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nemoego | I have two ubuntu servers, alpha acts as DHCP/TFTP/NFS server from which beta does a TFTP boot with NFS root. All this works ok, but beta will disappear from the network periodically: i.e. ping reports 'Destination host unreachable' and ongoing samba transfers timeout. logging in to beta locally and running a command will make it reachable again for a while. What's happening here? | 00:50 |
yann2 | nemoego > I had a similar issue once | 00:54 |
yann2 | are you using network bonding? | 00:54 |
nemoego | yann2: don't think so, that's using multiple interfaces with one IP, right? | 00:56 |
yann2 | yes | 00:56 |
yann2 | my other question would be, is the server virtualized | 00:56 |
yann2 | a stupid guess could also be: you have an IP conflict somewhere and the switch gets confused | 00:57 |
yann2 | try assigning another IP | 00:57 |
nemoego | the nfs root was originally made with a virtual machine, but it's running on metal now, DHCP doesn't assign IPs in the range beta is in, and i think if I change IPs i will lose my NFS root, no? | 00:58 |
yann2 | well just check there is no conflict at swtich level | 00:59 |
nemoego | yeah, there are 6 machines on the network and the 2 have static IPs and the rest are getting dynamic IPs from the server properly | 01:00 |
nemoego | it's almost like beta is forgetting it has an IP until I force it to access the NFS share... | 01:01 |
yann2 | I bet it's more the switch that gets confused with the mac address :P | 01:02 |
yann2 | or maybe I'm wrong, but this is what I would investigate :) | 01:02 |
nemoego | how would I go about that? | 01:02 |
yann2 | when you say | 01:07 |
yann2 | logging in to beta locally and running a command will make it reachable again | 01:07 |
yann2 | that command has to be network related? | 01:07 |
yann2 | or a simple ls is enough? | 01:08 |
yann2 | is it a manageable switch? | 01:08 |
nemoego | since it's an NFS root, any command forces access to the NFS server (alpha), also the first command takes 30-60 seconds, subsequent commands are instant | 01:09 |
nemoego | switch is a cheap wifi router | 01:09 |
nemoego | also, i notice this problem mostly because it interrupts my samba transfers to beta, so i'm communicating with the machine when it disappears | 01:11 |
msucoder | Has anyone here fooled with webcamd before? | 01:48 |
danielm_mc | yoza - is there an easy way to upgrade 32-bit hardy heron to 64-bit hardy w/o complete re-install? URI plz... :-) | 03:49 |
pteague | suggestions for a mail server simply for sending mail from a lamp server? debating postfix or sendmail | 08:43 |
Jeeves_ | never choose sendmail | 08:43 |
pteague | that bad? or just no good options? | 08:45 |
hads | postfix | 08:46 |
Jeeves_ | Exim | 08:46 |
hads | :) | 08:46 |
Jeeves_ | ssmtp | 08:46 |
Jeeves_ | Net::SMTP | 08:46 |
hads | mail() | 08:47 |
Jeeves_ | Net::Telnet | 08:47 |
Jeeves_ | echo, cat, |, netcat | 08:47 |
henkjan | pteague: just stay with the default postfix install | 08:47 |
hads | pteague: Postfix is easy and works out of the box on Ubuntu | 08:48 |
pteague | at this point i'd like to just get `php -r 'mail( "valid@email.com", "testing", "this is a test email." );';` to work :) | 08:48 |
pteague | k | 08:48 |
* henkjan hands an exchange 2k3 install cd to Jeeves_ | 08:48 | |
pteague | um, which configuration thing should i choose? internet site, internet w/smarthost, satellite system... ? | 08:49 |
Jeeves_ | henkjan: Bah! | 08:49 |
pteague | i know when i'm behind cox i have to use their mail servers :( | 08:49 |
hads | Internet site usually if you're an Internet site :) | 08:49 |
pteague | this is home file/web server ... & test server | 08:50 |
kraut | moin | 08:50 |
hads | pteague: Then you'll probably want to use your ISP's mail server as a smarthost. | 08:50 |
pteague | probably won't be receiving email except via fetchmail ... | 08:50 |
pteague | ok, what should i use as the system mail name? my main site's domain or cox.net ? | 08:52 |
hads | your.domain.co.au | 08:57 |
