DanaG | aAH... I see what was going on: | 00:10 |
DanaG | radeon lies in the log, but actually gets correct dpi. | 00:10 |
DanaG | radeonHD is the one that assumes 96, and passes it on to apps underneath it. | 00:10 |
DanaG | I also had to add tormodvolden PPA to get the newer-but-still-Intrepid radeonhd. | 00:11 |
DanaG | soc isn't here anymore. :( | 00:13 |
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dookieface | Hi | 00:42 |
dookieface | I'm having trouble installing ubuntu into my toshiba laptop | 00:43 |
dookieface | it will load the options from cd | 00:43 |
johannes_ | hi, how do i get a n intel video driver (jaunty) on 8.10 installed, it doesnt show on synaptic... | 00:45 |
DanaG | stupid nvidia 96 drivers... can't resume from suspend. | 00:52 |
DanaG | ... and they also make the LCD flicker at what seems like 30Hz. | 00:53 |
DanaG | bug 310126 | 01:00 |
ubottu | Bug 310126 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/310126 is private | 01:00 |
andersk | That's my bug; what about it? | 01:01 |
DanaG | I'm wondering why it's private when it's been fixed. | 01:02 |
DanaG | (It does make good sense to make it private before the fixing, judging from the changelog that closes it.) | 01:03 |
andersk | It isn't fixed. | 01:03 |
DanaG | Oh. | 01:03 |
DanaG | xorg (1:7.4~5ubuntu9) jaunty; urgency=low * Disable terminal function entirely | 01:04 |
DanaG | xorg (1:7.4~5ubuntu8) jaunty; urgency=low * Disable terminal to prevent root access (LP: #310126) | 01:04 |
DanaG | Well, once it is fixed, I'm curious to see what the report is about. | 01:05 |
crimsun | ugh, what a horrible "fix" | 01:05 |
DanaG | One idea: make it open a getty in the terminal window, so you still have to log in. | 01:06 |
DanaG | And then get to anything else you need from there. | 01:07 |
DanaG | Hmm, I think I will file a wishlist bug: "HID devices on USB sound cards should control the USB sound card, not the default mixer" | 01:14 |
DanaG | Or rather, give a choice. | 01:15 |
* DanaG goes off for food. | 01:18 | |
Andre_Gondim | i have one problem, i can't upgrade to jaunty, alway show this: W:Falhou ao buscar http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jaunty-updates/Release Unable to find expected entry partner/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?) | 01:19 |
* DanaG is back. | 02:00 | |
* DanaG is pondering what to do with the old cardbus audigy2. | 02:01 | |
DanaG | Some other random thing: changing gnome from 147dpi to 146 or 145 makes it look surprisingly different. | 02:15 |
DanaG | Interesting: it looks like the ADI1984 may be able to capture two different audio sources, separately, simultaneously. | 02:18 |
DanaG | At least, that's what I'd imagine it means, when I have two capture volume sliders and two capture source selectors. | 02:19 |
Armagguedes | hey | 02:26 |
Armagguedes | how do i update from 8.10 to 9.04a2? | 02:26 |
crimsun | sudo do-release-upgrade -d | 02:34 |
crimsun | please note that if you use either/both of fglrx or/and Nvidia that you will experience problems | 02:34 |
Armagguedes | crimsun, are those the proprietary drivers? | 02:36 |
crimsun | in that case, you're advised to wait until a further alpha, or, if you're comfortable and familiar with apt-pinning or holding, then pin xserver-xorg, xserver-xorg-core, xserver-xorg-input-evdev (and possibly xserver-xorg-input-synaptics if you have that hardware) to the older jaunty versions | 02:36 |
crimsun | Armagguedes: yes, they are | 02:36 |
Armagguedes | what if i just use the foss ones | 02:37 |
crimsun | then it depends on the hardware | 02:39 |
