jduggan | hey guys | 00:23 |
jduggan | i've been using 7.10 since it was released... i've not had any reason to update because its worked flawlessly, i was just wondering what the upgrade path was (if its at all possible) | 00:24 |
foxbuntu | jduggan, $ sudo update-manager -c | 00:30 |
jduggan | well well | 00:31 |
jduggan | ya | 00:31 |
jduggan | that was great | 00:31 |
jduggan | until it causes segfault | 00:31 |
jduggan | :| | 00:31 |
foxbuntu | however you need to make sure to upgrade all your machines if you have more than one | 00:31 |
jduggan | weird, i get my gdm login just fine | 00:32 |
foxbuntu | jduggan, yea, now I recall the update manager bug | 00:32 |
jduggan | when it tries to auto login it faults | 00:32 |
jduggan | no no, its updated | 00:32 |
jduggan | i just rebooted | 00:32 |
foxbuntu | what? | 00:32 |
jduggan | it'll load X to gdm, but when it tries to auto login i get a segfault | 00:32 |
jduggan | and go back to GDM | 00:32 |
jduggan | (II) NVIDIA(0): Setting mode "1920x1080+0+0" | 00:32 |
jduggan | Fatal server error: | 00:33 |
jduggan | Caught signal 11. Server aborting | 00:33 |
jduggan | hmm | 00:33 |
foxbuntu | jduggan, so what is your issue, you are talking about several things | 00:34 |
jduggan | heh ok... after i asked about the best way to upgrade... i thought meh, i may aswell atleast update... i've updated and rebooted | 00:35 |
jduggan | now it loads to GDM | 00:35 |
jduggan | when it tries to autologin i get my xfce desktop, but i get a segfault, and it reverts back to GDM | 00:36 |
jduggan | wait for it to try autologging in again and it does the same thing | 00:36 |
jduggan | only since i updated though =] | 00:36 |
foxbuntu | jduggan, updated how? | 00:36 |
jduggan | using the update software in the system menu | 00:37 |
foxbuntu | ok | 00:37 |
foxbuntu | well run this first before doing anything else: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 00:37 |
jduggan | i just dist-upgraded | 00:38 |
jduggan | its updated my kernel | 00:38 |
jduggan | awaiting reboot =] | 00:38 |
foxbuntu | there were several bugs around update-manager and gdm back in the generation of software you are talking about | 00:39 |
jduggan | i was using weeklybuilds.mythbuntu.org | 00:40 |
jduggan | but i havent updated for about 10months | 00:41 |
jduggan | since it worked *tm* | 00:41 |
jduggan | ;p | 00:41 |
foxbuntu | thats a looooong time in our release cycles | 00:41 |
jduggan | yep | 00:41 |
jduggan | but you know the saying | 00:41 |
jduggan | why update if it aint broke? | 00:41 |
foxbuntu | yup | 00:41 |
foxbuntu | why fix what aint broke ;) | 00:41 |
jduggan | what's the best approach to get updated | 00:41 |
jduggan | can i s/gutsy/hardy/ in sources.list | 00:42 |
jduggan | and update? | 00:42 |
jduggan | or is that not safe | 00:42 |
foxbuntu | I have had that break stuffs before | 00:42 |
foxbuntu | update-manager is the best way to go for the most part | 00:43 |
jduggan | woo | 00:52 |
jduggan | kernel update and updated my nvidia from 169 to 173 | 00:52 |
jduggan | i got the myth menu it seems | 00:52 |
jduggan | lets hope everything still works :) | 00:52 |
foxbuntu | which kernel? | 00:52 |
jduggan | 2.6.22-16-generic | 00:53 |
foxbuntu | thats still a long ways back | 00:53 |
jduggan | yea im running 7.10.. | 00:53 |
jduggan | one step at a time | 00:53 |
foxbuntu | well, as I said before | 00:53 |
foxbuntu | sudo update-manager -c | 00:54 |
foxbuntu | now that you have that other issue resolved | 00:54 |
jduggan | and on a complete tangent, i've read (and also seen for myself on their site), that IMDB have been making it more difficult for scrapers to grab information, do the scripts still work in latest (stable) mythtbuntu? I've been slowly transcoding all my DVD's and at some point need to import them into mythvideo =] | 00:57 |
jduggan | it would be a pain to manually insert all the metadata =] | 00:58 |
foxbuntu | jduggan, yes, at this point they do still work | 00:58 |
jduggan | ok | 00:59 |
jduggan | well | 00:59 |
jduggan | *gulp* | 00:59 |
jduggan | i hope i havent made a mistake | 00:59 |
jduggan | its updating to 8.04 LTS | 00:59 |
jduggan | i guess after thats done i can go to 8.10? | 00:59 |
foxbuntu | yea | 01:00 |
foxbuntu | just run the same thing again after the reboot | 01:00 |
jduggan | excellent | 01:00 |
jduggan | i bought a dvb-s card like 4 months ago | 01:00 |
jduggan | kept meaning to install it but wanted to wait till i updated | 01:00 |
jduggan | never had the nerve | 01:01 |
jduggan | but oh well =] | 01:01 |
jduggan | guess now i need to buy a dish to go with it :P | 01:01 |
foxbuntu | it should be alright | 01:01 |
jduggan | (thanks for your assistance btw) | 01:01 |
foxbuntu | np | 01:01 |
jduggan | just backed up my lircd.conf... it took me a lifetime to find the codes for my cable STB.. don't want to risk losing them :P | 01:06 |
foxbuntu | good idea | 01:07 |
foxbuntu | just to make things easy, if anything with lirc pops up during the upgrades just select Custom | 01:07 |
foxbuntu | that should keep it from changing things | 01:07 |
jduggan | seems it didnt like me hitting 'cancel' on setting my lirc device type | 01:20 |
jduggan | i didnt wanna change it | 01:20 |
jduggan | :o | 01:20 |
jduggan | foxbuntu: here? | 01:36 |
jduggan | nm :) | 01:48 |
MythbuntuGuest67 | Hello. I would like to know if there is some way to give the network manager permanent access to the "key ring", which it ask permission for when mythbuntu loads up. The NM holds my whole computer up until I either give it a password or cancel the dialog. | 02:56 |
MythbuntuGuest67 | !network manager | 02:59 |
Zinn | Sorry I don't know about network manager | 02:59 |
MythbuntuGuest67 | !keyring | 02:59 |
Zinn | Sorry I don't know about keyring | 02:59 |
MythbuntuGuest67 | anyone with a better reference for this, than I get from the channel bot? heh.. :) | 03:02 |
phunyguy | hello folks, just installed the 9.04 alpha2 release, and i cannot figure out how to get X working correctly. It loads up the liveCD just fine, but after install, all I get on my TV is a stretched version of the desktop background, and I cannot do a ctrl-alt-f1 to get to a TTY and troubleshoot. | 03:31 |
phunyguy | it is nvidia video via HDMI. | 03:32 |
phunyguy | (The only reason for the 9.04 attempt was to get the HDMI audio... since there was no kernel support for it in 8.10) | 03:32 |
jduggan | guys in the key settings menu, if i try and create add a remote button under the escape action and it says 'Add key 'S'?' is that S coming from my lircrc somewhere? | 03:33 |
jduggan | aha! | 03:33 |
jduggan | ignore | 03:33 |
htpc | hi all | 03:48 |
