mcohen_ | hi all, can anyone help me with installing edubuntu over xubuntu? | 06:47 |
mcohen_ | I am trying xu because the machine is very low-end | 06:47 |
Ahmuck | mcohen_: yes | 06:48 |
Ahmuck | i have a xubuntu base install here | 06:49 |
Ahmuck | mcohen_: what r u trying to do ? | 06:49 |
mcohen_ | well, xubuntu got on the machine 2nd time around | 06:50 |
mcohen_ | 128 MB of ram, you see, though it has a p3 750MHz chip | 06:50 |
Ahmuck | 8.10 ? | 06:50 |
Ahmuck | why edubuntu? | 06:50 |
mcohen_ | edubuntu for my daughter, she asked for it specifically | 06:50 |
mcohen_ | yeah 8.10 | 06:51 |
Ahmuck | requirements for xubuntu went up to 256 for 8.10 | 06:51 |
Ahmuck | but i'll try | 06:51 |
mcohen_ | yeah I know | 06:51 |
mcohen_ | they said it might work anyway | 06:51 |
Ahmuck | there is openbox | 06:51 |
mcohen_ | openbox? | 06:51 |
Ahmuck | | 06:52 |
mcohen_ | how usable would this distro be to a child? | 06:53 |
Ahmuck | u would put edubuntu on afterward | 06:54 |
Ahmuck | ok, let's stick with xubuntu for now | 06:54 |
mcohen_ | sure | 06:54 |
Ahmuck | so u have ur shiny xubuntu and u insert the edubunt disk into the drive? | 06:54 |
mcohen_ | the problem is that when I go to install an edubuntu package like the science add-on I get a conflict with installed packages | 06:55 |
mcohen_ | I use kubuntu on my work machine and code in python and c++, you can assume a certain level of knowledge :) | 06:55 |
Ahmuck | ah, yes. i just had the same problem. let me see | 06:55 |
Ahmuck | i assume your familiar with "sudo aptitude install package_name" | 06:57 |
mcohen_ | yep sure | 06:58 |
Ahmuck | it appears this works for edubuntu desktop | 06:58 |
mcohen_ | ok, now how do I ensure that it decides to look on the disk rather than on online repositories (no net connection atm) | 06:59 |
mcohen_ | and which packages are good for xubuntu? | 06:59 |
Ahmuck | as well as add/remove | 07:00 |
mcohen_ | ok, a bunch of the packages it claims are broken | 07:01 |
mcohen_ | including edubuntu-desktop (the package I was trying) | 07:01 |
Ahmuck | with add/remove ? | 07:02 |
Ahmuck | or using sudo aptitude ? | 07:02 |
mcohen_ | sudo aptitude | 07:03 |
Ahmuck | let me see. add/remove works 4 me here | 07:03 |
Ahmuck | i just tried sudo aptitude and it began downloading ealier | 07:03 |
mcohen_ | no net connection, trying to do it with the disk only | 07:04 |
mcohen_ | add/remove is the gui version yes? | 07:04 |
mcohen_ | ah hmm, it says the broken packages are broken because they have virtual dependencies | 07:05 |
Ahmuck | no net connection o.O | 07:05 |
mcohen_ | edubuntu-desktop relies on ubuntu-desktop, for example | 07:06 |
mcohen_ | this is an ooold machine | 07:06 |
mcohen_ | either a net connection, or a disk drive, but not both simultaneously | 07:06 |
Ahmuck | more than one cdrom drive? | 07:06 |
mcohen_ | nope | 07:06 |
mcohen_ | a challenge :) | 07:06 |
Ahmuck | sounds like your going to have to add "disks" to the machine and then install | 07:06 |
mcohen_ | never been great with the mount command, can you run me through it? | 07:07 |
Ahmuck | !loli collect | 07:07 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about loli collect | 07:07 |
Ahmuck | !loli collect | 07:07 |
Ahmuck | er, sorry | 07:07 |
Ahmuck | playing an irc game :( | 07:08 |
mcohen_ | heh | 07:08 |
mcohen_ | I hate wrong window mistakes | 07:08 |
Ahmuck | i suspect ur going to have to burn iso of ubuntu and kubunt and add those cdroms to your repositories to get the machine to work | 07:09 |
mcohen_ | ok, I can burn an iso to a USB thumb drive, and then mount it I guess | 07:09 |
mcohen_ | let me see if I can manage that, then you can show me how to add it to the repository | 07:10 |
mcohen_ | ok, I've mounted the edubuntu cd and I have the xubuntu cd in the actual drive | 07:18 |
Ahmuck | application --> system --> software sources | 07:20 |
Ahmuck | u may need to have the ubuntu cd as well | 07:20 |
Ahmuck | third party apps | 07:22 |
Ahmuck | add cdrom | 07:22 |
mcohen_ | trying that | 07:23 |
