
vigognomeRatso, I have the WUBI installed cause I thought it was helping the distribution and making it easier for peoples to get a stable Linux thingy.00:00
william56is the 'safe graphics mode' in the ubuntu install cd the equivalent to a non-graphical install?00:00
IderikJordan_U, oh, i thought i had to unpack the iso and then copy it to the usb stick00:00
Flare183PSPdemon: Remove compiz00:00
niklausi've space partition setup. When my memory req are huge , the firefox and other apps becomes slow because of swapping. Later when memory is freed ie (i can see from free -m ) i don't find the applications being moved from swap to memory. This makes many apps slow. How to fix it ?00:00
niklausif i do manually swapoff /dev/sda it works00:00
Flare183niklaus: I don't think that can be done00:00
IderikJordan_U, is it possible to just copy the iso file in to the usb, and then stick it in to my laptop and reboot? ofcourse i set the boot setup to start usb sticks first00:01
storrgieFlare183: apparently the bcm43xx is considered depreciated because it should be packaged with 8.04 onward.....00:01
niklausFlare183, it is pretty stupid :(00:01
=== Commie_Cary is now known as Lenin_Cat
niklausswapping kills my apps00:01
Jordan_UIderik, You do* but you don't unpack the squashfs     *You can also just use the Flash Drive installer on the LiveCD00:01
niklausmakes it very slow00:01
Flare183niklaus: Actually its not, its because of your hard drive speed that makes the "swapping" slow00:01
Flare183storrgie: Thats because you have to use b4300:01
PSPdemonFlare183, how would i do that if i cant get any farther than login window00:02
PSPdemonbtw im using my old xorg.conf file00:02
seek_therapyif i wanted to reinstall Ubuntu and i have two hard drives in my computer... One for windows C: drive and the other Ubuntu E: drive .. would i boot into C or E to install00:02
Flare183storrgie: I know because I'm using a Broadcom Wireless Card00:02
storrgieFlare183: im confused...00:02
niklauswhy can't it move apps back to memory when there is free memory ?00:02
Flare183PSPdemon: You can't00:02
IderikJordan_U, wait a minute, thsi is totally new to me, and you're using a lot of hard words for me to understand, my english ain't the greatest too, sorry :-)00:02
Flare183storrgie: Its hard to explain00:02
PSPdemoni just got my b43 firmware to work on 8.1000:02
joejc how does sabayon do 3d effects on the cd?00:02
Flare183PSPdemon: Then can you explain to storrgie how you did that?00:02
miranda_psiseek_therapy: you would boot from the cd...00:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about otheros00:03
storrgieFlare183: well, i can read about it but I would like to get this to start pulling updates... is there a quick way to get started00:03
eseven73joejc: try #sabayon00:03
vigognomeseek_therapy: I did it on two drives a while back, one was XP, one was 2k, I put the Ubuntu on the 2k HDD00:03
joejcbut my next question is how o i use that on ubuntu00:03
william56is there some way i can download a minimal text based install cd and install the components from a graphical install cd?00:03
PSPdemonthats what i used00:03
PSPdemonfor a offline installation00:03
PSPdemonworked great for me :)00:04
FloodBot2PSPdemon: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:04
fbcIf I want to permanently switch from ubuntu to xubuntu do I install the XFCE meta package and uninstall the ubuntu-desktop meta package?00:04
jack-desktophow can i change what my internet is using for wireless? i have a pci card and a usb adapter and i want to use the usb00:04
seek_therapyI know that but would i install the grub onto the C drive00:04
Jordan_UIderik, The important thing to know is that you don't need to manually install to a flash drive, there are utilities to do it automatically for windows and there is even one available from the system menu when you are booted from the liveCD. You don't need to know this but you don't "unpack" the part of the CD that is actually compressed, which is called the squashfs00:04
Flare183william56: Not really00:04
seek_therapybecause if i do this wrong i will get a grub error00:05
Flare183!alternate | william56 (Try this)00:05
ubottuwilliam56 (Try this): The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ubuntu-8.10-alternate-i386.iso.torrent00:05
Flare183!enter | PSPdemon00:05
ubottuPSPdemon: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:05
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD00:05
vigognomeseek_therapy: They both have boot.ini''s should work fine, I know mine did.00:05
IceBalldoes anyone know if nvidia 8800Gt's are supported fully now?00:06
Crayboffhi lacita00:06
GbigGhi - someone here with expirience with mdadm softraid 5 and after reboot the raid is gone?00:06
PSPdemonFlare183, i found a solution to the 845G problem... thanks! :)00:06
fbcIf I want to permanently switch from ubuntu to xubuntu do I install the XFCE meta package and uninstall the ubuntu-desktop meta package?00:07
lacitaCrayboff: sorry about that, internt died00:07
jack-desktophow can i change what my internet is using for wireless? i have a pci card and a usb adapter and i want to use the usb00:07
Jack_Sparrowfbc, the puregnome instructions would be a reference of sorts00:07
Flare183PSPdemon: np00:07
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 ; sudo apt-get remove kdelibs5 ; sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop »00:07
Craybofflacita, that's fine, anything on the web?00:07
Flare183!xubuntu | fbc00:07
ubottufbc: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels00:07
lacitahold on, let me look again00:07
Crayboffk thx00:07
nownoti have a filesystem that is extended, how to i mount this? i tried mount /dev/hda2 /mnt/ubuntu -t ext3 ?00:08
FireStormso i have ubuntu installed whithin xp with the inside xp installer, i know want to uninstall it and install 8.10, but the ubuntu uninstaller wont work, when i double click or try from the add remove menu just nothing happens00:08
FireStormalso the installer doesnt work00:08
Jack_Sparrownownot, an extended partition cant be mounted, it is a placeholder for logical partitions00:09
FireStormi assume its a problem with xp, what do i need for the installer to work00:09
Flare183FireStorm: Are you talking about using Wubi?00:09
Flare183!wubi | FireStorm00:09
ubottuFireStorm: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.00:09
Jack_Sparrownownot, if you pastebin your sudo fdisk -l output we can help you easier00:09
bebeanyone got any ideea how to find my video card on my laptop ?00:09
bebei use ubuntu8.0400:09
Flare183FireStorm: And you want to get rid of Windows? OR do you want to dual boot?00:10
geniibebe: lspci | grep VGA                        will usually tell you the make and model00:10
Flare183bebe: open a terminal and type in lspci00:10
FireStormi want to dual boot, its dual booting right now but i want to uninstall and reinstall00:10
GbigGsomeone know why after reboot mdadm raid5 is not recognized by ubuntu anymore?00:10
mareksmssend: error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory00:11
Flare183FireStorm: You mean reinstall Ubuntu?00:11
marekwhat can i do with it?00:11
Flare183FireStorm: ok00:11
bebe01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. Chrome9 HC IGP (rev 01)00:11
lacitaCrayboff: ok, you need to manually edit windows boot.ini00:11
RemsSshi everybody00:11
bebethat was the reply00:11
Craybofflacita, ok, how do i open this?00:11
william56hey RemsSs00:11
nownotJack_Sparrow: what happened is i added a hd to my system, now i get a grub error. i imagine its trying to boot the wrong partiton, my hd look like /dev/hda1 sys linux /dev/hda2 extended /dev/hda5 linux swap00:11
bebehow to find the drivers for that videocard ?00:11
RemsSshey william5600:12
Craybofferr, lacita, do you know where it is in the first place?00:12
william56thanks, Flare18300:12
geniibebe: The UniChrome cards are problemmatic00:12
Flare183FireStorm: ok then, all you have to do is take your Ubuntu Desktop/Live CD and use it to reinstall.00:12
RemsSsi am a french man00:12
Flare183william56: np00:12
nownotJack_Sparrow: so now i have /dev/hda1 mounted and trying to edit menu.lst00:12
Flare183!oops | c383600:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about oops00:12
RichiHwe are on it00:12
Fhi all. how can I look at my kernel's .config file?00:12
Fit doesnt seem to be in /usr/src/linux ...00:12
jack-desktophow can i change what my internet is using for wireless? i have a pci card and a usb adapter and i want to use the usb00:13
nownotJack_Sparrow: but when i do vi menu.lst the file doesnt exist00:13
usr13  F Do you have kernel sources?00:13
Fusr13: i have no idea.00:13
BeBeLuShuLthe chrome have problems ?00:13
Flare183jack-desktop: You should be able to use ifconfig to do that00:13
F$ ls00:13
Flinux-headers-2.6.27-7  linux-headers-2.6.27-7-generic  linux-headers-2.6.27-9  linux-headers-2.6.27-9-generic00:13
Fthat is what I have in /usr/src.00:13
Flare183!paste | F00:13
ubottuF: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:13
lacitaCrayboff: bad news, in wubi, boot.ini is missing. This is a little out of my league00:13
npopenownot: vi /boot/grub/menu.kst00:13
FFlare183: it was two lines, jeez.00:13
william56anyone know if there is a method for doing a minimal install from a different cd?00:14
Flare183F: Hey, I didn't create the rules00:14
lacitaCrayboff: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=68078800:14
GnuyenMy sound keeps breaking on ubuntu00:14
BeBeLuShuLgenii, u still there ?00:14
Gnuyeni have an intel onboard sound card on this laptop00:14
Gnuyenit always works for a while, and then fails00:15
Dracie_huh i still can't get my :// stuff working.... this is frustrating lol00:15
csc_is indentation significative in python? i am reading some code but i could not identify where blocks begin and end, execept if i consider indentation00:15
Dracie_or should i say laugh out loud00:15
jack-desktopFlare183: where or how do i use ipconfig00:15
nownotnpope: what paritition should i try to boot?00:15
Jack_Sparrownownot, I would say you have the path wrong00:15
geniiBeBeLuShuL: Yes. What device:vendor code  for your card does result of:   lspci -nn | grep VGA     say?00:15
GbigGanybody knows why mdadm is not starting at boot?00:15
Flare183Jack_Sparrow: in the terminal00:15
jribcsc_: yes, but ask #python about python programming00:15
npopenownot: idk what your problem is, i was just helping you edit the right file00:15
naaaaahhhHey im dual booting winxp + ubuntu, but everytime i boot into windows, it seems to overwrite grub so that grub never shows up with the OS selection menu next time i restart my PC, how do i stop windows from doing that?00:16
IderikJordan_U, oh my god, when i'm trying to instal flash drive installer, it says me to download .NET 1.1 (but i already have .NET 3.5), so i press Yes, and it takes me to a link for .NET 3.5 -.-00:16
SwitchMon44When I try to start an XFCE session i receive the error shown at http://paste.ubuntu.com/99234/.  I've tried resetting the permissions on /tmp, my home folder, and removing the .iceauthority file.  Any other suggestions?00:16
Gnuyenis there some process i can kill00:16
Gnuyeni think it started having problems after pulse audio00:16
=== naaaaahhh is now known as smokewon
Gnuyengot implemented00:16
BeBeLuShuLjust a second pls00:16
usr13 F Just fish around in there, someplace like  /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.xxxxx  ....00:17
Flare183!anyone | smokewon00:17
ubottusmokewon: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?00:17
BeBeLuShuLgenii,  01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: VIA Technologies, Inc. Chrome9 HC IGP [1106:3371] (rev 01)00:17
BeBeLuShuLthats the reply of that command00:17
smokewoni did00:17
smokewonHey im dual booting winxp + ubuntu, but everytime i boot into windows, it seems to overwrite grub so that grub never shows up with the OS selection menu next time i restart my PC, how do i stop windows from doing that?00:17
FloodBot2smokewon: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:17
Flare183!patience | smokewon00:17
ubottusmokewon: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines00:17
DeadJonesvirtualbox dont look bad00:17
geniiBeBeLuShuL: OK so 1106:3371         1 minute while I see if openchrome driver works for that one00:17
smokewon!cut it out Flare00:17
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:17
BeBeLuShuLok genii00:17
* Flare183 looks around for other Ubuntu gurus and sees none00:18
FireStormim askin on the forum00:18
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* smokewon looks around and doesnt see any ubuntu gurus00:18
bartekHi, after editing fstab how can I execute the new lines/mount points?00:19
Dracie_mount -a00:19
Jordan_UIderik, Using unetbootin?00:19
Dracie_bartek, do mount -a00:19
Dracie_make sure the proper file system modules are loaded too00:19
bartekgreat thanks!00:19
Dracie_no problem00:19
geniiBeBeLuShuL: The openchrome driver is the one which should work. The fallback would be vesa00:20
IderikJordan_U, nope, is it something for me to make live usb sticks with iso?00:20
Jordan_UIderik, Yes http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/00:20
_Bart_Hi can someone help me with this, I do the command: sudo setkeycodes e008 225     and then when I press that key once the action is looped00:21
IderikJordan_U, thank you so much, i'll try that right away00:21
_Bart_It is doing it over and over again block other input00:21
BeBeLuShuLgenii,  those drivers are installed00:21
Jordan_UIderik, np00:21
BeBeLuShuLbut i can`t use compiz fusion00:21
dannyiderik: i use that,  it's excellent00:21
Dracie_opencrome doesn't have 3d fx as far as i know00:21
BeBeLuShuLsays my driver card doesen`t support :/00:21
Iderikdanny, thanks for the recommendation :-)00:21
miranda_psiBeBeLuShuL: have you got the driver set up in xorg.conf?00:22
BeBeLuShuLthanks dracie00:22
BeBeLuShuLhmm ?00:22
BeBeLuShuLhow to check that miranda ?00:22
Dracie_BeBeLuShuL, no problem, its a caveat of the openchrome project - it isn't finished00:22
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection00:22
miranda_psiBeBeLuShuL: you can see whatsin it by: vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:22
geniiBeBeLuShuL: Thats correct, openchrome is problemmatic with compiz. I do not know of anyone who has yet gotten them working together00:23
Dracie_BeBeLuShuL, go into terminal do this:  cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep Driver00:23
miranda_psiBeBeLUShuL: the find your monitor section and check what driver its set to use00:23
Dracie_it'll say either Driver "vesa" or something else00:23
Crayboffjordan_u, do you have any more ideas? or am I screwed?00:23
GbigGanyone here who can help me figure out how to tell ubuntu at boot that there is a raid5?00:23
Ubuntu-tanThe default fonts in Ubuntu are blocky, blurry, and unreadable. Is there any way to make them more like the ones that come with Windows XP/Vista?00:24
ubotturaid is Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID wto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto00:24
BeBeLuShuLroot@BeBeLuShuL:/# cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep Driver00:24
FloodBot2BeBeLuShuL: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:24
Dracie_looks like might not be configured right00:24
BeBeLuShuLsays vesa00:24
miranda_psiBeBeLuShuL: its saying that you are just using masic drivers for the video - not the ones with 3d support00:24
Jordan_UCrayboff, Have you looked at your ntldr.ini ?00:25
miranda_psiBeBeLUShuL: what video card are you using?00:25
BeBeLuShuLbut how to enable them ?00:25
Crayboffjordan_U, i do not know how to get to that file00:25
BeBeLuShuLgenii,  01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: VIA Technologies, Inc. Chrome9 HC IGP [1106:3371] (rev 01)00:25
bartekOne more question .. I have a script that I want to make sure runs whenever I startup my pc, and whenever I shut it down. Where can I place links to the script to do this? I know ~/.bash_logout could handle the latter but what about startup?00:25
Jordan_UCrayboff, Can you get to your windows partition?00:25
miranda_psiBeBeLUShuL: what type of video card are you using?00:26
miranda_psiBeBeLuShuL: do you know the name of the driver for the card?00:32
geniimiranda_psi: The driver for his card is openchrome. But the openchrome driver does not work with Compiz00:32
miranda_psigenii: ok thanks00:33
Jordan_UCrayboff, Just to be sure, can you cd to your windows partition and pastebin the output of "ls -l" ?00:33
BeBeLuShuLi don`t know00:33
BeBeLuShuLon windows says S300:34
Crayboffjordan_U, please forgive me, but I am a terrible noob and am not sure how to do that00:34
Jason_WTis there a way to make sure the i am connected to the internet, without using firefox00:34
Jason_WTand not the little network icon00:34
miranda_psiBeBeLuShuL: apparently its openchrome, but its not compatible with compiz00:34
Jordan_U!pastebin | Crayboff00:35
ubottuCrayboff: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:35
Jason_WTmaybe i could wget somthing00:35
JonnyDY2Jhi all. is ther any way to view what device drivers are loaded at startup. i am using Ubuntu 8.10 server00:35
kurrata<Jason_WT> ping www.google.com00:35
Jack_SparrowJason_WT, Perhaps ping the google ip?00:35
Jordan_UCrayboff, Of you don't know the mountpoint for your windows partition ( or don't know what a mountpoint is ) then please pastebin the output of the command "mount"00:35
pyrakdoes grub work fine on a macbook pro (intel)?00:36
Jordan_Upyrak, Yes00:36
pyrakso you can install off liveCD just like on any other computer?00:36
Crayboffjordan_u, ya not sure so here's the url http://paste.ubuntu.com/99917/00:37
Jason_WTdo a ping in the terminal?00:37
Jason_WTok well it seems to be working00:38
Jason_WTi just cant seem to get ff to work, it wa earlier00:38
Jordan_UCrayboff, Ok, now please pastebin the output of "ls -l /host"00:38
Jason_WTthe window goes white and there is 2 other windows labled firefox but nothing else just like the header00:39
cuuluIm thinking of giving Ubuntu a shoot. If I got a 60gb harddrive how should I partion it? I heard it was something called swap partion and stuff also? and what file system to use? ext3?00:39
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QTParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap00:39
Crayboffjordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/99919/00:40
