boredandblogging | mdke: what if a LoCo is starting up a mailing list for the first time? | 01:31 |
boredandblogging | tyche: ping | 03:33 |
tyche | boredandblogging: pong | 03:35 |
boredandblogging | tyche: the linux ad thing | 03:35 |
boredandblogging | think it might be more of an interesting thing if the thing takes off | 03:35 |
tyche | I'm not sure I follow what you mean. | 03:36 |
boredandblogging | the story itself is not ubuntu specific | 03:37 |
boredandblogging | same with kernel 2.6.28 | 03:38 |
tyche | True. But I don't pick the links. In fact, I thought YOU put those two in there. | 03:38 |
boredandblogging | nope | 03:39 |
tyche | Interesting. | 03:39 |
boredandblogging | i'm gonna bet both of them will be Ubuntu related soon | 03:39 |
boredandblogging | but the links that are there right now probably aren't appropriate | 03:40 |
tyche | Well, pulling them won't break my heart, any, if that's what you're worried about. I just go through and try to find the meat, then spice it up to make it tantalizing. :-) | 03:40 |
boredandblogging | nah, pull them | 03:40 |
boredandblogging | hopefully we should have more news on soon | 03:40 |
boredandblogging | there seems to be progress | 03:40 |
tyche | Fine. they're gone. (Well, ok, it'll take me a minute to get in and pull them, but you know what I mean). | 03:40 |
boredandblogging | awesome thanks | 03:41 |
tyche | NP | 03:41 |
mdke | boredandblogging: every loco is allowed an Ubuntu mailing list, as far as I know. Actually, some have two, with a second one for translations | 10:53 |
mdke | boredandblogging: | 11:08 |
tyche | kennymc0: Don't worry about formatting Upcoming Meetings like the last time. THAT was just a "one-off", because we were covering 2 weeks at once. | 15:28 |
tyche | But it's a royal bear to strip out, so that johnc4510 can send it out as an email. | 15:28 |
kennymc0 | ah | 15:38 |
kennymc0 | ok | 15:38 |
kennymc0 | good cause i looked at the coding that went into that and it didnt look like it would be fun | 15:38 |
kennymc0 | all | 15:38 |
tyche | It wasn't. I had to make it up as I went along. That it succeeded as well as it did was simply because of my outstanding wisdom and abilities in the face of adversity. Hee hee | 15:43 |
johnc4510 | morning all | 15:48 |
tyche | Morning, johnc4510. Nice to see you up so early in the morning. | 15:48 |
johnc4510 | lol | 15:48 |
johnc4510 | been up, but fixing the company breakfast | 15:48 |
johnc4510 | :( | 15:48 |
nizarus | morning johnc4510 :) and tyche :) | 15:49 |
tyche | If myrtlebeachbums doesn't show up by 10:00, I'll do the rest of the stuff (ITP and ITB) | 15:49 |
johnc4510 | i think they are leaving wed. morning so i don't have too much longer | 15:49 |
johnc4510 | nizarus: morning | 15:49 |
tyche | Morning, nizarus | 15:49 |
tyche | johnc4510: I was going to ask how you were surviving. But I think I'll save that one for NEXT week. Hee hee | 15:50 |
johnc4510 | lol | 15:50 |
johnc4510 | smart | 15:50 |
johnc4510 | i have some stories, not as good as the spoon one but... | 15:50 |
tyche | I'm patient. I even have a doctor. Hee hee | 15:51 |
johnc4510 | :) | 15:51 |
tyche | BTW, johnc4510, Nick had me pull 2 articles last night. the one about the "I'm Linux" contest, and the one about the new kernel. He said that they weren't Ubuntu specific. | 15:56 |
johnc4510 | yeah, i saw | 15:56 |
johnc4510 | well, he's right | 15:56 |
johnc4510 | i just knew they would be relivant soon | 15:56 |
johnc4510 | so i didn't see a big problem | 15:57 |
johnc4510 | but it's all good | 15:57 |
tyche | Yep. Of course he waited until AFTER I'd written the teasers. Hee hee | 15:59 |
johnc4510 | lol | 16:00 |
tyche | Good thing I don't have any personal stake in the teasers. Pulling them doesn't bother me. Nor does somebody editing or rewriting them. | 16:01 |
johnc4510 | nope | 16:01 |
