asac | | 00:01 |
asac | wtf ... | 00:03 |
fta | "stray ‘\305’ in program" ? | 00:04 |
fta | you edited that? | 00:04 |
asac | no | 00:05 |
asac | i hope its not hardware | 00:05 |
asac | scary ... seemed to work on second attempt :( | 00:06 |
asac | my memory is dying ... sigh | 00:06 |
asac | i really feel bad now :/ | 00:07 |
fta | what do you have in dist/include/nspr/prio.h:301 ? | 00:08 |
asac | nothing unusual | 00:09 |
asac | how can i make vi show all whitespace codes? | 00:09 |
asac | /home/asac/mozilla/security/1.8.1/mozilla/nsprpub/pr/include/prio.h: ASCII C program text | 00:09 |
asac | typedef enum PRDescType | 00:09 |
asac | } PRDescType; | 00:09 |
asac | PR_DESC_SOCKET_TCP = 2 is in that line | 00:09 |
fta | cat -tven prio.h | grep 301 | 00:10 |
asac | so its really memory :( | 00:10 |
asac | cat -tven /home/asac/mozilla/security/1.8.1/mozilla/nsprpub/pr/include/prio.h | grep 301 301 PR_DESC_SOCKET_TCP = 2,$ | 00:10 |
asac | | 00:10 |
fta | nada | 00:11 |
asac | i hope its a memory corruption in gcc or some other bug there | 00:11 |
asac | and not my poor system :/ | 00:11 |
fta | | 00:11 |
fta | boom | 00:11 |
fta | *** TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | ../../../_tests/xpcshell-simple/test_uriloader_exthandler/unit/test_handlerService.js | true == false | 00:12 |
asac | seems still active ;) | 00:12 |
asac | yeah | 00:12 |
asac | probably your issue again? | 00:12 |
asac | wasnt that the one with the setpref for external handler? | 00:12 |
fta | i don't remember | 00:13 |
fta | JS frame :: ../../../_tests/xpcshell-simple/test_uriloader_exthandler/unit/test_handlerService.js :: run_test :: line 155 | 00:14 |
fta | grr, i should not tar a bunch of symlinks to ../../../../blabla :( | 00:15 |
asac | yeah i think thats it | 00:15 |
asac | 1.8.1 browser build working :) | 00:16 |
asac | finally | 00:16 |
asac | lets see if make check works | 00:16 |
asac | hangs in netwerk ... of coures | 00:17 |
asac | | 00:17 |
fta | | 00:18 |
ubottu | Mozilla bug 444440 in File Handling "Unexpected application launched when $HOME/.mailcap contains an entry for the handled mime type" [Normal,Assigned] | 00:18 |
asac | yeah still broken | 00:20 |
asac | @time | 00:23 |
ubottu | Current time in Etc/UTC: January 05 2009, 00:25:57 - Next meeting: EMEA Membership in 19 hours 34 minutes | 00:23 |
fta | Membership? | 00:25 |
[reed] | asac / fta: patches accepted! | 02:24 |
asac | on mailcap? | 02:25 |
[reed] | asac: on anything | 02:59 |
[reed] | :) | 02:59 |
asac | mozilla bug 461277 | 03:18 |
asac | ^^ | 03:18 |
ubottu | Mozilla bug 461277 in Embedding: GTK Widget "use G_TYPE instead of deprecated GTK_ macros in gtkmozembed.h" [Normal,New] | 03:18 |
asac | not sure if superreview means that its ready | 03:18 |
asac | then approval would make sense | 03:19 |
[reed] | you don't need approval to land on mozilla-central | 03:25 |
[reed] | sr is enough... bsmedberg owns embedding | 03:25 |
crimsun | asac: heads up: jaunty's flashplugin-nonfree for amd64 users causes the same nondeterministic inaudible audio observed in hardy. this is due to ia32-libs and lib32asound2-plugins conflicting. | 05:28 |
crimsun | so since ia32-libs is a dependency of nspluginwrapper on amd64, lib32asound2-plugins cannot be installed on Ubuntu, so pulseaudio and all audio apps using it need to be restarted after Flash attempts to grab the sound device. | 05:29 |
crimsun | to resolve this issue, two things need to be done: 1) pulseaudio needs to build 32-bit libs for amd64 (similar to what alsa-lib and alsa-plugins do) so that lib32asound2-plugins can be built correctly, and afterward, 2) ia32-libs needs to be updated not to ship libasound2-plugins and instead depend on lib32asound2-plugins. | 05:32 |
white | fta asac: the thunderbird tarballs I get with "get-orig-source" have an empty mozilla/mozilla dir, is that intended? | 07:42 |
white | asac: i am also happy to start testing, in case you got the packages ;) | 07:48 |
fta | white, obviously not | 08:52 |
white | fta: well, i was just wondering, whether you hit the same problem ;) | 08:53 |
asac | crimsun: thanks for the heads up | 09:55 |
asac | white: finally preparing the tarballs now | 10:41 |
asac | xul + sm + tbird + ffox (for 1.8.0 branch) | 10:42 |
white | asac: ok, if you don't mind I'll start with icedove :) | 10:42 |
white | asac: maybe Moritz will take other ice* as well | 10:42 |
asac | white: ok. let me prepare the tbird tarball next then (currently tarring up sm) | 10:43 |
white | nice, newer nss fails to build on i386 with: error: implicit declaration of function ‘putenv’ | 10:43 |
asac | white: what is "newer"? | 10:43 |
white | asac: 3.12.1-1 | 10:44 |
asac | we are at 3.12.2~rc1 | 10:44 |
white | asac: the tarball i was getting with get-orig-source has an empty mozilla/mozilla dir btw :/ | 10:44 |
white | asac: knewer as in debian new ;) | 10:45 |
asac | hehe | 10:45 |
asac | white: which package? icedove 1.5? | 10:45 |
white | s/knewer/newer/ | 10:45 |
white | asac: i am still working on an icedove for experimental | 10:45 |
asac | ah | 10:46 |
asac | white: you need mozilla-devscripts | 10:46 |
asac | installed | 10:46 |
asac | to produce orig | 10:46 |
white | i have it | 10:46 |
asac | interesting | 10:46 |
white | it downloads a nice thunderbird orig.tar.gz | 10:46 |
asac | ah ... so the icedovisation fails | 10:46 |
asac | hmm | 10:46 |
white | for testing here, i used another tarball with all the stuff self packed and then I get the build problem, where PK11_GetAllSlotsForCert is not declared | 10:47 |
asac | white: take a look at the latest tbird 3 packaging branch ... i think fta moved logic from m-devscripts to the packages ... maybe thats the reason | 10:47 |
asac | white: there is a bug in nss version checking code in debian/rules | 10:49 |
asac | a)USE_SYSTEM_NSS := $(shell pkg-config --exists 'nspr >= 3.12'; a=$$?; if test $$a != 1; then echo 1; fi) | 10:49 |
asac | -> that should be nss >= 3.12.1 or something i guess | 10:49 |
asac | at least it should fall back to "in-source nss" if the version is not high enough | 10:50 |
asac | if 3.12 is too low for a lower bound we should fix it | 10:50 |
white | let me check | 10:50 |
white | asac: 3.12.0 is too low as it doesn't declare PK11_GetAllSlotsForCert | 10:51 |
white | so we need 3.12.1 | 10:51 |
asac | so debian didnt care to fix nss on i386? | 10:54 |
asac | strange | 10:54 |
asac | 3.12.1-1: alpha amd64 arm armel hppa ia64 kfreebsd-amd64 m68k mips mipsel powerpc s390 sparc | 10:54 |
asac | 3.12.0-5: hurd-i386 i386 kfreebsd-i386 | 10:54 |
white | i've emailed Mike about it | 10:55 |
white | there are different ways to fix it i guess | 10:55 |
asac | i think we need a serious bug ;) | 10:55 |
asac | nothing filed as it seems | 10:55 |
white | put the declaration of putenv everywhere, set defines or maybe compile without -Werror | 10:55 |
white | all are ugly ways :) | 10:55 |
white | I'll file one | 10:55 |
asac | package 3.12.2~rc1 ;) | 10:55 |
asac | thats what is currently used for ffox 3 anyway | 10:56 |
wikz | asac: Hi | 10:56 |
white | asac: do you mind if I try to build it for experimental and maybe upload later today? | 10:56 |
white | asac: newer nss that is | 10:57 |
asac | white: give it a try. you cannot use ubuntu package unfortunately. we have reverted the soname patch from debian ... mike would hate us if we upload that to debian ;) | 10:57 |