crimsun | e.g., my Nvidia hardware only works with vesa and the proprietary Nvidia drivers | 02:39 |
crimsun | i cannot, therefore, use nv | 02:39 |
crimsun | if you have intel graphics or other hardware capable of being driven by the FOSS drivers, then you're safe to some degree | 02:40 |
crimsun | of course, there's no guarantee things will work. It is a rather unstable time. | 02:40 |
Armagguedes | hm | 02:41 |
Armagguedes | when isthe next alpha out? | 02:41 |
crimsun | 15 jan or thenabouts | 02:41 |
DanaG | crimsun: don't forget libdrm2 -- another thing to pin. | 02:42 |
Armagguedes | ok thanks | 02:42 |
Armagguedes | i'll give this a shot anyway | 02:42 |
DanaG | Oh yeah, is there any standard time between committing a kernel fix and getting it in the repos? | 02:43 |
crimsun | DanaG: true, but i suppose that's only directly applicable to fglrx | 02:43 |
DanaG | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/312721 | 02:43 |
Armagguedes | one last thing:where can i find the config file for the Kmenu (i need to look at the list of installed apps)? | 02:43 |
DanaG | Fix committed.. but not yet in repos. | 02:44 |
crimsun | DanaG: whenever the next upload is scheduled, likely in time for a3. | 02:45 |
DanaG | Cool. | 02:45 |
DanaG | Oh yeah, and: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/261318 | 02:50 |
DanaG | Intrepid-Proposed has it fixed, but oddly enough, the 2.6.28 kernels do not. | 02:50 |
Armagguedes | does multimonitor work yet in 8.10 or 9.04a2? | 02:52 |
RAOF | Armagguedes: Depends. It's consistently worked for me since Warty. | 02:58 |
Armagguedes | i tried today with 8.04 andits bollocks | 02:58 |
Armagguedes | ok thansk anyway | 02:58 |
RAOF | Presumably with nvidia? You'll probably want to run "sudo nvidia-xconfig --twinview". | 02:59 |
Armagguedes | is that with the foss or proprietary drivers | 02:59 |
RAOF | Proprietary. | 02:59 |
Armagguedes | ok cheers buddy | 03:00 |
nomasteryoda | RAOF, with the nvidia-settings its simpler to make such work | 03:00 |
nomasteryoda | just my experience | 03:01 |
RAOF | nomasteryoda: With the xorg.conf generated by that command, dual monitors just work for me; have them plugged in at X start, and they'll come up. | 03:08 |
nomasteryoda | sweet | 03:08 |
nomasteryoda | that's a good thing to know | 03:08 |
nomasteryoda | thanks | 03:08 |
JibbaD | I have installed some deb packages and when I try to install other software with apt it always wants to remove them due to nothing depending on them, did this recently get turned up as far as aggressiveness? | 04:00 |
nomasteryoda | JibbaD, would those .debs be from the ubuntu repos? | 04:02 |
JibbaD | yes\ | 04:02 |
nomasteryoda | i've seen the autoremove option | 04:02 |
JibbaD | things like python2.5-dev | 04:02 |
nomasteryoda | that is weird | 04:02 |
JibbaD | I thought so too | 04:03 |
nomasteryoda | but then again it is a developing distro | 04:03 |
nomasteryoda | hehe | 04:03 |
JibbaD | right | 04:03 |
JibbaD | ill poke around some more and file a bug if it continues to happen | 04:03 |
nomasteryoda | would not make sense unless there was a newer version | 04:03 |
JibbaD | well then it would upgrade them not remove them.. | 04:03 |
nomasteryoda | i've moved over to sidux | 04:03 |
JibbaD | sidux? | 04:03 |
JibbaD | is that the latest dev name for debian? | 04:03 |
nomasteryoda | another distro | 04:03 |
nomasteryoda | its based on sid | 04:03 |
nomasteryoda | with some tweaks | 04:04 |
nomasteryoda | not as simple as ubuntu | 04:04 |
nomasteryoda | but i still have my broken intrepid on here | 04:04 |
