help me in installing .... squid with delay pools on UBUNTU15:34
norbert79neeto: Linux works way different, than Windows, there are no device files actually, or not in the same way15:34
tsg_can someone have a look at this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=102245315:34
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto15:34
Gurujithe command sudu apt-get squid will install the squid but i am unable to set delay pools in it.15:35
bazhangbitannihilator42, your sources.list should have only those old-releases.ubuntu.com as shown on that link. please update your own list as such then sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade15:35
mircmacSo I was fooling around with alsa mixer & gnome-volume-control and now the buttons on the laptop keyboard don't control the sound, popup shows change, volume doesn't change15:35
Bleedorangei just had a problem with my NVidia video card but i got it to work15:35
qdbi installed new ubuntu 8.10 cd15:36
neetonorbert79, I am not looking for the module. I already know that. I want to know the path of my soundcard... where it's located in the filesystem.15:36
rblsti have an nvidia geforce 7 card, i can't set a resolution of 1024x768; if i install closed source drivers, i can change the resolution, but then my gdm screen is shifted; anyone knows how to resolve this?15:36
qdband now it says 212 updates15:36
popeyqdb: thats normal15:36
qdbdoes somebody has same situation?15:36
norbert79neeto: I guess that would be /lib/modules as the kernel is stored there partly15:36
byranis there a way to find the phone number in an mgcp packet??15:36
heath|workis anyone using awn?15:36
Doonz2popey i dont remeber15:36
popeyqdb: these are security updates and bug fixes since 8.10 was released, you should install them15:36
bazhangqdb, sure, the security updates and bug fixes15:36
Doonz2here is http://paste.ubuntu.com/96036/ <- some of my log15:36
AJC_Z0mircmac: Are you using pulseadio (default)? I found that the keyboard volume controls change the master volume and do so coarsely, so only register changes between "on" and "off" when the other settings are in a suitable range15:37
cemerickI'd like to install the server edition + a minimal gnome desktop.  Is it easier to install from the server ISO and then apt-get the desktop, or install the desktop, and apt-get all the server bits?15:37
qdbin update info > in changes tab it says: no info or unavailable15:37
popeycemerick: the latter in my opinion15:37
bitannihilator42bazhang: http://paste.ubuntu.com/96038/15:37
popeyqdb: yes, sometimes you cant see the changelog15:37
popeyqdb: but you should install the updates regardless15:37
qdbi thinked15:37
cemerickpopey: OK15:37
Guruji!help me plz.15:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about help me plz.15:37
qdbthat is because firewall15:37
Doonz2popey - i have no outstanding updates waiting to be applied15:37
cemerickjeez, apt-get install ubuntu-desktop loads in openoffice, etc  :(15:38
macmanhelp http://paste.ubuntu.com/96039/15:38
popeyDoonz2: i cant look at your log right now, do you see root logging in okay _from_ that dodgy IP address ?15:38
bitannihilator42and everything else is commented out other than the 3 old-releases lines15:38
popeycemerick: yeah, it will15:38
Doonz2btw it seems that my log file has had an hour deleted from it15:38
popeyDoonz2: where does it say root logged in from?15:38
=== enzotib_ is now known as enzotib
cemerickis there an "everything" ISO that will allow me to pick and choose what I want?  Something along the lines of fedora's installs?15:39
Doonz2it seems like the log stops at 7:30am and its 8:30am15:39
qdbsays "maybe unavail. maybe no changelog" like it uses udp and does not whether it is unavail.15:39
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades#Network%20upgrade%20for%20Ubuntu%20desktops%20(recommended) bitannihilator4215:39
qdbyour channel is scrolling too fast15:39
popeycemerick: the net install cd in expert mode is probably what you want15:39
qdbi have an idea15:39
AJC_Z0Doonz2: Is your time zone set correctly? What does "date" say?15:39
popeyqdb: just apply the updates15:39
bitannihilator42bazhang: did, this is what i  got http://paste.ubuntu.com/96033/15:39
Doonz2Dec 30 8:3915:39
cemerickpopey: please tell me it's not text-mode :-)15:39
bazhangbitannihilator42, choose yes15:39
popeycemerick: it is15:39
qdbmake separate channel to write question that are to wait longly for answers15:39
neetonorbert79: I'm talking about the file that acts as a frontend to the soundcard... like, if a program asks you for the path to your sound device, how do I find out the path?15:40
Doonz2How can i go about changing the root password15:40
popeyDoonz2: you dont15:40
bazhangDoonz2, dont set it15:40
norbert79neeto: ah, you are referring to the /dev directory, which is a virtual diorectory15:40
popey!rootsudo > Doonz215:40
ubottuDoonz2, please see my private message15:40
bitannihilator42bazhang: http://paste.ubuntu.com/96041/ now what?15:40
popeyDoonz2: in your log, where do you see root logging in from? what IP or hostname?15:41
Gurujican anyone help me in installing .... squid with delay pools on UBUNTU15:41
piecesi downloaded a file to my desktop that i do no want anymore, but when i try to delete with the trash or threw the terminal it will not delete.  I get a message saying cannot remove Is a directory15:41
Gurujithe command sudu apt-get squid will install the squid but i am unable to set delay pools in it.15:41
heath|workis anyone using the avant window navigator, and if so are you running stacks and have the icons working?15:41
popeyDoonz2: if it's anything _other_ than localhost then there may be an issue15:41
neetonorbert79: yeah, but /dev/snd is a mess... how do I find out what's what?15:41
Doonz2Dec 28 08:12:58 sserver1 sshd[15843]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost=59-124-57-151.hinet-ip.hinet.net  user=root15:41
Doonz2Dec 28 08:13:00 sserver1 sshd[15843]: Failed password for root from port 56921 ssh215:41
bazhangbitannihilator42, did you place a # in front of the old archives like I recommended?15:41
norbert79neeto: I am still confused what you are looking for... /dev/snd is ALWAYS the main soundcard15:41
Doonz2and i thought it said it today at 8:13 in the log but now i dont have anything past 7:30 in my log15:42
popeyDoonz2: thats a _failed_ login, not success15:42
Doonz2yeah but today i mean15:42
neetonorbert79: what about /dev/dsp?15:42
popeyDoonz2: where is the success logon as root?15:42
Suferr1ngLinUXOkay I need to sleep15:42
Sala!bot May i kill you now15:42
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:42
bitannihilator42everything is # out except for the 3 old-releases lines15:42
Doonz2its gone now from the log15:42
bazhangbitannihilator42, then change those to gutsy, remove the #, and put a # in front of the old-releases ones15:42
Doonz2the log is now missing 1 hour15:42
norbert79neeto: Ehm, I meant /dev/dsp, sorry, have several windows open15:42
rblstrblst: i solved it, i had to change the Virtual line to the correct resolution in xorg.conf15:42
bitannihilator42meh stupid nano....15:43
piecesi downloaded a file to my desktop that i do no want anymore, but when i try to delete with the trash or threw the terminal it will not delete.  I get a message saying cannot remove Is a directory15:43
piecescan anyone tell me how to delete it15:43
mircmacAJC_Z0: Not sure about the pulse audio(default) is this a setting that is shown in one of the apps? And I agree about the course nature of the keyboard controls, is there a setting for that?15:44
fosco_pieces: ins a term write cd ~/Desktop15:44
fosco_then rm -rf file15:44
piecesfosco_: ok what's the -rf meand?15:44
rockyrockhi guys, i just installed Ubuntu. What codecs should i download and install so i can run all media formats???? flv, mpeg1234, mp3, wma, wmv....etc all know media formats15:44
bazhang!codecs > rockyrock15:45
ubotturockyrock, please see my private message15:45
norbert79medibuntu | rockyrock15:45
norbert79!medibuntu | rockyrock15:45
ubotturockyrock: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org15:45
neetonorbert79: I don't think it's /dev/dsp either... I am using alsa... if that can direct the search to another file in /dev/15:45
qdbi installed new ub. 8 10 cd15:45
aspireI was adviced to do my system upgrade overnight15:45
qdbthere is orca in menu15:45
onetinsoldierpieces: that mean 'recursive' and 'force'15:45
qdbbut it does not work15:45
norbert79neeto: I would advise you to try to understand the concept of sound under Linux first...15:45
qdbterminal opens15:45
qdband stays15:46
rockyrocknorbert79: i just want the name of the packages so i can download and install them15:46
AJC_Z0mircmac: There is probably a better way to tell, but when I run alsamixer I see only one bar for "Card: PulseAudio"15:46
ParadoxxHow do I uninstall flash plugins in firefox?15:46
norbert79neeto: Alsa is a method, like OSS, and pulseaudio is a daemon15:46
aspirewhat happened. the power cut disabled my computer and consequently I am not able to boot it up15:46
qdbis that a bug?15:46
AJC_Z0(ESC ESC to exit alsamixer)15:46
aspirethis is a real pain15:46
norbert79neeto: If you cannot tell the differences, make yourself know with the basics15:46
aspireI get the the phase of not being able to load X15:46
=== Andry_Sleeping is now known as Andry
Doonz2ok i think i got it sorted15:47
onetinsoldierParadoxx: dor you have flash plugins installed in dpkg?   dpkg -l '*flash*' | grep '^ii'15:47
aspirerather then using the boot disk to make a backup and reinstalling the system I would like to know whether it would be possible to fix my system15:47
Doonz2Dec 30 07:45:10 sserver1 sudo:     root : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=server ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/gconftool --get /system/http_proxy/use_http_proxy15:47
Doonz2Dec 30 07:45:11 sserver1 sudo:     root : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=server ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/gconftool --get /system/http_proxy/host15:47
Doonz2Dec 30 07:45:11 sserver1 sudo:     root : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=server ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/gconftool --get /system/http_proxy/port15:47
aspiremostly the problem is that my file system is read only15:47
Paradoxxonetinsoldier, I have the adobe-flashplugin installed currently it says15:48
aspirethat is why the boot daemon is not able to boot up as it has an error about writing files15:48
rinsmastersince a few days, when I login, my gnome's in some ugly theme (blueish pre-breezy style icons) until I just open(!) the theme properties window, and as soon as the window opens, my theme goes back to normal15:48
Doonz2and that woulda been right around the time when that thing in Firefox happend15:48
Paradoxxonetinsoldier, My problem is that I had installed gnash plugin b/c the adobe plugin wasn't working and now I can't get it to uninstall15:48
aspirewhat can I do to make the file system read and write???15:48
Paradoxxonetinsoldier, Even though I uninstalled it in synaptic15:49
onetinsoldierParadoxx: ok, close out firefox and then...   apt-get purge <package_name>    ..what happens if you try?15:49
dr_willisrinsmaster,  sounds like the gnome-settings-deamon is not running for some reason. See if other users have simile rissue?15:49
puttianyone able to help me out with why gtk-window-decorator has to be run manually when gnome starts for it to work?15:49
Paradoxxonetinsoldier, kk, give me a sec15:50
rinsmasterdr_willis, somehow it started a few days ago, I'm not sure what I did that caused it...15:50
onetinsoldierParadoxx: ok. you'll need to precede that with 'sudo'15:50
dr_willisputti,  that 'fusion-icon' tool is what i normally use to change the decorators.. It may help set whatever proper settings need to be set - to make the decorator start up right15:50
bitannihilator42working now, thx15:50
mircmacAJC_Z0: yes thats what I see, but the key board has no control, shows mute when sound is playing and volume is controlled in gnome and alsamixer15:50
macmanhelp http://paste.ubuntu.com/96039/15:51
FloodBot2aspire: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:51
bitannihilator42wow 3 mins to fetch the upgrade15:51
dr_willisrinsmaster,  get it working. and logout, but save the session perhaps beforhand with the sessions tool?15:51
puttiok I will try that then willis15:51
Doonz2whats the command to see all connections on a box15:51
SlimeyPetenetstat -a15:52
bazhangaspire, do you have a support question?15:52
aspireIs there any one that can tell me how to change the premissions of my file system15:52
onetinsoldierDoonz2: i can recommand a good app that's nice for watching connaections,  iptraf15:52
Paradoxxonetinsoldier, Ok, it said that there was no gnash installed, but I'm also uninstalling the adobe plugin and then reinstalling it15:52
rinsmasterdr_willis, oh I think I remember now, I cleaned up the list in the Sessions dialog, I probably removed the settings-deamon thing then...15:52
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aspirebazhang: I just explained my problem but I was ignored15:52
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions aspire15:52
lain_wiredHiya all, I'm looking to reauthor and compress some DVDs, any good apps on ubuntu?15:53
aspirebazhang: is that for the file system of for files???15:53
onetinsoldierParadoxx: ok, good luck15:53
aspireI had a power cut will upgrading my system15:53
bazhangaspire, have you read the link?15:53
aspirenow it will not load my X when booting15:53
lain_wiredOh, sorry, that should be encoding (to avi 700mb) not compressing.15:54
onetinsoldieraspire: do you have a bunch of files listed if you do the following command?   ls -l /var/lib/dpkg/updates  ...?15:55
ElemonGWmy mouse doesn't work under ubuntu 8.10.  it worked perfectly under ubuntu 8.04 although there my hard drive wasn't recognised :/15:55
bazhanglain_wired, ogmrip15:55
aspireonetinsoldier: it says zero but this could be of the live disk15:56
KebabAnyone know where I can download codecs and drivers without terminal(usin win on other cmp)? Cuz my laptop net wont work.15:57
onetinsoldieraspire: yes... live cd cannot really be updated unless it's installed onto some sort of disk or usb memory stick15:57
Paradoxxonetinsoldier, Even though I uninstalled all flash plugins. Youtube still works for me.15:58
bazhangKebab, you want to create an archive usable on another computer?15:58
aspireonetinsoldier: ls -l mnt/var/lib/dpkg/updates15:58
aspirels: cannot access mnt/var/lib/dpkg/updates: No such file or directory15:58
onetinsoldierParadoxx: ok, do   sudo updatedb15:58
lain_wiredbazhang, ogmrip? I'm not sure how to use it.15:58
aspireI have mounted the disk to /mnt onetinsoldier15:58
onetinsoldierParadoxx: then...   locate flash15:58
Kebabexatly bazhang. And then transfer through usb or something.15:58
Slart!aptoncd | Kebab15:58
ubottuKebab: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers15:58
bazhangKebab, yep aptoncd as Slart suggests15:59
Paradoxxonetinsoldier, I got a lot of output15:59
onetinsoldieraspire: i don't know that i can help much really. i'm just used to dealing with real actual linux installations really15:59
kitplyhi all, I have a samsung mp3 player, but when I connect it to the USB port Ubuntu 8.10 doesnt seem to identify it and the mp3 player starts charging instead. Are there any drivers available for this mp3 player for Ubuntu OS15:59
aspireonetinsoldier: I have this system installed, the problem is that I cant boot it up16:00
aspireI'm looking for a way to get my system back to work16:00
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hspaanskitply: what do you expect? it needs to be connected to rhythmbox?16:00
Paradoxxonetinsoldier, What specifically am I looking for?16:00
aspireI told you that I had a power cut while upgrading my system16:00
hspaanskitply: do you see it as a storage device?16:01
aspireand that the file system has become read only16:01
onetinsoldierParadoxx: can you redirect it to a file, and then open the file and pastebin the contents?   locate flash > flash_locations_file16:01
aspireas when you open synaptic package manager and are not able to perform an apt-get install from the command line16:01
Kebabbut bazhang... I dont have another comp with aptitude.16:02
kitplyhspaans: no i dont see it as a storage device16:02
bazhangaspire, can you log into the system at all; ie safe mode16:02
KebabSo I have nothing to take from.16:02
bazhangKebab, will this system ever have internet16:02
onetinsoldierParadoxx: locate flash > flash_locations_file    ...do that command, then pastebin that file16:02
kitplyhspaans: i would lik to see it as a storage device to copy/paste songs16:02
Kebabbazhang well once I get the drivers over yes? :P16:02
bazhangKebab, which drivers? the wireless?16:03
aspirebazhang: yes if I press alt + F2 then I get a login window16:03
aspirewhich allows me to login16:03
aspirebut there is not much that I can do16:03
bazhangKebab, why not get an ethernet cable to the box while you install the drivers then16:03
hspaanskitply: plug it in and the send the output of the following command to pastebin : dmesg | tail && lsusb16:03
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)16:03
Kebabbazhang tried that aswell. The cable didnt seem to work.16:03
bazhangaspire, you can log into recovery mode then?16:03
KebabDunno why16:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about netbook16:04
aspirebasically I get this error message that says that my file system is read only and therefore unable to load the gui16:04
aspirebazhang: I do not get to the stage of the login window, the system simply hangs on boot time16:04
bazhangaspire, there should be an option to fix broken packages16:04
bazhangKebab, what error did you get with the cable ; be more specific please16:05
Doonz2http://paste.ubuntu.com/96055/ <-- First Log file  http://paste.ubuntu.com/96058/ <-- Second log file16:05
aspirebazhang: how would I get to that option?16:05
Kebabbazhang like 'couldent connect to'16:05
kitplyhspaans: http://paste.ubuntu.com/96059/16:06
SavagesaturnBoa tarde!16:06
aspireand again is there a way to set my file system such that it is not read only but that it is possible to write to it16:06
bazhangDoonz2, might have gotten a script exploit, you may search for rootkits if you are truly worried; also ff has a noscript addon you can install that will stop any such exploits in the future16:06
hspaanskitply: your sure that it has real usb support?16:07
bazhangKebab, you can get to a terminal with the cable connected at start up? that is the best way to troubleshoot this16:07
Doonz2bazhang,  but does it look like my box was comprimised or did it just shutdown firefox cause it was an exploit designed for windows16:07
cappizi have a 5TB raid, shows up in the system. Im trying to make a crypted device with cryptsetup LuksFormat.16:08
kitplyhspaans: I went to the samsung website to find suitable drivers/firmware for linux os. But they have only posted drivers for different Windows versions16:08
ParadoxxWhat is the link for pastbins again?16:09
bazhangDoonz2, highly doubtful it was compromised, you can check for how users there are currently on the machine by typing 'w' in the terminal, and apt-cache search rootkit to install the appropriate rootkit hunters, as well as installing the ff addon for future peace of mind16:09
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)16:09
bazhangpaste.ubuntu.com Paradoxx16:09
kitplyhspaans: this mp3 player was recognised by windows earlieronly after i had installed the specified drivers. But now i dont have a windows os. I use only linux16:09
hspaanskitply: has the mp3 player also real name?16:10
dekkong_Hey Guys! I have some NTFS partitions that I would like to change to ext3 how can I do this?16:10
bazhangdekkong_, back up data and format as such16:10
hspaansdekkong_: backup and create a new filesystem16:11
Paradoxxonetinsoldier, The pastebin is http://paste.ubuntu.com/96062/16:11
onetinsoldierParadoxx: ok, looking16:11
kitplyhspaans: The real name of the player is Samsung Mp3 player ( model YPU2J)16:11
betimhi, i've set a resolution that my monitor can't handle, now I cannot login to gnome, only gdm is showing, I tried xorg.conf; but there is nothing about framebuffer16:11
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n8tuserbetim - dont know if this will change rez..   ctrl+alt+ -   the minus in the numpad16:12
pdtpatrickbetim - why are you looking for frame buffer in xorg.conf when you are concerned with resolution?16:13
onetinsoldierParadoxx: ok, 1) rm -r ~/.macromedia   2) show me the output of --> dpkg -S /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/flashplugin-alternative.so16:13
hspaanskitply: it may work with MTP, but there appears to be a lot of issues with this device, both on Linux and on Windows16:14
kitplyhspaans: is there any other means that i can make ubuntu recognise it as a memory device. for eg: installing linux specific drivers or something of that sort?16:15
Paradoxxonetinsoldier, For command num 2 it says it can't be found16:15
hspaanskitply: it appears to be the MTP-route for you16:15
onetinsoldierParadoxx: hmmm, ok. are you running ubuntu 8.10?16:15
kitplyhspaans: what is MTP?16:15
Paradoxxonetinsoldier, yep16:16
Doonz2bazhang,  Checking `bindshell'... INFECTED (PORTS:  465)16:16
onetinsoldierok,hang on Paradoxx16:16
aspireany suggestions at all onetinsoldier?16:16
macmanany ideas http://paste.ubuntu.com/96039/16:16
Doonz2bazhang,  eth0: PACKET SNIFFER(/sbin/dhclient3[5829])16:16
Paradoxxonetinsoldier, Ok m8.16:16
Doonz2those two things showed up when i ran chkrootkit16:16
hspaanskitply: media transfer protocol16:16
kitplyhspaans: So do i have to install the MTP using apt command?16:17
bazhangDoonz2, there are sometimes false positives with those rk hunters; did you open certain ports16:17
alltaxOh, I got a nasty bug somewhere in my system after trying to get my wacom tablet to work. I noticed that Xorg "crashes" if I do tabbing for commands in a terminal application like gterm and xterm. But now I noticed that it happens if I try to search on a webpage with firefox, using its search function [ctrl]+F. Any one have a clue, I will search for the guide for wacom tablets that I found on google16:17
cappizi have a 3ware controller. the device doesnt show up16:18
cappizany ideas why the device "unit" doesnt show up?16:18
cappizim using 3dm2 and i can see the unit there16:18
dekkong_hey guys! what bit torrent client should I use ? I dont like Transmission16:18
Gneacappiz: where do you expect it to show up at?16:19
chouchouhelllo all16:19
ubottuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P16:19
cappizunder /dev16:19
cappizso i cant format it16:19
bazhangdekkong_, see above16:19
chouchoupls I jhave zpanel to my ubuntu16:19
hspaanskitply: maybe, I'm not using MTP16:19
chouchoubut I wuuld like to host many website to my ubuntu server16:19
Gneacappiz: did you check dmesg?16:19
chouchouhow do I setup the name server?16:19
Gneacappiz: or lspci?16:19
cappizlspci shows the PCI-X16:19
Gneawhat's the PCI-X?16:20
cappizdmesg doesnt show anything, but that might be because dmesg gets filled up by iptables/vuurmuur entries16:20
chouchouare you with me pl?16:20
hspaanschouchou: if you're asking these question, it may not be wise to start hosting your own stuff16:20
cappizPCI-X another interface16:20
kitplyhspaans: Will I get any information regarding MTP in the Ubuntu wiki/forums?16:20
Gneaso check /var/log/dmesg16:20
* milos9000 ko zna da radi u linuxu ako mu nije problem da mi se javi na pwt hitno mi je potrebno.....hvala u napred16:21
Seveasmilos9000, english in here please16:21
chouchouhspaans: how do I do pls?/16:21
chouchoujust a simple thing I am setting up16:21
hspaanskitply: http://liquidat.wordpress.com/2007/05/24/howto-samsung-yp-t9jqb-and-linux-aka-mtp-the-fourth/ <-- this may help you16:22
* elisboa installing Ubuntu totally drunk16:22
|donoteat|sure enough16:22
|donoteat|1319 users16:22
bazhang!ot > elisboa16:22
ubottuelisboa, please see my private message16:22
kitplyhspaans: Thank you.16:22
Seveaselisboa, that may not be the wisest thing :)16:22
* milos9000 ko zna da radi u linuxu ako mu nije problem da mi se javi na pwt hitno mi je potrebno.....hvala u napred16:22
chouchouhspaans: or do you know any documentation or tutorial to follow/16:22
Gnea!rs | milos900016:23
ubottumilos9000: Molimo udjite u #ubuntu-rs za pomoc u vezi sa Ubuntuom na srpskom jeziku.16:23
kugelso I compiled qt4.4.3 myself and want to install kde416:24
kugelthe problem is that apt-get apparently doesn't see that I have qt4 and wants to install qt4 libs and stuff16:24
onetinsoldierParadoxx: first!  sudo -i and enter password if needed, then run this command -->  find '/usr/lib' -iname 'flashplugin*' -type f | xargs rm -v16:25
elisboano more offtopic, sorry :)16:25
bazhangkugel, please join #kubuntu16:25
kugelbazhang: I don't have kubuntu16:25
Seveaskugel, assuming you know what you're doing (being able to compile qt without questions indicates that), you can use equivs to trick apt into thinking you have the packages installed16:26
bazhangkugel, kde4 are the province of #kubuntu16:26
ElemonGWwhich is the default nautilus' keybinding for maximizing a window?16:26
malcom2073This is a paste from a "top", is this amount of memory usage normal when idling:  5576 root      20   0  393m  60m  13m S    1  3.0 241:13.97 Xorg16:26
hspaansElemonGW: alt-f1016:26
Seveaskugel, another option is to grab the qt sourcepackage and use the buildscripts to build your own version of the qt package and install that16:27
ElemonGWhspaans: thank you16:27
hspaansmalcom2073: 60m is normal16:27
alltaxHmm, looks like I found the problem. If my "pc-speaker" is turned on in system / preferences / sound, my Xorg crashes when trying to beep16:27
Seveaskugel, but really, such things are not suported/supportable by us :)16:27
malcom2073hspaans: ubuntu is using over a gig idling, and I can't figure out why. It's also using over a gig of swap space16:27
quatar-ithi all. Does any viewer exists which shows pdfs or djvus (even in b/w) on the shell? (not OCRed, the image itself!)16:28
Seveasquar, it's shell. So no images.16:28
onetinsoldierParadoxx: are you with me?16:29
kugelSeveas: ok, what did you mean by "equivs to trick apt"?16:29
Seveaskugel, apt-get install equivs; man equivs. You're going to have to read the docs :)16:29
quatar-itSeveas: a fake... a number of dots one after the other bla bla... Also ASCIIart are images!16:29
kugelit's not a qt/kde issue, but rather a apt-get one I suppose16:29
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kugelah cool16:30
windwhinnyanybody here?16:30
Seveasquatar-it, ah, that maes slightly more sense. Only slightly more though and I know of no viewer that does this16:30
hspaansmalcom2073: post the following command to pastebin: vmstat 10 1016:30
Seveaswindwhinny, only 1310 people ;)16:31
quatar-itSeveas: thanks anyway!16:31
thddxanyone know why text may not properly refresh in a tty terminal?16:31
windwhinnymy computer can't connect to the net,i use router16:32
Lasivianis there any way to login to X from shell?16:32
thddxmeaning the old text "sticks" when scrolling16:32
thddxmaking everything unreadable16:32
Lasivianif I reboot I can't VNC back into the box since i'm not logged in on the gui16:32
SeveasLasivian, startx (but never at as root)16:32
Lasivianbut I can SSH in16:32
malcom2073hspaans: ok16:32
onetinsoldierthddx: try typing in --> reset16:32
onetinsoldierthddx: then try again16:32
thddxthat works fine... however it is not a solution16:33
malcom2073hspaans: how many iterations of it do you want?16:33
onetinsoldierthddx: oh, i don't know then16:33
thddxi can also type ctl + L    however, the problem persists16:33
rajkalyancan i get help with dl here?16:33
sindoes anyone know an alternative bluetooth manager for 8.10 like blueman16:33
hspaansmalcom2073: wait until its finished16:33
onetinsoldierParadoxx: where'd you go?16:33
thddxso, everytime i scroll down a line in nano... i have to force a refresh16:33
thddxor it is illegible16:33
Seveasthddx, before starting nano, type this:16:34
Seveasexport TERM=$TERM16:34
thddxi believe it is ncurses related... but not sure16:34
SeveasI know it sounds like nonsense but this has worked for me before16:34
malcom2073hspaans: http://rafb.net/p/63ewVR59.html16:34
Fishyhows http://www.amazon.com/Ubuntu-Unleashed-Andrew-Hudson/dp/0672329093 ... any good?16:35
thddxi'm using gentoo if that makes a difference16:35
rajkalyancan i get help with dreamlinux here?16:35
rajkalyani can't find their irc channel16:35
bazhangrajkalyan, no, this is for ubuntu16:35
rajkalyanwhere is the one for dl?16:35
Seveasthddx, neh, I've seen it on ubuntu, debian, centos, red hat, gentoo and even solaris :)16:35
Seveastry #dreamlinux16:35
Seveasotherwise no idea :)16:35
hspaansmalcom2073: you killed a big memory consumer?16:36
bazhanghttp://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist rajkalyan look here16:36
thddxwell, linux is linux IMO, but type what before nano?  a colon?16:36
malcom2073hspaans: I've recently closed a bunch of firefox windows, because I was at near 100% ram and 50% swap16:36
onetinsoldierrajkalyan: they may not have a channel on freenode, but perhaps on another IRC Network16:36
bazhangFishy, please paste offtopic links in #ubuntu-offtopic16:36
hspaansmalcom2073: the 100% ram isn't an issue, it should be close to 100%16:36
Seveasmalcom2073, 'using firefox' does not qualify as 'idle'16:36
Seveasespecially if it16:36
Seveas's a bunch  of windows16:37
malcom2073Seveas: I am idle now with ONLY xhcat open. that qualifies as idle16:37
Seveasprobably with some flash and java content as wel :)16:37
Seveasmalcom2073, air enough :)16:37
hspaansmalcom2073: but this looks alright, you may want to put more real memory in the box16:37
Fishyits a book about ubuntu?16:37
Seveasfair* (keyboard on EEE stinks)16:37
rajkalyanit says "#dreamlinuxforums" on freenode16:37
Fishyisnt that on topic?16:37
malcom2073hspaans: why would ubuntu need more ram than vista to do the same stuff?16:37
rajkalyanbut theres no one there16:37
bazhangFishy, its not a support issue16:37
windwhinnyi can get online with the same hardware settings in windows and suse(with ifup) but not in ubuntu. can anyone help me on this problem? what more information should i give you?16:37
malcom2073And why would my ram sit at 50% while idling, when I first booted it was at like 20$16:37
Lasivianhow can I login to X over ssh?16:38
RandyLaheeanyone know about booting a "successful" installation from a USB drive?16:38
Lasivianif that's even possible16:38
Seveasrajkalyan, then you're out of luck I'm afraid. If your problem isn't dreamlinux specific we may be able to help, what's the prob?16:38
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent16:38
hspaansmalcom2073: ubuntu != windows, there is a lot more running that windows just doesn't has16:38
rajkalyansorry its dl16:38
Ward1983Seveas, use a G15 keyboard on your EEE :p16:38
RandyLaheethanks ubottu16:38
Gneamalcom2073: linux handles memory differently than windows16:38
bazhangrajkalyan, well try #ubuntu-offtopic or their support channel not here16:38
malcom2073hspaans: ok, why would ubuntu be so much more of a memory hog than fedora? or than my friends intrepid? he dosent have this problem on his16:38
ChaorainI have a problem rebooting. I looked it up online and it said to add "reboot=b" to '/boot/grub/menu.lst' so I did and it worked but no its broken again any help?16:38
hspaansmalcom2073: but his behaviour is also common on windows16:38
SeveasWard1983, I don't know what that is, but an external keyboard is not an option. I'm in a train :)16:39
sindoes anyone know an alternative bluetooth manager for 8.10 like blueman16:39
Ward1983Seveas, it was a joke, its a massive gaming keyboard with extra keys and a LCD16:39
hspaansmalcom2073: because you're more demanding for more memory?16:39
SeveasWard1983, heh :)16:39
LasivianX is already stared on the target machine and waiting for a username/password, but I can't vnc to the target until X is started16:39
Lasivianer, until someone is logged in16:39
betimi've changed settings using gnome-display-properties; I just need to know where it stores the settings?16:39
Gneamalcom2073: ubuntu uses gnome, which is a known memory-hog. taking notice of the system requirements, 256megs is the bare minimum. xubuntu or elivecd might be better if he has low memory.16:40
malcom2073Gnea I have 2 gigs, that oughta be plenty.16:40
Gneamalcom2073: indeed. so what's taking up 50%?16:40
RandyLaheei have two gigs right now16:40
malcom2073But I can't open say, 5 firefox windows and 3 PDF viewers on my pc without going to 100% ram16:40
RandyLaheerunning fine16:40
asterslashhow can i reset the keybindings in gnome-keybinding-properties (System-Preferences-Keyboard Shortcuts) ?16:40
SeveasLasivian, make gdm on the target accept xdmcp connections and use gdm locally to login on the remote machine via xdmcp16:40
malcom2073and it gets worse with time16:40
SeveasLasivian, alternatively: make gdm autologin on the remote machine :)16:40
resoI'll give you 2 gigs in a minute16:40
malcom2073Gnea: according to system monitor, nothing16:40
Ward1983Seveas, http://farm1.static.flickr.com/76/228691581_11e4973507.jpg (G15)16:40
thddxgive gentoo a try... you will learn a lot, and your machine will only have what you choose to install16:41
Gneamalcom2073: did you actually open it up and look at the process list?16:41
hspaansmalcom2073: if you have 20 sites open with flash and all then its going down hard16:41
* Lasivian goes to look up what all that is, heh16:41
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:41
malcom2073Gnea: yes.16:41
bazhangtake chat elsewhere please16:41
Gneamalcom2073: okay, try opening a terminal and using the top command16:41
malcom2073hspaans: It gets worse with time though16:41
malcom2073after rebooting it works fine for a while16:41
Gneaalso, firefox is more of a memory hog than anything else16:41
malcom2073Gnea: xorg is taking up 400megs of virtual, but real memory shows 60 megs16:41
SeveasWard1983, the tri-screen setup is nice. Not portable enough for train though ;)16:41
Gneaif you're opening more than 1 instance of firefox, you're doing something wrong16:41
ThJMy MySQL 5.1 Server is broken. It refuses to start now. I'm looking at a whole load of these in my syslog whever I try to start it: Dec 30 16:43:42 d3 kernel: [13722948.371237] audit(1230651822.275:90): type=1503 operation="inode_permission" requested_mask="r::" denied_mask="r::" name="/sys/devices/system/cpu/" pid=11499 profile="/usr/sbin/mysqld" namespace="default"16:42
malcom2073Gnea: But why would it get worse with time?16:42
malcom2073As in, when I first boot my computer I can open say, 20 windows. a week later I can only open 5 before it swaps16:42
malcom2073for example.16:42
Gneamalcom2073: this, again, is how the linux virtual memory works - the 400megs you see is cumulative of all of the child process, in addition to xorg itself16:42
Ward1983Seveas, i meant they keyboard but yeah :p16:42
