[00:00] Oh, good [00:00] Lunestra: cedega, a fork of wine, does [00:00] Lunestra: wine is free (like beer) but crossover costs money. It's based on wine but very well packaged, improved, etc [00:00] ytnyl: do you have a volume control wheel on your cd drive, crank it up too. [00:00] wow its been along time since i have used irc lol [00:00] I'm going to have to go with somethign free, I don't have money === waffles_ is now known as wafflesdr [00:01] why some commands are full path to the file whereas some of them are only the name [00:01] Ltl: thanks for the tip [00:01] ? [00:01] Wine will run many programs though... Graphics can be a problem though. You should check out ine resources on the net for specific progerams [00:01] for example. the command for opening Skype is only "skype" [00:01] wes i think i have something set wrong or something [00:01] kestutis: The files which are in the known PATHs of the system execute without full path having to be known [00:02] My comptuer isn't very good anyway, so highly graphics-intensive games are ebyond me. The best I can do is Morrowind xD [00:02] oh ya know i have a new router give me a sec ill run passive [00:02] I'm trying to move a hard drive from my Ubuntu box to a different computer, but every time I remove it, I can only boot into BusyBox. I know that the hdd that I'm moving off isn't the hdd that Ubuntu is installed on, and it's not even mounted. If I attach a CDROM to the same IDE channel that the HDD was on, the system boots fine. So I'm pretty sure it's a problem with GRUB and where it's pointing to boot from. [00:02] zone5, ya i see your messages [00:02] genii: so how the system knows the paths? [00:03] kestutis: printenv|grep PATH will tell you the ones it knows automatically about [00:03] is it any default path as c:/windows/system32/ in windows? [00:03] kestutis: It's a variable which can be set in your environment file [00:03] Well I'll be back to ask lots bore quetions in 4-6 weeks when my Ubuntu Disk gets here. Sooner if I feel motivated to attmept downloading it (not likely, my internets suck) Seeya [00:03] *more [00:03] kestutis: It's a similar idea, yes === danielw_ is now known as Danielbw_home [00:03] Lunestra: http://appdb.winehq.org/ [00:03] Hey, I have a wubi problem [00:04] so, what's that path in linux? [00:04] kestutis, from a terminal type "echo $PATH", you will see the directories seperated by commas, just like in windows [00:05] the env command is a little more interesting [00:05] kestutis: type 'env' no quotes in a terminal, those are you environment variables. [00:05] he guys, my cd wont mount, at all [00:05] onetinsoldier: Yes, the full output of it shows all youe environment variables [00:05] ya [00:05] anyone here use torrentflux, i am having trouble with one of the settings on my remote server [00:05] any idea whats going on, it is there its /dev/scd0 it says that it is an incorrect fiel type [00:05] genii: ya :-) [00:06] aw, no more santa hat icon for VLC [00:06] antonia: Are you specifying iso9660 filesystem for instance when trying to manually mount it? [00:06] i see i wasn't good at Windows, too! [00:06] ytnyl: Does volume work well now? [00:06] genii: actually, its just audio cd's [00:06] Hey, I am trying to install 8.04 on a iBook (PowerPC), but when I boot to the CD I get a blank screen. I tried live video=ofonly but it just made the screen turn a greenish color and faded to white. Any advice? [00:07] antonia: You can't really mount an audio cd [00:07] so $PATH shows where systems looks firstly, if i haven't typed the full path? [00:07] kestutis: Yes [00:07] kestutis, exactly [00:07] kestutis: use echo $PATH [00:08] /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games [00:08] Does anyone know why my screen, usually after 2 or 3 minutes of logging in, goes momentarily black, then returns to normal? It does this only once, and it is fine afterwards. It's just odd behavior. [00:08] genii: yes but shouldnt it show up in the sistom try [00:09] genii: *system tray [00:09] Enter http://www.hostgator.com/ i need some help i new to running a server is that a good price for what i get for just the hosting plan [00:09] kestutis: Any command typed in a terminal will be searched for in every directory in your path. same goes for ms windows. [00:09] and how could i edit environment variables? [00:09] i need to mount an ntfs drive that is still marked as in use by windows is there any way to do this? [00:10] kestutis: /etc/environment [00:10] hi [00:11] kestutis: there are other system-wide settings in various /etc/ files. checkout linux tutorials, there are many. [00:11] Does anyone know why my screen, usually after 2 or 3 minutes of logging in, goes momentarily black, then returns to normal? It does this only once, and it is fine afterwards. It's just odd behavior. [00:12] TwoEqualsTen: Likely DPMS setting of monitor [00:13] genii: it wont show up as there so i don't know how to play the audio files or rip them [00:13] genii, what is that? I'll also check it out. It's never done that before with prior version (7.04 up to 8.10), but it's done it on every 8.10 install. No biggie I guess Just wondering. [00:14] TwoEqualsTen: In your xorg.conf file likely DPMS is set for the monitor [00:15] genii, I'll check it out. I've been reading as well. Thanks for the info :) [00:15] I'm having trouble with my Ubuntu install. it is labelling my computer as x86_64, when it's really x86. Anyone know how to resolve this? I installed via Wubi [00:16] antonia: Perhaps you need to have something like grip installed [00:16] hey does anyone knwo how to make ubuntu faster i just downloaded it and it seems really slow? [00:16] ethan: try xubuntu [00:16] of course, i should act as root, with gksudo nautilus [00:16] yes? [00:17] delaman: does that involve uninstalling my whole os? [00:17] ethan: yes well you can install them both on the same HD [00:17] ethan: that could be a server/link issue, google for bandwidth testing and check for more accurate benchmarks. [00:17] delaman: becuase i ahd to configurate myslef and i really dotn want to have to go through it all again [00:18] another question how to set the proccesses which should be started on system start-up? [00:18] delaman: is there a way i can just update my ubuntu to xubuntu through a download rahter than installing? [00:19] ethan: yes [00:19] !fonts [00:19] Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer [00:19] ethan, i think the package is called xubuntu-desktop [00:19] genii: no audio programs recognize it, like theres no way for me to tell anything to play the cd, which seems wrong, how do i play music from it? [00:19] delaman:becasue im also running a dual os with xp and ubuntu but the ubuntu seems slow [00:19] ethan: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop [00:19] ethan: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/xubuntu [00:19] I'm having trouble pinning ONLY [00:19] kestutis: menu - system - preferences - sessions is a start, install BUM to allow/disallow certain processes on boot. [00:20] hello [00:20] hi [00:20] I'm having trouble pinning ONLY rails from ibex into hardy. [00:20] delaman: that will just update it? [00:20] delaman: right no uninstalling of any kind? [00:20] ethan: will update the packages and install the most current xbuntu [00:20] ethan: no unistalling [00:20] is evryoane who speak italian? [00:21] delaman: just the command or also is there a download form the website? [00:21] delaman: that i also have todo? [00:21] !it | floryn90 [00:21] floryn90: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) [00:21] ethan, no that will do it [00:21] ethan: just do the command then log out and choose xfce as your session [00:22] antonia: Have you tried opening the cd from inside an app like Grip or so? [00:22] delaman: so when i choose between windows and ubuntu when i start up it will say xubuntu right? [00:22] ethan: depends how you have gdm the login manager setup [00:23] delaman: ok thank you [00:23] ethan: np [00:23] woo lots of ppl here [00:24] i installed a game using this: http://www.blog.highub.com/linux/install-and-play-unreal-tournament-on-ubuntu/ [00:24] anyone have fun with any new steam games? lagging an such o.o [00:24] delaman: what was the command again i lost it? [00:24] now i want to remove it and install it again correctly how can i do it? [00:25] happyfeethax: quality over quantity anytime. [00:25] hola [00:25] delaman: whats the command again? [00:25] list/ [00:25] sheets [00:25] anyone know how to work with wifi killswitches? [00:25] delaman? [00:26] ethan, sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop [00:26] thank you skippy === hurleyy is now known as hurley [00:27] ubuntu a good distro for wine =p or nothing good for wine xD [00:27] happyfeethax: It runs about the same on every dist [00:27] Bah.. [00:27] hello, can anyone help me with a postfix error [00:27] no ideas? [00:27] I'm having trouble pinning ONLY rails from ibex into hardy. [00:27] well left 4 dead is so terrible [00:28] am i being stupid, or can't just just compile cadega yourself? i always thought the subscription was just for luxury features [00:28] you* [00:28] maboughey: dude, just ask... time will tell [00:29] how i find more info about command ./ [00:29] =p I remember cedega [00:29] im having trouble with postfix recieving mail from mail.example.com but its looping back to itself [00:29] !./ [00:29] ! ./ [00:29] genii: yes it opesn from other things, i think its odd that it doesnt tell me that theres an audio cd in there though [00:29] can i configure filezilla as sftp server ? [00:29] DiiPhantom: open a terminal type man command-name [00:29] antonia: Yes, it's weird. [00:30] cedega > wine in gaming? =p [00:30] LtL, you see nothing came up, i typed man ./ [00:30] nothign showed [00:30] DiiPhantom, yep use man. if you don't know the command you are looking for, then apropos does a keyword search [00:30] DiiPhantom, ./ isnt a command [00:30] sudo ./? [00:30] DiiPhantom: ./ is not a command, it's procedure. [00:30] i just got cedega today for cod4, much better framerate so far for that particular game [00:30] hi All, have you experience using xinetd ? [00:30] LtL, check this http://www.blog.highub.com/linux/install-and-play-unreal-tournament-on-ubuntu/ [00:31] hmm I havn't tried cod4 in wine yet [00:31] at that link it says how to install ut99, now i want to remove it [00:31] i need to create a log file to store all the message that runs on localhost port:8000 (tcp) [00:31] LtL, at that link it says how to install ut99, now i want to remove it [00:31] have a problem: My old USB WUSB adapter isn't working anymore -- I have to now have a binary or firmware of some sort, and everytime it would freeze on trying to grab it and my keyboard would stop responding. [00:31] it worked, just have to disable a lot of things, still lucky to get 40fps [00:31] can anyone help me with this error to=, orig_to=, relay=none, delay=0.72, delays=0.69/0.01/0.02/0, dsn=5.4.6, status=bounced (mail for mail.example.com loops back to myself) [00:31] now I don't have a connection on my laptop. any other ideas I could try? [00:31] hy everbody [00:31] good evening everybody [00:31] I didn't want to go down the ndiswrapper road like the other times. [00:31] it possivel convert video for wmv9? [00:31] ~howfy sim0n [00:32] !howdy sim0n [00:32] Sorry, I don't know anything about howdy sim0n [00:32] why do I wanna disable things lol =/ [00:32] oops... i'm a goof [00:32] !wireless [00:32] Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [00:32] suppose to be... [00:32] so cedega is no better? [00:32] hehe, just graphics, hope punkbuster works before too long [00:32] maboughey: tail -f /var/log/mail.log and watch for the error [00:32] googling ... i find xinetd can do it, now i'm tring to configure the "xinetd.conf" file ... but i've no experience [00:32] !howdy | sim0n [00:32] sim0n: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [00:32] :-) [00:32] for cod4 at least it is much better [00:32] try any other games? [00:32] i dont have to disable anything and its just like before i went to ubuntu from xp64 [00:32] @LTL: http://pastebin.com/d64dbc9f2 [00:32] i just have cod4 atm [00:33] how could i login to particualr user in terminal? [00:33] i'm welcome! yeehaa :D [00:33] hmm [00:33] wine works ok with some stuff, but cadega supports far more games to a higher standard [00:33] i really like armagetron [00:33] it possivel convert video for format wmv9? [00:33] LtL, any ideas? [00:33] the biggest problem i see with wine is punkbuster not working in cod 2 :( [00:33] yeah, pb doesnt work on anything [00:33] heh [00:34] yet [00:34] it might some time, just takes a lot of work [00:34] anyways gtg [00:34] is any good soft for editing videos? [00:34] maboughey: looks like postfix is set to allow only local mail. you really should checkout the postfix website. the file in qustion is /etc/postfix/main.cf -maybe- [00:34] i'd appreciate that [00:35] I just updated Ubuntu to Hardy Heron and now my internet doesn't work and my video card driver doesn't seem to work anymore either. [00:35] @ltl it was working last night, but for some reason it stopped working, only thing I did was to add a SPF record in my dns [00:35] Intelli - can you upgrade to intrepid? [00:36] No. [00:36] hrm [00:36] can't help much, i just started using in gutsy [00:36] What is this avahi thing? [00:36] how convert video to wmv9 format? [00:36] hurley: use microsoft's tool [00:36] s [00:37] or maybe lavc [00:37] Setsuna-Xero: in wine?? [00:37] is there any way to get to a x86 install instead of x86_64 without having to reinstall ubuntu? === riddareralf is now known as RiddareRalf [00:38] d0wn: i don't think so [00:38] hurley: can wine isntal wmp11? [00:38] *install [00:38] Ah, alright :[ [00:38] I don't use wine [00:38] I use windows for windows things [00:38] Can you help me with my NTFS writing error, described at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6482740? [00:38] windows=vm, thats what i would do === dement_ is now known as demnt [00:39] ya [00:39] prolly be your best bet [00:39] :) [00:39] thanks [00:39] maboughey: ok, i think it may be your fully qualified domain name isn't set properly. its tricky to setup a mailserver. i can't help you beyond that. [00:39] anytime [00:39] How can I go about turning an old router into a switch? [00:39] Is it feasible to run Windows in Ubuntu in a VM having only 1 GiB of RAM? [00:39] Win XP [00:39] mn - absolutely [00:39] ethereality: have you tried recreating the file? [00:39] @LTL: thanks anyway [00:39] hi is there a way to check whether one of your hdds is turned of or not? [00:40] I run xp VMs with 96mb of ram [00:40] mn - i would just recommend more than 1 hdd, and at least a dual core processor [00:40] just strip it down [00:40] mn - dont *have* to, but then you wont notice a decrease in performance on the host [00:40] * onetinsoldier uses the might sendmail [00:40] wj32, I will try that. Thanks for the suggestion, although I wish I could determine what the error was. [00:40] mighty* [00:41] omny_devi: Single core, 1.7 GHz processor [00:41] i'm starting using thes http://dpaste.com/104743/ [00:41] can anyone tell me how i can reset my password? [00:41] and runs : xinetd -filelog /home/sasha/Scrivania/log give me : http://dpaste.com/104744/ [00:41] mn - it will still work, you just might notice a slight decrease in performance on your machine [00:41] mn - it is 100% worth at least trying if nothing else :) [00:41] wj32: the 'passwd' command [00:41] passwd [00:41] oops [00:41] hehe [00:42] doesnt that change your password? [00:42] the problem is i dont know my password [00:42] omny_devi: ok. where can I get a freeware vm for ubuntu and how do I install windows in it? [00:42] mn - i heard ubuntu comes with one, but i have always used vmware [00:42] wj32: oh, ok. try sudo passwd [00:42] they have a free server out there that does about anything you would want it to [00:43] onetinsoldier: sorry! i meant my IRC password! [00:43] onetinsoldier: Um, if he can't login how is he supposed to get to the point of being able to use sudo? [00:43] wj32: never mind... you are hosed for the moment [00:43] he needs to know his password to sudo though [00:43] sorry i didnt state what i was trying to do more clearly [00:43] !root password [00:43] sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE) [00:43] Skippy1981: Exactly. The ol catch-22 [00:43] Hey guys. [00:43] i forgot my password once, but i used the live cd to reset it. i forget exactly how, but i am sure google would know [00:43] !forgot password [00:43] i meant my IRC password... [00:43] Sorry, I don't know anything about forgot password [00:44] I'm wondering if you don't mind sharing your opinion but what are your thought on Wubi? [00:44] nevermind [00:44] is it possible to boot off a live cd, mount hard disk and edit passwd file directly? [00:44] wj32: /msg nickserv help or try the website http://freenode.net [00:44] skippy - yes [00:44] Skippy1981: no [00:44] It's all good, ignore me. :P [00:44] LtL: thanks [00:44] I'll go. [00:44] omny_devi: you think!? [00:44] i did, so did my pal [00:45] we broke into a co-workers box cause he just stopped showing up and we had to get some stuff off of it [00:45] it was gentoo, and i know little compared to them [00:45] omny_devi: thats good to know, thanks [00:45] LtL anytime :) [00:46] can anyone tell me the CLI to restart xserver ? [00:46] omny_devi: iirc the passwords on buntu are encrypted to /etc/shadow but i dunno. [00:47] Does a VM for Windows come with Ubuntu by default? [00:47] zone5: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart [00:47] i would have to get a hold of mike to get the instructions [00:47] ty Scunizi [00:47] Skippy1981: Yes. You just need to know what to put in there. There are better ways to re-set a password though [00:47] but i know for a 100% fact we did it. well, i was there, he did the work [00:47] i am still new to linux [00:47] mn: no that would be a violation of MS's licensing. [00:48] uoh ... i think i crashed it again lol [00:48] Scunizi: Not one with Windows installed, just one in which Windows can be run. [00:48] mn: virtual box should fit you needs [00:49] they make virtual box for linux? [00:49] mn: you can install virtual machine programs . they don't come with images of any os.. it's up to you to either use what's called an "appliance" which is a preconfigured virtual machine image of something or install an os of your choosing into the vm. If you need to install windows then you have to have the cd & key [00:49] ardchoille, you still around? [00:50] omny_devi: yup [00:50] omny_devil: yes, ther's a linux version of virtual box [00:50] !vbox [00:50] virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox [00:50] mn, the open source version of virtual box is in the ubuntu repositories. I personally use vmware though [00:50] Scunizi: I do have a genuine copy of Windows [00:50] sweet, i didnt know, been using vmware workstation, damn app is expensive [00:50] :/ [00:50] mn: like sim0n says.. virtual box works well. and you can load your windows into it. if you need usb support get vbox from their site. [00:50] Skippy1981: Is vmware free? [00:51] but isn't there a freeware version of vmware? [00:51] hi everyone, whenever i launch amule it freezes, it takes like 30 seconds for it to start properly, and in the mean time the system is slower. I tried removing and re-installing it, but no joy. any suggestions? thanks [00:51] Skippy1981: you can get vmware server [00:51] vmware player and server are both free - workstation does have some cool features though i pulled the trigger on a license a while back [00:51] omny_devi: haven't had a problem with vmware... if you stick with vmware server, it's free enough to run basic things on a personal basis [00:51] yes download vmware server for linux [00:51] or you can try the pirate bay [00:51] gnome-mixer disappeared after installing xfce4 how can i get gnome-mixer back? [00:51] it is free, but you have to fill in some stuff about yourself to get the installation key [00:51] omny_devi: vmplayer works too, but depends on a different format of the files [00:51] i use tpb for everything else, mostly xp iso's and such [00:51] pan: gnome mixer available under gnome [00:51] mn: vmware server is free.. virtual box is free.. I've used both and like both.. for me, now, virtual box I like better [00:51] no fee though, and it is only free as in beer - it is not opensource [00:52] its gone in gnome [00:52] yeah, we just got a lot of workstation licenses for work, then ended up not needing them. we use esx now so i bought one from my boss [00:52] ah, ok [00:52] when i type gnome-mixer it doesn't work [00:52] Scunizi: virtualbox has given me grief, I might try it again in a few weeks [00:52] bash: gnome-mixer: command not found [00:52] Gnea: really? why..? [00:52] I'm back, Can anyone help me with getting a .it file to work with a music player. [00:52] if I rsync down a file from a remote host, and then I want to delete that from on the remote host how would I do so? the --delete flags dont cover this.. or am I missing something? [00:53] Scunizi: well, I tried porting a vmware-made .vmx over to it while following the documentation on it, and it simply refused to work, even when I tried going into safe mode [00:53] dougl: yes [00:53] pan: it's gnome-alsamixer [00:53] pan: not gnome-mixer [00:53] oh [00:53] is there anyone who can help me make my ubuntu boot up faster? [00:53] thx abuyusuf [00:53] Gnea: yes.. I've had those issues too.. just decided to reinstall win natively to vbox.. [00:53] i cant get Guest Additons working on vbox ose, keeps saying something bout kernel [00:54] Scunizi: that's my plan too, just have had to put it on hold :) [00:54] ardchoille, was wondering how you got your applications to the awn dock - I cannot seem to figer that out? [00:54] Happy new years! How can I configure bash to remember the last path I was looking at and return me there at my next login? [00:54] thx [00:54] appreciate it [00:54] ardchoille, ie the icon to launch them [00:54] is there a way to make a help screen pause like ... dir /p in win ... i need to sudo nvidia-settings -h "/p" what replaces the /p ? [00:54] nickpatt0n, there's a breanstorm about that [00:54] eseven73: check out #vbox or their site.. I know that there is a solution to that. [00:54] how do I restart pulseaudio? [00:54] nickpatt0n, maybe available in jaunty [00:54] danny: sudo /etc/init.d/pulseaudio restart [00:55] dougl: you should have an app in System > Preferences called awn manager, run that [00:55] Scunizi: yeah i think i have to install kernel source but it didnt work [00:55] zone5: sudo nvidia-settings -h | less [00:55] abuyusuf, I ran boot chart and am wondering what services I need o kill [00:55] ardchoille, k thanks [00:55] eseven73: install build-essential and dkms [00:55] Flannel: genii: so I created a preferences file, and I think I got it set up ok-- and I'm focusing on one of the first packages to revert-- but it's still telling me it's going to have to remove a TON of packages: Package: dpkg/n Pin: version 1.14.16*/n Pin-Priority: 1001 [00:55] hi all, how can I export dpkg/apt configuration (including auto/manual) of 1 system and import that to another? [00:55] nickpatt0n, sorry i got what you mean now [00:55] Aggrav8d, i would be interested to see a solution for this as well - only way i can see it being done is with scripts on shutdown and startub to save and set the $PWD variable [00:56] Scunizi: on my 8.04 box i didnt even need anything to get guest additions working, i have build-essentail already [00:56] ill try dkms thanks Scunizi [00:56] ok [00:56] nickpatt0n, ok, run "top" [00:56] ok just sc [00:56] !clone > mathijs [00:56] mathijs, please see my private message [00:56] eseven73: dkms keeps the kernel updated for vbox with kernel upgrades.. [00:56] Flannel: genii: it ignores when i do apt-get upgrade-- but when i do apt-get install dpkg, then it picks up the preferences and tries teh downgrade-- but in doing tells me it's going to remove the entire world [00:56] OK, so i can't get to wikipedia, rockbox, or the GNOME site for rythmbox; is anyone else having these/other internet connectivity issues? I have verified on another (windows) machine on the network that these sites are inaccessible, anyone else want to check so i can see if the issue is localized or just bizarre outages? [00:56] zone5: did that work for you? [00:56] i am running 8.o4 on my primary machine [00:56] i can get to wikipedia... [00:57] abuyusuf, what nexxt? [00:57] ehmck: go ahead and pastebin the output [00:57] hmmm [00:57] Cmdbbq [00:57] ehmck: I'm pretty sure I told you earlier it was a risky business to downgrade, due to dependencies [00:57] and the gnome site for rythmbox [00:57] Send me the sute. [00:57] Site* [00:57] abuyusuf, what nexxt? [00:57] nickpatt0n, what is the fist process on the list ? [00:57] http://en.wikipedia.org [00:58] Xorg [00:58] nickpatt0n, after Xorg ? [00:58] Is gOS supported here? [00:58] gnome-pannl [00:58] Flannel: genii: http://paste.ubuntu.com/98668/ [00:58] cmdbbq: I can't get to wikipedia either. gnome.org comes up quick. [00:58] pannel [00:58] 3 [00:58] is there a file i can edit or something that i could reduce my boot time on 8.04? [00:58] I'm in Australia and I can get to both... [00:59] genii: i know, but what other options do i have? [00:59] nickpatt0n, i think you've many graphics work and panels that eat up your memory [00:59] a few weeks ago i had a problem where i couldn't get to the pirate bay and mininova [00:59] ok [00:59] i just used my ISP's proxy [00:59] I'm running eeebuntu 2.0 [00:59] hey does anyone know what the best music player program is? [00:59] quod libet? [00:59] Scunizi: can you get to http://www.rockbox.org/ ? [01:00] bummer .. I am stuck at CLI again tryed to activate nvidia drivers and it isnt loading gui ... anyone know about ubuntu 8.10 2 nvidia 8600gt with 3 monitors ? [01:00] Both sites are fully accessible [01:00] hello all can anyone tell me where i can find libva-dev for intrepid [01:00] nickpatt0n, try freeing up your desktop from extra graphics work, also try removing some items from your panels, ( top and bottom panels ) [01:00] ok [01:00] ehmck: Reinstall is probably less time consuming for this in the end of it all. [01:00] how? [01:00] cmdbbq: yep.. but there are sites I use for work that don't come up.. try www.reotrans.com for me. [01:00] hikenboot: do you mean libvala-dev? [01:00] genii: i was afraid of that [01:00] hikenboot: because there's no libva-dev [01:00] hey does anyone knwo what the best music player program is and also the best burning program? [01:00] I have 2 gigs of ram [01:01] nickpatt0n, on your desktop, right-click then "change background" [01:01] works for me Scunizi [01:01] could be a typo inte README.txt for vaapi? [01:01] cmdbbq: arrg.. [01:01] ehmck: right. You'd likely have to go through and pin all of those packages. It won't downgrade when one of their depends goes below the version, it'll just remove [01:01] hikenboot: no vaapi-dev either. what are you trying to do? [01:01] ehmck: (Xv3 depends on Yv3, downgrading to Yv2 will just remove X, not downgrade to Xv2) [01:01] hey does anyone knwo what the best music player program is and also the best burning program? [01:01] it says that the graphic effects are turned off [01:01] ethan: hard to tell... depends on what you like [01:01] Anyone available to help with my problem as I've asked twice and not gotten a reply. [01:01] ethan: try banshee [01:01] nickpatt0n, 2GiGa ram ?, i think the graphics not the problem so [01:01] !best | ethan [01:01] ethan: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. [01:01] Flannel: crap [01:02] nickpatt0n, ok, go back to the terminal and "top" again, and what is the third and forth processes [01:02] genii: Flannel: so what is best way to reinstall? reinstall ubuntu? [01:02] wj32 trying to get on video card processing support for my nvidia card so I can offload mpeg processing from the cpu [01:02] i simply use brasero and rhytmbox [01:02] jesus, who programmed ubottu? its so friggen smart [01:02] once I get back to my installation, how do I set fdisk to automadiclky mount the new partitons I made into the filkesystem [01:02] ethan: depends on preference what are you looking for in a player? there are a few burners i can recomend k3b for KDE, gnomebaker for GNOME [01:02] ehmck: that's certainly the easiest way, yeah. [01:02] ehmck: Backup whatevers in your /home/yourname and /etc [01:02] hikenboot: VA-API [01:03] genii: /home and /etc-- is that all I should worry about? [01:03] ehmck: Or if you have a separate /home, you're alright with that as is. [01:03] cmdbbq: im running gnome so it would have to be gnomebaker [01:03] thank you [01:03] gnom-screensav,metacity, networkmanagr [01:03] hikenboot: isn't that really new? the only page i can find is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/mobile-hw-decode [01:03] Flannel: what do you mean? spearate /home? [01:03] ehmck: Unless you've put stuff somewhere else, yeah (perhaps other stuff in /var, but you'd know about it) [01:03] wj32 yes [01:03] ehmck: Those are the most important [01:03] !separatehome | ehmck [01:03] ehmck: Your home folder is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home folder to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome [01:03] I can't get Ubuntu Server 8.10 to install on my server box. It won't detect the hard drives on a Silicon Image Sil3114 controller. [01:03] ehmck: If you move it to its own partition, you can reinstall "around" it [01:04] ah [01:04] hikenboot: the page says its going to be implemented. so you'll just have to wait :( [01:04] katanid: Try the regular install CD (use the alternate CD and choose a "command line install") it may bethat the server kernel won't recognize it, but the generic would. [01:04] nickpatt0n, that's strange!, how much CPU usage in front of gnome-panel ? [01:04] Flannel: genii: i think i'll just save it off-- guess I have the excuse I needed to go to Intrepid now-- thanks for all your help! [01:04] thanks [01:05] Flannel: I've tried the regular 8.10 disk (AMD64) -- it doesn't work either [01:05] I can't tell everything is moving back and forth in the termnal [01:05] nickpatt0n: what are you trying to do again? [01:05] nickpatt0n, press "CTRL + C" in keyboard [01:06] I installed Kubuntu 8.10 on my desktop. Had to install it in safe graphics mode. Now I can't figure out how to get it back to the full resolution. My "Display" properties say that it only supports 640x480. How do I get it back? Help please! [01:06] I'm running eeebuntu on my eee pc nd it boots up really slowly [01:06] ok [01:07] nickpatt0n: sudo services-admin [01:07] xorg,top,init,kthread [01:07] ok === Delvien_away is now known as Delvien [01:07] nickpatt0n: disable braille display management, other stuff you don't need [01:07] hy [01:08] nickpatt0n: aside from that i don't really think theres anything you can do [01:08] ok [01:08] anyone available to help me with a display driver error ? [01:08] nickpatt0n: does it freeze for a while? [01:08] yeah [01:08] nickpatt0n: while its freezing is there disk activity? [01:08] no [01:08] wj32, nickpatt0n said that he has Effects turned off completely [01:09] I can not switch VT (with Ctrl-Alt-F1) after I login but it works fine at gdm. Does anyone have a clue of what might be the problem? [01:09] Enselic: It [01:09] abuyusuf: ok [01:09] nickpatt0n: do you mean it boots up slowly or it logs in slowly? [01:09] Scunizi: i still cant get vbox guest addtions working even with dkms or w/e it was http://paste.ubuntu.com/98672 [01:09] Um, someone helped me yesturday, with my audio not working, my volume control says no gstreamer plugin found, how can i fix this? [01:09] Flannel: It? [01:09] it boots up slowly [01:09] Enselic: It's likely something hogging those key combinations. Try chvt N (change virtual terminal to N) once logged in, see if that works. [01:10] how do i change the settings where apt-get goes to download packages and such, i only get 10Kb/s download on this fo server [01:10] Dreamglider: System > Administration > Software Sources [01:10] Dreamglider: its in "Download from:" [01:10] eseven73: do you have the kernel headers intsalled? [01:10] i think so [01:11] CoUrPsE|DeAd, try: sudo apt-get install totem-gstreamer [01:11] Flannel: When I try it says "Couldnt get a file descriptor referring to the console" [01:11] Scunizi: i have linux-headers like a lot of them === groundup__ is now known as groundup [01:12] abuyusuf, Still got the red cross on my speaker. [01:12] Enselic: mm, try it with sudo: sudo chvt 1 [01:12] eseven73: are you installing the guest additions into a linux guest? [01:12] yes 8.10 guest [01:12] CoUrPsE|DeAd: what audio card? [01:13] CoUrPsE|DeAd, right click on the icon and then "volume manager" then check that it's not muted [01:13] Flannel: interesting, that appears to work [01:13] worsk fine on my other 8.04 box with 8.10 guest but that one is not OSE version of vbox [01:13] Can someone please tell me if there is a simple way to uninstall Google Earth? [01:13] abuyusuf, Its not muted. [01:13] Flannel: maybe I have configured the Xserver to eat those key combinations, but if I have then I have forgot.. [01:13] ok i need help with my ubuntu first step updating to 7.10 [01:13] CoUrPsE|DeAd: what audio card? [01:13] erica647: how did you install it? [01:13] !medibuntu | Enselic Medibuntu has it [01:13] Enselic Medibuntu has it: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org [01:13] wj32, 00:02.7 Multimedia audio controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] AC'97 Sound Controller (rev a0) [01:13] I followed the instructions on the site and did it from the terminal [01:14] Ubuntu Netbook Channel Anyone? [01:14] Erm ,that doesnt help much. [01:14] eseven73: ah.. I've done this.. but I'm not sure if I remember if this is actually what I did or not. In the guest ctrl+alt+F2 and log in.. now sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop .. cd to the location of the guest additions file and run it from there.. [01:14] it some onboard crap. [01:14] what is the differnece between a deticated server and a vpn???? [01:14] Medibuntu has Google Earth 4.3 i beleive it is or 4.2 [01:14] The audio did work thou. [01:14] Flannel: Do you happen to know what program that is responsible for making the switch? [01:14] and someone told me to type something. [01:14] CoUrPsE|DeAd: type what? [01:14] and it worked, but i dunno what it was :( [01:14] CoUrPsE|DeAd: ok... [01:14] Enselic: I don't unfortunately [01:14] anyone [01:14] Scunizi: how to do ctrl-alt-F2 in vbox? [01:14] Flannel: I have looked into ConsoleKit but it merely seems to listen to changes [01:14] why do i get "inabel to lock the admin dir /var/lib/dpkg no other program is updating or anything [01:14] meho_, what the problem ? [01:15] meho_: whats wrong with the updator [01:15] it wont update me to 7.10 it fails [01:15] Dreamglider: are you running synaptic package manager or installing something? [01:15] eseven73: once the os is loaded and focus is on the vm then you should be able to do it. [01:15] meho_, error message ? [01:15] none [01:15] pne sec [01:15] meho_: you mean it just closes? [01:15] meho_: how do you know it fails? [01:15] irc://udderweb.com:7777/udderweb [01:15] meho_, what make you say it fails so ? [01:15] wj32 i was installing the restricted format but i stopped it to change the download server [01:16] Scunizi: yeah but you cant type ctrol_+alt+f2 in vbox without it logging you out from host as well i made tha tmistake once lol [01:16] it dont install it [01:16] i cant start it agaon, i logged out and back in [01:16] meho_, so what it show you when you try to update ? [01:16] Dreamglider: you cant start what? [01:16] i press upgrate it downloads 2 files it needs first thats ok [01:16] it asks for a pass i put one in [01:16] wj32 sudo atp-get install restricted formats [01:16] meho_, good, then ? [01:16] eseven73: hang on .. loading kubuntu vm 8.10 [01:16] ubuntu-restircted-extras [01:17] then when its prepairing update after that its nada [01:17] how do i use ubuntu to transfer data from an irda device? [01:17] Dreamglider: so you've changed the download location, closed the window, and that command says the things locked? [01:17] wj32 yes [01:17] meho, clock on "details" on the update window [01:17] Dreamglider: if you === digit is now known as digit_probablygo [01:17] meho_, and copy the last error message appears [01:17] How do I choose what GTK theme root windows use? [01:18] Dreamglider: 're sure you havent got synaptic or software sources running [01:18] it says failed to fetch and then there is like 7 links [01:18] wj32 i cant see enything on the desk [01:18] all pointing to the ubuntu archive [01:18] Dreamglider: try running sudo apt-get install -f [01:18] Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty/multiverse/source/Sources.gz 404 Not Found [IP: 80] [01:18] meho_, i think it is problem in your connection to Internet [01:19] wj32 unable to lock the admin dir [01:19] meho_, try: ping archive.ubuntu.com [01:19] irda, anyone? [01:19] abuyusuf: i can't reach that file either [01:19] "Not Found" [01:19] i did its there [01:19] i think i will need to change the source to old-sources.ubuntu.com [01:19] meho_: Feisty has reached EOL, as such, the mirrors have been taken down. You should strongly consider upgrading to gutsy (and then immediately to Hardy) [01:19] Dreamglider: ok, this is very dangerous, but: [01:20] wj32, as Flannel said :) [01:20] can I get an avatar from a pdf, the one that gnome gets is fine, I would like to get it as a jpeg [01:20] ? [01:20] Dreamglider: Unable to lock the admin dir: Are you using sudo? [01:20] yes i did sudo [01:20] Dreamglider: sudo rm -f /var/lib/dpkg/lock [01:21] Dreamglider: although i don't recommend you do that [01:21] eseven73: ok.. :) you're RIGHT! weird.. I even tried to open a terminal and stop gdm from there and that works but doesn't drop me to a command prompt. Sorry I'm stuck.. unless on boot you boot to rescue mode which is terminal based.. [01:21] yea flannel easier sed than done i would have installed the newest version but i dont have cd [01:21] biouser: simply right click on your image and select "save image as..." [01:21] works for me [01:21] i dont want to spend an hour installing ubuntu all over again. did it twice today allready [01:21] is 01ubuntu in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ supposed to be the same as /etc/apt/prefences file? [01:21] Excuse me guys, can you get Microsoft Office on Ubuntu? [01:21] Dreamglider: run sudo rm -f /var/lib/dpkg/lock [01:22] meho_: We can upgrade from feisty to gutsy over the internet (and then from gutsy to hardy over the internet) [01:22] wfoster_, there's OpenOffice, you tried it ? [01:22] !upgrade | meho_ [01:22] meho_: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes [01:22] Dreamglider: it won't do anything THAT dangerous [01:22] is there any way to change the source where it get it from to something else [01:22] No, I haven't. [01:22] wfoster_: try openoffice.org [01:22] Scunizi: i got auto-login enabled how do i shut that off? [01:22] wfoster_: older versions will run in wine but why bother unless you really need a function that is not in Open Office [01:22] Just as good as Word? : [01:22] meho_: and yes, to get fully up-to-date with feisty, you need to move your sources to http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ [01:22] wfoster_, try openoffice, much better ! [01:22] I installed Kubuntu 8.10 on my desktop. Had to install it in safe graphics mode. Now I can't figure out how to get it back to the full resolution. My "Display" properties say that it only supports 640x480. How do I get it back? Help please! [01:22] ikyn_: what graphics card do you have? [01:22] eseven73: I think you have to shut the vm down then go into settings in the vbox control panel/box [01:23] it's an onboard intel [01:23] It's already installed on Ubuntu, I didn't see it. Thanks a lot guys. I appreciate it. [01:23] wj32 and after that ? [01:23] wfoster_, yes, you can open and save word excel and powerpoint documents. I'm not 100% sure it works with the enw 2007 formats out of the box though [01:23] Dreamglider: just try it again [01:23] Scunizi: no i choose auto-login from when i was installing 8.10 vm, its not a vbox thing [01:23] Flanel: but how do i do that [01:23] wj32: it's an onboard intel [01:23] wfoster_: and if you want a FAST word processor install abiword.. sometimes it's just feels nice to use. [01:23] wj32 could not find package ubuntu-restricted-extras [01:23] sim0n on a pdf? on my Desktop? [01:24] Scunizi: Is abiword available from Synaptic? [01:24] ikyn_: try sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel [01:24] can anyone tell me if there is a command i can type into CLI that will install the drivers for a nvidia 8600gt ? I have two of the cards installed [01:24] can anyone help me with postfix not allowing sending to external domains [01:24] wfoster_ yes [01:24] Dreamglider: well, thats a different problem :) [01:24] biouser: Thank you. [01:24] eseven73: I understand .. still.. once you get to the menu with the different vm's highlight your's and click settings. [01:24] wfoster_: yes.. [01:24] I need to get a jpeg from a pdf :| [01:25] i tested my system with hdparm -T and got about ~780 with a different distro I got ~1700 (first I used openfiler now I use hardy) what can I do? [01:25] Dreamglider: go to Software Sources again [01:25] wj32 there. [01:25] How do i move the sources to old-releases.ubuntu.whateva [01:25] hibernation/suspend doesn't work in jaunty at my eeepc (901). maybe someone else have similar problem? when i press menu > quit > hibernate/suspend, system try to hibernate/suspend, but lock screen appears. [01:25] wfoster_: it's good you found this irc room.. lots of help here. there's a huge learning curve when you're first getting use to the system. [01:25] biouser, convert it to another format or use an online editor [01:25] biouser: just open the *.pdf file an right click on the image [01:25] Dreamglider: have you got all the checkboxes on? [01:25] Scunizi & Biouser: I appreciate your help a lot, especially with a 500 pages report on Business Law to write. [01:25] Dreamglider: "Proprietary drivers for devices", "Software restricted by copyright or legal issues" [01:26] If I specify a command to start at startup in the sessions manager, does it start at system startup, or logon? [01:26] do you remember how to enable the tool which allow to make breaks between working, when you use the computer more than some minutes it doesn't allow you to work [01:26] there should be a "save image as.." option on the popupmenu [01:26] biouser, or just open it and get the image, if you don't need editing [01:26] duiu: logon [01:26] wfoster_: do you have your printer installed? do you need to output to pdf (Openoffice will do that natively) [01:26] heyas.... Uhm... [01:26] Scunizi: My friend told me about this not long ago, I then googled 'IRC Clients for Ubuntu' and found xChat. Downloaded it and decided to speak to you guys. [01:26] wj32 in the first tab only or all tabs ? [01:26] wj32: is there a way I could get it to start at bootup? === FriedCPU is now known as FRiEd|BnC [01:26] Dreamglider: first tab === puddle` is now known as jacob` [01:26] Anyone know if xubuntu defaults to sticking the /boot partition before or after / ? [01:26] duiu: uh, what command is it? [01:26] aww [01:26] wj32 all but source code [01:26] wfoster_: that was a good move.. there's also www.ubuntuforums.org for a wealth of information. [01:26] Dreamglider: yes === jacob` is now known as _jacob_ [01:26] Dreamglider: then.. I don't know [01:26] can anyone helop me with a 5.7.1 error with postfix? [01:27] Dreamglider: try using another source [01:27] help8 === abuyusuf is now known as abuyusuf_ [01:27] I want to get an avatar from the pdf itself, not an image in a pdf [01:27] how do i get gcc information-after-compiling showned just as in Codepad,org [01:27] Scunizi: I do have a wireless printer installed, Hewlett Packard. For some reason, when trying to connect to it's wi-fi it will just keep shutting it's self down. [01:27] wj32: its not a daemon, it starts a UPnP server to stream to my xbox 360 [01:27] Dreamglider: do you want to play mp3s or something? === abuyusuf_ is now known as Ahmed === Ahmed is now known as AhmedHosny === _jacob_ is now known as _`Jacob_ [01:28] duiu: i don't know how to start a command on boot [01:28] biouser: you mean the pdf's icon on your desktop? [01:28] sim0n right [01:28] exit [01:28] wfoster_: hp might have the correct linux drivers on their site.. hp is pretty good supporting linux in general. [01:28] Scunizi: I've already come across UbuntuForums with my friend called Huw. You might now him, you might not. I'm not sure if he comes on freenode. I earlier had a problem with Pidgin and it kept freezing then closing on me but I fixed that somehow. A simple restart was required. [01:28] duiu: unless you hack one of the init.d scripts [01:28] ah! now i got it [01:28] where is gnome getting that from? [01:28] wj32 and dvds and avi divx rm, flash [01:28] Scunizi: Thank you, I'll take a look later. I'm in the middle of watching a film. === AhmedHosny is now known as abuyusuf [01:28] nm, figuring out the guy's problem [01:28] Dreamglider: open synaptic package manager [01:28] wfoster_: see ya.. :) [01:28] so, anybody remembers? [01:29] wj32 just rebooted, gona give it another try [01:29] Scunizi: I'm not going yet, don't be so hasty to get me out of here. :P Only joking. [01:29] Dreamglider: install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly and gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad [01:29] how do i get gcc information-after-compiling showned just as in Codepad.org [01:29] ? [01:29] anu: can you rephrase that question? [01:29] wfoster_: :) naw.. I'm working here myself.. and it 5:30pm [01:29] Scunizi: You work for freenode? 01:29am here. [01:29] does anyone know what the latest updated version of ubuntu is? [01:30] ethan1: 8.10 [01:30] 8.10 intrepid [01:30] i'll investigate a solution ,... from here no clue http://floppsie.comp.glam.ac.uk/Glamorgan/gaius/wireless/5.html [01:30] wfoster_: no.. my own stuff.. real estate [01:30] Oh nice. Business Law for myself. [01:30] wj32: my version is xubuntu how do i know if it is 8.10? [01:30] hoops sorry , wrog channel [01:30] ? how to let G++ looks same as in Codepad.org [01:31] good question biouser [01:31] i'll have a look on that one [01:31] !version | ethan1 [01:31] ethan1: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy » === digit_probablygo is now known as digit_halfherepr [01:31] ethan1: try opening help [01:31] anyonej konw how gnome gets the avatar for pdf files and where that can be accessed? [01:31] anu: i don't understand your question [01:31] what's the best way to downgrade 8.10 to 8.04? [01:32] anu: do you want to run g++ on your computer and it doesnt work? [01:32] biouser: do you mean the icon for pdf files? [01:32] how is it called the tool which save you from over-working? [01:32] arpad, backup your /home and reinstall :P [01:32] ubottu: 8.10 is the latest version of ubuntu? [01:32] ethan1 try lsb_release [01:32] ethan1, yes [01:32] biouser: /usr/share/icons === jacob_ is now known as jacob12345 [01:33] WestruP yep, I found that you can open pdfs with gimp though :) [01:33] ethan1 try "lsb_release -a" [01:33] Whenever I run a fullscreen game in SDL, the mouse pointer usually gets stuck in the middle of the screen. I have an Intel GPU and am using GNOME on Intrepid. [01:33] fun, cheers [01:33] whast the difference between xubuntu and ubuntu are they different versions is one an update of the otehr? [01:33] wj32: "c++ -o * *.cpp" information just doesn't look the same as in after paste and run in "http://codepad.org", how to make it look like that? === digit_halfherepr is now known as digit [01:33] biouser: /usr/share/icons/Tango/scalable/mimetypes [01:33] is it possible to use ubuntu to transfer information over irda? [01:33] e.g., from a portable device? [01:33] ethan1: They use different desktop systems [01:33] anu: what information? === gillroy is now known as yateslaptop [01:34] error and warning messages [01:34] ethan1:the body is same (ubuntu), but the surfaces are different, the windowmanager [01:34] can anyone point me to a website that has a very good walk throu of installing nvidia 8600gt drivers on ubuntu 8.10 from CLI ? I cant get anything to work [01:34] Scunizi: This Abiword is brilliant, thank you. [01:34] zone5: have you tried the Restricted Drivers Manager? [01:34] is there something like sshfs on linux but for windows? [01:35] zone5: or does that not work [01:35] for the record, 8.10 screws mightily with xgl and xinerama, avoid it until the next xrandr appears if you run multiple monitors [01:35] wfoster_: no problem.. doesn't have all the bells and whistles but works well. [01:35] has anyone here ever gotten irda to work under any version of linux? [01:35] daseI: which one is a better verison? [01:35] wj32: error and warning msgs of "c++ -o * *.cpp" [01:35] !best | ethan1 [01:35] ethan1: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. [01:35] Yeh, all I need is spell checker, change font and size and it does all that. [01:35] dasel: or does it go by preference? [01:35] anu: so your c++ source code doesn't work in that online compiler? [01:35] !irda [01:35] Information about using IrDA interfaces under Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IrdaHowto [01:35] anu: i can't help you unless i see the source code === _`Jacob_ is now known as `puddle [01:36] dasel: which is better xubuntu or ubuntu? [01:36] anu: try pastebin [01:36] i dont know where restricted drivers manager is [01:36] ethan1: for old computers, xubuntu is faster [01:36] Flannel: genii: I'm about to install intrepid-- any opinino on whether I should install the 32bit or the 64bit on my core2 duo laptop? [01:36] zone5: System > Administration > Hardware Drivers [01:36] ethan1: no better ones, just different [01:36] umm that may be what im looking at it says harware drivers from the admin pannel [01:36] ehthan1: is mainly your choice, xubuntu takes little less ressources (ram/cpu), but you can configure all versions to your needs [01:36] ya thats what i been trying [01:37] Scuzini: I'm currently running Wubi on my Windows XP. What do you think of Wubi? It seems to play up a lot with me. [01:37] zone5: does it work? [01:37] hi, i wanna add LAMP to a gnome hardy install - how much more space do i need? [01:37] :) [01:37] na it crashes every time ... sends me to login at CLI [01:37] ehmck: Since flash and other previously problemmatic apps are now available for 64 bit I'd say go for it [01:37] ehmck: there's less progs available for 64-bit [01:37] biouser: got your image already? [01:38] zone5: ok. try downloading the nvidia drivers [01:38] wj32: i have a dual os windows and xubuntu and i want to be able to access xubuntu files and just beable to have them on windows what do i do to be able to do that? [01:38] zone5: wait [01:38] ehmck: You have 4Gb or more of ram, or less? [01:38] wj32: any major ones missing you know off the top of your head? [01:38] genii: i've got 3Gb of ram === FRiEd|BnC is now known as FriedCPU [01:38] wj32: just like this :buildmenubyelse.cpp:46: error: expected unqualified-id before ¡®return¡¯; i just don't want the file-name and [01:38] zone5: http://www.nvidia.com/object/unix.html [01:38] ehmck: 32 bit will run more apps and still see all your ram. [01:38] ethan1: for windows [01:38] hello i found this git source for libva http://cgit.freedesktop.org/libva/ but i cant seem to get the git command to add it git://anongit.freedesktop.org/libva anyone know why [01:39] ethan1: theres a driver called ext2 ifs for windows [01:39] genii: ah-- maybe i'll stick with 32 then... thanks!! [01:39] wj32: i did that but it did work [01:39] ehmck: http://www.fs-driver.org/ [01:39] wj32: i don't want the file-name [01:39] ahh i'm losing track of who im talking to!!! [01:39] Scunizi: I'm now having problems with my Pidgin again, for some reason I load it up and it will just go to Connecting then it will close on me. [01:39] hmm im pretty new to linux can you point me at the right area of that site wj32 [01:39] wj32: ^^ [01:39] wj32: how do i use it though [01:39] wfoster_: what's it trying to connect to? [01:40] sim0n yep [01:40] Scunizi: My address that I use for my MSN. [01:40] i think it is Linux AMD64/EM64T this i am runing a 64bit amd and a ubuntu 64 [01:40] k [01:40] ethan1: install it and your linux drives will appear in windows [01:40] lol sorry [01:40] zone5: well you goto the site and download it first [01:40] wj32: ok [01:40] wj32: do you know what the site is for it? [01:40] ethan1: as letters like E: F: [01:40] wfoster_: msn can be a pain sometimes.. you might try loading aMSN (in synaptic) or emesen (not sure if it's in synaptic or not) [01:40] genii: wj32: ok-- see you on the other side with my 32bit intrepid [01:41] ethan1: http://www.fs-driver.org/ [01:41] wj32: i am compiling single file, so i want to exclude the filename [01:41] Scunizi: I tried aMSN but it won't load but I purged it via Terminal and haven't tried since. [01:41] wj32:thank you [01:41] Scunizi: I'll try again. [01:41] anu: sorry, i'm still confused [01:41] gotta run [01:41] ethan1: if you're new to ubuntu/linux, I'd suggest you to take ubuntu (8.04/hardy), as it's most stable and supported, unless a very weak hw drives you somewhere else ( or things like headless servers) [01:42] wj32: i want to exclude "*.cpp" from "*.cpp :error:" === d0nets is now known as d0netsFN [01:42] wj32: after compiler [01:42] hi all, how can I install .sh files? [01:43] Will someone tell me how, or point me to a tutorial about how to make .debs? [01:43] ozgur: you dont install .sh files, they are scripts and you run them (normally) [01:43] ozgur: "cd /path/to/directory" "./name.sh" [01:44] Scunizi: It says it's loading but the window doesn't come up. [01:44] afk [01:44] ozgur: see above and also read the factoid : [01:44] wfoster_: I've gotta run and pick my son up.. sorry. [01:44] is there anyone that can help me set up a shared internet connection from my XP box to my kubuntu box? [01:44] Scunizi: No problem, I'll try and ask around here. [01:44] !compile | ozgur [01:44] ozgur: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) [01:45] i need to run the .sh file but it doesn't premit me.. [01:45] permit* [01:45] sudo [01:45] o [01:45] You must type [01:45] Sudo before the command [01:45] To have root permision [01:45] So it would be [01:45] Excuse me guys, will any of you help me please? :) [01:45] ozgur: chmod +x [filename] [01:45] Sudo whatever command [01:45] Wfoster whats up [01:45] ozgur: sudo ./[filename] [01:45] how do I open a .xps with openoffice.org [01:46] BlueAcid: Well, I'm trying to open Pidgin and it opens but then it just says connecting then closing. [01:46] ozgur: read the link, make it executable and run with root privilegs [01:46] gralco: you can't. its a M$ proprietry format === sim0n is now known as sim0n_afk [01:46] gralco: oh wait [01:46] gralco: http://adventuresinswitching.blogspot.com/2008/04/view-xps-xml-paper-specification-files.html [01:46] is there anyone that can help me set up a shared internet connection from my XP box to my kubuntu box? [01:46] ok [01:46] wj32: thanks [01:47] ozgur: depends on what the script does, if you use sudo you are giving that .sh full access to your system. you may or may not want to do that [01:47] ikyn_: Thats more of a Windows question than an Ubuntu question [01:47] ok back [01:47] gralco: try installing okular [01:47] zone5: have you downloaded the file yet? [01:47] genii: actually it's the Kubuntu box I'm having more of an issue with [01:47] !ics > ikyn_: [01:48] !ics [01:48] If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php [01:48] ikyn_: Windows internet connection sharing method will usually set it up so the second box just is supposed to get an IP from the first one and then use it as a gateway [01:49] I am not able to restart X with Ctrl-Alt-Backspace and I wonder why? I have not disabled it in xorg.conf and xev recieves the event. === ryaxnbx11 is now known as ryaxnb [01:49] why not just buy a cheap router for 49 bucks from bestbuy [01:49] wj32: I dont have to have KDE do I? [01:49] gralco: nope [01:49] alright [01:49] does anyone know how to adjust the bass in Ubuntu 8.10?? I tried alsa mixer but didnt see the bass and treble option [01:49] gralco: you will need to install some extra kde libraries [01:49] gralco: but thats done automatically [01:50] if i found the git for libva would a certain location associated with the git contain the dev files? [01:50] wj32: yeah, it gets the dependences too [01:50] does anyone know how to adjust the bass in Ubuntu 8.10?? I tried alsa mixer but didnt see the bass and treble option [01:50] hey all [01:50] hikenboot: are the programs you're trying to use with VA-API actually compiled with support for that? [01:51] how do I check to see what the capabilities of my video card are in 8.10? [01:51] unr3a1: what kind of capabilities? [01:51] !ics [01:51] wj32 yes they are the beta invidia driver contains the ability to use it [01:51] wj32: like how much video memory is in it, etc. [01:51] Have there been any Intrepid Ibex updates in the last two weeks? [01:51] hikenboot: are you writing your own program or are you using a media player/encoder? [01:51] if so ... I think my system isn't getting updates [01:51] unr3a1: what video card is it? [01:52] mplayer [01:52] does anyone know how to adjust the bass in Ubuntu 8.10?? I tried alsa mixer but didnt see the bass and treble option [01:52] cyberjuice: you asked that 2 minutes ago [01:52] hikenboot: the thing is does ubuntu have the newest mplayer with support for va-api [01:52] cyberjuice: only possible by default if your hardware supports it, else you'll need to mess with ladpsa [01:52] wj32: Intel GMA950 [01:52] can anyone help me with my video drivers i just crashed my ubuntu hmm gui [01:52] unr3a1: hwinfo gives detailled info [01:52] hikenboot: surely they would include libva in the repositories if mplayer depended on it [01:53] zone5: envyng [01:53] unr3a1: i don't think theres an easy way to do that. [01:53] does anyone know how to adjust the bass in Ubuntu 8.10?? I tried alsa mixer but didnt see the bass and treble option [01:53] unr3a1: try a google search on your card [01:53] cyberjuice: i just answered you [01:53] hey, I was running a fullscreen program that crashed and I have a blank screen. So I switched to a different tty, but I can't kill it. "kill pid" is not working and is giving no output either [01:53] wj32: thank you [01:54] !patience | crimsun [01:54] crimsun: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [01:54] Schueneman: have you tried restarting the X server? [01:54] i have tryed envyng wiht no results that were good [01:54] wj32: I don't want to. I'm compiling the kernel right now. [01:54] zone5: have you downloaded the nvidia driver from the nvidia website? [01:54] i am trying to do that but not real sure how to do that from command line [01:54] wj32: if I will X I'll have to start over [01:55] *kill X [01:55] crimsun: a equalizer itself is hard to find , as not found in the repos ( could search and compile one at your own risk), but many apps like amarok have one inbuild [01:55] it's taking 99% cpu too [01:56] that will slow the kernel rebuild... sigh [01:56] i tryed to activate the driver but when i rebooted it takes me to a CLI login [01:57] evening folks [01:57] wj32: I isn't kill working anyway? [01:57] why* [01:58] I have a weird issue, totem opens , not fullscreen, not quite maximized, sort of like maximixed with no title bar, and the full screen controls appears ontop of the regular controls , any suggestions on how to fix it ? I tried deleting any totem.conf files I could find, or other related conf files but no go [01:58] Schueneman: have you tried killall -9 or something [01:58] sorry i was afk [01:58] wj32: sorry, what is the -9? [01:59] Schueneman: well theres different signals [01:59] Pelo: I have an idea but im not really good with linux yet ... sudo apt-get autoremove totem .... sudo apt-get install totem [01:59] oh, I think it finished the build. [01:59] lol i sound just like a windows user lol [01:59] I was checking system76.com out, is there a better place? or how many of you have built your own [01:59] Schueneman: -9 means SIGKILL or something? [01:59] I will restart X [02:00] brb [02:00] zone5, i was trying to avoid that , and it is sudo apt-get remove --purge ... , just to let you know [02:00] hi, i try to use "xboxdrv" without having to input the passwort on use with sudo , so i added the line "xboxdrv ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL" to the sudoers file, but he still wants the passwort [02:00] cool thanks ... was just an idea [02:01] can anyone do a remote desktop with me so i can update this focker tonight [02:01] is anyone having trouble wiht the ubuntu alternate install [02:01] hey all... I need some help with unetbootin and ubuntu... the squashfs filesystem im trying to load is about 4GB in size... how do i make netbootin work on something besides fat32 [02:01] not detecting usb wireless? [02:01] CSonicGo I had no problem [02:01] meho_: i can do it [02:01] zone5, not a bad one , but I think this has something to do with the windows manager and part of it that controls windows geometry but I'm trying your sugestion anyway [02:01] I have an atmel chipset [02:01] :[ [02:01] please i beg of you [02:01] littlewookie: what did you use to edit sudoers? [02:01] meho_: Please watch your language. [02:02] LtL: visudo [02:02] meho_, what is your issue, we'll try to tell you how to fix it [02:02] did i sat something bad [02:02] LtL: so should it work? [02:02] well its not updating to 7.10 it fails to fetch the files [02:02] Meho you said the F word, no need to explain you know what you did. [02:02] hello moto [02:02] my ubuntu won't start up [02:02] isnt totem a UPU .. hmm that file streaming server thingie [02:02] littlewookie: i'm not sure of your syntax, i've never specified any particular program. [02:02] after the login screen, i have a blank screen [02:02] Tehboriz more in detail please [02:03] but i can move the mouse around [02:03] okay now the background loaded [02:03] it's been doin this for 5 mins [02:03] Have you waited a long peroid of time and it still stays black? [02:03] tehboriz, how much ram ? [02:03] what flags should i have in fstab for a NFS mount so nautilus doesn't crash when the server is down? or is that a bug?? [02:03] yeah i waited for 5 mins [02:03] Does anyone know how to activate Bluetooth on an E1505? [02:03] i have 256mb cause im troubleshooting windows [02:03] meho_, 7.10 is a bit old , the files probably aren'T available anymore, dl the 8.06 alternate cd and upgrade to that, just pop it in the cd drive and it should ask you if you want to update [02:03] Teh that could be why [02:04] Its going to load, but very slow [02:04] Pelo: you mean 8.04 [02:04] lol [02:04] tehboriz, graphics works ( animations ) enabled [02:04] okay it's running [02:04] tehboriz, ? [02:04] no blanks left [02:04] eseven73, yes I mean 8.04 sorry , [02:04] abuyusuf_, bascially in windows after 5 mins the comp just locks up [02:04] no errors or anything [02:04] meho_: unetbootin is a good solution [02:04] Teh if you have that ram its going to take 5 min to load every time [02:04] meho_, you can probably mount the iso and update from that [02:04] Pelo: He's on 7.04, upgrading to 7.10, and then to 8.04 [02:04] okay BLuEACiD i'll put in my 1gb [02:05] Flannel, can't you upgrade to the LTS from any previous ? [02:05] incremental upgrades [02:05] Pelo: No, just LTS to LTS === Swish[\] is now known as Swish [02:05] Flannel, my mistake [02:05] if ubuntu works without crashing does that mean my hard drive is defective [02:05] when it crashed its defective [02:05] Hi, I'm using an envy24 based sound card. on the login screen I hear the little ubuntu beep, so i know sound output is working; however, when i log in i get no sound, and the sound preferences window tells me: Could not open audio device for playback. [02:05] meho_, can I suggest you put your /home folder on a sepeerate partiton and then just clean install 8.10 ? [02:05] tehboriz: If you suspect RAM issues, boot from a Ubuntu LiveCD and run memtest [02:05] have there been any updates from the auto-update app in the last few days? I haven't gotten any notice or request for updating in at least a week. before it was a daily thing [02:05] well the problem is i have no blanks [02:06] jmarsden, oh i'm in ubuntu livecd [02:06] IdleByte: i haven't gotten any either [02:06] IdleByte, me too [02:06] !netsplit [02:06] netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit [02:06] on a 32x cd rom [02:06] Pelo: I'd suggest 8.04 honestly, he obviously isn't eager to upgrade every 6 months [02:06] yay [02:06] woa what the helljust happened [02:06] oh cthat's bad [02:06] !netsplit [02:06] a netsplit [02:06] and its taking me all day to download 1 copy [02:06] netsplit [02:06] Oh, floodbot does it. [02:06] tehboriz: At boot time (before you try booting into Ubuntu the OS) ther is an option to check memory... use it... :) [02:06] so i would have my self believe update would be somewhat faster [02:06] good idea jmarsden [02:07] In computer networking, specifically Internet Relay Chat (IRC), netsplit is a term used to describe the disconnection of a given node from the previously established network or between two nodes. [02:07] ok. [02:07] so when was the last time an update to packages for 8.10 were relased? [02:07] usually when a computer locks up without warning and it's not temp related, what is it [02:07] IdleByte: maybe two days [02:07] :-( [02:07] wget http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/177.82/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-177.82-pkg2.run will this command start a download of the file i am wanting ? [02:07] wj32_: can i get help from you please trough remote desktop [02:08] why doesn't the floodbot just say the netsplit message instead of asking ubotu to do it? [02:08] it'll save about 20 bytes [02:08] zone5 - i'd use envy, i had good luck with it when all else failed [02:08] wj32: so I outputted hwinfo to a txt file, and I accidentally printed it on the printer in the office [02:08] ganymede: i could be wrong but i dont think FloodBot1 is set up to do factoids [02:08] in case there are any room protection scripts that accept the command !netsplit to prevent a lockdown [02:08] i could try it again but didnt work last time i tryed it [02:08] wj32: 165 pgs [02:08] did you remove the old one first? [02:09] ya [02:09] wj32_:lol [02:09] unr3a1: ok... [02:09] soy nuevo en ubuntu [02:09] doh, which version of ubuntu you installing? [02:09] unr3a1: i didn't tell you to run hwinfo did i? [02:09] acabo de instalar [02:09] !es | javi [02:09] javi: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [02:09] !es | javi [02:09] need help with ubuntu twick [02:09] unr3a1: i dunno [02:09] :P fosco_ [02:09] wj32_: yes you did. I didn't think the file would be that long though [02:09] hmm guess im gona try envy again [02:10] first i gota figgure out how to get rid of the driver that was installed [02:10] gerber, can you tell more about ur problem ? [02:10] or tryed to install rater [02:10] wj32_: I printed it thinking it would be just a small file. nope. 165pgs. lol [02:10] i would, if the hardware drivers arent working, you go to system, admin, hardware drivers? [02:10] wj32_: so now I have a book for my hw profile... [02:10] envy will uninstall and install everything [02:10] cant im stuck at CLI [02:10] ahh [02:10] !envy [02:10] envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!! if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk [02:11] wj32_: anyway. thanks again for the info. I am out. [02:11] ................. anyone know why firefox is still my default even after setting it to opera under pref apps??? [02:11] yes , installed but does not show anywere ? [02:11] gerber, you mean Ubuntu Tweak ? [02:11] yes sir [02:11] kk gona try it again === QaDeS_ is now known as QaDeS [02:12] hi, how to install deskbar 2.24.2? is not in the repositories and i get an error when i trying to compile http://pastebin.com/d53d97688 [02:12] eseven73, if it's wired to type in !netsplit, it should be able to be wired up to type out, ""netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network ..." [02:12] gerber, How you installed it ? [02:12] how do i make opera my default browser? [02:12] is it normal to have 3 instances of rhythmbox going in htop? === cristobal is now known as crisneda [02:12] hello all, how to enhance xubuntu fonts, to look more sharp and smooth ? [02:12] Use IE. [02:12] my cpu is @ 100 and my mem is @ 359 [02:13] Ahh [02:13] ganymede: yeah, i donno, ask in #ubuntu-ops maybe [02:13] how do i make opera my default browser? it won't change! [02:13] hi [02:13] ytnyl system --.preferences-->> prefered apps [02:14] I went to terminal i copied & paste command [02:14] i got a question for you [02:14] xarchie, it doesnt work [02:14] does envyng work with ubuntu 64 ? [02:14] !ask [02:14] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [02:14] Pavlz: shoot, we're here to help [02:14] that i get from the internet [02:14] i set it and firefox still comes up when i click a link [02:14] ver 8.10 [02:14] gerber, what command you executed exactly ? [02:14] it displays opera as my default, but opera doesnt open, firefox does [02:14] i hate firfox. it won't go away [02:15] i mounted GNU/linux Ubuntu on the pc of my cousin [02:15] ytnyl, When firefox start instead of opera ? [02:15] when i click a link, opera wont run, firefox comes up instead [02:15] I lost the page from the internet [02:15] but ubuntu did only the profile root [02:15] gerber: paste the address of the page that gave you the command [02:15] xarchie: no its not normal, kill the processes [02:15] even though opera is my default [02:16] how to add an user ? [02:16] gerber, get the command from your terminal, just press the Up Arrow [02:16] Pavlz: Go to "users and groups" in administration [02:16] gerber: then open a terminal and press the up arrow to see the history of issued commands [02:16] hi, how to install deskbar 2.24.2? is not in the repositories and i get an error when i trying to compile http://pastebin.com/d53d97688 [02:16] abuyusuf, do you think i need to restart linux for it to take affect? i don't see what the problem is. opera is set as default... when is firefox opening up instead? [02:17] sudo apt-get install ubuntu-tweak [02:17] sudo apt-get install ubuntu-tweak [02:17] sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [02:17] ytnyl_: a x restart might work. ctrl+alt+backspace [02:17] gerber, do: pkill gnome-panel [02:17] ytnyl_: what doe the following command show? --> ls -l /etc/alternatives/www-browser [02:17] but now i can't see because he is in Tuscany (IT) and i in Rome IT [02:17] Pavlz: do you have grapgical interface or just command line? [02:17] gerber, your menu would refresh now [02:17] gerber, then search for it in your menu [02:18] to the command line i must say him to type [02:19] halp: my bluetooth mouse won't pair on bootup. i can pair a new device, but when i restart and turn the mouse on again, it doesn't pair automatically, and if i go into the "add new device" wizard, it says it failed to pair. If I delete the mouse from trusted devices then re-add it, it works again, but not after a reboot. [02:19] menu like [02:19] 1 sec. i check [02:19] ytnyl_: hello? [02:19] ok [02:19] gerber: you can also try ALT-F2 and typw in ubuntu-tweak [02:19] hi, how to install deskbar 2.24.2? is not in the repositories and i get an error when i trying to compile http://pastebin.com/d53d97688 [02:19] anyone? [02:19] lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 2008-12-31 21:19 /etc/alternatives/www-browser -> /usr/bin/w3m [02:19] gerber, "System Tools" [02:19] not sure what that means [02:19] hey wj32? [02:20] crisneda, post your error here [02:20] Does anyone know how to activate Bluetooth on an E1505? [02:20] 'file:///home/gerber/ubuntu-tweak === masterz is now known as Zombie [02:20] wj32: i went to the site "www.fs-driver.org" and downloaded the file but the driver e or f [02:20] It say could no open [02:20] komputes what he must to type from command line ? [02:20] wj32: they didnt show up [02:20] abuyusuf_: dont tell people to post errors here, they'll likely get yelled at for flooding or banned [02:20] gerber: where did you get this package? [02:20] wj32? [02:21] hey [02:21] gerber, where it say that ? [02:21] abuyusuf_: let them know to post errors to pastebin [02:21] I can not find it [02:21] ca anone help me trying to get my ubuntu intrepid to go into promiscous mode on wireless lan [02:21] ytnyl_: hmmm, i'm not certain either. try to see if you have opera as a choice if you do the following command... update-alternatives --config www-browser [02:21] abuyusuf_-> it is the common practice here not to flood the channel [02:21] i need help accessing my ubuntu files on my windows os? [02:21] can anyone help me please? [02:21] let me looking for [02:21] eseven73, i'm sorry, ok [02:22] abuyusuf_: no worries :) [02:22] Pavlz: I think "useradd pavlz" should work [02:22] abuyusuf_ it's long.. [02:22] crisneda: use pastebin [02:22] !samba | ethan [02:22] ethan: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/212098 [02:22] !pastebin [02:22] pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [02:22] eseven73 http://pastebin.com/d53d97688 [02:22] (/usr/bin/w3m). Nothing to configure. [02:22] crisneda: i wasnt helping you dont direct the paste to me lol [02:22] ytnyl_: yeah, i don't know right offhand then, sorry [02:22] i got a wireles card on my laptop but only shows up as wlan0 not ath0 [02:22] ubottu: so i go to what site on my windows os to download samba? [02:22] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [02:23] trying to figure out why [02:23] Pavlz: you can change the username to what you wish [02:23] in this case his name [02:23] Pavlz: exactly [02:23] ytnyl_: roger [02:23] ajaj, ok, http://pastebin.com/d53d97688 [02:23] dasEI1:what is the site i go to to get samba? [02:23] I did the f2 + Alt it say choose afile to append the command [02:24] because i understood that he wants only to use by gui [02:24] crisneda, sudo apt-get install libgnome-desktop-dev [02:24] ethan sudo apt-get install samba [02:24] ethan: it's in the repos, follow the link [02:24] but i dont know how to use it [02:24] ethan: if you want to read your ext3 partition (ubuntu one) from windows what you need is : http://www.fs-driver.org/ [02:24] in a terminal, or use synaptic [02:24] i got a wireles card on my laptop but only shows up as wlan0 not ath0 dunno why this is happening want to install madwifi drivers [02:24] gerber: I would like to know why you are trying touse thispackage "ubuntu-tweak",what are you attempting to tweak/fix? [02:25] rexio: i did that i downloaded that exact file but mafter i downloaded it idk how to access the [02:25] gerber, Did you search in the menus ? [02:25] rexio:the files [02:25] so i am the admin and he the user [02:25] rexio: i have isf program installed but idk how it works [02:25] I guess i like it [02:26] rexio: im on my xubuntu os right now and i ahve to swicth back over in order to do it [02:26] how can i mount a virtual cd drive using terminal ? [02:26] yes i did [02:26] <[r94> Guys, check this out: [r94@[r94-desktop:~/Desktop$ sudo cd /opt/ndis/Drivers [02:26] <[r94> sudo: cd: command not found [02:26] i would admin from rome via remote is possibile ? [02:26] Pavlz: well I have made hundreds of installations of ubuntu and have never run into your issue where you only have a root user. At set up via alternate or live cd a user is always set up. [02:26] Pavlz: look into openssh-server [02:27] ytnyl_: try the gnome configurator (gconf-editor). a the menu up top on it, go to Edit --> Find ..then search for --> browser [02:27] Could not open location 'file:///home/gerber/ubuntu-tweak' [02:27] Error stating file '/home/gerber/ubuntu-tweak': No such file or directory [02:27] fucking virus that ubuntu tweak [02:27] abuyusuf_ works, thanks! [02:27] !ohmy | path [02:27] path: Please watch your language, attitude and topic to help keep this channel friendly and helpful. Remember, there are kids here! [02:27] patb: huh? [02:27] can i admin by remote ? [02:27] patb: what virus [02:28] <[r94> why in the heck would my box be saying cd is not a command?? [02:28] cmdbbq2: i want to be able to be on my windows partition and i have to install something samba is waht i install in windows? [02:28] Pavlz:yes, it's command line remote control, you need to learn it a bitifyou never used it. otherwise any remote desktop (vnc/rdp) is a graphical way [02:28] i got a wireles card on my laptop but only shows up as wlan0 not ath0 dunno why this is happening want to install madwifi drivers [02:28] whats with FloodBot [02:28] patb: what version of ubuntu are you running? [02:28] intrepid [02:28] wj32_, i think it removes bots ? [02:28] patb: what model wireless? [02:28] cmdbbq2: please help me............. [02:29] techsupport: you there? [02:29] Error stating file '/home/gerber/ubuntu-tweak': No such file or directory [02:29] i never have had the necessity to update a pc by remote [02:29] <[r94> why in the heck would my box be saying cd is not a command?? [02:29] gerber: there is no ubuntu-tweak package in the repositories [02:29] ethan, no sorry i misunderstood, for windows to read ext3 all you need is the fs-driver [02:29] [r94: cd is not a program [02:29] gerber, what are you trying to do ? [02:29] [r94: cd is a shell command [02:29] wj32_, yeah [02:29] toshiba laptop [02:29] one sec [02:29] techsupport: its an ISO, right? [02:29] Pavlz: if you get comfortable with command lineopensshis your friend [02:29] 3945abg [02:29] load it in my computer [02:29] wireless card [02:29] anyone know a way to manually set default browser to opera in 8.10 ? [02:30] [r94: sudo executes programs, not shell commands [02:30] using prefered apps does not change it [02:30] ethan http://www.fs-driver.org/download.html [02:30] cmdbbq2: yes i know i ahve it downloaded but i cant access anything i dont knwo hwo to [02:30] <[r94> ok [02:30] tell me how to star fresh [02:30] when i click html doc, it opens in firefox still [02:30] <[r94> thanks [02:30] 3945abg wireless trying to move it to ath0 not wlan0 [02:30] should writecache be enabled on a hdd? [02:30] yes [02:30] patb: ah, broadcom, I dunno about those. Why are you trying to change the name? [02:30] Hey guys! Guess what! I just bought a laptop! Acer Aspire One! It came with Windows XP! :) [02:30] cmdbbq2: idk where to go to find my ubuntu files once i download it [02:30] wj32_, not sure, i installed ubuntu-server 8.10 with vmware, and its asking me to to install vmware tools . The instructions they provide : mount the virtual cd drive in the guest, launch terminal, and use tar or rpm to uncrompress installer [02:30] patb do you mean me? [02:30] good thing to start to admin its own pc [02:30] want to set it in monitor mode [02:30] gerber, di: pkill gnome-panel then look to your menu, you should find it [02:30] cmdbbq2: where do i go? [02:30] and to update [02:31] gerber, means "do", sorry [02:31] yes you should turn on writecashe [02:31] techsupport: there should be a menu item in vmware server saying "install vmware tools" [02:31] speeds up things a bit lol [02:31] ok thx [02:31] ethan you need to navigate to the partition you have ubuntu installed on, look in My Computer [02:31] techsupport: ubuntu should then mount the cd automatically [02:31] so he can study, play games, music... [02:31] ytnyl_: did you use the gconf-editor? change the 'exec value' for /desktop/gnome/applications/browser/exec ? [02:31] techsupport, i installed vmware workstation [02:31] patb: I would assume you could do what you want with the name, but a simple sym link in /dev should do it [02:31] gerber: you can try emailing the persoon who wrote ubuntu tweak at tualatrix[AT]gmail.com [02:32] hmm [02:32] i prvmsg ya [02:32] hey all I need installation help [02:32] gerber: it'snot an official package [02:32] but i have just charged different packages for him [02:32] can you send me to the right place [02:32] techsupport: does the vmware tools cd appear in the vm? [02:32] techsupport, ok but how can i find that cd ? [02:32] mib_73oy5n, can tell us more about what you face ? [02:32] yes [02:33] techsupport: the cd should be on the desktop in the virtual ubuntu [02:33] wj32_, look in /media ? [02:33] gerber: http://ubuntu-tweak.com/about [02:33] ytnyl_: have you ever used regedit in ms windows? [02:33] now that i remember i have not installed theora [02:33] I have a pc with no os and I would like to instal ubuntu [02:33] wj32_, i installed ubuntu server [02:33] can I put the iso on a usb [02:33] or does it have to be a dvd [02:33] mib_73oy5n, Yes you can [02:33] techsupport: sorry i g2g [02:33] mib_73oy5n: you can use USB drive [02:33] mib_73oy5n, but you need a current Ubuntu working PC [02:33] so I can just drag and drop the iso file to a usb stick [02:33] oh [02:34] the pc has no os [02:34] mib_73oy5n, No, not drag & drop [02:34] and I am typiing on a macbook [02:34] mib_73oy5n: theres a utility called usb-creatorin intrepid that allows you toput an iso onto usb [02:34] hello all [02:34] so it might be worthwhile to just drive a mile to buy some dvd rs [02:34] mib_73oy5n, you need an Ubuntu pc to do that, or you can ask someone to do that for you [02:34] is there an application I can activate or download to let me contol the mouse from the keyboard [02:34] komputes it just writes the iso and changes the boot permissions right? [02:34] thank you [02:35] Might anyone be able to assist me in getting the scan function to work on my Epson Stylus NX 400 series printer? I'm using Ubuntu 8.10 [02:35] mib_73oy5n: easiest way is to install from cd [02:35] i must to know its own ip right ? so he must assign a static ip and not more dhcp [02:35] he could do that from a Mac [02:35] cmdbbq2, Really ? How ? [02:36] cmdbbq2: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Live_USB_creator [02:36] i am speculating, unfortunately i am not that familiar with the Mac OS [02:36] Hello. [02:36] ubuntu-tweak_0.4.4.orig.tar.gz [02:36] cmdbbq2: yeah, you wouldneed anothe comp - other than the mac to do it on [02:36] komputes: i am still unable to access wikipedia for some reason [02:36] there is 2 to choose [02:36] does ubuntu use .deb's ? [02:37] gpled, Sure [02:37] yes [02:37] I'm having trouble getting mod_rewrite to work. I enabled it and have a good .htaccess file [02:37] any things I can check? [02:37] back [02:37] im really confused.. a cannot run a .sh file and nothing seems to work.. [02:37] hey , i loaded uinput with modprobe, but why is it not automatical loaded on restart? [02:37] ozgur: whats the error message [02:37] i would like to install ftp://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/ubuntu/pool/universe/p/pokerth/pokerth_0.6.3-1_amd64.deb [02:37] I need help figuring out how to get scanning to work on my Epson Stylus NX 400 Series printer. I'm using Ubuntu 8.10 [02:37] ozgur: run chmod +x [file] [02:37] should i do that with apt-get? [02:37] gpled, just download it & double click [02:38] Under Kubuntu, when I load Adept, it asks for my password. I installed the ubuntu-desktop package, rebooted with the Gnome shell, tried to run Adept, and now it says I have to run it as root. So, how do I tell it to run as root, when it's an icon in the system menu? [02:38] gpled open with debian package installer [02:38] yeah, or just click [02:38] k, thanks [02:38] pkodon: by design, you can't do that [02:38] pkodon: try gksu I think [02:38] pkodon: oh thats what you mean [02:38] pkodon: do -- [02:38] wj32: im doing sudo j2me.sh but it cannot find the command [02:38] i'm at the page now, but is hard to get it [02:38] My last windows pc is gone and i'm now 100% Linux. I used to use samba for file sharing, what's best to use when I don't need any windows compatibility? [02:38] cmdbbq2: can you access https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick? [02:38] gpled: can I modify you? [02:38] ozgur [02:39] ozgur: sudo ./j2me.sh [02:39] pkodon: in a terminal, do -- gksu ...then type in your password, then type in --> adept [02:39] ozgur: you need the "./" because otherwise it looks in /bin/ and /usr/bin/ [02:39] ReXiO: only if you give your mods up when requested :) [02:39] anyone know how to use g-conf editor to set opera as default instead of firefox? [02:39] solexious, samba works quite well in linux only enviroments too [02:39] ytnyl_: try System > Preferences > Preferred Applications [02:40] onetinsoldier: Hmm, that's a lot more clunky than just putting in my password when I start Adept, which I can do if I boot into KDE. [02:40] wj32:it worked nw.. i think the chmod +x did it [02:40] sloopy, is it 'the best'? [02:40] thanks [02:40] wj32: he's already tried that.. several times [02:40] wj32, i changed it in there but firefox still opens on html files instead of opera [02:40] ozgur: no, its the "./" [02:40] komputes: yeah i can read that thanks [02:40] ahhhhh hi [02:40] onetinsoldier: sorry, i wasnt here then [02:40] /tmp/ubuntu-tweak_0.4.4-1~intrepid1_all-2.deb could not be opened, because the associated helper application does not exist. Change the association in your preferences. [02:40] onetinsoldier: Is that a "feature" of Gnome? [02:40] solexious, nfs is common in linux (and unix) but it has poor security [02:40] what this mean [02:40] For some reason, after I come back from hibernate mode, I find myself to be disconnected from Pidgin. I realized that upon hibernating, I loose Internet connection, I even see the light go off on my router for the Ethernet port I'm connected to. Does anyone know if there's a way to make it so I don't loose Internet connection when going into Hibernate? [02:40] what bot does the #ubuntu channel use .. ircbot [02:40] pkodon: that's because adept is a native kde app [02:41] what association need to be chage [02:41] onetinsoldier: Ahh. So, what do you use for installing software under gnome? [02:41] needhelp: It uses ubottu here [02:41] pkodon: synaptic package manager [02:41] sloopy, thanks [02:42] where do i get the source package for the whole (!) ubuntu distribution?! [02:42] ubottu: tell needhelp about yourself [02:42] needhelp, please see my private message [02:42] solexious, np [02:42] <[r94> could someone pretty please tell me how do you get a 32 bit wireless adapter driver to work for 64 bit system? [02:42] genii: is ubottu available for others to use [02:42] wj32: Okay, thanks. ::wonders if Synaptic package manager shows the same software, or different software:: [02:42] Can anyone tell me what the path to a network restart is [02:42] needhelp: Yes. See the wikipages ubottu told you abou [02:42] Bitfish: usually, the same place you get the binaries, I think [02:42] [r94, what is your wireless chipset? [02:42] I can't remember off the top of my head [02:42] pkodon: well, i mostly use tiehr command-line app apt-get, or ncurses app aptitude. but gui app, and it's a nice one, is aynaptic [02:42] needhelp: Yes, do: /msg ubottu Hi then you can talk to him. Or visit the tab he's in now [02:42] aynaptic* [02:43] temppy, unfortunately not :( [02:43] Can anyone tell me what the path to a network restart is [02:43] I can't remember off the top of my head [02:43] <[r94> Paddy_EIRE: what does that mean? [02:43] pkodon: sorry... synaptic [02:43] [r94, it means what it says [02:43] i'm having trouble with Filezilla FTP server, when clients connect they cant get directory listnings here is the error http://pastebin.com/m69e0d90c [02:43] Can anyone tell me what the path to a network restart is [02:43] I can't remember off the top of my head [02:43] BLuEACiD: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart [02:43] <[r94> could someone pretty please tell me how do you get a 32 bit wireless adapter driver to work for 64 bit system? [02:43] THank you [02:43] BLuEACiD: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart [02:43] temppy, bytheway, i'm asking for the distribution, not just an application [02:43] wj32: Sorry, too late :) [02:44] lol [02:44] onetinsoldier: Heh. Okay, well, I'll check it out. I like being able to see what's available, and pick things from there. (I have used apt-get from a root shell, though). [02:44] genii: lol [02:44] [r94, okay... "Applications > Accessories > Terminal" then type lspci press enter then pastebin the output [02:44] if i add a new user i must to assign a new password for the user or is the same of admin ? === hardstyle_ is now known as Schizoprenic [02:44] !pastebin | [r94 [02:44] [r94: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [02:44] pkodon: :-) [02:44] Bitfish: the distro is just a collection of packages... [02:44] !repeat | [r94 [02:44] [r94: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [02:44] temppy, sure, but .. :S [02:44] Pavlz: If you set no password, they have no password [02:44] im not seeing a d/l link for any of these bots [02:44] Pavlz, just go to System > Administration > Users And Groups [02:45] [r94, did you get all that? [02:45] And I'm used to wget, since I used it in Windows to get web page documentation. [02:45] Pavlz, You can set many options including passwords for root and other users there [02:45] pkodon: if you have full gnome menu up top it's --> System --> Administration - Synaptic Package Manager [02:45] <[r94> http://paste.ubuntu.com/98707/ [02:45] he got the password of admin because the pc has only the profile of admin [02:45] <[r94> yes [02:45] !who | [r94 [02:45] [r94: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [02:46] <[r94> Paddy_EIRE: http://paste.ubuntu.com/98707/ [02:46] [r94, is the device plugged in? [02:46] <[r94> yes [02:46] [r94, its usb? [02:46] I have a tough one...... I have a mother board... totally screwed up...BIOS deleted.... the only code that excecute is the boot-block function on the BIOS chip...and it tries to boot from floppy......I have loaded GRUB on a floppy... can I boot a livecd or a OS in the hdd? [02:46] <[r94> its a 32 bit driver [02:46] <[r94> yes [02:46] [r94, ah [02:46] I'm having trouble getting mod_rewrite to work. I enabled it and have a good .htaccess file. any things i can check? [02:46] [r94, do lsusb in a terminal and pastebin that [02:46] ok? === jason__ is now known as DBO [02:47] [r94, chances are you will not have to use the 32 bit driver.. that would be a bad idea anyway [02:47] so.. i cant d/l and use the ubottu bot with my own factoids [02:47] <[r94> Paddy_EIRE: http://paste.ubuntu.com/98708/ [02:47] from what im reading [02:47] needhelp, yes you can [02:47] has anyone had any success getting aspire one to connect to wifi via ath? [02:47] ReXiO: without a BIOS.. only thing i can think of to say it, good luck [02:47] <[r94> Paddy_EIRE: they only have a 32bit driver [02:47] http://ubottu.com/ [02:47] Does ubuntu ever recognize wireless networks? I just installed ubuntu on two new computers, and it failed to recognize wireless on both. [02:48] [r94, its a linksys? [02:48] <[r94> yes [02:48] Paddy_EIRE: i dont see a link for d/ling [02:48] [r94, which model does it say? [02:48] needhelp: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots has a link [02:48] !bots | needhelp [02:48] needhelp: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [02:48] <[r94> Paddy_EIRE: wusb300n [02:48] Whats the best app to play tunes from a shared iTunes library? [02:48] needhelp, and I believe ubottu is on launchpad [02:49] [r94, cool... give me a sec mate :) [02:49] so its source code [02:49] <[r94> Paddy_EIRE: ok === L1qu1D is now known as L1Qu1D [02:49] needhelp, of course === L1Qu1D is now known as L1Qu1Dz [02:49] nicholaspaul: i believe it is impossible by design post-iTunes 7 [02:49] needhelp: Is linked to on that page. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots === eric is now known as talntid [02:49] Now if I could just get Vega Strike to work.... If there's not enough memory, will a program in Linux just shut down without ever opening a window? [02:49] i would have to compile it? and run it? [02:49] needhelp: Just run it, its python. [02:49] cmdbbq2: My library is on a G3 running iTunes 6. Is that still possible? [02:49] how do I change the GTK theme for root windows? [02:49] needhelp, this would not be the place for those questions though [02:49] where would? [02:50] needhelp, use launchpad or browse the forums or create your own topic [02:50] i would think rythmbox would do it then === Carnage` is now known as Carnage\ [02:50] nicholaspaul: i would think rythmbox would do it then [02:50] [r94, you have to use the windows driver on that [02:50] <[r94> i did [02:50] [r94, want me to walk you through? [02:50] I need help with ubuntu 8.10 to connect wireless with a atheros on aspire one, anyone have a fix? [02:50] cmdbbq2: Cool. So if i know the IP of the host machine, what would the URL be? [02:50] nicholaspaul: check in the plugins for sharing [02:51] <[r94> Paddy_EIRE: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=530772 [02:51] Does anyone know how to activate Bluetooth on an E1505? I'm running 8.04 [02:51] and enable that [02:51] needhelp: Try #supybot for general supybot stuffs, which is the majority of it. [02:51] just use the IP address [02:51] kolby: do root windows look bad? [02:51] <[r94> ok [02:51] kolby: like they have no theme? [02:51] <[r94> yea [02:51] wj32: pretty much [02:51] cmdbbq2: so if i'm having trouble, i'm thinking too hard? LOL i have lots of problems like that! [02:51] wj32: I want them to use my user theme [02:51] <[r94> Paddy_EIRE: ok yea [02:52] kolby: you'll have to copy /home/your_username/.themes to /root/.themes [02:52] wj32: thank you very much! ^^ [02:52] kolby, better to leave root with theme different of your reular user theme [02:53] [r94, just a moment [02:53] <[r94> Paddy_EIRE: ok [02:53] abuyusuf_: so I know the difference? [02:53] kolby, to know when see a window, of it a root-by executed one or not [02:53] kolby, exactly [02:54] abuyusuf_: thank you too [02:55] cmdbbq2: would the format be http://192.###.##.### or host://192.###.##.###? [02:55] [r94, hmm.. you said you tried ndiswrapper.. what went wrong? [02:56] Does ubuntu ever recognize wireless networks? I just installed ubuntu on two new computers, and it failed to recognize wireless on both. [02:56] KineticWash, yeah it does.. [02:56] KineticWash: you need to install the drivers [02:56] KineticWash: even though often there ARE no drivers :( [02:56] <[r94> Paddy_EIRE: this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/98712/ [02:57] Paddy_EIRE: I'm listening [02:57] KineticWash: I have a fresh install of Ibex (8.10) with a wireless card I just stuck in (after install) and it worked perfectly, no drivers. === Loganhoup_ is now known as fucxkzilla [02:57] KineticWash, for what? [02:57] KineticWash, perhaps more information would be handy [02:57] nicholaspaul: i only know that it doesn't work with anything above iTunes 7 because all my friends have above iTunes 7, but i would first try just the IP address, then host://*.*.*.* and then http://*.*.*.