JibbaD | what tweaks sid ran great when I ran that.. | 04:05 |
nomasteryoda | i'm not exactly sure.. .but i use a script called smxi to setup nvidia and add latest kernel | 04:06 |
nomasteryoda | running | 04:07 |
JibbaD | interesting | 04:08 |
nomasteryoda | yup | 04:08 |
JibbaD | I was just reading through the page a bit | 04:08 |
JibbaD | not a bad way to see how sid is chugging along it seems | 04:08 |
nomasteryoda | but the cool part in ubuntu is nice | 04:08 |
nomasteryoda | the dkms or whatever it is called for nvidia | 04:08 |
nomasteryoda | drivers | 04:08 |
nomasteryoda | the live dvd is awesome | 04:09 |
nomasteryoda | installs in 5min 35sec on this laptop | 04:09 |
nomasteryoda | then the fun begins | 04:09 |
JibbaD | damn | 04:11 |
nomasteryoda | on my dual-core desktop took 3min 10sec | 04:11 |
nomasteryoda | and that's a kde desktop | 04:11 |
DanaG | JibbaD: try this: sudo aptitude unmarkauto the_package_names | 04:13 |
DanaG | that is, list the packages you want to mark as not auto-installed. | 04:13 |
DanaG | Heh, I figured out how to fix the blinking LED and the USB sound card volume control all at once: | 04:15 |
DanaG | .... stick the control pod from my speakers on top of the sound card. =þ | 04:15 |
nomasteryoda | DanaG, lol | 04:22 |
DanaG | my speakers: Logitech Z-5300 | 04:23 |
JibbaD | DanaG: thanks for the tip but it still wants to remvoe it | 04:25 |
DanaG | Odd. | 04:27 |
JibbaD | DanaG: eh looking at one of them there are dependencies not met hence the auto removal so lets just go with "developing distro wait it out" answer | 04:36 |
DanaG | if you 'sudo aptitude', you can get more info. | 04:37 |
DanaG | aptitude can be run without sudo, and it'll ask for password later when you go to apply with 'g'. | 04:37 |
JibbaD | yeah that is how I saw the flags on the autoremove ones..idA | 04:37 |
DanaG | hit m (lowercase) or M (capital) on those. | 04:37 |
DanaG | I don't remember which sets manual, but the two (caps and lower) are inverses. | 04:38 |
JibbaD | yeah that does it but ill just ignore them for the time being cause I don't want to have to babysit them.. | 04:40 |
DanaG | Once either fglrx is fixed OR radeonhd or radeon get R600 acceleration... I'll be able to play neverball with the laptop.... and that is, with the laptop itself as the input device. =þ | 04:45 |
DanaG | It's rather amusing. | 04:46 |
JibbaD | hahah | 04:50 |
JibbaD | good ol neverball | 04:50 |
DanaG | And the lis3lv02d driver. =þ | 04:51 |
DanaG | What a hideous name for an accelerometer. | 04:51 |
DanaG | http://www.st.com/stonline/products/literature/anp/10807.htm -- datasheet for the chip itself. | 05:16 |
DanaG | Oh, and random: http://blog.laptopmag.com/hands-on-with-hp-mini-1000-with-hps-mie-linux | 05:18 |
ctkroeker | I just upgraded to Jaunty, amongst various bugs, the most annoying is that fast user switching is broken. freazes. even if I just use the normal switch user, it freazes. compiz is disabled. | 05:22 |
DanaG | One reason I went with ATI this time: (radeon || radeonhd) > (nv || nouveau) | 05:26 |
ctkroeker | I have an onboard intel card | 05:26 |
Armagguedes | hello | 05:27 |
Armagguedes | if i do "sudo do-release-upgrade -d", is there any way to have some sort of verbose mode? | 05:28 |
Armagguedes | because i assume it starts downloading the packages but only shows a blinking cursor | 05:28 |
Armagguedes | nevermind | 05:31 |
Armagguedes | bug | 05:31 |
Armagguedes | it shows now | 05:31 |
Armagguedes | IT MUST SNEAKY WINDOWS CODE =) | 05:31 |
DanaG | Is there a way to prevent Xorg from grabbing a certain device? | 05:39 |
