Seeker` | !-seeker | 00:00 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about seeker | 00:00 |
Seeker` | woo | 00:00 |
jussi01 | !unforget seeker | 00:00 |
ubottu | I suddenly remember seeker again, jussi01 | 00:00 |
jussi01 | bwahhahahahah | 00:01 |
jussi01 | !seeker | 00:01 |
ubottu | seeker is test | 00:01 |
jussi01 | oh thats boring | 00:01 |
Seeker` | !forget seeker | 00:01 |
ubottu | In #ubuntu-ops, Seeker` said: !forget seeker | 00:01 |
Seeker` | @btlogin | 00:01 |
jussi01 | Seeker`: @login ;) | 00:01 |
Seeker` | @login | 00:01 |
ubottu | The operation succeeded. | 00:01 |
Seeker` | !forget Seeker | 00:01 |
ubottu | I know nothing about Seeker yet, Seeker` | 00:01 |
Seeker` | !forget seeker | 00:02 |
ubottu | I'll forget that, Seeker` | 00:02 |
Seeker` | :D | 00:02 |
jussi01 | hehe | 00:02 |
Mez | @whywontyoulogmeinautomatically | 00:02 |
jussi01 | @becauseIdontlikeyou | 00:03 |
jussi01 | :P | 00:03 |
Mez | @lart jussi01 | 00:03 |
jussi01 | hahahah | 00:04 |
jussi01 | I disabled it | 00:04 |
jussi01 | and now its 2am, so bed time... | 00:04 |
* genii puts on more coffee | 00:05 | |
Jack_Sparrow | nini | 00:08 |
ubottu | FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE) | 00:12 |
ubottu | FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE) | 00:12 |
* genii sips | 03:15 | |
=== bluesmoke_ is now known as Amaranth | ||
jinja-sheep | There lies a wandering boy in #ops channel. | 07:27 |
jinja-sheep | Uh.... I want to let you guys know.... The message in !clone is not accurate or outdated. There are no --disable-columns. :) | 07:28 |
jussi01 | !clone | 07:29 |
ubottu | To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude --disable-columns --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate | 07:29 |
jussi01 | !-clone | 07:29 |
ubottu | clone aliases: cloning - added by LjL on 2007-01-22 21:25:00 - last edited by LjL on 2008-11-23 17:58:12 | 07:29 |
jussi01 | jinja-sheep: Ill talk to ljl when he comes in and see. :) | 07:30 |
jinja-sheep | jussi01: Sure thing. Not sure what you just did. <_< | 07:30 |
jussi01 | jinja-sheep: all good, thanks for letting us know. anything else you need? | 07:30 |
jinja-sheep | jussi01: Have a good one. See you later. | 07:31 |
jinja-sheep | jussi01: Not really. Just wanted to let you guys know. If I thought of something, I'll come back anytime. ;o | 07:31 |
jussi01 | !idle | jinja-sheep | 07:32 |
ubottu | jinja-sheep: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only, and we ask you to part when you have no further business here, in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries. | 07:32 |
nickrud | wow, that's a major change to !clone. is dselect-upgrade depreciated now? | 07:37 |
jussi01 | nickrud: ljl was doing something with it. IMHO its very confusing and should link to a wiki page | 07:38 |
nickrud | jussi01, dpkg --get-selections > mypackages , dpkg --set-selections with apt-get dselect-upgrade does it just fine. | 07:39 |
jussi01 | nickrud: there was some reason why that wasnt right, dont actually remember... | 07:40 |
nickrud | plus I thought we were supposed to avoid using aptitude | 07:40 |
nickrud | I hope not, I've been using that every time I did an install of the new release ;) | 07:40 |
topyli | that method has been carved to my brain since about 1934. if it's changed, i'll file bugs! :) | 07:43 |
Flannel | The dpkg method doesn't preserve which packages were manually installed vs brought in as depends | 08:08 |
Flannel | so autoremove may not work completely after a reinstall using that method | 08:08 |
ubottu | In ubottu, eseven73 said: tab is You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. For example: Type the first two characters of the persons nick THEN hit the TAB key. | 08:24 |