ThJIt's been running since before another admin on my system made the mistake of chown'ing a bunch of files in the file system root.16:42
Gneamalcom2073: xorg itself is not using 400megs16:42
onetinsoldierParadoxx: where are you?16:42
hspaansmalcom2073: there is only 60m used, the 400m is projected memory is may use in the future16:42
ThJIt was of course restarted in the course of an apt-get upgrade, and now it won't start again.16:43
malcom2073So could it be keeping that memory allocated?16:43
SeveasThJ, chown /var/lib/mysql back to the mysql user16:43
Gneaif there are processes running for extended amounts of time, yes16:43
SeveasThJ, you might need /var/log/mysql and some other places too16:43
Neurologicsudo: /etc/sudoers is mode 0644, should be 044016:43
NeurologicWhat does this mean?16:43
Ward1983some guy twonk was in #linux earlyer he overwrite his vista bootloader with grub (and it was on a fakeraid raid0 array) please help him out should he return, he left too fast to get help but he seemed a bit panicked about his data16:43
SeveasNeurologic, that you didn't use visudo to edit the sudoers file, which is bad16:44
malcom2073Gnea: But why would the system get worse with time?16:44
norbert79Neurologic: Change the authorization for /etc/sudoerrs to r--r-----16:44
mooperdHi, I have just installed ubuntu and I am getting error "Kernel Panic - not syncing: VSF: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)"16:44
TimothyPHi, I'm trying to recover a root password on a ubuntu desktop, forums state to simply boot in recovery mode or pass single to the kernel parameters, but then it still asks: Give root password for maintenance (or type Control+D to continue)16:44
mooperdI dont think linux can use my disc controller16:44
norbert79Neurologic: "sudo chmod 440 /etc/sudoerrs"16:44
bazhangTimothyP, there is no root password16:44
Gneamalcom2073: if you leave firefox running, that will happen - it's a problem with firefox16:44
TimothyPyeah I know16:44
TimothyPI want to recover the password of my sudo enabled user16:44
SeveasTimothyA, use these bootparams: single init=/bin/bash16:44
malcom2073Gnea: no, if I close firefox entirely, my ram usage does not go down.16:44
Paradoxxonetinsoldier, Still here16:44
malcom2073And next time I open it, it goes up even further than the first time16:45
Paradoxxonetinsoldier, sorry about that16:45
asterslashhow can i reset the keybindings in gnome-keybinding-properties (System-Preferences-Keyboard Shortcuts) ?16:45
malcom2073eventually making the computer near unusable16:45
ThJSeveas: they all seem to be owned by mysql already.16:45
TimothyPSeveas I'll try that :)16:45
malcom2073over like a week or two16:45
Neurologicnorbert79, I can't use any sudo command, it returns that error16:45
onetinsoldierParadoxx: ok, np16:45
Gneamalcom2073: are you sure you nailed the root firefox pid?16:45
onetinsoldierParadoxx: first!  sudo -i and enter password if needed, then run this command -->  find '/usr/lib' -iname 'flashplugin*' -type f | xargs rm -v16:45
malcom2073yes, firefox is currently not running at all16:45
norbert79Neurologic: Switch to root then16:45
malcom2073unless it runs under another name16:45
SeveasThJ, then check the mysql error log. It's usually quite specific about what it doesn't like16:45
Gneamalcom2073: how do you verify this?16:45
norbert79Neurologic: use su -16:45
malcom2073system monitor and top16:46
malcom2073and also doing a killall16:46
Paradoxxonetinsoldier, Just ran it16:46
SeveasTimothyA, alternatively, boot from a live cd and search www.kaarsemaker.net/downloads/code/ for my password reset script16:46
Paradoxxonetinsoldier, It said rm: missing operand16:46
onetinsoldierParadoxx: are you certain gnash is uninstalled? what's the output of?  -->  dpkg -l '*gnash*'16:46
Gneaand it doesn't show up with:  ps axf | grep firefox  ?16:46
ThJSeveas: the log files are all empty, for some reason or the other.16:46
malcom2073it's not just firefox that does this. VLC for instance increases ram usage, andthen when I close it, it dosent go down to its origional level16:46
illmortalwhat's up guys! I have a question... is it possible to "burn" the ubuntu Live CD onto a USB thumb drive? I don't have a CD drive and I would love to install Ubuntu onto my hard drive using a thumb drive. Is this possible?16:46
tsg_g2g I'd appreciate, if some one of you migh have a look at my post and maybe post something there thank you16:46
ThJSeveas: seems to be commented out in my.cnf16:46
malcom2073It does show up16:47
resoillmortal: yes16:47
ThJSeveas: guess i'll try to uncomment that.16:47
malcom2073but it says no such process when I try to kill that16:47
tsg_this one (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6462032&posted=1#post6462032 )16:47
Gneamalcom2073: usually, it will cache the data in memory for a certain amount of time... when that time passes, it clears the cache16:47
tsg_cu thank you for help16:47
hspaansmalcom2073: memory is also used for other things as well16:47
ThJSeveas: wait, line below it says: # Error logging goes to syslog. This is a Debian improvement :)16:47
Neurologicnorbert79, that's not working, any password I put in it gives me authentication failures16:47
Gneamalcom2073: are you sure it's not just the 'grep firefox' pid that you're seeing?16:47
illmortalreso... the only information i can find is about running linux off of the thumb drive, how would it be possible to install ubuntu using the thumb drive?16:47
norbert79Neurologic: Because you havent set any password for root yet then16:47
malcom2073Heh nope, that's what I'm seeing :)16:47
malcom2073good call16:47
SeveasThJ, that is correct16:48
Paradoxxonetinsoldier, http://paste.ubuntu.com/96084/16:48
Gneamalcom2073: can you paste the line that you actually are seeing please?16:48
Seveasshould be in /var/log somewhere (I have no mysql server handy to confirm)16:48
Neurologicnorbert79, okay...so how do I set a root password then?16:48
malcom207321842 pts/0    S+     0:00      \_ grep firefox16:48
malcom2073tis the grep firefox command :P16:48
bazhangNeurologic, dont16:48
bazhangNeurologic, use sudo16:48
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Neurologicbazhang, -_- I can't. sudoers is broken.16:48
resoillmortal: not the greatest example link, but just one I could find - http://www.pcmech.com/article/how-to-install-ubuntu-linux-with-no-optical-drive/16:48
malcom2073I don't mind high ram usage. I mind when the computer becomes unusable after 2 weeks16:48
SeveasThJ, if you don't get it fixed before 18:00 UTC (an hour from now), Feel free to poke me again, I can be much more helpful at that time :)16:49
norbert79Neurologic: well, you have no sudo authority, and no password for root... Looks like you have to blank the password for root in /etc/shadow, and reboot in recovery mode and set one16:49
onetinsoldierParadoxx: i did --> cd /usr/lib/firefox/plugins && touch flashplugin-alternative.so   ...and then did what i instructed you to do with the sudo -i and find command. it worked with no error.   try ls -l /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/flashplugin-alternative.so16:49
resoI did it using a different guide though, just looking through it for that. I remember it being a little bit of a pita16:49
bastid_raZor!usb > illmortal16:49
ubottuillmortal, please see my private message16:49
ThJSeveas: http://pastebin.com/d7c6daf2a16:49
Gneamalcom2073: that's just weird... did you check for stray vlc sessions too?16:49
wuzleanyone a mdadm guru (software raid)?16:49
malcom2073Gnea: yep.and stray sessions of the pdf viewer I was using because its a memory hog too16:49
onetinsoldierParadoxx: also do...    dpkg --purge gnash-common16:49
Seveas!anyone | wuzle16:49
ubottuwuzle: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?16:49
duffydackthere is an about:config setting that is supposed to fix memory leaks...16:49
resoillmortal: a better link - http://lifehacker.com/5070747/ubuntu-810-released-includes-bootable-usb-maker16:50
duffydackin FF16:50
ThJSeveas: ah... well, this is a production server, but fortunately, not commercial.16:50
illmortalthanks guys... gonna do some reading now :D16:50
Paradoxxonetinsoldier, You want the output from the ls?16:50
Neurologicnorbert79, I can't open /etc/shadow16:50
onetinsoldierParadoxx: yes16:50
Gneamalcom2073: well, movies and documents tend to scale in size16:50
Neurologicnorbert79, no permission =P16:50
SeveasThJ, those apparmor errors look odd. Maybe try disabling apparmor?16:50
norbert79Neurologic: Yes, this is why you have to use your Ub untu install CD16:50
malcom2073Gnea: but one would assume eventually that memory would be freed after closing the program, instead of piling up until ram is at 100% and all operations are in swap16:50
norbert79Neurologic: boot up with that, go inside your installed Ubuntu, and blank the password with editing it with gedit16:51
Neurologicnorbert79, ah ok...16:51
Paradoxxonetinsoldier, http://paste.ubuntu.com/96086/16:51
wuzleI have a software raid (mdadm, mirrored), and I wanna try something that could ruin my filetables. Is it possible to remove one drive, try the potentially destructive behavior, and then use the removed drive to rebuild things?16:51
onetinsoldierParadoxx: if it's just one single line, you don't have to pastebin it16:51
Paradoxxonetinsoldier, kk16:51
Seveaswuzle, only if you back up your data first so you can recover from backup if needed :)16:52
niklas175The default kernel is not compiled with support for pfmon. Anybody know a simple solution?16:52
ThJSeveas: I stopped it, but the problem seems the same, but now without any errors in syslog except for the final one from the start script...16:52
tummyacidhey guys, quick question about the XawTV package.  I am using webcam to upload pictures to a server and I need to use SSH.  Anyone know how to specify a port number in .webcamrc ?16:52
randomwalkdoes anyone know if ubuntu supports root cryptfs with graphical installation?16:52
onetinsoldierParadoxx: do...    dpkg --purge gnash-common16:52
Paradoxxonetinsoldier, Also, I had uninstalled the adobe flash plugin right when we started to see if that would fix the problem. Not sure if this helps16:52
wuzleseveas, but I have 2 mirrored drives, and take one out of the raid to try the bug, won't I be safe?16:52
Paradoxxonetinsoldier, I did that already16:52
Gneamalcom2073: it is possible to alter the behavior of the way the kernel handles memory and improve the performance... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=178618 and http://www.extremetech.com/article2/0,1697,2114123,00.asp are pretty good and getting into the guts of it16:52
jtajirandomwalk: only with the alternate cd16:52
Neurologicnorbert79, ok, I'll brb then =) Thanks16:52
onetinsoldierParadoxx: ok... cool16:53
ThJSeveas: Unless of course there is something more I need to do than /etc/init.d/apparmor stop to disable AppArmor...16:53
norbert79Neurologic: Good luck, secury /etc/shadow before doing modifications16:53
malcom2073Gnea: But why am I the only one having this problem? I'm sure everyones computers dont run out of ram after 2 weeks16:53
TheFive_CanGrii need the    code keys  for activate the cube16:53
Neurologicnorbert79, secury?16:53
KelenWhy it's not work when i press Tab key in `` with bash. any idea for this problem?16:53
bazhang!ccsm > TheFive_CanGri16:53
ubottuTheFive_CanGri, please see my private message16:53
SeveasThJ, and mysql.err still empty? (and owned by mysql?)16:53
onetinsoldierParadoxx: now, anything from? -->   ls -l /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/flashplugin-alternative.so16:53
norbert79Neurologic: "secure"16:54
Neurologicnorbert79, uh, how would I do that?16:54
ThJSeveas: owner by mysql.adm and still empty.16:54
norbert79Neurologic: cp /etc/shadow /etc/shadow.backup16:54
bastid_raZormalcom2073; actually, i reboot about every two weeks. the box seems to become a bit sluggish after 20 some days up. 8.04 here16:54
asterslashhow can i reset the keybindings in gnome-keybinding-properties (System-Preferences-Keyboard Shortcuts) ?16:54
Neurologicnorbert79, OH! right righ16:54
malcom2073bastid_raZor: Doh :(16:54
Paradoxxonetinsoldier, lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 37 2008-12-24 14:39 /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/flashplugin-alternative.so -> /etc/alternatives/firefox-flashplugin16:54
SeveasThJ, run the initscript under sh -x, find the mysqld-safe invocation and run that manually16:55
Gneamalcom2073: you're not, it's just the way you use it - clearly, you're a power-user who wants to squeeze the last bit of juice of performance, I just gave you the tools to help you out :)16:55
onetinsoldierParadoxx: ok... make sure you have a root prompt with --> sudo -i16:55
malcom2073Gnea: No, I simply want the computer to be usable after 2 weeks.16:55
asterslashhow can i reset the keybindings in gnome-keybinding-properties (System-Preferences-Keyboard Shortcuts) ?16:55
onetinsoldierParadoxx: then run this command -->      find '/usr/lib' -iname 'flashplugin*' -type f | xargs rm -v16:55
bastid_raZormalcom2073; and i do abuse my box too. it is constantly doing things 24/716:56
Gneamalcom2073: yes, you just told me that at least 3 times.16:56
hspaansmalcom2073: without to know what you do and what you see there is no really much there can be done16:56
g0r8yHi there,  i just installed intrepid, ran updates, installed the nvidia binary for my gforce mx 400 and now X is only giveing black screen,any thoughts? =)16:56
onetinsoldierParadoxx: copy and paste that in from the channel message buffer if you need to16:56
malcom2073hmm, reading online, it may be a leak in the video driver I'm using. ima try switching that16:56
norbert79bye all16:57
TimothyPI have a root shell now but when I run passwd I get authentication lock busy .... (trying to change the password of my sudo enabled user) used the init=/bin/bash trick16:57
Paradoxxonetinsoldier, I get the missing rm operand error again16:57
asterslashhow can i reset the keybindings in gnome-keybinding-properties (System-Preferences-Keyboard Shortcuts) ?16:57
mlesterdoes anyone know of a good article that explains the gnome/metacity compiz/window decorations synergy in ubuntu16:57
quatar-ithi all. I'm trying to view a pdf file with fbi . But if i launch it without options, it says /dev/fb0 is missing. So if i use -d /dev/tty it says ioctl FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO: invalid argument . Why that? I did it sudoed and unsudoed.16:57
hspaansmalcom2073: with 60m for xorg? no16:57
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asterslashhow can i reset the keybindings in gnome-keybinding-properties (System-Preferences-Keyboard Shortcuts) ?16:58
Paradoxxonetinsoldier, I just tried opening firefox and the flash plug in is now gone16:58
onetinsoldierParadoxx: i just tested it again, works exactly as expected here with no error16:58
Paradoxxonetinsoldier, Should I try to reinstall it now?16:58
TimothyPnever mind :) need to remount my drive :p16:58
malcom2073This is annoying, if I wanted to reboot every two weeks I'd use windows :-/16:58
onetinsoldierParadoxx: sure, go ahead16:58
malcom2073Maybe I'll switch back to fedora, it didn't have this problem16:58
bastid_raZorhspaans; malcom2073 currently this box has been up 7 days and as of now only 60MB of Xorg RAM usage16:58
ThJSeveas: bingo, 081230 17:59:12 [ERROR] Can't open the mysql.plugin table. Please run mysql_upgrade to create it.16:59
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ThJSeveas: Odd that Ubuntu didn't upgrade that, might still be other trouble ahead.16:59
zwobblehey there16:59
malcom2073bastid_raZor: my problem is that my ram is being shown as full, and yet no processes show as using the ram16:59
asterslashhow can i reset the keybindings in gnome-keybinding-properties (System-Preferences-Keyboard Shortcuts) ?16:59
onetinsoldierParadoxx: just to show you.. this is what i get from that command...   root@maroon-bells:~# find '/usr/lib' -iname 'flashplugin*' -type f | xargs rm -v   -->  removed `/usr/lib/firefox/plugins/flashplugin-alternative.so'16:59
ThJSeveas: and... 081230 17:58:45 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: unknown option '--skip-bdb'16:59
Seveasthj, backup /var/lib/mysql first now :)17:00
ThJSeveas: actually, i think that one's the killer...17:00
hspaansmalcom2073: ram is also being used for caches and buffers17:00
quiethas anyone in here gotten the dell mini 9 and upgraded the ssd?17:00
zwobbledo beamers work with Ubuntu>17:00
SeveasThJ, yeah, remove skip-bdb from my.cnf17:00
mirelahajricfuck meeeeee17:00
Seveaszwobble, yes17:00
mirelahajricfick mich17:00
Seveas!ops | mirelahajric17:00
ubottumirelahajric: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!17:00
zwobbleI connected a beamer to my monitor output.. and i cant get my screen to display17:00
ThJSeveas: hehey, i think it worked17:00
ThJSeveas: geeze, i could have never figured this one out on my own o_O17:01
lyk3ndoes anyone know how to fix xorg without an internet connection17:01
SeveasThJ, at work I run about 200 mysql servers. I've seen all the errors you can see :)17:01
onetinsoldierSeveas: famous last words  :P17:02
Seveasonetinsoldier, no, those are "this cannot go wrong" before doing an upgrade :)17:02
ldiamondHow do I add a network printer in ubuntu?17:02
malcom2073hspaans: linux dosent track memory by the process that created it?17:02
onetinsoldierSeveas: i'll bet!17:02
malcom2073or rather allocated it17:03
ThJSeveas: thank you for helping :) now my 13.000 users will he happy again. xD17:03
GneaSeveas: hey, are you the dude who does the work with freenx?17:03
onetinsoldierSeveas: you have another happy customer :-)17:03
hspaansmalcom2073: for the heap and stack yes17:03
zwobbleSeveas, how can I make it work? Right now its just blue.. signal doesnt seem to come through17:03
SeveasGnea, I did some freenx packaging a few years ago. Stopped when I realized how much NX sucked :)17:03
Seveasonetinsoldier, I aim to please :)17:04
mlesterdoes moonlight work with firefox in ubuntu yet17:04
onetinsoldierroger that17:04
Seveaszwobble, system->prefs->screen resolution17:04
onetinsoldierwhat is moonlight?17:04
ThJSeveas: what the fsck is apparmor anyway? o.o17:04
Seveasmlester, afaik it should, but there are no packages17:04
mlestermoonlight is the mono equivalent of silverlight17:04
GneaSeveas: heh, well, I'm struggling to get it to work right at the moment... I noticed that packages are up on ppa.launchpad now, so I was wondering if this was relevent anymore or not: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages17:04
SeveasThJ, mandatory access control for linux. Read its wikipedia page for more17:05
onetinsoldiermlester: Oh...ok. thank you :)17:05
ThJSeveas: is it like SELinux?17:05
mlesterSeveas: should I just download the rpm or a debian package17:05
SeveasGnea, that wiki url is far from relevant to anything that's hardy or newer17:05
ldiamondHow do I add a network printer in ubuntu?17:05
GneaSeveas: understood, thanks :)17:05
Seveasmlester, if you can find a debian package: use it17:05
Seveasthj: yes17:05
ThJSeveas: ah, gotcha17:05
onetinsoldierParadoxx: working for you yet?17:06
ldiamondActually, my question should be "What package do I need to get the printing config menu in the System menu"17:06
Paradoxxonetinsoldier, nope17:06
g0r8yis it bad if xorg is loading dri and glx when useing the nvidia kernel modules?17:06
hspaansmalcom2073: but memory works differently then windows nt, which uses a half implemented openvms specification17:06
SeveasThJ, with the difference that selinux as shipped by red hat and the like always ends up disabled due to being annoying and apparmor in ubuntu actually being reasonably tuned to reality17:06
Seveas(at least in my experience)17:06
onetinsoldierParadoxx: are you just wanting to get a working version of Flash in firefox?17:06
jmpcbenas tardes17:07
mlesterthanks Seveas17:07
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Paradoxxonetinsoldier, yea I am17:07
neurologicOk, so I'm in shadow...17:07
neurologicWhat do I blank?17:07
onetinsoldierParadoxx: ok, what is the output of? --> uname -m17:07
ldiamondWhat package do I need to get the printing config menu in the System menu?17:08
sharperguyany  good way to convert 32-bit wav files to 16-bit en-masse?17:08
Paradoxxonetinsoldier, i68617:08
Seveassharperguy, some bash scripting involving ffmpeg or mencoder?17:08
g0r8yHi there,  i just installed intrepid, ran updates, installed the nvidia binary for my gforce mx 400 and now X is only giveing black screen - x0rg.0.log seems fine, but i dont understand whats telling it to load all the modules seeing as my xorg.conf was virtualy blank until after the nvidia install17:09
Seveas(mind you, what I just said means needing to dig through horrible manpages :))17:09
Hentihello! ubuntu users!17:09
sharperguySeveas, maybe17:09
Paradoxxonetinsoldier, It was working before, and then it just stopped17:09
onetinsoldierParadoxx: roger. i don't know why it isn't working for you. someone else might know tho17:09
Paradoxxonetinsoldier, ok m8. Thank you again for your help17:09
asterslashhow can i reset the keybindings in gnome-keybinding-properties (System-Preferences-Keyboard Shortcuts) ?17:10
onetinsoldierParadoxx: you're welcome, good luck17:10
cheetiongin my network, i already have a master DNS server, but i cannot change any thing on this server, now i want to setup my own DNS server, but i need all ip resolve on that primary server, then my own dns server i can manage to update my host & ip, so i should setup my dns server as slave name server or caching-only name server?17:10
tummyacidhey guys, quick question about the XawTV package.  I am using webcam to upload pictures to a server and I need to use SSH.  Anyone know how to specify a port number in .webcamrc ?17:11
onetinsoldierParadoxx: ok, i know what was wrong with the command i gave you earlier17:11
ScottGI'm on a laptop, how do I switch to an external display?17:11
Seveascheetiong, it's not entirely clear what you want but it looks like you want a forwarding nameserver with maybe some extra zones17:11
Paradoxxonetinsoldier, What was? :)17:11
onetinsoldierParadoxx: i used 'touch' which creates an actual file. you have symlinks in there, so....17:11
neurologicOkay so I was just talking to somebody...apparently my sudoers is broken, he told me I need to erase the password, or lack there of, for root, in /etc/shadow Can someone tell me how to do this? I'm looking at the shadow file, but I don't know what to erase17:12
hspaansasterslash: gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/metacity/global_keybindings && gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/metacity/windows_keybindings && gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/metacity/keybindings_command17:12
onetinsoldierParadoxx: the command would need to be...  find '/usr/lib' -iname 'flashplugin*' -type s | xargs rm -v17:12
hspaansasterslash: that should do the trick17:12
* Seveas afk, back in 20 min17:13
ldiamondI need the package gnome-cups-manager, but it says its only available from another source... How do I install that^17:13
Paradoxxonetinsoldier, Still get rm mistake :S17:13
asterslashhspaans, unfortunately no17:13
onetinsoldierParadoxx: ok, i dunno then17:13
hspaansasterslash: you may need to relogin17:13
asterslashhspaans, oh ok, i come back here then, be right back17:13
sky_hi anyone know about some windows decoration program like Emerald theme ? but he must works without compiz17:13
neurologicI was just talking to somebody...apparently my sudoers is broken, he told me I need to erase the password, or lack there of, for root, in /etc/shadow Can someone tell me how to do this? I'm looking at the shadow file, but I don't know what to erase...Can somebody please help me?17:14
g0r8yHi there,  i just installed intrepid, ran updates, installed the nvidia binary for my gforce mx 400 and now X is only giveing black screen,any thoughts? =)17:14
geniineurologic: Root should have no login. There should be a !     between     root:                and               :123456            (or whatever number here)17:14
jugheadI think I finally got my nvidia card driver installed, but it thinks my LCD is only capable of 640x480... how can I change it to the max res?17:14
theblogguhspaans, no, nothing, still the same17:14
neurologicgenii: what's there I assume is a hash of the password? It's a bunch of random numbers and letters17:15
johannes_hi im using 8.04 and use two hdds, one for the os and one for data, can I tell ubuntu to turn off one of the hdds when it hasnt been used for an hour?17:15
geniineurologic: Yes, thats an md5 hash of the current password17:15
hspaansthebloggu: you may need to unset some more, but what is your problem?17:15
g0r8yjughead - if your driver is working u can use randr17:16
g0r8yor xrandr17:16
neurologicgenii: okay, so if I remove that I should be able to use root? or?17:16
urban_ryogahi. i'm trying to upgrade to 8.10 but the live cd doesnt recognize my partitions...17:16
quatar-itHi all. Has anyone ever used fbi?17:16
ldiamondCan anyone help me out setting up a network printer? (I dont even have the printing menu in administration!)17:16
theblogguhspaans, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=102570417:17
neurologicgenii: or, uh, when would one have been prompted to set a root password? I might remember it.17:17
g0r8yIm noticeing that my xorg.conf is very blank compared to my last install of ubuntu - can I stop the modules that are being loaded automaticaly as normal in there?17:18
geniineurologic: Ubuntu is designed to NOT use root account. Things requiring admin rights should be done instead with sudo17:19
neurologicgenii: unfortunately sudoers is broken, so...that's not possible17:19
geniineurologic: I would recommend to use a default type sudoers file. Should be only 2 entries in it.17:20
bastid_raZorneurologic; use the liveCD to set the permissions of the file you need17:20
rhavenhi, can someone point me in the right direction to mount a hard drive, that is in a "hard drive bay", it doesnt appear in /dev as sdb or sdc17:20
neurologicbastid_raZor: I'm on the livecd right now, so I should change the permissions of sudoers?17:20
mrweshow do you break sudo?17:20
neurologicgenii: well, the person I was talking to before told me I can like...chmod 044 or something and fix the sudoers file17:21
bastid_raZorneurologic; didn't you say it has the wrong permissions earlier? mount your / drive and make the changes17:21
g0r8yHi there,  i just installed intrepid, ran updates, installed the nvidia binary for my gforce mx 400 and now X is only giveing black screen - only the nvdia-config has modified my xorg.conf and there are no signs of bad stuff happening in the xorg.log17:21
neurologicbastid_raZor: yeah it said something like it was 0664 instead of 0440 or something17:21
KoolDcan someone name a good cd burner17:21
geniineurologic: 3 lines actually... eg: Defaults        env_reset         and: root    ALL=(ALL) ALL                      and another line of: %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL                And yes should be permissions like 644 or such17:21
RivitingOneWhere can I find a good up to date Walkthrough on steps to take after a brand new install to get all the normal functionality that ubuntu doesn't come with. Dvd playback, NTFS access, the ability to have sound on two applications at once, possibly something that can display a .gif.17:21
bazhang!burners > KoolD17:22
ubottuKoolD, please see my private message17:22
fosco__KoolD, brasero on gnome or k3b on kde17:22
neurologicgenii: but that was the error I was getting in the terminal, that I couldn't use the sudoers because it was set to 66 something instead of 0440 or whatever17:22
mrwesRivitingOne: I believe the forums have an 'ultimate media installation guide'17:22
KoolDthanks a lot17:22
=== dstar__ is now known as dstar
bazhangRivitingOne, ubuntu-restricted-extras and two packages from medibuntu17:23
ldiamondHow do I get the "Printing" menu in System->Administration ????17:23
geniineurologic: Boot to recovery mode kernel. Then issue:   chmod 440 /etc/sudoers17:23
mrwesbazhang: yah..I forgot ubuntu-restricted-packages make it easy17:24
vengerhaving trouble setting up CUPS, i have the printer installed but even when i go to http://server:631 on the server itself and do a print test page, i get an authentication dialog which will not accept any known credentials.  I've read the admin portions of the interface may be disabled in ubuntu by default.  Also there is no cups[sys] user after installation which i believe would need to be in the shadow group for basic authentication to work.  can anyone 17:24
Danthis irc only speak inglish?17:24
neurologicgenii: ok, how do I boot into a recovery mode?17:24
theblogguhspaans, have you seen the post ?17:24
fosco__!es | Dan17:24
ubottuDan: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:24
bazhangDan, #ubuntu-es for espanol17:24
geniineurologic: Hit esc during grub. Choose the recovery kernel line.   Then boot to that. Issue the chmod line. Then after: telinit 217:24
storrgieI am using ubuntu on my media center with a 50" plasma 1080p display. I would like everything to be 'larger' in windows I would adjust the DPI... is there a comparable adjustment in linux?17:25
mrwesldiamond: right click on the system menu and then goto administration and check the printer icon17:25
duffydackstorrgie: yeah, adjust the dpi :)17:25
storrgieduffydack: figured as much, where would I find this?17:26
mrwesldiamond: right click on the system menu and then goto edit and then administration and check the printer icon17:26
neurologicgenii: what does telinit 2 do? O_o17:26
ldiamondmrwes, the printing menu is not there either, I'm missing the package17:26
ldiamondmrwes, but I have absolutely no idea what the package name is.17:26
mrwesldiamond: cups is missing?17:26
geniineurologic: telinit 2        puts the computer into multi-user mode from single-user mode ("recovery")17:26
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows17:26
storrgieIs it difficult to get the optical audio to work in ubuntu?17:26
tewmtenquick question: is there no BitchX package in ubuntu's repos??17:26
ldiamondmrwes, gnome-cups-manager seemed to be the right one, but I cant get this package (it can only be referenced by other packages)17:27
g0r8yHi there,  i just installed intrepid, ran updates, installed the nvidia binary for my gforce mx 400 and now X is only giveing black screen - i have tried setting a manual resloution in xorg.conf but i dont think this is issue17:27
ldiamondmrwes, I have cups installed17:27
tewmtencant find it on packages.ubuntu.com =O17:27
neurologicgenii: ah ok. well thanks. I'll brb hopefully17:27
bazhangtewmten, irssi instead17:27
tewmtenbazhang: no I was asking for BitchX17:27
duffydackstorrgie: i dont actually know for SURE but appearance options, fonts/details17:27
storrgieg0r8y: there is a hack to get that working properly, you have to enter the lspci information into xorg.conf before restarting17:27
duffydacknever adjusted it17:27
mrwesldiamond: I dunno....cups worked after the basic installation I didn't have to add anything17:28
g0r8ystorrgie: awesome ty, that should be enough to goolge=)17:28
AngryElfhow do I find out what package a given file is in?17:28
ldiamondmrwes, I installed from the alternate CD and did a minimal installation with no window manager17:28
storrgieg0r8y: if i remember right you just have to do an lspci and enter the busid in the xorg.conf file under the video adaptor....17:28
onetinsoldierAngryElf: dpkg -S <path_to_file>17:28
storrgieg0r8y: when u find the link will you send it to me, i should have that bookmarked17:29
mrwesldiamond: sudo apt-get install cupsys cupsys-client17:29
theblogguhspaans, have you seen the post ?17:29
Danhello to all17:30
onetinsoldier!welcome | Dan17:30
ubottuDan: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.17:30
ldiamondmrwes, still nothing :(17:30
g0r8yStorrgie: will do - by doing that am i basicly overideing something automatic, my x.org.conf seems very barren compared to my previous  installs17:30
Danthanks onerinsoldier :D17:30
Danone question17:30
Danhow to enabled wireless atheros on Ubuntu 8.10?17:31
storrgieg0r8y: well kinda, your just identifying the hardware in the xorg.conf, only adding a single line17:31
HideousNashimotoHey, I need to burn 7.9 GB of data to dual layer 8.5 GB DVD, but Ubuntu is F*** me in the brain with some stupid!!!!!!!17:31
bazhangHideousNashimoto, no cursing here17:31
HideousNashimotoIt say that there is not enough room on DVD17:31
HideousNashimotoCan you tell me some good software for burning17:31
bazhang!burners > HideousNashimoto17:31
ubottuHideousNashimoto, please see my private message17:31
Danthe card is a atheros ar242x17:32
mrwesldiamond: try this link...https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/cups.html17:32
g0r8yStorrgie: yeah im used to doing that stuff previously but thought that might be the wrong approach now as the config file was so empty17:32
Dannot can enabled on ubuntu 8.1017:32
ardchoilleHideousNashimoto: nautilus hasn't let me down as far as burning yet :)17:32
NintendoGuy0Hey all :)17:32
HideousNashimotoWell I can't it say that  I need to pud DVD R-L17:32
HideousNashimotoin it17:32
HideousNashimotoEven though I put it17:32
ardchoilleHideousNashimoto: perhaps give brasero a try? you should already have that17:33
bazhangDan, the ubuntu wiki has a link for that17:33
Neurologicgenii, Thank you so much!!!17:33
ldiamondmrwes, All I want is to add the printing menu so I can configure my network printer using GUI17:33
NintendoGuy0Just wondering, I'm a beginner with Ubuntu. Is there some way I can just install a plugin/addon/mod to ubuntu that will allow me to run Windows Programs as easily as I can with WinXP?17:33
HideousNashimotoI tried brasero also, it *** me about some oversized thing also17:33
Danplease someone can help me with my card?17:33
Neurologicgenii, everything works, and I remembered my root password! XD17:33
geniiNeurologic: Glad to see you're back on track :)17:34
HideousNashimotoAnd that medium is not available for writing with current set of plugins17:34
fosco__NintendoGuy0, you can use wine17:34
bazhangNintendoGuy0, check the appdb17:34
NintendoGuy0Fosco, WINE costs money.17:34
bazhang!appdb > NintendoGuy017:34
ubottuNintendoGuy0, please see my private message17:34
NintendoGuy0And I don't have money :)17:34
Neurologicgenii, yep, thank you again! and razor too17:34
fosco__wine is free17:34
mrwesldiamond: try the webgui  http://localhost:63117:34
Danplease someone can help me with my card atheros on Ubuntu?17:34
bazhangNintendoGuy0, no it does not. it is software.17:34
NintendoGuy0I thought it said on the website it did.17:35
GneaNintendoGuy0: you're confusing cedega with the main wine tree17:35
captainmNintendoGuy0: You can use wine (it's free, really!) or a virtuall machine like virtuallbox17:35
storrgieanyone have experience getting optical audio to work?17:35
bazhanghelp in #winehq NintendoGuy017:35
mrwesfree wine? where?17:35
DanI've read my questions?17:35
zeldhi all17:36
bazhangDan, the ubuntu wiki has a link17:36
onetinsoldierhi zeld17:36