somaunn | hello people | 08:07 |
rww | somaunn: evening again! Now, what was it you wanted to know about Jaunty? | 08:08 |
somaunn | every thing that can help me | 08:11 |
somaunn | cause i want to be a part of ubuntu progress | 08:11 |
somaunn | i want to contribute | 08:12 |
somaunn | and sometime it's a little bit difficult to find info | 08:12 |
x1250 | somaunn, what do you need? | 08:14 |
somaunn | what is bazaar, really | 08:16 |
x1250 | haven't used it. | 08:17 |
somaunn | is it a concurent technology of packagekit ? | 08:17 |
x1250 | are you bored? :P | 08:19 |
somaunn | no | 08:21 |
somaunn | the thing is i want to know more on what going on ubuntu from now till the next release | 08:22 |
somaunn | you see | 08:22 |
somaunn | cuz i want ubuntu to be main OS in my Job | 08:23 |
somaunn | i mean in my work place | 08:24 |
x1250 | somaunn, if you want to participate, then install jaunty. Also, you can always contribute on launchpad.net with bug reports. | 08:25 |
somaunn | ok | 08:27 |
x1250 | somaunn, this is the jaunty forum: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=352 | 08:28 |
somaunn | i saw the alpha of jaunty just now and i'll try to down | 08:28 |
somaunn | it | 08:28 |
x1250 | somaunn, try it, but I remember not long ago people complained because it was buggy. If it doesn't work, you can always install intrepid and do a: update-manager -d | 08:29 |
somaunn | thanks | 08:32 |
somaunn | i hav intrepid | 08:36 |
x1250 | somaunn, you can upgrade using update-manager -d, if you want | 08:37 |
somaunn | & now i want to build a mirror cuz it has many problem | 08:37 |
somaunn | by upgrading or downloading softs | 08:38 |
somaunn | here in south africa | 08:38 |
CarlFK | I just read man apt_preferences - kinda lost. how do I pin https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/xorg/1:7.4~5ubuntu3 | 09:52 |
x1250 | CarlFK, try http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-apt-get.en.html, section 3.10. Also, holding the package may do what you want. Like $ aptitude hold mypackage | 09:58 |
somaunn | problem installing realplayer11 | 09:59 |
CarlFK | x1250: what's the difference between pin and hold? | 10:03 |
x1250 | CarlFK, hold will make the package hold its version between upgrades. It makes the package not upgradeable. | 10:07 |
CarlFK | thanks | 10:09 |
CarlFK | Package: xserver-xorg; Pin: version 1.5.3-1ubuntu1 - apt-cache policy xserver-xorg; | 10:20 |
CarlFK | Package pin: (not found) | 10:20 |
CarlFK | why does it say (not found)? https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/2:1.5.3-1ubuntu1 | 10:21 |
CarlFK | do I need the 2: for version? | 10:21 |
x1250 | pastebin the file | 10:28 |
CarlFK | http://dpaste.com/105519/ | 10:30 |
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x1250 | CarlFK, you say you want Pin: version 1.5.3-1ubuntu1 for xserver-xorg-core, which is ok, but from where do you want to get that version? Current version is 2:, and thats the version in the repos. If you want 1.5.3, you must provide a path (repo) to that version. | 10:35 |
CarlFK | hmm, xserver-xorg isn't xorg-server/2:1.5.3-1ubuntu1 | 10:35 |
CarlFK | I am trying to get nvida working, yesterday someone here said: it works fine with the current fglrx & nvidia drivers if you pin to the previous versions of xserver-xorg, xserver-xorg-core, xserver-xorg-input-evdev, 7.4~5ubuntu5, 1.5.3-1ubuntu1, 2.0.99+git20080912-0ubuntu6, respectively | 10:37 |
x1250 | are those intrepid versions? | 10:38 |
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CarlFK | i got the feeling they were built for jaunty | 10:39 |