asac | white: yeah. just try the new tarball with debian packaging | 10:57 |
white | ok, I'll give it a try | 10:57 |
asac | white: take our orig i would suggest | 10:58 |
asac | seems like upstream doesnt release .1, .2 etc. | 10:58 |
white | will do | 10:58 |
wikz | asac: The tar in tar trick you told me yesterday. Someone commented on why I had done it. | 11:02 |
asac | wikz: your package doesnt ship debian/ dir in diff.gz | 11:04 |
asac | thats the current major issue ;) | 11:04 |
asac | you punched that in orig as it seems (i didnt look, but since its not in diff.gz and you say it builds I guess it is) | 11:04 |
wikz | yeah | 11:04 |
wikz | so where did I goof it up? | 11:04 |
asac | wikz: you tarred up everything | 11:05 |
wikz | asac: true | 11:05 |
asac | wikz: the orig.tar.gz must only include tar.bz2 | 11:05 |
wikz | ok ok | 11:05 |
wikz | so just create a tar.gz archive with .bz2 in it | 11:05 |
asac | yes | 11:05 |
wikz | I included the entire spicebird-0.7 | 11:06 |
asac | tar cvzf spicebird_0.7.orig.tar.gz spicebird-0.7/*.tar.bz2 | 11:06 |
asac | for instance | 11:06 |
wikz | asac: so how come you guys have a different .orig.tar.gz which doesn't include any bz2 from mozilla. do you repack it | 11:06 |
asac | wikz: don't understand the question ;) | 11:07 |
asac | if you ask why we pack tarball on our own: answer is simply that mozilal doesnt release frequently enough. also we have to strip no free/binary stuff from it | 11:08 |
wikz | asac: that explains it | 11:08 |
asac | wikz: you should remove binary only stuff too | 11:08 |
asac | look at the "" in mozilla-devscripts | 11:09 |
wikz | asac: ok will do that | 11:09 |
asac | white: | 11:10 |
asac | its based on | 11:10 |
wikz | asac: also I am putting all my files in /usr/lib like fta did but I think debian says that images and resources should be in usr/share. should I change the .install files? | 11:11 |
asac | who is debian? | 11:12 |
asac | e.g. who speaks for them? | 11:12 |
asac | if its "just" lintian feel free to ignore that complained | 11:13 |
wikz | asac: yes lintian does for my binary packages | 11:14 |
asac | thats not a problem imo ... some might disagree, but well :) | 11:16 |
wikz | asac: ok , so if I just pack tarball like you guys do can I get rid of the watch file? | 11:28 |
wikz | and remove all the binary stuff. we don't have any non free stuff | 11:29 |
asac | wikz: you have a bunch of binary stuff in your tarball i guess | 11:31 |
wikz | loads of them :) | 11:32 |
asac | then yes. you just need to remove binary only stuff | 11:33 |
asac | (binary stuff if sources are there is ok - though not encouraged) | 11:33 |
wikz | how about if I will ask upstream to maintain a debian only source tarball so I can use a watch file too :) | 11:35 |
white | asac: do you guys have a description base for the mozilla advisories somewhere? | 11:35 |
white | asac: or did Moritz always search by himself through the mozilla pages? | 11:35 |
asac | wikz: would work | 11:37 |
asac | white: usually i put that info in the changelog | 11:37 |
asac | in previous times i sent the advisory infos to the list and mike ... but since nobody cared for quite some time i stopped dong that | 11:38 |
asac | white: | 11:38 |
white | asac: yeah, Moritz complained during the last sec meeting that too few of us did any work on mozilla, thus I'm trying to take at least icedove in this round :) | 11:39 |
asac | those are the issues fixed in the 1.8.0 patchset | 11:39 |
asac | there are no "mailnews" only advisories this time | 11:39 |
asac | but you should also add the MFSAs ... look at the previous changelogs | 11:39 |
asac | to get the mapping look at the icedove changelog in unstable | 11:39 |
white | will do, thanks for the pointer | 11:39 |
asac | that should be a superset of what is fixed in 1.8.0 | 11:39 |
asac | e.g. take icedove changelog ... filter it by the CVEs from above | 11:40 |
asac | hmm | 11:40 |
asac | for we need to go through them individually | 11:40 |
asac | (this release contains .18 + .19 unfortunately) | 11:40 |
asac | white: the starting point is usually: | 11:41 |
white | i'll see that i get through them, would be great, if you could give the final version a glance though :) | 11:41 |
asac | white: i will for sure | 11:42 |
asac | white: out of the items listed on that page, mfsa2008-52 doesnt apply for 1.8 branches | 11:43 |
asac | sorry ... the javascript part doesnt apply | 11:44 |
asac | e.g. CVE-2008-5018 is ffox 2 only (e.g. not 1.5) | 11:44 |
asac | but CVE-2008-5017 is valid (also 2008-52) | 11:44 |
asac | white: everything else in the section of current sid icedove applies | 11:48 |
asac | for part use the CVEs in the usn above to filter stuff | 11:48 |
asac | oh mfsa2008-48 doesnt apply either | 11:49 |
asac | so CVE-2008-5018 (mfsa2008-52 part 1) and mfsa2008-48 are not in 1.8.0 branches | 11:49 |
asac | thanks ;) | 11:49 |
white | asac: you cause me a headache ;) | 11:49 |
asac | white: heh ; | 11:54 |
asac | i will give it to you in a few | 11:54 |
asac | white: in debian/rules you need to update TBIRD_BZ2_ARCHIVE=thunderbird_1.5.0.15pre080614i-source.tar.bz2 | 11:54 |
asac | that line | 11:55 |
asac | to refer to the proper tar.bz2 that is in archive/ | 11:55 |
white | done already :) | 11:55 |
white | i am test building (started 30 min ago i think) | 11:56 |
asac | cool | 11:56 |
asac | white: | 11:57 |
asac | i added "not affected" to those entries from icedove that are not affected | 11:58 |
asac | i removed CVE 5510 as its not yet fixed on 1.8.0 (patch is a bit more complicated there) ... in case you want to add that to CVE tracker | 11:58 |
asac | | 11:58 |
asac | annotated with proper upstream version | 11:58 |
white | asac: btw would you generally be interested in using the security tracker as the source for security overviews? (public issues only of course) | 12:00 |
white | asac: older stuff like aka CVE-2008-0016 is also fixed in this round? (It was marked as fixed for | 12:06 |
white | btw Mike mailed me and would rather like to fix the nss FTBFS, so i guess no new experimental version :/ | 12:11 |
asac | yeah was expected. not sure why he doesnt like the current nss release though ;) | 13:07 |
asac | white: look at the bugs referenced in mfsa | 13:09 |
asac | | 13:09 |
asac | those have ... which means that i landed them in distro patchset | 13:09 |
asac | white: do you have a bugzilla account? | 13:10 |
white | nope :/ | 13:18 |
white | asac: good news, icedove builds on etch :) | 13:20 |
asac | white: yay ;) | 13:27 |
asac | does it work? | 13:27 |
asac | also test enigmail ;) | 13:27 |
asac | basic testing would be: imap with ssl/tls, pop with ssl/tls; dragging messages around, checking that all preferences tabs are functional (e.g. not broken); testing a langpack; testing enigmail (sign/enc); testing sending mail through SMTP and SMTP/SSL | 13:28 |
asac | also maybe blog subscription/rss | 13:29 |
asac | but well ;) | 13:29 |
white | i'm still busy with the advisory, but i'll get to it :) | 13:30 |
asac | | 13:30 |
white | asac: | 13:30 |
asac | if you are brave you would also look at that ... seamonkey doesnt have embedded tarball | 13:30 |
asac | you can just use that and after that run ./debian/rules source (which will do the iceapisation :)) | 13:31 |
