nbeebo | mother fucking niggers | 00:31 |
topyli | way to go | 00:32 |
elkbuntu | nickspoon, please dont. | 00:37 |
nickspoon | Oh, come on. | 00:37 |
nickspoon | I won't do it again :) | 00:38 |
elkbuntu | nickspoon, ops arent allowed to have fun. | 00:38 |
nickspoon | Pah, says who? | 00:38 |
elkbuntu | says the shitstorm that will eventuate if you keep the current thing up. hell, we had to stop play-kicking other ops becuase the poor little offtopicers were scared | 00:39 |
elkbuntu | !language > elkbuntu | 00:40 |
ubottu | elkbuntu, please see my private message | 00:40 |
nickspoon | I've been in #u-o a fair while now and as far as I could tell no play-kicks ever did any harm. I will relent, however - I shouldn't want to incur the wrath of the important ops :) | 00:45 |
elkbuntu | nickspoon, wait until lynoure sees a play-kick, or someone else who likes to accuse us of abuse. | 00:46 |
elkbuntu | nickspoon, we're not even supposed to preemptively op up in a dispute. they scream bullying if we do. | 00:47 |
ubottu | FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) | 00:47 |
ubottu | FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) | 00:48 |
elkbuntu | then complain if we warn, as warning is bullying | 00:48 |
elkbuntu | then complain that we dont give warnings | 00:48 |
elkbuntu | nickspoon, it might look fun from the user side, but it's not. Trolls have more leeway than we do. | 00:49 |
nickspoon | I'll grant you that I haven't been in here at all, but really this sounds an awful lot like whiny users getting their way. | 00:50 |
elkbuntu | it is. | 00:51 |
elkbuntu | that's how -offtopic has got to the trashpit it is today | 00:51 |
elkbuntu | most of the regulars are those whiny users | 00:52 |
elkbuntu | i mean, just the other week i got accused of not participating in -offtopic | 00:52 |
elkbuntu | by wobblywu | 00:53 |
thom | the proliferation of ubuntu irc channels still scares me. but i might just be showing my age :) | 00:53 |
elkbuntu | such as which? | 00:53 |
thom | well, such as all of them. but then, i remember the discussion about hiving the ubuntu-devel mailing list off the ubuntu one :) | 00:54 |
elkbuntu | heh | 00:54 |
nickspoon | I don't know of any regulars who complain about joke kicks. The only times people have complained (in #u-o at least) is when they don't understand why they were kicked. | 00:55 |
nickspoon | Or why X was kicked. | 00:56 |
elkbuntu | nickspoon, it's not the sort of thing you notice until you're one of us. | 00:57 |
nickspoon | I suppose not. | 00:57 |
PriceChild | One of us! | 00:58 |
Seeker` | people will complain about most things | 00:58 |
PriceChild | I'd rather we leave +o alone unless it is needed. | 00:59 |
Seeker` | in fact, whatever you do, someone will probably complain | 00:59 |
PriceChild | Seeker`++ | 00:59 |
Seeker` | and if you are an op long enough, you'll probably pick up a group of followers that will complain about everything you do no matter what it is | 01:01 |
nickspoon | Which is why I don't want to be an op for any more than #u-o. | 01:02 |
Seeker` | bedtime I think | 01:04 |
Seeker` | night | 01:04 |
elkbuntu | Seeker`, and their complaining takes our time. it's a matter of if you have time to be screamed at. most of us dont. | 01:31 |
elkbuntu | nickrud, -ot is probably the hardest one to be op of. | 01:31 |
elkbuntu | errrr nickspoon | 01:32 |
elkbuntu | too many nicks | 01:32 |
nickrud | yep. | 01:32 |
* nickrud eyes nickspoon, again | 01:32 | |
elkbuntu | he left | 01:32 |
elkbuntu | i didnt read what popped up with tab complete | 01:32 |
