
comicinkermortuis99: and does trash:/// still show up something not in .loca/share/Trash?00:00
lumpycamexodus_ms: true, editing file.conf~ will have no effect.00:00
exodus_mslumpycam, cool, going to sign off and log in again and see if the changes work :)00:01
scunizi_mortuis99: sometimes trash will show that it has something that is actually in a .trash folder on an external device like a usb stick or drive.00:01
rivitingonelumpycam: The files I need are on another computer. I need to network them somehow.00:02
devilhey guys im having problems with compiz. my restricted drivers are activated. but when i hit compiz icon it gives me the following error and nothing happens. http://pastebin.com/m3759d758 how can i solve this problem?00:02
=== devil is now known as \slash
lumpycamrivitingone: sounds like you need samba.00:02
mortuis99scunizi_ that MIGHT be it but is there a way to still clear it?00:02
ziggy1running from a live disk, how do I save my current changes so I can start in this state when I get back?00:02
=== MadMax is now known as Guest37865
fosco_\slash: sudo apt-get install emerald00:03
scunizi_mortuis99: plug in the devices you think have trash and then empty..00:03
\slashinstaling :)00:03
ZellSFwhat is the package containing non-free video codecs called?00:03
Slash00hey I would like to get rid of windows completely, so how can i do it from ubuntu00:03
Arteluscan someone help me install ubuntu? :)00:03
mortuis99scunizi_ im not sure the device.  and it might not exist anymore00:03
scunizi_mortuis99: could also be a camera that you plugged in and deleted images off of.. there will be a hidden trash on the memory card of that device.00:03
fosco_Slash00: use gparted to delete all windows partitions00:04
__MAVHello everybody00:04
Slash00ok, thanks00:04
__MAVWhere is Xgl on ubuntu 8.10 ?00:04
scunizi_mortuis99: also if everything looks clear you may find the status will change after rebooting.00:04
Arteluscan someone help me? ^^00:04
__MAVI need it to setup a multi-seat configuration00:04
wsgordon_how do i empty the trash in gnome, no icon00:05
rivitingonelumpycam: This doc says I don't need samba, just smbfs. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountWindowsSharesPermanently00:05
kitche__MAV: XGL is no longer around00:05
rivitingonelumpycam: Is samba better?00:05
fosco_wsgordon_: please, expand00:05
__MAVkitche: What is the replacement for Xgl then ?00:06
ArtelusCan anyone here help me?00:06
chilli0hello all00:06
scunizi_!ask | Artelus00:06
ubottuArtelus: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:06
kitche__MAV: just xorg AIGLX00:06
chilli0is there anyway i can start a download at say 4.00 am ? like a program that starts it00:07
ArtelusI can't get the partitioner to work00:07
kitche__MAV: novell stopped XGL since xorg came out with their own version00:07
lumpycamrivitingone: i never used it, i assume that url is the way to go.00:07
scunizi_Artelus: are you trying to install ubuntu or do something else?00:07
ArtelusI can't seem to get the partitioner to work while installing ubuntu, it just stays at 0%00:07
ArtelusI don't have much experience partitioning, so  im not really sure what to do...00:08
__MAVkitche: uh-oh00:08
lumpycamrivitingone: smb stands for samba, i believe. or you can dance the samba but that won't work :)00:08
__MAVI'm trying 3 days to setup multi-seat on ubuntu wih no luck00:08
scunizi_Artelus: did you start the install after windows was booted? or did you boot directly to the live cd?00:08
sheena1i think i need to upgrade my ubuntu from 8.04. i'm wondering what data i will lose if i do this00:08
Artelusi booted directly from the live cd00:09
=== Vantrax is now known as Van|away
kulawendIs anyone aware of any good music mixing software for Linux?00:09
__MAVI have found a nice solution of nested X servers with Xgl00:09
scunizi_Artelus: and do you you want to create a dual boot machine or just have Ubuntu on the entire thing?00:09
hspaanskulawend: audicity00:09
lumpycamsheena1: you shouldn't lose anything.00:09
__MAVbut there is no Xgl in 8.1000:09
Artelusdual boot :)00:09
sheena1lumpycam: i won't lose software installed, settings, files, anything?00:09
Lucienti want to be able to acess my external drive, but when i plug it in, it doesnt mount. do i need to enable ntfs?00:10
__MAVis there any way I can download and install Xgl separately ?00:10
kulawendhspaans: I'm thinking more on the lines of DJ software.00:10
scunizi_Artelus: when you got to the partitioning portion of the install did you choose "Guided" or automatic or what?00:10
lumpycamsheena1: intrepid will make some system changes, but data in /home/ remains the same.00:10
ArtelusThere are 2 partitions i think, one is 3% and another is 97%00:10
Artelusi resized the 97% one and gave 30GB to ubuntu00:11
hole_how do i use .patch files? i am trying to install direct3d wrap for wine00:11
mnWhat are the advantages of putting /home in another partition?00:11
johninlexhello all00:11
giacoI', using ubuntu 8.10 up-to-date with xfce DE, my problem is: if I open an application that use audio (ex. vlc ) later every flash video in firefox stutters, both video and audio. I think it's a problem correlated to pulseaudio or mixer because it's a recent problem00:11
scunizi_Artelus: so there were two partitions when you started? or you created one extra partition?  Is windows installed now?00:11
hspaansmn: reinstall becomes easier00:12
Dr_willis_mn you can reinstall and not worry aout loseing /home00:12
shearHi! Can anyone help me with a problem I'm having mounting USB Mass Storage devices? Details of what I've done so far are here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=647622100:12
johninlexhappy new year00:12
ArtelusYeah, I'm using windows right now00:12
sheena1lumpycam: excuse my ignorance, i'm very new to the idea of upgrading without losing everything (ex-windows user) as for /home, are my programs saved in there? I have some software installed that i run through wine (taken of CDroms) and then all the stuff i got through Add/Remove. I'd hate to have to replace it all.00:12
Artelusand there are 2 partitions when I started.00:12
ari_stresshappy new year guys :)00:12
fosco_mn: you can easily preserve your personal data when reinstalling the system00:12
ZellSFhow do I get Opera00:12
hole_how do i use .patch files? i am trying to install direct3d wrap for wine00:12
lumpycamsheena1: not to worry, you won't lose anything.00:12
eddyHow do I change font and font size for ubuntu 8.100:12
rivitingone" ...how to setup a mount of a remote windows share" Is this the same as a folder I want to share on my othe machine running XP?00:12
ZellSFit's not in archive.canonical.com00:12
savvasZellSF: www.opera.com00:13
scunizi_Artelus: so can you see both partitions from inside windows?00:13
Dr_willis_hole_,  those are for if you are compileing wine...00:13
iShockHey someone, what's this mean and how can I fix it? glib.GError: no element "stamp"00:13
fosco_eddy: system - prefereneces - appearance - fonts00:13
ArtelusI think so, I have a C: drive and a D: drive.00:13
ZellSFisn't it in repositories any longer?00:13
sheena1lumpycam: okay! here goes nothing! :)00:13
ArtelusThe D drive is for recovery00:13
iShockHey someone, what's this mean and how can I fix it? glib.GError: no element "stamp"00:13
scunizi_Artelus: is this a laptop?00:14
ArtelusNope, it's a desktop ^^00:14
ziggy1can I use my hp_recovery hdd to fix my mbr?00:14
ari_stressis there any way i can open a password-protected rar file?00:14
savvasZellSF: nope, but you can add it in the repositories00:14
ziggy1*trough wine00:14
lumpycamsheena1: i would advise you to disable effects, thats  safer.00:15
Dr_willis_ari_stress,  you could always encrypt it.. Or use winrar and wine to make a encrypted rar i guess..00:15
ziggy1there are boot files, so I figured I could just copy the backup ones00:15
ZellSFhmm, oh well00:15
ArtelusSo, what should I do?00:15
giacoI'm, using ubuntu 8.10 up-to-date with xfce DE, my problem is: if I open an application that use audio (ex. vlc ) later every flash video in firefox stutters, both video and audio. I think it's a problem correlated to pulseaudio or mixer because it's a recent problem00:15
ZellSFanyone knows what the non-free video codecs are called?00:15
Artelusshould I partition it with the installer? It doesn't seem like it's working but I don't know00:15
scunizi_Artelus: ok.. when you get back to the live cd and run the installer.. when you get to the partitioner the first option is pretty much an automatic install option. choose that.. and it will do the partition for you.00:15
keresmy nautilus cannot connect to an sftp. gftp can, but i hate gftp. any ideas?00:15
rivitingoneziggy1: What is mbr?00:15
ziggy1master boot record00:16
savvasZellSF: install the package ubuntu-restricted-extras00:16
sheena1lumpycam: does updating require a reboot? do i need to close and save, etc first?00:16
ziggy1need someone who knows alot about it to help me out in pm for a few minutes00:16
ZellSFah thanks00:16
scunizi_Artelus: you might have to choose the largest partition you have to put ubuntu on (or partition some space for ubuntu on it.)00:16
sp00f3rhey im new on ubuntu and i would like to install wine hq, can somebody guide me to the right path?00:16
ArtelusCan I use another program to make a partition?00:16
lumpycamsheena1: after it completes, yes a full restart is required.00:16
ArtelusWould that be a good idea?00:16
corky`sp00f3r, http://www.winehq.org/00:16
sheena1lumpycam: thanks00:16
lumpycamsheena1: you'll be prompted.00:17
sp00f3rThank you00:17
scunizi_sp00f3r: quick question. why install wine.. ?00:17
tritium!wine | sp00f3r00:17
ubottusp00f3r: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help00:17
lumpycamsheena1: welcome00:17
corky`And damn, Use the search function sp00f3r, And just f*cking google it... K thankx00:17
keressp00f3r: #winehq00:17
alanTripBRhello guyz00:17
savvasZellSF: If you want to add the opera in your apt, execute: 1) echo "deb http://deb.opera.com/opera/ sid non-free" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list 2) wget -O - http://deb.opera.com/archive.key | apt-key add -00:17
sp00f3rbecause i have a shared pc, and i wanna learn some linux, but my brother plays swat 400:17
keresmy nautilus cannot connect to an sftp. gftp can, but i hate gftp. any ideas?00:17
de4dsn4keHey when I try to connect to a windows share suddenly start getting this error message all the time: Cannot display location smb://computername - No application is registered as handling this file. It used to work before though...00:17
cuddlefish!language | corky`00:17
ubottucorky`: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:17
rivitingoneziggy1: I don't think you can use wine unless maybe you did it using the live cd00:17
tritiumsp00f3r: opera is in the 3rd-party repo00:17
nomehello shena00:17
ZellSFtritium: sure doesn't seem like it00:18
tritiumZellSF: ?00:18
ZellSFI can only find the flash player there00:18
scunizi_Artelus: why?  you could use windows to create a partition just don't format it. Leave it as unpartitined space.. when ubuntu installs it will use that space and actually do another partition, one for install and one for swap00:18
alanTripBRhey guyz, where can I search for some good tutorial for wep cracking on ubuntu 8.10?00:18
lumpycamkeres: i think sftp requires ssh to be installed. not certain but likely.00:18
tritiumZellSF: do you have that repo enabled?00:18
sp00f3rtritium:  what did you said?00:18
cuddlefishalanTripBR: Why?00:18
ArtelusSo I can manually make a new partition, and choose it when im inside the installer?00:18
ZellSFtritium: how else could I find the flash player there? O_o00:18
cuddlefishalanTripBR: That's usually illegal...00:19
Artelusbut if I make a partition manually, can I remove it myself?00:19
tritiumsp00f3r: sorry, that was for savvas00:19
alanTripBRthats for internal security00:19
savvasZellSF: sorry: 2) wget -O - http://deb.opera.com/archive.key | sudo apt-key add - 3) sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install opera00:19
de4dsn4keHey when I try to connect to a windows share suddenly start getting this error message all the time: Cannot display location smb://computername - No application is registered as handling this file. It used to work before though. Any ideas where it could be broken and how to fix it?00:19
kereslumpycan: gftp can connect to it though, and i used to connect to it with nautilus but now it doesn't work00:19
scunizi_sp00f3r: so you think you're going to be able to install swat4? in wine?  you'll need to check with wine's site to see compatability00:19
ZellSFI've already just installed the deb00:19
kereslumpycan: and i do have ssh00:19
savvastritium: well, either way, I use the opera deb repository :)00:19
sp00f3ri have seen videos of ppl playing swat with wine00:19
ZellSFdoesn't look very native though, does a shared version do that or can't I do that?00:19
scunizi_Artelus: with windows ..? yes..00:19
ZellSFoutside of skins that is00:19
ziggy1rivitingone: pm ?00:19
Artelusok, thanks ^^00:20
tritiumZellSF: well, it's there00:20
lumpycamkeres: no idea. sorry.00:20
tritiumsavvas: why?  Official ubuntu repos would be the preferred and recommended method.00:20
ZellSFit's not under World Wide Web (partner)00:20
scunizi_Artelus: just remember that one single harddrive can't have any more than 4 primary partitions.. if you need more then the 4th one needs to be an "extended" partition and then more can be created inside of that.00:21
=== Bitfish is now known as bitFish
lumpycamkeres: i rarely use nautilus, keep asking.00:21
savvastritium: personal favourite, all rules have their exceptions, same goes for the www.deluge-torrent.org package :)00:21
keresmy nautilus cannot connect to an sftp. gftp can, but i hate gftp. any ideas?00:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sftp00:21
savvaskeres: error message?00:21
hole_i cant get a straight answer from google. is there any way to install directx on linux00:21
cuddlefishhole_ NO!00:22
tritiumkeres: check into the root cause, as nautilus is indeed capable of sftp00:22
KeigoI can't change Firefox into English! Just because my Ubuntu is set to Swedish, Firefox is too.. but I want it to be in English (menues etc). I've tried to change general.useragent.locale but it isn't helping, it's still Swedish.00:22
=== bitFish is now known as Bitfish
Dr_willis_hole_,  there are tweaks to  set up directx with wine.. to let wine apps use it - but thats not really a Ubuntu Support issue.00:22
keressavvas: cannot display sftp://keres@satgnu.net error: timed out when logging in. please select another viewer and try again00:22
kerestritium: how again?00:22
savvaskeres: ubuntu 8.10 intrepid?00:23
keressavvas: 8.0400:23
BrawlingHow do you access a samba share00:23
de4dsn4ke(00:19:18) de4dsn4ke: Hey when I try to connect to a windows share suddenly start getting this error message all the time: Cannot display location smb://computername - No application is registered as handling this file. It used to work before though. Any ideas where it could be broken and how to fix it? I get this after going to Places-> connect to server, choosing windows share and then entering the computer name or ip address.00:23
savvaskeres: try upgrade to 8.10 or try the live cd at least, I think they've improved the sftp function a lot00:23
hollywoodbthanatos: put a / in front of that00:24
mnWhat is the next LTS? 10.0*?00:24
bobbob1016How can I launch a program via ssh on the machine I am sshed into?00:24
iShockAnyone got experience with gst? ERROR: from element /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstShout2send:shout2send0: Could not connect to server00:24
iShockAdditional debug info:00:24
keressavvas: i used to run intrepid, but i need alot of progs that use older versions of gtk. can you run newer nautilus versions without intrepid00:24
iShockgstshout2.c(559): gst_shout2send_connect (): /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstShout2send:shout2send0:00:24
iShockshout_open() failed: err=Login failed00:24
FloodBot2iShock: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:24
bobbob1016I remember it was "Display=0.0 name_of_program" but not sure on the syntax00:24
Dr_willis_bobbob1016,  just type its name.. :) of course if you expect a X app to display its GUI locally  - that may take a little more work.00:24
kerestritium: how do i check into the root?00:24
Dr_willis_bobbob1016,  if you ssh -X , in then you dont need to mess with DISPLAY00:25
eddyI have an application that requires shockwave but adobe says not supported for Ubuntu. Any alternatives?00:25
gopphello am I do net ads join -U administrator I am getting this error " I am getting this error "[2009/01/01 19:20:47, 0] utils/net_ads.c:ads_startup_int(286) ads_connect: No logon servers" any one have ac lue00:26
w3wsrmneddy: For shockwave, use a browser under wine00:26
goppI tought I started winbind and samba00:26
savvaskeres: I think it's generally risky and not recommended. What do you need the sftp for? Use ftp, it would probably work :) You could also get used to the command line and commands such as scp and sftp :)00:26
bobbob1016Dr_willis_, I know that, but I mean how do I launch the program to start on the remote display.  As in I connect to machine B from machine A.  I can get windows from B to show on A with -X, but I want to start programs on B by the ssh connection in A00:27
keressavvas: it's my website. i don't host it, so the host gave me shell access through sftp.00:27
eddyw3wsrmn  haven't worked with wine yet :( Any other options besides wine. Was hoping for a 'pure' linux solution00:27
keresi prefer it so it's like a seperate HDD00:27
fosco_eddy: none00:28
BrawlingIs there a ubuntu equivalent to the windows Network Neighborhood?00:28
eddyOk thanks. :(00:28
Dr_willis_bobbob1016,  i normally.. open a terminal,   ssh -X remote box,   (enter password)    and login, then -->    xterm &    - Poof Xterm window pops up on the local machine. but its running on the remote box.00:28
Dr_willis_Brawling,  the gnome file manager can browse samba shares.. but some times it dosent work very well.. I just enter the samba paths normally00:28
bobbob1016Dr_willis_, I want to launch the program on the remote screen00:29
BrawlingDr_willis_, How do you enter them normally?00:29
bobbob1016Dr_willis_, and have that X draw it00:29
yogi192can i install ubuntu 8.1 on an ampro single board computer?00:29
ZellSFhow do I get the wireless and volume hotkeys to work on an eeepc?00:29
ZellSF900 that is00:30
savvaskeres: you can use ftp in nautilus with the same way you use sftp: nautilus ftp://user@yourhost.com00:30
BrawlingDr_willis_, I can only see "Samba Shares" inside of a "Open Location" box in KTorrent, but I can't figure how to access them any other way.00:30
keressavvas: could not display, host not found00:30
tritiumkeres: sorry, was away.  I would not advise that you use ftp instead, for obvious security reasons.00:31
rivitingoneI've got a pavillion dv6000 here and an extern hdd, with a partition I use for ubuntu. I installed ubuntu but forgot to set the grub on that too so the grub is now on the main hdd from the laptop. After that I reinstalled ubuntu with a decent seperate boot partition on the right disk : but its an external one and it won't start but neither does the main intern hdd since it has a grub on it that is linked to an unexisting partition now. What can I do to f00:31
savvaskeres: er.. did you change the "yourhost.com" and "username" to your host/domain and username?00:31
Brawlingand I don't have gnome file manager.  I have thunar file manager, but can't seem to figure out how to access samba shares in that either.00:31
keressavvas: yeah...00:31
savvaskeres: Well, I believe there's no harm done in asking for an ftp account - it will help you stay on 8.04 :)00:32
Dr_willis_Brawling,  kde and gnome both can browse for samba shares.. You coudl always enter the path directly   //fileserver/sharename   or mount them manually, or from fstab.      depending on what youa re doing with them. Its often best to just Mount them to a local directory00:32
Dr_willis_Brawling,  ive had nasty problems with gnome browsing  shares.00:32
iShockDr_willis_: Any gst experience?00:32
bobbob1016Dr_willis_, So do you know how to do that?  I remember it was Display=0.0; mplayer /path/to/file or something, just not sure.  I want mplayer displaying on the remote screen.00:32
yogi192anyone have experience with single board pc and ubuntu?00:33
Dr_willis_bobbob1016,  you want   the thing to run ON the remote screen then you may need to export the DISPLAY and use the 'xhost +' command00:33
ActionParsnipyogi192: single board pc?00:33
BrawlingOk, this is a noobish question, but how would I go about mounting them to a local directory (and, as a recovering windows user, that would be analogous to "mapping a network drive" to a local file on a windows machine?)00:33
scunizi_anyone know what controls the association between the application that discovers  when you plug a camera into the system and opening Fspot?  my desktop opens the appelate window asking what application to use for the photos but there is nothing available in the dropdown box.00:34
aleksN^Is it possible to run 2 different ubuntu versions at the same time, like separated?00:34
yogi192ActionParsnip, i mean single board computer, like Ampro readyboard 70000:34
rccualeksN^: vm00:34
PowerEdsome one there had problem with initramfs, on ubuntu 8.10?00:34
scunizi_aleksN^: yes.. virtual box00:34
DIFH-icerootaleksN^: virtual machine00:34
Dr_willis_Brawling,  the 'samba-doc' package has  several books on that topic. and more samba goodness. :) you would either  mount them from fstab, or use.. err.. i forget.. smbmnt command I think. :)00:34
ActionParsnipyogi192: yeah just websearched. I'd see what chips are on them and check the hcl00:34
PowerEdanyone can help here?00:34
bobbob1016Dr_willis_, I want mplayer to run on the remote machine, just have my local machine control it.  Basically, I want to have my ssh terminal act like it is one on the remote machine.00:35
maynards-girlis there an app similar to iMovie for ubuntu?00:35
norcim122how do you set networking setting perminently? i need to change MTU00:35
ActionParsnipaleksN^: its kinda moot as its ubuntu underneath00:35
yogi192ActionParsnip, hcl, hardware ? ?, sorry00:35
ActionParsnipaleksN^: you can install the same apps on each *buntu00:35
jussi01!info openmovieeditor | maynards-girl00:35
ubottuopenmovieeditor (source: openmovieeditor): a simple non-linear video editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.0.20080102-2.1build1 (intrepid), package size 325 kB, installed size 856 kB00:35
Dr_willis_bobbob1016,  last i looked mplayer did have a 'cli' interface.. You could run it remotely, and then controll it from a ssh'd in terminal00:35
ActionParsnip!hcl | yogi19200:35
ubottuyogi192: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection00:35
BrawlingDr, thanks for the info.  I'll head over the the samba site and dig through the doc a bit more. (Was over there before, but you sent me in a different direction now.)00:35
Dr_willis_Brawling,  samba-doc is a package you can install :)00:35
maynards-girlthanks jussi0100:35
ZellSFhmm I can't figure out how to run a shell script00:36
yogi192ActionParsnip, let me check that page out, thank you00:36
norcim122how do you set networking setting perminently? i need to change MTU setting?00:36
bobbob1016Dr_willis_, That is what I'm asking for help with, I remember the code was "Display=0.0; mplayer /path/to/file" or something, just not sure the syntax00:36
ziggy1how to save your livedisk session?00:36
norcim122ziggy set it to presistent00:36
ActionParsnipnorcim122: yuo can edit /etc/network/interfaces file00:37
norcim122ziggy you have usb install?00:37
norcim122ActionParsnip: thanks00:37
Dr_willis_bobbob1016,    CAsE Is ImPoRanTaNt in LiNuX :) rember? :) its 'DISPLAY'00:37
ziggy1running on a livedisk, it's all I have atm00:37
ziggy1my hdd's are stuck00:37
norcim122ActionParsnip: I will try the get back to you00:37
ActionParsnipnorcim122: have a websearch round but you can put stuff in there to set it i believe00:37
ZellSFhmm how do I run a shell script00:37
jzittI'm trying to connect to my dropbox account. It installed and ran fine, but after a reboot (caused by power outage), I can't seem to figure out what to do to connect it up again. Anyone familiar with this, or know of a more appropriate channel?00:37
__MAVHow can I download Xgl package from ubuntu 8.04 ?00:38
goppsh shell.sh00:38
redvamp128I have another hard drive in a different computer same model-- I am running Ibex on this one -- and the other is running a 8.04/Win2k dual boot-- and I want to add the second hard drive an boot to the other drive-- tried adding to gurb but all win2k did was hang on startup= then 8.04 -panicked-  anyone know hot to fix this ( I tried editing grub to direct them to the second drive)00:38
goppsudo sh shell.sh00:38
ZellSFah thanks00:38
norcim122ActionParsnip: I tryed searching but asking here was better chance00:38
aleksN^The thing is that I've got an server with ubuntu 7.04 that has some voip-servers running, and it works fine, but now I'm in need of installing an eggdrop, but I'm not able cause my ubuntu is out of date. IS it possbile to run the ubuntu 7.04 that I'm currently using, and also have the newest version of ubuntu, without bying vmware etc.00:38
gopp!script > ZellSF00:38
norcim122ziggy1: where is your live cd installed00:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about script00:38
PowerEdthe answers on the forums has not effect00:38
ActionParsnipZellSF: put #!/bin/bash at the top of a text file, then put commnds like a script00:38
ActionParsnipnorcim122: let me search00:38
ziggy1my live disk isn't installed00:38
ziggy1I've got a pavillion dv6000 here and an extern hdd, with a partition I use for ubuntu. I installed ubuntu but forgot to set the grub on that too so the grub is now on the main hdd from the laptop. After that I reinstalled ubuntu with a decent seperate boot partition on the right disk : but its an external one and it won't start but neither does the main intern hdd since it has a grub on it that is linked to an unexisting partition now. What can I do to fi00:39
churlmy nm-applet is not in the panel any ideas?00:39
ziggy1there is my situation00:39
hollywoodbaleksN^: you can dual-boot, or run one in a virtual machine, but that's about it00:39
norcim122ActionParsnip: I have tried ipconfig eth0 MTU 1500 but after reboot it goes back00:39
yogi192ActionParsnip, if i have the drivers for this board, which was labeled for fedora linux, can it be used for ubuntu?00:39
ActionParsnipnorcim122: http://www.debianadmin.com/change-mtu-maximum-transmission-unit-of-network-interface.html00:39
ziggy1but I wanna save what I did in this session00:39
ziggy1changes I made , installs I did00:39
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bobbob1016Dr_willis_, I've been using Linux for a few years, I know case is important......  I know it is DISPLAY, just easier to type Display here, but I don't know the rest of the syntax00:39
vostro1510cheers. :-)00:39
ActionParsnipyogi192: should be fine as far as i can tell00:39
syahrilhow to upgrading ubuntu using .iso file00:39
vostro1510I am looking for users with Dell notebook Vostro 151000:40
bobbob1016Dr_willis_, As in "DISPLAY=0.0;" or what?00:40
csc_do anyone used the usb-creator tool to make a live-usb system ?00:40
vostro1510the "too hot" notebook.00:40
ActionParsnipnorcim122: keep it lower case, linux is CasE SEnsITivE00:40
norcim122ActionParsnip: I will try to help ziggy then try your link00:40
Dr_willis_bobbob1016,  i think its DISPLAY=0:0  or was it 0.0  (try it and see?)00:40
scunizi_vostro1510: how 'bout vostro 140100:40
ActionParsnipnorcim122: or you can put mtu xxx in the interfaces file00:40
bobbob1016Dr_willis_, I've tried both, no luck00:40
yogi192ActionParsnip, thanks bro, im encourage to tackle this project, thanx00:40
vostro1510I am trying to solve problem with heating00:40
PowerEdany developer on-line? i really like to use ubuntu, but i have not enough time to search and fix troubles of this kind. i sincerely thanks some help.00:40
vostro15101401 is the same?00:40
Dr_willis_bobbob1016,   X security maybe blocking it ', thats why i mentined the 'xhost + localhost' command earlier.00:40
Tidusvostro1510: i have an hp dv8327 that gets a tad bit warm00:40
csc_i d like to know whether it is possible to install an ubuntu system from the live USB key created with usb-creator00:41
Tidusand had an older dell inspiron 5100 that would burn your leg hairs off00:41
aleksN^hollywoodb; is it possible to run a program or something that updates the files that need to be updatet for my ubuntu 7.04, or is it a completely new os?00:41
vostro1510I am thinking about sending it back to Dell.00:41
scunizi_vostro1510: close.. but I don't seem to have a heating issue unless it's on my lap and I've plugged the bottom intake vents.00:41
ziggy1nocrim122: pm if you please00:41
vostro1510To hot00:41
evowill__csc_: Yes00:41
vostro1510Mine is to hot.00:41
Tidusvostro1510: if it sits in your lap, try arranging it so the intake vent on the bottom isn't plugged00:42
vostro1510hd is at 53 C00:42
norcim122ziggy1:  is this a new install?00:42
vostro1510it is on a table.00:42
scunizi_vostro1510: have you checked dells support site? or ubuntuforms.org00:42
vostro1510metal table.00:42
vostro1510I read a lot00:42
aremay2vostro 1510: i think that temp is normal00:42
vostro1510Tried with badvista too.00:42
vostro1510but my hands are really felling the heat00:42
Tidusvostro1510: 53c for the hard disk isn't too bad in a laptop... that's about what mine runs at00:42
kevdogAnyone here no anything about hotplugging network cards -- udev?00:43
aremay2mine when running ubuntu a little bit warm than vista00:43
vostro1510but your hand feels the heating?00:43
vostro1510Ubuntu runs great00:43
Tidusvostro1510: not really00:43
hollywoodbaleksN^: I'm not sure exactly what you mean.  You can dist-upgrade, but it does require a reboot00:43
vostro1510update to 8.1 from 8.0400:43
vostro1510using nvidia drivers.00:43
vostro1510works nice00:43
bobbob1016Dr_willis_, What's the syntax of that?00:43
scunizi_vostro1510: what do you use to check the temp?00:43
vostro1510well, mine is heat00:43
Tidusvostro1510: mine doesn't really feel the heat... hp got the shielding right on mine00:43
Tidusvostro1510: dell has a bad habit of using the keyboard shielding as a heatsink00:44
vostro1510my touchpad is warm00:44
vostro1510hot is better.00:44
Tidussee my trackpad's a bit warm but the keyboard's not00:44
jzittI wish there were a way to get this stuff to actually work the same way twice in a row.00:44
Tidusthe hard disk in mine's mounted directly underneath the trackpad00:45
vostro1510yes, mine too.00:45
issa_Hi, is there a program that allows installation of virtual systems (like windows?) I've seen a similar program on windows and mac tha allow using another operating system while logged in to windows or mac, can this be done in ubuntu and have a windows installation be accessed from a single window?00:45
Tidusvostro1510: tell me this. put your hand on the upper left corner of the machine, where the screen meets the body. how warm is it?00:45
Letter_ZWhennever I try to do something viaa the terminal,  it tells me that I'm not root, but this is the account I made during the Ubuntu install00:45
aremay2issa : VMware or virtualbox willl the trick :D00:46
savvasissa_: www.virtualbox.org00:46
Letter_ZWhats up with that?00:46
TidusLetter_Z: use sudo00:46
Letter_ZI did00:46
issa_aremay2: savvas are these programs free?00:46
TidusLetter_Z: sudo <command>00:46
vostro1510just like my touchpad00:46
savvasissa_: no games though, no directx fully supported yet :)00:46
Letter_ZBut I'm trying to open port 51412 and sudo wont do it00:46
vostro1510as warm as00:46
jzittdropboxd appears to be running, but nautilus isn't noticing it. Do I have to do something to Nautilus to get it to notice?00:46
savvasyes issa_00:46
aremay2issa: yes it is00:46
Tidusvostro1510: so the whole body of the machine's warm?00:46
chilli0Does anyone know how to use at?00:46
vostro1510right side is no hot00:47
aleksN^hollywoodb; If that is the best and easiest solution I'll do that. Will it delete som data? Will it update my ubuntu to the newest ubuntu?  do you got an guide or howto for dist-upgrade?00:47
issa_savvas: aremay2 can they actually run sound and everything?00:47
issa_savvas: aremay2 and internet as well?00:47
churlmy nm-applet is not in the panel any ideas? xubuntu 8.1000:47
savvasI don't about "and everything", but yes to internet and sound issa_00:47
TidusaleksN^: in a terminal, run 'sudo update-manager -d'00:47
savvas*don't know00:47
aremay2issa: Positive00:48
TidusaleksN^: if you're on 7.04 you're in for a LONG upgrade... 7.04 -> .10 -> 8.04 -> .1000:48
hollywoodbaleksN^: which version are you running? 7.04?00:48
iShockAnyone used VLC to open a stream from a site?00:48
issa_savvas: aremay2 : thanks00:48
aleksN^7.04, yes00:48
aremay2you're welcome issa00:48
vostro1510vlc using a stream from url00:48
hollywoodbaleksN^: you would want to upgrade to 7.10, then 8.04.  You would want to keep 8.04 on your server since that is a LTS release, and will receive updates for a much longer time than a regular release00:48
iShockAnyone used VLC to open a stream from a site?00:48
ZellSFany way to get eeepc hotkeys working?00:49
Tidusvostro1510: so it's just the trackpad and the back-left corner of the machine that gets warm to the touch?00:49
aleksN^So I just type sudo update-manager -d, and it will update itself to 8.04?00:49
vostro1510Is there a channel to discuss about notebooks?00:49
vostro1510left side00:49
vostro1510near touchpad00:49
TidusaleksN^: it'll update to 7.10 first00:49
tyranosZellSF, have you tried looking at ubuntu-eee00:50
TidusaleksN^: then 8.0400:50
vostro1510up keyboard too00:50
ZellSFtyranos: uh?00:50
aleksN^without removing my data on the disc?00:50
vostro1510I mean, left side in the keyboard area is hot too00:50
TidusaleksN^: i'd have backups, but it's generally safe00:50
ZellSFNo I have ubuntu installed atm00:50
savvasaleksN^: it's called upgrade, not format :)00:50
sammyFhey there. Anybody knows why commercial DVDs can't be mounted anymore on my system since I upgraded to intrepid? I'm getting "you're not authorized to mount [whatever]". manually mounting using sudo works, but the cdrom entry has just a very high number as owner and group, and I can't play anything :/00:50
aleksN^Thanks a lot hollywoodb and Tidus =)00:50
Tidusvostro1510: it just sounds like dell decided to use the internal shielding as a heatsink00:50
ZellSFI just need to get the volume control working00:50
vostro1510it is bad...00:51
issa_savvas: aremay2: So installing windows can also be directly from virtualbox? And do I have to create a seperate partition?00:51
tyranosZellSF, i have ubuntu-eee running on my eee it is the same as the nomal version but with only hardware drivers forr eeepc and everything works out of the box00:51
vostro1510too hot to use00:51
vostro1510I will talk to them tomorrow (Brasil)00:51
vostro1510Bought by phone.00:51
Tidusvostro1510: what i normally do with my laptop is i have a couple of rubber pegs mounted to the backside, in the same fashion that a keyboard uses to tilt00:51
ZellSFinstalling another distrobution isn't an option atm00:51
savvasissa_: no, generally virtual machines create a file which they use as a virtual disk space00:51
Letter_ZTransmission wont download torrents, I checked and port 51412 is closed, I did sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -d 0/0 --dport 51412 -j ACCEPT and it didn't work00:52
vostro1510Never thought it would be so hot00:52
vostro1510back side is upper.00:52
Tidusvostro1510: it lifts the back end off the table by a couple cm and allows more heat to escape out the back00:52
tyranosZellSF, well u dont have to , just check www.array.org00:52
aleksN^savvas; had to be sure ;p00:52
vostro1510but is it normal?00:52
Letter_ZIs there any way I can fix that?00:52
ZellSFtyfoo2: that page tells me nothing00:52
ericrostwhen copying to a mounted nfs share through nautilus on ubuntu 8.04.1 the complete file copies, but the dialog hangs at the end for a long time and it gives an error message saying that it failed to close the file, any ideas how to fix?00:52
vostro1510Man, I feel it hot.00:52
vostro1510My hands are hot too.00:52
savvasaleksN^: backup backup backup - better safe than sorry!00:52
Tidusvostro1510: a lot of notebook computers have a small degree of tilt to them00:52
__MAVHow do I install g++ in ubuntu 8.10 ?00:53
Tidusvostro1510: try my suggestion of putting a couple rubber pegs under the backside just like you would see on a keyboard to tilt it00:53
Nox2k3Hey I'm trying to get bluetooth audio working with 32-bit wine apps and 64-bit alsa. It seems that most of the alsa modules exist compiled for 32-bits except the bluetooth module: http://paste.ubuntu.com/97945/00:53
vostro1510I will try it.00:53
vostro1510about 2 cms00:53
Nox2k3Is there a package somewhere I can install to get a 32-bit version of that module, or am I going to have to compile it myself00:53
__MAVHow do I install g++ in ubuntu 8.10 ?00:53
savvasvostro1510: do you have the same problem while using other operating systems, say windows?00:53
tyranosZellSF, read carefully before doing anything , all u have to do is to add that repository to your /etc/apt/sources.list and then u get another kernel so u wont lose anything00:53
jzittTrying to figure out how to start a nautilus extension, since it didn't appear to have started automatically.00:54
issa_savvas: so it does not matter what type of partition it is or wether it's used by other files or not, all that is needed are memory and space, correct?00:54
sammyF__MAV, install the build essentials. It should be in there00:54
vostro1510Tried ubuntu, slackware and bad vista00:54
vostro1510bad vista is original.00:54
vostro1510came with machine.00:54
ZellSFwell I'd rather just get the package that's supposed to allow the keys to work00:54
Tidusvostro1510: and even with what came with the computer it just gets too hot to use?00:54
vostro1510nvidia gpu is at 55 C00:54
sammyFhey there. Anybody knows why commercial DVDs can't be mounted anymore on my system since I upgraded to intrepid? I'm getting "you're not authorized to mount [whatever]". manually mounting using sudo works, but the cdrom entry has just a very high number as owner and group, and I can't play anything :/ It worked in Hardy :/00:54
fosco_vostro1510: this is OK00:54
__MAVthank you00:54
Nautilus__noob Q... from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP#Virtual%20Hosts I am trying to set the mysql root pw "mysql -u root" and I've tried "sudo mysql -u root" too but I get error 1045 (access denied). what do I need to try00:54
vostro1510It is my first notebook.00:55
vostro1510Is it normal to work with hands em wrists hot?00:55
Tidusvostro1510: i would have bought an HP or a lenovo00:55
Tidusmine doesn't get nearly as hot as you are describing00:55
sammyFvostro1510, 55C is actually pretty good, considering you're in brasil and probably not in an AC 'd room00:55
tyranosZellSF, well each approach should work the other kernel is just optimized for the eee00:55
vostro1510NO AC00:55
vostro151029C environment temperature.00:56
__MAVsudo apt-get install build-essentials00:56
__MAVReading package lists... Done00:56
__MAVBuilding dependency tree00:56
__MAVReading state information... Done00:56
__MAVE: Couldn't find package build-essentials00:56
FloodBot2__MAV: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:56
Tidus__MAV: it's build-essential, not build-essentials00:56
vostro1510if i put charge in Nvdia, it goes to 70-80C00:56
__MAVTidus thank you00:56
ZellSFwell each approach *should* work, but installing eeepc-acpi-scripts just gives an error00:56
sammyFvostro1510, West Indies here. When my comp was in a non AC'd room, 55C was "idle" tem00:56
savvasissa_: well.. correct, and to install the virtualbox additions :) which is easy if you use windows as guest operating system (the o/s you are going to virtualise)00:56
TidussammyF: 55C is full load temp on my lappy, lol00:57
__MAVIt's working00:57
vostro151055C in what Tidus?00:57
yaro_Is there a place I can get help with Sugar?00:57
Tidusvostro1510: CPU and gpu00:57
sammyFTidus, yeah ... I was thinking about overclocking the CPU and GPU, and gave up when I saw the idle temperatures ;)00:57
tyranosZellSF, just read carefully you ll find out  y00:57
vostro1510My CPU joes goes to 55 if I really put a lot of job.00:57
vostro1510normally it is at 35-4500:57
savvasvostro1510: a suggestion: take it back and complain to the support about the hardware being too hot? :)00:58
ZellSFtyranos: I read carefully searched for it and ended up on the ubuntu bug tracker00:58
TidussammyF: mine's a core 2 duo T5500, 34W power dissipation. HP decided to mount the cpu and gpu under the same heatsink on mine00:58
sammyFTidus, niiiiiiice ;)00:58
Tidusvostro1510: those temps aren't too bad... just sounds like the hard disk is transmitting too much heat through the keyboard00:58
vostro1510vostro 1510 use just one heat sink too00:58
vostro1510I think it too.00:58
sammyFhey there. Anybody knows why commercial DVDs can't be mounted anymore on my system since I upgraded to intrepid? I'm getting "you're not authorized to mount [whatever]". manually mounting using sudo works, but the cdrom entry has just a very high number as owner and group, and I can't play anything :/ It worked in Hardy :/00:58
ZellSFoh wait it's the ubuntu-eee bugtracker00:58
TidussammyF: pulled it off and put arctic silver 5 on the cpu and gpu... haven't looked back00:59
vostro1510I will complain to Dell (try at least. Law here is not to effective like it should)00:59
vostro1510I will say that I need a notebook, not an oven00:59
rellik_anyone know how to get amarok to recognize an ipod?  The ipod is listed in 'lshal', and I can see the ipod in 'gtkpod'..  but amarok won't autodetect it..  and when I manually add it to amarok, it can't connect to it00:59
savvasvostro1510: if you have guarantee, then use it. it goes for hardware parts I think01:00
sammyFTidus, got a noctua cooler and paste on my Q6600 ... but I can still get it to 75C in no time if I start some stresstest ;)01:00
vostro1510I have.01:00
vostro1510And I will use it.01:00
vostro1510Or try. :-)01:00
churlmy nm-applet is not in the panel any ideas?01:00
ZellSFhow am I supposed to install then when acpi-support-base isn't available?01:00
vostro1510If nothing helps, I buy a keyboard and everything will be cool :-)01:00
=== zelda_afk is now known as zelda
sammyFI suppose nobody got any idea about my DVD mounting problem ten?01:00
Tidusvostro1510: one thing you might end up having to do is getting one of those cooling pads for your notebook, the kind with a fan on the bottom to force cold air over the bottom of the notebook01:00
ericrostany ideas why an nfs share would be hanging forever on a file move?01:00
vostro1510Just like you said, temperatures appears to be ok.01:00
tyranosZellSF, you have to add the repository to your sources.list01:01
ericrostmv moves the first file then just sits there01:01
ZellSFtyranos: WHAT repository?01:01
TidussammyF: could be libdvdcss went out of date01:01
TidussammyF: you'll need to update your medibuntu repo if it's enabled to point to intrepid instead of hardy01:01
vostro1510I thought about the coolers to01:01
vostro1510Man, Ubuntu community is friendly than Slackware one. :-(01:02
vostro1510I am a newbie to ubuntu.01:02
Tidusvostro1510: everybody starts somewhere :)01:02
thiebaudevostro1510: welcome01:02
vostro1510But it is running quiet well in this Vostro. :-)01:02
sammyFTidus, so use libdvdcss from hardy instead?01:02
TidussammyF: no, the medibuntu repository for intrepid has it too01:02
vostro1510can I say notebook are really hot?01:03
TidussammyF: check your sources.list and see if it's pointing the right direction01:03
vostro1510WIll I have to be acostumated with this hot in my hands?01:03
vostro1510I update today.01:03
tyranosZellSF, http://array.org/ubuntu/setup-hardy.html01:03
Tidusvostro1510: mine doesn't get that warm, and if you get one of those cooling pads, it should reduce the amount of heat you're feeling01:03
ziggynocrim122: I"m back01:03
br0ken1the gentoo community are probably the meanest lol01:03
vostro1510I am surprised, because the process worked great. From 8.04 to 8.0101:03
sammyFTidus, k. thanks. (next problem is that I just moved and I don't have any internet access on my main comp at the moment ... but I'm afraid nobody but my ISP can help with that ;)01:03
sammyFTidus, thanks :)01:04
Tidusbr0ken1: not when i'm in there :)01:04
br0ken1i went to a gentoo help channel about 2 weeks ago and they were flat out rude01:04
ZellSFtyranos: told you I would rather not do that.01:04
vostro1510I just discoreved that GRUB killed the Dell diagnostics ... :-)01:04
br0ken1i mean i'd take the blame if i did something that could have been taken the wrong way, but this time i didn;t01:05
sammyFbr0ken1, come on ... "RTFM n00b!" is a pretty friendly advice in some channels  ;)01:05
br0ken1called me dumb for buying a USB dvd burner (which isn't smart, but it was just a temp fix)01:05
jzittOK, confirmed that the right files are in /usr/lib/nautilus/extensions-2.0 . It seems just to be ignoring them.01:05
jensorI would appreciate help setting up file sharing - it used to work one way but not the other . Now it won't work at all.01:05
TidussammyF: i've only seen that spouted off in #debian01:05
sammyFTidus, I was trying to avoid actually naming people ;)01:05
br0ken1gentoo has like an extra built-in n00b filter... installation01:06
br0ken1it's not as hard as some think, but it's definately harder than ubuntu01:06
Tidusbr0ken1: nothing wrong with a usb dvd burner... i have one attached to my notebook to enable direct disc-to-disc copies01:06
sammyFbr0ken1, well .. Ubuntu is linux for lazy people. On the other hand, personally I don't see any problem with being lazy01:06
br0ken1well the internal died on a comp i had, and i was in the process of buying a new one so i bought a $75 USB one for the meantime01:06
Tidusplus it's faster than the built-in one01:06
br0ken1lol me either01:07
br0ken1i'm the laziest person ever01:07
jzitt(Testing... is anyone seeing my messages here?)01:07
tyranosZellSF, sry didnt try normal ubuntu on my eee01:07
sammyFjzitt, no?01:07
br0ken1so sammyF and Tidus, do u guys work in IT?01:07
vostro1510I am using Slackwar for a long time.01:08
vostro1510I am using Ubuntu too.01:08
sammyFbr0ken1, used to. currently working in the unemployed field ;)01:08
churlmy nm-applet is not in the panel any ideas?01:08
jzittsammyF: Thanks. I'd been posting for half an hour with no response, so thought I might not be getting through. I *think* I have a straightforwrd question.01:08
br0ken1that fields fun as long as it's not for too long01:08
vostro1510I like to have ready packets sometimes!01:08
dexiHey can someone tell me how to install a .jar01:09
br0ken1open the lid01:09
br0ken1and pour contents into bowl01:09
sammyFbr0ken1, it means I have actually time to watch Firefly (again)01:09
jedi06on the add/remove applications how can you tell how much disk space it using?01:09
hspaansdexi: you don't, you run it with java01:09
sammyFdexi, java blabla.jar01:09
churlim watching firefly right now01:09
dexisammyF: thanks01:09
so20ftried installing ubuntu, hung up around 83% , sat like that for hours, now i'm tryign to do the rescue broken system, and now kernel hangs with checking hlt operation...01:10
br0ken1i got my first IT job a couple month ago.. got lucky really because i have no certs, degree or IT job experience... just a geek01:10
sammyFchurl, I can't ... but that's the reason I'm here (and it's solved already01:10
corky`br0ken1, Ehm, What kind of "IT job"?01:10
dexisammyF: its giving me "java: command not found"01:10
=== Aryan is now known as Guest79817
br0ken1well i work at an answering service/order center01:11
br0ken1just keep things running or fix if broken01:11
hspaansdexi: install Sun Java01:11
hspaansdexi: its under Add/Remove Applications01:11
aleksN^br0ken1; only over phone?01:12
dexihspaans: thanks01:12
jensorI would appreciate some help file sharing over a network with XP.01:12
br0ken1no.. the operators answer phones for like doctors offices and stuff or take orders for people selling products, even take pledges for some PBS stations.. physically go in01:12
hspaansjensor: search for Samba01:12
br0ken1we have some linux servers and some windows servers01:12
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.  Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/21209801:13
jensorI have samba installed01:13
=== corky` is now known as corky
Letter_Zbrb, restarting router01:13
jzittHmm... clicking the Start Dropbox icon in the panel appears to do nothing. Is there any further information that I might provide that might enable someone to help me get this thing working?01:14
dexidoes anyone happen to know if its possible to make use of my extra mouse buttons (4 and 5) by customizing them to a keyboard sequence01:14
sammyFwell ... i'm off to watch some old Dr.Who from file :/01:14
sammyFnighty everyone01:14
dexibye sammyF01:14
vostro1510bye... tks01:14
dexiaww nobody knows?01:15
ZellSFso I tried installing the eeepc kernel since I really had no options, I still can't get the hotkey for disabling wireless to work01:16
ZellSFso other than the bios , how do i disable wireless?01:16
gopphi when I try to join the domain I get "ads_connect: No logon servers"01:17
dexiZellSF: pull wireless card out! :D01:17
ZellSFit's not a card you can pull out without a lot of wokr01:17
jzittZellSF: I'm using eeeBuntu on my Eee 701 successfully.01:17
norcim122how do you set networking setting perminently? i need to change MTU setting?01:17
ZellSFas said I can't actually change distrobution01:17
dexioh! does anyone know if its possible to dock pidgin to the side, so that things dont expand behind it?01:18
hspaansnorcim122: setting mtu-setting shouldn't be needed nowadays01:19
ZellSFalso is it possible to disable clicking on the touchpad itself creating a left click?01:19
norcim122hspaans: I need it01:21
norcim122my default is 56101:21
norcim122need it to be 150001:21
dexiI just downloading kubuntu-desktop, and its telling me that i need to decide between gdm and kdm, does it make a big difference?01:21
norcim122hspaans: sorry it is 57601:21
Sylphidnorcim122, http://www.debianhelp.co.uk/mtu.htm01:22
norcim122hspaans: my downloads suffer01:22
norcim122will check that thx01:22
Teknohello. I installed openbox and now I don01:22
Teknot have any soudn at all01:22
hspaansnorcim122: you're running a firewall somewhere or changed other settings?01:23
nakdexi: Being as you're using KDE, you would find kdm more fitting for your needs. There isn't a substancial difference, apart from the number and sorts of packages you require; with GDM you need gnome/gtk libraries, with kdm you need k/qt libraries, which you probably already possess.01:23
nakdexi: With kubuntu-desktop, you already have kdm.01:24
HashishaninIf you've just run a program in linux and you want to know the exit status what can you type?01:24
hspaansnorcim122: 576 is minimum MTU size is pMTU-discovery for example is working correctly01:24
norcim122hspaans: yes firestarter... it  "fails" to start at boot time but I have on startup filesso it starts anyway01:24
sebastianhow do i mount my usbdrive? when i insert the usb it says unable to mount, i need to be super user.01:24
Hashishaninin the command line01:24
dexinak: i have gnome already, switching to KDE01:25
norcim122hspaans: my download is 2000kbps with 576 and 6800kbps with 1500 MTU... dont know why but I need it to be perm.01:25
sebastianhow do i mount my usbdrive? when i insert the usb it says unable to mount, i need to be super user.01:25
norcim122hspaans: funny that interfaces file is mostly blank considering it should have all my setting01:26
Johnramb00Hi guys01:26
Teknohello. I installed openbox and now I dont have any sound at all ? and user is in audio group. what could be wrong ?01:26
dexicrap the window disappeared!01:26
hspaansnorcim122: you're blocking icmp?01:26
nakdexi: Then use kdm.01:26
sebastianhow do i mount my usbdrive? when i insert the usb it says unable to mount, i need to be super user.01:26
norcim122sebastian  use sudo mount ....01:26
vostro1510what user are you using?01:26
Johnramb00is it possible to install ubuntu on my SD card via my camera?01:26
dexinak: lol i might have accidentally closed it, in which case i'd assume it would stick with my default, right? if not... how do i designate one?01:26
norcim122hspaans: I dont know how to i check01:26
Y-TownI am trying to get my windows xp box to see the share on linux.  Windows sees the linux share but will not access it because of proper permissions I believe.  Anyone able to help starigten it out?01:27
Johnramb00I mean: to prepare a "boot sd card"?01:27
IdleOnehow do I restart samba?01:27
nakdexi: `dpkg-reconfigure kdm' I believe.01:27
sebastiannorcim122: i did sudo mount /dev/sdb101:28
vostro1510sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart01:28
sebastiannorcim122: but it dont work01:28
GneaJohnramb00: no, you'd need to do it from a computer. a camera can't do that, although it would probably make a nice video. :)01:28
nakIdleOne: I've never used samba, but I expect that you can do it via `/etc/init.d/samba restart'01:28
vostro1510what user are youusing01:28
vostro1510it should not be a problem in default user.01:28
vostro1510I am a newbie user01:28
hspaansnorcim122: check firestarter? most network issues come for users running firewalls without understanding it01:28
vostro1510And I just put my pendrive and use it.01:28
nakvostro1510: Please refrain from using `\n' where unneccessary.01:28
dexinak: its locked by another process.... but the window is gone! lol01:28
Johnramb00Gnea: Isn't it possible to switch in the cable and start from usb-device? I need USB for my eee pc :(01:28
norcim122sebastian  use sudo mkdir /media/usbdrive     then    sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/usbdrive01:29
vostro1510sorry nak?01:29
sebastianvostro1510: im the onlly user01:29
norcim122hspaans: no firestarter is not blocking01:29
nakdexi: That tells me very little, being as I don't know whats locked/gone.01:29
natbetanyone know how to make ubuntu 8.10 connect to a bluetooth device with a fixed pin?01:29
GneaJohnramb00: #ubuntu-eeepc would know better01:29
dexinak: debconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable01:29
IdleOnethank you nak01:29
Johnramb00Ah! Thank you Gnea!01:29
hspaansnorcim122: its just eth0 behind a DSL/Cable-router?01:30
Y-Town I am trying to get my windows xp box to see the share on linux.  Windows sees the linux share but will not access it because of proper permissions I believe.  Anyone able to help starigten it out?01:30
norcim122hspaans: firestarter has the most basic interface . I dont see how i can get that wrong01:30
norcim122hspaans: no router  just cable01:30
dexinak: im just going to restart01:30
nakdexi: Why are you using debconf?01:30
hspaansnorcim122: meaning?01:30
norcim122hspaans: do you have alot in your  interfaces file?01:31
dexinak: i did the thing you told me "dpkg-reconfigure kdm"01:31
dexiand thats what i got01:31
hspaansnorcim122: no, because its not needed01:31
nakdexi: What do you hope to solve by restarting?01:31
norcim122hspaans:  i have direct connection to cable modem01:31
yoyit2how do you install gpartition?? its NOT WORKING for me :(01:31
nakdexi: Have you tried killing the process?01:31
macoyoyit2: using the right name. it's called gparted01:31
macoyoyit2: with the lowercase g01:31
nakyoyit2: Please don't shout.01:31
jzitt:logs another two hours wasted in trying to get something working in Linux that's easy everywhere else *sigh*01:32
nakyoyit2: `sudo apt-get install gparted'.01:32
Gneayoyit2: sudo apt-get install gparted01:32
maconak: what shouting?01:32
hspaansnorcim122: skip the firewall thingie and reboot to make sure you're machine is clean01:32
yoyit2maco: yeah i kinda got that, hence the **01:32
dexinak: well i had the window after doing apt-get install kubuntu-desktop asking me to choose gdm or kdm, and i never chose, and now i dont see the window anymore, so i assume the process that it had locked it still locked, and by restarting it will not be locked anymore01:32
norcim122yoyit2: did you try to use add/remove to reinstall?01:32
sebastiannorcim122: thx, but i had to force mount it, but it workes, thx a lot01:32
macoyoyit2: lowercase though, not capital G. the terminal is case-sensitive01:32
Gneanak: there's a difference between just a few words and an entire sentence being capitalised.01:32
jensorI'm haveing trouble with fle sharing. using the file browser I see my xp box listed, but when I try s]01:33
norcim122hspaans: I will but with firewall i notice alot of blocked atempted connections... will i be protected?01:33
Y-Townanyone know of a good HOWTO for setting up a linux and windows network sharing?01:33
Gnea!ics | Y-Town01:33
ubottuY-Town: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php01:33
nakdexi: So, why don't you just kill the process?01:33
hspaansnorcim122: post some of those blockings to pastebin01:33
norcim122who do i do that01:33
hspaansnorcim122: if you'e not running some wierd service there will be no problem01:34
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)01:34
Y-TownGnea: looking to share files not internet connection01:34
norcim122hspaans: for example i noticed an attempt to connect to ssh one time01:34
norcim122and to auth01:35
GneaY-Town: aaah01:35
Gnea!samba | Y-Town01:35
ubottuY-Town: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.  Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/21209801:35
jensor I'm haveing trouble with fle sharing. using the file browser I see my xp box listed, but when I try see the files I get a popup window saying "Couldn't display  "smb://home/jj-nu"   The location is not a folder"01:35
hspaansnorcim122: yes so? that is Internet background noise01:35
Teknohello. I installed openbox and now I dont have any sound at all ? and user is in audio group. what could be wrong ?01:35
Gneanorcim122: one time isn't anything to worry about, it's when it turns into continuous, multiple attempts... that's a problem.01:36
eseven73Tekno>> do sounds work ok if you use Gnome?01:36
Teknoi dont have gnome01:36
norcim122hspaans:  how will i know without a firewall to tell me?01:36
yoyit2ok, and now every time i try to un‌install anything, add/remove just freezes!01:36
Y-TownGnea: thanx i will work with that01:36
yoyit2anyone know how to fix that?01:36
Teknoeseven73: i have openbox and lxde01:36
hspaansnorcim122: and your question is?01:37
GneaY-Town: #samba is also a very good resource01:37
eseven73Tekno>> try #openbox01:37
GneaTekno: perhaps pulseaudio isn't setup correctly01:37
norcim122hspaans: you say dont worry but without the firewall giving me warning i would now know01:37
norcim122hspaans: so you have no firewall running?01:37
TeknoGnea: i didnt have pulseaudio before01:37
GneaTekno: do you have it now?01:38
Teknoeseven73: where is that channel ?01:38
TeknoGnea: no01:38
yoyit2does anyone know how to get add/remove to stop freezing when i try to uninstall??01:38
GneaTekno: what apps aren't giving sound?01:38
Y-TownGnea: I can see the ubuntu system on the win xp box just cant access it.  Any idea of where im needing to fix it at?01:38
TeknoGnea: none01:38
geeksquadi have a dell xps m1530 and in totem it wont play movies the error is "unable to read from resource01:38
zErOaCidhi, how do i change the dark textbox background in firebox3 when I'm using a dark theme?01:38
eseven73ummm #openbox has 3 people lol, scratch that Tekno01:38
GneaTekno: what apps did give sound?01:38
hspaansnorcim122: when they warn you, but you don't do anything with it then its pointless01:38
vostro1510Have to go01:39
TeknoGnea: every application01:39
GneaY-Town: yeah, install SWAT and configure some shares and users01:39
vostro1510You channel is great01:39
GneaTekno: that's too vague, you'll need to be more specific, please.01:39
Y-Towngnea  thanks01:39
hspaansnorcim122: host firewalls? no01:39
vostro1510Friendly people. Just great and it is a signal that explains why Ubuntu is growing up.01:39
vostro1510Tks for your attention.01:39
geeksquad  please check my last post i am desprate to watch movies01:40
TeknoGnea: now none of the application give sound, before i was using lxde and audio worked with every app01:40
eseven73vostro1510>> yep its not the OS, its the community that makes Ubuntu great, theres tons of OS's out there that are almost identical to Ubuntu, but they dont have the community.01:40
GneaTekno: never used lxde01:40
Teknoand i have cranked volume up01:40
geeksquadTekno then get rid of it01:40
GneaTekno: what sound-related apps are you trying to use?01:40
Teknoi dont want to get rid of openbox, this is great01:40
yoyit2does anyone know how to successfully uninstall on add/remove?01:40
TeknoGnea: vlc, youtube etc01:41
norcim122hspaans: I just like to know "most" of what is going on thats all... If I get warning I can just turn off the modem.01:41
GneaTekno: I'm not aware of a sound app called 'etc'01:41
Gneaand youtube is not an app, it is a website.01:41
TeknoGnea: well i dont have application which gives sound01:41
Teknoevery of them are broken01:41
Teknoinsted of sound i get nothing01:42
GneaTekno: can you still open a terminal?01:42
yoyit2does ANYONE know how to get add/remove to uninstall?01:42
norcim122hspaans: what do use for protection? Do you install and just let it be?01:42
TeknoGnea: yes01:42
hspaansnorcim122: is you don't have any services publicly (or restricted to localhost) running then its pointless. read this is default install of ubuntu01:42
GneaTekno: and are the speakers builtin or plugged in?01:42
Teknoeeepc 90001:42
Gneawhich is handled by the #ubuntu-eeepc channel01:43
norcim122hspaans: ok01:43
TeknoI have reinstalled alsa related packages01:43
lahorii need help, as soon as i plug a earphones in the sound card, i can't hear anything -nothing at all-, it works fine otherwise, i also tried it with windows and it works, just in ubuntu it is giving the problem01:43
geeksquadyoyit2:click on the aplications check box again01:43
GneaTekno: are you able to run this command:  gnome-control-center01:43
aleksN^I'm currently using ubuntu 7.04. When I'm trying to update 'sudo update-manager -d', this happens http://paste.ubuntu.com/97970/ . Someone got any advice?01:43
Teknobash: gnome-control-center: command not found01:43
lahorii tried half a dozen of different earphones01:43
mrweslahori try installing gnome alsa mixer01:43
yoyit2geeksquad: yeah, i know, but mine just freezes for hours01:43
lahorimrwes: that's the one i have01:44
yoyit2geeksquad: any ideas??01:44
mrweslahori and the sliders are turned up on it?01:44
GneaaleksN^: can you do this:  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade01:44
geeksquadu know the little check box01:44
Tekno* Setting up ALSA...                                                                                                 [ OK ]01:44
norcim122hspaans:  from the link you gave me. can I just copy paste all the example to my file? or do I need to change anything for eth0?01:44
eseven73!u | geeksquad01:44
ubottugeeksquad: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officer, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..01:44
lahorimrwes: every single slider, up on top!01:44
GneaTekno: yeah, you'll need to ask in #ubuntu-eeepc01:44
aleksN^Gnea; no, thats why I want to update ^^01:44
SquideshiCan someone help me understand how video drivers work in Ubuntu 8.10?01:45
rayluSquideshi: heh. i don't think anyone does :P01:45
GneaaleksN^: you can't open a terminal?01:45
raylu!zh | rejie01:45
ubotturejie: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk01:45
aleksN^Gnea; nevermind, that dist-upgrade worked ^^01:45
aleksN^Running as we speak01:46
hspaansnorcim122: I didn't gave you a link01:46
geeksquaduse sudo apt-get remove (packages) in a terminal01:46
GneaaleksN^: k, when it's done, try to run the update-manager again and see if the problem persists01:46
aleksN^Will do =)01:46
Squideshiraylu: I just mean the basics--like how the packages are named and how to tell which driver is being used by looking at Xorg.0.log.01:46
mrweslahori that's weird....have you goggle it?01:46
DexiOk i managed to get KDE up. Its snazzy.01:46
DexiMy mouse sensitivity is through the roof,01:46
norcim122hspaans: this one http://www.debianhelp.co.uk/mtu.htm01:46
rayluSquideshi: you can tell which driver is being used by looking at /etc/X11/xorg.conf. if you happen to know the names of the modules, you can look for them in the log to see if they're loaded01:47
lahorimrwes: not yet, not sure what to search for01:47
norcim122hspaans: oh never mind01:47
rayluSquideshi: the nvidia packages are named nvidia-glx-### for the corresponding nvidia build01:47
canthus13How do you get the size of a single directory and it's contents from the command line?01:47
Squideshiraylu: No driver is specified in xorg.conf. It's my understanding that xorg now atodetects.01:47
rayluSquideshi: and the nvidia kernel module package has a similar name. though there is a meta package for both nvidia and ati drivers that depends on the latest one01:47
norcim122hspaans: where are the network defaults located?01:47
ziggyHhi all01:47
ziggyHback again =(01:48
rayluSquideshi: oh, if you have no xorg.conf, X will use the free driver01:48
geeksquad please help me guys my laptop will not play dvds01:48
hspaansnorcim122: in vmlinuz01:48
geeksquadi have the drivers01:48
LtLcanthus13: du -h dir/01:48
hspaansnorcim122: read kernel01:48
norcim122hspaans: should i try to edit that?01:48
canthus13LtL: Thanks.01:48
Gnea!dvd | geeksquad01:48
ubottugeeksquad: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:48
norcim122hspaans:  to change mtu01:49
hspaansnorcim122: did you try the reboot without the firewall stuff?01:49
yoyit2does anyone know how to fix virtual box with message "callee RC:   NS_ERROR_FACTORY_NOT_REGISTERED  (0x80040154)01:49
onetinsoldierSquideshi: grep drivers /var/log/Xorg.0.log to see the video driver all alone....   glxinfo | grep direct    .....to see if you have direct rending infrastructure(dri) enabled01:49
norcim122hspaans: I will uninstall firewall and try01:51
Gneayoyit2: you may wish to present your problem to the #vbox channel for more detailed help01:51
Teknodoes anyone have time to help in problem related to sound :?01:51
GneaTekno: I *told* you, you need to ask in #ubuntu-eeepc, your problem is too EEEpc specific01:52
Teknono its not01:52
Gneayes, it is.01:52
Teknoits general problem01:52
Cameron`hi, my sound stops working after some time.  A reboot fixes it, but that's really annoying.  Is there any way to restart the sound system ?01:52
Teknonot eeepc hardware related01:52
Gneathere's a version of ubuntu for the eeepc, that's the version you should be using.01:53
TeknoGnea: Then i dont get support from there01:53
GneaTekno: sometimes they are slow, you need to be patient.01:53
Squideshionetinsoldier: I've looked through the log, but none of the package names seem to appear in the file. How do you match the driver name with the package name?01:54
yoyit2how do i expand the file "root.disk" to more then 8.4GBs??01:54
Cameron`hi, my sound stops working after some time.  A reboot fixes it, but that's really annoying.  Is there any way to restart the sound system ?01:54
onetinsoldierSquideshi: what did you get from --> grep drivers /var/log/Xorg.0.log   ?01:54
Gnea!vbox | yoyit201:54
ubottuyoyit2: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox01:54
hspaansCameron`: you're using 8.10?01:54
Cameron`hspaans: yep01:55
yoyit2ubottu: Gnea: k i installed ubuntu thru vista, then deleted vista, and now i only have 8.4GBs on root.disk... how do i make it bigger?01:55
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:55
docmurI installed libdvdcss2 and ubuntu-restricted-extra but when I right click the dvd and ask it to play in movie player, totem hangs and causes my cpu to run like 100% but I have to force quit totem01:56
=== jake_ is now known as Epidemik
Gneayoyit2: what is root.disk? /?01:56
hspaansCameron`: most likely pulseaudio goes fubar, restarting the application (like totem or rhythmbox) after say 30 seconds and it should work again01:56
Squideshionetinsoldier: http://pastebin.com/d782f301401:56
=== Epidemik is now known as Treehugger
yoyit2its in host/ubuntu/disks01:57
yoyit2Gnea: its in host/ubuntu/disks01:57
docmurany ideas01:57
Dante123hi, my kids was playing game under wine....and screwed up the screen.  Now lcd monitor says input not supported....how can I change/fix the resolution??01:57
Treehuggerhow do you install ATI drivers using terminal?01:57
Gneayoyit2: so, by 'installed thru vista', you mean you used wubi?01:57
Cameron`hspaans: its totem that I am using.  I'll try waiting a minute - but I am sure I have tried that before01:57
yoyit2Gnea: sure01:57
Roger_Dantel123, relog01:58
Dante123rebooting and going into recovery console gets me screen back, but nvidia graphics driver is not running...and upon reboot back to same input not supported error01:58
Roger_wine does that to me to sometimes01:58
hspaansCameron`: it works is most cases, hopefully its fixed in 9.04 or you need to go back to 8.04 :(01:58
Gneayoyit2: not a good move. when you install via wubi, you're installing to a filesystem contained within a file on vista's filesystem. by getting rid of vista, you have now trapped your ubuntu installation.01:58
Dante123Roger_ relog....did that ....no help01:58
Roger_sorry then01:59
Cameron`hspaans: I wasn't even running totem before it happened.. but when I start totem it has no sound.  if I run totem when I first boot, it works fine, but I then close totem, surf the web or do some work for a while, then totem has no sound01:59
Dante123get same error01:59
onetinsoldierSquideshi: ok, this is how i would go about finding out, since, as you said, the filenames don't exactly match package names...   locate intel_drv.so && dpkg -S /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/intel_drv.so -->xserver-xorg-video-intel01:59
=== Cameron` is now known as Cameron
yoyit2Gnea: but is there now ANY way to expand it to the entire hdd, rather then just 8.4GBs??01:59
Jack_SparrowDante123, What nvidia card01:59
Gneayoyit2: if vista was installed, sure01:59
hspaansCameron`: when you do `id -a` do you see a group called audio?01:59
Dante1237300 gs02:00
Treehuggerhow do you install ATI drivers?02:00
Cameronhspaans: nope02:00
Jack_Sparrowdo you get low res in the desktop02:00
Dante123everything worked fine...until the kid was playing that game02:00
Gneayoyit2: if you've got an ubuntu cd, you can install that02:00
hspaansCameron: may yourself member of that group and login again02:00
hspaansCameron: s/may/make/02:00
Jack_SparrowDante123, Playig a game under wine..02:00
yoyit2Gnea: ok, but would i have to REINSTALL ubuntu? or could i just edit the file "root.disk"??02:01
GneaJack_Sparrow: his system is now barfing at graphics initialization on bootup of ubuntu.02:01
Jack_SparrowGnea, thanks02:01
Dante123Jack_Sparrow yes, he was playing game...and I dont know what he did...but the screen went black....I think it is a resolution thing...because all is fine in recover mode....BUT that means nvidia driver not running.....02:01
hspaansCameron: you know how to make yourself member of a group?02:01
Gneayoyit2: yeah, reinstall, from the ground-up.02:01
Cameronhspaans: yeah02:02
onetinsoldierTreehugger: i can probably help you out. fist you should get a fully filled out /etc/x11/xorg.conf file if you don't have one. pastebin it if you want me to take a look at it. instructions on how to make a full xorg.conf file are here ---> http://pastebin.com/m4455f5b402:02
yoyit2Gnea: friggen retarded!!02:02
Jack_SparrowDante123, care to try a few things with me02:02
Cameronhspaans: the strange thing is if I cat /etc/group it shows my username02:02
Gneayoyit2: i know, vista surely is.02:02
Dante123no prob.  Jack_Sparrow02:02
Cameronhspaans: the strange thing is if I cat /etc/group it shows my username in the audio group02:02
hspaansCameron: where?02:02
hspaansCameron: but not when you do id -a?02:02
aleksN^Gnea; Still got the same problem02:03
Cameronhspaans: nope02:03
iShockHi cameron02:03
yoyit2Gnea: is there any way to Copy/paste all the drivers and programs from the ubuntu im using now, to the one i reinstall?02:03
hspaansCameron: in a terminal btw02:03
Jack_SparrowDante123, can you get to a terminal02:03
iShockCameron: Hi dere02:03
Dante123Jack_Sparrow do you think I should disable nivida driver....then redo it02:03
Cameronhspaans: yeah - I'm a long time linux user :)02:03
Gneayoyit2: i'm not sure... you'd have to load up the livecd and see if it finds it or not02:03
Dante123I am booted into recover mode right now Jack_Sparrow02:03
Jack_SparrowDante123, fine02:03
Jack_SparrowDante123, lets try sudo nvidia-xconfig02:03
yoyit2Gnea: arg!02:04
hspaansCameron: np, I'm going to sleep btw. Its getting late in my timezone02:04
Jack_Sparrowyoyit2, Please settle down02:04
Cameronhspaans: no worries.. thanks for the hints02:04
GneaaleksN^: something is wrong then... you said you're running 7.04? or was that a typo?02:04
docmurI installed libdvdcss2 and ubuntu-restricted-extra but when I right click the dvd and ask it to play in movie player, totem hangs and causes my cpu to run like 100% but I have to force quit totem02:04
aleksN^7.04 yes ^^02:04
docmurany ideas02:04
Dante123Jack_Sparrow I get validation error02:04
aleksN^Thats why I want to update02:04
yoyit2Gnea:  there arnt any ways of using an ubuntu program to do it? or a live vista disc?02:04
Jack_SparrowDante123, that is actually helpful to know02:05
t_does anyone know how to make your virtual box read USB devices?02:05
Jack_SparrowDante123, I use the nvidia driver prior to -7702:05
Gneayoyit2: realistically speaking, at this conjuncture, your only recourse is to backup any important file you have on your ubuntu installation to a USB drive or CD, then just do a flat-out reinstall of ubuntu from CD or DVD.02:05
Dante123t_ what version of vbox are u running???02:06
Gnea!caps | yoyit202:06
ubottuyoyit2: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.02:06
t_I gues it would be the lates02:06
t_since I just got it last week02:06
eseven73having a meltdown wont help any02:06
docmurit's a better idea to not use windows at all02:06
=== mcopple is now known as penguinistakc
docmurWindows is singlehandedly the worst invention of all time02:06
t_its a better idea to experiemnt02:06
=== penguinistakc is now known as penguinista
t_you should't be so blindsighted02:07
GneaaleksN^: well, you have an older installation, so that makes things difficult, but it might still be possible to upgrade...02:07
Cameronhspaans: I just logged out and in again - it now shows that I am in the audio group, however still no sound02:07
GneaaleksN^: can you run synaptic?02:07
Jack_SparrowDante123, have you tried nvidia-settings02:07
aleksN^command ?02:07
GneaaleksN^: synaptic02:07
=== penguinista is now known as direwolf
Gr34t3stCan someone guide me through setting up Dial-up on Ubuntu?02:08
=== direwolf is now known as direw0lf
aleksN^Cannot open display02:08
aleksN^it says02:08
Gnea!dialup | Gr34t3st02:08
ubottuGr34t3st: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up02:08
t_Does anyone know how to mount usb devices on a virtual box?02:08
GneaaleksN^: i see... are you trying to run this as the same user that you're logged in as?02:08
=== Delvien is now known as Delvien_away
t_it's simply not responding02:09
Cameronanoyone know how to restart the audio system on ubuntu 8.10 ?02:09
eseven73t_>> are you using the ose version?02:09
aleksN^Gnea; yea02:09
t_whats the ose?02:09
Jack_Sparrow!coc > yoyit202:09
Chughi all02:09
GneaCameron: /etc/init.d/pulseaudio restart02:09
iShockCameron: Ping02:09
GneaCameron: sorry, sudo /etc/init.d/pulseaudio restart02:09
jake123how do you use synaptic to install emerald?02:09
CameronGnea: that command runs, doesn't output anything, and completes instantly02:09
t_Virtual Box is open source. Are you trying to tell me that there is one that you have to pay?02:10
Gneajake123: do a search in it for 'emerald'02:10
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=== mattc is now known as mgcopple
eseven73t_>> look in synaptic for 'virtualbox-ose' if you have that, you're gonna need to get the NON free version from the website02:10
CameronGnea:  time sudo /etc/init.d/pulseaudio restart : real0m0.006s user0m0.000s sys0m0.004s02:10
jake123gnea, im new to ubuntu, whats synaptic :(02:10
GneaCameron: sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart02:10
CameronGnea:  and it doesn't seem to make audio work again02:10
=== mgcopple is now known as kcfreemason
t_I was under the impression that this was all free02:10
jake123gnea: found it02:10
Gr34t3stUhh.. I tried setting up dial-up and I think I have the location of my modem wrong. I used scanModem and I got a bunch of errors02:10
Gnea!synaptic | jake12302:10
ubottujake123: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto02:10
t_I'm rater suspicious of your statements02:10
ubottuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up02:10
Chicanohow do i add another irc?02:11
=== kcfreemason is now known as direw0lf
eseven73t_>> 98% of linux software is free.....but Virtualbox has 2 versions!02:11
CameronGnea: alsa-utils took some time to run, and seemed to restart.  but my sound still doesn't work02:11
exodus_msChicano: what client are you using02:11
t_I see02:11
droopsta915why wont my flashdrive unmount. It stays on the desktoip02:11
droopsta915desktop, sorry02:11
eseven73t_>> yeah, the free OSE does not support USB :(02:11
Gnea!sound | Cameron02:11
ubottuCameron: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:11
t_All I need is for my virtual box to interface with my USB storage devices02:11
onetinsoldiereseven73: do you have to purchase the non-free version? or is it just a non-free license?02:11
eseven73t_>> good news, the one on the site is free, too, but its free as in beer02:12
GneaCameron: try that troubleshooting guide out - if it still doesn't work, let us know02:12
eseven73no yo udont have to buy it onetinsoldier02:12
t_I don't follow02:12
eseven73theres two kinds of free02:12
onetinsoldiereseven73: roger that02:12
Jack_Sparrowonetinsoldier, It just means that it is not open source02:12
Chicanousing xchat02:12
Gneafree speech, and free beer.02:12
jensor I'm having trouble with file sharing. Using the file browser I see my xp box listed, but when I try see the files I get a popup window saying "Couldn't display  "smb://home/jj-nu"   The location is not a folder"02:12
CameronGnea: sound was working - I would play vids, use flash etc.. then after some time it stops, and the only way to fix it is to reboot02:12
eseven73free as in free beer, and free as in speech (really really free)02:12
aleksN^Gnea; so there is no hope for updating?02:12
GneaaleksN^: sec, still checking something02:13
eseven73t_>> just go get the one from virtualbox's site, and you'll be good to go02:13
hissing_sunhatI recently updated to 8.10 from 8.04 using the update manager. The splash screen and files needed to boot load no problem, but I never get to the login screen. Instead, my screen turns black. I can't get a terminal with cntrl-alt-F1 and the same thing happens in recovery mode. I checked my xorg.conf and there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with it. Passing boot options vga=771 noapic nolapic does not help. Can someone02:13
hissing_sunhatplease help me?02:13
Gnea!upgrade | aleksN^02:13
ubottualeksN^: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes02:13
mnWhat is the best browser (objectively)?02:13
t_eseven73>> Is this an American saying? o.O02:13
CameronGnea: all of the sound related help pages on the ubuntu site were related to sound not working at all02:13
GneaaleksN^: check out the instructions for ubuntu server02:13
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.02:13
aleksN^Will do02:13
GneaaleksN^: you *should* be able to replicate it02:13
eseven73t_>> what? free speech?02:13
Gr34t3stOmg.. Ubuntu Sucks. I can't even set up dial-up internet without having trouble.. Even windows ME lets me do it with ease...02:13
macoGr34t3st: get real hardware02:14
t_No, that whole phrase02:14
eseven73dont compare windows to windows02:14
Chicanousing xchat02:14
eseven73oops windows to linux02:14
t_Wait, are you talking to me through 1 to 1, or whole room?02:14
t_I'm not familiar with this IRC02:14
docmurthere is no compairson, windows was forged in Hell02:14
eseven73t_>> was refering to  Gr34t3st remark02:14
Jack_Sparrowdocmur, Please dont02:15
GneaGr34t3st: we don't need that kind of attitude here. please, show respect and patience if you want it to work.02:15
mnWhat is the best browser (objectively)?02:15
t_How are your text letters red? eseven02:15
eseven73cause im highlighting your nick name02:15
Dante1231Jack_Sparrow u there???02:15
Jack_Sparrow!tab > t_02:15
ubottut_, please see my private message02:15
Jack_SparrowDante123, yes02:15
macot_: if you start a message with someone's name, it'll highlight on their client02:15
kolby!kirby | kolby02:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kirby02:15
t_I see02:16
t_So every time I want personal red letter text, I must type their name prior?02:16
Chicanobien y tu02:16
t_Is there a way to set this as a sticky?02:16
macot_: its not a private message. its just like when you say "hey joe..." in conversation02:16
CameronGnea: sudo /sbin/alsa force-reload worked !!02:16
GneaCameron: good deal :)02:17
Jack_Sparrowt_ just use tab complete02:17
t_tab complete?02:17
ubottuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.02:17
exodus_mst_: try this --> http://tldp.org/HOWTO/IRC/02:17
t_Is that a mac key?02:17
* eseven73 smells a troll02:18
t_eseven73, cool02:18
onetinsoldiert_: just type the first few letters of their nick, then press the tab key on our keyboard. works on the linux command line too02:18
Chughas anyone had any luck making a live usb drive with 8.10 and a kingston Datatraveler 2gb?02:18
jensor I'm having trouble with file sharing. Using the file browser I see my xp box listed, but when I try see the files I get a popup window saying "Couldn't display  "smb://home/jj-nu"   The location is not a folder"02:19
t_eseven73 can you see red text?02:19
Gnea!usb | Chug no, but if I was going to, I'd check this out:02:19
ubottuChug no, but if I was going to, I'd check this out:: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent02:19
banshee_Whats the command to give me permission to a folder, cause i try to browse it and it says no permission02:19
ubottuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.02:19
edg_hola alguien q me ASESORE02:19
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.02:19
progre55does anybody know how to set up a "Ricoh Co., Ltd" MC reader? I have sony vaio VGN-FW21E laptop, and ubuntu 8.10 running on it02:20
Xcercais open office 3 going to be in the ubuntu repo somtime ?02:20
Chugty :)02:20
banshee_Whats the command to give me permission to a folder, cause i try to browse it and it says no permission02:20
t_!tab eseven7302:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tab eseven7302:20
exodus_msXcerca: I was able to update to 3.002:20
sloopybanshee_, what folder?02:20
onetinsoldierbanshee_: in the graphical file browser?02:20
The_Rebelhow do i tell apt-get to not install the "suggested packages"02:20
Jack_Sparrowbanshee_, What is the path of the folder02:20
exodus_msThe_Rebel: use 'hold'02:20
banshee_Jack_Sparrow: Sloopy: $HOME/hlds02:21
Jack_Sparrow!pinning > The_Rebel02:21
ubottuThe_Rebel, please see my private message02:21
jensorbanshee_  use sudo02:21
banshee_Jack_Sparrow: Sloopy: it is something I downloaded02:21
banshee_Jack_Sparrow: Sloopy: and i need to browse in the files02:21
t_does anybody use virtualbox?02:21
sloopybanshee_, and it is a folder?02:21
Xcercaexodus_ms , did you remove the 2.4 that came with 8.10 then install the .tar from the we site, or just add the repo for it and use synaptic ?02:21
banshee_sloopy: Yes02:21
sloopyt_, yes many people do02:21
Jack_Sparrowbanshee_, we can set permission...02:21
banshee_Jack_Sparrow how02:21
Jack_Sparrowbanshee_, One sec02:22
t_Do you know how to make it read the usb port?02:22
hissing_sunhatdoes anyone have any idea about this black screen thing02:22
t_sloopy, my virtual box can read my mouse which is plugged in via usb02:22
t_sloopy, but storage devices are not recognized02:22
exodus_msXcerca: I used sudo apt-get update and updated my system then i ran sudo apt-get upgrade02:22
GneaThe_Rebel: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-prevent-a-package-from-being-updated-in-ubuntu.html02:23
Jack_Sparrowbanshee_, check your pm please02:23
onetinsoldierbanshee_: be careful what you do here... on a command line, type in --> gksu  ..then type in -->  nautilus  ...but you might want to do what Jack_Sparrow says instead02:23
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto02:23
jensor I'm having trouble with file sharing. Using the file browser I see my xp box listed, but when I try see the files I get a popup window saying "Couldn't display  "smb://home/jj-nu"   The location is not a folder"02:23
Jack_Sparrowonetinsoldier, I have him in pm..02:23
Gneapinning and holding are 2 different things.02:23
onetinsoldierJack_Sparrow: roger02:23
t_anyone else us virtual box?02:23
exodus_msXcerca: sorry to answer your question, yes, i added the repo to my sources.list and then ran sudo apt-get update02:24
Gnea!vbox | t_02:24
ubottut_: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox02:24
Jack_Sparrowt_, vbox has their own channel02:24
Xcercaexodus_ms ,   what repo is it ?02:24
Gneat_: yes, just type this into your irc client:  /join #vbox02:25
t_cool, thank you02:25
t_hey gnea02:25
Jack_Sparrowonetinsoldier, May I pm you..02:25
t_Gnea, how were you able to use red text without typing my name prior to the sentance?02:26
exodus_msXcerca: http://paste.ubuntu.com/97993/02:26
ari_stressJack_Sparrow ??! i thought you were in hell? :)02:26
onetinsoldierJack_Sparrow: sure02:26
Gneat_: I have no idea what you're talking about.02:26
t_Gnea, you said !vbox | t_02:26
t_and it was red02:26
SorcererbobFresh install of 64bit Ubuntu. Running the proprietry nvidia drivers (177) with Twinview enabled on two identical monitors. I have a problem with the desktop cube - if I use the mouse to rotate the next screen I can see on either side the top and bottom bars (which are situated on the left screen) as being on the right screen, but I can never actually go to that desktop. It slides to the sides. I want the two screens to be02:26
Sorcererbob able to rotate upon only their own axis - so that the right hand screen never shows the top and bottom bars. Can I achieve this by setting the screens up as separate X sessions, or is there a better fix?02:26
jensor I'm having trouble with file sharing. Using the file browser I see my xp box listed, but when I try see the files I get a popup window saying "Couldn't display  "smb://home/jj-nu"   The location is not a folder"  Now jj-nu is the name of my xp box which is alredy setup to share My Documents folder among others.02:26
Gneat_: that's a setting on your irc client, look it up.02:27
stinger05can wine run all windows games on linux ?02:27
Sorcererbobstinger05, no02:27
Gneastinger05: many, but not all.02:27
aleksN^Gnea; I've changed the sources.list, runned apt-get update (worked), then 'sudo aptitude install update-manager-core' and 'sudo do-release-upgrade'. But still I'm not able to use02:28
stinger05Gnea: how about the ones that run, do they run smoothly or choppy ?02:28
aleksN^update-manager -d02:28
exodus_mst_: are you using xchat?02:28
t_exodus_ms, yes02:28
GneaaleksN^: did it enable you to upgrade to the next ubuntu release?02:28
exodus_msplease take a look here, it will answer alot of your questions --> http://www.eglug.org/book/export/html/56402:29
Gneastinger05: it depends on the game and your hardware.02:29
KelenHow to send files by buletooth in command?02:29
Gnea!wine | stinger0502:29
ubottustinger05: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help02:29
aleksN^What you mean?02:29
t_exodus_ms, special orders are relatively new to me02:29
Kelenis there any idea for this question?02:29
Gnea!bluetooth | Kelen02:29
ubottuKelen: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup02:29
exodus_mst_: in case you missed the previous post, try this --> http://www.eglug.org/book/export/html/56402:29
t_thank you02:30
GneaaleksN^: when you finished running the do-release-upgrade, did it ask you to rebot?02:30
exodus_mst_: and agian, look here --> http://tldp.org/HOWTO/IRC/02:30
stinger05Gnea: how about Cedega? i heard it can run most games also.02:30
GneaaleksN^: *reboot02:30
Sorcererbobok, I'm going to try separate X sessions and hope it doesn't die again. I'll report back soon02:30
Gnea!cedega | stinger0502:30
ubottustinger05: cedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega02:30
Kelenubottu: dude, i got buletooth worked. just need a way to send file with command..02:31
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:31
Roger_Kelen ubottu is a bot program running for helping ppl lol, not a real person02:31
aleksN^Gnea; no it didnt, it said 100% working, and then I wasn't able to do anything, so I restarted putty ^^.02:32
exodus_msKelen: don't worry about it man, happens to a lot of folks :)02:32
aleksN^and now it says 0%02:32
GneaaleksN^: why are you using putty?02:32
KelenRoger_: So. is there any idea for this question?02:32
aleksN^Cause it is in my basement02:33
Roger_would be cool if they added and actual AI bot02:33
aleksN^Using it as a server02:33
aleksN^thats why I havent updated it earlier02:33
hissing_sunhatanyone willing to take a crack at this problem i have?02:33
GneaaleksN^: okay, what is the result of this command:  lsb_release -r02:33
hissing_sunhati updated to ibex02:33
hissing_sunhatand i cant get to the login screen02:33
xm89after installing some packages xorg stop to work,how to fix it?02:34
eseven73!enter | hissing_sunhat02:34
ubottuhissing_sunhat: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:34
Jack_Sparrowhissing_sunhat, does ctrl-alt-F1 bring you to text mode02:34
hissing_sunhatno i tried that02:34
ubottuUbuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) was the sixth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 19th, 2008. See !eol for more details.02:34
GneaaleksN^: yeah, try rebooting and see if it actually upgraded or not02:34
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases02:35
Jack_Sparrowhissing_sunhat, if you cant get into recovery mode and ctrlaltF1 wont bring up a term, I would boot a live cd and save my /home02:35