tyche | My concern is with the end result - the UWN going out in style! | 16:01 |
johnc4510 | agreed | 16:01 |
johnc4510 | i'm checking for any last minute additions then i can get started on what's still open | 16:02 |
johnc4510 | tyche: did you do the teaser for nick's blog piece on ubuntu in 2008? | 16:03 |
tyche | Nope. that's ITB. I wasn't going to start on ITP and ITB until 10:00, to give myrtlebeachbums a chance to get in there. He said he'd be in this morning, but I haven't seen him yet. | 16:04 |
johnc4510 | k, np | 16:04 |
johnc4510 | tyche: i changed the mark blog piece around to expand it | 16:46 |
tyche | That's fine. | 16:46 |
tyche | I'm working up from the bottom of ITB, right now. I pinged myrtlebeachbums, earlier, and haven't gotten a response. | 16:47 |
johnc4510 | i saw | 16:47 |
johnc4510 | tyche: can you put in what you have done please? | 16:59 |
johnc4510 | :) | 16:59 |
johnc4510 | i'm done to ITP | 17:00 |
johnc4510 | slow poke hee hee | 17:00 |
tyche | Slow, nothing. I've done 3 teasers in 15 minutes. All I have to do is put them up. | 17:01 |
johnc4510 | k thx | 17:01 |
johnc4510 | thx tyche | 17:03 |
tyche | OK, bottom three ITB are done. That leaves myrtlebeachbums 6 entries to do. | 17:03 |
johnc4510 | ok, we'll have two membership board meeting to work on next wk. highlighting new members | 17:05 |
johnc4510 | EMEA and Americas | 17:06 |
tyche | Yea, I saw, when I added in the recurring events to the Fridge calendar. | 17:06 |
johnc4510 | k | 17:06 |
johnc4510 | i thought the Get involved thing turned out ok too | 17:06 |
johnc4510 | i'm going to add it to the template | 17:06 |
tyche | Yea, I liked that. | 17:06 |
tyche | I thought you did a good job of presenting it. | 17:07 |
johnc4510 | thx | 17:07 |
tyche | We may be preaching to the choir, though. The people that read the UWN are the ones that are already participating, in one form or another. | 17:07 |
tyche | But it can't hurt to add it in, and it might even help people realize that there are more opportunities than they realized. | 17:08 |
johnc4510 | i thought the same thing, but new people reading it will get some direction on participating i think | 17:09 |
tyche | I know that I had entirely the wrong idea of what participation meant, when I first was looking and found that page. | 17:10 |
johnc4510 | yep | 17:11 |
tyche | I think it needs a bit of work. But I don't know who's in charge of it to make suggestions to. | 17:11 |
johnc4510 | ask joey maybe | 17:11 |
tyche | Hmmm. That's an idea. Or jono, maybe, since it's really a community type of thing. | 17:12 |
johnc4510 | you'll be more likely to catch joey i think | 17:13 |
tyche | Yea, the chances there are somewhere between slim and none. Hee hee | 17:13 |
johnc4510 | :) | 17:14 |
tyche | BTW, did my comment to Marks blog finally show up? | 17:14 |
johnc4510 | don't see it yet | 17:14 |
tyche | NM. It's still flagged for moderation. I can't understand that. I'm the most moderate of people there is. LOL | 17:14 |
tyche | If you don't believe me, just look at my picture. ROFL | 17:15 |
johnc4510 | please | 17:15 |
tyche | Nice expansion on Mark's blog | 17:16 |
johnc4510 | thx | 17:16 |
johnc4510 | i need to talk with someone on the forums about starting up their reporting again | 17:18 |
johnc4510 | maybe matthew | 17:18 |
tyche | What do you think of the proposal to add corporate blogs to the Planet? | 17:18 |
johnc4510 | not sure, if they stick to the outline of rules, it will probably be ok | 17:19 |
johnc4510 | no adds etc | 17:19 |
tyche | yea, that and the CC oversite. | 17:19 |
johnc4510 | right | 17:19 |
johnc4510 | i think we'll have to see how it goes after it starts up | 17:20 |
tyche | Also, they want an Ubuntu member to be the responsible person for the blog. | 17:20 |
johnc4510 | right | 17:20 |