CarlFK | https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/xorg/1:7.4~5ubuntu5 | 10:44 |
CarlFK | but that says xorg, not xserver-xorg - same thing? | 10:44 |
x1250 | afaik you can only get the current version from the repos, unless I am very wrong. | 10:46 |
x1250 | CarlFK, again, afaik you need _another_ repo with the version you want to pin. | 10:49 |
CarlFK | yeah, I see what you mean | 10:51 |
CarlFK | http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/x/xorg/ if it isn't in there, I cant get it from there :) | 10:52 |
vega | upgrade from 8.10 to jaunty on a dell latitude d610 on its way.. we'll see what happens | 11:25 |
x1250 | vega, good luck :) | 12:26 |
DomiX | hi, does someone use jaunty and Xorg? It does not work with vmware, I just get a blank screen | 12:28 |
x1250 | DomiX, maybe related to this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/301463 | 12:35 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 301463 in xorg "Ubuntu 9.04 Alpha 1 : X fails in Virtualization" [Undecided,Incomplete] | 12:35 |
vega | x1250: upgrade done, everything seems to work | 12:37 |
vega | there was a few errors about vim-* packages but other than that nothing | 12:38 |
x1250 | vega, great to know. Did you use update-manager -d ? | 12:39 |
vega | yes | 12:39 |
mvo | vega: could you make the upgrade logs available with the vim failures? I would be interessted to have a look | 12:39 |
vega | sure, what's the log file? | 12:39 |
DomiX | x1250: it was working on 8.10, btw I update my 8.10 to 9.04 | 12:44 |
DomiX | updated* | 12:44 |
x1250 | DomiX, I think the guys at ubuntuforums.org had a related discussion, but I'm not really sure. | 12:45 |
DomiX | ok, I will take a look, thanks | 12:47 |
x1250 | DomiX, the jaunty forum is here: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=352 | 12:48 |
punkrockguy318 | How can I install the nvidia drivers in 9.04? | 13:56 |
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Sonicadvance1 | I'm having a problem trying to install a vmware product, when I run the bundle file it says "/VMware-Player-2.5.1-126130.x86_64.bundle: line 288: /vmware-installer: No such file or directory" Has anyone figured out how to fix this? | 17:53 |
Supersaiyan_IV | Has anyone here tried Nvidia VDPAU with ffh264vdpau codec with any success? (Nvidia driver v180.18) | 18:57 |
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Armagguedes | hello | 19:29 |
Armagguedes | where do i report jaunty bugs? | 19:29 |
BUGabundo | Armagguedes: hi | 19:29 |
BUGabundo | Armagguedes: for ubuntu? | 19:29 |
Armagguedes | kubuntu | 19:30 |
BUGabundo | just mention the package version | 19:30 |
BUGabundo | best way to do it: ubuntu-bugs -p PACKAGE | 19:30 |
Armagguedes | i don't know the package | 19:30 |
Armagguedes | for instances, my panel doesnt work | 19:31 |
Armagguedes | it doesn't show window icons and all icons (tray, recycle bin, kmenu are moved to the left hand side and i cant move them around) | 19:31 |
BUGabundo | let me check for it | 19:31 |
BUGabundo | I don't use Kubuntu | 19:32 |
BUGabundo | so I'm a bit way from my "safe waters" | 19:32 |
Armagguedes | also, after i upgraded the system was fine, but after rebooting it got REALLY slow | 19:33 |
BUGabundo | Armagguedes: what GPU? | 19:34 |
Armagguedes | nvidia 8600 mobile | 19:36 |
Armagguedes | i think | 19:36 |
Armagguedes | but i'm using the foss drivers | 19:36 |
BUGabundo | ok | 19:37 |
BUGabundo | there are currently no support for Proprietary driver anyway | 19:37 |
BUGabundo | I haven't upgraded xorg 'cause of that | 19:37 |
