ActionParsnip | Pirate_Hunter: if a new one hasnt been created you can delete the backup as its now redundant | 00:00 |
kestutis | <Jack_Sparrow> thanks | 00:00 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 00:00 |
Pirate_Hunter | ActionParsnip: ok | 00:00 |
=== Noso is now known as Noso[Away] | ||
Tony333 | Hi! I think i have a problem with high RAM usage by Xorg in 8.10. Can anyone help me to resolve this ? | 00:01 |
Jack_Sparrow | kestutis, I would worry about running as root to get something to work in wine | 00:01 |
kestutis | how to work with wine as root? | 00:01 |
emilien | !wine | 00:01 |
ubottu | WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help | 00:01 |
Jack_Sparrow | kestutis, I would NOT advise it | 00:01 |
=== Noso[Away] is now known as Noso | ||
kestutis | <Jack_Sparrow> why not? | 00:02 |
ebaby | Slart: thought it was as messge said it was partioning. the choice are only the above I mentioned with the addition of (recovery mode) at the end of description they all say Ubuntu 8.10, kernel 2.6.27-7-generic one has (recovery mode) another has (on /dev/sda1) | 00:02 |
iluminator1011 | Can someone help me get my ricoh mmc/sd card working in ubuntu hardy? | 00:02 |
Pirate_Hunter | ActionParsnip: yeah non were created again so you were right it isnt needed | 00:02 |
ebaby | Slart: which should I choose? | 00:02 |
Jack_Sparrow | kestutis, Security issues. WIne probably has Z mapped to / | 00:02 |
Slart | ebaby: well.. go with the default on.. usually the one on the top | 00:02 |
__MAV1 | Where can I get x11-inputproto v 1.4.4 (Currently Ubuntu has inputproto v 1.4.3) | 00:02 |
Laurenceb | hi, anyone know how I can install PCB? | 00:02 |
Laurenceb | I tried sudo apt-get install PCB | 00:03 |
dangerisgo | is it possible to create a windows install flash drive from within ubuntu? | 00:03 |
ebaby | Slart: I assume the first - yes - thanx | 00:03 |
kestutis | <Jack_Sparrow> the security is not imporant. I am home user and don't have any imporant data... | 00:03 |
Pirate_Hunter | ActionParsnip: thank you for the help im going bed now, goign to continue setting this system tommorow or should i say later on in the morning or afternoon | 00:03 |
Jack_Sparrow | kestutis, Ask in #winehq | 00:03 |
ActionParsnip | pece out bro | 00:03 |
kestutis | <Jack_Sparrow> i've already done it. | 00:05 |
=== Mike_92 is now known as Mike0020 | ||
ebaby | Slart: orange bar is moving now - few seconds of darkness - 60% of screen has ubuntu brwn background above it is greyish garbled text - now dark - now the message box Ubuntu is running in low graphics mode | 00:06 |
Slart | ebaby: ok... and it wants you to select some kind of driver, right? | 00:07 |
Slart | ebaby: see if you can find a driver called VESA | 00:08 |
ebaby | Slart: it says "screen graphic card and input device setting could not be detected U will need to configure these yourself" | 00:08 |
Mike0020 | I want to install Skype on Intrepid, however the download page on only has the download for Ubuntu 7.04 - 8.04. I believe you can install Skype from Synaptic Package Manager, however I see four things related to Skype: skype, skype-common, skype-static, and skype-static-oss. Which do I install to get Skype to work properly? | 00:09 |
Jack_Sparrow | !skype | 00:09 |
ubottu | To install Skype on Ubuntu, see - To record on Skype, check: | 00:09 |
ebaby | Slart: if/when I click okay it pops up a box saying "what would u like to do 'run ubuntu in low-graphics mode' Reconfigure graphics' or troubleshoot the error - find vesa using this computer im typing on? | 00:10 |
iluminator1011 | how do you get a ricoh mmc card on dell laptop going? | 00:10 |
switchseven | Any experiences or advice on the best Remote Desktop solution > Ubuntu Server / Windows Client | 00:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | ebaby, what video card? | 00:10 |
Slart | ebaby: ok... try the low graphics mode | 00:10 |
jeremy | I am having difficulty getting my microphone to work | 00:10 |
ethan | blueacid are you there? | 00:12 |
ethan | blueacid:? | 00:12 |
=== |DarkSmoke| is now known as DS-BrB | ||
[TiZ] | While trying to install drivers for my brother's rtl8187-based netgear wg111v2, I've somehow managed to fubar ndiswrapper. It won't list drivers anymore, and ndisgtk just freezes. Can anyone help? | 00:12 |
__MAV1 | found InputProto 1.4.4 here | 00:12 |
Brack10 | when you edit ~/.cairo-dock/current_theme/cairo-dock.conf settings and restart the dock, shouldn't the changes apply to the current theme? | 00:12 |
ethan | blueacid: are you there? | 00:12 |
ebaby | Jack_Sparrow: via chrome9 HC IGP | 00:12 |
__MAV1 | I wonder how Ubuntu team managed to build Xserver with old Inputproto headers | 00:12 |
BLuEACiD | YA | 00:12 |
Brack10 | I know what you're thinking "ask in #cairo-dock" | 00:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | ebaby, thanks, | 00:12 |
jarco | hello all i have some huge problems at the moment with my work pc. I installed linux on a seperate hard drive next to a windows xp install. I also installed grub on it. (ubuntu installer did it). now grub guves error 17. Also when i try to boot the ubuntu disk it gives me grub working. xp is not bootable from it. sais something about unsupported format. Also when i boot ubuntu it just gives me black screen. i hear the sound of ubuntu gnome boot | 00:12 |
jarco | ing but just have black screen. i have agp ati 3850. Anyone knows ANYTHING that can help me? | 00:12 |
Slart | ebaby: that should put you at the normal desktop.. start a terminal and run "sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-openchrome" | 00:13 |
Tony333 | Memory usage increases by 120Mb after starting gdm (tried xdm too). Is it normal ? | 00:13 |
araen | Hello everybody | 00:13 |
TobiasGreenich | Alright, I've been trying to install quickcam drivers, and I've been able to download and extract the driver, but when I try to compile it I get an error. I have a pastebin link to the log. | 00:13 |
__MAV1 | Building-building X server :) | 00:13 |
ebaby | Slart: message says stand by one minute while display restarts shall I hit okay or keep waiting | 00:13 |
Slart | ebaby: nah. if there is an "okay" button try pressing it | 00:13 |
Zombie_Gaz | I have a domain name I registered with Want to associate my machine with this domain (so I can use Apache to run I have no idea how to do this... any help? | 00:14 |
[TiZ] | Can anyone help me un-fubar ndiswrapper? | 00:14 |
araen | I absolutly need your help ^^ I tried to install wifi on my eeepc later and it worked, but now (after restarting) I've an orange screen with a little gray square in left-up | 00:14 |
araen | I can't do anything | 00:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | [TiZ], Explain what you did in detail to get the best help undoing it | 00:15 |
araen | Can you help me ? | 00:15 |
Slart | Zombie_Gaz: this is something you'll have to ask the domain vendor about.. they probably have some documentation for it | 00:15 |
jarco | hello all i have some huge problems at the moment with my work pc. I installed linux on a seperate hard drive next to a windows xp install. I also installed grub on it. (ubuntu installer did it). now grub guves error 17. Also when i try to boot the ubuntu disk it gives me grub working. xp is not bootable from it. sais something about unsupported format. Also when i boot ubuntu it just gives me black screen. i hear the sound of ubuntu gnome boot | 00:15 |
jarco | ing but just have black screen. i have agp ati 3850. Anyone knows ANYTHING that can help me? | 00:15 |
figueroa09 | any virtualbox pros out there? mine is locking up when launching and taking over usbs from host. I out in all the manufacturer and component | 00:15 |
ActionParsnip | araen: try ctrl+alt+backspace | 00:15 |
Zombie_Gaz | Slart: you mean zoneedit, the ppl I registered this domain with? | 00:15 |
Slart | Zombie_Gaz: yup | 00:15 |
=== Noso is now known as Noso[Food] | ||
[TiZ] | Jack_Sparrow: Well, I tried to install a driver using ndisgtk. Ndisgtk then froze up. I force quitted it, and now both ndisgtk and ndiswrapper -l just freeze. | 00:16 |
araen | ActionParsnip: in fact, my computer is lit now, it's a gnome error | 00:16 |
Zombie_Gaz | Slart: I don't think so. I already have them with my ip... i feel that I need to do something on my side. I'll try tho. | 00:16 |
araen | and it's "uglier" than later :/ | 00:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | [TiZ], Please just ask in the channel and be patient.. | 00:16 |
[TiZ] | ... | 00:16 |
ebaby | Slart: more grey matter -then blank (dark) screen -then more grey appears to be trying something now back to original Ubuntu is running in low-graphics mode. Next...? | 00:17 |
Slart | Zombie_Gaz: you need to change the dns entry for your domain to point to your computer.. it's not something you can do on your side | 00:17 |
[TiZ] | Okay, channel. I tried to install a driver using ndisgtk. Ndisgtk then froze up. I force quitted it, and now both ndisgtk and ndiswrapper -l just freeze. | 00:17 |
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Slart | ebaby: ok, open a terminal | 00:17 |
[TiZ] | I can't sudo modprobe -r it anymore either. | 00:17 |
Slart | ebaby: it's in the accessories menu | 00:17 |
jarco | hello all i have some huge problems at the moment with my work pc. I installed linux on a seperate hard drive next to a windows xp install. I also installed grub on it. (ubuntu installer did it). now grub guves error 17. Also when i try to boot the ubuntu disk it gives me grub working. xp is not bootable from it. sais something about unsupported format. Also when i boot ubuntu it just gives me black screen. i hear the sound of ubuntu gnome boot | 00:19 |
jarco | ing but just have black screen. i have agp ati 3850. Anyone knows ANYTHING that can help me? | 00:19 |
ebaby | Slart: I am in the dark screen (hole) of the post resart. there is nothing here but an occasional dialog box re: low-graphics mode which keeps repeating itself. Is there a command I should issue? | 00:19 |
Mike0020 | I just installed Skype, however when my friend tries to invite me to a conference call and I click to answer it, nothing happens. | 00:19 |
Mike0020 | I'm using Intrepid btw. | 00:19 |
glymph | !grub | jarco | 00:20 |
ubottu | jarco: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - GRUB how-tos: | 00:20 |
araen | I've this (about, sorry I'm french and my english isn't fluent) | 00:20 |
Slart | ebaby: hmm..try pressing Ctrl+Alt+F1, see if you get a terminal | 00:20 |
ActionParsnip | !skyp | Mike0020 | 00:20 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about skyp | 00:20 |
glymph | also, have a look online for the meanning of grub error 17, jarco | 00:20 |
ActionParsnip | !skype | Mike0020 | 00:20 |
ubottu | Mike0020: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see - To record on Skype, check: | 00:20 |
jarco | ok glymph | 00:20 |
computa_mike | Hi guys - how can I suggest an idea for Ubuntu? I don't want to raise a bug - it's more of an idea... | 00:20 |
Slart | computa_mike: I think there something.. brainstorm? | 00:21 |
kkkduifjalsdd | is there a tool to search for a word in many pdf files? | 00:21 |
ebaby | Slart: That produced like a snowstorm of grey matter nothing else - still snowing... | 00:21 |
computa_mike | brainstorm? | 00:21 |
ActionParsnip | computa_mike: same thing, you'll get contacted and they'll ask if its a desirable feature rather than a bug | 00:21 |
computa_mike | ok | 00:21 |
Mike0020 | ActionParsnip: That's just for recording and installing, I've already installed it and I don't want to record anything. I just want to use it. | 00:21 |
computa_mike | cool | 00:21 |
computa_mike | i'll just raise it now... | 00:21 |
computa_mike | cheers | 00:21 |
Slart | ebaby: ok.. try pressing Ctrl+Alt+F7 and see if you get the other screen back | 00:21 |
the_geremy | good night for all | 00:21 |
araen | Nobody knows what I must do ? | 00:21 |
ActionParsnip | Mike0020: you can use it to make sure you have installed it correctly | 00:21 |
Slart | ebaby: or just Ctrl+F7 | 00:21 |
savvas | kkkduifjalsdd: Applications > Accessories > Tracker search tool (if your tracker is on) | 00:22 |
mib_8hqxqb | Hi, can anyone tell me what kind of RAM to buy if I want to upgrade my eeepc 1000? | 00:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | mib_2dc6mp, offtopic, please google it | 00:22 |
ActionParsnip | !ot | mib_8hqxqb | 00:23 |
ubottu | mib_8hqxqb: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 00:23 |
mib_8hqxqb | sorry Jack_Sparrow | 00:23 |
ebaby | Slart: back to screen with low-graphics box - think I pushed a different key to do it though | 00:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 00:23 |
TobiasGreenich | Just asking again after a while, I've been trying to install quickcam drivers, and I've been able to download and extract the driver, but when I try to compile it I get an error. I have a pastebin link to the log. | 00:23 |
IrishDavid | hey, is there anyone who has got Sky player UK (through web browser) working in linux? it wants microsoft silverlight | 00:24 |
ActionParsnip | TobiasGreenich: did you run ./configure first | 00:24 |
TobiasGreenich | Nope. I'm new at all this. | 00:24 |
ActionParsnip | !compile | TobiasGreenich | 00:25 |
ubottu | TobiasGreenich: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) | 00:25 |
kkkduifjalsdd | savvas: what do you mean by "if your tracker is on" | 00:25 |
ebaby | Slart: find using this computer correct? | 00:25 |
Slart | ebaby: ok.. going with the "use low graphics mode" didn't work.. what else was there.. reconfigure settings? | 00:25 |
ActionParsnip | TobiasGreenich: looks like you need kernel sources | 00:25 |
Slart | ebaby: find? | 00:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | TobiasGreenich, you are missing the headers. just as the error says.. | 00:25 |
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zsquareplusc | TobiasGreenich: check whick kernrel version they support with that module. it looks like it doesn't work with the version you have installed | 00:26 |
Slart | ebaby: oh.. you mean the vesa thing? nevermind that for.. we might get to it later | 00:26 |
savvas | kkkduifjalsdd: System > Preferences > Search and indexing - tracker is a tool that indexes a lot of files on your system. It also looks into the files, whether they are documents or pdfs :) | 00:26 |
__MAV1 | How do I terminate console apps correctly ? Is Ctrl+Z a correct termanation of console app? | 00:26 |
Slart | __MAV1: ctrl+c is the common way | 00:27 |
savvas | __MAV1: ctrl+c | 00:27 |
ebaby | Slart: choice of 'reconfigure graphics' or 'troubleshoot the error' if I remeber correctly one (or both) bring up the Gedit app | 00:27 |
__MAV1 | thank you | 00:27 |
Slart | __MAV1: I think ctrl+z is... eof or something | 00:27 |
savvas | ctrl+z takes it to the background | 00:27 |
Slart | ebaby: g with reconfigure graphics" | 00:27 |
Slart | ebaby: *go | 00:27 |
__MAV1 | how do I exit man program then ? Ctrl+C just beeps and does nothing | 00:27 |
hspaans | savvas: you mean stop the proces | 00:28 |
Slart | __MAV1: q | 00:28 |
__MAV1 | I mean man <command> | 00:28 |
kkkduifjalsdd | savvas: thx | 00:28 |
__MAV1 | cool, thank you | 00:28 |
ebaby | Slart: message box 'Stand by one minute while the display restarts...' | 00:28 |
mib_2dc6mp | what I do not understand is do I have to go through terminal to get my soundcard working or can it be done some other way | 00:29 |
mib_2dc6mp | I dont even know wher e to click to see if it is reognized in the first place | 00:29 |
dangerisgo | is it possible to create a windows install flash drive from within ubuntu? | 00:29 |
__MAV1 | If ctlr+Z is bring to background ho can I swithc to that app then ? | 00:29 |
Ultrahex | I need some help compiling and loading a module from source and how to deal with conflicts can someone help? | 00:29 |
savvas | hspaans: ctrl+z takes it to the background, it doesn't stop the process - in irssi at least :) | 00:29 |
Slart | ebaby: hmm.. it's been a while since I did this but I think you're supposed to get a little window where you can select drivers and such.. I don't really understand why it wants to restart the display... hmm | 00:29 |
__MAV1 | just wondering | 00:29 |
savvas | __MAV1: type: fg | 00:29 |
ebaby | Slart: back to deep space 9 e.g. dark screen - a little grey matter here and there... I'll hit troubleshoot when the dialog box reappears ok | 00:30 |
__MAV1 | cool, thank you | 00:30 |
Slart | ebaby: do that | 00:30 |
ccvp | niceee | 00:30 |
ccvp | just got a wireless N usb adapter for $38.50 on ebay | 00:30 |
ccvp | its $79 in bestbuy | 00:30 |
TobiasGreenich | zsquareplusc: it says kernel 2.6.20 as the most recent one. Easycam won't install the drivers, it gives errors as well. | 00:30 |
Slart | __MAV1: the job commands are listen in "man bash" if you want to read more.. now that you know how to get out of man ;) | 00:30 |
hspaans | savvas: with ctrl+z you generate a stop signal so little change of that | 00:31 |
__MAV1 | Slart: thank you :) | 00:31 |
mempho | Finaly | 00:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | dangerisgo, ubuntu like any os can write the pieces required to make a bootable usb. But as far as specifics on how to do it.. would be offtopic | 00:31 |
ebaby | Slart: choices: Review the Xserver log file, Review the startup errors, edit configuration file, archive configuration files - which do u suggest | 00:31 |
mempho | now it works:D | 00:31 |
eegore | I keep getting this error in irssi when I try to connect to a server | 00:32 |
ActionParsnip | mempho: was it bios related?? | 00:32 |
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mempho | yes, and the hard drive | 00:32 |
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mempho | now i installed it on a ekternal device | 00:32 |
mempho | and it works | 00:32 |
mempho | fine | 00:32 |
Slart | ebaby: ah.. this must be something new.. "edit configuration file" | 00:32 |
ActionParsnip | mempho: sweet well, as long as you got a goal, wtg :D | 00:32 |
Jack_Sparrow | dangerisgo, at the point where you would ask what to put where to get a windows usb install | 00:32 |
eegore | Unable to connect server port 8001 [Cannot | 00:32 |
eegore | assign requested address:] | 00:32 |
mempho | thanks :) | 00:32 |
eegore | anyone have a clue? | 00:33 |
ccvp | what the heck | 00:33 |
savvas | hspaans: oh, i see, thanks :) | 00:33 |
LtL | eegore: irssi -n nick -c | 00:33 |
LtL | eegore: irssi -n nick -c oops | 00:33 |
ActionParsnip | eegore: try port 6667 | 00:33 |
ebaby | Slart: brings up Gedit app: xorg.conf | 00:33 |
w3rd_ | hey guys how do you open .7z in ubunu | 00:34 |
w3rd_ | ubuntu** | 00:34 |
araen | I've this mistake when I light my computer : | 00:34 |
=== dani is now known as Guest2438 | ||
Jack_Sparrow | !zip | 00:34 |
ubottu | Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME), Ark (KDE), or Xarchiver (XFCE) - Also see | 00:34 |
ActionParsnip | w3rd_: sudo apt-get install p7zip-full | 00:34 |
araen | it's about gnome's daemons | 00:34 |
Brack10 | what's the linux equivalent of pstools psmon? | 00:34 |
Slart | ebaby: ok.. that's good.. see if you can find something called section "device" | 00:34 |
ActionParsnip | w3rd_: 7z x file.7z | 00:34 |
jarco | anyone an idea how to fully reinstall grub like when u unstall ubuntu? | 00:34 |
w3rd_ | ActionParsnip: i have done this how do i initiate | 00:35 |
w3rd_ | ahhh | 00:35 |
w3rd_ | let me try that | 00:35 |
MHz128 | After upgrading to a larger monitor, my screen resolution is no longer auto detected... I am forced to manually set it bootup... any ideas? | 00:35 |
MHz128 | each bootup | 00:35 |
mgolisch | IrishDavid: actualy yes | 00:35 |
Slart | ebaby: and in that part there should be a line starting with "driver ".. what does it say after driver | 00:35 |
ActionParsnip | MHz128: what video card? | 00:35 |
ebaby | Slart: yes it says identifier "configured Video device" for Driver it says "vesa" | 00:35 |
Dexi | hey guys, im having trouble with the facebook chat plugin for pidgin. I have 2.5.3 installed in Home/dexi/ any help? | 00:35 |
mib_2dc6mp | can someone help me figure out my sound card (whether it is working) is there a place to go to check? | 00:35 |
MHz128 | ActionParsnip, nvidia 7300 le | 00:35 |
mgolisch | IrishDavid: on intrepid atleast | 00:35 |
ActionParsnip | MHz128: run: gksudo nvidia-settings | 00:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | !info pidgin | 00:36 |
ubottu | pidgin (source: pidgin): graphical multi-protocol instant messaging client for X. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.5.2-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 546 kB, installed size 1952 kB | 00:36 |
MHz128 | ActionParsnip, ya, Ive done that... it says it saves to the config file....... but it doesn't work | 00:36 |
Slart | ebaby: ok.. that should work.. but since it clearly doesnt we'll try "openchrome" instead | 00:36 |
mgolisch | IrishDavid: grab the moonlight download from restart firefox and it works for me, the sky news video thing that is | 00:36 |
w3rd_ | how do you enable this : You will have to enable the component called 'universe | 00:36 |
ebaby | Slart: what commands shall I issue to accomplish this plz | 00:37 |
w3rd_ | i get that when i try and run 7z | 00:37 |
w3rd_ | is this a daemon?? | 00:37 |
Slart | ebaby: just erase "vesa" and replace it with "openchrome" | 00:37 |
mempho | ActionParsnip: why dosnt i have internet? didnt set up it in the instalation | 00:37 |
jarco | anyone an idea how to fully reinstall grub like when u unstall ubuntu? | 00:37 |
Slart | !grub | jarco | 00:37 |
ubottu | jarco: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - GRUB how-tos: | 00:37 |
ebaby | Slart: done. close file/app? | 00:38 |
ActionParsnip | mempho: you need to configure it | 00:38 |
eegore | no help | 00:38 |
mempho | how ? :) | 00:38 |
Slart | ebaby: save, then close and restart.. lets see what happens | 00:38 |
mib_2dc6mp | is anyone familiar with the pulse audio device manager? | 00:38 |
ActionParsnip | mempho: use your connection manager, look in settings manager | 00:38 |
mempho | got ubuntu server edition | 00:38 |
ActionParsnip | mempho: | 00:39 |
ActionParsnip | mempho: if you are in cli environment | 00:39 |
ActionParsnip | mempho: you need to edit /etc/network/interfaces | 00:39 |
ebaby | Slart: restart command? or just push power button | 00:39 |
Slart | ebaby: try the restart command | 00:40 |
__MAV1 | How do I find all executable files in a directory recursevly ? | 00:40 |
ActionParsnip | mempho: | 00:40 |
=== DarkSmoke is now known as DS-BrB | ||
mempho | thanks :) | 00:40 |
ebaby | Slart: sorry but I am Mr super Newb what is that command? | 00:41 |
Tony333 | Repeating my question: Anyone know how to reduce memory usage ? | 00:41 |
kestutis | i installed Adobe PS CS2. i open it with WINE. IT shows: "You are not allowed to continue because your account doesnt have the proper privileges. Please log in using an account with administrator privilegies and try again" | 00:41 |
hspaans | __MAV1: man find will tell you : find /usr -type f -executable | 00:41 |
Slart | ebaby: oh.. sorry.. I thought you have some kind of restart button on the screen there.. but you can try pressing ctrl+alt+backspace.. that will restart X | 00:41 |
mib_2dc6mp | does ubuntustudio come with alsa? | 00:42 |
ActionParsnip | kestutis: try sudo | 00:42 |
=== DS-BrB is now known as DarkSmoke | ||
Slart | mib_2dc6mp: I think all ubuntu's come with alsa | 00:42 |
savvas | Tony333: sure, use XFCE or Fluxbox :) | 00:42 |
__MAV1 | hspaans: thank you! | 00:42 |
ActionParsnip | mib_2dc6mp: it does but you need some special options compiling into it to make it work | 00:42 |
mib_2dc6mp | Slart | 00:42 |
mib_2dc6mp | um | 00:42 |
ebaby | Slart: wow got a flash of light almost ubuntu brown now a frozen beige screen - will issue restart commands now for the 1st time | 00:42 |
mib_2dc6mp | can you help me with my audio card | 00:42 |
Slart | ebaby: ok | 00:43 |
mib_2dc6mp | I am going through this tutorial on getting my soundcard to work with ubuntu and it says I need to dl the alsa source, but wouldnt that come standard | 00:43 |
mib_2dc6mp | it says: "The Installation You need the linux-headers package for your current kernel to compile the ALSA drivers If you don't know what your current kernel is type this in the terminal uname -r You also need to download the ALSA source files from, I recommend alsa-libs, alsa-driver, alsa-firmware, and alsa-utils, versions 1.0.12rc1 or newer" | 00:44 |
=== Guest47964 is now known as Danielbw_home | ||
ActionParsnip | mib_2dc6mp: you can download it via apt-get or go to the alsa site and grab the latest there | 00:44 |
ebaby | Slart: screen is frozen nothing takes | 00:44 |
Slart | ebaby: try the power button | 00:44 |
ActionParsnip | mib_2dc6mp: you may find theres a link in the guide | 00:44 |
Ultrahex | Does anyhow know how to figure out symbol reference problems when compiling modules.... thanks (i will give more detail if anyone knows what im talking about, or a better place to ask?) | 00:45 |
mib_2dc6mp | ok | 00:45 |
Tony333 | savvas. well i tried following: 1. logout from x. 2. login into text console. 3. /etc/init.d/gdm stop (tried xdm too) 4. look on 'free -m'. 4. /etc/init.d/gdm start. 5. look on 'free -m'. 6. saw a 120 Mb difference. Thus, im not sure this is GNOME | 00:45 |
mib_2mkhxe | i had problem with old soundblaster card. i did a modprobe to add driver (#snd-sb) and then simple change of Preferences>Sound from "autodetect" to ALSA | 00:45 |
ebaby | Slart: okay is off will push button again to restart | 00:45 |
mib_2dc6mp | ActionParsnip I am finding a whole bunch of alsa stuff in the synaptic manager | 00:46 |
ebaby | Slart: back to what I am calling Ubuntu choice window | 00:46 |
ActionParsnip | mib_2dc6mp: sudo apt-get install alsa-source | 00:47 |
mempho | Whats the command to edit files ? its not gedit | 00:47 |
ebaby | Slart: shall I choos something other than ...-generic such as (recovery mode) or (on /dev/dsa1)? | 00:47 |
skooz | changed resolution cant see top or bottom of screen | 00:47 |
ActionParsnip | mib_2dc6mp: | 00:47 |
ebaby | Slart: **sda1 | 00:48 |
Slart | ebaby: nah.. I don't think it will make a difference... try the trouble shooting again.. and view the xorg log | 00:48 |
mempho | Whats the command to edit files ? its not gedit | 00:48 |
ActionParsnip | mempho: nano | 00:49 |
chilli0 | hi all | 00:49 |
san | gedit <name of the file> | 00:49 |
chilli0 | how can i use a usb network adapter instead of the onbord wireless? im on a laptop | 00:49 |
chilli0 | how can i use a usb network adapter instead of the onbord wireless? im on a laptop | 00:49 |
chilli0 | ops | 00:49 |
faileas | I've got a ubuntu system i'd like to run CLI only *but* i'd like to have a few gui apps accessable to users using ssh x forwarding. is there any way i can run x in the background (or only when i need to)? | 00:49 |
ActionParsnip | chilli0: disable the internal one in bios | 00:50 |
chilli0 | ActionParsnip: is there a easyer way? | 00:50 |
faileas | chilli0: if its supported, just plug it in and it should work, then select it when setting up networking i think | 00:50 |
ebaby | Slat: it does say i can enter 'e' to edit the commands before botting or 'c' for the command line but I guess you know that already | 00:50 |
Chungwa | Hello! | 00:50 |
mib_2dc6mp | I found all the asla source and firmware in synaptic | 00:50 |
mib_2dc6mp | it is downloading | 00:50 |
chilli0 | faileas: its pluged in | 00:50 |
chilli0 | but nothing diffrent happens | 00:50 |
mib_2dc6mp | it says the next step is I haveto compile | 00:50 |
ActionParsnip | chilli0: its a better idea as its not neded. one less complication | 00:50 |
node357 | how do you apt-get the sources for a program? | 00:51 |
Slart | node357: apt-get source | 00:51 |
chilli0 | so ActionParsnip just go into the bios and dissable the wifi? | 00:51 |
node357 | Slart: so like, apt-get source xchat ? | 00:51 |
faileas | chilli0: dosen't show up on nm-applet? | 00:51 |
Slart | node357: indeed | 00:51 |
node357 | thanks Slart :) | 00:51 |
Slart | node357: you're welcome | 00:51 |
Chungwa | Any advice on where to go or what guides to read for a Linux/Ubuntu newbie? I'm at the point where I tried installing a media player three times because I didn't realize I installed it the first time if that's any indication of my Linux/Ubuntu experience :) | 00:51 |
Ultrahex | does anyone know how I would go about allowing multiple programs to access my webcam at once (possibly by relaying data) ? | 00:52 |
chilli0 | faileas: i dont use that , i use wicd | 00:52 |
=== Mike_92 is now known as Mike2202 | ||
mib_2dc6mp | because I downloaded asla from synaptic, did it compile or do I still need to open the terminal? | 00:52 |
mib_2dc6mp | cd alsa-driver-1.0.12rc1 make clean make mrproper ./configure --with-cards=intel8x0,mia --with-oss=yes --with-sequencer=yes make sudo make install | 00:52 |
mempho | ActionParsnip: how do i change what i have write ? :P | 00:53 |
chilli0 | brb gonna remove it from biso | 00:53 |
skooz | i cant see my bar at top of screen after messing in screen resolution how can i chande it without seeing | 00:53 |
ActionParsnip | mempho: ctrl + x | 00:53 |
ActionParsnip | mempho: press y, then press enter | 00:53 |
mempho | thanks | 00:53 |
mib_2dc6mp | I have no idea what I am doing :( | 00:53 |
=== Aryan is now known as Guest89992 | ||
yoyit2 | is there any way to install more then one thing at a time? | 00:54 |
Aji-Daha1a | macbook pro 3.1, intrepid, 2-finger vertical scrolling doesn't work. I have the appletouch.fdi from and it still doesn't work | 00:54 |
abuyusuf_ | yoyit2, apt-get install app1 app2 | 00:54 |
mib_2dc6mp | yea use the synaptic package manager | 00:54 |
ActionParsnip | yoyit2: sure, sudo apt-get install app1 app2 app3 | 00:54 |
Slart | yoyit2: nope.. afaik you can't run two instances of apt at the same time | 00:54 |
ebaby | Slart: as it was booting i did see some words saying: 8254 (or 8251) timer not found -and- BIOS bug #81 - mean anything? | 00:54 |
Dexi | lol | 00:54 |
abuyusuf_ | yoyit2, replacing app1 with first application and app2 the second and .. | 00:54 |
mib_2dc6mp | do I need to type this command : ./configure --with-cards=intel8x0,mia --with-oss=yes --with-sequencer=yes make sudo make install if I downloaded the alsa from synaptic? | 00:55 |
Slart | ebaby: I don't think that is anything serious.. there were some posts about it on the forums and noone seemed to know what it was.. | 00:56 |
ebaby | Slart: progress report - screen starts as brown then goes to beige and then freezes | 00:56 |
boonkerz_ | boonkerz: test | 00:56 |
mib_2dc6mp | anyone? | 00:57 |
Slart | ebaby: I'm kind of running out of time here... didn't think the via chrome would be so... non-cooperative | 00:57 |
Danu | please sorry the bother help with rmvb files, with totem, kaffeine, dragon dosn't play well, vlc doesn't play them at all and mplayer play them but "slow" | 00:57 |
mib_2dc6mp | do I need to type this command : ./configure --with-cards=intel8x0,mia --with-oss=yes --with-sequencer=yes make sudo make install if I downloaded the alsa from synaptic? | 00:57 |
abuyusuf_ | mib_2dc6mp, no you don't need executing that command as synaptic install the package automatically | 00:57 |
mib_2dc6mp | ok | 00:57 |
Danu | the same with real player | 00:57 |
mib_2dc6mp | but I do need to type a command to get my audio card working? | 00:58 |
mib_2dc6mp | it is an echo mia | 00:58 |
seth | I have a hardware question for Ubuntu 8.10 | 00:58 |
abuyusuf_ | !ask | seth | 00:58 |
ubottu | seth: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 00:58 |
seth | ok thanks | 00:58 |
throwt | I like my microdrive installation of ubuntu... only 4gb but it's enough space | 00:59 |
mib_2dc6mp | I need to know how to add my sound card | 00:59 |
seth | I have Ubuntu 8.10 on a Dell Inspiron 1501 and as soon as I installed Ubuntu over Windows my CD Drive stopped working, any ideas? | 00:59 |
ebaby | Slart: I C what do you know about the latest version of Edubuntu as the OG owner was running that prior - any major differences that may shine some light? | 00:59 |
faileas | throwt: depends on what you have in there, and how often you clean your cache | 00:59 |
abuyusuf_ | mib_2dc6mp, what problem you face ? no sound ? | 00:59 |
mib_2dc6mp | no, I just dont see it listed | 01:00 |
=== Aryan is now known as Guest79263 | ||
Danu | please sorry the bother help with rmvb files, with totem, kaffeine, dragon dosn't play well, vlc doesn't play them at all and mplayer play them but "slow" and the audio come first that the video :S , the same with real player | 01:00 |
mib_2dc6mp | it is an Echo Mia sound card | 01:00 |
throwt | are there any filesystems that support compression? | 01:00 |
funkyHat | If I run `diff dir1 dir2 > changes.diff` what's the correct syntax to apply the the changes.diff to a slightly different version of dir1? | 01:00 |
Slart | ebaby: I've never used edubuntu but I think it's the same system as ubuntu but with some special applications installed and probably has a site with more info about it | 01:00 |
ActionParsnip | seth: does it boot the live cd ok | 01:00 |
skooz | change screen resolution ??? | 01:00 |
mib_2dc6mp | I just downloaded asla source and such from syaptic | 01:00 |
abuyusuf_ | seth, What let you say it stopped ? it have many cases, "door not open", "door open but not reading the disc", "error message appear", .. | 01:00 |
Goan | Hi. Is it possible to enable a feature in kubuntu hardyheron where you could just hover the mouse pointer over the mp3 file and it starts playing in the background, without actually opening the song in some player. I have seen that working on ubuntu. | 01:00 |
abuyusuf_ | seth, so please say more | 01:00 |
throwt | faileas: how do i clean the cache? | 01:00 |
ActionParsnip | seth: what does: file /dev/scd0 | 01:01 |
ActionParsnip | say | 01:01 |
JonathanEllis | Hi. I am having problems getting audio to work in Skype on Hardy. I have googled and found and But the problem I have at the moment is testing Sound PReferences in Ubuntu. When I click the Test buttons in Audio Conferencing I get an error message. Can anyone help with this? | 01:01 |
seth | I cannot boot to anything the door does upon it just will not boot anything | 01:01 |
Slart | ebaby: what I was hoping to do was to install the openchrome driver.. it should work with your graphics card but since we can't seem to find a command line (ctrl+alt+f1 usually shows a command line, not just snow) we can't install it | 01:01 |
Chungwa | Okay, so basically I'm lost. I can't figure out how to actually install some Linux games that I downloaded. I follow the instructions but I'm just a Linux newbie that I still mess it up, where do I go from here? | 01:01 |
faileas | throwt: apt-get autoclean cleans up the apt-cache | 01:01 |
skooz | i need help on setting screen resolution | 01:01 |
abuyusuf_ | seth, what do you mean with boot? do you mean load ? | 01:01 |
faileas | Slart: how abouy terminal? | 01:01 |
ActionParsnip | seth: grab a paperclip or similar and you should have a small hole on it, stab in there and it will open | 01:02 |
getxsick | hmm | 01:02 |
mattbd | Chungwa: What extension do they use? Is it .deb? | 01:02 |
getxsick | why ubuntu removes packages on the end of installation? | 01:02 |
JonathanEllis | Chungwa: Can you describe what you are trying to install and what you have done so far in more detail please | 01:02 |
chilli0 | ActionParsnip: its not in the bois | 01:02 |
seth | the door does open nothing loads | 01:02 |
ActionParsnip | Chungwa: what game you installing? | 01:02 |
Slart | ebaby: perhaps booting in recovery mode will work better.. it's worth trying at least | 01:02 |
chilli0 | how can i disable a wifi card?\ | 01:02 |
Slart | faileas: huh? | 01:02 |
Chungwa | Well, I tried to install Scourge and I was able to ./configure but then the instructions said make install and I could seem to figure that out | 01:02 |
mib_2dc6mp | this is so frustrating, do I need to do any terminal work after downloading ALSA from synaptic ? | 01:02 |
ActionParsnip | chilli0: not sure then. Just ignore it then and install the usb one | 01:03 |
ebaby | Slart: perhaps my keyboard is not configured as a normal windows keyboard - it seems that I can start a command line after the reboot as the option is given | 01:03 |
b-man | hello everyone | 01:03 |
Goan | Hi. Is it possible to enable a feature in kubuntu hardyheron where you could just hover the mouse pointer over the mp3 file and it starts playing in the background, without actually opening the song in some player. I have seen that working on ubuntu. | 01:03 |
Slart | ebaby: but ask the channel, mention your graphics card and that vesa doesn't seem to work for you | 01:03 |
chilli0 | ActionParsnip: how can i ignore it? | 01:03 |
Chungwa | when I typed "make install" nothing happened | 01:03 |
abuyusuf_ | getxsick, that doesn't happen with every installition, but some times it do, for you being able to run your new installed application, some applications may be required to be removed | 01:03 |
mattbd | Chungwa: Do you have a link to the website for it? | 01:03 |
faileas | gah | 01:03 |
faileas | wrong person ;p | 01:03 |
ActionParsnip | Chungwa: have you installed build-essential | 01:03 |
ActionParsnip | !info scourge | 01:03 |
ubottu | Package scourge does not exist in intrepid | 01:03 |
JonathanEllis | Chungwa: What commands did you run to install it? | 01:03 |
getxsick | abuyusuf_: but i mean about new installation from CD | 01:03 |
Slart | faileas: =) | 01:03 |
seth | It seems to me like the cd reader isn't moving | 01:04 |
abuyusuf_ | getxsick, when the packages removed ? | 01:04 |
Chungwa | is the website. | 01:04 |
getxsick | last 5% | 01:04 |
b-man | Ubuntu sucsessfully ported to nokia N800/N810 by me :D | 01:04 |
abuyusuf_ | seth, you hear no sound after putting some cd ? | 01:04 |
faileas | Slart: you can use terminal for a cli. i tend to use yakuake or tilde cause i'm lazy ;p | 01:04 |
skooz | can i change screen resolution at boot | 01:04 |
ActionParsnip | seth: its hardware then | 01:05 |
chilli0 | does anyone know how to disable a laptop wifi card? | 01:05 |
Chungwa | JonathanEllis: I think I need to read more about Linux, I don't know what commands I ran or tried to run... I don't even understand why I'm typing in what I am most of the time in the terminal! | 01:05 |
seth | abuyusuf, it sounds like it is trying to move but nothing happens | 01:05 |
Tumdian | sudo ifdown [interface name] | 01:05 |
abuyusuf_ | seth, sure that the cd is good ? | 01:05 |
faileas | Chungwa: without some details of what you did, its hard to help you | 01:05 |
seth | ActionParsnip, why would it happen now though? | 01:05 |
Slart | faileas: not without a working graphics driver for X =) | 01:05 |
chilli0 | thanks Tumdian | 01:05 |
Tumdian | yep | 01:05 |
seth | Have tried different CD | 01:05 |
JonathanEllis | !installing software | 01:05 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 01:05 |
mib_2dc6mp | where can I go to find out if my alsa is working right and to set my audio card up? | 01:05 |
faileas | Slart: hmm, failsafe? | 01:05 |
ActionParsnip | seth: what model system is it, maybe theres a tweak you need | 01:06 |
Slart | ebaby: I doubt the keyboard is the problem.. | 01:06 |
seth | Dell Inspiron 1501 | 01:06 |
chilli0 | Tumdian: how do i start it again? | 01:06 |
mattbd | Chungwa: I assume you followed the instructions on the website | 01:06 |
* faileas tries to remember what he ran on his old packard bell, which got stolen | 01:06 | |
Tumdian | sudo ifup [interface name] | 01:06 |
chilli0 | k thanks | 01:06 |
Tumdian | yep | 01:06 |
troythetechguy | I need a super lightweight distro to install on an older HP laptop. Recommendations? | 01:06 |
Slart | faileas: yea.. like that piece of...*breathe in.. . breathe out*.. failsafe X has once again failed to do anything useful.. | 01:06 |
ebaby | Slart: okay I'll try the recovery mode this go around | 01:06 |
abuyusuf_ | !synaptic } JonathanEllis | 01:06 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 01:06 |
faileas | troythetechguy: debian ;) | 01:06 |
Gnea | troythetechguy: xubuntu, elivecd | 01:06 |
mib_2dc6mp | am I being ignored because my questions are too basic? | 01:06 |
abuyusuf_ | !synaptic | JonathanEllis | 01:06 |
ubottu | JonathanEllis: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see | 01:06 |
Gnea | !patience | mib_2dc6mp | 01:07 |
ubottu | mib_2dc6mp: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See | 01:07 |
Slart | ebaby: do that.. see if it gets you a command line | 01:07 |
Chungwa | mattbd: I certainly tried to, but I think my problem is that I don't really understand a lot of linux lingo so I don't even know what 1/3 of the instructions are telling me to do | 01:07 |
chilli0 | Tumdian: i get this | 01:07 |
chilli0 | chilli@chilli-laptop:~$ sudo ifdown wlan0 | 01:07 |
chilli0 | ifdown: interface wlan0 not configured | 01:07 |
ActionParsnip | seth: | 01:07 |
faileas | Slart: a friend got debian running on it, so not too much reason ubuntu shouldn't wrk | 01:07 |
JonathanEllis | Chungwa: Here is a guide to installing software | 01:07 |
ActionParsnip | seth: no fooling | 01:07 |
faileas | chilli0: dude, pastebin ;) | 01:07 |
jarco | hello | 01:07 |
mattbd | troythetechguy: How about OpenGEU - pretty but v fast | 01:07 |
chilli0 | it was 2 lines | 01:07 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: so what's the problem? | 01:07 |
JonathanEllis | Chungwa: Most of the time you use apt-get install <packagename> in a terminal | 01:07 |
seth | I will see what is says thanks, ActionParsnip. | 01:07 |
faileas | mattbd: have they updated to intrepid yet? ;p | 01:07 |
funkyHat | lastlog mib_2dc6mp | 01:07 |
funkyHat | arr sorry | 01:07 |
mattbd | faileas: Not yet | 01:08 |
Slart | faileas: mmm.. I'll be sure to mention that in the config file for X =) | 01:08 |
* faileas liked it when i tried it | 01:08 | |
faileas | Slart: lol | 01:08 |
faileas | hmm | 01:08 |
Chungwa | Thanks JonathanEllis, I'll start reading up on some linux basics. I think I got over confident that ubuntu installed without any problems | 01:08 |
jarco | when i try to start the ubuntu i just installed my screen goes black. I hear the sound of gnome booting but it aint working.i can however use command line with ctrl +a lt + f1. Any solutions? | 01:08 |
ebaby | Slart: it says press 'C' if I want a command line Is that what I want as it seems I can bypass the other choices and call it up | 01:08 |
lepassive | how to recover files deleted on windows file system using ubuntu ? | 01:08 |
faileas | Slart: maybe try forcing it to vesa or vga at grub with cheatcodes? | 01:08 |
faileas | lepassive: what kinda files? | 01:08 |
mattbd | Chungwa: Basically you need the stuff they ask for as dependencies to compile it. Maybe there's a deb package somewhere though | 01:09 |
lepassive | aviS | 01:09 |
JonathanEllis | Chungwa: This is the same as installing using the graphical interface in |Applications|Add/Remove or using Synaptic if you know the package name. But this only works if the package is in a repository that is enabled in your ubuntu | 01:09 |
ActionParsnip | seth: if you get your whole system updated it may help | 01:09 |
lepassive | faileas, avis* | 01:09 |
Slart | faileas: but go ahead.. ebaby is the one with the non-cooperative graphics card.. a via chrome 9.. vesa doesn't work, failsafe just restarts x, ctrl+alt+f1 doesn't show a command line (only snow) | 01:09 |
Slart | ebaby: go ahead.. | 01:09 |
* faileas might suggest photorec, and possibly roadkil's file recovery if he has a linux box | 01:09 | |
faileas | ebaby: tried the alternate disk? | 01:09 |
JonathanEllis | Chungwa: If you are trying to use make then it sounds like you are installing from source code which is slightly more difficult | 01:10 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: according to what i've seen so far, you're trying to compile alsa in ubuntustudio? | 01:10 |
faileas | Slart: lol, its a pain keeping track of who's saying what on a busy channel ;p | 01:10 |
Slart | faileas: =) | 01:10 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea | 01:10 |
mib_2dc6mp | I think so | 01:10 |
mib_2dc6mp | but I found alsa in synaptic and downloaded it | 01:10 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: well, I don't think that's really necessary | 01:10 |
JonathanEllis | Chungwa: And usually results in me swearing a lot whenever I try it! Usually its not necessary as the software is pre-packaged but it seems that Scourge is not packaged for Ubuntu | 01:10 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: and alsa is installed by default | 01:10 |
ebaby | Slart: interesting: says: [ Minimal Bash- like line editing is supported. then grub> - Your call... | 01:10 |
skooz | dis | 01:10 |
mib_2dc6mp | I am trying to go through this tutorial | 01:10 |
Chungwa | I may have been! Haha, I know I'm not really giving you guys enough information to help me - I don't even know what I was trying to do | 01:10 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: what problem are you having with sound, exactly? | 01:11 |
lepassive | faileas, then photorec or roadkil | 01:11 |
skooz | whoops | 01:11 |
mib_2dc6mp | It is supposed to help me set my audio card up | 01:11 |
ActionParsnip | Gnea: s/he needs to compile alsa | 01:11 |
mib_2dc6mp | but so far Gnea I cant figure out what I need to do | 01:11 |
faileas | lepassive: photorec should be in the repos i thinl | 01:11 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: which audio card do you have? | 01:11 |
Gnea | ActionParsnip: okay. | 01:11 |
mib_2dc6mp | Echo Mia | 01:11 |
JonathanEllis | Chungwa: Its OK. We have all been there. Me not too long ago. I am a bit of a newbie too | 01:11 |
=== DarkSmoke is now known as DS-BrB | ||
Slart | ebaby: ok, run this "sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-openchrome" | 01:11 |
seth | I upgraded from 8.04 to 8.10 then that's when it went out. | 01:11 |
seadyah | I have a windows recovery disc that I received with my laptop. My computer currently has only Ubuntu on it. When I try to install Windows from the disc I receive an error that says "Hard Drive Not Found". Help, please? | 01:11 |
lepassive | faileas, thanks alot I hope that solves it | 01:11 |
mib_2dc6mp | I didnt follow the guyide is the problem, instead of using terminal, I downloaded alsa source from synaptic | 01:12 |
mattbd | Chungwa: It's not in GetDeb or PlayDeb, which are the normal places to look for games | 01:12 |
lepassive | faileas, it's aliased to testdisk | 01:12 |
decomp | hi all, trying to do the 'recover ubuntu after winblows install hosed grub' thing. I am using knoppix to boot and reinstall grub however i cannot chroot to the mounted partition, it keeps telling me /bin/bash Exec format error? ive tried different things cant get it to work for some reason | 01:12 |
Chungwa | Man, I used me a wiz on computers when I was in high school. Now turning them on seems difficult! I'll check out GetDeb and PlayDeb I think I need to just go slowly | 01:12 |
faileas | seadyah: backup linux, get the dban boot disk and erase your hard drive, install windows, reinstall linux | 01:12 |
JonathanEllis | Chungwa: If you need more info than is in the article I gave you then google "ubuntu installing software" | 01:12 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: okay, let's back up for a bit here - are you using 8.04 or 8.10? | 01:13 |
seadyah | faileas, I dban? | 01:13 |
ActionParsnip | Chungwa: apt-cache search game | less | 01:13 |
mattbd | Chungwa: Playdeb and Getdeb are really good resources so they may have a good alternative for you | 01:13 |
faileas | seadyah: lots of recovery disk software fail on systems with anything other than the partitions they sell it with | 01:13 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea I am using ubuntustudio 8.04 32bit | 01:13 |
Gnea | ok | 01:13 |
faileas | seadyah: unfortunately yes | 01:13 |
JonathanEllis | Chungwa: Alternatively start less ambitious and try installing some of the games in the repositories. Use |Applications|Add/Remove and then select Games | 01:13 |
mattbd | Chungwa: UFO Alien Invasion is very good | 01:13 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: could you please pastebin the output of the dmesg command? | 01:14 |
Chungwa | I'll give those a try. Thanks all! | 01:14 |
faileas | (and YES, i am telling you to nuke the contents of your disk, and there's a reason) | 01:14 |
seadyah | faileas, I did wipe the disc with a Safe Data Disposal program (iso) that is manufactured by the same company as my computer. That did not work. | 01:14 |
ebaby | slart: error 27: unrecognized command | 01:14 |
ActionParsnip | Chungwa: frets on fire is decent too | 01:14 |
mib_2dc6mp | oh | 01:14 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea I am typing on my laptop next to the desktop, but I will try to type it | 01:14 |
b-man | I've successfuly booted Ubuntu jaunty on my Nokia N800 internet tablet, guide on how to do it is here; | 01:14 |
faileas | seadyah: well this has worked for me loads of times, you don't even need to run dban very long | 01:14 |
Slart | ebaby: did you chose the recovery menu choice? | 01:14 |
mib_2dc6mp | oh wow | 01:14 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: it might be easier if you install and use the pastebinit command | 01:14 |
fmoo | shouldn't the current xserver-org in jaunty be blocking xorg-driver-fglrx? The ABIs aren't compatible. | 01:14 |
mib_2dc6mp | that is a lot of stuff | 01:15 |
seadyah | faileas, what is dban? (I'm a bit slow) | 01:15 |
b-man | Ubunt armel | 01:15 |
seth | ActionParsnip, I upgraded from 8.04 to 8.10 that's when it messed up on me | 01:15 |
=== andre is now known as Guest63126 | ||
abuyusuf_ | !pastebin | mib_2dc6mp | 01:15 |
ubottu | mib_2dc6mp: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 01:15 |
jarco | b-man, u the first to ever do this? | 01:15 |
lepassive | faileas, unfortunately photorec doesn't have as GUI | 01:15 |
ebaby | Slart: no sorry thought you wanted me to go straight to command line | 01:15 |
mib_2dc6mp | ok | 01:15 |
faileas | lepassive: no it dosen't | 01:15 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: check this out: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && dmesg | pastebinit | 01:15 |
JonathanEllis | Chungwa: They may not be to your taste but perhaps installing something easier first may get you started and whet your appetite for something more technical, I dont know. There may be an easy way to install Scourge for all I know. Is there a #scourge IRC channel does anyone know or what support is available for Scourge? | 01:15 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea I will install the paste thing | 01:15 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: it will upload it all in one fell swoop | 01:15 |
ebaby | Slart: so i typed 'c' and got what I described above | 01:15 |
ActionParsnip | seth: not sure then, maybe the new kernel doesnt like your cd drive. are you on the intrepid kernel (run uname -a and give us the output) | 01:15 |
Slart | ebaby: ah.. my bad | 01:15 |
illmortal | Can anyone assist me in getting my WMP54GS Linksys Wireless adapter to work with Ubuntu 8.10? I've looked up as much documentation as possible in regards to wireless adapters and Ubuntu but not working out. | 01:15 |
Chungwa | I'll try just installing a bunch of stuff until I feel comfortable and go from there | 01:15 |
Slart | ebaby: just reboot and chose the recovery option | 01:16 |
lepassive | and RoadKil is windows only gosh | 01:16 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea ok I am trying that now | 01:16 |
ActionParsnip | illmortal: is it usb or pci? | 01:16 |
Dexi | w00t! I got it! :D | 01:16 |
illmortal | PCI | 01:16 |
seth | Linux seth-laptop 2.6.27-11-generic #1 SMP Fri Dec 19 16:29:52 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux | 01:16 |
illmortal | ActionParsnip ^ | 01:16 |
mm | illmortal: use windows wireless drivers to achieve that | 01:16 |
skooz | how can i change display properties when i cant see top of screen | 01:16 |
faileas | lepassive: most recovery software is windows based sadly | 01:16 |
JonathanEllis | Can anyone help me get sound working on Skype? I have tried a bunch of stuff which I will detail if anyone replies, rather than flood the channel | 01:16 |
rww | I'm looking into doing backups for the first time. What do I need to backup? My utility has /var/ /home/ /usr/local/ and /etc/ by default; any others I should look at (and yes, I have read !backup :P) | 01:16 |
ActionParsnip | illmortal: run lspci and it will tell you what chip it has, you can websearch from there | 01:16 |
illmortal | mm because I don't have internet connectivity I cannot download wine | 01:16 |
troythetechguy | mattbd: thanks, i'll give it a try, | 01:16 |
seadyah | faileas, Lol, I found it. I like it. | 01:17 |
lepassive | faileas, any luck using wine with RoadKil ? | 01:17 |
ActionParsnip | seth: yeah thats intrepid | 01:17 |
mm | illmortal: well you're online... :) | 01:17 |
ActionParsnip | illmortal: id get connectivity before worrying about apps | 01:17 |
MHz128 | Can Ubuntu control the number of lines scrolled with the mouses' scroll wheel? ie. set 1 notch to 20 lines etc... ? | 01:17 |
mib_2dc6mp | ok I did it Gnea | 01:17 |
illmortal | Right, on windows. | 01:17 |
mib_2dc6mp | It gave me a few urls | 01:17 |
JonathanEllis | lepassive: I use | 01:17 |
sudobash | is there an official way to install VMPlayer in Ibex? | 01:17 |
illmortal | ActionParsnip which is what im tryin to do. | 01:17 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: did you run it more than once? | 01:18 |
mib_2dc6mp | no | 01:18 |
ActionParsnip | illmortal: well you need the basics first | 01:18 |
illmortal | So open terminal and type, "lspci"? | 01:18 |
seth | ActionParsnip, Is there anyway of undoing the upgrade? | 01:18 |
faileas | lepassive: never tried it on wine | 01:18 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: it should just give you one... like | 01:18 |
b-man | yes, for the it's, with full install | 01:18 |
b-man | ubuntu desktop and everything | 01:18 |
b-man | even xorg - on armel | 01:18 |
b-man | using usplash | 01:18 |
lepassive | JonathanEllis, thanks | 01:18 |
b-man | and compiz. | 01:18 |
ebaby | slart: brought up the grey Recovery menu screen choices being resume, clean, dpkg, fsck,root, or xfix... | 01:18 |
FloodBot1 | b-man: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 01:18 |
b-man | | 01:18 |
ActionParsnip | illmortal: lspci will tell you what you have and you can websearch it in windows | 01:18 |
b-man | no sound though.. | 01:18 |
lepassive | faileas, well it launches with a reading error | 01:18 |
Slart | ebaby: ok, let's go with "root" | 01:19 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea ok here it is | 01:19 |
illmortal | ok and i need to search on how to install that chipset onto Ubuntu 8.10, ya? | 01:19 |
b-man | sorry, i was in a little bit of a rush :( | 01:19 |
mm | does anyone here have any experience of any other program similar to wine and what is the result? | 01:19 |
mattbd | mm: I've used crossover games | 01:19 |
Slart | mm: there aren't many other programs like wine.. with the exception of Cedega | 01:19 |
illmortal | brb, gonna log into ubuntu | 01:19 |
Dexi | is there a way to make windows snap to each other in gnome? | 01:19 |
faileas | Slart: and crossover, which for free for a week | 01:20 |
mm | mattbd: what was ur experience? | 01:20 |
albert748 | register | 01:20 |
bahr | Anybody in here who knows of an ATC Simulator for Ubuntu? | 01:20 |
Slart | mm: ah.. and crossover of course, as faileas correctly pointed out =) | 01:20 |
mattbd | mm: I found it a bit fiddly - I struggled to get it working | 01:20 |
mm | slart: im looking to run warcraft 3 on ubuntu, any suggestions other than wine? | 01:20 |
Slart | mm: I thought warcraft 3 worked pretty ok on wine.. or? have you checked the application database? | 01:21 |
mm | slart: nope, errors ... wont load | 01:21 |
JonathanEllis | Chungwa: Did you have a look at and scroll down to the Ubuntu bit? There is some info there that I havent read yet | 01:21 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: okay, found this: [ 113.849831] ALSA /build/buildd/linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-2.6.24/debian/build/build-rt/sound/alsa-driver/pci/echoaudio/echoaudio.c:47: get_firmware(): Firmware not available (-2) | 01:21 |
Dexi | nobody? | 01:21 |
albert748 | hey, any body know how to register? | 01:21 |
Dexi | :( | 01:21 |
ActionParsnip | !appdb | mm | 01:21 |
ubottu | mm: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: - Join #winehq for application help | 01:21 |
Slart | ebaby: and then try that command again "sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-openchrome" | 01:21 |
mattbd | mm: If Wine doesn't work Crossover Games may be worth a try, but you have to pay for it | 01:21 |
Dexi | albert748, register what? | 01:21 |
BWF89 | does anyone know what's gonna happen to the author of Xchat? He made the Windows version of his client proprietary software in violation of the GPL. So I'm using the Smuxi client instead. | 01:21 |
Slart | !register | albert748 | 01:21 |
ubottu | albert748: Information about registering your nickname: - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode | 01:21 |
ActionParsnip | !register | albert748 | 01:22 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea what does it mean, that I cannot use my card? | 01:22 |
mattbd | mm: I think they do a free trial though | 01:22 |
mm | hmm | 01:22 |
mm | thanks | 01:22 |
mib_2dc6mp | or I still have more stuf to install | 01:22 |
faileas | BWF89: its a bit complex, it IS open source- you need to pay for his version but the code, other than the registration bit is free and you can compile your own | 01:22 |
albert748 | Dexi: register my nick name | 01:22 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: it means that we need to find and install the firmware for your card - it looks like everything else is setup just fine for it (that HOWTO was for 6.06, and they usually roll those fixes into the next release, so 8.04 should have it set already) | 01:22 |
Dexi | read above | 01:22 |
Slart | BWF89: if I understand things correctly he's allowed to whatever he wants with his code.. gpl or whatever.. I think the questions was if all the code really was his.. but this if offtopic for this channel | 01:23 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: what is the output of this command please: lspci | grep audio | 01:23 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea, this site is supposed to help with getting my card to work under ubuntu, I just dont know how to do it :( | 01:23 |
abuyusuf_ | !register | albert748 | 01:23 |
ubottu | albert748: Information about registering your nickname: - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode | 01:23 |
BWF89 | @Failout and Slart: thanks for clarifying. | 01:23 |
ebaby | Slart: says xserver-xorg... is already the newest version 0 upgraded 0 newly installed 0 to remove and 210 not upgraded | 01:24 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: see the top of that page: ALSA for Ubuntu 6.06 with two sound devices: Echo Mia card plus on-board sound and the bottom of the page: EchoMia (last edited 2008-06-27 | 01:24 |
rww | albert748: you were sent the !register factoid yesterday, too. Did you miss it, or are you having trouble with it? | 01:24 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea lspci | grep audio did nothing | 01:24 |
=== albert748 is now known as what | ||
sudobash | is there an apt-get i can use for vmplayer? | 01:24 |
Joel_ | hi, im getting crackling noises and no sound at all whatsoever, can someone please help? | 01:24 |
what | Dexi: what's the nickserv? is that #ubuntu? or FreeNode? | 01:25 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: okay, how about: lspci | pastebinit | 01:25 |
Slart | ebaby: hmm.. ok, lets go back to the menu.. type "exit" and press enter | 01:25 |
araen | I did echo "blacklist ath5k" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist" and since that, I've an error at beginning | 01:25 |
abuyusuf_ | sudobash, apt-get install vmware-player | 01:25 |
araen | it was for wifi | 01:25 |
ebaby | Slart: done | 01:25 |
Dexi | what: its just a service, think of it like a bot | 01:25 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea : error no arguments specified | 01:25 |
araen | (I've hardy heron and i've an eeepc) | 01:25 |
what | rww: yes, have some trouble... | 01:25 |
Slart | ebaby: then select xfix | 01:25 |
sudobash | iwconfig wlan0 ap 00:1B:2F:E1:71:30 channel auto txpower 30mW | 01:26 |
sudobash | Package vmware-player is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 01:26 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea do I need to add -i | 01:26 |
Dexi | what: it will be freenode-wide not just for this chan, if thats what you mean | 01:26 |
Joel_ | hi, im getting crackling noises and no sound at all whatsoever, can someone please help? I'm on 8.10 | 01:26 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: you sure you used the pipe '|' and not a 1 or I? | 01:26 |
ebaby | Slart: done got some words did something brought me back to Recovery menu | 01:26 |
what | Dexi: for example, if I want to register to #ubuntu, what to do? | 01:26 |
sudobash | vmware-player package has been removed? | 01:26 |
seth | My CD Drive acts like it wants to do something but does not. It makes a noise for about 1 to 2 minutes and then stops | 01:26 |
lstarnes | what: | 01:26 |
seadyah | What's a good program to burn iso's? | 01:26 |
wj32 | seadyah: you can do it with nautilus | 01:27 |
ActionParsnip | Joel_: run lspci to find out your exact sound card and do some websearching | 01:27 |
Dexi | what, you dont register to a channel specifically, just to the network, follow the instructions nickserv gives | 01:27 |
Slart | ebaby: hmm.. ok.. I wonder if it fixed it.. try resume | 01:27 |
mattbd | seadyah: Brasero | 01:27 |
Gnea | seadyah: k3b | 01:27 |
Slart | !burniso | seadyah | 01:27 |
ActionParsnip | !burning | seadyah | 01:27 |
ubottu | seadyah: To burn an ISO image of a CD in Linux, Mac OS or Windows, read the howto at | 01:27 |
ubottu | seadyah: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see | 01:27 |
Joel_ | i did websearching | 01:27 |
nickrud | seadyah, rightclick the iso, select burn | 01:27 |
meho_ | quick question how do i mount and unmopund iso image without using nautilus script so just the terminal | 01:27 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea yes, it says reqired arguments -i and then lists various optional arguments | 01:27 |
Naggie | is Ubuntu availible in x86_64 architecture? If so, where can I find it? | 01:27 |
johninlex | is there is anyone to help with a wireless problem | 01:27 |
Slart | !mountiso | meho_ | 01:27 |
ubottu | meho_: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » or use the "gmountiso" package - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at - Always verify downloaded ISO images using !MD5 before !burning. | 01:27 |
abuyusuf_ | !open-vm-toolbox | 01:28 |
wj32 | !ask | johninlex | 01:28 |
skooz | mike | 01:28 |
=== what is now known as albert748 | ||
johninlex | ok | 01:28 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about open-vm-toolbox | 01:28 |
skooz | whoops wrong key board | 01:28 |
ubottu | johninlex: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 01:28 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: that's weird, it works here just fine.... did you copy 'n paste? | 01:28 |
nickrud | Naggie, | 01:28 |
geeksquad | i have a problem i cannot play dvds in totem i already have the liddvdcss package and the error i will say next: | 01:28 |
ActionParsnip | Joel_: whats the kline in lspc that relates to your soundcard? | 01:28 |
mib_2dc6mp | no | 01:28 |
mib_2dc6mp | as this chat is on a diff computer | 01:28 |
abuyusuf_ | sudobash, apt-get install open-vm-toolbox | 01:28 |
lstarnes | Naggie: it's available for amd64, which is essentially x86_64 | 01:28 |
ebaby | Slart: message said saving Vesa state before it exited now I am back to twilight zone of grey matter and dark screen of the not so distant past | 01:28 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: can you ssh to it? | 01:28 |
abuyusuf_ | sudobash, try that, it's GUI for client of vmware | 01:28 |
=== Aryan is now known as Guest35876 | ||
mib_2dc6mp | I typed lspci | pastebinit | 01:28 |
Joel_ | some intel card, 82801G High Def | 01:28 |
geeksquad | internal data flow error | 01:29 |
meho_ | sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> mount point would be cd0 or something | 01:29 |
ActionParsnip | !ich | 01:29 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ich | 01:29 |
geeksquad | is the error | 01:29 |
Naggie | thanks, nickrud and lstarnes. | 01:29 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: okay, let's try something else then: lspci > lspci.txt && cat lspci.txt | pastebinit | 01:29 |
rww | albert748: Sorry, my wifi card is acting up. If you need help, issue "/join #freenode" and ask in there. They'll be able to help :) | 01:29 |
albert748 | Dexi: thank you, I will have a try | 01:29 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnok | 01:29 |
nickrud | meho_, no, mountpoint is a dir name. /mnt is traditionally used for temporary mounting | 01:29 |
Dexi | albert748: good luck | 01:29 |
ethan2 | can somone please help me my computer is not detecting my ireless | 01:29 |
johninlex | i have a atheros wireless card knowing that there inlies the problem well I have tried everything | 01:29 |
ethan2 | wireless | 01:29 |
ethan2 | please help me | 01:29 |
ActionParsnip | Joel_: | 01:30 |
Gnea | !wireless | ethan2 | 01:30 |
ubottu | ethan2: Wireless documentation can be found at | 01:30 |
sudobash | so it should let me install vmplayer? | 01:30 |
ethan2 | gnea: can you help me? | 01:30 |
ActionParsnip | !vmware | sudobash | 01:30 |
ubottu | sudobash: VMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at | 01:30 |
Slart | ebaby: hmmm... I'm starting to run out of ideas to try.. and I'm running out of time | 01:30 |
skooz | is there a way to set display setting on start up or something cant see top of my screen or bottom | 01:30 |
Gnea | ethan2: your best bet is to explain your problem in as much detail as you can, I'm sure someone here can help you. | 01:30 |
ActionParsnip | skooz: you can set it in xorg.conf | 01:30 |
ebaby | Slart: back to "Ubuntu is running in low graphics mode" | 01:30 |
sudobash | WHY use QEmu or VBox when VMware works better? | 01:30 |
Gnea | ethan2: also, check that URL out that ubottu ave you | 01:30 |
Gnea | sudobash: it doesn't work better in every circumstance. | 01:31 |
Slart | ebaby: mm.. the ever so helpful failsafe X | 01:31 |
wj32 | sudobash: some people have moral issues with using non-free software | 01:31 |
ActionParsnip | sudobash: if they are "better" why do the other 2 even exist as no one would use them | 01:31 |
lstarnes | sudobash: qemu and virtualbox are open-source plus in many cases they work better | 01:31 |
ActionParsnip | sudobash: there are advantages to both | 01:31 |
sudobash | VMPlayer is free.............................. | 01:31 |
ethan2 | gnea: yes ik but osmone just helped me form this and now my wireless doesnt work at all | 01:31 |
sudobash | VMServer is free | 01:31 |
lstarnes | sudobash: but it is not open-source | 01:31 |
ebaby | Slart: via has a site where they have posted some drivers for other everex computers do u think those might work? | 01:31 |
Slart | ebaby: try asking the channel again.. I just don't know what more to try | 01:31 |
wj32 | FREE as in FREEDOM | 01:31 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea ok now we are in business: /f4ef29b | 01:31 |
mattbd | sudobash:qemu is portable and vbox is easy to use | 01:31 |
Slart | ebaby: I have no idea.. it can't really get worse than it is | 01:31 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: ok | 01:31 |
sudobash | ok then say some ppl have problem running non open source apps | 01:31 |
ethan2 | gnea: im runniing xubuntu and before i got wireless but it didnt work right and now i dont get it at all | 01:32 |
ActionParsnip | sudobash: it is free, but no single application is "best" or "better" due to varying requirements and tastes | 01:32 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea I just want to say I really appreciate you helping me, I know this is taking a long time, but without your help I would be stuck | 01:32 |
ethan2 | gnea: i need help im new to xubuntu and i have no clue how to | 01:32 |
sudobash | ok but I have already set this guy up with VMplayer and he is 3000 miles away | 01:32 |
ethan2 | gnea: well get my wireless | 01:32 |
ethan2 | gnea: please help me | 01:32 |
geeksquad | >i have a problem i cannot play dvds in totem i already have the liddvdcss package and the error is: "internal data flow error" please HELP! | 01:32 |
ActionParsnip | sudobash: | 01:32 |
seth | ActionParsnip: can you help me? I am at your | 01:32 |
sudobash | and I set vmplayer to pull his dual booted partition.. is that possible in either qemu or vbox? | 01:32 |
abuyusuf_ | !vmplayer | sudobash | 01:33 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about vmplayer | 01:33 |
ActionParsnip | seth: you could roll back to the hardy kernel | 01:33 |
jarco | hello. when i earlyer installed ubuntu it gave me a black screen in gnome. I tried command line with ctrl alt f1 and it worked. Now i need to reinstall for having kde. The live cd also gives black screen. i use ati hd3850 (i think) btw. Any thoughts or solutions? | 01:33 |
seth | ActionParship: how can you do that? | 01:33 |
sudobash | can vbox or qemu boot partitions and can the VMX be migrated? | 01:33 |
abuyusuf_ | !vmware | sudobash | 01:33 |
ubottu | sudobash: VMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at | 01:33 |
ethan2 | does anyone know how to get wireless detection on xubuntu? | 01:33 |
mattbd | geeksquad: Have you tried VLC instead? I find Totem a pain | 01:33 |
abuyusuf_ | sudobash, try the link above for manual install | 01:34 |
=== Aryan is now known as Guest53865 | ||
sudobash | nevermind i got vmplayer back up | 01:34 |
geeksquad | where can i get it on windows my linux system is out of internet | 01:34 |
wj32 | geeksquad: that's not easy, as vlc depends on lots of other packages | 01:34 |
geeksquad | i can transfer the .deb | 01:34 |
ethan2 | does anyone know becuase i also get an error message from pigin | 01:35 |
wj32 | geeksquad: the problem is there are LOTS of debs you'll need to download manually | 01:35 |
geeksquad | my drive is 16 gb | 01:35 |
lstarnes | sudobash: I have booted a partition from within qemu once | 01:35 |
geeksquad | how many | 01:35 |
faileas | geeksquad: its more that its a pain in the ass to do | 01:35 |
mattbd | geeksquad: It can still be fiddly | 01:35 |
Jordan_U | geeksquad: You can create a script that will download them all via synaptic | 01:35 |
skooz | what do i need to type with xorg.conf | 01:35 |
ActionParsnip | geeksquad: you can install it off your install CD | 01:35 |
mattbd | geeksquad: You can run apt-cache depends vlc to list the dependencies | 01:36 |
ethan2 | "the irc server picked up a messgae it did not understand" i got that error message while using pigin can anyone help? | 01:36 |
wj32 | geeksquad: vlc-nox, libaa1, libass1, libvlccore0, libxinerama1, vlc-core | 01:36 |
nickrud | geeksquad, select it in synaptic; the script uses wget which you can get for windows and convert the script to .bat fairly easily iirc | 01:36 |
bulletmike | btw, happy new year yall | 01:36 |
wj32 | geeksquad: *vlc-data | 01:36 |
geeksquad | my linux system has no internet | 01:36 |
lstarnes | ethan2: pidgin's irc support is very incomplete | 01:36 |
wj32 | ethan2: get xchat | 01:37 |
seth | So exactly how do I roll back to hardy kernel | 01:37 |
ActionParsnip | lstarnes: works if you wanna type and read text, depends on what else you need | 01:37 |
bulletmike | i use bittornado. whats the best torrent client for linux | 01:37 |
ebaby | Hello: trying to get help finishing installing 8.10 on everex stepnote nc1502 laptop video is via chrome9 HC IGP | 01:37 |
ethan2 | wj32: it will get rid of this error message? | 01:37 |
abuyusuf_ | !xchat | ethan2 | 01:37 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about xchat | 01:37 |
geeksquad | xchat is bad use chatzila | 01:37 |
wj32 | bulletmike: try deluge | 01:37 |
wj32 | !deluge | 01:37 |
ubottu | deluge is a Bittorent client, created using Python and GTK+, intended to bring a native, full-featured cliekt to !GTK environments such as GNOME and Xfce. See for more information or the package 'deluge-torrent' in the package repositories. | 01:37 |
ActionParsnip | ethan2: if you just wanna send / recieve files and chat, its fine | 01:37 |
mattbd | bulletmike: Another vote for deluge | 01:37 |
vileli8ves | I'm having problems with mplayer and gnome-mplayer; can't get video to play when viewing mpeg files. I only get sound when viewing them in firefox. | 01:37 |
ethan2 | can anyone help me with a wireless detection problem? | 01:37 |
ebaby | Jack-Sparrow: still here? | 01:37 |
bulletmike | hmmm...everybody seems to like deluge. I will try it out | 01:38 |
usr13 | geeksquad: Running a linux machine with no internet is like driving your car around only in the front yard. :) | 01:38 |
ActionParsnip | ethan2: pidgin is fine | 01:38 |
usr13 | ethan2: We can try. | 01:38 |
bulletmike | lol usr13 | 01:38 |
geeksquad | i am in vermont | 01:38 |
mattbd | bulletmike: the version from the website is more up to date and they do a deb for Ubuntu | 01:38 |
wj32 | i agree | 01:38 |
bulletmike | nice ..thanks maatbd&wj32 | 01:38 |
ethan2 | usr13: the wireless network isnt picking up my router its only syaing "auto Eth0" | 01:38 |
Jordan_U | vileli8ves: Do you get an error from mplayer? | 01:39 |
geeksquad | r u talking to me | 01:39 |
bulletmike | do you know a good script/program that can read mp3 tags ? | 01:39 |
__Grim76__ | Grim76__ | 01:39 |
usr13 | ethan2: auto eth0? | 01:39 |
vileli8ves | nope. it opens the files fine. | 01:39 |
wj32 | ethan2: if you click on the network icon can you seek wireless networks? | 01:39 |
vileli8ves | just no video | 01:39 |
wj32 | ethan2: *i meant see | 01:39 |
ebaby | Installer runs fine but on reboot graphics goes haywire | 01:39 |
=== __Grim76__ is now known as Grim76__ | ||
ethan2 | wj32: i cnat clikc it | 01:40 |
skooz | ActionParsnip im at grub> xorg.conf | 01:40 |
ethan2 | wj32: i can only see it and it only wokrs when im wired | 01:40 |
ethan2 | wj32: i cnat get wireless | 01:40 |
ethan2 | usr13: yes auto etho | 01:40 |
wj32 | ethan2: how about right-clicking it? | 01:40 |
ActionParsnip | skooz: if you are at a grub prompt your system isnt booting right | 01:40 |
usr13 | ethan2: System -> Network click on Unlock | 01:40 |
wj32 | ethan2: i'm 100% you can click the network icon | 01:40 |
ActionParsnip | skooz: you need to fix that before looking at xorg.conf | 01:40 |
wj32 | ethan2: *100% sure | 01:40 |
skooz | well how do u get to it | 01:41 |
Chungwa | Oh, I've got another question! Since I moved to ubuntu whenever I watch a video (avi divx) there are very slight lines (or is it pixelization?)on the video. Any idea how to make it look a little better (the video looking fine when I viewed it in Vista before my switch) | 01:41 |
wj32 | Chungwa: turn deinterlacing off | 01:41 |
usr13 | ethan2: And see if you can find a way to get it to conect to the particular essid of your wireless AP. | 01:41 |
skooz | i can load ubuntu | 01:41 |
Chungwa | How do I do that? (I'm a COMPLETE newbie) | 01:41 |
ActionParsnip | Chungwa: have you installed video drivers and got codecs installed | 01:42 |
wj32 | Chungwa: oh wait you can't do that anymore | 01:42 |
ActionParsnip | skooz: boot to linux, then run gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 01:42 |
wj32 | i swear you could turn deinterlacing on/off in totem before | 01:42 |
Chungwa | ActionParsnip: I did, yes. I choose the recommended drivers and downloaded some codecs for divx | 01:42 |
wj32 | Chungwa: in the View menu, is there a Deinterlacing menu item? | 01:43 |
ethan2 | i cant | 01:43 |
seth | Can anyone tell me how to roll back my kernel from Interpid to Hardy? | 01:43 |
usr13 | Chungwa: What video player do you use? What display adapter are you using? What video driver are you using? | 01:43 |
ActionParsnip | Chungwa: maybe you ned a tweak for your video card | 01:43 |
Jordan_U | seth: Did you upgrade? | 01:43 |
tbrock | hey guys, what is a good nzb downloader for linux | 01:43 |
tbrock | preferably a gnome one | 01:43 |
seth | Jordan_U: Yes | 01:43 |
skooz | how do i boot linux | 01:43 |
wj32 | tbrock: what's nzb | 01:43 |
usr13 | seth sudo apt-get downgrade | 01:44 |
ActionParsnip | tbrock: nzb? | 01:44 |
mattbd | tbrock: I hear good things about hellanzb | 01:44 |
usr13 | seth: Just teasing... sorry... couldn't resist. | 01:44 |
tbrock | binary news | 01:44 |
wj32 | skooz: have you got grub installed? | 01:44 |
tbrock | ok thanks matt | 01:44 |
ActionParsnip | !grub | skooz | 01:44 |
ubottu | skooz: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - GRUB how-tos: | 01:44 |
mattbd | ActionParsnip: Newsbinz | 01:44 |
Jordan_U | seth: You can boot from the old kernel by pressing escape at boot | 01:44 |
seth | usr13: I came a hair to typing that | 01:44 |
ActionParsnip | !info newsbinz | 01:44 |
ubottu | Package newsbinz does not exist in intrepid | 01:44 |
Chungwa | Oh, there is something about deinterlacing! | 01:44 |
wj32 | Chungwa: turn it off | 01:44 |
nickrud | tbrock, pan supports nzb as well | 01:44 |
mattbd | ActionParsnip: He means he wants to download files from usenet | 01:45 |
skooz | yes i can boot into ubuntu just cant see top or bottom of screen to see the menus | 01:45 |
seth | Jordan_U: Thanks. | 01:45 |
wj32 | weird, does anyone else see a View > Deinterlacing menu item in totem? | 01:45 |
Jordan_U | seth: You probably don't want to do that permanently though, what problem are you having with the new kernel? | 01:45 |
usr13 | seth: Jordan_U has serious advise.... | 01:45 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: still there? sorry, had to take an important phone call | 01:45 |
seth | Jordan_U: My CD Drive isn't reading anything. | 01:45 |
ebaby | Slart: can you take a look at this link i found and let me know if this can do anything for me: | 01:45 |
ebaby | Slart: it came from here: | 01:45 |
Chungwa | wj32: It looks better now, thanks a lot! | 01:45 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea yes | 01:46 |
seth | usr13: Thanks | 01:46 |
mattbd | ActionParsnip: Newzbinz are to usenet what torrent files are to BitTorrent | 01:46 |
wj32 | Chungwa: oh and also | 01:46 |
mib_2dc6mp | I started going back to the beginning of the echomia support page | 01:46 |
usr13 | seth: No problem, the humor is free. | 01:46 |
skooz | im at the grub menu to select ubuntu or windows | 01:46 |
wj32 | Chungwa: is it a DVD? | 01:46 |
mib_2dc6mp | I am extracting the alsa firmware, driver and library | 01:46 |
tbrock | nickrud: thanks man | 01:46 |
Chungwa | No, it's just an avi file | 01:46 |
seth | usr13: I'll try to remember that. | 01:46 |
ActionParsnip | mattbd: nice | 01:46 |
webbhawk_h4x0r42 | question | 01:46 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: okay - not sure how much that's going to help, considering it's for an older version of Ubuntu. I did notice this: 02:0b.0 Multimedia controller: Motorola DSP56361 Digital Signal Processor (rev 01) | 01:46 |
wj32 | Chungwa: you'll need deinterlacing on for most DVDs | 01:47 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea I noticed the synaptic did not have the libs, so I decided it would be best to do all 3 again (hopefully an overwrite of whatever synaptic did wont hurt) | 01:47 |
eseven73 | I cant find deluge in the repos is it just a ibex package? Im on Hardy | 01:47 |
wj32 | eseven73: download it from the website. it has the latest version | 01:47 |
Chungwa | wj32: I'll keep that in mind, thanks | 01:47 |
eseven73 | ok | 01:47 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: well, if you can hold off on that for a bit, I'd like to see if we can find the firmware, drop it in and see if that works | 01:47 |
mattbd | eseven73: It's as deluge-torrent, but I'd grab it from the website | 01:47 |
mib_2dc6mp | ok | 01:47 |
seth | Jordan_U: I have a Dell Insiron 1501 and the CD Drive worked fine until I upgraded to 8.10 and did all the updates. | 01:48 |
skooz | can i fix it? | 01:48 |
san | try deluge-torrent | 01:48 |
Jordan_U | seth: Did you upgrade via update-manager? | 01:48 |
seth | Jordan_U: Yes | 01:48 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea is there something I need to type in the terminal? | 01:48 |
johninlex | can anyone heme with a wireless problem please | 01:48 |
webbhawk_h4x0r42 | i run ubuntu on my home pc, but im not at home and on a windows machine.. and it seems to be infected with virus's... im wanting to do some work from this pc but be safe. I dont want my pwd's getting stolen or anyting and was wondering if i used ubuntu live cd.. would the possible virus's not be run from teh windows | 01:48 |
usr13 | johninlex: Will try... | 01:49 |
webbhawk_h4x0r42 | hope that makes sense | 01:49 |
wj32 | webbhawk_h4x0r42: Ubuntu won't get infected just because Windows has a virus | 01:49 |
gvsa123 | i'm trying to access our home network via ubuntu and installed samba. i've shared one of my directories in ubuntu for testing, but from the ms side, it's asking me for a username and password. i tried to use my login in ubuntu, but it doesn't work.. can anyone help? | 01:49 |
johninlex | I have tried ndiswrapper and madwifi and cant get it to work | 01:49 |
wj32 | webbhawk_h4x0r42: the rule with computers is there's no black magic | 01:49 |
usr13 | johninlex: Just state your problem. Someone is bound to know what to do about it. | 01:49 |
webbhawk_h4x0r42 | if there was a trojan or possible key capture program.. i would be safe using ubuntu live cd | 01:49 |
usr13 | what wifi nic is it? | 01:49 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: well, I just found a few things that might help - they're a bit more up-to-date | 01:49 |
wj32 | webbhawk_h4x0r42: Windows programs don't run on Ubuntu | 01:49 |
ActionParsnip | webbhawk_h4x0r42: makes sense, if you boot to live cd, you can mount the windows drive and read the data | 01:49 |
wj32 | webbhawk_h4x0r42: Viruses, trojans, and spyware are windows programs | 01:50 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea that is excellent | 01:50 |
vileli8ves | Jordan_U figured it out. I needed to switch to gecko to get things working. mplayer just hates my system, I guess. thanks anyway! | 01:50 |
usr13 | johninlex: Which nic do you have? | 01:50 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: | 01:50 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea I am open to whatver you want to tr | 01:50 |
wj32 | webbhawk_h4x0r42: Therefore viruses, trojans and spyware won't run on Ubuntu | 01:50 |
ActionParsnip | webbhawk_h4x0r42: the windows keylogger will not run as windows is not running, its linux | 01:50 |
wj32 | webbhawk_h4x0r42: Again, no black magic | 01:50 |
webbhawk_h4x0r42 | wj32: so i thought right.. it would be much safer this way | 01:50 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: still looking through it - looks like all you probably need to do is download and compile the firmware | 01:50 |
faileas | gvsa123: depends on how you set it up | 01:50 |
webbhawk_h4x0r42 | wj32: i didnt get that saying you said.. no black magic one... | 01:50 |
usr13 | johninlex: lspci | 01:50 |
wj32 | webbhawk_h4x0r42: oh its just that some people think that computers do magical things | 01:51 |
wj32 | webbhawk_h4x0r42: never mind | 01:51 |
johninlex | it is a theros wireless card ar242x, I have tried my windows driver | 01:51 |
wj32 | webbhawk_h4x0r42: what i said wasn't entirely true because there might be viruses and spyware for linux in the future | 01:51 |
gvsa123 | faileas: just installed samba, restarted the daemon, right clicked on one of my folders from /home and shared it. | 01:51 |
webbhawk_h4x0r42 | wj32: kk.. so i would be safe.. even if windows was infected | 01:51 |
seth | Jordan_U: I am going to reboot and try the older kernel.. Hopefully that will work.. Thanks | 01:51 |
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wj32 | webbhawk_h4x0r42: but right now there's no viruses and spyware for linux (probably 1 or 2 actually) | 01:52 |
gvsa123 | faileas: i found it from the ms side but i can't access it... (so safe) | 01:52 |
webbhawk_h4x0r42 | wj32: really u think so.. virus's for linux ? | 01:52 |
rww | !virus | webbhawk_h4x0r42 | 01:52 |
ubottu | webbhawk_h4x0r42: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: | 01:52 |
wj32 | webbhawk_h4x0r42: i mean in the wild | 01:52 |
faileas | gvsa123: one moment there's a good howto on setting up samba i use | 01:52 |
webbhawk_h4x0r42 | wj32: u think it could be possible in the future | 01:52 |
gvsa123 | faileas: is it this one? | 01:52 |
ActionParsnip | rww: webbhawk_h4x0r42: there are a small few linux virii but they are not very wild at all | 01:52 |
loafers | I have a .img file I would like to mount, is there a program to do this? Or something to extract the contents? | 01:52 |
BWF89 | I think most anti-virus software for Linux isn't to detect Linux viruses. it's to detect Windows viruses so that you don't pass them onto your friends who use Windows. | 01:52 |
faileas | gvsa123: no | 01:52 |
mattbd | webbhawk_h4x0r42: Linux is popular on servers, not just desktops | 01:52 |
wj32 | i agree with BWF89 | 01:53 |
faileas | loafers: i can't rememeber how to do it offhand but you're looking at something called loopmounting | 01:53 |
BWF89 | same with anti-virus software for Mac OSX. | 01:53 |
loafers | I tried that but I think it only works for .iso files | 01:53 |
loafers | mine is .img file | 01:53 |
webbhawk_h4x0r42 | is the "linux" community working to keep virus out .. even in the future | 01:54 |
loafers | and cdemu doesn't support that file either i think | 01:54 |
mattbd | webbhawk_h4x0r42: They are very fast at patching known vulnerabilities compared to MS | 01:54 |
wj32 | loafers: have you tried mounting it using -o loop? | 01:54 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: okay, what's the result of this command: dpkg -l | grep ^ii | grep alsa | 01:54 |
usr13 | johninlex: System -> Hardware Drivers and look for everything that has Atheros in it. Tick the box in behind of ?Atheros Hardware Access | 01:54 |
eseven73 | I'm getting like 6 dependency issues with deluge-torrent in Hardy | 01:54 |
webbhawk_h4x0r42 | interesting.. | 01:54 |
loafers | I'll try it again | 01:54 |
ActionParsnip | loafers: | 01:54 |
mattbd | webbhawk_h4x0r42: Usually it gets done in a day or two, whereas it can be a long time in Windows | 01:55 |
rww | eseven73: pastebin the specific errors? | 01:55 |
gvsa123 | faileas: oh that's fine. i've been able to setup using the link i sent, i was just hoping things were much simpler now. last time i had ubuntu was with feisty. | 01:55 |
webbhawk_h4x0r42 | and .. does the ubuntu live cd run pretty fast.. or would yall recomend a diff version to use | 01:55 |
eseven73 | ok | 01:55 |
wj32 | webbhawk_h4x0r42: i recommend you install ubuntu! | 01:55 |
bastid_raZor | webbhawk_h4x0r42; the CD will run considerably slower than an install | 01:55 |
loafers | ActionParsnip, thanks. | 01:55 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea I am typin git now | 01:55 |
mattbd | webbhawk_h4x0r42: I heard that Firefox vulnerabilties are patched in nine days on average while for IE it's over 200 days | 01:55 |
faileas | gvsa123: what should interest you is that with the tdbsan backend, you can use your accounts on the box to access samba. ;p | 01:56 |
webbhawk_h4x0r42 | yeah but i cant. im not on my machine .. i have ubuntu on all my pc's | 01:56 |
wj32 | webbhawk_h4x0r42: oh i see | 01:56 |
eseven73 | rww: | 01:56 |
webbhawk_h4x0r42 | im at my grandmothers visiting.. | 01:56 |
usr13 | johninlex: click the box in behind Atheros Hardware Access Layer(HAL) and Support for Atheros 802.11 wireless LAN cards and restart the computer. | 01:56 |
webbhawk_h4x0r42 | she can barley turn the pc on.. much less learn linux | 01:56 |
gvsa123 | faileas: from windows? | 01:56 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea I get quite a few things how to I create the web link | 01:56 |
wj32 | eseven73: have you tried running apt-get -f install | 01:56 |
eseven73 | not yet | 01:56 |
rww | eseven73: what happens when you do sudo apt-get -f install" | 01:56 |
wj32 | eseven73: as it says in what you pasted | 01:56 |
=== maco_ is now known as maco | ||
faileas | gvsa123: yup | 01:57 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: dpkg -l | grep ^ii | grep alsa > alsalist.txt && cat alsalist.txt | pastebinit | 01:57 |
rww | eseven73: ah, okay. Try that and then try the install again and let us know if you still have problems :) | 01:57 |
wj32 | eseven73: i've had that error lots of times, and -f install has always fixed it | 01:57 |
faileas | well any account thats on the linux box anyway | 01:57 |
webbhawk_h4x0r42 | will the live cd be very slow.. hard to get some work done? im gona be working online.. on websites | 01:57 |
faileas | gvsa123: i have one file server and a mix of linux and windows boxen- this setup works brilliently | 01:57 |
kgodwin | webbhawk_h4x0r42: It ran decently enough for me, but isntalling it is 1000% better. | 01:57 |
eseven73 | rww: wj32 its saying now i can install those libs, is it safe though? | 01:57 |
gvsa123 | faileas: cool eh.. i'd like to keep it simple for now. jsut me and my wife sharing/playing movies from each others' pc... | 01:57 |
wj32 | webbhawk_h4x0r42: well if ubuntu crashes for some reason you're going to lose all your work | 01:57 |
rww | webbhawk_h4x0r42: it depends very much on your hardware, so we're not going to be able to tell you specifics. | 01:58 |
webbhawk_h4x0r42 | yeah | 01:58 |
johninlex | usr13 that would be easy if it was just a restricted driver, | 01:58 |
rww | eseven73: pastebin the new output, please | 01:58 |
seth | Jordan_U: I rebooted and tried the older kernel and my CD Drive does not work..So I guess that means it is a hardware problem. | 01:58 |
mattbd | webbhawk_h4x0r42: If you really need a faster system you could use a lighter distro | 01:58 |
wj32 | eseven73: it usually gives that error if you were installing something and you interrupted it | 01:58 |
webbhawk_h4x0r42 | yeah .. puppy linux maybe | 01:58 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea /f9206dc8 | 01:58 |
webbhawk_h4x0r42 | dsl i heard about also | 01:58 |
mattbd | webbhawk_h4x0r42: I like Damn Small Linux, especially if you run it with the toram option | 01:58 |
webbhawk_h4x0r42 | toram? | 01:59 |
eseven73 | rww: | 01:59 |
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mattbd | webbhawk_h4x0r42: Installs it to the ramdisk, slower to boot but runs really fast | 01:59 |
wj32 | eseven73: that just means its ok, just type Y and press enter! | 01:59 |
rww | eseven73: yup, that looks fine. Go ahead and hit Y to continue and press enter. | 01:59 |
=== barata is now known as filsuf | ||
eseven73 | ok thanks | 01:59 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea I am not seeing the alsa-libs in there, i am pretty sure I still need to compile them, though I downloaded them from the alsa site and extracted to the desktop, though there is nothing on the desktop (it is nice and clean) | 01:59 |
wj32 | eseven73: but you should still get the latest version from the website | 02:00 |
wj32 | eseven73: | 02:00 |
mattbd | webbhawk_h4x0r42: Plus DSL downloads in a couple of minutes for most people | 02:00 |
webbhawk_h4x0r42 | mattbd: when i use a live cd.. can i install thing still or no. like if i needed a chat application could i d/l and install xchat | 02:00 |
eseven73 | wj32: yeah i did that first, then got the errors, so then i tried to install it from repos | 02:00 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: do you get any results from this command? ls -l /usr/lib/libasound* | 02:00 |
webbhawk_h4x0r42 | or some.. firefox extensions.. firebug and stuff | 02:00 |
wj32 | eseven73: the problem is you had to run apt-get install -f first | 02:00 |
mattbd | webbhawk_h4x0r42: Depends on the distro. In Ubuntu you can install it to your current session | 02:00 |
rww | webbhawk_h4x0r42: on the Ubuntu LiveCD, yes; apt-get and synaptic work just like on a full install. | 02:01 |
wj32 | eseven73: not that the website version doesn't work | 02:01 |
mattbd | webbhawk_h4x0r42: But when you reboot it won't be there | 02:01 |
webbhawk_h4x0r42 | thats fine.. is there a way to create a custom livecd maybe | 02:01 |
mattbd | webbhawk_h4x0r42: Ubuntu Customization Kit | 02:01 |
eseven73 | wj32: so what exactly does sudo apt-get install -f do ? | 02:01 |
gvsa123 | faileas: are you aware of any package from synaptic that simplifies working "mshome" | 02:01 |
ActionParsnip | eseven73: it fixes the packages by removing or adding packages so dependancies are all met | 02:02 |
Gnea | !info libasound2 | 02:02 |
ubottu | libasound2 (source: alsa-lib): ALSA library. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.17a-0ubuntu4 (intrepid), package size 347 kB, installed size 1228 kB | 02:02 |
wj32 | eseven73: i have no idea, but i presume it finishes installing packages it was installing before it got interrupted | 02:02 |
ActionParsnip | eseven73: makes the system whole again | 02:02 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: ^^^ | 02:02 |
mattbd | webbhawk_h4x0r42: It can be gotten from and lets you remaster an ISO image | 02:02 |
eseven73 | ok | 02:02 |
gvsa123 | faileas: i'm hoping for something to tell a newbie: "oh just go to synaptic and install this package",.... lol | 02:02 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea let me chck | 02:03 |
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loafers | Someone gave me the link to mount .img file ( and it says to install "loop". Where do I install "loop"? | 02:03 |
ac3_0f_spad3s | is there such a thing as bare unix? can you install bare unix on a system? | 02:03 |
wj32 | loafers: you execute sudo mount -o loop [imgfile] [mount point] | 02:03 |
mattbd | ac3_0f_spades: Not sure what you mean | 02:04 |
wj32 | loafers: oops, its sudo mount -t udf -o loop [imgfile] [mount point] | 02:04 |
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=== maco_ is now known as maco | ||
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: you can also see what package /usr/lib/ belongs to like this: dpkg -S /usr/lib/ | 02:04 |
ac3_0f_spad3s | !unix | 02:04 |
ubottu | UNIX is an operating system created in the '70s, which has many direct derivates and inspired systems like Minix and !Linux. Most "UNIX-style" systems try to somewhat adhere to the POSIX standard. | 02:04 |
loafers | wj32, I tried what was written in the thread and got the error: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0, | 02:05 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea when I typed the libasound* command I got 2 lines | 02:05 |
miguel__ | Hi all! | 02:05 |
wj32 | loafers: try replacing -t udf with -t iso9660 | 02:05 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: okay, try out dpkg -S /usr/lib/ | 02:05 |
mattbd | ac3_0f_spad3s: I know what Unix is, but what do you mean by bare Unix? Do you mean something minimal? | 02:05 |
eseven73 | Woah deluge is nice :) | 02:05 |
webbhawk_h4x0r42 | mattbd: have you had any experience with puppy ? | 02:05 |
ac3_0f_spad3s | yes mattbd | 02:05 |
rww | eseven73: yes it is :D | 02:05 |
bulletmike | when i type perl and hit return, it wont return anything. I have to do ctrl -c to break it. I installed the latest perl using apt-get. is there anything im missing ? | 02:05 |
chilli0 | hello all | 02:05 |
wj32 | !hello | chilli0 | 02:06 |
ubottu | chilli0: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 02:06 |
chilli0 | how do i disable my mic from running all the dam time? | 02:06 |
ac3_0f_spad3s | something very unhackable | 02:06 |
eseven73 | rww: im getting 1.1mb/s from a Arch linux iso :) | 02:06 |
loafers | wj32, Same error. | 02:06 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea yea it says /usr/lib/ for the fisr command, let me try the other | 02:06 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: okay | 02:06 |
Jordan_U | bulletmike: You need to type ctrl+D ( EOF ) | 02:06 |
rww | bulletmike: that's how it's supposed to work. If you want to run a perl script, issue "perl" | 02:06 |
mattbd | ac3_0f_spad3s:Maybe FreeBSD would be good for that | 02:06 |
wj32 | loafers: is it a dvd or cd | 02:06 |
chilli0 | if i make anysound my mic amps it lol | 02:06 |
ac3_0f_spad3s | mattbd is that minimal? | 02:06 |
sudobash | Hey is there a way to fsck a windows partition? | 02:06 |
bulletmike | great. thanks rww | 02:06 |
loafers | wj32, It's a cd image file from a book I have. | 02:06 |
sudobash | ntfs to be exact | 02:06 |
rww | eseven73: Arch is nice too :D | 02:06 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gneathat last command gave me about 12 lines | 02:07 |
mattbd | webbhawk_h4x0r42: I have used it but prefer DSL | 02:07 |
eseven73 | rww: i cant get arch working on Vbox :( | 02:07 |
wj32 | i can't think of any CD specs besides UDF and ISO9660 | 02:07 |
rww | sudobash: : not yet, no | 02:07 |
eseven73 | or Opensuse only Ubuntu and win xp | 02:07 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea they are all lib(someething) | 02:07 |
Jordan_U | sudobash: ntfxfix will fix some things, I'm not sure how much to trust it though | 02:07 |
root | Hello all. :) | 02:07 |
wj32 | so it has to be some unknown format | 02:07 |
=== rebel_kid|zZzZ is now known as rebel_kid | ||
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: okay, so: dpkg dpkg -S /usr/lib/ | pastebinit | 02:07 |
=== root is now known as wfoster | ||
loafers | wj32, ok thansk for helping | 02:07 |
ebaby | hello: can anyone tell me if this command can assist in correcting a graphics display problem in 8.10 - "sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst" | 02:07 |
mattbd | ac3_0f_spad3s: FreeBSD is very minimal out of the box, you pretty much install everything you want yourself | 02:07 |
=== wfoster is now known as wfoster_ | ||
wfoster_ | Hey all! | 02:08 |
Dexi | hey guys i got about 4 lines of terminal i need help with, pastebin? | 02:08 |
wj32 | ebaby: no, that's the bootloader | 02:08 |
wj32 | Dexi: go ahead | 02:08 |
ac3_0f_spad3s | mattbd can i install ubuntu on top of freeBSD? | 02:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | Dexi, Pastebin. not in channel | 02:08 |
mattbd | ac3_0f_spad3s: If you want something unhackable OpenBSD is the way to go | 02:08 |
rww | eseven73: perhaps ask for help in #archlinux on this server ? | 02:08 |
wfoster_ | wj32: rww: Remember me? From last night? Well, I went out and bought a Macbook today. No need to worry about that pesky sudo situation anymore. | 02:08 |
Gnea | ebaby: depending on what you put in it, perhaps | 02:08 |
ActionParsnip | mattbd: if you want unhackable, disconnect network connectivity | 02:08 |
Dexi | | 02:08 |
mattbd | ac3_0f_spad3s: No, it's a completely different operating system | 02:08 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea that didnt work: dpkg needs an action option, do we need that && cat thing | 02:09 |
Jordan_U | ActionParsnip: And the keyboard :) | 02:09 |
mattbd | ActionParsnip: lol! | 02:09 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: yeah | 02:09 |
ActionParsnip | mattbd: any system with internet connectivity has some chance of being hacked | 02:09 |
chilli0 | its im possable to get hacked w\o intenet thats why i recomend tesltra | 02:09 |
rww | wfoster_: I remember the name, but not the problem =/. If you're trying to say that OS X doesn't use sudo... umm, I hate to tell you, but it does. | 02:09 |
wj32 | Dexi: sudo mkdir /usr/local/plugins first | 02:09 |
ebaby | wj32: I came across this page: "" that had that on it and I belive it could solve my problem(s) - do you mind taking a quick glance at it for me to confirm/negate... thnx | 02:09 |
linduxed | off toptic - will an acer travelmate most likely have a 65W powerpack or 90W? | 02:09 |
rww | !ot | linduxed | 02:09 |
ubottu | linduxed: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 02:09 |
linduxed | might also be 30W but i highly doubt it | 02:10 |
ac3_0f_spad3s | mattbd this is why im asking for something minimal. i would like something i can run ubuntu from | 02:10 |
wfoster_ | rww: Leopard OS X uses sudo? Well, at least it won't corrupt all the time like Wubi. | 02:10 |
mattbd | ActionParsnip: Yeah I know but OpenBSD is about as close to unhackable as anything you can find | 02:10 |
linduxed | rww: thx | 02:10 |
wj32 | ebaby: i guess so, but didn't you have problems with graphics? | 02:10 |
wfoster_ | Is there a Apple or Mac channel? | 02:10 |
mattbd | ac3_0f_spad3s: So you want to be able to set up a minimal Linux system? | 02:10 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea what comes after the > | 02:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | wfoster_, If you understood what wubi is and does you would not have used it int he first place | 02:10 |
mattbd | ac3_0f_spad3s: But using Ubuntu? | 02:11 |
ac3_0f_spad3s | mattbd may i pm you | 02:11 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea would it be libasound.2.0.0.txt | 02:11 |
mattbd | ac3_0f_spad3s: Sure | 02:11 |
ebaby | wj32: yeah all is well during the install ( i can even use firefox on web) but after install/reboot there is no display. | 02:11 |
Jordan_U | wfoster_: Yes, ##mac | 02:11 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: well > is the output directive, so go ahead and make up a filename to put the infomration into - it can be anything you want it to be | 02:11 |
wfoster_ | Jack_Sparrow: What does it do then? | 02:11 |
Jack_Sparrow | !wubi | 02:11 |
ubottu | Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at | 02:11 |
wfoster_ | Jordan_U: Thanks. | 02:11 |
Jordan_U | wfoster_: np | 02:11 |
rww | wfoster_: Yes it does, yes it might, and if I were in less of a terse mood tonight I'd PM you some of the reasons why I switched from OS X to Ubuntu. But yeah, OS X discussion is off-topic for #ubuntu, so go to ##mac. | 02:11 |
Jack_Sparrow | wfoster_, read the faq. I wont use nor would I ever recommend it | 02:11 |
ebaby | wj32: it seems that the page is saying something about making sure the commands stick after restarting | 02:11 |
wj32 | ebaby: ok, then do it | 02:12 |
MatthiasM | hi, after I upgraded to 8.10 every reboot the keyboard layout switches back to US instead of DE | 02:12 |
wj32 | whats the difference between one hash '#' and two hashes '##' for channel names? | 02:12 |
Shadow_X | isn't there an app that will allow me to use a VNC client on another computer to connect to my server and login to a brand new X session? | 02:12 |
Dexi | wj32: ok i worked it into the right dir, now im getting this: | 02:12 |
rww | wj32: ask in #freenode | 02:12 |
ActionParsnip | Shadow_X: you can connect to servername:2 and it will load another x server | 02:13 |
ebaby | wj32: which I am assuming is wht my problem is... I tried it via root and got the message "(gedit:4379) : Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display" | 02:13 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea, I hope I did this right, /f7278fe9d | 02:13 |
wj32 | Dexi: why are you using sudo for make? | 02:14 |
Shadow_X | ActionParsnip: to i need to do any specific config on the server aside from allowing remote X? | 02:14 |
eseven73 | !gksu | ebaby | 02:14 |
ubottu | ebaby: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See to know why) | 02:14 |
wj32 | Dexi: just run make | 02:14 |
Dexi | wj32: it said permission denied when i didnt | 02:14 |
waykaat | hiya | 02:14 |
wj32 | Dexi: that's weird. make should only compile the prog, not install it | 02:14 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: looks good :) | 02:14 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea when I try it with dpkg -l it says no package found matching /usr/lib/ | 02:15 |
Dexi | wj32: its a weird thing its got going on... install directions told me to edit the first line of the makefile to my plugins dir and then type make, without ./configure first | 02:15 |
ActionParsnip | Shadow_X: nope, i think it just gets spawned, try websearching vnc to headless pc | 02:15 |
rww | Dexi: which program? | 02:15 |
Dexi | rww "sessionsave" plugin for pidgin | 02:15 |
Shadow_X | ActionParsnip: thanks bro | 02:16 |
rww | !vnc | Shadow_X: you mean a VNC server? | 02:16 |
ubottu | Shadow_X: you mean a VNC server?: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX | 02:16 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: right, if you type: dpkg --help you will see that -l and -S do 2 different things. so, it looks like your alsa libraries are in place - there's no need to worry about them, it's the firmware that's the problem | 02:16 |
Shadow_X | !FreeNX | 02:16 |
ubottu | FreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see | 02:16 |
Shadow_X | ? | 02:16 |
ebaby | eseven73: not sure what !gksu means as I am green | 02:16 |
mib_2dc6mp | ok | 02:16 |
rww | Dexi: Ah. Yeah, it doesn't surprise me that plugins are weird. | 02:16 |
eseven73 | ebaby: it's a better method of using graphical apps as root | 02:17 |
wj32 | eseven73: he can't get his display working | 02:17 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea so I am guessing ubuntustudio either came with all the alsa, or when I downloaded it from synaptic it installed everything (though I never downloaded alsa-libs) | 02:17 |
Dexi | rww, i think i can make it work if i just copy the file, whats the terminal command to copy something from home/whatever to /usr/local/lib/purple-2 | 02:17 |
ActionParsnip | Shadow_X: | 02:17 |
rww | Dexi: cp /home/whatever/filename /usr/local/lib/purple-2 | 02:17 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: so let's concentrate on that: find /lib/firmware/ -name "mia_dsp*" > mialist.txt && cat mialist | pastebinit | 02:17 |
rww | Dexi: possibly with a sudo in front of it; and if it's a directory, do cp -R | 02:17 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea ok lemme do that | 02:18 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: there is no alsa-libs in ubuntu, it's called libasound2 | 02:18 |
Dexi | rww ok, i think last time i did it wrong because it moved the whole dir but i didnt say -R idk ill go try | 02:18 |
ebaby | eseven73; is there a way to get to "terminal" from the recovery Menu? | 02:18 |
COMPLICE36 | hola a todos ^^ | 02:18 |
wfoster_ | ebaby: Can't you access the top bar? | 02:18 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: sorry, cat mialist.txt | pastebinit lol | 02:19 |
COMPLICE36 | !list | 02:19 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at - Usage info: | 02:19 |
rww | !es | COMPLICE36 | 02:19 |
ubottu | COMPLICE36: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 02:19 |
wfoster_ | !list | 02:19 |
Jack_Sparrow | wfoster_, We dont serve files | 02:19 |
Gnea | !warez | 02:19 |
ubottu | piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o | 02:19 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea I must be typing something wrong : find/lib/firmware/: no such directory | 02:19 |
shear | Hi! Can anyone help me with a problem I'm having mounting USB Mass Storage devices? Details of what I've done so far are here: | 02:19 |
Dexi | rww whats the rename command? | 02:19 |
ebaby | wfoster: the top bar? | 02:20 |
rww | Dexi: same as the move command: mv oldname newname | 02:20 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: make sure there's a space: find /lib/firmware/ | 02:20 |
Dexi | rww: nevermind im doing it wrong anyway lol | 02:20 |
Dexi | forget it, ill just ditch the plugin :-/ | 02:20 |
Dexi | gonna go get some chili and come back later :D | 02:20 |
rww | !terminal | Dexi: basic help on command-line usage (if you feel like reading through it) | 02:20 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea thats the prob | 02:20 |
ubottu | Dexi: basic help on command-line usage (if you feel like reading through it): The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: | 02:20 |
sudobash | so ntfsck works? | 02:21 |
s3a | is it possible to remove images off of pidgin ONLY on the window things on the bottom task bar? | 02:21 |
=== rebel_kid|zZzZ is now known as rebel_kid | ||
s3a | images=people's display pictures | 02:22 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: ? | 02:22 |
Raylz | s3a: #pidgin | 02:22 |
s3a | i want it to always show status on those window things | 02:22 |
rww | sudobash: did you read the link I sent you? | 02:22 |
s3a | Raylz, k thx | 02:22 |
sudobash | it looks like it is being distributed | 02:22 |
sudobash | | 02:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | shear, that is characteristic of an unclean mount or fsck detecting issues with the device | 02:23 |
Dexi | thanks rww ill make a point to get to that sooner or later | 02:23 |
eseven73 | ebaby: sorry i had to answer the door, you can get a terminal in recovery mode this way: | 02:23 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea now I get a keyboard interrpt find /lib/firmware/ -name "mia_dsp" > mialist.txt && cat mialist.txt | pastebinit | 02:23 |
Raylz | haha, just compiling the new gnome :) | 02:23 |
shear | Jack_Sparrow, I did run fsck, and posted the result in that thread | 02:23 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea am i supposed to take the -name out | 02:23 |
shear | Jack_Sparrow, do you know how to fix it? | 02:23 |
sudobash | ahhhh ntfsresize -fi /dev/hdXY | 02:24 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: well, you're looking for anything that -starts- with the mib_dsp, so it needs to be "mia_dsp*" | 02:24 |
Jack_Sparrow | !fsck | 02:24 |
ubottu | fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot | 02:24 |
rww | sudobash: "ntfsprogs" is a collection of programs for managing the ntfs file system, and is available as an Ubuntu package anyway. ntfsck doesn't exist yet, but will eventually; in the meantime, install ntfsprogs and run the command on that page | 02:24 |
rww | !info ntfsprogs | 02:24 |
ubottu | ntfsprogs (source: linux-ntfs): tools for doing neat things in NTFS partitions from Linux. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.0-1ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 262 kB, installed size 672 kB | 02:24 |
sudobash | so ntfsprogs is obsolete but ntfsck is not ready yet? | 02:24 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea I added the * but I still get a keyboard interrupt | 02:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | shear, for the best answers pastebin the output, dont make people search through a thread looking for it | 02:25 |
sudobash | Package ntfsprogs is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 02:25 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: hrm, try it like this then: find /lib/firmware/ -name "mia_dsp*" | 02:25 |
rww | sudobash: what version of Ubuntu are you using? | 02:25 |
sudobash | wait my install must not be up to date cause it worked in california | 02:26 |
eseven73 | ebaby: oops i should have told you to skip down to like the 5th image, thats where it shows for terminal | 02:26 |
shear | Jack_Sparrow, without reading the thread, someone else trying to help won't know what has already been suggested to me | 02:26 |
sudobash | ntfsresize -fi /dev/hdXY how well does this work? | 02:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | sudobash, gparted live is a better bet | 02:27 |
peepsalot | i'm trying to set up a raid 5 array as described here: but when I run the commands to edit /etc/mdadm/mdadm/conf it says permission denied. how can there be permission denied to edit a file if I am using sudo? | 02:27 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea that is what I have find /lib/firmware/ -name "mia_dsp*" > mialist.txt && cat mialist.txt | pastebinit | 02:27 |
sudobash | i am trying to check fs from 3000 miles away | 02:27 |
rww | Jack_Sparrow: that command is (surprisingly) for filesystem checking, not resizing. | 02:27 |
sudobash | yeah it says it needs to be checked with chkdsk /F now | 02:28 |
sudobash | crap | 02:28 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea I get a kbord interrupt catched | 02:28 |
Aji-Daha1a | macbook pro 3.1, intrepid, 2-finger vertical scrolling doesn't work. I have the appletouch.fdi from and it still doesn't work | 02:28 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea I must be missing something in the command | 02:29 |
Aji-Daha1a | any ideas? | 02:29 |
ebaby | eseven73: I am trying to fix a prob where install is fine but after install and reboot I get no visual/gui/etc. I believe this page - "" describes what is happening to me but since I am new I am not 100% certain. your thoughts... | 02:29 |
sudobash | any ideas on fixing the ntfs errors? | 02:29 |
peepsalot | why does it tell me permission denied when I run this command? sudo echo "DEVICE partitions" > /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf | 02:29 |
sudobash | from 3000 miles away? | 02:29 |
Jordan_U | sudobash: Again, ntfsfix *might* do it | 02:29 |
sudobash | ok | 02:29 |
KoolD | how do you prevent the usb pendrives being auto explored? | 02:30 |
=== DarkSmoke is now known as DS-Sleepin | ||
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: right, all I'm saying is, try it without doing the output and pastebin | 02:30 |
sudobash | it says it actually just marks it as dirty | 02:30 |
JonathanEllis | I have a problem getting grub to boot windows xp on an extended partition. Windows is on sda6 and grub comes up with error 12 when I try to boot it. The relevant section of my menu.lst is at Can anyone tell me how to boot windows from an extended partition using grub? | 02:30 |