nickrud | before I joined obviously. But we've been down this road before, us two | 01:32 |
elkbuntu | heh | 01:33 |
nickrud | his nick is about the only one I write fully, every time | 01:34 |
patx | Jack_Sparrow: hello. | 02:46 |
Jack_Sparrow | Hi.. | 02:46 |
patx | lol pm | 02:46 |
Jack_Sparrow | We tried letting users make their own factoids but it got out of control fast.. now they can suggest them, and they get approved or denied | 02:46 |
patx | ok | 02:47 |
patx | 9:46:28 PM: he has a masters option | 02:47 |
patx | 9:46:40 PM: u can set it to just the staff | 02:47 |
patx | 9:46:45 PM: er i can set it | 02:47 |
Flannel | patx: So, how would it be any different than ubottu? | 02:47 |
patx | idk... he can run in whatever channel u want him to... | 02:48 |
Jack_Sparrow | Flannel, ty | 02:48 |
Flannel | patx: We already have bots in all the channels we want them in | 02:48 |
Flannel | Thank you though, but we've got it covered. | 02:48 |
patx | is there anyway he can get a cloak then? | 02:48 |
Flannel | patx: Not an Ubuntu cloak, no. You'd have to talk to freenode staff to get some other cloak; I'm not sure how unaffiliated cloaks work for bots. | 02:49 |
patx | i have one of those already | 02:49 |
Flannel | patx: right, I meant for your bot. | 02:50 |
patx | he has one of them to lol | 02:50 |
Flannel | Oh, you have one. | 02:50 |
Flannel | Why would we give some arbitrary bot an Ubuntu cloak? | 02:50 |
patx | unaffiliated/patx/bot/patxbot | 02:50 |
patx | because he would be in ur channels | 02:50 |
Flannel | patx: Again, thanks for offering, but we don't need any additional bots at this time. | 02:51 |
patx | k | 02:51 |
patx | can u think of any other irc chanel with cloaks that need bots... i came here cos i use ubuntu | 02:52 |
Flannel | Not off the top of my head, nope | 02:52 |
patx | k ty again | 02:54 |
Flannel | patx: Is there any other Ubuntu related issues we can help you with today? We ask people not to idle here. Thanks | 02:54 |
patx | k leaving no | 02:55 |
Flannel | Hmmm | 05:00 |
Flannel | SABDFL... not identified | 05:00 |
Flannel | going to be guested soon I imagine | 05:00 |
Moniker42 | he hasn't enabled nick protection | 05:09 |
Flannel | Odd. Someone should mention it to him | 05:09 |
Moniker42 | only in #ubuntu too | 05:10 |
* Flannel hasn't either, I don't think, for what its worth. | 05:10 | |
Moniker42 | i would think if it actually was sabdfl he'd be in -dev etc? | 05:10 |
Flannel | Oh, its certainly not him | 05:10 |
elkbuntu | isnt posing as well-known freenode registered nicks like BAD in the freenode guidelines? | 05:15 |
Moniker42 | hmm yes, but that's sabdfl's error for not enabling enforce :P | 05:16 |
Flannel | I know posing as a staffer is. | 05:16 |
elkbuntu | Moniker42, please dont blame victims | 05:16 |
elkbuntu | that's like saying it's ok to rob you while you're out, because you didnt have one more lock on your door | 05:16 |
Moniker42 | let's not use flawed analogy... it's up to the user to decide if they want their nick protected when they are offline | 05:20 |
Flannel | elkbuntu: do you have a car analogy? | 05:20 |
nickrud | don't lock your car, and your theft insurance is compromised. Not blaming the victim, just expecting due diligence | 05:21 |
elkbuntu | Moniker42, i'd chance that Sabdfl has no idea about nick enforce | 05:22 |
elkbuntu | Moniker42, in fact, i'd be willing to put a wager on it. | 05:23 |
Moniker42 | perhaps it's more like leaving your car unlocked in the middle of a car park, taking the registration plates off and leaving the keys in the lock - then saying the police should only make sure that people don't take the expensive and ostentatious cars | 05:23 |