Nixon | <all> Hello htpc! | 03:48 |
htpc | I just installed mythbuntu | 03:48 |
hads | !hi | 03:48 |
Zinn | Hi $nick, how are you? Something we can help you with today? | 03:48 |
htpc | but wireless seems to not have been detected | 03:48 |
htpc | also, bluetooth has been detetcted, even though I don't (think) i have bluetooth in this comp | 03:49 |
htpc | (same issue?) | 03:49 |
htpc | someone want to help me get wireless going? | 03:50 |
phunyguy | kernel issue? | 03:52 |
phunyguy | but you have to know for sure whether or not you have bluetooth | 03:53 |
phunyguy | an lspci would help immensley | 03:53 |
htpc | http://pastey.net/105511 | 03:54 |
phunyguy | Ethernet controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88w8335 [Libertas] 802.11b/g Wireless (rev 03) | 03:55 |
phunyguy | is that it? | 03:55 |
htpc | phunyguy, ok, I do not have bluetooth, I do have a pan0 device, and dmesg shows various bluetoothy things | 03:55 |
htpc | phunyguy, yes, thats the wireless pci card I want to get working | 03:55 |
phunyguy | ok that is odd about the bluetooth | 03:55 |
hads | http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/marvell-88w8335-chipset-netgear-wg311-pcicard-driver/ | 03:56 |
hads | Yucky | 03:56 |
phunyguy | well there you go. | 03:56 |
phunyguy | some good info there even though ndiswrapper can be a pain. | 03:56 |
phunyguy | in fact, wireless in general can be a pain in linux. | 03:56 |
htpc | yeah | 03:57 |
htpc | in the past I've luckily had no issues | 03:57 |
hads | Na, supported chips are easy these days | 03:57 |
htpc | and everything has seemed to work with wireless | 03:57 |
phunyguy | really? | 03:57 |
phunyguy | I gave up a couple years back on wireless | 03:57 |
htpc | i think I've just been lucky with hardware | 03:57 |
hads | Intel is pretty safe, boot up and network manager asks what network you want to connect to. | 03:57 |
hads | As with Atheros | 03:58 |
phunyguy | just ran an ethernet cord to the bathroom becasue the only reason i would need wireless is if i had to unplug and keep chatting while on the john | 03:58 |
phunyguy | :P | 03:58 |
hads | Doing a locate libertas on my Interpis system here shows a driver which I believe is native for that Marvell chip | 03:58 |
htpc | omg. the link for the windows drivers is downloading at a whole 1KB/s | 03:58 |
phunyguy | speedy! | 03:59 |
hads | That info could be out of date though I know nothing about it. | 03:59 |
phunyguy | don't burn out your network card! | 03:59 |
htpc | I'm really hoping I don't have issues with my tv card | 03:59 |
htpc | I always do though :( | 03:59 |
phunyguy | which card? | 03:59 |
hads | hads@sodium:~$ aptitude search libertas | 04:00 |
hads | p libertas-firmware - Firmware for Marvell's 8388 (libertas) wireless chips | 04:00 |
htpc | seems to have been picked up well this time around though | 04:00 |
phunyguy | which card? | 04:00 |
htpc | have to wait to get the wireless working before I can bring my comp near an aerial though | 04:00 |
htpc | phunyguy, aavermedia 761 | 04:00 |
htpc | (dvb-t) | 04:00 |
phunyguy | ahh | 04:00 |
phunyguy | yeah i have a dvb based card as well | 04:00 |
phunyguy | dvico fusion | 04:00 |
hads | You use DVB and call the toilet a john? | 04:01 |
hads | :) | 04:01 |
phunyguy | i was being polite. | 04:01 |
phunyguy | its my first time in here | 04:01 |
phunyguy | not sure of the etiquette | 04:01 |
hads | Yeah, polite is good. | 04:02 |
hads | Toilet isn't impolite though :) | 04:03 |
phunyguy | lol ok | 04:03 |
phunyguy | anyways. | 04:03 |
phunyguy | did you see my question above? | 04:03 |
htpc | for reference: card support page is here: http://kbserver.netgear.com/products/WG311v3.asp | 04:03 |
htpc | (for the wireless I have) | 04:03 |
phunyguy | can't for the life of me get 9.04 working. | 04:03 |
phunyguy | livecd boots fine in a proper resolution. | 04:03 |
htpc | hads, what do I do with that firmware package? | 04:04 |
phunyguy | but as soon as it installs, i get a stretched background top to bottom, and thats all it is. | 04:04 |
phunyguy | ndiswrapper? | 04:04 |
phunyguy | have to load it with that | 04:04 |
hads | htpc: No idea, I've never used a Marvell chipset but you may need it. | 04:04 |
phunyguy | i think? | 04:04 |
hads | phunyguy: Talking about a native driver. | 04:04 |
phunyguy | a lot of wireless manufacturers put the firmware in teh driver | 04:04 |
phunyguy | is it? | 04:04 |
phunyguy | but that thing just says firmware | 04:05 |
phunyguy | which is what had me guessing. | 04:05 |
hads | Yeah, there is a libertas kernel module though. | 04:05 |
hads | You're right though the firmware could be either. | 04:05 |
phunyguy | well i obviously know nothing about it so i will shut up | 04:05 |
phunyguy | :P | 04:05 |
htpc | mmm., well, the new firmware is in exe form | 04:06 |
htpc | how would I extract it? | 04:06 |
phunyguy | ahh that you are on your own | 04:06 |
phunyguy | i can't remember although there are utils for it | 04:06 |
hads | I assume you're talking about somehting you randomly downloaded not the package. | 04:06 |
phunyguy | but all you should need from the exe is the firmware | 04:06 |
phunyguy | (which is in the package) | 04:06 |
phunyguy | hads that was one of the things to do back in the day | 04:07 |
htpc | hads, I grabbed the latest driver from the netgear site | 04:07 |
phunyguy | download the windows driver and pull the firmware out | 04:07 |
phunyguy | its been a few years though | 04:07 |
hads | Yes though I'm suggesting to try the native driver. | 04:07 |
phunyguy | as would i | 04:08 |
phunyguy | do you folks know anything about HDMI audio not working in mythbuntu for some newer nvidia chipsets? | 04:09 |
* hads doesn't use HDMI sorry | 04:10 | |
phunyguy | meh | 04:10 |
phunyguy | the bleeding edge i guess. | 04:10 |
hads | DSUB is easy :) | 04:10 |
foxbuntu | phunyguy, most chipsets don't play nice via HDMI yet | 04:10 |
phunyguy | was trying to keep it simple because my surround reciever has hdmi in and out to make it liek a passthrough | 04:11 |
phunyguy | when the reciever is off it passes the HDMI audio to the TV | 04:11 |
phunyguy | when on it puts it out the speakers and silences the HDMI to the TV | 04:11 |
phunyguy | that would be so sweet to get working. | 04:11 |
hads | Handy | 04:11 |
phunyguy | but i can't even get my SPDIF working so i have nothing to the reciever. | 04:11 |
foxbuntu | phunyguy, I have own www.foxmediasystems.com, working on the HDMI issue and have been testing with Intel, nVidia, and ATI | 04:11 |
phunyguy | :( | 04:11 |
hads | I don't think I've turned off my receiver for a year or so | 04:11 |
hads | Haven't seen that link for a while foxbuntu you must be slacking ;) | 04:12 |