asac | white: again, look at the bug ;) | 13:31 |
asac | also you can see if the patch is in the "patches" directory of the tarball | 13:31 |
asac | it always starts with the bugnumber ;) | 13:32 |
asac | in this case its in the patchset ... yes. | 13:32 |
asac | asac: | 13:32 |
asac | mozilla$ ls patches/425152_attachment_334030.patch | 13:32 |
asac | patches/425152_attachment_334030.patch | 13:32 |
asac | (just to clarify: i am happy to dig up everything for you ;) ... just want to teach you how you can find info on your own) | 13:33 |
asac | its ... which has | 13:34 |
ubottu | Mozilla bug 425152 in Security "heap overflow when canceling usenet message in nsNNTPProtocol::DoCancel()" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] | 13:34 |
asac | 13:00 < white> asac: btw would you generally be interested in using the security tracker as the source for security overviews? (public issues only of course) | 13:34 |
white | don't worry, it's good to go through it with you and it helps me a lot. I'll get familiar with the stuff, sometimes i just need a little longer :) | 13:34 |
asac | what do you mean by that exatly ;) | 13:34 |
asac | white: you should really get a bugzilla account ;) ... in future you probably want to be able to see embargoed bugs and i can CC you if you have an account ;) | 13:35 |
asac | not really urgent for this round ... but ;) | 13:35 |
white | asac: i mean that if you want i could give you access to the tracker and you could track issues there as well, if it helps you (it would of course help us heaps ;) ) | 13:36 |
asac | i will think about it ... what features does it provide? just adding info where what is fixed? | 13:38 |
asac | or can i also add comments (like this is MFSA-2008-XX - javascript part) | 13:38 |
asac | ? | 13:38 |
white | you can also add NOTEs or TODOs | 13:38 |
white | it could even be extended to track ubuntu versions | 13:38 |
white | but that might be a different topic | 13:38 |
asac | i think we have our own tracker here ;) | 13:38 |
asac | (which i dont use ... just push that documentation stuff to sec team) | 13:39 |
asac | i will ask them ... maybe there already is a sync or something? | 13:39 |
asac | jdstrand: ?? | 13:39 |
asac | ^^ | 13:39 |
asac | jdstrand: white is from debian security team ... white: jdstrand is ubuntu security team ;) | 13:40 |
white | asac: i've discussed the tracker issue with kees. It seems that ubuntu wants to keep their own tracker | 13:40 |
white | asac: however, it would be great for us to have you using our tracker for mozilla stuff and maybe it can be useful for you in several ways | 13:41 |
asac | yeah most likely launchpad | 13:41 |
asac | white: i would definitly be willing to try that. however, i am really bad at remembering to document stuff ... so better dont rely on me - but i think as soon as i am not alone anymore this tracker thing will just resolve | 13:43 |
white | asac: what's the best way to find information about issues like, where there is no bugnumber :/ | 13:43 |
asac | white: if there is a mfsa link then you are lucky | 13:43 |
asac | click on that | 13:43 |
asac | and there you will find the bug | 13:43 |
white | no bug there | 13:44 |
asac | white: if there is not an mfsa link then its either unfixed or (usually) mitre was on crack and assigned stuff to non-issues | 13:44 |
asac | white:,394075,416318 | 13:44 |
asac | white: there is the link | 13:44 |
white | asac: there is a mfa link | 13:44 |
asac | its on | 13:44 |
white | ah damn | 13:44 |
asac | above the CVE links | 13:44 |
asac | its just a "multi" bug CVE | 13:44 |
white | nevermind :) | 13:44 |
asac | white: if you cannot see any of those then its embargoed and i would have to CC you | 13:45 |
asac | but all seem to be opened up | 13:45 |
white | i'm just checking whether they are fixed or not | 13:45 |
asac | white: yeah ... look in patches/series | 13:45 |
asac | if they are not in there look in bug ... as if they dont apply i usually comment on that in the bug | 13:46 |
white | asac: only one of the bugnnumbers is mentioned there | 13:46 |
asac | white: yeah. look at the bugs in bugzilla ... the one bug has all the patches | 13:46 |
white | ah ok | 13:46 |
asac | the other is just testcase/documentation bugs | 13:46 |
asac | its frequent that there are a bunch of bugs (even with patches) and then one wrap up bug which contains the accumulated branch patches | 13:47 |
asac | (sorry, to throw all this at you ... its quite a lot of implicit knowledge there ... feel free to ask if you are uncertain :)) | 13:47 |
white | no problem, i might have to do something else for a while now, but will try to send the advisory draft to you tonight and test the packages | 13:49 |
asac | white: sure | 13:50 |
asac | thanks so much | 13:50 |
white | asac: do you know where the "compare" target comes from? icedove-3.0 fails to build for me, because the rule doesn't exist | 14:13 |
white | i am curious what it does or did | 14:13 |
asac | white: mozilla-devscripts | 14:17 |
asac | white: which version are you using? | 14:17 |
white | 0.12 | 14:19 |
white | can i live without the target? | 14:19 |
asac | white: is there no /usr/share/mozilla-devscripts/ ? | 14:20 |
white | yes there is | 14:20 |
white | maybe it's not included for some reason | 14:21 |
white | nah it's not included | 14:21 |
white | -include /usr/share/mozilla-devscripts/$(DEB_MOZ_APPLICATION).mk | 14:21 |
white | my DEB_MOZ_APPLICATION is icedove-3.0 | 14:21 |
asac | bummer | 14:22 |
asac | white: you probably know how to fix that ;) | 14:22 |
asac | we should talk with fta bout that | 14:22 |
white | asac: i just wanted to remark it :) | 14:22 |
asac | valid | 14:23 |
asac | i think debhelper should get the ability to use debian/control.SOURCEPACKAGE name in preference to debian/control | 14:24 |
asac | in that way we could more easily maintain both in one tree | 14:24 |
asac | assuming that i hate templates for control ;) | 14:24 |
asac | white: i think i refer to the patchset in changelog usually ... the one used for this is: | 14:39 |
asac | maybe also give the tarball location | 14:40 |
asac | white: now i remember why iceape is soooo outdated in etch. its glandium kept calendar, so one cannot even use the upstream tarball directly | 14:49 |
asac | damn | 14:49 |
asac | thats really bad | 14:49 |
white | asac: you have mail | 14:59 |
white | i'll be relocating home soon, later i'll produce a nice changelog entry, rebuild and start testing | 14:59 |
white | please check the draft i sent to you :) | 14:59 |
asac | white: thanks. try to keep the current changelog form if possible ;) | 15:01 |
white | asac: ignore the formatting issues in the draft, i'll fix them up later, just tell me, if you are satisfied with the rest :) | 15:03 |
asac | white: s/Iceweasel/Icedove/ | 15:07 |
asac | white: did you do the CVE list like i said? | 15:08 |
asac | or are you also naming stuff that is fixed in sid? | 15:08 |
white | asac: i went through the list from | 15:08 |
white | asac: and i added the MFSAs | 15:09 |
asac | (not all apply in both places) | 15:09 |
white | asac: well they should apply for etch and all are fixed in sid (it doesn't matter, if some were fixed earlier) | 15:09 |
white | or am i missing something? | 15:10 |