Moniker42 | it's not up to staff to decide whether a nick/user is important or popular enough to have their nick protected | 05:24 |
* tonyyarusso is here to be filled in if this is relevant to me... | 05:24 | |
Moniker42 | please ignore my car analogy... analogies are not arguments - i just wanted to oblige Flannel with a car one ;) | 05:25 |
Flannel | tonyyarusso: He's not here yet | 05:25 |
tonyyarusso | 'k | 05:27 |
Flannel | Oh, that guy. | 05:27 |
ubottu | In #ubuntu-offtopic, MenZa said: !alias apachemysqlphp is <alias> lamp | 05:38 |
PriceChild | did someone try the former and expect informatino? | 05:39 |
nickrud | yes | 05:39 |
PriceChild | where? | 05:40 |
nickrud | #ubuntu. menza tried the former, I popped the latter, that was the result | 05:40 |
Flannel | I can't imagine why you'd expect the former | 05:41 |
nickrud | that's the name of the wiki page | 05:42 |
Flannel | well, that was brief | 05:47 |
nickrud | hm. maybe he was just checking if he got good info on the channel name :) | 05:48 |
Flannel | I guess. He's been in here before though; wants to file a complaint about abuse. | 05:48 |
nickrud | is commie_cary a known troll? | 06:30 |
bazhang | yep | 06:32 |
Flannel | trollish at times, yes. | 06:32 |
bazhang | I am betting that amuro is kelvin911 | 06:32 |
Flannel | Not "a known troll" just sometimes difficult | 06:32 |
Flannel | bazhang: He is. | 06:32 |
elkbuntu | PriceChild, there's no harm in extra aliases if they make sense. it's when they're vague and dont make sense that i fail to see the point | 07:01 |
* genii puts on a pot of coffee | 08:55 | |
genii | Wow, quiet in here. I guess thats a Good Thing | 09:23 |
elkbuntu | yeah | 09:30 |
genii | Hiya elkbuntu | 09:31 |
elkbuntu | hi | 09:31 |
Tm_T | genii: saw #kubuntu-offtopic ? | 09:57 |
genii | Tm_T: Seems quiet last hour or so since I've been /back ... didn't scrutinize backscoll however | 09:58 |
genii | Tm_T: Buckethead ? | 10:00 |
Tm_T | no, the other one | 10:00 |
genii | Ah, Minataku | 10:01 |
Tm_T | I wasn't overreacting, was I? | 10:01 |
genii | Nah | 10:01 |
Tm_T | I thought so | 10:01 |
genii | He doesn't even run KDE or *buntu | 10:01 |
Tm_T | I know | 10:02 |
Tm_T | it was all because of calling names, really | 10:02 |
genii | Maybe an !ot earlier coulda helped avert... otherwise looks fine to me | 10:03 |
Tm_T | nah, he knows | 10:04 |
genii | True | 10:05 |
genii | Tm_T: Hehe "remove is not an invite" | 10:07 |
genii | Is there a korean or esperanto channel to direct someone to? | 10:19 |
Flannel | !ko | 10:24 |
ubottu | For Korean help, /join #ubuntu-ko | 10:24 |
Flannel | !eo | 10:24 |
ubottu | Iru al #ubuntu-eo, Bonvole. | 10:24 |
genii | Ah, nice | 10:24 |
genii | Apparently -oe has 1 user | 10:24 |
genii | -eo rather | 10:25 |
Flannel | Nice | 10:25 |
genii | I've told nils in #u several times now how to go to #ubuntu-de and others have also pointed him at the !de a few also. Can anyone shove him there or so? | 11:37 |
genii | (I'm not an op there just #k) | 11:37 |
genii | Flannel: You see? He is stubborn ;) | 11:39 |
Flannel | He's not stubborn, just not used to IRC | 11:39 |
Flannel | genii: /j doesn't work everywhere | 11:40 |
genii | Maybe he doesn't know to go to the tab after it's opened | 11:40 |
genii | Ah, possibly only /join works then | 11:40 |
elkbuntu | some of the !cc factoids are a bit sparse on detail. | 11:41 |
elkbuntu | !de | 11:42 |
ubottu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, und #edubuntu-de | 11:42 |