bazhang!wiki > Dan17:36
ubottuDan, please see my private message17:36
zeldhi al..17:36
HideousNashimoto2770 KB/s  how much it would take for 7.9 GB?17:36
NintendoGuy0So.. how easy is WINE?17:36
zeldhow can disable nm-applet from ubuntu?17:36
Danhelp :D17:36
nat2610I don't know why but after a couple of hour of uptime, my sound stops working, I tried to restart /etc/init.d/pulseaudio but I'm not sure it worked... and the sounds isn't back is there anything I can check?17:36
HideousNashimoto8137 MB17:36
fosco__NintendoGuy0, just try17:36
zeldonetinsoldier: :)17:36
bazhangDan, you need to read the link17:36
Danonly need module for atheros ar242x17:36
captainmNintendoGuy0: depends on the software you're trying to run17:36
sky_NintendoGuy0: why you use linux if you use windows program here ?17:36
mrwesldiamond: did you try the webgui ?17:37
sky_if you want use there windows apps17:37
Danwhat link?17:37
NintendoGuy0sky_, because17:37
mrwesldiamond: I actuall use that...works pretty good17:37
zeldthere is a dettailed how to?? where is explained good?17:37
NintendoGuy0For one, I'm sick of Windows.17:37
ldiamondmrwes, I'm trying to add the network printer but I dont really know how to locate it.17:37
ardchoilleI need a command line ftp client and am open to suggestions17:37
zeldi don't want nm-applet password manager17:37
bastid_raZorardchoille; scp ?17:37
sky_NintedoGuy0: and which programes ? i use wine only for gaming :P17:37
NintendoGuy0Two, I have bluescreen on my other computer, and I don't want to bother buying XP or Vista17:38
bazhangsky_, NintendoGuy0 please take game chat to #ubuntu-offtopic17:38
fosco__ardchoille, lftp17:38
mrwesldiamond: did you fire up your web browser and goto http://localhost:631 and then hit add printer?17:38
NintendoGuy0is this really off-topic?17:38
storrgieg0r8y: find it yet?17:38
zeldNintendoGuy0: remove vista and Xp ;) increase your disck space :)17:38
NintendoGuy0zeld, what do you mean..?17:39
ldiamondmrwes, yes17:39
NintendoGuy0I'm sorry17:39
zeldnothing :)17:39
NintendoGuy0I cant stress how uneducated I am with this sort of stuff.17:39
sky_NintendoGuy0: wine is really simple...just click on exe and enjoy :D17:39
NintendoGuy0Oh, thanks sky17:39
NintendoGuy0that's what I meant.17:39
ardchoillebastid_raZor: that would be hugely hindered by my faulty memory17:39
zwobblehey there, managed to get my beamer working :)... just one quick question: How do i remove the "Laptop 15"  notice17:39
zwobbleits at the top left of my scren17:40
bastid_raZorardchoille; rsync ?17:40
NintendoGuy0I didnt really want to have to open up an emulator program in Ubuntu and go searching for the Windows program.17:40
captainmardchoille: I like lftp17:40
mrwesldiamond: and then fill in the required information, like Printer Name, Location and Description17:40
NintendoGuy0I'll give WINE a go, thanks!17:40
ardchoillefosco__: lftp, eh? and it's already installed :)17:40
ardchoilleI think ubuntu ships with lftp17:40
sky_NintendoGuy0: wine is not an emulator xD17:40
ldiamondmrwes, That's what I dont know how to fill. Anyways, I need to print something right now (a form that cant be saved). So I'm now trying to print it to PDF17:41
NintendoGuy0sky_, I heard that technically, WINE is an emulator17:41
mrwesldiamond: what is the pritner connected to?17:41
ldiamondmrwes, I just added a PDF printer, but it doesnt work when I try to print to it from Acrobat Reader17:41
NintendoGuy0But I've no right to argue, I haven't the slightest clue17:41
zwoblebeamer works :)17:41
duffydackits more of a wrapper17:41
GneaNintendoGuy0: if it was an emulator, XP and Vista would be completely obsolete17:41
vengerNintendoGuy0, #winehq  winehq.org  --- wine is a compatibility layer, a translator at best17:41
ldiamondmrwes, to a ubuntu desktop machine.17:41
cmdbbqNintendoGuy0: wine is a compatability layer, so it is and it isn't17:42
captainmNintendoGuy0: wine stands for Wine Is Not an Emulator ;)17:42
ldiamondmrwes, but lets juts add a PDF printer for now17:42
ldiamondmrwes, Ill worry about the network printer later.17:42
mrwesldiamond: same machine or another?17:42
ldiamondmrwes, Another machine17:42
mrwesldiamond: er.. then use internet printing protocol17:42
bastid_raZorGnea; XP and Vista are already obsolete.. ;P17:42
NintendoGuy0@Gnea, sorry, what do you mean if it was an emulator, XP & Vista would be obselete?17:42
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:42
sky_we are really offtopic :D17:42
zwobbleHow do i remove the "Laptop 15"  notice with a beamer and dual screen?17:43
bazhangplease take chat elsewhere.17:43
mrwessits back in his easychair17:43
NintendoGuy0Okay, now I have a genuine support query.17:44
SeveasNintendoGuy0, bring it on :)17:44
rhavenwis there something special i need to do to mount a modular bay17:44
Seveashi rhavenw17:44
NintendoGuy0On my other computer (it's on 8.04.1), I can't connect to my dial-up17:44
NintendoGuy0Don't kill me for using dial up :P17:44
NintendoGuy0It's the fastest I can get where I live.17:44
NintendoGuy0So anyways17:45
=== SkyWaLKeR is now known as SkinWaLKeR2
duffydackNintendoGuy0: you`ll do it yourself eventually :)17:45
SeveasNintendoGuy0, upgrade to 8.10 if you can get a cd with packages. It won't magiaclly fix all your problems but dial-up is much easier17:45
duffydackcant you even get satellite or some 3G dongle17:45
NintendoGuy0Seveas, I just ordered the CD yesterday17:45
=== SkinWaLKeR2 is now known as SkinWaLKeR
IdleOnewhat do i need to do so I can connect to my phone with bluetooth?17:46
=== SkinWaLKeR is now known as SkinWaLKeRS
NintendoGuy0Duffydack, I've tried17:46
mib_3y96cphey guys, can you tell me when the latest release of pidgin will be available on the servers for updates?17:46
NintendoGuy0The satellite provider is useless17:46
Kartagishelp. i tried to make a dhcp server and my laptop can't access the internet now17:46
SeveasNintendoGuy0, I thought ireland was better connected than that :)17:46
Gneamib_3y96cp: when it's ready17:46
NintendoGuy0What gave you that idea? xD17:46
nickrud_Good morning Seveas17:46
Danhelp me for atheros on Ubuntu?17:46
NintendoGuy0Unless you live in some huge city, Internet access is tedious17:46
Gnea!wireless | Dan17:46
ubottuDan: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:46
IdleOne!wireless > Dan17:46
ubottuDan, please see my private message17:46
SeveasNintendoGuy0, that sucks17:47
mib_3y96cpwell, i know that, but do you guys have an idea of when that might happen?17:47
GneaNintendoGuy0: it's getting better in rural areas17:47
NintendoGuy0It's still not very good.17:47
NintendoGuy0I'm in a relatively rural area.17:47
Gneaso am I17:47
Gneadepends who your provider is and who's doing the work17:47
NintendoGuy0Gnea, ever heard of AirWire?17:47
ldiamondCan anyone help me setup a PDF printer and/or a Network printer please? I have to print a form that can't be saved.17:48
GneaNintendoGuy0: nope, they a baby-bell?17:48
vengerecho "test"| lp -dML-2010 yields lp: Not allowed to print.  user is in lpadmin group, printer is accepting requests and idle.  what should I do?17:48
nat2610I don17:48
NintendoGuy0I'm not sure what Baby-bell means, but they're definitely inefficient.17:48
Seveasbaybel? cheese?17:48
Dancan make an automatic script wifi in ubuntu?17:48
GneaNintendoGuy0: allow me to rephrase - cable or dsl? :)17:48
NintendoGuy0Erm, allowing my inexperience to break through here; It was wireless. I think LAN or something.17:49
ultrarenweird, my laptop's wifi kept timing out until i set up wifi security17:49
GneaNintendoGuy0: and a 'baby-bell' is a small telephone company that nobody's heard of17:49
mib_3y96cphey, again, anyone knows how long will it take for the newest release of pidgin to be available? i'm sure someone here probably knows how's the progress on that going..17:49
NintendoGuy0Oh, thanks Gnea17:49
NintendoGuy0they're big enough17:49
bazhangmib_3y96cp, perhaps next release17:49
Seveasmib_3y96cp, about april 2009, when jaunty is released17:49
NintendoGuy0but they are way too expensive and the service is awful.17:49
bazhangmib_3y96cp, ubuntu is not a rolling release distro17:49
nat2610I don't know what I did I was trying to find a shortcut and (alt + ctrl + <key>) and now everytime I open a new tab in firefox for example, the browser cover the 2 panel bars of gnome ... I don't think it's something in firefox, anybody what I pressed ?17:50
nat2610and how can I stop that17:50
mib_3y96cpi didn't know there were so many bug fixes to be implemented17:50
Danirc in spanish?17:50
GneaNintendoGuy0: most baby bells are using a wireless signal these days for rural access - since they're not part of a larger corporation, they can set and demand any price they want and get away with it17:50
Gnea!es | Dan17:50
ubottuDan: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:50
bazhang#ubuntu-es Dan17:50
=== aoliveir1 is now known as Toweliee
NintendoGuy0Gnea, problem is nobody's going to pay for it17:50
NintendoGuy0especially stingy people like me.17:50
ldiamondCan anyone help me setup a PDF printer and/or a Network printer please? I have to print a form that can't be saved.17:51
Seveas!repeat | ldiamond17:51
ubottuldiamond: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience17:51
GneaNintendoGuy0: and yet, you and I are having this conversation. :)17:51
duffydackmib_3y96cp: the latest is available on the pidgin site for ubuntu17:51
mib_3y96cpi mean, they just release the 2.5.3 or something like that last week.. i thought that update should be up on the canonical servers by now..17:51
Seveasldiamond, search synaptic for cups-pdf and install that17:51
bazhangmib_3y96cp, no17:51
ldiamondSeveas, I did.17:51
NintendoGuy0I'm on dial-up.17:51
Seveasldiamond, then use it :)17:51
ldiamondSeveas, my problem isnt that simple.17:51
bazhangNintendoGuy0, was there a support question in there?17:51
ldiamondSeveas, I also have to repeat because nobody answers me.17:51
NintendoGuy0Oh yes.17:51
mib_3y96cpwell, that sucks.. i love to use the whole apt-get thing for my updates.. don't like to go download software on 3rd party sites, you know?17:52
bazhangNintendoGuy0, please dont use the enter key after one word17:52
ldiamondSeveas, I dont even have the "Printing" option in System->Administration17:52
Seveasbazhang, enter is the new space \o/17:52
bazhang!ot > Seveas17:52
ubottuSeveas, please see my private message17:52
Seveasldiamond, install the ubuntu-desktop package17:52
ldiamondSeveas, configuring it using cups web UI failed as well. (I get /usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-pdf failed )17:53
* Gnea passes bazhang a fresh cup of joe17:53
NintendoGuy0anyways, I've set up the information (user password & username, IP, all that stuff) for my dial up connection, and then I click the Network icon in the bottom right of my screen17:53
Seveasbazhang, oh grow up.17:53
ldiamondSeveas, No, I dont want the entire ubuntu-desktop package (as it will also conflict with current applications I have)17:53
Kartagishelp. i tried to run a dhcp server and my laptop can't access the internet now17:53
ColoquialistI'm having a problem mounting a Disk formatted as ReiserFS17:53
NintendoGuy0And my dial-up doesn't show up on it.17:53
ldiamondSeveas, I need the specific package for the printing manager17:53
GneaKartagis: did you actually edit the config file to set it up?17:53
bazhangNintendoGuy0, is this pppoe17:53
Seveasldiamond, well then you're rather on your own (or at least without my help :))17:53
KartagisGnea, yes17:53
NintendoGuy0Err, one second17:54
Seveasbazhang, pppoe is adsl, dialup is ppp17:54
GneaKartagis: care to pastebin it?17:54
KartagisGnea, and i disabled the one in the modem17:54
NintendoGuy0I'll fire up my other computer so I can tell you better17:54
KartagisGnea, just a sec17:54
ldiamondCan anyone help me setup a PDF printer and/or a Network printer please? I have to print a form that can't be saved.17:54
Gneabazhang: he's on dialup17:54
NintendoGuy0It's PPP17:54
Seveas!ops | ldiamond keeps repeating17:54
ubottuldiamond keeps repeating: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!17:54
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto NintendoGuy0 here is a link for you to read17:54
git_has anyone transfer files between two machine using SuperLink USB cable?17:54
Coloquialistcan anyone help me mount a HDD formatted as ReiserFS ?17:55
NintendoGuy0Yes, cookies?17:55
AshTray-Hi guys. What do you suggest me to use instead of webmin ?17:55
git_colo: mkfs17:55
hateball!ebox | AshTray-17:55
ubottuAshTray-: ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox17:55
floryn90ciao ragazzi17:55
KartagisGnea, http://pastebin.com/m18f2ce4517:55
geniildiamond:  From in OpenOffice you can just do export to pdf17:55
yogi192edit the config files with vim17:55
AshTray-Thank you very much hateball :)17:55
AshTray-Have a nice evening.17:56
ldiamondgenii, I'm currently filling a form in Acrobat Reader17:56
ldiamondgenii, however, it just randomly crashed...17:56
ShammahIs it right it currently is impossible to run any 'new' games like CS: Source via Wine with an ATI HD4870? Even with the latest driers?17:56
Shammah*is it ture17:56
nerdyperdyhey all...i have a question17:57
Coloquialistanyone available to assist me with a Problem mounting an HDD?17:57
bazhangShammah, check the appdb17:57
bazhang!appdb > Shammah17:57
ubottuShammah, please see my private message17:57
ShammahBazhang: It's more of the drivers I think17:57
ldiamondSeveas, Its not like I'm spamming you idiotic kid. I have to repeat the question because nobody is answering it. I am waiting a reasonable time before asking again. If ure unhappy, just go outside for a bit... it'll help your mental health.17:58
bazhangShammah, likely the appdb will tell what they used to run it; also see #winehq17:58
NintendoGuy0*Woops, apologies for one-wording again.17:58
nerdyperdyi dld ubuntu from ubuntu and was wandering if i burned it to a disk and whiped out my hdd,will it boot and install from the disk???17:58
ShammahThing is, I get artifacts everywhere, and the appdb says the game should work good17:58
rostamanI'm with ldiamond17:58
bazhangShammah, with compiz or not17:58
ShammahI also get 40FPS on loewst settings, while i get 120FPS on highest on Windows17:58
GneaKartagis: try setting a range, like this:  range
Seveasldiamond, read what uboty said. It also gives you alternatices for getting help. And calling someone an idiotic kid doesn't improve your chances of getting help...17:58
Shammahbazhang: Don't know. My window settingd are currently set to: Extra Effects17:58
ShammahLike wobbling windows17:59
rostamanI'm about to shrink a Vista partition before installing Ubuntu...I'm doing linux development...nothing huge...is 50GB gonna do it?17:59
bazhangShammah, aha17:59
rhavenwdo livecds have hotplug/coldplug support for inserting/removing ide drives?17:59
bazhangShammah, try setting to none17:59
Seveasrostaman, more than enough17:59
rostamanty Seveas17:59
GneaKartagis: and having a broadcast is a good idea too:  option broadcast-address;17:59
progre55hi everyone17:59
ldiamondSeveas, this is not a case of emergency. A few repeats was the only option here.17:59
onetinsoldierShammah: what driver and version are you using in linux? never know, for that game it may be best to windows for it tho17:59
rostamanEclipse would be the biggest thing I install I think17:59
AshTray-Aaa. can't install ebox. http://pastebin.com/m72d1e6da17:59
Shammahonetinsoldier: I use 8.12 prop drivers17:59
Gnealdiamond: still, you should limit your repeats to every 5 minutes or so.17:59
ShammahThe latest17:59
nerdyperdycan someone help me???17:59
ColoquialistI'm looking for some assistance mounting a hard drive18:00
Seveasrostaman, eclipse doesn't take one gb, let alone 50. It's not like it's visual studio :)18:00
progre55can somebody suggest anything.. why my firefox always starts in offline mode?? is there any ways to fix it?18:00
bazhangAshTray-, the releases notes indicate ebox does not work with intrepid18:00
donkeykonglol seveas18:00
n8tuserldiamond - hang a few18:00
onetinsoldierShammah: roger. yep, them's the latest18:00
AshTray-bazhang anyother ideeas ? :|18:00
rostamanheh, Sev, ty! :-)   Yeah, I'm a Visual Studio .NET developer that's about to break from the chain$!18:00
Lasivianany ideas why my ATH5k wireless is not detected until I power down my notebook AND remove the battery?18:00
rostamanGetting back to my unmanaged, c++ roots18:00
* Shammah still double clicks .exe instead of opening with Wine18:00
donkeykongi used to work on .net studio rostaman. Its a crappy product18:01
ldiamondGnea, I limit them according to how many people joined, how many lines were entered since last repeat and how much I need help quickly.18:01
rostamanit wore me out, DK18:01
ldiamondGnea, this added up to around 3-4 mins18:01
bazhangAshTray-, for intrepid? think I saw a thread or two on ubuntuforums you may want to check there18:01
KartagisGnea, is this the same as range dynamic-bootp ip.ad.d.ress ip.ad.d.ress ?18:01
rostamanand now that there's WPF and WCF, it's way too platform-y for me18:01
NintendoGuy0So, I've set up my Dial-Up connection. I left-click the Network Icon, mouse-over dial-up connections, click Connect to ppp0 via Modem, and nothing happens.. any ideas to fix this?18:01
woow-reseaulink french ubuntu channel?18:01
nerdyperdyi dld ubuntu from the website...if i burn the iso to a cd and whipe my hdd out will it boot from cd and install???thats all i need to know.18:01
Seveaswoow-reseau, #ubuntu-fr18:01
rostamanI'll do Ruby on Linux if I need a platform from now on :)18:02
bazhangnerdyperdy, you set it in bios?18:02
nerdyperdyi can18:02
ShammahEhm ... crap18:02
nerdyperdyjust want to make sure b4 i whip xp out18:02
bazhangnerdyperdy, also be sure to md5 the iso and do disk integrity check after burning at low speed18:02
ShammahIs there some kind of task-manager in GNOME to kill applications?18:02
bazhang!md5 > nerdyperdy18:02
ubottunerdyperdy, please see my private message18:02
NintendoGuy0bazhang, please can you check PM?18:02
AshTray--bash: deb: command not found18:02
bazhangNintendoGuy0, all I know about dialup is in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto18:03
nerdyperdyits installed know,,,just really want to whipe xp out...and dont know how18:03
SeveasShammah, system -> admin -> system montior18:03
bazhangnerdyperdy, the live cd has loaded?18:03
NintendoGuy0Okay. So you don't know anything about this particular problem?18:03
ShammahSeveas: Thank you :)18:03
earthenWard1983,  hey did you get you sound fixed18:03
nerdyperdyi installed ubuntu last night...im on xp know...there both installed and running perfectly...i want to make xp go away18:03
GneaKartagis: hrm, no. the 'range' is reserving a pool of ip's to use - since you're using .2 as dns and .1 as a router, clearly you wouldn't want those being in the default pool (1-254)18:04
rostamanSev or donkeykong:  Is there a preferred IDE for C++ dev on Debian, etc.?  Vague question, I know.18:04
MrHankeyare there anny whocan tell me why my amsn doesent work18:04
bazhangnerdyperdy, then delete that partition; though this is a fresh install of ubuntu right?18:04
rostamanI don't need fluff, just workspace and project management18:04
nerdyperdydelete what from were18:04
bazhangnerdyperdy, then why not just use entire disk18:04
MrHankeyplz help me!18:04
Seveasrostaman, eclipse is often used. There's also geany and kdevelop. But I'm the wrong person to ask as my ide is vim :)18:04
nerdyperdyim tryin dazhang18:04
bazhanggparted livecd or the ubuntu live cd can do it nerdyperdy18:05
rostamanheh, Sev :)18:05
rostamanI know Eclipse from Java dev, so...18:05
MrHankeyflasklapp.webs.com is the best page ever!18:05
nerdyperdyim confused18:05
Gnea!ot | MrHankey18:05
ubottuMrHankey: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:05
bazhangMrHankey, dont spam here18:05
Seveas!ops | MrHankey spamming18:05
ubottuMrHankey spamming: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!18:05
GneaSeveas: no need to be so hasty :)18:05
Seveasah bazhang, sorry I was too slow :)18:05
SeveasGnea, I hate spam :)18:05
donkeykongrostaman: i think eclipse should work for that ... no ?18:05
SeveasGnea, and one never knows how much attention the ops are paying18:05
GneaSeveas: so do I ;)18:06
nerdyperdyso...what do i need to do????18:06
donkeykonglong time since i programmed .net or c++18:06
GneaSeveas: oh, they pay a good amount of attention these days18:06
bazhangnerdyperdy, easy way or more difficult way18:06
n8tuserldiamond - you   gksu system-config-printer  and then select add class18:06
Shammahbazhang: Still glitchy, but less however18:06
bazhangShammah, which drivers and how installed18:06
Gnean8tuser: he left awhile ago18:06
donkeykonganybody know a good irc channel/server for java discussion ?18:06
n8tusertoo bad18:07
Gneadonkeykong: #java18:07
fisheatersuper basic question: does 'sudo get-apt install" get info from the live CD or from the internet?18:07
NintendoGuy0I don't know what modem I have :l18:07
Gneafisheater: it depends what's set in sources.list18:07
bazhangfisheater, is the cd in your sources.list?18:07
GneaNintendoGuy0: internal?18:08
NintendoGuy0I have an Advent 711018:08
fisheaterdang, i didnt ever think of it... let me check18:08
AshTray-"ebox | 0.11.99-0ubuntu11 | intrepid/universe | source, all" That means ebox supports interpid. Still.. http://pastebin.com/m7f03a63a18:08
NintendoGuy0It's an internal modem, yes18:08
Seveasfisheater, both. It reads the package list from the system you're on (so if you're on the live cd it does that) and packages from the internet or package cd's18:08
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01
NintendoGuy0as opposed to a portable or mobile modem.18:08
bazhangfisheater, gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list and put a # in front of cd18:08
Gneaaka external, yeah18:08
earthenis it possable and easy to install the ubuntu setup disk on a flash drive18:08
woow-reseaui got problem to write file on my new dd18:08
Shammahbazhang: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI - I followed to guide to install the latest 8.12 from ati.com18:08
woow-reseauhe is on ext318:09
NintendoGuy0Alright Gnea18:09
ShammahI did the checks like flgrxinfo etc to check it, and it says they're installed correctly18:09
NintendoGuy0Any ideas what modem I might have?18:09
fisheatergreat thaks for the info!18:09
Gneayou know, they throw this freenx-vnc package in and, I have to wonder why: http://pastebin.com/d1579986a18:09
onetinsoldierShammah: fglrxinfo? are you sure you have and used that command?18:10
bazhangnerdyperdy, lets keep this in channel please; easy way is just to reinstall and use entire disk, slightly less easy is to use gparted live cd or ubuntu live cd and delete the xp partition and format as ext318:10
fisheateri am trying to put ubuntu on an acer aspire 5000, but cant access the wired nor wireless net. thanks for you help18:10
Shammahontinsoldier: It was out of the tip of my head :-)18:10
woow-reseau /join #ubuntu-fr18:10
onetinsoldierShammah: ok18:10
Shammahonetinsoldier: I used the exact command given on the site ;)18:10
nerdyperdyso what do i do???18:10
=== [a1] is now known as dzup
NintendoGuy0fisheater, i think I've the same problem18:10
bazhangnerdyperdy, did you just not read what I wrote above? ^^18:11
NintendoGuy0how far do you get?18:11
donkeykonggnea: it says i need to be identified to join channel. what does that mean ?18:11
woow-reseaumay someone help me for my hard dsk problem?18:11
NintendoGuy0Register your Nickname18:11
bazhang!register > donkeykong18:11
ubottudonkeykong, please see my private message18:11
Shammahhttp://img187.imageshack.us/my.php?image=fakdi6.png - Here is a screenshot to give youa view of my problem18:11
earthenthe "Create startup in the menu does it create the full live cd18:11
ShammahIt's on the game Trials 2 Second Edition using Wine. It's not only on that game18:11
nutellaWhich program allows me to see all samba shares of a certain ip range?18:11
nerdyperdydo i burn it to a disk,then whip out my hdd and then reinstall18:11
fisheaternintendo.. did you fix ur problem with the acer?18:11
ShammahIt's also on the games that should work correctly according to the AppDB of Wine18:11
onetinsoldierShammah: the 8.12' don't have fglrxinfo18:12
NintendoGuy0I don't have an Acer, and I didn't fix the problem.18:12
pikariohi, i want to use VMware workstation, but someone said it cost money? what does that mean?18:12
NintendoGuy0Im on an Advent 7110 but our problem might be similiar.18:12
fisheaterdang... ubuntu is great when it works, and cuz im a linux noob - little glitches are huge problems18:12
Shammah... what?18:13
Suco-XDa bin ich wieder.18:13
NintendoGuy0Same here, fisheater.18:13
ShammahIt does...18:13
blipohi there!18:13
=== woow-reseau is now known as woow
NintendoGuy0Fisheater, how far did you get when you tried to connect?18:13
mib_3y96cpyeah, learning how the system works is cool, but sometimes i just wish things worked out of the box18:13
woowsomeone can help me i got problem with my new hard drive ide caviar western digital18:13
onetinsoldierShammah: perhaps it does. are you running 32-bit?18:13
ShammahYes, I had some problems with 64bit, like Flash :)18:14
blipoI need to configure a scanner on my Brother DCP-135C. I dont know hoe. can some one help me?18:14
Shammahhttp://img184.imageshack.us/my.php?image=schermafdrukpw2.png - Here, it does have the command18:14
salmonHey guys. Every program i start up, is placed 20 pixels above of the screen limit. Which is very annoying. Any suggestions?18:14
bliposalmon: try seting up the screen resalution in system18:15
onetinsoldierShammah: oh, well, they have a 64-bit version for flash now. you have to manually download and install it, but they have it18:15
Shammahontinesolider: It was released 1 day after I installed the 32bit ^^18:15
onetinsoldierShammah: lol. doesn't it figure18:15
blipoI need to configure a scanner on my Brother DCP-135C. I dont know how. can some one help me?18:15
salmonMy current res is 1280*800ish. Tried switcing it to 1024*800 and back. Same problem18:15
NintendoGuy0I found out what kind of modem I have.18:15
salmonAlso restart didnt work18:15
NintendoGuy0AC97 SoftV92 Data Fax Modem with SmartCP, is this going to work with Ubuntu?18:16
blipoI need to configure a scanner on my Brother DCP-135C. I dont know hoe. can some one help me?18:16
fisheaternintendo: check hardware4linux.com18:16
NintendoGuy0Oh, okay, thanks fisheater18:17
Shammahonetinesoldier: I guess it's just bad drivers then?18:17
blipoI need to configure a scanner on my Brother DCP-135C. I dont know how. can some one help me? sorry that i am repeating myself18:18
ShammahThat's what you get for having the latest videocard on Linux, hehe18:18
pikario!vmware > pikario18:18
ubottupikario, please see my private message18:18
rabikumarcan anybody help me how to download .tar file in ubuntu 8.0418:18
bazhangrabikumar, which package18:18
pikariowhy is vmware no longer available in repositories?18:19
CaptWhocan someone tell me (or point me to a reasource) that will explain how to make it so that i don't have to type in the root password everytime i want to configure something on my machine?18:19
fisheaterne1: what is the graphic interface for ndwrapper?18:19
bazhangpikario, use vbox instead18:19
C10uDsup there! i have a computer running vino-server but seems some kind of powersaving prevents me from connecting after some time it is running without user intervention...any clue on why this is happening? i have disabled from "session" preferences all the gnome stuff18:20
bazhangCaptWho, dont use root use sudo18:20
xjuniorHi, I upgraded to 8.10 and now my X server looks weird. I can't see nothing there, just a small orange line on the top of the screen. Can somebody please help me?18:20
NintendoGuy0So, is anyone able to help me?18:20
blipoI need to configure a scanner on my Brother DCP-135C. I dont know how. can some one help me?18:20
CaptWhobazhag: are you saying give my user account sudo privelages?18:21
GneaNintendoGuy0: is it a winmodem or something else?18:21
bazhangCaptWho, you have sudo by default18:21
=== blipo is now known as FloodBot0
fisheatercapt: try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=71620118:21
Ward1983earthen, half18:21
bazhangCaptWho, dont use root, and use sudo for security; disabling that would be a serious lapse18:21
* Gnea wonders why freenx has to be suth a pain18:22
xjuniorplease guys?18:22
earthenWard1983, I have mine working fine again18:22
Ward1983earthen, so how?18:22
ShammahOh and, is there anyway to fix the video flickering (ATI HD4870) using Compiz, without turning Compiz off?18:22
ShammahMy video's flicker Black18:22
ShammahAnd It's kinda dodgy to keep turning Compiz off for it18:22
=== FloodBot0 is now known as homer-simpson
NintendoGuy0Gnea: What do you mean?18:23
NintendoGuy0Gnea, I'll message you18:23
Gneaxjunior: did you want something?18:23
bazhangShammah, get fusion icon and turn off with one click18:23
GneaNintendoGuy0: no no, keep it in the channel please18:23
=== homer-simpson is now known as xmas
CaptWhobazhag: basically every time i try to do administrative task from X, it asks me for a password.  just trying to avoid that.  you're saying that i should just leave it?18:23
zimbresdoes anybody here know any tutorial with examples about autotools or how to build a gnu-package?18:23
xjuniorGnea: yes18:23
=== xmas is now known as last
bazhangCaptWho, yes most definitely18:23
NintendoGuy0Alright, well I checked up and it says I have a "AC97 SoftV92 Data Fax Modem with SmartCP" modem18:23
xjuniorGnea, I upgraded to 8.10 and now my X server looks weird. I can't see nothing there, just a small orange line on the top of the screen. Can somebody please help me?18:23
bazhangCaptWho, dont want to run as root, ever18:23
=== last is now known as fikel-men
GneaNintendoGuy0: what exactly are you trying to do? just get the modem to work in ubuntu?18:24
Shammahbazhang: I have it. I don't see an opton to turn it off however. I have to switch to Metacity?18:24
hspaanszimbres: http://www.freesoftwaremagazine.com/books/agaal/brief_introduction_to_gnu_autotools18:24
fikel-mencan someone help me via private chat?18:24
qdbi seen new packets in ubuntu 8.10: apache2-suexec and apache2-suexec-custom . in 7.10 they was not, suexec module was included in some main apache package.18:24
bazhangfikel-men, best to keep it in channel18:24
SeveasNintendoGuy0, that says "i'm a winmodem and won't work easy/at all in linux"18:24
NintendoGuy0Gnea, yes. I'm not sure if it's the modems fault but it does seem that it could be the problem18:24
Gneaxjunior: it sounds like your upgrade didn't go too well... what video card do you have?18:24
AshTray-Any ideea how to install ebox on 8.10 interpid ?18:24
qdbplease explain18:25
fikel-menbut is anybody here offering to help me via private chat?18:25
qdbis suexec module included to main packet or it is in separate package.18:25
fisheaterthx for your help.. see you all later18:25
Gnea!pm | fikel-men18:25
ubottufikel-men: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.18:25
qdbif in main then what is in these new packages18:25
bazhangfikel-men, no.18:25
xjuniorGnea: a nvidia geforce 610018:25
NintendoGuy0Seveas: So is that why nothing happens when I click "Connect to ppp0 via Modem.."?18:25
bazhangfikel-men, state your problem and if someone knows they will answer18:25
SeveasNintendoGuy0, that might very well be18:25
Gneaxjunior: does ctrl-alt-backspace work?18:25
NintendoGuy0Seveas; can you reccomend anything? A portable modem?18:26
jj_salut a tous18:26
NintendoGuy0I don't particularily want to open up my laptop to replace anything.18:26
AJC_Z0xjunior: Are you using the open nv driver or the closed nvidia driver?18:26
ScottGOn my login screen for ubuntu, "Ubuntu" and the username/password prompt are all pushed over to the far right.18:26
xjuniorGnea: well, it restart x, but doesn't fix the problem18:26
bazhangjj_, english here please18:26
fikel-men!ban | Gnea18:26
ubottuGnea: If you have been banned it is probably because you have not gone along with what is acceptable !behaviour. If you're not sure what acceptable !behaviour is please see !Etiquette and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines - If you think the ban was a mistake, please join #ubuntu-ops18:26
xjuniorAJC_Z0: the closed one18:26
bazhangjj_, #ubuntu-fr pour francais18:27
SeveasNintendoGuy0, pretty much every modem that connects to the serial port is ok18:27
NintendoGuy0Erm, what does that mean?18:27
AJC_Z0xjunior: You can try (re)moving your /etc/X11/xorg.conf (presuming you have one) and letting the X server work out your display18:27
bazhangNintendoGuy0, check the hcl18:27
bazhang!hcl > NintendoGuy018:27
ubottuNintendoGuy0, please see my private message18:27
warthoghelp is now available on freenode ~ubuntu help18:28
warthog#ubuntu help18:28
bazhangwarthog, ??18:28
NintendoGuy0What's hcl?18:28
bazhangask a question warthog18:28
NintendoGuy0I'm sorry, I'm a complete linux noob.18:28
dstarIs there any way to disable the on-screen display that pops up when I use the volume-up/down buttons on my laptop? It's got a front-mounted wheel that's stupidly sensitive....18:28
Pirate_Huntersome tell me how i can configure xorg, just installed ubuntu but the curret default xorg when started just gives me a blank screen and no command works?18:28
SeveasNintendoGuy0, hardware compatibility list18:28
bazhangcheck the Pm from ubottu NintendoGuy018:28
warthogI need some help with my scanner18:28
NintendoGuy0I did.18:28
warthogI need to configure a scanner on my Brother DCP-135C. I dont know hoe. can some one help me?18:28
iLogicsorry for asking this here, but is there a specific openoffice channel here?18:28
NintendoGuy0Is it easy to replace an internal modem..?18:29
GneaiLogic: #openoffice.org18:29
SeveasiLogic, I'd try #openoffice or #openoffice.org18:29
bazhangwarthog, is it supported in linux?18:29
Bezerkhi buddies18:29
warthogi dunno18:29
aeosI'm trying to install 8.10 from a live cd, I get to step 4/7, partitioning, and then it hangs because it doesn't see any partitions. I used gparted to create two partitions, in addition to my previous partition and swap partition, but it couldn't see any of them. help?18:29
iLogicthanks .org works :)18:29
warthogi am noobie18:29
Pirate_Huntersome tell me how i can configure xorg, just installed ubuntu but the curret default xorg when started just gives me a blank screen and no command works?18:29
Bezerkanyone from brasil?18:30
bazhangBezerk, #ubuntu-br18:30
onetinsoldierPirate_Hunter: are you at a console terminal now? or in x windows(just making sure)18:30
Bezerkthat room is too bored18:30
Gneaxjunior: try going to console and using this command: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg18:30
warthoghello? I need to configure a scanner on my Brother DCP-135C. I dont know hoe. can some one help me?18:31
dstarFor that matter, exactly what component _is_ it that does the OSD for the volume control?18:31
Gnea!scanner | warthog18:31
ubottuwarthog: Scanning software: XSane, the GIMP (GNOME), Kooka (KDE). For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners - See also !OCR18:31