frog_hi, i try tio learn cinelerra. i see only part of my images in a compositor. i tried to change the format settings  and size of captured frame. but the application nearby hangs. could someone help me with syncing the view , so that i can see the whole image?00:40
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots00:40
SwitchMon44When I try to start an XFCE session i receive the error shown at http://paste.ubuntu.com/99234/.  I've tried resetting the permissions on /tmp, my home folder, and removing the .iceauthority file.  Any other suggestions?00:40
Jordan_UCrayboff, OK, sorry for having you pastebin so much but can you now pastebin the output of "ls -la /host/ /host/boot"00:42
Crayboffjordan_U: umm it says it can't access it because there is "no such file or directory"00:43
marnanelMy mouse has started tracking off into the top left-hand corner.  I've tried changing to another mouse and it still happens.  It goes away for a while if I reboot and then comes back.  What should I try next?00:43
xomphello, I just installed Hardy and my NIC shows up as eth0 but it's not getting an ip address. Any help?00:44
Jordan_UCrayboff, Did you copy and paste the command I gave?00:45
nownoti have two ethernet devices, eth1 is connected to the internet eth0 is not. when eth0 is active the internet is unreachable, i assume that is it trying to reach it through eth0 and not eth1. my end goal of this is to have eth1 on the internet and eth0 act as a gateway so i can hook another device to it, any suggestions on the problem im having and how to achieve what im trying to do00:45
Crayboffjordan_U, oops hold on. my bad00:45
Jack_Sparrownownot, try firestarter it has that feature00:45
smokewonhey can someone help me with my problem described here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=6495148&postcount=100:46
=== fenris__ is now known as fenris-
nownotJack_Sparrow: yep im in it right now, but no goes. should i switch my devices eth0 and eth1 so the 0 port is the internet port?00:46
Crayboffjordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/99924/00:46
=== fenris- is now known as ejat
Jack_Sparrownownot, sorry but I am busy elsewhere00:46
Jason_WThow long does the ping last00:47
xompthis is stupid, ubuntu says I'm connected to the wired network but it has no ip address...00:47
JonnyDY2Jhi guys. is it possible to access Ubuntu server 8.10 from a windows box and access the terminal00:47
fosco_JonnyDY2J: yes, use putty in windows and make sure ssh server is enabled in ubuntu00:47
ortsvorsteherJonnyDY2J: sure... you can use putty or an other ssh client00:47
Jack_SparrowJonnyDY2J, try putty00:48
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr00:48
JonnyDY2Jfosco_: how do i enable ssh server?00:48
dftJonnyDY2J: apt-get install openssh-server00:48
Crayboffjordan_U, figured it out it's Boot not boot00:48
Jordan_UCrayboff, Sorry, forgot the capital "B", "ls -al /host/Boot"00:48
dftJonnyDY2J: then /etc/init.d/sshd start00:48
Jordan_UCrayboff, Yea :)00:48
phoenix_hey all. any ideas on why i wouldnt be able to install emerald or gnome-compiz-manager?00:48
will00does anyone know why i get the error "Error reading video DVD (fatal error in vts css key)." when im trying to read a dvd?00:49
JonnyDY2Jthanks dft and fosco_ and Jack_Sparrow00:49
fosco_phoenix_: sudo apt-get install emerald00:49
smokewonhey can someone help me with my problem described here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=6495148&postcount=100:50
Crayboffjordan_u: http://paste.ubuntu.com/99926/00:50
cvd-prHello there, i have a problem with openOffice, it doesnot show the text in the menus00:50
habitHello. Advice me please - I'm looking for DC client with ability to download from many sources.00:50
=== soreau_ is now known as soreau
hal1984Hi, again an open office question, how do I freely position an image without the text moving?00:51
TwoDHmm, why does Nautilus report an in/out error when copying a file from a mounted image (of a ddrecover:ed partition), but cp doesn't?00:51
Jordan_UCrayboff, Let me research a while00:51
Crayboffalright, jordan_U, take your time. And thanks, btw00:51
crimsunTwoD: gvfs?00:51
dfthal1984: try #openoffice.org00:52
fbcHow do I uninstall the ubuntu-desktop meta package leaving only those required by the xubuntu-desktop meta package.00:52
IderikJordan_U, i still can't get it working, i did as you said. it works to open the installer when i'm in windows, but it won't boot in BIOS (in the beginning, before xp starts)00:52
DanielEadsIs it possible to re-run migration assistant?  I'd like to import some settings to an "already working" ubuntu install from XP00:53
dftanyone here use Bordeaux to run any necessary windows apps?00:53
jigpehello how to burn movie in ubuntu 8.04 desktop? :)00:53
TwoDcrimsun, no clue........ anyway, I don't have time to ponder it atm... need to get this stuff recovered...00:53
DanielEadsjigpe: are you asking how to back up a copy of a dvd you already own?00:54
cvd-prno text in openoffice menu00:54
JonnyDY2Jdft: the command /etc/init.d/sshd start doesn't work. it says command not found00:54
dftJonnyDY2J: sudo ls /etc/init.d/ssh*00:54
dftJonnyDY2J: it may be /etc/init.d/ssh00:54
jigpeDanielEads : I have .avi format movie in my desktop.and I want to burn it in cd or dvd blank so that I could play it in my dvd/cd player component...00:54
DanielEadsjigpe: ok, lemmie look real quick to see what programs do that00:55
JonnyDY2Jdft: it was ssh. when i run the command i get a response saying cannot load host key /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key and also dsa_key00:56
konzeptI'm using Ubuntu Hardy Heron, I have the DAoC Portal downloaded and installed along with DAoC itself and both run under WINE. I can play DAoC but when I try to open the portal through WINE it just says it's starting up and then closes. I have all my desktop effects turned off, can someone help me?00:56
kerri_Hi .. I upgraded to Ubuntu 8.10 and now i do not have audio .. before i did00:56
pikariohi, im trying to install ubuntu, but i get an error message that says there's not enough space to install00:57
pikariokerri_ before you did what?00:57
DanielEadsjigpe: I've found a couple sites that say DeVeDe will do it, but I haven't tried using that program before so can't personally attest00:57
kerri_have audio00:57
jigpeDanielEads : I tried k3b but no burning for video there00:57
_Bart_Can someone PLEASE help me I have a Unknown key at my keyboard and I'm trying to get it work with setkeycode00:57
crimsunkerri_: please use the alsa-info.sh script described at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems, then tell me the url that the script generates00:57
_Bart_Someone here that knows anything about setkeycode00:58
crimsunkerri_: feel free to follow up in #ubuntu-audio-help00:58
hal1984open office chanel is very quiet, can anyone here help?00:58
kerri_I hear the drum roll in the beginning ..Then when i log in, I don't have audio00:58
jigpeDanielEads : jigp@jigp:~$ sudo apt-get install DeVeDe .E: Couldn't find package DeVeDe00:58
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:59
tritiumjigpe: package names don't have capitalization00:59
=== phoenix__ is now known as newbie
Puerco_hello there00:59
DanielEadsjigpe: yep, he's right, it's lowercase00:59
Jason_WTif someone has an external disply that he uses fn+ a key to turn on, how will he do this in ubuntu?00:59
cuuluI got a Thinkpad T60 Laptop and I use a external display monitor using VGA (tft). In windows I switch between the displays using FN + Another key to get a menu up which display to use. Will it be hard to get my tft to work in ubuntu with my laptop?00:59
joejcis there  a wine irc?01:00
hal1984how do I freely position an image without the text moving, i asked in the open office channel but got no reply, does anyone here know how?01:00
jigpeDanielEads :I found one in synaptic :)01:00
DanielEadsjigpe: great!  :)01:00
jigpeDanielEads tritium : downloading it now thanks :)01:00
kurratajoejc:  http://www.winehq.org/irc01:00
DanielEadsJason_WT: System>Preferences>Screen Resolution has configuration options for multiple monitors in Ubuntu 8.1001:01
Jack_Sparrowjoejc, /join #winehq01:01
tritiumjigpe: good deal01:01
JonnyDY2Jhi all. i have just installed open ssh server using the sudo apt-get install openssh-server command01:01
mrpinkyhey, i noticed that most applications install themselves to subdirectories of my home directory, but this makes a mess of my home directory :( is this normal? is there some better place to install them?01:02
Jordan_UCrayboff, How did you change the timeout?01:02
DanielEadscuulu:  System>Preferences>Screen Resolution has configuration options for multiple monitors in Ubuntu 8.10, you could try it with a live CD01:02
mlLKhow do i get quicktime to work in firefox?01:02
sketch_i lost my original gnome menubar is there a way to restore it ?01:02
mlLKor which packages do i need?01:02
JonnyDY2Ji was then told to use /ext/init.d/ssh start command but i get and error that says cannot load host key /stc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key01:02
mlLKsketch_: right click and add a new panel01:03
Jordan_Umrpinky, That's not the application itself but rather its configuration files, and yes it's normal01:03
Crayboffjordan_U, i unchecked it. I figured that it would mean that there was no timeout and would stay in the boot screen until i chose an os01:03
JonnyDY2Jand also cannot load host key /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key01:03
JonnyDY2Jcan anyone help01:03
sketch_thanks i did that but i dont like the layout01:03
mlLKJonnyDY2J: try running sudo01:03
mrpinkyJordan_U, i found that a lot of applications install themselves there too :( like $HOME/ApplicationName/bin doc etc....01:03
DanielEadsmrpinky: that's normal, as it separates your application data from the actual system files.  the folders are usually named something like .application, and the dot before them allows the system to hide them from your normal view so they don't clutter things up01:03
sketch_oh ok i can move them nice01:03
mrpinkyJordan_U, or more specifically, where should i install application binaries, docs etc?01:03
kurratasketch_:  right click on it and press move then01:03
Jordan_UCrayboff, Unchecked it where?01:04
JonnyDY2JmiLK: what do you mean by try running sudo?01:04
Jordan_Umrpinky, How are you installing applications? You should be using the package manager01:04
mlLKJonnyDY2J: how are you running the application?01:04
mlLKJonnyDY2J: or what is the name of the app you're running.01:04
Crayboffin vista, in like system and maitenence > advanced settings or soemthing like that01:05
Crayboffjordan_u: in vista, in like system and maitenence > advanced settings or soemthing like that01:05
mrpinkyJordan_U, in this case they are apps not available through the repositories, so i installed them from binaries i downloaded01:05
Bear7809hello? anyone in here?01:05
Crayboffjordan_u: it's where I changed the default operating system01:05
Puerco_hi there01:05
mrpinkyJordan_U, each app seems to come with its own installer where i can choose the install location, seem home directory is default, but there must be some better place for it01:05
Bear7809so i need some help guys.01:06
Puerco_ok, go01:06
Puerco_btw, i don't know that much about linux01:06
Puerco_but i can try to help01:06
DanielEadsbear7809: just ask, there's lots going on01:06
Coded1I have a program that I need run for each user(non root) but it needs root privileges to run how do I go about doing this?01:06
Puerco_no se01:06
Bear7809I just installed ubuntu on this compy. I think its having a problem with my ATI AIW card. because at my parents house i have an Nvidia card and it works just fine. Basically When i get to the splash screen the monitor receives no signal.01:07
DanielEadsbear7809: yeah, that's an issue.  do you know the exact model of the graphics card?01:07
BeachSidehey, i have a friend wants to try ubuntu. I've been converted for 2 years now and only used Livecds. i've found wubi.exe is that the same thing or what?01:07
Arneyeveryone join Revolution TT and join the IRC channel (over 5000 people on the channel), if your on when the peak amoun tof users is recorded you win 30gb upload credits http://www.revolutiontt.net/01:07
Bear7809let me get it for you01:07
Puerco_i'll let daniel take this one01:07
JonnyDY2JmlLK: i am runing ubuntu 8.10 server. I want to be able to access the terminal from a windows box so was told to install open ssh server by using the command sudo apt-get install openssh-server. once this was finished i was to to use the command /ect/init.d/ssh start. when i do this it says it cannot find the ssh_host_rsa_key or the ssh_host_dsa_key both located in /etc/ssh/01:07
Dracie_well an update on the protocol handlers - i guess telnet doesn't work when trying to call a terminal program01:08
DanielEadsbeachside: wubi isn't an installer disk, it installs ubuntu like a windows application and then lets you dual-boot01:08
Dracie_i'm guessing for security reasons01:08
mib_vfkcjabeachside: just give him a LiveCD :)01:08
=== newbie is now known as spok3n
Bear7809ATI 100-714116 Radeon 9600 128MB 128-bit DDR AGP 4X/8X All-in-Wonder Video Card01:08
BeachSideok thanks01:08
Jack_SparrowBeachSide, I wont use nor recommend wubi01:08
Bear7809thats the card01:09
Jason_WTfor some reason, i installed he vbox adons in ubuntu, but i restared and now they are gone01:09
Jason_WTany suggestions?01:09
Crayboffbeachside, i would recommend wubi if you don't want to mess with partitioning01:09
oerterI'm running 6.10 on a Dell Dimension 2400. Whenever I try to update to the next version or download apps it either tells me it could not download all repository indexes or that the server is down. How can I fix this?01:09
Bear7809I know ubuntu has issues with ATI, I also heard that it could be that the splash screen just doesnt follow through with my resolution.01:09
Jack_SparrowBeachSide, Please read what wubi is and how it differs from a real install and how you might be risking your windows partition in the process01:10
Jordan_Uoerter, 6.10 is no longer supported01:10
DanielEadsbear7809: yeah, i had similar issues the other day with a xabre card; it worked when i used a CRT but not an LCD; i ended up just swapping the card out for an nvidia one01:10
Jack_Sparrowoerter, try  sudo do-release-upgrade01:10
Bear7809right well, lets just say im real broke cant afford a new card.01:11
Bear7809so what should i do?01:11
rwwoerter: Edgy/6.10 isn't supported any more, and its repository was removed quite some time ago. The upgrade path from 6.10 to a supported version is rather tedious, so you might want to consider grabbing an 8.04 or 8.10 CD and reinstalling.01:11
DanielEadshave you tried a different monitor?01:11
Jordan_UJack_Sparrow, Would you really be risking your windows partition any more than normally? I thought it was only a great risk to the Ubuntu image in a power failure, or do you not reccomend ntfs-3g at all?01:11
Bear7809could it really be the monitor thats the problem and not the card?01:11
WebcamWonderGuys, weird problem. While doing aptitude update, I am getting Error 400 URI Failure Message. I am assuming one of my repositories is failing, any ideas how to see which one?01:11
oerterok thanks i'll try that01:12
Bear7809if i prett ctrl+alt+f1 i get the command line01:12
Bear7809to long in01:12
Bear7809the monitor comes back on01:12
ethanwhast the command to veiw the amount of space left and amount being used for ubuntu?01:12
DanielEadsbear8709: it's most likely the card then01:12
\kiraethan: sudo fdisk -l?01:12
Jack_SparrowJordan_U, I have no problem with ntfs-3g..  I wont let ubuntu write to my OS partition, any others.. ok.. just not my installed os partition01:12
kurrataethan:  df -h01:13
DanielEadsbear8709: trying a different display driver might help, lemmie see if i can pull up a link for some documentation on that01:13
WebcamWonderNever mind, found the culprit. Playdeb!01:13
Bear7809i might have to update the display driver while im running ubuntu though01:13
Jack_SparrowJordan_U, In a power failure situation, you risk more than just the wubi install01:13
Bear7809im not so good with all the commadn line stuff but i think i might have to01:13
Jordan_UJack_Sparrow, Why more so than with a power failure when booted into windows, or when using ntfs-3g normally?01:14
DanielEadsbear7809: give this a go: sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx01:14
Jack_SparrowJordan_U, Read up on wubi.  I personally feel it is ok for a test drive. but nothing more.. Just my opinion01:15
cdg52Hey, has anyone had any issues with mhddfs and samba?01:16
Jordan_UCrayboff, Can you join ##windows ?01:17
Bear7809ok so you think that will work01:17
Bear7809what does that command do exactly?01:17
konzeptQuestion: Im installing ubuntu on a windows box, im removing windows completely, in the install there is an option for manual partitions, i have a 100 gb partition i would like to leave unformatted its an ntfs filesystem with my music on it, i want to use ubuntu on the rest of the disk, im curious if my settings are correct, it says: /dev/sda1/ ext3 mountpoint = /, however when i press continue it asks about swap space, i have 8mbs unallo01:17
Crayboffjordan_U, do you mean /join #windows? or is it on a different server?01:17
storm-zenwhat is the channel for ubuntu sound help?01:17
DanielEadsbear7809: that installs the proprietary ati driver01:18
Crayboffjordan_u, figured it out01:18
Jack_Sparrowstorm-zen, #alsa  or #pulse-audio01:18
storm-zenJack_Sparrow: No, the one for ubuntu.01:18
ihcushello guys i am installing an oracle  .deb setup file...it says dkpg command not found ...please help01:18
Bear7809so im going to get to the splash screen01:18
Bear7809monitor is going to go out of signal01:18
Bear7809im going to then ctrl atl f1 and stuff01:19
Bear7809log in01:19
mib_vfkcjahello lacita01:19
Bear7809and run that command01:19
Jack_Sparrowstorm-zen, right..  alsa or pulse depending on what you are using01:19
DanielEadsthen you might need to restart01:19
\kirakonzept: swap space isnt that nessesary. Swap space is harddrive space that acts like ram. Its much slower than ram, but is used is all the ram is used. I have 2 gigs of ram, and I never use more than 20 megs of ram.01:19
storm-zenJack_Sparrow: The last time I was here and was having issues, someone told me to go to #ubuntu-sound... something... and they were able to fix my problem.01:19