Myrtti | hello | 08:57 |
jussi01 | hiya Myrtti | 09:01 |
jpds | morning all. | 09:26 |
jussi01 | christel: ahh, I suspected that was the case. have fun with him. | 09:27 |
christel | mmm | 09:29 |
topyli | Flannel: good point | 10:09 |
elkbuntu | who? | 10:32 |
jussi01 | elkbuntu: ? | 10:35 |
elkbuntu | whoever chr istel was having fun with | 10:35 |
jussi01 | xixnix in #freenode | 10:36 |
elkbuntu | ah | 10:39 |
jussi01 | did you read back? | 10:40 |
elkbuntu | yeah | 10:40 |
elkbuntu | only a bit though | 10:40 |
ubottu | In #ubuntu, HacKBoX said: !b43-firmware is Firmware required to enable Broadcom wireless devices. use 'sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter' to install the firmware and then use System->Administration->Hardware Drivers to enable it. Broadcom Firmware can also be downloaded from | 12:13 |
HacKBoX | anybody see that factoid? | 12:14 |
topyli | everyone sees it HacKBoX | 12:20 |
HacKBoX | oh im sorry | 12:21 |
HacKBoX | cheerio! | 12:23 |
* jussi01 huggles christel | 14:02 | |
* christel hugs jussi01 | 14:20 | |
* genii puts on a fresh pot of coffee | 14:42 | |
erUSUL | !clone | 14:51 |
ubottu | To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude --disable-columns --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate | 14:51 |
erUSUL | --disable-columns is not recogniced by intrepid's aptitude | 14:52 |
erUSUL | not in my box at least | 14:52 |
jussi01 | erUSUL: yeah, we are looking at it. | 14:53 |
erUSUL | ok; thanks. Bye and Happy New Year all <|8-) | 14:54 |
jussi01 | Jack_Sparrow: you need to fix your aliases... | 15:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | jussi01, please explain, I am not quite awake | 15:09 |
jussi01 | Jack_Sparrow: when you ban someone you need to remove them also... | 15:09 |
Jack_Sparrow | Ah the script | 15:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | I have him in pm at the moment | 15:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | nm, he is just as rude there.. | 15:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | jussie There was an issue when I tried /cs kb nick and I had not had time to sort it | 15:13 |
ubottu | In ubottu, grobda24 said: !no, google earth is Google Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository. Community Doc - | 15:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | I just found the greatest collection of tux icons, tux-firefox, and a thousand others that are just too cute.. | 15:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | Sorry, meant that for a different channel/person | 15:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | @login | 15:29 |
ubottu | The operation succeeded. | 15:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | @btlogin | 15:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | Dam0 tried to kill a users system offering help in pm rm.... | 15:53 |
nickrud | well, that's a lovely line to see, first thing in the morning | 16:00 |
Jack_Sparrow | I made notes in the tracker on it | 16:01 |
Jack_Sparrow | Morning nickrud | 16:01 |
nickrud | morning. Other than that, it's a lovely Blue Sky, Ocean Breeze, Warm Day. Get out and Enjoy! | 16:02 |
Jack_Sparrow | I am heading out to get a new chair this am.. and a couple of boxes to send out penguin mugs.. to a couple people.. hint hint | 16:03 |
* jussi01 prods ikonia | 16:56 | |
jussi01 | stdin: nalioth ping | 18:33 |
jussi01 | ththt: how can we help you today? | 18:33 |
ththt | jussi01, nothing, thanks | 18:36 |
jussi01 | Im guessing he will be back... | 18:36 |
jussi01 | @bansearch ththt | 18:37 |
ubottu | No matches found for ththt!n=ttt@unaffiliated/ththt in any channel | 18:37 |
jussi01 | hrm... | 18:37 |