* [02:57] wireless wont work is a little vague KineticWash [02:57] [r94: obviously you can't use a 32-bit windows driver in 64-bit linux [02:57] Paddy_EIRE: how do I install these wireless drivers with a wlan0 interface card? [02:57] cmdbbq2: alright will do. Thanks for the tips - i'm in the right direction! [02:58] [r94: do you have a 64-bit version of the windows driver [02:58] KineticWash, identify your card first perhaps.. [02:58] <[r94> Paddy_EIRE: you there? [02:58] nicholaspaul: good luck! [02:58] hi, I have a weird problem on ubuntu 8.10. my app window(any application) will just loose "focus" of my keyboard from time to time. the mouse works fine within the window but i just couldn't type anything, including command. I need to click some other window than click back to make it focus again. it happens quite often and it's quite annoying. anyone has similar problem and a solution for this? [02:58] [r94: see above [02:58] [r94, hmm.. those are 32 bit drivers [02:58] cmdbbq2: Cheers! [02:58] KineticWash: try lspci | grep Wireless [02:58] !fish [02:58] Sorry, I don't know anything about fish [02:59] [r94: you need to get a 64-bit windows driver [02:59] isn't fish a shell? [02:59] Paddy_EIRE: its a ralink network controller "unclaimed" when I do lshw [02:59] <[r94> wj32: they dont have one [02:59] Paddy_EIRE: i will try that [02:59] Hello, Is there a safe tool to defrag NTFS in Linux? [02:59] [r94: won't work then :( [02:59] KineticWash, is it a usb device? [02:59] does anyone here have a tablet pc [02:59] i'm using a USB only keyboard, does it have something to do with frequently loosing forcus of the window?? [02:59] tehboriz: Yes. [02:59] Paddy_EIRE: no, it is a pci [03:00] KineticWash, then do lspci in a terminal and pastebin the output [03:00] I have a tough one...... I have a mother board... totally screwed up...BIOS deleted.... the only code that excecute is the boot-block function on the BIOS chip...and it tries to boot from floppy......I have loaded GRUB on a floppy... can I boot a livecd or a OS in the hdd? [03:00] cars--: probably not [03:00] cars--: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=564013 [03:00] wj32: Or analyze the fragmentation, at least [03:00] Paddy_EIRE rgr [03:00] wj32: I tried "sudo gnome-appearance-properties" and I didn't get a window [03:00] cars--: don't think so; most people don't use ntfs in linux that much to need defragging [03:01] kolby: do you mean it just doesn't appear? === mn is now known as ok [03:01] <[r94> Paddy_EIRE: wj32 maybe there is some way, because you can make 32 bit architecture programs work on 64 bit systems [03:01] wj32: yes === ok is now known as mn [03:01] * kolby shrugs [03:01] cars--, what's the battery life on it [03:01] [r94, not likely [03:01] kolby: root windows should automatically use your current theme [03:01] Paddy_EIRE: i cannot pastebin, since it is on another computer, but the last line says "network controller: RAlink device 0781" Anywhere else you can point me? [03:01] [r94, considering firstly its a windows driver === sauvin is now known as Sauvin [03:01] kolby: and for me gnome-appearance-properties does appear [03:02] KineticWash, ok one sec [03:02] kolby: try gksu instead of sudo [03:02] kolby: even though i doubt that would fix it [03:02] <[r94> could i make a 32 bit virtual machine? [03:02] wj32: there was a dialog window that did not appear on my pager menu [03:02] kolby: i don't understand [03:02] [r94, still a 64 bit host [03:02] tehboriz: Around 6:30 hours, 3:30 to 4:00 if the wireless is on, but it varies between makers/models. [03:02] oh sweet [03:02] wj32: it was hidden by my fullscreen gnome-terminal [03:03] okay i've been wanting to get an old tablet [03:03] kolby: ok [03:03] and get a realy good battery for it [03:03] Can someone please help me with sudo passwd pls/ [03:03] <[r94> thanks though [03:03] lol ALmightYT [03:03] i have tryed the forums several times [03:03] ALmightYT: what's wrong [03:03] did you tryed google [03:03] ALmightYT, whats to 'help' with it? [03:03] tehboriz: I have a ThinkPad X61T, and really like it. It's very compatible with Linux, as well. [03:03] Can someone please help me? For some reason, after I come back from hibernate mode, I find myself to be disconnected from Pidgin. I realized that upon hibernating, I loose Internet connection, I even see the light go off on my router for the Ethernet port I'm connected to. Does anyone know if there's a way to make it so I don't loose Internet connection when going into Hibernate? [03:03] aw man i want a thinkpad :( [03:04] wj32: thanks ^^ I've been using this OS for years and always wondered how to do this. [03:04] Mike_92, hibernate turns off computer completely fyi [03:04] i locked myseld out can't remember passwd been 3months since used laptop tryed the init-/bin/bash at bootup [03:04] Mike what version of ubuntu are you on [03:04] kolby: wondering how to do what? [03:04] tehboriz: May I PM you? [03:04] nevermind [03:04] sure cars-- [03:04] KineticWash, I cannot seem to find a linux native driver for that chipset... you could try using ndiswrapper [03:04] ALmightYT-> try the livecd [03:04] i guess i can make 1 [03:05] ALmightYT, you could also edit the /etc/passwd file or /etc/shadow file - i recall and can remove the password to allow for a no password login. [03:05] !ndiswrapper | KineticWash [03:05] KineticWash: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [03:05] Paddy_EIRE I'll try that and get back to you. Thanks much. [03:05] tehboriz: My internet connection doesn't turn off when I turn my computer off, this only happens when I go into hibernate. Why is that? [03:05] dr.willis can i prvt msg u ? real quick? [03:05] tehboriz & cars, i have a thinkpad t400 too. everything pretty much works out of the box on ubuntu 8.10 and it's super fast. so i think thinkpad generally is very compatible with linux [03:05] does anyone else experience the bug where you can't type anything when your mouse is moving? [03:05] hey, how do I make the terminal have a horizonal scrollbar? using Mysql is ugly [03:06] hold down a key and while doing that move your mouse. [03:06] for me the key just stops repeating [03:06] ALmightYT, sure why not.. I may hafe to leave at any time.. watching the grandkids [03:06] Does ping cache resolved domain names? [03:07] Bikeguy: where would it store it? [03:07] CarlFK Memory? A file? Anywhere? [03:08] Hey, somebody compromised my server and installed a DoS script on it, it's a Perl Script, and I don't see anything when I run "ps xa" but that's because I don't know what to look for. What do I do? [03:08] CarlFK I mean across pings, so within one instance of ping [03:08] i'in [03:08] like, can I check which port I'm sending UDP messages out of, or check the network activity or something? [03:09] Bikeguy: i would say it does. [03:09] CarlFK thanks [03:09] hendrixski: install and execute rkhunter [03:09] hendrixski: use iptraf to monitor your TCP/UDP connections [03:10] hi [03:10] fosco_, k, lemme try that [03:10] ok i JUST realized XChat has autocomplete [03:11] i think most irc clients do [03:11] How do you force quit in Ubuntu? [03:11] like an unresponsive program [03:11] click on the X button, and it will do that automatically [03:11] TeamColtra[NADC]: quit from what? [03:11] as in [03:12] if a programs unresponsive, clicking X will bring up a dialog asking if you want to force quit [03:12] Add/Remove applications keeps "loading" it actually has been giving me a spinning wheel for about an hour [03:12] more than that [03:12] I did click the x [03:12] TeamColtra[NADC], there is a quick shortcut you can add to your toolbar (right click and click add to panel its in there) but the X button usually works [03:12] ok then Alt+F2, type in xkill, click on the unresponsive window [03:12] TeamColtra[NADC]: alt+f2, type xkill, and clic on the undead windows [03:12] jhgyug [03:13] fosco_: wow we all seem to give the exact same answers! [03:13] Oh that is awesome [03:13] :) [03:13] :) Thanks guys [03:13] TeamColtra[NADC]: or in system monitor [03:13] wj32: you're faster :) [03:13] lol [03:13] This is why I love ubuntu [03:13] right click kill [03:13] fosco_, is there a manual on rkhunter you'd recommend for security n00bs? [03:14] hendrixski: ummm just man page [03:14] hm, what is the key [03:14] anyone know the difference between "End Process" and "Kill Process" in system monitor? [03:14] kaneda_: the one with windows logo [03:14] wj32; none afaik [03:14] fosco_; thanks [03:14] TeamColtra[NADC], lol and there is another miracle of ubuntu... when you kill something it actually kills it lol [03:14] wj32: good question [03:14] rebel_kid: I was actually referring to you guys always being here when I am dumb [03:14] TeamColtra[NADC]: the urge to be the bearer of dissent makes me want to "RTFM noob" or "use google" [03:15] kolby: lol [03:15] wj32, if i remember correctly end process sends a signal to the process asking it to shutdown gracefully but kill force kills it [03:15] rebel_kid: but the end process was amazing as well.. just... click [03:15] TeamColtra[NADC]: but yes, this community is nifty [03:15] fosco_, :-) thanks I'll tinker with this for a bit. If I find something I'll come back here to see if there's a good way to stop it [03:15] rebel_kid: thanks [03:15] I have a tough one...... I have a mother board... totally screwed up...BIOS deleted.... the only code that excecute is the boot-block function on the BIOS chip...and it tries to boot from floppy......I have loaded GRUB on a floppy... can I boot a livecd or a OS in the hdd? [03:16] TeamColtra[NADC], yep... i love the community and i love the software... wont touch windows with a 10 foot pole [03:16] TeamColtra[NADC], or redhat for that matter :) [03:16] kolby: I could have opened up Firefox... loaded google... but the channel seems slow right now (not over bogged with questions) and the only app I have open (well the only app other than the one that was frozen) was xchat so i figured id ask [03:16] ;) typically I don't bother asking, I just google [03:16] ReXiO: Is this by chance a MSI motherboard? [03:16] ReXiO: unless GRUB can boot from a CD... [03:16] wj32, i could be wrong but thats what i remember reading [03:16] rebel_kid: i think you're right. SIGTERM vs. SIGKILL [03:16] wj32: at the GRUB prompt grub> I type 'root (' and then and the only device listed is fd0 [03:16] wj32: there's a difference? [03:17] mrwizard: wikipedia answers all [03:17] genii: uhm... i found the drivers at biostar.com.tw [03:17] ReXiO: no luck then [03:17] wj32: gotcha [03:17] ReXiO: re-flash the bios [03:17] what is the name of pascal compiliar? [03:17] TeamColtra[NADC]: Same here. I usually use man, google, and then ask in a forum or irc channel. [03:17] gpc? [03:18] Now I have another question for you guys that maybe you will give some other tips that might help me... I am getting rid of windows entirely.... and I would love to be able to just erase the partition and expand this one over it... would that be possible without having to start all over in ubuntu [03:18] ? [03:18] kestutis: yes it must be gpc [03:18] DasEI1: thx, I will try to do that [03:18] Hi .. is there a quick way to figure out what version of Flash I have installeD? [03:18] TeamColtra[NADC]: you can install gparted [03:18] I am already backing up my /home so then I can have most settings... but I don't want to have to redownload all my apps [03:18] TeamColtra[NADC]: sudo apt-get install gparted [03:18] ReXiO: I had a board in that spot before, made a dos floppy with bat file to autorun the bios update utility, and saved the thing from the trashheap [03:18] excuse me.. all [03:19] wj32: That will allow me to just expand the size of this partition without having to worry about making it unstable? [03:19] what is the relatime option of /etc/fstab ? [03:19] TeamColtra[NADC]: yep [03:19] Okay, off to play with command lines et-al. [03:19] Bye. [03:19] TeamColtra[NADC]: im assuming you're using ext3 [03:19] I am compiling wine with make -j2 on a intel core2duo but the cpu freq stays on 800Mhz instead of 2.00GHz [03:19] lol I was told earlier "you will have to start over... but back up your /home and it will save your settings" [03:20] mode is ondemand [03:20] genii: ok thx!, do you remember where to get a re-flasher BIOS utility? [03:20] TeamColtra[NADC]: if the former win-parti is next to a linux-parti you want to resize, yes, mind uuid's in fstab [03:20] Thxpnp^Laptop: read the man page for the 'mount' command. it's kind of similar to the 'noatime' option [03:20] TeamColtra[NADC]: actually, you need to get the gparted livcd [03:20] looking for a USB boot cd image, anyone know where i might find one? [03:20] onetinsoldier, thank you [03:20] TeamColtra[NADC]: *livecd. you can't resize your linux partition live, unless its xfs or something [03:21] !usb | Ash_ [03:21] Ash_: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent [03:21] Thxpnp^Laptop: yw [03:21] ^ Typically you can't work with a partition while you are on it, I understand [03:21] TeamColtra[NADC]: http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php [03:21] TeamColtra[NADC]: The best idea I've heard so far is to make a seperate partition (possibly encripted for security) for your home. This allows you to mix and match linux distros without need of resetting user preferences every time. [03:21] well im not using ubuntu, it seems the mandriva site is dead :P [03:21] no one is active on their channel [03:22] would it be better for system performance if i modified my 32bit install to accept 4gb of ram or if i installed 64bit?(i would rather do the first because it doesn't make me redo everything) [03:22] Ash_: USB boot cd? [03:22] kolby: That would be ideal if I used anything other than ubuntu... I have tried almost every other Linux OS out there.. and I by far love ubuntu best [03:22] ReXiO: It depends on the bios firmware manufacturer...in my case was Phoenix which has it's own updater. [03:23] anyone here plays ut99 or ut goty? [03:23] DiiPhantom: yeah, me === smamer is now known as Smamer [03:23] DiiPhantom: the original? i loved the original [03:23] DiiPhantom: the goty edition === Smamer is now known as alfrin [03:23] genii: ok I will search that... How to know what BIOS I have? [03:23] c_korn, and onetinsoldier you run it natively on linux or wine? [03:24] DiiPhantom: I run it with wine [03:24] im having a hard time dedicing which way to install it. [03:24] hi im trying to setup intel i915 driver for svideo out. i found this page. its an xorg.conf for gnome. can i use it? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=141031&page=3 [03:24] c_korn, i have an issue, when i download the utdc from a server and try to install it game shuts [03:24] DiiPhantom: well, i'm just saying i loved it. haven't played it in years. but back when i did, natively, no wine [03:24] TeamColtra[NADC]: yes, but who knows what will happen down the road. Maybe you'll become a MOTU and want to contribute packages to debian and ubuntu. When that happens, you'll thank yourself later. Or suppose you want to try to build your own linux from scratch to learn the internals or for sheer geek cred ;) There are many reasons you'd want to do this. I plan on doing it myself, I just haven't gotten around to it. [03:24] ReXiO: if the board isn't to old, manufacturer's hp, else #hardware [03:24] ReXiO: Best thing is look at the motherboard and look up the firmware update for it on the motherboard manufacturer site. I think biostar uses Phoenix or AMI [03:25] at the bottom of this page it explains what i need, my laptop doesnt support USB booting, and it tells me what i need but not where to get it. http://www.mandriva.com/en/product/mandriva-flash-2009 [03:25] hi im trying to setup intel i915 driver on xubuntu for svideo out. i found this page. its an xorg.conf for gnome. can i use it? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=141031&page=3 so i guess the question is is it desktop specific? [03:25] openssh must be available on the pc of person that has got the pc administrated by remote ? [03:25] Pavlz: openssh server yes === [1]Dev_n00b is now known as Dev_n00b [03:26] too openssh client ? [03:26] Pavlz: no [03:26] c_korn, can you help me please? [03:26] Can anyone recommend a book to learn Ubuntu? [03:26] thanks [03:26] there are various clients availible, and you only need a client on the machine you are connecting from [03:26] DiiPhantom: you are using wine, so? [03:26] jfk, yes unleashed ubuntu 8.4 (8.10) [03:26] ok thx DasEI1 & geniii any re-flash utility you recommend? [03:27] yea c_korn private msg? you mind? [03:27] DiiPhantom: no [03:27] >.< I don't have enough room on my disk for gparted [03:27] whats this error..the installer encountered an error copying files to the hard disk: errno5 input/output......have had this sence ubuntu 8.04....about 20 different iso's...even with mint 5 and 6 [03:27] thanks DiiPhantom [03:27] DiiPhantom: are there very many people that still play the original ut? [03:27] TeamColtra[NADC]: do you mean you can't download the ISO? [03:27] c_korn, as in no, i mind or no, go ahead? [03:27] Exactaly [03:27] onetinsoldier, pfff bro alot of ppl [03:27] Ash_: What device are you going to boot from? a flash drive or external hard drive? [03:27] TeamColtra[NADC]: try clearing your APT cache [03:27] ReXiO: depends on bios (and not ubuntu) mind joining #ubuntu-offtopic ? [03:27] jfk: ubuntu unleashed [03:27] DiiPhantom: hmmm, perhaps i should install it [03:27] wj32: and how would I do that? [03:28] oh whoops, DiiPhantom beat me to it [03:28] DiiPhantom: I accept privMsgs [03:28] DasEI1:ok thx! [03:28] TeamColtra[NADC]: no idea [03:28] jfk, there more also ubuntu linux - bible, how to do everything ubuntu [03:28] TeamColtra[NADC]: oh wait [03:28] Would clearing out some of the old versions of Ubuntu that my system automatically keeps (for backup purposes I guess?) free up a lot of space? [03:28] TeamColtra[NADC]: open synaptic package manager [03:28] Ash_: can you use the mandriva installation disk to install it to your USB device? [03:28] * onetinsoldier goes to look for his ut cd [03:29] TeamColtra[NADC]: Settings > Preferences > Delete Cached Package Files [03:29] TeamColtra[NADC]: oops i meant Settings > Preferences > Files > Delete Cached Package Files [03:29] does anyone know of a site which lists games which I can run natively under linux? [03:29] you got to be kidding me... now everything I try to open says Unable to copy the users Xauthorization file [03:29] TeamColtra[NADC]: thats bad. [03:29] ;) Today just isn't my day... [03:30] TeamColtra[NADC]: have you been running GUI apps using sudo? [03:30] Well thats how I have been opening apps because it keeps giving me this error [03:30] Skippy1981: http://www.happypenguin.org [03:30] ok cool, ill take a look thanks [03:30] !gksu | TeamColtra[NADC] [03:30] TeamColtra[NADC]: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why) [03:31] actually, i always use sudo to run GTK apps [03:31] never got that error before [03:31] guess i give up on ubuntu and ubuntu based distro's....tired of waitisting time and cd's for something that dont want to install....i have wasisted about 70 cd's with ubuntu and mint [03:31] !worksforme | wj32 [03:31] wj32: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/ [03:32] ok eseven73 thats not what i meant [03:32] hi im trying to setup intel i915 driver on xubuntu for svideo out. i found this page. its an xorg.conf for gnome. can i use it? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=141031&page=3 so i guess the question is is it desktop specific? [03:32] im pretty sure it was wj32 [03:33] FloridaGuy, this is linux.. do what you want.. no one is forceing you to only try ubuntu or mint.. Ive had better luck with alternative cd's and using unetbooting to make bootable thumbdrives for problem machines. [03:33] but this isnt the place to continue arguing about it ;) [03:33] anyone know how to fix the .Xauthority problem? [03:33] hi all - got an issue with sendmail taking a really long time to start up at boot - the google seems to indicate that the problem is with my hostname not being mapped in /etc/hosts, but I do have it in there... anyone have any other ideas? [03:34] i have installed openssh-server and changed listening port in /etc/ssh/sshd_config. i can access my box from another computer on my wlan by sshing to 192.168.0.x:x. i have done portforwarding on my router, so that i can access my box from outside my lan, but when i try to access my box from someone else's house, it doesn't respond. the ip is responding to ping. any thoughts/help is very much appreciated. thanks! :-) [03:34] dr_willis: its not a problem pc...its only ubuntu and mint that gives be the error on installing [03:34] outoftime: how long does it take? mine takes bout 15 secs [03:35] kristian_: that can only mean you havent port-forwarded it [03:35] outoftime: and i don thave anything in my /etc/hosts [03:35] eseven73: yeah, that sounds about right. long enough for it to drop out of the graphical startup window. i'd say it's well over 50% of my total boot time... [03:35] yeah [03:35] i ended up uninstalling it outoftime [03:36] eseven73: wish i could, but i'm a web dev so need it running locally... [03:36] outoftime: http://forums.fedoraforum.org/archive/index.php/t-85365.html [03:36] dr_willis: here's the error.... The installer encountered an error copying files to the hard disk: errno5 input/output erro [03:37] FloridaGuy, ive had ubuntu not boot/load problerly on one box.. but xubuntu did. From what i gather it can be due to the very high compression used on the cd images.. Ive not had any issues with any of them since ive started using the unetbootin tool to make bootable/installable media on my THumbdrives.. and the Thumbdruives install about 4x as fast as cd also. [03:37] wj32: ah, so it's the order that matters... awesome, thank you [03:37] You know... I was looking through my applications and what I have... and I think it would be FASTER for me to zip and upload the files that are important to my server... and then just do a clean install of Ubuntu... and then just redownload things I need... I mainly only use XCHAT, GAIM (pidgen?), and FireFox [03:37] outoftime: the power of google [03:37] wj32 : i have portforwarded according to http://portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/Dlink/DI-614+/SSH.htm, except changing 22 to my port number that i specified in sshd_config! :-/ [03:37] wj32: i swear i googled for it before asking! : ) [03:38] outoftime: yes but that thing i gave you might not actually work! [03:38] wj32: well there's that. about to give it a try... [03:38] dr_willis: dont have any thumb drives...just my sd card for my camera.... [03:38] somoen is hammering me now. :-P [03:39] FloridaGuy, thats a shame.. Walmart here had 2 gb ones for $5 - i picked up about 10 of them. :) [03:39] ok, time to reboot and see how it goes... [03:39] what is the best chanel to ask for help setting up a tv card? Thanks [03:39] dr_willis: dident start having that problem until either 7.10 or 8.04 [03:39] hi im trying to setup intel i915 video driver on xubuntu for svideo out. i found this page. its an xorg.conf for gnome. can i use it? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=141031&page=3 so i guess the question is xorg.conf desktop specific? [03:39] FloridaGuy, I got an 8gig sd card at Best Buy for $24 [03:40] I CANT HEAR MY MP3'S [03:40] OMFGWTF [03:40] heh [03:40] !mp3 | trey_ [03:40] trey_: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [03:40] trey_: so it plays and you cant hear it? [03:40] yayaya [03:40] SHIT MOMS COMING [03:40] BYE [03:40] trey_: or does it just not play and give an error [03:40] later mate [03:41] sence my sd card reader plugs into usb on the main board...can that work as a thumb drive [03:41] outoftime: does it work? [03:41] wj32: it worked! thanks! [03:41] wj32: i'm back already! [03:41] outoftime: ok cool [03:42] wj32: i read a lot of similar posts but none explicitly mentioned that the ordering was important - very helpful [03:42] need help setting up tv card Hauppauge WinTV-HVR-1800 [03:43] !wireless [03:43] Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [03:43] shouldnt a sound server allow me to play from multiple sources at once? [03:44] if i have firefox open audio never seems to work in other apps [03:44] probably running like a video on youtube [03:45] user01: thats because your firefox is using OSS [03:45] wj32 : any thoughts? [03:45] kristian_: sorry i don't know [03:45] wj32, it uses that by default? [03:45] user01: it shouldn't. what media player are you using? [03:45] wj32 : ok, thanks for your time though. :-) [03:45] wj32, vlc and mplayer [03:46] wj32, and audacious [03:46] user01: try and play something in totem while using firefox. [03:46] how do i determine my wireless card type? [03:46] user01: or you can try this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=255422 === gillroy is now known as yates_laptop [03:47] kristian_, if you can definately ssh in from other machines on your LAN. the problem has to be with your router settings [03:47] wj32, hmmm i dont think i ever installed totem [03:47] wj32, i didnt like it as much as the others [03:48] salut [03:48] nounours: salut [03:48] nounours, salut #ubuntu.fr [03:48] right? [03:48] !fr [03:48] Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr [03:48] I've been searching for hours using Google and Ubuntu forums to fix my ICS problem. Is there anyone that would be willing to help me out here? [03:48] Skippy1981 : i am using ssh+screen+irssi now, so yes i am sshing over wlan. but the router should be configured correctly according to http://portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/Dlink/DI-614+/SSH.htm. any thoughts? [03:48] hey guys [03:48] nounours, pardon #ubuntu-fr [03:49] qui pourais me dire comment faire pour avoir les fenetre en 3D comme sur vista [03:49] nounours, #ubuntu-fr peut le faire [03:50] oui [03:50] soit disant [03:50] is there a program for ubuntu that would let me manage a virtual library of pdf documents? i want to be able to have it synced in several computers and also it possible have a web interface that would let me access it [03:50] kristian_, you could test out the route using the DMZ feature of your router [03:50] nounours, j ai la version anglaise donc je ne peux pas dire ce qu'il faut cliquer [03:50] I know it's half of a winxp problem, but I really need to get ICS to work so I can fix my Kubuntu installation. I need to know how to configure Kubuntu so that it will accept the connections === bimoseptyop is now known as Guest37858 [03:50] Please, someone ... I'm getting desperate here [03:51] kristian_, DMZ simultaniously forwards all ports to your selected PC, it is therefore very insucure - however assuming your machine is not for production use and is not running any other services you should be safe to test it [03:51] !ics | ikyn_ [03:51] ikyn_: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php [03:51] izinucs: I've been there and tried everything [03:51] I can't use firestarter, I need to be able to download it first [03:51] Does anyone know how to activate Bluetooth on an E1505? I'm running 8.04 [03:51] Skippy1981 : i have done that as well, i added my internal ip to the dmz, so everything should be forwarded to my box, but still it didn't work. :-/ (i have removed it now though) [03:51] ikyn que dite vous je suis une bille en anglais [03:52] nounours - I don't speak french [03:52] Skippy1981 : yes, what you said. [03:52] kristian_, very strange then. I would be tempted to reset the router and run through the steps from scratch [03:53] Skippy1981 : already done that. ;-) (been trying for a long time now :-/) [03:53] kristian_, port forwarding is usually very simple to do, it sounds like you know what you are doing and are hitting a router glicth here [03:53] !ics [03:53] If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php [03:54] kristian_, missed a lot but are you trying to ssh into your box remotely from outside your lan? [03:54] kristian_, the only possibility i can think of is that your ISP blocks the port you are attempting to use - this is very rare though, only normally done with email [03:54] kristian_: i have a suggestion: give someone here your ip address and they can try to connect [03:55] Skippy1981 : meh! :-( will try to see if i can find something about the router being buggy or something, it's an old model, unsupported though. thanks for your time/help. :-) [03:55] izinucs : yes i am! [03:55] has anyone tried windows 7 [03:55] no worries, sorry i can't me of more help - might be worth trying to ssh over port 80 though, just in case your ISP is the problem [03:55] Skippy1981 : i have tryed using port 22, 2277, and the one im currently using. [03:56] kristian_, who is your ISP? [03:56] !ot | Chicano [03:56] Chicano: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [03:56] sorry [03:56] wj32 : i have given the ip:port to two people and both have tried but not been able to connect, i even went to my friends house and tried myself, no luck. [03:56] Skippy1981 : nextgentel (norway) [03:56] kristian_: ok [03:56] kristian_, Skippy1981 might have the answer.. many ISP's block specific ports .. typically 80 and occationally 20/21.. their end user agreements are that you won't put a server on their system with a home user account. so if you've used one of those ports chane it. [03:56] how do i add another irc to xchat? [03:56] Chicano: Network > Channels... [03:57] and then just put the irc? [03:57] izinucs : yeah, i tried other ports, but still nothing, could the isp somehow block "ssh" in general? seems odd. and i dont think nextgentel does that, but then again im not to sure. [03:57] Chicano: well the channel name [03:58] thanks? [03:58] Chicano: if theres a channel for discussing windows i'm sure it'll be there [03:58] kristian_, it is possible for an ISP to block all ports except for web traffic ones - ie 80 and 443 [03:58] hello all--I admit I got lazy and installed a package from source using make install ...now I have to reverse what it did...anyone know how [03:59] kristian_, so you could try connecting over those, and port forward port 80 to port 22 for example [03:59] hikenboot: no, you can't do that easily [03:59] kristian_, it'd be hard for them to tell that it's a ssh connection. so you might just try port 5701 which I think is used by the vnc protocol.. I've used that on cox communications got a connection. never tried with ssh. [03:59] is there a way to know what files it changed so i can aptitude remove --purge them? [03:59] Skippy1981 : ok, i really don't think nextgentel is blocking anything, but im willing to try. :-) [04:00] is HTTPS port 81 or 443 [04:00] izinucs : will look into it. [04:00] hikenboot: not easily [04:00] 443 i think [04:00] hikenboot: well no [04:00] thanks all! :-) (im sure ill be back in a minute or two. :-P) [04:00] kristian_, another thing you could try is to take the router out of the equation and connect your box directly to WAN, this would prove the problme is the router. However you can only do this if your modem etc is seperate to the router of course [04:00] i messed up with my sessions autostart apps [04:01] hikenboot: you could try and install it again [04:01] hikenboot: this time logging the files it adds [04:01] Skippy1981 : true, i should do that, but i dont have any cables lying around. :-P i should go and get one tommorow. [04:01] how about a way for mplayer to reinstall itself and its dependancies ? [04:01] hikenboot: oh i see you're trying to get that va-api thing working [04:01] hikenboot: apt-get? [04:01] how do i make a new startup session (with new list of autostart apps) ? [04:01] trying to get rid of it...it killed mplayer [04:02] hikenboot: in that case you can just reinstall mplayer [04:02] hikenboot: unless when you did make install it installed to /usr/local [04:03] silence? [04:04] how can I find out how many times the heads are parking on my external USB HDD? [04:05] wj32 sorry looking perhaps i could use build-dep [04:05] afk [04:05] man hdparm maybe [04:05] afk? [04:05] away from keyboard [04:05] ah ok [04:05] !away > wj32 [04:05] wj32, please see my private message [04:05] brb [04:06] !away > rccu [04:06] !brb [04:06] Sorry, I don't know anything about brb [04:06] do external hard drives park their heads? .... [04:06] !away [04:06] You should avoid noisy away messages in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away " to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines» [04:06] does head parking only take place on laptop hard drives? [04:07] Hello :) [04:07] !likewise-open [04:07] Sorry, I don't know anything about likewise-open [04:08] What's the default bit rate in digital cameras, 44,1khz? I'm just checking things in Kino [04:08] !ot | Finnish [04:08] Finnish: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [04:08] zetheroo, try gsmartcontrol [04:09] Is there a good guide detailing the MySQL configuration of a fresh LAMP install. I am using phpmyadmin and noticed that there were at least two MySQL users created by default, and was wondering if this was standard for Ubuntu. I'm coming from Gentoo [04:09] eseven73: Well I think Kino is sort of Ubuntu related [04:09] zetheroo, as far as i know all modern hard disks will attempt to automaticallly park when they are not reading data. The reason sudden powercuts can cause data loss is because the drive does not have chance to park and the head hits the platter [04:10] Basic stuff questions coming up...really basic...please be patient [04:11] how do i (use dbus to) configure bluetooth on ubuntu? [04:11] Like...where can I get some codecs for Ubuntu 8.10...and do I need to be online to download from some archive? [04:11] ok i'm having a problem with sound. audacious is suddenly refusing to play anything, while it worked just a few seconds ago. [04:11] I'm trying to change the default class, but changing main.conf doesnt work [04:11] cut-copy: I am guessing thats in the repos ...!? [04:12] Son_of_Demetrius: try sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly [04:12] !codecs | Son_of_Demetrius also look at !Medibuntu [04:12] Son_of_Demetrius also look at !Medibuntu: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [04:12] mljohns4, I'm not sure about this but the 2 users might be your uname and "root" [04:12] is there a way to manage itouch? [04:12] Chicano_: 2g, no [04:12] sorry guys...I need to backtrack in a major way [04:12] Chicano_: 1g, if it's jailbroken [04:12] how bout the 8 gig [04:13] Son_of_Demetrius: yes you'll need internet to download them, [04:13] i had it jailbroken but i put it back to normal [04:13] Chicano_: i would say its not worth the effort [04:13] Well.. It was somewhat concerning I guess. I connected to my MySQL server using phpmyadmin and noticed that right off the bat there was a "ANY" user and a "debian-sys-maint" user. [04:13] Chicano_: but: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone [04:13] so just update with vista since i have a dual boot [04:14] as well as a "root" aka admin user.... which I would expect [04:14] I'm looking for codecs...but don't have an internet connection at present with my other computer, which I've loaded Ubuntu...am I confused or waht? lol [04:14] !iphone [04:14] Sorry, I don't know anything about iphone [04:14] zetheroo, sorry only gnomefiles.org or getdeb.net [04:14] !ics [04:14] If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php [04:15] cut-copy: oh ... so is it an app with a gui? [04:15] bah, stupid irssi, that was meant for you Son_of_Demetrius [04:15] This is my first attempt at using an Ubuntu LAMP server, and being that I used to Gentoo, and its default MySQL configuration [04:15] My dang Ubuntu Guide book still hasn't arrived in the mail...and I'm impatient :( [04:15] Son_of_Demetrius: there is a hack to make apt-get think its already downloaded some packages [04:15] is there a mouse utility i can use to test my mouse button? It's getting intermittent and I want to see how hard i have to press to get it to drag a window or anything else [04:15] Hey guys, what should I do if pkg-config is missing ? [04:15] zetheroo, yes [04:15] i hav a problem controling my aduio with the top keys on my laptop [04:16] Son_of_Demetrius: you simply download the packages from your other computer and put them in /var/cache/apt/archives [04:16] how do i configure the class for my bluetooth device... setting class in main.conf doesnt change anything in bluetoothd -d -n's debugging output regarding class... [04:16] so I followed the directions in !ics exactly, using two ubuntu machines. I still can't get it to work. When I ping my internet machine, it doesn't come back with anything [04:16] Son_of_Demetrius: then when apt tries to install something, it will think it's already downloaded [04:16] I'm listening...I'm reading...I'm so confused :( [04:16] mljohns4, doesn't phpmyadmin connect to mysql? If it does it would make sense for the LAMP install to create a user for it to connect with - connecting as root is bad practice [04:16] it used to be configured in hcid.conf but that file doesnt exist anymore [04:16] Son_of_Demetrius: ok never mind. i think you should ask someone else [04:17] lol you took over wj32 why stop now? [04:17] eseven73: cbb [04:17] i hav a problem controling my aduio with the top keys on my laptop [04:17] I'm actually learning from you wj32 :) [04:17] I downloaded a bunch of stuff last night thru my friends cable connection...I broght my comp home..powered up and I don't know where to start looking for what I downloaded? [04:18] cbb? [04:18] what package do I need for ndiswrapper. I installed ndiswrapper-common and it says it needs ndiswrapper-util, and the util package says it's been replaced by -common [04:18] Son goto the path that you downloaded it in... [04:18] eseven73: what, the apt trick? [04:18] Csgeek what are you trying to do [04:18] I don't remeber...sorry :( [04:18] Son_of_Demetrius, if a user downloaded stuff.. its in /home/USERNAME somewhere :) [04:18] eseven73: cbb = can't be bothered [04:18] install a wifi driver using ndiswrapper [04:18] the hack, i guess yeah wj32 [04:19] How do I activate what I downloaded once I find it? [04:19] wj32: im pretty new at all this yet [04:19] Cs are you having troubles with your wireless internet? I spent 2 days fixing mine up it works now, I could possibly help you [04:19] so I followed the directions in !ics exactly, using two ubuntu machines. I still can't get it to work. When I ping my internet machine, it doesn't come back with anything [04:19] Son_of_Demetrius, 'activate' ? what did you download? [04:19] i have a problem controling my aduio with the top keys on my laptop [04:19] Cs are you having troubles with your wireless internet? I spent 2 days fixing mine up it works now, I could possibly help you [04:19] dr_willis: he's trying to get some codecs [04:19] dr_willis: the problem is the ubuntu machine doesn't have an internet connection === jewel is now known as minus18_pundit [04:20] like 300mgs of stuff...I don't know..I just let the download complete...it asked me to reboot...and???...I haven't the foggiest :( [04:20] Skippy1981, that is a good point about regarding phpmyadmin, and one that I neglected to think of. I will need to look into it. A cursory look leads me to believe that phpmyadmin connects to the database server under the guise of the user your logging in with, and not a default "admin", meaning that it isn't automatically creating a user of its own [04:20] the problem with downloading the packages from another computer and trying to install them on your ubuntu machine is that gdebi doesn't know how to satisfy dependencies [04:20] is there a way to download all the packages like on DVD's or something? Like just incase the internet went down or what not [04:21] eseven73: sure [04:21] my users-admin add user button is greyed out - any ideas? [04:21] eseven73: apt-cd [04:21] btw i was playing savage 2 last night, the graphics and gameplay just rock in ubuntu [04:21] Son_of_Demetrius, You sould of just apt-get installed'd them or install the packages with the package manager when it was connected to the intenet. that would bheen the best way.. if you got .deb files downloaded some where - in theory you just double click on them and they shoul dinstall. [04:21] hmm [04:21] !mirror | eseven73 [04:21] eseven73: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Intrepid, and help keeping the servers' load low! [04:21] eseven73: aptoncd [04:21] <|ntegra|> i'd have to say so far that istanbul sux, and recordmydesktop also sux [04:21] eseven73: as in sudo apt-get install aptoncd [04:21] LeeJunFan: This is a random stab in the dark based on something I happened to read recently... are you connecting to your computer remotely, using VNC or something similar? [04:21] wj32: ok so how would I go about downloading them, and faking out apt so it thinks its online? [04:22] I didn't download them on another comp...I downloaded them on mine...I just don't know what I'm looking at... [04:22] oh i have aptoncd but isnt that just a list? [04:22] my download speed through update manager is very slow. download rate is only 8-10 kbps, while i normally have 40 kbps download speed in my download manager. how can i increase the download speed in update manager? [04:22] mljohns4, not sure about the ANY account, but take a look at this http://www.kavod.net/wordpress/ The debian-sys-maint account looks to be kosher, and is part of all debian installs (ubuntu derives from debian) [04:22] eseven73: aptoncd allows you to burn the packages onto a cd [04:22] Anyone know how I can make my account an Admin? [04:22] Anybody know how I can change my keyboard layout? I seem to have some strange layout where typing 'a gives á, ' gives ', and '' gives ´, with similar behaviour for ". [04:22] on Ubuntu [04:22] eseven73: that's not a hack. apt supports installing packages from a cd [04:22] wfoster: sudo nano /etc/sudoers [04:22] I downloaded Wine...aptoncd...and multimedia stuff...but didn't know about codecs issues [04:23] wj32: hmmm ok i was under the impression AptOnCD only created a large list of all the stuff you have installed, and not be the actualy packagtes [04:23] Son_of_Demetrius: does your ubuntu computer have an internet connection? [04:23] werdnum system-preferences-keyboard layout [04:23] eseven73: why would it be called apt *oncd* then? [04:23] mljohns4, i would assume that its purpose is to prevent you from having to connect as root. Connecting as root would be tricky anyway, since the password is unknown to you in the default configuration - normally you access root via sudo [04:23] harriseldon: KDE :) [04:23] eseven73: of course i haven't actually tried it [04:23] werdnum: Thanks. [04:23] not at the moment...I'm taliking here from another house...I will get connected soon...financially soon [04:23] hmmm im just going by what ive heard [04:24] my download speed through update manager is very slow. download rate is only 8-10 kbps, while i normally have 40 kbps download speed in my download manager. how can i increase the download speed in update manager? [04:24] minus18_pundit: go to System > Administration > Software Sources [04:24] minus18_pundit: select a better download server [04:24] rww: no, locally connected. [04:25] I need help. [04:25] wj32: i would imagine the DVD of Ubuntu would be a complete set of packages, so ill look around for one Thanks for the help and sorry we kinda got off on the wrong foot earlier :) [04:25] For some reason, to make some stuff work on my laptop ubuntu [04:25] I have to open a terminal then sudo firefox or sudo pidgin just so it'll work properly. [04:25] LeeJunFan: Hrm. Oh! Obvious question: did you click "Unlock" at the bottom of the window first? [04:25] eseven73: it's ok [04:25] Anyone help me sort it out? [04:25] No [04:25] Hi! My graphics card supports two outputs, but Ubuntu doesn't recognize my external monitor. Any ideas? [04:25] wfoster: sudo firefox and sudo pidgin!!!! [04:25] werdnum check out this post -- it may help http://www.mail-archive.com/freebsd-ports@freebsd.org/msg17643.html (I know it is bsd, but gives menu path and potential missing package) [04:25] wfoster: whats wrong with just launching firefox? [04:26] It won't let me use some features of the application. Like downloading on firefox. [04:26] Skippy1981, Ya, the whole root account philosophy was something I repaired right off the bat. Thanks for the link, if anything it has sparked my interest with regards to what sort of maintenance is being performed by the debian-xx-xxx users [04:26] I need to learn some distinctions here...why my Display Driver Disk can't be mounted [04:26] harriseldon: ooh thanks. [04:26] wfoster: what happens when you try to download a file? [04:26] wj32: To have full rights to my firefox or pidgin I had to open it in terminal. [04:26] wfoster: can you not save it? [04:26] wj32: Scrap what I just said. [04:26] wfoster: ? [04:27] I also deleted the ANY users from MySQL. Wasn't comfortable with non password style accounts [04:27] wfoster: there is only one admin account and that is root [04:27] wfoster: Do "sudo chown -R yourusername:yourusername .mozilla .purple", then try loading them normally and see if it fixes it. [04:27] wj32: Every time I want full use of Pidgin or Firefox I have to sudo firefox or sudo pidgin. If I want it non-fully I can just open it but won't let me use some of the features. [04:27] wfoster: what happens when you try to use those features? [04:27] wj32: It just closes on me. [04:28] wfoster: mmm. try what rww said. [04:28] wj32: for yourusername:yourusername [04:28] wj32: Do I put my actual username? [04:28] wfoster: yeah [04:28] wfoster: yes [04:28] Ok. [04:28] wfoster: Running the graphical apps with sudo screws up the settings files of these apps, making it impossible for the regular user to run them again with normal permissions [04:28] wfoster: i.e., the output of "whoami" [04:28] i installed 8.10 on my thinkpad with 0 problems :) [04:29] null_403: does ur camera work?> [04:29] null_403: congratulations :D! [04:29] it's a t43. i'm pretty sure it doesn't have a camera [04:29] is there a gui mouse-button testing tool in gnome? === root is now known as Guest8035 [04:29] rww & genii & wj32: It still just closes on me. [04:30] eross: run `xev` [04:30] how can I log in as root? [04:30] wfoster: open a terminal and run firefox without the "sudo". [04:30] Ok. [04:30] How could I set VLC as the default application for avi files, rather than Totem? [04:30] null_403: very cute. very cute indeed [04:30] wj32: i'm from bangladesh. previously i changed this download server to main server because i had a problem downloading from that server. should i again change the server? how could i know which server is best for me? [04:30] wfoster: does it output any text when it crashes? [04:30] wfoster: what wj32 just said. And then pastebin any output you get. [04:30] !pastebin [04:30] pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [04:30] it used to be that i could do apt-get install kde-desktop to switch to kubuntu, is that still available? [04:30] wj32: It doesn't crash, when I go to Downloads it just closes. But if I sudo firefox then it lets me go on Downloads. [04:30] csgeek: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop [04:31] Oh it says.. [04:31] minus18_pundit: well, being able to download with slow speeds is better than not being able to download :) [04:31] wj32: Segmentation fault [04:31] wow [04:31] I need to run an Xsession as root for gnome-appearance-properties changes to take effect [04:31] now that's a bug [04:31] kolby, roots password is encrypted by default. you access root account using the sudo command [04:31] Skippy1981: In fact, there is no root password [04:31] wfoster: are you running 64-bit ubuntu? [04:31] I installed ubuntu server in vmware, its telling me to install vmware tools by mounting the virtual cd drive, how can i do that ? [04:31] kolby, Huh? you may want to elaborate to the channel why you are doing this? [04:31] wj32: Yes. [04:31] I'm in desperate need of help. I installed Kubuntu in safe graphics mode, and now I can't get it to get a higher rez than 640x480. Help! [04:32] kolby: "gksudo gnome-appearance-properties" [04:32] ikyn_ try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-common" [04:32] techsupport, last i lookjed there was a menu item that mounted a cd iso file to the vmware virtual cdrom [04:32] genii, really? so the system is just set to refuse all direct root logins then? [04:32] wj32: is there anyway to determine which server is best for downloading the update? [04:32] Grr, wireless networking had been working since day one, but 20 minutes ago it just stopped. I have no idea on what it might be, I wasn't updating anything, I was just browsing the web w/ firefox. [04:32] rww: well, I ran that and changed the theme, but it hasn't taken effect yet. I logged out and logged back in too. [04:32] Skippy1981: Yes [04:32] Any ideas on anything to check? [04:32] minus18_pundit: there's a determine best server button i think [04:32] wj32, where can i see and change what firefox is using for audio? [04:32] ah kk thanks genii [04:32] aiuw: iwconfig -a [04:33] how do I figure out the temp of my CPU? this laptop has been running like crap since I updated to 8.10 [04:33] direct logging in as root - is disabled in the GDM config files. [04:33] user01: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=255422 [04:33] vista is faster if that puts anything into perspective [04:33] SJr|Nbook: nothing happened [04:33] user01: its at /etc/firefox/firefoxrc [04:33] Skippy1981: This is by the design of Ubuntu. Sudo is the way things were meant to work in this distro [04:33] wj32: Yes, I'm running 64-bit. [04:34] wj32, thanks [04:34] Raspberry: right click on the panel and add the CPU frequency scaling monitor [04:34] Sorry ikyn_ "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" [04:34] hi veeryone us ubuntu slower then xubuntu? [04:34] aiuw: try unplugging the puter to do a hardware reset [04:34] Chicano_: yes [04:34] kolby are you in gnome? theme changes normally take effect immediately, even as you click on the theme. [04:34] <|ntegra|> FrozenFire: I'd just right-click an avi>open with>and hope there is a>"always use this program" which >there is on my xubuntu [04:34] Chicano_: no [04:34] i have no sound anymore. how do i trubleshoot it? [04:34] penguin-up, it's a laptop, and I've restarted multiple times. [04:34] is xubuntu the fastes 1? [04:34] wfoster: all i've seen with firefox crashing on 64-bit is with the flash plugin [04:34] wj32: that's already on there... the cpu frequen y scaling monitor does not give me temp [04:34] SJr|Nbook: nothing of note came of reconfiguring my keyboard [04:35] Chicano_: fluxbuntu [04:35] wfoster: Hmm. Close all open Firefox windows, then run "firefox -ProfileManager" and use it to create a new profile, and see if you get the same behavior with the new profile. [04:35] null_403, http://pastie.org/351358 [04:35] wj32: It doesn't crash, it just closes. [04:35] Raspberry: oops [04:35] The only 'theme' changes that a root ran app can display i thought were colors and fonts.. or am i confused.. [04:35] really? [04:35] wj32: :) [04:35] wfoster: closing unexpectedly is crashing :) [04:35] does this have the same support as ubuntu? [04:35] aiuw: try unplugging the battery? [04:35] |ntegra|: There isn't. You can select VLC within the right-click menu, but I can't find the dialogue to set it to the default program when opening with left-click. [04:35] Chicano_: speed has much more to do with hardware than software. gnome will run just as fast and xfce. gnome just uses a bit more ram to get things done [04:35] really really [04:35] like updates and stuff [04:35] Thx folks...took me a while to backtrack here and read your responses...I'm really slow...I've copied and pasted your advice...thx again...really appreciate your help...bye4now:) [04:35] wfoster: ( you can switch between profiles at the command line with "firefox -p profilename", where profilename is the name you see in ProfileManager) [04:36] <|ntegra|> FrozenFire: open with 'other' program [04:36] null_403, it can see the networks, but it can't connect to any, including WPA, WEP, and unprotected wireless networks [04:36] Can anyone point to a howto or setting a bluetooth mouse up on Xubuntu Intrepid? [04:36] ikyn_ hmmm maybe they changed the package === qbmaniac_ is now known as qb|away [04:36] |ntegra|: I'm aware of the dialogue, however there is no "Always use this program" option [04:36] FrozenFire: right click on the file, properties [04:36] FrozenFire: Open With tab [04:36] <|ntegra|> oh crap [04:36] "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg" and "sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm" [04:36] k, sec [04:37] dr_willis in my experience if the theme is stored in /usr/share/themes root apps like synaptic will pick it up, but if the theme is stored in ~/.themes then root apps use the default Gnome theme. [04:37] rww: It doesn't allow me to create a profile. It gives me a big error when I create the profile name. [04:37] wj32: Brilliant. Seems to work. [04:37] Thanks a ton. [04:37] wfoster: segfault again? [04:37] ikyn_ if that doesn't work, and you are feeeling daring you can etc /etc/X11/xorg.conf (after making a backup) [04:37] wj32: I think so. [04:37] wj32: Let me check. [04:37] wfoster: try putting up a bug report [04:37] wfoster, try closing FF then "mv ~/.mozilla".. then reopen FF and see what happens.. [04:37] SJr|Notebook: gdm isn't installed - one sec [04:38] wfoster: yeah, i'd be interested in the text of the error message... [04:38] wfoster: actually, try running "gdb firefox" [04:38] wfoster, sorry.. "mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla.backup [04:38] SJr|Notebook: how do I install gdm [04:38] wfoster: when it crashes, type "bt" and hit enter [04:38] Which flavor of ubuntu are you runnig [04:38] maybe kdm? [04:38] then put it in pastebin [04:38] harriseldon, well the root user - couldent really be reading (well shouldent) be accessiung user isnalled themes. :) but ages ago i just set the default root 'theme' colors to be bright red.. so i could tell which apps were being ran as root. I dont think differently ran user apps can hafe for example different window-decorations, [04:38] Kubuntu [04:38] Oh then it's kdm [04:39] dr_willis: heh, good idea *does that* [04:39] SJr|Nbook: it didn't do anything [04:39] wfoster: do you want to try my suggestion? [04:39] Has anyone heard of SSH causing /serious/ system problems if pushed really hard? [04:39] rww, of course if they did that by default.. everyone would be crying wanting it to NOT do that. :) [04:39] wj32: Yes. [04:39] wj32: i'm now using a dialup connection. now i'm seriously considering for a broadband connection. which hardwares do i need? and ISPs here dont provide support for ubuntu. is there any tutorial to how to setup a broadband connection in ubuntu? === Mike_92 is now known as Mike9022 [04:39] Edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf then, ikyn_ you can use vim [04:39] wfoster: ok. run "sudo apt-get install gdb" [04:39] Can someone tell me how to install Tor on Ubuntu 8.10? [04:40] minus18_pundit, is it cable or dsl? [04:40] SJr|Nbook: when I edit it, what do I change? [04:40] look for 640x380 [04:40] make a backup of it [04:40] ok [04:40] 640x480 and put it as something you think you can support. [04:40] wj32: All done. [04:40] wj32: what is the dfference? i assume it's cable. [04:40] I can't read what it says - the resolution is too low [04:40] wfoster: then, in the terminal, type "gdb /usr/bin/firefox-bin" and hit enter [04:41] wfoster: actually thats wrong [04:41] wfoster: ok wait a min [04:41] You can switch to a console by pressing CTRL+ALT+F1, then you can press ALT+F7 to get back [04:41] k. [04:42] izinucs: what is the dfference? i assume it's cable. [04:42] wfoster: type "gdb /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.5/firefox-3.0" [04:42] minus18_pundit I would recommend setting up a router/firewall first. Then connect your ubuntu machine into the router. Then you computer needs no special setup to connect. The connection details for your dsl/cable are in the router. [04:42] Hello can anyone here help me with getting my mother's desktop with an ATI Radeon XPRESS 200 integrated graphics chip [04:42] hi. How can I hide Gimp toolbars and windows from taskbar? I just want the main window to appear there [04:42] SJr: so how do I edit my xorg in the console? [04:42] working [04:42] wfoster: then type run and enter [04:42] minus18_pundit any model will do depending on whether or not you want to enable wireless. [04:42] ikyn_ type sudo vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf [04:43] k [04:43] make a backup first by typing [04:43] wfoster: then try to make firefox crash [04:43] Mike9022: hrm. There's a TOR package in the intrepid repositories (sudo apt-get install tor), but it's slightly out of date. Might be a good idea to go to #tor on irc.oftc.net and ask what they suggest (Ubuntu's official, or the latest stable version). [04:43] sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak [04:43] rww: / Mike9022: they maintain their own repository for precisely that reason [04:43] Press I to start editing, then when you are done, press ESC,:,exit [04:43] oh crap hold on just on second the computer just locked up [04:43] I have a 500 GB drive which seems to not have SMART on it ... is that possible? [04:43] if you make a mistake you can start over, by pressing ESC, :,q [04:44] wj32: I'm typing all that and after enetering on the gbd command it goes to a copyright confirmation. [04:44] minus18_pundit, if it's cable then a round tv type wire will screw into the back of the cable modem and it will connect to either your router or computer directly with ethernet.. from there it just works.. not adjustments needed..... dsl typically has a dialer because it plugs into a telephone connection. the dialer can be software loaded on the computer (re: windows) or a router downstream typically wi [04:44] ll do the dialing/connection for all the other machines on the lan. [04:44] wj32: I press run and it says it isn't exectuable. [04:44] crimsun, Mike9022: Thanks, crimsun, I forgot that *facepalm*. Mike9022: https://wiki.torproject.org/noreply/TheOnionRouter/TorOnDebian [04:44] wfoster: what version of firefox do you have? [04:45] crimsun: was looking at that page just the other day, too >.> [04:45] I'm not sure. The default that comes with Wubi. [04:45] what is MAC address changer? i heard i need to do this to setup broadband. need i setup my ip address manually? need i setup any dialer? [04:45] wfoster: ok never mind. i guess you'll have to put up a bug report [04:46] I have two linux computer both running ubuntu 8.10 intrepid ibex, and a crossover cable...how do I make them talk to each other ? [04:46] Ok. [04:46] But I don't know why I have to sudo it all to make it work properly. [04:46] minus18_pundit, don't worry about any of that.. if you're in europe they might do it differently over there but here in the US it's typically plug and play [04:46] wfoster: yes, thats weird. be sure to mention that in the report. [04:46] leachim6: get speech synthesis program festival, and turn up the volume, and write a script to have them say stuff. [04:46] * werdnum hides. [04:46] leachim6, give each an ip#.. see if they can ping each others ip.. there ya go .. they are networked. :) now install whatever services you wish to use to let them communicate in a usefull way, ssh, nfs, samba. [04:46] wj32: Will do, thanks for the help all. and rww. :) [04:47] Goodnight. [04:47] wfoster: You're welcome. Sorry we couldn't fix it :(. Send me a link to that bug report when you make it; I'll be interested to see the result. [04:47] bye [04:47] rww: can i get you try something? [04:48] rww: Sure, thanks. I'll hit you all up tomorrow. [04:48] What's the dmesg command that'll let you view the devices? [04:48] rww: go to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/313353 [04:48] rww: and try and reproduce that bug [04:48] wj32: k, give me a sec [04:48] but i'm from bngladesh. ISPs here dont provide support for linux. [04:49] 'isps dont support much of anything' :) [04:49] wj32: happens to me too [04:49] isp support basics: 'Sir, did you turn on the computer?' [04:50] rww: have you experienced this bug before? [04:50] lol [04:50] I have SCIM installed, and all the appropriate IM modules seem to be installed, but I can't switch input methods and when I click on the SCIM icon, nothing shows up. SCIM-Setup seems to work fine, but I still nothing shows up when I try to switch input methods, how can I get back to typing Chinese like before? [04:50] minus18_pundit, isp's here don't either.. [04:50] rww: i have - its really annoying [04:50] wj32: I don't generally use tree view (or nautilus =/), so no [04:50] rww: oh [04:51] rww: ok. i was just seeing if people could following my obscure instructions in the bug report [04:51] rww: *follow [04:51] SJr|Nbook - ok, i had to restart and reload xorg, but I'm ready now [04:51] can anyone tell me how does evolution rss work? i can subscribe to feeds, but i have to go to plugins menu then add feed [04:51] hello [04:51] xd4: why use evolution for rss feeds? === kavon is now known as grey-sheep [04:51] hello [04:51] xd4: try liferea [04:51] still have trouble with firefox [04:51] its all scrambled [04:51] looking [04:51] anon: what is your problem again? [04:52] i already had liferea, but i like it to be all in one app [04:52] xd4: ok [04:52] SJr|Nbook - What is it that I change in xorg.conf? [04:53] another question about evolution, can i by any mean, import the saved sent messages in my gmail (web) to my account at evolution? [04:53] SJr|Nbook - I'm thinking that I change "vesa" to "intel" [04:53] rww: when I try that, I get the error: bash: deb: command not found [04:53] ikyn_: yes that should be right [04:53] hey, i have another problem. i previously changed my update server from bangladesh server to main server. now i'm hving a slow update download speed. so i'm thinking of changing the server from main server to bangladesh server. but i dont see any "server from bangladesh" in "software sources". now how can i chage this? [04:54] something is messed up and im suppoed to tpye in "apt-get -f install" i get this error... http://pastebin.com/m50c93e0e [04:54] which pcmcia wi-fi or mini is possible to mount in to a pc with the adapter ? [04:54] xd4: doesnt imap and pop3 automatically do that anyways? [04:54] Mike9022: what command are you trying to run? === digit is now known as digit_halfherepr [04:54] antirem, tr4y a sudo at the front of that command. [04:54] wj32: I can't seem to exit with saving - it keeps telling me "No write since last change (add ! to override) [04:54] how do i login into root acc? [04:54] i have [04:54] wj32: deb http://mirror.noreply.org/pub/tor intrepid main [04:54] wj32: nevermind [04:54] no, all what i can fetch is the new (unread messages) in my gmail box [04:54] !sudo | Mal3ko [04:54] Mal3ko: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE) [04:54] Mike9022: that page is written kinda poorly. The deb and deb-src lines need to go into /etc/apt/sources.list [04:55] Mike9022: (i.e., you're not supposed to run them) [04:55] Mike9022: don't type that into the terminal [04:55] Maf3ko: su [04:55] xd4: thats odd, on my Thunderbird Gmails imap shows all folders, and then some. [04:55] rww, wj32: Oh I see [04:55] Mike9022: go to System > Administration > Software Sources [04:55] same with Outlook [04:55] Mike9022: Third-Party Software [04:55] anyone having troubles with firefox? [04:55] Mike9022: click Add [04:55] anon: describe your problem [04:56] mib_jvlhglnb: oo that works ty [04:56] i think i am going to ditch evolution and use thunderbird, i am really annoyed by all these complicated nonsense [04:56] :) [04:56] minus18_pundit: change all: archive.ubuntu.com into: in.archive.ubuntu.com in your /etc/apt/sources.list file. You can edit it with: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list [04:56] everytime i start firefox the whole windows is just scrambled looking [04:56] xd4: good choice :) [04:56] it wasn't like that at first but then one day [04:57] i'm having trouble getting my audio to go thru my USB sound card, when i test in System -> Preferences -> Sound, i get: audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open audio device for playback. [04:57] xd4: also make sure on your gmail (web) that you enable imap or pop3, by default they not turned on [04:57] one question though, does thunderbird have to open a new window whenever i want to (send this to email directly from nuatilus or thunar?) [04:57] if i select the oss on, it works fine [04:57] one*( [04:57] xd4: hmmm that im not sure [04:58] best thing is to try, sudo apt-geting it now [04:59] tried to remove evolution, but it says i have to remove gnome-disktop with it!!, do you have any evolution-server process open there at your pc? [05:00] xd4: also note most HOWTO's on how to set up gmail in thunderbird do not use the correct ports, for imap its 993 for recieving and 587 for sending, also recieving uses TLS and sending SSL i belive or it might be the other way around :) i can check if you'd like [05:00] I installed ubuntu server in vmware, its telling me to install vmware tools by mounting the virtual cd drive, how can i do that ? [05:00] on the menu bar, hit the vm menu, then choose install vmware tools [05:01] it should auto-mount and auto-start the vmware tools install [05:01] this is from the vmware console of course [05:01] i think gmail have this as a tutorial on their help section, right? [05:01] techsupport: try going to /media/cdrom it might be mounted already [05:02] xd4: i think so yeah === digit_halfherepr is now known as digit [05:02] @irc.rizon.net#exiled-destiny [05:02] bad david_ [05:03] can someone help me fix my SCIM, it's really screwed up [05:03] so I've tried to change my drivers from vesa to intel - do I need to restart the computer before the xorg takes effect? === john is now known as Guest70708 [05:03] eseven73, i'm in /media/cdrom , ls returns nothing [05:04] techsupport: did you do 'mount' ina term? [05:04] in a* [05:04] techsupport: sudo mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom [05:04] or is it [05:04] sudo mount /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom [05:05] oh wait cdrom is a symlink to scd0 [05:05] hello all [05:05] is there a vmware server that doesnt have that rediculous web interface? [05:05] how's it going mib :) [05:05] algum brasileiro aqui [05:05] ? [05:06] can anyone tell me where the config files related to SCIM are and what they are named? or point me to a source for that info? [05:06] ikyn_, restarting xorg is enough, but restarting machine is just simpler [05:06] usser: restarting now [05:06] hi, I was wondering if there were any networking people here. I've got a problem with a bridge and I'm not sure if it's Ubuntu or my Windows box that's screwing it up [05:07] eseven73, that web interface.. is one reason i started usinb virbualbox.. I never did figure out the vmware server stuff :) i was too used to the old vmware server [05:07] Tony22: having trouble with windows ICS? [05:07] same here [05:07] hey guys, what is mandreva linux? [05:07] Tony22: ask away, we'll see what we can do [05:07] I think vmware server made a huge mistake in using web interface [05:07] Mayank, another Linux distrobution [05:08] is it good?, jrgp [05:08] ikyn: I've actually got Windows setup with a bridge between a wired and wireless adapter. On my router, the bridge shows up, and the windows box shows up as a conencted device, but the Ubuntu box doesn't [05:08] also [05:08] !distros | Mayank [05:08] Mayank: Other !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems) [05:08] Mayank, never had a reason to use it. Ubuntu's served me perfectly after ~3 years [05:08] the Ubuntu box and the windows box now have the same IP. Windows Firewall is off. I think ICS is off [05:08] Hi [05:08] Tony22: I can't help you - I was just asking out of curiosity [05:08] true [05:08] I don't know what's causing them to have the same IP, that's the confusing part. no worries [05:09] is there a way i can turn on advanced visual effects using a simple bash command? [05:09] Well I think I've installed Tor correctly now, however when I try using my TorButton in Firefox, and I check my IP, my IP isn't behind a proxy. [05:09] hi === digit is now known as digit_halfherepr [05:09] got Nvidia driver installed from the official page === digit_halfherepr is now known as digit_halfhere [05:09] but black screen appears [05:09] after restarting X server [05:10] Mike9022: thats not really an Ubuntu issue try asking in #TOR [05:10] gasto, did you install it with the gui loaded? [05:10] eseven73: Okay [05:10] no [05:10] what irc client do you guys recommend? [05:10] gasto, which driver did you load? [05:11] Mandrig, xchat [05:11] izinucs, I installed it with the virtual terminal [05:11] archive.ubuntu.com seems to be moving slow [05:11] xChat is what I'm on and I love it [05:11] same here BLuEACiD [05:11] Irssi Mike9022 [05:11] oops Mandrig [05:11] izinucs, I loaded the Nvidia driver [05:11] can anyone tell me if there are any glitches in ubuntu? my system just made 2 loud beeps and came to a black screen and siad system power down. and then i tried to logg on and it had problems logging on and now its totally fine [05:11] yeah, irssi is the best of the command line clients [05:12] i'm using ircii right now, but don't care for it, i mean, its nice as far as command line goes [05:12] ? [05:12] can anyone tell me if there are any glitches in ubuntu? my system just made 2 loud beeps and came to a black screen and siad system power down. and then i tried to logg on and it had problems logging on and now its totally fine [05:12] is there a way i can turn on advanced visual effects using a simple bash script? [05:12] Mandrig: Irssi is better [05:12] ? [05:12] is that fine i am using utorrent (windows version) in ubuntu for downloading? [05:12] gasto, did you happen to uninstall all the other nvidia stuff that is available in synaptic package manager? including disabling the nvidia driver that might have been activated in System>Admin>hardware drivers ? [05:12] Mandrig: funny you should mention that, i just installed in on my server and am using it remotely [05:12] ? [05:12] izinucs, NVIDIA-Linux-x86-177.82.pkg1.run [05:12] can anyone help me? [05:12] mayanak, have you tried Transmission? [05:13] because before i was using deluge, its always closes itself [05:13] transmission is very bad [05:13] can anyone tell me if there are any glitches in ubuntu? my system just made 2 loud beeps and came to a black screen and siad system power down. and then i tried to logg on and it had problems logging on and now its totally fine [05:13] Mayank: i dont see any prob with it, but its always better to run things native [05:13] anyone know why my Ubuntu box is getting assigned the same IP as my windows box? Ubuntu box is connected to the windows box, which is acting as a bridge, and then that connects wirelessly to my router. any suggestions or better places to look would be appreciated [05:13] Now that i've changed my xorg from "vesa" to "intel" my bootup screen has frozen half-way through loading KDE. Now what? [05:13] ? [05:13] gasto, the 177 driver is available from the repos .. you didn't have to get it from nvidia.. [05:13] izinucs, I wouldn´t know what other Nvidia stuff is installed by default on Ubuntu... [05:13] mayanak, i've never had any problem with transmission [05:13] eseven73, which one transmission or deluge? [05:13] can anyone tell me if there are any glitches in ubuntu? my system just made 2 loud beeps and came to a black screen and siad system power down. and then i tried to logg on and it had problems logging on and now its totally fine [05:13] ? [05:13] !repeat | ethan woah slow down a bit [05:13] ethan woah slow down a bit: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [05:14] !torrent | Mayank [05:14] Mayank: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P [05:14] eseven73: my system totally crashed 5 mintues ago and now is fine [05:14] Mayank: using Xine use uTorrent, imho [05:15] izinucs, the 177 driver on repository did not work [05:15] Is there any keyboard shortcut for jumping between various screens in screen. I'm using irssi. [05:15] xine? [05:15] eseven73: and i have no clue why its fien why it crashed and how it crashed [05:15] ctrl-a, ctrl-a? [05:15] I clicked on activate, yet some error appeared [05:15] izinucs [05:15] speedcore: Ctrl-Alt-right or left arrow [05:15] ethan: its ok to repeat occasionally just not every 20 seconds :) [05:15] !xine | mayank [05:15] Sorry, I don't know anything about xine [05:16] google it [05:16] k [05:16] speedcore: or Alt-1 ALt-2 etc... [05:16] or better yet sudo apt-get install xine [05:16] wj32 there ? [05:16] wj32 is the only guy answering questions - he's probably taking a break [05:16] eseven73: well i have no clue if my system is just goignt os hut down again and im nervous that theres soemthing wrong with it [05:16] this is more of a general linux question... is their an equivalent to ipconfig /release and /renew in the terminal? can ifconfig do that? [05:16] werdnum: I use ctrl-a ctrl-d to dettach. But I got several screens going. and I detach enter pid and attach.. should be an easier route [05:16] ethan: is it maybe overheating? [05:16] i would like to have different backgrounds for all 4 desktops. any assistance please? [05:17] can i connect 1pc to another, both have ubuntu, with internet? [05:17] eseven73: no the fan is workign and its on a desk [05:17] werdnum: I tried the ctrl-a ctrl-a but it says.. "No other window" [05:17] speedcore: why do you have multiple screen sessions? [05:17] can anyone assist with an alsa/pulseaudio problem? [05:17] job Gnome or KDE? [05:17] ethan: did this only happen once or twice? [05:17] hey there ... anybody know of a good driver for lexmark x3350? [05:17] werdnum: Because Im newb. Tell me how to do it? [05:17] usr13 Gnome [05:18] !ics | Mayank [05:18] Mayank: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php [05:18] speedcore: You should use one screen session, and use multiple windows in the same screen session [05:18] what type of xine i download? [05:18] werdnum: how do you open more windows? [05:19] eseven73: the black screen that siad system shutdown only came up once and then it shut down and i turned it back on and tried to log on but it had trouble a couple of times starting up again [05:19] Tony22-> ifdown eth0 ; ifup eth0 as sudo priviledge off course [05:19] use ctrl-a, C to create a window, ctrl-a, ctrl-a to switch to the last-used window, ctrl-a, " to list windows, ctrl-a, ctrl- to switch to a particular number [05:19] google screen tutorial. [05:19] thanks n8tuser2 [05:19] ethan: you using 8.10? [05:19] what are benefits of using screen? [05:19] what type of xine i download? [05:19] eseven73: yes i am === n8tuser2 is now known as n8tuser [05:20] package manager have xine console...is it good? [05:20] werdnum: Thanx =) === decay is now known as lyre === lyre is now known as lyrae [05:20] ethan: try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=62838&highlight=random+daily+restart [05:21] exit [05:21] eseven73: what is that for? what will it do? [05:21] package manager have xine console...is it good? [05:21] ethan: you might try google for "Ubuntu 8.10 random reboot" and read some of the forum posts [05:21] does anyone know of any alternative intel on-board video drivers that I can use in xorg [05:22] haiii [05:22] eseven73: so it could be liek a fluke? [05:22] ikyn_, vesa? [05:22] debbie: hello [05:22] HELLO [05:22] ethan: or check to see if its a bug or not [05:22] anyone know possible reasons why my Ubuntu box is getting assigned the same IP as my windows box? the Ubuntu box is connected to the Windows box, which is acting as a bridge, and then that connects wirelessly to my router. any suggestions or better places to look would be appreciated [05:22] ikyn_: What says result of command: lspci | grep VGA ? [05:22] SOME ONE? I NEED HELP :d [05:22] how do i check to see if its a bugg? [05:23] izinucs: I'm sure vesa would work great - but I can't even get into my system right now [05:23] Tony22: do either have a static IP? [05:23] ethan: it sounds like it yeah [05:23] _D [05:23] :D [05:23] !caps [05:23] PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. [05:23] !bugs [05:23] If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots [05:23] ext4. is it stable yet? [05:23] CYBERSIX007-2009, Tried asking a question? [05:23] can I use it and stuff? [05:23] Cycom, no [05:23] i need know a litte more about wine [05:23] eseven73: how do i check to see if its a bug? what do i do? [05:23] !caps | CYBERSIX007-2009 [05:23] CYBERSIX007-2009: please see above [05:23] !bugs > ethan [05:23] genii: I can't even get into my system - it freezes upon booting up KDE [05:23] ethan, please see my private message [05:23] jrgp: O RLY?! That sucks. [05:23] read what ubottu is showing ethan [05:23] CYBERSIX007-2009: be more specific please. [05:23] !ext4 [05:23] Tony22, you might do better to get a hub, and connect both PCs to that .. [05:23] Sorry, I don't know anything about ext4 [05:23] CYBERSIX007-2009: what exactly do you need to know [05:23] Hey, how do I generate locales in Ubuntu Server? Such as UTF-8 for example [05:23] see i have a software frome FOX [05:23] Cycom, checkout JFS, XFS, and HFS. they're fun [05:24] and i need run the software [05:24] XFS is awesome [05:24] jrgp: I've seen HFS. Meh. But I will check out JFS and XFS. [05:24] but i have a message frome the aplication [05:24] eseven73: it just says to file a bug report [05:24] package manager have xine console...is it good? [05:24] the squircle: no, both are set to DHCP from my router. [05:24] ikyn_: Boot to recovery kernel [05:24] !enter | CYBERSIX007-2009 [05:24] CYBERSIX007-2009: what message? [05:24] CYBERSIX007-2009: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [05:24] eseven73: is that like a scan or something for my system? [05:24] ethan: i think its http://launchpad.ubuntu.com or https === Gr33n3gg is now known as Gr33n3gg[afk] [05:25] no its just to check/report bugs ethan it wont scan your system [05:25] Don_Miguel: unfortunately the problem is my wireless router is located in another room. I don't have a wireless card for my Ubuntu box, but I do for my Windows machine. If I could hub it, I most certainly would since I've got one lying around [05:25] Does anyone know if bittorrent favors faster peers? [05:25] ok the message say visual fox pro cannot star requiers windows 95 [05:25] Tarantulafudge, by design not [05:25] CYBERSIX007-2009: Alt+F2, type winecfg [05:26] Tarantulafudge: it depends on the client [05:26] tell me guys..plz [05:26] package manager have xine console...is it good? [05:26] CYBERSIX007-2009: see here: http://paulmcnett.com/vfp/wine/VFPonLinux_foxtalk1.html [05:26] eseven73: so if there is a bug how do i get rid of it? [05:26] CYBERSIX007-2009: click Add application... and select the program [05:26] help please [05:26] CYBERSIX007-2009: click on the new application in the list and change Windows Version to Windows 95 [05:27] eseven73: usually someone will post ways you can get around the bug or a fix of some sort [05:27] job: what do you need help with [05:27] different backgrounds for different desktops in Gnome [05:27] genii: booted into recovery - now what? [05:27] wj32: jrgp: anything I need besides xfsprogs? [05:27] ethan: Get http://www.kiwicare.co.nz/assets/products/bugs-bomb.gif [05:27] Cycom, I think xfs-utils [05:27] Cycom: what do you want to do again? [05:27] i googled but did not get anywhere [05:27] Tony22, Good Luck ! I am sticking to cables for now ! ... but we DO have many wireless folks here to help out ... [05:27] were i shold click add application?? [05:27] eseven73: You spoke to yourself. I think it was for ethan. ;o [05:27] ethan: check out the forums too http://ubuntuforums.org/ [05:27] ikyn_: lspci | grep VGA says what? [05:27] wj32: use XFS to format an external hard drive. [05:28] lol yeah, stupid irssi [05:28] wj32: then use it to store big files. [05:28] Cycom: isn't it just mkfs.xfs /dev/[device] [05:28] eseven73: thank you [05:28] anytime [05:28] wj32, yes, but xfsprogs gives you mkfs.xfs [05:28] Anyone know how to generate locales in Ubuntu? [05:28] CYBERSIX007-2009: press Alt+F2, type winecfg, enter [05:28] jrgp: oh ok [05:28] Do me a favor please Click this link so i get more points after it loads u can exit it please? http://www.DesignsBySiCK.com/?pointsfor=nheimberg [05:28] having Nvidia problems [05:28] wj32: yeah, I know. But are there any other packages I should install? xfsdump, quota, etc, or is xfsprogs enough? [05:28] ok [05:28] Crazy-T: is that spam? [05:28] Nvidia driver for Geforce 6200 [05:28] Crazy-T: that's inappropriate for this channel. Please take it elsewhere. [05:29] i do [05:29] please click it 4 me [05:29] CYBERSIX007-2009: see here for information about Visual FoxPro from AppDB on winehq: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=296 [05:29] Cycom: if you want to defrag XFS filesystems, install xfsdump [05:29] !spam | Crazy-T [05:29] Crazy-T: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu ): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !Caps, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense... [05:29] thanks man i read [05:29] package manager have xine console...is it good? [05:29] ok i see [05:29] wj32: is it still type 83 in fdisk/cfdisk? [05:29] installed Nvidia driver with sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop, then ran sudo sh nvidia...run [05:30] is it possible to make the lower window-bar "un-pass-able" ? i would like to be unable to move windows under it. [05:30] then restarted Gnome desktop [05:30] u are great man [05:30] Cycom: i've forgotten ages ago [05:30] genii: VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 01) [05:30] Cycom: don't all linux partitions have the same number? [05:30] with sudo etc/init.d/gdm start [05:30] i do and is workin realy great [05:30] but black screen [05:30] after restarting [05:30] wj32, depends on the filesystem, I believe [05:30] gasto, you did try the nvidia-drivers from the 'restricted-manager' tool first i hope? [05:31] CYBERSIX007-2009: you're welcome [05:31] ikyn_: I would suggest for that card to use the i810 driver [05:31] Don Miguel, thanks, it could be a windows error, or maybe it's actually PEBKAC :P Just wondered if anyone had some insight or prior experience with it [05:31] yes [05:31] dr_willis, yes [05:31] jrgp: ok, i just thought that even though fat32 and ntfs, etc. have different numbers, all linux partitions have the same number [05:31] which linux software can do "replace in files"? [05:31] how do i install xine for ubuntu? [05:31] jrgp: it's just what i think i've seen [05:31] genii: how do i get that driver, and how do I enable it in xorg from the prompt? [05:31] well, the term "linux partition" is kinda ambiguous [05:32] codeblocks does, but it doesn't let me specify the directory but just searches in project files [05:32] do you mean parititions created by linux or just ext3/2? [05:32] Mayank: sudo apt-get install xine-ui [05:32] help. I run 8.04lts.. server edition. I need to run apt-get update... but when I enter 'sudo apt-get update' I get the following: scott@essen:~$ sudo apt-get update [05:32] [sudo] password for scott: [05:32] 0% [Connecting to mirrors.xmission.com (] [Connecting to security. [05:32] scott@essen:~$ [05:32] bonez45: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [05:32] what might I be gdoing wrong [05:32] jrgp: no, I mean I think there's some sort of more specific thing stored somewhere [05:32] ever since I updated to Ubuntu 8.10 ... my laptop doesn't cool properly... I've got a ThinkPad x61 -- anybody know any way to resolve this? [05:32] Do me a favor please Click this link so i get more points after it loads u can exit it please? http://www.DesignsBySiCK.com/?pointsfor=nheimberg [05:32] jrgp: cause certain apps like the Windows installer [05:32] so If the restricted-manager tool failed for installing Nvidia drivers, I am fckd up? [05:32] Package xine-ui is not available, but is referred to by another package. [05:32] This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or [05:32] is only available from another source [05:32] E: Package xine-ui has no installation candidate [05:32] , wj32 [05:32] Mayank: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [05:33] jrgp: ... think that all Linux partitions are the same [05:33] hello [05:33] Crazy-T: you were told that's a no no here, please stop. [05:33] okay [05:33] Mayank: go to System > Administration > Software Sources [05:33] ok..then [05:34] Mayank: make sure "community-maintained open source software" is ticked [05:34] wj32, come to think of it, I've been using fdisk a lot lately and it always calls partitions I make "linux partitions" and says it knows how to identify dos,irix,bsd,mac,etc partitions too [05:34] I have a MacBook Pro that I am installing Ubuntu 8.10 on. The install seemed to be sucessful, and gparted shows both partitions to have some amount of used space. However, when I boot the computer, it always goes to OS X, and does not give an option to boot Ubuntu. How can I correct this? [05:34] yes it is.. [05:34] ikyn_: You can directly edit the xorg.conf file thus: nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf look for the line which reads like: "Configured Video Device" under it may be a line like: Driver "intel" or similar. Put whre says "intel" instead: "i810" [05:34] Mayank: how about "software restricted by copyright"? [05:34] untermensch: http://refit.sf.net <-- use this [05:34] ikyn_: If no line reading: Driver "whatevername" exists, create it [05:34] the_squircle: thank you. [05:34] :) [05:35] Do Macs not come with a grub? [05:35] ikyn_: Then use to exit: ctrl-x choose Y to save. Enter key to confirm name. Then: telinit 2 [05:35] genii: how do I edit my xorg from the command prompt [05:35] untermensch, macs use a different bootloader [05:35] already checked,wj32 [05:35] ikyn_: I just explained that [05:35] ikyn_, what are you trying to do specifically [05:35] hey [05:35] jrgp: ah, figures. So this would be the only way? [05:35] genii: sorry - sec [05:35] ikyn_: eg: nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf [05:36] ikyn_, and editing xorg.conf is pretty much depreciated [05:36] Mayank: that's weird. [05:36] yeah [05:36] ]can i get the 3945abg wireless nic to open up to promiscous mode [05:36] Mayank: i don't know [05:36] is it possible [05:36] or am i just wasting my time [05:36] anyone know if GRUB supports EFI? [05:36] the_squircle: do i have to burn it to a cd? [05:36] my system is up to date, wj32, so why can't i download/instaLL XINEW? [05:37] my system is up to date, wj32, so why can't i download/instaLL XINE? [05:37] untermensch: nope. download the Mac disk image and install it [05:37] I installed ubuntu server in vmware, its telling me to install vmware tools by mounting the virtual cd drive, how can i do that ? [05:37] Ubuntu Interpid: Nvidia Geforce 9800 GTX: Question ---- What does "NV17 Video Texture" refer to? [05:37] untermensch: it's really simple [05:37] Mayank: i don't know. sorry, ask someone else [05:37] anyone know what would prevent apt-get from connecting? [05:37] the_squircle: on the mac? in OS X? [05:37] untermensch: yep [05:37] bonez45: Lack of an internet connection? [05:37] mmk. [05:37] bonez45, misconfigured sources.list file or bad internet connection [05:37] bonez45, the server being down? [05:37] HOW TO get source from software sources? [05:37] the_squircle: it's a macbook pro with EFI. there's special instructions for using GRUB with EFI. [05:37] Hello, I have a sudo user who cannot mount a cdrom drive in gnome (by clicking - it gives a permission denied error) but they can mount the cdrom drive via the terminal both with and without privileged rights [05:38] Is there any way to make the top panel hide completely. I can see a small bit of it. [05:38] Mayank: You mean the source code of a program? [05:38] any ideas anyone [05:38] genii: fine, but I can ping that same IP for mirrors.xmission.com JUST fine.. would I be able to do that, sans internet connection? [05:38] Mayank, system->admin->software sources, enable sources, then in a clean directory apt-get source [05:38] genii: xorg edited - rebooting now [05:38] does anyone actually know what the "Shared to other computers" setting means under the IPv4 Settings tab of Network Manager? I looked in the documentation but there's really nothing there... [05:38] nisink, go to system>administration>users and make sure that account is in every group listed [05:38] wj32: it's not the bootloader that's the problem. REFIT is the easiest way to boot multiple operating systems: a mac icon, a linux icon, a windows icon. [05:38] then log out - log back in [05:38] yes, there is written 3rd party software, can i ad more sources? [05:38] wj32: even before any OS boots. [05:38] what's faste xubuntu or kubuntu or ubuntu for an old pc? [05:38] bonez45, you can browse the ip with http, see if the pool directory is there [05:39] Chicano: xubuntu [05:39] nickrud: I have tried other servers.. do you have a sources file I could try? I called xmission and they swear their mirror for ubuntu is UP [05:39] Chicano: xubuntu [05:39] Chicano: xubuntu, most likely [05:39] by far [05:39] man, what a mess, anybody helping me [05:39] thanks [05:39] the_squircle: oops. i didn't read - REFIT IS for EFI [05:39] nickrud: trying to browse it now [05:39] but does it look good? [05:39] I already tried googling the whole fcking world [05:39] wj32: yep :D [05:39] fluxbuntu (or whatever the fluxbox version is called) should be fast too [05:39] yeah [05:39] it looks good [05:39] fnord__, there isn [05:39] gasto: what's the problem? [05:39] as long as you don't somehow wind up using twm. :) [05:39] 't a fluxbox version of ubuntu [05:39] it [05:39] s just a package you can install [05:39] bonez45, you can move your current sources.list out of the way, and use system->admin->software sources to create a new one, guaranteed to be good [05:39] Hello, I have a sudo user who cannot mount a cdrom drive in gnome (by clicking - it gives a permission denied error) but they can mount the cdrom drive via the terminal both with and without privileged rights [05:39] !enter | fnord__, jrgp [05:39] fnord__, jrgp: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [05:39] does fluxbuntu look good? [05:40] nickrud: well, I browse and it brings up xmission's mirror [05:40] bonez45: Try surf to http://mirrors.xmission.