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mib_4j6wo7no | jojoo | 15:03 |
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[NikO] | hi there | 19:01 |
markvandenborre | hi | 19:01 |
Seveas | hey | 19:01 |
[NikO] | @schedule | 19:01 |
ubottu | Schedule for Etc/UTC: 05 Jan 20:00: EMEA Membership | 06 Jan 16:00: Server Team | 06 Jan 17:00: Kernel Team | 06 Jan 21:00: Community Council | 07 Jan 03:00: America's Council | 07 Jan 16:00: Foundation Team | 19:02 |
nizarus | @schedule tunis | 19:12 |
ubottu | Schedule for Africa/Tunis: 05 Jan 21:00: EMEA Membership | 06 Jan 17:00: Server Team | 06 Jan 18:00: Kernel Team | 06 Jan 22:00: Community Council | 07 Jan 04:00: America's Council | 07 Jan 17:00: Foundation Team | 19:12 |
McPeter | hi there | 19:16 |
markvandenborre | McPeter: hi... (8pm UTC == 9pm for most of EU) | 19:16 |
McPeter | ah ok .. thanks :) | 19:17 |
MichaelGodawski | McPeter, also for ubuntu membership tonight ? | 19:20 |
MichaelGodawski | :=) | 19:20 |
McPeter | yes | 19:20 |
MichaelGodawski | me too :) nervous? | 19:21 |
McPeter | no :) | 19:22 |
MichaelGodawski | good | 19:23 |
MichaelGodawski | :) | 19:23 |
mr_dxter | I am also applying for membership... :) | 19:27 |
MichaelGodawski | hey mr_dxter good luck to us all :) | 19:28 |
mr_dxter | yeah... same to you ;) | 19:28 |
MichaelGodawski | I hope we get through... last time (many months ago) I waited 3 hours ... | 19:29 |
mr_dxter | WTF!? | 19:29 |
MichaelGodawski | there were many applicants and I was one of the last ones | 19:29 |
mr_dxter | holy shit... :P | 19:29 |
markvandenborre | many moons ago, the system was different | 19:29 |
markvandenborre | don't worry | 19:29 |
MichaelGodawski | but the method changed | 19:29 |
MichaelGodawski | yes markvandenborre thats right | 19:30 |
mr_dxter | yeah... i can imagine why... ;) | 19:30 |
MichaelGodawski | it was discussed on that very meeting when I waited so long | 19:30 |
MichaelGodawski | :=) | 19:30 |
mr_dxter | Anyone else from Sweden by the way? | 19:30 |
mr_dxter | i guess not :P | 19:38 |
mr_dxter | so how does this work, the board go through each applying member one by one? | 19:38 |
[NikO] | apply is not automatic | 19:39 |
mr_dxter | i know ;) but do they go through each member one by one according to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/RegionalBoards/EMEA ? | 19:40 |
[NikO] | yes | 19:40 |
mr_dxter | cool.. thanks NikO :) | 19:40 |
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: EMEA Membership Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 06 Jan 16:00: Server Team | 06 Jan 17:00: Kernel Team | 06 Jan 21:00: Community Council | 07 Jan 03:00: America's Council | 07 Jan 16:00: Foundation Team | ||
mr_dxter | so the meeting has started now? ;) | 19:49 |
[NikO] | or not, depends if there is EMEA 'admin' | 19:49 |
drubin | it is still early | 19:50 |
mr_dxter | yeah i know, but the toptic changed to "Current meeting:..." so i guess that the meeting had aldready started :) | 19:51 |
* stgraber waves | 19:58 | |
* forumsmatthew waves back | 19:58 | |
stgraber | I'm at work so I'll try to vote on as many candidate as I can but I can't promise I'll be able to do so for everybody | 19:58 |
forumsmatthew | fair enough | 19:59 |
[NikO] | anyway, happy new year all :) | 19:59 |
forumsmatthew | happy new year | 19:59 |
theseinfeld | Happy New Year... | 19:59 |
MichaelGodawski | thx [NikO] | 20:00 |
MichaelGodawski | :) | 20:00 |
mr_dxter | same back to all you guys! :) | 20:00 |
mr_dxter | i noticed that is 9 o clock... has the meeting "officially" started yet? :P | 20:01 |
forumsmatthew | let's see who is here from the approval board... me, stgraber... anyone else here yet? | 20:02 |