mcohen_ | the edubuntu cd has been mounted as a directory though, not as a piece of hardware | 07:24 |
Ahmuck | this might be interesting | 07:24 |
Ahmuck | cd /etc/apt | 07:24 |
Ahmuck | sudo nano sources.list | 07:25 |
Ahmuck | | 07:26 |
Ahmuck | there's this as well | 07:26 |
Ahmuck | any luck? | 07:28 |
mcohen_ | ok, if I edit the sources.list, what should I put to have it access a directory on the local machine? | 07:28 |
Ahmuck | good question. i'm googling | 07:30 |
Ahmuck | u copied the iso to the machine? is the iso on the thumb drive? | 07:32 |
mcohen_ | iso is on the thumb drive | 07:32 |
mcohen_ | I mounted it to a directory on the machine | 07:32 |
Ahmuck | | 07:33 |
Ahmuck | i think this would do it | 07:33 |
Ahmuck | i assume you "mount /dev/disk /mnt/disk" | 07:33 |
Ahmuck | i grabbing at straws here. i know the general direction | 07:33 |
mcohen_ | I ran mount /media/disk/edubuntu.iso ~/edubuntu_disk | 07:35 |
mcohen_ | it says in the link you said that the mountpoint must be in the fstab though | 07:35 |
mcohen_ | and the first column of the fstab seems to require a physical hardware object, such as /dev/cdrom0 | 07:36 |
Ahmuck | mounting an iso is a little different | 07:36 |
mcohen_ | ok, what should be in the fstab? | 07:37 |
Ahmuck | /home/somebody/cdrom.iso /home/somebody/folder iso9660 user,loop 0 0 | 07:40 |
Ahmuck | - this article explains it all | 07:41 |
mcohen_ | is a restart/logout required for fstab? | 07:43 |
crimsun | mcohen_: no | 07:43 |
Ahmuck | it's 2 am here. my system is crashing. the live one :) | 07:44 |
Ahmuck | so i've got to get some sleeeeep | 07:44 |
mcohen_ | hmm | 07:46 |
mcohen_ | thanks for your help | 07:46 |
mcohen_ | do you think I'll need the ubuntu disk as well as xubuntu and edubuntu? | 07:46 |
mcohen_ | and finally, in the bottom post in the thread you linked, is "etch contrib main" the right text for the sources.list? | 07:47 |
Ahmuck | no | 07:50 |
Ahmuck | you need to match what is similar for the cdrom | 07:50 |
mcohen_ | ah I see | 07:50 |
Ahmuck | deb file:[Kubuntu 8.04.1 _Hardy Heron_ - Release i386 (20080701.2)]/ hardy main restricted | 07:51 |
Ahmuck | ur mounting the iso as a loop in fstab | 07:51 |
Ahmuck | and then telling apt where to find it | 07:51 |
Ahmuck | i'm not sure if you need cdrom or file | 07:52 |
Ahmuck | there is aptoncd | 07:52 |
Ahmuck | where you pick up packages from a installed system. so if you have ubuntu on yours, you can create a cd of all the packages installed on your system | 07:52 |
Ahmuck | all aptoncd really does is creates an iso of your downloaded packages | 07:53 |
mcohen_ | I see | 07:53 |
Ahmuck | i think | 07:53 |
Ahmuck | i'm a linux ameature | 07:53 |
mcohen_ | for my sources I have deb file:/home/location/ intrepid ma$ | 07:54 |
highvoltage | should be three slashes in the uri | 07:55 |
highvoltage | file:///home/location | 07:56 |
Ahmuck | well, nn | 07:56 |
Ahmuck | i'm to tired to stay awake any longer | 07:56 |
highvoltage | nn Ahmuck | 07:56 |
mcohen_ | nn and thanks | 07:57 |
alkisg | mcohen_: try to mount the iso and put this line: "deb file:///path/to/mounted/iso intrepid main" in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/edubuntucd.list and then run "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get install edubuntu-addon-science". Don't install edubuntu-desktop, it depends on ubuntu-desktop while you have xubuntu. | 08:02 |
Ahmuck | [02:02] <alkisg> mcohen_: try to mount the iso and put this line: "deb file:///path/to/mounted/iso intrepid main" in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/edubuntucd.list and then run "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get install edubuntu-addon-science". Don't install edubuntu-desktop, it depends on ubuntu-desktop while you have xubuntu. | 08:04 |
alkisg | mcohen, ^^^ | 08:05 |
mcohen | will try | 08:20 |
mcohen | what is d/edubuntucd.list | 08:21 |
mcohen | alternatively, what is the edubuntu repository? | 08:22 |
mcohen | test | 08:29 |
mcohen | sorry, alksig, what is d/edubuntucd.list | 08:29 |
alkisg | mcohen: there isn't an edubuntu repository, the edubuntu packages are in ubuntu main | 08:31 |