phunyguy | i had stability issues with a prior ATI motherboard but the HDMI worked great :( | 04:12 |
phunyguy | sweet foxbuntu! | 04:12 |
phunyguy | well you have a fan | 04:12 |
phunyguy | <--- | 04:12 |
phunyguy | because i hate wasting money - lol | 04:12 |
foxbuntu | hads, well I have been in Europe ;) | 04:13 |
phunyguy | so is there any new progress? I know with my chipset the kernel didnt even support it until 2.6.28 | 04:14 |
phunyguy | so yeah i can understand it is very new. | 04:14 |
foxbuntu | phunyguy, well, though I whore my website out allot (as hads will mention), other than that I generally just try to contribute to the project as I can | 04:14 |
phunyguy | i guess I can deal with tv sound for now :( | 04:14 |
phunyguy | ive had this reciever for like 6 months and watched one movie with it | 04:14 |
foxbuntu | phunyguy, yes, there has been lots of progress | 04:14 |
phunyguy | now its a $300 FM radio | 04:15 |
phunyguy | :) | 04:15 |
foxbuntu | phunyguy, stuff has been coming in from upstream all the time, but as you mentioned, its bleeding edge | 04:15 |
phunyguy | it will get better | 04:15 |
hads | phunyguy: Just get a 3.5mm to RCA jack and run with it 'til you get digital going. | 04:15 |
phunyguy | it always does. | 04:15 |
phunyguy | i have | 04:15 |
phunyguy | ...to the TV | 04:15 |
foxbuntu | move it to the receiver | 04:16 |
phunyguy | but its a plasma....with crappy speakers. | 04:16 |
phunyguy | well thats the other thing | 04:16 |
phunyguy | i dont want the reciever going all the time | 04:16 |
hads | Or if your TV has outputs run it back from there. | 04:16 |
phunyguy | i know you have it like that, but its not for me - my house is too small. | 04:16 |
phunyguy | that also isnt as easy | 04:16 |
phunyguy | my wires run in the wall. | 04:16 |
phunyguy | the wall will fall apart soon if i keep pullin wires. | 04:16 |
hads | hehe | 04:17 |
phunyguy | :) | 04:17 |
phunyguy | but if that is what I have to do... man I even ran surround speakers. | 04:17 |
phunyguy | (had to crawl through vaulted ceilings in the attic :( | 04:17 |
phunyguy | ) | 04:17 |
hads | Yeah, not much fun. | 04:18 |
hads | I have to go terminate 60 cat5's next week, at least I got out of pulling them. | 04:19 |
phunyguy | my reciever also doesn't have RCA in for 5.1 | 04:19 |
phunyguy | well it does but that is SPDIF | 04:19 |
phunyguy | lucky you! | 04:19 |
foxbuntu | hads, thats too bad, its been many years since I have done that | 04:19 |
phunyguy | im lucky if i can remember the wire order. | 04:19 |
phunyguy | missed CCNA by two points. | 04:19 |
phunyguy | :( | 04:20 |
foxbuntu | hads, my bill rate is far more than an electrician so i refer that off to my clients | 04:20 |
phunyguy | needed 849 - got 847. | 04:20 |
hads | Yeah, I don't do it often, friends built a new office/yard so am doing them a favour. | 04:20 |
phunyguy | but that was 3 years ago, i would have to retake it by now anyway - lol | 04:20 |
foxbuntu | hads, ah...friends/family always bring out the fun stuff | 04:20 |
hads | Sure do, even the occasional Windows cleaning session. I usually get out of that though :) | 04:21 |
phunyguy | ok so i am out of luck with the HDMI thing. no big deal I can get video working in 8.10 again, so I will let 9.04 be an alpha. | 04:22 |
phunyguy | was worth a shot. | 04:22 |
foxbuntu | hads, yea...lol, I generally just say,"hmm, hard to say, could be many things" promptly followed by me changing the subject | 04:22 |
hads | I usually use the "I haven't used Windows for years, try Pete he uses it all the time" :) | 04:23 |
phunyguy | and hads - lol @ windows cleaning session. I do that for a living. | 04:23 |
phunyguy | well not so much that anymore... | 04:23 |
phunyguy | i got promoted to a deskjob involving some server management that directly relates do windows desktop stuff. | 04:23 |
phunyguy | mainly software deployments, and remote installations of Windows | 04:24 |
phunyguy | you know... the fun stuff. | 04:24 |
foxbuntu | phunyguy, yea...fun | 04:24 |
phunyguy | you know what was funny? I was at a meeting with a Microsoft developer. | 04:24 |
phunyguy | we were talking about PVRs | 04:25 |
* hads hasn't had to do that "fun" stuff for several years | 04:25 | |
phunyguy | HE USES MYTHTV | 04:25 |
phunyguy | :P | 04:25 |
phunyguy | i chuckled. | 04:25 |
foxbuntu | phunyguy, many do | 04:25 |
foxbuntu | hads, I didnt want to say it ;) | 04:25 |
phunyguy | he said it like he was telling me about something i never heard before... | 04:25 |
phunyguy | so i chuckled alot. | 04:25 |
phunyguy | yeah yeah | 04:26 |
phunyguy | well, i got into the IT stuff a tad late. | 04:26 |
phunyguy | joined the military and picked the wrong job like a doofus. | 04:26 |
phunyguy | wasted 4 years, then went into IT | 04:26 |
phunyguy | 5 years later... im doing OK! | 04:26 |
foxbuntu | phunyguy, yea...takes a long time, im 10+ in | 04:27 |
foxbuntu | ...although im tired of people asking me questions and being so relied on | 04:27 |
phunyguy | very true. | 04:28 |
hads | I only went in to IT in about '99, I like to think I learn quick though. | 04:28 |
phunyguy | well I have been a lifetime in the hobby... | 04:28 |
hads | Used to drive for a living. | 04:28 |
hads | Yeah that too. | 04:28 |
phunyguy | but you dont really learn anything until it becomes a career | 04:28 |
phunyguy | my dad is a computer junkie | 04:29 |
phunyguy | but he never had a career in IT | 04:29 |
phunyguy | i still learned a lot from him growing up though | 04:29 |
hads | Any of you guys heading to linux.conf.au? | 04:29 |
foxbuntu | hads, yea, I am a quick study too | 04:29 |
phunyguy | au(stralia)? | 04:29 |
hads | Yah | 04:29 |
foxbuntu | hads, I would love to | 04:29 |
phunyguy | ...about that.... | 04:29 |
foxbuntu | but alsa no | 04:29 |
hads | There's a myth miniconf too. | 04:29 |
phunyguy | lol @ the alsa typo | 04:30 |
phunyguy | you HAVE been working the issue ;) | 04:30 |
foxbuntu | hmm | 04:30 |
foxbuntu | intresting | 04:30 |
foxbuntu | I did put alsa where i needed alas | 04:30 |
phunyguy | yes you did! | 04:31 |
phunyguy | thought it was comical. | 04:31 |
foxbuntu | phunyguy, I have motherboards all the over the place and have installed and compiled alsa so many times and different ways its sickening | 04:32 |
phunyguy | i bet! | 04:33 |
phunyguy | i suppose I should have come in here for suggestions before I dropped some money on hardware, huh... | 04:33 |
foxbuntu | phunyguy, meh, most hardware works in time | 04:34 |
phunyguy | well. | 04:34 |
phunyguy | i have my wife breathing down my neck threatening to sell the paperweight | 04:34 |
