
Nafalloanyone good with totem except seb, that isn't here?02:02
NafalloI have a problem with bacon ;-)02:14
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cjNafallo: isn't benm good with totem?  I don't know whether he's on IRC anymore... I haven't seen him in a while...16:45
Nafallocj: no idea, but the forums solved it. kind of.16:45
cjah, what's the problem?16:45
Nafallocj: not entirely sure... bug 28359216:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 283592 in totem "bacon_video_widget_set_fullscreen" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28359216:46
cjNafallo: sounds like a compiz interop problem, eh?16:49
* cj checks out V_2_24_3 tag16:54
cjI don't think I'll fix it for you, but I may be able to add some info to the bug for seb when he gets back from vacation16:54
Nafallokewl :-)16:56
cjdo you know whether you're using gst or xine?16:57
NafalloI saw google results for the xine one as well though16:57
cjdo you know how to use gdb?16:57
Nafallocj: yea, but my computer got fixed, as documented in the bug report.16:58
cjah, no repro any longer, eh?16:58
cjhave you re-started your X session since the "fix"?16:58
Nafallodon't think so.16:59
Nafallono idea16:59
cjgdm re-starts X when you log out or reboot16:59
* Nafallo nods16:59
NafalloI know16:59
bluesmokeNafallo: Is this the "totem starts kind of fullscreen and kind of not" problem?17:00
cjokay.  I was confused by "no idea" :)17:00
Nafalloit was reproducable up until I did the steps documented.17:00
cjIiiinteresting. Turn off compiz, start totem, stop fullscreen, unmaximise, close totem, turn on compiz, start totem, VOILA!17:00
Nafallobluesmoke: you could say that, even if that's a non true description. it's fullscreen.17:00
Nafallocj: yea. that's the fix :-P17:01
Nafalloit's like... magic17:01
bluesmokeIs it fullscreen but shows the non-fullscreen GUI (and the fullscreen GUI too)17:01
cj(past tense now)17:01
Nafallobluesmoke: ah. yea. I thought those were toggleable in usual fullscreen. apparently they aren't.17:02
bluesmokeIt's like...totam requests a window size larger than the screen, only gets the size of the screen allocated to it, then the wine compatibility stuff says "look, a window trying to be the size of the screen, that must be WINE running a fullscreen game" and makes it a fullscreen window17:02
cjoh, wow.  this is deep magic.17:03
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Nafalloehrm... this bug is Windows fault! :-P17:03
cjsounds like the wine compat stuff needs to do a bit more process research before it makes these assumptions17:03
AmaranthI know Danny was really interested in finding a way to reproduce this bug17:04
Amaranthcj: It's not just for WINE, it's for all legacy apps that were made before we had a fullscreen window hint17:04
NafalloAmaranth: I did like... nothing. is just turned up one morning17:04
AmaranthNafallo: I know, it happens that way to me too17:04
cjAmaranth: in that case it doesn't sound so easy..17:04
cjmaybe tell totem to check max screen size before requesting one...17:05
Nafallothe "fix" in itself is just... WTF material17:05
AmaranthOr figure out why compiz and metacity have similar code for handling this case but metacity doesn't have this problem :P17:05
AmaranthThat could take some time17:05
cjthat reminds me... has hp crawled out of the quagmire of management in the last year?17:06
AmaranthWhich hp are you talking about? :P17:07
cjthe one that wrote metacity17:07
AmaranthHe is working on gnome-shell, I think17:08
cjI guess so...17:08
cj17:08 [gimp] -!-  idle     : 0 days 14 hours 11 mins 14 secs [signon: Mon Dec17:08
AmaranthSince gnome-shell is taking the core window management bits of metacity, hooking them up to spidermonkey, and creating a window manager and panel and such on top in javascript and clutter17:09
AmaranthAnd he was working on using clutter in metacity17:09
cjthat sounds fun17:10
waltershp is working on a custom product, he hasn't done anything on gnome-shell17:10
AmaranthI thought for sure that's what all his research was leading up to17:10
waltershe works for http://litl.com17:11
Amaranthworks for? I thought that was his company17:11
cjhuh?  what happened to redhat?17:11
waltershe left a while ago17:11
cjI'm so out of the loop17:11
walters(when i say hasn't done anything on gnome-shell, i mean on that itself, obviously he did a massive amount of stuff in metacity, the spidermonkey bindings we're using, GTK+ core, clutter, etc.)17:12

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