asac | white: have oyu checked whether those CVEs have been named in the changelog before? | 15:11 |
asac | i think most of them are already mentioned | 15:11 |
asac | so they are not fixed in this upload, but in the ones before | 15:11 |
asac | hmm | 15:12 |
asac | ok | 15:12 |
asac | so never made it to security hmm | 15:13 |
asac | i was quite sure i uploaded that | 15:13 |
asac | but well ... maybe i just did xulrunner considering hits higher impact | 15:13 |
asac | hmm | 15:14 |
asac | i think there is one MFSA missing | 15:15 |
asac | white: * MFSA 2008-59 aka CVE-2008-4582 - Script access to .documentURI and | 15:16 |
asac | .textContent in mail | 15:16 |
asac | that one is also fixed everywhere else ... (its probably not in the tracker because the upstream MFSA doesnt provide the CVE) | 15:17 |
asac | well ... everywhere where the backports have been released to | 15:17 |
white | asac: have to relocate now, will answer later | 15:29 |
white | asac: does CVE-2008-4582 affect icedove? I though it's only for the browsers | 16:48 |
white | asac: apart from that one, any other points? | 16:48 |
white | i'll write the changelog now | 16:48 |
asac | white: is the patch in there? | 17:02 |
asac | white: it doesnt apply to 1.8.0 branches | 17:02 |
asac | | 17:02 |
ubottu | Mozilla bug 455311 in Networking: File "[FIX]mid-autumn festival vulnerability" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] | 17:03 |
asac | but maybe i took anyway | 17:03 |
asac | in case some embedders use .desktop files | 17:03 |
white | hold on, i am just finishing the changelog | 17:11 |
asac | yeah | 17:16 |
asac | i am still here ;) | 17:16 |
asac | iceape killed me again ... calendar/ has binary files, so no luck with diff ;) | 17:17 |
asac | so now uue tarball ;) | 17:17 |
white | asac: does that look ok to you? | 17:18 |
white | asac: i am a bit unsure about aka CVE-2008-5503 | 17:18 |
white | i'll check whether there is a patch in the tarball | 17:18 |
asac | white: please point to the tarball/patchset download source | 17:19 |
asac | i think i did that in previous uploads? | 17:19 |
asac | like: | 17:19 |
asac | * backports for thunderbird stability/security update | 17:19 |
asac | i have in dapper: | 17:20 |
asac | * RELEASE security/stability backports for tbird 1.5 as of | 17:20 |
asac | (USN-701-2) | 17:20 |
asac | - | 17:20 |
asac | white: btw, the upload we are looking at is + 18 + 19 | 17:20 |
asac | also mention the tarball maybe: | 17:21 |
white | it's quite a nice number of issues :) | 17:21 |
white | ok, step by step | 17:21 |
asac | white: look at the patches/series file ;) | 17:21 |
white | so i have the *backports ... lines | 17:21 |
asac | those are all issues we backported since 1.5 went eol | 17:21 |
asac | those commented out are alreawdy committed | 17:21 |
white | asac: then you want me to add three tarball lines pointing to patchsets? | 17:23 |
asac | white: no ... just to the .19 patchset + tar.bz2 | 17:24 |
asac | they contain the rest | 17:24 |
white | can you quickly post the URLs plz? | 17:26 |
asac | patchset: calendar-1.0.9.tar.bz2.uue | 17:33 |
asac | tarball: | 17:33 |
asac | patchset: | 17:33 |
white | asac: what's calendar-1.0.9.tar.bz2.uue | 17:36 |
asac | white: thats a paste error ;) | 17:38 |
white | :) | 17:38 |
asac | i am trying to push calendar parts to iceape diff.gz | 17:38 |
asac | so we can use tarballs again | 17:38 |
white | ok anything else or can i start a nice build in cowbuilder? | 17:38 |
asac | mike apparently shuffled the upstream tarballs without a repro instruction ;) | 17:38 |
asac | white: yes, why do you say "non-maintainer upload"? | 17:39 |
asac | imo its not really unusual that security team does security uploads for packages they dont maintain ;) | 17:39 |
white | asac: common practise by most sec members | 17:39 |
white | asac: i don't really maintain many packages anymore and do more uploads of packages i don't maintain ;) | 17:40 |
asac | yeah ... but isnt really informative ;) | 17:40 |
asac | why would anybody want to know that its a NMU? | 17:40 |
white | it informs that it is a sec upload | 17:40 |
asac | if that info is good to have it shouldnt have the "top" place ;) | 17:40 |
white | and performed by someone from the sec team (although that doesn't mean much) | 17:40 |
asac | white: thats already said by the other line | 17:40 |
white | since it's common practise I'd prefer to keep it | 17:41 |
asac | i dont mind ,) | 17:41 |
white | :) | 17:41 |
asac | oh | 17:42 |
asac | # | 17:42 |
asac | * MFSA 2008-67 aka CVE-2008-5510 - Escaped null characters ignored by CSS | 17:42 |
asac | # | 17:42 |
asac | i think thats the one that isnt fixed | 17:42 |
white | hmm, it was marked as fixed in - icedove | 17:42 |
asac | yeah | 17:42 |
white | in our tracker, which doesn't have to mean anything :) | 17:42 |
asac | its low severity and patch was too intrusive to take in this round | 17:42 |
white | ok, i'll take it out then | 17:43 |
asac | white: its fixed in 1.8 (e.g. 2) but not in 1.8.0 | 17:43 |
asac | so not in the upload you are preparing right now | 17:43 |
white | i've added CVE-2008-5503 to the changelog and advisory, allthough it's pretty low severity IMHO | 17:45 |
asac | white: also CVE-2008-5502 doesnt affect 1.8.0 branch | 17:45 |
asac | just 5501 (layout) | 17:46 |
white | so it was fixed already in etch? | 17:46 |
asac | white: no it doesnt apply ;) | 17:46 |
white | in the tracker it reads - icedove | 17:47 |
white | as fixed version | 17:47 |
asac | huh? | 17:47 |
asac | white: CVE-2008-5502 is 1.9 branch only ... so its not fixed in any 2. | 17:48 |
asac | because its not an issue there | 17:48 |
asac | same for 5501 | 17:48 |
asac | | 17:49 |
asac | look there | 17:49 |
asac | it says "Firefox 3" only | 17:49 |
asac | which means its 1.9 branch only | 17:49 |
white | ok, so i'll just mark it as not-affecting the debian versions and take it out of the changelog | 17:50 |
asac | yeah ... but 5500 applies ;) | 17:50 |
asac | (so the MFSA is valid) | 17:50 |
white | got ya :) | 17:50 |
asac | 18:45 < white> i've added CVE-2008-5503 to the changelog and advisory, allthough it's pretty low severity IMHO | 17:51 |
asac | why wasnt that in there in the first place? | 17:51 |
asac | did i forget that in sid? | 17:51 |
asac | white: i think you also forgot ... | 17:54 |
asac | white: you also forgot | 17:55 |
white | hmm i got it in the advisory, but not in the changelog :/ | 17:55 |
ubottu | Mozilla bug 458883 in Security "Make Document.documentURI and .textContent noAccess in mailnews" [Major,Verified: fixed] | 17:55 |
asac | i already said all this above :/ | 17:55 |
asac | anyway ... let me look further ;) | 17:55 |
white | i need to compare the advisory with the changelog :/ | 17:55 |
asac | white: no ... dont start with CVEs | 17:56 |
asac | start with MFSAs ;) | 17:56 |
asac | then go through the list | 17:56 |
asac | thats better ;) | 17:56 |
asac | i swear | 17:56 |
asac | laste was | 17:57 |
asac | thats what you forgot too | 17:57 |
asac | ;) | 17:57 |
asac | (not the bug) | 17:57 |
asac | also missing | 17:58 |
asac | (i think you added that you said) | 17:58 |
asac | yeah that should be it | 17:58 |
asac | thanks | 17:58 |
asac | so missing in changelog (from your paste): | 17:59 |
asac | | 17:59 |
white | MFSA 2008-59 doesn't even have a CVE id? | 17:59 |