genii | I wonder how you say "select the channel name with mouse and activate" or so | 11:42 |
genii | (since that usually works on gui clients) | 11:43 |
elkbuntu | right, and if i've launched my irc client like some website said to do, it's automatically dumped me in #Ubuntu (as the default irc clients do) then i have no idea how to do anything | 11:43 |
Flannel | We'd have to update that on almost all of them though | 11:44 |
elkbuntu | genii, "(hover and right click)" is basically all we need to append with | 11:44 |
Flannel | I argue its easier to manually walk the few totally clueless people who haven't other figured it out through /join #whatever | 11:44 |
genii | Hm | 11:44 |
genii | I find merit in both cases ;) | 11:44 |
genii | Flannel: I'm leaning your way generally. I don't want to be volunteered for editing | 11:45 |
elkbuntu | Flannel, we update it on the ones we can source someone to help us fix. german, spanish, french should be easy enough to find | 11:45 |
stdin | who's going to make sure "(hover and right click)" works in all the IRC clients? | 11:51 |
jussi01 | is it not just click? | 11:53 |
* genii tries to hover and rightclick in irsii | 11:53 | |
jussi01 | and do we not just need to check the defaults? | 11:53 |
jussi01 | ie. the default clients | 11:53 |
Flannel | xchat, mIRC, pidgin, [Kubuntu] | 11:54 |
Flannel | Opera? | 11:54 |
Flannel | Chatzilla | 11:54 |
genii | mirc under wine ... | 11:54 |
stdin | with Konversation, you just click (not sure if right click does anything) | 11:54 |
Flannel | genii: Nah, mIRC under windows. "I cant get ubuntu to work, so I rebooted to windows, yadda yadda" | 11:55 |
stdin | and I'm not sure about kvirc | 11:55 |
jussi01 | with quassel its the same as konvi | 11:56 |
Flannel | So, we already know its right click some places, and left click others? | 11:56 |
jussi01 | (quassel is likely to be default in jaunty) (we hope) | 11:56 |
genii | jussi01: What the hell core would it use?? | 11:57 |
jussi01 | genii: monolithic client ;) | 11:57 |
elkbuntu | quassel? | 11:57 |
jussi01 | !info quassel | 11:57 |
ubottu | quassel (source: quassel): distributed, Qt based, IRC client using a central core component. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.0-0ubuntu9 (intrepid), package size 2246 kB, installed size 4236 kB | 11:57 |
elkbuntu | ah | 11:58 |
elkbuntu | K-land | 11:58 |
jussi01 | yeps | 11:58 |
* genii sips from his Kubuntu mug | 12:00 | |
genii | Geez, now I can hear the crickets ;) | 12:07 |
Flannel | Don't jinx it | 12:07 |
ubottu | In #kubuntu, hyper_ch said: !de is Deutschsprachige Hilfe für Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanälen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, und #edubuntu-de | 14:44 |
jussi01 | !de | 14:47 |
ubottu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, und #edubuntu-de | 14:47 |
LBSources | whats up? | 16:25 |
bazhang | LBSources, you are ban evading? | 16:25 |
LBSources | huh? | 16:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | When were you banned and what nick? | 16:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | @login | 16:26 |
ubottu | The operation succeeded. | 16:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | @btlogin | 16:26 |
LBSources | same nick | 16:27 |
Jack_Sparrow | when | 16:27 |
LBSources | just asking .. i came back from being away and noticed i was banned, but it seems it was lifted | 16:27 |
LBSources | hard to tell .. my crap client doesnt record the time | 16:28 |
LBSources | how useful :) | 16:28 |
LBSources | anyway .. it's lifted .. so i think it ok now | 16:28 |
