=== ubott2 is now known as ubottu | ||
mcohen | does anyone know how to turn off ome applets that take up memory, make sure they don't start when the computer starts | 00:48 |
mcohen | like nm-applet and update-notifier | 00:49 |
crimsun | disable them in the session | 00:50 |
mcohen | I can kill them, how do I disable them? | 00:50 |
crimsun | System> Preferences> Sessions | 00:51 |
crimsun | or, you could remove their desktop files from /etc/xdg/autostart/ | 00:51 |
mcohen | if I'm using xubuntu, I installed edubuntu-desktop which installs ubuntu-desktop | 00:54 |
mcohen | that means I now have gnome on my machine right? | 00:54 |
crimsun | yes | 01:00 |
mcohen | ah k, I can disable gnome startup services then | 01:01 |
mcohen | in the interest of lowering memory footprint | 01:01 |
* LaserJock reads Brainstorm and gets depressed | 02:38 | |
mike_ | hey there, anyone wanna help me out with a problem | 02:48 |
LaserJock | mike__: if you throw out your question somebody may be able to help you | 02:54 |
nubae | LaserJock: why is kitten and klettres not in edubuntu | 04:52 |
nubae | both are in main | 04:52 |
nubae | wait kiten is universe, but klettres is in main | 04:53 |
nubae | should be in edubuntu seed | 04:53 |
LaserJock | nubae: what release? | 04:54 |
nubae | intrepid even | 04:54 |
nubae | http://appnr.com/package/klettres | 04:54 |
LaserJock | there were some historical reasons I believe | 04:54 |
nubae | ok, so maybe for jaunty it should be in there? | 04:55 |
LaserJock | perhaps | 04:55 |
LaserJock | we need to make sure it's not dropped from KDE | 04:55 |
nubae | I'm getting another rule then, just cause its in main, don't mean it goes in edubuntu :p | 04:55 |
LaserJock | that's true | 04:56 |
LaserJock | it has to be in the seed | 04:56 |
nubae | right, just thinking about Jaunty now though | 04:56 |
LaserJock | if it's still in Main I think it should be in the seed | 04:57 |
LaserJock | so check to make sure it's still there and in Main in Jaunty | 04:57 |
nubae | it is | 04:58 |
nubae | 4:4.1.85-0ubuntu1: amd64 i386 | 04:58 |
nubae | I thought a little more about linking something to the version, maybe we should link to the packages.ubuntu.com link? | 04:59 |
LaserJock | perhaps | 05:07 |
nubae | right well, hardy app list done now too | 05:07 |
nubae | I'll upload to the site | 05:07 |
LaserJock | cool | 05:08 |
nubae | in terms of a web editor replacement for screem, there is also kompozer and quanta, for me, both have had problems, but just thought I'd mention it since bluefish is not a wysiwyg editor | 05:30 |
LaserJock | yeah, we should look at what's the best | 05:31 |
LaserJock | I would say for each addition/replacement/removal we should start a thread on the mailing list | 05:31 |
nubae | ok | 05:32 |
LaserJock | I gotta run, getting to be bed time | 05:32 |
LaserJock | cya tomorrow most likely | 05:32 |
=== calimer-- is now known as calimer | ||
billbalt | edubuntu addons don't seem to work | 12:47 |
billbalt | How do I add the various edubuntu packages | 12:47 |
nubae | hmm, not very pacient | 12:51 |
nothingman | hi, all | 14:47 |
Ahmuck | good morning | 16:13 |
highvoltage | hi Ahmuck an LaserJockie | 16:31 |
LaserJock | highvoltage! | 16:34 |
LaserJock | how's my favorite South African? | 16:34 |
highvoltage | :D | 16:35 |
highvoltage | doing good thanks. just got out of the pool. the heat was killing me | 16:35 |
highvoltage | how are you doing LaserMan? | 16:36 |
LaserJock | the heat! | 16:37 |
LaserJock | it's been freezing here | 16:38 |
LaserJock | just above 0 C right now | 16:38 |
LaserJock | highvoltage: I'm surviving. still trying to finish the PhD and save the world ;-) | 16:40 |
=== nothingman_ is now known as nothingman | ||
highvoltage | LaserJock: wow, that's cold. we must swap some C's. | 16:49 |
LaserJock | highvoltage: it got to around -15 C at the coldest here so far this winter | 16:54 |
LaserJock | but my parents has -31 C | 16:55 |
=== nothingman_ is now known as nothingman | ||
