
DanaGAnyway, it works nicely (and less glitchily than the Creative card); those things are just curiosities.00:14
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
AltiusBimmgreetings, there seems to be a bit of a logic error in 9.04 alpha 2 that keeps the liveCD login in an infinite loop. I should be able to work around it if someone knows the default users "ubuntu" password03:07
AltiusBimmthat is, the username is ubuntu, but i can’t locate the password03:07
anderskThe password should be empty.03:08
AltiusBimmgood idea03:09
AltiusBimmbut i’m in an infinite loop of being kicked back to the login03:09
AltiusBimmprompt that is03:09
AltiusBimmthis is the first time in a long time that i’ve even seen the login prompt when booting a liveCD03:11
AltiusBimmandersk: based on what you said it seems like this is a more significant error than i thought03:12
x1250AltiusBimm, you can install intrepid and upgrade to jaunty, or try alpha103:27
ArenlorHello, just wondering, anyone else having trouble with fglrx?06:29
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01
terliis anyone else getting the strange bug that causes link focus to flicker wildly in firefox?14:26
BUGabundowith compiz enable?14:27
bfc69only on some links, not all14:27
bfc69yes, compiz is enabled14:27
terlimy compiz is off14:27
BUGabundolet me guess: bug 13206514:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 132065 in mesa "screen stops refreshing after rotating screen when running compiz fusion" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13206514:27
BUGabundonot that... copy paste FAIL14:27
terliI'm using a thinkpad though14:28
terliI has a touchpoint thingy14:28
BUGabundobug 26990414:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 269904 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-177 "Screen refresh problems with nvidia on intrepid" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26990414:28
bfc69Not it, I have a intel x4500HD14:28
terliATI here14:28
terliI just upgraded to jaunty testing via synaptic, i WAS occasionally getting this before14:29
terlibut before it wasnt in the pages14:29
terliinstead , latest highlites would go nuts14:29
terlias if I was hovering over it a hundred times a second14:30
terliand when  I put my mouse on it it calmed down14:30
terliit just did it again.14:30
terliwhat, can this thing read my MIND14:30
terliwhy does pidgin take up 41 mb of ram14:40
terliand firefox 10814:40
BUGabundonever dist upgrade with synpatic or apt-get dist-upgrade15:06
BUGabundouse update-manager -d15:06
BUGabundobesides X is broken15:06
terliI always update by packages with synaptic15:08
terliif I've broken something by doing that how do I fix it15:08
onetinsoldierterli: is something broken? if so, what?15:09
terliI don't think anything is15:10
terlibut there is a bug in firefox as stated above15:10
terliand another bug15:10
onetinsoldierusually try   apt-get -f install15:10
terliwith the jaunty, on shutdown, does your video card flicker a page of glyphs occasionally?15:10
onetinsoldieri haven't hardly used jaunty yet. but i don't think i've noticed that15:11
terliits very fast15:12
terliits probably just my card15:12
onetinsoldieri'll try to watch closely15:12
BUGabundoterli: its not the correct way to dist upgrade on ubuntu15:12
onetinsoldierbut yeah, might just be your card15:12
BUGabundoyou will lose the Policies!15:12
terliBugabundo : how do I fix the policies15:12
BUGabundoplus will install packages that are still fully builtd15:13
BUGabundoterli: please use TAB key for nick autocomplete!15:13
onetinsoldierX is broken?15:13
BUGabundoterli: you will have to ask some DEV... I have no idea on how to fix policies after a (force) distupgrade15:13
terliBUGabundo: I didn't force it15:13
BUGabundoonetinsoldier: hell not X... but the nvidia support for it115:14
terliI changed the apt list to specify jaunty15:14
onetinsoldierif my X gets broken , I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine!15:14
BUGabundocan't use Proprietary driver15:14
terliand then I upgraded by the packages15:14
BUGabundoterli: as I said THAT is not the proper way!15:14
BUGabundoupdate-manager -d is!15:14
BUGabundodidn't you read the wiki page before upgrading?!?!15:15
terliAND what inside of update manager provides that15:16
terlimine always crashed15:16
terliif you don't even know how it works then don't tell me to use it15:16
BUGabundoterli: then you have a faulty install or a broken package! UM is quite stable (well at least until last weekend)15:19
BUGabundosundenly it started to open twice!15:19
terliwhat is UM15:19
BUGabundoterli: don't be rude! I'm providing you with information15:19
terliactually, your spilling hocus pocus15:19
BUGabundothat you can and SHOULD have read on the upgrade and testing wikis15:20
terliupdate manager < aptitude dist-upgrade -fy15:20
terliask any dev15:20
terliyou can't use an update manager on the command line15:20
BUGabundoI'm sorry terli15:20
BUGabundoif you don't want my intel, then don't I'll shut up and leave you in the dark. good bye15:21
terliyou cant fix it anyway15:21