alkisg | sources.list.d is a folder which functions similar to sources.list. It's easier to put new sources there on seperate files. But if you already modified your sources.list, then just change the contents to "deb file:///path/to/mounted/iso intrepid main" | 08:33 |
alkisg | brb | 08:34 |
mcohen | tried this, but it can't find the package | 08:38 |
mcohen | I am also trying to do this purely with a net connection, also can't find the package there either | 08:39 |
alkisg | mcohen: Is kalzium in your package list? | 08:49 |
alkisg | edubuntu-addon-science = kalzium, kig, kmplot, kstars and qcad | 08:49 |
mcohen | yes, kalzium is there | 08:52 |
mcohen | but that's because it's part of the KDE education module | 08:55 |
mcohen | I can't find anything witht he word edubuntu in it | 08:55 |
alkisg | stgraber: the italc-launcher python script changes the environment: os.environ["LANG"]="C" # Set environ LANG to C | 19:47 |
alkisg | but doesn't restore it, so all localizations/translations are useless.. | 19:47 |
alkisg | I mean that if I run "italc" from the console I see Greek UI, but if I run "italc-launcher" from the gnome Applications menu I see English UI. | 19:50 |
stgraber | alkisg: oops | 19:52 |
alkisg | I really have to read about what mirc net splits are... :) | 19:55 |
stgraber | it's when the connection between two IRC servers is lost and then re-established | 19:57 |
alkisg | I thought there was only one server, Never mind! | 19:57 |
stgraber | alkisg: just do "host" | 19:59 |
stgraber | that'll give you a partial list of IRC servers as it doesn't contain some test servers and the IPV6 servers | 19:59 |
stgraber | there are freenode servers on all continents and some IRC hubs to interconnect the servers | 20:00 |
alkisg | Ah, dns ...what's the name, aliases, I see | 20:00 |
stgraber | a single server couldn't handle all of freenode users and that'd be a single point of failure too | 20:00 |
alkisg | thanks | 20:00 |
stgraber | the server I'm connect to currently has 6210 users connect to it (kornbluth) | 20:02 |
stgraber | There are 24491 listed and 21099 unlisted users on 34 servers | 20:05 |
stgraber | 26876 channels formed | 20:05 |
nubae | I believe routes you automatically to the most suitable server | 20:06 |
nubae | at least it puts bots on their own server, for example | 20:06 |
Fritz87 | wait so I can't play it on my regular computer even if I buy it? | 20:51 |
Fritz87 | wait, so I can't use it on my regular computer without some special program? | 20:51 |
nubae | Fritz87: ?? | 20:51 |
alkisg | stgraber, also the autodetect feature (with avahi) isn't working. I tried to manually run ica-launcher again on an ltsp client, and I get "Failed to add service: local name collision". All this with the default installation (= NOT on the chroot). Are avahi-published service names supposed to be uniquely named? | 20:53 |
stgraber | alkisg: IIRC the avahi name now includes the username so it should yes | 20:53 |
stgraber | alkisg: I'd need to look at that code again, it's been a while since I last touched it | 20:53 |
alkisg | I think that's the problem, that it doesn't include the username | 20:53 |
alkisg | avahi-publish-service "italc $HOSTNAME" _italc._tcp $IVSPORT $MD5_1 $MD5_2 $MD5_3 "$HOSTNAME" > /dev/zero & | 20:54 |
alkisg | (or, and maybe better, the port) | 20:54 |
nubae | u got hostnames for all your clients? | 20:55 |
alkisg | yes, but this runs on the server (it's not installed on the chroot) so it shouldn't make any difference... | 20:56 |
alkisg | nubae, does avahi autodetection work for you? | 20:56 |
alkisg | (oh, you got fat clients, never mind! :)) | 20:56 |
nubae | I use both actually | 20:57 |
nubae | but I always used ips to locate the clients, so no I guess... | 20:57 |
stgraber | alkisg: well, I'll need to add some logic to it as using the HOSTNAME will cause a lot of duplicates on the network (the thin clients all have the same hostname), the port will cause the same (it's 5800 for all ltsp thin clients) and the username is not that easy to get on the thin clients (the script is run as root) | 21:00 |
