dashua | Great. | 00:00 |
kwwii | Cimi: pong | 00:24 |
kwwii | but not for long | 00:25 |
Cimi | http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/175266/screenshot5.png and http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/175266/screenshot6.png | 00:26 |
kwwii | Cimi: yeah, dashua showed me a screen a few minutes ago....nice! | 00:27 |
kwwii | Cimi: that is in the latest svn snapshot? | 00:28 |
Cimi | yes | 00:28 |
tok1 | Hallo | 01:58 |
tok1 | I liked your theme of icons for Ubuntu https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/BreatheIconSet as it is possible to support this that it have included in new release: and where it is possible to download the Beta the version? | 02:00 |
* _MMA_ waves. | 02:00 | |
_MMA_ | tok1: It is a community effort for now and is not official. There is no official release yet but hopefully will be one soon. | 02:01 |
tok1 | ) | 02:03 |
_MMA_ | If you install bzr from Synaptic, this command will get the code: bzr branch lp:breathe-icon-set | 02:04 |
_MMA_ | Then run the python script and it will build the set. | 02:05 |
tok1 | Не удалось найти пакеты, содержащих «breathe-icon-set» в своём имени или описании | 02:07 |
tok1 | Transfer was not possible to find the packages, containing «breathe-icon-set» in the name or the description | 02:07 |
_MMA_ | bzr branch lp:breathe-icon-set | 02:08 |
_MMA_ | That what you used? ^^^ | 02:08 |
tok1 | aptitude | 02:08 |
_MMA_ | no | 02:08 |
tok1 | ? | 02:09 |
_MMA_ | sudo apt-get bzr | 02:09 |
_MMA_ | then: | 02:09 |
_MMA_ | bzr branch lp:breathe-icon-set | 02:09 |
tok1 | I not strongly will understand that from me it is required to make? | 02:11 |
tok1 | Stop | 02:11 |
tok1 | I have understood | 02:12 |
tok1 | root@laptop:/home/tok# bzr branch lp:breathe-icon-set | 02:14 |
tok1 | You have not informed bzr of your launchpad login. If you are attempting a | 02:14 |
tok1 | write operation and it fails, run "bzr launchpad-login YOUR_ID" and try again. | 02:14 |
tok1 | Branched 28 revision(s). What further? | 02:14 |
_MMA_ | That should be it. | 02:18 |
_MMA_ | Wait. | 02:18 |
_MMA_ | There is now a folder called "trunk" in your home folder. | 02:19 |
_MMA_ | Inside is a python script. You need inkscape installed, then run the script. | 02:19 |
tok1 | Senks | 02:21 |
soc | hi | 19:43 |
soc | hi | 20:05 |
soc | does someone know which font will be the standard ui font in jaunty? | 20:06 |
kwwii | same as now I imagine | 20:09 |
kwwii | unless something radical changes | 20:10 |
kwwii | why do you ask? | 20:10 |
soc | i just wondered if there are thoughts about it ... | 20:12 |
soc | because together with that big font size things look a bit bulky after a fresh installation ... | 20:13 |
thorwil | yeah, should really use a different font, one that is smaller!! | 20:14 |
soc | i proposed droid sans quite some time ago, together with slight hinting ... | 20:15 |
soc | droid seems to have a good range of characters, even of asian ones available ... | 20:16 |
thorwil | http://troy-sobotka.blogspot.com/2008/07/why-droid-isnt-answer.html | 20:17 |
soc | ahh interesting :-) | 20:21 |
soc | but that comparison between cosmetica and droid isn't really meant seriously, is it? | 20:22 |
thorwil | why? | 20:22 |
soc | because a) comsetica is much smaller and has a bigger line-width? | 20:23 |
soc | do the same with droid and you might get nearyl the same results :-P | 20:23 |
thorwil | soc: obviously the kerning is crap and the characters lack in finesse. what's so great about droid again? | 20:25 |
soc | b) comparing a serif font against a sans-serif font and then deciding it is easier to read the serif one isn't quite that surprising ... | 20:25 |
soc | droid, obviously, works | 20:25 |
soc | the webpage you posted is quite interesting, but the arguments are just way off | 20:27 |
soc | no one really applies to the use case | 20:27 |
soc | for instance the screenshots with - let's count it - 13! lines of text ... please show me an UI element with _paragraphs_ of text | 20:28 |
lucazade | is droid gpl or free? | 20:28 |
soc | droid is apache | 20:28 |
lucazade | google released it? | 20:28 |
soc | 95% of the ui consists of single words, sometimes one-liners | 20:29 |
soc | http://review.source.android.com/5401 | 20:29 |
lucazade | ok | 20:30 |
lucazade | i don't think droid is better than dejavu sans, both ugly | 20:32 |
thorwil | soc: he doesn't compare sans with serif | 20:32 |
kwwii | droid is interesting but mainly only for very small screens | 20:33 |