hissing_sunhathm ok02:35
gaintsuraanyone know if 8.04 will run on a P1 ?02:36
hissing_sunhatwas trying to avoid that, but thanks for your help02:36
onetinsoldierxm89: you can try following these instructions if you like 'How to reset your xorg.conf ' --> http://pastebin.com/m4455f5b4   ..if you still have problem, pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log file so we can have a look at it.02:36
kevixI folks. I'm running hardy for a while. recently I had my root fillup. and on reboot, i get 'overflow' on tmpfs and problems running apps that use TMPFS=/tmp. Any ideas?02:36
fosco_gaintsura: yes02:36
Jack_SparrowGnea, Did he change his sources to old-releases before trying to upgrade02:36
stinger05Gnea: sorry to bother you again, i was just curious about the fact if games that run under wine are playable with LAN02:36
GneaJack_Sparrow: no idea02:36
Jack_Sparrowkevbuntu, boot a live cd and purge /var/cache/apt/archives02:36
Dante1231Jack_Sparrow sorry, had a phone call.  I have the system rebooted and working, however under the nvidia settings gui it thinks my acer 19 widescreen is a CRT.  And gives me less resolution choices than before.  How can I fix that?02:37
Gneastinger05: linux is, by nature, a networkable Operating System. Therefore, yes.02:37
johnfluxis it possible to do PPOE over wireless? :-)02:37
Jack_Sparrowkevbuntu, you can also save stuff you want to keep to a usb stick02:37
Jack_Sparrowdante one sec..02:38
aleksN^Gnea; the system is rebooted, but I still get the same error when typing update-manager -d02:38
Gneajohnflux: that would be a good networking question, best asked in #networking ;)02:38
Jack_SparrowDante123, sudo nvidia-xconfig from a terminal             then sudo nvidia-settings02:39
hissing_sunhatJack_Sparrow, do you mean to save my home on a separate drive and do a fresh install?02:39
Jack_SparrowDante123, let me know what erros you get02:39
The_Rebeli think you guys missunderstand me02:39
Jack_Sparrowhissing_sunhat, yep02:39
The_Rebelwhen i do apt-get install freenx it has a ton of suggested packages it wants to install with everything else02:39
GneaaleksN^: okay, apparently there's something that has to do with old-releases that we need to figure out02:40
The_Rebelhow do i tell apt not to install all that other stuff02:40
Jack_SparrowThe_Rebel, rephrase your question, the answers you have received are right for your question02:40
ziggyHhi all02:40
GneaThe_Rebel: but it doesn't install 'suggested' packages02:40
Gnea...that's why they're suggested. :)02:40
Jack_SparrowThe_Rebel, You mean the dependencies.. if you dont install them, your program wont run02:40
The_Rebeloh i thought it did02:40
The_Rebelthanks Gnea02:40
papnaHi ziggyH. Welcome. =)02:40
Jack_SparrowGnea, you need the link for old-releases?02:41
papna!ask | ziggyH02:41
ubottuziggyH: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:41
GneaJack_Sparrow: please02:41
Jack_Sparrowone sec02:41
Jack_SparrowGnea, http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/02:41
Jack_SparrowDinner is here bbl02:42
Sorcererbobso yes, trying the "Two Separate X Sessions" option was an epic fail02:42
ubottuGTK is the !GIMP toolkit, which forms the base of !GNOME and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI02:44
Sorcererbobso the cube works fine when I only have one screen02:44
Sorcererbobwhen I enable the second screen (twinview) the cube becomes an octagon and each octagon (one on each screen) has every desktop02:44
GneaaleksN^: check this out: http://www.linux-archive.org/ubuntu-user/111092-upgrading-old-releases.html02:44
LymiesI was on a website, blogtv, where you can watch webcams, and when I closed the window it made this skipping sound that wouldn't go away, so I closed firefox, then I logged out and it kept doing that, then I did /etc/init.d/alsa-utils stop, and when I shut down alsa of course it stopped, but when I turned it back on it was back again, so I just restarted. Now I don't have any sound.02:45
jake123how do i install a GTK theme that I downloaded from gnomelook.org02:45
progre55hi everybody!02:45
Sorcererbobhow do I stop this weird cube behaviour?02:45
bbechdolHello everyone02:45
onetinsoldier!howdy | progre5502:45
ubottuprogre55: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!02:45
GneaSorcererbob: what weird cube behavior?02:45
onetinsoldier!howdy | bbechdol02:45
ubottubbechdol: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!02:45
progre55my dmesg has been showing some exceptions as "[16664.696695] __ratelimit: 107 callbacks suppressed" and "[16664.696710] not enough headroom [12] for radiotap head [25]". what would that mean?02:46
|ntegra|I KNOW an aaroncampbell02:46
bbechdol I was curious02:46
Gnea|ntegra|: and?02:46
bbechdolI Love Ubuntu and I want to do something to give back to everyone that has helped me02:46
SorcererbobGnea: it works fine when I have a single screen; it has 4 sides and is wonderful. When I enable my second screen (using twinview via Nvidia drivers) each screen shows a "cube", which is fine, the problem is that the "cube" is actually an octagon. The octagon has all 4 of the desktops from each screen.02:47
bbechdolI am not sure whicih way to go02:47
progre55bbechdol, you could help me :)02:47
Gneabbechdol: you can idle in here and help other newbies out :)02:47
* eseven73 accepts paypal bbechdol :P02:47
ubottuTo contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate02:47
bbechdol@ubottu thanks ill check it out02:48
bbechdolI was almost thinking about offering help in ubuntu-motu or ubuntu-devel02:48
GneaSorcererbob: right, you've got 4 virtual desktops on both screens, thus giving you 8 altogether, and thus, an octogon.02:48
bbechdolbut I have never programmed befor :)02:48
Jack_Sparrowbbechdol, HElp in any area is always appreciated by all02:48
johnfluxon packages.ubuntu.com, it would be nice if it was possible to download a package and all of its dependencies as a single .tar.gz file02:48
SorcererbobGnea: no. I have 4 virtual desktops total02:49
Jack_Sparrowjohnflux, That isnt going to happen02:49
SorcererbobGnea: each virtual desktop spans both screens02:49
johnfluxJack_Sparrow: why not?  I was thinking that it could use the LSB to know what to include02:49
=== ShockUBT is now known as Staticshock
GneaSorcererbob: but you have 8 - the cube interprets each 'real' screen as 102:49
johnfluxJack_Sparrow:  e.g. so it doesnt include glibc packages etc02:49
Gnea!cube | Sorcererbob02:50
ubottuSorcererbob: Compiz-Fusion (and the older Compiz and Beryl) are window managers that employ the "composite" extension of X to draw windows using graphics cards' 3D hardware. They can additionally provide "desktop special effects" (such as the "cube") by means of plug-ins. Join #compiz-fusion for help and support with advanced features. See also « /msg ubotu compiz » and « /msg ubotu effects »02:50
Jack_Sparrowjohnflux, Please discuss it in offtopic or -motu etc02:50
progre55hey, can someone please help me out? my dmesg has been showing some exceptions as "[16664.696695] __ratelimit: 107 callbacks suppressed" and "[16664.696710] not enough headroom [12] for radiotap head [25]". what would that mean?02:50
SorcererbobI'll join the compiz channel. Thank you02:50
GneaSorcererbob: I would highly consider the #compiz-fusion room for better details on it02:50
GneaSorcererbob: and good luck02:50
aleksN^!sources.list 7.0402:51
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:51
RoumsDoes anyone know how i could resolve my problem with gnome not starting up (blocked after logon screen), see : http://pastebin.com/m2a565434 for some messages02:51
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories02:51
LaBluaI'm trying to upgrade this laptop from feisty to gutsy, using the update manager gui, and it appears to be hanging at the "Installing the upgrades" step. Nothing is displaying in the terminal, and none of the logs in /var/log/dist-upgrade/ have been updated in over 12 minutes02:51
crfLaBlua, have you tried only once?02:52
aleksN^I'm not able to find the original sources.list for ubuntu 7.0402:52
LaBluacrf: I tried cancelling out of it and restarting it, but it got to the same spot again and locked up.02:53
LaBluaWell, I dunno if locked up is accurate.. the orange bar keeps moving back and forth, but nothing else is happening. CPU, network, and disk look pretty idle02:53
sjrHelp me, I'm hurt, injured, possibly beyond repair.02:53
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Jack_SparrowaleksN^, you edit your sources to point to that page02:53
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Sorcererbobcheers Gnea. I'll let you know how I go02:54
Jack_SparrowaleksN^,  http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/02:55
aleksN^Jack_Sparrow; I'm not sure what you mean. I edited the sources.list ( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades ) as said here, and Gneu sendt me a link from a forum where a guy says that after updating my sources.list, I should edit it back to my old souces.list02:56
nowimprovedUh, flash is making my computer run at 95 percent cpu again, joy02:56
LymiesI was on a website, blogtv, where you can watch webcams, and when I closed the window it made this skipping sound that wouldn't go away, so I closed firefox, then I logged out and it kept doing that, then I did /etc/init.d/alsa-utils stop, and when I shut down alsa of course it stopped, but when I turned it back on it was back again, so I just restarted. Now I don't have any sound.02:57
vostro1510just putting the back of notebook up didnt solve the problem.02:57
vostro1510I put a ventilador (rack ventilator) to flow air to notebook.02:57
vostro1510It helped a lot02:57
vostro1510But still hot. :FD02:57
Jack_SparrowGnea, You here02:57
Germ|MintIm doing a complete recompile of my system (i was bored) using apt-build and am wondering. If I were to CtrlC it would it harm my system02:57
vostro1510I did the Dell test. Fans are wotking02:58
LaBluaAny ideas on my lock up on upgrade? I've been unsuccessful so far in my Google searches.02:58
Tidussomeone ping me?02:58
vostro1510Now, I am trying to correct my Ubuntu installation. It was crazy :D02:58
SJrXTidus did you have to have a show on Fox?02:58
Stormx2Lymies, make sure firefox/npviewer.bin aren't running.02:58
SJrX1.17 seconds Tidus02:58
vostro1510Just to say thanks em to inform results.02:58
TidusSJrX: huh?02:58
MikeHAny Gnome/compiz users here? How can I add a desktop to compiz? When I enable desktop cube, only two workspaces are shown, instead of the 4 I have now?02:58
Tidusvostro1510: not a problem02:58
vostro1510sorry, a feature. :-)02:59
Wildcat_guys anyone have any ideas why in ubuntu 8.10 i get only static as audio with my hdmi cable??02:59
churlmy nm-applet is not in the panel any ideas?02:59
Stormx2MikeH: The way I do it is to add the "workspace switcher" thingy to my GNOME panel, then right click > preferences, and set the workspaces to 4.02:59
m15kdoes anybody know how to install JDK update 11 on ubuntu?02:59
LymiesStormx2, still not working02:59
vostro1510I update my Ubuntu from 8.04, using 8.10 cdrom and cdromupgrade.02:59
mdgchurl: right click on he menu and add it back02:59
Stormx2Lymies, killall pulseaudio?03:00
Jack_SparrowMikeH, Install ccsm  sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager Next go to system...pref..advanced desktop effects....  On the first page  put check next to rotate cube and desktop cube.. dbl click general options... up closer to the top...  click on desktop size  and set them to 4, 1 and 1  top to bottom... ctrl+alt+(Left Mouse Button) then move mous03:00
mdgI mean the menu bar03:00
vostro1510but it didnt worked (I think). Im 8.10, software updates didnt work, saying that was a problem with some packages...03:00
vostro1510Now, installing 8.10 from zero.03:00
vostro1510Newbie sucks. :D03:00
LymiesI was using pulseaudio before, maybe if I switch back to just plain alsa it'll be fine03:01
LymiesHow do you switch back?03:01
MikeHJack_Sparrow: It won't let me change the value from 1.03:01
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Jack_SparrowMikeH, Time for me to run.. but if it wont let you change that is a different issue..03:01
Stormx2Lymies, personally I just have a script which kills pulseaudio on boot. pulseaudio is just a complete bastard generally. skype won't work with it. flash won't work with it. it blocks alsa, etc etc. if you can live without per-application volume controls (i can), just kill it as a startup prog.03:02
churlmdg: i dont think i can do that, i believe this is part of a bug03:02
Stormx2Off to bed. ciao03:02
moontanhappy new year everybody. i can't print, export pdf/postscript or other formats from many applications any more since i installed a bunch of musical notation progs. what can i do about this?03:02
system_i cant run msn in wine03:03
mizeryA friend of mine just installed Ubuntu on their computer.  Their keyboard used in X as well as at terminal/console is strange.  I'm trying to figure out how to fix it.  they have a standard QWERTY keyboard but the following keys result: Pushing "q" shows 5, "w" shows 6, "e" shows q, "r" shows ., "t" shows o and "y" shows r.  I'm not sure what layout is being used or if it's a standard layout.  How can I find out how to change the keyboard 03:03
gaelfxmizery: num lock is on03:03
mizerygaelfx: nope03:04
dnyyErr, my sound just stopped work.  I can't kill pulseaudio either, not with 'pulseaudio -k' or 'killall pulseaudio.'  I keep getting a 'startup daemon failed' error. Anyone know how to fix this? :(03:04
mizeryI rebooted to make sure as well, and it is configured into the system somehow.  It has been like this since installation from an 8.10 disk I gave him03:04
=== obama is now known as Guest76110
Wildcat_guys... in ubuntu my sound card is not sending sound to my computer.... im assuming its a problem with ubuntu 8.10... any delt with it? anyone have any ideas at all? or were else to look?03:04
churlmdg: something about another session using nm-applet, ive read that it's a known bug in 8.10 but it seems like it should have been fixed by now...03:05
LaBluamizery: Are you sure it isn't turning numlock on during boot?03:05
donavandoes anyone know how to make virtualbox see my new wifi card ... I have a vm installed but it wont see the network now03:05
mizeryLaBlua: let me check03:05
LaBlua I'm trying to upgrade this laptop from feisty to gutsy, using the update manager gui, and it appears to be hanging at the "Installing the upgrades" step. Nothing is displaying in the terminal, and none of the logs in /var/log/dist-upgrade/ have been updated in over 26 minutes. I tried cancelling and restarting, with the same results.03:05
LaBluaany ideas?03:05
MikeHhrm, odd03:06
gaelfxI'm having a problem with SCIM, it appears that I have alternate input methods installed and enabled, but when I click the SCIM icon, nothing shows up, how can I get my alternate input methods working again?03:06
Mallen_what is the command for normal time03:06
MikeHWhislt I have 4 workspaces, cube only shows 203:06
ZellSFhow do I turn the wireless card OFF on my eeepc in ubuntu?03:06
ZellSFI tried disabling it in the bios and ubuntu just turns it back on03:06
Mallen_currently mine is set at  [%H:%M]03:06
skeet0rwould someone please take a look at this memory allcation error that I'm getting? you can see it here http://pastebin.com/m2027e7ba03:06
skeet0rIm not sure what I need to do in order to fix it.. I think its most likely a simple fix03:07
LaBluaZellSF: Trying to just disable networking through it, or actually power it down?03:07
ZellSFactually power it down03:07
mizeryLaBlua / gaelfx: I turned off NumLock before booting Ubuntu and it didn't turn back on throughout the boot.  Reaching the GUI login screen the keyboard is still producing same strange results.03:07
LaBluaZellSF: Hmm, sorry, I dunno how to do that.03:07
mdgchurl, can you start nm-applet from the command line?03:08
SJrXI have broken grub on my machine and can't boot. I had messed with the partitions, but basically the long short of it is, that Windows 2003 overwrote the bootsector, and even after fixing it, now all my linux installs can't seem to be able to find root03:08
ZellSFI was hoping disabling it in the bios would work03:08
=== gustavo is now known as pelao91
kerrican someone please help me with the sound on Ubuntu 8.1003:08
churlmdg: i get an error03:08
churlmdg: ** (nm-applet:21869): WARNING **: <WARN>  applet_dbus_manager_start_service(): Could not acquire the NetworkManagerUserSettings service as it is already taken.  Return: 3 (nm-applet:21869): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_unref: assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed03:09
LaBluaSJrx: Have you tried booting from an ubuntu cd, running the rescue console, and running grub from there?03:09
ZellSFsigh guess I'll just have to deal with this  the few days I can't reinstall anything else :/03:09
kerrican someone help before i switch to windows03:09
SJrXLaBlua, yeah I followed some guides, where I type root(hd0, 4) and then setup (hd0)03:09
SJrXThat got GRUB to actually start, but all my linux options in the boot menu are b0rked.03:09
SJrXHi kerri03:09
skeet0rany idea what I would need to do in order to fix the following error message: Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 15728640 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 1966080 bytes) in /usr/share/php/XML/Util.php on line 53203:09
WebminNoobLOLHello, is there anyone here that uses webmin and knows alot about it?03:10
ZellSFdoes disabling the network card do anything to reduce power usage?03:10
Jack_Sparrowkerri,  Settle down please03:10
Chicanohow do i add songs to ipod using rythmbox03:10
ConstantineXVI!patience > kerri03:10
ubottukerri, please see my private message03:10
SJrXkerri,  don't demand help, but yo udidn't ask a question, what is your specific problem03:10
Jack_SparrowWebminNoobLOL, webmin is not supported03:10
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.03:10
duckamukusing weechat, ignores for join,quit are working but leave isnt.  did the syntax change?03:10
ZellSFdoes disabling a wireless network card reduce power usage notably?03:10
werLd-zellsf: no03:11
WebminNoobLOLhmm... I was using it till like a week ago and it just stopped03:11
SJrXskeet0r yeah, there is an option in PHP for maximum memory usage, you passed it. However it also looks like a bug in the code, if it's trying to use 30 megs per connection, that'll be pretty bad.03:11
Chicanohow do i add songs to ipod using rythmbox03:11
SorcererbobGnea, I fixed it by changing an option in the compiz manager (under Desktop Cube). Multiple Output Mode (set it to multiple cubes)03:11
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod03:11
ZellSFgah, I need the battery on this thing to last tomorrow03:11
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox03:11
mdgchurl, have you had other nm-apptlet errors before this?03:12
Chris_ChaseWould anybody know how to install a USB driver for a modem on Ubuntu?03:12
kerriSJrX: can someone please help me with the sound on Ubuntu 8.1003:12
cyberjuice i just think its crazy how I can see my Shared Ubuntu files over the network from a windows machine but I cant see the Shared windows files from Ubuntu.  But I see the windows shared files on the network when im on another windows machine.  Ubuntu just wont let me see the shared windows drives on the network03:12
cyberjuice it shows me the machine name but when i click on it nothing is there.  but if i go to my Xp machine and go to the shared files on vista they are there so i know they are shared03:12
skeet0rSJrX: you think that it is definitely a code error an there is no way to fix it by editing a configuration file or something?03:12
ConstantineXVIZellSF: as in, a full 8 hours?  good luck on any laptop03:12
churlmdg: nope03:12
ZellSFConstantineXVI: no as in a full two hours03:12
progre55hey, can someone please help me out? my dmesg has been showing some exceptions as "[16664.696695] __ratelimit: 107 callbacks suppressed" and "[16664.696710] not enough headroom [12] for radiotap head [25]". what would that mean?03:12
kerriI hear the drum in the beginning , then when i log in I hear no sound03:12
SJrXkerri that's not a question, what about sound, can you not mute, can you not get any volume? What kind of audio do you have.03:12
SJrXskeet0r, well it depends on exactly what happens.03:13
kerrii wouldn't be here03:13
LaBluacyberjuice: Are you using the same account name on the XP and Vista machines?03:13
gaelfxI can't get SCIM to switch to any different input methods even though they are installed and enabled, can someone help me figure out what's going wrong? I suspect something is screwed up in the preferences file, but I'm not sure where it is or how to correct it once I get there03:13
skeet0rhow can I determine what exactly is going on?03:13
SJrXskeet0r,  sometimes it's legitimate for a script to use that much memory, like if you are importing a bunch of data. However if that happens when you are trying to setup like phpBB then it's probably bad.03:13
cyberjuicelablua - yes03:13
SJrXBut I need to know exactly what you are doing to produce that error, it could be a bug in the script, or malformed XML, or a bunch of things.03:13
=== nosa is now known as nosa-jj
theUgHi. How long should I keep different kernel options in GRUB? And if I delete an entry in menu.lst, I don remove extra kernel, am I?03:14
skeet0rrunning a script called nzbirc.. Im not sure if you're famiiar but it works until I send a search query to the bot and then thats when I get the error message03:14
VarthCan anyone point me in the right direction for a working deb of ZSNES in Intrepid?03:15
LaBluatheUg: 1 kernel prior to the current one, no need to keep them past that03:15
SJrXskeet0r,  hmmmm you'd have to know PHP and the code to know how to fix it. You might try asking on the projects IRC channel, forums or mailing list. I would guess it's a bug, unless your query is ridiciolously long.03:15
dborelcould anyone help me, i'm struggling to install Wrath x-pac for WoW, been at it the past few days, and I still cant figure it out, had my comp crash the other day and somehow lost a window file, so got ubuntu and i hv managed to so far install the reg game by downloading the trial client, which came with BC, but I cant get wrath to install03:15
werLd-theug: i believe you are safe editing medu.lst although cp -p menu.lst beforehand03:15
Dante1231Jack_Sparrow no errors to report now- but nvidia-settings still has CRT listed instead of Acer lcd03:15
Hashishaninon ununtu, where are the import and lib folders?03:16
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Jack_SparrowDante123, I need to go but how is the res?03:16
theUgAre all prior kernel versions actually stored on hard drive?03:16
LaBluahashishnin: Er, isn't /lib the lib folder? Import and lib folders for what?03:16
Chris_Chasemy Ethernet port is broken, so I am forced to resort to connecting to my modem via USB but i cant connect to the internet on it to download the driver03:16
umpcHello, how would I fix this error? http://pastebin.com/m4d7daa9203:16
skeet0rI think Im using a beta version of the program so maybe Ill revert to a more stable release03:16
skeet0rhopefully that will fix the issue03:16
Dante1231Anyone know how to get nvidia-setting to reflect correct monitor??03:17
werLd-hashishanin: to be able to search, run 'updatedb' after the index has built, search for files or dirs with 'locate import'03:17
VarthCan anyone point me in the right direction for a working .deb of ZSNES in Intrepid?03:18
skeet0rsJrX Thank you very much for your help I appreciate it.. I assumed it was a bug in the code as well but I thought there ay have been a simple way to fix it03:18
Dr_willis_Varth,  32 or 64bit ?03:18
nosa-jjcan any one help me with ruining an existing xp installation  on a duel boot drive, in virtual box ose, wile running ubuntu? i have already installed virtual box03:18
eseven73might wanna add a '|less' to that Hashishanin as 'locate' will list 100's of files/dirs to the point of it being hard to read03:18
BobPenguinHello. My ktorrent bittorrent client does not download anything, I dont know why. I want to install some other client so I can compare performances. Which one would you recommend?03:18
vengercyberjuice, do you see it with smbclient -L <hostname> ?03:18
Dante1231Jack_Sparrow res is better, but I cannot go to the higher level I had previously when it knew my monitor was not crt but acer lcd.  Is there a way to set monitor????03:18
dirtbag666BobPenguin: Try Azureus03:18
mizeryLaBlua / gaelfx: I dominantly use Gentoo Linux and Gentoo uses /etc/conf.d/keymaps to handle keyboard configuration.  What does Ubuntu use?03:18
VarthDr_willis_: 32bit.03:19
churlBobPenguin: transmission03:19
dirtbag666BogPenguin: It has a new name right now, just google ist03:19
Dr_willis_!info zsnes03:19
ubottuzsnes (source: zsnes): Emulator of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.510-2.1ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 875 kB, installed size 4056 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)03:19
BobPenguinthanks dirtbag666 and churl, I will try both!03:19
Dr_willis_Varth,  32bit is in the repos... there is no 64bit version of zsnes.. alternatively the snes9x emulator works very well also03:19
dirtbag666Anyone knows how to active a second monitor on ThinkPad in Ubuntu?03:19
VarthDr_willis_: The 32 bit version in the repos doesn't work.03:19
VarthHasn't for a while.03:20
LaBluamizery: No idea, sorry.03:20
Dr_willis_Varth,  what dosent work about it?03:20
nosa-jjcan any one help me with ruining an existing xp installation  on a duel boot drive, in virtual box ose, wile running ubuntu? i have already installed virtual box03:20
VarthDr_willis_: It won't launch03:20
VarthDr_willis_: I had a working deb of it a while ago, but reinstalled and can't find it now.03:20
eseven73nosa-jj>> that's not possible03:20
nosa-jjbut whats installed useing virtual box druing an install is the same as the files that are currently installed right?03:21
nosa-jjoh intresting03:22
VarthDr_willis_: From what I've gathered from boards and stuff, the version in the repos was compiled wrong or something.03:22
eseven73Vbox makes its own files03:22
LaBlua I'm trying to upgrade this laptop from feisty to gutsy, using the update manager gui, and it appears to be hanging at the "Installing the upgrades" step. Nothing is displaying in the terminal, and none of the logs in /var/log/dist-upgrade/ have been updated in over 42 minutes. I tried stopping and restarting with the same results.03:22
jensorI need help with samba smb client - My linux box can't access my xp box shared files (it used to before I tried to get my xp box to see the linux box files)03:22
eseven73nosa-jj>> unless you have the .vdi file03:22
dborelcould anyone help me figure out how to install the wrath x-pac for WoW? I hv been trying for the past few days, finally figured out how to manually mount the disk, but I get the same prob I do when I try to download it from the client, which it wont let me choose agree on the terms b4 I can install, i hv been trying to get this going ever since my windows crashed a few days ago, and am very new to Ubuntu.03:22
dexiHey. All my amarok icons are showing up as a piece of lined paper...03:22
eseven73if ytou have the .VDI file then yes, you can use that03:22
nosa-jjhow do i make that is ther some app?03:23
Dr_willis_Varth,  run it from a terminal and look for error messages :() it seems its trying to read a incorrect /dev/ entry  not sure why03:23
churlmdg: so this nm-applet buisness is a known bug, im here to find if anyone can tell me if there's a fix for it yet :)03:23
Dante1231hey how come "screen and graphics" won't open up on Ubuntu 8.10 (upgraded from 8.04)03:23
VarthDr_willis_: PM sent.03:23
eseven73nosa-jj>> virtualbox-ose can, you then use a windows xp disk or windows xp .iso to create the xp virtually03:23
vengerjensor, can you see the share with smbclient -L <xp hostname> ? (press enter for password)03:24
nosa-jjthe xp .iso from the disk?03:24
eseven73nosa-jj>> you neede either the CD of xp, or the .iso of xp03:24
aoeukkHi there ubuntu! Is there a way to change a date in a header of your e-mail, so the receiving side would see that it came earlier? (forgot to write my father a New Year congratulation, so would like to make it 12.31.2008 not to upset him =))03:24
=== baja is now known as hijau
nosa-jjok eseven73 i was just checking to see if i need to use my cd well ill check it out sounds like it will work03:25
LaBluakerri: Might I recommend you pay for support, then you can get peoples attention to fix your problem despite the fact you are not giving a meaningful description of th eproblem.03:25
ltgganyone out there help me with a drive crash? cannot mount    see  http://paste.ubuntu.com/97295/03:25
eseven73nosa-jj>> good luck :)03:25
nosa-jjthanks for the help03:25
Dr_willis_Varth,  looks like its got a BUffer Overflow.. bummer.. nasty bug.  Perhaps the forums, or ppa repos have a newer/fixed version03:25
jensorvenger,  Describne hostname for me03:25
=== hijau is now known as obskuriti
Dr_willis_!find snes03:26
ubottuFound: zsnes, gsnes9x, snes9express, snes9x-x03:26
vengerjensor, what the computer name is for the XP computer that is sharing the files03:26
werLd-ltgg: read about placing hard drive in the freezer for a few hrs03:26
VarthDr_willis_: I had a deb for it that I used for Intrepid, but I just installed Mint 6 and can't find the deb any more.03:26
SvenstaroHow would I test a network interface for bit errors?03:26
VarthSame error between distros though.03:26
dexiCan anyone help me with icons not showing right in Amarok?03:26
werLd-svenstaro: netcat, wireshark perhaps ?03:27
aleksN^Doesn't look like I'm able to update my ubuntu 7.04, so I'll just format and install 8.10 tomorrow. How do I copy or transfer files from my linux server to my winxp server? Using putty to connect my linux server03:27
progre55hey, can someone please help me out? my dmesg has been showing some exceptions as "[16664.696695] __ratelimit: 107 callbacks suppressed" and "[16664.696710] not enough headroom [12] for radiotap head [25]". what would that mean?03:27
mnAnytime I want to open a file in Nautilus, I have to right click and select to open, I can't just double click.  What is the problem?03:27
SvenstarowerLd-, nc I can understand, how would wireshark help me though?03:27
werLd-there might be a built in network tester on there, not sure, sorry03:28
KineticOK so I just went to screen reolution to look at available options and it now only lets me resize my dispplay to 1400x1050 at 51 hz..What the heck. I cant seem to figure out how to get my "normal choices" for screen res/Freq back. ANy ideas03:28
ltggwerLd: are you serious or pulling a newbies leg?03:28
eseven73aleksN^>> you should be able to use sftp if you have openssh-server then on win xp use filezilla to grab the files from the ubuntu box03:28
Y-Townhow do i change the sub net mask?03:29
umpchow do i fix locales? with this error03:29
mnAnytime I want to open a file in Nautilus, I have to right click and select to open, I can't just double click.  What is the problem?03:29
perfectshappy new year03:29
eseven73mn have you tried thunar?03:29
eseven73i find Nautilus a bit porky on the resources03:30
mneseven73:  no, but nautilus used to work03:30
jensorvenger   Yes I do get a list of items but don't see the XP shared folder "My Documents"03:30
Chicanohi everyone is there a way to deleting the second desktop?03:30
churlanybody use FIRENES?03:30
churlthe nes firefox add-on03:30
Y-Townhow do i chane my subnet mask?03:30
mnChicano: Kind of03:30
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.03:31
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werLd-Kinetic: are you able to add/edit video screen entires in /etc/X11/xorg.conf?03:31
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Mr_Bunny_Y-Town: System>Preferences>Network Configuration03:31
dkulchenkoi wrote a shell script that launches a GUI program. (has executable bit set) the script runs fine from the command line, but does not work no matter what I try when I try to double-click it in Nautilus or on the desktop. what could be the problem?03:32
ltggany Linux guru out there willing to private chat to help a newbie recover my drive? Really want to avoid a reformat if possible or at least recover some files.03:32
Mr_Bunny_I'm trying to use pulseaudio to play songs simultaneously. I have it to the point that the client machine's pulseaudio playback meter moves with the output, yet the sound isn't playing on the client. Any ideas?03:32
skoozis there a way to increase the time for the boot selector03:32
werLd-ltgg: did you think i was kidding about putting the hard drive in the freezer?03:32
[aaron]whats the command for the kde control panel?03:32
ltggwerLd: were you not?03:33
derenrichwerLd-: that's an urban legend03:33
werLd-no its not03:33
dkulchenkoskooz: sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst, change timeout=4, or whatever to whatever you want03:33
werLd-its NOt a urban legend03:33
dkulchenkoskooz: (in seconds)03:33
=== MadMax is now known as Guest89225
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sftp03:33
skoozthank u dk03:33
jensor> venger   Yes I do get a list of items but don't see the XP shared folder "My Documents" My xp's name is jj-nu03:33
KineticwerLd-: Well I assume so, how would I do that?  Right now im in my Nvidia gui and there are far more options for resolution available than what was given to me by System-->Pref--> scr res03:33
werLd-ltgg: read about that, some people can get 30 mins to 4 hrs of their hard drive, enough to copy off the data03:34
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derenrichwerLd-: http://www.tgdaily.com/content/view/33305/135/03:34
Cpudan80How do I check if 3D accel is enabled?03:34
Cpudan80some command and grep for direct03:35
ltggwerLd: drive was working fine until I tried installing a graphics card.03:35
Cpudan80but I forget what that command is03:35
fosco_Cpudan80: glxingo | grep -i render03:35
vengerjensor, permissions set to everyone ?  do you know how to use pastebin (in topic) to show the smbclient output?03:35
werLd-ltgg: then the drive probably isnt the issue03:35
ltggwerLd: see    http://paste.ubuntu.com/97295/03:36
neerhi guys03:36
churlhi there!03:36
jensorvenger.  No not familiar with pastebin  - I think I may have used it a long time ago03:36
eseven73fosco_>> i get command not found with that03:37
werLd-ltgg: that doesnt help me, so ubuntu was working fine, and then you installed a new graphics card and now the drive wont read? is this the boot drive?03:37
fosco_glxinfo | grep -i render03:37
jensorvenger>  brief me on pastebin03:38
ltggwerLd: yes the boot drive, which I cannot mount or reinstall GRUB on.03:38
Dante123I need help.  I have an Acer 19 monitor and my kids screwed up the resolution....I got it fixed, but now the nvidia setting gui app doesn't detect the monitor as an Acer LCD (but thinks it is crt).  Another ubuntu machine with the same monitor....shows up correctly.  Please tell me how to reset or set the monitor as the right one on this pc...otherwise I dont get all of the resolutions I should or like the other pc gets.03:38
werLd-Kinetic: you can open up a shell, and run 'vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf', but I would 'cp -p xorg.conf xorg.bak' beforehand03:38
vengerjensor, you go here http://paste.ubuntu.com, paste output, submit, then paste the URL in the channel03:38
neeranyone knows how to connect to internet through windows03:38
eseven73fosco_>> is glxinfo not in the repos? it wont even let me install glxinfo03:38
neerI mean ubuntu03:39
jensorvenger I will post the output on pastebin03:39
DoonzAllo allo03:39
vengeri'm sure ubottu could have said it better03:39
Dr_willis_!find glxinfo03:39
ubottuFile glxinfo found in libgtkglext1-dev, mesa-utils, mesademos, xmanpages-ja03:39
whyameyeDante123: is the other machine with the correct monitor finding etc. identical to the machine with the troubles?03:39
fosco_eseven73: glxinfo is part of the mesa-utils package03:39
LaBlua I'm trying to upgrade this laptop from feisty to gutsy, using the update manager gui, and it appears to be hanging at the "Installing the upgrades" step. Nothing is displaying in the terminal, and none of the logs in /var/log/dist-upgrade/ have been updated in over 42 minutes. I tried stopping and restarting with the same results.03:39
eseven73ah ok ty03:39
neerwell my friend is using windows (adsl) to connect to internet...I want to connect to internet through his computer...using ubuntu03:39
werLd-Dante: check /etc/X11/xorg.conf and see how the Screen section is configure on the correctly working ubuntu server03:39
DoonzHey is it possible to set up a ubuntu server to act as a router/firewall for the rest of my network?03:39
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werLd-Doonz: yes, its called ipchains03:40
neeranyone has any clue?03:40
whyameyeDoonz: firestarter could do that for you.03:40
Chris_ChaseHelp please! My computer detects my network card, but I cant connect to the internet.03:40
Dante123whyameye very similar but the point is that THIS PC did at one time detect the new monitor the same as the other pc...but after my kid screwed up resolution and I had to use recoevery mode to reconfigure x....well now it thinks this monitor is crt03:40
werLd-Doonz, im sorry ipchains is old, new one is called iptables03:40
Doonzok what would be the easiest way to do it03:40
* Doonz is very new with linux03:41
R0b0t1How might I test my built-in microphone on an iMac?03:41
werLd-doonz: go to google. howto iptables03:41
whyameyewerLd-: why not firestarter? It's super easy.03:41
npopeDante123: have you restarted X yet?  That always fixes the problem for me03:41
DoonzwerLd-: or firestarter?03:41
Dante123werLd- should't it autodetect the correct monitor if it did before (I even uninstalled nvidia driver then reinstalled it- same problem)  Is there not a way to force autodetection again03:41
neerDante 12303:41
Dante123just ctr-alt-backspace npope ???03:42
Roumsneer just connect to him using him as the getaway and for him network properties advanced : allow user to connect...03:42
npopeDante123: yes03:42
skoozubuntu rocks!!03:42
R0b0t1How might I test my built-in microphone on an iMac? I've not found any software that'd use it.03:43
Dante123npope, I will try that...but rebooted a couple of times and that didnt help....would't ctrl-alt-bkspace do the same thing???03:43
werLd-Dante: guis and auto stuff will most likely just modify xorg.conf anyway, your probably better off pulling it out of the working config, but do what u want03:43
neerRoums: I want to connect in wireless mode03:43
werLd-Dante: cntl alt backspace just restarts the X server03:43
werLd-the X server reads off the xorg.conf file03:43
npopeDante123: if the reboot does not help then restarting X wont have an effect.03:43
werLd-so unless you change that file, its not going to do much03:43
Dante123werLd it's not so much do what I want...but do what I can.....editing x config files gives me the heebie jeebies03:43
Roumsneer you won't be able to do it i guess, unless you made an ad hoc connection between your 2 computers, and he should not be connecter to adsl with wireless03:43
werLd-Dante123: make a backup, cp -p xorg.conf xorg.bak03:44
werLd-then you can modify xorg.conf at will03:44
whyameyeDante123: I was going to suggest before that if the machines are practically identical you could try copying the xorg.conf file from the working one and try it on the broken one.03:44
Dante123npope exactly, so what other options are there03:44
jensorvenger   http://pastebin.com/d737394cd03:44
Dante123whyameye might try that....03:44
VarthDr_willis_: I finally found a working .deb: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/18358430/zsnes_1.510b-1%7Etimo2_i386.deb03:44
werLd-dante: if  you dont want to modify, use more, cat, less to display the working xorg.conf file03:44
whyameyeDante123: take werLd-'s advice tho about a backup.03:45
SkinnYPupCan some recomend me a pci wireless card that works with ubuntu with little to no hassle?03:45
The_Rebelwhat a good terminal emulator for those of use without gnome/kde?03:45
vengerjensor, so you didn't share it as "SharedDocs" ?03:45
czer323terminator ?03:45
The_Rebelxterm won't start on my box for some reason03:45
Dante123whyameye npope werLd-  what I can't understand is why it cant just autodetect or reset the monitor ....through gui...is there no way to set monitor via gui03:45
neerRoums: he is connected with cable to dsl modem03:46
jensorvenger  no03:46
eseven73I use Terminal on xubuntu and Icewm03:46
neerRoums: but I want to connect with him in wireless mode03:46
The_Rebeleseven73.. what package provides it?03:46
omny_devianyone ever install wine on a 64bit OS using the wiki?03:46
npopeDante123: make sure the connection is correctly seated in the back of the computer and the monitor.03:46
werLd-Dante123: priv msg me with this info from both machines: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:46
eseven73The_Rebel>> I think it came with Ubuntu or xubuntu not sure , one of those03:47
Roumsneer if he has a wireless card you can, you have to setup an ad hoc connection03:47
eseven73!info Terminal03:47
ubottuPackage Terminal does not exist in intrepid03:47
The_Rebelyour pbly using gnome-terminal then03:47
The_Rebeli don't want gnome crap on my server.03:47
werLd-The_Rebel: sometimes xterm wont launch for simple reasons like the hostname not being defined, i would go to google "ubuntu xterm wont launch"03:47
The_Rebelterminator is fine.03:47
eseven73hmm it just says "Terminal" in Help>About03:47
jnjackinshow do I turn on colour coding of files and directories in the terminal?03:48
The_Rebells --color03:48
eseven73Terminal 0.2.803:48
The_Rebells -C03:48
neerRoums: I tried that..wireless network connects but no internet03:48
Dante123http://pastebin.ca/1298034 is config from this pc03:48
kholerabbion I'm installing a game on wine and I can't put the second disc in because I can't unmount/eject the first cd.. So WHY do I get an error saying I can't unmount cd (wine maybe??) and HOW do I unmount it anyway?03:48
vengerjensor, the only thing i can think of is something to do with perm.. there is an account named jack on the Xp box?03:48
jnjackinshow can I create an alias so ls always uses color?03:48
The_Rebelcreate an alias in your .bashrc file jnjackins03:49
eseven73The_Rebel>> what wm you using?03:49
Roumsneer then he has to make a bridge between cable (rj 45) connection and wireless connection03:49
The_RebelLXDE, eseven73.03:49
Dante123should I try sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg03:49
eseven73nice i have that too03:49
jensorvenger  I used to be able to access it like it is currently shared, however when I tried to set up things so that the xp box could access the linux box files somenthing happened and now the linux box can't see the xp box03:49
eseven73i have like 14 wm's03:49
jnjackinsThe_Rebel: .bashrc doesn't exist-- create it?03:49
The_Rebeljnjackins echo "alias ls ls -C" >> $HOME/.bashrc03:50
jnjackinsthank you03:50
werLd-kholerabbi: in wine, you can set certain drives to be seen so you can run the installs from a iso image/directory if you are having issues03:50
Roumseseven73 so you know a lot about wm, maybe you could help me with compiz messing with gnome (at least, it what i think :)03:51
kholerabbiwerLd-: OK I guess I'll do that thanks.03:51
skoozwhat is a good way to learn about the terminal03:51
werLd-compiz is a big program that does very little except mess up displays for lifetime03:51
eseven73i dont know much bout compiz Roums im more of a Minimalistic person really, i dont need eyecandy for the things i do03:51
m00tskooz: man bash03:51
The_Rebelwhat problems are you having Roums03:52
werLd-im with eseven73 on compiz being too much eyecandy for too much work03:52
The_Rebeli know a bit about compiz03:52
m00tskooz: and the terminal help03:52
The_Rebelgnome and compiz is usual pretty stable/bug free03:52
m00tskooz: inside the terminal you can issue man bash to see the bash manual03:52
The_Rebelat least compared to KDE.03:52
skoozboy im a newbie03:53
werLd-compiz doesnt add anything very useful tho, aside from looking cool03:53
skoozjust type man bash in terminal03:53
eseven73the coolness wears off fast03:53
m00tskooz: bash is the command line interpretor03:53
Roumseseven73 i don't really it too but I wanted to try some "cool features" to make my own opinion of it, and it screwed up all my config i guess :)03:54
SkinnYPupCan some recomend me a pci wireless card that works with ubuntu with little to no hassle?03:54
The_Rebeli wish i could get compiz + xinerama + XV to work without tearing on my HDTV.03:54
perfectsnoob here, when i tried to install live cd of ubuntu, it is not recognising my ethernet cards, what shpuld i do ?03:54
fosco_SkinnYPup: any SMC manufacturer with Atheros chipset03:54
vengerjensor, try smbclient -U knownuser -P knownpassword -L jj-nu  (replace known*)03:54
dotslashSkinnYPup: There is a list available online.03:54
skoozwow got a lot to learn03:54
omny_devicompiz is awesome for managing vm's :D03:54
=== carlos is now known as Guest15170
omny_devianyone ever use wine on a 64bit ubuntu?03:55
Mr_Bunny_Turns out I understood it backward. I thought that if I set the sink on one machine to the network device, then played stuff on the network device machine, the other machine would play it too. I see now that the opposite is true - if I play stuff on the first machine set to use the network sink, it comes out of the network sink. How can I use the network sink and local sound card simultaneously?03:55
Roumsmhmm i saw some nice themes using compiz and 3D03:55
Mr_Bunny_omny_devi: me, it works just fine.03:55
scunizi_omny_devi: how do you use conpiz to manage vm's.. doesn't make sense to me.03:55
m00tskooz: what are you looking for?03:55
omny_deviMr_Bunny...I am on the wiki. What is the wine tree?03:55
anthonywhen I attempt an sudo apt-get update I recieve an error message "ubuntu servers unreachable"  can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?03:55
eseven73scunizi_>> was wondering the same03:55
Mr_Bunny_anthony: what servers are you set to use under software sources?03:56
The_Rebelanthony, can you surf the internet?03:56
skoozoh nothing but everything03:56
omny_devimiddle mouse to just quickly and easily go to all my vm's. much better than having a lot of minimized windows, and i get them all in full screen03:56
werLd-he probably means using the virtual desktops, but doesnt realize thats already built in03:56
anthonynot sure how to surf from a command line ubuntu server03:56
omny_devivmware is better :p03:56
werLd-omny: you dont need compiz to do that03:56
anthonysorry, should have said that from the beginning03:56
Mr_Bunny_omny_devi: the wine tree? sounds like the collection of wine code. why?03:56
mdganthony:  use links -g03:56
omny_deviright now i just want wine to work so i can play my copy of cod403:56
SkinnYPupfosco_: thanks03:56
krazedAnyone know any good apps that'll put system information on your desktop in plain text? Kind of like a cpu dockapp type deal03:56
felipe__is it possible to install ubuntu with a DVD?03:57
anthonyk, let me try that03:57
The_Rebelanthony.. i mean just any browser03:57
ataq_hey can anyone tell me how to get smp on 8.04?03:57
scunizi_eseven73: maybe because he has the fire plugin and can "burn" the win vm when closing.. :)03:57
The_Rebel< my name is Anthony btw.03:57
omny_devi@Mr_Bunny, on the wiki it says "You can make these links in a temporary folder within the wine tree. "03:57
Chris_ChaseDoes anybody know how to figure out whats wrong with a Ethernet card?03:57
omny_devifollowed by about 40 links that need to be made, i just dont know what the wine tree is, heh03:57
Mr_Bunny_omny_devi: you're compiling from source? why bother?03:57
The_Rebelwhat problems are you having with the card Chris_Chase?03:58
m00tkrazed: conky03:58
omny_devi@Mr_Bunny - I want call of duty 4 to work on it03:58
Mr_Bunny_omny_devi: that means within the wine source code directory you decompressed03:58
Mr_Bunny_omny_devi: you're compiling git or something?03:58
anthonyisn't there a way to fetch a webpage from the CLI?03:58
Chris_ChaseThe_Rebel, my computer detects it but I am unable to connect to the internet03:58
omny_deviI just did a sudo apt-get build-dep wine03:58
dotslashhmm, are there any actual pro's to using ubuntu6403:58
omny_deviso far03:58
Mr_Bunny_omni_devi: in terminal cd to the wine source directory03:59
krazedm00t: ty03:59
scunizi_anthony: you want to display it like FF?  use w3m or elinks.. there's lots more too.03:59
omny_devihttp://wiki.winehq.org/WineOn64bit#head-c47d9e53f952c5b6260467e0dc158321229216de is the link I am getting my instructions from03:59
mdganthony, do you know what text web browser is installed?03:59
anthonyno, I do not03:59
anthonyI'll try anything03:59
Mr_Bunny_anthony: lynx03:59
anthonyit's not installed03:59
omny_devi@Mr_Bunny - if you do a build where is the location it puts it?03:59
anthonytried that03:59
exodus_msChris_Chase: if you are experiencing networking issues this link will provide some basic troubleshooting howto;s --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2555703:59
omny_deviis there a default?03:59
felipe__ubuntu in a dvd?03:59
Chris_Chasethank you exodus_ms :)03:59
felipe__is it possible to install ubuntu with a DVD?03:59
Mr_Bunny_omny_devi: so have you already compiled, then?03:59
anthony& I can't install it03:59
scunizi_anthony: sudo apt-get install lynx or elinks or whatever cli browser there is.03:59
werLd-ataq: you can recompile the kernel with SMP support or perhaps load a module for SMP03:59
werLd-felipe_: yes they have DVD ISO's04:00
whyameyeDante123: did you try system -> admin -> nvidia X server settings? There's an auto for resolution and refresh there.04:00
anthonyI'll try again, but any install I atttempt errors out on me04:00
quizmeis /usr/local/bin deprecated on ubuntu ?04:00
mdganthony:  sudo apt-get install links204:00
scunizi_anthony: use all lower case04:00
omny_devi@Mr_Bunny - Negative. Just did that build-dep and that is it so far. Before I can compile I need to make a lot of links so the compile doesn't fail. But it said to make the links in the wine tree, which I have no idea what that is04:00
eseven73anthony>> wget http://filez/file.zip  if you just want to pull files off a website04:00
mylistohey all04:00
anthonylet me try that eseven7304:00
mylistoI'm trying to use Brasero to make a dvd04:00
felipe__werld: but can I record a CD iso to a DVD and make it work?04:00
mylistoI've got a video_ts folder...04:00
mylistoHow do I use the video_ts folder in Brasero?04:01
eseven73!enter >> mylisto04:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about enter >04:01
eseven73!enter | mylisto04:01
* rebel_kid blinks04:01
ubottumylisto: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:01
mdganthony, you will still need a browser to view them in04:01
Mr_Bunny_omni_devi: Right. In terminal, cd to the root of the wine source that you extracted. run pwd, and replace the 'pwd' in the block of link commands with the output. run it.04:01
mylistowhat is !enter04:01
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots04:01
eseven73read that04:01
anthonyusing a wget I receive a "network unreachable"04:01
anthonylike my gw is not installed04:01
Mr_Bunny_anthony: then how are you chatting with us?04:01
exodus_msmylisto: its that key you keep pressing04:01
anthonywhen I do a route04:01
omny_devi@Mr-Bunny - Thanks! On it :D04:02
mylistoah ok...04:02
anthonyI'm on a different computer rlogin to my newly installed server04:02
Mr_Bunny_how do I create a virtual pulseaudio device to output to a network sink and the local sound card simultaneously?04:02
anthonyI'm trying my best to learn04:02
mylistoJust wondering if anyone knows how to burn a video dvd using the video_ts folder in Brasero?04:02
exodus_msmylisto: try to keep as much as possible on one line, it helps the folks in the channel better track the questions you are asking04:02
mdganthony, most of us are learning right along with you.04:03
anthonybut, you can only bang your head against the wall so much04:03
scunizi_mylisto: install k3b .. it's much easier and more reliable.04:03
anthonythanks mdg....that makes me feel better04:03
mdgI just downloaded a command line Ubuntu distro called INX - all command line with tutorials for the basics04:03
Mr_Bunny_anthony: is your server using dhcp? static ip?04:03
anthonyewww...I like that04:03
Mr_Bunny_anthony: what is the output of cat /etc/network/interfaces ?04:03
anthonylet me check04:03
scunizi_mylisto: sudo apt-get install k3b04:03
jensorvenger -  see http://pastebin.com/d518380c704:04
vengerMr_Bunny_, ask in #pulseaudio04:04
Mr_Bunny_venger: I am04:04
anthonyis there a way to paste that info here?04:04
mylistocan k3b do video dvds?04:04
mnNautilus won't let me double click to open a folder.  I have to right click and select to open it.  How do I fix this?04:04
scunizi_mylisto: yes..04:04
Mr_Bunny_venger: the only one who has joined/left that channel is you, so I hadn't re-asked.04:04
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)04:04
eseven73!pastebinit | anthony this might be easier04:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pastebinit04:04
The_Rebelwhat's a good GUI browser with few deps?04:04
mylistothanks scunizi_:04:04
scunizi_mylisto: it's actually a kde app but it's the defacto standard04:05
anthonygot it...hang on04:05
sp00f3rim learning C++, but i need a compiler to use with ubuntu i just installed ubuntu, any suggestion?04:05
exodus_msThe_Rebel: have you tried lynx04:05
The_Rebelgcc sp00f3r04:05
mnsp00f3r: gcc04:05
The_RebelGUI browser04:05
mnsp00f3r: A good IDE is Kdevelop04:05
sp00f3reven better thank you MN04:05
anthonywow! that's cool....    http://paste.ubuntu.com/98032/04:06
mnyw sp00f3r04:06
mylistohmm...not downloading the packages for some reason04:06
exodus_msThe_Rebel: I know, but lynx is veeery minimalistic :)04:06
stovicekThe_Rebel, have you tried Dillo?04:06
sp00f3rwill i be able to install it with the package manager ?04:06
mylistonever mind...just started :D04:06
anthonyhey, what was that distro dmg?  INX?04:06
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)04:07
The_Rebelinstalling it no stovicek04:07
mr-richok ... I admit it ... I don't like change ... but it's time to upgrade ... I've been on FC5 for a year now and I need to upgrade ... FC changes too fast and at times is too unstable ... is it possible to upgrade to (k/g/x/?)ubuntu as painlessly?04:07
sp00f3rmnthatnkx for the help04:07
The_Rebellooks like it doesn't support CSS04:08
The_Rebelwhich means it's worthless.04:08
scunizi_mr-rich: you might be able to do it pretty painlessly if your /home is on a separate partition.. just do a fresh install and don't format /home04:08
The_Rebelfor viewing anything but pure HTML anyways..04:08
mdganthony:  INX04:08
anthonythanks mdg...I need to look at that04:08
=== exodus is now known as exodus_ms
ubottuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.04:09
omny_devi@Mr_Bunny - Thanks, you are a scholar and a gentleman, the links worked flawlessly. Thank you :)04:09
mdganthony, its a live cd04:09
omny_devibeen trying to get this for about 3 days now04:09
anthonymdg thanks...04:09
The_Rebeltab complete is for more then just IRC04:09
anthonymdg, I'll try that04:09
mdganthony, your welcome :)04:09
The_Rebelit works with any program compiled with tab complete support as well04:09
vengerjensor, you think you had ran something that mucked up that secret's file?  i' haven't ran into a user related access on that file and it don't have to exist to use smbclient04:10
mr-richscunizi_: /home is a seprate partition ... the main reason I want to upgrade is the latest OO won't upgrade from 2.3 on FC5 ... I may want to add some memory to my box before I upgrade, though ...04:10
exodus_mswhat is the /set command to underline registered nicks?04:10
walt_Is there a goo way to not make ubuntu intrepid kill applications uncleanly?04:10
anthonyMr_Bunny_, was that link good?04:11
=== walt_ is now known as walt
scunizi_mr-rich: you might want to wait until this next april when Jaunty comes out.  That will have Oo 3.x installed from the get-go I think.04:11
Mr_Bunny_anthony: yup, you're dhcp. what about sudo ifconfig ?04:11
anthonyMr_Bunny_, let me get that04:11
mr-richscunizi_: Jaunty == 9.0?04:11
anthonyMr_Bunny_, wait, sudo ifconfig?  that just changes my IP, no?04:12
jensorvenger,  Not that I know of. I can do a paste of the smb.conf to pastebin if that would help.04:12
scunizi_mr-rich: Jaunty = 9.04.. first number is the year the next is the month04:12
Mr_Bunny_anthony: no, it prints out connection information, I think04:12
anthonyMr_Bunny_, aahhh...ok....04:12
scunizi_mr-rich: 6 months between releases and 3 years between LTS releases04:13
vengerjensor, why dont you temporaily rename the smb.conf and possibly secrets.tdb since we are troubleshooting access from this server to another for the time being04:13
mr-richScunizi: aha ... interesting version scheme ... will 9.04 be an LTS release?04:13
eseven733 years? i heard 204:13
vengerjensor, and stop the smb daemon temporarily04:13
scunizi_mr-rich: no 8.04 was LTS..04:13
anthonyMr_Bunny_, pasted again....  http://paste.ubuntu.com/98034/04:14
scunizi_mr-rich: most releases are timed to come out after the latest gnome release.. doesn't always work out that way but the attempt is there.04:14
jensorVenger, Okay, I'll let you know when tahts done04:15
mr-richscunizi_: will OO 3.x be available for older releases?04:15
vengerjensor, if you git things fixed then we can paste the smb.conf and what not to see if some setting is affecting expected functionality04:15
mr-richscunizi_: and does the Ubuntu team prefer Gnome over KDE?04:16
TeknoAmd or Intel04:16
eseven73!best | Tekno04:16
ubottuTekno: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.04:16
scunizi_mr-rich: occationally they will backport some of the newer packages of the most used programs but you can never bet on it.  They are gnome oriented but there is a kde branch04:16
mizery_LaBlua / gaelfx: I found in /etc/default/console-setup that XKBVARIANT="dvorak-r"  What is yours set to?  qwerty?04:17
eseven73voting is a no no here Tekno :)04:17
Fahadhi every body04:17
Chris_Chaseexodus_ms, that tut taught me a couple commands and what they do but it did nothing to help me resolve me problem :(04:17
bullgard4Id like to find all sockets on my Ubuntu computer. But '~$ find / -type s "*" 2>/dev/null' does not produce any output. What did I wrong?04:17
exodus_msChris_Chase: cool, what is the problem?04:17
Chris_Chasewell my computer detects the modem but i cant connect to the interenet. exodus_ms04:18
Chris_Chasei mean it detects the network card04:18
exodus_msChris_Chase: what have you tried so far?04:18
fabioguys, do u know what irc command can i use to get a list of all the channels?04:18
Mr_Bunny_anthony: okay... you have an ip... can you ping your router or something else on LAN?04:18
mr-richscunizi_: is the KDE branch well supported? I used to prefer Gnome, but it became harder to configure w/o editing config files, so I switched over to KDE ...04:19
etherealityI'm attempting to write to a file on my Windows partition, which I think is NTFS. I can write to certain files but not others, but there appears to be no difference in the permissions of the files; "ls -l" shows both a writeable and unwriteable file as "-rwxrwxrwx 2 root root". Any help would be greatly appreciated. Does this error make sense?04:19
anthonyMr_Bunny_, yes, I can ping everything inside my network04:19
FahadI have prob. with blue video screen . the pic. running but the color blue . ny help blz04:19
ukubuntuHi, mp3 playback gone in past month, totem stops only on mp3, VLC visualisations play but no sound un and reinstalled ubu restricted but no joy04:19
exodus_msChris_Chase: is this wired or wifi?04:19
werLd-fabio: /list04:19
Chris_Chasewell ive been all over forums and such, and i wouldnt really know what ive tried cuz this is actually my first day with Ubuntu, and its wired exodus_ms04:19
anthonyMr_Bunny_, it makes me think it has something to do with DNS04:19
fabiothanks werLD04:19
Mr_Bunny_anthony: any chance that your router is restricting outside access for that machine? have you tried pinging IPs on the internet?04:19
anthonyMr_Bunny_, am I chatting to you correctly?04:19
Mr_Bunny_anthony, yes04:20
exodus_msChris_Chase: which version of buntu04:20
Chris_Chasethe latest desktop version04:20
werLd-ethereality: yes, you need to install a ntfs tool04:20
FahadI have prob. with blue video screen . the pic. running but the color blue . any help blz04:20
anthonyMr_Bunny_, yes, I have tried to ping from my server...should I put it on my DMZ?04:20
FahadI have prob. with blue video screen . the pic. running but the color blue . ny help plz04:20
scunizi_mr-rich: it is.. it's called kubuntu.  but there is a transition from kde 3.5.x to 4.x.x which is pretty huge.. typically kubuntu and ubuntu have their LTS release at the same time. Because of the kde transititon this last time they didn't.04:20
eseven73mr-rich>> at the end of the day any window manager is gonna need some sort of editing of config files, even the fancy pretty ones like KDE04:20
exodus_msChris_Chase: you were asking before how to know if a nic aas gone bad? This card worked before you installed ubuntu?04:20
mizery_Where can I find a reference to acceptable or standard values for XKBVARIANT in /etc/default/console-setup?04:21
werLd-ethereality: try installing ntfs-config04:21
Chris_Chaseexodus_ms: yes it worked before, and im using 8.04 LTS04:21
FahadI have prob. with blue video screen . the pic. running but the color blue . any help plz04:21
deniz_is there a website that has wireless card drivers in .deb format?04:21
mylistoscunizi_: I got an error when trying to burn a dvd04:21
Mr_Bunny_anthony: that shouldn't be necessary04:21
mizery_I see many posts in forums referring to "mac" but the system is not a mac04:22
Mr_Bunny_anthony: no reason to04:22
mylistogot a write error04:22
exodus_msChris_Chase: ok, so it is not 8.10, cool04:22
jtajibullgard4: if you drop the stderr redirection you'll see you're getting an error from find04:22
Mr_Bunny_anthony: might as well try it though04:22
Tapouthow do you handle a lockup?  Samba still works, sshd works, only thing locked up is the GUI.04:22
anthonyMr_Bunny_, will do04:22
jtajibullgard4: try 'find / -types'04:22
scunizi_mylisto: use the slowest speed you can.04:22
earthmeLonAnybody here have an HP Pavillion DV9000?  I am *PRETTY* sure that bluetooth is supposed to work "out of the box", but hcitool dev is not displaying any devices.04:22
jtajibullgard4: sorry... 'find / -type s'04:22
mylistowill that prevent it?04:22
mylistoalso should I do a 'test run' first?04:22
scunizi_Tapout: ctrl+alt+backspace restarts the gui04:22
mdgTapout, kill X and restart it04:22
FahadI have prob. with blue video screen . the pic. running but the color blue . any help plz04:23
nickrudTapout, easiest is to ssh in and run sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart04:23
ukubuntuany cli cmd to check mp3 playback?04:23
scunizi_mylisto: don't know if that will prevent it or not.. doing a test run first might keep you from ruining dvd's04:23
Tapoutcntl+alt+backspace is ignored, trying to gdm restart04:23
Mr_Bunny_ukubuntu: vlc plays mp3s, try that04:23
exodus_msChris_Chase: did you Go to Sytem > Adminstration > Network, choose your connection, then click on Properties, and change the configuration to Automatic?04:23
FahadI need help plzzzzzzzzzzz04:23
FahadI have prob. with blue video screen . the pic. running but the color blue . any help plz04:24
TeknoI'm using openbox. Now how do I make ctrl+alt+del to shutdown system?04:24
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience04:24
ukubuntuvlc shows visu but no sound Mr_Bunny_04:24
FahadI feel sad with ur reply04:25
Tapoutnickrud, funny thing is... I ran that, it restarted.. yet the screen is still frozen04:25
TeknoI'm using openbox ubuntu.. how do I make ctrl+alt+del to shutdown system?04:25
eseven73Tekno>> i think openbox has some sort of .keys file......04:25
mylistohey scunizi_: and scunizi: I'm pasting the output04:25
Chris_Chaseexodus_ms: still nothing04:25
waltCan I not hibernate ubuntu without a dedicated swap partition=04:25
scunizi_Tekno: ctrl+alt+del doesn't shutdown the system.. ctrl+alt+backspace restarts the gui or you can ctrl+alt+F2 and log in and type sudo shutdown now or sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart04:25
mdgFahad, had the screen been all right before?04:25
nickrudTapout, heh. try sudo killall X04:25
jtajiwalt: correct04:25
exodus_msChris_Chase: do you have a router?04:25
eseven73Tekno>> most likely you're gonna have to edit .keys manually, go to openbox's website im sure theres a HOWTO for that04:26
Chris_Chaseexodus_ms: yes04:26
jtajiwalt: and it must be > size of your ram04:26
jackyhi there. ok got ubunto 8.10 booting offa usb fine with unetbootin. struggled dong this with opensuse.04:26
exodus_msChris_Chase: DHCP enabled?04:26
nickrudTapout, change that, sudo killall Xorg04:26
Fahadmdg =   yes04:26
mdgFahad, had you made any changes to the system?04:26
Chris_Chaseexodus_ms: well i have a modem i dotn know if thats the same thing, and how would i check if DHCP is enabled04:26
jackyhow do i determine if the installation contains 'Mono ' ?04:26
mdgFahad, what kind of changes?04:26
Fahadi install 32 bit04:26
exodus_msChris_Chase: the modem is what you recieved04:26
exodus_msChris_Chase: sorry, the modem is what you recieved from your ISP04:27
waltjtaji: I know that. But is it not possible to define a swap file on my primary ubuntu partition?04:27
mr-richscunizi_: KDE needs far less editing ...04:27
Chris_Chaseexodus_ms: my computers connected directly to the modem via Ethernet04:27
jtajiwalt: it must be a partition, not a swap file04:27
jensorvenger i stopped the daemons and renamed smb.conf and secrets.tdb04:27
exodus_msChris_Chase: okay, how are you connected to the Internet right now?04:28
mdgFahad, what package did you have before 32 bit?04:28
mylistohey scunizi_: and scunizi: here is the debugging output...04:28
scunizi_mr-rich: well.. not really..they're about the same.. just depends on what you are doing.04:28
waltjtaji: thanks, that's what I was asking. Not I know04:28
werLd-Chris_Chase: ISP do MAC filtering, so if that was plugged into another comp and working, then u plugged it into another comp04:28
anthonyMr_Bunny_, even putting that ip on the DMZ of my router I still get a network unreachable04:28
bullgard4jtaji: Thank you very much for your help. --  I wish you a happy new year 2009.04:28
anthonyMr_Bunny_, no matter what I do04:28
Fahadi installed 32 bit package and me sys. 64 bit04:28
eseven73Tekno>> yeah most light weight window managers like openbox , fluxbox, icewm, etc use .keys .menu and a few other files like that , theres a few GUI apps that can do that too, but you have to install them.04:28
Chris_Chaseexodus_ms: i am on a seperate computer running windows vista04:28
werLd-you may have to spoof the MAC address in order to pull a IP address from DHCP04:28
Fahadme =my04:28
exodus_msChris_Chase: so you have a router as well?04:28
mdganthony, had you updated the server install?04:28
Chris_Chaseexodus_ms: no its a laptop with wireless04:29
anthonymdg, thats where I got stuck at04:29
Mr_Bunny_anthony: wow, that's confusing04:29
vengerjensor, check if you get visibilitiy of the xp share04:29
anthonymdg, it was that step that led me to this room04:29
exodus_msChris_Chase: understood, but where is the signal coming from, do you have a wireless router?04:29
werLd-Chris_Chase: does your ISP do MAC address filtering?04:29
Mr_Bunny_ukubuntu: try installing the pulseaudio plugin for vlc04:29
anthonyMr_Bunny_, :(04:29
waltIs there any window manager/script I can write/anything that would let me control my startup sequence in detail? As in controling exactly what application starts in what desktop etc.04:30
mdgsounds like you have an apt-sources.list problem or something04:30
Chris_Chaseexodus_ms: my internet comes from my modem, and yes they have mac address filtering04:30
scunizi_mylisto: sorry no idea what any of that means.. someone else will have to help with this one.04:30
mdgor perhaps a GPG key04:30
Mr_Bunny_anthony: I take it you've tried rebooting and sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart ?04:30
Shoadow56I was wondering if anyone could help me with a wireless problem?04:30
anthonymdg,  should I redownload 8.10 ubuntu server and do a fresh install that way?04:30
Fahadmdg u left me :)04:30
mdgFahad, how come you want to use 32 bit on a 64 bit system?04:30
exodus_msChris_Chase: I wasn't the one asking about MAC filtering, but you may need to "add" your ubuntu computer's MAC address so that your ISP will allow a connection for that computer04:30
anthonyMr_Bunny_, let me try that04:30
Fahadby wrong04:30
mylistoscunizi: also...I only get one writing speed04:31
mylistowhich is auto04:31
Chris_Chaseexodus_ms:how do i do that04:31
mdgFahad:  by wrong?04:31
exodus_msChris_Chase: are you using ADSL04:31
werLd-Chris_Chase: plug the cable modem into the working computer, then from cmd line, type: ipconfig /all 2. write down the MAC address 3.) log into your router and manually put the MAC address to be the one you just wrote down 4.) plug the cable modem into the router, it should be able to pull IP from DHCP04:31
Chris_Chaseexodus_ms: im not sure if im using ADSL04:32
Fahadright now I wanna unistall 32 bit and install 42 package . how ?04:32
exodus_mswerLd-: he say he doesnt have a router...04:32
Shoadow56I was wondering if anyone could help me with a wireless problem?04:32
whlcerwo de zui ai04:32
exodus_msChris_Chase: type into your browser04:32
mauruliI can use system encryption with Ubuntu with dual-boot?04:33
scunizi_Chris_Chase: does the modem plug into a telephone jack or does a round tv type cable screw into the back.04:33
mdgFahad, you mean you want to install 64 bit Ubuntu version?04:33
werLd-exodus_ms: then he cannot spoof easily, so he will need to call isp and have new MAC address added so second computer can pull IP04:33
eseven73!english | whlcer04:33
ubottuwhlcer: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat04:33
Chris_Chasescunizi_:the modem plugs into a telephone jack04:33
Chris_Chaseexodus_ms:ok im in the router page04:33
scunizi_Chris_Chase: then it's adsl..04:33
exodus_mswerLd-: correct, but he doesnt even know what a router is, lets see if anything comes up from the ip addr I gave him04:33
Fahadmdg plz read this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76668304:34
exodus_mswerLd-: see, he does have a router, just doesnt know any better04:34
riz0nHi, can someone give me some mail server advice. I have postfix/dovecot and SpamAssassin running on my Ubuntu server. Is there a way to automatically filter all messages flagged as Spam into an IMAP folder? Thanks for any help you guys can provide..04:34
=== _acyd_ is now known as acydlord
vengerjensor, any progress04:34
riz0nI am not sure if my Ubuntu server is set up to *automatically* filter and I'm missing the folder, or what.04:34
exodus_msChris_Chase: what type of router do you have04:35
collangood mornin' :P04:35
anthonyMr_Bunny_, boom chaka laka....that sudo networking restart did the trick...what does that do?04:35
Chris_Chaseexodus_ms:Speedstream 652004:35
riz0nanthony: that restarts TCP/IP on your PC04:35
jtajiriz0n: this is usually done with either procmail or sieve04:36
jtajiriz0n: for the later there is a dovecot sieve plugin04:36
ukubuntuMr_Bunny_:  Thanks for the idea. playing around on tho CLI I did vlc track1.mp3 but that did nothing new, but ittook a long time to close, I then did totem track1.mp3 and it finally worked. It also works double clking in nautilus. Must have been a local glitch. Thank you for trying to help04:36
anthonyI hope I never get banned from this place....I love it here....ty all!04:36
scunizi_exodus_ms: dslreports shows his router is "difficult" to deal with.04:37
ukubuntuMr_Bunny_: I think the CLI flushed the system04:37
exodus_msScunizi: define 'difficult' :)04:38
scunizi_exodus_ms: http://www.dslreports.com/forum/remark,1341536304:38
exodus_msscunizi_: good looking out, tab can be your friend or foe sometimes :)04:39
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
jensorvenger, see http://pastebin.com/d369b9f1404:39
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode04:39
=== anthony is now known as mj0lnr
=== werLd- is now known as werLd
vengerjensor, unknown post id04:40
mj0lnrgood night all...and thank you again04:40
exodus_msChris_Chase: did you get the message from werLd about MAC addresses?04:40
mayankhow to play nexuiz?..i have installed it04:41
Chris_Chaseyes i have done that04:41
jensor venger, Sorry, see http://pastebin.com/d360b9f1404:41
vengerjensor, take that // off the server name when using smbclient04:42
comradekingumayank: Applications>games>nexuiz. GLHF04:42
macohow do i make a unetbootin-created flash drive boot?04:42
Chris_Chaseexodus_ms: yes i did it04:42
exodus_msChris_Chase: you got the MAC address from the computer with Ubuntu installed and added it to the list of Allowed MAC addresses in your router settings?04:42
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore04:42
mayankits has nexioz, nexuiz-pro...which to play?04:42
andresmhanyone here using Gnash?04:43
maco!anyone | andresmh04:43
ubottuandresmh: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?04:43
jackyhow do i determine whether my ubuntu 8.10 intallation contains the 'Mono' runtime? is there some util or folder i look in?04:43
scunizi_andresmh: no.04:43
DiiPhantomwhat program i use to mount isos?04:43
andresmhafter installing Gnash I am still not able to watch Flash videos (i.e. YouTube)04:44
Chris_Chaseexodus_ms: yes04:44
werLdmaco: how else could he ask his question, duh !04:44
exodus_msChris_Chase: did you make any other changes by chance?04:44
andresmhis archive.ubuntu.com down?04:44
Chris_Chaseexodus_ms: none04:44
mayankits has nexioz, nexuiz-pro...which to play?04:44
andresmhafter doing an apt-get I'm stuck with 0% [Connecting to archive.ubuntu.com (]04:45
=== ivantis is now known as not_ivantis
werLdandresmh: try google, how to play youtube on ubuntu04:45
jtajijacky: 'apt-cache policy mono-runtime' or 'aptitude show mono-runtime'04:45
=== not_ivantis is now known as ivantis
exodus_msChris_Chase: is the ISP connection set to PPPoE04:45
mstrzionI am trying to run my update manager and all I get is this error                                                                        E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.04:45
mstrzionE: _cache->open() failed, please report.   I am extremely new to Ubunto and cannot manage to figure this out.  How do I manually run it?04:45
Chris_Chaseexodus_ms: yup04:45
DiiPhantomwhat program can i use to mount ISOs?04:46
maco_mstrzion: open a terminal and run "sudo dpkg --configure -a"04:46
jtaji!iso | DiiPhantom04:46
ubottuDiiPhantom: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.04:46
=== maco_ is now known as maco
exodus_msChris_Chase: ok, give it a shot, log back in here with results04:46
DiiPhantomjtaji, that doesnt help but thanks04:46
jensor venger, see http://pastebin.com/d45e1350904:46
Chris_Chaseexodus_ms: i did test it and it didnt work04:47
mstrzionit says command not found04:47
jtajiDiiPhantom: do you not understand what it is saying?04:47
exodus_msChris_Chase: how did you test, please explain04:47
DiiPhantomjtaji,  of course i do, you didnt understand what i asked for, i said a program not a command04:47
werLdChris_Chase: can you IM me with the problem you are having I only caught some of the issue, not all of it04:47
eseven73mstrzion>> dont use the quote marks04:47
jtajiDiiPhantom: mount is a program04:48
vengerjensor, did you save off the stock smb.conf?04:48
eseven73just sudo dpkg --configure -a04:48
Chris_Chaseexodus_ms: once i added the mac addresss in i rebooted the system, then i went to the network setttings changed it back to ppoe and then it didnt work04:48
DiiPhantomjtaji, ok clearer, G iso mounter04:48
DiiPhantomwith graphics04:48
jensorvenger, yes04:48
exodus_mswerLd: can you take over please04:48
vengerjensor, put that in place so it will stop complaining about the file04:48
werLdChris_Chase: does any computer work with DSL modem directly to a computer? etc?04:49
DiiPhantomi got it, gisomount thank you anyways04:49
webbianybody know how can i recompile qt with ssl support?04:49
Chris_Chaseexodus_ms: yes i have xbox connected, and 1 other computer by wire04:49
vengerjensor, so i knew i wasn't crazy i just shared two folders (share then apply) in xp and they both showed up immediately from ubuntu server04:50
RaZMataZdoes anyone know a good fix for losing the touchpad after hibernation?04:50
exodus_msChris_Chase: I'm going to hand this over to WerLd sorry I couldn't get it going for you... good luck04:50
Chris_Chaseexodus_ms: thanks04:50
vengerjensor, you may want to remove and reapply the share, default perms anyway04:50
ArenlorHi all, I'm wondering why ps ux | grep `word` shows the grep `word` process: http://arenlor.pastebin.com/d1102d90004:50
exodus_msChris_Chase: be sure to reply to werLd :)04:50
werLdchris_chase: so you have DSL modem plugged directly into a computer, or a hub? or a router? what is your setup04:50
scunizi_werLd: most dsl modems have to "dial" into the isp.  Typically, on a  windows machine, there is something that is installed that does that dial in connection for you when you access a browser. If you have a router, then most routers have the ability to do the dialing in right from the firmware of the router.04:50
Chris_Chaseexodus_ms: would you know how to get the driver onto the computer without a connection to have it work via USB?04:51
mstrzionok, I did that and ran the update, came up with the same error telling me to manually run it04:51
Chris_ChasewerLd: yes i hav eanother connected to it04:51
webbianybody know how can i enable qt ssl support?04:51
stovicekArenlor, because when you ran grep, it became a process that is listed with ps, so it grep'd itself04:51
o-dogheh, looks hectic in here04:51
DiiPhantomcommand to copy one thing from one place to another?04:51
eseven73Arenlor>> im not for sure, but i think its 'aux' not 'ux' or maybe there is no difference, try it anyways :)04:52
werLdDiiPhantom: cp -p file <newfile>04:52
werLdcp -R04:52
exodus_msChris_Chase: if you are using a wired connection I don't think a driver would be necessary04:52
Chris_ChasewerLd: modems connected thourhg a phone line, and the computers connect directly to the modem04:52
sloopyArenlor, because 'test' is on that line and its what your grepping for04:52
exodus_mswerLd: this is his modem --> http://www.dslreports.com/forum/remark,1341536304:53
ArenlorIs there any way to not have the grep `word` line not show up?04:53
cros13most dsl ethernet "modems" do the pppoe stuff on the box a just forward the public IP04:53
darkblue_Bcould anyone say what pkgs I need for these 'not found' libs ??04:53
exodus_mswerLd: that link is from dlsReports.com courtesy of scunizi_04:54
sloopyArenlor, what are you trying to accomplish?04:54
cros13slipstream is a bollox you need the propietary firmware as far as i know04:54
werLdexodus_ms: too many things over a text chat room for me to try and troubleshoot, sorry04:54
Arenlorsloopy: A process monitoring script to add to crontab, I'm trying to learn bash, linux, and Ubuntu04:54
o-dog!*! Cannot fork04:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Cannot fork04:54
jensorvenger, see http://pastebin.com/df7db1f004:55
o-dogthis si occuring whe i try and edit my wraith bot file04:55
werLdAragon: grep -v will exclude a word04:55
darkblue_B!*! libgio04:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about libgio04:55
exodus_mswerLd: I don't think he knows exactly what his setup is either :)04:55
earthmeLonHey guys, I am having *bluetooth* problems on my *dv9000* laptop.  I noticed other people are having similar issues when I found this page: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/284982  I made a comment on it, as well.  If there is anybody here that knows about bluetooth, I'd really appreciate you taking a look.  Thanks in advance :D04:55
werLdArenlor: grep -v ?04:55
o-dogheh, looks like i found a trigger04:55
mayanknexuiz freeze when start the game...why?04:55
Arenlordarkblue_B: I'm nowhere near an expert but remove everything starting with the .so and look for it in Synaptic or the like04:56
vengerjensor, ya nothings changed, did you redo the share?  does jj-nu resolve correctly?04:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about libgio-2.004:56
darkblue_Byeah I did get that far.. but nothing comes up04:56
sloopyArenlor, try grep'ing for something that wouldnt be true for the grep04:56
darkblue_Bits one of those 'hiddin in something else' libs04:56
Arenlorsloopy: what do you mean?04:57
exodus_msChris_Chase: troubleshooting network issues can be confusing (for lack of a better term) in a chat environment. If you are unable to find a resolution here I would suggest searching ubuntu forums and then posting your own 'detailed' thread. Sometimes that works a lot better if you have the time to wait :)04:57
jensorvenger, what do you mean jj-nu resolve correctly? I don't know what you mean by "redo the share"04:58
Arenlordarkblue_B: yes it is libgio-fam04:58
sloopygrep for a digit space then test instead of test maybe?04:58
cros13exodus_ms: lazily, I'll point you toward a blog, http://www.iheartlinux.com/?s=speedstream, far as i can figure it is an ethernet router "modem" that just forwards the port04:59
vengerjensor, 1) does ping jj-nu return the correct IP address 2) properties on folder, click sharing, click do not share apply, then share apply  ...04:59
Bud93total noob here... hoping for help with quick problem with an app (tweetdeck running on abode air under 8.10)04:59
Chris_Chaseexodus_ms: ok thnx04:59
Arenlordarkblue_B http://packages.ubuntu.com/ scroll down, check the box for descriptions and search in your distro04:59
darkblue_BArenlor: really? looking04:59
Nautilus__can someone help a noob make a simlink from one dir (/home/user/public_html) to the real dir?04:59
werLdNautilus__: ln -s05:00
macohow do i make a unetbootin-created flash drive boot?05:00
Bud93my problem is i accidently clicked some retarded icon on tweetdeck that made the client disappear and now i can't get it back05:00
Bud93program still running i think, but i can't bring it to front of screen05:00
m15knay ideas how i fetch up java sources?05:00
Shoadow56I'm trying to get a Buffalo WLI-U2-G300N wireless USB adapter to work. I already have the driver and I installed it usin ndiswrapper and ndisgtk. It will connect to open networks and WEP encrypted networks fine,but it won't connect to WPA though. I've already tried completely uninstalling and reinstalling wpasupplicant and all of it's dependencies. I even tried using the newest wpasupplicant from the Jaunty release. It times out when it's conn05:00
werLdNautilus__: cd <real_dir> 2. ln -s /home/usr/public_html/index.html .05:00
m15kin wondows jdk release is a src.zip05:00
exodus_mscros13: :) thanks05:01
macowerLd: i think thats backwards05:01
Nautilus__werLd: can I just symlink the dir?05:01
sloopyNautilus__, ln -s /where/you/need/it   /home/usr/public-html05:01
stovicekArenlor, you can try...  ps ux > file.txt && grep word file.txt  ...not sure how that would work with whatever you're scripting05:01
jensorvenger,  1. when I ping the xp box i get returns ok   2. do you mean gointo my xp box and reset that on the sharing05:01
macowerLd: the name you want the symlink to be goes last05:01
werLdmaco: thx05:01
vengerjenson ping -s or nslookup jj-nu05:02
Bud93how can i see what programs on running currently on gnome?05:02
vengerjenson yes on reset the share05:02
Nautilus__sloopy: that looks right. Is it 'sticky', eg: lives through a reboot?05:02
macoBud93: system -> administration -> system monitor05:02
sloopyNautilus__, yes05:02
Nautilus__sweet, tx05:02
Bud93thanks maco05:02
Arenlorsloopy: grep 0 test has an issue: http://arenlor.pastebin.com/d324ba0f5 I ran that because I am running FF right now05:02
macoBud93: there's an option somewhere to show what processes are derived from what other processes05:02
werLdBud93: or cmd line, ps -elf05:02
Arenlorstovicek: I'm just going to write a bash script and add it to cron so that may work05:03
macowerLd: he said in gnome. i wasnt sure he meant that as "what's a child of gnome" or "using a graphical method"05:03
spionlalahey could someone tell me how i could show hidden folders in "open folders/file dialogs" ?05:03
werLdmaco: im betting X server == gnome in his mind05:03
macospionlala: ctrl+h05:03
eseven73Token->> is that spam?05:03
darkblue_BArenlor: maybe I am missing some thing.. but I just got the list of all packages as a text file, and seearched.. nothing05:04
webbianybody know how can i enable qt ssl support?05:04
werLdspionlala: cmd line or gui? cmd line to show hidden files is: ls -a05:04
spionlalamaco , oh lol idd, i tried that but obviously didnt look hard enough05:04
darkblue_Bgio gives me the same list of things I got in synaptic05:04
darkblue_Bwhich doesnt have libgio-fam or the like05:04
scunizi_!ops | Token05:05
ubottuToken: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!05:05
Token-eseven73 no05:05
Nautilus__sloopy: can I have 'ln' tell the assigned symlinks?05:05
spionlalawerLd, thx i know cmd line, just the dialog worried me05:05
macospionlala: scroll :) sorts funny05:05
Arenlordarkblue_B: you're on Gutsy?05:05
macoNautilus__: ls -l will have an arrow to where a symlink points05:05
darkblue_BArenlor: yes05:05
spionlalamaco, yep just noticed :)05:05
darkblue_BAMD 64bit05:05
nickrudThanks Scunizi05:05
darkblue_B(is this a fire drill?)05:05
sloopyArenlor, ps ax | egrep -e '[0123456789] firefox'05:06
scunizi_nickrud: np.. sitting here with wife and kid .. clicked link and OOops.05:06
Nautilus__sloopy: tx. I tried -list05:06
Arenlordarkblue_B: simply you're out of luck, it was added in Hardy05:06
nickrudscunizi_, you'd think we'd learn05:06
eseven73scunizi_>> i was afraid to click it, knowing it was inappropriate just by the .swf ending05:06
sloopyArenlor, i said digit test not 0 test05:06
scunizi_nickrud: yep.. takes practice.. lots of practice.. :)05:06
macodarkblue_B: gnomevfs is the gutsy thing05:07
macodarkblue_B: gvfs/gio replaced it05:07
darkblue_Bmaco: this  is for handbrake05:07
Arenlorsloopy: I know next to nothing about grep, this is the first time playing with it, always use to just copy-pasta it05:07
Nautilus__maco: no arrows found05:07
scunizi_eseven73: didn't even notice the swf ending. if I had I wouldn't have clicked either..05:07
sloopyArenlor, well the above will give what you want05:07
macoNautilus__: in a directory that has a symlink, if you do "ls -l" itll tell where the symlink directs05:07
dapo87pozdrav svima          ,hi,        salve a tutti05:08
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)05:08
macodarkblue_B: oh you want to compile something that requires newer gnome. i think you're out of luck then05:08
nbeebowhen i run the ./configure command it says './configure' not found, anyone know why? http://paste.ubuntu.com/98060/05:08
darkblue_Bmaco: not compile.. the list is from ldd05:08
maconbeebo: because there's no file called configure in that directory that's executable?05:08
Nautilus__maco: tx, I was in wrong dir05:09
darkblue_Bmaco: but yes, it seems like it requires Hardy then05:09
dapo87heeheee ok05:09
z_Hey! I just installed 8.10, is there any hacks to make gnome load faster? I've already disabled compiz... but it's still taking a bit to get to the desktop. Any help would be nifty.05:09
nbeebomaco, hmmm what should i do then? go on with my life??05:09
=== adam is now known as Guest85166
Administrator_Happy New Year !  :D05:09
werLdnbeebo: are you in the wrong dir?05:10
maconbeebo: what files are in the directory? maybe auto-something-or-other that you need to run to generate a configure?05:10
jensorvenger, see http://pastebin/d393e0d56 is xp box is router05:10
=== Guest85166 is now known as Aframester
maconbeebo: or maybe its in a language that uses something other than autotool, like python?05:10
eseven73z_>> unless you plan on using bluetooth i usually get rid of all the bluetooth crap05:10
cros13anyone here using the xchat plugin for awn? Know how exactly it's supposed to work?05:10
nbeebowerLd,  nope05:10
nbeebomaco,  wait ill send screenshot05:11
maconbeebo: or pastebin your ls....05:11
=== solid_liq is now known as CodeGuru
vengerjensor, bad link again05:11
nbeebomaco ehh boring05:11
maconbeebo: i dont know how to dcc receive05:11
Bud93Anyone know why pidgin refuses to save my group settings??? i spent 20 mins organizing and they reset upon logout05:11
Bud93i deleted groups and moved contacts... everything is reset05:11
macohow do i make a unetbootin-created flash drive boot?05:11
nbeebomaco here u go.. whatever the help it will be.. http://data.fuskbugg.se/skalman01/Screenshot-gtk-thinice-engine-2.0.2%20-%20File%20Browser.png05:12
maconbeebo: autogen.sh has to be run to create the configure file05:12
nbeebomaco, thanks05:13
jensorvenger, Sorry,  see http://pastebin.com/d393e0d56 is xp box is router05:13
earthmeLonHey guys, I am having *bluetooth* problems on my *dv9000* laptop.  I noticed other people are having similar issues when I found this page: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/284982  I made a comment on it, as well.  If there is anybody here that knows about bluetooth, I'd really appreciate you taking a look.  Thanks in advance :D05:13
nbeebomaco,  works now thanks alot05:13
=== thecellist42 is now known as samferry
vengerjensor, smblicent -L
nbeebomaco, now i cant run make..05:14
vengerjensor, i see to ip's for nn-ju05:14
vengerjensor, as per Non-authoritative answer: Name: jj-nu Address: Name: jj-nu Address:
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore05:17
maco_earthmeLon: #ubuntu-bugs, please05:18
maco_earthmeLon: and ew, there are two bugs being reported in that one bug ><05:19
tyranttam i alive?05:21
CarlFKwhat program lists devices (disk) by UUID?05:21
devilxxhello everyone.. i need some help.. i forwarded some ports on my router in my desktop pc.. now i was working at my laptop and it doesn't connect to the internet.. it connects to the lan but not to the internet.. what is wrong???05:22
chilli0gotta love them netslpits05:22
scott_anyone here use a fancy filesytem for a SSD hard drive?05:22
chilli0devilxx:  what happens if u remove the port fording?05:22
maco_665 disappeared on the netsplit but only 2 jooin when it ends?05:23