johnc4510 | but there will have to be some give on membership i think for that. and that is touchy at least with me | 17:21 |
tyche | I don't see why there should be any give on it. Members are ones who, in one way or another, contribute in a significant way in an on-going manner. | 17:22 |
johnc4510 | maybe they will have folks that are already making a sustained contribution | 17:22 |
johnc4510 | i don't know | 17:22 |
johnc4510 | that really the only point i'm concerned about, and they surely have put some thought into that already | 17:23 |
tyche | What do you think of my going back through the UWN's and putting together a web page of glossary terms? | 17:23 |
johnc4510 | instead of what we're doing now? | 17:24 |
johnc4510 | on a weekly basis | 17:24 |
tyche | no, more as a general thing, where people that aren't necessarily reading the UWN could go for definitions. | 17:24 |
johnc4510 | not sure, i haven't thought about that | 17:25 |
tyche | Plus, it would make it easier for me in one respect, as I'd always be using the same definitions (pulled from there) for repeated instances on different UWNs | 17:25 |
johnc4510 | that's true | 17:25 |
tyche | And I see a LOT of repeats. | 17:26 |
johnc4510 | ask nick for an opinion | 17:26 |
johnc4510 | sure | 17:26 |
tyche | Plus, if I'm not available, that would provide a resource for anyone else having to take it over. | 17:26 |
johnc4510 | if it would make _your_ work easier, i'm all for it | 17:26 |
johnc4510 | true | 17:26 |
johnc4510 | ok, i'm going to step away for a few and let you guys catch up | 17:27 |
johnc4510 | bb in about 30 mins. | 17:27 |
tyche | hey, I have to think of the whole thing, not just my job. But what happens if I get run over by a bus? Oh, wait . . . I'm no longer a bus boss. Hee hee | 17:27 |
johnc4510 | :) | 17:27 |
johnc4510 | boooo | 17:28 |
tyche | ROFL | 17:28 |
boredandblogging | mdke: right, what I'm asking is, can new LoCos host their mailing lists on LP instead of Or if a LoCo wants to set up a 2nd list for administrative purposes, is it ok for them to use LP lists? When we were discussing hosting the Fridge mailing list on LP back in April 2008, there was a policy of not recommending LP lists to the Ubuntu community for various reasons. Do we | 17:38 |
boredandblogging | still have that policy? | 17:38 |
johnc4510 | boredandblogging: morning bud | 17:43 |
mdke | boredandblogging: I thought I had answered the question, but yes we still have the policy, and local teams should use | 17:44 |
mdke | boredandblogging: if a local team wants more lists than the Ubuntu list-masters are prepared to give them, then I think that they are free to use any mailing list provider they like, whether Launchpad, freelists or other. | 17:45 |
tyche | johnc4510: See glossary of terms for the reason why I was thinking about a separate page as a general reference. | 17:45 |
mdke | boredandblogging: but the starting point is an Ubuntu list | 17:45 |
johnc4510 | tyche: looking | 17:46 |
tyche | johnc4510: You guys are ganging up on me. | 17:46 |
johnc4510 | tyche: i see. the only thing i don't want is just a link to a page there instead of the terms | 17:47 |
johnc4510 | i don't want the readers to have to consult a link to get the info | 17:48 |
tyche | No, no! I wasn't implying that. Just that it would make a general resource and reference, as well as making it easier for me to use the same definitions over and over. | 17:48 |
tyche | Well, me or whoever. | 17:48 |
johnc4510 | ah, well then ok go for it | 17:48 |
johnc4510 | :) | 17:48 |
johnc4510 | sorry i misunderstood | 17:48 |
tyche | Now, the NEXT question is, where would I put it? | 17:49 |
johnc4510 | just make a wiki page for your use | 17:49 |
johnc4510 | under | 17:49 |
johnc4510 | hang on | 17:49 |
tyche | And I don't fault you for not understanding. The concept lends itself to missunderstanding. | 17:49 |