sudobash | so windows checks it | 02:30 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea oh ok | 02:30 |
gillroy | why is the current package for gnuoctave only version 3.0.0 (ubuntu 8.04 | 02:31 |
sudobash | so maybe if i mark it and restart it and set windows as default os to boot then it will chkdsk when it boots but will it fix errors? | 02:31 |
eseven73 | ebaby: im prolly the worse person in here to ask about display issues or networking sorry :) | 02:31 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea find /lib/firmware/ -name "mia_dsp*" nothing happens | 02:31 |
rww | sudobash: the only reason to put yourself through the torture of ntfs is if you have windows. if you have windows, reboot into windows and then ask in ##windows for help. | 02:31 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: okay, and I just tried it too like that - the "KeyboardInterrupt caught." means that pastebinit won't send an empty file | 02:32 |
sudobash | well i am 3000 miles away ubuntu to ubuntu trying to fix a dual boot XP partition : ( | 02:32 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea so I need some drivers or something? | 02:32 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: all this means is that there is no firmware installed for your soundcard at all - now that we have that confirmed, let's get the firmware | 02:32 |
ebaby | Jack_Sparrow: can you lend an ear? | 02:32 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea sounds good! | 02:32 |
PosterBoy | Can someone tell me how to mount my windows partition please? | 02:33 |
PosterBoy | im gonna get rid of windows for good | 02:33 |
JonathanEllis | PosterBoy: You need to mount your win partion in linux? | 02:33 |
PosterBoy | but i need to copy a few more files over first | 02:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | ebaby, Sorry, trying to watch the playoffs... just lurking to keep an eye on things | 02:33 |
rww | !ntfs | PosterBoy | 02:33 |
ubottu | PosterBoy: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE | 02:33 |
PosterBoy | JonathanEllis, yes | 02:33 |
PosterBoy | JonathanEllis, it was mounted before but i unmounted it in GParted and now it says i dont have permission to mount it anymore | 02:34 |
JonathanEllis | PosterBoy: Ah, I see someone has helped you already | 02:34 |
ebaby | Jack_Sparrow: I understand thanks though | 02:34 |
Jack_Sparrow | thanks for understanding | 02:34 |
sudobash | mount -t ntfs-3g /media/disk /dev/sda1 | 02:34 |
Jordan_U | sudobash: I think you have that backwards | 02:34 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: okay, let's make sure your module is set correctly. do you get anything from this command: lsmod | grep snd_mia | 02:35 |
Jordan_U | sudobash: device then mountpoint | 02:35 |
eseven73 | hmm ebaby just curious, have you tried Hardy? and see if you still have this same issue? | 02:35 |
sudobash | oops yeah | 02:35 |
JonathanEllis | PosterBoy, sudobash: I think that should be sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /media/disk /dev/sda1 shouldnt it? | 02:35 |
sudobash | lol yeah im intoxicated though | 02:35 |
sudobash | so forgive me | 02:35 |
cdm10 | Has anyone had issues with time in f-spot? My photos show the correct time with every other app, but in F-spot they show the UTC time. | 02:35 |
JonathanEllis | PosterBoy: If you put sudo before the mount command that will give you permission | 02:36 |
rww | JonathanEllis: sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/devicename /path/to/mountpoint (or replace ntfs with ntfs-3g if writing to the ntfs partition requried) | 02:36 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea I do | 02:36 |
Ultrahex | does anyone know how I would go about allowing multiple programs to access my webcam at once (possibly by relaying data) ? | 02:36 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: okay, let's unload it then: rmmod snd_mia | 02:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | PosterBoy, sudo mkdir /media/driveblah then sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/driveblah substitute your drive for sda1 | 02:36 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: sorry: sudo rmmod snd_mia | 02:36 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea I get a send_mia, pcm, raw midi | 02:37 |
biotrox | !ot>biotrox | 02:37 |
ubottu | biotrox, please see my private message | 02:37 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: okay. basically what we're gonna do is remove the module, download the firmware, compile the firmware, install the firmware, and reload the module so that it sticks with the firmware | 02:37 |
mib_2dc6mp | nothing happened | 02:37 |
mib_2dc6mp | let me try the sudo again | 02:37 |
ethan | can somone please help me i need help with my wireless and im using xubuntu and the xubuntu chat noone is helping me | 02:37 |
ethan | can somone please help? | 02:38 |
cdm10 | !anyone | ethan | 02:38 |
ubottu | ethan: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 02:38 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: you should get an error this time | 02:38 |
peepsalot | since when does using sudo not allow editing access on files owned by root? | 02:38 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea now I get error: Module snd_mia does not eist | 02:38 |
ethan | cdm10; i need help wiht my wireless | 02:38 |
StevenX | Hello all. Is there a program to record into mp3 the whatever goes into my laptops speakers? I want to stream a song from the web, such as youtube, pandora, or seeqpod and record it. | 02:38 |
ethan | can you help me | 02:38 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: good, that means you were able to unload it :) | 02:38 |
cdm10 | ethan: well, ask a more specific question | 02:38 |
mib_2dc6mp | WOOT | 02:38 |
Gnea | !ask | ethan | 02:38 |
ebaby | Help - trying to correct via chrome9 HC IGP video card with Ubuntu 8.10 on laptop | 02:38 |
ubottu | ethan: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 02:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | !helpme > ethan | 02:38 |
JonathanEllis | PosterBoy: Have you managed to mount that partition now? | 02:39 |
ubottu | ethan, please see my private message | 02:39 |
Aji-Daha1a | macbook pro 3.1, intrepid, 2-finger vertical scrolling doesn't work. I have the appletouch.fdi from and it still doesn't work. Any ideas? | 02:39 |
ethan | cdm10: my wireless router is not being detected on my | 02:39 |
peepsalot | can anyone hear me? | 02:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | peepsalot, You need to give more info | 02:39 |
eseven73 | hear you? this isnt Yahoo! Chat | 02:39 |
Jordan_U | StevenX: With youtube you can just grab the .flv file from /tmp, it's not easy but for everything else you can use pulseaudio | 02:39 |
eseven73 | can we see you? yes. | 02:39 |
JonathanEllis | !ask | peepsalot | 02:39 |
ubottu | peepsalot: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 02:39 |
Ultrahex | ethan: its because your wireless router is most likely not broadcasting | 02:39 |
cdm10 | ethan: have you tried manually entering your wireless information? | 02:40 |
ethan | gnea and cdm10: the wireless network router is not being detected on ym computer i used ndiswrapper and somoen helped me take it of but my wireless is still nto wokring | 02:40 |
peepsalot | JonathanEllis, i have asked three questions already, and no one has said anything | 02:40 |
mn | How do I send the value of a variable to standard output with POSIX scripting (I know I asked earlier, but I had to go right then)? | 02:40 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: okay, you're going to want to go here: and get just the alsa-firmware-1.0.17 | 02:40 |
StevenX | Jordan_U: thank you. | 02:40 |
Jordan_U | StevenX: np | 02:40 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea I have it, I grabbed the firmware, source and libs and put the in a folder in my /home | 02:40 |
cdm10 | Gnea: what type of network card do you have? | 02:40 |
ethan | gnea and cdm10 and ultrahex: im using xubuntu though an di the xubuntu chat noone can help me | 02:40 |
peepsalot | Jack_Sparrow, I am trying to set up raid 5, and when I run the following command it says permission denied: sudo echo "DEVICE partitions" > /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf | 02:40 |
Gnea | ethan: we're going to need more information, please. we need to know the make/model of your laptop and your wireless card. | 02:41 |
ebaby | how can I make the settings stick after install - as graphics are fine during install but after they do not work | 02:41 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea time to compile? | 02:41 |
Jordan_U | mn: echo $VARIABLE ? | 02:41 |
JonathanEllis | peepsalot: I wasnt here when you asked - or at least wasnt watching the room. Others may not have seen your question either. What's the problem? Dont guarantee I will know the answer | 02:41 |
biotrox | ethan, the one didn't working is your wireless router or your wireless adapter? | 02:41 |
Gnea | ethan: please stop saying that noone can help you, we're trying. please, work with us. | 02:41 |
sartak_ | How good is the firestarter firewall? | 02:41 |
faileas | IIRC its just a front end for the firewall thats already there | 02:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | peepsalot, I wont use raid (other than true hardware raid) so I cant help you | 02:41 |
ethan | gnea: the make is an hp pavilion zv600 | 02:41 |
JonathanEllis | peepsalot: Or alternatively noone here knows the answer | 02:41 |
Gnea | cdm10: think you meant that for ethan :) | 02:41 |
usr13 | ethan: lspic | 02:41 |
mn | yes, ty Jordan_U | 02:42 |
sartak_ | I miss blackice firewall | 02:42 |
usr13 | tell us what wireless card it is. | 02:42 |
ethan | gnea: hp pavilion zv6000 | 02:42 |
Jordan_U | mn: np | 02:42 |
biotrox | !ZFS | 02:42 |
ubottu | For information concerning ZFS and Ubuntu, see: | 02:42 |
sartak_ | :( was my fav | 02:42 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: okay - the only one you have to worry about is the alsa-firmware, you can get rid of the rest | 02:42 |
Jack_Sparrow | !firewall > sartak_ | 02:42 |
ubottu | sartak_, please see my private message | 02:42 |
JonathanEllis | ethan: I think that should be lspci | 02:42 |
Gnea | !laptop | ethan | 02:42 |
ubottu | ethan: Laptop support information can be found on - - - | 02:42 |
cdm10 | Gnea: I did, sorry about that :) | 02:42 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea okay | 02:42 |
peepsalot | Jack_Sparrow, the question is mainly regarding the fact that i'm using sudo and somehow I still don't have permission to alter this file. I thought that sudo gives you permission to do anythhing | 02:42 |
GodfatherofEire | Any reason why a USB keyboard might suddenly stop responding, even though I didnt update or anything? | 02:42 |
Gnea | ethan: check out that 2nd URL and see if you can find your laptop listed there. | 02:42 |
PosterBoy | "fuse: mount failed: device or resource busy" | 02:42 |
Gnea | cdm10: no problem :)P | 02:42 |
usr13 | ethan: lspci sorry typeo b4 | 02:42 |
Jordan_U | ebaby: What happens when you d | 02:42 |
ethan | gnea: which url | 02:42 |
sartak_ | faster horses and younger women make the world go round gents | 02:43 |
Jordan_U | ebaby: ... When you first boot after install? | 02:43 |
sartak_ | :O haha | 02:43 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea I am rdy when you are | 02:43 |
Jack_Sparrow | !ot > sartak_ | 02:43 |
ubottu | sartak_, please see my private message | 02:43 |
Gnea | ethan: do you see the list of Laptop support sites that ubottu just gave you? | 02:43 |
JonathanEllis | PosterBoy: What else do you have open that may be trying to access that partition? | 02:43 |
ethan | gnea: i have an internal wireless card through broadcom | 02:43 |
user_ | why ubuntu . . . Why not fedora or mandriva? Isn't ubuntu as commercialized as any os people might hope to avoid? | 02:43 |
Jack_Sparrow | !ot > user_ | 02:43 |
ubottu | user_, please see my private message | 02:43 |
eseven73 | no trolling | 02:43 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: sec | 02:44 |
mib_2dc6mp | ok | 02:44 |
ethan | gnea: yes my model is there | 02:44 |
ethan | gnea: what do i do | 02:44 |
PosterBoy | GParted was open but is now closed | 02:44 |
PosterBoy | other then that no idea, JonathanEllis | 02:44 |
ebaby | Jordan_U: no graphics just some grey matter afer a while a dialog box saying Ubuntu is running in low-graphics mode due to inability to configure settings - I get options but no matter what I input the same things re-occur - grey matter dark screen | 02:44 |
Gnea | ethan: open them in new tabs, see if you can find out anything of how someone else was able to get their wireless working | 02:45 |
patx | Dear Ubuntu IRC Staff, | 02:45 |
patx | I would like to request a ubuntu bot cloak for my bot, patxBot. He has a factoid option, so you can make whatever factoids you want. I do not care what ubuntu channel he runs on, any will do. My e-mail is | 02:45 |
GodfatherofEire | Any reason why a USB keyboard might suddenly stop responding, even though I didnt update or anything? | 02:45 |
Jordan_U | ebaby: What version of Ubuntu? | 02:45 |
Jack_Sparrow | patx, please join ubuntu-ops | 02:45 |
GodfatherofEire | I just ran xinput list and its not listed | 02:45 |
ebaby | Jordan_U: the strange thing is that graphics run fine (beautiful) during install - 8.10 | 02:45 |
ealx | hello | 02:46 |
ethan | gnea: this site says to use ndiswrapper and i justt ook that off with someone else | 02:46 |
ealx | I must convert an avi file to video dvd/cd | 02:46 |
ealx | how can I do it in ubuntu? | 02:46 |
biotrox | !ndiswrapper>ethan | 02:46 |
ubottu | ethan, please see my private message | 02:46 |
JonathanEllis | PosterBoy: Please put my name if you are trying to talk to me otherwise I may miss your post. Try sudo mount -t devicename mountpoint ntfs defaults,umask=007,gid=46 0 1 | 02:46 |
Jordan_U | ebaby: Not sure what the problem is but try removing your xorg.conf so X configures itself | 02:46 |
illmortal | Can someone please help me install my Wireless PCI network adapter? It's a BCM4318 chip set and this installation tutorial does NOT work: | 02:47 |
ethan | biotrox: can you help me set up my wireless | 02:47 |
ebaby | Jordan_U: driver info says vesa is being used. switched Gedit file to openchrome but no real improvement. Trying to figure how to make the settings that were used during install to stick afterwards | 02:47 |
pallu | hello all of you | 02:47 |
usr13 | ethan: What is the problem? | 02:47 |
mib_2dc6mp | Holy bajesus this is scary, when I go to properties of my filesystem the contents is ticking up astronomically, is this nrmal? | 02:48 |
zionpsyfer | ealx: Avidemux and k3b should do the trick, I have a link to a howto if you'd like | 02:48 |
ethan | usr13: i just need help seting it up my wireless isnt working | 02:48 |
biotrox | ethan, is ur broadcom adapter is listed in the pci list? | 02:48 |
pallu | is there a way to lock my computer from and ssh session | 02:48 |
ebaby | Jordan_U: May I ask how to accomplish removing the xorg.conf | 02:48 |
usr13 | System -> Network and Unlock | 02:48 |
ethan | biotrox:im new to this whole os, wheere do i go for that? | 02:48 |
pallu | with gnome-screensaver | 02:48 |
JonathanEllis | Does anyone know the way to boot windows from grub when windows is on a logical partition in an extended partition? I think makeactive is causing an error 12 | 02:48 |
biotrox | ethan, go to gnome-terminal, and type in sudo lspci | 02:49 |
Jordan_U | ebaby: The thing is that they should stick, IIRC the xorg.conf configured for the live session is copied to the installed system | 02:49 |
PosterBoy | JonathanEllis, | 02:49 |
Jack_Sparrow | JonathanEllis, Best to ask that in #Windows | 02:49 |
n8tuser | JonathanEllis-> canyou post your entire menu.lst ? | 02:49 |
usr13 | JonathanEllis: MS Windows needs to be on the First Partition. | 02:49 |
PosterBoy | JonathanEllis, it is now mounted. Thank you. | 02:49 |
dr_willis | JonathanEllis, ages ago I recall there being grub options to 'swap' drives around.. but im not sure you can swap a logical to be a 'primary' and as far as i know WIndows sort of demands to be on a primary partition. Not sure if Vista is still that way. Pretty sure XP was.. and Im VERY sure 95/98 had to be | 02:49 |
ethan | biotrox: ok i did now what? | 02:50 |
biotrox | see if your broadcom is there in the lsit | 02:50 |
biotrox | list | 02:50 |
JonathanEllis | n8tuser: Relevant part of menu.lst is at | 02:50 |
illmortal | Can someone please help me install my Wireless PCI network adapter? It's a BCM4318 chip set and this installation tutorial does NOT work: | 02:50 |
illmortal | Ndiswrapper gives an error that utils don't exist even after installing Ndiswrapper from LiveCD | 02:50 |
FloodBot1 | illmortal: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 02:50 |
n8tuser | JonathanEllis-> nope, not enuff, post the whole thing please | 02:50 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: sorry this is taking awhile, i just ran into a problem with my laptop | 02:50 |
JonathanEllis | usr13: I had windows booting successfully on the second partition but it was a primary partition not extended | 02:51 |
Jack_Sparrow | !b43 | 02:51 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about b43 | 02:51 |
ethan | biotrox: see if broadcom is there? | 02:51 |
Jack_Sparrow | !info b43 | 02:51 |
ubottu | Package b43 does not exist in intrepid | 02:51 |
Jack_Sparrow | !bcm43xx | 02:51 |
ubottu | Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at | 02:51 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea np, I am thankful for your help so its all good | 02:51 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: :) | 02:51 |
ethan | biotrox? | 02:51 |
biotrox | !bcm43xx>ethan | 02:51 |
ubottu | ethan, please see my private message | 02:51 |
the_squircle | Does anybody know how to prevent Ubuntu from turning off the backlight when the room is extremely dark (and just keeping the brightness at the lowest level possible)? Is this possible? | 02:52 |
JonathanEllis | n8tuser: Here it is | 02:52 |
ebaby | Jordan_U: they dont seem to be. This page seems to be describing that: - but typing the sudo command gets me "cannot open display" | 02:52 |
quinn | iGoogle: 怎样取消mlnet 自动运行呢 | 02:52 |
biotrox | ethan, when u lspci, is the broadcom adapter is listed there? | 02:52 |
hbah427 | Anyone else having problems with the nVidia GeForce 6200 OC? | 02:52 |
mn | Who needs help with Broadcom? | 02:52 |
usr13 | JonathanEllis: MS Windows needs to be on the First Partition. | 02:52 |
the_squircle | mn: ethan | 02:52 |
JonathanEllis | n8tuser: Most of this was built when I installed Ubuntu - Windows already existing on sda6 | 02:52 |
rww | !cn | quinn | 02:52 |
ubottu | quinn: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk | 02:52 |
biotrox | mn, ethan need help with broadcom | 02:53 |
brohken | hey guys can someone help me with the battery settings on my thinkpad x61? i want my laptop to dim on battery (10% brightness) and go to 100% on AC power. also i want it to dim when idle, but "undim" when i touch the mouse. right now it dims on idle and doesn't undim. | 02:53 |
ethan | mn: i do | 02:53 |
mn | ethan: what is the problem? | 02:53 |
ethan | mn i need help seting up my wireless | 02:53 |
the_squircle | brohken: there are options for that in the power settings | 02:53 |
hbah427 | Anyone else having problems with the nVidia GeForce 6200 OC? | 02:53 |
mn | ethan: specifically | 02:53 |
ebaby | Jordan_U: should there be a space between "gedit" and "/boot..." | 02:53 |
ethan | mn: my router isnt being detected | 02:53 |
the_squircle | brohken: there is "ac power" and "battery" settings | 02:53 |
demnt | When i am going to tunnel my webtraffic through a ssh tunnel to my server with putty, is there anything i need to do at the server side besides making sure that the sshd is running and AllowTcpForwardin is set to yes in the config? It won't work. Firefox says Finished loading page, but there is just a blank page there. | 02:53 |
ethan | mn: i cant connect to my wireless | 02:53 |
mn | ethan: is your network being detected? | 02:53 |
zionpsyfer | !anyone > hbah427 | 02:54 |
ubottu | hbah427, please see my private message | 02:54 |
the_squircle | brohken: set them differently, set one to dim, one not too... and all should be good | 02:54 |
mn | ethan: you have 8.10? | 02:54 |
biotrox | !lspci | ethan | 02:54 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about lspci | 02:54 |
Jack_Sparrow | hbah427, I had to fiddle a bit on my 6600 oc | 02:54 |
n8tuser | JonathanEllis-> try root (hd0,0) for your windows | 02:54 |
brohken | the_squircle, i know.... but it doesnt play nice. it only dims to 50% and it doesn't undim after idle | 02:54 |
GodfatherofEire | Say, anybody know if theres way to get Warcraft 3 working on 8.10? | 02:54 |
ealx | zionpsyfer, yes | 02:54 |
ethan | mn. no just my wired network my wireless is not. and yes i have 8.10 | 02:54 |
ealx | can you link the post? | 02:54 |
=== wfoster_ is now known as wfoster | ||
ethan | mn: but im running xubuntu and im here becasue noone in that caht knwos hwo to fix this | 02:54 |
fmartin | server | 02:55 |
=== fmartin is now known as MrWebs | ||
the_squircle | brohken: i'm having similar problems... it keeps turning off my MacBook Pro backlight (using auto-brightness light sensors) when the room isn't well lit... so... i'm afraid I can't be of much more help than that | 02:55 |
JonathanEllis | n8tuser: You mean once the map commands have worked Grub will think its on hd0,0? | 02:55 |
Circs | How does one format a usb stick? | 02:55 |
mn | ethan: I think Ubuntu comes with the Broadcom drivers installed. However, you still need the proprietary firmware. | 02:55 |
JonathanEllis | n8tuser: sda1 is actually my boot partition | 02:56 |
the_squircle | How do you prevent ubuntu from turning off the backlight when the room isn't fully lit? | 02:56 |
basti | how can i scan my lan for some ip? i have 192.168.1.x and i want to ping/scan every ip adress in that range in order to know if there is a computer | 02:56 |
JonathanEllis | n8tuser: I mean /boot | 02:56 |
zionpsyfer | ealx: the install instructions miss part of the command, install them from synaptic | 02:56 |
hbah427 | I had 8.10,desktop effects didn;t work, did a fresh install of 8.04 and now I can't get desktop effects to work. | 02:56 |
rww | basti: install and use zenmap | 02:56 |
hbah427 | didn't* | 02:56 |
=== vileli8ves is now known as meter | ||
mn | Circs: use gparted | 02:56 |
n8tuser | JonathanEllis-> try hd0,1 then ? | 02:56 |
Gnea | that was weird... pulseaudio was taking up all system resources, then my keyboard was 'stolen' and the power LED started blinking green/amber | 02:56 |
quinn | How to stop the mlnet run automatically | 02:56 |
ealx | zionpsyfer, i've installed avidemus now | 02:56 |
rww | !info zenmap | basti | 02:56 |
ubottu | zenmap (source: nmap): The Network Mapper Front End. In component universe, is extra. Version 4.62-1ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 793 kB, installed size 3244 kB | 02:56 |
rww | basti: usage instructions at | 02:57 |
JonathanEllis | n8tuser: Windows is on sda6. Thats why I have hd0,5 in there | 02:57 |
basti | rww im installing it and wanted it to check it out before responding | 02:57 |
basti | i can read ;) | 02:57 |
Jack_Sparrow | hbah427, Not sure it will help.. but here is what I did for my 6600.. | 02:57 |
the_squircle | !anyone > the_squircle | 02:57 |
ubottu | the_squircle, please see my private message | 02:57 |
hbah427 | Thanks Jack Sparrow | 02:57 |
Cadman21 | I'm need a good open source note taking program that runs well on ubuntu. I'm looking at Wikidpad now, has anyone used it? | 02:57 |
hbah427 | I'll give it a try | 02:57 |
n8tuser | JonathanEllis-> you want to try it? or you're going to keep on insisting? | 02:57 |
=== caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log | ||
zionpsyfer | ealx: Alright, now you need k3b if you haven't already installed it, then you'll be ready. | 02:57 |
hbah427 | Cadman21: why not use OOo or gEdit? | 02:58 |
the_squircle | Cadman21: | 02:58 |
Circs | mn: ty ty | 02:58 |
eseven73 | Cadman21: i tried wikipad i couldnt get it running, BasKet is really nice its a OneNote clone | 02:58 |
mn | np Circs | 02:58 |
maurer | Hey, does anyone know if the VFS gets file update triggers for networked filesystems? | 02:58 |
wfoster | I'm fed up of Ubuntu, it's crap. | 02:58 |
wfoster | Bring on the Mac. | 02:58 |
maurer | I'm trying to figure out if NFS/AFS will send signals to FAM | 02:58 |
Circs | mn: Seems really obvious now... duh. | 02:59 |
GodfatherofEire | Cadman21, have you used Tomboy Notes? | 02:59 |
daniel66123 | hi i have a prbleme from my wifi card the speed is to slow and and im news on ubuntu and i dont no noting plz help me | 02:59 |
illmortal | ah man... where's all the old skool people. | 02:59 |
rww | wfoster: This channel is for Ubuntu support only. Since you're using OS X, I'm hard-pressed to find a reason for you to be talking in here. | 02:59 |
eseven73 | illmortal: define 'old skool people' | 02:59 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea you stil around? | 03:00 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: yes, had to wait for fsck to run | 03:00 |
JonathanEllis | n8tuser: I would rather not repartition my drive unless absolutely necessary. And I have to reboot to try it. Im sorry if I seem doubtful - just want to understand what I am doing before I am doing it. Are you saying that the map commands will make Grub think hd0,5 is now hd0,0? That would make sense I guess so I will try it - but this is an old PC so it will take a good 10 minutes before I can get back into Linux after trying to boot windows so I ju | 03:00 |
Cadman21 | I'm looking for something kinda like onenote? | 03:00 |
mib_2dc6mp | oh ok | 03:00 |
eseven73 | Cadman21: BasKet | 03:00 |
hbah427 | Cadman21: oh. You can google 'OneNote alternatives' | 03:00 |
=== eli_ is now known as dotblank | ||
n8tuser | JonathanEllis-> you can try it out, from the grub prompt or modify rootnoverify (hd0,0) | 03:00 |
Cadman21 | ok thanks I'll try looking at that | 03:01 |
=== ms_exodus is now known as exodus_ms | ||
ebaby | rww: he is probably just frustrated ( as I am) coming from a Mac environment and perhaps having probs w/Ubuntu... - I can relate | 03:01 |
daniel66123 | i have wifi probleme | 03:01 |
rww | ebaby: he moved from Ubuntu /to/ a Mac environment | 03:01 |
the_squircle | ebaby: all mac users can relate, myself included | 03:01 |
hbah427 | eseven73: BasKet looks pretty cool. I'd give it a try if I had kubuntu | 03:01 |
the_squircle | ebaby, most people move the other way... | 03:01 |
JonathanEllis | n8tuser: I didnt realised I can try it from the grub prompt. How? Can I test it without actually booting windows then? | 03:01 |
eseven73 | hbah427: you dont need Kubuntu or KDE | 03:02 |
n8tuser | JonathanEllis-> press escape | 03:02 |
Gnea | ebaby: it's easy to understand, when you're used to having everything automated to work for you, to having to do work for yourself. | 03:02 |
eseven73 | you can run KDE apps in Gnome and visevera | 03:02 |
illmortal | eseven73 people that used to be here a year ago and i've known for almost 5 years. | 03:02 |
rww | ebaby: and announced it trollishly earlier. Hence me knowing that he doesn't want Ubuntu support. | 03:02 |
hbah427 | eseven73: I tried that with k3b. it barely worked. | 03:03 |
daniel66123 | quelqun parle francais ici ???? | 03:03 |
Jack_Sparrow | !fr | 03:03 |
the_squircle | !fr | daniel66123 | 03:03 |
ubottu | Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr | 03:03 |
ubottu | daniel66123: please see above | 03:03 |
eseven73 | hbah427: well im telling you BasKet works fine in Gnome and Xubuntu | 03:03 |
n8tuser | JonathanEllis-> anyhow if you dont like to invest your time, then we cant do much about it, a mere 10 minutes is not eternity | 03:03 |
hbah427 | eseven73: not doubting that. | 03:03 |
hbah427 | I'll try it then. | 03:03 |
JonathanEllis | n8tuser: No its fine. I will try it - just curious how to try it from the grub prompt thats all | 03:03 |
Shadow_X_ | whats a good and easy to use FTP server?? | 03:03 |
ebaby | can anyone help me to get my xorg.conf configured from the live session to make sure it is copied ( and working) on | 03:04 |
ebaby | to the installed system | 03:04 |
eseven73 | FTP is not very secure | 03:04 |
hbah427 | Shadow_X_: find one closest to your area | 03:04 |
JonathanEllis | My only problem with 10 minutes is I will lose everything that has already been said here and I have an appalling memory :-) | 03:04 |
biouser | what the heck kind of files can ardour open if not .ogg or .mp3...> | 03:04 |
Shadow_X_ | no, I mean one to install on my machine | 03:04 |
Shadow_X_ | for local network use | 03:04 |
JonathanEllis | n8tuser: My only problem with 10 minutes is I will lose everything that has already been said here and I have an appalling memory :-) | 03:04 |
hbah427 | Shadow_X_: oh. sorry. | 03:04 |
eseven73 | !ftpd | Shadow_X_ | 03:05 |
ubottu | Shadow_X_: FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP | 03:05 |
zionpsyfer | Shadow_X_: Just my personal experience, but proftpd worked well for me. | 03:05 |
Mike2202 | I'm trying to use OpenDNS on Intrepid, I'm following the instructions on this page: however when I use the command gksudo network-admin in Terminal, nothing happens. | 03:05 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: okay, got your alsa-firmware downloaded and unpacked? | 03:05 |
the_squircle | Mike2202: did you just try to set the DNS in NetworkManager before following OpenDNS's instructions? | 03:05 |
n8tuser | JonathanEllis-> you wont miss much, you are not here 24/7 so, you can miss lots of things too.. | 03:05 |
the_squircle | Mike2202: that's the easiest way | 03:06 |
=== jiflipifli is now known as jifli | ||
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea I downloaded it and extracted it to the desktop, but it put it in /home | 03:06 |
Mike2202 | the_squircle: No I didn't, where can I find NetworkManager? | 03:06 |
the_squircle | Mike2202: there should be a little network icon in one of your statusbars | 03:06 |
JonathanEllis | n8tuser: No I mean I will forget what has been advised me already and what has been tried already. I am just trying to work out how to save the lines with my name in them into a textfile so I have the chat history before I reboot | 03:07 |
the_squircle | Mike2202: right-click that and go to edit connections | 03:07 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: what do you mean? did you run ./configure already? | 03:07 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea no | 03:07 |
n8tuser | JonathanEllis-> okay, i dont know how to do that with your chat client | 03:07 |
rww | Mike2202: skip the network-admin step and do the stuff under "To avoid having your settings get revoked..." further down. | 03:07 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: okay... well, your desktop is in /home, so that's fine | 03:07 |
rww | Mike2202: and then instead of doing the "sudo ifdown" line, do "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" | 03:08 |
sudobash | what should i use instead of ndiswrapper | 03:08 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea should it look something like this? cd alsa-driver-1.0.12rc1 make clean make mrproper ./configure --with-cards=intel8x0,mia --with-oss=yes --with-sequencer=yes make sudo make install | 03:08 |
rww | Mike2202: OpenDNS's instructions are out of date (those would have worked with Hardy, iirc) hence the problems. | 03:08 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: let's make sure you've got everything else installed to: sudo apt-get install build-essential ncurses-dev gettext linux-headers-`uname -r` | 03:08 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: not yet | 03:08 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: forget alsa-driver, don't need it | 03:09 |
Mike2202 | rww: Oh okay, thanks for your help. You too the_squircle. | 03:09 |
the_squircle | :D | 03:09 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: the only thing to worry about is alsa-firmware, otherwise you run the risk of messing your system up | 03:09 |
JonathanEllis | n8tuser: Found it. Now I can reboot with confidence! | 03:09 |
Blister | why cant I expand my ubuntu partition into the unallocated space on my hard drive ??? | 03:09 |
n8tuser | JonathanEllis-> okay, cool | 03:10 |
the_squircle | Blister: you might not be able to do it while booted into ubuntu, try booting the LiveCD | 03:10 |
rww | Blister: are you trying to expand it while running Ubuntu from it? 'cause that won't work. You need to resize from a copy of Ubuntu not on that partition (e.g. from an Ubuntu/gparted live CD) | 03:10 |
Blister | ok thank you both | 03:11 |
the_squircle | rww: close enough :p | 03:11 |
the_squircle | :) | 03:11 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea it said reading package listts.. done, building dependency tree, reading state info... done note, selecting libncurses5-dev instead of ncurses-dev gottext is already newest version. E: Couldnt find package linux-headers-uname -r | 03:12 |
the_squircle | How can you prevent ubuntu from turning your backlight all the way off when adjusting to ambient light? | 03:12 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: it's literal: linux-headers-`uname -r` | 03:12 |
=== eli_ is now known as dotblank | ||
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea so i need to redo the command? | 03:13 |
rww | mib_2dc6mp: you need to use ` instead of '. ` is the key to the left of 1 on US keyboards. | 03:13 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: yeah, make sure you include the ` and ` | 03:13 |
wfoster | Sorry for my actions 10 minutes ago. | 03:13 |
jarco_ | what kind of themes can i download from kde when i have the new kubuntu 8.10 installed with kde4.1? Only the 4.0 ones or also the ones under the menu title ẗheme manager"? | 03:13 |
the_squircle | wfoster: try !sorry | 03:13 |
the_squircle | jarco_: pretty much all of them. | 03:14 |
wfoster | !sorry | 03:14 |
ubottu | It's ok, I can't stay mad at you. Those darned ewoks on the other hand... | 03:14 |
wfoster | Lol. | 03:14 |
the_squircle | :) | 03:14 |
Gnea | heh | 03:14 |
=== MTecknology is now known as jik0- | ||
jarco_ | lol | 03:15 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea package linux headers not installed so not removed and it couldnt find my kkernel | 03:15 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea got it | 03:15 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea I had a space | 03:15 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: nice job | 03:15 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea installing all sorts of stuff | 03:16 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea finished | 03:16 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: okay, let's make sure the development files are installed right: sudo apt-get install libasound2-dev | 03:17 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea done | 03:18 |
Kodo | /quit | 03:19 |
RukusX | hey. I have looked on the internet, searched etc... but i cannot find any evidence to explain if there is any way to fix my slow HD to USB transfer speeds. Any ideas? i get an error message saying " not running at top speed; connect to a high speed hub" . These slow speeds are annoying | 03:19 |
kestutis | firefox is full screen and i can't resize it | 03:19 |
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dr_willis | kestutis, hit F11 >? | 03:19 |
=== eli_ is now known as dotblank | ||
the_squircle | RukusX: Do you have any USB 2.0 ports? | 03:19 |
RukusX | yeah | 03:20 |
kestutis | dr_willis: thanks | 03:20 |
aiuw | I can't play YouTube videos and use mplayer at the same time. Any solutions? | 03:20 |
RukusX | the_squircle, i dont even think i have any that are not | 03:20 |
the_squircle | RukusX: is the USB device directly plugged into the port? | 03:20 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: okay, let's give this a go: cd alsa-firmware-1.0.17/ && ./configure && make | 03:20 |
wfoster | aiuw: Keep one off, while you do the other? :P | 03:20 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: let me know when it's finished and/or if there are any errors | 03:20 |
aiuw | wfoster, I'd like to use both... :| | 03:21 |
RukusX | the_squircle, yes | 03:21 |
wfoster | aiuw: I'm no good with Ubuntu, so I can't help you. I wish I could. | 03:21 |
wfoster | aiuw: Anyone else will be happy to help you though. | 03:22 |
Gnea | aiuw: what soundcard do you have? | 03:22 |
jimmy0i7 | help!! sound stopped working !! | 03:22 |
the_squircle | RukusX: now... you're sure that both the device and the port is USB 2.0? If they both are... maybe it's the driver that Ubuntu is using for your motherboard and they're running at 1.1 speeds. That's all I can think of | 03:22 |
jp_sf | RukusX: Try to add "pci=noacpi pci=routeirq" at the grub boot options | 03:22 |
aiuw | Gnea, good question. What command do I need to issue to see it? | 03:22 |
Gnea | aiuw: lspci | grep audio | 03:23 |
wfoster | jimmy0i7: Give us some more details, what do you mean it has gone. You can't hear any at all? Can you still hear the login noise? | 03:23 |
Gnea | !sound | jimmy0i7 | 03:23 |
ubottu | jimmy0i7: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see - - - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 03:23 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea no such file directory | 03:23 |
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Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: what? | 03:23 |
jimmy0i7 | wfoster, thats correct i can no longer even hear the log in sound and it started after deleteing windows partition | 03:23 |
aiuw | Gnea, Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc IXP SB4x0 High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01) | 03:23 |
Gnea | aiuw: that on a laptop? | 03:24 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea it doesnt like alsa-firmware-1.0.17/ | 03:24 |
RukusX | jp_sf, i added the pci=routeirq maybe i will try that noacpi. What is peculiar, my speeds are quick, at least 3.7mbps until it seem the disk cache gets filled. then slows right down 1.1mbps | 03:24 |
aiuw | Gnea, yes. | 03:24 |
Gnea | !laptop | aiuw | 03:24 |
ubottu | aiuw: Laptop support information can be found on - - - | 03:24 |
the_squircle | jimmy0i7: try running a fsck, make sure nothing got hurt on the Linux partition after removing the windows partition, maybe the sound driver's sector got damaged or something... | 03:24 |
Gnea | aiuw: see if you can find it there - you may need to turn pulseaudio off | 03:24 |
aiuw | Ok | 03:24 |
wfoster | jimmy0i7: Do you have pulseaudio installed? If so go to 'Terminal' then type 'pavucontrol'. | 03:25 |
jimmy0i7 | the_squircle, how do i run fsck ? | 03:25 |
RukusX | the_squircle, thanks for the help, but how would i change the driver? is that not part of my kernel? i've booted my last 3 to see if any difference and none | 03:25 |
wfoster | jimmy0i7: Terminal > type 'pavucontrol' > Output Devices > Tell me if it says anything. | 03:25 |
Flannel | jimmy0i7: The easiest way is to `sudo touch /forcefsck` then reboot | 03:25 |
jp_sf | RukusX: 3.7 I think it is slow a usb 2.0 should be more than 10MB/s | 03:25 |
the_squircle | jimmy0i7: do what Flannel says | 03:25 |
tim_ | quick question... been using Ubuntu for sometime, but have never had this issue.... got a new laptop, it seems to have loaded audio drivers, but I can't hear anything. A google yielded nothing. | 03:25 |
peepsalot | is there something like the gnome-system-monitor resource graphs, which keeps historical data? | 03:26 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: okay, you downloaded it to your Desktop, right? can you do this: cd ~/Desktop/ && tar xvf alsa-firmware-1.0.17.tar.bz2 | 03:26 |
RukusX | jp_sf, got ya. this is angonizingly slow | 03:26 |
wfoster | jimmy0i7: Do what Flannel says, he knows more than mysrlf. | 03:26 |
Saviq | !netbook | 03:26 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about netbook | 03:26 |
the_squircle | RukusX: it wouldn't be part of your kernel... are you sure that it has the ability to perform any faster? | 03:26 |
the_squircle | RukusX: Sorry... I'm no expert. | 03:26 |
Gnea | !laptop > tim_ | 03:26 |
ubottu | tim_, please see my private message | 03:26 |
mib_2dc6mp | ~ | 03:26 |
RukusX | the_squircle, yah. i've experienced speeds at arouns 10mpbs for sure | 03:26 |
Gnea | tim_: see if you can find your laptop there, a solution might exist | 03:26 |
Saviq | guys, any idea where can I get help for Netbook Remix thingies? | 03:26 |
Flannel | wfoster: I was just answering the | 03:26 |
Flannel | wfoster: I was just answering the 'how do I fsck' question. I haven't payed enough attention to know if fsck will fix something or not | 03:27 |
Gnea | !laptop > Saviq | 03:27 |
ubottu | Saviq, please see my private message | 03:27 |
the_squircle | RukusX: I don't think I can help anymore... (i'm not an expert in much), but i'm sure someone else can... i'll do some googling for you though :) | 03:27 |
DJCanadianJeff | anyone know how to low level format (write all 0's) using a ubuntu cd in live mode? | 03:27 |
RukusX | the_squircle, sure. thanks for the help. :) | 03:27 |
brohken | hey guys can someone help me with the battery settings on my thinkpad x61? i want my laptop to dim on battery (10% brightness) and go to 100% on AC power. also i want it to dim when idle, but "undim" when i touch the mouse. right now it dims on idle and doesn't undim. | 03:27 |
Saviq | Gnea: yeah I'm actually looking for help for the ume-launcher thingy that's not specific to notebooks | 03:28 |
Gnea | DJCanadianJeff: yes | 03:28 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea, it doesnt like it, Moved the folder to the desktop and it is alsa-firmware-1.0.17 | 03:28 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea got it | 03:28 |
DJCanadianJeff | is there a bash command todo it? | 03:29 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: okay, can you get there via terminal? | 03:29 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea i did the first command, the make command and it worked | 03:29 |
dr_willis | DJCanadianJeff, CAREFULL use of the 'dd' command :) | 03:29 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: awesome. now: sudo make install | 03:29 |
dr_willis | DJCanadianJeff, therrs also specic 'disk zero' and 'disk wipe' commands/tools out there. | 03:29 |
Logikos | in windows if i press and hold ALT while typeing out a 4 digit ascii code such as 0044 ... it will output the ascii chr 44 which is a , if i remember right ... is there a similar feature in ubuntu? | 03:29 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea done | 03:29 |
DJCanadianJeff | dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda ??? | 03:29 |
Logikos | or i guess it would be a feature with gnome | 03:30 |
dr_willis | DJCanadianJeff, writing all 0's is NOT the same as a 'low level format' its just zeroing out the drive | 03:30 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: now, try this: sudo modprobe snd_mia | 03:30 |
Gnea | DJCanadianJeff: yes, that will do it. | 03:30 |
dr_willis | DJCanadianJeff, thats the basics of it.. you may want to use a BS size option.. be care full with that command and /dev/hda may NOT be right.. ubuntu normally uses sd## | 03:30 |
yuwiz | m | 03:30 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea I did it, but nothing seemed to happen | 03:31 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: that means it loaded. let's see the output of dmesg again: dmesg | pastebinit | 03:31 |
Rugxulo | DJCanadianJeff, what are you trying to hide?? :-P | 03:31 |
DJCanadianJeff | which is the best thing todo before installing a new copy of ubuntu... LLF? or writing all 0's? | 03:31 |
Gnea | Rugxulo: it's not your place to ask. | 03:31 |
RukusX | jp_sf, anymore ideas? | 03:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | DJCanadianJeff, example Create ISO of CD Rom... dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/home/$USER/Desktop/file.iso bs=2k | 03:31 |
Rugxulo | Gnea, but I just did ;-) | 03:31 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea /f3f0cfa89 | 03:31 |
RukusX | jp_sf, what does the pci-noacpi do for me | 03:32 |
Gnea | Rugxulo: why do you want to know? ;) | 03:32 |
Rugxulo | 'cause it sounds like a lot of trouble for nothing | 03:32 |
RukusX | jp_sf, what does the pci=noacpi do for me? | 03:32 |
DJCanadianJeff | what do you mean trying to hide? | 03:32 |
RukusX | rather | 03:32 |
Rugxulo | chances are nobody cares to spy on you anyways | 03:32 |
Jack_Sparrow | !ot | 03:32 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 03:32 |
jp_sf | RukusX: it route to PIC instead to APIC | 03:32 |
the_squircle | RukusX: I did some searching, i've compiled the links here: | 03:32 |
dr_willis | DJCanadianJeff, neoither one.. you can just delete the existing partitions.. and let the installer partiion, format.. no need to zero anything out.. and in this day and age.. ive NOT seen where a low level format is needed in years... | 03:33 |
the_squircle | RukusX: hope it helps | 03:33 |
Cadman21 | can anyone help me install BasKet? | 03:33 |
RukusX | the_squircle, thanks! | 03:33 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: okay, we've gone from: [ 113.849908] Echoaudio Mia: probe of 0000:02:0b.0 failed with error -2 to [16878.662774] Echoaudio Mia: probe of 0000:02:0b.0 failed with error -5 | 03:33 |
the_squircle | :D | 03:33 |
RukusX | jp_sf, more direct route | 03:33 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea :( | 03:33 |
Gnea | tim_: please talk here | 03:33 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: we're not done yet :) | 03:33 |
eseven73 | Cadman21: 'sudo apt-get install basket' do not use wOrDs like tHiS in terminal | 03:34 |
jp_sf | RukusX: well ACPI will not be bothered and it could make a difference | 03:34 |
* tyta says Hello | 03:34 | |
Aji-Daha1a | macbook pro 3.1, intrepid, 2-finger vertical scrolling doesn't work. I have the appletouch.fdi from and it still doesn't work. Any ideas? | 03:34 |
the_squircle | !hello | tyta | 03:34 |
ubottu | tyta: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 03:34 |
Cadman21 | thank you | 03:35 |
tyta | Thank you all, I really am glad to be here and learn more about Ubuntu | 03:35 |
eseven73 | yw | 03:35 |
jp_sf | RukusX: This said I had a Dell Laptop that suddenly switched to low write speed, and one day by plugging a external HD passeport I had my speed back again, not sure what happens | 03:35 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: okay, let's try this again... this time, type: make distclean | 03:35 |
the_squircle | Aji-Daha1a: I'm having the same problem. I also can't put two fingers on and right-click... it's probably something with the driver or touchpad configuration with HAL | 03:36 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea done | 03:36 |
tim_ | I tried the sites, but have no luck getting audio to work for an HP 1155 SE.. I think I might have a bad chip, but it DOES work on Vista dual boot. | 03:36 |
Aji-Daha1a | the_squircle: try 3? | 03:36 |
Aji-Daha1a | the_squircle: as it's set right now, two gives me middle click, three gives me right-click | 03:36 |
the_squircle | Aji-Daha1a: seems like no amount of fingers gives me any click... and I followed the instructions to the character. | 03:36 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: this time: ./configure --with-hotplug-dir=/lib/firmware/`uname -r`/ | 03:37 |
the_squircle | Aji-Daha1a: with the exception of one finger | 03:37 |
RukusX | jp_sf, its a dell laptop | 03:37 |
Aji-Daha1a | the_squircle: interesting, I have the clicks, but not the scrolls | 03:37 |
luddite | if i cant get this wifi working iii gonna kill someone | 03:37 |
Aji-Daha1a | it even doesn't move as I hold two fingers | 03:37 |
Aji-Daha1a | so frustrating | 03:37 |
brohken | hey guys can someone help me with the battery settings on my thinkpad x61? i want my laptop to dim on battery (10% brightness) and go to 100% on AC power. also i want it to dim when idle, but "undim" when i touch the mouse. right now it dims on idle and doesn't undim. | 03:37 |
the_squircle | Aji-Daha1a: i have neither... i'm thinking of posting on the forums... nobody here knows. | 03:37 |
jp_sf | RukusX: Latitude 620 ? | 03:37 |
the_squircle | !anybody | brohken | 03:37 |
ubottu | brohken: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 03:37 |
luddite | it was working then last night i did a kernel upgrade via synaptic - which broke everything | 03:37 |
RukusX | jp_sf, its a dell inspiton 6000 | 03:37 |
Gnea | luddite: you're in australia, right? | 03:38 |
RukusX | inspiron | 03:38 |
brohken | the_squircle, that makes no sense | 03:38 |
brohken | i did ask my question | 03:38 |
luddite | Gnae - yes Sir | 03:38 |
zigzag71 | i wanted to know is i download several icons where do I need to store them so I can use them? | 03:38 |
the_squircle | brohken: you asked multiple times.... it's evident, beyond my help, nobody knows... try the forums | 03:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | luddite, did you try getting one from backports or proposed and thats when you had a problem | 03:38 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea it did a lot of config.status creating | 03:38 |
rabelais | can I manage dialup ppp sessions with network-manager in 8.10? | 03:39 |
the_squircle | zigzag71: you can store them anywhere.. just drag the .tar.gz to the Appearance window | 03:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | !dialup | 03:39 |
ubottu | You want to connect via dial-up? Read - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up | 03:39 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: good. now, do: make && sudo make install again | 03:39 |
jp_sf | RukusX: on a inspiron I had to use a double USB cable entry to power an external HD, it was sometimes working and sometimes it wasn't | 03:39 |
luddite | Jack_Sparrow - nope - it was just a normal upgrade on a fresh install of 8.10 | 03:39 |
brohken | the_squircle, check this out: does this tell you anything additional? | 03:39 |
luddite | 216MB and 86 packages | 03:39 |
tyta | Would anyone be able to help me with a simple wifi security issue? | 03:39 |
Gnea | tyta: only if you explain the problem | 03:40 |
the_squircle | tyta: ask your question, then we'll do our best :) | 03:40 |
zigzag71 | the_squircle they are in a zip can I still do the same thing? | 03:40 |
getxsick | i have a problem with the sound for amd64...for my mplayer-32 works fine, but for every applications under 64 bits it's more like hmm infinitetely play/pause clicking | 03:40 |
tyta | I can connect to my network when it is unsecured, but when I have it password protected, i can't connect | 03:40 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea it id all kinds of lines | 03:40 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: bout the same as before? | 03:40 |
the_squircle | zigzag71: i'm not sure. if it doesn't work, put them in a gunzipped tarball (.tar.gz) | 03:40 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea I think I caught a mia_dsp as it scrolled by | 03:40 |
jp_sf | RukusX: I don't think it is related to your problem though : | 03:40 |
tyta | i have tried some sudo commands i found on the forums | 03:40 |
zigzag71 | ok thanks | 03:40 |
tim_ | All.. I've been running Ubuntu for sometime on a previous laptop everything worked great. I have a new laptop (HP 1155SE), and audio does not work. However, in Dual boot to vista it does. I've been to the support sites and see no mention of this model. Any ideas? | 03:40 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea probably about same as before | 03:41 |
Gnea | tyta: do you have the url(s) for the forums that you tried? | 03:41 |
the_squircle | brohken: that seems to be in order... but... i'm not sure... I'm not an expert. | 03:41 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: okay, now do: sudo rmmod snd_mia && sudo depmod -a && sudo modprobe snd_mia | 03:41 |
brohken | ok | 03:41 |
brohken | thanks man | 03:41 |
tyta | | 03:41 |
the_squircle | brohken: try doing it in the GNOME GUI for power management, see if that makes any difference | 03:42 |
RukusX | jp_sf, never even knew that existed. | 03:42 |
xd4 | anyone using evolution here? need to confirm something please. | 03:42 |
rabelais | Jack_Sparrow: my question is that the instructions there on "for ubuntu, without installing additional software, using networkadmin" are no longer valid, there is no "modem connection" option in networkmanager applet 0.7.0 | 03:42 |
jp_sf | RukusX: yeah same for me until I had the problem :-) | 03:42 |
transporter | #compiz | 03:42 |
Gnea | tyta: and are you using 8.04 or 8.10? | 03:42 |
exodus_ms | xd4: whats up? | 03:42 |
blampars | how can i stop nautilus from putting all my default folders in the places menu into a bookmark submenu when i bookmark my ftp with it? | 03:42 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea ok I did it | 03:42 |
tyta | 8.10 | 03:42 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: once again with the dmesg | pastebinit | 03:42 |
RukusX | jp_sf, my drive has external power tho | 03:42 |
tyta | do you need any information about my system? | 03:42 |
=== [e]Lement is now known as [e]Lement`dc | ||
jp_sf | RukusX: so you don't need that | 03:43 |
=== [e]Lement`dc is now known as [e]Lement | ||
RukusX | jp_sf, ya thats right | 03:43 |
Gnea | tyta: please note at the top: Intrepid Ibex (8.10) users don't really need this tutorial any longer for Network Manager supports the use of static IP addresses as of late. | 03:43 |
xd4 | exodus_ms, I had a faulty evolution which used to crash periodically, i tried to reinstall it so many times, but each time i get a different problem | 03:43 |
Hbah427 | Still having a little trouble with nVidia GeForce 6200 | 03:43 |
Gnea | tyta: so I have to ask, what files did you wind up editting? | 03:43 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea /f41310cdc | 03:43 |
exodus_ms | xd4: are you using gnome? | 03:43 |
zc00gii | when trying to play chess in 3D, I get the following error: No Python OpenGL support | 03:43 |
zc00gii | No Python GTKGLExt support | 03:43 |
tyta | i know, i read that | 03:43 |
tyta | i just don't know how i can connect | 03:44 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: meh... try rebooting | 03:44 |
zc00gii | any package(s) to fix that? | 03:44 |
xd4 | exodus_ms, as far i remember, evo 2.22 had a setup helper at the first start up whcih helps you set up, gmail specifically right? | 03:44 |
the_squircle | zc00gii: try going to synaptic and searching for python opengl or something... | 03:44 |
xd4 | exodus_ms, yes i am on gnome | 03:44 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea ok | 03:44 |
zc00gii | the_squircle, I tried... | 03:44 |
zc00gii | :\ | 03:44 |
jp_sf | zc00gii: sudo apt-get install python-gtkglext1 | 03:44 |
exodus_ms | xd4: what is the problem you are facing now, does it pertain to setting up gmail? | 03:44 |
dr_willis | zc00gii, that 3d chess thing. has never worked for me.. in the last 5+ releases.. :) try what jp_sf says.. | 03:45 |
RukusX | jp_sf, well 18 more minutes until this transfer done... then i will reboot with my new values, i also added ehci_hcd and uhci_hcd to etc/modules in that order to see if that will help, by loading those modules at start up | 03:45 |
tyta | I can select my network by clicking on the network mgr at the top, and it just circles around and around | 03:45 |
blampars | how can i stop nautilus from putting all my default folders in the places menu into a bookmark submenu when i bookmark my ftp with it? | 03:45 |
jp_sf | dr_willis: have to admit that the 3D view is crappy | 03:45 |
tyta | then asks me for the key, which i enter, and it circles around more and more | 03:45 |
xd4 | exodus_ms, everytime i set up gnome, i get a different problem, in pop it does not fetch email, in Imap it does not store them locally althought i choose the option that lets evo do so | 03:46 |
RukusX | jp_sf, maybe i should leave uhci_hcd out, i know that loads | 03:46 |
jp_sf | zc00gii: Then you will regret to have the 3D, but oh ok it is my own opinion :-) | 03:46 |
=== [e]Lement is now known as [e]Lement`dc | ||
zc00gii | jp_sf: now I get No Python OpenGL support :\ | 03:46 |
Gnea | tyta: so you didn't edit any of the files that it was talking about? | 03:47 |
xd4 | exodus_ms, what i want to know, when you first used evo, did it come with this setup helper? | 03:47 |
tyta | i followed most of the commands in the thread | 03:47 |
zc00gii | jp_sf, it only fixed one error | 03:47 |
jp_sf | RukusX: hum now I will keep it but yeah I hate those problem APIC and uhci_hcd is a real problem try the pci option | 03:47 |
exodus_ms | xd4: no, but I can show you how to get gmail up and running | 03:47 |
zc00gii | !chesss | 03:47 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about chesss | 03:47 |
zc00gii | !chess | 03:47 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about chess | 03:47 |
zc00gii | :\ | 03:48 |
s3a | is there a LIGHT BLUE (instead of orange) human theme? | 03:48 |
tyta | sudo apt-get install wpasupplicant / iwconfig / iwlist scan | 03:48 |
Jack_Sparrow | !fishing > zc00gii | 03:48 |
ubottu | zc00gii, please see my private message | 03:48 |
tyta | i followed those | 03:48 |
davvs | Is there any linux command to lookup what ip-address a given hostname has? | 03:48 |
jp_sf | zc00gii: sudo apt-get install python-opengl | 03:48 |
xd4 | exodus_ms, i followed up the guide in ubuntuforums :/ if thats the same as what you plan to tell me :) | 03:48 |
Gnea | tyta: okay, good. | 03:48 |
Alex_21 | Hi, with Ubuntu, when installing, can I partition my disk if I already have Windows on the disk? Oh, and by the way, Good evening | 03:48 |
s3a | not for the window border but for the desktop icons | 03:48 |
s3a | (instead of orange icons)* | 03:49 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea restart complete | 03:49 |
the_squircle | Alex_21: You sure can! It will guide you through shrinking your windows partition fine :D | 03:49 |
jp_sf | Alex_21: to make it short: yes | 03:49 |
Jack_Sparrow | aleX-xx, YEs, but please defrag windows partition twice before resizing | 03:49 |
Gnea | tyta: make sure that the passkey that you set on the router is, indeed, the same one you're typing on the system | 03:49 |
Alex_21 | I know, but how, is htere a feature in the installer? | 03:49 |
RukusX | jp_sf, thanks for all the help. 1mbps transfer speeds are unacceptable! lol | 03:49 |
Jack_Sparrow | aleX-xx, yes | 03:49 |
the_squircle | Alex_21: Yep | 03:49 |
xd4 | exodus_ms, how do i do a fresh install, with all the old evolution files being deleted? is there anything to delete other than the .config and .gconf files? | 03:49 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: okay, let's go dmesg | pastebinit once more | 03:49 |
exodus_ms | xd4: no, but the setup is basically the same, the difference is how you configure gmail to handle your mail afterwards, if you want to keep the files on the gmail server, the type of encryption etc... | 03:49 |
tyta | gnea: ok i am sure | 03:49 |
jp_sf | RukusX: back in the 2000 years, yes I agree | 03:49 |
puppiesRcute | hello i was wondering which version of vmware will work with my ubuntu system downloaded one awhilea ago and it wasnt the right install | 03:49 |
exodus_ms | xd4: you can remove and purge evoultion | 03:50 |
zc00gii | jp_sf: your right, that 3D is horrible :\ | 03:50 |
Gnea | tyta: and which are you using: WEP, WPA or WPA2? | 03:50 |
Alex_21 | Is there a howto on how to dzo this? | 03:50 |
xd4 | exodus_ms, you are using it with imap? | 03:50 |
jp_sf | zc00gii: cool it is working , yeah 2D is the way to go | 03:50 |
puppiesRcute | any one know which version of vmware that will work with ubuntu | 03:50 |
puppiesRcute | the vmware player | 03:50 |
exodus_ms | xd4: no, I;m using gmail with POP | 03:50 |
Alex_21 | Virtualbox will for sure | 03:50 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea /f69aca79e | 03:51 |
Gnea | puppiesRcute: the latest | 03:51 |
Chungwa | I love all things | 03:51 |
Chungwa | Oops! | 03:51 |
puppiesRcute | tried virtual box and it always says some dumb error and will never work | 03:51 |
=== wiwin is now known as james | ||
tyta | gnea: wpa personal | 03:51 |
zc00gii | jp_sf, it keeps changing to 2D :\ | 03:51 |
kazagistar | how do I copy everything in one directory to another using command line? | 03:51 |
Alex_21 | Is there a howto on how to dzo this? | 03:51 |
tyta | and ubuntu asks for wpa or wpa2 personal password | 03:51 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: success! [ 102.837642] ALSA /build/buildd/linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-2.6.24/debian/build/build-rt/sound/alsa-driver/pci/echoaudio/echoaudio.c:2134: Card registered: Mia rev.1 (DSP56361) at 0xf7d00000 irq 19 | 03:51 |
davvs | kazagistar: cp -r <dir> <newdir> | 03:51 |
puppiesRcute | trying to use windows on my ubuntu and virtual box never works always says some error | 03:51 |
Alex_21 | Like shrink a Windows XP Partition durring install of Ubuntu | 03:52 |
sysdoc | puppiesRcute, I run vmware-server 2.o runs great | 03:52 |
darren_ | could some 1 please give me the best option to this scenario, 2 ftp folders private and public, 10 users both folders r in the main ftp folder that all users start at, i want to allow access to private by 5 users and public to the other 5 users, this was easy in windows by just adding the user name and ticking permissions... how would u do this in ubuntu | 03:52 |
davvs | kazagistar: or cp -r <dir> <targetdir>/ | 03:52 |
xd4 | exodus_ms, i will do a fresh install again, i will come back to you to take the configurations, give me a couple minutes | 03:52 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: let's check some other things: cat /proc/asound/cards | pastebinit | 03:52 |
exodus_ms | xd4: let me rephrase, I'm using evolution to read my gmail, I have the account setup as a POP account on the evolution side | 03:52 |
the_squircle | Alex_21: you don't need a howto! It's really easy... do the install and it'll hold your hand through it! | 03:52 |
codeshah | hey guys, how do I check where a package installed all its files? i.e. I am trying to see java6 installation files | 03:52 |
liquid | Hello all | 03:52 |
exodus_ms | xd4: if youwant to completely remove evolution and make sure that you clear any files that might be causing you difficulty, do a remove and then purge from the command line | 03:53 |
the_squircle | !hello | liquid | 03:53 |
ubottu | liquid: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 03:53 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: also, try using the mixer to up the volume and, if necessary, unmute anything and see if any sound will work | 03:53 |
liquid | Quick question I need to find out what graphics card I have in my lappy, whats the terminal command to do so, or where else could I find this out | 03:53 |
puppiesRcute | k downloaded one and it wasnt the right install for my system there is several downloads i just cant figure out which one works im blond totally | 03:53 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea /f47aae659 | 03:53 |
tonyyarusso | liquid: lspci should do it | 03:53 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea so you want me to fire up some audio and see if it orks? | 03:53 |
liquid | Thank you tonyyarusso | 03:53 |
Alex_21 | I need to know exactly what to do, as this is a clients PC, and I am VIP, so I need to give my assistant clear directions | 03:53 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: yeah - might have some problems with pulseaudio, but go for it | 03:54 |
=== erik_ is now known as Guest96627 | ||
puppiesRcute | im so not good with linux yet in new | 03:54 |
davvs | liquid: lspci | grep -i vga | 03:54 |
the_squircle | Alex_21: there is a radio button that will say "shrink partition xx (windows) and make this much room for ubuntu.... I could look for a howto if you want. | 03:54 |
codeshah | hey guys, how do I check where a package installed all its files? i.e. I am trying to see java6 installation files | 03:54 |
Alex_21 | Please | 03:54 |
tonyyarusso | Alex_21: On the partitioning screen, you want the option that says something like "resize sda1 and using freed space". | 03:55 |
jp_sf | Alex_21: | 03:55 |
liquid | davvs, already found it thanks buddy, now another question | 03:55 |
=== Commie_Cary is now known as Commie_Cat | ||
tonyyarusso | !dualboot | Alex_21, also see | 03:55 |
ubottu | Alex_21, also see: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: - MACs: | 03:55 |
zionpsyfer | codeshah: dpkg -l <PACKAGE NAME> | 03:55 |
exodus_ms | xd4: is there anything you want to save from your evolution setup? | 03:55 |
RukusX | jp_sf, oh yah, what if i disabled synchronous mount? i'm using gome and i dont find an option to disable that feature... would it help? | 03:55 |
tyta | gnea: any ideas? | 03:55 |
liquid | How is the beta driver from nvidia 180.17? | 03:55 |
Jack_Sparrow | Alex_21, run the installer on any box up to the partitioner and you will see what we are talking about. It will offer to automatically shrink windows and install ubuntu in dual boot | 03:55 |
xd4 | exodus_ms, no, i just want a fresh evo that can fetch my messages from gmail | 03:56 |
the_squircle | Alex_21: here is the Ubuntu documentation: | 03:56 |
zionpsyfer | codeshah: scratch that, it's dpkg -L | 03:56 |
n8tuser | n8tuser one thing I can also suggest, do the steps of resizing windows partition and then shutdown and reboot to windows again to make sure you can still boot to windows | 03:56 |
Gnea | tyta: try WPA2 | 03:56 |
exodus_ms | xd4: then 'sudo apt-get remove --purge evolution' then reinstall | 03:57 |
the_squircle | liquid: i used it, broke everything... but that's just me | 03:57 |
n8tuser | Alex_21-> then and only after would I start the new install of ubuntu | 03:57 |
BLuEACiD | Hello guys I got a question | 03:57 |
tyta | gnea: i'll set the router to wpa2 wireless security, restart ubuntu and try to connect | 03:57 |
tonyyarusso | BLuEACiD: in the mail? | 03:57 |
the_squircle | !hello | BLuEACiD | 03:57 |
ubottu | BLuEACiD: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 03:57 |
ebaby | can anyone help me to get my install settings to stick after reboot/install from 8.10 LiveCD? | 03:57 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea trying to see if there are any media files that come standard as I have not put any on here | 03:57 |
kazagistar | right, let me restate my question... I am trying to move all the files from an ISO to a partition... one is mounted as dir1 and one as dir2... how do I copy the contents over? | 03:57 |
Gnea | tyta: sounds good | 03:57 |
tyta | thanks, i'll let you know | 03:57 |
liquid | the_squircle, I cant find any other ones on the nvidia site | 03:57 |
the_squircle | BLuEACiD: Just ask! | 03:57 |
jp_sf | RukusX: hum not sure, what kind of usb cable are you using | 03:57 |
Jack_Sparrow | !iso | 03:57 |
ubottu | To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. | 03:57 |
liquid | the_squircle, and my graphics driver from unbuntu just hit the fan | 03:58 |
dominik | i installed another operating system and now the bootloader doesn't work, how can I fix this? | 03:58 |
ebaby | Graphics are fine during install but dont remain after reboot | 03:58 |
Alex_21 | Thanks a million | 03:58 |
kazagistar | I already mounted the ISO | 03:58 |
RukusX | jp_sf, i'm pretty sure its for usb 2.0 good point.... should try another cable | 03:58 |
the_squircle | liquid: it'd be better to fix the ubuntu driver... what's wrong with it? | 03:58 |
n8tuser | kazagistar-> once the iso is loop mounted, then you can copy the contents of it like any other files or directory | 03:58 |
Alex_21 | Good day. Shaw bash | 03:58 |
tonyyarusso | kazagistar: the cp command with the -r (recursive) option. | 03:58 |
jp_sf | RukusX: do you have one with a cylinder ? you know the round thing close to one end | 03:58 |
BLuEACiD | I have uploaded a video to youtube and it has been uploading for like 3 hours and the video is like 150 mb, its only 2 minutes long, is it never to upload? Usually on winblows it uploads really fast, is this a ubuntu problem? I upload pretty fast to not sure whats going on | 03:58 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: if you go to System->Preferences->Sound then click on the 'Sounds' tab | 03:58 |
kazagistar | but I tried, and it made a /dir2/dir1 folder | 03:58 |
jp_sf | RukusX: those are anti-noise something sometimes they are shipped with high end SLR camera | 03:59 |
liquid | the_squircle, Well it was super weird, it was running great then there was like 35 megs of updates updated restarted like asked and then I saw all these beautiful colors on the screen | 03:59 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: then click on 'login' | 03:59 |
=== erik_ is now known as Guest67242 | ||
jp_sf | RukusX: I don't know, just to try it | 03:59 |
BLuEACiD | I have uploaded a video to youtube and it has been uploading for like 3 hours and the video is like 150 mb, its only 2 minutes long, is it never going to upload? Usually on winblows it uploads really fast, is this a ubuntu problem? I upload pretty fast to not sure whats going on | 03:59 |
Gnea | !sound | 03:59 |
ubottu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see - - - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 03:59 |
the_squircle | !flood | BLuEACiD | 03:59 |
ubottu | BLuEACiD: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 03:59 |
Jack_Sparrow | BLuEACiD, Please hold down the repeats | 03:59 |
darren_ | could some 1 please give me the best option to this scenario, 2 ftp folders private and public, 10 users both folders r in the main ftp folder that all users start at, i want to allow access to private by 5 users and public to the other 5 users, this was easy in windows by just adding the user name and ticking permissions... how would u do this in ubuntu sorry to repeat | 03:59 |
the_squircle | BLuEACiD: don't flood | 03:59 |
liquid | the_squircle, did something dont know what got it to work and now its acting weird, the ubuntu driver is disabled | 03:59 |
kazagistar | so everything was in the folder inside the partition, instead of in the partition itself | 03:59 |
zachb | When using the liveCD installer, how do I install to a disk other than /dev/sda? | 04:00 |
BLuEACiD | My bad | 04:00 |
Chungwa | Why do people type "!word" here? I do not understand this! | 04:00 |
PseudoOne | hi, my makefile doesn't seem to be generating a file for gettext on 'make'. what might cause this? | 04:00 |
the_squircle | liquid: what does it say in the restricted drivers section? | 04:00 |
jp_sf | !word | 04:00 |
ubottu | A comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at and - Try also joining #ubuntu-bots and asking BestBot | 04:00 |
Jack_Sparrow | Chungwa, that is how we trigger the bot factoids | 04:00 |
the_squircle | Chungwa: it's a bot | 04:00 |
RukusX | jp_sf, unfortunately i dont have another usb cable to try, i'm not at home. but i hear you. altho. i am pretty sure i used this cord before and achieved decent speeds. tahts why its in my breifcase | 04:00 |
BLuEACiD | !word | 04:00 |
BLuEACiD | Fail | 04:00 |
liquid | the_squircle, Where would I find this section? | 04:00 |
Chungwa | I totally don't understand :P | 04:00 |
the_squircle | !ubotu > Chungwa | 04:00 |
ubottu | Chungwa, please see my private message | 04:00 |
=== [e]Lement`dc is now known as [e]Lement | ||
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea no sound | 04:01 |
xd4 | exodus_ms, do i have to deete any config files manually after the purge or no? | 04:01 |
tonyyarusso | darren_: You can do it a few different ways. 1) create a "group", add the 5 to that group, and set permissions to allow access from that group. 2) Set up group definitions on a per-folder basis and whatever else you want within the configuration of whatever FTP server software you're using. | 04:01 |
[RIP]Gallows | Hai Im new to compootres why do my ffaverot gaimes not work in this? | 04:01 |
the_squircle | liquid: System > Prefrences > Drivers (or something like that.. it's the menu) | 04:01 |
Jack_Sparrow | !games | 04:01 |
ubottu | Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at and | 04:01 |
dcider | trying to find a fix for some nvidia 96.43.09 drivers. when i run in normal or extra visuall effects i loose the window border. the "fix" "Option"AddARGBGLXVisuals""True"" fixes this but now i loose my text in amarok untill i do a mouse running ubuntu 8.10 and an nvidia Ti4200. | 04:01 |
RukusX | jp_sf, ok file operations done. rebooting now. see you soon. thanks!!! | 04:01 |
jp_sf | RukusX: I agree, I think it is not your cable, but at least you have learned two things one there are double entry usb cable to give more power to unpowered usb gadget, and all cables are not equal the cylinders one are supposed to be more reliable | 04:01 |
Chungwa | Thanks! | 04:01 |
the_squircle | [RIP]Gallows: are they windows games? | 04:01 |
liquid | the_squircle, I checked there and none are checked | 04:01 |
tonyyarusso | zachb: you can use the "manual" partitioning option | 04:01 |
exodus_ms | xd4: no, purge should take care of all files and dependencies as well, if you still have .conf file remaining you can rm or cp them to another directory | 04:02 |
zachb | tonyyarusso: No, it only lets me use /dev/sda | 04:02 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: okay, pulseaudio is probably in the way then. go back to the Devices tab set the Playbacks from Pulseaudio Sound Server to ALSA | 04:02 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: and try it again | 04:02 |
RukusX | jp_sf, brb i'll keep u updated | 04:02 |
tonyyarusso | zachb: then it only recognizes sda and something is wrong. | 04:02 |
Shadow_X_ | how do I force ssh (the program, not the server) to add the new key of a server to the whitelist on my client? | 04:02 |
the_squircle | liquid: feel like trying the [Recommended] (i think it's 177) driver? or are you (rightfully) scared? It's working fine for me... | 04:02 |
[RIP]Gallows | yesss my games not work | 04:02 |
zachb | But I'm *using* the other drives | 04:02 |
the_squircle | [RIP]Gallows: if they're windows games, they'll only work in windows | 04:02 |
Jack_Sparrow | !doesntwork | 04:02 |
ubottu | Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too. | 04:02 |
darren_ | tonyyarusso; so groups is the best way, i dont understand point 2, do u have some docs or www i could look at regarding that | 04:02 |
the_squircle | !games > [RIP]Gallows | 04:02 |
ubottu | [RIP]Gallows, please see my private message | 04:02 |
BLuEACiD | !hi | 04:03 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea nothing | 04:03 |
PseudoOne | anyone here know why 'make' wouldn't generate a GMO file for gettext? The makefile says it should but make fails because it can't stat it. :\ | 04:03 |
ubottu | Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 04:03 |
BLuEACiD | !help | 04:03 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at - Usage info: | 04:03 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea I even tried slecting Mia in the devices | 04:03 |
Jack_Sparrow | !fishing > BLuEACiD | 04:03 |
ubottu | BLuEACiD, please see my private message | 04:03 |
Alex_21 | Hi, can you please tell me how to start up the audio installer on the alternate install CD? Please | 04:03 |
=== [e]Lement is now known as [e]Lement`dc | ||
zmisc | There seems to be a problem with the genisofs command on Ubuntu, it fails to build DVD image files with the file structure created by dvdauthor | 04:03 |
zachb | I have read/write access... to the other drives... | 04:03 |
=== [e]Lement`dc is now known as [e]Lement | ||
[RIP]Gallows | why make linux if its not works liking to windows | 04:03 |
liquid | the_squircle, I could try it again.. Scared NO, its all in good fun. I dont have anything on this lappy except linux | 04:03 |
Jack_Sparrow | [RIP]Gallows, It isnt windows... | 04:04 |
the_squircle | liquid: I would try it... but that's just me. | 04:04 |
xd4 | exodus_ms, ok done remove, now i just type sudo apt-get install evolution? | 04:04 |
exodus_ms | xd4: yes | 04:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | !appdb > [RIP]Gallows | 04:04 |
ubottu | [RIP]Gallows, please see my private message | 04:04 |
liquid | the_squircle, Lets try it | 04:04 |
the_squircle | :D | 04:04 |
[RIP]Gallows | why is not windows? | 04:04 |
tonyyarusso | darren_: describes the installation of vsftp and the location of the configuration file, and between the man page and the (extremely frequent) comments in the config file it's pretty self-explanatory iirc. | 04:04 |
tonyyarusso | (it's been a while since I did it) | 04:04 |
[RIP]Gallows | you speak forwhere bushman? | 04:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | [RIP]Gallows Please dont troll, you will be removed | 04:05 |
Alex_21 | Hi, can you please tell me how to start up the audio installer on the alternate install CD? Please. I need it for the fact that I am Blind | 04:05 |
liquid | the_squircle, Lets do the restart | 04:05 |
dominik | how do I tell the computer to boot from the bootloader? | 04:05 |
liquid | the_squircle, BRB | 04:05 |
the_squircle | liquid: the moment of truth... | 04:05 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: okay, let's kill pulseaudio then - open up a terminal and type: sudo /etc/init.d/pulseaudio stop | 04:05 |
=== [e]Lement is now known as [e]Lement`dc | ||
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea when I switch sound play back to my sound card and click test I get audiotestsrc wave=sine freq =512 ! audioconver ... Could not get /set settings from/on resource | 04:05 |
[RIP]Gallows | ? I'm sorry my englesh not for this what you say? | 04:05 |
=== [e]Lement`dc is now known as [e]Lement | ||
the_squircle | [RIP]Gallows: what language do you speak? | 04:06 |
tonyyarusso | Alex_21: I've never actually done it, but offhand I want to say there's an option something like "press F4 for other installation options", and it's under there. I *think*. | 04:06 |
exodus_ms | xd4: --> | 04:06 |
[RIP]Gallows | I am slavitchnian | 04:06 |
PseudoOne | oo | 04:06 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea am I still online | 04:06 |
jarco_ | what is a good player in kubuntu to stream video (for example: wmv files) Inside firefox? | 04:06 |
strAlan | Can someone help me with a problem stemming from the xserver updates | 04:06 |
=== [e]Lement is now known as [e]Lement`dc | ||
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea guess so, had to plug laptop in here | 04:07 |
tonyyarusso | Alex_21: you may need someone else to do the first two or three keypresses before you're able to continue from there on your own. | 04:07 |
the_squircle | [RIP]Gallows: there might be a Ubuntu support channel in your language. try that if you're having trouble understanding. | 04:07 |
joejc | how do i use telnet? | 04:07 |
dominik | ubuntu won't boot I need to edit the boot sector of the hdd I suppose, to have it point to the grub again please help | 04:07 |
darren_ | tonyyarusso; im using proftp will it be the same kind of thing | 04:07 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea ok I killed it | 04:07 |
[RIP]Gallows | my welcome for you helping me. | 04:08 |
Alex_21 | Ok, thanks | 04:08 |
the_squircle | dominik: you can use the CD to boot to ubuntu, and re-install the bootloader in ubuntu | 04:08 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: okay, now type: alsamixer and make sure your Master and PCM are turned up and are not muted (MM) | 04:08 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea still cant hear anything | 04:08 |
the_squircle | liquid: how'd it go? | 04:08 |
liquid | the_squircle, Seems to be working great | 04:08 |
liquid | the_squircle, Kinda weird | 04:08 |
[RIP]Gallows | sorry | 04:08 |
the_squircle | liquid: but is it working ok? | 04:08 |
tonyyarusso | darren_: likely similar at least. | 04:08 |
[RIP]Gallows | how find channel? | 04:09 |
jarco_ | what is a good player in kubuntu to stream video (for example: wmv files) Inside firefox? | 04:09 |
dominik | the_squircle please elaborate i have booted into linux via the way you described now how do I reinstate the bootloader? | 04:09 |
tonyyarusso | joejc: You don't. Telnet is inherently insecure. Use SSH isntead. | 04:09 |
the_squircle | [RIP]Gallows: it's #ubuntu-__ | 04:09 |
darren_ | tonyyarusso: ok ill try it out thsnk you so much | 04:09 |
dominik | the_squircle: prefereably so that it also sees tha other os I installed | 04:09 |
the_squircle | [RIP]Gallows: like for French, #ubuntu-fr | 04:09 |
[RIP]Gallows | #ubuntu | 04:09 |
eseven73 | !english | 04:09 |
ubottu | The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit | 04:09 |
[RIP]Gallows | i undurstend | 04:09 |
joejc | i dont need secure | 04:09 |
the_squircle | dominik: it'll do that when you reinstall it | 04:09 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea I dont know how to use this mixer | 04:09 |
eseven73 | go to that link [RIP]Gallows | 04:09 |
the_squircle | dominik: it will see all your new operating systems | 04:09 |
[RIP]Gallows | my welcome for your helping me | 04:09 |
PeoplesAdvocate | anyone here use aircrack-ng? | 04:09 |
Gnea | [RIP]Gallows: what language do you speak good? | 04:10 |
xd4 | exodus_ms, when i start the newly installed evo in the terminal it starts up with a notification in the console that says : killing old version of server, and google group not found | 04:10 |
dominik | the_squircle: just do sudo apt geT? | 04:10 |
liquid | the_squircle, Yeah seems to be, like I said it was very weird, wasnt working lines and bright colors and then I did a hard shutdown and then it wouldnt even display the bios so I thought the RAM in the card was shot and then removed the batt and it started right up but wasnt 100% and now its 100% | 04:10 |
the_squircle | dominik: nope. it's somewhere in the administration menu about booting... | 04:10 |
exodus_ms | xd4: does evo start up? | 04:10 |
the_squircle | liquid: great to hear :D | 04:10 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea I have 2 lines and 4 monitors | 04:10 |
tonyyarusso | joejc: Even if you don't need it, you should get in the habit of using better protocols unless you need compatibility with a device that doesn't support them. If the latter is the case, 'telnet serveraddress' should be all you need to do. | 04:10 |
xd4 | exodus_ms, yes, i am configuring it now with what you pasted me | 04:11 |
liquid | the_squircle, Dell im telling you.. If I ever see that DUDE YOUR GETTING A DELL kid im going to kick him lol | 04:11 |
exodus_ms | xd4: ok | 04:11 |
the_squircle | liquid: I feel your pain... two dells and I gave up.. got a MacBook Pro and i've been fine lol | 04:11 |
the_squircle | liquid: but dells are always iffy | 04:11 |
PeoplesAdvocate | anyone here use aircrack-ng? | 04:11 |
[RIP]Gallows | sctechnya ! Kaboch! I find this! you own my debt! | 04:11 |
amuro | j #linux | 04:11 |
=== [e]Lement`dc is now known as [e]Lement | ||
dominik | the_squircle: cant find it : ( | 04:12 |
the_squircle | PeoplesAdvocate: I HAVE used aircrack... but... | 04:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | [RIP]Gallows, PeoplesAdvocate Please seek help for aircrack elsewhere | 04:12 |
liquid | the_squircle, I kinda agree, ive hard 2 dell lappys no problems what so ever and my old boss got the same one color model everything the same and he had problems left right and center | 04:12 |
jarco_ | what is a good player in kubuntu to stream video (for example: wmv files) Inside firefox? | 04:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | sorry rip | 04:12 |
PeoplesAdvocate | i have, cant get into the aircrack irc | 04:12 |
xd4 | exodus_ms, in the smtp options are you sure it has to be ssl not tls ? | 04:13 |
[e]Lement | xChat keeps locking up... | 04:13 |
[e]Lement | Can't figure out why | 04:13 |
[e]Lement | 8.10 upgrade was my worst decision ever... | 04:13 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea I have a to nof mixers some are red most are empty | 04:13 |
joejc | tonyyarusso, i just want to do stuff to my tivo whatever the best way to do that is just tell me how | 04:13 |
exodus_ms | xd4: yes | 04:14 |
the_squircle | dominik: i'm not in ubuntu right now... sorry... but see this article:,%20Repairing%20and%20Reinstalling%20GRUB | 04:14 |
the_squircle | liquid: i guess you get what you pay for... | 04:14 |
tonyyarusso | joejc: Not having a tivo I wouldn't know what it's capable of, although I would imagine it can do ssh... Is there a manual somewhere you could check? | 04:14 |
marsha | (e)Lement, I just had the same problem with x-caht | 04:14 |
L1Qu1Dz | I need help connecting to wifi on ubuntu 8.10 with atheros chipset | 04:14 |
liquid | the_squircle, I guess, well thank you for the help sir | 04:15 |
the_squircle | [e]Lement: it's xchat, not 8.10 | 04:15 |
joejc | i dont think so | 04:15 |
jp_sf | PeoplesAdvocate: it's on freenode so shoud be aircrack-ng | 04:15 |
the_squircle | liquid: anytime :D | 04:15 |
marsha | so I switched to irssi just now | 04:15 |
ljsoftnet | does ubuntu 8.10 support FAT file system? | 04:15 |
joejc | i have the ip and port i need i just dont know how to connect to it | 04:15 |
Odd-rationale | ljsoftnet: yes | 04:15 |
the_squircle | !atheros | L1Qu1Dz | 04:15 |
ubottu | L1Qu1Dz: Wireless documentation can be found at | 04:15 |
amuro | of course linux suport fat | 04:15 |
the_squircle | ljsoftnet: yes, it does | 04:15 |
xd4 | exodus_ms, same problem, it is not asking for my password, thus no mail is fetched | 04:15 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: okay, open another terminal and try this: cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp do you hear any static? | 04:15 |
the_squircle | ljsoftnet: all operating systems support fat | 04:16 |
ljsoftnet | i have an MP4 player with FAT file system how do i make ubuntu detect it? | 04:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | L1Qu1Dz, try following this thread here: product: AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter.. Post #10 in that forum | 04:16 |
tonyyarusso | ljsoftnet: Although it should be noted that you can not install Ubuntu with the main system partitions on FAT, but it can use it otherwise. | 04:16 |
the_squircle | ljsoftnet: does it detect it when you plug it in? | 04:16 |
tonyyarusso | ljsoftnet: Which player? | 04:16 |
exodus_ms | xd4: check your PM | 04:17 |
ljsoftnet | when i connect it with the USB it doesn't detect it | 04:17 |
illmortal | Guys I'm tryin to follow this guide: and I cannot continue @ step 6 | 04:17 |
illmortal | Can someone please assist me on this? | 04:17 |
getxsick | hi | 04:17 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea nothing | 04:17 |
getxsick | i have a problem with the sound under my new laptop | 04:17 |
marsha | getxsick: What kind of problem? | 04:18 |
the_squircle | !cowsay-#ubuntu-offtopic > liquid | 04:18 |
ubottu | liquid, please see my private message | 04:18 |
getxsick | the sound is cutting | 04:18 |
illmortal | anyone able to help me?... | 04:18 |
illmortal | anyone at all <_< | 04:18 |
getxsick | what i realized is...only works under mplayer | 04:19 |
the_squircle | illmortal: what are you trying to do? | 04:19 |
jarco_ | my mplayer video is flikkering insqnely | 04:19 |
Jack_Sparrow | !helpme illmortal | 04:19 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 04:19 |
ranfow | anyone knows option "~i" in aptitude? | 04:19 |
the_squircle | illmortal: don't just give us a link | 04:19 |
Jack_Sparrow | !helpme > illmortal | 04:19 |
ubottu | illmortal, please see my private message | 04:19 |
getxsick | but e.g. first i have to kill aplay welcome.wav to get it worked under mplayer | 04:19 |
jarco_ | my mplayer video is flikkering insanely. Anyone has an idea how to solve it? I am playing a wmv file ,, | 04:19 |
getxsick | and it only works under mplayer | 04:19 |
liquid | the_squircle, Very funny | 04:19 |
t35t0r | how do i open multiple files with mplayer in order? | 04:19 |
the_squircle | liquid: i thought so | 04:19 |
illmortal | tryin to follow the guide on that link... and the guide i think is incorrect unless im not following right, step 6 is telling me to put a file into a specific directory that I have no permissions for (sadly) and the other commands give errors | 04:20 |
marsha | getxsick: sounds like you have some missing gstreamer files | 04:20 |
liquid | the_squircle, Its acting up again I switched windows and it started to go alittle | 04:20 |
RukusX | jp_sf, still slow | 04:20 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: hrm... gksudo gedit /etc/default/pulseaudio and change PULSEAUDIO_SYSTEM_START=1 to PULSEAUDIO_SYSTEM_START=0 | 04:20 |
the_squircle | liquid: you should install cowsay... just run cowsay MOOOO or something... semi-entertaining... or you can make the cow say DELL SUCKS or something... | 04:20 |
jp_sf | RukusX: :-( hum | 04:20 |
getxsick | marsha: i installed all which i have on my other notebook | 04:20 |
Gnea | the_squircle: lol | 04:20 |
liquid | the_squircle, I'll have to check it out | 04:20 |
RukusX | jp_sf, ya i know. get that error. not connected to hi speed hub | 04:20 |
mib_2dc6mp | do i need to turn the static of | 04:21 |
colton1 | hey can anyone help me with the resolution setting for my dell latitude d610? | 04:21 |
=== [e]Lement is now known as [e]Lement`dc | ||
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: sure, just press ctrl-c | 04:21 |
jarco_ | my mplayer video is flikkering insanely. Anyone has an idea how to solve it? I am playing a wmv file ,, | 04:21 |
the_squircle | liquid: is it the graphics card itself? | 04:21 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea and now tye that whole string at once? | 04:21 |
tonyyarusso | illmortal: You will need to use sudo for copying the file to /etc/init.d/ and again when running the script. | 04:21 |
colton1 | no i can get the drivers working | 04:21 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: yeah | 04:21 |
liquid | the_squircle, Maybe how could I check | 04:21 |
jp_sf | RukusX what lsusb is telling you ? | 04:21 |
colton1 | but it wont show the native resolution of my monitor | 04:21 |
the_squircle | liquid: ..... | 04:22 |
the_squircle | liquid: i have no clue :p | 04:22 |
liquid | the_squircle, glxgeears? | 04:22 |
tonyyarusso | illmortal: actually, maybe not on the second step, if he wrote the script exactly as copied in the post. | 04:22 |
liquid | the_squircle, Stumped you huh | 04:22 |
Bax | any one know where I can find a guide for setting up an extended desktop on Feisty Fawn with an ATI graphic card? | 04:22 |
the_squircle | liquid: might work... but... | 04:22 |
colton1 | max i can get it 1024x768 | 04:22 |
the_squircle | liquid: you did | 04:22 |
=== [e]Lement`dc is now known as [e]Lement | ||
illmortal | tonyarusso, this command: sudo update-rc.d defaults gives an error that "update" is not a command | 04:22 |
liquid | the_squircle, I want something to max out the gpu and the ram on the card | 04:22 |
liqued | Is there a update or fix to getting my atheros chipset to work with Ubuntu 8.10? I dont need any docs to tell me how to connect... | 04:22 |
liquid | the_squircle, I did what? | 04:22 |
the_squircle | liquid: stumped me... try looking for a benchmarking thing that'll run in linux... that should max things out | 04:23 |
the_squircle | liquid: i have to run, but I hope you figure your problem out eventually | 04:23 |
jp_sf | RukusX: lsusb do you see a 2.0 root hub line ? | 04:23 |
=== marsha is now known as nabit | ||
liquid | the_squircle, Thanks buddy enjoy what your going to do | 04:23 |
ebaby | anyone able to assist on xorg.conf stuff | 04:23 |
tonyyarusso | illmortal: "update" alone is not, but "update-rc.d" is. | 04:23 |
the_squircle | liquid: sleep is fun :) | 04:23 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea I think I did it, I typed it verbatim except for the and between pulseaudio and change | 04:23 |
WDC | Hello. I have XFCE installed over regular Ubuntu, and I can not seem to add desktops | 04:24 |
illmortal | tonyyarusso also.. I'm having a hard time tryin to copy the file into that folder. I assume I need to use terminal instead of dragging/dropping the file into the folder. I don't know the command to copy a file and paste it onto a different directory. | 04:24 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea the screen went kind of grey and I enered my pword | 04:24 |
=== [e]Lement is now known as [e]Lement`dc | ||
getxsick | - here is output of mplayer which generally works fine | 04:24 |
=== [e]Lement`dc is now known as [e]Lement | ||
WDC | Hello. I have XFCE installed over regular Ubuntu, and I can not seem to add desktops, Can someone please help? | 04:24 |
eseven73 | !repeat | 04:25 |
ubottu | Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 04:25 |
tonyyarusso | illmortal: copy is "cp", so what you'll use is 'sudo cp /path/to/source/file /path/to/destination/' | 04:25 |
RukusX | jp_sf, ya i see four 1.1 and one 2.0 | 04:25 |
illmortal | tonyyarusso the file, "" is located in my desktop | 04:25 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea now I have an issue with my soundcard, must be a conflict with pulseaudio: could not get/set settings from/on resource | 04:25 |
illmortal | ok thanks tony | 04:25 |
=== [e]Lement is now known as [e]Lement`dc | ||
illmortal | im gonna log back into ubuntu, and attempt to copy that file and move onto the rest of the steps. brb | 04:25 |
jp_sf | RukusX:L unplug the cable and then type sudo modprobe -a echi_hcd and reconnect to it | 04:26 |
nbeebo | how do i do so the sound i hear on my desktop goes into the microphone without having one? | 04:26 |
liqued | Why did Ubuntu dev release 8.10 if it didnt work with atheros cards... | 04:26 |
RukusX | one sec. right after this tranfer. 5 minutes | 04:26 |
kazagistar | how do I copy an install cd to a empty partition, and then boot from it, so I can overwrite the rest of the system on my no-cd no-floppy no-usb system | 04:26 |
RukusX | jp_sf, one sec. right after this tranfer. 5 minutes | 04:26 |
jarco_ | my mplayer video is flikkering insanely. Anyone has an idea how to solve it? I am playing a wmv file , . First time on kubuntu ... | 04:26 |
Geezle | Is there a quick way I can check what refresh rate my video card is capable of? I just got a new monitor and I'm not sure 8.10 is detecting it properly. | 04:26 |
jp_sf | RukusX: ah 5 minutes yes you transfer a 300Ko image I presume | 04:26 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: okay, were you able to save the file okay? | 04:27 |
RukusX | jp_sf, ? transfering 700mb avu file | 04:27 |
RukusX | avi | 04:27 |
nbeebo | Geezle, im no pro but i think its all up to monitor | 04:27 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: next, you'll need to do this: sudo update-rc.d -f pulseaudio remove | 04:27 |
jp_sf | RukusX: kidding ... | 04:27 |
RukusX | haha | 04:27 |
RukusX | oh | 04:27 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea I dont know if it saved or not | 04:28 |
Leite | hi peeps | 04:28 |
Geezle | nbeebo: Thanks, I was a little afraid of that. I should be refreshing at 75hz but I can only get up to 51hz | 04:28 |
tonyyarusso | Geezle: Best way is to download the manual, although I also thought refresh rate was only on the monitor's side. | 04:28 |
refefer | hey there guys, anyone know of a way to force grub to install to a different harddrive? I have a problem where I'll install ubuntu on one sata drive and grub will install itself on another, and then refuse to boot. any thoughts? | 04:28 |
liqued | If anyone knows of how to get my wifi atheros in 8.10 plz help me. | 04:28 |
Flannel | !grub | refefer, first link | 04:28 |
ubottu | refefer, first link: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - GRUB how-tos: | 04:28 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: check it: cat /etc/default/pulseaudio | 04:28 |
refefer | Flannel: I'll check it out, thanks mate | 04:29 |
=== _acyd_ is now known as acydlord | ||
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea I removed pulseaudio | 04:29 |
Geezle | tonyyarusso: thanks. | 04:29 |
jp_sf | RukusX: what is your kernel version while googling it I found | 04:29 |
RukusX | .10 | 04:29 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: okay were you able to make that 1 a 0? | 04:30 |
Geezle | So next, does anybody know how I can straighten out my refresh rate if my monitor isn't being detected properly? | 04:30 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea I dont know what you mean | 04:30 |
tonyyarusso | !fixres | Geezle, should be under this bit | 04:30 |
ubottu | Geezle, should be under this bit: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: | 04:30 |
RukusX | jp_sf, 2.6.27-10-generic | 04:30 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: in the /etc/default/pulseaudio file | 04:30 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: changing the PULSEAUDIO_SYSTEM_START=1 to PULSEAUDIO_SYSTEM_START=0 | 04:31 |
Geezle | tonyyarusso: cool, thanks | 04:31 |
Hbah427 | I HATE the restricted drivers manager | 04:32 |
jp_sf | RukusX: yeah so try the modprobe -a echi_hcd | 04:32 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea I typed it, I dont know if it worked, but we just removed pulse audi didnt we | 04:32 |
nbeebo | how do i do so the sound i hear on my desktop goes into the microphone without having one? ------ if u understand what im saying but dont know the answer can u help me rephrase? i suck at it lol | 04:32 |
jp_sf | RukusX: sudo modprobe -a echi_hcd | 04:32 |
Leite | everytime i boot my pc, when it goes to grub loadiþng page, i need to manually edit the path ie. sda (0.0) or sumthin like that. Otherwise it doesnt load up the ubuntu 8.10. How can i set (030) to be my default choice? | 04:32 |
eseven73 | I hear such negative things about pulseaudio, why did Ubuntu add it? and why dont they just remove it ? | 04:32 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: yeah, go ahead and reboot again | 04:33 |
RukusX | jp_sf, ok done. now what | 04:33 |
=== [e]Lement`dc is now known as [e]Lement | ||
jp_sf | RukusX: unplug modprobe -a echi_hcd replug | 04:33 |
=== [e]Lement is now known as [e]Lement`dc | ||
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea rebooting, hopefully we get some startup noise | 04:34 |
eseven73 | woah someone had a meltdown | 04:34 |
RukusX | ok | 04:34 |
punzada | he must be trolling ... right...? | 04:34 |
eseven73 | more than likely | 04:34 |
Leite | everytime i boot my pc, when it goes to grub loadiþng page, i need to manually edit the path ie. sda (0.0) or sumthin like that. Otherwise it doesnt load up the ubuntu 8.10. How can i set (0,0) to be my default choice? | 04:34 |
jp_sf | RukusX: and now your speed is ? | 04:34 |
=== cjae is now known as what | ||
punzada | Leite: sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst | 04:35 |
punzada | you can edit it in there | 04:35 |
jp_sf | Leite: edit your grub I think pressing e on the grub menu you can edit it | 04:35 |
Leite | thank you punzada | 04:35 |
RukusX | one sec | 04:35 |
punzada | np | 04:35 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea no boot up sounds :( | 04:35 |
=== what is now known as x86arch | ||
Leite | yeah i can edit but after rebootin i have to do it all over again | 04:35 |
RukusX | extremel pathetic | 04:36 |
punzada | yeah edit the menu.lst file | 04:36 |
RukusX | jp_sf, extremely pathetic | 04:36 |
punzada | it'll be persistant then | 04:36 |
jp_sf | RukusX: hum | 04:36 |
RukusX | jp_sf, 1.9mbps | 04:36 |
BellinXFelon | is there anyway to burn a dvd quicker than devedee | 04:36 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: alright - do you have an account where you can upload pictures to? | 04:36 |
eseven73 | k3b maybe | 04:36 |
malcolm_ | my movie player shuts opens the file n shuts down when i try to play a video file.. | 04:36 |
=== miguel is now known as Guest9338 | ||
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea no | 04:36 |
RukusX | jp_sf, MB/sec lol | 04:36 |
^Manu | hi people | 04:36 |
^Manu | i have display driver problems it seems.. | 04:36 |
^Manu | my xorg.conf is virtually empty, what's the story with that? | 04:37 |
jp_sf | RukusX: I have no idea, by chance can you try the same hard disk on another machine will it be faster ? | 04:37 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: alright, i'm going to ask you for some screenshots - is free | 04:37 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea I wonder if it is the slections in the sound prefs or the asla mixer, I didnt change anything in it because I wasnt sure what i was loking at | 04:37 |
^Manu | i have an intel IGP X4500HD, and i installed the xserver-xorg-video-intel package.. | 04:37 |
^Manu | and nothing.. | 04:37 |
RukusX | jp_sf, i could try on my g/f's XP machine. its NTFS | 04:37 |
^Manu | i'm stuck in 640x480.. | 04:37 |
^Manu | not sure where to go from here.. | 04:37 |
FloodBot1 | ^Manu: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 04:37 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: right, and I'm not sure what options you have, and the only way to check is via screenshot | 04:38 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea ok I am signing up | 04:38 |
nbeebo | mib_2dc6mp, u dont need to sign up | 04:38 |
RukusX | jp_sf, i'm getting burnt out about this, and most of this, i have tried previously, to no avail... i'll keep watching that bug report. | 04:38 |
tim_ | what's the coolest thing people are doing in Ubuntu tonight? | 04:39 |
RukusX | jp_sf, thanks for all the help tho | 04:39 |
jp_sf | RukusX: sorry couldn't help you more try the forum though | 04:39 |
Hbah427 | tim_: fixing my dang nVidia GeForce 6200! | 04:39 |
nbeebo | tim_, hanging out in #ubuntu-offtopic and asking that question... not me though im banned | 04:39 |
=== qbmaniac is now known as qb|away | ||
GreedyB | hello. I've read so many different ways to backup.. I'm not sure which direction I should take | 04:39 |
GreedyB | any suggestions? | 04:39 |
Hbah427 | GreedyB | 04:39 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea ok I am ready, what do you want me to capture? | 04:39 |
RukusX | jp_sf, lol i hate forums. but i will search them. lol | 04:39 |
Hbah427 | Hard drives are the way to go. | 04:39 |
tim_ | join #ubuntu-offtopic | 04:39 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea asla mixer and the sound prefs? | 04:40 |
Flannel | !backup | GreedyB | 04:40 |
ubottu | GreedyB: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: , , , - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 04:40 |
GreedyB | Hbah427: oops I wasnt very specific.. I meant programs and methods | 04:40 |
Hbah427 | If you don't want to pay for that you can always pick up a spindle of blank DVD's and go to town | 04:40 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: just press the Print Screen key | 04:40 |
Hbah427 | Oh! | 04:40 |
Hbah427 | gotcha | 04:40 |
Geoffrey2 | hey, I was looking at a number of desktop screenshots, and I noticed a number of applications (calendar, weather forecast) right on the desktop.....what would I look for in Synaptic to find them? | 04:40 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: yes, alsamixer and sound prefs | 04:40 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea right, what do you want me to capture (have open) | 04:40 |
GreedyB | Geoffrey2: screenlets I think | 04:40 |
Hbah427 | or gDesklets | 04:41 |
RukusX | Geoffrey2, i use screelets. wanne see my screenshot? | 04:41 |
Hbah427 | Anyone have any idea what might be wrong with my nVidia GeForce 6200? | 04:41 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: get 'em both if you can | 04:41 |
tyta | Hi Gnea, i'm still having wireless trouble | 04:41 |
tyta | I think it may be driver related | 04:41 |
Gnea | tyta: okay, were you able to give WPA2 a go? | 04:42 |
tyta | yes i set my wireless router to wpa2 | 04:42 |
Gnea | tyta: and is the system able to hook up to it via ethernet? | 04:42 |
jp_sf | Hbah427: Nvidia, propriatery drivers no ? ve you tried System>Administration>Hardware drivers ? | 04:42 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea ok I did it and image shack gave me a url | 04:42 |
tyta | yes, i suppose i could go upstairs | 04:42 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea they all seem to be thumbnails | 04:42 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: should be able to click on one to make it bigger | 04:43 |
Gnea | tyta: okay, because you're going to need to pastebin some things | 04:43 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea it is | 04:43 |
malcolm_ | hi i have video player problems tried vlc xine movieplayer they shutdown when attempting to play a video | 04:43 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: i don't see it :( | 04:44 |
nbeebo | malakhi, run vlc in terminal and ull get an error messege | 04:44 |
nbeebo | message* | 04:44 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: what is the url for the thumbnail? | 04:44 |
Hbah427 | jp_sf: I've spent all night going from Hardy to Intrepit and back, using both OS's with the proprietary drivers. Once I do that, however, after I click two or three times, the system freezes and I have to reboot. | 04:44 |
^Manu | nobody can help me here? | 04:44 |
Hbah427 | Intrepid* | 04:44 |
Gnea | !ask | ^Manu | 04:44 |
ubottu | ^Manu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 04:44 |
^Manu | i dont understand what kubuntu thinks it's doing with xorg.conf anymore :( | 04:44 |
^Manu | i asked the question above.. | 04:44 |
^Manu | about a page up | 04:44 |
ljsoftnet | anybody knows where to buy ASUS eee pc online? im from the philippines | 04:45 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea that sucks | 04:45 |
nbeebo | ^Manu, i think it does the same as ubuntu.. | 04:45 |
^Manu | which is> | 04:45 |
^Manu | xorg.conf is virtually empty.. | 04:45 |
nbeebo | aka totally empty? | 04:45 |
^Manu | i installed xserver-xorg-video-intel and it didn't seem to do anything. | 04:45 |
Hbah427 | ljsoftnet: have you tried | 04:46 |
linuxlerner | is it yet possible to boot to ram AND use casper persistence? | 04:46 |
evowill | <^Manu> are you sure you have the correct location? | 04:46 |
Jordan_U | ^Manu, Ubuntu lets X do as much autoconfiguring as possible | 04:46 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea try | 04:46 |
Gain | hi | 04:46 |
Gain | would you guys recommend KDE or GNOME | 04:46 |
imperfect- | Anyone know if rsync can preserve NTFS permissions?? | 04:46 |
nbeebo | Gain, gnome.. | 04:46 |
Gain | and what are the major pluses of both | 04:46 |
Odd-rationale | Gain: that's a heated question... :P | 04:46 |
evowill | Gain: I like gnome | 04:47 |
jp_sf | Hbah427: could be a lot lot of things could be AGP conflict etc etc cpu speed, | 04:47 |
Gain | ya, I used gnome previously when i had ubuntu installed | 04:47 |
eseven73 | imperfect-: i think so try the GUI for rsync 'sudo apt-get install grsync' | 04:47 |
^Manu | what location? | 04:47 |
Gain | but KDE 4.1 looks damn nice | 04:47 |
Odd-rationale | Gain: my advice is to try both... use the livecd of ubuntu and kubuntu... and see shich one you like better... | 04:47 |
Gain | want to give it a shot | 04:47 |
^Manu | evowill: location of what? | 04:47 |
bcgrown | I have an Nvidia video card but for some reason Synaptic now wants to install Geode display drivers. How do I tell it to stop asking me? | 04:47 |
evowill | Gain: a google search might bee of great use :-) | 04:47 |
Gain | Odd-rationale: are there any GNOME apps only? | 04:47 |
^Manu | jordan: so why isn't X autoconfiguring my video properly then? | 04:47 |
mib_2dc6mp | Thus stu=inks, none of the links imgshack provides work | 04:47 |
Gain | or will they work across both | 04:47 |
jp_sf | Hbah427: do you have compiz running ? | 04:47 |
eseven73 | imperfect-: it has all kinds of options you can choose | 04:48 |
bcgrown | er by Synaptic I mean "Update Manager" | 04:48 |
rshakin | hey anyone installed this on a supermicro h8dce | 04:48 |
Jordan_U | ^Manu, X should use the intel driver if it's available, you can also force it to use it by adding an explicit line to your xorg.conf but you shouldn't need to | 04:48 |
Hbah427 | jp_sf: I do not. | 04:48 |
evowill | <^Manu> I will send you a PM | 04:48 |
Hbah427 | It won't work no matter what. | 04:48 |
^Manu | why wouldn't it use it? | 04:48 |
^Manu | okay, thx | 04:48 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: holy... that's a lot of options | 04:48 |
Odd-rationale | Gain: both gnome/gtk apps and kde/qt apps will work on either gnome or kde... or xfce for that matter... | 04:48 |
tristanmike | Hey all. I just made the jump to 8.10 and my surround sound isn't working, can someone give me a hand or a link to get it up and running. SoundBlaster LIVE 5.1 | 04:48 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea oh did you get the piic to work? | 04:48 |
^Manu | jordan: it seems to be available.. i installed the package.. | 04:48 |
tristanmike | Was working 20 minutes ago on 8.04 | 04:48 |
^Manu | what else can i do? | 04:48 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: yeah, the second one worked | 04:49 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: it looks really.... weird | 04:49 |
Hbah427 | I have a Compaq S4100NX, 2.5GHz Intel Pentium 4 processor, 1GB of RAM and an Al-in-one card reader and DVD bruner stolen from an old computer | 04:49 |
sandeep | okay, I'm new and I really need help! | 04:49 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: like it's missing some selections in alsamixer.... there aren't anymore to the left? | 04:49 |
jp_sf | Hbah427: when you crash have you find anything in syslog ? | 04:50 |
Gnea | !ask | sandeep | 04:50 |
Hbah427 | It's a PCI card btw | 04:50 |
ubottu | sandeep: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 04:50 |
Hbah427 | I should probably check syslog... | 04:50 |
nbeebo | how do i do so the sound i hear on my desktop goes into the microphone without having one? ------ if u understand what im saying but dont know the answer can u help me rephrase? i suck at it lol | 04:50 |
Jordan_U | Gnea, Try "alsamixer -c 0" | 04:50 |
Hbah427 | However, I'm kinda new... | 04:50 |
sandeep | Thanks, I have just installed version 1 of ubuntu weaknet and I can not get the wifi netowrk to work properly. | 04:50 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea no just 2 lines | 04:50 |
Gnea | Jordan_U: he's only got 1 entry. | 04:50 |
DigitalFiz | Jordan_U, is that like stereo mix in windows? | 04:51 |
Jordan_U | Gnea, Even with the "-c 0" ? | 04:51 |
jp_sf | Hbah427: yes you need to digg in syslog, but it is very verbose, at least it will gives a hint to what the problem is | 04:51 |
yaro | My locale seems to have randomly changed from American English to British English. My spellchecker keep smaking my correct spelling incorrect as a result. How to fix? | 04:51 |
mn | not as soon as you install that | 04:51 |
mn | If someone has krfb and has invited me to control their desktop, how do I do that? | 04:51 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: can you turn them up? | 04:51 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea there is a ton more to the right though | 04:51 |
Gain | ok last question, are there threads to show people's desktops. I am looking for some ideas on customizing my own | 04:51 |
Jordan_U | DigitalFiz, It's how you get to the actual settings for the card rather than the pulseaudio volume controll | 04:51 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea just more mixers and meters | 04:51 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: i see that, and that's what's strange. I've never seen 'monitor' so many times like that. | 04:52 |
tyta_linux | Gnea: I have connected to my wired network | 04:52 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea yea that seems FUBAR | 04:52 |
sandeep | Ifind the previsous version of ubuntu weakner labs works perfectly. | 04:52 |
gaz_ | Why could i easily apt-get bitchx this morning and now I can't? | 04:52 |
gaz_ | Was it taken from the repository? | 04:52 |
DigitalFiz | Jordan_U, ah thanks because i been looking for a way to do stereo mix so i can feed my skype conversations over the radio | 04:52 |
linuxlerner | because you need install | 04:52 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea what do you want me to turn up? | 04:52 |
rshakin | is there an easy whay to install a keyboard layout | 04:52 |
linuxlerner | apt-get install bitchx | 04:52 |
gaz_ | yes yes | 04:52 |
gaz_ | i know | 04:52 |
Flannel | gaz_: It hasn't been in Ubuntu for good long time. It has some serious security issues that weren't going to get fixed. | 04:53 |
yaro | My locale seems to have randomly changed from American English to British English. My spellchecker keep smaking my correct spelling incorrect as a result. How to fix? | 04:53 |
gaz_ | why could i easily apt-get install bitchx this morning... and now? | 04:53 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: both of the Lines | 04:53 |
gaz_ | Flannel: but it's so pretty. ;) | 04:53 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea done | 04:53 |
Gnea | tyta_linux: okay, sudo apt-get install pastebinit | 04:53 |
Flannel | gaz_: Did you just upgrade? | 04:53 |
rshakin | nm figured it out | 04:53 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: see if you can: cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp now | 04:54 |
