Hobbsee | mwhudson: can your vague recollection remember when that was cherrypicked? | 00:00 |
mwhudson | no | 00:00 |
Hobbsee | recent or ages ago, or no idea? ;) | 00:01 |
Hobbsee | (wasn't asking for a particular month) | 00:01 |
gmb | Hobbsee: Just reproduced it meself. Whether it's with launchpad-integration or malone I can't tell. | 00:01 |
gmb | Hobbsee: I'll add a malone task for it and look into it properly in the morning. | 00:01 |
gmb | Thanks for letting us know :) | 00:02 |
Hobbsee | gmb: OK, cool. I guess it is nighttime for you | 00:02 |
Hobbsee | you're welcome :) | 00:02 |
mwhudson | ah, i was thinking of https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-launchpad-bugs/+bug/309307 | 00:02 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 309307 in python-launchpad-bugs "apport fails to file bugreports" [High,Fix committed] | 00:02 |
mwhudson | which is a bit similar, a bit different | 00:02 |
gmb | Hobbsee: Just gone midnight... nice way to start the new working year :) | 00:02 |
Hobbsee | haha | 00:02 |
* mwhudson needs to get lunch before his stomach eats itself from the inside, biab | 00:02 | |
Hobbsee | gmb: ah. if you wait, and refresh the page, it works. | 00:04 |
gmb | Hobbsee: Ah, patience was never my virtue... | 00:04 |
Hobbsee | gmb: neither, but I read the comments on the bug mwhudson pointed out, and the last comment said "wait, refresh, and it'll work". Sure enough, it did ;) | 00:05 |
gmb | Heh. | 00:05 |
* Hobbsee assumes that means LP isn't generating the reports so quickly anymore, or similar | 00:06 | |
gmb | Hobbsee: IIRC (and I may not) lp-integration uploads something to the librarian. The last part of the URL is some kind of librarian file ID hash for the debug data. | 00:07 |
Hobbsee | that sounds reasonable. | 00:07 |
Hobbsee | (based on what it says about it gathering data to send to LP) | 00:07 |
gmb | The way it behaves looks as though etiher a) the upload didn't complete before the lp-integration sent the browser to the +filebug page or b) the librarian is being shonky about new file ids. | 00:09 |
james_w | gmb: launchpad is now for some reason requiring the title to be specified | 00:09 |
james_w | add "?field.title=foo" to the url apport sends you to and it works | 00:10 |
james_w | the only time apport doesn't set that is with the things like "Report a problem", not with the crash reports and the like | 00:11 |
james_w | ah, sorry, caught up | 00:11 |
james_w | it was probably just refreshing then | 00:11 |
* gmb stops trying to type a coherent "wait and refresh" answer | 00:11 | |
gmb | james_w: Doest lp-integration wait for the upload to complete before sending you to +filebug? | 00:12 |
gmb | Oh, English no work anymore. | 00:12 |
Hobbsee | hehe | 00:12 |
* Hobbsee hands gmb a beer. | 00:12 | |
Hobbsee | try that | 00:12 |
* gmb drinks | 00:12 | |
gmb | Hobbsee: Much better, thank you. | 00:12 |
james_w | gmb: I believe so, the "blob id" at the end of url is apparently returned by lp in a response header from uploading the blob | 00:13 |
Hobbsee | gmb: :) | 00:13 |
gmb | *headdesk* | 00:13 |
* Hobbsee removes the desk, too | 00:13 | |
gmb | So the upload completes and then Launchpad sort of sticks its fingers in its ears and says "lalala, I can't hear you" for a bit. | 00:13 |
gmb | Molto bene. | 00:13 |
Hobbsee | hahaha | 00:13 |
Hobbsee | it's virus scanning? :P | 00:13 |
james_w | 'X-Launchpad-Blob-Token' | 00:14 |
gmb | Hobbsee, james_w: Right, thanks. I'll update the bug report. Damn proprietary software. | 00:15 |
james_w | heh | 00:15 |
Hobbsee | haha | 00:15 |
Hobbsee | cool :) | 00:15 |
jamesh | why would Launchpad do any virus scanning? It isn't as if it tries to run attachments | 00:15 |
gmb | Still, only seven-and-a-bit-moths to go. | 00:15 |
gmb | Moths? | 00:15 |
Hobbsee | jamesh: I was joking ;) | 00:15 |
Hobbsee | mmmm....moths | 00:16 |
Hobbsee | are they crunchy? | 00:16 |
gmb | Hobbsee: Soft, with a chewy centre. | 00:16 |
gmb | Taste of liquorice. | 00:16 |
Hobbsee | hrm... | 00:16 |
Hobbsee | ew. can't stand liqourice. | 00:16 |
gmb | Oh, I can't spell "month" but I can spell "liquorice" | 00:16 |
Hobbsee | pity, as they started to sound appearing | 00:16 |
Hobbsee | haha | 00:16 |
gmb | It's catching. | 00:17 |
Hobbsee | oh noes, oh noes! | 00:17 |