Jack_Sparrow | I see one on the 26th | 16:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | but like you said it was lifted | 16:29 |
LBSources | 26th? wow .. well I dont even interact enough to be banned.. but ok | 16:29 |
LBSources | well .. thanks.. | 16:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | bazhang, Do you have a minute..? | 16:53 |
bazhang | Jack_Sparrow, sure what's up | 16:53 |
Jack_Sparrow | bazhang, i WAS LOOKING FOR THE BAN ON lbs AND i CANT SEEM TO FIND IT IN THE LOGS. | 16:53 |
Jack_Sparrow | SORRY | 16:53 |
Jack_Sparrow | Fat fingers | 16:54 |
bazhang | hehe | 16:54 |
bazhang | let me check | 16:54 |
Jack_Sparrow | the logs are utc right Dec 26 2008 19:07:24 | 16:54 |
guntbert | Hi, I suggest to change the wording of the factoid !de, I modelled it after !es and !fr to be more clear | 16:56 |
guntbert | In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis. | 16:57 |
Jack_Sparrow | guntbert, thank you .. someone that speaks de will look it over.. | 16:57 |
guntbert | translation: Most of the ubuntu-channels are English-only. for support in German please join ..... Just type /join #ubuntu-de. Thank you for your understanding. | 16:57 |
jussi01 | !no, de is <reply>In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis. | 17:02 |
ubottu | I'll remember that jussi01 | 17:02 |
Jack_Sparrow | bazhang, LBS may have been christmaself as the times are close | 17:05 |
bazhang | yep that would be him it seems jack | 17:11 |
bazhang | oops | 17:11 |
ubottu | jtaji called the ops in #ubuntu (patlutz) | 18:32 |
jussi01 | sorted | 18:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | ty | 18:35 |
jussi01 | #ubuntu going to the dogs again I see... | 18:38 |
jussi01 | Jack_Sparrow: you didnt remove him... | 18:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | one sec | 18:39 |
ubottu | In ubottu, Schuenemann said: !no, pt is Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. | 18:40 |
jussi01 | !pt | 18:40 |
ubottu | Por favor use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado. | 18:40 |
ubottu | In ubottu, Schuenemann said: !no, br is Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. | 18:40 |
jussi01 | !no, br is Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. | 18:40 |
ubottu | I'll remember that jussi01 | 18:40 |
jpds | jussi01: Shouldn't that have <reply>? | 18:46 |
jussi01 | !br | 18:46 |
ubottu | br is Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. | 18:46 |
jussi01 | heh | 18:46 |
jussi01 | oops | 18:46 |
jussi01 | !no, br is <reply>Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. | 18:47 |
ubottu | I'll remember that jussi01 | 18:47 |
jussi01 | !-br | 18:47 |
ubottu | br has no aliases - added by Seveas on 2006-06-18 01:15:56 - last edited by jussi01 on 2009-01-04 18:49:10 | 18:47 |
jussi01 | !-pt | 18:47 |
ubottu | pt aliases: portuguese, brazil - added by Seveas on 2006-06-21 00:53:44 - last edited by LjL on 2008-11-18 23:08:11 | 18:47 |
jussi01 | hrm | 18:47 |
jussi01 | !no, pt is <reply>Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. | 18:47 |
ubottu | I'll remember that jussi01 | 18:47 |
jussi01 | !no, br is <alias>pt | 18:48 |
jussi01 | !no, br is <alias> pt | 18:48 |
ubottu | You are editing an alias. Please repeat the edit command within the next 10 seconds to confirm | 18:48 |
jussi01 | !no, br is <alias> pt | 18:48 |
jussi01 | !-br | 18:48 |
ubottu | br is <alias> pt - added by Seveas on 2006-06-18 01:15:56 - last edited by jussi01 on 2009-01-04 18:50:32 | 18:48 |
jussi01 | !br | 18:48 |