Geoffrey2 | yep, it's screenlets, thanks | 04:54 |
Flannel | gaz_: Check otu irssi instead. | 04:54 |
linuxlerner | is there like an install help channel | 04:54 |
gaz_ | I just reinstalled ubuntu this afternoon. Came on to get all my programs... and i couldnt' get bx! | 04:54 |
ccvp | what the heck | 04:54 |
Flannel | gaz_: Which version of Ubuntu? | 04:54 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: also, is this a PCI card? | 04:54 |
tyta_linux | gnea: thanks, i did that, it's finished | 04:54 |
Jordan_U | linuxlerner, This is probably the place to be :) | 04:54 |
mib_6kv9rl | definitely the place to be | 04:55 |
gaz_ | irssi... okay | 04:55 |
gaz_ | thanks | 04:55 |
tyta_linux | +1 on place to be | 04:55 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea no such file (u think it goes bye bye with pulseaudio?) | 04:55 |
linuxlerner | is it yet possible to boot to ram AND use casper persistence? | 04:55 |
nbeebo | linuxlerner, not ubuntu no. not last time i checked and asked | 04:55 |
v4vijayakumar | hi, when linux 2.6.28. is coming to ubuntu ?? | 04:56 |
Gnea | tyta_linux: iwconfig | pastebinit | 04:56 |
Jordan_U | v4vijayakumar, 9.04 | 04:56 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea yes | 04:56 |
linuxlerner | i found post from 2007 that said it wouldnt work | 04:56 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: hrm.... lsmod | grep snd_pcm_oss | 04:56 |
bcgrown | I'm on 8.04 with an Nvidia video card, everything working peachy. Now update-manager wants to install Geode display drivers?? How do I tell it I don't want them so they will stay out of the "updates available" dialog? | 04:56 |
linuxlerner | but that was also for 7.XX | 04:56 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: this one? | 04:57 |
tristanmike | Hey all. I just made the jump to 8.10 and my surround sound isn't working, can someone give me a hand or a link to get it up and running. SoundBlaster LIVE 5.1 | 04:57 |
tristanmike | Hey all. I just made the jump to 8.10 and my surround sound isn't working, can someone give me a hand or a link to get it up and running. SoundBlaster LIVE 5.1 | 04:57 |
tristanmike | sorry | 04:57 |
FloodBot1 | tristanmike: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 04:57 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea that is it | 04:57 |
Jordan_U | linuxlerner, I don't see off hand why it shouldn't. Have you tried? | 04:57 |
mib_6kv9rl | bcgrown: i have nvidia too, and let the upgrade go thru; no harm done... | 04:57 |
jp_sf | v4vijayakumar: you can install it if you want System > Administration > Synaptic Pack Manager > Search linux-kernel | 04:57 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: wow... | 04:57 |
nbeebo | how do i do so the sound i hear on my desktop goes into the microphone without having one? ------ if u understand what im saying but dont know the answer can u help me rephrase? i suck at it lol | 04:57 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea what | 04:57 |
tyta_linux | Gnea, i got an error "no arguments specified'" | 04:57 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: never seen it before, i'm flabbergasted lol | 04:58 |
tyta_linux | Gnea, lo / eth0 / pan0 say no wireless extensions | 04:58 |
Gnea | tyta_linux: how do you get your wireless card to initialize? | 04:58 |
Mayank | why my firefox closes itself...? | 04:58 |
mib_2dc6mp | I have 2 degrees in music, but I cant figure out how to get ubuntu studio audio to work :( | 04:59 |
linuxlerner | Jordan_U: no i have not tried it yet | 04:59 |
bcgrown | mib_6kv9rl: any idea why they are on the list? i just dont want it to screw up my X set up which i have finally got exactly the way i want it... | 04:59 |
Mayank | why my firefox closes itself...?, any random time.. | 04:59 |
v4vijayakumar | jp_sf, Jordan_U: thanks, but I am not in hurry. I can wait for 9.04 | 04:59 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: did you get any results from: lsmod | grep snd_pcm_oss? | 04:59 |
jp_sf | v4vijayakumar: April I think and yes it is a better idea, as otherwise you will have a problem of dependencies | 05:00 |
tyta_linux | um i think i use the wl driver | 05:00 |
mib_6kv9rl | bcgrown: no idea. they just popped on my 8.04 list yesterday. i figured i could always remove them... good luck | 05:00 |
SABDFL | PRAISE ME. | 05:00 |
tyta_linux | before the network password idea, i could just boot up, and connect with no problem | 05:00 |
bcgrown | mib_6kv9rl: ok thanks | 05:00 |
Gnea | !ot | SABDFL | 05:01 |
ubottu | SABDFL: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 05:01 |
bcgrown | side note for anyone : is it possible to have updates auto-applied without clicking the "install updates" button? | 05:01 |
Gnea | bcgrown: yes. | 05:01 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea yes | 05:01 |
ebaby | looking for help on installing 8.10 on stepnote nc1502 installs fine with A+ graphics but on restart graphics crash and dont reappear | 05:02 |
hckyplayer024 | Hi im having a problem with network manager finding my wireless network | 05:02 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: and any results from this: ls -l /dev/dsp* | 05:02 |
bcgrown | Gnea: and how would I do that? | 05:02 |
tyta_linux | 024, me too | 05:02 |
tyta_linux | it's busy in here tonight | 05:02 |
Gnea | tyta_linux: what's the make/model of the laptop | 05:02 |
pk | #ubuntu-pl | 05:02 |
tyta_linux | Dell Inspiron 1721 | 05:02 |
Gnea | !wireless | 05:03 |
ubottu | Wireless documentation can be found at | 05:03 |
wolf_pup | whats another dock like app similar to cairo-dock? | 05:03 |
Gnea | !laptop | 05:03 |
ubottu | Laptop support information can be found on - - - | 05:03 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea crw -rw ----+ 1 root audio 14, 3 2009-01-03 21:35 /dev/dsp | 05:03 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: I have no technical degrees, yes. | 05:03 |
hckyplayer024 | well im just wondering why its finding other wifi networks and not mine. | 05:04 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: okay. check to see if you're part of the audio group: id | 05:04 |
Gain | hi, what office application do you guys use? IS there one that has a decent looking interface | 05:04 |
Gain | (preferabily NOT openoffice) | 05:04 |
SABDFL | what's your story, morning glory? | 05:04 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea couple lines were produced | 05:04 |
Gnea | hckyplayer024: is your router set to broadcast the SSID? are channels overlapping? | 05:04 |
faileas | Gain: well there's koffice, and scattered gnome office apps (abiword/gnumeric) | 05:04 |
Gnea | SABDFL: do you have any Ubuntu-related questions? | 05:04 |
SABDFL | Gnea: yeah | 05:05 |
Gain | faileas, koffice is for KDE? | 05:05 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: okay, see if it says 'audio' anywhere | 05:05 |
SABDFL | Gnea: may i ask them? | 05:05 |
hckyplayer024 | gnea: yeah my network isnt hidden. and I have no problem connecting on my macbook pro, just the ubuntu desktop | 05:05 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea it does | 05:05 |
Flannel | SABDFL: please do | 05:05 |
faileas | Gain: ya but you can use it in gnime too | 05:05 |
faileas | gnome | 05:05 |
Gain | hmm | 05:05 |
Gain | is it better than open office though | 05:05 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea 29(audio), 30 (dip) | 05:05 |
faileas | better is relative | 05:05 |
Gnea | hckyplayer024: weird... what wireless card are you using? | 05:06 |
ebaby | everex stepnote nc 1502 not found on /hardwareSupportMachines - works fine during install just want to make install settings stick after restart... | 05:06 |
CyBurnett | trying to run "Haiku" on vmware player in Ubuntu 8.04 but get "insufficient permissions | 05:06 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: and when you type: cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp it errors out? | 05:06 |
Gain | thing that pisses me off about openoffice is how terrible the interface is | 05:06 |
jp_sf | Gain: There are a lot of alternatives have you tried Lotus symphony ? | 05:06 |
Gain | no... | 05:06 |
SABDFL | alright, well on ubuntu last night i was pitching a woo with a pachuco (a mighty fine pip), but it turned out the frail was a moll, so the damn rascal left tracks and made the kiss off... taking my ubuntu box with her. | 05:06 |
jp_sf | jp_sf: StarOffice Lotus Symphony Abiword | 05:07 |
Gnea | hrm. | 05:07 |
jp_sf | ... | 05:07 |
hckyplayer024 | Gnea: Wusb54GC. Ive connected to my network at home just fine using ndiswrapper but then when I brought my computer to my dorm it doesnt see my home network | 05:07 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea dev/dsp: No such file or directory | 05:07 |
tristanmike | can someone please help me with my surround sound ? | 05:07 |
faileas | CyBurnett: try sudo chown <username> -R /path/to/haikuvm (the r might be small. the path is where the vm is) | 05:07 |
Gain | jp_sf, well check em out thanks | 05:07 |
caimlas | does anyone here know anything about the i/o scheduler used by default in ubuntu, and why doing anything under high disk I/O might be painfully slow on a laptop? | 05:07 |
Gnea | SABDFL: what do we look like, a detective agency? | 05:07 |
ebaby | its using the file: "" can anyone help me to set it up correctly? | 05:08 |
Flannel | Gnea: That's not necessary | 05:08 |
Gnea | Flannel: he could just be really miffed about someone stealing his stuff | 05:08 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea do you think we have any chance of geting this working? | 05:09 |
Gain | jp_sf, which do you use? Star office? | 05:09 |
jp_sf | ebaby: sar is your friend it will gives you plenty of information if you don't like it try ksar a graphical frontend | 05:09 |
ebaby | I know Ubuntu will work on this machine as it was running Edubuntu prior I just dont know how to get the settings to stick - help | 05:09 |
jp_sf | Gain: no OO | 05:09 |
douglas | hello. i've been having some problems with my mouse having a mind of its own. i installed 8.10 fresh on a toshiba satellite 3005 s307. it is most noticeable in firefox but it also happens in kyle. mouse works fine in winxp. any ideas? | 05:10 |
faileas | Gain: / jp_sf: staroffice IS openoffice | 05:10 |
jp_sf | Gain: but I'm an agnostic I use sometimes Abiword Lotus symphony too | 05:10 |
raylu | jp_sf: seriously? | 05:10 |
ebaby | jp_sf: not familiar with sar can you hip me to it as I am a fresh around here | 05:10 |
jp_sf | <raylu> jp_sf: seriously? ? | 05:11 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: at this point, I'm not sure... I suppose you could try turning all of the selectors in alsamixer up and see if you can hear anything... do you have hydrogen installed? | 05:11 |
ebaby | jp_sf: i assume you mean type sar into terminal to get the info I need? | 05:11 |
raylu | jp_sf: you use abiword lotus? | 05:11 |
caimlas | On intrepid my laptop gets very unresponsive (think: like when copying to a floppy disk in Windows) when I've got any sort of disk i/o load. does anyone here know anything about the i/o scheduler used by default or some way to give the UI and desktop applications i/o preference (as was more of a default back in older kernel versions, it seems)? | 05:12 |
jp_sf | raylu: I do yes and I think it is a good alternative Lotus symphony that IBM gives for free yes | 05:12 |
ov3rfl0w | I have a problem with the compiz fusion. Or better, the erase window effect it works, but not properly. | 05:13 |
jp_sf | faileas: Staroffice =! Openoffice | 05:13 |
br3nden | Whats wrong with this scp command? scp /home/user/file.tar.gz | 05:13 |
faileas | jbernard: openoffice is a fork from staroffice | 05:13 |
faileas | er jp_sf even | 05:13 |
ov3rfl0w | I had write some html code, but some how it's gone. | 05:13 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea I have audio | 05:13 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea I started JACK | 05:14 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea I just took a guess | 05:14 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea I wonder if I ought to reinstall pulseaudio? | 05:14 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: at this point, pulseaudio isn't going to make the slightest bit of difference. | 05:14 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea ok | 05:14 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: see if you can get hydrogen to work with or without jack | 05:15 |
amuro | pulseaudio sucks | 05:15 |
Gnea | amuro: amen. | 05:15 |
evilGUI | hello if I install Ubuntu to a external usb hd will it put the MBR on my main drive? | 05:15 |
amuro | it doesnt allow more than one app have sound | 05:15 |
luddite | i have a laptop that wifi isnt working on - ethernet isnt either - so i downloaded 4 .deb files that are dependancies to install - but where should i put them to be installed as dependancies from teh disk and not the internets? | 05:16 |
PriceChild | amuro: that sounds more like an oss app having stolen the soundcard to me than pulseaudio shenanigans | 05:16 |
PriceChild | amuro: and pulseaudio does wonders for me. I personally think its great. | 05:16 |
nbeebo | how do i do so the sound i hear on my desktop goes into the microphone without having one? ------ if u understand what im saying but dont know the answer can u help me rephrase? i suck at it lol | 05:16 |
CyBurnett | faileas | 05:17 |
ebaby | jp_sf: command tells me i need to get 1 of 2 packages - sysstat or atsar which is the preferred choice? | 05:17 |
CyBurnett | faileas, Thanks but didnt work as it says no such file or directory | 05:17 |
amuro | PriceChild, on my desktop, i killall pulseaudio then all my sounds work happily together | 05:17 |
Gnea | amuro: by default, it does not. sadly, ubuntu does not do a decent job of setting pulseaudio up the way that some other distros do. it is a problem that we're trying to address. | 05:17 |
jp_sf | ebaby: systat | 05:17 |
amuro | i just use alsa for all sound | 05:17 |
tbrock | guys, what is the best package for flash support in firefox | 05:18 |
tbrock | the adobe one? | 05:18 |
LawnGnome1 | Hello | 05:18 |
jp_sf | ebaby: you drive is not dying no ? | 05:18 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea I had a jack audio error: could not connect to JACK server as client | 05:18 |
tyta_linux | I guess I'll have to post on the forums | 05:18 |
jp_sf | ebaby: all recent harddirves support smartd | 05:18 |
tyta_linux | Thanks anyway for you're time everyone | 05:18 |
faileas | CyBurnett: you need to change the 'path/to/' to the directory the files for the vm are | 05:18 |
badcat | greetings all, and happy new yew year. does anyone know a way i can access my computers BIOS from within linux instead of rebooting? | 05:18 |
jp_sf | ebaby: a must read | 05:18 |
Gnea | PriceChild: I can't get pulseaudio to work decently at all. I have tried, and it just doesn't work right, no matter what tutorial I try to follow off of the ubuntu forums. | 05:19 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea i am sure it is my error as I learn how to use jack | 05:19 |
CyBurnett | faileas, Yes I did that but didnt work | 05:19 |
tbrock | !flash | 05:19 |
ubottu | To install Flash see (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 05:19 |
tristanmike | can someone please help me get my surround sound working in 8.10. I just upgraded from 8.04 and now my surround sound no longer works. Please and thanks. | 05:19 |
exodus_ms | tyta_linux: good luck, thank you for using #ubuntu, come back again | 05:19 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea I just think it is weird that I have t fire up Jack to get audio at all | 05:19 |
amuro | Gnea, completely remove pulseaudio and set everything using alsa | 05:19 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: jack is one of those tricky apps that you need to get the jackd up and running first | 05:19 |
amuro | tbrock, flashplugin-nonfree | 05:20 |
jp_sf | badcat dmidecode | 05:20 |
tbrock | why is that one the best amuro | 05:20 |
ov3rfl0w | How can I exec my text editor that I just have lost? For some way and how I put the cursor at the window and move a little bit. Then it's gone. | 05:20 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea hmm not sure if I opened Jackd or even saw it in applications | 05:20 |
eseven73 | amuro: that's what i did, i too had one pulseaudio issue after the other, so i just completly uninstalled it, sound issues went bye bye :) | 05:20 |
amuro | eseven73, yes pulseaudio sucks | 05:21 |
Zombie_Gaz | Anyone can help with Apache2? I can see it working through http://localhost but I can't access pages via my ip address. | 05:21 |
amuro | i dont know why when alsa works perfect, then they mess with pulseaudio? | 05:21 |
exodus_ms | #apache | 05:21 |
eseven73 | well i dont thin it sucks i think its what Gnea was saying a bit ago about its more an issue of how ubuntu sets it up than anything else | 05:21 |
MenZa | Zombie_Gaz: Your local IP address, or your broadcast IP address? | 05:21 |
jp_sf | badcat: sudo dmidecode | 05:22 |
LawnGnome1 | I still cannot read these itty bittyy letters | 05:22 |
amuro | any op here? | 05:22 |
ebaby | jp_sf: failed to fetch http://... - any other cmd to get the packages | 05:22 |
DigitalFiz | im having a weird issue, when I reboot ubuntu it comes up and all the apperence stuff is set to none and i have to set it back to advanced and go into compiz settings manager and set all my settings again like the cube and the rotation stuff anyone know why? it happened after some recent updates | 05:22 |
nck | anyone experiencing idle cpu temp is higher under intrepid than previous version or OS? | 05:22 |
MenZa | amuro: What do you need an op for? | 05:22 |
ebaby | jp_sf: harddrive failing is that your take on the problem...? | 05:22 |
badcat | jp_sf, thanks will give it a try | 05:22 |
amuro | i wanna file a complain | 05:22 |
amuro | admin abuse | 05:22 |
eseven73 | I'd kill to be an op here or any large channel for that matter :) | 05:22 |
MenZa | amuro: Please try #ubuntu-ops, amuro | 05:22 |
jp_sf | ebaby: no but who knows a harddrive that dy is something frequeent | 05:22 |
sheena1 | updated recently to Intrepid. was using Hardy before. youtube videos now play the first 2 seconds, then quit/freeze. I can jump the video ahead (clicking on the play bar) and it will play about 2 seconds from that point and do the same. | 05:23 |
mib_2dc6mp | for some reason I am only getting one chanel to work my left speaker is not doing anything | 05:23 |
MenZa | mib_2dc6mp: It might seem a little obvious, but is the volume on the left channel muted or turned down? | 05:25 |
ebaby | jp_sf: as weird as it sounds that would almost be easier to deal with than having a picture perfect install only to reboot to the Twilight zone on your screen - so I assume failed to fetch means that the machine cant access the net or the files are no longer at that location? | 05:25 |
eseven73 | is there a way to get irssi to show the channel without having to re enter the channel? | 05:25 |
jp_sf | <ebaby> jp_sf: failed to fetch ? sysstat | 05:25 |
ov3rfl0w | How can I exec one file that is in /home/paste/file.txt, for example? | 05:25 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: is that with jack? | 05:25 |
Flannel | eseven73: you mean /names? or /topic? | 05:25 |
faileas | bleh | 05:25 |
MenZa | eseven73: As in, automatically join the channel upon starting it? | 05:25 |
faileas | LVM is a bit annoying to set up | 05:25 |
ebaby | jp_sf: yeah that's the message i got | 05:25 |
ov3rfl0w | At the terminal, of course. | 05:25 |
tristanmike | Anyone good with sound ? | 05:25 |
BlackDalek | Does anyone here know how to add Soulseek buddies on Nicotine? Isn't Nicotine supposed to use the SoulSeek network? | 05:26 |
eseven73 | no i mean show like 1300 | 05:26 |
MenZa | !anyone > tristanmike | 05:26 |
ov3rfl0w | no, no | 05:26 |
ubottu | tristanmike, please see my private message | 05:26 |
=== rebel_kid|zZzZ is now known as rebel_kid | ||
sheena1 | anyone update to Intrepid and find some bugs with youtube? | 05:26 |
jp_sf | ebaby: sorry to ask again what happens if you type : sudo apt-get install sysstat | 05:26 |
ebaby | i'll try again "apt-get syssat" right? | 05:26 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea I closed Jack and just have Hydrogen going | 05:26 |
eseven73 | MenZa: i know theres a couple irssi scripts that show user count, but i was hoping it was built in maybe | 05:26 |
Zombie_Gaz | Need help with Apache2... I can access my index.html from http://localhost but not from my ip addresss. Help? | 05:26 |
MenZa | eseven73: I'm still not entirely sure what you're trying to. | 05:26 |
amuro | sheena1, the youtube bug probably the flash | 05:26 |
Flannel | eseven73: At the bottom of /names it gives the total. Also, there's a plugin you can get thta'll give you a total all the time in your menu | 05:27 |
ov3rfl0w | It's not that. I have one file open, but It's gone of my screen. | 05:27 |
MenZa | Zombie_Gaz: As I said before - is this your LAN IP, or is it your broadcast public IP? | 05:27 |
tristanmike | I just would like to get my surround sound working on a fresh install of 8.10 on a SoundBlaster 5.1. I don't understand PulseAudio | 05:27 |
sheena1 | amuro: youtube videos now play the first 2 seconds, then quit/freeze. I can jump the video ahead (clicking on the play bar) and it will play about 2 seconds from that point and do the same. | 05:27 |
mike | hey does any one know where to get music for music player | 05:27 |
eseven73 | Flannel: thanks thats what i was trying to get at | 05:27 |
Zombie_Gaz | public ip... i'm trying for. | 05:27 |
ov3rfl0w | And I didn't no how come back. | 05:27 |
amuro | sheena1, check your flash version | 05:27 |
MenZa | mike: holds a lot of freely-licensed music. | 05:27 |
amuro | sheena1, the newest is version 10 | 05:27 |
mike | thanks | 05:27 |
MenZa | mike: Another source is your local music shop. :) | 05:27 |
Zombie_Gaz | but both i suppose. all i can get to work is localhost / | 05:27 |
Flannel | eseven73: Look into the "usercount" plugin | 05:28 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea I wonder if it is something in that clunky alsamixer | 05:28 |
MenZa | mike: You could also check the Magnatune store integration in Amarok and Rhythmbox, or the Jamendo store. | 05:28 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: check your preferences in the audio tab, make sure the output driver is set accordingly | 05:28 |
sheena1 | amuro, i'm checking now. | 05:28 |
jp_sf | Zombie_Gaz: you need to specify the IP for the server to accept connection | 05:28 |
eseven73 | Flannel: ok ty | 05:28 |
mike | are they free | 05:28 |
Zombie_Gaz | jp_sf: go on... | 05:28 |
the_dark_warrio | What is the variable which keeps locations for libraries? It seems the variable got changed, since no lib is found on /usr/local/lib anymore... | 05:28 |
MenZa | mike: No, they require you to purchase the music. | 05:28 |
mike | ok good | 05:28 |
mike | thanks | 05:28 |
jp_sf | Zombie_Gaz it is called port ip binding | 05:28 |
illmortal | Anyone know how to obtain gparted? Synaptic Package Manager doesn't have it on list. | 05:28 |
tom1122 | I'm running eeeXubuntu. After a screwy update a week ago, I no longer have any wireless capable devices apparently. iwconfig and modprobe can't find anything, and i install linux-backports-modules to no avail. What went wrong?I'm running eeeXubuntu. After a screwy update a week ago, I no longer have any wireless capable devices apparently. iwconfig and modprobe can't find anything, and i install linux-backports-modules to no | 05:28 |
tom1122 | avail. What went wrong? | 05:28 |
jinja-sheep | Where do theme packages usually store the themes in? | 05:28 |
tom1122 | ^ Shite, sorry. | 05:28 |
MenZa | illmortal: sudo apt-get install gparted. It should be in Synaptic, though. | 05:29 |
jp_sf | Zombie_Gaz: vi /etc/apache2/ports.conf | 05:29 |
Mayank | why my firefox closes itself...?, any random time.. | 05:29 |
sheena1 | amuro: add remove tells me it's downloading from version 9 link. should i go to the adobe homepage? | 05:29 |
nickrud | the_dark_warrio, try running ldconfig , that rebuilds lib relationships. See /etc/* | 05:29 |
illmortal | MenZa, I think I have to add new repos or something in Synaptic <,< | 05:29 |
amuro | sheena1, yes goto adobe page | 05:29 |
mati | Hi you know how to set up ubuntu as IDS ? | 05:29 |
MenZa | illmortal: Doh. It's installed by default. | 05:29 |
jp_sf | Zombie_Gaz: and then Listen x.x.x.x:80 as an example x are your IP right ? | 05:29 |
amuro | sheena1, the one in ubuntu repos is old | 05:29 |
ebaby | jp_sf: final message is "could not resolve '' | 05:29 |
illmortal | ah | 05:29 |
the_dark_warrio | nickrud: thanks, I will take a look | 05:30 |
MenZa | illmortal: System → Administration → Partition Editor - my bad. | 05:30 |
amuro | sheena1, get the .deb file from adobe homepage | 05:30 |
Zombie_Gaz | jp_sf: ok... so this is my REAL ip not my local ip (ie: 192.168.x) | 05:30 |
sheena1 | amuro: it's going now. that should fix the problem? | 05:30 |
jp_sf | Zombie_Gaz: depends... too late | 05:30 |
illmortal | np got it :P | 05:30 |
the_dark_warrio | nickrud: Thanks ;) that did the trick | 05:30 |
MenZa | illmortal: I'm not... completely sure it's installed by standard. In any case, if it isn't, it can be installed with `sudo apt-get install gparted` and run from the menu I described before. | 05:30 |
amuro | sheena1, maybe | 05:31 |
sheena1 | amuro: do i need to uninstall the old one or anything? does it do all that on its own? | 05:31 |
amuro | sheena1, i cant garantee | 05:31 |
LawnGnome1 | Ok, back,,sorta...any fixes for SeaMonkey in the works? | 05:31 |
ebaby | jp_sf: it seems it was unable to get all that it needed as 40.8kb of archives were needed and it gave that error mssg | 05:31 |
amuro | sheena1, yes u have to completely remove the old one first | 05:31 |
amuro | sheena1, there is a tutorial how on the internet | 05:31 |
eseven73 | Mayank: what sort of extensions are you running? that would be my first guess, you could try to backup your .mozilla folder and delete it, and rerun firefox to see if that helps, but please back it up before you do this! | 05:31 |
sheena1 | amuro: can you link me there? i'll google it.. | 05:31 |
jp_sf | ebaby: is the machine you are using irc ? | 05:31 |
illmortal | MenZa, ya I did the apt-get install gparted and "partition editor" popped into the admin menu, so good to go :P | 05:31 |
amuro | sheena1, | 05:32 |
MenZa | illmortal: Excellent. Be careful, though; it's a WMD. | 05:32 |
Mayank | i have done that before, eseven73, what u think, should i download mozilla (windows version), and run use that in future? | 05:32 |
Morgwyr | Hey everyone. I'm trying to get a network bridge on my laptop, bridging the wireless and the wired. Any suggestions on where I should go/ | 05:32 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea I can also change the mixer from Mia (alsa) to a variety of things | 05:32 |
ebaby | jp_sf: no I am using another machine for this irc - the other could access net during install though | 05:32 |
nbeebo | how do i do so the sound i hear on my desktop goes into the microphone without having one? ------ if u understand what im saying but dont know the answer can u help me rephrase? | 05:33 |
jp_sf | ebaby: seems it lost connection | 05:33 |
tom1122 | I'm running eeeXubuntu. After a screwy update a week ago, I no longer have any wireless capable devices apparently. iwconfig and modprobe can't find anything, and i install linux-backports-modules to no avail. What went wrong? | 05:33 |
eseven73 | Mayank: hmmm no running things in wine is not the answer... you're on 8.10 i take it? | 05:33 |
MenZa | nbeebo: What you'd like to know is how to mix your output channel (e.g. speakers) to work as a microphone, effectively perceiving any sound you play as a sound played into the microphone. | 05:34 |
Mayank | yes, eseven73 | 05:34 |
nbeebo | MenZa, yes thats correct thank you... | 05:34 |
illmortal | lol MenZa | 05:34 |
ebaby | jp_sf: my hunch is to figure out a way to make the settings that the machine used during install to stick after the restart. any tips on getting that to work | 05:34 |
luddite | luddite | 05:34 |
luddite | whoops | 05:34 |
mikegriffin | hello, i did a dist-upgrade and some fonts that appear in dpkg are not available to things like firefox, do i need to do something with defoma? | 05:34 |
illmortal | Oh MenZa, quick question.. what's Linux-Swap for?... Because I'm about to delete the partition as for some reason it's given 5gb | 05:35 |
MenZa | illmortal: 5GB seems a bit excessive. It's like ... virtual RAM. | 05:35 |
mikegriffin | illmortal: you have about 2G of RAM? | 05:35 |
MenZa | illmortal: How much RAM do you have? | 05:35 |
mikegriffin | typically you want 2x physical ram | 05:35 |
illmortal | Yeah I have 16GB of RAM actually <,<; | 05:35 |
MenZa | O_O | 05:35 |
faileas | lol | 05:35 |
Mayank | eseven73, what software i use in ubuntu for mobile connection, wammu is fine? | 05:35 |
newbie-ubuntu | my ubuntu laptop seems to be slow . can someone please help me out | 05:35 |
throwt | dont delete it | 05:35 |
amuro | 16GB of ram? | 05:35 |
mikegriffin | illmortal: i would leave it at at least 5G | 05:35 |
illmortal | LOL | 05:35 |
throwt | keep the 5gb of sap | 05:35 |
MenZa | I agree with throwt. | 05:36 |
illmortal | ok | 05:36 |
mib_2dc6mp | The Weirdest thing just happened Gnea | 05:36 |
illmortal | i wasn't sure | 05:36 |
amuro | illmortal, u dont need swap at all | 05:36 |
MenZa | Personally, I don't do the whole swap thing, but it's good practice. | 05:36 |
mikegriffin | amuro: lies | 05:36 |
amuro | sudo swapoff | 05:36 |
illmortal | <_< | 05:36 |
fgc | lol | 05:36 |
Fezzler | for some reason my Network set up disappeared today. All I can think of is A) someone is hacking my system, B) installing bsc did something | 05:36 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea I unplugged the speaker that wasnt working and the other speaker doubled in volume | 05:36 |
mati | do you know how to set up ubuntu as IDS ? | 05:36 |
Doonz | Hey im lookking at a way to speed up internet browsing. Crurrently i have my xp bo running to my ubuntu box wich is the firewall and the dns server. What can i do on the Ubuntu bax to speed things up? | 05:36 |
Fezzler | I mean the wireless AND wired set up - GONE | 05:36 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: o.O | 05:36 |
amuro | mikegriffin, if u have 16GB of ram u dont need swap | 05:36 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: well, at least it's trying to work lol | 05:36 |
mikegriffin | Doonz: pay your isp more money? | 05:36 |
mikegriffin | amuro: wrong | 05:36 |
illmortal | ok amuro <,< | 05:36 |
illmortal | wait | 05:37 |
MenZa | Doonz: Just a piece of advice; in case this yields no answers, try #ubuntu-server - it's more a server-related question. | 05:37 |
Mayank | guys, what i use for mobile (sony), wammu, gammu or both????????? | 05:37 |
MenZa | mikegriffin: Please none of that sarcasm here. | 05:37 |
Fezzler | off the panels | 05:37 |
Doonz | its a 25/1 line | 05:37 |
tristanmike | Can someone help me get my rear speakers working under 8.10 and a SoundBlaster 5.1. It was working fine on 8.04 before I upgraded this evening. Thanks in advance. | 05:37 |
amuro | mikegriffin, i have 3GB ram, when i turn off swap, everything runs fast | 05:37 |
arquebus | can anyone point me to info on installing php/mysql/apache on ubuntu? | 05:37 |
Doonz | ok thanx Menza | 05:37 |
eseven73 | Mayank: not sure sorry, im still trying to find a fix for your firefox :) | 05:37 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: I'm gonna see if I can't get this pulseaudio thing to work right | 05:37 |
illmortal | alright so with 16gb of ram, i don't need swap or do I still need? I have 5TB of HD space as well but just wasn't sure about swap... | 05:37 |
mikegriffin | MenZa: when was i sarcastic? | 05:37 |
flubuntu | hi all... i have a ps3 in need opf a and dlna or media server; alot out there but which media server to you suggest for PS3 i have ubuntu 8.10 and 8.04.. thanks in advance! | 05:37 |
MenZa | !apachemysqlphp | arquebus | 05:37 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about apachemysqlphp | 05:37 |
MenZa | arquebus: Give me a sec to find the link | 05:37 |
Mayank | thanx...eseven73..:) | 05:37 |
nickrud | !lamp | 05:37 |
ubottu | LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 05:37 |
tristanmike | flubuntu: I use MediaTomb | 05:37 |
illmortal | LAMP FTW! | 05:38 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: I've been fighting with it for months now, it's getting redundant | 05:38 |
eqnix | ill: you'll never need swap unless you plan on using 8+gb of ram at any given time | 05:38 |
arquebus | nickrud thx | 05:38 |
MenZa | <- arquebus | 05:38 |
illmortal | ok cool | 05:38 |
flubuntu | is elisa compatable | 05:38 |
amuro | illmortal, set up a swap partition but turn it on when u really need it, but i doubt u need swap | 05:38 |
flubuntu | with ps3 | 05:38 |
ebaby | jp_sf: I read that using the cmd "sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst" might get the settings to stick but I get an error mssg when I enter that not sure why though | 05:38 |
illmortal | alright sweet :D | 05:38 |
mikegriffin | amuro: that is bad advice illmortal: you should leave swap on | 05:38 |
illmortal | o.o; | 05:38 |
nickrud | ebaby, you should use gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst | 05:38 |
tristanmike | flubuntu: if you're asking is it compatible with the PS3, yes. I stream all my music, movies and photos to it | 05:38 |
Dead1 | sup | 05:38 |
Dead1 | hi every body | 05:39 |
illmortal | well can I minimize it?... like say to 2gb of swap? | 05:39 |
mikegriffin | illmortal: if you think you are swapping too much as confirmed with vmstat, you might play with systcl vm.swappiness, try 30 | 05:39 |
nbeebo | What I'd like to know is how to mix your output channel (e.g. speakers) to work as a microphone, effectively perceiving any sound you play as a sound played into the microphone. | 05:39 |
arquebus | Menza- thx | 05:39 |
amuro | mikegriffin, i have 3GB ram and i turn off swap, nothing happen | 05:39 |
Dead1 | well this is my firs time on this | 05:39 |
MenZa | arquebus: Welcome. | 05:39 |
RukusX | jp_sf, i don't know man. hooked it up to gf's comp to chkdsk /f and then noticed... "This device is nbot running at hi-speed, if you connect this to a usb 2.0 hub... etc.." message. maybe i need a new cord? i might just invest in a high quality one. | 05:39 |
mikegriffin | amuro: great, good job | 05:39 |
eqnix | is a lot better than elisa | 05:39 |
eseven73 | LAMP is so easy in 8.04 anyways, if anyone would like a link for the howto just hollar, I got my LAMP set up in like 15 mins and I'm not a guru :) | 05:39 |
MenZa | Dead1: Welcome to #ubuntu. | 05:39 |
mikegriffin | MenZa: that *was* sarcasm | 05:39 |
Dead1 | hey suo | 05:39 |
fgc | hi guys...don't know if anyone here is experienced with pgplot 5.2, but trying to install on ubuntu 8.10, but get errors with gcc-3.4 and i need to just start from scratch with an install of 8.04? | 05:39 |
flubuntu | thanks tristanmike... | 05:39 |
tristanmike | flubuntu: check out their home page, you can also install it via synaptic | 05:39 |
faileas | RukusX: its not the cord | 05:39 |
Dead1 | y just download ubunto for games | 05:39 |
nickrud | amuro, in general, bad advice. You're welcome to use what you like, but don't advise Works for Me™ | 05:39 |
Dead1 | look great | 05:39 |
mikegriffin | nickrud: thank you! | 05:39 |
faileas | RukusX: its either you have a cheap USB hub, or an older system | 05:40 |
RukusX | faileas, what is it? | 05:40 |
tristanmike | flubuntu: you have to make a couple of changes listed in the webpage, be sure to read it | 05:40 |
Dead1 | m_ | 05:40 |
MenZa | Dead1: This channel is only for support requests - any other discussion can take place in #ubuntu-offtopic :) | 05:40 |
arquebus | eseven- please Id like the link to your howto on lamp | 05:40 |
eseven73 | k one sec | 05:40 |
nickrud | mikegriffin, that Works for Me™ is handy ;) | 05:40 |
Dead1 | ok | 05:40 |
RukusX | faileas, its a 2 year old HP running XP and a 3 year old Dell running Ubuntu | 05:40 |
faileas | in general though, short of popping in a PCI USB card, there's not much you can do, RukusX | 05:40 |
Dead1 | so u have to go out.. | 05:40 |
mikegriffin | nickrud: swap is A Good ThingTM | 05:40 |
Dead1 | or | 05:40 |
faileas | RukusX: which box is giving the error? | 05:40 |
RukusX | faileas, your assumptions that i am at my ends here, beilders me | 05:40 |
RukusX | bewilders | 05:41 |
faileas | still, swapping the cord dosen't do anything ;) | 05:41 |
eseven73 | arquebus: | 05:41 |
mikegriffin | any clues on my font issue? | 05:41 |
mikegriffin | hello, i did a dist-upgrade and some fonts that appear in dpkg are not available to things like firefox, do i need to do something with defoma? | 05:41 |
arquebus | eseven73: ah big thanks | 05:41 |
eseven73 | Mayank: i havent forgotten about you | 05:41 |
nickrud | mikegriffin, bitmapped fonts? | 05:41 |
MenZa | mikegriffin: Have you logged out and back in? | 05:41 |
eseven73 | anytime | 05:41 |
Mayank | thanx...eseven73..:) | 05:41 |
mikegriffin | MenZa: rebooted to new kernel | 05:41 |
mikegriffin | nickrud: opensymbol | 05:41 |
ebaby | nickrud: i get "cannot open display" when I enter that cmd | 05:41 |
MenZa | Pass | 05:42 |
nickrud | ebaby, are you running that in a terminal on the desktop? | 05:42 |
RukusX | faileas, XP recognize it as "not being connected to a USB hi speed hub and lists ones available (which is all of them) and Ubuntu drives me nuts eith speeds of 1.1mb/sec and tell me " not running at top speed; connect to a high speed hub" | 05:42 |
RukusX | eith = with | 05:42 |
faileas | RukusX: what device? | 05:42 |
fgc | is there serious errors with installing gcc-3.4 and g77-3.4 on ubuntu 8.10? | 05:42 |
RukusX | External Hard drive | 05:42 |
ebaby | nickrud: yes i booted into recovery and entered the root and am typing commands into the terminal | 05:43 |
faileas | RukusX: is the external drive USB 2.0 compatable? >_> | 05:43 |
eseven73 | Mayank: can you close all firefox out, and type 'firefox' in a terminal and pastebin some of the errors if any? | 05:43 |
RukusX | faileas at least the packaging claimed it was. | 05:43 |
nickrud | ebaby, so you're typing into a console, rather than running the gui? | 05:43 |
Mayank | no error i think...ok..wait | 05:43 |
RukusX | faileas i'm not using the usb cord that was supplied with it | 05:43 |
faileas | RukusX: shouldn't matter | 05:43 |
reportingsjr | If I upgrade to the next version of ubuntu will it delete/mess up any of my programs? | 05:44 |
eseven73 | Mayank: the terminal should spit out all kinds of stuff when you run 'firefox' from it | 05:44 |
Mayank | error | 05:44 |
nbeebo | What I'd like to know is how to mix your output channel (e.g. speakers) to work as a microphone, effectively perceiving any sound you play as a sound played into the microphone. To the extend of broadcasting audio files trough means of thy service ventrilo unt voice-in game. | 05:44 |
Mayank | and nothing in terminal | 05:44 |
ebaby | nickrud: yes as there is no gui for me after the restart following install | 05:44 |
nbeebo | extent* lol | 05:44 |
eseven73 | Mayank: ok try to surf a bit and keep watching terminal for errors | 05:44 |
Zombie_Gaz | Can anyone help me with Apache2... I can only see my web page via http://localhost not via my ip address. | 05:44 |
nickrud | ebaby, gedit only runs when the X is running, and you have a graphical desktop. You can use nano. And if you're using the recovery console, you don't need sudo because you're already root. | 05:44 |
newbie-ubuntu | guys anyone here with some vmware expertise to help me out | 05:44 |
faileas | Zombie_Gaz: check if the ports are open | 05:45 |
fgc | i've been reading the forums and from what i can tell, it's because g77 is no longer supported and gfortran is however pgplot suggests f2c and other fortran compilers don't compile some code that g77 can, which is needed with pgplot | 05:45 |
Mayank | ok..i do that...u tell me what i use for mobile..wammu, gammu or both download/install, eseven73? | 05:45 |
faileas | newbie-ubuntu: might wanna try the vmware channel as well | 05:45 |
newbie-ubuntu | thanks faileas | 05:45 |
reportingsjr | If I upgrade to the next version of ubuntu will it delete/mess up any of my programs? | 05:45 |
nickrud | Zombie_Gaz, you mean the local network ip or the internet ip? | 05:45 |
eseven73 | Mayank: one sec | 05:45 |
Zombie_Gaz | faileas: explain. i have gone into my router and make a port range forward for 80 | 05:45 |
faileas | reportingsjr: hopefully no | 05:45 |
colton1 | i need some help please, i have a ATI Mobility Radeon X300 and the highest resolution i can get is 1024x768...i should be able to get 1400x1050 | 05:45 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea for some reason it seems that both of the speakers are on the same line, even though they are stereo left and right | 05:45 |
Zombie_Gaz | nickrud: internet ip AND local network ip | 05:45 |
faileas | Zombie_Gaz: try another port. lots of home isps block port 90 | 05:45 |
reportingsjr | faileas: hopefully? hehe. That's good enough for me :) | 05:46 |
RukusX | faileas, i am dumbfounded then | 05:46 |
mikegriffin | nickrud: i think i found it in dpkg ttf-opensymbol.postinst | 05:46 |
faileas | RukusX: ditto i'm afraid | 05:46 |
caimlas | On intrepid my laptop gets very unresponsive (think: like when copying to a floppy disk in Windows) when I've got any sort of disk i/o load. does anyone here know anything about the i/o scheduler used by default or some way to give the UI and desktop applications i/o preference (as was more of a default back in older kernel versions, it seems)? | 05:46 |
mikegriffin | if [ "$1" = "configure" ] && [ -x /usr/bin/fc-cache ] && [ -e /etc/fonts/fonts.conf ]; then | 05:46 |
mikegriffin | fc-cache -fs | 05:46 |
Zombie_Gaz | faileas: i'm on port 80 | 05:46 |
nickrud | mikegriffin, that looks nomal ... | 05:46 |
mikegriffin | nickrud: i wanted to figure out how to regen | 05:47 |
getxsick | i use x11 video, and under gmplayer i have blue borders in full screen mode, for mplayer they are black ones, how to set them to the black in gmplayer? | 05:47 |
fgc | is there a better channel for me to be on with questions relating to installing pgplot? | 05:47 |
eseven73 | Mayank: hmm from what i can tell Wammu is just the frontend for gammu, but i'm really not an expert on mobile stuff :) | 05:47 |
RukusX | faileas running a well due chkdsk on the drive with my XP machine. its taking some time. I'm sure its got some problems to fix. i should defrag it too | 05:47 |
fgc | well not pgplot but g77- and gcc 3.4 | 05:47 |
ebaby | nickrud: ok so then I am not sure which cmds to use then perhaps you can give me an assist as you may have explained why these cmds were not working - I am at: root@dawoud-ubuntu-latop:~# | 05:47 |
mikegriffin | fgc: pgplot is not in apt.. | 05:47 |
Mayank | so i download both..thanx:) | 05:48 |
faileas | RukusX: try jkdefrag for that ;) | 05:48 |
eseven73 | np | 05:48 |
tristanmike | Can someone please tell me if Ubuntu 8.10 supports surround sound ? Thanks | 05:48 |
mikegriffin | caimlas: cat /sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler | 05:48 |
RukusX | ok thanks | 05:48 |
thompa | im getting a failure of fsck on boot to check sda2 my swap partition. Does it need to do that? | 05:48 |
mikegriffin | should be completly fair (cfq) | 05:48 |
fgc | mikegriffin: yeah i know...pgplot is easy enough to install if g77 and gcc 3.4 is, i added universal to my repositories | 05:48 |
fgc | but still no luck with those | 05:48 |
reportingsjr | how do I upgrade to the next version with apt? | 05:48 |
mikegriffin | fgc: since its not in apt, its likely people here dont know it | 05:48 |
Flannel | !upgrade | reportingsjr | 05:49 |
ubottu | reportingsjr: For upgrading, see the instructions at | 05:49 |
nickrud | ebaby, ok. if you want to edit menu.lst, try typing nano /boot/grub/menu.lst | 05:49 |
faileas | nickrud / ebaby : you need a sudo there | 05:49 |
fgc | mikegriffin: thanks it easy enough to downgrade to 8.04 or is a complete re-install needed to do that? | 05:49 |
nickrud | faileas, not in recovery console ;) | 05:49 |
faileas | fgc: complete reinstall | 05:49 |
faileas | nickrud: oops >_> | 05:50 |
nickrud | faileas, heh. been there, done that :) | 05:50 |
faileas | lol | 05:50 |
ebaby | nickrud: i believe that is what i want to do as this page: "" pretty much describes my probs and give some (possible) fixes for it. | 05:50 |
fgc | faileas: cool, thanks man...thought that would be the case...few more hours of fun to be had then :) | 05:50 |
fgc | faileas and mikegriffin thanks guys...much appreciated | 05:50 |
faileas | i was paying attention to the slightly annoyingly complex ubuntu cli install i am working on ;) | 05:50 |
faileas | (lvm is a pain to set up IMO ) | 05:50 |
mikegriffin | fgc: gnuplot no good? | 05:51 |
thompa | error im getting unable to check sda2 with fsck, but it is swap | 05:51 |
nickrud | ebaby, so you found the kernel options that enable your machine to install, now want to add them to menu.lst? | 05:51 |
GreedyB | Anyone here use Exaile!? | 05:51 |
mati | I see you talk a lot about sound to install those..I could not find on asus website ? | 05:51 |
fgc | mikegriffin: well this is for a friend who needs pgplot for their physics research...i'll find out, but i bet he doesn't know, hence me setting up his linux box :P | 05:51 |
Nautilus__ | i setup a lamp stack and things have been going good, but I put in some <iframe> code and FF tells me the browser doesnt support frames... what the heck would do that? | 05:52 |
mikegriffin | gnuplot may be a good replacement and is very common | 05:52 |
eseven73 | Mayank: some forums are suggesting maybe java is to blame for the crashes in firefox, go here to see if your java is working (if you see a dancing logo its working) | 05:52 |
fgc | mikegriffin: thanks mate...i'll try to find out, i know if that is fine then all would be good...thanks very much for your time | 05:52 |
tristanmike | Can someone help me get my rear speakers working under 8.10 and a SoundBlaster 5.1. It was working fine on 8.04 before I upgraded this evening. Thanks in advance. | 05:53 |
mikegriffin | fgc: np, its in apt btw | 05:53 |
tristanmike | I'm having a hard time with Pulse Audio | 05:53 |
fgc | yeah i noticed gnuplot there | 05:53 |
mikegriffin | nickrud: that fixed my font issues completely (fc-cache -fs) | 05:53 |
centr0 | whats the log file to check any errors at reboot? | 05:53 |
caimlas | mikegriffin, looks like it's [cfq] at the moment. | 05:53 |
centr0 | dmesg? | 05:53 |
nickrud | mikegriffin, if you can track down the update that broke that, you should file a bug. Good luck :) | 05:53 |
mikegriffin | caimlas: that is fine generally | 05:54 |
caimlas | mikegriffin, is that the "desktop" scheduler, then. | 05:54 |
caimlas | ? | 05:54 |
mikegriffin | nickrud: i went from gg to jj with apt :) | 05:54 |
mikegriffin | caimlas: yes | 05:54 |
nickrud | ebaby, :) | 05:54 |
ebaby | nickrud: well the article describes what is/was happening to me - install goes fine graphics works but after restart no graphics so I assume that if I can use the settings that were used during install and get them to stick then I am in business. This is not my forte so any assist U can give would be a lifejacket | 05:54 |
mikegriffin | caimlas: new default, old was anticipatory | 05:54 |
Paradigm_Shift | is there any update on when the nvidia driver problem will be resolved? | 05:54 |
caimlas | mikegriffin, out of curiosity, you wouldn't happen to know if newer hard drives don't report dma info via hdparm? | 05:55 |
npope | did Broadcom actually come out with a driver for bcm43xx cards? I am looking at Broadcom STA driver??? | 05:55 |
npope | Paradigm_Shift: what is the Nvidia problem? Mine works fine with the latest updates??? | 05:55 |
nickrud | ebaby, ok. I can help you add that stuff to menu.lst. You said you booted into recovery mode; you got the blue screen and selected recovery console (or words to that effect)? | 05:55 |
Mayank | java is enable in mozilla setting but in that site java is not enabled, eseven73? | 05:56 |
nickrud | ebaby, just want to make sure we're working from the same starting point | 05:56 |
Paradigm_Shift | npope - I have a 6600 that worked fine with Hardy. Now with Ibex the nvidia glx drivers fail at boot up | 05:56 |
caimlas | mikegriffin, hmm that's helpful, thanks. | 05:56 |
ebaby | nickrud: yes it gave options of ubuntu 8.10 straight or recovery Yes | 05:56 |
caimlas | mikegriffin, by old, you mean in hardy, I take? | 05:56 |
nickrud | so now you have a totally text screen? | 05:56 |
ebaby | nickrud: yes right now i am at GNU nano 2.0.7 | 05:57 |
npope | Paradigm_Shift: is that a known problem ? | 05:57 |
nickrud | with menu.lst open in it, I assume. | 05:57 |
Paradigm_Shift | npope - I believe so | 05:57 |
mikegriffin | caimlas: no in 2.4 kernel | 05:57 |
ebaby | nickrud: File: /boot/grub/menu/1st | 05:57 |
mikegriffin | caimlas: you can tune it in /sys/block/sda/queue/iosched/ | 05:57 |
Gnea | PriceChild: HRM, I can get pulseaudio to work, but sound skips. | 05:57 |
mikegriffin | caimlas: look at quantum and queued | 05:58 |
eseven73 | !java | Mayank get the sun java... | 05:58 |
ubottu | Mayank get the sun java...: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository | 05:58 |
* Gnea considers skipping sound to be 'not working right' | 05:58 | |
nickrud | ebaby, ok, look for the line # defoptions=quiet splash | 05:58 |
Gnea | it should be fluid and free of error, just like ALSA makes it sound. | 05:58 |
Paradigm_Shift | npope: what confuses me is that if all was well with 8.04, why would moving forward create the problem? There are a lot of users that are impacted. | 05:58 |
spionlala | is there a way to have autocomplete-on-tab (like in terminal) in the alt-f2-application-starter ? | 05:58 |
=== danny_ is now known as srvrsyde | ||
caimlas | mikegriffin, interesting. I've got a quantum (value '4') but no queued in there. | 05:59 |
mikegriffin | spionlala: in gnome? it seems to wait until the command is unambig | 05:59 |
npope | Paradigm_Shift: this is interesting. I am doing some googling right now. Have they located the problem | 05:59 |
mikegriffin | caimlas: me too.. | 05:59 |
ebaby | nickrud: yeah looke dfor it but it is not here options are (for example:) ^g Get Help ^O Write out ^R Read file etc... | 05:59 |
spionlala | mikegriffin, yes in gnome, unambig huh? | 05:59 |
caimlas | mikegriffin, ok, so that sounds normalish, then :P | 05:59 |
nickrud | ebaby, no, in the file menu.lst | 05:59 |
eseven73 | Mayank: i also think theres a sun-java6-plugin or something search synaptic package manager for JRE you'll see what i mean. install that as well | 05:59 |
caimlas | mikegriffin, any idea what the value in quantum indicates? | 05:59 |
spionlala | mikegriffin, when i push tab in there , my focus jumps to the next element inside the window | 06:00 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea thanks for working with me, I have no idea where I stand on getting things working properly, hopefully with a fresh start tomorrow I can read through the ubuntustudio wiki and make heads or tails | 06:00 |
caimlas | (and where'd you figure out all this stuff from? that resource would be useful) | 06:00 |
Paradigm_Shift | npope: I believe that the release notes mention the problem. | 06:00 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: you're welcome. i'm going to try and get pulseaudio working tonight, might even write a HOWTO. | 06:00 |
mikegriffin | caimlas: re: hdparm on sd use sginfo -I | 06:00 |
tristanmike | Can someone help me get my rear speakers working under 8.10 and a SoundBlaster 5.1. It was working fine on 8.04 before I upgraded this evening. Thanks in advance. | 06:00 |
mib_2dc6mp | cool | 06:01 |
Paradigm_Shift | npope: Why there is a problem I can not say. | 06:01 |
tristanmike | I'm having a hard time with Pulse Audio | 06:01 |
ebaby | nickrud: thought I was there How do I get [to] there | 06:01 |
caimlas | mikegriffin, even if it's an IDE (ATA) disk? | 06:01 |
mikegriffin | caimlas: quantum is the number of requested placed on a dispatch queue per cycle | 06:01 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea i will look u up tomorrow | 06:01 |
Mayank | i i do that eseven73 | 06:01 |
mikegriffin | caimlas: no use hdparm -I | 06:01 |
mikegriffin | caimlas: requests* | 06:01 |
nickrud | ebaby, hit ctl-X , and exit nano, without saving any files | 06:01 |
Gnea | tristanmike: i'm trying to get pulseaudio to work right here... so far, sound just crackles (i only have a 2-speaker system at the moment) | 06:01 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: i may or may not be here, but i'll be around | 06:02 |
mikegriffin | caimlas: is this a desktop or server | 06:02 |
tristanmike | Gnea: I've got 5 speakers and the sub... everything was working just fine on 8.04 but now I can't get my rear speakers to work | 06:02 |
caimlas | mikegriffin, for whatever reason, the drive isn't receiving commands from hdparm (saying they're not supported) | 06:02 |
Gnea | tristanmike: you upgraded to 8.10? | 06:02 |
caimlas | mikegriffin, it's a laptop. older thinkpad x30, IDE interface | 06:02 |
mikegriffin | caimlas: you have a raid controller? | 06:02 |
tristanmike | Gnea: yeah :( | 06:02 |
caimlas | mikegriffin, ubuntu detected/set it up as sda, for whatever reason. | 06:03 |
ebaby | nickrub: ok back to root@dawoud-ubuntu-laptop:~# assuming that is wher I should be after hitting ctl-X | 06:03 |
mikegriffin | try sg and see if the wrapper deals with it caimlas | 06:03 |
jinja-sheep | Wow! Ubuntu Support IRC! | 06:03 |
caimlas | mikegriffin, sg driver isn't loaded, so... nfi why it got sda as a device name. | 06:03 |
npope | Paradigm_Shift: ooo, i see. I belive that is a problem with the proprietary drivers Nvidia provides and not actaully something Ubuntu developers can do something about | 06:03 |
tristanmike | Gnea: I've had no problems since way back in Hoary.... now I can't get it to work :( | 06:04 |
mikegriffin | debian did it to me back when i was checking out lenny | 06:04 |
caimlas | ... d'oh, sorry mikegriffin, needed to sudo | 06:04 |
nickrud | ebaby, yep, you exited the program :) Now, again, run nano /boot/grub/menu.lst . Once you've done that, tell me the beginning of the first line on the screen, so I can make sure we're in the right file | 06:04 |
mikegriffin | caimlas: word | 06:04 |
jinja-sheep | This is great. I wrote a script -- for mounting / unmounting encrypted openluks -- I'm curious if one know how to bypass the sudo 'password' for the said script? | 06:04 |
mikegriffin | jinja-sheep: use sudo with no password.. | 06:04 |
mikegriffin | for that one command! | 06:04 |
Flannel | jinja-sheep: You can modify sudoers so that particular command won't require a password. | 06:04 |
christer_ | can anyone maybe help me with a newbie problem? trying to get a game called egoboo to work. but i can't figure out how to edit the settings files | 06:04 |
ebaby | nicjrub: that is where i ended up after typing that cmd Let me try it again | 06:04 |
mikegriffin | jinja-sheep: you might also put the user in the disk group | 06:05 |
rdvade | Hello, Can someone explain to me what exactly exempts Ubuntu from being a completely free distro (in the eyes of the FSF). I'm Having a discussion about this issue and I'm struggling to find a solid answer on exactly which parts are non-free (on a clean install). I thought it was the trademarks or perhaps how Ubuntu facilitates the use of non free software - but I feel I'm missing something. | 06:05 |
Gnea | tristanmike: read this? | 06:05 |
tristanmike | rdvade, you should probably check off topic | 06:05 |
nickrud | ebaby, just being cautious. this is a critical file, gotta be sure we don't muck it up | 06:05 |
Paradigm_Shift | npope: I realize that the nvidia drivers are proprietary. What puzzles me is that if all worked well under 8.04, if the nvidia driver did not change then the problem seems to be with 8.10. | 06:05 |
mikegriffin | rdvade: | 06:05 |
christer_ | when i try to save a file in etc\egoboo it says i dont have permission | 06:05 |
tristanmike | Gnea: thanks, great starting point... I was looking for something like this. | 06:05 |
npope | Paradigm_Shift: its not a problem. X server is newer in 8.10 and not compatible with the Nvidia drivers | 06:06 |
nickrud | christer_, you need admin privs; gksu gedit <file> will do that for you | 06:06 |
christer_ | nickrud: thanks! | 06:06 |
npope | Paradigm_Shift: Nvidia needs to update their drivers to work with the new X server... I do not think they are going to do that though | 06:06 |
mikegriffin | npope: so there is no way to use nvidia binary drivers in jj atm? | 06:06 |
refefer | hmm, read through grep information on ubuntu, but it didn't solve my problem. Any ideas how to specify during the install which physical harddrive it installs on? | 06:06 |
npope | jj atm? | 06:06 |
mikegriffin | jaunty at the moment, sorry | 06:07 |
Paradigm_Shift | npope: do you know what changed in x server????? | 06:07 |
spionlala | whats the name of the application that "alt-f2" starts? | 06:07 |
ebaby | nickrub: black screen title bar is white left says GNU nano 2.0.7 Middle says File: /boot/grub/menu.1st cursor is blinking below and then bottom of screen has two runs of text beginning with ^G Get help endiing with ^T To spell with many choices in between | 06:07 |
jinja-sheep | Flannel + mikegriffin : -- Is that this? The second codebox under "Editing /etc/sudoers" | 06:07 |
npope | mikegriffin: not at the moment. unless nvidia decides to update the driver. the open source nv driver will work for most things... but unfortunatley no 3D | 06:08 |
rdvade | mikegriffin: thanks for taking the time | 06:08 |
tristanmike | Gnea: ok, so the 5.1 test works fine | 06:08 |
nickrud | ebaby, what's at the very top? | 06:08 |
jinja-sheep | Err, I mean the third. | 06:08 |
mikegriffin | rdvade: not a problem | 06:08 |
ebaby | nickrub: **rows | 06:08 |
npope | Paradigm_Shift: they changed a lot of things. I can not pinpoint one specific thing that made the driver to be incompatible. | 06:08 |
mikegriffin | npope: it seems to work but even flash draws slowly :( | 06:08 |
ebaby | Nickrub: very top says GNU nano 2.0.7 | 06:08 |
nickrud | ebaby, let me rephrase, does the 3d line start with # menu.lst | 06:08 |
Flannel | jinja-sheep: No, you want to instead specify NOPASSWD for a specific command, let me find a page | 06:08 |
mikegriffin | Flannel: would the disk group not work? | 06:09 |
npope | mikegriffin: :( | 06:09 |
nickrud | ebaby, brain fart on my part, asking for the first line. | 06:09 |
Paradigm_Shift | npope: thanks. :) | 06:09 |
Flannel | jinja-sheep: | 06:09 |
ebaby | nickrud: no that phrase is nowhere to be found where I am presently | 06:09 |
Flannel | jinja-sheep: (That's actually from the man page) | 06:09 |
tonyyarusso | I'm trying to pair a bluetooth headset with my ubuntu machine. However, in the gnome bt preferences, only the Input service has an "Add" button for devices - Audio only has one for remove. Any idea why? | 06:10 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea you still around? | 06:10 |
caimlas | mikegriffin, can you think of anything which might cause X (with xfce) to become almost entirely unresponsive while (for instance) processing triggers during an apt-get install? by 'totally unresponsive' I mean "mouse input is lagged and jumpy to the degree of multiple seconds, keyboard input sometimes takes a good 10s to print to display, task switching appears blocked"... and maybe a way to get around it? it's infuriating an | 06:10 |
caimlas | d reminds me of how windows "performs". | 06:10 |
jinja-sheep | Flannel: Lol. I resort to websites more than man pages. >_> | 06:10 |
jinja-sheep | Flannel: Will take a look at it. | 06:10 |
mikegriffin | caimlas: bug in kernel with your chipset possibly, have an older one? | 06:10 |
nickrud | ebaby, ok then we have a problem. oh. it's menu.Lst, not menu.ONE.lst | 06:10 |
Flannel | jinja-sheep: You'll find a good deal of the more complicated man pages include examples and copious (sometimes to its own detriment) documentation | 06:10 |
ebaby | nickrud: closest things is File: /boot/grub/menu/1st which is at the very top to the left of GNU nano 2.0.7 | 06:10 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: yeah | 06:11 |
mikegriffin | Flannel: would the disk group not work? | 06:11 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea I just had a last thought, so my sound card comes with a mixer, I am wondering if there is a way to just set alsa to defaults or even not use it | 06:11 |
ebaby | nickrud: lol | 06:11 |
five | can someone help me, i have a bootdisk.exe program for making a win98 bootdisk, i need the disk to install win98 in virtualbox yet i have no floppy drive so i need to virtualize a floppy drive in order to create the boot disk and boot for virtualbox | 06:11 |
caimlas | mikegriffin, an older chipset? yeah, it's been around for a while. this is a P3M 1.2GHz w/512M, all intel chipsets (except wireless which is a prism/orinoco minipci). | 06:11 |
mikegriffin | caimlas: have an older kernel around? | 06:11 |
Flannel | mikegriffin: That depends on what he wants to do. But the biggest issue is he wants to make it work for the specific command | 06:11 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: well, were you able to use the card in windows? | 06:11 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea yea I used it | 06:12 |
mikegriffin | Flannel: i see, thanks | 06:12 |
five | basically im looking for a program that will create a virtual floppy disk in linux | 06:12 |
ebaby | nickrud: so I exit again and then type "nano /... but with .Lst as in capital 'L' ? | 06:12 |
caimlas | mikearr, nothing 'older' no... I've had this problem for a while, pretty much since 2.6 I think. | 06:12 |
Flannel | ebaby: No, lowercase l | 06:12 |
nickrud | no, small L none One | 06:12 |
LawnGnome1 | five: Set CD rom as first boot device in BIOS | 06:12 |
caimlas | er, ^ mikegriffin | 06:12 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: then there must be a way to get the audio out in a properly balanced stereo via ALSA... just not sure how | 06:13 |
ebaby | nickrud: you mean to say not one but L (lowercase)i.e. 'l' | 06:13 |
nickrud | ebaby, yes | 06:13 |
five | LawnGnome1(!) it is set that way, i recieve a falure no bootable medium found, so i need to have a boot disk | 06:14 |
caimlas | mikegriffin, though it's become particularly irksome of late. I did install ubuntu 8.04.1 (when previously I didn't have that .1 version) on a new drive (old failed) and upgraded to intrepid the other day. | 06:14 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea yea I started to tweak it | 06:14 |
mikegriffin | caimlas: gotta run sorry | 06:14 |
mikegriffin | night everyone | 06:14 |
caimlas | mikegriffin, thanks for the help | 06:14 |
biouser | so what are the options for simple editing of mp3's? | 06:14 |
alex_ | Hello does anyone know of a gui that can rip a dvd to one unadulterated mpeg 2 file? | 06:14 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea it seems that I just use line 1 and then I found that vmixer 8 nd 9 control the balance | 06:15 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea but not the way I would like | 06:15 |
faileas | alex_: i think handbrake is supported on linux, and would do the job | 06:15 |
Gnea | mib_2dc6mp: it's going to take some time | 06:15 |
biouser | I am having big trouble with pulse audio and audacity, ardour doesn't like compressed formats and it overkill for what I am trying to to (and won't play sound with pulse audio either) | 06:15 |
nbeebo | What I'd like to know is how to mix your output channel (e.g. speakers) to work as a microphone, effectively perceiving any sound you play as a sound played into the microphone. To the extent of broadcasting audio files trough means of thy service ventrilo unt voice-in game. | 06:15 |
Starwiz | Does anyone know how to partition my harddrive in ubuntu? | 06:15 |
LawnGnome1 | five: hrmm,, try resetting BIOS by removing the battery? | 06:15 |
mib_2dc6mp | Gnea maxed 8 and 9 make left channel dominant, reducing 8 and 9 bring right channel more dom | 06:15 |
Paradigm_Shift | alex_: try k9copy | 06:15 |
Gnea | biouser: audacity doesn't support pulseaudio | 06:16 |
biouser | Starwiz gparted | 06:16 |
Starwiz | I tried that | 06:16 |
alex_ | does k9copy try to reencode the dvd? | 06:16 |
faileas | Starwiz: you can do it while installing, or using gparted, which is on the live disk | 06:16 |
biouser | Gnea right | 06:16 |
ebaby | nickrub: ok here we are -back to civilization- I C menu.lst | 06:16 |
Starwiz | Gparted didn't work... It wont let me resize. | 06:16 |
Gnea | biouser: are you looking to disable pulseaudio? | 06:16 |
alex_ | I just want the program to rip it to one file instead of 10 vob files | 06:16 |
Paradigm_Shift | alex_: you can do a straight copy to ISO or to MPEG4 | 06:16 |
nickrud | ebaby, ok now look for # defoptions=quiet splash | 06:16 |
solotim | [Problem: mount.cifs] I used mount.cifs // /meida/folder -o username=some password=some. and it sucessfully mounted the target, but all the utf8 folder name has been turned to "?????" , so, guys, what should i do ? | 06:17 |
alex_ | paradigm_shift doesnt that reencode the video to mpeg 4? | 06:17 |
Starwiz | gparted doesn't let me resize a partition... What do I do? lol. | 06:17 |
five | LawnGnome1(!) thats not gonna work, the iso i have of win98 is not distrubeted commercially it is a modified version therefore i need a msdos promt to install from, meaning i need a virtual floppy disk application to preted to create the boot disk | 06:17 |
jinja-sheep | Flannel: I got it. But how do I know if this is working -- Not the limited time of 15min or so. | 06:17 |
Paradigm_Shift | alex_: if you do a straight copy it does not re-encode. You can rip to mpeg 4 as well. | 06:17 |
biouser | Gnea well, I was hoping to work with it if I can make some simple edits on some mp3 with some other program | 06:18 |
nickrud | !piracy | five (we don't do that here) | 06:18 |
ubottu | five (we don't do that here): piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o | 06:18 |
tristanmike | How can I get my 5.1 surround to work with 8.10. I've verified the sound card is detected, and sound is going to each speaker fine using "speaker-test -Dplug:surround51 -c6 -l1 -twav" However, Rhythmbox for example, won't play in more than 2 channels. I was using 8.04 earlier this evening and it was working fine. Now that I upgraded I can't get it to work. Any help is appreciated. | 06:18 |
ebaby | nickrud: not visible is there more to the screen e.g. can i scroll down otherewise it is not here | 06:18 |
five | not piracy i own win 98 key, the disk is so old it will not boot im booting a modified version of one i own | 06:18 |
nickrud | ebaby, yes, page down/up and cursor keys work | 06:18 |
alex_ | pardigm_shift: does straight copy rip the dvd to one file I can play ina media player? | 06:18 |
Paradigm_Shift | alex_: alex_: | 06:18 |
alex_ | or to multiple vob files | 06:19 |
LawnGnome1 | five" ahh,,Look at the DOS pages? I seem to remember a workaround for that, but cannot recall exactly what it is now. | 06:19 |
nickrud | five, had to check ;) | 06:19 |
babarabbas | hi everyone | 06:19 |
Mayank | how to downlolad rtcw-enemy territory in ubuntu? | 06:19 |
babarabbas | is there any firewall which can block Porn sites from my PC | 06:20 |
ebaby | nickrud: ## Stat default Kernel Options ## ? or keep scrolling? | 06:20 |
Paradigm_Shift | alex_ the straight rip recreates the DVD (rips to VIDEO_TS folder with vob, ifo, bup files just like on the DVD itself | 06:20 |
kiteliu | HI I just tried ubuntu 8.10, got problem with bluetooth mouse, any success story there? | 06:20 |
Paradigm_Shift | you can also create an ISO of those same folders/files | 06:20 |
five | LawnGnome1(!) ill look around some more and come back if i cannot find anything, so far all i can find is virtual floppy drives for windows, ive attemped launching them with wine but the drivers will not initialize | 06:20 |
ebaby | nickrud: **start | 06:20 |
Mayank | how to downlolad rtcw-enemy territory in ubuntu? | 06:21 |
nickrud | ebaby, further down, maybe 20 lines or so | 06:21 |
ebaby | nickrud: sorry found it | 06:21 |
LawnGnome1 | five, okee dokee,,I think there is a /command that is a workaround to that | 06:21 |
babarabbas | DanGaurdian is a Parental Control Software, but I want to do it through a built in Firewall | 06:21 |
nickrud | ebaby, now add the options you used to that line. Don't change anything there already, just add the new stuff | 06:21 |
five | LawnGnome1(!) losetup? | 06:21 |
alex_ | paradigm_shift: I guess what I'm trying to get is a program to rip the dvd to one mpeg2 file since the dvd is mpeg2. I dont want to re-encode, but at the same time I dont want an iso copy. Is there a program that will let me do this? | 06:21 |
kiteliu | Any kind heart teach me how to use bluetooth mouse under ubuntu 8.10? There seems to be a bug with this version of ubuntu. | 06:22 |
eseven73 | Mayank: try this | 06:22 |
Gnea | biouser: have you tried this: padsp audacity | 06:22 |
xorand | what's going on with the repos? W: Failed to fetch | 06:22 |
xorand | 500 Server Error | 06:22 |
ziroday | xorand: try a different one | 06:23 |
babarabbas | Guys, is there a way to Parental Control my ubuntu through a well known Firewall | 06:23 |
biouser | Gnea let me reinstall audacity reall fast and try | 06:23 |
xorand | i have | 06:23 |
ziroday | xorand: are you connected to the internet? | 06:23 |
ziroday | babarabbas: as in block certain websites? | 06:23 |
xorand | ziroday, duh how else would i be chatting | 06:23 |
ziroday | xorand: and you are certain not a single other server works... | 06:24 |
babarabbas | yes block the Porn sites | 06:24 |
Starwiz | Does anyone know how to partition a harddrive with gparted??? Mine won't resize them :| | 06:24 |
LawnGnome1 | five, you still here? | 06:24 |
nickrud | xorand, try more servers. It's be odd that they'd all be having internal errors | 06:24 |
ebaby | nickrud: done (can't remember if I did "edd=on" but I typed it in anyway have not hit enter yet so let me know its been like 24hrs on this things so its getting a little fuzzy... | 06:24 |
biouser | <--- Gnea | 06:24 |
five | LawnGnome1(!) yup | 06:24 |
babarabbas | Ziroday: Yes block the porn sites | 06:24 |
xorand | ziroday, I'll try the main server... | 06:24 |
LawnGnome1 | five, | 06:24 |
biouser | maybe there is something in there | 06:24 |
xorand | first time ever this happened though | 06:24 |
five | LawnGnome1(!) thnx | 06:24 |
ziroday | babarabbas: yep, look into a program named dansguardian | 06:24 |
LawnGnome1 | five, that is one of the fixes that I once used, or very much like that | 06:24 |
nickrud | ebaby, you'd best be sure, since this could break your boot. Do you mean edid=on? Don't quote me on this, cuz I'm clueless about your actual issue, just helping you make this change to menu.lst | 06:25 |
ziroday | xorand: you could contact your loco, they should know what may have happened to the server | 06:25 |
mojo | hello | 06:25 |
babarabbas | ok, DansGaurdian is a Parent Control Software, but can't we do it through any built in firewall | 06:25 |
babarabbas | Ziroday | 06:25 |
mojo | can I ask question about Xubuntu here? | 06:25 |
Commie_Cary | ugh | 06:25 |
babarabbas | Ziroday: that way I will get my hands on a firewall as well | 06:25 |
ebaby | nickrud: it is "edd=on" I'm pretty sure I did hit enter or...? | 06:26 |
Commie_Cary | parental controls | 06:26 |
biouser | Gnea so audacity wants to use OSS? | 06:26 |
^Manu | where does apt store the debs it's downloaded? | 06:26 |
jinja-sheep | mojo: Sure. You might have better luck with #xubuntu | 06:26 |
Gnea | !xubuntu | mojo | 06:26 |
ubottu | mojo: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at and - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels | 06:26 |
ziroday | babarabbas: sorry I don't follow, you install dans guardian and it filters out the unwanted sites for you? Is that not what you want? | 06:26 |
^Manu | i need to back them up, reinstall, and the reinstall all my packages without having to download them again.. :/ | 06:26 |
Commie_Cary | any parent who is willing to invade there childs privicy is a bad parrent | 06:26 |
babarabbas | Yes | 06:26 |
nickrud | ebaby, now that you've made the change, just hit ctl-X and save the file. | 06:26 |
megan20 | h | 06:26 |
Flannel | !aptoncd | ^Manu | 06:26 |
ubottu | ^Manu: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers | 06:26 |
Gnea | biouser: snd_pcm_oss.ko should make that possible, it's just looking for a /dev/dsp device | 06:26 |
babarabbas | Ziroday: Yes that's what I want | 06:26 |
mojo | thx | 06:26 |
thinkpaduser | hey guys. if a kernel patch fails, should the sources be re-installed/unpacked before future attempts at a patch? | 06:26 |
Flannel | ^Manu: but, /var/cache/apt/archive/ | 06:26 |
ziroday | babarabbas: right, dans guardian does that | 06:26 |
^Manu | i have no cd drive.. | 06:26 |
babarabbas | Ziroday: I have read about DanGaurdian | 06:27 |
biouser | Gnea should make what possible, what should I do? | 06:27 |
^Manu | i just need to copy them to another partition this once/ | 06:27 |
faileas | ^Manu: /var/cache/apt/archive | 06:27 |
tyta | Gnea (and others) PLEASE see my thread at | 06:27 |
ebaby | Commie_Cary: not true | 06:27 |
faileas | Flannel: beat me to it ;p | 06:27 |
tyta | I really need some help | 06:27 |
tyta | thanks! | 06:27 |
^Manu | okay thanks | 06:27 |
tristanmike | how can I get the old alsamixer instead of the new pulse audio one via the terminal ? | 06:27 |
Commie_Cary | ebaby, very true lets take this to pm | 06:27 |
^Manu | any debs in there it will find instead of downloading them? | 06:27 |
tristanmike | I only get one option under Pulse Audio, but I want to make other changes ? | 06:27 |
jinja-sheep | babarabbas: ray rushmore = NOPASSWD: /bin/kill, /bin/ls, /usr/bin/lprm | 06:27 |
jinja-sheep | babarabbas: I mean this -- | 06:27 |
bo | anybody help, i have problem starting postgresql:insecure directory in $ENV{path} while running with -T switch at /usr/share/postgresql-common/ | 06:27 |
Flannel | ^Manu: not necessarily. You should look into aptoncd, it'll make it easier | 06:27 |
ziroday | tristanmike: there is a command line version called alsamixer | 06:28 |
^Manu | or perhaps its possible for me to update an 8.04 install without reinstalling? | 06:28 |
^Manu | from a disc | 06:28 |
^Manu | ie, no internet | 06:28 |
biouser | bo how are you starting it? | 06:28 |
biouser | psql | 06:28 |
^Manu | flannel: no cd drive. | 06:28 |
Flannel | ^Manu: The alternate CD, yes. | 06:28 |
tristanmike | ziroday: right, but when I use it, I get Pulse Audio with one option, but I want the "old" alsamixer | 06:28 |
Flannel | ^Manu: aptoncd works with USB too | 06:28 |
^Manu | alternate cd will update? :/ | 06:28 |
jinja-sheep | Manu: That's fine. Save the ISO. Transfer the image. | 06:28 |
biouser | bo or just starting the daemon | 06:28 |
bo | biouser: star it from webmin | 06:28 |
Paradigm_Shift | alex_: there are only a few dvd ripping programs. Look at k9copy and dvdrip | 06:28 |
babarabbas | Ziroday, Jinja-sheep:I think a built in firewall which is well known can also do the trick, this will I will also get to know how to configure a firewall | 06:28 |
Bossmanbeta | I see that ubuntu 8.10 is out of beta, is there a plan to offer an <upgrade> button for a 1-click upgrade, as they did from 7.10 to 8.04 ? | 06:29 |
preecha | \EXIT | 06:29 |
Flannel | ^Manu: yes, the alternate CD can be used to upgrade | 06:29 |
Gnea | biouser: the snd_pcm_oss kernel module makes /dev/dsp in relation to the ALSA device, i'm not sure how that work with pulseaudio just yet... | 06:29 |
biouser | bo just starting the server or starting a shell/interface to it? | 06:29 |
Commie_Cary | ebaby, I pmed you | 06:29 |
ziroday | !upgrade | Bossmanbeta | 06:29 |
ubottu | Bossmanbeta: For upgrading, see the instructions at | 06:29 |
^Manu | are you saying it wont work if i just copy the stuff in /var/cache/apt/archive somewhere else for the mean time? | 06:29 |
Gnea | biouser: but might have the info you're looking for | 06:29 |
Mayank | i want to play full enemy territory (ubuntu version) in my ubuntu, someone tell me steps please? | 06:29 |
jinja-sheep | babarabbas: Ubuntu don't need firewall. If you have router, configure it from there. or | 06:29 |
Flannel | Bossmanbeta: There already is actually. You just have to configure your 8.04 to ask about all upgrades, instead of just LTS ones. (It's a second tab in software sources) | 06:29 |
biouser | Gnea so I can get something with apt, okay thanks | 06:29 |
xorand | ok, I went to the source of all goodness (main server) and the problem went away :) | 06:29 |
Commie_Cary | Mayank, you mean linux verison ubuntu is a linux distro | 06:29 |
ebaby | nickrud: after clt-X and then Y hit enter when it says " file Name to Write: /boot....lst" ? | 06:30 |
mn | Is there anyone here that would assist me with remote desktop connection? | 06:30 |
Gnea | tyta: !laptop | 06:30 |
Bossmanbeta | Flannel, I see... | 06:30 |
Gnea | oops | 06:30 |
Gnea | !laptop | 06:30 |
ubottu | Laptop support information can be found on - - - | 06:30 |
nickrud | ebaby, say yes. It will write out the same name it loaded as | 06:30 |
unr3a1 | hey all | 06:30 |
Mayank | yes..commie_cary | 06:30 |
xorand | mn, what's the problem? | 06:30 |
Gnea | tyta: sorry about that, just read your post | 06:30 |
unr3a1 | how can I exit the xserver in ubuntu and get to just a command line? | 06:30 |
Commie_Cary | Mayank, well use correct terms | 06:30 |
ziroday | unr3a1: you can do ctrl + alt + f1 | 06:31 |
Mayank | commie_cary, correct terms means? | 06:31 |
Flannel | Bossmanbeta: Since you're not required to upgrade to 8.10 (since you can go straight from 8.04 to 10.04), it's the best way to handle it. | 06:31 |
ziroday | unr3a1: to get back its ctrl + alt + f7 | 06:31 |
ebaby | nickrud: that is what I am seeing I guess and then? | 06:31 |
racarter | i installed kubuntu-desktop package on ubuntu, but now the loading screen has the kubuntu logo when starting the computer, how do I replace this with the ubuntu logo? | 06:31 |
nickrud | Commie_Cary, more polite, please. Not everyone knows the right terms | 06:31 |
Commie_Cary | Mayank, the verison that owkrs on ubuntu would work on any linux system in fact any *nix system | 06:31 |
Commie_Cary | so you linux or *nix verison | 06:31 |
nickrud | ebaby, you've saved? | 06:31 |
Davekong | Does anyone know a good CLI app like pidgin with gtalk and aim support? if not cli at least a single master window that plays nicer with a tiling wm | 06:31 |
unr3a1 | ziroday: but will that shut the xserver down? | 06:31 |
ebaby | Commie_cary: cant see or didnt get the PM | 06:31 |
Flannel | racarter: sudo update-alternatives --config | 06:31 |
mn | xorand: I am trying to help this guy and it refuses my connection every time. He is hooked directly to his modem and I am behind a router. he set up the remote desktop connection (system > preferences, etc) but I still can't connet | 06:31 |
Bossmanbeta | Flannel, 10.04? u mean the next LTS? | 06:32 |
racarter | Flannel, thanks | 06:32 |
ziroday | unr3a1: to shut it down you can use the command sudo /etc/init.d/x11-common stop | 06:32 |
racarter | i have no idea how people know these things.. | 06:32 |
Bossmanbeta | Flannel, It's the 3rd tab by the way ... and I see I have "Long term support releases only" selected. | 06:32 |
Gnea | tyta: have you seen these: and | 06:32 |
jinja-sheep | Davekong: Use finch. | 06:32 |
Flannel | Bossmanbeta: 10.04 is scheduled to be the next LTS, yes. | 06:32 |
Mayank | commie_cary, so tell me the steps plz...what to download..? | 06:32 |
unr3a1 | ziroday: alright. then sudo init 6 to reboot back into it | 06:32 |
jinja-sheep | !info finch | Davekong | 06:33 |
Davekong | jinja-sheep ok thanks | 06:33 |
ubottu | finch (source: pidgin): text-based multi-protocol instant messaging client. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.5.2-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 199 kB, installed size 724 kB | 06:33 |
ebaby | nickrud: typed clt-X and then Y. cursor is now flashing at the end of "file Name to write: /boot/grub/menu/lst | 06:33 |
nickrud | ebaby, hit enter | 06:33 |
Bossmanbeta | Flannel, is there any reason to try 8.10? I prefer LTS releases (but other than that preference I mean) | 06:33 |
ziroday | unr3a1: um no, you can do sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start | 06:33 |
Commie_Cary | Mayank, you need to get Quake 3 arena(however you wish ;)) then follow the instructions in the zip file | 06:33 |
ziroday | unr3a1: in fact to stop it you should do sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop | 06:33 |
tristanmike | How can I get my 5.1 surround to work with 8.10. I've verified the sound card is detected, and sound is going to each speaker fine using "speaker-test -Dplug:surround51 -c6 -l1 -twav" However, Rhythmbox for example, won't play in more than 2 channels. I was using 8.04 earlier this evening and it was working fine. Now that I upgraded I can't get it to work. Any help is appreciated. | 06:33 |
Flannel | Bossmanbeta: goes over whats new. I'm personally sticking with 8.04 (of course, I just upgraded to 8.04 from 6.06 a week ago) | 06:33 |
ebaby | nickrub: thanks now I am back to "root@..." | 06:34 |
Commie_Cary | ebaby, -_- join #1235467784 and well talk | 06:34 |
Bossmanbeta | Flannel, That must've been a heck of a jump :) | 06:34 |
Mayank | commie_cary, u mean quack 3 arena is better..? tell me how to download this.. | 06:34 |
mn | xorand what do you think? | 06:34 |
unr3a1 | ziroday: ok, and I can do this from a terminal window, or after I have logged out of xserver into the command line? | 06:34 |
cparman | Hi, is there a fix for the WPA issue in the Wireless network connection utility? | 06:34 |
biouser | bo are you trying to run Django? | 06:34 |
Commie_Cary | Mayank, no you need to downlaod that then download enemy terrtiory | 06:34 |
nickrud | ebaby, ok, one step left. run update-grub . that will add those options we just entered to the kernel lines, the ones you edited by hand during startup | 06:34 |
bo | biouser: it does not work | 06:34 |
Commie_Cary | and its a commerical game | 06:34 |
Flannel | Bossmanbeta: 2006 and 2007 (and a little of 2008) was a good couple of years for FOSS maturity, yes. | 06:34 |
Commie_Cary | so sense I cant do anything iilegal here | 06:35 |
ziroday | unr3a1: anywhere you want, but if you to issue sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop your current xsession will close and you will lose any unsaved work on it | 06:35 |
mike | hey does anyone know another chat server i can download for ubuntu | 06:35 |
Commie_Cary | I canrt tell you how to get thqat | 06:35 |
Mayank | commie_cary, tell me | 06:35 |
Bossmanbeta | Flannel, so I won't have to do an intermediate upgrade to 8.10 to reach 10.04, I can jump straight to 10.04 from 8.04 | 06:35 |
unr3a1 | ziroday: thank you | 06:35 |
eseven73 | Flannel: did anything break when you did that? | 06:35 |
jinja-sheep | Flannel: I forget to make a notice. Thanks for the sudoers. I'm just using nopasswd for all sudo. | 06:35 |
Flannel | Bossmanbeta: Right. You can go LTS straight to LTS | 06:35 |
Commie_Cary | Mayank, its commerical and you have to buy it | 06:35 |
Bossmanbeta | Flannel, nice -- thank u sir. | 06:35 |
LawnGnome1 | mike:xchat | 06:35 |
Flannel | jinja-sheep: That's a bad idea, but it's your machine. | 06:35 |
Commie_Cary | from a store | 06:35 |
Flannel | eseven73: Nothing actually. | 06:35 |
mike | thanks | 06:35 |
Flannel | eseven73: I spent two days backing everything up, and stuff went off without a hitch | 06:35 |
eseven73 | Flannel: nice | 06:35 |
biouser | mike client or server? | 06:35 |
nickrud | racarter, Flannel dreams truth about linux. That's how he knows all this stuff ;) | 06:36 |
jinja-sheep | Flannel: Why is that? I'm the only one in the family using linux. | 06:36 |
mike | server | 06:36 |
cparman | Hi, is there a fix for the WPA issue in the Wireless network connection utility? | 06:36 |
LawnGnome1 | mike: you can also use the IRC in many mozilla things | 06:36 |
Gnea | cparman: what WPA issue? | 06:36 |
Mayank | commie_cary, no no, i don't want to buy it, just tell me good game for ubuntu to download | 06:36 |
Bossmanbeta | Flannel, last question - when is 10.04 expected to be released (roundabout)? | 06:36 |
mike | ok thank you. | 06:36 |
ziroday | Bossmanbeta: April 2010 | 06:36 |
Bossmanbeta | ziroday, thank u | 06:36 |
Flannel | Bossmanbeta: Ubuntu names are year.month, so 10.04 will be released in april of 2010 (likely the last thursday) | 06:37 |
bo | biouser:insecure directory in $ENV{path} while running with -T switch at /usr/share/postgresql-common/ line 654 | 06:37 |
Commie_Cary | Mayank, you asked how to install enemy territory tyou needto buy the base game(quake 3 | 06:37 |
Bossmanbeta | ah Flannel didn't know that. | 06:37 |
Commie_Cary | Mayank, if you want a good game try urban terror instructions are on the download page | 06:37 |
Bossmanbeta | now I understand the versioning numbers.... :) | 06:37 |
cparman | Gnea: I don't see the WPA option when I choose the wireless security menu | 06:37 |
biouser | so how can I TOTALLY restart ALL sound, devices, drivers, layers | 06:37 |
thinkpaduser | cparman: wpa_supplicant? | 06:37 |
cparman | It's installed | 06:37 |
ziroday | biouser: reboot your computer? | 06:37 |
cparman | this is a new 8.10 installation | 06:38 |
Mayank | commie_cary, which download page? | 06:38 |
ziroday | cparman: nm detects what type of network it is, if it can't do WPA it won't show WPA | 06:38 |
bo | anybody help, i have problem starting postgresql:insecure directory in $ENV{path} while running with -T switch at /usr/share/postgresql-common/ line 654 | 06:38 |
thinkpaduser | cparman: mine worked out of the box with an Atheros card... | 06:38 |
Bossmanbeta | Flannel, I suppose if I understood the versioning logic ... I would have known by inference that 8.10 was already released... since it's Jan '09 :) | 06:38 |
refefer | gah, ok. Here's the situation: I would like to install ubuntu on my main machine, but for some reason my cd/dvd drive freezes when trying to boot from the cd. So, I try unetboot for a flashdrive install, except that grub retardedly keeps installing the mbr on the _flashdrive_. any thoughts on what the heck I can do? | 06:38 |
Mayank | urban terror is good game? and free? | 06:38 |
cparman | I do have WPA configed on my wireless router | 06:38 |
|c0mmissar| | ok have a question, I have the latest version of ubuntu & installed an NVIDIA GForce 6200 OC Video Card. I'm running an S-Video output to my Tv & want to twin screen my puter. It works for tty1 but when I ctrl+alt+F7 my tv says no signal. monitor is fine. it won't output x. can anyone help me? | 06:39 |
cparman | thats what is so disturbing | 06:39 |
LawnGnome1 | referer: Did you try the web installer? | 06:39 |
thinkpaduser | cparman: did you check for additional drivers in the Hardware Manager thingy? | 06:39 |
Commie_Cary | Mayank, | 06:39 |
=== sauvin_ is now known as Sauvin | ||
ziroday | refefer: there is an option when installing on where to put grub, its under advanced options on the last screen. You need to specify your hard drive | 06:39 |
cparman | I have a iMac that picks WPA up ject fine | 06:39 |
Gnea | cparman: what path are you using to make the selection? | 06:39 |
=== danny is now known as srvrsyde | ||
refefer | ziroday: really, using the alternative cd/unetboot? | 06:39 |
ebaby | nickrud: had a temp screen freeze prob jumbed the gun as I exited found myself in recovery mode and then hit normal install | 06:39 |
ziroday | refefer: thats using the livecd | 06:40 |
biouser | | 06:40 |
nickrud | ebaby, I did not understand that | 06:40 |
biouser | where are the master docs for audio in ubuntu? | 06:40 |
Gnea | cparman: you should also note, that WPA is now vulnerable to convernational attack, WPA2 is safer | 06:40 |
ziroday | cparman: it could also be the wireless drivers don't (yet) support WPA | 06:40 |
refefer | ziroday: sadly for me, I can't use the livecd: it freaks out my monitor | 06:40 |
cparman | Gnea: I just click on the network icon at the to of the screen and choose my SSID | 06:40 |
biouser | maybe I need to take the bull by the horns myself :( | 06:40 |
ebaby | nickrud: waiting for it to reboot now. Will I need to go back to nano /boot... to check to see if the modification that was made was saved? | 06:40 |
thinkpaduser | cparman: you may need a restricted driver enabled | 06:40 |
ziroday | Gnea: WPA has some cracks but it is still secure :) | 06:41 |
cparman | I can do WPA2m just as well | 06:41 |
Gnea | cparman: okay, you'll need to do a bit more than just that. you have to right-click on it and Edit Connections, go to the wireless tab, select your SSID and edit that | 06:41 |
nickrud | ebaby, if it boots to gui, you're good to go. If not, we'll take a look. | 06:41 |
ziroday | refefer: erm I am not certain where the option to install grub is on the alternate cd. Sorry | 06:41 |
Gnea | ziroday: if there's a way to break it, it's not secure :) | 06:41 |
tristanmike | How can I get my 5.1 surround to work with 8.10. I've verified the sound card is detected, and sound is going to each speaker fine using "speaker-test -Dplug:surround51 -c6 -l1 -twav" However, Rhythmbox for example, won't play in more than 2 channels. I was using 8.04 earlier this evening and it was working fine. Now that I upgraded I can't get it to work. Any help is appreciated. | 06:41 |
cparman | Gnea: waht to do a remote session? I can show what I do | 06:42 |
wj32 | how can i get xchat to remember my irc password? | 06:42 |
refefer | ziroday: appreciate the input, at least it gives me some hope ; ) | 06:42 |
=== kevin__ is now known as uvacav | ||
Gnea | cparman: no need for that | 06:42 |
ebaby | nickrud: No such fortune it rebooted to gobbledey gook Im in Recovery menu now back to root huh | 06:42 |
eseven73 | wj32: click "EDIT" on the server, in the server list.. you'll see a spot to add passwords... | 06:43 |
biouser | audacity not only doesn't support pulse audio but basically guarantees that you will need to reboot if you try to open audacity while pulse audio is running | 06:43 |
Gnea | cparman: just choose the 'wireless security' tab and select WPA & WPA2 Personal | 06:43 |
Gnea | biouser: yeah, pulseaudio sucks. | 06:44 |
nickrud | ebaby, ok. nano /boot/grub/menu.lst , look for a line like kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-11-generic root=UUID=3d432ab1-9dc0-4313-a3f4-29db352cb3eb ro quiet splash (near the end) your additions should be at the end | 06:44 |
wj32 | eseven73: where's the server list? | 06:44 |
unr3a1 | ziroday: maybe you know. I am looking to change the amount of vram my video card is set to use. do you know how to check to see how much vram is in use right now, and how to adjust it? | 06:44 |
biouser | Gnea why do I have it then? b/c it will theoretically someday be good? | 06:44 |
eseven73 | wj32: File menu | 06:44 |
LawnGnome1 | tristanmike: maybe? | 06:44 |
ziroday | unr3a1: nope sorry | 06:44 |
Gnea | biouser: maybe. do you use audacity on a regular basis? | 06:45 |
eseven73 | wj32: i dont have xchat right in front of me at the moment, so im just going by memory, but I know its in the server settings | 06:45 |
wj32 | eseven73: yes, it's in the docs, but i can't figure out how to open the server settings | 06:45 |
wj32 | eseven73: "network properties" as they call it | 06:46 |
nickrud | wj32 under Xchat->Network list? | 06:46 |
unr3a1 | ziroday: ok,. thank you | 06:46 |
wj32 | eseven73: ah found it. it's in preferences | 06:46 |
wj32 | eseven73: thanks | 06:46 |
biouser | Gnea I am just looking for anything to make simple edits on mp3 files | 06:46 |
eseven73 | yw | 06:46 |
unr3a1 | well, I am out for now | 06:46 |
unr3a1 | later | 06:46 |
tristanmike | LawnGnome1: problem is when we run alsamixer on 8.10, we get Pulse Audio, and for me, that's only one option, "Master". I need to get to the "old" alsamixer | 06:47 |
ebaby | nickrud: mines quite different UUID is 4cfd1241-bdda... nonetheless the additons that I made are NOT there at the end of the string | 06:47 |
nickrud | ebaby, did you run update-grub ? | 06:47 |
|c0mmissar| | ok have a question, I have the latest version of ubuntu & installed an NVIDIA GForce 6200 OC Video Card. I'm running an S-Video output to my Tv & want to twin screen my puter. It works for tty1 but when I ctrl+alt+F7 my tv says no signal. monitor is fine. it won't output x. can anyone help me? | 06:47 |
eseven73 | wj32: also if you type /set you'll see a million settings you can play with too , | 06:47 |
tehquickness | biouser: Have you tried audacity? | 06:48 |
tyta | gnea, i'll check it out tomorrow. thanks everybody for all your help | 06:48 |
wj32 | eseven73: thanks | 06:48 |
tyta | =) gnight | 06:48 |
eseven73 | np | 06:48 |
biouser | tehquickness causes total crash with pulse audio | 06:48 |
Gnea | biouser: audacity is, for all intends and purposes, the best way to go with it. you can always turn pulseaudio off while using it: sudo /etc/init.d/pulseaudio stop | 06:48 |
tehquickness | biouser: ouch. hmmmm | 06:48 |
ebaby | nickrud: no I had a screen freeze (on this computer) before I saw your post | 06:48 |
Gnea | tyta: good luck, later | 06:48 |
LawnGnome1 | tristanmike: Uhm,,I have seen some of the Alsa bytes in the synaptic thing, let me look again... | 06:49 |
sysdoc | |c0mmissar|, have you installed nvidia-settings? | 06:49 |
nickrud | ebaby, ok, exit without saving, then run update-grub . then look in the file again, see if it was added to the kernel line. | 06:49 |
tehquickness | biouser: What all do you need? Just a cutting and pasting sort of deal to trim and join mp3s? | 06:49 |
=== Leppers_ is now known as Leppers | ||
Son_of_Demetrius | Hello:) | 06:50 |
biouser | tehquickness stuff like that and maybe a fade-in, fade-out.. maybe rezound will work? | 06:50 |
tristanmike | LawnGnome1: it's good | 06:50 |
thinkpaduser | biouser: audacity is best | 06:50 |
eseven73 | one thing that convinced me to switch from xchat to irssi is irssi's '/lastlog <search word goes here>' feature , priceless :) | 06:50 |
tristanmike | LawnGnome1: I fiddled with some buttons and got it finally | 06:50 |
biouser | thinkpaduser it is slow, buggy and crashtastic on this machine | 06:51 |
LawnGnome1 | tristanmike: Yipeeee! | 06:51 |
tristanmike | LawnGnome1: seems it's a couple of things | 06:51 |
Son_of_Demetrius | Some1 please give me a link to your fav Linux/Ubuntu Tutorial...for for a real life dummie beginner :) thx | 06:51 |
ebaby | nickrud: just to be sure as there are a couple of kernel lines what should be directly above this particular kernel line? | 06:51 |
nbeebo | What I'd like to know is how to mix your output channel (e.g. speakers) to work as a microphone, effectively perceiving any sound you play as a sound played into the microphone. To the extent of broadcasting audio files trough means of thy service ventrilo unt voice-in game. | 06:51 |
tristanmike | LawnGnome1: it would seem that 1) I had to ensure that the switch "SB Live Analog/Digital Output Jack" needed to be Unchecked | 06:52 |
LawnGnome1 | tristanmike: Usually is, that is what happens on overlays and stuff. | 06:52 |
nbeebo | Son_of_Demetrius, u dont really need one with ubuntu and other noob friendly distros... | 06:52 |
|c0mmissar| | sysdoc I have installed the latest nvidia drivers...same thing? | 06:52 |
nickrud | yeah, like title & uuid (or root) | 06:52 |
Wicked | !noob | 06:52 |
ubottu | Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period. | 06:52 |
wj32 | !u | nbeebo | 06:52 |
Wicked | !beginner | 06:52 |
ubottu | nbeebo: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officer, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun. If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you". The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on.. | 06:52 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about beginner | 06:52 |
biouser | Gnea sudo /etc/init.d/pulseaudio stop give me nothing back as if I hit enter on the command line | 06:52 |
nbeebo | !noob | 06:52 |
ebaby | nickrud: because i am at the section ## End Default Options## | 06:52 |
biouser | I guess I will need to reboot like a windoze n00b | 06:52 |
Son_of_Demetrius | huh? | 06:53 |
nbeebo | volunteer anyone? read the "u factiod" anyone? | 06:53 |
eseven73 | Son_of_Demetrius: you'll learn more in this channel, than if you were to read 100 Ubuntu HOWTO blogs, just hang in here like a few hours a day :) | 06:53 |
Son_of_Demetrius | I lost you guyz there | 06:53 |
sysdoc | |c0mmissar|, no install nvidia-settings | 06:53 |
LawnGnome1 | That ubottu is funny | 06:53 |
nickrud | ebaby, yes, that's where it should show up, below there, any lines that start with kernel but are not in (recovery) sections | 06:53 |
cparman | I think is has something to do with my notebooks wireless adapter | 06:53 |
tristanmike | LawnGnome1: 2) I had to adjust some sliders | 06:53 |
earthmeLon | Anybody have any suggestions as to why if I put my volume control below 50% it mutes my speakers? | 06:53 |
Havworx | I have been reading quite a but of material on how to properly use the zsh shell. | 06:53 |
tehquickness | biouser: hmmm I am looking to see what I can find | 06:54 |
tristanmike | LawnGnome1: sad that it doesn't detect it by default. Thanks for the kick in the pants in the right direction | 06:54 |
tristanmike | LawnGnome1: I've been frustrated for hours. | 06:54 |
sysdoc | |c0mmissar|, if you have it installed System>Admin> Nvidia X server settings | 06:54 |
Havworx | earthLon: you'r going deaf | 06:54 |
cparman | Gnea: I think is has something to do with my notebooks wireless adapter, I just can't get it to connect at all. The wired eth works fine. | 06:54 |
|c0mmissar| | NVIDIA OpenGL Driver requires CPUs with SSE to run. | 06:54 |
|c0mmissar| | The current CPU does not support SSE. | 06:54 |
|c0mmissar| | Segmentation fault | 06:54 |
LawnGnome1 | tristanmike: any help that I may have assisted with is my pleasure. | 06:54 |
Son_of_Demetrius | eseven73..this is not my comp here...I don'y have the luxury of spending a dew hours here...sorry:( | 06:54 |
ebaby | nickrud: yes acouple of sections that are grouped together e.g. title uuid kernel initrd - yeah I see what I changed "acpi=off" etc... | 06:54 |
darren_ | is there any thing in ubuntu that allows file/folder permissions similar to windows (this is the only fault im finding but 1 that id like to be able to use) | 06:55 |
eseven73 | Son_of_Demetrius: :( | 06:55 |
Son_of_Demetrius | my typing sux as usual lol | 06:55 |
nickrud | ebaby, ok, now try a reboot again. Your changes will take effect with the next boot | 06:55 |
|c0mmissar| | it's not opening | 06:55 |
darren_ | i dont want to use goups if possible unless i can assign a user to multiple groups | 06:55 |
wj32 | darren_: yes, the thing I hate most about standard linux is that security sucks | 06:55 |
wj32 | by security i mean the theoretical stuff like ACLs | 06:55 |
tristanmike | LawnGnome1: lost it :( | 06:55 |
wj32 | of course practically windows sucks at security | 06:56 |
biouser | tehquickness okay I won't quit yet | 06:56 |
biouser | tehquickness but a reboot is inevitable at this point | 06:56 |
biouser | I am going try rezound | 06:56 |
sysdoc | |c0mmissar|, Which driver did you install? | 06:56 |
wj32 | darren_: try using a filesystem which supports ACLs like XFS or JFS | 06:56 |
biouser | and ecawave perhaps and see if I can get anything | 06:56 |
Son_of_Demetrius | lost...that's my handle...copyright infringement here :) | 06:56 |
tehquickness | biouser: maybe try Jokosher Audio Editor | 06:56 |
LawnGnome1 | tristanmike: reset it and make a backup/? | 06:56 |
ebaby | nickrud: resume normal boot from Recovery Menu or do an actual 'physical power button shutdown and restart? | 06:56 |
|c0mmissar| | the latest linux driver on Nvidia's website | 06:56 |
darren_ | wj32: could you expand on that please (also i dont htink it sucks) | 06:57 |
nickrud | ebaby, physical button shutdown and restart. | 06:57 |
tristanmike | LawnGnome1: got it now... but it crackles very slightly | 06:57 |
MenZa | |c0mmissar|: Why don't you use the repository-one? | 06:57 |
sysdoc | |c0mmissar|, yea, what MenZa said lol | 06:57 |
|c0mmissar| | like apt-get it? | 06:57 |
wj32 | darren_: you don't think just having the simplistic model of user, group, and world sucks? well, some filesystems support ACLs, if that's what you're looking for | 06:57 |
MenZa | c0nfl|ct: System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers | 06:57 |
MenZa | |c0mmissar|* ^ | 06:57 |
rebel_kid | anyone know the ubuntu package for postgresql server? apt-cache searches are pulling way to much to find reasonably | 06:58 |
MenZa | !info postgresql | rebel_kid | 06:58 |
wj32 | darren_: i'm presuming you want to assign permissions to specific users | 06:58 |
ubottu | postgresql (source: postgresql-8.3): object-relational SQL database (supported version). In component main, is optional. Version 8.3.5-0ubuntu8.10 (intrepid), package size 218 kB, installed size 256 kB | 06:58 |
LawnGnome1 | tristanmike: Could be anything from a bad cord to a bad program,,I am going with cord or a mouse in the house. :o | 06:58 |
^Manu | there's something wrong with the kubuntu 8.10 iso :/ | 06:58 |
darren_ | wj32: just makes it difficult haha. yes thats what i want to do | 06:58 |
MenZa | ^Manu: What makes you say that? | 06:58 |
^Manu | i downloaded it, burned a disc, and it wont boot.. | 06:58 |
^Manu | 8.04 and 9.04 iso's both work fine.. | 06:58 |
^Manu | but i had deleted the 8.10 iso since the disc i made (assuming the disc was stuffed) | 06:59 |
Demios` | my life is complete | 06:59 |
MenZa | ^Manu: Have you checked the md5sums of the downloaded iso and the burnt disk? | 06:59 |
tristanmike | LawnGnome1: well, I'm gonna tackle that another day, again, thanks for the help. There's good karma for you ;) | 06:59 |
wj32 | darren_: what filesystem do you use? | 06:59 |
^Manu | so i just downloaded a new 8.10 iso.. | 06:59 |
Demios` | it's like i'm really back in high school | 06:59 |
^Manu | and burned it to a new disc.. | 06:59 |
LawnGnome1 | ^Manu: I did the web installer thing, worked great | 06:59 |
wj32 | darren_: or to make it more specific, what filesystem is the file/folder you want to control on | 06:59 |
^Manu | and it's broken in exactly the same way.. | 06:59 |
darren_ | wj32: ok i dont know what im using, i just installed ubuntu haha | 06:59 |
eseven73 | ^Manu: whats in 8.10 so much that you cant do without? | 06:59 |
^Manu | the intel gfx driver. | 07:00 |
^Manu | i can try 9.04A2 | 07:00 |
Letter_Z | Every time I try to open an admin tool(Login, Synaptic Package Manger etc) it will just say its opening for a few seconds, then it wont open. Whats wrong with it? | 07:00 |
MenZa | ^Manu: 9.04 is not yet ready for production systems. | 07:00 |
^Manu | would people seriously recommend against that? | 07:00 |
Demios` | | 07:00 |
wj32 | darren_: ok then i'm assuming you're using ext3. that does have support for ACLs i think. you'll have to use command line tools to set ACLs though | 07:00 |
^Manu | how broken is it? | 07:00 |
Letter_Z | (8.04 by the way) | 07:00 |
MenZa | ^Manu: Quite broken. | 07:00 |
^Manu | hmm. | 07:00 |
nickrud | ^Manu, best advice about 9.04 is in #ubuntu+1 | 07:00 |
MenZa | ^Manu: What speed are you burning the CD at? | 07:00 |
^Manu | well its weird.. must be a problem with my hardware or dvd drive or something, but the 8.10 iso produces disc's that wont boot. | 07:00 |
^Manu | 8.04 is fine, 9.04 is fine.. | 07:01 |
darren_ | wj32: ok ill look into that on good old google thanks | 07:01 |
wj32 | darren_: try getfattr and setfattr | 07:01 |
^Manu | it boots to the 'try live cd' 'install kubuntu' menu.. | 07:01 |
ebaby | nickrud: rats! its the same grey matter Man this is some serious frustration no wonder some Linux heads get paid so much paper... LOL any suggestions as the [in]famous "ubuntu is running in low-graphics mode window has popped up - as usual | 07:01 |
eseven73 | ^Manu: try burning it slower if you havent already been down that road. | 07:01 |
^Manu | if i do anything, it tries to read, and fails.. | 07:01 |
nickrud | ebaby, what video card do you have? | 07:01 |
^Manu | yeah i have, and like i say, the other iso's work fine.. | 07:01 |
darren_ | wj32: my package manager shows i have acl installed | 07:01 |
^Manu | and i've tried downloading kubuntu 8.10 twice, from 2 different palces. | 07:02 |
wj32 | darren_: you need the "attr" package | 07:02 |
^Manu | i'm surprised. | 07:02 |
jupiter | 0 | 07:02 |
jupiter | 安安 | 07:02 |
|c0mmissar| | allright I have the 177 recommended Driver installed already, it's the same one on Nvidia's website | 07:02 |
darren_ | wj32: and how do i get that? | 07:02 |
eseven73 | !cn | 07:02 |
ubottu | For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk | 07:02 |
Jordan_U | ebaby, Can you boot the machine while staying on IRC? | 07:02 |
=== jupiter is now known as Guest36095 | ||
MenZa | ^Manu: Burn at the lowest speed possible, and check md5sums. | 07:02 |
Guest36095 | ? | 07:02 |
Guest36095 | ? | 07:02 |
Guest36095 | ? | 07:02 |
FloodBot1 | Guest36095: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 07:03 |
wj32 | darren_: actually, try google. i'm not so sure the "attr" package is what you're looking for | 07:03 |
ebaby | nickrud: via chrome9 HC IGP -running everex stepnote nc1502 1.5ghz 1.5gb ram | 07:03 |
Guest36095 | 幹幹幹 | 07:03 |
^Manu | the iso's fine. | 07:03 |
darren_ | wj32: ok will do cheers mate | 07:03 |
^Manu | i've burned it at half speed.. | 07:03 |
Rapture | ^Manu: If burning at 1x doesn't work, try 4x instead (some drives have issues at 1x and really burn at 2.1-3.8x | 07:03 |
Rapture | ) | 07:03 |
^Manu | no difference. | 07:03 |
wj32 | i thought Guest36095 got banned? | 07:03 |
eseven73 | Guest36095: stop please. | 07:03 |
Guest36095 | hello | 07:03 |
danyaelx | Hi! i have fucked up big time i did a sudo chown -hR username /dev insteda of chowning /media/disk by typing to fast for my own good. Where can I find the info needed to restore /dev? | 07:03 |
nickrud | ebaby, ah, that danged chrome. No, I don't know much about that one at all. | 07:03 |
^Manu | i can burn 8.04 and 9.04 at max speed and it works fine.. | 07:03 |
wj32 | danyaelx: just chown them back to root:root | 07:04 |
ebaby | Jordan_U: I'm on this IRC via a Mac G4 tower on the desk next to the machine I'm trying to get Ubuntu on | 07:04 |
danyaelx | wj32 thats all I need to do? | 07:04 |
wj32 | once i chown'ed half my filesystem to wj32:wj32 | 07:04 |
wj32 | danyaelx: yes, if chown is all you did | 07:04 |
^Manu | i'm seriously surprised, but i think my tests are conclusive :/ | 07:04 |
Son_of_Demetrius | Hey guyz can I get some video codecs somewhere outside of the Ubuntu download some external mirror...senseless question or what? | 07:04 |
Dexi | has anyone ever heard of an LCD monitor flashing its indicator light and buzzing while un-plugged? | 07:04 |
danyaelx | yes only chown | 07:04 |
wj32 | danyaelx: surely you don't own any "files" in /dev | 07:04 |
eseven73 | !medibuntu | Son_of_Demetrius | 07:04 |
ubottu | Son_of_Demetrius: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See | 07:04 |
wj32 | danyaelx: try chown'ing back to root | 07:04 |
Rapture | ^Manu: do you have access to a different burner (i.e. different machine)? | 07:04 |
danyaelx | wj32: thanks your a real savior | 07:04 |
^Manu | trying to get a different drive now | 07:05 |
wj32 | danyaelx: don't thank until you've tried it and it works | 07:05 |
ebaby | Jordan_U: although to be correct Ubuntu is on it. it just wont display correctly outside of the installer | 07:05 |
nickrud | ebaby, dpkg -l xserver-xorg-video-openchrome : you'll get back several lines, what 2 chars does the last line start with? | 07:05 |
nickrud | Ahadiel, Jordan_U you know chrome? | 07:05 |
nickrud | Ahadiel, sorry | 07:06 |
Son_of_Demetrius | ubottu...that's over my head...sorry...let me explain...I've got audio playback on CD...but no audio playback on DVD...what should I do? | 07:06 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 07:06 |
|c0mmissar| | exit | 07:06 |
danyaelx | wj32: have restored the ownership now. Do I have to rebbot the system to check if it works ? | 07:06 |
eseven73 | !codecs | Son_of_Demetrius | 07:06 |
ubottu | Son_of_Demetrius: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 07:06 |
ebaby | nickrud: give me a sec as I will need to reboot to get to to recovery menu choose root or... | 07:06 |
eseven73 | you need codecs Son_of_Demetrius | 07:06 |
Jordan_U | nickrud, The browser or the component of a browser? | 07:06 |
Rapture | How can i setup Ubuntu-Server to automatically mount a Fat32 USB HD and allow sharing in Samba? | 07:06 |
nickrud | ebaby, you can just hit clt-alt-f2 to get a console. ctl-alt-f7 to get back to gui | 07:07 |
hotcat | #gcc | 07:07 |
wj32 | danyaelx: did you set ownership to root:root | 07:07 |
wj32 | danyaelx: not just root | 07:07 |
danyaelx | yes root:root | 07:07 |
nickrud | Jordan_U, no, the chrome video driver. Last I worked with it it was flacky | 07:07 |
wj32 | danyaelx: then reboot and see | 07:07 |
Letter_Z | Every time I try to open an admin tool(Login, Synaptic Package Manger etc) it will just say its opening for a few seconds, then it wont open. I'm on 8.04, whats wrong with it? | 07:07 |
ebaby | nickrud: I'll try it again doesn't always work for me those cmds | 07:07 |
Jordan_U | nickrud, Don't know anything beyond hearing of it | 07:08 |
Rapture | Letter_Z: Did synaptic/update manager crash at some point? | 07:08 |
nickrud | very few work on it | 07:08 |
LawnGnome1 | Letter_Z: are you sudo? | 07:08 |
danyaelx | wj32: okay hopefully it works =) reboting now | 07:08 |
wj32 | danyaelx: wait | 07:08 |
Son_of_Demetrius | I've been to the link guys...but I don't know how to install the do I install the codecs...I've got a rar file full of codecs | 07:08 |
wj32 | danyaelx: this is important! | 07:08 |
^Manu | different drive.. also doesn't like it... :/ | 07:08 |
Jordan_U | ebaby, Try going to a console and running "sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop" then "startx" | 07:08 |
ebaby | nickrud: ok here at recovery menu back to root or... | 07:08 |
danyaelx | yes | 07:08 |
^Manu | i'm gonna install 9.04 | 07:08 |
Son_of_Demetrius | Is it because it's Windows based? | 07:09 |
danyaelx | wj32 yes? | 07:09 |
nickrud | ebaby, try what Jordan_U just suggested first | 07:09 |
^Manu | i've been trying to get 8.10 to boot for ages.. | 07:09 |
Letter_Z | Rapture, no, this all started after Firefox crashed not long ago, since then Ubuntu has been having all sorts of problems. Lattyware I'm admin if that's what you're asking | 07:09 |
^Manu | its stuffed.. | 07:09 |
eseven73 | Son_of_Demetrius: 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras' | 07:09 |
wj32 | danyaelx: chown tty* to root:tty | 07:09 |
duanedesign | Rapture: maybe this will help | 07:09 |
nickrud | ebaby, boot back to bad graphics if you're not there | 07:09 |
Rapture | Letter_Z: even after a reboot, it won't open? | 07:09 |
Jordan_U | ebaby, Try it from a normal boot though, not from recovery mode ( or at least not as root ) | 07:09 |
dcider | Son_of_Demetrius: have you synaptic restricted? | 07:09 |
Letter_Z | Rapture, I tried a reboot, didn't work | 07:09 |
nickrud | ebaby, it's getting late here for me ... | 07:09 |
nonix4 | How exactly does hardy-proposed work in practice? As in if I'd want just the kernel & related packages from there? | 07:10 |
=== john is now known as geeksauce | ||
tristanmike | thanks again LawnGnome1 :D | 07:10 |
Rapture | Letter_Z: try opening a terminal and doing a sudo apt-get update. see if it is locked | 07:10 |
danyaelx | wj32: chown tty* root:tty or chown -hR tty* -hR? | 07:10 |
Flannel | nonix4: You don't want to use it. People upload stuff there, and it may be unstable, may not have all of its depends available, etc. | 07:10 |
Son_of_Demetrius | make perfect sense...but I'm not online at the moment with Ubuntu up and how can I transfer files...I'm a little confused as to what to do | 07:10 |
ebaby | nickrud: okay you guys lost me theres a lot of type flying around what should I try | 07:10 |
ebaby | Jordan_U:okay you guys lost me theres a lot of type flying around what should I try | 07:10 |
wj32 | danyaelx: its just chown root:tty tty* | 07:10 |
danyaelx | ok | 07:10 |
Letter_Z | Sudo is still working fine, it has been the entire time I've had this problem | 07:11 |
nonix4 | Flannel: well, looks like stable got some updates w/ kernel parts for it still being only -proposed :/ | 07:11 |
eseven73 | Son_of_Demetrius: also Medibuntu is not a rar file, on its website it shows you that you need to edit your sources.list a bit, and after you do that it becomes 'apart' of your repos just with a load more codecs and other goodies :) | 07:11 |
geeksauce | i'm having trouble getting my display to work in widescreen mode. any advice? | 07:11 |
Rapture | Letter_Z: right, but is apt-get working? | 07:11 |
nickrud | ebaby, clt-alt-f2 , log in, run sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop , then run startx | 07:11 |
marvy | hi guys | 07:11 |
eseven73 | Son_of_Demetrius: ohhh i think you were having this issue yesterday......ummmmm lol good question! | 07:11 |
Letter_Z | Rapture, yes | 07:11 |
Jordan_U | ebaby, Are you booted normally right now or in recovery mode? | 07:11 |