gmb | Right, bug report updated. I'm off to bed before more of my brain fails. | 00:21 |
gmb | I'll look into this first thing tomorrow. | 00:21 |
Hobbsee | enjoy :) | 00:21 |
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MTecknology | Hobbsee: ping pong | 03:44 |
jml | so, if a trac instance is running the Launchpad plugin, how do I get a Launchpad bug for an arbitrary trac bug? | 04:11 |
jamesh | jml: are you talking about the case where there is a Launchpad bug linked up? | 04:15 |
jml | jamesh: well, I don't know if there's a Launchpad bug linked up. | 04:15 |
jamesh | jml: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/bugtrackers/<tracker-name>/<remote-bug-id> might help | 04:16 |
jamesh | if there is a matching LP bug, you'll get redirected | 04:17 |
jamesh | (this is independent of any plugins on the remote system | 04:17 |
jamesh | I added that URL for the Ubuntu Bugzilla migration 3 years back | 04:19 |
jml | and if there isn't, I guess I'll get a 404 | 04:22 |
jml | (cos that's what I got) | 04:22 |
jamesh | yeah. And if there are multiple bugs, it gives you a list | 04:24 |
jamesh | you can probably get a better answer if you ask at a different time | 04:24 |
* jml nods | 04:27 | |
jml | gmb sleeps too much :P | 04:27 |
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faled | hi | 10:47 |
faled | I have heard that multi-PPA is coming, is that true? | 10:47 |
bigjools | faled: it's being implemented in stages and will start making an appearance soon | 10:48 |
bigjools | it won't be fully operational for 2-3 releases of LP | 10:48 |
faled | bigjools: the policy will be that each ppa have 1gb or the total will be 1gb or the policy is still not defined? | 10:49 |
faled | I see | 10:49 |
bigjools | faled: currently we'll do the same quota over all the user's PPAs | 10:50 |
bigjools | but it can be increased on a case-by-case basis | 10:50 |
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faled | bigjools: the Team-PPA have the same 1gb limit? | 10:51 |
bigjools | yes | 10:51 |
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faled | bigjools: thankyou for your answers | 13:07 |
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jcastro | barry: when you get a chance can you "reset" the mailing list request for ~ubuntu-pk? I declined them when I shouldn't have. | 15:32 |
barry | jcastro: done. we really should make you a mailing list expert so you can do this too | 15:33 |
barry | jcastro: wait, you /are/ a mailing list expert, so i think you can do it | 15:33 |
jcastro | oh, I just don't know how | 15:33 |
jcastro | is there an admin page or something? | 15:34 |
CarlFK | is there a way to change my lp username? (other than creating a new account) | 15:43 |
andrea-bs | CarlFK: sure: go to https://launchpad.net/people/+me/+edit | 15:44 |
CarlFK | cool | 15:44 |
CarlFK | will my PPA url change too? | 15:44 |
andrea-bs | yes, it will, but I don't know if it will happen immediately | 15:44 |
bigjools | if you have a ppa, changing your name would be bad | 15:45 |
al-maisan | andrea-bs: in other words, yes. | 15:45 |
CarlFK | bigjools: I havn't told anyone about my ppa yet | 15:46 |
bigjools | CarlFK: does it have anything in it? | 15:46 |
CarlFK | 1 thing | 15:46 |
CarlFK | I can delete/recreate it easy enough | 15:46 |
bigjools | delete it first before you rename | 15:46 |
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bigjools | but you'll need to upload a newer version | 15:46 |
bigjools | then you're good to go | 15:47 |
CarlFK | where do I report bugs? like the dups in " You may have used your identifier on the following sites: http://www.ustream.tv/, http://www.ustream.tv/, https://sourceforge.net, https://sourceforge.net. | 15:48 |
bigjools | CarlFK: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+filebug | 15:51 |
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CarlFK | bigjools: I deleted from ppa, but dput errors: Already uploaded to ppa.launchpad.net | 15:58 |
bigjools | CarlFK: increment the version | 15:58 |
bigjools | you can force it paste dput with -f, but Launchpad will reject it | 15:59 |
bigjools | s/paste/past/ | 15:59 |
mpt | leonardr, has there been any discussion of how to handle performance-related bug reports? | 15:59 |