BUGabundolast reply: do-release-upgrade from CLI15:21
* BUGabundo some users are really rude!15:21
terliChecking for a new ubuntu release15:22
terlicurrent dist not found in meta-release file15:22
terliNo new release found15:22
terli do-release-upgrade -d -m desktop15:22
terliChecking for a new ubuntu release15:22
terliNo new release found15:22
BUGabundoof course there is no NEXT version15:23
BUGabundotry that on hardy/ibex15:23
terliso how is it supposed to fix what I did with synaptic?15:23
BUGabundolook at broken filter15:24
BUGabundomaybe it shows you something15:24
terlithere are no broken packages.15:24
BUGabundoother then that email ubuntu-devel-discuss15:24
onetinsoldierterli: what version of policykit do you have installed?15:25
terlihow do I check?15:25
terlidoes it come with the .deb for same?15:25
onetinsoldierdpkg -l policykit15:25
* BUGabundo acknolages there aint many policy changes (yet) from ibex15:25
BUGabundoterli: have a look at Missing Recomends filter too15:25
terli 0.9-1ubuntu315:26
BUGabundoapt-cache policy policikit15:26
BUGabundoapt-cache policy policykit15:26
BUGabundowill show all that you need15:26
terli Installed: 0.9-1ubuntu3   Candidate: 0.9-1ubuntu315:26
BUGabundoplus the mirror you used, in case it lags behind15:27
onetinsoldierlooks like the right version. doesn't necessarily mean it configured correctly though i reckon15:27
terliI forget the correct command to go in and reconfigure all my packages15:27
BUGabundosudo dpkg-reconfigure -a15:28
onetinsoldiersomething like   dpkg-reconfigure -phigh <package_name>15:28
terlithere are a lot of missing recommends15:28
terliall of them packages I removed15:28
terliso no problems there15:28
BUGabundobehare of what you install now!15:28
onetinsoldieror... dpkg --configure blah blah15:28
BUGabundonot all are REALLY necessary15:28
onetinsoldierBUGabundo: where is this wiki at?15:29
BUGabundoterli: go to Status filter and clean most of your Residual15:29
* BUGabundo checks15:29
terliI cleaned residual to the wall15:29
BUGabundo !upgrade15:29
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes15:29
onetinsoldieri don't have any issue myself.. i installed jaunty from installer cd15:30
BUGabundo !testing15:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about testing15:30
BUGabundo !jaunty15:30
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April -Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion15:30
* BUGabundo wonders what the testing wiki URL is15:30
BUGabundoonetinsoldier:  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing | Reports: http://qa.ubuntu.com15:31
onetinsoldierthank you15:31
BUGabundoonetinsoldier: terli: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyJackalope/TechnicalOverview15:33
terliI wanna test the multi-cursor thingy15:34
BUGabundocheck "Known Issues"15:34
BUGabundoterli: you own a macbook?15:34
terliI own a thinkpad15:35
terliand I have a wacom tablet15:35
BUGabundodoes it have suport for multi finger?15:35
xxploitwill the 2.6.28 kernel make it into Jaunty and include ext4 support for installation?15:35
terliI have a wacom tablet and a mouse, just two sources.15:35
BUGabundoxxploit: let me check LP bug for that15:35
terlitwo is all I want, too.15:35
BUGabundo !ext415:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ext415:35
BUGabundoxxploit: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub/+bug/29346515:36
ubottuUbuntu bug 293465 in grub "make ext4 as the primary filesystem for GNU/Linux" [Wishlist,Confirmed]15:36
BUGabundo !linux15:36
ubottuLinux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux15:36
BUGabundo !kernel15:36
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages15:36
BUGabundo !package linux15:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about package linux15:36
BUGabundohow does one check the current version of a package?15:36
onetinsoldierdpkg -l15:38
BUGabundoonetinsoldier: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/30841015:38
ubottuUbuntu bug 308410 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-180 "Latest Xorg removes nvidia driver ... conflicting xserver-xorg-video-4" [Medium,Confirmed]15:38
onetinsoldierdpkg -l <paakage_name>15:38
BUGabundono... for the bot15:38
onetinsoldier!info xserver-xorg15:41
ubottuxserver-xorg (source: xorg): the X.Org X server. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.4~5ubuntu4 (jaunty), package size 189 kB, installed size 648 kB15:41
BUGabundoahhh info! thanks15:41
onetinsoldieryou're welcome15:41
BUGabundo !info linux15:41
BUGabundo2.6.28-4.5 ?15:41
onetinsoldieryou have to give the full name15:42
BUGabundolooks like it15:42
onetinsoldierfor instance.. on your system. do --> dpkg -l linux* | grep ^'ii'15:42
BUGabundobut there is a package (metapackage) called linux15:42
BUGabundo !info linux-backports-modules-jaunty15:43
onetinsoldier!info linux-generic15:43
ubottulinux-generic (source: linux-meta): Complete Generic Linux kernel. In component restricted, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB15:43
BUGabundois anybody here able to install backports?15:43
BUGabundomine haven't install ever since I upgrade to jaunty15:43