Seveaswarthog, http://www.sane-project.org/sane-mfgs.html#Z-BROTHER doesn't look good18:31
Pirate_Hunteronetinsoldier: im tty1 so i gues console terminal18:31
bazhangBezerk, well you need to keep ontopic and in english here; offtopic chat in #ubuntu-offtopic18:31
twocats1fishTONS of Ubuntu users..18:31
hspaanswarthog: http://www.ubuntuhcl.org/browse/product+brother-dcp-135c?id=649818:31
warthogSeveas, thx18:31
twocats1fishThis must be the biggest IRC channel ever.18:32
Bezerki know that18:32
onetinsoldierPirate_Hunter: ok... try --> sudo Xorg -configure18:32
Seveaswarthog, ah, look at hspaans' link. Seems to work18:32
BezerkI would talk in english with my fellas18:32
aeoshow do i get the installer to recognize and install to my partitions?18:32
Gneatwocats1fish: got an ubuntu question?18:33
warthogSeveas, it didn't give me any info of my own printer. thx anyway18:33
Pirate_Hunteronetinsoldier: i did it goes blank and thats it I dont get nothing afterwards which is weird im wondering would a previous xorg file from archlinux work18:33
doglinowhy the sound works in rythmbox but don't works in youtube(by firefox)?18:33
SeveasPirate_Hunter, it could but make sure you back up current files18:33
warthogany other help with my scanner?18:33
hspaansdoglino: 8.04 or 8.10?18:34
onetinsoldierPirate_Hunter: no message about it creating a file after the screen comes back?18:34
bazhanghttp://www.ubuntuhcl.org/browse/product+brother-dcp-135c?id=6498 warthog18:34
Pirate_HunterSeveas wouldnt make a difference since the current one is the defualt one made after install18:34
ScottGEvery time I update my graphics driver and reboot, the "Ubuntu" login screen gets pushed over to the far right as does the username and password promt. I tried removing the driver and it worked, but as soon as I updated it again it did the same thing after I restarted. Can someone help?18:34
warthogi already tried dat. i need drivers18:34
Pirate_Hunteronetinsoldier: nope nada just blank screen18:34
Danoz2k8Why hello.18:34
dstaranyone know anything at all about the OSD for the volume control?18:35
Danoz2k8Well this is a massive IRC channel.18:35
hspaansdoglino: there is an extra package to get it working. flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound if I'm not mistaken18:35
warthogi think you should try freenode irc channel #ubuntu help18:36
doglinohspaans thanks, i will see that18:36
Pirate_Hunteronetinsoldier: any suggestions18:36
=== TSDFSaa is now known as kalakouentin
warthogi really need to get my Brother DCP-135C scanner working with Ubuntu 8.10. Any suggestions18:37
onetinsoldierPirate_Hunter: get anything back from --> pas aux | grep -i x    ?18:37
onetinsoldierPirate_Hunter: oops18:37
onetinsoldierPirate_Hunter: get anything back from --> ps aux | grep -i x    ?18:38
hspaanswarthog: you really need to follow up the help and info given to you18:38
xjuniorGnea: if I use the nv driver it works, otherwise it doesn't18:38
Pirate_Hunteronetinsoldier: one sec had to hard reboot waiting to login than will try that18:38
bazhangwarthog, some links were suggested; you need to try them and report the exact errors you get when trying them18:38
warthogi did try the links18:38
warthognothing came up18:38
Danoz2k8warthog: Try and go to Brother.com and download the software package you need18:38
bazhangwarthog, just repeating please help when help has already been given wont get you more help18:38
Danoz2k8or use xsane18:38
warthoghow do i use xsane? i am newbie18:39
bazhangpaste.ubuntu.com the error messages you get warthog18:39
xjuniorAJC_Z0: if I use the nv driver it works, otherwise it doesn't18:39
Danoz2k8warthog: http://www.yolinux.com/TUTORIALS/LinuxTutorialScanners.html18:39
warthogbazhang: want18:39
xjuniorthe unique problem is that if I use the nv driver, everything become huge, I think that it uses 800x600 or 640x48018:39
Pirate_Hunteronetinsoldier: what am i supposed to look for18:40
xjuniorlemme try to use nvidia-glx-173 instead of 17718:40
onetinsoldierPirate_Hunter: do you know how to use pastebin?18:41
Danoz2k8xjunior: Trouble with a nividia graphics card? Does the hardware app try to download/install and then freeze up and do nothing?18:41
Pirate_Hunteronetinsoldier: yup one sec18:41
AJC_Z0xjunior: Works for gdm or for you when you log in?18:42
lvlint67xjunior, i think i had a problem similar to that. Fixed it by lowering the refresh rate on the monitor18:42
warthogwhoever gave me the last link of the site for configuring printers, thanks much!18:42
Danoz2k8warthog: welcome18:42
xjuniorlvlint67: humm it's an option18:42
GneaIs there anyone around who knows how to use freenx with vnc? I can get it to connect to freenx, but vnc is a no-go18:42
warthogu gave it to me did u?18:42
Pirate_Hunteronetinsoldier: thats gonna be hard no net on the laptop18:42
xjuniorlvlint67: did you read what is the problem? I can only see a thin line on the top of the screen18:42
aspirehi is there any way for me to add the recovery mode to my grub?18:42
onetinsoldierPirate_Hunter: oh.. i see18:43
xjuniorlvlint67: when using the nvidia driver18:43
doglinohspaans i can't find this package in synaptic18:43
warthogwill propellor head reason four work on linux18:43
onetinsoldierPirate_Hunter: just try...  sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop18:43
onetinsoldierPirate_Hunter: then --> sudo Xorg -configure   ....then after that what do you get from? --> ls -l ~/xorg.conf*18:44
Pirate_Hunteronetinsoldier: i havent got gdm or should i say xdm this install was done with the minimal install iso18:44
xjuniorto get nvidia driver working I need linux-restricted-modules and nvidia-glx right?18:44
dstarIs there any way to disable the on-screen display that pops up when I use the volume-up/down buttons on my laptop? My laptop has a front-mounted wheel that's stupidly sensitive and easily bumped, so it's popping up all the time....18:44
=== warthog is now known as youtube
=== youtube is now known as ytube_lova
lvlint67xjunior, are there two 177 drivers listed? one recommended and one not? try the one that isn't reccomended?18:45
onetinsoldierPirate_Hunter: i don't know. hard for me to help i guess. no net, minimal install, ect... i dunno what to do for sure18:46
onetinsoldierPirate_Hunter: sorry18:46
Pirate_Hunteronetinsoldier: np wil try my backup of xorg from arch should work or at elast give me something18:46
=== ytube_lova is now known as Canonical
Pirate_Hunteronetinsoldier: brb18:47
CanonicalHi there!18:47
gaintsura_I'm trying to add samba users from my system, (I know that webmin is depreciated, though I like its style and I have yet to find a similar setup with as many features), and its telling me: failed to bind to server ldapi://%2fvar%2frun%2fslapd%2fldapi with dn="cn=admin,dc=ebox" Error: Can't contact LDAP server(unknown). I've tried full uninstall and reinstall of the LDAP server, but to no avail, I still cannot get LDAP to function18:47
gaintsura_anyone have any ideas?18:47
* gaintsura_ yars to the Pirate18:47
* DaveDixonII needs some help18:47
=== gaintsura_ is now known as gaintsura
xjuniorlvlint67: recommended?18:47
* DaveDixonII needs to know what the theme in this pic is http://live.gnome.org/Nibbles?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=nibbles.png anyone know?18:47
lvlint67xjunior, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=101791118:47
DavekongPirate_Hunter, you need to install the video driver for your card and xorg then do xorg -configure18:48
lvlint67i remember seeing 4 options the other night before i installed server18:48
Canonicaljust to say to people here, ubuntuforums.com is down for some reason18:48
=== DaveDixonII is now known as FelizNavidad
lawstudentis 2.5" hard drive the size for laptops?18:48
=== FelizNavidad is now known as DaveDixonII
Canonicalit is back now18:49
shamsdo you know good english to english dictionary?18:49
ScottGEvery time I update my graphics driver and reboot, the "Ubuntu" login screen gets pushed over to the far right as does the username and password promt. I tried removing the driver and it worked, but as soon as I updated it again it did the same thing after I restarted. Can someone help?18:50
Vaughnhello all18:50
hspaansshams: search for wordnet on google18:50
GneaCanonical: sure about that?18:50
Canonicalwhat gnea18:50
Canonicaloh, .org but .com re-directs to .org18:51
dr_willis.org works here.. but not .com18:51
Gnea.com is down here18:51
=== Danoz is now known as Dan
Gneaif it was dns, it'll take a bit more time18:52
Canonicalworks for me18:52
=== Dan is now known as Abhaile
GneaCanonical: what dns servers are you pointed to?18:53
Canonicali dunno gnea18:53
Canonicaloh it is gone again18:53
GneaCanonical: are you not an employee of Canonical?18:53
bazhang!ot > Canonical18:53
ubottuCanonical, please see my private message18:53
bazhangCanonical, please take chat elsewhere18:53
eidolonhi folks - i'm having a problem with xscreensaver constnatly 'blinking'.  even on the preview mode (running xscreensaver-demo as well) - the thumbnail animation 'blinks'.18:54
eidolonany ideas?18:54
theblogguhow can i change my keyboard to logitech media ? it is not on the options and cant use media keys18:55
shamshspaans: thank you18:55
onetinsoldiereidolon: does it look ok in full-screen?18:55
theblogguhspaans, you have seen the post ?18:55
AbhaileIs there a channel that is less for troubleshooting and more for general OS discussion?18:55
onetinsoldiereidolon: or is full-screen the same as preview?18:55
eidolononetinsoldier: full screen shows the same behaviour.  blinkyblinky.18:55
fosco__Abhaile, #ubuntu-offtopic18:56
eidolonlike something is trying to update a window while the screensaver is running.18:56
=== NintendoGuy02836 is now known as NintendoGuy0
wwbhi again18:56
onetinsoldiereidolon: hmmm18:56
theblogguhow can i change my keyboard to logitech media ? it is not on the options and cant use media keys18:56
lvlint67eidolon, are you running compiz?18:56
eidolonlvlint67: yessir.18:56
wwbfor the person who was wondering if i was an ubuntu staff member, no.18:56
lvlint67eidolon, i think that's your problem. form what i gather it's an unresolved bug18:57
wwbi was Canonical18:57
bazhangwwb, please chat in #ubuntu-offtopic18:57
eidolonlvlint67: oh really.  Huh.  let me refine my google searches a bit.18:57
lvlint67does it work if you disable compiz (i know it's not a solution but to isolate the problem)18:57
onetinsoldiereidolon: what output do you get from? --> grep drivers /var/log/Xorg.0.log18:57
theblogguhow can i change my keyboard to logitech media ? it is not on the options and cant use media keys18:57
onetinsoldiereidolon: oh.. i see pfft18:57
peeryany one here really good with dia?18:58
eidolononetinsoldier: no ideas?18:58
theblogguhow can i change my keyboard to logitech media ? it is not on the options and cant use media keys18:58
=== z3ld is now known as zeld
peeryanyone know how to get subscripts in a dia diagram?18:59
sinboxrepeat > thebloggu18:59
sinbox!repeat > thebloggu18:59
ubottuthebloggu, please see my private message18:59
onetinsoldiereidolon: perhaps get a real video card. intel's never made one that i'd consider to be a real one. just my 2ȼ19:00
eidolononetinsoldier: noted.  this is a laptop though, so i don't have much flexibility.  Thanks for your input though :)19:00
onetinsoldiereidolon: i hear ya... sorry, just my 2 cents19:00
zelda yay!19:01
randomwalkif i started the live cd, is there a way to start the installer for textmode (maybe to postinstall it using the live cd)?19:01
marek_hi is there any easy way to undelete data? i deleted one big folder, just one minute before, then i realised i might need it in future...19:02
pietersnederlanders hier19:02
bazhangpieters, #ubuntu-nl19:02
* Shammah wijst pieter naar $unbuntu-nl19:02
zelda......  <---The Rainbow!19:02
zeldauh thank you ubuntu19:02
lvlint67randomwalk, you could reboot?19:03
sinboxmarek go look in the deleted item folder19:03
theblogguhow can i change my keyboard to logitech media ? it is not on the options and cant use media keys19:03
Neil`pchey, where do i change the message you get at logon so it only displays server info & system info without all disclaimer stuff?19:04
randomwalklvlinit67: yes, i can reboot, but i dont have the alternate cd, only the usual livecd19:04
pieterswaar moet ik dat intikken dan19:04
bazhangpieters, /join #ubuntu-nl19:04
lvlint67the live cd has an install option on the boot menu doesn't it?19:04
noobie__hello, i need some help. I have a eeepc with ubuntu eee, my wireless card is not connecting to internet. I put the password several times, even on hex and it is not connecting, any one experienced on how to solve this?19:05
jamuslvlint67: and u have to change boot to usb device in kernel aswell19:06
geniinoobie__: Perhaps try asking in #ubuntu-eeepc19:06
noobie__genii ohh, ok19:07
thomcWhat is i/o wait?19:07
SSilver2khow can i always specify a certain application to run on a certain cpu on my server19:07
onetinsoldiercompaq: hi there. what kind of computer do you use? :P19:07
gvsa123lightning won't work in my ubuntu. i failed to install the libstdc++5 before installing TB and Lightning, and now i've tried removing TB, reinstalling the lib, but nothing seems to work. so far mail is working, it's the calendar in lightning that has a problem. help please...19:07
pieters--> SSilver2k (n=silver@ is binnengekomen #ubuntu19:08
pieters<zelda> yes19:08
pieters<lvlint67> the live cd has an install option on the boot menu doesn't it?19:08
pieters--> rsmcity (n=rsmcity@ is binnengekomen #ubuntu19:08
pieters<-- rsmcity heeft  verlaten (Client Quit)19:08
FloodBot2pieters: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:08
jamusnoobie__:  i have artheros wifi card and had same problem,i did figure out something -seems to work best with kernel 19 and llater versions didnt work at all19:08
randomwalklvlint67: there's just an option 'start ubuntu in safe graphics mode'19:08
ShammahIs it possible to shrink my / partition and move my home to a new /home partition?19:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about owned19:09
=== IVBela1 is now known as IVBela
=== Lol is now known as Guest58288
Awsoonnis ipmasq a 'good' way to provide gateway services and port forwarding?19:09
sigmab3tahey guys i'm running intrepid and am trying to use my zune with vmware. however sometimes vmware will freeze until i unplug the zune - whatever, i'll figure that out later, but the thing is that after this happens, ubuntu refuses to recognize the zune as usb 2.019:10
zeldahi lol19:10
jamusShammah:  about the shrinking part i recommend gparted partition manager live-cd19:10
Guest58288how are u :D?19:10
sigmab3tauntil i reboot. i assume this is somehow restarting a USB management service of some sort. is there a way to do that without rebooting?19:10
=== Guest58288 is now known as Lol
onetinsoldierShammah: i don't know about shrinking / unless you originally formatted as LVM. however, i do think you could move /home to a new partition, yes19:10
geniiLol: Do you have some ubuntu support question?19:11
noobie__jamus, how can I switch the kernel?19:11
zeldalol, your the vampire19:11
sigmab3tai get the messages: usb 6-3: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 6, hub 6-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 3,  usb 2-1: new full speed USB device using ohci_hcd and address 419:11
=== Lol is now known as Guest41500
Shammahjamus: Currently I'm using gParted, and I can't add/modify anything :(19:11
sigmab3tafrom dmesg19:11
ShammahWell, here goes another CD than!19:11
=== Guest41500 is now known as Vampire
=== chouchou_ is now known as chouchou
zeldauh,, !kick19:12
w3rd_hey do any of you guys have a link for configuring dual monitors on 8.1019:12
Vampirekick what??19:12
noobie__jamus, or how did you manage to set up the driver?19:12
bazhang!ot > Vampire19:12
ubottuVampire, please see my private message19:12
geniiVampire: Also please stop changing your name every 30 seconds19:13
* zelda kicks Vampire19:13
pieterswat een kut programma is dit19:13
onetinsoldier!nl | pieters19:14
ubottupieters: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl19:14
mr_fatcan someone give me the controls to ban people here on irc? (dont worry, im not gonna ban u)19:14
adambso im trying to scp a file from my local machine to a remote machine, and it telling me "bash: scp: command not found" after I put in the password at prompt. the remote machine doesn't have scp?19:14
zeldapieters: try #ubuntu-nl like we've told you19:14
pietersit wont work19:14
zapNCommander: I noticed you being notified on the Frozen Bubbles backport request (310340). Is there anything I can do to make progress?19:14
zeldaso you speak english?19:15
onetinsoldier!doesn't work19:15
ubottuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.19:15
bazhangpieters, what irc  client19:15
KingRobot1... 1337 people in room :)19:15
NineTailsyou tell me ;)19:15
KingRobot1Okay, this is an offtopic question, but I'm hoping some server admins or automation folks will have an answer... Anyone know of a __reliable__ power outlet switch that can be toggled from within linux?19:15
bazhangKingRobot1, ##hardware19:15
pietersi go back to xp19:15
david_an anyone point me in the direction of an ADA ide?19:15
david_can anyone point me in the direction of an ADA ide?19:15
zelda!kick pieters19:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kick pieters19:15
bazhangzelda, stop that19:15
bazhangpieters, you need to type: ----> /join #ubuntu-nl  <----19:16
ShammahNow he'll flood the dutch channel ;D19:16
VampireWho are u zelda?19:16
zeldaI'm Zelda, precisely19:17
AgentArmstronghowdy people19:17
bazhangVampire, please chat in #ubuntu-offtopic19:17
=== zoko_ is now known as zoko
VampireSory But u F or M19:17
bazhangVampire, this is the support channel19:17
AgentArmstrongso im runnin ubuntu on my ibook and when i try to play an avi nothing show for the pic19:17
pietersoke i m in ubuntu nl now19:17
bazhangVampire, not chat channel  ---> #ubuntu-offtopic for chat19:17
zeldathat depends, "Lol", wait... "guest".. wait.. "Vampire"19:18
david_can someone tell me how to correctly remove old kernels after a kernel update? i tried installing gnat today and it told me that it wanted to install the 2.6.24-19 headers, when i am currently on the 2.6.24-22 kernel...19:18
zeldaDavid_ you can use the pacakge manager19:18
Vampirei want some thing from any one cab geko ne19:18
onetinsoldierAgentArmstrong: you might need to installed codecs from medibuntu, i'm not sure though19:18
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org19:19
AgentArmstrongthanks onetinsoldier19:19
Vampirei want some thing from any one can help me19:19
onetinsoldierAgentArmstrong: sure, you're welcome. hope thast helps19:20
=== jj_ is now known as JJ66
bazhangVampire, what is your native language19:20
Vampirei want usb  bluetoths softwear19:20
bazhang!bluetooth | Vampire19:21
ubottuVampire: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup19:21
bazhangVampire, please read that link19:21
Vampireit isnt what i mean19:22
Vampirei want to send data from CPU TO the moblie19:22
bazhangVampire, what version of ubuntu are you using19:22
dr_willis 9.3 ?19:23
bazhangVampire, there is no 9.319:23
* dr_willis starts counting....19:23
zeldayeah, uh19:23
* zelda laughs19:23
Vampireor maby 9.619:23
bazhangzelda, please dont19:23
dr_willisGuess again Vampire  :)19:23
Pirate_Huntercan someone help me get xorg working plz?19:24
dr_willislsb_release -a    ---> will show you Vampire19:24
zeldahe maybe using Mandriva19:24
bazhangVampire, please paste.ubuntu.com your sources.list19:24
hak5fanPirate_Hunter: try doing sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg from shell19:24
=== alberto is now known as Guest64152
VampireYa it is 9.619:24
VampireAm Sure19:25
dstarDoes anyone know if there is any way to disable the on-screen display that pops up when I use the volume-up/down buttons on my laptop? My laptop has a front-mounted wheel that's stupidly sensitive and easily bumped, so it's popping up all the time....19:25
bazhangVampire, there is no 9.619:26
sigmab3taVampire: there's no ubuntu 9.6. Ubuntu releases are named after the date they're released - 8.10 was released in 2008 October. there's no 9.6 because 2009 June hasn't happened yet19:26
bazhangVampire, please take chat elsewhere19:26
RivitingOneWould it be possible to have 2 copies of Ubuntu installed that shared the same partitions? Not sure I'm explaining this right. Like have 2 installs that could access the same program... like I click an icon located on the desktop running on the OS located on Partition A or C and it will access a program on partition B.19:26
Vampirei will go Sory19:26
mdmkolbeWhat command line tool will help me extract the dimentions of a JPEG? (Something like what "file" does for PNG)19:26
VampireBye Bye All19:26
fosco__RivitingOne, you can share /home and swap19:26
hak5fanRivitingOne: What would you use that for19:27
lvlint67fosco_, i would think you could, with some work, share alll of the folders if they are partioned and mounted correctly19:27
onetinsoldierRivitingOne: you might only want to share partitions like   /usr/local and/or /opt and/or /home19:27
nDuffmdeslaur, GraphicsMagick should do that19:27
fosco__lvlint67, sharing all folders has no sense19:28
lvlint67fosco_,  no but sharing folders with common programs does19:28
zeldawhy not put it on a NAS device?19:28
lvlint67because NAs is expensive19:28
Pirate_Hunterhak5fan: that didnt work my problm is that when i startx it goes black and i cant use any commands agterwards19:29
zeldalvlint67: not really. I have a NAS device that i made out of a few hard drives.19:29
mdmkolbenDuff: (I assume you were refering to me) thx, that seems to do the job just fine19:29
RivitingOneHak5fan: My issue is that the video driver I currently have works excellent for playing games but has very poor performance with dvd and video playback. I have used another Driver that had supurb video quality but I was unable to get my games to work. I am thinking I could have 2 seperate installes of ubuntu that had different drivers installed that I could use for video playback or games.19:30
hak5fanPirate_Hunter: Does it print any error messages on screen?19:30
Pirate_Hunterhow do i mount usb through command line19:30
=== Andry_Sleep is now known as Andry
onetinsoldierPirate_Hunter: see if you can spot the device and partition with  sudo parted -l19:31
Pirate_Hunterhak5fan: no i cant see anythind I used to know a command that tested X without actually going into it and printed errors but i forgot and this way i not helping me at all19:31
GNUtoohello the computer shut down itself during the ubuntu upgrade...so I made a dpkg --configure -a and an apt-get autoremove...is it sufficent?19:31
hak5fanRivitingOne:  Just use to different xorg.conf files and start x with whichever xorg.conf file you want19:31
Pirate_Hunteronetinsoldier: partition is there19:31
lacaxhi all19:32
Pirate_Huntercan someoen tell me how to mount usb pen drive through command line?19:32
onetinsoldierPirate_Hunter: ok, make a mount point in either /media or /mnt and use the 'mount' command to mount it19:32
GNUtoosudo do-release-upgrade doesn't work19:33
lacaxi just installed the ubuntu 8.10 and i dont't know how to make my 5.1 sound system work19:33
Kartagiscan someone help me fix my dhclient.conf please?19:33
lacaxcan anybody help me?19:33
Pirate_Hunteronetinsoldier: doen the mount point19:33
Kartagis!anyone | lacax19:33
ubottulacax: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?19:33
RivitingOnehak5fan: I am not sure how I would do that. I am fairly new to linux and not at all sure of what the capabilities of this OS are.19:33
Pirate_Hunterhak5fan: any suggestions with my xorg problem19:33
[Spooky]Cant alien make debs of *tar.bz2 files?19:33
gumpish=/ So I have some source code that has a makefile and all that... how can I tell what it's going to install (and where) before I run make install? (I'm working with software that isn't in the repositories.)19:34
hak5fanRivitingOne:  I'm not quite sure  how myself, but give me the name of the two different video drivers and I'll give it a shot19:34
zeldasorry, offtopic: anyone use Xchat?19:34
lacaxKartagis, i asked it a little upper19:35
shipzxchat is my hero :)19:35
Smileei have xp pro but want to install ubuntu: does it matter if ubuntu is on 2nd partition and xp on 1st ?19:35
zeldamind if I PM you shipz?19:35
nDuffzelda, why? are you having a problem with it you want help with? if so, ask about the problem, don't ask if anyone uses it first.19:35
lacaxi want to my 5.1 sound system work normally19:35
orudiehow can i install ssh-server on 8.10 ubuntu server ?19:35
nDuffSmilee, that will work.19:35
lacaxbut don't know how19:35
onetinsoldierPirate_Hunter: you don't know how to use the mount command?19:36
shipzSmilee, not that I know of, long as the bootloader is configured properly19:36
Pirate_Hunterdoes anyone know a command to test xorg sever file withoutt he system starting x but instead pinting replies from x19:36
=== cake_ is now known as cakey
SmileenDuff: what's the best way to have both xp and ubuntu installed ?19:36
zeldaHow do I ignore all incoming messages?19:36
WebcamWonder!dualboot | Smilee19:36
Imaginativeone_on which os?19:36
ubottuSmilee: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot19:36
Ahadiellacax, pastebin the output of aplay -l19:36
Pirate_Hunteronetinsoldier: i do know its that i dont know the device for the usb the previous command u gave only gave me the physical partitions i.e. sda1 & 219:36
Ahadiellacax, and are you using Pulseaudio?19:36
lacaxAhadiel: yes19:37
RivitingOneHak5fan: Well, the on I am using now is the proprietary driver that you ckicl the check box for under System-> Administrator -> Drivers. The other one was installed with a program called envyNG. I'm not sure if those are the names your looking for or not.19:37
onetinsoldierPirate_Hunter: well a usb device will likely show up as something other than your hard drive device19:37
ggsdgdsg1How to install GRUB from live CD?19:38
Ahadiellacax, also pastebin /etc/pulse/default.pa19:38
Kartagiscan someone help me fix my dhclient.conf please? it isn't giving out IPs19:38
Ben1hi guys19:38
nDuffSmilee, the links you've been given on dual-booting look helpful. One other thing to consider if you want to run them both simultaneously is possibly using VirtualBox to run your Windows system in a VM; the down side of that is that it isn't particularly suitable for gaming.19:38
bazhang!grub > ggsdgdsg119:38
ubottuggsdgdsg1, please see my private message19:38
lacaxAhadiel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/96205/19:38
Pirate_Hunteronetinsoldier: ok but tis not showing up so what should i do19:38
Smileehow much space do you suggest me to use for ubuntu partition ?19:38
RivitingOneIf I remember correctly my usb devise was listed as media if that helps at all19:38
onetinsoldierPirate_Hunter: if it's not showing up then i don'tknow19:38
Ben1anyone able to help me with a bit of a custom install??19:38
Ahadiellacax, Does your card support 5.1?19:38
Pirate_Hunteronetinsoldier: ok19:38
nDuffSmilee, depends on what you want to do with it; if it's just general desktop usage, 10GB should be fine; if you want to do heavy development or such, I'd allocate significantly more.19:39
lacaxAhadiel, in windows worked perfectly19:39
SmileenDuff: i used ubuntu 2 years ago: i use pc for everything (but im not a programmer nor developer)19:39
onetinsoldierPirate_Hunter: lsmod | grep usb   and make sure your usb drivers are loaded i guess19:39
hak5fanRivitingOne: I could try to make two different versions of xorg conf for you so you can change between the to different video drivers. But I need the dirver names19:39
onetinsoldierPirate_Hunter: usbcore               175888  4 usbhid,uhci_hcd,ehci_hcd19:39
Ahadiellacax, Ah sorry, I meant aplay -L19:40
levidoshelp!! how can i install a gtk2 theme?19:40
lacaxAhadiel, here's /etc/.../default.pa19:40
Smileewhat's teh best ubuntu version for a pc with 256 mb ram and 800 mhz cpu ?19:40
WebcamWonderlevidos: System -> Preferences -> Appearence, isntall it there19:40
pschorfbug 245898 > pschorf19:40
WebcamWonder!xubuntu | Smilee19:40
nDuffSmilee, xubuntu, I'd think.19:40
ubottuSmilee: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels19:40
pschorfbug 245898 | pschorf19:40
RivitingOnehak5fan: Where do I find the actual names?19:40
Ben1I need to install linux on a 512 HDD. The only way to do it is via my xubuntu live cd. It only needs CLI, no gui rqd. any ideas?19:41
lacaxAhadiel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/96210/19:41
hak5fanRivitingOne: didn't you have them working....19:41
zeldaHey with that NAS stuff, couldnt he use 3 HDD and have all the /home on the second?19:41
WebcamWonderBen1: What is a 512 HDD? 512 KB, 512 MB, 512 GB, 512 TB, 512 PB?19:41
Ahadiellacax, Okay, I'll put together the modified default.pa; Make a back up of the old one before replacing it.19:41
Ward1983Ben1, debootstrap? :)19:41
Ben1512MB... debootstrap????19:42
zeldaSet it all up with Gparted?19:42
levidosthanks WebcamWonder19:42
Pirate_Hunteronetinsoldier: it is showing now as sdb1 but that cant be right eitherway i tried to mount it using this command sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/usb and it tells me device is not found any suggestions19:42
WebcamWonderlevidos: No problems19:42
RivitingOneI have the proprietary one working now but all I did was click a check box that said use enable in the hardware drivers19:42
Ward1983Ben1, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot19:42
WebcamWonderBen1: Alternative CD can do a CLI based install IIRC19:42
hak5fanRivitingOne: What video card brand and model do you have?19:42
RivitingOnehak5fan: Ati X80019:42
onetinsoldierPirate_Hunter: try... mount -t fat16 /dev/sdb1 /media/usb19:42
Ward1983Ben1, or just a minimal install, there is some minimal CD for ubuntu too, i dont remember the exact name19:43
onetinsoldierPirate_Hunter: if that doesn't work then try  fat3219:43
zeldaRivitingOne: thats a nice card. I have the X850 Pro19:43
Ward1983Ben1, or trow the old disk out and get a 20GB one for 5euro somewhere19:43
onetinsoldierPirate_Hunter: or maybe it's vfat.. not sure19:43
Ward1983or for free19:43
Ahadiellacax, here is the modified /etc/pulse/default.pa => http://paste.ubuntu.com/96212/19:43
hak5fanpastebin your current xorg.conf somewhere like pastebin.ca19:43
Ben1webcamwonder the trouble is that I need to boot from a usb CD drive with a weird controller chip, xubuntu is one of very few capable of loading19:43
rayluonetinsoldier: that won't fix anything19:43
onetinsoldierraylu: ok19:44
KartagisPackage dhcpd has no installation candidate <--- what does this mean?19:44
Flannel!minimal | Ward1983, Ben119:44
ubottuWard1983, Ben1: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD19:44
rayluonetinsoldier: the error is that /dev/sdb1 isn't found, so it's not a type issue19:44
lacaxAhadiel, thx i''ll try it out19:44
RivitingOnehak5fan: All it says is ATI accelerated graphics driver then a box for the checkmark and a little green check with the words in use by it19:44
Ahadiellacax, k19:44
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zeldaRivitingOne: THats what it should do.19:44
Ahadiellacax, I've done the same thing on 2 other systems, and they both work perfectly.19:44
FlannelKartagis: it means "dhcpd" isn't a package (or your repositories don't know about it anyway), in your case, it's not a package19:44
onetinsoldierraylu: roger...19:44
Ahadiellacax, The only problem is you can't change individual channel volumes.19:44
Pirate_Hunteronetinsoldier: it just doesnt accept sdb119:44
WebcamWonderKartagis: I think it comes with dhclient19:45
hak5fanRivitingOne: Pastebin the contents of /etc/x11/xorg.conf and send me the link19:45
Ben1thanks flannel. I'll see if that will boot.19:45
onetinsoldierok, so...    sudo parted -l   ..shows /dev/sdb1   ...yet /dev/sdb1 doesn't exist, hmmmm19:45
The_Rebelwhy is linux-kernel-devel missing from intrepid ibex..19:45
zeldahak5fan: I had an issue with the autoconfig stuff messing up my xorg.conf. I had to use a 7.10 disk and ran the dkpg command to get it to work.19:46
hak5fanzelda: so it works now?19:46
WebcamWonderonetinsoldier: Does sudo fdisk -l also show this /dev/sdb1?19:46
rayluPirate_Hunter: have you run "sudo fdisk -l"? also, ls /dev/disk/* may help19:46
lacaxso, then a system reboot... brb19:46
Pirate_Hunteronetinsoldier: thats what it says just restarted anyway but yeah i need to mount it so i can get my previous xorg file19:46
Pirate_Hunterraylu: ok19:47
onetinsoldierPirate_Hunter: i hear ya. i just don't know what to think of that myself19:47
zeldaHak5Fan: yeah mines working fine. Its that autoconfigure crap. Tell him to disable that feature and try to dkpg in 8.10. if not throw in a live 7.10 disk and dpkg command, then copy and paste that in teh 8.10 xorg.19:47
The_Rebelwhy is linux-kernel-devel missing from intrepid ibex..19:48
Pirate_Hunteronetinsoldier: yah i guess trying to bring an old system to life is just hard19:48
onetinsoldierWebcamWonder: anything wrong with   parted  ?? imo, fdisk is ancient and outdated now, and shouldn't be used. just my opinion19:48
RivitingOnehak5fan: http://pastebin.com/d279f3f8e19:48
zeldahak5fan: yeah thats his problem.19:48
WebcamWonderonetinsoldier: I don't think so... It is more of a convention I guess19:48
zeldaRivitingOne: Do you have a 7.10 live cd?19:48
onetinsoldierWebcamWonder: roger19:49
RivitingOnezelda: no, just the 8.04 I started with19:49
zeldaRivitingOne: go download one.19:49
zeldaget that going while your here talking.19:49
zeldaI had the same issue you are having.19:49
onetinsoldierWebcamWonder: consdier replacing   sudo fidsk -l   -with-   sudo parted -l   ... :-)19:49
Melio1how do i know what file system i'm running19:50
Melio1and how do i use su -19:50
RivitingOnethe entire live CD?19:50
zeldaDoes anyone know how to turn off that autoconfigure feature in xorg.conf?19:50
Melio1when i try it, it sais authentication failure19:50
WebcamWonderonetinsoldier: :)... Last time I used any partiting utility was an eternity ago :D19:50
zeldaRivitingOne: Yes.19:50
Pirate_Hunterraylu: yeah tried that comamnd the usb is picked up but fdisk -l gives me sort of errors like showing the usb as different parts19:50
onetinsoldierWebcamWonder:  i hear ya19:50
Melio1RivitingOne: riveting19:50
lacaxAhadiel, i made a system reboot too, but still only two speakers work19:50
JMS32How to know from what partition i m booted?19:51
onetinsoldierMelio1: simply type in...   mount19:51
Melio1onetinsoldier: thanks19:51
rostaman_my new dual core CPU is always showing 100% util on one of the cores...I'm running Mint FWIW...is that right?19:51
Melio1onetinsoldier: cool /dev/sda1 on / type ext3 (rw,relatime,errors=remount-ro)19:51
Melio1i need that to be ext219:51
zeldaRivitingOne: DO you have a USB thumb drive?19:51
onetinsoldierMelio1: you're welcome... and for the su, i  use    sudo -i   ..if i want a persistent root prompt19:51
neo644For some reason, my arrow keys tend to get stuck and stay stuck for everything except browsing menus and file browsers until I log out. How can I fix this?19:51