mpt | leonardr, I'm looking particularly at bug 106452 and bug 305630, both of which are general "please make Launchpad faster kthx" | 16:00 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 106452 in malone "Launchpad Bugs is slow to use/painful on slow internet connection" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106452 | 16:00 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 305630 in launchpad "Please improve performance of launchpad.net" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/305630 | 16:00 |
mpt | flacoste, ^^^^ | 16:01 |
mpt | Normally I'm all in favor of reporting bugs about problems rather than solutions, but "Launchpad is too slow" is a problem that needs lots of unrelated fixes | 16:02 |
mpt | Should there be a "performance" tag instead? | 16:02 |
CarlFK | bigjools: debuild says gpg: skipped "Carl Karsten <carl@dell29.personnelware.com>": secret key not available | 16:05 |
leonardr | mpt: a performance tag is a good first step, just gather together all the parts people complain the most about | 16:06 |
bigjools | CarlFK: in the build log, or locally? | 16:07 |
CarlFK | local | 16:12 |
CarlFK | http://dpaste.com/105619/ | 16:13 |
bigjools | CarlFK: so your signing key is not available | 16:25 |
CarlFK | it was a few days ago :) | 16:25 |
mpt | leonardr, ok | 16:27 |
al-maisan | CarlFK: this seems to be unrelated to building/uploading .. your secret gnupg is not there .. do you have a backup | 16:46 |
al-maisan | ? | 16:46 |
al-maisan | if so, please restore $HOME/.gnupg from backup and try again. | 16:47 |
CarlFK | al-maisan: looks there to me: http://dpaste.com/105637/ | 16:48 |
maxb | CarlFK: Do gpg --list-secret-keys | 16:48 |
al-maisan | CarlFK: what maxb said ^^ | 16:49 |
CarlFK | http://dpaste.com/105639/ (key listed) | 16:49 |
al-maisan | Carl Karsten <carl@dell29.personnelware.com> | 16:49 |
al-maisan | vs, | 16:49 |
al-maisan | Carl Karsten (pythonista) <carl@personnelware.com> | 16:50 |
al-maisan | CarlFK: ^^ | 16:50 |
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CarlFK | al-maisan: where did I specify my keyid? 80E61AF4 (i remember doing it, but can't see where now | 16:55 |
al-maisan | which email address is used in the debian/changelog file? | 16:56 |
al-maisan | in the top-most stanza? | 16:56 |
cprov | CarlFK: `debuild -S -sa -k0x80E61AF4`, maybe ? | 16:56 |
maxb | CarlFK: Is @dell29... a real email address? Looks like an autogenerated hostname | 16:57 |
maxb | You should probably fix that email address in debian/changelog and/or debian/control | 16:57 |
CarlFK | dell29 is my local box, so no | 16:58 |
CarlFK | this fixed it: debuild -S -sa -k0x80E61AF4 | 16:58 |
al-maisan | that's good news :) | 16:59 |
al-maisan | thanks cprov ! | 16:59 |
cprov | CarlFK: set your ~/.devscripts with DEBSIGN_KEYID="80E61AF4", it will be the default. | 17:00 |
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nemo | sooo, you know, an easy way to support CSS but not JS is to simply add the hide class (or hardcoded display: none style, whatever) to those expand/collapse in JS :-/ | 17:10 |
nemo | this comment tossed out there after hitting https://launchpad.net/~pktoss/+archive and discovering I had to disable CSS to see the packages. | 17:10 |
nemo | oh, and it'd be really really really nice if launchpad exposed an ID for comments so that I can link to a comment in the context of the bug using the hash. | 17:14 |
nemo | even nicer if it included a link for that, but there isn't even an ID if I view source | 17:14 |
mpt | leonardr, done | 17:38 |
homy | Hi! Is more than one day in the "Needs Review" status for uploaded Translation files normal? | 17:59 |
mrevell | homy: It can be, yes. New files require manual review and at this time of year there may be a small backlog. danilos can you confirm? | 18:03 |
beuno | mrevell, AFAIK danilos is on leave until next week | 18:03 |
mrevell | thanks beuno | 18:04 |
homy | ok, so I guess I'll just wait some more. Thanks. | 18:05 |
beuno | homy, we'll try and get the proper people aware of it, but it may take a little bit while everyone catches up :) | 18:06 |
jcastro | barry: when you get a chance if you could point me on how to do the list admin stuff | 18:06 |
soc | hi | 18:41 |
soc | i want to upload my source package to my ppa, to try it, how can i do that? | 18:41 |
milos_ | i have register a project by mistake on launchpad. How can I delete it? I don't need it. | 18:52 |
