phunyguy | anyone alive? i posted a question earlier today and nobody picked up on it.... can anyone help me? | 01:28 |
phunyguy | i am getting REALLY poor performance in teh program guide while using a dvico tuner | 01:28 |
_akuma624_ | what is "dvico" tuner - is that the brand name? | 01:38 |
phunyguy | yes | 02:12 |
phunyguy | dvico fusion | 02:12 |
phunyguy | HD tuner | 02:12 |
phunyguy | (dvb) | 02:12 |
=== rhpot1992 is now known as rhpot1991 | ||
squish102 | on mythbuntu, i need to start a vncserver automatically under a users account when the machine restarts. where is the best place to put that? | 03:04 |
RobertMLaptop | mythbuntu will start a vncserver for you. It is in mythbutu control center. | 03:28 |
squish102 | RobertMLaptop i think that is x11vnc, which mine does already. I needed a different desktop to start a skype session in. | 03:30 |
squish102 | i have put it in rc.local : su squish102 -e vncserver and it seemed to work | 03:30 |
RobertMLaptop | Only possible issue is if you use the same user id as you main screen certan programs like firefox wont work in both windows. | 03:31 |
squish102 | ahhh, yip same user, but maybe i should create a different user so that i dont encounter that problem | 03:41 |
=== gbutters_ is now known as gbutters | ||
MadChopr | what kinda hdmi cards you guys buying for small boxes... i'd like to build a mini-itx box. | 06:34 |
CarlFK | | 06:54 |
CarlFK | I may get a job at a place that uses those | 06:54 |
laga | last time i checked, mythbuntu didn't run on ARM ;) | 06:55 |
xukun | is it possible to play blue ray movie with mythbuntu? | 15:15 |
jphillip | xukun with some work yes | 15:26 |
jphillip | | 15:27 |
xukun | jphillip, thanks | 15:27 |
mustangg | hey. I'm trying to get an ati remote working with no luck. is there some way to see that the receiver side is active or not? | 16:13 |
MythbuntuGuest43 | Hello I'm having trouble setting up my serial IR to change channels on settop box (iptv box) | 16:16 |
MythbuntuGuest43 | MCC > ENable an IR Transmitter | 16:17 |
MythbuntuGuest43 | from there i can select confituration and then it takes me to Nautils to select a config file | 16:18 |
MythbuntuGuest43 | i have the serial ir from mythtv wiki | 16:18 |
MythbuntuGuest43 | but which one do i use? lirc.hwdb, transmitter.hwdb, or is it one of the subfolders (transmitters, remotes)? | 16:19 |
mustangg | When following the wiki here "" , does it matter which option my ATI is set as, kernel vs userspace? | 16:31 |
MythbuntuGuest43 | according to installation doc, the it says to runk dpkg-reconfigure lirc however the options here seem the same an MCC and there is no "serialreciver" or Servial receiver (variant)" | 16:36 |
MythbuntuGuest43 | Its on pg 115 of 8.10 installation manual | 16:37 |
MythbuntuGuest43 | According to wiki, "You have to load lirc_serial at boot. There are instructions in the HOWto links. The way I do it on Fedora is to edit modprobe.conf. Since you likely also have an IR receiver, such as on the hauppage cards, you need two lirc modules loaded, the lirc_i2c module for the IR receiver, and lirc_serial for the IR emitter. Again please see the details instructions in the links above. Once the modules are loaded, you run two ins | 17:00 |
MadChopr | what kinda HDMI video card are you guys throwing in yuor boxes? | 17:23 |
squish102 | ive got an onboard ati HD3200 one, that i am fighting with. i'm looking for a different one now :( | 17:29 |
squish102 | although i have got it all working, including sound. just not sure of the stability | 17:30 |
mustangg | I simply can get any output from "irw".. I've tried every method outlined in the various docs faqs and wikis, but the furthest I can get is to see activity from "mode2 --device=/dev/lirc0". I've tried various combination of lircd.conf (and lircrc) and restarted lircd dozens of times. Can anyone suggest my next steps? | 17:37 |
dman | morning folks | 17:44 |
mustangg | On the topic of remotes and lircd.conf: Should the code I see from a "mode2 .." be the _exact_ same in lircd.conf for each arbitrary keypress? Ex: in lircd.conf I have 0x000000000000020D for "1" but mode2 gives me 0x14e20d0000 .. | 17:49 |
dman | someone mind taking a look at this to let me know if they see anything to fix | 17:51 |
tgm4883_laptop | dman, DVBChan(2:0) Error: SetChannelByString(33): Failed to initialize multiplex options | 17:54 |