pteague | the smtp relay host i'm guessing is the smpt.isp.com mail server i need to send through | 09:00 |
AnAnt | Hello, does ubuntu provide some web-based tool for managing the server ? | 12:26 |
_ruben | !ebox | 12:36 |
ubottu | ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox | 12:36 |
_ruben | AnAnt: ^^ | 12:36 |
AnAnt | ok | 12:52 |
spiekey | hello! | 13:00 |
spiekey | this might be a little Off-Topic but i need some hints or opinions for NAS/SAN :) | 13:01 |
spiekey | i would like to save about 4-6TB. I could just use a Debian Box with a Raid5 controller and SATA. Or maybe just a JBOD attached by eSATA? | 13:01 |
spiekey | or should i not use a operating system at all and use an appliance? | 13:02 |
ProfFalken | spiekey: you might be better off looking a a server/server cluster that connects to a SAN backend via fibre-channel SCSI. I've use infortrend int eh past and that seems to work pretty well if its of any help? | 13:09 |
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AnAnt | _ruben: thanks | 13:54 |
vorian | ScottK: when would be a good time to cover the server migration you mentioned last week? :) | 14:13 |
ScottK | Now isn't so bad. | 14:13 |
vorian | excellent | 14:13 |
ScottK | I did do a bit of work on it over my Christmas holiday, so there are some removals pending. | 14:13 |
ScottK | Currently we have DB4.2 -> 4.7 in the archive. | 14:14 |
ScottK | The goal is to get that down to as few as possible. | 14:14 |
vorian | ok | 14:14 |
ScottK | Currently 4.2 needs to stay due to some openldap oddities. | 14:14 |
ScottK | zul: Did openldap ever get working on later than 4.2? | 14:14 |
ScottK | Most things are on 4.6/4.7. | 14:15 |
ScottK | So the goal is to kill of 4.3/4.4/4.5. | 14:15 |
ScottK | Each of them still has a few rdepends. | 14:15 |
zul | ScottK: probably I havent checked in a while though | 14:15 |
ScottK | I did get to file a removal bug on one of them. | 14:15 |
ScottK | zul: Could you add that to your Jaunty list of stuff to do? | 14:15 |
ScottK | It'd be nice to get that one out of Main and maybe even out of the archive. | 14:16 |
ScottK | vorian: So look at the rdepends for each binary and then see if you can get them to work with a later version. | 14:16 |
ScottK | You can also look in Debian for patches as they were trying to do the same thing for Lenny. | 14:17 |
vorian | ScottK: is this just for jaunty? or 8.04+? | 14:17 |
ScottK | vorian: Jaunty. | 14:18 |
vorian | roger | 14:18 |
zul | ScottK: you mean my never-ending-todo-list-that-grows-ever-bigger-by-the-second? | 14:18 |
ScottK | zul: Yes or the "list-of-stuff-to-get-mathiaz-to-do". | 14:19 |
domas | hi! why the heck doesn't oprofile recognize vmlinux? | 14:21 |
domas | root@db25:/a# opcontrol --vmlinux=/boot/vmlinux-debug-2.6.24-22-server | 14:21 |
domas | The specified file /boot/vmlinux-debug-2.6.24-22-server does not seem to be valid | 14:21 |
domas | :) | 14:21 |
* domas reviews 'opcontrol' | 14:23 | |
domas | ah, found the problem %) | 14:24 |
domas | dependancy bug | 14:24 |
domas | anyone would know why rsync would be hitting sys% that much, with such profile: http://p.defau.lt/?hkE20oFLHK1UQYzFisbnMg | 14:26 |
Shoopuf | Any reason why I wouldn't want to run a sudo aptitude update/install/safe-upgrade? | 14:28 |
Shoopuf | And anyone know some good software to test the security of my server? | 14:29 |
a_ok | is there a way i can prevent apt from starting/ stopping services? | 14:31 |
a_ok | daemons/init scripts whatever you want to call them | 14:31 |
ProfFalken | Shoopuf: what kind of server is it? (DB/LAMP/LDAP?) there'll be a tool to test it! | 14:36 |
Shoopuf | ProfFalken: LAMP | 14:37 |
domas | I smell a regression somewhere :( | 14:39 |
ProfFalken | Shoopuf: http://www.howtoforge.com/apache_security_testing_with_nikto - it's a bit old (dapper) but it refers to Nikto (http://www.cirt.net/nikto2) which will help you. | 14:40 |
ProfFalken | anyone in here know why I wouldn't be able to su from root to another user without typing the passwords? | 14:46 |
domas | what the heck | 14:47 |
domas | if I rsync single file, it is copied at 100MB/s | 14:47 |