Jack_Sparrowstorm-zen, news to me.. let me know if you find it01:20
konzeptkira thanks, will my ntfs filesystem be useable in ubuntu its just music files01:20
Bear7809ill be back01:20
ihcusguys please help me ...i am trying to install oracle and it is giving me an error for the command dkpg -i01:20
Bear7809thanks daniel01:20
DanielEadsno problem, lemmie know if it helps01:20
\kirakonzept: I am pretty sure ubuntu can read ntfs, it doesnt matter what is on the partition, though. Im not sure about how well ntfs is supported, so you might want to ask someone else or google it01:21
WebcamWonder\kira: Pretty well supported with the latest ntfs-3g01:21
Jack_Sparrowkonzept, ntfs wil work fine..01:21
konzept\kira thanks for the help, its installing now so01:21
mib_vfkcjakonzept: ntfs reading is fine.  writing to ntfs sometimes requires permissions adjustments01:21
\kirakonzept: no problem, good luck :)01:22
DanielEadsIs it possible to run migration-assistant on a completed installation?  I'm trying to import some settings to a system that's already up and running01:23
cdg52Hey, has anyone had any issues with mhddfs and samba?01:23
lepineHey people. After logging out, i've lost all usual interaction with the desktop. There's no more background, icons, clicking left of right, doesn't do anything. Although, my panels are there and functionning perfectly.01:24
lepinecan someone point me in the right direction please?01:24
DanielEadscdg52: try #samba ?01:24
cdg52will try that thanks01:24
_Bart_lepine, you mean after logout and login?01:25
lepine_Bart_: correct01:25
_Bart_lepine, the desktop is managed by nautilus01:25
_Bart_is it running?01:26
lepinei have a file manager running ... i guess that doesnt count ...01:26
DanielEadshe'd still have a background even if nautilus weren't01:26
MatBoy_Bart_: it's bedtime already, how late ended sesamstreet ?01:26
itai-michaelsoni'm trying to install phpbb but failed, now apt cannot be used untill the instalation is complete, is there a way to release apt?01:26
_Bart_MatBoy, How do you know what time it is here01:26
lepine_Bart_: "nautilus --no-default-window --sm-client-id default2" is all i get01:27
MatBoy_Bart_: Kinda simple, do a whois and see... versatel.nl ;)01:27
DanielEadsitai-michaelson: yes, i don't know the command offhand, but restarting would probably unlock it01:27
_Bart_MatBoy, ah right it's 2.27 am ;p01:27
_Bart_lepine, do killall nautilus and wait01:27
DanielEadsitai-michaelson: dpkg-reconfigure might be it01:27
konzeptquestion: my installer failed, im curious how i can go about installing ubuntu from iso without burning a cd01:28
Jordan_Uitai-michaelson, Can you patebin the output of "sudo dpkg --configure -a"01:28
istvanis there a reposotory of free trees?01:28
MatBoy_Bart_: right... I'm waiting for the 6:30 sesamstreet reloaded :P01:28
istvani need lots of trees in half an hour01:28
MatBoyistvan: can be done... where do I need to put them ?01:28
lepine_Bart_: right on the button! i'm at a loss here ... it happened once ... then rebooted ... which didn't fix the problem. Why would killing it have solved the issue?01:28
istvanso i need textures an dall01:28
_Bart_konzept, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation01:28
tj83konzept, try the alternate install disk01:28
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate01:29
itai-michaelsonJordan_U, dpkg: status database area is locked by another process01:29
istvanHatBoy: box.net in a zip would be fine, or where ever else. I need textures and all please01:29
_Bart_lepine, ahhh rebooting doesn't work?01:29
TwoDI have an image of a fat32 filesystem, and it's got 122GB free space. I'd like to shrink that image to close to 0 free space. How?01:29
Jordan_Uitai-michaelson, Do you have apt / dpkg running somewhere else?01:29
lepine_Bart_: no that was the weird thing ... rebooting didn't do the trick ... killall nautilus did though01:29
SwitchMon44When I try to start an XFCE session i receive the error shown at http://paste.ubuntu.com/99234/.  I've tried resetting the permissions on /tmp, my home folder, and removing the .iceauthority file.  Any other suggestions?01:29
_Bart_lepine, that's strange...01:30
itai-michaelsonJordan_U, no. i tried to install phpbb but it froze in the middle (with apt) so i killed it , now i cannot use apt at all01:30
tj83TwoD, what do you mean "image" a different partition?01:30
MatBoyistvan_: ow, I htought real trees01:30
Jack_SparrowSwitchMon44, explain to people what all you have done prior to the pwoblem.  What changes to sources or unsupported apps installed etc01:30
itai-michaelsonJordan_U, when i ps aux | grep apt i get : root     16365  0.0  2.1  36720 22552 ?        Sl   08:19   0:03 aptitude install phpbb2-conf-mysql01:30
TwoDtj83, I used ddrescue to create an image of a damaged filesystem. Now I'm migrating the files out of the image, but I need to shrink the wasted space in it to leave room for more files outside it.01:31
SwitchMon44It is a fresh install of XFCE on top of eeebuntu.01:31
droopsta915what program can i use to make an mp3 disc?01:31
william56uhh, i just opened a folder to an automatically mounted cdrom drive that had been unmounted and is now being erased, and my file browser windows locked up. how can i unlock them without waiting for the cd to be erased, or just restart the whole process??01:31
Jordan_Uitai-michaelson, Ok, find out where you have aptitude open and close it ( if you can't find it kill it )01:31
tj83TwoD, oh, i understand now, honest don't know...  i think it had to be specified when you created the image01:32
Jack_Sparrowdroopsta915, k3b with the mp3 addon01:32
Jordan_Uitai-michaelson, But it might be waiting for user input01:32
TwoDtj83, I could not specify any options for the output image with ddrescue...01:32
_Bart_MatBoy, MatBoy@wiljewelwetenhe.xs4all.nl lol01:32
droopsta915Jack_Sparrow: how I can get the mp3 addon?01:33
MatBoy_Bart_: yes, hehe, wannaknow was used already ;)01:33
\kiraMy ubuntu server is slow beyond belief. I run a game server on there, and I have no problems at all connecting and playing on the game server. The lag is not above normal, and it works fine. But, if I try to ssh or nmap the server. It takes forever. Most of the time, A ssh connection will just cause the server to wait for about 5 mins then close the connection with me. The odd time it does prompt me for my password I can log in, but every key stroke I type tak01:33
\kiraes a little while to show up. My local computer isnt slowing at all. Whats going on?01:33
Jack_Sparrowdroopsta915, should be in there .. search in synaptic01:33
tj83TwoD, will have to google or hope that someone else knows, i am curious also, when i had that issue i used the "dd" not "ddrescue"01:33
Iderikany recommendation for my mount point in installing ubuntu? /,/boot,/tmp,/src,/usr,/home and such, please help me, i'm new to this01:33
Jack_Sparrow!find k3b01:33
ubottuFound: k3b, k3b-data, k3b-i18n, libk3b-dev, libk3b3 (and 2 others)01:33
konzepton new install should mount point be root?01:34
Jack_Sparrowkonzept, yes01:34
tj83Iderik, "/"01:34
_Bart_MatBoy, but you're right it's bedtijd01:34
TwoDtj83, I chose ddrescue since it would just write zeroes when data could not be read, and log unreadable sectors to a file to retry later01:34
=== mark____ is now known as marcrosoft
Kagai need to remove pulsesound but sudo apt-get purge pulsesound wants to remove ubuntu-desktop too?01:35
MatBoy_Bart_: I'm just awake, I slept about 3 hours this evening01:35
borgistaKaga: ubuntu-desktop is just a meta-pacakge.01:35
Kagais ubuntu-desktop a meta package or is there a way to not remove it with pulsesound?01:35
DanielEadskaga: ubuntu-desktop is meta01:35
MatBoy_Bart_: I'm php-ing... so... addicted01:36
marcrosoftok, so I am compiling a custom kernel using debian's make-kpkg, what happens when there is an upgrade to the kernel passed down by ubuntu?01:36
SwitchMon44I'm trying to run a fresh install of XFCE from eeebuntu on an eeepc.  When I start the session I receive the error message shown at http://paste.ubuntu.com/99234/ and then the session quits.01:36
ubottuInformation about installing Ubuntu on an Asus EeePC can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC01:36
_Bart_MatBoy, hehe ok for me it's time to go to bed.... right now ;p01:36
MatBoy_Bart_: sissie :P01:37
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:37
dftis it possible to run 32bit apps on the amd64 strand of ubuntu?01:37
MatBoydft: yep01:37
ubottuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box01:37
dftMatBoy: any special needs?01:37
_Bart_:P bye everyone01:37
MatBoydft: Jack_Sparrow just posted01:38
MatBoy_Bart_: sleep well01:38
php_wizardrycan someone tell me how I can enable my wifi? I did "lsusb" and it list a belkin device, which is my wifi adapter01:38
dftMatBoy, Jack_Sparrow ty01:38
Bear7809alright guys01:38
Bear7809i got a problem01:38
mib_vfkcjabuh bye bart01:38
MatBoyJack_Sparrow: we can make a problem out of it ;) :P01:38
joejcwhy cant you install rpms on ubuntu?01:38
DanielEadsbear7809: still not working?01:38
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)01:38
MatBoyjoejc: you need to alien them01:38
Bear7809i tried loging in normaly but just guessing what the login screen was doing01:39
exodus_msis there a command I can use to retrieve a list of instances I have used wget in the terminal. I'm having a hard time remembering some of the parameters I use with wget and would like to retrieve a history01:39
joejci just want to know why you cant01:39
Ideriktj83, thanks a lot! it does recommend me to make a swap partion, how big should it be? i'm installing ubuntu from live usb stick01:39
Jack_Sparrowjoejc, Really, really not advised that you use alien for rpms01:39
Dracie_the new 8.10 thingy in the corner is lovely01:39
MatBoyjoejc: because RPM's are not friendly ;(01:39
tj83Iderik, how much RAM do you have?01:39
Jack_Sparrowjoejc, If you need it that bad, compile it yourself01:39
rwwjoejc: because Ubuntu uses apt, not rpm. They're different, incompatible package management systems.01:39
php_wizardrywhen "lsusb" list a device, does that mean the driver for the device has been installed for it?01:39
mib_vfkcjajoejc: because even redhat/suse/etc. use YUM now for different handling of RPM repositories01:40
Iderik2gb ram with 2 ghz 1 core on a compaq laptop01:40
rwwphp_wizardry: not necessarily, no.01:40
Jordan_Uexodus_ms, history | grep wget01:40
MatBoyIderik: twice mem, but that is not needed anymore... max 2 GB, 1 GB is fine most of the time01:40
joejccould i install what rpms need to work?01:40
MatBoyIderik: make a 2GB01:40
tj83Iderik, someone correct me if i am wrong... but i think the rule of thumb is 1.5-2 X Ram space01:40
sudobashso I solved my dilema of how to CHKDSK /R a dual booted partition from Ubuntu and 3000 miles away... Run your partition in VM and mount a windows iso that has recovery console...01:40
Bear7809so i logged in and nothing showed up still01:40
MatBoyIderik: workstation ?01:40
exodus_msJordan_U: thank you01:40
Jack_Sparrowjoejc, Really, really not advised that you use alien for rpms01:40
sysdoctj83, go with 2x01:40
Jordan_Uexodus_ms, np01:40
MatBoysysdoc: no !! no 4GB01:40
mib_vfkcjajoejc: no - u need to find your packages with synaptic01:40
MatBoy2GB is max !!01:40
IderikMatBoy, what do you mean with workstation? sorry for my bad english :-)01:40
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info01:40
MatBoyIderik: PC you work on01:41
php_wizardryhow can you check if a driver is installed for a device?01:41
DanielEadsbear7809: i'm checking some documentation, might be a minute or two01:41
MatBoyphp_wizardry: see if it works ?01:41
php_wizardryMatBoy: Not sure how to get my wifi device working01:42
IderikMatBoy, it's a laptop for studies such as programming and documentation, probly some gaming too (2d mmorpgs and fps)01:42
tj83php_wizardry, most are probably avoiding your issue cause belkin tends to be rather hard to get working if not impossible sometimes :(01:42
MatBoyphp_wizardry: check if the mod is loaded01:42
MatBoyIderik: 2GB is perfect01:42
MatBoyphp_wizardry: module01:42
IderikMatBoy, thank you so much!01:42
Ideriktj83, thanks again01:42
tj83php_wizardry, you can use "sudo lshw" to see what modules are loaded for given hardware01:42
php_wizardryMatBoy: not sure what you mean, by module01:42
MatBoyIderik: I will give you my paypal acount, sent you the bill of $100,- ok ?? :P01:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mod01:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about module01:43
IderikMatBoy, of course! :-P01:43
MatBoyIderik: ok, we buy beer with it, you can drink it in ##ubuntu-offtopic01:43
Dracie_hi how do i disable snapping to otherwindows in metacity01:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about modprobe01:44
IderikMatBoy, hehe, sounds like a great idea01:44
\kiraIderik: you would want the "/", most likely01:44
MatBoyIderik: I'm full of great ideas... that what the woman say :P01:44
\kirawhats a meta package?01:44
Jack_Sparrow!ot > MatBoy01:44
ubottuMatBoy, please see my private message01:44
MatBoyJack_Sparrow: empty ? don't see anything :)01:44
Jack_SparrowMatBoy, Please stay on-topic01:45
MatBoyJack_Sparrow: but I got it ;)01:45
s3ato use ekiga do i need to pay money??01:45
MatBoyJack_Sparrow: yes, I will be... kinda quiet tho01:45
nownotim about to loose my mind. i have 2 ethernet devices, eth1 is connected to my router with static ip, eth0 is connected to another pc and im trying to share teh inet connection, but as soon as eth1 becomes active my computer looses all connectivity with eth001:45
MatBoys3a: depends on your sipgateway01:45
s3aMatBoy, is ekiga like skype?01:45
mib_vfkcjaekiga is free from ekiga user to ekiga user01:45
s3aMatBoy, bcuz i like skype but it has bugs and it isn't open source01:45
MatBoys3a: uhm... not really01:46
sysdocMatBoy, From the page that ubottu: If you have n MB of RAM, you need between n and 2*n MB of swap.01:46
MatBoysysdoc: yes, but with a max of 2GB01:46
MatBoyabove it it's not needed01:46
s3aMatBoy, i dont wanna call phones, i wanna call my dad long distance but on internet skype-style, would that be free money wise?01:46
craigbass1976I'm using cheese to grab shots from a webcam.  What do I use to turn those into a stop motion animation?01:46
mnI go with .5 n MB of RAM01:46
MatBoys3a: use skype01:46
s3aMatBoy, it has a bug in intrepid which doesnt allow me to use video01:47
DanielEadsbear7809: this page will most likely help you01:47
MatBoymn: can be very good... if you system swaps you are screwed already01:47
MatBoys3a: uhm, video is not supported on linux with skype01:47
sysdocMatBoy, I don't see any mention of a max, sorry01:47
MatBoysysdoc: Experience ;)01:47
DanielEadsMatBoy: it works for me01:47
s3aMatBoy, i dont think that's true bcuz i think i did video conference on hardy b401:48
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto01:48
tinpardomerry christmas01:48
MatBoyJack_Sparrow: vido wasn't supported right ?01:48
Jack_SparrowMatBoy, Yes it does01:48
MatBoyow it does now ?01:48
MatBoymhh, skype self say they don't on linux01:48
=== Andry is now known as Andry_Sleep
itai-michaelsonneed php advice - installed lamp ans when i put the helloworld test , firefox displays this : ?php echo “Hello World”; ? , is that correct?01:48
eseven73!away > Andry_Sleep01:48
ubottuAndry_Sleep, please see my private message01:48
Jack_SparrowMatBoy, I will need to check into it..01:49
DanielEadsi assure you that i've used video calls in skype in ubuntu01:49
ParadoxxCan someone help. I have the latest flash plug in installed but Firefox still tells me it isn't installed.01:49
MatBoyJack_Sparrow: I thought the old version did01:49
tinpardodo you know how to redirecto traffic from lo01:49
MatBoyeseven73: mhh, I like those messages of changements actually, most people do when you are in conversation01:50
eseven73Paradoxx: what does 'dpkg -l *flash*' say?01:50
eseven73Paradoxx: pastebin it01:50
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)01:50
Marshalllhello everyone01:50
Flare183!hi | Marshalll01:50
ubottuMarshalll: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:50
eseven73MatBoy: please don't tell me how to do things i'm a big boy ty :)01:50
Paradoxxeseven73,  "No packages found matching flash_locations_file."01:51
Jack_SparrowMatBoy, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=102618801:51
MatBoyeseven73: I don't tell you how to do things, I tell what I like and most of the time more people do.. do with it what you want :)01:51
MatBoyJack_Sparrow: thanks01:51
=== Andry_Sleep is now known as Krext
eseven73MatBoy: away/sleep messages are not allowed01:51
Zombie_GazQuick question... I have a user called "Sabayon user" on my machine. Now I know this is an auto generated account when you install the user profile manager package... however, I have deleted that package and want this acccount gone. It didn't go when I removed the package. Can I just delete the user?01:51
eseven73MatBoy: its concidered flooding01:52
MatBoyeseven73: I know, but it's more annoying when people go online/offline and so on01:52
Jack_SparrowMatBoy, turn off parts and joins01:52
msucoderAnyone here ever fooled with webcamd before?01:52
mnDoes Ubuntu normally run more slowly and worse than Windows XP Professional?01:52
eseven73MatBoy: that is hard to argue :)01:52
MatBoyJack_Sparrow: yes.. but can't you turn those things off for namechangements in your client ?01:53
MatBoyeseven73: hehe01:53
geniimn: No. Usually it's the opposite in fact01:53
MatBoyeseven73: that's why I never leave :D01:53
Paradoxxeseven73, What do you think?01:53
Jack_SparrowMatBoy, I have to leave them on here.. for monitoring the channel01:53
fbcwhat's the command for loading a terminal window?01:53
mngenii: Well, do you have any solution because by Ubuntu (8.10) is terribly slow compared to my XP01:53
MatBoyJack_Sparrow: you must be writing fast than :P BTW, the last time I downloaded skype, that was last week, skype told me on their website that video was not supported on linux01:54
Jack_Sparrowmn, try turning off effects01:54
eseven73Paradoxx: sounds like you dont have the correct flash installed01:54
HellFire-Auhey guys, my dhclient doesn't want to work when i have a network bridge setup - anyone know how to fix? (Works fine with no bridge setup)01:54