devilxxnothing.. i remove what i did from the list on the router's ip and the problem persists05:23
nbeebodont know if this is too off topic.. whats a good simple window manager? i need really simple05:24
nbeeboand speedy05:24
scott_nbeebo: enlightenment 1705:25
devilxxnothing.. i remove what i did from the list on the router's ip and the problem persists05:25
nbeeboscott_, i know that but that isnt very fast is it?05:25
o-doghas anyone got any idea why i get !*! Cannot fork05:25
maco_earthmeLon: can we talk in #ubuntu-bugs?05:25
scott_nbeebo: it will run on a pentium 1 with 32megs of ram05:26
devilxxhello everyone.. i need some help.. i forwarded some ports on my router in my desktop pc.. now i was working at my laptop and it doesn't connect to the internet.. it connects to the lan but not to the internet.. what is wrong???05:26
nbeeboscott_, oh its that light... cool05:26
nbeeboscott_, u know if theres any .deb for it?05:26
scott_nbeebo: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91669005:27
Zambezinbeebo: Openbox, Ion3, Awesome, Ratpoison.05:27
scott_good suggestions too, i say try them all05:27
scott_e has always been a favorite of mine tho05:27
nbeeboZambezi, scott_  i know all those i dont really like them that much..05:27
maco_nbeebo: i like fluxbox or xmonad05:28
scott_fvwm haha05:28
nbeeboyeah thats awesome maybe should try fvwm crystal now that u said fvwm :/05:29
scott_some leet people can pimp out fvwm05:29
nbeebolazy people cant...05:29
nbeeboawesome afterstep gogoog05:30
nbeebowoot my dock is on top of aftersteps gui cool bro05:30
=== ytnyl is now known as Bud93
SorcererbobI have a fresh installation of Ubuntu 8.10 64 bit. I have a netgear WG311 v3, which I believe is supported. How can I go about setting this up?05:32
Sorcererbobi believe I'm supposed to install an application called madwifi. But I can't find it in synaptic05:32
Gun_Smokethey're back...05:32
* FaithWallis waits to ask her question...as she is a terrible newbie05:32
Sorcererbobgood god05:32
Sorcererbobok, I'll go again05:32
The_Rebellol @ Gun_Smoke05:32
SorcererbobI have a fresh installation of Ubuntu 8.10 64 bit. I have a netgear WG311 v3, which I believe is supported. How can I go about setting this up?05:32
bullgard4badfish69: RealMedia files are played using the Realplayer. In Ubuntu try Totem, VLC, MPlayer.05:32
Sorcererbobi believe I'm supposed to install an application called madwifi. But I can't find it in synaptic05:32
levelivIs there a seperate linux games channel05:32
badfish69bullgard4: i'm using mplayer and totem05:32
Arenlor!ask | FaithWallis05:32
ubottuFaithWallis: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:32
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots05:33
ac3_0f_spad3sthere it is05:33
badfish69i can't find w32codecs thru the repos05:33
* Arenlor hugs ubottu "Welcome back"05:33
hitman1985leveliv: thanks :) worked05:33
scott_its in the medibuntu repo05:33
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:33
levelivno worries hitman05:33
eseven73!medibuntu | badfish6905:33
ubottubadfish69: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org05:33
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
jensorvenger, did you see http://pastebin.com/1192d40905:34
konzeptwho ever it was that helped me last night on the screen rez i thank you so much it worked05:34
hitman1985bullgard4: just fyi, next time dont answer if you dont know. TY05:34
FaithWallisI just installed Ubuntu 8.10 on an old box we had sitting around.  I am done with the install and got the disk out, restarted the machine...and now there are NO icons or menus for me to use...and the screen is a llittle wierd.  it is like it is a little smooshed to the right (like the desktop wallpaper ahs been smooshed) I checked all the files before installing...they checked out fine.05:34
riz0nHello, when using procmail for filtering, and the folder which the filtered messages are destined to contain a space, is it neccessary to encapsulate the folder with quotations in .procmailrc? Thanks.05:34
vengerjensor, on the xp machine, create a folder named test in c:\ share it then run smbclient again05:35
Until_It_Sleeps:( I wanted to see all the people join!05:35
jensorvenger, what can be done to fix 2 addresses for jj-nu05:35
nickrudriz0n, yes, or use   word\ word  (the \ escapes the space. Better is to not use spaces)05:35
FaithWallis<--- absolute and complete newbie....please be gentle. :)05:36
ArenlorFaithWallis: can you post a screenshot somewhere for me?05:36
nbeeboim in fvwm crystal now its awesome05:36
FaithWallisIt is on another computer...I really can't.  all I can see is the wallpaper adn about an inch black stripe down the left of the screen.05:36
ac3_0f_spad3s if im going to start a fresh system. what things should i know? what should i do with my firewall? also, if i encrypt my entire system with truecrypt, do you think that will protect me from hackers?05:36
* The_Rebel tears FaithWallis's pants off and throws him over a barel05:36
levelivlinux doesn't have its own little Ichat sorta thing does it?05:36
The_Rebelit's got a few of them level1.05:37
riz0nnickrud: thanks. I have encapsulated it with quotations, however, the messages are still landing in my inbox. I don't think that procmail is actually being processed. How can I check to see whether or not procmail is being run, and if not, how can I configure the system to use the procmail file I created? thanks so much for your help.05:37
neerGun_Smoke: how to bridge it?05:37
nickrudac3_0f_spad3s, are you going to be using any services accessible from the net?05:37
levelivThe_Rebel I meant like how apple has that @apple.com crap ...Ubuntu specific programs05:37
ac3_0f_spad3snickrud: what do you mean "services"?05:37
nickrudah, riz0n you're making me rack old memories :)05:37
Gun_Smokeneer, that's an XP thing.. I've been windows free for a lot of years... try ##windows05:37
The_Rebeloh, i don't think so then.05:37
nickrudac3_0f_spad3s, like a web server, ftp server, anything that outside people will access05:38
Bud93how do i spoof my ip for privacy in linux?05:38
riz0nnickrud: let me tell you what I have going on. I have postfix/dovecot (the default installed with ubuntu) and I installed SpamAssassin. I want to have mail that is flagged by SpamAssassin as spam automatically dropped in the "Junk E-mail" folder.05:38
Bud93i know there must be a way...  i want one of those ips using words i see people with05:38
ac3_0f_spad3snickrud: no05:38
Arenlorac3_0f_spad3s: nothing can truly protect you from hackers, what are you going to be doing with it? I'd suggest UFW (Ubuntu FireWall) though05:38
nickrudac3_0f_spad3s, then don't worry about a firewall at all05:38
ArenlorFaithWallis: did you do a cd self check?05:39
mayankhow to play nexuiz yaar..........????????05:39
nickrudriz0n, show me your procmail on http://paste.ubuntu.com if you will05:39
FaithWallisI think I fiugred it out.05:39
cros13spoof your IP...lol... 1001 ways to eff up & get yourself noticed05:39
FaithWallisthe screen was all stretched out....changed the aspect ratio on the monitor and it helped05:39
nickrudriz0n, that's the setup I had on my remote imap; it's still there so I have a comparison05:39
Bud93cros, i don't really care about getting noticed. i just don't want it advertised on irc and stuff.05:40
ac3_0f_spad3snickrud: is it theoretically possible to hack me, without my knowledge?05:40
ArenlorFaithWallis: happy with it now or need/want any more help?05:40
HashishaninI have displays drivers installed, but when moving and resizing windows, they move very jerkily and slow, not at all fluid. Why would this be?05:40
FaithWallisarlenor: ai am sorry sorry for bugging you05:40
nickrudac3_0f_spad3s, it is, _if_ you run services facing the net, or run a program that installs a rootkit. If you only install from the ubuntu repos, your chances of getting hacked approach zero05:40
earthmeLonI am having trouble getting *bluetooth* working on 8.10.  I have a dv9000 HP Laptop.  I found people having similar issues here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/284982  So I posted at the bottom.  Does anybody here have this laptop or any suggestions for me?05:41
cros13Bud93: why would it matter? if you are behind a nat router you're pretty much OK05:41
riz0nnickrud: I basically took the "example" file and modified it. Here is the pastebin. http://paste.ubuntu.com/98075/05:41
mayankhow to kill running process from shell?05:41
ArenlorFaithWallis: please excuse the misunderstanding, I'm not saying you're bugging me05:41
earthmeLonmayank  use ps to find out what process it's using and then use kill XXXX where XXXX is the process number05:41
riz0nnickrud: by the way the comments in the file says "Mails with a score of 15 or higher" however I changed it to 5 in the procmail file.05:41
FaithWallisarenlor: I just feel completely stupid for not trying it before coming in here05:41
ArenlorFaithWallis: I've often come in here to ask a question and right before asking it thought of something to try05:42
ac3_0f_spad3snickrud, i dont think anyone really installs EVERYTHING from the ubuntu repos. so if i install something from an outside source does that mean i can get hacked?05:42
FaithWallisArenlor: thank you. :)05:42
mayankearthmelon, how to play nexuiz...?, its always hangs..i have to logout my ubuntu..05:42
nickrudriz0n, is dovecot using using maildirs or mboxes? If you're not sure, you should be able to see in /etc/dovcot/ conf file05:42
earthmeLonmayank  I have no idea what that is05:42
ac3_0f_spad3snickrud, do the ubuntu repos include medibuntu?05:42
mayankits a game05:42
FaithWallisArenlor: this is SO cool.  first time I've used it.05:43
ArenlorFaithWallis: do you know how to open a terminal?05:43
mayankits start fine but when i click start game its hangs,, i have to logout(ctrl+alt+f2)05:43
riz0nnickrud: I am pretty sure I'm using maildirs.05:43
nickrudac3_0f_spad3s, if you stick with reputable sources, like medibuntu, getdeb, or are referred to a ppa by an ubuntu dev.05:43
FaithWallisarenlor: not yet, but I'm working on getting thru the tutorial at the ubuntu site.05:43
mayankanybody see my problem please???05:43
instahey guys is there anything like xbmc for linux, that isn't xbmc?05:44
instamyth has too much TV-related overhead and elisa is too buggy05:44
cros13insta: boxee05:44
Bud93Cros13: i am behind router...  well, main issue is ips can be traced and i want to obsure location and have plausible deniability05:44
ArenlorFaithWallis: Alright, after that if you have any questions let me know, I was going to show you how to customize what is known as Compiz, which contains for example the "Desktop Cube"05:44
riz0nBud93: don't we all. :)05:44
cros13Bud93: then use tor05:44
=== Daisuke-Ido is now known as Daisuke_Ido
nickrudriz0n, then you need to use the maildir addressing in your procmailrc . A sec05:45
ac3_0f_spad3snickrud: please tell me what happens if i download something from a unreputible site05:45
mayankanybody see my problem please???05:45
cros13insta: need a boxee invite?05:45
Bud93tor slows everything down too much to be useful for everyday things...  and i don't think i can use tor for irc easily05:45
instacros13: maybe, i just want a program to be a shiny frontend for my fileserver's videos directory05:45
riz0nBud93: find a neighbor with unsecure wifi? :\05:45
nickrudac3_0f_spad3s, it's possible to get a rootkit. Not very likely though.05:45
FaithWallisArenlor: I will probably definitely want to know hwo to do that....my main reason for doing this is I got a box at my parents' house that they didn't want...it was complete trashed but I figured I could see if I coulkd get Linux to run on it ...I also want to see if I can get my Windows-based PE-Design software (for a Brother sewing machine) to run on it to dedicate this box in my sewing room05:46
Bud93rizon. haha  have one....   probably a honeypot setup05:46
Bud93lol... call me paranoid but i have done it myself05:46
cros13Bud93: use a proper list of nodes. look for the exit nodes marked fast. restrict your exit to those nodes.05:46
riz0nBud93: hehe I have a nice little collection built up here too. Living in town is always nice05:46
mayankanybody see my problem please???05:46
earthmeLonI am having trouble getting *bluetooth* working on 8.10.  I have a dv9000 HP Laptop.  I found people having similar issues here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/284982  So I posted at the bottom.  Does anybody here have this laptop or any suggestions for me?05:47
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Bud93cros13, didn't even know i could do that, actually...  i haven't even tried tor under linux yet. i guess i should. mayve there's options i didn't know were there05:47
cros13insta: boxee is pretty cool: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boxee05:47
riz0nI have never used Tor either05:47
scott_boxee is dope05:48
Bud93riz0n: surprisingly most people here have secured networks but there is one unsecured...  i was experimenting with backtrack 3 live last night05:48
KimKCould someone confirm for me that in 6.06 (LTS version) the mime-database is in /usr/local/mime? In 8.04 (LTS) it seems to be in /usr/share/mime.  Are these correct?05:48
masterCocainehey guys any torrent downloader for linux which has schedulin in it....... like utorrent..??05:48
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Bud93didn't get too far but i suppose there could be some bits and bytes to catch with a sniffer05:48
ArenlorFaithWallis: to get a Windows (in here you'll here it called M$, Doze, WinDoze, or the like btw) program to run you should try Wine. To get the Compiz stuff you can go to Application > Accessories > Terminal (the command line) and type in "sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager" then enter your password. After that go to System > Preferences > CompizConfig05:48
riz0nBud93: The wireless DSL modems that Verizon ships to its customers only support WEP as security. Guess its a good thing I live in an area that is Verizon served ;)05:49
earthmeLonFaithWallis  or you could try Virtualbox ^_^05:49
dnyyI'm trying to setup Butler.  I installed it with ruby gems, but when I run 'sudo botcontrol setup' like the guide says, I get a 'sudo: botcontrol: command not found'  And $PATH isn't showing my gem-bin.  Any ideas how to fix this?05:49
cros13Bud93: i use tor for high bandwidth stuff all the time over tor. Tor is not perfectly secure remember, if enough of the nodes are owned you can be tracked so remember to use secure protocols through tor when you can.05:49
KaanaQuestion. i have gedit open..when i click on another file, another instance of gedit opens, instead of a new tab on the instance i have open. why?05:49
Bud93riz0n: lol...  lucky for Veriozn customers.  hahah....  as if they weren't already getting screwed. :p05:49
earthmeLonFaithWallis  http://lifehacker.com/367714/run-windows-apps-seamlessly-inside-linux05:49
nickrudriz0n, do you have a dir Maildir in your home dir?05:50
fedealguien me puede ayudar?05:50
instai'm gonna try entertainer first05:50
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore05:50
brunnerWhy does Xorg always end up eating over 240MB of RAM?05:50
instalooks a little closer to what i'm looking for05:50
FaithWallisarenlor: I have alot of friends that call it that :)  I use it and have no religious issue with it :)  I just want to learn more and be more OS flexible.05:50
riz0nBud93: I never could get BackTrack to work right with my laptop, so I installed the aircrack-ng pakage on my ubuntu install, works great:)05:50
nickrudriz0n, do you have a dir Maildir in your home dir?05:50
qsheetswhere can i get a copy of ubotu's lart database?05:50
riz0nnickrud: yes I do05:50
brunnerrather, is it normal for X to eat 240MB of RAM?05:50
cros13insta: want that invite?05:51
Bud93cros13: good point.  i take chances when it comes to accessing information because my storage techniques are extremely secure, but that's definitely something to keep in mind.05:51
FaithWallisearthmeLon: thanks...glad to see somoene else reads Lifehacker05:51
ArenlorFaithWallis: remember this; there is no dumb question on here05:51
fedealguien me puede ayudar?05:51
tyrantlifehacker sucks05:51
fedealguien me puede ayudar?05:51
lstarnes!es | fede05:51
ubottufede: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.05:51
nickrudriz0n, http://paste.ubuntu.com/98082/ . I've set up the procmail environment, and set the path for the junk folder. The trailing / tells procmail that it's feeding maildirs.05:51
earthmeLontyrant  ... is there really a need for comments like that?05:51
jensorvenger, okay, It now shows up as a shared folder when i do smbclient -L jj-nu  However I still can't access with the file browser05:51
rsvpQ re top: what's the diff between Free v. Buffers for memory readout?05:51
Bud93riz0n: i should give that a try. i don't want to have to wait for cd to load if i just want to screw around a bit.05:51
Arenlor!language | tyrant05:52
ubottutyrant: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.05:52
nickrudriz0n, maildirs always start with a period, don't ask me why05:52
webbianybody could please tell me how can i reconfigure an installed package05:52
FaithWallisArenlor: :)  I feel better. :)05:52
lstarneswebbi: sudo dpkg-reconfigure packagename05:52
progexwhat versions of linux you guys running?05:52
webbilstarnes: well, and how can i know the package name of qt? I need to enable qt with ssl support05:52
gerberffdemux_swf: Element doesn't implement handling of this stream. Please file a bug.05:52
riz0nnickrud: so I should change "Junk E-mail" to "./Junk E-mail"05:53
nickrudriz0n, also, I set up a log file in ~/Maildir/log so you can see what's going on05:53
tyrantit's friendly to tell people that a site is bad05:53
robert__hey guys is there an easy way to inverse the colors of a web page(firefox)? Im reading black on white text and its better on my eyes if it was white on black05:53
webbianybody could help me to enable ssl in qt? im using kubuntu 8.10 intrepid05:53
lstarneswebbi: either libqt3 or libqt4-core05:53
progexreinstall firefox05:53
gerberhow i install limewire help pls05:53
FaithWallistyrant: I think they objected more to your language than to your message.05:54
rsvpgood Q, robert__05:54
nickrudriz0n, no. I've set up the proper path, in the $MAILDIR variable: giving procmail a full path works best05:54
tyrantwhere is weasel browser now?05:54
IndyGunFreakgerber: download it from limewire.com.. i think they have .deb files there..05:54
rsvpmight not be good for printing though, robert__05:54
webbilstarnes: I'm trying to compile a plasmoid, which give me an error with ssl... those are the packages that i should reconfigure?05:54
FaithWallisrobert__: what happens when you select the text?05:54
robert__rsvp, :P hehe don't think so05:54
lstarneswebbi: do you have libqt4-dev installed?05:55
werdnum05:54 < IndyGunFreak> gerber: download it from limewire.com.. i think they have .deb files there..05:55
werdnumew, don't use limewire05:55
webbilstarnes: yes05:55
werdnumuse frostwire.05:55
werdnumIt's exactly the same, but without the paying part.05:55
IndyGunFreakwerdnum: well, so do i, but he asked about limewire.05:55
robert__FaithWallis, uguly brown, and still alot of white space from paragrahs and such05:55
lstarneswebbi: what about libssl-dev ?05:55
rsvpis frostwire a bittorrent thing?05:55
Arenlorrobert__: Try Edit > Preferences > Color and override their settings05:55
nickrudriz0n, and I did leave out one line:    the very last lines should be   :0   <newline>  $MAILDIR05:55
webbilstarnes: yes05:56
FaithWallisrobert__: crud.05:56
webbilstarnes: also i just did dpkg-reconfigure libqt4-dev and it do nothing05:56
vengerjensor, see if this is your issue05:56
IndyGunFreakrsvp: sort of.. http://www.frostwire.com05:56
vengerjensor, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31871305:56
riz0nnickrud: When I look in the maildir folder, I actually don't see any subfolders for Junk E-mail..05:56
riz0nI have 3 folders, cur, tmp, and new05:56
rsvpreposting Q re top: what's the diff between Free v. Buffers for memory readout?05:57
nickrudriz0n, procmail will create the folder; you would have to show hidden files to see it after it's created05:57
webbilstarnes: do i need to add something to the dpkg-reconfigure command?05:57
gerberdo you know step by step install frostwire i'm so nnew to ubunto  ilove it help pls05:57
riz0nnickrud: even if the folder already exists?05:57
lstarneswebbi: what full error do you get regarding ssl?  I don't think reconfiguring qt will do anything05:57
IndyGunFreakgerber: please make up my mind, do you want frostwire or limewire?05:57
riz0nnickrud: my mail client already created the IMAP folder on the server and there are already messages sitting in it05:57
nickrudriz0n, if .Junk Mail exists, it will be used05:57
werdnumgerber: apt-cache search frostwire.05:57
webbiundefined reference to `QSslSocket::~QSslSocket()'05:57
FaithWallisrobert: tools > options > content > fonts and colors > colors (button)05:58
robert__Arenlor, thanks :)05:58
nickrudriz0n, those sit in one of cur new or tmp in Maildir05:58
webbilstarnes: undefined reference to `QSslSocket::QSslSocket(QObject*)'05:58
FaithWallisrobert__: I just did it in Firefox05:58
riz0nnickrud: thanks, I think I know what needs to be changed. so I just need to change "Junk E-mail" to read ".Junk E-mail"05:58
nickrudyou could. Gimme a sec, I'll show you the one I used05:58
ArenlorFaithWallis: Options in Firefox for Linux is located in Edit > Preferences just so you know05:58
gerberI ask for limewire ,buy someone here sugest frostwire05:58
riz0nnickrud: and I also need to add the two lines to the end of my file that you suggested.05:59
cros13./ctcp version cros1305:59
FaithWallisArenlor: ah...OK. sorry....and I just did something in mine and it didn't work really well.05:59
earthmeLonHaving some bluetooth problems.  I've made a post if anybody thinks they might be able to help :D http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6477784#post647778405:59
ted_wow i didnt think people would be still using this lol05:59
FaithWallisrobert: I think it depends on whether they have a CSS setting set for keeping fonts the way they wnat them displayed05:59
IndyGunFreakted_: using what?06:00
lstarneswebbi: do you have libgnutls-dev installed?06:00
webbilstarnes: let me check06:00
Alex_21Hi, I don't understand shell scripting. Do I use #!/bin/sh06:00
FaithWallis(OMG, they are testing "beer goggles" on Mythbusters)06:00
Alex_21At the top of a file containing sudo commands06:00
webbilstarnes: yes i do06:00
rsvpI recall that IE had CSS override -- that's not available in FF, right?06:00
gerberSo Indygunt help me /06:00
lstarnesAlex_21: if it's a shell script, yes06:01
rsvp(without add-ons ;)06:01
ArenlorFaithWallis: you don't need to apologize for not knowing in here06:01
nickrudriz0n, http://paste.ubuntu.com/98086/ . Not the most elegant, but it served my purposes06:01
IndyGunFreakgerber: youv'e yet to tell me what the problem is, first you asked about limewire, then you asked about frostwire, which do you want to install.06:01
FaithWallisrobert: does that work better in Linux than it did on my Win-box?06:01
riz0nnickrud: I want to thank you for your help thus far, it means a lot. :)06:01
rsvp#!/bin/bash  -- is better choice, alex06:01
IndyGunFreakgerber: so go to limewire.com and download hte .deb file06:01
Arenlorrsvp: http://www.squarefree.com/userstyles/user-style-sheets.html06:01
SeveredCrossEh, you really should do #!/bin/sh, and write POSIX-compatible shell scripts. :>06:02
gerberok ,I'll be back06:02
ArenlorFaithWallis: did you uncheck the box to allow them to have style sheets?06:02
webbilstarnes: any idea? I read that i should have qt compiled with ssl support06:02
abarai_renjihi, i'm using the PCSX emulator in intrepid, how come the movements are so fast? how do i slowed it down?06:02
ArenlorFaithWallis: I've been using FF since version 1, so I'm a little versed in it lol06:02
FaithWallisArenlor: *gryn*06:03
FaithWallisOK...I need to go to bed.06:03
Alex_21Ok, so what are the advantages and disadvanges to both under Ubuntu?06:03
FaithWallisthank you all for helping....06:03
lstarneswebbi: do you have libqt4-network?06:03
rsvpArenlor, thanks re CSS tip!06:03
nickrudriz0n, if you look at the mailbox paths I used, you'll see some extra periods. That creates a tree structure in your mail client06:03
webbilstarnes: yes06:03
jkristhekingi need help with my sound. when i adjust it it turns off as son as i go below 50%06:04
idea4gudwhen ever we run anything through terminal and it gets hung is there any way i can stop it06:05
rsvpmy sound gets fuzzed up when > 90%06:05
fac3lessAnyone up for assisting with aticonfig? I'm horrible at getting dual monitors properly running, I end up with a broken xorg.conf every time. I could post on the forums if needbe though.06:05
riz0nnickrud: yes I noticed that, it makes a lot of sense :)06:05
idea4gudlike in windows i do ctrl+Alt+del06:05
idea4gudto kill06:05
lstarneswebbi: the issue might be because of the header file containing QSslSocket not being included06:05
robert__rsvp, internal mic on ?06:05
riz0nnickrud: Now I'm waiting on the next spam message to hit my inbox to see if it filters or not.06:05
idea4gudi know using ps -e i can get list and kill the particular pid06:05
nickrudriz0n, the real wonderfulness of using imap and having procmail sort your mail for you is you can use any email client and they all see the same mail structure :)06:06
rsvpmic on half-way06:06
jkristhekingcan anyone help me with my sound problem?06:06
webbilstarnes: and how can i solve this?06:06
robert__rsvp, try muting it real quick to see if thats the prob.06:06
rsvpjk..., are you using alsa?06:06
Ubuntu_Cookiesi have that problem also06:06
Arenloridea4gud: ctrl+c it, otherwise try: System > Administration > System Monitor06:06
jkristhekingrsvp: yes06:06
ArenlorUbuntu_Cookies: what problem?06:06
webbilstarnes: ohh you mean the #include, yes it's there... #include <QSslSocket>06:07
riz0nnickrud: Exactly. I have used IMAP for years, but in the past I've used Windows-based mail servers. I am trying to establish my own hosting server, and I don't want to pay $$$$ for Windows Server or a mail server program.06:07
Ubuntu_Cookiesno sound working06:07
riz0nbrb my kid is sick06:07
rsvpsound is ok, now06:07
jkristhekingrsvp: as soon as i go below 50% my sound cuts off but than when i put it over 50% it gose back on06:07
Ubuntu_Cookies!offtopic riz0n06:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about offtopic riz0n06:07
riz0nThink everything will be alright06:07
Alex_21How do I install a Firefox extention from the command-line06:07
ArenlorUbuntu_Cookies: what are you running?06:07
robert__rsvp, :P mic boost may also be a culprit when the mic is not muted06:08
lstarneswebbi: what about QtNetwork?06:08
rsvpjk..., so the solution might be > 51% or mute it.06:08
Ubuntu_CookiesIntrepid Ibex06:08
rsvpbut if mic is muted, I can't talk to all the girls on skype ;)06:08
earthmeLonHaving some bluetooth problems.  I've made a post if anybody thinks they might be able to help :D http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6477784#post647778406:08
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ubotturiz0n: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!06:08
o-dogdone tase me06:08
IndyGunFreakUbuntu_Cookies: what are you talking about?.. get a grip.. he was teling someone he had to step away.06:09
ArenlorUbuntu_Cookies: do you have a speaker icon in your system tray, usually found in the top right corner?06:09
o-dogi dont like my chances of actually getting help in here06:09
jkristhekingrsvp: i mean when i put it above 50% it's too loud but i can't out it any lower or it cuts off. how do i adjust the volume step? maybe that will help?/06:09
rsvpwe live in a binary world.06:09
gmathewsHi i want to run 'sudo bnetd -f -D' when ubuntu starts everytime - how do i go about this?06:09
webbilstarnes: I read that it's inherited by qsslsocket06:09
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* gravity_away is gone for awhile: Gone away for now06:09
Ubuntu_Cookiesarenlor: yes06:09
rsvpjk..., are you tweaking the master volume only, or the components?06:10
Arenlorgmathews: System > Preferences > Sessions06:10
lstarneswebbi: I'm sorry but I'm of ideas06:10
jkristhekingrsvp: master06:10
gmathewsArenlor: I would like to run it on Ubuntu server..so through terminal..06:10
mgolischanyone know how to keep ff from starting in offline mode? i suspect it checks with networkmanager or something06:10
ArenlorUbuntu_Cookies: what does the icon look like, does it have a red circle with a slash through it?06:10
rsvpso leave at master at 85%, and tweak the components instead... try it.06:10
johninlex hello all,  I have been trying for 2 days to get my wifi working,  I have read about everything I can read for support, and no luck. I have a ar5007eg atheros card  with a chip set of ar242X  I have tried several inf files through nadiswrapper I am not for sure on how to use madwifi  please help06:11
jkristhekingrsvp: okay06:11
IndyGunFreakjohninlex: lol, two days?.. there's tutorials all over for that device06:11
Arenlorgmathews: do you login every time it starts up?06:11
aSt3raLjohninlex, have you tried the ndiswrapper?06:11
IndyGunFreakjohninlex: you dont need ndiswrapper, you don't even need madwifi06:11
gmathewsArenlor: no, i just switch it on - its for out lan - its a server we use to host a forum on our lan (we still getting around linux)06:12
gmathewsArenlor: *our06:12
gaintsurais getdeb.net down for anyone else?06:12
johninlexyea indygunfreak I have been reading and trying everytimg06:12
kulawendHello everyone, I need a little bit of help. I just installed WINE from package and it works great, but the sound is not working.06:12
IndyGunFreakjohninlex: have you disabled the driver in hardware driver and installed hte backports?06:12
gmathewsgaintsura: getdeb seems down06:12
johninlexast3ral I have tried ndsiwrapper06:12
Arenlorgmatthews: hold one while I find the file I'm thinking of06:13
kulawendI'm not finding a lot of help on Google, but maybe I'm just looking in the wrong places.06:13
gaintsuraanyone have google gadgets linux?06:13
johninlexno Indy I havent06:13
Ubuntu_Cookiesi do !!!!06:13
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IndyGunFreakjohninlex: then you've tried everything wrong.  are you using 32bit or 64bit?06:13
webbilstarnes: Ok, thanks for your try! I will continue reading06:13
jkristhekingrsvp: that won't really help im trying to watch youtube vids and i use fn+pgup (volume up) it's weird as soon as i go below 50% it just cuts off06:13
IndyGunFreakjohninlex: thats probably the problem, that driver has issues w/ 64bit.06:13
IndyGunFreakyouc an try madwifi, but i'm not sure how successful you'll e.06:14
gmathewsgaintsura: http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2008/06/16/install-google-gadgets-for-linux-on-ubuntu/06:14
aSt3raLdid you build the driver?06:14
IndyGunFreakbut i'd imagine it should work w/ 64bit06:14
Alex_21How do you install FF extentions via the commandline? please06:14
rsvpjk..., it might be a hardware issue then...06:14
aSt3raLi run 64 bit and anything that doesnt work i just compile on my own06:14
fac3lessHere's my xorg.conf http://paste2.org/p/123512 -- I have a radeon 3850 & two vx922 viewsonic monitors. I'll paypal someone $25 for helping get these work :)06:14
Arenlorgmatthews: found the file /etc/rc.local edit that and add it06:15
jkristhekingrsvp: maybe im using HDA intel06:15
johninlexast3ral I have only wrote a few conky scripts not any drivers yet???06:15
riz0nnickrud: you mind if I pm you?06:15
nickrudriz0n, no problem06:15
aSt3raLheh conky scripts are cool but thats diff from compiling a driver06:15
silv3r_m00nhi there06:16
rsvpjk..., google it and see if others users have similar problems.06:16
johninlexyea I know ast3ral06:16
silv3r_m00ni am looking for some game which is kind of 3d or 2.5d but doesnt need opengl to run06:16
newbsawbitAnyone wanna help me get text in my kde apps & picasa, think it's something with compiz06:16
jkristhekingrsvp: i did on ubuntu forums...no one replied to it :(06:16
johninlexIndy, there inlies one problemI have ver usede madwifi06:16
TecR0cwhat is the command in terminal to open rdp ?06:17
IndyGunFreakjohninlex: madwifi is generally easy, but i've not had ot use it w/ that device since Gutsy...  but again thats w/ 32bit.06:17
TecR0cso i can remote to a windows box.06:17
ac3_0f_spad3sdo i need a firewall in ubuntu if i'm not running any services?06:18
gmathewsHi this is the problem I am getting when trying to install google gadgets - http://paste.ubuntu.com/98091/06:18
jensorvenger, thanks for all your help06:18
Arenlorjkristheking: I suggest reporting a bug: http://bugs.launchpad.net/06:18
jkristhekingarenlor: ok i will06:18
johninlexok indy and ast3ral06:18
Y-TownI have samba set up to share linux and win xp  both systems see eachother just fine but when I create a directory from the win xp on the linux system the linux user cannot delete the new directory.  How do i properly set the permissions so the linus user can delete?06:19
Major_Samis there some reason a simple game like backgammon made for KDE wouldn't work on ubuntu 8.10?06:19
johninlexI will be back after some more reason06:19
johninlexmajor reading,,,,,     soory for leaving that our06:19
gmathewsThanks Arenlor :)06:19
=== holis is now known as retry
Y-Town I have samba set up to share linux and win xp  both systems see eachother just fine but when I create a directory from the win xp on the linux system the linux user cannot delete the new directory.  How do i properly set the permissions so the linus user can delete?06:21
Bikeguyis there a way to force gnome to automatically mount all of your hard drives when you log in?06:21
rsvpjk..., trying to look up a search.06:21
DoonzEvening people06:22
Arenlor!ask | retry06:22
ubotturetry: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:22
bullgard4'man 7 rtnetlink' starts with the line: "NAME: rtnetlink, NETLINK_ROUTE - Linux IPv4 routing socket." Are both identifiers rtnetlink and NETLINK_ROUTE synonyms?06:22
fac3lessHere's my xorg.conf http://paste2.org/p/123512 -- I have a radeon 3850 & two vx922 viewsonic monitors. I'll paypal someone $25 for helping get these work :)06:22
Doonzquik question. I installed Firestarter and its working. My question is when i set up the IPS on other machines on the network what do i put in for the DNS ip. DO i just set it to the lan nic on the server or do i use the actual dns ip from the isp?06:23
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
SJr|NbookWhat's a good proxy for ubuntu?06:24
SJr|NbookSorry like an apt proxy06:24
kulawendMy sound is not working in WINE I am getting the error: "ALSA lib ../../../src/pcm/pcm_dmix.c:874:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave"06:25
Arenlorretry: can we help you?06:25
gmathewsgaintsura: Did u find the .deb for google desktop06:25
Bikeguykulawend: try #winehq  here?06:25
gaintsurayeah, getting via synaptic currently, thanks gmathews =)06:25
kulawendBikeguy: Will do.06:25
gmathewsgaintsura: from where?06:26
gmathewsdid u add an additional repo?06:26
=== hakr is now known as h[a]kr
gmathewsI need one for intrepid06:27
luckyonehello, anyone in here know anything about proprietary ATI Catalyst drivers?06:29
Arenlor!ask | luckyone06:29
ubottuluckyone: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:29
luckyoneArenlor: that was a question :) I want to talk to someone about UVD support though06:30
CarlFKSJr|Nbook: i use apt-proxy.  make sure you pick a good mirror06:30
Arenlorluckyone: we want people to ask the direct question in here to save us time, I know about installing/running/trouble-shooting FGLRX for example06:31
gmathewsDoes anyone have the google gadget .deb for Intrepid?06:31
CarlFKSJr|Nbook: is seems if I use a flaky mirror (like one that times out now and then) apt-proxy errors, and even though the process is still running, I need to restart it for apt-get to work right06:31
SJr|NbookCarlFK can I it handle multiple types of ubuntu at the same time?06:32
luckyoneArenlor: cool - do you have any experience with MPEG-4/X.264 decoding using the ATI GPU?06:32
SJr|NbookAnd why shouldn't I use squid?06:32
CarlFKSJr|Nbook: yes.  and debian unstable/testing, and a few others06:32
Arenlorluckyone: sorry no, though you seem to be pretty close to asking your actual question now :P06:33
The_Rebel<luckyone> Arenlor: cool - do you have any experience with MPEG-4/X.264 decoding using the ATI GPU?06:33
CarlFKSJr|Nbook: I have wonderered if squid might be just as good.  I hear the squid defaults aren't good for proxying .debs, like you need to increase the time till files expire, and increase the maximum file size it will cache06:33
luckyoneArenlor: hah06:33
abarai_renjihi, i'm using the PCSX emulator in intrepid, how come the movements are so fast? how do i slowed it down?06:34
The_Rebeli don't think there is working H.264 hardware acceleration working in linux yet.06:34
Doonzhey guys im looking for an extremely simple how to with irssi and setting up windows and stuff. Can anyone recomend one for me?06:34
instanvidia has alpha drivers and mplayer patches that enable it for the 8000 series cards and up06:34
Arenlorluckyone: #ati may be able to help you06:34
The_Rebeluse MPC-HC on windows.06:34
luckyoneArenlor: good call!06:34
luckyoneArenlor: thanks amigo - HAPPY 2009!06:34
The_Rebelinsta, you're not 100% correct06:35
The_Rebelnot all the cards about the 8 series are supported.06:35
The_Rebelmost of the 9 series cards have no VDPAU support yet.06:35
=== Octoroks__ is now known as feelgiirls
gmathewsHi - what does this mean - google-gadgets:06:36
gmathews Depends: libltdl3 (>=1.5.2-2) but it is not installable06:36
instanot that i'd advocate it for general use anyway06:36
The_Rebelnothing beats MPC-HC on windows.06:36
LtLDoonz: try here- http://irssi.org/documentation/startup06:36
robtpanyone here have the dell studio 17?06:37
robtpi've already bought it... but ubuntu compatibility?06:37
scott_I don't mean to impose, but could somone tell me if they receive a 403 Forbiden error from http://tinyshell.be/aircrackng/forum/06:37
DoonzLtL yeah i tried following that but i need one that spends more times on setting up the windows06:38
CarlFKSJr|Nbook: http://dpaste.com/104462/  my apt-proxy-v2.conf  and a sources.list that has lots of repos06:38
pdroyscott_: yes I got it06:38
scott_whats going on tonight?06:38
scott_Looks like my nights shot.06:38
mylistohey everyone06:38
mylistoanyone using skype on linux?06:38
scott_mylisto, hey06:38
Arenlorscott_ I got it too, so yeah it's down06:38
mylistoer ubuntu?06:38
CarlFKscott You don't have permission to access /aircrackng/forum/ on this server.06:38
scott_Arenlor, thanks06:39
penguin-upskype....yes i'm on it now06:39
miranda_psimylisto: i am06:39
Sorcererbobhey guys. Yet another problem for me. My sound is now really choppy - all sound; startup sound, rythmbox, youtube etc. I've installed a wireless network driver for my Netgear WG311v3 using ndiswrapper recently (but this is a fresh install and I've made many changes since the reboot where it started)06:39
eseven73Doonz: /help window  maybe06:39
SorcererbobHow do I attack this choppy sound? (it was working beforehand)06:39
mylistoI'm trying to find out how to delete the chat history of a single contact06:39
SJr|NbookAh I see06:39
robtpmylisto: pidgin?06:39
LtLDoonz: in irssi type /help window then /help subtopic06:40
mylistoI'm going to hypnotize this lady to help her with procrastination...but I need her to delete her chat history..as some suggestions will work way better when they are not seen06:40
Doonzeseven73: thanx  and LtL thans as well06:40
eseven73Doonz: sometimes the best documentation is built right into the app, look at Emacs for example, lol06:40
Doonzsorry im very new to this06:40
robtpmylisto: in the pidgin log directory, each contact usually has a folder, delete that06:40
robtpmylisto: hmmm... :P06:40
ThanksUHi all06:41
mylistoits not pidgin06:41
mylistoits skype :D06:41
ThanksUi have a problem someone can help me?06:41
mylistoyeah I'm a hypnotherapist06:41
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:41
mylistowhat can I do for you06:41
gmathews!ask | ThanksU06:41
ubottuThanksU: please see above06:41
miranda_psijust tell us what the problem is and we'll see...06:41
scott_any ipw2200 users here?06:41
ThanksUwhen in firefox i click too many time right click it will do what it want he choose one option by himself06:41
Mark_JonesIs it a general assumption that most distro DVDs or CDs already contain almost all of the things an average user might need right out of the box? Is that why most linux users view downloading of entire repositories generally a waste of time?06:42
eseven73that made no sense ThanksU06:42
ThanksUsorry i am italian, not great with english06:42
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)06:42
Doonzwhats the chat channel for ubuntu06:43
=== cocontmi is now known as flubuntu
fedewho can help me with the installation of intrepid?06:43
Doonzeseven73: thanx again06:43
fedewho can help me with the installation of intrepid?06:44
ThanksUif i want make right click then maybe copy link copy link copy link after some of this he don't make me choose i must right click out of a link and then continue06:44
lain_wiredHullo all, I'm noticed I have port 80 open, although I've uninstalled apache2. As far as I know, the firewall has all ports blocked, as the apache was only ever running for computers in the network.06:45
Mark_Jonesfede are you having trouble on your own or just scared or what?06:46
nbeebohow do i stop gnome from drawing my desktop and gnome-panel to appear?06:46
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eseven73!firewall | lain_wired06:46
ubottulain_wired: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).06:46
eseven73lain_wired: are you sure its open? I would test it by googling "Shields Up!" and run a free test there :)06:47
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!06:49
lain_wiredeseven73, mm, definitely open. Also, I'm not really familiar with iptables.06:50
silv3r_m00nubottu: hello06:50
nbeebohow do i stop gnome from drawing my desktop and gnome-panel to appear?06:50
outbackwifinbeebo: you mean you dont want these things at all?06:50
banshee_how do i type the sudo chown command to make a folder and all its contents permission to "banshee"06:50
outbackwifibanshee_: sudo chown -R bansee. folder06:51
outbackwifioops banshee06:51
banshee_with a period?06:51
outbackwifibanshee_: that changes the group also06:51
mayankwhat is samba..what its use?06:51
outbackwifi!samba | mayank06:51
ubottumayank: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.  Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/21209806:51
nbeebooutbackwifi, nope not those no06:51
banshee_outbackwifi: Thanks worked like a charm, but what does -R stand for?06:51
outbackwifibanshee_: recursive06:52
electric_shee1hello, anyone know why my name says 'electric_sheel' instead of 'electric_sheep'?06:52
banshee_outbackwifi: Im a retard, recursive is like repeating isnt it?06:52
outbackwifibanshee_: no its like dropping into subdirectories etc06:52
eseven73lain_wired: ok i would just install firestarter then and close port 80 -OR- I would go into my router and close it that way... either would work06:52
lstarneselectric_shee1: it's electric_shee1 with a one, not a lowercase L. The nickname electric_sheep is already in use06:52
banshee_outbackwifi: Ah, thanks alot for the help bud06:53
outbackwifibanshee_: yw06:53
lain_wiredeseven73, mm, router seems to be the right choice here. Slight issue with that, it's not accepting the password, and resetting it doesn't seem to help so much.06:53
lain_wiredGah, brb, thanks for your help guys. :D06:53
mayankhow can i connect 2 pcs?, 1 has xp and the other has ubuntu06:53
lain_wiredI'll tell you if it works.06:54
electric_shee1lstarneso: o, i id'ed as 'electric_sheep'   does that matter?06:54
lstarneselectric_shee1: you might want to do /msg nickserv ghost electric_sheep password, then switch to that nick06:55
outbackwifimayank: if they are already on a network, then use samba, else create a physical network and then use samba06:55
mayankoutbackwifi, how do i create physical network?06:56
electric_shee1lstarnes:ok thanks!06:56
gerberlimewire problem sun java6-jre it just hung for long time help06:56
outbackwifimayank: for an ethernet network get a hub/switch and a ethernet card for each of your pcs. Then run a cat-5/6 cable from the pcs to the switch. ensure that you crimp the RJ45 connectors properly06:57
nbeebohow do i stop gnome from drawing my desktop and gnome-panel to appear?06:57
RoyallEvery time I try to make and make install something from a .tar.gz, I get Error 1 and Error 2, preceded by a lot of "ignoring" this and that06:57
mayankoutbackwifi, can i connect others computer via internet with 3rd party softwares?06:58
outbackwifiRoyall: do you do "tar zxvf file.tar.gz" ?06:58
electric_shee1/msg nickserv ghost electric_sheep06:58
Royalloutbackwifi: Yes06:58
outbackwifimayank: yes you can. its called VPN06:58
electric_shee1sorry wrong window06:58
outbackwifiRoyall: once youve extracted/untarred, do you run ./configure ?06:59
Royalloutbackwifi: Not this time, I'll try06:59
gerberany one help me with limewire pls06:59
=== Until_It_Sleeps is now known as Atmoshpere_Cat
Royallbash: ./configure: No such file or directory06:59
outbackwifiRoyall: cd into the untarred directory06:59
RoyallI'm pretty sure I'm in it07:00
outbackwifiRoyall: what are you trying to install from source?07:00
gerberIndyguns are u here07:00
RoyallAircrack, but it's happened with other software before07:00
RoyallI've never gotten it done with any software07:00
outbackwifiRoyall: whats pwd say?07:01
Royall(Ubuntu 8.10 by the way)07:01
outbackwifiRoyall: type pwd07:01
Major_SamI bought a book to help me learn ubuntu, but it is made for 8.04 and I'm using 8.10.   are there alot of cosmetic changes that would make this book difficult to use?07:02
RoyallI actually downloaded it again into the directory while I was in it >_<07:02
gerberi need help with lime wire ubuntu 8.1007:02
Omar871No updates have been detected by my system for a about three or four days, is this normal?07:03
Mark_JonesMajor_Sam that book should do just fine.07:03
lstarnesOmar871: that's normal07:03
DoonzOK i just set me box up to act as my router. but now my insternet is very slow. what can i do to speed it up?07:03
gerberalso i need to report a bug07:03
Doonzbtw im using firestarter07:03
Major_SamThanks Mark07:03
bullgard4My computer displays the manual pages in a special format: The last but one line is light blue and some kind of status line. The last line presently shows: "Press `Q' to quit, `H' for help and SPACE to scroll." How can I return to the conventional man output display mode?07:04
Omar871lstarnes: Even if I try "sudo apt-get update", it won't find anything at all, is this normal too?07:04
outbackwifiRoyall: so is there a file called configure inside that?07:04
gerberit look like you guys not friendly07:04
nbeebohow do i stop gnome from drawing my desktop and gnome-panel to appear?07:04
Royalloutbackwifi: Oh wait nevermind, I actually just did sudo apt-get install aircrack-ng07:05
nbeebogerber, im friendly theyre not07:05
RoyallIt worked; thanks anyway07:05
lstarnesOmar871: updates are usually only released every few days07:05
outbackwifiRoyall: great07:05
gerbercan you help me07:05
Omar871lstarnes: Great, so there's nothing to worry about, right?07:05
gaintsuraif I was trying to pass a password to a sudo command, would I do sudo mycommand < 'thePassword' ?07:05
lstarnesOmar871: if you go a whole month without any updates, then I would be worried07:06
gerberhelp me to setup my limewire07:06
lstarnesgaintsura: echo "password" | sudo -s command07:06
gaintsura -s ?07:06
Omar871lstarnes: Great, thanks for your time buddy. :-)07:06
Flannelgaintsura: You can't07:06
lstarnesgaintsura: -s = read password from stdin07:06
outbackwifigaintsura: doesnt the command come with a password switch like -p07:07
gaintsuraoutbackwifi: you'd think07:07
outbackwifigaintsura: best way IMHO is to use sudo -i to drop into a root shell and do whatever with the password07:07
gaintsurano, actually there isn't07:07
DoonzI've just set my ubuntu box up to act as my router. Im using firestarter. Ive got one PC successfully working through the box. Now my problem is my internet on the PC is EXTREMELY slow. What can i do to get performance upto snuff. BTW my line speed is 25mbit down and 1mbit up07:08
RoyallOk, what do I look for under dmesg to find my chipset?07:08
outbackwifiDoonz: are you using something like wondershaper to shape the traffic07:08
Sorcererbobok. Current question is sound related for me. I have glitchy sound. When I play music through rhythmbox it starts nice and gets jittery in a few seconds - and gets progressively worse. Different applications react differently, but they all eventually go jittery. System sounds are jittery too. CPU idling around 8% usage.07:09
Doonzoutbackwifi: no07:09
outbackwifiRoyall: you dont. type lspci for that07:09
fac3lessSorcererbob: Do you know if you're using pulseaudio?07:09
fac3lessI've found it horrible vs. say, esound.07:09
RoyallOh thanks07:09
Mark_JonesCan anyone recomend a proggy they use to create a custom Ubuntu DVD distro?07:09
Sorcererbobeverything is set to autodetect. I'll set it to alsa now07:09
outbackwifiSorcererbob: ive noticed this prob with Pulse; just remove it07:09
fac3lessSorcererbob: Well, open a terminal and: sudo apt-get remove pulseaudio07:09
fac3lessThen sudo apt-get install esound07:09
fac3lessand you should be good to go, might require a quick reboot //not sure on the latter. :p07:10
Doonzoutbackwifi:  right now i have the dns on my windows box pointing directly to the isp's dns servers07:10
gregorusing XChat-GNOME; Can I not add another server that is not on the list already?07:10
Sorcererbobwell the thing is that it was working earlier... then I started mucking around with ndiswrapper (this is a fresh install) and made a bunch of other changes which I can't remember. rebooted... and it doesn't work07:10
fac3lessI doubt that's related Sorcererbob.07:10
Sorcererbobfair enough. I'll remove pulseaudio. One moment07:11
fac3lessTry it, I've had the pulseaudio issue on 3 of 3 ubuntu systems.07:11
outbackwifiDoonz: if youve enabled direct dns queries to go through the iptables that would work; otherwise just use the ubuntu box as a forwarder07:11
indian_munndahi all! i m facing speed problem while surfing on firefox on ubuntu 8.1007:11
czer323gregor, I know that the gnome version is rather dumbed down, so i haven't used it in years... I recommend installing regular xchat if nobody else is able to answer your question.07:11
=== adam is now known as Aframester
n9uibanyone know a tv guide program that works for intrepid ?????????????07:11
webbianybody could tell me why im getting these errors when compiling a plasmoid email notifier? http://pastebin.com/d12b8a04c07:11
gregorthanks czer07:12
Doonzoutbackwifi:  see i did originally set up the dns on my windows box to point to the ubuntu box. and then allowed port 53 in the firewall. but when i did that i couldnt connect to any website.07:12
Sorcererbobok fac3less. I'm listening now. It starts ok. About the 15 second mark starts to get jittery, and gets progressively worse07:12
gregori am new to Ubuntu, and just grabbed the easiest IRC I could from a fresh instal... will have to look for another07:12
indian_munndahi all! i m facing speed problem while surfing on firefox on ubuntu 8.10. websites are responding very late as compare to windows.07:12
eseven73n9uib: is the thousand question marks nessessary????????????????????07:13
fac3lesseseven73: Yes.07:13
n9uibdidnt seem like a thousand07:13
gaintsuraeseven73: where your 20 worth it?07:13
pdroyDoonz: can from the terminal can you do "dig @<ip of ubuntu bix> www.yahoo.com" and find out if the ubuntu box is doing a DNS function07:14
kenoticI used to know the answer to this question, but....... how can I find the wireless drive I am using in 8.10?07:14
outbackwifikenotic: whats a wireless drive?07:14
Sorcererbobany other ideas, fac3less?07:14
Doonzserver@sserver1:~$ dig @<ip of ubuntu bix> www.yahoo.com07:14
indian_munndahi all! anybody please help me? i m facing speed problem while surfing on firefox on ubuntu 8.10. websites are responding very late as compare to windows.07:14
Doonz-bash: ip: No such file or directory07:14
FloodBot1Doonz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:15
Doonzone sec07:15
outbackwifiSorcererbob: did you restart alsautils after u removed pulse?07:15
kenoticoutbackwifi, driver07:15
Sorcererbobum... no. is there a command or just do a complete restart?07:15
SeveredCrosssudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart07:15
outbackwifiSorcererbob: yep that.. tx SeveredCross07:16
SeveredCrossYou're welcome. ;)07:16
Sorcererbobcomplete restart, brb07:16
Arenlorsloopy: you around? I finally solved my ps piping to grep issue07:16
indian_munndaSeveredCross: can u help me??07:16
SeveredCrossindian_munnda: I can try.07:16
outbackwifikenotic: lsmod will list all loaded modules07:16
indian_munndaSeveredCross:  i m facing speed problem while surfing on firefox on ubuntu 8.10. websites are responding very late as compare to windows.07:17
Doonzpdroy:  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m37e4144107:17
kenoticoutbackwifi, thanks.... I have been using OS X way to long to forget that one07:17
SeveredCrossindian_munnda: Seeing a lot of disk activity?07:17
indian_munndaSeveredCross: sorry didnt get u07:17
SeveredCross...Is your disk activity light blinking a lot?07:18
pdroyDoonz that means there is no DNS server installed in the machine, unless you do that you will not get sites to work like you mentioned07:18
indian_munndaSeveredCross: nopes07:18
outbackwifiDoonz: well, that shows that the ubuntu box is not forwarding dns requests07:18
Doonzok so say i do that will that speed up my inet browsing?07:18
outbackwifiDoonz: easiest way is to install dnsmasq07:18
Doonzor will that just allow me to us the ubuntu ip as the dns server ip07:19
outbackwifiDoonz: how are your boxes behind the ubuntu getting their IPs?07:19
SeveredCrossindian_munnda: Hmm.07:19
indian_munndaSeveredCross: it blinking @ very low rate07:19
pdroyDoonz: outbackwifi took the words out of my mouth07:19
SeveredCrossI have no idea, I'm not a Firefox expert.07:19
Doonzmanually cause i only have 4 ips to handle07:19
outbackwifipdroy: sorry, you take this one07:19
Sorcererbobso fac3less I'm back. And I had to use GNOME failsafe because pulseaudio was gone :/07:20
Sorcererboboh, and its still jittery sound :D07:20
Doonzpdroy: so just do sudo apt-get dnsmasq07:20
pdroyyes Doonz07:20
=== Atmoshpere_Cat is now known as Neurotic
indian_munndaSeveredCross: not only firefox but even when i tried to update my package manager, it taking too long there also..07:21
pdroyDoonz: once you install dnsmasq and try the dig command it should work and give you some ip address07:21
=== Neurotic is now known as Until_It_Sleeps
Sorcererbobso anyway I think I'll go and do a reinstall later tonight... I gtg pick up my gf from work soon07:21
syntax\lo, need some help, i wanna try dual booting winxp and ubuntu on a single drive, i have winxp on the 1st partition and i wanna install ubuntu 8.10 on the 2nd one.07:21
Doonzok ill install it and report back to you when its done07:21
syntax\any guides or anything i should do to avoid any errors?07:22
outbackwifi!dualboot | syntax\07:24
ubottusyntax\: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot07:24
Sorcererbobso team, I'll be following the instructions in the following article if I can't get this working in about 3 hours (fresh install next). Article: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/24780407:25
Sorcererbobcya team, off to pick up my girly07:25
Doonzpdroy: ok now i have my windows box set up to point to the ubuntu box for the dns now. it works but Internet browsing is still excruciating slow07:27
outbackwifiDoonz: what do your firewall rules look like?07:27
Doonzoutbackwifi:  how would i get a print out of them to paste for you?07:28
outbackwifiDoonz: sudo iptables -L | pastebinit07:29
Doonzoutbackwifi:  im using firestarter will that work still?07:29
outbackwifiDoonz: sure, firestarter is just a front-end for iptables07:30
Tembolhaee333y vlet07:31
Doonzserver@sserver1:~$ sudo iptables -L | pastebinit07:33
DoonzError no arguments specified!07:33
webbianybody know what do i need to install to use qt+ssl ?07:34
jackyim using ubuntu 8.1 - how can i connect to my windows 2003 rdp session (it was working with windows xp before)? im using the 'Remote Desktop Viewer'. how can i get ubuntu to 'see' my windows 2003 machine that resides on the LAN?07:36
macmanguys .. i want to copy a file from 1 ubuntu box to the other .. there an easy way to do this the a wired connection ?07:36
Doonzoutbackwifi: sorry its giving me an error: Error no arguments specified!07:36
Duke_Hey guys, any idea how I would connect my TI-84+ to my computer? TILP isn't working, it's not detecting my calculator07:37
caimlasjacky, 8.1? when did that get released?07:37
Gneajacky: tsclient07:37
Gneacaimlas: 8.1[0]07:37
nbeebohow do i stop so gnome-panel doesnt start when i start computer? oh and also the desktop.. but id like the rest please07:38
skokooohi people07:38
jackyim using ubuntu desktop 8.1007:38
skokooowho could help me with ubuntu installation07:38
jackysorry my bad on that07:38
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!07:38
jackynot being clear07:38
Gnea!info tsclient07:38
ubottutsclient (source: tsclient): front-end for viewing of remote desktops in GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 0.150-1ubuntu3 (intrepid), package size 308 kB, installed size 1136 kB07:38
skokoooyou have a major bug in ubuntu .. with no fix07:39
caimlasjacky, you could also use rdesktop, which IMO is a better client than tsclient but is command-line only.07:39
Duke_Anyone here managed to get a TI calculator working?07:39
caimlasskokooo, if you have a problem, ask; if you just want handholding, you'll probably have to look elsewhere.07:39
=== electric_shee1 is now known as m4j0r
skokoooinstallation freeze 90%  loading module usb storage !!!!! <---------------07:39
jackyok, ill see if i can get tsclient07:40
caimlasskokooo, which release?07:40
Duke_Anyone? I don't wan't to have to go back to winxp07:40
skokooosory iam not trying to bothering you guys07:40
caimlasskokooo, and what hardware?07:41
=== Mike_92 is now known as Mike0020
nbeebohow do i stop so gnome-panel doesnt start when i start computer? oh and also the desktop.. but id like the rest please07:41
caimlasskokooo, helping fix problems like this is, afaik, the purpose of this channel07:41
skokoooi have laptop acer with windows vista07:41
Tapouthow can I find out what ram I've got in the machine?  Not the size, but pc3200 or whatever07:42
Mike0020For some reason, whenever I go into hibernate mode, whenever I come back I find myself to be disconnected from Pidgin. I realized that upon hibernating, I loose internet connection, I even see the light go off on my router for the ethernet port I'm connected to. Does anyone know if there's a way to make it so I don't loose internet connection when going into Hibernate?07:42
skokoooyou know .. many threads talking about this bug but there were no fix yet07:44
Letter_Z[amsg] I'm an e-pirate and I e-sail the e-internet e-ripping e-whores in half with my mighty e-peenor07:44
Duke_I can't connect my Ti-84+ calculator to Ubuntu with USB, tiLP doesn't work, it won't recognise my calculator's presence. I also tried running TI-Connect through Wine, that didn't work either.07:44
Doonzpdroy: or outbackwifi you guys still here?07:45
OriWBCan Somebody help me get my fingerprint scanner working  with my system 76 darter?07:45
jackyubottu, thanks! tsclient worked like a charm!!!07:45
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:45
outbackwifiDoonz: sorry i was afk07:46
Duke_!info tilp07:46
ubottutilp (source: tilp): TI calculator <-> PC communication program for X. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.80-5ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 642 kB, installed size 1744 kB07:46
_b0xhas anyone had any expirience getting a maxtor external hdd formatted to ext3?07:46
Duke_Thanks, but how do I get it to work?07:46
Doonzoutbackwifi:  np07:47
outbackwifi_b0x: whats the issue07:47
Duke_Ubottu, how do I run tiLP07:47
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:47
Doonzoutbackwifi:  server@sserver1:~$ sudo iptables -L | pastebinit07:47
DoonzError no arguments specified!07:47
_b0xwhen i plug it in, it says it cant mount the volume07:47
Duke_!info tilp207:48
ubottutilp2 (source: tilp2): TI calculator <-> PC communication program for X. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.01-0ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 361 kB, installed size 1380 kB07:48
outbackwifiDoonz: oops sorry07:48
Rapture2k4greetings everyone07:48
skokooo!info tilp207:48
ubottutilp2 (source: tilp2): TI calculator <-> PC communication program for X. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.01-0ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 361 kB, installed size 1380 kB07:48
Duke_I dunno how to make it work though.07:48
outbackwifiDoonz: you need to first drop into the root shell for that to work07:49
skokoooi could not install ubuntu because usb thing tooo07:49
outbackwifiDoonz: sudo -i; iptables -L | pastebinit07:49
Gnea!info keytouch07:49
ubottukeytouch (source: keytouch): A program to configure extra function keys in multimedia keyboards. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.3.2-2.1ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 156 kB, installed size 760 kB07:49
_b0xoutbackwifi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/98120/07:49
skokooo!info loading module07:50
Rapture2k4anyone know how to activate swat after an apt-get install samba swat?07:50
ubottumodule is not a valid distribution ['dapper', 'gutsy', 'gutsy-backports', 'hardy', 'hardy-backports', 'intrepid', 'intrepid-backports', 'jaunty', 'jaunty-backports', 'kde4-ppa', 'kubuntu-members-kde4', 'medibuntu', 'partner']07:50
outbackwifi_b0x: so you have sdb107:50
outbackwifi_b0x: what does sudo fdisk -l say?07:50
Doonzoutbackwifi:  its still saying that error07:50
Duke_Can anyone help me with TiLP2?07:51
Rapture2k4!info swat07:51
ubottuswat (source: samba): Samba Web Administration Tool. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.2.3-1ubuntu3.3 (intrepid), package size 982 kB, installed size 2892 kB07:51
outbackwifiDoonz: are you sure, its give me this --> http://pastebin.com/f20c7f79407:51
outbackwifiDoonz: first do the sudo -i and then the iptables -L | pastebinit command07:51
_b0xoutbackwifi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/98124/07:51
outbackwifi_b0x: that partition is currently formatted as ntfs; do you want to format it as ext3?07:52
skokooowho try wubi 8.1  to install ubuntu ?07:52
outbackwifi_b0x: easiest way is to use gparted to do this07:53
GneaRapture2k4: make sure it's enabled in /etc/inetd.conf07:53
Rapture2k4anyone know how to activate swat in Xubuntu 8.10 after an apt-get install?07:53
_b0xoutbackwifi: yeah, okay willgive it a try07:54
indian_munndacan anyone tell me how can i change default operating system booting in grub boot loader???07:54
outbackwifiindian_munnda: change the default number  in /boot/grub/menu.lst07:54
Duke_Anyone here able to help me getting my TI84+ to work with Ubuntu?07:54
indian_munndaoutbackwifi: which number07:55
outbackwifiindian_munnda: the first entry will be 0, the second 1 etc07:55
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
outbackwifiindian_munnda: there is a variable called "default" in that file07:55
Gnea!pm | Rapture2k407:56
ubottuRapture2k4: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.07:56
indian_munndaoutbackwifi: oh yes i can see that07:56
GneaRapture2k4: netstat -nap07:56
Rapture2k4erm, sorry.. not used to XChat, thought you had msg'ed me...07:56
Doonzoutbackwifi: its not working. where do i find that file and ill just manually post it to pastebin07:56
_b0xoutbackwifi: so if i format this as ext3, linux will be able to recognise it? planning of doing a usbinstall on it07:56
outbackwifiDoonz: its not a file, its the state that iptables maintains07:57
skokoooDuke try to run windows inside ubuntu <----- does that make sense for you07:57
indian_munndaoutbackwifi: got it dude, u mean if Windows is in 5th place in the array then i have to put 4 there?07:57
Duke_You mean Wine?07:57
outbackwifiDoonz: what are the commands you are running?07:57
outbackwifiindian_munnda: yes07:57
Doonzsudo -i07:57
skokooono QEmu07:57
kelvin911Duke_: try wine07:57
skokooosee this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo07:57
outbackwifi_b0x: Linux will recognize it even if its ntfs07:57
indian_munndaoutbackwifi: thanx dude, thank u very much07:57
Rapture2k4Gnea, I see a whole BUNCH of stuff with netstat... what am I looking for?07:57
Doonzoutbackwifi:  then iptables -L | pastebinit07:57
Duke_I tried wine and ti-connect, same problem, not recognising it07:58
Duke_I'll try it again now07:58
Doonzbut it keeps coming back with that error07:58
_b0xoutbackwifi: yeah, but i mean will it be able to mount it?07:58
skokooosee this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo   <---- try this one07:58
kelvin911Duke_: is that software for windows only?07:58
outbackwifiDoonz: after you did sudo -i did it drop you into a root shell (with the # prompt) ?07:58
Duke_yeah, there is linux software too, but neither works07:58
Rapture2k4my netstat -nap: http://pastebin.com/f763eeb7d07:58
kelvin911Duke_: why do u want to connect ti84 to the computer?07:58
outbackwifi_b0x: yes of course, linux can mount all windows partitions07:59
n9uibsurf the internet ? lol07:59
Duke_Get my programmes off it07:59
_b0xoutbackwifi: but at the moment its ntfs and it cant mount it..07:59
kelvin911a program in the computer?08:00
GneaRapture2k4: it should say inetd with it, if you ran it with sudo08:00
Rapture2k4i did08:00
Duke_a ti-basic programme i have on my calculator08:00
Rapture2k4sudo netstat -nap | pastebinit08:00
Duke_I want to move it to my computer08:00
Duke_so I can edit it on my computer08:00
GneaRapture2k4: try sudo netstat -nap | grep inetd08:00
outbackwifiDoonz: ok then can you redirect the output of iptables to a file like so iptables -L > iptables.txt and then pastebinit that file?08:00
Doonzoutbackwifi:  ok08:01
Duke_I tried TI-Connect again, no such luck08:01
kelvin911Duke_: do u really need that program?08:01
skokooohey people any help with installation - freez 90% loading module usb storage - !!!!!????08:02
OriWBCan Someone Help me get my fingerprint scanner to work on the darter?08:02
outbackwifiGnea: i thought we all moved to xinetd from inetd some years ago08:02
Duke_well it's not a matter of life and death08:02
Duke_but I would like to have it08:02
kelvin911Duke_: what is it? morgage solver?08:02
Duke_I think it's a USB problem08:03
Duke_it's a game, actually08:03
Rapture2k4Gnea, I can see some stuff in /etc/xinetd/swat... but I don't know which line i need to add or change to enable it and allow remote admin08:03
Duke_first one I made08:03
kelvin911made a game for ti?08:03
Rapture2k4er... /etc/inetd.conf08:03
evilsinehi all i need help08:04
kelvin911Duke_: what kinda game?08:04
evilsineanyone willing to help08:04
matthew_ght place to talk ubuntu08:04
Duke_kelvin911: like an rpg, just text based, but it's not bad, i'd like to improve it08:04
matthew_i am new with linux08:04
nbeebo_how do i make so gnome panel doesnt start at boot??08:05
evilsinei need help all can anyone help its a problem with drivers for a acer aspire 5315 running the earlist kubutu08:05
Svenstar0!ask | evilsine08:05
ubottuevilsine: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:05
JeniusAre you crazy?!?!08:05
matthew_can anyone tell me where to find some games for ubuntu 8.1008:05
Svenstar0matthew_, open synaptic08:05
matthew_where is that08:06
kelvin911matthew_: add/remove08:06
evilsineif anyones is interested pm me08:06
nbeebo_still its too complicated...08:06
kelvin911matthew_: click application, then Add/Remove08:06
darkrubicanthey guys having two problems, well three, My system isn't detecting my video card/monitor properly, when I try to do glxgears and glxinfo it comes up with bad information.08:06
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)08:06
matthew_i went to the add remove thing and got a few games but are there and first person shooter games or is there a way to get my battlefield to work on here08:06
kelvin911matthew_: et08:07
SeveredCrossmatthew_: You can try Wine, but no guarantees.08:07
Flannel!games | matthew_08:07
ubottumatthew_: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php08:07
kelvin911matthew_: et is very good08:07
Rapture2k4aha! figured it out: sudo update-inetd --enable 'swat'08:07
Svenstar0matthew_, try Nexuiz, Warsow or ET :)08:07
kelvin911matthew_: enemy territory08:07
matthew_is it like a windows emulator08:07
evilsineanyone here pro?08:07
kelvin911matthew_: or doom308:07
skokooothe best but people cheats there08:07
nbeebo_counter-strike 1.6 in wine ftw08:08
kelvin911matthew_: even quake 3 can be run in linux08:08
darkrubicantThat's what I get when I do glxinfo/glxgears08:08
matthew_unreal tournament?08:08
evilsinelookinh for a linux pro08:08
darkrubicantI don't know what's wrong, I installed the latest nvidia drivers.08:08
EruditeHermithi, I am having problems with DVD playback in intrepid, can anyone help?08:08
kelvin911matthew_: there is an open arena in add/remove08:08
matthew_really thanks i will look but i might have more questions if thats ok08:08
EruditeHermitsome DVDs just don't work, and with others, totem will not allow me to skip commercials or navigate the menus08:09
evilsineplease im begging i need help!08:09
Rapture2k4if anyone is familiar with samba & swat, I need a walk-through of how to use it... i've read forums and the wiki for it and still am confused08:09
darkrubicantevilsine why don't you ask your question so if there's anyone here who can help you they can see your issue and address it.08:09
evilsinefair enuf08:09
matthew_ok i am installing open arena08:10
Rapture2k4matthew_, it's addictive08:10
kelvin911matthew_: get et if u like team work08:10
Svenstar0Rapture2k4, dont use SWAT, do it by hand.08:10
matthew_how do i get et08:10
Rapture2k4Svenstar0: any particular reason?08:10
evilsinebasically i had vista running on a acer aspire 5315 working fine today i powered it on its had error 17: i reinstalled (wouldnt work) story cut short i had to install this OP i found The earliest kubutu it works fine but i have no sound and no driver at all08:11
skokoooany one can help me installing ubuntuuuuuuuuuuuuu  :> !?@#$%^08:11
evilsinei need help getting them and running kubutu perfectly08:11
Svenstar0Rapture2k4, it makes ugly config files. Do it by hand, its a lot easier and more transparent.08:11
kelvin911matthew_: i forgot the site, wait08:11
matthew_k thanks08:11
darkrubicantevilsine you're going to want to look into oss.  I take it you're using a creative sound card?08:11
Rapture2k4Svenstar0, do you know a good site that can walk me through the conf file syntaxes?08:11
mnHow do I get out of a "| less" or "man command" without closing the terminal08:12
Svenstar0Rapture2k4, the samba documentation.08:12
darkrubicantmn q08:12
jim_pmn, with q08:12
darkrubicantonly exit will close the terminal.08:12
matthew_i have some good games for windows but i am letting my family use my pc so i switched to ubuntu so they can't get it viruses as easily08:12
evilsinethat is the thing i dont remember what hardware i have in the notebook is there i program for it i can detect it with?08:12
Svenstar0evilsine: lshw08:12
darkrubicantCan anyone assist me with my problem with my video card graphics.08:13
evilsinebtw im completeing new to linux08:13
kelvin911matthew_: search for et-linux-2.60.x86.run08:13
* darkrubicant sighs08:13
Svenstar0evilsine, type it in.08:13
mnwow that was easy.  ty darkrubicant and jim_p  I know that was a noobish question, but I never learned it08:13
evilsinethe address bar08:13
matthew_they download anything without checking it so i figured this is safer and they have to have a password to install anything lol08:13
evilsineok i did the lshw now what?08:13
Svenstar0evilsine, search for the sound card08:14
Duke_Alright, I think I've pinpointed the issue --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/98137/08:14
kelvin911matthew_: what do u mean?08:14
evilsinewhich file should i start with there 3 files 1 exe and 5 docs08:14
darkrubicantevilsine did you type lshw into a terminal?08:14
darkrubicantwell when I ran lshw in a terminal.08:15
darkrubicantI did not get 3 files 1 exe and 5 docs.08:15
bullgard4How can I find a word in a text using the most command? Pressing the F key obtains a prompt in the bottom line: "RegexpSearch: ". If I'd like to find the word 'terminal' and I type 'terminal <CR>', 'most' takes on its initial state as if it has found nothing.08:15
evilsineim completely sorry bit im completely new to linux whats a terminal :(08:15
kelvin911matthew_: or u can try wine for windows game, return to castle wolfenstein works well in wine08:15
OriWBCan Someone help me get Skype?08:15
darkrubicantgo to applications08:16
darkrubicantand click on terminal08:16
FloodBot1darkrubicant: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:16
darkrubicantthen type lshw into that.08:16
evilsinewait i got it :D08:16
kelvin911OriWB: sudo apt-get install skype08:16
* darkrubicant waits for someone who can assist with graphics issues.08:16
LogicalDashI told Seahorse to import an .asc public key file. It gave me the "Imported keys" message, but the keys don't show up. Why not?08:16
Duke_How do I fix this --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/98137/08:16
darkrubicantWhat are you trying to fix.08:17
matthew_i prefer war games like bf208:17
darkrubicantDuke_ perhaps I should ask, what are you trying to do?08:17
Duke_darkrubricant: I'm trying to get my calculator to connect to my computer08:17
evilsineok would the sound card come under the multimedia controller?08:17
salermattew_, Far Cry208:18
Duke_sorry, I'm a slow typer08:18
kelvin911et is bf2 liked08:18
darkrubicantYou're just trying to open a calculator?08:18
Duke_No, sorry, I was trying to run TiLP, which lets me connect my calculator to my computer08:19
Duke_Through USB08:19
darkrubicantoh is it a graphing calculator?08:19
evilsinedarkrubicant will the soundcard be named multimedia controller?08:19
darkrubicanti'm not sure evilsine, maybe.08:19
evilsinewell its a intel08:20
darkrubicantcould also be under sound.08:20
darkrubicantbut yes multimedia sounds right.08:20
darkrubicantwhat name does it have for it?08:20
outbackwifievilsine: lspci should also tell you that in more clarity08:20
Duke_so is there any way I can get the UID to be 0 instead of 1000?08:20
darkrubicantTiLP is the program that lets you connect your calculator to your computer?08:21
Duke_Yeah, TiLP2 to be precise08:21
darkrubicantWhat happens if you just plug the usb cable into the calculator and into the computer?08:21
evilsineok about 99% of all my hardware is intel08:21
gbear14275how many tcp/ip connections can ubuntu desktop handle by dafault?08:21
skokooomabe usb is disabled08:22
Duke_And when I use TiLP, it doesn't show my calculator's existence08:22
evilsineand all unknown devices08:22
mayankpentium4, 2.4 or dual core 2.0, which is the best?08:22
Duke_My USB mouse is working fine, how do I fix the unknown devices thing?08:22
darkrubicantDuke_, what skokooo said, do you have usb enabled, rather do you have any other usb devices connected that are working?08:22
Doonzoutbackwifi: I fixed the problem08:22
outbackwifiDoonz: ok how?08:22
Duke_darkrubricant yeah my mouse08:22
darkrubicantYou have to install the appropriate driver for the device.  I believe that TiLP is not the appropriate driver.08:22
Doonzoutbackwifi:  i went back and re-read the firestarter howto. SOmehow i missed a reboot right after the install08:22
skokooousb disabled  = every thing disabled except mouse and keyboard08:23
dexiHey I just switched back from KDE to Gnome and my little trash icon is missing...08:23
mayankpentium4, 2.4 or dual core 2.0, which is the best?08:23
skokoootry to connect flash memory08:23
outbackwifi!best | mayank08:23
ubottumayank: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.08:23
Duke_I can't do that either08:23
darkrubicantDuke_, can you tell me the name and model of your graphics calculator and i'll try and find you a device driver for it, since no one appears to be able to help with glxgears/glxinfo problems.08:23
Duke_TI-84+, thanks08:23
Duke_Texas Instruments08:23
mayankpentium4, 2.4 or dual core 2.0, which one is better?08:23
skokooothats mean they are disabled  ... do you have windows in your computer08:23
Duke_Nope, just Ubuntu08:24
evilsineok i think the first thing would be to update to the lastest kubutu right ?08:24
=== kris is now known as k0d31
ssapphireehey all )08:24
Doonzoutbackwifi:  thanx for your help and sorry for wasting your time08:24
dexihi ssapphiree08:24
saler 2.4 or dual core 2.0, which one is better08:24
darkrubicantjust a second Duke_ I'm on a very low resolution which makes finding answers difficult.08:24
skokooosory cannot help  ... but find out how to enable usb08:25
saler 2.4 or dual core 2.0  is better08:25
k0d31what is the problem with flash in ubuntu?08:25
Duke_Sure man, I appreciate the help :-)08:25
k0d31i dont understand it08:25
mayankpentium4, 2.4 or dual core 2.0, which one is better?08:25
raven_Celleron :)08:25
salermayank, 2.4 or dual core 2.0 is better08:25
raven_The 2.4GHz Celeron :)08:25
darkrubicantDuke_, can I ask how you installed TiLP08:25
mayanksaler, i mean which is best of them, p4-2.4 or dual core 2.0, both has 1gb of ram08:26
k0d31celeron 1.0 is best08:26
k0d31mayabk celeron 1.0 is best08:26
Duke_I tried off Synaptic, didn't work, so googled some stuff, and then removed it and installed like 10 different packages from the internet08:26
Duke_I'll find the site...08:26
evilsinedarkrubicator can you private chat with me08:26
raven_Come Dual Core is by far better even better than a 3.6ghz P408:27
darkrubicantmayank if the p42.4 is just a 2.4 chip, it depends on what the dual core is, if it's a 2.0Ghz dual core, then the 2.0ghz dual core is better.08:27
salermayank, ig u can buy 2.4 dual core ahead if not 2.008:27
darkrubicanthaha duke_ ok, one sec.08:27
salermayank, if u can buy 2.4 dual core go ahead if not 2.008:27
miranda_psimayank: P4's are pathetic - even the Atom is probably beter...08:27
raven_P4 Prescott died on me lasweek08:27
k0d31what is the problem with flash in ubuntu?08:27
mayankno...i have p4 2.4 and planning to buy dual core 2.0, thats why i am asking, saler..08:28
k0d31does anybody know?08:28
miranda_psik0d31: there is no problem i know of08:28
salermayank , 2.008:28
raven_mayank: Just go for the Dual Core Bro...Its better then the fastest p4 aka 3.6ghz08:28
k0d31miranda_psi: i downloaded free and non-free plugins it didnt work08:28
miranda_psimayank: any processor you can buy these days is better than any P408:28
darkrubicantok duke_08:28
Duke_darkrubricant: here is the website I used --> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tilp/+bug/49251/comments/908:28
darkrubicantgo back into synaptic, type in your password.08:28
darkrubicantand search for TiLP in the search08:28
outbackwifipeople this is not a processor channel please go offtopic08:29
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!08:29
miranda_psik0d31: I have the 64bit adobe flash player installed and everything works perfectly...08:29
rshakinhey ppl08:29
Duke_Alright, I searched for TiLP08:29
darkrubicantclick on the box next to tilp or tilp2 you could even do them both, mark them for installation then click apply.08:29
k0d31miranda_psi: on firefox?08:29
rshakinhey who is a windows genius here08:29
darkrubicantoutbackwifi, could you assist me with a graphics driver problem?08:29
mayankbut i already i already have ubuntu installed, if i transfer my hdd(80gb) to new pc, my ubuntu will run or not, that is the main question08:29
Duke_TiLP 2 is greyed out, it's already installed08:30
outbackwifidarkrubicant: i could try08:30
rww!windows | rshakin08:30
ubotturshakin: For discussion on Microsoft Windows, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents08:30
rshakini know but they are not very helpfull08:30
miranda_psik0d31: yeah - is the problem you are having on all flash or just some?08:30
mayankand dual core has no agp slot, i also have to sell my 256mb nvidia...:(08:30
rwwrshakin: nevertheless, if your question is a Windows support question, it doesn't belong here. #ubuntu is only for Ubuntu support.08:30
darkrubicantok outbackwifi, I posted a pastebin earlier could you find it please.08:31
salermayank,use  backup software it is make image  for ur system08:31
darkrubicantI need to resolve that problem.  with glxgears and glxinfo08:31
mayankwhich one?08:31
k0d31miranda_psi: i downloaded the "suggestions" made by ubuntu society all but non-free (adobe) and it worked but always hangs during play08:31
darkrubicantMy computer cannot find the appropriate driver for my monitor nor my video card.  I also installed the nvidia graphics driver however I don't think it installed correctly08:31
rww!backup | mayank08:31
ubottumayank: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning08:31
ValentineXXubuntu any beginner gui tool for to know which client is eating how much bandwidth over a dsl router?08:31
outbackwifidarkrubicant: sorry can you post that url again/08:32
eseven73iftraf is somewhat GUI ValentineXX08:32
darkrubicantyes outbackwifi one sec.08:32
darkrubicantI'm helping a guy in pm as well.08:32
ValentineXXeseven73: ok i try08:32
k0d31miranda_psi: the original adobe doesnt work at all08:32
boanybody known: how to enable port on /home/user/08:33
outbackwifibo: what do you mean by port?08:33
miranda_psik0d31: the open alternatives do have problems - some things work, but others don't.  So I use the proprietary one from adobe (which is now finally 64bit) and don't experience any problems08:33
tsmithI'm having trouble booting from an ubuntu dvd. my computer will boot from cds, but no dvds work. I tried the ubuntu dvd on another computer and it works fine. any suggestions?08:33
eseven73ValentineXX: once you install it just type iftraf in a terminal because you probably wont have it in the menu.08:33
outbackwifitsmith: do you have a dvd drive at all ?08:33
salerbo,port forward08:33
raven_tsmith: Firmware upgrade?08:34
booutbackwifi: web server port08:34
ValentineXXeseven73: yes thanks for telling that i am new at ubuntu08:34
darkrubicantoutbackwifi, here is the pastebin I posted earlier, thank you for your patience and your willingness to try and tackle this problem.08:34
tsmithoutbackwifi: yes, i have used dvds with this drive before.08:34
outbackwifibo: do you mean you want to change document root to /home/user?08:34
tsmithoutbackwifi: i mounted dvds in gentoo all the time, but i cant seem to boot off of one08:35
ssapphireecan someone tell me... what exactly is WPA-None? is it the only way of using WPA with ad-hoc?08:35
Duke_darkrubicant: TiLP 2 is greyed out, it's already installed. Should I uninstall it and then reinstall it?08:35
k0d31miranda_psi: the usual installation step by step like install instructions from adobe site?08:35
booutbackwifi: yes08:35
darkrubicantduke_ remove the usb connector from your computer, restart the computer boot into ubuntu then plug in the usb cable again and tell me what happens please.08:35
Duke_By usb connector, you just mean the cord, right?08:36
miranda_psik0d31: I just did it from firefox, but downloading it from adobe and following the instructions will work as well08:36
ethanhey im running the latest version of ubuntu08:36
gbear14275so... anyone have any recommendations for a bittorrent client?  I'm having problems with transmission and my last foray into azureus dragged all sorts of problems concerning vuze along with it08:36
ethanand i cant get my08:36
ethanwireless to work08:36
darkrubicantgbear try ktorrent08:36
Ahadielgbear14275, deluge08:36
gbear14275looking for something with a gui, ktorrent have one?08:37
ethancan anyone help?08:37
darkrubicantethan wireless is hard to get working on ubuntu, can you tell me what type of wireless card it is please.08:37
darkrubicantgbear14275, yes ktorrent has a gui08:37
darkrubicantso does the default bittorrent client that comes with ubuntu.08:37
kelvin911gbear14275: azureus08:37
rwwdarkrubicant: that's Transmission, which gbear14275 is having problems with ;)08:37
k0d31miranda_psi: maybe it sounds stupid but it doesnt work to me i tried both ways of installing adobe system tells it is installed but it simply doesnt work and firefox is still asking for him and when i try to install it system tells it is installed08:38
k0d31is my computer cursed?08:38
kelvin911gbear14275: rapidshare or megaupload are faster than torrent shit08:38
k0d31for it*08:38
gbear14275kelvin911: azureus now has vuze attached to it, and i've tried it twice, without vuze worked great! with vuze was a mess the standalone updater went horribly08:38
ethanhow do i check?08:38
darkrubicantk0d31, are you talking about flash through adobe?08:38
gbear14275kelvin911: I would love to know where you got that assumption08:39
kelvin911gbear14275: i have azureus without that vuze thing08:39
darkrubicantethan you don't know what type of wireless card?08:39
k0d31darkrubicant: yes08:39
ValentineXXeseven73: how to get iftraf? i got .tar.gz file how to install this file at ubuntu?08:39
kelvin911gbear14275: i can download from rapidshare 1200KB/s08:39
ethanim a noob08:39
darkrubicantugh, is it external or internal?  Are you using a laptop or a desktop?08:39
kelvin911gbear14275: i dwonload 700MB movie in 15 min08:39
gbear14275kelvin911: also torrents have the benefit of community vetting08:39
kelvin911gbear14275: can u do that in torrent?08:39
gbear14275kelvin, uh, yeah... easily08:39
miranda_psik0d31: check the plugin directory in your firefox installation and in you homedirectory settings for firefox (~/.mozilla/firefox/)08:39
k0d31anarchia :)08:40
darkrubicantok one second ethan08:40
kelvin911gbear14275: i bet u cant download at that speed with all torrent files08:40
kelvin911only the one that with lots of seed08:40
darkrubicantethan do some digging and follow this link08:40
gbear14275kelvin911: you are correct, but show me a a rapidshare library as large as the torrent clouds out there and free of viruses and malware and I'll stop using torrents08:41
kelvin911rapidshare got no virus08:41
darkrubicantethan I didn't mean literally, but you need to find out how to find your wireless card in your laptop.08:41
darkrubicantPerhaps speak to the person who made it for you.08:41
raven_rapidshare is loaded with malware08:41
kelvin911gbear14275: http://www.warez-bb.org/ one of my fav08:41
Duke_darkrubicant: Exactly the same problem :-(08:42
kelvin911raven_: same as torrent08:42
kelvin911raven_: lots of fake torrent08:42
rww!offtopic | kelvin911, gbear14275, raven_: Discussion of rapidshare vs. bittorrent doesn't belong here.08:42
ubottukelvin911, gbear14275, raven_: Discussion of rapidshare vs. bittorrent doesn't belong here.: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!08:42
bazhang!piracy > kelvin91108:42
ubottukelvin911, please see my private message08:42
darkrubicantDuke_, do you know what type of interface the graphics card is going to show up as?08:42
bazhangkelvin911, stop the warez talk08:42
kelvin911not all rapidshare are warez08:43
bazhangkelvin911, you are offtopic here.08:43
kelvin911we are sharing downloading method08:43
raven_Lots of linux iso's on warez-bb.org08:43
Duke_darkrubicant: Graphics card? It's a TNT-2 something or other, quite old, but I don't know anything else about it08:43
raven_my rapidshare account has expired :(08:44
kelvin911many people sharing free software with rapidshare because it is fast08:44
darkrubicantnono, I meant your graphics calculator*08:44
bazhang<kelvin911> gbear14275: i dwonload 700MB movie in 15 min08:44
darkrubicantdo you know how it's going to show up in ubuntu are you looking for it in the correct place?08:44
bazhangkelvin911, take it elsewhere08:44
kioskhai........kenalan donk08:44
darkrubicantwill it show up as an empty drive you can copy things into?08:44
darkrubicantI'll brb Duke_08:44
darkrubicantoutbackwifi, happen to find anything?08:44
k0d31oh it is hidden08:45
mayankhow to remove full nexuiz?08:45
ac3_0f_spad3sdelete the folder08:45
moDumasshey all, i can see my thumbdrive in gparted, but i cant format it or change its filesystem, how would i format to ext3?08:45
outbackwifidarkrubicant: yes that means you dont have hardware acceleration08:45
outbackwifidarkrubicant: so what is your card and what driver are you using for it?08:46
moDumasscould be the unmounting issue08:46
moDumassseems this thumbdrive stops responding when i select "unmount"08:46
darkrubicantoutbackwifi, My card is a 7950 GX2 and I'm using the latest driver from nvidia's site.08:46
darkrubicantI think.08:46
gbear14275bazhang: how do i kill a process?  transmissions window went grey and wont quit08:46
kelvin911kill -908:47
joejcis it possible to use a tivo with ubuntu?08:47
moDumasshey bazhang, hows it goin?08:47
ac3_0f_spad3sis there any particular reason my pc keeps telling me i have insufficient privileges to mount a usb drive?08:47
Duke_darkrubicant: It's USB, that's pretty much all I know. When I was using it on Vista, it came up down the bottom right, some stuff about found new USB device, and then TI-Connect would run, but I don't know what the interface is really08:47
kelvin911where is the pok gai bazhang08:47
darkrubicantok Duke_ there's a possibility it might be there, but you don't know where it is?08:48
bazhang!mythbuntu > joejc08:48
ubottujoejc, please see my private message08:48
darkrubicantoutbackwifi, did you catch what I said?08:48
n2diyhow can I determine what is using my "audio device"08:48
Duke_I'm getting more confused, it's plugged into my USB port, I don't know where though08:49
darkrubicantyea I'm not talking about the usb port, I mean, if it were connected and working properly would you know what to click on to access it?08:49
kc8pxyhey yall,  i need to duplicate an install i have somewhere else. and forgot the pinning lines. how do i pinn rails from ibex on a hardy install?08:50
alex__hai! i want to sidegrade a ubuntu hardy heron 8.04.1 (x86) to a amd64 version. got any pointers?08:50
Duke_I figure I'd just run TiLP and then it'd come up automagically, that's how it worked on Windows08:50