[NikO] | o/ | 20:03 |
McPeter | :) | 20:03 |
forumsmatthew | PriceChild, Seveas : you guys at your keyboards? | 20:03 |
Seveas | here | 20:04 |
Seveas | markvandenborre, poke | 20:04 |
forumsmatthew | anyone heard from popey? | 20:04 |
PriceChild | Hey | 20:04 |
markvandenborre | ah, here I am again | 20:04 |
forumsmatthew | that's almost all of us, shall we get going? | 20:05 |
forumsmatthew | long list today | 20:05 |
Seveas | nothing from popey or phanatic. Were the available today? | 20:05 |
mr_dxter | (Y) | 20:05 |
forumsmatthew | phanatic sent an email saying he probably won't make it | 20:05 |
Seveas | k | 20:06 |
Seveas | ok, let's start. If popey arrives later he can catch up | 20:06 |
forumsmatthew | agreed | 20:06 |
markvandenborre | fine with me | 20:06 |
Seveas | the first four on the list are not here. | 20:07 |
mr_dxter | i am here | 20:07 |
Seveas | mr_dxter, ah, you should have put your real nickname on there | 20:07 |
mr_dxter | i know, but dxter was allready occupied :( | 20:07 |
Seveas | mr_dxter, ok, you're up first. Please introduce yourself in a few lines | 20:08 |
Seveas | other candidates: please prepare a 3-line introduction in a text editor which you can paste when it's your turn | 20:08 |
Seveas | council members: shall we remove schakenberg, Richard Verwayen and amitk from the list? The haven't shown up since adding themselves to the list | 20:08 |
forumsmatthew | Seveas, yeah, probably | 20:09 |
PriceChild | sure | 20:09 |
mr_dxter | Well, i am a Swedish Ubuntu enthusiast that has a buring passion for IT and past the last years, also open source and the community around it. I work as a IT consultant and i work primary with enterprise Windows and Ubuntu enviroments around the world focusing on central management and automated deployments. | 20:09 |
forumsmatthew | I'm reading through the wiki/launchpad links now | 20:10 |
Seveas | I'm going for -1. Your wikipage does not list any contributions you have made to Ubuntu | 20:10 |
forumsmatthew | I'm going to have to agree for now. I see a lot of excitement, but not a lot of activity (yet...). | 20:11 |
mr_dxter | ok... my IRL and online contributions are not enough? :( | 20:11 |
Seveas | mr_dxter, Ubuntu membership is based on a significant and sustained contribution to ubuntu and/or its community. To apply for membership, you must have made and documented this contribution. I'm not saying you're not doing anything but we can't see any of it on your wiki | 20:11 |
PriceChild | Is there anybody that can cheer for your "active team participation" in those 4 teams? I see you joined several teams on launchpad at the same time. | 20:12 |
forumsmatthew | I think you have great potential, and I definitely want you around't see anything, but I don | 20:12 |
forumsmatthew | don't see any evidence of your activity | 20:12 |
mr_dxter | i respect that | 20:12 |
Seveas | PriceChild, with a karma of one I doubt that | 20:12 |
PriceChild | Yeah... and joining several at the same time, two months ago... :/ | 20:13 |
mr_dxter | Karma is not everything... i didnt get any karma for all the hours i have spent with the Landscape team... | 20:13 |
forumsmatthew | I'm -1, and hopeful that you can come back in six months or so with some activity and a few other people to vouch for you | 20:13 |
Seveas | mr_dxter, landscape is a canonical project. Has nothing to do with the Ubuntu community | 20:13 |
forumsmatthew | so we have something to base membership on. | 20:13 |
mr_dxter | ok | 20:13 |
mr_dxter | i understand | 20:14 |
mr_dxter | sorry | 20:14 |
markvandenborre | yeah, /me too would rather have you gather some more evidence of activities... but please don't let that put you off! | 20:15 |