illmortal | Does anyone know why after formatting my HD it shows that 7gb is used on the formatted HD? | 07:11 |
Rapture | odd | 07:11 |
ebaby | Jordan_U: I'm at the recovery Menu right now | 07:11 |
Letter_Z | Rapture, its not just Synaptic, I can't access any admin tools. | 07:11 |
eseven73 | Son_of_Demetrius: i believe wj32 recommended AptOnCD remember? | 07:11 |
wj32 | danyaelx: and after that, chown root:root tty0 tty1 tty2 tty3 tty4 tty5 tty6 tty7 tty8 tty9 | 07:12 |
eseven73 | we had this convo yesterday | 07:12 |
Rapture | pgrep synaptic? | 07:12 |
Letter_Z | And I can only access a few preferance tools | 07:12 |
eseven73 | or day before was it? | 07:12 |
LawnGnome1 | tristanmike: My pleasure, is good to be back on land,,,NOT | 07:12 |
danyaelx | wj32: wait one second I have to do it standing in /dev right? | 07:12 |
Rapture | or pgrep sudo | 07:12 |
Son_of_Demetrius | eseven...I've had this issue for the past week lol...still tearing my hair out...or what's left of | 07:12 |
wj32 | danyaelx: and then chown root:dialout tty | 07:12 |
eseven73 | lol | 07:12 |
nonix4 | Flannel: libsensors4 to be exact - what I want is the coretemp module... | 07:12 |
wj32 | danyaelx: this is all just in case... | 07:12 |
eseven73 | dont give up :) | 07:12 |
Jordan_U | ebaby, OK, choose to continue booting normally and when X fails to start correctly go to a console with ctrl+alt+f7 | 07:12 |
^Manu | well i put it down to the hardware doesn't like the kubuntu 8.10 disc, or my dvd burner doesn't like the iso.. | 07:12 |
Letter_Z | Rapture, what? | 07:12 |
Jordan_U | ebaby, Make that ctrl+alt+f1 :) | 07:12 |
^Manu | either way, there's definitely something slightly wrong with the 8.10 iso.. | 07:13 |
Son_of_Demetrius | I won't...I'm a stubborn old fool | 07:13 |
^Manu | all the others work perfectlyt. | 07:13 |
^Manu | :/ | 07:13 |
wj32 | danyaelx: see pm | 07:13 |
LawnGnome1 | That is the route to take,,I think for synaptic failure | 07:13 |
Rapture | Letter_Z: try pgrep synaptic or pgrep sudo and see if there are any 4 digit numbers returned | 07:13 |
rodolfo | Hi! I'm trying to run a .rmvb media file. It seems Totem does not have the appropiate codec to do it. Searching for this codec through Totem's codec finder has not worked out, because there is no codec for this file type on the repos. Whato do I do? Should I look for the win32codec? | 07:13 |
Roey | hi all | 07:14 |
Rapture | hai | 07:14 |
Roey | my webcam says it supports 1600x1200 and 30fps; I chose more conservative settings but luvcview says it can't get those: Frame size: 960x720 (requested size 1024x768 is not supported by device). What's going on?? | 07:14 |
ashvala | hai | 07:14 |
Son_of_Demetrius | brb...coffe is finished pecolating...ahhh! | 07:14 |
Roey | hey Rapture | 07:14 |
Roey | and ashvala | 07:14 |
Letter_Z | Rapture, there are a heap of 5 digit numbers returned for pgrep sudo, but nothing for pgrep synaptic | 07:14 |
illmortal | Does anyone know why after formatting my HD it shows that 7gb is used on the formatted HD? | 07:14 |
rodolfo | !win32codec | 07:14 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about win32codec | 07:14 |
Rapture | hmm, try lawngnome's link | 07:14 |
luddite | the ubuntu 8.10 iso you download needs a update of about 213MB. is there a way to get this all in one ISO? so you dont have to do a synaptic update? | 07:14 |
Son_of_Demetrius | wow...I so totally suck at the keyboard...brb :) | 07:14 |
eseven73 | !Medibuntu | Win32codecs is in the Medibuntu repos.... | 07:15 |
ubottu | Win32codecs is in the Medibuntu repos....: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See | 07:15 |
edgher | hi, anyone using emaxx780g mobo on ubuntu? | 07:15 |
geeksauce | any way to manually run the display detection thing? | 07:15 |
rodolfo | eseven73, by doing this, will totem be capable of running .mp4 files as well? | 07:16 |
Letter_Z | Rapture, I just did "sudo synaptic" and it opened fine...? | 07:16 |
ebaby | Jordan_U: ok when I press those keys nothing happens immediatlely except more intermittent white noise on screen finally after holding for a while I get the "Ubuntu is running in low-graphics" window/box | 07:16 |
illmortal | Does anyone know of a program that Ubuntu can use in order to find any hidden files or hidden partitions on a hard drive? My reformatted hard drive claims that 7GB of space is used atm and I don't know how. | 07:16 |
eseven73 | Son_of_Demetrius: easy on the "BRB's and AFK's" they concider it flooding , dont wanna see you getting snapped at :) | 07:16 |
Rapture | Letter_Z: i have no idea... for me all I had to do was reboot or kill the hung process | 07:16 |
eseven73 | rodolfo: im not for sure, but what would it hurt to try? | 07:17 |
LawnGnome1 | eseven73: Nice to see you again, and thank you for all the detailed and concise help. | 07:17 |
rodolfo | eseven73, it wouldnt hurt dude just ASKED YOU | 07:18 |
Son_of_Demetrius | eseven...what's AFK's? | 07:18 |
eseven73 | Son_of_Demetrius: 'away from keyboard' | 07:18 |
Rapture | when I plug in my USB HD into my Ubuntu-Server box and do a mount /dev/sdb /media/WD250, it complains the directory doesn't exist... isn't mount supposed to create/demolish directories for me? | 07:18 |
Takyoji | I'll be repartitioning my secondary harddrive. Would ext3 or ext4 be more reasonable? Or would something else fit best? | 07:19 |
eseven73 | LawnGnome1: heh np | 07:19 |
shri | how to increase the time in the dual boot. i want to give the user some more time to choose between windows and linux and i want default windows | 07:19 |
ebaby | if I press okay the dialog box comes up with three choices: Run ubuntu in low graphics mode..., or Reconfigure graphics, or troubleshoot the error | 07:19 |
geeksauce | i can't get my display drivers to work in any other mode than 4:3...any known solutions | 07:19 |
Son_of_Demetrius | Am I offending people here...I'm sorry..I don't yet know the rules...I'll stick to strict english then :( | 07:19 |
_MattB | I'm trying to mount a 7TB NTFS partition for read/write in Interpid, is this even possible? | 07:19 |
Rapture | 7TB!?! didn't know they made drives that big... | 07:20 |
eseven73 | rodolfo: yeah, no what i meant by that is it would be ok to install medibuntu, it wouldnt ruin anything :) | 07:20 |
shavin | Guys i am using ubuntu on pen drive. I tried punjabi language on bootup and now even if i choose english at boot up the language still remains punjabi. How do i revert back to english? | 07:20 |
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ebaby | Jordan_U: all three will only start a repetitious back and forth of dialog windows | 07:20 |
_MattB | Rapture, it's part of a software raid array | 07:20 |
Rapture | ah | 07:20 |
Rapture | i'm jealous | 07:20 |
eseven73 | rodolfo: please let me know if it works | 07:20 |
_MattB | basically, it was setup as an ISCSI SAN device, but now I want to convert it to a NAS type device | 07:20 |
kaneda_ | _MattB; if the partitions are visible in ubuntu, then answer should be yes (for read) | 07:20 |
kaneda_ | not sure about write | 07:21 |
Rapture | _MattB: look into ntfs-config (allows read/write of NTFS) | 07:21 |
rodolfo | eseven73, yeah OK. sorry...I'm pissed...Update Manager has come with too many unnecessary packages and I have to download a ton of useless video drivers, mixed up with useful's a mess this Ubuntu installation >.< | 07:22 |
faileas | shri: you can edit /boot/grub/menu.lst make sure the xp partition is first in the list and set the value for timeout as needed | 07:22 |
Takyoji | _MattB: This might assist you: | 07:22 |
eseven73 | You're frustrated, its cool rodolfo I understand all too well trust me | 07:22 |
LawnGnome1 | How can I get the firewall to work on a non sudo account? I typed the admin pass thing and all,,, | 07:22 |
_MattB | Takyoji, thx | 07:23 |
Rapture | Does Ubuntu-Server support auto-mounting of USB hard drives? | 07:23 |
Takyoji | _MattB: Otherwise if it doesn't provide write privileges, you can unmount it, then remount it with "-o rw" to the end of the command. | 07:23 |
Son_of_Demetrius | What does 'Can't Mount CDRom mean? Yesterday, I had to manually shut down becuse I couldn't eject my cd | 07:24 |
eseven73 | rodolfo: im kinda a minimalistic person myself, i dont like to have to install a million libs just to get something working, especially since im very very low on Harddrive space :/ | 07:24 |
ebaby | nickrud: you mentioned " clt-alt-f2 , log in, run sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop , then run startx" can you elaborate | 07:24 |
Takyoji | I actually deal with an NTFS partition myself regularly, which wasn't writable each time I'd boot, thus I'd keep remounting it with write privileges (until I found out about /etc/fstab, which is for automatically mounting file systems) | 07:24 |
nickrud | ebaby, ctl-alt-f2 takes you to a console, the stop shuts down the currently running gui, and startx starts it a different way | 07:25 |
_MattB | i'm still trying to figure out what the partition is, fdisk doesn't work with GPT.. and parted I can't seem to figure out the name of the device | 07:25 |
Takyoji | _MattB: Install GParted, and see if you can find the partition. | 07:26 |
ufk_ | hi. i created an svn repository. i do svn checkout and i get the message "checked out revision 0" but it does not create the directory .svn and allows me to add more files to it. any ideas>/ | 07:26 |
hole_ | I just came for a difficulty rating. By any chance, has anyone ever started a mud? | 07:26 |
Sa[i]nT | How do I get dock apps and screenlets? What's a good proggy for that? | 07:26 |
risco | anybody know, how to hard reset? | 07:27 |
Takyoji | _MattB: Then it should be located at /dev/(whatever Gparted says the name is; like sda1 for example) | 07:27 |
wj32 | Sa[i]nT: screenlets? | 07:27 |
dcider | i auto mount a second hd, is there a way to get rid of the desktop icon? | 07:27 |
_MattB | Takyoji, this is server | 07:27 |
rodolfo | eseven73, me too. I guess there could be a better package management over these files. There ARE distros like Debian and Conectiva that has an intelligent Update Manager that tells the user what really should be downloaded. On Ubuntu, we still have to do this process manually...I mean, why UM doesn't talk to Hardware Test, collect the machine hardware data and downloads what really matter to me? | 07:27 |
LawnGnome1 | Sa[i]nt: Like RocketDock thingy? | 07:27 |
_MattB | the "root" of the device is /dev/mdq | 07:27 |
_MattB | err, sorry | 07:27 |
geeksauce | anyone for help on getting my widescreen display to work in some dort of 16:9 mode | 07:27 |
_MattB | '/dev/md1 | 07:27 |
ebaby | nickrud: typing in crt alt xx dont achieve anything it seems i need to power down each time to get outside of the screen noise | 07:27 |
shepherd | my sound does not work............................ i am using a usb headset and it has no sound how do i fix it plz | 07:27 |
Sa[i]nT | Just something modern looking with alot of support? | 07:27 |
Rapture | anyone know how to enable remote management for samba-swat? | 07:28 |
kiteliu | anyone using bluetooth mouse under 8.10 sucessfully? | 07:28 |
hole_ | shepherd: get a normal headset | 07:28 |
nickrud | ebaby, oh, your consoles simply don't work then. I understand what you mean now. Truthfully, I'm sorry but I don't know the chrome chips at all. | 07:28 |
hole_ | shepherd: they r cheap | 07:28 |
_MattB | but if i do ls /dev/md* it only shows md1 | 07:28 |
shepherd | so there is no way to fix it? | 07:28 |
Takyoji | _MattB: Can't you just do: "mount /dev/md1 /media/name-of-your-choice-of-a-folder-that-exists -o rw"? | 07:29 |
rodolfo | eseven73, for example I have a intel nobo. This means it has intel video driver. So why the heck I have to DL ATi/nVIDIA drivers through UM? | 07:29 |
hole_ | i wouldn't even try | 07:29 |
GreedyB | Does anyone know the command to get a list of directorys and then output them to a file? I want to list all of my music.. I forget how to do it | 07:29 |
_MattB | Takyoji, unfortunaltely not, that would be like saying mount /dev/sda (instead of sda1) | 07:29 |
shepherd | the thing is i have a lot of interfearance with a normal plug in the hole headphones/mic. that is why i use a usb | 07:29 |
hole_ | shepherd: got 5 bux? | 07:29 |
ebaby | nickrud: I'm not opposed to re-installing or install via USB if you think that will make a difference | 07:29 |
_MattB | md1 is the raid virtual device that contains partition(s) | 07:29 |
shepherd | look guy, i have a normal headset, i want to get my usb on to work. is there a way? | 07:30 |
nickrud | ebaby, I really don't know. I just know that I've seen lots of people having problems with the chrome chips | 07:30 |
hole_ | yo no sane | 07:30 |
hole_ | lo siento | 07:30 |
nickrud | ebaby, well, not lots because there aren't that many of them :) | 07:30 |
ebaby | Nickrud: not saying of course that you need to walk me through Just wondering if there is something to be input during the install as the gui is all there during install, internet connectivity, etc | 07:31 |
hole_ | was i kicked? | 07:31 |
Takyoji | _MattB: One moment, I'm relaying the question to someone else | 07:31 |
nickrud | ebaby, no, the video is supposed to be totally automated | 07:31 |
ashvala | hole: you may be if you over react :) | 07:31 |
shepherd | do usb headphones not work on ubuntu? | 07:32 |
hole_ | why i'm cool | 07:32 |
_MattB | Takyoji, thanks a bunch | 07:32 |
Son_of_Demetrius | Should I buy CrossOver Linux Pro 7.1.0?...I want to load all my old fac programs...will it do it for me? | 07:32 |
shepherd | what is the channel to get the box desktop to work? | 07:32 |
LawnGnome1 | A RocketDock app or something close for Ubuntu. | 07:32 |
hole_ | i just want to know if i was kicked and why so i dont do it again | 07:32 |
Son_of_Demetrius | fav...not fac...sorry | 07:33 |
rww | hole_: discussion of channel operator actions belongs in #ubuntu-ops, not here. | 07:33 |
shepherd | you probabbly got kick becuase you being an a hole | 07:33 |
eseven73 | rodolfo: yeah i hear that, if you havent already you could try to use aptitude instead of apt-get I hear its supposed to be a bit better with dependencies and what not | 07:33 |
nickrud | ebaby, I gotta go. You should ask specifically for help with the chrome video driver, people do come through that know it | 07:33 |
Flannel | hole_: You weren't kicked | 07:33 |
hole_ | ok | 07:33 |
shepherd | #compiz | 07:33 |
hole_ | connection reset or something i guess | 07:33 |
ebaby | Nickrud: I am assuming there must be some way to copy the settings that are used during install and force their use after install - Okay thanks a bunch for your time and assitance - any good books you can reccommend on Ubuntu? | 07:34 |
nickrud | !training | ebaby | 07:34 |
ubottu | ebaby: A desktop course manual for Ubuntu 7.10 can be found at | 07:34 |
nickrud | ebaby, hm, that's kinda old. | 07:34 |
eseven73 | lol | 07:34 |
nickrud | !rute | 07:34 |
ubottu | documentation is to be found at and - General linux documentation: - | 07:34 |
^Manu | so i've heard of ways to boot from a cd image on a usb? | 07:35 |
^Manu | is that easy? | 07:35 |
nickrud | ebaby, that last link | 07:35 |
Rapture | ^Manu: I had nothing but problems with it, but alot of people do it.. check out | 07:35 |
ashvala | ^Manu: you can, but it does work! | 07:35 |
ebaby | nickrud: got it thanks | 07:35 |
shepherd | CAN you use usb headpohnes on ubuntu? | 07:36 |
^Manu | jaunty's partition tool is crapping out.. | 07:36 |
^Manu | i can't install 9.04 either.. | 07:36 |
rww | !usb | ^Manu | 07:36 |
ubottu | ^Manu: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see - For a persistent live USB install, see: | 07:36 |
=== Cyberia is now known as Sifre | ||
rww | ^Manu: also, note that discussion and support of Jaunty/9.04 belong in #ubuntu+1 | 07:36 |
Sifre | Kanalda türk varmý? | 07:37 |
^Manu | yeah i know.. i'm just trying it since the 8.10 cd is busted.. | 07:37 |
ebaby | !via chrome9 hc igp | 07:37 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 07:37 |
shavin | HOw do i revert back to english on a pen drive ubuntu? I chose punjabi to try it out. Now even when i reboot and choose english, ubuntu is not pleased! | 07:37 |
Flannel | !tr | Sifre | 07:37 |
ubottu | Sifre: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. | 07:37 |
ebaby | !chrome drivers | 07:37 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about chrome drivers | 07:37 |
Son_of_Demetrius | Overdosed on Microsoft guys are too far ahead of me...hope to visit you again with more intelligent questions...bye4now:) | 07:38 |
shepherd | i have ubuntu installed on one hard drive, but i have another hard drive with files on it, but i can not see it in the file manager........ | 07:38 |
Takyoji | _MattB: df? | 07:38 |
Rapture | anyone know how to enable remote management for samba-swat? | 07:39 |
=== risco is now known as rahma | ||
_MattB | i'll try | 07:39 |
ebaby | anyone can assist with an 8.10 install with via chrome9 hc igp video drivers? | 07:39 |
roccity | shepherd: what is the file system on it | 07:39 |
roccity | shepherd: is it ntfs ext3? | 07:39 |
Takyoji | _MattB: Try: "df /dev/md1" It should list the capacities and usage of the partitions. | 07:39 |
caleb_ | is this the channel for help? | 07:40 |
shepherd | it is ntfs i think, thats the windows one right? | 07:40 |
rww | caleb_: for Ubuntu help, yes | 07:40 |
roccity | shepherd: yeah | 07:40 |
caleb_ | ok | 07:40 |
rww | !ntfs | shepherd | 07:40 |
ubottu | shepherd: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE | 07:40 |
roccity | shepherd: ok you can try typing this in a terminal | 07:40 |
roccity | shepherd: | 07:40 |
caleb_ | i need help with my installation | 07:40 |
roccity | shepherd: you have to be root to do it | 07:41 |
_MattB | okay, i get filesystem udev mounted on /dev ? | 07:41 |
shepherd | ok | 07:41 |
caleb_ | the install disc is failing to find CDrom drivers | 07:41 |
caleb_ | and i need to run ls /dev | 07:41 |
rodolfo | eseven73, getting back to our previous conversation, by installing w32codecs get totem to read .rmvb files correctly. I followed the instructions from this page: | 07:41 |
Takyoji | _MattB: Actually, try just "df" | 07:41 |
roccity | shepherd: go to the media dir as root make a dir called Disk | 07:41 |
caleb_ | to find the location | 07:41 |
nonix4 | does aptitude do removals before installations or the other way? (could be low on disk space on /boot atm) | 07:42 |
roccity | after that type mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sd* /media/Disk | 07:42 |
caleb_ | but i dont know which one is my dc drive | 07:42 |
roccity | shepherd: where /dev/sd* is your disk | 07:42 |
_MattB | df alone doesn't list anything that has to do with the raid volume | 07:42 |
Rapture | how do i auto-mount my USB hard drive automatically and always to the same directory? | 07:42 |
rodolfo | eseven73, and it worked out for me. I didn't try it with .mp4 files though but I'm already downloading it when I'm done I'll get back to you and tell you if it worked out or not. | 07:42 |
roccity | shepherd: maybe /dev/sdc1 | 07:42 |
roccity | shepherd: that should work | 07:43 |
Takyoji | _MattB: I'm out of ideas then | 07:43 |
rww | caleb_: maybe /dev/scd0? That's what mine is./ | 07:43 |
caleb_ | i dont have one | 07:44 |
caleb_ | nothing even says cd in it | 07:44 |
caleb_ | i have a disk though | 07:44 |
caleb_ | and hda 0-4 | 07:44 |
caleb_ | and alot of others | 07:44 |
_MattB | Takyoji, i think i may have to just go with ext3 and backup/restore everything | 07:44 |
_MattB | probably better in the long run anyway | 07:44 |
roccity | shepherd: be right back union break :) | 07:44 |
_MattB | thanks for trying though | 07:45 |
rww | caleb_: wait. Which install disc are you talking about? The Ubuntu one>? | 07:45 |
caleb_ | also adb and fb0 | 07:45 |
caleb_ | yes but the alterate CD | 07:45 |
Takyoji | _MattB: Yea, that would be most advisable otherwise. I'm actually changing a NTFS partition to EXT3 tonight. | 07:45 |
Rapture | how do i get the UUID if a drive in the terminal? | 07:45 |
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo | ||
caleb_ | its the powerpc alternate install disc | 07:45 |
rww | !uuid | Rapture | 07:45 |
ubottu | Rapture: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see for the rationale behind the transition to UUID) | 07:45 |
Rapture | ah, thanx | 07:45 |
Rapture | knew i was close... blkuuid... oops :D | 07:46 |
rww | caleb_: ah. I don't know too much about PPC. Maybe ask in #ubuntu-powerpc? | 07:46 |
caleb_ | noones there | 07:46 |
caleb_ | i dont think its specific | 07:46 |
caleb_ | i just need to know which is my cd drive | 07:46 |
Takyoji | caleb_: Are you sure you have a PowerPC processor and not i386 nor i686 which is most common? | 07:46 |
centr0 | how dod i find out if a loopback interface exists? ifconfig? | 07:47 |
caleb_ | yes its the macmini | 07:47 |
rww | centr0: yup | 07:47 |
caleb_ | the old one | 07:47 |
caleb_ | 1.5GHz powerPC | 07:47 |
Mayank | firefox closes itself | 07:47 |
luddite | the ubuntu 8.10 iso you download needs a update of about 213MB. is there a way to get this all in one ISO? so you dont have to do a synaptic update? | 07:47 |
rww | centr0: if you have loopback set up right, you'll have an entry for "lo" | 07:47 |
^Manu | okay, how do i a get the intel driver and compile it from source? | 07:47 |
^Manu | thats my only option left.. | 07:47 |
LawnGnome1 | centr0: Yes ipconfig , just look in Network Settings and it will show you | 07:48 |
Mayank | firefox closes itself | 07:48 |
^Manu | i'm running 8.04, with 9.04's kernel, and i need 8.10's video driver, but i can't install 8.10 :( | 07:48 |
^Manu | its a mess.. | 07:48 |
^Manu | i can install the latest intel driver from source yeah? | 07:48 |
pimpaware | hi | 07:48 |
roccity | luddite: if you have a updated 8.10 you can try aptoncd | 07:48 |
^Manu | in 8.04? | 07:48 |
centr0 | rww: all i see is eth0 hmm.. checking /etc/network/interfaces now | 07:48 |
caleb_ | so noone knows what my cdrom drive is? | 07:48 |
luddite | aptoncd. thanks roccity | 07:48 |
Mayank | when i run firefox from terminal, firefox closes itself anytime and terminal says segmentation fault | 07:48 |
pimpaware | can anyopne help me how to install video card drivers? | 07:49 |
roccity | caleb_: /dev/cdrom or /dev/cdrom0 | 07:49 |
caleb_ | dont have it | 07:49 |
rww | centr0: Here's my interfaces file, if it helps: | 07:49 |
Rapture | so, I added: 'UUID=E444-68C7 /media/WD250 vfat relatime 0 2' to my /etc/fstab file... now how do i refresh it? | 07:49 |
roccity | caleb_: what is in your /dev dir? | 07:49 |
caleb_ | alot | 07:49 |
nonix4 | pimpaware: manufacturer & ubuntu version? | 07:49 |
roccity | caleb_: or better yet /media | 07:49 |
Rapture | !fstab | 07:49 |
ubottu | The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See and and !Partitions | 07:49 |
caleb_ | probably over 100 | 07:50 |
caleb_ | ok ill try ls /media | 07:50 |
rww | Rapture: mount /media/WD250 | 07:50 |
roccity | caleb_: are you trying to mount a cd | 07:50 |
Mayank | rww, hen i run firefox from terminal, firefox closes itself anytime and terminal says segmentation fault | 07:50 |
hole_ | how can one using ubuntu obtain their routers ip | 07:50 |
caleb_ | the install CD says it cant find my cdrom | 07:50 |
caleb_ | so i have to manually find the name | 07:50 |
roccity | hole_: ifconfig | 07:50 |
centr0 | thanks rww: i have those same lines but when i /etc/init.d/network restart everything checks out. but ifconfig doesnt show 'lo' | 07:50 |
caleb_ | brb i have to use this keyboard to type | 07:50 |
roccity | caleb_: what does it say in /media | 07:51 |
centr0 | networking* | 07:51 |
^Manu | i can install the latest intel driver from source in 8.04 right? | 07:51 |
^Manu | how do i go abou tthat? | 07:51 |
Rapture | rww: thanx! | 07:51 |
hole_ | i'm there now | 07:51 |
LuSiD | anyone have any experience with changing the avatars and applications on wbar? | 07:51 |
roccity | hole_: look for where it says default gateway | 07:51 |
rww | centr0: What happens if you run "ifconfig lo"? | 07:51 |
roccity | hole_: that should be your router | 07:51 |
Rapture | how would i make /media/WD250 accessible on my Windows network (global share)? | 07:52 |
caleb_ | it says so such file or directory | 07:52 |
caleb_ | for ls /media | 07:52 |
caleb_ | and ls/volumes | 07:52 |
roccity | caleb_: you don't have a /meida dir? | 07:52 |
centr0 | rww: ah i see it there now. just entering 'ifconfig' wont show all interfaces? | 07:52 |
caleb_ | aperently not | 07:52 |
caleb_ | im in terminal | 07:53 |
roccity | caleb_: what gnu/linux version are you using? | 07:53 |
Mayank | when i run firefox from terminal, firefox closes itself anytime and terminal says segmentation fault | 07:53 |
caleb_ | its the 8.10 install disc | 07:53 |
rww | centr0: it should do, and is weird that it doesn't for you (it does for me), but since you didn't get an error, it looks like your loopback is up and working and ifconfig was just not showing it for some reason :) | 07:53 |
roccity | caleb_: ok in terminal type cd /media | 07:53 |
faileas | Rapture: you would need to set up samba and add it as a share | 07:53 |
roccity | caleb_: then ls | 07:53 |
caleb_ | k | 07:53 |
Rapture | faileas: ok, i installed samba, and swat, but every forum/site i've been to gets right into doing PDC and user accounts.. i don't need all that | 07:54 |
caleb_ | it says it cant cd to media | 07:54 |
caleb_ | or volumes | 07:54 |
Rapture | faileas: also, i can't seem to remotely manage samba via swat... i can't figure out where the swat.conf file ran off to | 07:54 |
faileas | Rapture: PDC, no, whatever that is. my setup just uses user accounts | 07:54 |
roccity | caleb_: hold on ill be back in a sec | 07:54 |
caleb_ | ok | 07:54 |
centr0 | rww: thanks.. now to try to get mysqld to connect to localhost.. ughhhhh | 07:55 |
Rapture | faileas: PDC = Primary Domain Controller | 07:55 |
* centr0 bangs his head in frustration. | 07:55 | |
caleb_ | you think your frustrated | 07:55 |
caleb_ | ha | 07:55 |
faileas | Rapture: yup, never needed one | 07:55 |
faileas | caleb_: .. ITS CLIPPY, RUN! | 07:55 |
rww | centr0: actually. hmm. what output does "sudo ifup lo" give you? | 07:55 |
Rapture | caleb_: you are using the LiveCD? | 07:55 |
faileas | Rapture: my setup needs user accounts, and thats about it | 07:55 |
caleb_ | no its alternate | 07:56 |
Rapture | faileas: is there a simple method of having a public share? | 07:56 |
centr0 | rww: the first time i did that cmd nothing echoed out. then 2nd time it says interface lo is already configured. | 07:57 |
Rapture | caleb_: try cd /dev (enter) ls | grep cd | 07:57 |
faileas | Rapture: well, i haven't worked out how to get a windows xp style public share- mine allows anyone with an account on a box to access a common share though | 07:57 |
Rapture | kk | 07:57 |
caleb_ | i have raptue | 07:57 |
centr0 | rww: now ifconfig shows botth eth0 and lo! | 07:57 |
rww | centr0: huh. Does "ifconfig" (just by itself) output lo information now? | 07:57 |
Rapture | i had it working on FreeNAS | 07:57 |
caleb_ | i get a loooong list | 07:57 |
rww | centr0: okay. So it looks like lo actually wasn't being activated properly. | 07:57 |
Rapture | caleb_: 'ls | grep cd' returns a long list? | 07:57 |
KTL | what is the exact difference between a ubuntu and a debian install? | 07:57 |
rww | !debian | KTL | 07:58 |
ubottu | KTL: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu! | 07:58 |
faileas | Rapture: let me know if you work out how to make a share without an account ;) | 07:58 |
centr0 | rww: any tips on how to activate it properly at reboot? | 07:58 |
caleb_ | i havent done that one | 07:58 |
Rapture | kk | 07:58 |
rww | centr0: You're sure that our /etc/network/interfaces files are the same? | 07:58 |
Rapture | faileas: thanx | 07:58 |
faileas | KTL: ubuntu periodically takes a sid snapshot, and polishes it up ;) | 07:58 |
faileas | in theory | 07:58 |
centr0 | rww: let me pastebin my interfaces file one sec. | 07:58 |
rww | centr0: k | 07:58 |
KTL | if i install a ubuntu, change the sources.list and upgrade heavily ... what remains of ubuntu? | 07:58 |
Flannel | KTL: Change the sources.list to what? | 07:59 |
rww | KTL: change the sources.list to what? debian? what would remain would probably be very broken | 07:59 |
KTL | debian repositories | 07:59 |
caleb_ | i get cdrom | 07:59 |
caleb_ | when i type 'ls | grep cd' | 07:59 |
Flannel | KTL: If you replace every single package, then nothing. | 07:59 |
KTL | why would it be broken? | 07:59 |
rww | KTL: although some crazy people could probably get it to work. I've seen crazier... why would you want to do that, though? | 07:59 |
centr0 | rww: | 07:59 |
Lat1n0S | how know where i may download Sega Emulator(e.g. "Gens") in binary file for ubuntu(i don't have permission to compile on machine...)? :) | 07:59 |
Flannel | KTL: Because the upgrade won't really work. You'd have to do a lot of manual stuffs to get it to be happy. | 08:00 |
KTL | i dont have a debian install cd :) | 08:00 |
Rapture | caleb_: do this, mkdir /media/cdrom | 08:00 |
Lat1n0S | bla | 08:00 |
caleb_ | k | 08:00 |
Rapture | caleb_: and mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom | 08:00 |
caleb_ | k | 08:00 |
kiss_men | tes | 08:00 |
caleb_ | brb | 08:00 |
illmortal | can someone assist me in tryin to figure out why this formatted HD has 7.8GB of space used?... | 08:00 |
Mayank | when i run firefox from terminal, firefox closes itself anytime and terminal says segmentation fault | 08:00 |
roccity | Rapture: he said he didn't have a /media dir on 8.10 | 08:01 |
Rapture | he will ;) | 08:01 |
roccity | Rapture: is that cause he is using ppc | 08:01 |
Rapture | oh.. | 08:01 |
roccity | Rapture: I think he said he was using ppc | 08:01 |
rww | centr0: huh. That looks fine o.O | 08:01 |
aiuw | Mayank, uh, you type 'firefox' and it closes? | 08:01 |
Rapture | erm.. oops :D | 08:01 |
Flannel | illmortal: How big is the harddrive, and how much freespace is it showing? | 08:01 |
Mayank | aiuw, no its run sometime then closes itself | 08:01 |
caleb_ | it didnt work | 08:01 |
Rapture | error? | 08:02 |
caleb_ | but i did mkdir /media | 08:02 |
caleb_ | ttthen mkdir /media/cdrom | 08:02 |
Rapture | ah, ok.. | 08:02 |
caleb_ | now what | 08:02 |
Rapture | how about mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom? | 08:02 |
caleb_ | oops forgot | 08:02 |
caleb_ | brb | 08:02 |
centr0 | rww: i took out a iptables line to test it. so i guess my iptables line was screwed. gonna try to reboot server right now and see if mysqld starts. that was the problem though. there was no lo interface for mysqld to connect to. couldnt ping localhost either. now everything is up and running! | 08:02 |
rww | centr0: /etc/init.d/networking calls ifup -a, which should configure all interfaces in /etc/network/interfaces with an "auto lo" (for example) line... | 08:02 |
rww | centr0: yeah, try rebooting and see if lo comes up. Good luck :) | 08:03 |
illmortal | Flannel it's a 500GB SATA HD and it showing 458 free space | 08:03 |
rww | illmortal: A certain amount of space is used for filesystem information | 08:03 |
centr0 | rww: ty! | 08:03 |
centr0 | will know in about 20 secs. | 08:04 |
Mayank | when i run firefox from terminal, firefox closes itself anytime and terminal says segmentation fault | 08:04 |
illmortal | ok ok lets say that 7gb of data is on there for filesystem information, how do we wipe that off the hard drive? | 08:04 |
caleb_ | i ran "mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom" | 08:04 |
illmortal | this hard drive is for storage purposes only. | 08:04 |
caleb_ | and it said no such file or directory | 08:04 |
Rapture | .. | 08:05 |
Rapture | caleb_: but 'ls /dev | grep cd' returned cdrom? | 08:05 |
caleb_ | am i like screwed? | 08:05 |
caleb_ | yes | 08:05 |
LawnGnome1 | illmortal: Tried DBAN? | 08:05 |
Rapture | your s&^@ be broke! | 08:05 |
illmortal | dban?.... never heard of it. | 08:05 |
Flannel | Rapture: Please watch your language | 08:06 |
centr0 | rww: works like a charm. been at this mysqld problem for 2 hrs. solved in 5 mins. ugh. thanks!!! | 08:06 |
bullgard4 | How can I make Gedit to remember and show its last used 10 files instead of 5? | 08:06 |
Mayank | when i run firefox from terminal, firefox closes itself anytime and terminal says segmentation fault | 08:06 |
rww | centr0: You're welcome! Glad I could help! | 08:06 |
benjamin_ | anyone know how to make this: md5sum `find . -type f | awk '/.\// { print substr($0, 3) }'` >DEBIAN/md5sums like filenames with spaces in them? | 08:06 |
Rapture | Flannel: sorry, was attempting humor | 08:06 |
centr0 | gonna check the iptables after a cigarette. | 08:06 |
LawnGnome1 | illmortal: DBAN is Daricks Boot And Nuke utility, CAREFULL, it will erase all files from a mounted drive | 08:06 |
Flannel | illmortal: Try shred instead. | 08:07 |
illmortal | shred? | 08:07 |
illmortal | is this in the repos? | 08:07 |
LawnGnome1 | Shredder works great also | 08:07 |
Flannel | illmortal: Its already installed | 08:07 |
jp_sf | <illmortal> sudo apt-get install kdirstat | 08:07 |
Flannel | illmortal: man shred, you aren't worried about secure delete, so you can just zero on your first pass. | 08:07 |
caleb_ | idk what is wrong with my ubuntu | 08:07 |
illmortal | O.o i don't see shredder in my menu | 08:07 |
Mayank | tell me guys.......... | 08:08 |
Mayank | tell me guys.......... | 08:08 |
Mayank | tell me guys.......... | 08:08 |
Flannel | illmortal: shred -z -n 0 /path/to/drive (that'd be like /dev/sdc or whatever) -- with sudo | 08:08 |
FloodBot1 | Mayank: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 08:08 |
rww | illmortal: !helpme | Mayank | 08:08 |
Flannel | illmortal: but please, beforehand read through man shred. There are some things you ought to know about,etc (although less relevant when not worried about security) | 08:08 |
rww | illmortal: sorry, was going to say something to you and forgot about it, then tried saying something to someone else. Ignore that. | 08:08 |
Mayank | rww, when i run firefox from terminal, firefox closes itself anytime and terminal says segmentation fault | 08:08 |
rww | !helpme | Mayank | 08:08 |
ubottu | Mayank: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience | 08:08 |
illmortal | lol | 08:09 |
LawnGnome1 | That is shredder, there are free versions | 08:09 |
benjamin_ | anyone know how to make this: md5sum `find . -type f | awk '/.\// { print substr($0, 3) }'` >DEBIAN/md5sums like filenames with spaces in them? | 08:09 |
illmortal | well i shouldn't have any problems if all i have to do is run shredder on one hard drive right? it's not like I have to choose any partitions since it's just one partition | 08:10 |
illmortal | on one hard drive* | 08:10 |
LawnGnome1 | That is DBAN | 08:10 |
rww | illmortal: let's back up a second here. Your problem is that you just fomatted a 500GB drive, but it's showing only ~450GB free, right? | 08:11 |
Rapture | faileas: I got iT! | 08:11 |
LawnGnome1 | illmortal: one pass from boot of DBAN and that drive is virtually unrecoverable, but can still be mounted and used later | 08:11 |
illmortal | rww... yes. apparently there's 7gb of data on this HD and I cannot locate this data | 08:11 |
illmortal | they could be hidden partition tables | 08:12 |
illmortal | or hidden files for all i know. | 08:12 |
faileas | Rapture: how? | 08:12 |
LawnGnome1 | illmortal: That is the boot sector,,or should be' | 08:12 |
illmortal | i need to clear that 7gb so that i can at least keep 465GB of this new SATA drive. | 08:12 |
Rapture | one sec | 08:12 |
Rapture | crap.. i hit ctrl+z and stopped nano.. how do i restart it? | 08:12 |
rww | Rapture: fg | 08:12 |
illmortal | boot sector?... if this sata hard drive is being used strictly for storage... do i need that boot sector? | 08:13 |
LawnGnome1 | To access the drive it needs a data stream I/O,,,some kind of system files | 08:14 |
Rapture | faileas: | 08:14 |
caleb_ | what is a better distro then ubuntu for linux | 08:14 |
caleb_ | sence i cant use it | 08:14 |
illmortal | =\ i give up then... i pretty much got screwed out of 50gb of HD space | 08:15 |
Rapture | faileas: I threw that at the bottom of smb.conf and did a /etc/inetd.d/samba restart | 08:15 |
stdin | caleb_: a better place to ask is #ubuntu-offtopic | 08:15 |
rww | give me a sec to write up an explanation of this for you. | 08:15 |
rww | illmortal ^ | 08:15 |
illmortal | ok | 08:15 |
faileas | Rapture: sweet | 08:15 |
=== benjamin_ is now known as kiasanth | ||
Rapture | now... to find drivers for my printer.. | 08:16 |
roccity | caleb_: ubuntu is the best for beginners | 08:16 |
kiasanth | md5sum `find . -type f | awk '/.\// { print substr($0, 3) }'` >DEBIAN/md5sums | 08:16 |
jinja-sheep | I'm thinking about doing Installation Minimal CD -- What's in the packages? | 08:16 |
jinja-sheep | !minimalcd | 08:16 |
ubottu | The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See | 08:16 |
caleb_ | but i cant use ubuntu it wont install | 08:16 |
Rapture | is there a way to search apt-get from terminal? | 08:16 |
roccity | caleb_: but if you want something else maybe vector or zenwalk | 08:16 |
kiasanth | apt-cache search KEYWORD | 08:16 |
roccity | caleb_: they are based on slackware | 08:16 |
caleb_ | are they powerPC compatable? | 08:16 |
kiasanth | Rapture: apt-cache search KEYWORD | 08:17 |
Rapture | thanx kiasanth | 08:17 |
kiasanth | :) | 08:17 |
kiasanth | now I know that people can actually see my text hehe | 08:17 |
Sifre | heyyyy | 08:17 |
Sifre | channel | 08:17 |
rww | illmortal: Hard drive manufacturers advertise file sizes in units that are multiples of 1000 (so 1 GB is 1000 MB, etc.). Linux shows units in multiples of 1024. So, your 500GB drive has 465GB of space available for stuff to be on. Once you actually put a partition on it and format it etc., there's already data on it that's *needed* so that your computer knows where files on the disk are located (partition table, etc.). That's where the rest of the space is goin | 08:17 |
rww | illmortal: If you look on the packaging for your hard drive, there'll probably be a disclaimer about this. There was on the last one I bought, anyway./ | 08:18 |
roccity | how do I purge config files for xchat-gnome | 08:18 |
ufk_ | what do i need to enable in ccsm for the corners of the screen to show application or show desktop ? | 08:18 |
roccity | Im gettinga x window system error | 08:18 |
roccity | I tried purging but that doesn't seem to work | 08:19 |
Rapture | anyone happen to know the HP printer package by chance? | 08:19 |
roccity | and I can't find the config files | 08:19 |
kiasanth | how can I get this command to work on files with spaces in them?: md5sum `find . -type f | awk '/.\// { print substr($0, 3) }'` >DEBIAN/md5sums | 08:19 |
rww | Rapture: apt-cache or sudo aptitude (and navigate aptitude's menus) to search. hpijs might be the package name for HP printing; it's been a while since I set it up. | 08:20 |
rww | roccity: xchat-gnome stores its configuration in gconf, I think, so open up gconf-editor and look for it there. | 08:21 |
illmortal | i understand rww...... but 7gb for a partition table? that's nuts. | 08:21 |
kiasanth | I'm trying to make an MD5 file for my deb file so I can ensure my users that it's actually from me | 08:21 |
Rapture | rww: wow, neato... didn't know there was a text-based "gui" for apt | 08:21 |
LawnGnome1 | caleb_: Ubuntu 8.04 is power pc ready | 08:21 |
rww | Rapture: I <3 aptitude | 08:21 |
caleb_ | k | 08:22 |
kiasanth | you can get 8.04 for PPC??? | 08:22 |
illmortal | ya i use 8.04 on my PS3 | 08:22 |
rww | illmortal: Yeah, you could say that. I'm not sure if it'll help (I don't really have a problem with full disks), but ext2 doesn't use journalling, so it *might* use somewhat less space. | 08:22 |
LawnGnome1 | PPC | 08:22 |
jp_sf | kiasanth: ubuntu-8.04.1-alternate-powerpc.iso | 08:22 |
kiasanth | LawnGnome1: THANKS | 08:22 |
illmortal | lol so you're sayin if I used ext3 on it it would be even more than 7gb of used space just for the partition table? o.O;;; | 08:23 |
LawnGnome1 | My pleasure | 08:23 |
mati | what is the best way to share files from ubuntu to windows ? | 08:23 |
illmortal | rww ^ | 08:23 |
rww | illmortal: oh, you're using ext2 already? hmm | 08:23 |
mati | samba ypserv ? | 08:23 |
jim_p | is there a button i can add to metacity in order to "shade" the window like xfwm and kwin does? if so, how? | 08:23 |
illmortal | rww... before the format, i had 50gb used for ubuntu 8.10 with ext3 file system and the rest was for storage. then I decided to use another 100gb hd for ubuntu and format the 500 HD so I could use it for storage use only. | 08:24 |
jp_sf | mati: best may vary but you could try Samba | 08:24 |
jp_sf | mati: | 08:25 |
kiasanth | jim_p:I'm pretty sure metacity only uses close minimise and maximise, though I could be wrong | 08:25 |
mati | which one is most common? | 08:25 |
illmortal | so basically... I have grub and ext3 journaling system on this 500gb HD that's taking up 7gb of data. | 08:25 |
rww | illmortal: says to consider using reiserfs. I haven't used it much, so I wouldn't be able to help you much with it, but if you need the space, you might wanna look into it. | 08:25 |
Rapture | do I need to "mount" a USB printer when I plug it in? (i don't have a GUI) | 08:26 |
mati | jp_sf: samba still good way..I did it while ago with samba and need to do same now | 08:26 |
geeksauce | i'm having trouble getting flash audio to work in firefox. any suggestions? | 08:26 |
jim_p | kiasanth, well there are "images" for the shade function in some themes. plus you can change the double click behavior to shade from maximise through gconf-editor. so there has to be a button and a way to put it there! | 08:26 |
Rapture | mati: i just got done setting up samba for my USB HD... need some help? | 08:26 |
illmortal | ok my next question is, rww... is how do I mount this storage HD so that it's seen as an actual HD and not just a folder? | 08:26 |
jp_sf | mati: Samba works very well, you might want to look at an FTP solution as well, or a nfs solution | 08:27 |
rww | illmortal: but this is going to be a problem to various degrees with all file systems. They need to put their information *somewhere* | 08:27 |
jim_p | illmortal, through fstab, but it is not advisable because its a removable disk | 08:27 |
illmortal | ya i've accepted the fact that i'm simply screwed out of 7gb lol. | 08:27 |
mati | jp_sf: yeah I was reading about NFS that's why i started wondering what happened to old days samba | 08:27 |
jp_sf | geeksauce: only flash audio or all audio ? | 08:27 |
rww | illmortal: I'm not sure what you mean. Linux doesn't use drive letters, it uses mount points, so all partitions except the one you boot from are mounted to a mountpoint/directory. | 08:28 |
illmortal | jim_p the hard drive isn't external | 08:28 |
darren_ | who is familiar with using acl settings on folders? | 08:28 |
mati | Rapture: thanks..I guess I just need to remeber the way I did it with Samba | 08:28 |
jp_sf | mati: Samba is very active and works very well I would recommend it for a small LAN while NFS is more enterprise oriented | 08:28 |
geeksauce | jp_sf, only flash audio | 08:28 |
Rapture | mati: do you want it to be a public share or user account based? | 08:28 |
jim_p | illmortal, then through fstab. give me some info about its filesystem, device and mountpoint and i will make you the line you must add | 08:28 |
mati | Rapture: both..some folders public and user based like ftp | 08:29 |
Rapture | ok | 08:29 |
Rapture | !samba | 08:30 |
ubottu | Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: and - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. Also see | 08:30 |
jim_p | illmortal, brb phonecall | 08:30 |
darren_ | who is familiar with using acl settings on folders? id prefer a 1 on 1 chat with some one who has used the setfacl command | 08:30 |
Rapture | check that out, and I can show you how to share specific directorys globally | 08:30 |
illmortal | jim_p / rww : I used this: ill@ubuntu:~$ sudo mkdir /storage then sudo mount /dev/sda1 /storage which then created a "folder" named storage inside of my root directory which placed a "lost&found" folder inside of it. I'd like for this HD to be shown as a hard disk, not a folder | 08:30 |
jp_sf | geeksauce: in synaptic package manager search for flash nonfree and install flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound | 08:31 |
mynullvoid | mati: yes samba | 08:31 |
rww | illmortal: *all* file systems are *always* mounted to directories in UNIX/Linux/Ubuntu. There is no such thing as drive letters. | 08:31 |
mati | oki..great...that samba is still around :) | 08:31 |
jp_sf | geeksauce: I assume you are on a 32bits proc 8.10 ... | 08:32 |
illmortal | rww, ok what I mean is... I'd like to mount it into my "Computer" directory, that way it's next to my other hard drives ^^; | 08:32 |
mynullvoid | jp_sf: could you take a look at and let me know any problem | 08:32 |
Rapture | omg, i LOVE linux | 08:33 |
geeksauce | jp_sf, that's right | 08:33 |
mynullvoid | jp_sf: it stuck at prompt for user name and password when I entered the IP | 08:33 |
rww | illmortal: Oh! I see what you mean now. Yeah, that'll happen if you set up an fstab entry. issue "gksudo gedit /etc/fstab" and put in the line that me or jim_p will tell you in a sec. ( What filesystem type did you end up using? ext2?) | 08:33 |
illmortal | extx2 | 08:34 |
rww | illmortal: what's the output of "blkid /dev/sda1"? | 08:34 |
reportingsjr | nvidia geforce 7300 doesn't work well with intrepid, does it? | 08:35 |
illmortal | rww: /dev/sda1: UUID="b5d9c1ec-98f7-4be8-9ed9-79bac8c5d192" TYPE="ext2" | 08:35 |
namlem | this is ubuntu support, right? | 08:35 |
Rapture | yep | 08:35 |
geeksauce | jp_sf, still no sound | 08:35 |
Sifre | WARNING ! Move the file salt.h from the shell to a safe place | 08:35 |
Sifre | what is this? | 08:35 |
jp_sf | mynullvoid: I'm sorry could tell me what are you trying to acheive and from where you are connecting to where ? | 08:35 |
Sifre | Q17: I just installed my psyBNC and connected to it, but i get this message: | 08:35 |
Sifre | "-- psyBNC- WARNING ! Move the file salt.h from the shell to a safe place" | 08:35 |
Sifre | A17: Logon to your shell, type "cd psybnc" and "mkdir backup | mv salt.h ~/psybnc/backup". | 08:35 |
Sifre | ? | 08:35 |
FloodBot1 | Sifre: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 08:36 |
=== adam is now known as Guest53281 | ||
Sifre | ok | 08:36 |
jp_sf | geeksauce: you restarted your firefox ? | 08:36 |
rww | Sifre: go to the psyBNC website and look in the FAQ. The answer's in there, if I remember correctly. | 08:36 |
Sifre | rww | 08:36 |
Sifre | really? | 08:36 |
kiasanth | jim_p: according to the metacity docs on, shade is supported in version 2 and above with <button Function="shade"...> but it doesn't mention dow to enable it in the os as metacity themes have no control over button positions etc | 08:36 |
Sifre | my english bad | 08:36 |
Sifre | ok | 08:36 |
rww | illmortal: okay. 1) This is an internal hard drive that'll be connected at startup, right? 2) Do you want the drive to be checked for errors at startup? | 08:36 |
mynullvoid | jp_sf: I want to create a pdc server, and the remote user may not need to join pdc, but they shall able to access the public folder after entering their username and password | 08:36 |
jim_p | kiasanth, i will experiment in a while with the buttons | 08:36 |
geeksauce | jp_sf, yes | 08:37 |
maxsiya | Hello | 08:37 |
maxsiya | who use maya on ubuntu ? | 08:37 |
illmortal | rww lol jim's now helpin me via PM =X | 08:37 |
mynullvoid | I had set up all those as but when I access the samba using ip, I got username and password prompt, I keep on entering but nothing get through | 08:37 |
=== sean is now known as pseudonym | ||
namlem | does anyone know why an app in add/remove apps would not let me check it for installation? | 08:37 |
Deep6 | guys is there something weird about lilo in intrepid? | 08:37 |
rww | illmortal: okay, that's fine. Let me know if he disappears or something, and I'll help you instead :) | 08:37 |
Deep6 | I can't seem to remove it, even if I do a fixmbr | 08:38 |
maxsiya | who use maya on ubuntu ? | 08:38 |
Deep6 | it just comes back... | 08:38 |
reportingsjr | nvidia geforce 7300 doesn't work well with intrepid, does it? | 08:38 |
illmortal | thank you rww :D | 08:38 |
rww | namlem: what version of Ubuntu are you using, and which application is it? | 08:38 |
caleb_ | ok i booted back into OSX | 08:38 |
pseudonym | I'm having trouble with cpufreq. It's working fine when I'm on battery power, but when I'm plugged in, it's stays at full processing speed. The governors "work" when it's plugged in, in that the correct name is displayed, but the processing speed stays maxed out. | 08:39 |
caleb_ | and ran ls /dev in the terminal | 08:39 |
namlem | rww: 8.04 and it's ardour | 08:39 |
caleb_ | heres the results | 08:39 |
caleb_ | | 08:39 |
puppetpal | Could anyone help me with a grub instalation problem? | 08:40 |
caleb_ | OSX tells me disk1s1s2 is the cdrom | 08:40 |
jim_p | kiasanth, have a look at this thread about the buttons | 08:40 |
kiasanth | jim_p: on my way :) | 08:40 |
caleb_ | but the terminal on my install cd doesnt show that | 08:40 |
* faileas notes compiling stuff on a PIII 450 is a pain >< | 08:40 | |
Rapture | ok, so I plugged my HP Printer into my Ubuntu box, what do I need to do to "mount" it? | 08:41 |
rww | namlem: it's not working for me either; I'll figure out why later and file a bug. In the meantime, you should be able to install it from synaptic (package name: ardour or ardour-i686), or from the terminal with "sudo apt-get install ardour" or "sudo apt-get install ardour-i686" | 08:41 |
jp_sf | mynullvoid: I see you want to create a DC (PDC is the old NT4 depricated name) anyway assuming you have installed all the required package (samba smbclient smbfs) | 08:41 |
rww | namlem: if you're not sure which version you need, tell me what type of CPU/processor you have and I'll try to figure it out. | 08:41 |
mynullvoid | jp_sf: yes all installed | 08:41 |
Sifre | heyy | 08:42 |
routerl | Hey. | 08:42 |
routerl | I'm hoping someone can help me out with something. | 08:42 |
namlem | rww: it's a duo T9300 | 08:42 |
roccity_ | routerl, what is it | 08:42 |
mynullvoid | jp_sf: I tried to change the security from user to domain, both don't work as well | 08:42 |
rww | namlem: go with ardour-i686, then | 08:42 |
routerl | I installed 8.10 a little while ago, and am running compiz. But the window resize is incredibly laggy. | 08:43 |
namlem | rww: thanks | 08:43 |
routerl | It also lags everything else, not just the window being resized (e.g. a movie playing, etc) | 08:43 |
roccity_ | routerl, do you have ccsm installed? | 08:43 |
routerl | yes | 08:43 |
jp_sf | mynullvoid: I will try to not setup permissions like chmod 7777 on the directory after in the smb.conf I assume you have put your windows domain and then create the comment path public set at yes writable set at yes create mask 0777 directory mask 0777 force user nobody and force group no group | 08:43 |
puppetpal | i am encountering a fatal error with grub when installing ubuntu on a seperate partition. does anyone know a solution or could help i have check online but with no availe | 08:44 |
roccity_ | routerl, go to the resize part in there | 08:44 |
routerl | okay | 08:44 |
Shoopuf | Anyone know any Linux/Windows/whatever software that can test an Ubuntu/LAMP web servers security? | 08:44 |
jp_sf | mynullvoid reload the conf and create a smbpasswd at what you want | 08:44 |
Rapture | puppetpal: explain "fatal error" | 08:44 |
jp_sf | jp_sf: this should create a non authentification samba | 08:45 |
mynullvoid | jp_sf: sorry, I don't get you | 08:45 |
jp_sf | mynullvoid: then you try to put the passord | 08:45 |
KTL | i seem to have converted what was originally an ubuntu to a debian by debootstrapping over it | 08:45 |
puppetpal | it does not tell me much other than grub has encountered an error during instalation and says its a fatal error, then stops the inatalation | 08:45 |
jp_sf | mynullvoid: yes I getting tired wiat a sec | 08:45 |
faileas | KTL: oops? | 08:45 |
puppetpal | instalation* | 08:45 |
kiasanth | jim_p: I downloaded and installed his theme and it didn't add the shade buttons, there must be a way to enable them in metacity | 08:45 |
mynullvoid | ok | 08:45 |
KTL | faileas, i wanted it :) | 08:45 |
Rapture | puppetpal: are you dual-booting with another OS? | 08:45 |
jim_p | kiasanth, thats what i am trying to do! wait there | 08:46 |
jp_sf | mynullvoid: | 08:46 |
centr0 | whats the command to see how much cpu/mem a specific program is running? | 08:47 |
puppetpal | yes i have partitioned a 250gb section of a 2tb hdd for ubuntu and formated in the correct format. i have vista on the main partition | 08:47 |
KTL | centr0, top gives a list | 08:47 |
blah569_ | After I restarted, my screen resolution was set to 024x650. How can I increase it? | 08:47 |
blah569_ | 1024 * not 024 | 08:47 |
KTL | by editing /etc/X11/xorg.conf ? | 08:47 |
kiasanth | jim_p: the button layout is set in metacity with gconftool in /app/metacity/general/button layout | 08:47 |
routerl | roccity_: What next? | 08:48 |
vivid | hello, im having an issue with the nvidia glx driver, it installs and works fine, but every time i restart it fails to load, any suggestions? | 08:48 |
kiasanth | jim_p: it's a string value but doesn't mention the key for shade buttons, and "shade" doesn't work | 08:48 |
jim_p | kiasanth, does "always" work? | 08:48 |
jim_p | kiasanth, sorry, i meant "stick" | 08:49 |
kiasanth | I'll see | 08:49 |
KTL | in /etc/init.d/nvidia-glx it removes "tls-links", if you keep it from removing them ... i think your original driver install wont be hampered | 08:49 |
kiasanth | jim_p: sorry, shade DOES work | 08:49 |
kiasanth | jim_p: the theme I was using didn't have a shade button hehe | 08:50 |
jim_p | kiasanth, do you have a shade button now? | 08:50 |
kiasanth | jim_p yes | 08:50 |
Shoopuf | Anyone know any Linux/Windows/whatever software that can test an Ubuntu/LAMP web servers security? | 08:50 |
mynullvoid | jp_sf: I use tdbsam and I guess no smbpasswd | 08:51 |
roccity_ | routerl, what do you mean the resize is lagging? | 08:51 |
roccity_ | routerl, so when you open and close windows | 08:51 |
roccity_ | routerl, what does it say in there | 08:51 |
kiasanth | jim_p: from the command line ... | 08:51 |
kiasanth | jim_p: gconftool-2 -s --type string /apps/metacity/general/button_layout 'menu:shade,stick,minimize,maximize,close' | 08:51 |
^Manu | okay, so i'm running 8.04 | 08:51 |
^Manu | kubuntu 8.04 | 08:51 |
Tekno | hello | 08:51 |
roccity_ | routerl, is it when you open and close windows that it lags | 08:51 |
Tekno | how does bootchart work without initrd? is it possible? | 08:51 |
jim_p | kiasanth, i did not get a button :( nor a function there | 08:51 |
^Manu | and i went to did the crazy thing of changing my package repository to intrepid and installed the intel video driver and its dependencies.. | 08:51 |
^Manu | amazingly, x boots and appears to work. | 08:51 |
rww | jim_p, kiasanth: me either :( | 08:51 |
puppetpal | Rapture, any suggestion? | 08:51 |
* rww has been listening in | 08:52 | |
^Manu | however, i have no mouse or keyboard.. | 08:52 |
routerl | roccity_: I mean, when I drag the corner of a window, the resizing does not quite follow the mouse (i.e. is very slow), and the entire screen lags. So, if a video is playing, for example, the video will lag. There is no abnormal CPU load, though. | 08:52 |
kiasanth | it will only show up if the window border you're using has the buttons | 08:52 |
^Manu | can anyone suggest what packages i need to update to make keyboard and mouse work in x? | 08:52 |
kiasanth | jim_p: it will only show up if the window border you're using has the buttons | 08:52 |
^Manu | what has changed in X between 8.04 and 8.10? | 08:52 |
jim_p | kiasanth, damn :( | 08:52 |
^Manu | i just want to update as few things as possible to the intrepid versions... | 08:52 |
Elevator_Hazard | Has anyone had luck with getting a Dell Dimension 4600 to Wake on Lan? Or any dell... I'm having troubles. | 08:53 |
genii | ^Manu: Should have added the source repos of 8.10 then done apt-get source xserver-xorg-video-intel and built it | 08:53 |
jim_p | kiasanth, btw, is that stone theme a complete crap or is it just me? | 08:53 |
kiasanth | jim_p: it's pretty easy to add extra buttons to the theme, edit the XML file and add a button tag for Function="shade" | 08:53 |
kiasanth | jim_p: worst theme I've ever seen hehe | 08:53 |
mynullvoid | jp_sf: can you have a look at tdbsam | 08:53 |
^Manu | genii: i wanted to do that about 3 hours ago, but nobody would suggest what i needed to so.. | 08:54 |
mynullvoid | jp_sf: can you have a look at | 08:54 |
^Manu | so i just tried to update the binary.. | 08:54 |
rww | Elevator_Hazard: on the last Dells I did WoL with, there was a BIOS setting I needed to change. Did you do that? | 08:54 |
^Manu | i can probable down-date and do that if it's better.. | 08:54 |
^Manu | but if i can, x is almost working, just no mouse or keyboard.. what do i need to update to make that work? | 08:54 |
Elevator_Hazard | rww: I looked and I don't see any options that could be for WOL | 08:54 |
jim_p | kiasanth, let me look in my theme then. shiftie july redmond | 08:54 |
kiasanth | ALL: how can I get this command to work on files with spaces in them?: md5sum `find . -type f | awk '/.\// { print substr($0, 3) }'` >DEBIAN/md5sums | 08:55 |
genii | ^Manu: With mixed packages of two distributions it's almost impossible to diagnose. | 08:55 |
Elevator_Hazard | rww: I send the packet, I see that the NIC gets the packet because it blinks twice... but it doesn't power up the computer. | 08:55 |
rww | Elevator_Hazard: huh. Looks like you're not the only one | 08:55 |
^Manu | yeah, thats why i'm trying to update as little as possible. | 08:55 |
Elevator_Hazard | rww: thank you I'll have a look | 08:55 |
^Manu | i've only updates xserver-core and xserver-xorg-video-everything | 08:55 |
mynullvoid | kiasanth: use awk -F for it to use other delimeter | 08:55 |
pabix | Hello, KDE4 does not gorfarther than splash after an upgrade: secreen is black | 08:56 |
^Manu | maybe suggest some packages that affect keyboard and mouse in x? | 08:56 |
^Manu | i'll try updating those. | 08:56 |
rww | Elevator_Hazard: Here's someone who got it to work on Windows -- -- not sure how you'd do it in Ubuntu. | 08:56 |
pabix | It seems it is a dbus related problem AFAIK | 08:56 |
puppetpal | i am encountering an error installing grub on a seperate partion so i can dual boot with vista any help would be appriciated | 08:56 |
^Manu | or is it more likely the window manager not reading the keyboard/mouse from the xserver correctly anymore? | 08:56 |
Elevator_Hazard | rww: well I'm running debian :D, I'm trying #debian and ##hardware at the moment | 08:56 |
Sifre | heyy | 08:57 |
Sifre | ým install Znc | 08:57 |
Sifre | but ý dont know | 08:57 |
jim_p | Elevator_Hazard, i have had sucess once with debian and wol. do you want me to look up that tutorial? | 08:57 |
genii | ^Manu: The problem unfortunately could be anywhere | 08:58 |
Rapture | can someone explain to me how to get my HP 1209 working on ubuntu-server? | 08:58 |
Elevator_Hazard | jim_p that'd be great, there's a chance I've seen it before though. I've tried this a bunch of times on other computers too | 08:58 |
^Manu | surely there can't be *too* many things involved in translating input from the mouse and keyboard into movement of the mouse cursor :P | 08:58 |
Shoopuf | Is there any good/respectable linux software that can test my Ubu Server LAMP web server security? | 08:59 |
^Manu | xserver reads data from the driver, window manager gets updated from the xserver? what else is there? | 08:59 |
czer323 | !nubuntu | 08:59 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about nubuntu | 08:59 |
evowill | <^Manu> This is why I advised you against it, and said if you were going to do it you would have to install 8.10 or compile the drivers yourself. | 09:00 |
^Manu | i was asking how to build from source.. | 09:00 |
^Manu | nobody was answering for an hour or so... | 09:00 |
^Manu | so i went with the binary update :/ | 09:00 |
Shoopuf | i hate building from source | 09:00 |
pseudonym | I'm having trouble with cpufreq. It's working fine when I'm on battery power, but when I'm plugged in, it's stays at full processing speed. The governors "work" when it's plugged in, in that the correct name is displayed, but the processing speed stays maxed out. | 09:00 |
Shoopuf | the README files never match what i actually have to do :/ | 09:01 |
^Manu | i'm sure i can downdate those few packages i updated.. | 09:01 |
genii | ^Manu: I'd suggest reverting your binary updates then go the route of adding intrepid source repos and build | 09:01 |
decomp_ | i have a hosed grub after installing winblows. Now I can boot windows, used knoppix and can see my linux partitions. Ive tried mounting sda1 and doing grub-install, and going into the grub shell doing root (hd0,1) etc. but nothing is working. | 09:01 |
Rapture | i have installed CUPS and I plugged in my printer... how do i "detect" or "mount" my printer? | 09:01 |
^Manu | okay, how do i do that? | 09:01 |
rww | ^Manu: or just upgrade to intrepid =/ | 09:01 |
Sorethumb | I can get my webcam (Logitech Quickcam Pro) to work with local applications. But, when I try, Stickam for example, no image shows...? | 09:01 |
^Manu | i can't.. as discussed :( | 09:01 |
^Manu | no internet.. hundreds of mb.. | 09:02 |
rww | ^Manu: Ah. I wasn't paying too much attention, sorry. | 09:02 |
^Manu | all good | 09:02 |
ray_ | hello guys | 09:02 |
Jordan_U | ^Manu, Can you get the alternate CD / DVD? | 09:02 |
genii | ^Manu: If no internet, how did you update to the 8.10 drivers? | 09:02 |
victor123 | hi all | 09:03 |
^Manu | well, extremely slow internet.. | 09:03 |
kaneda_ | hi - i've noticed that since installing ubuntu 8.10 and trashing windows off the laptop, the system is running much harder and hotter as a result | 09:03 |
DarkKnight | hey how can i get my firefox to enable these preferences: # JavaScript and Cookies must be enabled in the browser | 09:03 |
DarkKnight | # JRE-1.5.0 or higher and Flash plug-ins must be enabled in the browser | 09:03 |
DarkKnight | # Popup blockers must be disabled | 09:03 |
Rapture | decomp_: if you go into grub's command line and do a find /boot/grub, does it show anything? | 09:03 |
kaneda_ | any tips for tracking this down? | 09:03 |
^Manu | i can update one or 2 packages, but i cant update the whole distro, it'll take 12 days or something. | 09:03 |
decomp_ | Rapture: no it cant find it - thats the bizarre thing | 09:03 |
^Manu | i can get the 'alternate' cd.. what does that do? | 09:03 |
decomp_ | ive tried /boot/grub and /grub/... in the find | 09:03 |
Jordan_U | ^Manu, You can upgrade with it | 09:03 |
^Manu | my isp has an unmetered linux distro repository.. i should be able to get an alternate iso.. | 09:03 |
^Manu | really? | 09:03 |
Rapture | decomp_: how about root (hd0), setup? | 09:03 |
jim_p | Elevator_Hazard, does the ethernet card support wol? | 09:04 |
Rapture | and then boot | 09:04 |
genii | ^Manu: The alternate cd is a text based install.More drivers, works on lesser powered boxes or odd hardware. Can also be used as a mini-repo | 09:04 |
Sorethumb | I can get my webcam (Logitech Quickcam Pro) to work with local applications. But, when I try, Stickam for example, no image shows...? | 09:04 |
^Manu | will it freak out while updating since i've already updated one or 2 x related packages? | 09:04 |
Jordan_U | ^Manu, Yes, the alternate CD will upgrade any packages that come in a default install. the DVD will upgrade any packages from main | 09:04 |
faileas | ^Manu: thats cool ;p | 09:04 |
^Manu | how do i | 09:04 |
Jordan_U | ^Manu, It might | 09:04 |
Katangawise | Hi all! I have some problem with my wlan0. For example, if i'm sitting near the router with my laptop my connection jumping from 35% to 73% and not more.. My friend with his laptop have 98%.. Ubuntu 8.10 Anybody knows how can i solve the problem? | 09:05 |
^Manu | 'update to intrepid' do i just need to install all the updates? | 09:05 |
^Manu | or is there an update process? | 09:05 |
Rapture | faileas: did you try that public share yet by chance? | 09:05 |
Jordan_U | ^Manu, There is a process | 09:05 |
^Manu | the alternate cd will just offer to do it for me? | 09:05 |
adam7 | Katangawise: it's just the driver reporting the wrong strength, but it won't hurt anything | 09:05 |
Jordan_U | !upgrade | ^Manu | 09:05 |
ubottu | ^Manu: For upgrading, see the instructions at | 09:05 |
faileas | Rapture: fraid not. i'm compiling an irc server and services on that box, and she's a little slow | 09:06 |
ashvala | where can one find autom4te.cache dir? | 09:06 |
Katangawise | adam7, ehat does it meen? You say it's ok? | 09:06 |
DarkKnight | hey to access a web page i need to see that my firefox has jre 1.5 or higher and flash support and no popup do i get these | 09:06 |
Rapture | faileas: ah, the P3? | 09:06 |
adam7 | Katangawise: well, obviously it would be better if it was correct, but it's a minor bug and won't hurt anything | 09:06 |
^Manu | okay, downloading the alternate iso :/ | 09:07 |
Sorethumb | I can get my webcam (Logitech Quickcam Pro) to work with local applications. But, when I try, Stickam for example, no image shows...? | 09:07 |
^Manu | i'm gonna waste my last cd on it... | 09:07 |
^Manu | :? | 09:07 |
^Manu | :/ | 09:07 |
faileas | Rapture: ya, its my irc server/file server/project box | 09:07 |
adam7 | Katangawise: in all reality, your card probably has close to 100% signal strength | 09:07 |
genii | ^Manu: I'd suggest seeing the "Upgrading Using the Alternate CD/DVD" section of | 09:07 |
Rapture | faileas: cool, what distro you running on it? | 09:07 |
adam7 | ^Manu: if you have a 1gb usb key you might be able to use that | 09:07 |
faileas | Rapture: ubuntu ;) | 09:07 |
kiasanth | mynullvoid: I'm not sure exactly how to use that, what should I change my command line to? md5sum `find . -type f | awk '/.\// { print substr($0, 3) }'` >DEBIAN/md5sums | 09:07 |
Sifre | heyy | 09:07 |
Sifre | how to install .deb | 09:07 |
Sifre | ? | 09:07 |
Tekno | sudo dpkg -i file.deb | 09:08 |
Rapture | xubuntu or just gnome? | 09:08 |
decomp_ | Rapture: yeah i tried that series of steps - i have it saved and have used them before. I did the following: | 09:08 |
faileas | Sifre: doubleclick on it, or use dpkg -i file,deb | 09:08 |
genii | Sifre: sudo dpkg -i debname.deb | 09:08 |
adam7 | ^Manu: are you trying to install ubuntu or upgrade it? | 09:08 |
decomp_ | Rapture: sudo grub, find /boot/grub/stage1, root (hd0,1), setup (hd0) | 09:08 |
rww | ^Manu: you don't need to burn the .iso you download to update from it. | 09:08 |
decomp_ | Rapture: thats worked for me in the past but not this time. It gives me an error saying it cant determine the filesystem type. weird | 09:08 |
=== andrea is now known as Guest63717 | ||
Katangawise | adam7, Yeh, I think your right.. I remmember that I was downloading programes with 600kb/s.. How can I check my realy speed? | 09:09 |
rww | ^Manu: see (and the aside to bulletpoint 2) | 09:09 |
bujin | org | 09:09 |
Rapture | decomp_: sounds like winblows rewrote the MBR... grub-install from knoppix didn't fix it? | 09:09 |
Sifre | ok | 09:09 |
Sifre | all | 09:09 |
Sifre | :) | 09:09 |
adam7 | Katangawise: in a terminal types "iwconfig" without the quotes and it should give you your speed, ie, xxmbps | 09:09 |
faileas | Rapture: i also need an NFS share on it since mondo seems to keep throwing tantrums at my DVD drive | 09:09 |
Sifre | znc depends on libperl5.10 (>= 5.10.0); however: | 09:09 |
Sifre | Package libperl5.10 is not installed. | 09:09 |
Sifre | dpkg: error processing znc (--install): | 09:09 |
Sifre | heyy | 09:09 |
Sifre | :/ | 09:09 |
FloodBot1 | Sifre: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 09:09 |
decomp_ | Rapture: i know its hosed good. Couldnt find it. Could i try reinstalling linux ontop without formatting and have it reinstall grub? | 09:09 |
Sifre | how to install libperl15 | 09:10 |
reportingsjr | does anyone here know how I can get my nvidia geforce 7300 gs to work with intrepid? | 09:10 |
Rapture | decomp_: I haven't tried that before, but if you have everything backed up, i don't see why not | 09:10 |
^Manu | rww: can i mount the iso and update from within 8.04? | 09:10 |
reportingsjr | I tried the proprietary drivers but those didn't really work | 09:10 |
decomp_ | reportingsjr: im using a 8600 gts without problems | 09:10 |
rww | ^Manu: Yes. Again,s ee the link I just sent you, it'll explain how to do it. | 09:10 |
adam7 | ^Manu: yes, just use mount -o loop /path/to/iso /path/to/mountdir | 09:10 |
^Manu | cool | 09:11 |
bujin | hi | 09:11 |
^Manu | i'll try for that :P | 09:11 |
decomp_ | reportingsjr: you using the distro driver or the driver downloaded from nvidia? | 09:11 |
Rapture | faileas: good luck with that... i tried and failed | 09:11 |
bujin | im trying to configure java on firefox | 09:11 |
^Manu | this is the longest most painful OS install ever | 09:11 |
^Manu | 3 days and counting.. | 09:11 |
bujin | I cant | 09:11 |
^Manu | seriously, linux sucks :P | 09:11 |
faileas | Rapture: ya, saving that for after the irc server | 09:11 |
Katangawise | adam7, In iwconfig I didnt see something about my connection speed.. Thank you, I'll try find some utillity for it.. | 09:11 |
Sorethumb | I can get my webcam (Logitech Quickcam Pro) to work with local applications. But, when I try, Stickam for example, no image shows...? | 09:11 |
faileas | ^Manu: lol. that beats my record | 09:11 |
Rapture | faileas: lemme know how it goes, i'd love to learn the tricks | 09:11 |
jim_p | ^Manu, why? | 09:11 |
adam7 | Katangawise: if you are using network-manager you can right click on the applet and click information and it shoudl tell you | 09:12 |
faileas | Rapture: this is what i'm likely to use as a guide | 09:12 |
bujin | anybody can help me configuring java on firefox? | 09:12 |
^Manu | 1: no cd drive, 2: no internet, 3: cutting edge motherboard, hardware (including sata controller) not supported by the kernel | 09:12 |
Rapture | faileas: there is a way to use the graphics code to assist in compiling in windows, i'm not sure if it can be done in linux, but it might save you some time in the future if possible | 09:12 |
reportingsjr | decomp_: the driver downloaded from nvidia | 09:12 |
^Manu | everything is a problem | 09:12 |
Rapture | graphics card* | 09:12 |
Sorethumb | I can get my webcam (Logitech Quickcam Pro) to work with local applications. But, when I try, Stickam for example, no image shows...? | 09:12 |
decomp_ | Rapture: actually im remembering earlier when i tried i couldnt even chroot | 09:12 |
decomp_ | reportingsjr: whats the problem you are seeing? | 09:13 |
faileas | Rapture: the problem with that box is that its so old ;p. would be nice to be able to offload it to another box | 09:13 |
Gnea | ^Manu: I highly doubt that the hardware is unsupported in 8.10 | 09:13 |
^Manu | and i can't install 8.10, cus the iso is broken somehow.. either the 8.10 installer doesn't like this pc, or my dvd burner really doesn't like the 8.10 iso.. | 09:13 |
jim_p | i have a laptop here that i am sure its satans laptop! it has a bluetooth button, i press it, and bluetooth does not start, neither i can see something in lspci/lsusb. any ideas? | 09:13 |
^Manu | it never burns properly.. always has errors.. | 09:13 |
Rapture | decomp_: what does your partitions look like? | 09:13 |
^Manu | 8.04 and 9.04 iso's however, all work fine.. | 09:13 |
Zine | Hi..I m on Ubuntu 8.10 liveCD.The installation has been stuck on 82% for over an hour now.Will it be alright to cancel it.? | 09:13 |
adam7 | ^Manu: get a 1gb (or bigger) usb disk and use that to install from | 09:13 |
^Manu | hardware is supported in 8.10, but i have no way to install it.. | 09:13 |
^Manu | i tried that for a day.,. | 09:13 |
^Manu | but i could never make it work. | 09:13 |
Katangawise | adam7, I saw signal strenght... In my laptop it was 72%, in friend's laptop 97%... May be some problem in driver.. | 09:14 |
^Manu | always stalled somewhere in the bootup | 09:14 |
Gnea | ^Manu: please, slow down. what speed did you burn the cds/dvds at? | 09:14 |
adam7 | ^Manu: what was the problem? | 09:14 |
^Manu | 2x | 09:14 |
^Manu | but i burned 8.04 and 9.04 at 24x and they worked fine.. | 09:14 |
reportingsjr | decomp_: well, I can't set up dual-head any more, and for some reason directx isn't working on my computer now, either. (for playing warcraft 3) | 09:14 |
decomp_ | Rapture: one sec booting install dvd now - will need to look again to get that info - one sec | 09:14 |
jim_p | Zine, does that pc have an internet connection active? ~80% of the installation progress is where it checks the online repos | 09:14 |
Gnea | 4x is recommended | 09:14 |
rww | Zine: it's stuck on Scanning the mirror? Pull out the ethernet cord/whatever you're using to connect. | 09:14 |
faileas | ^Manu: got another OS on it right now? | 09:14 |
adam7 | Katangawise: yes, but don't worry about it; as long as you know that it isn't working you don't need to worry about it | 09:14 |
rww | Zine: that should fix it, oddly. | 09:14 |
faileas | and want a fresh install? | 09:14 |
Rapture | decomp_: kk | 09:14 |
^Manu | i burned multiple 8.10 cd's from 2 separate iso's downloaded from 2 separate places. | 09:14 |
Gnea | yeah, 24x is way too fast | 09:14 |
^Manu | i have 8.04 on it now | 09:14 |
jim_p | rww, great minds meet :P | 09:14 |
* rww high-fives jim_p | 09:15 | |
Gnea | ^Manu: as a general rule of thumb, anyway. | 09:15 |
jim_p | lmao | 09:15 |
Rapture | ^Manu: did you ever try to boot from a LiveUSB? | 09:15 |
^Manu | actually, i used 16x sorry | 09:15 |
^Manu | i never use 24x | 09:15 |
Zine | jim_p, yep the installer window says "Configuring apt" and "scanning the mirrors..." | 09:15 |
faileas | ^Manu: maybe use unetbootin to bootstrap an install and go from there? | 09:15 |
Sorethumb | I can get my webcam (Logitech Quickcam Pro) to work with local applications. But, when I try, Stickam for example, no image shows...? | 09:15 |
faileas | and IIRC it works from ISOs too | 09:15 |
rww | Zine: pull out the cable / turn off wireless. | 09:15 |
^Manu | yeah someone just told me about unetbootin a short while ago.. | 09:15 |
Katangawise | adam7, if it is working - don't touch, ah? ;) Ok. Thank you a lot! | 09:15 |
Zine | rww...kk...will do. | 09:16 |
decomp_ | reportingsjr: did you run the nvidia install tool? did you have an nvidia card before that could be leaving configuration settings in the xorg.conf? | 09:16 |
faileas | *with | 09:16 |
Gnea | ^Manu: but could you also, PLEASE, stop using these short little sentences so much? you're creating a lot of traffic. it makes it very difficult to keep up and to be able to help you out. you can use a larger buffer, like what I'm doing right now, and still get the message across. | 09:16 |
^Manu | sounds easier than syslinux, which i couldn't make work proerly.. | 09:16 |
^Manu | i had various degrees of 'almost working' | 09:16 |
adam7 | Katangawise: yep :) it's a common problem with most wireless cards in linux | 09:16 |
reportingsjr | decomp_: this is the only card I've had in this computer. What nvidia install tool? | 09:16 |
adam7 | ^Manu: what was the problem with the usb key? | 09:16 |
BentFrank | I have a Kubuntu server running samba and Windows 2000 clients. Users map a network drive to my share point. The share point directory has perms: "drwsrwsr-x 6 dmb fourth" where dmb is a user name and fourth is a group. All users are in group fourth. Someone on a client makes a folder using Windows Explorer in this directory. The new folder has perms "drwxrwsrwx 2 brb fourth". Shouldn't the new directory have perms | 09:16 |
^Manu | gnea: sorry, just trying to respond to all 4 or so of you talking asking different things :) | 09:17 |
Gnea | BentFrank: did you use SWAT to setup samba? | 09:17 |
Rapture | GRR... i can't find a single site that explains printer setup in ubuntu-server :( | 09:17 |
Gnea | ^Manu: I understand, but then you wind up saying the same thing over and over and over and over :) | 09:17 |
decomp_ | reportingsjr: ok you downloaded the nvidia driver and installed it. Probably dont need to run that install tool. I think it edits your xorg automatically. Do you see the nvidia control panel in your menu anywhere? think its nvidia-settings or something from console | 09:18 |
^Manu | adam: syslinux booted, started the kubuntu is loading progress indicator, and then froze... | 09:18 |
adam7 | Rapture: samba | 09:18 |
BentFrank | Gnea: I don't know, what is swap? A consultant set it up. | 09:18 |
Gnea | Rapture: http://localhost:631/ | 09:18 |
^Manu | gnea: sorry :P .. 3 days on this, i'm starting to lose my sanity.. | 09:18 |
Gnea | !swat | BentFrank | 09:18 |
ubottu | BentFrank: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: and - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. Also see | 09:18 |
Rapture | adam7: i know, but ubuntu doesn't even see the printer... or atleast i dunno how to tell | 09:18 |
kaneda_ | !swap | BentFrank | 09:18 |
ubottu | BentFrank: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See for more info | 09:18 |
genii | Gnea: I'm pretty sure thats CUPS and not SWAT | 09:18 |
adam7 | Rapture: is it a USB printer? and is it plugged in? (sorry, just have to check :) | 09:18 |
^Manu | anyway, it sounds like my next approach is to use 8.10 alternate, and install from within 8.04.. that's possible? | 09:18 |
Rapture | adam7: yes and yes | 09:19 |
genii | Gnea: nvm mis-read the recipient | 09:19 |
Gnea | BentFrank: SWAT is a web-interface that has a bajillion different options for tweaking samba | 09:19 |
Gnea | genii: np | 09:19 |
nbeebo | dont like that vlc went qt... | 09:19 |
adam7 | Rapture: did you go to localhost:631 in your web browser? | 09:19 |
rww | !ot | nbeebo | 09:19 |
ubottu | nbeebo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 09:19 |
Rapture | adam7: i got this working in Ubuntu-Desktop, but that has a nice GUI to work with.. and my daughter hosed my extra monitor, so I'm SSH'ed into the box right now | 09:19 |
nbeebo | im banned there lol | 09:19 |
evowill | Rapture: there are a couple guides in the forums. | 09:20 |
Sorethumb | I can get my webcam (Logitech Quickcam Pro) to work with local applications. But, when I try, Stickam for example, no image shows...? | 09:20 |
Gnea | Sorethumb: what's stickam? | 09:20 |
Rapture | adam7: I can't remotely login on that port | 09:20 |
adam7 | Rapture: how much do you know about ssh port tunneling? | 09:21 |
Sorethumb | Gnea: Kinda like myspace with webcams, I use it to keep in touch with friends at college. | 09:21 |
genii | BentFrank: Does putting url in server box of: http://localhost:901 bring up a control panel or login screen of sorts? | 09:21 |
Rapture | adam7: only enough to keep my VPN up at work.. | 09:21 |
decomp_ | Rapture: i have 3 partitions: /dev/sda1, ext3, 262337MB, /dev/sda2. ntfs, 45568MB for win, and /dev/sda5,swap,12165MB | 09:21 |
Alex_Gaynor | I've had a problem over the past couple of weeks where when using Wifi Ubuntu hard crashes randomly | 09:21 |
=== zLouD is now known as Guest00001 | ||
Jordan_U | ^Manu, If the upgrade doesn't work you can also try installing from the alternate CD using a different ( text based, not a liveCD ) installer | 09:21 |
Rapture | decomp_: holy crap that's a huge swap | 09:21 |
adam7 | Rapture: ok, forward 631 from the server to your local machine -- I'll see if I can find the command you need | 09:21 |
Gnea | Sorethumb: I don't see it in the repositories. you might want to check out cheese. | 09:21 |
Rapture | adam7: thanx | 09:21 |
Sifre | heyyyyy Help ZNC | 09:21 |
Alex_Gaynor | I have an intel 4965 chip and it just hard crashes for me at arbitrary times | 09:21 |
Sifre | for ubuntu | 09:21 |
decomp_ | Rapture: must have been created by the last install ;) | 09:21 |
^Manu | cool, that might work better. | 09:21 |
Sifre | how to install ZNC? | 09:22 |
evowill | Rapture: The biggest help is going to be 'man lpadmin' | 09:22 |
Sifre | ubuntu | 09:22 |
^Manu | we'll see where i die this time :) | 09:22 |
Sorethumb | Gnea: It's a web app. | 09:22 |
=== MadMax is now known as Guest76028 | ||
itzhero | I have created a shell script, but I want to use the killall command to kill transmission after a sleep time of 5h, how do I allow it to run with root privledges? | 09:22 |
Rapture | evowill: kk, i'll check it out | 09:22 |
decomp_ | Rapture: damn never saw that - 12gb? thats enormous. I need to do something about that | 09:22 |
itzhero | running sudo bash doesn't work | 09:22 |
Sifre | heyyy | 09:22 |
Gnea | Sorethumb: is there an Ubuntu package of it? | 09:22 |
evowill | But if you can use ssh to get to your machine, you can also use that as a socks proxy to reach the web interface | 09:22 |
Sifre | how to install ZNC? IRC Bouncer | 09:22 |
reportingsjr | decomp_: sorry about that. Yeah, nvidia x server settings | 09:22 |
Jordan_U | itzhero, Why do you need root privileges to kill transmission? | 09:23 |
Sorethumb | Gnea: It runs through the browser, it's a website. | 09:23 |
reportingsjr | but it says that it's not working with x so I need to run a program, but I did that and it still did nothing | 09:23 |
adam7 | Rapture: ssh -L 63100:remoteserver:631 username@remoteserver | 09:23 |
Rapture | decomp_: hmm, well, my suggestion would be to delete/resize that swap, but for the grub issue, i'd try a grub-install on sda and include your winblows install in it | 09:23 |
decomp_ | reportingsjr: ok cool, you should beable to set dual head there. think its a checkbox. | 09:23 |
itzhero | Jordan_U: killall transmission doesn't kill it :/ | 09:23 |
adam7 | Rapture: where remoteserver is the address of the server you are ssh'ed into and username is your username | 09:23 |
Sifre | HEYY | 09:23 |
Gnea | Sorethumb: url? | 09:23 |
Jordan_U | itzhero, And sudo killall does? | 09:23 |
adam7 | Sifre: we heard you the first time :) | 09:23 |
Rapture | adam7: is there a way to do it in Putty (using a vista box atm)? | 09:23 |
Gnea | !caps | Sifre | 09:24 |
ubottu | Sifre: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 09:24 |
Sifre | ok | 09:24 |
Sifre | sorry | 09:24 |
adam7 | Rapture: oh, yes. Putty can do it too, it's in the first box that pops up | 09:24 |
Sorethumb | Gnea: | 09:24 |
itzhero | Jordan_U: hmm, it did when i tried it a few minutes ago. now i can't kill it that way | 09:24 |
decomp_ | Rapture: AHA! ive been trying to put it on /dev/sda1 so you are saying try to grub-install on /dev/sda2 (ntfs partition?) | 09:24 |
puppetpal | i think i might be having the same problem as decomp | 09:25 |
genii | You shouldn't put grub on ANY sub-partition, just the mbr | 09:25 |
Sifre | help me | 09:25 |
itzhero | Jordan_U: I can only kill it after running "ps" command | 09:25 |
adam7 | !ask | Sifre | 09:25 |
ubottu | Sifre: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 09:25 |
Rapture | decomp_: no, just sda... grub writes to the MBR, which is a partition, but not readily visible | 09:25 |
Sifre | how to install znc? irc Bouncer | 09:25 |
reportingsjr | decomp_: I get.. "You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server. " | 09:25 |
Rapture | adam7: connection refused... maybe i'm being dumb | 09:25 |
reportingsjr | decomp_: I tried that and it didn't work | 09:25 |
|ahmina| | Anyone speak Turkish? If you do, talk to Sifre | 09:26 |
Sifre | :) | 09:26 |
genii | !info znc | 09:26 |
ubottu | znc (source: znc): advanced modular IRC bouncer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.058-1 (intrepid), package size 986 kB, installed size 2836 kB | 09:26 |
Sifre | hmm | 09:26 |
adam7 | !turkish | 09:26 |
ubottu | Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. | 09:26 |
Sifre | tþkler | 09:26 |
Sifre | thanks | 09:26 |
genii | Sifre: Enable universe repo and then do it usual way, from package manager | 09:26 |
Sifre | how | 09:27 |
Sifre | show me command | 09:27 |
evowill | Sifre: | 09:27 |
decomp_ | reportingsjr: drop to a console and first backup your /etc/xorg.conf file. Then try running 'nvidia-config' or something like that, sorry my box is unavailable right now due to my grub problem :) i dont have the exact syntax. That should write a new xorg.conf for you. | 09:27 |
Sifre | ým new in ubuntu | 09:27 |
Sifre | my vps ubuntu | 09:27 |
Sifre | ok | 09:27 |
Gnea | Sorethumb: I'm surprised you can even get the site to stay loaded for more thna a few minutes | 09:27 |
Gnea | d'oh! | 09:27 |
Rapture | adam7: i can ssh into the box on port 22, i'm not sure what 631 is.. | 09:27 |
reportingsjr | decomp_: ah, ok | 09:27 |
unimatrix9 | hi ther | 09:27 |
genii | Sifre: In Add/Remove programs it has a place to specify repositories | 09:28 |
unimatrix9 | any one who owns a dell mininote with ubuntu? | 09:28 |
adam7 | Rapture: 631 is the samba printer configuration utility port | 09:28 |
Jordan_U | itzhero, Does " killall -HUP transmission " ( NOT as root ) work ? | 09:28 |
Rapture | ah | 09:28 |
rww | !anyone | unimatrix9 | 09:28 |
ubottu | unimatrix9: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 09:28 |
unimatrix9 | does any one here owns a dell mininote with ubuntu preinstalled? | 09:28 |
Rapture | adam7: i tried HTTPS to it and it says the page is "temporarily down" | 09:28 |
itzhero | Jordan_U: thanks, that worked :) | 09:28 |
ziroday | unimatrix9: what is your exact problem? | 09:29 |
unimatrix9 | not really a problem | 09:29 |
Sifre | genii no pc my vos | 09:29 |
unimatrix9 | just to ask how it works | 09:29 |
itzhero | Jordan_U: just curious, what does the -HUP switch do? | 09:29 |
Rapture | maybe i'm missing a samba install? | 09:29 |
BentFrank | Gnea: I read those links. They don't even mention swat. Anyway, this is an OS issue I think. Doesn't suid on a dir mean all files and dirs created below it will have same owner and including suid? | 09:29 |
ziroday | unimatrix9: ask in #ubuntu-offtopic, you'll get better responses there :) | 09:29 |
genii | Sifre: No what your what? | 09:29 |
quatar-it | hi all. | 09:30 |
quatar-it | can anyone of you understand why all the videos i see are displayed darker than two or three days ago? It's not an LCD setting, 'cause i can't manage those... | 09:30 |
quatar-it | It applies to all sources: streaming in flash applet, kinodv, totem, vlc... But my screen isn't darker. Only videos... | 09:30 |
unimatrix9 | ziroday, that is if someone over there has one, and most likely there are more people over here | 09:30 |
rww | BentFrank: it makes them have the same group ID, not user ID. | 09:30 |
ziroday | unimatrix9: yes, however this is not the correct place either | 09:30 |
BentFrank | That's sgid isn;t it? | 09:30 |
hardcampa | itzhero usually the HUP switch reloads the config in programs | 09:30 |
evowill | Rapture: with lpadmin, you can add and manage printers from the command line | 09:30 |
Rapture | adam7: do i need to enable something in smb.conf for the printer config page to be enabled? | 09:30 |
centr0 | typically what interface would i put "pre-up iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.rules"? i hear 2 different interfaces.. lo or eth0. | 09:30 |
Rapture | evowill: kk | 09:31 |
hardcampa | itzhero but that's actually up to the programmer to implement as he wants. | 09:31 |
adam7 | Rapture: I don't think so | 09:31 |
rww | BentFrank: oh. Yes. setgid on directories does that. setuid on directories is ignored, according to Wikipedia. | 09:31 |
adam7 | Rapture: it seems to work on mine without messing with any sambaish stuff | 09:31 |
ziroday | centr0: erm lo is your loopback device, and eth0 is your ethernet connection | 09:31 |
itzhero | hmm, well it worked when i first tried it, but its no longer working :/ | 09:31 |
BentFrank | Thanks rww. | 09:31 |
genii | Sifre: See for how to enable the Universe repository. | 09:31 |
Sifre | checking for perl_alloc in -lperl... Note (probably harmless): No library found for -lperl | 09:32 |
Sifre | no | 09:32 |
Sifre | configure: error: Could not find libperl. Try --disable-perl | 09:32 |
Rapture | evowill,adam7: is there a way to check to see if ubuntu even sees the printer? | 09:32 |
itzhero | i found out why...i was running it too soon. killall transmission works when transmission has been running for about 15sec | 09:32 |
centr0 | ziroday: ubuntu's doc site is telling me to put them in eth0, my web host site is telling me to put it in lo. and im stuck as to which one if not both to put my pre-up line in. | 09:32 |
Sifre | geni | 09:32 |
Sifre | :) | 09:32 |
reportingsjr | decomp_: that command didn't work, I have the same exact thing as before | 09:32 |
Sifre | no my computer | 09:32 |
ziroday | centr0: what exactly are you trying to do? | 09:32 |
adam7 | Rapture: lshw | 09:32 |
Sifre | vps ok:) | 09:32 |
genii | Sifre: No need to try and compile it. There is a package. | 09:32 |
adam7 | Rapture: or lsusb | 09:32 |
centr0 | ziroday: start iptables at startup. | 09:32 |
Rapture | thanx | 09:32 |
Elevator_Hazard | What should I do if I can see that my NIC is getting the wake on lan packet (it blinks at me when I send it) but does not wake up..? There's no option in the bios for it, and using the ethtool command (debian) it says that wake on lan is enabled... | 09:33 |
decomp_ | reportingsjr: was that the correct command? did it execute a script or anything? | 09:33 |
Sifre | how | 09:33 |
Rapture | forgot about that :D | 09:33 |
nbeebo | how do i do so output of speakers become input of microphone? | 09:33 |
ziroday | centr0: right, you will probably want iptables working on eth0, its not going to do much good on lo | 09:33 |
evowill | Rapture lpinfo -v | 09:33 |
centr0 | ziroday: ty | 09:33 |
decomp_ | reportingsjr: one sec im hitting the nvidia site since i cant get to mine | 09:33 |
genii | Sifre: See for how to enable the Universe repository. This will make znc available to install. Then use Synaptic to just install it. | 09:33 |
cq | hello, i'm trying to isntall ubuntu from a netinstall USB stick... the installation works, grub installs, but then it doesn't boot. | 09:33 |
cq | Then I run the super grub bootdisk, which finds my linux installation, but hangs on Running "embed /boot/grub/e2fs_stage1_5 (hd0)"... | 09:33 |
cq | any ideas? | 09:34 |
ziroday | cq: have you selected your BIOS to boot from the usb drive? | 09:34 |
decomp_ | reportingsjr: did you try the ubuntu repo for the nvidia driver or just go straight to | 09:34 |
ziroday | cq: wait nevermind, misread :) | 09:34 |
cq | I can boot from the USB fine, jsut when I try to boot from the SATA drives it hangs... | 09:34 |
reportingsjr | decomp_: i got it through the restricted drivers app | 09:35 |
Rapture | evowill: direct usb://HP/psc%201200%20series?serial=CN456G32915H | 09:35 |
genii | cq: Sounds like you're mising the sata chipset driver | 09:35 |
decomp_ | reportingsjr: aha ok cool. | 09:35 |
Rapture | evowill: direct hp:/usb/psc_1200_series?serial=CN456G32915H | 09:35 |
decomp_ | one sec | 09:35 |
decomp_ | reportingsjr: which card you have? GeForce 7300? | 09:35 |
cq | genii: ok, what do I need to do? use a special netinstall installation, or a different live image? | 09:36 |
zine_ | Hi..I just installed 8.10, but on booting the PC, GRUB doesn't show any entry for Ubuntu.! It only shows Ubuntu 8.10 memtest86+ and Windows XP.Help.!! | 09:36 |
amerinese | hey i think i might have a bug, but does anyone else put their desktop menu bars at the top with the application-places-system bar at the top and the open programs bar underneath that? it's always saved in the wrong order so every time i restart i have to rearrange it again | 09:36 |
DarkKnight | hey to access a web page i need to see that my firefox has jre 1.5 or higher and flash support and no popup do i get these | 09:36 |
evowill | Rapture : yes, you will need to use lpadmin with direct usb://HP/psc%201200%20series?serial=CN456G32915H | 09:36 |
Jordan_U | itzhero, It sends a SIGHUP to the process instead of a SIGINT. SIGINT means the process should quit itself ( I don't know why transmission doesn't ) SIGHUP tells the process that there has been a hangup, that the controlling terminal has gone away. If you start transmission from a terminal you should notice that ctrl+C ( which sends a SIGINT ) does not cause transmission to exit but closing the terminal does | 09:36 |
cq | and: who's missing it? after the ubuntu installation, the reboot doesn't even show the grub menu... | 09:36 |
genii | cq: You can boot to live cd, edit the intramfs conf file to include the driver you need, then rebuild the initrd | 09:36 |
cq | hm, there are no images with all drivers included somewhere? | 09:37 |
cq | or is that easy to do? | 09:37 |
itzhero | Jordan_U: Thank you. It seems to be working now -- if not I'll just keep working with it. | 09:37 |
decomp_ | reportingsjr: what you want i believe is called 'Xinerama'. Thats what i use. And i see a report here that it broke in intrepid. Take a look here: | 09:37 |
jim_p | i have a laptop here that i am sure its satans laptop! it has a bluetooth button, i press it, and bluetooth does not start, neither i can see something in lspci/lsusb. any ideas? | 09:37 |
decomp_ | | 09:37 |
ubuntu | neither ubuntu or the gparted boot CD are detecing either of my hard drives, nor my sata DVD burner. they're all detected by the bios and detected by windows. what's going on? | 09:37 |
jim_p | ubuntu, what mobo are they on? | 09:38 |
Jordan_U | itzhero, np, interestingly if you send 3 SIGINTs transmission does exit, not sure if that's a bug or a feature. | 09:38 |
ubuntu | jim_p: the model? | 09:38 |
evowill | <ubuntu> What is the computer make/model/ and what version of Ubuntu? | 09:38 |
ziroday | jim_p: is the bluetooth enabled in the BIOS? | 09:38 |
jim_p | ubuntu, nevermind, pastebin the output of lspci | 09:39 |
reportingsjr | decomp_: phooy | 09:39 |
ubuntu | motherboard is gigabyte GA-EP45-UD3r, and hardy | 09:39 |
DarkKnight | hey to access a web page i need to see that my firefox has jre 1.5 or higher and flash support and no popup do i get these | 09:39 |
decomp_ | reportingsjr: yeah intrepid is still rough on a few edges i guess | 09:39 |
jim_p | ziroday, there is no such option in bios. the button does turn blue when pressed | 09:39 |
Sorethumb | How do I check what version of Flash I have? | 09:39 |
ziroday | !version | Sorethumb | 09:39 |
ubottu | Sorethumb: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> » | 09:39 |
BarryManilow | I am a version 1.1.0 PyBorg | 09:39 |
jim_p | Sorethumb, about:plugins in ff address bar | 09:40 |
ziroday | BarryManilow: do you have a question we can help you with? | 09:40 |
Sorethumb | Thanks! | 09:40 |
ardchoille | Sorethumb: open firefox and type this into the urlbar: about:plugins | 09:40 |
unimatrix9 | probably nforce chipset | 09:40 |
evowill | <ubuntu> If possible, you may want to try 8.10 | 09:40 |
Rapture | adam7: odd, i fixed the login issue.. or i thought: 403 Forbidden | 09:40 |
zine_ | Hi..I just installed 8.10, but on booting the PC, GRUB doesn't show any entry for Ubuntu.! It only shows Ubuntu 8.10 memtest86+ and Windows XP.Help.!! | 09:40 |
jim_p | ubuntu, the chipset of the mobo IS NOT supported by hardys kernel. you will need a distro with 2.6.25 for p45 support | 09:41 |
ziroday | jim_p: doesn't appear in lspci? | 09:41 |
jim_p | *2.6.25 at least | 09:41 |
jim_p | ziroday, nope | 09:41 |
ubuntu | lspci: | 09:41 |
ubuntu | oh | 09:41 |
jim_p | ubuntu, are you on ati as well? | 09:42 |
ubuntu | yeah | 09:42 |
genii | cq: First find what driver module you need. What is the chipset? | 09:42 |
reportingsjr | decomp: you'd think something like that would be fixed by now :( | 09:42 |
jim_p | ubuntu, i would say "try 8.10 that has 2.6.27 kernel) but its xorg 1.5 and ati will disappoint you. so... | 09:42 |
adam7 | Rapture: oh, you might have to be accessing it from -- I don't think it's open to the internet | 09:42 |
ziroday | jim_p: the only other idea is to poke around /proc or that it might be under lsusb but besides that *shrug* | 09:42 |
cwillu | how do you turn off emulation of 3 button mice? I've got a game that uses all three buttons, and the emulation is screwing it up | 09:43 |
rww_ | adam7, Rapture: It's not. cups binds to loopback by default. | 09:43 |
jim_p | ziroday, will you give me a sec to pastebin lspci and lsusb? | 09:43 |
ubuntu | jim_p if it can display an image on the screen then it's good enough for me | 09:43 |
decomp | reportingsjr: yeah, check the ubuntu forums or bug list. Maube there is a patch | 09:43 |
ubuntu | gah | 09:43 |
Jordan_U | jim_p, 8.10 works with fglrx, it has since the late beta IIRC | 09:43 |
ziroday | jim_p: sure :) | 09:43 |
jim_p | ubuntu, what ati is it? | 09:43 |
=== ubuntu is now known as ubuntu1 | ||
Rapture | rww_: i changed cups.conf to: Listen *:631 | 09:43 |
genii | cq: A fast way for the initramfs without rebuilding it is: boot to livecd. mount the hd / somewhere. then make a file in the mounted /etc/initramfs-tools called init, and make it executable. Then in the file the command to load the driver. Like: modprobe sata_nv or so | 09:44 |
jim_p | Jordan_U, yea i have seen it how it works in phoronix forums | 09:44 |
nbeebo | sometimes i get incredibly angry at ubuntu, just so you all know | 09:44 |
jim_p | ubuntu1, lspci | grep VGA | 09:44 |
Rapture | nbeebo me too | 09:44 |
ubuntu1 | jim_p: it's a 3870 | 09:44 |
nbeebo | good | 09:44 |
DarkKnight | hey to access a web page i need to see that my firefox has jre 1.5 or higher and flash support and no popup do i get these | 09:44 |
rww_ | Rapture: stupid question, but did you restart cups after doing that | 09:44 |
cq | genii: its an msi ms-7521 board, g45m | 09:44 |
Rapture | yes | 09:44 |
cads | hello I'd like to install xfce and the themes that come with xubuntu, but I don't want xubuntu to take over and run extra things during startup or replace my gdm.. which package should I install for that? | 09:45 |
ziroday | DarkKnight: do you have flash and java installed? | 09:45 |
Rapture | rww_: /etc/inetd.d/cups restart | 09:45 |
ziroday | cads: you can install xubuntu-artwork | 09:45 |
ziroday | cads: as well as xfce | 09:45 |
jim_p | ubuntu1, you can try your luck with radeon or radeonhd, or even vesa if your monitor is not wide. in any way, i would not advise installing 8.10 under these conditions | 09:45 |
adam7 | Rapture: /etc/init.d/cups restart | 09:45 |
cads | i'll try that ziroday | 09:45 |
jim_p | Jordan_U, are you on ati as well? | 09:46 |
genii | cq: That one has an intel ICH10r chipset. | 09:46 |
cads | like the pun on oldschool 0-day warez, ziro :D | 09:46 |
Jordan_U | jim_p, On my laptop, yes | 09:46 |
ubuntu1 | is there any way to shoehorn the updated kernel into hardy? | 09:46 |
jim_p | cq, you also need a 2.6.25 kernel! | 09:46 |
Rapture | adam7: same issue | 09:46 |
jim_p | ubuntu1, in live mode, without installing ? no | 09:47 |
ziroday | cads: mmhm, nobody can take me seriously :) | 09:47 |
Rapture | grr! if my daughter hadn't thrown her bottle at my monitor, I wouldn't have this problem.. | 09:47 |
Rapture | pretty light show though | 09:47 |
jim_p | Jordan_U, and it works with xorg 1.5? | 09:47 |
unimatrix9 | yes nick we take you seriously :P | 09:47 |
Jordan_U | jim_p, Yes | 09:47 |
Rapture | FYI: CRT monitors and liquids DO NOT MIX! | 09:48 |
DarkKnight | ziroday; how do i check whether i installed them and the type of version | 09:48 |
jim_p | Jordan_U, with fglrx? | 09:48 |
Jordan_U | jim_p, Yes | 09:48 |
ziroday | DarkKnight: you can do apt-cache policy <package name? | 09:48 |
jim_p | it seems i live in a paralel universe then :P | 09:48 |
jim_p | ziroday, i promised something, sorry. let me ssh in | 09:48 |
ubuntu1 | jim_p: it worked before with my sata drives in AHCI mode, why not now? | 09:48 |
DarkKnight | Ziroday; didnt get you..why do i have to use apt-cache | 09:49 |
jim_p | ubuntu1, what worked before? | 09:49 |
cq | weird, jsut tried the debian installer from stable, it doesn't even see the disks | 09:49 |
ziroday | !version | DarkKnight see the second command | 09:49 |
ubottu | DarkKnight see the second command: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> » | 09:49 |
BarryManilow | I am a version 1.1.0 PyBorg | 09:49 |
cq | the ubuntu installer sees them | 09:49 |
cq | then again, debian stable is old, I'll try testing... | 09:49 |
ubuntu1 | jim_p: installation, etc. i had a fully functional installation of ubuntu | 09:49 |
jim_p | cq, debian stable's kernel is as old as the pyramids in egypt | 09:49 |
DarkKnight | Ziroday; i am using hardy.. | 09:49 |
genii | cq: The driver name should be: ahci | 09:50 |
jim_p | ubuntu1, then enable achi | 09:50 |
DarkKnight | Ziroday; i was asking which version of java and flash to install | 09:50 |
ubuntu1 | ah, but then i can't install windows XP | 09:50 |
ubuntu1 | which is why i turned it off | 09:50 |
ziroday | DarkKnight: okay, so you want to install java and flash? | 09:50 |
jim_p | ubuntu1, use f6 to load the achi drivers when prompted... or make another bootable cd with xp containing the drivers. i can show you how | 09:51 |
cq | thanks... I'll give debian testing a shot, that kernel should be fairly new, otherwise I'll have to do what you suggested | 09:51 |
jim_p | jim_p, with nlite :P | 09:51 |
genii | ubuntu1: Boot to your motherboard cd and make the XP driver floppy. Then use the F6 of XP install to use the floppy | 09:51 |
ubuntu1 | jim_p: i'm pretty sure i need a floppy though, and i don't have a floppy drive nor any floppy disks | 09:51 |
jim_p | cq, the debian testing is on 2.6.26 | 09:51 |
jim_p | in case you need something specific | 09:51 |
A4Tech | all Hi, I'm a little Off topic, to the bot | 09:52 |
A4Tech | ubottu | 09:52 |
A4Tech | plug encyclopedia supports so that they can only use registered users? | 09:52 |
jim_p | ubuntu1, use nlite then to inject the drivers to the installation cd... or let me find that tutorial | 09:52 |
genii | jim_p: Apologies didn't see your f6 recommendation for manual install of driver | 09:52 |
jim_p | lol genii | 09:52 |
hanafi | any web for how to run linux mint though Qemu? i have search at, but didn't get good answer. i'm using kubuntu interpid ibex | 09:54 |
evowill | DarkKnight: | 09:54 |
rww_ | !mintsupport | hanafi | 09:54 |
ubuntu1 | jim_p: if only it were that easy.... my only windows installation (vista) doesn't boot and i don't have the reapir dvd. do anything i do must be done from within linux | 09:54 |
genii | A4Tech: The bot is not so complex they can answer natural language questions | 09:54 |
jim_p | ubuntu1, | 09:54 |
=== rww_ is now known as rww | ||
cads | do you guys know about installing xen? | 09:55 |
hanafi | rww : paste here ? | 09:55 |
DarkKnight | Ziroday, evowill; not exactly java..the website says i require javascript, cookies must be enabled, jre 1.5 or higher, flash-plugins | 09:55 |
A4Tech | I ask you:) | 09:55 |
jim_p | how do i use pastebinit? | 09:55 |
rww | !mintsupport | hanafi | 09:55 |
ubottu | hanafi: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint on | 09:55 |
ziroday | DarkKnight: what site? | 09:55 |
rww | there we go :) | 09:55 |
ziroday | DarkKnight: also see !java and !flash | 09:56 |
hanafi | rww : thanks mate. | 09:56 |
jeff_ | hi | 09:56 |
jim_p | ubuntu1, try another distro with the 2.6.27 kernel and without xorg 1.5 sidux that is | 09:56 |
davit | Hello can someone here help me with a WINE problem, when I click on an exe file and try to run under WINE it doesn't even run Wine doesn't even open up | 09:56 |
rww | A4Tech: I'm not sure what you're asking. Please rephrase your question. | 09:56 |
DarkKnight | Ziroday; its a infosys site.. for students...well if you have to see then you have to login | 09:56 |
jim_p | davit, run it from the terminal and look for any errors | 09:57 |
quatar-it | !log | 09:57 |
ubottu | Official channel logs can be found at - For LoCo channels, | 09:57 |
ziroday | DarkKnight: ah right, well as long as you have flash and java installed you should be fune | 09:57 |
jim_p | how do i use pastebinit? | 09:57 |
genii | A4Tech: eg: what is "plug encyclopedia supports" or so | 09:57 |
DarkKnight | Ziroday; so how do i know whether these are installed | 09:57 |
chipt4_ | i was thinking about trying to use eAccelerator with nginx, anyone have experience? | 09:57 |
evowill | DarkKnight: I sent you a PM | 09:57 |
davit | Hello can someone here help me with a WINE problem, when I click on an exe file and try to run under WINE it doesn't even run Wine doesn't even open up | 09:57 |
A4Tech | geni I want to configure plug-encyclopedia. so that the boat would be responsible only to registered users | 09:57 |
rww | DarkKnight: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras will install flash, java, and other useful non-free stuff. | 09:57 |
ziroday | DarkKnight: easiest way is to just try and reinstall them, synaptic/apt-get will tell you if they are already installed | 09:58 |
A4Tech | genii or even better than those I will appoint | 09:58 |
DarkKnight | rww, ziroday; are you sure that if i get these installed then my firefox ont it used to before | 09:58 |
davit | Hello can someone here help me with a WINE problem, when I click on an exe file and try to run under WINE it doesn't even run Wine doesn't even open up | 09:58 |
jim_p | ziroday, | 09:58 |
ziroday | DarkKnight: it shouldn't do | 09:59 |
genii | !info plug-encyclopedia | 09:59 |
ubottu | Package plug-encyclopedia does not exist in intrepid | 09:59 |
rww | DarkKnight: I have no idea why your Firefox used to crash, but I have ubuntu-restricted-extras, flashplugin-nonfree, and sun java installed, and get no crashes. | 09:59 |
DarkKnight | Ziroday; fine..thank you | 09:59 |
quatar-it | hi all. will someone solve a problem like this: (videos displayed darkly in ubuntu 8.04, randomly or definively!?). Note that the last answer doesn't work for me! | 09:59 |
* Rapture waves goodnight to everyone. | 09:59 | |
genii | A4Tech: That is not any package in Ubuntu | 09:59 |
rww | genii: A4Tech is talking about plugins to ubottu. | 09:59 |
Rapture | thanx for all the help... i'll figure out this printer thing tommorrow | 09:59 |
ziroday | jim_p: yeah I can't see it either. Strange | 09:59 |
A4Tech | rww heh... | 10:00 |
rww | genii: as far as I can tell, anyway | 10:00 |
ubuntu1 | davit what happens when you go to the directory in a console and type "wine programname"? | 10:00 |
rww | A4Tech: is that correct? or am I still misunderstanding you? | 10:00 |
jim_p | ziroday, it mentions some cardbus something but it has no input of cards. unless it means the pcmcia ones | 10:00 |
davit | ubuntu1: I've never done that | 10:00 |
yeus | hi guys short question: is anyone here familiar with the Asus P5B motherboard and its realted software on windows, like the AI-suite for example, which enables overclocking by software, manual selection of CPU-speeds, fan control, etc... is there any way to make this work on linux? | 10:01 |
jim_p | yeus, no | 10:01 |
yeus | actually i guess the question is not as short as I said :) | 10:01 |
ubuntu1 | davit try it now. i have no clue what's causing your problem but whenever a wine program doesn't start i just do it from the console and it usually works | 10:01 |
jim_p | yeus, not even under wine | 10:01 |
A4Tech | rww please /join #newsystems | 10:01 |
rww | yeus: I have an Asus P5K-E. I don't think there's a way to overclock by software with Linux, so I do it from the BIOS. Temperature and fan sensors work with lm-sensors | 10:02 |
rww | A4Tech: no | 10:02 |
=== GuGa is now known as GuGa_r0x | ||
jim_p | yeus, i am sure there are relevant programs for fan control and maybe cpu speed | 10:02 |
A4Tech | thx... | 10:02 |
jim_p | quatar-it, try some other video output | 10:03 |
davit | ubuntu1: How should I type command "sudo wine "name"" | 10:03 |
rww | A4Tech: If you're looking for help with supybot/ubottu, ask in #supybot on this server, not here. If I misunderstood your question, please attempt to ask your question in readable English or tell us your native language so we can redirect you to a foreign-language Ubuntu support channel. | 10:03 |
jim_p | davit, wine something.exe no sudo | 10:03 |
quatar-it | jim: flash, totem, vlc, kino, .. the same problem! | 10:04 |
yeus | ah.. jim_p any suggestions for a google search string? because my searches bring me only rubbish | 10:04 |
quatar-it | jim_p: flash, totem, vlc, kino, .. the same problem! | 10:04 |
jim_p | yeus, seperate what each program can do and ask me for the relevant ont | 10:04 |
jim_p | one | 10:04 |
davit | Ubuntu1: It wont let me iso is mounted | 10:04 |
ubuntu1 | it won't let you? | 10:05 |
ubuntu1 | how? | 10:05 |
jim_p | quatar-it, flash??!?!?! even flash videos on web pages appear dark? | 10:05 |
ultratek | when i change the workgroup name in samba's smb.conf file does typing it in capital letters work the same as it does on vista or do i have to designate that the workkgroup name uses capital say... can i just type in HOME in the conf file? | 10:05 |
ubuntu1 | be specific | 10:05 |
davit | archive://file%3A%2F%2F%2Fhome%2Fdavit%2FUNREAL.TOURNAMENT.2004.DVD-DEViANCE%2Fdev-u4dv.iso/ | 10:05 |
jim_p | ultratek, yes possibly | 10:05 |
yeus | I would like a program which enables me to control cpu-speed and one which does that automatically taking the current workload into account | 10:06 |
quatar-it | jim_p: i think. Unfortunately, i can't prove that in an objective way. It's how i do percieve it! | 10:06 |
yeus | the main reason I am asking for this is energy-saving :) | 10:06 |
ubuntu1 | davit: what program re you trying to run? | 10:06 |
rww | yeus: powernowd will automatically reduce the CPU speed of most modern CPUs when full speed is not needed. powernowd is installed by default in Ubuntu. | 10:06 |
ultratek | jim_P cuz my workgroup is HOME as it has to be capital letters in vista... will samba under stand this...because i still cannot see the other windows pc on ubuntu | 10:06 |
jim_p | yeus, cpu frequency scaling! can be done if you are patient! did it on my bros laptop. it goes to 800Mhz to 1600 to 1800. 3 steps only, but its worth it | 10:07 |
rww | yeus: see also the "CPU Frequency Scaling Monitor" GNOME panel applet, which allows you to manually control powernowd. | 10:07 |
jim_p | ultratek, write it in capitals | 10:07 |
davit | ubuntu1: Im having trouble running UT2004 off the dvd a friend told me to make an iso of it and try it like that and try like that but still not working so Im tring to install through WINE | 10:07 |
jim_p | quatar-it, what vga are you on? | 10:07 |
ultratek | jim_P: it is in capital letters..i still dont undersatand why it cant see the other machines on my network....i gave up on this a couple of weeks ago...just now getting back into it today | 10:08 |
yeus | kewl thx rww, jim_p | 10:08 |
gazotem | Didn't know pidgin had a nice IRC interface | 10:08 |
quatar-it | jim_p: i'm not so good with those term... how can i detect? | 10:08 |
jim_p | yeus, here | 10:08 |
ubuntu1 | davit: and the iso is mouted and such? wine can't open an iso file | 10:09 |
jim_p | yeus, modules and cfg files are the same | 10:09 |
jim_p | ultratek, can you install swat and configure your samba there? | 10:09 |
rww | davit: I'm assuming you mounted the iso using Gnome's Archive Mounter? Don't do that; use the command-line method. | 10:09 |
ultratek | i do have swat install | 10:09 |
rww | !iso | davit | 10:09 |
ubottu | davit: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. | 10:09 |
jim_p | quatar-it, lspci | grep VGA | 10:09 |
ultratek | jim_p: how do i access swat? i am new to linux | 10:09 |
davit | ubuntu1: The WINE problem is not isolated to this exe though it's been giving me problems past few days I haven't been able to open an exe I've downloaded | 10:10 |
jim_p | ultratek, give me a sec. it was mentioned earlier that it listens to some port | 10:10 |
quatar-it | jim_p : 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G86M [GeForce 8400M GT] (rev a1) | 10:10 |
ultratek | hmm | 10:10 |
jim_p | ultratek, http://localhost:901 | 10:11 |
jim_p | quatar-it, did you install the drivers for it? | 10:12 |
jim_p | quatar-it, glxinfo | grep direct | 10:12 |
quatar-it | jim_p: it says "yes" | 10:13 |
chipt4_ | i was thinking about trying to use eAccelerator with nginx, anyone have experience? | 10:13 |
=== mcasadevall is now known as NCommander | ||
jim_p | quatar-it, gstreamer-properties > video > 1st dropdown menu > switch to "no xv" | 10:14 |
davit | ubottu: Ok I mounted using command line and it solved my problem thanks guys, one question how do I create folders in my /media/ folder to mount to I forgot lol | 10:14 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 10:14 |
quatar-it | jim_p for what concerns video, in past days i installed ffmpeg mencoder ffmpeg2theora dvgrab , and put at startup the modules raw1394 video1394 dv1394 . But suddenly after nothing happened, just after a day ... | 10:14 |
rww | davit: sudo mkdir /media/directoryname | 10:14 |
jim_p | :| | 10:15 |
quatar-it | jim_p : what "no xv" is going to do? | 10:15 |
jim_p | it will change how video is rendered | 10:15 |
quatar-it | jim_p: need to restart to test its working? | 10:16 |
quatar-it | or only to restart x? | 10:16 |
davit | rww: Thanks can't belive I forgot that lol I was tring cd /media/foldername | 10:16 |
jim_p | quatar-it, there is a test button there | 10:16 |
rww | davit: cd is Change Directory :) | 10:16 |
quatar-it | yes, but i'm going to test new settings with a simple video of mine.. | 10:16 |
jim_p | quatar-it, ok | 10:17 |
davit | rww: Ya lol thought it was create directory | 10:17 |
quatar-it | so, should restart? | 10:17 |
jim_p | quatar-it, does the test video appear dark? | 10:17 |
quatar-it | jim_p: no, i think | 10:18 |
davit | I don't understand how it installs so easily in wine but I get so many problems with linux shell | 10:18 |