domas | if I rsync that same file as part of directory copy, it is copied at 10MB/s | 14:48 |
domas | and most of time is spent in kernel | 14:48 |
ProfFalken | w00t! Fixed it - /etc/pam.d/su did not have "auth sufficient /lib/security/rootok.so". it all works now... :o) | 14:59 |
eolo999 | hi, "virsh -c qemu:///system shutdown machine-name" doesn't stop my machine... | 15:03 |
eolo999 | hi i cannot shutdown kvm machines! | 15:13 |
eolo999 | someone can help me? | 15:13 |
Shoopuf | ProfFalken: oh dear ;P | 15:27 |
Shoopuf | Got it to run but don't understand most of the output. :P | 15:30 |
ball | eolo999: what kind of kvm machines? | 15:33 |
Shoopuf | Is there a way for me to password-protect one particular directory if someone tries to navigate to it with a URL? | 15:35 |
Shoopuf | i know there's a way but what's the best way :) | 15:37 |
ProfFalken | Shoopuf: look into .htaccess files - they rock! As for Nikto, I've not used it for a while but I'm sure Google can help you with the results... ;o) | 15:43 |
Shoopuf | ProfFalken: yah i found the site that lists what each error is... http://osvdb.org/show/osvdb/3092 | 15:44 |
jussi01 | does anyone know how to fix locales stuff? http://paste.ubuntu.com/100395/ | 16:01 |
zul | sommer: ping | 16:02 |
ProfFalken | jussi01: dpkg-reconfigure locales | 16:02 |
jussi01 | ProfFalken: ahh, thanks! | 16:02 |
ball | Is NFS the natural choice for serving up filespace from Ubuntu Server to Xubuntu? | 16:06 |
soren | ball: Most of the time, I use Samba. | 16:07 |
sommer | zul: yl | 16:07 |
sommer | zul: err yo | 16:07 |
vorian | ScottK: what is the specific argument for apt-rdepends to work it's magic? | 16:08 |
ball | Hello soren, haven't seen you for about a hundred years. | 16:09 |
soren | ball: I've never left :) | 16:09 |
ScottK | vorian: apt-cache rdepends libdb4.5 | 16:09 |
zul | sommer: where is the ebox stuff again? | 16:10 |
vorian | i thought it was apt-rdepends -r/b or something like that | 16:10 |
vorian | ah | 16:11 |
vorian | ok | 16:11 |
vorian | thanks ScottK | 16:11 |
sztomi_ | 17:08 < sztomi> I'm trying to establish an ssh connection between two ubuntu boxes. The problem is that whenever I set a static ip address on the server, it gets reset after a few seconds. I managed to connect once, but a few minutes later, the connection was frozen, and when I checked, the static IP was reset on the server. Can you help me? | 16:11 |
sztomi_ | 17:08 < sztomi> I'm trying to establish an ssh connection between two ubuntu boxes. The problem is that whenever I set a static ip address on the server, it gets reset after a few seconds. I managed to connect once, but a few minutes later, the connection was frozen, and when I checked, the static IP was reset on the server. Can you help me? | 16:11 |
vorian | It looks like 4.6 is the one that needs work | 16:11 |
sztomi_ | sry | 16:11 |
ScottK | vorian: True, but it'd be nice to finish off 4.3/4.4/4.5 and get them removed. | 16:12 |
ScottK | Of course those are mostly the hard ones left. | 16:12 |
ball | sztomi_: did you tell your DHCP server to provide the same IP address consistently to the machine you're trying to ssh into? | 16:13 |
vorian | ScottK: all i see in .3/.4/.5 are libdb4.*-dev and db4.*-util | 16:13 |
vorian | 4.2 and 4.6 have a bunch yet | 16:13 |
ScottK | vorian: You need to look at all the binaries. | 16:14 |
ScottK | vorian: e.g. apt-cache rdepends libdb4.5++ | 16:14 |
vorian | ahhh, ok | 16:14 |
* vorian is slow | 16:15 | |
ScottK | vorian: apt-cache showsrc db4.5 will show you a list. | 16:15 |
vorian | nod :) | 16:15 |
* vorian gets cracking | 16:15 | |
sommer | zul: in my PPA: https://launchpad.net/~asommer/+archive | 16:16 |
vorian | holy moly, that's a bunch of stuff | 16:16 |
sztomi_ | ball: I forgot it: I'm trying to establish a point-to-point connection, so no dhcp. | 16:20 |
ball | sztomi_: point-to-point between two machines in the same room? | 16:22 |
ball | ...or between two sites? | 16:22 |
sztomi_ | ball: same room | 16:35 |
sztomi_ | I want to transfer files from one box to another | 16:35 |