Seveas | PriceChild, markvandenborre, stgraber: a vote please (or further comments) | 20:15 |
PriceChild | -1 | 20:15 |
stgraber | sorry, just came back. Looking at the above and the comments that were done, I'm going to follow with a -1 on this one. Please come back later when you have documented your contributions. | 20:15 |
mr_dxter | i will.. thank you for your time :) | 20:15 |
forumsmatthew | I look forward to seeing you again later | 20:16 |
mr_dxter | me to, thanks :) | 20:16 |
Seveas | mr_dxter, sorry to disappoint, and hopefully see you sson | 20:16 |
Seveas | [NikO], you're up | 20:16 |
[NikO] | I'm Nicolas Coevoet, i'm irc Admin/Operator on #ubuntu-fr* channels for years (4/5) now | 20:16 |
[NikO] | I provide help, support and i do use a lof of my time to keep channels friendly, usefull and 'convivial' | 20:16 |
[NikO] | i also maintain uBOTu-fr https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-fr/ubuntu-bots/ubotufr a supybot derivated which help user and moderator on #ubuntu-fr #ubuntu-es and at a moment #ubuntu-eu channels | 20:17 |
Seveas | [NikO], are there any other #ubuntu-fr ops or the channel owner here to cheer for you? | 20:17 |
[NikO] | i think Zic McPeter | 20:17 |
[NikO] | perhaps some others, but lot of them use wiki testimonials | 20:18 |
McPeter | :) | 20:18 |
legreffier | hey | 20:18 |
Seveas | I see the wiki testimonials, that's great | 20:18 |
Seveas | and I'm leaning towards +1, but some cheers in here would help | 20:18 |
forumsmatthew | The testimonials are quite good | 20:19 |
Seveas | when did you start contributing to #ubuntu-fr and when did you start ubotu-fr? | 20:19 |
popey | apologies | 20:19 |
Zic | yes | 20:19 |
Seveas | hey popey | 20:19 |
popey | hi | 20:19 |
forumsmatthew | yay popey is here! | 20:19 |
Zic | my apologies, I'm late | 20:19 |
[NikO] | i start helping in #ubuntu-fr 4 years ago | 20:19 |
legreffier | mine too | 20:19 |
legreffier | i didn'got the mail | 20:19 |
[NikO] | and host the first/only bot on #ubuntu-fr* channel at the same times | 20:19 |
Seveas | popey, (dxter has been 'handled', now on [NikO]) | 20:20 |
popey | thanks | 20:20 |
Seveas | <[NikO]> I'm Nicolas Coevoet, i'm irc Admin/Operator on #ubuntu-fr* channels for years (4/5) now | 20:20 |
Seveas | <[NikO]> I provide help, support and i do use a lof of my time to keep channels friendly, usefull and 'convivial' | 20:20 |
Seveas | <[NikO]> i also maintain uBOTu-fr https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-fr/ubuntu-bots/ubotufr a supybot derivated which help user and moderator on #ubuntu-fr #ubuntu-es and at a moment #ubuntu-eu channels | 20:20 |
McPeter | mine too | 20:20 |
Seveas | +1, 4 years of help on irc and excellent testimonials | 20:20 |
PriceChild | I think [NikO] has always been great when I've interacted with him about #ubuntu-fr. Any big plans? | 20:20 |
markvandenborre | +1 | 20:21 |
Zic | [NikO]: is one of the main operators on #ubuntu-fr* channels, his work contribute to moderation and virtual animation (principally with help) | 20:21 |
forumsmatthew | +1 from me | 20:21 |
stgraber | + | 20:21 |
Zic | so, +1 | 20:21 |
legreffier | I +1 too because i <3 [NikO] | 20:21 |
[NikO] | davromaniak, any report about my work on #ubuntu-fr* :) | 20:22 |
popey | +1 based on those testimonials | 20:22 |
Seveas | PriceChild, can I consider your last statement to be a +1? | 20:22 |
legreffier | he's (almost) always happy and the bot is great | 20:22 |
PriceChild | Yep, +1. | 20:22 |
legreffier | and he kicks ass :D | 20:22 |
Seveas | ok, congrats [NikO] and welcome aboard! | 20:22 |
forumsmatthew | congratulations! | 20:22 |
[NikO] | thanks a lot all :) | 20:22 |