phunyguy | :P | 04:34 |
phunyguy | ...and this is the second motherboard. the first was a Gigabyte ATi that worked better but performed worse (if that makes sense) | 04:35 |
phunyguy | the video performance stunk, and it crashed at various times while i was hitting the down arrow on remote or keyboard | 04:35 |
foxbuntu | after dealing with multiple types of boards, no | 04:35 |
foxbuntu | er | 04:35 |
foxbuntu | I mean I understand | 04:35 |
phunyguy | but everything worked as advertised. | 04:36 |
phunyguy | *sigh* | 04:37 |
phunyguy | well good luck with the HDMI stuff, we are counting on you ;) | 04:37 |
foxbuntu | haha | 04:37 |
foxbuntu | I am a mere drop in the great alsa pond | 04:38 |
phunyguy | is there an ETA? | 04:38 |
phunyguy | just curoius. | 04:38 |
foxbuntu | <10 years | 04:38 |
phunyguy | oh comon thats not nice :( | 04:38 |
foxbuntu | lol | 04:38 |
phunyguy | will there be any way for me to follow along with progress? | 04:39 |
foxbuntu | keep track of the alsa project | 04:39 |
phunyguy | how did i know you would say that ;) | 04:40 |
phunyguy | is there any way at all to get it working temp? | 04:40 |
phunyguy | i did find some interesting posts about /etc/asound.conf | 04:40 |
phunyguy | but that is all greek to me. | 04:40 |
foxbuntu | phunyguy, well there is no temp to it, it either works or doesnt atm | 04:41 |
phunyguy | *cry* | 04:41 |
foxbuntu | phunyguy, you can run: aplay -L | 04:42 |
foxbuntu | post the output | 04:42 |
phunyguy | ok | 04:42 |
phunyguy | want aplay -l as well? | 04:42 |
foxbuntu | I might be able to give you some hope | 04:42 |
foxbuntu | no | 04:42 |
phunyguy | they both produce different resultsd | 04:42 |
foxbuntu | i know | 04:42 |
phunyguy | aplay -L doesnt have any digital devices in there | 04:42 |
phunyguy | so need i not bother? | 04:42 |
foxbuntu | aplay -L doesnt list HDMI? | 04:42 |
phunyguy | aplay -l does | 04:42 |
phunyguy | aplay -L doesnt | 04:43 |
foxbuntu | ok | 04:43 |
phunyguy | so im hosed? | 04:43 |
foxbuntu | then you prob wont get it working from what I have seen | 04:43 |
phunyguy | laff - ok | 04:43 |
phunyguy | I will stick with 8.10 then | 04:43 |
foxbuntu | yes | 04:43 |
phunyguy | (and the 2.2.27 kernel tree) | 04:43 |
foxbuntu | 9.04 is still early for a live system | 04:44 |
phunyguy | i see that | 04:44 |
phunyguy | X worked like a champ (not) | 04:44 |
phunyguy | at least on 8.10 i got vesa :P | 04:44 |
phunyguy | and 1080p after a quick xorg.conf update | 04:44 |
phunyguy | option "TVStandard" "1080p" | 04:45 |
phunyguy | or something | 04:45 |
phunyguy | i have it written down | 04:45 |
phunyguy | do you know of any known-working chipsets? | 04:45 |
phunyguy | i could always sell off this mobo | 04:46 |
phunyguy | buy a new one | 04:46 |
foxbuntu | I know several that claim to be, and I own several of them | 04:46 |
phunyguy | :-D | 04:46 |
phunyguy | any mATX? | 04:46 |
foxbuntu | all are mATX | 04:46 |
phunyguy | any recommendations? | 04:46 |
foxbuntu | phunyguy, Intel G45, the same Audio issue atm, but Intel has the best set of drivers of the bunch and will prob be the first with the HDMI audio working | 04:48 |
phunyguy | meh | 04:48 |
foxbuntu | and the video has the best performance | 04:48 |
phunyguy | i guess i should have been more specific | 04:48 |
phunyguy | I'm not an intel fan. | 04:49 |
hads | Intel rocks | 04:49 |
foxbuntu | why? | 04:49 |
phunyguy | i have always been a supported or AMD | 04:49 |
phunyguy | for years. | 04:49 |
phunyguy | lol | 04:49 |
hads | Though Nvidia has VD POW now | 04:49 |
phunyguy | let me try that again | 04:49 |
phunyguy | I have always been a supporter of AMD | 04:49 |
foxbuntu | phunyguy, I used to be until I started this business and my testing | 04:50 |
phunyguy | VD? Venerial Disease? | 04:50 |
hads | VDPAU :) | 04:50 |
phunyguy | laff. | 04:50 |
phunyguy | well. | 04:50 |
phunyguy | i guess I am just doomed to wait then | 04:50 |
hads | But yeah, Intel rocks. Graphics, Network and CPU's | 04:50 |
phunyguy | ;) | 04:50 |
phunyguy | I do have an intel system at work running kubuntu 8.10 | 04:51 |
phunyguy | and the sound sucks | 04:51 |
phunyguy | cant do more than one thing at a time | 04:51 |
phunyguy | no music + game | 04:51 |
phunyguy | etc. | 04:51 |
phunyguy | graphics / sound / etc are all intel | 04:52 |
phunyguy | (Dell GX620) | 04:52 |
phunyguy | (Optiplex) | 04:52 |
phunyguy | pulled the ATi card out in favor of teh onboard intel video - lol | 04:52 |
phunyguy | ATi has a LOONNNGGGGG way to go. | 04:53 |
foxbuntu | phunyguy, Intel is the only one providing FOSS drivers for their hardware | 04:53 |
phunyguy | not sure what FOSS is | 04:53 |
hads | Which makes them rock. | 04:53 |
phunyguy | but it sounds mean! | 04:53 |
hads | Free Open Source Software. | 04:53 |
phunyguy | really.. | 04:53 |
phunyguy | well. | 04:53 |
phunyguy | i guess I have something to learn about intel... including paying the price for the better hardware | 04:54 |
phunyguy | until then, I just want to get my hardware working! lawl. | 04:54 |
hads | FOSS == anyone who figures it out can fix a problem. | 04:54 |
phunyguy | well thats the beauty of OS | 04:55 |
phunyguy | it's open... | 04:55 |
phunyguy | ...and easy. | 04:55 |
phunyguy | THERES JUST NO MONEY IN IT! | 04:55 |
hads | Lies | 04:55 |
phunyguy | thats the argument they use at work when i bring up linux | 04:55 |
phunyguy | "There is no money in free software" | 04:55 |
phunyguy | lol. | 04:56 |
foxbuntu | phunyguy, Open-Source does not = Free, it is Freedom | 04:56 |
phunyguy | that much I understand. | 04:56 |
phunyguy | but like linux for instance... | 04:56 |
foxbuntu | phunyguy, I have invested allot of $$ into time and resources related to FOSS | 04:56 |
phunyguy | you dont have to pay for teh OS. | 04:56 |
phunyguy | the* | 04:56 |
phunyguy | so where does the money come from> | 04:57 |
hads | Support or products | 04:57 |
phunyguy | i guess the common misconception is the not-for-profit thing> | 04:57 |
foxbuntu | there ya go | 04:57 |
foxbuntu | (my response was to hads | 04:57 |
foxbuntu | ) | 04:57 |
phunyguy | (i know | 04:57 |
phunyguy | ) | 04:57 |
phunyguy | and that was my argument | 04:58 |
phunyguy | "Save your money on the MS products, and give me a raise to run it all" | 04:58 |
foxbuntu | indeed | 04:58 |
phunyguy | he had nothing to say. | 04:58 |
hads | I have an online store. The stuff we sell is tested to work with Linux so people come to us before others. We make money from that. | 04:58 |
phunyguy | they pay hundreds of thousands to microsoft per year for SA agreements | 04:59 |
phunyguy | AKA SUPPORT | 04:59 |
phunyguy | :-/ | 04:59 |
hads | (and do consulting on FOSS VoIP etc.) | 04:59 |