fbcmn, switch to xubuntu, and remove startup stuff like tracker.01:54
MatBoymn: turn off Compiz Fusion01:54
=== Krext is now known as Andry_2
ethan[ 120.259296] Bug: soft lock up - CPU#0 stuck for 61s! [mount.ntfs:2149]...................i get this error message when logging on can someone please help01:54
eseven73!flash | Paradoxx01:54
ubottuParadoxx: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash01:54
MatBoyfbc: gnome is faster than xfce these days01:54
mnJack_Sparrow:  I think I have had the same problem with no effects.01:54
tj83video in skype works... i dunno why all the talk, it just works... your webcam chipset could be a different story01:55
MatBoymn: turn off Compiz Fusion01:55
fbcMatBoy, not when it's choacking because of memery it's not..01:55
MatBoyremove it01:55
Paradoxxeseven73, But it was working before. Then I updated and it just stopped working01:55
itai-michaelsonmn, how much ram / processor ?01:55
Zombie_GazQuick question... I have a user called "Sabayon user" on my machine. Now I know this is an auto generated account when you install the user profile manager package... however, I have deleted that package and want this acccount gone. It didn't go when I removed the package. Can I just delete the user without messing anything up?01:55
eseven73Paradoxx: yeah you'll have to reinstall it01:55
Jack_Sparrowmn, I would look at what video driver you are using etc..  sorry but kinda busy elsewhere atm01:55
MatBoyfbc: I have tested 2 years with it on a 4screen setup... XFCE is slower... you even can google about it01:55
itai-michaelsonZombie_Gaz, yes01:55
Paradoxxeseven73, I did that several times01:55
ethan[ 120.259296] Bug: soft lock up - CPU#0 stuck for 61s! [mount.ntfs:2149]...................i get this error message when logging on can someone please help01:55
MatBoypeople in #xfce say the same01:55
mnitai-michaelson: 2 GiB 266 MHz SDRAM, 1.7 GHz single core processor01:56
eseven73that why I use Icewm MatBoy ,01:56
itai-michaelsonmn, gnome?01:56
MatBoyeseven73: indeed...01:56
dislo_ps3hey guys is there a place where i can download themes for ubuntu01:56
Zombie_Gazitai-michaelson: Nothing else relies on this account but that?01:56
MatBoyeseven73: but I like gnome more... I never liked it until it became so smooth and fast since about a year01:56
mnitai-michaelson: yes01:56
tj83!emerald > dislo_ps3,01:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about emerald01:56
Paradoxxeseven73, I just checked synaptic and it is installed there01:56
ethan[ 120.259296] Bug: soft lock up - CPU#0 stuck for 61s! [mount.ntfs:2149]...................i get this error message when logging on can someone please help01:57
MatBoydislo_ps3: gnome-look.org01:57
itai-michaelsonZombie_Gaz,  i had the same situation - deleted the sabayon user and np01:57
tj83dislo_ps3, google about emerald themes01:57
Zombie_Gazitai-michaelson: Awesome... thanks, mate.01:57
eseven73Paradoxx: what i did was completely removed firefox, reinstalled firefox, went to youtube.com and it complained it needed flash plugin so it took me to Flash's website i then downloaded it that way, no probs :)01:57
dislo_ps3MatBoy, that sounds like it01:57
fbcMatBoy,  Listen, I can only tell you from real world experience,(not what the computer clams) I just switched from gnome to xfce, and everything loads like lightning.01:57
MatBoydislo_ps3: I thought so01:57
Paradoxxeseven73, kk. I'll try that01:57
dislo_ps3tj83, thanks i will do that as well01:57
itai-michaelsonmn, there are many tutorials to making ubuntu fasters online, firstly try using another DE like xfce, also in my opinion Ubuntu is not the fastest, a default Debian install will be way faster01:57
eseven73Paradoxx: you might have to uninstall the existing flash first01:58
Milos_SDhello.. Can someone give me default Ubuntu background color code? :D01:58
MatBoyfbc: hehe, you experience is not that well than... 2 years of testing is I think ?01:58
EquilibriumI'm trying to connect through ssh to my server. I can connect via the local network fine. but when i go offsite and try to ssh over the internet i get the ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host01:58
Equilibriumerror. I have TcpForwarding yes in the sshd config and have the router port forwarding properly. I am using public/private key auth which is working fine over a local ssh. Anyone got ideas?01:58
MatBoyfbc: listen to eseven73 ... he doesn't use ICEwm because of another reason...01:58
ethan[ 120.259296] Bug: soft lock up - CPU#0 stuck for 61s! [mount.ntfs:2149]...................i get this error message when logging on can someone please help01:58
MatBoyxfce is bad development for a year now01:58
MatBoymaybe longer01:58
Mallen__Hey can anyone help me set up VNC on a Ubuntu and XP machine??01:58
mnitai-michaelson: ah ok01:58
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX01:59
itai-michaelsonnm also look at the programmes that run on startup - disable some of them and look at the video card driver you are using01:59
eseven73fbc: you could install a few so called 'light window managers' and just see which one works for you, then just uninstall the ones you don't like01:59
HellFire-Aucan anyone help me with my dhcp/dhclient issue?01:59
yaris123456789if i want to wget http://www.something.com/some/picture.jpg, how can i make it create a folder "some" and put "picture.jpg" in there ?02:00
tj83yaris123456789, i just make my folder cd to it then run wget02:00
K_DallasHi guys! By installing the 64bit version of Ubuntu, what should I expect to be a major difference? Thanks02:00
yaris123456789tj83: problem is, i have to download lot of the pictures from multiple directories02:01
ethan[ 120.259296] Bug: soft lock up - CPU#0 stuck for 61s! [mount.ntfs:2149]...................i get this error message when logging on can someone please help02:01
neil_dtrying to get a samba share to work.  installed samba on one computer, and configured it what I think is correct, but it isn't showing in the Gnome 'network' window, can anyone help ?02:01
=== exodus is now known as exodus_ms
tj83yaris123456789, i suppose you tried wget --help and "man wget"?02:01
TrenskowCan someone explain to me, why my wifi connection won't top 750 kb/s02:01
yaris123456789tj83: how can i make wget retain the directory structures02:01
TrenskowI'm running dual boot on a macbook, and on os x i get full advantage of my 15mbit02:02
tj83yaris123456789, not sure..... looking02:02
Trenskowinstalled ndiswrapper because I though that might help, but it didn't02:02
Mallen__Hey can anyone help me set up VNC on a Ubuntu and XP machine??02:02
jinja-sheep!64bit | K_Dallas02:02
ubottuK_Dallas: AMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/3jkole and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amd64 for more information.02:02
ethan[ 120.259296] Bug: soft lock up - CPU#0 stuck for 61s! [mount.ntfs:2149]...................i get this error message when logging on can someone please help02:02
tj83yaris123456789, never tried it but would wget http://www.something.com/some/* work?02:02
jinja-sheep!vnc | Mallen__02:03
ubottuMallen__: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX02:03
yaris123456789tj83: no02:03
K_Dallasjinja-sheep, thanks. Does it matter that I don't have an AMD but a Core2 Duo Intel?02:03
KaldorIs anyone able to help me with downgrading Wine? After Update manager updated Wine to version 1.1.12, it stopped working. What can I do?02:03
yaris123456789tj83: im looking for an option02:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wget02:03
yaris123456789tj83: does'nt seem to be there02:03
jinja-sheepK_Dallas:  As long as it support 64 bits.02:03
ethancan anyone help i get [ 120.259296] Bug: soft lock up - CPU#0 stuck for 61s! [mount.ntfs:2149]...................i get this error message when logging on can someone please help02:03
K_Dallasjinja-sheep, thanks you02:03
ethananyone please?02:04
ubuntuHello to everybody. I'm new in xubuntu and also in linux enviroments. I'm having problems with the installation when the set up program tells me to chose wich partition I want to install xubuntu I chose manual and in the next step one of the partitons that is empty. But the set up program shows me an error message "the main file system is not defined, correct this from the partition menu". How can I do that and what exactly I must02:04
ubuntu do?02:04
sysdocyaris123456789, from the cli, man wget02:04
efeXor[C#] Anyone know how to like reverse the order of words in a string?02:05
Kaldor Is anyone able to help me with downgrading Wine? After Update manager updated Wine to version 1.1.12, it stopped working. What can I do?02:05
efeXorLike "Hey whats up" becomes "up hey whats"02:05
tj83yaris123456789, i think the option " -x,  --force-directories        force creation of directories." i dunno02:05
yaris123456789tj83: okay02:05
ethananyone here can you please help meeeeeeeeeeeee02:05
eseven73efeXor: try 'apt-cache search scramble'02:05
jinja-sheepubuntu:  Since you're new to noth xubuntu and linux environments, I only would suggest you to let the partition editor handling it rather than having you configuring manually.02:05
efeXorI mean like , code wise02:06
efeXorin C#02:06
eseven73no clue02:06
eseven73efeXor: maybe Eclipse has it?02:06
tj83ethan, have you tried the noapic boot option? cant say it "will" work but might02:06
efeXorNope :S02:06
saulusWhen using dnsmasq with mac adresses it is possible for unknown clients to get an ip adress over dhcp. How can i prevent that?02:06
eseven73or a Eclipse plugin maybe02:06
ethantj83: do what?02:07
efeXorIt's gotta be something with the string library :(02:07
mnethan: what's the problem02:07
jinja-sheepefeXor:  Try google.02:07
ubuntubut I think that that the computer automatically install in the same partition than win xp and doesn't it be a problem?02:07
crdlbefeXor: split it into a list, reverse the list, and join the list would be the general solution, but you should probably find a C# channel02:07
dawi am having a continuing problem with WINE and WOW. It installed and starts just fine, But I have black boxes over the text entry fields and other places. It runs fine in d3d, but very slow. but in openGL it's unworkable. It's an intel laptop with an intel video chip running ubuntu intrepid  -- #winehq folks have had no ideas to fix it the last few times i've asked02:07
ethanmn: [ 120.259296] Bug: soft lock up - CPU#0 stuck for 61s! [mount.ntfs:2149]...................i get this error message when logging on02:07
ethanmn: when booting up02:07
jinja-sheepLoop at the length of the string.  Make a new temp string.  Assist array or string.charAt().  Something similar.02:08
efeXorthanks :D02:08
Jack_Sparrowdaw, ask in #winehq02:08
WastePotatoHow can I change which video driver I'm using? I downloaded and installed the fglrx driver to see if there would be a difference in performance, but it well, sucks. How do I change back to the previous driver (Which I can only assume was either the radeonhd or the -ati)?02:08
tj83ethan, when you boot try pressing "esc" to get grub, then the current kernel, then "e" to edit then edit the kernel line and append "noapic" w/out quote02:08
mnethan: is your linux on an ext* partition?02:08
dawJack_Sparrow -- i have, but they've run out of ideas as to what is wrong. They've decided i need latest video drivers, i have the ones that came with intrepid and whatever updates have been added02:09
saulusdnsmasq gives the option "read-ethers" but that only works with an ip range. But then it works as a dhcp server for ALL request, the unknown as well. Is there a way to prevent unknown users getting ip adresses with dnsmasq or do i have to install a bind server?02:09
ethanmn: i have 2 partitions windows xp and ubuntu and i had windows before ubuntu02:09
jinja-sheepubuntu:  Assuming you did made a backup, partition editor will display all partitions (If your Windows partition is there, or you set up the whole partition for Windows.02:09
mnethan: it is a bug.  we are going to have to use the workaround02:09
sysdocubuntu, see pm02:10
HellFire-Aucan anyone help me with a dhcp issue?02:10
crdlbdaw: you're not using compiz, are you?02:10
dawcrdlb not intentionally02:10
usr13HellFire-Au: We can try02:11
dawi have the gnome interface set to not use it02:11
usr13HellFire-Au: What seems to be the problem?02:11
saulusnoone any idea?02:11
Paradoxxeseven73, I did all that and it still says it isn't installed02:11
dawps -ef | grep compiz does not return anything02:11
=== ubuntu is now known as chebe
HellFire-AuProblem is when i setup a network bridge (bridging wireless to ethernet for xbox 360 connectivity) the dhclient fails to obtain an ip. Without the bridge all works fine though02:11
=== fernando is now known as Guest84797
eseven73Paradoxx: hmm does dpkg -l *flash* report anything now?02:12
crdlbdaw: well, you don't want any compositor running; it should be easy to determine if there is one running by moving a window around and seeing if the windows below it have to redraw02:12
Guest84797when I try to update my system I get  a blockage02:12
Guest84797someone can help?02:12
usr13HellFire-Au: Are you sure the dhcp server is communicating over the proper interface?02:12
saulushelp please. My network is insecure!02:13
Jack_SparrowGuest84797, Which version are you running now02:13
Guest84797thx Jack02:13
HellFire-Auusr13: Is there anyway to check this? The dhcp server is built into my wireless router02:13
Paradoxxeseven73, nope02:13
konzepthow much ram does 32bit cover?02:13
Jack_Sparrow4 gig02:13
Guest84797I am running 8.0402:13
eseven73Paradoxx: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-975300.html02:13
dawcrdlb i don' know what a compositor is. I have the stock ununtu intrepid install, with WINE adn a few other applications (which i'm not running with WINE + WOW) and the desktop settings set as low as possible02:13
dawi can't quite tell if things are redrawing, but i'm not running many apps02:14
usr13HellFire-Au: You may also have too short of a fuse on the client. (Takes a little longer to get dhcp info over a wireless LAN).02:14
konzeptcomputer specs are intel q6600 4gb ddr2 gskill ram nvidia 8800 gts, should i go 64bit or 32bit02:14
Jack_Sparrowdaw, What all did you install from outside official repos02:14
Jack_SparrowGuest84797, Can you pastebin the error02:14
usr13HellFire-Au: You need to describe your LAN in more detail.02:14
Jack_Sparrowkonzept, 3202:14
lacitaI need some help compiling ftp://ftp.alsa-project.org/pub/driver/alsa-driver-1.0.18a.tar.bz202:14
Guest84797Jack_Sparrow, thx! I am running Ubuntu 8.0402:14
dawEclipse and CUSP, CLISP, WINE02:15
konzeptthx Jack_Sparrow02:15
Guest84797Jack_Sparrow thx -..- How can I paste bin ...please remember me02:15
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:15
usr13HellFire-Au: Where is the wifi-ethernet bridge?  (.. in relation to the Wireless AP).02:15
Raylzcan anyone confirm me, that inserting spaces instead of tabs doesnt work in geany?02:16
Mass[UB]Is it true that most people still use Ubuntu 8.04 instead of 8.10 ?02:16
usr13HellFire-Au: Or how is it connected  to the AP.02:16
jinja-sheepMass[UB]:  Yes, that's true.02:16
HellFire-Auusr13: The problems start when i enable a network bridge. My LAN looks like: Modem/router --wireless-- (ra0) mythbuntu htpc (eth0) --ethernet-- xbox36002:16
eseven73!info geany02:16
ubottugeany (source: geany): A fast and lightweight IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.14-1ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 2047 kB, installed size 6064 kB02:16
Jack_SparrowMass[UB], no02:16
HellFire-Auusr13: So as you can see im trying to bridge the interfaces on the linux box02:16
Mass[UB]I've read it on some website, don't quite remember the reason for it, 8.10 isn't as stable or something?02:16
lacitaI need some help compiling ftp://ftp.alsa-project.org/pub/driver/alsa-driver-1.0.18a.tar.bz202:17
Jack_SparrowMass[UB], this is the support channel.. if you want discussion, there are other channels02:17
DJCiPso... the perl binaries in ubuntu don't have the core module GDBM_File compiled in it by default - is there someone i could talk to about fixing that ?02:17
usr13HellFire-Au: Describe the wireless to ethernet bridge.02:17
nikouts20hi to all02:17
nikouts20i need help02:17
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:18
HellFire-Auusr13: I'm using a wireless usb adapter on the linux box02:18
exodus_mslooking for linux howto's (text files preferably) that are a little easier to understand than what is found in the man pages and doc-base02:18
jinja-sheepMass[UB] -- Nothing is ever stable.  There are always questionable items + packages.  If you want to go for Ubuntu 8.04 or Ubuntu 8.10, that's fine.02:18
Guest84797jack_Sparrow .... do you think I shd update to 8.10 and may be it solves the problem?02:18
dmsupermanI can't start X, using nvidia-glx-177. /var/log/Xorg.0.log says Fatal error, no screens found02:18
TyMasss [UB]. No it is not as stable, i have a laptop that is 08 model, and all prev. verisions of ubuntu worked, but 8.10 did not!02:18
Jack_SparrowGuest84797, You could dual or tripple   boot or run live for testing it02:18
saulusWhen using dnsmasq with mac adresses it is possible for unknown clients to get an ip adress over dhcp. How can i prevent that?02:18
dmsupermanI couldn't get it at all, so I tried installing nvidia-glx-177 and that doens't fix it02:19
usr13HellFire-Au: So, you have connection to the internet via the wireless USB device?02:19
Raylzeseven73: im using the package from jaunty02:19
eseven73Raylz: i just wanted to know what it was :)02:19
Jack_Sparrowdmsuperman, Did you see how I got my 6600 oc to work02:19
HellFire-Auusr13: Yes02:19
Raylzeseven73: haha02:19
dmsupermanJack_Sparrow: No, what'd you do?02:19
Jack_Sparrowdmsuperman, one sec02:19
nikouts20kanas ellhnas02:19
usr13HellFire-Au: And that device is being shared over the ethernet NIC that is connected to the router?02:19
ubottu#ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes02:20
Guest84797Jack_Sparrow, I did not understand your last message ... sorry02:20
Jack_Sparrowdmsuperman, http://paste.ubuntu.com/99972/ not sure if it will help but here it is02:20
Mass[UB]Ok, I've setup an irc server on my machine but I can't connect to it using my external IP address only using How can I make it work on the external IP?02:20
HellFire-Auusr13: Not sure what you mean, but it connects to my wlan and gains internet access through there. The ethernet NIC is connected to my xbox 360 (which i need to enable net access)02:20