ubottu | Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. | 18:48 |
jussi01 | :) | 18:48 |
nickspoon | Well done :D | 18:49 |
PriceChild | elkbuntu: I don't think he'll be using that long one next time. | 18:59 |
jussi01 | Jack_Sparrow: you need to remember !danger ;) | 19:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | ah | 19:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | thanks.. | 19:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | Im trying to watch football and keep an eye in here | 19:15 |
Jack_Sparrow | Did nbeebo get unbanned since yesterday.. I thought he got banned in ot and in ubuntu | 19:24 |
Jack_Sparrow | @login | 19:25 |
ubottu | The operation succeeded. | 19:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | @btlogin | 19:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | HEy HacKBoX | 19:26 |
HacKBoX | Hello | 19:26 |
HacKBoX | hey | 19:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | What else can I help you with today | 19:27 |
HacKBoX | I was bored so I figured i would see how to become an operator | 19:27 |
Jack_Sparrow | Didnt mean that to sound the way it looks | 19:27 |
HacKBoX | lol | 19:27 |
HacKBoX | all good | 19:27 |
Jack_Sparrow | HacKBoX, Just by helping in channel.. we are always watching.. and we never op.. because some asks | 19:28 |
HacKBoX | that is what i figured. I check out the coc. sounds good. I wasn't sure if everybody paid attention to the help given | 19:29 |
Tm_T | !guidelines | HacKBoX | 19:29 |
ubottu | HacKBoX: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 19:29 |
Tm_T | it's all there, even how becoming an op, I believe | 19:29 |
HacKBoX | thanks TM_T | 19:29 |
HacKBoX | thanks. I'm gonna get out of this channel | 19:29 |
jpds | PriceChild: u-uk meeting in 1 if you're interested. | 19:29 |
Myrtti | hmmm | 19:39 |
Tm_T | <3 | 19:40 |
Flannel | jussi01: -pt is a LoCo channel, -br is the language support channel | 19:49 |
Flannel | That's why the former was removed from the factoid | 19:49 |
* jussi01 doesnt get how that works... | 19:50 | |
Flannel | jussi01: support is in -br for those languages. -pt is for LoCo business, and -br has -br-loco or soemthing like that, for LoCo business | 19:50 |
jussi01 | Flannel: yes, but you are supposed to be able to get support in a loco channel, no? | 19:51 |
Flannel | Not necessarily, no. | 19:51 |
Flannel | LoCos provide support, but doesn't have to be in their main IRC channel | 19:51 |
Flannel | (the -pt loco provides support in the -br channel, I believe) | 19:51 |
Flannel | Its just like we don't provide support here, or in -meeting or whatnot | 19:52 |
Flannel | -br is a language channel, -pt (and -br-whatever) are channels for LoCo business | 19:53 |
jussi01 | That isnt my understanding of how it works, but if you know better please feel free to change it | 19:53 |
jussi01 | oh yay for netsplits... | 19:55 |
stdin | "rehubbing" is the term they use when it's intentional :p | 20:00 |
stdin | FloodBot1 is going insane | 20:23 |
Flannel | Wow.... that... text speak guy is crazy | 20:23 |
ikonia | s/crazy/annoyinh | 20:24 |
ikonia | s/crazy/annoying | 20:24 |
Flannel | ikonia: I think you mean anyng | 20:24 |
ikonia | ha | 20:24 |
tritium | How hard is it to type out a full word? Sheesh... | 20:26 |
Flannel | Um, whats the fcatoid for arabic? | 20:27 |
ikonia | I was looking ! | 20:27 |
tritium | Not sure, without digging. | 20:27 |
ikonia | couldn't see it | 20:28 |
stdin | !ar | 20:28 |
ubottu | La comunidad local de Argentina se puede encontrar en #ubuntu-ar y en su canal de offtopic: #ubuntu-ar-cafe | 20:28 |