foxbuntu | phunyguy, Ubuntu support is far more than that | 04:59 |
phunyguy | pricewise? | 04:59 |
foxbuntu | yes | 04:59 |
phunyguy | well thats not the support i intended | 04:59 |
phunyguy | i meant, save your money on the easy point and click stuff | 05:00 |
phunyguy | that works half the time | 05:00 |
phunyguy | give me the money to make it work in linux | 05:00 |
phunyguy | you will be happy with stability | 05:00 |
foxbuntu | phunyguy, but paying to retrain staff on a new system is part of that equation | 05:00 |
phunyguy | i will be happy with the paycheck | 05:00 |
phunyguy | staff? | 05:00 |
phunyguy | what staff. | 05:00 |
phunyguy | job security! | 05:00 |
phunyguy | if done right, i would be the only person required. | 05:01 |
phunyguy | but that is also far fetched | 05:01 |
phunyguy | (This is all from a desktop perspective) | 05:01 |
phunyguy | (not server) | 05:01 |
phunyguy | (we have red hat servers) | 05:01 |
hads | Desktop is more difficult | 05:02 |
phunyguy | agreed. | 05:02 |
phunyguy | but put it this way | 05:02 |
phunyguy | our MAIN app (hospital) is a piece of software that creates a telnet session with a unix server | 05:02 |
foxbuntu | phunyguy, lets put it this way, I an a core dev for this project, and a very high level network admin/engineer consultant, switching systems of any kind is far more expensive than most people see | 05:02 |
phunyguy | i can almost guarantee that the rest will work in wine. | 05:02 |
phunyguy | i understand that | 05:03 |
foxbuntu | phunyguy, but as well? as compatible? | 05:03 |
phunyguy | but nobody ever said it would be an immediate switch | 05:03 |
phunyguy | through attrition | 05:03 |
phunyguy | lol our apps are very simple. | 05:03 |
foxbuntu | phunyguy, what about new apps in the future? | 05:04 |
phunyguy | good point... | 05:04 |
phunyguy | new apps in the future will just have to work with linux or they dont get purchased! | 05:04 |
phunyguy | we use all vendors. | 05:04 |
phunyguy | dont have any of our own | 05:04 |
foxbuntu | which limits your choices | 05:04 |
phunyguy | .. | 05:05 |
foxbuntu | basically in most sectors that means you write your own | 05:05 |
phunyguy | i got nuthin... | 05:05 |
phunyguy | :P | 05:05 |
phunyguy | but thats the type of crap that makes me mad | 05:05 |
phunyguy | everyone is so tied to microsoft. | 05:05 |
phunyguy | what a monopoly. | 05:05 |
hads | It amuses me when I see major installations where the only used app is a telnet session on a Windows client. | 05:06 |
foxbuntu | that is the case, but its what makes us money | 05:06 |
phunyguy | yea hads | 05:07 |
phunyguy | familliar with McKesson? | 05:07 |
phunyguy | healthcare app vendor | 05:07 |
RobertLaptop | Question is there a way to run mythback with a dummy setup. I want to run mythnetnews on a separate box as it seems to be killing my current backends when run. | 05:08 |
hads | phunyguy: Na, not my industry. | 05:08 |
phunyguy | ok. | 05:09 |
phunyguy | but yeah | 05:09 |
phunyguy | telnet | 05:10 |
phunyguy | thats it. | 05:10 |
phunyguy | it is used to do anything related to a patient | 05:10 |
hads | So many millions in Windows licenses wasted. | 05:11 |
hads | RobertLaptop: "a dummy setup"? | 05:11 |
phunyguy | well they love outlook | 05:11 |
RobertLaptop | yea. No real turner in the box. | 05:11 |
foxbuntu | phunyguy, from my work with Hospitals its usually common because most of them are running Windows PC's and interfacing with AX/400 servers because the best apps for the requirements were wrote in the 80's | 05:11 |
phunyguy | and exchange | 05:11 |
phunyguy | yeah - lol | 05:12 |
phunyguy | you nailed it foxbuntu | 05:12 |
hads | RobertLaptop: You don't need a tuner to run mythbackend | 05:12 |
RobertLaptop | Ok. I though mythbackend didn't like running without a backend defined. | 05:12 |
hads | That's a confusing sentance :) | 05:13 |
phunyguy | whoa | 05:13 |
phunyguy | maybe he meant "without a tuner defined" | 05:14 |
phunyguy | thats my guess. | 05:14 |
hads | I run a backend on my desktop with no tuners, it does commflagging to take load off the main backend. | 05:14 |
foxbuntu | hads, I do something similar | 05:14 |
phunyguy | commflagging? | 05:15 |
hads | Being a decent quad core it can do quite a bit without worrying. | 05:15 |
foxbuntu | phunyguy, commercial flagging | 05:15 |
phunyguy | oic | 05:15 |
phunyguy | why would that take up a lot of CPU? | 05:15 |
foxbuntu | hads, yeah, I used to only have a 3200+ and 3400+ systems running all my myth stuff so I had to split it out | 05:16 |
phunyguy | i must be really behind | 05:16 |
hads | phunyguy: It processes every frame. | 05:16 |
foxbuntu | phunyguy, it eats tons of CPU | 05:16 |
phunyguy | OH | 05:16 |
phunyguy | wow | 05:16 |
phunyguy | i didnt realize it was that intensive | 05:16 |
foxbuntu | I have a system that all it does is commflagging | 05:16 |
phunyguy | wow.. | 05:16 |
hads | So if you're recording a couple of channels and watching one and you want instant commflag then you need some CPU grunt. | 05:17 |
phunyguy | how does it read the video on a remote system? | 05:17 |
hads | The backend knows how to stream | 05:17 |
foxbuntu | yellow magic | 05:17 |
phunyguy | lawl | 05:17 |
hads | That's how the frontend gets it's video. | 05:17 |
phunyguy | so it just grabs the same stream from teh backend... | 05:17 |
phunyguy | ok i see. | 05:17 |
phunyguy | pretty reasonable. | 05:17 |
phunyguy | and you need commercial flagging to keep it from being recorded? | 05:18 |
hads | Go do some reading ;) | 05:18 |
phunyguy | (I am a noob with mythtv) | 05:18 |
phunyguy | oh comon | 05:18 |
phunyguy | like you folks have anything better to talk about ;) | 05:18 |
htpc | :( | 05:20 |
htpc | wireless isn't picking up my ap | 05:20 |
RobertLaptop | Thanks hads. Yea that is one ugly sentence. | 05:20 |
htpc | and channels aren't being f ound/detected | 05:20 |
hads | RobertLaptop: :) No probs | 05:20 |
htpc | anyone able to help with either prob? | 05:23 |
htpc | preferably the tv card first | 05:23 |
hads | Is your card supported? | 05:24 |
htpc | yes | 05:24 |
hads | Okay, what's the problem? | 05:25 |
phunyguy | wow, it seems as though Alsa has been pretty much working on ATi issues based on the version history. | 05:25 |
phunyguy | (For HDMI that is) | 05:25 |
phunyguy | which makes sense | 05:26 |
htpc | hmmm, ok, dmesg shows: | 05:26 |
htpc | [ 2073.391604] sp887x: waiting for firmware upload (dvb-fe-sp887x.fw)... | 05:26 |
htpc | [ 2073.391627] firmware: requesting dvb-fe-sp887x.fw | 05:26 |
phunyguy | my HDMI board worked. | 05:26 |
htpc | hads: http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/AVerTV_DVB-T_(A761) | 05:27 |