beuno | milos_, which project? | 18:52 |
milos_ | beuno, https://launchpad.net/mmilos | 18:52 |
beuno | herb, mthaddon, can one of you nuke it ^ | 18:53 |
Goundy | Guys I initialised a branch on launchpad ... etc. Now when I do commits and then: bzr push sometimes it just work | 18:53 |
mthaddon | beuno: sure | 18:53 |
Goundy | but sometimes It returns error: no specified location | 18:54 |
beuno | mthaddon, thanks | 18:54 |
milos_ | beuno, mthaddon thanks! | 18:54 |
Goundy | and I've to do: bzr push lp:~project/branch | 18:54 |
Goundy | how come ? | 18:54 |
beuno | Goundy, sometimes? the first time you have to specify the location, from then on, for that branch, it will remember | 18:54 |
mthaddon | milos_: can you ask a question on LP asking for it to be deleted and let me know the URL of the question so I can verify you're the owner of the project? | 18:54 |
milos_ | mthaddon, ok | 18:55 |
Goundy | beuno well sometimes it works and sometimes it ask me for location that's weird :/ | 18:55 |
beuno | Goundy, it is. It shouldn't. This is the same branch all the time? | 18:55 |
Goundy | beuno yup :/ | 18:56 |
beuno | Goundy, I can't think of anything that would do that | 18:56 |
beuno | are you using different users? | 18:56 |
Goundy | hmm | 18:56 |
Goundy | beuno no one unique user | 18:57 |
beuno | Goundy, what version of bzr are you using? | 18:57 |
beuno | also, take a peak in ~/.bazaar/locations.conf | 18:57 |
beuno | and see if the location for the branch is set | 18:57 |
Goundy | beuno 1.10 | 18:58 |
Goundy | wow beuno I've no locations.conf :/ | 18:58 |
Goundy | beuno well look there's no problem I'll reinit a new local branch and retry with a fresh checkout | 18:59 |
Goundy | thanks ;) | 18:59 |
milos_ | mthaddon, https://answers.launchpad.net/mmilos/+question/56446 would this be enough or I need to specify more info? | 19:00 |
mthaddon | milos_: that's fine, thx | 19:01 |
milos_ | mthaddon, great :) | 19:01 |
mthaddon | ok, that's done | 19:01 |
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beuno | Goundy, maybe there's a permissions problem? | 19:05 |
beuno | do you have a ~/.bazaar dir? | 19:05 |
beuno | does your user own it? | 19:05 |
Goundy | beuno yep: drwxr-xr-x 2 goundy goundy 4096 Jan 4 05:13 .bazaar | 19:06 |
beuno | Goundy, and if you try to push now, does it know it's location? | 19:07 |
Goundy | beuno hold a second pushing | 19:07 |
Goundy | beuno yes it works but it'll break later :/ | 19:08 |
beuno | Goundy, when it does, take a peak at ~/.bzr.log | 19:08 |
beuno | you can also try and find an error now | 19:08 |
Goundy | beuno okay ;) thank you man | 19:08 |
beuno | if you remember roughly when it happened last time | 19:08 |
soc | i have uploaded a source package to launchpad, how long will it take until it shows up in the webfrontend? | 19:08 |
beuno | soc, once you get the SUCCESS email, maybe 10 minutes | 19:09 |
beuno | Goundy, if you run into it again, feel free to hop into #bzr and we'll try to figure it out :) | 19:09 |
soc | ah ok | 19:10 |
soc | thx | 19:10 |
Goundy | beuno Okay Next time it happens I'll past up my logs and come to ask on bzr channel ;) | 19:10 |
Goundy | thanks again | 19:10 |
beuno | np | 19:10 |
Goundy | Time to sleep ;) | 19:10 |
Goundy | Good night | 19:10 |
maxb | Ooh, signed PPAs are on the way? Is there progress information on how may PPAs have had keys produced yet anywhere? | 19:11 |
beuno | maxb, it's being tested on a few, not sure when it's planned to be deployed on all projects | 19:12 |
beuno | just *today* all the developers got back from a 2 week break | 19:13 |
maxb | Oh :-/. news.launchpad.net hinted that it was just an automated process that needed to complete churning through all the PPAs | 19:14 |
ScottK | That was how it sounded to me too. | 19:14 |
beuno | maybe that's the case, I know I've had to add the key for a few of them | 19:15 |
beuno | but I'm not sure on the status | 19:15 |
beuno | maybe the process was paused during the holidays in case any problems arised | 19:15 |
=== leonardr changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Help contact: leonardr | launchpad-users@lists.launchpad.net | ||
maxb | https://bugs.launchpad.net/soyuz/+bug/125103 -- "We are depending on some hardware rearrangement for being able to generate all (1k8) keys needed. That will be done soon.". Ah. | 19:17 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 125103 in soyuz "ppa archives are not signed" [High,Fix released] | 19:17 |