Melio1is there a defualt su - password19:51
RivitingOnezelda: yes19:51
Melio1sudo -i will stick19:52
Melio1ok thanks19:52
WebcamWonderMelio1: Any particular reason why you want to downgrade from ext3 to ext2?19:52
zeldayou'll need it19:52
Melio1i'm going to convert this filesystem to ext219:52
SquideshiWhat is the difference between the "Add/Remove" option under "Applications" and the "Synaptic Package Manager" under "System > Administration"?19:52
Melio1WebcamWonder: ext2 is faster/more efficent on ssd cards19:52
Melio1this is an acer aspire one19:52
Melio1it has an 8 gig ssd19:52
neo644Synaptic is a bit more advanced19:52
Ahadiellacax, Hrm.19:52
sheepSquideshi: add/remove is simpler and not as powerful19:52
zeldaAdd/Remove is worthless imo19:52
WebcamWonderSquideshi: Add/Remove programs only shows packages as programs. Synaptic shows all packages individually19:52
Ahadiellacax, sudo apt-get install padevchooser; then run "padevchooser".19:52
RivitingOnezelda: ok so I am downloading 7.10 live CD?19:52
=== Tina7 is now known as gotami
giraoI can not see the trust webcam with amsn19:53
SquideshiOK. When I look in Synaptic Package Manager, I see three entries for most categories (i.e. Universe, Multiverse, etc.) What does this mean?19:54
Ahadiellacax, left-click the icon it brings up, and go to Volume Control.19:54
GillyGilly2can someone help me with a virtual pc install of ubunut64? I have a 64 bit processor, but i get the message "Your CPU dose not support long mode. Use a 32bit distribution"19:54
rayluneo644: bit more advanced tan what?19:54
zeldaRivitingOne: I have an X850Pro and I had the same issues where it wouldnt recognize any of my hardware. I didnt catch the exact issue you were having yet im assuming by the looks of it you had the same where you want a certain screen res?19:54
geniiMelio1: tune2fs -O ^has_journal /dev/foo19:54
sheepGillyGilly2: I think virtualpc is only 32-bit19:54
Melio1genii: i read that on a fourm19:54
geniiMelio1: Clears the flag indicating journalled (ext3)19:54
lacaxAhadiel, and now?19:54
GillyGilly2i downloaded the 64 bit version of VPC19:55
GillyGilly2er, im pretty sure i did19:55
Ahadiellacax, does surround51:0 show up under Output Devices?19:55
onetinsoldier!multiverse > Squideshi19:55
ubottuSquideshi, please see my private message19:55
rubydiamondwhat is the best commandline torrent downloader software19:55
lacaxAhadiel, yes19:55
Ahadiellacax, And under Playback, do you see the application you're using to play music?19:55
lvlint67GillyGilly2, i get the same problem with sun virtual box, haven't looked into a solution yet19:55
Ahadiellacax, How many channels under surround51?19:55
giraoI can not see the webcam with amsn19:55
lacaxAhadiel, only two (Front Left and Front Right)19:56
Ahadiellacax, hrm...19:56
Pirate_Huntercan anyone suggest how19:56
NicEXEhow can I find my Ubuntu partition in Vista?19:56
Pirate_Huntercan anyone help me identify why X is not working please19:56
RivitingOneZelda: The trouble I am having is that I get horizontal lines and stuttering when I try and play movies or dvd's with my current drivers but with the driver EnvyNG installs I don't have the issue. But with that driver I can't play openGL games.19:56
Squideshionetinsoldier: Thanks.19:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ifs19:57
Melio1this isnt going to be easy19:57
raylu!search ifs19:57
hak5fanNicEXE: What file system are you running?P19:57
nicklas__NicEXE: you cant19:57
Melio1i need to do this with a differnt os booted19:57
gaintsurahey all, I'm trying to configure OpenLDAP/slapd on my system for samba sharing, and I'm pretty sure I remember server class... DC= 'domain controller' right? what should that be set to, if its only on my system?19:57
lvlint67NicEXE, open disk manager, it will likely be the only one that is not recginised19:57
raylunicklas__: yes you can. ext2ifs19:57
Melio1because i can't unmount the /dev/sda1 while stuff is running on it19:57
Melio1or it'll smoke it19:57
bfigi am having trouble using madwifi to configure my atheros wireless adapter19:57
The_PHP_JediSup? If anyone is familiar w/ APCI and an error that says "incorrect checksum in table [OEMB]...", I'll be eternally grateful :P19:57
AshTray-SquirrelMail gives me this error: "Error connecting to IMAP server: localhost. 111 : Connection refused". I'm using ubuntu server 8.10 interpid and running postfix and dovecot 1.1.4. This is the pastebind of netstat: http://pastebin.com/m14b7907a, dovecot log: http://pastebin.com/m10322b24, postfix log: http://pastebin.com/m7171dcfd . Please help me. Thank you in advance.19:57
RivitingOnezelda: I'm looking at about 2 hours 20 min to d/l the 7.10 cd19:57
zeldaRivitingOne: Not sure on that. But looks like your xorg.conf isnt seeing any hardware.19:58
onetinsoldierSquideshi: you're welcome. i relly like the 'Tongue-in-Cheek' descriptions they have on there  :-)19:58
rayluAshTray-: ewwww squirelmail19:58
bfigto be more precise, i haven't been able to make it work at all :(. can somebody help me a bit? i haven't been lucky with google and i'm very new to linux19:58
Ahadiellacax, This is what mine looks like. http://omploader.org/vMTJvOQ19:58
onetinsoldier$release: Don’t touch it, I like consistency, even with my bugs.19:58
AshTray-raylu: WHat's with it ?19:58
GreedyBis it worth it to install KDE stuff for amarok?19:58
rayluAshTray-: it's a webmail client (and it sucks, even for one)19:58
Pirate_Huntercan anyone help me identify why X is not working please19:58
Melio1ok i'm gonna boot with the usb installer i made19:58
rayluGreedyB: try exaile19:58
onetinsoldier$devel: I can take it. Seriously. If you break my X, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine.19:58
RivitingOneWhat exactly am I going to do with the 7.1 CD?19:59
Melio1then go thru that conversion by hand19:59
zeldaRivitingOne: Ok once you do that, load up the liveCD and then get to terminal and run the dkpg command. go through it. THen you want to stay in term and run sudo gkedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:59
nicklas__grinrok juflin19:59
AshTray-raylu: It's a small server, i need a small thing.19:59
NicEXEhow can I see my files that are in ubuntu's partition using vista?20:00
ariqsubuntu seriously needs a program like tcp view for windows. Now, I have a process that's hogging my slow connection, how do I fgure out what it is20:00
zeldaRivitingOne: make sure it sees your hardware, then copy the file to your usb drive. Load up 8.10 and get to terminal and copy/paste from the 7.10 file. That should help20:00
lacaxAhadiel, and here's mine http://omploader.org/vMTJvYQ20:00
ariqssomeoen told me to type ps x before, which seems almost completely worthless. It jsut seems to list all my processes20:01
BlackDexhello there..20:01
BlackDexIs there a way to count the amount of open tcp/network connections?20:01
hak5fanPirate_Hunter: I can try to help you with X if you pm me20:01
RivitingOneZelda: Might should have mentioned I am on 8.0420:01
onetinsoldierNicEXE: download and install   ext2 IFS  ...do a google search on that20:01
rayluhak5fan: it's better to keep support in this channel20:01
RonPaulis there an onscreen keyboard in ubuntu.  if so, .here can i find it.  Thanks20:01
The_PHP_JediSup? If anyone is familiar w/ APCI and an error that says "incorrect checksum in table [OEMB]...", I'll be eternally grateful :P20:02
hak5fanraylu: It's very noisy and hard to follow a problem20:02
The_PHP_Jedioh, hey hak5fan :)20:02
rayluhak5fan: get a client that highlights. for users' safety and everyone elses' benefit, it's still better to keep it in here20:02
hak5fanThe_PHP_Jedi: Ho20:02
The_PHP_Jedihak5fan, what's your nick over at the Hak.5 chan?20:02
rayluhak5fan: also, something that shows you the last messages containing a keyword (someone's nick) is very useful :D20:02
onetinsoldierNicEXE: hwoever.. sorry, that may very well not work for Vista. i don't know. i've only used it in XP20:02
Ahadiellacax, Yeah, I'm not sure then. Sorry =/20:02
ariqsI want to see what programs are using what internet resources20:02
RonPaulon screen keyboard?20:02
samuraicrowMy friend's Ubuntu 8.10 system aborts after the GRUB window but will continue after waiting at the busybox prompt for 5 seconds and typing exit.  What's the easiest way to delay the root mount abort?20:03
hak5fanThe_PHP_Jedi: I'm not over there to much and I can't remember my password for it, but iot used to be blackhawk20:03
rayluonetinsoldier: i'm using it on vista now :D20:03
lacaxAhadiel, here's my default.pa again: http://paste.ubuntu.com/96225/20:03
hak5fanThe_PHP_Jedi: So you're on ubuntu, huh?20:03
onetinsoldierraylu: oh! ok, cool. thank you for the info. :-)20:03
bfigcan somebody help me set up my atheros wireless adapter using madwifi?20:03
=== levidos is now known as ubunturules
SquideshiI am missing a "TV" output when I type "xrandr -q" on my Dell Inspiron 1100. This laptop has a 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device with an s-video output. "man intel" indicates that the s-video output should be listed as "TV". Any clues as to why this output might be missing?20:03
onetinsoldierNicEXE: ok, raylu reports that ext2 IFS does work for Vista, cool.  :-)20:04
Ahadiellacax, Not sure, everything looks like it should work.20:04
The_PHP_Jedihak5fan, ah. I use it as my primary desktop OS, but my old HD died, and I'm having issues setting it up w/ some new hardware and new HD >.<20:04
=== ubunturules is now known as levidos
The_PHP_JediIf anyone is familiar w/ APCI and an error that says "incorrect checksum in table [OEMB]...", I'll be eternally grateful! >.<20:04
hak5fanThe_PHP_Jedi: You have googled it of course20:04
RonPaulcould anyone help me .ith a keyboard problem.  I have a broken keyboard.  And I need to kno. if there is an on screen keyboard in Ubuntu.  Much oblidged20:04
onetinsoldierThe_PHP_Jedi: what kind of video card do you have?20:04
pinnochiohow do and happy new year20:05
RivitingOnezelda: Would it be possible to see your xorg.conf so I have a general idea of what it should look like?20:05
=== hfsdo_ is now known as hfsdo
Melio1zelda use pastebin20:05
Melio1don't just ask like that20:06
MindVirusHi. I don't have any sound and nothing's muted. Can someone help?20:06
Pirate_Hunterhak5fan: i have pm you can you see it20:06
The_PHP_Jedionetinsoldier, it doesn't quite matter, but it's an integrated Intel20:06
wbmjRonPaul: I think you want gok20:06
pinnochioSpeakers plugged in?20:06
hak5fanPirate_Hunter: no really.... let's se20:06
onetinsoldierThe_PHP_Jedi: ok, it does matter. it's a known issue20:06
The_PHP_JediI'm having problems w/ the mobo properly detecting my PCI wifi card20:06
The_PHP_Jedionetinsoldier, ah. ^20:06
onetinsoldierThe_PHP_Jedi: with integrated Intel Vid cards20:06
ariqsI want to see what programs are using what internet resources20:07
The_PHP_JediGot any links? I've been Googling around for the last 30 mins or so, to no avail20:07
onetinsoldierThe_PHP_Jedi: you can try... making sure you have the latest BIOS for the vid card. but even then, you might still get the message20:07
AbhaileHey guys, is it possible to create an "image"  or backup of my Ubuntu with all my synaptic downloads, settings, driver settings, compiz/desklet effects and files? Could I do this to a DVD or a jump drive?20:07
mrwesanyone using songbird with an IPOD?20:07
wbmjRonPaul: I think you want gok.....Gnome Onscreen Keyboard20:08
RonPaulah ok20:08
wbmjRonPaul: no problem20:08
AbhaileAnybody know the answer to this?20:08
onetinsoldierThe_PHP_Jedi: i think it might only be an issue with certain model if integrated intel video card, not sure... but i've seen it before anyway20:08
onetinsoldierif = of20:09
dimbonsoir a tous20:09
dimc kikic !!20:09
onetinsoldierAbhaile: yes, it's possible. you might have a look here --> http://www.feyrer.de/g4u/20:10
johannes_hi im running a fileserver with openfiler but id like to use ubuntu 8.04 server I created a software raid 1 http://pastebin.com/m2a7f449a which is part of a logical volume, and then formatted with ext3 and used to save my files, is it possible to change the os (stored on a different disk) and get this configuration running on ubuntu? what do I have to look out for?20:10
lacaxahh, how can i set up my 5.1 soundsystem to be good?20:10
The_PHP_Jedionetinsoldier, this mobo has the latest BIOS version (at least when I got it) :-/20:10
Ben1I need some help partitioning my 512mb hdd for mini.iso install.... do i need to specify 3 different partitions like on my ubuntu 8.04 desktop pc?20:10
Abhaileonetinsoldier: Thank you, I'll check this out20:10
LexvegasIm thinking of getting a dell mini 12, but i want to get XP on it, so I can dual boot. Does anyone know if the wireless card it comes with is compatible with Ubuntu?20:10
kazagistarthat's overkill.  i only want to...20:10
onetinsoldierThe_PHP_Jedi: roger... it's all you can do. it can pretty much be ignored if you have the latest BIOS then20:11
AwsoonnI need some help settign up a usb DSL cable modem. I followed the wiki but when I brought teh machine to where it was to be used, I couldn't get a connection, it didn't even show up in ifconfig as an interface20:11
bfigcan somebody help me set up my atheros wireless adapter using madwifi?20:11
wbmjBen1: no20:11
The_PHP_Jedionetinsoldier, thanks anyways. I'll do some more Googling based off that info20:11
Abhaileonetinsoldier: Would, "create a USB startup disk" work?20:11
onetinsoldierAbhaile: you're welcome20:11
The_PHP_Jedionetinsoldier, well, the thing is it's messing up the detection of my wifi card... :-/20:11
Ben1wbmj so if i just make one partition ubuntu can install and boot?20:11
wbmjBen1:yes....you don't necessarily need a swap20:12
Ben1ok cool thanks :)20:12
onetinsoldierThe_PHP_Jedi: oh! hmmm, that's a bummer. you might keep asking how to solve this, don't repeat too often tho. or make a forum post, or do a lot of google searching20:12
lacaxwho use an 5.1 sound system?20:12
AshTray-SquirrelMail gives me this error: "Error connecting to IMAP server: localhost. 111 : Connection refused". I'm using ubuntu server 8.10 interpid and running postfix and dovecot 1.1.4. This is the pastebind of netstat: http://pastebin.com/m14b7907a, dovecot log: http://pastebin.com/m10322b24, postfix log: http://pastebin.com/m7171dcfd . Please help me. Thank you in advance.20:12
The_PHP_Jedionetinsoldier, I'll do some more Google searching, and if I get nothing done, I'll post it on the forums. I know they're great. :) Cheers!20:13
bfigcan somebody help me set up my atheros wireless adapter using madwifi?20:13
onetinsoldierAbhaile: i would think so. but i don't know how well that utility works though. but yeah, try that, or... burn this --> http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/   ..it has g4u on it20:13
onetinsoldierThe_PHP_Jedi: cheers m8 and good luck20:14
Ben1just out of curiosity... how big (mb) is the base system?20:14
FlannelBen1: You mean a default install of Ubuntu? or the minimal ones?20:14
FlannelBen1: Few hundred meg I believe.  I don't have hard and fast numbers though20:15
Ben1ok ta20:15
nonix4default doesn't fit comfortably in 4 gigs20:16
Flannelnonix4: yes it does.  Default install is right around 2G20:16
nonix4Flannel: comfortably means surviving one month of updates w/out cleaning up manually :)20:16
nonix4Flannel: yes, my virtual machine farm is using 4 gig images, and no, it ain't comfortable.20:17
samuraicrowMy friend's Ubuntu 8.10 system aborts after the GRUB window but will continue after waiting at the busybox prompt for 5 seconds and typing exit.  What's the easiest way to delay the root mount abort?20:17
eachiican i install lingvo x3 on my ubuntu?20:18
nonix4samuraicrow: I think that boot script had a sleep there, which can be changed...20:19
balanar391hi I accidentally set my refresh rate too high and now i can't see my monitor20:19
balanar391how do I reset the refresh rate manually w/o gui?20:20
mrwesbalanar391: reboot into rescue mode20:20
lukaszHi everyone20:20
samuraicrownonix:  Thanks.  What's the path of the boot script so I can edit it, please?20:20
nonix4... and I think I did change it back in 6.06 timeframe. Sounds like the same bug... which kind of storage is it on?20:20
lukaszI have done the Dual Boot :D20:20
onetinsoldierbalanar391: you're at a console terminal now?20:20
poboy975linuxhello, is this where I can ask for networking help?20:20
lukaszI thinkso20:21
balanar391how do I go into rescue mode?20:21
lvlint67balanar391, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg20:21
lukaszdunno sorry!20:21
levidoshow can i check my battery level from the command prompt?20:21
onetinsoldierbalanar391: are you're at a console terminal now?  tty120:21
balanar391oh so i can do ctrl+alt+f1 to go to terminal right?20:21
mrwesbalanar391: hit ESC at the grub menu and choose rescue20:21
sinboxanyone here built fluxbox 1.1.1 0j 8.04?20:21
onetinsoldierbalanar391: yeah, try that20:21
lukaszI don't need to use a webcam on linux :D20:21
nonix4samuraicrow: involves quite a few steps actually... last one of them is update-initramfs20:22
lukaszI am so glad I did dual Boot :D20:22
samuraicrownonix:  It was on a single hard drive.  No RAID or anything.20:22
waserthi I'm trying to program a system shutdown20:22
wasertI'm using at20:22
wasertbut it does not seem to work20:22
poboy975linuxhello, I have a network issue, I can ping all three comps on network. but cant share the internet connection from the laptop to other comps20:22
onetinsoldierbalanar391: while at the console terminal, do --> invoke-rc.d gdm stop   (if gdm is your display manager)20:23
mrweswasert: with a crontab?20:23
wasertno, I'm typing for example:20:23
JMS32_With what i can burn audio CD?20:23
wasertat 4:00pm Dec 3020:23
wasertthen I type20:23
wasertsudo shutdown -h now20:23
wasertmy password20:23
wasertthen Ctrl+D20:23
FloodBot2wasert: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:23
guntbert!enter | wasert20:23
ubottuwasert: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:23
wasertand I get: job 9 at Tue Dec 30 15:20:00 200820:24
onetinsoldierbalanar391: btw, you'll need sudo for that command20:24
nonix4samuraicrow: 'k... mainly seen such issues w/ raid+lvm consisting of 5+ devices... but just one hd can be slow enough20:24
balanar391yes i have sudo20:24
lukasz160 gb Is More then enought for 2 operating systems :D20:24
nDuffwasert, is atd running?20:24
onetinsoldierbalanar391: ok, did you get a response from that command?20:24
onetinsoldierbalanar391: did it say OK ?20:24
xunhi, does anyone know why my laptop would just have the "dd" service running in the background(i don't think I've ran the "dd" command sinc the reboot)? it's taking 30% of my total cpu usage20:24
wasertnDuff, I don't know. I tried to do some tests and for example try: sudo apt-get update > file.txt . The file is created but blank20:25
nDuffwasert, if it's running, did it send you an email with the task output?20:25
readygoi have an intel 64-bit quadcore, should i use the amd64 disk image?20:25
manjahow do I make my webcam work in skype?20:25
onetinsoldierreadygo: yes20:25
readygoonetinsoldier: ok, thanks!20:25
nDuffwasert, if you want your at job to run as root, you should run "sudo at", not put the sudo inside the at job.20:25
RivitingOneCan anyone suggest a guide detailing steps to take after install?  Programs, libraries, and other steps I need to take to get functionality near what I would expect on windows.20:25
nonix4samuraicrow: if you have a look at /usr/share/initramfs-tools/init, can you spot where it stops?20:26
johannes_is there a command line tool to see the current cpu frequency?20:26
wasertnDuff, I can see this in /var/log/syslog: Dec 30 15:20:02 jelly atd[10701]: Exec failed for mail command: No such file or directory20:26
nDuffwasert, ahh; that's why you aren't getting failure reports20:26
SlartRivitingOne: oh.. you're already way past windows when the installer is finished =)20:26
onetinsoldierRivitingOne: i can send you my package list.. lol20:26
wasertok I will try that, It's just that I saw that on ubuntuforums20:26
Delvienjohannes_: cat /proc/cpuinfo20:26
poboy975linuxRivitingone: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=766683&highlight=ubuntu+opera+quicktime  it helps setup your media and stuff20:27
nonix4samuraicrow: or in another words, does it stop at 'log_begin_msg "Mounting root file system..."'?20:27
lukaszHow can I get a channel list?20:27
pos69sumanyone using proftpd over tls?20:27
bfigcan somebody help me set up my atheros wireless adapter using madwifi?20:27
SlartRivitingOne: is it anything special you want to do/fix?20:27
nDuffwasert, install mailx or such.20:28
samuraicrownonix4:  I'm not at my friend's computer at the moment but it usually pops up an interrupt message after about 5 seconds and will resume booting after exiting the shell.20:28
onetinsoldierbalanar391: so, are you still in need of help?20:28
MimiHi all, is there a way i can share wireless from my laptop to my boyfriends laptop? (wifi to wifi card) we dont have a router20:28
xundoes anyone know why my laptop would just run "dd" & "klogd" in the background by itself? they take a lot of CPU usage. thanks20:28
nDuffMimi, you should be able to use ad-hoc wireless20:29
balanar391onetin: yes I stopped the gnome20:29
simpleoshi all, would someone kindly help me compile a kernel?20:29
nDuffMimi, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Adhoc20:29
poboy975linuxhi I could use some help figuring out why internet is not being shared20:29
n8tuserpoboy975linux - not shared by whom?20:30
RivitingOneSlart: Not really. When I first installed I had absolutely no clue what I was doing and I have added a lot of random stuff trying to get some functionality. Just thinking if I could start over I might have better results20:30
wasertnDuff, Thank you I tried with sudo at, and It worked.20:30
guntbert!kernel | simpleos20:30
ubottusimpleos: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages20:30
manjawhere do I get drivers for a creative webcam?20:30
onetinsoldierbalanar391: ok, be a little responsive.. talk to me, let me know you're alive and kicking.  next step is --> sudo Xorg -configure    ...then look in either you home directory or in root's home directory for a file named 'xorg.conf.new'20:30
RivitingOnepoboy975linux: Thanks, looks like what I was looking for20:30
poboy975linuxI have a laptop that is connected to internet through wireless...I want to share that connection from ethernet on laptop to hub to other computers on network20:30
mrwesheh onetinsoldier20:30
onetinsoldiermrwes: howdy20:31
nonix4samuraicrow: been a couple years since I've had to deal w/ such issues... but "find /etc/initramfs-tools/" and "man update-initramfs" should get you started :)20:31
n8tuser!ics | poboy975linux20:31
ubottupoboy975linux: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php20:31
MiminDuff,  Yeah, I thought so ^^; so I went to WicD and hit "Create Ad-Hoc". It had an IP number in there, I gave it the name XMAS,  and I didnt want security so I clicked ok.... Then it says 'Connected to XMAS at 0%" on *MY* laptop  LOL20:31
poboy975linuxRivitingone, Itll will get you a lot of codecs and general tweaks to start with20:31
balanar391onetinsoldier: i privated you, but I guess you didn't get the messages20:31
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balanar391onetinsoldier: i am in two different roooms so it takes a while to do what you tell me to20:31
samuraicrownonix4:  Thanks for the help!20:31
onetinsoldierbalanar391: darned xchat.. it's supposed to give me a baloon pop-up when i get pm'd20:31
balanar391onetinsoldier: hold on, i will try ur next command20:32
poboy975linuxI have gone through the tutorils on both ics and tried firestarter and I can ping all comps on network, but oknly lapotop has internet. the other comps are not getting it...even though they can ping laptop as well20:32
onetinsoldierbalanar391: but, just keep chat in here anyway20:32
SlartRivitingOne: if you tell us what kind of functionality you want perhaps we can give you some hints etc.. but it's really very personal.. not everyone wants their computer setup the same.. and if you compare a installed ubuntu system to a installed windows system you have way more stuff available on the ubuntu system... windows is pretty empty when nothing else is installed20:32
eseven73onetinsoldier: do you have libnotify? I think that is required in order for xchat to do popup messages20:33
Slartpoboy975linux: have you enable ip routing?20:33
manjawhere do I get drivers for a creative webcam?20:33
n8tuserpoboy975linux - what exactly have you done? anything with iptables?20:33
WebcamWonder!repeat | manja20:33
ubottumanja: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience20:33
poboy975linuxI did edit the /etc/sysctl.conf file and put in ip4 forward20:33
GillyGilly2Hi, can someone help, have a 64bit processor but when i try to install 64bit ubuntu 7.10 using virtual pc (again, the 64bit version), i get a message telling me that my "cpu does not support long mode. use a 32bit distribution." Is there no way to fix this?20:33
onetinsoldiereseven73: it was working just yesterday. i don't know why it's not giving me a balloon pop-up today. itmade me check my settings... it's still set20:34
poboy975linuxyeah there were two different instructions on iptables20:34
n8tuserpoboy975linux - be more specific, exactly what you did?20:34
nonix4samuraicrow: and better yet, "man initramfs-tools" has a pretty thorough description of the boot time scripts20:34
n8tuser!who | poboy975linux20:34
ubottupoboy975linux: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:34
eseven73onetinsoldier: ah ok20:34
nDuffmanja, good question; depending on the model, it may be bundled with the kernel, or it may just not be available; since you aren't telling us the model of your webcam, we can't help you more than that.20:34
SudoKingHi, my sound card is enabled, using Xine, and everything seems ok, but the sound isn't working.  It seems to do this after some period of time of inactivity.  Any ideas? :?20:34
onetinsoldiereseven73: almost makes me wonder is turning off the gnome-screensaver and enabling the xscreensaver daemon has anything to do with it20:35
poboy975linuxSlart: net.ipv4.conf.default.forwarding=1 net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding=1 I added these two lines to sysctl.conf20:35
balanar391onetinsoldier: i can't find the file20:35
eseven73onetinsoldier: or any other app that might use libnotify20:35
gmathewsHey - how can i get a weather screenlet that displays the weather in South Africa?20:35
samuraicrownonix4:  Thanks again!  Now I'll have some place to look when I go over there after New Year's.20:35
RivitingOneSlart: Well, when I first installed I had to go around in circles trying to get a video playback. I finally managed to get sound for games but it still goes away when I have another program open like firefox. At the moment I have crapy dvd playback but atleast I've managed to get my games working fairly well. All I really do on this system is game and watch movies and surf the web but I can't seem to do any 2 of those things at once.20:35
mars___is there a way to use two monitors with different resolutions?20:35
manjanDuff, it's a Live! Cam Video IM (VF0220)20:35
MimiOhhhhhhhh......  do I need TWO wireless cards on MY laptop to share wireless..... ?  :(20:36
nonix4GillyGilly2: sounds like that particular version of virtualpc doesn't support 64-bit guests20:36
onetinsoldierbalanar391: what happened when you did the command? did you use sudo?   sudo Xorg -configure    ...capital X might be required there20:36
mars___i currently use grandr and somehow i cannot get my second monitor to work properly.20:36
poboy975linuxSlart: sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o eth1 -s -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT sudo iptables -A FORWARD -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT sudo iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -j MASQUERADE  I ran these commands20:36
kim0Hi .. how "small" can I install from the normal 8.10 dvd ? can it go ~ 200MB ?20:36
manjanDuff, I already tried it in skype (the test in the options) and it shows only garbled green bars, so I guess it's not bundled in the kernel20:36
gmathewsHi - how can I get a mini window of video (like a screenlet) on my desktop?20:36
nDuffmanja, a quick bit of googling found http://opensource.creative.com/webcam.html20:36
RivitingOneslart: and why has ubuntu not managed to master the ancient art of .gif. If I wanted to see the first frame of an image I'd use a .jpg20:37
sinboxanyone here built fluxbox 1.1.1 0j 8.04? I get some errors on ./configure20:37
nonix4GillyGilly2: kvm has no problems w/ 64-bit cpus... well, have tried only w/ cpu virtualization support, which most 64-bit cpus do have.20:37
onetinsoldierbalanar391: sudo Xorg -configure .....should give you some sort of a response20:37
manjanDuff, what did you google for?20:37
SlartRivitingOne: I think because some of the ancient masters decided to sue everyone doing anything with gif..20:37
n8tuserpoboy975linux - which name is for your wifi? eth0 or eth1 ?20:37
nDuffmanja, "Creative Live webcam Linux"20:37
poboy975linuxn8tuser: wifi is wlan120:37
SlartRivitingOne: are you using plain alsa or pulseaudio for sound?20:38
nDuffmanja, first hit with those terms.20:38
n8tuserpoboy975linux - then look at your rules, you were using eth0 and eth1  and not wlan0 .. make sense?20:38
poboy975linuxn8tuser: eth0 is ethernet cable to hub20:38
manjanDuff, thank you20:38
nicklas__im out, bye20:38
n8tuserpoboy975linux - then look at your rules, you were using eth0 and eth1  and not wlan1 .. make sense?20:38
Slartpopori: what do you get if you run "cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"20:38
balanar391onetinsoldier: oh ok now i can see the file20:39
mrwesbalanar391: or you could try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg20:39
poboy975linuxn8tuser: sorry here is command copied out of the terminal :  sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i wlan1 -o eth0 -s -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT20:39
Jeatonwhat do you use to unzip rar files?20:39
RivitingOneslart: I'll assume pulseaudio because that's the applet I have on my toolbar. I've tried configuring it but given that there are a billion different guides that say twice as many things I have no idea if anything is setup correctly.20:39
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free20:39
jdolanhi, i have a fresh Intrepid install, and audacity refuses to output any audio.  all other apps playback just fine.20:39
poboy975linuxthe first was from the instruction page20:39
nonix4GillyGilly2: any particular reason for using virtualpc/vmware/whatever-non-stock-vm as opposed to "sudo aptitude install kvm libvirt-bin virt-manager"20:39
ssdti am trying to install ubuntu but with the live cd, i reboot my system and no boot screen comes up, i goes stright to the windows20:39
ssdthow do i make it go to ubuntu?20:40
SlartRivitingOne: if you open the settings dialon in system, preferences, sound. does it say mostly "ALSA" or mostly "PULSEAUDIO"20:40
RivitingOnessdt: You might need to change your boot order in the bios settings20:40
nonix4ssdt: bios setup, enable booting from cd20:40
onetinsoldierbalanar391: great!  now --> cp -v /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.old && cp -v /path_to_file/xorg.conf.new /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:40
ssdtnonix4, where is the bios setup?20:40
GillyGilly2nonix4, thank you for the responses20:40
nonix4ssdt: bios setup is usually accessed by one of the top row keys, like esc, f1, f2, etc, when booting20:41
n8tuserpoboy975linux - what is your default Policy for the iptables?20:41
ssdtthanks nonix4 i will try20:41
onetinsoldierbalanar391: last step is..   sudo invoke-rc.d gdm start20:41
poboy975linuxn8tuser: that I dont know. where can i find out?20:41
n8tuserpoboy975linux - sudo iptables -n -vL20:42
LexvegasIm thinking of getting a dell mini 12, but i want to get XP on it, so I can dual boot. Does anyone know if the wireless card it comes with is compatible with Ubuntu?20:42
RivitingOneslart: Sound events and music and movies is set to autodetect, audio conferencing is all set to pulseaudio20:42
poboy975linuxok, it printed a bunch of stuff, too much to paste in here20:42
Pirate_Hunterhak5fan: you still around?20:43
hak5fanPirate_Hunter: Yes20:43
RivitingOnedefault mixer tracks is HDA ATI SD (Alsa mixer)20:43
SlartRivitingOne: ok.. and you can't play sounds in firefox and listen to some music at the same time, right?20:43
Pirate_Hunterhak5fan: im so happy whats the command to pm you?20:43
balanar391onetinsoldier: ok done20:43
RivitingOneSlart: Correct20:44
hak5fanI can pm you20:44
poboy975linuxn8tuser: ok here is a pastebin http://paste.ubuntu.com/96256/20:44
balanar391onetinsoldier: the screen still fails to show20:44
SlartRivitingOne: try running this, "sudo apt-get install pavucontrol"20:44
ssdtnonix4 it did not work20:44
SlartRivitingOne: and after it's done you run "pavucontrol&" in a terminal20:45
ssdti need to know where i can see the os screen where windows and ubuntu can be seen20:45
SlartRivitingOne: it's probably already installed20:45
gmathewsis playing: korea by Deftones on White Pony (Ltd. Ed.)20:45
nonix4ssdt: which machine is it?20:45
onetinsoldierbalanar391: hmmm , strange. are you sure you copied the new file into place?20:45
andresmhcan I move my user's home directory (/home/andresmh) to a different partition and simply change the /etc/passwd entry for it?20:45
Gnea!ot | gmathews20:45
ubottugmathews: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:45
gmathewsI was waiting for that Gnea :P.20:45
gmathewsOkay - so no one knows how to get a mini window to play video?20:46
Gneagmathews: your trollness will be noted.20:46
The_PHP_Jedionetinsoldier, if you want to give it a closer look, here's the output of dmesg, lspci -v, and lspci -n: http://slexy.org/view/s2FCKfgyXW http://slexy.org/view/s2Cfp9Jdcu http://slexy.org/view/s2GJslMiqt20:46
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onetinsoldierbalanar391: you might try giving it a reboot. what kind of monitor is this?20:46
The_PHP_JediI'm going to post it in the forums in a bit if I don't find anything (which I haven't, so far)20:46
gmathewstrollness ;/20:46
nonix4hmm... don't have one here, but at least gx1's might have had f10 there... bios setup is very early in the boot process20:46
The-CompilerA mate of me has a problem: He changed the resolution in Gnome, now it's too high. KDE works, though. How to change it again? There is no resolution in the xorg.conf so it must be stored somewhere else.20:46
onetinsoldierThe_PHP_Jedi: yep.. i see it20:46
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* Gnea wonders if there's anyone around right now that knows FreeNX and VNC... I've got FreeNX setup, but it won't make a VNC connection and http://groups.google.com/group/ec2ubuntu/web/installing-freenx-on-ubuntu-8-04-hardy doesn't quite make it20:47
AKangBWell, Sorry if I Have a bad English but my bootsplash returns me a "Out of Range".... Then linux boot but I cannot see "the progress bar". Any Idea?20:47