johnc4510 | | 17:50 |
johnc4510 | something like that | 17:50 |
tyche | I would have said all that except the -terms on the end. | 17:50 |
johnc4510 | np use that instead if you want | 17:51 |
johnc4510 | you should get kennymc0 to help you go back thru the past issues if that's what you want to do | 17:52 |
johnc4510 | :) | 17:52 |
tyche | KK. I'll get it started, then data-mine back through previous issues for terms that are better defined, or are not already included on the page. | 17:52 |
johnc4510 | rofl | 17:52 |
tyche | Yea, I could do that, too. HEH HEH HEH | 17:52 |
johnc4510 | :) | 17:52 |
tyche | BTW, did you see kennymc0's explaination concerning the bug stats in the -az channel? | 17:52 |
johnc4510 | yeah | 17:53 |
tyche | There now exists a Glossary page for the UWN and any others that care to reference it. It can be found at This is a work in progress (and I don't expect that it will ever leave that state). | 18:03 |
johnc4510 | k | 18:04 |
johnc4510 | tyche: are you doing the ITP ?? | 18:04 |
tyche | No, myrtlebeachbums is, as far as I know. Drag him up here and find out. Hee hee | 18:05 |
johnc4510 | k | 18:05 |
boredandblogging | mdke: thanks | 18:20 |
boredandblogging | johnc4510: hey | 18:20 |
johnc4510 | :) | 18:20 |
johnc4510 | how goes the good life? | 18:20 |
johnc4510 | lol | 18:20 |
boredandblogging | johnc4510: heh | 18:21 |
boredandblogging | getting ready to record a podcast | 18:22 |
johnc4510 | ah | 18:22 |
johnc4510 | myrtlebeach should be about ready for membership, you want to look at his wiki? | 18:22 |
johnc4510 | | 18:22 |
tyche | Note: There are now 13 Glossary terms in this week's UWN. and 18 in the Glossary page | 18:32 |
johnc4510 | k | 18:37 |
johnc4510 | kennymc0: ping | 18:43 |
johnc4510 | i added to the template the brainstorm top 5 of the wk. | 18:44 |
johnc4510 | i've been adding them myself for the last several issues | 18:44 |
johnc4510 | i want you to start adding them to your other stat reporting please | 18:44 |
johnc4510 | all the info is there | 18:45 |
johnc4510 | tyche: i added a teaser on the forums reaching 1 million threads | 18:46 |
tyche | Oh, REALLY! Is that total, or just since they revamped and archived? | 18:46 |
johnc4510 | i think total | 18:47 |
tyche | no link? Or is that "gleaned from various sources". Hee hee | 18:48 |
johnc4510 | yeah, i just picked it up and wrote it | 18:50 |
johnc4510 | we should link to the main forum page though | 18:50 |
johnc4510 | i'll add it | 18:50 |
johnc4510 | thx | 18:50 |
johnc4510 | tyche: i'm going to get some lunch then add the welcome and "in this issue" | 19:11 |
johnc4510 | we're almost there | 19:11 |
johnc4510 | thx guys | 19:11 |
nizarus | johnc4510, we need a solution for wiki links including a space | 19:12 |
nizarus | when doing copy past the link will be incorrect | 19:12 |
johnc4510 | can you give me an example nizarus | 19:13 |
johnc4510 | ? | 19:13 |
nizarus | Team | 19:13 |
tyche | In the case of the ENIS event, I would drop off the #ENIS, etc. | 19:13 |
nizarus | when i copy past it the link is | 19:13 |
tyche | We actually covered the annual seminar on FOSS in Tunisia, too. | 19:14 |
nizarus | the correct link is | 19:14 |
nizarus | spaces must be replaced by %20 | 19:14 |
johnc4510 | hmmm | 19:15 |
nizarus | tyche, it will be great if the enis event is reported to the UWN too :) | 19:16 |
mfm | boredandblogging, Hi! Can I still add something to the UWN123? | 19:17 |
mfm | Hey, cool Number! | 19:17 |
boredandblogging | mfm: sure | 19:17 |
mfm | In the Wiki? or are you working on it? | 19:17 |
tyche | nizarus: We've already got something in there on it | 19:18 |
nizarus | hi boredandblogging :) | 19:18 |
johnc4510 | mfm: no ones in the wiki right now | 19:18 |
boredandblogging | mfm: just add it to the wiki | 19:18 |
johnc4510 | boredandblogging: can you help nizarus | 19:18 |