beuno | there you go | 19:17 |
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TABASCO | Hi | 19:38 |
TABASCO | Could somebody please explain what "sprints" are? | 19:38 |
TABASCO | Like it's mentioned here: http://news.launchpad.net/12-days-of-launchpad/day-two-sprints-and-meetings | 19:39 |
MTecknology | So - there's no way to import a lists.ubuntu.com mailing list to LP - is there? | 19:40 |
gsuveg | re | 19:40 |
gsuveg | ive updatet my gpg key, how long i need to wait if it works ? | 19:41 |
leonardr | TABASCO: a sprint is a real-world event where people get together in the same room and do intense work on some project | 19:41 |
MTecknology | gsuveg: usually it's immediate | 19:41 |
leonardr | launchpad helps you put sprints together | 19:41 |
TABASCO | leonardr: Mhm, okay. That is a little weird... | 19:42 |
gsuveg | MTecknology, thanks, sound like pebkac :) | 19:42 |
TABASCO | leonardr: We are currently trying to translate this for the German Issue of the UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter :) | 19:42 |
MTecknology | gsuveg: as much as it sucks, it's usually the case - wait 15min just to be sure. There's a way you can search for your key too | 19:43 |
leonardr | TABASCO: it's a term of art in the agile world, so there is probably a standard german translation for it | 19:43 |
gsuveg | Permission denied (publickey). | 19:43 |
MTecknology | gsuveg: http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/ <- you can search keys here | 19:44 |
gsuveg | MTecknology, thanks | 19:44 |
MTecknology | Coudl I get simebody to hide one of the contact emails for my team? | 19:44 |
MTecknology | Else I can add a question and request it if that's preferred. We're switching from lists.ubuntu.com to LP | 19:45 |
gsuveg | MTecknology, moment. for bzr push i need gpg not pgp | 19:46 |
gsuveg | MTecknology, or? | 19:46 |
MTecknology | yup - gpg | 19:46 |
MTecknology | pgp is proprietary iirc | 19:46 |
gsuveg | but keyserver not for gpg ? :) | 19:46 |
MTecknology | I wonder if I'm wrong... My keys are in ~/.gnupg/ | 19:49 |
gsuveg | moment | 19:50 |
gsuveg | for bzr push i need ssh or gnupg ? | 19:50 |
beuno | gsuveg, ssh | 19:51 |
gsuveg | then .ssh/ | 19:51 |
gsuveg | beuno, how can i test is ? | 19:51 |
gsuveg | whats wrong ? | 19:51 |
beuno | gsuveg, try: ssh bazaar.launchpad.net -vv | 19:51 |
beuno | and see where the error is | 19:51 |
beuno | have you added your public key to your launchpad profile? | 19:52 |
gsuveg | beuno, yepp. thanks | 19:52 |
gsuveg | of course | 19:52 |
gsuveg | debug1: Authentication succeeded (publickey). | 19:52 |
gsuveg | hmm | 19:52 |
beuno | gsuveg, and have you told bzr your Launchpad login with: bzr launchpad-login username ? | 19:52 |
gsuveg | yes | 19:52 |
gsuveg | but i've chane my ssh key | 19:52 |
gsuveg | its cashed maybe? | 19:53 |
beuno | not by bzr | 19:53 |
gsuveg | No shells on this server. | 19:53 |
gsuveg | Connection to bazaar.launchpad.net closed. | 19:53 |
beuno | right, that's normail | 19:53 |
gsuveg | its sound goog ? | 19:53 |
beuno | *normal | 19:53 |
gsuveg | good | 19:53 |
gsuveg | thats right | 19:53 |
beuno | well | 19:53 |
beuno | what does bzr say then? | 19:53 |
beuno | try adding: -Dhpss | 19:53 |
beuno | to the bzr command | 19:54 |
gsuveg | Permission denied (publickey). | 19:54 |
beuno | and take a peak in ~/.bzr.log | 19:54 |
gsuveg | beuno, i put it pastebin | 19:56 |
gsuveg | beuno, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/100541/ | 19:57 |
beuno | ah, bzr is blowing up | 19:58 |
beuno | what version of bzr do you have? | 19:58 |
gsuveg | Bazaar (bzr) 1.6.1 | 19:58 |
beuno | and you installed from a package or from source? | 19:58 |
gsuveg | i think package ;) | 19:59 |
gsuveg | yes package | 19:59 |
gsuveg | im renstall | 19:59 |
beuno | gsuveg, sounds like a bug in bzr, care to file it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr | 19:59 |
gsuveg | beuno, cool :) | 20:00 |
gsuveg | beuno, im reinstall and we see | 20:02 |
gsuveg | if same error bugreport | 20:02 |
beuno | gsuveg, cool, thanks | 20:03 |
gsuveg | yw | 20:03 |
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gsuveg | beuno, same :(( | 20:06 |