nonix4ssdt: which dell? http://www.michaelstevenstech.com/bios_manufacturer.htm20:47
RivitingOneSlart: Ok so apparently terminal won't work now. I click terminal and a tab comes up that says starting terminal then after about 20 sec it goes away and nothing happens20:47
manjahow do I find out my kernel version?20:48
Gneagmathews: 'mini window'?20:48
Gneamanja: cat /proc/version20:48
Flannelmanja: uname -a20:48
onetinsoldiermanja: uname -r   in a terminal20:48
Ben1damnit minimal install just ran out of hdd space :(20:48
primesuspecktanyone know how to change the fonts in wine..mines is looking garbled and i can't understand anything...20:48
SlartRivitingOne: hmm.. that can't be a good sign..20:49
gmathewsGnea, yea like a sort of screenlet...with your video playing20:49
gmathewsGnea, like Media player does20:49
FlannelBen1: You told it to install the server/command line install? or the regular desktop?20:49
hmlis there a way i can disable the numpad entirely on a lapto pkeyboard (by software)>?20:50
hmlnumpad butthere's a little toddler  sidding next to me who can't stop pressing the tons20:50
Ben1flannel: i typed cli at the boot prompt20:50
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!20:51
=== Niamor59 is now known as Niamor
ubottuAu revoir!20:51
n8tuserpoboy975linux - read what you posted, and answer my question, what is your default Policy ?20:51
johulett_can someone help me with ubuntu wireless settings?20:51
puppiesRcutehello does any one know how to fix virtualbox's problem with not loading iso disks a error always pops up20:52
sahakI am trying to use the "Search for Files..." command from Nautilus, and it seems to me that "Name does not contain" option does not work as it is expected.20:52
RivitingOneslart: I just wish there was an up to date guide for new users to follow that would walk you through what you need to get to get a system going with the same level of functionality. As it is now I come into things hearing all about how much better linux is and how much more it can do but the only way to make it do those amazing things it to wade through a mountain of potentially outdated info in hopes that something works.20:52
sahakCan somebody check it for me?20:52
poboy975linuxn8tuser: drop?20:52
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onetinsoldierThe_PHP_Jedi: have you considered trying compiling kernel 2.6.28 and see if that does anything for you?20:53
n8tuserpoboy975linux - i thought you said you read the tutorial?  it should have explained this yes?20:53
n8tuserpoboy975linux - look at line 1, 22, 3220:54
jjleewhat do people use to watch TV other than tvtime?  why?20:54
johannes_is there a way to check via command line, whether a hdd is up turned on or off?20:54
The_PHP_Jedionetinsoldier, negative. Thing is, I don't have internet connection on the machine (onboard ethernet is fubar'd, hence why I'm trying to use this wifi card)... the headers/source aren't that large, right?20:54
poboy975linuxn8tuser: no, it only gave me a list of commands to type in a step by step20:54
plippHi guys, could you give me some tips on module-building?20:54
plippI've got my source by:20:54
plippsudo apt-get build-dep linux-image-$(uname -r); apt-get source linux-image-4(uname -r)20:54
plippand copied the config from /boot/  and built the modules with "make modules".  But I get versioning issues  "no symbol version for struct_module".20:54
FloodBot2plipp: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:54
johannes_jjlee kaffeine because it works very good20:54
jjleejohannes_: DVB-only, right?20:54
poboy975linuxn8tuser: this is page i followed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing20:54
johannes_jjlee even worse dvb-t ^^20:55
onetinsoldierThe_PHP_Jedi: source isn't exactly small... plus you need other packages to be able to compile/build it20:55
RivitingOneslart: I understand why ubuntu can't come preinstalled with a lot of things for legal reasons but there is obvious place to go to find out how to get things going. Just seems new users are left to muddle through forum page after forum page looking for a bit of info here or there until they give up or piece it together.20:55
jjleehow about ye olde analogue TV?  Does anybody here use anything other than tvtime?20:56
poboy975linuxn8tuser: ok so the policy is drop? how can i fix that?20:56
The_PHP_Jedionetinsoldier, alright. I forgot there's Keryx now, so that makes this whole process easier... I'll try it out now20:56
onetinsoldierThe_PHP_Jedi: roger. what is Keryx?20:56
plippno module-builders here?20:57
onetinsoldierbalanar391: hello? still here?20:57
IsaiahIs there a trick to get Evolution to connect to an exchange server? I keep getting "could not authenticate to server" even through I'm sure the password is correct20:57
AnonDanHi all, to get sound working I need to kill pulseaudio. Problem is I need to do that everytime I boot. Under session preferences I've added the command "killall pulseaudio" but it doesn't work. How can I get it to run the command when I boot? Thanks20:58
SlartRivitingOne: well.. as I said before.. not everyone wants their computer setup the same way.. some people watch movies, some people listen to music, some people have wireless connections, some people use bluetooth, some people want to use bittorrent, some people want an ftp client.. I can go on and on with this list.. not everyone wants to do what you want to do.. so you'll have to do step by step... so start with something that bothers you and ask about it he20:58
Ben1does any1 know any way of installing a really really basic linux from the xubuntu live cd in less than say 250MB??20:58
Ben1command line only would be preferable20:59
levidoshow can i irc from the command line?20:59
simplenewbwhat is the default bluetooth passkey for ubuntu? I can't find it anywhere and I can't pair without it.20:59
johannes_levidos irssi20:59
hajmolalevidos, sudo apt-get install ircii20:59
AnonDansimplenewb: you should be prompted to enter the key manually20:59
The_PHP_Jedionetinsoldier, http://keryx.betaserver.org/ -- essentially allows you to download packages and dependencies (the latter I think, not sure if it's implemented yet) on your USB drive from another computer, regardless of OS, for use on a computer w/ no Internet connection20:59
SlartBen1: not sure how large xubuntu is when installed.. but I think it's bigger than 250Mb... have you looked at other distros? such as Damn Small Linux (DSM) ?21:00
The_PHP_Jedionetinsoldier, a friend of mine developed it, out of necessity and because I was begging him to do something like that :p21:00
levidoswhich one is better: ircii or irssi ?21:00
jjleeOK, so everybody here thinks TV is evil?21:00
onetinsoldierThe_PHP_Jedi: thanks! i'll have to have a look at that21:00
balanar391onetinsoldier: lol thx for ur help, I opted for a more ghetto solution...just get anotehr monitor then go change the settings...for some reason that monitor's kinda messed up...thanks for your help!21:00
Slartlevidos: the one that works for you21:00
hajmolalevidos, try em both21:00
simplenewbAnonDan: At what point? When I plug in the dongle nothing happens and when I try to pair my phone asks for the computeres passkey and nothing is ever shown on the pc21:00
jjlee(I'm trying to figure out if it's worth working on tvtime, or switching to some other TV app)21:00
Ben1slart, the problem is that using a neoware thin client virtually nothing will boot. the only thing i have been able to boot is an ubuntu install cd in my usb cd drive.21:01
levidostnx johannes_, hajmola and slart :)21:01
ardchoilleBen1: There's always LFS, and it allows you to control how large it becomes21:01
jjleeboth look pretty unpleasant for just watching plain old telly21:01
AnonDansimplenewb: happens to me too. I just have to keep retrying and eventually a balloon tooltip pops up. Don't know anyway around that sorry. Different phones with bluetooth work at different speeds I've found21:01
hajmolajjlee, i have mythtv, works pretty well21:01
Gnea!tv | jjlee21:01
ubottujjlee: http://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Me-TV (GNOME), Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out21:01
onetinsoldierbalanar391: your welcome. setting refresh rate too high can ruin a monitor! be careful. anyway, you're welcome and glad to hear you've a good monitor set set up in it's place.  :-)21:01
simplenewbAnonDan: ok thanks I guess I'll just keep trying.21:01
diedi3manybody can help me'?21:01
jjleehajmola: thanks, but last time I tried it it needed a silly amount of configuration21:01
SlartBen1: oh... perhaps the minimal install cd might work for you then.. I think it's a bit more flexible when it comes to what packages get installed21:02
jjleefine perhaps if you want to record stuff21:02
Slart!minimal | Ben121:02
ubottuBen1: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD21:02
jjleebut not otherwise21:02
jjleedoes it still do that?21:02
Ben1ardchoille I took a look at LFS but it looks rather more complex than I had hoped.... and theres always the problem of getting it onto my neoware once built21:02
helloyohey guys, i am getting massive video tearing on all videos. i have nvidia drivers, with compiz turned off (in appearance), and i've tried opengl21:02
n8tuserpoboy975linux - something like  sudo iptables -P INPUT -j ACCEPT21:02
levidos_irssi :D21:02
Gneajjlee: that's typical of mythtv - once you get it up and running, it's pretty smooth sailing21:02
ardchoilleBen1: Ah, yeah21:02
Ben1slart, tried mini.iso... it stopped working at about 80% due to no ore disk space :(21:02
SlartBen1: hrmpf... well... that's about as small as it gets in the ubuntu world, I think21:03
hajmoladieguito84, ask your questions instead of asking for help21:03
FlannelBen1: You might look into DeliLinux, it's designed for older computers, etc.21:03
jjleethanks Gnea21:03
RivitingOneIf I am going to do a reinstall should I stay with 8.04 or is it better to go ahead and upgrade to 8.10? Will I be able to easily upgrade later on or does it require a new install?21:03
jjleeGnea: it's not the "smooth sailing" part that bothers me ;-)21:03
hajmolaoops,diedi3m, ask your questions instead of asking for help21:04
onetinsoldierThe_PHP_Jedi: just read the description. sounds pretty cool. :-)21:04
[Spooky]Where is .Trash located in Gnome in Ubuntu 8.10?21:04
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash21:04
irbdavidwhich netbook is best supported by ubuntu?21:04
hajmolaRivitingOne, i would go ahead an do a clean 8.10 install21:04
ardchoille[Spooky]: ~/.local/share ?21:04
libertad0Where I could download ubuntu DVD for desktop?21:05
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr21:05
=== [e]Lement is now known as [e]Lement`dc
lvlint67libertad0, i think all the ubuntu distros are for cds...21:05
bastid_raZorlibertad0; releases.ubuntu.com21:05
[Spooky]Ah thanks ardchoille...21:05
libertad0lvlint67: no, look http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/3937514775?ie=UTF8&tag=ubuntusearch-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=393751477521:05
onetinsoldierRivitingOne: if you're a plain old desktop user, i recommand 8.10. if you need the utmost in stability or are running a server, then go with 8.0421:05
lesshastehow do I get amarok to see my ipod nano?21:05
n8tuserpoboy975linux - also your sudo iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -j MASQUERADE  is incorrect, read the tutorial carefully21:06
exodus_mslibertad0, http;//ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download21:06
poboy975linuxn8tuser: i copied/pasted that directly21:06
AKangBWell, Sorry if I Have a bad English but my screen during bootsplash returns me a "Input Signal Out of Range".... Then linux boot but I cannot see "the progress bar". Any Idea?21:07
exodus_mslibertad0, sorry typo --> http;//www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download21:07
libertad0exodus_ms: thanks21:07
Gneajjlee: well, everyone trips and falls along the way... if you want to be able to record and have it all neatly organized, then mythtv is worth trudging for :)21:07
hajmolaAKangB, that means X is booting at a resolution your monitor can't handle21:07
jjleeGnea: I don't21:08
libertad0But I need a DVD version21:08
Gneajjlee: you say that now... :)21:08
jjleeI might want it in the future, sure21:09
libertad0w00w: I'm not francais21:09
AKangBhajmola, but I have edited the X.conf file whit a Hz Range that the screen "must" handle, It don't woks... I don't know what I should do21:09
jjleebut a simple telly app that's easy to make work is good to have too21:09
hajmolaAKangB, try looking into xrandr21:09
libertad0ubottu: I'm not francais21:09
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:09
=== FrozenFire_ is now known as FrozenFire
libertad0Someone could pasteme the DVD download release for Ubuntu Desktop21:10
libertad0like that21:10
loquitus_of_bor1Anybody have some tips for me on running X11 apps over an SSH tunnel to run faster? I am using the -X parameter when I ssh, and am running firefox (for some development reasons). But it is extremely slow.... what can I do to make this at least tolerable?21:10
AKangBhajmola, xrandr!? what's that?21:10
hajmolaAKangB, xrandr is a terminal app that's for handling your monitor(s). Read up on it21:11
Gneajjlee: but if tvtime won't work with your card, then there are other tv apps you can try out... me-tv, pia21:11
AKangBhajmola, I'm Googling xD thx21:12
ubottuXRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1221:12
n8tuserpoboy975linux - also your sudo iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -j MASQUERADE  is incorrect, that will not work with your setup21:12
jjleeGnea: tvtime does work with my card.  I've fixed some bugs, and want to find out if it's worth fixing them in ubuntu21:12
Gneajjlee: have you submitted them to the tvtime developers?21:13
jjleethe zapping package seems broken21:13
jjleethere are no tvtime developers :-)21:13
Gneajjlee: that's interesting, since according to the tvtime website, there are21:13
n8tuserpoboy975linux - here is the link i prefer for reference..   http://www.linuxexposed.com/content/view/107/21:14
GarfildВсем привет21:14
GarfildHello everyone. =)21:14
genii!ru | Garfild21:14
ubottuGarfild: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke21:14
jjleeGnea: there have been no commits for years21:14
=== \slash_ is now known as \slash
GarfildThis is english speaking channel??21:14
hajmolaGarfild, yes21:15
The_PHP_JediYes, Garfild21:15
eseven73kinda obvious :P21:15
ariqssi, garfild21:15
=== sean is now known as Guest69983
lesshastehow do I get amarok to see my ipod nano?21:15
GarfildMay I ask u a question? =)21:15
The_PHP_Jediariqs, he's Russian... he won't understand Spanish :P21:15
The_PHP_JediGarfild, of course.21:15
GarfildMy english is bad. =)21:15
GarfildBut i'll try21:15
hajmolaGarfild, just ask if you don't want to ask in the russian channel21:15
Gneajjlee: have you tried contacting anyone through their email or thourgh the forum?21:16
=== celine is now known as C
jjleeno, I figure if they're not committing, they're not committing.  But I'll post to mailing list if I come up with proper patches21:16
=== C is now known as Celine
GarfildMy Ubuntu 8.10 when I restart the system, rewrites the resolv.conf automatically21:16
Gneajjlee: good deal21:16
=== Celine is now known as Celine54
jjleeGarfild: dhcp21:17
GarfildHow can I solve this problem?21:17
Celine54Hi all !21:17
GneaGarfild: dhcp does it, that's how it's supposed to work21:17
GneaGarfild: set your dns servers manually in the Network Manager21:17
GarfildAnd where I can fix it?21:17
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit21:17
GarfildI dont use NM, I use VPN connection21:17
Decepticonhow do i delete links to dirs without deleting original dir and its contents21:18
manjaI can't compile the driver from http://mxhaard.free.fr/download.html for my VF022021:18
manjaI get this error: http://pastebin.com/d2351588d21:18
Odd-rationaleGarfild: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StaticDnsWithDhcp21:18
helloyohow do i disable compiz completely?21:18
GarfildI use VPN21:18
Odd-rationalehelloyo: go to System --> Prefereneces --> Appearance --> Visual Effects --> none21:18
GarfildI cant install Network manager21:18
streenzI want to install Debian to try it out (but keep my old Ubuntu install).. My current partitions are as follows:  sdb is partitioned into sdb1 (227GB total, 150GB unused), then a swap partition.... what tool can I use in Ubuntu to reallocate some of the unused partition into a new one, without destroying what is already on the partition?21:19
GneaGarfild: okay, that doesn't tell me anything.21:19
=== Octoroks_ is now known as Octoroks
helloyoOdd-rationale: will that disable it, or just turn off all effects?21:19
fukazzzstreenz: gparted21:19
Odd-rationalehelloyo: that will disable compiz. and use just plain metacity.21:19
razaccourhow do i record the sound that comes from the speakers with recordmydesktop?21:20
GarfildI read some manual, and there was written that network Manager must be uninstalled befor using VPN21:20
=== mephisto_ is now known as RoflCopter
streenzfukazzz, gparted can resize partitions without destroying what is already on them? .. how would I do this, would I have to boot off a liveCD to resize the partition?21:21
helloyoOdd-rationale: ah ok, i ask because i'm getting really bad video tearing with both options, and i was wondering if the display is still different to support compiz21:21
fukazzzstreenz: yea. As far as I know, you'll have no problems. But, of course you better use live-cd(default ubuntu live-cd already includes gparted)21:22
istofixHello all!21:22
streenzfukazzz, okay thanks alot21:22
fukazzzstreenz: nice graphical, just use mouse+slider to resize your partition :D21:22
outofthemadnesshey anyone know how I might mount a USB stick that appears in lsusb but not in the device list?21:22
fukazzzstreenz: np21:22
readygoI'm a newbie to both RAID and LVM - I have 2 identical 600 GB drives and 2 identical 1 TB drives.  I want to create a mirrored 1.6 TB drive.  To do this, should I set up two volume groups first and then build a raid 1 set up on top of them?21:22
\\slashhey guys my wireless/bluetooth are working fine but how do i turn it off and on ?21:22
GarfildI read some manual, and there was written that network Manager must be uninstalled before using VPN21:23
\\slashin windows i just did fn + wireless icon < laptop >21:23
kingwho are all these people!!!21:23
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit21:23
GarfildVPN is a Virtual Pribate Net21:23
DavekongIs there an application to preview and change the xcursor theme?21:23
Seveasreadygo, other way around: one 600g raidset and a 1tb raidset. Then a volume group on top21:23
fukazzzreadygo: hmm, I'm almost sure, that first you should build your RAID-521:23
poboy975linuxn8tuser: ok sorry got disconnected. what was command to show iptables policies again? I think I got it changed21:24
fukazzzreadygo: and then install LVM to it21:24
GarfildHow can I change Channel TO a russian speakers?21:24
razaccourhow do i record the sound that comes from the speakers with recordmydesktop?21:24
\\slashhey guys my wireless/bluetooth are working fine but how do i turn it off and on ??21:24
fukazzzreadygo: but... If I don't mistake, LVM supports mirroing. So you just can use LVM, if you need this feature only21:24
GarfildIt's too hard to me to explain In English21:24
eseven73!ru | Garfild21:24
ubottuGarfild: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke21:24
istofixis there any how-to describing the method of moving ubuntu filesystem residing on ntfs partion to a separate partition?21:24
readygofukazz: I didn't know that, I'll look into LVM mirroring21:25
eseven73Garfild:  /join #ubuntu-ru21:25
hak5fanistofix: Wubi?21:25
istofixI didn't get you21:25
readygoSeveas: so I would do raid-1 on my two identical pairs and then LVM would see two hard drives (one 600 GB and one 1 TB) and I would tell it to build a volume group out of those?21:26
hak5fanistofix: Are you trying to move a Wubi installed system to a real partition. That is a system that is installed trough windows21:26
CyberGabberIsaiah: Is your Evolution working now ?21:26
Seveasreadygo, exactly21:26
istofixhak5fan, yes21:27
hspaansfukazzz: lvm on linux doesn't support mirroring21:27
hak5fanistofix: I think there's a special tool to do just that... I'll have a look21:27
kingWhat are good network-manager replacements? All I know about is wicd. Is it the best?21:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wicd21:27
WebcamWonderking: YES!21:27
kingWebcamWonder, Have you tried any others?21:28
=== dmx is now known as DeadmonkeyX
readygoSeavas, fukazz: ok, thanks a lot!21:28
WebcamWonderking: Being on hardy, all of them are broken except Wicd21:28
BinaryBoy001I'm trying to extract a 7z archive on a mounted drive.  What command do i use to extract a 7zip archive on a mounted disk???21:28
jessidhello. I created an USB start up disk in ubuntu 8.10 and for some unknown reason after a time using it, now it is not bootable. I tried to create again, but it is not working any more. some of you could help me??? thanks21:28
kingWebcamWonder, Thanks!21:28
orudieanyone familiar with cpanel ?21:28
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto21:28
orudiei'm using cpanel, it tells me my website should go to www directory, i put index.html there and dont know how to access it with a browser to see if its working21:29
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup21:29
eseven73orudie: http://localhost21:29
ssdtcan anyone help me load the boot screen21:29
n8tuserpoboy975linux - here is the link i prefer for reference..   http://www.linuxexposed.com/content/view/107/21:29
eseven73orudie: but i think even with cpanel you need some sort of webserver like Apache21:30
orudieeseven73, cpanel installed on a remote computer21:30
ssdti am trying to install ubuntu but because of the boot screen nothing loads from the cd21:30
orudieeseven73, yeah, apache is installed21:30
Pirate_Hunterhak5fan: yah had to rebot it must be a driver issue21:30
eseven73orudie: can you ping the remote server?21:30
Pirate_Hunterhak5fan: can you suggest anything that might work21:30
hak5fanPirate_Hunter: So you just got a black screen again21:31
Pirate_Hunterhow do i pm?21:31
Pirate_Hunterhak5fan: yup21:31
eseven73orudie: works21:31
Pirate_Hunterhak5fan: this time it didnt even let me exit X21:31
fukazzzhspaans: hmm, really, But It's supposed to be in the feature :D21:31
hak5fanPirate_Hunter: Because if it was blue then it was a fluxbox install with nothing installed21:31
orudieeseven73, it works but i need my content to display , not cpanel's content21:31
orudieeseven73, when i login to cpanel with the user name and passwrd, it tells me to put my files to /orudie/www21:32
endeavormachow can i list the types of filesystems available to mount with "sudo mount -t ????"21:32
orudieeseven73, this host has multiple web hosting user accounts, and mine is one of them21:32
hak5fanistofix: Here's a guide for making a wubi install "real" ubuntu21:32
=== mike is now known as Guest31473
ssdtwhy doesnt anything come up with the cd and no boot screen21:33
istofixhak5fan, thank you21:33
hak5fanistofix: No probelm21:33
redd1i need to copy this folder....>/usr/share/games/quake3/baseq321:34
redd1to here21:34
ssdthow do i make the boot screen to come up and not windows because with the cd i have been trying and boot screen with the os are not showing up21:34
redd1how do i do it...anyone?21:34
eseven73orudie: hmm not sure, im not familar with cpanel, but it seems like you installed cpanel to the document root instead of /cpanel21:34
razaccourhow do i record the sound that comes from the speakers with recordmydesktop?21:35
johulett_hi! any wifi ubuntu wizards around?21:35
hak5fanssdt: You must enter your BIOS and change the boot order of the devices (cdrom, harddrive etc) so that the machine will start from cd21:35
=== RandomCake_ is now known as RandomCake
johulett_hardy heron, 8.04.1, network is unreachable, no wireless extensions with iwconfig, any help appreciated21:36
guntbertredd1: what is "here"? - btw be patient plesae21:36
zacharicohow do you chmod a file so that it is available to any user?21:37
hak5fanzacharico: chmod 777 file21:37
redd1gun1:i was asking how to merge one dir with another dir21:37
RandomCakeHi, I've been finding that Ubuntu seems to use more power on my laptop than Vista does, is this normal? Is there much I can do to improve things?21:37
orudieis wikipedia hosted on ubuntu servers now ?21:38
WebcamWonderorudie: Yes21:38
hak5fanRandomCake: Yes... there might be power management issus... just search google for power management ubuntu and see if you find any usful info. I'm no expert on power management21:39
johulett_I'm looking forward to making full use of my ubuntu laptop but I need to access the internet...anyone have ideas how I can do that?21:39
guntbertredd1: so you want to copy the contents of /usr/share/games/quake3/baseq3 to the current folder?21:39
guntbert!who | redd121:39
ubotturedd1: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:39
hak5fanredd1: Is the current folder under your home folder ?21:40
redd1no usr21:40
n8tuserRandomCake - how did you verify this? or you just have a hunch?21:40
manjaI can't compile the driver from http://mxhaard.free.fr/download.html for my VF022021:40
manjaI get this error: http://pastebin.com/d2351588d21:40
guntbertredd1: then you type "cp /usr/share/games/quake3/baseq3/* ." w/o quotes21:41
hak5fanok then do sudo cp /usr/share/games/quake3/baseq3 $(pwd)21:41
RandomCakejust general use over a few weeks, having the laptop last about an hour and a half on Ubuntu, and closer to 3 hours on Vista21:41
johulett_Is there a chat room for ubuntu users that focuses on wifi issues?21:42
lesshastewhat's the replacement for xmms called?21:42
redd1gun1: do i need the ppparenths?21:42
n8tuserRandomCake - okay, and you are dual boot, so you are able to observe while booted on vista?21:42
The_Rebelwhy is linux-kernel-devel missing from intrepid ibex..21:42
HomingHamsterjohulett_, I think you just ask in here...21:42
johulett_HomingHamster: ! thanks!21:43
HomingHamsterjohulett_, you may find a thread on the forum21:43
johulett_HomingHamster: I'm just waiting for someone to notice my question21:43
n8tuserThe_Rebel - apt-query search linux-kernel    shows nothing? or what command you used to check?21:43
istofixI've enable compiz fusion on gdm, some times  windows' borders are not rendered correctly, especially when a window get's focus, what would be the problem? I'm using nvidia restricted drivers21:43
HomingHamsterjohulett_, ask it again :P21:43
johulett_HH: I've cruised the forums.21:43
The_Rebeln8tuser, i'm just using apt-get install21:44
RandomCakeyes n8tuser, dual booting21:44
redd1gun1: ty but i willl have to finish this later bye=)21:44
HomingHamsterjohulett_, you tried using ethernet on your laptop21:44
n8tuserThe_Rebel -  doa    sudo apt-query search linux   and see what is on the list21:44
Jack_Sparrow!find linux-kernel21:44
ubottuFound: klogd, dsyslog, inetutils-syslogd, liblinux-kernelsort-perl, metalog (and 4 others)21:44
HomingHamsterjohulett_, took me that long to find your question21:44
HomingHamsterjohulett_, then21:45
n8tuserThe_Rebel -  doa    sudo apt-cache search linux   and see what is on the list...correction*21:45
johulett_HH: sure. I'm looking for some wifi help. I have no wireless extensions, I just installed ubuntu from a purchased disk, in kubuntu wifi worked fine, the message I get in console is that network is unreachable21:45
johulett_HH: no worries21:45
HomingHamsterjohulett_, make and model of wireless card laptop?21:45
n8tuserRandomCake - okay, well play around with acpi or the power options21:45
lesshastejohulett_, is there someone here called HH?21:45
The_Rebeli see linux-libc-dev21:46
HomingHamsterlesshaste, me :P21:46
lesshasteHomingHamster, oh :) Hi21:46
The_Rebelbut not linux-kernel-devel21:46
HomingHamsterlesshaste, *waves*21:46
lesshaste:) smiles back21:46
RandomCakeokay, n8tuser, will do :) thanks21:46
johulett_HomingHamster: sorry21:46
n8tuserThe_Rebel - so mayber there is none yet21:46
HomingHamsterjohulett_, what for?21:46
johulett_vaio laptop, intel pro/wireless 4965 AG or AGN21:47
shingentried to use 8.10 alternative CD for fakeraid install, and now I'm at a busybox prompt w/no selection of Vista available in grub21:47
=== Dantexdv0 is now known as devilxx
HomingHamsterjohulett_, ahh, have you tried connecting close to your router from ubuntu?21:47
Siriusqualcuno parla italiano?21:47
shingenanybody have any suggestions to get a fakeraid install working?21:47
johulett_HomingHamster: Realtek Semiconductor RTL8191E21:47
Seveas!it | Sirius21:47
ubottuSirius: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)21:47
lesshastewhat does that mean?21:48
zacharicoim doing a "sudo chmod 777 *" on some files, but when i try to do regular chmod without sudo, it says im not allowed21:48
jdolancan anyone recommend a sound editor besides Audacity?21:48
lesshastezacharico, you are not the owner21:48
jdolani get no sound output from Audacity.21:48
lesshastejdolan, ah.. you need to fix that :)21:49
lesshastejdolan, do you get sound output from anything?21:49
jdolanlesshaste, default Intrepid install.  all other apps work just fine.21:49
lesshastejdolan, have you played with the audio device settings?21:49
zacharicolesshaste, i just moved those files from my camera onto the computer, so how can i not be the owner?21:49
=== devilxx is now known as Dantexdv0
jdolanlesshaste, at length, yes.  i can even record sounds from mic and line via the sound recorder applet.21:49
lesshastezacharico, maybe they were moved using sudo too? In any case, look at them with ls -la21:49
Jack_Sparrowzacharico, if you did it as root user, root owns them21:49
johulett_HomingHamster: I'm sitting around ten feet away21:49
johulett_Does that count?21:49
jdolanand i have sound in Flash, Rhythmbox, and games.21:50
shingenfakeraid howto says 8.10 works great for fakeraid, I'm stuck at a busybox prompt... can anyone help?21:50
=== Dantexdv0 is now known as devilxx
zacharicoyeagh, root is the owner21:50
lesshastejdolan, do you get sound output from anything?21:50
zacharicobut should sudo chmod 777 get them available to anyone?21:50
lesshastezacharico, bingo :)21:50
jdolanlesshaste, see above.21:50
johulett_Hominghamster: the network manager sees the network just fine, but when I sign in with my code, nothing happens21:50
zacharicoand if not, how can i make it so?21:50
jdolanlesshaste, sound works in absolutely everything else.  even recording on both mic and line sources.21:50
lesshastejdolan, above you say you record things right?21:50
shingenzacharico: chown user:user filename21:50
johulett_HomingHamster: When i ping the net from the terminal, I get network is unreachable21:50
lesshastejdolan, I was asking about playing sound.. which app can play sound?21:50
lesshastejdolan, and is it using alsa or oss?21:50
shingenzacharico: chown user:group filename even21:51
jdolanagain, Flash, Rhythmbox, all games i have tried, etc..21:51
johulett_I wish I could copy and past the message, but it's on the other computer21:51
zacharicoshingen, what does group mean?21:51
lesshastejdolan, have you got audacity using alsa or oss?21:51
=== Dantexdv0 is now known as devilxx
jdolanlesshaste, i only have an option for the ALSA device in Audacity.  it says it's using Portaudio as well.21:51
Mimihelp... Ethernet is not showing  in ifconfig ..... it used to.....21:51
ali1234hi. when the whole machine locks up completely and the caps lock led is flashing, is the flashing a kernel thing?21:52
shingenzacharico: google unix groups, far better explanation than I could give21:52
WebcamWonderjdolan: There is a recent build of Audacity that supports the ALSA plugin for pulse properly21:52
lesshastejdolan, no error messages anywhere?21:52
jdolanWebcamWonder, is there a .deb available or should i just build it?21:52
Pirate_Huntercan someone help me fix x server i get a black screen and cant do anything except hard reboot, ive now tried using my previous xorg.conf from archlinux but still not working, can someoen suggest soemthing?21:52
WebcamWonderjdolan: Hold on21:52
jdolanlesshaste, no output from Audacity at all at the terminal.21:52
shingenanyone?  fakeraid and 8.10?21:52
lesshastejdolan, how annoying.. I see online that there are plenty of posts about "no sound" and audacity21:53
lesshastejdolan, did you look at them alreadyy?21:53
WebcamWonderjdolan: https://launchpad.net/~diwic/+archive21:53
jdolana bit.  some people just don't know how to use their mixers..21:53
jdolanthat's not my problem tho.  at least i don't think it is ;)21:53
sinboxaeumph: looks like loging out a second user on my laptop with 8.04 totally kills x  :(21:53
Pirate_Huntercan someone help me fix x server i get a black screen and cant do anything except hard reboot, ive now tried using my previous xorg.conf from archlinux but still not working, can someone suggest soemthing?21:54
WebcamWonderjdolan: Your problem is a known problem from Audacity. You can, 1) Try the repo above, 2) Try the OSS wrapper from PulseAudio21:54
HomingHamsterjohulett_, sorry, i don't know21:54
sinboxI think audacity and 8.10 don't go too well together from what I remember21:54
razaccourhow do i record the sound that comes from the speakers with recordmydesktop?21:54
=== shipz_ is now known as shipz
lesshastejdolan, well I don't know.. I would post on the audacity forum21:54
jdolanWebcamWonder, i just want to install that ppa .deb?21:55
lesshasteor listen to WebcamWonder :)21:55
WebcamWonderjdolan: Just add it to your sources... And it should update the audacity version21:55
jdolan(fwiw, there have been _tons_ of complaints re: pulseaudio)21:55
jdolanwhy is there such a strong push to adopt it?21:55
jdolanit was one of the worst regressions for me in 8.04 as well.21:55
WebcamWonderjdolan: PA in 8.04 WAS Ubuntu's fault21:56
lesshastejdolan, no one knows21:56
Pirate_Huntercan someone help me fix x server i get a black screen and cant do anything except hard reboot, ive now tried using my previous xorg.conf from archlinux but still not working, can someone suggest something?21:56
jdolani went from having great sound that worked across all apps to basically no sound, or maybe sound from one app at a time if i was lucky.21:56
lesshastejdolan, and the question is asked a fair amount21:56
MimiDoes anyone know why my Eth0 would NOT show up ? :(21:56
WebcamWonderjdolan: It was perfectly stable back then as well, but Ubuntu never provided the correct plugins/packages for it21:56
shingenPirate_Hunter: sudo dkpg-reconfigure xserver-xorg21:56
lesshastejdolan, people like to have different volume control per app...that's all anyone can think of21:56
sinboxyou can alway suninstall /disable pulse jdolan21:56
jdolananyway, i'm pretty pleased with 8.10.21:56
ali1234most of the problems i have had with pulse are caused by old software that doesn't use it21:56
lesshasteother than that it seems pointless21:56
WebcamWonderjdolan: I have PERFECT audio under 8.04 using the correct fixes21:56