davromaniak | +1 for [NikO], he's a great member, his bot is great, law prohibits human cloning, and it's a shame, :) | 20:22 |
PriceChild | dearie me what a cheer... | 20:23 |
Seveas | McPeter, you're next on the list | 20:23 |
[NikO] | lol davromaniak :) | 20:23 |
Seveas | also good testimonials | 20:23 |
McPeter | hi | 20:24 |
McPeter | I'm Pierre Pavard, i'm irc Admin/Operator on #ubuntu-fr* channels for 3 years now. I make different tutorial on doc.ubuntu-fr.org and maintain .i help a lot in next version of ubuntu-fr.org portal, with css/xhtml/php strict compilant | 20:24 |
McPeter | i also provide pastebin for ubuntu-fr user and wiki backup in case of ubuntu-eu failure | 20:24 |
Seveas | McPeter, can you link us to some wikipages you're particularly proud of? | 20:24 |
McPeter | on fr wiki | 20:24 |
forumsmatthew | pas de problem | 20:25 |
Seveas | some of us do understand french :) | 20:25 |
McPeter | http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/tutoriel/lamp_repertoires_de_travail | 20:25 |
forumsmatthew | only enough to get in trouble in Paris | 20:25 |
McPeter | http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/lamp <-- at the end | 20:25 |
popey | :) | 20:25 |
[NikO] | McPeter, do a lot of help, step by step, i spend a lot of time for that on main #ubuntu-fr channel | 20:25 |
* stgraber is looking | 20:25 | |
McPeter | screencast to install easy lamp | 20:25 |
Seveas | screencasts ftw | 20:26 |
McPeter | http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/lightscribe | 20:26 |
Zic | McPeter is, like [NikO], one of the main operators of #ubuntu-fr channels, and he wrote somes tutorials about LAMP server, PulseAudio's problem and fixing, and he develop somes tool on ubuntu-fr-secours.org (paste, sourceslist generator, screencasts...) | 20:26 |
[NikO] | he also provide with #ubuntu-fr-devweb team a lot of work for drupal integration, css themes | 20:26 |
popey | \o/ screencasts# | 20:26 |
Seveas | long contribution to irc, good contributions to doc and to webteam. +1 here | 20:26 |
Zic | he also works on the ubuntu-fr.org's Drupal | 20:27 |
forumsmatthew | agreed. +1 | 20:27 |
popey | +1 here too | 20:27 |
markvandenborre | +1 | 20:27 |
markvandenborre | watching the video right now | 20:27 |
PriceChild | I'm going to +1 along with the great cheers. | 20:27 |
Seveas | stgraber, ? | 20:27 |
legreffier | the only guy that can save the ubuntu-fr world , from mIRC. +1 indeed :) | 20:28 |
McPeter | mIRC ? oO | 20:28 |
McPeter | legreffier, rhoo :) | 20:28 |
legreffier | :P | 20:28 |
stgraber | looks good | 20:28 |
stgraber | + | 20:28 |
forumsmatthew | congratulations! | 20:28 |
stgraber | +1 even | 20:28 |
popey | these french.. they're quite... passionate! :) | 20:28 |
markvandenborre | McPeter: bleh, nano | 20:28 |
Seveas | congrats McPeter | 20:28 |
markvandenborre | nano is for wussies! :p | 20:28 |
Seveas | welcome to the club | 20:28 |
davromaniak | dd rocks, :D | 20:28 |
* forumsmatthew likes nano and must be a wuss :) | 20:28 | |
markvandenborre | no, really, welcome to the club, congratulations | 20:29 |
McPeter | many thanks all :) | 20:29 |
Seveas | MichaelGodawski, you're up | 20:29 |
legreffier | \o/ | 20:29 |
MichaelGodawski | My name is Michael Godwski. I am 23 years old. I am studying history of art and sociology. Not the usual “geek”, as you can see from my studies. Using Ubuntu since the 7.04 release and am in the Beginner Team and Unanswered Post Team since the 7.10 release. Recently I am also active in the Education Focus Group, writing courses and holding classes. However the most hours I spend on the forums helping new users and | 20:29 |
MichaelGodawski | writing tutorials on my Ubuntu Website. | 20:29 |