gsuveg | i cry | 20:06 |
beuno | gsuveg, are you on Ubuntu? | 20:07 |
gsuveg | yes | 20:07 |
gsuveg | 8.10 | 20:07 |
beuno | hardy? | 20:07 |
beuno | right | 20:07 |
beuno | hrm | 20:07 |
gsuveg | no hack | 20:07 |
beuno | well, file the bug, and we'll see if any of the bzr developers can help find the problem | 20:07 |
gsuveg | if i good remember ;) | 20:07 |
beuno | I' | 20:07 |
beuno | I | 20:07 |
beuno | argh! | 20:07 |
beuno | I've never seen that traceback | 20:07 |
gsuveg | beuno, loog python on /usr/lib | 20:08 |
gsuveg | not opt or usr/local | 20:08 |
gsuveg | maybe pebkac ;) | 20:08 |
gsuveg | s/k/c | 20:08 |
gsuveg | beuno, thans anyway | 20:10 |
beuno | gsuveg, np. File the bug with the traceback, and we'll figure it out | 20:10 |
gsuveg | sent | 20:10 |
gsuveg | https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/314149 | 20:11 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 314149 in bzr "bzr crashed in branch and push with lauchnpad" [Undecided,New] | 20:11 |
gsuveg | i need test it on my acer one :) | 20:15 |
NCommander | Question, for build-deps, do I have to wait for something to be published before dependencies can load it? | 20:22 |
jkakar | rockstar: Heya. Is there a way for me to remove a rejected branch from a project's merge proposal queue? | 20:26 |
gsuveg | thanks for comment | 20:29 |
gsuveg | in few min im test on acerone | 20:30 |
rockstar | jkakar, set the merge rejected, or supersede it. | 20:30 |
gsuveg | this is fresh intrepid | 20:30 |
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jkakar | rockstar: How do I do that? I've just discovered that I can delete the merge proposal, but that will lose the history, right? | 20:35 |
jkakar | rockstar: I'm trying to reject this proposal: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jkakar/lazr-js/editor-typo-fail/+merge/2513 | 20:36 |
rockstar | jkakar, when you're looking at the merge proposal, you see the status as Needs Review. | 20:36 |
jkakar | rockstar: Yes. | 20:36 |
rockstar | jkakar, you should see an edit link there. | 20:36 |
jkakar | rockstar: I tried changing the status, but there was no 'Reject'. | 20:36 |
rockstar | jkakar, it's Rejected apparently | 20:37 |
jkakar | rockstar: I see 'Work in progress', 'Needs review', 'Merged' and 'Resubmit'. | 20:37 |
rockstar | *sigh* Apparently I get to see extra stuff. | 20:37 |
rockstar | jkakar, so call it Resubmit. | 20:37 |
rockstar | Or, supersede that proposal with a new one. | 20:38 |
jkakar | rockstar: Looks like 'Resubmit' superceded the merge proposal and created a new one. :) | 20:39 |
MTecknology | So - how can I view archives of the mailing list? | 20:39 |
* rockstar facepalms | 20:39 | |
jkakar | rockstar: I guess I can delete this merge proposal now, without affecting the previous one. | 20:39 |
rockstar | jkakar, yeah. I should look into why you can't set it as Rejected. | 20:40 |
jkakar | rockstar: Yep, that worked. | 20:40 |
jkakar | rockstar: Thanks! :) | 20:40 |
spm | MTecknology: go to the groups page; click on the "Mailing list archive" link. eg: https://edge.launchpad.net/~launchpad-users ==> https://lists.launchpad.net/launchpad-users/ | 20:41 |
MTecknology | oh - ty | 20:43 |
rockstar | jkakar, glad to have helped in some twisted and rather broken way. :) | 20:43 |
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NCommander | Can PPAs handle u-debs? | 20:53 |
NCommander | (i.e., if I was to toss d-i into a PPA, would I get back udeb's properly?) | 20:53 |
MTecknology | If any LP admins could find some time to answer launchpad/+question/56455 I would really appreciate it. | 20:56 |
cody-somerville | NCommander, best way to find out is to try ;] (I hypothesis that it can and will) | 20:59 |
NCommander | cody-somerville, fun, since it seems I'll have some d-i hacking in my future | 21:00 |
gsuveg | beuno, same error on my acer one | 21:04 |
beuno | gsuveg, that's *very* odd | 21:06 |
beuno | do you have access to any other branche sin launchpad? | 21:06 |
gsuveg | beuno, but this is very pure install | 21:06 |
gsuveg | beuno, not realy | 21:06 |
beuno | gsuveg, *maybe* it's a problem with that branch, but I'm just guessing | 21:07 |
gsuveg | beuno, i can give u access | 21:07 |
gsuveg | to test | 21:07 |
beuno | gsuveg, alright, go for it | 21:08 |