tgm4883_laptop | "is defined, but isn't attached to a cardinput." is odd too, as usually it tells you which card to fix. I assume it doesn't because of the previous error | 17:54 |
dman | hmm | 17:55 |
dman | it's weird I do the setup based on this, although in the step to scan channels | 17:56 |
dman | it won't find them, so I have to use the mpeg card and it works | 17:57 |
dman | but I still can't open front-end | 17:57 |
dman | week 4 of trying to get this working | 17:57 |
dman | anyone using a hauppauge 1600 | 18:00 |
sacamano | Hey, question. I installed Mythbuntu, and I want it to be able to play videos/music off of an external hard drive. It recognizes it fine in the normal version, but I can't seem to figure out how to play from it from the frontend | 18:00 |
dman | I can't understand why myth would want me to use the DVB and mpeg if I dont have DV anyway, anyone have any idea? | 18:03 |
dman | the setup wants the chan scan using the dvb, and finds nothing. If I use the Mpeg instead if finds the channels | 18:04 |
dman | killall command for myth? | 18:14 |
dman | anyone? | 18:14 |
dman | Fatal Error: Audio not configured, you need to run 'mythfrontend', not 'mythtv'. Can't run mythfrontend either | 18:17 |
dman | is it possible to delete the mysql database and will myth auto recreate it? | 18:19 |
dman | or do I have to remove all traces of myth as well as mysql | 18:19 |
dman | 2009-01-05 10:18:15.490 Told to create a NEW database schema, but the database | 18:20 |
dman | already has 17 tables. | 18:20 |
dman | If you are sure this is a good mythtv database, verify | 18:20 |
dman | that the settings table has the DBSchemaVer variable. | 18:20 |
dman | I guess all 61 users are afk | 18:20 |
dman | thanks anyway | 18:20 |
dman | well I guess no help is better than no help at all | 18:28 |
elzapp | Hi. I was wondering, is there a way to remove the "Watch TV" and "Watch Recordings" elements from the menu? | 19:02 |
=== N1X0N is now known as Nixon | ||
sacamano | Hey, question. I installed Mythbuntu, and I want it to be able to play videos/music off of an external hard drive. It recognizes it fine in the normal version, but I can't seem to figure out how to play from it from the frontend | 20:06 |
sacamano | by normal i mean ubuntu | 20:07 |
sacamano | or mythbuntu not using the mythbuntu frontend | 20:07 |
jphillip | sacamano user setup>media | 20:12 |
jphillip | you tell it the location of the files | 20:12 |
sacamano | ok | 20:12 |
sacamano | i did | 20:12 |
jphillip | so video for videos, and music for music | 20:12 |
sacamano | but when i went Media->Videos on the main screen | 20:13 |
sacamano | it still said no files found | 20:13 |
jphillip | then for videos you need to run the video manager | 20:13 |
sacamano | sorry, im kind of a mythbuntu nub | 20:13 |
jphillip | should be on the first page under setup | 20:13 |
jphillip | that will find videos within that folder | 20:13 |
jphillip | I don't do music so I dunno what happens there | 20:13 |
sacamano | ok | 20:13 |
sacamano | when i clicked on video manager | 20:14 |
sacamano | it just goes to a pretty blank screen | 20:14 |
sacamano | says Select: Edit | 20:14 |
sacamano | Info- Action Menu | 20:14 |
sacamano | and other than that its empty | 20:14 |
jphillip | what extension are your videos? | 20:14 |
sacamano | i believe .aiv | 20:14 |
sacamano | *.avi | 20:14 |
sacamano | some might be .wmv | 20:16 |
sacamano | i have the non-free codecs loaded | 20:16 |
sacamano | they are in different folders, i dont know if mythbuntu scans recursively | 20:16 |
jphillip | for videos it does | 20:17 |
jphillip | unless there is an option to enable that | 20:17 |
jphillip | verify the file types are enabled | 20:18 |
jphillip | should prob verify permissions on the files as well | 20:18 |
sacamano | permissions are read/write | 20:18 |
jphillip | should be 755 with mythtv:mythtv as the owner | 20:18 |
sacamano | under the Setup->Media-Videos? | 20:18 |
jphillip | make that 775 | 20:19 |
jphillip | there is a file type menu within there | 20:19 |
sacamano | ok | 20:19 |
jphillip | where you can enable, disable file types and specify players for each | 20:19 |
sacamano | ok | 20:19 |
sacamano | under there theres like different ones | 20:20 |
sacamano | are they all enabled? | 20:20 |
sacamano | .avi doesnt have ignore selected | 20:20 |
sacamano | ohhhhhhhhhh | 20:22 |
sacamano | ok | 20:22 |
sacamano | i found it | 20:22 |