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy [05:40] Chicano: Not sure if there is Fluxbuntu 8.04 or 8.10, but it runs quite fast. [05:40] Hmm. It looks like there was a fluxbuntu, but that's old [05:40] fnord__, Linux MInt [05:40] Hello, I have a sudo user who cannot mount a cdrom drive in gnome (by clicking - it gives a permission denied error) [05:40] but they can mount the cdrom drive via the terminal both with and without privileged rights [05:40] thanks will look 4 1 [05:40] You can always install fluxbox on any other install anyway [05:40] Ubuntu Interpid: Nvidia Geforce 9800 GTX: Question ---- What does "NV17 Video Texture" refer to? [05:40] nickrud: this is on 8.04 LTS server edition. NO GUI installed...... [05:40] genii: Now I only boot up to the command prompt. Never see KDE === grey-sheep is now known as kavon [05:40] nisink: if no one's answered, it probably means no one knows [05:40] Oh, I'm an idiot. http://fluxbuntu.org/ [05:40] There is an 8.10 [05:41] *facepalms* [05:41] ikyn_: In recovery mode? eg, you see a # and not a $ in the prompt [05:41] genii: that brings up a menu listing main, multiverse, restricted and universe... [05:41] i was hoping that they just wern't seeing it [05:41] what is better ubuntu clean or ubuntu wubi? [05:41] genii: one sec [05:41] Do me a favor please Click this link so i get more points after it loads u can exit it please? http://www.DesignsBySiCK.com/?pointsfor=nheimberg [05:41] bonez45: Then check your sources.list entry for that repository [05:41] can someone kick Crazy-T or something [05:41] he's done that three times now [05:41] bonez45: Probably malformed [05:41] !ops | Crazy-T has repeatedly spammed this link and ignores requires for him to stop [05:41] Crazy-T has repeatedly spammed this link and ignores requires for him to stop: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia! [05:41] yeah [05:41] kick 'em [05:41] you are sick Crazy-t [05:42] i only fount fluxbuntu 7.10 [05:42] Now, anyway, I have a weird question. I'm sure someone's probably run into this issue before, somewhere. I have a nvidia card with two lcd monitors hooked up, one on analog and one on dvi. [05:42] Chicano: scroll down on that page. [05:42] I kinda got confused too since the legacy link was at the top [05:42] genii: I'm in the recovery menu. What do I do from here? [05:43] As for my question.. If totem runs to play an audio file, for some odd reason, one or both of the monitors get set to an invalid refresh rate. [05:43] bonez45, http://paste.ubuntu.com/98781/ <-- pretty generic intrepid, search & replace hardy for intrepid and give it a try [05:43] I installed ubuntu server in vmware, its telling me to install vmware tools by mounting the virtual cd drive, how can i do that ? [05:43] anyone ? [05:43] http://pastebin.com/m29026ffb [05:43] that's a pastebin for my sources.list [05:43] ikyn_: So you have then a # prompt? [05:43] i can't install wubi on my my other machine, with xp, after checksum complete, its download the whole iso file from net...why? [05:43] This causes them to both go black until totem (or the firefox window pulling it up as a plugin) is closed; after which the monitor it isn't displayed on comes back. I have to hit the logout button and switch user to force the x server to rehash [05:43] genii: yes [05:43] techsupport: VM > Install VMware Tools... [05:44] ikyn_: telinit 2 [05:44] archive.ubuntu.com is really slow tonight [05:44] techsupport: in the virtual machine, type: [05:44] This is on 8.10, and I had the same problem on 8.04. [05:44] nope only have 7.10 [05:44] wj32, hi again [05:44] genii: what does that do? === Greg is now known as mallen_ [05:44] Is it some kind of bug with the nvidia driver, or... otherwise? I don't have any invalid modes in xorg.conf [05:44] genii: it's asking me for my login information again - now what? [05:44] techsupport: sudo mount /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom === mallen_ is now known as Mallen_ [05:44] wj32, do u know this? [05:44] i can't install wubi on my my other machine, with xp, after checksum complete, its download the whole iso file from net...why? [05:45] ikyn_: It puts the system into multiuser mode, should be starting up gdm or kdm, etc [05:45] Mayank: i haven't used Wubi [05:45] ok...anyone? [05:45] i can't install wubi on my my other machine, with xp, after checksum complete, its download the whole iso file from net...why? [05:45] genii: i've logged in and my prompt has changed from # to $ - I'm at the prompt with no KDE started. How do I start KDE now? [05:46] ikyn_: startx [05:46] wj32: ok - one sec [05:46] ikyn_: This after you did: telinit 2 ? [05:46] lulz, kde is bloat [05:46] genii: yes [05:46] ikyn_: that isn't actually the proper way to do it [05:46] ikyn_: OK, looks like we need manual start of login manager. You have kdm or gdm? [05:46] how to rename a file [05:46] ikyn_: go sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start [05:46] genii: kdm [05:46] How can i have java sound work on intrepid? It always says device unavailable [05:46] Mayank: understand wubi is only a file on a windows folder, all kinda stuff could go wrong, why not just install the real thing? you can dual boot [05:47] Mayank, http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=234 is your best bet for wubi support; not many wubi users here [05:47] anu, mv oldname newname [05:47] thanks [05:47] ##gnome [05:47] anu, you're welcome :) [05:47] how to use mldonkey to bt [05:47] my likewise says this Failed to contact DC when trying to synchronize local system clock! [05:47] None of the domain controllers listed in DNS could be contacted, or there are no DCs listed in DNS. [05:47] ikyn_: What wj32 just said. Should start the login manager [05:47] why [05:47] how to use mldonkey to bt? [05:47] thanx nickrud... [05:47] Mayank: Anything specific to Wubi you need to know? [05:47] system clock is same [05:47] yes [05:47] hello. anyone know if i can run 32-bit game(ut) in wine under my 64-bit userspace unbuntu installation? [05:48] Mayank, I've never used wubi myself. I know some wubi devs keep an eye on that forum [05:48] genii - wj32: when I type /etc/init.d/kdm start, it says that it's already running [05:48] onetinsoldier, I play half life2 all the time on my 64bit ubuntu box [05:48] ikyn_: try pressing Ctrl+Alt+F7 [05:48] ikyn_: Do then alt-f7 [05:48] webcamwonder, i have installed wubi on this machine i am using, i have another machine at home, when i tried to install on that one, its download the whole iso file...why? [05:48] genii: oh is it Alt+F7 or is it Ctrl+Alt+F7? [05:49] wj32: Either works from console [05:49] genii: oh ok [05:49] yeah. the control is only needed if you're in X [05:49] Mayank: Well, wubi needs the ISO file to install. If it doesn't find the ISO file exactly named under the same folder as the exectuable, it has to download it [05:49] wj32: Only ctrl-alt-f# works from gui [05:49] wj32 - genii: I hit Alt+F7 and my screen went blank and there is a blinking cursor in the upper left hand corner [05:49] ok [05:49] ikyn_: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart [05:49] Mayank: what WebcamWonder said. Also, it might be downloading the 64-bit version, whereas you have the 32-bit version... or something like that. [05:49] wj32: I can't type anything [05:50] jrgp: ahh, cool! thanks. i was just curious before i install wine. ut can be installed natively in linux, but alas, it won't even think about installing natively in a 64-bit environment as far as i could tell [05:50] ikyn_: ctrl-alt-f1 to get back where you were [05:50] webcamwonder, but on this machine installation was easy as toast..the difference is - i have p-4, 2.4, other machine has p-4, 2.8... [05:50] genii: I opted for crtl+alt+del - restarting now... oi [05:50] onetinsoldier, oh, I thought you might mean a "wine windows game". but yeah, I can play urbanterror (also linux native) on this box fine too [05:50] genii - going back to recovery mode console [05:50] nickrud: I pasted your sources.list in and then attempted to run sudo apt-get update.. am I supposed to run anything else before it...? [05:50] ikyn_: This is perhaps why you keep ending up in recovery mode...hard resets ets [05:51] is there a way to change the master volume using BASH? [05:51] Mayank: Do you have the ISO file already under the directory of Wubi? [05:51] bonez45, no. But before you do anything else, you did change it from intrepid to hardy!!? [05:51] Csana: alsamixer [05:51] webcamwonder, not on this machine before, and not on other machine, why so difference...? [05:51] bonez45, gotta ask that, just for due diligence :) [05:51] jrgp: well, i'm not sure if i know what you're saying. is that a 32-bit game and you got it to install into 64-bit natively? [05:52] nickrud: yes, I painstakingly went through and changed all intrepids to hardys...;) [05:52] onetinsoldier, correct [05:52] Hi, I'm using Ubuntu 8.10 and I have open-shh server running - I was wondering if there was a way to view what another user is doing while in my box? [05:52] Mayank: Are you telling me it never downloaded the iso file on the first PC? [05:52] jrgp: can't 32-bit progs run natively on 64-bit OSes? [05:52] bonez45, hehe I like search and replace. sudo apt-get update <-- if it didn't fail, you're good to go [05:52] nickrud: then I ran sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart.. and still this is all I get now.. scott@essen:~$ sudo apt-get update 0% [Connecting to mirrors.us.kernel.org (] [Connecting to archive.canonical.com (] [Connecting to download.virtu [05:52] wj32, sometimes [05:53] jrgp: hmm, perhaps i need to install some more 32-bit stuff.. like lib32readline5 or something. i'll look into it, thank you! [05:53] genii: perhaps a reinstall is in order then? [05:53] brEz: You can run top, and see the application using the highest processor/memory [05:53] try sudo /etc/init.d/NetworkManager restart [05:53] ikyn_: Not yet [05:53] onetinsoldier, anytime [05:53] bonez45 do you have an http_proxy set anywhere? [05:53] yes..yes...i have installed many time wubi on my machine (first machine), but after checksum, its copy the whole iso from cd directly...so the other machine why downloading from net? [05:53] W: Failed to fetch http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/intrepid/Release.gpg Could not connect to archive.canonical.com:80 (, connection timed out [05:53] whats the select all command on VIM? [05:53] howdy room [05:53] eseven73, ggVG [05:53] nickrud: that is what I am getting now after several seconds... [05:53] genii: it's a fresh install - I haven't actually been able to make it work correctly yet on this computer [05:53] WebcamWonder: can I physically view what they're typing etc through a terminal? [05:53] bonez45 do you have an http_proxy set anywhere? [05:53] webcamwonder, yes..yes...i have installed many time wubi on my machine (first machine), but after checksum, its copy the whole iso from cd directly...so the other machine why downloading from net? [05:53] eseven73, you might want to try nano instead. it's like command line notepad [05:54] Hammerjak: after im in visual mode i do that? [05:54] im running a netbook with ubuntu [05:54] ikyn_: nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change the "i810" to "vesa" [05:54] is there a way to change the master volume using a bash COMMAND? [05:54] jrgp: how do you select all in nano? [05:54] brEz: I am not sure with that [05:54] genii: I'm at the $ command prompt [05:54] Mayank: Is this intrepid? [05:54] jrgp: actually, how do you even select in nano? [05:54] jrgp: usually i use nano, but im trying to learn vim :) [05:54] what..?? [05:54] ikyn_:Then: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change the "i810" to "vesa" [05:54] eseven73, gg goes to top of file, V goes visual-line, G goes to bottom of file [05:54] nickrud: I do not have an http_proxy set anywhere, that I know of....again this 8.04 LTS server edition.. I installed this about a month ago... and haven't used it much.. but now I need to..... [05:54] Mayank: Are you trying to install intrepid? [05:54] ah nice ty Hammerjak [05:54] wj32, eseven73, you can highight the text using your mouse then middle click to paste [05:55] genii: then? [05:55] jrgp: ah but i was thinking of just using the keyboard [05:55] what thats mean?, webcamwonder? [05:55] bonez45, I would look in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/* , see if a proxy has been set anywhere [05:55] nickrud: I am sure there's something simple to explain it... [05:55] Mayank: Are you trying to install 8.10 Intrepid Ibex? [05:55] jrgp: yeah but in nano it only lets me select one page at at ime [05:55] nickrud: ok, checking there now [05:55] time* [05:55] ikyn_: Then ctrl-x to exit the editor, choosing Y to save, Enter key to same name [05:55] genii: done - then? [05:55] yes...8.10 ubuntu version..webcamwonder [05:55] ikyn_: Then as before: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start [05:55] genii: rgr [05:56] anyone running a netbook? [05:56] bonez45, but we do know it's at your end anywayt [05:56] eseven73, wj32 I'm positive nano must have some key combination way of doing it. I'm positive emacs does [05:56] jrgp: yeah i know emacs does since its an Operating system OOOOPS! i mean text editor! hehe [05:56] genii: says it's already running. If I hit Alt+F7, the screen goes blank but has a blinking cursor in the upper left. Crtl+Alt+F1 brings me back to prompt [05:57] is there a way to change the master volume using a bash COMMAND? [05:57] nickrud: that folder /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ contains these files 70debconf, 05aptitude, 01ubuntu, 01autoremove and 00trustcdrom is that the correct folder to check? [05:57] Mayank: There should be a log in the %temp% folder, you can look at it with regards to why your Wubi is insisting on downloading the iso... Also, you can download the latest version of Wubi, and try to directly put the Wubi in a new folder, and the iso in the same folder with the correct naming convention [05:57] Csana: alsamixer, maybe? I haven't messed with sound for a while, but that used to work way back in the day [05:57] ikyn_, genii he might be on F8 or F9 -- that's happened to me for some obscure reason a couple times [05:57] bonez45, yes [05:57] yah but thats not a comman [05:57] d [05:57] ikyn_: Try in series alt-f2 then alt-f3 and so on through the F keys at top til you get to last one, see if its running on a higher console [05:57] as in likeset volume=100 [05:58] wj32, mounted, what do i do next ? [05:58] *set volume=100 <---not real [05:58] nickrud: I open each of those files and none refer to any proxies [05:58] ikyn_: You can get back any time to first console with the ctrl-alt-f1 [05:58] techsupport: open the .tar.gz file and extract it to your desktop [05:58] wj32, i have .gz and .rpm files [05:58] how do you roll back drivers in ubuntu [05:58] wj32, i dont have a desktop [05:58] genii: I hit Alt+F2 and it came to another console, where I entered my login infor [05:59] Csana: hrm. Take a look at "man amixer", then. It seems to do something like that, but again, I haven't tested it. [05:59] techsupport: oops [05:59] techsupport: i forgot you're on ubuntu server [05:59] gah, rpm [05:59] techsupport: well i never learnt how to extract tar.gzs [05:59] techsupport: it must be tar -xzf or something [05:59] wj32, tar xvzf filename.gz returns a bunch of errors that say : cannot create symlink to suck file or directory [05:59] ikyn_: Don't login to every console :) They will be all the same. Look for the one the kdm is on [05:59] tar -xvzf [05:59] hi, im trying to install screenlets. And Im a breand new to ubuntu...I notive it's not in the synaptic pachage mgr, how do I go about doing it? [05:59] bonez45, I'm at a loss then. If you can browse you know your net is good. The only reason apt would have problems, in my experience, is it is somehow being sent through a proxy that doesn't exist (had this happen once to me early on) [05:59] genii: how do I know which one KDM i son [06:00] %temp% folder in xp, webcamwonder? [06:00] Mayank: Yeah [06:00] ikyn_: If you see a graphical login screen and not text one, that will be the one [06:00] Csana: nope. I'm just putting your nickname in front of messages I send to the channel that I want you to read. Most clients highlight messages with your nickname in them in a different color. [06:00] Csana: It's a different thing from /msg. Also, you're welcome :) [06:00] techsupport: tar -xzf vmware-whatever.tar.gz [06:00] genii: the only one that changes the screen is Alt+f7 - and it never resolves into a GUI [06:00] clean install is much bewtter then wubi, right webcamwonder? [06:01] Mayank: What do you mean by "clean install" [06:01] Mayank: yes, clean install is better, albeit more difficult (sometimes) [06:01] ikyn_: OK. So it runs but is messed up then. [06:01] techsupport: then cd vmware-distrib [06:01] techsupport: sudo ./vmware-install [06:01] nickrud: well I have no idea if I can browse on that box.. as it has no X installed... no browser...... [06:01] techsupport: you might want to install build-essential first [06:01] i have clean ubuntu, can i install, can i install xp now (dual boot)?, rww [06:01] ikyn_: You had graphics when you installed? [06:01] take a X vesa at first [06:01] bonez45, install links2 it's a text browser. run it with links2 google.com for example [06:02] !info lynx | bonez45 [06:02] lynx (source: lynx): Text-mode WWW Browser. In component main, is optional. Version 2.8.6-2.1ubuntu3 (intrepid), package size 1150 kB, installed size 4916 kB [06:02] nickrud: how would I install links2 , since apt-get is not working? [06:02] how do you roll back drivers in ubuntu [06:02] bonez45: Telnet, I think it comes by default [06:02] genii: not really. When I ran the liveCD it froze during KDE bootup. I installed in safe graphics mode, and have been trying to fix it since. [06:02] bonez45, doh. Lemme see if there's one installed by default [06:02] Mayank: you have Ubuntu installed right now using the whole hard disk, and you want to install Windows XP as well? [06:02] OMG [06:02] hole_: you can select the package in synaptic and select Force Version [06:02] ikyn_: Hm [06:02] wj32, yeah installing [06:03] Mayank: (just checking I understood you correctly before I link you to instructions) [06:03] hole_: i think thats what its called anyway [06:03] genii: been spending the last 10 hours working on this issue, searching the internet over, but no success [06:03] wj32: for ati cards? [06:03] yes, dual boot, rww [06:03] hole_: ok, that's different [06:03] I can take care of X troubles [06:03] i installed an ati video driver [06:03] Mayank: http://apcmag.com/how_to_dual_boot_linux_and_windows_xp_linux_installed_first.htm [06:03] bonez45, apparently elinks is installed by defautl [06:03] Mayank: I've used the apcmag.com guides for dualbooting a lot, and they've never failed me :) [06:04] wj32, ok same error for every file it tries within archive, Caonnot open: no such file or derectory [06:04] rwww, lets check it then...thanx.. [06:04] techsupport: didn't you just say it was installing? [06:04] Linux is not for new bee .. but we can help .. [06:04] ikyn_: I suggest to hit ESC when grub begins. Then edit the default line which loads. Add to the end: vga [06:04] wj32: i could not find anything on google [06:04] techsupport: are these errors coming from tar or from vmware-install.pl [06:04] wj32, build-essential installed [06:05] wj32, tar [06:05] techsupport: are you running as root? [06:05] wj32, when i do tar -xzf filename.gz [06:05] nickrud: perhaps on yours, but I type eli and tab and it finds only elif and else.. no elinks....or elinks2 [06:05] a little vga=791 could help .. [06:05] wj32, yeah [06:05] ikyn_: It grows very late here, I will only be active another 15-20 minutes [06:05] techsupport: tar -xzf filename.gz /root/vmware/ [06:06] Techsupport , you have a lot of work :P [06:06] genii: That's fine - what line will I be editing though? [06:06] techsupport: i gave you the wrong syntax for tar [06:06] bonez45, it's on the cd according to http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04.1-server-i386.list . you should be able to install from there. [06:06] anyone know how to extract a .tar.gz using tar? [06:06] tar -xzf filename.tar.gz [06:06] whuffor: tar xfvz [06:07] wj32: tar -xzvf [06:07] techsupport . is there an xchat channel fr thid ?I help you [06:07] ikyn_, do you have two video cards? [06:07] i have a user who can't mount the cdrom in gnome there is a permission denied error but they can mount the cdrom in the terminal they have sudo priviledges but can mount from the terminal as a unpriv. user [06:07] gzip -dc filename | tar -xf - [06:07] ikyn_: A line like: kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-19-generic root=UUID=3125b8f2-6b07-420f-9a9e-d97a8ec4e655 ro quiet splash [06:07] Sorry. ;) [06:07] how about extracting into a directory? [06:07] man tar [06:07] ikyn_: Not likely identical to that one however, it's an old one from my grub file. But add to the end: vga [06:07] genii: and add vga at the end of that? [06:07] tar xfz foo.tar.gz -C /dir [06:08] ikyn_: Yes [06:08] nickrud: no === GodTodd___ is now known as GodTodd [06:08] wj32: tar xfz foo.tar.gz -C /dir [06:08] nickrud: only have the on-board [06:08] techsupport: so you go tar -xzf vmware-file.tar.gz -C /root/whatever [06:08] wj32: yes [06:08] ikyn_, ok. A couple days ago I spend a few hours with similar symptoms, that ended up being the issue [06:08] genii: booting up now [06:08] i want to know that [06:08] is it possible [06:08] to make ubuntu desktop looks like [06:08] wj32: i could not find anything on google [06:09] mac leopard [06:09] oops [06:09] !enter [06:09] Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [06:09] nickrud: you use an intel on-board graphics card? [06:09] how do you roll back drivers in ubuntu [06:09] !enter | kaNNib^L [06:09] hole_: i don't know [06:09] kaNNib^L: please see above [06:09] ok thx [06:09] ikyn_, no. But I'm gonna shut up now and stop tromping on genii's toes ;) [06:09] sorry about that i didn't mean to be a doosh [06:09] kaNNib^L, yes it is.. theres some site that walks ya through the process to make your system look very much like the annoying OS_X desktop [06:10] hole_: no problem [06:10] nickrud: I have to leave shortly anyhow, feel free [06:10] wj32, damn, same error [06:10] whats the difference between aptitude and aptget [06:10] genii, I am getting lost in current X stuff. I haven't kept up. [06:10] techsupport: what exactly does it say? [06:10] genii: I added 'vga' to the line you said to - now it just keeps cycling through flashing a black screen and "Checking battery state" ...... [OK] -- with a blinking cursor. [06:10] lyrae: you can use them very much the same. iirc though aptitude as a curses interface if you choose to use it. [06:10] * nickrud thinks it's ironic that when he first started in #ubuntu that's all he did, X problems [06:11] ikyn_: I'm out of immediate ideas at this point [06:11] wj32, nvm it worked [06:11] techsupport: well then cd to the directory and type sudo ./vmware-install.pl [06:11] TAKE ME PRIVATE FOR X PB, AND LEAVE THE UBUNTU GUY COOL [06:11] genii: ok - I'm going to try a reinstall. If that doesn't work, I'm going to try installing Ubuntu. If that doesn't work - I'll ask more questions. Thank you very much for your time though! [06:12] !caps | phil [06:12] phil: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. [06:12] ikyn_: Looks like maybe this bug http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=965202 [06:12] Techsupport , will try to help you [06:12] I know , I take the X pb , I know them [06:12] ThePub: gotcha [06:13] Who as a X pb ? I can help [06:13] techsupport: what error you get? [06:13] phil: are you teh X guru? [06:13] what's a X pb? === Aryan is now known as Guest65791 [06:13] phil: Do you have anything constructive to add? [06:14] quite I think , but not for the later Ati or Nvidia [06:14] phil: The "wait until someone has a problem and then help them" approach is much less spammy, and tends to work much better, than constantly advertising your knowledge in channel. It'd be much appreciated if you wait until someone has a problem you can solve before addressing the channel :) [06:14] just speak slowly , I m french< [06:15] nice reply rww [06:15] but what does this mean ? [06:15] ok i launched the installer, its asking me : what is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running kernel? [/usr/src/linux/include] - I press enter, and the question comes back [06:15] techsupport: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` [06:15] Hey all. Simple question. I just upgraded to Hardy from Gutsy so I still have Firefox 2.0. How do I upgrade it to 3.0? [06:15] I ve been helping in Linux forum since 1990 , so I can .. [06:16] I was wondering if someone could help me change the resolution on my external monitor connected to my laptop. [06:16] phil: please, wait for a question you can answer [06:16] genii: g'night [06:16] ikyn_: Gnite [06:16] joe_-: try going to System > Preferences > Screen Resolution [06:16] I can t answer everything :P [06:16] wj32: Nothing but 800x600 === error404notfoun1 is now known as error404notfound [06:16] Can yuo answer mine, phil? [06:17] :P [06:17] I can try [06:17] joe_-: it may be a xorg.conf issue [06:17] joe_-: it's beyond my knowledge then [06:17] Did you not see it? [06:17] I upgraded from Gutsy to Hardy. How do I upgrade Firefox from 2 to 3? [06:17] Thanks. I was thinking that, just didn't want to meddle too much in it for fear of breaking it. [06:17] AlexKibler: sudo apt-get install firefox-3.0 [06:17] joe_-: pastebin your xorg.conf [06:17] rccu: It seems to be "plain", no res' in there really, just says "Monitor" one sec. [06:17] wj32: Last time I did that it wasn't actually firefox 3. It was like, Monte something.. [06:18] AlexKibler: when was last time [06:18] Like, 4 or 5 hours ago [06:18] AlexKibler: oh [06:18] But that was when I was on Gutsy. Would it be different now? [06:18] I think that many of the trouble you have are because of EDID and flat screens. Excuse , i m french [06:18] It seems that gparted has issues with unmounted partitions and sits there "scanning all devices" for a long time. [06:18] AlexKibler: yes [06:18] wj32, couldnt find package 2.6.27-7-server [06:18] Okay. I'll try. Thanks. [06:18] this is outrageous [06:18] AlexKibler: it's a different repository [06:18] Ohh, I didn't know that. [06:19] techsupport: it's sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` [06:19] techsupport: are you sure you didn't just type sudo apt-get install `uname -r`? [06:19] Hi, I installed the Citrix Presentation Server client on my machine (8.04) but when I click on the application icon, nothing happens. Any ideas? [06:19] rccu: http://pastebin.ca/1298826 [06:19] chowmeined: what's outrageous? [06:19] Heh. Firefox is 3.0.. -.- It doesn't look the same as on Windows. I guess I should've expected that. [06:20] grigora: right click on the icon and click Properties [06:20] wj32, i cant find any resources on whats going on with fixing sound for java in ubuntu [06:20] in fact , for my own case , I can t even have my RV250 work with my Panasonic projrctor :P [06:20] java appears to be using oss by default.. why thats broken [06:20] grigora: what does it say in "Command" [06:20] then all the apps need padsp wrappers [06:20] chowmeined: sorry i don't know anything about that [06:20] ive looked up bugs, they say they are fixed but they arent [06:20] rccu: The monitor should be able to do 1680x1050 [06:20] wj32, ok its installing without space, but problem connecting === error404notfoun1 is now known as error404notfound [06:21] joe_-: that's weird xorg.conf :( [06:21] rccu: It's a headless laptop [06:21] wj32, nvm downloading [06:21] rccu: Backlight broke and I've been to lazy to fix it. [06:21] So I just took it off. [06:21] Well. Headless in the sense that it's default screen is gone. [06:22] wj32: There is no such property when I view the link properties on my browser ... where is this Command property? [06:22] chowmeined: is the citrix client in your browser? [06:22] wow [06:22] wj32: it's listed as one of the plugins, yes [06:23] hi [06:23] chowmeined: so is it in about:plugins? [06:23] *grigora === john is now known as Guest61222 [06:23] grigora: is it in about:plugins? [06:23] has anyone here worked with a MyBook on ubuntu? [06:23] wj32, no its a standalone java app [06:23] wj32: when I copy and paste the location into a separate tab, I get a message saying "ICA link launched" [06:23] citrix on linux ? I didn t know this works :P [06:24] chowmeined: sorry i meant girgora :( [06:24] no java applications have working sound [06:24] what does this mean? http://pastebin.com/m5477c2f0 [06:24] wj32: yes it is, and is listed as enabled [06:24] grigora: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=17979 [06:24] grigora: do you have popup blocking turned off. I know that screws up the Safari users at my work a lot... [06:24] is there anyway to bypass the password limit of 6 chars? I want a shorter pass [06:25] type it two times [06:25] anyone know how to make a proxy [06:26] that looks like its from seattle === Aryan is now known as Guest34266 [06:26] squid-proxy.org [06:26] anyone know anything about .iso's [06:26] nice doc [06:26] !squid3 | Ubuntu_Cookies [06:26] Sorry, I don't know anything about squid3 [06:26] !squid [06:26] squid is a caching proxy for the Web. See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SquidGuard See: http://www.squid-cache.org [06:26] wj32: well, i read that thread when i started working on this, what specifically did you think would be useful? [06:26] sorry ubottuu , your linki is right :P [06:27] what does this mean? http://pastebin.com/m5477c2f0 [06:27] Proxy for Dummies [06:27] what [06:27] wj32: btw, I triaged that bug we were discussing earlier, and reported it upstream. You probably got emails to that effect, but I thought it'd be good to let you know :) [06:27] grigora: i don't know [06:27] rww: what does triage mean? === qb|away is now known as qb|sleep [06:27] rww: i've never reported bugs before! [06:27] In a bash script, I want to ask the user "What is the remote machine's IP?" and use the IP they type in as part of a command such as "somecommand --ip=[whatever they type in]". How would I do this in a bash script? [06:28] i have no idea what a proxy is but i know it can make you look like your from a different ip [06:28] It s ugly to see so new by on Linux [06:28] Ubuntu_Cookies: that's when you're using someone else's proxy [06:28] oh is there a proxy for Seattle? [06:28] Who else for a X trouble ? [06:29] wj32: triaging is when someone checks to see if they also see the bug, if it's a duplicate of an existing bug, if the bug report needs more info... that sort of thing. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage [06:29] phil: Right here, lol [06:29] joe , be quite and cool and i can help [06:29] rww: i see... thanks! [06:29] wj32|is there a proxy for Seattle? [06:29] rww: this feels kinda exciting for some reason [06:29] phil: English a second language? [06:29] !offtopic | Ubuntu_Cookies [06:29] Ubuntu_Cookies: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [06:29] Yes , French first [06:30] Ah. [06:30] wj32: heh, yeah, it's my first bug triage, so I'm with you there :) [06:30] wj32, how can i manually configure /network/interfaces for static ip ? [06:30] hi, i'm encountering trouble with installing ubuntu 8.10...more specifically, i can't seem to get GRUB to load. anyone around who might be able to help? [06:30] I m french [06:30] is there anyway to bypass the password limit of 6 chars? I want a shorter pass [06:30] techsupport: Tons of articles on this online. [06:30] techsupport: I've never done that before, sorry! [06:30] Eseven [06:30] Just make it something simple like [06:30] 123456 [06:30] joe : terminal lspci [06:31] !pm | Ubuntu_Cookies [06:31] Ubuntu_Cookies: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first. [06:31] whats the command line for booting a specific device? [06:31] BLuEACiD: i'd like it something short like one or two chars if possible [06:31] phil: there's a french Ubuntu channel at #ubuntu-fr. Perhaps you could help there too :) [06:31] phil: http://pastebin.ca/1298831 [06:31] eseven73: if all else fails, try modifying /etc/shadow manually [06:32] rww , I ve been helping for year on trustonme.fr [06:32] Ash_: do you mean in GRUB? [06:32] ok [06:32] eseven73, you sould edit /etc/shadow and totally remove the password if you wanted.. :) but thats not a good idea [06:32] But it s quite a joke for me to help in english <:P [06:33] dr_willis: that wont lock me out or anything? I have really bad luck and it would be just my luck for that to happen lol :( [06:33] Hey everyone, I've got a problem installing LibTIFF, can anyone help me out please ? [06:33] what command do I use to get Ubuntu to refresh my DHCP IP? [06:33] !pm| WebcamWonder [06:33] WebcamWonder: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first. [06:33] eseven73: sudo passwd user [06:33] eseven73, if you do it properly = no password = login just by enter ing username and hitting enter... [06:33] eseven73: the superuser has no password restrictions, i believe [06:34] sudo /etc/initd/networking restrart [06:34] that for me phil? [06:34] phil: *init.d invoke-rc.d is nice, too [06:34] or sudo du [06:34] Phil [06:34] dhclient eth0 [06:34] Its init.d [06:34] is there a proxy for the city of seattle WA [06:34] Theres a . between the init and d [06:34] ok thanks guys [06:34] Ubuntu_Cookies: That's not really how proxies work. [06:34] i can't seem to get GRUB to install on my primary hard disk, i tried the native install method (sudo grub, setup (hd0)) - anyone know what the problem might be? [06:34] Ubuntu_Cookies, there s no free proxy , stop this [06:35] Ubuntu_Cookies: You'd probably be better off finding a server you could ssh tunnel through. Proxies can generally be easily detected and are commonly blocked by service providers. [06:35] coj: not without more information. instead of using the grub shell, try grub-install [06:35] coj: since it's loads easier [06:35] !offtopic| me [06:35] me: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [06:35] raylu, nice , I work the hard way [06:35] hi, is there a log that shows failed software sources in the update manager? [06:35] corey: no, but you can just use apt-get/aptitude update [06:35] I know some are failing but it goes by so fast and closes that I can't see it [06:35] In BASH: If I have the $REPLY variable and I want to set $FOO to $REPLY how would I do that? [06:36] corey: what are you trying to do? [06:36] tsrk: set FOO=$REPLY [06:36] !kick|tsrk [06:36] Sorry, I don't know anything about kick [06:36] wj32: figure out which mirrors are down, i assume [06:36] find out what sources are failing and troubleshoot those [06:36] What mail client is there that works on ubuntu that has the same or more features than MS outlook? [06:36] hey, does anyone know how to use shared folders in vbox? [06:36] tsrk: export FOO=$REPLY [06:36] Ubuntu_Cookies, why do you want to kick me? [06:36] well,,, I ve been using L:inux for 12 years, take a tickect [06:36] corey: what does that have to do with grub-instal? [06:36] futeki: Look at Evolution and Thunderbird [06:36] futeki: thunderbird, evolution [06:36] that's not me [06:36] Anyone use vbox? [06:36] oops [06:36] my bad [06:36] I'm not doing a grub install [06:37] wj32, raylu, what's the difference between set and export? [06:37] grubn install is easy [06:37] i'm no expert at bash [06:37] raylu, Web, my ubuntu bud tells me Evolution is unstable and horrible... and thunderbird, I don't feel can even qualify as a real mail client. [06:37] eseven73: man pam_unix to modify password length instructions [06:37] phil: i'm sure it is [06:37] ok [06:37] wair [06:37] wait [06:37] coj: what's the problem with grub? [06:38] Ubuntu doesn't seem to want to play YouTube videos full screen? [06:38] tsrk: no idea either. never used set [06:38] Thunderbird doesn't have even half of the features of MS Outlook. [06:38] Fezzler: 64-bit? [06:38] Nvidia 256 GeForce Fx5500 === d0netsFN is now known as d0nets [06:38] 32 [06:38] flckers [06:38] futeki: it's only missing the useless features of ms exchange server [06:38] flickers [06:38] tsrk: i think export sets environment variables [06:38] tsrk: while set just sets variables [06:38] wj32: that it does [06:38] Fezzler, thats more of a Flash issue - due to how subpar The flash makers support of Linux is. :( [06:39] wj32, oh, how do I unset environment variables? I just set $FOO [06:39] wj32: but you can do FOO=$BAR for that, without set [06:39] tsrk: environment variables are passed to oher programs [06:39] everything else works fine (except Firefox ffades to gray awefully fast [06:39] just unset [06:39] raylu: well i havent used bash that much, so I don't know [06:39] raylu: set varname=value is from DOS isn't it? [06:39] wrong [06:40] wj32: dos? hah... [06:40] export varname value [06:40] en bash [06:40] I did "export FOO=$REPLY", how long will it stay set? [06:40] $varname=value [06:40] tsrk: until you close the shell [06:41] set var=57 was for 3DFX dos :P [06:41] at least in windows, programs inherit environment variables [06:41] wj32, ok, thanks [06:41] I just tried FOO=$RESULT and it worked great [06:41] As soon As you don t leave the shell [06:41] mumbles: you have that backwards [06:41] er [06:41] munim: you have that backwards [06:41] lol [06:42] but FOO=REPLY [06:42] ok how come there's suddenly silence [06:42] raylu, oh yeah.. sorry about that :) [06:42] wj32: everything is ...working! [06:42] anyone use virtualbox? [06:42] t_, I do, why? [06:42] t_, yes...? [06:42] echo $EPLY [06:42] i have used virtualbox before.. [06:42] what about virtualbox? [06:42] raylu: i tried using the GRUB shell with the commands "root (hd2,2)" and "setup (hd0)", and it seemed to output succesful messages. but when i reboot, it goes to windows immediately without showing GRUB at all. could it be a misconfigured menu.lst? or is GRUB not even in the MBR at all? [06:42] !poll [06:43] Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. [06:43] tsrk: your variable will only stay active within it's current scope. if you "export var=value" once the terminal closes your variable disappears. [06:43] coj: try grub-install /dev/sda [06:43] how do we replace string/text in nano? [06:43] what's the shortcut key [06:43] ThePub, ok, thank you [06:43] wj32: i'll try that [06:43] coj: sounds like the latter. how many hard drives do you have? do you have a flashdrive/floppy/cd in? [06:43] coj: if you want a menu, set up a boot partition [06:43] i'm running from a ubuntu DVD Live Session [06:43] *CD [06:43] tsrk: so if you want something for a whole session you need to set it in .xsession or .bashrc or .profile, etc [06:43] coj: yes, make sure /dev/sda IS the drive you want to install grub to [06:44] coj: be aware that grub-install /dev/sda will NOT give grub a men [06:44] okay [06:44] u [06:44] i do want a menu since i want to dualboot windows [06:44] sda for lster pc [06:44] ThePub, no, I was just worried I had set it permanently or something [06:44] wj32: huh? [06:44] coj: have you installed ubuntu? [06:44] windows is on /dev/sda, ubuntu's installed on /dev/sdc [06:44] tsrk do you use vbox? [06:44] tsrk: ok, sorry I jumped in there at the end. :) [06:44] raylu: you need to run grub-install --root-directory [06:44] I'm finding it impossible to set up usb [06:44] t_, yes [06:44] wj32: without it, it assumes a root of / [06:44] coj: did windows overwrite your mbr/grub? [06:44] I followed every possible instruction and no yeild [06:45] t_ to boot on usb ? [06:45] t_, first of all you need the non-OSE, add the repository at the virtualbox website [06:45] raylu: oh [06:45] coj: OS's are installed to partitions, not hard drives [06:45] raylu: i didn't know that [06:45] is your biod able of this ? [06:45] I have it [06:45] coj: You could try wubi [06:45] I said I tried it all, and its still not working [06:45] wj32 - windows always was on the MBR, grub seemingly installed itself to hd2 (sdc?) when i first installed ubuntu [06:45] t_, one second [06:45] raylu: i know, ubuntu is on hd2,2 for me [06:46] joe_-, phil: those suggestions are less than helpful [06:46] coj: you'll have to mount the ubuntu drive first [06:46] Why is that? [06:46] Wubi handles all of that very, very easily. [06:46] joe_-: because he already has ubuntu installed; why would he install wubi? [06:46] coj: mkdir ubuntu-drive; sudo mount /dev/sdc ubuntu-drive [06:46] well try DSL [06:46] coj: sudo grub-install --root-directory=ubuntu-drive /dev/sda [06:46] raylu: Ah, didn't see that part, apologies. [06:46] joe_-: it doesn't handle it at all... it boots windows first [06:46] wj32: oh, i see, so it's not even reading from sdc properly? [06:46] i'll try that [06:47] raylu: It creates partitions [06:47] t_, http://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/747 [06:47] wj32: missing a partition [06:47] tsrk oh wow, it suddendly worked [06:47] raylu: sorry? [06:47] my wireless is gone n ubuntu 7 10. [06:47] joe_-: no, it creates a file on your windows system and uses that as a drive [06:47] raylu: you mean sdb? [06:47] if DSL doesw t work , YOUR computer can t boot on usb :P [06:47] t_, ok, that's good [06:47] It worked but once i changed networks it does not work anymore .Please help [06:47] wj32: i mean you tried to mount a drive instead of a partition [06:47] my usb was sitting in my computer for 5 minutes and suddendy it registers... [06:47] wj32, i set static ip, can ssh to the machine locally, but now cant ping google.com [06:47] raylu: oh crap [06:47] BlackPanther: what wifi card do you have? [06:47] wj32: hmm, /dev/sdc is already mounted === Tidus is now known as Tidus|away [06:47] coj: ... no, it's not [06:48] hey guy .. sba or sbd is becauaue of sata [06:48] coj: where's /dev/sdc1 mounted? [06:48] well, I guess I can move on to something else [06:48] tsrk, I'm having difficulty using shared folders === sjr is now known as SJr [06:48] mumin.Am using a a Aspire laptop with an Atheros card [06:48] the usual way is hda [06:48] wj32 - the actual partition is mounted as "10.0 GB media" [06:48] I cant even select transient or machine folders [06:48] coj: type mount [06:48] i think it's the 2nd partition on the drive [06:48] phil: we're past that already... [06:48] or 3rd [06:48] BlackPanther: did you give madwifi a shot? [06:48] coj: ok, so now you're saying you have ONE drive with THREE partitions [06:48] techsupport: out of curiosity, what does "host google.com" give? [06:48] coj: that's different [06:49] the pb is kids trying to plsy to linux [06:49] no [06:49] coj: how many drives do you have? [06:49] i have 3 hard drives, xp is on the first, ubuntu is on one of the partitions in the 3rd === Tidus|away is now known as Tidus [06:49] I have not tinkered with any setting since installing it but its simply gone. [06:49] raylu, timed out [06:49] coj: ok, then type mount [06:49] none of them know Freebsd or Netbsd :P [06:49] coj: where's /dev/sdc1 mounted? [06:49] in / media [06:50] What would be the possible cause for loss of wireless ? [06:50] does ubuntu 32-bit let you support up to 8 gigs of ram? [06:50] /dev/sdc3 on media/disk-1, type ext3 [06:50] B|ackPanther: forgetting where you left it. [06:50] /dev/sdc3 on media/disk-1, type ext3 [06:50] B|ackPanther: what does iwconfig show? [06:50] B|ackPanther: Lots of tinfoil [06:50] /dev/sdc1 on /media/Core [06:50] coj: how about sdc1 and sdc2 [06:50] coj: what are those partitions for? [06:50] Does anyone possess expertise about virtual box? [06:50] joe_ i have not changed anything though. [06:50] sdc3 is where ubuntu is [06:51] stop using computers :P [06:51] sdc1 is just an XP storage area [06:51] phil: you are being rude and unhelpful [06:51] #compiz [06:51] coj: so, its [06:51] B|ackPanther: Is it your wireless or someone elses? [06:51] raylu, yes , I know [06:51] coj: sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/disk-1 /dev/sda [06:51] Hey phil [06:51] !conduct | phil [06:51] but what else ? [06:51] phil: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ [06:51] do you know how to use shared folders in vbox? [06:51] ok [06:51] sorry [06:51] hi, does ubuntu 32-bit let you support up to 8 gigs of ram? [06:51] joe_it does not show any wireless networks anymore . [06:52] wj32: i also get the feeling sda isn't has master drive [06:52] coj: check if /media/disk-1 has a "boot" directory in it [06:52] wj32: wait, ignore that [06:52] Its my wireless. [06:52] I m a Debian / FreeBSD / NetBSD man [06:52] raylu: what gives you that feeling [06:52] B|ackPanther: are you going to run "iwconfig"? [06:52] phil: Is there something we can help you with? [06:52] yes [06:52] Help me o.O [06:52] lol [06:52] wj32: yup it does [06:52] coj: have you run the grub-install command yet? [06:52] should i restart now? [06:52] yes [06:52] t_: #vbox [06:53] coj: yes [06:53] it seems successful [06:53] coj: oh wait [06:53] coj: one minute [06:53] crap lol [06:53] I ve been ussing Linux for 10 years , so I think I can help , if I have clever questions [06:53] n ones in #vbox [06:53] sorry guysa [06:53] coj: in /media/disk-1 is there boot/grub/menu.lst? [06:53] yes, there surely is === carlos is now known as Guest36925 [06:53] i was looking at it earlier [06:53] phil: please just wait for a question you can answer [06:53] can try [06:53] coj: can you paste the contents somewere? [06:53] B|ackPanther: you said it was atheros? modprobe | grep ath [06:54] coj: (maybe you have already :)) [06:54] but i m harware , not soft [06:54] lol [06:54] hi, does ubuntu 32-bit let you support up to 8 gigs of ram? [06:54] hi, does ubuntu 32-bit let you support up to 8 gigs of ram? [06:54] My resolution is to be more hardware too phil. [06:54] no [06:54] yes [06:54] fweet: no [06:54] Hey, I just installed kubuntu on my new laptop which has an atheros wireless card. The card didn't work with the built-in drivers, so I built/installed the madwifi driver and it seems to work. The only problem is that when the computer wakes up after being suspended, the card won't connect to the access point anymore. I have to reboot to get it to work again. Any idea why? [06:54] fweet: The server kernel will, but otherwise no. [06:54] I had Ubuntu 7.10 up and running fine with no problems. I then installed the latest nvidia drivers from their website and apon restart of x, it said it couldn't find any suitable drivers for my card. has anyone heard of this problem before? [06:54] coj: pastebin? [06:54] I don t know. [06:55] wj32: urgh, loading the live CD again, the loader still didn't appear [06:55] huh? [06:55] you talking about PAE? [06:55] I don t think U have 8 gig of ram and U need it [06:55] fweet: Yes [06:55] jinzougen: yes. the kernel has always been quirky when resuming from suspend :P [06:55] !u | phil [06:55] phil: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officer, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun. If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you". The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on.. [06:55] fweet: well, thats windows only [06:55] if i install PAE, are there any problems i iwll face? [06:55] hello guys [06:55] raylu , modprobe | grep ath does not give anyging except the options [06:55] so , whyt tis question ? [06:55] manning_: /var/log/Xorg.0.log [06:55] raylu, any fixes besides not suspending? [06:55] i have to use [06:55] wj32: i made changes to menu.lst previously, put in "root (hd2,2)" for the ubuntu entries since it wasn't there before, but i don't know if that's right [06:55] B|ackPanther: what options? [06:55] coj: check which drive your bios is booting from [06:55] wj32: what is windows only? [06:55] fweet: never mind [06:55] ubottu, I m french [06:55] Sorry, I don't know anything about I m french [06:55] jinzougen: not really [06:56] fweet: i'm pretty sure i'm wrong [06:56] fun this bot [06:56] That sucks... Well thanks for the help. [06:56] !fr | phil [06:56] phil: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr [06:56] okay so , how stable is Debian on PAE kernel [06:56] egh. pae. [06:56] fweet: how would it be less stable? [06:56] wj32: it boots from C:/D:. where windows is, as of yesterday when i checked it [06:56] fweet: i imagine PAE's acheieved by some paging magic? [06:56] ok, how compatible is it [06:56] with other apps [06:56] like WINE [06:56] fweet: Honestly, you shuld strongly consider just going 64bit [06:57] fweet: it wouldn't make a difference with user-mode programs [06:57] coj: that means literally nothing :P [06:57] fweet: user-mode programs don't know about paging [06:57] Is wine better than using virtual machine? [06:57] Flannel: Seconded. [06:57] does wine run out of the box on 64-bit? [06:57] stupid , i speak english for you [06:57] raylu: o :P [06:57] fweet: #debian would probably be a better place to ask that. if you would like to support all 8gigs, you should give 64-bit a shot. [06:57] t_: no, but it's easier [06:57] coj: try and install grub on /dev/sdb then [06:57] coj: that's like saying "it's on /media/asdfjwaoiefhaowejf" [06:57] BlackPanther: well... it could be.. but I heard that the Atheros drivers are not very reliable [06:57] !amd64 > fweet [06:57] fweet, please see my private message [06:57] How can shared folders be set up in virtualbox? [06:57] coj: actually, install grub on all three drives! [06:58] wj32: ... [06:58] so ubuntu 32-bit can detect and use 8 gigs using AMD64? [06:58] t_: what are you using virtualbox for anyway? [06:58] fweet: probably [06:58] sorry i'm looking for an flash autoring software for ubuntu 8.10 [06:58] fweet: ...what? [06:58] fweet: No, 64bit Ubuntu can. [06:58] basically i hate how 64-bit not run WINE well [06:59] fweet, do you NEED 8 gib of ram ? [06:59] Flannel: why couldn't 32-bit ubuntu use 8 Gigs of ram? [06:59] raylu taking software from my old xp into the virtual machine [06:59] there seem to be galore of hacks to make wine work on 64-bit [06:59] fweet: 64-bit Ubuntu can detect and use 8 gigs of ram. [06:59] Flannel: the whole point of PAE is for 32-bit processors to use more than 4 gigs of ram [06:59] raylu, are are some things I'd like to keep [06:59] even for Far Cry 2 ? :P [06:59] fweet: heh. there are a galore of hacks to make wine work on 32-bit :P [06:59] fweet: ubuntu 32-bit can use 8 gigs of ram [06:59] wj32: But it's not much more if I recall correctly. [06:59] stupid questions [06:59] i had a lot of issues on 64-bit [06:59] the thing is with PAE, apps can't address more than 4 GB of RAM [06:59] why would you need to use wine anyways? [07:00] raylu, I also prefer microsoft word over open office because of the options [07:00] since their pointer sizes are still 32-bit [07:00] sorry i had to run.. mom called. [07:00] wj32: It could, but I assumed he was confused when he said "32bit ubunt uwith AMD64" [07:00] t_: eh? [07:00] wj32: do you have a link to get that setup? [07:00] well , you re right [07:00] t_, so you prefer instability, closed source, and anti-freedom? [07:00] Gnea: what setup? [07:00] wj32: pae [07:00] wj32: interestingly, sdb1 is my windows partition (?!!?!) [07:00] because im a gamer [07:00] =) [07:00] raylu, I can't run linux "alone" [07:00] use windows then.. [07:00] Gnea: doesn't ubuntu detect PAE automatically? [07:00] :) [07:00] also a programmer [07:00] t_: still confused. [07:00] coj: just install grub on all three drives [07:00] wj32: also, in my menu.lst, under the windows option, there's a remapping of hd0 to hd1 and hd1 to hd0 [07:01] raylu, as a student, I need flexibility for college [07:01] wj32: i think you need the server kernels [07:01] :VVVVV [07:01] also a linux admin [07:01] coj: oh [07:01] wj32: o ok [07:01] mgolisch: i dunno about kernels [07:01] fweet: if you want to play games, you are much better off with a proper windows installation.. [07:01] wj32: let me pastebin it [07:01] I ve been using Linux since years , even ploayint Unreal with a Voodoo1 in Wine [07:01] t_: you know you're doing it wrong when you turn to microsoft for flexibility [07:01] raylu, And its a really cool thing to show off to friends [07:01] the generic ones dont have pae if i recall correctly [07:01] mgolisch: i think you're right [07:01] mgolisch: i don't think ubuntu desktop kernels have PAE === rubydiam_ is now known as rubydiamond__ [07:02] kids use Linux , they should nt [07:02] does vbox let you run windows on fullscreen mode as if you just booted to windows? [07:02] mgolisch,wj32: correct, only the -serverkernel does. [07:02] they just say misery [07:02] raylu, TuxGuitar, the music program, just isnt working for me [07:02] raylu,sorry for the delay.This is what i get http://paste.ubuntu.com/98817/ [07:02] phil: This is a support channel, please keep offtopic chatter out of it. Thanks. [07:02] BlackPanther: sorry i had to run.. you can try installing MadWifi http://madwifi-project.org/wiki/UserDocs/FirstTimeHowTo [07:02] t_: have you tried audacity? [07:02] does vbox let you run windows on fullscreen mode as if you just booted to windows? [07:02] raylu, The music program I like only works for windows [07:02] vbox/vmware/xen/openvz....etc.............. [07:02] fweet: it should.. though i have never tried it [07:02] anybody? [07:03] fweet: any sensible vm software has full screen [07:03] raylu, its a music sheet reader [07:03] with 3d acceleration? [07:03] B|ackPanther: oops, sorry. "lsmod | grep ath" [07:03] Flannel, I can help , don t you see ? there are kids flammming [07:03] wj32: pastebin.com/m687b4f86 [07:03] fweet: no [07:03] fweet: oh.. i doubt that [07:03] phil: Let the ops deal with everyone else. You just worry about you. [07:03] ok then thats worthless [07:03] fweet: try vmware workstation then [07:03] ok [07:03] so WINE is my only option [07:03] raylu, and xp was given to me for free. I might as well put it to practical use I case I run into any programs that work exclusively on windows [07:03] and WINE runs like crap on 64-bit [07:03] coj: that should be alright then [07:04] coj: but you said you had three hard drivess [07:04] coj: oh wait you do [07:04] fweet: if you have a free partition somewhere, just install xp for your games.. [07:04] sorry , I understand , this no my job [07:04] fweet: no idea, never realy used it, i just reboot into my 64bit vista for games [07:04] :) [07:04] or use my xbox [07:04] raylu, Logically speaking, I could either have Linux, or Linux + an arm of Windows in case I need it. [07:04] :) [07:04] t_: hrm. until you get your vbox problem solved, [07:04] i hate dual booting [07:04] !qemu | t_ [07:04] t_: qemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo [07:04] wj32l, fweet: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=775520 and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=706005 cover it pretty well [07:04] qemu works even great on BeOS :P [07:05] gah [07:05] i guess i'll just downgrade to 2 gigs [07:05] Flannel, sorry , it s not my place [07:05] then get a separate pac [07:05] PC [07:05] fweet: why? 32bit can do 4gigs [07:05] fweet: you could recompile the kernel [07:05] emulator to run another OS? so its just another virtualisation software right? [07:05] wj32: pastebin.com/m2d580ce5 <-- mounted drives [07:05] i thought 32-bit only does 3 gigs [07:05] phil: Its less about that, more about keeping the noise down [07:05] fweet: 3.5ish I think [07:05] fweet: no [07:05] fweet: It addresses 4GB of addresses, which generally works out to about 3.2G or so of RAM [07:05] coj: what the hell? [07:06] Ah 3.2 [07:06] dont understand , don t forget i m french :P [07:06] fweet: the virtual address space of each program is split up into two [07:06] fweet: you're confusing linux and windows :P [07:06] fweet: no, it might only detect 3.2 off the bat, but you can make it do 4 [07:06] fweet: one for the program, one for the kernel [07:06] fweet: see wikipedia for more info [07:06] raylu: something weird? [07:06] coj: /dev/sda1 on /media/Fat Momma type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,blksize=4096) [07:06] what would make one the computer not recognise wireless connections after a restart .I had this working just a moment ago. [07:06] fweet: i think linux reserves 3gigs for the program, 1 gig for the kernel [07:06] wait so, PAE is only for servers? and won't work for ubuntu gnome etc...? [07:06] are all sata /sda now ? [07:07] heh [07:07] B|ackPanther: have you run "lsmod | grep ath"? [07:07] fweet: you have to enable it when compiling the kernel [07:07] all drives are /sd i believe [07:07] fweet: No, its for all kernels, however in Ubuntu, only the server kernel has PAE enabled [07:07] BlackPanther: maybe the device is not started.. or the wireless network is not in range [07:07] fweet: sure it does, you just need a pae enabled kernel [07:07] phil: they were something else? [07:07] cant i just apt-get the pae kernel? [07:07] coj: it should work if you install grub to all three drives [07:07] like i normally do with yum on centos [07:07] about what gnea ? :P [07:07] !offtopic [07:07] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [07:08] Gnea: hd [07:08] pae kernel not available on apt-get ? [07:08] fweet: sudo apt-get install linux-server? [07:08] wj32: ok i'll do that [07:08] raylu: ah yes, that was quite a long time ago.. [07:08] hey guy , excuse , i m french , i don t always understajd all your implications [07:08] is chastity-list no more available in ubuntu ? [07:08] but i m nice [07:08] phil: please [07:08] are you telling me, ubuntu/debian have no repositories for kernels ? [07:08] phil: i think you've stated that you're french at least 20 times in the past 3 minutes. [07:08] fweet: ? [07:09] Does anyone over here use twitter from Gnome Do? [07:09] fweet: sudo apt-get install linux-server [07:09] just install the linux-server metapackage [07:09] fweet: can you "hear" me? [07:09] and then ? [07:09] Gnea, just 3 i think .. [07:09] wj32: linux-image-server, i believe [07:09] fweet: it's already there, did you check out the website links i gave you? [07:09] fweet: and then you can select it at boot time [07:09] oh [07:09] pdroy: Its not, that's correct. [07:09] fweet: GRUB gives you the option [07:09] but probably those dont have all the restricted modules stuff [07:09] no idea [07:10] i think i tried PAE and it would not detect my vidcard whatever i do [07:10] Gnea, maybe it s bcaus most of forumk are us , and it s hard to have a place [07:10] how would i go around that [07:10] raylu: but linux-server always depends on the latest version [07:10] Flannel: is there an alternate available [07:10] What do I have to do to get all available unicode scipts, including obscure ones? (e.g. old runes and ancent south asian scripts) [07:10] goodmorning! [07:10] doesn t matter [07:10] fweet: Use the 64bit version of Ubuntu [07:10] fweet: what cpu do you have? [07:10] YESSSSSSSSSSS [07:10] quad core [07:10] wj32: thank you so much :> [07:10] wj32: er, mine isn't a specific version either. i think the virtual package name is linux-image-server [07:10] coj: no probs [07:10] pdroy: Try dans-guardian [07:10] how is WINE on 64-bit ubuntu? [07:10] your help's greatly appreciated [07:10] raylu: i don't have that package :( [07:10] phil: then may I suggest that you /join #ubuntu-fr and speak fluent french there? you may annoy less people and be more productive that way. [07:11] wj32: oh. oops :P [07:11] tdfx glx works with it ? :P [07:11] i never wanted that winxp bootloader anyway >:| [07:11] does wine run out of the box on 64-bit ? [07:11] !repeat | fweet [07:11] fweet: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [07:11] i believe linux-restricted-drivers only works with the desktop kernel? [07:11] Gnea, I have no reason to do this [07:11] then don't do it [07:11] sorry to annoy you [07:12] fweet, i think there are 64bit binaries [07:12] fweet: wine does, lots of apps don't :P [07:12] raylu, true! :P [07:12] don't move to 64-bit just yet; there's just no enough support for it [07:12] *not [07:12] "$ update-alternatives --display pager [07:12] basically i want to run starcraft and call of duty world at war [07:12] phil: that's cool, the /ignore command works quite well [07:12] maybe you should join ubuntu-fr , so we could laugh at yout foreigfn langaug capacity ? :P [07:12] fweet: does COD world at war run on linux? [07:12] Would downloading all of the ttf fonts from synaptic let me render obscure characters in, say Firefox? [07:12] i dont want to install Windows just for that [07:12] fweet: oh wait i see wine [07:13] wj32, well even adobe made flashplayer on 64 bits just for linux! what else do you expect? skype? [07:13] Luigi: i don't think so [07:13] Luigi: linux comes with fonts which display most unicode characters [07:13] hi [07:13] "$ update-alternatives --display pager; pager - status is manual." What does "pager - status is manual" mean? [07:13] Luigi: also, generally, you download languages as you need them [07:13] Gnea, , what the tb with you ? The first time you spoke to me was to take me away ? [07:13] !offtopic [07:13] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [07:13] wj32: i've been running ubuntu 64 since it was introduced, works like a charm for me. [07:13] fweet: you may find this helpful: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=94172 [07:13] bullgard4: it's not being controled by the alternatives system [07:13] "!worksforme" [07:13] lol [07:13] wj32: now watch it choke on me ;p [07:14] raylu: Ah! -- Thank you very much for explaining. [07:14] hmm [07:14] bullgard4: it's a guess, by the way. but i'm pretty sure i'm right [07:14] I am playing with blue proximity and it keeps logging in and out over and over [07:14] wj32, raylu: is there a way to display all available scripts without downloading more language packs? [07:14] hm [07:14] every body away [07:14] Luigi: you need fonts, not language packs [07:15] world of war actually dont run on WINE! [07:15] fweet: gasp! [07:15] which scripts ? [07:15] Luigi: if the website chooses a font which can't display the language, that's their problem [07:15] i thought i saw it did run somewhere [07:15] fweet: World of Warcraft will run quite well in wine [07:15] oh it must have been that alternative [07:15] whats the alternative of WINE [07:15] fweet: crossover [07:15] buye a P license [07:15] fweet: cedega [07:15] world at war <---- [07:16] COD game [07:16] right, cedege [07:16] anyone know how to make a manual IP stick after reboots? and DNS entries? [07:16] !enter [07:16] Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [07:16] well .. Yo can t play with linux [07:16] fweet: there's wine, crossover (for professional applications) and cedega (for games), which are all based on wine [07:16] buy a XP [07:16] Tony22: have you poked the NetworkManager applet? [07:16] phil: Please be helpful [07:16] i m helpfull [07:16] raylu, lsmod | grep ath gives http://paste.ubuntu.com/98824/ [07:16] why on earth wasn't WINE licensed under GNU LGPL from the start? [07:16] ok Flannel [07:16] Tony22: the NetworkManager can do that - just edit your connection setting for auto eth0 [07:16] my experience [07:17] okay i think i might just install Windows XP [07:17] i hate commercial apps stealing code from free software [07:17] wj32: That's not on topic for this channel [07:17] and run Centos on VMWARE [07:17] wj32: Right, do you know of how I can get fonts to cover Unicode characters I'm not displaying? [07:17] raylu: poked it? I've opened it and put it in, but then I rebooted (after using apt-get for updates) and the IP and DNS didn't stick [07:17] I hate Windows though [07:17] Luigi: ubuntu comes with fonts that display most unicode characters [07:17] B|ackPanther: that's strange. it's a long shot, but try "sudo ifup ath0" [07:17] Luigi: what language? [07:17] i m been using a P 233 with a Voodoo 1 , as a server for Ubnreal im 1998. It worked great . [07:18] wj32: Yes, I realizethis. I want to cover the rest of them, as much as possible. [07:18] great. [07:18] Tony22: oh. if you've already tried setting up the static ip in nm-applet, try doing it in /etc/network/interfaces instead [07:18] phil: That's offtopic for this channel, please take it to an appropriate channel. May I suggest #ubuntu-offtopic? [07:18] btw, Cedega aint free is it? [07:18] wj32: uhh, can I get back to you on that? [07:18] I ve been playing Quake for years [07:18] raylu, i get Ignoring unknown interface ath0=ath0. [07:18] fweet: no i dont think so [07:18] thanks raylu, i'll give it a shot [07:18] fweet: no, but it's not expensive [07:18] Luigi: if a website chooses a font that can't display the characters, you can't do anything about that [07:18] Tony22, its one of the hundreds of problems the new network manager has. see if you can handle wicd, else use the network-admin tool from gnome. i will be happy to tell you more if you ask [07:18] Flannel, you wasnted me to be real ? [07:19] phil: I want you to stay on topic [07:19] Luigi: unless you want to use some ugly hacks [07:19] so .... [07:19] why does i can connect to wireless network only when i turn off and turn on wifi-driver in jockey-gtk? [07:19] phil: so do it [07:19] B|ackPanther: ifconfig -a [07:20] anyone here tried mandriva by any chance [07:20] phil: This is a support channel, any topics that aren't Ubuntu support are offtopic, and don't belong here. [07:20] so i don t understand [07:20] tony1: that's probably because the kernel module isn't loading at startup [07:20] ok [07:20] fweet: Try #ubuntu-offtopic [07:20] Well wj32, in Wikipedia for example Linear B and some other related texts appear as boxes with Unicode-related numbers inside them. [07:20] phil: you really need to prefix your comments with a nickname... :) [07:20] eine isn t off topic ? [07:20] wine [07:20] phil: not at all [07:21] so whst ? [07:21] Luigi: me too [07:21] raylu, output here : http://paste.ubuntu.com/98825/ [07:21] jim_p: I'm not familiar with WICD. for the network-admin tool from gnome, would I need to install that with Synaptic first? [07:21] Luigi: i actually don't know then. [07:21] Nvidia driver installed, black screen [07:21] after restarting gdm [07:21] so we can speak about wine [07:21] Tony22: yes [07:21] wj32: i've done lsmod before and after reloading driver didn't found anything [07:21] hi all my firefox3 keeps crashing [07:21] Tony22: sudo apt-get install network-admin? [07:21] !pae [07:21] Sorry, I don't know anything about pae [07:21] but we can t speak about wine when it doesn t work .. [07:21] flash043: is it a segfault? [07:22] Tony22, yes. sudo apt-get install gnome-network-admin [07:22] wj what do u mean [07:22] here is the error [07:22] variable G_FILENAME_ENCODING is set and is not UTF-8 [07:22] [07:22] flash043: open a terminal and type firefox [07:22] phil: Talking about your historic experiences with wine isn't on topic. Installing wine is. Detailed accounts of using wine are only marginally on topic. [07:22] to run firefox i have to type firefox3.real [07:22] wj32: sta wireless driver, don't know which module... [07:22] Tony22, keep in mind that it writes directly to the /etc/network/interfaces file, so you will need root rights everytime you use it to change a setting [07:22] gasto: /var/log/Xorg.0.log [07:23] flash043: is it crashing on a page with flash player? [07:23] All all this is stupid [07:23] raylu, what does that do? [07:23] sometimes happens on pages with flash other times just random... [07:23] gasto: that's a file that will help you [07:23] I ve been a Linux user since 1997 , and I am still [07:23] flash043: do you have any custom extensions installed? do you mind if you lose all your firefox settings/history/bookmarks? === error404notfoun1 is now known as error404notfound [07:24] bah, now my DNS is broken again... I've got a weird network setup involving a Windows PC acting as a bridge. it's kinda ugly, but it works... sometimes. I'll let you know what happens in a bit. root is no problem, plus I only hope to change this once [07:24] i don't care about that at all [07:24] Speaking of that, sometimes my loging screen doesn't appear and the screen goes black (I mean still lit and all, just black) with no cursor or pointer. I get around this by never logging out, but it's annoying because I can never hibernate and sometimes have to restart 2-3 times to get to the login screen. [07:24] flash043: type rm -rf ~/.mozilla [07:24] you been a linux user since 97 and why are you here in #ubuntu [07:24] fweet: Please stay on topic [07:24] I'm using the most recent version of Ubuntu bt [07:24] im just curious [07:24] I am a modo on a Linux user group , quite big , I won t tell the name , no matter [07:24] btw* [07:24] hehe [07:24] B|ackPanther: hm. some people are mentioning that ath_pci doesn't work for aspire atheros wifi... [07:25] phil: this is not a general discussion about our linux skills [07:25] lol [07:25] ok done [07:25] flash043: don't, just [07:25] phil: 1997, you want a medal? [07:25] flash043: gah. next time, mv .mozilla .mozilla-backup [07:25] flash043: now see if firefox crashses [07:25] raylu: yes thats what i should've told him to do? [07:25] raylu,this worked out of the box but its pretty amazing that its no longer working just after a reboot [07:25] rayly, /var/log/Xorg.0.log was not recognized. [07:25] raylu: oh well [07:26] running it now [07:26] is there a command that will output the version of ubuntu? aka hardy or intrepid? [07:26] B|ackPanther: oh. try system> administration> hardware drivers [07:26] flash043: try and make it crash [07:26] christian_: lsb_release -a [07:26] gasto: um...it's a file [07:26] B|ackPanther: check dmesg|grep wifi [07:26] doing that now too [07:26] christian_: uname -a [07:26] so that d the way .. [07:26] Flannel, sweet, thanks [07:26] B|ackPanther: did you cold boot? [07:26] munim: that's kernel info :P [07:26] christian_: lsb_release -a [07:26] munim, uname doesnt give release indo [07:26] phil's back... [07:26] LtL, thanks [07:26] phil: Please stay on topic. This isn't a conversation channel, but its a support channel. [07:27] B|ackPanther: proably the device was left in a state the hal cant reactzivate/use it [07:27] permission denied [07:27] FLANNRL, EHY DID WHO DO THIS ? [07:27] gasto: permission denied for what? [07:27] raylu, permission denied [07:27] sorry cap locks [07:27] B|ackPanther: try a cold boot(power down, startup again) [07:27] gasto: sudo [07:27] for that file you told me to access [07:27] oh ok.. i get confused at times.. [07:27] phil, because you were not listening to instruction. [07:27] gasto: =\. i meant what did you do? how did you access it? [07:27] gasto: gksu gedit /var/log/Xorg.0.log [07:27] whats instructions ? [07:28] mgolisch : dmesg |grep wifi give unable to attach hardware: 'Hardware revision not supported [07:28] phil: Stay on topic [07:28] i m not in army [07:28] wj32, gasto:/var/log/Xorg.0.log should be world readable [07:28] Can anyone help me with the whole 'login screen disappearing' thing? === rubydiamond__ is now known as rubydiamond [07:28] what is the redirect for error? [07:28] std-error ^ [07:28] what the the topic ? [07:28] B|ackPanther: and you sure it worked before? you didnt do any updatzes or stuff to get it working manualy? [07:28] raylu: it should [07:28] phil: Ubuntu support only [07:28] Luigi: next time, ctrl+alt+f1 will give you a tty (hopefully) [07:28] ok [07:28] christian_: stderr [07:28] phil, what is your issue anyway [07:28] also , out [07:29] I hate windows networking... oh how I loathe it... anyone know of a decent PCI wireless adapter I could pick up at a Best Buy (options include Linksys, Netgear, D-Link, Belkin, Hawking, and Dynex) for use in Ubuntu? [07:29] Alright raylu, what do I do after that? Can I get back to my gnome seesion? [07:29] It worked,took of the disk ,checked a couple to times but later when i restarted it did not work [07:29] Luigi: Alt+F7 [07:29] wj32, gksu gedit /var/log/Xorg.0.log did not work 'cannot open display' [07:29] B|ackPanther: this message indicated that the hal of the loaded madwifi driver doesnt support your card [07:29] gasto: oh i see you're in a VT [07:29] B|ackPanther: so it worked on the livecd you say? [07:29] or what? [07:29] weel alls , I ve using Linux for 10 years , so I think I can help [07:29] gasto: sudo nano /var/log/Xorg.0.log [07:29] raylu, if i wanted to redirect the std-err of lsb_release, what would I use, isnt it something like ?> [07:29] phil, you're not helping though. [07:29] yes virt6ual terminal [07:29] Luigi: from there, poking around in /var/log/Xorg.0.log will help. running "sudo gdm" or "sudo invoke-rc.d gdm start" should try to start gdm [07:30] Tony22, I've always had good luck with Hawking. [07:30] christian_: 2> [07:30] gasto: sudo nano /var/log/Xorg.0.log [07:30] why would you want to edit Xorg.0.log? [07:30] B|ackPanther: id try to cold boot if it still doenst work try updating to a newer madwifi version [07:30] mgolisch,it worked on a live disk and i checked it a couple of times after taking off the live disk but later on it was not working [07:30] you do not need "sudo" to view Xorg.0.log [07:30] raylu, thanks [07:30] rccu: well apparently he can't read it because of "permission denied" [07:30] phil, are you experienced with ext3 journaling [07:30] fweet: phil's gone [07:30] <|ntegra|> can you tell me how to reset my sound so I can play myspace player and youtube now please? (I can xmms, but then no sound on internet) [07:30] ok, thanks raylu [07:31] tnoy: thanks, I'll give it a shot this weekend [07:31] wj32, now what [07:31] What's failsafe GNOME> [07:31] ? [07:31] gasto: i dunno, do whatever raylu wanted you to do [07:32] gasto: so you needed sudo to read the X log? that's strange [07:32] gasto: ls -l /var/log/Xorg.0.log [07:32] raylu: he's still in nano, he probably doesn't know how to quit it [07:32] phil: please /join #ubuntu-ops [07:32] * raylu thinks less wold have been a better choice than nano [07:33] *would [07:33] * ThePub wonders if the "more is better" joke would be alright.. [07:33] exactly [07:33] I am in nano [07:34] where can i change the default key mapping to dvorak permanently in the tty's? i'm getting tired of "loadkeys dvorak" :) [07:34] gasto: ctrl+x [07:34] kdubois: you can put that in .bashrc [07:34] kdubois: try .bashrc [07:34] or .profile [07:35] ThePub: =\ i have yet to figure out the difference between less and more [07:35] ah yes, .profile is better [07:35] raylu: more is less :) [07:35] ok wj i got my crash again [07:35] module abi versions ... video driver : 4.1 [07:35] raylu: The way I heard it, 'less is simply better than more.' [07:35] flash043: i don't know then [07:35] Geforce 6200 [07:35] ThePub: oh =\ [07:35] what do u need to see from the crash report [07:35] flash043: try filing a bug report [07:36] see http://www.tux.org/~mayer/linux/book/node217.html for the difference between .profile and .bashrc [07:36] it has to do with flash player and utf-8 [07:36] ThePub: cygwin has no more :( [07:36] .profile is run when you log in [07:36] hi [07:36] .bashrc is run when you start bash [07:36] can I update flash player some how [07:37] ubuntu rocks!!! [07:37] .profile is usually a better choice for those things only want run once. [07:37] raylu: wj32, i'm trying to have it be default across all users, arch had this nice little file in etc that took care of it, can't seem to find it in ubunt [07:37] kdubois: /etc/profile [07:37] ah, thanks [07:38] "On some operationg systems, netstat -b lists sockets created by application programs." What is the Ubuntu equivalent to 'netstat -b'? [07:38] Flannel: I don't get this. why not have channel operator status all the time if you can just get it [07:38] anyone know any programs for pc suite nokia series E ? [07:38] wj32: most channel ops don't like autoop [07:39] wj32: Theres lots of reasons. Some of them are logical, some are policy. [07:39] because you don't get bugged :) === Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo [07:41] raylu, got -rw-r--r-- 1 root 13140 2009-01-02 19:31 /var/log/Xorg.0.log [07:41] gasto: um... [07:41] that is what you told me [07:42] gasto: this means that you should not have gotten permission denied and something is screwy with your UIDs [07:42] every time I open Opera, there's always a new tab in front of all my tabs from the previous session with the address http://0/ [07:42] it's pretty annoying [07:42] How do I know if fstab got corrupted? Some symptoms are drives are not being mounted properly, with proper read/write permissions, my "File System" is being mounted as an actual hard drive. [07:42] ls -l /var/log/Xorg.0.log [07:42] Sorry for my lack of knowledge, I am fairly new to ubuntu. [07:42] hey could any one please tell me wats the difference between viewport and workspace [07:42] gasto: do you have another install of linux or something? [07:42] bullgard4: netstat -a [07:42] Bikeguy: try mount a [07:42] Bikeguy: *mount -a [07:42] although this may sound a stupid question, but how do i prefix names here at irc? i am using xchat [07:42] raylu, no [07:42] !tab [07:42] You can use for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. [07:43] Bikeguy: take a look at /etc/fstab, it's a text file, if it got corrupted... stuff would look funny. [07:43] whats the procedure to install a new web application, i found this app that doesnt have a packga but i got the source code with the php files, is there a howto for that? [07:43] raylu, I just yesterday installed Ubuntu [07:43] gasto: output of "id"? [07:43] 8.10 [07:43] raylu: what does that command do, sorry I'm new to this all. Also, honestly I wouldn't be able to tell you what a "weird looking fstab file would look like" I already went to it, and it was jibberish to me [07:43] Hilikus: put it on a webserver? [07:44] Bikeguy: mounts everything in fstab [07:44] raylu, thanks [07:44] raylu where? i think it should be /usr/share/ but im not sure, and thats not enough, there are apache permissions to be set and stuff like that [07:44] Hilikus: do you have a webserver set up locally? [07:44] its not just mv'ing files [07:44] of course [07:45] gasto: id output is 8.10 ? [07:45] Hilikus: then it is just mv-ing files [07:45] raylu: okay, so now i should try to look at that fstab file? [07:45] Hilikus: i believe the default htdocs directory is /var/www [07:45] LtL: After reading man netstat /-a, I disagree with you. [07:45] raylu: would there be any place that i could output the information for you? [07:45] Hilikus: your question has less to do with ubuntu and more to do with how you have your Web server setup. [07:45] i have several webpages running, each in its own "folder" [07:45] hey i need the newest version of gyache where can i find it? [07:46] !gyache [07:46] Sorry, I don't know anything about gyache [07:46] im having trouble pinpointing it, and the website is over 2 years over [07:46] LtL: timestamps. i'm pretty sure he was just finishing his previous statement [07:46] !gyachi [07:46] Sorry, I don't know anything about gyachi [07:46] bullgard4: after reading man netstat, whats the answer? [07:46] raylu ok, that dir has symlinks to /usr/share, i'll do that [07:46] any body has ubunut 8.10 and installed mysql ? [07:46] Doc8404: wouldn't that mean the app hasn't been updated for a long time? [07:46] !anyone | mrglinux [07:46] mrglinux: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [07:46] mrglinux: what's wrong with it [07:46] i thoughit i also had to specify the rootdir and whatever the .something file is called in apache [07:47] uhm no, actually ive read about versions higher than mine [07:47] Hilikus: No, it defaults to /var/www, just stick stuff there [07:47] cool, ill do that [07:47] thanks guys [07:47] wj32: i change my config of mysql and it doesn't work i want to change to last states [07:47] mrglinux: you can't un-overwrite files. [07:48] mrglinux: after changing the config, you have to "invoke-rc.d mysqld reload" or "invoke-rc.d mysqld restart" [07:48] mrglinux: you can do sudo apt-get remove --purge mysql-server [07:48] oh, is that what he meant [07:48] mrglinux: then install again [07:48] how do i view the fstab file? [07:48] raylu: probably [07:48] g2g bye [07:48] Bikeguy: cat /etc/fstab [07:48] raylu, uid=1000(gasto) gid=1000(gasto) groups=4(adm),20(dialout),24(cdrom),46(plugdev),108(lpadmin),123(admin),124(sambashare),1000(gasto) [07:49] raylu: Ok, you said next time my login screen fails to appear I should try to go tty and look through xorg.o.log, what should I do that with and what should I look for? [07:49] Bikeguy: in a terminal, that is. [07:49] Luigi: i usually start at the end and read up for errors [07:49] LtL: thanks, i got it, any idea of what i should be looking for to diagnose if fstab is corrupt? [07:49] gasto: then it's kind of strange that Xorg.0.log has GID 13140... [07:50] Bikeguy: what did mount -a do? [07:50] Bikeguy: too numerous to mention, why dont you pastebin it [07:50] where does Gnome store the pictures used for the desktop background ? [07:50] raylu, what do you suggest? Is there anything to reset the Xorg? [07:51] raylu: all of the same drives were mounted, i might know what do do as far as the sdc1 : aka the file system being mounted [07:51] wj32: i afraid some my software doesn't work such as smplayer because i try it last ... i removed /var/lib/mysql and create in my hoime and create symbol link to that . and after that my mysql doesn't start so i need ls -l of your /var/lib/mysql and /var/run/mysqld/ [07:51] grayhane: /usr/share/ um.... I don't remember past that. [07:51] Flannel: did that happen on a script or did you just decide to unban him? [07:51] LtL:okay, will do [07:51] Flannel, TU [07:51] Flannel, grayhane , I think its /usr/share/backgrounds [07:52] gasto: oh, i just read some scrollback. i'd echo the previous suggestion and install the nvidia driver with the restricted drivers manager or the package manager [07:52] LtL: http://pastebin.com/m2a2f5bb6 [07:52] raylu i removed /var/lib/mysql and create in my hoime and create symbol link to that . and after that my mysql doesn't start so i need ls -l of your /var/lib/mysql and /var/run/mysqld/ [07:52] mrglinux: wj32 is gone :P and none of what you said made any ense [07:52] mrglinux: *sense [07:52] raylu: http://pastebin.com/m2a2f5bb6 [07:53] restricted drivers manager did not work [07:53] !work [07:53] Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too. [07:53] Bikeguy: you have 4 hard drives? [07:53] triggerhapp, you are correct , thanks [07:54] No worries [07:54] Is there a way to have Ubuntu connect to the wireless network before login? [07:54] LtL: After reading 'man netstat/-a' my answer is: "In Ubuntu netstat -a shows all sockets including sockets that are not created by application programs. [07:54] joe_-: i believe it involves tinkering with /etc/network/interfaces [07:54] how´d I use the package manager for installing the Nvidia driver? [07:54] raylu could you give some fucked permission of this path that i back my directory to correct user and owner instead of learn me how to use dictionary with boot ? [07:55] raylu: I run Synergy on it and want to be able to login w/o breaking out the keyboard. [07:55] mrglinux: watch the language, pelase [07:55] please, even [07:55] gasto: aptitude install nvidia-glx [07:55] gasto: Resolution problem? [07:55] mrglinux: what is your native language? [07:55] anyone have flash working in fullscreen with firefox 3.0.5? [07:55] raylu: I have 3 that are in use, there is the 750 which was a windows drive, then there is a 750 that is split between the linux filesystem, and an ntfs partition with a swap, as well as a 1tB drive which is an external usb drive, the 1xxGB drive is the linux file system, but I think I know why it's mounting. What is the gui program that modifies fstab? [07:56] nowimproved: I watch stuff in fullscreen using flash, it seems to work okie dokie. [07:56] raylu why do you want to know ? does it refer to my problem or you want know Owen [07:56] HEY all [07:56] Bikeguy: o.0? there's a gui for modifying fstab? i wouldn't trust my fstab to a gui :P [07:56] i need hel [07:56] help [07:56] go ahead [07:56] mrglinux: because i can't understand you at all [07:56] raylu: yeah, it wasn't that helpful at all, but there was a gui [07:56] !help | mib_edk58t [07:56] mib_edk58t: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [07:57] raylu: what i think i ended up doing was making sdc1 automount [07:57] er... ignore that [07:57] ThePub, your using version 3.0.5 of firefox? [07:57] Bikeguy: it's sure a strange looking fstab, but i don't see anything fatal [07:57] nowimproved: yes, it's what installed with 8.10 [07:57] i connected my nokia 6630 with ubuntu 8.04 throuh usb.with lsusb command i get Nokia Smartphone.Now how can i access memory card [07:58] ThePub, can I upgrade my install to 8.10? [07:58] ltl: any ideas on why my permissions are so messed up, it won't allow me to write to my ntfs windows drive ( the sdb1) [07:58] nowimproved: I would assume so. "update-manager -d" iirc. [07:58] mib_edk58t: does it appear in your Places menu? [07:58] No [07:58] it does not appear there [07:58] raylu my native language is not English . but i doesn't seem my sentences very complex that you can't understand .. and you are first one doesn't understand what i say .. so i think this problem refer to you [07:59] mib_edk58t: could you pastebin the output of "sudo fdisk -l" [07:59] !who | mib_edk58t [07:59] mib_edk58t: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [07:59] ltl: also, how do I make ext3 allow me to make folders outside of the terminal, aka in the gui...my terminal knowledge is very limited [07:59] ** but it [07:59] can i mount nokia 6630 memory card as parattion on ubuntu [07:59] Bikeguy: install ntfs-config package i think its called, it will appear in your menu. [07:59] okay [07:59] mib_edk58t: that's what i'm hoping [07:59] <|ntegra|> how can I reset my sound quickly? [07:59] raylu ok [07:59] does 9.0.4 seem ok to upgrade to? [08:00] !jaunty | nowimproved [08:00] nowimproved: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April -Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion [08:00] mrglinux: I honestly have a bit of trouble fully understanding it, but most of it makes sense. ('It' referring to your sentences.) [08:00] LtL: any idea on why I was able to write perfectly before, but not now? [08:00] Bikeguy: the ext3 and ntfs fs's should show up in a file manager [08:00] LtL: what do you mean by file manager? [08:00] raylu sudo fdisk -l just shows my regualar hard disks but not nokia 6630 [08:00] mib_edk58t: oh. then i have no idea :P [08:00] anyway i correct my problem myself like each every time [08:01] bye [08:01] Bikeguy: nautilus or any file browser [08:01] nowimproved: I would stay away from it. I did an 8.10 to 9.04 and everything barfed :) [08:01] <|ntegra|> i can't listen to firefox now without a reboot [08:01] |ntegra|: try killall artsd [08:01] <|ntegra|> (flash) [08:01] oh okay [08:01] raylu well it detects as Nokia Mobile Phones 6630 Imaging Smartphone but how do i use it [08:01] <|ntegra|> raylu: and then artsd again? [08:01] mib_edk58t: try obex [08:01] LtL: so for sdb1 ntfs-config thinks it is not mounted [08:01] |ntegra|: no [08:02] ThePub, in the manager it only shows me 9.0.4 not 8.10, do you know how i can see what version i currently have? [08:02] |ntegra|: just start firefox [08:02] Bikeguy: they will be in the media folder [08:02] <|ntegra|> you mean restart firefox? [08:02] hey all [08:02] |ntegra|: um, sure [08:03] isn't it "System" -> "About" to find version? [08:03] nobody is talking in #SuSE, is anyone willing to PM me with SuSE help? [08:03] nowimproved: lsb_release -a [08:03] Dexi: try #ubuntu-offtopic, not here [08:03] LtL: well, i'm not having a problem with actually seeing the drive, right now the issue is that it thinks it is busy [08:03] k [08:03] <|ntegra|> raylu: nope didn't work [08:03] apparently i already have 8.10 , weird that my firefox crashes in fullscreen [08:04] Bikeguy: are you in a terminal, in one of those directories [08:04] nowimproved: version of firefox? have you run updates recently? [08:04] nowimproved: firefox crashes fullscreen or flash? those are two different things. [08:04] hey all [08:04] raylu, the 3.0.5 is not even upgrading from ubuntu for me [08:04] i had to get it manully [08:04] manually* [08:04] how can I see how much video memory my graphics chip is set to? [08:04] uh, no, i just did gksudo ntfs-config [08:05] are you saying i should navigate to /media [08:05] then do that? [08:05] nowimproved: heh... that would have been helpful to know. why/how did the upgrade fail? [08:05] Bikeguy: its definetly strange, what 'drive' is busy? [08:05] how do I get the the panel with my active programs back ? [08:05] sdb1 [08:05] raylu, I dont think it failed, it just is not in there [08:05] LtL: sorry, sdb1 my 750 ntfs windows drive [08:05] Bikeguy: allow read/write to ntfs [08:05] nowimproved: then i'd suggest uninstalling firefox and installing it from the repository. firefox is depended on by ubuntu-desktop, though... [08:05] tried that, the error message it spat out was that it was busy [08:06] so does anyone know how I can check the video ram setting in ubuntu [08:06] How can I get an ubuntu patched+packaged 2.6.28 kernel when my ubuntu system can't reach the internet? (2.6.28 supports my new pile of cheap atheros cards with ath5k) [08:06] LtL: i navigated over to it, then ran gksudo ntfs-config [08:06] raylu, maybe it just did not install automatically ? === Keegan is now known as Guest5403 [08:06] LtL: and it went through it no problems [08:06] Has anyone installed ubuntu 8.10 PPC on an old powerbook g4 and has gotten the airport card to work? === sean is now known as Guest20349 [08:06] nowimproved: that'd be very very strange [08:07] nowimproved: aptitude show firefox [08:07] nowimproved: should give you the status of that package [08:07] um [08:07] Bikeguy: ok, you have sdb1 partition as both ext3 root/ and sdb1 as ntfs, thats not gonna fly. [08:07] koppert0n: do you have one of the two default panels? [08:07] yes [08:07] State: installed [08:07] Automatically installed: no [08:07] Version: 3.0.5+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.10.1 [08:07] Priority: optional [08:07] I have the time [08:08] nowimproved: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [08:08] koppert0n: right-click, add panel [08:08] nowimproved: well then...it's installed [08:08] Could anyone put me in the right direction for finding information on how to get my airport to work? === [e]Lement`dc is now known as [e]Lement [08:08] ok ive got it [08:08] thanks [08:08] it says version 3.0.3 in when i open firefox though [08:08] !wifi | Guest5403 [08:08] nobody? [08:08] Guest5403: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [08:08] LtL: oh wait, how the hell did that happen, i haven't touched the sdb1 parition, also it's coming up with error privledges saying i need to be root to unmount and such [08:08] thank you [08:08] one more question === root is now known as Guest3053 [08:09] oh nevermind [08:09] thanks again [08:09] koppert0n: welcome === Guest3053 is now known as just [08:10] Bikeguy: how did you do that! you have an ntfs fs on sdc3 also! [08:10] what does it mean when a Window goes black and white in Ubuntu? [08:10] Hey has anyone used gmobilemedia.Does it also mounts nokia 6660 filesystem [08:10] SJrX: if you mean grayscale, it has crashed [08:10] LtL: oh god, i have no freaking clue....i'm guessing it could have been because of that gui editor [08:10] mib_edk58t: no luck with obex? === just is now known as justoldtime [08:10] Bikeguy: fresh install? [08:10] raylu wht u mean === Gr33n3gg[afk] is now known as Gr33n3gg [08:11] !obex [08:11] Sorry, I don't know anything about obex [08:11] !info obexftp [08:11] obexftp (source: obexftp): file transfer utility for devices that use the OBEX protocol. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.19-7ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 33 kB, installed size 104 kB [08:11] LtL: really, it's bad enough to warrant killing everything? [08:11] raylu alrite i will try obex.It it command line.i need some gui tool to make things easy for me later [08:11] Bikeguy: no? you should consider removing the /dev/ entries in your fstab and setting them by hand, though [08:12] so nobody knows? [08:12] unr3a1; knows what? [08:12] Bikeguy: using a bootdisk you can erase the swap and ext3 partitions, hopefully leave ntfs alone and re-install [08:12] miranda_psi: how to check how much share video memory the BIOS is currently set to use [08:12] raylu: wait, how would i do that? [08:13] miranda_psi: especially since my BIOS doesn't allow for the alteration of the amount of shared memory [08:13] Bikeguy: um...you just...edit the file and remove them. and then create them yourself. without funky names [08:13] I need help with something...it's driving me MAD. [08:13] !ask [08:13] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [08:13] Bikeguy: youre dual-booting right? [08:13] unr3a1: I would guess it would be shown in the bios, if not try googling it [08:14] !ask [08:14] miranda_psi: there is no way to check it in ubuntu? [08:14] raylu: i might be able to get a buddy to help me out with it, i'm not knowledgable enough to want to mess around with it all again [08:14] LtL: yeah, I have grub booting between xp, which is the sdb1 drive, and the ext3-swap-ntfs drive [08:14] Bikeguy: alternatively, you could not mount any of them automatically and just mount them as needed from the places menu [08:15] miranda_psi: cause I know how much my integrated card is capable of, but I cant see what it is set to by the computer [08:15] raylu: you think mounting them automatically is causing the conflicts? [08:15] unr3a1: I've never dealt with shared memory in ubuntu - might be able to see it in system properties [08:15] !info obex [08:15] Package obex does not exist in intrepid [08:15] Bikeguy: on an unrelated note, it'd be nice if you split your install, especially your swap, between drives [08:15] !info obexftp [08:15] obexftp (source: obexftp): file transfer utility for devices that use the OBEX protocol. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.19-7ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 33 kB, installed size 104 kB [08:15] Bikeguy: no, but i think your fstab is set up strangely enough to confuse even LtL :P [08:15] Bikeguy: xp is your ntfs drive unless you have another hooked up [08:15] miranda_psi: where is that? [08:15] !info gmobilemedia [08:15] gmobilemedia (source: gmobilemedia): GTK+ application used to browse a mobile phone filesystem. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4+dfsg-6 (intrepid), package size 110 kB, installed size 876 kB [08:15] LtL: yes, that is correct [08:16] raylu: i might just save all my shit over to that terabyte external [08:16] raylu: then raid 0 them both together [08:16] unr3a1: System, administration, system monitor and i'll see if i can find something for you if that doesnt work [08:16] I have an Atheros brand internal wireless adapter in my Toshiba laptop and xubuntu will not recognize the device! In order to talk to you I have plugged in a USB wireless adapter. How can I get it to function as my primary means of connection?? [08:16] Bikeguy: but then you won't get to split your install across all 3 drives :D [08:16] Hey is Obexftp gui based? [08:17] raylu: hahahahha [08:17] Bikeguy: shutdown clean, use a gparted cd if i were you and erase everything BUT the ntfs partition, boot off a ubuntu cd and use un-allocated space [08:17] Bikeguy: er, not a joke. it's a good idea [08:17] miranda_psi: yea, I have looked in the system monitor. there is nowhere in there that tells me how much shared memory I am currently using [08:17] raylu: wait, why would that be a good idea to boot across 3 drives? [08:17] Bikeguy: so you can have up to 3 times the disk I/O speed [08:18] raylu: oooh, i see....how the hell would i do that though [08:18] unr3a1: you want to see the video memory usage or the amount that is available? [08:18] Bikeguy: during the install, you have the option to manually partition. you can create your own partitions and set their mount points [08:18] LtL: would there be any way i could get my tb drive set up enough to transfer data onto it, so i don't have any fear of losing data? [08:18] raylu: Bikeguy this all depends on the drive setups and what you want on them, but first leave the xp partition un-touched. [08:19] !info obextool [08:19] obextool (source: obextool): graphical frontend for obexftp written in TCL/TK. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.33-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 134 kB, installed size 652 kB [08:19] mib_edk58t: you can get all this info in aptitude/synaptic... [08:19] miranda_psi: I just want to see how much total shared memory I have available to use. [08:19] LtL: so somehow, that whole drive, the 750gig ntfs got a bit of ext3 on it? [08:19] Bikeguy: if its mounted sure [08:19] LtL: well, it's ext3, and transferring data onto it is a bitch, i'm not sure of how to become root and still be in nautalus [08:19] unr3a1: I'll see if i can find something for you then... [08:20] LtL: isn't there a root nautalus command? [08:20] miranda_psi: thank you [08:21] Bikeguy: /dev/sdc is your monster tb drive right [08:21] hello, I'm having problems with DMA on my CD drive. the !dma infoid doesn't have the info i need, but I think i've tracked it down, but need a bit of a hand. Apparently the ata_generic module is at fault here, but I am unsure how to figure out which one should be loaded. [08:21] Bikeguy: yeah in a terminal just sudo nautilus [08:22] gksu [08:22] LtL: no, it's sdd1 [08:22] Bikeguy: gksu nautilus will work also [08:22] Bikeguy: ok, its abit confusing [08:22] LtL: thanks for the help by the way [08:23] LtL: i wonder how it got so messed up, any ideas? [08:23] Anyone know how to get an internat wireless adapter for a laptop working on xubuntu? [08:23] *internal [08:23] Bikeguy: blame the gui [08:23] baYVas_707: that's a very broad question [08:23] !wifi | baYVas_707 [08:23] baYVas_707: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [08:24] * MartinN00bie is away: AFK! [08:24] baYvas_707 which model atheros is it? [08:24] raylu: really? you think it messed it up that bad? [08:24] Bikeguy: no, but you do [08:24] a little more info: I'm trying to enable DMA on my CD drive in 8.10. http://paste.ubuntu.com/98846/ [08:24] raylu: hahahah, i don't know, it's just really odd [08:25] how is the way to highlight the text, that it get fat and red? [08:25] how to make 1 folder guarded with passwords in ubuntu ? [08:25] pata_ali.atapi_dma is what i want to enable in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules, what is the name of this module? [08:25] bingungaja: put the folder into a file, and encrypt it? [08:25] SwitchMon , I'm not sure...how would I find out from inside xubuntu? [08:25] bingungaja: you could look into gpg for encrypting individual files [08:26] bingungaja: What version of Ubuntu are you using? [08:26] I installed Ubuntu 8.10 on my wifes pc it went through the install and ect just fine but when I reboot it, There is no option to boot to Linux only Windows. Why? [08:26] from a terminal run "lspci | more" and look for network controllers [08:26] !dualboot | sartak_ [08:26] sartak_: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot [08:26] Flannel: 8.10 [08:26] Bikeguy: /dev/sdb1 is your xp partition so whats on sdc3 just another bare ntfs formatted partition? [08:27] bingungaja, raylu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory [08:27] * MartinN00bie is back (gone 00:03:08) [08:27] how do i go about getting programs to start when i log in? [08:27] does in ubuntu includes smth like jockey-gtk but in console? === Aryan is now known as Guest46351 [08:27] i tried going through the sessions manager....but that didn't work :-( [08:27] LtL: sdc1 is actually a mirror of my whole File system [08:27] sartak_ you didn't install GRUB in the right location === white-sheep is now known as blue-sheep [08:28] dolags32128: explore the menu's [08:28] LtL: either that or it is actually the mounted file system...although that confuses the hell out of me [08:28] Flannel: thx [08:28] Bikeguy: /dev/sdb1 is your xp partition correct [08:29] LtL: yes === blue-sheep is now known as jinji-sheep [08:29] I don't want Linux on the first hard drive I have a 60 gig I want to devote to linux, how do I reinstall grub to the proper location it wont let me load Linux? === cemplok is now known as bag_s [08:30] Bikeguy: /dev/sdb1 is also mounted as / ext3, wow. [08:30] Flannel: that solution is kinda... ew... [08:31] LtL: uhh, how is that even possible? so meaning fstab thinks that sdc1 is both ntfs and ext3? also, it's having conflicts because of this? [08:31] LtL: excuse me sdb1 [08:31] !grub | sartak_ [08:31] sartak_: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [08:32] sartak_: i think you want the restoregrub tutorial [08:32] Bikeguy: thats wild. i would start over, put what you can on the TB drive and dont touch that. i would not believe its possible but thatswhat it says [08:32] hello, anyone know if theres a way to get my logitech keyboard buttons to work, like my volume control? [08:32] LtL: i wonder if its renaming the drives? perhaps UUIDs in fstab would help? [08:32] kalvin_: System > Preferences > Keyboard [08:32] !mediakeys [08:32] Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts [08:32] kalvin_: select Generic 105-key for the Keyboard model in Layouts [08:33] Bikeguy: why dont you have a sda drive is another oddity [08:33] LtL: i might, i actually have one drive that is truecrypted [08:33] LtL: want me to mount it up, and see what it comes up as? [08:33] raylu: saving that setup is probably futile, but possible data can be saved on a drive thats intact [08:33] wj32: thats what its at [08:34] I have an Atheros AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01). [08:34] kalvin_: try keytouch then [08:34] Bikeguy: what happens when you sudo mount -a ? i'd be scared [08:34] * raylu said that a long time ago [08:35] LtL: hahhahah let me check that out.... [08:35] kalvin_: before that, as ubbotu says, try setting the volume keys as keyboard shortcuts. [08:35] raylu: i thought i caught youre saying that, i walked in on this :) [08:35] LtL: well, i did sudo mount -a and my computer didn't throw shrapnel all over me.... [08:35] ok thanks i shall try [08:35] Bikeguy: careful you may create a black hole or warp space/time [08:36] raylu: how do I use keytouch? [08:36] wj32: i have no ide [08:36] raylu: it just says no event devices found [08:36] !do [08:36] Sorry, I don't know anything about do [08:36] !gnome do [08:36] Sorry, I don't know anything about gnome do [08:36] LtL: don't worry hawking's radiation would dissipate it....maybe [08:36] Bikeguy: see what you can save as root in nautilus [08:36] LtL: well, i did that and i still don't have a sda1 [08:36] Bikeguy: amazing. [08:36] Ok so then installing Grub to the second drive instead of the first is probally the problem [08:37] ? [08:37] LtL: but that's what i'm doing, is just doing a systematic save of absolutely everything i can [08:37] im missing chat logs [08:37] from last night [08:37] LtL: before my computer breaks the world [08:37] !you suck [08:37] Sorry, I don't know anything about you suck [08:37] how come? i thought XChat logged everything by default [08:37] sartak_: i'm not sure what happens when you boot. it sounded like either grub loaded but there was no linux entry but it's more likely that the windows boot loader loaded instead [08:38] Bikeguy: i feel for ya, you're in for some serious installing. [08:38] ? [08:38] Bikeguy: but hey, thats what makes it fun [08:38] LtL: don't. he has 750x3 + 1000 GB of space...sheesh [08:38] baYVas_707 The AR242x part is what you want to pay attention to. [08:38] LtL: hah, well sounds like an adventure at least [08:39] ... [08:39] teach me , how to install this- A program i'm new on this ubuntu [08:39] Well I am dual booting Windows XP and Windows 98se on that machine all using the first drive so I thought I could have linux on the second, I am going to try installing it to the first drive aswell I guess [08:39] raylu: don't what? [08:39] sartak_: er, you can [08:39] :-/ [08:39] gerber: what is it that you want to install? [08:39] gerber: what do you want to install? [08:39] is anyone gonna awnser my Q [08:40] SwitchMon: ok, actually i found out it's a atheros ar5007eg to be exact. [08:40] sartak_: did you see the windows boot loader or grub? i'm guessing the former, in which case you just need to install grub from a livecd [08:40] kino-1.3.2 [08:40] !patience | theCat0 [08:40] theCat0: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [08:40] does not matter I can easily go ahead and redo it. No like it is a big deal. lol only time and I am off tonight so I have plenty of it [08:40] what is the ubuntu eeepc channell? [08:40] sartak_: that makes no sense [08:40] gerber: did you download it? you should try the package manager to see if its in there first [08:40] I saw windows [08:41] only windows no nix [08:41] it is in my destop now [08:41] sartak_: you already have it installed and the only thing that's missing is the ability to boot. installing grub takes 3 seconds (after the live cd boots) [08:41] nux [08:41] sartak_: that doens't really help. what matters is which boot loader showed, not what options it gave you [08:41] gerber: go System, administration, synaptic package manager and search for kino there [08:41] I dont know how to reinstall grub though [08:41] !grub | sartak_ [08:41] sartak_: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [08:41] sartak_: again, you want the restoregrub tutorial [08:41] bayvas_707 give this tutorial a try http://madberry.org/2008/11/how-to-get-atheros-ar242x-to-work-on-810-intrepid-ibex/ and let me know what happens [08:41] gerber: if its not there, tell me what extension the file you have has [08:42] where is this tut? [08:42] ok let me see dont go anywhere pls [08:42] sartak_: ... ubottu gave it to you twice now [08:42] when i use the volume controls on my keyboard it shows it moving up and down, it just doesnt do anything [08:43] kalvin_: system > admin (or is it prefs?) > sound. i think you have the wrong master channel [08:43] hello [08:43] i have a question! [08:43] Really? [08:43] sorry did not open right link I reckon [08:43] raylu: seroiusly, how did you know that? [08:43] hey guys, i'm running ubuntu off a usb key. if i want to install an application, how do i do that/ [08:43] is there a podcast player/reciever for ubuntu? [08:44] i sed why did it not record all of a chat from one room last night [08:44] kalvin_: it made sense :P [08:44] lol i think i would have tried everything, besides that before it finally worked! thanks a lot === CodeGuru is now known as solid_liq [08:44] theCat0: I don't use xchat but you may have to toggle logging [on] i really dont know [08:45] dumbguy: amarok links nicely with the ipod, dont know if it plays/recieves podcasts though - worth a look anyway since its a great music player :) [08:45] LtL: when i reinstall everything ever, would it be more beneficial to split the linux install between the two drives, or to just raid them together in a raid0 pattern? [08:45] kino -1.3.2tar.gz but it there, but also it say will affect other packages [08:46] Bikeguy: raid0 + your setup = thermal equilibrium [08:46] kino -1.3.2.tar.gz [08:46] gerber: its in in the package manager then? what message exactly did you get? === wobblyw1 is now known as wobblywu [08:46] Bikeguy: excellent question, i would raid the three 750's [08:46] LtL: there are only 2 750's... [08:46] dumbguy: try xmms2 with xmms2-plugin-rss [08:47] LtL: i have 2 750's a 1tb drive, and a 2-- gig truecrypted drive [08:47] the choosen action will affect other packages [08:47] Bikeguy: i would want xp and its mbr on the primary boot drive, after that anything goes, i doubt id use raid, your call tho' === oliver_ is now known as loafers [08:48] miranda i have feeds, which are updated regularly.. like tech shows.. i listen to regularly so i was wondering if there is a tool i can install on ubuntu which will automatically download while iam away from my pc [08:48] Bikeguy: then put grub in that same mbr after xp is saved or re-installed [08:48] stupis question, but when it says boot from a live cd that just means choose the Try ubunu without changing my system option from the cd , right? [08:48] gerber: how is it going to affect other packages? is it just going to install more (which is normal)? [08:48] LtL: well, what i was thinking of doing is paring the fuck out of my xp partition, splitting the linux install between the rest of the space on the two 750's [08:48] Bikeguy: you have many alternatives [08:49] LtL: i'm just going to start fresh in terms of xp after i save all my data [08:49] Hello, I recently installed Warcraft 3 via Wine and after uninstalling it, the Folder "Warcraft III" still appears from my Applications/Wine/Programs Folder, and I CANNOT Delete it!!, how do I get rid of it!? [08:49] sartak_ : yes [08:49] i dont know, so i guess i gona do it see what happen [08:49] where can I get a users guide for ubuntu prefer a free one ? :P [08:49] Bikeguy: i'll take your dilemma if i can have all that drive hardware :) [08:49] gerber: it should tell you what changes are going to be done - ie. what is going to be added, removed and updated [08:50] sartak_: google.com/linux, wiki.ubuntu.com [08:50] Bikeguy: good luck bro' you'll be ok [08:50] Non-linear editor for Digital Video data [08:50] Kino allows you to record, create, edit, and play movies recorded with DV [08:50] camcorders. This program uses many keyboard commands for fast navigating and [08:50] editing inside the movie. [08:50] The kino-timfx, kino-dvtitler and kinoplus sets of plugins, formerly [08:50] distributed as separate packages, are now provided with Kino. [08:50] gerber: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [08:50] LtL: yaaaa right....i was thinking about going and buying more drives though, yeah i just need to do some research into my options, and what is the most effective way to get around all this [08:50] Bikeguy: (the rest of the universe may grind to a halt, though) [08:51] ok [08:51] raylu: well as long as i've got a working computer i don't really care...unless a black hole destroys said computer [08:51] Bikeguy: you can meet it at the end of time [08:51] raylu: hah [08:51] Bikeguy: right now you've got quantum chaos theory goin on :) [08:52] dumbguy: have a look at this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=269540 [08:52] LtL: something like that....kind of ridiculous.... at least it will allow me to work on some things that i wanted to fix with the first installation, i've been really happy with ubuntu so far [08:54] hi, when I do which jackd, I get /usr/local/bin/jackd . Is this because I tried to compile jackd 0.116 myself and did something wrong ? I have a flue and can't remember much of the past days :p [08:54] normally i should get /usr/bin/jackd , not /usr/local/bin/jackd [08:54] freqrush: the default prefix is /usr/local, so nothing went wrong === ]L[iNu]X[ is now known as alessio4ever [08:55] btw, I use Linux ubustu 2.6.27-3-rt #1 PREEMPT RT [08:56] ok, but why is there a jackd in /usr/bin too ? [08:57] server irc.epiknet.net [08:57] freqrush: do you have the jackd package installed? [08:58] yes [08:58] well...that'd be why [08:59] oh, so when I remove jackd package, I'll only keep /usr/local/bin/jackd . Simple now to understand :-[ [09:00] hey [09:00] anyone up [09:00] thanks raylu ;-) [09:00] freqrush: you can keep it if you want. it searches in $PATH order [09:00] sudo ifup wlan1 [09:00] Ignoring unknown interface wlan1=wlan1. [09:00] patb@patb-laptop:~$ [09:00] patb: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [09:01] cant get linksys wpc54gv4 workin for love of god [09:01] wirless link [09:01] been at it for ove 4 hours lol [09:02] ok I did what the tut said except when I try the (find /root/grub/stage1) I get a error 15 so I try the other one (find /grub/stage1) still same error 15. The tut says nothing on what to do about this [09:02] $PATH order ? what does that mean ? It searches first /usr/bin, and then /usr/local/bin ? Or is it a setting I can change to my wish ? [09:03] sartak_: what have you done so far? i assume you're in the livecd? [09:03] yes [09:03] freqrush: in order of things in $PATH [09:03] live cd / open terminal thats it [09:03] freqrush: echo $PATH [09:03] i did the sudo grub [09:03] patb: i have a wpc54 and until i get a better card i'm not gonna even try making it work. [09:03] sartak_: oh... mount you ubuntu partition, then [09:03] *your [09:04] DOH! [09:04] lol brb [09:04] i just installed wubi 8.10 amd 64-bit into vista and when i boot it hangs on "checking battery state". The laptop is a ASUS F5Z (my girlfriends). how can i skip this check? [09:05] boot up in windows? [09:05] raylu - me? [09:06] luddite: yes [09:06] i can still boot into vista [09:06] how come in my "gksu nautilus" won't show up any folder i made except /root and /dekstop ? [09:06] SwitchMon: Everything is going well up until I reach the following: tar xvf compat*.tar.bz2 [09:07] raylu - were you teasing me [09:07] luddite: no [09:07] SwitchMon: Then the outcome is: tar: compat*.tar.bz2: Cannot open: No such file or directory [09:07] tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now [09:07] oh ok raylu - how will that solve my problem then? [09:08] i just need to find the key combo to make ubuntu skip the check [09:08] Having trouble with the display size. I had it on live boot from usb and my display was I think 1024x786, installed to hdd and now it only allows 640x480 @ 60 hz refresh rate. Suggestions perhaps? [09:08] !resolution | Terabytten [09:08] Terabytten: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution [09:08] baYVas_707: are you trying to unpack this archive? [09:09] baYVas_707: the syntax is: tar -xvjf file.tar.bz2 [09:09] luddite: I think wubi is for running ubuntu inside windows no ? so you have to boot windows and then start wubi [09:09] Is the ? in that a variable, or do I actually use a ? there? [09:09] freqrush: no, that's not how it works [09:10] Terabytten: you don't need to restart X... [09:10] ah learning something new again :D [09:10] Stupid bot. [09:10] ok it is mounted but same error occurs [09:10] Terabytten: not at all... keep reading [09:10] freqrush: Wubi hooks into Windows' bootloader and makes an option for Ubuntu... so you never actually start Windows to boot into Wubi, just the bootloader. [09:10] LtL: it says there is no file. [09:10] sartak_: sudo grub-install /dev/sdwhatever --root-directory=/media/wherever/you/mounted/the/ubuntu/partition [09:11] Yeah... I sent the last message before clicking the link.. but I dont' know how much the link will help.. I know how to change the resolution, its just not allowing me to change it higher than the 640 resolution.. [09:11] Terabytten: right... because your X configuration doesn't allow it [09:11] Terabytten: so now you're reconfiguring X [09:11] baYVas_707: is this during some install process? [09:12] so it would be sudo grub - install /dev/sda1 [09:12] yes [09:12] sartak_: but without the spaces [09:12] sartak_: and without the 1 [09:12] sartak_: and with the --root-directory [09:12] I see! === Aryan is now known as Guest11597 [09:12] i dont understand [09:13] LtL: I'm trying to follow the instructions on http://madberry.org/2008/11/how-to-get-atheros-ar242x-to-work-on-810-intrepid-ibex/ [09:13] i mean to say [09:13] Yeah, I'm noticing that now as I'm reviewing the site. Heh. [09:13] sartak_: where did you mount your ubuntu partition? [09:13] to the second hd is where it is installed [09:13] is there a way i can lock a folder? [09:14] :) [09:15] baYVas_707: did wget put the file in your pwd, present working dir, preferably /home/user/ [09:15] sartak_: you there? [09:15] how to get latest ati 9100 igp driver? [09:15] yes [09:15] sartak_: 3:13:01 raylu> sartak_: where did you mount your ubuntu partition? [09:16] raylu : I installed it on the second hd is that what your asking? [09:16] hi, could someone help me with a GRUB problem? how do i identify the GRUB name of a linux name like /dev/sdb1? [09:16] I am trying to set up windoes shares and I have a system running linux that can see the windows shares directory when exploring but cannot see the shares inside. Anyone familiar with this? [09:16] 3:10:28 sartak_> ok it is mounted but same error occurs [09:17] yes I mounted it to the dektop [09:17] coj: /boot/grub/devices.map [09:17] :P [09:17] !offtopic [09:17] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [09:17] raylu: i heard that was potentially inaccurate, but ok [09:17] sartak_: um... how about you pastebin the outputs of "mount" and "sudo fdisk -l" [09:17] raylu: what does "sdb1" equate to? hd1,1? [09:17] coj: hd1,0 [09:17] coj: yes and no. hd1,0 [09:17] ah, because sdb1 is the first partition [09:18] well the box is not on network [09:18] baYVas_707: try tar -xvjf /home/$USER/Desktop/file.tar.bz2 but i would move the file into /home/user first [09:18] LtL, what chat client are you using ? [09:18] sartak_: oh. in that case, you're going to have to figure out the directory name for where you mounted it. i'm guessing that you let ubuntu automatically mount it for you? [09:18] baYVas_707: i believe their unpacking statement is wrong [09:18] theCat0: irssi [09:19] yes I did [09:19] can someone please explain me how does the network manager work in gnome? i will remove it if not! [09:19] sartak_: ok, so type "mount" and look for /dev/sdb [09:19] raylu: ok, it looks like menu,lst is pointing to the right partition for win xp, but it maps hd0<->hd1 - does that mess things up? [09:19] freqrush - yes that correct but ive started unto ubuntu - in verbose mode it states that "checkking battery state" and will not continue as it hangs [09:20] because win xp gives me "A disk read error occurred" [09:20] Hey guys can Ubuntu dual boot with windows vista? [09:20] baYVas_707: tar xvf unpacks tarballs but not tar.bz2 as far as i know [09:20] tamacracker, yes it can [09:20] coj: iirc, windows refuses to boot unless it's the first partition on the disk [09:20] anyone know why linux would have problems seeing samba shares? [09:20] do i need an applet? a start script? [09:20] hey hey, just moving over to linux (ubuntu or kubuntu) with vmware on (winxp host) just after some good linux antivirus and firewall programs (and anything else i will need, security or otherwise) thanks [09:20] jim_p: yes it works in gnome [09:20] !dualboot | tamacracker [09:20] tamacracker: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot [09:20] ok fouynd it [09:20] found [09:20] raylu: well, it's on the first partition, but the disk isn't the first in boot order [09:21] sartak_: so... where is it? [09:21] Y-Town, mount it in some folder permanently though fstab. that will teach it to behave :P [09:21] wet is there any reason why after installing Ubuntu onto the 3rd partition that Grub would not load, instead Vista boot loader would kick in? [09:21] coj: er, sorry. that's what i meant [09:21] coj: it must be on the first disk [09:21] says /dev/sdb1 /media/disk -1 [09:21] tamacracker, should change GRUB list manually. read manual there [09:21] LtL, ok, but how? i have a laptop here, installed network manager, and thats it! do i need to add an applet? note that i dont do the default ubuntu installation [09:22] raylu: and that's why the map lines are used, to trick it, right? [09:22] coj: yes. http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/html_node/DOS_002fWindows.html [09:22] wet read the manual on changing the grub list with the link that was provided? [09:22] trick isn't working though :( [09:22] jim_p: i dont think the applet is mandatory as long as its running [09:23] jim_p: my windows system sees the linux just fine and can create files etc. But the linux system doesnt see the windows system or the other linux system in the shares [09:23] sartak_: ok. grub-install /dev/sda --root-directory=/media/disk [09:23] LtL, irssi is a chat for windows i think [09:23] Y-Town, configure samba properly and use static ips if you have to [09:23] theCat0: no, though a windows port exists [09:23] shouldnt the sda be sdb1 instead since that what it shows? [09:24] sartak_: er, no [09:24] how to i can reset and unlock dvb device module in Linux, it is now in use and i want available it for my work, please help me, that is SkyStar2 rev2.8A [09:24] sartak_: you're installing grub to the mbr of the master drive (sda) [09:24] LtL, ok. how do i configure it? all i have managed to open is an app named nm-editor and i cant see notihng to do in here! [09:24] sartak_: and it's going to read it's files off of /media/disk (sdb1) [09:24] Intrepid appears to ignore my modelines (nvidia 180.16). Any way to force it to use the modeline in xorg.conf or set it up through nvidia-settings? [09:24] jim_p: I guess thats where im having trouble [09:24] ahh ok [09:24] sorry i am not good at this "yet" [09:25] raylu:hmm, actually, my bios' boot order has hd1 first, not hd0...could that be the problem? [09:25] Y-Town, in case you are not familiar with samba configurations, install swat and do your job though that web interface [09:25] coj: o.0. perhaps [09:25] LtL: so how do i unpack the compat-wireless-2.6.tar.bz2 === desti_T2 is now known as desti [09:25] jim_p: in a term try: ps aux |grep NetworkManager you should see two but atleast one [09:26] jim_p: um, Y-Town wants to access shares on other computers, i thought? [09:26] LtL: Should I use a different command? And if so, which one? [09:26] LtL: too cool for pgrep? [09:26] raylu, ok. then dont install swat [09:26] raylu: yes [09:26] LtL, ok i do. now what? [09:27] raylu: windows was always happy to boot from "hd1" in the past...this only happened after i overwrote the mbrs of all 3 HDs with GRUB (as wj32 suggested) [09:27] Interesting fact: Ubuntu 8.04 has (for me) 5 times better connection via wifi than windows xp does. Can any explain this to me? [09:27] errrr [09:27] Y-Town: good luck with that. i can't even network 2 windows computers together, so i just use openssh-server now :P [09:27] baYVas_707: be in the directory of that file or type the full path to it. tar -xvjf compat-wireless-2.6.tar.bz2 [09:27] Wutz: apocalypse now [09:28] now it says can not remove /media/disk/boot/grub/stage1 Permission denied [09:28] Wutz: xp is kinda old. and bloated. like my aunt. [09:28] sartak_: sudo on the grub-install command [09:28] raylu: lol I have 1 linus sharing just fine but this one is getting me and i know its a simple problem [09:28] raylu: thats a good idea [09:28] hell [09:28] Well, Vista is like a downgrade, so for windows it's sadl;y still the best choice [09:28] LtL: ? [09:28] EnderTheThird, while vista is new and nice and firm? [09:28] jim_p: in a term try: ps aux |grep NetworkManager to see whats up [09:29] * raylu mutters something about windows server 2008 [09:29] hi peeps is this normal for an acer aspire 9300 running ubuntu 8.10 on full battery to only have 1hrand 15 minets [09:29] jim_p: ha. i wouldn't know. i haven't even used it [09:29] LtL, it shows NetworkManager... what a suprise! its running! how do i configure it? [09:29] Btw, with XP my wifi will only get 50 kb/s MAX, with Ubuntu it gets about 250 kb/s...why is it so different? [09:29] hey hey, just moving over to linux (ubuntu or kubuntu) with vmware on (winxp host) just after some good linux antivirus and firewall programs thanks [09:30] raylu: i just use grep, i should expand my horizons, its been a long day [09:30] wzc? [09:30] Wutz could QoS be affecting the WinXP network? inc. Wifi? [09:30] LtL: for the longest time, i had an alias for ps -e | grep [09:30] Hello, I am trying to install the 'unrar' package, but in doesn't show up in the search and I have enabled the third-party software source. [09:30] !virus | ayeayre [09:30] ayeayre: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=21 [09:30] I don't know, all I know is that on Ubuntu it will work like 5 times better, but I need windows to be as good for gaming [09:30] !firewall | ayeayre [09:30] ayeayre: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). [09:30] need help: how to get latest ati 9100 igp driver? using synaptic if possible? [09:30] !ati | shiman_ [09:30] shiman_: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [09:31] cheers [09:31] Wutz if so, try amending the policy in gpedit.msc -> Adm templates -> Network Connections -> QoS settings [09:31] well my daughter is chuffed with her new eepc running ubuntu 8.10 with wireless working [09:31] there's some key which needs Enabled and set to 0% (reserved bandwidth) [09:31] tq raylu [09:32] can anyone offer any suggestions for this strange problem with my server... for some reason networking has gone down, i can't ping any hosts beyond my LAN, was working fine up until yesterday, i can ping the server LAN IP and other IP's on the LAN, but no IP's on the internet [09:32] Purple, what do you mean by this? I'm not very techincal [09:32] PurplePlus, and you are looking for that windows registry key? [09:32] jim_p: does it show dhcliet in that grep search too [09:32] perlmonkey: can you check what is the gateway ip on your machine ? [09:33] Wutz: When you're connecting to your wireless network, are you using Windows to do this, or another program, such as Intel's software, or Dell's, or.. Belkin's..... or whoever might be your wlan adapter manufacturer? [09:33] pdroy: yes will check [09:33] Default software [09:33] Wutz: So windows xp or vista? [09:34] LtL, yea [09:34] it is XP [09:34] jim_p: my applet is there but this might get it to run, /usr/sbin/nm-system-settings --config /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf [09:34] pdroy: gateway is router, and IP is is correct on server interfaces file [09:34] Hello, I am trying to install the 'unrar' package, but in doesn't show up in the search and I have enabled the third-party software source. [09:35] LtL, thats what i was looking for then. nm-system-settings [09:35] jim_p: that oughta work [09:35] Hi guys, I know you must get this question a lot, but I'm kind of having trouble with my sound card. I haven't been able to get sound, and when I try adjusting my settings, it just freezes Ubuntu. I've never seen Ubuntu freeze before this. And now the volume control module won't even load at all. Any ideas? Thanks. (SoundBlaster Live! 24-bit, by the way.) [09:36] tuntun: have you updated the local cache of the repository? [09:36] raylu, i used the reload button. [09:37] !info unrar [09:37] unrar (source: unrar-nonfree): Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:3.8.2-1 (intrepid), package size 96 kB, installed size 244 kB [09:37] Calaaros: do you know where to set the device right clicking the volume icon, you should see two choices [09:37] o.0 [09:38] i installed ubuntu and tried the include Rhythmbox music player...which doesn't seem capable of playing MP3s. should this be the case? do i have to install the necessary gstreamer plugin myself? [09:38] tuntun: actually, unrar-free is in universe, so regardless, your search should have turned up something. "aptitude search unrar" [09:39] Calaaros: if you dont see tour sound card, run 'asoundconf list' in a term [09:39] i can't set the burn speed for wodim. anything i set, it uses the max instead and the burn fails. is it a problem with ubuntu's wodim version or is it the cd drive? i'm using hardy. [09:39] How do I even reload the volume control module? :P [09:39] strange problem with my server... for some reason networking has gone down, i can't ping any hosts beyond my LAN, was working fine up until yesterday, i can ping the server LAN IP and other IP's on the LAN, but no IP's on the internet [09:40] all networking config is fine, any other suggestions? [09:40] Calaaros: no volume control? [09:40] it's your default gw... [09:40] How do I setup my system so that it tries to keep the hard drive off, CPU at low freq., etc while running off battery power? [09:40] LtL, thanks [09:40] goudkov: you could always use cdrecord [09:40] perlmonkey, do you have a default gateway? 'ip route show' [09:40] kyle_, i only know for the cpu freq [09:40] kyle_: there's a nice little utility called powertop that'll look for tweaks like that and tell you how to enable them [09:40] Calaaros: right click the upper panel, add to, search volume and add it [09:40] raylu: isn't it the same? it smlinks to wodim now [09:40] raylu, yes it shows up, but why not in synaptic? [09:41] !info powertop [09:41] powertop (source: powertop): Linux tool to find out what is using power on a laptop. In component main, is extra. Version 1.10-1 (intrepid), package size 30 kB, installed size 424 kB [09:41] jim_p: welcome [09:41] tuntun: i don't know :P i don't use synaptic [09:41] goudkov: o.0 [09:41] rww, alright, I'll give it a try [09:41] LtL: Thanks. [09:41] ok peeps how do i get cheese to show my webcam? my webcam light is on but no picture any ideas ? [09:41] hi, every body~ [09:42] raylu: ? [09:42] Calaaros: dont thank me, that may not fix your sound [09:42] LtL: I realise, but that's for that small tip. :P [09:42] *thanks [09:42] Hey, is the "superadduser" script (adduser from slackware) available on ubuntu? [09:42] Calaaros: look in its preferences, hopefully your card is listed [09:42] and if it is, whats its name? [09:42] goudkov: didn't knowthat :P [09:43] raylu: yep, it's all broken. but there is no cdrecord package any more. it's virtual and says provided by wodim [09:43] joeb3_ yes all networking config is fine [09:43] it's available on Gentoo and a few other distros I think, as it's one of the best script one could make to add a user... [09:44] what's the best IRC chatware in ubuntu? I use pidgin, fonts too little,how can make it bigger? [09:44] goudkov: try brasero, great burner [09:44] here is the problem: I can't connect to any hosts from my server, and no-one can reach my server, yet LAN connectivity to/from server is fine [09:44] LtL: it uses wodim on the back end [09:44] albert748 for irc - xchat [09:44] Joker_-_: i have no idea what you're talking about, but there's "adduser" [09:45] albert748: xchat generic for a gui app. [09:45] hi [09:45] PurplePlus, sudo apt-get install xchat? [09:46] albert748: yes [09:46] can anyone reach my server, www.magnia.net [09:46] perlmonkey: doesn't look like it. [09:46] still trying to load [09:46] LtL: It doesn't mention my sound card by name, but I remember ages ago I played around with installing 8.04, couldn't get the sound working, but then after a while got it working limitedly. So I would assume I can do it on 8.10 too, I'm just not trying hard enough. :P [09:46] raylu: http://www.sysadmin.md/useradd-from-slackware-superadduser-from-gentoo.html [09:46] :-( [09:46] LtL, people said I can use emacs? so what's your editor [09:47] this is too weird i have no clue why it should stop responding [09:47] albert748: emacs isnt simple but its powerful, i use vi or nano [09:47] perlmonkey: its pingeable, so the problem seems to be with webserver or firewall [09:47] oh! its pingeable? [09:47] i can't even ping it and im on same network [09:47] albert748: gedit is ok too [09:48] guntbert: oh, i can actually :P [09:48] perlmonkey: PING magnia.net ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from magnia.net ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=51 time=55.9 ms [09:48] phew, excellent thanks gunbert that's some hope at least [09:49] albert748: try gvim its really nice GUI for vi [09:49] err vim* [09:49] LtL: haha, thanks~,nano I will have a try [09:49] Calaaros: try running asoundconf on the command line [09:50] eseven73:yes, ok, i will~ [09:50] Calaaros: that will give you its options, the goal is to set the default card to use [09:50] perlmonkey: as I suggested: look at firewall-settings [09:51] Joker_-_: never seen that in my life :P [09:51] what's "wheel" in ubuntu? [09:51] LtL: I'm looking through it now, which command should I enter? [09:51] raylu: it's simpler... should be in ubuntu imo [09:51] Joker_-_: visudo. it's admin, i think [09:51] Joker_-_: wheel is a group [09:51] yeah its gvim albert748 'sudo apt-get install gvim' [09:51] hey all [09:51] LtL: i KNOW its a group, but its not in ubuntu [09:51] Joker_-_: adduser works fine for me. there's a gui for it ...somewhere [09:51] albert748, I also recommend xchat. [09:51] guntbert: firewall is unchanged, but I suspect the problem is related to dodgy disk drive, been getting a corrupted root filesystem past 2 weeks [09:51] raylu: I'm not a GUI user :P [09:52] eseven73: gvim: like pain, but with a gui [09:52] Joker_-_: so try adduser [09:52] Joker_-_: wheel is not used by the ubuntu OS [09:52] ikonia: I figured that out, thats why I asked: what is the wheel group in ubuntu [09:52] Joker_-_: there isn't one [09:52] ikonia: in other words, what gives a user the ability to login (su) as root [09:52] Joker_-_: admin group [09:52] Hi there ppl...I have a eximax router and I wish to make a home LAN. One of my PC will be with Ubuntu and LAMP and the other with windows. I wish yto acces the Ubuntu from the windows pc using ftp and ssh, in order to work on my php applications from that ubuntu "server" [09:52] 3:51:25 raylu> Joker_-_: visudo. it's admin, i think [09:52] ikonia: thanks [09:52] tuntun, I just install it minites ago, ^_^ [09:52] Hey all... I'm a new to linux, using Ubuntu 8.10. I'm trying to find a good UPnP program to stream media to my PS3. Any good suggestions? I have found Media Tomb and Fuppes... but am looking for anything else out there. Thanks. [09:53] Joker_-_: and that won't allow su pemissions, just access to sudo [09:53] who can gibve me some links/advices/steps to follow in order to doi this? [09:53] raylu: yeah I read it, but just wanted to get everyone on the same level ;) [09:53] Joker_-_: apropos wheel [09:53] ikonia: it will give access to su ;) [09:53] Natalie: plug them both in, the router will give them dhcp addresses and your done [09:53] perlmonkey: so see to have your filesystem repaired soon :) [09:53] Joker_-_: no - it will give you access to use sudo, if you chose to use sudo to launch su, thats your call [09:53] Natalie: it sounds like there's no setup required. just port forwarding on the router and installation of clients on the windows machine [09:53] i installed the ubuntu 8.10 server edition but after installation i automatically loged in text mode can some one tell me how to get into gdm?? [09:53] Joker_-_: sorry thought you were asking a question. [09:54] marck: use the desktop version [09:54] ikonia: sudo su then change password, su is active, thanks good bye ;) [09:54] Natalie: its better to use sftp especially since you plan on using ssh anyways, FTP is insecure not encrypted [09:54] marck: the server version does not come with X11 installed and is tuned for enterprise hardware which I guess your not using, so use the desktop install [09:54] raylu: can we speak in private ? [09:54] Joker_-_: or just use sudo passwd [09:54] sudo == crap, imnsho [09:54] Natalie: try ikonia; i'm about to leave [09:54] Joker_-_: then don't go on about it [09:54] many thx [09:54] * Joker_-_ shuts up [09:54] ikonia but i want to setup the server [09:55] marck: you can setup a server using the desktop cd [09:55] marck: what are you trying to do, roughly? [09:55] marck: and that way it will come a.) targeted at your home user kit b.) with X11 and all the stuff setup for you [09:55] Anyone have any experience with UPnP streaming to PS3? [09:55] marck: the desktop CD makes a fine server [09:55] Natalie: you need to port-forward ports 21 and 22 to the approprate box [09:55] Fife3951: done it using myth [09:55] to have my oun server with mail server and appache [09:56] marck: you can do that with ubuntu-desktop just fine :) [09:56] LAMP you can call it [09:56] marck: 1.) home mail servers on a home internet connection are a bad idea - most mail servers will reject mail from you 2.) the desktop CD can do that for you [09:56] ikonia: that work pretty well? I've been thinking about trying Media Tomb or Fuppes, which are the only one's I've found so far. [09:56] LtL: can we speak in private? [09:56] LtL: Sorry, I crashed Ubuntu again. [09:56] Fife3951: worked very well, however myth just for a pnp service is probably overkill [09:57] marck: desktop version can do LAMP stack work [09:57] Natalie: if you access via lan, port forwarding isnt needed [09:57] thx you all let me try [09:57] ikonia: how so? I don't know much.. this is day three for me on my conversion from windows to linux. [09:58] marck: really it just provides a graphical desktop for you to work in. server will be a tad faster but it should be neglible on most modern hardware, unless you're taxing the hell out of it [09:58] i have to go, sorry its 4am here [09:58] Fife3951: mythtv is a full multimedia/tv recoder/server setup, just for upnp - that may be overkill [09:58] !yay | Fife3951 WOOT another convert! :) [09:58] fail [09:58] Fife3951 WOOT another convert! :): Glad you made it! :-) [09:58] I wish to give acces also from outside [09:58] ah ubottu lagging [09:58] marck: and once everything is setup you can always get it to run in terminal mode and the gui is available if you ever need it [09:59] ikonia: gotcha, thanks. Does it do conversions as well? [09:59] Fife3951: yes [09:59] hey, guys~ I use Xchat now~ [09:59] what is the /etc/.fstab.swo (data) /etc/.fstab.swn (data) /etc/.fstab.swl (data) /etc/.fstab.swm (data) /dev/.static (directory) /dev/.udev (directory) /dev/.initramfs (directory) [10:00] eseven73 and ubottu: thanks!!! I'm very happy I made the switch... and it's about time. I bang my head on the table with how many years I wasted on windows. [10:00] What I don't understand is, if Ubuntu can play that drumming thing when I go to log in, how come it can't play anything else? [10:00] why is a java JAR executable (double-click on Desktop) even when chmod 640? [10:01] ikonia: thanks again... much appreciated [10:01] Fife3951: ubottu is a bot :) [10:01] HAHA [10:01] but you're welcome [10:01] inet: where rdancer not executable, associated with something that can open it on double click [10:01] eseven73: well, I said I was new :) [10:02] happens all the time :) [10:02] Calaaros: try this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=973637 [10:02] hello, does anyone know howto setup the CNU-680 usb wireless broadband modem in ubuntu? [10:03] hey, is there programmer here? [10:03] eseven73: of course you'd think that some one who made the switch should be smart enough to realize that u-BOT-tu us a bot... sigh. [10:03] albert748: I program [10:03] haha Fife3951 [10:03] ikonia: shouldn't that be a bug? a shell script will open in an editor when not executable [10:03] miranda_psi: which language? [10:04] rdancer: no, as your not executing it [10:04] rdancer: your reading it, and it does have read permission [10:04] ikonia: java(1) executes it [10:04] rdancer: no it doesn't [10:04] rdancer: it reads it [10:04] albert748: php, ruby, perl, haskell, java, c#, c, c++, ... === zero__ is now known as somethingclever [10:04] ikonia: could you explain that? [10:05] albert748: just tell me the language you need help with and ill see what i can do... [10:05] miranda_psi: .....lol, that's crazy~ [10:05] rdancer: java does not "execute" a jar file, it "reads" the contents of it [10:05] hey im trying to upgrade to Jaunty alpha 2 but i keep getting an error while upgrading [10:05] rdancer: java is executed, not the jar file, [10:05] albert748: obviously some are good and others are just basic... [10:05] miranda_psi: how can you learn all these language? [10:05] rdancer: java is an interpreter, it is called in such a way as to execute the jar [10:05] rdancer: thats a figure of speach [10:05] rdancer: there are more ways to interpret the jar, such as examine the contents [10:06] albert748: most languages are basically the same - once you learn the syntax all you need is an api and your set [10:06] re just basic...: do you use python? [10:06] rdancer: the shell script example is an easer example [10:06] miranda_psi: do you use python? [10:06] somethingclever: for Jaunty support, head over to #ubuntu+1. This channel is limited to support of Intrepid and earlier versions. [10:06] rdancer: that would be reading it. same way, when a shell/perl script is executed by a shell/perl [10:06] ikonia: ^^ [10:07] albert748: my python is really basic, since ive never done much with it but I'm happy to give it a go... [10:07] rdancer: who is telling you this - it's nonsense [10:07] rww, thanks [10:07] Anyone know how to be able to play streaming video from NBC.com? I.E. stream their TV shows? It doesn't seem to work for me. [10:07] ikonia: i am telling you that [10:07] ikonia: why would it be nonsense? [10:07] rdancer: does tar execute a tar file when it opens it [10:07] miranda_psi: lol, that's truth, you must be a good programmer [10:08] hi [10:08] what's a good distro for a pc with 850 mhz cpu and 256 mb of ram ?? im not an expert [10:08] ikonia: better example is a self-extracting zip file [10:08] rdancer: a jar file is not a self extracting zip fie [10:08] ikonia: when non-executable, it would be interpreted as a zip file [10:08] Old_machine: maybe Xubuntu [10:08] rdancer: does tar exeute a tar file when it un-tar's a tar file [10:08] rdancer: thats very wrong [10:08] Old_machine: 'sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop' [10:08] can ubuntu run fine ? [10:09] Old_machine: i wouldnt go with Xubuntu [10:09] Old_machine: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements has Ubuntu's system requirements on it [10:09] why [10:09] ikonia: when executable, the "self-extracting" stub (which is really arbitrary program) is executed [10:09] oh i thought you had ubuntu already [10:09] albert748: that could be why i'm going into a career as a programmer :D [10:09] Xubuntu rocks [10:09] Old_machine: oh! and Xubuntu's, also :) [10:09] rdancer: it's not self extracting, a jar file is not a self extracting zip file, it is a java archive [10:09] Old_machine: set it up on mums computer with almost same specs, its not a gun [10:09] ikonia: i would expect the jar to be opened in an archive viewer [10:09] albert748: so whats you python problem? [10:09] miranda_psi: so, can I ask you when I meet problem [10:09] rdancer: java IS the archive viewer [10:10] miranda_psi: Still no sound, even after removing all that Pulse Audio stuff. [10:10] hi there! does totem run .mp4 media file? [10:10] ikonia: it's an archive, which happens to be executable. the self-extracting zip-file is quite correct parallel [10:10] rdancer: look - it's not a bug, your wrong, so if you want to log a bug, log it, it will get closd, [10:10] rdancer: no, ikonia, you're wrong [10:10] miranda_psi: lol, not now~I will ask you later [10:10] rdancer: this is pointless discussing it, because you are wrong, so log a bug if it makes you feel better watch it get closed [10:10] b1n42y: just because Xubuntu didnt work out for you does not mean its not a good OS! [10:10] b1n42y: why wouldnt you go with xubuntu ? [10:10] albert748: sure, but unless its ubuntu related you should do it in a pm [10:10] miranda_psi: can I have you E-mail? [10:10] Old_machine: theres nothing wrong with Xubuntu [10:10] ikonia: also, you're being rude, which is making me quite angry [10:11] !mp4 [10:11] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [10:11] rdancer: I'm not being rude [10:11] !xubuntu [10:11] Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels [10:11] rdancer: I'm telling you, you are mistaken [10:11] Calaaros: try running alsamixer -c 0 and making sure everything is on [10:11] ikonia: i'll file a bug [10:11] please do [10:11] ikonia: thx for discussing it [10:11] Old_machine: i never said it didnt work... im just saying theres probably better suited distros [10:11] how so b1n42y ? [10:11] wow, even if a user isnt in "admin" group, he can use "su" ? [10:12] miranda_psi:can I have your E-mail? [10:12] Old_machine: your only problem you MIGHT run into with standard Ubuntu is the amount of RAM that you have. Xubuntu should run fine. === tyfoo2 is now known as tyfoo [10:12] Joker_-_: no he can't [10:12] Joker_-_: unless he knows the password of the user [10:12] Old_machine: or try running something other than XFCE [10:12] hey [10:12] you're spewing ignorance and biased remarks just because you didnt like it bingungaja [10:12] i have a quick question [10:12] Old_machine: like flubox or something [10:12] oops b1n42y * [10:12] ikonia: so he "CAN" [10:12] do you guys suggest me to install first ubuntu and then migrate to xubuntu or should i directly get Xubuntu ?? [10:12] sorry bingungaja that was meant for b1n42y [10:13] miranda_psi: Everything is up. Still no sound. :P [10:13] ikonia: "he can't" would mean he just can't use the command "su". but he can. [10:13] Joker_-_: anyone can "launch" su, only people with the password can actually use it to complete, which has nothing to do with the admin group [10:13] miranda_psi: I use ubuntu only a few month , so always meet problem [10:13] ikonia: not in other distros... people not in "wheel" group can't run SU [10:13] hey gues need some help [10:13] Joker_-_: anyone can launch the command (check the permissions) - that has nothing to do with the admin group [10:13] Old_machine: try Ubuntu first, then Xubuntu if it doesnt work out [10:13] Old_machine: if you installed ubuntu 1st then youd be stuck with its libraries or want to remove them,,, [10:13] ikonia: thats a major security issue. [10:13] abhiroop: go ahead and ask your question; you don't need to get permission first :) [10:13] thanks :) [10:13] Joker_-_: we established earlier ubuntu doesn't use the wheel group - remember, so why is that a surprise [10:13] so basically I had a 1TB NTFS formatted drive [10:13] ... [10:13] ikonia: dunno, tought linux was linux. [10:13] Old_machine: you could try standard Ubuntu and then install the xubuntu desktop on to it by typing "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop" into a terminal window of the installed Ubuntu distro [10:14] i copied all the data of it, and reformatted it to ext3 (using gparted) [10:14] Joker_-_: linux is a kernel, how a distro packages and implments features differ [10:14] Old_machine: why bother.... [10:14] <[e]Lement> Old_machine, I find installing Xubuntu clean is easier [10:14] Hi! [10:14] ikonia: guess you like to be right. [10:14] I've a little problem with HAL [10:14] hooray for logic [10:14] Joker_-_: not at all, just trying to be clear, as if I'm not clear you pick me up on it [10:14] after formatting i plugged it back in and whenever I try and copy something to it it gives me a permission error [10:14] When i insert a USB Key in my XFCE [10:14] it mounts fine though [10:14] Its mounter without rights of my user [10:14] logic heh more like stupidity and ignorance [10:14] ikonia: do you understand my point or not? [10:15] right 000 [10:15] Joker_-_: I do, but I don't find it valid [10:15] how to have 700 in rights of mounted disks ? [10:15] Please help me. [10:15] !permissions [10:15] An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions [10:15] old_machine: it's kinda personal preference. I'm pretty sure Xubuntu will work fine on the system you described. Standard Ubuntu might be pushing it. So if you want to play it safe and just do one install, do Xubuntu. [10:15] abhiroop: Yup. ext3 partitions, by default, have their base directory owned by root and not writable by normal users. How do you want it to be set up? Do you want anyone to be able to read and write to it, or just your user? [10:15] Calaaros: so it works when you log in, but stops after that? [10:15] Please .how inspect for rootkit: /etc/.fstab.swo (data) /etc/.fstab.swn (data) /etc/.fstab.swl (data) /etc/.fstab.swm (data) /dev/.static (directory) /dev/.udev (directory) /dev/.initramfs (directory) [10:15] i just want to be able to use it [10:15] help.. I just reinstalled 8.04 LTS SERVER on a box I want to put to use... I carefully set up my user name and pwd.. and now that it has rebooted, it's not accepting the pwd I assigned..... [10:16] Asher256: read the link [10:16] okok [10:16] inet: there is a binary called "chkrootkit" but to be honest, if you suspect you have been rooted, you should re-install [10:16] i mean basically when it was formatted in ntfs and I plugged in the drive I could copy files/folders without a problem [10:16] do I have to reinstall, or how can I get this reset? [10:16] miranda_psi: I just meant, that log-on noise comes through my headphones fine, but once I'm in Ubuntu itself, I can't get sound from anywhere. [10:16] now i am getting the following error: The folder ".gnome2_private" cannot be copied because you do not have permissions to create it in the destination. [10:16] b1n42y, this link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions ? [10:16] like you said changing permissions would probably work [10:17] Asher256: yep [10:17] but I also need it to work with windows, for which I use Ext2IFS, but will changing permissions affect it in windows? [10:17] rww? [10:17] abhiroop: Right, because NTFS doesn't have permissions set up. If you don't care that any users of the computer will be able to write to the drive, you can just do "sudo chmod -R 777 /path/to/mountpoint" [10:17] b1n42y, oky, i'm going to read the link. Thanks. I'll see if its the solution. [10:17] abhiroop: by the way, Ext2IFS requires that you use a certain inode size, and Ubuntu uses a different inode size by default. I'd look into that first. [10:17] rww: don't foget ntfs is mounted with "fuse" [10:18] hi [10:18] rww: thanks [10:18] that worked [10:18] anyone? know how I can get past this password issue? [10:18] callaros: do you have mplayer installed? [10:18] no one in ubunutu +1 can help me [10:18] b1n42y, it's not the solution. Because i'm searching a solution for automount (thunar + volman) [10:18] b1n42y, any idea ? [10:18] hey, so Network Manager has a static IP bug right? any ideas on getting around it? I heard gnome-network-admin thrown around to solve it but I'm not 100% [10:18] ikonia: He reformatted the ntfs partition as ext3. I was explaining why he could write to the ntfs partition, but not the ext3 one. I'm not too clear on FUSE, though, so if it made my answer incorrect, I'd be happy to hear specifics :) [10:18] bonez45: you locked out of system ? [10:18] b1n42y, when i insert a disk, the permission are bad. It's 000 and i want 700. [10:18] Tony22:Use wicd [10:18] ikonia: does any user depends of sudo command in Ubuntu? (I'd like to create wheel group and make it owner of su / sudo in order to make ubuntu work just like every other distro I'm used to) [10:18] huy [10:18] rww: no no, I miss that [10:19] rww: "missed" that part [10:19] miranda_psi: mplayer no, but I installed VLC. [10:19] Hi, can anyone help. I dual boot ubuntu and windows and have removed windows xp from my computer alltogether. Its a laptop and have found that what I thought was a recovery disk is in fact just a disk that reboots using software already on the laptop/ which i have removed. I still have the windows sticker and disk, can I just use a friends window CD reinstall and then just go rom there with my CD i have and then I will be back to normal and can du [10:19] b1n42y: well, so it appears.. I know I could reload the cdrom and reinstall it, but wonder if there's a faster way [10:19] Asher256: sounds like you need to mess with a config file [10:19] Joker_-_: the user that you first created to admin the box depends on sudo [10:19] b1n42y, possible... [10:19] somethingclever: okay. Put the error that you're getting into http://paste.ubuntu.com/ and put the link to it in here, please. [10:19] b1n42y: ideas? [10:19] b1n42y, but i dont know where to search :( [10:19] ikonia: besides it, no script or whatever "NEEDS" sudo? [10:19] abhiroop: Okay. Make sure you check on that inode thing, if you haven't already. Caused me a lot of headaches >.> [10:20] Anybody here testing ubuntu 9.04? [10:20] bonez45: google resetting password using grub menu [10:20] Asher256: that's really weird. how are you confirming the permissions? [10:20] inode thing? [10:20] whats that? [10:20] Joker_-_: well. thinks like update manager, synaptic etc etc are launched from the menu with sudo, you could make the "admin" group act as a wheel group, that could be easier and more straight forward [10:20] Calaaros: can you install mplayer? might be able to get some information from it [10:20] Joker_-_: just make admin the owner of su , then it's the same setup as a whell [10:20] wheel [10:20] shankhs: thanks, looking into it [10:20] Alright. Maybe someone can help. I have a Logitech Quickcam Pro and everything major solution has been tried... and failed. I fire up Cheese the light on my cam comes on, shows no picture, then the program crashes. Halp? [10:21] Asher256: tried google automount configuration file [10:21] ikonia: aight, will do. [10:21] ikonia: thanks for your support [10:21] Joker_-_: just seems a more direct approach, [10:21] Joker_-_: no problem [10:21] I'm trying to get wireless working.. if I set the key with iwconfig, how can I tell if I got the key correct or not? [10:21] rww: what do you mean by inode? [10:21] abhiroop: ah. I mentioned it, but it probably got lost in the channel noise. EXT2IFS only supports ext partitions with an inode size of less than or equal to 128 bytes. Ubuntu, if I remember correctly, uses larger inode sizes by default, so ext2/3 drives made in Ubuntu won't work with EXT2IFS without some workaround... I'll go find it for you. [10:21] Asher256: you will need to find the right file to edit and set permissions inside for the mount [10:21] Sorethumb: cheese is hit and miss with that cam...it works only part of the time with mine...acts flaky [10:22] I can set the essid and key etc for ath0, but dhclient doesnt get an ip. Does this mean that dhcp isnt working, or that the key is wrong or what? [10:22] b1n42y, oki (but it's not only mount, it's also HAL Deamon i think) [10:22] ah ok thats interesting! [10:22] there doesnt seem to be any feedback? [10:22] hmmmm [10:22] PokerFacePenguin: I also tried camorama and got the same results. [10:22] so is it "bad" to have an inode size of 128 bytes? [10:22] johnflux, does iwconfig show associated? [10:22] rww: you can create the /home partition manually and install with that. /home doesn't need to be formatted [10:22] Joker_-_: make sure you keep setuid on su though - that is important [10:23] Sorethumb: camoramo uses v4l version one...yours uses v4l2 with uvc module loaded [10:23] abhiroop: Are you using Ubuntu Hardy or Ubuntu Intrepid? [10:23] How to re-register my nick here?I forgot the password [10:23] shankhs: ask in #freenode [10:23] PokerFacePunguin: Ahhhhhhh, understood! Okay, what is another program I can use to test this out? [10:23] rww: thanks for the help. I restarted my XP and now I can access my HD without any trouble! [10:23] intrepid... [10:23] Asher256: have you tried inserting when you are root [10:23] joeb3 one sec [10:23] b1n42y, yes, it works [10:24] Sorethumb: try xawtv to test it out...i got it working in cinelerra tonite [10:24] I am installing Ubuntu on a machine with an existing Windows installation. I instructed the graphical installer to resize some partitions. Will the Windows installation be destroyed by the installer? [10:24] abhiroop: huh. So everything is working fine on both Windows XP and Ubuntu? [10:24] b1n42y, the problem is with my normal user [10:24] miranda_psi: Is mplayer the same as Totem Movie Player? [10:24] Calaaros:NO [10:24] Calaaros: no [10:24] pozic: no. that's what resize means [10:24] Asher256: well than its automount permissions... but im no guru [10:24] Calaaros:NO [10:24] :P Can't find mplayer then, lol. [10:24] How to re-register my nick here?I forgot the password [10:24] yes it seems to be! [10:24] pokerfacepengin: Is that in apt? And also could the multiple "solutions" conflict with each other? [10:24] Calaaros: no - the totem player uses gstreamer by default and there is also a xine version as well [10:24] shankhs: ask in #freenode, not here. We can't help you with that. [10:24] Oh wait, I see it now. [10:25] Calaaros:do sudo apt-get install mplayer [10:25] raylu: well, the final instructions seemed to suggest otherwise. I just moved the slider bar. [10:25] miranda_psi: Okay, so what did you want me to do in mplayer? [10:25] Calaaros: its available in the repository - just go into the synaptic package manager and search for mplayer [10:25] pozic: hm? what did the final instructions say? [10:25] I already installed it, I meant I couldn't find it in the menu. [10:25] raylu: It's probably all OK, I just wanted to make sure. [10:25] abhiroop: heh, ignore all my inode discussion, then. I guess that bug got fixed and it didn't get mentioned on EXT2IFS's homepage... [10:25] But it's okay, I found it eventually. [10:25] Sorethumb: yes it is in apt...also try vlc, but you have to configure the gui with video capture device first (/dev/video0) [10:25] rww: by the way I am not too familiar with ext2ifs. I have a lot of data (about 500gb) on another drive that I want to copy over to my newly formatted Ext3 drive. [10:25] b1n42y, thanks, i'll continue my searching ^^ [10:25] Calaaros: alt + f2 and typ name [10:25] Calaaros:Its in sound&vdeo [10:25] PokerFacePenguin: I'll fire up VLC real quick [10:25] Calaaros: thats fine - its a commandline movie player, though you can get guis for it [10:26] Asher256: good luck [10:26] Asher256: that's really weird. how are you confirming the permissions? [10:26] how do I execute a .sh file? [10:26] Yes, I found it eventually, thanks b1n42y and shankhs. :P [10:26] Sorethumb: a tip...to get it working in cinelerra use 640x480 resolution if you are trying 30fps [10:26] joeb3 it doesnt say associated anywhere [10:26] rww:I don't want to use my Ubuntu, as its a laptop and I may need to move around. So, I am using my XP. Is it slower/unsafe/generally messy to do it over XP? That is to say is it worse? [10:26] Calaaros: try: mplayer -ao alsa:device=hw=0 somemediafile [10:26] raylu: partitions 5 and 6 will be formatted and the disk table will be changed. [10:26] rodolfo:change the prmissions and just write your sh file name in terminal with ./ [10:26] Hi -- Is there a pastebinit package for image hosting? [10:26] raylu, confirming permission ? I'm doing nothing. It's the automount of Thunar / Volman (it uses HAL, i readed that in the Wiki) [10:27] miranda_psi: smiling at the cli wont help [10:27] raylu: probably the lower partitions are the Windows partitions. [10:27] PokerFacePenguin: I'm trying it in VLC and will notify you of the results [10:27] pozic: those are most likely your / and swap partitions [10:27] How to re-register my nick here?I forgot the password [10:27] Please help [10:27] Asher256: as in, how do you know the permissions are 000? [10:27] abhiroop: To be honest, I'm not sure. I had problems with that inode stuff and ended up file transferring from an Ubuntu live CD, so I can't be much help with the Windows side of things :( [10:27] b1n42y, Calaaros: that smiley is a ':' followed by a 'd' [10:27] shankhs: freenode and /help [10:27] trf [10:27] raylu, ls -l /media/ [10:27] shankhs: #chanserv [10:27] miranda_psi: ;p [10:27] pokerfacepenguin: Works! Thanks a lot! [10:27] (if you didnt figure that out... [10:27] raylu: ok, thanks. Until now the installation has been smooth. [10:28] rww: hmmm ok fair enough...I'll do it over XP then. What about the journaling issue in Ext2ifs? Basically that Ext2IFS does not support journalling and so will this cause any problems? [10:28] Sorethumb: no problem [10:28] ask default permissions /etc/.pwd.lock /etc/.fstab.swo /etc/.fstab.swn /etc/.fstab.swl /etc/.fstab.swm / dev/.static/dev/.udev /dev/.initramfs /dev/.initramfs-tools [10:28] can any one get me the link to download the ubuntu ultimate edition [10:28] shankhs: once I double clicked a .sh file, Ubuntu used to ask me if I want to execute the file or just view it...now it doesn't do that anymore. I tried browsing the file through the terminal as SUDO and the terminal tells me 'permission denied' [10:28] Pokerfacepenguin: Does this mean it will work with things such as skype, stickam, etc? [10:28] marck: are you serious? [10:28] cavalleri [10:28] marck: Go back under your bridge. [10:29] abhiroop: That's addressed in the Ext2 IFS FAQ: http://www.fs-driver.org/faq.html#acc_ext3 [10:29] marck: www.google.com [10:29] #cavalleri [10:29] what do that ment for > [10:29] I wonder how many people are paid by Microsoft to troll in this channel and misinform :) [10:29] join #cavalleri [10:29] miranda_psi: I can play music through mplayer. :D [10:29] pozic: How much are they paying? :D [10:29] Sorethumb: skype will work with vid...havent got audio to work with it yet...if you run xawtv and close it, a xawtv.bin process might lock it up for other programs...kill it and it will work again [10:30] pozic: I'm not one of them - i swear :P [10:30] inet: I don't really understand your question. Are you asking for the default permissions of those files? [10:30] yes [10:30] Sorethumb: I don't know, but it would be nice to be the HRM person interviewing the trolls :) [10:30] _join: #cavalleri [10:30] Calaaros: thats great to hear - go to system, preferences, sound and set everything to alsa and see if that works for you [10:30] marck: Ubuntu Ultimate Edition is not endorsed by Ubuntu or Canonical, and we can't provide support for it. That said, the download site appears to be http://downloadubuntusoftware.info/ [10:30] pokerfacepenguin: Thanks again man [10:30] inet: okay. Give me a sec and I'll grab them for you [10:30] pozic: I have quite the resume. :P [10:31] is it possible to reinstall ubuntu to switch from 64bit to 32bit, without it deleting all my files in /home etc? [10:31] Sorethumb: glad to help [10:31] Sorethumb: "Most people wanted to become a fireman, but I knew I wanted to become a troll when I was born". ;) [10:31] pozic: Damn straight, I'm one of those people that just can't shake the temptation of mischeif. [10:31] Is there a way to install all the packages from the Ubuntu DVD btw? [10:32] How to switch on sound via HDMI output in laptop? I see only picture and sound coming from laptop not from TV speakers [10:32] Or just as many as possible, since different packages sometimes supply the same service? [10:32] boby [10:33] umm, so network manager won't keep static IPs. someone said Wicd is a good alternative. I added them as a source repository for intrepid, and nothing... [10:33] Does Ubuntu use the package names as used in Debian? [10:33] rww: i think ultimate edition redefines unprofessional [10:33] This isn't a support question, but, would it be POSSIBLE to write a linux worm? Or is it a low market-share? [10:33] pozic: not strictly, but usually yes [10:33] pozic: usually they try to [10:33] Tony22: personally i prefer network manager to wicd [10:33] I.e., can I use dpkg --get-selections? [10:33] shankhs: I got it solved. Just right-clicked the .sh file -> properties -> permissions tab and checked 'allow execution of the file as a program' gives me the 'what do you want to do with this file?' pop-up back. thx [10:33] Sorethumb: don't ask if it's not support [10:33] johnflux: yes, you can reinstall without wiping all your files in /home.. I'd recommend a backup first though [10:33] Sorethumb: you asked a question starting with "would it be possible," to which the answer is always yes [10:34] ikonia: Sorry, just morbid curiousity. [10:34] miranda, network manager has a bug where it won't keep static IP information after reboot [10:34] Sorethumb: no problem [10:34] otherwise I wouldn't bother [10:34] raylu: Semantics :P [10:34] miranda_psi: Thanks for your help. :) Appears that the audio channel was "Analogue Front"... but I still can't seem to play anything in VLC. [10:34] raylu: would it be possible to solve the Halting problem on a Turing machine? [10:34] at least I've been told it has a bug... I have a bug. I know that much. [10:34] raylu: ^^ [10:34] i just know that "cfs" won't work in 64bit, anyone know any program similar to "cfs" that will work in ubuntu 64bits please please please [10:35] bingungaja: tell us what cfs does? [10:35] Alright, time for bed, thanks for the help. [10:35] inet: http://paste.ubuntu.com/98908/ is what I have on my (newly installed) Intrepid system [10:35] ok thanks [10:36] Tony22: if you have wicd installed you should probably uninstall network manager s they dont conflict, and you can launch wicd from the commandline by: wicd (from memory) [10:36] i can't get it to install. that's the problem. someone also suggested gnome-network-admin [10:36] inet: let me know if you need any more help; good luck :) [10:36] how do i check devices on usb? [10:36] Slart: a simple program for creating a folder passwords [10:36] rascal999: lsusb [10:36] rascal999: lsusb [10:37] thanks [10:37] qiut [10:37] bingungaja: cryptographic filesystem? [10:37] quit [10:37] Hi -- Is there a pastebinit package for image? Something that I can upload to a server? Eg... image2web ~/Photos/Example.png ? [10:38] miranda_psi: if you have any alternatives to fixing the problem I'd be more than happy to listen. basically network manager won't keep manual IP settings after a reboot. [10:38] how do i check if a usb device was successfully installed? [10:38] Slart: i guess so, using with command "cattach, cdettach, etc" [10:38] pozic: no, but rather it is not a problem P [10:38] pozic: *:P [10:39] jinji-sheep: not that I'm aware of, no. There are a tonne of free image hosting services out there you could use, though... no command line stuff (that I know of), though. [10:39] Hello. I'm trying to install dvd95 (someone adviced it for dvd ripping as best software), but it is french, is it possible to find english version? [10:39] you have to learn french [10:39] habit: no, but there's mencoder [10:39] rww: Hey. I'm googling right now. I might have more luck with forums since I'm sure that the question have been asked (I hope). ;o [10:40] I'm having trouble finding a thread on the forums for this, but I thought this was common. The issue is that my external USB disk will unmount and remount if it goes idle for too long. Any chance anyone here is familiar with this? [10:40] Advice me please other simple software for dvd ripping. [10:40] elninja_: I have a simialr issue with a cdrom drive on spin down [10:40] habit: have you seen https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/RippingDVDs yet? [10:40] habit: dvd::rip, acidrip [10:40] Meh, audio won't play in anything except the mplayer command line. [10:40] ikonia, is it an external USB drive? [10:41] elninja_: no, but the principal is the same [10:41] Thanks folks! [10:41] Any chance you have any links on hand for some good reading material? heh [10:41] elninja_: I'm looking into it as a possible hal problem [10:43] I need some suggestions. I'm running a LAMP installation on hardy, and I need a program to update with afraid.org. What client should I use that's easy to configure? [10:43] Slart: any luck ? [10:43] Tony22: do you set the static ip as root or super user? [10:43] J-_: what ? [10:44] ikonia: I have a dynamic IP. I need a program that will update it. [10:44] bingungaja: well.. cfs seems to work just fine on my 64 bit install [10:44] mrak: root is a super user [10:44] J-_: what do you mean update it [10:44] bingungaja: according to the brief testing 've done so far [10:44] something like ddclient [10:44] J-_: There's a list of them about halfway down http://freedns.afraid.org/scripts/freedns.clients.php . Looks like most of them are just scripts, so just download them and poke around until you find one you like. [10:45] kkkkĆlij [10:45] how to switch on hdmi sound output? [10:45] Slart: when I try attach the folder ,, some error occured,,,, RPC: Can't encode argumentshendri@hendri-laptop:~$ [10:45] Slart: and then I try to google and some said it won't work on 64 bit [10:46] ikonia, have you found a bug report on bugs.launchpad.net for it? [10:46] elninja_: no === lipsin_ is now known as lipsin [10:46] miranda_psi: i've been doing it from the network manager gui, so super user [10:47] uh, how do I keep xchat from always connecting to this channel by default? [10:47] davidma: but why would you ever want to leave us? :D [10:47] Is ufw available in Hardy, or just in Intrepid? [10:47] Tony22: have you been asked for a password? [10:48] rww: Can you check something out for me? I found the said package (photo-uploader). However, there are no manual + --help. I think it's not working. How would I know? http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/graphics/photo-uploader [10:48] bingungaja: hmm.. I seem to have some problems creating files in my encrypted folders.. well well [10:48] rww: it's in hardy too [10:48] bingungaja: I don't know of anything as simple as this.. there's always truecrypt and friends.. [10:49] jinji-sheep: Did you look on the homepage, http://cihar.com/software/photo-uploader/ ? Does that help? [10:49] hey, Chan vote: Who thinks i should ditch SuSE and come back to Ubuntu [10:49] rww: Will take a peek. [10:49] Slart: too bad, it seems this software is very good and simple, i tried truecrypt, but will it take a long time to encrypt a 2gb folder using truecrypt ? [10:49] found it: 'automatically join channel' setting. now i'm not sure how it picks which server to connect to [10:50] okay I got it - sorry for pestering. [10:50] Tony22: try running: sudo nm-connection-editor and setting it up like that and see if that helps... [10:50] miranda_psi: when doing other things in the desktop, yes. but I don't click remember for this session (unless I did by mistake. I don't remember doing it.) if you'd like I can do things via command line with a little instruction. [10:51] bingungaja: I don't think you'll starve to death before it's finished.. but I don't really know [10:51] Tony22: just launch the editor from the command line using sudo as i described above [10:51] Slart: thx :P [10:52] Tony22: (again) try running: sudo nm-connection-editor and setting it up like that and see if that helps... [10:52] miranda_psi: in addition to getting the network configuration window to open, i also got an error in the terminal: http://paste.ubuntu.com/98917 [10:53] how can i monitor the temperature of my cpu and graphics card in ubuntu? [10:53] hello [10:53] wooh [10:53] miranda_psi: (thanks for your help btw) [10:54] ikonia: thanks [10:54] !info encfs | bingungaja [10:54] encfs (source: encfs): encrypted virtual filesystem. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.2-2 (intrepid), package size 337 kB, installed size 1616 kB [10:54] Tony22: that doesn't look bad - it just looks like you haven't install the vpn modules and its trying to load them and failing, but that shouldn't be a problem [10:54] !info loop-aes-utils | bingungaja [10:54] loop-aes-utils (source: loop-aes-utils): Tools for mounting and manipulating filesystems. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.13.1-4 (intrepid), package size 147 kB, installed size 408 kB [10:54] !lm-sensors | ac3_0f_spad3s [10:54] ac3_0f_spad3s: You might find something useful at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto [10:56] miranda_psi: okay. when I go into network connection editor, then select auto eth0, and then go to IPv4 Settings, it shows all the stuff I manually entered. but I'm pretty sure that when I reboot, it'll be gone (it's done it 3 or 4 times before, and it's never kept those settings after a reboot.) [10:56] guys can i burn 2 distros on a single dvd and then choose what to install ? === guillaume is now known as toddoon [10:57] dsadasda [10:57] hi, what is the command to mount an image iso already? [10:57] old_machine: theoretically yes. practically, it'll be easier to use two CDs. as far as I know that is... [10:57] What's the oldest supported Ubuntu release? Gutsy? [10:57] !iso | toddoon [10:57] toddoon: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. [10:57] Tony22: let me see if i can find the configurations files and then we can see if the info has been put in there... [10:57] toddoon: mount -t loop image /where/to/mount if a cd, and module loop must be loaded [10:57] rww: ichbinesderelch thx [10:58] !dapper [10:58] Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) was the fourth release of Ubuntu. See !lts for more details. [10:58] !lts [10:58] LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. [10:59] Slart: ah. So Dapper is supported, Feisty is EOL, Gutsy is supported? [10:59] rww: so.. 3 years of support for something that came out would mean it's supported until 2009-06.. I'm guessing Dapper Drake is it [10:59] rww: why not try writing !gutsy see what it says [11:00] Slart: wait, nvm, I found https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases which is much clearer :) [11:01] rww =) [11:01] What is the filename of the sourcecode of the bash that defines the bash history? [11:01] miranda_psi: thanks, would it be /etc/network/interfaces by any chance? [11:01] HI, how to develop C++ with netbeans? I can't find new C++ project [11:01] bullgard4: come on ! [11:02] hello! Can you please tell me how to apply my .emerald themes (that I downloaded recently) ?? [11:02] bullgard4: how many times do we go over this [11:02] I have emerald installed [11:03] hello everyone [11:03] bullgard4: you KNOW this channel is gor ubuntu support only, not general linux support or software source development [11:03] bullgard4: please consider this a final warning [11:03] hi everyone, I use ubuntu hardy and I just noticed that when I go to "Applications | Add/Remove" I get only "There is no matching applications available" message. Any Ideas? [11:03] How to apply the theme to the ubuntu 8.04 ? [11:03] I got Compiz Fusion + Emerald [11:03] i am seeking for org.eclipse.swt.gtk_3.1.0.jar file, can some1 tell me whereI could get that file? [11:04] kihbord: try updating your package list.. also try selecting a new mirror in software sources [11:04] morning. I just started Firefox and it popped up without window borders (not in fullscreen mode, though), and every time I click some menu it flickers a little bit [11:04] Start: I've done both of them but still nothing [11:04] and it's always on top of all the other windows [11:05] does anyone have a clue why it suddenly stopped using window-borders? (compiz-fusion, emerald, gnome) It's the only application that behaves like this [11:06] /join ##linux [11:06] tillux: I think it _is_ fullscreen. Do you see the gnome panels when it's on top? [11:07] hello! Can you please tell me how to apply my .emerald themes (that I downloaded recently) ?? [11:07] crdlb: well it does fill the screen completely, but it isn't in fullscreen mode itself (cause I can hit f11 to set it to fullscreen). However, now, I can't see the gnome-panels, because I enabled autohide [11:07] kihbord: hmm.. then I'm out of ideas, sorry [11:07] -w [11:07] tillux: firefox is not in fullscreen mode, but the window itself has been made fullscreen by a buggy compiz feature [11:07] hi, guys. i've download some debs, then i reinstall system and want update debs, but via local dir, how can i do this? [11:08] tillux: press F11, then re-size the window [11:08] tillux: do you have ccsm? [11:08] Bas: dpkg -i $deb_file [11:08] start: Thanks. [11:08] use the compiz-switch [11:08] crdlb: yep... I just wondered why it suddenly changed, cause I didn't change anything [11:08] anyone else encountered the same problem? [11:08] tillux: in ccsm, go to the Workarounds plugin and disable Legacy fullscreen support [11:09] Tony22: yes /etc/network/interfaces is the main network configuration file. have a look at this and it should help you set it up to get your static ip address: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ubuntu-networking-configuration-using-command-line.html [11:09] ikonia, yeah, but this install all debs :( i want that apt-get and synaptic update from local dir [11:09] Bas: then you build a local repo [11:09] Bas: and it won't install all the debs only the ones YOU tell it to [11:09] Tony22: I'm off to get some sleep now, but if you have any more problems feel free to pm them to me and i'll look at them in the morning :) [11:09] crdlb: thanks, that fixed it :) [11:10] miranda_psi: looking [11:10] hhelpppp please [11:10] ikonia, i try create local repo, but i've error and pkgs managers download debs via internet :( [11:11] does ubuntu x64 support 8GB of ram? [11:11] hey boys and girls [11:11] * stmartin : hello! Can you please tell me how to apply my .emerald themes (that I downloaded recently) ?? [11:11] jin: yes [11:11] jin, sure it does [11:11] i have some questions about ubnutu opreating system [11:11] Hi. Cannot start mplayer, segfaulting immiediatly [11:12] is there any one ho can help me on that? [11:12] shmokh: Don't ask to ask, just ask ;-) [11:12] !netsplit [11:12] netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit [11:13] how do you redisplay installation options for something you have uninstalled in synaptic package manager? [11:13] what do you mean by "installation options"? [11:14] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto [11:14] whoops [11:14] how do you redisplay installation options for something you have uninstalled in synaptic package manager? [11:16] I get some errors when trying to do sudo apt-get upgrade [11:16] I get initramfs-tool errors [11:16] by installation options i mean what it allows you to setup when you first install it [11:17] Hallo. >mplayer < gibt IMMER ein segmentation fault. Jede Version, die von Medibuntu, 8.10 integriert, backports etc. [11:18] oops wrong language [11:18] hello [11:18] anyway, mplayer gives a segfault ALL THE TIME. Cannot start it, regardless of which version I am using (medibuntu, 8.10 default). === gaetan is now known as Guest22336 [11:18] miranda_psi: well, I edited the /etc/network/interfaces file. I'm rebooting now to see if it stuck [11:19] should i uninstall pidgin in synaptic if i'm going to install new version from source? [11:19] archman: yes [11:20] rww: will my account info remain? [11:20] archman: I advise you not to install it from source [11:20] Does anyone know why apt-get [11:20] archman: pidgin is linked into gnome-desktop [11:20] ; [11:20] can someone help me with my issue? [11:20] archman: yes. Also, I agree with ikonia. [11:20] archman: putting your own version in could cause real issues === chaky_ is now known as chaky [11:21] Where can I go to try and find drivers for a laptop screen? Using Xubuntu on a Dell Inspiron 600m... [11:21] unable to access dpkg status read only ? [11:21] ikonia: but where are the built versions? i dont see them on the page? i know, gutsy is not supported anymore.... [11:21] why is that? [11:21] for instance, im trying to install sensors-applet. when i first installed it, it gave me the option to start at startup. I've tried uninstalling it through synaptic, but the installation screen doesnt even come up anymore when i reinstall it. [11:22] archman thats why you don't see them, but gutsy is still supported I think for a little longer [11:22] miranda_psi: uh oh... now auto eth0 isn't showing up at all in network configuration [11:22] ikonia: ill try to find deb for gutsy, you know where to look? [11:22] ac3_0f_spad3s: Oh. I see what's going on. [11:23] * stmartin : hello! Can you please tell me how to apply my .emerald themes (that I downloaded recently) ?? [11:23] whats that [11:23] archman: gaim is used it gutsy is it not ? [11:23] I've also got this problem where when I'm booting from the harddrive, the screen goes completely blank before I enter the desktop environment, and I have to wait like a minute to a minute and a half, then type startx (Nothing shows up on screen, all black but still lit) and hit enter, then it shows me the screen to login.. Any fixes, or should I keep this as a security feature? [11:23] rww: whats that [11:23] ikonia: yes it is [11:23] archman: thats probably why pidgin is not packaged then [11:23] archman: as gaim is linked into the desktop [11:23] ac3_0f_spad3s: sensors-applet recommends hddtemp, which has an installation option asking whether you want to run it at startup (you should probably answer no to that, btw). [11:24] archman: I would advise you to bring your desktop up to a more current version if you want to use current software packages [11:24] ac3_0f_spad3s: if you still have hddtemp installed, sudo dpkg-reconfigure hddtemp should work. [11:24] why should i answer no to that? [11:25] rww: why should i answer no to that? [11:25] ikonia: i know, i was adviced a few times...but i'm a noob music producer and have a lot of software tuned up to work nice (also low-latency, which is much important to me)...so i still chill about getting an upgrade... [11:25] ac3_0f_spad3s: the installation options screen explains it. See http://paste.ubuntu.com/98936/ [11:26] ac3_0f_spad3s: basically, unless you know you need it started at startup, you probably don't. [11:26] archman: then you can't really expect to use current software packages [11:26] ikonia: i know... [11:26] * stmartin : hello! Can you please tell me how to apply my .emerald themes (that I downloaded recently) ?? [11:26] ikonia: and that's why i don't like that 6month release period.. [11:26] ;) [11:26] Hello. I got an issue with mplayer. Regardless of the version I use (Ibex, Medibuntu etc.) I got an segfault immediatly. [11:27] archman: I agree with you on that [11:27] stmartin: better to just ask, rather than us "/me" commands [11:27] ikonia: Can you please tell me how to apply my .emerald themes (that I downloaded recently) ?? [11:28] stmartin: if you use the emerald theme manager you can apply them [11:28] I have Emerald Manager+ Compiz fusion [11:28] miranda_psi: uh oh... now auto eth0 isn't showing up at all in network configuration (again) [11:28] I use it [11:28] Hi [11:28] but I can't see any apply button? [11:28] stmartin: have you setup ubuntu to use emerald as a theme manager or are you still using metacity ? [11:28] how to make Skype to start on system start-up? [11:28] I don't know what they are [11:28] how to check it? [11:28] stmartin: there shouldn't be an "apply" button [11:29] stmartin: if you don't know - you haven't done it yet [11:29] rww there was a slew of other settings besides hdd temperature [11:29] ikonia: any alternative to pidgin? [11:29] how to check if it is metacity or emerald? [11:29] archman: gaim - which you already have [11:29] kestutis, System->Preferences->Sessions [11:29] stmartin: your using metacity [11:29] !emerald [11:29] Sorry, I don't know anything about emerald [11:29] probably [11:29] i want to connect to a windows system through LAN...if i ping ubuntu ip from windows its receiving..but in ubuntu its not showin that windows machine..how to access ? [11:29] how to setup it for emerald> [11:30] stmartin: there is a page on https://help.ubuntu.com on how to set it up [11:30] ac3_0f_spad3s: That's the only one that's done during package installation. The rest are in sudo sensors-detect. [11:30] ikonia: thank you very much, I'll try and see [11:30] ganesh: do you have your Windows machine setup to bridge two network connections? [11:31] rww i would like the gnome panel display [11:33] E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied) [11:33] E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root? anu suggestion? [11:34] any clue? [11:34] ac3_0f_spad3s: then install sensors-applet, then right-click your panel, click Add to Panel..., then click "Hardware Sensors Monitor". This should all be in that wiki page I sent you? [11:34] hey all [11:34] vari_karin: What command are you trying to run? [11:34] any pcsx users? [11:34] vari_karin: exactly what command did you use [11:34] Tony22: dont know...i just connected that windows machine with other windows..its working..but that was directly connected using a LAN cable..now trying with ubuntu through LAN [11:34] rww. my apologies [11:35] apt-get install pidgin rww, ikonia [11:35] vari_karin: run it as root [11:35] how? [11:35] vari_karin: with "sudo apt-get install pidgin" [11:35] !sudo | vari_karin [11:35] vari_karin: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE) [11:36] ganesh: so the Ubuntu machine is connected directly to a hub, switch, or router? === marco18 is now known as mario [11:37] ikonia: still not working [11:37] stmartin: what have you done ? [11:38] I'm trying to use Audacity, but for some reason it won't play the audio file and gives me this error: "Error while opening sound device. Please check the output device settings and the project sample rate.", can anyone help me with that? [11:38] Please? [11:38] Tony22: i am not sure to what it is connected.....its a college lab where all computers are connected to internet...i want to transfer files between them.. [11:38] ikonia: I go System -->Admin -->Sessions added Emerald and command emerald --replace, then Alt+F2 I wrote emerald --replace, then go to the theme manger Import clicked on the theme, appeard on the window screen but it doesn't apply [11:39] stmartin: still doesn't sound like your using emerald [11:39] yes [11:39] :D [11:39] stmartin: if you have emerald in the sessions option it may do you better to restart to see if it takes hold [11:40] i have a problem with using vnc+gdm+xinetd/openbsd-inetd - the same config works on the debian like a charm [11:40] ganesh: oh, okay. i thought you were asking something else. I would suggest giving this a read: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba [11:40] Does ndiswrapper work for any driver? [11:40] ganesh: Samba will allow file sharing between windows and linux computers [11:40] ikonia:to restart my system? [11:40] I've only seen it referenced for wlan card drivers. [11:40] stmartin: well, restart X11, but yes restarting your system will do that [11:41] hi, if i want to install x64, will there be any limitation in available apt packages? or all binary packages are available for x64? [11:41] ikonia: thanks I'll try [11:41] Myrth: some kernel modules are 32bit only, some java and flash packages require a 32bit lib [11:41] Hello, can anyone tell me how to connect to a windows share in ubuntu? [11:41] lib wrapper I should say [11:41] mick23985: use samba as you have been directed [11:41] Myrth: I use x64, and have never noticed any missing packages. Java and Flash are 32bit only, but can still be installed in 64bit because of wrappers. Apart from that, everything should be the same. [11:41] Hey, can I get some help regarding ripping dvds please [11:42] Tony22: ya i hav samba installed [11:42] I'm trying to use Audacity, but for some reason it won't play the audio file and gives me this error: "Error while opening sound device. Please check the output device settings and the project sample rate.", can anyone help me with that? [11:42] Can someone assist me please? [11:42] if anyone have some experience with vnc+gdm+xinetd, then i realy need help please, i have read all the web pages and documents but the problem ... [11:42] I need to rip a DVD on my Ubuntu box [11:42] martinfrench: you've not told us the problem yet [11:43] What would be the best way to do it. when I put the dvd in there nothing happens [11:43] <_UMBRO_> "Received invalid DCC SEND request from" why this? [11:43] hi guys! how does xfce works?? i have a problem in looking for how to configure shortcuts by keyboard!! how can i do?? [11:43] ikonia, rww: thanks, i've just read in some blog "And with a 64 bit processor, 64 bit Ubuntu, and 64 bit flash, you're web experience would be at the highest there is!" - was that just hypothetical? [11:43] _UMBRO_: someone trying to send you a file, report it in #freenode if you don't know him [11:44] Myrth: 64bit flash is a very early better, so that person is illinformed [11:44] martinfrench: Don't ask to ask, just tell us your problem, dude. ;) [11:44] Lol, didn't I? [11:44] ganesh: so samba isn't working? [11:44] ikonia: thanks again [11:44] I put the DVD in and nothing happens and I have no clue where to start as to ripping it. [11:44] Myrth: It's highly exaggerated. I've noticed no difference in performace with web browsing and flash between 32- and 64-bit. [11:44] I don't know how to play it either lol [11:44] martinfrench: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/index.html [11:45] I'm trying to use Audacity, but for some reason it won't play the audio file and gives me this error: "Error while opening sound device. Please check the output device settings and the project sample rate.", can anyone help me with that, please? [11:45] Thanks, I'll browse that link. [11:45] How is it possible that when I boot live from a usb stick, I can set my display to 1026 but when I install to hdd it only allows up to 640? [11:45] hi guys! how does xfce works?? i have a problem in looking for how to configure shortcuts by keyboard!! how can i do?? i used ubuntu with the gnome interface and i noticed that it has a configure option for the keyboard shortcuts.. but i'm not able to find how to configure/edit my shortcuts for an easy work with my pc..:) thx if you can help me:) [11:45] Terabytten: what grafics card do you have? [11:46] Umm... I'd have to find out, it would take a minute. [11:46] martinfrench: Some programs to rip DVDs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/RippingDVDs , playing DVDs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs [11:46] Hello. Running Ubuntu 8.10. I have an Nvidia card with 2 DVI outs, and it works ok with dual monitor. Then I bought a DVI-to-HDMI cable and connected it to the computer and the TV, but xrandr -q only shows one screen. What am I missing? [11:46] But it still doesn't make sense that the live boot would have capabilities that the hdd boot doesn't. [11:47] all i had to do to access windows share was install samba then it came up in network [11:47] Terabytten: because i guess the live cd is kinda preconfigured, and your system not [11:47] Even when I use xrandr, it says the max display for my laptop is 640... [11:47] rww: Thanks i'll take a look. [11:47] Terabytten: maybe post your xorg.conf in a pastebin pls [11:47] that seems quite lame! lol. [11:47] ikonia: where does pidgin store all the info about 'contacts' ? in /usr/share/ ? [11:48] Tony22:its working but not showing windows workgroup.. [11:48] umm.. where would I find that at? [11:48] archman: /home/yourUsername/.purple/ [11:48] rww: tnx! [11:48] Terabytten: xorg.conf is stored in /etc/X11/xorg.conf [11:48] rww: i'll try reinstalling from source and then ill report back, how it all ended! [11:48] okay... so I guess I need to restate my problem. I just installed 8.10. I need to set the computer with a static IP. I can do that, but Network Manager will not keep the settings after a reboot. I've gone through /etc/network/interfaces and that doesn't seem to work (but I might be doing it incorrectly.) I've also setup my sources to grab Wicd (I think) but I can't seem to get it to install. Any suggestions would be appreciated on getting a stati [11:49] archman: good luck, you'll need it >.> [11:49] archman: again, I strongly advise you not to [11:49] Evening chieftons. [11:49] ikonia: i know, but it's not the first app im installing from source... [11:49] so ? [11:49] I'm trying to use Audacity, but for some reason it won't play the audio file and gives me this error: "Error while opening sound device. Please check the output device settings and the project sample rate.", can anyone help me with that, please? [11:50] OK. I already have VLC player. When I load it up it is just a little bar and I the menu options I cant find anything that allows me to watch the DVD. I figure that it would be better to start trying to play the dvd rather than try rip it. [11:50] martinfrench: did you follow the information in the URL I sent you [11:51] how to let Gedit Indent? [11:51] Tony22:how to create a workgroup in ubuntu? [11:51] I looked at it and browsed down to the section on playing DVDs. I typed the thing starting with sudo into applications terminal and I didn't seem to make a difference. [11:52] martinfrench: you need more than 1 command [11:52] martinfrench: READ the link I sent you [11:52] haha 1sec. [11:52] martinfrench: it's really annoying when there is a guide typed out [11:52] martinfrench: I'm not laughing [11:52] anu: Edit > Preferences > Plugins > [X] Indent Lines [11:52] martinfrench: it's insultint when you ask for help, you're given a guide which does it for you and you don't read it [11:52] One second please. Don't be so harsh [11:52] martinfrench: don't waste peoples time [11:52] thank you rww [11:52] anu: then Ctrl-T to indent and Ctrl-Shift-T to unindent :) [11:52] is it possible to get the newest stable kernel without compiling it myself? running ubuntu 8.10 [11:52] s_ar_aarr: no [11:53] ganesh: actually try this guide instead http://jngalloway.wordpress.com/2008/06/08/easy-file-sharing-in-ubuntu-no-editing-text-files/ [11:53] ikonia, i have got 5-6 kernels the last year when using ubuntu [11:53] ikonia: I'm sorry I missread the first part. [11:53] don't know why it suddenly has stopped [11:53] s_ar_aarr: you only get a new kernel offered when ubuntu packages a new kernel [11:53] * delcoyote hi [11:53] s_ar_aarr: ubuntu only packages a new kernel when one is needed [11:54] ikonia, hmm, ok [11:54] delcoyote: just say "hi" not /me hi [11:54] ikonia, but they have released 5-6 new kernels the last 6 months right? [11:54] s_ar_aarr: for what version [11:54] I'm trying to use Audacity, but for some reason it won't play the audio file and gives me this error: "Error while opening sound device. Please check the output device settings and the project sample rate.", can anyone help me with that, please? [11:54] s_ar_aarr: I've only seen about 4 for 8.10 [11:54] ikonia, ubuntu 8.04 and 8.10 [11:54] i didnt ikonia [11:54] i did a /ame [11:54] oh, i mean auto-indent,gedit [11:54] :) [11:54] ikonia, ok, when could we expect the 2.6.28 kernel u think? [11:55] s_ar_aarr: 8.04 has had 5 - 8 kernels released [11:55] s_ar_aarr: never [11:55] s_ar_aarr: ubuntu rarley if ever changes major kernel release [11:55] ikonia, aha [11:55] anu: Edit > Preferences > Editor > [X] Enable automatic indentation [11:55] ikonia, just releases small changes to kernel? [11:55] s_ar_aarr: backports normally [11:55] ikonia: I clicked on the three things at the top which is what I think I was meant to do (the guide is a bit vague) And then typed that thing into application terminal again. It didn't seem to make a difference. I followed all 4 steps. [11:55] thank you again rww >< :) [11:55] okay... so I guess I need to restate my problem. I just installed 8.10. I need to set the computer with a static IP. I can do that, but Network Manager will not keep the settings after a reboot. I've gone through /etc/network/interfaces and that doesn't seem to work (but I might be doing it incorrectly.) I've also setup my sources to grab Wicd (I think) but I can't seem to get it to install. Any suggestions would be appreciated on getting a stati [11:55] martinfrench: the guide is not vague [11:55] Hey guys, I just installed Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Ubuntu 8.10 on separate partitions but on the same hard drive, but for some reason after installing Ubuntu Vista doesn't list Ubuntu as one of the OS to choose from. Can anyone assist me? [11:56] martinfrench: it tells you exactly what to do [11:56] anu: You're welcome :) [11:56] martinfrench: it doesn't tell you to clikc on the links, [11:56] ikonia, but the kernel 2.6.28, i shouldn't run into too many problems compiling it? [11:56] s_ar_aarr: I suspect you will run into many problems [11:56] s_ar_aarr: why do you want the .28 kernel ? [11:56] ikonia, because of the GEM so compiz can run smoothy on my old intel graphic card [11:56] martinfrench: if you can't be bothered to read and follow the document properly - I can't be bothered helping [11:57] s_ar_aarr: what card do you have ? [11:57] s_ar_aarr: you do know that the kernel doesn't provide X11 graphics drivers ? [11:57] intel 82855 [11:57] ikonia: I am not sure that we are on the same page. You sent me a help page which I assumed to click on videos and dvds. I am on the page: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/musicvideophotos/C/video.html#video-dvd [11:57] I'm trying to use Audacity, but for some reason it won't play the audio file and gives me this error: "Error while opening sound device. Please check the output device settings and the project sample rate.", can anyone help me with that, please? [11:58] ikonia, i was told that compiz now run perfects with the new kernel, it's still a bit lag when running now [11:58] martinfrench: yes, thats the right page [11:58] s_ar_aarr: I doubt %99.9 that the kernel will change compiz's performance [11:58] martinfrench: okay, those instructions look right. Which step are you up to on there? [11:58] rww: none - because he's not reading them [11:59] rwww: I believe I followed all the steps. Clicked the top three links. typed that thing. then put the disc in. [11:59] martinfrench: where did it say click on the links [12:00] ikonia: I understand that you're an operator and it's not my place to criticise you, but that attitude really isn't necessary. [12:00] martinfrench: show me where it said "click on these three links" [12:00] ikonia, some says i can add the jaunty sources and update the kernel too, it works fine [12:00] ikonia: It didn't but I assumed that I was meant to. [12:00] rww: your welcome to critise, feeedback is also welcome [12:00] martinfrench: I told you READ it [12:00] martinfrench:don't assume [12:00] martinfrench: it spells it out in clear english for you [12:00] martinfrench: your making mistakes because you're not reading the text [12:01] martinfrench: Ah, I see what's wrong. You're not supposed to click those links. You're supposed to install the packages. You'll want to do something like "sudo apt-get install libdvdnav4 libdvdread3 gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly" [12:01] martinfrench: the hyperlinks are just there to provide more information on the packages if you want it. [12:01] rww: it tells him what to do - [12:01] rww: the words "install the following packages" [12:01] rww: hence why I'm not impressed that someone has taken the time to write this document and now on 3 occasions he won't read it [12:02] rww: Thank you very much much better help for someone linux illiterate. [12:02] martinfrench: your not linux illiterate - your just not reading [12:02] ikonia: not everyone is a linux wizard. I read every word at least twice. [12:02] thanks very much again, rww :) you help me a lot [12:02] martinfrench: so why did you click the links ? [12:02] martinfrench: why did you not install the packages [12:03] Ikonia: Because that is how i thought you installed them. [12:03] ikonia: The documentation could be better-written. It's somewhat unfortunate that it's not in the world-editable part of help.ubuntu.com. [12:03] ikonia: although I understand why, of course. [12:03] martinfrench: then say "I don't know how to install" [12:03] hi all [12:03] martinfrench: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/add-applications/C/index.html [12:04] martinfrench: but I suggest you skim over the basic introduction stuff on https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/ [12:04] ikonia: If we are going to be pointing out peoples flaws then: You should have realised that I didn't know how if I said I was clicking on the links. [12:04] What is better for freenode, xchat or pidgin? [12:05] I prefer XChat [12:05] 'better' is pretty subjective tho [12:05] Misterio: every client has his pros and cons, just try them out for yourself [12:05] Misterio: either will work fine. Many people prefer XChat over Pidgin, but both are useable. [12:05] martinfrench: unless you provide feedback beyond "it does nothing" we can't know [12:05] ok. I have typed in the install thing that rww told me to do but substituted in each package. then typed in the one on step 2. [12:06] There has been no changes [12:06] but in repos are you, xchat and xchat-gnome, what is the original? [12:06] Sorry for my english [12:06] When I do just $ xrandr by itself, if comes up with 'screen 0' for my monitor, if I want to refer to it using '$ xrandr --addmode' Would I do screen, screen 0, screen_0... or...? [12:06] martinfrench: exactly what did you type [12:06] martinfrench: exactly - to the letter [12:06] *two [12:06] My dvd spins up when I insert it. but then nothing [12:06] no you [12:06] xD [12:06] Misterio: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [12:06] Hey guys, I just installed Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Ubuntu 8.10 on separate partitions but on the same hard drive, but for some reason after installing Ubuntu Vista doesn't list Ubuntu as one of the OS to choose from. Can anyone assist me? [12:06] Misterio: xchat. xchat-gnome is a heavily-edited version of xchat that makes rather controversial changes. [12:06] >.