jim_p | quatar-it, then play another video with some player | 10:18 |
davit | ubuntu1: I mounted through command line and it's working fine I was using archive mounter before | 10:19 |
quatar-it | jim_p: even not my reference video! thanks! i owe you ten or fifteen minutes! | 10:20 |
jim_p | quatar-it, what did i do? | 10:20 |
gazotem | So I've been using Ubuntu(linux) for bought 2 years and yesterday I did a fresh install (8.10) and did NOT install the fglrx proprietary driver for ATI and my video playback and graphic speed was better compiz ran out of box, what video driver would intrepid be using? | 10:21 |
quatar-it | jim_p: only voluntary help! that's fine! | 10:21 |
qiyong | is linux-image debuginfo pkg no longer provided? | 10:21 |
jim_p | lol | 10:21 |
nascentmind | hi. I have an ati card and when i installed the restricted drivers it was fine.. after subsequent boots and dist-upgrade i get very low fps in glxgears. why is that? | 10:22 |
ziroday | gazotem: the open source ones | 10:22 |
qiyong | hi, help | 10:22 |
quatar-it | jim_p: i know communities since i was a child, but i'm always grateful to who helps this way | 10:22 |
rww | IS there a non-solitaire mahjong game in the repos anywhere? | 10:23 |
jim_p | quatar-it, you are welcome then | 10:23 |
bujin | hi a question im connecting my palm to the computer using the usb cable how can i know what port do i have to aim at | 10:24 |
quatar-it | bye all | 10:24 |
Sinister | can i up grade from 32 to 64 bit and keep all my settings ? | 10:25 |
rww | nvm, found one :) | 10:25 |
Xcerca | how can i reveiw the error messages from startup , my other laptop has this strange error " MAC address not recognized, using random MAC" and i want to see the message to figure the problem out. anybody ever have this same problem before ? | 10:26 |
rww | Sinister: switching between 32-bit and 64-bit requires a reinstall of Ubuntu. | 10:26 |
Sinister | well ill be back then | 10:26 |
=== getbit_ is now known as Sunmanori | ||
qiyong | linux-image-debug got dropped? | 10:27 |
=== Sunmanori is now known as Apocalyps | ||
Sinister | my bios says 4gb ram but ubuntu says 3.2 someone said 64 bit will fix that | 10:27 |
jim_p | Sinister, 64 bit will do the job. any os or distro but 64 bit | 10:29 |
jtaji | Sinister: you will have to reinstall though | 10:29 |
jim_p | Sinister, i hope you dont want me to explain why | 10:29 |
CrypTom | hi all, I use the server edition and "cat /proc/meminfo" shows me that almost 10GB RAM are used, how can I see, which process uses so much memory? (a "ps aux" only shows 2 processes using more than 1%) | 10:30 |
Sinister | no i alrady have the disk in im gona reboot and install | 10:30 |
jim_p | CrypTom, top or htop ? | 10:31 |
Sinister | thanks i just needed a answer if 64 bit would work and if i had to reinstall | 10:31 |
Sinister | thanks | 10:31 |
spx2 | I have two ethernet cards , eth0 and eth1 , eth0 is configured correctly for the internet,eth1 is not configured,when I plug a cable in eth1 , eth0 stops working , why ? | 10:31 |
dedal | hi | 10:31 |
jtaji | CrypTom: use 'free -m', and in the second line you will see actual memory usage, after subtracting cache | 10:31 |
Apocalyps | where is this #ubuntu channel saved? | 10:31 |
CrypTom | jim_p: top shows no process using much memory (java 9%) | 10:31 |
jim_p | spx2, improper network manager configuration. remove it and do your wired jobs from /etc/network/interfaces | 10:31 |
JohnyB | hello, I've got a problem with Firefox after an upgrade it's just crashes, I am using Kubuntu 8.04 i386 | 10:32 |
kestutis | Hello. Anybody could assist me on the application "Weather Forecast"? | 10:32 |
spx2 | jim_p: you mean ifconfig eth1 down ? | 10:32 |
jim_p | JohnyB, ff version and flash version if installed | 10:32 |
spx2 | jim_p: what kind of configuration should I make in interfaces ? | 10:32 |
JohnyB | jim_p: firefox 3.0.5 and I don't know the flash version | 10:33 |
jim_p | spx2, i mean remove network manager the unreliable app and edit that file. i can guide you if its wired | 10:33 |
jim_p | JohnyB, about:plugins in ff adress bar | 10:33 |
Pabix | Hello, I have installed Intrepid on a new computer; sound worked with the LiveCD; now it does not though all volume cursors are ok | 10:33 |
nascentmind | hi. I had ati driver fglrx installed.. I removed disabled the restricted driver using envy-ng.. now my X doesn't start. why is that? | 10:33 |
JohnyB | jim_p: I would love to do this, but I am not able to turn on firefox, it's just not loading at all. | 10:33 |
jim_p | spx2, do you use static or dhcp? | 10:34 |
spx2 | jim_p: pppoe | 10:34 |
spx2 | jim_p: for eth0 | 10:34 |
spx2 | jim_p: and for eth1 (the one which breaks eth0) I would like to use static | 10:34 |
dedal | I have acer TravelMate 5310. everything work except microphone. pls help | 10:34 |
nascentmind | can somebody help me? | 10:35 |
jim_p | JohnyB, at a terminal firefox -safe-mode will start ff with no plugins loaded | 10:35 |
chuxxsss | anyone no anything about cairo-dock? | 10:35 |
Apocalyps | JohnyB: on this occassion, try reinstalling FF first | 10:35 |
JohnyB | jim_p : it does the same in the safe mode | 10:35 |
jim_p | nascentmind, because you have to provide it another driver to use now that fglrx is gone | 10:35 |
gazotem | nascentmind: have you tried enabling the xorg.conf backup/safe file | 10:35 |
JohnyB | Apocalyps : already thried with the same result | 10:36 |
nascentmind | jim_p: its using vesa as the driver | 10:36 |
jim_p | JohnyB, close ff and delete the .mozilla folder in your home. keep a backup of the bookmarks if you wish | 10:36 |
nascentmind | jim_p: i tried to start x from root using startx but it says no screens found.. | 10:36 |
jim_p | nascentmind, so it should go to x | 10:36 |
JohnyB | jim_p, I wouldn't do that beacause I have some users and passwords in there and I wouldn't like to lose them :( | 10:37 |
kestutis | Hello. Anybody could assist me on the application "Weather Forecast"? | 10:37 |
jim_p | nascentmind, remove any remaints of xorg.conf | 10:37 |
jim_p | and startx again | 10:37 |
dedal | Hi. I am new in linux. I have acer TravelMate 5310. everything work except microphone. pls help | 10:37 |
jim_p | kestutis, the one on the panel? | 10:37 |
nascentmind | jim_p: should i delete xorg.conf? | 10:37 |
eNons3nse | I've got a question. When I get a browse box to save a file I can't select the default directory that comes up without navigating up a level then going back into that folder first. Is this a problem for everyone? | 10:37 |
jim_p | nascentmind, yea. it will recreate one | 10:37 |
nascentmind | jim_p: k lemme try that.. | 10:37 |
Entelin | gnome-terminal 's man page documents a --title="" feature that is supposed to name the tabs however it seems to have no effect at all, any ideas? | 10:38 |
Entelin | im using 8.10 | 10:38 |
kestutis | jim_p: i am wondering how the application gets the data | 10:38 |
jim_p | chuxxsss, what do you wish to learn | 10:38 |
Apocalyps | JohnyB: open FF from terminal and see what is the error (will show in the terminal) | 10:38 |
jim_p | kestutis, from of from the same resort as the pymetar script does | 10:38 |
=== izibi_ is now known as izibi | ||
JohnyB | Apocalyps: john@john:~$ firefox | 10:39 |
jim_p | Pabix, remove pulseaudio as a start | 10:39 |
JohnyB | Apocalyps: and that's all | 10:39 |
ubuntu | jim_p: what was that guide you posted earlier about adding ahci to windows? | 10:39 |
jim_p | ubuntu, wait a sec | 10:40 |
eNons3nse | it's kind of an annoying problem. is there something that i can change to fix it? | 10:40 |
jim_p | ubuntu, | 10:40 |
kestutis | jim_p, so the application has the access to's database? | 10:40 |
Apocalyps | JohnyB: $ ps aux | grep firefox | 10:40 |
jim_p | kestutis, or a similar site like accuweather | 10:41 |
JohnyB | Apocalyps: it's not loaded | 10:41 |
jim_p | kestutis, can i pm you my pymetar output? | 10:41 |
JohnyB | Apocalyps : john 16982 9.6 1.3 85808 28996 ? Sl 12:41 0:01 /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.5/firefox | 10:41 |
kestutis | jim_p - what do you mean? | 10:42 |
Pabix | jim_p, actually I seem to have found a tutorial for my soundcard (Intel ICH9 family) using irqpoll as a boot option | 10:42 |
Pabix | I will first try this, and then come back if needed | 10:42 |
jim_p | ok Pabix | 10:42 |
kestutis | jim_p: how to get this script? | 10:42 |
jim_p | kestutis, sudo apt-get install pymetar | 10:43 |
jim_p | kestutis, you need to know your location code though | 10:43 |
Pabix | but thank you for your help | 10:43 |
Apocalyps | JohnyB: so your FF is running, just dont know it's not showing | 10:43 |
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kestutis | but where the script is looking for the data? in accuweather? | 10:44 |
JohnyB | Apocalyps : yes, and If I see the window (rarely) every time I try to push a button it crashes instantly | 10:44 |
jim_p | kestutis, its python-pymetar my mistake sorry | 10:44 |
ghaleb | hello, my log daemon keeps restarting ! | 10:44 |
genii | JohnyB: Have you tried loading it in safe mode? | 10:44 |
jim_p | kestutis, let me look its interiors | 10:44 |
JohnyB | genii: yes, with the same results | 10:45 |
jim_p | kestutis, The pymetar Python interface will provide full and easy to use access to the METAR reports available from the NOAA ( | 10:45 |
ubunoob | <~~~~~super NOOB needs HELP please! | 10:45 |
ariqz | how do I change my identd in xchat? | 10:45 |
jim_p | !ask | ubunoob | 10:46 |
ubottu | ubunoob: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 10:46 |
Xcerca | how can i view the boot up messages to reveiw them ? | 10:46 |
nascentmind | jim_p: it doesn't work.. it says "Cannot run in framebuffer mode please specify busids for all framebuffer devices" | 10:46 |
ariqz | how do I change my identd in xchat? | 10:46 |
ganymede | Xcerca, less /var/log/dmesg or /var/log/messages or /var/log/syslog | 10:46 |
kestutis | jim_p: i've installed the packet python-pymetar, how to use it? | 10:47 |
Apocalyps | JohnyB: maybe the error comes from a plugin, i think you shoul remove the folder ~/.mozilla before reinstalling | 10:47 |
jim_p | Xcerca, most are in dmesg so a dmesg | tail -100 will do | 10:47 |
Xcerca | thanks | 10:47 |
jim_p | kestutis, you need to find your code for your location. for me its LGBL | 10:47 |
kestutis | where do i have to find the code? | 10:48 |
genii | Apocalyps: If from a plugin then: firefox -safe-mode would have worked, but he says it did not | 10:48 |
jim_p | kestutis, look in the site, i cant help you. it took me some hours to locate mine inside a huge list | 10:48 |
gazotem | Xcerca: If you would like to view the boot messages during boot you have to edit your /boot/grub/menu.lst and remove the quiet option | 10:48 |
b00ley | when i change virtual consoles(Ctrl+Alt+F1-6), changes into the console mode. what i should do? | 10:48 |
ariqz | how do I change my identd in xchat? | 10:49 |
kestutis | in ? | 10:49 |
Christian_GER | hi | 10:49 |
nascentmind | jim_p: any help? | 10:49 |
b00ley | ariqz, 3rd box | 10:49 |
ubunoob | i installed ubuntu for the first time, it is on my desktop (still running xp on my note book) i need ndiswrapper for my usb N wifi, however every time i burn it to disk from my xp machine i get an error that says disk may not ne debian | 10:49 |
tuccha | when i log in to ubuntu my pc gets a black colour and i cannot use it | 10:49 |
jim_p | nascentmind, did you remove all xorg.confs and backups? | 10:49 |
Christian_GER | simple question: my floppy disk isn't present by default, only after "modprobe floppy". How can I make that module loaded by default? | 10:49 |
tuccha | i think i messed up with compiz config | 10:50 |
jim_p | tuccha, are you on ati? | 10:50 |
ganymede | tuccha, ubuntu probably decided to enable compiz but it didn't work | 10:50 |
nascentmind | jim_p: i have kept the backups.. removed all xorg.conf from /etc/X11 | 10:50 |
tuccha | what's ati? | 10:50 |
jim_p | nascentmind, what ubuntu version are you on? | 10:50 |
tuccha | jim_p | 10:50 |
ariqz | b00ley: surely that can't be so. People dont' want their account login as their damned ident | 10:50 |
jim_p | tuccha, lspci | grep VGA | 10:50 |
nascentmind | jim_p: intrepid | 10:50 |
jim_p | nascentmind, are you on command only now?? | 10:51 |
nascentmind | jim_p: yes. | 10:51 |
b00ley | ariqz, okey, open the settings of connect to the network, and find your login-name | 10:51 |
loffe | Why is the ffmpeg version so old in ubuntu? 2 years !! | 10:51 |
JohnyB | Apocalyps : I 'll do that now | 10:51 |
=== justin_ is now known as jwhite93 | ||
jim_p | nascentmind, at the recovery option and logged in as well? | 10:52 |
nascentmind | jim_p: X has not bothered to create a xorg.conf again.. | 10:52 |
kestutis | jim_p, isn't for the US only? | 10:52 |
kestutis | I can't find any city in Europe | 10:52 |
nascentmind | jim_p: what recovery option? | 10:52 |
b00ley | nascentmind, try xinit --configure | 10:52 |
ariqz | thanks | 10:52 |
jim_p | nascentmind, there is a recovery option in grub as you boot the pc | 10:53 |
ubunoob | does any one know how i can transfer the files from xp to ubuntu? | 10:53 |
pp5gn | ei | 10:53 |
b00ley | ubunoob, samba | 10:53 |
nascentmind | jim_p: i am in runlevel 5 with X barfing .. | 10:53 |
pp5gn | hhrqwqw | 10:53 |
b00ley | what? | 10:53 |
ganymede | ubunoob, sudo apt-get install smbfs && mount.cifs //your_xp_comp/share_name -o user=your_xp_user_name | 10:53 |
nascentmind | jim_p: i can recover from the console itself.. checked with ps to see if there are any X running.. it diead after sometime.. | 10:54 |
jim_p | nascentmind, can you run X -configure | 10:54 |
b00ley | X disappear, when i'm change ttys | 10:54 |
b00ley | display returns into console-mode | 10:55 |
sarmisak | b00ley, try alt+f7 to go back? | 10:55 |
nascentmind | jim_p: yes i can. | 10:55 |
ramon | does anyone know how to track a cellphone? | 10:55 |
sarmisak | ramon, like what? | 10:55 |
b00ley | x runs at tty1 | 10:55 |
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ramon | sarmisak gps | 10:56 |
jim_p | nascentmind, sudo cp /root/ /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 10:56 |
sarmisak | b00ley, difficult situation, it shouldn't actually | 10:56 |
sarmisak | ramon, you have to install a third party logger ON the cell phone maybe | 10:56 |
nascentmind | jim_p: i ran the test with the X starts atleast. | 10:57 |
* annaimkonki enters and asks.. "has anyone succeeded on getting a PS3 to work with mediatomb or other dlna apps"? can u point me to the tutorial? thanks | 10:57 | |
nascentmind | jim_p: lemme move it now.. | 10:57 |
ramon | sarmisak i dont know nothing about it...just have kismet installed perhaps? | 10:57 |
sarmisak | ramon, no no no that's for wireless network hijacking | 10:57 |
sarmisak | ramon, nothing to do with any cell phones | 10:57 |
b00ley | huh | 10:58 |
gazotem | ramon, you will most likely need special software for your phone, depends on the model and openness of the system. | 10:58 |
ramon | sarmisak what you really need to have to track it then? | 10:58 |
chiliblue | has anyone had luck installing adobe air in ubuntu 8.10 | 10:59 |
sarmisak | ramon, you have to install the software ON THE PHONE. | 10:59 |
nascentmind | jim_p: ok X starts with the kde start screen without the authentication and shows complete white screen.. | 10:59 |
ramon | i want to track someone else phone | 10:59 |
sarmisak | ramon, I don't think that would be legal anyway :) | 10:59 |
jim_p | nascentmind, did you reboot? | 10:59 |
b00ley | nascentmind, kde start? | 10:59 |
ramon | sarmisak is it possible? | 11:00 |
nascentmind | b00ley: no startx | 11:00 |
chiliblue | all I am getting is a white box on iplayer where the video stream would be | 11:00 |
* annaimkonki enters and asks.. "has anyone succeeded on getting a PS3 to work with mediatomb or other dlna/upnp apps"? can u point me to the tutorial? thanks | 11:00 | |
nascentmind | jim_p: no i didn't boot.. should i? | 11:00 |
gazotem | ramon most cell phone gps systems utilize satellites to triangulate the cell phone signal. you will need to have access to these which is almost uncertain unless your phone has an open system that allows you to take advantage of this, which I highly dought. | 11:00 |
dns53 | ramon you can only track a cell phone if you are the network or have the authority of the government to get the networks to tell you | 11:00 |
Pabix | jim_p, the tutorial I have read did not work, I have removed pulseaudio but still sound is not working | 11:00 |
dot | I have a problem with my DVD stuff | 11:00 |
eNons3nse | can anyone help me? i've got a slightly annoying problem | 11:00 |
ramon | dns53 what about if i use googleearth? | 11:01 |
dot | I live in a region 2 country and I got region 4 DVDbox. When I play the DVD in my computer I can see the first 2-3 episodes of the series | 11:01 |
dot | and then the last 2 I can not | 11:01 |
dot | it crashes | 11:01 |
TwoD | I need to do a "reverse FAT lookup" on my USB HDD. It has some errors and I used ddrescue to get an image, and a list of unreadable bytes. But I don't know which files are affected. Any tool available for this? | 11:01 |
webaska | anyone can tell me how to change password to phpmyadmin? i forgot it and its quite embarrasing :D | 11:01 |
b00ley | webaska | 11:01 |
dot | webaska: no google? | 11:02 |
b00ley | may be to the mysql | 11:02 |
jim_p | nascentmind, please reboot | 11:02 |
eNons3nse | when a file browser opens to select a directory to save a file to, it doesn't let me save in the first directory that opens with the box unless i go up a level then go back into that directory. | 11:02 |
jim_p | i am busy now, sorry | 11:02 |
ramon | sarmisak is it possible to configure googleearth to do so? | 11:02 |
dot | so could anyone help me to get my ubuntu region free | 11:02 |
dot | or so | 11:02 |
ubunoob | im still having probs, i need some 1 to talk 2 me like a child, i installed ubuntu for the first time a hour ago | 11:02 |
annaimkonki | dot have you tried VLC media player? | 11:02 |
dot | annaimkonki: yes | 11:02 |
dot | but I can not see the last episodes | 11:03 |
dns53 | ramon you need some way of getting the phone to tell you where it is, so the phone network knows you could get your phone to send that info out to a server and track it yourself if you ahve a gps | 11:03 |
sarmisak | ramon, I think I'm not clear enough, you need to install a software on the phone to send you the coordinates | 11:03 |
gazotem | ramon No go, google earth is essentially a set of preset images spanned over a 3d globe, it is not real time | 11:03 |
tavi | hey who know how can make the space between the items on the desktop more little | 11:03 |
tavi | ? | 11:03 |
sarmisak | ramon, unless the phone is yours, you can't | 11:03 |
nascentmind | jim_p: i rebooted.. i get the auth screen.. kde starts with its screen and shows a blank screen. | 11:03 |
dot | so How can I get an .iso file region free, I can not even watch the last episodes if I made it to .iso | 11:04 |
dot | on a region free dvd-player it works without problems | 11:04 |
dns53 | unless you set up pirate phone towers you can't | 11:04 |
tavi | is too big space | 11:04 |
nascentmind | jim_p: i get the kde mouse pointer though and nothing else.. | 11:04 |
JohnyB | anyone knows any efficient mode to protect with iptables against flood? | 11:04 |
eNons3nse | ubunoob: do you want a shared folder between the 2 operating systems on the same machine? a networked folder between 2 different machines? just move some files over occasionally? | 11:04 |
b00ley | nascentmind, may be problem in KDE? try another wm | 11:04 |
nascentmind | b00ley, i was running kde before this perfectly.. | 11:05 |
jim_p | nascentmind, then its something that kde startd but fails. look in kdes autostart folder in home | 11:05 |
ubunoob | i need to use my xp machine to put ubuntu files and progs on disk, that are readable by ubuntu | 11:05 |
annaimkonki | dot: have you tried libdvdcss2 | 11:05 |
nascentmind | jim_p: X is the buggiest thing alive.. k will do.. | 11:05 |
dot | annaimkonki: I got it but what to do wit hit? | 11:06 |
eNons3nse | ubunoob: a regular burned data CD should work fine. do you have a thumb drive you could use? | 11:07 |
tavi | so noone help me? | 11:08 |
b00ley | tavi, what is your problem? | 11:08 |
ubunoob | no thumb drive, when i burn the ndiswrapper to disk on my xp machine and put it in my ubuntu machine its a no go, says disk may not be debian | 11:08 |
tavi | i said once | 11:08 |
PurpleHaze | does ubuntu support ATI ? | 11:08 |
tavi | the space between things on desktop is too big | 11:08 |
nascentmind | jim_p: there is nothing in autostart | 11:09 |
b00ley | PurpleHaze, sometimes | 11:09 |
dns53 | PurpleHaze yes the binary drivers are there as well as the open source ones | 11:09 |
PurpleHaze | sometimes ? illaberate | 11:09 |
b00ley | tavi, what is your window manager | 11:09 |
PurpleHaze | and BCM4311 wireless ? | 11:09 |
eNons3nse | ubunoob: are you closing the burn session? it's not even letting you open the disc to see what's on it? | 11:09 |
ubunoob | yes it closes, but no it wont let me open the disk | 11:10 |
tavi | windows manager? | 11:10 |
gazotem | tavi are you using gnome, kde.. etc. | 11:10 |
tavi | gnome | 11:10 |
dns53 | tavi apart from turning off alignment you probably have to open up gconf and look for something under nautilus | 11:10 |
eNons3nse | ubunoob: what burn program you using? | 11:10 |
ubunoob | windows | 11:10 |
nascentmind | jim_p: is there any safe mode or something in kde? | 11:11 |
tavi | well | 11:11 |
tavi | how i do that? | 11:11 |
dot | annaimkonki: I got also libdvdread3 | 11:11 |
dot | but not working the last 2 episodes | 11:11 |
dot | why | 11:11 |
kernel | PurpleHaze/ BCM4311 Wireless drivers | 11:11 |
gazotem | tavi: start by hitting ctrl + f2 then type in gconf-editor i believe should give you a gui | 11:11 |
b00ley | tavi, try gconf in terminal | 11:11 |
jim_p | nascentmind, ask in kubuntu :( i have no idea | 11:11 |
eNons3nse | you're not using a disc burning program to burn your data CDs? like Nero or something? | 11:11 |
tavi | gconf don´t work | 11:12 |
tavi | gconf-editor worked | 11:12 |
tavi | what i do yhere | 11:12 |
tavi | ? | 11:12 |
dns53 | tavi run gconf-editor in a terminal and look at the /apps/nautilus/icon_view/thumbnail_size i think that is it | 11:12 |
tavi | there? | 11:12 |
nascentmind | jim_p: what is xorg-ati or something like that for? | 11:12 |
ubunoob | nope, no third party prog, just using my OS i try nd save on resources when i can | 11:12 |
eNons3nse | ubunoob: you're not using a disc burning program to burn your data CDs? like Nero or something? | 11:12 |
jim_p | nascentmind, dunno. dont tryst ati tools | 11:13 |
tavi | and how i modify there | 11:13 |
nascentmind | jim_p: i had installed fglrx.. i was getting great framerates and then when i do a upgrade it see all this get intalled and my framerates are pathethic.. i know fglrx module is loaded.. | 11:13 |
tavi | i saw a number | 11:13 |
tavi | but how i modify him? | 11:13 |
dns53 | tavi double click the number to edit | 11:13 |
nascentmind | jim_p: i am not sure whether ati is to blame.. because ubuntu's restricted drivers apply button doesn't work.. | 11:13 |
eNons3nse | ubunoob: i've never done that it windows before. i know that the windows file systems are different so it doesn't surprise me too much that it's not working. i would probably try to use a 3rd party burning program rather than the one that's built into the windows file browser. | 11:14 |
jim_p | nascentmind, this happened after the upgrade to 8.10? | 11:14 |
tavi | lower or bigger? | 11:14 |
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky | ||
DragoraN_ | hi people | 11:14 |
ubunoob | can u reccomend one that works for you, that can be found on mininova or TPB? | 11:15 |
DragoraN_ | what should i really use for virtualization one linux and one windows as guests | 11:15 |
tavi | well didn´t worked | 11:15 |
=== Mud is now known as Mud|lunch | ||
DragoraN_ | xen? vmware esxi? vmware server? hyper-v? | 11:15 |
tavi | the spaces between them are the same | 11:15 |
gazotem | nascentmind: try glxinfo see if direct rendering is enabled. | 11:15 |
nicolas_ | #ubuntu-fr | 11:15 |
JimmyZ | anyone wana help me set up my soundcard, its given me tons of trouble | 11:15 |
annaimkonki | dot: check it; hope it helps | 11:16 |
nascentmind | jim_p: i installed intrepid.. and then did a dist-upgrade to upgrade all the packages.. then fps drops and everything.. | 11:16 |
x3n0 | does anyone know how to get ie4linux to run correctly under jaunty? | 11:16 |
nascentmind | gazotem: yes the xorg.conf file was untouched.. | 11:16 |
gazotem | nascentmind: try glxinfo see if direct rendering is enabled. | 11:16 |
eNons3nse | i've always used nero. careful about getting a bug though if you're doing it like that. that's one of the reasons i can't stand using windows. the programs that i want to use are already free so people don't bundle nasty things with them. | 11:17 |
nascentmind | gazotem: right now i just disabled the driver and the whole thing locks up.. this is very bad.. last time i had the drivers installed.. did an upgrade.. found the fps drop.. went to install the drivers manually and again X barfs.. | 11:18 |
ubunoob | i know thats why i want to get this up and running so bd | 11:18 |
jim_p | nascentmind, try making a proper xorg.conf . here is mine for ideas | 11:18 |
ubunoob | bad* | 11:18 |
ubunoob | thx 4 ur help sense! | 11:18 |
nascentmind | jim_p: right now X starts.. but kde stops loading in the middle.. the startup sound plays and stops in between :) | 11:19 |
antiost | hi | 11:19 |
eNons3nse | ubunoob: yep. hope it works. | 11:19 |
JimmyZ | can anyone help me setup my CA0106 soundcard | 11:19 |
jim_p | nascentmind, do you use compiz with kde? | 11:19 |
tavi | ? | 11:20 |
eNons3nse | still no input on my problem. at least i helped someone else. | 11:20 |
eNons3nse | i just want to know if it's happening to everyone. not just me. | 11:20 |
antiost | just changed my motherboard on my laptop (dell m1330) and now ubuntu freezes, should I run some reconfiguration stuff? | 11:20 |
nascentmind | jim_p: i didn't have compiz installed.. but i had some effects on in kde4 | 11:20 |
nascentmind | jim_p: how do i re enable the ati drivers now from the console? | 11:20 |
nascentmind | jim_p: i can't even find the fglrx module to load. | 11:21 |
Krwlng | yardım lazım türk varmı | 11:21 |
jim_p | nascentmind, sorry mate, i dont know about atis AND xorg 1.5 that 8.10 uses. ask Jordan_U | 11:22 |
eNons3nse | when a file browser opens to select a directory to save a file to, it doesn't let me save in the first directory that opens with the box unless i go up a level then go back into that directory. | 11:22 |
eNons3nse | is this a universal problem? or just me? | 11:22 |
eNons3nse | someone? | 11:22 |
tavi | i resolved | 11:22 |
slug | eNons3nse just you | 11:22 |
tavi | i maked a new directory and i move all those things there | 11:23 |
quibbler | eNons3nse, from what program are you trying to save from? | 11:23 |
eNons3nse | quibbler: any program. even if i'm telling file roller where to unzip a file too. | 11:23 |
jim_p | how does compiz start in gnome if its not in the sessions window? | 11:23 |
jim_p | how does compiz start in gnome if its not in the sessions window? | 11:24 |
jwhite93 | Has anybody upgraded to Ubuntu 9.10 yet? I am doing the upgrade now. | 11:24 |
eNons3nse | quibbler: if i want to unrar a file into it's current folder, which is the default directory that comes up in the browser, i can't just cllick OK. i have to go up 1 level and then back into the same direcotry first. | 11:25 |
jwhite93 | 9.04, I mean. | 11:25 |
genii | jwhite93: There is no 9.10 as of yet | 11:25 |
jwhite93 | genii, I meant 9.04, sorry. | 11:25 |
pseudonym | I'm having trouble with cpufreq. It's working fine when I'm on battery power, but when I'm plugged in, it's stays at full processing speed. The governors "work" when it's plugged in, in that the correct name is displayed, but the processing speed stays maxed out. | 11:25 |
jim_p | jwhite93, looking for trouble as it seems. try #ubuntu+1 | 11:25 |
genii | jwhite93: #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty questions please | 11:25 |
nascentmind | Jordan_U: hi is there anyway to recover from my issue? | 11:25 |
eNons3nse | quibbler: this happens whenever that file browser box comes up. it's mostly for saving things but used in other instances like unraring as well. | 11:25 |
jwhite93 | Okay. | 11:25 |
gazotem | jim_p: i believe you can configure /usr/share/xsessions/ to start compiz automatically | 11:26 |
gazotem | /usr/share/xsessions/file.desktop* | 11:26 |
nils | Halle Ist hier einer der bir java erklären kann? | 11:27 |
genii | !de | nils | 11:27 |
ubottu | nils: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, und #edubuntu-de | 11:27 |
nils | Hallo ist Hier einer der mir java erklären kann ich bracuhe hilfe? | 11:28 |
jwhite93 | Oh, I like the little disclaimer "It will most certainly break your system in bad ways." | 11:28 |
jwhite93 | Maybe I shouldn't do it. | 11:28 |
genii | nils: /j #ubuntu-de | 11:28 |
jim_p | gazotem, its not in there | 11:28 |
x3n0 | is it just me or is wine-doors about as stable as charles manson on a kilo of charlie chan...?! | 11:28 |
b00ley | !ru | 11:29 |
ubottu | Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke | 11:29 |
gazotem | jim_p: sorry, i'm not even logged into my linux box I shouldn't be giving support off of memory when I am not sure. | 11:29 |
erkin | hi, can anyone help me about user-mode-linux or redirect me to related channel ? | 11:29 |
quibbler | eNons3nse, I just used archive on a zip file in /downloads and it extracts to /downloads with just the one I don't have your problem | 11:29 |
JimmyZ | can anyone help me setup my CA0106 soundcard | 11:29 |
jim_p | gazotem, its ok. your answer had some base | 11:29 |
nils | genil: habe aber trotzdem noch ne frage ? | 11:29 |
eNons3nse | quibbler: i'm usually good at resolving problems in google or the forum but i guess the wording of this problem points to answers to unrelated questions | 11:30 |
eNons3nse | quibbler: bah. it's not a huge problem. just annoying. | 11:30 |
nils | Ist hier einer der deutsch spricht bzw schriebt? | 11:30 |
quibbler | eNons3nse, I know the feeling...sorry I couldn't be any help | 11:31 |
LenoX_ | what is this 'wmaster0' i get with ifconfig | 11:31 |
eNons3nse | quibbler: thanks | 11:31 |
nils | Ist hier einer der deutsch spricht bzw schriebt? | 11:31 |
ZiplocBaggie | anyone familiar with qmailrocks installation? | 11:32 |
nils | Ist hier einer der deutsch spricht bzw schriebt? | 11:32 |
kebomix | #ubuntu-eg | 11:32 |
gazotem | jim_p: another option is a file called ~/.gnomerc should have a line similar to: export WINDOW_MANAGER=/usr/bin/compiz (last attempt before bed). | 11:32 |
nils | Hallo | 11:32 |
EwanMCF | Hi | 11:33 |
italy_ | hi all | 11:33 |
sarmisak | !de | hans | 11:33 |
ubottu | hans: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, und #edubuntu-de | 11:33 |
genii | nils: Nr. Gehen Sie zu #ubuntu-de, indem Sie /j #ubuntu-de tun | 11:33 |
Lethalman | hello | 11:33 |
jim_p | gazotem, thanks | 11:33 |
italy_ | I have a small question | 11:33 |
Lethalman | how can I see the "debian" directory of gnome-session on the web? | 11:33 |
Lethalman | I can't find it on launchpad | 11:33 |
nils | genii: also ich soll auf die homepage gehen und dann /j machen? | 11:34 |
harlemdavvey | hello everyone!! | 11:34 |
italy_ | is there someone that knows hw to use the SCIM input method ? | 11:34 |
italy_ | I need to use the SCIM to input european character | 11:35 |
Flynsarmy | How would i determien the exact brand and model of the inbuilt webcam in my laptop? Ubuntu supports the webcam on super low resolution but on windows it can go into alot higher resolutions so i'm trying to figure out if there are any better drivers than the defaults | 11:35 |
* PokerFacePenguin waves at harlemdavvey | 11:35 | |
harlemdavvey | i've been told to install a firewall on my system, but i don't know what to do.. i don't know if there is aspecific firewall for my needs, or i don't know where to look for it... i've been told to install a firewall on my router but i sincerely don't know what it does mean.. can you help me?? | 11:35 |
ZiplocBaggie | anyone familiar with qmailrocks installation? | 11:35 |
italy_ | like é, ś | 11:35 |
nils | genii: also ich soll auf die homepage gehen und dann /j machen? | 11:35 |
genii | nils: Ja verwenden: /j #ubuntu-de für deutsche Unterstützung. | 11:36 |
hypyrbole | What's the CLI for emptying the trash? | 11:36 |
sarmisak | !de | nils | 11:36 |
ubottu | nils: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, und #edubuntu-de | 11:36 |
harlemdavvey | i've been told to install a firewall on my system, but i don't know what to do.. i don't know if there is aspecific firewall for my needs, or i don't know where to look for it... i've been told to install a firewall on my router but i sincerely don't know what it does mean.. can you help me?? | 11:36 |
assargadon | is it possible to make "multipart" archive with Ubuntu tools? I.e. zip-archive with several zip-files as output. | 11:36 |
nils | ubpttu | 11:36 |
sarmisak | harlemdavvey, you have a default firewall on your router, just login to your router and check your user manual | 11:37 |
gazotem | hypyrbole: rm -rf ~/.Trash/* | 11:37 |
nils | ubottu: das bringt mich aber auch nicht viel weiter | 11:37 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 11:37 |
harlemdavvey | sarmisak: how can i login to my router? | 11:37 |
sarmisak | harlemdavvey, and do not post your questions repeatedly | 11:37 |
Apocalyps | assargadon: of course, use rar | 11:37 |
sarmisak | harlemdavvey, use your user manual, it's different for different routers / adsl modems | 11:37 |
assargadon | Apocalyps: do you mean console comand? | 11:38 |
hypyrbole | gazotem---> thank you very much. Also that tells me where the trash directory is. | 11:38 |
Apocalyps | assargadon: yes | 11:38 |
Flannel | nils: This channel is english only. Please speak english. | 11:38 |
harlemdavvey | sarmisak: i have an alice w-gate telsey router | 11:38 |
Apocalyps | assargadon: it's very simple | 11:38 |
harlemdavvey | maybe is there something on the net about it? | 11:38 |
assargadon | yes, I already finded THIS method, as far as I used it a lot in mine windows life | 11:38 |
gazotem | hypyrbole: no problem | 11:38 |
Flynsarmy | How od i find hardware information on my laptop? | 11:38 |
nils | plannel How is a german channel? | 11:38 |
italy_ | so, someone can help me for the SCIM methods ? | 11:38 |
assargadon | Apocalyps: but what I need is make instructions for my mother | 11:38 |
nils | plannel: How is a german channel? | 11:38 |
Flannel | nils: /join #ubuntu-de | 11:38 |
genii | Flynsarmy: sudo lshw | more is very informative | 11:38 |
sarmisak | harlemdavvey, google it then :) | 11:39 |
assargadon | and it will be hard to explain for she, that console is simple and funny :) | 11:39 |
italy_ | Flynsarmy: something you have information on your hrdware by looking in the log files | 11:39 |
tavi | how i can modify a subtitle in the way that is whit a second in back of the movie | 11:39 |
nils | Thanks | 11:39 |
ZiplocBaggie | anyone familiar with qmailrocks installation? | 11:39 |
assargadon | Is it possible to make "multipart" archive with Ubuntu _GUI_ tools? I.e. zip-archive with several zip-files as output. | 11:39 |
Apocalyps | assargadon: once rar installed, you can use it in gui too (combined in the archive roller) | 11:39 |
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harlemdavvey | sarmisak: ok, i'll google it but i don't know what to look for..? what should i type in my search? i've tried to look for it till now but i found nothing useful looking for "router firewall ubuntu install" | 11:40 |
assargadon | Apocalyps: yes, but I don't see multipart archive functionality | 11:40 |
harlemdavvey | sarmisak: can you tell me something more precisely? | 11:40 |
=== Mouse is now known as Mauser | ||
assargadon | It's very easy to make uni-file archive. | 11:40 |
sarmisak | harlemdavvey, you are asking a hardware specific question, I cannot help you about it, try your user manual or ask assistance from the manufacturer | 11:40 |
harlemdavvey | sarmisak: ok then, thx you so much :) | 11:41 |
Apocalyps | assargadon: in "Other Options", you can choose the size for volumes | 11:41 |
assargadon | Apocalyps: in file-roller? | 11:42 |
ZiplocBaggie | anyone familiar with qmailrocks installation? | 11:42 |
Apocalyps | assargadon: yes | 11:42 |
=== Mauser is now known as Xunie | ||
assargadon | Apocalyps: welll....stupid question: where can i find "other options" ? I observed all the meny, and there nothing like "ptions" or "parameters" | 11:43 |
assargadon | Apocalyps: ah sorry, I see it, but it is inactive | 11:44 |
assargadon | Anyway, thanks, I hope I can find the situation, when it will enable | 11:44 |
Apocalyps | assargadon: ok, right click on the file/folder you want to split, choose "Create Archive", choose type as rar, and there IS "Other Options" | 11:45 |
harlemdavvey | sarmisak: do you know something about how to update repositories in my system?? | 11:45 |
Apocalyps | assargadon: you must choose type of archive as RAR | 11:45 |
Adam-85 | I try to install windows under Ubuntu using VirualBox and get this error VERR_VM_DRIVER_NOT_ACCESSIBLE | 11:45 |
=== tyfoo2 is now known as tyfoo | ||
sarmisak | harlemdavvey, try this in a terminal window; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; | 11:45 |
the_geremy | hi | 11:45 |
harlemdavvey | sarmisak: is that everything i have to do? i tried both commands.. so i think i have an up2date computer right now, do i? | 11:46 |
the_geremy | who try to change ubuntu 8.10 itrepid boot screen? | 11:46 |
sarmisak | harlemdavvey, yes you should be | 11:47 |
ZiplocBaggie | anyone familiar with qmailrocks installation? | 11:47 |
harlemdavvey | sarmisak: ok and should i install an antivirus application for my ubuntu? | 11:47 |
andresmh | I connected my laptop to a projector but when I switched back to using only my laptop monitor I cannot longer enable Compiz. Here's my xorg.conf and the output of lspci -v | grep -i vga: | 11:48 |
=== gazotem is now known as gazotem-afk | ||
assargadon | Apocalyps: I'm afraid we uses somewhat different versions of file-roller. I find the "Size of volume" in Archive->Properties of archive. But it's read-only value :) | 11:49 |
Apocalyps | assargadon: are you trying to split or combine? | 11:50 |
sarmisak | harlemdavvey, no need for that, you should be virus free for another decade or so | 11:50 |
harlemdavvey | sarmisark: hahahahahahahaha lol ok thx by the way:) | 11:50 |
harlemdavvey | sarmisak: have a nice day man and thanks for your help | 11:51 |
assargadon | Apocalyps: split and then combine. A have a several large files, I want to combine it in one archive, but splitted on several parts of standart size | 11:51 |
Apocalyps | assargadon: so put all of them in one folder, then create .rar archive from this folder | 11:52 |
assargadon | Apocalyps: ah sorry, there was NO "size of volume", it was just "size of archive" | 11:52 |
assargadon | Apocalyps: yes, and then? | 11:53 |
Accidus | K | 11:53 |
assargadon | this RAR-archive will be, say, 4 Gb. I need 4 1Gb files | 11:53 |
Apocalyps | assargadon: so in the option "Split in volumes of" you choose 1000MB | 11:54 |
Xcerca | anybody know why i would get in invalid mac address error from forcedeth when i boot up , it's screwing me up for mac filtering on my router ? | 11:54 |
deany | anyone with ATI mobililty 9800 pro have it working ok with ATI drivers (not the ones in the ubuntu repos) | 11:55 |
assargadon | Apocalyps: yes, I understand. I just can't find "Split in volumes of" option... | 11:55 |
deany | just checking before i kill my system installing em :) | 11:55 |
assargadon | Apocalyps: in file-roller | 11:55 |
deany | assargadon: man rar | 11:55 |
Apocalyps | assargadon: what version of ubuntu you are using? | 11:56 |
assargadon | deany, I know how to do it via console | 11:56 |
andresmh | Please help. I connected my laptop to a projector but when I switched back to using only my laptop monitor I cannot longer enable Compiz. Here's my xorg.conf and the output of lspci -v | grep -i vga: | 11:56 |
deany | file-roller is pretty weak, really need a decent rar frontend for ubuntu | 11:56 |
assargadon | Apocalyps: Hardy Heron | 11:57 |
Accidus | I'm having problems with my wired connection in Ubuntu 8.10 on a Dell Inspiron 1545. Submitting data and continual connections don't work properly. Noteable examples: Gmail disconnects frequently, browsing through Facebook fails repeatedly, posting stuff to forums/pastebin is problematic, cannot login properly to bank accounts. Everything works fine on Vista, so my ISP claims it's not his fault. I've tried disabling the IPv6 module, but to no | 11:57 |
Accidus | avail (this should only affect DNS lookup anyway, and that works fine). I've tried booting from CD, but the problem persists. Any ideas what I should do further? | 11:57 |
assargadon | deany: is it accessible via Synaptic? | 11:57 |
deany | i dont know of one :) try winrar in wine maybe ? | 11:58 |
Apocalyps | assargadon: no experience with this prob in Hardy, i'm using Intrepid, sorry | 11:58 |
abuyusuf_ | deany, winrar in wine is too good, and working smoothly | 11:58 |
b00ley | you can't do .rar archives with linux(except wine | 11:58 |
b00ley | license of RAR | 11:58 |
italy_ | Accidus: have you given a look to the log files ? | 11:59 |
assargadon | Apocalyps: what is "Intrepid"? 8.10 ? | 11:59 |
abuyusuf_ | b00ley, No you can without WinRAR, but using console without GUI | 11:59 |
Apocalyps | assargadon: yes | 11:59 |
deany | assargadon: right click the file/folder, make archive.. choose rar and drop down other options | 11:59 |
deany | splt is in there | 11:59 |
Apocalyps | b00ley: the shareware versioin of rar exists in repo, and of course you can install it | 11:59 |
abuyusuf_ | !intrepid | assargadon | 12:00 |
ubottu | assargadon: Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) is the current release of Ubuntu. Downloading: - Features: | 12:00 |
assargadon | deany: there are NO any dropdown named "other options" | 12:00 |
deany | is for me... odd | 12:01 |
assargadon | looks like i need to performe release-update :) | 12:01 |
deany | installed rar and unrar i take it? | 12:01 |
deany | sorry, have to ask | 12:01 |
assargadon | yes, unrar is not installed... | 12:02 |
assargadon | but rar IS installed | 12:02 |
zenmaster | hey can someone do me a favor and go to my ip and tell me if they can see my webpage? | 12:02 |
Apocalyps | assargadon: can i see the screenshot when you create archive? | 12:02 |
assargadon | Apocalyps: yes | 12:03 |
abuyusuf_ | assargadon, unrar available too for install, see !info unrar-free | 12:04 |
faileas | has anyone managed to get mondo to work? it seems to fail both with nfs and dvds, and its getting rather annoying | 12:04 |
darren_ | zenmaster: is that ur public ip or ur network ip? | 12:04 |
zenmaster | hey can you check out my website and see if its showing | 12:04 |
Jianaran_ | What would you people advise as a Media Player/iTunes substitute for linux? | 12:04 |
pw-toxic | hi, i had an unclean shutdown, but there was no "checking" on reboot.. now i cant mount my HDDs anymore | 12:04 |
Paddy_EIRE | faileas, what is mondo? | 12:04 |
assargadon | Apocalyps: I trying DDC File Transfer to you. Is it works for you? | 12:05 |
Paddy_EIRE | faileas, more importantly what "wont it work" at? | 12:05 |
faileas | Paddy_EIRE: backup software- its supposed to backup to bootable DVDs | 12:05 |
Paddy_EIRE | ah | 12:05 |
faileas | Paddy_EIRE: apparently mindi fails, which is an app that makes a bootable disk- it works standalone though | 12:05 |
deany | zenmaster: thats your private local network ip... | 12:05 |
Paddy_EIRE | faileas, it backs up to bootable dvds... I would not totally trust that | 12:05 |
zenmaster | darren:in wlan0 it shows | 12:05 |
kebomix | how to do mac address spoofing for wireless networks that use mac address filters ? | 12:05 |
zenmaster | darren: how do i make it public? | 12:06 |
b00ley | pw-toxic, try run fsck manually | 12:06 |
deany | zenmaster: | 12:06 |
b00ley | zenmaster, you need web-server, nat | 12:06 |
Paddy_EIRE | faileas, I prefer backing up my home directory and perhaps using aptoncd.. its more full poof/idiot proof | 12:06 |
b00ley | and more and more | 12:06 |
Jianaran_ | I want to use Opera, but whenever I click a link in IRC or otherwise it opens in Firefox. Anyone know how to change my default browser? | 12:06 |
deany | enable incoming for port80 (http) | 12:06 |
zenmaster | thanks guys | 12:06 |
faileas | Paddy_EIRE: i have a windows/ubuntu dualboot. its more that i can't afford to lose the windows partition since my recovery disks are stolen | 12:06 |
darren_ | zenmaster: yep whatismyip and if ur using dynamic ip use | 12:07 |
Paddy_EIRE | faileas, hmm | 12:07 |
Paddy_EIRE | faileas, well you could just image the drive? | 12:07 |
faileas | Paddy_EIRE: i can pastebin the error logs once i ran through this app again | 12:07 |
pw-toxic | b00ley, he says, that this can badly hurt my mounted filesystem | 12:07 |
Paddy_EIRE | would be better | 12:07 |
abuyusuf_ | Jianaran_, just right click on the link and hit "open link with opera" | 12:07 |
Paddy_EIRE | faileas, yeah ok | 12:07 |
Paddy_EIRE | faileas, perhaps its something simple | 12:07 |
faileas | Paddy_EIRE: last resort. i haven't found an imaging app i'm happy with | 12:07 |
bryton_03 | hi all! | 12:07 |
erkin | hi, can anyone help me about user-mode-linux or redirect me to related channel ? | 12:07 |
Paddy_EIRE | faileas, dd? | 12:07 |
Paddy_EIRE | !info dd | 12:07 |
ubottu | Package dd does not exist in intrepid | 12:07 |
zenmaster | it says my ip is | 12:07 |
Paddy_EIRE | hmm | 12:07 |
faileas | Paddy_EIRE: i don't have the space | 12:07 |
Jianaran_ | abuyusuf_: I don't get that option in IRC. And I'd like it to be the default browser if that's possible. | 12:07 |
Paddy_EIRE | ah | 12:07 |
Apocalyps | assargadon: cant receive via DCC, pls upload to a image site | 12:08 |
bryton_03 | I was about to use camserv but when I execute camserv it gives me this : /dev/video0: Device or resource busy | 12:08 |
faileas | Paddy_EIRE: if i get the 1 tb drive i want, maybe i can. this drive is mostly empty, but i'd like something that won't tie me down to the home network | 12:08 |
Paddy_EIRE | faileas, you will use a lot of dvds.. I would recommend an external/internal hdd if its really that valuable to you | 12:08 |
zenmaster | darren_: | 12:08 |
bryton_03 | anything I should stop? | 12:08 |
abuyusuf_ | Jianaran_, OK, go to System > Preferences > Preferred Applications | 12:08 |
jalsot | hi | 12:08 |
Paddy_EIRE | faileas, yeah makes sense | 12:08 |
bryton_03 | I was about to use camserv but when I execute camserv it gives me this : /dev/video0: Device or resource busy | 12:08 |
darren_ | zenmaster: private chat and ill give u some pointers | 12:09 |
faileas | Paddy_EIRE: if its just the data? ~5-8 only i think. i'll have a second backup on a external drive | 12:09 |
abuyusuf_ | Jianaran_, then select Opera as default for internet browsing | 12:09 |
jalsot | does suspend and hibernate function on Intrepid? I have some issues with | 12:09 |
Paddy_EIRE | bryton_03, are you sure your camera is supported | 12:09 |
Jianaran_ | abuyusuf_: I don't see that. I'm using Xubuntu, if the menu trees are any different. | 12:09 |
assargadon | Apocalyps: ok, making this... | 12:09 |
Paddy_EIRE | faileas, that aint so bad | 12:09 |
Enselic | bryton_03: what does lsof | grep video0 give? | 12:09 |
jim_p | jalsot, are you on ati? | 12:09 |
gumpert34599 | hi smart values are ok as long as they are bigger than WORST values right? | 12:09 |
bryton_03 | yes, I tested it on camorama and it works | 12:09 |
abuyusuf_ | Jianaran_, yes, i'm using Ubuntu, OK wait please | 12:09 |
bryton_03 | Paddy_EIRE: but lately I can't open it on camorama | 12:10 |
jalsot | jim_p: no, nvidiia M2NPV-VM (nForce430), GeForce 6150 | 12:10 |
faileas | Paddy_EIRE: i;ve tried g4l and acronis demo so far, as well as a few free windows based imaging tools. not happy with any of em | 12:10 |
Paddy_EIRE | bryton_03, try cheese.. I noticed that works more successfully than camorama | 12:10 |
Paddy_EIRE | faileas, hmm | 12:10 |
Jianaran_ | abuyusuf_: Nevermind, found it. Thanks :) | 12:10 |
Paddy_EIRE | faileas, one sec... let me have a look about | 12:10 |
JaZ969 | i just got a msg along the lines that y audio output was busy on amarok | 12:11 |
JaZ969 | and my sound doesnt work now | 12:11 |
jalsot | I was googling a lot around but suspend and hibernate doesn't want to work - to tell the truth, Compiz has some issues too | 12:11 |
abuyusuf_ | Jianaran_, no problems | 12:11 |
J-_ | After a break from the server(ubuntu 8.04), I turned it back on and I found that sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart doesn't work. So, I cd /etc/init.d/ and networking isn't there. Is there a way to reconfigure the system to bring it back? My server still works both locally(with internal IP), and people say my website is working. Though, I can't access it through my LAN with either WAN IP, or domain name. | 12:11 |
faileas | Paddy_EIRE: i'll have an error message in a moment ;) | 12:11 |
Paddy_EIRE | faileas, you tried partimage? | 12:11 |
marsdtn | :) | 12:11 |
Paddy_EIRE | faileas, | 12:12 |
Paddy_EIRE | that allows you to split it up to dvds | 12:12 |
faileas | Paddy_EIRE: hmm, i think i may have at some point | 12:12 |
kamuisan | anyone knows application with internet radio on ubuntu 8.04 | 12:12 |
kamuisan | ?? | 12:12 |
bryton_03 | Paddy_EIRE: can I do something to fix this: /dev/video0: Device or resource busy | 12:12 |
assargadon | Apocalyps: making.png | 12:12 |
faileas | i'll give it a second look though | 12:12 |
Jianaran_ | OK, one other thing: What would you reccommend as an iTunes/Media Player substitute for Linux? | 12:12 |
sarmisak | kamuisan, have you tried rhytmbox? it does play | 12:12 |
J-_ | Can I use dpkg to reconfigure networking? | 12:12 |
Paddy_EIRE | bryton_03, its probably the wrong number/name | 12:12 |
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csc__ | hello | 12:12 |
Paddy_EIRE | bryton_03, e.g. video0: | 12:12 |
assargadon | Apocalyps: sorry, it somewhat russian :) | 12:12 |
Paddy_EIRE | bryton_03, replace with a one to humour me | 12:13 |
b00ley | J-_, what did you try to say | 12:13 |
jim_p | J-_, nope | 12:14 |
xmasrulz | hi all man , i'm a linux rookie ! | 12:14 |
b00ley | xmasrulz, it is great, anything more? | 12:14 |
abuyusuf_ | !rhythmbox | Jianaran_ | 12:14 |
ubottu | Jianaran_: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs | 12:14 |
csc__ | please help me with usb-creator. i am formatting an usb disc in various way, but NO parition is recosgnized by usb-creator? what am i doing weong? in the first case i made a 250GB partition with fat32, bootable, in a second case a smaller one, in the third case I used an ext partition NONE is recognized by usb-creator. i am stuck. as last case i plugged in an old small usb stick and it was recognized immediatly. please help | 12:14 |
Paddy_EIRE | bryton_03, which webcam is it ? | 12:14 |
andresmh | I'm trying to install 8.10 from the LiveCD. First I just wanted to try it without installing it. It booted from the CD, selected the language but then it's frozen just showing the Human theme wallpaper. It hasn't displayed anything else. The mouse pointer doesn't even move. | 12:14 |
abuyusuf_ | !rhythmbox | Jianaran_ | 12:14 |
bryton_03 | Paddy_EIRE: what do you mean replace with 1? | 12:14 |
J-_ | jim_p: What can I do to bring /etc/init.d/networking back then? | 12:14 |
Paddy_EIRE | bryton_03, in the camorama option | 12:14 |
bryton_03 | a4 tech pk-635M | 12:14 |
b00ley | J-_, you delete that? | 12:15 |
jim_p | J-_, sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart | 12:15 |
Paddy_EIRE | bryton_03, e.g. change /dev/video0 to /dev/video1 | 12:15 |
Accidus | italy_: What should I look for in the log files? | 12:15 |
Apocalyps | assargadon: you are trying to copy a DVD? so use other tool | 12:15 |
Jianaran_ | Thanks again, abuyusuf_ | 12:15 |
xmasrulz | sorry for my bad english , i'm from Italy , i hope logging here i'll able to improve my english.. ^^ | 12:15 |
J-_ | jim_p: that command doesn't work. | 12:15 |
abuyusuf_ | !it | xmasrulz | 12:15 |
ubottu | xmasrulz: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) | 12:15 |
assargadon | Apocalyps: What is the difference? | 12:15 |
Paddy_EIRE | bryton_03, that has solved for some... although dont bank on it.. as I said it was to humour me :) | 12:15 |
J-_ | Boohbah: I don't think I'm dumb enough to delete it. But, it's not there, no. | 12:15 |
Paddy_EIRE | rule it out rather | 12:15 |
xmasrulz | cool | 12:15 |
jim_p | J-_, did you delete the file? or it has no effect on network stuff? | 12:16 |
wuhui | hello,everyone... | 12:16 |
jarco | how can i see if my microphone what uses usb is used by kubuntu? | 12:16 |
xmasrulz | but i would like to stay here too , english is important to understand many shell and instruction | 12:16 |
J-_ | jim_p: I didn't delete it. It's not there, and no it's not affecting my network. (my website) works still. Or, at least it should on the WAN side of things. | 12:16 |
xmasrulz | i'll go in .it too , tankz | 12:16 |
xmasrulz | 8) | 12:16 |
b00ley | how i can see my disk usage(free space on that) | 12:17 |
horstle | hi | 12:17 |
genii | b00ley: df -h | 12:17 |
abuyusuf_ | jarco, can't get you, can you be more clear ? | 12:17 |
bryton_03 | Paddy_EIRE: a4 tech pk-635M - don't know why I keep getting that "device busy" I does not happend recently | 12:17 |
Apocalyps | assargadon: i think if you want to preseve the quality image, first make an .iso file to your hard disk, then split from that .iso file. ok? | 12:17 |
faileas | Paddy_EIRE: sprry for the MASSIVE error log. its rom a single run | 12:17 |
nicolas__ | #ubuntu-fr | 12:17 |
b00ley | thanks | 12:17 |
Paddy_EIRE | faileas, sure better that way | 12:17 |
Rec0 | what was the command to reenable the small audio tool in the tray?? | 12:17 |
jim_p | J-_, do you see the working interfaces in ifconfig? | 12:17 |
J-_ | jim_p: eth0 and lo are there. | 12:18 |
kurrata | b00ley: tipe in terminal df -h | 12:18 |
faileas | hmm | 12:18 |
jarco | well. I have a microphone that is connected with a usb device. When i connect to teamspeak it mutes me automaticly. So i want to know where i can see if kubuntu is recodnising my microphone. | 12:18 |
quibbler | Rec0, add to panel volume control | 12:18 |
assargadon | Apocalyps: yes, it possible, too. But copying of DVDs is not a point. Archiving a point. Another example possible is photo albums archiving. | 12:18 |
Rec0 | ahhh thanks quibbler | 12:18 |
abuyusuf_ | jarco, do: "lsusb" | 12:18 |
assargadon | Apocalyps: I just have no other big files in one place to test thee | 12:19 |
quibbler | Rec0, you are welcome | 12:19 |
J-_ | jim_p: want me pastebin the output? | 12:19 |
abuyusuf_ | jarco, that would list all your usb connected devices including your microphone, if it's listed, then check your recording settings it may be muted there | 12:19 |
Paddy_EIRE | bryton_03, this is for kopete although should be applicable for any other app | 12:19 |
jim_p | J-_, no :( i am too tired to think now | 12:19 |
jarco | abuyusuf_: it is recodnised and it aint muted. Any thoughts? | 12:19 |
J-_ | okay. | 12:20 |
abuyusuf_ | jarco, try recording using the normal recording application and "sound and video" in your menu | 12:20 |
abuyusuf_ | jarco, sorry i mean "under sound and video menu" | 12:21 |
abuyusuf_ | jarco, it called "sound recorder" | 12:21 |
jarco | i have kmix abuyusuf_ | 12:21 |
jarco | :D | 12:21 |
abuyusuf_ | jarco, no problem, try recording anyway, to can know from why that problem happen | 12:22 |
jarco | abuyusuf_: kmix aint starting ... | 12:22 |
Rec0 | how do i change the device my volume wheel of my Keyboard controls?? | 12:23 |
=== Accidus is now known as AccidusUnderScor | ||
abuyusuf_ | jarco, why ? | 12:23 |
abuyusuf_ | jarco, any error messages ? | 12:23 |
AccidusUnderScor | I'm having problems with my wired connection in Ubuntu 8.10 on a Dell Inspiron 1545. Submitting data and continual connections don't work properly. Noteable examples: Gmail disconnects frequently, browsing through Facebook fails repeatedly, posting stuff to forums/pastebin is problematic, cannot login properly to bank accounts. Everything works fine on Vista, so my ISP claims it's not his fault. I've tried disabling the IPv6 module, | 12:23 |
AccidusUnderScor | but to no avail (this should only affect DNS lookup anyway, and that works fine). I've tried booting from CD, but the problem persists. Any ideas what I should do further? | 12:23 |
jarco | abuyusuf_: no errors here just keeps loading and then disapears | 12:23 |
abuyusuf_ | jarco, try running it from terminal to get the error message, copy it via pastebin | 12:23 |
=== AccidusUnderScor is now known as Accidus | ||
abuyusuf_ | !pastebin | jarco | 12:24 |
ubottu | jarco: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 12:24 |
J-_ | It must be time to reinstall ubuntu server. | 12:24 |
jarco | abuyusuf_: even no errors in cli just does nothing | 12:24 |
b00ley | i will try to setup agai | 12:25 |
b00ley | n | 12:25 |
johnnbstroud | :D | 12:25 |
johnnbstroud | hello | 12:25 |
abuyusuf_ | jarco, strange .. did it work before with you ? | 12:26 |
Enselic | !hi | johnnbstroud | 12:26 |
ubottu | johnnbstroud: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 12:26 |
Paddy_EIRE | faileas, hmm.. that error log is rather daunting | 12:26 |
jarco | abuyusuf_: no never i installed this kubuntu yesturday | 12:26 |
johnnbstroud | hi Enselic | 12:26 |
faileas | Paddy_EIRE: i know! ;p | 12:26 |
faileas | Paddy_EIRE: thats from ONE run | 12:26 |
jim_p | !chroot | 12:26 |
ubottu | use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box | 12:26 |
faileas | i seem to have worked out what the issue is- it thinks sda1 is mounted when it isn't - its a windows parititon | 12:26 |
some1normal | jarco look on the panel volume icon mixe | 12:26 |
Paddy_EIRE | faileas, D: | 12:26 |
jarco | ah abuyusuf_ when i used sudo it did gives errors | 12:27 |
Paddy_EIRE | faileas, although it has some pointers | 12:27 |
Paddy_EIRE | faileas, give me another minute or two | 12:27 |
abuyusuf_ | jarco, ok, just install the sound recorder using this command: sudo apt-get install sound-recorder | 12:27 |
abuyusuf_ | jarco, pastebin it | 12:27 |
faileas | it seems to work when i tell it to save /dev/sda instead of / for some reason | 12:27 |
Paddy_EIRE | faileas, got it | 12:27 |
faileas | where? | 12:27 |
Paddy_EIRE | faileas, you must run that app | 12:27 |
Paddy_EIRE | faileas, gah | 12:28 |
abuyusuf_ | some1normal, he did and it isn't muted there | 12:28 |
Paddy_EIRE | faileas, you must run that app from a live cd | 12:28 |
faileas | what app? | 12:28 |
=== DS-Sleepin is now known as DS-BrB | ||
faileas | Paddy_EIRE: !!! | 12:28 |
faileas | there is NO live cd ;p | 12:28 |
jarco | sorry again ... abuyusuf_ it wherenty errors. In fact i am stupid it just opened my volume mixer ... | 12:28 |
Paddy_EIRE | faileas, you cannot be mounted to the drive while you are using mondo | 12:28 |
faileas | hasn't been for years | 12:28 |
abuyusuf_ | jarco, no worries, try recording please | 12:28 |
faileas | Paddy_EIRE: er, /dev/sda1 is not mounted ;p | 12:28 |
Gnirx | I have the usual problems with vpn connections using the buggy network-manager that comes with intrepid. does anybody know the main bug i should be following on launchpad? | 12:29 |
Paddy_EIRE | faileas, it says in your error log "ATAL ERROR. Sorry, /dev/sda1 is already mounted! CANNOT DO IMAGEDEV on it if it's mounted." | 12:29 |
faileas | Paddy_EIRE: i'm sure its not | 12:29 |
faileas | thats where the problem seems to be though | 12:29 |
jarco | euh sorry to nag but how do i use this sound-recorder abuyusuf_ | 12:29 |
Paddy_EIRE | faileas, yeah its confusing | 12:30 |
abuyusuf_ | jarco, you did install it with the command i sent ? | 12:30 |
jarco | yes | 12:30 |
Paddy_EIRE | faileas, give me a pastebin of /var/log/mindi.log | 12:30 |
abuyusuf_ | jarco, it should appear now in your "sound and video" menu | 12:30 |
jarco | abuyusuf_: it didnt. Perhaps because i use kde | 12:31 |
Paddy_EIRE | jarco, no it should be there | 12:31 |
=== jimdog is now known as theinnercityhipp | ||
faileas | Paddy_EIRE: i think mine may be for more than one run | 12:31 |
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Paddy_EIRE | faileas, thats ok.. I will cut chop | 12:31 |
abuyusuf_ | jarco, no, just menu need refresh, ok run: sound-recorder from the terminal | 12:31 |
faileas | | 12:32 |
Paddy_EIRE | k | 12:32 |
=== erle64- is now known as erle- | ||
jarco | abuyusuf_: | 12:32 |
Gnirx | no nm-applet cracks around here right now? | 12:32 |
jarco | abuyusuf_: what to do there? | 12:33 |
Paddy_EIRE | faileas, according to that output it was successful :/ | 12:33 |
kernel_geek | Hello, i have been messing around with sysv-rc-conf, is there any way to reset my init settings ? | 12:33 |
Paddy_EIRE | faileas, "Created bootable ISO image at //mondo.scratch.3161/images/mindi.iso" | 12:33 |
Paddy_EIRE | odd no? | 12:33 |
faileas | Paddy_EIRE: very | 12:33 |
Paddy_EIRE | perhaps I will install mondo and try it out | 12:34 |
faileas | very frustrating app | 12:34 |
Paddy_EIRE | yeah seems so | 12:34 |
Paddy_EIRE | convoluted error output | 12:34 |
faileas | Paddy_EIRE: use the repo on the mondo website- the official ubuntu version is even more broken than this one | 12:34 |
abuyusuf_ | jarco, try adding some filename like "mywave" after the command you wrote | 12:34 |
Paddy_EIRE | faileas, ok.. you tried this by the way | 12:35 |
jarco | abuyusuf_: it just recorded empty sound | 12:35 |
Grab | what ubuntu version do you suggest to install? 8.10 or 8.04 ? i see that 8.04 support will last longer... | 12:36 |
Wendal_x | 8.10 | 12:37 |
Wendal_x | the new one | 12:37 |
Enselic | Grab: are you running an Ubuntu server and/or in a production environment? | 12:37 |
Paddy_EIRE | !lts | Grab | 12:37 |
ubottu | Grab: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. | 12:37 |
Grab | why will 8.04 be supported longer? | 12:37 |
abuyusuf_ | jarco, ok, there's one even easier, install the gnome-sound recorder using this command: sudo apt-get install gnome-sound-recorder | 12:37 |
faileas | Paddy_EIRE: no, i am using the interactive interface | 12:37 |
Grab | oh i see :D | 12:37 |
Grab | thanks | 12:37 |
nils_ | -de3 | 12:38 |
Wendal_x | 8.04 is LTS | 12:38 |
Grab | why do they build a LTS ? | 12:38 |
Paddy_EIRE | faileas, oh I see | 12:38 |
abuyusuf_ | !info sound-recorder | 12:38 |
jarco | abuyusuf_: cant findpackage it sais :D | 12:38 |
Grab | for making it more stable ^? | 12:38 |
Paddy_EIRE | Grab, every 18 months | 12:38 |
ubottu | sound-recorder (source: sound-recorder): Direct-to-disk recording and play-back programs.. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.06-7 (intrepid), package size 53 kB, installed size 180 kB | 12:38 |
faileas | Grab: not everyone wants to update that often | 12:38 |
abuyusuf_ | !info gnome-sound-recorder | 12:38 |
ubottu | Package gnome-sound-recorder does not exist in intrepid | 12:38 |
Wendal_x | maybe it is millbone | 12:38 |
Grab | ok | 12:38 |
Grab | thanks all | 12:38 |
jarco | abuyusuf_: the last program did start recording btw. There was just no sound in the file .i suggest it didnt accept my microphone ... | 12:38 |
vice | the idea of an LTS is probably to help increase corporate adoption | 12:39 |
abuyusuf_ | jarco, so it started recording but you mean that no sound generated in the wav file ? | 12:39 |
vice | companies might require longer-term support | 12:39 |
jarco | abuyusuf_: that is correct | 12:39 |
abuyusuf_ | jarco, are you sure that the mic not muted ?, where you checked for that ? | 12:40 |
bshp | hey can anyone advice me simple audio player like winamp? just tracklist with drag and drop, main window and nothing else | 12:40 |
spsneo | how to build arm cross development environment in ubuntu? | 12:40 |
Ad_ | postalias: warning: /etc/aliases, line 1: need name:value pair,postalias: warning: /etc/aliases, line 9: need name:value pairpostalias: warning: /etc/aliases.db: duplicate entry: "root" | 12:40 |
jimdogstar | use scratchbox | 12:40 |
abuyusuf_ | !info xmms | 12:40 |
ubottu | Package xmms does not exist in intrepid | 12:40 |
=== DS-BrB is now known as DarkSmoke | ||
jimdogstar | spsneo | 12:40 |
jimdogstar | is | 12:40 |
jarco | abuyusuf_: in the mixer that comes standard with kde | 12:40 |
spsneo | jimdogstar: what? | 12:40 |
dns53 | i'd use vlc as a basic music player | 12:41 |
abuyusuf_ | !info xmms2 | 12:41 |
ubottu | xmms2 (source: xmms2): Client/server based media player system. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5DrLecter-2ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 13 kB, installed size 56 kB | 12:41 |
nascentmind | after installing ati drivers my fps is at 60 fps but when i deactivate the properietary driver my fps is at 420 fps why is that? | 12:41 |
Ad_ | :) postalias: warning: /etc/aliases, line 1: need name:value pair,postalias: warning: /etc/aliases, line 9: need name:value pairpostalias: warning: /etc/aliases.db: duplicate entry: "root" :) | 12:41 |
nascentmind | my kernel version is 2.6.27-9-generic | 12:41 |
abuyusuf_ | !pastebin | Ad_ | 12:41 |
ubottu | Ad_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 12:41 |
abuyusuf_ | jarco, that is strange, i don't know more about that in real, that should work good, can you try another mic to be sure that the error not from hardware ? | 12:42 |
Jianaran_ | abuyusuf_: About ten minutes ago, you told me how to make Opera my preffered browser, and so I did. HOWEVER, I am now incapable of following ANY hyperlinks: I'm told that there was an error launching the default action command associated with the browser whenever I try and click on one. I changed the preferred browser back to FF, but I still have the same problem. Any idea what's up? | 12:42 |
b00ley | how can i start at tty7? | 12:43 |
abuyusuf_ | Jianaran_, how you set your default browser? ( System -> Pref. > Preferred Apps. ) ? | 12:43 |
nascentmind | is proposed updates a good idea? | 12:43 |
jarco | abuyusuf_: no other mic here. It works fine on windows on this computer. Also i just noticed in alsamixer that mic volume was 0. Raising it didnt solve a thing | 12:43 |
abuyusuf_ | Jianaran_, and please pastebin the accurate error message you got | 12:44 |
abuyusuf_ | !pastebin | Jianaran_ | 12:44 |
ubottu | Jianaran_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 12:44 |
Ad_ | :) | 12:44 |
rwparris2 | can anyone recommend an SVN client with a gui? If anyone has used tortoise svn on windows i'm looking for something very similar | 12:44 |
Jianaran_ | Applications -> Settings -> Settings Manage -> Preferred applications. I figured it did the same thing. | 12:44 |
abuyusuf_ | Jianaran_, the error please using pastebin | 12:44 |
Ad_ | | 12:45 |
DRebellion | nascentmind, i wouldn't recommend it. Backports is useful though. | 12:45 |
Jianaran_ | abuyusuf_: | 12:45 |
abuyusuf_ | jarco, i can't help more with that problem, sorry - but i think it would be useful testing another mic ( with different type if possible ) | 12:46 |
nascentmind | DRebellion: the proposed update is solving an alsa issue for my machine. | 12:46 |
jarco | ok abuyusuf_ i am very greatfull to you for the effort | 12:46 |
DRebellion | nascentmind, well, after its been tested in proposed, it will probably land in updates then. | 12:46 |
spsneo | how to build arm cross development environment in ubuntu? | 12:46 |
abuyusuf_ | Jianaran_, Where you see that ? | 12:46 |
abuyusuf_ | jarco, no problem, and sorry again | 12:47 |
Jianaran_ | abuyusuf_: That's the error message I get whenever I click a link of any description | 12:47 |
Jianaran_ | Sorry, only on IRC | 12:47 |
jimdogstar | Is anyone using an acer aspire one here? | 12:47 |
Jianaran_ | It may occur in other places, but I'm not sure. | 12:47 |
abuyusuf_ | Jianaran_, so please test in another places | 12:48 |
faileas | Paddy_EIRE: it does seem to be my windows partition thats the issue. seems to be a start ;) | 12:49 |
Jianaran_ | abuyusuf_: xchat links give me the error; pidgin as a MSN client doesn't. I'm trying to find more links... | 12:49 |
abuyusuf_ | Jianaran_, try restarting xchat please | 12:50 |
Paddy_EIRE | faileas, have you chkdsk that drive? | 12:50 |
faileas | Paddy_EIRE: as far as i know, it works fine in windows. i'll do it next time i boot. it also mounts fine when i do it manually | 12:51 |
Paddy_EIRE | faileas, to rule that out | 12:51 |
Paddy_EIRE | ah | 12:51 |
faileas | will do it next time i reboot | 12:51 |
Jianaran_ | Restarted xchat; no change | 12:51 |
Pirate_Hunter | how can i optimise ubuntu i.e. make it faster, use less resources, stop unneeded processes etc? | 12:52 |
deany | Ive got an ATI mobility 9800 (dell inspiron 9100 laptop) and it works fine with the ubuntu fglrx in the repo, what im wantin to know is how much newer is the one from ATI site.. someone else with similar card might know... | 12:52 |
abuyusuf_ | Jianaran_, OK, in xchat open Settings menu | 12:53 |
parixa | hi everyone, just bought a Hauppauge Win TV USB DVBT stick | 12:53 |
abuyusuf_ | Jianaran_, then "Advanced" | 12:53 |
abuyusuf_ | Jianaran_, then "URL Handlers" | 12:53 |
parixa | it is working well and I can see the video | 12:53 |
abuyusuf_ | Jianaran_, Do you see an entry for "opera" ? | 12:53 |
parixa | I need pointers on how to get the remote working | 12:53 |
Jianaran_ | abuyusuf_: I can't even see a settings menu yet... | 12:54 |
=== obama is now known as Guest42519 | ||
Jianaran_ | I'm looking for the option under Preferences | 12:54 |
abuyusuf_ | Jianaran_, it's on the top menu bar of xchat ! | 12:54 |
foges | good morning guys. What is the name of the §° key (swiss-german keyboard layout) (like the name of the <> key is less greater) | 12:54 |
saler | :) | 12:55 |
Jianaran_ | abuyusuf_: I've got IRC, Edit, Network, Discussion, Go, and Help. No settings. | 12:55 |
nutzer | Sprich hier einer deutsch ? | 12:55 |
foges | ja, ich schon | 12:55 |
gumpert34599 | parixa dont know what kind of remote you use but you may want to read something abot lirc | 12:56 |
abuyusuf_ | !de | nutzer | 12:56 |
ubottu | nutzer: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, und #edubuntu-de | 12:56 |
abuyusuf_ | Jianaran_, Any "view" menu ? | 12:56 |
Jianaran_ | No | 12:56 |
abuyusuf_ | Jianaran_, Which version do you use ? | 12:56 |
parixa | thx gumpert | 12:56 |
Jianaran_ | As I said: IRC, Edit, Network, Discussion, Go, Help | 12:56 |
Jianaran_ | .18 | 12:57 |
Jianaran_ | Version 0.18 | 12:57 |
nutzer | Hab ein neues Notebook bekommen und ich brauche hilfe weil der sich nicht Aktualiesiert ! | 12:57 |
abuyusuf_ | Jianaran_, 2.18 ? | 12:57 |
abuyusuf_ | Jianaran_, 0.18 !! | 12:57 |
Jianaran_ | Apparently not | 12:57 |
gumpert34599 | nutzer: geb mal ein: /join #ubuntu-de | 12:57 |
abuyusuf_ | Jianaran_, i think you need an update there ! | 12:57 |
abuyusuf_ | !de | nutzer | 12:57 |
foges | nutzer: probiere hier diese Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, und #edubuntu-de | 12:57 |
Jianaran_ | I downloaded it yesterday; not entirely sure how this happened | 12:57 |
Jianaran_ | :p | 12:57 |
abuyusuf_ | !de | nutzer | 12:58 |
foges | no one know the name of the §° key? | 12:58 |
faileas | actually... | 12:58 |
abuyusuf_ | Jianaran_, Strange !, may be an error, ok you can do an update and it should work | 12:58 |
Jianaran_ | What's the latest version? I think I may have done a sudo apt-get install xchat*... Which might have just got me the lowest numbered verfsion. | 12:59 |
abuyusuf_ | Jianaran_, i think that version 0.18 not even support Changing the default web browser or may be something similar | 12:59 |
abuyusuf_ | Jianaran_, i've 2.8.6 | 12:59 |
abuyusuf_ | !info xchat | 13:00 |
ubottu | xchat (source: xchat): IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.6-2ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 315 kB, installed size 840 kB | 13:00 |
abuyusuf_ | Jianaran_, it's 2.8.6 that available on the repos. | 13:00 |
Jianaran_ | Yeah, I've just done a sudo apt-get xchat-gnome-2.8.6 <-Should that give me the right version? | 13:01 |
abuyusuf_ | Jianaran_, No, just do: "apt-get update" | 13:01 |
Jianaran_ | ok | 13:02 |
abuyusuf_ | Jianaran_, or: "apt-get install xchat xchat-gnome xchat-gnome-common" | 13:02 |
asea168 | hello | 13:02 |
abuyusuf_ | Jianaran_, that should detect if there's an update for the package specified | 13:03 |
abuyusuf_ | !hi | asea168 | 13:03 |
ubottu | asea168: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 13:03 |
abuyusuf_ | !ask | asea168 | 13:03 |
ubottu | asea168: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 13:03 |
asea168 | i kone | 13:04 |
asea168 | know | 13:04 |
Pirate_Hunter | how can i optimise ubuntu i.e. make it faster, use less resources, stop unneeded processes etc? | 13:04 |
abuyusuf_ | Pirate_Hunter, that's different from user to another, and each part you said need long article to clearify it, you may try visiting UbuntuForums | 13:05 |
abuyusuf_ | !forums | Pirate_Hunter | 13:05 |
ubottu | Pirate_Hunter: The Ubuntu forums can be found at There is also a channel on IRC Freenode #ubuntuforums. | 13:05 |
roy_polos | HUYYYYYYYYYYYY | 13:06 |
Pirate_Hunter | abuyusuf_: oh ok i thought you couldve just done it in general but yeah you're right | 13:06 |
abuyusuf_ | Pirate_Hunter, No problem | 13:06 |
abuyusuf_ | Jianaran_, What is the news ? | 13:07 |
Jianaran_ | hmm... I did the apt-get install xchat xchat-gnome xchat-gnome-common, the terminal seemed to be downloading stuff, yet I'm still at 0.18 | 13:08 |
Toppy | Anyone know a console or GUI app that you can add descriptions to files that show up when you list them? | 13:08 |
Jianaran_ | abuyusuf_: "xchat is already the newest version", apparently | 13:08 |
abuyusuf_ | Jianaran_, try "xchat-gnome" from terminal | 13:08 |
asea168 | how to use VIM? | 13:09 |
Aji-Daha1a | is there anything like kontact for gnome? | 13:09 |
Jianaran_ | abuyusuf_: Yep, still 0.18 | 13:09 |
Pirate_Hunter | how do i set ubuntu to update automatically without asking for confirmation? | 13:09 |
abuyusuf_ | Toppy, you would post a brainstorm for that, i don't think that is current | 13:09 |
Aji-Daha1a | asea168: that's a long and complicated answer | 13:09 |
Enselic | Jianaran_: If you haven't tried Konversation, give it a try. I find it to be a much better IRC client than XChat | 13:09 |
Jianaran_ | ok, will do | 13:09 |
abuyusuf_ | !brainstorm | Toppy | 13:09 |
ubottu | Toppy: Post your ideas for ubuntu at and vote for the ones you like! | 13:09 |
Aji-Daha1a | asea168: you're probably better off using pico or nano if you don't know vim | 13:10 |
abuyusuf_ | Jianaran_, OK, you may be have to remove that from your machine and install the latest manually, what do you think ? | 13:10 |
abuyusuf_ | !nano | asea168 | 13:10 |
ubottu | asea168: Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code | 13:10 |
Toppy | Thanks all. I'll check that out. I used to have an app that did it in my old DOS 3.1 box a hundred years ago. I miss it. | 13:11 |
faileas | dos 3.1 ? o0 | 13:11 |
abuyusuf_ | Toppy, i think that idea is great one, so add a brainstorm and it should appear soon in ubuntu as i think | 13:11 |
faileas | was that on an XT? ;p | 13:11 |
asea168 | what is nano or pico | 13:12 |
Pirate_Hunter | how do i set ubuntu to update automatically without asking for confirmation? | 13:12 |
Aji-Daha1a | asea168: they are text editors | 13:12 |
faileas | asea168: text based text editors | 13:12 |
Toppy | Ok, will do abuyusuf! | 13:12 |
abuyusuf_ | asea168, text editors, based on terminal use | 13:12 |
abuyusuf_ | asea168, nano is very user-friendly one | 13:12 |
Jianaran_ | abuyusuf_: Sorry, was afk. I'm installing Konversation; if that doesn't work I'll try uninstalling xchat. This was pretty weird, though | 13:12 |
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Aji-Daha1a | what do ubuntu people use instead of kontact? | 13:13 |
abuyusuf_ | Jianaran_, no problem, you can remove xchat using "apt-get remove xchat" | 13:13 |
abuyusuf_ | Jianaran_, and the latest version available for download from: | 13:13 |
abuyusuf_ | !info kontact | 13:14 |
ubottu | kontact (source: kdepim): KDE pim application. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.1.3-0ubuntu1~intrepid2 (intrepid), package size 513 kB, installed size 1664 kB | 13:14 |
asea168 | i want run the C&C++,how to do | 13:14 |
Aji-Daha1a | abuyusuf_: that didn't help :p | 13:14 |
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Aji-Daha1a | I clearly know what kontact is | 13:14 |
abuyusuf_ | asea168, means you want to compile some c & c++ codes ? | 13:14 |
jackz0r | Ubuntu is really amazing, I used Slackware and Red Hat about 5 years ago, and it required so much configuration to run it as a Desktop | 13:14 |
jackz0r | I ran them as an everyday OS, not as a weekend warrior | 13:15 |
faileas | jackz0r: IMO, all of the distros have gotten a long way since 5 years ago ;) | 13:15 |
faileas | Paddy_EIRE: hmm, might help, but it seems to work if i don't backup my windows drive | 13:15 |
abuyusuf_ | Aji-Daha1a, OK, you can use alternative one like: "SunBird" | 13:16 |
jackz0r | very true. but gentoo needs lots of work post install too | 13:16 |
abuyusuf_ | Aji-Daha1a, it's so great one, part of Mozilla family | 13:16 |
Aji-Daha1a | abuyusuf_: I may try that. | 13:16 |
faileas | gentoo... is special ;p | 13:16 |
Aji-Daha1a | abuyusuf_: I was looking at evolution but it didn't seem quite so good | 13:16 |
jackz0r | Ubuntu is quite impressive from an out of the box standpoint | 13:16 |
abuyusuf_ | Aji-Daha1a, i tried evolution but not so good, you're right | 13:16 |
faileas | its pretty good ;p | 13:16 |
Aji-Daha1a | faileas: I like gentoo :) | 13:17 |
faileas | Aji-Daha1a: it has a fairly different .. structure though, in terms of goals | 13:18 |
Aji-Daha1a | faileas: for sure, but my usual OS, what I cut my teeth on, is freebsd | 13:18 |
asea168 | kommander Editor is mean? | 13:18 |
faileas | nearly every other distro is based off, or supported by a commercial varient ;) | 13:18 |
Aji-Daha1a | so gentoo is familiar in many ways | 13:18 |
jackz0r | maybe it's because I've been away for so long, but one plus you can give windows is that it installs and is "ready to use" for what that's worth | 13:18 |
abuyusuf_ | !info kommander | 13:18 |
ubottu | kommander (source: kdewebdev): visual dialog builder and executor tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.10-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 2036 kB, installed size 5696 kB | 13:18 |
faileas | jackz0r: not really | 13:19 |
Aji-Daha1a | jackz0r: no ssh client out-of-the-box on windows | 13:19 |
Aji-Daha1a | and usually requires a bunch of driver downloads | 13:19 |
Aji-Daha1a | at least for the hardware I have here | 13:19 |
jackz0r | it's ridden with limitations, bloated, and not very powerful | 13:19 |
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abuyusuf_ | asea168, you can usually use: "!info <package name>" to find more info about any package in Ubuntu | 13:19 |
* faileas generally needs/wants ~1-2 gb of additional software to consider a windows box usable | 13:19 | |
Aji-Daha1a | faileas: and completely un/mismanaged software? | 13:19 |
jackz0r | and yes needs software added to be functional for a power user | 13:19 |
Aji-Daha1a | jackz0r: it doesn't even come with an office suite | 13:20 |
faileas | Aji-Daha1a: thats another kettle of fish | 13:20 |
abuyusuf_ | asea168, if you need any more help with compiling or another thing, here you are | 13:20 |
Aji-Daha1a | so not even for a power user, but for a regular office worker ... | 13:20 |
faileas | Aji-Daha1a: you would rather every copy of windows came with works ? ;p | 13:20 |
Aji-Daha1a | I wouldn't rather anything | 13:20 |
faileas | my dad's workplace has a mix of OOo and MS office | 13:20 |
Aji-Daha1a | I'm just saying it's a fallacy that windows installs "ready to use" for the average person | 13:20 |
faileas | my home network has OOo, MS office, and a wierd homebrew 'office suite' ;p | 13:20 |
faileas | Aji-Daha1a: totally agreed | 13:21 |
Aji-Daha1a | it has a web browser and a media player, that's about it for the major application categories | 13:21 |
Aji-Daha1a | oh, email-client, kinda | 13:21 |
=== micasa251 is now known as RUN351 | ||
faileas | Aji-Daha1a: you forget the most important thing | 13:21 |
faileas | SOLITARE! | 13:21 |
faileas | xd | 13:21 |
FloodBot1 | faileas: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 13:21 |
Aji-Daha1a | that's something mac-os-x doesn't have | 13:21 |
RUN351 | Hi roomies | 13:22 |
jackz0r | windows sucks, thats obvious, but it doesn't install with broken software | 13:22 |
dkav | hey | 13:22 |
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abuyusuf_ | !hi | RUN351 | 13:22 |
ubottu | RUN351: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 13:22 |
Aji-Daha1a | jackz0r: it doesn't?! | 13:22 |
faileas | i usually replace the browser, add codecs, add a e mail client... granted i do it with linux too, but still ;) | 13:22 |
jackz0r | the software it has is partially broken by design | 13:22 |
Aji-Daha1a | have you seen the patchset on winXP? | 13:22 |
JonnyDY2J | hi guys. need to know if there is a way of editing a .conf file in ubuntu 8.1 sever edition | 13:22 |
Aji-Daha1a | it's like 8 reboots to go from fresh install to a mostly fixed install | 13:22 |
RUN351 | thx and I'm happy to be here. I need some help asap if I can !! hahahahahahaha | 13:22 |
Aji-Daha1a | JonnyDY2J: vi? nano? | 13:22 |
dkav | I am looking for a ubuntu es channel | 13:22 |
faileas | Aji-Daha1a: i have a DVD of patches to get a system updated ;p | 13:22 |
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faileas | its a lot faster, but not as fast as apt-get upgrade ;) | 13:23 |
JonnyDY2J | Aji-Daha1a: I am new to this. what is yi? nano? | 13:23 |
JonnyDY2J | *vi | 13:23 |
Aji-Daha1a | JonnyDY2J: they are text editors | 13:23 |
Aji-Daha1a | JonnyDY2J: text editors edit files, for instance .conf files | 13:23 |
dkav | i dont find #ubuntu-es, someone can help me | 13:23 |
jackz0r | when I used to install slackware, you could choose software to install and it wouldn't install it's dependencies or wouldn't have the correct versions of dependant libraries' | 13:23 |
Aji-Daha1a | JonnyDY2J: if you are new, nano is probably easier for you. | 13:23 |
abuyusuf_ | !es | dkav | 13:23 |
ubottu | dkav: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 13:23 |
JonnyDY2J | Aji-Daha1a: going to assume that I would need to use the command sudo apt-get install vi | 13:24 |
faileas | jackz0r: thats the power of apt, IMO. proper package management makes life so much easier | 13:24 |
jackz0r | I'm no windows pundit, but it's part of the environment I work in | 13:24 |
Aji-Daha1a | JonnyDY2J: nope, should be installed out of the box | 13:24 |
Aji-Daha1a | jackz0r: same here, but I haven't agreed with your claims yet :p | 13:24 |
faileas | JonnyDY2J: nano comes built in with a default install. its REALLY simple too | 13:24 |
abuyusuf_ | dkav, got it ? | 13:24 |
RUN351 | I uninstall policykit and now I'm not able to log in to my pc. I only get to the type in name and password and then my keyboard and mouse are disable. | 13:24 |
* faileas uses windows and linux on a daily basis >_> | 13:24 | |
faileas | at the same time actually | 13:24 |
jackz0r | I'm not making any claims to prove or disprove | 13:25 |
simmerz | hi. does anyone know how to update a bios on an hp pavilion laptop from linux? | 13:25 |
saler | JonnyDY2J, just open the terminal command and type vi <filename>. | 13:25 |
dkav | no, i list rooms and i cant find #ubuntu-es | 13:25 |
jackz0r | windows comes with poor functionality and about 3 hours of changes to be made | 13:25 |
Paddy_EIRE | faileas, Have you taken a look at this | 13:25 |
faileas | dkav: just try /joining it | 13:25 |
RUN351 | is there a command to disable my password? | 13:25 |
JonnyDY2J | Aji-Daha1a: how would I then save a file that I have editied | 13:25 |
Stormx2 | dkav: What are you talking about? Just /join #ubuntu-es | 13:26 |
faileas | Paddy_EIRE: thats on the list of things to try next weekend actually | 13:26 |
Aji-Daha1a | JonnyDY2J: in nano? you exit and it asks if you want to save | 13:26 |
JonnyDY2J | AJI-Daha1a: in vi | 13:26 |
Aji-Daha1a | in hit escape, then type :wq<enter> | 13:26 |
DarkKnight | hey i just wanted to know the technical term used for something..i'll just explain something and cn anyone provide me the technical term used.....its like this...fromthe desktop of one operating system we can have another operating system...can anyone say that | 13:26 |
abuyusuf_ | dkav, #ubuntu-es <<-- Click Here to join | 13:26 |
Paddy_EIRE | faileas, :) | 13:26 |
Aji-Daha1a | less intuitive, more powerful | 13:26 |
kaneda_ | DarkKnight; virtual machine perhaps, or remote desktop? | 13:26 |
Stormx2 | How can saving be more powerful? :/ | 13:26 |
Aji-Daha1a | Stormx2: it allows :w! | 13:27 |
kaneda_ | DarkKnight; remote desktop will let you connect to another PC in a window | 13:27 |
faileas | DarkKnight: remote desktop/terminal services | 13:27 |
PC_Nerd | how can i find the permissions to a directory? | 13:27 |
jackz0r | but it doesn't install a progam and have missing drivers needed for it to run | 13:27 |
Aji-Daha1a | Stormx2: where it will take afile out of read-only mode and write it and put it back in read-only mode :) | 13:27 |
faileas | Paddy_EIRE: it works when i leave out /dev/sda1 so... i'll need to go from there | 13:27 |
JonnyDY2J | how do i quit vi | 13:27 |
dkav | thanks, I dont have experience with IRC. Bye | 13:27 |
Stormx2 | JonnyDY2J, read the documentation | 13:27 |
DarkKnight | kaneda_; yes virtual machine...i couldn't remember that term.. thank you....well one of my friends wanted to put XP on a Vista desktop....can I know how to do this | 13:27 |
Aji-Daha1a | JonnyDY2J: hit the escape key, then type :q and hit the enter key | 13:28 |
faileas | lol | 13:28 |
RUN351 | is there a command to disable my password? from the recovery Root@desktop | 13:28 |
Stormx2 | DarkKnight: If you want to run one operating system inside another, you need to look at virtual machines. A good one is VirtualBox! | 13:28 |
Paddy_EIRE | faileas, yeah.. seems a workaround is in order for the mean time | 13:28 |
Aji-Daha1a | DarkKnight: off-topic | 13:28 |
Pirate_Hunter | can someone provide me a list or link of all services that can be disabled in general? | 13:28 |
JonnyDY2J | thanks Aji-Daha1a | 13:28 |
Stormx2 | Pirate_Hunter: System > Administration > Services | 13:28 |
Aji-Daha1a | I better go, power outtage here in 2 minutes | 13:29 |
Stormx2 | Aji-Daha1a, why are you recommending a new user uses vi, out of interest? | 13:29 |
Aji-Daha1a | Stormx2: I told him to use nano instead of vi | 13:29 |
Stormx2 | Ah, my bad. | 13:29 |
wting | can I know where to learn wine | 13:29 |
Aji-Daha1a | 07:23 < Aji-Daha1a> JonnyDY2J: if you are new, nano is probably easier for you. | 13:30 |
jackz0r | what I actially came in here to ask was if anybody has anything bad to say about ndiswrapper before I use it | 13:30 |
mpc | hi guys. how do i check if my fans are working? is there a command of some sort? | 13:31 |
jarco | where can i see my ntfs disks in kubuntu? | 13:31 |
Gnea | mpc: you can install and setup lm-sensors | 13:31 |
faileas | jarco: generally they automount when you click on em. else you may need to mount them manually | 13:31 |
Pirate_Hunter | can someone provide me a list or link of all services that can be safely disabled in general? | 13:31 |
Gnea | !lm-sensors | mpc | 13:32 |
ubottu | mpc: You might find something useful at: | 13:32 |
jarco | faileas: i cant see them even. Where to look? | 13:32 |
carsten | Hi there, and a happy new year :) | 13:32 |
jackz0r | ubuntu documentation recommended I use it, as I haven't been able to find native drivers that work for my internal wireless card | 13:32 |
faileas | jarco: its often in dolphin alind the left side | 13:32 |
Gnea | mpc: as long as your hardware supports it, it will tell you the temperature of your cpu and how fast the fans are spinning | 13:32 |
faileas | Gnea: i have a box which lm-sensors often reports to be running at a nice warm 200 degrees c ;p | 13:33 |
carsten | I'm running Ubuntu 8.10, is there a distro with a min programs installed, i would like only the libs, so i can install the few programs i need, and like ? :) | 13:33 |
Gnea | faileas: that's a problem with the math of your sensor configuration | 13:33 |
jarco | faileas: thx that solved my problem | 13:33 |
faileas | y | 13:33 |
faileas | jarco: ya | 13:33 |
RUN351 | is there a command to disable my password? from the recovery Root@desktop | 13:34 |
Gnea | carsten: ubuntu server | 13:34 |
mpc | ok im installing it right now | 13:34 |
pio_ | salut | 13:34 |
carsten | Gnea: is that a stripped Ubuntu with no soft ? | 13:34 |
johnnbstroud | bye | 13:34 |
faileas | carsten: ubuntu minimal or alternate and do a cli only install | 13:34 |
carsten | falias: what's a cli install ? | 13:34 |
Gnea | carsten: no, it's server, but it's got no gui and is just cli (command line) | 13:35 |
jackz0r | no one has anything to tell me about ndiswrapper | 13:35 |
pio_ | allo | 13:35 |
carsten | Gnea: Oh, okay, i would like the Gnome though, but can install i afterwards :) | 13:35 |
Gnea | carsten: that'd work | 13:37 |
sagar | I just installed Ubuntu..when i play Videos ,Screen flickers.... | 13:37 |
sagar | How do i fix it?? | 13:37 |
carsten | Gnea: How many programs are installed in the server ver. ? | 13:38 |
tavi | how i install new codecs for vlc? | 13:38 |
carsten | Gnea: And is it easy to make a distro with the server as base, and the libs and few programs i need, så i have a cd i can install from ? | 13:39 |
tavi | i thinking that is the reason for that subtitles don´t work | 13:39 |
hr_ | hi all | 13:39 |
sagar | I just installed Ubuntu..when i play Videos ,Screen flickers....How do i fix it?? | 13:41 |
RUN351 | is there a command to disable my password? from the recovery Root@desktop | 13:41 |
carsten | sagar: try with this "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras", it install codecs and some other stuff needed... | 13:41 |
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carsten | sagar, and maybe you need the newest GStreamer too ... | 13:41 |
mchelen | tavi, what codec? | 13:42 |
tavi | don´t know | 13:42 |
sagar | carsten: I m new to Ubuntu....Whats this Gstream??? | 13:43 |
mpc | thanks guys my fans are working | 13:43 |
asea168 | who chat with me! | 13:44 |
RUN351 | My pc disable my keyboard and mouse, what can I do? | 13:45 |
RUN351 | I'm in the recovery mode :( | 13:45 |
maxsiya | Hallo | 13:45 |
asea168 | hei | 13:45 |
maxsiya | I have a big truble. | 13:46 |
maxsiya | How to install flashplayer ? | 13:46 |
Slart | !flash | maxsiya | 13:46 |
ubottu | maxsiya: To install Flash see (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 13:46 |
DragoraN | hi | 13:47 |
DragoraN | is it possible to get working "82801GR/GH (ICH7 Family) SATA RAID Controller" in ubuntu? | 13:47 |
kaneda_ | w 21 | 13:47 |
kaneda_ | sigh | 13:47 |
RUN351 | My keyboard and mouse are disable, what can I do? I'm on the root@desktop at recovery mode | 13:48 |
maxsiya | oh.I'm sorry.I said wrong. | 13:49 |
maxsiya | I have installed flashplayer. | 13:50 |
maxsiya | but | 13:50 |
maxsiya | but | 13:50 |
maxsiya | but not used in firefox | 13:50 |
s0u][ight | hello i have both g++ 4.3 as 4.1 installed how can i set g++ to use 4.1 as default? | 13:52 |
spsneo | emdebbian-tools package is no more available in ubuntu intrepid . what is the substitute? | 13:53 |
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* tyta says Hello #ubuntu | 13:54 | |
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sagar | screen flickers when i plaY ANY VIDEO...even with google do i fix it? | 13:55 |
Jack_Sparrow | spsneo, THis may explain it.. | 13:55 |
tyta | has anyone used Wicd for 8.10? | 13:55 |
Jack_Sparrow | sagar, turn off compiz effects | 13:55 |
tyta | bingo | 13:55 |
tyta | i had that same video issue | 13:56 |
sagar | Jack_Sparrow:how? | 13:56 |
tyta | isnt it like system > appearance | 13:56 |
Jack_Sparrow | sagar, right click descktop, go to wallpaper last tab on the right .. set to one | 13:56 |
Jack_Sparrow | none | 13:56 |
Jack_Sparrow | tyta, yes, you can get to it a number of ways | 13:57 |
tyta | I really need help connecting through WPA | 13:57 |
Jack_Sparrow | tyta, The biggest issue I have seen is that some cards cant handle encryption/wpa etc... although fine on open network | 13:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | they do fine with windows drivers | 13:58 |
sagar | ack_Sparrow:ya it workd thanx.. | 13:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | cool | 13:58 |
tyta | jack, thats what im going through | 13:58 |
tyta | but my card works with other os's | 13:58 |
s0u][ight | libv4l-0 update fixed cheese :) | 13:58 |
simmerz | hi. does anyone know how to update a bios on an hp pavilion laptop from linux? | 13:58 |
tyta | with wpa | 13:58 |
sagar | ack_Sparrow:cant i enable effects anymore? | 13:58 |
Guest23498 | upstart sounds very interesting, however I've heard that Ubuntu currently isn't fully migrated from sysvinit - how much, approximately, is there left to do before Ubuntu is fully upstart'ed and/or in which release will this be? | 13:58 |
rccu | th4nx mate w0rx now | 13:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | tyta, The simplest, is to get a card known to handle that well and not one that has to use ndiswrapper and all of that mess | 13:59 |
RUN351 | My keyboard and mouse are disable, what can I do? I'm at the root@desktop in recovery mode. | 13:59 |
rccu | RUN351: did you just update the xorg-server? | 13:59 |
Jack_Sparrow | simmerz, I would not advise that | 13:59 |
Jack_Sparrow | tyta, which other os's.. debian based linux os's | 13:59 |
tyta | no, the laptop came with windows | 14:00 |
asea168 | this is hot | 14:00 |
Lunatikbunnie | Is there any way i can update my ubuntu kernel? | 14:00 |
tyta | and it could work with wpa / wep etc | 14:00 |
Lunatikbunnie | to a specific version | 14:00 |
RUN351 | no i did not, i uninstall policykit cause I was having problems with unrar asking me for a password every time I used it. | 14:00 |
s0u][ight | Lunatikbunnie, build from source | 14:00 |
s0u][ight | the debian way | 14:00 |
Jack_Sparrow | sagar, you can try #compiz to try and tweek it up | 14:00 |
fosco_ | Lunatikbunnie: yes, but compiling manually, it's hard and not recommended | 14:00 |
Lunatikbunnie | s0u][ight, im actually using KernelCheck, is that alright? | 14:01 |
Jack_Sparrow | tyta, Isnt that what I said.. you have windows based hardware.. it should work fine in windows.. | 14:01 |
Lunatikbunnie | because im going for, but its going to upgrade me to 2.6.28 | 14:01 |
s0u][ight | dunno i manage my kernels manually | 14:01 |
tyta | oh now i understand | 14:01 |
Chousuke | RUN351: er... isn't PolicyKit a core component? | 14:01 |
tyta | so using wicd wouldnt help? | 14:01 |
Lunatikbunnie | i'm using a netbook, and the webcam isnt being very friendly with ubuntu | 14:01 |
tyta | well maybe before i get a card, i can remove security and use MAC filtering | 14:01 |
Lunatikbunnie | its a reduced resolution + quality. | 14:02 |
Luciole`- | Lunatikbunnie > Did you try Easycam ? | 14:02 |
s0u][ight | Lunatikbunnie, there is a new update of libv4l-0 fixed my issue | 14:02 |
Jack_Sparrow | tyta, It might, but in my opinion.. not as well as you might hope | 14:02 |
RUN351 | chousuke,no idea i'm a nooB in ubuntu | 14:02 |
Lunatikbunnie | s0u][ight:, libv4l-o? | 14:02 |
Lunatikbunnie | do i apt-get it? | 14:02 |
Luciole`- | Add these repos | 14:02 |
Luciole`- | deb hardy main | 14:03 |
Luciole`- | and then | 14:03 |
Luciole`- | on gnome | 14:03 |
Luciole`- | sudo apt-get install easycam2-gtk | 14:03 |
Luciole`- | be careful, it might be in French Oo | 14:03 |
Jack_Sparrow | tyta, Be aware that mac filtering isnt as secure as you would hope. It can be spoofed | 14:03 |
Chousuke | RUN351: looks like it is | 14:03 |
Jack_Sparrow | !enter > Luciole`- | 14:03 |
ubottu | Luciole`-, please see my private message | 14:03 |
Chousuke | RUN351: you should probably reinstall it. | 14:03 |
Luciole`- | Dunno if it's dual language | 14:03 |
s0u][ight | Lunatikbunnie, install cheese or something | 14:03 |
RUN351 | how? | 14:03 |
Chousuke | RUN351: sudo aptitude install policykit | 14:03 |
Tekno | hello. i compiled 2.6.28 and now touchpad doesnt work like expected. this is elantech which should work with synaptic xorg driver | 14:03 |
Jack_Sparrow | !info easycam | 14:04 |
ubottu | Package easycam does not exist in intrepid | 14:04 |
RUN351 | brb | 14:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | !find easycam | 14:04 |
Chousuke | RUN351: though I can't guarantee that will actually fix things. | 14:04 |
ubottu | Package/file easycam does not exist in intrepid | 14:04 |
tyta | ok thanks | 14:04 |
Lunatikbunnie | s0u][ight, it doesn't seem to find the package in the repo | 14:04 |
RUN351 | i will try anything at the moment | 14:04 |
s0u][ight | Lunatikbunnie, cheese? | 14:04 |
moldy | hi | 14:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | !info cheese | 14:05 |
ubottu | cheese (source: cheese): A tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.24.1-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 2334 kB, installed size 7140 kB | 14:05 |
Chousuke | RUN351: and as for your unrar troubles... the password prompts might have been because you tried to extract into a directory that you did not have access to | 14:05 |
moldy | what is the default smtp/mail server on ubuntu? | 14:05 |
Jack_Sparrow | chordate, exactly.. :) | 14:05 |
Chousuke | RUN351: anyway, uninstalling policykit was most likely a big mistake :/ | 14:05 |
s0u][ight | Jack_Sparrow, tnx for specifications of cheese :) | 14:05 |
Irreducibilis_ | Cheese? | 14:05 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 14:05 |
Lunatikbunnie | s0u][ight, i AM using cheese, and its only working at 176x144 at its largest resolution | 14:05 |
riesss | hi | 14:06 |
s0u][ight | Lunatikbunnie, i know, but a recent update fixed this | 14:06 |
riesss | are there any ubuntu ready to use webserver live images like knoppix? | 14:06 |
RUN351 | i'm the only one using my pc | 14:06 |
s0u][ight | apt-get update | 14:06 |
* ShiftWreck registers "specifications of cheese" | 14:06 | |
Lunatikbunnie | oh, ok | 14:06 |
carsten | What's the differense between Xcfe and Gnome/Kde, Xcfe will play video files with no problems, but the others won't ? | 14:06 |
riesss | next question: is there a possibility to remote desktop from win machinge to ubuntu? | 14:07 |
Lunatikbunnie | which server has the latest ubuntu updates? | 14:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | carsten, Sure they will | 14:07 |
Lunatikbunnie | im using the "Select best server" on my software sources so it gives me Taiwan | 14:07 |
Irreducibilis_ | !info crackers | 14:07 |
ubottu | Package crackers does not exist in intrepid | 14:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | riesss, yes | 14:07 |
RUN351 | is there a way to disactivate my password....cause that is what stopping my pc from a full reboot | 14:07 |
Lunatikbunnie | i choose United States and it has more updates now. | 14:07 |
carsten | Jack: How do you manage that ? | 14:07 |
B3z3rk3r | 6am here.. goodnight all | 14:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | carsten, Let me see if I can find a tutorial.. | 14:08 |
Lunatikbunnie | Would you recommend AMSN for msn alternative w/webcam access? | 14:08 |
carsten | Jack: i have the restricted-extras and newest GStreamer installed... | 14:08 |
carsten | Jack: That would be nice, thanks :) | 14:08 |
s0u][ight | Lunatikbunnie, it works quiet good | 14:08 |
Lunatikbunnie | would it be advisable to do the log tweak to reduce SSD wear & tear? | 14:08 |
riesss | jack | 14:08 |
riesss | thx | 14:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | carsten, | 14:09 |
riesss | i asked two questions | 14:09 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 14:09 |
riesss | yes to both? | 14:09 |
Lunatikbunnie | Because my netbook uses SSD.8GB | 14:09 |
andresmh | I got the 2.6.27-11 kernel from ubuntu-backport and a couple of things stopped working. Should I report that somewhere? | 14:09 |
Jack_Sparrow | riesss, webserver images.. no idea what that is | 14:09 |
RUN351 | chousuke::i got the messege that it can not read source | 14:09 |
Lunatikbunnie | also, the last time i used acerfand , it keeps overheating my CPU(I think due to bios incompatibility) so i left it off at the moment | 14:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | andresmh, backports and proposed can often cause issues | 14:11 |
carsten | Jack: Will sharing my desktop, make the playing work in Gnome and Kde ? | 14:11 |
Jack_Sparrow | carsten, that should not have any effect | 14:11 |
andresmh | Jack_Sparrow, yeah, I figured :) but I was wondering if I should be a good ubuntu citizen and report the issues I had | 14:11 |
carsten | Jack: But that was the link you gave me ;-) | 14:11 |
Jack_Sparrow | andresmh, It cant hurt | 14:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | !bug | 14:12 |
ubottu | If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at | 14:12 |
andresmh | Jack_Sparrow, where would I report that? | 14:12 |
shubuntu | hey is there an undo for rm? | 14:12 |
Lunatikbunnie | alright, update going to install kernel, thanks for your help guys | 14:12 |
* Lunatikbunnie goes off | 14:12 | |
Jack_Sparrow | carsten, desktop sharing is what you asked about, what has that got to do with video.. or am I missing the question | 14:12 |
Chousuke | RUN351: can't read what? | 14:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | shubuntu, not a good one | 14:13 |
carsten | Jack: I asked why i could play the files under Xcfe, and not under Gnome and Kde :) | 14:13 |
shubuntu | i just deleted my apache2.conf.orig | 14:13 |
shubuntu | i really need it back | 14:13 |
shubuntu | this sucks | 14:13 |
RUN351 | chousuke:: the command you gave me | 14:13 |
RUN351 | I'm back at the root@ | 14:14 |
Chousuke | RUN351: show the exact error message. | 14:14 |
ortsvorsteher | shubuntu: no, there is no undo for rm. do you have a backup? | 14:14 |
shubuntu | not of that file no | 14:14 |
ortsvorsteher | !who | shubuntu | 14:14 |
ubottu | shubuntu: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 14:14 |
Chousuke | RUN351: run LANG=C sudo aptitude install policykit | 14:14 |
RUN351 | I can't.. I'm on my laptop and I'm trying to fix my pc | 14:14 |
ortsvorsteher | shubuntu: then it is lost. | 14:14 |
Chousuke | RUN351: you can type the exact message, can't you | 14:15 |
RUN351 | yes | 14:15 |
RUN351 | should I run lang c first? | 14:15 |
ortsvorsteher | !who | RUN351 | 14:15 |
ubottu | RUN351: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 14:15 |
Jack_Sparrow | carsten, Sorry, that was for another user... My mistake | 14:15 |
Chousuke | RUN351: no, type exactly "LANG=C sudo aptitude install policykit" to the command line, without the quotes | 14:16 |
carsten | Jack: It's okay :) | 14:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | riesss, You got the link on desktop sharing right | 14:16 |
White_FOX | Hi guys, how is this symbol called and how can i produce it on keyboard? | 14:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | carsten, video plays in ubuntu fine for me here.. and for most people, other than some tearing with effects and ususally with ati cards | 14:17 |
carsten | Jack: Ohh, i got ATI, i'm on IBM t60p... | 14:17 |
Jack_Sparrow | carsten, Once I turnd off effects on my laptop with ati things worked better | 14:18 |
carsten | Jack: I'll try look up a driver, if there is one, or do you now a hack ? | 14:18 |
scott8035 | I have an external monitor hooked up to my laptop, and I'm using both screens. Everything works fine EXCEPT the external monitors screen is partly duplicated onto the right edge of the laptop screen. Is there some magic trick to make this go away? | 14:18 |
Jack_Sparrow | !ati | 14:18 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 14:18 |
kebomix | #ubuntu-eg | 14:18 |
carsten | Jack: I'm running with no effects i think... | 14:19 |
andresmh | is there a place where I can see a log of all the udpates I've run using the Update Manager? | 14:19 |
Jack_Sparrow | carsten, I still have not had my morning coffee, so gimme a few and I may think of something.. brb.. need coffee now | 14:19 |
amkahal | can somebody help me with some wireless things | 14:19 |
carsten | Jack: I'll have a look at the driver thing in the meantime then, enjoy your coffee :) | 14:20 |
amkahal | wireless porblem help plz | 14:20 |
RUN351 | (chousuke)some how i'm getting the messege that it can't read the letter (i) | 14:21 |
amkahal | im new in this chat plz | 14:21 |
ortsvorsteher | !ask | amkahal | 14:21 |
ubottu | amkahal: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 14:21 |
Chousuke | RUN351: that makes no sense to me. | 14:22 |
spsneo | emdebian-tools package is not available in intrepid. what is the substitution? | 14:22 |
RUN351 | (chousuke) I will type the full messege in a few | 14:22 |
Chousuke | RUN351: don't put my name in parentheses, that ruins the highligh | 14:22 |
Chousuke | t | 14:22 |
Chousuke | I might miss your messages | 14:22 |
amkahal | sum budy helppppppppppppps meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee | 14:23 |
RUN351 | ok, thx | 14:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | !helpme > amkahal | 14:23 |
ubottu | amkahal, please see my private message | 14:23 |
saler | amkahal,type ur questions? | 14:23 |
Stormx2 | !u > saler | 14:23 |
ubottu | saler, please see my private message | 14:23 |
J-_ | Is there a command that will bring *everything* back to default on my LAMP server? | 14:24 |
amkahal | ok thx u guys | 14:24 |
J-_ | Probably not. lol | 14:24 |
amkahal | Please Help Me! Wireless Issue | 14:24 |
faileas | J-_: reinstall everything? ;p | 14:24 |
Stormx2 | J-_, I guess you could apt-get remove --purge | 14:24 |
Jack_Sparrow | !helpme > amkahal | 14:25 |
ubottu | amkahal, please see my private message | 14:25 |
Stormx2 | amkahal, ask a question. | 14:25 |
ortsvorsteher | !details | amkahal | 14:25 |
ubottu | amkahal: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." | 14:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | amkahal, Please ASK a well formed question.. all on one line .. Please dont post another helpme | 14:25 |
spsneo | emdebian-tools package is not available in intrepid. what is the substitution? | 14:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | spsneo, the link I gave you said there isnt really one... | 14:26 |
damnguyenvan | 888888888888 | 14:26 |
damnguyenvan | con mẹ mày | 14:26 |
Stormx2 | spsneo: I don't think there is one | 14:26 |
spsneo | Jack_Sparrow: it seems i missed the link | 14:26 |
spsneo | Jack_Sparrow: Stormx2 : Then what can i do for arm cross compiler environment on debian | 14:27 |
Oli``` | How can I restart the audio system without restarting the whole computer? It stuck while playing a video. I've now closed the player but it's still repeating a millisecond of sound. "/etc/init.d/alsa-utils stop" stops the sound but also everything else. When I start it again, the noise starts back up | 14:27 |
spsneo | or rather on ubuntu | 14:27 |
Jack_Sparrow | spsneo, no idea what people are using | 14:28 |
RUN351 | chousuke: E: Type 'i' is not known on line 56 in source list/etc/apt/sources.list that is the messege i get | 14:28 |
Chousuke | RUN351: ugh | 14:29 |
Chousuke | RUN351: your sources.list is corrupted :/ | 14:29 |
assistance | anyone know much about irqs? | 14:29 |
IrishDavid | hey, I'm using skype with pulse audio but it seems to be distorting the audio... is this common? | 14:29 |
RUN351 | chousuke:that is not good at all | 14:29 |
Chousuke | RUN351: it really starts to sound like the easiest solution for you would be to reinstall | 14:29 |
assistance | i'm getting irq 255 allocation failed when trying to bring up my wireless card. anyone around to help? | 14:29 |
luis_ | hello guys | 14:29 |
RUN351 | chousuke:i need somde files from my main ubuntu | 14:30 |
amkahal | anyone know much about wireless cards issues, talk to me on pm plz | 14:30 |
Chousuke | RUN351: hmmh | 14:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | spsneo, | 14:30 |
Stormx2 | amkahal: You're on thin ice. ASK A QUESTION | 14:30 |
Chousuke | RUN351: use the livecd to move them from the hard drive to someplace else? | 14:30 |
Stormx2 | !details | amkahal | 14:30 |
ubottu | amkahal: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." | 14:30 |
Blip | Hello Everyone. | 14:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | amkahal, Please, ASK a complete question and if someone knows they will answer | 14:30 |
amkahal | ok guys | 14:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | Stormx2, agreed | 14:31 |
RUN351 | chousuke: can i move also my webbrowser booksmark? | 14:31 |
Stormx2 | IrishDavid: It is. Don't try skype with pulseaudio. It doesn't work. To date the best solution for making it work is to temporarily suspend pulseaudio when using skype. Personally I just don't use pulseaudio at all. It's not ready | 14:31 |
Chousuke | hmmh | 14:31 |
Chousuke | RUN351: that might not be easy if you can't run the browser | 14:32 |
Jack_Sparrow | RUN351, did you save a copy /export them recently to a file | 14:32 |
luis_ | can somebody help me out, i have ubuntu here but because of my multifunctional i have to keep windows, the problem is that browsing any page take a long time, i did get into windows to check that and with it browsing is a breeze, i just install both whats wrong with ubuntu then??????? | 14:32 |
jim_p | is there a web interface for the configuration of nfs the way swat is for samba? | 14:32 |
=== DarkSmoke is now known as DS-Away | ||
RUN351 | chousuke:i can reinstall ubuntu, but there are files that i want to get i did not...not yet !! | 14:32 |
assistance | 1286 people in the room.... 1280 asking questions....could be here a while | 14:32 |
Stormx2 | luis_: I suppose you mean browsing the internet | 14:33 |
luis_ | yes | 14:33 |
luis_ | stormx2 | 14:33 |
Stormx2 | assistance, 99% of people in the room are idle | 14:33 |
Chousuke | RUN351: I don't think I can help much more :/ | 14:33 |
RUN351 | chousuke: i just want to pass over my password and then reboot normal and see what happens | 14:33 |
Stormx2 | luis_, Do you have custom DNS settings in Windows? | 14:33 |
RUN351 | ok, thanks :( | 14:33 |
Chousuke | RUN351: pass over? | 14:33 |
assistance | that might explain the general lack of response then. | 14:33 |
luis_ | no | 14:33 |
Chousuke | RUN351: did you forget your password? | 14:33 |
amkahal | everytime i quit the Kismet program, my intel 4965 wireless card got unknow state, so i can't connect in client mode to any AP, it still in Montior mode, anyone knows abt this?? | 14:33 |
andresmh | what key is "Button1"? | 14:34 |
Chousuke | !sources.list | 14:34 |
ubottu | The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at and - See for the recommended way to set up your repositories | 14:34 |
invi | is Ubuntu the most secure system ? | 14:34 |
luis_ | i just install fresh new last night | 14:34 |
Stormx2 | andresmh, your main mouse button (left click on a right handed mouse) | 14:34 |
Stormx2 | invi, no. | 14:34 |
RUN351 | no, my keyboard and mouse are disable before it can get a full boot up | 14:34 |
jim_p | amkahal, are you on ubuntu 8.10 AND using network manager? | 14:34 |
invi | Stormx2 which is it then ? | 14:34 |
Jack_Sparrow | RUN351, are they wireless or bluetooth something | 14:34 |
Chousuke | amkahal: you can try replacing your sources.list with something you can find from the RecommendedSources page. | 14:34 |
amkahal | jim_p, i have 8.04 hardy | 14:34 |
Stormx2 | invi, I don't know. How do you measure security? | 14:34 |
Chousuke | oh wait. | 14:35 |
Chousuke | sorry, no | 14:35 |
andrea_ | andrea | 14:35 |
=== invi is now known as invisible | ||
=== invisible is now known as inv | ||
jim_p | RUN351, or usb connected only | 14:35 |
RUN351 | chousuke: that is my main problem...old pc2 connected keyboard and mouse | 14:35 |
=== inv is now known as predat0r | ||
Chousuke | they should work | 14:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | invi, That question is not so much a support question as it is a discussion question... which we try to avoid. | 14:36 |
Chousuke | I can only guess that removing policykit broke things. | 14:36 |
joosep_ | hey, dows firestarter forward the dns automatically? | 14:36 |
Accidus | I'm having problems with my wired connection in Ubuntu 8.10 on a Dell Inspiron 1545. Submitting data and continual connections don't work properly. Noteable examples: Gmail disconnects frequently, browsing through Facebook fails repeatedly, posting stuff to forums/pastebin is problematic/impossible, I cannot login properly to bank accounts. Everything works fine on Vista, so my ISP claims it's not his fault. When I'm using a WiFi wireless connection, | 14:36 |
Accidus | everything seems to work fine. I've tried disabling the IPv6 module, but to no avail (this should only affect DNS lookup anyway, and that works fine). I've tried booting from CD, but the problem persists. Any ideas what I should do further? | 14:36 |
Chousuke | RUN351: you should replace your sources.list with something that works | 14:36 |
Stormx2 | joosep, DNS requests to your machine, or from your machine? | 14:36 |