phunyguy | er ATi HDMI board | 05:29 |
htpc | hooray for: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV_Feisty_hardware_list#Avermedia | 05:29 |
phunyguy | hmmmm Beer always makes it all better | 05:31 |
htpc | awesome | 05:35 |
htpc | scanned my channels :D | 05:35 |
phunyguy | isnt that a great feeling? | 05:36 |
htpc | lets see if they work first | 05:36 |
phunyguy | should | 05:37 |
phunyguy | if it scanned the channels, it should be fine | 05:37 |
htpc | damn it, my comp can't handle hdtv | 05:38 |
Zinn | htpc: Please watch your language. | 05:38 |
htpc | damn is bad language now? >.< | 05:38 |
Zinn | htpc: Please watch your language. | 05:38 |
phunyguy | laff. | 05:38 |
phunyguy | owned. | 05:38 |
phunyguy | :) | 05:39 |
htpc | ok, tv sort of works | 05:41 |
htpc | I can watch tv, but I only have about 1fps | 05:42 |
phunyguy | well | 05:43 |
phunyguy | what is your cpu / video hardware? | 05:43 |
htpc | amd 2400+ | 05:44 |
htpc | ati 9600 | 05:45 |
phunyguy | hmm | 05:45 |
phunyguy | the cpu may be the bottleneck | 05:45 |
htpc | just did this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=661180 | 05:45 |
phunyguy | hi-def content? | 05:45 |
phunyguy | doh | 05:45 |
phunyguy | yeah that would fo it | 05:45 |
phunyguy | do* | 05:45 |
phunyguy | ;) | 05:46 |
htpc | didn't even try hi def, its never worked on this comp, but in windows at least, I know I've had fine playback | 05:46 |
htpc | ok, brb, restarting x | 05:46 |
htpc | ok, much better frame rate | 05:50 |
htpc | but, theres a slight shaking (vertical I think) in the video | 05:50 |
phunyguy | yeah | 05:51 |
phunyguy | that was the same thing i noticed on my ATi video | 05:51 |
phunyguy | crappy drivers | 05:51 |
phunyguy | but also the 2400 can't help anything | 05:51 |
htpc | well, I'm not acually doing this for any reason | 05:52 |
htpc | just something to do with my old pc | 05:52 |
phunyguy | i understand | 05:52 |
phunyguy | thats like me turning my old K6-2/500 into a jukebox | 05:52 |
phunyguy | using mpd and ncmpc | 05:52 |
phunyguy | runs like a champ in the garabe | 05:53 |
phunyguy | garage* | 05:53 |
htpc | I don't like mpd | 05:54 |
htpc | too featureless | 05:54 |
htpc | eg, can't edit tags | 05:54 |
htpc | also, none of the clients are steller. | 05:54 |
phunyguy | dude. | 05:55 |
phunyguy | its a 500l | 05:55 |
phunyguy | 500* | 05:55 |
phunyguy | :P | 05:56 |
phunyguy | cant ask too much of it.... like running X. | 05:56 |
phunyguy | besides, all of the music is synch'd from my real collection of full FLAC albums | 05:56 |
phunyguy | which i personally make sur ethe tags are accurate | 05:57 |
phunyguy | sure the* | 05:57 |
hads | Use a tag edit to edit tags and a music player to play music :) | 05:57 |
phunyguy | thank youl | 05:57 |
phunyguy | you* | 05:57 |
phunyguy | mpd rules | 05:57 |
phunyguy | i actually use that at work too | 05:58 |
htpc | phunyguy, in that case, why not just play music from whever your collection is? | 05:58 |
phunyguy | run it in tty1 | 05:58 |
phunyguy | because i am always restarting X | 05:58 |
phunyguy | tired of reloading my music | 05:58 |
phunyguy | ;) | 05:58 |
hads | I use Amarok myself | 05:58 |
phunyguy | same | 05:58 |
htpc | you can still run a cmd line client in a different tty | 05:58 |
phunyguy | at home | 05:58 |
phunyguy | that is the only cmd line client i use | 05:58 |
hads | And push audio round the house via pulseaudio | 05:58 |
phunyguy | ncmpc | 05:58 |
phunyguy | i push my audio around the house via a script running flac -d | oggenc blah blah blah | 05:59 |
phunyguy | ;) | 05:59 |
hads | That's data not audio ;) | 05:59 |
phunyguy | in case my server is having issues | 05:59 |
phunyguy | i still have ogg files on other PCs | 06:00 |
phunyguy | runs as a cron job | 06:00 |
phunyguy | (I do a little scripting in perl) | 06:00 |
bmathis | my myth box is taking about 5 minutes to restart, its a fe/be combo and is on 24hrs a day... any suggestions on where to start looking to find out why? It didnt do this before. | 06:01 |
hads | syslog? | 06:02 |
phunyguy | you had to say it - lol | 06:07 |
htpc | I'm trying to use my wiimote with myth | 06:19 |
htpc | http://www.benjiegillam.com/mythpywii-installation/ | 06:19 |
htpc | but I get: Socket connect error (control channel) | 06:20 |
htpc | mmmm, tis a cwiid problem | 06:22 |
phunyguy | hmm | 06:30 |
phunyguy | wiimote | 06:30 |
phunyguy | but you dont have bluetooth | 06:30 |
phunyguy | comon man... | 06:31 |
htpc | I just plugged in a usb bluetooth adapter :) | 06:31 |
phunyguy | have you plugged it in before? | 06:31 |
htpc | nope | 06:32 |
phunyguy | :-/ | 06:32 |
htpc | but bluetooth is all working fine first go | 06:32 |
phunyguy | ok. | 06:32 |
htpc | wireless is still not getting a reception though | 06:32 |
phunyguy | doesnt sound like it :P | 06:32 |
htpc | problem is with my wiimote, it doesn't like pcs. have simlar probs on other comps soo | 06:33 |
htpc | s/soo/too/ | 06:33 |
phunyguy | oooh nice perl reference | 06:34 |
phunyguy | errr | 06:34 |
phunyguy | programming | 06:34 |
phunyguy | ;) | 06:34 |
htpc | vi :P | 06:35 |
phunyguy | vi? | 06:36 |
phunyguy | hmm | 06:36 |
phunyguy | well in Perl that is actually a command | 06:37 |
phunyguy | $variable =~ s/foo/bar/g; | 06:37 |
phunyguy | replace all instances of "foo" with "bar" in $variable | 06:37 |
phunyguy | i need a new monitor | 06:38 |
phunyguy | this one has a really bad flicker effect | 06:38 |
phunyguy | with solid colors | 06:39 |
htpc | phunyguy, its a common extension to regular expressions | 06:39 |
phunyguy | true | 06:39 |
htpc | phunyguy, I think it originally was a vi command though | 06:39 |
phunyguy | :) | 06:39 |
phunyguy | well i wouldnt doubt it | 06:39 |
phunyguy | vi has been around longer than perl | 06:39 |
phunyguy | unfortunately i haven't | 06:39 |
phunyguy | and if i went in another chat room and said s/soo/too, i might get laughed at ;) | 06:40 |
* phunyguy is listening to Atreyu - Doomsday (Track 1 from "Lead Sails Paper Anchor") | 06:43 | |
* htpc frowns: http://ubuntu-virginia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=993376 | 07:17 | |
htpc | "- If your bluetooth dongle doesn't work with your wiimote but does recognize the wiimote's bluetooth address fine, don't waste time reinstalling and fiddling with wminput or any other software. Simply try to find another dongle to test the wiimote. I have received multiple posts of people having non-working dongles and it turns out that there's no way to go around that, they just don't work! I have also received notice | 07:17 |