sacamano | for some reason .avi was set to ignore | 20:22 |
sacamano | Another question, can any videos I have pull cover art/ratings and such from IMDB? If so, does it do it automatically or do I have to run something? It's connected to the internet. | 20:33 |
sacamano | And would it try and match movies to titles | 20:33 |
sacamano | ive ripped most of my movies to .avi | 20:33 |
jphillip | sacamano in the video manager you hit the right arrow (or M I think) and it pulls up a menu which has the search imdb option | 20:52 |
sacamano | ty a lot jphillip | 20:57 |
mustangg | Folks, about remotes and IR: can I assume if there is output from "mode2" (per a forum thread) that unresponding "irw" is due to config file error and such..? | 21:09 |
sabhain | mustangg, I've only seen unresponding "irw" when the lircd.conf and hardware.conf are incorrect | 21:20 |
sabhain | or if LIRC itself has failed to load or crashed | 21:21 |
jphillip | mustangg yes you need to correct your /etc/lirc/lircd.conf to include the buttons before they will show up in lirw | 21:22 |
mustangg | jphillip/sabhain: would you fellas know if the code I get from mode2 is the identical code I should have in lircd.conf? e.g.: 0x14d5000000 in mode2 and 0x000000000000020D in the lircd.conf file... ? | 21:26 |
jphillip | do any of your buttons work? | 21:27 |
mustangg | nothing works right now, but I have seen it working (wrongly mapped though) with my previous if badly mangled installation of mythbuntu. | 21:29 |
jphillip | I think the numbers don't directly match up | 21:30 |
jphillip | I've always used a somewhat working config and then used it to discover keys that didn't work and just added the ending numbers | 21:31 |
jphillip | you should try irrecord maybe? | 21:31 |
mustangg | ok wasn't sure if it mattered. I followed the wiki here <> but it simply doesn show any keys at all. | 21:31 |
mustangg | I've stayed away from irrecord so far because all the tutorial-type material available uses preexisting files and such. | 21:33 |
jphillip | irrecort is pretty straight forward, you just push buttons and tell it what that is | 21:34 |
jphillip | but my understanding is it doesn't work for everything | 21:34 |
mustangg | I'll give irrecord a try and see if I can get anything working.. Thanks fellas. | 21:39 |
jphillip | mustangg that or get a somewhat working config and adjust from there | 21:42 |
mustangg | I've tried at lease three supposed working config files, but none have any effect when I run irw.. | 21:45 |
jphillip | did you sudo /etc/init.d/lirc reload sudo /etc/init.d/lirc restart after changing the config? | 21:53 |
jphillip | 2 seperate commands there | 21:53 |
jphillip | I'm not entirely sure the reload is necessary | 21:53 |
jphillip | in a perfect world it should only need one or the other, but it doesn't hurt to be safe when you are having issues | 21:54 |
=== N1X0N is now known as Nixon | ||
mustangg | yeah, restart irc that way each time. multiple times even when I forgot if I did/not ;) | 22:03 |
=== rhpot1992 is now known as rhpot1991 | ||
abongile_ | hello, looking for help with Windows MCE remote with mythbuntu. irw picks up all the keys correctly but in muythbuntui only a sbuest works, please help, there are many other problems to solve. | 22:40 |
laga | abongile_: you need to add the missing keys to your .lircrc. best idea is to add a new include statement and create a new file | 22:41 |
laga | or you can try asking google for a ready-mady lircrc, but it'll have to match your lircd.conf | 22:41 |
abongile_ | I am newbie but I have been up and down the net and have taken a loo at hadrware.conf and lircd.conf files in both the remote seems to be listed. How do I go about doing what you suggest, I am a really to things linux. | 22:44 |
tritium | superm1: are you aware of anyone packaging for debian or ubuntu? | 22:44 |
superm1 | tritium, not aware no | 22:44 |
superm1 | i heard of it and started to look at it and saw there is a bit of a messy build system | 22:45 |
tritium | Nor am I. The gui would be a nice thing to have. | 22:45 |
superm1 | that depends on the source of hdhomerun-config | 22:45 |
superm1 | tritium, want to package it :)? | 22:45 |
tritium | Ah, really? I've not looked at it. | 22:45 |
tritium | superm1: possibly so | 22:45 |
tritium | I'll take a look at it. | 22:45 |
superm1 | tritium, if you can't make it in time for when jaunty closes for new packages, we can always put it on the mythbuntu testing PPA for those interested | 22:46 |