MimiJust turn it all to ALSA in Sound preferences21:56
lesshasteis there any other point to pulse?21:57
shingenPirate_Hunter: or you can google for "ubuntu rebuild xorg.conf" too, like I just did21:57
jdolani've noticed Pulse screws with SDL a little bit (or at least it seems to).21:57
jdolanbut anyway, i'll try this patched Audacity.  thanks WebcamWonder21:57
Mimiisnt this convo kinda offtopic? not support question21:57
WebcamWonderjdolan: No problem21:58
ali1234jdolan: not if you install libsdl-pulse21:58
Pirate_Huntershigen: im in console not using gui and i ahave no clue what to do since the file isnt giving errors21:58
sinboxarumph: looks like loging out a second user on my laptop with 8.04 totally kills x  :(  anyone had that happen to them?21:58
elkinhow can i stop OOo writer from making stupid little arrows ← when i type <--  ?21:58
The_Rebelso who's going to get windows 7?21:59
elkinthe arrow doesnt work in office, and this doc needs to be read in office21:59
shingenPirate_Hunter: lynx or links is a great browser in console21:59
WebcamWonderelkin: Look for the Autocomplete option21:59
WebcamWonder!offtopic | The_Rebel21:59
ubottuThe_Rebel: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:59
elkinWebcamWonder, where abouts is that?21:59
Pirate_Huntershingen: that previous command dont work for me i thought 8.10 was better at detecting x21:59
shingenanyone know anything about fakeraid and 8.10's alternate installer that's 'SUPPOSED' to work (but didn't for me?)21:59
WebcamWonderelkin: Hol don21:59
andresmhso what is supposed to happen when I do a test of video input with gstreamer-properties?21:59
andresmhafter pressing the test button it just says "testing..."22:00
shingenPirate_Hunter: what video card do you have? i've never had an issue with detecting a resolution22:00
andresmhi have a builtin web cam22:00
shingenPirate_Hunter: even if I have to run it in vesa 1024x768...22:00
The_Rebelback on topic22:01
The_Rebelwhat do you guys use for making backups?22:01
WebcamWonder!backup | The_Rebel22:01
ubottuThe_Rebel: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning22:01
w3rd_hey guys any suggestions on dual monitor usuage for ubuntu22:01
eseven73rsync and unison22:01
sinboxbackups what are tey?22:01
Pirate_Huntershingen: its a trident card22:01
jdolanWebcamWonder, works -- thanks again!22:01
The_Rebelthanks WebcamWonder, your must helpful with those triggers.22:01
WebcamWonderjdolan: The repo?22:01
elkinWebcamWonder, any idea?22:02
eseven73The_Rebel: theres a GUI for rsync as well Grsync22:02
WebcamWonderelkin: Yeah, hold on... My system is swapping like crazy to open OO22:02
jdolanWebcamWonder, i fetched the .deb and installed it manually.22:02
shingenPirate_Hunter: holy crap, you have an ISA based trident card? that's pre-VESA standards... ewww, good luck with that... you'll need to find some old ass kernel to support something that old22:02
shingenPirate_Hunter: you'll have better luck with redhat 4.2 supporting that than any OS today :)22:02
WebcamWonderjdolan: Ahh got it. No problems... Glad a noob like me could help :)22:02
ubottuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX22:02
elkinWebcamWonder, no worries, I just found it22:03
elkinthanks anyway22:03
elkinI'm happy now22:03
FloodBot2elkin: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:03
WebcamWonderelkin: Haha... No problems22:03
ReleaseXI just reformatted my new 1tb external drive with gparted.  When I plug it in it automounts and shows in places.  I can read, but can't write to it.  I formatted it with 1 primary partition, ext322:03
The_Rebelgood stuff guys22:03
ali1234Pirate_Hunter: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=763964 was on first page of google for "trident video card"22:03
The_RebelUbuntu is the best server OS ever.22:03
CaptchaHey everyone!22:04
biagidpHi All22:04
aspireHi, is there anyone here who uses the latest version of Ubuntu ???22:04
The_RebelCaptcha, your lucky this is an IRC channel22:04
Captchai know22:04
Flannel!anyone | aspire22:04
ubottuaspire: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:04
aspirethis is to know whether you have a wifi connection22:04
The_Rebelif i could get my hands on you in real life..22:04
Pirate_Hunterali1234: cli no gui do u know how hard is to manage using cli only22:04
shingenso, last try...  fakeraid and 8.10 install ?22:04
=== An00swap is now known as An00bis
An00bisAnyone here up for a brawl?22:04
Captchawhats ubuntu anyways?22:04
The_Rebela server OS.22:05
eseven73!ot | a couple of you22:05
ubottua couple of you: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:05
FlannelAn00bis: This is a support channel, please take non-support topics elsewhere, thanks.22:05
The_Rebelfor hosting web sites and stuff.22:05
aspireI have a problem with connecting to my rooter as I do not get an IP assigned22:05
Flannel!ubuntu | Captcha22:05
ubottuCaptcha: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com22:05
Captchaoh.. wait..22:05
aspirethis is because the DHCPCLIENT is not specified22:05
An00bisFlannel, sorry. Someone led me here, they said it was a general gaming irc.22:05
biagidpAre ATI drivers still as big a problem for linux users as they were about a year ago?22:05
aspirewhat should I configure it as???22:05
NineTailsyou tell me22:05
The_Rebelsure are a lot of lame people here.22:05
shingenbiagidp: yes, ATI video cards are still a major PITA22:06
elkinfuck it22:06
elkini'll use = rather than <--22:06
The_Rebel1331 of them.22:06
Flannelelkin: Please watch your language22:06
elkinsorry, wrong chan22:06
biagidpshingen: just to configure or for the duration of their use?22:06
MimiHello how do i check if my NIC drivers are loaded? ^^;22:06
GneaThe_Rebel: please, we don't need that kind of attitude22:06
onetinsoldierwhat's so hard about ATI cards?22:06
shingenbiagidp: I doubt I'll ever have my ATI cards working with dual head support 100%22:06
onetinsoldieri like mine22:06
The_Rebeli'm just playing Gnea.22:06
The_Rebelbut okay22:06
The_Rebelno funny business22:06
biagidpshingen: The card in question is in a laptop, so dual head probably wont be an issue22:07
onetinsoldieroh... dual head. ya, i wouldn't know about that22:07
GneaThe_Rebel: we don't play here, it's a support channel. we just happened to have a couple of oddballs join for a bit. please don't think that they represent this channel.22:07
shingenbiagidp: I have an ATI Radeon mobility in one of my laptops, I try installing the latest ATI drivers every couple of weeks with no luck22:07
The_Rebeli understand Gnea, i am one of those oddballs.22:07
shingenbiagidp: depends on what you're doing with your laptop... me?  I want it to control at least another monitor :)22:07
GneaThe_Rebel: well, you've stayed, the other 2 left. ;)22:07
oli__Hey whats the name of the offtopic channel ?22:08
The_Rebeljust bored, waiting for this kernel to compile.22:08
Gneaoli__: #ubuntu-offtopic22:08
Odd-rationale!offtopic | oli__22:08
ubottuoli__: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:08
hspaansshingen: it works here22:08
* The_Rebel joins #ubuntu-offtopic22:08
Jack_SparrowThe_PHP_Jedi, THen perhaps you should idle in offtopic..22:08
* Gnea wonders why it's so frakking hard to get any help on FreeNX22:08
The_PHP_JediJack_Sparrow, eh?22:08
matthew_what the name for irc winehq22:08
biagidpshingen: Well, thanks for the input.22:08
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:08
Pirate_Huntershingen: im sure ubuntu should support a trident card heck archlinux did22:09
shingenhspaans: ati radeon mobility X300 with dual head support, one on the laptop and the other on a 1680x1024 display?22:09
WebcamWondermatthew_: #winehq22:09
Jack_SparrowThe_PHP_Jedi, tab complete .. sorry22:09
eseven73whats so great bout freenx compared to x11vnc or tightvncserver?22:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dvd-css22:09
The_PHP_JediJack_Sparrow, I noticed :) It happens to everyone, don't worry :P22:09
shingenPirate_Hunter: do you know how rare those trident blade 3d cards are? :)  I've seen one in my lifetime and I've worked with alot of hardware back then22:09
Gneaeseven73: the fact that it's faster, supposedly (i haven't gotten it working fully just yet... it will connect, but it's not syncing with the desktop that's already running)22:09
=== wes is now known as goodbyegravity
Gneaalthough, I can get it to connect and give me a nice fullscreen terminal that I can't type in22:10
Gneaand no, there are no typos in what I just typed.22:10
eseven73Gnea: ah gotcha, could you please let me know if/when you get it fixed? :)22:10
Pirate_Huntershingen: fair enough i just thought moving to ubuntu would be easier on this machine since its easier to manage than arch but i guess tomorow ill have to go back22:10
Gneaeseven73: maybe... are you working on it right now too? :)22:11
hspaansshingen: as long as you stay within the specifications you can also have s-video working22:11
Ben1hi guys, just used fdisk to partition a disk in 2 and cannot mount the second partition. sudo mount /dev/sda2 /media/disk comes back with mount: you must specify the filesystem type22:11
wikkiare recompiling the kernel or installing the server kernel the only way to get PAE support enabled?22:11
eseven73Gnea: not at the moment, I use x11vnc and tightvncserver or xtightvnc something like that22:11
Ben1i can mount /dev/sda1 ok...22:11
=== Dantexdv0 is now known as devilxx
Gneaeseven73: okay22:12
shingenhspaans: works fine in windows :(22:12
Gneaeseven73: it's pretty sad, I'm the only one in #freenx right now...22:12
saxinI want to convert test.flv to test.mp3. any suggestions?22:12
hspaansshingen: ATI Technologies Inc RV370 5B60 [Radeon X300 (PCIE)] <-- this is a working card for dual-screen22:12
blathijsBen1: Did you create filesystems on the partitions?22:12
eseven73Gnea: ouch22:12
hspaansshingen: and its _low-end_22:13
blathijsBen1: fdisk just updates the information about where the partitions are, it doesn't write anything on them22:13
ali1234Ben1: try specifying the fs type then? -t ext2/ext3/vfat/whatever and check dmesg22:13
onetinsoldierBen1: you should have used parted. but anyway we'll need to know that filesystem type you did format disk 2 in22:13
Gneaeseven73: yeah, i've got google, and it's helped me get most of the way there22:13
mdmkolbeWhat audio tools does Ubuntu have that will tell me the length (in time) of a whole bunch of WAV files?22:13
shingenwikki: go 64 bit if you can, PAE is a very crappy way to use 3GB+ RAM.22:13
Ben1blathijs . no i dont know how lol . although /dev/sda1 works22:13
wikkiI guess I can go 64 bit22:13
wikkiis it that big a deal?22:13
blathijsBen1: Then there was probably a filesystem on the disk already22:13
wikkijust install the 64 bit version?22:14
wikkimaybe recompile some apps?22:14
blathijsBen1: That means you now have a filesystem that covers the entire disk, in a partition that's to small22:14
shingenhspaans: yeah, but this is a mobility radeon, even crappier than a x300 :)22:14
shingenhspaans: mobility radeon x300 even22:14
blathijsBen1: If there is no data on the disk, I'd just create two new filesystems (mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda1)22:14
hspaansshingen: post xrandr -q to pastebin22:14
WebcamWondermdmkolbe: ffmpeg -i [filename] should give you all the information you will ever need :)22:14
shingenhspaans: sec, synergy isn't running (it's on the box I keep begging about for 8.10 and fakeraid...)22:15
kholerabbiah god. I've installed all those little things like dvd-css and gstreamer-plugins etc... and yet I go to play my movie and it plays the logos at the start and then repeats thema nd repeats them... and never gets to the menu!! HELP!22:15
blathijsBen1: If there is data on the disk, you should probably undo your fdisk, backup the data and/or resize the filesystem, and then change the partitions22:15
manjaI can't compile the driver from http://mxhaard.free.fr/download.html for my VF022022:15
manjaI get this error: http://pastebin.com/d2351588d22:15
hspaansshingen: skip fakeraid and just use md solves a lot of issues22:16
eseven73kholerabbi: hmmm do you have ubuntu-restricted-extras?22:16
wigrenHi all. I maintain a web server that I ssh in to at work. I've noticed weird IP addresses trying to log in as root or a host of different names in /var/log/auth.log. how worried should I be. I'm running Xubuntu 8.04 with the latest updates.22:16
Ben1blathijs I'll try that now.... it needs to be readable by deli linux installer... has to hold the install pkgs. i have no data on the disk. It's 512 mb, needs about 450mb avail for deli linux to install to and the rest to hold pkgs..22:16
kholerabbieseven73: :) no - will that solve it?22:16
eseven73wigren: how many times has it happened?22:16
eseven73kholerabbi: maybe maybe not :)22:16
shingenhspaans: not really worried about the ATI issue fyi, I have two other laptops... I'd really like fakeraid because my vista install is my gaming machine22:17
kholerabbieseven73: OK I'll check back after-22:17
onetinsoldiermanja: do you have the linux-headers package installed?22:17
hspaanswigren: al long as you only have ssh2 and every account has a strong password, not much22:17
wigreneseven73: a few times a day. it happens in spurts. i think its a bot as it will try five to ten names a in 30 seconds22:18
WebcamWonderhspaans: Better to use keys than passwords22:18
Ben1blathijs, its coming up with some junk about inodes and block size of 0....22:18
manjaonetinsoldier, this ubuntu is freshly installed, there are many linux-headers packages, which one should I install?22:18
eseven73wigren: plus too, if its a work server, maybe other employees have access to the ssh? (Although maybe not access to the web server) if this is the case, then its 'normal' to see a bunch of log in attempts from other IP's22:18
donaldorun as the surround sound on a toshiba x205 ubuntu 8.10, somebody help me please22:18
shingenwigren: change the SSH port to something obscure, then you won't care if someone is knocking on port 2222:19
blathijsBen1: It should output some stuff, if it doesn't look like an error you can probably ignore it :-)22:19
mdmkolbeWebcamWonder: thx, ffmpeg looks like it will work22:19
hspaansWebcamWonder: really? know enough machines that have been hacked that way, sorry22:19
WebcamWondermdmkolbe: Yup, and if you do somehting like ffmpeg -i | grep Duration, that should only output the line of the duration22:19
WebcamWonderhspaans: By private/public keypairs? :O22:19
onetinsoldiermanja: you may already have it installed --> dpkg -l linux-headers* | grep '^ii'22:19
manjaonetinsoldier, I just tried to install linux-headers-2.6.27-9-generic and it told me that it's already installed22:20
hspaansWebcamWonder: yes there is a real flaw in keys, its called user22:20
dracflamlocdoes anyone know of a way to get wubi to work with ubuntu-eee22:20
onetinsoldiermanja: ok, i think you need to makea symlink... or copy the file, hang on22:20
hspaansWebcamWonder: gss-api or keyboard-interactive (not password that is obsolete) are good alternatives22:21
WebcamWonderhspaans: That is the first time I have heard that argument. Anyways, lets leave that to another day, this is kinda offtopic22:21
shingenmanual entry is obsolete, keyloggers are the culprit :)22:22
hspaansWebcamWonder: we go offtopic yes ;-)22:22
shingenfingerprint readers work for linux just fine22:22
onetinsoldiermanja: cd /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.27-9/include  ...is there and directory there named just 'asm'?22:22
Ben1blathijs, ive given up on fdisk and am trying parted22:23
Ben1apparently the partition table type is msdos... is that a problem?22:23
hspaansshingen: fingerprint readers, you wear gloves all the time?22:23
mib_r7ymmjHi! I'm having major issues. I have Ubuntu installed for about 6 months, i dont know much about computers, and when i start it up now it doesnt output anything to the monitor and on the back of the dell, theres 4 letters, A B C D, A is green, but B C D is yellow. anyone know what that means?22:23
blathijsBen1: Nope, that's the standard type22:23
shingenhspaans: have you tried a fingerprinter reader?  it's a pain to do with my own fingers, nevermind trying to lift a fingerprint :)22:23
Ben1blathijs. ok ta.22:24
chuckHow do I configure irssi in ubuntu server to be able to use UTF?22:24
irbdavidwhich netbook is best supported by ubuntu?22:24
chuckdpkg-reconfigure locales just dies22:24
Pirate_Hunteranyone can tell me how to get xorg working with trident microsystem cyberblade video card cause all my attempts have given me a black screen with not response22:24
manjaonetinsoldier, there are quite some folders which have the prefix "asm-" but non which is just "asm"22:24
manjaonetinsoldier, http://pastebin.com/d6ec8485122:25
hspaansshingen: I work for financials, so you do the math ;-)22:25
shingenPirate_Hunter: a similar classed video card, e.g., geforce2 is less than $20 U.S., and might be alot simpler than having to support that legacy trident blade 3d card...22:25
keresonetinsoldier: i got a new site!22:25
keresonetinsoldier: http://keres.satgnu.net22:25
rasdelIs anyone here from watching the current series STARGATE ?22:26
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:26
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rasdelno to co22:26
onetinsoldiermanja: you'll need sudo for the stuff --> mkdir asm && cd asm && ln -sv linux/semaphore.h .22:26
onetinsoldiermanja: oops.. i goofed22:26
onetinsoldiermanja: and i'll just put the sudo's in there22:27
Pingviller26ok, I got a problem with actually finding the graphic drivers for my Toshiba Satellite A110.. it should have a ATI Radeon 200M graphic card, but the drivers from ATIs homepage doesnt work, even with my XP, so I wonder if any of you are good detectives in digging up drivers for those of us that basically suck at finding stuff theyre looking for22:27
mib_r7ymmjhi, i have another question please help im so confused. i have a pc, i can boot it into a BART-PE disc my friend gave me but not into a windows install disc or ubuntu...it just stalls. i know the hard drive is dead but why wouldnt they boot up?22:27
Pirate_Huntershingen: i know i could just buy a cheap card but the point is it works no point changing it and it worked on the latest version of arch22:27
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onetinsoldiermanja: you'll need sudo for the stuff --> sudo mkdir asm && cd asm && sudo ln -sv ../linux/semaphore.h .22:27
Jaywrongmib_r7ymmj: take out the hd and check again22:27
manjaonetinsoldier, done22:28
onetinsoldiermanja: ok... try again now. i'll cross my fingers22:28
mib_r7ymmjJaywrong: my friend ran a scan on it and he says it was called checkdisk, but the hard drive is failed22:28
manjaonetinsoldier, will do, mine too22:28
manjaonetinsoldier, same error22:29
hspaansmib_r7ymmj: if you have a disk with SMART, then install smartmon-tools and monitor it22:29
rizz1i think something id wrong with my flash, when i open pandora radio or try to view videos my browser closes, i just installed updates maybe why???22:30
manjaonetinsoldier, oh oh, wait a moment22:30
onetinsoldiermanja: well, i'm wish i knew the full path of where it's looking for this file at22:30
manjaonetinsoldier, it's searching in linux-headers-2.6.27-9-generic but I just made the symlink in linux-headers-2.6.27-922:30
manjaonetinsoldier, I'll fix that, mom22:30
onetinsoldiermanja: ok... roger22:30
shingenoh well, time to try the 40 step fakeraid install instead of re-running the 8.10 fakeraid 'it just works install' for the 5th time :P22:32
readygoSeveas: I have the RAID 1 + LVM configuration all set up (using all of my drives) and I'm about to install ubuntu to it - do I need to worry about setting up a boot partition?22:32
isle85is there a tool to tell the system to keep only two kernels ? I can remove the extra using synaptic, but maybe there is a parameter somewhere ? thanks22:33
dciderwhat happens if i delete the .local folder???22:33
rizz1i think something id wrong with my flash, when i open pandora radio or try to view videos my browser closes, i just installed updates could that be why???22:33
manjaonetinsoldier, new error -> http://pastebin.com/d33e7442822:33
Pingviller26how come no one ever seem to be able to solve my problems?..22:34
shingenisle85: afaik, the only tool that exists is how many to display in grub...  msg me if you find out different :)22:34
eseven73isle85: ive always heard its best to uninstall kernels from synaptic22:34
ali1234Pingviller26: i had to fix up a toshiba for somebody once. the drivers from ati didn't work, the only ones that worked were the ones from toshiba's site. this is not relevant to linux though.22:34
onetinsoldiermanja: hard for me to tell what the error is because i can't read german. however, if you set the LANG to C ithink it's would be in plain ascii english22:35
isle85shingen: grub is just a way to "display" the ones I want to see, but I thought there was something in a configuration tool to tell the system : once we have two kernels and associated files, please remove me the older one if you want to install a new one.22:35
Flannelisle85: It's hairy at best (because the automated package stuffs wouldn't have any idea which kernels are good/bad/etc), but you can use some apt preferences to remove the older ones automatically.22:35
Pingviller26ali1234: I still need to actually find them, but ya, its not a technical linux specific problem22:35
Flannelisle85: Its just something you should weigh the benefits/risks of, before you find yourself without a good kernel to fall back on22:36
onetinsoldiermanja: it's be something like  $export LANG=C   ..then do the make command22:36
manjaonetinsoldier, the first error is an implicit decleration of the function , but I'll set the language, mom22:36
ali1234Pingviller26: actually now i think about it i dont think even toshiba site had them, i had to use the CD that came with it which the person produced after i'd been searching online for like 4 hours :(22:37
istofixgood bye everybody,22:37
Pingviller26ali1234: oh crap... they didnt include the cds for this laptop... not that I can remember the last time I bought a computer that included the drivers and OS lol22:37
buttercupsPingviller26, there under system,administration,hardware drivers22:38
onetinsoldiermanja: you should know,i probably can't help too much with these kiinds of errors. the missing file, got that one. but stuff beyond that, i doubt i can be of much help. however, my first though is, it wants a specific version of kernel headers. perhaps from an older version of the kernel22:38
manjaonetinsoldier, btw, the right command for language change is export LANG=en_US.UTF-822:41
Ben1since when does a linux install come up with 'verifying dmi pool data...' ????22:41
onetinsoldiermanja: ok, roger. nokia once told me to have people set it to C and that would make it plain ascii. i think he said that because not everyone will have en_US-UTF-8 support installed22:43
manjaI can't compile the driver for my VF0220 (Creative webcam), I get the error: http://pastebin.com/d44d56df, on Ubuntu 2.6.27-9-generic22:44
onetinsoldiermanja: i have to go for a bit here.. i'll be back, but not for about 20 minutes22:44
manjaonetinsoldier, thanks for your help, see you later22:44
w3rd_can intel video cards be set for dual displays in 8.1022:46
ali1234w3rd_: yes22:46
Pingviller26ali1234: actually I managed to find it on toshibas homepage after alot of hassle.. manufacturers needs to let go of the Vistacraze and advertise links to their old drivers as well.. thanks for the help!22:46
onetinsoldiermanja: ok, good luck22:46
w3rd_ali1234: do you have a good link that describes how to do this possibly?22:47
ali1234w3rd_: just plug in the second monitor, restart X (log out, log in) and then go to the screen resolution options22:47
w3rd_let me give it ago...22:48
issa_Hi, please help me. Suddenly my hd became 100% full, and so when I restarted kubuntu didn't store the last session (obviously) so when I logged in again I was in with a fresh session with default panel, desktop and everything as it looks like first time I installed kubuntu. How do I retrieve the previous sessions that had been saved before the very previous one that wasn't!?22:48
ali1234issa_: freeing some HD space will probably fix it22:49
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issa_ali1234: I did free, it didn't fix it!22:49
eseven73issa_: do you have any backups of the .kde folder?22:50
issa_ali1234: I know it's ubuntu here, no one answered me in kubuntu channel, but I suppose a lot of you here may use both ubuntu and jubuntu22:50
hejdixonHi all! D I have a major problem if the password says "x" for all users in the /etc/passwd file?22:50
ali1234issa_: on the login screen, what session is selected?22:50
Uplinkhow do i mount my windows partition?22:50
issa_eseven73: I don't, but shouldn't there be something like old saves or something?22:50
issa_ali1234: kde22:51
ali1234issa_: not kde failsafe?22:51
Flannelhejdixon: No, that's normal.  Passwords aren't stored in /etc/passwd anymore22:51
issa_ali1234: no22:51
Slarthejdixon: isn't there a shadow file?22:51
eseven73hmm thats unfortunate issa_ , you should always make backups no matter what OS you're in!22:51
Slarthejdixon: /etc/shadow ?22:51
hejdixonFlannel, Slart: Okey. Yeah, there's a shadow file22:52
issa_eseven73: OK, thanks for the tip. I guess I have to reorganize my session again!22:52
deepfriedsquirreHi, my browsers (firefox, konqueror) aren't working but my chat clients (kopete, pidgin, konversation) are. Blame the ISP?22:52
eseven73issa_: i suggest getting Rsync and its GUI (Grsync) and gnome-schedule (gui frontend for Cron) and maybe Unison as well22:53
starenkahi how can i edit deamons/services run at startup via commandline?22:54
Slart!doesntwork | deepfriedsquirre22:54
ubottudeepfriedsquirre: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.22:54
Slart!boot | starenka22:54
l-islathats funny ubottu22:54
ubottustarenka: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto22:54
nemoSay, is anyone here on hardy?  Trying to figure out if it is at all possible to link Evolution to google calendar in Hardy22:54
deepfriedsquirrelol sorry, seen that one before22:54
deepfriedsquirreWell, the broswers just sit there saying they're loading without giving me any error message22:54
nemothe Google calendar type seems to just throw away the username (there's a long confusing bug on this)22:54
Slartdeepfriedsquirre: is dns working alright? can you ping www.google.com?22:55
nemoand the ICS type seems to fail - possibly due to renaming http to webcal, although I'd swear I used that without trouble in the past22:55
starenkaSlart: thx22:55
deepfriedsquirreaptitude isn't working either, weird. Just '[waiting for headers]'22:55
Slartstarenka: you're welcome22:55
deepfriedsquirrePings are working22:55
Slartdeepfriedsquirre: well.. that actually makes sense.. I think apt/aptitude uses http transfers22:55
manjaonetinsoldier, I'm furious, just found out that my cam does work in Ekiga (with the build in UVC driver) and the problem is solely with skype :(22:56
Slartdeepfriedsquirre: you haven't somehow set it to use a proxe of some kind?22:56
deepfriedsquirreAh, I had http downloads stopping almost instantly the other day.22:56
deepfriedsquirreSlart: it says tor disabled22:56
hejdixonSlart: so /etc/shadow is where the passord is stored?22:56
w3rd_ali1234: i was able to config the 2nd monitor... but what if im using a different x windows manager than know.. can i get to system preference via a file browser to make the change??22:56
Flannelhejdixon: well, the hash of the password, yes.22:56
Slarthejdixon: "man shadow" didn't work?22:56
andresmh gstreamer-properties freezes when testing video input: http://img514.imageshack.us/img514/5688/screenshotuc1.png) but it works on skype using the same device: http://img369.imageshack.us/img369/7383/screenshotoptionsmn0.png22:56
ActionParsnipyo yo yo22:57
ali1234w3rd_: probably... hang on22:57
Slarthejdixon: here's another good source of info http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Shadow-Password-HOWTO.html#toc122:57
deepfriedsquirreGoodness knows what's been going on outside of my computer. I'm always having problems with the Internet... with cables and probably with the ISP. For some reason, my father is convinced that AOL is good and reliable.22:57
l-islaw3rd_ you might want to also look at xrandr. Its command line but you can try man xrandr for more info22:57
ali1234w3rd_: gnome-display-properties in the shell22:58
andresmhany idea how to make my builtin webcam work with gstreamer?22:58
ActionParsnipdeepfriedsquirre: show him the "AOL letter" its classic22:58
Gneaeseven73: got it :)22:58
bogsdevhi all! anyone here using s3backer for backups>22:58
ActionParsnip!webcam | andresmh22:58
ubottuandresmh: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras22:58
eseven73Gnea: can you pm me the fix?22:58
deepfriedsquirreActionParsnip: I would, but my browsers aren't working.22:58
n8tuserdeepfriedsquirre - what do you have between your hosts and the dsl modem?22:58
ActionParsnipdeepfriedsquirre: can you ping ips and names or just names? can you ping other machines on the lan by name / ip?22:59
mdmkolbeHow do I convert a directory full of JPG files (sequentially but not contiguously numbered) into an AVI file (no sound)?  (Background: These JPG files are recovered frames from an AVI on a crashed disk.)22:59
deepfriedsquirreWell, we have a router...22:59
Slartdeepfriedsquirre: well.. I don't really know how to troubleshoot http connections.. perhaps you could try wget with some verbosity options.. but I think you'd have to install it first.. and without apt working...22:59
ActionParsnipdeepfriedsquirre: can you ping the router?22:59
hejdixonSlart; thanks22:59
Gneaeseven73: nah22:59
deepfriedsquirreI don't know if that's between them; I don't know much about the Internet and the ins and outs of it, sorry. Just some of the basics.22:59
Gneaeseven73: but i can tell it to you here ;)22:59
Slartmdmkolbe: have you looked at mencoder if it's got some kind of "make a movie out of images"-feature?22:59
n8tuserdeepfriedsquirre - is the dsl modem also acting as a router?  any firewalls on such router?22:59
ali1234mdmkolbe: 'transcode' can do it but it is a horrible program to use...23:00
Slartmdmkolbe: I think I saw some kind of command line app that did that.. might have been ffmpeg.. or transcode..23:00
ActionParsnipmdmkolbe: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-903522.html23:00
interstellarany idea for a free online storage with ssh access (and wget if possible) ?23:00
eseven73Gnea: :/  ok i thought it be easier with all this scrolling23:00
w3rd_ali1234: ill check it out...23:00
deepfriedsquirreI really don't know, if I asked my father he probably wouldn't have a clue and I wouldn't be trusted to fumble around with it.23:00
Gneaeseven73: when you go to connect, just make sure you change the Desktop configuration from UNIX to Shadow23:00
bogsdevinterstellar: what are your needs?23:00
Gneaeseven73: it's better this way, in case someone else needs it23:00
deepfriedsquirreThe weird thing is that when I restart, it often works again, but disabling networking isn't enough.23:01
eseven73Gnea: ok23:01
deepfriedsquirreHang on, let me try a really common sense black magic mystical solution23:01
ActionParsnipmdmkolbe: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/mencoder-problem-converting-.jpg-to-.avi-322764/23:01
ali1234deepfriedsquirre: rogue dhcp?23:01
n8tuserdeepfriedsquirre - you have settings that are mis-configured..23:01
Slartdeepfriedsquirre: one easy thing to try would be to reboot everything.. router, dsl modem, computer.. just unplug the router for a couple of seconds and restart it23:01
MimiHiiiiiiiii can anyone tell me how to find my internal IP (eth1 NIC)?   ifconfig shows no ip23:01
SlartMimi: then you probably don't have one23:01
n8tuserMimi - if ifconfig does not show it, other tools would not either23:02
interstellarbogsdev: ssh, wget and minimum of 10MB23:02
ActionParsnipMimi: can you give us the output of: ifconfig eth1 (in a pastebin)23:02
deepfriedsquirr1Nope, black magic doesn't work.23:02
mdmkolbethx all23:02
bogsdevinterstellar: does it HAVE to be free or just cheap?23:02
MimiSlart,  if Im connected to the interwebs, and I'm behind a router, I should, no?23:02
ActionParsnip!paste |  Mimi23:02
ubottuMimi: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:02
n8tuserMimi - what in the world is interwebs? perhaps you can elaborate on your network setup?23:02
MimiActionParsnip, ... LAME. Thanks :P I didnt know I had to type the NIC name after ifconfig, thank you!23:03
SlartMimi: I would say so, yes23:03
ActionParsnipMimi: if you use a specific interface you get a bit more info, ifcofig on its own kinda sucks23:03
n8tuserno need to type in the nic's name   ifconfig should do fine by itself23:03
Mimin8tuser,  ^_^; interwebs is a silly word for "Internet".   My laptop Wireless is connected to a router, router is connected to Modem.23:03
interstellarbogsdev: free for start...23:03
deepfriedsquirr1Blarg, I think I'll go install Zenwalk and if doesn't work in a bit go whine at father and maybe find this AOL Letter and show it to him. Thanks everyone for trying to help23:03
andresmhthanks ActionParsnip, how can I check what kind of webcam I have and/or the drivers it is using, as per the web page you sent it might be that i am suffering from one of the kernel bugs23:04
deepfriedsquirr1And lol ActionParsnip. Good nick as well.23:04
MimiIm actually trying to share internet on eth1 thats why i needed internal IP (thinking that might be what Gateway is all about LOL )23:04
ActionParsnipandresmh: lsusb and lspci23:04
Andrew4826question--- why does my x server break everytime i update ubuntu  (i have an nVidia card)23:04
SlartMimi: oh.. ip for the wireless connection didn't show up in a plain ifconfig output??..23:04
n8tuserMimi - do not try to be so cutesie,  i can throw words your way you would not understand, so be clear and specific so we can help you23:04
FlannelAndrew4826: How did you install your nvidia drivers?23:04
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bogsdevinterstellar: ok. not sure what your application is, but I've beenn using Amazon S3 to store quite a bit of data lately. Can be mounted as a drive on your machine using s3fs or s3backer.23:05
MimiSlart,  the wireless did, but not the eth1. eth1 is connected to my boyfriends laptop (no internet on his) because I want to share it with him23:05
ActionParsnipAndrew4826: you may find you have to updae the nvidia driver when yuo update the kernel23:05
doglinohello people23:05
FlannelAndrew4826: Do you have -proposed enabled?23:05
Andrew4826sudo apt-get nVidia?23:05
Mimin8tuser, me too, in several languages, just thought interwebs is a well known silly word23:05
Andrew4826thats not right but what do u put23:05
bogsdevinterstellar: if you mount your S3 account  with s3fs you can access the data anywhere23:05
andresmhActionParsnip, I can't find an entry in lsusb and lspci that it's obviously my builtin webcam23:06
SlartMimi: oh.. never seen that before.. well well23:06