nalioth | jussi01: pong? | 20:21 |
* Myrtti feels herself | 21:04 | |
PriceChild | Myrtti: all there? | 21:04 |
Myrtti | not sure | 21:04 |
Myrtti | I bought a scale today. | 21:05 |
Myrtti | I've gained about 20kg's since year and half ago August. | 21:05 |
Myrtti | needless to say, I'm pissed. | 21:05 |
nickspoon | I bet you still look great, Myrtti :) | 21:33 |
Seeker` | nickspoon: suck up :P | 21:44 |
nickspoon | Just because I can pay a girl a compliment... | 21:45 |
Seeker` | :P | 21:48 |
* nickrud_ thinks it's simple fear of the fluffy pens of doom | 21:59 | |
nickspoon | Possibly that. | 22:11 |
* genii puts on a fresh pot of coffee | 22:27 | |
Seeker` | genii: I'd stick to normal clothes if i were you, coffee tends to burn if you wear it | 22:28 |
genii | Seeker`: Especially McDonald's coffee.... | 22:32 |
* tritium wishes he had a nickel for each fresh pot of coffee genii put on... | 22:32 | |
tritium | :) | 22:33 |
genii | tritium: I do actually drink far too much coffee | 22:34 |
tritium | genii: there are far worse habits! | 22:34 |
genii | I agree | 22:34 |
ubottu | divinebovine called the ops in #kubuntu () | 22:44 |
genii | ikonia: Seems zumran is harassing divinebovine in pm | 22:47 |
ikonia | yes, just trying to pick that up | 22:47 |
ikonia | didnt know you where active | 22:47 |
genii | riddell apparently too, although he's not in -ops | 22:47 |
ikonia | just say you both active | 22:48 |
ikonia | I was lagging behind you | 22:48 |
genii | Ah | 22:51 |
Slart | hello.. user tkzao just popped in to tell us all about that lovely "get visitors to the site to see the nekkid pics"-site | 23:21 |
ubottu | ScottK called the ops in #ubuntu-devel () | 23:22 |
jpds | Great. | 23:22 |
jpds | Slart: In PM? | 23:23 |
Slart | jpds: nope.. just in the channel | 23:23 |
jpds | Slart: Looks like he got #u-devel too. | 23:23 |
Slart | jpds: he left right away.. so it's no emergency... but it seems he's still connected to the server.. | 23:23 |
Slart | and there he is again =) | 23:24 |
rww | Hi! Can someone add a mention of #ubuntu-brainstorm to the !brainstorm factoid, please? As far as I can tell, Brainstorm discussion's supposed to be in there, not Ubuntu, so it seems like it'd make sense to have it in the factoid :) | 23:37 |
rww | not #ubuntu ** | 23:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | rww, I thought there was one tagged suggestions etc? | 23:39 |
rww | Jack_Sparrow: The only factoid I see that mentions brainstorm is !brainstorm. | 23:40 |
rww | Jack_Sparrow: according to , anyway. | 23:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | noted. | 23:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | there is one for bugs/wishes for the bots.. but not brainstorm | 23:41 |
rww | Jack_Sparrow: oh, the !no, factoid is <reply> new factoid text syntax? Yeah, I tried that with !firewall the other day and nothing seemed to happen, so I wasn't sure if it still worked =/ | 23:43 |
Jack_Sparrow | rww, It sends them here for approval, they dont just go in automatically | 23:44 |
rww | Jack_Sparrow: ah. makes sense, I guess. | 23:44 |
Jack_Sparrow | It got out of control when we didnt check them first | 23:45 |
ubottu | In ubottu, rww said: !no, brainstorm is <reply> Post your ideas for ubuntu at and vote for the ones you like! Discuss Brainstorm in #ubuntu-brainstorm. | 23:47 |
Jack_Sparrow | Im in the miiddle of redoing my office.. | 23:47 |
rww | Ah, I see :) | 23:47 |
rww | Okay, well, that was it, so I'll get going now... | 23:47 |
rww | Thanks, Jack_Sparrow | 23:47 |
Jack_Sparrow | Sorry, CLose to exhaustion atm.. up most of the night and just now getting my own systems up | 23:47 |
Jack_Sparrow | rww np | 23:48 |
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