Armagguedes | i wasnt thinking of using prop drivers anyway | 19:37 |
Armagguedes | i just think its weird it worked superfine after upgrading but before rebooting | 19:38 |
Armagguedes | anyway, how can i report bugs (especially when i don't know what the problem package is)? | 19:41 |
BUGabundo | there is a command that will help you find the package | 19:44 |
_Zeus_ | I can't install nvidia-glx-180 in jaunty, any idea why? | 19:44 |
BUGabundo | but I can't remmber it from head | 19:44 |
BUGabundo | _Zeus_: no support for proprietary driver at current time | 19:44 |
_Zeus_ | http://paste.ubuntu.com/100530/ | 19:44 |
_Zeus_ | BUGabundo: any workarounds that you know of? | 19:44 |
BUGabundo | xorg was updated but no suport from drivers yet | 19:44 |
BUGabundo | _Zeus_: downgrade xord | 19:45 |
BUGabundo | *xorg | 19:45 |
_Zeus_ | i will try that | 19:45 |
_Zeus_ | thank you | 19:45 |
_Zeus_ | how do i do that? get a package from packages.ubuntu.com? | 19:45 |
_Zeus_ | the intrepid one? | 19:45 |
BUGabundo | synaptic and force older version | 19:46 |
BUGabundo | by presing ctrl+f | 19:46 |
_Zeus_ | only one version available | 19:48 |
_Zeus_ | 1:7.4~5ubuntu9 | 19:48 |
BUGabundo | humm try from LP source | 19:49 |
_Zeus_ | as in code.launchpad.net/xorg? | 20:00 |
BUGabundo | no | 20:00 |
BUGabundo | lp.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg or something | 20:00 |
_Zeus_ | ok, found it | 20:03 |
_Zeus_ | https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+source/xorg/1:7.4~5ubuntu3 | 20:03 |
_Zeus_ | now i have to compile it i take it | 20:03 |
_Zeus_ | How can I install what I dowloaded? | 20:14 |
pop79 | is 9.04 stabe enough for me to try and test? | 20:19 |
_Zeus_ | probably not | 20:19 |
Unksi | if you have to ask, no | 20:19 |
pop79 | so, i shouldnt upgrade? | 20:20 |
Unksi | its not stable until april | 20:20 |
pop79 | are there any developers here? | 20:21 |
Armagguedes | how do i choose between graphical manager (kdm or gdm)? | 20:29 |
Armagguedes | i want kde to use kdm and xubuntu to use gdm | 20:30 |
andersk | Try dpkg-reconfigure gdm | 20:31 |
Supersaiyan_IV | Has anyone here tried Nvidia VDPAU with ffh264vdpau codec with any success? (Nvidia BETA driver v180.18) | 20:31 |
marco | will Vista's UDF 2.5 formatted optical media be supported on Jaunty? | 20:34 |
Sonicadvance1 | I'm having a problem trying to install a vmware product, when I run the bundle file it says "/VMware-Player-2.5.1-126130.x86_64.bundle: line 288: /vmware-installer: No such file or directory" Has anyone figured out how to fix this? | 20:55 |
Sonicadvance1 | I seem to have a problem with my tmp folder | 21:34 |
Sonicadvance1 | overflow 1.0M 124K 900K 13% /tmp | 21:34 |
Sonicadvance1 | Only 1MB? | 21:34 |
pop79 | not much talking goes on here, eh? | 21:40 |
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DanaG | yay: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/267875 | 22:19 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 267875 in hal "rf_kill interface not available for iwl3945, iwl4965 in 2.6.27" [Undecided,Fix released] | 22:19 |
DanaG | yay: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/acpi-support/+bug/250938 | 22:22 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 250938 in acpi-support "acpi-support should let laptop-mode-tools run properly" [Undecided,Fix released] | 22:22 |
DanaG | yay as in yay, it's fixed. | 22:22 |
DanaG | back out switch to native 64-bit Flash? Why? | 22:28 |
Supersaiyan_IV | DanaG, yay indeed, especially iwlagn | 22:37 |
crimsun | DanaG: i've already discussed that issue | 22:49 |