Zic | (g'night everyone) | 20:29 |
Seveas | MichaelGodawski, why are you writing tutorials on your website and not on the wiki? | 20:29 |
MichaelGodawski | some are written extra easy for beginners, also I write them when I work on the Absolute Beginner Talk, to document the best solutions | 20:30 |
Seveas | I see no reason not to have that on the wiki or help.ubuntu.com, would be very useful :) | 20:31 |
popey | having looked at a few of them, they're very nicely written tutorials | 20:31 |
MichaelGodawski | if you think that I can easily move them to the wiki no problem :) | 20:31 |
markvandenborre | I'm a bit confused... you say you're in the beginners team since 7.10 | 20:32 |
markvandenborre | but the launchpad page says 2008/11/28 | 20:32 |
MichaelGodawski | yep, I am responsible for the confusion | 20:32 |
PriceChild | Was there any reason for creating your own website in the first place? | 20:32 |
Seveas | markvandenborre, the ubuntuforums beginners team perhaps? | 20:32 |
MichaelGodawski | slow one after the other :) | 20:32 |
popey | it is explained on his wiki page | 20:32 |
MichaelGodawski | i had to do a break... my former nick was janquark, it is also stated on my wiki | 20:33 |
Seveas | ah right | 20:33 |
MichaelGodawski | PriceChild, I thought my tutorials were not good enough for the official wiki | 20:33 |
popey | they are MichaelGodawski in my opinion | 20:33 |
Seveas | forumsmatthew, can you say anything about MichaelGodawski's contributions to the forums? | 20:34 |
MichaelGodawski | but I wanted to link to them if needed, thx popey | 20:34 |
markvandenborre | sorry, overlooked it | 20:34 |
PriceChild | But that's what is great about a wiki, even if you don't think its the best it could be, you can put your stuff on there and work with others to make it better. | 20:34 |
forumsmatthew | I feel good about the tuts, the application in general, and am +1 | 20:34 |
forumsmatthew | He has a lot of posts in the forums helping people | 20:34 |
forumsmatthew | and I know the people leaving the testimonials | 20:34 |
Seveas | good to know, as I don't know them :) | 20:34 |
Seveas | +1 from me | 20:34 |
popey | MichaelGodawski: i will happily help you migrate them to the wiki | 20:34 |
* Joeb454 is here to give "cheers" for MichaelGodawski too :) | 20:34 | |
stgraber | +1 | 20:34 |
markvandenborre | I feel a bit mixed about keeping this stuff outside the channel | 20:34 |
PriceChild | MichaelGodawski: from your website: "By using Ubuntu you also accept to act according to the Ubuntu Code of Conduct" - I don't think that's quite true. | 20:35 |
popey | PriceChild: its an interpretation :) | 20:35 |
MichaelGodawski | it should be :) | 20:35 |
popey | :) | 20:35 |
* drubin is also here for MichaelGodawski | 20:35 | |
popey | I am going to +1 because I believe he has made a sustained contribution to ubuntu both on the forums and in the form of tutorials (wherever they are hosted) | 20:35 |
PriceChild | The CoC says "be nice", everyone should follow it regardless of whether they use Ubuntu or not imo. But its not a requirement. | 20:36 |
MichaelGodawski | PriceChild, I can change this sentence :) accordingly to your suggestions | 20:36 |
Seveas | popey, yeah, the location of a contribution shouldn't really be relevant. It's good to have discussed it though, we may see more good wikicontent soon now ;) | 20:36 |
* forestpixie is here for him too | 20:36 | |
markvandenborre | I tend to +1, just please try to integrate your stuff with the rest of the docs | 20:36 |
MichaelGodawski | sure markvandenborre | 20:37 |
popey | MichaelGodawski: mail me alanpope@ubuntu.com and I'll help you migrate content to the wiki if you need it | 20:37 |