lacitaI need some help compiling ftp://ftp.alsa-project.org/pub/driver/alsa-driver-1.0.18a.tar.bz202:21
eseven73Mass[UB]: offtopic but forward port 666702:21
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)02:21
dmsupermanJack_Sparrow: I'm sorry, I don't have X at all. Would you mind terribly getting me a link to that paste in plain text form? Like, no page or formatting or anything, so I can save it and see it with nano02:21
Mallen__Hey can anyone help me set up !VNC on a Ubuntu and XP machine??02:21
Guest84797My applications management aplication after I touch verify continues running indefenitely, but does nothing02:21
mishkins\Mass[UB]: did you forrward the port needed for the irc server?02:21
eseven73Mass[UB]: 6660-6667 is IRC ports according to Wikipedia02:21
HellFire-Auusr13: Problems start when i use brctl to bridge ra0 and eth0. No connectivity and no dhcp working, i don't think the signal even gets to the router as nothing shows up in the router config half of the time02:22
usr13So the eithernet NIC is connected directly to the xbox?02:22
eseven73Mass[UB]: non encrypted ports that is02:22
mishkins\Mass[UB]: because if you have a router of any kind or even a software firewall it won't respond to your trying to connect02:22
HellFire-Auusr13: I have used firestarter and that has worked but it doesn't allow a transparent connection to my router (ie there is only 1 ip for both the htpc and 360, i need 1 ip for each)02:22
donavananyone know of an IRC channel that deals with CPUs and/or overclocking02:22
Draciedonavan: whats the issue?02:23
usr13HellFire-Au: Firestarter should do the job for you.02:23
usr13HellFire-Au:  But I'm still not understanding how everything is connected.02:24
s3adonavan, no but maybe cpu frequency scaler can help you?02:24
donavanwell Im trying to find out some info on a laptop I have thats running an athlon xp 2400 ... I want to throw a 3200 in it but the existing processor is mobile unit and I dont know if there will be issues even if I find one thats at the right FSB speed02:25
HellFire-Auusr13: My home theatre pc is connected to my wireless router/modem via a usb dongle. That provides the internet access. The home theatre pc also has a single ethernet port which is connected directly ethernet to ethernet to my xbox 36002:25
donavans3a:  cpu freq scaler?02:26
HellFire-Auusr13: As i explained firestarter doesn't provide the transparent functionality i need, certain xbox 360 features cannot work because firestarter combines both the htpc and 360 under one ip. I need 2 seperate ip's for each device, i have done this on windows by bridging the interfaces and has worked quite successfully, though when i try on mythbuntu it fails to register an ip02:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bridge02:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bridging02:27
thomasanyone know why there is no OO3.0 package for Ubuntu?02:27
s3aright click on top panel and click add to panel then type cpu02:27
usr13HellFire-Au: Is it a crossover cable between the PC and xbox?02:27
s3adonavan, right click on top panel and click add to panel then type cpu02:27
jinja-sheepthomas:  Because Ubuntu dev believe it's not stable.  You can add repos to install OOo3.02:27
Mass[UB]I've portforwarded 6667 on my router's and if I run the irc server under windows I can connect to it using the external IP adress, thing is that I am using Ubuntu on VirtualBox and would like to run an irc server from there02:27
Draciedonavan: what kind of information?02:28
eseven73Mass[UB]: i think that would require briding02:28
thomasthanks jinja, have run it on SUSE 11.1 ... seems stable to me.02:28
Draciecheck out /proc/cpuinfo02:28
Rollegot this error when trying to go to system-pref-touchpad02:28
HellFire-Auusr13: Not sure, it was one that came with my router. I'm guessing it should work though since i get xbox live connectivity through firestarter, basic gaming works but things like file sharing dont02:29
sztomihi. Is there a nice gui app to transfer files between 2 ubuntu 8.10 boxes by simply connecting them with ethernet cables (ad hoc network)?02:29
Doc8404hey guys any rooms in here for flash editing02:29
exodus_msthomas: ##repo for open office3 deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/openoffice-pkgs/ubuntu intrepid main deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/openoffice-pkgs/ubuntu intrepid main02:29
usr13HellFire-Au: THat may be your problem.  You probably need to use a crossover cable.02:29
usr13HellFire-Au: Try a crossover cable first, see if that works.02:30
thomasthanks exodus02:30
RolleGsynaptics couldn't initialize.02:30
RolleYou have to set 'SHMCconfig' 'true' in xorg.conf or XF86Config to use GSynaptics02:30
exodus_msnp thomas02:30
HellFire-Auusr13: okay, i'll try now02:30
Rollei open xorg.conf but there was nothing about shmconfig in there02:30
Mass[UB]eseven73: briding?02:30
FAJALOU1So the real issue is the album that I have that is downloaded as WMA's and the songs will crackle. This primarily happens when I switch viewports (using metacity right now), but this doesn't even really matter because it will do it randomly and sporadically also. The most peculiar part of this is that Amarok runs these wma files perfectly. Now I know that they are different engines... but it would be nice to know why these files are ru02:31
usr13HellFire-Au: If you need dhcp server running, make sure it is configured to communicate [only] over eth002:31
donavandracie: well mainly what the actual difference between the mobile and the desktop model ... is there a xp3200+ mobile or just the desktop version ... I have been googling it but I always get the athlon 64 info02:31
eseven73sztomi: i think Unison does that or maybe rsync (the gui for those are unison-gtk and grsync)02:31
donavandracie:  also if there is no mobile version will the desktop version work ... I know it will suck more power but I don't care the lappy is normally plugged in02:32
eseven73Mass[UB]: networking02:32
FAJALOU1Banshee is kind of failing me right now, so I ran back to my old and trusty Amarok. I am trying to set up the keyboard shortcuts with the buttons play/pause, stop, back, forward, but amarok must not recognize these buttons or something because they do not come up when I try to put them in. This works, however, in Banshee, so I am guessing it has something to do with Amarok being KDE. So I was wondering what packages I need to allow thi02:32
sztomieseven73: I just found this nice tutorial: http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/p11.htm#Quick_Temporary_SSH_LAN_02:32
sztomithanks anyway :)02:33
MatBoydonavan: moved away from CentOS ?02:33
Draciedonavan: you need to figure out what socket type it is, and how much power your computer can consume for processor, and if it may fit02:33
dblickwhat's the command line utility that can tell me which processes are using a file?02:33
eseven73Mass[UB]: you could try this in the VM 'ifconfig' and get the ip from that and try to ping it from windows or anywhere really if it pings, then just forward the port for that IP02:33
HellFire-Auusr13: I don't need a dhcp server running on the actual linux box, both the 360 and the ethernet NIC on the linux box are configured statically and work without a bridge + firestarter. When bridged, the wireless usb dongle fails getting an ip from my router via dhclient02:34
Doc8404anyone in here know of any free flash editing programs that are good programs not garbage02:34
eseven73Mass[UB]: so like if the VM ip is 10.*.*.* try forwarding 6667 for that ip02:34
FAJALOU1Banshee is kind of failing me right now, so I ran back to my old and trusty Amarok. I am trying to set up the keyboard shortcuts with the buttons play/pause, stop, back, forward, but amarok must not recognize these buttons or something because they do not come up when I try to put them in. This works, however, in Banshee, so I am guessing it has something to do with Amarok being KDE. So I was wondering what packages I need to allow thi02:35
HellFire-Auusr13: So the problem actually lies in the linux box because all connectivity from the linux box drops when the bridge is enabled, i have to manually use the keyboard to destroy the bridge to restore connectivity02:35
donavandracie: the xp-m 2400 uses a socket A  and so does the xp3200+ basically the only difference is the the FSB speed 266 on the 2400 and 400 on some models of the 3200 ... I seem to remember there being a direct replacement chip for this lappy but its been years since I last looked now Im trying to ebay the CPU so need to make sure the specs are right02:37
Zombie_GazHow would I go about making my machine identify itself as a domain that I own (and already works with my apache server) instead of the silly domain assigned to me by the isp?02:38
Mass[UB]eseven73: ifconfig turned up with on eth002:38
Doc8404are there any opensource webdesign programs that will open a css file02:38
exodus_msany wget ninjas out there?02:38
HellFire-Auusr13: Tried the crossover, didn't change anything.02:38
donavandracie: also I think the 2400 that I have is the thuroughbred core and the 3200 is the barton02:38
Draciethat doesn't make a difference02:38
Coded1if I have a program that I want started at boot time where do I put the entry?02:38
daxelrod_Doc8404: In a pinch you could use Firebug.02:38
Draciethe core is just talking aboutthe processor design02:38
eseven73Mass[UB]: yeah tha twont work, thats like
Doc8404thank you02:39
FAJALOU1Coded1: in System>Prefs>Sessions02:39
kaneda_is anyone else having major heat issues with ubuntu 8.10 and laptops?  NVIDIA card onboard (using 177.x)02:39
Doc8404daxelrod_ thanks02:39
Coded1FAJALOU1, ty02:39
farriothHey, is there any way to set Gnome on another distro up to look like Ubuntu's defaults?02:39
kaneda_laptop is a hell of a lot hotter than what it was under windows, ubuntu forums is quite useless on this topic02:40
eseven73Mass[UB]: everyone with vbox has, ummm yeah I think its gonna require some sort of Network briding then, have you tried googling for this info yet?02:40
FAJALOU1So the real issue is the album that I have that is downloaded as WMA's and the songs will crackle. This primarily happens when I switch viewports (using metacity right now), but this doesn't even really matter because it will do it randomly and sporadically also. The most peculiar part of this is that Amarok runs these wma files perfectly. Now I know that they are different engines... but it would be nice to know why these files are ru02:40
daxelrod_Doc8404: Sure, although it's really intended for debugging rather than creating02:40
agimwhat is a good ftp client?02:42
eseven73!ftp | but theres many more02:42
eseven73!ftp | agim  try these too:02:42
mishkins\it bitches about TLS connections in proftpd servers before RC2 and before vsftpd 2.0.702:43
eseven73OH ubottu is gone02:43
mishkins\and won't let you connect02:43
mishkins\but other than that it's a great multi threaded ftp02:43
eseven73what happend to ubottu?02:43
EagleScreenwhy dkms is not by default in Ubuntu Desktop???02:44
EagleScreenisn't it useful?02:45
FAJALOU1Banshee is kind of failing me right now, so I ran back to my old and trusty Amarok. I am trying to set up the keyboard shortcuts with the buttons play/pause, stop, back, forward, but amarok must not recognize these buttons or something because they do not come up when I try to put them in. This works, however, in Banshee, so I am guessing it has something to do with Amarok being KDE. So I was wondering what packages I need to allow thi02:45
jribEagleScreen: it is...02:45
agimi used filezilla on windows but i didn't like it when it would not keep the connection alive02:45
EagleScreenoh then.. it is in Ubuntu but not in Kubuntu.. why??02:45
dmsupermanJack_Sparrow: Couldn't get it to work02:45
dmsupermanJack_Sparrow: Went back to my old hardy install02:46
farriothFAJALOU1: Run xev and see whether the buttons are assigned. I made myself an .Xmodmap.02:46
jribEagleScreen: or maybe it only gets pulled in when a package needs it, I'm not sure02:46
jribEagleScreen: in any case, it's in the repositories02:46
EagleScreenyes, it is in repo02:46
arbiri am having configuring libcups -- http://paste.ubuntu.com/99984/02:46
arbirmy upgrade broke in the middle of its process, and now i am facing this02:47
FAJALOU1farrioth: how so?02:47
farriothFAJALOU1: I had to assign values to the keycodes (like "keycode 144 = XF86AudioPrev") before I could map them.02:48
=== ROBERTYN00 is now known as asus
EagleScreenarbir try sudo dpkg --configure -a02:49
FAJALOU1farrioth:  o nvm02:49
Ian00ya, so i just did a fresh install, and gnome-terminal won't load. its actually kind of funny. loading from xterm it says: Bus error02:49
arbirEagleScreen: alright let me try02:49
farriothFAJALOU1: Hmm?02:49
FAJALOU1farrioth:  sounds complicated etc etc.... lol02:49
arbirEagleScreen: its throwing a super error!02:49
farriothFAJALOU1: You just need to make the file and it should be recognised when you log in next. Copy my file and see if it works...02:50
arbirEagleScreen: http://paste.ubuntu.com/99986/02:50
carandraughow can I switch windows bootloader order so Ubuntu appears first? (I installed with wubi and I don't know where's the windows equivalent to menu.lst)02:50
FAJALOU1farrioth:  ok02:50
farriothFAJALOU1: http://rafb.net/p/qADuD634.html02:50
=== joe_ is now known as joejc18
FAJALOU1farrioth:  where should the file be?02:51
dawis there a supported LISP package?02:51
EagleScreenarbir what kind of upgrade were you doing?02:51
farriothFAJALOU1: .Xmodmap02:51
FAJALOU1in ~ ?02:51
farriothFAJALOU1: Yeah.02:51
=== rachel is now known as Guest24526
arbirEagleScreen: the usual upgrade..... what ever my auto-updater shows me02:52
mike_hello, anything think they can help me with a problem?02:52
FAJALOU1farrioth:  this is for getting it to work with amarok... correct?02:52
lfaraoneHow can you mmanage multiple email aliases in evolution under the same acct?02:52
Rollecarandraug: you should be able to do that in windows02:53
EagleScreenarbir try sudo aptitude full-upgrade02:53
farriothFAJALOU1: Once it's set, you should be able to bind the keys like you normally would.02:53
FAJALOU1farrioth:  so just hit it, and it would bind in amaroks "Configure Global Shortcuts" ?02:53
Crayboffjordon_U, thanks so much for your help. got it to work via the command prompt with the recovery thing02:53
metabornCan't you create an email alias by creating an .forward file?02:54
carandraugRolle: the question is how? Anyne knows? This is a friends computer, I haven't touched windows for a long time02:54
farriothFAJALOU1: Hopefully.02:54
daxelrod_mike_: That's what this channel is for. Just go ahead and ask.02:54
Rollecarandraug: control panel-system-advance-under startup and recovery click settings02:54
Rolleshould have a default operating system drop down box02:54
carandraugRolle: ok. Thanks. I'll try that02:54
=== richard is now known as Guest37136
Rolleno prob02:55
mike_Im having trouble running Steam. Menus run slow, and computer freezes when a game attempts to startup, any suggestions?02:55
EagleScreenarbir sudo aptitude update; and later sudo aptitude full-upgrade02:55
RolleCan anyone recommend an advanced touchpad settings manager for my laptop?02:56
=== DClayAway is now known as DClayBuck
node357mike_, which games are you trying to play?02:57
arbirEagleScreen: same errors as before02:57
DClayBuckAnybody around with any videocard expertise?02:57
tj83DClayBuck, depends on the card02:58
arbirhow can i list, my hardware profile ? eg , which Display driver, which sound card driver etc etc.02:58
mike_node357, basically just DoD:S, Audiosurf, and HL202:58
tj83DClayBuck, ask the channel your complete question and describe your problem02:58
node357mike_, try going into properties and set -windowed02:58
fosco_arbir: install and execute sysinfo02:58
tj83arbir, sudo lshw02:58
node357mike_, not sure if it'll work with Audiosurf but it should with Source games02:58
FAJALOUfarrioth:  didn't work.... it came up correctly; like it says XF86Stop etc. but it is not actually stoppin them02:59
arbirtj83: got lshw ;-) thanks02:59
arbirfosco_: thanks03:00
EagleScreenarbir a quick way is using "lspci" command for PCI devices, and "lsusb" for USB devices, but sysinfo is more complete03:00
farriothFAJALOU: That's strange... I'm not sure what to do about that, sorry.03:00
Zombie_GazHow would I go about making my machine identify itself as a domain that I own (and already works with my apache server) instead of the silly domain assigned to me by the isp?03:00
DClayBucktj83: That's the thing.  I've got a Radeon HD 4550 with the latest drivers (running Intrepid x64, btw) but it still hangs when I watch fullscreen video. I got this card because I was having a Compiz nightmare with my GeForce 8600 GT.  I need to return one of the cards soon, but I need some advice on which problem I'll be able to fix.03:00
FAJALOUi'll try restarting amarok03:00
carandraugRolle: I'm in a system configuration menu with a tab called boot. There's a list for OS installed but there's only one in here and no button to add others. WUbi is already installed and appears in the menu but does not appear here03:00
efeXorWhat's the package name for mono!?03:01
mike_node357, mind helping me out with one other thing.. It appears I havent made an icon in applications, and its under WINE, could you help me there too?03:01
tj83DClayBuck, rule of thumb is nvidia usually comes out on top over ATI, BUT intrepid runs a new xserver version and is quite buggy, wish i could help03:01
node357mike_, you mean an icon for each game, or for Steam?03:02
mike_node357, steam.03:02
Rollecarandraug:  are you in windows xp or vista?03:02
efeXorI wish steam worked well with friends03:02
DClayBucktj83: Thanks anyway.  Anybody else got any tips?03:02
carandraugRolle: vista03:02
HellFire-AuI am bridging 2 interfaces on my htpc, ra0 and eth0. When i setup the bridge, and run dhclient br0 the dhclient is sending requests along eth0. How can i change it so when i type in dhclient br0, the dhclient will send requests along ra0 (my router connection)03:03
node357sorry mike_ not sure03:03
Rolleahh i was thinking xp03:03
Rollelemme look03:03
node357mike_, Steam should have created a Desktop icon, not sure why it didn't for you03:04
usr13DClayBuck: YOu have what 2 video cards?03:04