htpc | that Bluesoleil dongles don't work with wiimotes, go figure! They don't even work correctly in Windows, try to stay away from these dongles." | 07:17 |
phunyguy | let me guess | 07:18 |
phunyguy | you have that dongle | 07:18 |
phunyguy | ;) | 07:18 |
htpc | ya | 07:22 |
htpc | BUT... I have had it working before | 07:23 |
htpc | (not on intrepid though) | 07:23 |
htpc | and, it only worked once, then I rebooted, and it didn't | 07:23 |
htpc | but, it did work once | 07:23 |
htpc | :P | 07:23 |
phunyguy | ONCE | 07:24 |
phunyguy | ;) | 07:24 |
jakob | Hi I have a mythtv backend (host A) and a myth frontend (host B) | 09:38 |
jakob | I want to watch tv and ripped dvd's on host B served by host A | 09:39 |
jakob | I can connect to host A via host B | 09:39 |
jakob | On host I use the exact db user as on A if I use the frontend on the backend host | 09:42 |
jakob | It seems like host B is connects ok to mysql and to myth port 6543 | 09:43 |
jakob | here is the problem | 09:44 |
jakob | When I try to watch tv on host B from host A it tries to use a local ring buffer | 09:45 |
jakob | resulting in errors like: 2009-01-04 10:45:41.824 PlaybackBox::play(): Error, /GetPlaybackURL/UNABLE/TO/FIND/LOCAL/FILE/ON/jakob-laptop/3100_20090102180000.mpg file not found | 09:46 |
jakob | shouldn't it be attempting to fetch content from the myth backend using something like myth://hosta/3100_20090102180000.mpg | 09:48 |
jakob | ? | 09:48 |
jakob | is there an option I need to enable | 09:49 |
hads | Should stream automatically | 09:49 |
hads | Darn, first day of work tomorrow. | 09:50 |
* hads goes to bed | 09:50 | |
reppel | Hi, is 9.04alpha2 based on mythtv 0.22? | 10:07 |
reppel | anyone...? | 10:31 |
jakob | reppel: You can look in the repository I guess | 10:33 |
reppel | jakob: it is not that easy | 11:02 |
reppel | jakob: imho, launchpad is a mess | 11:03 |
sebrock | is it possible to use hardy drivers for my GMA 3100 graphics instead of intrepid? The Intrepid ones creates massive tearing/vsync problems | 11:06 |
reppel | sebrock: i confirm this | 11:08 |
reppel | i have horizontal lines during playback | 11:08 |
reppel | no idea about the drivers though :( | 11:09 |
sebrock | you got gma 3100 aswell? | 11:10 |
reppel | 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03) | 11:11 |
sebrock | reppel, I have no problems in 8.04.1, it's just in 8.10... so the package is worse now | 11:11 |
reppel | sebrock: yeah, me too, 8.04 was fine | 11:11 |
sebrock | right so its not just the 3100 then | 11:11 |
sebrock | 0:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82G33/G31 Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02) | 11:13 |
sebrock | got a G33 mobo | 11:13 |
sebrock | sucks, is there a bug report on this? | 11:13 |
jakob | reppel: it is version 0.19 | 11:14 |
reppel | sebrock: didn't search for it, I'm lazily living with it :) | 11:14 |
jakob | and it is easy to see in the repository | 11:14 |
jakob | http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/universe/binary-i386/Packages.gz | 11:15 |
reppel | jakob: you sure? The last released version (0.21) is from march 08! | 11:16 |
jakob | no I'm not sure | 11:17 |
jakob | it can change still before 9.04 is released | 11:17 |
sebrock | reppel, I find it to be unwatchable... | 11:17 |
jakob | but right now it is | 11:17 |
sebrock | Im gonna file a bug for this | 11:18 |
jakob | lot's og packages are outdated in ubuntu :-( | 11:18 |
jakob | if you want bleeding edge you sometimes gotta build it yourself | 11:19 |
sebrock | if I enable OpenGL vsync it segfaults... fishy intel graphics I say | 11:25 |
sebrock | https://bugs.launchpad.net/mythbuntu/+bug/313691 | 11:33 |
sebrock | there | 11:33 |
wetwilly_ | would I be able to scan and find channels if the driver was not correctly installed for my dvb tuner? because I am able to scan, but not to view FTA.. | 12:24 |
sebrock | returned to 8.04.1, hope 9.04 will do better | 12:25 |
wetwilly_ | why are u not using 8.10 ? | 12:26 |
wetwilly_ | hmm, guess the driver is broken. now I am unable to scan and dmesg spits out: mantis stop feed and dma | 12:30 |
jduggan | hrm guys... since i've upgraded from 7.10 to 8.10... my tv (HD LCD) keeps blanking the screen when its not in use.... i've turned off the screensaver in xfce settings and i've tried forcing dpms on via a terminal... doesnt have any affect? | 15:44 |
jduggan | what else would it be?? | 15:44 |
jduggan | hmm | 15:44 |
jduggan | maybe i need to set DISPLAY first | 15:44 |
jduggan | hrm | 15:46 |
jduggan | Monitor is in Suspend | 15:46 |
jduggan | jduggan@mythbox:~$ DISPLAY=:0 xset -dpms dpms force on | 15:46 |
jduggan | jduggan@mythbox:~$ | 15:46 |
jduggan | doesnt help? is that not the right flags to use? | 15:47 |
jduggan | nope tried all combinations no workie | 15:58 |
jduggan | anyone like to make a suggestion? :P | 15:59 |
styelz | you mean it wont turn back on ? | 15:59 |
jduggan | it will if i hit the keyboard.. lircd doesnt wake it up | 15:59 |
jduggan | but the poitn is i want to know whats causing it | 15:59 |
jduggan | if all the dpms features are off | 16:00 |
jduggan | and if i force on and its still not coming on... | 16:00 |
styelz | have you tried turning it off in the Power Management.. set turn monitor off to never | 16:00 |
squish102 | anyone know how to get two x11vnc screens started on mythbuntu. i set up first one with control panel, but now would like another one on a different port? | 16:01 |
styelz | jduggan: this might help if you havent already seen it. http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/DPMS | 16:18 |
styelz | night ya'll | 16:18 |
jduggan | already read that, but thanks | 16:22 |
Guest61643 | Does anyone know of a good tutorial on how to optimize playback settings? | 16:28 |
RobertLaptop | Question I am getting a gpg error when I try to use http://uk.weeklybuilds.mythbuntu.org/mythbuntu/ubuntu is there a fix in the works or an updated GPG file I should use? | 16:51 |
laga | superm1, Daviey: ping - what's the matter with the broken GPG key? | 16:55 |
RobertLaptop | laga is that related to my question? | 16:59 |
laga | yes | 16:59 |
jjwin2k | Oo I get a siganture error for http://uk.weeklybuilds.mythbuntu.org hardy Release | 17:19 |
RobertLaptop | I get it for 8.10. The usa repo has no updates of myth. uk has updates but fails gpg tests. Sounds like something is broken in the repo. | 17:21 |
jjwin2k | k thx | 17:21 |
Tumie | hi guys, i followed the steps on http://www.mythbuntu.org/existing-ubuntu ,, but my whole system is Mythbuntu now,, that is not what is viewable on the bottom of the page,, on the bottomof the page i see an image with only Mythbuntu as a programm.. how can i delete mythbuntu and get my old ubuntu desktop back (without losing files) ????????? | 18:02 |