sztomi_ | brb | 16:38 |
sztomi | re | 16:39 |
ball | sztomi: are both machines on the same physical LAN? | 16:40 |
sztomi | they are connected with a crossover ethernet cable | 16:40 |
ball | ah good | 16:40 |
ball | Did you statically-assign IP addresses to the interface on each machine? | 16:40 |
sztomi | yes | 16:41 |
sztomi | but on the server it keeps reseting to dhcp | 16:41 |
sztomi | after a few minutes | 16:41 |
dinsdale07 | hello - I think I have a security problem on one of my server. I find this in the access.log for apache. | 16:42 |
dinsdale07 | - - [28/Dec/2008:23:03:09 +0100] "\x16\x03\x01" 501 412 "-" "-" | 16:42 |
dinsdale07 | what does the x16\x03 ... mean. I guess the 501 and 412 are the apache response codes. | 16:43 |
ball | sztomi: okay, so you need to find out how to configure your box for static IP | 16:43 |
dinsdale07 | It looks as if a foreign IP has made a http request to another server. - which is kind of worrieing. | 16:44 |
sztomi | I did configure it. I even connected once, but after a minute or two it just reseted (only on the server). | 16:44 |
sztomi | I did: ifconfig eth1 ipaddr | 16:44 |
sztomi | ifconfig eth1 down | 16:44 |
sztomi | then up | 16:44 |
sztomi | when I check it, it's there | 16:45 |
sztomi | but one minute later, it isn't | 16:45 |
ball | That machine is not also connected to a LAN? | 16:48 |
ball | (other than the two-node LAN formed by the crossover cable) | 16:49 |
sztomi | it is | 16:49 |
sztomi | there are two interfaces | 16:49 |
ball | okay, my guess is the Ubuntu server box is confused. | 16:50 |
sztomi | eth0 is connected to lan | 16:50 |
sztomi | eth1 is the one I'm trying to connect with the other box | 16:50 |
ball | Hopefully someone here knows how to tell it to be a DHCP client on *only* one of its interfaces | 16:50 |
ball | I'm really interested in this because it's on my list of things to do this week. | 16:50 |
ProfFalken | ball: dhclient ethx | 16:52 |
ball | ProfFalken: how do you configure that permanently? | 16:54 |
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sztomi | this looks promising: http://dirn.name/2008/11/how-to-set-static-ip-on-ubuntu-810-intrepid-ibex/ | 17:05 |
sztomi | but what is that nameserver stuff for? | 17:07 |
Deeps | you can probably not worry about your resolv.conf if you're configuring a static ip on the same subnet as the dhcp pool | 17:08 |
Deeps | also remember to `ps ax|grep dhclient` and kill any dhclient processes that are running | 17:08 |
ball | Deeps: these are two separate LANs though | 17:11 |
ball | physically separate | 17:11 |
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sztomi | it works fine | 17:14 |
ProfFalken | ball: I configure it in /etc/network/interfaces in the same way I configure a Debian Server. | 17:34 |
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finite9 | hello. ive used CentOS for years and im moving to Ubuntu server, but im perplexed that when trying to install mdadm, it has dependencies on citadel-server, citadel-mta etc. what is that??? | 18:30 |
finite9 | those dependencies should not exist | 18:30 |
jmedina | finite9: did you ever try to install citadel? | 18:35 |
finite9 | no why? | 18:35 |
jmedina | here mdadm install without problems | 18:35 |
jmedina | could you pastebin your apt-get intall output? | 18:35 |
jmarsden|work | apt-cache show mdadm | grep Depends: # does not show a dependency on citadel here either... | 18:36 |
finite9 | yes, mdadm will install, but it also wants to install citadel-server which I do not want. I do not understand why mdadm forces me to install a mail server. it does not list citadel as a dependency in apt-cache showpkg, but it does have mail-transport-agant, and that probably depends on citadel | 18:37 |
finite9 | yep sure | 18:37 |
domas | how to avoid kswapd deadlocks? :) | 18:37 |
finite9 | sorry not sure how to paste bin? how do you do that or do you just mean paste it into this window? | 18:37 |
jmarsden|work | finite9: You should probably install ssmtp (minimal mail server) and then mdadm. | 18:38 |