ethanHow do I find out what my wireless card is?08:50
Flannelalex__: Reinstall08:50
Flannel!cloning | alex__08:50
ubottualex__: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude --disable-columns --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate08:50
n2diyhow can I determine what is using /dev/audio?08:50
darkrubicantduke_ most things don't come up automatically in ubuntu, you have to look for them.08:51
timorosoanyone with experience on ~/.gvfs/ mount points?08:51
darkrubicantit's possible it could be waiting for you to work with it.08:51
darkrubicantDuke_,  you should check in places and under computer and see if a new device has shown up.08:51
k0d31miranda_psi: there is no plugin directory here08:51
alex__Flannel: cool, i was hoping i could do something like sed s/x86/amd64/ -i /etc/apt/sources.list; apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade08:51
ac3_0f_spad3scould anyone tell me the reason my pc keeps telling me i have insufficient privileges to mount a usb drive?08:52
Flannelalex__: Nope, unfortunately its not that simple08:52
Duke_darkrubicant: nope, just CDROM and Filesystem08:52
alex__Flannel: but thanks for the very helpful answer.. later!08:52
Flannelalex__: your homedir will be fine though, if you have it on a separate partition08:52
n2diycan I run two IRC program at the same time?08:52
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots08:52
_b0xis there a way to see Vista shares on ubuntu?08:52
timorosoI should have gvfs-fuse installed, but when I mount a remote disk in Nautilus, it does not appear in ~/.gvfs/08:53
ac3_0f_spad3sif i was to encrypt my entire system with truecrypt, would that increase hacker protection?08:53
bullgard4How can I find a word in a text using the most command? Pressing the F key obtains a prompt in the bottom line: "RegexpSearch: ". If I'd like to find the word 'terminal' and I type 'terminal <CR>', 'most' takes on its initial state as if it has found nothing.08:54
ethanhow do i find out what wireless card i have08:54
miranda_psik0d31: in the main install directory or the home directory one?08:54
joejchow do i transfer stuff from my tivo to  ubuntu?08:54
LogicalDashI just generated an RSA private key on the command line. How do I get the corresponding public key?08:54
=== maco_ is now known as maco
Gunman123hello...i just installed my wireless drivers through ndiswrapper..08:55
k0d31miranda_psi: in the path you gave me (home directory)08:55
Gunman123i tried 2 different cards.08:55
Gunman1231 PCMCIA and 1 USB08:55
Gunman123my internal is shot..08:55
chop_on gyache i cant get voice08:55
duquettehello, I 'm having trouble getting a bluetooth keyboard configured, there is no hcid.conf file in /etc/bluetooth.  hcitool scan shows my keyboard just fine08:55
ethanhow do i figure out what wireless card i have?08:55
Gunman123but anyway...both cards detect my network..but when it starts to connect...it immediatley disconnects..08:55
Gunman123does anybody have any suggestions for me?08:56
mayankwhich games i can install from package manager?08:56
ValentineXXin my ubuntu startup sessions i have removed check for new hardwares by mistake how to take that back?08:56
ethanhey darkrubicant is it a wireless g?08:56
ethanis that it?08:56
darkrubicantyea could be.  But you'll need the model and name.08:57
darkrubicantI gotta go, gotta try and find some more information on my problem.08:57
mayankwhich games i can install from package manager?08:57
=== sean is now known as Guest27619
suigenerisI found the article on http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/03/24/disable-synaptics-touchpad/ to disable touchpad. is there a way to toggle the on/off status of touchpad with Fn+F9? on windows you can do that08:57
ethanof the wireless card or he computer08:57
Gunman123does anyone know y neither of my wireless card will connect to my network?08:57
miranda_psik0d31: there won't be in that directory - you need to go into the profile directory thats in there first (it has a random name) and if its installed globally in will be in the main install location (/usr/lib/firefox)08:57
duquettemayank, you have synaptic?08:57
=== Kaana is now known as decay
Gunman123and its not the network cus im on it now on my windows partition..08:57
duquetteit should have categories for games08:57
mayankyes, duquette.08:57
raylu!games | mayank08:58
ubottumayank: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php08:58
mayankduquette: tell me some good games08:58
duquettetheres a tron game thats pretty good08:58
ValentineXXin my ubuntu startup sessions i have removed check for new hardwares by mistake how to take that back?08:58
raylu!wifi | Gunman12308:58
ubottuGunman123: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:58
dx123i need help..how do I make firefox automatically open when my ubuntu boots up?08:58
raylu!startup | dx12308:58
ubottudx123: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot08:58
kioskhello anybody there.....08:59
duquetteI 'm so close to configuring my bluetooth, but the tutorial says theres a hcid.conf file and it doesn 't  exist08:59
ValentineXXkiosk: nope irc is empty08:59
SmegzorOMG!  Jerry Lee Cooper was right!  My fresh Ubuntu install is broken and underneath the menus, I can clearly see the Windows XP desktop (not kidding).09:00
k0d31miranda_psi: it looks weird i have two directories here mozilla and mozilla-firefox09:00
dx123thank you!!09:00
k0d31miranda_psi: no firefox directory09:01
Ward1983i once saw a demo at a ubuntu release party of multiple monitors / keyboard hooked up to one system, is there info on that somewhere?09:01
SmegzorI'm not sure how it happened, but the last thing I did was moved the XP boot (dual boot) so that it was the first item in the list, and I installed NVidia drivers.  I rebooted and XP is now hiding under everything :O09:02
CoUrPsE|DeAdHummm, No audio, But i did hear the startup sound ubuntu plays, Any ideas? System/Prefenances/Sound/-Test sound doesnt play anything.09:02
Ward1983i specifically would like to know what happens if i start the same program 4 times, once on each of my "virtual" ystems09:02
rww!ltsp | Ward1983: is this what you mean?09:02
ubottuWard1983: is this what you mean?: LTSP is the Linux Terminal Server Project, which adds thin-client support to Linux servers. See chapter 3 of the !edubuntuhandbook, http://www.ltsp.org and/or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_Terminal_Server_Project09:02
miranda_psik0d31: what directory is this?09:02
Ward1983rww, nope09:03
k0d31miranda_psi: dont understand the question09:03
Ward1983rww, 4 monitorsa and keyboard striaght to one system09:03
rwwWard1983: ah. not sure, then.09:03
Ward1983rww, no networking required (well virtual only probably)09:03
Ward1983rww, no prob09:04
sarmisakhi all09:04
k0d31miranda_psi: i think flash player installs itself in wrong directory09:04
CoUrPsE|DeAdHummm, No audio, But i did hear the startup sound ubuntu plays, Any ideas? System/Prefenances/Sound/-Test sound doesnt play anything.09:04
ethanBroadcom BCM431809:04
ethanis my wireless09:04
ethancan someone help me set it up?09:05
miranda_psik0d31: thats possible - just find the right directory and then in the plugins directory create a sym link to the flash plugin09:05
LeeJunFanKDE4 is freaking awesome, it ticked me off so much I tried gnome for the first time in years and I like it! :)09:05
k0d31miranda_psi: i thought about copying the files09:05
Ward1983k0d31, did you install from the ubuntu repository?09:05
CoUrPsE|DeAdlol LeeJunFan.09:06
Ward1983k0d31, well or any deb for that mather09:06
fac3lessHere's my xorg.conf http://paste2.org/p/123512 -- I have a radeon 3850 & two vx922 viewsonic monitors. I'll paypal someone $25 for helping get these work :)09:06
k0d31from deb09:06
k0d31and from sources09:06
Ward1983k0d31, you can check for the installed files for the package in synaptic then09:06
Ward1983k0d31, (or aptitude if you use CLi only)09:07
k0d31Ward1983: it says its installed but it doesnt work it installed wrong09:07
Ward1983k0d31, yes check the installed files, it will tell you every single file it installed, so you can find the dir it intslled too that way09:07
Ward1983:s duno how i can be more clear09:07
k0d31Ward1983: ok09:08
Ward1983k0d31, from deb AND from sources?09:08
k0d31Ward1983: yes09:08
Ward1983k0d31, from deb AND from sources?09:08
k0d31Ward1983: why not09:08
* Ward1983 is amased now09:08
bashcahow can update  my  ipw = intel network adapter  on ubuntu intrepid09:08
k0d31Ward1983: i tried all ways09:08
Ward1983k0d31, one way at a time i might hope09:09
k0d31Ward1983: i uninstall before installing09:09
suigenerishow do I create a keyboard shortcut for something that isn't in the keyboard shortcut list?09:09
Ward1983k0d31, aaaaaaaaah ok :)09:09
ValentineXX_in my sessions start up programs by mistake i have deleted check for hardware, pls tell me the command so i can add again09:10
Ward1983k0d31, so if the last time was from a deb, check in symaptic what files it installed (rightclick package then choose properties, then click the installed files tab)09:10
k0d31Ward1983: i ll do that09:11
rwwValentineXX_: jockey-gtk --check 6009:11
ValentineXX_rww: thank you so so much09:11
=== maco__ is now known as maco
bashcahow can update  my  ipw = intel network adapter  on ubuntu intrepid ??09:11
Ward1983k0d31, that way you should be able to find the dir, and you can try to make a symlink to the right dir like miranda_psi suggested09:11
k0d31Ward1983: miranda_psi: why should I create sym links cant I just copy the files?09:12
outbackwifibashca: it will get updated automatically everytime an update is released09:12
suigenerishow do I make my function buttons work again?09:12
gbear14275alright downloaded deluge and i can only downloard 1 torrent at a time... this is very odd09:13
bashcaoutbackwifi, i have  problem on it  i need to reinstall it  ???09:13
outbackwifisuigeneris: it depends on the laptop make/model09:13
outbackwifibashca: what kind of  problems ?09:13
suigenerisoutbackwifi, toshiba a200-1m409:13
pixelfairyis there  a way to enable guest session from the screen saver in gnome/ubuntu?09:14
gbear14275no one09:14
outbackwifisuigeneris: there should be scripts inside your acpi directory for that laptop09:14
miranda_psik0d31: copying the file in just won't work - symlinks redirect to the files location (in this case the plugin will need to interact with the other files and wont be able to if you copy it)09:14
Ward1983k0d31, so the files stay in the place apt installed them, and you wont waste diskapce, and you wont have the risk that other stuff depends on the files beign there, etc etc etc09:14
Ward1983k0d31, its just the best way09:14
suigenerisoutbackwifi, /etc/acpi?09:14
bashcaoutbackwifi, i can't connect to net  using  eth1     or eth0  ...09:15
outbackwifisuigeneris: yes09:15
ValentineXXin my upper panel bar with the networking icon why there is a red examination sign where my all networking is ok?09:15
dmsupermanI can't get my murrine theme to work, using hardy. This is the theme I'm trying to install: http://tr.im/2tx0 And this is what it looks like installed: http://tr.im/2twz09:15
bashcaoutbackwifi, when  using modem and disconnect  and  plug  the cable  it will work ??09:15
suigenerisoutbackwifi, how do I use these?09:16
hateballValentineXX: isnt that the update-notifier?09:16
outbackwifibashca: are you using wifi or ethernet?09:16
outbackwifisuigeneris: there is a script called hotkeys which maps to your fn keys. this script gets called09:16
outbackwifibashca: both at the same time?09:17
Fhi all. what is the fastest way to install skype?09:17
Ffor some reason the .deb I grab from the site doesnt work09:17
ValentineXXhateball: wait09:17
Fpackage keeps saying its corrupted or that i dont have enough perms09:17
outbackwifiF: go to skype and download the deb and sudo dpkg -i skype-xxx.deb09:17
Feven though I chmod 777ed it.09:17
k0d31F: there is ubuntu deb09:17
bashcaoutbackwifi, the problem single way to get connect when dial up and reconnect  using  ethernet09:17
outbackwifif: sudo09:17
bashcaor wireless09:17
ValentineXXhateball: http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/308334/Others/Temp/Screenshot.png09:18
pixelfairyF try chmod 644 on it, then call gdbi, or just click on it from the file manager09:18
suigenerisoutbackwifi, there is no script there called hotkeys09:18
outbackwifibashca: im totally lost. what do you mean by "dialup"?09:18
Fwhen I do that I just get09:18
Fdpkg: error processing skype-debian_2.0.0.72-1_i386.deb (--install): short read in buffer_copy (backend dpkg-deb during `./usr/share/skype/avatars/Skype Candy.png')09:18
pixelfairybut dpkg -i should have worked09:18
bashcaoutbackwifi, but if try to connect  with ethernet or wirelees first .. it will not work09:18
Fthats the error i get when I try to run dkpg -i on it.09:18
k0d31F: i installed from deb and installed automatically09:18
Fk0d31: in synaptec?09:18
hateballValentineXX: hovering over it should tell you why it thinks somethings wrong09:19
k0d31F: no09:19
Fk0d31: from where?09:19
k0d31F: i will find site for you wait09:19
Fk0d31: i appreciate it, thanks.09:19
ValentineXXhateball: nothing it tells09:19
blah569Is there a decent C++ RAD for Ubuntu?  Or is it possible to implement Glade with g++?  I've never understood how to do that.09:19
Fpixelfairy: that doesnt work, I get a corrupted/file perm error...09:19
outbackwifiblah569: anjuta09:19
Fi know its strange.09:19
hateballValentineXX: probably just some display bug then :)09:20
ValentineXXhateball: once there was my networking cable error which was making networking disconnect again and again since that time it is there but my cable problem is fine now09:20
blah569outbackwifi:  Thanks, will try it.09:20
outbackwifiF: check the md5 after you download09:20
Fb9d52200951c4b55c224fd3b1776fd2a  skype-debian_2.0.0.72-1_i386.deb09:20
ValentineXXhateball: i do not like bugs09:20
Fis that right or not?09:20
bashcaoutbackwifi, it's difficult to explain  ..  dialup  mean  when  using  mdsl  usb zte  with  gnome-ppp program09:20
ValentineXXkiosk: still hello hi?09:21
hateballValentineXX: Report it on Launchpad09:21
ValentineXXhateball: ok09:21
suigenerisoutbackwifi, there is no script there called hotkeys09:21
outbackwifiF: check that against the md5 on the site where you downloaded09:21
Fwhere do they give an md5 though?09:22
Fi have never seen an md5 on skype.com09:22
outbackwifisuigeneris: in my laptop i have a script for each event. like eeepc-hotkeys.sh09:22
dmsupermanI can't get my murrine theme to work, using hardy. This is the theme I'm trying to install: http://tr.im/2tx0 And this is what it looks like installed: http://tr.im/2twz09:22
CoUrPsE|DeAdMy Rythembox and 'Movie Player' doesnt play my music, it says its playing, but then the progress doesnt move and i dont hear anything.09:22
outbackwifiand or eeepc-wifi-toggle.sh09:22
CoUrPsE|DeAdMy Skype and my startup sounds work thou.09:22
CoUrPsE|DeAdAny ideas?09:22
outbackwifisuigeneris: make sure that acpi is running09:22
outbackwifisuigeneris: sudo /etc/init.d/acpid restart09:23
suigenerisoutbackwifi, it's running09:23
douwe_Hi, I want to set up ubuntu on a new machine and am wondering how much swap I should use.. My machine has 4 GB ram and I never use a suspend function, so what's reasonable?09:23
suigenerisoutbackwifi, but how do i get hold of this hotkeys script?09:23
ValentineXXhateball: in launchpad there they asking in which package did you find this bug, what is that package?09:24
suigenerisdouwe_, 2gb afaik09:24
outbackwifisuigeneris: whenever you press any hotkey, you should get acpi messages in /var/log/acpid09:24
hateballValentineXX: nm-applet09:25
sarmisakdouwe_, 2 GB is enough09:25
outbackwifisuigeneris: no idea about your laptop; i could help you with the eeepc though :)09:25
kestutisHello. How could I change the MAC address of the LAN card.09:25
douwe_2? seems a lot for a system with 4 gigs of memory.. but I guess I can spare it09:25
k0d31F: i got it here u are : http://linux.softpedia.com/progDownload/Skype-Download-68.html09:26
sarmisakdouwe_, you don't have to spare any actually, but it's good to play it safe ;)09:26
bonyusing ftp command can i upload a directory? what is the syntax for uploading a directory?09:27
sarmisakkestutis, sudo ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00:15:xx:xx:xx09:27
aremayhello guys09:27
outbackwifibony: turn on recursive and use mget09:27
aremayi need ur opinon09:27
outbackwifibony: turn on recursive and use mput09:27
aremaybetween awn and cairo dock, which one is better?09:28
Fk0d31: what?09:28
outbackwifi!best | aremay09:28
ubottuaremay: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.09:28
Terrasquedouwe_: I would try without swap :) If a program start gobbling memory, swap is generally just painful. And you can use a file for swap if needed later09:28
bashcaoutbackwifi, it's difficult to explain  ..  dialup  mean  when  using  mdsl  usb zte  with  gnome-ppp program09:28
joejchow to i get stuff from my tivo to my computer?09:28
k0d31F: i thought u have gone09:28
suigenerisoutbackwifi, I have a hotkey-setup in /etc/init.d/. is this what I am looking for?09:28
ValentineXXhateball: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/31315709:29
kestutisthanks, and how to set the programs or the proccesses which should be started on the Ubuntu-system start-up?09:29
outbackwifisuigeneris: i guess so09:29
ValentineXXhateball: in my gnome start up sessions the command for applet is nm-applet --sm-disable09:29
CoUrPsE|DeAdHow do i reinstall sound drivers?09:29
CoUrPsE|DeAdI think there stuffed.09:29
kestutisfor example, i don't want Apache to be started automatically.09:29
suigenerisoutbackwifi, do you wanna see the contents?09:29
CoUrPsE|DeAdEvery option in prefencez/sound dont work under the 'Music and movies' sound playback.09:30
outbackwifikestutis: use sudo update-rc.d remove apache209:30
CoUrPsE|DeAdany ideas?09:30
k0d31ChaoticGood: rpg?09:30
on5slhello, when i would like to develop for nautilus, is this possible?09:30
outbackwifisuigeneris: i can send you my acpi scripts and you could tweak them for your laptop09:30
kestutisi can do it by command-line only?09:30
sarmisakkestutis, is this a server install or a workstation?09:31
suigenerisoutbackwifi, that would be great09:31
outbackwifikestutis: yes; for the gui you need to go to System-Preferences-Sessions09:31
kestutisit's a laptop with Gnome :) i don't learning Unix line system.09:31
kestutisUnix-like systems*09:31
ActionParsnip1yo yo yo09:31
outbackwifikestutis: though i dont know if that works for the /etc/init.d scripts09:32
sarmisakkestutis, you can try system > administration > services09:32
outbackwifikestutis: ah thats it. tx sarmisak09:32
sarmisakoutbackwifi, n.p. ;)09:32
* outbackwifi needs to learn to use the GUI09:32
ValentineXXActionParsnip1: welcome09:32
mylistoback again!09:32
mylistoanyone know how to audio working in skype?09:32
ValentineXXmylisto: wb09:32
sarmisakoutbackwifi, yours was correct also, though it's per user not systemwide09:32
sarmisakmylisto, works great ;)09:33
k0d31miranda_psi: Ward1983: thx for help09:33
mylistowhen I try callign I get09:33
sarmisakmylisto, is this a notebook?09:33
outbackwifisarmisak: tx09:33
mylistoproblem with audio capture09:33
ValentineXXmylisto: check skype options\sound devices09:33
mylistoyeah..its a laptop09:33
mylistousing the hda drivers09:33
k0d31oh maybe u know the problem with unblocking user in skype i cant do that09:33
bonyoutbackwifi, ok i tried it but i get an error message saying that i don't have permissions. but when i try to uploading single files they get uploaded09:34
GreenDelta2hey, i have gparted and one HDD which is formated as ext3. how is it possible to part away a part of this ext3 (which fits in the rest of y hdd at the moment)  and make it ntfs? i have ntfs tools installed, but the "New" button in gparted is deactivated09:34
k0d31i blocked and cant unblock the option doesnt work09:34
sarmisakmylisto, ok, I had the same situation with my samsung, there are two different inputs available, if you are using the microphone installed near the keayboard then you should enable mic front09:34
k0d31is there a bug in linux skype?09:34
outbackwifibony: i would use an advanced ftp client like ncftp09:34
outbackwifi!info ncftp09:34
ubottuncftp (source: ncftp): A user-friendly and well-featured FTP client. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:3.2.1-1 (intrepid), package size 490 kB, installed size 1104 kB09:34
sarmisakmylisto, if not and you are plugging in a microphone to the socket next to earphones, you should select mic09:34
ActionParsnip1!info filezilla09:34
ubottufilezilla (source: filezilla): Port of the famous Win32 graphical FTP client. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.2-0ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 1038 kB, installed size 2652 kB09:34
mylistois that the default?09:35
ValentineXXk0d31: unblocking worked fine for me09:35
kestutisI can't find system > administration > services, and System-Preferences-Sessions doesn't should Apache as starting proccess, but it really starts automatically.09:35
sarmisakmylisto, it changes, just try changing some settings 'til you get some sound from your mic09:35
Fk0d31: got it. thanks!09:35
sarmisakmylisto, you can use audacius to record first and see which one is working for you09:35
k0d31F :)09:35
Fbut now there is a problem. my sound doesnt work! i dunno why.09:35
FI am using a Dell Mini 9.09:36
mylistoheres the deal09:36
mylistoI'm not actually using sound09:36
Fany ideas what I can check/do to get my sound working?09:36
mylistoI need to call this lady to see her webcam09:36
eMaXanyone knows how to disable reverse dns for rsync?09:36
mylistoas I am about to hypntoize her09:36
mylistowith text...09:36
mylistoand no sound09:36
sarmisakmylisto, what's the problem with that?09:36
ActionParsnip1F: run lspci, it will tell you what sound card you have. you can websearch from there09:37
mylistoI've got a problem with audio playback error message09:37
bonyoutbackwifi, ActionParsnip1 well i want a command like tool not a gui one i use gftp for gui.09:37
ActionParsnip1bony: the terminal has ftp features for command line ftp09:37
outbackwifibony: ncftp is your friend09:37
GreenDelta2hm, is it possible to change the size of the main partition on which linux is installed? (mountpoint: /) when i try to unmount it with gparted he says that he cnt unmount it and propably soething else is mounted on this partition, but there is nothing anymore09:37
sarmisakmylisto, you might try to be more specific on your problem maybe09:37
mylistoI try to call her09:37
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
mylistoand the call doesn't go threw09:38
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mylistoI get "problem with audio playback"09:38
sarmisakmylisto, might it be a router setup problem? maybe your router doesn't like skype09:38
bonyActionParsnip1, outbackwifi ok thanks a lot for the help i will check out ncftp and give a try. :-)09:38
DragoraNhi, how is called package which handles "command not found"?09:38
mylistono router09:38
mylistoI had it working like two days ago09:38
Arelis_I want to try out Ubuntu on my Mac to see if buying the Mac was indeed a good choice, however i do not want to damage anything on the Mac while i do want to try out Ubuntu to it's full experience. So that means somewhat installed, but also not.09:38
ElladanHoly crap Compiz is a buggy piece of garbage.09:38
outbackwifiDragoraN: its the shell09:39
DragoraNjust found it09:39
ActionParsnip1DragoraN: what command is not being found?09:39
syntax\Doonz: hey got it working.09:39
mayanktorrent paused: disk read error, slot has no storage09:39
syntax\installed like a breeze09:39
ActionParsnip1Elladan: yep, imho its worthless09:39
sarmisakmylisto, ok, have you tried changing the settings in system > preferences > sound?09:39
syntax\i have a problem tho, how can i set a static ip address and dns.09:39
GreenDelta2doesnt anybody has a idea ow to change the size of the ain partition (mounted on /)??09:39
ActionParsnip1mayank: how much free space do you have on the partition where you download torrents to?09:39
sarmisakmylisto, try changing some of the settings there, maybe you should specifically select "pulse audio" for output.09:40
outbackwifiGreenDelta2: boot with the livecd and then use gparted09:40
ActionParsnip1GreenDelta2: boot to live cd, you can use gparted to resize09:40
GreenDelta2ok ty, i read that its not possible to use gparted on a live system.09:40
mayankActionParsnipl, 57.6gb(enough for download)09:40
GreenDelta2ill try it, thx very much :)09:40
kamerahow you check the status or determine the outcome of a crontab job?09:41
CoUrPsE|DeAdHow do i reinstall with apt-get? apt-get reinstall errors no such option.09:41
mylistotrying to reboot09:41
mylistoseeing if that helps09:41
Eugene_Is there a official tutorial on how to install ubuntu to SSD?09:41
ElladanI mean seriously, here are the complete and utter garbage bugs I've found just trying to use it at all: 1. Change screen resolution -> compiz explodes, whoops, ctrl-alt-bs.  2. Flip viewports around with keyboard shortcuts -> Compiz crashes about 10 times a day doing that with one of my video cards.  3. Mouse handling with zoom -> totally broken in so many ways.  4. If I leave Compiz running for a couple days on my work machine, I c09:41
sarmisakkamera, log it maybe? add "2>&1 >> /var/log/some_log_file" to your cron line09:42
outbackwifikamera: it comes as a mail to the user who requested the job09:42
mayankActionParsnipl, 57.6gb(enough for download)09:42
outbackwifiEugene_: any specific laptop? for the eeepc theres a separate distro09:42
mayanktorrent paused: disk read error, slot has no storage09:42
Flannelsyntax\: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/serverguide/C/network-configuration.html09:42
syntax\lo, how can i manually configure a static ip and dns? and also what should i do to auto mount ntfs partitions?09:42
kameraoutbackwifi can you be more specific i havent added any email in my cron file09:42
syntax\thanks flannel. :)09:43
CoUrPsE|DeAdHow do i reinstall with apt-get? apt-get reinstall errors no such option.09:43
Eugene_outbackwifi no im usnig a transcend SSD in my regular computer.09:43
outbackwifikamera: generally the result of the cron job is mailed to the root user09:43
ElladanI mean shit, didn't someone actually check whether Compiz works with the "Screen Resolution" config tool (as opposed to, say, exploding in flames) before making it the Ubuntu default?  W.T.F.09:43
ActionParsnip1mayank: then i'd run an fsck on the partition, make sure you are downloading to the large partition. If you have made a small partition and are accidentally downloading there it will fill the partition nicely09:43
ActionParsnip1mayank: you can check disk usage with df -h09:43
ActionParsnip1Elladan: this is support channel, not rant channel09:44
kameraoutbackwifi but i havent set up a mail server on my ubuntu box?09:44
OriWBCan Someone help me install Skype on my darter 76?09:44
outbackwifiEugene_: ive installed it to an SSD without any special tweaks other than no swap09:44
FlannelElladan: Please watch your language09:44
ActionParsnip1Elladan: if you dont like it, don't use it09:44
ActionParsnip1Elladan: i think its garbage and use fluxbox instead09:44
kameraoutbackwifi i try to run a daily mysql optimization09:44
outbackwifikamera: then you can redirect output to a log file like sarmisak says09:44
Eugene_outbackwifi no other tweaks at all? sounds nie.09:44
outbackwifiEugene_: yes09:44
FinnishAnyone having luck with MTS-video files in Ubuntu? I'm not able to view those, or convert09:45
kameraoutbackwifi how would that look like?09:45
anarchia99i m italian09:45
CoUrPsE|DeAdHow do i reinstall with apt-get? apt-get reinstall errors no such option.09:45
CoUrPsE|DeAdC'mon guys, im sure its a simple question, can someone pleaSE answer?09:45
Eugene_also what packages are needed to use a atheros wifi dongles?09:45
outbackwifikamera: like this ---> <sarmisak>kamera, log it maybe? add "2>&1 >> /var/log/some_log_file" to your cron line09:45
ElladanActionParsnip1: It doesn't really even meet the basic "Does this software work?" bar of usability.  I really have to question whether people were in their right minds making this thing the default window mgr.09:45
enzotibCoUrPsE|DeAd, sudo apt-get --reinstall install pkg09:46
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outbackwifiEugene_: madwifi for anything with atheros09:46
CoUrPsE|DeAdAhhh, thats where i went wrong, thanks enzotib.09:46
mayankActionParsnipl, do i have to install fsck first from package manager?09:46
kamera0 1 * * * mysqlcheck -u root -p[password] > /var/log/mysqlstatus.log would do?09:46
OriWBI get an i386 error when I try to install skype onto my darter. Can Someone help?09:47
ActionParsnip1Elladan: its open source, there are no garuntees of functionality or anything at all09:47
ActionParsnip1Elladan: if it breaks, you get both pieces09:48
syntax\Flannel: is this ok? less /etc/network/interfaces shows auto lo, iface lo inet loopback09:48
ElladanActionParsnip1: That's why we have these things called "distributions" where people collect working software into a functional package.09:48
ActionParsnip1Elladan: some people run compiz with great success, I used to but grew to hate it09:48
kameradid i get it right outbackwifi?09:48
outbackwifikamera: i guess so09:48
ActionParsnip1Elladan: indeed, but its still open source and has zero SLA09:48
syntax\on the link u gave me, says there auto eth0, iface eth0 inet dhcp09:49
ElladanActionParsnip1: Well, I don't really have anything against the GUI design behind Compiz.  The problem is that it's too buggy to really use.09:49
Eugene_Elladan kwin produces very nice effects and does not suffer from all the same bugs that compiz does.. but there are probably others luking around =P09:49
kameraoutbackwifi did you see my line above?09:49
syncxmay i ask09:49
Flannel syntax\ That's for your loopback (localhost)  Those are the first two lines in the example on that page.  You need to add more stuff (eth0 stuff) for static IP, not the auto stuff though, read further.09:49
syncxhow to get this unaffiliated/<name> on stats?09:49
ActionParsnip1Elladan: I think so too, some have great successes with it. If you want help with it, head into #compiz09:49
ActionParsnip1Elladan: just install fluxbox and all issues flutter away ;)09:50
kameraoutbackwifi 0 0 * * * mysqlcheck -Aao -u root -p[password] > /var/log/mysqlstatus.log looks good?09:50
outbackwifikamera: did you see mine below that?09:50
outbackwifikamera: i guess so09:50
gmathewsDoes anyone know when getdeb .net will be working again?09:50
Eugene_ActionParsnip1 i sometimes uses fluxbox+gnome-panel... nice combo.09:50
kameraoutbackwifi thanks man09:50
kamerai check it out09:50
mkeris there a way that I can check what a user is downloading via sftp (openssh)?09:50
sztomiHi. I installed gtk2-engines-qtcurve so that qt and gtk apps can have a unique look. My problem is that in Nautilus it uses kde icons, no matter which icons are set in Appearence. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?09:51
Mageiriki-me-basi try to partition my HD so that i can make it dual boot Vista-Linux but i have one problem: i want to leave only 20 out of 250 GB for the Vista, but when i choose to "shrink" the vista partition on the vista partition manager... it can not make the partition smallen than 100GB.09:51
outbackwifiMageiriki-me-bas: defragment it first09:51
b0eftrying to help a friend who has installed ubuntu intrepid and after an update, he's getting "E: Unable to parse package file /var/lib/dpkg/status (1), E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.". Any pointers as to what I can try?09:51
mayankdo i have to install fsck first from package manager?09:51
ActionParsnip1b0ef: sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get update09:52
b0efActionParsnip1: thanks; I'll try09:52
outbackwifimayank: it is generally installed as part of the base system09:52
sztomiMageiriki-me-bas: have you tried the partitioning program included in ubuntu installer?09:52
ActionParsnip1mayank: its a standard command, the disks need to be unmounted so I'd run it from livecd, or theres aswitch you can use on the shutdown command to make it happen next boot09:52
syntax\Flannel: finished changing, also restarted the service but if i do ifconfig, its still the same.09:52
mkerMageiriki-me-bas, it can be risky shrinking the partition, hope you know that. Make sure to backup09:52
mayankActionParsnipl, if i logout then run this command..so?09:53
mayankActionParsnipl, i mean ctrl+alt+f209:53
ElladanActionParsnip1: Also, when I found that the compiz package maintainers "solved" the bug "compiz crashes my computer with XXX video driver" by placing a card blacklist in a shell script, I was forced to wonder whether they should really be allowed near a computer at all.09:53
ActionParsnip1mayank: the partitions are still mounted09:54
ActionParsnip1Elladan: take it up with them09:54
mayanklive cd is a better idea09:54
OriWBCan somebody help me install Skype? I get an i386 error when I try to install it09:54
outbackwifiElladan: whats the point of all this ranting?09:55
ActionParsnip1!skype | OriWB09:55
ubottuOriWB: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto09:55
outbackwifiOriWB: whats an i386 error?09:55
ActionParsnip1OriWB: have you read that?09:55
syntax\Flannel: check this out. http://paste.ubuntu.com/98178/09:56
b0efActionParsnip1: hmm, didn't help; he's getting the same error message09:56
kestutisif i have to use mysql in php, so i have to instal mysql-server and php5-mysql?09:56
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ActionParsnip1b0ef: can you pastebin the command and error please09:56
mayankhow do i install enemy Enemy Territory: Quake Wars in ubuntu?09:57
maverick340any one knows how to configure deluge for SSH tunneling ?09:57
ActionParsnip1mayank: wine or maybe a loki installer09:57
mayank!loki | help09:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about loki09:58
ActionParsnip1mayank: websearch it dude, makes games run excellent if theres one for that particular game09:58
ActionParsnip1!skype > OriWB09:58
ubottuOriWB, please see my private message09:58
b0efActionParsnip1: http://www.esben-stien.name/errmsg.txt09:58
GetOnTopммм русский работает?09:58
Elladanmaverick340: What do you want to do exactly?09:58
syntax\and also if i do ifconfig, nothing has changed. its still on dhcp09:59
mayankActionParsnipl, u mean for loki?09:59
ActionParsnip1!fixapt | b0ef09:59
ubottub0ef: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »09:59
suigeneris!ru | GetOnTop09:59
ubottuGetOnTop: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke09:59
ActionParsnip1mayank: well, loki installer09:59
maverick340read this tutorial about using PuTTY to tunnel your web traffic and use it on uTorrent when your ISP is throttling Bit torrent09:59
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b0efActionParsnip1: thanks, I'll try, or he'll try, rather10:00
bazhangGetOnTop, /join #ubuntu-ru10:00
mayankwould it be on package manager?10:00
Eugene_!se | GetOnTop10:00
ubottuGetOnTop: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se10:00
ActionParsnip1b0ef: also try: sudo apt-get update -o APT::Cache-Limit=2516582410:00
kestutisi install mysql-server and php5-mysql but still can't use mysql server :/10:01
pop79i have an ati raedon graphics card and it flickers on ubuntu. anything i can try?10:01
Elladanmaverick340: Tunneling is easy enough with SSH.  The confusing bit with a bittorrent client is that SSH (usually) creates point to point tunnels, but bittorrent really wants something more like a VPN.10:02
bazhang!info fusion-icon | pop7910:02
ubottufusion-icon (source: fusion-icon): tray icon to launch and manage Compiz Fusion. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.1.0-1 (intrepid), package size 29 kB, installed size 264 kB10:02
CoUrPsE|DeAdIs there any other music plays like rythmbox ? it keeps freezing on me and i cant use it, :(10:02
gmathews!amarok | CoUrPsE|DeAd10:02
ubottuCoUrPsE|DeAd: Amarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.8 (1.4.3 for Dapper LTS). Packages are available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Amarok10:02
bazhangpop79, use that to turn off compiz-fusion when watching movies etc10:02
pop79ok. thanks bazhang10:02
OriWBWhen trying to install skype i get a message: Could not open 'skype -debian_2.0.0.72-1_i386.deb'10:02
OriWBdoes someone know ehat to do?10:03
ActionParsnip1pop79: have you installed video drivers for it?10:03
CoUrPsE|DeAdThanks gmathews.10:03
maverick340Elladan,  could you give me links where i could read about both ?10:03
ElladanCoUrPsE|DeAd: You might try banshee as well.10:03
pop79ActionParsnip1: yep10:03
Elladanmaverick340: I don't have any handy, sorry.10:03
ActionParsnip1pop79: i'd check settings then, like refresh rates etc10:04
CoUrPsE|DeAdElladan, Thanks, well see what amarok is like first.10:04
ActionParsnip1amarok is awesome10:04
pop79it said on x.org that they couldnt get ati cards to work or something10:04
maverick340i like rhythmbox !10:04
pop79yeah. amarok is great10:04
CoUrPsE|DeAdGood to hear, Rhythmbox is really getting on my nervs, crashing on bootup.10:04
Eugene_pop79 me too10:04
ActionParsnip1pop79: ati cards work fine, a small few just dont like 3d accell10:05
maverick340i like the cursor follows playback in rhytmbox10:05
outbackwifi!ati | pop7910:05
ubottupop79: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:05
ActionParsnip1!hcl | pop7910:05
ubottupop79: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection10:05
pop79outbackwifi: thanks10:05
sztomiHi. I installed gtk2-engines-qtcurve so that qt and gtk apps can have a unique look. My problem is that in Nautilus it uses kde icons, no matter which icons are set in Appearence. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?10:05
maverick340amarok fails on me !  I like to have all my media lib infront of me and then jump to tracks10:05
CoUrPsE|DeAdOh, amarok doesnt have a libiary?10:06
ActionParsnip1maverick340: i like the xul remote control in amarok10:06
ActionParsnip1yeah it has a library10:06
b0efActionParsnip1: seems we have an offender: http://www.esben-stien.name/errmsg2.txt10:06
Eugene_maverick340 Rhythmbox and beep media player is available for such purposes i guess.10:06
Elladanrhythmbox has been skipping badly for me the last few releases.10:06
Tester_I downloaded Ubuntu 8.10 Server Edition, version for old x86 PC's, image name is ubuntu-8.10-server-i386.iso . I installed it on relatively new AMD Athlon 64 PC (and it works there), then unplugged the disk and moved it to old P75. There I receive bug that kernel needs CPU with CMOV and PAE features support. What can I do, I can't install Linux directly on P75, it is unable to read anything from CD/DVD.10:06
pop79Rythmbox plays one song then crashes on my ubuntu 8.1010:06
maverick340Eugene_, yep thats why i iuse RhythmBox !10:06
ActionParsnip1CoUrPsE|DeAd: http://blog.koehntopp.de/uploads/amarok-00-totale.png10:06
AccidusI'm having problems with my connection. Under Vista, everything seems to work fine. Under Ubuntu (8.10), normal surfing works fine, but when I try to do interactive stuff (gmail, facebook, banking, posting forum messages) things don't work properly. It takes ages to submit form and then nothing happens, etc. I've talked to my ISP and he said they're not doing anything special and that if it works under Vista it should work on Ubuntu. So what10:07
Acciduscan be the problem?10:07
ActionParsnip1CoUrPsE|DeAd: sorry its so big10:07
CoUrPsE|DeAdNo problem,10:07
maverick340Accidus, DNS Address ?10:07
ActionParsnip1b0ef: i'd backup the file then add the colon to the file yourself, if its bad, restore the old file10:07
Eugene_Accidus what web browser are you using, and do you have any extensions that can cause this behaviour?10:07
pop79Accidus: i am fixing a pc and have the exact same problem as you are10:07
maverick340maybe you specified one in Vista10:07
CoUrPsE|DeAdLooks alright.10:07
Acciduspop79: Really? Any success?10:08
outbackwifiTester_: can you do a network install?10:08
b0efActionParsnip1: I'll try to make him do that;)10:08
sztomithis is a screenshot of the problem: http://kepfeltoltes.hu/090102/ikonok_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_.jpg10:08
ElladanTester_: You need to boot with a lighter kernel.10:08
pop79my friend asked me to put vista on it10:08
maverick340Accidus, try using OpenDNS - worked for me for a similar problem10:08
AccidusEugene_: Firefox. I have the 0.8 gnome enhancement extension, but disabling it doesn't seem to make any difference10:08
CoUrPsE|DeAdWelp, apparently xine cant detect any audio drivers. That could be well why Rythmbox kept freezing i guess.10:09
ActionParsnip1Accidus: try making a new user and see if it works under the new account10:09
pop79im having more trouble with my ati card. it dosnt seem to be supported10:09
ElladanTester_: With a P75, you might try throwing a working kernel on a floppy or something.10:09
maverick340doesnt Rhythmbox use gstreamer ?10:09
AccidusMaverick340: I thought about DNS problems, but I can access the website, it's just the interactive stuff that's problematic10:09
pop79my ati raedon card is a raedon xpress 20010:09
Eugene_sztomi after selecting the icons you want, you need to restart nautilus.. and since the desktop is also nautilus on gnome.. that too have to be restarted.10:09
maverick340Accidus, maybe try disabling plugins10:10
Tester_Not sure how to install Ubuntu through network, I haven't seen anything about this type of install on ubuntu web.10:10
blah569How do I give "TextEditor" permission to write to var/www ?10:10
sztomiI'll try that. thanks10:10
Eugene_Tester_im doing a net-boot right now.10:10
pop79Accidus: Go to applications, add/remove and look for epiphanny10:10
Accidusmaverick340: I don't think it's plugins. It was happening from the first day I installed ubuntu + firefox.10:10
ActionParsnip1blah569: if its a gui app, use gksudo, if its a terminal app, use sudo10:10
outbackwifiblah569: you dont give permissions to apps, only to users10:10
jackyumm this might be a stupid question, but when i did a restart of ubuntu desktop 8.10, none of the changes made were persistent10:11
Acciduspop79: It's not installed10:11
jackyim bootng off a usb stick, and used the unetbootin tool to put it on there. i assumed that the usb was treated as a drive, but am i wrong?10:11
pop79Accidus: install it10:11
lonejackWhen I launch reproduction on rythmbox it doesn't work. Probably there's a bug on ubuntu(8.04). This problem generally happens when I see a movie under FF. Can someone tell me how to discover what devs are actually occupying the audio channel...10:11
AccidusAh, right.10:11
AccidusJust a sec.10:12
maverick340there is plugin installed in Ubuntu Firefox by default , hardly think that could be a problem but try disabling it10:12
CoUrPsE|DeAdHow do i reinstall sound drivers?10:12
CoUrPsE|DeAdI cant seem t oget sound on anything anymore. Apart from Skype works.10:12
CoUrPsE|DeAdNothing else does.10:12
blah569What would it be?  gksudo textedit?  Because 'textedit' returns command not found.10:12
Invisible_SlackI have 2x 22" Wide Screen Monitors can I "Span" them or do they have to "Mirror" each other only?10:12
maverick340blah569, gedit i think10:12
ElladanTester_: I think all you need to do is boot a generic kernel instead of the server kernel.10:12
pop79when i start my10:12
mayankwhere i find doom for ubuntu?10:13
syntax\err nevermind.10:13
blah569maverick340: Thanks10:13
Eugene_mayank doom as in the old game?10:13
maverick340mayank, http://www.liflg.org/?catid=6&gameid=4810:13
CoUrPsE|DeAdInvisible_Slack, Use 'multi screens' to change where the monitors are, and in prefences/screen resolution uncheck mirror.10:13
pop79when i start my Acer pc, it sometimes dosent load the GRUB menu10:13
sztomiEugene_: I restarted X with ctrl-alt-backspace, and now it works. Thank you for your help.10:13
hspaansInvisible_Slack: depends on your videocard how much pixels it can handle10:13
mayankdoom 3 or any good game for ubuntu?10:13
ActionParsnip1mayank: doom3 has a native installer from ID software10:14
maverick340I like alien arena :-)10:14
Invisible_Slackhspaans: I have a 8800 GTX OC Edition with 768mb of DDR2 Ram, it can handle it10:14
ActionParsnip1mayank: it also runs aweomse under wine10:14
albechhow do i change so the active window is where the mouse is over?10:14
Eugene_mayank doom3 can be bought at most computer stores, and quake4 and all the unreal tournament games comes with linux binaries.10:14
umarhow to use man in ubuntu ?10:14
albechi used to have this in 8.0410:14
Accidusmaverick340: Do you think it's a DNS problem? I can lookup the sites alright, it's just that when I do interactive stuff things don't work properly.10:14
ActionParsnip1mayank: theres also a doom client which you can put any .wad in and play doom10:14
maverick340um man <command>10:14
pop79can anybody link me to a site for drivers of ATI raedon xpress 200?10:14
Invisible_SlackCoUrPsE|DeAd: I've unchecked Mirror in the Display Properties but they are still "mirroring" and it only shows 1 monitor in Properties, i haven't enabled the Nvidia restricted drivers yet that might be the 1st problem10:15
maverick340umar, man <command>10:15
Elladanalbech: System -> Preferences -> Windows10:15
mayankmaverick340, the link u gave me, i go there and just download 25 mb of doom, i download and play....thats it?10:15
maverick340Accidus, did you try any other browser ?10:15
pop79Accidus: did you install Epiphanny10:15
albechElladan: ahh thanks.. was looking for in under System- --> Preferences --> Mouse10:15
mayankhttp://www.liflg.org/?what=dl&catid=6&gameid=48&filename=doom3_1.3.1.1304-multilanguage.run,is this usefull?10:15
maverick340mayank, like ActionParsnip1 said - there is a native Doom3 installer . Try that maybe10:16
Tester_OK, where can I find such kernel, how to "install" it correctly on that Linux HDD and what else I have to do? For example, I guess it will need some modules for things that are not directly in kernel.10:16
ActionParsnip1mayank: yeah that will install doom3 as a native linux app10:16
hspaansInvisible_Slack: is the amount X and Y it can produce, not how fast it can spin its fan10:16
ActionParsnip1mayank: just pop in your cd and install away10:16
pop79when my GRUB menu loads, it displays a whole lot of "linux kernals"???? should they be there10:16
mayanki don;t understand, doom3 of 25mb only, i download then what?10:16
ElladanTester_: I'm guessing the easiest thing is to pull the disk out again, and install the generic kernel on the machine that works, and then move it back again.10:17
ActionParsnip1Tester_: the install cd will take care of that for you, you will need to install packages or compile source for any additional modules you may neeed10:17
maverick340pop79, you can remove the old kernal boot lines10:17
ActionParsnip1mayank: yeah, thats the linux installer, you need your game cd to install it10:17
Acciduspop79, maverick340: Okay, other browser works great!10:17
ElladanTester_: You can just install linux-image-generic with apt-get and such.10:17
Invisible_Slackhspaans: I understand that, just changed over from Kubuntu today, installed it after a while being on windows and hate the new plasmiods, on Kubuntu even with Nvidia Restricted Drivers it wouldn't do anything but mirror that is why I ask10:17
pop79good Accidus10:17
maverick340Accidus, :-)10:17
Acciduspop79, maverick340: At least for the first few things I'm trying10:17
maverick340try reinstalling firefox10:17
Invisible_Slackhspaans: and yes I know its not how fast the fans spin, but with this card I can make it sing if the code is right hence why I ask how to do it ;)10:17
mayankmaverick340, i have age of empires 2, i like that game a lot, but when i play it with wine its play too slow...why?10:18
ActionParsnip1Accidus: you could rename your ~/.mozilla folder to get a stock folder to test10:18
jrgpmayank, wine isn't good with most games10:18
ActionParsnip1mayank: try altering settings for wine for that game10:18
Tester_That's the problem, I forgot to mention it... I thought I will compile my own kernel without these features, but it's only very old and small HDD, there is almost no space left after system install. I can't download kernel source and compiler, there is simply not enough room for that.10:18
Eugene_mayank try running it in a window instead of fullscreen. As AOE2 is 16bit colour, this may cause the troubles... same applies for Starcraft and a few other games.10:18
maverick340mayank, try searching here : http://appdb.winehq.org/10:18
ActionParsnip1!appdb | mayank10:18
ubottumayank: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help10:18
AccidusActionParsnip1: What do you mean by stock folder? (as you guessed, English is not my native language)10:18
ElladanTester_: It would also be possible to make some sort of boot disk, but you said your cdrom doesn't work in the old computer, so I'm guessing that would be a pain in the butt.10:18
maverick340some games dont run well with Wine10:18
pop79guys, im on windows. ill be back on ubuntu in a minute10:19
CoUrPsE|DeAdI have no sound, can someone please help me?10:19
ActionParsnip1Accidus: when you first installed ubuntu, you did not have a firefox profile, when you first run it, one is created10:19
Eugene_CoUrPsE|DeAd have you installed ALSA and alsa-oss?10:19
ActionParsnip1Accidus: so if you rename your current profile, firefox will think its yur first run and make a stock profile with no settings or plugins10:19
mayankActionparsnipl, i don;t have any game cd, i want to download games for ubuntu..thats it10:19
ElladanTester_: It sounds like you're going to need to build everything on your new computer, and then move it over.10:19
CoUrPsE|DeAdI'd assume so, sound was working yesturday, but now nothing.10:19
AccidusActionparsnip1: Ah, thanks. I'll try that before reinstalling then.10:20
ActionParsnip1Accidus: you can then test, if that works, you have some setting in your system preventing what you want to do. you can also rename back so you lose nothing10:20
mayankmaverick340, and how can i play aoe2 window screen?10:20
Eugene_CoUrPsE|DeAd if you try to use the gnome-volume-control... what does it say?10:20
ActionParsnip1Accidus: you can achieve the same a lot safer by creating a new user10:20
CoUrPsE|DeAdEugene_, It loads fine.10:20
maverick340mayank, try isntalling windows in a virtualbox and run AOE2 on it !10:20
Eugene_mayank run winecfg and set windowed mode as default in the checkbox.10:20
lakis1982hello . i have kubuntu 8.10 ... how can i search for updates for my kubuntu ???10:20
kestutishow to browse file an folders as root?10:21
Eugene_CoUrPsE|DeAd Broken speakers?10:21
hspaansInvisible_Slack: 2560x1600 <-- this appears the max voor the videocard10:21
CoUrPsE|DeAdNope, Speakers are fine.10:21
Eugene_kestutis in graphical mode try gksudo nautilus.10:21
Invisible_Slackhspaans: its on 1650x1050 if I remember correct way under the max setting, my problem is Monitor 1 & 2 are showing the same.. I want it to "Span" across is that possible?10:21
ElladanCoUrPsE|DeAd: Do you have a wild pulseaudio process or something?  Or is some app hogging your audio?10:22
Eugene_CoUrPsE|DeAd and its not muted or so...10:22
Acciduspop79, maverick340, Actionparsnip1: I renamed the folder and things still don't work properly. I think I'll reinstall.10:22
Invisible_Slackhspaans: not trying to do anything that is not capable of doing10:22
mayankwinecfg does not have window screen mode option..10:22
Eugene_mayank it should have... virtual desktop i think its called nowdays.10:22
ElladanCoUrPsE|DeAd: I've had to go on a hunt for pulseaudio and shoot it before.10:22
maverick340Accidus, yep you are better of doing that !10:22
ActionParsnip1Accidus: good move10:22
kestutiswhat does gksudo do?10:23
maverick340mayank, Virtual Box ->from Add/Remove10:23
mayanki have already tried in virtualbox but no luck10:23
hspaansInvisible_Slack: that whould mean your card should be able tot 3300x1050 != 2560x160010:23
ActionParsnip1kestutis: runs graphical apps with sudo access10:23
ActionParsnip1mayank: games dont run great in VMs10:23
Invisible_Slackhspaans: its able to do what I'm asking to do, I just need help on finding out how to configure it to do what i"m wanting to10:23
CoUrPsE|DeAdElladan, Thanks man, killed all pulseaudio and now its working.10:23
mayanki know ubuntu not good in games...is there any good games for ubuntu only????10:24
maverick340mayank, its best to keep a small windows partition if you like playing games10:24
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php10:24
Eugene_ActionParsnip1 I get 17k 3dmarks when running in a Virtual Machine... works mighty fine if i can say so.10:24
deaddebateI've been having problems launching a live fedora and ubuntu.  I had recently been kicking around with fedora 10 install and this is what happens when i try to boot:   http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a266/Michiru889/IMG_0031.jpg ; then http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a266/Michiru889/IMG_0031.jpg , then a monitor error of http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a266/Michiru889/IMG_0031.jpg10:24
mayankyeah i know10:24
hspaansInvisible_Slack: go to the terminal and configure it with xrandr10:24
KatangawiseHi all! Somebody knows how can I open RAR archive in ubuntu?10:24
pop79how do you get commands for the bot10:24
deaddebatei got the same monitor error for the Ubuntu Ibex distro10:24
Eugene_Katangawise install file-roller and unrar...10:24
rww!list | pop7910:24
ubottupop79: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:24
maverick340Katangawise, sudo apt-get install rar10:25
pop79thanks rrw10:25
maverick340Katangawise, then use File Roller10:25
blah569How would I delete files in a directory that requires admin permissions?  Open the file explorer with sudo?10:25
ActionParsnip1Eugene_: very bad judge of performance10:25
maverick340blah569,  sudo rm <dir>10:25
Ward1983is it somehow possible to get working sound like back in 2006?10:25
Eugene_blah569 you can do that.. or use the terminal.10:25
maverick340my bad, rmdir10:25
Invisible_Slackhspaans: The Video is working at the right size, that is not my problem.. I'm wanting DV1 *as main* and DV2 as "Expanded desktop" not "Mirroring DV1"10:25
Ward1983my sound never worked decent after 2006...10:25
pop79i have lots of linux kernals but i dont know how to delete them. what do i do?10:25
ActionParsnip1Eugene_: 3d mark and aqua mark will give hugely different scores as they work differently10:25
KatangawiseEugene_, maverick340  Thanks a lot!!! :)10:25
ElladanCoUrPsE|DeAd: pulseaudio seems to be a rather bad idea, overall.10:25
blah569maverick340:  A, thanks10:25
Ward1983its like uubntu wa better those days10:26
=== fw1 is now known as incorrect
Ward1983and im getting really really really tired of my sound not working10:26
Eugene_ActionParsnip1 but running a old 2d game in a Vitual desktop will probably not decrease speeds...10:26
Ward1983so how to fix it????10:26
hspaansInvisible_Slack: for spanning, your card needs to be able to handle the virtual desktop size, and the maths show differently10:26
pop79Ward1983: what is wrong with your sound?10:26
Eugene_Ward1983 remove pulseaudio and install some other sound daemone.. +OSS then it should work fine10:27
maverick340pop79, edit your /boot/grub/menu.st10:27
Invisible_Slackhspaans: your telling me I can't span?10:27
ActionParsnip1Eugene_: if it runs fine, its all good :)10:27
_UMBRO_ALguém pra me dar suporte em português?10:27
hspaansInvisible_Slack: if it doesn't fit in 2560x1600, no10:27
pop79maverick340: how do i do that?10:27
deaddebateis therre a better irc for requesting help?10:28
savvas!pt | _UMBRO_10:28
ubottu_UMBRO_: Por favor use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.10:28
Eugene_hehe installing on the ssd sure si slow.10:28
maverick340pop79, sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst10:28
b0efActionParsnip1: right, he had some major corruptions in that file; somehow parts of /var/log/kern.log was in that file along with a massive load of "@" characters. Any idea what it might be?; corrupt HD?10:28
maverick340make sure you backup your boot file first10:28
pop79thank you maverick34010:28
Ward1983Eugene_, "some other sound deamons" yes maybe i should apt-get some more crap to make it more complicated10:28
maverick340pop79, sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst.backup10:29
Ward1983pop79, my sound crackes if i leave the PC for a while10:29
ActionParsnip1b0ef: check hd if you suspect it10:29
blah569How would I reference to "filesystem?"  Similar to C: on Winblows.10:29
hspaansInvisible_Slack: lower your resolutions to say 1280x1024 you should be able to place and left or right of the other with xrandr10:29
ActionParsnip1blah569: no such thing10:29
blah569I'm trying to sudo rm var/www10:29
blah569however this directory nests inside of filesystem10:29
ActionParsnip1blah569: you have a filesystem made of folders, some are folders, some are mount points10:29
savvasblah569: execute this command in terminal: mount10:30
ActionParsnip1blah569: but as you look at it, its a flat file system10:30
mayankok...i have installed opera from opera.com for ubuntu, after installation can't find it anywhere...10:30
pop79maverick340: how should i configure it10:30
hspaansmayank: how did you install it?10:30
ActionParsnip1mayank: run it from terminal10:30
mayankdownloaded from www.opera.com10:30
ActionParsnip1!opera | mayank10:31
ubottumayank: opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser10:31
savvasblah569: you'll see the /dev/sd* to be linked to folder/mount points. /dev/ files represent your partitions/devices in this case10:31
hspaansmayank: there is a working package in ubuntu10:31
SeySayuxhello, how do I configure timidity as a midi server? timidity itself seems to work already.10:31
mayanknot opera...i have searched it10:31
hspaansmayank: read the link from ubottu10:31
maverick340mayank, Alt+F2 type opera10:31
maverick340pop79, your boot file ?10:32
pop79i opened it10:32
SlimGWhere do I set Ubuntu to find proxyservers automatically?10:32
pop79what do i do with it10:32
savvasblah569: "/" is the "root" - holds everything inside your system. "/home" is the home where everything, including settings when you start applications for each user, e.g. /home/yourusername/. the rest you can find more at: http://tldp.org/LDP/Linux-Filesystem-Hierarchy/html/index.html10:32
glyph`hello, while doing `apt-get update` the process stops on getting data from repository.akirad.net. is it safe to disable this repository?10:32
kestutisDo i have to install FTP server ir order to transfer files by SSH?10:33
ActionParsnip1glyph`: you can disable any you like10:33
outbackwifiglyph`: why did you add it10:33
kestutisor i just have SSH server?10:33
outbackwifikestutis: no, you use scp10:33
kestutiswhat is SCP?10:33
ubottuSCP is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/10:33
glyph`outbackwifi: I didn't. it was on by default.10:33
mayankmaverick340, i have typed opera in alt+f2, i says Error stating file '/home/mayank/opera': No such file or directory10:33
outbackwifikestutis: and ssh server if you want someone to upload files to your machine10:33
outbackwifi!ssh | kestutis10:34
ubottukestutis: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/10:34
glyph`outbackwifi: I'd disable it immideately, but I don't get any dist-upgrades for a week or so. it makes me wonder.10:34
kestutisHow to get something like WinSCP for ubuntu?10:34
sybuxHi all, I've got a little problem with evolution. I want to create a rule to move SPAM to a specific folder but every time I apply the filter I've got the following error message : Cannot get folder 'SPAM' : folder doesn't exist. I'm sure the folder exist I can see it in the left pane. Anyone got an idea ?10:34
pop79mayank: download Opera from the Add/Remove place10:35
outbackwifiglyph`: you wont get dist upgrades for 6 months at least10:35
Acciduspop79, maverick340, Actionparsnip1: Reinstalled firefox, didn't help10:35
tonyyarussokestutis: It's already installed.  The scp command is standard.10:35
glyph`kestutis: you don't. you've got all the necessary things already10:35
Acciduspop79, maverick340, Actionparsnip1: I'm keeping the conf file aside so we could work with a fresh clean copy10:35
ActionParsnip1Accidus: try a new user, you may want to remove the new .mozilla folder and restore your backed up settings10:35
glyph`outbackwifi: why is that?10:35
maverick340Accidus, hard luck.Try firefox forums10:35
pop79try firefox 2, accidus10:35
AccidusOkay. I'll try firefox2 first...10:36
mayankpop79: can;t find it there10:36
outbackwifiglyph`: cos thats when distributions are updated like from 8.10 to 9.04 etc10:36
=== ]L[iNu]X[ is now known as alessio4ever
kestutisso, how to connect to external server with SCP?10:36
ActionParsnip1!scp | kestutis10:37
ubottukestutis: SCP is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/10:37
outbackwifikestutis: scp user@servernameorip:srcfiles dstfiles10:37
glyph` outbackwifi: so if I had decided to stay on 8.04, then no updates for a half of the year? isn't it LTS?10:37
gmathewskestutis: u can use filezilla to connect just change the protocol from ftp to scp in it10:37
outbackwifiglyph`: you will get security updates not dist upgrades10:37
glyph`outbackwifi: ah, ok, fine then.10:38
gmathewskestutis: its called SFTP in filezilla10:38
ActionParsnip1!hardy | glyph`10:38
ubottuglyph`: Ubuntu 8.04-LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04 - See !lts for more details.10:38
Acciduspop79: Where can I get firefox 2.0 from? It doesn't appear in my synaptic...10:38
glyph`!lts | glyph`10:38
ubottuglyph`, please see my private message10:38
kestutisi don't have filezilla, i just want to connect to my VPS. when i had Windows, i used WinSCP.10:38
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:38
hspaansAccidus: ff2 is EOL so its not shipped anymore10:38
kestutisnow, i dont have anything10:38
gmathewskestutis: sudo apt-get install filezilla10:39
gmathews!filezilla | kestutis10:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about filezilla10:39
kestutisSCP in other words is SFTP?10:40
Flannelkestutis: Not quite.  But they're related.10:40
gmathewsSFTP = SSH file transfer protocol10:40
outbackwifikestutis: no sftp lets you browse, scp doesnt10:40
pop79Accidus, get it in add/remove10:40
kgodwinPlaces -> Connect to Server -> Change Service type to SSH10:41
kgodwinfor SFTP10:41
Teknooutbackwifi: scp lets browse too10:41
kgodwinif you did a desktop install10:41
Tester_kestutis: the good thing about SCP is, you don't have to have FTP server installed on the PC you want to be connected to. You only need ssh, which is almost on all Linux distributions by default, no need to configure it.10:42
sybuxin Evolution, how to move email on a specific folder ? I can only do that to a local folder10:42
Teknoubuntu doesnt have ssh by default :p10:42
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/10:42
scizzo-Tekno: you mean a server for it10:43
Teknossh -package10:43
kgodwinEh Tekno...the server distribution sort of does ;)10:43
scizzo-Tekno: ssh is standard I believe but not the ssh server10:43
kgodwinYou just have to hit space.10:43
kestutisi have installed SSH.10:43
Tester_Tekno: You can select SSH server during install, at least that's what I was able to do when I was installing it few days ago.10:43
TeknoTester_: you had alternate install ?10:44
kgodwinisn't on the desktop install tho ;(10:44
kestutisby the way, where to find (how to open) installed Filezilla?10:44
FlannelTekno: It's not installed by default however10:44
Tester_Tekno: Yes, I had Server Edition which comes with alternate installer by default.10:44
=== Rafik_ is now known as Rafik
scizzo-kgodwin: thats because its not considered a server.....its considered a "client" towards other machines10:44
FlannelServer edition isn't the same as the alternate installer, for the record.10:44
Teknobut you can choose it in alternate10:45
pop79how do i talk to the bot10:45
Tester_Flannel: No it isn't, but it is closer to it then standard desktop edition10:45
kestutisi have open Filezilla for the first time.10:45
kestutiswhat i have to configure?10:45
ActionParsnip1!ubottu | pop7910:45
ubottupop79: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:45
FlannelTekno: Not quite.  You can choose a command line only install.10:45
FlannelTester_: That's not true, Alternate CD can install a regular desktop install, or a command line install (or if you go into expert mode, anything you want, etc)10:46
StanlinWhen i run ubuntu 8,10 as VM (vmware), HOW to install the VMtools?10:47
AlanBell1has anyone managed to use openmcu for video conferencing? I installed openmcu from the repos on one machine and connected to it from 2 others with ekiga, audio works but no video?10:47
Lukemobhi, does any1 know how to restrict an access on user account? eg. to run only 2 process'es etc10:49
Accidusmaverick340, pop79: New user doesn't work, can't find the 2.0 version. I'll go and bug the #firefox guys.10:49
maverick340Accidus, or use Opera10:50
maverick340Opera 10 is really fast IMO10:50
pop79Try chrome, google chrome. i know how to get it on ubuntu, Accidus10:50
ActionParsnip1maverick340: i prefer it, people seem firefox brainwashed10:50
Acciduspop79: We've already tried another web browser. the problem is with firefox...10:50
kgodwinWe aren't firefoxed brainwashed10:50
Acciduspop79: Or is there some other reason?10:50
kgodwinwe just know it is better than other browsers most of the time ;)10:50
glyph`ActionParsnip1: I'd use it, but without wine.10:50
hspaansAccidus: which problem?10:50
pop79it is fast and not reliable :), Accidus10:51
maverick340for some reason flickr doesnt open on my network .. the admin is such a reat4rd10:51
sybuxin Evolution, how to move email on a specific folder ? I can only do that to a local folder10:51
glyph`nightly build is pretty stable10:51
ActionParsnip1kgodwin: its a bit slow, i use opera most days and firefox for sites that dont like opera10:51
SlartLukemob: try ulimit10:51
pop79Accidus: are you on skype?10:51
ActionParsnip1kgodwin: although it did run better after I apt-build installed it10:52
SlartLukemob: not sure if it can do what you want but it's the closest I know of10:52
LukemobSlart, ahh thanks a lot mate10:52
Lukemobi will look for it10:52
Accidushspaans: Interactive sites does't work properly. Surfing normal sites work just fine, but when I'm submitting data or surfing in more complex sites (gmail, facebook, banking) it starts loading and never finishes. (I don't think it's a dns problem because the sites do load. Problems start afterwards)10:52
Sara_can anyone tell me why i cant download skype on to my dell 9 mini10:52
ActionParsnip1!skype | Sara_10:52
ubottuSara_: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto10:53
Acciduspop79: Do you mean if I have a skype user, or whether I'm using skype atm?10:53
CoUrPsE|DeAdUm, Just restarted pc, and now i dont have gstreamer when i click on the volume control.10:53
ikoniaSara_: how are you trying to download it ?10:53
ikonia!skype > Sara_10:53
ubottuSara_, please see my private message10:53
CoUrPsE|DeAdHow do i reinstall gstreamer ?10:53
kgodwinUgh I hate sites that require IE10:53
ActionParsnip1kgodwin: its a good browser10:53
kestutisanybody could try to connect to my mysql10:53
ikoniaCoUrPsE|DeAd: open synaptic go to the package and mark for re-install10:53
pop79Accidus: i mean are you on skype and you can talk now10:53
ActionParsnip1kgodwin: ies4linux ;)10:53
ikoniakestutis: why ?#10:53
ikoniakestutis: what do you want ?10:53
maverick340 CoUrPsE|DeAd  aah the no gstreamer control found problem10:53
ikoniapop79: please don't solicit people in this channel10:54
maverick340CoUrPsE|DeAd, seems like Alsa is broken10:54
Acciduspop79: I am on skype, but my mics not working properly10:54
kestutisi want to check if it works out of localhost.10:54
AccidusAre you in the UK by any chance?10:54
ikoniakestutis: then use mysql -h to test it10:54
ikoniaAccidus: yes, why ?10:54
kestutismysql -h server.adress ?10:54
Accidusikonia: nm10:54
ikoniaAccidus: ?10:54
ikoniakestutis: -h is the hostname you want to connect to10:55
StanlinHELP When i run ubuntu 8,10 as VM (vmware), HOW to install the VMtools?10:56
kestutisi can't check because i am under NAT anyway.10:56
ikoniaStanlin: your running ubuntu 8.10 as a vmware host or guest ?10:56
ikoniakestutis: it doesn't matter10:56
ikoniakestutis: use -h external-hostname and it will test it just the same10:56
Stanlinikonia: as guest10:57
CoUrPsE|DeAdI reinstalled alsa, Now reinstalling everythying i had that had gstreamer in the name, thanks ikonia.10:57
kestutisikonia: it matters a lot. i even can't check websites with http://my_external_ip10:57
debasysi am having a bit of trouble with GRUB while dual booting with XP. i have a space PC with 2 HDDs... one of them is primary & has XP installed in some portions. In rest empty space of the same HDD i installed Ubuntu, it does recognise XP prior to installation but after rebooting i see the XP entry on GRUB but can't boot into XP, booting into Ubuntu works fine10:57
ikoniaStanlin: then #vmware is the best place to ask, as if it's not in the repos its not an ubuntu product10:57
debasysso i am ready to reinstall Ubuntu.... now where should i install my GRUB?10:57
ikoniakestutis: but your on the local host so using the external hostname will test it the same as someone external10:58
ikoniadebasys: on your boot disks mbr10:58
debasysis that the default (hd0) or the /dev/sdb10:58
ActionParsnip1debasys: on the drive your bios is set to boot from10:58
ikoniadebasys: depends on your system10:58
debasysActionParsnip1: so u mean the master HDD out of those 2 HDDs i have?10:58
kestutisas i said, i cannot check it.10:58
CoUrPsE|DeAd  Just reinstalled all the gstreamer, do i have to restart for effects to take aplce?10:59
Stanlinso technically nobody can use Ubuntu 8.10 as guest in Vmware... that sucks10:59
ikoniakestutis: why ?10:59
ikoniakestutis: I don't understand why you can't use the -h option to check it10:59
blah569How do I like "sudo" into a directory?10:59
ActionParsnip1debasys: whichever drive you bios is booting to, write the boot sector o that drive10:59
blah569So I can delete files from this directory that I would not have permission otherwise.10:59
ActionParsnip1blah569: you dont have to use sudo to cd10:59
ActionParsnip1blah569: you can traverse folders freely10:59
blah569I want to delete files from /var/www/10:59
blah569but in the explorer I do not have permission to11:00
ActionParsnip1blah569: if you want to delete, use sudo rm11:00
debasysActionParsnip1: ok so i know which is the Drive it boots into. how do i know the boot sector of this drive. is there a special name for it?11:00
deanyStanlin: its still an issue with vmware, they dont even acknowledge the problem,  vmware tools does work in 8.04 tho.. use virtualbox, seriously..11:00
ActionParsnip1!grub | debasys11:00
ubottudebasys: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:00
debasysActionParsnip1: humm....11:00
kestutisthe same reason why i can't check HTTP server by my external IP.11:01
kestutisif you can, please check: mysql -h
kestutisthanks a lot11:01
ikoniahspaans: you can do it !11:02
ikoniakestutis: you do it,11:02
hspaansikonia: sorry?11:02
bullgard4'most' displays in the last but one (light blue) line the message: "-- MOST: *stdin*." What does that mean?11:02
ikoniahspaans: typed the wrong nick, sorry11:02
ikoniabullgard4: in what respect11:02
kestutisikonia: if i use it opens my router configuration page11:02
AlanBell1Stanlin: have you tried open-vm-toolbox? Free implementation of vmware guest bits11:02
blah569How do I rename a file?11:02
blah569In terminal?11:03
Sara_tried the options listed for skype and still cant get a download, just error messages11:03
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ikoniakestutis: ok - so that means you've not got port forwarding setup by the sounds of it11:03
kestutisbut when others open it, it opens my HTTP server...11:03
ikoniakestutis: sounds like your routing is off then11:03
bullgard4ikonia: I do not understand what that information this message conveys.11:03
kestutisikonia: i have forwarded ports11:03
ikoniabullgard4: what are doing11:03
peter4241Can someone tell me how i can advise a program to start on a specific x server? (:1 instead of :0)11:03
* gravity1187 is gone for awhile: Gone away for now11:03
kestutisi just please check.11:03
ikoniakestutis: yes, it sounds like your routing is off11:03
ikonia!away > gravity118711:03
ubottugravity1187, please see my private message11:03
ikoniakestutis: sorry no11:03
bullgard4ikonia: I am dispalying the most manpage.11:04
kestutisanyone could check my mysql?11:04
bullgard4ikonia: I am displaying the most manpage.11:04
OriWBCan somebody please help me install Skype? I downloaded it, and got an error message: could not open 'skype-debian_2.0.0.72-1_1386.deb'11:04
ikoniabullgard4: I'm not even aware of a command called most11:04
ikoniabullgard4: and that is quite generic linux - again not ubuntu11:04
ikonia!skype > OriWB11:04
ubottuOriWB, please see my private message11:04
Stanlinbut VBox is inferior to VMware.... \11:04
ikoniaStanlin: speak to vmware developers/company instead of arguing this11:05
bullgard4ikonia: It is package that Ubuntu provides.11:05
deanyit doesnt have a problem with guest tools :)11:05
ActionParsnip1OriWB: sudo dpkg -i skype-debian_2.0.0.72-1_1386.deb11:05
sztomiHow can I apply a .kcsrc color scheme to qt3 and qt4? I can't install kcontrol11:05
ikoniabullgard4: no - it is a generic command included in all linux distros11:05
OriWBActionparsnip1: I've tried that11:05
ActionParsnip1!info most11:05
ubottumost (source: most): Pager program similar to more and less. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.0.0a-1 (intrepid), package size 46 kB, installed size 172 kB11:05
ActionParsnip1OriWB: what was the result?11:06
ikoniaOriWB: what is the error11:06
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StanlinAlanBell1: this free version, is the vmtools ?11:06
kontzahello all:)11:06
ActionParsnip1!hi | kontza11:06
ubottukontza: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!11:06
OriWBdpkg: error processing skype-debian_2.0.0.72-1_1386.deb (--install):11:06
OriWB cannot access archive: No such file or directory11:07
OriWBErrors were encountered while processing:11:07
OriWB skype-debian_2.0.0.72-1_1386.deb11:07
FloodBot1OriWB: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:07
ikoniaOriWB: you have to do it in the same directory as the file11:07
mayankis it true that ubuntu can be install in playstation 211:07
ikoniamayank: yes11:07
ikoniamayank: well - sort of11:07
mayankikonia, do u know how?11:07
ActionParsnip1OriWB: where did you download the file to?11:07
ikoniamayank: technically yes - factually, no11:07
OriWBIkonia: its on my desktop11:07
Slartbullgard4: have you tried doing, for example, most /var/log/syslog? what does the blue line say now?11:08
mayanktell me11:08
ikoniaOriWB: then you need to be in your desktop directory11:08
OriWBmy desktop11:08
ikoniamayank: you can't really11:08
ActionParsnip1OriWB: is it on your desktop by any chance?11:08
OriWBhow do i do that?11:08
ikoniamayank: because it's not setup to do that11:08
kontzaI'm newbie with linux sw and with this ubuntu. How to remove installed program when you can't see it in syanp or add/remove panel??11:08
kontzatypo ....synap11:08
ActionParsnip1OriWB: cd ~/Desktop; sudo dpkg -i skype-debian_2.0.0.72-1_1386.deb11:08
mayankinsert ubuntu cd/dvd then?11:08
ikoniamayank: no11:08
ikoniamayank: it doesn't work11:08
OriWBikonia: How do I go to my desktop directory?11:09
ActionParsnip1OriWB: you need to be in the same directory as the file11:09
mayankso tell me little11:09
ikoniaOriWB: its called Desktop in your home dir11:09
Slartkontza: if they don't show up in synaptic there's usually not a way of doing it automatically11:09
ikoniamayank: tell you what ?11:09
ActionParsnip1OriWB: i just gave you the command11:09
Slartkontza: did you install it using synaptic?11:09
mayankhow to use or install ubuntu on ps211:09
Slart!who | kontza11:09
ubottukontza: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)11:09
ikoniamayank: you can't11:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about playstation11:09
ikoniamayank: am I not making that clear ?11:09
kontzaI did it maually made the file to deb and so on but how to remove11:10
mayankwhat u want to say then?11:10
bullgard4Slart: It now displays: "-- MOST: /var/log/syslog"11:10
OriWBActionParsnip: It looks like the same error message11:10
ikoniamayank: nothing -11:10
AlanBell1Stanlin: not really sure, but it is in the repos and http://open-vm-tools.sourceforge.net/11:10
ikoniaOriWB: show me "pwd"11:10
w3rd__how much storage is needed to install ubuntu 8.1011:10
ikoniaw3rd__: 2gig is the minimum sensible11:10
mayanku have playstation 2, ikonia?11:10
ActionParsnip1w3rd__: about 2 or 3 gig for a vanilla install11:10
ikoniamayank: yes11:10
ikoniamayank: but that doesn't matter11:10
OriWBikonia what is pwd?11:11
ActionParsnip1!info pwd11:11
ubottuPackage pwd does not exist in intrepid11:11
mayanki want to ask something else11:11
ikoniaOriWB: it is a command11:11
Slartbullgard4: so there you have it11:11
ikoniaOriWB: type pwd11:11
n2diyw3rd__: QSL?11:11
ikoniamayank: ask then11:11
ActionParsnip1OriWB: it tells you your current working directory11:11
mayanktell me some good/action games for ps211:11
ikoniamayank: that is nothing to do with this channel, this is an ubuntu support channel only11:11
Slart!u | mayank11:11
ubottumayank: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officer, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..11:11
ActionParsnip1mayank: thts offtopic11:11
w3rd__sumfin like dat...11:12
OriWBikonia: /home/ori/Desktop11:12
ikoniaOriWB: now do "ls $name_of_the_skype_file"11:12
mayankmozilla is best browser for ubuntu or is there any more(good)?11:12
OriWBikonia: btw, thanx for all the help11:12
bullgard4Slart: I could gues what " MOST: /var/log/syslog" stands for now. But I have no idea what '-- ' stands for.11:12
n2diyw3rd__: QSL?11:12
ikoniamayank: firefox seems to be the option of choice11:13
w3rd__k,, redundant11:13
OriWBikonia: \skype-debian_2.0.0.72-1_i386.deb11:13
ActionParsnip1OriWB: sudo dpkg -i *.deb11:13
ActionParsnip1OriWB: should do it ;)11:13
eth01"-Suferr1ngLinUX- Hi eth01 , Welcome to Ubuntu Official Support help channel, Please read the topic .. Do not Swear, be friendly and nice to all UBUNTU Lovers"11:13
eth01um, ok.11:13
mayankikonia, is there any scanning software for ubuntu, like chkdsk or scandisk, which u can use in ubuntu to check file system?11:14
ikoniaOriWB: show me the exact acout put of ls -al skype-debian_2.0.0.72-1_i386.deb11:14
ikoniamayank: fsck11:14
ikoniaeth01: thansk11:14
mayankbut u can';t fsck inside ubuntu, ikonia11:14
kontzawhat are the sudo adds.... like -l and so on??? is there an list??11:14
OriWBikonia: -rwxrwxrwx 1 ori ori 8858370 2008-12-31 22:33 skype-debian_2.0.0.72-1_i386.deb11:14
ikoniaOriWB: ok so "sudo dpkg -i skype-debian_2.0.0.72-1_i386.deb"11:14
eth01ikonia: it's happened more than once ;-)11:15
sybuxin Evolution, how to move email on a specific folder ? I can only do that to a local folder11:15
OriWBactionparsnip: it didnt work i got an error again11:15
ikoniaeth01: got you - thank you11:15
sztomimayank: some people prefer opera. (but it's not free software, like free as in freedom; free as in beer though)11:15
kgodwinsudo is just a way to say you are trying to act as a super user for one command11:15
kgodwinthe sudo 'adds' can be anything11:15
kgodwinwhatever command you want to execute11:15
OriWBikonia: nothing happened after i put it in11:15
kgodwinsudo apt-get install wine11:15
kontza-h -l and so on but what they do11:15
kgodwinsudo echo "blah"11:15
mayankikonia, i have typed fsck in terminal, its says WARNING!!!  Running e2fsck on a mounted filesystem may cause11:15
mayankSEVERE filesystem damage.11:15
ikoniamayank: yes your not meant to do it on a mounted file system11:16
OriWBikonia: I think it works THNX SO MUCH11:16
kgodwinif you want to look all that stuff up type:11:16
kgodwinman sudo11:16
ikoniaOriWB: ok11:16
OriWBActionparsnip: It works now, thanx11:16
quibblermayank, have a look here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29526211:16
OriWBIkona: I really appreaciate it! :D11:16
ikoniaOriWB: ok11:16
mayankif i goto in ubuntu through live cd, then goto terminal and type fsck, this warning will come then?11:16
ActionParsnip1OriWB: sweet11:16
kgodwinHmmm 3am11:17
ikoniamayank: no11:17
ikoniamayank: why do you want to fsck your disk11:17
ikoniamayank: what is the problem with it ?11:17
Until_It_Sleepswhat? fsck your disk? Sounds alot like... yeah...11:18
mayanki use delugetorrent to download anything, but the error comes torrent paused, error in file system, storage not found...11:18
=== solid_liq is now known as CodeGuru
ikoniamayank: that just means you've not set a download directory11:19
mayanki have selected in delugetorrent option, when i add torrent its ask me where to download..so why the error comes?11:20
Teknodescribe the error11:20
n2diycan you supress the join/quit messages in xchat-gnome?11:20
BlackShiftin regular xchat right click on channel name11:21
harlemdavveyhi guys! is there someone who's able to help me with ffmpeg and wget in the terminal version??? please i'm not able to convert files!!:)11:22
ActionParsnip1harlemdavvey: what are you converting from / to?11:22
btavakkoliWhat is the Password of "root" on ubuntu live CD?????????11:22
ashiswinis jjesse online?11:22
ActionParsnip1btavakkoli: there isnt one11:22
harlemdavveyActionParsnip: Flv to Mp311:22
ActionParsnip1btavakkoli: just type sudo in front of commands and you will have the power11:23
n2diyBlackShift: not available on Xchat-gnome. I liked that about X-chat, but X-chat doesn't have the auto-join feature that Xchat-Gnome has.11:24
Teknon2diy: it has autojoin11:24
ActionParsnip1harlemdavvey: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=85202711:24
BlackShiftI autojoin with xchat, not sure whether it is different in gnome-xchat11:24
Teknome too11:24
n2diyTekno: How do you set it up, I couldn't locate it?11:24
Teknon2diy: from server list, by editing network11:25
Teknothere is line where you put channels11:25
kontzawhat is the order to make file from bin to deb.......11:25
Teknolike #chan1, #chan2 .. etc11:25
harlemdavveyok Actionparsnip: but i cannot tell if i have downloaded in flv format and i don't know if there is a certain command for the Wget, to download youtube videos in flv format11:25
BlackShifti prefer to let NickServ autojoin me, but this is not possible on FreeNode?11:25
ActionParsnip1kontza: isnt the bin file a self extracting program?11:25
harlemdavveyi'm trying to do what you told me11:26
kontzadont know???11:26
kontzais it11:26
ActionParsnip1kontza: whats the file name?11:26
n2diyTekno: Thanks,11:26
n2diycan you supress the join/quit messages in xchat-gnome?11:26
kontzaxxxxx.rpm.bin and would like to run it on ubuntu11:26
CoUrPsE|DeAdHow do i auto run programs when i login my user?11:27
btavakkoliActionParsnip1: thank you, but i'm in the CUPS and i want to configure this. That CUPS request of me User and Password :(11:27
Flannel!session | CoUrPsE|DeAd11:27
ubottuCoUrPsE|DeAd: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot11:27
ActionParsnip1kontza: thats a self extracting rpm from bin, what are youo trying to achieve? that file is not much good to you11:27
CoUrPsE|DeAdThanks Flannel.11:27
kontzawould like to install java support to ubuntu-> mozilla11:28
kontzaor firefox11:28
mayankmy mozilla closes it self11:28
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
ActionParsnip1btavakkoli: gksudo <web browser name> http://localhost:63111:28
ActionParsnip1!java  | kontza11:28
ubottukontza: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository11:28
harlemdavveyplease guys help me, is there someone who's able to help me with ffmpeg and wget in the terminal version??? please i'm not able to convert files!!:) i have a problem in downloading with WGET.. is there a command to have youtube file downloaded directly in mp3???11:29
mayankikonia, my mozilla closes itself11:29
ActionParsnip1kontza: if you are 64bit, i suggest icedtea11:29
mayank!mozilla | mayank11:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mozilla11:29
mayank!manager | mayank11:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about manager11:29
ActionParsnip1harlemdavvey: http://www.cyber-knowledge.net/blog/2007/01/03/download-youtube-videos-via-command-line-cross-platform/11:30
mayank!games | mayank11:30
ubottumayank, please see my private message11:30
allsystemsaregoharlemdavvey, download first with clive, then extract the mp3 out of it11:30
ashiswinis mdke on?11:30
pop79!botabuse |mayank11:30
ubottumayank: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".11:30
ActionParsnip1harlemdavvey: its a bit more complex than wget ;)11:31
harlemdavveyo my god.. what's that stuff? XD11:32
btavakkoliActionParsnip1: i use gksudo, but CUPS  also request of me User and Pass :(11:32
ActionParsnip1harlemdavvey: its a script to download the video from the given url (?)11:32
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LinuxJunkeim running fluzbuntu 7.10 anyone know how 2 set up a wired connection manually on there?11:33
ashiswinumm who here is part of the ubuntu documentation team?11:33
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illmortalHey guys.. I have Windows XP installed atm... Can I use Ubuntu Live CD to create a new partition on my EXT3 hard drive (I use it for pictures/music)? And also can I install Ubuntu even though I already have windows XP installed?11:34
rww!fluxbuntu | LinuxJunke: ask in Fluxbuntu's channel11:34
ubottuLinuxJunke: ask in Fluxbuntu's channel: fluxbuntu is a LPAE-standard compliant, Ubuntu-based derivative that maintains the goal of running on a wide range of mobile devices and computers (low-end & high-end). It is lightweight, swift and efficient. | Support Channel: #fluxbuntu on freenode | Homepage: http://fluxbuntu.org/11:34
rwwillmortal: yes and yes11:35
illmortalbeautiful, wasn't sure that I had to install linux before windows xp lol11:35
ActionParsnip1btavakkoli: have you tried entering your own username and password?11:35
rwwillmortal: installing Windows XP first, then Ubuntu, is much easier than the other way around :)11:35
illmortalsweet :D11:35
illmortalwell thanks again rww, I'll see you on the other side (linux that is :P )11:36
rwwillmortal: good luck :)11:36
deanyafter 10mins my screen goes blank, which ive set purposely, how can i get it to ask for pass when i wake it up11:37
btavakkoliActionParsnip1: i'm in the ubuntu live disk11:37
ActionParsnip1btavakkoli: you could use sudo passwd to set the root pass as its only the live install. I STRONGLY advise not doing this on an installed system11:37
rwwdeany: System > Preferences > Screensaver, then tell it to regard the computer as idle after 10 minutes and check both of the checkboxes below that setting11:38
Oli``Does anybody have (or know where to find) the MD5 for the standard desktop iso?11:38
ActionParsnip1btavakkoli: or you could run sudo -i then run your commands11:38
rwwdeany: that'll set a blank screensaver to run after 10 minutes, when your screen turns off11:38
ActionParsnip1Oli``: same place you downloaded it from11:38
Until_It[Sleeps]Good Night Everybody!11:38
rwwdeany: and set the screensaver to require a password on wakeup11:38
Oli``ActionParsnip1: the website doesn't show them11:39
rwwOli``: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/MD5SUMS11:39
ActionParsnip1Oli``: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/MD5SUMS11:39
Oli``thanks rww11:39
deanyrww: dont know why i didnt see that, ive gone into it before :)11:39
ActionParsnip1Oli``: yes it does, how do you think we all checked our CDs11:39
n2diyspeaking of screensavers, is there an equivilant to the Windows marquee screensaver, where you can enter your own text?11:39
selinuxiumHi all, I am trying to install ubuntu on a Poweredge 1800 with a adaptec 2610sa Raid controller and a seperate SATA drive on which the OS is loaded. The install appears to complete but on the reboot I get a grub error 22... Booted with live CD /boot/grub/menu.1st show everything pointing at (hd1,0).  ran grub then find /boot/grub/stage1 and it is reporting the (hd1,0) is correct.  Any help gratefully recieved.11:39
btavakkoliActionParsnip1: thanks alot, i set the root password with passwd, bye11:39
ActionParsnip1btavakkoli: np bro11:39
rwwOli``: that's assuming you have 8.10/intrepid. If you're using hardy or something else, replace "8.10" in the URL11:40
madhuwell any one aware of that ubuntu-8.10 is still upgrading ?11:40
Oli``ActionParsnip1: having just been through the download procedure again to double-check this before asking here, I can tell you, it's not on the download page.11:41
Trijntjecan someone provide some pointers to how the gnome login 'works'? Login is taking 20+ seconds, and i want to find out what is taking so long.11:41
markhenckenseuh... can I ask in this chat a question about unbuntu?11:41
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ActionParsnip1Oli``: i'll get you a link, sec11:42
rwwOli``: there's a link to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM on the "Your Download Should Begin Shortly" page11:42
rwwmarkhenckens: yes11:42
ActionParsnip1Oli``: http://ftp.port80.se/ubuntu-cd/intrepid/11:42
Slartbullgard4: did you find out what the -- meant?11:42
n2diymarkhenckens: !ask11:42
ActionParsnip1Oli``: see the md5 sums?11:42
mrwesselinuxium does a df from the terminal show the drive?11:42
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:43
madhuindri wer r u from ?11:43
selinuxiummrwes: one mo...11:43
Trijntjemarkhenckens: just ask, if you get no response probably nobody knows.11:44
markhenckensi have a problem with a HD. My computer has 1 drive, split into 2 partitions: the fist is windows, the second is Ubuntu... however I made a mistake. The second partition is 30 GB but I installed Ubuntu for only 15 GB. So ik partitions a new logical partition (EXT3), but I can not use due to a lak of permissions. I can not log in as Root, only activate the root-user. But stil i am not allowd to change te rights of te new logical drive11:44
madhuwhat r r r r11:44
markhenckensI can mount the new logical partition, it is formatted and i can view it11:46
selinuxiummrwes: I don't get the chance 'natively' as the error prevents any further commands. On the live disc all drives accessible...11:46
rwwmarkhenckens: try sudo chmod 777 /path/to/mountpoint help?11:47