gsuveg | msg me plz usename and password :D | 21:08 |
gsuveg | sry :) | 21:08 |
gsuveg | only username | 21:08 |
beuno | heh | 21:08 |
beuno | beuno | 21:08 |
beuno | oddly enough :) | 21:08 |
gsuveg | ok | 21:09 |
jkakar | rockstar: Interesting side effect of 'Resubmit' was a 'no gpg signature' failure from PQM because I'd originally bzr push'd the branch up. | 21:09 |
rockstar | jkakar, are you sure that's what did it? I get those notifications all the time. | 21:09 |
rockstar | I'd like to be able to track them down. | 21:09 |
jkakar | rockstar: I'm not sure, but I just got this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/100575/ | 21:10 |
jkakar | rockstar: I do know that I never signed the branch with bzr send or anything like that. | 21:10 |
rockstar | jkakar, yea, I get those emails randomly all the time. Landscape just barely started using PQM, right? | 21:10 |
gsuveg | beuno, finisht | 21:13 |
jkakar | rockstar: We're not using it yet, though I think it's almost ready for us to switch over. | 21:13 |
rockstar | jkakar, that might be what's causing it to. Maybe those all powerful LOSAs are configuring it or something. | 21:14 |
jkakar | rockstar: Could be, but this was for the lazr-js project, not Landscape. | 21:15 |
rockstar | jkakar, I don't see anything specific in that error that points to lazr-js | 21:16 |
spm | jkakar: rockstar: we've generally seen those when your gpg key's primary email is different from the one you send from. If memory servers. pqm doesn't seem to deal well with multiple emails per key | 21:16 |
spm | ... errr did that actually come across as coherent? | 21:16 |
rockstar | jkakar, it's just a generic error. | 21:16 |
rockstar | spm, that makes sense, is coherent, and points to the fact that pqm is a a steaming pile o' shite. | 21:17 |
spm | rockstar: be fair! I've known some very nice steaming piles o' shite! ;-) | 21:18 |
rockstar | spm, you've met my in-laws!? | 21:18 |
rockstar | :) | 21:18 |
spm | I have my own :-) | 21:18 |
gsuveg | beuno, tahnks | 21:23 |
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maco | i'm a member of the launchpad-users group. i receive the messages sent to the launchpad-user mailing list hosted by launchpad. confusingly, messages i send to the list are being moderated as if i wasn't a subscriber to the list (even though i am). any ideas what's up? | 22:14 |
jml | barry: ^^ | 22:14 |
maco | oh...makes sense...barry's irc nick is barry | 22:16 |
barry | maco: yeah, i'm sooo creative :) | 22:16 |
barry | maco: what's your lp id? | 22:16 |
maco | barry: maco.m | 22:18 |
barry | maco: is it possible that you're sending your messages from an email address that's not tied to your ~launchpad-users membership? | 22:18 |
maco | barry: no, sent it with the one i use for launchpad | 22:18 |
barry | maco: oh, i recognize you now :) hi! | 22:19 |
maco | haha hi | 22:19 |
maco | by the way, can i count you in for a local bug jam during the global bug jam? | 22:20 |
barry | maco: i'm a bit stuck because i can't view the members of launchpad-users team (we have a bug for timeouts on teams with large memberships) | 22:20 |
maco | oh...could it have anything to do with the migration that happened with the team? | 22:21 |
barry | maco: it's possible, yes. have you gotten explicitly approved since the migration? | 22:21 |
barry | maco: once you've been approved for a specific list, you should never get moderated again | 22:21 |
barry | (i.e. once approved, always approved) | 22:22 |
maco | no, i didnt get a 2nd approval email after migration | 22:22 |
maco | but you can see on https://launchpad.net/~maco.m/+participation that i'm in the team... | 22:22 |
barry | maco: were you a member of that team before the migration? | 22:24 |
barry | maco: i.e. team, not necessarily list | 22:25 |
maco | yes | 22:25 |
maco | yes, i was on both the team and the list | 22:25 |
maco | and when i look at https://edge.launchpad.net/~launchpad-users it says i'm a member and subscribed | 22:25 |
barry | maco: that's definitely odd | 22:26 |
barry | maco: if you were a member of the team, your posts to its list should never be modified | 22:26 |
maco | or....oh wait a second | 22:26 |
barry | maco: unless it had a huge attachment? | 22:26 |
maco | ok im confused | 22:26 |
maco | i got the mailing list message to which i replied from the @lists.canonical one | 22:26 |