jmarsden|work | It wants one se it can email you error when the software RAID fails... | 18:38 |
finite9 | ok..makes sense. i used mailx on centos maybe that will fulill the dependency | 18:39 |
jmarsden|work | BTW which version of Ubuntu server are you using; the Intrepid version of mdadm does not seem to have this dependency | 18:39 |
jmarsden|work | mailx is not a mail server... | 18:39 |
finite9 | yepp it is a fresh intrepid installation with only xserver-xorg xserver-xorg-core and fluxbox installed on the base install | 18:40 |
jmarsden|work | finite9: For use of pastebin go to http://paste.ubuntu.com -- it is a way of providing many lines of info to IRC users without flooding the channel. | 18:40 |
finite9 | http://paste.ubuntu.com/100477/ | 18:41 |
finite9 | is that how you do it? just provide url---+ | 18:41 |
jmarsden|work | Yes. Ah, OK, it *recommends* mail-transport-agent ... try sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends mdadm | 18:42 |
jmarsden|work | If you really do not want an MTA | 18:42 |
finite9 | do I need the MTA to get local mail reports from mdadm? I do want to receive mail about mdadm. I was a bit confused...I realise now that mailx is not a mail server.. I was simply using the "mail" program on Centos to read local mail and see reports from mdadm | 18:44 |
finite9 | thanks for the --no-install-recommends tip. that did the trick, but what can I install as a base minimum to get local mail? just ssmtp? | 18:45 |
jmarsden|work | finite9: ssmtp is for outgoing mail via some smarthost (such as your ISP's mail server) | 18:49 |
jmarsden|work | If you need a real local email server, you'd want something more like postfix and dovecot | 18:49 |
finite9 | jmarsden: thanks. will check how CentOS is setup and install equivalent on Ubuntu | 18:57 |
muge2510 | o route to hos | 19:19 |
muge2510 | zzz | 19:41 |
uvirtbot` | New bug: #313960 in dnsmasq "Please update dnsmasq hardy packages to version 2.46" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/313960 | 19:46 |
uvirtbot` | New bug: #291843 in pango-graphite (main) "firefox crashes like mad with double free or corruption (dup-of: 286119)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/291843 | 20:07 |
uvirtbot` | New bug: #309539 in samba (main) "firefox 3.0.4 / 3.0.5 + libnss_wins ibex netswitch samba = firefox crash (dup-of: 286119)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/309539 | 20:11 |
pteague_work | i'm liking some of the new changes in intrepid :) | 20:16 |
eolo999 | !raid | 20:43 |
ubottu | raid is Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID wto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto | 20:43 |
MatBoy | he guys I'm figuring out if I shall use Debian or Ubuntu for a web/mail/dns server... this because of sudo | 20:45 |
MatBoy | I have build my own management script and I don't want to sudo everything | 20:45 |
MatBoy | I mean in my script | 20:45 |
andol | MatBoy: What does sudo has to do with the choice Debian vs. Ubuntu? You can go either way with both distributions. | 20:50 |
MatBoy | andol: I need to change my script ? | 20:50 |
MatBoy | I need to sudo all stuff | 20:50 |
MatBoy | or is there a way to get around it ? | 20:51 |
andol | MatBoy: why would you need to change your scripts? | 20:51 |
MatBoy | andol: because every command needs to be a sudo command ? | 20:51 |
andol | MatBoy: why? | 20:52 |
aurigus | not if you run the script as sudo | 20:52 |
MatBoy | andol: because I need to restart apache, change configfiles, all from scripts | 20:52 |
MatBoy | aurigus: yes, but how would you want to do that ? | 20:53 |
MatBoy | I mean, I can make a user, sysadmin | 20:53 |
andol | MatBoy: Take a look inside /etc/init.d/ Do you see any sudo in them? | 20:53 |
MatBoy | that user should not need to enter teh rootpassword everytime... or itś SUDO password | 20:53 |
MatBoy | andol: apache restart requiers sudo | 20:54 |
MatBoy | *requirs | 20:54 |
andol | MatBoy: yes, but you were talking about having to change your scripts. Just because you use sudo to run a script doesn't mean you have to change it. | 20:55 |
MatBoy | andol: why not ? | 20:55 |