VolVECan anyone tell me why "adduser fuse fuse" says "The user 'fuse' does not exist.'... ! I know, that's why I'm trying to add it! :(03:04
usr13The freeze or lockup, can you tell what's causing it?03:04
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mike_node357, I clicked for it not too, i thought it would show up under "applications -> Games", or that at least it would be there so i could move it03:05
DClayBuckusr13: I have a Radeon HD 4550, two GeForce 8600 GT's, and a shrinking RMA window. :)03:06
node357mike_, do you have an entry in your menu called "Wine" ? If so, Steam may be in that menu03:06
ttuttleHey.  I just installed Ubuntu 8.10 (it's awesome!)  I'm setting up rdiff-backup so my mom's home directory is always backed up, but Ubuntu only provides version 1.1.16, and my host requires at least 1.2.something (they run 1.2.2).  How can I get a newer version?03:06
ttuttle(I'm normally a Gentoo user, so I'm not averse to installing by hand, but I'd rather convince apt/synaptic to do it the right way.)03:07
node357yeah efeXor, I wish the Steam Community overlay worked in WINE03:07
DClayBuckusr13: Not sure. The video freezes, and I can't do anything besides a hard reset, but the audio keeps going like nothing's wrong.  It also locked up during the screensaver once or twice, but that was with the old drivers.03:07
efeXorI just wish i could communicate with my friends, i've been debating on trying to write a simple friends client to connect to steam with but meh03:07
balboa02ttuttle: use checkinstall to build a package from source03:07
node357efeXor, that would be cool03:08
mike_node357, okay, ill figure out the shortcut part later, i think I can do that... you said go to properties -windowed ?03:08
efeXorYeah. Maybe see if i could do an overlay too, but i doubt it03:09
ttuttlebalboa02: is that the only way to do it?  Can't I juts pull a newer version from somewhere?03:09
balboa02ttuttle: I dpm03:09
SanctusoriumIs there a way I can run Linux in Windows virtually AND be able to make it bootable as well?03:09
efeXorIs there a way to search for packages in apt if like you dont know the complete name?03:09
balboa02ttuttle: I don't know if you can or not, did you add the extra repos including medibuntu? They may have updated packages03:09
luunguyenquoctoamy name's toàn03:10
balboa02ttuttle: You could also try temporarily changing your repos to jaunty and then install the package from there, but it could cause problems (never has for me personally though)03:10
eseven73ttuttle: ubuntu doesnt use bleeding edge software but like balboa02 said maybe you can find it from other repos03:10
iLogicis vino better then tightvncserver?03:11
eseven73yay ubottu is back :)03:11
eseven73!hello | efeXor03:12
stdindon't abuse the bot, especially when it's syncing03:12
carandraugRolle: I just found it. Thank you very much. I found the menu you're talking before (this frieds computer is in portuguese not english and the translation was not that good, the reason I was in the wrong menu). Again, thank you03:12
Rollelol no prob03:12
stdinefeXor, eseven73: stop that03:12
Rollei was googling it and thought i found the page, but it wasn't loading03:12
stdinI don't want it to flood off again03:12
eseven73I didnt know it was syncing sorry03:12
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots03:13
ubottuefeXor: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!03:13
balboa02I'm getting an intermittent "cannot open display" error when trying to start GUI programs from the terminal, if I open a new terminal and try the command again it will work for a little bit but then starts throwing the error again. Has this happened to anyone?03:14
efeXorwho wrote the bot03:14
stdineseven73: it's in over 40 channels, it takes time :)03:14
Geoffrey2can anyone here show me how to use Google gadgets in the Screenlets application?03:14
eseven73stdin: ok03:14
stdinefeXor: it's a supybot03:14
usr13HellFire-Au: Did you ask another question?03:14
HellFire-Auusr13: Yeah, i think i found part of the problem03:15
usr13HellFire-Au: What did you find?03:15
DB_Joneshey all, anyone able to help with install finding scsi cdrom drive?03:16
HellFire-Auusr13: When the bridge is up, and i use dhclient br0 it will request on the ethernet interface (proven via the mac address when it says requesting on interface..). How can i change it so when i type in br0, it will request over my wireless usb dongle (ra0) connected to my routers wlan?03:16
=== _acyd_ is now known as acydlord
CoUrPsE|DeAdvncveiwer tells me i dont have config security for 3.303:17
CoUrPsE|DeAdWhats this mean?03:17
racartercan anyone help me get an online game with glchess?03:18
racarteri still can't get connected there03:19
usr13HellFire-Au: Not sure I understand your question, but... If you issue command "dhclient br0", it will only send the request over br0 and not other interfaces.03:19
HellFire-Auusr13: br0 is the bridge of ra0 and eth003:19
HellFire-Auusr13: Bridge as in, typing brctl addbr br0, brctl addif br0 ra0, etc03:19
|tmwnn|Hello all. Can Ubuntu Linux be run entirely from a USB flash drive?03:21
mike_Im having a problem running steam on ubuntu, and could use some assistance03:22
donavananyone know how I can get nautilus to show hidden files everytime I open it03:22
ttuttleHow can I configure the Jaunty repository so I can try to get a newer version of rdiff-backup?03:22
temppymike_: have you tried the appdb?03:22
mike_temppy, no Sir, care to ellaborate?03:23
racarterhelp with glchess?03:23
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help03:23
unopttuttle, you don't want to do that - rather you want to backport stuff from jaunty03:23
unop!prevu | ttuttle03:23
ubottuttuttle: prevu is an automated, personal backporting utility. Check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Prevu for more details03:23
ttuttleunop: er, okay, how do I backport it?03:23
ttuttleunop: thanks03:23
DB_Jonesanyone help with getting server install to recognize scsi cd drive?03:23
temppyno, click the link mike_, and search for steam03:23
phluxAny of you use Ubuntu with an HP printer?03:23
farriothI have a dual-head setup with TwinView; is there a way to make the Gnome panel not be split over both screens?03:24
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HellFire-Auusr13: Also, i have found that typing in 'dhclient ra0' while i have the bridge activated will result in it DHCPREQUEST for a while not getting anywhere. Without the bridge it goes through fine though, any idea why its happening?03:24
sysdocAny guitarist in here found a chromatic tuner for linux that actually works?03:24
phluxsysdoc, nope, but if you find one, lemme know03:24
phluxAny of you use Ubuntu with an HP USB printer?03:25
unopHellFire-Au, you cannot operate on an interface while it is part of a bridge and expect it to do something meaningful03:25
temppy|tmwnn|: isnt there an app in intrepid that does that?  "Create USB..."03:25
unopHellFire-Au, maybe you meant to   dhclient br0 ??03:25
ttuttleunop: Whoa, that's awesome.03:25
sysdocphlux I found one but it don't wanna work03:25
HellFire-Auunop: Yeah, i tried dhclient br0 but the problem was it was requesting on the interface that was connected to other devices, not the interface that was connected to my router03:26
HellFire-Auunop: So i figured might as well try and see if it does anything03:26
unopHellFire-Au, and is there another DHCP server on the other interface?03:26
\kiraMy server responds slow beyond belief. Whats wierd is that only certain services have the problem. My game server runs fine without problem, but ssh takes so long that the server eventually closes the connection. If I do manage to connect, it takes almost a minute for the keystrokes I type to show up in the terminal. Nmaping the system causes the same effect. I've tried connecting with and without a dyndns. Any suggestions?03:27
|tmwnn|temppy, I have run Linux from USb on distros, but I have not yet ever used Ubuntu. Thanks03:27
=== mike_ is now known as mike__
HellFire-Auunop: The only DHCP server in my network is my router, which ra0 a wireless usb dongle connects to. The eth0 is connected to an xbox 36003:27
mike__Hardly know where to begin at a website like this, searching "steam issues", could be any of a thousand things it seems...03:27
\kiraalso, it works fine if I connect from my LAN. It *seems* this problem happens to everyone who connects outside my LAN03:28
unopHellFire-Au, then it shouldn't matter if you did a  dhclient br0  -- as long as your wireless driver allows your wireless interface to be put in a bridged mode, it should pick up an address - but that's something to look out for, not all wireless devices can successfully be part of a bridge03:29
temppymike__: http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?versionId=155403:29
HellFire-Auunop: Guess that makes sence, i'll have a search around. I have a ralink rt2870 chipset in my wireless usb dongle03:30
Hckyplayer024Hi, Im having a problem with Ubuntu finding my wireless network. It finds every other one but mine and mine isnt hidden. Can anyone help?03:31
unopHellFire-Au, mine is a rt73 (which used to have problems)03:31
HellFire-Auunop: Did you get yours working?03:31
sysdocphlux, http://dguitar.sourceforge.net/en/03:31
DClayBuckAnybody know how to solve either A) system hangs on fullscreen video with a Radeon HD 4550 or B) Compiz display insanity with a GeForce 8600 GT? Running Intrepid x64.03:31
unopHellFire-Au, for a bridge no - i setup the machine as a router instead03:31
phluxAny of you use Ubuntu and wirelessly share your printer?03:32
usr13phlux: Yes03:32
phluxusr13, will it communicate with Windows?03:32
ttuttleSo, should prevu-init be installing jaunty or intrepid packages?03:32
HellFire-Auunop: Maybe there's an alternative way to get what im acheiving then, i want my xbox 360 and my linux box to get seperate ip addresses to my router. Can that be possible setting up my box as a router? (While retaining internet connectivity with my linux box)03:33
\kiraMy server responds slow beyond belief. Whats wierd is that only certain services have the problem. My game server runs fine without problem, but ssh takes so long that the server eventually closes the connection. If I do manage to connect, it takes almost a minute for the keystrokes I type to show up in the terminal. Nmaping the system causes the same effect. I've tried connecting with and without a dyndns. Any suggestions? Also, this pro03:33
\kirablem only happens outside my LAN03:33
phluxthanks, sysdoc03:33
itzheroI'm using conky and it's displaying RAM in use is 99% (5.80GB/5.83GB) however in System Monitor it is only 14%. How do I correct this?03:33
unopHellFire-Au,  'box' is what here? a pc or the xbox?03:33
usr13phlux: I thnik so.03:33
ttuttle\kira: You're repeating yourself :P03:33
usr13phlux: If not, you can set it up under a samba share03:33
HellFire-Auunop: Should've clarified, linux htpc box03:34
\kirattuttle: sorry03:34
ttuttle\kira: It's okay.03:34
unopHellFire-Au, sure, you'll have to setup ip masquerading on it -- there's a howto on tldp03:34
daxelrod_kira: Is there a NAT router or firewall between your LAN and the Internet?03:34
ttuttleOkay, prevu isn't installing a new enough version.03:35
TeamColtra[TFD]Everytime xchat starts up... it maintains the same "Join Server box" it always does.... I always check  the box so it does not show the list "on login" but it still does, and still reverts back to old inforamtion (my username should be TeamColtra out of prefrence)03:35
HellFire-Auunop: Awesome, so that will give my xbox and my linux htpc seperate ip addresses while retaining internet connectivity to both?03:35
* Dam-man Laba ryta.03:35
killerlambuenas noches, mi nombre es lam, y pues tengo un problema con el compiz, alguien podria hecharme una mano? gracias03:35
TeamColtra[TFD]the "Network List" i guess its what its called... Is there a way to like flush the current settings so maybe it will load again and this time take the right choice?03:35
cvd-prHello, is there a good DvD Software like DVDFab but for linux?03:36
jtaji!es | killerlam03:36
ubottukillerlam: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:36
unopHellFire-Au, right - but those ip addresses cannot be on the same ip network as your router - they'll have to be on a separate ip network03:36
rohilHi. I have a XP/Ubuntu 7.04 dual boot. I am trying to install 8.10 from scratch. But, the Ubuntu LiveCD is not being booted from. Windows CD works though. I have made the required changes in the BIOS. Even the GParted Live CD doesnt boot. It all just proceeds to display the list of OS on the HDD..any help would great. Thanks03:36
TeamColtra[TFD]!Spanish | killerlam03:36
TeamColtra[TFD]was late... AND not correct03:36
\kirahow can I start a dameon, for instance: Nessus?03:37
unop\kira, sudo invoke-rc.d nessus start03:37
HellFire-Auunop: I'll still be able to access them from a different ip network though right? And would the xbox 360 show up in the Network view of a windows vista computer on a different ip network to the xbox?03:37
\kiraunop: thanks03:37
temppyrohil: sounds like a bad cd?03:37
\kiraunop: it returns a error, saying the script is not found. I had removed all the references to nessus from the startup directory, could that be causing it?03:38
Hckyplayer024Hi, Im having a problem with Ubuntu finding my wireless network. It finds every other one but mine and mine isnt hidden. Can anyone help?03:39
usr13rohil: What application did you use to burn the CD?03:39
rohil\temppy Both GParted and Ubuntu are not working03:39
\kira!repeat | Hckyplayer02403:39
ubottuHckyplayer024: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience03:39
rohilI burnt one normally from Windows XP and another from Nero 7 essentials03:39
unopHellFire-Au, errm, not really - as your box will become a NAT router in the process - but you can setup your box as a samba master browser and bi-directional NAT to help03:39
Paradoxxeseven73, sigh. I don't know what do. I tried everything03:39
rohilI can read the .iso in the CD after booting into the OS though ...03:40
godsynplease help : how do I flush samba's net cache (hostnames => IP active on the network)?03:40
temppyrohil: you can read the iso?03:40
unop\kira, if you've removed all scripts - how do you expect to start the service?  that doesn;t make much sense03:40
rohilYes. I can. but from inside Windows XP03:40
HellFire-Auunop: How would i go about doing that?03:40
temppyrohil: does the iso show up in the cd directory?03:40
rohilyeah. But after starting XP.03:41
\kiraunop: I thought I was only removing the ones from the startup directory. im not sure what directory it was. It just also didnt make sense to start nessus before the internet was configured, since it wouldnt be able to download any plugins03:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about smbtree03:41
=== tons2000 is now known as tonsofpcs
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.  Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/21209803:41
temppyrohil: it sounds like you are burning the iso wrong.  You can't burn it as a data cd, you have to burn it as an image03:41
unopHellFire-Au, http://www.centos.org/docs/4/html/rhel-rg-en-4/s1-samba-network-browsing.html03:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cifs03:41
unopgodsyn, please /query ubottu  to take this in private03:41
godsyngot all I need from him (thanks).03:42
rohilohh...shit ! Looks like I made a mistake. I will try and burn it as an image and see how it turns out. Thanks a lot temppy !03:42
mib_1md0tfrohil: download Infrarecorder from web to XP and burn image... works great03:42
rohilThanks a lot. mib !03:43
unop\kira, well then, you'll have to put those scripts back (a reinstall of the nessus package should do that)03:43
Armagguedes how do i - using a live cd - actually access my data on the hardrive?03:43
\kiraunop: actually, I just seemed to have found a better method. I can go to the /opt/nessus/sbin directory and run the nessusd (nessus dameon) script. Thanks anyways03:44
HellFire-Auunop: Cheers, also is this the correct guide to setup ip masquerade: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/IP-Masquerade-HOWTO/index.html ? And just one last thing, how would i go about setting up the bi-directional NAT?03:44
general how do i install the perl module Net::Telnet on my ubuntu machine?03:45
unopHellFire-Au, well, the howto should set you up for NAT in one direction (atleast) - it's just a matter of reciprocating that the other way03:45
unopgeneral,   sudo cpan Net::Telnet03:45
mib_1md0tfArmagguedes:  easiest way: click on the Home folder on your desktop.  navigate up til in the Nautilus window, you see an entry on left side for "File System" or 20Gb Drive or something like that03:46
unopgeneral, or.  sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install "Net::Telnet"'03:46
DClayBuckI need some advice on solving the fullscreen-video-causes-system-hang issue with my HD 4550.  Can I fix it in Intrepid x64? Should I switch to a GeForce 8600 GT instead? Should I run Hardy instead?03:46
HellFire-Auunop: Thanks for the help, i'll try it out and see how it goes : )03:46
Armagguedesmib_1md0tf: cheers seems to have worked03:47
danielm_mcheya - is there an easy way to upgrade hardy heron 32-bit to 64-bit?  URL would be helpful ?03:48
temppydanielm_mc: I think you have to reinstall03:49
danielm_mctemppy: is there anyway w/o reinstall?03:49
lvi partitioned my hdd, one for winXP, one for Ubuntu and one for swap...but after installing XP and trying to install Ubuntu it seems determent to try to install on the XP partition...any advice?03:49
mike__is there a way to access media (NOT just copy) over ssh/sftp with windows client?03:49
throwthow do i disable compiz?  it automatically got enabled when i installed the nvidia driver, but it's causing weird corruptions on the screen, so i want to eliminate compiz as a possibility.03:49
throwtmike__: samba, nfs03:50
mike__throwt: killal compiz03:50
mib_1md0tfdanielm_mc: looks like temppy is right:   http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-801869.html03:50
temppydanielm_mc: That's the point, I don't think there is.  But, if you backup /home, you can save you settings.03:50
william56would it be hard to modify a minimal installer to install xubuntu's default packages plus any updates i have lying around from the cd?03:50
HectorGuys, I have a quick question.03:51