maco | and THATs the one that sent me a bounce email | 22:27 |
maco | but i *am* subscribed to that one too...and have been for months | 22:27 |
barry | maco: launchpad-users@lists.canonical /should/ be forwarding to launchpad-users@lists.launchpad. it's possible there's a glitch in that setup though | 22:28 |
maco | barry: you know the message from shirish that you just replied to? | 22:28 |
barry | maco: yep | 22:28 |
maco | k, i was trying to reply to that | 22:28 |
barry | interesting | 22:28 |
maco | right, cuz it worked for you | 22:28 |
barry | maco: dang. i didn't save shirish's original | 22:29 |
barry | but yeah, that one went through | 22:29 |
barry | very strange | 22:29 |
barry | maco: can you forward me the bounce you got, with full headers? | 22:30 |
maco | does normal forwarding include full headers? | 22:30 |
barry | maco: depends on you mail client ;) | 22:30 |
maco | evolution? | 22:31 |
barry | maco: yikes. i knew you were going to say that :) i'm not sure, give it a shot | 22:31 |
maco | ok | 22:31 |
maco | er, the forward preview doesn't look like it. maybe i can put the email in a tar or something | 22:32 |
barry | maco: maybe save the message and send me that file? | 22:33 |
* barry should really fire up evolution once in a while | 22:33 | |
maco | that's what i did | 22:34 |
maco | (that means "sent" by the way) | 22:36 |
barry | maco: got it. looking... | 22:36 |
barry | maco: okay, that's downright bizarre | 22:37 |
barry | maco: i have no idea why that happened to you | 22:38 |
barry | maco: do you still have your original response to shirish's message? if so could you also forward that to me the same way? | 22:38 |
maco | sent | 22:39 |
MTecknology | Is it possible to pull only one portion of a bazaar branch? | 22:52 |
maco | MTecknology: i think you can just add on to the path | 22:53 |
maco | like if the branch includes trunk/foo/bar you could pull branch/trunk/foo/bar | 22:53 |
=== matsubara-dinner is now known as matsubara | ||
MTecknology | aight - ty | 22:54 |
MTecknology | maco: you're an LP admin, right? | 22:58 |
maco | no | 22:58 |
maco | not at all! | 22:58 |
MTecknology | :P | 22:59 |
maco | if you wanna bug me about ubuntuforums, i can sometimes help there | 22:59 |
MTecknology | I was going to pester you about hiding a contact email | 22:59 |
maco | nope you have to find one of the people that comes to this channel for reasons other than complaining that something broke | 23:00 |
MTecknology | maco: that's what you do? | 23:02 |
maco | MTecknology: in this channel? yes. i came here to complain that something mailing list related broke for me. | 23:02 |
rockstar | MTecknology, maco is always complaining! :) | 23:03 |
maco | rockstar: yes, it's what i do bests :P | 23:03 |
maco | i'm very good at misspelling too! | 23:03 |
rockstar | I often make words plural that shouldn't be, to illustrate the silliness. I saw nothing wrong with your initial statement. | 23:04 |
MTecknology | I'm just learning about the mailing list - I like it | 23:05 |
mkanat | gmb: ping | 23:13 |
MTecknology | How do I add a series to a branch? | 23:35 |
rockstar | MTecknology, it actually works the other way around. | 23:54 |
rockstar | You add a branch to a series. | 23:54 |
rockstar | Or, rather, link a branch to a series. | 23:54 |
MTecknology | oh | 23:55 |
MTecknology | I think I stumbled my way into getting it... even though the names don't line up right - oh well | 23:55 |
nhandler | Is there a way to see what email address an @ubuntu.com or @kubuntu.org address is forwarding to? | 23:56 |
MTecknology | nhandler: not unless they reply to it or you get an admin to tell you | 23:57 |
MTecknology | not likely an admin will tell you | 23:57 |
maco | if youre logged in and they allow their email addresses to be visible on their user page, then you can guess its probably one of the listed ones | 23:57 |
nhandler | It is my address I want to check | 23:58 |
maco | oh | 23:58 |
maco | couldnt you just email yourself? | 23:58 |
maco | and see which it goes to? | 23:58 |
nhandler | After becoming an Ubuntu member, I set my primary address to my @ubuntu.com address. I just became a kubuntu member, and sending mail to that address neither bounces or makes it to my inbox | 23:59 |
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