Seveas | PriceChild, your vote please | 20:37 |
MichaelGodawski | will do popey | 20:37 |
Seveas | PriceChild, ? | 20:39 |
PriceChild | I'm going to give a -1 on this. I do hope you move your work onto the wiki and would like to see that the best it could be. | 20:39 |
Seveas | PriceChild, any particular reason for the -1? | 20:39 |
Seveas | just the location of the docs, or other reasons? | 20:40 |
PriceChild | The location of the docs mainly. | 20:40 |
Seveas | k | 20:40 |
MichaelGodawski | sure PriceChild and thx for your opinion | 20:40 |
PriceChild | But congratulations I think :) | 20:40 |
Seveas | that makes it a 5/1 split decision, so you still made it | 20:40 |
forumsmatthew | congratulations! | 20:40 |
Seveas | congratulations and welcome to the team! | 20:40 |
MichaelGodawski | thx to all :) | 20:40 |
popey | well done MichaelGodawski, make sure you mail me to keep PriceChild happy :) | 20:40 |
Joeb454 | 'grats MichaelGodawski | 20:41 |
PriceChild | :P | 20:41 |
Seveas | theseinfeld, you're up | 20:41 |
MichaelGodawski | thx all | 20:41 |
theseinfeld | ok | 20:41 |
theseinfeld | Hi all! | 20:41 |
theseinfeld | Linux user since 1994, Debian and then Ubuntu user since breezy... | 20:41 |
theseinfeld | Senior Software Architect in Elektrobit, Special Terminals & Solutions dealing with Linux for Moblin and done some Ubuntu mobile contributions as well. | 20:41 |
theseinfeld | Also, I have been active within ubuntu on various projects as well on the bug reporting, forums, wikis but mostly on the free open source community. I am also member of the Ubuntu-Ro and FOSS of Finland. | 20:41 |
theseinfeld | those are my three lines | 20:42 |
Seveas | -1. The main contributions you list on your wikipage are in packaging of packages I don't think I can judge well. Maybe the MOTU route is a better route to membership for you https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | 20:42 |
theseinfeld | Other than this, I am also Assistant Professor, and used Ubuntu in my classes, so, I guess that will count as advotating... | 20:43 |
popey | some interesting teams you're a member of there theseinfeld :S | 20:43 |
Seveas | theseinfeld, while we appreciate advocacy, it's also very hard to judge without some sort of evidence (photos, reports) | 20:43 |
theseinfeld | Hmm, that is one work I did and I am still doing... | 20:43 |
forumsmatthew | I'm going to have to -1 for the same reasons as Seveas for now...I would like to see more evidence | 20:44 |
PriceChild | I agree with Seveas. | 20:44 |
forumsmatthew | Sorry, all. I have to go. My son just woke up and needs me | 20:44 |
Seveas | forumsmatthew, ok, see you next time! Thanks for being here | 20:44 |
PriceChild | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers gives information about the membership route for developers (ubuntu contributing developers) | 20:44 |
* popey stops rattling the cot | 20:44 | |
theseinfeld | Seveas, that is true. I cannot give you internal access to laboratory documents though :( | 20:44 |
PriceChild | (I have 15 minutes) | 20:44 |
theseinfeld | beside that, I did contribute to some documents, help in the IRC, bugs, etc. | 20:45 |
popey | I have to agree with Seveas, it's difficult to gauge developer contributions for me. I would recommend the MOTU route also. | 20:45 |
markvandenborre | is there anyone around to cheer for you | 20:45 |
Seveas | theseinfeld, then you should document that on your wikipage. We cannot guess that :) | 20:45 |
theseinfeld | cprov, adiroiban for ubutu-ro | 20:46 |
theseinfeld | I know couple of other guys, like crazybyte, DoruHush, elkbuntu, lool, ogra, persia | 20:46 |