kwwii | I haven't looked into how many character sets it includes | 20:33 |
kwwii | but that requirement alone is pretty hard to get around | 20:34 |
soc | mhh, i don't want to argue with you, but what would you call the paragraph titled "The Problem with Droid" then? | 20:34 |
soc | kwwii: i'm testing droid here on a 24" tft with 93 dpi, so quite the opposite scenario you mentioned ... | 20:34 |
lucazade | we need a better font rendering engine more than new font imho | 20:35 |
soc | lucazade: that's true | 20:38 |
lucazade | following priorities i vote for engine | 20:38 |
lucazade | :) | 20:38 |
soc | a new rendering engine might be a bit harder to get :-P | 20:38 |
soc | although i have no problem with freetype | 20:39 |
soc | the rendering of my fonts impresses both people from the windows _and_ the macos camp ... | 20:39 |
soc | so i can live with that ,,, | 20:39 |
lucazade | i'm not impressed with :S | 20:39 |
soc | maybe you could improve some settings ... | 20:40 |
lucazade | yes but still dirty and not consistent results | 20:40 |
soc | which font, which rendering? | 20:40 |
lucazade | sans 8, slight | 20:41 |
soc | ok, i wouldn't use sans :-P | 20:41 |
lucazade | tried everything | 20:41 |
soc | slight is probably the best we can get with freetype at the moment ... | 20:41 |
lucazade | i agree | 20:41 |
soc | one thing i love when i show my desktop to mac users: | 20:42 |
soc | before they see it, i switch the font hinting to off | 20:42 |
soc | reaction "uuuhh that just looks like on my macbook" | 20:42 |
soc | then i turn on slight hinting ... | 20:42 |
soc | "well, can i do that on my apple too?" | 20:43 |
lucazade | funny | 20:43 |
soc | my equation is: | 20:43 |
soc | slight hinting = apple rendering - fuzzy crap around the glyphs | 20:43 |
lucazade | we should say thanks to david turner for his patches to font rendering if now ubuntu has got a decent font setting | 20:45 |
soc | yes, these patches had quite some effect ... | 20:46 |
soc | http://img514.imageshack.us/img514/4492/fontcomparisonzu7.png | 20:47 |
soc | ahh here, i found it ... | 20:47 |
soc | lucazade: maybe you find a font in that screenshot that you linke more | 20:47 |
lucazade | mm | 20:48 |
lucazade | i can say that droid seems nicer than i remember | 20:48 |
soc | the current version is here: http://android.git.kernel.org/?p=platform/frameworks/base.git;a=snapshot;h=6b8721393400f8e98bb6c29d47b38c79be7ade32;sf=tgz | 20:50 |
lucazade | trying it now | 20:52 |
lucazade | 8px slight 96dpi is too condensed | 20:53 |
lucazade | at 100dpi is not so baf | 20:53 |
lucazade | *bad | 20:53 |
soc | i wouldn't change the dpi | 20:53 |
soc | as a rule of thumb: never change the dpi | 20:54 |
lucazade | yes just trying | 20:54 |
soc | the dpi has something to do with your physicalk size of your display | 20:54 |
soc | that thing just won't change within seconds | 20:54 |
soc | also, configuring the wrong dpi messes things up with the font rendering | 20:54 |
lucazade | ok | 20:55 |
lucazade | 8,5px and 96 dpi is something readble here | 20:55 |
soc | you can find out your real dpi with | 20:56 |
soc | xdpyinfo | grep resolution | 20:56 |
lucazade | resolution: 95x96 dots per inch | 20:56 |
soc | i would suggest setting that dpi in gnome-appearance-properties and don't changing it | 20:56 |
lucazade | ;) | 20:56 |
soc | you should use the first one, 95 | 20:56 |
soc | because the second one is the height | 20:57 |
lucazade | ok i didn't know | 20:57 |
soc | and because normally the subpixels are laid out horicontically, the height doesn't matter | 20:57 |
soc | because you have no subpixels there :-) | 20:57 |
lucazade | thanks for the explanation | 20:58 |
soc | np | 20:58 |
soc | do you now by chance what the default font size in ubuntu is? | 21:01 |
soc | on a fresh installation? | 21:01 |
lucazade | at least 9 | 21:03 |
soc | mhh, setting the right dpi in gnome-appearance-propteries after start would be a good start ... | 21:04 |
lucazade | yes surely | 21:05 |
soc | lol ... approx. 5 bugs abput wrong dpi in gnome in launchpad and at least as many brainstorm things as well ... | 21:11 |
lucazade | :) | 21:12 |
soc | http://www.gnome.org/~federico/news-2007-01.html#font-sizes | 21:50 |
=== sepheebear is now known as Sepheebear | ||
_MMA_ | kwwii: *PLEASE* for the love of... *something* unsub the artwork team from that damn titlebar bug. It's an nVidia issue in the end. | 22:29 |
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