stgraber | anyway, I'll have to look at that again soon to update Jaunty, I'll then upload an intrepid backport to the ppa as I doubt it'd be serious enough for a SRU | 21:00 |
alkisg | Good enough. Please try to also use 10000 vs 11000 port when needed | 21:01 |
alkisg | Thanks! | 21:01 |
stgraber | well, both 10000 and 11000 are currently used, one for ISD the other for IVS | 21:01 |
nubae | what is ISD and IVS? | 21:03 |
stgraber | Italc Service Daemon and Italc VNC Server | 21:03 |
stgraber | ISD is to get the commands like triggering demo mode, screen locking, ... and the VNC server is basically x11vnc | 21:04 |
alkisg | stgraber: I meant the ISD port, e.g. 11105 for a client with .105 IP etg | 21:04 |
stgraber | alkisg: well, that'll need to be changed too anyway as more and more network are using network class bigger than a simple C class | 21:05 |
alkisg | In the new hostname patch uploaded by vagrantc the thin clients are uniquely named even in class A or B networks. But then again if someone uses NAT, it could have 2 clients with the same IP... | 21:07 |
stgraber | with NAT avahi won't work anyway, so not a big problem :) | 21:07 |
nubae | yeah wondered about that, italc must have problems with cluster-ltsp, no? | 21:10 |
stgraber | no | 21:11 |
stgraber | we don't use NAT :) and we don't use avahi either (italc-launcher as a module for ltsp-cluster) | 21:12 |
nubae | are there any other deployments (other than yours) that use ltsp-cluster that u know of? | 21:14 |
alkisg | OK, I changed the above line to: avahi-publish-service "italc $HOSTNAME$IVSPORT" _italc._tcp $IVSPORT $MD5_1 $MD5_2 $MD5_3 "$HOSTNAME" > /dev/zero & | 21:21 |
alkisg | and it works now, so it was definately the name thing | 21:21 |
nubae | greets LaserJock | 21:23 |
LaserJock | hi | 21:23 |
alkisg | Hi LaserJock | 21:24 |
LaserJock | nubae: I noticed somebody has requested to join Edubuntu Members ;-) | 21:25 |
nubae | lol, I figured I should probably do that | 21:26 |
LaserJock | we should get the Edubuntu Council back in action | 21:26 |
LaserJock | any of you guys running Sugar on Hardy/Intrepid? | 21:30 |
nubae | yep | 21:31 |
LaserJock | we need some people to test the fix for bug #263173 | 21:32 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 263173 in sugar-hulahop "Sugar Browse fails on startup" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 21:32 |
nubae | thats fixed | 21:32 |
nubae | in intrepid | 21:32 |
nubae | was a hardy bug | 21:33 |
LaserJock | shouldn't be fixed yet | 21:33 |
stgraber | nubae: not that I know of, though we have multiple customers :) I also heard Fedora might be unterested in packaging ltsp-cluster too. | 21:33 |
nubae | and I dont see anyone with the willpower to go back and fix it for hardy | 21:33 |
nubae | its definitely fixed for intrepid | 21:34 |
LaserJock | nubae: *I* fixed it | 21:34 |
stgraber | nubae: but usually when it comes to managing that kind of network, having the clustering part in place is not enough, there is a lot of other things to take care of so they usually just become customers :) | 21:34 |
LaserJock | nubae: but we need to verify the fixes | 21:34 |
nubae | LaserJock: ah :-) | 21:34 |
nubae | ohhh, u mean like write it on the bug page | 21:34 |
LaserJock | nubae: an SRU needs 2 acks before being moved to -updates | 21:34 |
nubae | ok... I can do that | 21:34 |
LaserJock | nubae: you need to test the packages in -proposed | 21:34 |
nubae | so u fixed it for hardy then? | 21:34 |
LaserJock | yes, both hardy and intrepid | 21:35 |
nubae | stgraber: yeah but what happens to non local deployments? | 21:35 |
LaserJock | so enable -proposed, upgrade sugar, and see if the web browser starts up | 21:35 |
LaserJock | then report on the bug report | 21:36 |
nubae | but it already starts up.... without proposed | 21:36 |
LaserJock | it shouldn't | 21:36 |
nubae | well, maybe I'm using PPAs hang on... | 21:36 |
LaserJock | could be | 21:36 |
LaserJock | they fixed it in the PPA | 21:36 |
LaserJock | stgraber: you talk much with the Fedora LTSP folks? | 21:36 |