mrwesselinuxium and the SATA drive is on /dev/sda1 or something like that?11:47
rwwmarkhenckens: sorry, that was a weird mix of "try ..." and "does ... help?"11:47
markhenckensit is mounted al /media/disk11:47
selinuxiummrwes: sdb111:47
rwwmarkhenckens: then try "sudo chmod 777 /media/disk/". Either that or "sudo chown rww:rww /media/disk" helped me last time I needed to make an ext2/3 partition writable by me (replace rww with your username).11:48
markhenckenssudo chmod 777 WORKS! thanx!11:49
kke_anyone know a nice program that would draw different kinds of visualizations from numerical input data? something i could play around with to decide what kind of visualization would best suit for my application11:49
rwwmarkhenckens: you're welcome :)11:49
allsystemsaregokke_, kchart ?11:49
markhenckensbey bey11:50
ActionParsnip1markhenckens: not massively secure but if you are happy, keep it11:50
mrwesselinuxium maybe that should be point to hd0,0 because of the RAID11:50
Slartkke_: there are a number of java apps that draw charts.. gnuplot might do what you want too.. or any of it's siblings11:51
Trijntjewhen i insert an audio CD rhythmbox stops playing. How do i prevent this?11:51
BlackShiftkke_, perhaps ggobi11:52
Sorcererbobok team, I was here a few hours ago (5?) complaining of stuttering sound on an install earlier in the day. I reinstalled from scratch to make sure it wasn't something I did. The sound still inexplicably stutters when watching movies in totem (fullscreen is worse than smaller) or playing Mp3s in Rythmbox or watching youtube11:52
Sorcererbobhow can we go about diagnosing sound problems?11:52
matiasgh__someone there ?11:52
kke_ggobi looks fun11:53
matiasgh__I need ver simple assistance11:53
god_need help deleting webcam settings in luvcview i messed up settings everthing now dark and can't change back11:53
matiasgh__Need help to make my laptop recognice the microphone11:53
SlartSorcererbob: I would try playing sound while doing nothing else, playing sound while doing heavy graphics, playing sound while doing heavy io (moving files between hard drives or similar) and playing sound while doing something processor intensive.. just to narrow it down..11:56
SorcererbobSlart, the PC is essentially idling. Although I'll try disabling compiz (but I have a 9800GT with the nvidia drivers)11:57
SlartSorcererbob: also googling for sound card model + ubuntu to see if anyone else has the same problems, also search ubuntu forums11:57
kke_MayaVi looks excellent for visualization11:57
Sorcererbobjust testing now... looks like that could be it... give me a moment to test more thoroughly11:58
SlartSorcererbob: you can't play a simple mp3 without the stuttering?11:58
Sorcererbobno, no. its still stuttering11:58
Sorcererboband no, I can't11:58
kestutisdo you know any music player in ubuntu?11:58
kestutisis it the most popular?11:59
SlartSorcererbob: what kind of sound card are you using?11:59
Sorcererbobintegrated one. I have the G31 chipset11:59
Slartkestutis: we haven't actually counted.. give it a try11:59
SlartSorcererbob: is that a nvidia motherboard?11:59
Sorcererbobits a gigabyte GA-G31M-S2L11:59
quibblerkestutis, Amarok12:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mediaplayer12:00
Sorcererbobit tends to start the MP3 alright, and then starts stuttering around the 15 second mark and gets worse12:00
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs12:00
selinuxiummrwes: I have already edited menu.1st to point at (hd0,0), same error.12:01
SlartSorcererbob: if you run "lspci" what are the numbers of your sound card?12:01
BlackShifthere goes nothing, rebooting for the intrepid ibex upgrade12:01
kestutisCan I listen to internet radio with Rythmbox?12:01
Slartkestutis: have you tried?12:01
Sorcererbob00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01)12:01
iSchadowhey what's that command to disable touchpad while typing?12:01
kestutisyes, i opened12:02
sofroshow to know the the size of files and subdirectoies within a specified directory?12:02
SorcererbobSlart, is that what you were looking for?12:02
kestutisbut i can't find where to add url:12:03
Sorcererbobsofros, ls -la12:03
SlartSorcererbob: yes, that was it.. I'm googling at the moment12:03
mrwesselinuxium then I'm stumbed...sorry12:04
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selinuxiummrwes: No worries... All a bit of a trail...12:04
sofrosSorcererbob, ls does not show the size of sub-directories, just the size of FILES!12:04
Sorcererbobtoo true12:05
quibblerkestutis, go to music-new internet radio pasye the url12:05
iSchadowcan anyone explain to me why pressing the middle mouse button redirects me to... touch.com?12:05
iSchadowwhat the hell12:05
goppI am "I am getting this error "[2009/01/01 19:20:47, 0] utils/net_ads.c:ads_startup_int(286) ads_connect: No logon servers"" when I do when I do net ads join12:05
kestutisdoesn't play12:05
quibblerkestutis, works for me!12:06
gbear14275anyone here know about wireless networks?12:06
damo22im a musician, im wondering whether i should fork out for a macbook pro or build a pc... what is the best software for audio production? i have a firewire audio interface already, i just want to know if i should go mac or pc?12:06
ubottugbear14275: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:07
kestutis for me now, too.12:07
=== DjViper is now known as _DjViper
sofroshow to know the the size of files and SUB-DIRECTORIES within a specified directory? command "ls -l" just show the size of files!12:07
Brolydamo22,  i think your best bet on that question would be a muscians forum.... like harmony-central12:07
quibblerkestutis, :)12:08
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kestutisCould I use Photoshop with Ubuntu? :)12:08
Sorcererbobsofros you can't use "ls -la *" ?12:08
gbear14275Trijntje: alas, you are right.  Wondering if its possible to use a wireless router to act as a bride and a router at the same time.  What I am wondering is if I have an incoming internet connection via my cable modem but also connect to my neighbors wireless access point could I reap the benefits of two cable modems?12:08
SlartSorcererbob: hmm.. seems there are a lot of problems with the intel sound chips of that family.. didn't find anyone complaining about stuttering though..12:08
quibblerkestutis, with wine,but you have Gimp which is very good12:09
Slartsofros: du12:09
SorcererbobSlart, I started googling too. And I found a couple which are vaguely related. Like one with the same chip said that the startup sound stutters (which mine does) but nothing else12:09
kestutisGimp is not as good as Photoshop. or would you disgree with me?12:09
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gbear14275Trijntje: got any ideas?12:09
quibblerkestutis, I agree but for me (not a pro) it is fine12:10
Sorcererbobsimilar. I don't use the powerful features in PS. Gimp works fine for me12:10
sofrosSorcererbob: i mean total size of sub-directories, not size of files in it12:11
Sorcererbobsofros, what are you trying to accomplish with this?12:11
kestutisbut actually it's possible to use Photoshop with Wine, isn't it?12:11
Trijntjegbear14275, i'm not that good with network, i have no idea. But i think its not realy a moral thing to do anyhow12:11
quibblersofros, try Accessories-Disk Usage Analyzer12:13
MikeHSomething is driving me mad, there seems to be a "feature" where by when I change windows/workspace it automatically moves my mouse to the active window?12:13
MikeHWhere can I find this setting?12:13
sofrosSlart: unfortunately, "du" shows all subdirectories at all level, i just want to know the size of sub-directories at level 112:13
CoUrPsE|DeAdWhat do i need to get to make apache2 able to use php?12:14
quibblerkestutis, look here: http://wiki.winehq.org/AdobePhotoshop12:14
sofrosSorcererbob: just want to know the stats at level 1 within a folder12:14
Slartsofros: of course you've checked the man page, right?12:14
NightVisiois it possible to boot Windows XP that's installed in, assume, /dev/sda2, from an emulator?12:15
sofrosquibbler: i think this can achieved via the basic commands12:15
YonibieHi all..12:15
YonibieMy primary computer is an old one (6 years old, 2.4ghz + 2gb of ram ddr2) It based Vista OS.12:15
sofrosSlart: don't see an option for my need12:16
NightVisio6 years old and DDR2?12:16
thorny_sunhow do i get a more recent version of dpkg on my hardy?  i need >1.14.20 when i have 1.14.16 ( i need to fulfill the dependency from this: https://launchpad.net/~vim-ubuntu/+archive12:16
Yonibieype, what is the problem with it?12:16
Slartsofros: take a look at --max-depth or --summarize12:17
syntax\how do i change my splash screen and gdm theme?12:17
kestutishow to check if the particular port was opened?12:18
YonibieAnyway I want to install on my server via VMware Ubntu (WITHOUT GUI!!) with apache2, perl, & mail server12:18
SorcererbobSlart, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-244624.html this is possibly it too. I did notice I had to turn my speakers up and crank the levels to get the same loudness as I was expecting. But I didn't think it would cause crackling (although it makes sense that it could be related)12:18
syntax\kestutis: netsat -l? im not really sure tho. hihi12:18
YonibieDo you know if those application requaired alot of ram cpu perfomance? I'm using the mail server for my own account only (max of 100 in & out mails) + web for monitoring..12:18
sofrosSlart: nice, but "du --max-depth=1" just show the sub-directories, not the FILES!12:19
SlartSorcererbob: ah.. there were a lot of posts about crackling... but that post is over a year old.. but it might still be the same bug12:19
YonibieAs smtp server I'm using (& currently configuring postfix), what is your suggestion for pop3\imap services?12:19
KoolDsyntax: to change gdm checkout system>admin>logon window then go to local tab12:20
hspaansYonibie: dovecot12:20
Slartsofros: -a12:20
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Slartsofros: from line 10 or something in the man file..  "write counts for all files, not just directories"12:21
sofrosSlart: just want to know size of files at the same level with sub-directories, not within them12:22
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bullgard4Slart: I have not yet found out what --  in the light blue status line of 'most' means.12:23
Mal3kocould you please tell me the command for installing perl "DBD-mysql" module?12:24
Mal3kobeen googling for that since this morning but no avail12:24
Slartbullgard4: have you tried pressing 'l' when reading a file in most?12:24
Slartbullgard4: it should change it to '-*'12:24
hspaansMal3ko: start synaptic en search for it12:25
Anacranomsofros, have you tried ls -l | more and ls -l | less  ?12:25
Slartbullgard4: l is for scroll locking.. if you have more than one file open all the files that are locked scroll together when you move up down..12:25
yellowtapeHey all! I'm hoping someone can help me out here. My Lenovo 3000 N200 laptop running Ubuntu 8.04 was working fine last night. I suspended it when I went to bed. When I woke up this morning and resumed it, I had no eth0 device. I've restarted /etc/init.d/networking and rebooted the laptop, but 'ifconfig' still doesn't list eth0. I'm connecting via wireless now. Could someone please help me out with this...?12:25
bullgard4Slart: I confirm that pressing 'l' changes it to '-*'.12:25
Trijntjecan someone provide some pointers to how the gnome login 'works'? Login is taking 20+ seconds, and i want to find out what is taking so long.12:26
sofrosAnacranom: it does not show the size of directories, just files!12:26
bullgard4Slart: Ok, thank you for explaining.12:26
rww!dvd > rww12:26
ubotturww, please see my private message12:26
hspaansTrijntje: install bootchart and see what cause the delay12:27
Slartsofros: what is wrong with the output from du --max-depth 0 -a ?12:27
hspaansTrijntje: http://blogs.gnome.org/gpoo/2005/08/12/a-graph-of-gnome-session/ <-- this is a nice starter12:27
rwwhspaans, Trijntje: bootchart stops charting when gdm activates, so it won't help12:27
sofrosSlart: thank you, that works, but how to sort all the items, by name for example?12:28
Slartbullgard4: the first dash doesn't mean anything (yes, I've checked the source).. if you really want to see it you can grep for "MOST:" in the sources.. there's only one line12:28
hspaansrww: read the page before you comment12:28
kestutishow to remove password of root user?12:28
rwwhspaans: Yeah, I just noticed that. Sorry.12:28
hspaansrww: np12:29
bullgard4Slart: So I am very content with your helpful information. --12:29
Slartbullgard4: you're welcome12:29
* yellowtape wiggles his confused eyebrows, wondering where his eth0 went12:29
Mal3kohspaans, my ubuntu has no gui12:30
Mal3kocould you please tell the package name?12:31
hspaansMal3ko: try : apt-cache search dbd mysql12:31
Slartsofros: you can pipe it through "sort".. "du --max-depth 1 -a | sort"12:31
lesshastewhen I upgraded cupsys I get lots of lines like12:31
lesshastescrollkeeper_extended_cl.xml:4947: parser error :12:31
lesshasteis this known?12:32
Slartsofros: "sort" can sort on all kinds of stuff.. man sort for more info12:32
Slartsofros: the switch -k might be useful12:32
hspaanslesshaste: you use an official ubuntu package from the same release?12:32
lesshastehspaans: it is all official12:32
lesshastehspaans: I just did apt-get install upgrade12:32
lesshastePreparing to replace cupsys 1.3.7-1ubuntu3.1 (using .../cupsys_1.3.7-1ubuntu3.2_i386.deb)12:33
lesshastethat's the previous line12:33
hspaanslesshaste: you release was and is 8.04?12:33
lesshastehspaans: yes12:34
hspaanslesshaste: create a bugreport please12:34
lesshastehspaans: hmm.. well is this going to be a log anywhere?12:35
lesshastehspaans: otherwise it's just a message that scrolled off the screen12:35
lesshastehi less !12:36
lesshasteless: you should commit yourself to what you want less of, like me.12:36
silv3r_m001hi there12:37
lesshastehi silv3r_m00112:37
silv3r_m001i am looking for a ascii text editor12:37
lesshastesilv3r_m001: emacs?12:37
lesshastesilv3r_m001: vi?12:37
Slartsilv3r_m001: vi? nano? pico?12:37
Trijntjerww, hspaans: It is just about loging in to gnome, for the moment i dont care how long it takes to boot12:37
silv3r_m001apart from vi and emacs12:37
silv3r_m001somethin like kate12:37
Flannelsilv3r_m001: try nano12:37
Slartsilv3r_m001: or gedit, editra, mousepad12:37
ubottuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code12:37
jackyanyone here used 'liveusb' ?12:37
silv3r_m001Slart: gedit is ascii ?12:37
lesshastesilv3r_m001: turns out we can answer question like that :)12:37
Flannelsilv3r_m001: what do you mean by ascii?12:38
Slartsilv3r_m001: or do you really want an ASCII editor? not many editors handle only ascii12:38
kestutiscan anybody explain me again about root user?12:38
Slartsilv3r_m001: plain text is not the same as ascii12:38
Slart!root | kestutis12:38
ubottukestutis: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo12:38
silv3r_m001Flannel: actually i copy pasted some php code in kate which gave strange errors and when opened in vi it showed special chars which kate showed as space12:38
lesshastehmm.. this scrollkeeper thing is curious...12:39
lesshastenow I get12:39
Trijntjelol, ubottu is funny ;)12:39
lesshaste/var/lib/scrollkeeper/es/scrollkeeper_extended_cl.xml:10136: parser error : Extra content at the end of the document12:39
lesshasteptic-gpl">GNU General Public License12:39
allsystemsaregosilv3r_m001, try bluefish12:39
Flannelsilv3r_m001: both vim and kate should both be able to handle unicode.12:39
hspaansTrijntje: read the page it will tell you what is happening when you login so you know where to look12:42
hspaansTrijntje: since Linux has no dtrace this can be handy instead of guessing12:43
sartak_How well does Firestarter do its job?12:43
hspaanssartak_: firestarter development is dead since 200512:43
raisinI am trying to setup grub-gfxboot on ubuntu intrepid ibex and i'm having weird errors.. while on hardy i used version 0.97-5, on intrepid only version 0.97-36 works and grant me with a "'invalid file format'" error message when booting and gets me to a text based grub. I've tried several message files and none seem to work, can anyone point me in the right direction?12:43
thorny_sunplease-- i'm at my wits end-- i need more recent vim version on my hardy to avoid major blocking bug-- i found a source for a more recent vim but it requires a more recent dpkg-- but I'm not able to find a source for that-- can anyone please help12:43
sartak_is there a firewall you would suggest to me12:44
hspaans!ufw | sartak_12:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ufw12:44
hspaanssartak_: search for ufw12:44
sartak_I freaking love linux!12:45
weatherkidthorny_sun: try sudo apt-get update than try installing it12:45
Anacranomsartak_, if you have a spare box, Endian is nice12:45
Trijntjehspaans: thnx for the link, it looks like thats what i need12:45
ActionParsnipor snort, Anacranom12:46
sartak_I found Gui-ufw is that right?12:46
sartak_Hmmm Endian?   I will look into it I have a couple spare boxes12:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Gui-ufw12:46
thorny_sunweatherkid: not sure what you mean-- install it from where?12:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gui-ufw12:46
ActionParsnip!info gui-ufw12:47
ubottuPackage gui-ufw does not exist in intrepid12:47
AnacranomActionParsnip, yes, and working on that project now ;-)12:47
veltsufunny thing happened yesterday after I installed the restricted-extras package for ubuntu, wanting to get my flash work: It also uninstalled a couple of packages which apparently were there to make my soundcard work. Long story short, now my flash is not working and also sound is missing. Good times12:49
quibblerActionParsnip, try gufw12:49
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ActionParsnipveltsu: are you on 64bit?12:49
Seveasveltsu, so now you're making your video drivers disappear? :)12:50
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veltsuActionParsnip, no, I'm on 32 bit12:50
veltsuSeveas, yeah, that's the logical move now I suppose :)12:50
Seveasveltsu, maybe wifi first, if you use it :)12:50
ActionParsnipveltsu: uninstall all flash thins you have installed, then: sudo apt-gte install flashplayer-nonfree12:50
hspaansveltsu: the processor is a better option12:51
veltsuSeveas, I struggled to get my wifi working for a few weeks so I'd rather keep it for a while. Besides, if my wifi goes, I can't get any more good suggestions about what to do next. :) hspaans, I could fine tune the processor with a sledgehammer right about now12:52
bonhoffermy ubuntu box takes around 20 minutes to startup with the error CIFS VFS: No response fro cmd 50 mid 29887 Starting anac(h)ronistic cron anacron12:52
ubottudpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.12:53
* Seveas hands veltsu a pickaxe, chainsaw and sledgehammer12:53
veltsuActionparsnip, I uninstalled the restricted-extras already. I also installed that flashplayer-nonfree as well yesterday but it didn't make my flash work, hence the restricted-extras. I'll uninstall all flash thingies I can find..12:53
lesshastehi.. I am trying to set up printing... I have download a .ppd and run it's install script.. what do I need to do now to get printing to work to my local postscript printer?12:53
Seveasveltsu, especially, get rid of swfdec and gnash.12:53
ActionParsnipveltsu: stuff like gnash if you have it installed12:53
* veltsu thanks Seveas12:53
veltsuSeveas, ActionParsnip, gnash sounds very familiar. I do believe I have it installed12:54
veltsucan I use my chainsaw to remove it?12:54
Seveasveltsu, apt-get may cause less collateral damage than the chainsaw, I recommend that12:54
ActionParsnipveltsu: rip it out, if youo have more than 1 flash plugin they will fight12:55
Seveasveltsu, also: apt-get install asr-manpages; man chainsaw12:55
Caesihullo.. how do I install Ubuntu Studio on Ubuntu 8.10 ? :)12:55
ubottuUbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org12:55
chazcoHi.. how can I mount an S/FTP location in 8.10? The "Connect to Server" utility seems to open the root folder of the server (for both SFTP and FTP) - but connecting via gFtp or sftp works... Any ideas?12:56
ActionParsnipveltsu: when you have installed the flashplayer-nonfree use: mkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins; cd ~/.mozilla/plugins; ln -s :/usr/lib/firefox/plugins/libflashplayer.so12:57
ActionParsnipveltsu: which should then make you ok12:57
kebomixhello , i have problem with video , video colors don't appear Good12:57
lesshastehow do I set up a new local cups printer?12:57
ActionParsnipkebomix: one thing at a time12:58
JianaranHi everyone, new convert to Ubuntu and Linux in general here. I'm trying to set up a programming environment to learn C++, and to cut a long story short I have to install a .rpm file. the Terminal says that this is for Red Hat, and as a debian user I should use alien -Anyone care to explain?12:58
Slart!alien | Jianaran12:58
ubottuJianaran: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)12:58
SlartJianaran: make a note of those words.. "dangerous" and "unsupported"12:59
SeveasJianaran, try to find a .deb file instead...12:59
bonhofferwow google doesn't even have anything on12:59
bonhofferCIFS VFS: No response from cmd Starting anac(h)ronistic cron anacron12:59
Seveaswhat are you installing Jianaran ?12:59
cesarazevedohello everybody!12:59
cesarazevedoanybody from Brazil?12:59
Slart!br | cesarazevedo12:59
ubottucesarazevedo: Por favor use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.12:59
Seveasbonhoffer, that's because that line has 2 different errors in one line. Skip the 'Starting...anacron' bit12:59
JianaranSeveas: The java SDK. It came in a bin file, which unpacked itself into a .rpm. There was another .bin I downloaded along with it with an identical name, but without -rpm.bin at the end; should I use that one instead?13:00
veltsu mkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins; cd ~/.mozilla/plugins; ln13:00
SeveasJianaran, get rid of the rpm file13:00
MikeHIs there a form of "widget" frame work for gnome that works with html/cs/javascript type widgets, instead of gdesklet's xml/python setup?13:00
bonhoffermy ubuntu box takes around 20 minutes to startup with the error CIFS VFS: No response from cmd 50 mid 2988713:00
cesarazevedoHello Scarey13:00
Seveasand apt-get install sun-java6-jdk13:00
ActionParsnipveltsu: you need a bit more to othe ln command13:00
ActionParsnip ln -s /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/libflashplayer.so13:01
JianaranOK, I'm apt-getting sun-java6-jdk. What should I do with it when it's done?13:02
ActionParsnip!codecs > kebomix13:02
ubottukebomix, please see my private message13:02
mick02Afternoon folks. A quick question for anyone out there that can help. I'm running Windows XP through VirtualBox in Ubuntu. Everytime I try to start up VirtualBox after a shutdown of my PC I have to run the a series of commands in the Terminal to get it to work. I was wondering what would be the best way to write a script that will run the commands on after the other waiting for the first command to complete before running the next line.13:02
Slartmick02: what kind of commands?13:03
Slartmick02: haven't had those problems with my windows xp vm-install13:03
dlirecommend a good GUI tool for gphoto2? frontend?13:04
JianaranAlso, probably a very silly question, but what's the small circle in the top left corner of every window, just to the right of the icon? (I'm using Xubuntu)13:04
ActionParsnipmick02: you could put them in a simple shell script and have it autorun13:04
blah569Say I have a user entitled "serveradmin," how would I change it13:04
blah569the home directory to var/www *13:04
mick02Slart when I try to run the VM I get a series of errors. I've to run sudo tunctl -t tap1 -u mick0213:04
dliJianaran, spreading the window to all desktop?13:04
mick02Then I've to run sudo chown root.vboxusers /dev/net/tun13:05
JianaranAh, thanks13:05
JianaranAnyway, so I got the sun-java6-jdk; what do I do with it?13:05
Slartmick02: are you using something special with your vm? what is the /dev/net/tun ?13:06
ActionParsnipmick02: have a script with your list of commands then have the last command as running the virtualbox13:06
blah569How do I change the home directory of a user account in Terminal?13:06
Slartmick02: but I'm just curious.. of course you can create a script with those commands and run it when you log in13:06
Slartmick02: the sudo part might ask you for a password but that's it13:07
mick02Slart, tun is the network tunnel that allows the XP virtual machine to access the network I think13:07
dliblah569, sudo usermod -d <folder> foo13:07
blah569dli:  Thanks13:07
ActionParsnipblah569: if you are moving it to a different partition, move the folder to the new location and symlink the new folder13:07
Slartmick02: oh.. NAT isn't enough? you want incoming connections too?13:07
ActionParsnip!codecs > kebomix13:08
Slartmick02: because I can browse the net, do updates etc without any of that13:08
JianaranAlso, not Ubuntu specific, but what sort of IRC client would  you advise for Linux? I use mIRC on windows, and Pidgin seems pretty clumsy compared to a dedicated client13:08
Slart!irc | Jianaran13:08
ubottuJianaran: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines13:08
SlartJianaran: xchat is pretty similar to mIRC13:09
mick02Yeah I need the tun interface to be up so I can join the VM to the company network etc13:09
JianaranCheers, I'll try it13:09
maltemJianaran: I'm using xchat (xchat-gnome, to be specific)13:09
ActionParsnipJianaran: xchat is close in clean looks plus you wont have the mirc nag13:09
ActionParsnipJianaran: you can also get xchat for windows too13:10
SuNDeCJianaran: irssi the light-weight console-based irc client13:10
benovicwhat to do if ubuntu doesnt get the right resolution for my external monitor? once plugged I only want the external monitor to run in 1680x1050. if the laptop is unplugged the normal screen should run with default 1280x800. I'd be glad for a link :)13:10
maltemIs someone else affected by the network-manager bug that it won't reconnect after suspend? Any workaround known (my ifconfig fu fails me)? There are numerous launchpad tickets that look related...13:10
ActionParsnipbenovic: what graphics card?13:10
benovicintel GMA 94513:10
ActionParsnipmaltem: try sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart13:11
Teknowhat is terminal command to suspend or hibernate13:11
boanybody known howto install adempiere13:11
maltemActionParsnip: tried that, didn't help13:11
ActionParsnipbenovic: i think its an xorg.conf thing13:11
benovicActionParsnip: I have urandr installed, but that does not do the job13:11
JianaranAnyway, so going back to my original issue: I'm trying to set up a C++ environment, and I've now used apt-get to get sun-java6-jdk. I've agreed to its terms and conditions; what do I do now?13:12
blah569Is it possible to give "serveradmin" full permission?  777  I'm using vsftpd, and it uses local users.13:12
maltemJianaran: why are you installing the Java jdk for C13:12
ActionParsnipbenovic: http://thegrieve.co.uk/?p=3713:12
maltemer, for C++?13:12
sartak_okie UFW is installed13:12
JianaranI was told to use Eclipse13:12
sartak_how can I test it13:12
JianaranIt needs the Java SDK base, apparently13:12
lesshastehow do I set up a generic postscript printer? I can't see postscript as an option under "generic" in  the print dialog13:13
ActionParsnipmaltem: you could rmmod <networking module> then modprobe it back in13:13
ActionParsnipmaltem: suspend is a real pain to get nice13:13
maltemJianaran: oh ok, then I'd try and install eclipse, no?13:13
benovicActionParsnip: i have found the dualscreen solutions, but I think it doesnt help me with my problem since i only want to run one monitor at at time13:13
benovicwell, ill check it out  :)13:13
maltemActionParsnip: would I have to rmmod before suspend, or should it work after waking up?13:14
Jianaranmaltem: Fair enough, and yes it works. I'd just expected a more visible notification tham something had happened. Thanks, everyone :)13:14
EugenMayeranybody in here, who could get any sound recording on intrepid with an thinkpad t60 ( intel HDA ) and get skype working?13:14
boi have problem installing Adempiere, anybody can help!!!13:14
ActionParsnipmaltem: i'd do it all after wakeup. but i dnt use suspend as I have better things to do in the 4 million days it takes to get spot on13:15
ActionParsnip!info adempiere13:15
ubottuPackage adempiere does not exist in intrepid13:15
veltsuActionParsnip, thanks. We're making progress. Now the eg. Youtube videos play for a second or two until freezing. I uninstalled gnash and attempted to install flashplayer-nonfree again. ubuntu prompted that it's already the latest version13:15
maltemActionParsnip: heh ok, thanks, I'll see how it'll work out13:16
ActionParsnipveltsu: then remove it, apt-get clean, then reinstall13:16
ActionParsnipbo: looks like you gotta compile it13:17
banshee_Whats a program equivalent to Tortise SVN for windows that I can use with linux, thanks!13:17
kevbuntuhas anyone here gone through LFS ?13:17
EugenMayerThis channel is really special. it has a lot of users in but pends to be the most useless channel on freenode :)13:17
CVirusOpenoffice now opens in full screen covering my whole desktop and there is no title bar .. what can I do ?13:17
allsystemsaregobanshee_, rapidsvn ?13:18
banshee_allsystemsarego: Whats the command to instal a .tar.gz again?13:18
maltemah, I realize that intrepid chose a different wireless driver for me than what I had under Hardy13:19
JianaranDoes (x)ubuntu have xchat-gnome as a package, or do I have to compile it from a tarball?13:19
ActionParsnipbanshee_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=27931513:19
RoumsDoes anyone know how i could resolve my problem with gnome not starting up (blocked after logon screen), see : http://pastebin.com/m7b9806e8 for some messages13:19
banshee_allsystemsarego: ty13:19
banshee_ActionParsnip: Ty13:19
maltemJianaran: sudo apt-get install xchat-gnome13:19
HairyDudeok, with wine installed, is gnome-volume-manager supposed to offer to autorun or not?13:19
mrwesJianaran: xchat is in the repositories13:19
banshee_ActionParsnip: Command to install .tar.gz?13:19
ActionParsnipJianaran: xubuntu is the same as ubuntu, just a lighter interface, its all the same13:20
weatherkidEugenMayer's comment reworded: This channel is really special. It has alot of users in it but no one needs help 'cause everyone use Ubuntu Forums13:20
HairyDudecos it does, but fails to find the executable because of inconsistent capitalisation13:20
ActionParsnipbanshee_: tar zxvf <tar file name>13:20
ActionParsnipbanshee_: then read the readme in the extracted folder for compilation instructions13:20
ActionParsnipbanshee_: but you dont install a tar.gz per se13:20
EugenMayerweatherkid: you mean the forum, which does not clear out, which solution is for what version and if someone has fixed it or not or something for bar foo?13:21
dliRoums, disable compiz13:21
EugenMayerweatherkid: lovely forum, if someone would care about managing it a bit13:21
weatherkidEugenMayer: Never mind, but still i do think that everyone uses Ubuntu Forums13:22
dliRoums, run: gnome-session-properties to disable it, and enable metacity (gnome wm)13:22
maltemRoums: or just uninstall compiz, that'll be quicker :)13:23
RoumsI would like to keep compiz13:23
weatherkidEugenMayer: =) yes it would be better if someone made a new years resolution to click prune13:23
maltemRoums: apparently your GL setup doesn't work13:23
lesshasteI get Destination printer does not exist!13:23
lesshastewhen trying to print to my local printer13:23
Roumsbecause I followed an ubuntu wiki page to add cube modeler and effects13:23
lesshasteany ideas how to deal with this~?13:24
RoumsI see that it is not working :)13:24
dliRoums, your video card driver/x are not ready for compiz13:24
lesshasteI am using ipp:localhost13:24
lesshasteis that wrong?13:24
felipe__if I change the partition table of my pendrive (mp3 player) as specified in http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2008/02/05/usb-pclinuxos-minime-2008/, will I be later able to restore its previous state (to play mp3 again)13:24
lesshasteI am just using the printing menu in hardy13:24
FloodBot1felipe__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:24
maltemRoums: then try to disable those things that won't work in gconf-editor13:24
ActionParsniplesshaste: what printer is it?13:24
lesshasteActionParsnip: lexmark e250dn13:25
EugenMayerweatherkid: i did not want to offend you. I just was suprised, everytimg i got here with a question, it was useless asking. Comparing to gentoo or debian, this is really _bad_ as ubuntu should also attract casual users. Iam not a casual user, but this really pushes me forward to port back to gentoo or even go on debian. But nevermind, nice day13:25
mrweslesshaste: you using the IP or hosname?13:25
lesshasteActionParsnip: I am trying both the generic postscript and downloaded ppd13:25
dlilesshaste, ipp://localhost:631/Printers/13:25
lesshastemrwes: I literally put in ipp://localhost into the URI field13:25
JianaranHmm... What would the experts here reccommend as the minimum specs for a laptop to run xubuntu?13:25
ActionParsniplesshaste: http://forums.linux-foundation.org/read.php?29,4567,469313:25
mrweslesshaste: is this printing to a shared printer?13:26
lesshastedli: trying that I get E [02/Jan/2009:13:26:11 +0000] [Job 8] Destination printer does not exist!13:26
lesshasteE [02/Jan/2009:13:26:11 +0000] PID 15303 (/usr/lib/cups/backend/ipp) stopped with status 4!13:26
felipe__if I change the partition table of my pendrive (mp3 player) as specified in http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2008/02/05/usb-pclinuxos-minime-2008/, will I be later able to restore its previous state (to play mp3 again)?13:26
lesshastemrwes: no it's directly connected by an ethernet cable13:26
blah569I'm trying to give my vsftpd server users to be able to write to /var/www, but they can not.  I'm very confussd at how to do this.13:27
dlilesshaste, go to http://localhost:631 to add printer (under administration)13:27
ActionParsniplesshaste: looks like a good few success storys in that link13:27
mrweslesshaste: You need to add /Printers/PRINTERNAME13:27
weatherkidlesshaste: You made need to use Samba13:27
dlilesshaste, try: lpstat -t13:27
mrwesnot with ipp he doesn't13:27
lesshasteActionParsnip: they talk about kprinter.. what is that? Ubuntu doesn't seem to ahve that13:27
weatherkidoh ok we are on the same page now13:28
ActionParsniplesshaste: its a kde thing, im sure gnome has some equivelant13:28
dlilesshaste, http://localhost:631 is all you need13:28
lesshastedli: http://pastebin.ca/129827013:28
weatherkidCan we go in with CUPS admin or do we have to use the built in config app13:28
Roumsmaltem I don't know exactly what doesn't work13:28
mrwesdli: yah I use the CUPS web gui too...very easy to use13:28
lesshastedli: ok changed back to that.. no joy13:29
Anacranomblah569, is your ftp server a server or desktop distro?13:29
weatherkidMaybe if she or he look at the config on there maybe they can work it13:29
blah569Anacranom:  Desktop distribution13:29
blah569I believe that I have found a solution13:30
blah569on Ubuntuforums13:30
mrweslesshaste: it's connected to the computer or router via cable?13:30
lesshasteActionParsnip: I'm using system-config-printer13:30
dlilesshaste, after it works from the webgate, you can play with lpadmin cli13:30
sartak_When I try to setup my Ati Radeon 9200 with the proper drivers my box goes to hell and wont run properly, why?13:30
lesshastemrwes: directly connected via an ethernet cable13:30
lesshastedli: hang on.. nothing works yet.. what are you suggesting?13:30
blah569Yes, it works!  :D13:30
sartak_wont even load the desktop13:30
Anacranomblah569, good, but if you need me for vsftp, look me up in #seaphor13:31
weatherkidsartak_: I think they are restricted drives.13:31
ActionParsniplesshaste: theres gtklp13:31
ActionParsnip!info gtklp13:31
ubottugtklp (source: gtklp): printing tool for CUPS on the GNOME Desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.3-1.1 (intrepid), package size 186 kB, installed size 804 kB13:31
weatherkidCan someone check me please13:31
dlilesshaste, delete all printers, add by the webgate13:31
blah569Anacranom:  Kay, thank you.  :D13:32
sartak_Then how can I display graphix to full potential without proper drivers?13:32
msellersI have an old edgy system that I need to upgrade.  sources.list makes explicit reference to edge for numerous entries.  What should the sources.list look like to "get modern".13:33
rdancerwhat's the eclipse version in 8.10?13:33
jensorwhat is the symbol for one or more wild cards in a search string?13:33
lesshastedli: ok..doing that now13:33
ActionParsnip!info eclipse13:33
ubottueclipse (source: eclipse): Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.2-5ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 126 kB, installed size 416 kB13:33
rdancerthx, ActionParsnip13:34
sartak_How can I make mt video work to full potential if the drivers I get from the manufactorer and from the repos make my box break?13:35
sartak_mt = my13:35
ActionParsnipsartak_: what gfx card do you have>13:35
Teknoany tips for reducing boot time? http://www.divshare.com/image/6227302-97d13:36
sartak_ati radeon 920013:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about accessibility13:36
wfabenHow can I disable accessibility at my computer?13:36
=== hateball1 is now known as hateball
lesshastedli:   13:37
lesshastee250dn-web "Destination printer does not exist!"13:37
lesshastedli: when I use the ppd provided13:37
Teknoany tips for reducing boot time? http://www.divshare.com/image/6227302-97d13:37
lesshastedli: I could use the webgate with the generic postscript I suppuse but I wonder what is going on13:37
* gravity1187 is back.13:38
ActionParsnipsartak_: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/2588013:38
ActionParsnipsartak_: http://tonywhitmore.co.uk/blog/2006/02/07/dual-head-on-ati-radeon-9200-se-under-ubuntu/13:38
dlilesshaste, not sure about which driver to use?13:38
jamba_sparaboi already created a full disk encryption and then ubuntu says hey i heard you like encryptions do you wanna create an encrypted private folder in your encrypted disk so you can encrypt while you encrypt13:39
sartak_ActionParsnip : thank you13:39
jensorwhat is the symbol for one or more wild cards in a search string?13:39
kestutiswhat information is in the folder /etc/init.d/ ?13:39
lesshastedli: I tried the e250dn driver and then generic postscript13:40
fosco_kestutis: the services the system run at startup13:40
lesshastedli: they both   say the printer doesn't exist13:40
lesshastedli: maybe this just means ipp://localhost is wrong?13:40
ActionParsniplesshaste: did you appy then via gtklp13:40
lesshasteActionParsnip: no.. I am trying the webgate13:40
lesshasteActionParsnip: as dli recommended13:40
kestutisbut for example, /etc/init.d/apache2 start, actually starts other processes, right?13:41
kestutisbecause when i start it, i can't find /etc/init.d/apache2 in current processes13:42
lesshasteActionParsnip: that gives me the webgate13:42
Stormx2kestutis: Naturally. it'll run as a process called "apache2"13:42
Roger_shouldn't it just be apache13:42
dlilesshaste, http://forums.linux-foundation.org/read.php?29,4567,741313:42
lesshasteActionParsnip: but is that right for my printer too? As it doesn't seem to find it13:42
MooseI have a Windows partition on the same hard drive as my Ubuntu partition. I want to back the Windows partition (but only the 130 GB in use) to an external drive. I need to do this from Ubuntu.13:42
MooseAny suggestions?13:42
dlilesshaste, you may have to supply the PPD file13:42
lesshastedli: I have done that13:43
=== ]L[iNu]X[ is now known as alessio
lesshastedli: but it seems that they couldn't get cups to work either13:43
Stormx2Moose: So you want to back up some files, yeah?13:43
kestutisbut proccess is some file...13:43
lesshastedli: err.. I don't mean cups.. looks like they had to use kprinter13:43
MooseStormx2: I want to back up only the files that are in use, yes. I don't want to write 500 GB to the external, as it's only 250 GB in size.13:43
MooseAs in, the currently used space. Not allocated, but used.13:44
ssapphireehey all ) Has anyone used WPA-None in ad-hoc network here? )13:44
Stormx2I tend to use cp -av for that.13:44
sartak_I already tried both of those and still did not fix the problem, finally I just did a clean install of Ubunt , however I want my 3d accel to work13:44
ssapphireein linux of course )13:44
Stormx2if your Windows partition was /media/win and your external was /media/ext, just do cp -av /media/win/* /media/ext13:44
ActionParsniplesshaste: thats the standard cups interface via web browser13:44
MooseThank you :)13:44
sartak_It wont even allow me to play 3d chess saying I have no 3d card, not accurate at all13:45
lesshasteActionParsnip: right.. but what is the correct uri for the printer?13:45
Stormx2kestutis, what problem are you having exactly?13:45
lesshasteActionParsnip: ipp://localhost is what I am using13:45
dlilesshaste, if it works for cups, it works everywhere13:45
lesshastedli: nothing works13:45
lesshastedli: neither in cups nor anywhere else13:45
=== CPrompt^_away is now known as CPrompt^
Stormx2sartak_: You've enabled restricted drivers, I take it?13:46
ActionParsniplesshaste: as long as its default cups stuff its cool13:46
dlilesshaste, check the link for a PPD13:46
ActionParsniplesshaste: do you have the printers ip address?13:46
ActionParsniplesshaste: you said it went over ethernet?13:46
lesshasteActionParsnip: just an ethernet cable directly connected to my pc13:46
mrwesActionParsnip: exactly...the printer is not on localhost13:46
Flynsarmynyone here able to successfully connect an razr v3x using moto4lin?13:46
lesshasteI may have to give up and use windows :(13:46
lesshastedli: I have the ppd13:47
dlilesshaste, and cups found the printer for you to add?13:48
lesshasteit's the printer address isn't it13:48
Flynsarmysartak_, was taht a reply to me?13:48
lesshastethat's the problem13:48
lesshastedli: cups found the ppd I installed13:48
ActionParsniplesshaste: you need its ip address then you can install a network printer and supply the PPD and ip address13:49
sartak_no it wasnt sorry13:49
lesshasteok.. so given it is connected directly to me pc13:49
lesshastewhat on earth might it's ip address be?13:49
sartak_Stormx2 : Yes I have13:49
dlilesshaste, no, cups should find a new printer, and you simply click "add" next to icon13:50
skysurferHi all .has anyone ever used ubuntu ultimate-adition 2.0 and is it worth downloading ?13:50
ActionParsniplesshaste: print a test page out of it, it will tell you13:50
ActionParsniplesshaste: you sure its not USB and not ethernet13:51
lesshasteActionParsnip: ok.. now to work how to do that13:51
lesshasteActionParsnip: ethernet I guarantee13:51
dliActionParsnip, parallel port?13:51
Flynsarmywhat's the bluetooth program that comes iwht ubuntu called? so that i can access files on bluetooth devices13:51
dlilesshaste, if it's ethernet, it is not ipp://localhost :(13:51
lesshastedli: oh...13:51
mrwesI've been saying that for awhile guys13:52
ActionParsnipFlynsarmy: bluez13:52
dlilesshaste, you need the IP of the printer, then13:52
lesshastedli: I am a little surprised it will have one given it's not on a network13:52
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ActionParsniplesshaste: it may have a static ip, also make sure you are using a crossover cable13:53
lesshasteand I also can't see how to print a test page :)13:53
dlilesshaste, if it's on ethernet, it runs on IP. :(13:53
coincoin1611how to disable in firefox 3 the middle clic, when i clic anywhere it tells me "cannot load url bla bla bla" ?13:53
lesshasteActionParsnip: I can print from windows without any problems13:53
FlynsarmyActionParsnip, bluez: command not found13:53
dlilesshaste, find settings in windows then13:53
ActionParsnipok then the cable is fine13:53
FlynsarmyActionParsnip, it's installed though13:53
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup13:54
mrweslesshaste: and if you're using DHCP, you're going to run into problems with the IP not being static13:54
ActionParsniplesshaste: you could jump into windows and look at the printer settings. it may surrender its IP address then13:55
=== Nebri is now known as rflet86
lesshasteok..printed 4 pages of test stuff by pressing the "continue" button on the printer :)13:56
yogi192how do i make eterm launch with fish shell, my default is bash, but i want to launch fish shell when i use Eterm, for learning purposes13:56
mrweslesshaste: the printer has a menu correct? I bet you can set the IP from there13:56
lesshastemrwes: I seem to have the address.13:56
lesshastelet me check13:56
CPrompt^lesshaste: what kind or printer is it?13:56
rflet86hey guys, building myself a livecd however having a hard time getting wireless up. How can I check which kernel module my ubuntu install is using?13:56
skysurferhi all.has anyone ever used ubuntu ultimate ?13:57
veltsuhey all, is there a way to easily get a fresh instal of ubuntu. right now it seems like when I fix one problem, two new problems arise and I'm feeling like my head is exploding?13:57
lesshastemrwes: grr.. I can't ping it!!13:57
lesshasteshouldn't I be able to ping the printer?13:57
lesshasteCPrompt^: lexmark e250dn13:57
CPrompt^lesshaste: yes you should be able to13:57
mrwesOh....it's a lexmark???13:57
lesshasteit clearly say address
CPrompt^ping it taht is13:57
ActionParsniplesshaste: you can only ping it by ip13:58
lesshaste ping ,fails13:58
mrwesthat is a class C address no?13:58
CPrompt^lesshaste: that's not right then.13:58
dlilesshaste, if you have not firewall there, you can nmap it also13:58
ActionParsniplesshaste: 169.254 == dhcp fail13:58
CPrompt^lesshaste: you are not getting an ip address13:58
lesshasteI am not really sure we know what we are doing :)13:58
CPrompt^cable bad?13:58
mrwesit has to be an internet IP address13:58
ActionParsniplesshaste: you need to set the ethernet port ou have to some ip address then set the ip of the printer to fall in the same net mask for communication to flow13:58
CPrompt^lesshaste: i do this all day long for my job13:59
mrweser internal13:59
lesshasteCPrompt^: it works just fine in windows and it's not on a network13:59
aleksN^How can I save data on my ftpserver (internet) with ubuntu by terminal-commands?13:59
lesshasteit's just plugged directly into my pc13:59
dlilesshaste, what cable?13:59
ActionParsniplesshaste: if yuo attatch it to a router it will be given correct info but you have it connected to your pc so its dhcp will fail13:59
lesshasteCPrompt^: ethernet13:59
lesshasteCPrompt^: that's promising :)13:59
CPrompt^lesshaste: it would have to be a crossover cable then13:59
Flynsarmyis there a graphical bluetooth program i can use on ubuntu?13:59
CPrompt^and you would have to give the printer a static ip.13:59
dlilesshaste, you have two ethernet cards in PC there?14:00
ActionParsnipyes as its a peer to peer connections14:00
lesshastedli: one usb and one ethernet14:00
lesshastedli: I mean one usb wireless ethernet.. so yes14:01
lesshasteCPrompt^: I just go back to the fact that in windows it simply works14:01
lesshasteCPrompt^: so the cable can't be wrnog14:01
dlilesshaste, find the IP of printer in windows14:01
CPrompt^lesshaste: you can print via ethernet cable straight from your computer to the printer?14:02
dlilesshaste, it sounds to me like printer gets IP by DHCP from windows14:02
lesshasteCPrompt^: exactly14:02
dlilesshaste, that's weird to me:(14:02
CPrompt^that doesn't sound right14:02
CPrompt^the printer would have to have the same ip range as your computer14:03
lesshastewell I am starting up another computer now14:03
CPrompt^otherwise it wouldn't know where to go14:03
lesshastewith windows on it14:03
lesshasteI'll plug in the printer and see how long it takes to set up :)14:03
dlilesshaste, plug the printer cable in your local router, or something where you can get DHCP14:03
CPrompt^plug it in using the ethernet correct?14:03
lesshasteusing the boring ethernet cable14:04
lesshasteno router involved14:04
dlilesshaste, since you have wireless, plug the printer eth cable into the wireless router14:04
CPrompt^why not use the router?  it would make things much easier and that printer really should have a static ip14:04
lesshasteok.. windows loading...14:04
dlilesshaste, startup the printer, then, it should get IP from router14:04
CPrompt^i'm with dli on this one.14:05
lesshastethe router is in the wrong room.. sorry to be so dull about it14:05
lesshastewindows is slooooow :)14:05
lesshastestill starting up :)14:05
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lesshasteback in 10.. got to eat14:05
Serafeimwhat is npviewer?14:06
yogi192how do i make eterm launch with fish shell, my default is bash, but i want to launch fish shell when i use Eterm, for learning purposes14:06
skysurferguys witch is better ubuntu 8.04 lts or 8.10 ?14:06
dlilesshaste, it's easy to set up your own dhcpd server also14:06
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D--sky: depends how soon you want to upgrade14:06
Serafeimsky: 8.10 improved my graphic card and made possible the 3d effects14:07
skysurferwell I got a big book to go along with 8.04 but im now using 8.10 i cant see mutch diferance lol14:07
skysurfermust admit it looks nice in some parts but i got a big book and 8.04 up for grabs now lol14:08
skysurferso if any one wants it give me a shout14:08
tavihey who tell me aprogram that say the speed from the pc to modem and from modem to the internet?14:09
CPrompt^tavi: do you want to measure your bandwidth?14:09
taviCPrompt^:  no the speed14:10
taviCPrompt^: real time speed14:10
CPrompt^tavi:    right bandwidth speed14:10
Serafeimlooking at syslogs i noticed APIC error on CPU. Is it something to worry about?14:10
taviCPrompt^:  don´t know i do not handle well linux14:10
taviCPrompt^:  and also looses , error , where the line is broken14:11
CPrompt^tavi: hmmm...can't help with all that i don't think.  http://www.speedtest.net/  does a pretty good job i think14:11
taviwell that is a speed test based on what you laod there14:12
brolly81I get this message when trying to share my folder14:12
brolly81'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare: cannot open usershare directory /var/lib/samba/usershares. Error Permission denied14:12
brolly81You do not have permission to create a usershare. Ask your administrator to grant you permissions to create a share.14:12
brolly81how do i fix this14:12
taviCPrompt^:  that does´t say where is stop where iss low speed where is rapid speed14:12
Flynsarmysigh, looks like i'll have ot use windows to connect to my phone14:12
Serafeimlooking at syslogs i noticed APIC error on CPU. Is it something to worry about?14:13
brolly81i get this error when trying to share my folder14:14
brolly81'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare: cannot open usershare directory /var/lib/samba/usershares. Error Permission denied14:14
brolly81You do not have permission to create a usershare. Ask your administrator to grant you permissions to create a share.14:14
stefan1223hallo, how can i update an ubuntu 8.10 desktop image?14:15
fosco_stefan1223: 8.10 is the most recent image, you do not need to update14:15
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yogi192stefan1223: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade in terminal14:16
stefan1223fosco_ but i don't wan't to download 400 mb after installing, is it possible to update the packages in the image?14:16
yogi192for future use14:16
fosco_stefan1223: no14:16
brolly81i get denied when trying to share a file, how do i fix this14:17
stefan1223brolly81: tried sudo?14:17
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brolly81yeah but what do i do in sudo. what do i type or edit14:18
MooseBroly: sudo <command to do sharing here>14:18
MooseIt'll prompt you for your administrator password.14:18
brolly81stefan1223 yeah but what do i do in sudo. what do i type or edit14:18
Sorcererbobhey guys, just letting you all know that this sound issue is compelling me to return to windows :(14:18
brolly81stefan1223 i get this error: You do not have permission to create a usershare. Ask your administrator to grant you permissions to create a share.14:19
drox81Salve ragazzi ho installato Kubuntu con KDE4 e devo dire che è molto piacevole usarlo e anche facile unica cosa che ho notato, io uso solitamente Rhtymbox, invece qui c'è Amarok e fin qui nessun problema14:19
erUSUL!it | drox8114:19
ubottudrox81: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)14:19
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.14:19
erUSULSorcererbob: wrong language ;P14:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about klingon14:20
Sorcererbobback later14:20
stefan1223brolly81: if you aren't root you can't share if you use sudo <command> then you execute it as root14:20
brolly81stefan1223: bro i have no idea what your talking about, im fairly new to ubunto. root in what?14:22
brolly81stefan1223: i tried to look it up on google and stuff but i cant get a site that fixes this error14:23
stefan1223brolly81: if you're not root you don't have permission to do some things like editing special files etc. it's for security purpose i think...14:23
stefan1223brolly81: what do you type in the terminal?14:24
brolly81stefan1223: nothing in the tereminal i just rt clicked on the icon and clicked on share14:26
brolly81stefan1223: like i said before im fairly new14:27
ubottuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto14:28
stefan1223brolly81: well, i'm also new... but for me, it looks like you aren't root(admin)14:28
soulchildHi all,.... hope someone can help me with this scripting problem: I have to files, one hast the Name, and another file has the id's, I want to merge these to files into one file with "Name:ID", any ideas ?14:29
gangsterliciousis AIDE in debian/ubuntu just badly broken or what?14:29
Stormbreakerbrolly81, maybe you can type in the terminal "sudo nautilus" thenyou'll get root access on all folder14:29
inrepiduseri am an administrator for a network and im using ubuntu ...im wondering if i can somehow analyze the bandwidth over the network since i would have a proof that people are using the enitre bandwidth...14:29
=== inrepiduser is now known as intrepiduser
gangsterliciousintrepiduser: you couldn't put up a monitor at GW?14:30
intrepiduserhow can i do that?14:30
intrepiduserits a very small network..14:30
Slartintrepiduser: you can just run nload on the gw if you just need a quick measurement14:30
Slartintrepiduser: or install one of the bandwidth monitors that output nice webpages with graphs and whatnot14:31
gangsterliciousintrepiduser: yea, my company using cacti14:31
Slart!info mrtg | intrepiduser14:31
ubottumrtg (source: mrtg): multi router traffic grapher. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.16.1-2ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 429 kB, installed size 1184 kB14:31
gangsterliciousit works great.14:31
peabodyI've got a Sansa Fuze, and when I connect it to my computer, it doesn't detect. In fact, I can't even detect it in lsusb14:31
intrepiduserSlart: doesnt it monitor my bandwidth usgae only?14:32
Slartgangsterlicious, intrepiduser: ah.. yes.. cactii is very nice.. I've used that too14:32
Slartintrepiduser: yes? isn't that what you wanted?14:32
peabodyI've went to the sandisk forums, and they talk about removing the USB 1.1 modules and shit I've tried that14:32
intrepiduseri mean no*14:32
intrepiduserother people on network are using file sharing clients..14:33
intrepiduseri want to prove that they are using most of the bandwidth..14:33
peabodyI don't know what else to do.. how do you troubleshoot an undetected USB device14:33
Slartintrepiduser: oohh.. now I understand14:33
intrepiduserits a home netwrok actually..14:33
bullgard4'man 7 rtnetlink' starts with the line: "NAME: rtnetlink, NETLINK_ROUTE - Linux IPv4 routing socket." Are both identifiers rtnetlink and NETLINK_ROUTE synonyms?14:33
Slartintrepiduser: you want to separate normal traffic from filesharing stuff..14:33
intrepiduseri just want to know how much bandwidth they are using..14:34
Slartintrepiduser: the problem then is separating the normal traffic from the filesharing stuff.. most filesharing stuff is very good at hiding.. encryption, random ports etc etc14:34
soulchildHi all,.... hope someone can help me with this scripting problem: I have to files, one hast the Name, and another file has the id's, I want to merge these to files into one file with "Name:ID", any ideas ?14:34
KRFintrepiduser, nethogs (maybe)14:34
brolly81stormbreaker: is there a way to make my "root" whatever my default14:35
PhotoguySo, I installed Ubuntu on my external Hdd.   I want to be able to boot from any computer, what else do I have to do to make it work?14:35
PhotoguyIt doesn't show an option for Ubuntu14:35
Stormbreakerbrolly81, maybe but i don't know how, i always use sudo to get root access for something14:36
brolly81stormbreaker: having a hard time understanding why root isn't a default for admin users14:36
shrimy system has windows xp. just now i have installed ubuntu. if i reboot the system after installing ubuntu. i still get windows xp. i am unable to boot ubuntu linux14:37
shrican anyone help me14:37
jamba_sparabohow can I disable the user and password questions during startup?14:37
cdecarloshri: are you sure you installed? you weren't just using the live cd?14:38
shriyes i installed. i can see my rootfs14:38
Slartbrolly81: if you were logged in as root that means *everything* you run can trash the entire system... firefox can do it, the small text edito can do it, openoffice can do it etc.. so if just one of these programs run amok, or is somehow hijacked they have access to everything14:38
Roger_jamba_sparabo, set autologin on14:38
Computechwhat is a good chess programm for ubuntu?14:38
jamba_sparabothx Roger_14:38
Stormbreakerbrolly81, i can understand, you're not root for security reason, anyway you can probably open a session as root, then you should have access to everything as root (by the way i'm also a noob in ubuntu stuff lo)14:38
jamba_sparaboif i find it14:38
Roger_in users and groups that is14:38
intrepiduserhow can i monitor the gateway?14:38
Slart!info eboard | Computech14:39
ubottueboard (source: eboard): GTK+ chessboard program. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.1-2 (intrepid), package size 527 kB, installed size 1388 kB14:39
ComputechSlart, does it have a better engine then the normal one in ubuntu?14:39
Jeruvyintrepiduser: the most common tool is a sniffer14:39
SlartComputech: afaik eboard is considered to be good (not only pretty) but I haven't tried it myself so I can't really say for sure14:40
intrepiduseri do have wireshark..14:40
cdecarloshri: did you partition the disk manually or did you use the guided settings and let installer do it?14:40
StormbreakerQuestion, there is someone who successed to install ivtv or get a wintv pvr 150 running on ubuntu 8.10 ? (i'm lost since 4 days by trying to get this tuner working :s)14:40
intrepiduserbut how can i monitor the bandwidth..14:40
ComputechSlart, thanx14:40
intrepiduseri can run arpspoof..14:40
intrepiduseri manage the network..14:40
earthenmy blutooth mouse will not reconnect after a reboot or sleep anyone have any idea's14:40
PhotoguySo, I installed Ubuntu on my external Hdd.   I want to be able to boot from any computer, what else do I have to do to make it work?14:41
PhotoguyIt doesn't show an option for Ubuntu14:41
Slartintrepiduser: this looks promising.. it can at least sort the bandwidth according to different criteria http://dmr.ath.cx/net/darkstat/14:41
chazcoHi... how can I mount an SFTP or FTP location in Ubuntu? Nautilus shows the root folder but doesnt redirect to the suitable folder. s/ftp from the terminal work as expected however.14:41
brolly81slart: so if i want to share music and or just files in general I have to have them in root, right? does that mean i have to make double copies of everything one for basic use and another for root14:42
ianfdlrsCan someone answer a question for me?14:42
Slartbrolly81: eh... no.. root is a user.. it's not a folder14:43
Slartbrolly81: I might have missed the start of this conversation.. what are you trying to do?14:43
ToskoCan anyone help me with my DRI problem? I want to enable my DRI on my graphic card ( ATI Radeon Xpress 1270 HyperMemory )14:44
amitz1how to install live cd that only has grub inside it?14:45
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Stormbreakerbrolly81, this can help you maybe : http://www.simplehelp.net/2007/05/19/how-to-share-files-and-folders-in-ubuntu/14:45
PhotoguyI need some help.14:46
PhotoguySo, I installed Ubuntu on my external Hdd.   I want to be able to boot from any computer, what else do I have to do to make it work?14:46
intrepidusermaybe it would have different drivers.14:46
intrepiduserit wont load on any computer..14:46
ikoniaPhotoguy: thats not the best idea as an install is not a live system,14:46
JeruvyPhotoguy: that probably won't work.  Hardware detection is very fussy14:46
PhotoguySo, what do i have to do?14:47
JeruvyPhotoguy: you should use a virtualbox/vmware solution14:47
ikoniaPhotoguy: install on each system, or use a live setup, like a livecd14:47
brolly81Stormbreaker: yeah i wen to that site, it didnt help. I actually fixed my problem and it was the fact that i was not in root like slart said, which that site does not mention that and i followed it to the teeth.14:47
PhotoguySo, I have to install all over agin, on the computer I want to boot from?14:47
ikoniaPhotoguy: or use a live system like a livecd14:48
JeruvyPhotoguy; you can choose to just use a livecd environment, you can create a hard file per system14:48
ubottuThe Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.14:48
intrepiduserwhen i run orca i hear a weird noise...14:48
Stormbreakerbrolly81, Oh i see14:48
amitz1Photoguy: heh, I'm doing the same thing, that is want to make my installation in external harddrive works in most computers.14:48
PhotoguyYeah, I just want to plug and play :P14:49
ikoniaPhotoguy: then use a livecd14:49
Jeruvyamitz: we do the same thing, but it's not trivial and all the machine are the same.  Makes hardware conflicts rarer.14:49
amitz1Photoguy: It probably won't work flawlessly though..14:49
Stormbreakerbrolly81, Anyway, keep in mind that you have to be root to be able to install/uninstall/update a soft in ubuntu, it's "by design" that's why many wabsite didn't mention it14:50
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=== helllues is now known as hellues
brolly81Slart:  i was trying to share my folder over the network. the files that i was trying to share were located on my desktop14:50
PhotoguyOk, so I use a live cd, and install all over again?14:50
amitz1Jeruvy: I know but I still want to make it work. I only have to make it works for 3 different computers. Now, what I need is info on how to install grub only on live cd. Do you know how?14:51
ikoniaPhotoguy: just use a livecd, don't install, or install it, it's up to you14:51
Papillon_bonjour les mauvais programmeurs !14:51
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr14:51
Papillon_bonjour les bots alors14:51
ikoniaPhotoguy: I've just done that14:51
Jeruvyamitz: I'm not sure I follow you.  You want a livecd with just grub?14:51
ikoniaPapillon_: english only please14:51
amitz1Photoguy: first you need to use "debootstrap". Try google it.14:51
Slartbrolly81: ah.. so you had to do that as "the root user".. the files can still be on your desktop.. it's just the sharing that has to be done as root.. since you as a user isn't allowed to do that.... (not sure if that helps any)14:51
Slartbrolly81: anyways.. it works now?14:52
ikoniaamitz1: why does he want to debootsstrap ?14:52
brolly81slart: for example if i logged onto ubunto my files of music and pic are there on my desktop. i had to copy and paste those files in root to share.14:53
amitz1Jeruvy: Yeah. Basically the BIOS of all 3 computers can access USB storage. Too bad there is no option to boot from USB storage. So basically I want to boot from CD, run the grub in CD, and make grub boot into USB storage.14:53
PhotoguyI wan to use MY ubuntu installation, that's the thing!14:53
shrii think the partion was done manually14:53
ikoniaPhotoguy: you can't14:53
PhotoguyNo way too?14:53
Jeruvyamitz1: ah, why not pxe?14:53
ikoniaPhotoguy: each PC is unique, so you need to either a.) use a live cd envionment, or b.) install on each system14:53
PhotoguyThat's ridiculous!14:54
amitz1ikonia: ah, what I meant is for him/her to create his new installation for his external storage.14:54
PhotoguyOk, thanks for the info.14:54
ikoniaamitz1: so he doesn't need to debootstrap - just install as normal14:54
amitz1Jeruvy: Some of those computers can't boot from PXE.14:54
shrii bootout of livecd and can see the file system partition and boot partition14:54
shribut i think grub is not installed14:54
shrihow do i14:54
ikoniashri: the livecd uses lilo14:54
PhotoguyWait, does it make any diffrernece that I'm using an external  hdd?14:54
brolly81slart: yes it works now but the problem is that for 10gigs of music i have to use 20gigs of space one for root and the other for general log on from what i'm understanding between root and just normal log-on14:54
ikoniaPhotoguy: yes,14:54
amitz1ikonia: You're right. I generalized my case to his/her. I used debootstrap thus I thought (s)he probably needs it.14:55
ikoniaPhotoguy: you can't move installs around like that - it is not safe. Each PC is different14:55
StormbreakerPhotoguy, yes14:55
shriokay, what do i do now14:55
shrihow do i make dual boot14:55
geniiamitz: There is floppy bootdisks which bootstrap to PXE if bios does not allow it at http://www.rom-o-matic.net/14:55
ikoniashri: what do you want to do14:55
Jeruvyamitz1: hmm interesting problem.  Not sure what to suggest I would not go this way.14:55
MelioPhotoguy: you should try installing off usb. it's a little quicker if your doing a lot of installs14:55
zomboris there any way to automate the typing in of the "yes" for an ssh host when connecting for the first time?14:55
Meliojust a suggestion14:55
ikoniazombor: disable host checking14:55
shrii know ubuntu is installed on my system. i want to boot out of it14:56
zomborikonia: can i do that per-domainhost?14:56
shrifor that i need a grub/lilo14:56
Meliooh i didnt see that you had an x harddrive14:56
ikoniazombor: it's a server setting, not a client, so disable it on each server14:56
ikoniashri: what do you want to do14:56
shrihow do i?14:56
ikoniashri: what do you want to do/achieve ?14:56
PhotoguyThanks for the help guy.14:56
zomborikonia: ah, ok, thanks14:56
Melioshri ubuntu doesnt use lilo14:56
icqnumber!info ghc614:56
ubottughc6 (source: ghc6): GHC - the Glasgow Haskell Compilation system. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.8.2-6ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 27026 kB, installed size 127276 kB14:56
Melionot by defualt. if you want lilo hit the lilo website14:56
amitz1genii: Thanks. It's interesting but basically I want to have a large collection of files and installation with small physical size I can carry everywhere to those 3 computers.14:56
Slartbrolly81: ok.. I don't really understand what you did... but you do not have to store everything twice in order to be able to share it14:56
shrii want to install bootloader that boots linux and windows14:57
ikoniaMelio: why does he have to hit the lilo website, lilo is available for ubuntu14:57
Melioshri, install windows., then install on a clean partition linux14:57
ikoniashri: have you installed linux yet ?14:57
shrithats done14:57
Melioikonia: so he can learn about lilo14:57
intrepiduserim begining to hate the udp packets of filesharing on wireshark..14:57
intrepiduserfilesharing clients14:57
Melioshri, ubuntu automaticly recognizes your windows partition when grub installs14:57
Meliogrub is exactly like liko14:57
ikoniashri: then the system should be already setup to dual boot, the linux installer sets it up and gets it right %99 of the time14:57
Melioer lilo14:57
Meliosorry small keyboard14:57
Melioi personally like grub better14:57
Meliolilo is like 80's style14:58
shrii think thats not done14:58
Melioshri, how did you install linux14:58
brolly81slart: when i typed sudo nautlius it came up.  but i could not view my the files located under desktop14:58
Jeruvy!punctuation > Melio14:58
ubottuMelio, please see my private message14:58
Stormbreakershri, what's happen when you boot your computer ?14:58
icqnumbershri, what are you talking about?14:58
shrii see only windows14:58
MelioJeruvy: i would if i could find the keys for it, this is an aao, and i'm typing in the dark14:58
Melionot used to this keyboard14:58
Meliohey. i'm using punctuation. relax14:58
Stormbreakershri, then Ubuntu is not installed14:58
amitz1Jeruvy: well, for now, I want to install that grub on cd.14:58
icqnumber!grub | shri14:59
ubottushri: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto14:59
ikoniashri: then it's most likley grub do not install to the boot disk14:59
ikoniaStormbreaker: no, it means grub is not on the boot disk14:59
Slartbrolly81: ok.. sudo nautilus means you ran nautilus as the user root.. (you should have used gksudo but that's for another time)..14:59
Slartbrolly81: and then you couldn't see your desktop files?14:59
shriwhen i boot out of liveubuntu cd. i see the linux partitions with ubuntu on one of the partitions14:59
ikoniashri: ok, so grub is not installed on your boot disk14:59
Stormbreakerikonia, how itcan be ? if you follow the install process?14:59
shriso how do i install grub15:00
ikoniaStormbreaker: if you have multiple disks, the installer can put the grub boot loader on the wrong boot disk15:00
icqnumbershri, see the link above15:00
ikoniashri: you need to re-apply grub from the livecd to the correct master boot record15:00
shrii have multiple disks15:00
Stormbreakerikonia, Ok, thx for the info :)15:00
ikonia!grub > shri15:00
ubottushri, please see my private message15:00
Slartbrolly81: ok, I think I understand what you did now.. you clicked on the "Desktop" shortcut in nautilus, right? and there were no files?15:00
ikoniaStormbreaker: it's rare - but it can happen, most normally if your disk priority is different than your bios's order15:00
brolly81slart:  dude someone else told me to type sudo nautilus not gksudo15:01
peabodyHow do I install the new kernel with ext4 support?15:01
Stormbreakerikonia, didn't know that, i have multiple disk but no issue so far to install ubuntu15:01
Slartbrolly81: yes, it happens.. it can be dangerous but most of the time it's fine15:01
Jeruvyamitz1: have you seen this? http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/html_node/Making-a-GRUB-bootable-CD-ROM.html15:01
Slartbrolly81: generally speaking sudo is used for command line applications, gksudo is used for things that uses the gui15:02
Stormbreakerbrolly81, gksudo or sudo nautilus it's 2 different way for the same result15:02
SlartStormbreaker: not really..15:02
Slart!gksudo | Stormbreaker15:02
ubottuStormbreaker: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)15:02
amitz1Jeruvy: woah, thx. I'm currently reading https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootFromUSB15:03
brolly81slart: i just right clicked on my music file, then share file.15:03
backgenhey can anyone help me i'm trying to mount my external HD but it says "Cannot mount Volume" and in details it says its because of an untidy shutdown15:03
Jeruvyamitz1: good luck :)15:03
Slartbrolly81: you did find your music files? inside the new nautilus window?15:03
shriif i install grub . will i be able to boot windows15:03
backgeni think i last mounted it on my Windows, but i can't access windows right now because it's got a virus and just freezes when i open it15:03
shriwill grub overwrite windows bootloader15:03
_Aldurjoin #xubuntu15:03
StormbreakerSlart, if you say so, it's open nautilus with root access15:04
backgenI'm thinking that i can Force it, but is that dangerous? Will i loose my data on it?15:04
Jeruvyshri: have you read the documentation for grub?15:04
SlartStormbreaker: yes, but gksudo does some extra things.. something about enviroment variables.. apparently it can do nasty stuff to your installation if you use sudo with gui things15:04
shrii am reading it. i just want to get confirmation15:05
shrisince my confidence level is bad15:05
SlartStormbreaker: read the link ubottu sent you.. I don't remember the specifics of it15:05
amitz1Jeruvy: Thx! I think your link is exactly what I need.15:05
brolly81slart, strombreaker: the point is now i've tried it both ways and i still cant view my folders on my desktop i cant see any files. It's just a blank nautilus screen that has a desktop icon on it and when i click on the desktop icon to open it, that too is just blank15:06
StormbreakerSlart, i just finish it, anyway, for me the result was the same, no i understand, i will us gksudo then15:06
Slartbrolly81: ok.. that is because you are seeing the user roots desktop.. each user has his own home folder, his own desktop folder, his own bookmarks etc etc15:06
backgenhey can anyone help me i'm trying to mount my external HD but it says "Cannot mount Volume" and in details it says its because of an untidy shutdown, Does anyone know how to Force it? Or is that not recommended because it might wipe all my data?15:07
Slartbrolly81: try clicking on "File system" in the left panel15:07
Slartbrolly81: you can press F9 to turn the side panel on and off15:07
MAXI-MUMhello i am dualing boot vista and linux and i access internet via wireless newtork vista connects normally to 3com router with 24% stringth in signal but ubuntu dont detect that router in the same position of my laptop15:08
Slartbrolly81: you should see folders like "bin" "boot" "dev"15:08
brolly81slart: yeah ok15:08
Slartbrolly81: ok.. find the folder "home", open it15:08
shrii will try that and be back15:08
thorny_sunplease help anyone-- i've wasted 5 hours on this now-- I need a vim version > 7.1.138 (hardy) cuz of bad bugs in this one, and I'm running Hardy-- how do I do it?15:08
Slartbrolly81: this folder is where all the users home folders are located.. one folder for each user (except the root user which is special)15:09
brolly81slart: ok then click on home15:09
kebomixhow to fix pifgin accounts.xml problem ? how to make this file encrypted ?15:09
Slartbrolly81: yes.. you should see one folder named after your user15:09
mario__kako instalirati skener na ubuntu?15:09
brolly81slart: and home has users and my name, then desktop15:09
Slartbrolly81: indeed.. and there are your files15:09
Schuenemann!info bitchx15:09
ubottuPackage bitchx does not exist in intrepid15:09
dfthello, anyone here experienced in making .deb files?15:09
allsystemsaregoThorgrimr, vim-gnome15:09
Slart!bitchx | Schuenemann15:09
ubottuSchuenemann: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines15:09
allsystemsaregoThorgrimr, sudo aptitude install vim-gnome15:10
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SchuenemannSlart, why it isn't in the repos anymore?15:10
SlartSchuenemann: oh.. my bad.. bitchx isn't in the repos anymore.. something about not being updated I think15:10
allsystemsaregothorny_sun, sudo aptitude install vim-gnome15:10
SlartSchuenemann: I didn't expect ubottu to just give you the normal irc factoid, sorry15:10
SchuenemannSlart, oh, well... compilation nightmare again15:10
Schuenemannthere is irssi though15:11
brolly81slart: now i see, you see that sight does not mention any of that. and for new users it would seem to be important to metion, since it is a help page.15:11
kebomix how to fix pifgin accounts.xml problem ? how to make this file encrypted ?15:11
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Slartbrolly81: I agree totally15:11
Jeruvykebomix: have you tried #pidgin15:11
dfthello, anyone here experienced in making .deb files?15:12
Schuenemanndft, it is very complicated: http://wiki.getdeb.net/Building_Packages15:12
Slartbrolly81: now.. that window you have opened (the one you started with sudo).. you can basically do anything in there.. also stuff that will kill your ubuntu install.. so be careful with it.. don't leave it open etc15:12
dftSchuenemann: ty15:12
thorny_sunallsystemsarego: that just install the current version i have-- .138 --  i need a more recent version (something that is not more than a year old)15:12
Jeruvydft: #debian, and it's very not trivial :)  see deb-maintainers on google.15:12
SlartSchuenemann: I've never used bitchx but I use irssi.. works nicely for me15:12
thorny_sunallsystemsarego: .138 has bad bugs and it's majorly blocking me at this point15:12
Schuenemanndft, there is also a package called checkinstall that promises to make it simple, but I tried yesterday and gave me an error15:13
Schuenemanndft, you can try it15:13
SchuenemannSlart, I will try it. Thx15:13
brolly81Slart: thanks bro, little by little Im getting this ubuntu structure and thought process15:13
dftSchuenemann: I've followed some howtos, but I"m the pkg is trying to rm /var...not so good iirc15:13
Schuenemanndft, remove var? why?15:14
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dftSchuenemann: that's what I'm trying to figure out...I duplicated the conffiles.list file from the original pkg and I'm wondering if it's causing the isse15:15
SchuenemannSlart, would you mind telling me how to switch channel windows?15:16
SlartSchuenemann: one sec afk15:16
rwwSchuenemann: in irssi? Ctrl-n to go to the next one, or Alt-1, Alt-2, Alt-3, etc. to go to the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. window.15:17
pippo_help please15:17
Schuenemannrww, thanks, brother15:17
pippo_i had installed xubuntu 8.10 64 bit15:18
kebomixand body help me to install this plz http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=50578815:18
pippo_but a don't found open office15:18
pippo_for 64bit-amd6415:18
traxxhi. anybody know how i can get my luks passphrase to be asked in the splash screen instead of the text mode console?15:18
rwwpippo_: because it probably isn't installed in xubuntu by default. Try "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org" in a terminal, or install the openoffice.org package with whichever package manager Xubuntu uses.15:20
pippo_i try15:20
wisebugcould anyone help me mount a few FakeRaid NTFS windows partition in ubuntu 8.10?15:20
kebomixany body help me to install this plz http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=50578815:21
lullideathis ubuntu going to set /boot/grub directory back to the old state if i uninstall xen from synaptic package manager??15:21
axscodehi guys, i wanted to change something in the kernel and rebuild it. can you help me whats the best way to do it in ubuntu?15:21
Jack_Sparrowkebomix, Where are you getting an error15:22
BenHoltzCAn someone help me with a hard drive recovery with ddrescue?15:22
hwilde!compile | axscode15:22
ubottuaxscode: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)15:22
BambuuHi, would anyone help me get some Chrome9 drivers working with 8.04? Apparently some people have managed to get DRI and Compiz working?15:22
BenHoltzI have an image of the drive that (had/has) a broken NTFS volume on it.  how would i re-create the partition?15:23
Schuenemannaxscode, I have used this howto: http://www.digitalhermit.com/linux/Kernel-Build-HOWTO.html15:23
Schuenemannaxscode, it's not ubuntu-specific15:23
TrijntjeI'm trying to use Bootchart to find out why it takes so long to login to gnome.  Am i using the wrong tool here, because the output seems to stop before the login takes place15:24
hwildeTrijntje, how long does it take exactly15:25
willytell_hi all!15:25
axscodeok.. thanks15:25
rwwTrijntje: do you still have the link to that article someone sent you earlier? 'cause that said specifically how to do it for GNOME login.15:25
axscodeok.. hmm one last question... what in kernel to enable to support /dev/nfs ?15:26
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.15:27
hwildeaxscode, you really shouldn't need to mess with the kernel15:28
Trijntjerww: this guide: http://blogs.gnome.org/gpoo/2005/08/12/a-graph-of-gnome-session/15:28
johannes__hi in an old installation i created a software raid1 using linux multiple device, these HDD contained only files no /boot or similar, I changed my os to ubuntu and would like to put the raid1 together (the files mustnt be deleted) the os was on sdb the raid is built with sda and sdc, what can I do now to get /dev/md0 back?15:28
Trijntjei installed bootchart and rebooted and it gave me a graph, so i figured i didn't need to change init to /sbin/bootchardt15:28
taakwhere can I get help with a flex/lex question?15:30
wisebugis it possible to mount some fakeraid ntfs partion that are on separate drives from my ubutun 8.10 installation?15:30
mib_x893htnehi guys. Is there a way for a script to get a reference to it's own location? The script should invoke another command in its own directory, but when run from a desktop shortcut the current directory seems to be the desktop, so I guess I need to cd to the script dir, but that can depend on where the user installed the files15:31
rwwTrijntje: look in the last three paragraphs of that page15:31
BenHoltzmib_x893htne: have it cd to that directory in the script15:32
rwwTrijntje: by default, bootchart is set up to do boot logging. You can start it up manually to log other stuff, like GNOME logon, though.15:32
shrithanks guys, i have booted into ubuntu15:32
shriit is so easy15:32
rwwmib_x893htne: assuming you're talking about a BASH script, ask in #bash15:32
mib_x893htneBenHoltz: Can I get the script directory from an environment variable? The script can be in any location chosen by the user15:33
Trijntjerww: I'm trying to run the bootchartd command but it doesn't seem to exist15:33
shriNow i want to install all the default packages and sources of ubuntu. how do i do it?15:33
mib_x893htnerww: ok15:33
dftcan anyone here see anything wrong with the steps to build a .deb here?  http://pastebin.com/m4426738e15:34
usr13_mib_x893htne: This might be of interest to you: http://www.intuitive.com/wicked/wicked-cool-shell-script-library.shtml15:34
fernando_is there any way to force java applications (such as netbeans) to use antialiasing fonts??15:37
axscodemake[1]: *** No rule to make target `arch/x86/kernel/asm-offsets.c', needed by `arch/x86/kernel/asm-offsets.s'.  Stop.15:38
axscodei have this error in compiling .. any reason?15:39
chazcoHi... how can I mount an SFTP or FTP location in Ubuntu? Nautilus shows the root folder but doesnt redirect to the suitable folder. s/ftp from the terminal work as expected however.15:39
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chazcoAlso, how can I have OO display documents as they do in Word. I have the correct fonts installed, but pagination is still usually a long way off. PDF isnt an option (not my choice), i'm stuck with .doc/.docx15:40
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danchazco: word viewer in Wine? :)15:41
chazcodan - I'm considering trying to get Office 07 to install under cross-over, but would prefer OO to work. Need to be able to edit btw.15:41
jim_paxscode, what are you trying to compile?15:42
Aji-Daha1ais there a good method to get application-centric navigation in ubuntu?15:42
amitz1chazco: I concur. I use word viewer in wine too to make sure the file won't screw up.15:42
jim_pAji-Daha1a, like? a dock?15:42
Jack_Sparrowchazco, try asking in the open office channel15:42
BobbyInfinityHappy New Year all. I'm trying to get a Canon printer to work with ddiwrapper. The problem I am having is compiling it from source. There wasn't a ./configure file included with the source file so I get a whole mess of errors when trying to make. Anyone have any ideas?15:43
Aji-Daha1ajim_p: like alt-tab to change between applications and ctrl-tab to change between windows in the same application15:43
kristian_Jack_Sparrow : isn't this the official channel?15:43
Aji-Daha1ajim_p: something along those lines15:43
Jack_Sparrowkristian_, Not for open office15:43
LetsGo67kristian_ I think he means #ooo15:43
JeruvyBobbyInfinity: where did you get the tar's?15:44
jim_pis anyone really good at bash scripting? i want a simple script that user pmount to mount the contents of my cellphone or unmount it if its already mounted. the weirs fat32 filesystem in it makes me to have to manually mount each time15:44
BobbyInfinitylet me look15:44
chazcoAnyone know how to mount SFTP/FTP folders without using Nautilus/connect-to-server?15:44
chazcoJack_Sparrow - Will do :)15:44
Jack_Sparrowjim_p, try /join #Bash they may have something written already15:44
jim_p*a script that uses pmount...15:44
kristian_Jack_Sparrow & LetsGo67 : oh. my bad. :-P15:44
jim_pthanks Jack_Sparrow15:44
Jack_Sparrowkristian_, np15:45
jim_pAji-Daha1a, doesnt gnome do that by default?15:45
JeruvyBobbyInfinity: and you did a ./configure and it didn't work or you ran into dependancy errors?  Can you pastebin the output of the ./configure15:45
BobbyInfinitythere is no ./configure to run15:46
Aji-Daha1ajim_p: nope, gnome does alt-tab to switch windows regardless of application15:46
Meliotype sudo configure15:46
Aji-Daha1aI don't see any way to just switch application focus15:46
Dante123hi all,  I am having the problem that 8.10 is not detecting my display properly.  I want to set it to Acer x193 and I cant in 8.10 because the "screen and displays" gui is not in 8.10 like it was in 8.04.  As a result I do not get all the resolution options.  Is there no way of setting display in 8.10???15:47
MelioDante123: you can customize your xorg.conf15:47
swifSo one day I boot my Intrepid installation, and it won't resolve hostnames.  I check my connection by pinging a few remote IPs I know by heart, and they respond.  I track it down to my /etc/resolv.conf file, which turns out to have been replaced by a Stale NFS file handle, and I get this error when I try to do anything with the file.  How can I remove the stale file handle so I can restore my original resolv.conf?15:47
moonbabywho have to give me a guide or manual for ubuntu terminal? pls15:48
Slash003hi, I reinstalled Ubuntu 8.10 but Im getting the grub error, how can I fix it?15:48
Dante123Melio I hear ya...but I really dont want to edit the xorg.conf (I dont even know what to put in there for resolutions etc.)15:48
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kukucisAll you ewer want is here > http://www.lostworlds.lv/go.php?113970944215:48
kukucisAll you ewer want is here > http://www.lostworlds.lv/go.php?113970944215:48
FloodBot1kukucis: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:48
JeruvyBobbyInfinity: hmm this does not look like a proper linux build package15:48
Dante123Melio is there no way to set via gui the display???15:48
Jack_SparrowDante123, I usually edit mine manually.15:48
BobbyInfinityis there a way for me to make my own ./config?15:49
JeruvyBobbyInfinity: seems to be looking for wine :)15:49
Dante123Jack_Sparrow I even tried booting into 8.04 livecd and using that xorg.conf after I had set acer as display, but no good.15:49
BobbyInfinitywhen i looked at the make file it seems to be looking for wine in the wrong place. that is if i'm reading it correctly15:50
swifSo in short, how can I remove a stale NFS file handle? I can't find out how to remove the handle and I can't replace the file unless the stale handle is gone.  I've Googled to no avail. :(15:50
JeruvyBobbyInfinity: from the makefile: ddiwrapper_exe_LDFLAGS  = -mwindows -mno-cygwin15:50
Dante123Jack_Sparrow I may have to do that....but I should think things OUGHT to be able to be done via gui.  I mean 8.04 allowed me to and now 8.10 doesn't.  Seems like a regression to me.15:50
Dante123is there a command line way of setting display Jack_Sparrow Melio15:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about subtitles15:51
Jack_Sparrowsorry all15:51
LetsGo67That's okay Jack_sparrow.15:51
savidHi,  I have my power settings set to suspend when my laptop lid is closed,  but when I close my lid, it just blanks the screen  -- which is what my "plugged in" setting does",  but my laptop is unplugged.  Any ideas what's going on?15:52
Jack_Sparrowone sec15:52
Frozenballthis is getting rather annoying15:52
roca24whats a good virtual cd prog?15:52
LetsGo67Anyone familiar with ripping DVD subtitles?  If so, can you help me, please?15:52
Dante123Melio if I sent you my xorg.conf could you look at it for me and make suggestions ( I should be able to go to 1440 x 900 or something like that I believe)15:54
* BenHoltz needs help with ddrescue and testdisk... any takers?15:54
willytell_/dev/video0 problem.... webcam not detected15:54
LetsGo67willytell_ my webcam used to work, but doesn't work either :(15:55
ubottuwillytell_: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras15:55
willytell_LetsGo67, it is a Genius Slim 132015:55
Jeruvy!acpi | savid15:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about acpi15:56
Jeruvysavid: ok try this then :)  https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/acpi-support15:56
Slash003hey I get rid of Vista with the gparted utility on Ubuntu but now every time I turn my PC, Im getting a grub error, if anyone now how can I fix this it would be appreciate15:56
Jack_SparrowSlash003, Sounds like the partition number changed and or uuids15:57
Jack_SparrowSlash003, run a livecd so we can look around15:57
glade88this is a feature request, right? http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/16965/15:58
glade88I mean, a packaging request15:58
Jack_Sparrow!hi > nicolas15:58
ubottunicolas, please see my private message15:58
__MAVHappy New Year to all!!!15:59
nicolasi just start linux15:59
nicolashappy nex year15:59
TrijntjeSlash003: can you paste /boot/grub/menu.lst?15:59
__MAVThanks you for support15:59
Jeruvyglade88: thats what the mod said :)15:59
__MAVI have a problem with Ubuntu 8.10 Interpid with latest patches15:59
glade88Jeruvy: actually, I am that mod :)16:00
__MAVMy arrow and Del keys does not work16:00
__MAVkeyboard is ok16:00
BobbyInfinityJerurvy: thanks for the help. i think i figured it out using autoscan16:00
Jeruvyglade88: hehe,  ok then.  I agree with you.16:00
Perogiesopen office 3.0 in intrepid, doesnt have a functioning spell checker that detects the errors I make. How can I fix this?16:00
chinakrHi, guys16:00
__MAVwhen I press UP ARROW key it brings the take screenshot window16:00
kestutishow to connect as mysql user?16:00
Jack_Sparrow!ask > __MAV16:00
ubottu__MAV, please see my private message16:00
glade88Jeruvy: ok :) thanks16:00