LaserJock | anybody heard of "Shoes", a programming learning environment | 18:27 |
LaserJock | ? | 18:27 |
alkisg | http://shoooes.net/ - no, I've only heard of scratch, http://info.scratch.mit.edu/Linux_installer | 18:32 |
LaserJock | I was just reading an article on educational programming environments | 18:41 |
LaserJock | and they mentioned Scratch, Alice, and Shoes | 18:41 |
alkisg | This one? http://www.linux.com/feature/155203 | 18:42 |
alkisg | I've only heard of scratch, it's very good, and better now that they have a linux version! :) | 18:42 |
LaserJock | yeah, that's the article | 18:42 |
LaserJock | what I liked about Shoes was it was written in Ruby | 18:42 |
LaserJock | Scratch is Squeak and Alice is Java | 18:44 |
LaserJock | Shoes also seems fairly open source | 18:45 |
alkisg | What I liked about scratch is its environment, I haven't tried it in a classroom yet but I think the kids will be interested in it. Fortunately with the new books we're teaching I'll get to try it next year. | 18:46 |
LaserJock | yeah, scratch is definitely more geared towards younger users | 18:49 |
LaserJock | I think shoes might be good for secondary | 18:49 |
alkisg | You know, I'm not yet sure what primary vs secondary vs high school is... Primary = ages 6 to 12, secondary = 12 to 14, and high school = 15 to 17? I'm teaching to 12-14 year old kids... | 18:51 |
alkisg | Also, there are some countries where primary = 6 to 10... | 18:52 |
LaserJock | secondary is supposed to be roughly high school | 18:52 |
LaserJock | I'm not sure where junior high would fit in exactly | 18:52 |
alkisg | ...so high school is 15 to 17? and junior high = 12 to 14? | 18:53 |
LaserJock | well, that's normally right in the US | 18:54 |
LaserJock | not sure in terms of primary, secondary, tertiary where junior high would fit | 18:55 |
LaserJock | we might want to put some age ranges on those | 18:55 |
alkisg | Ah, ok, so I'm not a secondary school teacher as I thought, I'm teaching in a junior high school! :) Good to know! :P | 18:55 |
LaserJock | well, I don't know exactly | 18:56 |
alkisg | I don't know if even age ranges will cover it. E.g. we use Lego with kids 12-14 years old, while other countries use Lego only on primary schools | 18:56 |
LaserJock | I know elementary would be primary and high school secondary, but the middle I don't know | 18:56 |
LaserJock | we might need to ask RichEd | 18:59 |
alkisg | Ah, I just asked my wife, she visited the US last year. We have 6 + 3 + 3 years in schools, while you have 5 years elementary, 3 middle school (=junior high) and 4 years high school | 19:00 |
Ahmuck | i'd like to see a python learning environment | 19:02 |
LaserJock | alkisg: that's right | 19:03 |
LaserJock | Ahmuck: that would be very cool indeed | 19:03 |
alkisg | Ahmuck: Yeah, me too. | 19:04 |
LaserJock | we did have work on a python teaching app that would "grade" python | 19:04 |
alkisg | Ahmuck: did you manage to solve your network problems? | 19:05 |
Ahmuck | not yet. i dropped back to thin clients for the time being | 19:06 |
alkisg | Ah, ok | 19:06 |
Ahmuck | now that the fat client script is bug free, i'm going to try a test in a vm first | 19:06 |
LaserJock | Ahmuck: what were you going to use fat clients for? | 19:06 |
Ahmuck | then if i get good networking there, i may backup users directories and overwrite the system | 19:07 |
Ahmuck | artrage, blender, kdenlive, etc. | 19:07 |
LaserJock | and not do local apps? | 19:07 |
Ahmuck | what do local apps | 19:07 |
Ahmuck | SDL is a problem | 19:08 |
Ahmuck | i'm looking at a number of apps, and i've tried them on the tihin client side, and they don't work | 19:08 |
Ahmuck | but blender did not work on the fat client side either | 19:09 |
Ahmuck | i've got mixed feelings about ltsp | 19:09 |
alkisg | I think when multiseat is ready, it'll be much more powerfull than ltsp | 19:10 |
alkisg | But 'till then, ltsp is fine for non-graphic intensive applications | 19:10 |
Ahmuck | shoes looks so kewl | 19:14 |