luis_ | i had windows really slow so i digg a little and find out ubunt, so i decided to move to it, but then i couldnt use my multifunctional that is why i did make again new installation put wind and ubuntu, but somehow became really slow and test brwosin inteernet as well with ubuntu and to my surpise it became really fast like it never was, but ubuntu became really slow | 14:36 |
joosep_ | to | 14:36 |
Chousuke | RUN351: which version of ubuntu are you running? | 14:36 |
RUN351 | chousuke: i have tried this alread and the main server from DE is not updated | 14:37 |
jim_p | Accidus, use static ip and remove network manager since you are on wired | 14:37 |
RUN351 | chousuke: 8.10 intrepid | 14:37 |
Jack_Sparrow | luis_, Is ubuntu installed on its own partition or did you (ugh) use wubi | 14:37 |
Chousuke | RUN351: you need to run sudo aptitude update | 14:37 |
luis_ | on its own partition | 14:37 |
Jack_Sparrow | ty | 14:37 |
Chousuke | RUN351: and make sure you have NO errors in your sources.list file | 14:37 |
Chousuke | the "i" problem was because you had some error in it | 14:38 |
Stormx2 | Accidus, if possible, try temporarily using a wired connection, just to see if the problem lies with wifi, or somewhere else... | 14:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | RUN351, updated to what, the latest version of some package? | 14:38 |
luis_ | actually i did left the rest of my disk for ubuntu around 105 Meegas | 14:38 |
Accidus | jim_p: How do I go about that? | 14:38 |
Accidus | Stormx2: The problem is /not/ with WiFi | 14:39 |
Stormx2 | Accidus: Oh sorry, you're already on wired | 14:39 |
RUN351 | chousuke: thanks for your help......I BBL :) | 14:39 |
Stormx2 | My bad. | 14:39 |
Accidus | stormx2: As surprising as it sounds, WiFi works fine :) | 14:39 |
Stormx2 | Accidus, might possible be an IP conflict or something. as jim_p said, maybe use a static IP | 14:39 |
assistance | Am running Ibex from a fresh install. Tried to bring up my wireless card in terminal by ifconfig wlan0 up and i look at the syslog and i get the error rt2x00pci_initialize: error - IRQ 255 allocation failure (error -22). any assistance greatly appreciated. | 14:39 |
Accidus | Stormx2: As I said, I'm not sure I know how I can got about that. | 14:39 |
jim_p | Accidus, remove network manager the usual way, and install gnome-network-admin. the rest is pretty straight forward if you can assure a static ip | 14:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | Accidus, I dropped a $20 linksys into my pcmcia and no more issuers here | 14:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | !wifi | 14:40 |
ubottu | Wireless documentation can be found at | 14:40 |
Grab | hello, im new to ubuntu. i launched the installer, but how many partitions should i create ? | 14:40 |
Grab | that-s confusing | 14:40 |
asea168 | .tar.gz is ~~~ | 14:41 |
luis_ | so not a clue or how to fix this guuys??? | 14:41 |
Accidus | jack_sparrow: So basically you're saying I just need a router? | 14:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | Grab, I would create two ext3 one / root and one /home | 14:41 |
predat0r | only geeks here | 14:41 |
Stormx2 | Grab, There are a couple of automatic options in the installer. Can't you use them | 14:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | Accidus, No, I added a supported network card to my pcmcia slot | 14:41 |
Accidus | Ah, so you're saying the problems are with the Marvell driver? | 14:42 |
Accidus | <--- Jack_sparrow | 14:42 |
Jack_Sparrow | Accidus, It was a quick easy solution for me.. | 14:42 |
Grab | Stormx2: my hard disk has 2 partitions and there is 30 GB of free space between them 2 | 14:43 |
Grab | what should i select_ | 14:43 |
Grab | ? | 14:43 |
Accidus | That's an option. | 14:43 |
Jack_Sparrow | Accidus, Plus the pcmmmcia now has a true hardware modem so I can dialup if needed for faxes and such | 14:43 |
Accidus | I'm still not entirely convinced it's the driver though. I'm still skeptic about my ISP's claims | 14:43 |
Stormx2 | Grab: Is there an option like "use free space"? | 14:43 |
kaneda_ | is firefox 3.1 available in the repositories? | 14:44 |
Jack_Sparrow | Accidus, Let me correct that.. Xircom card is what I used | 14:44 |
kaneda_ | currently running firefox 3.0.5 on ubuntu amd64 8.10 | 14:44 |
Jack_Sparrow | !info firefox | 14:44 |
ubottu | firefox (source: firefox-3.0): meta package for the popular mozilla web browser. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.5+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.10.1 (intrepid), package size 67 kB, installed size 124 kB | 14:44 |
Stormx2 | Accidus: Are you currently not going through a router? | 14:44 |
jim_p | kaneda_, ff 3.1 is not even available topublic | 14:44 |
asea168 | Linux 内核系统体系结构 | 14:44 |
Jack_Sparrow | !cn | 14:45 |
ubottu | For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk | 14:45 |
Accidus | stormx2: Well, just as we speak, I'm sitting in a Cafe using WiFi | 14:45 |
kaneda_ | ah, thanks jim_p, Jack_Sparrow | 14:45 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 14:45 |
Grab | Stormx2: yes there is but it will create a single ext3 it normal? i remember Linux used 2 or 3 partitions (root, swap,...) | 14:45 |
kaneda_ | wonder what people on ubuntuforums are referring to then | 14:45 |
Stormx2 | Accidus, I meant on the connection you're troubleshooting | 14:45 |
kaneda_ | unless it's pre-release | 14:45 |
gui_ | hello | 14:45 |
Stormx2 | Grab, it's not how I'd do it, but its the most uncomplicated way | 14:45 |
Accidus | stormx2: In my apartment I don't have amy own router. there's an ethernet socket in my apartment that goes straight to the ISP, or whateve method the ISP uses. | 14:46 |
Jack_Sparrow | kancerman, We wont ever have the latest in the repos... unless security related.. | 14:46 |
asea168 | who can speak Chinese??? | 14:46 |
Accidus | (That's a dorm apartment) | 14:46 |
simion314 | hi, on my system the ubuntu 8.10 live CD cannot mount my partutuons, any ideea why and how to fix this? | 14:46 |
ortsvorsteher | !cn | asea168 | 14:46 |
ubottu | asea168: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk | 14:46 |
Jack_Sparrow | asea168, Please stay on topic.. I linked the cn channel for you | 14:46 |
Stormx2 | asea168, For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk | 14:46 |
Grab | Stormx2: so what do you suggest me to do ? im confused... | 14:46 |
Stormx2 | Grab: How much RAM do you have? | 14:47 |
Grab | Stormx2: 256 | 14:47 |
Grab | mb | 14:47 |
qdb | hello. what key combination is to go to gnome main menu? | 14:47 |
Stormx2 | millibits? ouch. | 14:47 |
x1250 | :) | 14:47 |
jim_p | qdb, alt+f1 | 14:47 |
qdb | thanks | 14:48 |
Stormx2 | Grab, tentatively I'd say 20GB /home, 9.5GB /, 0.5GB swap | 14:48 |
rccu | tentacle-tively | 14:48 |
Grab | ok thanks Stormx2 | 14:48 |
Grab | btw i didnt expect to find it hard | 14:48 |
Grab | here | 14:48 |
Grab | to isntall ubuntu | 14:49 |
Grab | thought it was improved | 14:49 |
Grab | the install process | 14:49 |
Jack_Sparrow | !enter > grab | 14:49 |
ubottu | grab, please see my private message | 14:49 |
Stormx2 | It's as easy if not easier than the Windows install process. | 14:49 |
Stormx2 | Windows won't resize your partitions for you, and it'll overwrite any existing bootloaders, etc | 14:49 |
Jack_Sparrow | Grab, it is very easy if you use the whole partition like windows does.. at least we setup dual boot, windows wont do that | 14:50 |
Slart | ngh.. I wish linux would stop setting what windows does as some kind of goal.. | 14:50 |
Jack_Sparrow | agreed | 14:51 |
Grab | Jack_Sparrow: are you telling me to use 1 partition only? | 14:51 |
Grab | no swap one ? | 14:51 |
Jack_Sparrow | Grab, nope, just that the install is quicker and easier if you wdo that, certainly not any better | 14:51 |
ubuntu | How do I reconstruct my sw raid0 from livecd? | 14:51 |
Stormx2 | Slart, a lot of the time, windows offers a very realistic and achievable goal. Linux goes for what Windows does well and improves what it fails on. | 14:52 |
Jack_Sparrow | !raid > ubuntu | 14:52 |
ubottu | ubuntu, please see my private message | 14:52 |
Slart | Stormx2: well.. that's one way to see it, agreed | 14:52 |
gui_ | no | 14:52 |
Grab | Jack_Sparrow: excuse me if i insist: in the installer i selected: use free space. so it created a whole ext3 partition. is it ok? shouldnt it create a swap partition as well ? | 14:53 |
ganesh | where are gtk themes stored in file system? | 14:53 |
Jack_Sparrow | Grab, yes, swap and we recommend a separate /home as well | 14:53 |
Stormx2 | A lot of Windows software is miles ahead of Linux software. IIS, EAC, Office 2007, Photoshop, etc. | 14:53 |
jim_p | ganesh, /usr/share/themes | 14:53 |
Jack_Sparrow | Grab, Just like two of us suggested. | 14:53 |
ubuntu | Jack_Sparrow: that was totally useless. | 14:53 |
jim_p | Stormx2, seriously, do you even think IIS as a good piece of software? | 14:54 |
Jack_Sparrow | ubuntu, I advise pppeople NOT to use these soft/fake raid solutions.. to avoid what you are going through now | 14:54 |
jim_p | Stormx2, i agree about Photoshop and Office, but what is EAC? | 14:54 |
ubuntu | Jack_Sparrow: I'm not using fakeraid. At what point did I say that. | 14:54 |
ganesh | jim_p:where ll gdm themes be?is it possible to extract picture from gdm themes? | 14:55 |
Grab | thanks everybody for help | 14:55 |
Stormx2 | jim_p: I administrated a site that was using 120TB of bandwidth monthly. Apache couldn't cut it, not even close. nginx we eventually settled on, but IIS was more stable and such. It's just the windows transition would be too great. | 14:55 |
Grab | bye | 14:55 |
Stormx2 | jim_p, Exact Audio Copy | 14:55 |
Jack_Sparrow | ubuntu, if you were using a true hardware raid you would not be having this discussion | 14:55 |
jim_p | ganesh, give me a sec to look for gdm | 14:55 |
ubuntu | Jack_Sparrow: I very clearly stated I was using sw raid in my original request. Try to keep up. | 14:56 |
jim_p | Stormx2, :| | 14:56 |
Stormx2 | ubuntu, do you want help or not? don't be so rude | 14:56 |
andresmh | after updating libv4l-0 my builtin webcam stopped working, is there a way to downgrade to the previous version? | 14:56 |
ubuntu | Is there a way to check CD integrity from the live environment? | 14:56 |
Jack_Sparrow | ubuntu, DOnt be rude.. | 14:56 |
ubuntu | I will cease rudeness if others will cease cluelessness. what's the point of sending me 3 different links that have nothing to do with my question? | 14:57 |
moldy_ | 120tb/month is not that much traffic... if apache could not handle this, you did something wrong | 14:57 |
dft | Stormx2: I manage the third largest website/busiest in Canada on apache and we have no stability issues | 14:57 |
=== zerwas_ is now known as peter4241 | ||
Stormx2 | ubuntu, yep, but i'm not telling you :> | 14:57 |
Stormx2 | Nice one Jack_Sparrow. | 14:57 |
ShiftWreck | ubuntu man md5sum | 14:57 |
ubuntu | Wait, I point out that you're clueless so you kick me? | 14:57 |
dft | Stormx2: honestly in my experience it's the coding that makes or breaks a quality website | 14:57 |
Stormx2 | !attitude | ubuntu | 14:58 |
ubottu | ubuntu: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See | 14:58 |
Slart | ubuntu: can't you just setup the raid without initializing it?.. I don't use sw raid anymore so I don't remember the syntax | 14:58 |
pw-toxic | dft, so if you want a high qulity website - ask me. If you pay good.. :D | 14:58 |
dft | ubuntu: show some respect we're all here to help | 14:59 |
Stormx2 | What an asshole. Jesus. | 14:59 |
Stormx2 | dft, we were working from a pretty horrible codebase, to be fair | 14:59 |
dft | pw-toxic: I don't manage the programmers, just the platform | 14:59 |
pw-toxic | Stormx2, start anew? :d | 14:59 |
Stormx2 | pw-toxic, it's more difficult than you think, heh. | 15:00 |
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pw-toxic | Stormx2, i know ;) thats why i appended a ":D" | 15:00 |
dft | Stormx2: I understand completely, our codebase is a mess too, but that's for the dev team to sort out but we all know when that's going to happen;) | 15:00 |
asea168 | go to bed,bye bye! | 15:00 |
Stormx2 | Lol ;D | 15:01 |
Pirate_Hunter | what is the replacemetnt file for /etc/inittab, it is supposed to name all the tty terminals? | 15:01 |
Stormx2 | Jack_Sparrow, ubuntu has brought it to PM with me :/ | 15:01 |
b0b0 | got ths msg when i did sudo airmon-ng start wlan0 ............wlan0 iwlagn - [phy0]/usr/local/sbin/airmon-ng: 856: | 15:01 |
dft | Sheesh, gl Stormx2 | 15:01 |
b0b0 | i've read a lot of articles but didnt help me | 15:01 |
b0b0 | can someone help me? | 15:02 |
Jack_Sparrow | Stormx2, set to ignore | 15:02 |
dft | Pirate_Hunter: I don't believe there is a replacement for inittab, what are you trying to do? | 15:02 |
Stormx2 | b0b0: Is your card supported? | 15:02 |
b0b0 | last time yes when i use ubuntu 8.04 | 15:02 |
b0b0 | at least can use airodump-ng | 15:03 |
b0b0 | but now not at all | 15:03 |
b0b0 | stuck at airmon-ng start wlan0 | 15:03 |
Jack_Sparrow | !enter | 15:03 |
ubottu | Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 15:03 |
ganesh | jim_p: i got thanx.. | 15:03 |
dft | b0b0: is your wireless tranceiver turned on? | 15:03 |
dft | I used to have that problem on my laptop, with freebsd | 15:03 |
Mejborg | Hi! I have tried to install ubuntu 8.10 for 3 hours now, i have read the manual but it does not seem to solve my problem. Can anyone help me? | 15:04 |
b0b0 | sorry to ask u this dft... how? :-) | 15:04 |
dft | b0b0: are you on a laptop? | 15:04 |
b0b0 | yes dft | 15:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | Mejborg, Please explain the problem you are having | 15:04 |
barthez | he | 15:04 |
barthez | hey | 15:04 |
b0b0 | its Dell Vostro 1200 | 15:04 |
DarkKnight | hey i have pidgin but i can't make a call to there any solution | 15:04 |
Apocalyps | is theare a similar tool on ubuntu like fedora's liveusb-creator? | 15:04 |
dft | b0b0: there should be a button or function key to turn on the wireless antenna | 15:04 |
b0b0 | Linux ubuntu 2.6.27-7-generic #1 SMP Tue Nov 4 19:33:20 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux | 15:04 |
psicobra | hi all | 15:04 |
b0b0 | im using it now dft | 15:05 |
Jack_Sparrow | !usb | 15:05 |
ubottu | For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see - For a persistent live USB install, see: | 15:05 |
b0b0 | its basically connected to unsecured wireless ne | 15:05 |
b0b0 | its basically connected to unsecured wireless net | 15:05 |
Apocalyps | DarkKnight: use Skype to call or on the web | 15:05 |
dft | b0b0: okay, so it's not the hardware at this point | 15:05 |
dft | b0b0: what security methods are you using? | 15:06 |
Stormx2 | DarkKnight, Pidgin doesn't support Audio/Video. Take a look at amsn for MSN support, or Skype. | 15:06 |
b0b0 | dft... im actually quite new with linux... so i didnt get your quest just now :-) | 15:06 |
b0b0 | appreciate your time to help me | 15:06 |
dft | b0b0: what security methods are you using? wep, wap radius? | 15:06 |
DarkKnight | Stormx2; using skype can we login with yahoo | 15:07 |
b0b0 | wep i guess | 15:07 |
HellFire-Au | hi guys, anyone around to help me with a dhclient error when using a network bridge? | 15:07 |
Stormx2 | DarkKnight, no. skype operates its own network | 15:07 |
DarkKnight | Stormx2; so which one supports yahoo | 15:07 |
Stormx2 | DarkKnight, hold on, I'll see | 15:07 |
b0b0 | root@ubuntu:/home/user/Desktop/iw-0.9.6# sudo make install | 15:08 |
b0b0 | INST iw | 15:08 |
b0b0 | INST iw.8 | 15:08 |
dft | b0b0: make sure your keys match up then, it's all I can think of at the moment | 15:08 |
b0b0 | was that success? | 15:09 |
Paddy_EIRE | not you are flooding the channel | 15:09 |
dft | b0b0: you're installing iwi drivers from src? | 15:09 |
carsten | Is it possible to make a cd with ubuntu on, without all the program, only the basics, and gnome, and maybe with some programs of my own choice ? | 15:09 |
Jack_Sparrow | carsten, yes, remasterer | 15:09 |
b0b0 | i've follow from some articles... and i understand that the latest | 15:09 |
Jack_Sparrow | !remaster | 15:09 |
ubottu | Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: or use tools such as or | 15:09 |
carsten | Jack: Is it don from the install cd, or from download ? | 15:10 |
Paddy_EIRE | carsten, read those links and find out :) | 15:10 |
b0b0 | 1 more thing... last time when i use ubuntu 8.04.. i can see my wireless is loaded in airdriver-ng loaded | 15:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | carsten, The links show you what you are asking in detail | 15:10 |
Fun | hi | 15:10 |
b0b0 | but now not loaded | 15:11 |
carsten | Paddy: / Jack: I'll do so, thx :) | 15:11 |
b0b0 | Found following stacks loaded (as module): | 15:11 |
b0b0 | 2. mac80211 | 15:11 |
Jack_Sparrow | carsten, try the uck link | 15:11 |
b0b0 | suppose to be 14. Intel Pro Wireless 4965 A/B/G/N - mac80211 | 15:12 |
dft | carsten: | 15:12 |
Mejborg | Allright, and thanks. Explanation: I have downloaded the ubuntu iso file, tjecked if it was downloaded properly, burned it, tjecked if it was burned properly (in the booting menu).. EVERYTHING IS ALLRIGHT. So then I choose 'install ubuntu', go tru the steps.. However, when it is finish, im only in the livecd-mode.. And in the notification area there is this message:'crash, sorry the program Ubiquits closed unexpectedly' | 15:12 |
carsten | dft: I'll have a look at that too , thx :) | 15:12 |
b0b0 | dft... how do i install latest driver for Intel Pro Wireless 4965 A/B/G/N ? | 15:13 |
HellFire-Au | anyone got a minute to help me with dhclient? when i setup a network bridge it fails to work showing no dhcpoffers found, although it works fine with the bridge removed | 15:13 |
Mejborg | Anyone who can help me? | 15:14 |
dft | b0b0: one sec | 15:14 |
psicobra | Mejborg, whats the problem | 15:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | psicobra, look up | 15:15 |
psicobra | just have | 15:15 |
Jack_Sparrow | Mejborg, from live session you click install and it crashes? | 15:15 |
Stormx2 | psicobra: Read up | 15:15 |
psicobra | Mejborg, you installing from live cd? | 15:16 |
dft | b0b0: what does run 'lspci' from a terminal | 15:16 |
b0b0 | hold on | 15:16 |
dft | wow, I need coffee | 15:16 |
Mejborg | jack, yep, i tried that too.. And the same happens - i end up in the livecd-mode | 15:16 |
b0b0 | dft.. a alot | 15:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | Mejborg, the installer never runs? | 15:16 |
psicobra | Mejborg, but the live enviroment works fine? | 15:16 |
Stormx2 | b0b0: You know that aircrack-ng doesn't necessarily support your card, even if your card works normally, right? | 15:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | Mejborg, Is this a Dell or HP by chance | 15:16 |
b0b0 | yeap | 15:17 |
b0b0 | only in 8.10 | 15:17 |
Mejborg | psicobra - yes, the live environment works fine | 15:17 |
dft | Stormx2: ty for that injection, I'm not all familiar with aircrack-ng | 15:17 |
b0b0 | 8.04 at least can dump | 15:17 |
Mejborg | jack - what do you mean? :) | 15:17 |
Jack_Sparrow | majnoon, what hardware | 15:17 |
Mejborg | Jack, no - its an Acer Travelmate 2400 | 15:17 |
Jack_Sparrow | sorry majnoon | 15:17 |
psicobra | and when you click install did you erase all hard drive partitions ? | 15:17 |
b0b0 | dft... ths is what im using.. 01:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 4965 AG or AGN [Kedron] Network Connection (rev 61) | 15:18 |
Mejborg | Yes, it said that.. In the partioning step i choosed 'guided - use entire diske' | 15:18 |
Jack_Sparrow | b0b0, we discourage discussion on aircrack in here, they have their own channel.. a bit slow, but it is still there | 15:18 |
dft | Mejborg: try the alternate install cd, I had to do this to bypass some initiall video problems with the installer | 15:19 |
b0b0 | owh | 15:19 |
psicobra | dft i get the ipression he has already done that | 15:19 |
OperaUserX | Hi, I'm having problems getting VLC to output video to screen 1 in fullscreen mode (video is opened on screen 0 instead). It worked in Ubuntu 8.04 and now I can't get it to work in 8.10 | 15:19 |
b0b0 | i think better if i stick here since dft hardly try to help me :-) | 15:20 |
b0b0 | hope u dont mind | 15:20 |
Mejborg | dft: sorry, but dont know exactly what that disk is.. I have just downloaded the 'normal' ubuntu 8.10 and burned it | 15:20 |
psicobra | Mejborg, there are different options one is live cd the other is an alternative install cd | 15:21 |
dft | Mejborg: the "alternate" install doesn't use the graphical installer | 15:21 |
Jack_Sparrow | b0b0, please take it to pm with him.. thanks | 15:21 |
b0b0 | Jack_Sparrow, will try | 15:22 |
psicobra | Mejborg, what country are you in | 15:22 |
jackmcbarn | i cant hear anything from my right speaker/headphone on ubuntu. it works when i use a livecd though | 15:22 |
Mejborg | dft: aha.. So i can just download the alternative cd from and then burn it? | 15:22 |
psicobra | yes | 15:22 |
dft | Mejborg: exacte | 15:23 |
OperaUserX | Anyone been able to get VLC to output to screen 1 in fullscreen mode in 8.10 (Nvidia) ? | 15:23 |
test34 | Anyway to downgrade to 8.04 from 8.10? | 15:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | test34, nope | 15:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | !downgrade | 15:23 |
ubottu | Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system. | 15:23 |
test34 | thanks Jack.. I guess I'll have to reinstall | 15:24 |
DarkKnight | Stormx2; so did you come across anything | 15:24 |
Jack_Sparrow | test34, You can try and save /home | 15:24 |
saler | :) | 15:24 |
Mejborg | dft + psicobra: great! I try to do that then.. thanks a lot | 15:24 |
jackmcbarn | so why wouldnt my right speaker work? | 15:24 |
Stormx2 | DarkKnight: Yahoo released a linux version of yim back in 2003, but it doesn't look worth the effort | 15:24 |
dft | Mejborg: gl | 15:24 |
psicobra | Mejborg, good luck | 15:24 |
byx | 请问大家有没有可以把AVI格式转成RM的工具? | 15:24 |
Jack_Sparrow | !cn | 15:25 |
ubottu | For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk | 15:25 |
DarkKnight | Stormx2; okk so no alternative | 15:25 |
byx | OK | 15:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | :) | 15:25 |
Stormx2 | DarkKnight: Just use skype. srsly | 15:26 |
test34 | Jack_Sparrow, I have /home on a separate partition .. I just didn't want to have to reinstall all the programs manually | 15:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | DarkKnight, skype works very well for me too | 15:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | !clone | 15:26 |
ubottu | To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude --disable-columns --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate | 15:26 |
jim_p | what do i do when a package requires the x version of another package and i already have y version of it installed?? y version is newer than x | 15:26 |
DarkKnight | Stormx2, Jack_Sparrow; but then i can't use yahoo isn't it...i wanted to use the video/audio support for yahoo account | 15:27 |
jim_p | i use a local repo for all the .debs that i get from the net and i always use apt for installation | 15:28 |
OperaUserX | I need to get VLC to output to another screen (TV) in fullscreen mode? The screen is there and correctly configured. | 15:28 |
Jack_Sparrow | darkham, there is supposed to be some plugin for pidgin, but I have not tried it | 15:28 |
Jack_Sparrow | jim_p, Local repo, or official supported repos | 15:29 |
gabriela | hello | 15:29 |
gabriela | could you please help me with picasa, how can i show only pictures with no album? | 15:29 |
jim_p | Jack_Sparrow, i do have a local repo. local as in "on my drive" and i maintain it daily! | 15:29 |
DarkKnight | Stormx2, Jack_Sparrow; isn't it possible for a yahoo account | 15:29 |
gabriela | i mean pictures which aren't in any album | 15:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | jim_p, But the source of those debs is my question, where did they come from | 15:30 |
rueffer | i have an ipod that will not work with any of the compatible software programs available. does anyone know how to open your ipod to access your music | 15:30 |
OperaUserX | gabriela: This is Ubuntu support channel, not google | 15:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | !ipod | 15:30 |
ubottu | For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod | 15:30 |
jim_p | Jack_Sparrow, from online sites. eg the flashplayer deb or the wbar deb | 15:30 |
kaneda_ | !RockBox | 15:30 |
ubottu | rockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See to get started! | 15:30 |
rueffer | thank you | 15:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | jim_p, right, unsupported repos | 15:31 |
jim_p | Jack_Sparrow, true. | 15:31 |
x1250 | gabriela, is this what you need? | 15:31 |
gabriela | OperaUserX, is there any google support channel? | 15:31 |
jim_p | Jack_Sparrow, can i be more specific? | 15:31 |
alex_sleiborg | Hey. I've got problems with my wlan, it used to work. And know it suddenly can't find any wireless network at all? | 15:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | jim_p, which leads to broken dependencies and the types of problems you are now going to have and probably a really broken system at the next upgrade | 15:31 |
blueacid | alex_sleiborg, you on a laptop or desktop? | 15:32 |
alex_sleiborg | blueacid: laptop | 15:32 |
jim_p | Jack_Sparrow, wait to give you a clue | 15:32 |
blueacid | alex_sleiborg, and if on a laptop, is there any hardware switch to adjust the wlan? on my thinkpad, Fn+F5 is the wireless lan power switch. Look for one of those; it might be that the hardware is turned off | 15:32 |
jim_p | Jack_Sparrow, i put the wbar deb in there, that as all apps has dependencies. using the local repo and apt i managed to install wbar and its dependencies at once with apt-get install wbar | 15:33 |
jim_p | ok so far? | 15:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | jim_p, understood.. | 15:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | jim_p, but doing that will brealk other things | 15:34 |
DarkKnight | Stormx2, Jack_Sparrow; isn't it possible for a yahoo account | 15:34 |
alex_sleiborg | blueacid: You have might a point there. I'll tjek that out | 15:34 |
sharperguy | If I delete my .wine folder (and hence get rid off all the installed applications), how do I get rid of all the entry's in the Wine->Programs menu? | 15:34 |
jim_p | Jack_Sparrow, what can it break since apt is aware of it?! i do not compile from source! | 15:34 |
jim_p | sharperguy, alacarte | 15:34 |
Jack_Sparrow | jim_p, If you change a source and still use apt-get, you can still trash your system.. seriously | 15:34 |
Jack_Sparrow | !debian | 15:34 |
ubottu | Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu! | 15:34 |
jim_p | Jack_Sparrow, i did not change a source! | 15:35 |
kiasanth | anyone know how to make this work with filename with spaces in them? md5sum `find . -type f | awk '/.\// { print substr($0, 3) }'` >DEBIAN/md5sums | 15:35 |
sharperguy | jim_p, menu editing doesn't work the same for the wine->Programs bit... It seems to be generating the from somewhere so it wont let you edit/delete them | 15:35 |
gabriela | x1250: nope :-( | 15:35 |
blueacid | Has anyone had the problem when a rogue program can essentially freeze Ubuntu? I just had to reboot thanks to exaile | 15:36 |
jim_p | Jack_Sparrow, i just put them in a local folder, generate a packages.gz, and install them through apt. dont ask me to explain how do i generate the packages.gz list! | 15:36 |
psicobra | i can't believe how well compiz-fusion is running on the lappy with a nasty intel card | 15:36 |
blueacid | X completely slowed down, mouse movements were delayed by 30 secs, audio playback was stuttering, system didn't respond to CTRL+ALT+F1 or Ct+alt+backspace - had to hold power button and reboot. | 15:36 |
blueacid | psicobra, same here - my laptop's ATI 7500 runs smooth as silk! | 15:37 |
Jack_Sparrow | jim_p, I am not asking you how to generate the list, just telling you why you have a problem | 15:37 |
Jack_Sparrow | blueacid, I have one of those too.. antique | 15:37 |
sharperguy | jim_p, or not? Wasn't working on a different computer anyway... | 15:37 |
kiasanth | jim_p: generate a package list for your repos with apt-ftparchive generate apt-ftparchive.conf, assuming that was a question hehe | 15:37 |
jim_p | Jack_Sparrow, but apt is aware of it! why would it make a problem? everything is packaged to a deb | 15:38 |
psicobra | blueacid, whats funny is this laptop with vista on it won't handle aero witch has no where near the effects | 15:38 |
jc-denton | hi all | 15:38 |
jc-denton | i still have feisty on my server | 15:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | !debian > jim_p | 15:38 |
ubottu | jim_p, please see my private message | 15:38 |
jc-denton | to what should i upgrade? | 15:38 |
jc-denton | also i don't have physical access to this box | 15:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | jc-denton, You must follow the cycle up | 15:38 |
jc-denton | ? | 15:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | !upgrade | 15:38 |
ubottu | For upgrading, see the instructions at | 15:38 |
blueacid | psicobra, this is a Pentium M 1.5Ghz, 768meg ram, ati 7500 32meg ram. Vista would run terribly on this, ubuntu's (largely) ok! | 15:38 |
jc-denton | is feisty not supported anymore? | 15:39 |
jim_p | Jack_Sparrow, i did NOT use a debian repo! i am not an idiot to confuse local with debian repos!!!! | 15:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | jc-denton, feisty has reached eol | 15:39 |
jim_p | local = on my gdd | 15:39 |
jim_p | *hdd | 15:39 |
jc-denton | hrmm | 15:39 |
Mejborg | Just want to be sure.. It is the 'ubuntu-8.10-alternate-i386.iso.torrent' I have to download, right? | 15:39 |
jc-denton | next time i install windows server | 15:39 |
jc-denton | so two questions | 15:39 |
jc-denton | to what shall i change the /etc/apt/sources.list | 15:39 |
jc-denton | and | 15:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | jim_p, How do you know what the debs you got from an outside source were designed to be run on | 15:40 |
Mejborg | .. for the 'normal' alternate version? | 15:40 |
jim_p | jc-denton, even debian 3 support ended a while ago! please upgrade | 15:40 |
jc-denton | how do i ensure that my ssh access to the box does not break | 15:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | jc-denton, sudo do-release-upgrade | 15:40 |
minus18_pundit | i cant get my adsl network setup done, anyone out there to help? | 15:41 |
jim_p | Jack_Sparrow, could this .deb not be designed for my system? | 15:41 |
jim_p | Jack_Sparrow, it says " .deb for ubuntu 8.04+ " | 15:41 |
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Jack_Sparrow | jim_p, that one should be fine.. any others.. since you have a mismatched dependency issue | 15:42 |
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jim_p | Jack_Sparrow, and... are all the debs found in designed to be on ubuntu regardless of version?? no, but people are encouraged to get them | 15:42 |
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smerz | ##openvpn :You need to be identified to join that channel ? I need to register my nick or something? | 15:42 |
Jack_Sparrow | jim_p, We do not encourage people to use getdeb.. | 15:42 |
maxbaldwin | smerz: yep. | 15:43 |
jim_p | Jack_Sparrow, the one that has a dependency "failure" is there from 2007! back then gnome was on 2.18 or something | 15:43 |
maxbaldwin | smerz: /msg NickServ help register | 15:43 |
Jack_Sparrow | jim_p, It is a last resort for people wanting the latest of a package inspite of the dangers | 15:43 |
kiasanth | Jack_Sparrow: "we"? are you an ubuntu developer? | 15:43 |
smerz | thankyou sir :) | 15:43 |
maxbaldwin | sir your welcome. | 15:43 |
smerz | it's so differrent everywhere | 15:43 |
jim_p | Jack_Sparrow, ok excuse me if you dont encourage people to do so, i do the same as you. | 15:43 |
Mejborg | Little question, anyone: If i want to download the alternate version for a normal laptop, 'ubuntu-8.10-alternate-i386.iso.torrent' is the right one to pick, right? | 15:43 |
maxbaldwin | freenode is nickserv, so... easier I guess. | 15:44 |
jim_p | Jack_Sparrow, so, it seems my last resort is to remake a .deb? | 15:44 |
blueacid | Mejborg, yep go for it - that's right | 15:44 |
blueacid | Mejborg, unless it's a newer laptop and you want 64 bit | 15:44 |
Jack_Sparrow | jim_p, Build from source... yep | 15:44 |
blueacid | Mejborg, but 32 bit will run fine on a 64 bit processor, so you'll be fine with that, fire up that torrent client! | 15:44 |
Mejborg | blueacid: great, thanks! | 15:44 |
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jim_p | Jack_Sparrow, btw, i tested the adobe .deb for flashplayer on debian, and it worked better than the one on its repos :P | 15:45 |
maxbaldwin | smerz: if you need more help registering, you can /msg me or go to #freenode and ask | 15:45 |
smerz | nah im used to irc thanks | 15:45 |
maxbaldwin | ok. | 15:45 |
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Jack_Sparrow | jim_p, I was only telling you why you have the problem. Discussions are reservered for other channels.. this is support | 15:46 |
kiasanth | anyone know how to make this work with filename with spaces in them? md5sum `find . -type f | awk '/.\// { print substr($0, 3) }'` >DEBIAN/md5sums | 15:48 |
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Grell | anyone here use virtualbox? | 15:48 |
maxbaldwin | kiasanth: no, but you could use 'mv' and change the spaces to underscores, and do it. | 15:48 |
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unop | kiasanth, did you get an answer to your question? | 15:49 |
Scurz | hi | 15:49 |
kiasanth | unop: no | 15:49 |
Grell | the mouse isnt being caught when i have compiz on, when its off though, it works fine, i want it to work with compiz on | 15:49 |
JimmyZ | anyone know why skydomes and cube caps dont work | 15:49 |
kiasanth | maxbaldwin: I need the filenames to have spaces | 15:49 |
JimmyZ | ?????? | 15:49 |
maxbaldwin | Grell: The people in #virtualbox or ##virtualbox could | 15:49 |
Sa[i]nT | Hello. | 15:49 |
unop | kiasanth, why not this way?? find . -type f -exec md5sum {} \; | 15:49 |
Jack_Sparrow | Grell, many of us do.. please ask your question or /join #vbox or I have a decent link for you | 15:50 |
kiasanth | unop, because I'm no shell expert and got my command line from a web site :) | 15:50 |
Tetracomm | Hello. | 15:50 |
Jack_Sparrow | Grell, Perhaps the people in #compiz will know as well | 15:50 |
Scurz | I'm setting a printer, but I get some problems, this is an epson SX105, if I print a page test, it works fine but if I print a web page, I get this error : "Can't write page 1 image" ; any ideas ? | 15:50 |
psicobra | Mejborg, ay luck? | 15:50 |
psicobra | *any | 15:50 |
unop | kiasanth, ok - what's the command line trying to do? | 15:50 |
kiasanth | make an md5sums file for my deb file | 15:51 |
smerz | Grell: you installed the guest drivers? (For instance Windows XP drivers for virtualbox) | 15:51 |
Tetracomm | How do I change the Ubuntu logo that shows above the progress bar when the operating system is booting? | 15:51 |
kiasanth | with a line for each file in the format <MD5SUM> <Filename> | 15:51 |
SlimeyPete | !splash | 15:52 |
ubottu | To change the Gnome splash screen, use !gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor. | 15:52 |
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Scurz | no idea? | 15:52 |
SlimeyPete | not sure if that's the right one | 15:52 |
sartak_ | I keep getting a "No python opengl installed" error when I try to use 3d graphics which I dont understand since I have the ATI radeon driver ect installed | 15:52 |
sartak_ | how do I resolve this? | 15:52 |
jim_p | Tetracomm, to do this you have to hack the usplash | 15:52 |
SlimeyPete | !usplash | 15:52 |
ubottu | To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See for adding your custom artwork | 15:52 |
kiasanth | unop: example: 602ecb4bd0d6507d917c15ed4cdca976 DEBIAN/control | 15:52 |
SlimeyPete | ah, that's the one | 15:52 |
jc-denton | Jack_Sparrow: it's not recommended to upgrade over ssh | 15:52 |
Tetracomm | jim_p: How? | 15:52 |
jc-denton | how else should i upgrade then | 15:52 |
SlimeyPete | Tetracomm: I think you want uslpash, as above | 15:53 |
jc-denton | vnc? | 15:53 |
Jack_Sparrow | jc-denton, Over ssh.. I must have missed that | 15:53 |
jim_p | !usplash | Tetracomm | 15:53 |
ubottu | Tetracomm: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See for adding your custom artwork | 15:53 |
Tetracomm | Thank you. :) | 15:53 |
Jack_Sparrow | jc-denton, Sorry, I was in the middle of another question at that time | 15:53 |
jc-denton | then it suggests to start another sshd on another port | 15:53 |
jc-denton | ok | 15:53 |
jc-denton | but that's not the point | 15:53 |
unop | kiasanth, find . -type f -exec md5sum {} \; | perl -lpe 's[\.\/][]' | 15:53 |
jc-denton | it will install another kernel also | 15:53 |
jc-denton | sio | 15:54 |
jc-denton | so | 15:54 |
kiasanth | unop: thx, I'll give it a shot | 15:54 |
jc-denton | how can i ensure that menu.lst file will be correct | 15:54 |
unop | kiasanth, in any case - you want to make sure as best you can - that filenames do not have spaces in them - this is a debian packaging guideline | 15:54 |
jc-denton | and that everything works after reboot | 15:54 |
jc-denton | is there a guide or something on the ubuntu wiki? | 15:54 |
kiasanth | unop: oh? I didn't realise, I guess I should have read the instructions more carefully | 15:55 |
sartak_ | how do I go about installing opengl support on my system? | 15:55 |
AslanMad | Hi, I am logged in ubuntu Live CD, and I have ubuntu installed on the harddisk, but I am facing some issues that I need to fix, so how can I, from LiveCD, from console, manage the installed system as if logged in through command line and at the same time share internet connection of the LiveCD? I've done this before, but i lost the steps. Please help | 15:55 |
JimmyZ | is there a channel for compiz problems? | 15:55 |
bastid_raZor | JimmyZ; #compiz-fusion | 15:56 |
JimmyZ | thanks | 15:56 |
Jonesy44 | Hello | 15:56 |
smerz | AslanMad: you wanna quickly configure the LiveCD system thats running into a router? | 15:57 |
sartak_ | wtf am i invisible | 15:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | jc-denton, There are no quarantees... Just have a good backup and follow the best advice you can find.. I dont do much remote work these days so I am not the person to ask | 15:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | sarmisak, Please dont do that | 15:58 |
|alex_sleiborg| | how do i make a directory like "E books" with mkdir, when i create the directory i olny being called "E"? | 15:58 |
maxbaldwin | !wtf | sartak_ | 15:58 |
ubottu | sartak_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 15:58 |
Slart | |alex_sleiborg|: use E\ books | 15:58 |
|alex_sleiborg| | Thanks :) | 15:58 |
Slart | |alex_sleiborg|: that works for some other special characters too.. | 15:58 |
Slart | |alex_sleiborg|: you're welcome | 15:59 |
maxbaldwin | sartak_: how about open a terminal and 'sudo apt-get install opengl' or something? | 15:59 |
sartak_ | no | 15:59 |
AslanMad | smerz: kind of (if I got you) ... I want to manage the installed system to connect it to the internet and install required packages that are preventing me from logging in to the system. | 15:59 |
sartak_ | that dont do it | 15:59 |
sartak_ | same prob still here | 15:59 |
Jack_Sparrow | sartak_, which release are you using? | 16:00 |
harlemdavvey | hi guys! how can i disinstall my firefox by terminal?? | 16:00 |
maxbaldwin | sartak_: so you just want to find a package? | 16:00 |
soulchild | Hi all, there a way to delete dev-pakage that have been installed with "apt-get build-dep ..." ? | 16:00 |
smerz | AslanMad: network connectivity was not done automatically on your main system but is done on the live cd? | 16:00 |
dot | so heello again | 16:00 |
maxbaldwin | soulchild: do you know the package name? | 16:01 |
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Jack_Sparrow | harlemdavvey, sudo apt-get reinstall..purge..remove application etc | 16:01 |
soulchild | maxbaldwin: the command was "apt-get build-dep amsn" | 16:01 |
sartak_ | I am using Ubuntu 8.10 | 16:01 |
Slart | harlemdavvey: sudo apt-get remove firefox might work.. | 16:01 |
AslanMad | smerz: it's on the LiveCD only. I am using PPPOE, so even though it's possible to login from recovery mode and configure that manually from command line, i still prefer to do it this way though, I will at least be always connected to the internet from LiveCD for immediate support while fixing my issues just in case | 16:01 |
harlemdavvey | ok i'll try | 16:01 |
dot | My ubuntu is not playing all episodes of transformers I have on dvd. It leaves the 2 last episodes unplayable | 16:01 |
dot | what can I do | 16:01 |
dot | on a region free dvd player I can see the episodes | 16:01 |
sudobash | anyone ever get this wifi chipset working without ndiswrapper? Airgo Networks Inc AGN300 | 16:01 |
dot | without a problem | 16:02 |
Jack_Sparrow | harlemdavvey, man apt-get for more info on format | 16:02 |
jc-denton | Jack_Sparrow: yes, but i think i'm not the only person having this problem, so there should be a howto or something | 16:02 |
Slart | dot: to start things off you can tell us what kind of error messages you get if you try starting the media player from a terminal | 16:02 |
AslanMad | smerz: Can you help me? | 16:02 |
Slart | dot: you could also try vlc and see if that makes it work | 16:02 |
harlemdavvey | guys. firefox tells me about 127kb of space that will be free.. but then, will the terminal remove completely the program? | 16:03 |
smerz | i dont understand your problem really. Live-CD and the problem ubuntu main installation are on two differrent computers? | 16:03 |
dot | Slart: vlc is the one kicking out | 16:03 |
sartak_ | I need python opengl and also python gtkglext ? | 16:03 |
bastid_raZor | jc-denton; when i do remote work through ssh i start 'screen' first then do work inside that. in case i am disconnected the activities still go inside the screen and do not interrupt. | 16:03 |
maxbaldwin | soulchild: would " sudo apt-get remove amsn && sudo apt-get purge && sudo apt-get autoremove " work? | 16:03 |
Slart | dot: ok.. try starting vlc from a terminal and see if you get any error messages when you try watching it | 16:04 |
smerz | AslanMad: i dont understand your problem really. Live-CD and the problem ubuntu main installation are on two differrent computers? | 16:04 |
unop | maxbaldwin, probably not | 16:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | jc-denton, Over ssh.. Is not recommended.. even if many people would like to do it | 16:04 |
soulchild | maxbaldwin: I don't think so, I check the log in /var/log/dpkg and remove them with a little script , thanks for caring ;) | 16:04 |
maxbaldwin | sartak_: " sudo apt-cache search <packages> " and " sudo apt-get install <package> " is what I think you want. | 16:04 |
dot | Slart: libdvdread: Can't seek to block 2733668 | 16:04 |
dot | [00000287] main playlist: nothing to play | 16:04 |
Slart | harlemdavvey: it might be a "meta package".. ie.. the firefox package depends on another package called firefox3.. which is the real one | 16:04 |
smerz | AslanMad: or are the 'problem system' and the 'Live CD' ststem running on the same computer? | 16:04 |
harlemdavvey | i have a sick firefox today.. i don't know what it has.. i did un upgrade with sudo apt-get upgrade and from then.. my firefox is like a zombie.. it doesn't have a homepage, when i change tab, the web address doesn't change.. what do you suggest me to do? i have opera instead, can i use only that program? | 16:05 |
maxbaldwin | yep, soulchild. | 16:05 |
AslanMad | smerz: No, I have ubuntu installed on the same laptop that I am using now. I have some problems that prevent me from loging in to the system. So i need to install the lost packages that are causing the problem, so I see the best solution is by using the LiveCD to connect to the internet, then to login to the installed system by doing some steps to mount the installed system to the LIveCD and share internet and use the com | 16:05 |
Slart | dot: ok.. that's the only error? | 16:05 |
harlemdavvey | Slart: so what could i do to be sure to remove the real program of firefox? | 16:06 |
smerz | AslanMad: so your problem is that you locked yourself out of the main system? (you cannot login) | 16:06 |
AslanMad | smerz: I've done this before, it was really helpful, the guys helped me out with the steps. I remember they were like 3 steps, but I regret not registering them | 16:06 |
Jack_Sparrow | harlemdavvey, the question I have is why? | 16:06 |
harlemdavvey | i tried to remove "mozilla" and 127MB of space were freed,.. but i don't know what was removed.. | 16:06 |
Slart | harlemdavvey: easiest would be to start up synaptic.. click on installed packages.. and search for firefox... | 16:06 |
unop | harlemdavvey, try backing up your ~/.mozilla directory to see if anything chanages. close firefox and at a terminal type this. mv ~/.mozilla{,.bak} | 16:06 |
dot | Slart: check query | 16:06 |
AslanMad | smerz: yup, and what I need to exactly what I asked, I know there could be otherways, but I want to use this exact way that I tried before | 16:06 |
jc-denton | Jack_Sparrow: the guide says pretty much what you told me, there is nothing how to ensure that it reboots correctly | 16:07 |
harlemdavvey | Jack_Sparrow i just want to reinstall firefox because it doesn't work.. it's dead xD | 16:07 |
sudobash | anyone know if Airgo Networks Inc AGN300 wifi works without ndiswrapper? | 16:07 |
AslanMad | smerz: so can you help me? I'd really appreciate it. | 16:07 |
harlemdavvey | SLart: ok i'll try with synaptic, right | 16:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | AslanMad, You just need mount instructions? | 16:07 |
jim_p | what do i need to make a dvd out of some mpeg files? mandvd or devede does a menu as well. i dont want that, i wnt the files to play one after the other | 16:07 |
smerz | AslanMad: yep i'm just looking it up. can you query me? | 16:07 |
harlemdavvey | unop: it will be a bit unsafe for me that i'm a new linux user.. | 16:07 |
AslanMad | Jack_Sparrow: yes | 16:08 |
harlemdavvey | i prefer not having difficult life today:) | 16:08 |
joel_ | hi, the only thing coming out of my speakers is crackling with no sound at all whatsoever, can someone help please/ | 16:08 |
joel_ | ? | 16:08 |
throwt | spankers | 16:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | AslanMad, ONe sec | 16:08 |
Slart | jim_p: can't you just disable the menu in devede? | 16:08 |
unop | harlemdavvey, as long as you copy and paste that command in - you'll be fine | 16:08 |
maxbaldwin | throwt: no spam. >:( | 16:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | AslanMad, sudo mkdir /media/your-drive then sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/your-drive substitute your drive for sda1 | 16:08 |
jim_p | Slart, thats what i am looking for! where is it? | 16:09 |
smerz | AslanMad: are you receiving my personal messages? | 16:09 |
joel_ | i have a sigmatel sound card in a dell inspiron e1505 | 16:09 |
Slart | jim_p: hang on.. let me start devede too | 16:09 |
=== tbrock is now known as tbrockman | ||
Jack_Sparrow | AslanMad, sudo mkdir /media/drive4u then sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/drive4u substitute your drive for sda1 would be a better statement | 16:10 |
tbrockman | hey guys, what is better to use for broadcom wireless, the restricted drivers or the open source ones | 16:10 |
unop | pmount /dev/sda1 | 16:10 |
AslanMad | Jack_Sparrow: is that it? Will that allow me to login to the installd system and also share internet connection (without having to configure it on the other system) ? | 16:10 |
minus18_pundit | i cant get connect to internet in ubuntu. i use adsl modem connectin, can anyone help me out? | 16:10 |
joel_ | i have ubuntu 8.10 installed alongside windows xp | 16:10 |
sudobash | is there a way to find the device for an ifconfig entry: pan0 | 16:10 |
sudobash | just came up now | 16:10 |
Tetracomm | Does anyone here use Ubuntu on a Toshiba Tecra notebook? | 16:11 |
Jack_Sparrow | AslanMad, that is how you mount a drive, what do you mean by share an internet connection | 16:11 |
dustman | lo | 16:11 |
Jack_Sparrow | joel_, did you install from windows with that wubi thingy | 16:11 |
Slart | jim_p: I'm not sure what version of devede is in the repos.. I've got 3.11 and there's a button called "menu options".. where I can chose between "show menu at disc startup" or "jump to first title at startup".. setting it to that second choice sounds like it would do what you want | 16:11 |
joel_ | nope, separate partitions | 16:11 |
Slart | !info devede | 16:12 |
ubottu | devede (source: devede): program to create video DVDs. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.11-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 1462 kB, installed size 3340 kB | 16:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | joel_, k ty | 16:12 |
bastid_raZor | AslanMad; i don't think what you're trying to do is possible. from the liveCD you can not 'log in' to your installed Ubuntu on that same box. | 16:12 |
hayig2000 | hi all, is there an alternative for knotify in kde3.5 for system notifications, cause it crashes a lot | 16:12 |
AslanMad | Jack_Sparrow: Oh, sorry, it's not what I really need. It's mounted automatically anyway, what I need is simply to have access to the installed system as if I am logged in, where I can for example run programs from it, and install things on it | 16:12 |
dustman | I've installed 8.10 and looking at Network Tools found port 37327 to be open, with no known services running | 16:12 |
adrenergic | hi .... i use Matrox G450 Dual Head 16MB RAM.... my logon window is out of the screen.... i set the resolution but it only works when i log into my account.... i want the settings to be applied to the Logon window too | 16:12 |
dustman | what is that for? | 16:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | AslanMad, nope | 16:12 |
kaneda_ | dustman; go to terminal, run netstat -ntpl | grep 37327 | 16:12 |
kaneda_ | it should tell you what's using it | 16:12 |
harlemdavvey | ok guys i've been able to remove the firefox browser!! thank you so much!:) | 16:13 |
Jack_Sparrow | AslanMad, you can insatll them on the livecd and trasnfer those files to your dead instrall.. | 16:13 |
jim_p | Slart, i have 3.11 too! great thanks a lot | 16:13 |
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smerz | yeah | 16:13 |
Slart | jim_p: you're welcome | 16:13 |
allsystemsarego | dustman, that's probably your Skype | 16:13 |
Broly | would someone care to assist me in finding the GTKRC? | 16:14 |
harlemdavvey | is there any different browser in alternative to firefox? apart lynx, does linux has a his own great browser? | 16:14 |
dustman | kaneda_: nothing shows up | 16:14 |
dustman | allsystemsarego: I didn't install skype | 16:14 |
jim_p | harlemdavvey, lynx :P | 16:14 |
dustman | fresh install | 16:14 |
unop | harlemdavvey, galeon | 16:14 |
fosco_ | harlemdavvey: there are many, try opera, or epiphany-browser | 16:14 |
kaneda_ | dustman; try -ntupl instead | 16:14 |
maxbaldwin | harlemdavvey: opera, elinks, w3m. /join #ubuntu-bots and ask bestbot what the best browser is | 16:14 |
harlemdavvey | ok! thx! | 16:14 |
harlemdavvey | :) | 16:14 |
dustman | kaneda_: still nothing | 16:14 |
AslanMad | Jack_Sparrow: I remember now, it's by using chroot | 16:15 |
sartak_ | maxbaldwin : thank you that is exactly what i needed, it works wonderfully | 16:15 |
kaneda_ | dustman; can you connect to it? | 16:15 |
jim_p | harlemdavvey, konqueror does work as a browser and there is also kazekahase that is mozilla engine based | 16:15 |
amitprakash | hi.. i am trying to install r5u87x driver for my sony vaio motion eye webcam but theres no /dev/video device.. can osmeone help me debug this? | 16:15 |
dustman | kaneda_: telnet connection refused | 16:15 |
allsystemsarego | dustman, sudo aptitude install pastebinit && netstat -antp | pastebinit | 16:16 |
maxbaldwin | no problem, sartak_ | 16:16 |
zish | Does anyone know of any issues going on with the Ubuntu Apt Repositories in the US? I'm getting random 400 errors on,, and a couple hosted on | 16:16 |
maxbaldwin | zish: it's on your side, it's fine for me. | 16:17 |
doublewulf | zish: check your dns resolution | 16:17 |
bastid_raZor | zish; a little slow for me but otherwise they all work. | 16:18 |
dustman | kaneda_: hm, it's gone | 16:18 |
doublewulf | can someone help me with some atp-get/dpkg issues? I have a program that didn't install correctly and now will not uninstall, and always returns an error code when I do anything in apt | 16:18 |
zish | ok. I was suspecting that it had something to do with my side. | 16:18 |
dustman | no open ports that I can see now | 16:18 |
AslanMad | Anyone can help me to chroot from LiveCD to an installed system on the same laptop to enable me to login to it, install and run programs as if I am logged in directly to the installed system? I am now on LiveCD, with internet connection, so I want to use console as if i am logged in to the installed system. Any help? | 16:18 |
zish | Except it sounds like doublewulf has the same issue. | 16:18 |
kaneda_ | dustman; usually there's the dhcp client listening on a udp port, and the avahi daemon (zeroconf/mdns clone) | 16:19 |
harlemdavvey | ah yes... i have a certain interest in understanding how kernel works... can you tell me how i can upgrade my kernel to the 2.6.28 version? | 16:19 |
kaneda_ | on a 8.10 default install | 16:19 |
bastid_raZor | doublewulf; what is the error code? | 16:19 |
maxbaldwin | no... zish, he has a different problem. | 16:19 |
loz | hello there, are there any experts on realtek wireless issues, i have succesfully instaled the driver, but the signal reception is so poor, i have to have my router right next to the card for it to work, any help appreciated... | 16:19 |
doublewulf | dpkg: error processing unbound (--configure): subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 2 | 16:19 |
dustman | kaneda_: but in 32K range? seems bit strange to me | 16:19 |
doublewulf | I have tried to remove unbound, and purge it | 16:19 |
doublewulf | but I still get that error | 16:20 |
kaneda_ | avahi-daemon here is bound to 38203 on UDP | 16:20 |
kaneda_ | ipv4 | 16:20 |
dustman | ah, ok | 16:20 |
Jack_Sparrow | AslanMad, PM me with a howto if you find one.. thanks | 16:20 |
doublewulf | kaneda_ do you need avahi? | 16:20 |
dustman | anyway, no open ports == no problem | 16:20 |
dustman | ty kaneda_ | 16:20 |
kaneda_ | doublewulf; not sure | 16:20 |
kaneda_ | doublewulf; thinking of removing it | 16:20 |
AslanMad | Jack_Sparrow: sure | 16:21 |
harlemdavvey | guys can someone tell me how to edit my linux kernel in order to upgrade it? | 16:21 |
Jack_Sparrow | !kernel | 16:21 |
ubottu | The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see - See also: /msg ubottu stages | 16:21 |
jim_p | harlemdavvey, edit it as in...? | 16:21 |
bazhang | harlemdavvey, you cant | 16:21 |
|alex_sleiborg| | Hey. I've got this when i use aptitude -f install. How do i remove this error? | 16:21 |
bastid_raZor | Jack_Sparrow; i would think it is impossible to do what they are wanting?. | 16:21 |
harlemdavvey | well, but i can edit it and develop a better version | 16:21 |
doublewulf | harlemdavvey: upgrading your kernel is a complicated process | 16:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | bastid_raZor, What who are wanting.. | 16:22 |
bazhang | harlemdavvey, you would need to get a kernel from outside ubuntu and break package management | 16:22 |
loz | hello there, are there any experts on realtek wireless issues, i have succesfully instaled the windows driver driver, but the signal reception is so poor, i have to have my router right next to the card for it to work, any help appreciated... | 16:22 |
bastid_raZor | Jack_Sparrow; AslanMad | 16:22 |
Serafeim | problem with my usb hubs | 16:22 |
kestutis | Is any good movie maker for Ubuntu? | 16:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | bastid_raZor, that is why I told him no.. but that if he found one it would make good reading | 16:23 |
bazhang | kestutis, kdenlive | 16:23 |
zish | /|alex_sleiborg|: create the directory "usr/share/cups/model/", and try again. | 16:23 |
joel_ | wait, what? | 16:23 |
harlemdavvey | mmm.. what i mean is to download a new version of the kernel linux from the site and "overwrite it " to the version i have just right now.. | 16:23 |
harlemdavvey | is that possible? | 16:23 |
sunphi | yeah | 16:23 |
doublewulf | harlemdavvey: no | 16:23 |
kestutis | kdenlive - is it really a good one? | 16:23 |
bastid_raZor | Jack_Sparrow; heh. true | 16:23 |
bazhang | harlemdavvey, you are on your own; that is not supported here | 16:23 |
doublewulf | kernels have to be compiled against your hardware | 16:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | harlemdavvey, please see the link I gave on !kernel | 16:23 |
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kestutis | is it the keyboard combination for opening terminal? | 16:24 |
w525aa | hola | 16:24 |
LBSources | Jack_Sparrow why'd you ban me? | 16:24 |
bazhang | !es | w525aa | 16:24 |
ubottu | w525aa: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 16:24 |
AslanMad | Jack_Sparrow: something (or exactly) like this : .. I still have to try it out, I remember most of the steps now, hope everything will go fine | 16:24 |
w525aa | esto esta todo en ingles | 16:24 |
LBSources | * you were banned from [#ubuntu] by [Jack_Sparrow] | 16:24 |
LBSources | * you were banned from [#ubuntu] by [Jack_Sparrow] | 16:24 |
harlemdavvey | i only thought that could be logical to do so.. there are so many versions of the kernel that have been personalised out there.. | 16:24 |
sunphi | not bad | 16:24 |
harlemdavvey | just to know :) | 16:24 |
Guest19564 | Anyone have any ideas why I cannot create a metacity hotkey for nautilus? I set /apps/metacity/keybinding_commands/command_3 = "nautilus --browser", but no matter the hotkey I assign it won't work. Other apps work, but nautilus will never run. | 16:24 |
Jack_Sparrow | LBSources, Please join me in #ubuntu-ops.. now thanks | 16:24 |
=== Guest19564 is now known as D-- | ||
Slart | LBSources: I think #ubuntu-ops would be a better channel to discuss bans and kicks in | 16:25 |
maxsiay | Hello | 16:25 |
LBSources | k .. i'm there | 16:25 |
doublewulf | harlemdavvey: learning how to compile a new kernel is probably a good thing, but expect to spend a whole day on it | 16:25 |
doublewulf | also you might want to do it on a virtual_machine first so you don't break your main install | 16:25 |
Serafeim | my usb mouse doesn't work properly. Looking at system logs i see this: usb 2-2: reset low speed USB device using ohci_hcd and address 6 | 16:25 |
harlemdavvey | doublewulf: yes i know that | 16:25 |
maxsiay | I installed flashplayer but not use it. | 16:26 |
shishu_ | i'm not able to download anything from package manager and apt-get.please help | 16:26 |
|alex_sleiborg| | zish: It doesn't do it??? | 16:26 |
harlemdavvey | are there at least some programs that allow me to do the kernel editing and viewing? | 16:26 |
bazhang | harlemdavvey, that is offtopic here | 16:26 |
bazhang | harlemdavvey, do some reading and ask for help elsewhere | 16:27 |
D-- | oh, found it. have to specify a path for some reason when using metacity ...... guess it does't pick it up from the $ENV | 16:27 |
harlemdavvey | ok bazhang | 16:27 |
Serafeim | my usb mouse doesn't work properly. Looking at system logs i see this: usb 2-2: reset low speed USB device using ohci_hcd and address 6 | 16:27 |
doublewulf | kaneda_: avahi is the zeroconf networking similar to Apple's bonjour. if you do a lot of networking, especially with macs, you need it. otherwise, it is not really that useful | 16:27 |
kaneda_ | doublewulf; thanks - i'll remove it, I only deal with my linux laptop and a smorgasboard of windows boxes :) | 16:28 |
|alex_sleiborg| | zish: And i can't remove it, i don't need mfc9420cncups | 16:28 |
kaneda_ | hm wtf | 16:28 |
sudobash | what do i do after sudo apt-get install madwifi-tools | 16:28 |
kaneda_ | removing it wants to take wine out | 16:28 |
doublewulf | does anyone know how to remove unbound from my dpkg? I tried apt-get remove and apt-get purge | 16:28 |
user01 | is there an efx viewer for ubuntu? | 16:29 |
maxbaldwin | !language | kaneda_ | 16:29 |
ubottu | kaneda_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 16:29 |
Kaga | my /boot partition is too small to upgrade to ubuntu 8.10 so i decided to unmount the partition and make a /boot directory on root partition. now when i've moved /boot to root partition is it ok to just run ubuntu 8.10 upgrade? will it fix grub that used to run on /boot partition? | 16:29 |
user01 | i saw it was some sort of tiff file | 16:29 |
jeremy | morning everyone | 16:29 |
doublewulf | use document viewer for efax | 16:30 |
Slart | user01: the default image viewer in ubuntu doesn't show it? | 16:30 |
jeremy | im having some issues burning an ISO | 16:30 |
Slart | user01: have you tried Gimp? | 16:30 |
zish | |alex_sleiborg|: I've run into weirdness like this with some sparsely-maintained packages. I have a couple ideas. Let me /msg you off the chat so I can concentrate. | 16:30 |
doublewulf | jeremy: turn your default write speed down | 16:30 |
jeremy | tried that | 16:30 |
maxbaldwin | good morning jeremy. What kind of problems? write speed might cause that. | 16:31 |
Serafeim | my usb mouse doesn't work properly. Looking at system logs i see this: usb 2-2: reset low speed USB device using ohci_hcd and address 6 | 16:31 |
jeremy | i just bought a used laptop for my gf | 16:31 |
w525aa_ | buenas | 16:31 |
jeremy | i want to reinstall windows on it | 16:31 |
bazhang | !es | w525aa_ | 16:31 |
ubottu | w525aa_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 16:31 |
jeremy | so i downloaded an ISO from isohunt just for the iso i have a valid key | 16:31 |
=== DigitalNight is now known as NightRise | ||
jeremy | i burn the iso and it boots on my machine just not hers | 16:32 |
saurabh | I just installed Ubuntu 8.10 using Live CD | 16:32 |
doublewulf | can you burn something else? | 16:32 |
saurabh | I have intel g41 VGA on-board | 16:32 |
saurabh | can anyone help | 16:32 |
fxhp | jeremy: | 16:32 |
KRF | jeremy, check the BIOS | 16:32 |
fxhp | jeremy: troll? | 16:32 |
saurabh | I can't see anything in xorg.conf | 16:32 |
jeremy | i check to make sure that it boots from cd | 16:32 |
maxbaldwin | jeremy: was it an i386 or AMD? | 16:32 |
jeremy | amd | 16:32 |
sabirami_ubuntu | Could any one tell me in ubuntu where the IM logs of chatzilla will be saved? | 16:32 |
doublewulf | jeremy what are you using to burn? | 16:33 |
jeremy | fxhp: what do you mean | 16:33 |
bazhang | jeremy, what does a windows iso have to do with ubuntu? and please dont discuss torrenting windows iso's here | 16:33 |
KRF | sabirami_ubuntu, just a guess, tried ~/.chatzilla? | 16:33 |
jeremy | brasero | 16:33 |
Slart | sabirami_ubuntu: have you looked in your home folder? something like .chatzilla ? | 16:33 |
user01 | Slart, let me see | 16:33 |
saurabh | anyone successfully using Intel g41 chipset ?? | 16:33 |
jeremy | im burning it within ubuntu | 16:33 |
gerhard | how do i burn an 8,5 GB mkv file to 2 dvds? | 16:33 |
M3TAPHYS1CS | whats the best irc client for ubuntu | 16:33 |
Slart | gerhard: I'm guessing you have to split it first.. | 16:33 |
doublewulf | M3TAPHYS1CS: irssi | 16:34 |
Slart | M3TAPHYS1CS: try typing !best here | 16:34 |
fxhp | M3TAPHYS1CSL: I use pidgin | 16:34 |
jeremy | i apoloogize for discussing it, thought it might helo | 16:34 |
saurabh | M3TAPHYS1CS: xchat ? | 16:34 |
gerhard | Slart: how do i split such a file? which tool do i need? | 16:34 |
fxhp | !best | 16:34 |
ubottu | Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 16:34 |
doublewulf | gerhard: if you are just backing up the file, split it into multiple .rar files | 16:34 |
shishu_ | i'm not able to download anything from package manager and apt-get.please help !!!! | 16:34 |
zish | jeremy, you may need to tweak your bios boot config on the laptop. | 16:34 |
Slart | gerhard: there are some tools to work with mkv's.. hang on.. let me check if there is something useful | 16:34 |
jeremy | k i'll look into it | 16:34 |
M3TAPHYS1CS | i use xchat but it isnt as, hmm, good as mirc | 16:34 |
zish | ....or many (very) old laptops do not support cd booting. | 16:34 |
gerhard | Slart: i wish to make it playable wth a standard dvd player | 16:34 |
Delvien | M3TAPHYS1CS: it comes down to opersonal preferance | 16:34 |
jim_p | shishu_, do you get any error message? | 16:34 |
M3TAPHYS1CS | which would be as close to mirc | 16:35 |
Delvien | M3TAPHYS1CS: do you prefer a gui? | 16:35 |
M3TAPHYS1CS | hmm | 16:35 |
sudobash | .join #madwifi | 16:35 |
M3TAPHYS1CS | i prefer the best client tbh | 16:35 |
Slart | gerhard: oh.. then I think you need to transcode it.. devede might work | 16:35 |
nbeebo | how do i do so the output of the speakers goes into the input of the microphone? | 16:35 |
shishu_ | @jim_p, yes error code 16 | 16:35 |
gerhard | Slart: i hope it's not command-line? :-D | 16:35 |
Slart | nbeebo: hold the mic close to the speakers? =) | 16:35 |
doublewulf | gerhard: you want to convert from DVD9 to DVD5 | 16:35 |
Delvien | M3TAPHYS1CS: such a thing doesnt exist | 16:35 |
doublewulf | there are several programs available for that | 16:36 |
amitprakash | hi.. the cpufreqd isn't working on by intrepid install.. how do i fix it? | 16:36 |
Slart | gerhard: hehe.. no.. it's got a nice gui.. drag and drop all the way | 16:36 |
gerhard | wonderful :-) | 16:36 |
jim_p | shishu_, is that grub or apt? | 16:36 |
doublewulf | Dvd95 Converter | 16:36 |
nbeebo | Slart, would be nice if i had one =D | 16:36 |
saurabh | M3TAPHYS1CS, well, if you don't like xchat, using irssi | 16:36 |
saurabh | :P | 16:36 |
adrenergic | hi .... i use Matrox G450 Dual Head 16MB RAM.... my logon window is out of the screen.... i set the resolution but it only works when i log into my account.... i want the settings to be applied to the Logon window too | 16:36 |
Delvien | M3TAPHYS1CS: its all about what works for you. | 16:36 |
Slart | nbeebo: I don't know if pulseaudio can redirect audio like that.. haven't played with it enough | 16:36 |
jeremy | thanks everyone | 16:37 |
shishu_ | jim_p, apt | 16:37 |
Slart | nbeebo: ah... I have no idea then | 16:37 |
M3TAPHYS1CS | ill give irssi a shot | 16:37 |
=== _Lucretia__ is now known as _Lucretia_ | ||
jim_p | shishu_, you do a sudo apt-get install something and you get that error? | 16:37 |
nbeebo | Slart, i know u can broadcast the desktop and the desktops sound in live flash streams so i guess its possible | 16:37 |
Slart | M3TAPHYS1CS: ah.. do that.. you'll hate it the first week =) | 16:37 |
doublewulf | adrenergic: does your monitor have an AUTO button, or an auto-settings button? | 16:37 |
M3TAPHYS1CS | will i like it by the 2nd week lol? | 16:38 |
Delvien | slart isnt that the truth | 16:38 |
shishu_ | jim_p, i'm giving u pastbin adress | 16:38 |
Slart | M3TAPHYS1CS: oh yes.. I use it.. but it's kind of annoying in the beginning | 16:38 |
jim_p | ok shishu_ | 16:38 |
doublewulf | irssi is a very powerful irc client with many ways to expand or script for it, and it runs in the terminal | 16:38 |
nbeebo | and it got no gui :D | 16:38 |
doublewulf | configuring it can be a bit of a pain but there are lots of FAQs out there on what to do | 16:38 |
doublewulf | isn't that a david lee roth song? | 16:39 |
doublewulf | ~/Iiiii aint got no gui/~ | 16:39 |
pinkster | I'm trying to connect to the ethernet in 8.10 on a fresh install, but it is not automatically connecting. However, it automatically connected under 8.04. The network tools seem to be somewhat different under the new version, but I've still tried using them, but it's not working to get me online. | 16:39 |
nbeebo | i dont know who that is | 16:39 |
=== Niamor7 is now known as Niamor | ||
doublewulf | can anybody here help me with dpkg issues? | 16:40 |
smerz | oh shit | 16:40 |
amitprakash | hi.. the cpufreqd isn't working on by intrepid install.. how do i fix it? even though I set the governer to powersaver the clock speed remains running at max | 16:40 |
bazhang | smerz, watch the language | 16:40 |
the_squircle | doublewulf: just ask your question | 16:41 |
smerz | yeah sorry i thought i just spammed the channel by accident but i actually didnt | 16:41 |
user01 | Slart, yeah it wont open in gimp | 16:41 |
doublewulf | can someone help me with some atp-get/dpkg issues? I have a program that didn't install correctly and now will not uninstall, and always returns an error code when I do anything in apt | 16:41 |
LeeJunFan | Is there gnome burning software to burn video DVD's given a directory containing the audio/video folders? Or will I have to resort to k3b for that? | 16:41 |
smerz | pinkster: top right there should be the network manager | 16:41 |
doublewulf | does anyone know how to remove unbound from my dpkg? I tried apt-get remove and apt-get purge | 16:41 |
Slart | user01: hmm.. it was called .efs right? | 16:41 |
bazhang | LeeJunFan, devede | 16:42 |
user01 | Slart, efx | 16:42 |
LeeJunFan | bazhang: thanks. | 16:42 |
smerz | pinkster: you can configure your ethernet using that or edit "sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces" | 16:42 |
Delvien | doublewulf: sudo apt-get -f install | 16:42 |
the_squircle | doublewulf: you can do this in the terminal: "sudo dkpg -r --force all _______" | 16:42 |
amitprakash_ | hi.. the cpufreqd isn't working on by intrepid install.. how do i fix it? even though I set the governer to powersaver the clock speed remains running at max | 16:42 |
doublewulf | user01: the ubuntu document viewer should open efax | 16:42 |
harlemdavvey | shishi_: what are you trying to download? | 16:42 |
Slart | user01: here's someone else that has the same problem | 16:43 |
sudobash | so should I use madwifi or ndiswrapper? | 16:43 |
doublewulf | the_squircle: does not work | 16:43 |
user01 | doublewulf, you mean evince? it wont | 16:44 |
doublewulf | user01: no, I mean the basic program called document viewer | 16:44 |
smerz | amitprakash_: check powernowd. that service amends clock speed too | 16:44 |
doublewulf | the default for opening pdfs and stuff | 16:44 |
adrenergic | doublewulf: my monitor is IBM ThinkVision c190 | 16:45 |
Akiva | Hello, I am looking for some help resizing my /root partition. I don't have enough room to update to 8.10. I tried using gparted via the 8.10 livecd but i could only shrink my /home partition. Even after this, when I had available space, I coudlnt figure out how to make / bigger | 16:45 |
sudobash | wow.... | 16:45 |
sudobash | lots of help.... | 16:45 |
user01 | doublewulf, the default program is evince | 16:45 |
Akiva | Any help would be greatly appreciated | 16:45 |
dayzman | hi | 16:46 |
the_squircle | Akiva: you can't resize it while booted to it, try to do it from the LiveCD | 16:46 |
the_squircle | !hello | dayzman | 16:46 |
ubottu | dayzman: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 16:46 |
dayzman | does anyone know how to reverse the changes powertop makes? | 16:46 |
Akiva | the_squircle: I tried from the live cd | 16:46 |
the_squircle | dayzman: besides removing powertop? | 16:46 |
adrenergic | doublewulf i am using Ubuntu-8.04.1 LTS | 16:46 |
the_squircle | Akiva: what error is it throwing when you try to shrink it? | 16:46 |
dayzman | the_squircle: yeah that's right. | 16:46 |
dayzman | the_squircle: i want to reverse the changes it has made to extend write time, etc. | 16:47 |
the_squircle | dayzman: what "changes" are we talking about here? | 16:47 |
dayzman | the_squircle: the changes powertop suggests to minimise power usage. | 16:47 |
sudobash | does anyone know what to do after installing madwifi with sudo apt-get install madwifi-tools | 16:47 |
sudobash | GD | 16:47 |
Razor- | Does anyone know, is it possible to use ekiga and call someone who has skype ? | 16:47 |
Akiva | the_squircle: I could shrink my /home partition without any problems and I applied it, which left me with available space. | 16:47 |
the_squircle | Razor-: No, it is not possible | 16:47 |
Akiva | Agfter this I couldn't figure out how to grow /root | 16:48 |
Razor- | thank you | 16:48 |
Slart | sudobash: I have never had to deal with wifi.. ubottu will tell you a little bit about if you write !wifi in the channel.. that's about all the help I can give you | 16:48 |
the_squircle | Akiva: Click 'n drag... | 16:48 |
sudobash | !wifi | 16:48 |
ubottu | Wireless documentation can be found at | 16:48 |
Akiva | Click and drag what? | 16:48 |
the_squircle | dayzman: it actually did something? I just thought it suggested it... | 16:48 |
the_squircle | Akiva: what program are you using to do your partitioning? | 16:48 |
dayzman | the_squircle: well it allows using shortcuts to make the changes. | 16:49 |
Akiva | gparted. I can drag the empty space onto /root? | 16:49 |
the_squircle | dayzman: i'm sure google could help. | 16:49 |
Akiva | That seems odd, I didnt know it had drag and drop functionality. | 16:49 |
the_squircle | Akiva: it doesn't | 16:49 |
Delvien | .k | 16:49 |
Delvien | ,bn k. | 16:49 |
Delvien | woops | 16:49 |
the_squircle | Akiva: what filesystem is / using? | 16:49 |
shishu_ | jim_p, pastbin adress : Ign cdrom://Ubuntu 7.10 _Gutsy Gibbon_ - Release i386 (20071016) gutsy/main Translation-en_US | 16:49 |
shishu_ | Ign cdrom://Ubuntu 7.10 _Gutsy Gibbon_ - Release i386 (20071016) gutsy/restricted Translation-en_US | 16:50 |
shishu_ | Err hardy Release.gpg | 16:50 |
shishu_ | Could not connect to (, connection timed out [IP: 80] | 16:50 |
shishu_ | Err hardy/main Translation-en_US | 16:50 |
FloodBot1 | shishu_: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 16:50 |
Akiva | ext3 | 16:50 |
shishu_ | Unable to connect to http: [IP: 80] | 16:50 |
shishu_ | Err hardy/restricted Translation-en_US | 16:50 |
Akiva | all are ext3 | 16:50 |
Akiva | except swap :) | 16:50 |
the_squircle | !flood | shishu_ | 16:50 |
ubottu | shishu_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 16:50 |
jim_p | shishu_, it seems it cant find the active connection to the web | 16:50 |
Maggie | I am not able to use flashdrive on my pc...I use Hardy plz help!!!!!!!! | 16:50 |
the_squircle | Akiva: when you click on the partition and click grow/shrink... are you not able to drag it larger? | 16:50 |
amitprakash_ | smerz, powernowd fails to change it too | 16:50 |
Akiva | the_squircle: No, I cannot make it larger | 16:51 |
amitprakash_ | smerz, as in both cpufreqd and powernowd accept commands successfully but the clock speed remains at 1.8G[max] | 16:51 |
Delvien | Maggie: multiple exclamation marks are not only annoying they are un-needed | 16:51 |
the_squircle | Akiva: does it show that there is the possibility to make it larger? | 16:51 |
Maggie | Delvien, ok but can u help | 16:51 |
Akiva | the_squircle: No, it doesn't. I have SDA1, which is my /root | 16:52 |
tuga3d | hi all | 16:52 |
the_squircle | !hello | tuga3d | 16:52 |
ubottu | tuga3d: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 16:52 |
Akiva | Maybe I had to restart after I shrunk the other partition ? | 16:52 |
tuga3d | :) | 16:52 |
amitprakash_ | can someone help me please.. acpi_freq isn't causing cpu scaling for some reason | 16:52 |
the_squircle | Akiva: nope.... | 16:52 |
Delvien | Maggie is the led on the flash drive lighting up? | 16:52 |
Maggie | Delvien, yes | 16:53 |
Akiva | I am not sure why this seems so difficult, it shoudl be very simlpe | 16:53 |
the_squircle | Akiva: it should show that there is some empty space (grey) on either side of the coloured (blue?) root partition... if there is no grey (empty space) adjacent to the partition, there is nowhere to expand to. | 16:53 |
Delvien | maggie type mount in a teerminal does ot show the drive? | 16:53 |
Delvien | (typing on my phone excuser the typos) | 16:54 |
xcerca | can someone recommend an wysiwyg html editor for me ? | 16:54 |
smerz | seamonkey composer | 16:54 |
smerz | it's not the best though but for simple documentation html its good | 16:55 |
xcerca | smerz can i apt-get that ? | 16:55 |
the_squircle | xcerca: | 16:55 |
smerz | wysiswyg | 16:55 |
smerz | yes | 16:55 |
doublewulf | xcerca have you tried | 16:55 |
the_squircle | xcerca: Komposer and Nvu are good as well | 16:55 |
smerz | look for seamonkey browser xcerca | 16:55 |
Akiva | the_squircle: I don't know why there wouldn't be any space showing, though. I just shrunk my /home partition by 5 gigs | 16:55 |
xcerca | thats i'll check them out | 16:55 |
smerz | with it comes the composer but it will not be displayed in the main menu by default i think | 16:55 |
the_squircle | Akiva: Did you click apply? | 16:56 |
Akiva | Yes and it took forever to process | 16:56 |
doublewulf | okay I think I solved my dpkg issue. There was a script in /etc/init.d for stopping/starting the service. I deleted that, then ran the apt-get -r unbound, and it disappeared | 16:56 |
the_squircle | Akiva: Can you provide a screenshot? it might be able to help. It's ok if you can't. | 16:56 |
=== sarah is now known as Guest95724 | ||
Akiva | No, I cannot becuase I am not using the LiveCD at the moemnt | 16:56 |
Maggie | Delvien, this is what i got | 16:56 |
doublewulf | now i just wish I could remember what I was doing before I got stuck on that dpkg issue... | 16:56 |
Akiva | I rebooted back into my reg boot | 16:57 |
amitprakash_ | can someone help me please.. acpi_freq isn't causing cpu scaling for some reason | 16:57 |
Akiva | the_squircle: Perhaps I should retry with the LiveCD? | 16:57 |
the_squircle | Akiva: that should work.... I'm just re-installing GParted so I can take a look for you and give you some more help. | 16:58 |
Akiva | Well, I won't be able t log back in when I am in the LiveCD as I use WiFi for my connection | 16:58 |
doublewulf | akiva: you have to be able to unmount the volume to resize it | 16:59 |
doublewulf | and if you are using the root partition to boot, you will not be able to unmount it | 16:59 |
doublewulf | running from the livecd, or a usb-install of some linux | 16:59 |
Akiva | Right, so LiveCD it is, yes? | 16:59 |
doublewulf | should allow you to make changes to the partition | 16:59 |
the_squircle | doublewulf: and by running on the LiveCD, there would be no need to mount the disk partitions | 16:59 |
lfaraone | Hey, how can I disable IPv6 on my computer? | 16:59 |
Akiva | Let me try again and log back in later if there are more issues, thanks | 17:00 |
the_squircle | !ipv6 > the_squircle | 17:00 |
ubottu | the_squircle, please see my private message | 17:00 |
doublewulf | the_squircle: I agree, but having a usb-linux is handy as well | 17:00 |
the_squircle | !ipv6 | lfaraone | 17:00 |
ubottu | lfaraone: To disable ipv6 read | 17:00 |
the_squircle | doublewulf: sure is :) | 17:00 |
rccu | is that "nick, please see my private message" really needed | 17:00 |
the_squircle | rccu: some people who don't know how to use IRC may not know I guess... | 17:01 |
DragoraN | lfaraone: anyway, why do you want to do that? | 17:01 |
doublewulf | rccu: and depending on the client, PMs might not be immediately evident | 17:01 |
Delvien | Maggie does the tail end of "dmesg" have anything about usb? | 17:01 |
BlitzWolf | yo:D | 17:01 |
the_squircle | !hello | BlitzWolf | 17:02 |
ubottu | BlitzWolf: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 17:02 |
tsrk | What command does ubuntu automatically execute to mount stuff when it's plugged in? I want to replicate that in the command line. | 17:02 |
xcerca | tsrk mount | 17:02 |
doublewulf | tsrk: mount | 17:02 |
the_squircle | tsrk: mount device mountpoint | 17:02 |
tsrk | It seems to do other stuff with /media/disk though like creating and setting permissions | 17:02 |
doublewulf | tsrk: also, the default is to load from your fstab file | 17:02 |
lance | hey | 17:03 |
tuga3d | anyone try artoolkit with ubuntu? | 17:03 |
doublewulf | if you want to change the default way a partition or drive is mounted, you can edit your fstab file to do this, but make sure you backup your current fstab file | 17:03 |
kantxx | hey all. Im tryin to use Deluge bittorrent and its really lagging my system but its not using too much cpu. its even slowing down the net.. its only downloading @ 20kb/s | 17:03 |
lance | anybody from china | 17:03 |
tsrk | ah, fstab looks like what i need | 17:03 |
tsrk | thanks | 17:03 |
Grab | hey guys i have 850 mhz cpu and 256 mb ram: should i use swap partition? how big? | 17:03 |
xcerca | grab , YES | 17:03 |
Grab | on ubunutu 8.10 | 17:03 |
Grab | how much | 17:04 |
the_squircle | Grab: swap should be 1.5 times as big as your real memory | 17:04 |
doublewulf | Grab: yes, usually double the size of your ram is good | 17:04 |
xcerca | i would say 2 gb would be plenty | 17:04 |
the_squircle | !cn | lance | 17:04 |
ubottu | lance: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk | 17:04 |
Grab | i have 256 mb => so i should have 512 mb swap | 17:04 |
the_squircle | Grab: sounds right | 17:05 |
doublewulf | Grab: about that is good, yes | 17:05 |
Snupt | hm. How to remember the possition of windows in the gnome? | 17:05 |
ameed | Hello Everyone i installed ubuntu from windows vista and dedicated 30GB for Ubuntu use and am trying to increase the amount , anybody can help ?? | 17:05 |
the_squircle | ameed: boot to the LiveCD, use the partitioner to shrink Vista and add more room for Ubuntu | 17:05 |
xcerca | ameed , thats right | 17:05 |
Grab | the bigger the swap partition the faster it will be ? | 17:06 |
doublewulf | I concur with the_squircle and xcerca | 17:06 |
ameed | Will this effect any data stored on Vista | 17:06 |
the_squircle | Grab: not necessarily | 17:06 |
the_squircle | ameed: nope | 17:06 |
doublewulf | Grab: no | 17:06 |
DougEdith | ameed: i would still back up the data, just n case | 17:06 |
the_squircle | Grab: the larger it is, the slower disk access will be. there is a sweet spot between 1.5 and 2 times your physical memory. | 17:06 |
doublewulf | actually, I beleve if you make it too large you can slow your ststem down | 17:06 |
ameed | Finally i got rid of Microsoft products , i love you guys :) | 17:06 |
the_squircle | ameed: I agree with DougEdith | 17:07 |
the_squircle | ameed: we love you too :p | 17:07 |
doublewulf | because hard drives are inherently much slower than RAM | 17:07 |
ameed | hehe :) | 17:07 |
doublewulf | swap is usually used for programs that are idle | 17:07 |
x1250 | the_squircle, the larger, the slower? from where did you get that? It shouldn't matter at all. | 17:07 |
granger | and ram is much slower than cpu's built-in cache | 17:07 |
ameed | One more question , some friend recommnding me to use openSUSE 11 instead of Ubuntu does any one agree on that case? | 17:08 |
joe_ | anyway to get netfix on ubuntu? | 17:08 |
the_squircle | x1250: If there is more swap space being used, more disk reads and writes need to be used, and normal (root) filesystem access will be slowed | 17:08 |
the_squircle | ameed: I used to use OpenSuSE 11... and I like Ubuntu much better... but OpenSuSE is much better from a corporate environment standpoint | 17:08 |
granger | can you imagine that a cpu has 4 gb cache? | 17:08 |
dft | ideally, with the cost of ram these days, swap would be best served from a ramdisk | 17:08 |
x1250 | the_squircle, yeah, but thats not what you said. You related the swap size with speed, and there is no relation in that. | 17:08 |
SiVA_ | hi | 17:08 |
the_squircle | granger: what is it, and where can I get it? | 17:08 |
the_squircle | !hello | SiVA_ | 17:09 |
ubottu | SiVA_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 17:09 |
granger | in your dream | 17:09 |
the_squircle | x1250: I related swap size with disk access speed.... rightfully so. | 17:09 |
Grab | guys i ran the installer for ubuntu 8.10, and it partitioned all my free space as a single ext3 partition: why didnt it create swap? will it use a swap file.. ? | 17:09 |
ameed | the_squircle: mean if planning to use it as a server correct | 17:09 |
doublewulf | x1250: no, what he said was that increasing your swap partition will not make it faster, if anything it will slow down because of the extra disk-rws | 17:09 |
SiVA_ | I just installed ubuntu. My intel 2200bg card isn't working. I looked at dmesg and it says "radio frequency kill switch is on... must be disabled for wireless to work". But it is off.. I tried it off and on but still no go | 17:09 |
Maggie | I am not able to use flashdrive on my pc...I use Hardy plz help! | 17:10 |
ameed | one more thing , is it possible to access the data on Windows while am in ubuntu ? | 17:10 |
the_squircle | ameed: I'd trust Ubuntu more as a server... but if you're in a business or have a large support group, I'd use OpenSuSE... if you want to have more fun with Linux (and better stability, better support) use Ubuntu | 17:10 |
the_squircle | ameed: Sure is! It should mount automagically | 17:10 |
the_squircle | the_squircle: if not, it'll show up in the "computer" window in Nautilus. | 17:10 |
ameed | even if both on the same HD | 17:10 |
doublewulf | ameed: you might need to install ntfs support | 17:10 |
the_squircle | that was for ameed^ | 17:10 |
ameed | where do i install that | 17:10 |
the_squircle | ameed: yes | 17:10 |
Maggie | I am not able to use flashdrive on my pc...I use Hardy plz help! | 17:10 |
ameed | how do i get it | 17:10 |
ameed | ? | 17:10 |
the_squircle | ameed: it should be installed by default | 17:10 |
doublewulf | ntfs-3g - read-write NTFS driver for FUSE | 17:11 |
ameed | i cannot see any windows partition | 17:11 |
jimdog | hello. anyone using an aa1 know how I can get my ethernet working after installing madwifi driver? | 17:11 |
ameed | ntfs-3g - read-write NTFS driver for FUSE is the command | 17:11 |
the_squircle | Maggie: type "mount" in the terminal and paste the output to a pastebin | 17:11 |
ameed | ? | 17:11 |
the_squircle | ameed: Try mount /dev/sda1 (or whatever partition it is) /mnt | 17:11 |
doublewulf | ameed, do you know how to use apt-get? | 17:11 |
ameed | ntfs-3g: Failed to access volume '-': No such file or directory | 17:12 |
ameed | Please type 'ntfs-3g --help' for more information. | 17:12 |
jimdog | sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/??1 /mnt/??1 is the command | 17:12 |
ameed | Yes | 17:12 |
xcerca | anybody familar with google's repo ? | 17:12 |
ameed | apt-get install etc... | 17:12 |
the_squircle | jimdog: it should auto-detect the filesystem if -t isn't specified | 17:12 |
jimdog | i had problems before with mounting ntfs files in mandriva | 17:13 |
Maggie | the_squircle, this is what i got | 17:13 |
rascal991 | hi im trying to turn the lcd light on my tc1100 tablet off without any luck. Anyone know of a way? | 17:13 |
jimdog | may be a kernel bug | 17:13 |
jimdog | automount doesnt always work | 17:13 |
ameed | how do i know the name of my hard drive if hda0 or sda0 ? | 17:13 |
xcerca | ameed , do you use google's repository ? | 17:13 |
jimdog | blkid | 17:13 |
the_squircle | ameed: trial and error? | 17:13 |
tuccha2 | is ubuntu going to release updates for gimp and pidgin? | 17:13 |
doublewulf | ameed type mount with no arguments | 17:13 |
the_squircle | tuccha2: eventually | 17:13 |
granger | hi | 17:13 |
the_squircle | !hello | granger | 17:14 |
ubottu | granger: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 17:14 |
jimdog | blkid will give you the mountpoints and UUID | 17:14 |
the_squircle | Maggie: looks like it's not mounting... is the light on the drive coming on? | 17:14 |
granger | can ubuntu be used as a livecd? | 17:14 |
ameed | doublewulf:/host/ubuntu/disks/root.disk on / type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro) | 17:14 |
ameed | proc on /proc type proc (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev) | 17:14 |
ameed | varrun on /var/run type tmpfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,mode=0755) | 17:14 |
ameed | varlock on /var/lock type tmpfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,mode=1777) | 17:14 |
FloodBot1 | ameed: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 17:14 |
peepsalot | i just noticed i have about a dozen dirs in lib modules for older kernel versions. is it safe to delete the older ones? is there an official way I should do it through aptitude? | 17:14 |
ameed | udev on /dev type tmpfs (rw,mode=0755) | 17:14 |
ameed | devshm on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw) | 17:14 |
CarlFK | where does apt-get install the kernel headers? I am trying to build with | 17:14 |
jimdog | :-) | 17:14 |
jimdog | anyone any good with ethernet cards ? | 17:14 |
peepsalot | CarlFK, /usr/src/... | 17:15 |
tuccha2 | the_squircle what do you mean? | 17:15 |
the_squircle | jimdog: maybe... ask your question | 17:15 |
granger | is there a irc client in the ubuntu cd? | 17:15 |
Maggie | the_squircle, yes the LED is on | 17:15 |
CarlFK | granger: pidgin | 17:15 |
granger | oh | 17:15 |
jimdog | I'm using an acer aspire one and installed the madwif hal driver now my ethernet isn't working | 17:15 |
lfaraone | DragoraN: because it slows down my access to some websites. | 17:15 |
jimdog | madwifi | 17:15 |
tuccha2 | is ubuntu going to release updates for gimp and pidgin | 17:16 |
the_squircle | tuccha2: i'm not aware of any updates that they have released, but when they come out and are tested they'll be pushed to the client machines.... you can always enable beta software in the software sources application. | 17:16 |
tuccha2 | ? | 17:16 |
jimdog | there's 2 interfaces in ifconfig, ath0 and eth0 | 17:16 |
x1250 | CarlFK, you can use dpkg -L to know where a package installs its files: $ dpkg -L mypackage | 17:16 |
CarlFK | peepsalot: thanks | 17:16 |
Reivax46 | Hi | 17:16 |
peepsalot | yw | 17:16 |
the_squircle | Maggie: Go to the terminal, and type "cd /media", then type "ls", and see if there is a usb entry | 17:16 |
CarlFK | x1250: oh yeah... thanks | 17:16 |
the_squircle | !hello | Reivax46 | 17:17 |
ubottu | Reivax46: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 17:17 |
tuccha2 | i want a stable version not a beta the_squircle | 17:17 |
Reivax46 | thx | 17:17 |
the_squircle | tuccha2: the stable versions are up-to-date in Intrepid. | 17:17 |
Maggie | the_squircle, no there is no usb entry | 17:18 |
Pirate_Hunter | ive just unninstalled gnome-games and reinstalled it but i still can see the help function, how can i fix this? | 17:18 |
the_squircle | Maggie: then I can't help you... I don't know why your USB drive isn't being recognised. Someone else may be able to help. Sorry! | 17:18 |
the_squircle | tuccha2: Aah, you're right... my Intrepid is running 2.5.2 but there is 2.5.3 on | 17:19 |
tuccha2 | that's right | 17:19 |
tuccha2 | and gimp is outdated too | 17:19 |
Maggie | the_squircle, when I use lsusb then I get a response | 17:20 |
the_squircle | Maggie: I'm sorry.... I'm not intelligent enough to know how to troubleshoot beyond this point. | 17:20 |
the_squircle | tuccha2: all in good time,. | 17:20 |
joe_ | is there anyway i can get netfix in ubuntu so i can delete windows | 17:21 |
Maggie | the_squircle, this is what I get when I use lsusb | 17:21 |
doublewu1f | netfix? | 17:21 |
joe_ | netflix* | 17:21 |
tuccha2 | what does that mean? the_squircle | 17:21 |
Maggie | the_squircle, just hav a look at it | 17:21 |
jimdog | Can't get RTL8101E/RTL8102E to work at all now after installing madwifi-hal driver for wlan card. Anyone have any ideas? | 17:21 |
the_squircle | tuccha2: they'll be released soon i'm sure. they have to be tested by Caniocal. | 17:21 |
tuccha2 | ah ok | 17:22 |
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the_squircle | Maggie: so... it sees it.... but it's not automounting... | 17:22 |
the_squircle | hmmmm... | 17:22 |
Maggie | the_squircle, can u help me now | 17:22 |
datta | i wanted to know if with aivdemux you can split a video automaticaly not manualy is it possible to do that? | 17:23 |
the_squircle | Maggie: sure. Lemme grab a USB stick to try it myself. | 17:23 |
Maggie | the_squircle, pk | 17:23 |
alexandros | anybody help | 17:23 |
the_squircle | !anybody | alexandros | 17:24 |
ubottu | alexandros: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 17:24 |
tgr_ | hello i have a question after 3-5 hours and running transmission torrents the screen goes blank and caps lock blinks and i have to do a hard reboot on my laptop anyone have this experience? | 17:24 |
jtaji | tgr_: intel wireless? | 17:24 |
alexandros | how can i install compiz cube for graphic effects in ubuntu 8.10 | 17:24 |
alexandros | ? | 17:24 |
datta | >i wanted to know if with aivdemux you can split a video automaticaly not manualy is it possible to do that? | 17:24 |
doublewu1f | tgr_: try a different bittorent client? | 17:24 |
the_squircle | Maggie: try running this in the terminal: "sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt" | 17:25 |
jtaji | tgr_: intel wireless? running 8.10? | 17:25 |
tgr_ | jtaji running 8.04 and did not have this problem before only after installing new kernel | 17:26 |
jtaji | tgr_: what new kernel did you install? | 17:26 |
tgr_ | i would turn my bittorrent client on and leave overnight now when i do it i open the screen and it is blank with caps lock blinking | 17:26 |
xcerca | alexandros, i think there's a good tutorial on the ubuntu forums on compiz , and the compiz web page | 17:26 |
kestutis | Can somebody show me something cool on Ubuntu? | 17:26 |
the_squircle | !compiz | kestutis | 17:27 |
ubottu | kestutis: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at - help in #compiz-fusion | 17:27 |
alexandros | thanks !!!! | 17:27 |
xcerca | thats where i read most of my stuff | 17:27 |
Maggie | the_squircle, plz see my pm | 17:27 |
kestutis | the_squircle, next :) compiz is already known to me. | 17:27 |
jonnor | xmonad then | 17:27 |
tgr_ | i have done two kernel updates | 17:28 |
jonnor | but if you like compiz, tiling wms might not be your thing | 17:28 |
tgr_ | i don't know exactly the one i am using now | 17:28 |
jtaji | tgr_: uname -r | 17:28 |
tgr_ | the update manager wants me to install a new one again | 17:28 |
=== izibi_ is now known as izibi | ||
nblracer | looking for some help setting up a canon pixma mx850 printer via ethernet | 17:29 |
tgr_ | 2.6.24-19-generic | 17:29 |
the_squircle | !print | nblracer | 17:29 |
ubottu | nblracer: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See - - - Printer sharing: | 17:29 |
nblracer | woops sry for the disconnection; I'm looking for some help setting up a canon pixma mx850 printer via ethernet | 17:31 |
alexandros | something to vol up? | 17:31 |
tgr_ | if update manager recommends a kernel update should we install? | 17:31 |
Pirate_Hunter | ive just unninstalled gnome-games and reinstalled it but i still can see the help function, how can i fix this? | 17:31 |
nblracer | i also would like to be able to map the memory card reader and the scanner too if possible | 17:31 |
doublewu1f | !print | nblracer | 17:32 |
ubottu | nblracer: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See - - - Printer sharing: | 17:32 |
alexandros | something to set volume?????????????????????????????? | 17:32 |
jtaji | tgr_: yes generally, I'm not sure what your problem is, I thought it might be a common problem people have with 8.10 | 17:32 |
doublewu1f | alexandros: what? | 17:32 |
tgr_ | yeah but i am running 8.04 | 17:32 |
alexandros | i want to set the volume.. | 17:33 |
drurew | hi guys.... is there a way (via apt*) to download all packages without installing them .... ive: info apt / aptitude / aptoncd etc for days now with no solutions ....anyone have any ? | 17:33 |
nblracer | doublewu1f: i tried though cups | 17:33 |
tgr_ | during new clean upgrade is it possible to save the home folder from deletion? | 17:33 |
doublewu1f | nblracer: did you try canon's support site? | 17:33 |
alexandros | doublewulf:i want to set the volume | 17:33 |
Bert_2 | Hi, I'm using VirtualBox 2.0.6 on an ubuntu 8.04 host os and a fluxbuntu 7.10 guest os, I have a 2 monitors setup on my host. For some strange reason I can't get the guest to switch to any other resolution after installing the guest additions, can someone help me with that issue ? | 17:34 |
nblracer | doublewu1f: i dont think it supports ipp, if it does i dont know the port/uri | 17:34 |
ssmy | drurew: apt-get -d | 17:34 |
doublewu1f | alexandros volume control? | 17:34 |
drurew | tgr_ make a /home partition for your next inst to be able to save the contents | 17:34 |
nblracer | doublewu1f: no linux support :( | 17:34 |
alexandros | doublewulf : yes | 17:34 |
guntbert | Bert_2: you might get better answers in #vbox | 17:34 |
Maggie | I am not able to use flashdrive on my pc...I use Hardy plz help! | 17:34 |
LetsGo67 | 911! I have a printer on an Ubuntu computer, plus a Windows Vista computer. How can the Vista print to the Ubuntu printer please? | 17:35 |
tgr_ | drures how do i make a seperate partition | 17:35 |
jtaji | drurew: ALL packages, or all packages which you are about to install? | 17:35 |
tuccha2 | i uninstalled compiz-core | 17:35 |
Bert_2 | guntbert: nobody's answering over in #vbox | 17:35 |
nblracer | doublewu1f: i found a link saying this should work; | 17:35 |
doublewu1f | alexandros: you can put a volume control into a panel by right-clicking on a panel and choosing "add to panel" | 17:35 |
franklin-ture | anybody can bluetooth handset can connect but not voice | 17:35 |
tuccha2 | how can i install 3d effects again? | 17:35 |
tgr_ | i remember seeing a program that shows all the folders and hd space each took visually anyone know the application? | 17:35 |
doublewu1f | nblracer: good luck with that, I cannot help you further | 17:35 |
drurew | jtaji: all packages | 17:35 |
Maggie | I am not able to use flashdrive on my pc...I use Hardy plz help! | 17:35 |
nblracer | but is that the same cups that comes with ubuntu? | 17:35 |
doublewu1f | tgr_: gparted | 17:35 |
tgr_ | thanks | 17:36 |
doublewu1f | no, that probably doesn't do directory structures | 17:36 |
Maggie | I am not able to use flashdrive on my pc...I use Hardy plz help! | 17:36 |
alexandros | doublewulf: volume control | 17:36 |
ssmy | tgr_: Disk Usage Analyzer, in accessories | 17:36 |
guntbert | Bert_2: I didn't want to drive you away, just give another pointer :) | 17:36 |
doublewu1f | ssmy: good one, thanks | 17:36 |
Schuenemann | !nvidia | 17:36 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 17:36 |
niklaus | i've font display problems on ubuntu java applets. how do i correct it ? On windows for the same site on the same box it doesn't show those square boxes ? | 17:36 |
jtaji | drurew: look at apt-mirror | 17:36 |
Bert_2 | guntbert: np man ;) | 17:36 |
LetsGo67 | !samba | 17:36 |
ubottu | Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: and - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. Also see | 17:36 |
alexandros | volume control??????????????/ | 17:37 |
Maggie | I am not able to use flashdrive on my pc...I use Hardy plz help! | 17:37 |
tgr_ | ssmy yeah it was a big picture with colored boxes for every folder | 17:37 |
tuccha2 | i uninstalled compiz-core? how can i install 3d effects again? | 17:37 |
steve__ | slt ya tu kkun qui parle francais?:) | 17:37 |
franklin-ture | nvidia driver in ubuntu 8.10 | 17:37 |
MartinN00b | whats modus +n? | 17:37 |
MartinN00b | or +s | 17:37 |
ssmy | tgr_: WinDirStat is like that. twas inspired by a linux program. not sure what tho. google can probably go from there | 17:37 |
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guntbert | !fr | steve__ | 17:38 |
ubottu | steve__: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr | 17:38 |
steve__ | okay tanks | 17:38 |
the_squircle | Does anybody know how to enable two-finger right click on a MacBook Pro with Intrepid? | 17:38 |
tgr_ | ok cool | 17:38 |
peepsalot | when i load the aptitude gui, it shows a category for "Obsolete and Locally Created Packages" does that mean all these listed are safe to delete? | 17:39 |
niklaus | how do i set global path for ubuntu ? My sun java is some directory and i always need to run . .bash_profile to get java , otherwise it says PATH not found | 17:39 |
xcerca | wow , my hp (widows media center remote) that came with my laptop just works strait out of the box , i am completly amazed at this , i spent 3 days one time getting a remote to work | 17:39 |
ssmy | peepsalot: no. it just means they arent from the official repos. | 17:39 |
vuzer | hi | 17:39 |
guntbert | tgr_: maybe you are looking for gdmap | 17:39 |
CarlFK | "/version.h' does not exist. The most likely reason for this is that the kernel source files in '/usr/src/linux-source-2.6.28' have not been configured." shouldn't it be configured when I get from apt-get install linux-source | 17:39 |
franklin-ture | niklaus,you can search google can help you | 17:39 |
xcerca | but lirc isn't installed some i'm wondering how the ir remote is working ? | 17:40 |
Maggie | I am not able to use flashdrive on my pc...I use Hardy plz help! | 17:40 |
CarlFK | xcerca: I have an hp too - I think the hp is making it look like keybord input | 17:40 |
peepsalot | ssmy, how can i tell what repo they are from? i have a bunch of old kernel version in there for some reason | 17:41 |
xcerca | CarlFK , wow , so how can i program the buttons ? | 17:41 |
tgr_ | thanks | 17:41 |
joe_ | how do i setup skype hear me talking? | 17:41 |
CarlFK | xcerca: no clue - never bothered to dig into it | 17:41 |
doublewu1f | joe_: can you be more specific? | 17:42 |
franklin-ture | doublewulf | 17:42 |
Apocalyps | joe_: choose appropriate sound driver | 17:42 |
joe_ | i want skype to heat mic input, iv tried all nothing happens | 17:42 |
tgr_ | is it worth upgrading to 8.10 from 8.04? i will have to do a fresh install and try to rescue my home folder by creating a new partition | 17:42 |
joe_ | hear* | 17:42 |
xcerca | CarlFK , well the vol up and down and play pause work without me doing anything, is there anywhere to change the systemwide keyboard shortcuts ? | 17:43 |
peepsalot | i have a dozen different old kernel versions in /lib/modules and I'm wondering why they are still there. does ubuntu ever clean out old ones? is it possible that a current kernel would make use of these old /lib/modules at all? | 17:43 |
franklin-ture | my bluetooth handset can connect but not vioce | 17:43 |
vuzer | I would like to share files between Fedora and Ubuntu... Every host can see it's samba shared files, but when i do smb://10.0.0.x they cannot see each other's shared files... :( How can I do that? Thank you for your help... | 17:43 |
xcerca | tgr_ 8.10 is after 8.04 | 17:43 |
joe_ | how do i test if mic is working in ubuntu? | 17:44 |
doublewu1f | joe_: what ubuntu are you running, and is it 32bit or 64bit? | 17:44 |
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joe_ | 32 | 17:44 |
doublewu1f | joe_: what sound drive are you running? | 17:44 |
andycan | is there a package that displays notices on screen? | 17:44 |
joe_ | how do i check? | 17:44 |
Paddy_EIRE | peepsalot, typically "sudo apt-get autoremove" should clear out old kernels | 17:45 |
Paddy_EIRE | peepsalot, and its always wise to keep at least one previous kernel | 17:45 |
doublewu1f | joe_: under system/preferences/sound | 17:45 |
peepsalot | Paddy_EIRE, autoremove didn't do anything | 17:45 |
clansman_5 | hello | 17:46 |
Paddy_EIRE | peepsalot, hmm.. have you tried using synaptic package manager to see if there are any obsolete dependencies and the like | 17:46 |
feelshift | hi | 17:46 |
Apocalyps | peepsalot: if you clean old kernels, maybe you have to recompile some packages | 17:46 |
the_squircle | !hello | clansman_5 | 17:46 |
ubottu | clansman_5: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 17:46 |
the_squircle | !hello | feelshift | 17:46 |
ubottu | feelshift: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 17:46 |
joe_ | alsa | 17:46 |
clansman_5 | Im encountering a small delays when using X application between my mouse/keyb. actions and computer response, Im using gnome on gutsy gibbon, you guys ever discovered such situations ? | 17:48 |
clansman_5 | I mean - the computer seems a little laggy | 17:48 |
clansman_5 | if I may say that | 17:48 |
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TwoD | I need to find out which files certain (unreadable) sectors belong to (if any) on a fat32 volume, or from the image I created of it with ddrescue. (usb drive went nuts). Is there some way to do this? | 17:50 |
TwoD | I have the logfile listing all bad sectors (all are multiples of 1000 tho, couldn't get raw device access as it says it's in use), I just need to know which of the thousands of files are affected... | 17:51 |
=== Dave_K is now known as Dave | ||
clansman_5 | TwoD: cant you just copy all the files to a safe place? copying those corrupted should end with input/output error | 17:53 |
king2005 | any body have information of skynet a90 ? :D ? | 17:54 |
shepherd | my sound does not work on my usb headset, how do i get it to work? | 17:55 |
annaimkonki | how can one... detect his or her hardwares? i want to know what kind of network card i have.... | 17:55 |
drurew | shepherd: give alsamixer a run in the terminal | 17:55 |
clansman_5 | annaimkonki: lspci | 17:56 |
drurew | if you use alsa | 17:56 |
jtaji | annaimkonki: sudo lshw -C network | 17:56 |
clansman_5 | and search for network devices | 17:56 |
Pirate_Hunter | anyone knows why gnome-games help function would not work but instead give some protocol error? | 17:56 |
TwoD | clansman_5, If I do that, the copy action will be aborted, without a message about which file was not copied, and I can't resume it. I'll perhaps get the broken filename if I do it via cli, but there's still the issue of resuming... | 17:56 |
michas | Hi, does ubuntu do some magic with the SSH-agent? After a "ssh-add -D" a following "ssh-add -l" still shows a key, how comes? | 17:57 |
filipegatti | Hello. Sorry for this question, this is my first time trying Compiz, but... how do I turn it off? I'm using it on Ubuntu. | 17:57 |
annaimkonki | thanks | 17:57 |
troythetechguy | I installed openGEU, a distro based on Ubuntu, however, I'm not comfortable with enlightment. I install Gnome, would this be the same as installing Ubuntu, or is there other differences? | 17:57 |
clansman_5 | TwoD: you can do verbose copying by passing a -v parameter to cp | 17:57 |
jarco | i have a weird sound problem. I hear myself in my usb sound device when i speak in the micro but still sound recorder isnt recording anything I say (so isnt teamspeak). | 17:57 |
shepherd | drurew: what is supposed to happen, becuase i can not hear anyhting | 17:57 |
Paddy_EIRE | troyen, we dont support unofficial derivatives here mate | 17:57 |
tom17bombadil_ | i am looking for a comfortyble screenshot-tool like snagit | 17:57 |
Paddy_EIRE | troyen, although installing gnome should be just fine | 17:57 |
TwoD | filipegatti, go to System, Preferences, and [visual appearance] (unsure about the name, using Swedish version). Last tab will let you turn off all effects | 17:58 |
tom17bombadil_ | who has a recommendation handy? | 17:58 |
doublewu1f | tom17bombadil_: have you used the print-screen button? | 17:58 |
TwoD | clansman_5, hmm, true. But can it ignore already existing files? | 17:58 |
filipegatti | TwoD: thanks mate, it solved. | 17:58 |
tom17bombadil_ | doublewu1f, yes | 17:58 |
mewmew | i like gimp for ScreenShot | 17:58 |
clansman_5 | clear | 17:58 |
drurew | shepherd: in terminal run : alsamixer ....if you use alsa , it will bring up a cool looking ui that will help you configure your sound device | 17:58 |
clansman_5 | god damn it :) | 17:59 |
tom17bombadil_ | doublewu1f, but I want to avoid to open gimp every time i just want to clip or scale a shot | 17:59 |
TwoD | clansman_5, nm, found the -u flag | 17:59 |
fbc | is there an editor with a gui that will search a dir for files containing a specific string? | 17:59 |
doublewu1f | tom17bombadil_: visit | 17:59 |
jarco | i have a weird sound problem. I hear myself in my usb sound device when i speak in the micro but still sound recorder isnt recording anything I say (so isnt teamspeak). | 18:00 |
Paddy_EIRE | tom17bombadil_, "apps > accessories > take screenshot" | 18:00 |
doublewu1f | jarco: are you using pulseaudio? | 18:00 |
doublewu1f | !pulse | 18:00 |
ubottu | PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See for information and installation instructions | 18:00 |
jarco | doublewu1f, i dunno yet | 18:00 |
clansman_5 | TwoD: I would succesivelly "mv" all the "good" files | 18:00 |
jarco | i have 2 sound devices btw | 18:01 |
jarco | one usb and one on the mainvoard | 18:01 |
TwoD | clansman_5, never mind that "nm". cp won't show any read errors if I copy from the image (copying from the device takes days, literally) becaue it has zeroes instead of being unreadable | 18:01 |
JonnyDY2J | hi guys. hopefully someone will be able to help with my problem. When i install ubuntu 8.1 server and the system reboots it loads up and my keyboard works fine. When i then reboot the server i have no keyboard access. I have noticed that on the first boot syaptics drivers are loaded but subsequent reboots do not load these drivers. anyone able to help me get these to load at every boot up. | 18:01 |
jarco | they are both playing music :s | 18:01 |
Paddy_EIRE | tom17bombadil_, if you dont mind QT apps then you could use "screenie-qt" | 18:02 |
qcjn | with what can i convert m4a to mp3 | 18:02 |
MartinN00b | the_squircle, systemsettings mouse | 18:02 |
TwoD | clansman_5, we're talking 460GB here hehe | 18:02 |
drurew | JonnyDY2J: have you tryed "fixing" via ssh ? | 18:02 |
clansman_5 | TwoD: thats a little though situation, which I've previously havent met with, so it is hard to me to answer | 18:02 |
MartinN00b | oh207, thats a long long time ago | 18:02 |
ura | #ubuntu-it | 18:02 |
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TwoD | clansman_5, you and me both.... | 18:02 |
ura | hello | 18:02 |
ttfn | hello | 18:03 |
=== wulf__ is now known as doublewulf | ||
ura | #ubuntu-it /J | 18:03 |
JonnyDY2J | drurew: i dont know if i am able to access the server via ssh | 18:03 |
ura | someone knows why i cannot see device | 18:03 |
JonnyDY2J | drurew: i do have a ssh program installed on this laptop i am using though | 18:03 |
franklin-ture | what is rpanels | 18:04 |
Paddy_EIRE | franklin-ture, ask google that one | 18:04 |
* MartinN00b is away: AFK! | 18:04 | |
jarco | doublewulf, I think that i am not using pulseaudio. I didnt install it anyway. | 18:05 |
franklin-ture | google say i don't know | 18:06 |
drurew | JonnyDY2J: http your router to find the ip of the server ....theoretically if you can ... it will work just wait a min or so after the server boots to be able to log in | 18:07 |
doublewulf | franklin-ture: what are you trying to do again? | 18:07 |
Paddy_EIRE | franklin-ture, took 2 secs | 18:07 |
JonnyDY2J | drurew: i know the ip of the server as it is static | 18:07 |
hikenboot | anyone able to recommend a gui front end for memcoder or something to convert videos from mkv format to mpeg2 | 18:07 |
drurew | JonnyDY2J: is it local ? | 18:08 |
JonnyDY2J | drurew: yes it is | 18:08 |
doublewulf | hikenboot: have you visited ? | 18:08 |
hikenboot | when i convert them i am getting errors in mplayer i do not understand | 18:08 |
hikenboot | no let me look | 18:08 |
robile | i just installed xmms over synaptics but i cant find it in my start menu :o -> where should the program be located? i dont find it in /usr/bin ]-: | 18:08 |
drurew | just : ssh root@thestaticipaddress | 18:09 |
fosco_ | !xmms | robile | 18:09 |
ubottu | robile: xmms is no longer being developed, see for more details. Consider using audacious, bmpx, or xmms2 instead. | 18:09 |
OrEvA_ | Is it advisable to upgrade ubuntu 8.04 to 8.10? | 18:09 |
mamat | how can i import an sql file on a remote sql server using the shell? phpmyadmin seems broken here | 18:09 |
robile | thanks but that doesnt help alot ubottu :p | 18:10 |
doublewulf | robile: what is it you want to do | 18:10 |
soreau | Would anyone be able to tell me how to set the network manager keyring so that I do not have to type the key in every time I log on with Intrepid? | 18:10 |
=== _AshTray- is now known as AshTray- | ||
robile | find the programs directory and /.startit! | 18:10 |
=== Dave is now known as UbuntuNurse | ||
OrEvA_ | Is it advisable to upgrade ubuntu 8.04 to 8.10? | 18:11 |
doublewulf | robile: have you tried right-clicking on the Applications menu, then chosing edit menus | 18:11 |
kestutis | BMPx tried to start up, but crashed. | 18:12 |
kestutis | Please file a bug at: | 18:12 |
kestutis | | 18:12 |
kestutis | what to do? | 18:12 |
tuga3d | hi there! | 18:12 |
tuga3d | my webcam is working in cheese but i can't manage it to play with vlc, any ideas? | 18:13 |
robile | doublewulf, what does that have todo with mmy problem? :D | 18:13 |
The-Kernel | Hey, so on the ubuntu "Applications" menu | 18:14 |
The-Kernel | I click it, and nothing appears | 18:14 |
OrEvA_ | Is it advisable to upgrade ubuntu 8.04 to 8.10 since 8.04 is a LTS release? | 18:14 |
The-Kernel | is there a way to like, reset the menu's or something? | 18:14 |
|vovkav| | is there anyone who wants to be the 3rd player for monop/atlantik? | 18:14 |
doublewulf | robile: this will allow you to add programs to the applications menu | 18:14 |
soreau | The-Kernel: Is your system completely up to date? | 18:14 |
drurew | OrEvA_: totally up to you | 18:14 |
robile | doublewulf, yes but the problem is that i do not FIND the program itself | 18:15 |
robile | doublewulf, creating a link is not the prob! ;:) | 18:15 |
The-Kernel | soreau yes I just checked | 18:15 |
DasEi | a machine here doesn't boot up anymore but hanging at : running local boot.scripts rc.local, what to check ? | 18:15 |