bogsdevinterstellar: but it's not free. about .15 per GB23:06
ActionParsnipandresmh: lsusb is not massively clear, if you websearch the identifiers that are no 000000000 then you may unearth some gold23:06
n8tuserMimi - the router has multiple ports -- why not take advantage of it and have your friends ethernet connected to those ports?23:07
AgeMania58987How do you connect your modem 502g of d-link the USB port on ubuntu?23:07
w3rd_ali1234: i guess it doesnt work for fluxbox...23:08
doglinoI have a problem with skype, I can't hear any sound in skype but the listener person can hear my voice, any idea?23:08
ActionParsnipAgeMania58987: attach it and run lsusb23:08
w3rd_i was able to access gnome-diplay-properties.... but im not able to apply the settings23:08
bogsdevinterstellar: maybe this http://www.joyent.com/connector/Secure-Backups23:08
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R1_Hi, is there anyway to change my computer name on ubuntu 8.10 intrepid?23:09
AgeMania58987ActionParsnip I like That?23:09
Mimin8tuser, we dont have any more cables, plus he's going away to college soon.  just wanted to play online game together while hes here23:09
ActionParsnipw3rd_: make sure you have write access to ~/.gone and all the other fluff in you home folder23:09
ActionParsnipAgeMania58987: huh?23:09
ActionParsnipAgeMania58987: its a terminal command]23:10
w3rd_i really dont want to use gnome's interface i prefer fluxbox... everything is so convienant but if you cant use dual displays thats garbage... is there a manual way to override these settings in like a conf file or something?23:10
n8tuserMimi - well instead of plugging his host ethernet to your laptop, use same cable directly to the router,  and then both the laptop and his hosts have access to the internet23:10
R1_Hi, is there anyway to change my computer name on ubuntu 8.10 intrepid?23:10
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sinboxw3rd_, is your fluxbox configured for dual display support?23:11
n8tuserw3rd_ - try /etc/X11/xorg.conf  for X settings23:11
ActionParsnipw3rd_: i use fluxbox but not dual displays23:11
eseven73w3rd_: have you tried it in IceWM?23:11
w3rd_is that a skin eseven7323:11
eseven73its like fluxbox23:11
w3rd_hmm... have to check it out23:11
ActionParsnipw3rd_: i'd ;isten to n8tuser, if you use nvidia cards you can setu dual heads there23:11
eseven73i like it :)23:11
w3rd_gonna try and modify x11 first23:11
ActionParsnip!dualhead | w3rd_23:11
ubottuw3rd_: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama23:11
eseven73Enlightenment is nice too23:11
w3rd_im using intel company cards23:11
sinboxw3rd_, i think you need fluxbox with xinerama enabled or some such, you could always ask in #fluxbox though23:11
w3rd_is elightment like fluxbox23:12
ali1234w3rd_: if you want to set it permanently you can put it in xorg.conf... or try using xrandr command line tool as was suggested...23:12
AgeMania58987ActionParsnip to use this command, I have to be logged on the Internet?23:12
R1_Hi, is there anyway to change my computer name/hostname  on ubuntu 8.10 intrepid?23:12
ActionParsnipAgeMania58987: no, it will identify usb devices23:12
SlartR1_: there is a file.. /etc/hostname perhaps?23:12
AgeMania58987ActionParsnip I am novice in the use of ubuntu23:12
Gneaeseven73: the only thing that's odd is that, if the resolution on the remote system is larger than yours, the font is going to squish if you want to see the whole desktop23:12
ali1234w3rd_: to make gnome-display-settings work in fluxbox you probably need to be running gnome-settings-daemon and dbus and a ton of other stuff...23:12
yaris123456789hey guys is there an addon that lets me login to multiple accounts, like gmail, yahoo, msn23:12
Mimin8tuser,  mmm sorry i dont understand. i must be tired.  lets see: theres 1 router, 1 cable, 2 computers. Youre saying I should plug cable from his laptop to the router?23:12
ActionParsnipAgeMania58987: you will learn23:12
R1_Slart, is that the best and only way?23:12
w3rd_let me check #fluxbox for some confirmation23:12
w3rd_ty thus far brb23:12
SlartR1_: not sure if it will make all kinds of names change though23:13
ubottuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at System > Administration > Networking on the "General" tab23:13
AgeMania58987ActionParsnip I hope23:13
adam7R1_: you can use the hostname command to change it for this session only23:13
eseven73Gnea: ok hmmm maybe there's a bug fix for that i wonder23:13
n8tuserMimi - you said you have a cable between your computer and his? or i mis-read you?23:13
R1_ohh cool23:13
R1_adam7 thanks taht's what i was looking for23:13
manjaI have made source.list entries which go like this: "deb bla jaunty main" and I need one specific package from the source, how do I write the apt-get install command so it recognizes these lines (I'm obviously not running jaunty and I think that's why it ignores them)23:13
adam7manja: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install someprogram23:14
ActionParsnipmanja: sudo apt-get update23:14
adam7manja: be *sure* to remove that line when you finish and run apt-get update again, you can get yourself in a lot of trouble23:14
MrWhammyhi, I can't get the monitor on my Toshiba Satellite 1400 series to work in 1024x768. Is there anywhere I can find the appropriate ModeLines for this monitor?23:14
n8tusermanja - are you mixing  jaunty and previous ubuntu versions?  be on the look out for mismatches23:15
ActionParsnip!jaunty | manja23:15
ubottumanja: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April -Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion23:15
MrWhammysomething's wrong with my username btw :)23:15
AgeMania58987ActionParsnip what exactly should I enter the command lsusb23:15
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ActionParsnip!terminal | AgeMania5898723:15
ubottuAgeMania58987: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal23:15
ActionParsnipMrWhammy: run: lspci | grep -i vga23:15
manjaadam7, ActionParsnip , n8tuser, apt-get update says Ign http://ppa.launchpad.net jaunty/main Packages, why is it ignored?23:16
Gneaeseven73: yeah, it's called "reconfigure resolution settings" ;)23:16
Wildcat_anyone here ever use ubuntu 8.10 on a laptop to send the video display and audio to a high def TV via hdmi cables?23:16
ActionParsnipMrWhammy: you can websearch using that info23:16
AgeMania58987ActionParsnip thankyou very much23:16
Wildcat_with an nvidia graphics card?23:16
eseven73Gnea: cool ok good to know :)23:16
n8tusermanja - are you mixing  jaunty and previous ubuntu versions?23:16
hikenboothello all I do  cd /dev && sudo ./MAKEDEV audio and I get cannot remove device mixer read-only file system anyone know why23:16
paulr__hi, i'm just wondering whether there's anyway to tell if mercurial 1.1 might make itself into a jaunty package in the *near* future23:16
* ActionParsnip wouldnt dream of touching jaunty23:16
MrWhammythanks, I'll run the results through Ggl23:16
manjan8tuser, I only need libv4l - 0.5.7-1~dooz1 to make my webcam run in skype23:17
eseven73if its not a LTS i dont want anything to do with it...23:17
adam7manja: if you just need one package, open the repo url in firefox and download the package23:17
n8tusermanja - are you mixing  jaunty and previous ubuntu versions?  <-- you can not answer this?23:17
Grassputinanyone have a link for a good starting point to build a desktop centric firewall with iptables?23:17
adam7n8tuser: he is23:17
manjan8tuser, I guess I am23:17
ActionParsnipGrassputin: snort is good23:17
manjaadam7, didn't think of that, thanks23:18
n8tusermanja - as someone suggested, use wget to retrieve the file and be on the lookout of unmet dependencies23:18
ali1234manja: did you say you have a uvc webcam?23:19
doglinoI have a problem with skype, I can't hear any sound in skype but the listener person can hear my voice, any idea?23:19
vladutzcnva din rom?23:19
Perogies1I need a good Linux Analogy23:19
faryshtaI am trying to use a usb-drive, then it throw me a error message when I am burning a blank cd.23:19
manjaali1234, yes23:20
faryshtait says I must check permissions23:20
vladutzcnva din rom?23:20
eseven73!english | vladutz23:20
ubottuvladutz: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat23:20
hikenbootanyone able to help with a no sound issue on intrepid23:20
ali1234manja: i have a uvc cam and it doesn't work in anything except luvcview... annoying23:21
ActionParsnip!sound | hikenboot23:21
ubottuhikenboot: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP323:21
Perogies1like Linux should be like "x"; Free as in beer, and freedom as in speech. (Solve for x)23:21
faryshtaHow can I burn a cd using usb-drive?23:21
Samuel-NotAFKMy X server keeps crashing whenever I start conky. I'm using Kubuntu 8.04 with Compiz Fusion on my EEE901.23:21
manjaali1234, it seems to be a common problem in 8.10, I wish I had installed 8.0423:21
Samuel-NotAFKmanja: 8.04 is riddled with problems!23:21
ActionParsnipSamuel-NotAFK: run conky from terminal to get intelligent outputs23:22
manjaSamuel-NotAFK, why, isn't it LTS ?23:22
ActionParsnipSamuel-NotAFK: some people would disagree some would agree23:22
interstellarbogsdev: i have registred with s3, juset few moments first... but I can't find how to access via ssh23:22
Samuel-NotAFKmanja: Yeah but all versions of Ubuntu are buggy. ><23:22
Samuel-NotAFKActionParsnip: From a tty?23:23
ActionParsnipSamuel-NotAFK: every OS sucks23:23
ActionParsnipSamuel-NotAFK: from a terminal23:23
manjan8tuser, wget is complicated, mind guiding me a little ?23:23
eseven73show me an os that isnt buggy23:23
Samuel-NotAFKActionParsnip: I tried from konsole but I couldn't read the output before it crashed.23:23
Samuel-NotAFKeseven73: Debian 4.023:23
ActionParsnipSamuel-NotAFK: you'll need to redirect it to a file somehow then, I think it'll be: conky 2>~/result.txt23:24
junglist313ok so I just tied to upgrade to 8.10 and the upgrade tool ran into several problems. libgl libssl libmesa were unable to be updated. now the upgrade is complete but I am getting a warning saying the system may be in an unusable state. Should i reboot?23:24
n8tusermanja its not complicate, you know where the file is stored in a remote site..just use  wget  http://urlto/get/there/filename23:24
Samuel-NotAFKActionParsnip: Thanks, doing it now.23:24
faryshtaHow can I burn a cd using usb-drive?23:24
ali1234junglist313: probably not23:24
ActionParsnipjunglist313: run the upgrade from terminal (server upgrade)23:24
manjan8tuser, no options? ok but I can't find the file in firefox23:25
junglist313ActionParsnip" sudo apt-get server upgrade?23:25
manjan8tuser, https://launchpad.net/~lool/+archive, I need the libv4l23:25
I3ladeI'm not sure if you guys can help me here, but how do I install JavaVM for Firefox?23:26
nemoAnyone here using Hardy who has successfully gotten Evolution linked to google calendar, even r/o using ics?23:26
n8tusermanja please do not ask me of the dependencies jaunty needed, you have been advised not to use them yet, or you are on your own23:26
I3ladeI've tried following the instructions on the site, but Firefox dosn't seem to see it23:26
ActionParsnip!upgrade | junglist31323:26
ubottujunglist313: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes23:26
Samuel-NotAFKActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/m25b1162a23:26
manjan8tuser, I know that it's risky, but there is no other way to get the webcam working in skype and I'm sitting on this problem for hours23:27
Samuel-NotAFKActionParsnip: I don't think it told me anything useful.23:27
treyk4Where would I go to look for more themes for ubuntu?23:27
manjan8tuser, I'm trying this workaround: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libv4l/+bug/260918/comments/11223:27
I3ladetreyk4 I'd imagine google'd be a good place to start23:28
Stormx2treyk4: www.gnome-look.org23:28
I3ladeI need JavaVM running in Firefox so I can do homework, I can't figure out what I did wrong...23:28
ActionParsnipSamuel-NotAFK: you ~/.conkyrc is referencing some sensors stuff23:28
Seveas!themes | treyk423:29
ubottutreyk4: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy23:29
LordFDiskI have a Q: what's a good way to make a screenshot of my login screen?23:29
Samuel-NotAFKActionParsnip: I don't think that caused the crash.23:29
Samuel-NotAFKActionParsnip: Why would it?23:29
Stormx2!java | I3lade23:29
ubottuI3lade: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository23:29
SeveasLordFDisk, gdmflexiserver --xnest23:29
ActionParsnipSamuel-NotAFK: try a different ~/.conkyrc23:29
I3ladeoh... THanks23:29
Samuel-NotAFKActionParsnip: It works  with kwin enabled but not with compiz enabled.23:29
faryshtahow can I use a usb-CD-drive?23:30
faryshtaexternal USB-CD23:30
ali1234faryshta: have you tried just plugging it in and using it?23:30
onetinsoldiermanja: hello. did you get it to compile while i was away?23:30
faryshtaali1234, ohh really?23:30
R1_! hostname23:30
ubottuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at System > Administration > Networking on the "General" tab23:30
Samuel-NotAFKActionParsnip: Therefore, how could the sensors stuff possibly be the cause of the crash? It must be something wrong with CF I think.23:30
faryshtaali1234, It send me an error message when I try to burn something23:31
faryshtasays I must check permissions.23:31
Samuel-NotAFKActionParsnip: I think I know! I have my CF to open all windows maximised.23:31
walthow do I make an application auto start in a specific desktop?23:31
ali1234faryshta: ah... that's a bit trickier then...23:31
R1_How come i don't have System > Administration > Networking ?? I only see network tools23:32
manjaonetinsoldier, no, but I found out that it works on Ekiga and that skype has a problem, then I found on http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Skype that this problem is common and this workaround: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libv4l/+bug/260918/comments/112 tells me to use a lib from jaunty, but I don't know how and since jaunty is dangerous, people won't help me here :/23:32
gushixHi all. When I ssh into a remote machine, somehow the ~/.bash_history doesn't record my commands, unlike when I open a shell locally. any ideas why and where is the history saved?23:32
faryshtawell how can I use the network to connect an XP machine using lan?23:32
I3ladehow does that change anything in firefox?23:32
LordFDiskSeveas, Thank you tried that but it gave an erorr23:32
SeveasLordFDisk, the error was?23:32
I3ladeStormx2 how does that affect firefox though?23:32
MrWhammy@ActionParsnip: got it to work using Google and the xorg.conf from 7.10 using your lspci hint, thanks!!23:32
SeveasLordFDisk, probably you need to install the fdisk package. Possibly you need to run that command with sudo23:33
onetinsoldiermanja: oh.. hmmm. have you tried the lib from jaunty?23:33
manjaonetinsoldier, I don't know how23:33
ali1234!samba | faryshta23:33
ubottufaryshta: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.  Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/21209823:33
ActionParsnipMrWhammy: wtg bro, smooth move23:33
xorkhello!  so I've got an issue - i've an external firewire drive that randomly disappears and is no longer listed in fdisk -l.  a reboot most often makes it visible again, but what boot process makes that happen so i don't have to reboot to bring back my external drive?23:33
R1_How come i don't have System > Administration > Networking ?? I only see network tools?? anyone who is using ubuntu 8.10 intrepid see "Networking" under their administration menu???23:33
manjaonetinsoldier, https://launchpad.net/~lool/+archive, how do I get it? ^^23:34
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onetinsoldiermanja: let me see if i can find it, hang on23:34
TerrasqueR1_: you don't have admin rights?23:34
Kornettubuntu seems not to use usb 2.0 when mounting an external hd; on launchpad there is a workaround with "sudo rmmod ehci_hcd" and "sudo modprobe -r ehci_hcd" but this works only for a few seconds then the transfer speed drops down below 1 mbyte/s. any ideas? it's horrible because i must copy a large amount of data onto an hd until tomorrow23:34
I3ladeI need to get JavaVM working under firefox, Firefox isn't seeing the plugin, I've follwed all the instructions on the Sun site to the letter, but It's still not working... any help?23:35
LordFDiskI get -> You do not seem to have the authentication needed for this operation.  Perhaps your .Xauthority file is not set up correctly23:35
junglist313ActionParsnip: I think this is the problem: http://paste.ubuntu.com/96370/23:35
MAXI-MUMhello , i have upgrded to 4gb of ram and it's working on vista but it's read 3.3gb but ubuntu dont boot plz help me ... i can even boot live cd it goes all good thne instead of gdm .. blank black screen23:36
onetinsoldiermanja: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libv4l23:36
ActionParsnipjunglist313: you could touch the missing file, or use --force-all23:36
MAXI-MUMhello , i have upgrded to 4gb of ram and it's working on vista but it's read 3.3gb but ubuntu dont boot plz help me ... i can even boot live cd it goes all good thne instead of gdm .. blank black screen23:37
junglist313ActionParsnip: i will try the force all option. hold on, and thank you.23:37
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Decepticonhow do i disable a user from logging in via any method (ssh/ftp/samba/etc) without deleting him23:37
ActionParsnipjunglist313: np bro23:37
MAXI-MUMhello , i have upgrded to 4gb of ram and it's working on vista but it's read 3.3gb but ubuntu dont boot plz help me ... i can even boot live cd it goes all good thne instead of gdm .. blank black screen23:37
R1_Terrasque, this account is the administrator account23:37
SeveasLordFDisk, that error goes away when you install the xnest package. And you do *not* need to use sudo :)23:37
Samuel-NotAFKActionParsnip: I can't figure out the problem. :(23:38
I3ladeI know you guys are busy, but I'm sort of pressed for time here, I need to get JavaVM working in Firefox... please help?23:38
onetinsoldiermanja: i don't know that you'll be able to use that lib in Intrepid ok though. you could force the installation of it, but it might not really work ok in Intrepid23:38
Gnea!java | I3lade23:38
ubottuI3lade: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository23:38
faryshtaany help with the external usb-cd-drive? it says I need to check permissions when I try to burn stuff.23:38
I3ladeGnea I've looked at that23:38
I3ladebut that's not helping me23:38
GneaI3lade: what's the problem?23:38
I3ladeunless I misread something23:38
kibibyteho to install java firefox plugin to amd64?23:38
R1_How come i don't have System > Administration > Networking ?? I only see network tools?? anyone who is using ubuntu 8.10 intrepid see "Networking" under their administration menu???23:38
shingenomg, I nearly blew out my speakers booting with 8.10 live cd :)23:38
I3ladeGnea I need to get JavaVM specifically, working with Firefox, I've installed it and everything and followed the Sun site instructions to the letter, but Firefox dosn't see it23:39
I3ladethe plugin I mean23:39
ActionParsnipSamuel-NotAFK: all i can suggest is using a very basic ~/.conkyrc file23:39
=== Ceti_Eel is now known as CetiEel
SlartR1_: same here.. network tools, no networking23:39
manjaonetinsoldier, but the workaround talks about Upgrading libv4l-0 from 0.5.0-3~intrepid1 to specifically 0.5.3-1~dooz1 and the link you gave me is for the generic libv4l-0 (0.5.3-1)23:39
Samuel-NotAFKActionParsnip: Okay I'll try that.23:39
SlartR1_: I have some networking items in system, preferences though23:39
josher4I need to get my Seagate FreeAgent drive recognized by 8.1023:39
josher4I plug it in and nothing23:39
R1_Slart, yea me too but that there is no general tab anywhere that let's me change the hostname23:39
Samuel-NotAFKActionParsnip: Yep works.23:39
GneaI3lade: okay, I just looked at it - looks like they're in the middle of an edit.... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JavaInstallation looks like it has what you'll need23:40
Samuel-NotAFKActionParsnip: I wonder what specific line triggered the crash.23:40
ali1234!hostname | R1_23:40
ubottuR1_: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at System > Administration > Networking on the "General" tab23:40
R1_Slart, and i rather not edit host files =/23:40
SlartR1_: eh.. I'm not sure that's a networking configuration23:40
GneaI3lade: okay, then my question for you is this: did you install java from the sun website, or from the repository?23:40
LordFDiskSeveas do I need xnest and or xserver-xephyr packages loaded?23:40
ali1234hmm... outdated factoid?23:40
I3ladeGnea from the sun website... I couldn't find it in the repository, but then again I never messed with it much23:40
Samuel-NotAFKActionParsnip: I think it's the window type.23:40
ActionParsnipSamuel-NotAFK: then comment out lots of the file using # at the start of the lines until it crashes, then you know which line is casuing the issue23:40
junglist313ActionParsnip: I don't see a --force-all option, could it be --Force-yes ?23:40
SlartR1_: there you can do it on the command line if you want23:41
SeveasLordFDisk, apt-get install xnest should do the trick (it did for me :))23:41
GneaI3lade: okay, first things first: remove what you've installed from sun's site23:41
Samuel-NotAFKActionParsnip: ughhh if I have to23:41
GneaI3lade: let me know when it's all cleaned up, we can proceed from there.23:41
MAXI-MUMhello , i have upgrded to 4gb of ram and it's working on vista but it's read 3.3gb but ubuntu dont boot plz help me ... i can even boot live cd it goes all good thne instead of gdm .. blank black screen23:41
manjais there a way to downgrade from 8.10 to 8.04?23:41
Seveasmanja, no23:41
MAXI-MUMhello , i have upgrded to 4gb of ram and it's working on vista but it's read 3.3gb but ubuntu dont boot plz help me ... i can even boot live cd it goes all good thne instead of gdm .. blank black screen23:41
Slartmanja: nope23:41
I3ladeGnea so just delete the Java directory and the plugin?23:41
webaskahi..any quick help with lamp? i did everything in this tutor for noobs... http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu_lamp_for_newbies but localhost/phpmyadmin ( same with doesnt load23:41
Slartmanja: reinstalling is the only way afaik23:41
Gneamanja: insert 8.04 livecd, boot it, reformat, reinstall23:41
GneaI3lade: whatever it installed, it needs to be removed.23:41
=== Milos_ is now known as Milos
josher4I need to get my Seagate FreeAgent drive recognized by 8.1023:42
onetinsoldiermanja: ok, then try here  -->  http://ppa.launchpad.net/lool/ubuntu/pool/main/libv/libv4l/23:42
josher4I plug it in and nothing23:42
webaskaby the way.. actually somehow i managed sucessfully to install ati drivers even so that 1080p movies almost doesnt lag with 3500athlon :)23:42
Gneajosher4: nothing where?23:42
ActionParsnipSamuel-NotAFK: if you REALLY want that conky conf, yes23:42
manjaonetinsoldier, thanks, I hope this works, else I would have to reinstall to 8.04 :(23:42
Kornettmaybe i should get a live cd of another distribution and then copy the files onto the hd ...23:42
ali1234MAXI-MUM: you need to install 64 bit to use 4gb+23:42
webaskaenvyng drivers worked fine for me this time..23:42
onetinsoldiermanja: roger23:42
josher4I go into 8.10 and nothing pops up23:42
josher4Plug it in and I cant find it23:43
Gneajosher4: go to Places -> Computer23:43
I3ladeGnea ok, I removed everything23:43
ali1234MAXI-MUM: hmm, don't know why you're getting black screen. make sure the ram is seated properly?23:43
webaskahi..any quick help with lamp? i did everything in this tutor for noobs... http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu_lamp_for_newbies but localhost/phpmyadmin ( same with doesnt load23:43
Gneajosher4: do you have gparted installed?23:43
josher4Im using the Live CD23:43
josher4Want to install to it23:44
Flannel!lamp | webaska23:44
ubottuwebaska: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)23:44
MAXI-MUMali1234, but my cpu doen;t support 64 bit i need to run 32 even f not detect alll my ram i just want it work like visat with 3.3 gb only23:44
GneaI3lade: great, now type this in a terminal:  sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin23:44
Flannelwebaska: HowtoForge is generally a poor website for Ubuntu23:44
GneaI3lade: and if you have firefox open right now, go ahead and close it23:44
Samuel-NotAFKActionParsnip: I'm making progress. :)23:44
manjaonetinsoldier, I installed it, but it doesn't work :( I don't need to reboot/relog, do I ?23:44
MAXI-MUMali1234, vista working like charm but ubuntu dont boot23:44
webaskabut few times that smalll guide worked flawlessly :|23:44
ali1234MAXI-MUM: well it should do... adding ram should not affect anything... was it working before? if so i would remove the ram, make sure there's no dust or crud on the pins, and reinstall it23:45
daleharveytrying to do a quick firefox theme, I can select a bunch of folders, right click and create .jar, works great23:45
I3ladeGnea it says everything is already the newest version23:45
josher4Gnea, ideas?23:45
faryshtaany help with the external usb-cd-drive? it says I need to check permissions when I try to burn stuff.23:45
daleharveybut doing it from the command line with zip /stuff.jar ./ fails, when ran from the same place23:45
LordFDiskSeveas, Thank You ... that did it thank you for you time and info...23:45
Gneajosher4: i don't know about doing it from the livecd23:45
onetinsoldiermanja: i wouldn't think that you'd need to reboot. but i don't know. did you compile and install that kernel module? you might need to reboot for that one.23:45
GneaI3lade: what is the result of this command:  java -version23:46
josher4Ill look into it further23:46
ActionParsnipMAXI-MUM: did you md5 check your cd image as well as check the burned image23:46
rectec794613hey im trying to go into live mode on the live cd but it wont  load, the orange bar just keeps moving back and forth plz help23:46
MAXI-MUMali1234, is  there any thing to do at grub to limit memory detected by ubuntu kernel23:46
MAXI-MUMActionParsnip, yes23:46
GneaI3lade: well, just the first line23:46
manjaonetinsoldier, I just opened it with GDebi right from firefox23:46
I3ladeGnea it says java version "1.6.0_07"23:46
onetinsoldiermanja: but you should not need to reboot just because you install a lib23:46
GneaI3lade: are you on hardy or intrepid?23:46
I3ladegnea hardy23:46
ActionParsnip!bootoptions | MAXI-MUM23:46
ubottuMAXI-MUM: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions23:46
ActionParsnipMAXI-MUM: try a few of those23:47
GneaI3lade: okay, open up firefox now and go to  about:plugins23:47
MAXI-MUMGnea, hardy23:47
ThatMolerectec794613: did you check the MD5 sum of the live CD ?23:47
manjaonetinsoldier, that's what I'm thinking, oh well, seems I have to reinstall, because skype under 8.10 doesn't work with my webcam -.-23:47
I3ladegnea, alright, what am I looking for?23:47
GneaMAXI-MUM: ?23:47
rectec794613how do i do that?23:47
onetinsoldiermanja: install jaunty :-)23:47
GneaI3lade: Java(TM) Plug-in 1.6.0_0723:47
I3ladeit's there...23:47
ChromaxI'm going to buy a ASUS EN9600GT 512MB but I want to be sure it has no driver issues before buying. Does anyone know if this card works fine with all 3D effects and such?23:47
Samuel-NotAFKActionParsnip: We did it. :D23:48
manjaonetinsoldier, I'd rather not ^23:48
MAXI-MUMActionParsnip, yes23:48
MAXI-MUMActionParsnip, thnx23:48
MAXI-MUMGnea, ?23:48
I3ladegnea but where is java located? I thought I needed to install it because I couldn't find it, I have to add a .jar file to the extensions directory23:48
GneaI3lade: go to this adddress please:  http://www.weather.gov/sat_tab.php?image=vis23:48
onetinsoldiermanja: ok, i understand. jaunty does work to a large degree, but things in it can get broken23:48
I3ladegnea ok...23:48
GneaI3lade: right now we're testing basic functionality23:48
manjaonetinsoldier, thanks for your time, happy new year btw, cya23:48
ActionParsnipMAXI-MUM: cool man, wtg23:48
I3ladeit seems to work23:49
onetinsoldiermanja: ok, happy new year to you. good luck23:49
ActionParsnip!nvidia | Chromax23:49
ubottuChromax: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto23:49
GneaI3lade: once it's up, click on the '24 hour loop'23:49
nathanhelpwhat is a good open source or free software that can run my windows stuff? (Theres a name, i dont know if its any good. Virtual Box i think it's called. whats it like and is it the right thing i should be looking for?)23:49
ActionParsnip!hcl | Chromax23:49
ubottuChromax: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection23:49
GneaI3lade: and then wait... it should load 24 images and loop them23:49
I3ladegnea, it's loading23:49
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nathanhelpaddendum: I'm using ubuntu 8.1023:49
I3ladegnea and looping23:49
GneaI3lade: congrats, your java works in firefox :)23:50
I3ladegnea, I need to add something to the /ext/ directory in java though23:50
GneaI3lade: oh?23:50
ZzeissChromax: if it's an Nvidia card, the answer is probably _no_.  The driver that does most (not all!) things is proprietary and does not do everything that the Windows driver does.  (I've been burned by Nvidia drivers enough to simply run VESA mode now on all nvidia cards)23:50
I3ladegnea, it's so I can do homework, there's this online program called Aleks, but it needs a special plug in23:50
I3ladegnea but I have to add it to the java directory23:50
milkwihalo there. can anyone help with fsck/e2fsck ?23:50
GneaI3lade: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76887423:51
nathanhelp!virtual box23:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about virtual box23:51
ChromaxZzeiss: Every NVidia card I've ever used on Ubuntu has been fine as long as it's not EVGA brand23:51
rectec794613oh i mean, how do i check the MD5 sum nad what will that do? ThatMole23:51
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox23:51
ActionParsnipmilkwi: just ask, the room will reply23:51
milkwii need to repair my /boot masterboot and journal somehow23:51
I3ladegnea no way, lol, thank you. I suppose I should've googled first!23:51
Frijoliehow can you tell what application/process is running your sound in PulseAudio?23:51
sfer21luis__: what are you trying to do? try /join #mint23:51
FrijolieI can't get sound in anything else because it says that sound is already running on another process23:52
Frijoliezelda: you're gay23:52
zeldaFrijolie: whats happening?23:52
nathanhelpFrijolie i may be able to answer that as I recenntly did PA stuff.23:52
zeldaFrijolie: My Name is Jonas23:52
GneaI3lade: :) np just replace the directory with your /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-
nathanhelpFrijolie: do you have the PA applet at the mo?23:52
Frijoliezelda: i'm One by Metallica23:52
Frijolienathanhelp: nope, I don't have that installed23:53
zeldaFrijolie: one the lonliest number.23:53
ChromaxThe 9600GT isn't listed there but the 9800 and 8800 are, would it be safer to get one of those instead?23:53
nathanhelpFrijolie: ok just a mo, i will retrieve the webpage that will help you.23:53
GneaFrijolie: please do not use that word in here like that.23:53
ActionParsnipzelda: its the lonliest number that you'll ever do23:53
Frijolienathanhelp: thanks for trying to help23:54
FrijolieGnea: it was a joke, I believe I know "zelda"23:54
* zelda kicks Frijolie23:54
GneaFrijolie: I don't care, don't use that word in that way in this channel. thanks.23:54
nathanhelpFrijolie: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4928900 try that. I've already run through it so gimme a yell if theres something you dont understand.23:54
ActionParsnipChromax: personally, I'd say yes. Buy smart and save heartache. I have the HCL favourited for when i buy new hardware23:54
dlstyleyI upgraded to Intrepid and now my USB mouse does not work.  I'm confused about how the new hotplug/xorg/hal stuff works.  How do I troubleshoot?23:54
FrijolieGnea: it's filed in the "deal with sometime" folder23:54
zeldaLooks like you have offended someone23:54
FrijolieGnea: probably hit a little too close to home23:55
* zelda high fives Frijolier23:55
ubottuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/23:55
ChromaxActionParsnip: tyvm ^^ I'll get the ASUS EN9800GT MT 512MB then23:55
eseven73is 7.5 MB/s slow transfer for moving a file to a USB 2 harddrive? if so what is about the average rates that i *should* be getting? im on and older Dell 240023:55
Frijolienathanhelp: alright thanks, I'll give it a whirll23:55
phixapi984: hi23:55
api984does anyone have a Xbox360?23:55
Slarteseven73: that sounds pretty reasonable23:56
luis__i am trying to join linuxmint23:56
eseven73ok ty Slart23:56
zeldaapi984: please see #xbox23:56
luis__but my nick is gray why??23:56
ActionParsnipChromax: millions would disagree but I always buy compatible, I have zero issues for it too23:56
ActionParsnipdlstyley: sudo rmmod usbhid; sudo modprobe usbhid23:56
nathanhelpapi984: unless its about running ubuntu on an xbox of course :)23:56
shingenblah, the 39 step fakeraid howto got me booting vista again with grub, but I still can't boot into ubuntu... anyone?23:57
FrijolieI've always had troubles with PulseAudio from the beginning of this laptop and since the install of Hardy (i'm now on Intrepid)23:57
ChromaxActionParsnip: compatible is best =D23:57
api984i am trying to flash my xbox23:57
* zelda tries sudo apt-get remove "Gay"23:57
api984did anyone try that23:57
Frijoliesound is set to 100% but only sounds like its at 50%23:57
nathanhelpFrijolie: that page may help you.23:57
api984to play copyed games23:57
sfer21!offtopic | api98423:57
ubottuapi984: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:57
Frijolienathanhelp. I'll run through it23:57
shingenapi984: I've dropped my pants in front of my xbox many times, especially while playing DOA23:57
Frijoliezelda: you may want to try "sudo apt-get purge gay", that will also remove the configuration files associated with that application23:58
zeldafrijolie: thanks.23:58
luis__sfer21 yes i am trying to join to linuxmint but my name is gray can u help me pls it seems like i am not connetiing23:58
=== RandomCake_ is now known as RandomCake
sfer21luis__: doesn't /join linuxmint or something like that work? also check out the room list23:59
ActionParsnipFrijolie: that commad won't fly23:59
nathanhelpin the following context...what does not free mean?23:59
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox23:59
ActionParsnipFrijolie: sudo apt-get --purge remove gay23:59
sfer21luis__: type /list23:59
shingennathanhelp: ask in #vbox for help :)23:59
zeldaActionParsnip: I know it wont fly.. its suppose to remove the program23:59
rectec794613need help here guys, let me restate my question, when i try to boot off the 8.10 live cd, it gets to the point where the orange bar moves back and forth, but it wont stop. I just burned the iso with active iso burner to a rewritable cd at 4x and thats all the details i can think of plz help23:59
ActionParsnipzelda: it wouldnt work23:59

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