onetinsoldierthat version isn't jaunty version though15:43
onetinsoldierthis is... linux-generic
BUGabundo2.6.28-4.5 is in the pipes. already being built15:44
onetinsoldierlinux-image-2.6.28-4-generic   2.6.28-4.515:44
terlihow do I use multitouch15:44
BUGabundono idea terli15:44
terliI mean, can I manually configure the seperate pointing thingies into xorg15:45
BUGabundoask on #ubuntu-x15:46
BotLobstahas anyone else had any complete lockups recently in jaunty18:40
BotLobstaive now had 2 in the past 24 hours and i was wondering if anyone else had seen similar things18:41
mikegriffinanyone familiar with do-release-upgrade, I am trying to upgrade from gutsy and end up on jaunty. it wants me to head toward hardy and wont even offer intrepid (tried -d and -m normal)23:15
crimsunthat's correct23:16
mikegriffini am going to just apt-get unless someone has ideas23:16
nhandlermikegriffin: You need to upgrade in order23:16
crimsundo-release-upgrade is a much more intelligent aptitude update && aptitude dist-upgrade23:16
mikegriffini dont use aptitude, is it special or just apt-get23:16
crimsunaptitude tries harder when resolving dependencies23:17
charlie-tcamikegriffin: you can´t jump from gutsy to jaunty. It really messes things up23:17
crimsunactually you can, but it's highly not recommended23:17
crimsunyou _will_ have to correct things manually23:17
mikegriffinbut im lazy.. i installed gutsy in like 10/2006 to not have to upgrade for a while and here we are23:17
crimsunOTOH, if you're very comfortable doing manual dependency resolution, then you know the drill...23:18
mikegriffincrimsun: im ok with that, is do-release-upgrade useful in this case or just do it manually23:18
mikegriffini was trying to do things the ubuntu way instead of using my old debian habbits23:18
crimsunmikegriffin: d-r-u requires you to dist-upgrade in steps23:18
mikegriffinmeh, wish me luck23:18
mikegriffinanyone care for results or is this too one off23:18
crimsunit works. i tried it yesterday.23:18
mikegriffinim sure it does, dpkg isn't dumb23:19
crimsunthen again, i did have to correct a craptonne of stuff by hand.23:19
crimsunif you're not comfortable regenerating your initramfs, reconfiguring udev, alsa*, *desktop, etc., then i recommend you do it the ubuntu way23:19
mikegriffinthats not going to be a problem23:19
crimsunyou need to know how to trick dkms and libc623:20
crimsunthat last bit can be problematic. i recommend you have a live cd/desktop image ready to go.23:20
crimsunalso, dpkg isn't the issue. it's apt*.23:21
crimsundpkg is pretty dumb; it'll bomb =)23:21
crimsun[i also have test harnesses that abuse the distribution upgrade process to specifically catch certain corner cases]23:21
mikegriffinim using pretty standard hardware that is, again, over two years old i doubt i will have to jack with dkms or udev23:22
mikegriffini dont use *desktop (fluxbox) and i'll back up /etc. :P23:22
crimsunok, then you at least need a new kernel, or dpkg _will_ explode =)23:22
mikegriffinalright thanks for the heads up, last question:23:23
crimsunand in that case, you're completely screwed unless you have a live cd/desktop image23:23
mikegriffinis juanty fairly stable at this point? like is bash updated daily or weekly23:23
mikegriffini have cd's and pxe23:23
crimsunit's very stable for me, but i make hardware purchases based on how poorly stuff works so i can fix them23:23
crimsuni'm not your avg use case23:23
crimsuncertain people find jaunty extremely unstable currently23:24
mikegriffinmostly on topic: have you played with opensuse? i have heard newer versions can compete with ubuntu rather well23:24
crimsunmainly users of various Nvidia/Fglrx/radeonhd/etc.23:24
mikegriffincrimsun: not important this is a workstation23:25
crimsuni have an openSUSE vm, yes23:25
mikegriffinsomeone was saying that its pretty friendly for new setups as it includes a bunch of nonfree stuff by default i might have to check it out23:25
mikegriffinin any case, thanks a ton for the advice, you have just given me the info i needed to say scren d-r-u23:26
crimsuni'm unconcerned with how well distros compete; i deal with plumbing in various distros23:26
mikegriffini was also told the pkg manager is decent, not sure what it is however23:27
mikegriffinsomething about integration with the browser or something along those lines23:27
crimsunresolution doesn't match aptitude at all for my uses23:27
mikegriffinyou dont know any dpkg developers do you, i have a ton of feature requests :P23:28
crimsuni recommend you check the deity mailing list23:29
crimsunand, of course, BTS23:29
mikegriffinhappy new year #ubuntu+123:30
mikegriffincrimsun: i have had one glibc issue so far, apt-get clean fixed it but it reminded me to dpkg -P a few things and deborphan | apt-get remove --purge -y a few times23:45
mikegriffinmy mistake, i thought i fixed it23:47
mikegriffinsomething about cross dependencies it would seem, a deadlock basically23:51
mikegriffinE: Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on libc623:51

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