laga | Tumie: log out, select a different session in GDM, log back in | 18:03 |
phunyguy | does mythfilldatabase usually take forever and a day? | 18:04 |
phunyguy | Tumie: what were you using before? | 18:04 |
phunyguy | this is very simple. | 18:05 |
phunyguy | normal ubuntu? | 18:05 |
phunyguy | ... | 18:06 |
* phunyguy pokes Tumie | 18:07 | |
Tumie | ow.. | 18:08 |
Tumie | i were using Ubuntu 8.10 Desktop | 18:08 |
Tumie | different session in GDM?? what is GDM? | 18:09 |
Tumie | phunyguy | 18:09 |
Tumie | phunyguy: are you still here? | 18:13 |
phunyguy | hey | 18:20 |
phunyguy | Tumie: | 18:20 |
Tumie | yes | 18:20 |
phunyguy | yes you just need to log out and change session type back to gnome | 18:20 |
phunyguy | :) | 18:20 |
thomas__ | phunyguy: thanks :) | 18:23 |
phunyguy | i take it that worked :P | 18:23 |
thomas__ | i almost thought that i needed to reinstall everything.. | 18:23 |
phunyguy | oh, never! | 18:23 |
phunyguy | :) | 18:23 |
phunyguy | that is the beauty of ubuntu | 18:23 |
phunyguy | can switch between "flavors" | 18:23 |
thomas__ | XD | 18:24 |
thomas__ | didn't know that (a) | 18:24 |
squish102 | can i use x11vnc to open a new desktop? or should i be using vncserver for that? | 18:24 |
phunyguy | actually that is linux in general, but moreso with ubuntu | 18:24 |
phunyguy | should be able to squish | 18:24 |
phunyguy | i always used freenx though | 18:24 |
squish102 | i use x11vnc to take over the primary display, but i want a different display | 18:24 |
phunyguy | runs like remote desktop so it caches the gui bitmap info - etc | 18:24 |
squish102 | ok, freenx... thanks | 18:25 |
phunyguy | :P | 18:25 |
squish102 | phunyguy, i need a new gui screen to run only skype. so i need someing very light | 18:28 |
squish102 | i want skype to run in it's own screen and started up automatically. i dont want it interfering with mythtv | 18:28 |
squish102 | freenx sound like a good candidate still? | 18:28 |
laga | i'd try vncserver... | 18:28 |
* laga afk | 18:28 | |
thomas__ | phunyguy: can i also install kubuntu as add-on.. (with session ? ) | 18:41 |
phunyguy | yes | 18:41 |
phunyguy | ok folks, here is another pesky issue I can't shake and I need to know if i am doing something wrong. | 18:42 |
phunyguy | I have a Dvico fusion HD card... | 18:42 |
phunyguy | video looks great, but when watching TV and then trying to go into program guide, it takes forever for the guide to come up and there is like a 30 second lag time from when i press a button to scroll up or down | 18:43 |
phunyguy | i can't figure it out | 18:43 |
phunyguy | when watching my dish tv on the PVR-150 card it works great! | 18:43 |
phunyguy | but not the hd card | 18:43 |
phunyguy | CPU is a dual core amd 2.4 gig | 18:45 |
phunyguy | 2 gigs ram | 18:45 |
phunyguy | onboard 8200 video | 18:45 |
cloakable | Is there a guide anywhere about setting up a master backend using a preexisting MySQL server? I have a LAMP box I'd like to use for the database. | 19:14 |
_akuma624_ | just finished loading mythbuntu 8.04 | 20:03 |
_akuma624_ | not exactly WOWed by the picture quality | 20:03 |
_akuma624_ | here is a list of my setup | 20:04 |
_akuma624_ | :::: hardware :::: | 20:04 |
_akuma624_ | P4 @ 2 GHz | 20:04 |
_akuma624_ | 1.5 GB RAM | 20:04 |
_akuma624_ | 300 GB IDE HD | 20:04 |
_akuma624_ | NVIDIA VID CARD | 20:05 |
_akuma624_ | WINTV - PVR 150 | 20:05 |
_akuma624_ | :::: TV SIGNAL - IN :::: | 20:05 |
_akuma624_ | DirecTV | 20:05 |
_akuma624_ | D11-500 | 20:05 |
_akuma624_ | STB | 20:06 |
_akuma624_ | any suggestions? | 20:06 |
dashcloud | I'm not sure what you mean by picture quality | 20:06 |
dashcloud | I've got a D11 box as well, and connected over S-Video it looks fine | 20:06 |
dashcloud | (unless the PVR 150 is a much crappier version of the 250) | 20:07 |
jakob | Hi I have a mythtv backend (host A) and a myth frontend (host B) | 20:10 |
jakob | I want to watch tv and ripped dvd's on host B served by host A | 20:10 |
jakob | I can connect to host A via host B | 20:10 |
jakob | On host B I use the exact same db user as on A if I use the frontend on the backend host | 20:11 |
jakob | here is the problem | 20:11 |
jakob | When I try to watch tv on host B from host A it tries to use a local ring buffer | 20:11 |
jakob | resulting in errors like: 2009-01-04 10:45:41.824 PlaybackBox::play(): Error, /GetPlaybackURL/UNABLE/TO/FIND/LOCAL/FILE/ON/jakob-laptop/3100_20090102180000.mpg file not found | 20:11 |
jakob | Do I need to set a switch? | 20:11 |
dashcloud | there's an option for always stream or something like that I believe- hope that helps you | 20:13 |
jakob | thanks I'll try to find it | 20:13 |
derek__ | I recently purchased a mediagate mce remote model number gp-ir02bk and am having trouble getting it configured using mythbuntu control centre | 20:23 |
derek__ | Does anyone have any experience with this remote or know where I can look to get the help I need..? | 20:24 |
derek__ | I can do sudo cat /dev/lirc0 | 20:26 |
derek__ | and when I press buttons on the remote it shows up on the terminal | 20:27 |
derek__ | irrecord however says it is receiving an invalid signal | 20:27 |
MythbuntuGuest77 | I have Ubuntu server and mythbuntu-desktop installed. Looks like everything is fine but when I try to record something from mythweb, nothing gets recorded. Strangely at backend log everything looks fine. Any ideas? | 20:39 |
MythbuntuGuest77 | Where should recordings save at default? | 21:11 |
hads | I believe /var/lib/ somehwere, you can check in mythtv-setup | 21:12 |
MythbuntuGuest15 | Anyone here have xbox 360 playing recordings? | 21:17 |
MythbuntuGuest15 | I need some help | 21:17 |
MythbuntuGuest15 | recordings only show up under music and don't play | 21:17 |
tgm4883_laptop | MythbuntuGuest15, you probably won't be able to do that, the 360 only supports a handful of codecs and mpeg2 isn't one of them. If you have an mpeg4 encoder it might work. Either way, you will need a different UPNP server because the one built into myth doesn't support the 360 correctly | 21:55 |
hads | Silly 360 | 21:58 |
jg_ | !help | 23:34 |
Zinn | !help Use ! followed by a topic to get help on the topic (if it exists) example: !logs. Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number]. For a complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi | 23:34 |
jg_ | !hauppauge | 23:34 |
Zinn | Sorry I don't know about hauppauge | 23:34 |
jg_ | !stats | 23:34 |
Zinn | Sorry I don't know about stats | 23:34 |
jg_ | !status | 23:34 |
Zinn | I am alive. | 23:34 |
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