asac | | 17:59 |
asac | | 17:59 |
asac | 16:16 < asac> white: * MFSA 2008-59 aka CVE-2008-4582 - Script access to .documentURI and | 17:59 |
white | ah right | 17:59 |
asac | you should add that everywhere | 17:59 |
asac | its affecting all 1.8 branch products | 18:00 |
asac | e.g. everything except xulrunner/iceweasel in lenny | 18:00 |
asac | ok cool | 18:00 |
asac | that should be it ;) | 18:00 |
asac | thanks a bunch | 18:00 |
asac | i am still fighting iceape a bit ;) | 18:01 |
asac | maybe i will have something later | 18:01 |
white | after the whole ice* round is over (or icedove at least), i need to fix some other stuff, like some simple integer overflow or some XSS | 18:01 |
white | something small, easy and successfull ;0 | 18:01 |
asac | hehe | 18:02 |
asac | well its a huge success if you manage to get icedove out ;) | 18:02 |
asac | and also first time is always hardest ;) | 18:04 |
white | building now | 18:05 |
white | i have to ask again regarding CVE-2008-4582 | 18:13 |
white | it seems to point to | 18:14 |
white | ah CVE-2008-5024 | 18:21 |
white | nevermind :) | 18:21 |
asac | white: hmmm indeed strange | 18:35 |
asac | not sure whats that about | 18:35 |
asac | thats the CVE for 59 that went over the ticker | 18:36 |
asac | let me double check | 18:36 |
fta | hi | 18:56 |
IRCMonkey | heh | 19:00 |
IRCMonkey | iceape-chatzilla to houston ;) | 19:00 |
IRCMonkey | fun | 19:00 |
* IRCMonkey off | 19:02 | |
white | asac fta: i got an icedove version build now. I'll add a small patch to remove some branding. I've called the version 3.0~b1-1.1 and the packages icedove-3.0 as you requested | 19:07 |
white | asac fta: Noel wanted to know, whether we could put that to experimental with your permission? | 19:07 |
white | i think he emailed asac | 19:07 |
white | asac: i guess i'll give the package to noel and leave it to him :) | 19:16 |
asac | you dont need permission | 19:17 |
asac | just keep th eubuntu mozillateam in Maintainer field ;) | 19:17 |
asac | and give the code back you did to us ;) | 19:17 |
asac | white: ^^ | 19:18 |
asac | feel free to add all of you to Uploaders | 19:18 |
white | is Mike ok with that as well or isn't he maintaining icedove? | 19:18 |
asac | he isnt | 19:19 |
asac | i already moved Maintainer: to ubuntu team | 19:19 |
asac | it was myself before for ages | 19:19 |
asac | like you can see in the etch package ;) | 19:19 |
white | ok, i just wanted to make sure everything is sound :) | 19:19 |
white | so should i just commit my icedove-3.0 branch to bazaar? | 19:20 |
BUGabundo | asac: do you have any news from fta about FF3.1 not starting with xmlruner? | 19:20 |
asac | white: if you have a branch then yes | 19:20 |
white | asac: don't i need some special foo powers? | 19:20 |
asac | BUGabundo: no | 19:20 |
BUGabundo | bah | 19:20 |
BUGabundo | can't open it for 2 weeks! | 19:21 |
fta | hm | 19:21 |
fta | i need context | 19:21 |
asac | white: push that to your own area for now ... i will shove it over. we can add you to team on next meeting ... which is in 10 days or so ;) | 19:21 |
BUGabundo | need to downgrad again | 19:21 |
BUGabundo | fta don't you remember me telling you that that it segfault? | 19:21 |
BUGabundo | when I had both 3.0 and 3.1 PPA ? | 19:21 |
fta | oh, 2 != versions at the same time | 19:21 |
BUGabundo | found that it was related to the PPA version of xlrunner | 19:21 |
BUGabundo | 1.9.1 or something | 19:22 |
fta | well, i wanted to find the root cause last week but got busy with something else | 19:22 |
BUGabundo | $ firefox-3.1 Could not find compatible GRE between version 1.9.1b3pre and 1.9.1b3pre. | 19:22 |
fta | this is different | 19:22 |
fta | please, show me your /etc/gre.d | 19:22 |
BUGabundo | from POV it's the same! | 19:22 |
BUGabundo | lol | 19:22 |
BUGabundo | | 19:23 |
BUGabundo | | 19:23 |
BUGabundo | 1.9.2a1pre.system.conf | 19:23 |
fta | you don't have xulrunner-1.9.1 installed ? | 19:24 |
BUGabundo | I think I have | 19:24 |
fta | apparently not | 19:24 |
BUGabundo | xulrunner-1.9.1: | 19:24 |
BUGabundo | Installed: 1.9.1~b3~hg20090103r22626+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~fta3 | 19:24 |
BUGabundo | Candidate: 1.9.1~b3~hg20090103r22626+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~fta3 | 19:24 |
BUGabundo | Version table: | 19:24 |
BUGabundo | *** 1.9.1~b3~hg20090103r22626+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~fta3 0 | 19:24 |
BUGabundo | 500 jaunty/main Packages | 19:24 |
BUGabundo | 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status | 19:24 |
BUGabundo | 1.9.1~b2+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu3 0 | 19:24 |
BUGabundo | 500 jaunty/universe Packages | 19:24 |
BUGabundo | 500 jaunty/universe Packages | 19:24 |
BUGabundo | I seems I do have it! | 19:24 |
BUGabundo | your PPA version | 19:24 |
fta | you should have a /etc/gre.d/1.9.1b3pre.system.conf file then | 19:25 |
fta | strange | 19:25 |
BUGabundo | yeah | 19:25 |
asac | fta: yes. i think there is a bug in migration | 19:25 |
BUGabundo | --reinstall ? | 19:25 |
asac | fta: i had some more complains that the gre file was gone | 19:25 |
asac | BUGabundo: give it a try | 19:25 |
asac | BUGabundo: --reinstalll xulrunner-1.9 | 19:25 |
asac | (not ffox) | 19:25 |
BUGabundo | thanks | 19:25 |
BUGabundo | I know ... just looking for the correct package | 19:26 |
fta | dpkg-query -W -f='${Conffiles}' xulrunner-1.9.1 | grep gre.d | 19:26 |
BUGabundo | bah... one 'l' too many | 19:26 |
BUGabundo | /etc/gre.d/1.9.1b3pre.system.conf 9284295b58639184f779e138babb9ee3 | 19:26 |
BUGabundo | do you want the md5sums too? | 19:27 |
BUGabundo | FYI I did change gconf to use the latest cul | 19:27 |
fta | is that before or after --reinstall | 19:27 |
BUGabundo | *xul | 19:27 |
fta | ? | 19:27 |
BUGabundo | before | 19:27 |
BUGabundo | reinstall running now | 19:27 |
BUGabundo | If you wish to add some of these files, please add them by name. | 19:27 |
BUGabundo | Committing to: /etc/ | 19:27 |
BUGabundo | modified alternatives/xulrunner | 19:27 |
BUGabundo | missing gre.d/ | 19:27 |
BUGabundo | deleted gre.d/ | 19:27 |
BUGabundo | LOL | 19:28 |
fta | wooww | 19:28 |
asac | fta: i think it happens when you install 1.9.1 for first time. at lesat the complains couldnt reproduce, after they fixed it | 19:28 |
BUGabundo | something changed according to my bzr backup of /etc | 19:28 |
BUGabundo | $ firefox-3.1 Could not find compatible GRE between version 1.9.1b3pre and 1.9.1b3pre. | 19:29 |
asac | fta: dont you use rm_conffile? | 19:29 |
fta | no | 19:29 |
asac | why not? | 19:29 |
BUGabundo | /etc/gre.d/1.9.1b3pre.system.conf 9284295b58639184f779e138babb9ee3 | 19:29 |
BUGabundo | after reinstall | 19:29 |
fta | well, yes | 19:29 |
asac | thats actually quite important ;) | 19:29 |
asac | ah ok | 19:29 |
BUGabundo | look the same to me | 19:29 |
asac | BUGabundo: md5sum /etc/gre.d/1.9.1b3pre.system.conf gives you? | 19:30 |
fta | asac, | 19:30 |
asac | fta: in preinst? | 19:30 |
BUGabundo | $ md5sum /etc/gre.d/1.9.1b3pre.system.conf | 19:30 |
BUGabundo | md5sum: /etc/gre.d/1.9.1b3pre.system.conf: No such file or directory | 19:30 |
fta | asac, yes | 19:30 |
BUGabundo | | 19:31 |
BUGabundo | 1.9.2a1pre.system.conf | 19:31 |
asac | fta: maybe in preinst everything is obsolete or something ... hmm | 19:31 |