LaserJock | I haven't paid much attention lately to how that's all going | 21:37 |
nubae | hmmm odd, no PPA and no proposed enabled, just updates... and my browse launches... | 21:39 |
nubae | LaserJock: what really needs urgent fixing is the abiword dependencies... without that we loose 30% of the apps (read, write, puzzleslider, jiggsaw, etc) | 21:40 |
LaserJock | nubae: what's the result of apt-cache madison python-hulahop | 21:41 |
LaserJock | nubae: what do you mean? | 21:41 |
nubae | just sec, setting up my thin client for sugar, so I can test properly | 21:43 |
stgraber | nubae: well, currently the only ltsp-cluster deployments that I heard of are in Canada and the US and that's where we are so ... :) | 21:45 |
stgraber | LaserJock: I talk with them on IRC from time to time, also talked with some of them at the last LTSP hackfest. Fedora should basically be equivalent to Ubuntu at the moment speaking of LTSP integration. | 21:46 |
LaserJock | stgraber: is that Fedora itself or K12Linux? | 21:46 |
LaserJock | or is K12LInux == LTSP in Fedora? | 21:46 |
LaserJock | you guys think CMS systems besides moodle would be of interest to educational users? | 22:03 |
nubae | schooltool maybe | 22:03 |
nubae | gah... what causes tftp to timeout again... I've got my test client stopping with tftp open timeout | 22:03 |
nubae | ? | 22:03 |
crimsun | check the route; make sure there's an active/unfirewalled path. | 22:04 |
crimsun | LaserJock: in addition to or as a replacement for moodle? | 22:04 |
LaserJock | in addition to | 22:04 |
LaserJock | I was just looking at some other distros Edu app lists | 22:05 |
LaserJock | and like fedora has CMSs like joomla | 22:05 |
nubae | crimsun: yeah thanks, was shorewall... masq the wrong way round | 22:05 |
nubae | well, joomla isnt really edu based | 22:05 |
nubae | and then drupal is better | 22:06 |
LaserJock | we have an edubuntu-server metapackage which currently just has moodle | 22:06 |
LaserJock | I wonder if we could enhance that a bit | 22:06 |
nubae | for sure... start with ejabberd and schooltool | 22:07 |
LaserJock | ejabberd would be a good idea | 22:07 |
nubae | ejabberd is needed for collaboration with sugar and gnome stuff too, definitly essential | 22:07 |
nubae | if we want to promote collaboration, which I think is starting get legs now, it would be good to include | 22:08 |
LaserJock | I don't know what schooltool is up to these days | 22:08 |
crimsun | does edubuntu still wish to proceed down "best of class"? | 22:08 |
LaserJock | in terms of app selection? | 22:09 |
crimsun | yes. my concern, admittedly possibly unwarranted, is cluttering said namespace. | 22:09 |
LaserJock | well, I think perhaps we're heading into sort of a two-pronged approach | 22:10 |
LaserJock | having good, "best of class" defaults, but also having a decent "here's everything edu in Ubuntu" | 22:10 |
crimsun | pretty sensible | 22:11 |
nubae | LaserJock: u're right, I must have tested browse on my other machine from the PPA | 22:11 |
nubae | on this machine it doesnt, launch, so I can do a full test | 22:12 |
nubae | LaserJock: +1 on what u said above | 22:12 |
nubae | we need quality and breadth | 22:12 |
LaserJock | there's enough demand for making as much educational stuff available as possible that I don't think it's helpful for us to get totally exclusive | 22:12 |
LaserJock | however, we also can't maintain all apps at a high level | 22:12 |
nubae | well, thats where we should find a way around that | 22:13 |
LaserJock | I doubt we can | 22:13 |
nubae | well ubuntu studio does for example | 22:13 |
nubae | and its promoted officially by ubuntu | 22:13 |
LaserJock | no, it doesn't | 22:13 |
nubae | sure, the apps it uses are not all in main | 22:13 |
LaserJock | that's not what I meant | 22:13 |
nubae | thats the only limitation I saw with us not being able to carry universe apps | 22:14 |
LaserJock | what I mean is that we can't really maintain all edu apps in Ubuntu at a sufficiently high quality | 22:14 |
LaserJock | we need to choose some to focus on primarily | 22:15 |