johnc4510 | not sure i can | 19:18 |
mfm | johnc4510, wrong, I am | 19:18 |
johnc4510 | mfm: lol | 19:18 |
nizarus | johnc4510, sorry haven't seen that you are going to lunch :( | 19:19 |
johnc4510 | np | 19:19 |
johnc4510 | just not sure what answer i can give you | 19:20 |
johnc4510 | maybe boredandblogging can help | 19:20 |
boredandblogging | nizarus: yeah, the %20 | 19:20 |
boredandblogging | whats the problem? | 19:20 |
boredandblogging | The %20 aren't showing up? | 19:21 |
nizarus | boredandblogging, all links here are broken | 19:21 |
nizarus | note that i added %20 to the above link to get it ok for you | 19:21 |
nizarus | is there any solution for that problem instead of manually replacing spaces by %20 | 19:23 |
boredandblogging | don't use spaces in links? | 19:24 |
boredandblogging | which isn't reasonable | 19:24 |
boredandblogging | in the browser, the links for fine | 19:25 |
nizarus | boredandblogging, these links are automaticly gnerated by the wiki, when the link is in the same page they works | 19:25 |
boredandblogging | is that Issue123#Tunisian Team link used elsewhere? | 19:25 |
boredandblogging | right, so who would be linking to | 19:26 |
nizarus | and in that section the link at the 4th edition of the annual seminar on FOSS Tunisia | 19:26 |
nizarus | should be | 19:27 |
nizarus | and the second one Event 8.12 | 19:27 |
nizarus | should be | 19:28 |
nizarus | hard work !! | 19:28 |
* nizarus have to put this on mind for next reports :) | 19:28 | |
johnc4510-laptop | mfm: you done adding to the UWN now?? | 21:22 |
mfm | johnc4510-laptop, yes | 21:23 |
johnc4510-laptop | cool thx | 21:23 |
mfm | sorry | 21:23 |
johnc4510-laptop | :) | 21:23 |
johnc4510-laptop | np | 21:23 |
mfm | I was just looking through the contributions to our german version and found some links that didn't appear int the UWN | 21:25 |
mfm | they do now ;) | 21:25 |
johnc4510-laptop | ah | 21:27 |
johnc4510-laptop | thx | 21:27 |
nizarus | johnc4510-laptop, can we add more details on "Tunisian Team Events in December" | 21:37 |
nizarus | n December, they completed the first of 2 phases of migrating the National Engineering School of Sfax (ENIS) to Ubuntu. This first phase included presentations to students, teachers and technical staff of ENIS[1] and installing ubuntu on 150 PC. | 21:38 |
johnc4510-laptop | sure go ahead and add it | 21:39 |
johnc4510-laptop | you've got about 5 mins. before i publish | 21:39 |
johnc4510-laptop | lol | 21:39 |
nizarus | ok | 21:40 |
nizarus | done | 21:43 |
nizarus | ;) | 21:43 |
johnc4510-laptop | ok | 21:43 |
johnc4510-laptop | thx | 21:43 |
* johnc4510-laptop anyone around that can help me with the mail lists ?? | 22:06 | |
johnc4510-laptop | they seem to be down | 22:07 |
johnc4510-laptop | beuno: ping | 22:07 |
beuno | johnc4510-laptop, hiya | 22:08 |
johnc4510-laptop | hey | 22:08 |
johnc4510-laptop | mail list trouble | 22:08 |
beuno | ay | 22:08 |
beuno | what seems to be the problem> | 22:08 |
beuno | ? | 22:08 |
johnc4510-laptop | no confirmation on the issue i sent to the -news list | 22:08 |
johnc4510-laptop | and i can't get to the admin page | 22:08 |
beuno | wierd | 22:09 |
beuno | I'm in the admin page | 22:09 |
beuno | and your email isn't being held for moderation | 22:10 |
johnc4510-laptop | ok, i got to the admin page | 22:10 |
johnc4510-laptop | sorry | 22:10 |
johnc4510-laptop | don't know what was wrong | 22:10 |
johnc4510-laptop | :( | 22:10 |
beuno | "the internet" ;) | 22:11 |
johnc4510-laptop | yeah | 22:11 |
johnc4510-laptop | lol | 22:11 |
johnc4510-laptop | thx | 22:11 |
beuno | np | 22:11 |
johnc4510-laptop | new issue of the UWN is out: | 22:23 |
nizarus | \o/ | 22:24 |
johnc4510-laptop | ok all we're done for another week. thx for a great job :) | 22:51 |
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