crimsun | DanaG: essentially, it appears the community-supported flashplugin-nonfree will always be wrapped using nspluginwrapper (and thus will use the 32-bit one) | 22:49 |
crimsun | DanaG: the Adobe-supported adobe-flashplugin will install native plugins without nspluginwrapper | 22:50 |
DanaG | Oh, I see... those two packages are now different. | 22:50 |
DanaG | I didn't realize that before. | 22:50 |
crimsun | there will be a bit of a gap until adobe-flashplugin actually offers a release, supported 64-bit version | 22:50 |
crimsun | Adobe's redistribution terms require actual release, supported versions, not alpha/beta/RC | 22:51 |
DanaG | Aah. | 22:53 |
DanaG | Oh wait... so since the 64-bit native is still beta, it won't be using that one for now? | 22:54 |
DanaG | crimsun: is there a way to do the equivalent of this, but have it load whenever the device appears instead of just at start? : | 23:00 |
DanaG | load-module module-mmkbd-evdev device=/dev/input/by-path/pci-0000:00:1d.2-usb-0:1:1.3-event- sink=alsa_output.usb_device_10f5_200_noserial_if0_sound_card_0_alsa_playback_0 | 23:00 |
DanaG | And can the device= part use wildcards? | 23:01 |
Delvien | !dist | 23:01 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dist | 23:01 |
Delvien | !jaunty | 23:01 |
ubottu | Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April -Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion | 23:01 |
crimsun | DanaG: don't know offhand if there are such triggers | 23:02 |
DanaG | I made a combination of a udev rule and a hal fdi file to free up the input device and make it readable by all. (I see no danger in letting all users read from a keyboard with only volume-up, volume-down, and mute. =þ | 23:02 |
Delvien | hmm, seems a meta-index file is "malformed" when updating. | 23:06 |
Delvien | W:Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jaunty-security/Release Unable to find expected entry partner/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?) | 23:06 |
crimsun | Delvien: makes sense. jaunty-security doesn't mean anything since jaunty isn't even released. | 23:08 |
Delvien | crimsun :D , doesnt complete the upgrade though, no other error messages :x | 23:09 |
DanaG | Yay, now I can volume-control my two devices separately. | 23:10 |
DanaG | There's still that LED, though.... /me slaps "Voyetra Turtle Beach" for thinking a sound card needs to BLINK. | 23:10 |
Delvien | Guess I can try just DLing the CD and mounting the iso | 23:11 |
Delvien | crimsun is there anyway to skip that index file ? | 23:14 |
Delvien | looks like a random "bug" since 12-31-08 | 23:16 |
Delvien | https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/55949 | 23:17 |
ym1 | hello happy new year | 23:26 |
ym1 | I would like to make myself a present, a laptop that just work under ubuntu+1 | 23:27 |
ym1 | suspend/resume included :-) | 23:27 |
ym1 | There is several contenders on my list : system 76 (gazelle or pengolin), lenovo (T500) and dell (xps) | 23:28 |
ym1 | I would like to know first if I am missing an excellent laptop ? and then get some feedback from users of one of these 3 laptops. | 23:29 |
x1250 | ym1, you're asking too much for alpha software? | 23:32 |
x1250 | ym1, take a look to the dell forum for ubuntu stable: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=342 | 23:33 |
ym1 | x1250: ok thank you | 23:39 |
ym1 | I am going to ask on #ubuntu | 23:39 |
ym1 | I am assuming that if the current version works it will be the same for the next one | 23:40 |
x1250 | ym1, that should be the case. | 23:40 |
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