asac | fta: @XULBRANCH@? who cares about 1.9.0? is that supposed to be done by 1.9.0? | 19:32 |
fta | asac, what i experienced a few times is that when you upgrade for v1 to v2, the gre-v1.conf file is not removed, if you upgrade again (ie v2 to v3 or v2 to another v2), it v1 is removed | 19:33 |
fta | -for+from | 19:33 |
asac | well ... in this case the new config is removed right? | 19:33 |
asac | maybe we should take care that we dont remove stuff from the same gre version | 19:33 |
fta | it seems so but i never experienced that | 19:33 |
fta | i'll have a closer look after diner | 19:33 |
asac | conffiles are a real pita | 19:34 |
BUGabundo | so now good news for me?» | 19:34 |
asac | sometimes they are not replaced with new files even though they were never touched :( | 19:34 |
asac | BUGabundo: so did you reinstall? | 19:34 |
BUGabundo | yep | 19:34 |
asac | which package verison of xulrunner was installed? | 19:34 |
* fta blames dpkg | 19:34 | |
BUGabundo | Removing obsolete conffile /etc/gre.d/ ... | 19:35 |
BUGabundo | Unpacking replacement xulrunner-1.9 ... | 19:35 |
BUGabundo | Setting up xulrunner-1.9 ( ... | 19:35 |
BUGabundo | I have from 1.9.0,1.9.1 and 1.9.2 | 19:35 |
fta | apt-cache madison xulrunner-1.9 xulrunner-1.9.1 xulrunner-1.9.2 | grep -v Source | 19:35 |
BUGabundo | xulrunner-1.9 | | jaunty/main Packages | 19:36 |
BUGabundo | xulrunner-1.9 | | jaunty/main Packages | 19:36 |
BUGabundo | xulrunner-1.9.1 | 1.9.1~b3~hg20090103r22626+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~fta3 | jaunty/main Packages | 19:36 |
BUGabundo | xulrunner-1.9.1 | 1.9.1~b2+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu3 | jaunty/universe Packages | 19:36 |
BUGabundo | xulrunner-1.9.1 | 1.9.1~b2+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu3 | jaunty/universe Packages | 19:36 |
BUGabundo | xulrunner-1.9.2 | 1.9.2~a1~hg20090102r23257+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~fta2 | jaunty/main Packages | 19:36 |
fta | ok | 19:36 |
fta | bug in my preinst then | 19:36 |
* BUGabundo blames stable,beta & alpha all together! | 19:36 | |
fta | but this is different from running != versions at the same time | 19:37 |
fta | <BUGabundo> missing gre.d/ | 19:37 |
fta | <BUGabundo> deleted gre.d/ | 19:37 |
fta | when did that happen? | 19:37 |
BUGabundo | after the reinstall | 19:37 |
BUGabundo | its the bzr log | 19:38 |
BUGabundo | that is attached to apt | 19:38 |
BUGabundo | humm how is it called!!? | 19:38 |
BUGabundo | etckeeper | 19:38 |
fta | could you please pastebin me your traces (apt) | 19:39 |
BUGabundo | full command please! | 19:39 |
BUGabundo | of the reinstall? | 19:39 |
BUGabundo | | 19:40 |
fta | maybe from /var/log/apt/term.log if your xul upgrades are in there | 19:40 |
BUGabundo | | 19:42 |
fta | <= this is correct, removes the old gre file, but it happened at reinstall not when was first installed, so this is sub-optimal | 19:42 |
fta | asac, do you have a bug # on lp for this bug? | 19:43 |
fta | BUGabundo, what happens when you --reinstall 1.9.1 ? | 19:45 |
BUGabundo | again?? | 19:45 |
BUGabundo | lol | 19:45 |
BUGabundo | have a look at the log above fta | 19:45 |
fta | hmm, you pasted 1.9 several times | 19:45 |
fta | did i mis-read? | 19:46 |
BUGabundo | don't know! | 19:46 |
BUGabundo | but I can always redo it to be sure | 19:46 |
BUGabundo | so its 1.9.1 correct? | 19:46 |
fta | hold on, reading your long log file | 19:46 |
fta | Preparing to replace xulrunner-1.9.1 1.9.1~b2+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu3 (using .../xulrunner-1.9.1_1.9.1~b3~hg20081227r22500+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~fta1_amd64.deb) ... | 19:47 |
fta | Removing obsolete conffile /etc/gre.d/1.9.1b3pre.system.conf ... | 19:47 |
fta | Unpacking replacement xulrunner-1.9.1 ... | 19:47 |
fta | not good | 19:47 |
BUGabundo | fta tail it!! last lines all you need | 19:47 |
BUGabundo | yeah so now I have no 1.9.1 on gre.d | 19:48 |
fta | nope, i need history, the cause is just this | 19:48 |
BUGabundo | humm | 19:48 |
BUGabundo | I did downgrade from FF3.1b3 PPA to 3.1 archive | 19:48 |
BUGabundo | and xul too! | 19:48 |
fta | if the clean-up happens one step too late and you keep reverting to b2, bingo, you loose your gre file | 19:48 |
BUGabundo | but I enable it again to check if you fixed it and got into this | 19:49 |
=== rzr is now known as rZr | ||
fta | what i already know: b2-1 -> b2-2 -> b2-3 -> b3-1 (nada, while gre/b2 should be removed) -> b3-2 (gre/b2 removed, all fine) -> b3-3 ... | 19:51 |
fta | you seems to be doing: b2-3 -> b3-1 -> b2-3 -> b3-2 -> b2-3 -> b3-3 (no b3 gre file??) | 19:52 |
fta | is that correct? | 19:53 |
* BUGabundo is confused (and hungry) | 19:53 | |
fta | don't :) | 19:53 |
fta | i'm trying to understand your upgrade path | 19:53 |
BUGabundo | humm | 19:53 |
BUGabundo | ok... ibex -> jaunty pre-alpha1, with PPA always enabled AFAIR | 19:54 |
fta | (bear with me..) | 19:54 |
BUGabundo | last week FF3.1 started segfaulting | 19:54 |
BUGabundo | so I posted it here | 19:54 |
BUGabundo | installed 3.2 and it also failed | 19:54 |
BUGabundo | when FF3.0 was opened | 19:54 |
BUGabundo | removed PPA and downgrade just FF3.1 to archive | 19:55 |
BUGabundo | no go, so I donwgraded xul too! | 19:55 |
BUGabundo | it worked ! enabled PPA again and got here today to ask what's up! | 19:55 |
fta | you're mixing 2 issues: a/ gre file disappearing & causing ff-x to fail on startup and b/ concurrent versions no longer running but showing a segfault and opening a window from the other version | 19:56 |
fta | for b/ i know what is causing that, i could revert my changes but i would prefer fix the bug (needs work) | 19:57 |
BUGabundo | ok | 19:57 |
BUGabundo | about a/? | 19:57 |
fta | for a/ it seems to be caused by my preinstall script but it still not clear to me how you could end up there. yet, i see did it. | 19:58 |
fta | and asac said some other guys filed bugs about that very same thing | 19:58 |
BUGabundo | asac: any luck getting the ML moderate pass? mail still in queue | 19:59 |
BUGabundo | fta: should I remove it all | 19:59 |
BUGabundo | with purge? | 19:59 |
BUGabundo | and start again? | 19:59 |
fta | to fix a/ i need to understand the situation, i'll study your logs after dinner, this bug is more critical than b/ | 19:59 |
BUGabundo | thanks | 20:00 |
BUGabundo | Dinner time | 20:00 |
BUGabundo | brbr | 20:00 |
fta | to work-around a/, you can just re-create that file manually, it's easy. | 20:00 |
BUGabundo | send me yours | 20:01 |
BUGabundo | LOL | 20:01 |
fta | fta@ix:~ $ cat /etc/gre.d/1.9.1b3pre.system.conf | 20:01 |
fta | [1.9.1b3pre] | 20:01 |
fta | GRE_PATH=/usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9.1b3pre | 20:01 |
fta | xulrunner=true | 20:01 |
fta | abi=x86-gcc3 | 20:01 |
fta | if you are on amd64, the last line is "abi=x86_64-gcc3" | 20:03 |
BUGabundo | I am | 20:03 |
BUGabundo | I'll create it after dinner | 20:03 |
BUGabundo | [[]] | 20:03 |
fta | ok, cu then | 20:04 |
directhex | i hate that | 20:09 |
directhex | that's cocked me up before when buiding .xpi files | 20:09 |
asac | BUGabundo: we have to wait for gnomefreak ;) | 20:30 |
asac | directhex: ? | 20:30 |
directhex | asac, ABI stuff being read from the running cpu when compilling plugins, not the compiler arch | 20:31 |