nubae | sure thing | 22:15 |
nubae | we just need to cover all the areas | 22:15 |
LaserJock | generally we do that by moving those to Main, but it doesn't *have* to be that we | 22:15 |
nubae | make it usable for a school | 22:15 |
LaserJock | s/we/way/ | 22:15 |
nubae | I think that step is just putting too much responsibility on mainly your shoulders | 22:15 |
LaserJock | well, right now, regardless it's on my shoulders | 22:16 |
LaserJock | we don't have an edu MOTU either | 22:16 |
LaserJock | hopefully we can fix that though :-) | 22:16 |
nubae | yes, but if its in universe then u dont have to move it back and forth | 22:16 |
nubae | like the blender story :-) | 22:16 |
LaserJock | well, but currently it's a lot easier in terms of the CD to get them into Main | 22:18 |
LaserJock | and they *should* get better Canonical support | 22:18 |
nubae | and you're gonna have a right time with sugar... theres like 100s of apps for it | 22:18 |
nubae | but the cd isnt even shipped anymore, do we really wanna focus on that? | 22:18 |
LaserJock | not sure | 22:18 |
LaserJock | I'm not sure what to do with schooltool either :( | 22:19 |
nubae | have u looked at its current state? | 22:19 |
nubae | u should talk to Tom Hoffman | 22:19 |
nubae | he'll be pretty straight about whether he thinks it should be there or not | 22:19 |
LaserJock | well, they kinda separated from Edubuntu | 22:20 |
LaserJock | they now have a pretty extensive PPA going on | 22:20 |
LaserJock | it might take some serious work to get that back into Ubuntu proper | 22:20 |
nubae | yeah they did that to have seperate areas for development | 22:21 |
nubae | there were too many modules that would end up being a massive package | 22:22 |
nubae | but they are working on getting back to being able to do just apt-get install schooltool | 22:22 |
nubae | I guess until thats the case it should remain out | 22:22 |
nubae | LaserJock: for sugar-browse, which packages should I update to test? | 22:23 |
LaserJock | if you just enable the -proposed repo it should give you a list of upgradable packages | 22:24 |
LaserJock | it should be python-hulahop and hulahop | 22:24 |
LaserJock | or maybe just python-hulahop | 22:25 |
nubae | no just hulahop | 22:26 |
nubae | python-hulahop was already latest | 22:26 |
LaserJock | nubae: I think you should do a few MIRs for jaunty | 22:26 |
LaserJock | nubae: hmm, odd | 22:26 |
LaserJock | nubae: is that hardy or intrepid? | 22:26 |
nubae | MIR = main inclusion report? | 22:27 |
nubae | intrepid | 22:27 |
LaserJock | nubae: yes | 22:27 |
LaserJock | both hulahop and python-hulahop should be version 0.4.6-0ubuntu2.1 | 22:28 |
nubae | bad news... not working :-) | 22:29 |
nubae | maybe I need to reinstall browse for the user in question too | 22:29 |
LaserJock | perhaps | 22:31 |
nubae | 2.1? | 22:31 |
LaserJock | yes | 22:31 |
nubae | hmmm, then something is wrong cause I have just 2 | 22:31 |
LaserJock | the "bad" one is 2, the fix is 2.1 | 22:31 |
nubae | ok, let me list u my proposed packages.... | 22:31 |
LaserJock | did you enable intrepid-proposed | 22:31 |
nubae | wait... I need intrepid-proposed universe too I suppose | 22:32 |
LaserJock | yep | 22:32 |
nubae | heh, the edubuntu main thing has me confused | 22:32 |
nubae | I just remembered sugar is in universe of course | 22:32 |
* LaserJock thinks the archive reorganization will do nubae good | 22:33 | |
nubae | so what does doing a MIR involved? | 22:34 |
LaserJock | read | 22:35 |
LaserJock | I gotta run | 22:35 |
nubae | k... any ideas on what I should MIR? | 22:35 |
LaserJock | something you want to see on the CD, something you want us to focus on | 22:35 |
nubae | k, well blender should be easy | 22:36 |
LaserJock | oh, bluefish would probably be the easiest | 22:36 |
LaserJock | to replace screem | 22:36 |
nubae | k | 22:36 |
LaserJock | blender might take a little bit | 22:36 |
LaserJock | anyway, I just thought it might be fun for you to get a taste for it :-) | 22:37 |
nubae | :-) | 22:37 |
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