> [12:06] martinfrench: Did you say earlier that you've already installed VLC? or was that someone else? [12:06] having trouble installing java plugin [12:06] again lol i always forget how to do this one [12:07] illmortal: the vista / windows boot loader is not aware of other os's [12:07] That was already there for me. [12:07] illmortal: you need grub to boot ubuntu [12:07] !gurb > Imaginativeone_ [12:07] Sorry, I don't know anything about gurb [12:07] oops [12:07] !grub > illmortal [12:07] illmortal, please see my private message [12:07] ikonia, shouldn't Ubuntu have made Grub into the default boot loader? [12:07] illmortal: yes, but you installed vista which overwrites it [12:08] martinfrench: after installing those packages and running that install-css script, I usually am able to play DVDs by opening vlc and issuing File -> Open Disc (I think that's the menu option, anyway. Give me a sec and I'll check). [12:08] I'm trying to use Audacity, but for some reason it won't play the audio file and gives me this error: "Error while opening sound device. Please check the output device settings and the project sample rate.", can anyone help me with that, please? [12:08] Could someone help me install the Java plugin? [12:08] ikonia, nono, I installed vista prior to Ubuntu [12:08] Anyone else having trouble getting apt-get update to run due to network issues? [12:08] Dexi: do you want the official Sun one? [12:08] so Ubuntu's Grub should have over-written Vista's boot loader [12:08] I'm banned from #ubuntu-offtopic for no reason. Please help :) [12:09] Dexi: "sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre icedtea6-plugin" if so [12:09] is the us archive down? [12:09] theunixgeek: ask about it in #ubuntu-ops, not here [12:09] rww: thanks :) [12:09] rww: that is what I have been trying to do. I cannot find the disc === Paddy_EIRE is now known as Clive [12:09] i have a hp pavillon dv7 1199-ef, and i have no sound , i think i have to compile myself drivers but how do i hnow which ones? [12:09] * rww grabs a dvd [12:09] rww: Wouldn't it mount usually? [12:10] rww thanks [12:10] Dexi: not sure if the icedtea thing is strictly necessary. If you're curious, feel free to test that. You do need the jre, though. [12:11] i really want some iced tea right now [12:11] Is anyone else not able to update their ubuntu installation atm? === Clive is now known as Paddy_EIRE [12:11] My xorg.conf: patebin.com/md0a9d8f [12:11] kgodwin: I got the latest CDs of a friend and installed fresh. [12:12] er [12:12] My xorg.conf: pastebin.com/md0a9d8f [12:12] lol [12:12] rww: Any further ideas? [12:12] martinfrench: okay. I did all of those commands we already did. I then put a DVD in the drive. It popped up an autorun dialog box, but I ignored it because I know I want to use VLC. I open VLC from the "Sound and Video" menu. I do Media > Open Disc. The "disc device" is set to /dev/scd0, which is correct and is my dvd drive. I press Play. It works. [12:13] rww: I did all the same but only got as far as inserting the DVD. No auto run pops up. [12:13] !grub | illmortal [12:13] illmortal: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [12:13] Umm... If somebody can help me with my screen resolution problems.. please PM? [12:14] martinfrench: okay. What happens if you skip that step and go on to the VLC stuff? [12:14] hey is anyone else having problems with repos [12:14] i cant connect or something [12:14] Ya Dexi [12:14] rww: Yeah. When I go "Open disc" I cannot find the disc. I tried this multiple times now. [12:14] Dexi: looks like us.archive.ubuntu.com is down right now. I'm using ubuntu.cs.utah.edu and it's working fine. [12:14] you having problems with US repos too? [12:14] yeah just started [12:15] like 5 mins ago at least [12:15] How do we switch repos? ;) [12:15] beats me [12:15] martinfrench: So the setting for "Disc device" is blank or incorrect? [12:15] i dont know anything about this stuff [12:15] hence my presence here :D [12:15] I've never had to switch repos ;( [12:15] rww: Blank. but Usually The disc would mount woudln't it [12:16] im gonna give 'er a reboot right now, could use one pretty bad... back soon [12:16] Dexi, kgodwin: System > Administration > Software Sources > Download from: Other, and either select a server from the box that comes up, or hit Select BEst Server [12:16] martinfrench: Yeah. This may be a stupid question, but... are you sure it's a DVD drive, not a CD-only drive? [12:16] rww: I need the command line version ;) [12:17] kgodwin: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list and do it manually. [12:17] rww: 100% haha on windows I watch dvds i rent all the time. it's top of the range according to the guy at austin comupters. [12:17] has anyone here worked with Moto4Lin? I can't get it to connect to my V3 razor [12:17] rww: ty [12:17] Hello! I am downloading Ubuntu repository. This is 25392 MiB. How to slip this to 6 or 5 DVDs? [12:17] martinfrench: okay, just checking. You never can be too sure in here... So you've watched that particular DVD on Windows on the same computer? [12:18] rww: not this exact one. It's one of the High definition DVDs [12:18] If I reinstall Grub, should Grub be able to see the other Windows' partition [12:18] ? [12:18] Dexi: i can't connect [12:18] (intrepid) how do i get xorg/nvidia autodetection to use custom refresh rates in the monitor section of xorg.conf? Setting them in ServerLayout -> Screen -> Monitor does not seem to have an effect [12:18] martinfrench: Have you watched HD-DVDs on this computer before? [12:19] it's not a HD-DVD just a high definition quality dvd. [12:19] trying to remember how to write this.. i need to execute this to auto extract a bunch of tar.gz files in a directory.. something like: for i in $i | do tar -zxf $i.tar.gz [i know that's wrong] [12:19] Hi! I am downloading Ubuntu repository (8.10, without source). This is 25392 MiB. How to slip this to 6 or 5 DVDs? [12:19] illmortal: the grub documentation should tell you about that [12:19] bonne année a toutes et a tous, politesse oblige [12:19] rww: the ones in the boxes with the curved top. [12:20] anyone? Moto4Lin? [12:20] The documentation, unfortunately is pretty vague and has nothing to do with the current situation. [12:20] rww: can Ubuntu play those? [12:20] us repos back up [12:20] I'll just go to the forumboards. [12:20] AH!!! something is seriously wrong! [12:21] Whats wrong Dexi? The repos are back >.< [12:21] linux booted in 800x600 and is complaining it cant detect display or something === hackbox is now known as HacKBoX [12:21] Zenitur: you shouldn't need to download the entire repository [12:21] hello [12:21] gonna reboot again [12:22] ugh >.> linux... [12:22] glymph, I am student without money for unlimited Internet. [12:22] Zenitur. why don't you hijack internet [12:22] Zenitur: in that case, just use the repositories to download the packages you need whilst installing [12:23] HacKBoX, in Russia? It will be crached without any hacks... No, thank you... [12:23] crached? [12:23] crashed [12:24] crashed by who? [12:24] Who was I helping a few minutes ago? My cat attacked my wireless router and disconnected me >.> [12:24] martinfrench: okay, just checking. You never can be too sure in here... So you've watched that particular DVD on Windows on the same computer? [12:24] last thing I saw you say [12:24] kgodwin: thanks [12:24] rww: maybe you should spent more time with your cat :P [12:24] i try to upgrade to 9.04 but it can't find the update files to the norwegian mirror [12:24] any ideas how to change this? [12:25] damnit, Martinfrench appears to have left the channel [12:25] * martinfrench (n=martinfr@CPE-58-161-148-111.nsw.bigpond.net.au) has left #ubuntu [12:25] !upgrade | s_ar_aarr [12:25] s_ar_aarr: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes [12:25] also, I assume you mean 8.04, s_ar_aarr [12:25] hello [12:25] no, from 8.10 to 9.04 alpha2 [12:26] hi i have problem connecting to internet with my computer which is on kubuntu, but the connection works for the computer which are on windows [12:26] this sucks so bad... [12:26] glymph, no... I have not unlimited and fast Internet to download KDE for example. I need repositories on DVDs. Have you any script to create it? [12:26] i have to reinstall... on that reboot. it loaded everything in a messy jumble of lines [12:27] i've a problem with my mic...vol is too low...any suggestion ? [12:27] which run levels should cron be starting in? [12:27] what kind of sound server you running [12:27] Zenitur: you can get the Ubuntu DVD from various sources [12:27] are you talking to me ? [12:27] wb rww [12:27] glymph, by mail? [12:27] hi i have problem connecting to internet with my computer which is on kubuntu, but the connection works for the computer which are on windows ; this is my /etc/network/interfaces file : auto lo \n iface lo inet loopback [12:27] ardaking: if you are using alsa drivers then open a console and use the alsamixer command [12:28] yes Zenitur [12:28] before i re-install: is there a way to repair messed up video from the cd? [12:28] yes i use alsa mixer but the mic volume is at max [12:28] I am trying to set up my gmail account on evolution, everything is set up properly, but evolution wont ask me for my password, so no mail is fetched. anyone familiar with this? [12:29] Zenitur: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu [12:29] try the mic boos option [12:29] ok [12:29] hi i have problem connecting to internet with my computer which is on kubuntu, but the connection works for the computer which are on windows ; this is my /etc/network/interfaces file : auto lo \n iface lo inet loopback [12:29] :( re-installing linux for the 3rd time today, 5th time this week. yaaaay [12:30] i can't even ping (which is my router) [12:30] glymph, I don't want to wait 3 mounts. i'm from Syberia... I have a friend with unlimited Internet that want to help me and download repository. 7 GiB of 25 have been downloaded now. But we don't know, how to make DVD'sÀ [12:30] "Network is unreachable" [12:30] babuto: where is your eth0 or ath0 ? [12:31] Babuto`, or ppp0 [12:31] Babuto you may want to give these poor souls a ifconfig -a [12:31] ;) [12:31] ok [12:31] you seem to be trying to connect to your network using the loopback driver [12:31] Zenitur: you can install the base operating system from the ISO you can download from the link I pasted [12:31] eth0 is the wifi eth1is the ethernet cable connection [12:31] i'm trying to connect with eth1 (cable) [12:32] i don't see that option fron the console [12:32] *from [12:32] when kde was working, i could connect easily with networkmanager, but now kde does not work anymore so the connection does not work anymore either [12:32] try 'ifconfig eth1 down && ifconfig eth1 up && dhcpcd eth1' [12:33] glymph, what is the link? have you a script to make repository on DVD? I have many friends without any Internet connection... [12:33] Zenitur: just burn the CD from http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download [12:33] HacKBoX dhcpcd : command not found [12:34] ikonia, rww: installation went fine, pidgin 2.5.3 is working, although it installed to /usr/local/lib (older was in /usr/lib/)...even my accounts are up and working, everything is smooth! report out! LOL [12:34] Babuto: what distro are you running? [12:34] kubuntu [12:34] try 'sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart' [12:35] archman: congratulations :D. I honestly didn't expect that to work! (Thanks for letting us know that it did!) [12:35] swiftfox is not working with mplayer [12:35] firefox works [12:35] but only swiftfox is not working [12:35] glymph, thank you... )) I found this scritp and will create ISO files when downloading will be finished. After 30 hours. Thank you. Good bye! [12:35] !enter [12:35] Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [12:35] same problem : ping : Network is unreachable [12:36] Nerd Wars in ##csharp! [12:36] join in ;) [12:36] you have to dynamically receive an ip address from the router before it will ping [12:36] Hey, If i boot my pc with the monitor switched off and it gets to the login screen while the monitor is off then the resolution seems to be locked at a very low until i reboot. Does anyone know if there is a fix for this? [12:36] rww: yes, even all plugins worked, although i bypassed some of them, they are not needed to me...so a little dep solving, and thats it! [12:36] babuto: you have to dynamically receive an ip address from the router before it will ping [12:36] Babuto`, try taking down the NIC, editing the interfaces files, then restarting the NIC [12:36] Babuto`: it sounds like your network card isn't recognised, check the output of "lspci", which will list the PCI devices in the system against the output of "dmesg", which should give details of what has been successfully discovered [12:36] who here is part of the doc team? [12:37] rww: btw.: this is my conf: ./configure --disable-screensaver --disable-meanwhile --disable-perl --disable-tk [12:37] HacKBoX how can i receive it ? [12:37] archman: thanks [12:37] i'm getting a strange package error "E: Read error - read (5 Input/output error) [12:37] i've tried sudo dhclient but this does not work [12:37] E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened. [12:37] " [12:37] rww: np, gutsy lives on! [12:37] :D [12:38] i've tried what the first 20 or so google responses suggest but it didn't help (eg. deleting the package cache, apt-get clean... nothing's working). [12:38] hold up before you start running random commands as root. give me a sec [12:38] hello [12:39] please help me [12:39] archman, do you have a sec to help me figure out WTF is going on with Moto4Lin? [12:39] Iam new in linux [12:39] Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 16777216 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 30720 bytes) in... <-- is that referring to my php memory? [12:39] jeeves_Moss: im not a pro here, but i can try (dunno what that app is?) [12:39] im trying to install ndiswrapper-utils and ndisgtk for xubuntu 8.10 PPC cannot not seem to find the Deb, do they exist for PPC? [12:39] hello, help me please [12:39] any one help me [12:39] swiftfox is not working with mplayer firefox works [12:39] but only swiftfox is not working [12:39] archman, it's Moto4Lin I'm trying to connect it to a Moto V3 razor [12:39] here are the output of ifconfig -a ; lspci ; and dmesg as asked : http://paste.ubuntu.com/98977/ [12:40] zdravo [12:40] jeeves_Moss: you having installation problems? or recognization of your mob? [12:40] kocic: ej macane [12:40] swiftfox is not working with mplayer [12:40] firefox works [12:40] but only swiftfox is not working [12:40] :D [12:40] Ican't log in with amsn [12:40] amjed: use pidgin :D [12:41] archman, it's installed, I just can't get it to connect to the phone [12:41] Babuto login to your router from one of the other computers and make sure you have IPv6 turned on. If you only have IPv4 then dhclient will not work because it only registers with IPv6. You can either turn it on or download the dhcpcd .deb from one of the other machines and install it on the kubuntu box [12:41] swiftfox is not working with mplayer [12:41] but I need one support vedio calls [12:41] firefox works [12:41] but only swiftfox is not working [12:41] jeeves_Moss: read http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=519804 ? [12:41] HacKBoX i want to use IPv4 [12:42] give me one [12:42] I will back to windows [12:42] no one have best instant messenger? [12:43] hanbin973: you mean swiftfox as in the unsupported-by-mozilla, unsupported-by-ubuntu, "optimized" version of Firefox, right? That doesn't really surprise me. [12:43] Babuto then you have to download the dhcpcd package and install it [12:43] support vedio cals [12:43] dhclient will not work with IPv4 [12:43] archman, followed that allready [12:43] ok, so how can i request an ip ? [12:44] no one have best instant messenger?support video calls [12:44] no one have best instant messenger?support video calls [12:44] no one have best instant messenger?support video calls [12:44] no one have best instant messenger?support video calls [12:44] amjed: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [12:44] jeeves_Moss: sorry, i dunno, try to ask here, but more precise, what's not working, and what you already tried..tnx! [12:45] os[Linux 2.6.24-22-generic i686] distro[Debian lenny/sid] cpu[1 x Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 2.99GHz] mem[Physical: 1010.6MB, 53.9% free] disk[Total: 36.2GB, 36.7% free] video[ATI Technologies Inc R420 JK [Radeon X800]] sound[ICH4 - Intel ICH51: USB-Audio - USB Device 0x46d:0x8d8] [12:45] archman, thanks [12:45] Hello everyone, can somebody help me with a simple bash script which will restart 'pulseaudio' on startup. I am having trouble with pulseaudio in Ubuntu 8.10 and restarting it is the only way it can help. [12:46] how can i request an ip ? [12:46] i will back to windowos [12:46] Babuto`, you mean with dhcp? [12:46] kane77 yes [12:46] it's better than linux [12:47] looks like a small hdd [12:47] jeeves_Moss: this maybe? http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-connect-motorola-v3x-to-ubuntu-704-trough-usb.html [12:47] Babuto`, if so then you use dhclient eth0 (or any interface) [12:47] bye linux [12:47] kane77 i've tried but i have no response [12:47] amjed: LOL [12:47] loool [12:47] amjed, please, take this trolling elsewhere.. [12:47] amjed: better? don't talk about it here! [12:47] archman, one min, I'll check. thanks. [12:47] anyone knows how i burn an UDF 2.5 disc in ubuntu 8.1? [12:48] kane77 DHCPDISCOVER on eth1 etc. but i have no response [12:48] Babuto`, and you are sure the dhcp server is running? [12:48] please give me the best instant messenger support video calls [12:48] kane77 yes as i'm connected to internet with the other computers [12:48] (with automatic ip) [12:48] acekipwesafari, typically if it's a service, you'd usually do /etc/init.d/servicename restart , where servicename would be pulseaudio (assuming it's there) or something else [12:48] turkish channel ? [12:49] amjed: none at the moment, hopefully one with 9.10 to have the basics [12:49] amjed: you find it yourself, ubuntu is FREE, not comercial like microshit, google is your friend [12:49] where are turkish channel ? link [12:49] amjed: also try running xp app thru wine! [12:49] anyone here tried mintlinux? [12:49] !tr | AgLoT [12:49] AgLoT: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. [12:49] hey [12:49] guys [12:49] who's wanna kiss? [12:50] archman, you can install XP through WINE? [12:50] teşekkürler [12:50] well [12:50] that was fun... [12:50] !mint | Myrth: discussion of Mint is offtopic for this channel [12:50] Myrth: discussion of Mint is offtopic for this channel: The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes, please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ubuntu Ultimate [12:50] amjed: I [12:50] kane77: I think he has IPv6 turned off in his router and dhclient will not connect to it. This is due to kubuntu not having a default install of dhcpcd [12:50] theCat0: no, u use vmware for that [12:50] amjed: you wanna kiss me ?are you gril?lol.... [12:50] ok [12:50] theCat0: i run it, i got music production suite thru that [12:50] !ot | amjed, albert748 [12:50] amjed, albert748: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [12:50] HacKBoX: IPv6 doesn't need dhclient [12:50] theCat0: its great, though not 3d support [12:51] HacKBoX : so i have to install dhcpcd ? [12:51] Hi! [12:51] well ice_cream, after browsing around I was instructed to run this 'sudo killall pulseaudio' then press Alt+F2 and run pulseaudio again. That's why I wonder if there is a better way of doing that, but let me try and I will let you know. Thanks for your help [12:51] has anyone else ever had complete graphical apocalypse? [12:51] كس امكم [12:51] تردو [12:51] ويندوز وبس ياعيال الكلبتين [12:51] amjed: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [12:51] !ohmy | archman: while punning off Microsoft's name is entertaining, try to keep to ones that don't use swear words. [12:51] archman: while punning off Microsoft's name is entertaining, try to keep to ones that don't use swear words.: Please watch your language, attitude and topic to help keep this channel friendly and helpful. Remember, there are kids here! [12:51] archman, will direct-play LAN multiplayer XP only games work through that I wonder [12:51] rww: sry [12:51] I've been trying to setup a PPTP VPN connection to a Microsoft box at work [12:52] Babuto: yes [12:52] theCat0: probably not... [12:52] I know I've got to set refuse-eap in the gconf-editor, but I dont have the Network node under System :-( [12:52] theCat0: its not meant for gaming [12:52] thats unfortuante [12:52] Is there something I'm missing? [12:52] acekipwesafari: sudo /etc/init.d/pulseaudio restart" [12:52] 1 game is the only reason to keep an XP partition at the moment [12:52] How can I get the Network node under System in gconf-editor? [12:52] acekipwesafari: (remove the ") that should restart pulseaudio in one go (unless it crashed, maybe) [12:53] im sure photoshop will work ok in WINE [12:53] HacKBoX i've tried this one http://packages.ubuntu.com/fr/intrepid/i386/gadmin-dhcpd/download but it needs internet to install [12:53] archman, nope. didn't work [12:53] Any help appreciated [12:53] anyone knows how i burn an UDF 2.5 disc in ubuntu 8.1? i have installed libudf and udftools [12:53] no idea d0gmaz [12:54] you need to use one of your other computers to download the package. One second and i will find the link for you [12:54] hi there [12:54] jeeves_Moss: ask here maybe for further help, good luck! [12:54] smtx, hi [12:54] oh man... i sit here too much. my shin bones have indents from my legs pressing against the metal rod supports of my desk [12:54] ok thanks HacKBoX [12:54] i am a bit a n00b to the topic "linux and the gui" ^^ my compiz runs fine with gnome and so on yes but... [12:55] theCat0: check on wine's page, its got compatibility list [12:55] how the hell can i execute gui-programs with sudo? [12:55] Oo [12:55] gksudo [12:55] !gksudo | smtx [12:55] smtx: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why) [12:55] ahh [12:55] thanks for the hint guys :) [12:56] and very nice ubottu there is an explanation why not to use sudo for gui-stuff [12:56] very interessting :) thx a lot [12:56] Babuto: You are using Intrepid Ibex correct? [12:56] theCat0: what game? [12:56] kubuntu 8.10 yes [12:57] i couldnt stand Kubuntu [12:57] Thanks for your help guys, now I am only left with one problem..... how to run my script on startup (quietly that is) [12:57] after experimenting with nvidia drivers my x server cant start, i think the best bet is to remove everything related to nvidia and try to reinstall some part of it... does anyone know how i do that? [12:57] Babuto`: are you just trying to get eth1 to connect automatically with dhcp on startup? or is there something more complicated here I'm not seeing? [12:58] rww : actually less complicated : i can't even connect right now (i'm on another computer) [12:58] rww i don't understand why i'm not connected with the other computer, since the ethernet cable is plugged [12:59] Can anyone tell me why Palm Pilot synch software is justifiable as installed by default? [12:59] hello [12:59] hello [12:59] help me [12:59] Babuto`: okay. So you have two computers connected by an ethernet cable, with nothing (like a router) between them, and want to network them? [12:59] i can't log in with my amsn [12:59] Does anyone use SCIM succesfully with Skype? [13:00] no i have a router in my house, and i have several computers (on windows or mac os) connected to it [13:00] but i can't have my kubuntu connected to the router ( [13:00] amjed: further info about your problem maybe? [13:00] what does it say [13:00] give me the best instant messenger [13:00] if i write ping : i have Network is unreachable, whereas my ethernet cable is plugged to the router [13:00] Hi. I am having problem with greek characters and PIcassa. Any clues? [13:00] Babuto`: oh, okay, i see. sorry, i misunderstood. The other part of your problem was that KDE was messed up so you can't get NetworkManager, right? [13:01] it's say error conecting to server [13:01] rww plasma crashes at startup so i can't use networkmanager (so i removed it) [13:01] I've check the proxy [13:01] so now i'm trying to connect to internet to fix the kde and plasma problems [13:01] without networkmanager [13:01] and everything is ok [13:01] Babuto: This is just a quick check. Did you try to reset your router and plug it back in then reboot the machine? [13:02] Babuto`: okay. "sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces". The only thing in there right now is the lo line, right? If so, add the line "iface eth1 inet dhcp" [13:02] Babuto`: (stop me if I'm retreading old territory you've already been over with others) [13:02] but i can't log in [13:02] amjed: without proxy? works? === Swish[\] is now known as Swish [13:02] what can I do? [13:02] no [13:02] HacKBoX rww i'll try to reboot the router and i'll comeback [13:02] with system proxy [13:03] did ubuntu patch vlc 0.9.4 to fix the bugs(which are fixed in 0.9.8a), because ubuntu doesn't upgrade to 0.9.8a [13:03] hey,guys, where to register, when I want to login other room? [13:03] give me the best instant messenger support video calls [13:03] rww: I'm trying to help but Its not so easy when you cant see the commands output [13:04] amsn [13:04] !register | albert748 [13:04] albert748: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode [13:04] amjed: try without proxies [13:04] clou: not sure if they did.. but afaik they don't usually update unless there are security implications.. or very serious bugs.. also try !backports [13:05] HacKBoX: I know. Let me know if I'm interfering with your helping; I don't mean to... [13:05] rww: no not at all === izibi_ is now known as izibi [13:05] amjed, you can use the built-in program for that [13:06] Slart: it's not in backports, but why don't they fix bugs? === Swish[\] is now known as Swish [13:06] nvidia fx 5200, not edit 640x320 [13:06] help === d is now known as Guest6390 [13:07] clou: VLC updates too frequently, and Ubuntu developers don't like pushing new major releases to stable versions, because there could be new bugs lurking in them (better the evil you know...). They're trying to figure out how to handle VLC better (there's been mailing list discussions about it) but it's difficult. [13:07] how to fix the error in my nvidia drivers? error at the end of dmesg: http://pastebin.com/f5f32fde8 [13:07] new major versions to stable releases ** [13:08] rww i've added the line you told me and then restarted "networking" and that worked === hackbox is now known as HacKBoX [13:08] hmm, ok new updates could bring new bugs, but in first line they should fix old bugs..i don't understand this logic [13:08] Babuto: Awesome [13:08] HacKBoX :) but i've written sudo dhclient to get the ip (ipv4) ! [13:08] Babuto`: awesome, glad I could help :). If you ever do get NetworkManager running again, consider removing those lines, 'cause NM tends to get annoyed by them. Just an fyi. [13:09] rww ok [13:09] now i have plasma that does not start, but i may find more help on #kde [13:09] Babuto`: yeah. or #kubuntu. [13:09] rww: there is a good way to handle vlc, drop it and leave it for dead until its sane again [13:09] hspaans: I do not disagree with the people that argue that vlc should be dropped from the repos. [13:10] Babuto: I had no clue why it wouldn't support it but I was checking against linuxquestions.org [13:10] clou, hspaans: anyway, perhaps we should take this to #ubuntu-offtopic, since we're wandering outside of the scope of #ubuntu... [13:12] do i need to use the nvidia drivers to get x running? arent there any fallbacks? [13:12] yes [13:12] mizipzor: afaik the fallback is normal vesa [13:12] but not by default [13:12] you have to edit your xorg.conf (or whatever it is now) [13:13] smtx: its still xorg.conf... at least for me === smtx is now known as phun [13:13] nvidia-xconfig [13:13] hello all, I have a acer laptop 256 ram 120 gb hard drive... would I be able to run ubuntu on this? [13:13] when I connect my cell, demsg shows that it's connect to ttyACM0, but I don't see it in /dev how can I look for it? [13:14] auto-identify: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup [13:14] re [13:14] ede: running that and then startx gives the same error, no nvidia kernel module and no screens found [13:15] i am trying to convert .dat file in ubuntu, how can that be made possible [13:15] flash043: yes you can. No problem. Anyway you can see the hardware requeriments in Ubuntu web [13:16] smtx: there is a Driver "nvidia" line in xorg.conf, can i change that to something to bypass the use of nvidia driver? [13:16] MS but i don't think i can run 8 though [13:16] what verision should i create [13:16] hi all [13:16] Hi guys, I'm having some problems getting 8.10 to see my external USB drive - I have run lsusb and it returns a line for the drive "Bus 005 Device 005: ID 059b:0177 Iomega Corp. Hi-Speed USB-to-IDE Bridge Controller", though, fdisk -l is not seeing the drive... Any suggestions? [13:17] mizipzor: Yes, change "nvidia" to "vesa" and restart to get into a fail safe session [13:18] mizipzor: yep soreau is probably better informed than me but vesa should do the job [13:18] SemiApocalyptic: what does dmesg say? [13:18] to that? [13:18] anyone? how do I track what a new device is plugged into? [13:18] jeeves_Moss: lspci ? [13:18] jeeves_Moss, plugged using which method ? [13:18] i am trying to convert .dat file in ubuntu, how can that be made possible for me it does not seem possible [13:18] soreau: smtx: ok thanks [13:18] * soreau is just floating through the channel [13:18] jeeves_Moss, USB or PCI or What ? [13:18] SemiApocalyptic: does 'dmesg' give you any message that the drive is recognized? [13:19] smtx, I can see it listed under LSUSB [13:19] datta: a .dat file can be almost anything.. what kind of file is it? [13:19] its a movie file [13:19] avi or divx [13:19] abuyusuf_, dmesg shows it plugged into ttyACM0, but I can't find it listed under /dev [13:19] datta: you can run "file yourfile.dat" in a terminal to get some info about it [13:19] homy: It scrolls a tonne of "... Sense Key: No Sense [current] ..." messages [13:20] can't i convert it? [13:20] jeeves_Moss, try to remount it [13:20] SemiApocalyptic: the last few messages are important. Can you pop out the drive and put it back in and pastebin the last ~20 lines of dmesg output afterwards? [13:20] what should I do if after install I have no network interfaces? [13:20] smtx: okey, the x server started, but i had to do sudo startx, otherwise i dont have permission, do you know how to change this? i dont want to run x as root [13:21] abuyusuf_, I've tried unplugging and plugging it back in. it remapps to the SAME thing, but never shows up in /dev [13:21] I'm using an eee pc 1000, that was originally the debian eeepc release upgraded to eeexubuntu [13:21] anyone managed to get xlink kai with psp working? [13:21] datta: try right clicking on the file, properties and tell us the file type. [13:21] jeeves_Moss, try sudo umount DEVICE [13:21] avi [13:21] its avi [13:21] jeeves_Moss, then sudo mount DEVICE [13:22] whos drunk ? [13:22] Is the latest Ubuntu ISO on the site bootable? [13:22] datta: ok. So you should be able to play it. Otherwise, just google sth like "ubuntu convert avi myotherformat" [13:22] thrashold: I do the latest LTS, but I think the latest ISO is bootable [13:22] think im gonna read some forum posts [13:22] homy: http://pastebin.com/d2cfb09e [13:22] abuyusuf_, it's not finding either DEVICE or what DEMSG [13:22] mizipzor: hmm probably just give execute rights to the startx-script [13:22] no idea [13:23] thrashold: why shouldn't it be? [13:23] thank you homy, i will try it [13:23] i am not that well experienced with the gui-stuff :( [13:23] hspaans: It doesn't boot from me... It could be from the PC, I'll try in VirtualBox now [13:23] s/from/for/ [13:23] jeeves_Moss, replace DEVICE with what you found in DEMSG [13:23] hi guys, need hellp on compiling cairomm with g++. I installed the dev package for cairomm and was using pkg-config to compile with g++ but there's error message which said the header file couldn't able to locatee [13:23] abuyusuf_, I'm thinking this is what's holding Moto4Lin back from connecting. Is there a way to see where a USB device is mounted? [13:23] mizipzor: chmod 774 to get full acces to the script [13:23] anyone please help? [13:23] thrashold: you're using the iso directly? [13:23] jeeves_Moss, do: lsusb [13:24] abuyusuf_, tried just the device name, no luck [13:24] Hm, it booted in VirtualBox [13:24] homy, can't i make it into avi? [13:24] hspaans: well, yes [13:24] thrashold: may sure you closed the disk [13:24] i want to upload the video into youtube [13:24] datta: it is avi, as you just told me. [13:24] jeeves_Moss, so, you can do: mount [13:24] but its dat too [13:24] jeeves_Moss, and you would see all mounted devices including USB [13:24] thrashold: o lot of CDs will not boot if you don't close them [13:25] SemiApocalyptic: could you paste a few lines before this Sense Key stuff? [13:25] How much ram do you need your ubuntu 8.10? [13:25] !requirements | e3018_ [13:25] e3018_: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu [13:25] iv got ubuntu runing on 256mb ram [13:25] :) [13:25] abuyusuf_, I tried MOUNT, and it's not listed [13:26] jeeves_Moss, What is the device you try to mount ? [13:26] abuyusuf_, http://pastebin.com/m12e1f2f7 [13:27] I have a new laptop with 4Gb but I see that a lot of memory is required... [13:27] homy: It's ALL Sense Key stuff, dumped the output to a file and there's ~1700 lines of it and nothing else [13:27] e3018_: required? [13:28] e3018_, What let you say that ? [13:28] [13:28] SemiApocalyptic: hm. Maybe you do a search about SenseKey stuff? Sorry, I never experienced sth like that before. [13:28] Yes 800Mb is the mimimum that I have seen [13:28] homy: No worries, thanks for trying :) [13:28] e3018_: Go read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements [13:28] abuyusuf_, anything else? is there a way of mapping what a USB device is plugged into directly to where it's mounted? [13:28] How come "free -m" and System Monitor show about 200 mb difference in the currently used ram? [13:29] e3018_: don't worry, linux does a lot of advanced caching and buffering === SPFhome is now known as SPF [13:29] jeeves_Moss, it should appear directly, and should be listed in MOUNT, what i think is there a problem with the device or the USB port in your hardware [13:30] homy: the used column in the +/- buffers row is the same as the number in the system monitor for me [13:30] abuyusuf_, I've trued this phone on my other systems, and on this one (but under windows), and it works [13:30] Slart: oh, yeah, I was looking at the Mem: line. [13:30] If I'm on a live boot from a USB drive, is there any way to save changes on it for the next reboot? [13:30] ede: still not authorized to start it [13:31] homy: ah.. that's without all the buffers used for caching files and stuff [13:31] homy: or rather.. the mem line includes those [13:31] Slart: so actually, only the memory indicated by the Mem: line is available, but if different buffers are cleared (which isn't bad), as much as given in the +/- ... line is available? [13:32] homy: right.. and the buffers are cleared automatically if a process needs more memory [13:32] Slart: thanks. [13:32] if the system says my user isnt authorized to run startx, what permissions must i give? [13:32] jeeves_Moss, open your "Places" menu, you don't see it there ? [13:32] homy: you're welcome [13:32] something about a .Xauthority file [13:32] abuyusuf_, no. [13:34] mizipzor: post it on pastebin [13:34] jeeves_Moss, Do you detect any CPU activity while plugging the device ? [13:34] abuyusuf_, not really. this is a 2.4Gx Dual [13:35] jeeves_Moss, i see, i don't know in real, that should work !, sorry, try asking someone else, may be have some another solution [13:35] when i plug my device, i never detect.......ah, whatever [13:36] abuyusuf_, thanks again for your help [13:36] is ubuntu with a wubi install slower than a clean install? [13:36] !wubi [13:36] Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. [13:36] QaDeS, Can you tell more about what you face ? [13:36] hspaans: hmm, the errors are printed to screen, how to grep that so that i can pastebinit? [13:36] luddite: yes, a bit [13:36] homy - do you know why? [13:37] luddite: well, ubuntu doesn't have its own partition [13:37] abuyusuf_: too private ;o) [13:37] i have it on a pc with dual core 2.5Ghz and its slower than my single core 1.83Ghz laptop [13:37] hey all ) [13:37] is there a log somewhere about everything that has been printed to screen? [13:38] luddite: see the faq at http://wubi-installer.org/faq.php: What is the performance? The performance is identical to a standard installation, except for hard-disk access which is slightly slower than an installation to a dedicated partition. If your hard disk is very fragmented the performance will degenerate. [13:38] Can one install Kde ans Xfce desktop environment in Ubuntu ? [13:38] Can anyone tell me, what wi-fi adapter is better to buy, if I want it to be easy to use Master mode? ) [13:39] hi.. where can i find my config.gz for the kernel?? [13:39] Maggie: yes: try "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" and "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop" for kde and xfce [13:39] erm, you mean kubuntu and xubuntu, maggie? [13:39] amitprakash, try "locate config.gz" [13:39] my - ok - that might be the issue [13:39] Maggie: yes [13:39] :-) - i will get this install working perfect then do a fresh install on another partition [13:40] homy - thanks [13:40] chipt4, no ....I mean only the desktop envitonments [13:40] minipzor: add "1> output.txt 2>&1" to your command [13:40] luddite: you're welcome [13:40] hspaans: thx [13:40] amitprakash: in /boot [13:40] hspaans, how do u do it without apt-get [13:41] Maggie: apt-get install kde ? [13:41] Maggie: ah, ok. to do it without aptitude, you'll have to get the source & compile it yourself, i suppose [13:41] @homy, how to do it without apt-get [13:41] Maggie: sudo aptitude install kde :) ? [13:42] Maggie: apt-get is your package manager interface [13:42] hspaans, yes [13:42] Maggie: why do you want to do it without apt-get? [13:43] hspaans: what... when running that command to catch the error message, it started. strange, ill try a reboot and see what happens [13:43] Maggie: maybe you want a gui? Then use system->Administration->Synaptic [13:43] but anyway, bye now. [13:44] rrw, Coz i dont know why but i am not able to dwnload anything usin package manager and apt-get [13:44] rww, Coz i dont know why but i am not able to dwnload anything usin package manager and apt-get [13:45] Maggie: you should fix that first, post those errors on pastebin [13:45] Maggie: okay. I'd strongly suggest that we work through and fix those problems so that you can use the package manager, because doing it otherwise will make a huge mess at best. [13:45] okkk [13:45] * Dexi forgets how to update to intrepid [13:46] Maggie: Okay. The easiest way to figure this out will be if I give you some commands to run in the terminal, and you paste them into pastebin and give me the link. === matthew_ is now known as KC2ORE [13:46] !upgrade | Dexi [13:46] Dexi: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes [13:46] but how can i download it when package manager and apt-get doesnt download anythin [13:46] Maggie: because we're going to fix the package manager so it *does* download stuff. [13:46] is needs some help with ltsp using kde and usb printing. [13:47] rww, how can i fix package manager? [13:47] may be a bit off topic (related to beagle search). I got 0.3.8 on intrepid and it's using an insane amount of memory. 1.2GB or so. [13:47] anyone with similar issues? [13:48] Maggie: run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" and post it to pastebin [13:48] !pastebin [13:48] pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [13:48] Maggie: Now. run the following commands one after another in the terminal, and copy-paste all of the output to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ and give me the link it gives you: "sudo apt-get check" "sudo apt-get update" "sudo apt-get upgrade" [13:48] Maggie: the output of those commands will give us a basic idea of what's going wrong here. [13:48] when i boot into ubuntu it halts at "checking battery state" - how can i get it to skip/cancel that step [13:49] hey guys im not getting sound from youtube vids (flash) [13:49] Dexi: firefox? [13:50] siccness, yes [13:50] :) [13:50] Does it work sometimes, or never? [13:50] is the sound down? [13:50] so far, never [13:50] luddite, amarok plays fine [13:50] test tone plays fine [13:50] is the sound volume slider down? [13:51] !pastebin pravin@pravin-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get check [13:51] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [13:51] [sudo] password for pravin: [13:51] Reading package lists... Done [13:51] Building dependency tree [13:51] Reading state information... Done [13:51] pravin@pravin-desktop:~$ [13:51] Maggie: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [13:51] Maggie: again, rather than pasting the output here, paste it to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ and give us the link it gives you. [13:51] !pastebin | Maggie [13:51] Maggie: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [13:52] how can i register my nick? [13:52] !register | guest [13:52] guest: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode [13:52] siccness, any ideas? [13:53] @Dexi what flash plugin are you using? [13:53] Dexi: yeah === guest is now known as unanxbt [13:54] @rww , http://paste.ubuntu.com/99013/ [13:54] psycocyst, siccness: official [13:54] Dexi: is it only flash? [13:54] Maggie: okay, and the other two commands? "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get upgrade"? [13:54] siccness, yes [13:55] siccness, well i assume its only flash, as amarok works [13:56] @rww , now it has started working... Thanx [13:56] happy new year! [13:56] Maggie: was it working fine before this evening? [13:56] @Dexi if you gointo firefox->Tools->Add-ons->plugins does your one have Shockwave Flash - Shockwave Flash 10.0.r12 [13:56] deagle: happy new year to you too [13:56] @rww , no [13:56] thanks :D [13:56] whats in the firefox rc file? [13:57] Maggie: huh, but now it is? odd times. [13:57] 9.0 r152 [13:57] psycocyst, [13:57] does anyone know why word/excel 2007 won't show some of the buttons (like the round button) or the highlights? [13:57] Hi, how can I start an application every time I log in? [13:57] what's the package for the official GNOME wallpapers? [13:57] Dexi: what version of Ubuntu? [13:57] @rww, yeah very odd [13:57] Maggie: well, I guess we can answer your original question then... sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop for KDE4, sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop for Xfce [13:57] by-pass^: gnome-backgrounds [13:58] suc 8.04 upping to intrepid. [13:58] !ubuntu-artwork [13:58] Sorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-artwork [13:58] @rww, now its working all right [13:58] thanks, hspaans [13:58] Igramul: System > Preferences > Sessions, and add an entry for it there. [13:58] Igramul: (assuming you're using GNOME) [13:58] rww: Thanks. [13:58] i think it works a lot better on intrepid [13:59] i had intrepid yesterday but i messed it up trying to switch to KDE [13:59] @rww ,will these commands install Kde or kubuntu? [13:59] @dexi did you install from Synaptic adobe-flashplugin or did you install from firefox? [13:59] psycocyst, from firefox [13:59] Maggie: Kubuntu is just Ubuntu with KDE. [13:59] went to pandora.com and clicked "Install missing plugin" [14:00] @dexi check in synaptic if it is install on your system? [14:00] Dexi: check the firefoxrc file [14:00] I can't remember the location of that particular rc file [14:00] so just do an updatedb [14:00] and use locate [14:00] If I install kde, does my gnome menu contains kde software? [14:00] unanxbt: yes [14:00] psycocyst, flash is installed because the vids play but no sound... i think im going to upgrade to intrepid and see if that doesnt fix it... im pretty sure it will [14:00] join #ubuntu-de [14:01] gonna crawl in bed while that downloads [14:01] rww, then how can i install kde so that the gnome does not affect by it? [14:01] and also Dexi, you dont want KDE. [14:01] Can anyone explain why this is happening? http://i42.tinypic.com/33xwuue.jpg http://i43.tinypic.com/2i20ykn.jpg [14:01] :) [14:01] siccness, no kidding!!! [14:01] rww: will I be able to switch between desktop environments? [14:01] unanxbt, yes you'll be able to use them [14:01] it is a mess [14:01] unanxbt: I don't know of a way to do that. There might be one, but I'm not aware of it. [14:01] openbox standalone is the key. [14:01] @Dexi not a bad idea most of the updates are much better [14:01] openbox is teh shit [14:01] brb [14:01] join #ubuntu.de [14:01] Maggie: yes. Both kdm (KDE login manager) and gdm (GNOME login manager) have options to log into either GNOME or kde [14:02] Does anyone know? [14:02] rww ,thanx [14:02] Hello [14:02] unanxbt: you should just be able to install the kde desktop and it'll will show up as an option when you log in [14:03] Question: on a new hard drive do you think it would be "better" to install ubuntu or windows first in a dual boot system? [14:03] windows [14:03] russell__, Windows [14:03] windows xp [14:03] windows [14:03] join #ubuntu-de [14:04] russell__: or if you wanted to be cool, just install linux. [14:04] deagle, no, i mean that how can i install so that the gnome menu does not mess up with kde softwares and also kde menu does not mess up with gnome softwares? [14:04] why is that so? [14:04] leave windows on another machine :P [14:04] russell__: because Microsoft are arrogant, basically. === haltija is now known as emt [14:04] russell__, because windows do clear the MBR and set it to boot Windows-Systems only [14:04] is there an ubuntu seen bot? [14:04] russell__, so your linux will dissapear ! [14:05] joi #ubuntu-de [14:05] Currently I'm running Hardy, trying to configure /etc/hosts on my LAMP server, but when I go to my domain.com from my computer from the same network, the website won't show up. How can I configure /etc/hosts/ to let me show my site on my local network? [14:06] Neulix, it's '/join #ubuntu-de' :P Remember the slash, forget the quotes [14:06] unanxbt: by "mess up with" what do you mean? === root is now known as chevil [14:06] J-_: what? [14:06] @j-_ best thing to do would be to iinstall webmin [14:06] does linux offer any triple monitor support? [14:06] as far as I know, you can run both (just obviously not at the same time... unless you run separate gdms... nevermind) [14:06] @ phno.. thx [14:06] J-_: are you able to ping the hostname? [14:07] russell__, not tried that, but i'm working now on dual-monitor and it works fine [14:07] and returns the correct IP address? [14:07] J-_, have you looked at your apache config? [14:07] and then secondly [14:07] is it correctly configured under apache? [14:07] russell__, i think it can handle more than two also [14:07] i.e. make sure the ip set in the config is the one you're trying to access [14:07] and thirdly, is your nsswitch config setup to handle hosts or dns first? [14:07] abuyusuf_: yeah I had a dual mon. setup, but 2 days b4 the newyear my house was broken into [14:07] siccness: I'll see if I can ping it. Not sure if it's correctly configure under apache. It should be? I remember back in Dapper I had no problem like this. [14:08] everything of value was stolen [14:08] siccness: I can ping it. [14:08] abuyusuf_, sorry for that !, and you want now to do a triple-monitor system with linux ? [14:08] step 2, check your nsswitch.conf file [14:09] just so you're not hittin dns [14:09] hi all. Can an existing x-session be connected to from a different host? [14:09] siccness: Where is it? /etc/nsswitch.conf? [14:09] bingo [14:09] :) [14:09] J-_, ping != http access... the machine might be up but httpd.conf could still be shagged -- more info, mate! [14:09] abuyusuf: yeah the stole the hdtv so I was thinking about a triple monitor setup and use one of the monitors as a tv sometimes [14:09] r3dux: basic troubleshooting first [14:09] nods @ siccness [14:10] How can I "lock" gnome wallpaper? [14:10] <]Oblivion[> ciao a tutti [14:10] siccness: what am I looking for in /etc/nsswitch.conf? [14:10] which is first, dns or hosts [14:11] Is it possible to start Smart Boot Manager from lilo? [14:11] emt - you could chmod 000 the bit of gnome that allows it to change wallpapers - that way only root would be able to change [14:11] russell__, no problem, just plug them in, and it should work with no extra actions, just change what you need in "System > Preferences > Screen Resolution" [14:11] Or from a USB drive? [14:11] exit [14:11] could someone help me figure out how to set a gtk theme engine and all apps use the same one? ever since i started using gtk-chtheme it seems that some apps don't know which engine it's supposed to be using [14:11] hosts: then networks: no dns: [14:11] r3dux: How exactly? [14:12] J-_: ok awesome [14:12] is apache actually running? [14:12] deagle, i mean the gnome (or kde) menu automatically adds softwares of the other desktop environment [14:12] deagle, that apps you talk abut, running under the same user or another one ? === spY is now known as Guest7821 [14:12] siccness: Yes. I can go onto my website from my local IP [14:12] what program can record from my display? (to make tutorials :) ) [14:12] abuyusuf: same user [14:12] abuyusuf: salaam alaykum :) [14:12] ok, IP address works but not through hostname? [14:12] emt - google. You know what to do now - just find out how. === Guest7821 is now known as spY|da [14:13] <]Oblivion[> cè qualche italiano? [14:13] emt - find out which bit of gnome to restrict. I don't know, or use gnome. [14:13] siccness: My WAN IP doesn't work. [14:13] hi [14:13] deagle, Wa 3alikom el salam :) Welcome [14:14] eid mobarak [14:14] Pessulus at least can't lock wallpaper [14:14] hmm [14:15] !italian | ]Oblivion[ [14:15] ]Oblivion[: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) [14:15] the weird thing is that gnome-settings-daemon IS working :\ [14:15] can somebody please troubleshoot an atheros network card in kubuntu 8.04 32 bit? [14:15] emt - windows can take a copy of wallpaper you set and call it "WindowsWallpaper.bmp" or some such - if linux is any the same you could find that file, and restrict it - but... lin prolly doesn't. It's wallpaper. [14:15] siccness: I mean, from my network my WAN IP doesn't go to my website. www.bytebind.com work outside my LAN on other networks. [14:16] dillzz - sounds like you need to get your reading on. [14:17] r3dux, I have read am on at a loss [14:17] siccness, then www.bytebind.com is on DNS or hardcoded to your route on your system [14:17] I mean IP, not route. Soz. [14:17] card shows enabled its an old atheros ar5212 but it will not connect nor scan [14:18] What driver do you expect it to use? [14:18] modprobe | grep ??? [14:18] it uses the ath driver [14:18] through restricted driver manager etc [14:18] so "modprobe | grep ath" [14:19] you mean lsmod? === ape is now known as Ape === Ape is now known as Ape3000 [14:19] Hold on... lsmod [14:19] lsmod :) ---- sorry [14:19] lol ok! [14:20] yes it loads all ath drivers, eg: ath_rate_sample, ath_pci, wlan, ath_hal [14:20] Hmmm [14:20] sudo iwlist scan shows ath0 No scan results . . . . [14:20] have intel card on other laptop working perfect [14:20] so not a configuration issue [14:20] I would honestly google this hard... [14:21] I don't think anyone here will have the same prob or experience w/ [14:21] just got this laptop for free and usually stick to intel etc . . . [14:21] Don't forget google groups... can be useful. [14:21] hi everybody . [14:21] tried checking, does the kernel now support atheros stack by default without compile of madwifi? [14:21] i thought newer kernels did . . . [14:22] shrugs - intel wifi - works off the bat [14:22] hehe - yes it does, its wonderful - this is a pain...alright just wanted to check the room [14:23] noobkz, Can we help ? [14:24] ciao a tutti! ho installato ubuntu 8.10 assieme a xp all'avvio mi dice frequenza non supportata e dopo aver fatto una specie di controllo finalmente parte, c'è qualcuno che sa dirmi come fare per ovviare a questo inconveniente? GRAZIE [14:25] !it | karmaez [14:25] karmaez: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) [14:25] grazie [14:26] Hello, I'm trying to boot Ubuntu installation CD from the vmlinuz and initrd.gz found in casper [14:26] with lilo, but there is only a blank screen showing up, when I do [14:26] Any suggestions what I'm supposed to do, what options should I specify, what root= should I put in lilo.conf, etc. [14:28] !chroot [14:28] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box [14:29] #ubuntu-fr [14:30] if i set up a slave drive as a primary NTFS partition, can ubuntu read/write? [14:31] anyone an idea how to get libqt3c102-mt ? [14:33] littlewookie - sudo apt-get apt-file === Quintin_ is now known as Quintin [14:33] r3dux: it would be nice if the pakage were in the repos [14:33] hey guys, i upgraded pidgin to a package from getdeb and that broke my musictracker plugin. i did a remove --purge for pidgin, pidgin-data and pidgin-musictracker and reinstalled from repos but musictracker is still stuck on the same song and refuses to update [14:34] any ideas? (the purge remove didn't manage to remove my config settings for pidgin or musictracker) [14:34] No candidate version found for libqt3c102-mt [14:34] littlewookie - apt-file should be in the repos - then you use "apt-file search [14:34] littlewookie - perhaps you need to expand you repos if it's not a standard file... [14:36] Hi there, do someone know a software that can replace CUBIC and run on linux ? Or is there a way to run cubic on linux ? [14:36] hey guys... i have just rewired my xbox controller to usb, now how do i map those inputs to keys for gams... [14:36] Coggz what xbox controller? [14:36] Coggz, depends on the game. Check the game menus/options [14:38] cyd: and CUBIC os? [14:38] is there any application which can extract from a .bin file? [14:38] cyd: *is [14:38] im working on getting ubuntu on my ps3 [14:38] the only trouble i have is my blue-ray drive is fried [14:38] spycon9988: well.. you could convert it to an iso.. (if it's that kind of .bin file) [14:38] is there any other way of putting unbuntu on the hdd? [14:38] ok it is a standard gamepad, and is recognised in jstest, but how do i map to keys... [14:38] how? [14:39] spycon9988, .bin is 'vague' what is the file supposed tobe? a cd/dvd image? a Executable? [14:39] dr_willis : a cd image [14:40] spycon9988, there are bin/cue to iso converter tools out.. then you could mount the .iso image and get to the files on it [14:40] !cue [14:40] Sorry, I don't know anything about cue [14:40] !bin [14:40] Sorry, I don't know anything about bin [14:40] yIn /etc/resolv.conf, do I have to specify 'nameserver'? [14:40] bchunk or some app can convert bin to iso [14:40] hhhh [14:41] bchunk - CD image format conversion from bin/cue to iso/cdr [14:41] dr_willis: can u name some tools? [14:41] i guess not then [14:41] spycon9988, i just did [14:44] hey drwillis [14:45] Slart: No, CUBIC, the msdos software for comptability [14:45] tcd Documents [14:45] mkdir FEBE-NEW [14:45] i want to net install ubuntu , what iso should i get, give a link [14:46] !install [14:46] Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate [14:46] !automate [14:46] Ways to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning [14:46] Hello. [14:47] Is anyone familiar with the Dell Inspiron E1505/6400 Bluetooth module? [14:47] !anyone [14:47] A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [14:47] Zombie. hello [14:48] Hi. [14:48] I want to get my Laptop's integrated Bluetooth working. [14:48] !bluetooth [14:48] For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup [14:48] her...I want to run a script at 3 am everyday [14:49] will * 3 * * * /script/script.sh do the trick ? [14:49] leachim6: what says the manpage? i think it will work. but dont forget to set error channel setting lige: 2>&1 [14:50] I'm on a HP Pavilion dv9000 laptop. The wireless doesn't work. There's a swith for turning it on and off and it's supposed to light blue and it lights orange. Please help! [14:50] * 3 * * * > /dev/null [14:50] like so ? [14:50] leachim6: * 3 * * * /script/script.sh 2>&1 [14:51] I just realized that ubuntu has /etc/cron/daily [14:51] I'm not able to install ndiswrapper either. [14:51] www.martin-malischek.de [14:51] whoops [14:51] /etc/cron.daily [14:51] so I'll just stick the script in there [14:51] !enter [14:51] Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [14:51] cyd: do you have some kind of url for this software? "software for compability" isn't really a good description [14:52] i need to put ubuntu on my ps3 but the optical drive is out is there any other way of installing it onto the hdd without the use of the ps3 optical drive? [14:52] cyd: what does it do? [14:52] No devices detected. [14:52] cyd: *compatibility [14:52] jwjones1706, try a usb-thumbdrive install - if it can boot off a usb thumbdrive.. and has a usb port.. :) [14:52] I'm on a HP Pavilion dv9000 laptop. The wireless doesn't work. There's a swith for turning it on and off and it's supposed to light blue and it lights orange. I'm also not able to install ndiswrapper. It says that the package doesn't exist. [14:53] !wlan | Stalker72 [14:53] Stalker72: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [14:53] well unfortunatley i dont have a usb thumb drive at the moment [14:53] Stalker72, the exact process can vary depending on the wureless chipset in the thing. [14:53] Does someone know if there is an option in virtualbox that you can control virtual machine's through the internet like vmware server has? [14:53] would i be able to do it by hooking the drive into my desktop? [14:54] Stalker72: try to check your sources. [14:54] !sources | Stalker72 [14:54] Stalker72: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories [14:54] jwjones1706, I doubt it. The PS3 hard drive layout is a bit special.. Plus I dident thinkthe ps3 used a normal ubuntu install (x86) version. It uses PPC i think [14:54] yeah...it's got the Cell proc remember [14:54] wasent tehre a special PS3 Ubuntu unofficial release/iso. [14:54] I think IBM makes that [14:55] !who [14:55] As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [14:55] dr_willis, just google "ubuntu on ps3" [14:55] ortsvorsteher: I have intrepid-security, intrepid-updates, intrepid-proposed and intrepid-backports enabled. [14:55] ortsvorsteher: ...and main, universe, restricted and multiverse. [14:55] dr_willis, you can find it here -> http://tinyurl.com/7p32ml [14:56] hey guys, anyone had similar troubles with firefox-3.0 & Flash ?? "libflashplayer.so [libplds4.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory]" [14:56] leachim6, i dont even have a ps3 :) I got a Wii [14:56] dr_willis, ohh...in that case [14:56] MrBubble - No... must be you... and others [14:56] you need this url [14:56] http://tinyurl.com/8tkatg [14:56] Stalker72: yes, this sounds good. but check the documentation, may you have to put unfree sources to your sources.list to get ndiswrapper [14:57] well i have the ubuntu i need for install on a ps3 hdd [14:57] ortsvorsteher: Btw, it says that I have to install ndiswrapper in this guide: http://aldeby.org/blog/index.php/howto-ubuntu-linux-on-hp-pavilion-dv2000-dv6000-dv9000-series-laptops#wireless [14:58] ortsvorsteher: The laptop may be affected by this problem: http://forums13.itrc.hp.com/service/forums/bizsupport/questionanswer.do?admit=109447627+1230994321233+28353475&threadId=1179013 [14:58] Stalker72: so try to find out in which sources you find ndiswrapper. [14:58] I haven't had to use ndiswrapper for many years.. [14:58] Stalker72, be sure to check for newer docs.. a lot of the old docs suggest ndiswrappers - thats not needed any more. You may want to check thubuntu forums for your specific laptop/chipset [14:58] ortsvorsteher: How? [14:58] dr_willis: ok [14:58] !sources | Stalker72 [14:58] Stalker72: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories [14:58] what is the best guide to setup openvpn on 8.10 ? [14:58] openvn is a b**ch [14:59] bye, i have to go. [15:00] I'd prefer a 360 - am finishing Mirrors Edge on Hard in my own sweet time... [15:02] Anyone else? [15:02] Slart: here is a website : http://www.account-it.lu/en/our-products/cubic-for-dos.html [15:03] Hi. I had a system running flawlessly on 8.04, Decided to upgrade to 8.10. FAIL - the upgrade looked like it went fine, but upon reboot, I get a message: Kernel Panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown block(0,0) [15:04] if I choose an older kernel I can get it to boot, but i don't have any keybord or mouse control in X [15:05] Does anyone here use SCIM? [15:05] cyd: ah.. it's an accounting program.. for budgets, keeping track of money and such [15:06] Slart: yes [15:06] i d like to try to run it on linux or find an alternative [15:07] cyd: well.. there are a few available.. gnucash is one [15:07] does anyone here use krusader? [15:07] !info gnucash | cyd [15:07] gnucash (source: gnucash): A personal finance tracking program. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.2.6-2ubuntu3 (intrepid), package size 1791 kB, installed size 5388 kB [15:07] or you could run virtualbox in seamless mode [15:07] cyd: gnucash is quite nice [15:07] cyd: or you could try running it using wine [15:07] that's a valid workaround [15:07] i'll look that [15:08] looks lik its back to windows for me [15:09] Whitor: fwiw, if you always leave that option open, there's less incentive to get Linux working [15:09] ardchoille: you use it in a accounting company ? [15:09] Looks like you corrupted your root. [15:09] cyd: oh, no, never done that.. I've only used it for personal finanace management. [15:10] ardchoille, its always an option [15:11] ardchoille & Slart: do you know some other software names i can look into ? [15:11] I use linux on my primary computer... I'm trying to help a friend out here [15:11] he was upgrading from 8.04 to 8.10 and all hell let loose [15:11] Whitor: ok [15:11] I have a cli, I can edit files... I just don't know where to start [15:11] cyd: open a terminal and do some searching: "apt-cache search finance" or "apt-cache search budget" [15:11] Whenever scrolling in firefox, my CPU usage skyrockets to 100% and pictures load extremely slow. If I am playing any audio while I am scrolling, it will skip. I'm using Ubuntu 8.10 x64 on a nvidia video card, what can I do? [15:12] ok [15:12] cyd: grisbi, eqonomize homebank are a few.. I would recommend then in that order [15:12] !terminal | Whitor [15:12] thank you [15:12] Whitor: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal [15:12] !money [15:12] Sorry, I don't know anything about money [15:12] yeah, grisbi is good too [15:12] if only more of the world coudl be like ubottu [15:13] punkrockguy318: what driver are you using ?? [15:13] erUSUL: proprietary nvidia-new [15:13] ardchoille, No X. cant get in ... I have to use ctrl-alt-F1 to get a terminal [15:13] don't forget about GNUcash for finance [15:13] Whitor: ctrl+alt+f1 is all some of us ever use ;) [15:13] punkrockguy318: i use nvidia propietary drivers and do not have such isssues... hoping you were using plain nv [15:14] can anyone reccomend any good reading on setting up a DNS server in Ubuntu? I'm looking to get a better understanding of the setup, how to configure, etc before I attempt it [15:14] erUSUL: it's strange someone on a forum i post on is having the exact same issue on Ubuntu 8.10 and the nvida driver, he has a 8800 GT [15:14] grisbi and gnucash, seems to be for personal use, i'm looking for something pro [15:15] Whitor: you can do email, web browsing, irc, instant messaging, file management, videos and more all in tty1 (ctrl+alt+f1) [15:15] If I use the 2.6.27-11 kernel it won't boot at all... If I choose the 2.6.24-22 kernel IT boots, but I don't have any control in X [15:16] ardchoille, I am familiar with the cli, just not with how to resolve this problem [15:17] Whitor: what exactly is the probloem? === amortvigil is now known as toedels === toedels is now known as K-toedels [15:18] Hi. I had a system running flawlessly on 8.04, Decided to upgrade to 8.10. FAIL - the upgrade looked like it went fine, but upon reboot, I get a message: Kernel Panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown block(0,0) [15:18] is there a searchable log for this channel? [15:18] repost from above [15:19] but if I choose an older kernel, I can get it to boot === K-toedels is now known as KDEfanboiy [15:19] but I have no control in X === KDEfanboiy is now known as KDEfanboy [15:19] I have seen this on Mandriva systems. [15:19] can ubuntu server cd used for desktop installation? [15:19] user01: yes.. perhaps in the irc info pages from the topic [15:19] Whitor: that error has been documented years ago with many ubuntu updates [15:19] Yes, === Computech is now known as Gnomeputech [15:19] can ubuntu server cd used for desktop installation?? [15:20] Can someone tell me how to make the main toolbar in nautilus smaller? (the one with back, forward, up, stop, etc) [15:20] metbsd, just apt-get install ubuntu-desktop [15:20] piksi, so you are familiar with the solution ? [15:20] I'm trying to use Audacity, but for some reason it won't play the audio file and gives me this error: "Error while opening sound device. Please check the output device settings and the project sample rate.", can anyone help me with that, please? === KDEfanboy is now known as kamort [15:21] Omar87, What about another sounds on your system, can hear any sound from any another action ? [15:21] abuyusuf_, but server iso can install minimum? [15:21] I have found on the official ubuntu forums - the same issue as recently as November. With no solution listed [15:21] Whitor: iirc usually it's due to grub trying to access wrong partition uuid so check out what's the uuid of your /boot and then modify grub menu.lst to point to the correct partition. if the error appears already before grub menu then you have propably crap in MBR and just need to rewrite mbr with correct info [15:21] Omar87: doesn't audacity use oss? I don't know how to fix it though [15:21] metbsd, sure [15:21] abuyusuf_: Everything else works like a charm. [15:22] I have an external monitor hooked up to my laptop, and I'm using both screens. Everything works fine EXCEPT the external monitors screen is partly duplicated onto the right edge of the laptop screen. Is there some magic trick to make this go away? [15:22] piksi, yeah, I checked that, root=(0,1)- is correct, boots with older kernels [15:22] I just wanted to share that I feel dirty... Installed IE6 on ubuntu and wondered if anyone could pat me on the pack and tell me everything will be ok... [15:22] Omar87, OK, Check for what Audacity uses, OSS Or what ? [15:23] uuid ... hm, I don't know how to check that [15:23] craigbass1976: it won't, you need to commit seppuku [15:23] Slart, abuyusuf_: At another thread on Launchpad, they say it uses, JACK. [15:23] piksi, eh? [15:23] craigbass1976: is it slow on ubuntu [15:23] How to I verify proper UUID for the grub menu ? [15:23] Slart, abuyusuf_L However, JACK doesn't even exist on my machine. [15:23] Whitor: boot to rescue mode on cd, mount your file systems and check /dev/disk/by-* directories and their contents and fstab contents [15:24] thiebaude, this box is kind of a turd anyway [15:24] piksi, What am I checking for ? [15:24] Whitor: and after that check if menu.lst has correct uuid (the long string of dashes, letters and numbers) [15:24] Omar87: jack is .. a replacement for esd I think.. I don't think it's available in ubuntu, no [15:24] Omar87, apt-get install jack [15:24] Omar87, apt-get install jackd [15:24] Omar87, the last command i sent, that should install JACK [15:24] piksi, googled seppuku. harhar. [15:24] Omar87: oh.. listen to abuyusuf_ instead.. he seems to know what hes' talking about [15:24] The guest user can restart X with Ctrl+Alt+Backspace just fine, but me (the normal user) can't. I assume this has to do with wrong xkb mapping somehow, but I'm not sure where to start. Any clues? [15:25] * unop pats craigbass1976 on the back saying, "it will all be ok in the end, you'll have reverted to something saner" :) [15:25] Slart, abuyusuf_: Yeah, however, the first command seems to work too. [15:25] as soon as idiots stop using, and making site that only work in it... I'll be much happier [15:26] Omar87, Good news, after install complete, retry with Audacity [15:26] craigbass1976, i just tend to change the UA strings on firefox to masquerade as IE -- and most sites work fine [15:26] I have three long strings of numbers in /dev/disk/by-UUID/ [15:26] Omar87: jack (without the 'd') seems to be some kind of mp3/ogg ripper [15:27] How do I determine which one ic the correct one? [15:27] jack isn't a ripper [15:27] ic = is [15:27] it's a way of connecting audio channels together [15:27] Hey Alfred, I've got a bone for you! [15:27] it aims to be a ultra low latency sound server [15:27] !info jack | scott8035 [15:27] jack (source: jack): Rip and encode CDs with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.1+cvs20050801-25 (intrepid), package size 144 kB, installed size 660 kB [15:27] Anyone got a clue why Ubuntu doesnt go full screen on VirtualBox ? [15:27] !info jackd [15:27] jackd (source: jack-audio-connection-kit): JACK Audio Connection Kit (server and example clients). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.109.2-3ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 88 kB, installed size 412 kB [15:28] OMG... IE in linux even has the pop up experience I forgot about... [15:28] so isaid jackd not jack [15:28] hello [15:28] Hi all! Anybody knows how can i change splash image? No by terminal but in GUI tools? I have Gnome.. [15:28] craigbass1976, I wouldn't bother with IE [15:29] Katangawise, System > Administration > Login Window [15:29] it is really turdy. I think I'll pass--use someone windows box to test sites I make... [15:29] See y'all alter [15:29] later. Don't alter... [15:30] abuyusuf_, I didn't see this option (change splash) in Ligin Window.. Are you sure? [15:30] z [15:30] katangawise: In Session Manager there is an option for the splash screen [15:30] piksi, in grub/menu.lst The root UUID of the failing kernel option is the same as all the other (older semi-working) kernel options === qb|sleep is now known as qb|away [15:30] Katangawise, Switch to the tab called "Local" [15:31] Katangawise, look there and choose what you want [15:32] oops! I goofed [15:32] I have an external monitor hooked up to my laptop, and I'm using both screens. Everything works fine EXCEPT the external monitor's screen is partly duplicated onto the right edge of the laptop screen. Is there some magic trick to make this go away? [15:32] abuyusuf_, Ah.. No, it's login windows!! I spoke about splash screen. Images at boot time..:) Thanks a lot! [15:33] brulioo, Thanks a lot!! :) === Gnomeputech is now known as Computech [15:33] Katangawise, sorry, ok [15:33] scott8035: r u using gnome? [15:34] yes [15:34] scott8035: try the "Monitor Resolution Settings"? [15:34] Whitor: ok, and is the line above it that only says "uuid blahblahblahblah" the uuid of the boot partition you see in fstab? [15:34] Is anyone familiar with the Dell Inspiron E1505/6400 Bluetooth module? I can't seem to get mine working. [15:34] scott8035: System -> Prefreences -> Screen Resolution. Drag the monitor boxes to the appropirate location. [15:35] Radio Status for Bluetooth: [15:35] Bluetooth supported [15:35] Bluetooth not installed [15:35] Bluetooth enabled [15:35] Zombie: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [15:35] Zombie: use pastebin god damnit [15:35] is there a command to quickly install BerkeleyDB? [15:35] Sorry. [15:35] Katangawise: Did you find it? [15:35] zelexus, i assume you mean "monitor resolution settings"...they are correctly set at 1280x800 and 1280x1024 [15:35] piksi, yes, the other one I see is the swap [15:35] HI. I'Ve just installed ubuntu 8.10 32bit version. Iwant to use a 1920x1080 lcd with my nvidia card. The problem is there is some kind of overscan mode active. All Screenborders are outside the visible area as well as the upper and buttom menus. How can I make the screen fit? [15:35] scott8035: ah ok. Well, I don't really know. It was just a suggestion ;) [15:35] ooooooo [15:36] <_moro_bana_> please help, I have installed kvpnc to connect to MS vpn and this is the only way I can have access to internet.the program indicates that my computer is connected but I cant use the connection,help.this is the only thing that has kept me back [15:36] Katagia: does your monitor have a push button menus system that can adjust the screen automatically? [15:36] guys [15:36] I want install java [15:36] Whitor: ok, then i suggest you boot to rescue mode from the cd and run grub to update mbr and everything to ensure it's set up correclty. if that doesn't work then i can't remember what the error could be. the last time i ran to that error was with ubuntu 5 and 6 [15:37] amjed: ubuntu-restricted-extras [15:37] bruloo: There is no way to adjust the lcd itself. It's only possible to change brithness etc. but nothing else [15:37] piksi, ew. ok thx [15:37] In Windows there is a slider to adjust the screen [15:37] Is there anypeople can tell me the id of chinese channel? [15:37] what's that? [15:38] !ch | SnowAngel [15:38] Sorry, I don't know anything about ch [15:38] SnowAngel: Give me a sec, I'll find the channel for you [15:38] !ce [15:38] Sorry, I don't know anything about ce [15:38] ah,thanks [15:38] the java need command to install? [15:38] Katagia: Sorry then, I have no other help other then maube through the Nvidia-Setting Manager [15:38] maube = maybe [15:38] the java need command to install?? [15:38] amjed, apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras [15:39] :) [15:39] thanks [15:39] :) [15:39] !cn | SnowAngel [15:39] SnowAngel: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk [15:40] bruloo: It is not possible to change anythin in the nvidia manager. Is there any way to tell gnome to put the menu bars in the vissible area? [15:40] gotta go. Bye [15:40] [$$$] anyone know how to set up a vpn server? i need a pptp vpn server with usernames/passwords on 5 public ip addresses, to which people can connect from their homes and then use internet services from their home through the vpn server's public ip's [$$$] [15:40] hey all, I was wondering if there was a "bulk" way to see which init.d services were currently running? (presuming their scripts have mostly the same syntax) [15:41] I have no idea, sorry, I dod it with my monitor. Ask again I have to run. [15:41] mercury messenger need java to work? [15:41] dod = do [15:41] mercury messenger need java to work? [15:41] mercury messenger need java to work? [15:41] thanks guys for your help the other day! i finally got the atheros card working =D [15:41] S`, Try IPCOP its a turnkey linux distro that has VPN capabilities [15:41] i have installed but it's not work [15:42] mercury messenger need java to work? [15:42] i have installed but it's not work [15:42] any help? [15:42] amjed: be patient [15:42] can someone help me set up my wireless card to work, i am stuck:) [15:42] hehhe [15:42] what? [15:43] what's wrong with it stian? [15:43] hi all [15:43] hi [15:43] all [15:43] amjed: mecury is not supplied by Ubuntu, you need to contact the supplier [15:43] hi DragoraN_ [15:43] can anyone recommend me linux distro which purpose is only to download files? torrents etc.. for home.. [15:44] hi [15:44] S`, lookup road warrior vpn pptp ... her is a link from that google : http://www.wahlau.org/pptp_vpn_server_your_own_small_home_network === adam is now known as Guest81945 [15:44] i need messenger that support msn protocol and video calls==any idea? [15:44] Rolle: under system, hardware drivers seems everything ok, but no networks found, also when i run iwconfig -- no wireless extensions [15:44] stian: what card are you using? [15:44] amjed: Pidgin should do that yes? [15:44] Rolle: 14:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01) [15:44] amjed: none, contact the vendor behind the msn-protocol for more information [15:45] stian, I just set that up myself [15:45] easy and quick fix [15:45] Rolle, YYep Pidgin should do that [15:45] amjed, can you please tell me why you cant use the built in ? [15:45] Rolle: so tell me how please [15:45] Hello, my USB mouse stopped working today (nothing like the mouse or packages has changed recently) and in dmesg I get a few repeating error messages about "unable to enumerate USB device" [15:45] go to system, administration, hardware drivers [15:45] anyone heard of this, or know a fix? Google seems clueless [15:45] Fish-Face, no idea sorry [15:46] but pidgin not allow me to send veiw cam [15:46] unmark the Support for Atheros 802.11 card [15:46] ok [15:46] try KMess or EMsn maybe === MadMax is now known as Guest22509 [15:46] anyone knows about sendmail ? [15:46] or aMSN [15:47] anything else? [15:47] yes [15:47] kmess? [15:47] 1 sec [15:47] is it good? [15:47] amjed,Kmess is an MSN client [15:47] probably more features then the others, amjed [15:47] oh thanks [15:48] what do I need to do to allow dynamic dns updates in bind9? dhcp says [15:48] Rolle [15:48] no need command to install? [15:48] i installed the sendmail on my ubuntu 8.04 , i sent an e-mail but the email doesen`t arrive , on my mail.log says connection time out [15:48] any ideeas ? [15:48] amjed, no you dont need to use command....its easier to use package manager [15:48] ...o timed out [15:48] and bind says "denied" [15:48] thanks [15:48] i'll try it [15:49] after youd o that, reboot---once you reboot, go into terminal and type: [15:49] sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-intrepid-generic [15:49] hi [15:49] How can I configure a static IP adress? I've just set it at Settings -> Network Configuration but it is ignored [15:49] bebe: try postfix, exim or nullmailer instead of sendmail === lubomir is now known as LLLL```` [15:49] Fish-Face, You could allways try the forum [15:49] Rolle, how long did it take you to become a Linux wizard/ [15:49] ? [15:49] I hve a question regarding widelands it is possible to play on internet? [15:49] i'm not [15:49] i'm a noob [15:50] hspaans, sudo apt-get install postfix [15:50] ? [15:50] Rolle: i will do that and come back [15:50] after you do the apt-get, then restart again [15:50] and wifi should be working [15:50] brb [15:50] bebe: that may work, it has an understandable configuration [15:50] i see [15:50] Rolle [15:50] I had the same problem [15:50] That won't help [15:50] is it possible to play widelands on the net? [15:50] what should i put on the mail configuration ? internet with smarthost ? [15:50] kan julli nederland braten [15:51] I got mine fixed with mad wifi, fixed my essentials etc [15:51] Installed not fixed* [15:51] ziomek, please talk in ENGLISH [15:51] Or build whatever. =] [15:51] bebe: internet with smarthost is a wise choice for 200% of the home users [15:51] Is there any central configuration like yast in opensuse? I've just change the IP from dhcp to static in Settings -> Network configuration. My changes have been saven but they are just ignored [15:51] j sprek a litel enkish [15:51] BLuEACiD: after i did that apt-get it had the driver i needed and worked for me i enabled it and was good to go after the reboot [15:51] ziomek, whats the problem ? [15:52] Help, my sound suddenly stopped working after I had trouble with a flash video. Logging out and logging back in didn't work. [15:52] FreeFull, sounds like the trouble I had === olli_ is now known as olli_away [15:52] FreeFull: do you use pulseaudio? [15:53] No, alsa [15:53] FreeFull, can i suggest "remove pulseaudio" or is it too much? [15:53] maybe try forcefully killing it [15:53] hspaans, i have bebelushul.info domain name [15:53] hm [15:53] FreeFull, can you hear MP3 sounds in Amarok ? [15:53] hey guys...how can I set Thunderbird as my default email client, so that when I press the mail button my keyboard, thunderbird appears instead of evolution? [15:53] theCat0: let me check [15:53] on the smtp relay host should i put bebelushul.info or i need to leave blank ? [15:53] help!! where is inittab in ubuntu? [15:53] mikebeecham, thats easy to do [15:53] !upstart | Stanlin [15:53] Stanlin: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model. For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/ [15:53] mikebeecham, system > preferences > prefered apps somewhere in there is the mail client [15:54] Nobody here has any clue about how to set a static ip? Should be simple but it doesn't seems to work as a new user would expect it [15:54] theCat0: It says "xine was unable to initialise any audio drivers" [15:54] bebe: your ISP smtp-server === olli_away is now known as olli_ [15:54] Rolle: E: Couldn't find package linux-backports-modules-intrepid-generic... repo's problem? [15:54] unop: how to disable X ? [15:54] Katagia, by editing the /etc/network/interfaces file [15:54] yeah guys....once again you rock [15:54] thanks guys === matic is now known as stian [15:54] Stanlin, disable the GDM (or KDM) service in runlevel 2 [15:54] !boot | Stanlin [15:54] Stanlin: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto [15:54] Lol [15:54] you are welcome mikebeecham [15:55] HELP, quick way to disable X ? [15:55] theCat0: Are you there? [15:55] jim_p: Do really have to edit the file by hand? There is no tool to do such tasks? [15:55] FreeFull, are you sure that flash does use alsa? [15:55] ziomek, no one can help you if we dont know the problem [15:55] jim_p: It does [15:55] FreeFull, try re-installing the drivers [15:55] jim_p: I installed a package to allow it to do that [15:55] theCat0: sound drivers? [15:55] sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils reset @ FreeFull [15:55] Yes [15:55] FreeFull: does that help? [15:55] Katagia, the only tool i know so far is gnome-network admin. it requires root rights to do so, so its not convenient for frequent changes [15:56] Katagia, can i pm you my part of static ip in /etc/network/interfaces so as to get an idea? [15:56] mgolisch: It gives me the usage for amixer and this error: "Invalid card number. [15:56] HELP, quick way to disable X ? !!! its urgent [15:56] anyone has installed ubuntu-eee on an asus eeepc? I create the usb using unetbootin but can't execute the kernel image [15:56] best to stay away from MicroShite ; ) [15:56] Stanlin, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop [15:57] mgolisch: It doesn't help [15:57] jim_p: by booting? [15:57] theCat0: stay nice please [15:57] mgolisch: Maybe I could try restarting [15:57] is QT slow under Ubuntu/Gnome? [15:57] jim_p: sure. I have looked at mine but I haevn't found any configuration but loopback interface [15:57] For some reason, I can't install Adobe air on 8.10. The binary runs for about 5 seconds without displaying any output or errors, and then exists. I can't find any errors in /var/log/, nor see any other output. Any ideas? [15:57] Stanlin, use an app like sysvconfig to prevent gdm from starting [15:57] FreeFull: maybe try reset followed by the card number or reboot [15:57] ok sorry hspaans [15:58] Welcome to Jak-e Tvee Live iFreddie[BOT] , The current topic is: http://www.youtube.com/jaketvee . [15:58] help [15:59] Welcome to Jak-e Tvee Live str33tcat , The current topic is: http://www.youtube.com/jaketvee . [15:59] i need to get 98 to a server but how [15:59] Welcome to Jak-e Tvee Live Ximal , The current topic is: http://www.youtube.com/jaketvee . [15:59] Anyone know if Ubuntu Intrepid 32bit has SoundBlaster XtremeGamer Support? Or should I switch over to 64bit? [15:59] HELP [15:59] i need to switch a 98 to a server [15:59] !ops [15:59] Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia! [15:59] The ops are: Jak-e, Chris-w, C-A-M, msn164 and iFreddie. [16:00] How can I set it so instead of files going to trash They are wiped from the drive immediately instead of sent to the trash bin ? [16:00] HEEELO [16:00] i need help [16:00] Ximal: shift-del [16:00] i wont tochange my 98 to a server [16:00] i am using ubuntu 8.10.. when me trying to send files from mobile via bluetooth its not able to send... how this problem can be solved.. help me.. thanks in advance [16:00] help [16:01] help help [16:01] Rebooting fixed my sound :) [16:01] !stop | iFreddie[BOT] [16:01] iFreddie[BOT]: NOTICE - Please stop this discussion NOW. See !offtopic for things that are inappropriate to discuss in this channel. Continuing will result in action being taken. [16:01] !patience | ikonia [16:01] ikonia: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [16:01] chandru: did you install the apropriate gui support for bluetooth? like gnome or kde bluetooth packages? [16:01] Is there a hotkey to change resolutions on the fly, I installed the Nvidia module and now my screen stays black. [16:01] ikonia: ah sorry [16:01] !offtopic [16:01] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [16:01] Stanlin,ech "false" | sudo tee/etc/X11/default-display/manager / Rback ,ech "usr/sbin/gdm" | sudo tee /etc/x!!/default-display-manager ,Temp sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop [16:01] Anyone know if Ubuntu Intrepid 32bit has SoundBlaster XtremeGamer Support? Or should I switch over to 64bit? [16:01] hi [16:02] !hcl | javierg [16:02] javierg: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection [16:02] hspaans: do you know how I can make sure whenever I right click and delete it automatically does the same as shift-delete ? [16:02] saler, eh> what is that? [16:02] Ximal: i think theres a setting in gconf for that [16:03] ya.. its already defaultly installed... my blueooth dongle s detected.. but when i tried to pair from my pc to mobile there is no response from my mobile for pairing codes [16:03] disable x window , Rback = return back , Temp = temporary stop [16:03] Ximal: Nautilus -> Edit -> preferences -> second tab [16:03] try windows xp [16:03] Ximal: its /apps/nautilus/preferences/enable_delete [16:03] eh=echo [16:03] saler, how about ech and x!! and tee/etc ?? [16:04] mgolisch: there is an interface for that [16:04] sorry tee /etc [16:04] too lazy to look through nautilus settings dialogs :) [16:04] :) === dani is now known as Guest88707 [16:04] tee=write file t terminal [16:04] searching in gconf-editor was much quicker [16:04] :) [16:05] tee=write file to terminal [16:05] mgolisch: ya.. its already defaultly installed... my blueooth dongle s detected.. but when i tried to pair from my pc to mobile there is no response from my mobile for pairing codes [16:05] ae cambada [16:05] mgolisch: thanks [16:05] saler, errm, that's not necessarily true. === cesar_ is now known as Guest8813 [16:05] algum brasileiro? [16:05] LOL [16:05] !pt | Guest8813 [16:05] Guest8813: Por favor use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado. [16:06] saler: actualy it writes to the file and displays on stdout too [16:06] happy new yr all [16:06] bmagoha: thx, likewise [16:06] mgolisch,THx for z info [16:06] I synchronize a windows computer with a ubuntu server, and i am writing a script to make backups of different days and weeks. For rotational purposes I have to delete the oldest directory, witch is completely owned by the user who runs the script. I cannot delete some of the files / directories in in though, i don't have permission according to rm. The strange thing is, ls gives me r/w for the owner, and lsattr doesn't say anything strange as [16:06] well. [16:06] kmess not support video calls [16:06] Does anyone know why I'm not able to delete those files and directories? I can't get my head around it... [16:06] For some reason, I can't install Adobe air on 8.10. The binary runs for about 5 seconds without displaying any output or errors, and then exists. I can't find any errors in /var/log/, nor see any other output. Any ideas? [16:07] mgolisch: help me [16:07] any other program? [16:07] Upgrading to Intrepid. Should I keep my menu.lst?? [16:07] chandru: did you read the coresponding wiki article? i have no phone handy that would allow obex transfers, my shity iphone doesnt do that [16:07] Ok I hope that now it will change boot theme :D [16:07] :) [16:07] bye for now [16:07] kmess not support video calls....any other program? [16:07] CaMason: you should contact Adobe about any issues with there software [16:08] hmm [16:08] chandru: did you try it the reverse way? does that not work too? [16:08] is updating from Ubuntu 7.1 to 8.6 LTS with synaptic secure? [16:08] Amjed who are you going to be stripping for anyway XD Just kidding, huhmm [16:08] Is there any way to clear my trash bin out by command line ? as It currently says there are 16 files in it yet when I 1 click open the trash bin I see NO FILES [16:09] I mean.. Why would it say there are files in it when there isn't ? [16:09] amjed: as said before there are no good working clients and most likely will never exist for the MSN-protocol [16:09] what is the recommended upgrade path from ubuntu feisty server? [16:09] Ximal: its ~/.local/Trash or something, maybe just delete everything in there [16:09] Anyhere knows how to setup a static IP? Settings in network manager are ignored :( [16:09] Ok I am back [16:09] It didn't change [16:09] mgolisch: i tried it.. works fine in 8.04.. it works fine.. but not works in 8.10.. even after detecting my mobile address its not retrieving services from my mobile like dunetc [16:10] I am having trouble changing the boot picture ! [16:10] Katagia: yeah use /etc/network/interfaces, maybe read man interfaces too to get the syntax [16:11] Can anyone help pls! [16:11] hey, my HP DeskJet F380 gets detected at pluggin in by ubuntu. However when i try to print something all lights start to flash what means a "a fatal error has occured" [16:11] algum brasileiro? [16:11] any idea why ff would start in offline mode? [16:11] !cn | SnowAngel [16:11] SnowAngel: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk [16:11] thats realy annoying [16:11] linxeh: read the upgrade document for the release you intend to use [16:11] hmm [16:11] hspaans, you need 100 beers [16:11] thanks a lot [16:11] I am running a fresh install of Ubuntu and before in my package manager it gave me the option to download Flash 10 [16:11] may i pv you for 1 minute ? [16:11] hspaans: okay, thanks [16:11] bebe: np your welcome [16:12] hspaans: on the wiki ? [16:12] Now I cannot find flash 10 anywhere [16:12] Great now I got my static IP but dhclient is still running on the same interface :( [16:12] !flash [16:12] teamcoltra: its in multiverse of 8.10 because of distribution issues [16:12] To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash [16:13] hello friends [16:13] mgolisch: give ur suggestion plz [16:13] hi cesar_t_s [16:13] chandru www.mininova.org [16:13] how to setup PPPOE in ubuntu 8.04 [16:13] linxeh: go to www.ubuntu.com and you see "Download | Upgrade | Take the tour" === bebe is now known as BeBeLuShuL [16:15] slow here [16:15] can i somehow debug cups if prinitng doesn't work? [16:15] Oh because right now I am still running on the simple default repo list. Also... does anyone know why when I copy and paste something, and then close out of the application, why it would erase from my clipboard? [16:15] how do i install a .bin file ? or rpm.bin ? [16:16] cesar_t_s: its a torrent site know.. it doesnot answer my query [16:16] !rpm.bin [16:16] Sorry, I don't know anything about rpm.bin [16:16] !bin [16:16] Sorry, I don't know anything about bin [16:17] :P [16:17] can anyone provide some help getting midi file to play? I'm using rosegarden/jack/qjackctl [16:17] !multimedia [16:17] Ubuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications [16:17] adityag, Please dont try to install an rpm or even deb from #Debian [16:18] chandru: id so you say it doesnt ask for the pin at all? [16:18] how do i install dk-6u5-linux-i586-rpm.bin on ubuntu ? [16:18] Jack_Sparrow: ok . what about bin ? [16:18] adityag: search for sun java in add/remove programs [16:18] hey guys [16:18] adityag, What are you trying to install that is not in our repos [16:19] adityag: you may need to enable universe or multiverse repositories [16:19] wht's the best linux for c programmer and a hacker [16:19] why is my laptop pci wireless card device id 4235 not even identified with lspci? [16:19] !ot > DeMeXcO [16:19] DeMeXcO, please see my private message [16:19] Jack_Sparrow: its there but i already have the linux based installers, so i dont want to waste the bandwidth [16:19] gillroy, probably because it's unsupported [16:19] gillroy: probably cause nobody dared to enter something for that in pciids project? [16:20] I have a problem with the fan when running 8.10 on my laptop, a Dell XPS M1330. [16:20] mgolisch: while trying to bonding between mobile and bluetooth it asks passcode for bonding know... that onle me telling .. [16:20] As soon as I start ubuntu the fan starts spinning at max speed even though I am not doing anything. [16:20] !debian > adityag [16:20] adityag, please see my private message [16:20] It's driving me nuts. Otherwise i have no problems and have not had too do anything above the default installation. [16:20] it's a brand new dell latitude - is there no support for that devices' wireless? [16:20] gillroy, you may want to try ndiswrapper [16:20] rvirding: search for powersaving on wiki.ubuntu.com [16:21] !ot>biotrox [16:21] biotrox, please see my private message [16:21] hspaans: thank you will try that. [16:21] Hey there, how would I go about adding my windows xp installation into the GRUB bootloader? [16:21] chandru: so it asks for the code on the phone? or on your box? [16:21] Chipmunkzors, Did you install windows after ubuntu? [16:22] !grub [16:22] GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [16:22] but you say it doesnt ask again to verify the code on the other device? [16:22] Jack_Sparrow: No Ubuntu after and now Windows isn't in the GRUB list [16:22] Both installations are on the same hard drive [16:23] where do i find the links for the repos ? [16:23] ok thanks folks [16:23] Chipmunkzors, Odd, was windows on your first hard drive or did you make any other changes [16:23] Chipmunkzors, sudo fdisk -l last letter is L [16:23] Okay one sec [16:23] Chipmunkzors, Please pastebin the results [16:24] mgolisch: when u try to connect ur pc and mobile through bluetooth means we have to give passcodes for bonding betweeen pc and mobile.. [16:24] http://paste.ubuntu.com/99100/ [16:24] ty [16:25] brb [16:25] can someone tell me a program to create some system graphics ? [16:25] like cpu,ram.usage [16:25] eth0 trafic [16:25] except mrtg ? [16:25] Chipmunkzors, Sorry, but I dont see any windows install in your fdisk output [16:25] favourite: search for cacti [16:26] hey [16:26] Its ntfs, it wouldnt find it would it? [16:26] This happened last time, but I cant remember how it was fixed [16:26] Chipmunkzors, It also makes no sense to me that the swap is on sda1 [16:26] sda 1? [16:26] Chipmunkzors, yes it should [16:26] hi all. i just switched a mount point from /www to /home//www, since i want to use it as a dev machine, single user test server. (going to change apache to my user also so it has permissions on my home dir) i got it mounted successfully, though in the fstab, i was wondering if that's where i would set flags to make it owned by my user? or do i just chmod/chown it? [16:27] mordof, I would just chown it [16:27] :) [16:27] Is there a website that keeps "must have" repositories? [16:27] anyone know what to do with a vista recovery partition before installing ubuntu 8.1 [16:27] can anyone provide me the links for the repositories pls, i cant open ubuntu website [16:27] Jack_Sparrow: : kk, ty. wasn't sure if that would mess with the mount stuff or anything ^^ [16:27] javierg, everything you must have.. is in our repos [16:27] Ok I am back [16:28] mordof, it shouldnt [16:28] Jack_Sparrow, True, but there are alot of other great repositories out there. I don't know where I can find the good ones [16:28] The bootsplash won't change :( [16:29] Why wouldnt the xp installation still be there? [16:29] I only formatted the external [16:29] javierg: everything is in our repos, you can't possible need anything else. [16:29] Chipmunkzors, here is my fdisk output as reference http://paste.ubuntu.com/99101/ [16:30] I got an Intel X3100 and am running Intrepid. How do I activate direct rendering for the card? [16:30] javierg, You really have no idea what you are getting when you surf for programs outside our repos. [16:30] Maybe it recognises yours because its in the GRUB menu? [16:31] I have tried about everything and the image ain't changed [16:31] Chipmunkzors, It isnt in my grub, but if you mean fstab... that isnt the reason [16:31] I even followed the tutorial here [16:31] Is there a way to check the installation is still there? [16:32] lukasz, those can be tricky .. specific color depth / sizeetc [16:32] Chipmunkzors, we just did.. It looks like you partitioned manually.. and incorrectly [16:32] anyone know of a good read or howto to work with the ipod shuffle and ubuntu? [16:32] I have downloaded the image from gnome-look! [16:32] i know this is a simple question, if i installed ubuntu with my user (mordof), would my group be mordof also? [16:32] !ipod [16:32] For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod [16:32] Mine setup is hd(0,2) [16:32] Jack_Sparrow, thanks [16:33] Arghh bummer [16:33] lukasz, I have a limited success rate with gnome-look files... 