asac | white: CVE-2008-4066 | 20:31 |
asac | i think thats not fixed in our 1.8.0 branches | 20:31 |
asac | can you note that in tracker so i get to it? (its part 2 ... if you could add that as comment) | 20:31 |
asac | directhex: ah ok. can be itchy ;) ... i think BUGabundo didnt have any line though ;) | 20:32 |
white | asac: taken out of the advisory and the changelog | 20:39 |
fta | BUGabundo, sudo zgrep -hE '(xulrunner-1.9.1 |gre.d/1.9.1)' /var/log/apt/term.log.{2,1}.gz /var/log/apt/term.log | grep -vE '^(Setting up|Unpacking)' | 20:39 |
white | asac: it's fixed in sid though right? | 20:39 |
=== rzr is now known as rZr | ||
asac | white: not sure right now | 20:48 |
asac | white: sory for confusion. seems i messed up my own iceape tarball by using the wrong patchset version ;) so not all was in there | 20:48 |
asac | let me check | 20:48 |
asac | white: ok what i said was correct. its missing ... its in 2 though | 20:49 |
white | asac: new icedove package seems to work, at least i can reach my pop/imap accounts and use smtp on my relay host :) | 20:55 |
white | asac: CVE-2008-4066: - icedove (that is the fixed icedove entry) | 20:57 |
asac | white: ;) | 21:25 |
asac | white: you know whether i need to build depend on sharutils and bzip2? | 21:25 |
fta | woww, that's a lot of MFSAs | 21:27 |
asac | that was even more work | 21:27 |
asac | i went through all MFSAs and checked that we have it | 21:27 |
asac | i found three bugs that i somehow dont have in the patchsets | 21:27 |
asac | have to investigate now and patch them next time if it turns out to be forgotten | 21:28 |
asac | most likely i just forgot to document in bug why i didnt take it though | 21:28 |
white | asac: nice work | 21:28 |
white | asac: but back to icedove, one step at a time ;) | 21:28 |
white | asac: CVE-2008-4066: - icedove | 21:29 |
white | is that still correct? | 21:29 |
white | icedove etch packages seem to work by the way as already said :) | 21:29 |
asac | white: good. you hav a mfsa for that?= | 21:30 |
white | 21:31 < asac> can you note that in tracker so i get to it? (its part 2 ... if you could add that as comment) | 21:30 |
asac | yes | 21:30 |
asac | thats fixed in | 21:30 |
white | asac: i was wondering, if it is fixed in sid and if so, which version it was fixed :) | 21:30 |
white | ah great :) | 21:30 |
asac | ts just that the second part is not in 1.8.0 | 21:30 |
white | so is the CVE fixed in sid? (like the second part) | 21:31 |
asac | white: for upstream tarballs you can check whether bugs are fixed by going to the bug and look for the fixed1.8.1.17 (for ;) | 21:31 |
white | sorry, but i need to get through the CVEs :) | 21:31 |
asac | or verified1.8.1.17 | 21:31 |
asac | which is even saying that QA has verified that its fixed | 21:31 |
asac | white: for outstanding CVEs we discuss at best add the MFSA ;) | 21:32 |
asac | so we dont need to hunt it down ;) | 21:32 |
white | i'll try my best :) | 21:32 |
asac | sure | 21:32 |
asac | if not ... we wil survive it ;) | 21:32 |
asac | though scratching heads again | 21:32 |
fta | did you guys use m-d ? | 21:32 |
white | :) | 21:32 |
asac | fta: for what? | 21:33 |
asac | fta: for patchset management? | 21:33 |
asac | i think thats a missing feature as of now ;) | 21:33 |
white | asac: ok, at the moment, the etch packages are rebuilding without the CVE id in it | 21:33 |
fta | explain | 21:33 |
white | asac: but with the MFSA included | 21:33 |
asac | would be cool if i could tell it: also add patchset "url-to-patches/tarball" and "url-to-patches/tarball2" | 21:33 |
white | asac: were there any other objections? | 21:33 |
asac | and apply ;) | 21:33 |
asac | white: post the changelog again ;) ... my brain is out of sync again ;) | 21:34 |
white | sure | 21:34 |
white | asac: | 21:35 |
* asac just noticed that he is using ffox 1.5 for the last 5 hours ;) | 21:36 | |
asac | thought it was broken ;) ... but now i see | 21:36 |
white | asac: should i resend the advisory draft as well? | 21:37 |
white | ill just do it anyway :) | 21:37 |
asac | * MFSA 2008-37 aka CVE-2008-0016 - UTF-8 URL stack buffer overflow | 21:37 |
asac | there are two whitespaces | 21:37 |
asac | 16 - UTF-8 URL | 21:37 |
asac | ^^ | 21:37 |
white | :) | 21:38 |
asac | white: maybe use the same i used for -41 | 21:39 |
fta | [11:47] <asac> white: take a look at the latest tbird 3 packaging branch ... i think fta moved logic from m-devscripts to the packages ... maybe thats the reason | 21:39 |
asac | | 21:39 |
fta | i'm not done with that yet | 21:39 |
asac | fta: ah | 21:39 |
asac | ok | 21:39 |
fta | jsut a few packages moved | 21:39 |
asac | was just a blind guess | 21:39 |
asac | we found it actually | 21:39 |
asac | its DEB_MOZ_APPLICATION=icedove-3.0 | 21:39 |
asac | which kills the thing | 21:39 |
asac | fta: ^^ | 21:39 |
fta | ? | 21:40 |
asac | probably icedove-3.0 needs to ship a debian/ and include the | 21:40 |
asac | fta: compare isnt included | 21:40 |
asac | because $(DEB_MOZ_APPLICATION).mk doesnt exist | 21:40 |
fta | compare is included in $(project).mk usually, but could be included directly | 21:41 |
white | doesn't matter much for as long as mozilla-devscripts isn't uploaded to debian :) | 21:41 |
fta | but then you need to add your own filters | 21:41 |
asac | white: please take my text for -41, -42 ( | 21:41 |
white | asac: you mean ? | 21:42 |
asac | yes | 21:43 |
asac | white: * MFSA 2008-45 aka CVE-2008-4069 - [1.8 branch] XBM appears to draw | 21:43 |
white | ok | 21:43 |
asac | uninitialized memory | 21:43 |
asac | is that not tbird? | 21:43 |
asac | seems like | 21:43 |
asac | ok | 21:43 |
asac | white: same for the other multi advisories: -52, -60 -68 | 21:45 |
asac | i'd say that is also in thunderbird | 21:46 |
asac | tbird does http stuff | 21:46 |
asac | e.g. rss feed and so on | 21:47 |
asac | but well | 21:47 |
asac | its ok to not name it | 21:47 |
asac | or name it ;) | 21:47 |
white | asac: so i guess there are two or three minor issues we don't have in the current round | 21:47 |
white | but all major ones should be there | 21:47 |
white | so we could build the final version now :) | 21:48 |
asac | nice ... i forgot -59 in iceape ;) | 21:48 |
white | asac: should i restart the build for icedove now? :) | 21:49 |
asac | white: yes if you changed the other multi things. | 21:49 |
asac | in changelog ... go ahead | 21:49 |
asac | if you have the builds staged somewhere i can also take a look and test | 21:50 |
white | asac: i am building them on a sec host, but can make them available after build | 21:50 |
white | asac fta: I have added a bzr branch to, which appears to build here. There are some concerning warnings, but it starts and seems to run | 22:03 |
white | asac fta: i've packed the -source.tar.bz2 into a icedove-3.0_3.0~b1.orig.tar.gz locally (wasn't sure how you wanted it in bzr, if at all) | 22:04 |
white | hope it helps somehow | 22:05 |
asac | white: why junk? | 22:05 |
asac | you can use the "thunderbird" project | 22:05 |
asac | but doesnt matter | 22:06 |
asac | i can take a look at it as its now | 22:06 |
white | asac: well, you said somewhere on launchpad ;) | 22:06 |
asac | hehe ;) | 22:06 |
asac | white: oh | 22:06 |
asac | white: you have to start with the thunderbird branch | 22:06 |