cprov | right, I did work and with Peter on the artoolkit debianization and I think he has valuable knowledge on that area (augmented reality / video applications) | 20:47 |
theseinfeld | perhaps even popey might remember me from some revu things one year ago... | 20:47 |
* popey has never done any revu stuff :S | 20:47 | |
popey | unless it was when I was dreaming of course | 20:47 |
Seveas | theseinfeld, then please document all these things on your wikipage, or use the MOTU route to membership if your main focus is packaging | 20:47 |
theseinfeld | perhaps I confuse you with another name, sorry... | 20:48 |
popey | np | 20:48 |
theseinfeld | Seveas, the MOTU was for one package, a library that I am developer (libdc1394) that was lagging behind | 20:48 |
=== crazybyte is now known as crazy_penguin | ||
Seveas | markvandenborre, stgraber: can I have a vote please? | 20:49 |
=== crazy_penguin is now known as mad_slackie | ||
theseinfeld | I am not sure if I will go more than couple of packages that I help | 20:49 |
=== mad_slackie is now known as crazybyte | ||
theseinfeld | I have done some work on the libdc1394 packaging that went back to debian (my work0 | 20:49 |
stgraber | Seveas: -1 based on the above comments | 20:49 |
markvandenborre | +- ... 0 ... would rather see you go the MOTU way | 20:49 |
theseinfeld | than later to ubuntu | 20:49 |
markvandenborre | and document stuff better | 20:50 |
Seveas | theseinfeld, I'm afraid that the lack of documentation made us say no today, but please document all your contribution and gather some cheers from other people on your wikipage and you could be accepted next time | 20:50 |
theseinfeld | sure | 20:50 |
theseinfeld | thanks for your time | 20:50 |
markvandenborre | I'm a bit torn here... | 20:50 |
popey | or go the MOTU route :) | 20:50 |
markvandenborre | oops, sorry, message was meant for a friend | 20:50 |
Seveas | Last available person on the list today is xdatap | 20:50 |
theseinfeld | as I said, MOTU is perhaps too much for my digestion :D | 20:50 |
xdatap | ok | 20:51 |
popey | heh | 20:51 |
xdatap | may i go? | 20:51 |
Seveas | theseinfeld, see you in a couple of weeks/months when you've finished your wikipage! | 20:51 |
Seveas | xdatap, yes | 20:51 |
xdatap | Launchpad account: https://launchpad.net/~xdatap1 || Wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PaoloSammicheli | 20:51 |
xdatap | Hi everybody. My name is Paolo Sammicheli from Siena, Italy. I started contributing in Ubuntu on November 2006 mainly within the Italian LoCo Team. Inside the LoCo Team I've been doing translations, contributing to the web site and I'm one of the administrators of the Italian Marketing Team (Gruppo Promozione). I've been contributing translations also for upstream projects (GNOME, freeciv.org) and I'm a member o | 20:51 |
xdatap | f the Siena LUG where I'm Free Software Evangelist since 1999. I also attended last UDS in Mountain View where I had a lot of fun meeting incredible ppl. In the future i will continue to work on Italian Marketing Team spreading the verb and... who knows? Maybe packages? | 20:51 |
Seveas | cheers from mdke and hattory. Will be hard to say no | 20:52 |
markvandenborre | +5 | 20:53 |
markvandenborre | :) | 20:53 |
Seveas | xdatap, I'd like to see some more documentation about what you do for the -it team though | 20:54 |
popey | what is the utoon team for? | 20:54 |
Seveas | +0 here, testimonials good, documentation not so | 20:54 |
xdatap | popey: it's growing. a guy from italian it's a cartoon designer. we are trying to make some strips | 20:54 |
popey | excellent, compete with xkcd or userfriendly? :) | 20:55 |
xdatap | Seveas: what kind of documentation? I'm in web site team, workin on site | 20:55 |