andol | MatBoy: But yes, if you really prefer a normal root account, there is nothing stopping you from enabling it in Ubuntu. | 20:56 |
MatBoy | andol: no, why don't I need to edit my scripts ? every command needs "sudo" | 20:56 |
zoopster | MatBoy: apache restart requires sufficient permissions to restart...sudo provides that without compromising the security of the system to an extreme | 20:56 |
MatBoy | zoopster: yes, but itś nicer to do stuff as root so you never have issues with config files, restarts, so on | 20:57 |
andol | MatBoy: Because, if you start the script with sudo, everything launched from inside that scripts inherits the same permissions. | 20:57 |
aurigus | MatBoy: if you run the script with sudo, any process forked with that script is already sudoed | 20:57 |
aurigus | someone please correct me if i am wrong, i am a relative ubuntu noob | 20:58 |
MatBoy | aurigus: but you might understand how many scripts I have ? | 20:58 |
eolo999 | hi someone knows a way to !!*&*#$%@! shutdown a kvm machine? | 20:58 |
zoopster | MatBoy: you can do things as root if you wish...not smart, but all you need to do is change the root password and what aurigus says is true | 20:58 |
eolo999 | virsh doesn't work | 20:58 |
aurigus | kvm? | 20:58 |
aurigus | the system attached to the kvm? | 20:58 |
andol | aurigus: You've gotten it right. | 20:58 |
aurigus | andol: ah good. I am more familar with RH based systems :) | 20:59 |
MatBoy | zoopster: I will not discuss the security issues as I know huge companies like ebay/google use root a lot and see the disadvanatages too of sudo from time to time... so | 20:59 |
eolo999 | aurigus: Kernel Based Virtual Machine | 20:59 |
aurigus | ah, darn duplicate acronyms | 20:59 |
andol | aurigus: same kernel, same security model :) | 20:59 |
eolo999 | ehhe | 20:59 |
eolo999 | eheh | 20:59 |
zoopster | MatBoy: then simply change the password...Ubuntu creates a hash for the root password by default...you can change it if you wish | 20:59 |
zoopster | eolo999: you should be able to kill it's process, no? | 21:00 |
eolo999 | zoopster: so easy?! | 21:00 |
eolo999 | thanks | 21:01 |
Deeps | MatBoy: so just run the scripts as a root user, instead of your unprivledged user? | 21:01 |
zoopster | eolo999: the beauty of KVM over XEN for sure | 21:01 |
Deeps | MatBoy: if you run scripts that need root privs as a non-root user, you need sudo. if you dont want to use sudo, run the scripts as a privledged user | 21:01 |
Deeps | MatBoy: that, mind, is exactly the same in debian and in ubuntu | 21:01 |
Deeps | MatBoy: unless you setuid the processes your scripts call | 21:02 |
Deeps | MatBoy: *that* would be a security issue | 21:02 |
Deeps | MatBoy: `sudo su -` will give you a root shell in ubuntu, at which point you can assign a root password. | 21:02 |
Deeps | (and stop using sudo) | 21:03 |
Nafallo | Deeps: sudo -i is the offical practise actually :-) | 21:03 |
Deeps | sudo -i, sudo -s, sudo su -, sudo bash, so many options | 21:03 |
Deeps | the 'correct' sudo way to define your root pass would be sudo passwd root | 21:04 |
Deeps | i guess | 21:04 |
Nafallo | MatBoy: check man sudoers. if your scripts are in the same directory it would be a few chars and you could sudo without password. not that I would recommend it... | 21:04 |
Deeps | sudo smells, eitherway | 21:04 |
eolo999 | zoopster: thx | 21:05 |
zoopster | eolo999: no problemo. | 21:06 |
Nafallo | sudo is awesome if you know how to use it ;-) | 21:06 |
zoopster | Nafallo: that is the key...us impatient people can barely RTFM | 21:06 |
Deeps | Nafallo: do you check your $PATH and ensure whenever you use sudo that you're calling /usr/bin/sudo? | 21:06 |
Deeps | Nafallo: whenever you're away from your terminal, do you make sure it's locked so nobody can use it? | 21:07 |
Nafallo | Deeps: the locking, yes. the path... if I have it in scripts. | 21:07 |
Deeps | i mean when you're using a terminal | 21:07 |
Nafallo | I use my laptop and ssh mostly :-) | 21:08 |
Nafallo | if I have to serial or so, I log out once sshd is up again :-) | 21:08 |