tritium | Fair enough. When is the deadline? | 22:46 |
abongile_ | laga how do I add a new include statement and creat a new file. I am a real new to things linux. | 22:46 |
laga | superm1: did someone work out the gpg key breakage on the UK repo? | 22:46 |
superm1 | laga, gpg key breakage? did pegasus expire? | 22:46 |
laga | superm1: no clue. | 22:46 |
laga | abongile_: you'd use an editor. has documentation on the file format | 22:47 |
laga | abongile_: the mythbuntu manual might have something as well, but i'm not sure on that one | 22:47 |
superm1 | tritium, lets see.. i think featurefreeze is the last point when new packages get accepted. feb 19 ( ) | 22:47 |
tritium | Thanks, superm1. | 22:47 |
abongile_ | laga, go there now, thank you! | 22:48 |
laga | abongile_: let me know if you run into problems | 22:48 |
superm1 | tritium, welcome. let me know if you'll need someone to revu it | 22:48 |
tritium | superm1: I certainly would. I've not been MOTU for years now. | 22:48 |
abongile_ | Laga, just gone through the LIRC website, went through the supported remote comtrols config files and did not find anything under microsoft or phillips and found something under mceusb ( but I do not know what toi do with it or whether it would be helpful to me, | 23:02 |
laga | abongile_: i was referring you to the file format for the lircrc files :) | 23:08 |
abongile_ | laga, I don't think I know what format they are but they end with .conf, the config file on lirc website seems to be the right one but I don't know what to do with it. | 23:10 |
superm1 | mceusb should be supported OOTB | 23:16 |
superm1 | just pick it in the postinst, mcc, or ubiquity | 23:16 |
superm1 | oh wait i just read above. so propbably lircrc neesd some work as indicated above | 23:16 |
superm1 | see ~/.lirc/* and ~/.mythtv/lircrc | 23:17 |
abongile_ | laga, as mentioned in my lircd.conf the remote is named there, today my hardware.conf file seems to be empty and I don't know what to do with the RC-6 conf file from lirc website. | 23:17 |
abongile_ | superm1, I am using ubuntu 8.10 what folders would I find these /etc, /dev I am a newbie and don't really know my way around the system or command line at this stage. | 23:21 |
MythbuntuGuest95 | Hello I'm having trouble getting serial ir blaster working | 23:21 |
MythbuntuGuest95 | I have been following several differnt guides to no avail | 23:21 |
MythbuntuGuest95 | I think it has to do with /dev/lirc* | 23:23 |
MythbuntuGuest95 | apparently there will be 2 /dev/lirc0 and /devlirc1? | 23:24 |
MythbuntuGuest95 | I have tried to mannuall edit a lot of things go get this to work since MCC doenst seem to stick settings | 23:24 |
abongile_ | laga, just got my hardware.conf file and the remote seems to listed there,l though nothing seems speified under the irblaster section. Still do not kjnow what to do with the conf file from lirc website. | 23:26 |
MythbuntuGuest95 | | 23:27 |
abongile_ | superm1, the lirc folder has the following: hardware.conf hardware.conf.old lircd.conf lircd.conf.dpkg-old lircmd.conf | 23:29 |
superm1 | abongile_, don't do anything with the conf from the website | 23:29 |
superm1 | are you using mythbuntu, or just standard ubuntu? | 23:30 |
abongile_ | superm1, I am using mythbuntu and have installed the kde desktop. | 23:32 |
superm1 | abongile_, okay then go into mythbuntu control centre, select the mceusb remote | 23:32 |
superm1 | and have it regenerate button mappings | 23:32 |
abongile__ | laga, superm1, somebody out there please help! | 23:42 |
superm1 | abongile_, i told you what to do to reset back to normal state. once you are there you just need to modify the files in ~/.lirc/* like I said | 23:44 |
abongile__ | superm1, just checked /etc/mythtv folder there's no lircd file and /etc/lirc does not contain a mythtv folder or file. | 23:46 |
MythbuntuGuest95 | According to installation manual sudo dpkg-reconfigure setserial says that it is depricated but editing /var/lib/setserial/autoserial.conf says to use it using dpkg | 23:49 |
MythbuntuGuest95 | ? | 23:49 |
abongile__ | superm1, you said to wait I did, you said to go myth control centre I did, you said to look at ~/lirc/* I did and told you what was in there you said to look at ~/mythtv/lirc, what did I misse? | 23:50 |
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