throwtmike__: that leaves me without a window manager.  where do i make it not use it in the first place/03:51
mib_1md0tfgo ahead william5603:51
kurratathrowt:  right click on desktop->change desktop effects->Vidual effects03:51
mib_1md0tfi meant go ahead hector03:51
mike__ah, throwt:  "metacity --replace"03:51
william56i mean,. what.. ah03:51
dannypersonHi! I  upgraded to 8.10 a few days ago. Now when i get to the face browser, i click my name and enter my password, but then the screen turns black, and it goes back to the face browser03:51
HectorI installed ubuntu on a Vaio Laptop, and I'm having trouble having sound work.03:51
throwtkurrata:  i dont see such an option, but i could get to it from the chage background option.  thanks03:52
throwtis there a way to actually configure compiz ?03:53
Armagguedesmib_1md0tf: how can i move stuff around with the live CD, if the partitions are not even mounted properly?03:53
Lou_dannyperson, go to your system log and see if you have segfault.03:53
dannypersonwhere are my system logs03:53
mike__throwt: system>preferences>compiz settings03:53
tyrant_throwt, u have to  install it first i think03:54
throwtmike__: i dont have that option...and im really using ubuntu03:54
Lou_dannyperson, ...a segfault03:54
mib_1md0tfArmagguedes: i dont believe you can move partitions while in LiveCD.  you need to install you run the partitioner03:54
throwtI guess you're right.  I need to install compizconfig-settings-manager or something03:54
eseven73!ccsm | throwt03:54
ubottuthrowt: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion03:54
Armagguedesnot partitions just stuff in them03:55
throwtthanks eseven7303:55
Armagguedesnamely my home folder03:55
dannypersoni mean how would i know if i have a segfault03:55
mib_1md0tfArmagguedes:  if you're referring to a windows vol, you can only READ from cd, I dont believe you can write to it.  requires permissions03:55
chris___i got a problem, im trying to mount a fat32 disk to intrepid, but its not workin03:56
Armagguedescp /media/disk-2/bpsg /media/disk-1/bckp/ > error: omitting /media/disk-2/bpsg03:56
Armagguedeseven sudo does not work03:56
lvis there a way of getting Ubuntu to install on hda2 instead of hda1 (my xp partition)?  ..sorry..a bit of a newbie when it comes to Linux03:56
dannypersonwhich log would i check03:56
Armagguedesno, all ext3 stuff03:56
Armagguedeshow can i override permissions; sudo doesnt work03:57
mib_1md0tfArmagguedes: something sounds wrong deeper than permissions.  I'm stumped -- anyone else???03:57
unopArmagguedes,  is  /media/disk-2/bpsg  a directory?03:57
unopArmagguedes, cp -r  .....03:57
kurrataArmagguedes: when u instal ubuntu from livecd it asks on wich partition to instal when you select custom partitioning(or something like that)03:57
tyrant_lv there is a way , u just have to read a bit about the different filesystem and the unix directory hierarchy03:58
kurratalv: when u instal ubuntu from livecd it asks on wich partition to instal when you select custom partitioning(or something like that)03:58
eseven73!u | tyrant_03:58
ubottutyrant_: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officer, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..03:58
throwtDoes linux support packet writing a la udf?  ie: can i use my dvdrw as any old filesystem03:58
Armagguedeskurrata: i need to salvage the stuff in my home folder fisrt03:58
maraboutgood evening all ( morning to some)03:58
kurrataArmagguedes:  my messege was for lv ;)03:59
lvokay...thanks, tyrant and kurrata...i'll look again, but i couldn't find anything earlier03:59
dannypersonim not quite sure what is a segfault...03:59
dannypersonor how i would know if it happened03:59
Krumarhey, i'm having trouble with firefox, some sites will not finish loading for me, others seem to load slowly or wait for sometime before they begin to load, the problem also occurs in the opera web browser, is there any setting in ubuntu that could be causing this for me? i'm using ubuntu 8.10 x86_64 with all updates installed03:59
Lou_dannyperson, I'm not using gnome right now, but go to the Administration menu and look for system log.03:59
mib_1md0tfArmagguedes:  if you cant pull the data off with ubuntu live CD, try knoppix04:00
vascomhi all please help me how to install snx_install.sh with ubuntu server 8.10 ??04:00
dannypersoni cant login....04:00
simoncpudoes ubuntu support wpa enterprise?04:00
vascomvascom@vascom:~/Documents$ sh snx_install.sh04:00
vascomtrap: 43: SIGINT: bad trap04:00
dannypersoni can access /var/log though04:00
vascomplease help??04:00
unopvascom, why are you using sh like that?04:01
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Armagguedesmib_1md0tf: it's working; also, i have no more blank cds04:01
unopvascom,  chmod +x snx_install.sh;  ./snx_install.sh04:01
Armagguedesbut many thanks04:01
mib_1md0tfArmagguedes: good luck!04:01
Armagguedesi wish cp would tell me its progress tho04:01
Armagguedeswould have --verbose worked for taht?04:02
Krumarhey, i'm having trouble with firefox, some sites will not finish loading for me, others seem to load slowly or wait for sometime before they begin to load, the problem also occurs in the opera web browser, is there any setting in ubuntu that could be causing this for me? i'm using ubuntu 8.10 x86_64 with all updates installed04:02
vascomvascom@vascom:~/Documents$ sh snx_install.sh04:02
vascomtrap: 43: SIGINT: bad trap04:02
vascomroot@vascom:/home/vascom# ./snx_install.sh04:02
vascomtrap: 43: SIGINT: bad trap04:02
eseven73!repeat | vascom (plus someone answered already)04:02
ubottuvascom (plus someone answered already): Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience04:02
unopvascom, how about  bash ./snx_install.sh04:02
jtajilol, that wasn't a repeat04:02
dannypersonok i checked /var/log/messages and i have lots of segfaults04:03
dannypersonby many programs04:03
vascomunop i'm already try but not work04:03
=== DClayBuck is now known as DClayAway
eseven73jtaji: sure looked like it to me04:03
jtajiArmagguedes: yep --verbose or -v04:03
Armagguedeswell to late now04:04
Armagguedesbut tks04:04
unopvascom, put the file up on a pastebin instead04:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about quit04:04
=== gustavo is now known as pelao91
axisyswhat library do I need? /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lfl04:05
itzheroI'm using conky and it's displaying RAM in use is 99% (5.80GB/5.83GB) however in System Monitor it is only 14%. How do I correct this?04:05
Atomicsunsethi everyone04:05
axisysapt-cache search libfl does not have "exact" macth04:05
axisysapt-cache search libfl does not have "exact" match04:05
Atomicsunseti accidently installed ubuntu over my exsisting windows XP on a netbook04:05
william56is there a guide on making a regular install cd from a minimal cd? basically i'd like to have a text mode install with all the packages i'll use copied either from the pc that's going to be burning the disk or from a full graphical install cd04:06
yaris123456789hey guys how do i run something in the background ? ex)    php something.php argument1 argument2 > /dev/null &   ?04:06
\kiraAtomicsunset: its gone, unless you want to pay a company to get the data back04:06
dannypersonsegfault at 0 ip b7219b0b error 4 in pam_smbpass.so[b71bd000+12a000]04:06
Atomicsunsetagainst many of your wishes i would like to install windows back onto my newbook but im having a horrible time doing so04:06
vascomvascom@vascom:/bin$ ./snx_install.sh04:06
vascomtrap: 43: SIGINT: bad trap04:06
unopyaris123456789, that works04:06
jtajiitzhero: system monitor is showing the ram usage after subtracting ram used by cache, as in the second line of 'free'... perhaps there is a conky setting for that?04:06
mdgwilliam56, tell me about your distro04:06
yaris123456789unop: how do i stop it after04:06
\kiraAtomicsunset: if you want to install windows, ask on #windows04:06
unop!paste > vascom04:06
ubottuvascom, please see my private message04:06
\kiraAtomicsunset: we dont support windows here :)04:06
Atomicsunsetcan anyone tell me how to boot into a usb04:07
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Atomicsunseti dont want windows support tho04:07
unopyaris123456789, kill it?04:07
itzherojtaji: Hmmm, maybe.  This didn't happen until I upgraded from 2GB ram -> 6GB.  I am running 64bit Ubuntu 8.1004:07
\kiraAtomicsunset: what are you wanting, then?04:07
dmanYou need to change your Bios to boot from a USB04:07
Atomicsunseti just wanna know if there is a way to install windows via usb since i have no dvd drive04:07
danny_I'd like to know why, when I boot up, the Ubuntu logo doesn't show--all I get is a black screen. (Running 8.10)04:07
dmanif your Bios allows04:07
yaris123456789does nohup work too ?04:07
dannypersonHelp! i keep getting "segfault at 0 ip b7219b0b error 4 in pam_smbpass.so[b71bd000+12a000]" in my messages log04:07
unopyaris123456789, sure04:07
dannypersoni cant login04:07
\kiraAtomicsunset: not as far as I know, google it first before you ask here04:07
unopAtomicsunset, now that is asking for windows support04:08
Atomicsunsetok nvermind04:08
transporterhey anybody good with compiz here04:08
Atomicsunsetim getting "ask google"04:08
william56mdg: i installed xubuntu the other day, and updated all of the default packages, adding a few like g++ and emacs04:08
HacKBoXtransporter: whats up?04:08
\kiratransporter: I am04:08
dmanwhat's the Myth chan?04:08
itzheroAtomicsunset: this is Ubuntu support04:08
\kiratransporter: kinda good, anyways :P04:08
transporterk i have a problem i cannot see the top and the bottom faces of the cube i can do everything else04:09
dmanAnyone have a hauppauge 1600?  Been trying to get it rolling with Myth for days now :)04:09
mdgwilliam56: what apps you using, what kind of work will you be doing from CLI?04:09
\kiratransporter: cannot see the top and bottom? Are you talking about while using the desktop cube rotation?04:09
william56command line? probably just running make and using apt-get04:09
ubuntuhello, all can a newbie ask an easy quick question04:09
transporter\kira: yes04:09
HacKBoXtransporter: have you set the images? | \kira04:10
Atomicsunsetyeah thanks for any and all support it was really appreciated04:10
HacKBoXubuntu: shoot04:10
Atomicsunsetdont get my sarcasm?04:10
Atomicsunsetjust google it04:10
transporterHackBox\kira yes i have04:10
dannypersonhelp with a pam_smbpass.so segfault anyone?04:10
william56oh, and other than emacs, i haven't really installed anything but the xubuntu defaults04:10
transporteri tried small and big images nothing seems to work04:10
unopAtomicsunset, no sarcasm intended - but you're in the wrong channel for that kind of support.04:10
mdgwilliam56:  I've been playing with a live CD that is totally cli called INX04:10
anxiolyticHey boys n gurlz! I'm looking for an alternative to "Agave." basically something to help me decide on color schemes. Agave is too.. simple04:10
\kiratransporter: so, are they black or just not there? | HacKBoX04:10
transporterits something to do with the version of compiz that i have04:10
=== yaris123456789 is now known as yaris1234567890
transporter\kira HackBox I just cannot see the top and the bottom04:11
Grandslammasterapache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName04:11
Grandslammasterhttpd not running, trying to start04:11
Grandslammaster(13)Permission denied: make_sock: could not bind to address
Grandslammasterno listening sockets available, shutting down04:11
GrandslammasterUnable to open logs04:11
FloodBot2Grandslammaster: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:11
\kiratransporter: did you enable cube tops and stuff?04:11
ubuntuhave a 16 gig partition and im wondering how large i should have my ext3 /, ext3 /home partitions, my swap is going to be 2 gigs04:11
Grandslammastermy apache2 server is giving me that error04:11
Armagguedeswhen isntalling 8.10, how do i set up that encrypted folder in my user /home directory04:11
Grandslammasterhow do i fix it04:11
HacKBoXtransporter: have you tried to hold ctrl and alt and then drag around the cube with the first mouse button doen?04:11
tons2000Intrepid Ibex, my USB mouse appears to be sending two click events and two unclick events... Any ideas how I can correct this?04:12
unopGrandslammaster, how exactly are you starting apache there?04:12
eseven7385? why not port 80 Grandslammaster ?04:12
HacKBoXubuntu: how much ram do you have04:12
throwtubuntu: you only have 16gb?  depending on what you're doing, just having / may be good enough04:12
Grandslammastermy bro is using port 80 for his server04:12
transporter\kira HackBox: tried everything it is something do to with the version of compiz that i have04:12
Grandslammastermy router is set for 8504:12
ubuntujust dual booting xp and ultimate edition04:12
\kiratransporter: try upgrading, then?04:12
eseven73did you set that in apache config?04:12
Grandslammasteri did04:12
HacKBoXin desktop cube -> Appearance you have the cube cap image set?04:13
Grandslammasterwhen i type my ip address into a browser it doesnt get my site04:13
Grandslammasteri have to use
unopGrandslammaster, how exactly are you starting apache there?04:13
transporter\kira how do i do that will i lose the settings that i have with the compiz then04:13
HacKBoXubuntu How much system memory04:13
ubuntuI have 1 gig and my swap will be 2 gigs04:13
Grandslammasterwhat do u mean04:13
jtajianxiolytic: there's some web based tools... http://kuler.adobe.com/  http://colorblender.com/04:13
Grandslammasteri type in the console apache2ctl -k start04:13
unopGrandslammaster, i think you forgot sudo there04:14
ubuntuIm getting 2 more gigs of ram in a couple of weeks04:14
Letter_ZI'm listening to: Hilltop Hoods - The Hard Road - Conversations from a Speakeasy - (0:32/3:28)04:14
Grandslammasterill try that04:14
eseven73Grandslammaster: im not sure your apache is set up to handle more than 1 webserver, if your brother has one on port 8004:14
\kiratransporter: You can back up your settings, then re-install them. This isnt really ubuntu related anymore, and Im not sure how to upgrade, so mabye try asking in #compiz?04:14
jtajiubuntu: FYI ubuntu ultimate edition is not supported in here, I would suggest using regular Ubuntu04:14
tons2000kira - use synaptic?04:14
Grandslammasterapache2: bad user name ${APACHE_RUN_USER}04:15
HacKBoXubuntu: you would be fine with only about a third of that as swap. you should set the home at about 7-8 gig.04:15
Grandslammasteri got that error message04:15
\kiratransporter: also, have you done a update in a while?04:15
ubuntuI understand but I am just using the live cd right now and thought my question would be for all distros of linux04:15
jtajiubuntu: just for future reference ;)04:15
eseven73Grandslammaster: what does sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart do?04:15
unopGrandslammaster, what does this give you?   grep APACHE_RUN_USER /etc/apache2/*04:15
transporter\kira: my system is up to date it does not have the deformation option in the ccsm u know so that's the reason i cannot see it04:16
ubuntujtaji: thanks04:16
tons2000ubuntu - what question?04:16
\kiraeseven73: it restarts the apache dameon04:16
eseven73of course04:16
eseven73im asking him to do that command kira04:16
\kiraeseven73: oh, sorry. lol04:16
Grandslammaster/etc/apache2/apache2.conf:User ${APACHE_RUN_USER}04:16
Grandslammaster/etc/apache2/envvars:export APACHE_RUN_USER=www-data04:16
Grandslammasteri get that04:16
ubuntu2000: thes sizes of my / and /home partitions04:16
FloodBot2Grandslammaster: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:16
dannypersonthanks Lou for your small, but important, help. Removing libpam-smbpass saved me!04:17
anxiolyticjtaji: thanks04:17
anxiolyticI really want some desktop tools. I'm sure there are04:17
HacKBoXtransporter: you answered your own question, you could try 'sudo apt-get upgrade' then 'sudo apt-get install compiz'04:17
ubuntuhackbox: you sure all i need is about 400mB with 1GB ram04:17
Predator 8-)04:17
eseven73Grandslammaster: sorry was that for me?04:18
pelao91any good program for drawing04:18
Grandslammasteri think so04:18
eseven73!who | Grandslammaster04:18
ubottuGrandslammaster: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)04:18
\kiratransporter: I dont have a clue why you wouldnt be able to see it. The last thing I can recommend (since im not currently at a computer with compiz on it), is to remove and reinstall compiz and see if that makes a difference. If you cant backup you would loose all your settings (I think). I would recommend asking in #compiz first, before you take a move that drastic04:18
transporterHackBox: will it mess it up or something04:18
Grandslammasterwhat does that mean04:18
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jtajipelao91: by drawing do you mean vector graphics illustration, or a simple paint program?04:18
marabouthoping to get an install of 8.04 on my machine which uses via chrome9 HC IGP - any tips...04:19
transporter\kira i will tell u the version im using does not allow me to do that u know04:19
jtajipelao91: inkscape is superb04:19
HacKBoXubuntu: No 700 meg, 1/3 2gig you said. You could do without the swap but you would have to have an optimized system04:19
eseven73Grandslammaster: it means type my name before your responce (if you're repsonding to me that is) responding*04:19
Grandslammasterit also says when i restart apache that it cannot qualify the domain name04:19
pelao91cool thanks04:19
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transporter\kira please tell me the command wherein i can actually check the version and then i will tell u04:19
eseven73Grandslammaster: that part is normal04:19
HacKBoXtransporter: it will update you repository lists then it will reinstall compiz with the newest version04:20
eseven73Grandslammaster: the part that isnt normal is all that bit about user error04:20
pelao91how do i get  it?04:20
\kiratransporter: I forgot to mention what HacKBoX just mentioned, is your respritories up to date?04:20
jtajipelao91: sudo aptitude install inkscape04:20
Grandslammasterso how do i make it work for my ip address04:20
ubuntuOk guys this is what im getting from here "w/ 16GB partition my / should be 8GB /home should be 7GB and the rest for swap04:20
unopGrandslammaster, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=80443604:20
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jtajiubuntu: that sounds reasonable04:21