75% tops.. [16:33] ic [16:33] hmm [16:33] Hi!Just activated the proprietary drivers for my ATI Technologies Inc RV350 [Mobility Radeon 9600 M10], works OK, but videos (small ones from my cellphone) got all squary when enlarged (no smoothing whatsoever). What can I do about this? [16:34] Chipmunkzors, we can look in /etc/fstab but I fear the worst for your windows install [16:34] Can you please give me a url where I can download those themes? [16:34] How? [16:34] !themes [16:34] Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy [16:34] bootsplashes* [16:34] Hi [16:34] !bootsplash [16:34] Sorry, I don't know anything about bootsplash [16:34] Chipmunkzors, sudo apt-get install pastebinit && cat /etc/fstab | pastebinit (Provide Pastebin link in channel) [16:35] !usplash [16:35] To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork [16:36] http://pastebin.com/f78b284ad [16:36] arghh bummer [16:36] I use ubuntu 8.10 with smb/cifs to connect (ethernet/cable) to a windows XP share. The connection is unstable, and if it works it is very slow 20kb/s. [16:36] <_moro_bana_> how do I check the logs? [16:37] Chipmunkzors, It is great that you have a separate /home in there.. I just see no windows install [16:37] Ragnar: wlan? [16:37] cable [16:37] oh i see [16:37] Okay looks like a fresh reinstall then [16:37] How can I install without overwriting the ubunty? [16:37] ubuntu* [16:37] it is the amd64 version, i forgot to mention! [16:37] Ragnar: so you mount it using mount -t smbfs/cifs ? [16:37] Ragnar: never had problems with that [16:37] Chipmunkzors, windows on sda1 and I will walk you through the live install partitioning [16:37] Hi, I'm using 8.10, how can I enable the proper playback of sound from different applications, right now if one application is playing something, I can't get audio from other programs. [16:37] I have ot mounted via fstab [16:38] Ragnar: do you see any errors in dmesg during the connection time? [16:38] mgolisch: I check [16:38] Chipmunkzors, We will make an extended partition and add our logicals for root home and swap manually [16:39] is there any easy, command-line app that extracts an ISO file without needing to be root? [16:39] also, should I select OSS or ALSA in the applications settings, because in some apps, ALSA doesnt work, but OSS works fine [16:39] Muzer, dd might work [16:39] hi all! [16:39] hmm [16:40] would I be able to do that into a directory though? [16:40] sorry, I suck at dd :p [16:40] Muzer, dd if=/dev/cdrom of=file.iso bs=1024 [16:41] no no [16:41] I mean, extracting ISOs [16:41] Muzer: So you want to get files out of an ISO? [16:41] Muzer, To try and install an os or something like that [16:41] Gmount-iso [16:42] Can someone that are able to restart X by using the magical keystoke pastebin the contents of their output when doing xkbcomp :0 - ? [16:42] I will be right back! [16:42] Also, is there any alternative terminal to gnome-terminal in which the Alt key works properly instead of activating to the top menu bar? [16:42] daxelrod: Yes, without needing to be root (if possible), and command line [16:43] how do i get the spinning cube for switching between desktops? [16:43] mgolisch: no, no errors [16:43] genii, Do you have any effects working atm [16:43] I'm just making a frontend archive extractor app because I'm bored and want programming practice, but I need a way to extract ISO files without being root if I'm going to include such functionality [16:44] Ragnar: weird never seen that [16:44] right click ISO , mount with Archive mounter [16:44] is there any restore operation in ubuntu ? [16:44] Is there a guide on how to change the bootsplash? [16:45] genome, Install ccsm sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager Next go to system...pref..advanced desktop effects.... On the first page put check next to rotate cube and desktop cube.. dbl click general options... up closer to the top... click on desktop size and set them to 4, 1 and 1 top to bottom... ctrl+alt+(Left Mouse Button) then move mouse [16:45] I'm just making a frontend archive extractor app because I'm bored and want programming practice, but I need a way to extract ISO files without being root if I'm going to include such functionality [16:45] chandru, Not unless you made a backup [16:45] so I can't have anything GUI [16:45] are the lost and found folders really necessary? or can i delete the one in my www folder? [16:45] and I can't have anything needing to be root [16:45] how do I uninstall programs that I installed from tar.gz files with make ? [16:45] Muzer, Please find a programming channel [16:45] make uninstall [16:45] thanks Jack_Sparrow :) [16:45] np [16:46] Muzer: right click in gnome/nautilus the ISO and mount with ARCHIVE MOUNTER [16:46] Jack_Sparrow: I'm not really programing though [16:46] since I'm using system() [16:46] deany: For the third time [16:46] I'm just making a frontend archive extractor app because I'm bored and want programming practice, but I need a way to extract ISO files without being root if I'm going to include such functionality [16:46] k.. is there any software available to improve sound in ubuntu ? [16:46] Muzer: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [16:46] deany, Didnt he say from command line [16:46] oh, sorry, thought you were asking a way to do it [16:46] heh :p [16:46] mgolisch: thanks for trying to help, I try other stuff and might come back with further information [16:46] im in and out of channels [16:46] how do i block an ip off of my computer? [16:47] use firewall [16:47] how do i do that? [16:47] question -> lost and found folders, important or can they be deleted safely? [16:47] !iptables [16:47] Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). [16:47] guarddog, haha [16:47] Jack_Sparrow: is there any software available to improve sound in ubuntu ? [16:47] Ragnar: id check if you get better transfer rates using some other protocol, like ftp, just for a test, to see if its not some general networking problem with that machine [16:47] hello [16:48] mgolisch: rsync is fast as expected [16:48] chandru, Not really, it is quite good for most. Are you using pulse audio or alsa [16:48] I have an audio question for anyone willing to give it a shot [16:48] Hello, I'm trying to load usb device with a wine program but I get this error. can anyone help? [16:48] winedevice:ServiceMain driver L"PDIHWCTL" failed to load [16:48] maybe a very stupid question : running Apache on a machine, and having sshd runnning too, is it possible for someone to take control on that machine . Does the fact Apache is running and sshd too, are totally independant? [16:48] no... [16:48] xun /join #winehq [16:49] chandru, you have to be using one or the other, or are you using oss [16:49] Jack_Sparrow, i did. but it seemed very quite in there [16:49] xun, THat is the right place for answers [16:49] give link to download blueman to install directly in ubuntu 8.10... [16:49] i have sound in pidgen but not in firefox or other applications [16:49] so i didn't get any response, just want to try my luck here [16:49] \j #ampache [16:49] I am using pcm audio [16:49] !ot > xun [16:49] xun, please see my private message [16:50] Hello, I'm using Xchat right now. How can I set the auto-login on Xchat start up? (ie /msg NickServ...) [16:50] brb [16:50] bedo2991, which xchat are you using ? [16:50] bedo2991, It isnt hard .. but the people in #Xchat can help you fine tune your settings [16:51] make sure you're using the xchat package, NOT The xchat-gnome package. [16:51] Hello [16:51] xchat-gnome is a crap [16:51] xchat is way better [16:51] ^ true. [16:51] oh yah, xchat is alot better, xchat-gnome sucks! [16:51] how do I request a package for jaunty to be upgraded. [16:52] anyone have any idea how to get audio working in firefox? for sites like youtube? [16:52] jaunty is not a freeze yet, is it ? [16:52] !flash [16:52] To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash [16:52] skorasaurus: contact the Ubuntu maintainer [16:52] youtube works in linux? [16:52] skorasaurus, /join #Ubuntu+1 [16:52] metbsd, Yes it does [16:52] steveosupremo: What did you install flash or gnash? [16:52] jack_sparrow give link to download blueman to install directly in ubuntu 8.10... [16:52] chandru, No idea [16:53] @ studente I think flash [16:53] Enselic, the maintainers are MOTU [16:53] i know the audio works through the standard headphone jacks not the PCM digital output [16:53] skorasaurus: what package are we talking about? [16:53] jabref [16:54] (gui bibtex manager) [16:54] steveosupremo: Have you got this problem only on video sites? [16:54] After upgrading to 8.10 I noticed there is no initrd line in grubs menu.lst for the top kernel entry. I added one manually, no go. I checked /boot/ and I don't see an initrd.img for 2.6.27-11 how can I create one manually ? [16:54] is any body using internet via bluetooth modem through mobile...?i have a query regarding this.. [16:54] @ studente anything except pidgen [16:55] @ studente kaffene doesnt work ether [16:55] quick question: is it possible to configure X so input from ex. mouse is only sent to Screen0 and input from keyboard is sent to Screen1? [16:55] steveosupremo: What are you exactly up to? [16:55] @ studente I get audio out of the standard headphone jack [16:56] Enselic, its jabref. [16:56] nm... I think I found it : sudo update-initramfs -c -k 2.6.27-7-generic [16:56] @ studente I'm trying to get a media center PC up and running using a defult install of EarOS (ubuntu with some acustic resarch mods) === Brucee is now known as Bruce [16:57] I'm running intrepid amd64. I am building wine using schroot for intrepid.i386. my cpu is Core2Duo T7300. first it clocks up to 2.00GHz but after some time when wine is still compiling (with make -j3) it clocks down to 800MHz [16:57] is any body using internet via bluetooth modem through mobile in ubuntu 8.10...?i have a query regarding this.. [16:57] 123 [16:57] @ studente brb [16:58] steveosupremo: I'm afraid I can't help, I know too little to deal with sounds. The problem you're describing seems to be similiar to many others mentioned on launchpad [16:58] Hi [16:59] hi [16:59] Hi - urgent problem! My wife changed the screen resolution on other our Ubuntu PC< and not the monitor says video mode not supported, so we cannot change it back. We get boot up screen, etc, but once ubuntu loads, monitor loses it... how can we get it back? thanks! [16:59] Jack_Sparrow, no answers in Xchat:D [16:59] Jack_Sparrow, no, I'm not using the Gnome version [16:59] lunanlad boot into single mode and edit your xorg.conf to match the resolution you had [16:59] @ studente launchpad [17:00] how do i get to that? [17:00] sorry for being a n00b, pdt, how do I do that? [17:00] bedo2991, np.. xchat..server list select your server and edit [17:00] steveosupremo: Use google for similiar problems, launchpad is archived there, or just visit http://launchpad.net [17:01] piksi, hey! I found the solution my first problem. I had to manually make an initrd img file with sudo update-initramfs -c -k 2.6.27-11 [17:01] bedo2991, add your channels and insert your nickserv users password [17:01] sorry: sudo update-initramfs -c -k 2.6.27-7-generic [17:02] @lunanlad type nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf [17:02] where/when do I type it? [17:02] terminal [17:02] how can I get into terminal on a black screen? [17:03] lunanlad, ctrl_alt_F1 [17:03] Whitor: ah so initrd was the culprit for wrong partition info... great that you found the problem :-) [17:03] @ start in recovery mod [17:03] is there a unix tool that replaces blanks in filenames to underscores? === serg_ is now known as MATAH [17:04] pikario, the initrd.img file didn't exist at all! [17:04] piksi, the initrd.img file didn't exist at all! [17:04] but no worries... now its on to prob #2 [17:05] @lunanlad try to boot in recovery mode [17:05] Whitor: ah well that explains a lot. it's really odd if the updater hasn't generated a new initrd at all... [17:05] how do I do that feelshift? we are at teh command line [17:05] got her to log in with her details at command line, now what? [17:06] just type "nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf" [17:06] sudo nano [17:06] yes [17:06] could anyone here help me with an ATI Radeon XPRESS 200 integrated desktop graphics? [17:06] says command not found [17:06] Now when I boot I get a message saying "Ubuntu is running in Low graphics mode Your screen, graphics card,and input device settings could not be detected correctly. you will need to configure these yourself." any ideas ? [17:07] we did sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf [17:07] type "su" [17:07] Jack_Sparrow, thank you, I did it:D [17:07] and then the password [17:07] piksi, yeah. it is odd. But apparently I'm not the first one with this issue. Than god for the internets [17:07] bedo2991, xchat is usually faster than they were this am [17:08] could anyone here help me with an ATI Radeon XPRESS 200 integrated desktop graphics? [17:08] Gletob, Please just ask your real question or state your problem.. all on one line if you please [17:08] How do I manually configure Xorg ? [17:08] Whitor: 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg' [17:08] is there an xorg setup script I can run ? [17:08] ok, we are in xorg.comf, what now? [17:09] erUSUL, Tyvm [17:09] @lunanad go to the screen section [17:09] and change the resolution === dement_ is now known as frits911 === erle64- is now known as erle- [17:09] I have a desktop with the ATI Radeon XPRESS 200 integrated graphics and if I try to boot ubuntu normally my monitor displays incorrect resoloution [17:10] Whitor, try this http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html [17:10] *** sorry [17:10] slug, its an ati card. I'm hesitant to try that line [17:10] it has bits like "deafult screen" and "configured monitor" in the right place? [17:10] I see no resolution values tho [17:11] hi, is there a standalone app that allows picking up the html value of any color from the color pallete? [17:11] I used to use it when i had trouble with my ATI card [17:11] It asks you which card you want to install - ATI or Nvidia [17:11] erUSUL, I get:/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure Xserver-xorg is broken or not fully installed [17:11] @lunanlad then type in the terminal "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg", it woll reconfigure xorg.conf [17:11] Naftilos76: I belive the app agave from the repos does that. [17:12] slug, Please dont suggest that TERRIBLE script [17:12] ideas on how to reinstall xserver-xorg ? [17:12] Whitor: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg (with lowercase x) [17:12] Hey guys. I'm having a major problem, and I've narrowed it down to my wifi card. My card worked flawlessly but I got a new motherboard and now the kernel hangs at ath_pci [17:12] hi, I'm trying to output ubuntu to a TV, it doesn't seem to work to switch display via CRT/LCD o the keyboard... do you need to edit xorg.conf for it to work? it's a samsung flatscreen lcd [17:12] yeah sorry, was lowercase [17:12] What do you recommend for a good Linux-friendly printer/scanner? Is HP my best bet? [17:12] card is atheros, (blitzz) - how can I disable ath_pci at boot? [17:13] Naftilos76: I belive the app agave from the repos does that. [17:13] I have problems with my connection. Under Vista, everything seems to work nicely. In Ubuntu (8.10) I can surf and limitedly use the connection (IRC works, for example), but advanced/interactive webpages don't work correctly. For example, gmail/facebook disconnect, I can't login correctly to bank accounts or post messages to forums. This issue is reproducible in Epiphany, since this is not a firefox problem. My ISP claims that if things work in [17:13] Vista they should work the same in Ubuntu. I do not think this is a DNS problem, since the problematic sites does load. Any idea what can I do to further diagnose the problem/solve it? [17:13] Naftilos76: Sorry my hand slipped [17:13] Hello Chicks I want to share this with you http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_D3Mbt6JfDE [17:13] Lame. [17:14] weird thing is, 1 kernel (the one I used before getting the new mobo) gives me the ath_pci error (kernel hangs), and every other kernel says it can't find my root partition. Withot the ard they all work [17:14] Accidus, Are you running wireless or wired connection [17:14] Anyone recommend a Linux-friendly printer/scanner? [17:14] wired [17:15] likemindead, I prefer solutions that are not all in one [17:15] Ah. [17:15] Accidus, what networking card [17:15] My HP 1610 all in one worked out of the box with 8.04 [17:15] Best printer, then? [17:15] Sweet. [17:15] Hmm... It's a laptop. I'm not sure :) [17:15] likemindead: i think that hp is asafe bet [17:15] looks like I needed to run sudo dpkg --configure -a [17:15] I thought I'd heard HP was the way to go. [17:15] Thanks. [17:15] I have a desktop with the ATI Radeon XPRESS 200 integrated graphics and if I try to boot ubuntu normally my monitor displays incorrect resoloution === Bitfish is now known as bitFish [17:16] jack_sparrow: let me see whether I have the specification... It's a Dell Inspiron 1545, if that helps [17:16] I got a new motherboard. My card worked flawlessly in my old one (Atheros, Blitzz) but now the kernel hangs at ath_pci HELP! [17:16] few users from 8.04 are reporting that during a dist-upgrade they had a loto of Jaunty (9.04) packages installed! [17:16] thanks 'agave' is ok! [17:16] Accidus, hold for a minute.. .. busy with another issue [17:17] ok, xorg.conf is done, rebooting now [17:17] Naftilos76: Your welcome === F|ReSTaRT is now known as FiReSTaRT [17:17] jack_sparrow: Sure, I'll look up the specification in the meanwhile [17:17] @lunanlad fingers crossed [17:17] nope, stilll monitor saying video mode not supported :::( [17:17] ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc [17:18] I got a new motherboard. My card worked flawlessly in my old one (Atheros, Blitzz) but now the kernel hangs at ath_pci HELP! === dement_ is now known as demnt [17:18] lunanlad: do this from recovery mode 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg' [17:18] my keyboard layout in tty1 -> tty6 is different (wrong) than the layout in tty7, how do I change that? [17:18] how do you get recovery mode? (sorry again for muppet level n00bness) === JackWinter_ is now known as JackWinter [17:18] very often my keyboard with ubuntu 8.10 goes crazy like that. Anybody knows why? [17:18] hi :) [17:18] @luannal at boot select recovery mode [17:19] ok, gonna try [17:19] bedo2991, Cats. don't let them near your keyboard [17:19] In a bash script, the read command isn't waiting for a response from me but is just giving the error "read: 1: arg count" [17:19] can any one help me? :) [17:20] Whitor, I'm serious, I'm sorry to say this but with Windows it doesn't happen... [17:20] help you in what way? [17:20] I have a desktop with the ATI Radeon XPRESS 200 integrated graphics and if I try to boot ubuntu normally my monitor displays incorrect resoloution [17:20] !askc | adie [17:20] Sorry, I don't know anything about askc [17:20] !ask | adie [17:20] adie: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [17:20] yes i try to ! [17:20] bedo2991, yes, sorry, I'm a little punchy right now [17:21] sorry! [17:21] ok, at recovery mode menu, which option do I go for? [17:21] Gletob use that link i sent you [17:21] how can I upgrade a feisty server to a newer release? I've tried to update, then do-release-upgrade (which detects the gutsy release) but then it fails to upgrade. [17:21] sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg [17:21] slug: what link? [17:22] Gletob sudo envyng -t [17:22] bedo2991, do you have another keyboard to try ? [17:22] has a list of options, resume, clean, etc [17:22] can you tell me about wvdial? [17:22] can anyone get this radio stream to play. mms://media.blackcrow.fm/wndb located at www.wndb.am used to work for me. Thanks in advance [17:22] My computer keeps freezing up on a new install. The mouse still works... but keyboard and programs are unresponsive.... I have googled the issue... and it looks like there was some Feisty issues... but nothing for 2 years now [17:22] adie, I use wvdial. what do you want to know ? [17:22] linexh We were just discussing that yesterday.. YOu may need to manyually setup source.list to old-releases [17:22] @luan.. i think resume [17:22] install envyng then run sudo envyng -t - - I found best to do this from TTY1 [17:22] Whitor, I'm pretty sure that this one works fine. With other OS (even with Ubuntu 8.04) it has no problems [17:22] lunanlad: there is one that says recover Xserver or something like that ? [17:22] #ubuntu.de [17:22] slug: it says command not found [17:23] !de | grit [17:23] grit: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, und #edubuntu-de [17:23] install it first [17:23] resume says "resume normal boot" does that sound right? :s [17:23] outlaw1: stream doesn't work here either [17:23] @luna no [17:23] slug: my etherenet is not working. [17:23] #ubuntu-de [17:23] Jack_Sparrow: I did that, (with feisty to get the latest packages) but it failed. do you mean set things to gutsy manually, update, dist-upgrade reboot ? [17:23] I have already tried +backspace and +F2 [17:23] bedo2991, yeah... it probably does... but trying another keyboard would eliminalte a lot of questions... just a diagnostic mesure, you see ? [17:23] measure [17:23] MaT-dg: thanks for trying [17:23] options are: resume, clean, dpkg, ffsk, root, xfix are my options [17:23] linxeh, Can you show me the sources list you made up [17:24] @luna spkg [17:24] this is a menu, not command line [17:24] eliminate* [17:24] lunanlad: xfix [17:24] it seem there problem when i use sudo gedit /etc/wvdial.conf tobe saved there is eror mesage canot locate or no such directory why? [17:24] there is no spkg, feelshift, did you mean dpkg? [17:24] adie: becouse the file does not exist ? [17:24] Jack_Sparrow: not now no, I've just destroyed it with another one :) I'll give this route a go - thanks [17:24] Gletob download .deb then shift it across? http://linux.softpedia.com/progDownload/EnvyNG-Download-36961.html [17:24] adie, please use gksudo gedit not sudo gedit [17:24] Whitor, this is a laptop, even if the keyboard is broken I won't go around with an external one :D [17:25] Adie because maybe there is no file, goto Places > Computer > Filesystem [17:25] @luna yes [17:25] And look in that directorey to see if that specifiec file exists [17:25] whats the diffrence? [17:25] Jack_Sparrow whats the diffrence? [17:25] linxeh, If you have a backup in there which is made automatically, I would love to see it for my own info [17:25] bedo2991, that is an important piece of info... its a laptop keyboard... these are often non-standard. [17:25] slug, sudo a gui app and you can trash your system [17:25] !gksudo [17:25] If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why) [17:26] ok, something is running now, fingers crossed [17:26] Hi, does anyone know an application that will burn a .cdr disk image file to dvd [17:26] but when i use gedit to show what are in wvdial.conf it seem oke there no or nothing wrong why? [17:26] him, j'vais prendre l'autre version de Xchat [17:26] Ahh cheers, never knew that always used sudo gedit [17:26] My computer keeps freezing up on a new install. The mouse still works... but keyboard and programs are unresponsive.... I have googled the issue... and it looks like there was some Feisty issues... but nothing for 2 years now. I have already tried to use Alt + Backspace and F2 with no luck [17:26] bedo2991, what laptop ? [17:26] Whitor, it's an italian keyboard but, of course, it doesn't have the numeric pad. [17:26] Whitor, HP DV5000 [17:27] ok, done... reboot? [17:27] @luna yes [17:28] Hi, does anyone know an application that will burn a .cdr disk image file to dvd [17:28] is there a quick way to list all files on my system that were not installed by dpkg, or were but have been modified from their original contents? [17:28] roliver: Isn't .cdr a CD image? Not a DVD? === JonnyDY2J is now known as JonnyDY2J_ [17:28] Nope... still video mode not supported :( [17:29] swtaarrs, nope [17:29] @ape300 i just ripped it from a DVD in disk utility on my mac [17:29] @ luna then i can't help you...that;s i a know :( [17:29] slug: I have it mounted and available on the computer but can't figure out how to install the package === grit is now known as olaf123 [17:29] roliver: http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion [17:29] !iso [17:29] To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. [17:29] is there a way from recovery mode to like, restore it to a previous setting? or go back a day, etc? [17:30] slug: I have it mounted and available on the computer but can't figure out how to install the package [17:30] lunanlad, Would you repeat the problem for me.. === potty is now known as riz0n [17:30] Gletob did you download the .deb file?? it is just a case of double clicking it... [17:31] Whitor, I have connection problems too, lucky boy! [17:31] sure, wife changed the screen resolution on the other PC< and the screen went black, video mode not supported.. so we could not see the screen to get it back to the old setting (she can't even remember what old setting was) We are a bit stumped! [17:31] Gletob then once its installed do a sudo envyng -t [17:31] jack-sparow: when i use wvdial there a message configuration canot spec or invalid dialed number why? === bitFish is now known as Bitfish [17:31] My whole problem is about my graphics not working at all. [17:31] @luna try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=83973 [17:31] Slug: My whole problem is about my graphics not working at all. [17:31] anybody notice weird flashes and other strange artifacts while using nvidia drivers on an laptop? it didnt seem to happen with the free drivers... i think it has something to do with power management [17:31] alt-ctl-f1 [17:31] edit xorg.conf [17:31] pkill -9 X [17:32] jussi01: that page dosen't list anything with the .cdr file extension [17:32] Gletob: You can install deb files on text based terminal using: dpkg -i filename.deb [17:32] lunanlad, What video card.. [17:32] Not got a clue, sorry Jack [17:33] lunanlad: start with alt-ctl-f1 [17:33] Gletob: what Ape said will work [17:33] ok throwt... done [17:33] lunanlad, did you try to change to a restricted driver or just go for a new res [17:33] just a new res [17:34] I didn't see any of this happen, it's all second hand from my wife [17:34] slug: ok I installed that an ran sudo envyng -t now what [17:34] lunanlad, understood.. you can get to recovery mode prompt right.. [17:34] yes... [17:34] hi where are drivers usually installed to in ubuntu? [17:34] i mean the directory [17:34] lunanlad, let me know when you are there.. may we take this to pm so as to not spam the channel. [17:34] Gletob did you go through the install prosess or are you looking at a blank screen? [17:35] sure jack [17:35] amerinese: /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/ [17:35] slug: I am look at the EnvyNG Menu [17:35] I get "connection lost" every 3 minutest. I think It's Firefox fault. [17:35] Gletob cool the install ATI driver [17:35] erUSUL: cool thanks [17:35] I have a broadcom 4318 wifi. [17:36] slug: It says EnvyNG Error: Your operating system does not seem to be supported by Envy [17:36] From System -> Administration -> Hardware I selected the right b43 default drivers. [17:36] roliver: Try: sudo mount -o loop filename.cdr /media/loopimage [17:36] !envyng | Gletob [17:36] Gletob: envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!! if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk [17:36] bedo2991 what are trying to do. [17:36] roliver: First you might need to run: sudo mkdir /media/loopimage [17:37] jack_sparrow: there is an error messages when i wvdial configuration cannot spec or invalid dialed number why? but i check the modem is ok [17:37] Gletob sudo envyng-gtk -t [17:37] I buy a WebCam last night.... the webcam is right now connected in the PC, and the amsn can't find it, cheese either, can someone help me pleases? :S [17:37] BLuEACiD, I connect and then it works fine for about two minutes [17:37] roliver: I'm not sure if it supports cdr-images, but you should at least try [17:37] Anyone dualbooting Win2k and Ubuntu here? [17:38] slug: that won't work I have no graphical interface I'm working from terminal [17:38] !webcam | tonno [17:38] tonno: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras [17:38] BLuEACiD, from then it tries to connect to my net but doesn't work [17:38] Gletob it will the -t = in terminal mode [17:38] Now it works only if i connect with wifi Radar [17:39] !ask | TheOneEugene [17:39] TheOneEugene: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [17:39] slug: i'm not in a graphical interface [17:40] roliver: do any of the prorams u use to burn offer to make a bootable disk? [17:40] bedo you there.. [17:40] I want to know if someone could send me the progman.exe from windows 2000, i seem to have broken it while fiddling with ubuntu. [17:40] slug: i'm in the recovery mode terminal [17:40] I'm having a little problem here with apache in ubuntu 8.10... I just can't connect to my pages in offline mode ... how can i fix it, please !? [17:40] TheOneEugene, Please ask in #winehq .. not here [17:40] hi [17:41] how to gksudo gedit? === hackbox is now known as HacKBoX [17:41] what is the gnome equivalent for digicam? [17:41] *digikam [17:41] Lipe_pe, there is a server channel and an apache channel if that helps [17:41] Jack_Sparrow: ohh thx u very much =) [17:41] jim_p: gthumb ? gtkam ? [17:41] Gletob what does sudo envyng-gtk -t say? [17:41] adie: All you need to do is open a terminal and type sudo gedit [17:41] slug: I have to install it first. [17:42] Lipe_pe, np [17:42] adie: All you need to do is open a terminal and type sudo gedit [17:42] HacKBoX, please suggest gksudo gedit.. never sudo gedit [17:42] Gletob Have you installed envynng.deb? [17:42] ok thanks you HacKBoX [17:42] Gletobusing dpkg [17:43] anyone here know if ipw2200 driver supports bridging ? [17:43] Jack_Sparrow: what is the difference [17:43] anyone know if it's possible to make .tpl use HTML syntax highlighting in Geany without rebuilding it? :s [17:43] !gksudo [17:43] If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why) [17:43] HacKBoX, sudo gui apps can trash your system [17:43] can I install exe program in ubuntu? [17:43] !wine | amjed [17:43] amjed: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help [17:44] Jack_Sparrow:yes what the difference? [17:44] Amjed I don't think so [17:44] Jack Sparrow: Why would it trash your system??? [17:44] Is there a way to read all those useful ubottu messages? [17:44] is it work good? [17:44] !gksudo > adie [17:44] adie, please see my private message [17:45] Yes, Amjed [17:45] !me | Ape3000 [17:45] Ape3000: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [17:45] thanks [17:45] amjed, usually yes, but some programs no [17:45] Jack_Sparrow: you still have not explained yourself. Why would every forum thread tell you to use sudo gedit. Never even mentions gksudo [17:46] Oh god, I hate customer service guys :l [17:46] slug the core package but not the gtk package i'm working on that now. [17:46] Especially when they claim their name is Elvis [17:46] HacKBoX, Because they dont know any better [17:46] And then when you ask them a question that isn't EXTREMELY simple, they just ignore you [17:46] "[Operator 1] Hi! This is Elvis at 3, How may i help you?" [17:46] Does anyone here have experience with backing up multiple home directories using rsync? [17:46] HacKBoX, If you read the link on psychocats it does explain it in detail.. [17:47] !ot > NintendoGuy0 [17:47] NintendoGuy0, please see my private message === victordiego is now known as chiko26 [17:47] Jack_Sparrow: I was just wondering. I prefer to use nano or pico myself [17:47] NintendoGuy0: What was your question? [17:47] Jack_Sparrow: what is kdesu? [17:47] Woops, thought this was -offtopic, sorry [17:47] adie, gksudo for kde people [17:48] np [17:48] Jack_Sparrow: where is the link on psychocats? [17:48] !gksudo [17:48] If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why) [17:48] how to know the actual format of an image, regardless on its extension? [17:48] Jack_Sparrow: what for gnome? === chuck_ is now known as chuck [17:49] SuNDeC: did you want to know without opening it? Or Opening it? [17:49] adie, gksudo for gui apps... Please just read what I have pasted several times in the last 2 minutes [17:49] SuNDeC, right click and Properties should be enough for that [17:49] is there any one try to install windows live messenger in ubuntu?and is it work good? [17:49] Jack_Sparrow: ok thank you :) [17:50] atowice.ircnet.pl [17:50] How do I kill an unkillable process? Even kill -9 isn't working [17:50] is there any one try to install windows live messenger in ubuntu?and is it work good? [17:50] Jack_Sparrow: It is gksudo for Gnome and kdesu for kde [17:50] HacKBoX, abuyusuf_ : is there any command? i want to do it in terminal [17:50] powertool08, tried "sudo pkill NAME" and "sudo xkill" [17:51] HacKBoX, correct [17:51] HacKBoX, But since this is ubuntu support and not kubuntu support, we assume gnome [17:52] SuNDeC, don't think so [17:52] abuyusuf_, HacKBoX: may be a command from imagemagick package? [17:52] abuyusuf_: Neither worked [17:53] anybody tried Yi editor on 8.10? [17:53] neverheard [17:53] SuNDeC, ok, try this: "file FILENAME" [17:53] http://www.nobugs.org/developer/yi/ [17:53] Jack_Sparrow: yeah im aware; i was just responding to a post earlier. Thank you for that article btw. It made loads of sense [17:53] SuNDeC, that should give you the type [17:53] powertool08, What is that application ? [17:54] HacKBoX, thanks for taking the time to read it [17:54] Jack_Sparrow: I'm such a terminal man to begin with that I don't even think of using most of the gui tools [17:54] abuyusuf_: convert, I was going to convert a jpeg to png but the file is read only and I guess copyrighted so it crashed [17:54] wow [17:54] abuyusuf_: nice, thx! [17:55] is there a backbutton for the command line? i mean something like "cd lastdirectory"? [17:55] powertool08, So, What is the app you want to kill ? [17:55] amerinese: cd - [17:55] exit [17:55] amerinese, up arrow [17:55] amerinese, try hitting the Up Arrow [17:55] no but you can use 'pushd' and 'popd' to save directories you wish to return to [17:55] Jack_Sparrow: how to config wvdial.conf? [17:55] cd .. [17:55] abuyusuf_: its called "convert" [17:55] erusul: heh, nice, that makes life easier [17:55] adie, Please ask the channel, I am busy on another issue atm [17:56] Jack_Sparrow: abuyusuf_ that goes up in history not back in paths... [17:56] amerinese: you can use 'cd ..' to go back a directory [17:56] powertool08 : ive never heard fo convert doing somethign like that, what is the exact output your getting, and are you actually able to create/write to where your trying to store the output file ? [17:56] how? [17:56] amerinese: you can use 'cd ..' to go back a directory [17:56] hackbox: that's up, not back [17:56] hi [17:56] amerinese: no problem [17:56] powertool08, do: "ps -aux | grep "convert" [17:56] hi [17:56] you can use 'pushd' and 'popd' to go to a previous directory (note previous, not parent) [17:57] I use glabels to make cards, but when I try to print cards, I get this error : "there was a problem processing document glabels"there was a problem processing document glabels job print", why ? [17:57] how to config wvdial.conf? [17:57] all, how can I compress a directory into a zip file using zip command on bash? [17:57] man zip [17:57] erUSUL, I understand that [17:57] rblmail: yeah I read that but got confused [17:57] amerinese: I'm not sure if there is a way to go to the last directory [17:57] rblmail: yes I was writing to the desktop but the read file is corrupted or copyrighted [17:57] abuyusuf_: 1000 15553 0.3 0.3 10392 3620 ? D 11:10 0:08 convert /media/cdrom1/Pictures/a3.jpg /media/cdrom1/Pictures/a3.png [17:58] heh, basically zip -9r zipfile.zip directory/ [17:58] ummm [17:58] abuyusuf_: I tried sudo kill -9 15553 without success [17:58] LOL [17:58] your trying to write to a cd? [17:58] your converting an image from a cd and storing it on the cd ? [17:58] powertool08, "kill 15553" [17:58] anyone have any tips on how to get the atheros wireless drivers installed in 8.10 ? [17:58] rblmail: never mind, I found it :) [17:58] which atheros [17:59] Whitor: try madwifi [17:59] rblmail: hmm. I suppose that is what its doing... I was trying to write to my desktop from a dvd [17:59] so use the same command line but change the 2nd parameter [17:59] convert /blah/blah.jpg ~/Desktop/blah.png [17:59] hey... how can i start an ftp server.? [18:00] depends on the daemon your using [18:00] powertool08: you could try pkill [18:00] !proftpd | rblmail [18:00] collan: install proftpd [18:00] Sorry, I don't know anything about proftpd [18:00] HacKBoX: I did [18:00] Ape3000, k [18:00] powertool08: damn [18:01] ok thank you :) [18:01] can we use skype in ubuntu? [18:01] collan -> you want a temporary one? use netcat [18:01] !skype [18:01] To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto [18:01] I know, most persistant process I've ever encountered [18:01] krishnan: yes, of course [18:01] collan: sftp might be maybe a little better protocol [18:01] !ftpd | rblmail [18:01] rblmail: FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP [18:01] has anyone seen this message in VMplayer: Unable to initialize installer database? [18:01] Can anyone explain why this is happening? http://i42.tinypic.com/33xwuue.jpg http://i43.tinypic.com/2i20ykn.jpg [18:01] rblmail, Sorry not you :) [18:01] Ape3000, can i restrict users to only read and write in their home dir ? [18:01] powertool08: try 'su -i' then try to kill it again [18:02] powertool08: be careful with that command though [18:02] collan: You can use the linux user permissions or even lock the user to a specific folder if you need [18:02] Ape3000, ok.. so u recomend the sftp ? [18:02] HacKBoX: Invalid option -i, I've tried sudo kill -9 if thats what you're suggesting [18:03] powertool08 -> which process are you trying to kill? [18:03] collan: Sftp is better, if your clients support that. Ubuntu and most of the FTP clients support it [18:03] powertool08: sorry 'sudo -i' [18:04] n8tuser: Its called "convert" I was trying to convert a jpeg to png on a cd, I guess it tried to write back to the cd and crashed, now I can't kill it even with sudo [18:05] powertool08, "killall convert" [18:05] hello , i have problem with wireless [18:05] collan: sftp supports connection encryption and compressing which makes it more secure and faster [18:05] powertool08, "killall -9 convert" [18:05] i have problim with the Encoding when I open this web site www.gamezer.com/billiards so i want see the arabic character.how can I do it? [18:06] !ask | kebomix [18:06] kebomix: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [18:06] amjed: what browser are you using? [18:06] abuyusuf_: "no process killed" [18:06] firefox [18:06] powertool08 -> is the process still connected to your cd drive [18:06] powertool08: maybe kill -9 `pidof convert` [18:07] Ape3000, is there a simple way of installing it ? lol [18:07] Hi all. I have just installed Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Server onto a Compaq Pressari 2100 Laptop. During the install and when the server booted for the first time the keyboard worked. When I shutdown the server and restarted I am not able to use the keyboard. Any Ideads. Thanks in advance. [18:07] SuNDeC: tried by PID already [18:07] n8tuser: I guess so [18:07] powertool08, "killall -9 *convert*", don't think * works but try [18:08] collan: Sftp uses SSH as it's protocol. So installing openssh-server installs ssh and sftp servers. sudo apt-get install openssh-server [18:08] , firefox [18:08] powertool08 -> try this fuser -km /dev/cdrom [18:08] any help? http://communities.vmware.com/thread/182225 [18:08] Ape3000, ok... how do i start it? caus ive installed openssh-server earlier today [18:09] collan: then it is probably started already [18:09] amjed: try View > Character Encoding and chose the one that best fit your language [18:09] hi, to use ext4 on hardy i just need to compile 2.6.28 kernel? [18:09] collan: Open nautilus (the ubuntu file browser) and type sftp://user@localhost/ on the location field. Replace user with your username. [18:10] I want use the one that work with windows [18:10] amjed, use: WINDOWS-1256 or UTF-8 [18:10] thanks [18:10] abuyusuf_: n8tuser I used a paperclip to force the cd out, still can't kill it, I think a logout is the only answer [18:11] Thanks for the help though [18:11] powertool08, may be "logout" the easiest answer, but i think there's a way to do that [18:11] powertool08: No Problem [18:11] abuyusuf_: A way to do what? Kill it? [18:11] abuyusuf: There should be a way to force kill it as root but I can't remember how [18:11] amjed: pls type my nick so i can easily follow you [18:12] powertool08, yes, but i don't remember [18:12] Ape3000, couldnt find /home/collan [18:12] HacKBoX, me too .. [18:12] HacKBoX: I've always been able to kill with sudo kill -9 with this one exception [18:12] collan: did it ask for your password? [18:12] Ape3000, no... === alinuxfan is now known as alinuxfan2 [18:12] collan: What did it do? [18:13] Thanks again, going to logout [18:13] collan: try: ssh user@localhost [18:13] collan: run that on terminal [18:13] hey, my joystick/gamepad wont pick up any buttons when i press them? why is this? only one analogue stick works... it is usb [18:13] hello === mib_xqua0gyw is now known as haijijme [18:13] Ape3000, connected now.. [18:14] collan: So it is working? [18:14] Coggz: What kind is it [18:14] jack_sparrow: Back. Got time now? [18:14] Hi guys having problems getting hardy server to recognise my keyboard on a compaq presario 2100 laptop. hopefully someone will be able to help. [18:15] hey ppl [18:15] Ape3000, i dont get it... how i gonna transfer files ? i mean. my friend is gonna connect to me... [18:15] i copied content of lib to lib32 [18:15] Coggz: What kind is it [18:15] help [18:15] collan: What client does your friend use? Does he have ubuntu? [18:15] it is a zeroplus xbox controller, custom wired, but does work with one analogue stick [18:15] to undo [18:15] Accidus, No, still trying to get another persons box back up to speed [18:15] yes... and he uses gFTP [18:15] rgnr, can tell more what you face ? [18:15] rgnr: Hello [18:15] HacKBoX: hi [18:15] jack_sparrow: Fine. I'm still here. === tons2000 is now known as tonsofpcs [18:16] rgnr, do you have a backup of lib ? hit "Alt+H" to show hidden files, you may have a hidden backup [18:16] Ape3000, lol just found out it could connect without gFTP.. thanks man.. this will work now :P [18:17] what is the difference between the 'ls' and 'dir' command? [18:17] abuyusuf_: on file system or home? [18:17] Ape3000, since im new to this thing... how do i restrict a username to one single folder ? [18:17] submarc ls has more options [18:17] !dir | submarc [18:17] Sorry, I don't know anything about dir [18:17] collan: Do you want that your friend can connect with your user, which has the same permissions as your local user has? Or would you like to make an account for him? [18:17] rgnr, on the place "lib" was [18:17] hello [18:18] Ape3000, i created a user for him.. and i want him to ONLY access the home/user folder [18:18] what do i do to sudo visudo to stop sudo asking for a password? [18:18] collan: With the default settings he shouldn't have access to any where else [18:18] abuyusuf_: the lib is there still [18:18] can someone help me install uibuntu onto a usb flash drive [18:18] rgnr, So what is the problem if it still there ? [18:18] abuyusuf_: i just wanna uncopy files from lib from lib32 [18:19] Hello everyone [18:19] Ape3000, he can still look what i have ... he can read whole / but he cant write except for in hes folder.. but i dont want him to read more than hes home folder [18:19] abuyusuf_: cuz it makes me problems [18:19] rgnr, Now, you copied some files from lib32 to lib, and want to del the copied one from lib ? [18:19] abuyusuf_: yep === maco_ is now known as maco [18:20] collan: You could use chroot to jail him, but it might affect the sftp.. Hmm [18:20] rgnr, any files replaced or all smoothly copied? [18:20] . [18:20] Ape3000, how do i use chroot ? im new to this thingy [18:20] abuyusuf_: copied smoothly [18:20] cannot access USB flash reader w 8.10 , it worked on 7.10 [18:21] collan: First you'd like to take read permissions from your own home folder: chmod o-r /home/collan/ [18:21] rgnr, So, just see which files in lib32 from lib and del them !, did you face a problem in that ? [18:21] abuyusuf_: /sbin/ldconfig.real: gives me that /usr/lib32/libpcap.so.0.8 is not a symbolic link and that error while loading shared libraries: libdl.so.2: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64 [18:21] Does anyone know why my microphone is not working but [18:21] the sound output is? [18:21] Coggz: Check out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6148154 [18:21] Who ever it was that asked bout installing to USB Flash Drive: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/ [18:21] collan: That takes away(-) read permissions(r) from others than you(o) === rudy_ is now known as Guest45098 [18:22] twas me [18:22] Coggz: Check out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6148154 [18:22] someone here with experience with mdadm and raid 5? [18:22] slug: remove the comment at the line %sudo ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL === JackWinter_ is now known as JackWinter [18:22] collan: Here is a tutorial for chrooting: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-linux-unix-rssh-chroot-jail-setup.html [18:23] rgnr, sorry i'm going away, may be ( SuNDeC ) or ( Ape3000 ) Help you or anothers ( wrote their name for being alerted ) [18:23] JonathanEllis: you have to open Sound settings and enable it [18:23] brb [18:23] Ape3000: Not a utility, just a command [18:24] rgnr: What was abuyusuf helping you with??? [18:24] sudo cp /usr/lib/* /usr/lib32/ how do i undo that === yoggidm is now known as yoggidm2 [18:24] Ape3000: chroot /mount/point === xtr-II is now known as xtr === zach is now known as Adaen [18:24] collan: But chrooting might not be necessary. Just limit the permissions. [18:24] HacKBoX: sudo cp /usr/lib/* /usr/lib32/ how do i undo this? [18:25] how do i save a file in joe... i tried looking at ctrl-k h for help but it doesnt say [18:25] SuNDeC: Ape3000 that /sbin/ldconfig.real: /usr/lib32/libpcap.so.0.8 is not a symbolic link and that error while loading shared libraries: libdl.so.2: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64 [18:25] !hi | PosterBoy [18:25] PosterBoy: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [18:26] hi - someone tell me how to move the taskbar back to the top of the screen [18:26] thaaaanks guys,,,i will back to win couse the linux very complicated and no source for it [18:26] bye [18:26] Click, hold & drag [18:26] Hi all! I have a prob with compiling vmware server on Ubuntu 8.10 (Can't build vmmon), I try to use a patch. But it doesn't seem to work at all. (The patch I used before is now gone) ;/ [18:26] anyone ever seen: Unable to Initialize Installer Database from VMPlayer in Ubuntu? [18:26] PosterBoy: right click the bar [18:26] PosterBoy: check that it's not locked and then try dragging it [18:27] Does someone know what to do when mdadm is ignoring the mdadm.conf at boot? [18:27] Ape3000: please, don't stretch your answers over 2 lines [18:27] how do i save a file in joe... i tried looking at ctrl-k h for help but it doesnt say [18:27] NintendoGuy0: oh sorry [18:27] Ape3000, it's okay. I've done it a lot myself. [18:27] SuNDeC: Can you tell me how to do that? [18:28] Ape3000, its not moving [18:28] I remember there used to be a compiz setting for a "visual bell" where when there would normally be a beep from the PC speaker, it would send out a wave. Does this still exist? [18:28] sudobash: you have to reinstall it [18:28] i have [18:28] many times [18:28] 6 hours and a degree in comp-sci just to upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10 - frustrating. I hope the upgrade to 9.04 goes more smoothly looks like all works now [18:28] PosterBoy: Right click it and select Properties. There you can see "Orientation". [18:28] some were parts of it were locked [18:28] petafile, yes in wobbly windows [18:28] rgnr: give me a minute I'm working on it [18:28] rngr: sudo apt-get install --reinstall `dpkg -S /usr/lib32 | sed 's/, / /'` <-- this may restore some issues if your system is still working. at own risk btw [18:29] PosterBoy: Right click the bar and click: Allow panel to be moved [18:29] any body help me plz , i have problem with wireless , i have static ip and wireless connection disappear when i type Ip , and appear when i be on Roaming mode [18:29] graingert, thanks a bunch [18:29] interesting name, petafile [18:29] sudobash: first remove it, then install [18:29] NintendoGuy0, just a lot of files. Nothing to see her [18:29] Ape3000, there isn't a propeties option on this pannel [18:29] *here [18:29] NintendoGuy0, I'm guessing it's petabyte [18:29] lol [18:30] kebomix -> what does that command do for you Ip ? [18:30] graingert, which option is it in wobblywindows? [18:30] PosterBoy: Try right clicking it from a point that is empty. Not over some applets. [18:30] i have is there any special way to install... is there an apt-get install i can use to install vmplayer? [18:30] hi all. i ubuntu hardy server doesn't recognise my keyboard, any help [18:30] I have a question regarding wireless networking. When I log in to Ubuntu after shut down/restart/standby, my wireless card does not automatically detect my network, nor does it detect any networks. However, after I create a wireless network, it does detect my access point. [18:30] How do I fix that? [18:30] petafile, "shiver" [18:31] Is there a windows help channel? [18:31] :O [18:31] Adaen -> what do you mean by create a wireless network? [18:31] SuNDeC: I have tried double clicking on the speaker icon. That brings up a volume control panel with a recording panel [18:31] TwistedEmo, yes [18:31] Lol, windows help channel [18:31] rofl [18:31] JonnyDY2J: PS/2 and you pluged it in after you booted or OS came up? [18:31] who dareth speak of windows in this channel!? [18:31] sudobash: get the .bundle package from vmware homepage [18:31] He guys, I m really frustrated. I tried today for over 12 hours to create an raid 5 array with mdadm and ubuntu hardy server. The array is okay, but after restart, I have to assmble the array again, because mdadm is ignoring its config file. Anybody knows a solution? [18:32] the name goes well with the question :D [18:32] how do i get the shadow effect off of desktop fonts [18:32] :P I use to run debian but my laptop is my works... [18:32] hspaans: Im on a compaq laptop. the installer sees the keyboard fine and after it installed i was able to use it but after i shutdown and restarted it wont work. [18:32] yeah i have the bundle [18:32] what do you do with the bundle? [18:32] sh it? [18:33] HacKBoX: ok [18:34] SuNDeC: Is that what you meant? I also found |System|Preferences|Sound [18:34] JonnyDY2J: people in this channel like details [18:34] JonathanEllis: right click the volum icon on the taskbar, then choose Open Volume Control [18:34] ok i deleted the panel [18:34] Guys can ubuntu run exe files? [18:35] BLuEACiD -> not directly [18:35] wine [18:35] !wine | BLuEACiD [18:35] BLuEACiD: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help [18:35] how do i get the pannel back ?? [18:35] Ape3000, ? [18:36] PosterBoy: Back? Did you remove it? [18:36] yes [18:36] SuNDeC: I have that open and the microphone appears to be selected and turned up. It has a speaker icon and a mic icon as buttons below the slider. Neither of them have red Xs through them so I guess that means it is selected [18:36] it was too full so I deleted it [18:36] hello guys. I'm trying to fix a problem - it seems, that common user doesn't have access to firewire device (though no kino capture). It works using root, therefore i guess it's permission issue. What group should I add the user to? [18:36] hspaans: sorry about that I am new to ubuntu. I have a compaq presarrio 2100 laptop. When i load the instaler disk for Ubuntu Server 8.04 Hardy the keyboard works great. when ubuntu loaded for the first time the keyboard still worked great. I shutdown the system to move the laptop since the battery is dead and when i powered up the keyboard no longer works. [18:36] no idea PetoKraus [18:37] ive lost all my menus and everything now [18:37] 10148 [18:37] PosterBoy: sudo debconf gnome-panel [18:37] how do i save a file in joe... i tried looking at ctrl-k h for help but it doesnt say [18:38] rgnr: Still Working [18:38] Decepticon -> why not use nano or vim ? [18:38] JonnyDY2J: try the livecd if it doesn't work with that as well, you may have a hardware failure [18:38] JonathanEllis: can i see the screenshot? [18:38] Ape3000, how am i gonna get to a terminal window thou ? [18:38] hspaans: livecd?? [18:38] JonnyDY2J: the install cd [18:38] SuNDeC: How do I send a screenshot [18:38] PosterBoy: ALT+F2 and type: gnome-terminaö [18:38] ok [18:38] PosterBoy: gnome-terminal [18:38] Decepticon: what joe is that? :-) [18:39] apt-get install tilda === bjames is now known as Guest33682 [18:39] PosterBoy: gnome-terminal [18:39] I have a question regarding wireless networking. When I log in to Ubuntu after shut down/restart/standby, my wireless card does not automatically detect my network, nor does it detect any networks. However, after I create a wireless network, it does detect my access point. Does anyone know why this is happening or how I can fix this? [18:39] hspaans: it works fine with the install cd that is what i cant understand [18:39] greetings [18:39] JonathanEllis: press alt-printscreen then upload the image to a image site [18:39] Is there a desktop equivalent to the minimal install on the server CD? [18:39] JonnyDY2J: does ctrl-f7 works? [18:39] hi [18:40] hi [18:40] I'd like to install Ubuntu without most of the default applications. [18:40] SuNDeC: Can you suggest an image site, please? I have captured the screen [18:40] djbeppe: hi [18:40] can anyone help me with a raid1 array? [18:40] tinypic.com, imageshack.us [18:40] djbeppe: no. [18:40] Guest33682; Not sure that's possible. [18:40] HacKBoX: I've just removed 32lib files [18:40] JonathanEllis: tinypic.com, imageshack.us,... [18:40] djbeppe - you use the instructions from the wiki howto? [18:40] Ubuntu Server 8.10, what's a good size for my /, /boot, /var, and /etc partitions? (file/print server) [18:40] PosterBoy: You might also see this: http://albertsiow.wordpress.com/2008/06/26/restore-panel-bartop-in-ubuntu-gnome/ [18:41] do you know what kind of autentication style uses ubuntu server if used as pdc? [18:41] NintendoGuy0: Well I can do it by installing the minimal server install then "sudo apt-get install xorg gnome-desktop gdm", but that still uses the server kernel which isn't configured for responsiveness. [18:41] Hi all! I have a prob with compiling vmware server on Ubuntu 8.10 (Can't build vmmon), I try to use a patch. But it doesn't seem to work at all. (The patch I used before is now gone) ;/ [18:41] Guest33682: you can install everything yourself, that would take awhile. look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems [18:41] Rapture2k4: just 10G for those combines is enough and create seperate files systems for /home and /var/spool [18:42] hspaans: I can press the escape key before it loads grub and it brings up a menu. I just tried ctrl-f7 and nothing happened [18:42] cwill747: I don't want to install everything, so that might be the answer - cheers [18:42] hspaans: i've only got a 10GB boot drive :/ [18:42] some pornsites dont work on firefox on intrepid ibex. the error is no flash player plugin. but the error continues to show even after the installation [18:42] Rapture2k4: server only? [18:42] SuNDeC: [IMG]http://i43.tinypic.com/642b08.png[/IMG] [18:42] Ape3000, the first way you told me dosnt work as the panel dissaperas again as soon as you exit terminal [18:42] hey what's up with Best Buy selling Ubuntu? [18:42] Rapture2k4: 2G for / should be enough [18:43] what do you get for your $20? do they include full driver support or something? [18:43] omny_devi, I googled this morning to find how to repair mi raid1, but I always get the message "Device or resource busy" [18:43] JonnyDY2J: I mean when the machine has booted fully [18:43] PosterBoy: try ALT+F2 and: gnome-panel [18:43] rgnr: You Still There? [18:43] and is there any way to get a laptop at best buy that's guaranteed to be fully compatible with Ubuntu? [18:43] JonnyDY2J: or does the boot-menu also not work? [18:43] HacKBoX: y [18:43] abstrakt: did you check to see if they include corporate software or support? [18:43] i've got a best buy gift card for x-mas [18:43] abstrakt: talk to the hand [18:44] hspaans: I waited for it to ask my server login name and pressed ctrl+f7 but nothing happens [18:44] PosterBoy: You could also try to logout and then log back in. [18:44] abhishek_, 0.o [18:44] hspaans: is it a safe assumption that my swap will be the same size as my RAM (256MB in this case) [18:44] gnome-panel dosnt work [18:44] so i can't just buy from like linuxlaptops.net or whatever [18:44] ill try log out [18:44] JonnyDY2J: just need to hold them for a second or two or so [18:44] Rapture2k4: yes [18:44] what is the command [18:45] to log out ? [18:45] Is there a way to get the default mixer settings back for a sound card? [18:45] rgnr: I've got it I just have to write a shell script real quick. Give me a minute to put it together. you copied all the files in /usr/lib into /usr/lib32 and you need them out correct [18:45] Rapture2k4: unless you need to do converting in the printerqueue [18:45] i know there is a linux on laptops web page, but it's not ubuntu specific [18:45] !laptop > abstrakt [18:45] abstrakt, please see my private message [18:45] cool [18:45] PosterBoy: a quick way is to press CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE [18:45] Jack_sparrow: What about now? [18:45] cwill747, awesome thanks [18:45] abstrakt: no prob [18:45] thanks for the help, Ape3000 [18:45] abstrakt: just check the ubuntu hcl, if it works with ubuntu then other distro's will also work [18:46] hspaans: the boot menu works fine. just held ctrl+f7 for around 20 seconds and nothing happens. [18:46] converting in the printer queue? what is that? [18:46] HacKBoX: well i've just purged the files from lib32 [18:46] hspaans, by HCL i assume you mean "hardware compatibility list" and is that the same link as what cwill gave me? [18:46] well, one of the three he just gave me [18:46] HacKBoX: however it's still not empty [18:46] JonnyDY2J: ok good, can you boot into recovery mode? [18:46] !hcl | abstrakt [18:46] abstrakt: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection [18:46] hspaans: will have a try now [18:47] HacKBoX: but should i totally empty it? [18:47] is there any issue with making my swap partition my first primary partition? or should it always be an extended partition? [18:47] Is there a one click way to get a slit screen with two directories so dragging and dropping files can be done without minimizinf and resizing two directories? [18:47] JonathanEllis: In the Sound Preference > Sound capture, choose ALSA or OSS, may be there is one that works [18:47] hspaans, sweet thx [18:47] hola [18:47] Rapture2k4: it can be primary [18:47] Rapture2k4: if you have a backup of everything then just create / and swap [18:47] alguien de mexico df [18:48] hols [18:48] alright, sorted [18:48] fresh install, nothing to backup... just don't want to screw myself off the line [18:48] it was "disk" group [18:48] hi [18:48] im having an ./autogen.sh creation failure and i cant install this program withotu creating it :S [18:48] gaz_ [18:48] well i still dont have my top panel : ( === gaz is now known as gaz_ [18:48] Doc8404: which application? [18:48] xmms [18:49] PosterBoy: what your prob? [18:49] FloodBot2: Bitch. [18:49] gyachi [18:49] hspaans: just booted to the recovery menu but cannot move in the list or select an option. [18:49] SuNDeC, i deleted my top panel and dont know how to get it back [18:49] hspaans gyachi 1.1.61 === gaz_ is now known as gaz [18:49] PosterBoy: Did you see this: http://albertsiow.wordpress.com/2008/06/26/restore-panel-bartop-in-ubuntu-gnome/ [18:49] what exactly is stored in /boot and how big should i make it? [18:49] it said something about libtoolize? === gaz is now known as Guest29792 [18:50] I hate resizing two directory views when I want to do file maintenance. You'd think there was a way to bring up two stacked directories like DOS 5+ used to [18:50] Doc8404: you missing build-essentials, but why not use xchat for example? [18:50] Rapture2k4: a few hundred mb at most. it stores the kernel image and associated data [18:50] rapture2k4 the boot loader and OS location information is stored in boot. It doesn't need to be big - 100mb max [18:50] hspaans i cant get into yahoo messenger with xchat [18:50] I am trying to have this command run to change the cpu voltage "echo “9:21 72:20 6:17 134:17″ > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/phc_controls". I have added it to /etc/rc.local but it does not do anything upon reboot. The command works fine from CLI. Anyone have any suggestions as to how to figure out why it does not work? === stevie is now known as vorian [18:51] Doc8404: thats because xchat is an IRC client [18:51] Doc8404: try pidgin [18:51] what happens if /boot gets full (from a kernel upgrade for example)? [18:51] Doc8404: both pidgin or empathy can [18:51] I have problems with my connection. Under Vista, everything seems to work nicely. In Ubuntu (8.10) I can surf and limitedly use the connection (IRC works, for example), but advanced/interactive webpages don't work correctly. For example, gmail/facebook disconnect, I can't login correctly to bank accounts or post messages to forums. This issue is reproducible in Epiphany, hence this is not a firefox problem. My ISP claims that if things work in [18:51] Vista they should work the same in Ubuntu. I do not think this is a DNS problem, since the problematic sites does load. Any idea what can I do to further diagnose the problem/solve it? [18:51] and do the yahoo chat rooms and webcams? my wife wants me to use the webcam she got me [18:51] is there anyway to install a rpm in ubuntu [18:51] Hiho === Deamer is now known as DeamerAFK [18:51] JonnyDY2J: you can use your keyboard in the bootmenu? [18:52] not sure. never seen it happen. if you anticipate running a lot of different kernel versions may make the partitino larger? [18:52] hspaans: no cant move the selection [18:52] Doc8404: you're one a lost quest [18:52] Accidus: are you using wifi or ethernet? [18:52] lol nice [18:52] Ethernet [18:52] speed? [18:52] Doc8404: try skype [18:53] hello [18:53] Leaving [18:53] byee [18:53] hi what are the codecs used for mplayer? [18:53] !mplayer [18:53] mplayer is a media player. It resides in the mutiverse repository and can easily be installed via applications -> add/remove. For codecs try !codecs [18:53] ok fixed [18:53] thnaks [18:53] !codecs [18:53] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [18:53] Rapture2k4: Hmm... does 10/100 mean anything? [18:53] kk [18:54] Rapture2k4: Because my specification says: Network adapter: 10/100 ethernet LAN on system board [18:54] yeah [18:54] debs work on ubuntu distros? [18:54] JonnyDY2J: you may be dead in the water [18:54] eno: no, only those from ubuntu [18:54] hmm [18:54] eno, Not all debs are created equal [18:54] Accidus: do you know what chipset your onboard ethernet is? [18:54] !debian [18:54] Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu! [18:54] why then have I found avgs debian packages to install flawlessly [18:54] eno: luck [18:55] eno, Some will some wont.. russian roulette for your os [18:55] Rapture2k4: My laptop's a Dell Inspiron 1545, if that helps. I'll try to look the chipset in the spec. [18:55] yes but [18:55] eno: until you upgrade from 8.10 to 9.04 and you may experience a lot of issues [18:55] its probably a broadcom [18:55] hspaans: i will try a ps/2 keyboard now if i can find my old one. will let you know now [18:55] Accidus: from the PCWorld sale ? [18:55] hspaans, exactly [18:55] most dells use broadcom wireless/wired [18:55] linxeh: Well, they gave me a document [18:56] morning all [18:56] Accidus: use lshw to see you machine specs [18:56] mine is anyway, wired..works fine [18:56] I mean, it came with the laptop [18:56] !bcm43xx [18:56] Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx [18:56] ok [18:56] [ubuntu server] what happens if /boot partition gets full (i.e. from a kernel upgrade)? [18:56] www.jdownloader.com.ar [18:56] hi all [18:56] But it only says "basic specifications" [18:56] JonnyDY2J: I have seen these kind of issues in the past with compaq equipment a lot, sorry [18:56] www.jdownloader.org [18:56] can someone tell me how to install Java on linux please#? i want to play YAhoo Pool [18:56] has anyone found a ubuntu port for scatterchat?? [18:57] Accidus: I was thinking of buying one of those laptops that was all :) [18:57] i have a question about setting up Raid5. I have the array created through the BIOS, and was wondering if it should show up as one drive when using Ubiquity. It currently shows as 3 separate drives. [18:57] !java | LinuxPenguin [18:57] LinuxPenguin: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository [18:57] !rpm | Roger_ [18:57] Roger_, please see my private message [18:57] is it just me or is someone else too experiecning problems with the new latest wine update (1.1.2 or so). I already reported back in #winehq but didn't get a response 'til now. See http://slexy.org/view/s268VXz4b2 and http://slexy.org/view/s2GEtSA5Hw [18:58] I need help. I need to install linux-backports-modules-intrepid but I don't have an internet connection on the ubuntu box. Where can I find this file so I can move it to the ubuntu box manually? please help! [18:58] rgnr: I have a shell script for you. Do you have an email address I can send it to? [18:58] linxeh: It has some problems. Apart from this one, thre is the whole issue with dell keyboard fn keys [18:58] tillux: anything newer than whats in the main ubuntu repo is considered beta [18:58] toorudez: can you post lspci to !pastebin [18:59] linxeh: Apparently, the patch doesn't work on this model [18:59] linxeh: And it doesn't suspend/hibernate well (or at all) [18:59] Is there any way to edit the keys from terminal that are normally edited through X and gconf-editor? [18:59] I cant remember from yesterday what someone said, what are some "mac dock" programs? [19:00] deany: just wanted to let you know, if someone had similar problems [19:00] rgnr: YOU HERE???? [19:00] I need to install linux-backports-modules-intrepid but I don't have an internet connection on the ubuntu box. Where can I find this file so I can move it to the ubuntu box manually? please help! [19:00] Hello guys, anybody know any good dock programs (as in the little doc mac uses) [19:00] josher4, cairo-dock [19:00] anyone know what i can do about "X-Video Extension version 2.2 [19:00] screen #0 no adaptors present [19:00] JAck, where can we get this at [19:00] " [19:00] for wine if the version i get works i stick with it.. [19:00] !info cairo-dock [19:00] cairo-dock (source: cairo-dock): A light and eye-candy dock to launch your programs easily. In component universe, is optional. Version (intrepid), package size 252 kB, installed size 712 kB [19:00] Jack_Sparrow: That was the name of it! Thanks! [19:00] when running xvinfo [19:00] Accidus: :o well thats normal for a new machine, I had to wait ages for my 9300 to get decent support [19:00] Rapture2k4: 88E8040 PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller. Is that it? [19:01] toorudez: which raid controller are you using? [19:01] deany: weird sentence. what I wanted to say was: I just wanted to know if someone else has got similar problems ^^ [19:01] Accidus: probably [19:01] how do i use alien so i can install a rpm package [19:01] Roger_: fakeroot alien xyz.rpm [19:01] Roger_, that is a very bad idae [19:01] well this program only came in a rpm [19:01] linxeh: Oh well. It's a bummer really. Because when I look these issues up in ubuntu forums, it says that they should be resolved by the current version. Only it isn't. [19:02] i can use archiver and extract it maybe i guess [19:02] Jack_Sparrow: but is needed in some cases, like the cg engine/plugin from nvidia [19:02] Accidus: doesnt an lspci command giveyou the info? or try goin to dells site and lookin up the specs for your machine.. using the machine TAG [19:02] Accidus: so, you have issues with secure sites and connection oriented sites? [19:02] hspaans: still no luck with a wired PS/2 Keyboard [19:02] Roger_, Besure to have a backup of your os.. we cant help you untangle it if it goes wrong [19:02] Quick question, I need to install linux-backports-modules-intrepid but I don't have an internet connection on the ubuntu box. Where can I find this file so I can move it to the ubuntu box manually? please help! [19:02] rgnr: Are You Here?? [19:02] rapture2k4: I think that a succinct way of putting it :) [19:02] i'll just use archiver and instead of intall i'll extract it out [19:02] Sad wifi, just hard wire you linux box. [19:02] JonnyDY2J: you can enter the bios? [19:03] hspaans: yes [19:03] Accidus: have you tried doing speed tests or large file downloads? see if they time out [19:03] rapture2k4: My Kopete doesn't connect to ICQ properly as well, if that helps. [19:03] BLuEACiD: I would but it's not an option at the moment [19:03] Rapture2k4: They don't [19:03] odd [19:03] do you have a firewall on your modem/switch/router? [19:04] JonnyDY2J: you're running out of options with reinstall coming into view :( [19:04] rapture2k4: Not that I know of. [19:04] help [19:04] Ok sad do you have a usb stick or anything? [19:04] Roger_: look up how to use alien, ive used it for an xmms pulse module from fedora and it works ok.. not sayin yours will tho :) be warned [19:04] nevermind [19:04] ok according to Add/Remove programs OpenJDK Java Runtime is installed....SO why dosnt Yahoo! Pool work ? [19:04] hspaans: there is nothing on the server yet anyway so i would happily try that if it was the only option. [19:05] deany, i'll just extract out the contents with archiver and set it up manual [19:05] Jack_Sparrow are you here at the moment [19:05] LinuxPenguin: easiest way is to sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras [19:05] LinuxPenguin: because you need to have Sun Java with there webplugin [19:05] Jack_Sparrow: Do you know of a place to upload shell scripts [19:05] how can i run gparted on ubuntu? [19:05] Accidus: maybe look around for a newer driver for that device on the forums or if need be, use ndiswrapper and use the windows drivers [19:05] BLuEACiD: yes I have a USB stick, I just need to know what the exact package is and any dependencies [19:05] LinuxPenguin: it will install flashplugin/java and firefox plugin [19:05] BLuEACiD: I'll use dpkg to install manually [19:05] ok, ty [19:06] JonnyDY2J: it may be your best shot for now [19:06] Rapture: You think my ethernet driver is incompatible? [19:06] submarc: you have to install it first [19:06] Rapture2K4, rather [19:06] Accidus: See if Dell offer your laptop with ubuntu installed? [19:06] then you`ll get an idea that it works at least [19:07] Guy's I just downloaded cairo dock off SPM, where is it at =/ Lmfao [19:07] hspaans: i have just loaded the livecd and gone into recover broken system. the keyboard is working fine in there. i have read on the forums that people have had some problems with the grub system and keyboards [19:07] google your laptop and wifi, there may be something out there for you... this isnt the only place for info [19:08] Guy's I just downloaded cairo dock off SPM, where is it at =/ Lmfao [19:08] BLuEACiD: I'm on 64bit, btw [19:08] Hi, I have a laptop, and the resolution of my logon screen is different than that of my logged in session. Not only that, but it only fills the top left of the screen, the rest is a big black border. Any idea how to fix this ? [19:09] Sad if your on 64 bit I'm not sure sorry =/ [19:09] hmm ok [19:09] BLuEACiD: well, http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/linux-backports-modules-intrepid-generic I just need to DL this.. dunno how [19:09] JonnyDY2J: ok [19:10] Can i do a Upgrade With The Alternate CD with ubuntu server [19:10] Sad [19:10] Hmm hold on then' === digit_halfhere is now known as digit_probablygo [19:10] hspaans: i am installing the lilo boot system instead of the grub boot system. will let you know what happens [19:10] or without the xserver running [19:11] Guy's I just downloaded cairo dock off SPM, where is it at =/ Lmfao [19:11] how can i use rsync in such a way that it looks at mydir on PC_A and sees if there are any files in there that do not exist on mydir on PC_B, and if such files exist to transfer them to mydir on PC_B and delete the file on PC_A? [19:11] the dirs on PC_A and PC_B are not equivalent in any way [19:11] can i make other question? i'm trying to raise the screen resolution of my notebook but it goes only until 800x600... i would like to set it to 1024 [19:12] Is it capable? [19:12] can any one help me with my Realtek RTL8136 Desktop Etherenet Controller it's not working [19:12] Deany: I don't see it offered with Ubuntu installed. === francesco_ is now known as bedo2991 [19:13] can any one help me with my Realtek RTL8139 Desktop Etherenet Controller it's not working oops it's RTL8139 not8136 [19:13] how can i use rsync in such a way that it looks at mydir on PC_A and sees if there are any files in there that do not exist on mydir on PC_B, and if such files exist to transfer them to mydir on PC_B and delete the file on PC_A? [19:13] the dirs on PC_A and PC_B are not equivalent in any way [19:13] Gletob: why is it not working? [19:14] josher, yes... windows run at 1024 normally [19:14] Accidus: well, sorry then.. the big let down for linux is wifi... thankfully i dont need it [19:14] I just installed ubuntu on this computer It shows up in lspci but the ethernet light on my modem is not on even though it is connected. [19:15] deany: It's not wifi [19:15] hello [19:15] :) [19:15] ichbinesderelch: I just installed ubuntu on this computer It shows up in lspci but the ethernet light on my modem is not on even though it is connected. [19:15] deany: I'm having problems with my wired connection [19:15] ohh.. [19:15] Gletob: post the output of 'ifconfig -a' in a pastebin pls [19:15] submarc: Do you use any other screens with this? [19:15] Gletob: try installing wicd instead of the default network-manager [19:15] tried a wrapper with the windows driver? [19:15] I still think it's weird that it's problems with my network driver [19:16] deany: What do you mean? [19:16] josh.. no [19:16] gletob: do you mean the link light ? [19:16] hello guys, im trying to change the location of my home folder to a different partition. How can i move /home if it is in use? === ShockUBT is now known as StaticShock === frohike is now known as Frohike_se [19:16] ndiswrapper.. im not much help with that tho.. there is info on ubuntu wiki === fxcp is now known as ctp [19:16] perJ: yes on the modem and back of computer are off even though cable is connected [19:16] submarc: lol, I have a similar problem. I use my laptop with a dock and it only finds my laptop screen. [19:17] gletob: have another cable ? [19:17] Hello, new to this channel. Big crisis. Adding lots of libraries from repositories to try to get Mplayer gui to work from source. After Synaptic download and install and restart, log in as usual but icons on desktop gone. Tools bars not working. I'm working off the live cd now. How to recover from this kind of thing? [19:17] perJ: yes but it works fine in XP [19:17] josh... i'm reading some tips about the configuration xorg.conf - do u know something about it? [19:17] Gletob: i had the same prob before, resolved after installing wicd [19:18] josh, i use only one screen [19:18] HacKBoX: yep [19:18] I'm trying that now wicd fixed my laptops wifi issues but I never thought about it [19:18] gletob: make of ethernet card ? [19:18] josher4: what graphic cards is in the laptop? [19:18] submarc: I'm no expert in this. I would recommending asking one of the tech guys that are more experienced. [19:19] Gletob: why? it fixed your prob anyway! [19:19] =/ [19:19] SuNDec: on another computer! [19:19] hspaans: just reinstalled with the lilo boot system and the keyboard now works. thanks for all the help you gave [19:19] join #vbox [19:20] hello guys, im trying to change the location of my home folder to a different partition. How can i move /home if it is in use? === alain is now known as Guest52532 [19:20] any reason why when installing the ATI closed source driver there are 2 Xorg processes running? are they needed? [19:20] Gletob: so why not using wicd again? [19:20] #ubuntu-eg [19:20] its just a big memory usage thats all [19:20] ichbinesderelch: It is a Intel 915GM/GMS, 910 GML Express Chipset [19:20] helo1234: you can't reliably - I would go into single user mode if possible [19:21] brb [19:21] josher4: tried it simply with xrandr? [19:21] perJ: what does that mean? [19:21] ichbinesderelch: ? [19:21] SuNDeC: because this is a different pc and I just installed and never thought of it [19:21] josher4: making monitor work on doc station [19:21] Helo1234: first set up a new, big enough parti ... [19:21] DasEI: done [19:22] Gletob: ok, misunderstood that you didn't like it :-) [19:22] ichbinesderelch: Like I said, Im not an experienced linux user. I know a lot abo9ut windows and mac but not linux. [19:22] Helo1234: then copy your old /home to the new..... [19:22] Im just trying to copy the home to new location [19:22] helo1234: you cqn't move user's homedirs while they are being accessed, if in single usermode you are alone on the machine [19:22] i cant, because its in use... [19:22] Helo1234: then alter fstab [19:22] Question: In dvdrip, I want to use vlc instead of mplayer, can someone help? [19:23] perJ: how to get to that single usermode? [19:23] Helo1234: let's say you did a new parti, sda6 [19:23] acce245: you want use vlc as the default? [19:23] Helo1234: first you mount it anywhere, /mnt/any [19:23] Sundec: yes [19:23] DasEI: thats what i did [19:23] ok i installed that thing SuNDeC and it worked..but now suddenly stoppped working again :-/ [19:23] Helo1234: then you copy everything from / home to it [19:24] i am trying to batch convert files ending in .JPG to .jpg in a directory using this command in ubuntu and its not working for file in *.JPG; do mv "$file" "${file%JPG}jpg"; done an example error message i get is: mv: `211.JPG' and `211.jpg' are the same file [19:24] helo1234: init 1 - but CAREFUL, you will lose network accessibillity - so if you are conecting by ssh - forget it [19:24] DasEI: done [19:24] mplayer [19:24] but I need a similar command to make vlc do approx the same thing. [19:24] acce245: right click on the media fire > Properties, choose VLC as the program to open [19:24] Helo1234: then you got to alter fstab to use f.e. sda6 as home [19:24] can i upgrade to ubuntu 8.10 without the xserver [19:24] LinuxPenguin: what thing? i just forgot :-) [19:24] Sundec: It only sees mplayer and xine as options. [19:24] using the alternate cd [19:24] So what should I do, after we've been through all that? Just suffer quitely? [19:25] The Java [19:25] DasEI: but there is an entry for home already [19:25] im trying to play Yahoo Pool [19:25] how can i use rsync in such a way that it looks at mydir on PC_A and sees if there are any files in there that do not exist on mydir on PC_B, and if such files exist to transfer them to mydir on PC_B and delete the file on PC_A? [19:25] the dirs on PC_A and PC_B are not equivalent in any way [19:25] so i typed in the command you told me to [19:25] Helo1234: you got to change it then [19:25] DasEI: and i dont know the UUID of the new partition [19:25] acce245: there's one option so that you can browse other programs [19:25] the restricted-extras thing [19:25] Helo1234:sudo blkid tells you [19:26] but Yahoo Pool Applet is still not loading for some reason [19:26] DasEI: heres my problem... it doesnt show that partition... [19:26] Helo1234: > and erase quotes for fstab [19:26] Helo1234:open a terminal ... [19:26] Helo1234: use $ sudo vol_id -u /dev/sda1 (e.g) to see the UUID [19:26] is there an easy way to start an application in another desktop than the current? [19:26] DasEI: ok, my bad, forgot to use sudo [19:26] ichbinesderelch & SuNDeC: It's not working with Wicd [19:26] I get an error message releated to Java [19:26] This game cannot be played using your current settings. Please, try the following: [19:26] * Check to make sure that java is enabled in your browser. (learn more) [19:26] * If you do not have java installed you may download it here. [19:26] * To learn more about java support for browsers, visit our help pages. [19:26] LinuxPenguin: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [19:26] Helo1234:sudo apt-get install pastebinit [19:27] spaceim.com [19:27] !java > LinuxPenguin [19:27] LinuxPenguin, please see my private message [19:27] hello [19:27] !hi | stad [19:27] stad: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [19:28] thanks [19:28] LinuxPenguin: so you want to install Java on your machine? [19:28] ichbinesderelch & SuNDeC: It's not working with Wicd [19:28] Hi, I just installed intrepid 64 bits on a new machine, and now pulseaudio crashes after playing sound for a while (flash, mplayer and mpd all caused the problem at least once). When this happens pavucontrol says it can connect anymore and the easiest way to get things working again is by restarting x, after which it usually crashes again after a while. Does anyone know what to do? [19:28] you sure [19:28] Helo1234:sudo fdisk-l | pastebinit [19:28] DasEI: what is that? [19:28] !paste [19:28] pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [19:28] Sundec: http://picasaweb.google.com/acce245/ProgramIssues#5287151518298638914 [19:28] DasEI: missing a space [19:28] !pulseaudio [19:28] PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions [19:29] raylu : where ? [19:29] fdisk, seee [19:29] Sundec: the arrow doesn't allow for directory browsing. [19:29] Helo1234:sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit [19:29] well ive allready installed Java i think but it dosnt seem to be working SuNDeC [19:29] Sundec: and when I replace 'mplayer' with 'vlc' nothing happens either. [19:29] douwe: that page contains a short blurb about removing pulseaudio [19:29] Anyone can help with Apache? [19:29] !anyone | gaz_ [19:29] gaz_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [19:30] raylu: ill look at it, thanks:) [19:30] raylu: which page? I'd be interested in that, too ^^ [19:30] acce245: how did you install VLC? [19:30] sundec: just from the add/remove programs under the applications menu, like most programs. [19:30] Ok I formatted my Ubuntu! [19:30] tillux1: 1:28:55 ubottu> PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See [19:30] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions [19:30] ichbinesderelch & SuNDeC: It's not working with Wicd [19:30] should i use nvidia-settings/nvidia-xconfig to setup my dual screens? the window manager doesn't seem to be doing a very good job on its own... [19:31] I hope the bootsplash will work now :) === hackbox is now known as HacKBoX [19:31] sundec: it recognizes 'vlc' as a good command. [19:31] Helo1234:? [19:31] sundec: but when I run vlc with no conditions after in the box, it just brings up vlc. [19:31] Installed Apache... but can only view pages through http://localhost. Want to view via my ip address via internet. Any ideas why it only opens on localhost? [19:31] gaz_, need to open ports on the firewall/router if you have one. [19:31] gaz_, port 80 is typical http traffic. [19:32] acce245: sorry, but you want vlc to open your media files instead of mplayer? [19:32] how would I open the firewall / route ports? [19:32] sundec: Yeah. [19:32] DasEI: i just edited fstab, files are copied, now how can i move the home? [19:32] gaz_: if your only testing from your local network, you may not be able to loopback from inside the network back inside, do you have a router? [19:32] gaz: it's only listeing on the localhost interface [19:32] guys i was looking for an app which could allow me to chat preferably voice and video over the network without internet connectivity [19:32] ?? [19:33] tgpraveen: ekiga [19:33] I do have a router. [19:33] Helo1234:you could run the cmd's I gave you, so I can have a look [19:33] gaz_, in you're firewall/router... firestarter is probably the *easiest* way to manage traffic on ubuntu. you have to login to your router to open ports on that. [19:33] acce245: on hard disk or dvd? [19:33] sundec: I can use vlc just fine on its own. [19:33] Helo1234:pastebinit /etc/fstab [19:33] zsquareplusc: it can do?? are u sure ? what i want is that if 2 pcs are connected via lan then it should chat directly [19:33] paste* [19:34] no need of net [19:34] acce245: right click on a media file type you want to open in vlc, go properties, open with and then select vlc from the list there (or add it if you have to) [19:34] zsquareplusc: also with all software it can chat?? only ekiga [19:34] ?? [19:34] I am working with samba in 8.10 and having a problem. All systems windows and linux on the network can see and read and write to eachother just fine. But when the windows system puts a directory in the linux shared directory and you look in that folder on the linux system the new file shows a lock on it? how can I fix this? [19:34] tgpraveen: yes, ekiga even anouces itself on the LAN using zeroconf (you'll even see others when you add the zeroconf applet to the panel) [19:35] hi [19:35] I'm in my router... I do not see a place that would block certain ports... any suggestions as to what the heading would be? [19:35] acce245: so you want to use vlc or mplayer to play your media files? still do not know :( === retku is now known as rccu [19:35] Or, could it be something else? [19:35] zeroconf applet--is this available by default in ubuntu8.10? if so how can i add it? [19:35] how can I install ubuntu without a CD/DVD drive? I have a pendrive 2G large... [19:35] zsquareplusc: also with all software it can chat?? only ekiga?? [19:36] Y-town: you are getting that lock showing up because you are not the user that samba used to put the file/folder in [19:36] gaz_: whats the model router? [19:36] sundec: I want to use vlc in place of mplayer in the transcoding process for dvdrip, but I don't know how to write that command. [19:36] tgpraveen: what do you mean? there are many protocols and many softwarees that are incompatible. however ekiga supports at least2 common protocols you find lots of apps [19:37] LyncSys... [19:37] debaser: do you have access to a cdrom/dvd on another machine [19:37] miranda_psi: yes I believe so [19:37] gaz_: it can be called port forwarding, nat, or virtual servers, in some router configs i've seen, you can check for sure if you follow the directions at portforward.com [19:37] wrt54g? [19:37] How can I install ubuntu without a CD/DVD drive? I have a pendrive 2G large which doesn't boot, but following the same steps on my 64 MB pendrive it works (with the test of pendrivelinux.com). [19:37] acce245: I use mplayer and plays all files [19:37] perj: yes [19:37] zsquareplusc: all i am asking is that can u name some programs which can chat with ekiga thru lan? maybe something which i can have in windows? [19:37] DOES ANYBODY WANT A NICE SHELL SCRIPT FOR REVERSE COPYING THAT HAS PASSABLE SHELL ARGUMENTS????? [19:37] debaser: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick [19:37] acce245: vlc uses (as well as mplayer does) other applications to save/transcode/decode/encode files/streams etc... like mencoder, lame, theora etc... [19:37] ffmpeg [19:38] Hi, I am installing windows using virtualbox. I was wondering, is it possible to copy files (like exe programs that I already have inside ubuntu) to the new virtual box (windows) instead of redownloading them from the internet from inside windows again? [19:38] acce245: personally, i wouldn't use vlc for anything [19:38] HacKBoX: no [19:38] Y-Town: are you requiring a password to write files or is it open? [19:38] perJ: I really need help on making my 2G pendrive bootable... [19:38] miranda_psi: no [19:38] tgpraveen: i don't know. i guess they have a list on the ekiga homepage. and there's even a windows version of ot [19:38] DIFH-iceroot: ok [19:38] miranda_psi: its my small home trusted network and I want to keep it simple so anyone can read write or delete with no problems [19:38] acce245: why not mplayer, if it can do just fine? [19:38] raylu: vlc is the one I am most familiar with, and the one that gives me the least problems. [19:39] Debaser: What is the problem? [19:39] debaser: you probably want to make your machine boot from usb ? - look into BIOS - boot options [19:39] issa: yes, you can share folders which will appear as network share within windoze [19:39] allo [19:39] issa: i believe the free version of virtualbox doesn't allow you to share files. see the vbox website [19:39] sundec: I prefer the control I can have with vlc. [19:39] ist einer hiet? [19:39] Is there a way to transfer files here? [19:39] acce245: in the short run, maybe. but vlc uses its own decoders [19:39] ist hier ein deutscher? [19:39] install codecs and use smplayer, much more capable frontend for mplayer.. [19:39] !de | nils [19:39] nils: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, und #edubuntu-de [19:39] acce245: i don't think so, for me mplayer is much more powerful than vlc [19:39] HacKBoX via dcc if your client supports that [19:40] raylu hi [19:40] acce245: and i'm not sure how anything could possibly give you more control than mplayer [19:40] acce245: and the quality of the media file is better [19:40] acce245: vlc may be dropped in future due to much issues [19:40] how do you do that? [19:40] your kidding right? vlc can display video as ASCII! [19:40] perJ: it works with the 64 MB pendrive but not with the 2G pendrive, its not computer config, its about the 2G pendrive, is it possible that I pendrive simply can't be made bootable? [19:40] raylu weißt du wie man java insterliert [19:40] raylu: hmmm, so ubuntu actually does not have real access to vbox files? I guess the only solution is to burn a CD of whatever I want to copy and use the CD from windows, will that work? [19:40] raylu, sundec: and mplayer takes longer to startup. [19:40] sudobash: mplayer also, its just aalib [19:40] isnt vlc qt4 now? [19:40] hey, is there anyone who can recommend me a webcam for use in ubuntu 8.10 with skype, easy to set up and give good resolution and a bit cheap? :) [19:40] SuNDeC: mplayer sometimes just hangs up or is slow on my box [19:41] nils: see ubottu's message please. i don't speak german [19:41] raylu do you speek german? [19:41] musikgoat|main: How do you use the command? [19:41] sudobash: why woud you want to play in ascii , lol [19:41] debaser: I dont *think* so [19:41] raylu, sundec: and I have been able to play more dvds with no problem using vlc. [19:41] Okay... [19:41] acce245: are you sure we're talking about mplayer? mplayer is a command line player, it doesn't really have any startup time [19:41] raylu oh sorry [19:41] nils: tipp mal /join #ubuntu-de ein [19:41] not sure, look up if your irc client supports dcc [19:41] miranda_psi: any suggestions? [19:41] !hcl | IrishDavid [19:41] IrishDavid: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection [19:41] dcc [19:41] amusement and i can play audio in terminal [19:41] HacKBoX^^ [19:41] dcc -h [19:41] danke tilluxi [19:41] hspaans: it doesnt have webcams... [19:41] -? [19:41] Smplayer afaic is better than VLC.. [19:41] -h [19:41] HacKBoX are you using irssi? [19:41] dcc -h [19:41] tilluxi aber wo? [19:42] Y-Town: can you put up the Authentication section of /etc/samba/smb.conf up on www.ubuntu.pastebin.com [19:42] all i used at one time was vlc... [19:42] !de | nils [19:42] nils: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, und #edubuntu-de [19:42] but, upto you.. [19:42] musikgoat|main im using xchat for gnome [19:42] perJ: ok thx [19:42] miranda_psi: lemme try [19:42] Still trying to get Apache up in something other than just localhost... my router has an option to "Filter Internet NAT Redirection". That is what I think ppl were talking about... it's NOT checked and still not working. Any ideas? [19:42] debaser: the howto I pointed to has a