drurew | OrEvA_: if you enjoy the smoothness....stay with 8.04 ....if you like fiddling with code ...upgrade | 18:15 |
OrEvA_ | drurew, plz see my pm | 18:15 |
soreau | Can someone tell me how to set the network manager keyring so that I do not have to type the key in every time I log on with Intrepid? | 18:15 |
doublewulf | robile: sudo find / -name xmms | 18:16 |
mamat | soreau: good question... i have to type an old password everytime cause it's not even the same as main password | 18:16 |
The-Kernel | whereis xmms | 18:16 |
doglino | why the sound don't works in skype and rhythmbox at the same time?????? (ubuntu 8.04) | 18:16 |
The-Kernel | doglino you might not be using ALSA but rather OSS | 18:17 |
doublewulf | doglino: in skypes options | 18:17 |
Slart | doglino: skype uses plain alsa afaik.. I don't know what rythmbox uses | 18:17 |
JonnyDY2J | drurew: when i try to connect with ssh it just says connection refused | 18:17 |
tuccha2 | is jim_p here | 18:17 |
OrEvA_ | drurew, plz see my pm | 18:17 |
kestutis | BMPx tried to start up, but crashed. | 18:17 |
kestutis | Please file a bug at: | 18:17 |
doublewulf | doglino: under sound options, unclick the checkbox to allow skype to adjust | 18:17 |
kestutis | what wrong? | 18:17 |
The-Kernel | OSS can only support one application at a time, and ALSA can do more | 18:17 |
robile | doublewulf, thx *searches* | 18:17 |
xcerca | CarlFK , i found out you can just use keyboard shortcuts to program the remote, when it asks for the key combo just press a button on the remote, it comes up like next is Ctrl+Alt+F12 | 18:17 |
as2000 | trying to find a dvd to avi encoder. any recommendations? | 18:18 |
doublewulf | robile: The-Kernel also suggests using the whereis command | 18:18 |
Slart | as2000: acidrip is one I think | 18:18 |
doublewulf | as2000: Avidemux (GTK+) | 18:19 |
doublewulf | as2000: try to find programs | 18:19 |
robile | doublewulf, big thanks i found it! | 18:20 |
doublewulf | robile: glad it worked | 18:20 |
doglino | ok thanks you all | 18:20 |
rslrdx | i need help sticking with ubuntu.... anyone up to the task of convincing me to stick with it? | 18:20 |
doublewulf | no | 18:20 |
rslrdx | looking to migrate to centos 5.2 | 18:21 |
JonnyDY2J | drurew: when i try to connect with ssh it just says connection refused | 18:21 |
Jack_Sparrow | rslrdx, wrong room for discussion, this is support | 18:21 |
rslrdx | alright | 18:22 |
|vovkav| | is there anyone who wants to be the 3rd player for monop/atlantik? | 18:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | |vovkav|, offtopic thanks | 18:22 |
hello1234_5 | when using the alternatives cd and the encrypted lvm does that encrypt the entire drive or only create the Private directory which is encrypted? | 18:22 |
bonhoffer | i am on my eeepc without a mouse -- how do i mouse paste w/o a third button | 18:22 |
jtaji | hello1234_5: entire drive | 18:23 |
DIFH-iceroot | bonhoffer: shift + insert | 18:23 |
hello1234_5 | jtaji, so what's the point of this Private directory in my home directory? | 18:24 |
Slart | !ot | |vovkav| | 18:24 |
ubottu | |vovkav|: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 18:24 |
jtaji | hello1234_5: for when you don't want to encrypt the entire drive | 18:24 |
Slart | wow.. 2 minutes after everyone else reacted.. no cookie for me | 18:24 |
hello1234_5 | jtaji: oh so it is in the default installation and always has a seamless encryption to it, but since I encrypted the entire drive it doesn't matter? | 18:24 |
jtaji | hello1234_5: IMO encrypted LVM is good for laptops which can be stolen, encrypted directories for all other purposes | 18:25 |
trancefat | Hi, is there something in Ubuntu like task manager in windows? | 18:25 |
jtaji | hello1234_5: indeed | 18:25 |
bonhoffer | DIFH-iceroot, thanks! | 18:25 |
hello1234_5 | jtaji: yes this is for my laptop which is why I chose this. thank you | 18:25 |
Slart | trancefat: there's a system monitor, in system, administration | 18:25 |
jemark | trancefat: yes | 18:25 |
MatizMac | ./a ok | 18:25 |
MatizMac | ./msg ok | 18:25 |
trancefat | Slart: Ok.. thanks | 18:25 |
notalllinux_yet | @trancefat: or go to terminal > $ ps -ax | 18:25 |
jemark | trancefat: System Monitor | 18:25 |
trancefat | notalllinux_yet: ok thanks | 18:26 |
trancefat | jemark: thanks | 18:26 |
soren_schantz | Hey. Everytime i start my ubuntu 8.10 i have to type in a default keyring password, aren't there a way so i don't have to do that everytime? | 18:26 |
jemark | soren_schantz: do you login automatically? | 18:27 |
soren_schantz | jemark: Yes | 18:27 |
mamat | jemark: i don't login automatically and still have to retype out-of-date password for nm-applet to work | 18:28 |
Akiv1 | Okay, so I cannot expand/grow my /root partition to upgrade to 8.10 (root is sda1). I have used gparted from the livecd to shrink my other partition from /home, which created a new available 5 gig chunk | 18:28 |
drurew | JonnyDY2J : sudo ssh root@ip | 18:28 |
XLV | i want to go from debian etch to ubuntu 8.10 in some home server i got here, problem is the server got some complicated hdd setup, it has four 640GB hdds, which all got 4 partitions, one 256MB boot, one 20GB root and one 2GB swap, the rest is reserved for raid5. all the first three partitions are raid1 ( two active, two spares ). how well can i expect ubuntu installer to find those raid setups, and install on top of debian by formatting the raid1 arrays? | 18:28 |
unop | drurew, sudo ssh ?? that's silly | 18:29 |
kestutis | nothing appears in bmpx radio shoutcast genres list | 18:29 |
kestutis | what to do? | 18:29 |
trancefat | Hi, is there some restricted driver to install for sound on my laptop with Ubuntu... I had to do that for Nvidia... maybe i need that for the sound too? | 18:29 |
Symmetria | does anyone here happen to know what the absolute maximum tcp window size I can set on a linux box is | 18:29 |
Akiv1 | But for the life of me I cannot grow/expand sda1/root. GParted acts like there are two highlighted partitions, one is root (which cannot expand) and the other green area contains my swap, the extra 5 gigs and /home | 18:29 |
jemark | soren_schantz: it is normal that gnome key ing likes ur to login first and you have to have the key ring password the same as your user login password. | 18:29 |
Akiv1 | Anyone care to assist me? | 18:29 |
DasEi | Akiv1: what happens if you try ? | 18:29 |
jemark | soren_schantz: solution is to delete ur keyring password | 18:29 |
drurew | yeah i just rememberd ssh isnt included in the standard system | 18:29 |
drurew | crap | 18:30 |
soren_schantz | jemark: How do i do that? | 18:30 |
Xim | anyone know if there's a creative x-fi driver around? Googling for it at the mo but nothing's come up | 18:30 |
Akiv1 | DasEi: It won't let me drag SDA1 any larger | 18:30 |
rslrdx | can anyone recomendo an iptables book? | 18:30 |
unop | drurew, ssh (the client) is included - not sshd tho | 18:30 |
lifeless_ | hi | 18:30 |
jtaji | Sorcererbob: applications > accessories > passwords and encryption keys, password tab, you should be able to change default keyring password there | 18:30 |
Akiv1 | Its really frustrating | 18:30 |
kestutis | anyone will assist me??? | 18:30 |
rslrdx | oops... recommand * | 18:30 |
meese | hey | 18:31 |
DasEi | Akiv1: so I got your upper message wrong saying you already enlarged / ? | 18:31 |
solexious | Any one suggest a program to use? I would like a command line program that I can Use to display a large message on the screen, preferably able to use it remotley... | 18:31 |
unop | kestutis, ask a question to the channel | 18:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | kestrel, Ask your real question.. all on one line and wait for an answer | 18:31 |
meese | hello? | 18:31 |
kestutis | nothing appears in bmpx radio shoutcast genres list | 18:31 |
notalllinux_yet | xim: try googling for the driver, and then modprobe it | 18:31 |
trancefat | How do i setup sound on Ubuntu 8.10 on a laptop with amd64 nvidia graphics card and broadcom wireles | 18:32 |
jemark | soren_schantz: rm ~/.gnome2/keyrings/default.keyring en then the next time if the keyring will ask you to make a password, you leave this empty and press ok | 18:32 |
HacKBoX | Jack_Sparrow: How's It Going? | 18:32 |
meese | who agrees with me that people are stupid? | 18:32 |
Akiv1 | DasEi: Yes, I have shrunk my home to allow for more available room to be used for root but cannot actually grow / any | 18:32 |
patlutz | you're fuckin stupid | 18:32 |
patlutz | nigger | 18:32 |
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FloodBot1 | patlutz: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 18:32 |
Xim | ok.. will also be googling modprobe.. no idea what it is :) | 18:32 |
guesture | meese: you are people | 18:32 |
kestutis | what to do? | 18:32 |
HacKBoX | patlutz: What is that? | 18:32 |
meese | patlutz: wtf | 18:32 |
jtaji | !ops | patlutz | 18:32 |
ubottu | patlutz: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia! | 18:32 |
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meese | guesture: prove it. | 18:32 |
DasEi | Akiv1: I see, you got to do it from live (parti mussn't be mounted) can I have a look at your partis ? | 18:33 |
patlutz | i love penis | 18:33 |
notalllinux_yet | XIM: modprobe adds a driver to the kernel. For my old soundcard for example, I had to $modprobe sb -- which is the generic soundblaster driver | 18:33 |
Akiv1 | DasEi: I have been rebooting and trying to do this from the LiveCD | 18:33 |
kestutis | nothing appears in bmpx radio shoutcast genres list | 18:33 |
kestutis | what to do? | 18:33 |
DasEi | Akiv1: sudo apt-get install pastebinit | 18:33 |
guesture | meese: people are stupid. meese is people. it's easy | 18:33 |
Akiv1 | I have it installed | 18:34 |
DasEi | Akiv1: sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit | 18:34 |
Xim | ah cheers notalllinux_yet .. I've got it installed before, just forgotten how to do it, was over 2 years ago | 18:34 |
Jack_Sparrow | !shoutcast | 18:34 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about shoutcast | 18:34 |
Xim | or rather got it to work somehow | 18:34 |
DasEi | Akiv1: give url from last cmd here | 18:34 |
meese | guesture: but what if I don't believe I'm a person? You can't refute my beliefs. | 18:34 |
kestutis | nothing appears in bmpx radio shoutcast genres list | 18:35 |
kestutis | what to do? | 18:35 |
solexious | !offtopic | 18:35 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 18:35 |
ethan | whast he command to uninstall a program? | 18:35 |
DasEi | ethan: apt-get remove | 18:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | ethan, how was it installed | 18:35 |
kestutis | nothing appears in bmpx radio shoutcast genres list | 18:35 |
Akiv1 | DasEi: | 18:35 |
kestutis | what to do? | 18:35 |
DasEi | ethan: apt-get remove --purge if you want to kill config, too | 18:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | kestrel, Please stop repeating | 18:35 |
HacKBoX | ethan: sudo apt-get remove 'application | 18:35 |
_Atchoum | JABBER NEWS : | 18:36 |
guesture | meese: you are the product of your faith :) | 18:36 |
Akiv1 | DasEi: The channel is a bit much for me, can we pm the rest of this? | 18:36 |
kestutis | nobody answers | 18:36 |
kestutis | so again: | 18:36 |
kestutis | nothing appears in bmpx radio shoutcast genres list | 18:36 |
trancefat | can anybody please suggest a good time tracker package that has a calendar view + to do list? | 18:36 |
kestutis | what to do? | 18:36 |
FloodBot1 | kestutis: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 18:36 |
Cyberai | Hey, I upgraded from 8.01 to 8.10 and now my trash icon on my desktop isn't associated with my .Trash directory anymore. So I can't empty it anymore except at the CL. Can anyone tell me how to fix this? | 18:36 |
jtaji | !repeat | kestrel | 18:36 |
ubottu | kestrel: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 18:36 |
notalllinux_yet | trancefat: did u try System>Preferenceces> Sound ? if autodetect doesnt work, reset them to ALSA and retry | 18:36 |
_Atchoum | | 18:36 |
jtaji | !repeat | kestutis | 18:36 |
ubottu | kestutis: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 18:36 |
DasEi | Akiv1: sur, go ahead | 18:36 |
Cyberai | oops, that's 8.04, not 8.01 | 18:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | _Atchoum, Please dont post links without ionfo about what they are.. random not appreciated | 18:36 |
meese | guesture: i.e., not people. | 18:37 |
=== usser__ is now known as usser | ||
HacKBoX | kestutis: search google it is our friend | 18:37 |
trancefat | notalllinux_yet: ok i ll try this | 18:37 |
notalllinux_yet | trancefat: MS project look alike for time planning a project is PLANNER. Otherwuse look @ Evolution (outlook - like) | 18:37 |
meese | guesture: people are stupid. I don't believe I'm people. therefore, people are stupid. | 18:37 |
kestutis | HacKBoX - fuck off. | 18:38 |
HacKBoX | kestutis: I'm trying to help you | 18:38 |
HacKBoX | kestutis: I've only been awake for 5 minutes. I'm still smoking my first cigarette. Give me a break | 18:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | HacKBoX, HE is gone | 18:39 |
HacKBoX | Jack_Sparrow: Thanks | 18:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 18:39 |
antonia | new install of 8.10 will not play dvd's i've installed ubuntu-restricted-extras | 18:39 |
guesture | meese: you are messiah :) | 18:39 |
antonia | tried through xine and VLC | 18:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | guesture, Please stop this NOW | 18:40 |
HacKBoX | Jack_Sparrow: HOw did it suddenly give you channel operator status? | 18:40 |
trancefat | notalllinux_yet: i tried the Preferences > Sound thing and clicked Test but it just shows a testing pipeline process and is not going any further | 18:40 |
DasEi | a machine here doesn't boot up anymore but hanging at : running local boot.scripts rc.local, what to check ? | 18:40 |
jtaji | antonia: either install libdvdcss2 package from medibuntu, or run 'sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/' | 18:41 |
notalllinux_yet | trancefat: you try changing all the prefs to ALSA??? | 18:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | HacKBoX, I have a script to handle it | 18:41 |
antonia | jtaji: thank you! | 18:41 |
HacKBoX | Jack_Sparrow: Oh. Well btw. I figured I would introduce myself. I'm Scott. I've been using slackware for the last 10 years and installed ubuntu just because I wanted a more desktop oriented distro | 18:43 |
jason80 | what is the recommended program under ubuntu to watch dvb-t television? kaffeine? | 18:43 |
Phase | For some reason Firefox loads with the top bar (the one with the title, min/max/close buttons) on it either out of view, or not there, as well as it overlaps both my top panel and bottom panel in ubuntu (gnome).. And it's not that one Compiz option that removes it (unless it can be removed from JUST firefox), because everything else is functioning normally, any ideas on how to fix this? | 18:43 |
Jack_Sparrow | HacKBoX, Welcome to ubuntu.. we have channels for chat, this one is quite focused on support | 18:43 |
Seito | hi everyone! need help with Prolific usb2com expresscard adapter. please! | 18:43 |
HacKBoX | Jack_Sparrow: I have not much interest in wasting my time chatting. I'm just here to lend my support to others. Good old Open-Source spirit. | 18:44 |
trancefat | notalllinux_yet: ok there are more than one ALSA in the dropdown... one is just Alsa, the others are ALSO Nvidia Conexant | 18:44 |
SiVA_ | I put a dlink wireless pcmcia card into my laptop but nothing happens. Under windows, the leds on the card would light up. what to do in ubuntu? | 18:44 |
trancefat | notalllinux_yet: still it stops on Testing Pipelinew | 18:44 |
Jack_Sparrow | Welcome to Ubuntu and we can always use the help | 18:44 |
PATX | can i get an ubuntu/member cloak? | 18:44 |
HacKBoX | Jack_Sparrow: No Problem | 18:45 |
Jack_Sparrow | PATX, #freenode | 18:45 |
PATX | k | 18:45 |
HacKBoX | Jack_Sparrow: What is the member cloak about. | 18:45 |
Jack_Sparrow | SiVA_, Did you check the supported hardware list before buying it | 18:45 |
Jack_Sparrow | !cloak | 18:45 |
ubottu | Many Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as TOR due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see | 18:45 |
rgov | My girlfriend's laptop is at home but it's still using our university's DNS servers. The servers are listed in /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/original and /etc/resolvconf/run/resolv.conf, etc. What's the safest way to remove these entries? | 18:45 |
HacKBoX | !cloak | 18:46 |
HacKBoX | Jack_Sparrow: It didn't do anything | 18:46 |
Jack_Sparrow | HacKBoX, :) uubottu wont repeat tha quickly | 18:46 |
mrwes | rgov: comment them out with # | 18:46 |
Jack_Sparrow | !cloak > HacKBoX | 18:46 |
ubottu | HacKBoX, please see my private message | 18:46 |
dangerisgo | im having an issue with grub. i have multiple hdds in my comp (4 of em are on a raid card that needs drivers loaded) | 18:46 |
HacKBoX | Jack_Sparrow: it told me to see its PM, How do i do that | 18:47 |
mrwes | hrmm | 18:47 |
=== sean is now known as Guest11318 | ||
Jack_Sparrow | HacKBoX, what irc client are you using | 18:47 |
HacKBoX | x-chat for gnome | 18:47 |
Jack_Sparrow | HacKBoX, You should see a channel like tab for ubottu | 18:47 |
jason80 | ubuntu freezes, when I open a dvb-t channel in kaffeine. this happens in ubuntu 8.04, but not in 8.10. is this a known problem, and does a workaround exist? not only kaffeine freezes, but it shows a strange pattern (like a memory dump) instead of the tv, and I cannot switch windows or reboot with ctrl-alt-del. | 18:47 |
PATX | Jack_Sparrow: k i have all of the seven steps done and i am in #freenode | 18:47 |
SiVA_ | jacksparrow: trying to reuse some parts here | 18:47 |
HacKBoX | aha. thanks | 18:47 |
trancefat | notalllinux_yet: i tried putting all options to ALSA yet it wont go beyond testing pipeline... please help | 18:48 |
Phase | Anyone got an ideas on this? ---> For some reason Firefox loads with the top bar (the one with the title, min/max/close buttons) on it either out of view, or not there, as well as it overlaps both my top panel and bottom panel in ubuntu (gnome).. And it's not that one Compiz option that removes it (unless it can be removed from JUST firefox), because everything else is functioning normally though.. | 18:48 |
mrwes | HacKBoX: should be another channel tab to the left in red, but from ubottu | 18:48 |
trancefat | notalllinux_yet: i had installed Ubuntu earlier on this same laptop and it had wroked | 18:48 |
Jack_Sparrow | SiVA_, NP, but checking the list will help you save soe time | 18:48 |
notalllinux_yet | trancefat: i'm almost at end of my knowleddge base on this - sorry. Couple other things: go to terminal and type $alsamixer -- see if it finds any devices | 18:48 |
Guest11318 | I seem to have lost the menus (applications, places, system) from the panel at the top of my desktop, does anyone know how I get them back | 18:48 |
notalllinux_yet | trancefat: you may need a dfifferent driver | 18:48 |
trancefat | notalllinux_yet: ok thanks | 18:48 |
HacKBoX | Jack_Sparrow: I am new to IRC however | 18:48 |
Jack_Sparrow | HacKBoX, np | 18:48 |
bahr | Can someone tell me, why I have really low fps when watching a movie on my computer? It only turns normal, when I turn off desktop effects, and I have direct rendering enabled. | 18:49 |
PATX | Jack_Sparrow: should i just ask for one in freenode or do u have to be there? | 18:49 |
Jack_Sparrow | bahr, /join #compiz thay may have an answer | 18:49 |
Jack_Sparrow | PATX, There is fine.. it will get handled | 18:50 |
=== Luciole`- is now known as Luciole`eat- | ||
jason80 | ubuntu freezes, when I open a dvb-t channel in kaffeine. this happens in ubuntu 8.04, but not in 8.10. is this a known problem, and does a workaround exist? not only kaffeine freezes, but it shows a strange pattern (like a memory dump) instead of the tv, and I cannot switch windows or reboot with ctrl-alt-del. | 18:50 |
bahr | Jack_Sparrow: ok, thanks | 18:51 |
kjeska | how do i change resulotion on the UBUNTU | 18:51 |
jason80 | kjesja: see the preferences menu | 18:51 |
Roconda | hi, I am affected with a bug and wouldlike to debug my kernel. Whats the best way to debug my kernel into a text file ? | 18:51 |
kjeska | i only get 800x600 there | 18:52 |
kjeska | and lower | 18:52 |
dangerisgo | when i disconnect all hdds, and load ubuntu, grub loads on (hd0,0). So then I connect a single HDD and that hdd gets named hd1, no problem there. But when I connect my RAID drives, they some how preceed my main drive (hd0-3) and my main drive is now hd4. while booting to hd4,5. So i install ubuntu w/ the raid controller connected and then leave the default grub config in the installation menu (to /dev/sde) instead of the de | 18:52 |
dangerisgo | any help would be greatly appreciated | 18:52 |
Guest11318 | system > preferences > screen resolution kjeska | 18:52 |
Guest11318 | however I have lost that menu | 18:52 |
Jack_Sparrow | !coc > HacKBoX | 18:53 |
ubottu | HacKBoX, please see my private message | 18:53 |
Guest11318 | and don't know how to get it back | 18:53 |
PATX | Jack_Sparrow: need to to tel them to approve my cloak | 18:53 |
Jack_Sparrow | !cloak > patx | 18:54 |
ubottu | patx, please see my private message | 18:54 |
Jack_Sparrow | PATX, did you do what they show in that factoid.. | 18:54 |
laburd | I have a problem with gtk themes... I can set them in appearance manager, which affects all running apps. But all new apps that I run have no theme at all | 18:54 |
laburd | can someone help me please | 18:54 |
pkodon | Okay, this channel seems active, perhaps I'll try here. Anyone know anything about installing software in Wine? | 18:54 |
PATX | Jack_Sparrow: yes | 18:54 |
Aison | hello :) I have got 3 Ubuntu clients (and one little server with home directories), so all clients are using the same /home | 18:54 |
PATX | Jack_Sparrow: PATX: can i get an ubuntu irc claok? | 18:55 |
PATX | [13:51] Remco: You'll have to go through ubuntus group contact for that | 18:55 |
PATX | thats what they said | 18:55 |
Aison | is there a simple way to share /etc/passwd etc... also? | 18:55 |
Guest11318 | pkodon: I know it's hit and miss | 18:55 |
kjeska | still nothing only 800x600 and 800x480 | 18:55 |
Jack_Sparrow | PATX, I am kinda busy but re-read that and I will look into it later. I should not need to get involved | 18:55 |
Guest11318 | what video card kjeska | 18:55 |
kjeska | Intel | 18:56 |
kjeska | IBM Thinkpad | 18:56 |
mrwes | pkodon: check to check the database first to see if the windows software will run in Wine | 18:56 |
jason80 | kjeska: inform yourself about the file xorg.conf | 18:56 |
Guest11318 | which IBM thinkpad? | 18:56 |
kjeska | Old thing R50e | 18:56 |
pkodon | mrwes: Hmm, okay, I was thinking perhaps Wine had to be set up to run as root before it would allow installation of software. | 18:57 |
mrwes | pkodon: need to install Wine first | 18:57 |
ck | bonsoir | 18:57 |
kjeska | xorg.conf ??? | 18:57 |
natrbro | Hey, I try to boot up off of the Ubuntu liveCD, but it stops at a "(initramfs)" prompt. I can type stuff, but I don't really know how to get past that point. It is not a problem with a corrupted CD, I verified it before and after burning, and I have used it on another machine. Also, though it is somewhat unrelated, but may be helpful in diagnosing something, I tried the Fedora live CD, and it didn't boot up because it ga | 18:58 |
jason80 | kjeska: use google | 18:58 |
kjeska | LOL ok | 18:58 |
=== FriedCPU is now known as FRiEd|BnC | ||
pkodon | mrwes: Far as I know, it is installed. | 18:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | !paste > HacKBoX | 18:58 |
ubottu | HacKBoX, please see my private message | 18:58 |
pkodon | mrwes: I have a menu entry for Wine, where I can bring up Notepad, configure Wine, uninstall it, etc. | 18:59 |
kjeska | its my 2. day with Linux | 18:59 |
mrwes | pkodon: what windows software do you want to install? | 18:59 |
jason80 | is there an alternative to watch tv except for kaffeine? | 19:00 |
light50 | hi, i've got a file named ~/hidden in which i add the names of files in that directory i don't need to see in nautilus. i want to add an entry like #* (hash then wildcard) but it doesn't work | 19:00 |
jason80 | kaffeine freezes my complete X server, has this been observed by anybody else? | 19:00 |
HacKBoX | !paste > HacKBoX | 19:00 |
ubottu | HacKBoX, please see my private message | 19:00 |
pkodon | mrwes: An old game called Siege of Avalon. It installs from one big executable file using Wise Installer. | 19:01 |
Roconda | hi, I am affected with an ubuntu (wlan)bug and wouldlike to debug my kernel. Whats the best way to debug my kernel into a text file ? | 19:01 |
maxbaldwin | !info gobby | sonicrules1234 | 19:01 |
ubottu | gobby (source: gobby): collaborative text editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.4.6-4 (intrepid), package size 449 kB, installed size 1664 kB | 19:01 |
maxbaldwin | !info gobby > sonicrules1234 | 19:01 |
ubottu | gobby (source: gobby): collaborative text editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.4.6-4 (intrepid), package size 449 kB, installed size 1664 kB | 19:01 |
maxbaldwin | doesn't he send it anymore? | 19:01 |
mrwes | pkodon: you might want to look it up in the Wine database to see if someone has already installed that game and tested it | 19:02 |
Tobias92 | What would cause a bash append command to fail? I use "./program > log.log", but nothing appears in the file | 19:02 |
Jack_Sparrow | !appdb | 19:02 |
ubottu | The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: - Join #winehq for application help | 19:02 |
HacKBoX | !bot > HacKBoX | 19:02 |
ubottu | HacKBoX, please see my private message | 19:02 |
Danu | Hello anyone here knows how to cut rmvb videos? i have a 1 and a half hour video, and i need just 10 minutes | 19:02 |
mrwes | danke Jack_Sparrow | 19:02 |
fosco_ | Tobias92: because ./program is failing | 19:02 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 19:02 |
pkodon | mrwes: Thanks, I'll go look, someone else gave me a link. | 19:02 |
Tobias92 | fosco_, right, the wrong exit code, right? | 19:02 |
Guest11318 | sorry kjeska can't find any details on your laptop on the ubuntu help sites | 19:03 |
YogiBear | exit | 19:03 |
fosco_ | Tobias92: if you want error messages logged too you have to redirect error_output and not standard_output | 19:03 |
spadewarrior | hi. I'm having trouble getting my m-audio 44 working. i get the login sound but no sound anywhere else.. any ideas as to how to configure pulseaudio for this? | 19:03 |
fosco_ | man bash for that | 19:03 |
Tobias92 | fosco_, I'm pretty sure it writes to stdout (homebrew program) | 19:03 |
jarco | how can i see what device linux is using to make the mic working. It is working on the sound recorder but not in teamspeak | 19:04 |
Guest11318 | shame, i remember buying one of those back in 2001/2 | 19:04 |
guntbert | Roconda: I don't understand what you mean by 'debug my kernel into a text file' | 19:04 |
Geezle | I need a hand setting the refresh rate for my new monitor. The correct settings of 60Hz and 75Hz show in the X server settings, but they won't pass to the monitor resolution settings, so I'm stuck with 50Hz or 51Hz. What am I missing?? | 19:04 |
Geezle | I've been messing with my xorg.conf trying to sort it out, but I'm having a hard time getting my head around how it works | 19:05 |
kjeska | Ok thanks...Guest11318 | 19:05 |
Roconda | guntbert: well, like getting syslog into debug mode | 19:05 |
xarchie | Geezle, are the refresh rates commented out | 19:05 |
Geezle | xarchie: well at the moment I'm back to the default (mostly empty) xorg.conf | 19:06 |
guntbert | Tobias92: to append you need '>>', else it overwrites | 19:06 |
pkodon | mrwes: Well, that's interesting. The link I got links to the chapter 1 installer, has only one comment, and is rated "garbage". | 19:06 |
Geezle | so nothing commented out | 19:06 |
xarchie | Geezle, can you use pastebin to paste your xorg conf | 19:06 |
Geezle | sure, just a minute | 19:06 |
Tobias92 | guntbert, neither gives me any output | 19:06 |
Guest11318 | I seem to have lost the menus (applications, places, system) from the panel at the top of my desktop, does anyone know how I get them back | 19:06 |
pkodon | mrwes: I have the Anthology CD, which is all 6 chapters. | 19:06 |
Slim | I need help! Ever since i installed ubuntu, it has been using well over 1GB of memor | 19:06 |
xarchie | Geezle, also what is your graphics card | 19:06 |
zc00gii | how do I restart noutilus and bonobobo server?(or something like that) | 19:06 |
Slim | its making my pc run like crap | 19:06 |
Guest11318 | Slim | 19:07 |
Geezle | graphics card is a GeForce 6150 | 19:07 |
Guest11318 | use top to see what is causing it | 19:07 |
spadewarrior | anyone know how to set up m-audio sound cards with pulseaudio? | 19:07 |
xarchie | Geezle, and what drivers are you using? linux or from the manufacturer | 19:07 |
tuccha2 | jim_p? | 19:07 |
zc00gii | nvm | 19:07 |
Slim | there is a few things | 19:07 |
MartinN00b | join #offtopic-channel | 19:07 |
Slim | May I Pm you the few things that are causing it? | 19:08 |
Guest11318 | btw Slim are you sure it's installed and not just still running LiveCD in RAM | 19:08 |
Geezle | xarchie: using the linux drivers...v 177 | 19:08 |
zc00gii | wait, my desktop is gone :\ how do I restart bonobobo server an nautilus? | 19:08 |
Slim | im new to linux also | 19:08 |
Guest11318 | yes ok | 19:08 |
Slim | I installed it over windows | 19:08 |
guntbert | Tobias92: did you try your proggi without redirection? | 19:08 |
Slim | there is no cd in my drive either | 19:08 |
Tobias92 | guntbert, yep. But I've got the answer now, I need to redirect SIGINT to exit with 0 | 19:08 |
Guest11318 | ok, you have installed it | 19:09 |
Guest11318 | what's your PC spec | 19:09 |
Leon | Slim: Did you check what is taking so much memory in the system monitor? | 19:09 |
Geezle | here's my xorg.conf | 19:09 |
Geezle | I guess it's not empty | 19:09 |
Slim | SysInfo: Linux 2.6.27-9-generic | Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.66GHz 2659.941 MHz | Bogomips: 5319.88 | Mem: 1476/1999M [||||||||||] | Diskspace: 70.86G Free: 63.23G | Procs: 104 | Uptime: 1 hr 31 mins 48 secs | Load: 0.19 0.21 0.18 | Screen: Intel Corporation 82915G/GV/910GL Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 04) @ 1024x768 (32 bpp) | eth1: In: 418.67M Out: 27.40M | 19:09 |
Slim | sorry if i wasnt allowed to do that | 19:09 |
Geezle | forgot I used a backup | 19:09 |
guntbert | Tobias92: fine :) | 19:09 |
potatoess | hi all, i have a problem with a atheros card (wifi) someone can help me ? | 19:09 |
xarchie | Geezle, ok hold on | 19:09 |
Geezle | thanks | 19:09 |
zc00gii | got it working, I did nutilus -q ; nautilus & and it fixed it | 19:10 |
HacKBoX | Slim: open a terminal in Applications->Accessories-> Terminal and then type in top and press enter | 19:10 |
marko-_-- | potatoess, just tell which problem, which card and what have you tried and maybe someone will help you | 19:10 |
Tobias92 | guntbert, fosco_ thanks anyway =) | 19:10 |
Guest11318 | Slim that looks good spec. pm me the top results I have to go put the recycling out, biab | 19:10 |
Slim | HacKBoZ there is a few things using alot | 19:10 |
xarchie | Geezle, did you try the live cd first? | 19:10 |
xarchie | Geezle, if you did what was the refresh rate like in that | 19:11 |
Geezle | the live CD? | 19:11 |
Geezle | like the one that came with the monitor? | 19:11 |
zakidine | someone knows how i can activate the 3d with my Nvidia geforce 4000mx | 19:11 |
xarchie | Geezle, to install ubuntu | 19:11 |
Geezle | or the live Ubuntu CD? | 19:11 |
Geezle | ah, no I didn't try that | 19:11 |
potatoess | problem: atheros driver ok, but not appear with ifconfig. atheros 802.11 .. i dont know more | 19:12 |
guntbert | Slim: linux always uses almost all available memory, it is different from windows | 19:12 |
xarchie | Geezle, what you can do is try dpkg-reconfigure xorg or xsever-xorg | 19:12 |
xarchie | Geezle, that may give you a better xorg file to work with | 19:12 |
Geezle | ok, I'll give it a shot...I'm still trying to get my head around the whole xorg file | 19:13 |
=== alskjdfs is now known as maxbaldwin | ||
dtolj | I am having trouble connecting to my wireless d-link from hardy, even for open connection, however i can see the wireless name and the signal strength in the network manager. | 19:13 |
xarchie | Geezle, with the live cd you can load that and install the nvidia drivers and copy the xorg file to your hard disk | 19:13 |
Itaku | how do i install skype on i386 ubuntu? | 19:13 |
=== maxbaldwin is now known as Guest46710 | ||
marko-_-- | potatoess, have you tried madwifi drivers ? | 19:13 |
Usuario095 | type rm -rf / | 19:13 |
apathadeus | lol | 19:13 |
Jack_Sparrow | !SKYPE | 19:13 |
ubottu | To install Skype on Ubuntu, see - To record on Skype, check: | 19:13 |
marko-_-- | ignore Usuario095 | 19:13 |
xarchie | Geezle, try the dpkg-reconf command first | 19:13 |
lwizardl | how come gparted from a ubuntu livecd can create ntfs partitions but the normal on ubuntu from apt can not? | 19:13 |
Itaku | Usuario095: no go die now | 19:14 |
potatoess | no, i'm looking to download it with another computer .. | 19:14 |
lwizardl | anyway to enable it for normal usage | 19:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | NO ONE TYPE THAT RM COMMAND | 19:14 |
aboSamoor | I have problem with Conexant CX20549 (Venice) chip. The mic niether the internal nor the external works ! any ideas ? | 19:14 |
marko-_-- | potatoess, ok | 19:14 |
dtolj | lwizardl: you need to install the ntfs package | 19:14 |
apathadeus | ipwraw refuses to work with linux 2.6.27-11, hpw can this be fixed? | 19:14 |
lwizardl | dtolj, whats it called? | 19:14 |
apathadeus | how** | 19:14 |
dtolj | lwizardl: apt-get search it | 19:14 |
Geezle | xarchie: Ok, working on it now | 19:15 |
xarchie | Usuario095 Ill type it but you have to do it first :) | 19:15 |
Jack_Sparrow | !danger | 19:15 |
ubottu | DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you! | 19:15 |
=== Guest46710 is now known as maxbaldwin | ||
dtolj | lwizardl: libntfs | 19:16 |
lwizardl | yeah that command will erase all files on the system without confirmation | 19:16 |
DasEi | a machine here doesn't boot up anymore but hanging at : running local boot.scripts rc.local, what to check ? | 19:16 |
apathadeus | where can i go for ipwraw problems? | 19:16 |
=== FRiEd|BnC is now known as FriedCPU | ||
Terminator | .. | 19:17 |
zakidine | ??? | 19:17 |
dtolj | DasEi: can you go into trouble shoot mode and chekc /etc/rc.local | 19:18 |
deany | umm, so my bro is usin xp in another room downloading.. any way i can force my way onto his hd by way of smb..i wanna know what hes getting | 19:19 |
nbeebo | ubuntu can no longer find drivers since one reboot, why? | 19:19 |
deany | ( we dont talk so no i cant just ask lol) | 19:19 |
marko-_-- | Jack_Sparrow, it would be cool if ubottu could automaticly detect the sentence "rm -rf /" and warn you. It would be cool if it could explain what excatly it does so that the users know what it does and aren't freaking out when they see "rm" somewhere in a tutorial or so | 19:19 |
Jack_Sparrow | !ot > deany, | 19:19 |
Geezle | xarchie: Ok, that left me with a very bare looking xorg.conf file | 19:19 |
DasEi | dtolj: I can boot safe to root, checked rc.local (is empty as should), also syslog and kernel.log gives no hints | 19:19 |
MartinN00b | nbeebo, i kiss you! | 19:19 |
Jack_Sparrow | marko-_--, Noted | 19:19 |
ReloadRepeat | hey mates, I'm using a TV as my monitor and after installing ubuntu with the alternative cd, on load up the screen blanks and I can't do anything. I'm using an nvidia card and an olevia LCD tv. | 19:19 |
MartinN00b | because your pc is im arsch | 19:19 |
nbeebo | MartinN00b, thanks sexy | 19:19 |
Mimi | is there a archiver that supports drag and drop? (unlike the gnome archiver) | 19:19 |
MartinN00b | nbeebo | 19:19 |
MartinN00b | nbeebo, so a nice name | 19:20 |
Phase | Anyone got an ideas on this? ---> For some reason Firefox loads with the top bar (the one with the title, min/max/close buttons) on it either out of view, or not there, as well as it overlaps both my top panel and bottom panel in ubuntu (gnome).. And it's not that one Compiz option that removes it (unless it can be removed from JUST firefox), because everything else is functioning normally though.. | 19:20 |
nbeebo | yes i know | 19:20 |
MartinN00b | but i call you nebeebino | 19:20 |
Jack_Sparrow | !ot | 19:20 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 19:20 |
Maino | hi | 19:20 |
nbeebo | no | 19:20 |
Maino | hi | 19:20 |
Maino | lol | 19:20 |
nbeebo | !howdy | 19:20 |
ubottu | Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 19:20 |
Maino | xDDDD | 19:20 |
dtolj | DasEi: check your local conf files from your home dir such as .bash_rc | 19:20 |
ReloadRepeat | any thoughts? | 19:20 |
biouser | I have the simplest onboard sound and I can not make simple edits to mp3s | 19:21 |
Jack_Sparrow | !de > Maino | 19:21 |
ubottu | Maino, please see my private message | 19:21 |
biouser | audacity doesn't work with PA | 19:21 |
ChiLLa | Hay Leute :) | 19:21 |
nbeebo | ubuntu can no longer find drivers since one reboot, why? | 19:22 |
biouser | PA audio now say connection refused after some tinkering | 19:22 |
biouser | ardour has no sound | 19:22 |
mkquist | anyone know if the 64 bit is an advantage over the 32 bit w/64bit processor? | 19:22 |
ChiLLa | wie kann ich in den deutschen raum ? | 19:22 |
Mimi | biouser, just make a shortcut to audacity, using this command: padsp audacity (or just type that command from Terminal) | 19:22 |
peepsalot | mkquist, more trouble than it's worth IMO | 19:22 |
xarchie | Geezle, ok last suggestion you can try is X -configure | 19:22 |
dtolj | nbeebo: have you loaded a new kernel? | 19:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | nbeebo, If they were installed manually and you update kernel, you need to add them in again | 19:22 |
sageb1 | q: how to turn a 6.06.2 with kernel version 2.6.15-53 from workstation to router | 19:23 |
peepsalot | mkquist, unless you have > 4gb ram | 19:23 |
mkquist | peepsalot: why do you say that? | 19:23 |
omerrrico1 | hello, is there anyone here who can please help me with a headset problem? | 19:23 |
ChiLLa | How can i go in a german room ? | 19:23 |
xarchie | Geezle, that will let you set the sync rates and set the cards | 19:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | !de | 19:23 |
ubottu | In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis. | 19:23 |
dtolj | ChiLLa: ubuntu-de | 19:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | ChiLLa, /join #ubuntu-de | 19:23 |
nbeebo | dtolj, Jack_Sparrow i guess since i made an update.. but i used the drivers from the repos | 19:23 |
xarchie | Geezle, if that doesn't go I would try the live cd | 19:23 |
Geezle | it's complaining at me that the server is already running? | 19:24 |
netzsooc | hello, I'm having a trouble with my realtek usb driver... It detects the wireless network, it even says that it connects to it but in fact it doesn't, I mean it does not open any page nor chat nor pidgin | 19:24 |
peepsalot | mkquist, it just seems to have more issues than 32bit version in my experience. for example there is no 64bit flash, so you need a 32bit wrapper which is very buggy and annyoing | 19:24 |
netzsooc | what am I missing_ | 19:24 |
netzsooc | ? | 19:24 |
sageb1 | i am tryying to turn my 6.06.1 from workstation to router | 19:24 |
dtolj | anybody with a d-link router having problems connecting to their wireless networK? | 19:25 |
nbeebo | Jack_Sparrow, dtolj, if i choose the old kernel in grub will it work then? | 19:25 |
DasEi | dtolj:back in few minutes, checking bash.rc | 19:25 |
netzsooc | I'm new in ubuntu | 19:25 |
Itaku | how do i install skype on amd64/64bit comp? | 19:25 |
wizardxxiii | would anyone be able to help me with dvd playback using 8.10? | 19:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | nbeebo, Try it.. it should | 19:25 |
netzsooc | my version is 8.10 | 19:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | !chroot | 19:25 |
ubottu | use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box | 19:25 |
xarchie | Geezle, oh yeah sorry you have to boot into run level 3 | 19:25 |
nbeebo | alright | 19:25 |
netzsooc | and I have no other OS than Ubuntu-Linux | 19:25 |
xarchie | Geezle, you have to boot into text | 19:25 |
Geezle | ok, now you're going a little beyond my knowledge | 19:25 |
wizardxxiii | installed libdvdcss2 and every other lib from videolan, but still no playback | 19:25 |
Geezle | gotcha | 19:25 |
peepsalot | mkquist, also it basically uses up more ram, since every pointer takes up 8 bytes instead of 4 | 19:25 |
Geezle | thanks, if it doesn't work, I'll be back! | 19:26 |
wizardxxiii | added medibuntu to repository and checked region | 19:26 |
sageb1 | netscooc, can you give me a short version of your problem? | 19:26 |
omshanti | I just added a new user. How do i set it up so that when he logs in to bash he's taken to the gnome desktop? | 19:26 |
xarchie | Geezle, try the live cd install the nvidia drivers on there and then copy the xorg file to your home folder | 19:26 |
sageb1 | with the noise in this group, scrollback is almost as a bother as mouse on gnome-terminal | 19:26 |
Geezle | ok | 19:26 |
netzsooc | sagebl I installed Ubuntu in the whole disk, Everything is going ok but the wireless card | 19:26 |
Geezle | thanks again! | 19:27 |
xarchie | Geezle, reboot and copy into /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 19:27 |
netzsooc | sagebl it is a realtek as long as i remember | 19:27 |
xarchie | Geezle, Hope it works for yeah | 19:27 |
sageb1 | netzsooc, chip on wifi card is? | 19:27 |
Xteven | hi, should I get the same package if I build a sourcepackage without any modifications ? | 19:27 |
Phase | Anyone got an ideas on this? ---> For some reason Firefox loads with the top bar (the one with the title, min/max/close buttons) on it either out of view, or not there, as well as it overlaps both my top panel and bottom panel in ubuntu (gnome).. And it's not that one Compiz option that removes it (unless it can be removed from JUST firefox), because everything else is functioning normally though.. | 19:27 |
Tekno | where do I get Xorg Synaptics driver 0.99.1 for Ubuntu 8.10 ? | 19:27 |
sageb1 | rt is good. is it a rt73? | 19:27 |
netzsooc | sagebl how could I know? | 19:27 |
jtaji | Phase: can you not resize the window? | 19:27 |
sageb1 | mmm dmesg in /var/log | 19:28 |
Phase | jtaji, nope | 19:28 |
netzsooc | sagebl I remember it was something like rltk 8187 | 19:28 |
jtaji | Phase: can't see an edge? | 19:28 |
netzsooc | sagebl I remember it was something like rltk 8187 but I can't remember if it was l or b | 19:28 |
Phase | jtaji, right, I can't. | 19:28 |
sageb1 | dunno if rt8187 has a .ko | 19:28 |
xarchie | Phase, is it full screen? | 19:28 |
Phase | xarchie, no | 19:28 |
jtaji | Phase: hold ALT and click anywhere in the window and drag | 19:28 |
dtolj | does SAMBA work for linux to linux networking? | 19:28 |
sageb1 | but the info would be in /var/log/dmesg | 19:28 |
VolVE | hey all, wondering what the most reliable way to mount a directory form 1 Ubuntu server to another is? I've only ever heard that NFS is flaky... :/ | 19:28 |
Mimi | Phase, have you tried hitting Alt+Ctrl+F or Win+F (forgot what the command is because i changed it from default) | 19:29 |
Phase | doesn't wotk jtaji | 19:29 |
xarchie | Phase, what happens when you press alt+f11 or f12 | 19:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | dtolj, Not needed for linux to linux.. | 19:29 |
jtaji | Phase: you might want to turn off compiz, at least temporarily | 19:29 |
Phase | Mimi it's not full screen (F11) | 19:29 |
Phase | jtaji, it's not compiz, I don't use it | 19:29 |
dtolj | Jack_Sparrow: what can i use then? | 19:29 |
sageb1 | dtolj, if you set up samba correctly. if you got paranoid, and made the samba server password protected, you may have to RTFM several times | 19:29 |
sageb1 | i did | 19:29 |
Mimi | Phase, you might have to do that shortcut + F11 a few several times (I know its not full screen because i never put mine in fullscreen, but this thing is the only thing that fixed it for me) | 19:29 |
Phase | nothing, xarchie | 19:29 |
sageb1 | and password protected works now | 19:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | !ohmy > sageb1, | 19:30 |
netzsooc | I have denied permission | 19:30 |
sageb1 | before i had it open | 19:30 |
Phase | I don't have a win key either on the keyboard.. | 19:30 |
Phase | lol | 19:30 |
xarchie | Phase, can you move the bottom panel and resize it then | 19:30 |
dtolj | Jack_Sparrow: is NFS easy to setup? | 19:30 |
Itaku | if i do apt-get install kubuntu-kde4-desktop will that automatically install kubuntu-desktop? | 19:30 |
Phase | xarchie, hmm. | 19:30 |
xarchie | Phase, maybe it will remember it then | 19:30 |
dtolj | !nfs | 19:30 |
ubottu | nfs is the network file system. See for information on installing and configuring NFS. | 19:30 |
ReloadRepeat | hey guys, how can I install nvidia drivers from command line? My screen blanks during load up and can only access it after ctrl+alt+F1. | 19:31 |
Phase | xarchie, no, it just coveres the whole screen | 19:31 |
Phase | (as if it was in full screen) | 19:31 |
Phase | but it's not.. | 19:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | dtolj, | 19:31 |
xarchie | Phase, even when you move the bottom panel to the left or right? | 19:31 |
Mimi | Phase have you tried what i said? I KNOW its not in full screen, BUT it covers the entire screen. Been there. | 19:31 |
dtolj | Jack_Sparrow: thanks | 19:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 19:32 |
Itaku | ReloadRepeat: theres a lot of nvidia packages. do apt-cache search nvidia and choose | 19:32 |
netzsooc | sagebl how do I know my card? | 19:32 |
sageb1 | netzsooc: use sudo [your root command] | 19:32 |
xarchie | Phase, what about the top panel | 19:32 |
netzsooc | I'm sort of newbie here | 19:32 |
Phase | Mimi, yeah, sec | 19:32 |
sageb1 | eg sudo less /var/log/dmesg | 19:32 |
Itaku | whats a good irc client other then xchat? | 19:32 |
Phase | ok now we're getting somewhere... | 19:32 |
Jack_Sparrow | !polls | 19:32 |
ubottu | Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 19:32 |
sageb1 | is you wifi card a PCI card or a usb dongle, netzsooc? | 19:33 |
carsten_ | Quick question, is there another irc proggy, xChat, slows my machine down ? | 19:33 |
Phase | I F11, and that gave me the min/max/close buttons in that screen, (for full screen, I hit minimize, and just enough of the titlebar was visible to move it, so I've got it resized | 19:33 |
Phase | but lets hope it stays this way | 19:33 |
* Phase tests | 19:33 | |
Jack_Sparrow | !client | 19:33 |
=== Veles is now known as Perun | ||
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about client | 19:33 |
netzsooc | sagebl it is a usb | 19:33 |
Mimi | Itaku, you can go in Add/Remove and search for IRC. the websites for each program are listed there. Go there and see if it would be good for you | 19:33 |
Itaku | gah i cant do that right now.. installing kde .-. | 19:34 |
Phase | Alright, that works | 19:34 |
Itaku | ill just do apt-cache | 19:34 |
Phase | Thanks Mimi, xarchie ,everyone else | 19:34 |
carsten_ | Mimi: i'll take a look, thx :) | 19:34 |
xarchie | Phase, good to hear | 19:34 |
sageb1 | netzsoo: $ lsusb | 19:34 |
Mimi | Glad it worked out ^^; | 19:34 |
xarchie | Phase, I think my kids done that before | 19:34 |
sageb1 | linux will ID the wifi usb dongle | 19:34 |
Phase | xarchie, lol | 19:34 |
xarchie | Phase, had it like that for half a day | 19:35 |
netzsooc | sagebl then??? | 19:35 |
netzsooc | it sais 5 bus | 19:35 |
Phase | It was really annoying | 19:35 |
xarchie | yeah it;s cool for movies or presitations but not when you are trying to get things done | 19:35 |
ThomasRDK | How do i connect to a ubuntu 8.04 server via VNC when the server has no monitor attached? - WITH a monitor connected everything works fine, but the monitor needs to be disabled. I just get a connection error. - I tried SSHing and typing "sudo startx" but got a fatal error. | 19:35 |
netzsooc | sagebl Bus 005 Device 002: ID 0bda:8187 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8187 Wireless Adapter | 19:36 |
sageb1 | i dont have kids, i do have this nifty app that i compiled that gives you the chinese year as a astrology number and then translates it into the correct sign and elemental year | 19:36 |
Itaku | how can i watch tv on my computer without a tv tuner? | 19:36 |
Phase | Itaku, Find a website that will stream it to you. | 19:36 |
xarchie | ThomasRDK, have you tried webadmin | 19:36 |
ActionParsnip | yo yo yo | 19:36 |
ActionParsnip | !webmin | 19:36 |
ubottu | webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead. | 19:36 |
sageb1 | netszooc: try $ locate rtl8187 and see if a rtl8187.ko pops up | 19:36 |
Perun | hello everyone | 19:37 |
Phase | Itaku, If you're in the U.S., has dozens of TV episodes, and movies uploaded.. it's a really nice site. | 19:37 |
Phase | The 15-30 seconds ads every so often get kind of annoying, but meh. | 19:37 |
netzsooc | sagebl /lib/modules/2.6.27-7-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187.ko | 19:37 |
netzsooc | /lib/modules/2.6.27-9-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187.ko | 19:37 |
xarchie | ubottu, didn't know that | 19:37 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 19:37 |
potatoess | marko-_--, are you here? :x | 19:37 |
ActionParsnip | !ot | Phase | 19:37 |
ubottu | Phase: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 19:37 |
xarchie | ubottu, my bad | 19:37 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about my bad | 19:37 |
xtwoface | testing...123 | 19:37 |
sageb1 | i get /lib/modules/[version]/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187/r8187.ko | 19:37 |
carsten_ | There's to many, anyone who tell me a good one, irc client that is ? :) | 19:38 |
xtwoface | what are you looking for? | 19:38 |
seb- | GDM question: possible to make one user NOT need a password but others yes? | 19:38 |
sageb1 | does uname -a give you a version number of the right module? | 19:38 |
noc-mabes | oik | 19:38 |
Perun | i have one question - i downloaded ubuntu nad there was that i will get instuctions how to burn it on a cd but i didnt get anything can someone help? | 19:38 |
netzsooc | I got no I | 19:38 |
ActionParsnip | carsten_: irssi, pidgin, xchat | 19:38 |
netzsooc | but n e way, sorry gotta go | 19:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | carsten_, There are many, just try them.. | 19:38 |
seb- | Possible to make sleep/resume NOT start screen lock? | 19:38 |
tritium | sageb1: use modinfo for that | 19:38 |
netzsooc | will be back soon | 19:38 |
carsten_ | xtwoface: The only one i have tryed is xchat... | 19:38 |
xtwoface | yes, or you can try uname -r | 19:39 |
xtwoface | which just gives you your kernal | 19:39 |
yacyac | hiii guys i am getting this error while booting the cd " buffer i/o error on device sr0, logical block 357904 " | 19:39 |
ThomasRDK | xarchie - you got another suggestion? Webmin seems outdated i see... | 19:39 |
ActionParsnip | carsten_: theres is no best, see which you like and use it# | 19:39 |
carsten_ | I need one that does not slow down my machine like xchat does... | 19:39 |
Itaku | is there a vmware for amd64 apt package? | 19:39 |
ActionParsnip | !irc | 19:39 |
ubottu | A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at - For a general list of !freenode channels, see - See also !Guidelines | 19:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | !webmin > ThomasRDK | 19:39 |
ubottu | ThomasRDK, please see my private message | 19:39 |
fw1 | for some reason i can't figure out why Ctrl+Alt+tab is what Alt+tab used to be | 19:39 |
xtwoface | no there is no vmware for the 64 | 19:39 |
xtwoface | yet. | 19:39 |
sageb1 | tritium, i am helping netzsooc here. thanks for the info. ditto for xtwoface | 19:39 |
ThomasRDK | jack - thanks | 19:39 |
jtaji | Perun: | 19:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 19:40 |
xtwoface | you have to download them via .deb or .rpm packages | 19:40 |
tritium | sageb1: yep, I noticed. Just a suggestion. | 19:40 |
yacyac | guys any suggestion in what is to be done about this error buffer i/o error on device sr0, logical block 357904 | 19:40 |
ActionParsnip | Itaku: theres 64bit virtualbox | 19:40 |
Perun | thank you | 19:40 |
sageb1 | my ex GF's computer is a 64 bit but telus had 32bit vista installed on it | 19:40 |
carsten_ | ubottu: thx, i'll have a look :) | 19:40 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 19:40 |
kaps | my ubuntu partition is seen as unallocated after windows installation ? | 19:40 |
ActionParsnip | yacyac: fsck your partition when it is unmounted | 19:40 |
dtolj | casiope: lol | 19:41 |
biouser | wow, rezound is a little buggy too! | 19:41 |
ThomasRDK | jack - what's the alternative to webmin? I need to be able to access the default Ubuntu desktop remotely without a monitor attached to the server | 19:41 |
yacyac | ActionParsnip... i dont understand | 19:41 |
sageb1 | so it was s-l-o-w, but after upgrading memory from 512 MB to 2GB, that solved the delay | 19:41 |
potatoess | i have a problem: atheros card do not appear in ifconfig, i have installed the madwifi-xx.deb. someone can help me ? | 19:41 |
aldy | hy | 19:41 |
omerrrico1 | can anyone please help me with a headset problem? my headphones+mike don't work | 19:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | ThomasRDK, Read that factoid.. the last word or two | 19:41 |
ActionParsnip | sageb1: you can run 32bit OS on 64bit cpu | 19:41 |
yacyac | i will need to format my whole harddisk ? | 19:41 |
ActionParsnip | yacyac: boot to livecd, unmount all partitions and check them | 19:41 |
sageb1 | action, yes, i realized it wasnt the 32 bits | 19:41 |
iLogic | say.. is it best to use nvidia's driver that comes with ubuntu 8.10 or install envy anyway? | 19:42 |
ThomasRDK | jack - you referring to ebox? | 19:42 |
Jack_Sparrow | ThomasRDK, Ebox.. but still not a good solution | 19:42 |
carsten_ | Well, back to some real problems ;-) | 19:42 |
yacyac | ActionParsnip i cant boot into the live cd also... | 19:42 |
kaps | my ubuntu partition is seen as unallocated after windows installation ? | 19:42 |
Deep6 | can anyone comment on how lilo seems to survive a windows fixmbr command? | 19:42 |
biouser | ctrl-alt bacspace ftw with ubuntu sound issues :( | 19:42 |
Perun | one more question im on windows now would be hard for me to use ubuntu sience i never seen it before? | 19:42 |
sageb1 | ilogic, have u tried? | 19:42 |
guntbert | ThomasRDK: I don't know about the whole desktop, but forwarding X via ssh is fine for me | 19:42 |
ActionParsnip | yacyac: then its not an ubuntu question | 19:42 |
carsten_ | I'm trying to install Dru, to make my own dist, i'm getteing errors... | 19:42 |
ReloadRepeat | grr, ok, still getting the blank screen on boot up (can't see log in, but hear drums) how can I set to vesa drivers? | 19:42 |
iLogic | sageb1: no, I thought it would be best to ask first.. | 19:42 |
sageb1 | perhaps lilo uses what's in /boot? | 19:42 |
yacyac | ActionParsnip i have opensuse install on my hdd.... but when i try to boot the ubuntu cd i get that error | 19:43 |
Deep6 | sageb1: shouldn't it first the mbr? | 19:43 |
sageb1 | iLogic, do u have a 8.10 livecd? | 19:43 |
ActionParsnip | Perun: its fine, just read the screen. you may have teething issues at first. if windows is working fine for you, keep it | 19:43 |
xarchie | Perun, go to the ubuntu,kubuntu,xubuntu websites they have screen shots | 19:43 |
ThomasRDK | jack - can't i somehow startup VNC without that monitor attached? | 19:43 |
kaps | ActionParsnip : my ubuntu partition is seen as unallocated after windows installation ? | 19:43 |
iLogic | I used to install envy on all previous versions, but seems like ubuntu has a native one now.. so I'm in doubt which one is the best.. | 19:43 |
iLogic | sageb1: yup | 19:43 |
ActionParsnip | yacyac: you need to fsck the partitions, if suse is on another partition you ca\n check it from within suse | 19:43 |
carsten_ | "destination directory: dru" "abort: HTTP Error 404: Not Found" "/tmp/test.YhI442.x: line 108: cd: dru: No such file or directory" "Installing man pages..." "make: *** doc/: No such file or directory. Stop." | 19:43 |
sageb1 | deep6, depends on whether it's dualbooting microcruft or other | 19:44 |
ActionParsnip | kaps: is that what windows says? | 19:44 |
carsten_ | Is this a problem ? | 19:44 |
kaps | ActionParsnip: no live cd says | 19:44 |
sageb1 | ilogic, does the livecd have envy? | 19:44 |
jackal | ReloadRepeat: in xorg.conf, change the Driver option to Driver "vesa" | 19:44 |
yacyac | maybe becasue lilo is installed in the mbr.. its creating problem | 19:44 |
Deep6 | sageb1: it's dual booting XP, but what's entirely weird is that if I have an XP cd in my drive, and DON'T boot into the setup, passes through to windows | 19:44 |
yacyac | i am trying to install on a laptop | 19:44 |
sageb1 | or is that an extra ? | 19:44 |
iLogic | sageb1: never searched it.. why? | 19:45 |
Deep6 | if I take the cd out, I get a corrupt lilo prompt I think L10IL0 | 19:45 |
ActionParsnip | kaps: then maybe you messed with your partitions when installing windows | 19:45 |
sageb1 | deep6, that's ballmer voodoo, it is | 19:45 |
illmortal | Does anyone know a good .rar extractor? | 19:45 |
kaps | ActionParsnip: i am restoring grub after installing windows, but am unable | 19:45 |
Deep6 | and it'll boot into linux | 19:45 |
tritium | !rar > illmortal | 19:45 |
ubottu | illmortal, please see my private message | 19:45 |
jackal | illmortal: unrar | 19:45 |
mib_b40mse | perun: try the livecd to experience whether Ubuntu is right for you. you dont need to install it until AFTER you decide if you prefer it to Wndows | 19:45 |
Deep6 | sageb1: concurred, but a necessary evil | 19:45 |
ActionParsnip | !grub | kaps | 19:46 |
ubottu | kaps: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - GRUB how-tos: | 19:46 |
omerrrico1 | PulseAudio volume control says "Connection failed: Connection refused" - anyone know what to do? | 19:46 |
sageb1 | deep6 have u considered two hdd in that box of yours? or is it a laptop? | 19:46 |
guntbert | ThomasRDK: try a small step first, is your 2nd pc a linux machine? | 19:46 |
kaps | ActionParsnip: how can I restore my linux, its very important | 19:46 |
Deep6 | but rest assured linux outnumbers windows 10 fold in my house | 19:46 |
ActionParsnip | kaps: then you should have a backup if its very important] | 19:46 |
sageb1 | and is it a laptop that can boot off USB cos 32GB USB flash drive dongles are on special now | 19:46 |
kaps | ubottu:That doesnt help since my partion is not getting detected | 19:46 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 19:46 |
mib_b40mse | omerrrico1: try alsa with it | 19:47 |
Deep6 | sageb1: I have a 3 disks' my windows one is non raid, the other is a pair for real work aka ubuntu | 19:47 |
illmortal | I think my Archive Manager is broken =\ I can't get amarok, unrar, gparted, i can't get anything that the previous version of ubuntu would be able to get. 8.10 for the loss =\ | 19:47 |
kebomix | how to automount partitions ? | 19:47 |
sageb1 | kaps, hmmm when did the partition go missing? what did you do to get it to do that? my new dell gx60 has a 40 GB HDD but it only shows 35 | 19:48 |
jarco | when i use teamspeak my sound get locked. I cant play any media files anymore with audio. When i start the media first teamspeak will not work anymore. Any solutions? | 19:48 |
kaps | ActionParsnip: sorry , I forgot to do that thinking all will work fine, but now its screwed up, plz help me in restoring my ubuntu | 19:48 |
ActionParsnip | kaps: this is all i have to give: | 19:49 |
sageb1 | it could be a wonky CHS translation but am gonna LiveCD it with openSolaris one day... before the end of the world e.g. the Second Great Depression... we need more homeless people tho for that to occur | 19:49 |
potatoess | i have a problem: atheros card do not appear in ifconfig, i have installed the madwifi-xx.deb. someone can help me ? | 19:49 |
eldarka2 | hi everybody! does anybody know how to fix sound problem with flash in ubuntu 8.10? | 19:49 |
sageb1 | sorry, me bad for OT remarks | 19:49 |
kaps | sageb1: I deleted my windows partitions and agin sized them and installed windows | 19:49 |
guntbert | illmortal: what are you trying to do? | 19:50 |
sageb1 | and kaps, linux can't see the windows partitions? | 19:50 |
illmortal | can someone assist me with unrar-free? I have a .rar folder with pictures and mp3s... and non of them will extract. | 19:50 |
eldarka2 | google says about flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound, but it didn't help | 19:50 |
kebomix | how to automount partitions ? | 19:50 |
eldarka2 | illmortal - install just unrar | 19:50 |
illmortal | install just unrar? ok | 19:50 |
jarco | eldarka2, its related to pulse i had it before | 19:50 |
ActionParsnip | kaps: you have learned the hardest way possible why backups are important and their is no reason for it as usb drives are so cheap | 19:50 |
sageb1 | kaps, if the windows partition isthe only partition created, fdisk can't see uncreated partitions on the empty space | 19:50 |
omerrrico1 | mib_b40mse - thanks.. but alsa doesn't solve my problem - my headset doesn't seem to work | 19:50 |
jarco | eldarka2, i try to look for the thing that helped me | 19:51 |
sageb1 | kebomix, fstab needs an entry | 19:51 |
eldarka2 | jarco, and what should I do? delete pulse from system? | 19:51 |
rothchild | the back and forward buttons in my firefox are just greyed out, I think something got broken on today's update | 19:51 |
illmortal | beautiful! thank you guys ^^; | 19:51 |
rothchild | can anyone help me get them back | 19:51 |
eldarka2 | jarco, what thing helped you? | 19:51 |
sageb1 | man mount helps | 19:51 |
TwoD | Nobody who knows how to do a sector->file lookup in fat32? Need to know which files are damaged, not just which sectors.... | 19:51 |
paliopaido_tha_g | hello to everyone | 19:52 |
jarco | eldarka2, no dont do that there is a workaround. I am tring to find it | 19:52 |
=== _AshTray- is now known as AshTray- | ||
eldarka2 | hi | 19:52 |
sageb1 | twod, helix ISO comes to mind | 19:52 |
sageb1 | helix has an app to look at sectors i think | 19:52 |
sageb1 | so does the ultimate boot cd | 19:52 |
sageb1 | then there's nortons disk doctor | 19:53 |
paliopaido_tha_g | recently I bought a PS3 in which I want to put ubuntu.PS3 has a 64bit Cpu and all the guides that i found told me to install a Power-Pc version ubuntu | 19:53 |
sageb1 | :p | 19:53 |
Itaku | theres ubuntu.PS3? | 19:53 |
paliopaido_tha_g | can I install a 8.10 ubuntu? | 19:53 |
FloodBot1 | !netsplit | 19:53 |
ubottu | netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See | 19:53 |
paliopaido_tha_g | recently I bought a PS3 in which I want to put ubuntu.PS3 has a 64bit Cpu and all the guides that i found told me to install a Power-Pc version ubuntu | 19:53 |
paliopaido_tha_g | can I install a 8.10 ubuntu? | 19:53 |
Itaku | HOLY HELL | 19:54 |
ActionParsnip | paliopaido_tha_g: yes, its a g4bit PPC chip | 19:54 |
ActionParsnip | *64 | 19:54 |
paliopaido_tha_g | should i download a 8.10 64bit edition? | 19:54 |
ActionParsnip | paliopaido_tha_g: theres no browser plugin for flash on ppc | 19:54 |
Itaku | !netsplit | 19:54 |
ubottu | netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See | 19:54 |
ActionParsnip | paliopaido_tha_g: get the ppc iso | 19:54 |
paliopaido_tha_g | should i download a 8.10 64bit edition? | 19:54 |
paliopaido_tha_g | does it work? | 19:55 |
paliopaido_tha_g | should i download a 8.10 64bit edition? | 19:55 |
paliopaido_tha_g | does it work? | 19:55 |
sageb1 | ultimate boot cd has a NDD clone | 19:55 |
Itaku | JESUS CHRIST | 19:55 |
jarco | eldarka2, try | 19:55 |
TwoD | whoever said something about helix, could you please repost that? Lost it because of the netsplit =( | 19:55 |
sageb1 | dunno if that helps collect lost sectors into files | 19:55 |
maxbaldwin | rehubbing? | 19:55 |
maxbaldwin | haha, | 19:55 |
jarco | eldarka2, thats all i can find ... | 19:55 |
Rev | hello all | 19:55 |
sageb1 | helix is more for NTFS spelunking | 19:55 |
jussi01 | !netsplit | 19:55 |
jussi01 | yes | 19:55 |
ubottu | netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See | 19:55 |
musikgoat|main | paliopaido_tha_g: yes it works | 19:55 |
Rev | i installed the atheros5007 without any problems with the backports, then i activated the proprietary drivers of ATI and since then it doesnt work anymore | 19:55 |
kaps | ActionParsnip:ah yes, I will always keep that in mind | 19:55 |
Rev | i even formatted the whole comp and did the manipulation again (with the backports) but still it doesnt work | 19:55 |
Rev | is it possible that my wifi adapter is destroyed? | 19:55 |
sageb1 | you could backup a ntfs partition but the 4GB limitations makes dd'ing to a disk larger than the partition fail | 19:55 |
TwoD | sageb1, ah ok. I used ddrescue to get a list of unreadable sectors, would be nice to have a utility to automatically lookup which files are affected too... | 19:56 |
jonty-comp | waah, pages and pages at once D: | 19:56 |
Vasyliy | please help to connect an USB - joypad | 19:56 |
eldarka2 | jarco, sorry buddy - there was low sound in sound mixer. But I didn't look there because there was sound when os started and ended | 19:56 |
Itaku | rape much? | 19:56 |
sageb1 | and no, making 4GB partitions for xp or better is not recommended | 19:56 |
ActionParsnip | for playstation3 installs: | 19:56 |
ethereality | Is there a way to adjust window size, say, of Epiphany web browser, to only be large enough to remove scroll bars? Like the iMacs? | 19:56 |
Itaku | WHAT THE HELL | 19:56 |
sageb1 | for 98 yeh | 19:56 |
ActionParsnip | !ohmy | Itaku | 19:56 |
ubottu | Itaku: Please watch your language, attitude and topic to help keep this channel friendly and helpful. Remember, there are kids here! | 19:56 |
jarco | ah ok np eldarka2 glad that it is solved | 19:57 |
kaps | sageb1: kaps, if the windows partition isthe only partition created, fdisk can't see uncreated partitions on the empty space, what did you meant by that ? | 19:57 |
Flannel | Itaku: What on earth are you talking about? | 19:57 |
eldarka2 | thank you :) | 19:57 |
omerrrico1 | can anyone please help me get my headset to work? | 19:57 |
sageb1 | it's better to grab what you need out of the ntfs partition, like unencrypted text files | 19:57 |
csc__ | why does usb-creator accept usb discs and only allows usb flash sticks? | 19:57 |
paliopaido_tha_g | so only ppc edition will work in ps3 and not 64bit editions? | 19:57 |
csc__ | *doesnt | 19:57 |
Mejborg | Hi! I have just installed ubuntu 8.10. Problem: my laptop does not detect the wireless network. I have tried troubleshooting in the help-menu, but im stuck.. Can anyone help me? | 19:57 |
sageb1 | csc, cos it has usb in its name | 19:58 |
sageb1 | it's for usb | 19:58 |
Flannel | paliopaido_tha_g: It'll work on PPCs | 19:58 |
csc__ | sageb1, well, why that limit? | 19:58 |
ActionParsnip | Mejborg: run lspci, one line will identify the chipset, you can websearch from there | 19:58 |
musikgoat|main | csc__: usb disks as in usb external drives? | 19:58 |
paliopaido_tha_g | and the latest edition for ppc is Feisty Fwan? | 19:58 |
sageb1 | csc, kernel developers have yet to break the 4GB limit of i86 chips | 19:58 |
liquiddeux | hello | 19:58 |
StaticShock | how can i set an app to auto-start when i log into gnome? | 19:58 |
csc__ | musikgoat|main, yes, usb , external discs.. not only usb keys | 19:58 |
Itaku | ill install ubuntu on my ps3 when the ps4 comes out :) | 19:58 |
ActionParsnip | paliopaido_tha_g: unless you are runing a server or plan to do masses of encoding, 64bit won't benefit you any | 19:58 |
sageb1 | you need a 64 bit cpu to break it | 19:58 |
Flannel | !session | StaticShock | 19:58 |
ubottu | StaticShock: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot | 19:58 |
Mejborg | Action: sorry, but how do i run that? | 19:59 |
StaticShock | great, thanks | 19:59 |
sageb1 | since 2^32 is about 4GB | 19:59 |
ActionParsnip | Mejborg: in a terminal | 19:59 |
paliopaido_tha_g | Action I want to run in it in a ps3...which has a 64bit cell | 19:59 |
csc__ | sageb1, to break what? | 19:59 |
ActionParsnip | Mejborg: please tab complete my name so your text is highlighted | 19:59 |
paliopaido_tha_g | anyway | 19:59 |
ActionParsnip | !tab | Mejborg | 19:59 |
ubottu | Mejborg: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 19:59 |
paliopaido_tha_g | I will try both | 19:59 |
sageb1 | csc, the 32 bit limit | 19:59 |
paliopaido_tha_g | and i will inform u | 19:59 |
paliopaido_tha_g | :) | 19:59 |
jim_p | !compiz | 19:59 |
ubottu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at - help in #compiz-fusion | 19:59 |
musikgoat|main | csc__: usb creator fixes a problem that exists because usb thumb drives are not normally bootable, you can make a normal boot disk from a usb external drive | 19:59 |
liquiddeux | can anyone, by any chance, help me get my monitor to be detected by ubuntu/display at the correct resolution? | 20:00 |
paliopaido_tha_g | thanks | 20:00 |
paliopaido_tha_g | :) | 20:00 |
ActionParsnip | paliopaido_tha_g: you can run a 32bit OS on 64bit CPUs | 20:00 |
sageb1 | 32 bit cpus have the 4GB limit on file sizes | 20:00 |
paliopaido_tha_g | :) | 20:00 |
paliopaido_tha_g | thanks to everyone | 20:00 |
paliopaido_tha_g | good night from Greece | 20:00 |
Mejborg | action: ok, thanks alot | 20:00 |
paliopaido_tha_g | :) | 20:00 |
niklaus | how do i view the memory usage of a particular process. In top there are too many process i want to watch only one | 20:00 |
DasEi | dtolj:you you look in your /etc/bash.bash.rc if there is a line : [-z $ "PS1"] && return ? | 20:00 |
carsten_ | Anyone how can help, i'm getting this error while executing Dru "./dru: command not found" ? | 20:00 |
sageb1 | i think under 64 bit linux, you have a 2^64 byte files | 20:00 |
ActionParsnip | Mejborg: if you websearch for the line identifying your wifi chip you will get some help | 20:00 |
csc__ | musikgoat|main, but i am currently using an os installed in an usb disc (not key!) | 20:00 |
deany | system monitor in gnome doesit.. | 20:01 |
DasEi | carsten: dru? what cmd is that supposed to be ? | 20:01 |
deany | cant remember the top command tbh.. aint used it for ages | 20:01 |
ActionParsnip | sageb1: i think its a bit bigger due to how stuff is managed but its still hooj | 20:01 |
musikgoat|main | csc__: you should stop saying usb disk, its not clear | 20:01 |
sageb1 | paliopaido, ciao | 20:01 |
sageb1 | hooj is right | 20:01 |
musikgoat|main | csc__: usb optical media, or usb hard drive maybe would be better | 20:01 |
csc__ | musikgoat|main, ok, how do you define the two kind of usb "discs" | 20:01 |
Grab | hi! | 20:01 |
TwoD | niklaus, try htop, it's a bit nicer IMHO. Or if you're in gnome, use gnome-system-monitor | 20:01 |
carsten_ | DasEi: it's dist manager | 20:01 |
csc__ | ok | 20:01 |
niklaus | command line | 20:02 |
csc__ | musikgoat|main, ok, i am using an usb hard drive with ubuntu installed on it, and i booted it from bios... so why the limit in usb-creator.. isnt it the time to let the user decide? | 20:02 |
TwoD | liquiddeux, what is your gfx card? And which drivers are you using? | 20:02 |
sageb1 | i dunno. 4GB may be limiting but if you dl a lot of wares, it's best to archive it all offline | 20:02 |
carsten_ | DasEi: It's Dell's Ubuntu custom dist maker ... | 20:02 |
niklaus | TwoD, can we collect stats for that process over time | 20:02 |
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TwoD | liquiddeux, and is this a second monitor, or only a single one | 20:03 |
sageb1 | considering the falling price of sd cards and usb flash drives | 20:03 |
Vasyliy | how to connect joypad and to test his? | 20:03 |
liquiddeux | Nvidia 6800, TwoD, the Nvidia 177 driver, and a single monitor | 20:03 |
TwoD | niklaus, I doubt that. | 20:03 |
Mejborg | action: you mean the line with 'network controller'? The word 'wifi' isnt mentioned.. (yep, my computer knowledge isnt huge) | 20:03 |
TwoD | liquiddeux, have you tried using the nvidia-settings program? | 20:03 |
liquiddeux | and I've tried editing my xorg.conf file, and it hasn't helped | 20:03 |
sageb1 | which process from the command line, nkls? | 20:03 |
DasEi | carsten: so no ubuntu cmd/prog , did you install it ? | 20:03 |
=== johnny_ is now known as Guest45022 | ||
liquiddeux | yeah, TwoD, but it doesn't have an option for my native resolution | 20:04 |
ActionParsnip | Mejborg: it might not say "wifi", it might say "wireless" or 804.11 | 20:04 |
sageb1 | ys,prtty sn am gnna shrthnd it all | 20:04 |
TwoD | liquiddeux, I hear there are problems with detecting stuff (especially dual monitors) on nvidia cards because of closed specs. | 20:04 |
liquiddeux | which is 1440x900 | 20:04 |
niklaus | TwoD, anything you know | 20:04 |
carsten_ | DasEi: Yep, just installed it... | 20:04 |
ActionParsnip | Mejborg: if you pastebin the entire output I can tell you the line | 20:04 |
DasEi | could somebody look in their /etc/bash.bash.rc if there is a line : [-z $ "PS1"] && return ? | 20:04 |
ActionParsnip | !paste | Mejborg | 20:04 |
ubottu | Mejborg: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 20:04 |
sageb1 | i am not being smart, i am just getting lazy with my vowels | 20:04 |
DaveEngland | hello! Can anybody tell me, what do i need to install, so i can open and extract .zip files? | 20:04 |
TwoD | liquiddeux, ah ok. Tried forcing it in xorg.conf? (not sure how to do that myself, haven't needed it) | 20:04 |
KrisWillis | Evening | 20:05 |
DasEi | carsten: no experience with dru, sorry | 20:05 |
carsten_ | DasEi: Ok :) | 20:05 |
sageb1 | dave: sudo aptitude install zip unzip | 20:05 |
liquiddeux | yeah, TwoD; I followed this guide, and it didn't help: | 20:05 |
ActionParsnip | DasEi: yep i got it | 20:05 |
ohzie | Is there a simple way to add startup programs to gnome without enabling sessions? | 20:05 |
sageb1 | wait, unzip is part of zip is it? | 20:05 |
DasEi | ActionParsnip: thx | 20:05 |
jrib | ohzie: what do you mean by "enabling sessions"? | 20:05 |
sysdoc | liquiddeux, have you installed nvida-settings? | 20:05 |
ActionParsnip | DasEi: [ -z "$PS1" ] && return | 20:05 |
ActionParsnip | DasEi: $ is withing the quotes | 20:06 |
gamla_kossan | hi guys | 20:06 |
niklaus | do we have manpages for libstdc++ ? where can i install it from. | 20:06 |
TwoD | niklaus, I think you need a special tool to monitor just a single process, or perhaps find some "filtering and logging" switches in top/htop. But I have no idea really. | 20:06 |
ohzie | jrib: Just cut that part off the question. Know of any way to add a startup list to gnome? | 20:06 |
liquiddeux | yeah, it's installed, sysdoc | 20:06 |
jrib | !startup > ohzie | 20:06 |
ubottu | ohzie, please see my private message | 20:06 |
gamla_kossan | what file do I want to edit for login scripts? | 20:06 |
sysdoc | liquiddeux, are you starting nvidia-settings as root? | 20:06 |
jrib | gamla_kossan: be more specific | 20:07 |
sageb1 | ok unzip and zip have to be installed | 20:07 |
ActionParsnip | !startup | ohzie | 20:07 |
ubottu | ohzie: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot | 20:07 |
DasEi | ActionParsnip: right, it's just a pc hanging, and I try to find out why (stopping at running local scripts rc.local) | 20:07 |
sageb1 | did the user who asked how to unzip files get that? | 20:07 |
Mejborg | Action: Okay, just to be 1000% sure. There is a line with: "Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)". Is that the line you are talking about? :D | 20:07 |
vladtsepesh1984 | i have a big problem...i changed some settings in compiz manager ( deselect walldesktop ), after that the screen refreshed and then all my appearence settings was system-appearence-visual effect i cant set the max visual effect....what can i do???? please help me | 20:07 |
liquiddeux | I just tried, sysdoc, but it still doesn't have my native resolution as an option | 20:07 |
sageb1 | unless you are asking about gzip or bzip2 | 20:07 |
gamla_kossan | jrib: well, I want to enter a line ('xinput set-int-prop 3 "Wheel Emulation Inertia" 32 20' to be more specific =) when logging in.. | 20:07 |
DaveEngland | can anybody tell me pls, how can i change the icon of an folder? | 20:08 |
ohzie | Next question: Is there any way to make gnome resize windows when I hold alt and right click, like xfwm and kwin do? | 20:08 |
sageb1 | hm does that broadcom have to use ndiswrapper? | 20:08 |
Mejborg | okay, nice, just a sec.. thanks | 20:08 |
=== __mikem_ is now known as __mikem | ||
ActionParsnip | sageb1: sometimes | 20:08 |
ActionParsnip | !broadcom | sageb1 | 20:08 |
ubottu | sageb1: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at | 20:08 |
DaveEngland | !icons | 20:08 |
ubottu | Want to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (GNOME) or go to (KDE) | 20:08 |
jrib | gamla_kossan: if you're using gnome, you can write a small script and then use System -> Preferences -> Sessions -> Startup to call it. ~/.profile otherwise would work otherwise | 20:09 |
sysdoc | liquiddeux, in nvidia settings see X server Display Config>clk Advanced | 20:09 |
DaveEngland | !icons | 20:09 |
DaveEngland | can anybody tell me pls, how can i change the icon of an folder? | 20:09 |
TwoD | liquiddeux, that tutorial was written in 2005, much can have changed since. (the dpkg-reconfigure way should work tho). It doesn't look too outdated at first glance tho. All I've learned from fiddling with xorg.conf is to be stubborn... and read lots and lots of manuals (yes, they are a bit overwhelming and obviously not written for someone who doesn't know half of it already) | 20:09 |
HomingHamster | DaveEngland, right click, properties | 20:09 |
gamla_kossan | jrib: ah, .profile would be what I'm looking for. thanks. | 20:09 |
HomingHamster | DaveEngland, then click the folder icon | 20:09 |
HomingHamster | DaveEngland, select the new icon | 20:09 |
liquiddeux | done, sysdoc | 20:09 |
Sifre | hi all | 20:10 |
DaveEngland | HomingHamster, omg im so lame! Thank you very much! | 20:10 |
sageb1 | hm i see /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/bcm43xx/bcm43xx.ko | 20:10 |
sysdoc | liquiddeux, Panning?? | 20:10 |
HomingHamster | DaveEngland, don't worry, i had to go find out :P | 20:10 |
liquiddeux | TwoD: dpkg-reconfigure actually broke X, so I had to restore from back up...the problem is that ubuntu is getting no information about my monitor | 20:10 |
ensay | /set irc_conf_mode on | 20:10 |
sageb1 | n am @ 2.6.15-53 | 20:10 |
liquiddeux | it's there, sysdoc; currently set to 1024x768 | 20:10 |
Sifre | how to install ZNC irc bouncer? | 20:10 |
DasEi | is there a way to get a complete system-log at boot up ? containing as much info as possible ? | 20:10 |
sageb1 | liquiddeux, vga connector or hdmi? | 20:11 |
sysdoc | liquiddeux, alter to what you need and hit save to X config | 20:11 |
liquiddeux | the card outputs in DVI, but I use a DVI-->VGA adapter so I can connect it to my monitor, sageb1 | 20:11 |
iLogic | I'm unable to install nvidia's driver from Hardware drivers (it halts at 0% on the downloading and installing drive window), can I download and install them manually? | 20:11 |
TwoD | liquiddeux, ah, had that happen to me too sometimes... | 20:11 |
jrib | gamla_kossan: I don't know if it still works but ~/.xprofile used to be called only when you logged into X, so that may be a better palce | 20:12 |
sageb1 | ah liquiddeux, there's your problem | 20:12 |
HacKBoX | sifre: | 20:12 |
dougmmms | is there a good read-me for setting up a shared folder on ubuntu and accessing the share from another ubuntu computer (on the same lan)? | 20:12 |
liquiddeux | anything I can do about it, sageb1? | 20:12 |
sageb1 | you have a generic VGA monitor | 20:12 |
dougmmms | all using samba | 20:12 |
ActionParsnip | dougmmms: samba | 20:12 |
HacKBoX | sifre: That link should give you what you need | 20:12 |
gamla_kossan | jrib: ah, I would but I guess it's deprecated; there's no such file in my home folder.. | 20:12 |
ActionParsnip | !samba | dougmmms | 20:13 |
ubottu | dougmmms: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: and - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. Also see | 20:13 |
jrib | gamla_kossan: you create it | 20:13 |
dougmmms | ActionParsnip: thank you | 20:13 |
sageb1 | sure it may do 1024x768 but the monitor is dumbed out by the dvi to vga adapter | 20:13 |
HacKBoX | Sifre: | 20:13 |
TwoD | iLogic, try sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-177 | 20:13 |
HacKBoX | Sifre: That will help you | 20:14 |
Sifre | ok | 20:14 |
sageb1 | liquiddeux, what's the make and model of the monitor | 20:14 |
vladtsepesh1984 | i have a big problem...i changed some settings in compiz manager ( deselect walldesktop ), after that the screen refreshed and then all my appearence settings was system-appearence-visual effect i cant set the max visual effect....what can i do???? please help me | 20:14 |
TwoD | iLogic, I think you need to have enabled some repositories which are normally not enabled (as those drivers are non-free) | 20:14 |
liquiddeux | Viewsonic Q19wb, sageb1 | 20:14 |
Wyhiwyl | Is there any way to get ls to show | 20:14 |
iLogic | TwoD: I saw that package installed on synaptic.. I'm guessing it only needs to be actived, any idea on how I can do that? | 20:14 |
iLogic | oh.. good one | 20:14 |
Wyhiwyl | Is there any way to get ls to show permissions as numbers, instead of in rwx format? | 20:15 |
jrib | Wyhiwyl: not ls, no. Use 'stat' | 20:15 |
iLogic | TwoD: nope.. they are activated by default now | 20:15 |
Sifre | HacKBoX | 20:15 |
sageb1 | have you done a hwinfo on your system, liquiddeux to see if it sees your monitor? | 20:15 |
Sifre | build-essential | 20:15 |
Sifre | libssl-dev | 20:15 |
Sifre | libperl-dev | 20:15 |
FloodBot2 | Sifre: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 20:15 |
Sifre | later this command? | 20:15 |
Sifre | HacKBoX | 20:15 |
ActionParsnip | Wyhiwyl: you can convert in your head easily but i dont know how to make it do that | 20:15 |
ikonia | Sifre: why do you keep saying hackbox ? | 20:15 |
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HacKBoX | Sifre: What's up | 20:16 |
liquiddeux | let me install it and run it and I'll get back to you in a second, sageb1 | 20:16 |
TwoD | iLogic, ah, ok. I had to make some changes in xorg.conf too, but that might have just been to enable both my monitors. | 20:16 |
carsten_ | I have a serious problem here, there's something deadwrong with my path's, i just installed "uck" with no problem at all, but Ubuntu can't run it, but when using "find", it's there, anyone ? | 20:16 |
Sifre | ikonia | 20:16 |
Sifre | ok | 20:16 |
ikonia | Sifre: yes, what do you want ? | 20:16 |
pronoe | hey | 20:16 |
ikonia | carsten_: what did you install and how did you install it ? | 20:16 |
unop | Wyhiwyl, stat -c "%a %n" * | 20:17 |
Sifre | build-essentiallib ssl-dev libperl-dev | 20:17 |
Sifre | later command? | 20:17 |
ikonia | Sifre: what ? | 20:17 |
Sifre | how to install znc | 20:17 |
ikonia | Sifre: your not making any sense, what is the problem ? | 20:17 |
Mejborg | action: here is the link - | 20:17 |
Sifre | bouncer | 20:17 |
HacKBoX | Sifre: all you need to do is open a terminal and for each of those dependencies you need to do a "sudo apt-get install" ex. "sudo apt-get install build-essentials" | 20:17 |
troythetechguy | is ubuntu. kubuntu, xubuntu, etc fundamentally the same os with just different desktop environments? if i install ubuntu and change the desktop environment to kde is it technically kubuntu, or are there other differences between ubuntu and kubuntu? | 20:17 |
tobias | hi!.. What commandline tool do i use for xor operation? (file1 XOR file2 => file3) | 20:17 |
Wyhiwyl | unop: nice, thx! | 20:17 |
ikonia | Sifre: znc is in the ubuntu repos' just open the package manager (synaptic) and instal the znc package | 20:18 |
carsten_ | ikonia: I installed "uck" through svn... | 20:18 |
ikonia | troythetechguy: same thing | 20:18 |
Wyhiwyl | unop: but is there any way to do it with ls? | 20:18 |
Sifre | later? HacKBoX | 20:18 |
jrib | troythetechguy: they all use the same repositories. They just have a different set of default packages corresponding to different environments. You can have them all installed at once and choose what to use at the login screen | 20:18 |
ikonia | carsten_: ok ? so where did you configure it's install path ? | 20:18 |
unop | Wyhiwyl, not as far as i know, no | 20:18 |
HacKBoX | Sifre Later? | 20:18 |
sageb1 | tory ubuntu is gnome | 20:18 |
troythetechguy | ikonia: thanks | 20:18 |
sageb1 | kubuntu is kde | 20:18 |
ikonia | Sifre: znc is in the ubuntu repos, open the package manager and install the znc package | 20:19 |
carsten_ | ikonia: I don't know, i've never used svn before, sry ;-) | 20:19 |
Wyhiwyl | unop: got it | 20:19 |
sageb1 | but both can use each other's stuff tho kde adds processes to the execution | 20:19 |
ikonia | carsten_: if you don't know how to build software you shouldn't be randomly doing | 20:19 |
sageb1 | xubuntu is tighter than both, tho gnome's a bit stabler | 20:19 |
CyberGabber | Sifre: znc is installable trough 'Synaptic' | 20:19 |
troythetechguy | jrib: thanks. I have ubuntu installed on an older laptop, and to speed things up I want to run only the metacity windows manger. how can I select this from the login window? | 20:19 |
carsten_ | ikonia: It's just that i have never used svn, i'm used to apt-get, ./configure, make etc... | 20:20 |
ikonia | carsten_: svn isn 't an install | 20:20 |
Wyhiwyl | how to choose text from terminal with keyboard? | 20:20 |
sageb1 | troy, run the default gnome or if you can, install the xfce4 | 20:20 |
ikonia | carsten_: svn is a version control | 20:20 |
jrib | troythetechguy: just choose "no effects" from system -> preferences -> appearance -> visual effects | 20:20 |
carsten_ | ikonia: Where does svn download to ? | 20:20 |
ikonia | carsten_: where ever you set it to | 20:21 |
ThomasRDK | Why do my VNC come up with a gray background instead of the normal user desktop? | 20:21 |
tgpraveen | hi guys | 20:21 |
ensay | Wyhiwyl-> choose ? you mean highlight them? | 20:21 |
ikonia | carsten_: you want the ubuntu customisation kit yes/no ? | 20:21 |
ActionParsnip | carsten_: the current pwd | 20:21 |
tilgovi | anyone here use uvesafb? I'm fooling around with trying to get a widescreen console... | 20:21 |
carsten_ | ikonia: Yep :) | 20:21 |
sageb1 | the vnc server is broken? | 20:21 |
Wyhiwyl | ensay: i want to choose, then copy them | 20:21 |
TwoD | ThomasRDK, you might have disabled rendering of it. (speed optimization) | 20:21 |
Rapture | hello all | 20:21 |
carsten_ | ActionParnsnip: pwd ? | 20:21 |
ensay | Wyhiwyl-> use your mouse left key to highlight | 20:22 |
ikonia | carsten_: | 20:22 |
jesse` | Howdy. Is there a simple way to list the games installed on my system? | 20:22 |
ikonia | carsten_: just download it from there | 20:22 |
ThomasRDK | I didn't alter any default settings yet, i think it's not catching the correct user - can that be it somehow? | 20:22 |
Wyhiwyl | ensay: i dont have a mouse :) | 20:22 |
tgpraveen | i want to create a ad-hoc network. ie i want to use my laptop as the wifi router so that i can use it to connect to my wifi enabled mobile phone. now the problem is that whenever i click on create a new wireless network | 20:22 |
sageb1 | tilgovi has two monitors to use? | 20:22 |
tgpraveen | in ubuntu it | 20:22 |
Mejborg | ActionParnship: here is the link - | 20:22 |
tilgovi | sageb1, no, just one | 20:22 |
deany | sageb1: you probably have disable background wallaper or something set | 20:22 |
tgpraveen | just gives eroor that it couldnt create | 20:22 |
carsten_ | ikonia: thx :) | 20:22 |
tgpraveen | what is wrong here? | 20:22 |
deany | dont ask me how to change it tho, | 20:22 |
ikonia | carsten_: if you have no idea how to use version control, or build sotware properly it is not a good idea to mess with development or trunk versions where there are stable downloads available | 20:22 |
tgpraveen | is this a known issue? | 20:22 |
ensay | Wyhiwyl-> you have to be clear on what you got and what you dont have, other wise you will get a wrong advise | 20:22 |
tritium | !enter | tgpraveen | 20:22 |
ubottu | tgpraveen: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 20:22 |
sageb1 | deany, the guy who cmplnd abt vnc wld b hppy 2 knw tht | 20:23 |
=== Psyrix is now known as Psyrix21 | ||
tgpraveen | tritium: ?? | 20:23 |
Flannel | !u | sageb1 | 20:23 |
ubottu | sageb1: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officer, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun. If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you". The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on.. | 20:23 |
tgpraveen | ubottu: ok | 20:23 |
gazotem | 20:23 | |
ubottu | You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) | 20:23 |
ikonia | sageb1: please talk in clear english | 20:23 |
ikonia | sageb1: what you've said doesn't make any sense | 20:23 |
gazotem | samba | 20:23 |
Wyhiwyl | ensay: ok, and i've stated in the first question that i want to choose text in terminal with keyboard | 20:23 |
ferrum007 | good evening... | 20:23 |
TwoD | jesse`, check in Synaptic under Sections, there's a games section there. You can also create a filter to show only installed packages from that section. | 20:24 |
Rapture | can anyone help me with adding my printer to my fileserver (Ubuntu-Server 8.10, no GUI) | 20:24 |
deany | sageb1: this isnt an SMS | 20:24 |
tritium | tgpraveen: please try to keep your question on one line. Don't use the enter key in place of punctuation. It makes it much easier to read your entire question. | 20:24 |
ferrum007 | Does anyone may have a hint on installing MySQL 4.1 on Ubuntu 8.10? | 20:24 |
deany | you dont get charged per letter :) | 20:24 |
ActionParsnip | Rapture: what printer make and model | 20:24 |
sageb1 | sorry, i keep forgetting that 99 percent of the ppl here are not English as a first language people | 20:24 |
jesse` | TwoD: Thanks, but is there a way to put the data into a file? | 20:24 |
ActionParsnip | deany: I say that exact thing | 20:24 |
ikonia | ferrum007: there isn't a 4 package, | 20:24 |
tgpraveen | ubottu: ok.but still guys any help | 20:24 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 20:24 |
Rapture | ActionParsnip: HP PSC 1209 (works with Ubuntu-Desktop) | 20:24 |
sageb1 | would it be better if i spoke piglatin? | 20:24 |
exodus_ms | tgpraveen: ubottu is a bot | 20:24 |
ferrum007 | ikonia, I know - that's the problem... | 20:24 |
jesse` | TwoD: I want a list of games installed on one machine, so that I can install the same on a second machine. | 20:24 |
[Spooky] | Anyone here uses the "rapache" application? | 20:24 |
tritium | sageb1: that wasn't English you were using anyway... | 20:24 |
ikonia | ferrum007: you'll have to make your own package, or use 5 | 20:24 |
Flannel | sageb1: Please speak english. | 20:25 |
ferrum007 | I need some sort of way to get the RPM workin... but alien just breaks the thing... | 20:25 |
ferrum007 | I can't use 5. | 20:25 |
ikonia | sageb1: please speak in clear english and ask your question | 20:25 |
sageb1 | tritium, that was IM-speak | 20:25 |
deany | sageb1: i know what you said anyway, | 20:25 |
Slart | sageb1: 99% of the people found sms language to be funny for 5 minutes then moved on.. it's not a question of having english as a first language or not | 20:25 |
ikonia | ferrum007: why can't you use 5 | 20:25 |
tritium | sageb1: which is *not* English | 20:25 |
tgpraveen | exodus_ms: ok. and any one can help me with adhoc network creation | 20:25 |
ferrum007 | as one of the business related apps I'm bound to doesn't support 5 | 20:25 |
ferrum007 | only 4 | 20:25 |
ikonia | ferrum007: don't use the rpm - it's not menat for ubuntu | 20:25 |
sageb1 | deany, because you are in a English as first language country, no? | 20:25 |
exodus_ms | !wifi | 20:25 |
ubottu | Wireless documentation can be found at | 20:25 |
ikonia | ferrum007: meant for ubuntu sorry | 20:25 |
=== jono_ is now known as jono | ||
deany | must mean im dyslexic lol | 20:25 |
TwoD | jesse`, maybe. I know one can generate a list of all installed packages using dpkg, maybe it can filter out those with the "games" flag. I'll take a quick look | 20:25 |
zakidine | euhhh urgent j'ai un souci la | 20:25 |
Jordan_U | ferrum007, What app? | 20:25 |
ikonia | sageb1: please just ask your question | 20:25 |
ferrum007 | then I should go with the sources and do the whole config thing | 20:25 |
ferrum007 | CaoFaktura... | 20:25 |
jesse` | TwoD: Thanks! | 20:25 |
ferrum007 | it's a windows app... running smoothly (supported) under winde | 20:26 |
ferrum007 | wine | 20:26 |
ikonia | ferrum007: thats your call, but I'd try to package it myself if I needed it, it's much easier to maintain that way | 20:26 |
Rapture | odd, when i log into my server, i see 42% memory usage and 0% swap usage... is this normal? | 20:26 |
ikonia | Rapture: yup, fine | 20:26 |
sageb1 | slart, actually it is. people can understand sms speak because english is there first langauge just like your mind is autocorrecting my spelling | 20:26 |
Rapture | kk | 20:26 |
Jordan_U | ferrum007, Why do you need RPM? | 20:26 |
ferrum007 | if you don't mind - but can you give me a hint on how to package the thing myself. | 20:26 |
ikonia | sageb1: intead of arguing about the language, speak english and ask a question | 20:26 |
ferrum007 | Well what are the other options? | 20:26 |
sageb1 | i'm arguing? | 20:26 |
ikonia | sageb1: yes, - please ask your question in english | 20:27 |
sageb1 | am i arguing, ubottu? | 20:27 |
ferrum007 | I can have the RPM, the DEB or the sources ... or do I miss something. | 20:27 |
ikonia | ferrum007: the deb source can be used | 20:27 |
ActionParsnip | Rapture: id get the ppd and access the system over lan via http por 632 (i think), the fact it works on desktop is good but maybe someone else can chime in | 20:27 |
Papillon | Si vous savez dupliquer un objet dans la réalitée, contactez-moi en privé, j'ai besoin d'information. | 20:27 |
Mejborg | ActionParnship: here is the link - (sorry for writing more times, but you asked for it) | 20:27 |
sageb1 | i did ask about converting my workstation into a router | 20:27 |
tritium | !fr | Papillon | 20:27 |
ubottu | Papillon: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr | 20:27 |
Rapture | ActionParsnip: ppd? | 20:27 |
exodus_ms | sageb1: your arguing with a bot :) | 20:27 |
ferrum007 | mioment... I'll go and check it out at their website (mysql...) | 20:27 |
ikonia | sageb1: but we couldn't understand, so if you could please re-state in english, that would be a big help please | 20:27 |
sageb1 | i am asking the bot a question | 20:27 |
Slart | sageb1: this is getting offtopic... I won't continue this discussion here | 20:27 |
ActionParsnip | !broadcom | Mejborg | 20:27 |
Comet | hey guys, is there a HCL for 8.10?? i'm specifically looking to see if a Linksys WPC54G v2 PCMCIA wifi card is supported out of the box | 20:27 |
ubottu | Mejborg: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at | 20:27 |
sageb1 | tyvm, slart | 20:27 |
dougmmms | ActionParsnip: hmmm, using ssh was about 1000x easier | 20:27 |
Comet | couldnt get it working in xubuntu | 20:27 |
ActionParsnip | !hcl | Comet | 20:28 |
ubottu | Comet: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see | 20:28 |
=== maxbaldwin is now known as maxbotwin | ||
Rapture | !ppd | 20:28 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ppd | 20:28 |
Comet | thanks! | 20:28 |
=== maxbotwin is now known as maxbaldwin | ||
Rapture | !print server | 20:28 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about print server | 20:28 |
ActionParsnip | dougmmms: http connect directly to cups which can then be used to confgure printing | 20:28 |
sageb1 | ubottu, how does one convert a workstation into a router? | 20:28 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 20:28 |
Wyhiwyl | how to choose text in terminal with keyboard. i dont have a mouse | 20:28 |
Flannel | !sa | zakidine | 20:28 |
ubottu | zakidine: For the Saudi Arabia team : /join #ubuntu-sa : للانظمام الى قناة الفريق السعودي - For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية | 20:28 |
exodus_ms | sageb1: ubottu is a bot dude | 20:28 |
ActionParsnip | Rapture: ppd is like a config file for linux printing | 20:28 |
ikonia | sageb1: a workstation can be made into a router using an ip managment software, iptables is a popular one | 20:28 |
ActionParsnip | !ics | sageb1 | 20:29 |
ubottu | sageb1: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see - You may also use !firestarter: | 20:29 |
Slart | Wyhiwyl: I'm not 100 % sure but I don't think you can do that.. at least not with the gnome-terminal | 20:29 |
gazotem | What is the advantage of using Samba to access files from windows rather than a program like Ext2IFS ? Also, if I am running a dual boot (XP / 8.10 intrepid) is an alternative to set up a third partition? Essentially my question is what is the best way to go about accessing files from both Operating Systems. | 20:29 |
sageb1 | i have to install a firewall? | 20:29 |
ferrum007 | hmm... Well I don't find any DEB Packages - neither source nor prebuilt on ... | 20:29 |
Mejborg | ActionParnship: thanks alot! | 20:29 |
ikonia | sageb1: a firewall is an ip manager really | 20:29 |
dtolj | why doesn't nautilus-share work in Fedora 9 like in ubuntu | 20:29 |
Rapture | ActionParsnip: ah, ok. Well I tried HTTPS'ing into my server from my lappy and it says 403: Forbidden... not sure how to fix that | 20:29 |
ActionParsnip | gazotem: samba will make it appear as a wiindows system sharing folders | 20:29 |
ikonia | sageb1: so iptables (for example) is not really "a firewall" it's an ip manager that people use as a firewall | 20:29 |
Rapture | ActionParsnip: on port 631 | 20:29 |
Sifre | checking for perl_alloc in -lperl... Note (probably harmless): No library found fo | 20:29 |
ActionParsnip | Rapture: you may have to allow remote cups config | 20:29 |
sageb1 | would shorewall "fix" my problem then? | 20:30 |
Jordan_U | Wyhiwyl, You can redirect output to a file or to the clipboard with xclip | 20:30 |
Flannel | dtolj: You'd have to ask the Fedora people (I suggest not phrasing the question the same way, but instead "Why doesn't nautilus-share do X Y and Z?" so it stands on its own (since its unlikely they know its behavior in Ubuntu)) | 20:30 |
ferrum007 | where would you obtain the mentioned deb for mysql 4 | 20:30 |
ActionParsnip | Jordan_U: you can use > to redirect to a file | 20:30 |
ikonia | sageb1: shorewall is a firewall not really an ip manager | 20:30 |
ActionParsnip | Jordan_U: e.g: ls ~/ > ~/contents-of-home-dir.txt | 20:30 |
sageb1 | ick | 20:31 |
ikonia | sageb1: it maybe able to do it, but I'm not %100 certain personally | 20:31 |
Slart | gazotem: in my experience samba can be a bit on the slow side.. might be a configuration issue though | 20:31 |
Jordan_U | ActionParsnip, I know, maybe I should have phrased it as you can redirect to a file or if you want to use the clipboard you can use xclip | 20:31 |
ferrum007 | ikonia: do you maybe have a link on where to find the DEB you've mentioned... as on there are none to be found related to the 4.1 | 20:31 |
Slart | gazotem: but when it comes to working with windows computers I don't know if the alternatives are any better.. but an nfs-client for windows might work | 20:31 |
sageb1 | i'll go "apt-cache search ip|grep manager" then | 20:31 |
ceej | hey all, how do I add en_US to locale ? | 20:31 |
ikonia | ferrum007: ooh really, I thought there where on, they may have removed it now as it's old | 20:32 |
ActionParsnip | !locale | 20:32 |
ubottu | To set up and configure your locales, see | 20:32 |
liquiddeux | sageb1: as far as I can tell, no monitor shows up | 20:32 |
ikonia | sageb1: my personal advice would be to use iptables, as it is excellent, and if your nt confident without a gui, install a gui package for iptables | 20:32 |
jackal | ikonia, sageb1: shorewall is just a high level way of configuring netfilter, which is the underlying piece of iptables | 20:32 |
=== artur_ is now known as Gasoline | ||
ikonia | jackal: excellent thank you | 20:33 |
HacKBoX | ceej: System->Administration->Language Support | 20:33 |
ferrum007 | ikonia: I've been looking for a while... I hate it... it's basically like I have no other option as to download the whole source and go the entire long way of configuring, building and installing it this way... it's a shame the programmers of my application were not able to keep their SQL so clean as so that it would work in mysql 5. | 20:33 |
ceej | HacKBoX: I'm using ubuntu server 8.10 so I need to do it through a terminal :) | 20:33 |
ikonia | ferrum007: I appriciate your frustration | 20:33 |
gazotem | Slart: Yeah, the reason I am asking is that nfs-clients have been having an issue with Inodes larger than 128 bytes so I was searching for an alternative. I have never installed Samba, it should be installed from the ubuntu side? | 20:33 |
HacKBoX | ceej: oh ok | 20:34 |
jrib | ferrum007: why are you using ubuntu, if you want older software? Why not debian stable for example? | 20:34 |
Slart | gazotem: yes, you could call it a windows file sharing client/server for linux | 20:34 |
gazotem | Slart: thank you. | 20:34 |
Slart | !samba | gazotem | 20:34 |
ubottu | gazotem: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: and - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. Also see | 20:34 |
roberto | hi guys | 20:34 |
=== marcos_ is now known as w525aa | ||
roberto | i have a problem with wine | 20:35 |
cmdbbq | i have a sansa e200 series mp3 player that i used to be able to mount as an external drive, but after using rhythmbox to manage it for a while, i am unable to get it to show up as a drive i can navigate to, i need to access the drive through nautilus so that i can clean out some disorganized files and install rockbox, i am running 8.04, can nayone help? | 20:35 |
HacKBoX | ceej: Check this out | 20:35 |
DawnLight | help! i've just installed ubuntu on my machine and i've a kernel panic because it can't mount root filesystem for some reason. i don't remember the reason, though. should i check or is this a common issue. i've never experienced this | 20:35 |
ceej | ty I'll take a look | 20:35 |
Slart | DawnLight: you should check.. it's not a common issue | 20:35 |
ikonia | DawnLight: it's a common issue if your trying to use onboard raid | 20:35 |
jrib | cmdbbq: there's usually a setting in the players that determines how they identify themselves | 20:35 |
roberto | i have a asus eah 3450 512 mb as graphic card | 20:36 |
Papillon | donnez moi ce que je demande | 20:36 |
ceej | HacKBox: dpkg-reconfigure locales does nothing | 20:36 |
cmdbbq | jrib it is set to MTP | 20:36 |
Slart | !fr | Papillon | 20:36 |
ubottu | Papillon: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr | 20:36 |
ActionParsnip | cmdbbq: does it show up in sudo fdisk -l | 20:36 |
=== qbmaniac is now known as qb|away | ||
Papillon | donnez-moi ce que je demande | 20:36 |
ikonia | !away > qb|away | 20:36 |
ubottu | qb|away, please see my private message | 20:36 |
ikonia | !fr | Papillon | 20:36 |
jrib | cmdbbq: so what happens when you set it to msc? | 20:36 |
echomia | Gnea are you around, it is mib from yesterday | 20:37 |
Slart | Papillon: english only.. we can't give you what you want.. | 20:37 |
ceej | ok fixed with cat /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED | grep "en\|ru" > /var/lib/locales/supported.d/local | 20:37 |
HacKBoX | ceej: update-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8 | 20:37 |
cmdbbq | ActionParsnip: no | 20:37 |
HacKBoX | try that | 20:37 |
cmdbbq | jrib i will try that | 20:37 |
DawnLight | i'll check | 20:37 |
ActionParsnip | cmdbbq: then make sure its connected properly and turn it off and on] | 20:37 |
TwoD | jesse`, sorry, can't find a way to show the "section" part of a package using dpkg, along with its "installed" status. If I could, I could probably filter out just "installed games" | 20:37 |
ActionParsnip | cmdbbq: unplug and reconnect all connections | 20:37 |
ferrum007 | ikonia: I might have a solution ;) -> debian... on the debian website the old 4.1 package can still be downloaded... and as ubuntu is based on debian it should work, shouldn't it? | 20:37 |
jesse` | TwoD: Well, thanks for your help. | 20:37 |
ikonia | ferrum007: don't use debian on ubuntu | 20:37 |
macman | guys .. do you know of any good pcmicia cards that have atheroes chipset ? | 20:38 |
ikonia | ferrum007: you may want to consider what jrib said about maybe using debian | 20:38 |
ikonia | macman: check the shops | 20:38 |
jesse` | TwoD: Can you remind me how to get a list of packages using dpkg? Maybe I can go at it by hand. | 20:38 |
macman | frys ? | 20:38 |
roberto | ther is a boy that help me with wine ??? | 20:38 |
cmdbbq | ActionParsnip & jrib thanks, setting to MSC worked although i have no idea why :D | 20:38 |
roberto | ther is a boy that can help me with wine ??? | 20:38 |
Rapture | ActionParsnip: I fixed the remote admin for CUPS (partially), but it doesn't ask for a username/pw to login, so i can't admin anything | 20:39 |
ActionParsnip | roberto: be more specific and the room will answer | 20:39 |
echomia | Gnea are you around? | 20:40 |
ActionParsnip | Rapture: maybe theres a permitted username list | 20:40 |
iLogic | man.. intrepid ibex has been a _serious_ step backwards for nvidia drivers compatibility.. not only the native solution for proprietary drivers don't work, but it won't work with envy anymore.. *sigh* | 20:40 |
annaimkonki | has ubuntu 8.04 been supported on PS3? | 20:40 |
jrib | iLogic: be more specific... | 20:40 |
ikonia | iLogic: thats not a ubuntu issue | 20:40 |
ActionParsnip | iLogic: what card does lspci say you have? | 20:40 |
ikonia | iLogic: have you used the drivers within the driver manager application provided by ubuntu | 20:41 |
sageb1 | ilogic: that's an nvidia issue | 20:41 |
tobias | Question! : What command generates the XOR from two files? | 20:41 |
vigognome | Howdy | 20:41 |
iLogic | ikonia: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G71 [GeForce 7300 GS] (rev a1) | 20:41 |
murre | hi! | 20:41 |
Slart | tobias: two binary files I assume? | 20:41 |
sageb1 | nvidia is dragging its heels about ibex | 20:41 |
tobias | slart: Yes! | 20:42 |
ikonia | sageb1: nvidia is nothing to do with ibex | 20:42 |
jesse` | My Realtek ethernet card in my new machine seems screwy. It's losing its dhcp connection somehow and when I run dhclient again, it seems not to accept the offered IP address. How can I diagnose the issue? | 20:42 |
* peepsalot wishes nouveau project was more mature | 20:42 | |
riz0n | For some reason, when I try to login to my Ubuntu server from the console, after typing the username in (before the password prompt appears) I get an error that states "configuration error - unknown item 'QMAIL_DIR'" why would I be seeing this error and how can I fix it? thanks. | 20:42 |
iLogic | jrib: if I try to install any of the suggested drivers from Hardware drivers, it just hangs at 0% on a window that says it's downloading and installing them | 20:42 |
mrpockets | How do I make three samba shares auto mount at startup? | 20:42 |
ikonia | iLogic: have you tried the drivers that ubuntu provide in the hardware drivers manager application | 20:42 |
jrib | iLogic: you used envy in the past? | 20:42 |
TwoD | jesse`, dpkg --get-selections | grep "\binstall" > packages.txt | 20:42 |
iLogic | ikonia: yeah.. it just hangs at 0% | 20:42 |
jrib | iLogic: on the same install I mean | 20:42 |
Rapture | iLogic: I have no issues with my 2 boxes... one's a 6800 and the other is an 8800GTS... both work great | 20:42 |
Slart | tobias: not sure if there is something like that.. you might have to write something yourself in perl/python/whatever.. it's not like it's a everyday operation you do on your shopping list =) | 20:42 |
jesse` | TwoD: Thanks again. | 20:42 |
iLogic | jrib: it used to work until hardy, now it just won't | 20:43 |
sageb1 | ilogic, what did installing the nvidia drivers do? | 20:43 |
ikonia | riz0n: QMAIL_DIR is normally an environment varible, is this a clean install 8.10 server ? | 20:43 |
Slart | tobias: but let me search for a bit.. see if I find anything | 20:43 |
jrib | iLogic: that's wasn't my question :/ | 20:43 |
riz0n | ikonia: no | 20:43 |
HacKBoX | annaimkonki: Here is the ps3 iso | 20:43 |
ikonia | riz0n: have you installed qmail ? | 20:43 |
iLogic | sageb1: can I get, install and activate them manually? | 20:43 |
tobias | Slart: ok... it is a very simple operation but i cant find any command for it.. | 20:43 |
Rapture | ActionParsnip: when I type 'lpstat -p -d' i get back 'no system default destination'... what do i need to do? | 20:43 |
murre | you guys, I have ubuntu 8.04 LTS the problem is that I would like to have a desktop cube since I found it quite efficiant, how do I do? | 20:43 |
iLogic | jrib: you asked me to be more specific, how more specific can I get? it just halts at 0% while downloading.. | 20:44 |
murre | a freind of mine have it | 20:44 |
jrib | !ccsm | murre | 20:44 |
ubottu | murre: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion | 20:44 |
sageb1 | ilogic, that depends. do u like compiling? | 20:44 |
annaimkonki | thanks HacKBoX... | 20:44 |
murre | thanks | 20:44 |
riz0n | ikonia: NTo my knowledge, qmail is not present on the server. I have Postfix and dovecot | 20:44 |
Rapture | murre: Download compiz and emerald theme manager | 20:44 |
jrib | iLogic: have you used envy in the past on this install? | 20:44 |
DawnLight | hey. i get a kernel panic. something like "VFS: Unable to mount root fs unknown block(0,0)" | 20:44 |
ActionParsnip | iLogic: | 20:44 |
ikonia | riz0n: so someone has setup something in your .profile to do with qmail | 20:44 |
iLogic | jrib: ah, no.. it's a fresh install | 20:45 |
riz0n | ikonia: in /etc/login.defs should I change the QMAIL_DIR variable to just MAIL_DIR | 20:45 |
ikonia | riz0n: you need to find out who/why and fix it | 20:45 |
riz0n | ikonia: well it shows up when I type ANY username in | 20:45 |
sageb1 | ilogic, when you run locate nvidia do u get the legacy drivers come up? | 20:45 |
ikonia | riz0n: I wouldn't if you don't use qmail | 20:45 |
Rapture | !cups | 20:45 |
ubottu | Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See - - - Printer sharing: | 20:45 |
ikonia | riz0n: is QMAIL_DIR uncommented in /etc/login.def | 20:45 |
riz0n | ikonia: yes | 20:45 |
ikonia | riz0n: comment it back out | 20:45 |
riz0n | I use Maildir for email systemwide | 20:45 |
ikonia | riz0n: looks like someone uncommented it by accident | 20:46 |
carsten_ | ikonia: Just a quick question, when Uck talks about win32 files, it means windows files ? | 20:46 |
iLogic | sageb1: no legacy.. but several others | 20:46 |
ikonia | carsten_: I assume so | 20:46 |
carsten_ | ikonia: I too, thx :) | 20:46 |
sageb1 | ilogic, is your card in that group of "several others"? | 20:46 |
riz0n | ikonia: commenting it out fixed it. | 20:46 |
ikonia | riz0n: super | 20:46 |
sageb1 | ilogic, r u on a laptop? | 20:46 |
ikonia | sageb1: we spoke about not using text speak, please don't | 20:47 |
Slart | !info bbe | tobias, this looks promising.. still needs some work though | 20:47 |
ubottu | bbe (source: bbe): sed-like editor for binary files. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.2-1 (intrepid), package size 33 kB, installed size 136 kB | 20:47 |
riz0n | ikonia: I guess if MAIL_DIR veriable isn't set and everything is working fine then i have nothing to worry about. I was just curious because I am the only admin on the system, and this is the first time I have logged in from the console in months and normally i dont see that error from SSH. good to know its nothing major | 20:47 |
tobias | Slart: ok... i'll try it out | 20:47 |
Sifre | heyyy | 20:47 |
Sifre | channeþ | 20:47 |
Sifre | checking for perl_alloc in -lperl... Note (probably harmless): No library found for -lperl | 20:47 |
Sifre | and | 20:47 |
iLogic | sageb1: nope.. homebrewed machine | 20:47 |
FloodBot2 | Sifre: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 20:47 |
tinpardo | hi guys | 20:47 |
ikonia | riz0n: I think your fine | 20:47 |
Sifre | configure: error: could not find libperl. Try --disable-perl | 20:47 |
carsten_ | ikonia: Isen't it possible to selecet/deselect packeged to put on the cd ? | 20:47 |
ikonia | riz0n: looks like a simple mistake | 20:47 |
iLogic | sageb1: it's a 7300gs | 20:47 |
Sifre | for ZNC | 20:48 |
ikonia | carsten_: no idea, I don't use that product, I think it's too dangerous and bad design | 20:48 |
Sifre | install | 20:48 |
riz0n | ikonia: That is what I am thinking, thanks so much for your help! | 20:48 |
ikonia | Sifre: I've told you how to install znc | 20:48 |
tinpardo | i want to redirect my local port 25 to another server but when i do telnet localhost 25 dont connect just if the traffic come from eth0 | 20:48 |
TwoD | Is there any tool to show which sectors are occupied by a file on a fat32 FS? Or [preferably] to do the reverse? | 20:48 |
ikonia | Sifre: open the package manager (synaptic) search for znc and mark it for install | 20:48 |
Sifre | ? | 20:48 |
ikonia | riz0n: no problem | 20:48 |
sageb1 | ilogic, is the 7300gs on that list of several other nvidia cards you brought up with "locate nvidia"? | 20:48 |
carsten_ | ikonia: Ok, do you know of another program for that use ? | 20:48 |
ikonia | carsten_: what do you want to do ? | 20:48 |