Deeps | because if you dont check your $PATH or dont explicitly call /usr/bin/sudo (opting for 'sudo' instead and letting your $PATH get you to /usr/bin), then your at as much risk as if you enable passwordless sudo | 21:08 |
Deeps | your userlevel account is compromised, your PATH is altered, sudo ends up taking you to ~/.hidden/sudo for example, which is a nice wrapper that stores your input and feeds it to the real sudo so you dont realise | 21:09 |
Deeps | ofc if your userlevel account is compromised through password breakage, attacker doesn't need to go that far either | 21:09 |
Nafallo | I realise the dangers, yes. | 21:10 |
Deeps | (this is true of attempting to break into root through su as well mind) | 21:10 |
Deeps | my point being that passwordless sudo isn't really much of a risk unless you're actively monitoring against this kind of attack | 21:10 |
Nafallo | security through obscurity once you choose the level you're confident being at. | 21:10 |
Nafallo | if I'd like to have a secure server I would disconnect all cards and lock it in a bunker... | 21:11 |
Nafallo | s/cards/cords/ | 21:11 |
Deeps | (this pretty much being the justification openssh/debian has for enabling ssh root logins by default) | 21:11 |
lukehasnoname | Anyone read "Pro Ubuntu Server Administration"? | 21:12 |
Deeps | while i'd argue against that, as 'root' is a known login, while my username is not. however, unless you treat your user account as a privledged account, assuming that once someone gets into your account they'll effectively have root privs, and protect it accordingly, you're at risk | 21:12 |
MatBoy | Deeps: mhh, you know most enterprise CP solutions even do stuff as root ? | 21:16 |
uvirtbot` | New bug: #314173 in samba (main) "package samba-common 2:3.2.3-1ubuntu3.4 failed to install/upgrade: Unterprozess post-installation script gab den Fehlerwert 1 zurück" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/314173 | 21:16 |
aurigus | lukehasnoname: link? | 21:18 |
lukehasnoname | http://www.amazon.com/Ubuntu-Server-Administration-Sander-Vugt/dp/1430216220/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1231189989&sr=8-1 | 21:18 |
Deeps | MatBoy: yep, because the people operating their servers know what they're doing. sudo's great for people who dont. minimizes the risk of stuff going wrong. is more of a hinderance than useful if you know what you're doing though. | 21:18 |
aurigus | then nope | 21:18 |
lukehasnoname | I read the "beginning" book, and it was alright, had some info I didn't know before. I think the "Beginning LTS" book he put out had some productive updates. | 21:18 |
MatBoy | Deeps: I kinda know what I do ;) | 21:19 |
MatBoy | but Ubuntu has newer packages than debian has... | 21:19 |
MatBoy | and in my opinion ubuntu is faster than debian from time to time | 21:19 |
Deeps | MatBoy: ok, 'sudo's still nothing to make a choice between debian and ubuntu though. package versions, stability, drivers, those'd be things to look at. | 21:20 |
MatBoy | Deeps: yes, but I want to leave the system as native as it can be | 21:20 |
MatBoy | Ubuntu wins in packages ;) for sure | 21:20 |
Deeps | "as native" means? | 21:20 |
Deeps | ubuntu has more recent versions yes, but newer isnt always better, really depends on what your server's purpose is | 21:20 |
MatBoy | Deeps: install packages and keep settings as the system sets them by default on OS level | 21:21 |
Deeps | ok | 21:21 |
MatBoy | I see controlpanels even package their own packages for apache which I never liked | 21:21 |
MatBoy | and don't understand | 21:21 |
Deeps | you'll need to check the packages in debian and ubuntu's default configurations to see if they suit your needs, you'll probably find little difference between debian and ubuntu packages mind | 21:21 |
MatBoy | yep true, but I trust Ubuntu more these days if I may be honest | 21:22 |
Deeps | whatever makes you happy | 21:22 |
MatBoy | Debian left me in the dark on Userlevel (WS) the first time, and server was not that nice also :) | 21:22 |
MatBoy | Deeps: Ubuntu ;) why do you think I'm here ?? :p | 21:22 |