paragraph about preparing the stick [19:42] ok [19:42] IrishDavid: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras <-- and what is this then? [19:42] did you read it ? [19:42] perj: thx a lot [19:42] ! [19:42] !hi [19:42] gaz_: no that is something else [19:42] Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [19:42] vad finns det för program för att kolla sfv i ubuntu/xubuntu? [19:43] gaz_: one sec [19:43] !sudo [19:43] sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE) [19:43] IrishDavid: the link was just on the page under webcam [19:43] Lol [19:43] raylu: I am talking about the program called MPlayer, that is available on the add/remove applications, with GUI support from uhulinux.hu. [19:43] Thanks musik [19:43] tilluxi? [19:43] what app is there for checking sfv-files? [19:43] hallo [19:43] gaz_: http://www.portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/Linksys/WRT54G/HTTP.htm [19:43] nahoJ: does sudo apt-get install par2 check em [19:43] acce245: oh. haha, guis :P [19:43] How do I know if conky is telling me the right stuff? [19:44] nils: bitte trette dem raum #ubuntu-de bei, dieser raum ist nur english [19:44] on my hud, its telling me that my cpu is running 0C but in bios is running hotter [19:44] hackbox_: http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/XChat#DCC_file_sends [19:44] Mainly, the media player is just used in dvd::rip to give previews, and I have always preferred vlc is all. [19:44] nahoJ: installs par2verify and par2repair etc.. well quickpar in windows supports sfv so i dont see why not [19:44] hspaans: it doesnt have information for 8.10, i want a camera that doesnt have the issues with intrepid my current one has [19:45] zsquareplusc: one last questin does empathy do something like this? or have compatibility with ekiga? [19:45] miranda_psi: http://www.ubuntu.pastebin.com/m1fbd3adc How that gets you too it. I put up the whole file [19:45] Irish: my logitech quick cam has always worked good. [19:45] tgpraveen: don't know [19:45] anyone from frankfurt???? [19:45] IrishDavid: if it works with previous version it will also work with 8.10 in 999 of 1000 cases [19:45] hi [19:46] IrishDavid: have you looked at the bottom link? [19:46] deany: can i check sfv in ubuntu/xubuntu now by right click? [19:46] !hi | shyboy [19:46] shyboy: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [19:46] zsquareplusc: ok.thanks anyway . u have been a lot of help. keep rocking [19:46] french support here? [19:46] !fr | shyboy [19:46] shyboy: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr [19:46] Irish: I have a quick Cam Communicate Pro - does not work well in Intrepid due to a bug [19:46] anyone from frankfurt???? [19:46] hspaans: there are a lot of cases where intrepid has broke cameras [19:46] musik, give me that url again please. [19:46] Well, thanks anyway everyone. [19:46] anyone from frankfurt???? [19:46] i ve got probleme with ubuntu server [19:46] anyone from frankfurt???? [19:46] gaz_: http://www.portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/Linksys/WRT54G/HTTP.htm [19:46] !de | guest88 [19:46] guest88: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, und #edubuntu-de [19:47] temppy: i take it you mean the fsf link... going there now [19:47] IrishDavid: yeah [19:47] ?????????? [19:47] anyone from frankfurt???? [19:47] i need to speak with anyone from frankfurt???? [19:47] !ot | Guest88 [19:47] Guest88: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [19:48] IrishDavid: only intrepid? and for any reason? [19:48] Hi guys, I'm trying to reset my graphics display settings, have typed in "dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg" which was supposed to give me a series of questions to answer, but instead it says: conflicting actions -e (--control) and -r (--remove) Any ideas? :S [19:48] nahoJ: i dont know if there is a gui, only shell [19:49] nahoJ: par2verify name.sfv, try it [19:49] I cant seem to find Cario-dock in SPM. ideas? [19:50] gaz_: i'm going afk for 10 min, bbl, PM me if you still have trouble [19:50] hspaans: the kernel changes have broken a few of the drivers, especially gspca and the patches that had made cameras work in the past... [19:50] josher4: sudo apt-get install cairo-dock just fine with me [19:50] hspaans: going to give my camera one last try but probably going to buy a new one if I can find a good quality one that works without fault [19:50] SuNDeC: K, one sec [19:51] IrishDavid: have you tried LBM? [19:51] IrishDavid: you create a bugreport? [19:51] how can i see how much memory is in a system [19:52] hspaans: its been reported a few times already [19:52] temppy: LBM? [19:52] is there an easy way to clean up unused config files and libraries etc? [19:52] android60: free is helpful [19:52] android60: lswh -C memory [19:52] android60: free -m [19:52] IrishDavid: sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-intrepid I think === Niamor7 is now known as Niamor [19:53] ok thanks guys [19:53] IrishDavid: ok, because developers need to know if things break [19:53] overshard: sudo apt-get autoclean [19:53] overshard: sudo apt-get autoremove [19:53] temppy: might give that a shot, but i've tried twice already on fresh installs and it hasnt worked both times, getting fed up... [19:53] miranda_psi: anything? [19:53] hspaans: i know :) always report faults [19:54] SuNDeC: that gets rid of unused software? like how long do i have to not use something before it realizes it as unused? [19:54] Hey SuNDeC my ethernet is still not working can you help? [19:54] IrishDavid: you tried that already? I don't think you need to try again if it already didn't work... [19:55] temppy: there is another patch i found on the ubuntu forum, but i dont have much hope for it because other people already said they didnt get this to work [19:55] hello everyone, how do i find Franfurt city channel???? [19:55] overshard: no, that removes the unused dependencies, not the softwares [19:56] hello everyone, how do i find Frankfurt city channel???? === hackbox is now known as HacKBoX [19:56] hey all, my rhythmbox keeps locking up when I launch it, anyone have any ideas? [19:56] SuNDeC: last time i used autoremove with Icecast, of all things, it removed my desktop :)) [19:56] Y-Town: try putting "guest account = youruser" in the authentication section and restart samba(sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart) [19:56] SuNDeC: oh, well is there a way to remove software that hasn't been used for like a month [19:57] hello everyone, how do i find Franfurt city channel???? [19:57] hello everyone, how do i find Franfurt city channel???? [19:57] i didnt pay much attention to it till i rebooted..doh [19:57] Guest88: What are you talking about [19:57] miranda_psi: ok [19:57] overshard: may be you could you "find" command to specify what files are not used int the /usr/bin/ for a month [19:58] How can I set up a ssh host (either WinXP or Ubuntu 8.10) such that a user connecting doesn't get shell access and that user can forward one specific port (and only that port)? [19:58] deany: so what did you do after that :-) [19:58] hello. my flashplugin-nonfree is acting up again. Has sound also died for anyone recently? [19:59] SuNDeC: What do you think I should do about my PM? [19:59] removed the ubuntu partition and did fixmbr from windows recovery console..and cussed ubuntu for days. [19:59] gletob, plese have a look in private [19:59] Hey guys, I am really trying to set up my *Multimedia Keys* on my keyboard. I've found a bunch of tutorials on how to capture the keys using xev and getscancodes and such, but each of these programs seems to be having a hard time determining what key is being pressed. I think it knows SOMETHING is being pressed because I ocassionally get something like: "KeymapNotify event, serial 34, synthetic NO, window 0x0," Does anybody here ... [19:59] josher4: dont know what you mean [19:59] ... have any suggestions for me? [20:00] I know i could of installed ubuntu-desktop again (maybe).. but i was so dam (bad word) [20:00] tonsofpcs: Setup SSH then make a basic user with no privileges and edit .bashrc in the home directory of the user to setup the port forwarding [20:00] gletob.. in private please! [20:00] SuNDeC: Did you read my PM? [20:00] SuNDeC: how do you PM someone [20:00] josher4: what PM? [20:01] HacKBoX: dont know :-) [20:01] hello im having problems with audio when i play youtube videos, the sound seems to get stuck and rerpetitive [20:01] Viola I have done it! [20:02] danes_: try to update to the lastest version of flash player (from adobe website) [20:02] can any one help me with my Realtek RTL8139 Desktop Etherenet Controller it's not working [20:02] I have successfully changed the boot themes [20:02] I knew I messed up my boot before :D [20:02] Gletob: wicd does not work for you? [20:02] sundec is there a ubuntu plugin for that? [20:02] Sundec: nope [20:03] Anybody Need Help? [20:03] Gletob-> post results of sudo lshw -C network [20:03] Hi everyone! I am setting up xubuntu on my EIGHTY year old grandmas laptop... I am trying to simplify it as much as possible, a long with locking the system down settings wise. Any ideas? [20:03] danes_: that's the error from old version of flash player, so you have to update to the lastest version [20:04] grandmaneedshelp: the laptop is eighty years old? wow === homer is now known as Guest37668 [20:04] grandmaneedshelp: install it and set her up with basic desktop account not an admin [20:04] zsquareplusc: no my grandma is eighty [20:04] grandmaneedshelp: Just give her a non-admin user (not in usergroup wheel, sudoers file, etc) [20:04] grandmaneedshelp: the system settings require a passoword, is that not enough? you could also set up a user with out admin group [20:05] Gletob: does wicd see your card after installation? [20:05] yes [20:05] SuNDeC, ok, thanks [20:05] that is switchable from within users and groups right? === QaDeS is now known as QaDeS|essen [20:05] grandmaneedshelp: have a look at sabayon [20:05] grandmaneedshelp: exactly. just keep an account with admin group [20:06] grandmaneedshelp: its made to lock down an user environment [20:06] Ok, I did sudo apt-get install cario-dock. It gives me something about it needing 1128kB for archives and after that needing 9744 of additional disk space needing to be used. Y/n? [20:06] grandmaneedshelp: Just go to System->Administration->Users & Groups [20:06] hey all [20:06] josher4: Y [20:06] hspaans: I was told about sabayon yesterday, but had to go to bed, it being pretty late at that time. [20:06] Haha, I was having trouble with my Multimedia Keys not being detected. Strange thing, though. I held down shift and pressed them and they were magically detected. Huh? [20:06] Does anyone know why this might be happening? http://i42.tinypic.com/33xwuue.jpg http://i43.tinypic.com/2i20ykn.jpg It's showing 3 instances of a battery, as well as 3 wireless adapters. [20:06] n8tuser2: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m7a5dfe81 [20:06] grandmaneedshelp: It explains itself [20:07] LMAO@ savid >_< [20:07] SuNDeC: K, It did its thing. Where can i find it? [20:07] josher4: find what? [20:07] So I should just click the shield icon (make everything mandatory) ? [20:07] miranda_psi: Thanks so much... That fixed it.. thank you [20:07] SuNDeC: How do I start it? [20:07] grandmaneedshelp: Yes [20:07] * savid holds his head in shame while earthmeLon laughs at his expense [20:07] Y-Town: np - enjoy :) [20:08] Gletob -> looks okay, now if you only can follow my directions... sudo ifdown eth0; sudo ifup eth0 [20:08] josher4: alt-f2, then type: cairo-dock [20:08] HacKBoX: and this will also lock the panels, so she doesn't accidentally delete it/move stuff around? [20:09] Hi guys, I'm trying to reset my graphics display settings, have typed in "dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg" which was supposed to give me a series of questions to answer, but instead it says: conflicting actions -e (--control) and -r (--remove) Any ideas? :S [20:09] savid: i also sometimes get triple interfaces... do you know what's up? [20:09] grandmaneedshelp: It will make it so she can't access system wide setting; She may still have access to user preferences [20:09] SuNDeC: Says it can't find file:///home/josher4/cario-dock [20:09] grandmaneedshelp -> look into a kioks setup a lot more work for you, but its setup without user able to change much [20:09] hey all, im using the gnome CPU Freq Scaling Monitor. It shows below 599Mhz but i set the lowest freq allowed to 799Mhz.. is there a way to hide the unusable? [20:09] bartmon, no idea. that's what I'm trying to figure out :-P [20:10] josher4: cairo, not cario [20:10] hi.. anyone give me link for knowing how to install .tar.bz files ... [20:10] n8tuser2: okay it said ifdown: interface eth0 not configured and ifup said Ignoring unknow interfacew eth0=eth0 [20:10] n8tuser2: you mean kiosk setup? [20:10] lunanlad: i think if you boot into single user mode (recovery) it offers an option to fix x11 , alternatively you can try moving the xorg.conf away [20:10] why isnt pidgin 253 in the repos [20:10] Gletob: can i see the output of ifconfig command [20:10] lunanlad: provided you run a current version of ubuntu that is [20:10] chandru: yes, don't. see if there is a package first [20:10] grandmaneedshelp -> yes [20:10] SuNDeC: Ah.. lol. Got it [20:11] mgolisch, how do i move it away? and to where? [20:11] yes, it's up to date [20:11] Gletob -> try again with posting contents of ifconfig and sudo lshw -C network [20:11] Dexi: kopete is better.. unless you wanna compile plidgin from source, which is simple enough... [20:11] my wife changed the screen resolution settings, and not the monitor goes "video mode not supported" after boot up... we get boot up text, the beige screen with teh tribalmusic, then monitor loses it, and I can;t get it back [20:11] deany: eeewwww i hate kopete [20:11] I have problems with my wired connection on my Dell Inspiron 1545. Under Vista, everything seems to work nicely. In Ubuntu (8.10) I can surf and limitedly use the connection (IRC works, for example), but advanced/interactive webpages don't work correctly. For example, gmail/facebook disconnect, I can't login correctly to bank accounts or post messages to forums. This issue is reproducible in Epiphany, hence this is not a firefox problem. My [20:11] ISP claims that if things work in Vista they should work the same in Ubuntu. I do not think this is a DNS problem, since the problematic sites does load. Any idea what can I do to further diagnose the problem/solve it? [20:12] I just got kubuntu with kde4, is there a way to get the desktop to behave like a desktop, outside of plasma? [20:12] deany it is simple but then i feel like i have 2 pidgins installed [20:12] lunanlad: sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.bak or something [20:12] not if you remove one first :) [20:12] ;) [20:12] lunalan [20:12] good plan [20:12] lunanlad: you might be able to use xrandr from a text console to switch resolution [20:12] Accidus: maybe its an ipv6 think [20:12] why not make a deb from it to make things easier to uninstall [20:12] we tried that ear;lier, mgolisch, it did not work... jack_Sparrow was helping me earlier on, with no success [20:12] but will all the plugins wirk right? [20:12] in case. [20:13] Accidus: in that, you need to blacklist the ipv6 module or something [20:13] lunanlad: Try changing to a console with Ctrl+Alt+F1 [20:13] sure.. [20:13] hspaans: i am new to ubuntu.. so only want to know how to install files.. so only give link for installing tar.bz files [20:13] what is xrandr, zsquare? [20:13] Hey, i dont suppose there is anyway that you can share a whole drive/partition in Ubuntu 8.10? [20:13] on a network [20:13] chandru: check add/remove applications first [20:13] yes, ctrl+alt+f1 gets me to a terminal [20:13] lunanlad: it's a command line tool to switch X resolution [20:13] lunanlad: its used to change the resolution of a running x11 session [20:13] hey guys [20:14] try something like DISPLAY=:0.0 xrandr and see if it displays any possible resoltuions [20:14] chandru: what is the application you try to install? because tar.bz2 is mostly compile work you don't want [20:14] how do I run this xrandr? [20:14] chandru: That is probably source code. You need to extract it, then configure it and then compile it. There should be a README file in that archive. [20:14] Is someone here have the same issue ? My CPU Cooler dont work :x [20:14] Accidus -> how is your ubuntu connected to the ISP? can you elaborate on the network layout? [20:14] lunanlad: an alternative is, if you have desktop sharing enables use an other PC and a VNC viewer. (x11vnc can also be used to share the desktop if you haven't activated it) [20:14] lunanlad -> man xrandr and hopefully your video driver supports it [20:15] hspaans: that i know.. i want how to make.configure one software package.. i want to learn it.. [20:15] temppy: I think I tried that. But the ipv6 is only related to DNS, isn't it? And I can surf to most sites. [20:15] lunanlad: Well from that terminal you should be able to change resolutions in a text configuration file. It's called xorg.conf and it's placed in /etc/X11 [20:15] I did not enable desktop sharing on the other manchine, this laptop is on ubuntu too... is there a way I can force desktop sharing from this machine? [20:15] Can anyone help please? I'm having trouble with Network Manager. It used to work, but this morning when I boot up, it doesn't connect to anything and says "NetworkManger is not running" [20:15] chandru: then is #ubuntu-offtopic the place for you [20:15] chandru -> then google for what an archiving tool is, like tar, and compression like bzip [20:16] n8tuser2: Well, there is an adapter on the way, but the problem persists even when it is removed. Basically I have a LAN socket in my (dorm) room and I connect my machine to that socket via an ethernet cable. [20:16] I accidentally hit cntr+alt+f1 instead of cntr+alt+1 how can i escape back to GUI ? [20:16] rebel: ctrl-alt-f7 [20:16] bartmon: give link that should explain step by step how to make into .deb file [20:16] rebel alt+F7 or F5 or F9 :p [20:16] flannel, thank you [20:16] n8tuser2 & SuNDeC: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d59bdee65 [20:16] krlhc81: first try reinstalling it [20:16] Accidus -> what adapter are you referring to? what have you been told is available on that socket in your dorm room? [20:17] zsquareplusc, thank you too :) [20:17] lunanlad: So first log in into that terminal and then type "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf". Then you should search for the resolution settings (just look for the numbers that are usual suspect for resolutions) and change the one that's too big to the native resolution of your screen. [20:18] Gletob -> you seem not be following my directions to you, do it again please post results of ifconfig and sudo lshw -C network dont miss the sudo okay? [20:18] chandru: http://www.google.com/linux?hl=sl&q=how+to+make+deb+package+from+source+code+ubuntu [20:18] n8tuser2: is there any other way to lock down the panels? [20:18] will give it a try, thanks... on the remote desktop thing... I never set up a connection between this laptop and the PC in question before, is there a way I can force that to happen now, only having acces to this laptop, and command line only on other machine? [20:18] n8tuser2: I have a VoIP adapter. But, as I said, the problem persists even without it. [20:18] !libgtkglext1 [20:18] Sorry, I don't know anything about libgtkglext1 [20:18] n8tuser2: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d59bdee65 [20:18] grandmaneedshelp -> look into kiosk setup, its pretty locked down.. [20:19] another one question friends... can any one tell how to optimize settings in ubuntu to increase download speeds.. [20:19] Gletob: print the output of $ cat /etc/network/interfaces [20:19] libgtkglext1 dependency is not satisfiable [20:19] When i try to open nautilus either via clicking or running in console it doesnt open, clicking nothing happens, and running "nautilus" in console just hangs? [20:19] help! [20:19] lunanlad: that should be possible, i think when you know the right gnome registry key [20:19] bartmon: thank u [20:19] n8tuser2: couldn't find anything on google, was searching xubuntu OR xfce kiosk etc. [20:19] Gletob -> once more, you are not following my directions, you did not do sudo lshw -C network [20:19] 中文 [20:19] !cn [20:19] For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk [20:19] 8.10 - fresh install with updates... [20:19] !jp [20:19] 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい [20:20] n8tuser2: yes I did it was from a root shell I added the #lshw and #ifconfig comments === MATAH is now known as matan [20:20] Accidus -> what were you told about that socket port in your dorm room? what services is available on it? plugging it to an cat5 looking port does not guarantee you connectivity, lest you know what is in that port [20:20] lunanlad: Yes, you can lots of stuff from the terminal. Try installing a VNC server and a SSH server from within the terminal. SSH is for remote console, VNC is for remote graphical desktop. There are also other solution like FreeNX but I use VNC. [20:20] @rgnr Install it. [20:21] bartmon, is there a guide on how to do that somewhere? [20:21] nnull: tried killing all running nautilus processes? like killall -9 nautilus ? [20:21] n8tuser2: I'm a bit green in that respect, so I didn't quite understand what you said. [20:21] feelshift: still not satisfiable [20:21] SuNDeC: it lists the loopbacks: auto lo & iface lo inet loopback === matan is now known as MATAH [20:21] n8tuser2: When I initially plugged my machine, I had to login to the ISP's service. [20:21] Gletob -> from line 36 on is not the results of lshw -C network, check again [20:21] Is there a good program for clearing out duplicate photo's? [20:21] mgolisch, yea trying that currently. [20:21] n8tuser2: After that it should be a "normal" connection, no restrictions about it. [20:22] lunanlad: Yes, try searching the ubuntu wiki, also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX [20:22] @rgnr How did you installed it? Compile or deb? [20:22] Accidus -> ask your dorm manager, and let them tell you what services is available on that socket you plugged into [20:22] feelshift: synaptic [20:22] I keep getting a essage that the power management is not properly installed how can i fix it? === MATAH is now known as matan [20:23] thanks bartmon, I like the look of that page... off to eat, then I'll have a stab at it... thanks again [20:23] mgolisch, tried that, starts opening and doesnt.. [20:23] mgolisch, never appears in top [20:23] eugman: fdupes, or if you also want to find images which are similar, findimagedupes [20:23] hi ppl, i get a "Cannot get a suitable visual" when using gnubik. Is there a way to get more information about the error ? [20:23] lunanlad: This is all for working with the terminal. If you have a graphical desktop running you can just use the GUI menus ... [20:23] need help with opengl render errors on intel 945 graphics chipset (but also same problem with 915) [20:23] Accidus -> perhaps we can poke around, post the results of ifconfig; route -n; cat /etc/resolv.conf ; sudo iptables -vL [20:23] Gletob: ok, you add 2 lines "auto eth0 & iface eth0 inet dhcp" (& means new line), then do the command $ dhclient eth0 [20:23] hey guys how do you set something to launch on startup? [20:23] n8tuser2: Just a sec. [20:24] I have GUI on this ubuntu laptop, but only command line on the knackered machine [20:24] jtaji: thanks, is fdupes by chance related to f-spot? [20:24] I'll pop back in if I get no joy with that, thanks [20:24] hi I keep getting a message that the power management is not properly installed how can i fix it? [20:24] SuNDeC: add two lines to what [20:24] eugman: no, just a small program http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/fdupes [20:24] Pirate_Hunter -> look in your bios perhaps? see if its enabled [20:25] dexi: add it to sessions [20:25] Dexi: System -> Preferences -> Sessions [20:25] Gletob: into the file /etc/network/interfaces [20:25] !pastebin [20:25] n8tuser2: nah its nto to do with the bios i think but everything works except that message at login in that says the powermanagement is not properly installed [20:25] !paste [20:25] pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [20:26] ubottu: who are you? :-) [20:26] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [20:27] How do I make windows (in vbox) see usb drive? [20:27] n8tuser2: Lets just hope the problem won't prevent me from posting stuff to pastebin [20:27] feelshift, light50 thanks [20:27] the microphone on my laptop is - i can't get it to mute? [20:27] on * [20:27] (i've tried pretty much everything in volume controls) [20:28] ubottu: who are you? :-) [20:28] Hi! Is there a program to burn iso files with the ".nrg" extension? [20:28] issa_ what version of ubuntu ary you using [20:28] krzysz01: 8.10 [20:28] SuNDeC, lol hes a machine [20:28] SuNDeC: don't question the bot, just follow the bot [20:28] noriyuki: no idea, but i think theres tools to convert that to iso [20:28] SuNDeC, he just answer to certain commnads [20:28] noriyuki: musikgoat|main just check if he is a bot [20:28] noriyuki -> umm iso has extensions of .iso not .nrg, what format is that? [20:29] SuNDeC: Can you hold on just on second someone posted a fix on my forum thread and I'm trying that now. [20:29] ack [20:29] mgolisch, oh really, wich one is it [20:29] hi I keep getting a message that the power management is not properly installed how can i fix it? [20:29] n8tuser2: nrg is neros image format [20:29] !ubottu | SuNDeC [20:29] SuNDeC: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [20:29] noriyuki: you should convert ngr to iso [20:29] noriyuki: nrg2iso [20:29] n8tuser2, thats the NERO burning extension for its isos [20:29] noriyuki: K3B [20:29] that is Nero, n8tuser2 [20:30] thanks for the responses [20:30] unless you use the nrg2iso tool, located somewhere. [20:31] Im following this guide to play DvDs: https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/musicvideophotos/C/video.html. I can't find the "System-> Preferences-> Removable Drives and Media" selection on my comp. Ideas? [20:31] josher4: what version ubuntu are you running? [20:32] josher4: in newer versions those settings are incoporated into the preferences dialog of nautilus [20:33] can someone please give me a helping hand with intel 945 graphics and opengl problems? [20:33] hi whats the other command to check disk space ive tried df -h already, what is the other one? [20:33] josher4: dont know why you cant play DVD, any player like totem, vlc, mplayer... do that task fine [20:34] Pirate_Hunter: sudo fdisk -l [20:34] hehe [20:34] SuNDeC: probably he wants xine as it can handle menus properly [20:34] whats linux's file format for programs, equiv. of windows' .exe [20:34] Dexi, theres none [20:34] usser, so, how do i go about finding a program to add to sessions [20:35] SuNDeC: wrong command im looking to check disk space inside folders my fault for the cnfusion [20:35] Dexi, whether file is executable is controlled by executable bit on every file [20:35] Pirate_Hunter: du [20:35] usser, ohk. [20:35] mgolisch: thank you [20:35] Dexi, usually you would be looking for .bin .sh .out or something like that [20:35] usser, ok [20:36] Pirate_Hunter: "check disk space inside folders" what' that? [20:36] dexi: open a terminal and type the programs's name and if it starts add just the name in Sessions [20:36] dexi, there really isnt one but on ubuntu (a debian based distro) .deb is the standard install package. im not sure what exactly your looking for but it would be a good idea to look in your add/remove or your apt-cache for available applications [20:36] SuNDeC: probably check the space all files in the folder take on the filesystem [20:36] SuNDeC: you need to read between the lines.. [20:36] :) === qb|away is now known as qbmaniac [20:37] SuNDeC: Thank you so much for your help but it turns out a setting in windows was messing me up in ubuntu aparantly windows would disable the card at shutdown and not reenable until next windows boot. But thanks again [20:37] can some help me change xubuntu language setting from english to portuguese? [20:37] Dexi: if you tell us what you are tryin to add, we can give exact instructions, unless its some custom script [20:37] Can someone tell me what to do to get openssh-server installed in Intrepid? I am getting a no installable candidates error. [20:37] Pirate_Hunter: mgolisch "du" just show the size of folders, not files [20:37] feelshift, rebel_kid, trying to add pidgin and checkgmail to sessions. lol pidgin name will work, ill try checkgmail [20:37] deany, ^ [20:37] everettz: did you apt-get update after editing your sources.list? [20:37] Is there a simple command line command for checking disk size and usage? [20:38] Gletob: i dont think so, cause i encounter this error before [20:38] SuNDeC: yeah true thats what i wanted since i needed to find out which folder had over 20GB :/ [20:38] everettz: df -h [20:38] hi ppl, i get a "Cannot get a suitable visual" when using gnubik. Is there a way to get more information about the error ? [20:38] Pirate_Hunter: du -sh directory [20:38] georgeaf: google? [20:38] SuNDeC: but thanx for pointing that out it was my fault i shouldve asked the question properly [20:38] zsquareplusc: I always forget that. [20:38] dexi, ah [20:38] Dexi: if the program has something in the applications menu, try lookin at its properties [20:38] everettz: because its should just work :) it installed the server with "apt-get install ssh" [20:39] hello [20:39] deany, ty [20:39] SuNDeC: but changing this setting has fixed my ethernet. [20:39] jtaji: that gives a summary but thanx [20:39] n8tuser2: This is so annoying. Because of the problem I can't seem to be able to post things on paste bins (I've tried 2 already) [20:39] can some help me change xubuntu language setting from english to portuguese? [20:39] i've got a microphone - which won't for some reason mute? [20:39] Dexi: gives you all the info you need.. [20:39] SuNDeC: so should i just transfer the corresponding .deb files over to the laptop and try reinstalling Network Manager? [20:39] (i've tried every possible option in volume options) [20:39] eth01 - how are you trying to mute it? [20:39] Pirate_Hunter: you should use the switch --max-depth=1 for clear look [20:39] tonsofpcs; er through the volume icon in the taskbar? [20:39] deany :) === tsrk_ is now known as tsrk [20:40] eth01 - try unplugging it? [20:40] SuNDeC: huh? [20:40] SuNDeC: THe info is on this page http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Configuring_network#Realtek_No_Link_.2F_WOL_issue [20:40] tonsofpcs, its built into the laptop screen [20:40] Pirate_Hunter: if you don't use the summary option you will get file sizes and you said you wanted to find "space inside folders" [20:40] was there an update that "killed" the ability to use a wacom bamboo fun? [20:40] * Ravesky PORN, AMATEUR GIRL http://www.sheisawhore.com/index.php?ident=e871d78a720af96eb5060f930fe53e54 [20:40] motherfucker [20:41] PORN, AMATEUR GIRL http://www.sheisawhore.com/index.php?ident=e871d78a720af96eb5060f930fe53e54 [20:41] Pirate_Hunter: you can use it to give you the sizes of multiple directories, e.g. du -sh /* [20:41] !ops Ravesky [20:41] Sorry, I don't know anything about ops Ravesky [20:41] !ops [20:41] Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia! [20:41] its probably due to the pulseaudio redirection stuff, that the volume thing doesnt control the actual alsa sound cards [20:41] eth01 xD [20:41] lol [20:41] ops ops [20:41] krlhc8: you uninstall it first by sudo apt-get remove network-manager, then reinstall by sudo apt-get install network-manager [20:41] Pirate_Hunter: or as SuNDeC mentioned you can descend to further directories with --max-depth [20:42] krlhc8: Please watch your language [20:42] eth01: tried muting the master control on the displayed capture soundcards/devices in the volume control thing? === QaDeS|essen is now known as QaDeS [20:42] jtaji: oh ok didnt know that, thats new thank you [20:42] Pirate_Hunter: that switch make the du command show just the directories at level 1 [20:42] SuNDeC: thanx for the info [20:42] SuNDeC: easier said than done without the internet working on the problematic laptop [20:43] krlhc8: maybe plug in a cable untill you fixed your nm problem [20:43] anyone no Enoch here? [20:44] hi [20:44] anyone can help me change the language settings from english to portuguese in xubuntu either through cli or gui? [20:44] Anyone using tha Intel GMA 3100 without tearing in Intrepid??? [20:44] Learn here how to make money with instant PTC sites - http://instant-ptc-sites.hit.bg/ [20:44] mgolisch: won't NM prevent it from reaching eth0 or eth1, too though? [20:44] hi all, is there is any interactive Firewall to use on Ubuntu? [20:44] !iptables | VieQ [20:44] VieQ: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). [20:45] blender -w is supposed to open it in window, but it doesn't. #blender folk don't know why. Ubuntu issue? [20:45] Fezzler: Are you using a custom Blender build? [20:45] e.g. Apricot? [20:45] krlhc8: you do have dhcp dont you? getting online should be as easy as sudo dhclient eth0 or whatever your wired interface name is [20:45] thx ubottu [20:45] VieQ: UFW has a gui called GUFW. [20:45] I have a G5 mouse. How would I setup the extra button it has on the side? It only has 1 button, not 2. [20:46] !mouse | lewench [20:46] lewench: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto [20:46] vascello [20:46] lewench: they just started working automatically on intrepid. do you want to change something? [20:46] well thats what is builtin to ubuntu as well as the iptables.. [20:46] mgolisch: i'll try that, thanks. [20:46] natale a rio [20:47] UFW, thats the one being developed by Ubuntu Right? [20:47] MenZa: no [20:47] yes it is [20:47] zsquareplusc: Kinda, its not working on Cedega (World of Warcraft) [20:47] thx for the tip deany [20:49] lewench: it should be configured to be "back" by default. i swapped wheel and thumb button with xmodmap. more can be configured with the imwheel tool [20:49] hi, anybody knows a gui-program which shows me all current active network-connections with port / protocol and rx/tx of those connections ? like most windows desktop firewalls do ? [20:49] zsquareplusc: Ok thanks. Ill try out the imwheel [20:49] Im stuck trying to install Ubuntu using a LVM, I've used pvcreate to mark both drives and then used vgcreate to merge them. Tested that with vgdisplay and it confirms it exists [20:50] lewench: maybe cedega isn't forwarding all the mouse buttons. thats a commerciall windows emulator, right? [20:50] yeah its a fork of some stonage wine version [20:50] :) [20:50] +e [20:50] Problem is, when I run lvcreate to create a partition inside the LVM, it fails.. throws up a few errors about unable to talk to the device-mapper in the kernel as well as the error "Incompatable libdevmapper 1.02.20 (2007-06-15)(compat) and kernel driver stripped: Required device-mapper target(s) not detected in your kernel" [20:51] This is from the 8.01 Live disk (Server edition) [20:51] Cant get any further [20:51] if i reinstall ubuntu and copy over my .ssh in my current home to the new installation, will my private/public key work just as it does now? [20:51] I'm trying to assign multimedia keys to cwiid. I have the names of the keys, as well as their codes. I've opened the button config file and I changed Wiimote.B = XF86AudioStop and such but I get the error: syntax error, unexpected INT, expecting BTN_ACTION. Any suggestions? [20:51] phece: no [20:52] hey guys, i downloaded pidgin and compiled it, but i am not using the right version when i run it... can someone help me put things in the right place so 2.5.3 overwrites the old one? [20:52] mgolisch: i can't find a ethernet cable, so do you know how to find all the dependencies of network-manager? [20:52] phece: your private key will though but your host key won;t [20:52] *an [20:52] Всем привет [20:52] Dexi: why do you want that? [20:52] kitche: is there anyway to preserve it all? [20:52] Dexi, you try just installing it with apt-get ? [20:52] Dexi: why not remove the ubuntu one? [20:53] dexi: why install it in /usr/local and alter menu entry [20:53] Is LVM support broken on the 8.01 live disk or something? [20:53] kitche: really all i'm trying to do is update to 9.04 and i'm pretty sure it wipes my home, but i need to maintain those keys [20:53] if you realy insist on using your self compiled version [20:53] earthmeLon, not sure of the command for the new one, its not in the repos i dont think [20:53] mgolisch, i guess [20:53] perJ, okay === trojan_ is now known as [TRojaN] [20:53] phece: your user keys will be ok if you backup the keys and man 9.04 is really out of date [20:53] <[TRojaN]> Hello! [20:53] Sorry, 8.04 LTS [20:53] dexi: you keep the packaged and can comile/test as much as you like [20:54] lol thanks [20:54] phece: since you know april hasn't been here yet :) [20:54] the only thing is that in the apps menu, they both take the command "pidgin" so i guess it just always runs the older version [20:55] γεια σας παιδεια [20:55] Accidus -> join me in #n8tuser and paste it there [20:55] kitche: hahaha, oops, yeah. oops. that was a combination of i have 8.04 and i want to move to 8.10 [20:55] Dexi: you have to make starter that points to the actual full path of the executable, like /usr/local/bin/pidgin [20:56] otherwise it will use whatever is first in PATH env var [20:56] kitche: but by back up the keys, do you mean to just do what i was saying of copying over my .ssh directory? [20:56] mgolisch, cant i just compile it on top of the old pidgin? [20:56] Hi... so I was fooling around with this new system and in my attempts at locking down the system, I removed myself from the admin area. how can I login as root and change this? [20:56] υπάρχει κανείς που να μιλάει ελληνικά; [20:56] mgolisch, overwrite anything that gets in the way, keep anything that doesnt in the right folders? [20:56] !gr [20:56] #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές / #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes [20:56] Fun [20:56] Dexi: why? that might break stuff and using /usr as the prefix in the configure script is a realy bad practive [20:56] *practice* dont do that [20:57] I need back my administrative priviledges [20:57] phece: yes [20:57] mgolisch, i just think some plugins dont work if its not in the right spot [20:57] Okay, so.. no-one has any idea? [20:57] kitche: alright, great! thank you [20:58] Dexi: yeah plugins might not work, it might screw up as it might use the wrong versions of libraries and all that sort of stuff [20:58] your mom [20:58] mgolisch, exactly... so can i remove the old pidgin and compile this new one in the same place? [20:58] software for lexmark x4850 wifi? [20:59] I removed myself from the list of admins, how can I undo this? [20:59] grandmaneedshelp: reboot and select recovery mode in the grub boot menu [20:59] zsquareplusc: okay, then what? [20:59] Dexi: probably, but once you remove the system one theres nothing much left it could mixup stuff with [20:59] Accidus -> okay, now what was the issue? [20:59] grandmaneedshelp: then you can do adduser admin in a root shell [21:00] n8tuser2: I'll just reask the question, since it accumulated all the relevant info: [21:00] mgolisch, so remove the system one, and it doesnt matter where i compile? [21:00] I have problems with my wired connection on my Dell Inspiron 1545. Under Vista, everything seems to work nicely. In Ubuntu (8.10) I can surf and limitedly use the connection (IRC works, for example), but advanced/interactive webpages don't work correctly. For example, gmail/facebook disconnect, I can't login correctly to bank accounts or post messages to forums. This issue is reproducible in Epiphany, hence this is not a firefox problem. My [21:00] zsquareplusc: thx. I will try that [21:00] ISP claims that if things work in Vista they should work the same in Ubuntu. I do not think this is a DNS problem, since the problematic sites does load. Any idea what can I do to further diagnose the problem/solve it? [21:01] Dexi: but be carefull, i think pidgin is part of the ubuntu-desktop metapackage, it might remove a bunch of crap if you just ripout pidgin [21:01] Accidus -> do you have both nics eth0 and eth1 active at same time and connected ? [21:01] mgolisch, "add or remove" and remove pidgin? [21:01] the audio on my ubuntu is working fine except for orca... [21:02] Hmm... Both are active, but only one of them is connected. [21:02] !ccsm [21:02] To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion [21:02] n8tuser2: I think. If eth0 is the wired and eth1 is the wireless [21:02] hi guys, my laptop seems to be having some issues, i am trying to install ubuntu 8.04 lts [21:02] but it won't load the kernal past 13% === a34lkj2348dsf311 is now known as Angry [21:03] does CCSM work the same for ATI card's as it does NVIDIA? It's just the configuration GUI yea? [21:03] is there any command lines for the boot cd that i can use that could bypass this issue? === Angry is now known as Mawuena [21:03] nnull: yes [21:03] n8tuser2: Yep. eth0 is the wired, eth1 is the wireless [21:04] kitche, ta [21:04] Today I downloaded the xserver-xorg-amd and geode upgrades and I'm having problems changing resolution and disabling desktop effects - how can I troubleshoot this? [21:04] Accidus -> do you know if the router you are connected to have any firewalling? and how are you testing the vista ? === Mawuena is now known as Mawuena1 === strAlan is now known as Mawuena [21:06] Lmfao [21:06] mgolisch, what if i renamed "pidgin-2.5.3" to "pidgin" and copied it into /usr/lib ? [21:06] MAindotc [21:06] yo === Mawuena is now known as strAlan [21:06] Lmfao sup its acrazyarabscamel [21:06] Got my wireless working [21:06] how can i reset orca settings [21:06] ya I saw that [21:06] ANd I know a lot more now to also =] [21:06] yeah you've got a long way to go [21:06] Some dude taught me a bunhc [21:06] YA I know. [21:07] But some guy taught me a bunch =] [21:07] And he just logged in [21:07] can someone here help me w/ Mawuena's problem [21:07] Dexi: dont do silly stuff like that, either uninstall the ubuntu pidgin version or lern to properly setup selfcompiled stuff [21:07] Sup ichbin [21:07] My nikka [21:07] ATI upgrade packages [21:07] !offtopic | BLuEACiD [21:07] BLuEACiD: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [21:07] !orca [21:07] Sorry, I don't know anything about orca [21:07] -.- [21:07] mgolisch, < My bad [21:07] Hello, I am a noob. I am trying to install something through the terminal but it doesn't seem to want to work. Can someone help me? [21:07] strAlan: hard to help you if you don't say anything about said problem [21:07] trying to set up telnetd... why do i get a telnetd: Authorization failed. [21:08] how can i turn down the cpu beep? [21:08] kitche, read what Mawuena typed then re-think your statement [21:08] mgolisch, ive been using it my whole life, I just kinda think of how things would work on it [21:08] hey BLuEACiD [21:08] Hi, I was fooling around inside the Xfce 4 Settings Manager, and when I clicked a new Icon Theme under User Interface, all icons on the desktop dissapeared [21:08] Dexi: just uninstall the ubuntu pidgin version using your packagemanager [21:09] gaz: it's a joke - right ? - telnet [21:09] Dexi: and before you acceppt the uninstall action look at what packages would actualy get uninstalled [21:09] mgolisch, but either way, wont the plugins still use the lib for that version whether its there or not? [21:09] but i think it shouldnt break much [21:09] Hi, why can't I find domount in repos? [21:09] Dexi: what plugins? the ones installed with the ubuntu version will all be uninstalled with it, they should atleast [21:09] mgolisch, it doesnt break anything except a few things i got along with it... pidgin-last.fm pidgin-musictracker pidgin-dev etc [21:10] Hey, can i get ubuntu working on intel xserves? [21:10] n8tuser2: There is no firewall that I know of. And as for "testing" --- everything works fine on Vista: gmail never disconnects, facebook works properly, I can access my bank account easily, post messages to forums, etc. [21:10] can someone help me troubleshoot a problem with the xserver-xorg-amd and geode packages that were released today? [21:10] strAlan: I don't see a real problem though, since there wasn't enough information besides the vague information [21:10] I can see sound in audacity's meter but no sound is playing [21:10] mgolisch, i mean new plugins i want to get [21:10] Accidus -> vista is on a different computer? [21:10] Same machine [21:10] Dual boot [21:11] kitche, can you look at my post on UF - I typed it in detail on there [21:11] strAlan: maybe fi I knew the url [21:11] #ubuntu-fr [21:11] Dexi: new plugins should work if they are compatible with the version of pidgin you installed manualy, provided you install them manualy too [21:11] mgolisch, okay, i guess i'll just hope :p [21:11] Accidus -> do you have the correct plug-ins like flash or java plugin? === digit_probablygo is now known as digit_prolygone [21:12] n8tuser2: Yes, I do. [21:12] Can someone help me: http://rafb.net/p/hWkMQo95.html <--This is my problem. [21:12] n8tuser2: But even stuff that shouldn't require a plugin (submitting forms) don't work properly [21:12] n8tuser2: For example, pastebin doesn't work [21:13] join ubuntu-fr [21:13] !rrr69 [21:13] Sorry, I don't know anything about rrr69 [21:13] Accidus -> a new install? [21:13] any particular reason why ubuntu 8.10 will only give me a mono PCM slider for an external Creative Technology USB audio device when it's a 5.1 with SPDIF? [21:13] LOL [21:13] Accidus: you tested different browsers? you don't have set a proxy? if you have 2 NICs, ensure the 2nd is off (ifconfig eth1 down) [21:13] where are all my settings, colours, bookmarks, etc. for konversation stored in ubuntu? i want to back them up [21:13] bobbie4: in alsamixer? [21:13] cNOOB: apt-get install is only used with packages from the repositories... you want: sudo sh ~/Desktop/magicseteditor/install.sh [21:14] yes mgolisch [21:14] has anyone tried running mythbuntu on an Xbox? is it fast enough? [21:14] kitche, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1029607 [21:14] jtaji: Okay, thanks. [21:14] I will try that [21:14] sorry, now FF isn't working - lost all my bookmarks and it won't let me log into UF [21:14] bobbie4: probably due to the pulseaudio redirection mechanism in place [21:14] bobbie4: what gives you the idea that it is mono? a balance slider isn't making any sense for 5 channel audio anyway ;-) [21:14] bobbie4: should be the same for the internal card [21:14] n8tuser2: A new install of what? Browser? Ubuntu? [21:15] mgolisch: It shows both my soundcards, the internal and the usb external, but all I can get for conrols is the PCM slider [21:15] Accidus -> ubuntu? [21:15] n8tuser2: This problem persisted since I installed ubuntu. [21:15] jtaji: It says: sh: Can't open /home/christopher/Desktop/magicseteditor/install.sh [21:15] the internal sound chipset has all controls present [21:15] hi all, can i install linux on an extended partition,or it must be primary,my windows is installed on primary partition [21:15] n8tuser2: I've tried a fresh installation of firefox, but it continued, so I reverted to my "configured" installation [21:15] which is the best application for installing new fonts? [21:15] cNOOB [21:15] #ubuntu-fr [21:15] look in the install.sh it probably tries to install a version of the package not present in this version of ubuntu @ cNOOB [21:15] Accidus -> you dont seem to have a good install, try a fresh install of ubuntu [21:16] zsquareplusc: Yes, I tried different browsers (epiphany) [21:16] cNoob, you can't open that *.sh [21:16] you have to execute it [21:16] it's a script [21:16] n8tuser2: It's a fresh install! I installed it 2 weeks ago... [21:16] hello there! Is there porhaps a sidebar for ubuntu? [21:16] Accidus -> you dont seem to have a good install, try a fresh install of ubuntu [21:16] Can someone please help me with restoring my desktop. I selected a new icon theme inside User Interface in the Xfce Settings Manager and all icons on the desktop dissapeared [21:16] Accidus -> a completed one, [21:16] ...so how does ubuntu run with 64MB ram? is it usable? [21:16] Hm..will okay. I will look around. Thanks for the help I will be back. :D [21:17] n8tuser2: What do you mean by complete? [21:17] edman007: maybe a shell only system [21:17] oh... xfce had list the ability to control the desktop, nevermind [21:17] :( [21:17] Accidus -> you dont seem to have a good install, try a fresh install of ubuntu <-- [21:17] edman007: i think you wont be happy with a desktop there. a server install (text mode) will run [21:17] zsquareplusc, ehh...i want to try and put mythtv on it... [21:17] bobbie4: you can disable the pulseaudio redirection , alsamixer should display the correct controls then, if you dont want to use pulseaudio that is [21:17] do you think it can run it? [21:18] edman007: 64mb of ram is not enough even for mythtv I believe [21:18] :( [21:18] n8tuser2: I've read that already. But what do you mean? Redownload the ISO? Just reinstall from the disk I have? To erase all relevant partitions, or can I keep my /home partition? [21:18] How do I tell DKMS in Ubuntu to rebuild all the kernel modules? [21:18] nobody here as experience with orca? [21:18] Accidus -> redo an a fresh install [21:18] There was a security update that broke the ABI and I just reverted to the previous kernel [21:18] mgolisch: okay, I'm a noob, what is pulseaudio redirection and how do I disable it? [21:18] hello! is it possible, to get a sidebar for ubuntu? Where i could put some gadgets?? [21:18] Accidus -> redo a fresh install of ubuntu [21:19] Can someone help me with a problem stemming from the xserver updates http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1029607 [21:19] DaveEngland: yes [21:19] cNOOB, vinibill, fyi you certainly can execute a shell script with 'sh file.sh' instead of making it executable, not sure what your problem is though cNOOB [21:19] edman007: http://www.mythtv.org/docs/mythtv-HOWTO-3.html#ss3.1 they recommend 256 [21:19] ethana2, could you tell me, where could i get it? [21:19] lame... [21:19] Accidus -> do you have anything important need saving in /home/ ? [21:19] jtaji: My problem is I am a noob. =[ [21:19] DaveEngland: do you want to use google gadgets? [21:19] cNOOB: probably you have mispelled the file/directory [21:19] its hard finding XBMC binaries...and i don't think it does commercial skipping :( [21:19] audacity plays an mp3, the meter says that ther is sound but I hear nothing [21:19] bobbie4: pulseaudio is a soundserver which acts on top of alsa, its thought to upmix sound from different sources (local and remote) applications into one stream for the soundcard to handle, like most cards dont support hardwaremixing [21:20] ethana2, yes :D Gmail and that stuff... [21:20] n8tuser2: Probably not. [21:20] http://code.google.com/p/google-gadgets-for-linux/ [21:20] jtaji: I already checked that. According to my calculations I will have the problem fixed in 10 mins. Hopefully. [21:20] Accidus -> then redo a fresh install of ubuntu [21:20] cNOOB: tab autocompletion comes in handy here, hit tab to have the shell autocomplete directory and file names [21:20] whast the code to install compiz manager [21:20] ? [21:20] bobbie4: in all newer ubuntu version they redirect all clients that try to access the soundcard to that said pulseaudio server, so that enven programs that dont know how to interface with pulseaduio can use it [21:20] n8tuser2: What about the other questions? Redownload the ISO [21:20] ? [21:20] !pulseaudio [21:20] PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions [21:21] #ubuntu-fr [21:21] Can someone help me with a problem stemming from the xserver updates http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1029607 [21:21] jtaji: I have no clue what you just said. [21:21] ethana2, could you tell me, what do i need to have for these gadgets pls? [21:21] do i have to install new fonts or i just have to put them all in /etc/fonts [21:21] bobbie4: disabling that is a simple as issuing the command : asoundconf unset-pulseaudio [21:21] bobbie4: after that alsamixer should show the real alsa sound cards [21:21] !ccsm > youknowme [21:21] youknowme, please see my private message [21:22] Accidus -> you can too if you wish, but it seems okay if you had used it to install the current one [21:22] DaveEngland: install google gadgets from here: http://www.getdeb.net/app/Google+Gadgets [21:22] after that it should be the same as on Windows [21:22] I have Ubuntu 8.04 installed but troubles with inet and sound. I want to re-install 8.04 and have backed up /home. May I now safely overwrite the Ubuntu partition from the live 8.04 cd? [21:22] hi, i want to upgrade bios but HP provides only utilites under win32 so i can't run it under FreeDos...any idea? [21:22] Honestly, I hate ubuntu. but I test every version that gets released [21:22] getxsick: smbios [21:22] ethana2, thank you very much for now! I will try it like you said... tnx! [21:22] Bob_Dole: I have a love hate relationship with everything I use [21:22] thx [21:22] Bob_Dole: Then what do you use? [21:22] Bob_Dole Why do you hate Ubuntu? [21:22] Bob_Dole, lots of people hate ubuntu, but it seems so much easier to me, at least with intrepid [21:22] Bob_Dole: Ubuntu just has the highest balance of love over hate for me [21:22] !ot > Bob_Dole [21:22] Bob_Dole, please see my private message [21:23] cNOOB: e.g. type sudo sh ~Desktop/magic, and the will finish the name of the magicseteditor directory [21:23] I usually use Fedora or OS X :x [21:23] haha that was funny we all just said stuff to him at once [21:23] i made a custom command in terminal, but i don't remember where it's defined. what's the file htat lists aliases? [21:23] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio <-- that link is for gutsy.. should work with hardy? [21:23] I got a problem-I am trying to install xubuntu via the alt. CD. When it trys to date the BIOS using acpi=force my screen turns yellow that black and it dies. Any ideas? [21:23] Oh okay. I didn't know that trick. [21:24] getxsick: there is wine, but the low level access to the BIOS might be a problem there [21:24] n8tuser2: Just a second. It's possible that my binaries are good but that something went wrong during the installations? [21:24] jtaji: It says I need to download some stuff. So going to try that now. Thanks for the help. [21:24] cNOOB: if you don't get anything hit twice in case there are multiple matches [21:24] Accidus -> it is possible [21:24] zsquareplusc: at least i get backtrace under wine so doesn't work this way [21:24] `Chris: yeah it works :D [21:24] <`Chris> Pirate_Hunter: Ok cool, what language was it? [21:25] getxsick: did you check the wine docs? there are a lot of tweaks. [21:25] I got a problem-I am trying to install xubuntu via the alt. CD. When it trys to date the BIOS using acpi=force my screen turns yellow that black and it dies. Any ideas? [21:25] mgolisch, is there a way to check what pidgin version i have? i dont see it in the menus or anything [21:25] mgolisch, i just am neurotic and wanna make sure ;P [21:25] zsquareplusc: not really, also i'm not sure if i want to be so tricky when dealing with bios :D [21:25] Dexi, Help > About [21:25] dexi: Hepl -> About [21:25] wow, cool, I haven't done IRC since the 20th century [21:25] i've got a builtin microphone - i've 5/6 devices according to volume control - but there doesn't seem a way to mute it? it's annoying, especially when i play music. [21:26] Oh, yeah, thats something I could use help on, the alternate install CD for xubuntu, I check the CD and it passes, but when trying to install it can't find anything on the CD. [21:26] I got a problem-I am trying to install xubuntu via the alt. CD. When it trys to date the BIOS using acpi=force my screen turns yellow that black and it dies. Any ideas? [21:26] `Chris: Portuguese, one more question I changed my keyboard settings through settings manager but it only applieswhen i login but not when im in gdm how do fix it [21:26] Stormx2, feelshift ooh my help menu was hidden cuz the list was too small hahahah [21:26] Ah [21:26] 2.5.3, sweet :) [21:26] <`Chris> Pirate_Hunter: Again go to Applications > Settings > Language Support [21:26] <`Chris> Pirate_Hunter: Then under "Default Language" change to Portuguese [21:27] Chris can I PM you? [21:27] any ideas? [21:27] `Chris: oh ok didnt see keyboard option but than i ddint look for one ok will do now [21:28] I got a problem-I am trying to install xubuntu via the alt. CD. When it trys to date the BIOS using acpi=force my screen turns yellow that black and it dies. Any ideas? [21:28] <`Chris> weatherkid: Sure if you want [21:28] <`Chris> Oh I have no ideas sorry [21:28] eth01: yeah go into the volume control and mute all channels on all devices marked with capture [21:28] <`Chris> I can run a Google search though [21:28] :) [21:28] weatherkid: Hey, repeating yourself a hundred times doesn't help [21:29] mggolisch: hrm i'll try [21:29] Bob_Dole: I was going to tell him that.. truth is this is probably the biggest irc channel in history, and at this scale irc isn't really effective anymore. [21:29] Thanks maybe someone in the forums can help. [21:29] 16:29 -!- Irssi: #ubuntu: Total of 1346 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 1345 normal] [21:29] hehe [21:29] mgolisch: will mic boost make a difference? [21:29] `Chris: yeah i did but hmmm well i can live with gdm being in english keyboard layout [21:30] <`Chris> Pirate_Hunter: Oh well, it's not too bad then I guess ;) [21:30] mgolisch, for the musictracker plugin i need a whole bunch of depends that i could never quite get... it says PCRE development files which i tried to get once and it was just dependency after dependency. do you know of an easier way? [21:30] how can i check which WM(s) I have installed? [21:31] `Chris: nah not really even knowing i aint keeping this machine but than i never used it anyway so its all good [21:31] Pirate_Hunter: when you first log in theres a "Sessions" menu click on that it should show you a list of all the WM's you have installed [21:31] FYI. to get blender to load in a Ubuntu window, I had to use the "-p" switch with the "-w" switch as in "-p 1 1 1024 768" [21:32] has anyone tried to use ati proprietary drivers and the ati open source drivers at the same time? [21:32] dexi: sudo apt-get build-dep [21:32] eseven73: i know that way but isnt there another way wihtout login out? [21:32] Dexi: yeah use apt-get build-depend packagename, it should install all buildtime depencies for the given package, provided the software you want to install is in the ubuntu repository, but that will probably bring the ubuntu pidgin version back in [21:32] :) [21:32] ups [21:32] build-dep [21:32] :) [21:32] mgolisch: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [21:32] so build-dep musictracker ? [21:32] or build-dep pcre [21:32] Pirate_Hunter: hmmm maybe dpkg -l [21:33] musictrackers working ;) ill assume its that [21:33] dexi: try them both [21:34] anyone using dual ati video cards, with propriety and open source drivers? [21:34] ................................. [21:34] eseven73: thanx really eeded that command for later on setting up the machine for others to use (m$ users) [21:34] that's "MS" not "M$" [21:34] `Chris: how do i hide stuff in the menu i.e. transmission etc [21:35] i want to compile xmms, but when i try ./configure appears a message like that: gettext is not installed. then i try to install gettext, but it doesnt install. So, whats the problem?? [21:35] pirate_hunter: right-click on the menu > edit menu [21:35] Pirate_Hunter: theres a menu editor, in ubuntu atleast if you rightclick the menu [21:35] <`Chris> Pirate_Hunter: Applications > Settings > Menu Editor [21:35] Pirate_Hunter: right click on Applications, click edit menus... uncheck anything you don't want [21:35] Pirate_Hunter; right click applications then edit menu.. uncheck the items you don't shown [21:35] lol [21:35] :) [21:35] everyone knows that one :p [21:36] but iam quite sure thats for the current user only, new users will still see the hiden entries [21:36] edcrfv: explain "doesnt install" [21:36] feelshift, mgolisch, bastid_raZor, jtaji: thanx but im using xubuntu on my other machine [21:36] wait [21:36] <`Chris> Pirate_Hunter: Actually no my option won't work either [21:37] hi [21:37] *sigh* [21:37] Pirate_Hunter: you definitely have to qualify yourself in here if you are not using gnome ;) [21:37] i have a challenge with my logitech webcam [21:37] it was working on ubuntu 8.04,and now i have ubuntu 8.10, it does not work, how can i do to make it work, no image with amsn, it say something about dep/dev,anyone?? === richard is now known as Guest9194 [21:37] is there a command to start an app with transset .5 ? [21:38] how can i make it work?? [21:38] `Chris: huh cant find edit menu in settings [21:38] ok mgolisch sorry to bother you again, but i only have one more big issue... I have this windows HDD that failed... I know its still readable because i was able to read it through linux before when it was in the grub, but now since i got a new linux without this drive, lin wont boot if the drives connected [21:38] <`Chris> Pirate_Hunter: Found it :D http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=193093 [21:38] heres a lame question, can i make nautilus sudo to copy files to a root permissions folder? [21:38] shifty_: yes gksu nautilus [21:38] how do i edit aliases for shortcut commands in terminal? [21:38] i forget where the file to add new ones is [21:39] shifty_: I don't think so.. you can start nautilus as root.. or use the command line [21:39] kitche, so i have to create a new shortcut for it there is no way in the app? [21:39] Sonja: in your ~/.bashrc [21:39] ok i'll make a launcher with that command [21:39] shifty_: you could gksu nautlius [21:39] <`Chris> Pirate_Hunter: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1409812&postcount=8 [21:39] shifty_: there should already is a launcher for it [21:39] i have one more question.. how could i copy a file in the usr/share folder? i know how to copy it over the terminal, but isnt there another way too? [21:39] shifty_: or use alt+f2 [21:39] hey im trying to change my computer name... I edited gedit /etc/hostname [21:39] i need to make my webcam work with intrepid, no image with amsn [21:39] but How do i know it changed [21:39] i cannot access users and groups now [21:39] shifty_: but be very careful with that nautilus window.. if you accidently drag a folder around or delete something there's notthing stopping you [21:39] `Chris: found menu editor but dont understand how to work with it, looks different which option do i choose afterwards [21:40] !hostname > shovi [21:40] shovi, please see my private message [21:40] guest9194: what brand? [21:40] Dexi: it doenst boot if that disk is connected? how does that express? like what happens? [21:40] logitech black ring [21:40] mgolisch, Grub error (some number here) [21:40] slart i will be but its a pain to have to open a terminal to copy a theme into usr/share [21:40] !hostname < zsquareplusc [21:40] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [21:40] shovi: change it in /etc/hostname AND /etc/hosts, then do sudo hostname -F /etc/hostname [21:40] <`Chris> Pirate_Hunter: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1409812&postcount=8 - Simply edit the .desktop files like in that post [21:40] When I plug my headphone, audio is still in pc speak. I've already disabled pc speak at alsa mixer..:( [21:40] throwt: ? [21:40] inlined from 'msgdomain_list_print' at write-catalog.c:223: [21:40] jtaji thanks [21:40] /usr/include/bits/fcntl2.h:51: error: call to '__open_missing_mode' declared with attribute error: open with O_CREAT in second argument needs 3 arguments [21:40] make[4]: ** [write-catalog.lo] Erro 1 [21:40] make[4]: Saindo do diretório `/home/izau/programas/gettext-0.17/gettext-tools/src' [21:40] make[3]: ** [all] Erro 2 [21:40] make[3]: Saindo do diretório `/home/izau/programas/gettext-0.17/gettext-tools/src' [21:40] edcrfv: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [21:40] gspca is not in the respiratory [21:40] i'll just make a shortcut to start it as root when i need it [21:40] Can someone help me with a problem stemming from the xserver updates http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1029607 [21:41] Dexi: that drive only had windows on it? [21:41] hey peeps where is picasa in the repo? [21:41] oi downloaded it [21:41] guest9194 I have a logitech, it works fine, check MSN settings to make sure its trying to use the right things [21:41] mgolisch, yes [21:41] shifty_: yes, I agree... just a word of caution.. =) [21:41] Dexi: maybe its booting from that drive.. [21:41] net.org [21:41] i chnged etc/hostnames, but now everything I try to open is frozen, even terminal etc [21:41] Dexi: so theres no possibility that there is an oprhaned grub installed there? [21:41] `Chris: ok will check it out [21:41] bbelt16ag: I'm not sure it is available from the repos [21:41] mgolisch, i guess its trying to, OH WAIT i should set the drive to slave right? [21:41] meaning, sorry i am new to all theses seting [21:42] !hostname | shovi [21:42] shovi: Use hostname to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at System > Administration > Networking on the "General" tab [21:42] ok [21:42] i did that [21:42] can I download it? [21:42] anyone wanna take a shot at low volume on oboard audio? [21:42] but its frozen now! [21:42] bbelt16ag; deb http://dl.google.com/linux/deb/ stable non-free is the repo you have to add to /etc/apt/sources.list [21:42] Hey. Anyone who can help me with some problems with Google Earth 4.3? [21:42] :( [21:42] shovi: you just said /etc/hostname not /etc/hosts as well [21:42] mkquist: on board sound? intel circuit? ICHX ? [21:42] well i tried opening terminal twice now [21:42] but it wont open [21:42] soren_schantz, what _is_ your problem? [21:42] mgolisch, before it failed, i had linux on one drive, and windows on that drive, dual boot [21:42] login options wont open either [21:42] its brokend [21:42] Hi all! I need to reinstall my XP, running it for games and ubuntu for work. Is Super Grub Disk a trustable tool to reinstall/recover grub efter XP install? [21:43] Dexi: you probably connected it in a way so that its seen before the other drive in bios order, that might be why grub screws up [21:43] !enter | shovi [21:43] shovi: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [21:43] mgolisch, right, change the slave jumper? [21:43] NorthByNorthWest: yes, or use the ubuntu live cd.. that works too [21:43] hrm... me confused [21:43] shovi: If you have differing hostnames in /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname you will have similar problems [21:43] dexi [21:43] Slart: its an abit m/b [21:43] ty [21:43] can yu tell me your seting [21:44] !grub > NorthByNorthWest [21:44] NorthByNorthWest, please see my private message [21:44] so i can try on mine please [21:44] guest9194 sure one sec let me go look [21:44] checking system version (for dynamic loading)... ./configure: 1: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string [21:44] Question: When I plug my headphone, audio is still in pc speak. I've already disabled pc speak at alsa mixer..This also happens in windows :( [21:44] anyone know why im getting that? [21:44] ok thks [21:44] Well, I changed one etc/hostname but now no program will open, NONE, i cant even open terminal to check what it changed the hostname to [21:44] Geier: When i start the app, it dosn't draw the globe properly. It's a little better with 4.2. What can it be? [21:44] mkquist: if you run "lspci" in a terminal, can you identify the line that describes your soundcard? paste that line here? (ONLY paste one line) [21:44] I'm playing around with the terminal and just discovered the program less. when I scroll to the end of whatever file I am working, I get the message "waiting for data (interrupt to abort)." I've read the man page, but I can't figure out any way to do this, so I get stuck and have to close bash. What do I do? [21:45] shovi: Try Ctrl-Alt-F6 [21:45] how do I install a theme like at the following b.c when i try it says it doesnt appear to be a valid theme http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Raptor+(Slickness+remix)?content=86048 [21:45] vlad: the file might be screwed [21:45] soren_schantz, What graphic card do you have [21:45] I'm having two problems with the "Sound" preferences: 1. I've disabled the login sound but it still plays every time I login (I'm not talking about the drum sound). 2. When I click the play button next to the sounds nothing happens. [21:45] Slart: Audio device: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 0774 (rev a1) [21:45] vileli8ves: ctrl+c ? q? ctrl+z ? [21:45] zsquareplusc: allready read that, but theres so many options and Super Grub Disk seems to be the easiest/most obvious choice... which makes me suspicious... "if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is" [21:45] shovi: And see that the line in /etc/hosts that has has same hostname is is in /etc/hostname [21:45] i need to see on which partiction i have linux instaled how to od that ? [21:45] Slart: can the live CD auto recover/install GRUB? [21:46] bye for now! [21:46] Slart: Aha! Ctrl+C did the trick. q wasn't doing it, but I didn't think of that. Thanks! [21:46] how can i install gettext and glib on my ubuntu system? === ferret__ is now known as ferret_ [21:46] edcrfv: what are you up to? [21:46] Help. I've been trying to copy a directory to a portable hard drive and it doesn't want to work.Graphically it fails, and when I try to sudo cp -r source dest I get a list of "cannot create ____ : Input/output error" errors [21:46] edcrfv: sudo apt-get install libgettext? [21:46] edcrfv: sudo apt-get install libgettext-bin i meant [21:46] mkquist: oh.. so it doesn't recognize your audio chip.. that might be part of the problem.. I'm guessing it's one of the ICHX chips.. and those have some issues with low volumes.. I guess they will solve it eventually in the drivers but until then there might not be much you can do about it [21:46] vileli8ves: you're welcome [21:46] NorthByNorthWest: yes [21:47] is there a command to start an app with transset .5 [21:47] shovi may also need to restart network /etc/init.d/networking restart [21:47] ps ax |grep audacity returns after it nearly hangs trying to edit preferences (takes forever on a machine that does everything fast) 7711 ? Z 0:00 [audacity] does anyone have some good docs about setting up pulse audio/audacity/sound in Hardy? [21:47] NorthByNorthWest: or... wait.. it isn't automatic.. you'll have to do it manually [21:47] NorthByNorthWest: it will probably work. anyways, once you have booted your hd install again, you can also run update-grub [21:47] soren_schantz, ? [21:47] (and the main audacity process) [21:47] NorthByNorthWest: I don't know what kind of magic voodoo the super grub disk offers.. so I can't compare them.. [21:47] jtaji: It now says this: http://rafb.net/p/XGjWDP82.html [21:48] i have one more question.. how could i copy a file in the usr/share folder? i know how to copy it over the terminal, but isnt there another way too? [21:48] whats the name of that graphical file size viewer? [21:48] Geier: How can i see that, isn't there an easy way in ubuntu? I dosn't normally use ubuntu [21:48] Slart: ok, read different guides earlier in the link zsquareplusc sent me... [21:48] hmm let me see [21:48] DaveEngland: what file do you want to copy? [21:48] DaveEngland: Copy a file from where to where? [21:48] anybody use #! for an os ? [21:48] Geier: I'm just helping a friend [21:48] hey all I'm having TONS of problems with my system keeping the correct time. I set it proper less than 2 hours ago and its already jumped ahead almost 30 minutes. Laptop is less than 1 year old, anyone have any ideas? [21:49] Copy a file from the desktop to the usr/share folder :( [21:49] :) [21:49] Slart: auto voodoo stuff makes me nervous... but the utility seems appreciated by others... [21:49] soren_schantz, lspci | grep vga [21:49] Ahh, that's better. [21:49] how do i change my login name [21:49] DaveEngland: why would you want to do that? [21:49] NorthByNorthWest: =) give it a try.. worst case you have to do it manually .. [21:49] i want to install a google gadget :D I need to copy it to the google-gadget folder.. right? [21:49] Slart: an ICHX chip? how would I know? [21:49] soren_schantz, sorry it's lspci | grep VGA [21:49] DaveEngland: the only way is sudo cp [21:49] DaveEngland: cp Desktop/filename /share/ [21:49] DaveEngland: or sudo nautilus --no-desktop [21:50] !gksu | wj32 [21:50] wj32, please see my private message [21:50] mkquist: it's a very common chip.. ICH7, ICH8, ICH9 etc.. I think most of them has this "low volume" problem.. [21:50] can someone help me install the driver for my logitech webcam, i think i need the gspca5xx [21:50] wj32, thank you! [21:50] If I started out with Kubuntu, then installed ubuntu-desktop, if I pick gnome as my default desktop, will it stll start with the kubuntu startup screen? [21:50] usr13, thx i know that :D [21:50] Slart: will do... just wish that Valve will release source to linux soon! :) [21:50] 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03) [21:50] Geier: [21:50] mkquist: you can look at your motherboard specifications.. see what it says there [21:50] (and I need my BF2142-jolts) [21:50] Valve source would be awesome. [21:50] i am using intrepid [21:50] ? [21:50] mib_a8apnu: maybe you want gdmap? [21:50] pkodon: Yes [21:51] NorthByNorthWest: yea..that would have been a nice christmas present indeed [21:51] i think ubuntu-desktop actualy changes the usplash theme [21:51] Geier: It's Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03) [21:51] pkodon: Unless when you installed Gnome you changed the login manager to GDM [21:51] no image with amsn, it say something about dep/dev [21:51] atleast i got the xubuntu one after installing the coresponding metapackage [21:51] guys im trying to view AVI files with a ATI card, the video is all flickering? [21:52] Slart: amen to that! well... here goes nothing... keep your fingers crossed... and thanks for the advice Slart and zsquareplusc! [21:52] Guest9194: it says something isnt helpfull [21:52] pkodon: You can only run one login manager - Kubuntu uses KDM by default and Ubuntu uses GDM [21:52] Help! I've been trying to copy a directory to a portable hard drive and it doesn't want to work.Graphically it fails, and when I try to sudo cp -r source dest I get a list of "cannot create ____ : Input/output error" errors [21:52] pyrotix: what filesystem is it === NetEcho__ is now known as NetEcho [21:52] soren_schantz, I don't really know about Intel Graphics, do you have any drivers installed? [21:52] nnull: disable compiz? does that help? [21:52] r [21:52] how can i install a google gadget, that i download from the google-gadgets webpage? [21:52] yes sorry the camera otion give me [21:52] v4l:qcm usb camera [21:52] i am trying to copy all files that start with a period by doing cp -r /home/.* but it copies everything in my home directory [21:52] mgolisch, ill try that [21:52] Geier: Only what ubuntu have installed native [21:52] pyrotix: sounds like a bad device or bad cable [21:52] no other option [21:52] DaveEngland: Is it .deb ? [21:53] usr13, no, it is a .gg file :) [21:53] mattbd: No, just ubuntu-desktop. I have a menu on the login screen where I can pick a gnome session, but it's still the KDM login screen. [21:53] heirrook: ah yes, you should read the unix haters handbook. anyway, try using cp -r "/home."* [21:53] Geier: But it looks like it's some problem with the graphics [21:53] heirrook: oh wait that doesn't work [21:53] Unix haters handbook? There is such a thing? [21:53] heirrook: thats because the actual directory is also known as '.' [21:53] yes [21:54] mgolisch, yep that worked thanks [21:54] google it [21:54] it's quite amusing [21:54] i think on intrepid 8.10 i need to install the gspca5xx driver [21:54] can you help me [21:54] Gnea: if it is a bad device how do I get the computer to copy all of the readab;e files over? [21:54] soren_schantz, what says glxinfo | grep rendering [21:54] DaveEngland: I don't think you were actually suppposed to just download it to the HD. [21:54] well can someone help heirrook with his problem of not being able to copy directories starting with '.'? [21:54] DaveEngland: Go back to the site you downloaded it from and look for the proper way to install. [21:55] pkodon: OK, so you have both the Ubuntu and Kubuntu desktops installed but want to change your login manager? [21:55] heinrich_: find /home -name "\.[A-Za-z0-9]*" -exec cp -a {} /destination/directory \; [21:55] wj32: Same way as any other. [21:55] Gnea: because it is the device I'm running my computer off of and has all my system files. It seems for the most part to be working... unless the problem is with the portable hard drive [21:55] Geier: Direct rendering: Yes [21:55] that's good [21:55] hello [21:55] wj32: Names that start 2with . are just hidden files or directories. [21:55] mattbd: Well, as long as the login manager doesn't have any affect on the session, I guess it doesn't matter. [21:56] heirrook: listen what Gnea said to heinrich_ [21:56] Gnea: how do I check the integrity of the portable hard drive? [21:56] dar! ardour does not want to open an mp3 for editing and audacity doesn't work with pulse audio!!!! [21:56] soren_schantz, so there are no problems with the graphic card [21:56] but .* probably will copy all stuff ./ onwards [21:56] usr13: yes but when he tried to copy all dirs starting with '.' he copied all the files [21:56] is there a way that I can get ubuntu (or rather xubuntu) to not only auto update the system, but also auto install them, without any user intervention and without any notifications? [21:56] pyrotix: check your cable, perhaps it's going bad - got a spare? [21:56] mgolish, can you help me make the logiteck webcam work?? [21:56] I would like to simply edit and mp3 :( [21:56] soren_schantz, does Googleearth give out any errors when you start it in the console? [21:57] grandmaneedshelp: System > Administration > Software Sources [21:57] pkodon: It doesn't really have any effect. You could uninstall kdm and install gdm instead if you wanted to, but there's little point really. [21:57] mattbd: I'm thinking of installing the xubuntu-desktop package as well, so I can compare. [21:57] wj32: What exactly are you trying to do? [21:57] heirrook: yeah, sorry, that was for you: find /home -name "\.[A-Za-z0-9]*" -exec cp -a {} /destination/directory \; [21:57] grandmaneedshelp: in Updates, Automatic updates, select "Install security updates without confirmation" [21:57] heinrich_: sorry about that, wrong tab completion :) [21:57] usr13: it's not me, it's heirrook [21:57] Geier: No, not at all, the only problem is that i won't drawe the earth or map properly. So he can't use it at all [21:58] thank you wj32, gnubert, and especially Gnea! [21:58] soren_schantz, ok [21:58] how exactly is the map drawn [21:58] pkodon: If you need to get back to pure Ubuntu, this link should help - http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome [21:58] screenshot? [21:58] wj32: thank you very much. I am setting up a system for my eighty year old grandmother, and the less hassle the better :) [21:58] grandmaneedshelp: actually, that only automatically installs security updates [21:58] in amsn when i follow the wizzard for the cam [21:59] Geier: Do you want a screen shot? [21:59] grandmaneedshelp: so for updates to firefox, etc. it's still manual [21:59] it say could not find /dev/dep [21:59] wj32: what about application updates then? [21:59] soren_schantz, yes [21:59] Geier: 2 sek [21:59] Gnea: I can read files from the portable hard drive fine. I'd assume that means the cable is fine [21:59] upload it to imageshack or whatever [21:59] Guest9194: it's /dev/dsp isn't it? [21:59] How do I copy all the files from one folder (including all folders in that folder) into another folder with the terminal? [21:59] Hello. When I try to launch an XFCE session i receive errors as displayed at http://paste.ubuntu.com/99234/. I've tried resetting permissions on the /tmp and my home directory, and deleting .ICEauthority file. Anything else I should do? [21:59] grandmaneedshelp: nope [21:59] yes sorry [21:59] mattbd: The one thing I wonder about is, if I start a KDE session, and I have a game installed that uses another interface, do I need to log out of KDE and log into Gnome or XFCE in order to run that program without problems? [21:59] cNOOB: cp -r [dir] [dest] [22:00] grandmaneedshelp: you wont get many non security relevant updates anyway. [22:00] !ping [22:00] ping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore [22:00] pkodon: No, all the desktops work pretty well with each other [22:00] wj32: Thanks [22:00] so I'm trying to run the command "tar xzf drv.tar.gz" but it's telling me that it can't find the file. What am I doing wrong? [22:00] hi, i would like to run the ubuntu system that are installed on a partition using the virtual box on windows... is it possible? [22:01] yes it is /dev/dsp [22:01] how do you give yourself permanent permission to write in an external drive? [22:01] mattbd: Okay, that's good, since I'm currently logged into Gnome, and am running Konversation to connect to this server. [22:01] nob: i don't think VirtualBox can run VMs from a physical disk/partition [22:01] pkodon: However, if you install something for another desktop such as kdegames on Ubuntu, it may have a lot more dependencies than a native game so it takes up more space [22:01] nob: no idea, if virtualbox supports raw devices/physical disks [22:01] pyrotix: well, USB can be unstable at times, plus if it's operating in asyncronous mode, then data corruption can indeed occur. If you have the ability, you should look into internalizing the hard drive [22:01] nob: try VMware - it can d it [22:01] Geier: Now i it just froze, i had to force it to terminate [22:01] nob: but the ubuntu shouldnt have too much problems with that which couldnt be solved [22:01] hmm [22:01] Geier: Should i try to reinstall? [22:01] is there a effect in compiz when a window gets resized that replaces the boring blue square? [22:01] wj32: I was just inside the firefox update settings and now some of the areas have been greyed out. how can I get root permission inside the firefox settings? [22:01] nob: virtualbox doesn't support it [22:02] question: my compose key sequences (in particular space+d => delta) don't work (from neither xterm nor gedit). stracing an xterm shows that xterm (or xlib, on its behalf, probably) reads .XCompose. Also, GTK_IM_MODULE=xim. What gives? [22:02] ok, wj32... i will search it... t [22:02] that might be a good idea soren_schantz [22:02] ikyn_ do you have permissions to access the file? Try a chmod 777 drv.tar.gz. [22:02] tx all [22:02] soren_schantz, how did you install googleearth, anyway? [22:02] mattbd: I take it that you're talking about it taking up more space because you don't have KDE installed. [22:02] DrHalan: System > Preferences > CompizConfig Settings Manager [22:02] DrHalan: filter for "resize" [22:02] i can only hear through my left speaker on 8.10 [22:02] pkodon: Yes, Gnome and KDE use different widget toolkits so you have to have two installed to use applications from both desktops [22:03] How do I delete a folder and all the folders in that folder with the terminal? [22:03] speaker or headphones [22:03] still wont work [22:03] cNOOB: rm -r === benovic1 is now known as Benovic1 [22:03] Geier: sh the google installer [22:03] wj32: Thanks, again. [22:03] ::nods:: I figgured that would be the case. [22:03] wj32: awesome a stretch effect [22:03] zsquareplusc: I was just inside the firefox update settings and now some of the areas have been greyed out. how can I get root permission inside the firefox settings? [22:03] Geier: it's some sheel script i think [22:03] DrHalan: then in General, change Default Resize Mode to Normal [22:03] mattbd: Thanks. [22:03] wj32: thank you very muh :) [22:03] Gnea: I'm trying to transfer files on my internal hard drive to a different computer through the portable hard drive. The computer is refusing to transfer a directory to the portable harddrive... do you know a way I can check the portable hard drives integrity? [22:03] DrHalan: well you found it anyway :) [22:03] Hi, I have a _severe_ problem and need help: I inserted the WinXP CD (original, no SP) and followed setup, until I saw strange info about the harddisk space. So I broke up and rebooted, now the partition seems completly gone! [22:03] soren ok [22:03] wj32 yes it is /dev/dsp [22:04] soren_schantz, try the medibuntu package [22:04] grandmaneedshelp: firefox iteself is upgraded through the update manager, so the application specific update is disabled [22:04] SwitchMon44: That didn't do it - still says that it can't find the file [22:04] Guest9194: well i don't know what you were doing, i just made a correction :) [22:04] wj32 the normal is way too slow. I like the way it works in OSX where you have real realtime-resizing [22:04] pyrotix, try HD recovery tools [22:04] hey anyone know how to build a wireless driver, that could teach me how??? [22:04] ohh ok [22:04] zsquareplusc: thx... I will leave it be [22:04] DrHalan: yes that's the bad thing about compiz - resizing is so slow [22:04] I've downloaded PC-OS and Ultimate-Ubuntu, now I just need a DVD burner so I can burn them and try them. [22:05] Christian1: did you change something in the bios? like changed the sata controler mode or something? [22:05] pyrotix, windows deletes partition references when you delete them, but won't have had a chance to write over them yet [22:05] mgolisch: no [22:05] wj32 do you know if there are efforts on chaning that? [22:05] plodon put them on a jump drive [22:05] pkodon: you can try them in VirtualBox [22:05] Geier: And i just add that do sources.list? And apt-get update? [22:05] ikyn_ try tar -xzf [22:05] pkodon: I was just going to suggest Virtualbox too [22:05] mgolisch: I can boot from Ubuntu LiveCD, but gparted shows a complete emtpy disk [22:05] pyrotix, so don't use the drive until you have your data back ;) [22:05] soren_schantz, do you have intrepid? [22:05] SwitchMon44: I'm an idiot. I figured out what I did wrong - thanks though! [22:05] DrHalan: not really [22:06] DrHalan: Compiz is pretty much dead anyway. There's Compiz++ [22:06] johninlex: I don't have one of those, and what is Virtualbox? Would that require a lot of memory? === nob is now known as submarcos [22:06] cNOOB: you might want to read something: Rute User's Tutorial and Exposition http://rute.2038bug.com/index.html.gz [22:06] Christian1: but the disks geometry/sizes are reported correctly? [22:06] pkodon: Virtualbox is virtualisation software [22:06] wj32: oh? new version? or a complete rewrite? [22:06] mgolisch: I don't know, what to do? [22:06] When I try to launch an XFCE session i receive errors as displayed at http://paste.ubuntu.com/99234/. I've tried resetting permissions on the /tmp and my home directory, and deleting .ICEauthority file. Anything else I should do? [22:06] !virtualbox | pkodon [22:06] pkodon: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox [22:06] Slart: well it's a rewrite in C++. you can check at phoronix [22:06] Christian1: does gparted show the right size for the disk? [22:06] pkodon: It lets you run an OS in a virtual machine, and is very easy to use [22:06] mgolsich: yes [22:07] pyrotix, sorry by that i mean, when you press the D button and it says press "L" or somthing [22:07] in amsn when i follow the wizzard for the cam and it say couldn't find /dev/dsp [22:07] guntbert: Okay, thanks! [22:07] pkodon: Or you could install to a flash drive using UNetBootin [22:07] wj32: ah.. thanks.. sounds interesting [22:07] Christian1: do you have something to dump a complete image of the disk to? if not your best bet would be runing testdisk and see if it can resconstruct the partitiontable [22:07] HomingHamster: are you trying to recover partitions or something? [22:07] mgolisch: okay, I'll try that [22:07] mattbd: Hmm, well, again, I don't have any flash drives, ATM. [22:08] Christian1: it can be installed on the livecd if you have internet, maybe its allready preinstalled, no idea [22:08] HomingHamster I think you are trying to help Christian1 not me. [22:08] pkodon: Ah well, Virtualbox is the way to go as long as you have plenty of memory [22:08] pyrotix, sorry [22:08] wj32: wow that sounds pretty neat. Are there repositories for it or so? [22:08] pyrotix, yes i am [22:08] DrHalan: no, it's VERY new [22:08] what do you guys think about using the install Ubuntu inside XP feature? [22:08] :) [22:09] can i somehow do multiple pointer mappings with xmodmap? something like xmodmap -e "pointer = 1 2/10 3 4 5 6 7 8 9" ? [22:09] Christian1, you probably want to read what HomeHamster has been saying :) [22:09] Mallen_: wubi? for testdriving thats ok for sure [22:09] Mallen_, it's quite ok [22:09] have a newbie question on getting 8.10 to run on an everex stepnote NC1502. [22:09] i used it on my age-old laptop [22:09] ebaby: ask your question [22:09] Mallen_: but i wouldnt recommend it for anything else [22:09] mattbd: I may invest in some, though, since my brother-in-law and I have a computer business, and I'm learning Linux so we can work on Linux machines. Having different Linux distros on Jump Drives sounds like a good way to install them on customer's computers. [22:09] yea i have a ubuntu machine [22:09] yo yo y [22:10] my xp machine is for gaming i was curious [22:10] there seems to be a problem getting the graphics to load. Used the 8.10 live CD had to ask it to run in safe graphics mode [22:10] ebaby: what graphics card [22:10] ebaby: (please not intel) [22:10] anybody got the ar5007eg? [22:10] <[TiZ]> Hi. I'm shrinking a 64GB fat32 partition on my brother's computer to 52GB so I can install ubuntu on it. How long should I expect it to take? I'm using GParted, and it doesn't give even a progress meter. [22:10] pkodon: Yes, it can be handy. UNetbootin is a really good way of running Linux from a flash drive without the need to burn a CD [22:10] Geier: This take some time, it's take about 20 min === sauvin is now known as Sauvin [22:11] [TiZ]: I once moved my 120GB XFS partition and it took 12 hours [22:11] soren_schantz, alright i'll be here [22:11] anyone pls help [22:11] via chrome 9 hci [22:11] [TiZ]: I wouldn't start worrying until it's been an hour or so [22:11] [TiZ]: takes a fair while [22:11] <[TiZ]> wj32: Holy cow! O_O [22:11] in amsn when i follow the wizzard for the cam and it say couldn't find /dev/dsp [22:11] [TiZ]: just don't try to cancel it - if you do you're completely f'ed [22:11] it heavily depends on how clean the filesystem, and how much free space is there and if its fragmented or not [TiZ] [22:12] i Meant via chrome9 hc igp [22:12] [TiZ]: also i hope theres nothing essential on that, unless you have backups [22:12] :) [22:12] BTW, I have a friend who installed Ubuntu on his Vista machine as a virtual installation (10GB file on Windows), and wanted to know how to view files on his Windows HD. He wanted access to his mp3 collection. [22:12] I had experience with a QNX installation like that, but not Linux. [22:12] ebaby: i think you should just install ubuntu. does it install correctly? [22:12] pkodon: Do you know what virtualisation software he used? [22:12] Could any of you guys suggest a way for me to get the £ sign back on my keyboard? I'm using UK layout, it shoud be 'SHIFT+3' but all I get is a 3. It's been like it for a while, but now I'm needing it back and I can't find a way to get it :) [22:12] pkodon: wubi? if yes, from withing the wubi ubuntu install the hosts drive should be accessible via /host [22:12] !flash [22:13] To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash [22:13] this is my second time around doing the install. It installs but after reboot there are graphic gobbledey gook [22:13] pkodon: if ubuntu is the guest machine, you can map network drives using the ip address or config the VM to access the local folder as a drive [22:13] <[TiZ]> wj32, Slart, ActionParsnip, thanks. I've shrunk partitions before, but I used to use BootIt NG. I figure GParted would be a better way. [22:13] mattbd: No, I don't even know which version he got. [22:13] I have an Intel 3945 abg Card built into my notebook. The module is installed and loaded, and I see it referenced in the messages, however for some reason it never gets assigned a device name. In dmesg for instance I see, that the WiFi switch is off, and that it has 11 b and 13 a channels available. [22:13] or virtualisation software [22:13] <[TiZ]> mgolisch: It's probably somewhat fragmented. Thanks for your concern, luckily everything he has, I have too. Except for, like, school papers. :P [22:13] :() [22:13] where does ubuntu install source packages to? I have just installed gspca-source but cant find it [22:13] amorphous: System > Preferences > Keyboard? [22:13] not sure what you mean by "just Ubuntu" [22:13] IrishDavid: /usr/src [22:13] hello. anyone know how i find out if i need a bios upgrade? i think i do... [22:13] pkodon: It's simple to do using Virtualbox - you'd install the Guest Additions [22:13] SJrX: does it show up in ifconfig ? [22:13] Nevermind I'm an idiot, no [22:14] wj32: I thought that but i cant find the source files... [22:14] IrishDavid: and if you're ever unsure of where packages install files to, you can right click the package and click properties [22:14] It's under wlan0 :) [22:14] wj32: just found it, it's in a tar... [22:14] humphrey: you check what bios you have.. then you look at the new bios release notes and see if anything has been changed that you need [22:14] SJrX: does sudo iwlist scan show SSIDs? [22:14] mattbd: [22:14] IrishDavid: in synaptic, right click the package [22:14] I found it, iwconfig shows it [22:14] ActionParsnip, yes [22:14] how do i check what version bios i have? [22:14] IrishDavid: oh you mean the source tar is in /usr/src? [22:14] wj32, nice, but i've been through that. I have it as a default UK keyboard, everything's ok, except that one symbol :/ [22:14] for example right now I am at step 7 of 7 on the 8.10 disc [22:14] ive got flash non-free installed yet I cant seem to see sites like youtube [22:14] help!!! [22:15] :) [22:15] humphrey: it depends on manufacturer etc.. it's usually displayed during boot.. [22:15] SJrX: then its working [22:15] humphrey: at the very very beginning of a cold boot [22:15] Geier: sup? [22:15] Error. Dependency is not satisfiable: libgtkglext1 [22:15] rgnr: what problem are you having? [22:15] humphrey: dmidecode might tell you, otherwise reboot and lookup at the bios initialisation messages, it should print the bios version too [22:15] pkodon: and then you'd share the folder on the network in Windows, then in the virtual Ubuntu click Places>Connect to Server [22:15] mattbd: Well, I don't know, I have yet to find out what he's done now, as he got an Ubuntu CD in the mail yesterday, and it sounded like he was going to install that last night. I've heard nothing from him since then. [22:15] Yeah thanks, ActionParsnip [22:15] usually after this it will reboot into a dark monitor even though full display during install [22:15] rgnr: what package are you trying to install [22:15] wj32: psx [22:15] ActionParsnip, disregard that, i misunderstood you [22:15] wj32: psx32 [22:16] Geier: np bro [22:16] hi [22:16] pkodon: Virtualbox is usually the easiest way to create virtual machines for beginners, but VMWare is popular too === qbmaniac is now known as qb|away [22:16] rgnr: what is it? it's not in the official repositories [22:16] <[TiZ]> One more thing: My mom's crappy crappy crappy computer is trying to run Windows XP, and isn't doing a very good job of it. It's a Pentium II, 128MB RAM, and an NVidia TNT Riva. Or something like that. I