JeruvyBobbyInfinity:  good to hear.  I know the Canon printer drivers are well supported in ubuntu16:00
nicolasi don t know how to pirat with ubuntu16:01
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kestutiscan you tell me just how to remove mysql ?16:01
KelenHow to upgrade gimp only?16:01
Jack_Sparrow!piracy > nicolas16:01
ubottunicolas, please see my private message16:01
hspaansKelen: define upgrade16:01
BobbyInfinitysupported yes. but not to full resolution my printer is capable of16:02
__MAVWhen I press UP ARROW key it brings the take screenshot window. Also arrow keys do not work. I have Ubuntu 8.10 with latest patches. How can I fix this ?16:02
Jack_Sparrow__MAV, thanks for keeping it on one line.. have you checked your keyboard settings16:02
king2005hello all & happy new year All16:02
Kelenhspaans: witch command should i use?16:03
__MAVJack_Sparrow: yes, I have keyboard layout generic 101 key USA16:03
hspaansKelen: there is only one version per ubuntu release (maybe some patches)16:03
Zewalrushey folks i need help to configure my saitek p220 gamepad thanks16:03
nbeebo__sorry to ask this here but, how long will the average ban last on one of ubuntu's channels? permanent or.. ?16:04
rwwnbeebo__: ask in #ubuntu-ops NOT here16:04
nbeebo__rww, sorry didnt know16:04
Jack_Sparrownbeebo, /join #ubuntu-ops  thanks16:05
centr0anyone suggest a good sftp with a gui in linux?16:05
__MAVThe bug is in X server16:05
usr13_centr0: What do you mean sftp?16:05
__MAVI have found may bug reports about it, here for example https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/25586116:05
chervaI have a little problem my /dev/sda6 is automounted in /media/LILI ,but only I can read/write to it and I want all users to be able to write to it how to do this ?16:05
centr0sftp client*16:05
Kelenhspaans: yeah, but i wanna know upgrade it only. not including other packages.16:06
JeruvyZewalrus:there are many bug reports on saitek drivers.  Have you checked?16:06
rwwcentr0: Places > Connect To Server in GNOME always worked for me16:06
centr0usr13_: sry just woke up16:06
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centr0rww: ty ill try that16:06
usr13_centr0: GUI?  or...?16:06
centr0usr13_: yes gui16:06
hspaansKelen: not possible without breaking things or getting yourself into trouble16:06
usr13_centr0: Wants to find a GUI front end for sftp16:07
__MAVbut neither solution worked for me16:07
king2005any body in here  of download offline by skynet ?16:07
hspaansKelen: 2.6.1-1ubuntu3 is the version voor Ubuntu 8.10 and that's it. Ubuntu 9.04 will have a later version hopefully16:08
usr13_centr0: Why not just use CLI sftp ?  You really need a GUI?16:08
__MAVWow! just changed keyboard type to Generic->Evdev managed keyboard and Arrow keys are woking16:09
__MAVand Del!16:09
Kelenhspaans: of course some packages related with gimp like some lib.16:09
centr0usr13_: id rather have gui for this16:09
Kelenhspaans: so is that possible?16:09
hspaansKelen: how many time do you need me to say no?16:10
__MAVThank you for support16:10
hspaansKelen: if you're running Ubuntu 8.04 then upgrade to 8.10 if you want/need a newer version16:10
usr13_centr0: Do you use KDE?16:11
zimbreshi, The man for tar says I have to use the command "tar -xvvzf file.tar.gz" to extract a file. Why two v's if only one "v" gives the desired result?16:11
Kelenhspaans: okay, got it.. thanks advance..16:11
centr0gnome.  found one gftp16:11
Jeruvyzimbres: more v's usually means more verbose16:11
pop79i have a graphics tablet manufactured by Genius. It isn't working with Ubuntu. What do i do?16:12
usr13_centr0: You wanted automated login?  Is that what you are after?16:12
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ziggyA good program to fix a vixta mbr without damaging the partition?16:12
centr0usr13_: no just gui sftp client for gnome.16:13
Picassotamus!hcl > pop7916:13
ubottupop79, please see my private message16:13
=== Beer is now known as Guest23552
usr13_Ok, Was going to suggest gftp..  But ... Ok. Well, looks like you found what you are wanting.  gftp works fine.16:13
kestutishow to remove mysql COMPLETELY?16:13
pop79what was that for?16:13
Cadman21I'm a noob to ubuntu and I was playing around in the command line and now I have a ~ at the beginning of everyone line. what does that mean?16:13
Jeruvycentr0: filezilla16:13
pop79oh, thanks16:13
Picassotamuspop79: You should check the HCL and see it is supported16:13
centr0Jeruvy: ty16:14
ziggyA good program to fix a vixta mbr from linux without damaging the partition16:14
sztomiCadman21: ~ is the abbrevation of your home directory (/home/yourname)16:14
Cadman21what command do you us to change directories?16:14
pop79what is the HCL?16:15
sztomiCadman21: it is cd16:15
rww!hcl | pop7916:15
ubottupop79: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection16:15
\nathan___Hi guys, I'm having serious problems after doing a fresh install of kubuntu (my background is ubuntu, OpenSuse). The nvidia drivers are loaded and I have hardware acceleration, however the maximum resolution that is reported by xrandr is 640x480, I've tried both the 173 and 177 drivers, they both produce the same result16:15
geniipop79: hardware compatability list16:15
sztomiCadman21: cd directoryname16:15
Jeruvykestutis: the server, the client, the API's, try sudo apt-get remove mysql, and pick the dependancies.  Also see http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/ if there are dependancies you can remove that are not picked up immediately16:15
Cadman21ok thanks16:15
sztomiyour welcome16:15
sztomiyour -> you 're :)16:16
zimbresIs there command I can use to stop the display of people quitting and joining this channel?16:17
Jack_Sparrowzimbres, yes, what irc client16:17
\nathan___anyone have any idea what's going on? it was working fine last week in ubuntu...16:17
fosco_zimbres: xchat?16:17
zimbresJack_Sparrow, xchat16:17
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zimbresfosco_, yes16:18
nbeebo__any easy way to run commands without alt+f2?16:18
Jack_Sparrowzimbres, right click channel name, hide parts and joins16:18
fosco_zimbres: right clic on the channel name - settings - hide joins/parts16:18
fosco_and Jack_Sparrow wins :-)16:18
\nathan___ok what channel would be appropriate to ask my question in?16:19
MimiEvery day in the morning, I open Power Manager and make the brightness at 100%. Every day at night, I open Power Manager and set brightness to 50%.  If I dont, I gotta keep pushing Fn+Up, but obviously it reverts back to the set brightness after a minute. How can I automate this Power Brightness thing?16:19
kestutisApdorojant įvyko klaidų:16:20
kestutis /var/cache/apt/archives/mysql-server-5.0_5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.4_i386.deb16:20
kestutisE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)16:20
kestutiswhat could be wrong?16:20
Jeruvykestutis: try sudo apt-get --purge remove {packagename}16:21
ValentineXXwhat is the meaning of this/ how to do this? Thank you for taking the time to report this bug and help make Ubuntu better. Please attach your /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf files to this bug report.16:22
nbeebo__any easy way to run commands without alt+f2?16:22
Jeruvynbeebo__: did you try 'terminal'?16:22
pop79is there a bar for the gnome desktop that allows you to play music?16:22
nbeebo__Jeruvy, sorry forgot to mention "no terminal" ..16:23
hspaansnbeebo: alt+f2 is the short route16:23
Zewalrushey folks i need help to configure my saitek p220 gamepad with the psx emulator thanks16:23
Jeruvypop79: none of the bar's will let me play my music ;)  seriously though...not sure what you seek.  A program ?16:23
Jeruvynbeebo__: then I'd say no :)16:24
pingmy wvdial keeps dying after 2.5 minutes16:24
pinghow do i fix it?16:24
pop79no, like if you minimise windows media player, it will put a bar on your desktop16:24
pop79so i was wondering if you could do it with Ubuntu16:24
hspaansping: read the errorlog16:25
gigantohi all, what's a good image editor for ... ubuntu?16:25
nbeebo__yes i think so but i dont remember how16:25
zimbresnbeebo, What kind of thing do you have in mind?16:25
rwwValentineXX: I'm guessing you got that reply when you reported a bug on Launchpad, right?16:25
pingit says16:25
ping--> The PPP daemon has died: Lack of LCP echo responses (exit code = 15)16:25
pop79gimp, giganto16:25
gigantopop79, thanks a lot :p16:25
pop79you are welcome :)16:25
gigantowhat about a photoshop alternative?16:26
pop79gimp comes with ubuntu. go to graphics in Applications, giganto16:26
pop79oh, how about photoshop online?16:26
gigantopop79, lol okay thanks :p16:26
gigantooh yeah ... u've got that one too :D16:27
gigantoI forgot about that one16:27
hspaansping: says enough, that is something we can't fix16:27
pop79he he ;)16:27
FloodBot1grestr: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:27
cvwIs there a command line utility that will give me the number of packages that need updating?  This would be without requiring root access.16:27
pop79!welcome |horstle16:28
ubottuhorstle: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.16:28
hspaanscvw: not without root access16:29
The_Joe_What is the command for GNOME Login Sound? I just went and removed it from my Sessions16:29
cvwhspaans: k, ty16:29
rwwThe_Joe_: /usr/bin/canberra-gtk-play --id="desktop-login" --description="GNOME Login"16:29
pop79!language |grestr16:29
ubottugrestr: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.16:29
The_Joe_rww, Thanks16:29
The_Joe_rww, Wait is that the full command for the Sessions GUI or to run in Terminal?16:30
The_Joe_..to add it to Sessions16:30
rwwThe_Joe_: that's what I have in the entry for "GNOME Login Sound" in the Sessions GUI16:31
mrwesgiganto: there's also GIMPSHOP made to look more like photoshop16:31
The_Joe_rww, Oh right ok16:31
gigantomrwes, mm okay thx16:31
pop79i need a programmer like Digital Workshop's Opus Pro. Any free alternative?16:32
Jeruvypop79: what is it?16:33
nbeebo__pop79, what kind of program is it?..16:33
pop79an application to program with16:33
pop79it isn't very known16:33
mrwesgiganto: http://www.gimpshop.com/16:33
pop79have a look at www.digitalworkshop.com16:34
nbeebo__pop79,  what does it do?16:34
pop79allows you to make applications16:34
Jeruvypop79: an development environment?16:34
hspaanspop79: no16:34
pop79ok, thanks anyhow16:34
Jeruvypop79: you may wish to look at activestate's web site, they have some free offerings16:34
pop79what site is it16:35
Jeruvypop79: not sure off my brain, a google for activestate should get you there16:35
pop79you are all very helpful.16:36
pop79thanks to you, loads of problems get solved16:36
mkerI have a problem with ugly fonts in some pdf files in Evince. Here's an example http://i43.tinypic.com/1z2ki12.jpg it looks smooth when selecting the text. I checked properties and there are many unembedded fonts used. How can I make it look good?16:36
askerethi have a question16:36
askerethis anybody available?16:37
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:37
pop79!howsy |askereth16:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about howsy16:37
nbeebo__dum dum dum16:37
askerethhow do i view the source of any ubuntu package online (without downloading it first)16:37
Guest10510hi im totally new at this =) but i need help to install drivers for my sound and grafic card, i got the instructions, but i dont know how to do with the terminal commandos ?16:37
Guest10510is there anybody that got some time over?16:37
mrwesaskereth: http://packages.ubuntu.com/16:38
hateball!ask | Guest1051016:38
ubottuGuest10510: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:38
pop79Guest10510, nether do i ;)16:38
jokkaaIm trying to change the name of my harddrive, i have mounted it under an other name, renamed the label, but how do i change the "volume"? the volume is still the old name16:38
decay_Any idea why when i hold a keydown, it doesnt repeat the keystroke? for example, ifi hold down 'a' it won't go 'aaaaaa...'16:38
ubottuGuest10510: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal16:38
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots16:39
pop79sorry, i just forgot the link16:40
Guest10510it says that is should navigate to the ati folder in the terminal but what command should i use to navigate?16:40
askerethhow do i view the source of any ubuntu package online (without downloading it first)16:40
Jack_Sparrowpop79, you can /msg ubottu whatever  if you want to ask in private16:40
TrijntjeGuest10510: cd, that stand for Change Directory16:40
ethanhey im new to ubuntu just got it and i need help seting up my wireless can anyone help?16:41
kristian_ethan : maybe! question?16:41
pop79 /msg ubottu16:41
ethanwell the wireless drivers have to be installed and i dont know how to set up the wireless so it works16:41
Guest10510does anybody know a good page where you can learn and find the commands for the terminal?16:41
TrijntjeGuest10510: But i think it will be best of you first google a tutorial on using the linux command line before you atempt to install drivers by hand16:42
Jack_Sparrowpop79, no space before the /                  then /msg ubottu wifi                       as an example16:42
Jack_Sparrow!info abs-guide16:42
ubottuabs-guide (source: abs-guide): The Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4.1-1 (intrepid), package size 1074 kB, installed size 4332 kB16:42
Dante123For what it is worth, I did manage to get my lcd monitor to work with higher res settings without editing xorg.conf.  What I did was boot into 8.04 livecd.  I ran gksudo displayconfig-gtk which allowed me to select monitor, graphics card etc.  I then copied this newly made xorg.conf file to my 8.11 setup and rebooted, installed nvidia driver, and now I have the missing resolutions to choose from.16:42
Jack_SparrowGuest10510, that abs was for you16:42
mrwesanyway to hide joins and parts in Pidgin ?16:42
fosco_mrwes:  right clic on the channel name - settings - hide joins/parts16:43
mkerI have a problem with ugly fonts in some pdf files in Evince. Here's an example http://i43.tinypic.com/1z2ki12.jpg it looks smooth when selecting the text. I checked properties and there are many unembedded fonts used. How can I make it look good?16:43
fosco_mrwes: sorry, that was for xchat16:43
mrwesfosco_: yah... :)16:43
Gr34t3stcan someone please help me? I'm having troubles with a winmodem.16:43
hspaansmker: without the source its hard to tell16:43
kristian_ethan : you have to mention my nick for me to see it. can you be more specific?16:44
mkerhspaans, you mean the pdf file itself?16:44
hspaansGr34t3st: winmodems are a no go area16:44
hspaansmker: yes16:44
Gr34t3sthspaans: so there is absolutely nothing i can do?16:44
rwwmrwes: there's a plugin for it. Open the Plugins window and look for Hide Joins/Parts or something like that.16:45
Jack_SparrowGr34t3st, There are some drivers  but they are really hit or miss.  Is this a laptop16:45
ghost3Gr34t3st: what kind of winmodem?16:45
mrwesrww: lemme look16:45
Gr34t3stI'm on an hp pavilion 7955. I ran scanModem but I got an error16:45
mrwesrww: found it -- thanks! that was killin' me16:46
Jack_SparrowGr34t3st, Is this a laptop.. we cant be expected to know what every model number is16:46
hspaansGr34t3st: don't expect them to work (good) ever. they are just an A/D-converter with a signal generator/reader for your CPU16:46
ghost3Gr34t3st: do you have windows installed as well?16:46
Gr34t3stNo. I have ubuntu hardy16:47
gpdfglrxinfo and amdccle only work with sudo = FAQ?16:47
Jack_SparrowGr34t3st, External modems work the best as they tend to be true hardware modems and not just ports pretending to be odems16:47
ghost3Gr34t3st: and as mr jack asked.. is it a laptop?16:47
Gr34t3stso I have to go buy an external modem to make it work?16:47
AgLoTspeak turkish ?16:47
Gr34t3stghost3, I already said no.16:47
FloodBot1IxoRai: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:48
gpdAssertion `!dpy->xcb->reply_data' failed. <-- without sudo !16:48
kaneda_someone's the queen of cheese16:48
mrwesalthough I do like Manchego cheese16:48
ghost3Gr34t3st: you would get better results with an external modem. ;P16:48
pop79if you have graphics problems, type /msg pop7916:48
mick_Anyone got sound working on eeepc using skype?16:48
Gr34t3stghost3, is that the only option? lol. I'd rather not spend money.. D:16:48
zhusehSorry Gr34t3st but if your problem is the driver for the wirless or you use the windows wrapper or you upgrade your pc16:49
mkerhspaans, I'm not sure I can send any of the files with those problems. Would it help if I could just mention the fonts used that aren't embedded? Is there some sort of alternative I could download that takes their place without changing the pdfs?16:49
Gr34t3stWait, I'm trying to get dial-up btw.16:49
ethankristian, well the wireless drivers have to be installed and i dont know how to set up the wireless so it works16:50
mick_When I'm trying to change the capture settings in Volume Control the mic buttons keep reverting back to being muted16:50
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP316:50
ethankristian, my computer is an hp paviliion zv 600016:50
pop79!sound |mick_16:51
ubottumick_: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP316:51
PingFloydnice thing about pkill is it uses a pattern16:51
Gun_Smokeshouldn't that bot dump those msg's to pms?16:52
askerethhow do i view the source of any ubuntu package online (without downloading it first)16:52
kristian_ethan : sorry, i dont think i can help. maybe someone else here can.16:52
Jack_SparrowGun_Smoke, No16:52
gmathewsGun_Smoke: we are also learning.16:52
pop79wthan, what is your problem?16:52
pop79ethan i meant16:53
rwwGun_Smoke: if you do !factoid | username, it shows them in channel. !factoid > username to send them as a PM16:53
Dante123Question about dialup modem and ubuntu 8.04.  My brother in law is testing it out on his pc.  When setting up the modem, he has the following options serial, pppoe, and something that starts with Gxxx/xxxx.  Is serial for an external modem connected to com port?16:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about internet16:54
ubottuYou can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html16:54
Gnea!pm | pop7916:54
ubottupop79: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.16:54
pop79Gnea, i saw you before here?16:54
Gneapop79: you did?16:55
pop79you may remember me as helpmaster or mr_fat16:55
ethanpop79, My wireless card isn't working. I just installed 8.10 and i'm trying to get my card configured. my computer is hp pavillion zv 600016:55
askerethhow do i view the source of any ubuntu package online (without downloading it first)16:55
Gneapop79: is that supposed to mean something...useful?16:55
Gneaaskereth: the 'source'?16:56
askerethGnea: yes, the source16:56
pop79sorry ethan, i cant help you.16:56
nicolaswh can help me16:56
rwwaskereth: you don't, because there isn't a web interface to it. You either get it with apt-get, or download it from packages.ubuntu.com.16:56
Gneaaskereth: could you please be a bit more specific? do you mean the source code or where the package is coming from?16:56
pop79!ask |nicholas16:57
askerethrww: thank you16:57
ubottunicholas: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:57
pop79nicolas: what do you want to know?16:57
nicolasso why my amsn don t work16:57
askerethGnea: the obvious one, "source" as in "source code" :)16:58
Gneaaskereth: there's nothing 'obvious' about it, anybody could say 'source' and mean something else. :)16:58
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Gun_Smokerww, I meant should people be directing them that way16:58
pop79can someone tell me what time it is in GMT?16:59
rwwGun_Smoke: either way is considered fine. I tend to > the long ones so they don't spam the channel, but it doesn't really matter.16:59
rwwpop79: 4:59pm16:59
Gun_Smokerww, yes, they can add up..16:59
Gun_Smokenicolas, what do you need?16:59
pop79thanks rrw16:59
Gneaaskereth: someone could mean sources.list when they say 'source', or the source code via deb-src, or the original source code .tgz from the original website, or the source of a patch.17:00
Gneaaskereth: assumption is the mother of all troubleshooting tickets that wind up in /dev/null ;)17:00
askerethGnea: i thought "without downloading it (the package) first" was disambiguative enough17:00
Gneaaskereth: but then you're referring to 'it', which, when you re-read what you wrote, is referring to 'the source'17:01
StormbreakerAnyone could help me to set ivtv on my Hauppauge WINTV PVR 150 please ?17:01
padanhas anyone gotten concordance/congruity to work on ubuntu?  i installed concordance and the libs are sitting in /usr/local/lib ... yet when I try and import the libconcord module in python it bombs out17:01
Gun_SmokeGnea, sources.list refers to /etc/apt/sources.list which apt looks to.17:02
Gneaaskereth: but, that's okay, you got the answer you sought. I'm not trying to be hard on you, just trying to point out that not being specific enough has the capacity to cause problems. :)17:02
GneaGun_Smoke: thank you.17:03
evgeniyпривет.всех с НОВЫМ ГОДОМ!17:03
Jack_Sparrow!ru > evgeniy17:03
ubottuevgeniy, please see my private message17:03
MimiEvery day in the morning, I open Power Manager and make the brightness at 100%. Every day at night, I open Power Manager and set brightness to 50%.  If I dont, I gotta keep pushing Fn+Up, but obviously it reverts back to the set brightness after a minute. How can I automate this Power Brightness thing?17:03
codeshotI've just got the grey "a package manager is running" icon in the status bar along with an information icon telling me that the language settings have been changed and that I should restart my session. But I don't know why. I had just been running aptitude as root which would explain the package manager icon if there is a delay, but what about the language thing?17:03
askerethGnea: got it anyway, thanks :)17:03
rwwevgeniy: /join #ubuntu-ru17:04
Gneacodeshot: do you have automatic updates turned on?17:05
codeshotyes, but nothing at this time in unattended-upgrades.log17:05
codeshotsorry, that was @Gnea17:06
Gneacodeshot: are you running sshd and do you have multiple users on the system?17:07
Gneacodeshot: and when's the last time you restarted?17:08
codeshotI'm not running sshd, I do have multiple users on the system and I last restarted a day or two ago. The other user has not used the computer in several months.17:08
Aji-Daha1ais there a way to have ubuntu extend my desktop onto a monitor when I plug it in, and return to single monitor when I unplug it?17:09
nicolaswhen i open my amsn, it worked, and when it charged, i wait a very long time17:09
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nicolaswho can help me for that17:09
codeshotsoory, forgot to put the user I was replying to again: it was at Gnea17:09
Miminicolas, does amsn "freeze"? Doesn't do anything?17:10
Gneacodeshot: no problem, i was in another desktop17:10
Gneacodeshot: don't always expect an immediate answer with or without the username17:10
Zewalrushey folks17:11
Gneacodeshot: are your other users part of the admin group?17:11
nicolasi don t know17:11
Miminicolas, what language do you speak?17:11
Gneacodeshot: then I'm not sure17:11
Mimi!french | nicholas17:11
ubottunicholas: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr17:11
mcrawforhey folks, when I run an apt-get update on ubuntu server is there any easy way to get those info messages about the update like in desktop?17:11
mcrawforthat tell you when you need to restart etc?17:12
MimiThere you go :)  Do this, nicolas:   /join #ubuntu-fr17:12
codeshotGnea: so I take it that some manual process is supposed to occur to change language-settings?17:12
Gneacodeshot: that's usually how it works.. has something visibly changed as a result?17:12
codeshotno, and the settings look normal (English, some germanic translations, and all font options).17:13
pteaguewhat's a good tool for ripping audio CDs?17:13
Jack_Sparrow!info acidrip17:13
ubottuacidrip (source: acidrip): ripping and encoding DVD tool using mplayer and mencoder. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.14-0.2ubuntu5 (intrepid), package size 63 kB, installed size 308 kB17:13
svathi, how can I downgrade from Intrepid to Hardy? It seems the upgrade didn't work...17:13
mcrawforpteague: grip is my favorite17:13
Gun_Smokesvat, you don't.. you re-install.17:14
gmathews!info tetex17:14
ubottuPackage tetex does not exist in intrepid17:14
gmathews!info kile17:14
ubottukile (source: kile): KDE Integrated LaTeX Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.0.1-1ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 2235 kB, installed size 9516 kB17:14
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.17:14
svatGun_Smoke: over ssh? :( I shouldn't have tried upgrading in the first place, I guess...17:15
Jack_Sparrowsvat, Restore from a previous backup17:15
Gun_Smokesvat, VPS? ask for a reinstall of whatever they offer.17:15
ZewalrusSomeone Use the Psx Emulator here ??17:15
erUSULpteague: grip17:15
Gneacodeshot: well, you could give the reboot and shot and see what happens17:16
svatGun_Smoke: no, it's my own computer, except it's thousands of miles away. I'll see what I can do.17:16
Gun_Smokesvat, haha.. have fun.. what broke? why do you need to downgrade?17:16
codeshotGnea: oh, it only asked me to restart my session (ie, log out and in again). Which sounds like a gconf setting got changed.17:16
Gneacodeshot: that's not unreasonable17:17
svatGun_Smoke: I ran "sudo do-release-upgrade", it did some things (in the midst of which my connection broke down), and now it says the upgrade didn't succeed.17:17
Gun_Smokesvat, doesn't sound like the end of the world..17:18
svatyeah, it seems to still work :)17:18
Gun_Smokeyou should be good.. I'd look at aptitude and see if you have any broken packages.. then edit your sources.list17:19
codeshotGnea, But is it normal for a language setting to be changed without user interaction?17:19
ziggyneed help with an usb boot stick17:19
ziggycreated one, but it won't boot17:19
ziggyhowever, my laptop does support usb booting17:19
chandrucan any one tell how to install ubuntu 8.10 in vm from ubuntu 8.04 ?17:20
pop79!welcome |ubuntu_17:20
ubottuubuntu_: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.17:20
ziggychandru, make a new vm ?17:20
ubuntu_go to ubuntu.com retard17:20
caimlasI've got a curious problem with my wifi not working (or, seemingly, NetworkManager) after an upgrade to Intrepid from Hardy (8.04.1). With either the default 2.6.27-9-generic or 2.6.27-3-rt kernels, I get a bunch of "wifi0: invalid skb->cb magic" errors in the syslog. wifi still works fine w/ the old kernel (2.6.24-22-generic) from hardy. wifi card is "Intersil Corporation Prism 2.5 Wavelan chipset (rev 01)" (ie hostap_pci) in17:20
caimlas a thinkpad x30. I've read online of someone with the same problem, and they found it worked with the livecd, just not with the upgrade. might there be some files interfering with the functionality of the intrepid kernels I'm missing, or might there be a known bug?17:20
pop79!language |ubuntu_17:20
ubottuubuntu_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:20
ziggyneed help with usb bootdisk problem17:21
scunizichandru, if you already have a vm program installed then just mount the iso and install17:21
caimlaschandru, which vm?17:21
ubuntu_penis bye peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnnniiiiiiiiiisssssssssssss17:21
chandruk... then17:21
seyanwhats a good xmmp library17:21
ziggyis everyone busy?17:21
Gun_Smokeubuntu_ drunk?17:21
chandruwe cant install directly from ubuntu cd ?17:21
scunizi!ops | ubuntu_17:21
caimlasziggy, I'm busy, in that I can't fix this nonsense. :P17:21
ubottuubuntu_: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!17:21
ziggygot a real shitty problem here17:22
caimlaschandru, that question doesn't follow. what are you trying to do?17:22
ziggyall I can boot from is this live cd17:22
caimlasziggy, ask17:22
pop79!language |ziggy17:22
ubottuziggy: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:22
harlemdavveyhey guys, i need some help with some html code for a banner!! please someone help me :)17:22
caimlasziggy, the ubuntu livecd has an installation option on the disk.17:22
ziggygot me a 2gb usb stick today in order to burn a fixmbr disk, but the usb won't boot although my laptop supports usb-booting17:22
caimlasziggy, you can also select the installer from the bootloader on the CD17:23
ziggycaimlas, can't install ubuntu, it's not my laptop and the intern hdd need to stay as it is, with a fixed mbr17:23
caimlasziggy, ie either from within the livecd or from the livecd boot menu17:23
Decepticonhow do i copy paste text in nano17:23
Jack_SparrowDecepticon, add shift to the paste17:23
caimlasziggy, er, what?17:23
ziggycaimlas, you're not helping at all, I don't need to installl17:23
chandrui installed vmware server console...i want to install ubuntu 8.10 in it.. is it possible to install through cd in vm ?17:23
harlemdavveyis there someone who could help me with some html code??17:23
ziggyI gotta run ubuntu from my usb drive17:23
Jack_Sparrowharlemdavvey, offtopic for this channel17:23
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent17:24
Decepticoni dont know how to select, and copy text, and then paste17:24
Decepticonin nano17:24
caimlasziggy, you're not helping yourself. I can't speak or read whatever intermediate language you're typing; it does not parse, semantically.17:24
ziggythx ubotto, will check17:24
Jack_SparrowDecepticon, shift ctrl-c to copy17:24
harlemdavveywhat's the offtopic room?17:24
harlemdavveyhow is it called?17:24
Jack_SparrowDecepticon, shift ctrl-v to paste17:24
pop79ubottu is a bot, ziggy17:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about is a bot, ziggy17:24
takophiliacwhat ziggy is trying to say is that he can't install to hda0 as it is perhaps someone elses (a friends) computer.17:24
takophiliachowever, he wants to install ubuntu rather than run from a live cd and wants to do the install to a USB disk17:24
ziggyubotto is helping, all that matters17:25
Jack_Sparrowharlemdavvey, the offtopic room wont help you with html programming, but you can search for one yourself17:25
jamesrfla Can you guys tell me what device is causing the interrupt error? dmidecode http://pastebin.com/m57391673 Hear is the output of dmesg http://pastebin.com/m44d94dc617:25
HapposadeHow to update ubuntu 8.04 -> 8.1017:25
pop79!welcome Happosade17:25
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:25
maxbaldwinharlemdavvey: #ubuntu-offtopic or #defocus17:25
harlemdavveythanks guys!17:25
caimlaschandru, no, shouldn't be a problem to install inside a vm at all. you will want to install the vmware tools once you get it installed, however17:25
Jack_Sparrow!upgrade > Happosade17:25
ubottuHapposade, please see my private message17:25
takophiliacanywho, i'm having some serious problems with Bluetooth esp relating to using thru pulse audio as a sound sink/source17:26
takophiliacshould i use a different channel?17:26
chandruwhen i tried to power on vmare it gives error as "Unable to change virtual machine power state: The process exited with an error:17:26
chandruEnd of error message."17:26
jamesrflatakophiliac: maybe #alsa17:26
chandruhow to solve this ?17:27
Jack_Sparrowjamesrfla, please dont send pulse audio problems to alsa17:27
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takophiliactry recreating your VM? sounds like the config is corrupt17:27
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Bulleni have a quick question, whenever i try to watch video in ubuntu, in mplayer or vlc, the videos flicker an awful lot, it didn't used to be this way, but recently it started, anyone know whats up with that?17:27
caimlasjamesrfla, you referring to the 'buggy table' in dmesg?17:27
Stanlinchandru: how to solve what?17:27
jim_pchandru, can you please repeat the question?17:27
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox17:28
jamesrflaI think caimlas this thread might be able to help you http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=102297317:28
jim_pBullen, are you on ati AND using compiz?17:28
chandruthat error msg as above in quotes17:28
Bulleni'm using compiz on nvidia17:28
Stanlinchandru: what error message?17:28
Bullenthe video image flickers and sometimes you can see a chequered pattern in it17:28
chandruwhen i tried to power on vmare it gives error as "Unable to change virtual machine power state: The process exited with an error: End of error message."17:28
KelenWhy there found a error "checking for OpenSSL... configure: error: Cannot locate ssl17:28
Bullenlike, it flickers and shows a chequered pattern of video and black17:29
Stanlinchandru: it says: The process exited with an error:   nothing else17:29
Stanlinchandru: find the error17:29
caimlasjamesrfla, the 'buggy' device would be in the output of lspci -vv most likely, not the first pastebin you provided17:29
Jack_SparrowBULLE, /join #Compiz17:29
jim_pBullen, change the video output from the relevant options of each player to gl, gl2 or xv and see what suits you best17:29
KelenWhy there found a error "checking for OpenSSL... configure: error: Cannot locate ssl"?  is this anything wrong with me?17:29
caimlasjamesrfla, and, that link doesn't help me.17:29
Bullenok, will try that17:29
caimlasKelen, what are you trying to do?17:30
Bullendo you know how to do that in vlc?17:30
mgolischKelen: probably you didnt install the apropriate -dev package17:30
jim_pBullen, no. i am an mplayer fan only. but i am sure its in video output options17:30
Kelencaimlas: just ./configure transmission -1.4217:30
caimlaschandru, well, what did you do? did you power it off w/o shutting it down?17:30
caimlasKelen, hmm ubuntu has transmission already.17:30
Bullenok, will look at it, thanks for the help! :)17:30
styleHow can I cp a file with progress bar in a terminal?17:31
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto17:31
caimlasKelen, what it's asking for is the ssl dev files.17:31
abhi_csehwoto change IP in ubuntu for internet17:31
mgolischKelen: if buildint newer versions of software allready in the repository use of apt-get build-dep packagename might install most of the needed headers packages17:31
The_Rebelanyone know what happened to the virtual terminals in Ubuntu?17:31
caimlasKelen, think you need libssl-dev installed.17:31
caimlasstyle, what do you mean?17:32
Kelencaimlas: okay, i go to try this.17:32
takophiliacis this an appropriate channel to discuss, at length, a bluetooth audio problem in Intrepid (8.10)?17:32
jim_pstyle, i dont think you can do that with cp. there is no option for it.17:32
caimlasThe_Rebel, what do you mean?17:32
=== jamesrfla1 is now known as jamesrfla
stylecaimlas: I need to see visualy speed, and progress like inn wget.17:32
chandruonce i shut down due to power cut. after reinstalling it shows that error.. how to correct that errror ?17:32
jim_ptakophiliac, yes and no17:32
Bullenx11 and openGL crashes VLC and "XVideo extention video output" gives the flicker17:32
caimlastakophiliac, maybe. is it specific to ubuntu?17:32
caimlastakophiliac, now might not be the right time for it; you'd probably be better suited trying a forum (for ubuntu) or mailing list17:33
The_Rebellike when you pres CTRL + ALT + F1 - that would switch you over to a command line getty ttys1..17:33
takophiliacit appears to be specific to intrepid actually17:33
Kartagiswhy do I get reiserfs_create_journal: cannot create a journal of 8193 blocks with 18 offset on 2000 blocks while trying to format my disk with reiserfs?17:33
jim_pBullen, at a terminal                  gstreamer-peoperties                       video tab > Prefered > XV17:33
caimlasThe_Rebel, whta happens now?17:33
takophiliacshould i assume that if lots of bugs have been posted that i should just wait for a fix or new release?17:33
caimlastakophiliac, it might be a kernel issue; have you determined it isn't?17:33
The_Rebelaccording to google it started disapearing around the gusty releases17:33
The_Rebelnot sure why17:33
takophiliaci haven't, but others apparently have17:33
The_Rebeli want them back though17:34
caimlastakophiliac, what happens when you hit that key combo while you are on a terminal?17:34
rwwstyle: http://chris-lamb.co.uk/2008/01/24/can-you-get-cp-to-give-a-progress-bar-like-wget/ might help17:34
caimlastakophiliac, and you didn't mix sources or anything?17:34
takophiliacits a clean install... what key combo?17:34
jamesrflacaimlas: http://pastebin.com/m3fbca9d217:34
caimlastakophiliac, ctl-alt-F#17:34
takophiliacis caimlas a real person and confused or am i the confused one? -.-?17:35
jimi_hendrixhi...with ndiswrapper should i be installer vista drivers or xp ones?17:35
caimlasjamesrfla, appears to be your usb controller. now, the question is: what problems does this cause for you? are there any?17:35
caimlastakophiliac, I think I'm mixing my responses to you and The_Rebel17:35
takophiliacok, thats what i was hoping17:35
caimlasdoing a lot of stuff atm17:35
takophiliacit was that or you had some phenomenal AI17:35
The_Rebelctl-alt-F# ?17:35
jamesrflacaimlas: I can't use my USB or card reader on it but hook up a IDE hard drive and things work great17:36
RaZMataZjimi_hendrix, xp drivers17:36
mgolischjimi_hendrix: id suggest using the drivers their wiki page shows to be known working17:36
The_Rebelwhat is F#?17:36
The_Rebelthey don't work anymore..17:36
caimlasjimi_hendrix, probably give XP ones a try first, they're probably going ot be more compatible/functional17:36
caimlasThe_Rebel, F1, F4, etc.17:36
caimlasfunction keys17:36
jim_pThe_Rebel, f1 f2 f3 f4 ...17:36
takophiliachow often does ubuntu repackage a new release?17:36
The_Rebelyeah their not working17:36
jim_pThe_Rebel, not the Fn buttons17:36
caimlasjamesrfla, a USB-enclosured IDE drive?17:36
vlackihello Guys17:37
chandruhow to rectify my errors in that vmware ?17:37
caimlastakophiliac, I do have phenomenal AI...17:37
jamesrflacaimlas: no just hooked right to the motherboard IDE hard drive17:37
takophiliacyes, being human can do that17:37
jimi_hendrixand if i am using 64bit i should still be using the xp one?17:37
jim_ptakophiliac, every 6 months17:37
abhi_cser u there chandt17:37
vlackii need help, i can play games through Wine, but the graphics is too poor..17:37
caimlaschandru, vmware has tools which come bundled with it which are designed for fixing such things. google the error for directions17:37
Dante123any idea why network manager says I am not connected (applet in tray) and yet I am.  This happened after upgrade from 8.04 to 8.1017:37
caimlasjamesrfla, but that has nothing t odo with USB17:38
vlackiI think i have problem with openGL17:38
Bullenjim_p, it tests fine when i chose "X Window System (no Xv)" but it flickers when i chose "X Window System (X11/XShm/Xv)"17:38
caimlasvlacki, what video card?17:38
SeveasDante123, you configured things i9n /etc/network/interfaces?17:38
=== s0o0n is now known as Mafia_
abhi_csechandru:  i got u17:38
takophiliaceek! so... if there were some problem, like say most of the bluetooth functionality being broken, what would i expect to see coming down the pipe? I'm afraid im completely new to linux, for the most part. I'm extremely competent with windows tho, so not computer illiterate, just not sure what to expect or look for.17:39
vlackiI have Inno Tornado GeForce FX520017:39
jim_pDante123, because network manager 0.7 that ubuntu 8.10 uses is a piece of junk in general. what you see is the beginning of some problems17:39
caimlasI've got a curious problem with my wifi not working (or, seemingly, NetworkManager) after an upgrade to Intrepid from Hardy (8.04.1). With either the default 2.6.27-9-generic or 2.6.27-3-rt kernels, I get a bunch of "wifi0: invalid skb->cb magic" errors in the syslog. wifi still works fine w/ the old kernel (2.6.24-22-generic) from hardy. wifi card is "Intersil Corporation Prism 2.5 Wavelan chipset (rev 01)" (ie hostap_pci) in17:39
caimlas a thinkpad x30. I've read online of someone with the same problem, and they found it worked with the livecd, just not with the upgrade. might there be some files interfering with the functionality of the intrepid kernels I'm missing, or might there be a known bug?17:39
jamesrflacaimlas: I know it is odd. Hook up a IDE hard drive and USB and the card reader works. Hook up a SATA hard drive and the card reader and USB doesn't work. Some guys said it is a interrupt problem but there is nothing in the BIOS to change the IRQ17:39
caimlasvlacki, are you using the packaged nvidia driver or the proprietary one?17:39
CaBlGuYI need some help getting a canon PIXMA iP 1600 printer working.. anyone help me out?17:39
jim_pBullen, then select no xv17:39
caimlasjamesrfla, oh17:40
chervahow to merge to fat32 partitions in ubuntu 8.10 ?17:40
jim_pBullen, and try the video playback again17:40
chandrucaimlas:  reinstalling will fix this problem ?17:40
dfrey|workDoes ubuntu support installation to a software RAID 1 array?17:40
caimlasjamesrfla, think you can do that via config in /etc somewhere - google around for how to do so. and maybe post your errors (susinctly and clearly) on a forum where they'll get more attention.17:40
Seveasdfrey|work, via the alternate installer17:40
caimlaschandru, you've corrupted the vmware image. which means you need to start over, yes17:40
jim_pBullen, what do these commands output                        lspci | grep VGA                       glxinfo | grep direct17:40
jim_pdfrey|work, with windows on it?17:41
dfrey|workSeveas: And it is able to boot off the RAID 1 array?17:41
CaBlGuYanyone? help with a Canon PIXMA iP 10600...?17:41
Bullenjim_p, first: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GeForce 8600M GT (rev a1) then direct rendering: Yes17:41
jamesrflacaimlas: I have the thread hear http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1022973 I will look in the /etc to see if I can find anything about IRQ17:41
chandrucaimlas:  i need to remove completely ?17:41
ghost3murder at 1600 was a good movie17:41
hadi57hi all, what is a good tool to find ip's on my lan?17:42
caimlasdfrey|work, don't know about ubuntu installing to a raid1 sw array, but I've used (and booted from sw raid1 arrays before in linux17:42
Seveasdfrey|work, using lilo, yes. With grub you need a /boot partition. The installer is smart enough to realise that17:42
caimlasyears ago17:42
dfrey|workjim_p: I know windows doesn't support software RAID17:42
jim_pCaBlGuY, dunno about the particular printer., but i suggest you should try the gutenprint driver. works with canons17:42
=== D is now known as Guest97695
jim_pBullen, then i dont know what else to say17:42
caimlasdfrey|work, if you want a server OS you should be using debian or redhat or such17:42
Bullenhm, ok, i will fiddle around a bit17:42
sabirami_ubuntucaimlas:  RAID is risk top new users17:42
Bullenthanks for all the help! :)17:42
chandrusabirami_ubuntu:  tell me17:42
caimlasdfgas, ubuntu doesn't handle upgrades gracefully enough for a server's use17:42
jim_pyou are welcome17:42
caimlassabirami_ubuntu, that doesn't make sense.17:43
rwwcaimlas: the Ubuntu Server people would disagree with you :P17:43
CaBlGuYjim_p:  I think I may have tried that already trhough installing the iP 1600 thorugh cups..  but, I'm not sure..  I've installed it several times and when I go to print a test page, it does not print...17:43
sabirami_ubuntuserver people may17:43
Seveasrww, many more people do ;)17:43
sabirami_ubuntubut not newbie chandru17:43
caimlaschandru, you need to go to google and look for your errors and instructions on how to repair corrupted vmware images17:43
jim_pCaBlGuY, have you tried guten thing?17:43
sabirami_ubuntuhe i very very new to ubuntu and he dosnt know what RAID is17:43
=== caimlas is now known as CaimAFK
CaBlGuYjim_p:  dunno..  right now, I'17:44
CaBlGuYI've just installed thorugh cups..17:44
jim_pCaBlGuY, http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/cups-driver-gutenprint17:44
CaBlGuYjim_p:  link?17:44
CaBlGuYok..  thnaks..17:44
Bullenactually, jim_p, how can i configure mplayer?17:44
jim_pCaBlGuY, do you want a tutorial? this is the pacage you must install17:44
Bullenah, sorry, found it17:45
vlackicaimlas i don't know what drivers are installed in my system17:45
jim_pBullen, for video output?17:45
dfrey|workThe more I think about it, the less I think RAID is worthwhile for a desktop system.17:45
=== e-frame is now known as Guest6591
Bullenyeah, but i found it17:45
Bullenthe menu17:45
Jeruvydfrey|work: its value is either 1) speed or 2) redundancy.  Whether the support is up to snuff is for you to decide :)17:46
hadi57any body knows a good tool to find lost ip if an device?17:46
akhil_I am trying to open azureus at a specified time using at command. But it doesn't work. Is there any way to open graphical applications at a given time?17:46
jim_phadi57, its mac address?17:46
somaunnhello guys17:47
hadi57not there17:47
Guest6591hello, i'm using huawei e220 in ubuntu hardy. i can chat via kopete, but not with pidgin. pidgin says "waiting for network" any suggestions ? thx.17:47
Dante123Seveas no, upon reboot the internet just worked although network mangler says it is not connected.  Should I run a command from terminal?17:47
dfrey|workJeruvy: I figure that I still need to do incremental backups even if I use RAID 1, so it's not really worth the hassle given that redundancy isn't critical for my desktop system.17:47
hadi57it is an AP board17:47
Dante123jim_p do you suggest I use something else?17:47
somaunnwanted to know how can i reinstall the aptoncd packages17:47
jim_pGuest6591, check if pidgin looks for some proxy17:47
CaBlGuYjim_p:  if I try to install the package, it says there's an error with the current cups dirvers installed..17:48
jim_p:| pastebin the error CaBlGuY17:48
CaBlGuYgimme a sec..17:48
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)17:49
jim_pDante123, yes! wicd, network-admin, and one more app i cant recall its name but its really lightweight17:49
Guest6591jim_p: it's direct connection in pidgin's proxy preferences17:49
Gun_Smokesomaunn~ man apt-get,... apt-get reinstall17:49
rwwGuest6591: what type of account are you using? aim, msn, yahoo, etc...17:49
jim_pDante123, not all of them, one is enough17:49
Guest6591rww: yahoo17:50
CaBlGuYhere ya go jim_p   http://paste.ubuntu.com/98416/17:50
jim_pDante123, and network-config was the last app17:50
jim_pCaBlGuY, what is the package that conflicts with it?17:51
CaBlGuYcups I would assume..17:51
rwwGuest6591: I had that problem for a while with Pidgin. Every so often, Yahoo tweaks with their network and screws things up :(. What version of Pidgin are you using (Help > About)?17:51
Helo1234hey guys, i have two hard drives and no idea in which way to set up the partitions. Would someone help me with my problem?17:51
Guest6591rww: 2.4.117:52
jim_pCaBlGuY, no. it depends on cups to work17:52
CaBlGuYjim_p:  wait..  what would be the command line code for installing ?  sudo apt-get install ....?17:52
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jim_pCaBlGuY, give me a sec17:52
chandrubluetooth problem  in ubuntu 8.10 is solved or not ?17:52
scuniziHelo1234, do you have windows installed on one?17:52
jim_pCaBlGuY, yes17:52
CaBlGuYjim_p:  install what package though?17:52
rwwGuest6591: I'm guessing you're on Ubuntu Hardy/8.04?17:53
jim_pCaBlGuY, cups-driver-gutenprint17:53
Helo1234scunizi: i do not have windows installed. Just 2 hdds and i want to install linux only17:53
rwwGuest6591: if so, Pidgin 2.5.2 is available in hardy-backports, and I just logged in to yahoo successfully on that version.17:53
rww!backports | Guest659117:53
ubottuGuest6591: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging17:53
CaBlGuYjim_p:  when I do the command line, it says this--->    Couldn't find package cups-driver-gutenprint17:54
Guest6591rww and jim_p, now i found what the problem is. i unticked the checkbox of "Enable automatic router port forwarding" in pidgin's network preferences, and it works. i'm using ubuntu hardy ^^17:54
jim_pCaBlGuY, actually, cups-driver-gutenprint does not conflict with ANY package according to apt17:54
Guest6591thx anyway17:54
mazogs'smarctl -a' shows a lot of values but not 'Load_Cycle_Count'. What could i try?17:54
jim_pmazogs, grep17:54
scuniziHelo1234, partitioning can be done in a lot of ways.  pick one drive and partition 8-12 gigs for / (shortcut for root).. then 1.5x of your ram for /swap if you're going to use hybernate and then you can designate the other drive for /home and all your data.. obviously you'll have lots of extra room available on drive 1 to use for "whatever"17:55
Guest6591after struggling for few months with connection :p17:55
jim_pCaBlGuY, can you please show me the url again?17:55
CaBlGuYjim_p:  HMMM  THIS IS WIERD...  first real "conflict" I've run into since I started using linux..17:55
CaBlGuYjim_p:  for.. which?17:55
jim_pCaBlGuY, i found it nevermind17:56
mazogsjim_p: thanks, but the problem is that smartctl doesn't show any info at all about Load_Cycle_Count17:56
crisis anyone available right now17:56
jim_pCaBlGuY, cups-driver-gutenprint is in the main repo of ubuntu! what version are you on?17:56
scunizi!ask | cris17:56
ubottucris: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:56
Helo1234scunizi: I have 2 hdds: 150gb 10,000 rpm and 1tb for storage. first hdd (143.9gb for ext3 "/" and 6.1gb for swap [i have 4gb ram]), second hdd (1.0tb for ext3 /home). IS THIS SETUP OK?17:57
CaBlGuYjim_p:  ok, now I'm getting invalid operation..  :-|17:57
crishaha thanks -- well, its been 15 mo and i forgot the procedure to access my windows files on ubuntu.17:57
darkspirit221Hello all, I'm trying to use an old computer as a server, I installed Ubuntu on it but I need to share the internet connection from this computer to the Ubuntu one, I'm trying to use an Ethernet CAT5 cable but I don't know what configurations I need. This one is running Windows Vista, the other one is Ubuntu 8.10. The modem is a USB ADSL2+ modem and I cannot go for a router as an option so please help me out here, thanks.17:57
nbeeboHelo1234, 145 gb for / is way too much..17:57
scuniziHelo1234, no need to go beyond 15 gigs on "/" root..17:58
jim_pdarkspirit221, is that modem identified by linux? is it a sagem one?17:58
Helo1234scunizi: can you give me the setup you would do?17:58
jim_pCaBlGuY, do you get any errors from apt?17:58
darkspirit221jim_p, it's a sagem one yes, but I need the internet connection on the 2 computers.17:58
Helo1234should i create 2 /home partitions?17:58
jasperI installed ndiswrapper(with the dependencies) and added it as a module. But when I do iwconfig it says "lo        no wireless extensions.17:58
jaspereth1      no wireless extensions.17:58
jasper eth0               no wireless extentions17:58
crisscunizi- accessing windows files from ubuntu? i remember a process that i used but i do recall....17:58
jaspercan anyone help me?17:58
ramihi there17:59
ramii have a problem and dunno what to do17:59
scuniziHelo1234, already did17:59
mazogsdarkspirit221: wait a second17:59
ramii have been searching the internet for the past three days but with no use17:59
CaBlGuYjim_p:  I'm actaully using mint..  IE: Ubuntu fiestyFawn I think...17:59
erUSULdarkspirit221: configure windows to do connection sharing (ask in ##windows) then just use the windows machine as the ubuntu's one gateaway17:59
jussi01!mint | CaBlGuY17:59
ubottuCaBlGuY: The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes, please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ubuntu Ultimate17:59
jim_pdarkspirit221, then you need to make the driver for that modem, connect it to ubuntu with your isp stuff, and then use the ubuntu pc as a gateway to the vista pc. pm me if you need help17:59
JohnBlitzMy ubunta says I need like 253 MB and I have 100GB17:59
scunizicris, should be easier with 8.10.. just mount the drive and it will probably work. if not then it will probably prompt you to do something.18:00
JohnBlitzmy computer is customized18:00
ramiokay i guess am talkin to myself here18:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mintsupprt18:00
mazogsdarkspirit221: hope this helps: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9137018:00
s4acan i get the ath5k wireless driver from intrepid repositories of some sort?18:00
ramishall i just chat or what?18:00
rww!mintsupport > CaBlGuY18:00
ubottuCaBlGuY, please see my private message18:00
crisscunizi: im downloading 8.1 now, so it has auto optins for that stuff? i want to do it by boot-disc so i can get the files off b4 i wipe the hd18:00
jasper eth0               no wireless extentions18:00
jim_ps4a, no. the ath5k driver is in the 2.6.27 kernel18:00
raaviHello, Does anybody has any success in getting sound from Supreme FX II cards, that came along with Asus board.18:00
ramiwhat shall i do so u can here me up guys?18:00
rww!ask | rami18:01
ubotturami: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:01
s4ajim_p, intrepid uses that kernel18:01
jim_ps4a, use madwifi tools then18:01
scunizicris, sure... why wipe the drive?  do you want to totally eliminate windows?  if not set things up for a dual boot.18:01
jasper!ask | $me18:01
ubottu$me: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:01
s4ajim_p, how does that work?18:01
darkspirit221jim_p, can't I do like erUSUL is saying and use this one as the gateaway instead? I'm going to use this one alot more.18:01
Helo1234scunizi: 15 for /, 6 for swap, what about the rest od the disk?18:01
s4ajim_p, ive read the before can you just brief me on what that does please?18:01
darkspirit221Thanks mazogs, will read. :)18:01
crisscunizi: its my friends laptop and its all corrupted... need to put a new windows on it and he wants to check the files.. only way easiest would use the boot-disc18:01
jim_ps4a, its just some drivers that were not included on the kernel back then18:01
crisscunizi: well,for what i have at hand at least18:02
ramiwell, i installed ubuntu 8.10 and it was working smoothly, but now there is no sound (although i can adjust the volume!!!!) and the desktop effects are unable to be enabled18:02
jasperI installed ndiswrapper(with the dependencies) and added it as a module. But when I do iwconfig it says "lo        no wireless extensions.18:02
jaspereth1      no wireless extensions.18:02
jaspereth0               no wireless extentions18:02
jim_ps4a, nothing more nothing less. you want the module, you get the module18:02
jaspercan anyone help me with that?18:02
scuniziHelo1234, leave the rest for additional storage if you want.. leave it unpartitioned and use it later for something..18:02
s4ajim_p, madwifi-tools is what i want?18:02
ramican anybody help me in that?18:02
jim_ps4a, yea18:02
ichbinesderelch!pastebin | jasper18:02
ubottujasper: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)18:02
raavi Hello, Does anybody has any success in getting sound from Supreme FX II cards, that came along with Asus board.18:02
s4ajim_p, k, thx im downloading right now18:02
crisscunizi: it will automatically ask to pt files from windows? or do i goto a certain option18:02
scunizicris, ok.. good plan.. use the live cd to remove all his data and then go from there.18:02
jasperichbinesderelch, there were only 3 lines18:02
jim_ps4a, :O no no no. use apt to install it!18:03
crisscunizi: yeah, but can ia ccess it easily on 8.1 or do i need the cmd process like i did on 718:03
ramii installed compiz and followed the procedure, but the problem is that it gives me mostly (fail) word18:03
s4ajim_p, lol ya thats what i meant18:03
scunizicris, it will be easy to access the windows drive.. look for help when you get to that point.18:03
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr18:03
ichbinesderelchjasper: did you install windows driver within ndiswrapper?18:03
Helo1234scunizi: thanks for your help18:03
jasperichbinesderelch, yes18:03
s4ajim_p, but is it a program to get drivers like envy or is it installing the drivers in my kernel18:03
ichbinesderelchjasper: unloaded other wifi modules?18:03
scuniziHelo1234, np..18:03
jim_ps4a, it installs the modules only. then you have to                 sudo modprobe ath5k                to get it to work18:04
ramii guess i have to goback to internet to find a solution18:04
ramiadios ppl18:04
isleshocky77Anyone have any tips on why DeVeDe says that it completed but when I burn it, it won't play in any dvd player and movie player gives me an error about found a subtitle but no video, but then plays it.18:04
s4ajim_p, i just randomly do that command? no cding to directory or downloading ath5k driver?18:04
jasperichbinesderelch, I blacklisted ath_pci and ath_hal and rebooted18:05
jim_ps4a, the package will get the modules downloaded and placed on the right dir18:05
ichbinesderelchjasper: checkt the output of lsmod | grep ath?18:05
fernando_using the command apt-get or aptitude is there any way to see the description of a package??18:05
s4ajim_p, deniz@deniz-laptop:~$ sudo modprobe ath5k18:06
s4aFATAL: Module ath5k not found.18:06
hspaansfernando_: apt-cache show <packagename>18:07
jim_ps4a, wait18:07
fernando_thanks hspaans18:07
zc00giiI'm wanting a program to run Win32 applications better then WINE. I read that Interix is a good option. any oppinions?18:08
Vinigiueverybody sucks18:08
zc00giisomeone kick him >_>18:08
fosco_zc00gii: the way to run .exe files is wine18:08
MainIf you want something better fix Wine18:09
hb|workzc00gii: see if your application is supported by Crossover (www.codeweavers.com), otherwise WINE is tops18:09
JohnBlitz<JohnBlitz> My ubunta says I need like 253 MB and I have 100GB18:09
JohnBlitzcan someone help me?18:09
zc00giifosco_: is there a config so wine can read /dev/USB0?18:09
zc00giior any USB device18:10
hspaansJohnBlitz: you should give a context for people to understand you question18:10
fosco_zc00gii: wine can read the same as ubuntu can read18:10
e-framehello, i was asking about pidgin. now i can get online and chat via pidgin. but the status still says "waiting for network" even though everything else is ok. but it's a little bit uncomfort for me because i can't see what my status message is.18:10
=== rubydiam_ is now known as rubydiamond__
invasionwhat is the commande for go to undernet18:10
JohnBlitzCan someone help me get my setup to work right18:10
taviwho can tell me a software thatc an show me the speed from pc to modem and from modem to internet18:10
JohnBlitzIt says I need like 253 MB and I have 100GB18:10
tavifor all software that i have opened18:10
invasionwhat is the commande for go to undernet18:10
zc00giifosco_: I had an erro saying it can't read the device, probably because the Win32 drivers aren't installed. is there a way to install those drivers?18:10
ichbinesderelchJohnBlitz: how my mbs of ram do you have?18:11
Slash003hi, anyone know how can I avoid grub loading stage 1.5 from appear every time I turn on my PC?18:11
tavifirefox torents and irc18:11
fosco_zc00gii: wine is not an emulator, it can not use hardware directly, wine will see the same hardware that ubuntu can see18:11
JohnBlitzI just killed my partitions18:11
JohnBlitzI trying to get it to run setup in the boot18:12
vlackiJohnBlitz: bravo !!18:12
quietdevHi, I attempted to determine when I logged in today (for billing entry), but when I use lastlog -u my_current_login_name it told me that in fact the account has never logged in. I thought maybe I missed something, because I ran this command as root and I find that /var/log/lastlog to be a non-zero file. Anyone familiar with lastlog on ubuntu?18:12
JohnBlitzI don't want windows and Ubuntu18:12
fosco_JohnBlitz: maybe 253mb refers to ram, not harddisk18:12
zc00giifosco_: I'll try crossover the next time I reboot18:12
JohnBlitzMy computer is custom18:12
JohnBlitzI used to use it for hacking need18:12
fosco_zc00gii: crossover is winebased, same issue18:12
tavidoes someone know?18:12
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zc00giifosco_: sorry, can't talk, bai18:13
ichbinesderelchJohnBlitz: and your custom hacking computer has more than 253 of ram?18:13
=== Danneh is now known as TheReaper2009
jasperichbinesderelch, there's no output for lsmod | grep ath18:13
ichbinesderelchjasper: and ndiswrapper is loaded?18:13
FlyingBishopuname -r prints out '2.6.27-7-server', but the module file is in /lib/modules/2.6.27-7-generic/ Should I move the folder in /lib/modules, or is there some way to change the output of uname -r (other than making a custom script)?18:14
ichbinesderelchjasper: whats the output of 'ifconfig -a'?18:14
=== invasion is now known as Ubuntu345
ghost3what's with all the name changing?18:14
JohnBlitzmy cd burner on this computer is broken18:14
JohnBlitzso how do I get it to work on a flash drive18:14
fosco_JohnBlitz: please answer our questions18:15
tintiata ingles18:15
jim_ps4a, does it                 modprobe madwifi               or something?18:15
JohnBlitzwhat question was that?18:15
tintiacomo que eu faço18:15
JohnBlitzI don;t remember how much ram I put on my computer18:15
fosco_JohnBlitz: does your computer has 256mb of ram?18:15
ichbinesderelchJohnBlitz: than check your bios to find out18:16
JohnBlitzit should have more than that18:16
s4ajim_p, FATAL: Module madwifi not found.18:16
JohnBlitzI am18:16
ubottuPor favor use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.18:16
JohnBlitzright now18:16
s4ajim_p, if it helps, im in the default (home) directory at the moment18:16
JohnBlitzmy bios is being an ass18:16
JohnBlitzright now18:16
FloodBot1JohnBlitz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:16
jim_ps4a, look in the wiki for madwifi18:16
JohnBlitzsrry for floodin18:16
jasperichbinesderelch, I can't pastebin it because a third party is doing it, but he says eth0 lo and pan0 are the words on the left side.18:17
s4ajim_p, which one? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Home?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=madwifi&titlesearch=Titles18:17
ubottuThe Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.18:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about liveusb18:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about live-usb18:17
jim_ps4a, none. wait18:17
ichbinesderelchjasper: guess eth0 is your network card? unclear though what pan0 is18:18
Crewsr3_1I have a fresh install of Mythubuntu 8.10 with a Geforce 7300 GT and I want to hook it up to my SDTV with the s-video out.  I went into the nvidia x server settings and the twin view option is greyed out, I have not been able to find anything in the forms that worked, please help! ;(18:18
jasperichbinesderelch, probably I dunno.18:18
ghost3jasper do you have bluetooth installed18:18
JohnBlitzmy bios version is 2.2318:18
bdelin88anyone no why my external maxtor drive (1 usb transfer and 1 usb power cable) is transferring at the slow speed of ~4.0 MB/sec on USB 2.0?18:18
jmarsdenichbinesderelch: pan0 is often a bluetooth connection (PAN == Personal Area Network)18:18
ichbinesderelchjmarsden: ah thx ;)18:19
bdelin88i am not sure if the laptop is USB 2.0 though, how would i check tis does anyone know? UBUNTU 8.1018:19
troy_I could use some help here! If anyone would be willing let me know! I need help getting my wireless card to pick up my router signal, I tried ndiswrapper with xp drivers, even though I have vista (I'm on ubuntu) heres the thread I followed with the XP drivers : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76616918:19
ichbinesderelchjasper: are you sure you installed correct drivers with ndiswrapper?18:20
troy_See jasper I'm not sure18:20
troy_I have vista as my other os18:20
bdelin88how do i get ubuntu to check if i have usb 2.0?18:20
troy_And those were xp drivers18:20
ichbinesderelchtroy_: that doesn't matter for ndiswrapper, your wlan card will work with xp drivers18:20
stefan1223bdelin88: lsusb perhaps18:20
SJr|NbookHow can I get my Nvidia card to automagically detect and resize the desktop, depending on whether or not I close my laptop screen?18:20
bdelin88k thanks i'll check18:20
jasperghost3, I think the pc supports bluetooth, although I haven't installed anything softwarely. || ichbinesderelch yes, I'm pretty sure. although "ndiswrapper -l" has no output nor errors. it's just does nothing.18:21
troy_See ichbin it doesnt work though18:21
troy_Is what I dont get18:21
incorrecthello, idiot here has done something and alt+tab no longer works,  it seems to have changed to alt+ctrl+tab18:21
incorrecthow do i change it back?18:21
ghost3jasper if you are connected to anything via bluetooth pan0 will show up.18:21
ichbinesderelchjasper: ndiswrapper -l should have output of installed drivers, maybe try reinstalling them18:21
e-frameincorrect: keyboard shortcuts18:21
ichbinesderelchtroy_: what wlan card do you have?18:21
troy_pan0 is showing up18:22
jasperichbinesderelch, ok I'll try reinstalling them.18:22
ichbinesderelchtroy_: ndiswrapper -l lists your installed driver?18:22
doglinohow I do to enable the sound in youtube and rhythmbox at the same time??18:22
jmarsdenbdelin88: sudo apt-get install lshw ; sudo lshw -short -c bus  # should show you info on USB controllers etc18:22
mkerI have a problem with ugly fonts in Evince in Ubuntu 8.10 AMD64. The text is the opposite of smooth, here's an example http://i43.tinypic.com/1z2ki12.jpg it looks good when selected though. I've installed msttcorefonts but that didn't make any difference. The PDF contains several fonts that are "not embedded", for example Helvetica (type 1) Times-Roman (Type 1) Arial (TrueType) and so on, very long list but many duplicates, maybe 6-7 un18:22
mkerique fonts. Any ideas on how to make it look smooth?18:22
styleWhat would be best for bittorrent? 600mhz duron 377MB ram, or 1ghz intel 256 MB ram?18:23
troy_net5211 : driver installed18:23
troy_device (168C:001C) present (alternate driver: ath_pci)18:23
mkerstyle, try rtorrent18:23
fosco_style: it does not matter18:23
troy_That is what I get from ndiswrapper -;18:23
FloodBot1troy_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:23
ichbinesderelchtroy_: and you blacklisted the ath_pci driver?18:24
Mean_AdminGoogle yields deception; how do I reset my root password with physical access to me machine ?18:24
ubottuWe don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-)18:25
usr13_Jack_Sparrow: sudo su -18:25
mimipmker: try set your font hinting to slight, does that help?18:25
jaspertroy_,  what?18:25
Jack_Sparrowusr13_, that is not advised either18:25
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)18:26
fosco_usr13_: please, read what ubottu said18:26
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)18:26
mkermimip, I don't see any settings on Evince. Where do i do that?18:26
incorrecthmm i don't see where Ctrl+Alt+tab is set18:26
=== DasEI is now known as Lector
usr13_Well, if one needs root priviledges the can do it that way, no problem and it's easier than typing sudo each time.  And then exit when done.18:26
mimipmker: not on Evince, sorry i meant from ur gnome desktop settings18:27
Mean_AdminJack_Sparrow: ok fine but... how do I reset some near-root user's password... I mean, I have a headless server and I havent used it in forever and I dont wanna reinstall the whole thing18:27
Jack_Sparrowusr13_, it is still ill-advised and not needed..18:27
Jack_Sparrowusr13_, sudo -i etc18:27
usr13_The advice given here is per individual.  You cannot limit information in that way.18:27
Jack_Sparrowusr13_, actually we can18:27
usr13_If someone breaks their own system, it is not our problem?18:27
rich_hi guys, if I have a failed usb drive in a software raid, how do i know which one has failed?18:28
Jack_Sparrowusr13_, you are offtopic, join -ops if you want to duscuss sudo18:28
usr13_Some commands are obviously dangerous,. but that's up to the user.18:28
Jack_SparrowMean_Admin, One sec..18:28
ghost3so if I had set a root password on ubuntu then forgot it im screwed and no one is allowed to help me? what kind of support is that18:28
usr13_Jack_Sparrow: Ok18:28
Jack_Sparrowghost3, dont set root password in the first place and it is not up for discussion in here18:29
usr13_ghost3: There is no need to set a root password18:29
Mean_Adminghost3: they're saying you shouldn't have done it in the first place and to learn your lesson, you're gonna have to ask a lot :D :P18:29
fosco_ghost3: you did wrong setting a root password, and worst forgetting that pass :-/18:29
mkermimip, didn't help18:29
hspaansghost3: if you know how to set it then you also should know how to recover it18:29
Lectorghost3:did you disable single-user mode also ?18:29
doglinohow I do to enable the sound in youtube and rhythmbox at the same time??18:29
ghost3your ALL right. :)18:29
white_eagleafter installing gimp 2.6 from getdeb I can't run it, because this is what I get when I run gimp-2.6 in a shell: gimp-2.6: symbol lookup error: gimp-2.6: undefined symbol: gimp_micro_version18:30
mikejetDoes ubuntu already support blu-ray burning? Or should I purchase this:  http://www.nero.com/enu/linux3-features.html18:30
Jack_SparrowMean_Admin, Lost your password? Reboot the box and choose "recovery " from the grub menu - the console right at the very very start - then well when the box boots type "passwd YourUserNameHere" and choose your new password and type reboot and all will be good18:30
usr13_ghost3: It is a security feature to have root login dissabled.  If you defeat that feature, ... well, let's put it this way: you are not dooing yourself any favors.18:30
ActionParsniphey all, I'll as in here too, can anyone help with  vsftpd error. I'm on my LAN but am trying to connect to my WAN name which resolves to my ip18:30
ActionParsnipwhen i try to connect I get this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/98430/18:30
ghost3I was asking so others could see the correct answer. thanks. ;)18:31
ghost3I've been using ubuntu since 2005..i know beeter18:31
ActionParsnipas you can see it does connect but theres something that vsftpd doesnt like and I want it to allow the stupid connection18:31
usr13_ActionParsnip: WAN name?18:31
ActionParsnipusr13_: i have a no-ip account which lets me resolve my wan ip to a name18:31
Mean_AdminJack_Sparrow: thanks pirate18:32
usr13_ActionParsnip: Can you restate that last comment?18:32
ActionParsnipusr13_: which is resolving correctly18:32
Jack_SparrowMean_Admin, np18:32
styleCan I bridge connections in Ubuntu18:32
styleNeed to share my wireless to download wireless drivers on another computer...18:32
ActionParsnipusr13_: your router has an ip. yours is currently
usr13_ActionParsnip: Start over.... from the beginning. Do not understand.18:33
Jack_Sparrowstyle, Keep it on one luine please.. yes you can18:33
geinI'm suffering from iowait problems. Right now I'm partitioning a 500GB USB drive and iowait is up to 100%, system load is 5-6.. is this really normal?18:33
ActionParsnipok, i have an ftp server I want to connect to from anywhere using the same entry point. lan or wan alike18:33
ActionParsnipi have configured port forwarding correctly for wan access and all is nice18:33
Jack_Sparrowgein, It isnt one of those passports is it18:33
usr13_ActionParsnip: Yes ok18:33
johannes2what do I need to type into console to restart samba?18:34
ActionParsniphowever if I try to connect to my wan name from inside my own lan, the ftp session connects but the connection is denied even though the server authenticates me in the log18:34
geinJack_Sparrow: ?18:34
Rods_Tigeranyone else here with an Acer Aspire One?18:34
Jack_Sparrowgein, It isnt one of those passports is it       .as in what make and model of drive18:35
usr13_ActionParsnip: Just use the IP address.18:35
jakesudo /etc/init.d/smb restart18:35
styleJack_Sparrow: luine?18:35
white_eaglehow can I check where the symlink points?18:35
Rods_TigerI've tried the AA1 with Ubuntu Netbook Remix a while ago18:35
white_eagleeg. if I type gimp how can I see what that runs18:35
biomassI'm trying to get a soundcard working, if I select the OSS card in the gnome soundsetting I can hear the test tone but if I select the Alsa card it's completely silent.18:35
jmarsdenwhite_eagle: ls -l18:35
Jack_Sparrowstyle, If you look down one line I corrected the spelling18:35
usr13_ActionParsnip: Or set your router to resolve the name to the proper IP address18:35
geinJack_Sparrow: oh, the drive is a Western Digital MyBook and the system is running Ubuntu 8.04 server edition18:36
usr13_ActionParsnip: But just using the  IP address is  easiest.  Right?18:36
geinjust cping large files will make the iowait peak18:36
Lectorbiomass: alsamixer installed ?18:36
pkodonQuestion - I installed Kubuntu, now I'm installing ubuntu-desktop from Apt. What I had wanted to do was install both ubuntu-desktop and mythbuntu-desktop, but when I tried selecting both, Adept said there was a problem with the commit, and deslected them both.18:36
MaJiKaLLcan somebody help me with a wireless issue i am having with ubuntu intrepid18:36
geineven on sata drives18:36
Jack_Sparrowgein, I seem to remember they had some "Feature" you had to use windows machine to turn off.. you might need to google it as not many will know18:36
usr13_ActionParsnip: What kind of router are you using?18:36
=== fw1 is now known as incorrect
usr13_ActionParsnip: Is  it YOURS?18:37
pkodonIs there a problem installing mythbuntu along with ubuntu/kubuntu?18:37
white_eaglejmarsden: no, not like that. If I have gimp installed on my pc how can I see what it runs when I execute it?18:37
MaJiKaLLWIRELESS CONNECION IS FINE WHEN SURFING, however when i try to leave a download on vuze, connection drops to 28% and get no response18:37
Jack_Sparrowpkodon, You can use one or the other not both18:37
biomassLector: gnome-alsamixer ? No.18:37
Jack_SparrowMaJiKaLL, Lose the caps.. thanks18:37
Assassin5long shot time: anyone know how to make a video play at double and 4x speed in openvideoeditor?18:37
Lectorbiomass: alsamixergui18:37
geinJack_Sparrow: im suffering from iowait problems even when cping files on the regular local sata drives18:37
biomassLector: no, not that one either =)18:38
ActionParsnipusr13_: usr13_yes its mine18:38
ActionParsnipusr13_: its not an ip issue18:38
Assassin5sorry I mean openmovieeditor18:38
jmarsdenwhite_eagle: Huh?  WHat does this have to do with a symlink?  You can do   which gimp  -- is that what you mean?18:38
pkodonJack_Sparrow: I understand you have to pick one at bootup, but can all three be installed at once?18:38
Jack_Sparrowgein, ah.. different issue if internals are the same.. even with the external unplugged?18:38
ActionParsnipusr13_: its some setting in vsftpd thats rejecting connections18:38
arvind_khadrihi, where should be /usr/src/linux be symbolically pointing to?18:38
Jack_Sparrowpkodon, yes,18:38
Lectorbiomass: sudo apt-get install alsamixer           , then check : soundcard correctly named, unmuted, pcm and main volume up18:38
geinJack_Sparrow: haven't tried disconnecting the usb drive, will that make any sense?18:38
Jack_Sparrowgein, I know those drives have caused issues and it would be worth a quick look18:39
pkodonJack_Sparrow: Okay, then I'll just have to try installing them one at a time, that may have been the problem.18:39
geinJack_Sparrow: but the problem might have started when I first plugged in the drive actually18:39
hspaansgein: what is you svctm on those disks? see with iostat -xtc 10 1018:39
deaddebateI'm currently in 8.10 and trying to install an Ubuntu partition on my hard drive, but no hard disks are listed in the installer, though i can access files from my current vista install18:39
aadminHow to get DVD-players to work?18:39
white_eaglejmarsden: thanks, thats what I thought :\18:39
white_eaglebye :)18:39
Jack_Sparrowgein, tracker may be sucking up your cycles too.18:39
usr13_ActionParsnip: Is the computer listening on 2 different IP addresses?  Or just one?18:39
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:39
arvind_khadrihi, where should be /usr/src/linux be symbolically pointing to?18:40
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:40
Lectoraadmin: try vlc18:40
aadminI tried18:40
usr13_ActionParsnip: Are you saying that you are unable to login from outside?18:40
Jack_Sparrowdeaddebate, To get live cd to show your missing hard drive this often helps..At start or install press F6 and add all_generic_ide before the "--"18:40
deaddebateJack, i have a sata drive18:40
geinhspaans: 0.0 on the usb drive which I'm (trying to) partitioning right now18:40
Jack_Sparrowdeaddebate, I understand, just try it18:41
geinhspaans: the main drive is between 0.5 and sometimes as much as 3018:41
deaddebatejack, thanks, will tryu18:42
hspaansgein: 30 is not really to worry about18:42
geinhspaans: mostly a lower number as it seems, close to 018:42
WaspHey, how do I start xmms after having installed it? i've rebooted after installing it and it does not show up under applications.  running just xmms2 in terminal gives me a list of commands to use, none of which seem to be the one i am looking for.  I want the interface to show up; I am running xubuntu18:42
ubottuxmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious, bmpx, or xmms2 instead.18:42
hspaansgein: you can also check with smartmon-tools if you disk is having errors18:42
Waspyeah. sorry, I installed xmms218:42
WaspJack_Sparrow: when I type !xmm2 I get : xmms2 status18:43
Waspif I try to run that command I get:18:43
geinhspaans: apt-get install ...?18:43
arvind_khadrii am getting continously busy box, initramfs18:43
arvind_khadrihow do i rectify that?18:44
Jack_SparrowWasp, I no longer use it so I wont be able to help18:44
geinhspaans: ah.. without -18:44
hspaansgein: smartmontools18:44
Waspanyone else know how to start xmms2?18:44
biomassLector: yes the soundcard is correctly named and the volume is almost max on both meters18:44
Lectorarvind_khadri: try to rebuild initramfs18:44
hspaansgein: only works on SMART-enabled disks18:44
geinhspaans: right18:44
nemoWasp: I use audacious18:44
Lectorbiomass:are the icons green (unmuted) above the sliders ?18:44
arvind_khadriLector, i everytime do update-initramfs...but it doesnt help18:45
aadminStep 2. dont work ( https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html#dvdplayback )18:45
aadminsudo: /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh: command not found18:46
biomassLector: faintly green, more grayish but they have the little soundwaves coming out of the speakers. Also, I noted that I hear a faint hiss in the headphones I'm using and if I try to mute the master volume the hiss disappears.18:46
Decepticonis us.archive.ubuntu.com ( down?18:46
geinis it safe to kill cfdisk while it's performing "Writing partition table to disk"?  :)18:46
Jack_Sparrowgein, no18:46
Decepticoni cannot install, it is stuck on 0%18:46
geinJack_Sparrow: will it harm the disk?18:47
jason__in #dev18:47
geinis there a way to cancel the operation?18:47
Jack_Sparrowgein, it cant do it any good.. leave it for a bit and then kill it if you must18:47
LectorDecepticon: ping gives a response to me18:47
jmarsdenWasp: Install a GUi client fro xmms2 such as gxmms2 and run that?18:47
hspaansgein: you can see what it is doing with : strace -p <pid>18:47
geinJack_Sparrow: it has been left for quite some time now iowait still at max and it doesn't seem to finish18:48
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:48
geinhspaans: no response at all18:48
geinhspaans: attached to process but nothing is printed18:48
Jack_Sparrowgein, do what you have to do...  and also check google on a power saving feature etc on that drive18:49
hspaansgein: like Jack_Sparrow said this isn't good18:49
geinI see18:49
Lectorbiomass:what are you using as input-source ? amarok-file with visual control of sound output ?18:49
Decepticonwhat text browser has text wrapping... elinks cuts off text and i cannot see the rest on the right hand side18:50
Rods_Tigerare there any channels for discussion of the Acer Aspire One or other 'netbooks'?18:50
jmarsdenDecepticon: Try w3m ?18:50
Jack_Sparrowgein, Personally, I would try to shutdown the system and hope it did less damage18:50
biomassLector: I'm using the built-in soundtest in System/Preferences/Sound18:50
LectorRods_Tiger: #hardware maybe18:50
Rods_Tigeraha - thanks18:50
geinJack_Sparrow: okay, hmm18:51
biomassLector: Looks like rhytmbox is giving me sound now but only on the left channel18:52
Lectorbiomass:just to figure it out correctly, take a mp3 down and play it with amarok to have visual control, try again, that input is very short for testing (f.e. music.download.com)18:52
geinJack_Sparrow: kill -9 doesn't seem to have any effect, the process is still there18:52
biomassLector: but that was because my right channel was muted =)18:52
Lectorbiomass:warm, warmer ...18:52
biomassLector: it seems that the test for sound events doesn't play but "Music and Movies" does18:53
JazaI need some help, I'm trying to mount a windows shared drive on a network.18:53
smerzJaza so you want to mount a network shared drive?18:53
smerzshould be straightforward through the gui no?18:54
MaJiKaLLwireless connection seems to reduced to unsuable if let alone, anyone help??!18:54
Svennhey all18:55
Lectorbiomass: it's alwways nice to have visual control until you can hear anything18:55
JazaI'm using the community documentation but I'm stuck on the file credentials section.18:55
Jack_Sparrow!pm > MaJiKaLL18:55
ubottuMaJiKaLL, please see my private message18:55
l1quid-anyone know why its not possible to edit index.html in /var/www over smb?18:55
Lector!nfs | Jaza18:55
ubottuJaza: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.18:55
sysdoc!screen capture18:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about screen capture18:56
JazaI saids to Create a file called .smbcredentials, probably in the home directory of the primary user of the share, I don't know how to create it?18:56
biomassLector: I agree, good tip for next time. I'm a happy camper now though, thanks =)18:56
mrweshit the print screen key?18:56
Svenni have a question; is ndisgtk within the standard unbuntu 8.10 ?18:56
sysdocAnyone know of a screen capture app for gnome?18:56
Lectorbiomass: np, nice18:56
Jack_Sparrowsysdoc, it is installed , unless you are talking webcam stuff18:57
geinJack_Sparrow: reboot doesn't even seem to be enough to get the system down ;)18:57
sysdocJack_Sparrow, mrwes lol thanks just hit the print screen key...doh!18:57
mrwessysdoc: :)18:57
Jack_Sparrowgein, I wish I had an answer18:58
=== Momentum is now known as Maveas
Jack_Sparrowsysdoc, :)18:58
geinJack_Sparrow: I know, i'll go for the hard reset now, brb18:58
vita__hi all18:58
hspaansgein: halt -nf <-- it will go down hard18:58
SvennAnyone know if ndisgtk is in ubuntu, to use the windows wireless drivers ?18:58
=== vita__ is now known as vita
mrwessysdoc: alt print screen will grab just the active window18:58
nicolaswho can give to me the frensh chat plz18:59
styleWhat is the name of the ligthest desktop enviroments? I know it is one where you rigth click for menu.18:59
digitalfyreum is there a KDE package for ubuntu 8.1018:59
style!fr nicolas18:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fr nicolas18:59
Lector Svenn:find out yourself : apt-cache search ndisgtk18:59
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr18:59
vitacould I ask you for help with debugging problems with suspend and hibernation. I'd like to avoid tuxonice, however.18:59
Jazasmerz: any suggestions?19:00
Svennlol, i searched 3 different DVD's but din't try it on ubuntu :D thx *feeling uber-dum*19:00
Lectordigitalfyre: sur, try kubuntu 8.10 :D19:00
succeedI have a question about server install.19:01
gravity1187succeed: what is the question19:01
Jazahelp please?19:01
vari_karinVery often when I try sending offline messages using aMSN, I get this error:  [15:00:46] The following message could not be delivered: (authentication failed)19:01
vari_karinany clue?19:01
LectorJaza: read the nfs-link ?19:01
succeedduring the install, just downloaded the latest server version, I get to the detect drives19:02
MaveasHi guys. I'm looking for some software which can automatic detect new computers connected to a LAN and then enitiate a virus/trojan scan etc.19:02
digitalfyreokay, how do I allow root login from the login-screen guys?19:02
=== lady_ is now known as lady
succeedand it detects my sata raid configuration but fails when I try to activate them19:02
DangerIsGOhey, can anyone help me with my xp/ubuntu dual booting issue?19:02
gravity1187digitalfyre: you can adjust in the config for gdm but it is highly discouraged19:02
vitadigitalfyre: don't do it. Stupidiest thing ever.19:02
l1quid-Maveas: thats a NAC your looking for.19:02
gravity1187succeed: I would send an email to the server mailing list19:03
nosadoes any body know of a good tutorial , to further tweak my new ubuntu install to get more speed, boot up time, performance , and look and feel, thats up to date for intrepid i think ver 8.10?19:03
LectorJaza: also see :19:03
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.  Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/21209819:03
digitalfyrevita, could just add myself to the root group and thats all19:03
digitalfyrething is, i am used to redhat19:03
digitalfyrebeen using it for a while19:03
Maveasl1quid-, thanks, any specific software package which can do the job?19:03
digitalfyrecan't find system-config-network or system-config-samba19:03
vitadigitalfyre: repeat: DON'T DO IT.19:03
digitalfyrevita, hehe okay19:04
l1quid-Maveas: off the top of my head i cant think of any Open Source ones, but Cisco, Symantec, and others (server 2008 has it built in) have commerical versions.19:04
digitalfyrecute, my mp3 is playing but i hear no sound19:04
digitalfyrespeakers are on19:04
raylu!anyone | DangerIsGO19:04
ubottuDangerIsGO: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?19:04
readygoI'm having trouble with configuring a static IP - I used the /etc/network/interfaces config as shown here http://paste.ubuntu.com/98447/ to give myself a static IP of - but a day or two later found that my IP had been reset to (dynamically assigned by my router).  Can anyone tell me what I might be doing wrong?19:04
digitalfyreoh nvm19:04
DangerIsGOIm trying to dual boot xp and ubuntu (ibex) so last night, i wiped my HDD (had to after a f'ed 2000 dual boot w/ xp) and then did a clean install of xp on a 100gb partition, then installed ubuntu on a 40gb partition (both same drive).  now when trying to start the xp in grub, i get one of 3 errors:  error 23 unable to parse number, error 21 unable to locate partition, or disk read erro has occurred when playing with grubs men19:05
Maveasl1quid-, oh, so it could be integrated in a router/firewall?19:05
vitadigitalfyre: Believe me, it is nearly same thing like going with windows and IE  to browse porn19:05
Gentalhaanyone can tell me what is the plugin that make nicks of amsn appear colored?19:05
digitalfyrelol @ vita19:05
raylureadygo: have you tried using the networkmanager applet to do it instead?19:05
digitalfyreIE is the most disgusting thing in the world19:05
vari_karinVery often when I try sending offline messages using aMSN, I get this error: [15:00:46] The following message could not be delivered: (authentication failed) any clue?19:05
readygoraylu: no, looking at it now19:05
digitalfyreapt-get uses YUM, right?19:05
rayludigitalfyre: lol? no19:06
digitalfyreweird, it looks like yum to me in how stuff are fetched and installed19:06
vitadigitalfyre: apt is apt and yum is yum19:06
JazaLector I read the samba section and it advise to use: cifs or smbfs and that's where I got stuck on Create a file called .smbcredentials, probably in the home directory of the primary user of the share, I don't know how to create it?19:06
digitalfyrethis is my day #1 with ubuntu, not used to it19:06
Terabytehi, i'm trying to send files from my ubuntu 7.04 install to a windows xp laptop with a shared folder. how can i do this?19:06
digitalfyreused to Redhat and KDE19:06
rayludigitalfyre: at the high level, they're similar. they do the same thing, after all19:06
digitalfyreraylu, I admit19:06
Lector!apt | digitalfyre19:06
ubottudigitalfyre: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)19:06
DangerIsGOtheres my menu.lst19:07
=== nemozox is now known as nemozox_
rayludigitalfyre: but yum is written in python and deals with rpms and apt is c (c++, i think) and deals with debs. apt-rpm exists, yum-deb doesn't19:07
hspaansdigitalfyre: yum was created about 10 years after apt19:07
DangerIsGOthat gives me error 21 while replace hd4,0 with hd0,0 gives me disk read error has occurred19:07
digitalfyrehspaans, O_o seriously?19:07
digitalfyrebtw, whats equiv to system-config-network in ubuntu?19:07
nosadoes any body know of a good tutorial , to further tweak my new ubuntu install to get more speed, boot up time, performance , and look and feel, thats up to date for intrepid i think ver 8.10?19:07
raylunosa: don't use gnome :D19:08
LectorJaza: let's do it together then, you want to mount a folder on a windows machine..19:08
mrwesuse joe's windows manager :)19:08
=== tomaw is now known as t|test
vari_karinVery often when I try sending offline messages using aMSN, I get this error: [15:00:46] The following message could not be delivered: (authentication failed) <vari_karin>any clue?19:08
=== tomaw_ is now known as tomaw
vitanosa: You want more boot-up time? Then install some daemons and run fsck on every boot.19:09
LectorJaza: the win-machine isn't firewalled and folder sharing on that folder is enabled...19:09
Lector!who | Jaza19:09
ubottuJaza: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about acpi19:09
nosaops i ment less boot time19:10
nosaim sorry :)19:10
LectorJaza: open a terminal on the ubuntu machine...19:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about suspend19:10
BsimsI am having trouble with slrn over ssh via putty it has stopped using the up and down arrows to navigate in the article title mode, it works localy so it must be a unicode problem with my terminal anyone have any ideas?19:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hibernate19:10
JazaLector: no firewall file sharing on19:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about uswsusp19:10
JazaLector: done19:10
hspaansthe gufw developer arround?19:10
vari_karinVery often when I try sending offline messages using aMSN, I get this error: [15:00:46] The following message could not be delivered: (authentication failed) <vari_karin>any clue?19:10
nicolasfrensh serveur plz19:10
LectorJaza: sudo apt-get install smbfs19:11
auntieNe1uh, I'm trying to install vmware server here, and it tells me that the pre-complied ubuntu kernel was built with gcc 4.2.3, but my gcc is version 4.2.4... I tried to downgrade gcc but couldn't19:11
vitaIs there updated uswsusp available for intrepid19:11
vitathe one in repo is outdated19:11
auntieNe1I gave up and I'm compiling a vanila kernel :/19:11
=== error404notfoun2 is now known as error404notfound
LectorJaza: sudo mkdir /media/winshare19:11