stdin | umm, nope | 20:28 |
Flannel | !sa | 20:28 |
ubottu | For the Saudi Arabia team : /join #ubuntu-sa : للانظمام الى قناة الفريق السعودي - For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية | 20:28 |
Flannel | arabic | 20:28 |
Flannel | !arabic | 20:28 |
Flannel | odd, ok, sa it is I guess | 20:28 |
* Flannel always worries about offending when dealing with languages he has little knowledge about. | 20:29 | |
ikonia | snap | 20:29 |
tritium | An innocent mistake shouldn't offend. | 20:29 |
Flannel | My ignorance is no excuse for... well... ignorance | 20:30 |
tritium | Have we really gotten to the point where it's safer not to help, than to risk offending? Too much political correctness... | 20:31 |
Flannel | I never said I won't help. I just said I worry about showing my ignorance | 20:32 |
ikonia | Flannel: I make some bad calls with say spanish and portugese | 20:33 |
stdin | ooh, myrtti's here | 20:35 |
myrtti | hi | 20:35 |
* stdin waves | 20:35 | |
Flannel | Howdy myrtti | 20:35 |
ikonia | howdy | 20:35 |
tritium | Flannel: I know, my point is that you shouldn't have to worry about showing ignorance. | 20:37 |
Flannel | Hi Gasoline, how can we help you? | 20:39 |
ikonia | @bansearch artur | 20:40 |
ubottu | No matches found for artur!*@* in any channel | 20:40 |
Flannel | He's not in BT that I could see | 20:40 |
Flannel | tritium: I dislike being ignorant. Whether from my own delisions of gradeur or whatever it is. | 20:40 |
tritium | Flannel: I understand. | 20:41 |
jrib | @mark qb|away has ignored !away for about a month | 20:42 |
ubottu | The operation succeeded. | 20:42 |
tritium | If I make a mistake, and accidently type !br instead of !pt, I shouldn't have to worry if I offend someone. That is my only point. | 20:42 |
tritium | i.e., people should appreciate honest attempts to help. We shouldn't be walking on egg shells while trying to assist. | 20:43 |
=== myrtti is now known as Myrtti | ||
ikonia | !staff DJCanadianJeff | 21:11 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 21:11 |
ikonia | !staff | DJCanadianJeff thretening in pm | 21:11 |
ubottu | DJCanadianJeff thretening in pm: Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary, Vorian or PriceChild, I could use a bit of your time :) | 21:11 |
ikonia | 21:11 <DJCanadianJeff> DIRE IN A FIRE NOOB | 21:11 |
ikonia | etc | 21:11 |
Flannel | dire, eh? | 21:11 |
ikonia | he meant die | 21:12 |
Flannel | I think the misspelling for the sake of rhyme is a good trade off | 21:12 |
ikonia | ha ha ha | 21:12 |
ikonia | only just noted that | 21:12 |
Flannel | Or perhaps he's stuck in a canadian textile sweatshop that's caught in a blazing inferno, and he's asking for help! | 21:16 |
Flannel | (Dyer in a Fire) | 21:17 |
* jpds looks at Ganja_Smoker in #u. | 21:32 | |
ikonia | !staff | BiTTraffic spamming advertising urls | 21:50 |
ubottu | BiTTraffic spamming advertising urls: Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary, Vorian or PriceChild, I could use a bit of your time :) | 21:50 |
* jussi01 waves | 21:50 | |
jussi01 | heya ikonia | 21:51 |
ikonia | hey | 21:51 |
jussi01 | hows things? | 21:51 |
ikonia | busy busy busy | 21:52 |
ikonia | what's going on your end | 21:52 |
jussi01 | not so much. got time for a pm? | 21:52 |
ikonia | sure | 21:52 |
Seeker` | lo | 21:58 |
jussi01 | heya Seeker` | 21:58 |
jussi01 | !-amaranth | 23:54 |
ubottu | amaranth aliases: nvidia-beta - added by Amaranth on 2008-01-16 10:34:19 - last edited by Amaranth on 2008-03-13 20:24:41 | 23:54 |
Generated by irclog2html.py 2.7 by Marius Gedminas - find it at mg.pov.lt!