was thinking of installing Xubuntu on it. Do you think the computer will be able to handle it? [22:16] wj32: I am wondering if I am supposed to male sure boot loader is installed or not have it install [22:16] TiZ: Maybe, but I think it might struggle a bit [22:17] [TiZ]: easily, yes [22:17] ebaby: have you just installed ubuntu? [22:17] [TiZ]: Is it 500MHz ? [22:17] Tiz: gOS Gadgets might be a bit lighter [22:17] ive got flash non-free installed yet I cant seem to see sites like youtube, is there a fix for this? [22:17] [TiZ]: if you can, try find a P3 to upgrade if the socket wil take it, P2 is a garbage cpu [22:17] [TiZ] u might also wanna check out ubuntu with lxce, needs a bit less resources. xfce should do the job tho, however. [22:17] <[TiZ]> Struggling a bit is better than struggling for its life. Thank you mattbd, ActionParsnip. [22:17] wj32: I'm at step 7 of 7 geting ready to finish (for the second time) [22:17] Pirate_Hunter: did you restart your browser? [22:17] mattbd: Well, he's got 4GB of RAM to play with, but Vista uses a lot of that. Me, I'm using an older machine, with an older graphics card and a conglomeration of memory adding up to something like 320M, so I think VirtualBox is out for me. [22:17] [TiZ]: P1 are awesome and P3 are great, P2 is nasty [22:17] ebaby: how many hard drives do you have? [22:18] <[TiZ]> We don't have the resources to get a new processor for a moment, unfortunately. :( [22:18] <[TiZ]> at the moment* [22:18] [TiZ]: It won't be fast, but will be reliable. [22:18] [TiZ]: it depends on what you want to torture it with.. but running abiword, gnumeric and xfce might just work nicely [22:18] [TiZ]: i'd whack some SDRAM in it if yuo can, it'll help [22:18] in amsn when i follow the wizzard for the cam and it say couldn't find /dev/dsp [22:18] pkodon: Yes, that's a bit low for Virtualbox sadly [22:18] mgolisch: yup [22:18] [TiZ] as browser maybe use epiphany-browser :) === richard is now known as Guest69133 [22:18] <[TiZ]> ActionParsnip: Let me put it this way: We're broke. :P [22:18] [TiZ]: I run xubuntu on my mini-itx board.. those are kind of slow (but still modern so it might not be comparable) [22:18] <[TiZ]> I was thinking of using Kazehakase. Would that do well? [22:18] wj32: something is happening after the reboot causing graphics not to display properly (1 hard drive) stepnote nc1502 1.5 ghz 1.4gb ram [22:18] [TiZ]: Not fast, but do-able [22:19] [TiZ]: not got like 5 quid for some cheapo ram [22:19] Slart & mgolisch: dmidecode says "SMBIOS 2.2" and says the release date is 1999! [22:19] [TiZ] http://www.lxde.org/ :) [22:19] TiZ: Midori is OK as a fast light browser [22:19] ebaby: what graphics card is it [22:19] Pirate_Hunter: what doesnt work? just a grey field instaed of the flash video player? try hitting f5 and see if that works [22:19] wj32: nope [22:19] humphrey: then continue on the list of things I told you [22:19] in amsn when i follow the wizzard for the cam and it say couldn't find /dev/dsp [22:19] <[TiZ]> Wow, thanks for all the overwhelming assistance, guys. :D [22:19] humphrey: old doesn't have to mean bad [22:19] mgolisch: nah just flash is not installed jibberish which i know it is [22:19] wj32: via chrome9 hc igp [22:19] anyone can help [22:19] Guest69133: stop repeating, that annoying [22:19] ebaby: oh you told me already [22:19] <[TiZ]> I'll focus on my brother's computer for now, and if he does well with it, then I'll start considering options for mom. Thanks, guys! :D [22:20] mattbd: Riva TNT2 is the graphics card, so a lot of the fancy TNL, OpenGL and DirectX9+ stuff isn't supported. [22:20] ok sorry === Guest57997 is now known as maxbaldwin [22:20] i see, thankyou [22:20] Pirate_Hunter: what browser do you use? and how did you install flash? also make sure you didnt disable javascript, youtube will fail to detect the flash player if you do so [22:20] no-one have any ideas on where my £ sign may have gone to??? [22:20] (Or is that T&L?) [22:20] <[TiZ]> Both acronyms are used. [22:20] pkodon: Have you considered using OpenGEU? That uses the Enlightenment desktop [22:20] Guest69133: just ask your question.. if noone answers repeat, but wait at least 5 minutes before repeating [22:21] wj32: that's ok but I'm not convinced it is the card as when I was given it it was running Edubuntu & as I said problems come AFTER install/reboot [22:21] <[TiZ]> T&L, TNL. Both are accepted. [22:21] ebaby: aside from http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=504849 i don't know [22:21] ebaby: apparently there's just not enough support for it [22:21] Guest69133: your best bet is identifying the webcam and search on google if someone managed to get it working with the version of ubuntu you use [22:21] mattbd: Is that an Ubuntu-based distro? [22:21] Guest69133: saying things like "anyone?" won't help you much.. just repeat the entire question.. use the time to google or search the forums [22:21] hello, i have a gps device that has a usb connector, but it includes an internal serial adapter, the problem is that i do not know the specs on the device. is there any way to know the specs on it? [22:21] pkodon: Yes, link is here - http://opengeu.intilinux.com/Home.html [22:22] danes_: lsusb? then google for whatever it displays? [22:22] pkodon: Enlightenment looks very nice, but is lighter even than Xfce [22:22] mgolisch: FF through synaptic [22:22] wj32: I'm wondering if there are some commands that can force it to keep whatever it is using during the install because the GUI is all right here in front of me during install [22:22] i did a lsusb and got this Bus 002 Device 004: ID 067b:2303 Prolific Technology, Inc. PL2303 Serial Port [22:22] thk you very helpfull [22:22] mattbd: theres always fluxbox too [22:22] ebaby: you mean the resolution's too small when you reboot? [22:22] mattbd: Okay, thanks, I'll look it up. Perhaps there is a package to add it to the list of choices at bootup. === maco_ is now known as maco [22:22] Pirate_Hunter: do you use addblockplus or noscript? they might make youtube not work [22:22] danes_: check out gpsbabel they probably have a device list or hints on their website. if its a garmin modprobe sudo garmin-gps might help [22:23] hello all [22:23] wj32: that's why i need hlp [22:23] if you are trying to install flash on a 64 bit os, i found an awesome link, worked just fine for me [22:23] ActionParsnip: Yes, I like Fluxbox, and IceWM is pretty good too [22:23] ebaby: ok, open a terminal window [22:23] this is from ubuntus website: [22:23] 32bit version: This works with most computers [22:23] 64bit version: May provide additional capabilities to computers that are able to use 64bit software [22:23] mgolisch: nope not at all [22:23] danes_: ah, so the serial port is already there. then just try gpsbabel :-) [22:23] i have a 64bit quad core processor, 6gig ddr etc..... [22:23] mattbd: all are lightweigh and good on low end systems [22:23] i use vista 64 now, but if i put ubuntu 64bit on [22:24] what are the "extra features" i get? [22:24] as it states? [22:24] mattbd: install X server and fluxbox and you got a riproaring system [22:24] !enter > ccvp [22:24] ccvp, please see my private message [22:24] wj32: no there is NO resolution. a few squiggly lines of grey matter float by & you can tell that it is trying to config the graphics but it cant [22:24] Pirate_Hunter: check firefox settings to see if it actualy lists the flash player as installed addon/extension [22:24] pkodon: I think there is a package for the OpenGEU desktop but not in Ubuntu by default, don't install the version of Enlightenment in the repositories for that [22:24] ccvp: using more than 4GB ram mainly [22:24] ccvp: extra compared to what? [22:24] dunno [22:24] ubuntu website simply says: [22:24] ccvp: if you want to haev a good use of your 6GB, the 64 bit edition might be suitable for you [22:24] 32bit version: This works with most computers [22:24] 64bit version: May provide additional capabilities to computers that are able to use 64bit software [22:24] ebaby: ok, so if you've just rebooted, press Ctrl+Alt+F1 [22:24] ccvp: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [22:24] ebaby: then login [22:25] ActionParsnip: Xmonad is good but too hard for me to configure! [22:25] wj32: supernewb here - I am the step 7 of 7. before I do that i should finish the install right? [22:25] ccvp: well the apps are exactly the same, they can just use 64bit hardware and more than 4Gb RAM [22:25] ccvp: the big noticable thing is that is can handle more then 4GB memory without usnig PAE [22:25] ebaby: ok so you haven't finished yet. good. open a terminal window [22:25] hmmm [22:25] 64 bit means you can use more than 4gb ram. 32 means if you have 1 billion gb of ram, you will get to you around 3.5gb or so [22:25] ccvp: it also makes conversions and encoding much smoother as more info can be read at once [22:25] ccvp: you won't need goggles or a helmet to handle the speed.. it will be about the same [22:25] mgolisch: ok one sec [22:25] ebaby: Applications > Accessories > Terminal [22:26] omny_devi: not realy true if you take PAE into account [22:26] wj32: sorry I am not aware how to do that. plz explain [22:26] whats up w/ "fedora" trying to make waves in the community now, some say fedora 10 rivals ubuntu? [22:26] is this some joke? [22:26] ccvp: I think you should look at what 64bit computing can provide over 32bit and what it actually means [22:26] ccvp: some special stuff might be a little faster.. math stuff mostly afaik, encryption and such [22:26] Hello, i have installed ubuntu server edition, and cant boot it up, could someone help me with the problem? msg me [22:26] nope nothing there in about:plugins [22:26] hi when i push alt+F2 and write compiz and push enter what must happen after? some window come up or? [22:26] ebaby: ok, here's a different way: press Alt+F2, type gksu "nautilus --no-desktop", press enter [22:26] !doesntwork | mempho [22:26] mempho: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too. [22:26] my pc is pretty quick w/ vista 64..........the only reason i use windows [22:26] is because of "warhammer online" [22:26] ccvp: they arent rivals. If fedora suits your needs, use it, if ubuntu suits them better, use it [22:27] the_geremy: compiz starts as a windows manager then [22:27] the_geremy: I think you need to put compiz --replace [22:27] yeah, i just recently switched from xp to ubuntu. cedega rocks :D [22:27] ccvp: use what you find satisifes your needs, let others use what they find satisifes theirs [22:27] ccvp: as simple as that [22:27] the_geremy: you may want to use compiz --replace [22:27] ccvp: I use a vast array of distros as each one has strengths which I use [22:27] the only thing open are firefox and the ubuntu installer window [22:27] ccvp: well.. not to sound bitter but I think warhammer might works just a bad in wine as it does in windows.. ;) [22:27] alt+F2 doesnt produce anything [22:27] ebaby: press Alt+F2\ [22:27] its not optimized [22:27] thanks i try [22:27] like WoW is...........blizzard has tons of $$$ for good software engineers [22:27] ebaby: interesting... go to Applications > Accessories > Terminal [22:27] ccvp: I have ubuntu installed but I use mandriva more as well as gentoo on my fileserver [22:28] How do I check a storage devices integrity? [22:28] ccvp: WoW plays awesome on Linux with wine [22:28] alguem pode me ajudar [22:28] !fsck | pyrotix [22:28] pyrotix: S.M.A.R.T.? [22:28] pyrotix: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot [22:28] !pt | goianousa [22:28] goianousa: Por favor use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado. [22:28] wj32: there are no desktop icons etc just the last window of install and firefox browser window [22:28] how can i get flash to work it is installed but not being see by firefox? [22:28] how do i configure compiz? [22:28] brigado [22:28] ebaby: oh I see what you mean [22:28] ccvp: It's surprising how well some games work in Wine. I got Homeworld 2 working in it which doesn't seem to work at all in Vista [22:28] oh, i also use tversity........i stream divx movies etc.......on my vista 64 pc to my HDTV.....my xbox360 accesses the media on the pc.......over wireless N...its pretty slick setup... I use an app called Tversity, has a webserver too.....access the media on my iphone which is wifi'd into the home network [22:28] ebaby: press Ctrl+Alt+F1 [22:28] is there a similar app that can do all that on ubuntu? [22:29] ebaby: then log in [22:29] Pirate_Hunter: open terminal and type: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree [22:29] !ot | ccvp [22:29] if so, i may cut 100% raw over and format [22:29] ccvp: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [22:29] Pirate_Hunter: create a symlink to the .so file in ~/.mozilla/plugins [22:29] !ccsm > the_geremy [22:29] the_geremy, please see my private message [22:29] the_geremy: Install compizconfig-settings-manager [22:29] After i have installed ubuntu, and when im going to boot it, the screen just show many numbers/words who updates fast so i cant see what the error is, can someone help me? [22:29] ccvp: I don't really know for sure but I'm guessing that playing with your iphone in ubuntu might be hard.. [22:29] shall I finish the install first? [22:29] tversity is tight, but i dont think they have an installer [22:29] for linux [22:29] Pirate_Hunter: you probably did something wrong, or the install failed, it actualy downlaods the thing from adobe, maybe that can fail silently [22:29] the_geremy: install compiz settings manager, search it from synaptic [22:29] ccvp: you can share the folder in ubuntu with samba and will be accessible by any system [22:30] ebaby: no [22:30] ccvp: I think you need to jailbreak your iPhone to use it with Ubuntu [22:30] action yes, but tversity transcodes [22:30] like 100 formats on the fly in real time [22:30] Pirate_Hunter: id suggest reinstalling using apt-get install --reinstall flashplugin-nonfree and see if something screws up [22:30] I am trying to install a program downloaded from the internet and I keep getting the following message," Please close the other application e.g. Update Manager,aptitude, or synaptic first." The only programs that are open are Firefox and the package installer. [22:30] magnus0: the_geremy: sudo apt-get install compiz-settings-manager [22:30] ActionParsnip: what about if it is in NTFS? [22:30] magnus0: no need for synaptic, too slow [22:30] mgolisch: ok [22:30] yikes - dark screen and grey fuzz [22:30] ok - how do i get the GDBM_File module installed in perl in ubuntu because atm the current binaries for perl 5.10.0 do not have the module compiled... [22:30] tmckinley: close the package installer then, that's the problem [22:30] ActionParsnip: ok wil try that as well [22:30] pyrotix: you can share any mounted partition [22:30] tmckinley: if you're really sure, open terminal window and you can remove the lock [22:31] hi, will intrepid ever get 2.6.28 love? [22:31] hey does anyone know how to find out if your firewall is enabled? [22:31] wj32: is there an undo for that command? [22:31] mattbd....no...on my iphone.....I HTTP into a webserver running on my Vista pc............i can then browse movies stored on my pc...through the iphone, on the safari web browser...i click the movie and it plays........... [22:31] ActionParsnip: I just didn't knew the package name, i woudl've used apt-get as well [22:31] ActionParsnip: we were talking about using fsck :) [22:31] im just mad theres no application that does this which works on linux [22:31] ethan: sudo iptables -L might give you some clue [22:31] i got a blackscreen logging in that siad my firewall was not enabled? [22:31] ebaby: well, i needed you to do that so you could log in and use a terminal [22:31] magnus0: you can tab complete package names too ;) [22:31] ebaby: Ctrl+Alt+F7 [22:31] ethan: if it just three headers, and it says POLICY ACCEPT it's probably not doing anything [22:31] ccvp: You can get TouchTerm and install OpenSSH on your computer === CWii is now known as CWii_ [22:32] ccvp: So you could then access your PC via SSH [22:32] ActionParsnip: great tip :) [22:32] Hi Ash. [22:32] mattbd, i dont spam but the app i use is: tversity.co m [22:32] slart: it says 3 headers and policy accept, so that measn its off? [22:32] ebaby: sorry, if your computer can't get into the first VT, I can't really help you. I have to go now :( [22:32] kekekeke [22:32] sadly its win installer only [22:32] wj32: ok back to where i was with that last command e.g. installer window + FF window [22:32] ccvp: theres xbmc [22:32] After i installed Ubuntu server edition, and when i boot it up it says that i need to reboot and select proper boot device, please help! [22:33] ccvp: you can add repos for it and install it, it not bad [22:33] ethan: well.. no.. it's still on.. but without any rules it won't do anything.. so for all practical reasons it's off [22:33] that can do the same thing [22:33] as tversity [22:33] any commands to use during the reboot to force the graphics [22:33] installs on linux? [22:33] how to use BlackBerry with Ubuntu? like: installing software, backup address book...? [22:33] so need to know question [22:33] whats it called? [22:33] ccvp: a near identical app may well exist, you just havent found it [22:33] never heard of it [22:33] mempho: Sounds like grub got miss-configured [22:33] slart:? [22:33] ccvp: afaik tversity is just an upnp server, nothing more, there are such for linux, myth has some of the functionality, paired with a web interface and streaming capabilities [22:33] mgolisch: yup it didnt install there was a mismatch in the md5 how do i fix it or froce it to install [22:33] getbit: try with gammu [22:33] does it transcode stream on the fly? [22:34] Ash_: how can we help? [22:34] multiple codecs? [22:34] ethan: the firewall is always on.. but without any firewall rules it won't do anything [22:34] hi [22:34] on the ubuntu livecd. does it limit you to their website in firefox and prevent you from going to other sites? like the mandriva liveCD [22:34] !hello | MELISSA1 [22:34] MELISSA1: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [22:34] is there a way to redirect stdout to a file and also keep it on the terminal? ie ./myprocess > outfile.txt but i also want to see the output still displayed in the terminal [22:34] CarolinaSwamp: use tee [22:34] zsquareplusc: thanks [22:34] Pirate_Hunter: whats the error you get? [22:34] !codecs | ccvp [22:34] ccvp: not sure about that, as in linux generaly you have suport for all codecs, so you tend not to care about those [22:34] Ash_: no, why should they do that? [22:34] slart: how do i change that because i think i got a bug called "soft lockup" and i have trouble logging on and it gives random power downs [22:34] magnus0: is it in the official repo? [22:34] thanks [22:34] slart: how do i fix this? [22:34] ccvp: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [22:34] getbit: yes [22:34] Pirate_Hunter: maybe paste it on some noapste service [22:34] Ash_: No. And don't know of any live CD that does that. [22:35] anyone know whether I should make sure boot loader is installed using 8.10 on stepnote nc1502 [22:35] action, is this it? [22:35] http://xbmc.org/ [22:35] zsquareplusc: would i pipe into tee? ie ./myprocess | tee myfile.out [22:35] no idea you tell me why i cant go to google on my mandriva liveCD [22:35] ethan: I very much doubt that the firewall is causing that.. what happens when this bug occurs? [22:35] its connected to the internet [22:35] CarolinaSwamp: exactly [22:35] ive double checked and tripple checked [22:35] it will go to mandriva's website but wont go to any other site [22:35] check at least 10 times [22:35] pls help: can i simply resize an ext3 partition and move the linux swap partition to the end of the disk with gparted? will my computer boot? [22:35] Ash_: When you type www.google.com into the address bar, what happens? [22:35] Ash_: strange [22:36] slart: well it wont logg on when ubuntu is starting up it will load half way and then go a blakc screen that syas warning, and then gives a bunch of stuff about modprobe [22:36] wow [22:36] Ash_, ping www.google.com ? [22:36] cannot find host [22:36] Ash Ketchum? [22:36] i did ping google [22:36] it does everything that tversity can [22:36] Ash_: this is ubuntu support, not mandriva support. You can go to #mandriva for mandriva support [22:36] it seems [22:36] trying to get it to start up and display as it did during install - anyone? [22:36] seems like a routing problem [22:36] weird i never heard of it [22:36] slart: and also last night i had a random power down out of no where [22:36] and all packets sent [22:36] Ash_: You have network problem. [22:36] ethan: and that bunch of stuff is? [22:36] ccvp xbmc and mythtv are two VERY well known solutions [22:36] Ash_: Not a browser problem [22:36] mgolisch: http://pastebin.ca/1299250 [22:36] slart: the whole page is differetn each time i logg on [22:36] ok, so which of the two rivals tversity [22:36] ccvp: i'd research linux apps that will do what you need [22:36] ccvp: they havce been around for years [22:36] better? [22:36] i dont want support for mandriva, i want to know if theres a damn distro that works when you plug it in -_- [22:36] ccvp: no idea, never used tversity [22:36] levidos: if you just move and the device names stay the same you usualy have no probelms. if you delete and recreate you might need to check grub/menu.list and /etc/fstab. [22:36] ccvp: theres no such thing as better or best [22:37] bulle,,,,,,, this is all i do with it...... [22:37] Ash_: Use Ubuntu :) [22:37] Ash_: You have a network problem [22:37] Ash_: try looking at /etc/hosts, maybe they've blocked something there [22:37] ccvp: Try a few and see which you prefer [22:37] ccvp: its all individual so one person may say something is better then someone could say its garbage [22:37] slart: but the very last time i had a message that siad "firewall not enabled" and also a thing that said "bug:soft lock up" computer is locked for 61s " [22:37] Ash_: You have a problem; you're using Mandriva. [22:37] i got knoppix to work fine, but it cant connect to my external monitor [22:37] I have about 2,000+ divx movies...all avi's on my PC..............i simply want to browse them from my xbox360.........which i can do w/ tversity, simply choose which movie....play...and it transcodes/streams over wirelesS on on the fly [22:37] ccvp: just like their is no "best" operating system [22:37] slart: and it ahppeend like three times logging on [22:37] Ash_: If you get connected to the network properly the browser will work. [22:37] if xbmc can do this.....................ill format and put ubuntu 64 on [22:37] !PM [22:37] Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first. [22:37] ccvp: then go see what it can do [22:37] Im using lm-sensors on my WD HDDs it says the temp is 60C that cant be rigth ? [22:38] thanx zsquareplusc... i have an ntfs partition i want to delete and resize my ext3 one to fit the entire disk [22:38] Ash_: if you want to discuss the best distros and that stuff, there's ##linux ... [22:38] hid_: what processor do you have? [22:38] ccvp: XBMC and Mediatomb can both do that. [22:38] they are being r-tards in the linux channel [22:38] in gedit, it keeps making all these files with ~ on it, like if im working on Index.php it will make Index.php~, can i stop it from doing this [22:38] ccvp: So really all you need is a media server [22:38] Ash_: Are you using a wireless NIC to connect to your LAN? [22:38] Ash_: not surprised. [22:38] magnus: AMD Athlon [22:38] hid_: why not? [22:38] yep [22:38] shovi_: it's a backup file from previous version [22:38] wifi [22:38] ethan: I've never heard of that before.. can you run the live cd ? [22:38] ubottu: was that directed to me as I am new here and not sure of the protocols [22:38] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [22:38] can i make it not do that, magnus0 [22:38] Ziroday: it doesnt feel like 60C hehe [22:38] mgolisch: can you suggest something? [22:38] i really hate gnome thouh >.< [22:38] Ash_: Try wired connection and you will have better luck. [22:38] shovi_: there's an option in it's preferences to create backup copies before saving, uncheck it [22:39] levidos: make sure you have a working ubuntu live cd in case something goes wrong and backup your data before resizing [22:39] ccvp: Media Tomb and Fuppes are the two I've heard of [22:39] slart: you mean my ubuntu cd that i used to install my os? [22:39] ebaby: nope.. it wasn't meant for you.. although ubottu says many wise things =) [22:39] hid_: I have a pentium 4 and it's always around 60-70 [22:39] Ash_: Then use KDE [22:39] ethan: yes [22:39] ubuntu has a kde version? [22:39] do they serve w/ http, https [22:39] Ash_: It's YOUR choice. [22:39] Ash_: this is the support channel, you can chat in #ubuntu-offtopic [22:39] something is screwed up with some update and it's screwed up wacom support and has recently screwed up access to my mouse ! [22:39] magnus0: its the HDD [22:39] Pirate_Hunter: did it actualy redownlaod the file? like did that byte to download/byte downloaded counter move during the command? [22:39] ccvp: personally, if what you have is doing what you want. I wouldnt change it [22:39] ok thanks jtaji [22:39] slart: well when i do soemtiems the same thing comes up [22:39] yes I found that out LOL [22:39] After i have installed ubuntu server edition, and going to press the finish button to complete the instalation. Then the screen turns black and show me many words/numbers very quickly so i cant see what the error is, can anyone help me? [22:39] ebaby: and ubottu is a bot, by the way.. [22:39] zsquareplusc: is there some kind of os repair function on the livecd? [22:39] Ash_: kbuntu [22:39] ccvp: if it aint broke, dont fix it === CWii_ is now known as CWii [22:39] im about to start blocking half these people in here [22:39] ccvp: Fuppes definitely has a web interface [22:39] hid_: oh right, thats most probably the temp inside the drive, not on the case [22:39] actionparsnip, right now im happy............i can browse the 2,000+ movies on my iphone [22:39] mgolisch: yup [22:39] slart: i think i have a bug and idk how to get rid of it [22:40] since my iphone is wifi'd into home lan, and i http into the media server on vista pc [22:40] its pretty slick setup [22:40] Slart: yes I see (with newbie eyes) [22:40] Ash_: What is your problem? [22:40] levidos: yes an no :-) you can boot the pc, access your drive and edit files if something went wrong ;-) [22:40] hid_: HDD is 60 C? [22:40] ziroday: But is it high or ok my others hold like 30C [22:40] i start with linux few days ago, when i move mouse sometimes all windows sudenly hides and only desktop shows but i want to disable this function, how? [22:40] ziroday: those are other brand though [22:40] hid_: I have seen HDD go above 60C, you would really need to look at the manual as to optimum temperatures for it [22:41] kbuntu huh, ill look into it thanks. bye all [22:41] mattbd: when a file is clicked to play, does the file play on the fuppes server or on the device accessing it? [22:41] ethan: either a bug or something else.. but you need to start writing down those error messages if we're going to help you [22:41] ANYONE WHO ARE USING THIS MOBILE? http://www.metrobloggen.se/jsp/public/permalink.jsp?article=19.4532413 [22:41] the_geremy: go to System > Preferences > CompizConfig Settings Manager [22:41] Slart: I have an issue trying to get U8.10 to run on stepnotenc1502 perhaps U can lend an ear [22:41] Pirate_Hunter: odd, maybe try again some times [22:41] ziroday: kk ill try to find it then thnx [22:41] the_geremy: this is a setting in compiz [22:41] !caps | MELISSA1 [22:41] MELISSA1: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. [22:41] After i have installed ubuntu server edition, and going to press the finish button to complete the instalation. Then the screen turns black and show me many words/numbers very quickly so i cant see what the error is, can anyone help me? [22:41] I just switch monitors and then I "dpkg xserver-xorg"'d to regenerate a new xorg.conf and put back some old option ("AllowGLXWithComposite" "True") and now my framerate dropped considerably. How can I fix this? HW: GeForce2 MX 400 (using nvidia-legacy drivers), new monitor: Samsung Syncmaster 2253lw, old monitor: Samsung Syncmaster 900NF [22:41] slart: so how do i get rid of my bug? [22:41] mgolisch: doubt that will work wait a sec going to try soemthing [22:41] Slart: I meant StepNote [22:41] ccvp: there are several applications for multimedia setups. mythtv, elisa, freevo, and then there are also upnp servers mediatomb, ushare etc. [22:41] ethan: [22:41] How do i make gedit display apostorphys? --> ' right now it displays these boxes with number codes in them [22:41] the_geremy: it's got something to do with opacity settings i think [22:41] As far as I know it streams it to the device. I haven't used it myself sadly === hid_ is now known as HID [22:41] slart:? [22:41] ebaby: mm.. one minute.. I'll get back to you [22:41] Anybody know how to do a two-finger+click right-click on a MacBook Pro? Wiki guide isn't working. === HID is now known as HIDDY [22:42] magnus0: no, it's show desktop [22:42] ActionParSnip: As far as I know it streams it to the device. I haven't used it myself sadly [22:42] Pirate_Hunter: if that doenst help do: sudo apt-get remove --purge flashplugin-nonfree; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree [22:42] ethan: nope.. since I have no idea what the bug is about I can't help you fix it [22:42] hi, is there any way to benchmark internet connection from terminal? [22:42] zli: You should be able to just change display settings. [22:42] wj32: ok [22:42] mattbd: do you know of one like amarok xul control? I'm looking to control the media coming out of the system with a phone of some ilk [22:42] Pirate_Hunter: maybe adobe updated the file and theres a newer debianpackage containing a newer downlaod script or something [22:42] slart: so what do i do? [22:42] Montas: TPTEST [22:42] Montas: try ping google.com [22:42] jj yes i know but where i find this settings in compiz? i try to find but :( [22:42] Slart: sure give me a few as my children are baring their teeth wondering about dinner [22:43] ethan: get a pen and some paper.. and start writing those error messages down [22:43] ebaby: hehe.. no worries.. I'll be here all night [22:43] the_geremy: in the filter box type desktop [22:43] usr13, Sorry if I wasn't clear: the problem is that I'm getting a significant framerate drop [22:43] wj32: anything you can add to what I mentioned earlier? [22:43] the_geremy: well how did you enable that behaviour? [22:43] ccvp: http://images.howtoforge.com/images/set_up_a_linux_playstation3_media_server_on_ubuntu8.04/M.jpg [22:43] slart: ok but do you know how to change the rules on the firewall so i can prevent another one? [22:43] BRB [22:43] ebaby: no, sorry [22:43] I did somethign stupid, maybe someone can help me... I installed ubuntu 8.04 on the same partition as windows, but then I forgot what username & password I told it [22:43] ActionParsnip: Here's the link, that will tell you more than I can I'm afraid. It's not yet in Ubuntu sadly [22:43] why do i get mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in line 13 ?? http://pastebin.com/d2a929961 [22:43] After i have installed ubuntu server edition, and going to press the finish button to complete the instalation. Then the screen turns black and show me many words/numbers very quickly so i cant see what the error is, can anyone help me? [22:43] is there anyway to recover that? [22:43] ethan: I think your firewall is disabled.. if it wasn't you'd have more than those three lines from "sudo iptables -L" [22:44] the_geremy: now, which items have a check next to them? [22:44] rwparris3: you mean you forgot your password? [22:44] ActionParsnip: Sorry, forgot the link, it's http://fuppes.ulrich-voelkel.de/ [22:44] yeah [22:44] slart: how do i enable it? [22:44] and possibly username [22:44] rwparris3: use recovery option on install CD [22:44] How do i make gedit display apostorphys? --> ' right now it displays these boxes with number codes in them [22:44] rwparris3: one sec, please address [22:44] Does anybody know what the CUPS port is? ( [22:44] mattbd: cheers man [22:44] please address? [22:44] !firewall | ethan [22:44] ethan: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). [22:44] the_squircle: cups is related to printing [22:44] change the unicode or whatever [22:44] rwparris3: see http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-3609.html [22:45] gavi1: mysql_qeurry probably failed [22:45] My network-admin tool is broken. It won't change settings. I can set shared-key using iwconfig. What tool do I use to specify WPA2 encrytion? This is listed as blank under iwlist auth [22:45] the_squircle: 631 [22:45] ethan: go to that link ubottu sent you.. read it [22:45] magnus0: I know that. You can access the web CUPS console by going to localhost:???? [22:45] LtL: Thanks :) [22:45] ethan: Simple, run sudo ufw enable [22:45] gavi1: but this is not a php channel got to #php instead [22:45] !who > rwparris3 [22:45] rwparris3, please see my private message [22:45] evening all [22:45] mattbd: thank you [22:45] mattbd: lol [22:45] !hello | j0nr [22:45] j0nr: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [22:45] can anyone help me with X11 forwarding over ssh [22:45] j0nr: it's morning where i am [22:45] j0nr: what is not working? [22:45] it was enabled default [22:45] j0nr: install openssh-server [22:45] morning wj32 [22:45] j0nr: ssh -X [22:46] j0nr: as the_geremy says, its enabled by default [22:46] mgolisch, yes i accidently posted here rather than #php [22:46] j0nr: you need to enable it in your sshd_config [22:46] oh ok [22:46] j0nr: you will need some extra software installing on windows boxes [22:46] active are desktop wall expo viewport switcher [22:46] mattbd: it siad firewall started and enabled on system start up [22:46] mattbd: what does that mean [22:46] ActionParsnip: it is ubuntu to ubuntu [22:47] well for windows it's xming [22:47] wj32: enabled in ssh_config and sshd_cinfig [22:47] does anyone know how to perform bluetooth device pairing from the terminal in intrepid? bluez wiki has been outdated for months and nothing works [22:47] ethan: It just means it will start the firewall automatically in future [22:47] the_geremy: how do your windows disappear [22:47] j0nr: you start a ssh connection with X forwarding by doing ssh -X, then when you run a graphical app it should appear [22:47] Good evening :) [22:47] wj32: change ForwardX11 no to ForwardX11 yes [22:47] thank you whoever gave me that link [22:47] usr13: not me :) [22:48] usr13: i didn't ask that question [22:48] j0nr: then you have the libs already (as long as the cliengt system has an x server] [22:48] ebaby: ok, I'm ready for your problem, if the kids haven't eaten you yet [22:48] mattbd: ok how do i change the rules so that it will better protect my computer? [22:48] wj32: Sorry [22:48] windows move to bottom left corner, it looks like that [22:48] j0nr: change ForwardX11 no to ForwardX11 yes [22:48] After i have installed ubuntu server edition, and going to press finish to complete the instalation, then a black screen apears and shows me numbers and words who updates quickly so i cant read what the error is, can anyone help me? [22:48] ActionParsnip: could it be to do with the machine i am ssh'ing into is a server edition? [22:48] the_geremy: actually, clear the filter box [22:48] usr13: done that [22:48] Anybody know how to right-click on a MacBook Pro? [22:48] the_geremy: go to General Options [22:48] mgolisch: why does the repro only have flash non-free 9.* instead of 10? [22:48] j0nr: makes no difference [22:48] what is the channel for php? [22:49] Pirate_Hunter: what repo? [22:49] lobo__: #php, next time ask in #freenode [22:49] ethan: UFW is already set up pretty well by default so I don't think you have to worry too much [22:49] TomaszD, why not using gui ? [22:49] j0nr: If you did that on the server side, use ssh -X on client === rwparris3 is now known as rwparris2 [22:49] i try [22:49] j0nr, is X installed on the server? [22:49] Does anyone know how to configued V4L or UVC to output better quality [22:49] ethan: If you really want to tweak it I would install Firestarter, which is a GUI app [22:49] the_geremy: do you see that Show Desktop text? [22:49] Pirate_Hunter: flashplugin-nonfree should fetch the flashplayer 10 alpha version from adobe, it did atleast on my intrepid amd64 box [22:49] After i have installed ubuntu server edition, and going to press finish to complete the instalation, then a black screen apears and shows me numbers and words who updates quickly so i cant read what the error is, can anyone help me? [22:49] the_geremy: there's that button next to it [22:49] j0nr: the server edition uses the same repos, you can install the same packages as on a desktop. however for ssh -X you might need to install xorg-common manually (or install xterm or xeyes, that will get X client files too) [22:49] thanks [22:50] abuyusuf_, because it fails, it tries to force pincode 0000 while the device I'm trying to pair with generates the pin code randomly and it's never 0000 [22:50] zli: not sure...just a standard ubuntu server edition install [22:50] j0nr: ssh X username@servername [22:50] mattbd: ok thank you so i should proabbly restart my computer then right for it to start up? [22:50] j0nr: when you are connected just run x based apps [22:50] j0nr, I'm quite sure X is not installed by default. [22:50] mempho: Only if you tell us what it shows on the screen. [22:50] TomaszD, you should be able to change the pin code === tarfax is now known as tarfax2 [22:50] TomaszD: bluetooth in intrepid is broken.. so very broken [22:50] TomaszD, How it force that ? [22:50] mgolisch: im using xubuntu ad not the 8.10 i think im stil using 8.04 on this machine but that should make a difference [22:50] i just tried the netbook remix launcher ... isn't it supposed to remove the window decoration when in fullscreen? [22:50] magnus0: how to start gammu? [22:50] ActionParsnip: I am doing that...getting Error can't open displlay [22:50] Slart, it is not, it's the bloody graphical tools that are pathetic [22:50] ethan: Yes, the firewall will have been configure when you next restart [22:51] Hey guys quick question, I make youtube videos (I use camera and transfer to the computer) and they come out in avi mode, I can play these and watch these on ubuntu right and upload them to youtube? [22:51] ok thank you [22:51] TomaszD: pairings doesn't work.. file transfers doesn't work etc etc.. check the launchpad.. there's probably 20 bugs or so for it [22:51] In avi format [22:51] why is the x server the *client* and the x client the *server*? [22:51] I mean [22:51] j0nr: did you restart sshd after editing its configuration? [22:51] on the left side its a number who updates quickly, for example 500.01 [22:51] and updates fast [22:51] Slart, I am aware of that, but that's just because of the GUI tools, the underlying bluez stack is fine, so it should work from the terminal [22:51] yes i see [22:51] the_geremy: does it say None? [22:51] Hey guys quick question, I make youtube videos (I use camera and transfer to the computer) and they come out in avi format, I can play these and watch these on ubuntu right and upload them to youtube? [22:52] Slart, but it does not as some dbus methods have been deprecated and the wiki they give examples for pairing is outdated [22:52] ActionParsnip: Actually fuppes looks pretty cool, I may have to try it myself sometime [22:52] j0nr: /etc/init.d/ssh restart [22:52] TomaszD: oh.. I had several already paired devices.. hasn't been able to any one of them in intrepid [22:52] mattbd: its ok, I just use samba [22:52] mgolisch: weird didnt know that adobe now provides a deb file for flash lol find it funny for some reason, I wonder if it is more stable than the tar.gz [22:52] wj32: a server exports some functionality and an x server export graphics drawing capabilities to applications. [22:52] no it say topleft, topright, .... and so on... all corners [22:52] and when i reboot the computer, i get a message to reboot or insert proper device. [22:52] BLuEACiD: yes, you probably want to make sure you have installed the ubuntu-restricted-extras package, and also possibly w32codecs or w64codecs from medibuntu [22:52] Slart: using LiveCD 8.10 to install on an Everex StepNote NC1502 (1.5Ghz, 1.5gb Ram, 80gb HD) graphics card via chrome9 hc igp - installs fine using safe graphics mode -the first 3 F6 options 2 of which are: noapic nolapic - problem is that after restart no graphics will display... [22:52] TomaszD: hmm.. well.. if you find out anything useful, do share it with us [22:53] how to use BlackBerry with Ubuntu? like: installing software, backup address book...? [22:53] Pirate_Hunter: they dont, the deb just fetchs the targz from adobe [22:53] wj32: because the app is running on one machine (the X-client) and using the "console" on the other machine (aka X-Server) for UI [22:53] the_geremy: click on the button and click on the corners [22:53] TomaszD, try using this program: sudo apt-get install obexftp obexpushd [22:53] guntbert: ah i see [22:53] Pirate_Hunter: in the end you can just grab the targz and install it manualy [22:53] zli: ActionParsnip just installed xterm... no effect (do i need to restart ssh?) [22:53] Ty jtaji I have already installed restricted extras, and if it doesnt let me I will get w32codecs, thanks for the help! [22:53] TomaszD, using that, you can scan for devices and send files to them, using terminal only [22:53] getbit: COuld try this thread - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=190938 [22:53] ebaby: ok.. when you're booting from the hard drive does it look the same as when you boot from the cd without noapic and nolapic? [22:54] Geier: It starts up google earth, then i draws the earth. But then the app terminate almost immediately [22:54] mgolisch: ok still its from their site but meh http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/ [22:54] j0nr: You could also use vnc [22:54] abuyusuf_, thanks but what I'm trying to pair is bluetooth stereo headphones, not a phone [22:54] soren_schantz, -.- [22:54] help to install a program new in ubuntu [22:54] ok i try but i dont think this is it [22:54] Hey :) [22:54] soren_schantz, any error messages on console? [22:54] j0nr: only if you modify the ssh servers config [22:54] ActionParsnip: zli zsquareplusc usr13 Success! Thank you! [22:54] usr13: he doesn't have x server on his ubuntu server installation [22:54] TomaszD, No problem, should work too [22:54] j0nr: its awesome [22:54] wj32: O [22:54] now it says none :) [22:54] hello [22:54] is it possible to change the background like evere 10 min on 8.10 ? [22:54] gnome [22:54] TomaszD, Hmm, you main you wouldn't send files manually ? [22:54] Geier: 2 sek [22:55] TomaszD, Sorry, "mean" [22:55] the_geremy: now move your mouse to each of your screen corners and see if your windows disappear [22:55] I installed ubuntu (hardy heron) on my eeepc today, and nowI'm trying to install wifi [22:55] mattbd: thx for the help! [22:55] wj32: he doesn't need an X-Server on the remote machine, just X-Apps [22:55] Slart: no can only get to installer doing what I described all other ways result in no graphic display [22:55] abuyusuf_, I don't want to send any files to anywhere, I just want to pair my device with my computer [22:55] can any one help me to install a program pls [22:55] but when i try to install linux-backports-modules-intrepid [22:55] mattbd: im looking at it [22:55] He says "not found" [22:55] guntbert: no usr13 suggested vnc which wouldn't work without x server on the ubuntu server machine [22:55] usr13: When i press finish, a black screen aprears, and on the left side its a number who's counting. and the rest of the screen is a text, i can only see unhandeled or something. [22:55] ebaby: I'm thinking that perhaps the real installation doesn't use nolapic and noapic.. [22:55] Selvestel: try installing drapes [22:56] so can you help me ? :) [22:56] wj32: sorry, did read only half :_) [22:56] Slart: I am presently at step 7 of 7 of the installer trying for my second go... [22:56] zsquareplusc: after the resizing should i run a defragmentation? what do you suggest? [22:56] TomaszD, you can use the same program to pair [22:56] i need help pls [22:56] gerber: What's the problem? [22:56] wj32: vncserver is its own x server, but yeah you need to install a desktop or WM, which you don't need with ssh -X [22:56] i need help pls [22:56] ebaby: ok.. let it finish [22:56] !ask | gerber [22:56] gerber: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [22:56] levidos: for ext3? no [22:56] !ask | usr13 [22:56] TomaszD, just install it then, "hciconfig hci0 piscan" [22:56] usr13: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [22:56] Slart: Well the truth is I dont know what those terms stand for but out of desperation I tried and finally got to the installer [22:57] it look like :) its ok now thank a lot man :) it was very anoyng [22:57] gerber: you were asked if you need help by mattbd [22:57] TomaszD, you can Google for the manual of that program, it seems good [22:57] the_geremy: ok that's goo [22:57] d [22:57] I dont know how to install a program i went to synaptic, and is no there [22:57] gerber: what program? [22:57] !sources [22:57] The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories [22:57] gerber: What program do you want? [22:58] Slart: will do - couple of Q's though. 1. should I uncheck install boot loader under 'Advanced" in the installer window? [22:58] Geier: http://phpfi.com/393422 [22:58] is a accting [22:58] I just switch monitors and then I "dpkg xserver-xorg"'d to regenerate a new xorg.conf and put back some old option ("AllowGLXWithComposite" "True") and now my framerate dropped considerably. How can I fix this or can anyone point me to some diagnostics tool? HW: GeForce2 MX 400 (using nvidia-legacy drivers), new monitor: Samsung Syncmaster 2253lw, old monitor: Samsung Syncmaster 900NF [22:58] accounting [22:58] ebaby: nope.. you want the boot loader [22:58] gerber: what program do you want to install? [22:58] gerber: Any accounting application or a specific one? [22:58] gerber: what is the name of the program? [22:59] soren_schantz, well, that's all gibberish to me [22:59] ntpv [22:59] soren_schantz, sorry, but i'm clueless [22:59] I have a Radeon card, how can I tell proper 2D/3D acelleration is working? [22:59] Does anyone know if there is a way to modify Video4Linux (V4L) or UVCVideo Settings so that video quality is highest? [22:59] any good suggestions for software for my webcam ?? [22:59] How do I get Ubuntu to automatically shut down at a certain time? [22:59] !info cheese | zard0z [22:59] cheese (source: cheese): A tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.24.1-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 2334 kB, installed size 7140 kB [22:59] soren_schantz, maybe get over to the ubuntu forums, maybe someone there knows what to do [22:59] !nvidia | zli [22:59] zli: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [22:59] Geier: Thanks anyway for your time :) Have a nice day [22:59] it sit there, but dont know much about ubuntu [22:59] Can anyone help me with my problem? after i have finished the install of ubuntu server editon, i back screen aprears. and shows me many numbers/Words who updates quickly, so i cant see the error, does anyone know what to do ? [22:59] soren_schantz, cya [22:59] carlos_: carlos_: glxinfo | grep direct [22:59] !webcam | zard0z [22:59] zard0z: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras [22:59] gerber: Is this it?: acct - The GNU Accounting utilities for process and login accounting [23:00] theunixgeek: schedule a shutdown at boot.. I think there's a way to use "at +5h shutdown" or something like that.. [23:00] theunixgeek, every day? or just a one time thing? The shutdown/halt commands i think can take a time if you are doing one time only [23:00] no [23:00] dr_willis: once [23:00] gerber: OK, ntpv doesn't seem to be in the Ubuntu repositories but I found a website [23:00] Slart: OK more importantly I will need the commands to input when it reboots cause more likely than not it will choke upon restarting and after a few minutes I'll get dialog box saying unable to configure graphics hardware do you want to run in safe graphics mode (that's if I'm lucky) [23:00] dr_willis: I'll check it out [23:00] man shutdown ;) [23:00] gerber: Is this it - http://ntpv.org/ [23:00] "direct rendering: Yes" [23:00] nTPV is the first ever GPL management and POS system for the hospitality [23:00] I take it that means it's working? [23:00] ntpv_bundle-1.2-rcl.tar.gz [23:01] sorry to say this but im )¤( )#Q(%)Q(%)¤#(%% pissed at my internet laggs from on to on [23:01] ebaby: yup, we'll try fixing that when we get there.. are you using irc from another computer? [23:01] dr_willis: yep, shutdown [hh:mm] on the 24-hr clock [23:01] thanks [23:01] hello. [23:01] read only [23:01] Slart: YES - give me a few minutes BRB [23:01] =_= [23:01] Can anyone help me with my problem? after i have finished the install of ubuntu server editon, i back screen aprears. and shows me many numbers/Words who updates quickly, so i cant see the error, does anyone know what to do ? === Life`Goes`On is now known as Abcdeffffffff [23:01] Life`Goes`On <3<3 [23:02] ActionParsnip, I think that I put those in a long time ago. Ironically, I don't think the nvidia card is at fault this time. I really think its the monitor. Is there anything about improving framerate for a monitor (and not just how to make a monitor work since it already does). Thanks. [23:02] <3<4<5 [23:02] trop beau ici [23:02] gerbe: OK, looks like there isn't a nice convenient package for Ubuntu sadly [23:02] quel bordel [23:02] gerber: OK, looks like there isn't a nice convenient package for Ubuntu sadly [23:02] !fr | Aiguille [23:02] Aiguille: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr [23:02] gerber: what do you need in an accounting program, what are you wanting to use it for. [23:02] er thanks [23:02] mattbd: whast the command to check if my firewall is enabled? [23:02] gerber: is it source code or is it binary [23:02] guys in the appearance app, what is the difference between human and human clearlooks [23:03] how do i enable python OpenGL support? [23:03] is like pos or point of sale [23:03] does anyone know the command to check if my firewall is enabled? [23:03] tbrockman: i think human uses the murrine engine while human uses the clearlooks engine [23:03] my internet laggs sometimes [23:03] ah, which is better [23:03] tbrockman: for the second one i meant human clearlooks [23:03] ethan: sudo ufw status [23:03] i see human is the defauly [23:03] tbrockman: well IMO murrine is shinier [23:03] default [23:03] tbrockman; the title bars are transparent in clearlooks while in human they are orange. [23:03] Is it normal that whenever I scroll Firefox, my music either skips, breaks or stops? [23:03] carlos_: no [23:04] ok thanks guys [23:04] carlos_: what's your CPU [23:04] yes mattbd [23:04] oh, also what is the command to get the microsoft fonts [23:04] zli: which card is it? [23:04] and is it a smart idea to install them [23:04] !fonts | tbrockman [23:04] tbrockman: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer [23:04] wj32: Pentium 4 3.0 GHz [23:04] ok thanks [23:04] mattbd: if the status is loaded it means its enabled right? [23:04] the_geremy: sudo apt-get install python-opengl [23:04] Maybe my soundcard, a cheap AC97 codec? [23:04] gerber: Unfortunately it looks like the only way to install it in Ubuntu is to compile from source [23:05] carlos_: i don't know [23:05] my internet laggs sometimes [23:05] ethan: Yes [23:05] lags* [23:05] gerber: extract the .tar.gz to a directory [23:05] oh sorry [23:05] gerber: you'll need to open terminal as well [23:05] what is the package name for the open source 'nv' driver? [23:05] mattbd: what is the most preferd set up kubuntu, ubuntu, or xubuntu? [23:05] wj32: is one engine more stable than the other [23:05] tbrockman: not really [23:05] tbrockman: they've never crashed for me (!worksforme) [23:05] Can anyone help me with my problem? after i have finished the install of ubuntu server editon, i back screen aprears. and shows me many numbers/Words who updates quickly, so i cant see the error, does anyone know what to do ? [23:05] i'm so new to this there is any step by step [23:06] gerber: looks like it may work relatively well in a KDE environment --> http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=17404 [23:06] ActionParsnip, from "lspci | grep -i nvidia", I get "01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV11 [GeForce2 MX/MX 400] (rev a1) [23:06] " [23:06] gerber: yes, double-click the .tar.gz. file [23:06] my internet lags sometimes [23:06] ethan: It's personaly choice really. Ubuntu is more popular but it has more developers so it's arguably more polished [23:06] thanks, so irc is also new for me, how can i write message like y? the addressed message [23:06] mgolisch: thanx got it working now the tar.gz did the job [23:06] mempho: does ctrl+S stop the output? [23:06] Pirate_Hunter: great [23:06] mattbd: whihc is fastest? [23:06] ethan: Xubuntu in most cases [23:06] gerber: are you listening? [23:06] @.@ [23:07] zsquareplusc: dont stop [23:07] open office is really garbage [23:07] yes sir [23:07] tbrockman: i agree [23:07] * eseven73 agrees [23:07] tbrockman: use something else [23:07] gerber: no "sir" needed! extract the .tar.gz to a directory [23:07] tbrockman: i think its pretty decent [23:07] whats a good alternative [23:07] gerber: take a look at this link --> http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=17404 [23:07] tbrockman: koffice [23:07] mattbd: i have xubuntu but i had ubuntu before and it was rather slow but ever since i got xubuntu i think i got a bugg [23:07] ah [23:08] i need help with my internet, every 10 minutes or so i get for about 1 minute or more 3000 ping in a game where 100 is classified as high, so please help me, any tips? [23:08] I'm a gnome guy so i stay away from the k[app] [23:08] that's waht i like [23:08] ethan:Which version are you using ie Hardy, Intrepid etc [23:08] tbrockman: you can run some versions of microsofts suite via wine, you'll have to ceck the app db. It runs through crossover office which is paid software [23:08] why does the terminal 'free -m' command show totally wrong memory usage when compared with the presumably correct 'system monitor' [23:08] M3TAPHYS1CS: possibly because of the system cache? [23:08] Here is the picture of the error i get, sorry for bad quality -> http://bildr.no/view/317292 [23:08] gerber: type th nick you are responding to followed by the 'tab' key [23:09] tbrockman: what apps do you use in office suites? [23:09] mattbd: intrepid [23:09] nick [23:09] M3TAPHYS1CS: compare the +/- buffers row instead of Mem [23:09] nbeebo: play on a server close to you. depending on technology and ISP it might be better at some daytimes. also close other internet apps such as firefox and email notifiers [23:09] ethan: I found Intrepid to be a little buggy too so I stuck with Hardy [23:09] everything, but mostly spreadsheet and writing apps [23:09] word processors [23:10] tbrockman: theres abiword if you simply want a word processor [23:10] ok goddamit i HATE the stuck keys problem [23:10] gerber: try this type exodus then press tab [23:10] i just pressed alt+f4 to close a window and ALL my windows closed [23:10] how do renew your IP wirelessly using command line??? [23:10] M3TAPHYS1CS: the +/- buffers row gives you memory used minus memory used to cache files and such.. and I think that's what the system monitor shows [23:10] gerber: yes, download the package from the link exodus_ms gave you [23:10] how do i switch it wihtout uninstalling any of my drivers? [23:10] Can anyone help me with my problem? after i have finished the install of ubuntu server editon, i back screen aprears. and shows me many numbers/Words who updates quickly, so i cant see the error, does anyone know what to do ? Here is the error -> http://bildr.no/view/317292 [23:10] ethan: My Intel sound card didn't work very well, unfortunately it's a bug in the kernel, other distros using the same kernel have the same thing [23:10] ethan: Switch what? [23:10] exodus_ms: [23:10] Ok thanks Slart what the +- shows makes more sense, thanks buddy [23:10] gerber: after that it's just a make all [23:10] mattbd: is there a way i can switch from intrepid to hardy without uninstalling any of my drivers? [23:10] M3TAPHYS1CS: ideally you would want no unused memory at all since "unused memory is waster memory" [23:11] M3TAPHYS1CS: you're welcome [23:11] Since I'm here, I may as well ask another (unrelated) question: How do I generate an "old style" xorg.conf in Hardy (and later). i.e., the kind without the "Configured monitor". "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and "dexconf" both generate the "new" one. [23:11] it look easy but hard for me [23:11] wj32: I don't think he will understand 'make' [23:11] cant hurt to have a little free space though [23:11] need help with bbc iplayer says i need to enable java but i have it installed " java web start 6" what should i do ? [23:11] zsquareplusc, i have 50 ping there until the lagg, and i dont have anything else running, only 2 connections, the game and irc [23:11] mattbd: Notice the Query window? [23:11] M3TAPHYS1CS: ubuntu will automatically release buffers if the memory is needed [23:11] Can anyone help me with my problem? after i have finished the install of ubuntu server editon, i back screen aprears. and shows me many numbers/Words who updates quickly, so i cant see the error, does anyone know what to do ? Here is the error -> http://bildr.no/view/317292 [23:11] guys whats the consensus on broadcom restricted drivers, better to not use them? [23:11] ethan: No, as far as I'm aware it's not possible to downgrade from Intrepid [23:11] I have a UVC webcamera, it is working fine however i can only grab 640x480 off of it... when it supports up to 960x720/1600x1200 [23:11] does sleep work only with the open source ones? or is that not an issue [23:11] anybody could help about WINE? [23:11] mempho: it seems to say "bad_irq" [23:12] Slart: ok so I should just finish the install and let you know what occurs? [23:12] pkodon: Sorry, I didn't I'm using Irssi and I'm not yet used to it! [23:12] ah ok, thanks again Slart [23:12] mempho: what CPU do you have? [23:12] mattbd: so intrepid is an upgrade of hardy? [23:12] !help [23:12] Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [23:12] ebaby: right [23:12] can u tell me by the step [23:12] !anyone [23:12] A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [23:12] Any opinions on a good outliner program for Ubuntu? [23:12] ethan: Yes, Intrepid is the version after Hardy [23:12] Hi Everyone. I'm running Wordpress, PHP, Apache, and MySQL on an Ubuntu machine (to use as a webserver). It is wirelessly connected to my network. Every 10 minutes or so, I can't connect to the server and if I ping it, I get the message "host is down/unreachable". I've gone through and pulled back all of the energy saving settings to no avail. [23:12] nbeebo: even the IRC may be disturbing. if you have a router, that can be good or bad too. [23:12] mattbd: is there a version after intrepid? [23:12] gerber: good, now after you type 'exodus and press tab' enter some text. This works on anyone you repspond to. It lets people now by highlighting their name that someone is responding to them :) [23:13] ethan: The version after Intrepid is Jaunty but that isn't released till April [23:13] Can anyone help me with my problem? after i have finished the install of ubuntu server editon, i back screen aprears. and shows me many numbers/Words who updates quickly, so i cant see the error, does anyone know what to do ? Here is the error -> http://bildr.no/view/317292 [23:13] the network manager does not show all wlans around here, and they are sorted by alphabet, not strength ... can it be changed? [23:13] anyone know what the Wallpaper plugin does in CCSM? [23:13] How can I know if there are any issues with my hardware? [23:13] !repeat | mempho [23:13] mempho: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [23:13] Any device manager? [23:13] mattbd: ok so since i have a bug is there a way i get rid of it? [23:13] zsquareplusc, the ports i guess? if so ill open the ones for counter-strike and virtualbox and hope that does it... [23:13] mempho, so whats the actual proboem? you do a server install. and you are not getting to the LOGIN: prompt? or what exactly? [23:13] mempho: ouch.. that looks bad.. does the live cd run on your computer? [23:13] could anyone tell me how to cut and copy multiple folders in terminal? [23:14] dr_willis: he gets all these bad_irq errors [23:14] mattbd: the bug randomly shuts me down and when it does i get troubles booting back up [23:14] ethan: What exactly is the issue? It may not be a bug [23:14] nbeebo, you can't play games via virtualbox [23:14] ah i just installed 8.10, fresh install, and it says there is an error when installing all the updates [23:14] ac3_0f_spad3s: mv to move or rename stuff.. cp to copy [23:14] nnull, no i cant, because im doing it [23:14] i finish the install, and when the login shall came, it dosnt [23:14] ac3_0f_spad3s: I don't think there is a copy paste in a terminal.. [23:14] mempho: try shorter exposure times ;-) that error is reportedd after you reboot in the fresh install? [23:14] using Intrepid, most times after a rebbot NM finds pulls a ip from DHCP instead of using my static that I have set. What's causing this? bug in NM? [23:14] i have installed it for 4-5 times now [23:14] anyone know what the Wallpaper plugin does in CCSM? [23:14] reboot* [23:14] Slart: installing system 15% done will let U know what happens next [23:14] and got the same error [23:14] ethan> Does it shut down completely or is something like a Windows BSOD? [23:15] ethan: Does it shut down completely or is something like a Windows BSOD? [23:15] kindofabuzz: I've seen other people having problems with NM and static ips.. not sure if it's a bug or a feature though =) [23:15] what www pages are good for me to know more about ubuntu and mainly about programs and utilities? [23:15] mattbd: when i try to boot up ubuntu after a random shut down i get a black screen and it has happeend twice but siad different things both tiems. this very last time it siad bugg: soft lock up [23:15] kindofabuzz: have you looked in launchpad? [23:15] so far the program is here and I double click it and it shows a folder with a slash [23:15] ebaby: ok [23:15] and, when i reboot. it says that i need to reboot and select a proper device! [23:15] nnull: no idea, ive asked myslef a few times, seems pointless [23:15] yikes, a random shutdown? [23:15] what will be next [23:15] mattbd: well the first time it completely shut down and the second time the screen kept blinking and wasnt usable [23:15] like it haven't been installed. [23:15] ethan: Are you using ndiswrapper to get wireless working? [23:16] mattbd: Does that mean you can't see the query window, or just don't know how to get to it? [23:16] the_geremy: https://help.ubuntu.com and https://help.ubuntu.com/community are two good ones [23:16] ActionParsnip, ahh [23:16] how do i give myself temporary gui permission so i can copy and paste a large number of folders? [23:16] mattbd: yes i believ so [23:16] nbeebo: many internet connections are asymmetrical up/down. and a bad router can slow down downstream because the upstream is full. QoS can help slighty and ACK priorization [23:16] ac3_0f_spad3s: what's "gui permission"? [23:16] Slart, probably a bug. I have to go in and delete that connection and it goes back to my static. And they both say Auto eth1. weird. what's that other connection manager called? maybe i'll try that [23:16] pkodon: Irssi is command-line, I've only just started using it [23:16] ac3_0f_spad3s: you can always use gksudo nautilus to get a root file manager [23:16] mattbd: when i first installed my wireless driver i had to use ndiswrapper [23:16] thanks slart [23:16] ac3_0f_spad3s: be very careful with it though.. there's nothing stopping you from trashing your own system with it [23:17] nbeebo: but it may also be that you connection is simply not so good. depending on technology, many users share the same backbone.. [23:17] Can someone tell me a program that I can set up that will keep 2 folders on seperate hard drives the exact same. Like if I delete a file it will also get deleted from the other folder. [23:17] ethan: I had issues with ndiswrapper, it can make your system less stable [23:17] kindofabuzz: I have no idea.. I've never used it [23:17] Slart: yes, i have the live CD in the pc. [23:17] pieces, just symlink them [23:17] mattbd: so what do i do to change it? [23:17] zsquareplusc, i have a script inside my conky that tells how many up and down connections ive got, i can have 50 and above so i dont think that.. maybe ill check those numbers when it laggs next time... [23:17] ethan: Now Ubuntu has a native driver and it's very stable [23:17] kindofabuzz: ty [23:17] nnull: try disabling it, see what happens [23:17] Alright, I'm completely new at this, I installed Ubuntu about a week ago and have been fiddling with it since then. I'm currently trying to get a webcam working, and I'm confusing myself horribly with reading about compiing and kernels and whatnot. Anyone able to help? [23:17] zsquareplusc, its worked before [23:17] pieces: rsync will do once.. I don't know if there is a daemon that will do it continously though [23:17] pieces, I'm not sure if there's one tht will do it automagically but rsync can do what you need manually [23:17] kindofabuzz: well i'm assuming he wants to access the data on the other drive when he's away from his own comp [23:18] mempho: and that works alright? [23:18] oh [23:18] mattbd: well when i first installed ubuntu which was 3 days ago i ahd to configure my wireless driver myself [23:18] !webcam | TobiasGreenich [23:18] pieces, yeah did you mean over a network? === _acyd_ is now known as acydlord [23:18] ethan: Did it work out of the box? [23:18] TobiasGreenich: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras [23:18] need help with bbc iplayer says i need to enable java but i have it installed " java web start 6" what should i do ? [23:18] emilien: do you have a link to that player? [23:18] nbeebo: are you sure you don't have an app running periodically? that either uses a lot of CPU or the network [23:18] emilien: now it should work [23:18] mattbd: its an internal wireless card and no it did not work when i first installed it === getxsick is now known as skfarek === skfarek is now known as sk3 [23:18] slart may i pm you [23:18] ac3_0f_spad3s: sure [23:18] ethan: What did you do to get it working? [23:19] slart: it dosnt work at all, i cant get to login screen, because its a black screen with many words / numbers, and when i reboot my pc, it tells me to select a proper device or restart¨ [23:19] does anyone know how to use livecd-creator [23:19] pretty awesome to see so much interest in Linux on this channel [23:19] kindofabuzz: no not over a network [23:19] zsquareplusc, since its the ping no... and only xchat, any way to see all connections? [23:19] mattbd: im no totaly sure my friend did the wireless card for me but ik that he used ndiswrapper i believe [23:19] Slart: is at 51% install now but I can pretty much tell U what will happen after the restart [23:19] mempho: hmm.. when you start the live cd you can select some safe mode options.. nolapic, noapic and such.. have you tried those? [23:19] does any one know [23:19] pieces: is it a portable hard drive? [23:19] mattbd: Okay, well, essentially, thanks for the suggestions, I've bookmarked the website, and am looking for a non-emulation way to install it within my current installation. Only one person on their IRC channel, and he's not responding. Looks interesting, though, especially for older computers, and potential customers. [23:19] ebaby: hehe.. ok.. go ahead [23:19] ? [23:19] I got a problem. I am trying to install Lithuanian-English dictionary, which is made for Windows. When i use Wine, and try to install, i need to enter a licence key. When i do in on Windows, it's ok, but on ubuntu it's shows the key is invalid [23:19] pieces: i can't see why you would want to do a symlink like that [23:19] slart: no, going to do that now. [23:19] can someone look into my pastebin and explain why icewm is giving errors when unninstalling http://pastebin.ca/1299276? [23:20] ethan: run lsmod | grep ndiswrapper [23:20] mattbd: what will it do? [23:20] nbeebo: netstat or lsof. but remeber, high ping means your computer measures a large round trip time. so even an application with high cpu load can disturb ping measurements (timestamps too late) [23:20] wj32 yeah [23:20] pkodon: Was that Virtualbox or UNetbootin? [23:20] is there a script that checks whether update are available and informs the admin via mail ? [23:21] ethan: That will say if the ndiswrapper module is running [23:21] mattbd: becuase my wireless didnt work before and i dont wnat it to disable [23:21] wj32, I want to be able to back up stuff and be able to keep my music on my laptop the same as my desktop [23:21] ethan: It just lists the running modules [23:21] mattbd: OpenGEU [23:21] when i double click all the folders show up I dont know what to do next [23:21] Slart: well it will just go black and try to load graphics but will be unable to finally will get a dialog box saying it will run in safe graphics mode but that wont be any different... [23:21] mattbd can you help me [23:22] is it possible to create a windows install flash drive from within ubuntu? [23:22] ebaby: ok.. what kind of graphics card do you have? [23:22] can someone look into my pastebin and explain why icewm is giving errors when unninstalling http://pastebin.ca/1299276? [23:22] I need some help setting up dual monitors...my primary is working fine, my 2nd monitor is going out DVI to Svideo/component, but on the tv (sdtv) I get lines going from the bottom up [23:22] Ive built a module, but when inserting i get "insmod: error inserting 'vloopback.ko': -1 Unknown symbol in module" [23:22] pkodon: Sorry, mind like a sieve! OpenGEU is basically a customised Ubuntu, it's easier to install from scratch although I heard there was a way to install the desktop somewhere on their website [23:22] nbeebo: and is it wire or wireless? if its the later, make sure use use a channel no other APs are [23:23] gerber: What's the problem? [23:23] mattbd: it syas "ndiswrapper 196380 0 [23:23] usbcore 148848 5 ndiswrapper,usbhid,ehci_hcd,ohci_hcd" [23:23] I got a problem. I am trying to install Lithuanian-English dictionary, which is made for Windows. When i use Wine, and try to install, i need to enter a licence key. When i do in on Windows, it's ok, but on ubuntu it's shows the key is invalid [23:23] ethan: Yes, ndiswrapper is running then. [23:23] mattbd: what do i do to fix it? [23:23] is there any playstaion2 emulato for linux? [23:23] ebaby: or wait.. Via chrome .. right? [23:24] Slart: via chrome9 hc igp [23:24] Slart: yes U are correct [23:24] levidos emulators are mainly used for illegal purposes, no one will help you here regarding that. [23:24] ethan: If it is ndiswrapper that's the problem then only option really is to use a different device or wired internet unless you can compile a driver yourself [23:24] zsquareplusc, netstat doesnt exist and lsof gives me 1000 lines of offline apps... i use wire... hmm ill try changing virtualbox settings.. [23:24] ethan: What wireless card do you have? [23:24] is it possible to create a windows install flash drive from within ubuntu? [23:24] kestutis: did you have to register the application to get the key? it may be machine dependent and wine is probably looking different than a native windoze [23:24] mattbd;broadcom [23:25] is it possible to raid ide and sata drives together, or is it hardware dependent? [23:25] ethan: Broadcom are notorious sadly [23:25] mattbd: its the card that came in my laptop [23:25] mattbd: so its the only thing i have [23:25] zsquareplusc, I just have to enter the key while installing the application. [23:25] ethan: Broadcom are just about the last manufacturer that don't provide open source drivers [23:25] ebaby: hmm.. it seems that the driver for via chrome 9 can cause problems in intrepid.. but it seems it worked in hardy [23:26] @Bikeguy a software-raid you can bould over all kind of drives, no matter if scsi, sata, ide .. [23:26] on windows, the setup works. on ubuntu-wine, it shows the key is invalid [23:26] nbeebo: well i have a netstat. and for lsof there is an option to list tcp connections only, just don't remember how, see man page ;-) [23:26] mattbd: so what do i do? is there anything i can do to fix it im running an HP Pavilion zv6000 [23:26] zsquareplusc, im using nat in virtualbox, should i choose host interface instad?.. hmm ok thanks! :D [23:27] levidos already tried pcsx2.net ? [23:27] ethan: Try this link - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsBroadcom [23:27] mattbd: what is it? [23:27] ethan: That gives some information about using Broadcom cards in Linux [23:27] robo47: yeah, it's looking like my motherboard doesn't support ide-sata raids, a software raid would definitely work... [23:27] zsquareplusc, i made a typo earlier, running netstat and showing no connections.. [23:27] mattbd: what should i look for? [23:28] nbeebo: not sure what's better performance wise, maybe ask that in #vbox [23:28] !raid | Bikeguy [23:28] Bikeguy: raid is Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID wto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto [23:28] ActionParsnip: oh sorry [23:28] Slart: if hardy is 7.01 then that CD would not work for me not sure if the latest Edubunt is hardy as the og owner was running it on this no problemo [23:28] can someoen help me delete icewm, it gives error when purging, how can i fix this? [23:28] !hardy [23:28] Ubuntu 8.04-LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04 - See !lts for more details. [23:29] Pirate_Hunter: can you pastebin the command and output please [23:29] Pirate_Hunter: which error? [23:29] medoctron: thnx for the tip, but they have only source code for linux... [23:29] mattbd: what should i look for? [23:29] Slart: ? [23:29] ethan: You can run lspci -v | less to get a list of the PCI hardware on your computer [23:29] kestutis: the key is not made specific for you? maybe the wine install isn't looking "good enough" to that application. an other option would be installing the application in a virtual PC like virtualbox (but you need a windoze lincense). alternatively see if there's a linux version a compatible application [23:29] ethan: Then match that up to what is on the wiki at that link [23:29] <__MAV> Hello everybody! === davidcam is now known as jez [23:30] ebaby: hardy is 8.04.. sometimes you can install a newer driver.. or do some other magic.. hang on.. let me google for a minute more === jez is now known as dc2447 [23:30] <__MAV> I want to build Xepyr in Ubuntu. What packages should I install to get Xephyr sources included in Ubuntu 8.10? [23:31] mattbd: it gave me a bunch of stuff about my device. matching this up will it give me ways to set up a new wireless set using somehting other than ndiswrapper?? [23:31] ActionParsnip, Raylz: this is the output for purging icewm apparetly something is corrupted http://pastebin.ca/1299287 [23:31] __MAV: is that available as package and you just want to compile an other version? [23:31] levidos NeutrinoSX2 (nSX2) also exists, but is only still available in source only [23:32] ethan: If you can confirm the model number of your device from there, then look on the wiki page, that will say what fixes are available for that card [23:32] is there a voice chat program which can be used and interact with yahoo messenger ? [23:32] Pirate_Hunter: its, sudo apt-get --purge remove icewm [23:32] Hello i know this is kinda silly, but i'm curious: i have some videos that nautilus doesn't show thumbnails, but some videos do show them :S [23:32] medoctron: would it be hard to compile? [23:32] <__MAV> zsquareplusc:I want to add evdev support to Xephyr (i have patches to the source) [23:32] Danu: same filetype/codec? [23:32] mattbd: this is what came up" 00:00.0 Host bridge: ATI Technologies Inc RS480 Host Bridge [23:32] Subsystem: Hewlett-Packard Company Device 3085 [23:32] Flags: bus master, 66MHz, medium devsel, latency 64 [23:32] Kernel modules: ati-agp [23:32] 00:01.0 PCI bridge: ATI Technologies Inc RS480 PCI Bridge [23:32] Flags: bus master, 66MHz, medium devsel, latency 64 [23:32] ethan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [23:33] medoctron: i don't really have experience with compiling and stuff.. noob even to linux :)) [23:33] ActionParsnip: yup it is the commnd i used and its getting an internal error on line 15 onwards [23:33] __MAV: well, that's not what i wanted to know ;-) if its a package, apt-get source and apt-get build-dep are your friends [23:33] levidos sorry, i cant tell it because i actually didnt try it [23:33] kestutis, can't you find a free lithuanian-english dictionary specifically for linux? [23:33] no, it's not special for me. i try to use illegal version of the aplication [23:33] levidos ah okay i think then you should wait til its available over the installer, but that might take some time [23:33] ethan: If you compare that with the wiki to see if anything matches up [23:34] <__MAV> zsquareplusc: thank you I'll try now [23:34] :) [23:34] dpkg: error processing skype-debian_2.0.0.72-1_i386.deb (--install): package architecture (i386) does not match system (amd64) [23:34] levidos but the projects seam to be at the beginning only... [23:34] is it possible to create a windows install flash drive from within ubuntu? [23:34] __MAV: you could always use apt-get to install it, then remove the app and keep the deps, then compile source [23:34] zebulon: ANGLONAS, which i am trying to install is really a good tool. [23:34] mattbd: ok ill try but im really new to all of this [23:34] Many years i used it. [23:34] why does it complains ? shouldnt my system be compatible with both i386 and amd64-packages? [23:34] ActionParsnip: any suggestions [23:34] ethan: Hang on, I think I might know a way to narrow it down a bit [23:34] and how do i solve it? skype doesnt seem to came in 64-bit packages [23:34] Mister zsquareplusc yes the same codec a size, all are rmvb 77 mb [23:34] mattbd: ok [23:35] Slart: Now i dosn't get the error report. the system restarts itself. But when im goint to load it. it stands "Reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key" [23:35] levidos they also seem to be very slow, although a lot of gam [23:35] es seem to run [23:35] My sound skips and breaks when I scroll on Firefox... Any ideas on what's causing this? === ms_exodus is now known as exodus_ms [23:35] Pirate_Hunter: try: sudo apt-get clean [23:36] can i close a folder while a file operation is taking place in that folder? [23:36] ethan: Try lspci -v | grep -i wireless [23:36] Danu: weird. well if building the thumbnail takes too long for some reason it may cancel and just display a default icon [23:36] mempho: can you ask the channel about that? it sounds like a grub problem to me but it might be something else too [23:36] ebaby: ok.. is the install finished? [23:36] ActionParsnip: that command gives no output i dont even know if it did anything [23:36] ethan: grep sorts it so that it only shows lines with the word "wireless" in them [23:36] ac3_0f_spad3s: good question, not sure, create some text files and experiment [23:36] Pirate_Hunter: it doesnt output anything [23:36] medoctron: what;s interesting is that you can run a virtual pc with full performance, but emulating that 800mhz box works pretty bad... [23:37] ActionParsnip: those files aren't large enough [23:37] Slart: ready to restart [23:37] yes it is weird :S [23:37] ac3_0f_spad3s: caT a tonne of text to them then [23:37] How can I test whether or not the wlan is working? Shouldn't all wireless accesspoints be listed, even if they are secured in some way? [23:37] ebaby: it looks like there's quite a few bugs in the via chrome driver.. but they are slowly getting fixed.. but you should be able to use vesa [23:37] pozic: sudo iwlist scan [23:37] lyckegard^: medibuntu has 64 bit packages [23:37] I have installed ubuntu Server edition 5-6 times now, and i cant get it to work. when im finish with installing ubuntu, and press finish and the computer restarts. then i get a message "Reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key" can anyone help me [23:38] pozic: wil show all APs in range [23:38] hi what's the apt command to install the plugin for java applets to work? [23:38] ActionParsnip: should i just try to remove icewm again? [23:38] Pirate_Hunter: yeah try now [23:38] ActionParsnip: there is no GUI application? Thanks [23:38] mempho: does grub load? [23:38] mempho: ah that sounds like a bios message. maybe grub was not installed properly [23:38] Slart: ok i will restart perhaps u can guide me through the marsh [23:38] ebaby: sure [23:38] edi_00: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugins I think, but I would just install ubuntu-restricted-extras which includes that [23:38] it is a bios message zsquareplusc :) [23:38] pozic: its a standard way to test for now, there are gui apps, but use this for now [23:39] edi_99: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugins I think, but I would just install ubuntu-restricted-extras which includes that [23:39] can anybody here recommend themes? [23:39] !grub > mempho [23:39] mempho, please see my private message [23:39] hi i try to access my book via desktop with win and in manual is this: sudo smbpasswd when i put it to terminal smbpasswd comand not found [23:39] yeah, just sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras [23:39] and i dont know what to do, since i have burned it to 2 cd'es with the lowest speed [23:39] mattbd:03:02.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02) [23:39] zsquareplusc: make sure your bios is set to boot the correct hdd [23:39] Slart: jus a minute... [23:39] ebaby: here's some reading for a rainy day.. it's the bug list for your graphics driver https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-openchrome [23:39] ActionParsnip: same error it wont let me remove it [23:39] ebaby: ok [23:39] mempho: the links there should explain how to install grub manually. if grub doesn't work, you can also try extlinux/syslinux [23:39] ActionParsnip: wrong nick tabbed ;-) [23:39] mattbd: so waht do i do with that? [23:39] Pirate_Hunter: what language is your output in? [23:40] Ok, thanks [23:40] mattbd: how do I do that? [23:40] zsquareplusc: bah [23:40] yesno? [23:40] mempho: make sure your bios is set to boot the correct hdd [23:40] mattbd: just a thought, have youchecked the jumper settings on your hdd's [23:40] hey all I need help setting up my soundcard [23:40] edi_99: Run sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras [23:40] is it possible to create a windows install flash drive from within ubuntu? [23:41] mib_2dc6mp: what soundcard does lspci say you have? [23:41] mattbd: so wat do i do with that? [23:41] ActionParsnip: I changed it from english to portuguese i know inconvenient but im setting the system for other ppl to use [23:41] ActionParsnip: I get interface does not support scanning. [23:41] pozic: then its not setup right [23:41] ActionParsnip: is it so much of a problem? [23:41] ActionParsnip: I have an ar242x [23:41] ethan: According to the wiki the driver is natively supported in Intrepid! [23:41] this is the soundcard I have and am trying to follow the steps here, but these steps are for using on card for input, the other for output, I want to just use this soundcard : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EchoMia [23:41] Pirate_Hunter: no i just need to know what language to set the translator to [23:42] ActionParsnip, it is set to the right HD. [23:42] sorry the bother but i have another question: i still have problems with rmvb files (by the way i used them because my HD is pretty small), still don't play totally well [23:42] mempho: ah yes, jumper settings and bios hdd detection.. linux might find and work with a hd even if the bios has problems. make sure the disk is listed in the bios settings and selected as boot device as ActionParsnip pointed out :-) [23:42] ActionParsnip: I didn really set it up yet, nor do I know how I should do it. [23:42] Who is having trouble picking up there router? I had the same problem I fixed it. I could help [23:42] mattbd: so waht exactly does that mean? [23:42] mempho: : just a thought, have you checked the jumper settings on your hdd's [23:42] ActionParsnip: ok np thought i was the only one that did that :p [23:42] Hi [23:42] hi i try to access my book via desktop with win and in manual is this: sudo smbpasswd when i put it to terminal smbpasswd comand not found [23:42] mattbd: im running xubuntu [23:42] is it possible to create a windows install flash drive from within ubuntu? [23:42] ActionParsnip: whatś the easiest way to enable it? [23:42] mattbd on an Hp Pavilion zv6000 [23:42] ActionParsnip: translator thing incase your wondering [23:42] with totem, kaffeine, dragon don't play well at all, except with Mplayer, but it plays "slow" [23:43] ethan: It means it should work fine out of the box in Intrepid, regardless of whether you're using Ubuntu, Kubuntu or Xubuntu [23:43] ActionParsnip, ill trye [23:43] Pirate_Hunter: what does: file /var/lib/dpkg/alternatives/x-session-manager output [23:43] mattbd: so i never had to configure ndiswrapper [23:44] even with real player* [23:44] so any idea on what I need to do to set my Mia soundcard up in ubuntu? here is the support for my card https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EchoMia [23:44] pozic: you need to run lspci and it will show you what it is. You can websearch from there [23:44] ethan: Looks like it! [23:44] mattbd: so how do i fix it? [23:44] mattbd: because when i first used it the wireless didnt work [23:44] ethan: You could check by booting from the live CD and see if it works out of the box [23:45] hi all, i just installed glib 2.0, but when i use glib.h in my c programs, gcc says me tha it can't find the header to include, how can i do it? [23:45] sounds like the Master Boot record of your HDD might be messed up as well, and if your using IDE cable if the order is out of place (hdd to connector) that might cause some problems [23:45] dangerisgo: didn't look too closely but this might help: http://www.ngine.de/article/id/8 [23:45] ActionParsnip: I already told you which one it is. [23:45] mempho: sounds like the Master Boot record of your HDD might be messed up as well, and if your using IDE cable if the order is out of place (hdd to connector) that might cause some problems [23:45] mattbd: it doesnt iv tried the wireless network that is suppsoed to come up is "auto eth0" [23:45] Who is having trouble picking up there router? I had the same problem I fixed it. I could help [23:45] ActionParsnip: http://pastebin.ca/1299293 [23:45] mattbd: but i cant click on it [23:45] ïðèâåò [23:46] ActionParsnip: pretty much jibberish that my system cant understand [23:46] mattbd: i think thats why we used ndiswrapper [23:46] hello [23:46] ethan: Strange, wireless networks don't normally show as eth0, eth0 is normally ethernet [23:46] Ethan [23:47] I've created file http://paste.ubuntu.com/99292/ and done "sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/syndaemon; sudo update-rc.d syndaemon defaults", but although "sudo /etc/init.d/syndaemon start" works, it doesn't start at boot. Any idea? [23:47] mattbd: thats what comes up "auto eth0" [23:47] I've created file http://paste.ubuntu.com/99292/ and done "sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/syndaemon; sudo update-rc.d syndaemon defaults", but although "sudo /etc/init.d/syndaemon start" works, it doesn't start at boot. Any idea? [23:47] RainCT: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [23:47] Are you having trouble with your router picking it up? I had same problem I can help [23:47] blueacid:? [23:47] ethan: Can you run ifconfig to show your network interfaces? [23:47] Are you having trouble with your router picking it up? I had same problem I can help [23:47] is it possible to install Ubuntu to my raid disk without changing any configuration or reformat my windows? [23:47] ethan: Don't paste the results but tell me what interfaces show [23:47] Pirate_Hunter: I dont have that file, try renaming it and retrying [23:48] !ru | kashtan [23:48] kashtan: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke [23:48] blueacid: well my probelm is i guess the router isnt picking it up and i used ndiswrapper and messed up my systme when i didnt have to put it on there [23:48] RainCT: maybe it depends on other service such as networking and it's started too early. look ahe SXX numbering of the links in /etc/rc2.d [23:48] EThan goto prive chat [23:48] ActionParsnip: think i got the problem. i cant get my hard-drive to be the primary one.¨ [23:48] ActionParsnip: kk [23:48] Jeez, I'm still trying to figure out this wifi problem [23:48] anyone helpme get my soundcard setup in ubuntustudio? [23:48] mempho: doesnt matter, you select the bootable hard drive in bios [23:49] mattbd: what did you want to do once i put that in? [23:49] zugzug: What's the issue? [23:49] My Atheros card is being detected, but not correctly. It gets detected as AR5001X instead of AR5212, and activating the drivers causes the PC to hang [23:49] requiring a hard reboot [23:49] is there anyway of knowing which programs WINE will run successfully? [23:49] !winedb [23:49] Sorry, I don't know anything about winedb [23:49] ethan: It'll give a list of all the network interfaces [23:49] !appdb | M3TAPHYS1CS [23:49] M3TAPHYS1CS: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help [23:50] I've been at this for 10+ hours, tried nearly everything.. ath_pci and ath_hal are blacklisted. So is ath5k right now. If I enable any of them, then the PC won't boot, it hangs on boot when the card gets detected [23:50] zugzug: I think the best drivers for Atheros cards are the Madwifi drivers [23:50] ActionParsnip: the same message apears all the time. [23:50] agrees with mattbd [23:50] MaT-dg, I know [23:50] mattbd: still nothing. any hint? [23:50] er, mattbd: I know. The weird thing is I just got a new motherboard.. before this the card worked fine [23:50] hi i try to access my book via desktop with win and in manual is this: sudo smbpasswd when i put it into terminal smbpasswd comand not found [23:51] mattbd, 8.10 [23:51] zugzug: http://madwifi-project.org/wiki/UserDocs/Distro/Ubuntu [23:51] edi_99: Have you installed ubuntu-restricted extras? [23:51] zugzug: eh? [23:51] mattbd: yes [23:51] MaT-dg, wrong nick, sorry [23:51] the_geremy: have you installed samba? [23:51] ActionParsnip: according to System -> Administration -> Hardware drivers the Atheros driver is enabled. What else do I need to do? [23:51] anyone have any experience with difficulties transfering dv over fire wire. I've been working around with documentation for a bit but I havnt had any luck [23:51] the_geremy: you need to run: sudo smbpasswd [23:51] ActionParsnip: just tried creating a backup of that and emoving everything on the riginal file still same error cant i force it to remove or something [23:51] edi_99: And have you rebooted? [23:52] ActionParsnip, I removed linux-restricted-modules already [23:52] i type sudo smbpasswd -a username [23:52] mattbd: rebooting won't make a difference [23:52] Pirate_Hunter: i'd try simply not having the file there which will be achieved by renaming it [23:52] zugzug: You could download the latest Madwifi drivers from http://sourceforge.net/projects/madwifi/ [23:52] ActionParsnip, otherwise it causes the kernel to hang ( [23:52] Pirate_Hunter: you could try: sudo dpkg -r (app name) [23:52] mattbd: not yet. Should I? [23:53] Help... someone have video card 9500m GS? (horable 2d performance) [23:53] anyone helpme get my soundcard setup in ubuntustudio? [23:53] ActionParsnip: ok will remove it since ive got a backup [23:53] edi_99: Try restarting your web browser first [23:53] i install samba 4 [23:53] Help... someone have video card 9500m GS? (horable 2d performance) =(( [23:53] mib_2dc6mp: what soundcard does lspci / lsusb say you have? [23:54] i have installed ubuntu, and all went fine now. When im trying to boot it up, it wont boot from my hard drive, why not = [23:54] ? [23:54] k, while the drivers DL... I have a weird prob. Quad 6600 shows up as running at 1600MHz natively (should be 2.4ghz) and shows up as 2ghz when I overclock to 3ghz [23:54] mattbd: yeah, it works now. Thanks [23:54] Slart: restarting now [23:54] ebaby: ok [23:54] anyone helpme get my soundcard setup in ubuntustudio? [23:54] mempho: if grub doesnt boot, its a bios setting issue and not ubuntu [23:55] mempho: have you checked your bios settings, is your computer booting from that hdd [23:55] mib_2dc6mp: i keep asking you what soundcard do you have? [23:55] Yes [23:55] mib_2dc6mp: i keep asking you [23:55] I posted the link [23:55] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EchoMia [23:55] zugzug: the cpu speed is dynamically adjusted, depending on load. 1.6GHz is a normal lower limit. did you check the frequency also under heavy load? [23:55] it is the echo mia and that is the support page [23:55] Can someone explain the version names of the nvidia packages in Ubuntu? [23:55] hi all, i just installed glib 2.0, but when i use glib.h in my c programs, gcc says me tha it can't find the header to include, how can i do it? [23:56] but that guy is showing the code for 2 sound cards [23:56] I.e. what's the newest one? [23:56] anyone have any experience with difficulties transferring DV over fire wire. I've been working around with documentation for a bit but I havn't had any luck yet [23:56] mib_2dc6mp: then you need to compile alsa for it [23:56] zsquareplusc, nope, is this something I can disable in the BIOS? [23:56] Slart: BTW is it plugged into net via ethernet cord - message remove disc and press enter has appeared... [23:56] actionParsnip so far I have installed ubuntu studio and all the components [23:56] ebaby: ok [23:56] mempho: give a description of your setup [23:56] zugzug: how do you read the cpu speed? with the cpu freq applet' [23:57] ActionParsnip: apparently that did the trick whatever that file was about [23:57] mib_2dc6mp: then you still need to compile alsa to get your soundcard working [23:57] Pirate_Hunter: no idea, if you got the goal then awesome [23:57] zsquareplusc, applet and sysinfo, both report the same thing. And you're right. I'm running geekbench now and it's gone up to 2.4ghz [23:57] Pirate_Hunter: i think the fact it was full of garbage was making the removal screw up [23:58] In the process of trying to fix X's video (didn't like me having two video cards without defining the PCI bus address for the one) I uninstalled the nvidia drivers. My xorg still has the drivers set to 'nvidia' and it works. how can i check if the drivers its using is actual nvidia drivers or if they're just the ones from the restricted ubuntu drivers? [23:58] i installed Adobe PS CS2. i open it with WINE. IT shows: "You are not allowed to continue because your account doesnt have the proper privileges. Please log in using an account with administrator privilegies and try again" [23:58] ActionParsnip: yeha i noticed but it was a system file dot like removing those without making sure with someone who knows more about linux than me [23:58] can I check for asla first somehow [23:58] Slart: interesting got a box giving a choice of kernel to choose e.g. 2.6.27-7-generic and others i.e. ....(on/dev/sda1) [23:58] Pirate_Hunter: you made a backup with a different name so you acn do anything you want [23:58] kestutis, /join #winehq for wine questions [23:58] Pirate_Hunter: you made a way to roll back [23:59] ebaby: huh? it isn't a fresh install? [23:59] ActionParsnip: yeah but now i doubt i will since the system works without it