xdatap | Seveas: and in Gruppo Promozione i'm one of the admin | 20:55 |
Seveas | xdatap, yes, but what kind of things do you do? Maintain drupal? Write php? Style with css? | 20:55 |
Seveas | just some more details. I don't doubt that you do good work, but I'd like to know what you do :) | 20:56 |
popey | xdatap: i thought I recognised your photo, you were at UDS in SFO? | 20:56 |
Seveas | popey, yes, see wikipage ;) | 20:56 |
xdatap | popey: yes, we met ad comunity track | 20:56 |
popey | it was rhetorical Seveas :p | 20:56 |
popey | thought so | 20:56 |
xdatap | Seveas: let me find pages for italian marketing team, that is the most evident work | 20:57 |
xdatap | here's the blueprint tree i made for gruppo promozione: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-it/+spec/promozione-goal | 20:57 |
xdatap | each blueprint it's related to a project followed by a project manager | 20:58 |
markvandenborre | sorry guys, really have to go... +1 from me | 20:58 |
markvandenborre | bye | 20:58 |
Seveas | xdatap, for how many of those projects are you the manager? | 20:59 |
xdatap | Seveas: actualy i follow "LUG Partnership" | 20:59 |
xdatap | Seveas: it's a huge work because the project want to put in contact the 150 LUG of Italy with Ubuntu-it. Not easy at all. someone don't like us so much | 21:00 |
Seveas | ah duh, it says right there in the image | 21:00 |
xdatap | Seveas: and then supervisioning all project, talking in our mailing list | 21:01 |
Seveas | popey PriceChild stgraber, are you ready to vote? | 21:01 |
popey | xdatap: were you sponsored to UDS by canonical or did you get other funding? | 21:02 |
PriceChild | I'm torn for the same reasons as Seveas I'm afraid. +0. Would be great if you could get a little more info on your wiki page about what they are cheering you for. | 21:02 |
xdatap | popey: i payed myself my expenses and i'm very proud of it (someone called me crazy) | 21:02 |
Seveas | PriceChild, I'm actually leaning towards +1 now, given the added info | 21:02 |
stgraber | yeah, I tend to agree with Seveas too, +0 as well | 21:02 |
popey | nice one xdatap | 21:02 |
PriceChild | I've got to run in a couple of mins sorry & won't be able to stay throughout the next candidate. | 21:02 |
popey | +1 from me. | 21:02 |
Seveas | PriceChild, this is the last candidate :) | 21:03 |
jpds | xdatap: I'd say. ;-) | 21:03 |
Seveas | I'm changing to a +1 | 21:03 |
* PriceChild thinks | 21:03 | |
* popey notes the lights start to dim | 21:05 | |
Seveas | heh | 21:05 |
Seveas | is PriceChild thinking that hard? | 21:05 |
* popey puts mor dilithium crystals in PriceChilds ear | 21:05 | |
Seveas | moar dilithium! | 21:06 |
PriceChild | Right ok I'll go +1. They are great cheers. | 21:06 |
popey | woot | 21:06 |
xdatap | yay! Thanks everybody! | 21:06 |
popey | congrats xdatap | 21:06 |
Seveas | That makes 4 +1 and one +0. Welcome aboard xdatap ! | 21:07 |
adiroiban | xdatap: congratulations! | 21:07 |
xdatap | thanks again! :) | 21:07 |
* popey twitches every time someone puts a + in front of 0 | 21:07 | |
Seveas | end of meeting, thanks for being here! | 21:07 |
popey | yay | 21:07 |
popey | good work guys | 21:07 |
MichaelGodawski | thank you again guys | 21:07 |
Seveas | popey, -0 is rather not but won't object, +0 is indefferent but no objections | 21:07 |
* popey pops off | 21:07 | |
popey | oh | 21:07 |
popey | what about -0.00 ? | 21:08 |
popey | and +0.0000 | 21:08 |
Seveas | annoying mathematician | 21:08 |
popey | haha | 21:08 |
popey | correct, you get a gold 0 | 21:08 |
jpds | xdatap: Congrats :) | 21:08 |
xdatap | thanks jpds :) | 21:09 |
xdatap | leaving, bye bye | 21:12 |
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