nicolaswho hav the frensh serveur plz?19:11
JazaLector: done19:12
CaimAFKquestion: does anyone have a prism wireless card working in a kernel version after 2.6.27? and if so, which driver?19:12
LectorJaza: what is the hostname and the folder on the windos machine ?19:12
=== CaimAFK is now known as Caimlas
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about any19:12
alinuxfani do i log back into my nick after I quit xchat?19:12
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?19:12
vari_karinVery often when I try sending offline messages using aMSN, I get this error: [15:00:46] The following message could not be delivered: (authentication failed) <vari_karin>any clue?19:12
JazaLector: carlos and my document19:13
DangerIsGOIm trying to dual boot xp and ubuntu (ibex) so last night, i wiped my HDD (had to after a f'ed 2000 dual boot w/ xp) and then did a clean install of xp on a 100gb partition, then installed ubuntu on a 40gb partition (both same drive).  now when trying to start the xp in grub, i get one of 3 errors:  error 23 unable to parse number, error 21 unable to locate partition, or disk read erro has occurred when playing with grubs men19:13
GodfatherofEireIs there anyway to get the clearlooks/glossy engine to have the moving status bar like in the Human theme?19:13
Jazait also contains a password19:13
Caimlasvita, I asked my 'real' question to no response (more of a problem description than a question). shall I ask again? it's lengthy.19:13
BsimsJaza: try reinstalling grub to the device19:13
Gentalhaanybody from brazil here too? xP19:13
succeedgravity: thank you I will19:13
kristian_i'm reading this: http://timarcher.com/node/46 - and i want to change the "MaxAuthTries 2" setting which is talked about, but there is no such option in /etc/ssh/sshd_config. any thoughts? i've asked in openssh channel.19:13
kristian_but no reply after a long time.19:14
JazaLector: it also contains a password19:14
=== alinuxfan is now known as alinuxfan2
Bsimser that was aimed at DangerIsGO not Jaza19:14
vitaCaimlas: http://www.uruk.org/orig-grub/errors.html19:14
DangerIsGObsims, i did19:14
BsimsI am having trouble with slrn over ssh via putty it has stopped using the up and down arrows to navigate in the article title mode, it works localy so it must be a unicode problem with my terminal anyone have any ideas?19:14
DangerIsGOsame thing19:14
DangerIsGOi did some googling, but to no avail19:14
BsimsDangerIsGO: Hrm do you have a seperate hd?19:14
LectorJaza: the hostname of the win machine is carlos ?19:14
vari_karinVery often when I try sending offline messages using aMSN, I get this error: [15:00:46] The following message could not be delivered: (authentication failed) <vari_karin>any clue?19:14
DangerIsGOi eman19:15
Caimlasvita, that doesn't pertain to me.19:15
vitaDangerIsGO: http://www.uruk.org/orig-grub/errors.html19:15
DangerIsGOi do, but its not on a seperate HDD19:15
JazaLector: yes19:15
CaimlasI've got a curious problem with my wifi not working (or, seemingly, NetworkManager, but one thing at a time) after an upgrade to Intrepid from Hardy (8.04.1). With either the default 2.6.27-9-generic or 2.6.27-3-rt kernels, I get a bunch of "wifi0: invalid skb->cb magic" errors in the syslog when I try and associate with an AP. wifi still works fine w/ the old kernel (2.6.24-22-generic) from hardy. wifi card is "Intersil Corpo19:15
Caimlasration Prism 2.5 Wavelan chipset (rev 01)" (ie hostap_pci) in a thinkpad x30. I've read online of someone with the same problem, and they found it worked with the livecd, just not with the upgrade. might there be some files interfering with the functionality of the intrepid kernels I'm missing, or might there be a known bug?19:15
BsimsDangerIsGO: the easiest way I found to dual boot is to install linux to its own hd, make it primary and then chainboot grub to call the windows native bootloader on its own device19:15
LectorJaza: and the folder is located on c:/my document   ?19:16
JazaLector: is hostname same as username?19:16
vitaCaimlas: Not sure if it helps you, but once I had something like that19:16
DangerIsGOi would do that, but i dont have anymore physical room in my case for another hdd, heh19:16
Caimlasnow, for a question pertaining to trying to fix the problem (as I've narrowed it down a bit): does anyone have a prism wireless card working in a kernel version after 2.6.27? and if so, which driver?19:16
red_devil2usa BuDuScRiPt [ http://digilander.libero.it/udasoft/Software/Linux/buduscript ]19:16
red_devil2Version 3.0.5919:16
red_devil2By  U D A ' S o f t w a r e19:16
JazaLector: yes19:16
vari_karinVery often when I try sending offline messages using aMSN, I get this error: [15:00:46] The following message could not be delivered: (authentication failed) <vari_karin>any clue?19:16
GodfatherofEireCaimlas: Unfortunately, that seems to be a problem with upgrading from Hardy to Intrepid, the wireless seems to flop when upgrading19:16
LectorJaza: nope, this is why I ask19:16
BsimsHrm sorry not dual booted this century, so I am not gonna be much help19:16
vita Caimlas: it was also hostap driver19:16
LectorJaza: do you have the ip of the win-machine ?19:17
vita Caimlas: try rmmod orinoko and then modprobe hostap19:17
DangerIsGOwell im installing feisty right now to see if it works, then ill check the menu.lst file to see if there are any differences19:17
SmiterIs there a way to switch from Gnome to KDE19:17
Jazais hostname name given to the PC on the network?19:17
CaimlasGodfatherofEire, you encounter the problem/know the fix?19:17
Caimlasvita, ah, intrepid uses orinoco by default?19:17
JazaLector:  is hostname name given to the PC on the network19:17
rayluSmiter: install kubuntu desktop. try #kubuntu19:18
CaimlasI ran into that... uh, a good year ago with a debian upgrade, I think.19:18
sztomiis it possible to play a dvd-audio in ubuntu? I tried totem, vlc and mplayer, none worked.19:18
rayluSmiter: *kubuntu-desktop19:18
digitalfyremeh, still cant find system-config-network for ubuntu19:18
Smiterfrom apt-get19:18
LectorJaza: ok then, let's try :19:18
CaimlasGodfatherofEire, would the problem not exist with a fresh install, and if that is the case, do you know what the difference might be?19:18
LectorSmiter: yes19:18
vitaCaimlas: No. In Feisty discover probably confused these.19:18
rayluSmiter: ...19:18
Smiter10x :)19:18
vitaCaimlas: Try it. Perhaps it will help.19:18
Caimlasvita, feisty was never on this computer.19:18
JazaLector: if hostname is name of PC then is rec-room19:19
josher4I use Rocket Dock for Windows right now... Is it possible to get the "Mac Dock" in Ubuntu?19:19
vitaCaimlas: Thet doesn't matter. I was dealing with this on Feisty only. Could be same for you.19:19
kristian_i'm reading this: http://timarcher.com/node/46 - and i want to change the "MaxAuthTries 2" setting which is talked about, but there is no such option in /etc/ssh/sshd_config. any thoughts? i've asked in openssh channel, and waited ages for an answer but no luck!19:19
GodfatherofEireCaimlas, it is very possible that it might not exist on a fresh install, seeing as how that is what all of us were told by some of the ops here, because it seemed to be a VERY common problem19:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dock19:19
Caimlasvita, preventing orinoco from loading on boot can be in modules.conf right? can't recall.19:20
vari_karinVery often when I try sending offline messages using aMSN, I get this error: [15:00:46] The following message could not be delivered: (authentication failed)19:20
vari_karin<vari_karin>any clue?19:20
vari_karinVery often when I try sending offline messages using aMSN, I get this error: [15:00:46] The following message could not be delivered: (authentication failed) <vari_karin>any clue?19:20
FloodBot1vari_karin: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:20
LectorJaza: sudo mount -t cifs //rec-room/my"document  /media/winshare19:20
vitaCaimlas: Right, but first try it manually.19:21
vari_karinhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/98469/ any clue?19:21
illmortalAnyone know how to get grub to show Windows XP? I just installed Ubuntu 8.10 and for some reason when I start my computer grub doesn't kick in and give me a list of OS to choose from.19:21
mgolischillmortal: pres esc during the countdown19:21
vitaCaimlas: Damn it. Sorry. It is in /etc/modules/blacklist or so19:21
JazaLector: now I see a > on the terminal19:21
mgolischit should show the menu then @ illmortal19:21
=== GodfatherofEire1 is now known as GodfatherofEire
geingah, the system load is killing me 13 now! I can't seem to get the iowait time down :(19:22
sztomijosher4: try cairo-dock or awn. there's a third one which I don't remember :)19:22
illmortalmgolisch unfortunately it doesn't even show a count down. it just goes straight to ubuntu as if ubuntu was the only OS installed on the machine.19:22
sztomidvd-audio, anyone?19:22
Caimlasvita, ah right, thanks19:22
josher4sztomi: Thx19:22
mgolischillmortal: so you installed windows afterwards?19:22
LectorJaza: can you : cd /media                   ?19:23
Caimlasgein, huh what're you doing to make a high load?19:23
geinCaimlas: right now, just running vmware server19:23
askerethSeveas: are you there?19:23
digitalfyrethere is a system-config-network in Ubuntu, right?19:24
JazaLector: no all I get is ">" sign?19:24
vitaCaimlas: Did it help?19:24
geini'm not sure how to trouble shoot this problem anymore, as soon as I do any disk operations, iowait peaks19:24
=== decay_ is now known as decay
mgolischdigitalfyre: that sounds like redhat19:24
trevorHow would I go about finding the base address of my ps/2 Mouse port? I know that cat /proc/ioports lists the currently used ioports and their modules...but since it isn't being used I don't know the base number.19:25
geinsmartmon-tools didn't show any errors on any of the three (SMART-enabled) drives19:25
digitalfyremgolisch, I am used to redhat, is there any equiv to it in ubuntu?>19:25
LectorJaza: open a second terminal (or use a second tab) to get a cmd-prompt back19:25
mgolischdigitalfyre: network-admin probably19:25
LectorJaza: cd /media19:25
mgolischgein: do you copy between partitions on the same disk?19:25
digitalfyremgolisch, nope..19:25
LectorJaza: cd winshare19:25
LectorJaza: ls19:26
dfrey|workgein: What problem are you having?19:26
geinmgolisch: I have tried copying locally (on the same disk) and between SATA -> USB and SATA -> another SATA19:26
LectorJaza: any files there ?19:26
Caimlasvita, that would require a reboot to get into the .27 kernel; on the hardy .24 kernel atm19:26
geindfrey|work: the iowait seems to peak really easily19:26
mgolischgein: i have only seen it go crazy like for stuff on the same disk19:26
JazaLector: no files19:26
geincausing the system load to go crazy19:26
geinand in worst case freezing the whole system19:26
dfrey|workgein: Have you tried running the disk manufacturer's diagnostics tools?19:27
geindfrey|work: no, I'm not aware of any such tool19:27
srx2002hi guys/gals   quick question...I'm trying to learn a little bit of the command line, I know how to run a program from the terminal eg: vlc....and it pops up and runs fine...but how do I get back to my prompt after the program has been started so I can contnue to do other things?19:28
trevorwait that will stop your program19:28
trevorjust open another tab19:28
LectorJaza: are you using ibex ?19:28
illmortal1sorry about that mgolisch....19:28
ikoniasrx2002: saying anyone is pointless19:28
l-islasrx2002: its ctrl+z to put the program in the background19:29
illmortal1did you get my last message about how I have my setup, mgolisch?19:29
Lectorsrx2002: ctrl & c19:29
srx2002ok, thanks19:29
JazaLector: what is ibex?19:29
l-islasrx2002: then type bg to make it continue as a background process19:29
DangerIsGOthis is interesting, i installed feisty and went to boot xp, and booted no problem19:29
digitalfyredarn, cant find the network config dialog19:29
Caimlassrx2002, you can launch the program and break it from terminal with: programname &19:29
LectorJaza: ubuntu 8.10 = ibex intrepid, ubuntu 8.04 = hardy heron19:29
sztomidvd-audio playback, anyone?19:29
dfrey|workgein: seatools for example is seagate's software.  http://www.seagate.com/www/en-us/support/downloads/seatools19:30
geindfrey|work: yes it's a seagate disk, I'll look into that19:30
illmortal1anyone know why ubuntu loads automatically without grub starting prior?19:30
Caimlassrx2002, that is, put the ampersand after the program name. slight caveat: any output which would normally be echoed to stdout will still be echoed to that terminal. some programs have options to squelch such output19:30
Caimlasillmortal, it doesn't.19:30
dfrey|workgein: Get the DOS version.  It creates a bootable CD.19:30
JazaLector: ibex19:31
Caimlasillmortal, you need to hit esc when the comptuer first boots/gives you the grub prompt. it's a very brief (1s or so) flash on the screen19:31
Caimlasillmortal, that'll give you te grub menu19:31
illmortal1Caimlas, ok I'll attempt it. Thanks19:31
jedi06i know i installed apache how do i get rid of it it doesn't show under add/remove programs19:32
LectorJaza: under apps > computer > network > add network folder19:32
ikoniajedi06: open synaptic, find apache2 hit remove or purge19:32
geindfrey|work: thanks19:32
mcnellisI plug my iphone into f-spot and it detects the camera, but does not detect any of my photos on the camera roll19:34
JazaLector: I don't see computer in apps?19:34
illmortal1Alright... I hit ESC when I boot up the PC, I got the grub menu, but Windows XP is not showing on the OS list.19:34
kian1hello everybody! i'm trying to play a dvd with gnome mplayer, so i installed everything i needed (according to a tutorial), but the playback is very slow and out of sync with the audio. what can i do? thanks19:34
mcnellisI'm not sure if it's because I have the latest version of the iPhone firmware or b/c I've upgraded to Ubuntu 8.1019:34
illmortal1I installed Ubuntu after Windows XP19:34
cliff_hi everyone. Got a problem - downloaded some mp3 files and ubuntu refuses to play them. No error - just won't play. However they are not corrupted - my external mp3 player handles them very well. Please help me19:35
jedi06what is .local in my home directory takeing almost a gb of space?19:35
Odd-rationale!mp3 | cliff_19:35
ubottucliff_: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:35
LectorJaza: which surface do you use ? gnome ? kde ?19:35
JazaLector: Gnome19:36
LeeJunFanIs there a gnome counterpart to ksnapshot which has more options for grabbing screenshots by region/window/screen?19:36
LectorJaza: should be places > network then,19:37
dstarIs there a way to adjust the volume of the system bell other than xset b? Even with xset b 100, mine is still very quiet...19:37
JazaLector: I'm in networks now19:37
JazaLector: there is nothing in network though?19:38
cliff_Odd-rationale: I have that codecs installed but still can't play those files19:38
JazaLector: There is windows network> workgroups, and nothing else?19:39
Odd-rationalecliff_: ubuntu-restricted-extras ?19:39
illmortal1Can someone assist me in getting Windows XP to show on my grub menu? I just checked menu.lst and it's not even on the list19:39
cliff_Odd-rationale: yes, and many more19:39
Odd-rationalecliff_: what player are you using?19:39
doglinoin ubuntu there's a compiler to C++ ?19:40
ikoniadoglino: gcc19:40
cliff_Odd-rationale: tried different: vlc, rhythmbox, exaile,  banshee, amarok - no difference19:40
dfrey|workdoglino: g++ is a c++ compiler19:40
Lector Jaza: can you find the win machine machine there somewhere ?19:40
JazaLector: correction the rec-room PC just appeared under workgroups but still empty?19:40
LectorJaza: good sign19:40
doglinoubuntu has g++ per default?19:41
JazaLector: the PC is there but nothing in it19:41
n8tuserillmortal1- it has to be added in,  see the sample in the comments section19:41
Odd-rationalecliff_: are these from iTunes?19:41
LectorJaza: on the win-machine, did you set the my documents folder for sharing ?19:41
cliff_Odd-rationale: no I downloaded them from a torrent tracker19:42
Jonydoes anyone know much about avant window manager?19:42
Dante123what is better than network mangler....since upgrade from 8.04 to 8.11....networking works...but tray applet says not connected19:42
SlybootsHello, Is there a way to check what "version" of Ubuntu Im running19:42
JazaLector: wait one let me check19:42
LectorJaza: also is there neither a dedicated softfirewall nor the win fw on ?19:42
SlybootsI booted my server up for the first time in a long while, I've forgotten what version Im running19:42
Jonydoes anyone know much about avant window manager?19:42
cliff_Odd-rationale: I thought they were corrupted, but then tried to copy them to my mp3 player - and it plays them well19:42
* mib_fv28xw joined #ubuntu19:42
Jonydoes anyone know much about avant window manager?19:42
Odd-rationalecliff_: what happens if you run "vlc /path/to/*.mp3" from the command line? any errors?19:42
Lector!version | Slyboots19:42
ubottuSlyboots: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »19:42
Jonydoes anyone know much about avant window manager?19:43
cliff_Odd-rationale: just a second19:43
wigrenHi. I'm having a strange problem. Recently my computer has been instantly turning its self off. But when it turns off the power light flashes and I cant turn it back on. I have to cut the power and wait a few seconds. It started happening when the boot process was done but before the login screen. If I leave my monitor off during the boot up it doesn't happen. But if I watch a video or play...19:43
wigren...a few music tracks the computer instantly turns off.19:43
Odd-rationale!repeat | Jony19:43
ubottuJony: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience19:43
SlybootsAhh, Thank you 7.10 Gutsy19:43
Slyboots:) Now I just need to get this USB wireless going hehe19:43
illmortal1n8tuser, what's makeactive?19:43
Lectorwigren: checked bios battery ?19:44
Odd-rationaleJony: might want to try #awn as well19:44
saler_wigren | do u mean standby19:44
wigrenLector: I've never changed it, in years. But I didn't know that could cause this.19:44
n8tuserillmortal1- i dont remember the fine details you ahve to google for such, but it is used...to get windows to boot19:44
stygianhow do i get this little "new restricted drivers in use" icon to go away?19:44
JazaLector: the folder is being shared19:44
cliff_Odd-rationale: no error - and the timer goes, but no sound. Have to say that vlc is the only player where the timer goes on these files19:44
Odd-rationalecliff_: does any sound work at all?19:45
Lectorwigren: little unusal, but possible, next checks : cpu-temp and voltages of power supply19:45
wigrensaler_: I guess. The light flashes like it's in standby, but it wont come back up. I have to pull the cord from the wall and wait till the light stops flashing.19:45
cliff_Odd-rationale: yes, everything, including other mp3 files working perfect19:45
Lectorwigren: then ram19:45
dublpawsanyone know of an opengl terminal?19:45
mib_fgk1773xHI , Is there anyone can help me how to setup my dial-up modem in ubuntu ?19:46
wigrenLector: test the ram with memtest? What about cpu temp and the like?19:46
SlybootsOkay, I think I might be screwed19:46
Lectormib_fgk1773x: modem directly connecte to eth-card ?19:46
SlybootsThis needs.. ndiswraper19:46
* mib_fv28xw is considering leaving #ubuntu19:46
mib_fgk1773xSOMEONE , please guide me how to setup my dial-up modem in ubuntu19:47
badfish69why can't i read large compactflash cards?19:47
ubottuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up19:47
Lectorwigren: (this is ubuntu here) look into your bios19:47
grrankis there a chanel for wine and ubuntu ? or simply wine help /19:47
Odd-rationalecliff_: can i pm you real quick?19:47
LectorJaza: so no fw and folder is shared ?19:47
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs19:48
cliff_Odd-rationale: yes, you re welcome19:48
JazaLector: no fw and folder is shared19:48
jmarsdenwigren: Is you have a spare PSU, swap it out... I have seen the "flashing power LED" thing on a corporate Windows XP box where it was the PSU going bad...19:48
Lector!wine > grrank19:48
ubottugrrank, please see my private message19:48
badfish69ubuntu won't read my 1gb compactflash card, but it has no trouble with my 32mb cards19:48
darkspirit221Hello, I need some help sharing an internet connection through an ethernet cable so if someone could help me please, I want to share this connection with a ubuntu computer, I'm using Vista right now. Thanks19:48
grrankLector: thank you!19:48
* mib_fv28xw is quite decided to leave #ubuntu by now19:48
LectorJaza : and if you reopen the rec-room, still no folder showing up ?19:48
stygian!dialup > mib_fgk1773x19:49
ubottumib_fgk1773x, please see my private message19:49
badfish69darkspirit221: you need a switch19:49
Lectormib_fgk1773x: modem directly connecte to eth-card ?19:49
wigrenjmarsden: It may be the PSU. I've heard emachines PSUs suck. I'm just trying to round up ideas before I take it apart or make any purchases19:49
n8tuser!ics | darkspirit22119:49
ubottudarkspirit221: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php19:49
stygianheres what id do mib_fgk1773x19:49
JazaLector: correct19:49
darkspirit221badfish69, can't I do it without one?19:49
stygianid click on the network manager icon at the top right of my screen, select the point-to-point connection, and enter the info.19:49
stygiandarkspirit221: im sure vista still has internet connection sharing19:50
badfish69!ics | darkspirit22119:50
ubottudarkspirit221: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php19:50
LectorJaza: let's try sth else then, rename the folder on the win machine to mydocument  (without blank, and realize linux is case-sensitiv (capitals)19:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about compactflash19:50
copprough... build errors. For some reason, after compiling, I get a complaint about non-existent SO files... wtf?19:50
darkspirit221n8tuser, badfish69, I don't want to share the internet connection of my ubuntu machine, I want to share the connection of vista.19:50
stygiandarkspirit221: ive no experience with vista but with xp all you do is select your 'main' internet connection in control panel and right click it, enable sharing. piece of cake19:50
n8tuserdarkspirit221- may i usher you to #windows  help desk?  vista is windows supported yes?19:51
gaintsurahow to manually mount cdrom drive? I forgot19:51
darkspirit221stygian, yes it does, but I tried it with no success, the ubuntu machine said it was connected but I had no internet.19:51
lukeWis anyone here able to help me debug some output from make?19:51
lukeWor does anyone know a good place to ask for help?19:51
JazaLector: wait one19:51
Lectorgaintsura: man mount19:51
copprowait... wtf?19:51
badfish69darkspirit221:  then you need #windows19:51
Seveasaskereth, I'm here now19:51
copprosince when is /usr/local/lib not in the default ldd search path?19:51
darkspirit221badfish69, so it's really a windows problem heh... Ok, I'll try it in there, thanks19:52
Terabytehey i have some files on ubuntu, i have openssh installed on ubuntu, and sftp client on xp, how can i acces these files from xp?19:52
digialfyrehum if i need to add something to "sources.list" where's this file?19:52
=== siofwolves is now known as vortex
Seveasdigialfyre, /etc/apt/sources.list19:53
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digialfyrethanks Seveas19:53
mib_fgk1773xScanModem not work for me , i get no information about my modem in modeminfo.txt19:53
mib_fgk1773xwhat i do ?19:53
n8tusercoppro- what made you think it does not?19:53
=== si is now known as siof
JazaLector: just realized that the actual folder name is Document not my document.19:53
coppron8tuser: because my program wouldn't run until I ran `export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib'19:54
mib_fgk1773xHow can i use SCAN MODEM ?19:54
n8tusercoppro - did you ever check your ld.so.conf ?19:54
LectorJaza: sudo mount -t cifs //rec-room/Document  /media/winshare19:54
coppron8tuser: there is such a thing? ld.so manpage says nothing of the sort19:55
stygianmib_fgk1773x: i dont know personally, you might want to spend some time reading the instructions.19:55
SlybootsAre there any Wifi setup guides fro Ubuntu..that work in Console mode?19:55
Lectormib_fgk1773x: modem directly connecte to eth-card ?19:55
SlybootsMy machine does not have X installed19:55
SlybootsAnd auto-detect and config has either failed, or is not installed19:55
stygianModems do not connect to ethernet cards.19:55
Lectorstygian: ppoe ? sure19:56
coppron8tuser: /etc/ld.so.conf.d/libc.conf includes /usr/local/lib19:56
FlyingBishopI've got intrepid server installed on an old laptop, and the pcmcia ethernet card doesn't work, since pcmciautils doesn't come with server. There are a number of other packages I'd like to install too. The USB drive does work. What's the best way to go about downloading the required packages and their dependencies?19:56
JazaLector:  I got this message "mount error: could not find target server. TCP name rec-room/Document not found No ip address specified and hostname not found"19:56
stygiandsl and cable modems arent even properly called modems afaia. theyre bridges19:56
nemostygian: um19:56
LectorJaza: gksudo edit /etc/fstab19:57
isleshocky77One of my files is showing up with ls as all ?'s as the attributes. I can't delete it and when I run ls I get this: "ls: cannot access the_file.avi: Input/output error"19:57
isleshocky77I tried running chmod chown and chattr but all of them give me that same error.19:57
mcnellisI had an external harddrive with a bunch of stuff backed up and recently I've noticed a lot of the data is gone19:57
gaintsuraOk, so I'm having problems burning another copy of ubuntu.. downloaded a fresh iso lastnight, burned it once this morning and it failed, tried 2 simulations after that and they 'failed', anyone have any ideas? burning with Brasero19:57
mcnellisthe folders show up in ubuntu, but not on a mac19:57
isleshocky77I also tried deleting it with the same result.19:57
mcnellisand on ubuntu the folders have no contents19:57
zichoim having some bluetooth troubles... "hcitool dev" gives me "hci0    00:15:83:10:1E:37" but when i try to do "hcitool scan" (like a bluetooth guide asked me to do) i get "Inquiry failed: Connection timed out". What could be wrong? I have a bluetooth usb stick19:57
nemostygian: cable modems do in fact do analog/digital modulation/demodulation19:57
Lectorgaintsura: try again with k3b19:57
nemostygian: I'm not as familiar with DSL, but there may be something similar going on there too19:57
stygiantrue they do19:58
stygianall forms of telecom have since 70s or 80s19:58
illmortalCan someone please assist me in getting windows XP back? I'm using one hard drive that's partitioned into 3: NTFS (win xp), EXT2 (storage), and EXT3 (Ubuntu) Both NTFS and storage partitions are not showing!19:58
mcnellisI remember deleting what I thought was a copy of all the data which somehow ended up in my music. I think the problem is the links have gone all out of whack, possibly from not unmounting correctly?19:58
mib_fgk1773xi have a toshiba m300 laptop and i want to setup my dial up modem in it , i read the wiki it said i should use ScanModem tool to see what my modem is then download its drivers , but ScanModem not working for me , i recieve no informations about my modem19:58
nemostygian: well. there yah go.  MoDem :)19:58
stygianbut when a person says 'my modem' theyre 99% talking about dialup19:58
JazaLector: now i get this "Warning: unknown mime-type for "/etc/fstab" -- using "application/*"Error: no "edit" mailcap rules found for type "application/*"19:58
nemostygian: that's not what you said though :)19:58
mcnellisit's an ext3 format ... is there some sort of data tree rebuilding I could do to possibly find these files?19:58
Dante123what is better than network mangler....since upgrade from 8.04 to 8.11....networking works...but tray applet says not connected19:59
nemostygian: you said they weren't properly *called* modems - but "cable modem" is an accurate description of what it does, as well as the accepted name19:59
stygianoh well19:59
LectorJaza: fstab open or not ?19:59
illmortalGod this new Ubuntu sucks already -.-;19:59
gaintsuraLector: downloading k3b now..19:59
illmortalCan someone please assist me in getting windows XP back? I'm using one hard drive that's partitioned into 3: NTFS (win xp), EXT2 (storage), and EXT3 (Ubuntu) Both NTFS and storage partitions are not showing!19:59
MimiHow do I find out what driver (mod?) my wireless card uses, so I can reload it? My wireless keeps disconnecting itself regardless of whos connection I use (mine, library, campus)  card is Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG19:59
nemoillmortal: are you sure you did not wipe the partitions?19:59
Lectorgaintsura: don't burn at full speed, and before :19:59
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows19:59
Terabytehey i have some files on ubuntu, i have openssh installed on ubuntu, and sftp client on xp, how can i acces these files from xp?20:00
gaintsuraLector: I was burning a 10X as apposed to 26+20:00
illmortalI'm more than positive nemo, I created a new partition using LiveCD then installed Ubuntu onto the new 100gb partition that I created prior to installation.20:00
nemoillmortal: do they show up in a sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda  ?20:00
Lectorgaintsura: sry then20:00
JazaLector: this is what I have on cmd line "ion/*"carlos@kitchen:~$ "20:00
Slybootsffs, Anyone know ift here is a *working* guide for setting u a USB wifi card?20:00
|unjustice|I am trying to installing ubunutu hardy heron on a Dell Inspiron 4300, and I am trying to partition hard drives to be fat32 for /home and /usr and /...but I cannot moun, do I have to use a different filesystem?20:00
n8tuserMimi - sudo lshw -C network20:00
Jack_SparrowPiTeR, please stop20:00
LectorJaza: sudo gedit /etc/fstab20:01
ubottuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl20:01
nemoillmortal: as a matter of fact, pastebin your fdisk output20:01
calrogma1Where are OpenSSH server logs kept?20:01
illmortalnemo it's showin!, and I'll paste bin it for you!20:01
Jack_SparrowLector, Please use gksudo NOT sudo for gui apps20:01
Mimin8tuser, thanks very much, spot on20:01
n8tusercalrogma1 -> look at your sshd configs to find out20:01
FlyingBishopcalcrogma1: If you're just looking for login attempts, /var/log/auth.log | grep ssh should do you20:01
nemoillmortal: one possibility is, you resized those partitions to make room for ubuntu20:01
nemoillmortal: and they are now tagged dirty20:02
=== troy_ is now known as BLuEACiD
nemoand need to be checkdisked by XP on XP boot20:02
illmortalnemo: http://pastebin.ca/129851020:02
JazaLector: in fstab right now20:02
abecan anyone help me retrieve password for a *.rar file20:02
runenesI've got one network interface eth0 connected to the internet. Then I've got a wireless interface wlan0 connected ad-hoc to a different laptop. Any pointers for how to route the traffic so the second laptop can have internet through the first?20:02
rascal999when i try and record with mic i plays back a beat sound, any ideas?20:02
n8tuser!warez  | abe20:02
ubottuabe: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o20:02
LectorJaza: scroll down, add a line :20:02
illmortalnemo lol I can't even get windows xp to boot in the first place.20:02
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).20:02
nemoillmortal: when you installed, ubuntu did include XP in your list of grub OSes?20:02
stygianwhat is that one called20:02
illmortalGrub didn't even pop up during installation20:03
nemoillmortal: dude20:03
DILf8 then fix mbr20:03
illmortalnemo ^20:03
nemoillmortal: there are no windows partiitions there.. none20:03
nemoillmortal: they all say linux20:03
nemonot a single NTFS one20:03
Jack_Sparrow!enter > nemo20:03
ubottunemo, please see my private message20:03
savvasabe: search at www.google.com the file name of the rar file20:03
illmortalwhich is wrong, nemo.. because the very first one is the Windows XP partition @ 80gb20:03
nemoillmortal: nope. that is not it at all. you erased your XP partition20:04
JazaLector: I scrolled down, how do I add line, hit enter?20:04
LectorJaza: //rec-room/Document  /media/winshare cifs username = blabla  password = blabla  0  020:04
josher4sztomi: Which dock program would you recommend? Cario-dock or awn?20:04
nemoillmortal: the first one is the ubuntu boot partition.20:04
abesavvas: i cant find anything .. there are a lot of softwares20:04
runenesubottu, I'm guessing that was for me so I'll read up on iptables then, thank you20:04
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:04
nemoillmortal: your layour is a small boot partition, a main partition and a swap partition.  that's it20:04
illmortalhow is that possible if all i did was create a new partition on the same drive, then installed it onto that partition.20:04
LectorJaza: where you set blabla to your win-usermae and password20:04
nemoillmortal: well, because that's not what you did.20:04
LectorJaza: where you set blabla to your win-username and password20:05
illmortalthat's all I did <,<20:05
nemoillmortal: which is odd, since the installer default is to resize these days.  so unless you manually told it to blow away your existing structure...20:05
savvasabe: well.. sorry, out of ideas :)20:05
illmortalit's not hard to create a partition then install onto that partition.20:05
abesavvas:  i tried one but it required 3 yrs to complete20:05
illmortalalright screw windows xp... can I still bring back the storage partition?20:05
abeis it possible to recover passwords for rar files20:05
driva2009Evening guys, can anyone tell me if your linux distro uses anything built or made with GTK please?20:05
nemoillmortal: welp. sorry. you destroyed it.  if you are confident that you did your resizing correctly, it may be this happened later, and you can *try* recovering original parition table - however, I wouldn't give you good odds of this. you need to immediately shut down the machine20:06
stygiangnome is all gtk isnt it?20:06
nemoillmortal: before further data destruction occurs20:06
FlyingBishopyes gnome is gtk20:06
MaveasAny africans here?20:06
sztomijosher4: when I used it, cairo-dock seemed faster and more stable, and offered more effects than awn20:06
savvasabe: I didn't tell you to find software to crack it, but search at google with the filename, for example: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=%22this+is+a+filename.rar%2220:06
JazaLector: add 00 at end of line?20:06
FlyingBishopSo Ubuntu is basically entirely gtk20:06
illmortalok i don't care for windows xp right now... my main concern is gettin my other partition to show20:06
KineticWashI just installed ubuntu 8.1 and it is not recognziing my wireless card at all. I have a ralink 802.11n card. I did an lshw and only the wired ethernet card shows up. Halp!20:06
MaveasWhat is the african name for gaming / joy / fun?20:06
illmortalwhich is a ext2 partition20:06
josher4sztomi: Where can I get it?20:06
savvasFlyingBishop: and ncurses (command line) :)20:07
=== FriedCPU is now known as FRiEd|BnC
nemoillmortal: you don't have any other partition. you erased it. it is gone20:07
illmortalI erased 2 partitions?!?!?!?20:07
abeactually its a personal file.. but i forgot the password20:07
nemoillmortal: if there is any data at all in windows that you cared about, you would need to go through complex data recovery20:07
arcad3hi! firefox in 8.10 seems buggy20:07
FlyingBishopsavvas: I consider ncurses Debian. Which is why I occasionally claim to use Debian20:07
abei contains a lot of important files..20:07
savvasMaveas: try #ubuntu-za - South africans ought to know something, but there are a lot of languages spoken in Africa20:07
arcad3can i paste my error?20:07
|unjustice|I am trying to install ubuntu hardy heron... partitioning drives, and formatting to fat32, and I am running into trouble. Not allowed to do so.20:07
nemoillmortal: ah. it is getting across, finally. I repeat. your only chance at the moment is to *hope* you didn't do a full disc format, shut down, try to recover the partitions.  or else, give up on 'em20:07
=== FRiEd|BnC is now known as FriedCPU
nemoillmortal: the partition table clearly says you have a boot partition, a single ubuntu main partition, and a swap.  that's all.20:08
illmortalhow do i try to recover the other partition?20:08
stygian|unjustice|: why not just use ext2/3?20:08
abelike my username -password lsit20:08
n8tuserFlyingBishop -> umm ncurses is not owned by such.. :)20:08
FlyingBishop|unjustics|: Are you trying to format root to fat32?20:08
|unjustice|FlyingBishop: yes20:08
FlyingBishopYou shouldn't do that20:08
FlyingBishopUse Ext220:08
FlyingBishopor Ext320:08
illmortalI need my ext2 partition back.20:08
FlyingBishopIf you need fat32, make /home fat3220:09
sztomijosher4: cairo-dock is in universe, you can install it using System->Administration->Synaptic Package Manager OR if you are familiar with the command line then: sudo apt-get install cairo-dock20:09
nemoillmortal: I repeat again. your only practical hope for recovery is IF you did not format the disc during install.  at which point you must *immediately* shut down the machine before further writes occur.20:09
nemoillmortal: after that, you can try a partition recovery tool.  there are a couple.20:09
zichoim having some bluetooth troubles... "hcitool dev" gives me "hci0    00:15:83:10:1E:37" but when i try to do "hcitool scan" (like a bluetooth guide asked me to do) i get "Inquiry failed: Connection timed out". What could be wrong? I have a bluetooth usb stick20:09
Jack_Sparrowillmortal, Shut it down and get a livecd NOW20:09
badfish69any ideas why my ubuntu install won't read a 1gb compactflash? it can read my 32mb cf cards just fine, and vista reads the 1gb card20:09
nemoillmortal: they work by scanning through your disc, finding the starts of partitions and tagging them.  you will still likely have massive data loss.20:09
illmortalalright im shutting down and using LiveCD, what is LiveCD gonna do? what do I need to do?20:09
savvasFlyingBishop: aptitude has ncurses and is included in Ubuntu. Ubuntu server is mostly console-based - you can't say the whole ubuntu is gtk (well.. perhaps the default pre-installed packages), but you have kubuntu and xubuntu derivatives as well20:09
josher4sztomi: lol, im a noob to linux, i think i'll go through the package manager.20:09
Jack_Sparrowillmortal, It will keep you from overwriting things you want to save20:10
ranmahello! I have 3 partitions, /sda1 where I mount /home, /sda2 for swap and sdb1. sdb1 is ext3 and i want to automount home there. how do i do that?20:10
stygiankde uses qt but i believe xfce is gtk20:10
nemoas a matter of fact. I'd just power off the machine20:10
illmortalfine... how do i recover my partition ><::::::::::::20:10
nemoscrew a safe shut down, that just means more bad writes20:10
Dante123what is better than network mangler....since upgrade from 8.04 to 8.11....networking works...but tray applet says not connected20:10
Jack_Sparrowillmortal, that is beyond the scope of this channel20:10
ranmastygian: xfce IS gtk20:10
JazaLector: hit enter and save, with 00 at end?20:10
abeis it possible to recover passwords for rar files20:10
copprobug 28453620:11
nemoillmortal: recovery is not guaranteed by any means, however, having done something similar to what you did, although not as bad, I managed an almost complete recovery using gpart20:11
copprooops, nvm20:11
KineticWashI just installed ubuntu 8.1 and it is not recognziing my wireless card at all. I have a ralink 802.11n card. I did an lshw and only the wired ethernet card shows up. Halp!20:11
nemoillmortal: the essential process is to locate the starts and ends of the old partitions using gpart, recreate the partition table, then pray that the filesystem can be fixed20:11
nemoillmortal: depending on where the old partitions were located on the disc you may have lost everything, or it may mostly recover20:12
ranmahello! I have 3 partitions, /sda1 where I mount /, /sda2 for swap and sdb1. sdb1 is ext3 and i want to automount /home there. how do i do that?20:12
Dante123KineticWash go system-administrator-hardware drivers and see if there is a proprietary driver to use for your wireless20:12
nemoillmortal: if this procedure does not work, your only other option is to attempt partial file recovery using a more in-depth tool that scans the disc for file signatures.20:12
LectorJaza : according to the other entrys, one line yes20:12
LectorJaza : when done , save fstab and close gedit, back to trml20:12
abeis it possible to recover passwords for rar files20:12
abeis it possible to recover passwords for rar files20:12
savvasranma: you edit the file /etc/fstab - command in terminal: gksu gedit /etc/fstab20:13
KineticWashDante123 There are none listed20:13
illmortaljesus christ i had over 200gb of data in that storage partition20:13
Dante123KineticWash results???20:13
Jack_Sparrowabe, Please dont repeat20:13
southafrikanseMy friend has a problem. He's unable to copy a large file from a pen drive to ubuntu. It says "No space left in hard drive", however he does has space. Any thoughts about that?20:13
|unjustice|FlyingBishop: should I just make all of them ext2/3? Because it only gives me the option to do /dos or /windows with fat32...but I thought NTFS was windows specific not fat3220:13
JazaLector: done20:13
SlybootsOkay, Im stuck, I can not get this USB wifi-card to work under Ubuntu, I tried searching about and a few guides suggested using Ndiswrapper, so I installed that and downloaded the windows drivers, installed them using theguide, but when I run ndiswraper -l I get "netg125s : INVALID DRIVER!"20:13
nemoillmortal: if that fails, better hope you have backups.  really, this should not have happened in an Ibex install...  not unless you told it to.20:13
illmortalugh ubuntu must always fail me20:13
Therxhow can i completely apache and php? I've mucked up the config and just want to start afresh20:13
Dante123KineticWash was this a fresh install or upgrade from 8.0420:13
savvasabe: NO - not for personal files, go with the 3-year password cracking. Please stop repeating your question20:13
kestutiscould anybody help with Compiz Fusion Effects ?20:13
nemoillmortal: no. I'm sorry. this is *entirely* your fault. utterly and completely.20:13
vilemaximsouthafrikanse: empty trash?20:13
KineticWashDante123: Fresh20:13
nathan_406how do i open a folder using root20:13
illmortalimpossible nemo20:13
Dante123what kind of card KineticWash?20:14
FlyingBishop|unjustice|: fat32 doesn't understand Linux permissions, so most software will break if you try to run it off fat3220:14
nemoillmortal: if it makes you feel any better. I've done this too once :)20:14
savvasnathan_406: gksu nautilus /path/to/folder20:14
nemoillmortal: were you doing an Ibex install?20:14
southafrikansevieuxmike, will that help? I don't think that would be the issue :|20:14
Jack_Sparrow!sudo > nathan_40620:14
ubottunathan_406, please see my private message20:14
KineticWashDante123: ralink 802.11n20:14
FlyingBishop|unjustice|: Making a /dos or /windows partition is probably the ideal thing to do.20:14
LectorJaza: sudo apt-get install pastebinit20:14
kestutisi installed it with: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager20:14
illmortali've created/resize partitions many times in the past 6 years, this is by far the most unacceptable outcome I've ever had with linux.20:14
FlyingBishop|unjustice|: Why do you need fat32?20:14
Dante123pci card KineticWash20:14
vieuxmikesouthafrikanse: ?20:14
ranmasavvas: ok, if I find the uuid of my disk, what options do I use? plus, will this copy the contents of /home/ from sda1 to sdb1?20:14
kestutishow to enable or configure these effects?20:14
LectorJaza: pastebinit /etc/fstab20:14
nemoillmortal: there is no way this could have happened except by your direct instruction.20:14
vilemaximsouthafrikanse: I had that problem once and that is what I did.  Not sure if it will fix your issue20:14
gaintsuraOK.. so my cd's md5 is the same as the one on ubuntu20:14
nemoillmortal: if you are familiar with partition management, that makes it even more egregious20:15
|unjustice|FlyingBishop: I thought that the linux kernel was compatible with it, but it was a false memory apparently20:15
gaintsuraphail, ignore that20:15
Jack_Sparrow|unjustice|, fat32 is a windows partition type20:15
|unjustice|FlyingBishop: just trying to run ubuntu20:15
savvasranma: you can retrieve the UUID for your partition using the command: blkid20:15
LectorJaza: give url from last cmd here20:15
Dante123try doing "lspci" from terminal to see what it says KineticWash20:15
nemoillmortal: there really is no excuse, sorry. but whenever you partition a disc you do need to be very careful20:15
vilemaximvieuxmike: I think it ment me20:15
|unjustice|yeah, yeah I remember now20:15
|unjustice|my bad20:15
illmortalthe only instruction i gave it was to create a new partition and to format that partition, then install ubuntu onto that partition20:15
FlyingBishop|unjustice| Then use ext320:15
FloodBot1|unjustice|: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:15
savvasranma: hold a sec, let me find my /home20:15
|unjustice|how big should a /swap file be20:15
illmortalim gonna need to restart for livecd, this is ridiculous.20:15
nemoillmortal: as a matter of fact, even assuming a best-case repartition, gparted still recommends you backup data.20:15
Jack_Sparrow!pm > abe20:16
ubottuabe, please see my private message20:16
JazaLector: http://pastebin.com/f3deda6e220:16
Dante123Try this thread KineticWash http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=101742720:16
KineticWashDante123: the only relevant card that shows up is my ethernet card...20:16
savvasranma: this is the line in /etc/fstab for my /home partition: UUID=f5c288aa-acd3-48e7-9217-e2dc412f3de3 /home           ext3    relatime        0       220:16
FlyingBishop|unjustice|: If you have less than 1 gig of memory, twice the amount of ram you have20:16
vilemaxim|unjustice|: rule of thumb use to be double ram.  Not sure if that matters in the era of 4 GBs though20:16
LectorJaza: sudo mount -a20:16
FlyingBishop|unjustice|: otherwise, I'd go with about equal to the amount of ram you have, since you do want full so you can hibernate20:17
kestutisi enable cube effect20:17
Dante123KineticWash check out the link I posted20:17
kestutishow to use it?20:17
usserkestutis, ctrl+alt+cursor buttons to spin around20:17
KineticWashDante123: I read that, however lspci only shows my ethernet card20:17
abeim sorry20:17
JazaLector: [mntent]: line 19 in /etc/fstab is bad20:17
HadPlop all20:17
Jack_Sparrowkestutis, Install ccsm  sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager Next go to system...pref..advanced desktop effects....  On the first page  put check next to rotate cube and desktop cube.. dbl click general options... up closer to the top...  click on desktop size  and set them to 4, 1 and 1  top to bottom... ctrl+alt+(Left Mouse Button) then move mouse20:17
Dante123Anyone have a better network app than network mangler 0.7 to recommend??20:18
KineticWashDante123: at the bottom is also lists Ralink under Network Controller, but thats it20:18
MaveasAny africans?20:18
usserDante123, try wicd20:18
usser!info wicd20:18
ubottuPackage wicd does not exist in intrepid20:18
Dante123KineticWash have you checked out ralink's website20:18
MaveasDoes ubuntu have an african chan?20:18
nemoDante123: heh. it has been growing on me. slowly.20:18
Jack_SparrowMaveas, We have specific languages20:18
KineticWashDante123: I will. One min20:18
Dante123usser do I just use add/remove program app to find it and do I need to remove network mangler in anyway?20:19
MaveasJack_Sparrow, I need a good word for playing/fun/competition20:19
LectorJaza:gksudo /etc/fstab  , delete the blanks besides "="  and put a  "," in front of password20:19
ranmasavvas: yes, but I also want to move the data from sda1 to sdb1. when to I do that? I just cp /home/* /media/DISK/home before editing fstab and rebooting?20:19
Jack_Sparrow!ot > Maveas20:19
ubottuMaveas, please see my private message20:19
usserDante123, no wicd is not available through add/remove you'll have to install it manually and yes you will have to remove network manager, the operation fairly complicated and i would not go there if i were just starting with linux20:20
savvasranma: cp -R /home/* /media/DISK/home/20:20
Dante123usser well I guess I can work live with network mangler working....although tray applet says I am not connected.  Just a little annoyance I guess.20:20
MaveasJack_Sparrow, ok, thanks20:20
SlybootsRight, Im a step forward :)20:21
savvasranma: not sure, I don't know what permissions you need to have, but logically, that should just work :)20:21
SlybootsThe Wifi card is now showing up in iwconfig :)20:21
Dante123usser have you heard of bugs going from 8.04 to 8.10 along these lines???20:21
dyy1anyone here in the Boxee beta? ( Or want an invite? )20:21
ferfactorcon i can debug a program with --sync?20:21
savvasranma: in case it doesn't work, use sudo cp20:21
ranmasavvas: yes, but I also want to move the data from sda1 to sdb1. when to I do that? I just cp /home/* /media/DISK/home before editing fstab and rebooting?i delete the old files from sda1?20:21
Lector!de > ozer20:21
ubottuozer, please see my private message20:21
Jack_Sparrow!ot > dyy120:21
ubottudyy1, please see my private message20:21
JazaLector: it won't let me in to fstab?20:21
savvasranma: < savvas> ranma: cp -R /home/* /media/DISK/home/20:21
FlyingBishopIf I told the installer that the system clock is set to UTC, and it wasn't, should that cause a freeze?20:22
ranmasavvas: sorry, accidental up key press20:22
gaintsuraLector: Sense Key: 0x3 Medium Error, deferred error, Segment 0 | Sense Code: 0x0C Qual 0x00 (write error) Fru 0x0 | Sense flags: Blk 7538213 (not valid) | OUTPUT FROM K3B20:22
LectorJack_Sparrow: gksudo doesn't let us edit fstab, any suggestions ?20:22
Mageiriki-me-basI installed windows vista AND ubuntu in a HD (vista installed first) but the grub bootloader does not recognise windows and boots automatically on ubuntu. What can i do?20:22
Jack_SparrowLector, Sure it does20:22
kestutisit doesn't work for me, i when i click ctrl+alt, so where i have to click with cursor?20:22
savvasLector: gksu gedit /etc/fstab20:22
LectorJaza:gksudo /etc/fstab  , delete the blanks besides "="  and put a  "," in front of password20:22
Jack_SparrowLector, gksudo gedit /etc/fstab20:22
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:22
usserDante123, there are many issues with upgrades network manager was one of the tools that got quite an overhaul in 8.10 im not surprised it breaks. try reinstalling all network manager packages20:23
zichoim having some bluetooth troubles... "hcitool dev" gives me "hci0    00:15:83:10:1E:37" but when i try to do "hcitool scan" (like a bluetooth guide asked me to do) i get "Inquiry failed: Connection timed out". What could be wrong? I have a bluetooth usb stick, and the computer seems to find it and recongnize it, yet i cant get it working20:23
=== keanu is now known as [keanu]
ferfactori had this problem20:23
eseven73!fixmbr | Mageiriki-me-bas20:23
ubottuMageiriki-me-bas: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:23
ferfactori have to debug the program but i can't find the structure to make it...20:23
Jack_Sparrowferfactor, Please dont post a random link without a description20:23
crashsystemsAnyone know of a place where I can find a list of LUGs in Saskatchewan, Canada?20:23
deanyhow do i stop "recent documents" in gnome20:24
LectorJaza:if neither gksu or gksudo works, stay with sudo then20:24
ferfactorwell i have a porblem with totem i have to debug it... http://paste.ubuntu.com/98513/ but i can't find the stucture to do it20:24
deany"places/recent documents"20:24
JazaLector: fstab won't open?20:24
LectorJaza: is it open now ?20:24
yourikHi everyone who can help with Toshiba satellite laptop hybernation mode. It doesn't work any workaround?20:25
Mageiriki-me-baseseven73, actually i did not loose grub after installing windows... i lost windows after installing linux!20:25
geniicrashsystems: Perhaps try http://www.sask.linux.ca/lugs/20:25
savvasdeany: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9115420:25
geniicrashsystems: np20:25
ranmasavvas: yes, but will that transfer the permissions properly? if I do it  as $user, it will only copy my home, if I do it as root, it will set the ownership to root20:25
Slybootsis there not a *easier* way of doing this?20:26
JazaLector: no, it i'll say starting but is does not open?20:26
vixeyhi,, excuse me but does anyone know how you can type greek letters by name?   like   <some key combination> rho  and it gives a real rho symbol?20:26
SlybootsLike.. Scan for a Wifi oint, select it and have it auto-configure to connect20:26
SlybootsYou know.. like *every* other OS does?20:26
eseven73Mageiriki-me-bas: ah ok20:26
LectorJaza: sudo killall gedit20:26
SlybootsThis seems like a really stupid way of doing it, forcing you to enter every detail of the network you want to connect to20:26
kestutishow to use cube effect if it is enables20:26
Mageiriki-me-baseseven73, you have a clue?20:26
LectorJaza: gksudo /etc/fstab20:27
Jack_SparrowSlyboots, Please lose the commentary and ask your question all on one line and wait for an answer20:27
eseven73Mageiriki-me-bas: sorry I dont20:27
geniiLector: gksudo gedit /etc/fstab20:27
mattyb243ok anyone know why my installer would be freezing after it -partionons the discs20:27
Jack_SparrowLector, several times we have told you the right cvommand20:27
geniiLector: This is the second or third time you forgot the   gedit20:27
Dante123KineticWash any luck with wireless now?20:27
deanyMageiriki-me-bas: i gather you can boot to ubuntu still20:27
Jack_Sparrowkestutis, Install ccsm  sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager Next go to system...pref..advanced desktop effects....  On the first page  put check next to rotate cube and desktop cube.. dbl click general options... up closer to the top...  click on desktop size  and set them to 4, 1 and 1  top to bottom... ctrl+alt+(Left Mouse Button) then move mouse20:28
SlybootsFine, Im curious to know if there is a script or program that I Can use that will allow my Wifi card to scan for a local wireless signal, preset the options to me and auto- config to connect to said selected network.20:28
Lectorgenii: thanks, again, Im on with Jaza20:28
slakhey how do i recreate /etc/samba20:28
mattyb243i have no idea why it would be, i ued the same discs to install the other day and it worked, now it freezes every time20:28
LectorJaza: gksudo gedit /etc/fstab20:28
Mageiriki-me-basdeany, i do boot to ubuntu :)20:28
slaki removed the pakcage20:28
kestutiswhen to click left mouse button>20:28
JazaLector: gedit: no process killed20:28
elbuithi all20:28
LectorJaza: gksudo gedit /etc/fstab20:28
deanyMageiriki-me-bas: is the windows partition still there?20:28
deanyMageiriki-me-bas: can you mount it in ubuntu20:28
savvasranma: well you can easily change your permissions when you copy it.. at least do that for your account. After rebooting, you can figure out the permissions for the rest of them, e.g.: sudo chown -R yourusername:yourusername /home/yourusername20:28
elbuit-someone ara capable to print CD on a canon pixma ip4500?20:29
Jack_Sparrowkestutis, Do any effects work?20:29
Mageiriki-me-basdeany, yes.20:29
KineticWashDante123 No, im looking on a few sites. I assume I should install the linux drivers for the ralink chipset but I want to make sure it wont effect my wireless when botting into Vista20:29
JazaLector: there it is20:29
deanyMageiriki-me-bas: is it in grub boot menu ?20:29
LectorJaza: delete the blanks besides "="  and put a  "," in front of password20:29
Mageiriki-me-basdeany, ubuntu works fine. And i can SEE through ubuntu my win-drive. But its not bootable for a reason.20:29
Mageiriki-me-basdeany, how can i see grub boot menu?20:29
jk_is ad-hoc in network-manager still broken? it keeps asking me for the WPA2 key although it is definitely right20:29
kestutison the top of window?20:29
KineticWashDante123 Its weird though, this is a _fresh_ install on a brand new computer20:29
deanyMageiriki-me-bas: sudo fdisk -l    and check if theres a * next to it20:29
LectorJaza:save the file, close gedit20:30
zichoim having some bluetooth troubles... "hcitool dev" gives me "hci0    00:15:83:10:1E:37" but when i try to do "hcitool scan" (like a bluetooth guide asked me to do) i get "Inquiry failed: Connection timed out". What could be wrong? I have a bluetooth usb stick, and the computer seems to find it and recongnize it, yet i cant get it working20:30
svatGun_Smoke: thanks for the help (I had a broken upgrade); `apt-get -f install` followed by `do-release-upgrade` again seems to have resulted in a proper Intrepid. [Will have to wait for my mother to use the computer tomorrow before I know for sure.]20:30
Jack_SparrowLector, Are you using ubuntu or something else20:30
kestutisother effect works20:30
shearHi! Can anyone help me with a problem I'm having mounting USB Mass Storage devices? Details of what I've done so far are here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=647622120:30
savvasMageiriki-me-bas: gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst20:30
Jack_Sparrowkestutis, then read carefully what I typed.. do that then test with the command I gave you20:30
Mageiriki-me-basdeany, yes, it has *20:30
deanyMageiriki-me-bas:  whats it say when you try and boot it20:30
LectorJack_Sparrow: It's not my machine, I'm helping Jaza to set up a win-share, but thank you anyway20:30
ranmaand how do I was thinking about using dd but I have no idea how to do that... anyway. and what happens to the data from my old home at sda1? since it's not mounted, it doesn't count?20:30
elbuitWith hardy gutenprint drivers don't work, and I backported jaunty gutenprint to hardy, and also continues without working20:31
Jack_SparrowLector, k20:31
Mageiriki-me-basdeany, i dont have a choise to boot it. There is no menu20:31
JazaLector: so it reads like this "password,="20:31
Flare183In what packages does libstdc++.so.5 located in?20:31
Mageiriki-me-bassavvas, kai meta ti kano?20:31
aleksN^What do I need to do to upload some files on my ftpserver (online) through putty=terminal?20:31
Jack_SparrowLector, Are they using ubuntu or something else20:31
notyjoeyi got a weird problem. Everytime i reboot ubuntu 8.10 i h ave to pull out my usb BT dongle and plug it back in for my keyboard/mouse to work20:31
notyjoeyin 8.04 i didnt have to20:31
deanyno grub menu?20:31
savvasMageiriki-me-bas: den exw idea, den parakolouthousa ti sizitisi :)20:31
* savvas brb20:31
kestutisdesktop wall should be disabled?20:31
geniinotyjoey: Is this by chance a logitech mx5500 ?20:32
notyjoeygenii: yes, yes it is :)20:32
LectorJaza://servername/sharename  /media/mountname  cifs  username=myusername,password=mypassword  0  020:32
decayhow do i submit an app to the ubuntu repository so people can find it in synaptic?20:32
LectorJack_Sparrow: ibex20:32
geniinotyjoey: 1 minute20:32
Mageiriki-me-basdeany, ?20:32
notyjoeygenii: thanks20:32
Flare183decay: You have to get it packaged by MOTU20:32
Jack_SparrowLector, That doe not tell me the window manager..20:32
gerberrinter pls20:32
LectorJack_Sparrow: gnome20:32
deanyMageiriki-me-bas:  ubuntu boots without any menu ?20:32
decayFlare183: more details please20:32
erUSUL!motu | decay20:33
ubottudecay: motu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU20:33
Mageiriki-me-basdeany, exactly.20:33
Flare183!motu | decay20:33
JazaLector: done20:33
deanyMageiriki-me-bas:  checked the /boot/grub/menu.lst20:33
LectorJaza:save the file, close gedit20:33
gerberhelp with 1720 dell printer20:33
LectorJaza:pastebinit /etc/fstab20:33
Jazasaved and closed20:33
Mageiriki-me-basdeany, i dont know what to edit in there. I am completely noob.20:33
decayty Flare18320:33
Flare183decay: np20:33
geniinotyjoey: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3100328.0          it's kubuntu-centric but applicable20:34
JazaLector: http://pastebin.com/f4cc1a7eb20:34
deanyumm..  pastebin it20:34
notyjoeygenii: thanks, checking it out now20:34
Mageiriki-me-basok deany20:34
gerberhelp with 1720 dell laser printer20:34
mattyb243just tried again, freezes at the same place20:34
LectorJaza: nice, again :  sudo mount -a20:34
mattyb243i dont know why i used the exact discs and .bld file a couple dats ago20:34
notyjoeygenii: awesome, thanks alot. I'lll give it a shot and see20:35
LectorJaza: again an error ?20:35
gerberany help with 1720 dell printer20:35
red_devil2DarkSin / #pr1v320:35
balgarathanyone else had trouble with Dotty freezing up under Intrepid 64?20:35
gerberany help with printer20:36
JazaLector: same "mount error: could not find target server. TCP name rec-room/Documents not found No ip address specified and hostname not found20:36
savvasbalgarath: while brushing your teeth? :) while doing what/which command?20:37
gerberhelp with 1720 dell printer20:37
linny1hello i was wondering if anyone could help me convert .avi files into a ts stream with a .rec header in ubuntu i would like to play my avi files on my topfield pvr thx in advance20:37
Mageiriki-me-basdeany, http://pastebin.com/m6f558e2520:37
Flare183gerber: I might be able to help20:37
KineticWashgerber Ask your entire question as it relates to ubuntu20:37
Jack_Sparrowgerber, Please have patience and ask every few minutes20:38
LectorJaza: but no fault in fstab, win machine still showing up under places ?20:38
=== mantequi1la is now known as mantequilla
balgarathsavvas, running dotty [filename]...the Dotty window pops up, and the mouse shows a loading icon over the window, but the file never actually loads, the window just stays blank.20:38
notyjoeywelp, lets see if that works20:38
deanyMageiriki-me-bas:  hmm, you have 2 entries for vista20:39
gerberi dont know what driver will work with my 1710 dell laser printer20:39
kestutisit works, but top and botoom wall is empty20:39
RolandMartinhow are you20:39
balgarathsavvas, I tried just running 'dotty' and loading the file into it after it is open too; same thing20:39
Mageiriki-me-basdeany, i think the one is the recovery partition.20:39
RolandMartinUBUNTU SUCKS20:39
savvasbalgarath: urm.. sorry, mine works (ubuntu 8.10 64-bit) - can you post the file somewhere?20:39
JazaLector: win pc is there but no folders20:39
Jack_Sparrowkestutis, /join #compiz to learn how it works20:39
deanyMageiriki-me-bas:  sudo fdisk -l    which is your vista20:39
linny1hello i was wondering if anyone could help me convert .avi files into a ts stream with a .rec header in ubuntu i would like to play my avi files on my topfield pvr thx in advance20:39
notyjoeyyay,, that did it!20:39
RolandMartinUBUNTU SUCKS20:39
notyjoeynow if i can fix this fucking mythtv issue and it working with my tv20:40
meoblast001RolandMartin: Ubuntu rules :)20:40
jk_is it normal that iwlist scan reports networks while network-manager doesn't show them?20:40
Mageiriki-me-basdeany, i think... youre right! i may have 2 vistas on it!20:40
linny1RolandMartin: ok your loss go badck to your windows then :)20:40
iahello. could anybody tell me, please - should hibernate/suspend works correctly, if the whole root partition places at external usb-hdd drive?20:40
Mageiriki-me-basdeany, because my whole disk is 250GB and if you add the partitions it makes only 225GB20:40
balgarathsavvas, http://pastie.org/35084320:40
Flare183gerber: Ok, but you should know that most Dell printers are Rebranded from Lexmark20:40
Mageiriki-me-basdeany, so... i have one more vista thing.20:40
meoblast001linny1: i think Intrepid needs some work but Hardy is awesome20:40
LectorJaza: can you get the ip of the win machine ?20:41
Mageiriki-me-basdeany, how can i delete the vista partition without deleting the recovery thing and EXTEND linux to 240GB?20:41
deanyMageiriki-me-bas:  dont know why you dont get a boot menu tho.20:41
JazaLector: let me see if I can20:41
savvasbalgarath: it works here :)20:41
gerberso what do you want me to do, Flare18320:42
balgarathsavvas, so its not the file then...any suggestions?20:42
LectorJaza:on win > networkconnection > status > support20:42
KineticWashWell im back at square one. Fresh install of Intrepid and it wont find my wireless card..it finds my realtek ethernet card, but not my 802.11n wireless. Went to Ralinks site and I have the latest driver. Sigh. Its a 10 day old computer so Im out of ideas.20:42
savidI'm trying to take a screenshot of a problem I'm seeing in an panel applet.  When I click the panel applet to get the applet's menu,  the "Print Screen" keyboard shortcut does not work.  How can I take a screenshot of this?20:43
deanyMageiriki-me-bas:  booting with the livecd and using gparted partition editor20:43
deanymight do it20:43
jk_import -screen filename.jpg20:43
Flare183gerber: Have a look at this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrintersDell20:43
linny1 meoblast001: everyone will have different opinions as ppl use pcs for different things for a gaming enthusiast prolly wouldnt like ubuntu alot but coming in here and writing in caps ubuntu sucks just proves the man has no real intelligange thus proving him and windows are ideally suited20:43
Mageiriki-me-basdeany, the livecd's menus dont have a gparted icon.20:43
deanypartition editor in System/Admin20:44
Jack_SparrowKineticWash, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=765671&page=10 may help20:44
gerberok let me go check20:44
savvasbalgarath: no, sorry :\20:44
Jack_SparrowMageiriki-me-bas, livecd's do have partition editor20:44
meoblast001linny1: no... what i mean is Hardy is awesome... Intrepid has too many bugs specificially for my hardware20:44
Mageiriki-me-basok ok20:44
balgarathsavvas, thanks anyway, appreciate you testing the file on your comp20:44
speedyIntrepid works like a charme20:45
linny1meoblast001: i understand i was commenting about RolandMartins silly outburst :)20:45
meoblast001linny1: lol20:45
speedyeverybody is leaving??!20:48
JazaLector: got IPv4 address20:48
meoblast001speedy: netsplit!!! lol20:48
eseven73speedy: no theres people joining as well, maybe you're lagging20:48
savidjk_,  can't do that,  as I have to take focus away from the menu to type a cmd (which makes the menu disappear)20:48
LectorJaza : try to ping it20:48
Jazahow you ping?20:49
savvasJaza: ping www.example.com20:49
lvri'm using samba to share files between interpid and xp. when i add something to the share from my xp box it gets owned by root so i can't delete it using the linuxbox without resorting to "sudo".20:49
dstarIs there a way to adjust the volume of the system bell other than xset b? Even with xset b 100, mine is still very quiet -- I can _barely_ hear it over the airconditioner.20:49
jk_savid, i believe that you can make a timeout in imagemagick, there was something in the manual, i dont remember it anymore ...20:49
Lectorlvr:chown the samba folder to the regulate user20:50
JazaLector: I typed ping and typed the address and getting numbers20:50
savidjk_,  I tried this:  sleep 5; import -screen ~/Desktop/screen.jpg,  but it gives this error:   import: unable to grab mouse `': Resource temporarily unavailable.20:50
LectorJaza : sth like 64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=56 time=52.4 ms ?20:50
lakcajI'm trying to block a particular website by adding an entry for it in /etc/hosts.  For example,   www.somewebsite.com       but I can still access that website in firefox.  Any suggestions?20:51
Mageiriki-me-basdeany, still here?20:51
Mageiriki-me-basdeany, i try to delete the linux partition....20:51
lakcajnm - seems to be working ok now20:51
Mageiriki-me-basdeany, an it says "Please unmount any logical patitions having a numbar highed than 5"20:52
gerberthank you ,flare183 I fix it in 20 second, some thing that spend all most all morning to find out,thank all20:52
Jack_SparrowMageiriki-me-bas, Did you umount it first20:52
The_PHP_JediSup? I'm having trouble configuring my WiFi connection w/ Ubuntu Intrepid w/ the outdated documentation on the Wiki... :-/20:52
Mageiriki-me-basJack_Sparrow, how?20:52
techsuperfreaklakcaj: check /etc/nsswitch.conf20:52
Jack_SparrowMageiriki-me-bas, are you in gparted?20:52
JazaLector: yes20:52
Flare183gerber: No Problem, that why I'm here20:52
JazaLector: is still going20:52
Mageiriki-me-basJack_Sparrow, yes.20:52
jk_savid, try with sleep 5; import -window root foo.jpg  -- it should import the complete screen20:53
gerberLOVE UBUNTU20:53
JazaLector: at seq 223 right now20:53
Jack_SparrowMageiriki-me-bas, then as it says, unmount those partitions, I hope you are running livecd or not using any of them20:53
lvrLector: yes, but i would have to chown it every time something new is added from the win box, and i really wouldn't mind to20:53
* The_PHP_Jedi whistles20:53
Mageiriki-me-basJack_Sparrow, yes im on live cd. But how can i unmount it?20:53
Jack_SparrowMageiriki-me-bas, gparted, select the partiition and unmount it.. it is in the menu20:54
savidjk_, that worked :)  thanks20:54
Lectorlvr:no, one time only20:54
=== OneCruelBagel is now known as OCB
=== OCB is now known as Bagel
LectorJaza : kk, hit ctr-c to stop it, pc ist reachable20:54
LectorJaza : kk, hit ctrl-c to stop it, pc ist reachable20:55
Mageiriki-me-basJack_Sparrow, i cant see it in any of the menus.20:55
Flare183!repeat | Lector20:55
ubottuLector: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience20:55
Mageiriki-me-basJack_Sparrow, ok i did find it.20:55
JazaLector: done20:55
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BagelAnyone else finding that Intrepid keeps freezing? It was OK when I installed, but after updating and installing a few packages, Firefox is really slow and keeps greying out.20:56
TornadoChas3rHello, I am having troubles with the screen resloution i have a nivida card pluged into a Panasonic TV And i can only get 640X48020:56
LectorJaza: gksudo gedit /etc/fstab20:56
TornadoChas3rI dont know if i need to update my driver or now20:56
Jack_SparrowBagel, Packages from OUR repos or someone elses20:56
LectorJaza: try the ip instead of carlos20:56
Mageiriki-me-basJack_Sparrow, now to install ubuntu i must make a Primary partition with ext2 filesystem?20:56
BagelAlmost all from Ubuntu repos. A couple from Medibuntu, and also virtualbox from a .deb20:56
BagelOtherwise, all Ubuntu repos20:57
JazaLector: ok20:57
BagelThere were 200 meg of updates too.20:57
Jack_SparrowMageiriki-me-bas, leave unallocated space and the installer will do the work20:57
weed_i have one question. I have LTSP server installed on my machine, i do to install internet server ?20:57
Mageiriki-me-basJack_Sparrow, actually... i have a 250GB disk and the gparted sees only 225 of it!20:57
The_PHP_JediSup? I'm having trouble configuring my WiFi connection w/ Ubuntu Intrepid w/ the outdated documentation on the Wiki... :-/20:57
[Spooky]How can i see connections to my machine in the terminal?20:57
weed_*i can do to install internet server20:57
Jack_SparrowBagel, try removing addons in firefox.20:57
JazaLector: typed ip instead of carlos20:57
techsuperfreakspooky netstat -a20:58
LectorJaza: save, close, paste again20:58
Jack_SparrowBagel, if you got virtualbox from the debian repos and not form ubuntu it could be part of your problem20:58
BagelTried that. Just removed the .mozilla directory, so I'm running a completely clean Firefox. Still does it. I've got rid of Flash as well, I think that might've made it slightly better, but only very slightly.20:58
LectorJaza: pastebinit /etc/fstab20:58
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox20:58
Mageiriki-me-basJack_Sparrow, how can i make it see all of the other 25GB of the disk?20:58
BagelI got virtualbox from sun's website - I needed the non-OSE version.20:58
BagelI'll try removing it though, I guess it could narrow it down!20:59
ubottuLTSP is the Linux Terminal Server Project, which adds thin-client support to Linux servers. See chapter 3 of the !edubuntuhandbook, http://www.ltsp.org and/or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_Terminal_Server_Project20:59
ahaminooHi all, I have a serious problem with the suspend and hibernate20:59
ahaminoocan anybody help20:59
BagelDo you think vbox is likely to be the cause? I've used it under Hardy with no problems.20:59
Jack_SparrowMageiriki-me-bas, Probably a hidden partition  as in a recovery partition in a dell or hp etc20:59
Jack_SparrowBagel, I use the one from our repos with no problem.21:00
jim_pahaminoo, are you on ati as well?21:00
Mageiriki-me-basjack, its an HP. I can see the recovery partition in gparted. Its only 8 GB. And 25 more are still missing...21:00
BagelThe OSE one (in the repos) doesn't have USB support though.21:00
Jack_Sparrowahaminoo,  HAve some patience21:00
BagelMageiriki-me-bas, it's probably the difference between Gigabytes and Gibibytes.21:00
BagelBase 10 to base 2.21:00
Jack_SparrowMageiriki-me-bas, See what bagel says, common issue21:01
The_PHP_JediSup? I'm having trouble configuring my WiFi connection w/ Ubuntu Intrepid w/ the outdated documentation on the Wiki... :-/ Anyone have some advice/links?21:01
Mageiriki-me-baswhat is a Gigibyte? Ah, ok then! :)21:01
BagelCheck Wikipedia. It can explain it much better than I can.  :-)21:01
Jack_SparrowThe_PHP_Jedi, Try a better question, as in what hardware you have etc.21:01
BagelI'd find you the link if my Firefox was working properly.  ;-)21:01
Mageiriki-me-basoh, thank you very much! :D21:01
ahaminoojim_p: yea...I am ati21:02
ahaminooJack_Sparrow: Patience for what?21:02
ahaminoojim_p: my card is ati but I am using fglrx...I tried using the opensource driver but no difference...same problem21:02
JazaLector: http://pastebin.com/fad0044221:02
dstarIs there a way to adjust the volume of the system bell other than xset b? Even with xset b 100, mine is still very quiet -- I can _barely_ hear it over the airconditioner.21:02
Jack_SparrowMageiriki-me-bas, hardware mfg want to use the bigger of the two not what it can in reality hold21:02
Jack_Sparrowahaminoo, repeating21:02
dstarI've tried softbeep, but it doesn't seem to do _anything_.21:02
Mageiriki-me-bas:) :)21:02
jim_p...cough... i installed network manager today in order to have a more simple approach to wireless configuring but... how does it work? do i add sth on the panel?21:02
jim_pahaminoo, ati what type?21:03
LectorJaza: ah, sorry... getting tired, carlos was you are username, as you corrected, rec-room has to be set as ip21:03
[Spooky]Hm, anyone have any tips? I wanna look up a user ip on msn, is there any command for that?21:03
ahaminooJack_Sparrow, I am way frustrated! couldn't get any where from the forums!21:03
gaintsuraLector: please tell me you do not use k3b for burning all the time =S21:03
JazaLector: Ok21:03
ahaminoojim_p, Radeon HD 320021:03
lvrLector: no, i have to do "sudo chown -R lvr /srv/samba/share/" every time i add something new to the music share using my win xp machine in order to delete the files.21:03
techsuperfreakspooky  check netstat21:03
usser[Spooky], just use wireshark to snif for traffic21:04
jim_pahaminoo, have you tried both the radeon and the radeonhd drivers?21:04
ErikWestrupWhat's the difference between making a partition with fdisk and making a file system with mkfs?21:04
The_PHP_JediJack_Sparrow, I'm on an HP Pavillion desktop, w/ a Netgear WiFi card (88w8335 [Libertas] Rev 03), and I'm using ndiswrapper as the driver, but I'm honestly lost as to what to do next to configure my wireless connection21:04
ahaminoojim_p, everything!21:04
Jack_Sparrowahaminoo, The way it woorks is, ask your question all on one line and wait for an answer.  If no answer in a couple minutes repeat or rephrase the question21:04
usserErikWestrup, mkfs usually works on a partition that is already present21:04
Jack_SparrowThe_PHP_Jedi, Look up your hardware compatibility21:04
ahaminooJack_Sparrow, I only asked the question once today!21:04
jim_pahaminoo, let me look it up then21:04
lvrin case you have time to look at it, i pastebin'ed my smb.conf configuration: http://pastebin.com/d3bc26ab21:04
[Spooky]usser: Thanks.21:04
ahaminoojim_p, thank you!21:05
mattyb243anyone know why when i go to install 7.10 (discs worked a few days ago, uninstalled to do a fresh install to work on wireless) and now the discs go through the initial setup stages, then once it runs the partion it freezes21:05
The_PHP_JediJack_Sparrow, well, that's already done. I just need to know which utility to use or file to edit to connect to my AP21:05
ahaminooJack_Sparrow, What other rooms can I post my problem on??21:05
JazaLector: done, I tried sudo mount -a and got this "mount error 6 = No such device or address Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g.man mount.cifs)"21:06
jim_pahaminoo, idea! how did you install the fglrx? did you also install/have atieventsd?21:06
Jack_Sparrowahaminoo, this one is fine, just wait for an answer.21:06
weed_i have one question. I have LTSP server installed on my machine, i can install internet server ?21:06
mattyb243oh if it makes a difference to anyone im also running this on a PS321:06
joejcanyone know why gmail wont load?21:06
Jack_Sparrowahaminoo, It helps to know details about your card/chiposet etc21:06
Dreamglideri just installed Ubuntu 8.04 and did a upgrade to 8.10 on a Asus A6 series laptop, everthing worked as it should but when i rebooted and got to the log-in screen both the mouse and keyboard are unresponsive.21:06
mathijssmall question... can a usb bluetooth dongle communicate to 2 devices at the same time? I currently use it for my bluetooth gps in my car, but I'd like to use it for audio as well (to my car stereo). is this possible?21:06
ahaminoojim_p, activated the driver from ubuntu "restricted Drivers interface"...nothing I did21:07
jim_pDreamglider, blame the developers for the early adoption of xorg 1.5. are you on ati by any chance?21:07
Flannelmathijs: Bluetooth can yes.  Your dongle almost certainly can.21:07
SquizmekQuestion: I have 2 harddrives with vista on #1 and ubuntu on #2. I selected "use whole disk" when I installed ubuntu, but in windows I still have about 100GB on disk #2. Can I use that windows partition now or should I better reformat and reinstall ubuntu?21:07
TornadoChas3r Quick Question how do i stop the Xserver21:07
tallmttI am running hardy on an acer aspire one.  I am having sound issues and it appears things would be best supported if I had ALSA 1.0.18 (I currently have 1.0.16) - how can I upgrade to 1.0.18?  Do I need to recompile my kernel?21:07
TornadoChas3ror exit21:07
FlannelTornadoChas3r: ctrl-alt-f1 (through ctrl-alt-f6) then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop)21:07
jim_pahaminoo, can you please check if you have the atieventsd script in /etc/init.d/21:07
CsanaIf i make a certain application open at startup its always on desktop 1 how do i make it open on desktop 2?21:07
mathijsFlannel: thanks, I'll try to set that up then... gets rid of another cable :)21:08
ahaminooJack_Sparrow: my laptop is hp tx2510us, ati hd 3200, ubuntu 8.10 and I have a problem with suspend and hibernate...21:08
BagelCsana, look into devilspie21:08
Flannel!devilspie | Csana21:08
ubottuCsana: devilspie is a tool that performs actions on windows in GNOME's metacity such as resizing, positioning, and pinning.  Usage information can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Devilspie21:08
Dreamgliderjim_p: I Dont knoe what grapic card it has, mouse/keyb worked fine in 8.0421:08
Jack_Sparrowahaminoo, google up the video card chipset21:08
jim_pCsana, i dont think gnome can do that by itself21:08
jim_pDreamglider, lspci | grep VGA21:08
ahaminoojim_p, is there21:08
LectorJaza: try a blank tab in ff, and write to the addressbar :  smb://ip adress21:08
The_PHP_JediJack_Sparrow, is that what you wanted...?21:08
Dreamgliderjim_p hang on.21:09
jim_pahaminoo, then look no more. atieventsd is responsible i think. can you remove the package from synaptic?21:09
Jack_SparrowThe_PHP_Jedi, not really..  SOmeone will look at your problem21:09
mattyb243i dont know why it would make a difference( as the SAME disc worked days ago) but i burned a new copy at 2X and it seems thusfar to be working. mybe it was a fluke it worked last time21:10
JazaLector: that shows all shared folders21:10
* The_PHP_Jedi heads on over to the forums21:10
The_PHP_JediJack_Sparrow, cheers21:10
jim_pahaminoo, do you know how to disable it? i only remember how it stops21:10
joejcanyone know why i cant load gmail?21:10
ahaminoojim_p, no ...do I purge it from synaptics?21:11
Jack_Sparrowjoejc, Ask a better question like.. what program are you using to access your mail21:11
techsuperfreakjoejc more details21:11
jim_pahaminoo, did you find it? do not remove the drivers!!! just that daemon21:11
Ape3000So what happens?21:11
Dreamgliderjim_p the card is ATI Radeon Xpress 200M21:11
ahaminooJack_Sparrow, my chipset is RS780M21:11
LectorJaza: mmh21:11
techsuperfreakjoejc can't access the site, can't login??21:12
Jack_Sparrowmattyb243, HP and Deel are notorious at wanting them burned slow even if they work on other machines21:12
linny1does anyone know an application so i can rdp from my ubuntu desktop to my grandads xp machine ?21:12
jim_pDreamglider, good luck with the opensource radeon drivers then21:12
ahaminoojim_p, there is no package called atieventsd21:12
joejci can get to site and log in but i cant see mail21:12
Jack_Sparrowlinny1, it is built in..21:12
ahaminoojim_p, is it radeon tool?21:12
JazaLector: ???21:12
Ape3000joejc: Can you take a screeshot or explain with more details?21:13
linny1Jack_Sparrow: im using a derivative of 8.10 that is very basic i dont think i have it :) what is it called21:13
jim_pahaminoo, sort of. stop it from running              sudo /etc/init.d/atieventsd stop               and try suspend21:13
Dreamgliderjim_p i have a radeon on this laptop it works great !21:13
arm_when I run top I always see 'watchdog/0 and watchdog/1' running, but I have no watchdog package installed in my Ubuntu. I also locked if I had /dev/watchdog file...but there is nothing in /dev starting with w*. Can someone explain what this watchdog/0 is doing ?21:13
Jack_Sparrowlinny1, We dont support derivates21:13
Squizmekis there a partition manager that doesnt need to run as a boot CD?21:13
bunsonok easy question is there a pulse audio channel on irc21:13
jim_pDreamglider, but the keyboard and mouse does not work21:13
mattyb243jack_sparrow: i used these discs on my PS3 about 3 days ago, and that is the platform im using again21:13
linny1well its still ubuntu im only asking what its called then i can install it21:13
Dreamgliderjim_p on this laptop they do21:13
mattyb243and it isnt working just froze again21:13
jim_pSquizmek, like run from usb?21:14
Jack_SparrowSquizmek, Please explain what you are trying to do21:14
Jack_Sparrow!mint > linny121:14
ubottulinny1, please see my private message21:14
jim_pDreamglider, wait. is the problem with the mouse and keyboard on the same pc as the ati?21:14
=== Zzero is now known as aleX-xx
zichoim having some bluetooth troubles... "hcitool dev" gives me "hci0    00:15:83:10:1E:37" but when i try to do "hcitool scan" (like a bluetooth guide asked me to do) i get "Inquiry failed: Connection timed out". What could be wrong? I have a bluetooth usb stick, and the computer seems to find it and recongnize it, yet i cant get it working21:14
jim_p!mint > jim_p21:14
ubottujim_p, please see my private message21:14
Squizmeknot running from usb, I just want to see my partitions - dont need to edit them21:15
linny1Jack_Sparrow: well i find you very obstructive i only want to know the program name why are you being so pedantic ?21:15
Dreamgliderjim_p both laptops have ati radeon cards, one works the other does not21:15
Jack_SparrowSquizmek, sudo fdisk -l21:15
=== ubuntu__ is now known as bernoulli
geniiSquizmek: sudo fdisk -l21:15
geniiJack_Sparrow: Heh21:15
joejcafter i login it tries to load but nothing happens21:15
jim_pDreamglider, ask then "how do i configure my mouse and keyboard on the new xorg?"21:15
luckyoneI can't wait for ATI to release a driver that supports UVD for MPEG-4 AVC21:16
DreamgliderHey jim_p how do i configure my mouse and keyboard on the new xorg? :P21:16
techsuperfreakjoejc try alternate broser and see if that works21:16
joejcwhat browser should i get?21:16
jim_pluckyone, ati has more fundamental stuff to do for linux than a specific reason driver21:16
techsuperfreakjoejc up to you..21:16
luckyonejim_p: what do they need to do?21:17
Dreamgliderjoejc Firefox is great21:17
jim_pDreamglider, i dont know, i am on xorg 1.4 still for that reason. ask the rest21:17
tallmttI am running Hardy - is it possible to install alsa from intrepids repositories?21:17
joejcwhat r my potions?21:17
Jazahelp anyone?21:17
bunsonok how about an alsa channel?21:17
[Spooky]usser: Wireshark dont show up any...21:17
codexdigitaltengo una pregunta...21:17
LectorJaza: I#am tapping in the dark, sure there was no misspelling in fstab ? Rec-room ? rec-room ?21:17
Jack_Sparrow!es > codexdigital21:18
ubottucodexdigital, please see my private message21:18
douglI have installed kubuntu 8.10 and then installed gnome/compiz config = where do I configure the number of desktops for my cube?21:18
usser[Spooky], it shows current traffic, try writing something to him, you'll see a bunch of packets going to his ip21:18
jim_pluckyone, proper video playback on xv video output, some serious job with compiz so as to avoid the use of aiglx as a "helper" to run with fglrx and on top of all xorg v 1.5 support21:18
tallmttbunson: would that be best? The question I have really deals with the workings of Ubuntu - not the alsa package.21:18
techsuperfreakjoejc opera epiphany and a ton of others21:18
Jack_Sparrowdougl, Install ccsm  sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager Next go to system...pref..advanced desktop effects....  On the first page  put check next to rotate cube and desktop cube.. dbl click general options... up closer to the top...  click on desktop size  and set them to 4, 1 and 1  top to bottom... ctrl+alt+(Left Mouse Button) then move mouse21:18
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:18
Dreamgliderhow do i configure my mouse and keyboard on the new xorg?21:19
luckyonejim_p: are they making significant progress?21:19
bunsonsorry tallmtt.. i have pulse and alsa questions that i think might be easier answered in that sort of room21:19
TornadoChas3rhow do install libc21:19
codexdigitalok. How can add thees channels?21:19
mrwestype /join #Ubuntu-es21:19
nbeebothese* sorry.. lol21:19
jim_pluckyone, since 3 versions of the fglrx that i am just watching, no. they just add crappy stuff to the changelog21:19
JazaLector: there is no more rec-room since we replaced it with IP21:20
=== Rabbitbu1ny is now known as Rabbitbunny
LectorJaza: I think it should work in fstab with  a correct  line : //servername/sharename  /media/mountname  cifs  username=myusername,password=mypassword  0  0          ,21:20
nickpatt0nI'm wondering what type of ubuntu I should run on my eee pc?21:20
TornadoChas3rNvm i found it21:20
nickpatt0nI'm looking for something fast21:20
jim_pluckyone, note that nvidia already has these 3 plus they are now making an experimental video output thing for their cards so as to cut down on the main cpu usage!21:21
douglJack_Sparrow, thanks :)21:21
LectorJaza: just to be sure, do a : sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g  samba21:21
jim_pluckyone, ati is just for windows gamers21:21
Jack_Sparrowdougl, np21:21
luckyonejim_p: so my recent ATI purchase was not smart...21:21
mattyb243god damn this is frustrating, hahaha.21:21
Jack_Sparrow!eeepc > Nickpatt0n21:21
ubottuNickpatt0n, please see my private message21:21
jim_pluckyone, what was it?21:21
BCMMwhy would X say " "21:21
Jack_SparrowMatthew|Laptop, Watch the language pllease21:21
[Spooky]usser: Strange i dont see anything...21:22
JazaLector: is installing21:22
usser[Spooky], well are you in capture mode?21:22
nbeeboluckyone, just install the latest driver from ati.com, google for ati install ubuntu 8.10 or something like that..21:22
FlyingBishopWhat's the ideal way to install a package if the target machine doesn't have internet?21:22
Jack_Sparrow!aptoncd > FlyingBishop21:22
ubottuFlyingBishop, please see my private message21:22
luckyonejim_p: I just got http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681412126021:22
jim_pFlyingBishop, apt on cd on another pc with net21:22
joejcstill wont work in opera21:23
LectorJaza: I'm not sure what to look for, then do  a: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade21:23
jim_pluckyone, do you play games in windows?21:23
[Spooky]user__: Now... Had to change filters...21:23
luckyonejim_p: no21:23
=== abdelrahman_ is now known as ahaminoo
LectorJaza: and then (with win machine running on) reboot ubuntu21:23
jasperis there a big difference between ubuntu and ubuntu-eee?21:23
ahaminoojim_p, way better now... but when I login, the screen becomes funny21:24
jasperand what's the difference?21:24
techsuperfreakjoejc any filtering going on..firewall proxy?21:24
luckyonejim_p: I watch HD video and want to offload my dual core processor21:24
jim_pluckyone, do they accept changes? you could buy an nvidia one21:24
Jack_Sparrowjasper, enough that it makes it harder for us to support it...21:24
TornadoChas3rhow do i install the libc header files21:24
ahaminoojim_p, not rendered correctly, with checkerboards all around21:24
jim_pahaminoo, does it stay like so?21:24
Jack_Sparrow!compile > TornadoChas3r21:24
ubottuTornadoChas3r, please see my private message21:24
kianhello everybody! i read everything i could, but i'm having problems with dvd playbac either with totem, mplayer or xine. The video is slower than the sound, what can i do?21:24
jasperJack_Sparrow, is the interface same as ubuntu's?21:24
joejci can use it on my other computer21:24
Jack_Sparrowjasper, they are quite close21:24
luckyonejim_p: HD playback with PureVideo, available?21:24
ahaminoojim_p, yea, and when I move the windows on the screen, checkerboards stay21:24
Lector                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     21:25
jim_pluckyone, sorry to disappoint you21:25
TornadoChas3rmy bad i never install the compiler on this computer21:25
hspaansluckyone: do you have 8.04 or 8.10?21:25
Jack_Sparrowjasper, run live of both and check hardware detection21:25
jim_pahaminoo, do you also use compiz?21:25
lukaszHi everyone21:25
ahaminoojim_p, ehm yes?21:25
luckyonehspaans: 8.10 - I will have the 8.10 catalyst driver available21:25
lukaszThe GDM Clock doesn't wan't to display in 12 Hr I tried System/Administrator/Login window didn't work21:26
JazaLector: rebooting ubuntu, will be back.21:26
hspaansluckyone: the radeonhd driver should support the RV635 chipset21:26