Ahmuck | multiseat ? | 19:14 |
Ahmuck | i'm really after multi-seat | 19:14 |
Ahmuck | if i can't get that, then ltsp fat clients | 19:14 |
LaserJock | local apps should give you decent results for graphic-intensive apps though shouldn't it? | 19:17 |
Ahmuck | it may, i don't know. i've not tried local apps | 19:18 |
Ahmuck | artrage is a windows program via wine | 19:18 |
Ahmuck | it's slower, but it does work | 19:18 |
LaserJock | I would think you'd try local apps before fat clients | 19:18 |
Ahmuck | really? | 19:19 |
Ahmuck | did nubae drop out of the fat client arena? | 19:19 |
Ahmuck | did i miss something? | 19:19 |
LaserJock | I don't know | 19:19 |
Ahmuck | one of the problems iwth thin clients is SDL | 19:19 |
Ahmuck | i'm having problems with that | 19:20 |
LaserJock | right, but local apps are local apps | 19:20 |
LaserJock | I would think it would help | 19:20 |
highvoltage | LaserJock: -15C? -31C? that's insane! | 20:05 |
nothingman | hey, you were talking about educational programming environments | 20:05 |
* highvoltage didn't realise such cold places can be inhabitable | 20:05 | |
nothingman | Guido von Robot is one in python | 20:05 |
nothingman | I use that with my students | 20:06 |
nothingman | kind of fun, making up the worlds in it | 20:06 |
nothingman | a good challenge besides the actual instruction part | 20:06 |
LaserJock | nothingman: cool | 20:07 |
LaserJock | highvoltage: it's only that cold for a while | 20:08 |
nothingman | LaserJock, it's that cold where you live? | 20:09 |
nothingman | I mean, I'm in upstate NY, and it's not that bad here :-P | 20:09 |
nothingman | relatedly, has anyone seen today's XKCD? | 20:10 |
LaserJock | nothingman: it was that cold at my parents house in MT | 20:11 |
LaserJock | it was -15C here | 20:11 |
Ahmuck | LaserJock: point me to local apps? | 20:12 |
Ahmuck | btw, shoooes looks really neat | 20:12 |
LaserJock | Ahmuck: stgraber would be the best to talk to | 20:16 |
highvoltage | nothingman: today's xkcd was awesome :) | 20:17 |
LaserJock | I haven't had "spit goes clunk" but I've had it basically freeze before hitting the ground | 20:18 |
Ahmuck | is there a place to download them? | 20:20 |
LaserJock | Ahmuck: download what? | 20:20 |
Ahmuck | er, download "local app: | 20:20 |
LaserJock | it's a part of LTSP | 20:20 |
Ahmuck | ack, my typing is terrible today | 20:20 |
Ahmuck | ah, ok. i'm fumble around | 20:20 |
LaserJock | you basically install the apps into the chroot | 20:21 |
LaserJock | so they are available on the client | 20:21 |
nothingman | LaserJock: isn't that just the fat client Ahmuck was trying to make? | 20:26 |
nothingman | I might be confused | 20:26 |
LaserJock | they're a bit different I think | 20:27 |
LaserJock | a fat client has a hard drive and a local install of the OS | 20:27 |
LaserJock | but often gets $HOME from the server and things like that | 20:28 |
Ahmuck | um, not nubae's fat client | 20:28 |
Ahmuck | it uses the proc and mem from the client, but everything else is done on the server | 20:28 |
LaserJock | ah, then he's actually doing local apps | 20:28 |
Ahmuck | and it can use a swap partition on the client as well | 20:28 |
nothingman | oic | 20:31 |
Ahmuck | iirc, local apps allow you to customize the app menu so that you can have fat and thin clients booting | 20:38 |
LaserJock | well, my history of it is that what you call "fat clients" is local apps | 20:39 |
LaserJock | which includes the app menu working right | 20:40 |
LaserJock | the use of fat clients I'm used to is to mean a client which has a hard drive and locally installed OS, but relies on the server for some services | 20:41 |
=== LaserRock is now known as LaserJock | ||
=== linus is now known as LinusU | ||
LinusU | Hellu | 22:13 |
LinusU | Anyone that can help with local apps on ltsp? | 22:14 |
LaserJock | LinusU: you can ask your question here or perhaps even better would be #ltsp | 22:21 |
LinusU | thx | 22:32 |
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