Deeps | debian is designed for servers, ubuntu was designed for desktops | 21:23 |
Deeps | you can get a gui for debian but it's not very well polished | 21:23 |
MatBoy | Deeps: true, but Ubuntu server is very perfect !! | 21:23 |
Deeps | again, depends on your needs | 21:23 |
lukehasnoname | I'm having a huge internal conflict | 21:23 |
lukehasnoname | Opensolaris vs. Ubuntu for my test environment | 21:23 |
MatBoy | lukehasnoname: take some paracetamol :D | 21:23 |
Deeps | i find it's good enough for most of my needs, but not all | 21:23 |
lukehasnoname | Crossbow, ZFS and Sun's docs are so nice | 21:24 |
MatBoy | Deeps: what ? debian ? | 21:24 |
Deeps | ubuntu | 21:24 |
lukehasnoname | but Ubuntu is Linux, and it more used, with more tools | 21:24 |
MatBoy | Deeps: and you prefer debian in some cases ? | 21:24 |
Deeps | lukehasnoname: there's a ubuntu/opensolaris crossover distro, opensolaris kernel, gnu userland with ubuntu packages | 21:24 |
Deeps | MatBoy: yep | 21:24 |
Deeps | lukehasnoname: so you get native zfs while sticking to familiar toosl | 21:24 |
MatBoy | Deeps: I know what you mean... but Ubuntu holds more SW | 21:24 |
lukehasnoname | Nexenta? | 21:25 |
Deeps | that might be the one | 21:25 |
Deeps | sounds right | 21:25 |
Deeps | i've heard they lack the resources to actually make it worthwhile, but that may just be dirty talk from solaris fanboys | 21:25 |
zoopster | lukehasnoname: nexenta is correct | 21:26 |
zoopster | Deeps: Everyone is lacking resources...I've been talking with their CEO and they seem to be doing quite well even signing on some interesting new vad's | 21:27 |
Deeps | nice | 21:28 |
lukehasnoname | It's always saddened me that one of the most functional and inspiring open source projects, Ubuntu, restricted itself by using Linux instead of BSD (Solaris wasn't open at the time). | 21:28 |
Deeps | i might apply, nobody i can see is hiring | 21:28 |
Deeps | all my interviews in the last 3 months have been "we'd love to take you on, but we've just halted all new external hires, sorry!" | 21:29 |
Deeps | wasting my time | 21:29 |
lukehasnoname | Deeps: same with my main internship opportunity this past month | 21:29 |
Deeps | sucks dunnit | 21:29 |
lukehasnoname | ya | 21:30 |
Deeps | gonna start calling them all up again tomorrow though, see if the new financial quarter reopens opportunity | 21:30 |
lukehasnoname | where do you live, and what job are you looking for? | 21:30 |
Deeps | currently at my parents home in spain, just came from 3 months in dublin, moving to the uk end of the month to try my luck there | 21:31 |
Deeps | and anything with linux systems and/or networks | 21:31 |
lukehasnoname | same | 21:31 |
lukehasnoname | well | 21:31 |
lukehasnoname | the job part, as an intern | 21:31 |
Deeps | although i'm biting the bullet and getting MCSE certified before i leave | 21:31 |
Deeps | since there's more windows jobs than linux jobs these days | 21:31 |
lukehasnoname | probably a good call | 21:31 |
Deeps | and right now a job's a job | 21:31 |
lukehasnoname | I'm going to get CCNA | 21:31 |
lukehasnoname | and maybe look into LPI or some other Linux cert | 21:32 |
lukehasnoname | along with the college degree I'm working on | 21:32 |
Deeps | gl | 21:33 |
lukehasnoname | thanks | 21:33 |
lukehasnoname | I'm also constantly on the lookout for good business ideas, to start on my own | 21:33 |
* ProfFalken is off to bed... good night everyone... | 21:34 | |
lukehasnoname | night | 21:34 |
uvirtbot` | New bug: #314170 in freeradius (universe) "Freeradius package outdated" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/314170 | 22:05 |
genii | Is Diameter supposed to be superceding Radius? | 22:20 |
Deeps | diameter = 2r | 22:22 |
Deeps | :D | 22:22 |
genii | Deeps: Heh. I meant the one here rather :) http://www.opendiameter.org/ | 22:25 |
uvirtbot` | New bug: #311487 in openldap (main) "ldap n-way multi master from Ubuntu Server guide" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/311487 | 22:59 |
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