asac | and then do the changes on top | 22:06 |
asac | otherwise you cannot merge in future | 22:06 |
asac | and dont add the tar ;) | 22:07 |
asac | just debian/ in bzr | 22:07 |
white | asac: well i obviously had to rename all the stuff in /debian | 22:07 |
asac | white: thats ok | 22:07 |
asac | you can use bzr mv | 22:07 |
asac | to rename files | 22:07 |
asac | we do most things in debian/rules anyway | 22:07 |
asac | so conflicts should be more or less bearable in future ;) | 22:08 |
asac | fta: what do you think? | 22:08 |
white | the tarball was kind of important for me as i couldn't get a complete tarball out of mozilla-devscripts :/ | 22:08 |
asac | white: yes. but not in the bzr branch ;) | 22:09 |
white | asac: either way, I'll send Noel a mail with some information and a remark to contact you for further cooperation, if he continues to work on it :) | 22:09 |
asac | yep | 22:09 |
fta | asac, sure. i do that quite a lot with all the xul 1.9/1.9.1/1.9.2 branches. bzr mv once then bzr merge | 22:10 |
asac | fta: yeah. but i mean the filenames in .install will have a different path ... so conflicts will happen for sure | 22:11 |
asac | debhelper needs more features ;) | 22:11 |
asac | (again) | 22:11 |
fta | bzr seems to remember the mv | 22:11 |
asac | yes the mv is no problem | 22:11 |
asac | but you s/thunderbird/icedove/ in files | 22:11 |
asac | and then next time you touch them in tbird they conflict (rightfully) | 22:11 |
fta | yep, some conflicts are expected but it's usually easy to solve | 22:12 |
asac | do we need debhelper files at all? | 22:12 |
asac | ;) | 22:12 |
asac | i am more and more getting a fan of making all paths generic by punching stuff in debian/rules | 22:12 |
fta | i'm afraid we do need them, too many files | 22:12 |
asac | that would help a bunch in rebranding and being downstream and so on | 22:12 |
asac | yeah ... i think we should do mozhelper though | 22:13 |
fta | especially the splits between several debs | 22:13 |
asac | and add the generic features required to it | 22:13 |
asac | what i want is easy variables in .install/link/dirs | 22:13 |
asac | and also .sourcepackage extensions ;) | 22:13 |
fta | we could also make all those .in and subst filenames and paths | 22:14 |
asac | yeah. its just that i get a bad feeling when thinking about templates ;) | 22:14 |
asac | but true | 22:14 |
asac | fta: ah ... but we definitly would need debian/control.sourcepackage | 22:15 |
asac | its not that easy to replace description and stuff generically | 22:15 |
asac | well maybe not "definitly" :) | 22:15 |
asac | control doesnt change often so branches will have rare conflicts there | 22:15 |
asac | so no mozhelper, but everything .in :) | 22:16 |
fta | changing control is tricky as it's easy to confuse cdbs | 22:16 |
asac | iceape building ... what a mess :) | 22:23 |
fta | mmmmm, tricky. when I upgrade from X to Y, what is run is "preinst(from-X) upgrade X", so the preinst script knows nothing about Y and doesn't have access to any file of Y | 22:55 |
fta | so preinst is not the good candidate | 22:55 |
fta | asac, ^^ | 23:03 |
asac | fta: why do you need to know Y from arguments? | 23:06 |
asac | you have access to the maintainer scripts | 23:07 |
fta | think about X -> Y -> X | 23:07 |
asac | so you probably have to do templating | 23:07 |
asac | if you need the version number | 23:07 |
asac | fta: you mean if Y upgrade is rolled back ? or if you downgrade? | 23:07 |
fta | downgraded, like BUGabundo | 23:08 |
asac | why would there be a problem when downgrading? | 23:09 |
fta | you start from X, stable, providing /etc/greX | 23:13 |
fta | you upgrade to Y, providing /etc/greY | 23:13 |
fta | -> preinst install X | 23:13 |
fta | -> look for gre files => only /etc/greX, not obsolete, do nothing | 23:13 |
fta | -> install /etc/greY => we have 2 gre files | 23:13 |
fta | you downgrade to X, providing /etc/greX | 23:13 |
fta | -> preinst install Y | 23:13 |
fta | -> look for gre files => /etc/greY is obsolete => removed | 23:13 |
fta | => /etc/greX is not obsolete => do nothing | 23:13 |
fta | -> install /etc/greY fails as is has been removed by preinst => BINGO | 23:13 |
fta | eh | 23:14 |
fta | the last 3 lines are reversed X<->Y | 23:15 |
fta | asac, | 23:17 |
asac | 00:13 < fta> -> preinst install X | 23:17 |
asac | this means | 23:17 |
asac | 00:13 < fta> -> Y.preinst install X | 23:17 |
fta | no, it's the old preinst | 23:17 |
asac | -> look for gre files => only /etc/greX, not obsolete, do nothing | 23:17 |
asac | thats wrong | 23:18 |
asac | why old preinst? | 23:18 |
asac | that isnt called on upgrade at all | 23:18 |
fta | | 23:18 |
fta | 1. | 23:18 |
fta | If the package is being upgraded, call | 23:18 |
fta | old-postrm upgrade new-version | 23:18 |
fta | 2. | 23:18 |
fta | If this fails, dpkg will attempt: | 23:18 |
fta | new-postrm failed-upgrade old-version | 23:18 |
asac | thats postrm ;) | 23:18 |
asac | not preinst | 23:18 |
fta | oops | 23:18 |
asac | so the problem here is that | 23:18 |
asac | -> look for gre files => only /etc/greX, not obsolete, do nothing | 23:19 |
asac | should do: | 23:19 |
fta | at that point, the new gre file is not there yet | 23:19 |
asac | -> look for gre files => remove all not /etc/greY | 23:19 |
asac | hmm | 23:19 |
fta | there's only the old one | 23:19 |
asac | you should just remove /etc/greX and all obsolete ;) | 23:20 |
asac | yes. the new gre file is /etc/greY | 23:20 |
asac | thats not needed at that point | 23:20 |
asac | we remove "previous" + all obsolete | 23:20 |
asac | that should be right | 23:20 |
fta | but pkg version != gre version | 23:21 |
asac | thats for upgrade X | 23:21 |
fta | i can add gre-version in the template and rm obsolete iif != (new) gre-version | 23:23 |
fta | asac, who else complain? | 23:25 |
asac | lool | 23:25 |
asac | but that was "just" upgrade/install | 23:25 |
fta | hm | 23:25 |
asac | he couldnt start after upgrade ... gre missing | 23:26 |
asac | we couldnt investigate unfortunately | 23:26 |
fta | which version? 3.0 ? | 23:26 |
asac | not sure | 23:26 |
fta | where was that? here? | 23:27 |
asac | it was before holiday | 23:27 |
asac | i think in #ubuntu-mobile | 23:27 |
fta | Dec 17 15:54:51 <lool> Could not find compatible GRE between version and 1.9.0.*. | 23:28 |
asac | did we land anything in 1.9 yet at all? | 23:30 |
fta | Dec 17 15:55:36 <lool> I'm doing a jaunty dist-upgrade, and it's been 20 minutes that firefox is broken during the upgrade with this message; I wonder why the dep isn't < 1.9.1 as well? | 23:30 |
fta | Dec 17 16:07:15 <lool> asac: Working again now; I wonder what broke it | 23:30 |
fta | so just during the dist-upgrade | 23:30 |
asac | oh ;) | 23:31 |
asac | thanks for being my memory | 23:31 |
fta | asac, this should fix the bug, but we still have two gre just after a gre bump | 23:41 |
fta | asac, got a r+ for mozilla bug 460913 \o/ | 23:44 |
ubottu | Mozilla bug 460913 in Build Config "Installer shouldn't copy xulrunner files into Firefox install directory" [Normal,Assigned] | 23:44 |
fta | asac, r- for mozilla bug 412610 | 23:46 |
ubottu | Mozilla bug 412610 in Startup and Profile System "MAXPATHLEN too small for glibc's realpath()" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] | 23:46 |
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