jim_pluckyone, purevideo in order to work needs the xv video output, which is seriously bad when in use with compiz21:26
Jack_Sparrow!build-essential > TornadoChas3r21:26
ubottuTornadoChas3r, please see my private message21:26
BCMMWhat would cause X to crash with '(EE) Failed to load modules "nvidia" (module does not exist, 0)' when the nvidia modules is loaded, as confirmed with lsmod?21:26
jim_pahaminoo, try restarting compiz21:26
lstarnes /2221:26
BCMMwhat version of the nvidia drivers should i have installed?21:26
luckyonejim_p: I am so lost with what needs to happen21:27
jim_pBCMM, what card are you on?21:27
jim_pluckyone, :(21:27
jim_pluckyone, cant you ask for a change?21:27
ahaminoojim_p, yea...I restarted the  xserver...but why that happens? do you know a workaround?21:27
luckyonejim_p: well, maybe21:27
lukaszAnyone know a workaraound to my problem?21:27
BCMMGeForce 610021:27
jasperJack_Sparrow, the only reason that I'm taking ubuntu-eee is for the hardware detection. My wireless doesn't work on ubuntu. (I tried everything btw)21:27
jim_pahaminoo, no sorry :( i am compiz illiterate21:27
BCMMjim_p, GF 610021:28
luckyonejim_p: I need AGP or I need to get a new motherboard that has PCI-E21:28
Jack_Sparrowjasper, which is why they have eee21:28
TornadoChas3rI am on ubuntu 7.04 non of the packages will retrieve21:28
TornadoChas3rAnd it wont let me update to 8.0421:28
ahaminoojim_p, ok..so the atieventsd thing, if I disable it, there is no problem right?21:28
jim_pBCMM, what drivers did you install?21:28
graingertTornadoChas3r, have you edited your /etc/apt/sources.list21:28
Jack_SparrowBCMM, I use the -173 for my 6600's21:29
BCMMjim_p, it's not my machine, i'm fixing it for a relative21:29
jim_pahaminoo, yea, i have it disabled long ago. it used to make my pc hang on logout21:29
WastePotatoHow do I change my icon theme?21:29
bimberiTornadoChas3r: 7.04 is no longer supported.  The recommended upgrade path is 7.04 -> 7.10 -> 8.0421:29
TornadoChas3rNo i have not21:29
Jack_SparrowTornadoChas3r, feisty has reached eol21:29
BCMMjim_p, i think at some point different versions have been used, to make kde 4 workd21:29
luckyonejim_p: I am going to call ATI and really encourage them to do whatever it takes in '09 to make themselves linux friendly21:29
TornadoChas3rI cant upgrade21:29
ahaminoojim_p, I try to hibernate now ...hopefully that works too21:29
jim_pBCMM, use the nvidia-glx-177 or whatever its called21:29
graingertTornadoChas3r, or install 8.10 fresh21:29
ahaminoojim_p, thanks for your help :D :D21:29
jim_pluckyone, lol21:29
BCMMjim_p, if i apt-get that, it should get rid of other ones, right?21:30
luckyonejim_p: they just opensourced their entire 3d library21:30
Jack_SparrowTornadoChas3r, http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty/main/ ... http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty/multiverse/... http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty/restricted/ ... http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty/universe/21:30
hspaansluckyone: AMD is working on that harder then you may think21:30
lukaszsystem/administration/login window. Setting this didn't work for me :(21:30
jim_pahaminoo, you are welcome21:30
DragoraNdoes anyone recommend to enable VMI in ubuntu with vmware ?21:30
BCMMjim_p, does that include the kernel module and the X11 part?21:30
luckyonehspaans: I know they are - I want to call them and let them know I bought the card because they did that21:30
lukaszI have tried like almost everything and my login clock is 24hr I like to set it to 12 hr21:30
jim_pTornadoChas3r, it seems the support for 7.04 ended. you jave to update as bimberi says21:30
graingertDragoraN, use virtualbox....?21:30
jim_pBCMM, i think so21:30
hspaansluckyone: ok21:30
FlannelTornadoChas3r: Why can't you upgrade?21:30
BCMMjim_p, how do you specify versions?21:31
TornadoChas3rIt Gives me an error when trying to find 8.0421:31
BCMMjim_p, is apt-get install nvidia-glx enough?21:31
luckyonehspaans: companies need to realize how influental linux users are...21:31
FlannelTornadoChas3r: Right, you have to upgrade to 7.10 first, then from 7.10 you can upgrade to 8.0421:31
Flannel!upgrade | TornadoChas3r21:31
ubottuTornadoChas3r: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes21:31
jim_pBCMM, that will get you "the package you selected is provided by a b c packages, please select one21:31
a1faHey, I have a PIII 500Mhz with 256mb ram (non-upgradable) -- DELL Latitude LS; is there anything else I can do to improve performance? Maybe SSD hard-drive?21:31
graingertTornadoChas3r, it's easier to install 8.10 fresh....21:32
FlannelTornadoChas3r: The only thing you need to keep in mind is that you have to manually move to http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ to get Feisty fully up to date (first step of the upgrade)21:32
BCMMjim_p, that's got it working21:32
Flannelgraingert: Or 8.0421:32
luckyonehspaans: not that there are that many of us, but we are smarter than your average bear, espeically when it comes to computers, and people look to us for opinions21:32
arktvrvswho just opensourced their library?21:32
BCMMjim_p, odd, i'm sure i'd tried that from adept...21:32
BCMMjim_p, thanks21:32
arktvrvsi missed sthg.21:32
mattyb243is 8.10 ps3 compatible?21:32
graingertFlannel, yeah but 8.10 is the bettererer21:32
Flannelluckyone: Mind taking it to #ubuntu-offtopic?  Thanks21:32
luckyoneFlannel: sorry - I am getting off the horse21:32
jim_pa1fa, install xubuntu, or go for a minimal install of ubuntu + lxde, or try a less bloated approach like debian21:32
Flannelgraingert: Not if he wants to upgrade sparingly.  There's definately something to be said for LTS releases21:32
[Spooky]usser: :( i only get the microsoft ip...21:32
Flannelluckyone: Oh, I don't mind, just take it to the proper channel21:32
luckyoneFlannel: </rant>21:33
a1fajim_p: i am running xubuntu21:33
jim_pmattyb243, no21:33
usser[Spooky], hm, i dont know then sorry21:33
techsuperfreakspooky; what adress are you trying to get21:33
DragoraNgraingert: vmware21:33
mattyb243jim_p i didnt think so. i have no idea why my discs are freezing for 7.1021:33
a1fatoo bad this laptop only has 1 USB port.. i'll probably get an expansion PCI card with more21:33
jim_pa1fa, then dont buy an ssd. try a debian minimal + lxde. it boots on my vbox with 512 of ram in 30-40 seconds21:34
Dreamgliderwhere is xorg located ?21:34
jim_pmattyb243, come again?21:34
* lukasz yawns :P21:34
jim_pDreamglider, /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:35
nickpatt0nI'm running eeebuntu on my eee pc and the bootup is really slow is there anything I can do to make it faster?21:35
Dreamgliderjim_p i dont have a X11 dir !21:35
* luckyone loves ubuntu and everyone who develops, supports, and uses it21:35
mattyb243jim_p: i put 7.10 on a few days ago, and my disc installed it perfectly. i unistalled to get a fresh install to try and get wireless working, and now when i get past the starting up partioner loading bar it freezes (im using the exact same disc and .bld instaler file as the other day)21:35
hspaansnickpatt0n: use bootchart to say where the delays are21:35
lukaszI hope there is a solution to my problem !21:36
nickpatt0nI a noob at this21:36
jim_pmattyb243, i cant help you more. i have never heard of someone installing ubuntu (the normal version) in a ps321:36
nickpatt0nhow do I get bootchart working?21:36
hspaansnickpatt0n: what is you level of knowledge?21:36
jim_pDreamglider, then its the new xorg 1.5 novelties21:36
nickpatt0nI'm a fedora user(hardcore) and just started using ubuntu21:37
Dreamgliderok, ill just  reformat and install 8.0421:37
mattyb243jim_p: i have the specific build for power pc and ps3, but thanks anyways21:37
jim_pDreamglider, what for?21:37
nickpatt0ncan I get bootchart with apt-get21:37
kde4_Hi, what is the right boot parameter for "safe graphic mode"? I have to boot via USB and I can not set it during boot. There is this line in USB disc "initrd=/casper/initrd.gz quiet splash noprompt -- "21:37
hspaansnickpatt0n: ok, so you're not newbie ;-)21:37
genii!info bootchart21:37
ubottubootchart (source: bootchart): boot sequence auditing and chart generator. In component main, is extra. Version 0.9-0ubuntu7 (intrepid), package size 97 kB, installed size 192 kB21:37
jim_pnickpatt0n, yes21:38
nickpatt0nwell yeah21:38
geniinickpatt0n: Yes21:38
Dreamgliderjim_p i cant get the mouse/kb to work on 8.10, it did work in 8.1021:38
jim_pkde4_, single21:38
nickpatt0nis there a gui for it or do I need to learn some terminal commands21:38
Dreamgliderohh it did work on 8.0421:38
Flannelnickpatt0n: You can use your favorite package manager to install it21:39
Flannel!bootchart | nickpatt0n21:39
ubottunickpatt0n: bootchart charts your machine at boot time, to install >> sudo apt-get install bootchart << the graphic is in /var/log/bootchart after the next reboot21:39
jim_pDreamglider, can i show you my xorg.conf in case you get any ideas?21:39
kde4_jim_p: what single?, as parameter?21:39
jim_pDreamglider, as a last resort21:39
jim_pkde4_, yea21:39
nickpatt0nit's installing....21:39
Dreamgliderjim_p sure21:39
kde4_jim_p: i am gonna try it, thanks.21:40
jim_pDreamglider, http://7g.pri.ee/mine.conf21:40
hspaansnickpatt0n: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BootCharting <-- this may help you21:42
lukaszCan anyone help pls21:42
nickpatt0nok thanks21:42
hspaansnickpatt0n: you may also have a look at insserv, but use bootchart for measurement21:43
jim_plukasz, can you please repeat?21:43
lukaszsystem/administration/login window. Setting this didn't work for me :(21:43
nickpatt0nok thanks for the help hspaans21:43
lukaszI have tried like almost everything and my login clock is 24hr I like to set it to 12 hr21:43
hspaansnickpatt0n: np21:44
jim_plukasz, lmao! i thought some months ago that it was a bug. now i am sure it is!21:44
Qwellhey, I've got an xinput command I need to run every time I reboot..  is there somewhere in ~/ I can put it to make it "Just Happen" when X starts?21:44
LtLlukasz: right click on theclock, choose preferences, in the general tab, choose 12h.21:44
Qwellevdev makes things quite difficult21:44
jim_plukasz, i experienced the same, sorry21:44
Qwell`xinput set-int-prop "Microsoft Microsoft 5-Button Mouse with IntelliEye(TM)" "Middle Button Emulation" 8 0`21:45
ardchoilleIs gOS supported here?21:45
lukaszI hope they will fix it :p21:45
lukaszI even have tried editing gdm.conf!21:45
evanklugi want 2 talk21:45
gbear14275I was informed that there was a newer version of deluge available but when I ran my update manager it said my system was up to date... how often are the packages for deluge updated in the ubuntu repositories?21:45
FloodBot1evanklug: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:46
ardchoilleevanklug: This is a support channel for Ubuntu, do you have an Ubuntu issue?21:46
Flannelevanklug: This is a support channel, we have  #ubuntu-offtopic for chatting, thanks21:46
lukaszI will wait for a fix!21:46
evanklugr u there?21:46
erUSULgbear14275: they will not be updated unless there is a securioty issue you can get newer vrsions of deluge in a ppa or its website (ubuntu deb)21:46
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Flannelevanklug: Please stop using the enter key as punctuation.  And please take chatting to an approprate channel21:47
erUSUL!ppa | gbear1427521:47
ubottugbear14275: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.21:47
evanklugwhere is my snubbie dog21:47
mattyb243jim_p: im not sure what i did( realisticly i did nothing except try like 7 times in a row) but its now running the install process21:47
Jazaneed some help connecting to my windows share network folders21:48
gbear14275so is that something the deluge developers would do  (PPA) or is that something that I would do?21:48
lukaszSo how long do we have to wait for a fix jim_p21:48
AlexKiblerDoes anyone know how to fix the initramfs problem?21:48
nite_johnboyWhat is the shell command to give a list of your computer hardware ? ?21:49
ikonia!give ikonia a test21:49
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:49
Flannelnite_johnboy: lspci (with -v) and lsusb (with -v)21:49
nite_johnboyFlannel; Thanks much!21:49
LtLnite_johnboy: lshw is handy also.21:50
Jazalector, was helping me earlier but it looks like he left21:50
AlexKibler"(initramfs) [    40.716931] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb] Assuming driva cache: write through" That's what it tells me when I try to boot intrepid.  Any idea why?21:50
gaintsuraI tried setting acpi=force on this system, its a pentium II 350Mhz, during the install screen before the ubuntu splash, it says acpi cutoff date greater than bios date (1997), use acpi=force, then below that it says it cant find the system description tables, loads for a while then hangs at the background (let it sit for 45 minutes) anyone have any ideas?21:51
AlexKiblerOh my.  That sounds like a problem.  No, sorry.  I have no idea what it could be.21:52
graingertgaintsura, disable acpit=force21:52
erUSULgaintsura: have you tried acpi=off ?21:52
robin0800gaintsura: try lapic21:52
douglI am trying to make my desktop look/feel like a mac with osx - does anyone have any suggestions for the doc?21:52
ardchoilledougl: avant window navigator21:53
graingertdougl, awn21:53
Styx993can someone help me with amarok?21:53
jim_plukasz, i hope they will do something with xv by the end of spring. it seems they rewrite the whole xorg code :P like reinventing the wheel21:53
gaintsuragraingert: no, it said to place that into the boot line21:53
gaintsuraerUSUL: no, not yet21:53
graingertgaintsura, ignore it21:53
gaintsurarobin0800: lapic=force?21:53
ardchoilledougl: or cairo dock, or wbar, or simdock21:53
AlexKiblerDoes anyone know how to fix the BusyBox problem?21:53
gaintsuragraingert: hard to ignore something like that when its not installing21:53
Styx993can someone help me with amarok?21:53
robin0800gaintsura: no on its own21:54
graingertacpi=off might do...21:54
douglthanks guys - will google awn21:54
AlexKiblerWhat's wrong with it Styx?21:54
graingertavant window navigator21:54
Styx993its not mounting my mp3 player21:54
AlexKiblerWhat kind of MP3 player do you have?21:54
jim_plukasz, one thing i forgot. fglrx does not use the full potential of your card. its ability is like 70% of its windows "brother"21:54
gaintsuragraingert: ok, I'll try that, will see what it does this time first21:54
Styx993its a something-or-other lyric21:54
nite_johnboyLtl; Is there a shell that will out your list of hardware as a .html file in your home directory as well ? ?21:54
AlexKiblerLol, something-or-other doesn't really help.21:54
Styx993its some brand ive never heard of, so im using the generic one21:54
AlexKiblerTry googling the model + linux and find out if they're even compatible.21:55
lukaszjim_p I have Nvidia 8600 GT now21:55
Styx993it will mount outside amarok21:55
TornadoChas3rawww i just f ed up my xserver lol21:55
robin0800gaintsura: i use both lapic and hpet=force21:55
Styx993and linux recognizes it21:55
lukaszjim_p I have Nvidia 8600 GT now!21:55
AlexKiblerOh, I see..21:55
AlexKiblerI dunno.  I use my phone as my MP3 player so I've never had to try to mount one..21:55
jim_plukasz, did you trade it?21:55
WastePotatoHow do I change my icon theme from the default in gnome?21:55
lukaszI have bought a new laptop!21:55
AlexKiblerOf course, I'm pretty sure my phone is incompatible so I have to do everything in windows..21:55
lukaszI have Now Asus G1S!21:55
LtLnite_johnboy: you can redirect output to a text file easily, example: lspci -v > filename21:56
jim_pardchoille, where can i find simdock?21:56
AlexKiblerAnyone know where to get LG Voyager Drivers for Linux?21:56
gaintsuraoh, wait I've got mouse movement this time21:56
ardchoillejim_p: it's in the repos21:56
ardchoille!info simdock21:56
ubottusimdock (source: simdock): A fast and customizable dockbar. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 121 kB, installed size 348 kB21:56
lukaszI have bought the laptop!21:56
ehmcksomeone please help me-- i've totally screwed up my Hardy-- i was trying to upgrade my vim with this: http://packages.debian.org/sid/vim, but I didn't realize I pulled in a lot of other stuff that has broken/removed a lot of my core apps (pidgin for one)21:56
lukaszI sold the old one :P21:56
ehmckis there any way to fix this?21:57
jim_plol thanks ardchoille21:57
AlexKiblerehmck: Try reinstalling the things you removed.21:57
linkmaster03What is a good program for creating .ico images?21:57
lukaszUbuntu wouldn't even work well on old laptop!21:57
joejci was on the windows channel and i asked about ubuntu and they said it was a crappy operating system and that theres 1300 people in chat because more people need help with it then windows, is that true?21:57
ehmckAlexKibler: I've tried, but it says I have the wrong version for dependencies (specifically perl-base)21:57
jim_pehmck, you tried to upgrade FROM A NORMAL DEBIAN REPO? not even shared? man you are insane!21:57
nachohi88hi everyone, need some help21:57
linkmaster03joejc: no that's obviously not true21:58
Styx993joejc: its for more advanced users21:58
ehmckjim_p: someone told me to try that21:58
gillroyis there an infra-red driver for use with a laptop under ubuntu 8.1021:58
AlexKiblerjoejc: It's for people who are smart enough to go above and beyond windoze21:58
Jazahelp please21:58
nachohi88almost all of my audio programs stop respondig when trying to play a song or a video21:58
nite_johnboyLtL; Ah - ok - could not remember what is was - I believe there is another shell that gives a history of all the different shell commands you have ever run in the past - Is that correct ?21:58
nachohi88the only one who works is vlc21:58
Styx993theres .bash_history21:59
jim_pehmck, and you just put a debian sid repo there and upgraded?21:59
linkmaster03joejc: it's because most winblows users are too stupid to know what irc is, or how to use an irc client21:59
AlexKiblerAnyone know about the initramfs busybox issues?  Like, how to fix it..  Or what causes it?21:59
jim_pehmck, ubuntu and debian repos ARE NOT binary compatible21:59
LtLnite_johnboy: yeah thats the .bash_history file.  type ls -la in your home dir21:59
mizipzori dont seem to get any sound going, amarok plays something, the speakers work if i plug them into the laptop, and i cant find anything muted in the volume controls... whats the next step?21:59
ehmckjim_p -- i didn't "upgrade" -- i just upgraded vim-- but i guess that's pretty bad too21:59
gillroyir/laptop driver for 8.10 anyone?21:59
WastePotatonachohi88: Just out of curiousity, do you have Compiz enabled?21:59
jim_pehmck, how did you install it?21:59
erUSULAlexKibler: sometimes is becouse the kernel does not find any disk. try some boot options21:59
ehmckjim_p: apparently it brought in new version of other things that then removed other stuff21:59
LtLnite_johnboy: history is a command also22:00
erUSUL!boot | AlexKibler all-generic-ide may help22:00
ubottuAlexKibler all-generic-ide may help: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto22:00
nickpatt0nhspaans, I've rebooted what next?22:00
ehmckjim_p: added the debian source, then sudo apt-get install vim-full, then i'm fucked22:00
TornadoChas3rHow do i reinstall the xserver22:00
nite_johnboyLtL; Sweet - big thanks as always - these are all going into a notebook file for future reference - getting to old heh heh !  :o)22:00
erUSULAlexKibler: also check your bios and see if you can put your sata controller in ahci mode22:00
nachohi88but got this problem just from 2 days ago22:00
bdelin88anyone no why on any computer i am on ubuntu file transfers are always NOTICEABLY slower than windows transfers?22:00
bdelin88even my blazing fast gaming pc...22:00
omshantii have wine installed, and i have a windows executable.  please guide me through making the install program become a usable installed program in linux22:01
jim_pehmck, can you remove it?22:01
ehmckjim_p: is there now way to go back to previous versions-- i've taken out the debian source now, is there anayw to force a downgrade?22:01
ehmckjim_p: remove what?22:01
ehmckjim_p: i'm afraid to remove perl-base, cuz it's gonna make me remove EVERYTHING-- apparently the whole world depends on perl-base22:01
[Spooky]Is there any good portscanner for ubuntu?22:01
AlexKiblererUSUL how would I do that?  I'm a linux-newb.  Haha22:01
LtL[Spooky]: nmap22:01
arktvrvs[Spooky]: ive heard good things about nmap. no experience with it though22:02
jim_pehmck, i would try updating the apt, then a -f install22:02
Jack_Sparrowomshanti, /join #winehq22:02
ehmckjim_p of just the perl-base?22:02
nickpatt0nI use nmap arktvrs22:02
erUSULAlexKibler: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions <<<< see this page ubottu told you about22:02
jim_pehmck, of all22:02
AlexKiblerThats.  Hope I can figure it out.22:02
nachohi88while opening totem from console it opens but says this in console if i wanna play something:22:02
nachohi88 Message: Error: Failed to connect stream: Invalid argument22:02
nachohi88pulsesink.c(634): gst_pulsesink_prepare (): /GstPlayBin:play/GstBin:abin/GstBin:audiosinkbin/GstGConfAudioSink:audio-sink/GstBin:bin6/GstAutoAudioSink:autoaudiosink1/GstPulseSink:autoaudiosink1-actual-sink-pulse22:02
FloodBot1nachohi88: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:02
mithraicOkay, so I want to install the maven2 package. The thing is, it seems to want gcj; I have openjdk-6 installed already. Is there a switch I can throw to convince the maven2 package to use that instead?22:03
mithraicOr would this have to be built in with a virtual dependency by the maven2 maintainer?22:04
mizipzor i dont seem to get any sound going, amarok plays something, the speakers work if i plug them into the laptop, and i cant find anything muted in the volume controls... whats the next step?22:04
[Spooky]Thanks guys...22:04
nickpatt0nI just ran bootchart. I want to make my ubuntu boot up faster22:04
nickpatt0nWhat do I do now22:04
douglardchoille, you still here - that leopard gnome look alike is what I want exactly - thanks :)22:04
gaintsurarobin0800: still getting the same notices after adding lapic=force hpet=force onto the install boot line22:05
ardchoilledougl: That's Mac4Lin, you can find a good help thread for it at ubuntu forums.22:05
Killeroid[Spooky]: nmap is the best. BTW you just had to google for "linux port scanner" for an answer to your question22:05
habitYo mates, advice me please, how to tip dvd's in better way?22:06
gillroy irda?22:06
aleksN^I've just installed tcl, but the program that requires tcl don't find the right path, so I need to give it the right path. What is the command to search / find tcl?22:06
ardchoillehabit: dvd9522:06
ardchoille!info dvd9522:06
ubottudvd95 (source: dvd95): DVD9 to DVD5 converter. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3p2-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 274 kB, installed size 740 kB22:06
douglardchoille, I will search for mac4lin in ubuntu forums22:06
arktvrvsaleksN^: ls /usr/local/lib | grep tcl perhaps22:07
car2nfreakgood morning from AUstralia22:07
danes_is there an application for ubuntu like MS streets and trips where I can use maps with a gps module?22:07
nickpatt0nWhat do I do now22:07
lukaszthere is no work araound yet :(22:07
douglardchoille, that has compiz working on the osx look alike too?22:07
nite_johnboyLtL; Have you ever used " OpenVZ " ? - It is similar to Virtual Box - But is a allot less intensive on hardware resources as VBox.22:07
gwennnaleks: which tcl22:08
robin0800gaintsura: don't do lapic=force the command is lapic which will cause apic to be used even if it is disabled in the bios22:08
Mageiriki-me-basI have an Atheros AR5007 wifi-card. It seems to work on kubuntu, but not on ubuntu 8.1022:08
Mageiriki-me-baswhat should i do?22:08
ardchoilledougl: yes, awn (avant window navigator) requires compositing22:08
car2nfreakI am new to Ubuntu - when trying to install an application I am asked for a password when using SU at the terminal - the password I assigned when I first installed Ubuntu is not working - is there a default admin passsword that I need to use here? Can Anyone help me?22:08
camasonhi guys. I'm having some trouble installing Adobe Air on 8.10. I grabbed the bin from adobe, and chmod +x, but nothing happens when i run it22:09
Killeroidcar2nfreak: use the same password you use when logging in22:09
lukaszWell that said it :P22:09
lukaszbye for now22:09
danes_Mageiriki-me-bas, I hope thiws works for you http://forum.eeeuser.com/viewtopic.php?pid=46275922:09
car2nfreakKilleroid: don't have a password when loggin in22:09
Jack_SparrowMageiriki-me-bas, THis was reported to work..  've recently solved a users atheros wireless problems by following this thread here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=986072   product: AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter.. Post #10 in that forum22:10
douglardchoille, reading ubuntu forum now - thanks :)22:10
Mageiriki-me-basthank you :D22:10
LtLnite_johnboy: negative, no experience with OpenVZ22:10
danes_is it possible to set the ar242x network card in monitor mode under ubuntu 8.10?22:11
LtLcamason: how are you excecuting it? ./filename.bin  ?22:11
ubottuAvant Window Navigator is a dock-like navigation bar for the Linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/ Awn-Manager can be found the Gutsy !backports repository and in Universe in Hardy22:11
Killeroidcar2nfreak: replace "su" with "sudo" and then use the same password as before22:12
gaintsurarobin0800: ok, well that got rid of the cannot read system information.. now still getting the acpi=force part22:12
w3rd_hey guys does the usb-creator create a snapshot of your existing environment, applications and files and install all to usb?22:12
=== Bitfish is now known as bitFish
camasonLtL: yes22:12
LtLgaintsura: i think your hardware is too old imho, try a debian cd, i bet it'll run, but very slowly.22:12
denndaw3rd_: No. It takes the path to an iso or something similar22:13
LtLcamason: any error message?22:13
robin0800gaintsura: whats the exact message22:13
nite_johnboyLtL; ok - thx22:13
throwtWhat package will let me access my ubuntu desktop remotely?  like remote desktop22:13
camasonLtL: absolutely no output whatsoever. 5 second pause, then the bash prompt comes back up22:13
gaintsuraLtL: not my hardware, this guy just wants something that he can learn linux on and get familiar with until he can afford a newer system and get down and eyecandy like22:13
rascal999how do i get ubuntu to ask for ip dhcp?22:13
rascal999like ipconfig /renew in windows22:13
ikoniarascal999: if you stop and start networking (or reboot) it will make a dhcp request22:14
gaintsurarobin0800: [0.00000000] Bios Date (1997) Greater than Cutoff (2000) Use acpi=force <can't read the rest of the message fast enough>22:14
bdelin88ubuntu 8.10 - how would i go about linking my "Desktop" to another folder on a different partition?22:14
rascal999ikonia: yah i did restart networking but it didn't work22:15
ikoniabdelin88: it stis in your home dir - so it's best to just put your home dir on that new partition22:15
w3rd_i want to install a persistent install and have virtual box or something on it so that i can try to run vms' via, client, portable, stateless.... i feel that im going to have some issues with i/o but heh cool idea22:15
starenkarascal999: sudo dhclient -r22:15
kestutiswhere to find BitTorrent client?22:15
ikoniarascal999: what do you expect to happen ?22:15
starenkakestutis: Transmission22:15
bdelin88for instance, make a folder "Desktop" on partition x that holds the "Desktop" from my ubuntu install on partition a22:15
kestutisi've installed it22:15
kestutiswhere is it?22:15
ikoniabdelin88: it's better to move your whole home idr22:15
bdelin88ikonia: i want it on an ntfs22:15
rascal999ikonia: for the interface to get an ipv4 address, this doesn't happlen22:15
Killeroidkestutis: applications > internet > transmission22:16
ikoniarascal999: it doesn't get any address ?22:16
luckyoneis there anything like Apple's Time Machine for ubuntu?22:16
ikoniabdelin88: thats not a good idea in my option, but if you mst, I still say move the whole home directory to ntfs22:16
Killeroidthrowt: system > preferences > remote desktop22:16
throwtKilleroid: cool thanks22:16
kestutisit was installed by default?22:16
bdelin88ikonia... that's why i just want to link my desktop folder22:16
Killeroidkestutis: yea22:16
Killeroidkestutis: you can aslo install deluge22:16
LtLcamason: you're sure the exec bit is set? have you checked adobe for a .deb package a the program?22:16
ikoniabdelin88: thats not advisable at all - I would advise you to move the whole home partition22:16
bdelin88ikonia: it can be done in windows, i am sure it can be done in ubuntu just as easily22:16
ikoniabdelin88: windows is not ubuntu - don't compare22:17
kestutisbut i used sudo apt-get install bittorent22:17
kestutisso, have i installed anything new?22:17
bdelin88ikonia: i don't care, i should be able to host my files on a backup so that if i want to wipe it clean, i don't have worry about my files22:17
robin08002009-01-02 09:50:48Local APIC disabled by BIOS -- reenabling.22:17
robin08002009-01-02 09:50:48Found and enabled local APIC!22:17
bdelin88and they should be viewable by windows on the network22:17
camasonLtL: I looked around for a deb package. It seems people are asking for one. I've done  chmod +x on the file, and run as root22:17
bdelin88ikonia: *and they should be viewable by windows on the network22:17
ikoniaBentJ: then create a link and remove the old directory, you'll have to do this with the desktop not running though22:18
robin0800gaintsura: see log file snipet22:18
Killeroidkestutis: you installed the generic bittorrent client (its a command line based client)22:18
ikoniabdelin88 then create a link and remove the old directory, you'll have to do this with the desktop not running though22:18
ikoniabdelin88: but again - I would strongly advise against it22:18
bdelin88ikonia: can't i do it the way i have been doing with "Pictures" and "Music" i am just making links on the ntfs drive22:18
gaintsurarobin0800: ? I cant see a log, not even at install window yet22:19
ikoniabdelin88: the desktop is in use22:19
kestutisif apt-get install packet-name installs the packet, how to remove it?22:19
luckyoneonce awn is installed, how do you get it to appear?22:19
ikoniabdelin88: so you won't be able to link over the old one22:19
arktvrvsapt-get remove22:19
bdelin88ikonia: can i gdm stop and then make my new desktop folder on ntfs, then make a symbolic link back into places, is that how to do this?22:19
vilemaxim_kestutis: aptitude is a little better for all this22:19
LtLcamason: the error is probably in a log somewhere, perhaps youre missing some libraries it needs, look at your log files in menu, system - admin - session log22:19
maxbaldwinluckyone: applications --> accessories --> AWN manager or something like that22:20
Killeroidkestutis:  sudo apt-get remove packet-name22:20
rascal999ikonia: no22:20
ikoniabdelin88: that will work22:20
bdelin88ikonia: or do i have to point ubuntu to the new desktop22:20
rascal999ikonia: ill restart in a minute22:20
ikoniarascal999: is this on a wired or a wirless connection22:20
kestutiswhat is syntax of aptitude?22:20
ikoniabdelin88: just symlink through will be fine22:20
bdelin88ikonia: so it will treat the symbolic link as the desktop folder, just double checking22:20
jim_pkestutis, the same as apt22:20
bdelin88ikonia: k, great!22:20
Killeroidkestutis:  sudo aptitude remove packet-name22:20
bdelin88ikonia: uh real quick, can you save me some google time and tell me the symbolic link command22:20
ikonialn -s22:20
p4_hi guys22:21
kestutisand what is the difference between them?22:21
bdelin88ikonia: i am tryin to setup a virus-less computer for my gf22:21
p4_is anyone else getting repository index issues?22:21
robin0800gaintsura: I think the message is to enable it in the bios my log shows as long as apic is in the bios it will be used In fact there is no way to enable apic in my bios!22:21
ikoniabdelin88: what has that got to do with anything ?22:21
ikoniabdelin88: the command is ln -s22:21
vilemaxim_kestutis: aptitude tried to resove some conflicts.  It remembers if it installed a package as a dependence, thus removes it if it is no longer needed.  That kinda stuff22:21
luckyoneis awn performance not very good?22:21
jim_pkestutis, aptitude can make package combinations when it comes to more that one set of packages22:21
bdelin88ikonia: lol ... time is of the essence?  i have spent 5 hours today doing it?22:21
camasonLtL: nothing that I can see in there. Also, if I tail -f /var/log/* and run the installer, no messages show up22:21
puppiesRcutehello i was wondering i just had some one put in a new cd drive on my ubuntu hardy heron and its not even listing it as installed doesn't show up22:21
botsnackerAnyone know what it takes to get DamnSmallLinux ssh to connect to ubuntu?22:21
jim_pkestutis, i am too tired to explain now22:22
bdelin88ikonia: thanks22:22
ikoniabotsnacker: install the ssh client, and then the ssh server on ubuntu22:22
kestutisi got it.22:22
p4_is openssh setup?22:22
c4pt_hello any ubuntu ppc users here?22:22
botsnackerikonia: I can ssh already b/t ubuntu boxes . there is something about the ssh client in DamnSmall22:22
=== bitFish is now known as Bitfish
c4pt_is there a way to boot recovery with yaboot?22:23
ikoniabotsnacker: then ask the damnsmall linux support groups, or debugg it with ssh -vv22:23
pistiwhat is?22:23
puppiesRcutecant figure this out at all and didnt see any info on the forums22:23
p4_so is anyone else having issues connecting to all the repository indexes?22:23
ikoniap4_: no22:23
maxbaldwinhow long will DBAN take on a freshly-installed Ubuntu 8.10 with autonuke? How long does it generally take on anything?22:23
p4_i'm curious because its been two days now, across two distros22:23
botsnackerikonia: thanks for the -w ! there's never anyone payin attention in #dsl22:23
p4_ok thanks ikonia22:23
ikoniabotsnacker: -vv22:24
ikoniabotsnacker: "v v" not w22:24
kestutiscan anybody give a link or something where i can find the information about Ubuntu directories. for example what '/etc/' is for? what '/var'/ is for? and so on..22:24
maxbaldwinp4_: no...22:24
botsnackerikonia: Thanks again , funny font here22:24
p4_thanks maxbaldwin, its probably me then22:24
LtLcamason: you might cat .xsession-errors but i doubt its going to run. the  build-essential package -might- help.22:24
maxbaldwinkestutis: check http://www.help.ubuntu.com/22:24
p4_thanks for checking though22:24
maxbaldwinor something like that22:24
p4_saves me some messing around22:24
j0rgekestutis:  http://doc.vic.computerbank.org.au/tutorials/linuxdirectorystructure/22:25
camasonLtL: I'm going to restart, brb22:25
maxbaldwinno problem p4_. No Idea what it could be though.22:25
Mageiriki-me-basi can't get my atheros AR5007 wifi card to work.22:25
=== Bitfish is now known as bitFish
c4pt_how do i boot into recovery with ubuntu 8.10 powerpc?22:25
pistibut what is this location?22:25
omshantiis it easy to get a mic working?22:25
omshantii have a chat thing set up but i have to get a mic for voice chat22:26
p4_Yeh i'm not too sure either, but my isp has been having issues mb its related to that.22:26
omshantii'm running ubuntu >.>22:26
kestutisin linux, executable programs don't have an extention, do they?22:26
bearhunterwhats with ubuntu and flash crashes22:26
lstarneskestutis: not usually22:26
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pistii am stranger here22:27
kestutisis any free compiliator for Pascal?22:27
mib_jhuritlqhi guys. Does anyone know if I can make postgres on Ubuntu use another directory than /var/run/postgresql for its .lock files? I try to run postgresql as a non-root user and get permission denied on startup for a lock file in that directory22:27
MenZa!gcp | kestutis22:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gcp22:27
ikoniakestutis: gnu has one, gpc22:27
maxbaldwinc4pt_: power off, when the powerPC sign comes on (or when you see a blinking underscore _ ) press ESC, F12, F10, or DEL / Backspace until the menu comes up. I think.22:27
mib_jhuritlqideally it would use /tmp or a dir of my own choosing (owned by the user)22:27
mindriotexecutables in linux are set with a flag, in properties, permissions, it's "allow executing file as a program."22:27
MenZagpc, that's the one, ikonia ;)22:27
Mageiriki-me-basCan someone help me with my atheros AR5007 wifi card? I followed the forum's way, but didnt work.22:28
kestutiswhere to find after the installation?22:28
pistihey, a want to use Pyton22:28
ikoniapisti: use it then22:28
pistiany aid me?22:29
kde4_Please, what is the parameter for booting via "Safe graphic mode", I have this command "initrd=/casper/initrd.gz quiet splash noprompt --" and "single" did not help22:29
ikoniapisti: what do you want to know22:29
kestutisby the way, how to remove temporary files or something like this? because yesterday it was 5 gb of used memory, today is about 9gb. but i haven't installed anything special22:29
ikoniakestutis: safe graphics mode is where ubuntu can't get a working xorg video driver22:29
mindriotkestutis, you may have to search for the files with nautilus or another file manager, or the find files in the main menus.22:29
ikoniakde4_:  safe graphics mode is where ubuntu can't get a working xorg video driver22:30
pistiwherefrom addle i pyton?22:30
fsufitchhi. i'm having an issue with my CD/DVD+RW drive. it won't detect any dvds (blank or written), nor any blank CDs and some CDs written by another drive. it reads all printed CDs just fine. i searched the forums and there is nothing there that helped. anyone have a way i could better diagnose the problem?22:30
Jaza_nycanyone familiar with PS3 ubunru?22:30
ikoniapisti: python is installed on your system already22:30
ikoniaJaza_nyc: yes22:30
ikoniaJaza_nyc: it's not an official ubuntu release so not supported here22:31
kde4_ikonia: I see, I have to boot via USB and choose "Safe graphic mode"22:31
ikoniaJaza_nyc: there is a webpage setu pfor the project22:31
pistiunderstand any the in flames?22:31
p4_this computerbank scheme looks awesome22:32
p4_i might volunteer22:32
ikoniapisti: pardon ?22:32
Jaza_nycbut file sharing should be same as regualar ubuntu correct?22:32
ikoniap4_: this is a support channel only please22:32
p4_sorry mate22:32
ikoniaJaza_nyc: in principal22:32
p4_incidently i can connect to the repository indexes by just trying again & again22:32
pistiyes ikonia python is installed on my system already22:33
ikoniapisti: so what do you want ?22:33
maxbaldwinpisti: so what do you need then?22:33
Mageiriki-me-basCan someone help me with my atheros AR5007 wifi card? I followed the forum's way, but didnt work.22:33
c4pt_maxbaldwin: for the yaboot menu? i can get to the yaboot menu but there are only two options in the yaboot loader "Linux" and "old" but old doesnt work and Linux recovery doesnt work like it will boot. but it doesnt boot into recovery mode22:33
temppyMageiriki-me-bas: what version?22:33
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Mageiriki-me-bastempy, how can i see it?22:34
Jaza_nycikonia: I'm trying to use windows file sharing, however, I ran into a problem. When I tried to access the files it asks me for a username and password, but when I type it it won't work?22:34
maxbaldwinMageiriki-me-bas: Did you google your card, your Ubuntu version, and look through the results? google usually finds fixes for wifi if the forum can not.22:34
ikoniac4pt_: if you edit the "linux" option to do "linux single" that should work22:34
ikoniaJaza_nyc: ubuntu ps3 is not supported here22:34
nachohi88i have ubuntu intrepid.. how can i install kubuntu using the cd i also got22:34
temppyMageiriki-me-bas: lsb_release -a22:34
nachohi88so i can use both desktop managers22:35
ikonianachohi88: install ubuntu, then install the package "kubuntu-desktop"22:35
Mageiriki-me-basmaxbaldwin, of course i googled before asking here. But i am a bit noob, and cant understand a lot.22:35
kestutisall the files takes less than HDD used memory22:35
maxbaldwinnachohi88: don't use the cd. run 'sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop kde4' and try it22:35
nachohi88but is nto gonna try to download it from internet?22:35
Mageiriki-me-bastempy, ubuntu 8.1022:35
ikonianachohi88: yes it will22:35
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nachohi88the prob is that right now i just have access to a 100K connection22:36
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rivitingoneWhat is the likelyhood of both sticks of memory going bad? Is this a sign of a bigger problem or am I just unlucky?22:36
ikonianachohi88: then you can't do it22:36
ikonianachohi88: you needa kubuntu cd, or the internet22:36
rivitingoneat the same time22:36
maxbaldwinnachohi88: so you'll have to wait a while. ;)22:36
nachohi88i have kubuntu cd22:36
ikonianachohi88: then your fine22:36
ikonianachohi88: use that to install22:37
temppyMageiriki-me-bas: have you tried install sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-intrepid22:37
ikoniarivitingone: offtopic here22:37
maxbaldwinikonia: nachohi88 wants KDE4 on Ubuntu, how can he get the kde4 from the kubuntu cd?22:37
nachohi88but wanna have both gnome that is the one i have now. and kde422:37
ikoniamaxbaldwin: kde 4 comes on kubuntu 8.10 cd22:37
fsufitchnachohi88: you'll need to add the kubuntu CD as a package source22:37
fsufitchnachohi88: then apt-get update and apt-get install kubuntu-desktop22:38
maxbaldwinikonia: right, but he wants both gnome and kde4, with only Ubuntu installed.22:38
mib_jhuritlqdoes anyone know what controls where ".s.<APPNAME>.<port number>.lock " files get written? By default it goes into   /var/run/<APPNAME>22:38
rivitingoneoops your right. just so used to coming here. where should i go 4 this?22:38
Oversheehey,  anybody know why i dont have a "usr/share/mime/packages/freedesktop.org.xml"22:38
ikoniamaxbaldwin: so as I said he needs to use a kubuntu cd, or the internet22:38
Oversheeand/or where I can get one?22:38
kestutispartition tool shows 33 GB free memory of space. file manager 31GB only..22:39
maxbaldwinikonia: yes, and then someone else told him how.22:39
maxbaldwinikonia: so problem solved then.22:39
maxbaldwinI think.22:39
TornadoChas3rJack Sparrow: is there anyway i could upgrade from 7.04 to 8.10 with a cd or can i only do a fresh install22:39
nachohi88says need to download 116 MB.. is that from updates or is trying to donwload kde from internet?22:39
Mageiriki-me-bastempy, ok i did.22:39
maxbaldwinTornadoChas3r: you need to update from 7.04 to 7.10 then from 7.10 to 8.04, then 8.04 to 8.10, or fresh install.22:40
Oversheeanybody availalbe to help me with MIMEs?22:40
nite_johnboyLtL; When I run the shell " history " - is this the history of "All" shell commands I have run since this install of Ibex on this computer ?22:40
c4pt_ikonia: thanx that worked22:40
temppyMageiriki-me-bas: maybe give it a restart, and see if it works.  Check with iwconfig22:40
ikoniac4pt_: no sweat22:40
Mageiriki-me-bastemppy, how do i check with iwconfig?22:41
ytnylneed help with epiphany someone....22:41
ytnyli installed it from add/remove but it didn't show up anywhere on the menu22:41
nachohi88and other thing  how can i turn off the cpu speaker?22:41
ikoniacpu speaker ?22:41
ytnyli can not find the program to run it.  u 8.10 install....  epiphany says it is on but did not populate icon22:42
mizipzorran an update an suddenly my nvidia drivers arent recognized anymore... running in lowres mode, no idea what to do, suggestions?22:42
ikoniaOvershee: anybody what ?22:43
pistihey people22:43
ikoniaOvershee: saing anybody is pointless22:43
maxbaldwinOvershee: is there a better channel for your problem?22:43
Oversheeikonia can help me with my problem >.>22:43
ikoniaOvershee: what problem22:43
Oversheehey,  anybody know why i dont have a "usr/share/mime/packages/freedesktop.org.xml"22:43
Oversheeand/or where I can get one?22:43
pistihow is the @ sign under ubuntu?22:43
ikoniapisti: depends on your keyboard layout22:43
Mageiriki-me-bastemppy, it works! THANKS!22:44
pistii don't know22:44
p4_ok thanks guys, persistence seems to be the key22:44
ikoniaOvershee: Overshee looks like it is installed with the ubuntu-desktop package22:44
p4_have fun and happy new year22:44
p4_i'll be back later22:44
ytnylcan someone please tell me how to find epiphany browser. i installed it but it did not appear under internet in menu22:44
Oversheefor some reason i dont have one or i cant find it O.o22:44
ikoniaOvershee: perhaps you deleted it by accident, as it's unlikley it's not been installed22:44
Oversheehow can i 'reget' it?22:45
CyberGabberytnyl: Have you already Logged out / logged in?22:45
maxbaldwinytnyl: epiphany is under games...22:45
ikoniaOvershee: re-install whatever package its actually in22:45
ethanhey is anyone there who can help me?22:45
kestutiswhat is better Gnome or KDE?22:45
ikoniaethan: maybe if you ask a question22:45
ethani have a couple of problems22:45
maxbaldwinethan: with...22:46
ikoniakestutis: personal preference, try them see what you like22:46
maxbaldwin!best | Ketzu22:46
ubottuKetzu: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.22:46
Killeroid!ask | ethan22:46
ubottuethan: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:46
Styx993how do i change permissions on a directory?  it refuses to do it for me22:46
maxbaldwintab-complete fail22:46
ytnylmax: epiphany is a browser. i checked under games. it is not there for me.22:46
maxbaldwin!best | kestutis22:46
ubottukestutis: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.22:46
ytnylit did not show under any menu upon install22:46
pistihow do i know what is my keyboards layout - under windows ctrl+alt+v22:46
ethanmaxbaldwin: im trying to open my synaptic package manager and it syas error occurred adn i can not open it22:46
kestutismaxbalwin: "best" and "better" have some differences in mean.22:46
Styx993how do i change permissions on a directory?  chmod refuses to do it for me22:47
ikoniaStyx993: explain refuses22:47
ikoniaStyx993: does it error ?22:47
ikoniaStyx993: what type of file system are you doing this on ?22:47
Killeroidkestutis: what everyone is trying to tell you is that gnome or kde, it all depends on personal choice.22:47
ikoniaStyx993: vfat doesn't support permissions22:47
kestutisMaxbaldwin: "Better" is the second of of adjective whereas "best" is the third one22:47
ikoniaStyx993: thats why22:47
Styx993error when i do chmod a+rwxXst22:47
Styx993is there a way i can modify files without using sudo?22:48
maxbaldwinytnyl: launch it from the command line22:48
ikoniaStyx993: mount it with user permissions22:48
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ikoniaStyx993: there is a guide on https://help.ubuntu.com22:48
ytnylwell maybe someone can just recommend me a better browser than firefox? i hate firefox....  i like google chrome, however.22:48
ethanwhast the command? maxbaldwin?22:48
maxbaldwinethan: do you have sudo priveledges?22:48
kestutisMaxbaldwin: you could check the dictionary to get additional information of the meaning of these words22:48
Killeroidytnyl: try opera22:48
ytnylmax: unsure how to do so.22:48
ethanyes i do maxbaldwin22:48
Styx993ff pwns22:48
rconanHas anyone managed to get a speedtouch usb modem working under intrepid?22:48
maxbaldwinytnyl: opera sounds good22:48
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ytnylopera better than epiphany you guys think?22:48
maxbaldwinethan: open up a terminal and type in "gksu synaptic"22:48
mizipzorhmm... lsmod | grep nvidia... prints nothing, that could be why im stuck at lowres, anyone know a good solution222:48
Killeroidkestutis: everyone here is a volunteer trying to help out, spare us the english lesson22:49
rconanI'm getting this error: "run_program sbin modprobe abnormal exit" during the udev startup if I have my speedtouch modem plugged in while I boot22:49
ytnyli guess seeing as how it wont even install properly it probably is....22:49
CyberGabberethan: Mostly because an other program (temporary) 'locks' it. Check that, or close al other progs, and try again.22:49
ethancybergabber: where do i go to check if another program is locked how do i fidn that out?22:49
maxbaldwinytnyl: w3m is the best. Good ol' CLI22:49
mizipzor$ modprobe nvidia    Not loading nvidia module; not used in /etc/X11/xorg.conf22:49
kestutisBut KDE wants more resources, a better graphics card, doesn't it?22:50
ytnylalright, thanks guys. :) i will get rid of epiphany and try alternatives.22:50
Killeroidmaxbaldwin: nah, elinks ;)22:50
ikoniamizipzor: it only loads it if it's defined in xorg.conf22:50
maxbaldwinKilleroid: ...no.22:50
CyberGabberethan: Are you using KDE or Gnome or somewhate, or only commandlin (no graphics)?22:50
ethancybergabber: im using gnome22:51
Killeroidmaxbaldwin: everyone swears by a different browser. elinks is MY god22:51
maxbaldwinCyberGabber: synaptic is a Gnome application22:51
mizipzorikonia: maybe it got lost in the last update... would reinstalling the drivers be the best way?22:51
Styx993thx for the help22:51
ikoniamizipzor: no22:51
maxbaldwinKilleroid: I'm installing elinks now to try it...22:51
ikoniamizipzor: just adding the line would be the best way22:51
ethanCybergabber: the message that keeps coming up is "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.22:51
ethanE: _cache->open() failed, please report."22:51
Killeroidmaxbaldwin: i am very sure you would love it22:52
skysurferhi all. have a bit of a problem all my key on my pc work apart from the letter p,Any ideas on how to correct this ?22:52
idanKINGGot 3 digit steam account [] pme with good offer22:52
maxbaldwinethan: and did you run 'dpkg --configure -a'?22:52
ikoniahow did you put the letter p in your error message to us22:52
kestutiswhat xmms is?22:52
skysurferim on my laptop22:52
ikoniakestutis: an obsolete music player22:52
ikoniaskysurfer: is the key broke ?22:52
maxbaldwinidanKING: no Idea why you said that, doesn't sound on topic.22:52
skysurferikonia,  im on my laptop22:52
bastid_raZoridanKING; 13 cents $$22:53
ikoniabastid_raZor: don't feed it22:53
ethanmaxbaldwin: i typed that in the termianl and it siad "dpkg: requested operation requires superuser privilege"22:53
Killeroidkestutis: xmms is obsolete, use xmms2 or bmpx or another music player22:53
ikoniaskysurfer: is the p key broke on your keyboard ?22:53
skysurferikonia,  no i allways use it .just stoped working22:53
idanKINGGot 3 digit steam account [] pme with good offer22:53
maxbaldwinethan: run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a'?22:53
ikoniaskysurfer: so how do you know it's not broke now22:53
node357idanKING is trying to scam people22:53
suuphello, Is there an IRC Channel for python?22:53
ikoniasuup: look on the freenode website22:54
skysurferpluged it into my laptop before i asked the question22:54
maxbaldwinnode357: leave him alone then, ignore him.22:54
node357okay maxbaldwin22:54
suupwhat is freenode website22:54
maxbaldwinsuup: yes, #python22:54
ytnylok... now i have a new problem. i can not uninstall epiphany browser....22:54
ikoniasuup: offtopic in here22:54
kestutiswhat is GDM?22:54
maxbaldwinyou must be registered to go in #python though, suup22:54
ikoniakestutis: the gnome display manager22:54
Styx993gnome desktop manager22:54
Gnea!freenode | suup22:54
ubottusuup: freenode is the IRC network that you're on! See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml22:54
skysurferikonia,  pluged it in to my laptop to check it22:54
ikoniaskysurfer: interesting22:54
Styx993like xdm, but gnome22:54
ytnylit tells me something about package dependancies and says use synaptic22:54
ytnylbut it is not even on there22:54
ethanmaxbaldwin: i typed that in and this came up"Setting up java-common (0.30ubuntu3) ...22:54
ethanProcessing triggers for man-db ...22:54
ethanProcessing triggers for doc-base ...22:54
ethanProcessing 2 added doc-base file(s)...22:54
ethanRegistering documents with scrollkeeper..."22:54
FloodBot1ethan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:54
skysurferikonia,  your telling me lol22:55
ytnylanyone know how i can find and remove epiphany browser?22:55
kestutisIt's login page or not?22:55
ikoniakestutis: login manager22:55
rivitingoneCan anyone direct me to an IRC channel that deals with hardware issues? My live CD keeps crashing and the memtest gets unexpected interupts and halts.22:55
rconanhello, I'm getting this error: "run_program sbin modprobe abnormal exit" during the udev startup if I have my speedtouch modem plugged in while I boot. Does anyone know why this is?22:55
skysurferytnyl,  add and remove22:55
ikoniarivitingone: ##hardware22:55
maxbaldwinethan: now try 'gksu synaptic' from the terminal again22:55
ytnylsky, i tried. it says it can't do it.22:55
kestutisKDM - KDE dispay manager, yes?22:55
Gnearivitingone: sounds like you've got bad ram22:56
skysurferytnyl,  ill go see22:56
ytnylsky, thanks. i tried it said something about package dependencies and to use synaptic22:56
ytnylbut i can't even see it in syn22:56
Jack_Sparrowrivitingone, It wont be a hardware issue, just a tweek to get live going22:56
thomas_I was wondering if I could get some help, how do I find restricted drivers??22:56
skysurferytnyl,  use snap then22:57
kestutisi installed xmms2 but i can't find how to start it22:57
ethanmaxbaldwin: synaptic package manager opended yes but it said i have a broken package and to use the filter22:57
ytnylsky, what is snap?22:57
ikoniakestutis: xmms2 is not like xmms22:57
ethanmaxbaldwin: where do i go to fix the package?22:57
ikoniakestutis: xmms2 is a music "server"22:57
skysurferytnyl,  are you new to ubuntu22:57
ikonia!xmms > kestutis22:57
ubottukestutis, please see my private message22:57
ytnylsky, yes. using 8.10. installed 2 days ago22:57
mizipzorikonia: http://pastebin.com/m5f554a0d22:57
maxbaldwinethan: I'm sorry, I cannot help you. I use Apt-get, so... someone that uses synaptic will be able to help you though I'm sure.22:58
skysurferaaaaaaaaaaaaa ok then iv not been ytnyl  using it mutch myself so im sort of new so bare with me mate.22:58
thomas_I am looking for the X3100 graphics driver22:58
thomas_... if that helps22:58
ikoniamizipzor: seems sensible22:58
maxbaldwinKilleroid: I like elinks. :D22:58
ethanmaxbaldwin: somethign just poped up about sun java and went to remove it and an error came up that siad something about crash22:59
Killeroidmaxbaldwin: welcome to the church of elinks then :D22:59
ytnylsky, no problem.  worse comes to worse i can just leave it on system for now22:59
maxbaldwinthomas_: did you try google?22:59
maxbaldwinKilleroid: yay22:59
ytnylthe thing wouldn't even install properly and now i can't get rid of it22:59
thomas_yeah I was looing around on google, but everything is for ubuntu 7.XX22:59
mizipzorikonia: still got lowres after a reboot22:59
maxbaldwinethan: haha, sounds like a mess. I have no idea- maybe ikonia knows.22:59
ethandoes anyone use synaptic?22:59
ikoniamizipzor: try modprobing it now22:59
ikoniaethan: ?22:59
ytnylethan, i have it but i can't understand how it works23:00
ikoniaethan: most ubuntu users use synaptic23:00
ytnyli can't find the program i want to remove in it23:00
skysurferytnyl,  go into system,then administration,click on synap23:00
nickrud_ytnyl, try sudo apt-get -f install ; if that fails put the full output on paste.ubuntu.com23:00
mizipzorikonia: FATAL: Error running install command for nvidia23:00
Gneaethan: what's the packagename that's failing?23:00
mizipzorikonia: after modprobe nvidia23:00
ethangnea: its called sun java23:00
kestutisin ubuntu where executable files appears?23:00
ikoniamizipzor: where did you get that driver set from ?23:00
maxbaldwinethan: what's the name of it? sun-jdk-java6?23:01
kestutisas in windows it's c:/program files23:01
ikoniakestutis: /usr/bin normally23:01
nickrud_kestutis, in /usr/bin ; support files usually in /usr/share ,, /usr/lib, and /etc23:01
ethanmaxbaldwin: yes thats it23:01
Jack_Sparrowkestutis, IWe dont have /exe's23:01
Gneaethan: packagenames don't have spaces in them, what is the *exact* name, please?23:01
mizipzorikonia: downloaded them from the nvidia website like 6 months ago or something23:01
maxbaldwinethan: ok one second...23:01
Gneaethan: nevermind23:01
ikoniaughhhh why did you do that23:01
ikoniamizipzor: thats the problem23:01
ytnylsky, how do i find epiphany under synaptic ?23:01
ikoniamizipzor: you should be using the ones ubuntu packages for you23:02
mizipzorikonia: i rarely do updates since it usually breaks something like this and im not comfortable enough with linux yet to fix it23:02
ethanmaxbaldwin:sorry no tis called "sun-java6-jre"23:02
kestutisso if i want. can i execute a program directly from file manager?23:02
suupCould I ask a python question here?23:02
thomas_Well here is a better question: In ubuntu 8.10 how do I know what restricted drivers are running on my system?23:02
skysurferok then i got one im installing 8.10 on daughters eeepc 900 will it be easy to get the wireless drivers using the terminal23:02
Gneaethan: try running this:  sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get -f install23:02
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WastePotatoHi. How do I change my icon theme on GNOME?23:02
maxbaldwinethan: that's the package that's mucked up?23:02
Killeroidkestutis: double click23:02
ikoniamizipzor: then you should have used the versions ubuntu package for you if your not confident with linux23:02
nickrud_WastePotato, system->prefs->appearances -> customize button, icon tab23:03
Jack_Sparrowskysurfer, eeebuntu  will do a better job of wireless on an ee box23:03
kestutisfor example, where xchat appears?23:03
zykes-anyone here got a link on how to configure intrepid /etc/network/interface for wpa ?23:03
Killeroidkestutis: /usr/bin/xchat23:03
Gneamizipzor: using nvidia drivers directly from the site in ubuntu will always cause more problems than it solves. do you still have the original file downloaded?23:03
thomas_I'm in the hardware driveres but it says that there are no drivers in use... are the X3100 and other intel chipset drivers come with ubuntu 8.10 by default?23:03
skysurferjack-sparrow how do i get that mate 123:03
maxbaldwinethan: pull up a terminal and type in "sudo apt-get remove sun-java6-jre && sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre"23:04
maxbaldwinethan: that _should_ fix everything.23:04
thomas_do the X3100**23:04
SquideshiAnyone here know anything about the Intel driver for X.org?23:04
ac3_0f_spad3scan anyone tell me how to synchronize tomboynotes on the web? i know how to do it with ssh and crap but i cant find any free services and wouldnt know how to use those free services if i found them23:04
ubottuInformation about installing Ubuntu on an Asus EeePC can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC23:04
Gneamaxbaldwin: it's possible that he has a corrupted .deb file23:04
nickrud_thomas_, yes, the drivers for the intel chips are open source not restricted23:04
sidewalkSquideshi: what is there to know?23:04
zykes-noone knows ?23:05
maxbaldwinGnea: wouldn't that get rid of it and reinstall it?23:05
thomas_nickrud: AHHHH thankyou!23:05
Squideshisidewalk: I was wondering if the driver supports TV output for my chipset.23:05
sidewalkwho has questions about eee?23:05
mizipzorGnea: hmm... i have a bunch of files i tried, cant be sure which one was the one that worked though23:05
sidewalkSquideshi: ahh, dunno, have you googled for it?23:05
Gneamaxbaldwin: well, removing it would get rid of any installation information, but the package file itself would remain in the cache, which is why I suggested sudo apt-get clean, so it would re-download it23:05
WastePotatonickrud: Thank you so much. <323:05
graingertSquideshi, use a live cd23:06
Squideshisidewalk: Yes, but I haven't been able to locate that information.23:06
graingertSquideshi, and find out23:06
maxbaldwinGnea: did he do apt-get clean? or did he miss that?23:06
Seito<Squideshi>what's wrong with it?23:06
Gneamaxbaldwin: I have no idea, I didn't get a response.23:06
kestutisubuntu is being created with Python?23:06
thomas_well... some of it23:06
maxbaldwinhmm... sounds like he's waiting.23:06
graingertkestutis, some bits are in python23:06
groundupWhen I go to watch a Flash video on Facebook, it says I need to upgrade Flash. When I download the deb, it tells me I already have a newer version installed. When I check my FF plugins, it tells me I am running v9. How do I get FF and Flash to jive?23:07
Gneamaxbaldwin: hopefully he's not smashing his keyboard against the table23:07
graingertkestutis, but most are in c, some is in .NET *shudder*23:07
graingertgroundup, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree23:07
kestutisrepeat me if you can the name of Pascal compiliator23:07
mizipzorikonia: what files were it that i should use? something through apt-get?23:07
maxbaldwinGnea: I've never faced the problem he has, so I'm not of much help to him as much as someone else may be.23:08
saerahttp://www.prlog.org/10077526-unshredder-new-shredded-document-reconstruction-software.html im looking for an open software version of that23:08
fsufitchkestutis: gpc23:08
graingertgroundup, also it seems you have installed your flash from adobe.com and not a repository23:08
ac3_0f_spad3scan anyone tell me how to synchronize tomboynotes on the web? i know how to do it with ssh and crap but i cant find any free services and wouldnt know how to use those free services if i found them23:08
suupwhere do I sign up to join #python IRC channel?23:08
ytnylguys, under synaptic. what is the difference between mark for removal and mark for complete removal?23:08
Squideshigraingert: I've actually installed Ubuntu 8.10. The problem is that xrandr doesn't report TV as an output, even though I have an s-video output. I don't know if this is caused by the driver not supporting it, or another problem, hence the question.23:08
ytnylanyone understand it?23:08
graingertgroundup, see if you can uninstall it23:08
Gneamaxbaldwin: actually, you brought up a good thing :)23:08
genii!info gpc > kestutis23:08
ubottugpc (source: gcc-defaults (1.74ubuntu2)): The GNU Pascal compiler. In component universe, is optional. Version 5:2.1-4.1.2-24ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 1 kB, installed size 40 kB23:08
graingertSquideshi, ah, sorry23:08
groundupgraingert: I believe I installed it from a repo but I tried upgrading from the site23:08
kestutishow to open it?23:08
graingertgroundup, what version of ubuntu do you have?23:09
Killeroidsuup: /msg nickserv help register23:09
maxbaldwinGnea: well, thanks. Hope it works for him then.23:09
ytnylcomplete removal or removal under synaptic ? which is best?23:09
SquideshiSeito: xrandr doesn't show a TV output, even though I have an s-video output.23:09
graingertgroundup, go here http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/welcome/23:09
graingertgroundup, and tell me what version you get...23:09
geniikestutis: Install from Add/Remove Programs. You don't "open" it as such. You use like:  gpc codefilename.pas -o outputfilename23:10
groundupgraingert: okay, this may take a second. I am on a slow connection in Iraq.23:10
graingertgroundup, cool...23:10
kestutiscan i make executable file for unix systems?23:10
ac3_0f_spad3scan anyone tell me how to synchronize tomboynotes on the web? i know how to do it with ssh and crap but i cant find any free services and wouldnt know how to use those free services if i found them. I cannot, I repeat, cannot find anything on the web.23:10
ytnylgroundup, you are in iraq?23:11
graingertytnyl, well ner23:11
groundupytnyl: yeah23:11
Killeroidgroundup: type this url in firefox "about:plugins"   (withoutt he quotes of course). the first plugin is called shockwave flash, the flash version is listed23:11
groundupgraingert: it doesn't give me a version23:11
Killeroidkestutis: yes, you can,23:11
graingertgroundup, mouseover "about"23:11
Seito<Squideshi>I've heard somewhere that it won't work. e.g. my laptop (hp compaq 6720s) has integrated modem (agere if I'm not wrong) - it even not exist in device list... (sysinfo)23:12
skysurferwell i have finaly got rid of windows on all my pc in the house and with no problems and gave ubuntu to my mother with the advent netbook she loves it23:12
Robbie_CrashI'm trying to move a hard drive from my Ubuntu box to a different computer, but every time I remove it, I can only boot into BusyBox. I know that the hdd that I'm moving off isn't the hdd that Ubuntu is installed on, and it's not even mounted. If I attach a CDROM to the same IDE channel that the HDD was on, the system boots fine. So I'm pretty sure it's a problem with GRUB and where it's pointing to boot from. 23:12
kestutisso, just outputfilename wihout extension?23:12
groundupgraingert: v9. I was using the about:plugins in FF and that flash animation just said 9 as well23:12
Killeroidkestutis: yes,23:13
graingertgroundup, ok, try install flashplugin-nonfree what ubuntu do you have?23:13
groundupgraingert: hardy23:13
ac3_0f_spad3sby the way for anyone here who knows my inquiry here, I still havent found a way to encrypt a disk after the fact23:13
groundupgraingert: apt-get just failed.23:14
grounduptry 223:14
graingertgroundup, I don't think hardy does >9....23:14
kestutisand can i compile executable file for windows with GPC?23:14
graingertgroundup, try ibex...23:14
skysurferok people i have a book from a few months back with an ubuntu 8.04 lts anyone want it .? be good for any newbies23:15
ac3_0f_spad3sskysurfer,  i do23:15
groundupgraingert: ugh, okay. That might take me a few days to download. Stupid Facebook video.23:15
ac3_0f_spad3sis it ebook23:15
skysurferac3_0f_spad3s, ok send your addy to my email ill send it to you .my address is maxpower3001@hotmail.co.uk23:16
kestutishmm. what could be wrong with:23:16
kestutisprogram labas;23:16
FloodBot1kestutis: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:16
grandmaneedshelpanyone in here who are experienced with xfce4? the ppl aren't responding in #xubuntu23:16
RomDis there a way to play wav files once from the terminal? e.g. when you're in a directory with soundfiles23:17
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nickrud_kestutis, try #python maybe?23:18
grandmaneedshelpAll I need to know is whether or not it is possible to lock down the panels, or just totally lock all system settings?23:18
kestutisit's pascal :)23:18
RomDthere's no app that just plays the file and closes afterwards?23:18
ac3_0f_spad3sskysurfer, you have to email me first ok23:18
maxbaldwinno spamming ac3_0f_spad3s23:18
maxbaldwinkeep emails to /msg23:19
phaiRomD: mplayer23:19
skysurferac3_0f_spad3s,  ok23:19
ac3_0f_spad3smaxbaldwin, thats my spam protected email address23:19
nickrud_grandmaneedshelp, yes it is, although I have no experience with it: sabayon23:19
maxbaldwinac3_0f_spad3s: Thumbs up for you. please keep emails in /msg , so other undesirable people don't get it.23:20
ytnylto remove something properly using synaptic, do i check removal or complete removal?23:20
TeamColtra[NADC]I am ready to make the big switch to Ubuntu full time (i am currently dual booting)... is there a way to delete my windows partition and just expand this partition without losing my stuff?23:20
ytnylanyone have any idea?23:20
mib_tgll73Can someone please send me a generic initrd file for 2.6.24-22 on x386 ?23:20
nickrud_kestutis, heh. one of those poofy languages, I can't tell the diff ;)23:20
iLogicI'm having a hard time trying to install ubuntu, though everything in my machine is ok (it runs other OSs flawlessly) and I have been able to install ubuntu several other times.. now it just hangs on the end of the third cell of the loading bar.. when I try to read the output by pressing ctrl+alt+f1, it says something about abnormal errors while loading modprobe or that it couldn't find /bin/sh .. any thoughts to begin with?23:20
maxbaldwiniLogic: burn a new CD23:20
kestutisi compiled23:20
nickrud_ytnyl, complete removal removes config in /etc ; removal does not. You decide :)23:21
kestutisi doesn't open by double-click23:21
ac3_0f_spad3smaxbaldwin, ok23:21
maxbaldwinac3_0f_spad3s: thank you.23:21
SquideshiiLogic: Did you download and burn the installation CD?23:21
ytnylnickrud... this is a disaster...  i want epiphany gone completely but i don't know how to do anything in /etc23:21
iLogicmaxbaldwin: I tried three cds already, two of them were sent by canonical via mail.. all of them have been successfully installed in the past23:21
skysurferace_of_spad3s dont know how to do that mate23:21
RomDthanks phai, that's what I was looking for23:21
skoozneed the command to change boot time to chose windows or ubuntu23:21
Zone2Can anyone assist me in installing Nvidia 8600gt drivers on ubuntu 8.10 desktop? I have 2x 8600GT cards 4200+ AMD 4G ram.23:21
=== nemozox_ is now known as nemozox
ac3_0f_spad3sskysurfer, dont know how to do what?23:22
nickrud_ytnyl, use complete removal then. /etc is where system wide configs are kept. As a general rule, you would only leave the residual /etc config if you had already customized it and thought you might want to reinstall the app and use those custom values23:22
skysurferhow to sent to your email23:22
ac3_0f_spad3sjust email like a normal email23:22
mizipzoraccording to a guide a should have a System—> Administration— > Restricted Drivers Manager... but i seem to be missing it, how do i get it? or are there alternative routes?23:23
TeamColtra[NADC]I don't want to seem pesky but did anyone catch my question? (I know other people are being helped right now..  :) just want to see if I'm on the docket)23:23
ytnylnickrud, is it complex for me to do?23:23
nickrud_mizipzor, that's the old name; it's now hardware manager23:23
yosshi all. I installed Skype by downloading it from www.skype.com and using dpkg -i skype.foobar.deb on it.23:23
nickrud_ytnyl, no, it's completely automated23:23
yossbut now I want to uninstall it.23:23
yossbut I cannot find it in synaptec. Can anyone help me out please?23:23
Armageddon00Hi, I`m looking for a GNOME GUI application that combines rss feed reading with the capability to twitter.  Are there any such applications?23:23
nickrud_yoss, sudo dpkg -r skype23:24
mizipzornickrud_: hardware drivers?23:24
iLogicArmageddon00: sure, it's called firefox :)23:24
ytnylnickrud, thank you....   i will never use epiphany browser again...  it's install was all buggy and everything and then i had trouble getting rid of it23:24
nickrud_mizipzor, yes, it changes and that's even older I think23:24
yossnickrud_: dpkg: status database area is locked by another process23:24
temppyhelp: the partitioner is locking up on me.  I tried to quit out of it, and that dialog is not responding either.  Suggestions?23:24
yossnickrud_: i get that error message.23:24
maxbaldwinTeamColtra[NADC]: that's okay. feel free to re-ask- just don't spam spam spam like others may. No, you will need to reformat your hd.23:24
nickrud_yoss close synaptic or any other manager23:24
phaiArmageddon00: try flock23:24
mizipzornickrud_: hmm... its named hardware drivers here, and i just did an update... are there some updates to ubuntu i must download manually?23:25
yossnickrud_: aha. Thanks alot.23:25
Armageddon00iLogic: I was looking for something that would run outside of the context of a web browser, something that I could reduce to an icon when I wasn`t using it.23:25
iLogicnevermind.. I'll just try opensuse23:25
Armageddon00phai: Thanks, I`ll look into that.23:25
nickrud_mizipzor, that will only show restricted drivers available for your particular hardware; what are you looking for?23:25
TeamColtra[NADC]maxbaldwin: Thanks... Not the answer I was looking for... but an honest one none the less23:25
TucDoes anyone know if it's possible to program in C in Ubuntu?23:25
mizipzornickrud_: trying to install nvidia drivers23:25
nickrud_mizipzor, what card?23:26
mizipzorTuc: its possible23:26
SlartTuc: yes, it's very possible23:26
gaintsuratrying to install ubuntu hardy on P2 350Mhz 386ish Ram, After entering into 'install ubuntu' from boot menu, says [0.00000000] Bios Date (1997) exceeds cutoff date (2000) please use acpi=force to enable ACPI [0.00000008] Cannot get system information data. I managed to fix the second error by adding lacpi hpet=force to the install line, however when it gets to the background splash it just sits, the mouse moves for a bit, then locks up after 30 minutes, n23:26
gaintsuraothing else shows up on the screen besides the hardy heron background. does anyone have any suggestions?23:26
phaiTuc: yeah, gcc23:26
TucI tried compiling a C program.  compiler did not recognize the header files.23:26
maxbaldwinTeamColtra[NADC]: no problem. It shouldn't be that hard: you do back everything up to keep your files secure, right? :D23:26
Tucused gcc'23:26
Skippy1981TeamColtra[NADC], backing up your home directory will take care of quite a large number of your settings, after doing this you would only need to worry about package reinstallation and system configuration23:27
geniigaintsura: Do you have at least 256Mb of ram in the box?23:27
mizipzornickrud_: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G70 [GeForce 7600 GT] (rev a1)23:27
maxbaldwinTuc: I guess Geany is a good thing for C.23:27
phaiTuc: sudo aptitude search build-essential23:27
gaintsuragenii: yes23:27
Robbie_CrashI'm trying to move a hard drive from my Ubuntu box to a different computer, but every time I remove it, I can only boot into BusyBox. I know that the hdd that I'm moving off isn't the hdd that Ubuntu is installed on, and it's not even mounted. If I attach a CDROM to the same IDE channel that the HDD was on, the system boots fine. So I'm pretty sure it's a problem with GRUB and where it's pointing to boot from. 23:27
maxbaldwinTuc" sudo apt-get install Geany23:27
TeamColtra[NADC]Do you guys know of any tools that will automaitcally backup my system to FTP?23:27
gaintsuragenii: 3x128mb SDRAM PC-10023:27
nickrud_mizipzor, ok, first lets check that you have the right sources. system->admin->software sources, the first four items should be checked (fourth is the restricted one)23:28
geniigaintsura: Do you have more than 2.5 Gb of hd space?23:28
nickrud_mizipzor, 3rd I mean23:28
Robbie_CrashTeamColtra[NADC] write a cron to do it23:28
gaintsuragenii: yes, not much more, but more than 2.523:28
mizipzornickrud_: everythings checked23:28
Seito<TeamColtra[NADC]> try sbackup (after creating backup just copy folder with backup where do you like)23:28
geniigaintsura: OK. So check the md5 sum of the cdrom image and make sure it is good. Also I would recommend to run the memtest of the cdrom on your box to test the ram for at least a few hours23:29
nickrud_mizipzor, ok, close that and run in a terminal   sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)   the funny stuff at the end makes sure we're getting the right stuff for the kernel you're running)23:30
toorudezhi all.  I got a wierd problem.  I install 8.10 desktop, and everything appears ok, but absolutely nothing gets written to the hard drive.  The partitions show up, but they're all empty.23:30
geniigaintsura: I have 8.04 running on some old p2 400 Dells, when they had less than 256Mb ram, livecd cannot run and you require alternate cd23:30
mizipzornickrud_: E: Couldn't find package ubuntu-restricted-modules-2.6.24-22-generic23:31
* Mez always uses alt CD :D23:31
Meztis more useful :D23:31
suupCould someone help me a python question23:31
Mez!ask | suup23:31
ubottusuup: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:31
Robbie_Crashsuup ask in #python23:31
TeamColtra[NADC]:) now to cross my fingers that I have enough room to do a backup23:31
gaintsuragenii: ok, well the md5 is kosher, checked that already, will try the memtest though.23:32
MezRobbie_Crash: it might be about installing it in ubuntu, or a package :D refer after the question :D23:32
stinger05hi there23:32
suupI was reading some python books, some functions are defined with function names start with __23:32
suupwhat does that mean23:32
nickrud_mizipzor, ok, sudo apt-get update and then run the apt-get install again23:32
zojohi can anybody help me am trying to install ubuntu23:32
stinger05i just installed ubuntu, but firefox isnt opening, it just doesnt give any sign whatsoever :S why is that ?23:32
zojoim using vista right now23:32
mizipzornickrud_: same error23:33
geniisuup: In most programming languages that means it's a built-in or system function23:33
Seito<stinger05> try to run firewox under console23:33
TeamColtra[NADC]zojo: Well theres your problem ;023:33
Seitofirefox :)23:33
zojoand i have the problem no root file system is defined23:33
stinger05Seito: how ?23:33
nickrud_mizipzor, put the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list on paste.ubuntu.com23:33
Seito<stinger05>ope terminal window and type firefox in it23:33
pretender_I have a Brother MFC multifunction and need to get it installed on Ubuntu 8.10.  Can anyone point me to an how to guide for install23:34
stinger05ok just a sec then.. :)23:34
suupwhat does if__name__ == '__main__' mean?23:34
CyberGabbersuup: #python can help you23:34
Seito<stinger05>it possibly will show you an error - segmentation fault...23:34
phaisuup: please read "A Byte of Python"23:34
stinger05Seito: it worked !!23:34
Gneasuup: for the final time, please, /join #python and ask there.23:35
mizipzornickrud_: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m732c8c423:35
Seito<stinger05>so then check quick link file on topbar23:35
maggotstinger05: maybe there was  problem with the launcher23:35
antoniamy cds in my cd drive do not show up23:35
suupI don't know how to register my nickname23:35
nickrud_mizipzor, that pastebin was empty. run  pastebinit -i /etc/apt/sources.list , that should give you a good url23:36
suupCould I get a quick answer to my question here??23:36
Killeroidsuup: /msg nickserv help register23:36
nickrud_!register suup23:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about register suup23:36
Gneasuup: ask in #freenode23:36
nickrud_!register | suup23:36
ubottusuup: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode23:36
suupregister suup23:36
stinger05Seito: as a matter of fact, i just installed my OS, and btw, im using linux mint23:36
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mizipzornickrud_: http://pastebin.com/f9582d2323:37
kestutishow to open GPC compiled program?23:37
mizipzornickrud_: wierd though, other url works for me23:37
stinger05Seito: i just wanna run firefox from an icon "anywhere"23:37
yosshi all. Has anyone here installed Skype? I am downloading the .deb from Skype.com and then running "dpkg -i" on it, but when I try to make a test call it says "Probelm with Audio Device"23:37
Seito<stinger05> I tried mint, but in fact it couldn't locate some my hardw, so I installed Ubuntu 8.10 x6423:37
yossany ideas?23:37
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Seito<stinger05> create an icon on a desktop, at path box type firefox23:38
yossit says "Problem with Audio Playback"23:38
yoss /not/ Audio device23:38
Seito<stinger05>at command box, sorry23:39
GneaMez: please don't PM me without asking first, thanks.23:39
=== dmnt is now known as demnt
nickrud_mizipzor, those look fine so you should be able to get restricted. Try again, copy and paste this just avoid typos: sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)23:39
stinger05Seito: sorry but it didnt work dude :(23:39
gabrielityoss: Have you set up your input/output - in skype Sound devices option ?23:40
mizipzornickrud_: works... hmm... must have been a typo last time23:40
MezGnea: Noted, however, I'd rather deal with issues with your behaviour in a PM, rather than adding to channel noise of forwarding you to the ops channel23:40
yossgabrielit: no i have not.23:40
nickrud_is it downloading23:40
yossgabrielit: for sound devices, its just set on Default for everything.23:40
GneaMez: I'm sorry, I'm causing a problem how?23:41
yossnothing is on mute. I unmuted and practically maxed everything in my volume control, aswell.23:41
shirajhey guys23:41
mizipzornickrud_: now nvidia drivers showed up in that hardware drivers window, i installed them... trying a reboot now23:41
Zone2nickrud i am following your conversation, I think i have the same problame. Just to make sure, you are trying to get his nvidia drivers installed for video? sorry to interupt23:41
yossgabrielit: but when I click "Make a test sound" nothing happens aswell.23:41
yosseven though sound works on this machine (ie. via youtube.com)23:41
Seito<stinger05>have you installed firefox from repository or just downloaded as tar.gz archive?23:42
skoozsudo /boot/grub/menu.lst (whats wrong in this)23:42
MezGnea: PM?23:42
stinger05Seito: no, it came built-in with Mint23:42
GneaMez: very well.23:42
savidCan anyone explain why this is happening?   http://i42.tinypic.com/33xwuue.jpg     http://i43.tinypic.com/2i20ykn.jpg23:42
yossgaintsura: also, none of the sounds in Notifications work for me....23:43
kestutisgpc compiled program doesn't open ;/23:43
jackass_can someone help  http://wklej.org/id/34371/23:43
Seito<stinger05>ok so then check firefox launcher properties23:43
gaintsurayoss: ?23:43
gaintsuragenii: I remember putting more than 128Mb of ram in here.. I'm going to have to look at this system23:44
nickrud_skoef, that tries to execute a text file. you'd do gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst to edit it23:44
Seito<stinger05>command line should look like this - "firefox %u" (without "")23:44
TornadoChas3rI need Help Reinstalling The Xserver23:44
nickrud_skooz  that tries to execute a text file. you'd do gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst to edit it23:44
mizipzornickrud_: nope, still got lowres mode... but maybe my xorg.conf isnt set to use that new driver?23:44
geniigaintsura: It's reporting an inadequate amount?23:44
rebel_kidis there a list somewhere of usb wifi cards that have been tested compatible with ubuntu?23:44
yossgaintsura: yes?23:44
skoozthank u23:44
yossgaintsura: oh whoops. tab completed the wrong name. sorry!23:45
nickrud_mizipzor, it should be. Check hardware drivers again, see if it's enabled23:45
stinger05Seito: its written in correctly23:45
mizipzornickrud_: "in use" according to that23:45
kestutisanyone uses GPC?23:45
Seito<stinger05>so it don't run from the launcher, but runs from command-line?23:46
stinger05Seido: correct my friend.23:46
nickrud_mizipzor, I'm not sure what's going on then. Do you have more than one video chip? Like onboard and a board?23:46
jojo_algun español en la sala23:47
Flannel!es | jojo_23:47
ubottujojo_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.23:47
mizipzornickrud_: nope, this is the only one i got23:47
ubutnudiskprobleI had a corruped hd and I removed it, but ubuntu complains about it not being there.23:47
ubutnudiskprobleon bootup23:47
nickrud_mizipzor, ok put up /etc/X11/xorg.conf and /var/log/Xorg.0.log23:47
ubutnudiskproblehow do I tell ubuntu that the hard drive is gone and not to expect it.23:48
arch_lad_ubutnudiskproble: tried removing it from /etc/fstab ?23:48
FracturedIm trying to share a USB external FAT32 hard drive to the rest of the network over SMB, but Ubuntu will not have it... I can share other things just fine, any ideas?23:48
ubutnudiskproblearch_lad_: It got there by itself somehow so I'm concerned it might be defined somewhere else.23:49
yossaha. alright.23:49
Oli``How do you get past the cdrom detection in the alternate disk from USB (where there is no cdrom)?23:49
antoniahey guys i cannot mount my cdrom23:49
mizipzornickrud_: http://pastebin.com/f4bdc5a4e23:49
antoniawhen i put a cd in, nothing happens23:49
antoniawhen i try to mount it says its a bad fs type23:49
antoniaand i know its a cd that works23:49
ehmcksomeon please help-- i'm super desperate-- been spending last8hrs on this, and keep making things worse-- I'm on Hardy and upgraded to newer vim version by adding this to my sources: http://packages.debian.org/sid/vim, and then did an apt-get install vim-full, but the upgrade apparently broke my pidgin (and probably other things)-- how do i go back to the previous state?23:49
shirajhow do i login to root?23:49
shiraji want to change the ownership of  adirectory23:50
genii!root | shiraj23:50
ubottushiraj: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo23:50
mizipzornickrud_: http://pastebin.com/ff912f9d23:50
Flannelehmck: You'll have to manually pin package versions on everything that the upgrade brought in to the hardy versions23:50
darkrubicantevening, got my graphics problem sorted, but I'm looking for assistance with playing a .it file.23:50
ehmckFlannel: is there a way to figure out what all that is?  is a log created somewhere with what I did-- my term was closed23:50
darkrubicantit's a music file23:51
geniiehmck: There is a dpkg log23:51
Flannelehmck: You can likely get what packages were upgraded from your dpkg.log.  I'm sure you've already figured it out by now, but I'll say it anyway: Don't mix repositories; and debian (even if its the right version) packages aren't binary compatable23:51
Flannelehmck: /var/log/dpkg.log23:51
=== Luna is now known as Guest38491
Seito<shiraj> type sudo -s, then enter current user pass. it'll switch you to root. then type passwd - to change root pass. then if you need in the future root priveleges, type su, then root password23:52
Flannel!noroot | Seito, shiraj23:52
ubottuSeito, shiraj: We don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-)23:52
geniiSeito: You are not giving good advice23:52
Guest38491So how limited am I, in terms of Computer Games I can play, if I use Ubuntu rather than Winows?23:52
skoozthanks nickrud_23:52
nickrud_mizipzor, I've reached my troubleshooting limit here. One card, correct Xorg.conf, you have hardware drivers saying nvidia is in use, and the log says it's using the failsafe. I'm not familiar enough with how this new X works to get any further23:52
=== Guest38491 is now known as Lunestra
FlannelGuest38491: There's a number of native games (see !games), and also you'll find a good deal of windows-only games will work with wine23:53
Seitook guys, so then best way is use of sudo :)23:53
Flannel!appdb | Lunestra23:53
ubottuLunestra: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help23:53
zone5nickrud .... I am wondering if he has dule cards that causes some problams with mine23:53
mizipzornickrud_: bummers23:53
Seito<ubottu> i've got it ;)23:53
* Lunestra looks into this23:53
Flannel!games | Lunestra23:54
ubottuLunestra: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php23:54
darkrubicantanyone available to help with a music problem?23:54
jaymtee_Lunestra: any particular games?23:54
ytnylguys i got issue with my new ubuntu install23:54
ytnylmy sound is too low23:54
geniiSeito: To use sudo like:   sudo commandname               for one-time. Or sudo -i           for interactive multiple commands as root, then exit23:54
ytnylanyone know how i can increase my volume past max?23:54
ytnyli am on hp latop... sound just too low for me on linux23:54
LunestraJaymtee_: Ultima Online, Command and Conquer games, StarCraft, Civilization series games23:54
wesbut this one goes to 1123:54
ytnylit gets louder on windows23:54
Seito<genii> I know. I use it when lasy to type su :)23:54
zone5Is anyone available to help me install sound a video drivers for ubuntu 8.10 desktop?23:55
ytnyli can't listen to music good with my sound like this. volume is at max...23:55
ac3_0f_spad3scan anyone tell me how to synchronize tomboynotes on the web? i know how to do it with ssh and crap but i cant find any free services and wouldnt know how to use those free services if i found them23:55
ytnyli wonder if i need new sound drivers23:55
wessure zone523:55
wespm me23:55
Vhozardcan someone help me with raid installtion?23:55
jaymtee_ytnyl: have you tried looking at the volume control screen?  Right click the speaker icon23:55
ytnyljamtee: it is at max23:55
ytnylbut it's max is lower than windows by like half23:56
zone5wes is that dcc chat your asking for ?23:56
jaymtee_Lunestra: a nice interface around wine is CrossOver Office and CrossOver games23:56
zone5sorry been long time since i have used irc23:56
lstarneszone5: /msg, not dcc chat23:56
ehmckFlannel: genii: so where it says "upgrade blah 4.2.1~sdf-3ubuntu3 4.2.2~sdf-12" it means it upgraded from the first item to the last item?-- and so i should do a apt-get install blah=4.2.1~sdf?23:56
zone5kk i sent request23:57
jaymtee_ytnyl: right click and see if all the output controls are set to high enough values23:57
geniiehmck: Did you fix your sources.list first already?23:57
ytnyljaymtee: oh!23:57
ehmckgenii: yeah23:57
ytnylthanks. one sec23:57
Flannelehmck: You'll have to use your apt_preferences, and pin the package versions back (or remove and reinstall, however I'm worried you'll end up having to remove very important packages for that method)23:57
jaymtee_Lunestra: it costs $$ but is a very nice implementation23:57
MaJiKaLLneed help with wireless problem. I am connected to home wireless network. running ubuntu x64 8.10. now i can connect to the wireless network perfectly using wpa encrpytion. However if i leave my connection running for say downloading torrents, the signal drops significantly that i have to refresh the connection. anyone know what may be causing this. p.s. i am dual booting windows vista 64bit and wireless works for days on end without in23:57
geniiehmck: It's a tricky business due to the underlying dependencies23:58
ehmckFlannel: yeah-- it will-- it pretty much has to remove everything-- thought of that possibility already23:58
weszone5, where are you?23:58
ehmckFlannel: i mean for uninstall and reinstall23:58
ytnyljaymtee: you're my hero :) thanks. that fixed it.  first time using linux. i didn't know it had more controls23:58
zone5wes ... hmm did i do something wrong. its still waiting for acknowledgement23:58
zone5oklahoma city23:59
Flannelehmck: You'll have to use apt_preferences (man apt_preferences is very detailed) -- to get it to downgrade you need priorities higher than 100023:59
ehmckFlannel: genii: but if i use apt_preferences i should be ok?23:59
zone5whats up23:59
wesone second23:59
Flannelehmck: Yeah, it'll force the downgrades, etc.23:59
jaymtee_ytnyl: no biggie glad to help23:59
lstarneszone5: try using a regular /msg or /query instead of a dcc chat23:59
ehmckFlannel: k-- i'll check it out23:59
xubuntu_userI'm trying to restore a messed up init situation (Gutsy).  Any good links on doing a GRUB / init restore? Reeeeely need the help.....23:59
antoniamy cd will not mount, everything seems set up but it does notmount23:59
ehmckFlannel: i'll let you know how it goes23:59
Lunestrajaymtee_: Wine costs money? I can't afford to pay money D:23:59
Flanneljaymtee_, Lunestra: wine doesn't cost anything23:59

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