riz0n | ikonia: i recently started having root mail forwarded to my inbox (instead of being trashed to the "nobody" account) so i have been trying to take care of all the bugs and errors in the system to stop them from sending error emails. | 20:48 |
tinpardo | iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport -j DNAT | 20:48 |
Sifre | root@irc:~# apt-cache search znc | 20:48 |
ActionParsnip | iLogic: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-177 | 20:48 |
Sifre | znc - advanced modular IRC bouncer | 20:48 |
ikonia | Sifre: so install it | 20:49 |
iLogic | sageb1: it doesn't list models.. | 20:49 |
murre | Well the problem is that, my synaptic doesn't show simpel-cssm when I searh for it | 20:49 |
Sifre | how? | 20:49 |
ikonia | Sifre: sudo apt-get install znc | 20:49 |
ikonia | Sifre: I suggest you lean how to use synaptic | 20:49 |
iLogic | ActionParsnip: it's already installed.. but needs to be actived | 20:49 |
murre | only cssm comes up | 20:49 |
iLogic | *activated | 20:49 |
ikonia | !synaptic > Sifre | 20:49 |
ubottu | Sifre, please see my private message | 20:49 |
riz0n | ikonia: Thanks again, have a great evening. | 20:49 |
carsten_ | I want to make an Ubuntu with only a few programs on, and the libs from kde, så i can install the programs i want :) | 20:49 |
ikonia | riz0n: no problem | 20:49 |
jrib | murre: you aren't spelling it right | 20:49 |
tinpardo | iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 25 -j DNAT --to | 20:49 |
dougl | I am trying to play dvds on my second head (1080p tv) xine only takes up left half of the screen - any suggestions? | 20:49 |
ActionParsnip | iLogic: sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings; gksudo nvidia-settings | 20:49 |
joker512 | I am trying to use Dreamweaver MX with wine 1.1.12 and it wont install properly and I was able to install it properly with version1.1.10, but i dont know how to get that version. Can anyone explain how to install an older version of wine? | 20:49 |
carsten_ | ikonia: I want to make an Ubuntu with only a few programs on, and the libs from kde, så i can install the programs i want :) | 20:50 |
vigognome | I am just going to observe for awhile, been away from Linux for about 6 months | 20:50 |
rathel | I log into my Ubuntu box through SSH most of the time, I've been looking into editing the .bash_login file, is there anyway to detect what OS your connecting with? Because when I'm connecting on Windows I have to always set my LANG variable to UTF-8 to make things like finch look decent. | 20:50 |
sageb1 | ilogic, hmm nvidiafb.ko and nvidia-agp.ko ? | 20:50 |
carsten_ | ikonia: That is what dru can do, but can't get it to work ... | 20:50 |
ikonia | carsten_: I'd just build my own cd, but thats a long / manual process until you get good at it | 20:50 |
Sifre | ikonia | 20:50 |
Sifre | heyy | 20:50 |
ikonia | Sifre: what ? | 20:50 |
tritium | ActionParsnip: you realize that nvidia-settings conflicts with nvidia-glx? | 20:50 |
Sifre | E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution). | 20:51 |
joker512 | I am trying to use Dreamweaver MX with wine 1.1.12 and it wont install properly and I was able to install it properly with version1.1.10, but i dont know how to get that version. Can anyone explain how to install an older version of wine? | 20:51 |
zcat[1] | !botsnack | 20:51 |
ubottu | Yum! Err, I mean, APT! | 20:51 |
carsten_ | Jep, i'm reading on at LinuxFromScratch, and then i found those programs here, and thoght that would be easyer... | 20:51 |
ikonia | Sifre: use the command it suggested | 20:51 |
carsten_ | ikonia: Jep, i'm reading on at LinuxFromScratch, and then i found those programs here, and thoght that would be easyer... | 20:51 |
iLogic | hold on.. gotta reboot | 20:51 |
perlsyntax | Has anyone made a unbuntu live cd before? | 20:51 |
ikonia | carsten_: I wrote a good part of that guide your reading | 20:51 |
zcat[1] | !repos | 20:51 |
ubottu | The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at and - See for the recommended way to set up your repositories | 20:51 |
ActionParsnip | tritium: nvidia-glx is hardy, nvidia-glx-177 works great with nvidia-settings | 20:51 |
Sifre | write for me? | 20:51 |
Sifre | ikaros | 20:51 |
Sifre | ikonia | 20:51 |
carsten_ | ikonia: Nice :) | 20:51 |
tinpardo | iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 25 -j DNAT --to ---> telnet localhost 25 dont connect | 20:51 |
ikonia | Sifre: your not making any sense | 20:51 |
once_superman | why is ubuntu not able to play a simple dvd? | 20:51 |
echomia | I have a question, I am going through the ubuntu studio tutorial and it is telling me to open QjackCtl, though I do not see it anywhere, I also tried typing it in the terminal with no success | 20:51 |
sageb1 | what's the iptables command to give access through at eth0 to at rausb0 via | 20:52 |
ikonia | once_superman: youve not set it up ? | 20:52 |
tritium | ActionParsnip: ok | 20:52 |
ikonia | Sifre: join #netfilter or #iptables | 20:52 |
carsten_ | ikonia: Is there anything that comes near using that guide ? | 20:52 |
joker512 | Can anyone explain to me how to install an older version of wine? 1.1.12 wont let me install dreamweaver mx | 20:52 |
deany | joker512: uninstall it, | 20:52 |
ikonia | carsten_: I wrote the guide - so I use it ;) | 20:52 |
ikonia | carsten_: your asking the wrong guy | 20:52 |
deany | joker512: get the older deb from | 20:52 |
joker512 | i uninstalled it | 20:52 |
wesolek | hello, can someone help me configuring wireless connection on my new ubuntu? I added it in the network manager but it won't connect and every time I type in the password, it changes is to something completely different when I get back to it. | 20:52 |
deany | joker512: remove the wine repo from your sources | 20:52 |
carsten_ | ikonia: Okay, i'll read on then ;-) | 20:52 |
sageb1 | is the wifi router, is the ip address gives to the rausb0, and is the eth0 connection to | 20:52 |
deany | This is why you should use the stable one in the ubuntu repo and only use the newer (beta) ones if that doesnt work | 20:53 |
ikonia | sageb1: #netfilter or #iptables are the correct channels | 20:53 |
carsten_ | ikonia: Had hoped to skip some corners .. lol | 20:53 |
joker512 | deany one sec | 20:53 |
once_superman | i installed vlc, restricted extras, gstreamer plugins, but still cannot play a fucking dvd | 20:53 |
Mejborg | Hi! Im trying to make my wireless network work and I have found this site '' and downloaded + installed the package.. However, I cannot figure out how to enter the lines in the sources.list-file (+im not 100% sure if that is the right approach or not). Help anyone? | 20:53 |
ikonia | once_superman: your language is not needed | 20:53 |
ikonia | once_superman: that won't get you any help | 20:53 |
once_superman | sorry | 20:53 |
sageb1 | wesolek, the key apps are wifi radar and kwlan | 20:53 |
ikonia | once_superman: one moment and I'll find you the guide | 20:53 |
deany | joker512: if you dont remove the wine repo then run synaptic and find the package and lock it from upgrades | 20:53 |
ActionParsnip | Mejborg: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.lst | 20:53 |
evowill | !dvd | once_superman | 20:54 |
ubottu | once_superman: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 20:54 |
Sifre | ikonia: apt-get -f install | 20:54 |
Sifre | and | 20:54 |
sageb1 | wifi radar is used to find the wifi connection and kwlan manages it | 20:54 |
ActionParsnip | Mejborg: .list sorry | 20:54 |
Sifre | Setting up znc (0.058-1) ... | 20:54 |
Sifre | Processing triggers for libc6 ... | 20:54 |
Sifre | ldconfig deferred processing now taking place | 20:54 |
FloodBot2 | Sifre: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 20:54 |
=== myrtti is now known as Myrtti | ||
deany | once_superman: mplayer and smplayer are your friend | 20:54 |
wesolek | sagebl, what does that mean? do I need to install something extra? or just different drivers? not really sure what to do | 20:54 |
joker512 | i got an error | 20:54 |
deany | once_superman: with libdvdcss2 | 20:54 |
joker512 | it says Dependency is not satisfiable:libasound2 | 20:54 |
ikonia | once_superman: | 20:54 |
sageb1 | if you haven't set up your wifi connexion yet, what's the chipset? | 20:54 |
ActionParsnip | joker512: sudo apt-get install libasound2 | 20:55 |
joker512 | ok, got that | 20:55 |
joker512 | so how do i install it now? | 20:55 |
sageb1 | once superman, when you get to youtube stuff about flv to mp3, ask me | 20:55 |
deany | did you remove (purge) wine and from your sources? | 20:55 |
Mejborg | ActionParnship: I cannot see any places to write code in 'sources.list'. It more like a menu to me? | 20:55 |
ActionParsnip | joker512: sudo apt-get install (whatever you were trying to install) | 20:55 |
joker512 | hmm | 20:55 |
tsrk | Where does ubuntu store recently used commands? (so that when I hit the up arrow it finds them) | 20:55 |
ikonia | once_superman: or just follow the guide - it's very straight forward | 20:56 |
joker512 | i just installed it | 20:56 |
ActionParsnip | tsrk: ~/.bash_history | 20:56 |
sageb1 | mejborg, more like adding deb commands | 20:56 |
joker512 | and it is still saying that it is not satisfiable | 20:56 |
{alejandro} | what's a good utility for fixing and burning bin/cue images | 20:56 |
tsrk | ActionParsnip, ok, thanks very muchj | 20:56 |
deany | joker512: did you install wine from deb or from a repo | 20:56 |
rathel | I log into my Ubuntu box through SSH most of the time, I've been looking into editing the .bash_login file, is there anyway to detect what OS your connecting with? Because when I'm connecting on Windows I have to always set my LANG variable to UTF-8 to make things like finch look decent. | 20:56 |
vigognome | What is the /bash to enable other user to use Firestarter firewall? or is there a better firewall? | 20:56 |
{alejandro} | I have a few sets of them that seem to have messed up cue files that won't work in brasero | 20:56 |
Poison[BLX] | Is there anywhere I can download a pre-built ath5k module for the jaunty 2.6.28 kernel? | 20:56 |
joker512 | i uninstalled it and then clicked your link | 20:56 |
joker512 | and it downloaded from there | 20:56 |
ikonia | Poison[BLX]: #ubuntu+1 for januty support | 20:56 |
deany | joker512: no, what way did you install it to begin with | 20:57 |
Poison[BLX] | ikonia: thank | 20:57 |
Poison[BLX] | ya | 20:57 |
Sifre | ikonia configure: error: could not find libperl. Try --disable-perl | 20:57 |
ActionParsnip | vigognome: any user who is a member of Admin can run firestarter | 20:57 |
{alejandro} | better yet is there something that can run cue files without having to burn them | 20:57 |
joker512 | oh, with synaptic package manager | 20:57 |
ikonia | Sifre: your not listening error | 20:57 |
Sifre | ikonia you wonderful | 20:57 |
ikonia | Sifre: WHY are you using configure | 20:57 |
sageb1 | alejandro, you burned an audiocd? | 20:57 |
ikonia | Sifre: you don't need to - it's in the package manager | 20:57 |
deany | so you have 1.1.12 installed from the wine repo then | 20:57 |
joker512 | i think so, im not sure | 20:58 |
sageb1 | which ip manager has a easy to use gui to 'fix' my router "problem"? | 20:58 |
lacita_ | Help! My compiz f'ed up and my comp looks like shiite! | 20:58 |
deany | ubuntu repo`s only have 1.0.1 (stable) | 20:58 |
ikonia | sageb1: iptables | 20:58 |
sageb1 | iptables now has a gui? | 20:58 |
joker512 | so how do i get to 1.0.1? | 20:58 |
Hector | Yo. | 20:58 |
ikonia | sageb1: many front ends | 20:58 |
Funzo | what is the terminal command for checking and possibly repairing the filesystem? | 20:58 |
Hector | Loving ubuntu. | 20:59 |
ikonia | sageb1: quick google turns up a few | 20:59 |
Hector | I have a quick question though. | 20:59 |
ikonia | Funzo: fsck | 20:59 |
deany | joker512: remove the wine repo | 20:59 |
Funzo | thanks ikonia :D | 20:59 |
ikonia | Funzo: that only works on linux file systems | 20:59 |
sageb1 | ikonia, i am using apt-cache | 20:59 |
DasEi | Funzo: e2fsck and fsck, carefull with that | 20:59 |
wesolek | sageb1, what does that mean? do I need to install something extra? or just different drivers? not really sure what to do | 20:59 |
Hector | My sound system's not working at all, but I -think- it's detecting the drivers. | 20:59 |
deany | sudo pico /etc/apt/sources.list | 20:59 |
ikonia | sageb1: use google to find the names of a few packages/research then find them in the ubuntu repos | 20:59 |
joker512 | deany: im a noob with linux, just started using it lol. where do i find it? and where should i move it to? | 20:59 |
sageb1 | wesolek, drivers for which hw? | 20:59 |
echomia | Can someone help me with Jack Audio | 20:59 |
Funzo | yeah, im gonna be carful, thanks :) | 21:00 |
wesolek | sageb1, wireless? I think there are some installed already, as I can add a wireless connection under the network manager | 21:00 |
Mejborg | sage1: hmm, there is a place (under third-party software), where i can add something.. Is that the right one? | 21:00 |
riz0n | Got something else popping up upon startup, DansGuardian can not start because it has not been configured. When I do apt-get remove dansguardian, it says that it is not installed. How can I remove this package from my system? I don't think I have any need for this package | 21:00 |
vigognome | Action_Partnership: Ok, Thank you, let me clear that up, I want a firewall to start if or when another user logs on, I forgot abunch of the scripts and stuff... | 21:00 |
DJCanadianJeff | I have ubuntu 8.10 trying to get openSSH server.. client works ok... claims im missing zlib anyone know where to get it? | 21:01 |
HacKBoX | riz0n: do a sudo apt-get install dansguardian then do a apt-get remove | 21:01 |
=== Octoroks is now known as FeelGiirls | ||
riz0n | k | 21:02 |
ikonia | DJCanadianJeff: how are you installing it ? | 21:02 |
DJCanadianJeff | installing what? | 21:02 |
ikonia | DJCanadianJeff: open ssh | 21:02 |
dtolj | Does Nautilus not handle NFS:// protocol? | 21:02 |
DJCanadianJeff | from src | 21:02 |
DJCanadianJeff | doing a ./configure | 21:02 |
ikonia | DJCanadianJeff: why ? | 21:02 |
DJCanadianJeff | why not | 21:03 |
ikonia | DJCanadianJeff: openssh server is in the ubuntu repos | 21:03 |
ikonia | DJCanadianJeff: because you don't know what your doing ? | 21:03 |
DJCanadianJeff | apt-get doesn't work | 21:03 |
ikonia | DJCanadianJeff: what command did you do ? | 21:03 |
DJCanadianJeff | apt-get install openssh | 21:03 |
tritium | DJCanadianJeff: use the complete package name, and sudo | 21:03 |
ikonia | DJCanadianJeff: the package is called openssh-server | 21:03 |
DJCanadianJeff | well 1st I did "su" | 21:03 |
FeelGiirls | ? | 21:03 |
DJCanadianJeff | now im root | 21:04 |
FeelGiirls | woops | 21:04 |
ikonia | DJCanadianJeff: and this highlights you should NOT be trying to build a package | 21:04 |
=== FeelGiirls is now known as Octoroks | ||
DJCanadianJeff | ok | 21:04 |
ikonia | DJCanadianJeff: if you can't master searching for a package name you should not be building packages yourself | 21:04 |
evowill | DJCanadianJeff, it's openssh-server | 21:04 |
DJCanadianJeff | if your gonna be an ass | 21:04 |
tritium | DJCanadianJeff: ubuntu disables the root account. You must have enabled it? | 21:04 |
DJCanadianJeff | STFU | 21:04 |
netzsooc | I'm new with UBUNTU what will happen if i write i get /lib/modules/2.6.27-9-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187.ko in the terminal? | 21:04 |
evowill | !language | DJCanadianJeff | 21:04 |
ubottu | DJCanadianJeff: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 21:04 |
riz0n | Odd, even after doing that, I still get the error on startup | 21:04 |
Mejborg | sageb1: hmm, there is a place (under third-party software), where i can add something. Its called 'ATP line' Is that the right one? | 21:04 |
ikonia | DJCanadianJeff: drop the attitude, people are tyring to help | 21:04 |
vigognome | That was funny | 21:04 |
dlx | nd | 21:05 |
ikonia | DJCanadianJeff: as I said, if you can't manager the basics of package managment it is unwise that you try to build packages from source as it's clear your not confident/understanding what your doing | 21:05 |
DJCanadianJeff | no | 21:05 |
DJCanadianJeff | [13:04] <ikonia> DJCanadianJeff: if you can't master searching for a package name you should not be building packages yourself | 21:05 |
DJCanadianJeff | [13:04] <ikonia> DJCanadianJeff: if you can't master searching for a package name you should not be building packages yourself | 21:05 |
DJCanadianJeff | [13:04] <ikonia> DJCanadianJeff: if you can't master searching for a package name you should not be building packages yourself | 21:05 |
DJCanadianJeff | [13:04] <ikonia> DJCanadianJeff: if you can't master searching for a package name you should not be building packages yourself | 21:05 |
FloodBot2 | DJCanadianJeff: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 21:05 |
riz0n | where can i see the list of programs/services being run at startup? | 21:05 |
wesolek | my wireless connection won't work, I think it's a problem with configuring it properly, the network manager keeps changing my password | 21:05 |
eleosrepedia | rizon system preferences session | 21:06 |
riz0n | how about from the command line? | 21:06 |
Jaffarkelshac | i am getting a input signal out of range when i try to start playing game. how do i fix this. i know it has to do with the refresh rate. | 21:07 |
=== john is now known as Guest39197 | ||
netzsooc | sagebl still you there? | 21:07 |
riz0n | Let me rephrase my question, is there a place from the command line which I can view what programs/services are being started at startup? Thanks. | 21:08 |
pkodon | Umm, anyone here know anything about Adept? | 21:08 |
wesolek | wireless help? | 21:08 |
w3rd_ | hey guys where does ubuntu store virtualbox after install... i do whereis and it only points me to libraries? how ever if i try and double click my dl .deb and add via package manager it says that its already installed.. maybe im not searching via the correct name to find the binary? | 21:08 |
ohzie | w3rd_, run "VirtualBox" | 21:08 |
ohzie | with capitols | 21:08 |
w3rd_ | k | 21:08 |
eseven73 | .VirtualBox it's hidden | 21:08 |
w3rd_ | ahh | 21:09 |
w3rd_ | brb | 21:09 |
Mejborg | Hi! Im fixing my wireless network and have found this site '' Can anyone help me what to do from here? Thanks in advance! | 21:09 |
Jaffarkelshac | riz0n: i dont think so, on the gnome-panel, system-preferences it should have programs that start on startup | 21:09 |
w3rd_ | that did it, ty | 21:09 |
riz0n | hrmm i dont have a gnome panel :) | 21:09 |
riz0n | because i dont have gnome :\ | 21:09 |
Jaffarkelshac | sessions is what is missing there riz0n | 21:10 |
Jaffarkelshac | oh riz0n | 21:10 |
riz0n | strictly command line here | 21:10 |
rosco | what is the command line to upgrade gcc | 21:10 |
evowill | riz0n, service --status-all | 21:10 |
rosco | something build essentail ? | 21:10 |
HacKBoX | Mejborg: what broadcom card do you have? | 21:10 |
eseven73 | build-essential | 21:11 |
rosco | yeah how to i get that on ubutntu | 21:11 |
riz0n | evowill: will this allow me to make changes (such as remove) some of the stuff that is starting up? | 21:11 |
eseven73 | 'sudo apt-get install build-essential' rosco | 21:11 |
netzsooc | I have a problem with my wireless config | 21:11 |
Elven_ | hello everyone | 21:11 |
rosco | thanks | 21:11 |
eseven73 | np | 21:11 |
Jordan_U | Mejborg, Did you try simply using System > Administration > Hardware Drivers? | 21:12 |
wesolek | does anybody know which file to modify to manually configure a wireless internet connection? | 21:12 |
Elven_ | can someone help? i like to install xfce 4.6 into intrepid, how to do that? | 21:12 |
netzsooc | it says it is connected but I can't open any net stuff | 21:12 |
netzsooc | I mean | 21:12 |
Gabbsmo | I am trying to install from the alternate CD. I've checked it, no problems. I cleaned the lens using a cleaning CD. Still is says that I have corrupt packages. What should I do? | 21:12 |
netzsooc | I can't surf by any page | 21:12 |
netzsooc | and I can't chat | 21:12 |
netzsooc | nor search for information | 21:12 |
netzsooc | nor ssh | 21:12 |
netzsooc | so I think it is my wireless config | 21:12 |
Jordan_U | Gabbsmo, How did you check it? | 21:12 |
TwoD | Is there a way to list which clusters on a fat32 disk are used by a file? Or preferably the other way around. | 21:13 |
netzsooc | but I don't know how to repair it | 21:13 |
Gabbsmo | Jordan_U using the check CD thingy on the boot screen | 21:13 |
netzsooc | I have searched but still didn't find a thing | 21:13 |
SugetiPula | its possibilie to host websites on 2 webservers 1 public ip 1 private ip | 21:13 |
SugetiPula | ? | 21:13 |
Jordan_U | netzsooc, Can you ping other computers on your LAN? can you ping your router? | 21:13 |
vigognome | ps aux >>>to see all running apps from terminal,,wait le me try it.... | 21:13 |
Mejborg | HackBox: I have a BCM4318 [Airforce One 54g] broadcom card | 21:14 |
solid_liq | vigognome: can you do that? | 21:14 |
eseven73 | Elven_: im not sure what version of XFCE Xubuntu uses but try 'sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop' then when you log out you'll see a list you can choose from on the log in screen, | 21:14 |
netzsooc | when I'm in the wire I can | 21:14 |
netzsooc | wireless I don't know | 21:14 |
Elven_ | eseven73: it will install only stable version :( | 21:14 |
netzsooc | I'm gonna try so I will go down | 21:14 |
Jordan_U | Mejborg, System > Adminstration > Hardware Drivers should do it then | 21:14 |
eseven73 | ah | 21:14 |
vigognome | Ayuo, it works | 21:14 |
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evowill | riz0n, I sent you a PM | 21:14 |
Mejborg | Jordan_U: When i try that, it just writes: 'no proprietary drivers are in use on this system' | 21:15 |
eseven73 | Elven_: maybe on XFCE's website they might have a .deb or something | 21:15 |
vigognome | Ayup* | 21:15 |
riz0n | I think I figured out the answer to my own problem.. I just deleted the files from /etc/init.d/ that were trying to start up at startup :D now they aren't popping up any more. | 21:15 |
HacKBoX | Mejborg: I just got one of those working for a friend in Hardy yesterday | 21:15 |
Elven_ | eseven73: sure i was googling for it, but nothing. i hopes that someone here can help with it | 21:15 |
slackd00d | riz0n: update-rc.d -f app remove | 21:15 |
eseven73 | Elven_: whats in 4.6 that you need so badly? | 21:15 |
Jordan_U | Mejborg, Interesting, are you connected to wired internet on that machine now? | 21:16 |
Mejborg | Hackbox: im having ubuntu 8.10 | 21:16 |
solid_liq | Elven_: with what? | 21:16 |
HacKBoX | Mejborg: Try this it will give you what you need and should work | 21:16 |
Elven_ | eseven73: many new features, it will be nearly like gnome, but still very fast even on older machines | 21:16 |
HacKBoX | Mejborg: | 21:16 |
Mejborg | Jordan_u: no, im writing from another computer now (if that was what you meant) | 21:16 |
Elven_ | <solid_liq>: i am trying to add xfce 4.6 into ubuntu intrepid | 21:17 |
Jordan_U | Mejborg, Can you connect to the internet from the other machine? | 21:17 |
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eseven73 | Elven_: well you'll likely have to compile it from source then | 21:18 |
vigognome | solid_liquid: did you see my post about the ps aux? | 21:18 |
Mejborg | Jordan_U: yes (im writing on it right now..) | 21:18 |
eseven73 | not something i'd do | 21:18 |
Mejborg | Hackbox: thank you, ill take a look on it and return | 21:19 |
Elven_ | i downloaded sources in tar.gz, but it was without readme and without configure, make etc. only full of another tar.gz, like xfce4-panel.tar.gz etc etc | 21:19 |
joe_- | I horked my display and now I can't see anything. How do I get it back to the original resolution? | 21:19 |
Jordan_U | Mejborg, Sorry for not being clear, I mean the one with the broadcom card, if you can connect to the internet and run "sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter" that should get it working | 21:19 |
ortsvorsteher | joe_-: try to copy your backup xorg.conf file | 21:19 |
HacKBoX | Mejborg: ok | 21:19 |
rosco | hmmm my makefile does not seem to work | 21:19 |
joe_- | ortsvorsteher: Well all I did was do "Screen Resolutions" and chose 800x6 | 21:20 |
rosy | i need configura a dhcp server using virtual network interfaces | 21:20 |
HacKBoX | Mejborg: You're Welcome | 21:20 |
rosco | is there a way to install or upgrade make | 21:20 |
rosy | how can do it? | 21:20 |
joe_- | ortsvorsteher: So Ubuntu complied and set it to that, but my monitor hates it and is screwing up | 21:20 |
ortsvorsteher | joe_-: how did you change your screen resolution from ... to.... ? | 21:20 |
vigognome | joe_ reboot and use the restore thingy or backup thingy? | 21:21 |
joe_- | ortsvorsteher: Used the Screen Resolution dialog. | 21:21 |
joe_- | vigognome: Hehe, the thingy? | 21:21 |
Mejborg | Jordan_U: No i cannot connect to the internet with the one with the broadcom card (thats my problem! :) | 21:21 |
vigognome | I forgot ABUNCH of stuff | 21:21 |
rosco | anyone know how to get make to work | 21:22 |
ortsvorsteher | joe_-: do you have under /etc/X11 an xorg.conf file with any working resolution setting? did you see now the the desktop or nothing? | 21:22 |
rosco | its not working | 21:22 |
joe_- | ortsvorsteher: I see the desktop but its so distorted it's unusable. | 21:22 |
ortsvorsteher | joe_-: can you open a terminal and type displayconfig-gtk ? | 21:23 |
joe_- | ortsvorsteher: I'll have to do the ALT+F1 to switch but sure | 21:23 |
joe_- | ortsvorsteher: Err, CRTL+ALT+F3 or something | 21:23 |
Mejborg | Jordan_U: Ups.. misunderstood you. I cannot connect to the internet with the broadcom. So i just take a look on hackbox's link and return.. Sorry! | 21:23 |
Jordan_U | Mejborg, Then you will need to copy the firmware files for your card over to it with a flash drive or something. | 21:24 |
ortsvorsteher | joe_-: may you try to end your x-session and log onto your box to see if there is a working yorg.conf | 21:24 |
guntbert | rosco: whats your problem? | 21:24 |
Jordan_U | Mejborg, I reccomend against using ndiswrapper | 21:24 |
wesolek | can anybody help? my wireless won't connect to my network | 21:24 |
ortsvorsteher | !details | wesolek | 21:25 |
ubottu | wesolek: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." | 21:25 |
Jordan_U | Mejborg, It's not needed as there are native linux drivers for your card | 21:25 |
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rosco | i am trying to compile | 21:25 |
rosco | and make does not work | 21:25 |
rosco | its like its not there | 21:26 |
joe_- | ortsvorsteher: Hmm, still nothing.. | 21:26 |
guntbert | rosco: what are you trying to compile? | 21:26 |
HacKBoX | Jordan_U: Are you aware of the problems with Broadcom cards? | 21:26 |
Jordan_U | HacKBoX, Yes | 21:26 |
DeadJones | anyone know a decent cron-like scheduler that can interact with X ? | 21:26 |
HacKBoX | Jordan_U: Where are native linux drivers???? | 21:26 |
ortsvorsteher | joe_-: try to end your x-session. log onto your box. look if there is a xorg.conf file under /etc/X11 which has a resolution which will be good | 21:27 |
wesolek | ortsvorsteher, I've been typing a lot before, and no response, I added my wireless in the network manager, but it won't connect. I don't know why, but everytime I type the password in and the go back to it, there is a lot of rubbish instead of my password. do you think this is a problem? | 21:27 |
DeadJones | im trying to schedule a script to run every so often, that opens a terminal and then runs thru script. cron cant seem to handle it | 21:27 |
Slart | DeadJones: how do you mean, interact with X ? | 21:27 |
joe_- | ortsvorsteher: I did that, and it has no resolutions at all in it | 21:27 |
Slart | DeadJones: then you're doing it wrong.. don't blame cron =) | 21:27 |
joe_- | ortsvorsteher: Yet its still using 640x480, which my monitor hates. | 21:27 |
DeadJones | heh, figures | 21:27 |
Jordan_U | HacKBoX, b43, they come with Ubuntu, they just need firmware ( which broadcom refuses to allow Ubuntu to distribute ) to work | 21:27 |
ortsvorsteher | joe_-: did you try to start displayconfig-gtk? | 21:27 |
Slart | DeadJones: what does your crontab look like? | 21:27 |
rosco | trying to compile putty for unix | 21:28 |
DeadJones | in any terminal if i do /home/dead/vcr/ it pops open a terminal and runs thru, then closes | 21:28 |
joe_- | ortsvorsteher: Is that a graphical program? | 21:28 |
ortsvorsteher | joe_-: yes | 21:28 |
joe_- | ortsvorsteher: Then I wouldn't be able to use it, I can't see anything, just CLI | 21:28 |
Slart | DeadJones: do you want to see the terminal window? | 21:28 |
Slart | DeadJones: or do you just want it to run? | 21:28 |
DeadJones | yeah | 21:28 |
Jordan_U | rosco, Why not just use ssh? | 21:28 |
DeadJones | want it to pop open and run | 21:28 |
Slart | DeadJones: can you pastebin your crontab? | 21:28 |
ortsvorsteher | joe_-: did you edit your xorg.conf file to an running resolution? | 21:28 |
Slart | !paste | DeadJones | 21:28 |
ubottu | DeadJones: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 21:28 |
Mejborg | Hackbox + Jordan_U: You are confusing me :D should i use the guide you (hackbox) gave me, or not? | 21:29 |
joe_- | ortsvorsteher: It has no resolutions in it at all | 21:29 |
DeadJones | its a short line | 21:29 |
guntbert | !who | rosco | 21:29 |
ubottu | rosco: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 21:29 |
Slart | DeadJones: if it's just one like you can paste it here | 21:29 |
rosco | not much luck with ssh | 21:29 |
HacKBoX | Mejborg: I know 100% that it works | 21:29 |
DeadJones | 05 16,17,18 /home/dead/vcr/ | 21:29 |
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ortsvorsteher | joe_-: you are using 8.10? | 21:29 |
joe_- | ortsvorsteher: Yes | 21:29 |
Mejborg | Hackbox + Jordan_U: Im a basic user and just want my internet to work out without problem.. So dont want an overkill solution | 21:29 |
zetharx | trying to install most recent version of java from the official website. i follow instructions to the command "rpm -iv jre-6u11-linux-amd64.rpm" and i get dependency errors that the site does not help me with. what do i do? | 21:29 |
DeadJones | #!/bin/bash | gnome-terminal -e "/usr/bin/php /home/dead/vcr/hellavcr.php" | 21:29 |
evowill | zetharx, use the .deb provided on the site | 21:30 |
ortsvorsteher | joe_-: so sorry, but in 8.10 i didnt have knowledge for X11 settings.... :( | 21:30 |
joe_- | Okay, thanks. | 21:30 |
Mejborg | HacKboX: And it is not "dangerous" in any way? | 21:30 |
Slart | DeadJones: ok.. try changing that to "gnome-terminal -e /home/dead/vcr/" | 21:30 |
wesolek | ortsvorsteher, I added my wireless in the network manager, but it won't connect. I don't know why, but everytime I type the password in and the go back to it, there is a lot of rubbish instead of my password. do you think this is a problem? | 21:30 |
HacKBoX | Mejborg: I would use the guide. I know it works and my friend has no problems. He is an imbicile when it comes to computers | 21:30 |
guntbert | rosco: as far as I know, putty is in the repos too (universe) | 21:30 |
HacKBoX | Mejborg: I wouldn't give you a dangerous solution | 21:31 |
Slart | DeadJones: oh..I see..nevermind | 21:31 |
Jordan_U | Mejborg, I would use the native drivers and also I would note that that guide is not for Intrepid ( which is what you are using IIRC ) | 21:31 |
Ganja_Smoker | saludar.todos | 21:31 |
Ganja_Smoker | Hola FloodBot2, [-], [biabia], [e]Lement`dc, [empire], [fFf], [Michelangelo], [PUPPETS]Gonzo, [SkG], [Spooky], ]K[^Omegadoom, ]RandoM[_, ^garfield2^, __jeff_o, _acyd_, _chaky_, _digital_, _empty, _Lau_, _Lucretia_, _NiC, _ruben, _saw, _Zeus_, `Chris, `Z`, a-atwood_, aapo, aaroncampbell, aba-, aboSamoor, Abracadabra, ace2001ac8, Acksaw, adamb, adante, adaptr, adminis | 21:31 |
HacKBoX | Jordan_U: Where do I find the supposed firmware??? | 21:31 |
DeadJones | ok, i set a temp as 33 * * * * /home/dead/ to see if it'll run | 21:32 |
ortsvorsteher | wesolek: it could be. if the rubbish means that your passphrase for wireless connection changes... | 21:32 |
Flannel | Ganja_Smoker: Don't do that. | 21:32 |
Slart | DeadJones: hang on... let me try something here | 21:32 |
HacKBoX | Ganja_Smoker: Nice Name | 21:32 |
Ganja_Smoker | :S | 21:32 |
Ganja_Smoker | hi | 21:32 |
Ganja_Smoker | /\ Hi /\ | 21:32 |
ethana2 | it seems I don't have the latest GNOME stable bugfix release.. | 21:32 |
Jordan_U | HacKBoX, You can get it by installing the package b43-fwcutter, or I have an archive of them on my web page ( and they are in various other places on the web ) | 21:32 |
ethana2 | it was out a month ago, 2.24.2 | 21:32 |
Ganja_Smoker | I do not speak english | 21:33 |
Ganja_Smoker | :( | 21:33 |
DeadJones | that didnt work | 21:33 |
Ganja_Smoker | Español | 21:33 |
HacKBoX | !coc > Ganja _Smoker | 21:33 |
SonofC4 | .tar.bz2 <<files on ubuntu for games how do i install them?! | 21:33 |
Flannel | !es | Ganja_Smoker | 21:33 |
ubottu | Ganja_Smoker: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 21:33 |
wesolek | ortsvorsteher, how do I get it to stay what I actually type in? is there a conf file that should contain that info? | 21:33 |
DeadJones | that was with "gnome-terminal edit | 21:33 |
Jordan_U | HacKBoX, I am using a BCM4318 card with Intrepid right now | 21:33 |
HacKBoX | !sp > Ganja_Smoker | 21:33 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sp | 21:33 |
ortsvorsteher | wesolek: please ask the channel. i am not so familiar with wireless cause i dont use it | 21:33 |
macman | guys im trying to install virual box and i get a missing libxerces27 .. how do i fix this ? | 21:34 |
ohzie | Does anyone know how to make gnome resize windows when I alt+right click on them, like kwin and xfwm?? | 21:34 |
wesolek | <ortsvorsteher> what channel? wireless? | 21:34 |
HacKBoX | Jordan_U: Ok. I am just wondering. I don't own the crappy chipset my buddy does. Where did you find the firmware. I know the b43 driver is there but the firmware isn't | 21:34 |
ethana2 | *sigh* trying to get help on #ubuntu is like trying to have a meaningful conversation in a subway in japan | 21:34 |
SonofC4 | hah | 21:34 |
totally-hosed | ohzie: alt+f8 | 21:35 |
Jordan_U | HacKBoX, You can install the b43-fwcutter package which will grab the firmware from the internet | 21:35 |
ohzie | totally-hosed, right, that's the workaround. I wanted the fix. :) | 21:35 |
Mejborg | Jordan_U: are there any major downs by using HacKBoX's guide in your opinion? Beacause otherwise that seems like far more easy to do? | 21:35 |
Ganja_Smoker | Blessed | 21:35 |
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Jordan_U | Mejborg, It might not work after upgrading to the next version of Ubuntu and there is a slight possibility that guide won't work at all for Intrepid as it was written for Hardy | 21:36 |
ortsvorsteher | wesolek: yes, try #wireless | 21:36 |
HacKBoX | Mejborg: Let's give Jordan_U a try; Open a terminal and type 'sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter' | 21:36 |
totally-hosed | SonofC4: tar -xvjf file.tar.bz2 | 21:36 |
habit | Hello. Is there some native tool for automounting management? | 21:37 |
Jordan_U | HacKBoX, Mejborg That will only work if you are connected to the internet | 21:37 |
franklin-ture | ganja_smoker | 21:37 |
Mejborg | HacKBoX + Jordan_U: give me a sec, i try it! | 21:37 |
guntbert | wesolek: ortsvorsteher suggested you ask the channel and not just him - so don't put his nick in front :) | 21:37 |
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HacKBoX | Jordan_U: There is a slight possibility but it doesn't rely on much that seems to be changed | 21:37 |
ortsvorsteher | guntbert: thx | 21:37 |
ghost001 | hi | 21:38 |
guntbert | ortsvorsteher: np :) | 21:38 |
HacKBoX | Jordan_U, I'm guessing that he is using a wired connection | 21:38 |
* ortsvorsteher has to learn better english ;) | 21:38 | |
robile | i installed xmms2 over synaptics but there is no GUI - what can i do? :-( | 21:38 |
Jordan_U | HacKBoX, He said earlier that he can't | 21:38 |
wesolek | guntbert, I was just asking him for the correct name, I don't use this chat very often and I am not as knowledgeable as you all | 21:38 |
HacKBoX | How do you suppose you have b43-fwcutter fetch the firmware if he can't connect | 21:39 |
Mejborg | HacKBoX + Jordan_U: hmm.. I dont want to make a big deal out of this. But how should I do it Jordan_U, if I wanted to do it in your way? Because otherwise a guide is more easy to follow.. | 21:39 |
ohzie | robile, audacious | 21:39 |
ohzie | robile, it's like xmms but not xmms anymore. | 21:39 |
Mejborg | HacKBoX: im using a wireless connection | 21:39 |
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robile | ohzie, do you use it? if so, does it have fade in/out ? and do you know the difference to xmms(1)? | 21:40 |
guntbert | wesolek: don't worry, nobody is angry - its just so: if you put a nick in front, it is likely that just one person will read your question - whats good in a conversation but bad in the beginning | 21:40 |
Jordan_U | Mejborg, I will post a zip file with all of the firmware files on my website and you will need to copy them to /lib/firmware | 21:40 |
terry_gardener | do the x-fi soundcards work in ubuntu yet (fully) | 21:41 |
Mejborg | Hmm, all right then.. And you promise me it is easy? :D | 21:41 |
chalzedony | my computer is semi-frozen. i was trying to open a website..... firefox isn't crashed.. it's STUCK. is there a keyboard way to only kill firefox? | 21:42 |
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HacKBoX | Jordan_U: Thank you for helping Mejborg out! | 21:42 |
Jordan_U | HacKBoX, np :) | 21:42 |
crispy-- | Hello, I am trying to put my computers harddisks to sleep with sudo hdparm -Y <device> but afterr like 5 seconds they spin right up again. Even harddisk with no mounted filesystems | 21:42 |
DeadJones | chalzedony can you open a terminal? | 21:42 |
wesolek | guntbert, we were in the conversation :) wireless channel is very dead, nobody is saying anything (not only to me) any suggestions? | 21:42 |
habit | Is there some native tool for automounting management? | 21:43 |
ikonia | habit: hal | 21:43 |
habit | ikonia, I mean some fstab editing GUI tool for newbies. | 21:43 |
DeadJones | chalzedony: can you open a terminal? | 21:43 |
Mejborg | HacKBoX:I guess (without knowing a shit about it) that Jordan_U's solution is 'the best'. But no matter what, thanks alot for your help! | 21:44 |
ikonia | habit: just a text editor | 21:44 |
wesolek | does anybody know a bit about wireless connections? the wireless channel is rather dead :( | 21:44 |
habit | ikonia, I mean some fstab editing GUI tool for newbies. | 21:44 |
habit | Or maybe some pseudo-gui application | 21:44 |
yaris123456789 | how often does tor change ip, and does it automatically seek a new identity once an old one is blocked ? | 21:44 |
nothings1ecial | "wesolek: what wireless card do you have?" | 21:44 |
chalzedony | DeadJones itwon't let me click on anything | 21:45 |
Mejborg | Jordan_U: So what do i do now? Wait for you to upload the files? | 21:45 |
HacKBoX | Mejborg: When I did it yesterday I didn't have access to the files. No Internet Connection. So I figured out how to do it with what I had | 21:45 |
ikonia | habit: text editor is all you need, even as a new user | 21:45 |
shepherd | why does ubuntu suck? | 21:45 |
wesolek | nothings1ecial, not sure, it's built-in (laptop) | 21:45 |
habit | shepherd, because gentoo is exist. | 21:46 |
HacKBoX | shepherd: When you have a problem with ubuntu it is usually a user error | 21:46 |
guntbert | wesolek: sorry, I don't have even an idea about your problem - your next step: as you asked a question, and then ortsvorsteher told you to "ask the channel", you should rephrase your question so that it can be understood from others too and omit the nick in fron, so "asking the channel"=all | 21:46 |
HacKBoX | shepherd, Did you have a problem? | 21:46 |
Mejborg | HacKBox: i understand, no problem at all | 21:46 |
guntbert | *front | 21:46 |
habit | ikonia, It's all nice, but I need some graphic and easy tool :) For people who don't like to edit configs :) | 21:46 |
Jordan_U | Mejborg, Download this file double click it and extract it to the Desktop, then run "sudo cp -r Desktop/b43/ /lib/firmware/" and reboot and wireless should work ( once you have an internet connection you will also want to install the b43-fwcutter package so that you will get updates to the firmware when you upgrade to the next version of Ubuntu ) | 21:46 |
HacKBoX | Jordan_U, Can you pm me the link where you are putting the firmware? | 21:46 |
nothings1ecial | wesolek type lspci -v and look near the bottom of the output. Tellme anything ethernet related. | 21:47 |
sageb1 | hm | 21:47 |
gustavo | hello, I would like to read the Memory Stick pro duo on my computer. I have already loaded the ms and tifm modules... and it is already recognized in lspci. However, when I plug/unplug nothing changes on the dmesg | 21:47 |
HacKBoX | Jordan_U, NM | 21:47 |
LX2005 | list | 21:47 |
wesolek | guntbert, oh I see now, I had no idea what he meant by that lol sorry for confusion. now I know :) ta | 21:47 |
HacKBoX | Jordan_U, Thank You, Sir! | 21:47 |
guntbert | wesolek: yw and good luck | 21:47 |
ikonia | habit: all you need is a text editor | 21:47 |
ikonia | habit: even new users can do that in a matter of minutes, I'm happy to help you | 21:48 |
Jordan_U | HacKBoX, np | 21:48 |
Mejborg | Jordan_U: THANKS A LOT! | 21:48 |
gustavo | hello, I would like to read the Memory Stick pro duo on my computer. I have already loaded the ms and tifm modules... and it is already recognized in lspci. However, when I plug/unplug nothing changes on the dmesg. Did you understand what I said? | 21:48 |
crispy-- | Anyone had luck with keeping harddisks in sleep mode till you need them active? | 21:48 |
vigognome | Did ruby get punted? | 21:49 |
Jordan_U | Mejborg, np :) Have you rebooted yet? | 21:49 |
BiTTraffic | Need Hosting? has all you hosting needs. Everything you could possibly want. Tell your friends. Come visit us at We have 2x-3x what all other providers have, at a lower price! <--- GO! | 21:49 |
wesolek | nothings1ecial, 03:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4328 802.11a/b/g/n (rev 03) | 21:49 |
Dexi | So does anyone want to help me with getting 5.1 sound working? | 21:50 |
macman | anyone install virtualbox on there ubuntu box ? | 21:50 |
ortsvorsteher | !sound | Dexi | 21:50 |
ubottu | Dexi: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see - - - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 21:50 |
guntbert | anyone | macman | 21:50 |
guntbert | !anyone | macman | 21:50 |
ubottu | macman: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 21:50 |
Mejborg | Jordan_U: Not at all! (remember im a BASIC user :D).. Don't worry, ill return when it is done and praise you! | 21:51 |
gustavo | -- 03:01.1 SD Host controller: Ricoh Co Ltd R5C822 SD/SDIO/MMC/MS/MSPro Host Adapter (rev 22) | 21:51 |
gustavo | hello, I would like to read the Memory Stick pro duo on my computer. I have already loaded the ms and tifm modules... and it is already recognized in lspci. However, when I plug/unplug nothing changes on the dmesg. Did you understand what I said? | 21:51 |
macman | anyone/anybody in this channel install virtualbox on there ubuntu box ? | 21:51 |
guntbert | !ask | macman | 21:51 |
ubottu | macman: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 21:51 |
daxroc | Evening | 21:51 |
habit | macman, whatever, I have vbox here, and will help you if I can. | 21:52 |
Slart | DeadJones: some interesting ideas in this thread.. | 21:52 |
gustavo | hello, I would like to read the Memory Stick pro duo on my computer. I have already loaded the ms and tifm modules... and it is already recognized in lspci. However, when I plug/unplug nothing changes on the dmesg. Did you understand what I said? | 21:52 |
gustavo | -- 03:01.1 SD Host controller: Ricoh Co Ltd R5C822 SD/SDIO/MMC/MS/MSPro Host Adapter (rev 22) | 21:52 |
shepherd | nothing works, all i want to do is get my game on and i cant | 21:52 |
nothings1ecial | wesolek: pesky broadcom cards. Give me a minute. I`ve never encountered the problem my self but I know they`re an issue. I`ll see if I can point you in the right direction. | 21:52 |
daxroc | Trying to generate certs for openvpn , but I cant find pkitool ? it does exisit in the easy_rsa dir ? | 21:52 |
HacKBoX | wesolek, What is the problem? | 21:53 |
macman | habit, < -- i followed this guide but it erroed out with can't find libxerces27 | 21:53 |
wesolek | nothings1ecial, thanks! | 21:53 |
Slart | DeadJones: seems you have to set the DISPLAY enviroment variable.. I just did "DISPLAY=:0 gnome-terminal bla bla bla" in crontab | 21:53 |
themiddleman | is there a keyboard shortcut/combo to shutdown and one to restart in ubuntu? | 21:53 |
HacKBoX | nothings1ecial, What is the broadcom problem? | 21:53 |
wesolek | HacKBoX, my wireless won't work, for some reason the network manager keeps changing the password in the settings | 21:54 |
HacKBoX | oh. does it ever work? | 21:54 |
wesolek | HacKBoX, I don't even know if that's a problem or something else... this is the first time I am trying to install linux on this computer, and this is a brand new installation | 21:55 |
Slart | DeadJones: this will of course fail miserably if you're not using that display or for any number of other reasons.. but as a quick hack it might be ok | 21:55 |
gustavo | hello, I would like to read the Memory Stick pro duo on my computer. I have already loaded the ms and tifm modules... and it is already recognized in lspci. However, when I plug/unplug nothing changes on the dmesg. Did you understand what I said? | 21:55 |
HacKBoX | ok. PM me the output of lspci. I think I have your solution | 21:55 |
wesolek | PM? | 21:56 |
pelao91 | private message | 21:56 |
HacKBoX | Private Message me | 21:56 |
Mejborg | Jordan_U: Hmm.. I have downloaded it, places the folder on the desktop.. Then i write the line in the terminal, but nothing really happens? Is it supposed to be like that? | 21:57 |
Jordan_U | Mejborg, Yes | 21:57 |
HacKBoX | Mejborg, Yes all it did was copy some files. Now you have to reboot | 21:57 |
nothings1ecial | wesolek: Not an expert on this but try sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter then when it`s done installing enable it in system>administration>hardware drivers | 21:59 |
vigognome | Where can I go to refresh my memory on this chat thing? | 21:59 |
pelao91 | how can i set up evolution mail? | 21:59 |
Mejborg | Jordan_U: okay, so despite the fact the i have written something in the terminal, nothing should happen? (besides it asked for my password) (sorry for being you know what) | 21:59 |
HacKBoX | nothingslecial, That was just where I was heading him. | 21:59 |
wesolek | nothings1ecial, thanks a lot! I will try that | 21:59 |
HacKBoX | Mejborg, YES | 22:00 |
Jordan_U | Mejborg, Yes, it's traditional in UNIX that most commands only output anything if there is an error | 22:00 |
Jordan_U | Mejborg, If you want you can check that there is now a directory named "bcm" in /lib/firmware | 22:01 |
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Jordan_U | Mejborg + | 22:02 |
nita_ | s | 22:02 |
Jordan_U | Mejborg, Make that "b43" not bcm :) | 22:02 |
=== DanuBot is now known as Danu | ||
Spendius | well...that's a really god chan | 22:02 |
vigognome | pelao91: I do not use Evolution mail, but I guess is like most send_mail programs,username/ POP/SMTP and stuff | 22:02 |
Psyrix21 | I wonder if any1 can help me, im trying to dual boot Ubuntu 8.10 with Windows XP (Pro). XP installed first. And i have Ubuntu 8.10 installed. | 22:02 |
nagatzul | Hi there, just reinstalled my dear Ubuntu... Now... HOw the heck did you get the Razer Lachesis mouse to work... at all? | 22:03 |
pelao91 | ok thanks | 22:03 |
ortsvorsteher | pelao91: just start evolution, it will guide you | 22:03 |
Mejborg | Jordan_U: Great, there is! I start rebooting NOW :D | 22:03 |
pelao91 | but how do i know what type of server hotmail is? | 22:04 |
vigognome | ortsvorsteher: Thank you, I did not know if it did that | 22:04 |
nita_ | h | 22:04 |
Stormx2 | Hi. When I first plugged my iPod in, it asked me which app to use. I chose gtkpod and stupidly clicked "remember my choice". Now I'd like to change my choice. How should I do this? It's not in Preferred Applications | 22:04 |
ortsvorsteher | vigognome: as i started it first, it guided me. your welcome :) | 22:05 |
Sifre | hey | 22:05 |
Sifre | WARNING ! Move the file salt.h from the shell to a safe place | 22:05 |
Sifre | what is thist | 22:05 |
Sifre | what is this | 22:05 |
FloodBot2 | Sifre: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 22:05 |
Mejborg | Jordan_U: hmm, last thing. You mean restart or reboot? (if there is any difference in this case..) | 22:05 |
Jordan_U | Mejborg, There is no difference | 22:05 |
Psyrix21 | I wonder if any1 can help me, im trying to dual boot Ubuntu 8.10 with Windows XP (Pro). XP installed first. And i have Ubuntu 8.10 installed. | 22:06 |
jarco | is it possible to set a speed limit for network traffic on ubuntu? | 22:06 |
datta | can anyone upload using veohtv and wine? | 22:06 |
datta | i am trying to do that for a long time and i can't make it through | 22:07 |
ortsvorsteher | !dualboot | Psyrix21 | 22:07 |
ubottu | Psyrix21: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: - MACs: | 22:07 |
Omigo | I have an unformatted drive that I'm trying to format with Ubuntu, but I cannot get the system to recognize the hard drive. What should I do? | 22:07 |
=== nick__ is now known as Skky | ||
Skky | Anyone know of a good project management application? | 22:08 |
five | anyone know how i can set network manager to never auto connect any network, everytime it discovers one it tries to connect, so if im at an apartment it gets really annoying with 9 routers around me | 22:09 |
HacKBoX | skky: you could use Evolution | 22:09 |
Mejborg | Jordan_U: Crazy shit.. IT WORKS!!!! | 22:09 |
datta | can anyone help me with veohtv and how to upload? | 22:09 |
vigognome | That Hotmail thing is explained on this 'other' site in easy detail/? | 22:09 |
Mejborg | Jordan_U: THANK YOU | 22:09 |
recession | ... | 22:09 |
pelao91 | thanks vigognome | 22:10 |
Skky | HacKBoX: evolution mail? | 22:10 |
Jordan_U | Mejborg, np :) Make sure you install b43-fwcutter now so you will get any updates automatically | 22:10 |
yoyit2 | I need some help with emerald i just installed it and put a theme one it but it wont change my computer to that theme | 22:10 |
adam | hi | 22:10 |
Jordan_U | yoyit2, Try running "emerald --replace" | 22:10 |
HacKBoX | HacKBoX, yeah you can use the calander function | 22:10 |
datta | can anyone help me with veohtv and how to upload? please please please | 22:11 |
yoyit2 | Jordan_U: ok i totaly forgot about thAT AND IF I WANT TO GO BACK TO NORMAL WHAT CODE WOULD IT BE | 22:11 |
yoyit2 | Jordan_U: sorry capps | 22:11 |
Ahadiel | yoyit2, I'd suggest using fusion-icon; sudo apt-get install fusion-icon | 22:12 |
vigognome | peloa91: my pleasure, I still have yet to figure out the PM thing,,,,getting old is part of stuff that I accept | 22:12 |
Jordan_U | yoyit2, Don't remember off hand, "compiz --replace" will probably do it but that will reload all of compiz not just the decorator | 22:13 |
Psyrix21 | ortsvorsteher, i've done it exactly like that, restarted, and there was no selection, i even restarted to the Live CD, and tried to make a linux.bin file, copy it to C:\ and edited the boot.ini file, and it still did not work. I can choose Ubuntu, but just black screen with blinking cursor | 22:13 |
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yoyit2 | Jordan_U: that fine thank you what is the comiz icon thing | 22:13 |
Jordan_U | yoyit2, Fusion icon | 22:13 |
johnperspet | hello all, i'm sorry to bother the community with such a dumb question but i'm trying to set up my ubuntu machine so that I can send email from it and am having trouble ... i've been searching through the internet and on the documentation but am still confused ... can anyone point me to a very straightforward tutorial on doing this? | 22:14 |
five | does anyone know how to turn off auto connect in network manager? | 22:14 |
yoyit2 | Jordan_U: ya what is it | 22:14 |
johnperspet | my machine says that it's sending emails just fine when i use sendmail ... but nothing gets through | 22:14 |
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ortsvorsteher | Psyrix21: i dont use dualboot so i only know this solution by the links here from ubottu. may you search in forums to that problems? | 22:15 |
exacube | hey, i can't boot into ubuntu 8.10 using the install CD | 22:15 |
Mejborg | Jordan_U: hmm, after having searched on google, im not quit sure on wich package to download exactly. Can I have a little hint? | 22:15 |
exacube | last time i did it, i remember i had to turn off acpi | 22:15 |
datta | can anyone help me with veohtv and how to upload? please please please please please | 22:15 |
Psyrix21 | tried about 10 diff ways | 22:15 |
exacube | i was wondering what the boot flag is for turning off acpi | 22:15 |
Slart | exacube: noacpi | 22:15 |
Jordan_U | yoyit2, The binary is named "fusion-icon" it's a pannel applet that lets you change window managers / options | 22:15 |
Slart | exacube: iirc | 22:15 |
exacube | thanks :D | 22:15 |
linxeh | I need to backup a windows machine thats got a dir with over 80,000 directories within it - what filesystem should I use? I think ext2/3 maxes out at 32000 directories ? | 22:15 |
gustavo | hello, I would like to read the Memory Stick pro duo on my computer. I have already loaded the ms and tifm modules... and it is already recognized in lspci. However, when I plug/unplug nothing changes on the dmesg. Did you understand what I said? | 22:16 |
gustavo | -- 03:01.1 SD Host controller: Ricoh Co Ltd R5C822 SD/SDIO/MMC/MS/MSPro Host Adapter (rev 22) | 22:16 |
daxroc | exacube: noacpi ? | 22:16 |
exacube | am i better off install x86 instead of 64-bit | 22:16 |
exacube | because of driver issues and stuff? | 22:16 |
johnperspet | can anyone help me out please? i'm trying to do something that i know should be very very basic but i can't figure out how to do it | 22:16 |
daxroc | not really | 22:16 |
datta | how can i split my video and make it in wmv format? | 22:16 |
vigognome | Psyrix21: F8 at system startup, or winicfg in windows,,I think that shows the starting os messages to log onto. | 22:17 |
=== marcos_ is now known as w525aa | ||
Dexi | is there a command to remove a dir when not empty? | 22:17 |
exacube | i couldn't get my webcam to work on 64, but it works out of the box with x86 | 22:17 |
linxeh | Dexi: rm -f | 22:17 |
Dexi | thanks | 22:17 |
Jordan_U | Mejborg, The package name is "b43-fwcutter", you can install it via synaptic or by running "sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter" | 22:17 |
daxroc | Dexi: rm -rf ( very careful ) | 22:17 |
Psyrix21 | vigognome, i'll give it a try | 22:17 |
linxeh | Dexi: you might also need -rf | 22:17 |
nagatzul | I'm trying to install my Nvidia drivers, however I need to turn off "X"... How? | 22:17 |
linxeh | Dexi: if you run it with sudo you can completely destroy your system if you arent careful | 22:18 |
ortsvorsteher | nagatzul: try sudo /sbin/init.d/gdm stop | 22:18 |
Dexi | so from the dir that contains the dir i want to remove, type rm -rf dir | 22:18 |
style | How to unpack rar, r00, r01 files in ubuntu? | 22:18 |
dontyoujusthatem | hey guys, how can i provoke a new identity with Tor ? | 22:18 |
daxroc | nagatzul: you mean the binary from nvidia , /etc/init.d/gdm stop from ctrl-alt+F1 - F6 | 22:18 |
nagatzul | daxroc I dunno, it's a .run file | 22:18 |
komputes | nagatzul: or you can restart X by doing ctrl-alt backspace | 22:18 |
dontyoujusthatem | or configure tor so that it automatically gets a new identity every 5 minutes ? | 22:19 |
Wildcat__ | guys i was told by someoen to find a third party driver for my chipset audio so my HDMI cable will transmit an audio signal to my TV... ummm can anyone explain this to me? | 22:19 |
yoyit2 | Jordan_U: i did the replace thing but it didnt load the right theme it load i werid one that i dont even have | 22:19 |
komputes | nagatzul: if you need to install the drivers, you do that from system > administration > hardware drivers | 22:19 |
nagatzul | komputes Thought I did.... Well, thanks, that made things alooot easier ^ | 22:20 |
nagatzul | ^ ^ | 22:20 |
yrth | HacKBoX, it's wesolek here, the driver had to be activated in the "hardware drivers" and it turned out, I had that driver all along, just didn't activate it :( | 22:20 |
daxroc | komputes: I would guess he is trying the lastest from nvidia ( binary package ) | 22:20 |
yrth | nothingslecial, thanks a lot! it worked! I'm wireless now :) | 22:20 |
HacKBoX | yrth, Ok. I was making sure the system saw it so you could activate it. | 22:21 |
HacKBoX | yrth, I'm glad it works now | 22:21 |
Mejborg | Jordan_U: hmm.. It says (when writing it in the terminal) 'reading package list.. Done, Reading state information.. Done, E:Couldnt find package b43-fwcutter'. Is something wrong, or is it right? | 22:21 |
komputes | daxroc: binary debian packaged from nvidia directly? | 22:21 |
Aison` | hello | 22:21 |
daxroc | komputes: no seeing he had the .bin file on his desktop ;) | 22:21 |
nothings2ecial | no problem | 22:21 |
Jordan_U | Mejborg, Something is wrong | 22:22 |
Aison` | is there a way to install all -dev packages of already installed libraries? | 22:22 |
Aison` | eg. there are a lot of -dev packages for X11, I cant install them all by hand | 22:22 |
yoyit2 | need help just instaled emerald and put a theme in how do i go back to the defalt theme in uubuntu Jordan_U | 22:22 |
komputes | daxroc: yeah, i'm not sure I would recommend that unless you like reinstalling ubuntu often. It's a dirty way of doing it since it is not removable/upgradeable | 22:23 |
Mejborg | Jordan_U: Crap! What to do then? (if you got the time and patience, after all im just glad the internet works now..) | 22:23 |
Jordan_U | Aison`, You can use apt-get build-dep | 22:23 |
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=== drsmall is now known as maxbaldwin | ||
yoyit2 | need help just instaled emerald and put a theme in how do i go back to the defalt theme for ubuntu | 22:23 |
Wildcat__ | im looking for my for a third party audio driver for my laptop chipset... anyone know if the Intel Corporation 82801H device listed under audio device with the lspci command is what i should be searching for a drive for? | 22:24 |
daxroc | komputes: I disagree perfectly removable / upgradeable , If you cant do it your self I think there is a package called envy ? | 22:24 |
nothings1ecial | yoyit2 metacity --replace | 22:24 |
komputes | daxroc: I think work has been done by alberto milone to include code from envy into jockey (i.e. hardware drivers) | 22:25 |
robile | is there a way (plugin?) to get xmms to show a window in which other playlistS are shown? | 22:25 |
Jordan_U | Mejborg, Go to System > Administration > Software Sources and make sure that everything in "downloadable from the internet" is checked | 22:25 |
robile | to be able to switch between playlists | 22:25 |
komputes | daxroc: so you should not need envy in hardy, intrepid or jaunty IIRC | 22:25 |
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nagatzul | Anyone know how to get a Razer mouse (lachesis) working? Atleast as a standard mouse...? | 22:27 |
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Mejborg | Jordan_U: everything is, exept 'source code'.. I cannot tjeck that one (it is only orrange when i click on it) | 22:27 |
Aison` | Jordan_U, thx | 22:28 |
Braunne | has anyone tried to get Lexmark X6170 to work under ubuntu? | 22:28 |
Slart | Braunne: have you checked they have a large list of printers, drivers etc | 22:29 |
komputes | nagatzul: what's the issue, is the mouse not plug and play? | 22:29 |
yoyit2_ | i need help with emeald ok i picked the them i want how do i activate it and what code do i use so when i close terminal it changes | 22:30 |
Braunne | I havent really. I tried the generic driver and it didnt work | 22:30 |
Braunne | Slart thanks, I'll try that | 22:30 |
Jordan_U | Mejborg, Ok, you probably just need to update your list of available packages since this is the first time you are connected to the internet, you can do that with System > Administration > Update Manager (which will then also tell you about any available updates) or "sudo apt-get update" | 22:30 |
nagatzul | komputes - Apparently not... | 22:31 |
macman_ | im using powertop .. and cpu freq scaling and it still dies .. any ideas ? | 22:31 |
nagatzul | Or rather - the buttons work, ... But I can't move it | 22:31 |
Betelgeuse | Is it possible to get deps for 2.6.28 somewhere or do I need to compile it manually? | 22:31 |
komputes | nagatzul: so the laser reader is not working, does it connect to the computer via usb? | 22:32 |
loafers | I'm trying to install something, but I get the error: Unable to get Exclusive Lock (This usually means that another package management application (like apt-get or aptitude) is already running. Please close that application first.) | 22:32 |
komputes | nagatzul: or wireless usb adapter? | 22:32 |
nothings2ecial | yoyit type emerald --replace & this will start emerald and stop metacity which is your default theme manager. If you want emerald to start every time you boot go to system>preferences>sessions and add emerald --replace to yuor start up programs | 22:32 |
loafers | I don't have apt-get or aptitude running, so how do I get rid of it? | 22:32 |
nagatzul | komputes It's a regular usb | 22:32 |
komputes | loafers: do you have update manage, apt-get or add/remove open? | 22:33 |
mkquist | loafers: tried loggin in/out? | 22:33 |
loafers | ok i'll login again | 22:33 |
mkquist | loafers: or you could open system moniter to look-see if its there | 22:33 |
komputes | nagatzul: can you open a terminal and type in "lsusb" - it will give you a unique number for your device, can you paste that line here | 22:33 |
Mejborg | Jordan_U.. Ok.. And then afterward i need to type "sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter", again? | 22:33 |
loafers | mkquist, ok i'll do that | 22:33 |
Jordan_U | Mejborg, Yes | 22:34 |
Mejborg | Jordan_U: All right, great. I write back when i have done that! | 22:35 |
s3a | is there any IM client in Ubuntu that allows for video AND audio (my webcam and mic and earphones work perfectly offline) and skype says audio problem\ | 22:35 |
Circs | I have a HDD I would like to check to make sure it's working properly, is there a GUI tool I can use to do that? | 22:35 |
eitreach | Can someone perhaps help me with Skype? I can't seem to close it or change status. | 22:35 |
komputes | eitreach: open a terminal and type in the command "killall skype" | 22:36 |
eitreach | komputes: Doesn't work. I have to shut it down via the system monitor. | 22:36 |
eitreach | I was just wondering if it was a common problem with a common solution. | 22:37 |
johnnbstroud | sudo killall ? | 22:37 |
komputes | I doubt skype is being started as root | 22:37 |
eitreach | I have to delete the configuration folder each time I start it, basically. | 22:37 |
MidgetSpy | hey all I'm running ubuntu server 8.04 with 4 SATA drives in RAID5 using mdadm. mdadm just warned me that one of the drives failed, and when I went to check it out I see that the drive isn't even listed in /dev (it should be /dev/sdc but only sda, sdb, and sdd are there). Are there any logs anywhere I can look at to check the problem? I don't want to reboot it unless I really have to so I'd like to troubleshoot while it's online as muc | 22:37 |
komputes | eitreach: are you running the latest version of skype on i386 (32-bit) | 22:38 |
johnnbstroud | it works you killing all as root .. sudo killall skype. | 22:38 |
eitreach | komputes: I just downloaded it from the main site. Are there any other version? | 22:38 |
loafers | Ok, so I logged out and logged in and I still can't use Add/Remove Programs. I don't have anything running.... | 22:39 |
eitreach | It's like it doesn't interact with the rest of the system. | 22:39 |
komputes | eitreach: you are running ubuntu 32-bit or 64-bit? which version of ubuntu are you running? | 22:39 |
loafers | I went to System Monitor and Aptitude/Synaptic are not running at all, so I don't get why I can't use it... | 22:39 |
mkquist | anyone running 64bit? | 22:40 |
eitreach | komputes: 32bit system, Intrepid. | 22:40 |
komputes | eitreach: same here and skype works fine for me | 22:40 |
macman_ | anyone seen this | 22:40 |
komputes | eitreach: if it ever locks up "killall skype" usually works at closing it | 22:40 |
Slart | mkquist: yup.. 64 bit intrepid here | 22:40 |
Rhorse | what is the command for downloading from the web by CLI? | 22:41 |
Slart | Rhorse: wget or curl | 22:41 |
komputes | eitreach: when you say it "doesn't work" wjat error do you get when you run that command? | 22:41 |
eitreach | komputes: It seems incredibly slow as well. Could it be that the qt-stuff isn't working right? | 22:41 |
Rhorse | Slart, thanks! | 22:41 |
mn | I need help connecting with remote desktop | 22:41 |
Slart | Rhorse: you're welcome | 22:41 |
komputes | eitreach: perhaps, are you runing gnome or kde? | 22:41 |
HacKBoX | What proxy do people suggest? | 22:41 |
eitreach | komputes: Gnome. Standard Ubuntu. | 22:42 |
komputes | eitreach: what error do you get when you type "killall skype"? | 22:42 |
Slart | HacKBoX: well.. you're going to trust this proxy more than any sites you visit.. so I suggest one you don't get from some weird irc-channel =) | 22:42 |
komputes | Slart: is there a quick guide at setting up your own private proxy? | 22:43 |
Slart | HacKBoX: or you meant "proxy" as in one you can install yourself? | 22:43 |
Jason_WT | what is the command to run a program as root, it opens like a gui, believed it is called Run or Run Program, and i navigate to the thing i want ran | 22:43 |
Slart | komputes: I have no idea.. there probably is one somewhere | 22:43 |
Jason_WT | i dont want to use the sudo and stuff in the terminal | 22:44 |
HacKBoX | Slart: sorry man, meant proxy program | 22:44 |
komputes | Slart: what package would you suggest? | 22:44 |
Slart | Jason_WT: gnome-do? not sure if it can run stuff as root though | 22:44 |
Jordan_U | Jason_WT, gksudo | 22:44 |
Slart | komputes: I really wouldn't know.. have you searched for "proxy" in synaptic? | 22:44 |
jarco | is it possible to set a speed limit for network traffic on ubuntu? | 22:45 |
Slart | jarco: well.. it's as possible as it is in windows or any other os.. | 22:45 |
komputes | HacKBoX: I think squid proxy server is the most popular, at least from what I've heard | 22:45 |
Jason_WT | Jordan_U: YES | 22:45 |
jarco | Slart, any idea what program to use for it? | 22:45 |
Slart | jarco: what kind of limiting are you going to do? just for your desktop computer? or for a gateway? | 22:46 |
jarco | just for my desktop | 22:46 |
Slart | jarco: take a look at trickle | 22:46 |
Slart | !info trickle | jarco | 22:47 |
jarco | my internet copnnection freezes when i go to fast | 22:47 |
ubottu | trickle (source: trickle): user-space bandwidth shaper. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.07-5 (intrepid), package size 36 kB, installed size 172 kB | 22:47 |
nothings1ecial | exit | 22:47 |
jarco | ok thx Slart | 22:47 |
vigognome | Yes, I think squid is the most recognized and stable proxy doohicky for Linux | 22:47 |
HacKBoX | !info trickle | jarco | 22:47 |
ubottu | trickle (source: trickle): user-space bandwidth shaper. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.07-5 (intrepid), package size 36 kB, installed size 172 kB | 22:47 |
HacKBoX | !info | 22:48 |
ubottu | Retrieve information on a package: !info <package> | 22:48 |
Slart | HacKBoX: !info shows you information about a certain package.. if you want the bot to address someone you use the | <nick> thingy | 22:48 |
Slart | HacKBoX: !info <packagename> | 22:48 |
acurax | What package includes alsaconf? | 22:49 |
Slart | acurax: I don't think alsaconf is available any more | 22:49 |
Slart | !find alsaconf | 22:49 |
ubottu | File alsaconf found in vim-runtime | 22:49 |
s3a | are there any instant messaging with webcam support? | 22:49 |
komputes | s3a: amsn, skype, ekiga | 22:49 |
Slart | acurax: that's just a template or something in vim-runtime, not the real thing | 22:49 |
acurax | ah | 22:50 |
[yop] | oy | 22:50 |
Jason_WT | how do i specify the program to run in gksuo? | 22:51 |
komputes | Jason_WT: press alt-f2, type in gksudo <app-name> | 22:52 |
Slart | Jason_WT: gksudo <executable>.. so to run gedit as root you run "gksudo gedit" | 22:52 |
=== more is now known as less | ||
Jason_WT | will that also work if the program is on a cd? | 22:53 |
hejdixon | hi there... If a server is under some load... is it enough to have 26000k of free memory? | 22:53 |
komputes | Jason_WT: you will need to install it first | 22:53 |
Slart | Jason_WT: then you'll have to use the full path | 22:53 |
Rhorse | what is the file that tells you what ports have been scanned, what logons have been attempted, security breaches, etc? | 22:54 |
Slart | hejdixon: ideally you'd want no free memory.. but that's including buffers | 22:54 |
komputes | Jason_WT: is there a .deb installer on the CD or does the CD contain the program/executable itself? | 22:54 |
Jason_WT | i am trying to install the guest addons for vbox | 22:54 |
solid_liq | hejdixon: it depends upon the load | 22:54 |
vigognome | Rhorse: Firestarter or some command I forgot can | 22:55 |
Jason_WT | komputes: it is a .run file | 22:55 |
solid_liq | hejdixon: what kind of server apps is it running? | 22:55 |
hejdixon | solid_liq: I'm running a webbapplication built on Drupal. where users upload pictures... So kind of heavy traffic | 22:55 |
Rhorse | vigognome, there is a text file that records logons and stuff. cant remember what it is | 22:56 |
komputes | Jason_WT: I'm not sure, have you tried doing it from within virtualbox? | 22:56 |
Jason_WT | when i double click it, it says that it needs to be ran as root, so is there like a way i can have it run it as root w/o using the terminal, like in windows it is as adminastrator | 22:56 |
Mitchell | k | 22:56 |
hejdixon | solid_liq: The apache2 server is going down sometimes | 22:56 |
solid_liq | hejdixon: doesn't sound like enough ram... but, are you looking at the first or second line of output from free -m ? | 22:56 |
Jason_WT | but there is no un as root | 22:56 |
waffles | Hey, I am on 8.10 and went to edit xorg.conf, but it's empty. Is that usual? | 22:56 |
rblmail | yes | 22:57 |
hejdixon | solid_liq: I'm looking at the output from the top command | 22:57 |
Jason_WT | i have ubuntu installed inside the vbox | 22:57 |
solid_liq | hejdixon: no, use htop instead, and look at the FIRST number it shows | 22:57 |
joejc | how do i use a new desktop environment? | 22:57 |
vigognome | Rhorse: here it is, | 22:58 |
solid_liq | hejdixon: the amount displayed by top isn't the important number, it's the amount of ram *utilized* rather than *consumed* | 22:58 |
komputes | joejc: when you log in you have the option of the desktop environment for that session | 22:58 |
joejc | how do i change the default? | 22:58 |
komputes | joejc: should be on the bottom left | 22:58 |
solid_liq | hejdixon: utilized means including the amount used for buffers and cache, which can be thrown out at any time by the kernel when an application needs more ram | 22:58 |
jarco | anyone knows how to use trickle? I only get the command line interface and dunno how to make it work ... | 22:59 |
komputes | joejc: it will ask you when you change it if you want to change by default | 22:59 |
solid_liq | jarco: man trickle | 22:59 |
hejdixon | solid_liq: Oh, the mem graph says 297/2010MB | 22:59 |
vigognome | Rhorse: that is the Ubuntu method, no firewall needed to run that | 22:59 |
solid_liq | hejdixon: okay, so you have plenty of ram then | 22:59 |
=== carpediem1 is now known as carpediem | ||
komputes | jarco: type in "man trickle" in a terminal to get the manual on trickle | 22:59 |
Jason_WT | so i guess i will have to use sudo before ./ | 22:59 |
solid_liq | hejdixon: you'll have to look elsewhere for the problem | 23:00 |
jarco | i will try again then :d | 23:00 |
hejdixon | solid_lig: are you sure about that? The graph for the memory is high up on yellow... | 23:00 |
hejdixon | solid_liq* | 23:00 |
Wildcat__ | is there a way to upgrade alsa to 1.0.18a in ubuntu 8.10? it doesnt show up in the package handler... | 23:00 |
Rhorse | vigognome, no I was looking at a file in /etc last week that showed all the attempts on my system, will have to look through and see if I can find it again. | 23:00 |
jarco | trickle doesnt work systemwide? IO cant like say limit the speed of eth0? | 23:01 |
komputes | Jason_WT: try to do it through the command line, change to the cd directory (cd /media/cdrom) - you can use tab to autocomplete | 23:01 |
=== ali_ is now known as liquid2 | ||
CShadowRun | How do i tell which process is locking the package installation place? | 23:02 |
vigognome | Rhorse: okee dokee,,,I willl look around the Linux kernels and see what pops up. | 23:02 |
hejdixon | solid_liq: doesnt 200/2010MB say that I only have 10% memory left? | 23:02 |
|sundown| | Can somebody help me with the configuration of TA Billing? | 23:02 |
Rhorse | thanks vigognome it's on my short list of things to do. | 23:03 |
jarco | anyone knows a way to limit the speed of eth0? Trickle seems not able to do that | 23:03 |
Jordan_U | CShadowRun, Try "fuser /var/lib/dpkg/lock" | 23:03 |
komputes | Wildcat__: what is fixed in 1.0.18a? | 23:03 |
Jason_WT | komputes: i did, but when i press tab, there is just a white space, like 5 spaces | 23:03 |
hejdixon | solid_liq: Oh, you are right... I read the Help instructions... | 23:03 |
Wildcat__ | komputes suposedly audio ove hdmi | 23:03 |
CShadowRun | Jordan_U nothing :( | 23:03 |
lacita | Can anybody help me with a failed 8.10 upgrade on a Lenovo 3000 Y410 laptop? It startsup, I enter my password, Ubuntu begins to load, and then the screen goes white. (???) | 23:03 |
komputes | Jason_WT: not in the terminal (application > accessories > terminal) | 23:04 |
komputes | Wildcat__: depends on your card, please join #ubuntu-audio-help | 23:04 |
mkquist | lacita: i'm gonna guess the gfx driver got futz, happened w/me on live ce till i booted safegfx mode | 23:04 |
hejdixon | is about 100 running tasks normal for a Ubuntu server? | 23:04 |
mkquist | lacita: oops live cd that is | 23:04 |
Jason_WT | komputes: oh, in the think that i got when i type gksudo | 23:05 |
=== Rauf_ is now known as Rauf | ||
ssmy | hejdixon: mine has ~75. | 23:05 |
|sundown| | Who is using ubuntu server? | 23:05 |
Rauf | Brr | 23:05 |
ssmy | me | 23:05 |
lacita | I tried safegraphix mode, and it did the same thing except without the white screen thing. It seemed to load, but I couldn't see my desktop | 23:05 |
vigognome | Rhorse: Is this it? | 23:05 |
komputes | Jason_WT: a terminal and a run window (alt-f2) are not the same thing | 23:05 |
lacita | mkquist: I tried safegraphix mode, and it did the same thing except without the white screen thing. It seemed to load, but I couldn't see my desktop | 23:06 |
|sundown| | ssmy: you use a billing? | 23:06 |
mkquist | lacita: did it get to command prompt? | 23:06 |
Rauf | Brrr | 23:06 |
lacita | I can boot into safe terminal | 23:06 |
ssmy | |sundown|: a billing? what? | 23:06 |
lacita | mkquist: I can boot into safe terminal | 23:06 |
Rauf | I liked the mIRC interface more than XChat's. | 23:06 |
diog1 | hi everyone I need help... trying to install grub but get that the file /boot/grub/stage1 is not read correctly... I'm using lilo right now but can't install grub ... also because of it the ubuntu ubiquity failed on the bootloader installation just with didn't forget anything... | 23:06 |
lacita | rauf: I agree | 23:06 |
diog1 | what can I do to get grub to install | 23:07 |
Rauf | Hmm | 23:07 |
jarco | anyone knows a way to limit the speed of eth0? Trickle seems not able to do that | 23:07 |
|sundown| | ssmy: understand ... | 23:07 |
mkquist | lacita: you could try sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start and see what happens.. | 23:07 |
komputes | Jason_WT: when you cd into the directory with the executable tupe in "sudo ./programname" | 23:07 |
Rauf | lacita, do you know if I can install mIRC through Wine? | 23:07 |
lacita | diog1: try gfxboot. | 23:07 |
diog1 | ok | 23:07 |
Jason_WT | ok, i just nav to the cd drive and did sudo ./ and it worke | 23:07 |
ssmy | |sundown|: I hav eno idea what you are talking about. | 23:07 |
Jason_WT | komputes: i did | 23:07 |
komputes | Jason_WT: cool | 23:07 |
lacita | rauf: it should work, but it may be a little slow. give it a shot. worst case is that it doesn't work. | 23:08 |
Jason_WT | it says that they are 214 updates, should i just go ahead and get them all? | 23:08 |
|sundown| | ssmy: Billing need for traffic in the company | 23:08 |
Rauf | Let's see | 23:08 |
mkquist | lacita: you could also cd to /var/log/dmesg and see what it says in nano... | 23:08 |
ssmy | |sundown|: no, then | 23:09 |
komputes | Jason_WT: did you just install ubuntu? | 23:09 |
Rauf | I hope i still have the mIRC installer somewhere on my windows hdd | 23:09 |
Jason_WT | yea | 23:09 |
komputes | Jason_WT: then yes, update | 23:09 |
vigognome | Jason_WT: Yes, I would | 23:09 |
ssmy | Rauf: go for a change! use irssi! | 23:09 |
nothings1ecial | nick=nothingspecial | 23:09 |
|sundown| | Can somebody help me with the configuration of TA Billing? | 23:09 |
Rauf | irssi? | 23:10 |
Rauf | Hmm | 23:10 |
ssmy | Rauf: it is command-line. and awesome. | 23:10 |
ssmy | Rauf: check out the website | 23:10 |
nothings1ecial | password=bubbl35 | 23:10 |
carl-4 | hello - new to ubuntu - I need to set my hsync and vsync rates for x11 (autodetected too low). Can I just edit xorg.conf or do I have to use some control panel to do it? | 23:10 |
Rauf | Wtf is that messed up beep coming out of my computer each time i get Highlighted | 23:10 |
ssmy | nothings1ecial: perhaps you mean to preface these w/ /set? | 23:11 |
Rauf | Holy crap | 23:11 |
lacita | rauf: probably a bad driver | 23:11 |
Rauf | Nah | 23:11 |
lacita | hehe | 23:11 |
Rauf | Highlight | 23:11 |
Rauf | Wooow :p | 23:11 |
lacita | Rauf: like this? | 23:11 |
HacKBoX | carl-4: open a terminal and enter 'sudo displayconfig-gtk' | 23:11 |
Rhorse | thanks vigognome it is auth.log i think | 23:11 |
Hultis | I have installed a windows program using wine, but i dont have the real cd for it, is there any way i could mount it like powerISO or daemon tools would do in windows? | 23:11 |
aknot | Hello I have some VERY annoying error when trying to change the button_layout of gnome with gconf editor, some read only key, how can I get rid of that ? | 23:11 |
Noxz_ | How do I apt-get install package and not package-deps ? | 23:11 |
Rauf | Like that lacita | 23:12 |
Rauf | :p | 23:12 |
Noxz_ | ignore-deps | 23:12 |
Noxz_ | but that doesnt work | 23:12 |
mkquist | lacita: you could also run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and mess w/drivers there | 23:12 |
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=== `Chros is now known as `Chris | ||
Jason_WT | in the filesys there is a thing called intredip.img and vmlinux, what are those | 23:12 |
vigognome | Rhorse: My pleasure to help in any way I can. | 23:12 |
Rauf | Ehm | 23:12 |
lacita | Rauf: check your xchat properties | 23:12 |
Rauf | Where can i edit the shortcuts to start a app? | 23:12 |
Rauf | I know, already removed the highlight | 23:12 |
carl-4 | HacKBoX: apparently I need to install that | 23:13 |
lacita | BRB | 23:13 |
master_alvaro | hello | 23:13 |
master_alvaro | i have question | 23:14 |
Rauf | Where can i edit the shortcuts to start a app? | 23:14 |
aknot | Hello I have some VERY annoying error when trying to change the button_layout of gnome with gconf editor, some read only key, how can I get rid of that ? | 23:14 |
aknot | ubotu gconf | 23:14 |
master_alvaro | what is better: microsoft or linux?? | 23:14 |
Rauf | Depends on what you do | 23:14 |
master_alvaro | | 23:14 |
Rauf | I use both, dualboot. | 23:14 |
master_alvaro | Rauf: ^^ see link ;p | 23:14 |
aknot | ubottu gconf | 23:14 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about gconf | 23:14 |
|sundown| | master_alvaro: cisco | 23:15 |
Rauf | Lolol | 23:15 |
|sundown| | master_alvaro: - better | 23:15 |
aknot | ubottu gconf-editor | 23:15 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about gconf-editor | 23:15 |
Noxz_ | How do I not install dependencies? | 23:15 |
Rauf | Where can i edit the shortcuts to start a app? Nobody? | 23:15 |
master_alvaro | Rauf: menu shoutcuts? | 23:15 |
master_alvaro | alcatel | 23:15 |
master_alvaro | alacatre* | 23:16 |
Rauf | master_alvaro: what? | 23:16 |
master_alvaro | alacarte menu | 23:16 |
Aquina | Hy! | 23:16 |
adakkak | join #rails | 23:16 |
nickrud | Noxz_, depends on what you're doing really | 23:16 |
Noxz_ | apt-get | 23:16 |
Aquina | I there a qay to check which applications use KDE and/or Qt on Xubuntu? | 23:17 |
nickrud | Noxz_, no, I mean you desired end result | 23:17 |
vigognome | Rauf: maybe? | 23:17 |
Noxz_ | I have compiled the package myself | 23:17 |
Noxz_ | and now I want to apt-get stuff that depends on it | 23:17 |
Jason_WT | is there a way to get gksudo added to like the menu, so i can click on it and get the same thing window? | 23:17 |
Rauf | vigognome, that's not my problem :p | 23:17 |
pikario | hi | 23:18 |
nickrud | Noxz_, the easiest is to create an equiv package that provides the package you compiled | 23:18 |
pikario | how can i get internet explorer for ubunt u ? | 23:18 |
|sundown| | Aquina: what? | 23:18 |
nickrud | !info equivs | Noxz_ | 23:18 |
ubottu | equivs (source: equivs): Circumvent Debian package dependencies. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.0.7-0.1 (intrepid), package size 19 kB, installed size 136 kB | 23:18 |
Rauf | I once set the shortcut ctrl+t to start the terminal, everytime i open a new tab another terminal opens | 23:18 |
Rauf | How do I change the chortcut? | 23:18 |
ardchoille | Rauf: In terminal: Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts ? | 23:19 |
Aquina | I need to evaluate how manny apps are Gnome and how manny are KDE dependant on my systems. | 23:19 |
zigzag71 | can anyone help with ampache? | 23:19 |
Aquina | Is there an easy way to do that? | 23:19 |
Aquina | Apache, zigzag71? | 23:19 |
Hultis | pikario: why would you want IE for ubuntu? | 23:19 |
Mallen_ | Hey, does anyone know of a program that allows one mouse and keyboard to control two computer (one XP and the other Ubuntu?) | 23:19 |
zigzag71 | no Ampache | 23:19 |
pikario | i want IE for ubuntu because its a good web browse,r how can i get it? | 23:19 |
vigognome | Rauf: Ok,,uhm,,in the text editor, then paste to Terminal, but always make a backup of a stable system before any changes are made. | 23:19 |
rweait1 | zigzag71: apache? try. | 23:19 |
|sundown| | Aquina: oh my got! | 23:20 |
Mallen_ | its not a good web browser | 23:20 |
=== ali_ is now known as liquiddeux | ||
zcat[1] | Mallen_, vnc or remote desktop to the XP computer? | 23:20 |
Hultis | pikario: might be possible through wine | 23:20 |
lacita | Safari? | 23:20 |
Hultis | and i coultn agree more with Mallen_ | 23:20 |
xixnix | does anyone know how long it takes to write a whole 250GB hard drive over with 0's? | 23:20 |
|sundown| | Aquina: for what this? | 23:20 |
Hultis | couldnt* | 23:20 |
Mallen_ | zcat[1], vnc? | 23:20 |
ardchoille | Mallen_: Sounds like a hardware device, like a kvm device | 23:20 |
mikegriffin | xixnix: 8 minutes 32 seconds | 23:20 |
AlanBell1 | ies4linux works fine | 23:21 |
Aquina | It's for our internal statistics. I just need to do that. Is there a way (instead of looking what apps start with "K") ;-) | 23:21 |
Mallen_ | ardchoille, there is a program for two XP computer think its called Synergy | 23:21 |
zcat[1] | Mallen_, vnc lets you view and control the XP desktop in a window from your ubuntu box | 23:21 |
AlanBell1 | but IT is a *dreadful* browser. | 23:21 |
vigognome | Let me try to change some shortcut things,,or something....bbl | 23:21 |
xixnix | mikegriffin where did you get that information from? | 23:21 |
Guest37328 | Hi I need some help with installing ubuntu | 23:21 |
mikegriffin | xixnix: i made it up | 23:21 |
Mallen_ | zcat[1], any way for it to be the other way around? | 23:21 |
Mallen_ | control the ubuntu box on XP? | 23:21 |
mikegriffin | xixnix: how long does it take to go to the store? | 23:21 |
zcat[1] | Mallen_, yes, it will work either way, gnome supports vnc and you install the vnc viewer in XP | 23:22 |
Mallen_ | ok sweet! thanks man | 23:22 |
zcat[1] | Mallen_, system > preferences > remote desktop | 23:22 |
Mallen_ | ok | 23:23 |
Mejborg | Hi everyone. I have just written "sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter" in the terminal. (instructed to do so by Jordan_U). The 'program' started, and i answered 'yes'. However, my terminal is just standing still, the last line is 'setting up b43-fwcutter...' It has done this for 15 min now. It does not look like anything is happening.. Is everything all right, and shall i just close my terminal? | 23:23 |
Guest37328 | Hello can anybody give me some advice on installing ubuntu | 23:23 |
_newbie_ | ciaoooooooooooo | 23:23 |
_newbie_ | list | 23:24 |
ardchoille | !install | Guest37328 | 23:24 |
ubottu | Guest37328: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see for documentation. Problems during install? See and - Don't want to use a CD? Try - See also !automate | 23:24 |
p0th34d | Hi, I have an issue with Ubuntu and FreeNX. When I try to use certain keys in a remote session, such as the arrow keys, the delete key, they do not work. Anyone else experienced this issue and have any resolutions? | 23:24 |
rweait1 | Guest37328: ask. No need to ask if you can ask. | 23:24 |
lacita | How can I identify what decoration manager I am using? | 23:24 |
lacita | How can I identify in terminal what decoration manager I am using? | 23:25 |
Rauf | Hmm | 23:25 |
alburzua | hola | 23:25 |
Crayboff | crap, i need someone's help. I told vista to make ubuntu the default operating system than i turned off the timeout at the boot screen. now i can't get back onto vista!!! | 23:25 |
p0th34d | bueno | 23:25 |
Rauf | Holy shit | 23:25 |
Jordan_U | Mejborg, Close the terminal ( or just type ctrl+C ) then run "sudo dpkg --configure -a" and hopefully the package will finish installing | 23:25 |
Rauf | Every time i do Shift+t the terminal starts | 23:25 |
erUSUL | !es | alburzua p0th34d | 23:25 |
ubottu | alburzua p0th34d: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 23:25 |
lacita | Crayboff: goto terminal | 23:25 |
nickrud | !language | Rauf (think disney g rated) | 23:25 |
ubottu | Rauf (think disney g rated): Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 23:25 |
Crayboff | lacita, now what? | 23:25 |
p0th34d | hah | 23:25 |
maxagaz | hi | 23:26 |
lacita | Crayboff: sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst_backup | 23:26 |
p0th34d | erUSUL: se no habla espanol, senor ;) | 23:26 |
Jordan_U | Craybuff: Is this a normal install or a wubi install? | 23:26 |
maxagaz | how to grep the lines (of a text file) which do not begin with a {tab} ? | 23:26 |
Guest37328 | well i had some specific questions which i couldnt find on the internet, i need to know how to get into the bios so i can change the boot order to disk drive first | 23:26 |
Crayboff | lacita, what does that do? | 23:26 |
Snupt | hm. How to play DVD from hard drive? | 23:26 |
jrib | maxagaz: hint: -v | 23:26 |
lacita | Crayboff: makes a backup | 23:26 |
Snupt | I can play each individual .vob files but just can't watch them all as a movie | 23:26 |
erUSUL | p0th34d: sorry then | 23:26 |
Rauf | Guys | 23:26 |
p0th34d | erUSUL: no problem | 23:27 |
Rauf | transmission doesn't download anything | 23:27 |
Crayboff | lacita, alright i did that, now what? | 23:27 |
maxagaz | jrib: ? | 23:27 |
lacita | Crayboff: sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst | 23:27 |
rweait1 | Guest37328: use your BIOS menu key during boot. | 23:27 |
nickrud | Guest37328, when you boot, probably delete key or maybe f2 key. Depends on the bios. First screen should say | 23:27 |
rww | Rauf: yeah... I've had that happen before. Try another client, maybe? Like deluge-torrent? | 23:27 |
jrib | maxagaz: read about the '-v' switch in man grep | 23:27 |
ardchoille | Crayboff: no, gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst | 23:27 |
Mejborg | Jordan_U: I have just done that. Nothing seems to happen | 23:27 |
ardchoille | !gksudo | lacita | 23:27 |
ubottu | lacita: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See to know why) | 23:27 |
Guest37328 | i do not no what this is as it does not show up during boot | 23:27 |
Hultis | Snupt: you can use for example vlc to load dvds | 23:27 |
p0th34d | Just out of curiosity, does anyone know of a way to run X programs remotely through SSH on Ubuntu (like Xming on Windows)? | 23:27 |
lacita | Crayboff: What do you see? | 23:28 |
Snupt | Hultis, I want use only totem :P | 23:28 |
vigognome | Rhorse: man -k startup | 23:28 |
Crayboff | lacita, i see menue.lst | 23:28 |
lacita | ardchoille: I just need to identify what decorator i am using. | 23:28 |
nickrud | Guest37328, try hitting f2, f8, delete keys madly during bootup | 23:28 |
Crayboff | *menu.lst | 23:28 |
maxagaz | jrib: okay thanks | 23:28 |
Hultis | Snupt: ive never used it, cant help ya there :/ | 23:28 |
rweait1 | Guest37328: google "bios {your computer mpodel and make}" | 23:28 |
lacita | Crayboff: scroll down to the timeout | 23:28 |
ardchoille | lacita: Sorry, can't help with that | 23:28 |
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Crayboff | lacita, alright | 23:28 |
rww | p0th34d: GUI Programs | 23:28 |
maxagaz | jrib: what is the hint: ? | 23:29 |
Guest37328 | ok and if this fails are there any alternate ways of entering the bio OR changing the boot sequence | 23:29 |
jrib | maxagaz: to read about the '-v' switch like I said... | 23:29 |
lacita | Crayboff: change the number to the time you want in seconds. | 23:29 |
Crayboff | lacita, it's by the top, right? ## timeout sec | 23:29 |
rweait1 | Guest37328: It's all BIOS. | 23:29 |
nickrud | Guest37328, only using your bios. see what rweait1 said above if all else fails | 23:29 |
meheren | i have about 100 pictures labeled CIMG2100..CIMG2200 how would I rename these to Beach1..Beach100? | 23:29 |
Guest37328 | ok thank you | 23:29 |
meheren | i can't seem to get mv to like variables? | 23:30 |
Rauf | Pmg | 23:30 |
rweait1 | Guest37328: good luck. | 23:30 |
lacita | Crayboff: under that. where it says "timeout 10" or something like that. | 23:30 |
Mejborg | Jordan_U: is everything ok, or do i have to type something more? | 23:30 |
Jordan_U | Mejborg, That's good, if there is a directory called /lib/b43-legacy ( this is firmware for older cards that b43-fwcutter also installs, I just gave you the directory for your card ) then it grabbed the firmware correctly, if not then as long as dpkg is happy ( which it seems to be ) then your firmware should still be successfully updated when you upgrade still | 23:30 |
Rauf | Guys. How do I change a shortcut to start a program? | 23:30 |
miranda_psi | meheren: you could write a bash script to do it... | 23:30 |
Rauf | Everytime I do shift+t the terminal starts | 23:30 |
Crayboff | lacita, ok i see that, should i change timeout 10 to timeout 30? | 23:30 |
meheren | miranda_psi, when i store them in a variable i can't seem to edit them as a group...? | 23:31 |
Jordan_U | meheren, "rename" | 23:31 |
ardchoille | meheren: in terminal go to the folder containing the pictures and do: j=1; for i in *; do mv "$i" Beach$j; j=$((j+1)); done | 23:31 |
zc00gii | how do I make a .ISO file manually with my on files? | 23:31 |
lacita | Crayboff: do it. | 23:31 |
meheren | ardchoille, ah that's how you add the number!! | 23:31 |
meheren | thanks | 23:31 |
lacita | Crayboff: and then save | 23:31 |
meheren | j-= | 23:31 |
ardchoille | zc00gii: use mkisofs | 23:31 |
rww | Rauf: System > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts, then scroll down to Desktop > Start a Terminal | 23:31 |
ardchoille | meheren: command line is quick and fast ;) | 23:31 |
zc00gii | ardchoille, thanks | 23:31 |
Crayboff | alright, lacita, that's done | 23:31 |
meheren | i was stuck on the j=$(j+1) part... :p | 23:32 |
rww | Run a terminal ** | 23:32 |
nickrud | Rauf, gconf-editor /apps/metacity/global_keybindings and keybinding_commands | 23:32 |
lacita | Crayboff: you are using grub or windows bootloader? | 23:32 |
rww | Rauf: nickrud's suggestion being the same as mine, only less pretty :D | 23:32 |
zeroRooter | guys, my mouse(cursor) on ubuntu 81.0 is RIDICULOUSLY laggy. it basically teleports over the screen when i move it... my machine is over the system recomended requirements (900 mhz, 133 clock, geforce4 MX-440-8X, 512 ram) etc.. and i have my video ard drivers installed any suggestions??? | 23:32 |
nickrud | rww, and more expansive, since you can add a bunch of other commands, and keys :) | 23:32 |
miranda_psi | meheren: you would read all the files in, sort them and then use the "mv" command to rename them as you want (use a variable to keep track of the number you are up to) | 23:32 |
maxagaz | jrib: and a last question, how to represent the {tab} in my request? | 23:32 |
Crayboff | lacita, i believe i was using the windows bootloader, then i downloaded startupmanager, which i think activated grub | 23:32 |
zeroRooter | 8.10 | 23:32 |
cuulu | if I use a bittorrent client like deluge, can I use my external harddrive (usb) that has a ntfs partion? to download and seed to? | 23:32 |
lacita | Crayboff: OK. close menu.lst | 23:33 |
Rauf | I'll be right back | 23:33 |
Rauf | I downloaded mirc | 23:33 |
master_alvaro | cuulu: you have to mount this partition | 23:33 |
rww | nickrud: ones that aren't in the GUI? | 23:33 |
vigognome | rww and all get a cheers for that | 23:33 |
miranda_psi | cuulu: just set the settings in deluge to default download to the usb drive | 23:33 |
Crayboff | lacita, done | 23:33 |
lacita | Crayboff: go back to terminal | 23:33 |
hpadministrator | hello miranda | 23:33 |
zeroRooter | any suggestions???? | 23:33 |
nownot | if i have two network cards and i want to use one as a network connection to another device, how do i do this? | 23:33 |
master_alvaro | to mount ntfs for write, you need NTFS3G | 23:33 |
lacita | Crayboff: sudo grub | 23:33 |
miranda_psi | hi hpadministrator | 23:33 |
Mejborg | Jordan_U: there is no directory called /lib/b43-legacy, but there is one called /lib/firmware/b43legacy (i dont know if that is 'the same'). What is dpkg? | 23:34 |
Crayboff | alright | 23:34 |
nickrud | rww, yes, you can arbitrarily assign commands to any key. And use the <Super> key as a modifier easily | 23:34 |
Crayboff | lacita, btw i installed ubuntu via wubi | 23:34 |
rww | nickrud: huh. awesome. Thanks :) | 23:34 |
zeroRooter | my mouse(cursor) on ubuntu 8.10 is RIDICULOUSLY laggy. it basically teleports over the screen when i move it... my machine is over the system recomended requirements (900 mhz, 133 clock, geforce4 MX-440-8X, 512 ram) etc.. and i have my video ard drivers installed any suggestions??? | 23:34 |
joe_- | I mounted a Windows share on Ubuntu, is there any way to rename the folder so its not "<sharename> on <IP address>" ? | 23:34 |
lacita | Crayboff: find /boot/grub/stage1 | 23:34 |
zeroRooter | any suggestions??? | 23:34 |
nickrud | rww, if you run out, just add new keys, like command_13, etc | 23:35 |
Crayboff | lacita: is that the code i have to put in? | 23:35 |
lacita | Crayboff: (hdx,y) # this will be the output | 23:35 |
lacita | Crayboff: yes | 23:35 |
jrib | maxagaz: easiest way is to just type a tab. Like this: <ctrl-v><tab> . That makes sure your shell doesn't use tab for something else like completion. grep -P '\t' will work too | 23:35 |
Jordan_U | Mejborg, I meant to type /lib/firmware/b43legacy, sounds like everything is fine. dpkg is the debian package manager | 23:35 |
zeroRooter | did anyone even read what i wrote lol | 23:35 |
cuulu | master_alvaro I understand that but I can still use it ro read and write easily? I don't have ubuntu now but planning to. just checking up what I need to know at first. | 23:35 |
Crayboff | lacita, it says error 15: file not found | 23:35 |
lacita | Crayboff: did you do "sudo grub?" | 23:35 |
Crayboff | yes | 23:35 |
jrib | !helpme | zeroRooter | 23:35 |
ubottu | zeroRooter: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience | 23:35 |
cuulu | miranda_psi Ok. I don't have unbutu at the moment but glad there is no problem seeding and downloading with a ntfs partion in unbutu. | 23:36 |
lacita | Crayboff: the terminl should say "grub>" | 23:36 |
master_alvaro | cuulu: probably you can set download directory/folder | 23:36 |
Crayboff | lacita, it does | 23:36 |
maxagaz | jrib: thanks again! | 23:36 |
lacita | Crayboff: ok. type "find /boot/grub/stage1" | 23:36 |
Crayboff | lacita, same error | 23:36 |
master_alvaro | cuulu: pendrive should works OOTB (just work) | 23:36 |
cuulu | master_alvaro ok even to an ntfs partion? I know that wouldn't be easy in lets say Mac Os X | 23:36 |
lacita | Crayboff: type quit | 23:37 |
lacita | Crayboff: try this: | 23:37 |
master_alvaro | cuulu: it should be easier than in mac os x ;p | 23:37 |
master_alvaro | i have linux and mac os x 10.4 tiger ;-) | 23:37 |
bogsdev_ | hi there! my friend has a very old IBM Thinkpad R31 and would like to install Ubuntu. Would it be worth it? | 23:37 |
joe_- | I mounted a Windows share on Ubuntu, is there any way to rename the folder so its not "<sharename> on <IP address>" ? | 23:38 |
Crayboff | lacita, what happened is that I went to vista told it to make ubuntu the default OS, than i made it without the timeout. so now it goes from the windows bootloader to the grub | 23:38 |
cuulu | master_alvaro okey cool. Im really tired of windows XP. Only reason I still use it because of Visual Studio which I need. All other programs I'm sure I can find for linux. | 23:38 |
master_alvaro | bogsdev: check this on | 23:38 |
vigognome | bogsdev: Sure, 6.04 or some minimal install would rick | 23:38 |
bogsdev_ | master_alvaro: thanks! | 23:38 |
Crayboff | lacita, keep in mind i used wubi to download ubuntu, does that make a difference? | 23:38 |
Rhorse | vigognome, found it: /var/log/auth.log.0 Thanks for the help | 23:38 |
Mallen_ | whats the command for restarting X? | 23:39 |
lacita | Crayboff: I don't think that matters. Go back to the Gedit line | 23:39 |
master_alvaro | Mallen_: try ctrl-alt-bckspc | 23:39 |
lacita | Crayboff: open menu.lst agin | 23:39 |
Crayboff | wait, lacita, do you want me to do the thing on that link first? | 23:39 |
cuulu | if I got a partion with windows xp installed. And a partion with ubuntu and in ubuntu i install Virtualbox. Do I create a virtual "machine" from the windows xp (ntfs partion) or does it want to create a new partion for the virtual xp machine? | 23:39 |
vigognome | Rhorse: I did not realize that I had helped, but am always happy to give the effort. | 23:39 |
lacita | Crayboff: try this first | 23:39 |
lacita | Crayboff: are you editing menu.lst? | 23:40 |
nownot | how do i do internet sharing using firestarter? | 23:40 |
Jordan_U | Crayboff, Is this a normal install or a Wubi install? | 23:40 |
Crayboff | jordan_u wubi | 23:40 |
lacita | Crayboff: sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst | 23:40 |
Crayboff | lacita, i'm there now | 23:41 |
Mastastealth | cuulu: once you install virtual box it installs virtual machines inside of ubuntu. if you want to make that virtual machine identical to your shared win partition, thers a lot more steps to do. you can google for a guide | 23:41 |
Jordan_U | Crayboff, Changing the grub menu.list is probably not what you want to do then | 23:41 |
master_alvaro | cuulu: it create a "partition" which is file in ubuntu filesystem | 23:41 |
Rauf | Wooohoo | 23:41 |
Rauf | mIRC is working | 23:41 |
Rauf | Awesome | 23:41 |
Crayboff | jordand_U, do you know what i have to do then? | 23:41 |
Mastastealth | but the virtual machine is pretty much a whole 'nother win install | 23:41 |
mikegriffin | Rauf: you realize this is #linux right | 23:41 |
pikario | Microsoft Windows XP Professional | 23:41 |
Rauf | I know | 23:41 |
Rhorse | if one has a url address like for instance, is there a way to find out more about this address? | 23:41 |
pikario | i thought this was #ubuntu | 23:41 |
mikegriffin | Rauf: mirc is not allowed here | 23:42 |
lacita | Crayboff: ok, scroll down, and look for a line that says "titleMicro$oft Windoze vi$ta" or "longhorn" or whatever | 23:42 |
Rauf | :o | 23:42 |
Snupt | mirc? Why?! | 23:42 |
pikario | mirc is the best irc program | 23:42 |
Rauf | mIRC is not allowed? | 23:42 |
zeroRooter | lol mirc is the program? u mean chatting | 23:42 |
Jordan_U | Crayboff, I don't know much about windows or wubi but I think that that preference is in ntldr.ini | 23:42 |
pikario | unfortunately it is closed-source | 23:42 |
master_alvaro | pikario: irssi rox | 23:42 |
master_alvaro | ;-) | 23:42 |
Rauf | I know it is, but I can use it if I want to, can't I? | 23:42 |
Snupt | master_alvaro, weechat rox, too | 23:42 |
Riri | whats the command to install dvd plugins? | 23:42 |
nickrud | Rhorse, system->admin->network tools has some stuff for that | 23:42 |
zeroRooter | my mouse(cursor) on ubuntu 8.10 is RIDICULOUSLY laggy. it basically teleports over the screen when i move it... my machine is over the system recomended requirements (900 mhz, 133 clock, geforce4 MX-440-8X, 512 ram) etc.. and i have my video ard drivers installed any suggestions??? | 23:43 |
miranda_psi | Riri: in what? | 23:43 |
mikegriffin | Riri: search for medibuntu | 23:43 |
meheren | Riri, what ones do u need? | 23:43 |
Crayboff | lacita, i found "Windows Vista/Longhorn (loader)" | 23:43 |
Riri | not sure lol | 23:43 |
Snupt | dvd plugins work out of box | 23:43 |
=== ms_exodus is now known as exodus_ms | ||
Rhorse | nickrud, really? I thot maybe a web site or hacker tool | 23:43 |
ardchoille | !dvd | Riri | 23:43 |
Crayboff | jordan_U, if this doesn't work, how do i get to ntldr.ini? | 23:43 |
ubottu | Riri: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 23:43 |
lacita | ok, make sure there is no ## before it. | 23:43 |
meheren | Riri, -> Snupt | 23:43 |
lacita | Crayboff: ok, make sure there is no ## before it. | 23:43 |
Riri | thanks | 23:43 |
meheren | that is normally true | 23:44 |
Crayboff | lacita, there is no ## before it | 23:44 |
nop_ | hi everyone | 23:44 |
nickrud | Rhorse, it has the basic net info tools, fundamental hacker tools, built in :) | 23:44 |
zeroRooter | gus i dont even care if u say something extremely stupid and unrelated but at least let me know u actually read this: | 23:44 |
zeroRooter | my mouse(cursor) on ubuntu 8.10 is RIDICULOUSLY laggy. it basically teleports over the screen when i move it... my machine is over the system recomended requirements (900 mhz, 133 clock, geforce4 MX-440-8X, 512 ram) etc.. and i have my video ard drivers installed any suggestions??? | 23:44 |
lacita | Crayboff: OK, and chainloader is "+1" | 23:44 |
Crayboff | lacita: yes | 23:44 |
Jordan_U | Crayboff, I don't remember where it's stored but it's somewhere on your windows partition ( which you can access from Ubuntu ). You might ask in ##windows | 23:44 |
lacita | Crayboff: save it, restart and see if that did it. | 23:45 |
nop_ | i`m new here. what`s the topik of chat? | 23:45 |
lacita | nop_: ubuntu troubleshooting | 23:45 |
Jordan_U | Crayboff, My guess is that change in the menu.lst will just loop you back to grub | 23:45 |
miranda_psi | zeroRooter: try turning off all desktop acceleration | 23:45 |
=== geek is now known as Guest65858 | ||
ardchoille | !ot | 23:45 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 23:45 |
macman | anyone have any tips / tricks for saving battery on ubuntu 8.10 dell laptop ? im using power top and cpu freq .. they aren't helping | 23:45 |
throwt | how do i reconfigure compiz? | 23:46 |
Crayboff | jordan_U that's what was the problem before with me | 23:46 |
zeroRooter | miranda: how do i do that, i have cisual effects to none if th\ats what u mean | 23:46 |
throwt | do i do it with dpkg? | 23:46 |
zeroRooter | visual effects | 23:46 |
miranda_psi | macman: try tuning off all special desktop effects and see if that helps | 23:46 |
lacita | jordan_U: i don't think so. he has to be able to get in... seems redundant to use 2 loaders. | 23:46 |
Crayboff | lacita, i think it is using 2 loaders | 23:46 |
Snupt | throwt, remove folder with preferences and start compiz again | 23:46 |
macman | everything is down | 23:46 |
miranda_psi | zeroRooter: thats what I meant - visual effects to none. | 23:46 |
Jordan_U | lacita, It's wubi, grub is being chainloaded from ntldr | 23:47 |
lacita | Crayboff: give it a shot. If all else fails, you can alter the boot.ini file in ubuntu. | 23:47 |
zeroRooter | yeah is to none, same problem lol | 23:47 |
Crayboff | lacita, i don't know how to do that | 23:47 |
lacita | jordan_U: im not familiar | 23:47 |
throwt | Snupt: ok, thanks | 23:47 |
Snupt | np | 23:47 |
Rauf | G2g | 23:47 |
Crayboff | lacita, jordan_U, i'll restart, brb | 23:47 |
miranda_psi | zeroRooter: try it with a different mouse? | 23:47 |
lacita | Crayboff: is your windows partician/drive mounted in ubuntu | 23:47 |
Crayboff | lacita, umm i do not know | 23:48 |
throwt | Snupt: i killed compiz, rm -rf .compiz, and started it, but it didnt prompt me about anything | 23:48 |
zeroRooter | yup tried it with three diff mouses same prob | 23:48 |
nop_ | lacita, thanks again. just install release on workstation. so i`m really very new here.. | 23:48 |
Crayboff | lacita, i can access windows files via ubuntu | 23:48 |
Dracie_ | hi, how does one edit the application handlers that firefox 3 uses | 23:48 |
lacita | Crayboff: that's good. let's see how this works. If you get stuck, and can't load ubuntu, replace menu.lst with menu.lst_backup | 23:49 |
jrib | Dracie_: checked preferences in firefox? | 23:49 |
miranda_psi | seroRooter: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg | 23:49 |
lacita | nop_: any problems? | 23:49 |
Dracie_ | jrib, yeah telnet:// doesn't open a terminal and just gives me a error | 23:49 |
Crayboff | lacita, jordan_U, i'll restart, brb | 23:49 |
vpol | anybody knows if twitux (twitter client) will be updated to 0.68 in jaunty? it is still 0.62 now.. | 23:50 |
Jordan_U | lacita, I don't think he will get stuck, I think he will just immediately go back to grub where he can choose to boot Ubuntu | 23:50 |
lacita | Jordan_U: just in case. | 23:50 |
vigognome | Is the WUBI thing bad? | 23:50 |
lacita | vigognome: seems redundant to me. | 23:51 |
Dracie_ | vigognome, yes if you plan to use your ubuntu wubi install on an unstable power connection | 23:51 |
Dracie_ | you could corrupt your ubuntu install | 23:51 |
Dracie_ | since its a big archive | 23:51 |
Snupt | throwt, rm -r ~/.config/compiz/compizconfig | 23:51 |
jrib | Dracie_: ah, those are called "protocol handlers". iirc, you set them up in about:config | 23:51 |
Itaku | firefox keeps freezing on simple pages like google how do i fix it? | 23:51 |
vigognome | whoops | 23:51 |
nop_ | lacita, not yet. but may be it means i`m still not using in all functions. thanks anyway. | 23:51 |
miranda_psi | Itaku: do you have any extension installed? | 23:51 |
lacita | Itaku: killall firefox | 23:51 |
jrib | Dracie_: | 23:52 |
Itaku | miranda_psi, nope | 23:52 |
Dracie_ | thx jrgp | 23:52 |
Dracie_ | thx jrib* | 23:52 |
lacita | nop_: there are lways people here to help. | 23:52 |
Itaku | lacita, already did that before | 23:52 |
lacita | Itaku: any new extentions? | 23:52 |
Itaku | nope | 23:52 |
jrgp | lol Dracie_ | 23:52 |
Crayboff | lacita, nope nothing changed | 23:52 |
Dracie_ | lol | 23:52 |
lacita | Itaku: idk, reinstall, and save your bookmarks? | 23:53 |
Dracie_ | tabcompletion can be tedious if you aren't reading | 23:53 |
miranda_psi | Itaku: try a reinstall from the repository and see if that helps | 23:53 |
zeroRooter | miranda: overwiting possivly-customised configuration file; backup... | 23:53 |
jrib | Dracie_: more general instructions: | 23:53 |
Itaku | already tried | 23:53 |
zeroRooter | and still laggy mouse lol | 23:53 |
Itaku | im probably just gonna get a new browser like opers | 23:53 |
Itaku | opera* | 23:53 |
lacita | Crayboff, jordan_U: let me take a quick look online | 23:53 |
zetharx | where can i find a java deb package to install the newest version? all i can seem to find is bin and instructions to install that are not working for me | 23:53 |
wienerboy | Hi all | 23:53 |
william56 | anyone know how much memory is required to install xubuntu? | 23:53 |
zeroRooter | 0 | 23:54 |
adaptr | fail | 23:54 |
zeroRooter | unless u talking hardware money | 23:54 |
miranda_psi | Itaku: you could try IceWeasle :P | 23:54 |
adaptr | william56: for the graphical installer, between 64 and 128 MB, I think | 23:54 |
william56 | memory, not money | 23:54 |
* Snupt is going to bed | 23:54 | |
william56 | ah | 23:54 |
zeroRooter | o ithought u said money | 23:54 |
zeroRooter | lol | 23:54 |
zeroRooter | nvm | 23:54 |
Rhorse | william56, you have to be able to remember what kind of screen you have. | 23:54 |
zeroRooter | :P | 23:54 |
FloodBot2 | zeroRooter: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 23:54 |
Dracie_ | anyone here using one of the brand new apple keyboards? | 23:54 |
zeroRooter | stfu bot | 23:54 |
zeroRooter | lol | 23:54 |
Dracie_ | lol | 23:54 |
Flare183 | !lol | 23:54 |
ubottu | Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks. | 23:54 |
vigognome | So how do I remove the WUBI and install from an old Gutsy disk, or is that feasible? | 23:54 |
zeroRooter | and u too | 23:55 |
william56 | what do you mean, Rhorse? the pc with the error is sitting right beside me, i could type up the error if you'd like | 23:55 |
Flare183 | zeroRooter: Watch buddy | 23:55 |
Flare183 | Watch it* | 23:55 |
zeroRooter | just joking :P lol dude relac | 23:55 |
Rhorse | lol | 23:55 |
nop_ | lacita, thanks a lot. ) hope will find answers by myself without disturbing people, but thanks a lot anyway. ) | 23:55 |
DeadJones | anyone play with amarok2 yet? | 23:55 |
Rhorse | william56, I'd say 128 MB min. | 23:56 |
Flare183 | DeadJones: I have in the past | 23:56 |
DeadJones | any better than 1? | 23:56 |
Wildcat__ | anyone know if htere is an alsa repository i can add so i can upgrade my alsa installation from 1.0.17? | 23:56 |
Iderik | hello | 23:56 |
storrgie | I have an inspiron 9400, with ubuntu 8.10 i cannot see wireless... | 23:56 |
Iderik | could someone please help me with installing ubuntu? | 23:56 |
Iderik | i want to intall it on my laptop | 23:56 |
Iderik | which has xp on it | 23:56 |
DeadJones | what are you having problems with? | 23:56 |
william56 | well, i'll have to do the non-graphical installer then.. the comp is a compaq presario with a windows ME logo on it | 23:56 |
Iderik | using live usb stick | 23:56 |
Iderik | first | 23:56 |
Flare183 | storrgie: What type of wireless Card? | 23:56 |
miranda_psi | zeroRooter: is it only the mouse that is lags? and does it lag under windows? | 23:56 |
Jack_Sparrow | !coc > zeroRooter | 23:56 |
ubottu | zeroRooter, please see my private message | 23:56 |
Flare183 | !enter | Iderik | 23:56 |
ubottu | Iderik: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 23:56 |
Iderik | ohh, sorry :-) | 23:57 |
storrgie | Flare183: I dont know exactly what card it is... its an older laptop that my girlfriend purchased | 23:57 |
DeadJones | never let your gf buy cards | 23:57 |
Xunor | 0.o | 23:57 |
master_alvaro | storrgie: sudo lspci | 23:57 |
Flare183 | storrgie: Well open a terminal and type in lspci and find the entry that say something along the lines of: "Network Controller" | 23:57 |
Flare183 | master_alvaro: Why with sudo? | 23:58 |
storrgie | one moment, thanks everyone | 23:58 |
Iderik | either i want to use usb live stick or install using windows, i want xunbuntu because my usb stick only got 1bg of space | 23:58 |
Xunor | sudo rm -f | 23:58 |
DarkSmoke | hey there | 23:58 |
Xunor | fixes all your problems | 23:58 |
DarkSmoke | im using gnome | 23:58 |
Flare183 | Xunor: No it won't | 23:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | !danger | 23:58 |
ubottu | DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you! | 23:58 |
Xunor | Lol i was just kidding | 23:58 |
Iderik | my problem is, first i tried xubuntu, normal iso. but it didn't work, because i needed internet access, which my laptop don't have | 23:58 |
william56 | Iderik: what part did it mess up on? | 23:59 |
PSPdemon | okay so i installed ubuntu and ive read there is a intel 845G issue | 23:59 |
storrgie | Broadcom bcm4311 | 23:59 |
DarkSmoke | i installed the slickness theme, which has the slickness icon set in the folder, but didn't get used automatically with the theme, i think i have to mv the iconset folder myself, but i dunno where the gnome icon sets folder is, anyhelp? | 23:59 |
Flare183 | Good Job Jack_Sparrow (no sarcasm) | 23:59 |
Iderik | so i tried the alternative one, which didn't work either, because i can't find any install file to start | 23:59 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 23:59 |
Flare183 | !bcm | storrgie | 23:59 |
ubottu | storrgie: Wireless documentation can be found at | 23:59 |
Jordan_U | Iderik, A live USB install is compressed so even plain Ubuntu is under 700 meg | 23:59 |
Iderik | william56, it needed internet access to start installing | 23:59 |
Flare183 | storrgie: That should help | 23:59 |
storrgie | thanks Flare183 | 23:59 |
Flare183 | storrgie: np | 23:59 |
PSPdemon | so how can i disable effects? | 23:59 |
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