\kiraubuntu: that sounds like a fair setup to me04:21
LtLGrandslammaster: you should edit /etc/hosts as such: localhost.localdomain localhost myhostname04:21
HacKBoXubuntu: sounds good to me04:21
con-manwhat does the following mean:04:21
ubuntuOk what order is best / then /home / then swap04:21
con-man** (totem:10584): WARNING **: Failed to create dbus proxy for org.gnome.SettingsDaemon: Could not get owner of name 'org.gnome.SettingsDaemon': no such name04:21
con-man** Message: Error: Could not read from resource.04:21
con-mandvdreadsrc.c(919): gst_dvd_read_src_create (): /play/source04:21
FloodBot2con-man: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:21
LtLGrandslammaster: where myhostname is your actual box hostname04:21
con-man5 lines is a flood?04:21
kaowhat's happened?04:21
HacKBoXubuntu: yes04:21
unopLtL, though it is trying to resolve
con-manwell did anyone see that?04:22
srvrsydeholy crap, Freaks and Geeks episode 17 part 2/5 on youtube is about George H W Bush and the length is 9:11 wowowowow04:22
unop!ot | srvrsyde04:22
eseven73!ot | srvrsyde04:22
ubottusrvrsyde: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:22
\kiracon-man: yep, but its nothing to worry about it you dont do it too often. But, please use pastbin.04:22
eseven73unop: :P04:22
transporter\kira and HackBox i have checked the upgrade technique well everything is up to date04:22
ubuntuCool, Thanks so much guys im off to do this Thang, have a good night04:22
Grandslammasterhow do i modify it04:22
Grandslammasterwhat should i put04:22
con-mandoes anyone have suggestions I just wanna play my DVD04:22
ppibburris there a deb that fixes transcode?04:22
HacKBoXtransporter \kira try reinstalling it anyways04:22
\kiratransporter: Im out of ideas... Sorry. Its kinda hard to help when im not actually at a system capable of running compiz04:23
LtLunop: it should see and resolve to its fqdn, but the httpd.conf needs to be right.04:23
Grandslammasterat the top of hosts it has localhost04:23
Grandslammasterthen justin-laptop04:23
transporterHackBox: will this screw up my settings04:23
HacKBoXtransporter \kira My compiz runs flawlessly04:23
con-manI think I have permissions issues04:23
con-manwith playing DVDs04:23
jtajicon-man: pastebin your full error message04:23
unopLtL, errm, is not  - the fqdn of one does not affect the other04:24
con-manthat was it04:24
con-manall 5 liens04:24
eseven73con-man: do you have all the codecs?04:24
jtajicon-man: we didn't see 5 lines04:24
\kiratransporter, HacKBoX: as does mine04:24
LtLunop: he should have also04:24
unopGrandslammaster, i suggest you work on getting apache operational first04:24
\kiratransporter: what version of ubuntu are you running? | HacKBoX04:24
unopLtL, sure - but that's somewhat besides the point04:24
transporter\kira and Hackbox lucky people04:24
maraboutits my understanding that vers 8.04 has support for the via chrome9 HC IGP drivers whereas 8.10 does not. anyone who can confirm that?04:24
transporterwell im using hardy04:24
HacKBoXtransporter It will uninstall and reinstall it04:24
Grandslammasterit does work when i type
ParadoxxIs there is a memory leak in evolution?04:25
Grandslammasterbut when i type it doesnt04:25
skooz1select windows vista to load ubuntu loads04:25
\kiratransporter: that could be your problem. Try upgrading?04:25
eseven73Paradoxx: check with htop04:25
skooz1thast my problem04:25
con-mandid that pastebin help?04:25
HacKBoXI'm on 8.04 Hardy | transporter \kira04:25
transporterHackBox i have u in pvt chat if u could just walk me through that would be great04:25
\kiratransporter: Im running intrepid, what about you, HacKBoX?04:25
HacKBoXtransporter no problem04:25
Grandslammastereseven73 how do i specify the server name04:26
\kiraHacKBoX, transporter: hm..... well. Im out of ideas.04:26
transporter\kira: i really really appreciate ur help :D04:26
Grandslammastereseven73 i need to replace for
Grandslammasterhow do i do that04:27
\kiratransporter: your most welcome, if you figure it out, please tell me. Id be glad to know what it was.04:27
HacKBoX\kira I'll keep helping him04:27
CShadowRundoes anyone know how to reverse vnc (both machines are ubuntu) ?04:27
\kiraHacKBoX: okay, good luck04:27
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rohilHi. In the main partition in which I will be installing Ubuntu, what should I select as Mount point ? Also, Location for new partition should be Beginning or End ?\04:27
Paradoxxeseven73, I have it using 670MB of memory04:27
transporter\kira: definitely can i have ur msn in pvt chat please04:27
con-mandoes it tell you guys anything?04:27
Grandslammastereseven73 u there04:27
\kiratransporter: I dont have a msn, but I do have a email, if you would like04:28
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jtajirohil: mount point should be /04:28
cvd-prHey there any know of a good adblocker for firefox?04:28
Paradoxxeseven73, it ALWAYS uses alot. And then there is another process called 'evolution-data-server-2.24' that uses an additional 275MB04:28
transporter\kira: of course04:28
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eseven73Grandslammaster: sorry was away, um no clue man04:28
jtajirohil: beginning or end doesn't matter, just depends on what order you are making the partitions and where you want them... I usually work left to right04:28
Grandslammasteru dont no how to do that04:28
eseven73Paradoxx: i'd use thunderbird04:28
Grandslammasterthis is pissing me off04:29
eseven73Grandslammaster: no sorry :(  try asking in #apache04:29
kerry_can somebody help me... have a problem with synaptic package manager04:29
donavanwhat program will test hard drives like chkdsk in windows ?04:29
jtaji!fsck | donavan04:30
ubottudonavan: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot04:30
eseven73!who | con-man04:30
ubottucon-man: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)04:30
HacKBoXdonavan: fdisk04:30
kurratacvd-pr:  Adblock,Adblock Pluss, Adblock Filterset.G these are the adons i use for blocling stuff on ff. almost no popo ups or adds04:30
donavanjataji: thanks04:30
Grandslammastereseven73 apache doesnt no what there talking about04:30
Grandslammasterthey suck04:31
cvd-prkurrata, ok thanks04:31
donavanhackbox: will it do a test or just let me mess with fat04:31
Grandslammasterfor apache2 how do i specify my domain name04:31
HacKBoXjtaji: oops. i thought fsck and typed fdisk. although it may donavan04:31
kerry_whenever i try to "apply changes" in synaptic, the dialog box stays open even though it says "removed software" and the close button is greyed out04:31
Grandslammasteri want to be able to type my ip address and then go to my sit04:32
kerry_it was working fine before i tried to remove GDM!!04:32
LtLGrandslammaster: if you have a permanent ip, i would use the line in  /etc/hosts. just my experience.04:32
skooz1how do you fix loading windows i select it and ubuntu loads04:32
Grandslammasterso what do i do in hosts04:32
donavanjtaji: reading the man ... but im unsure on something ... will it check usb drives or just the main system drive ?04:33
GrandslammasterLtL how should i modify etc/hosts04:33
HacKBoXjtaji: oops. i thought fsck and typed fdisk. although it may donavan04:33
LtLGrandslammaster: localhost.localdomain localhost your-box-hostname-here  [order matters]04:33
TriksterI am currently downloading Ubuntu for the first time; is there anything I should be aware of before installing it?04:34
tritiumTrikster: read the release notes, for one thing.04:34
mdgTrikster: have you used Ubuntu before?04:34
TriksterNo, I haven't, mdg.04:34
jtajidonavan: you can check any drive you want, it has to be unmounted first which is why that factoid mentioned checking on startup04:35
HacKBoXdonavan: it should check anything with a readable partition table04:35
Trikstertritium, I will look for those.04:35
mdgTrikster: just play with the live cd some before you install - kick the tires so to speak04:35
sysdocTrikster, yea, this is gonna be a jourley that'll change you life04:35
GrandslammasterLtL right now i am just trying to make it so when i type my ip in a browser my site will show up04:35
Grandslammasteri dont have an actual domain04:35
donavanjtaji, hackbox :  thanks04:35
mdgTrikster: have you used linux at all?04:36
maraboutNeed some help - im looking to install hardy on my machine as intrepid would not display after install - any thing i should know before beginning04:36
TriksterNo, this is my first time, mdg.04:36
TriksterThe only experience I have with linux is through web servers.04:36
jtajidonavan: so you would unmount it first and then fsck /dev/sdb1 or whatever your device is04:36
mdgTrikster: Take it slow04:36
mdgTrikster: What kind of computer do you have?04:36
maraboutim using a stepnote nc150204:37
TriksterNot too up to date on it's specs.04:37
GrandslammasterLtL so instead of using in a browser i need to work04:37
sysdocTrikster, Cool thin is that you can now have your own apache server...:)04:37
TriksterAccording to the release notes, I have more than enough ram, so I think I should be good.04:37
mdgMac or PC, older or new like dual core?04:37
donavanjtaji: got ya ... thoughts thats what it was but im doing about 5 things at once so its taking me a bit to get through it04:37
TriksterPC older.04:37
TriksterNo dual04:37
jesus_good morning from Madrid. Just a quick question. Suddenly my UBUNTU 8.04 starts writing all in caps. Do you know what key-combination might cause that?04:37
GrandslammasterLtL u still here04:37
Triksterjesus_, shify may.04:38
LtLGrandslammaster: yup04:38
Grandslammasterdid u see what i asked or no04:38
skooz1anyone help me with grub?04:38
jesus_good morning from Madrid. Just a quick question. Suddenly my UBUNTU 8.04 starts writing all in caps. Do you know what key-combination might cause that?04:38
eseven73Grandslammaster: you could try a free domain name like dyndns.org04:38
Grandslammasterfirst off i need the server to actually work04:39
Grandslammasterright now it is not on the internet04:39
Grandslammasterit is on my comp04:39
LtLGrandslammaster: yes i did, try it, if it doesnt work, change in your httpd.conf to your i-net ip04:39
tritium!enter | Grandslammaster04:39
ubottuGrandslammaster: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:39
jesus_i've tried pressing shit for a few seconds but the whole cap does not go away04:39
HacKBoXdonovan: No Problem, Anytime04:39
GrandslammasterLtL what is supposed to be inside of httpd.conf04:40
jesus_con-man how do i reverse it to its original state04:40
Grandslammasterits not there04:40
cvd-prMMm, when i use compiz and run somthing with wine, there is no text, if i disable compiz the text appear04:40
con-manjesus_: I haven't the slightest idea, sorry :(04:40
donavanok wait I have another question ... so I unmount the drive /media/disk   and now its obviously not there ... any idea where I can find it without mounting it again?04:40
Grandslammastercan anyone send me a default httpd.conf file04:41
cvd-prso how to blacklist wine in compiz?04:41
Grandslammasterfor apache2 server04:41
Bear7809Hi guys. I have a problem.04:41
LtLGrandslammaster: apache2 in ubuntu has a httpd.conf but the actual conf used is named 'default' in /etc/apache2/sites-available/default. or used to be. try http://apache.org04:41
LtLGrandslammaster: you must edit that file or forget it!04:42
Grandslammasterso i have to modify my default in sites-available04:42
jesus_this is frustrating... i have to set cap lock on all the time...04:42
Bear7809When i get to the splash screen my monitor goes black. But ubuntu is still runing. If i try to make it log in by guessing what im putting it it logs in just fine. My card is an ATI card and i ubuntu running on another computer howerver it has an nvidia card. Any ideas how i can get this fixed04:43
Bear7809I heared it might be a problem with the splash screen resolution, but how do i just fix that.04:43
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passive1What is the best P2P ? something like bearshare ?04:43
donavanjtaji , hackbox:  ok so how do I know where my drive is once its unmounted ... it normally shows up as /media/disk but once its unmounted its not under that anymore04:43
pelao91llime wire04:43
eseven73!limewire | pass04:43
ubottupass: limewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install !Java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider !FrostWire as an alternative.04:43
eseven73!limewire | passive104:43
ubottupassive1: limewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install !Java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider !FrostWire as an alternative.04:44
Bear7809little help here04:44
jtajidonavan: when it's mounted do type 'mount' and find the the line with /media/disk04:44
passive1what is ! thing ?04:44
jtajipassive1: it tells the bot to give someone information04:44
Bear7809is this working?04:45
passive1okay I'll give them a shot thanks all04:45
tritiumBear7809: yes04:45
Bear7809did you see my question?04:45
mdgBear7809: Do you even get a command prompt?04:45
jadedoto1Bear7809: Yes I can see your messages04:45
Bear7809no the monitor recieves no signal04:46
Bear7809i can get one by doing ctrl atl f104:46
lacitaI just extracted a tar.bz... where did it extract to? and what file do I sudo make?04:46
Bear7809the monitor turns back on and i get a command prompt to log in04:46
eseven73!who | Bear780904:46
ubottuBear7809: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)04:46
itzheroHow do I set my printer (in CUPS) to print the last page first, so its on the bottom of the stack?04:46
ubottuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.04:47
donavanjtaji: thanks again ... its been years since I have really used linux (were talking 386/486 days) and I just cant remember anything and then have changed stuff a good deal so its all kinds of fun figuring stuff out again04:47
LtLBear7809: try looking this page over, you should be able to fix it via cli, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplash04:47
eseven73that !tab does not explain it well enough, Bear7809 basically you just type the first couple letters of someones nick and press Tab key04:47
* nnull pushes TAB and hold's paper cup under A: drive waiting patiently04:48
jeanphilippeBear7809: lpoptions -d<printer> -o outputorder=reverse04:48
=== jeanphilippe is now known as jp_sf
LtLjeanphilippe: tell itzhero that answer :)04:48
jp_sfLtL: Ah get confused here04:49
jp_sfitzhero: lpoptions -d<printer> -o outputorder=reverse04:49
jp_sfBear7809: sorry ...04:50
itzherojudr drop that in commandline? with my printer in place of <printer> ?04:50
Bear7809jp_sf: its ok04:50
jp_sfitzhero: yes I print from the command line04:50
Bear7809LtL: so you think i should change the theme of my usplash?04:50
eseven73itzhero: 99% of the commands people tell you to run here, should be put in a terminal :)04:51
mdgBear7809: Is this a live cd or a regular install?04:51
jp_sfeseven73: true very true04:51
itzheroeseven73, yeah i figured, but i mentioned cups so i wasn't too sure04:51
Bear7809mdg: regular install via the cd they sent me in the mail04:51
donavananyone done a software raid on ubuntu ?  performance wise is it worth doing or should I get a card04:51
LtLBear7809: i'm saying it might refresh the usplash and get it to work, not necessarily change it04:51
veggteppeany1 that can tell me what ubuntu version that work's best for games?04:52
mdgBear7809: If its a live cd they sent, try booting from it once and see what happens04:52
Bear7809LtL: gotcha, ill try to do that.04:52
Bear7809mdg: so pop it in restart the compy and boot from the cd?04:52
jp_sfdonavan: depends what you want to acheive04:52
\kiraHow can I set the time via the command line?04:53
mdgBear7809: Yes.  Watch how it boots from the live cd and maybe you can catch where it is messing up.04:53
jp_sf\kira: date04:53
Bear7809I think that its the video card. Ubuntu works fine on my parents compy which has an NVidia card.04:53
LtLBear7809: it wont hurt to changeit, i like xubuntu better myself, but i use ubuntu04:53
\kirajp_sf: thanks04:53
itzherojp_sf: when i run lpoptions it tells me that outputorder=reverse04:53
itzherohowever it still prints the same direction04:53
=== Bitfish is now known as bitFish
Bear7809ive heard of a video safe mode. i bet i have to install the latest drivers for the card in ubuntu. im not so sure how to get that done or do the video safe mode.04:54
jp_sfitzhero: hum , must come from your config file04:54
LtL\kira: with the date command. man date04:54
FearMothHi, is there a LiveCD that I can use to stress-test my machine? Is there anything on the Ubuntu Live CD? Any recommendations?04:55
lacitaSorry all, had to help my dad... He's sick. Anyways, I still have no sound. I compiled ftp://ftp.alsa-project.org/pub/driver/alsa-driver-1.0.18a.tar.bz2 , but cant getit to sudo make install.04:55
mdgBear7809: You can pick safe from the boot menu that pops up when you run the cd04:55
LtL\kira: in other words mandate the date ;)04:55
itzherojp_sf, do I need to restart cups?04:55
\kiraLtL: :D04:55
jp_sfitzhero: edit /etc/cups/ppd/<yourprinter>.ppd and set the Defaultoutputorder to reverse04:55
donavanjp_sf ... to be honest ... I don't really know ... kind of one of those things where I have a bunch of old hardware and I really want a raid array for the hell of it and the extra storage would be nice too ... but if its going to be stupid slow I am going to need to put it on other machine and network it to my main PC04:56
\kiraLtL: Just a question, though. Just after setting it, My screen turned itself off..... Im wondering if this is coincidence or if something happened there....04:56
cuddlefishcan someone help with a python issue?04:56
LtLitzhero: sudo /etc/init.d/cups restart04:56
\kiraLtL: because it happened like the second I hit the enter button04:56
=== wesbuntu is now known as wesbuntoo
LtL\kira: strange, probably time drift or something04:57
cuddlefishHow do I reinstall python?04:57
\kiraLtL: oh, that would make sense :) Thats kinda cool ;)04:57
passive1FrostWire is far away from BearShare it even gives a fake results alot04:58
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=== wes is now known as wes_\
jp_sfdonavan: I never setup raid on a IDE or sata disk with a rpm of 7200, I usually do that on SCSI 10000 rpm with RAID 5 I never saw a slow down, it depends a lot of the hardisk, cache speed etc etc04:58
pelao91passive1: is limewire04:59
hckyplayer024hi can someone help me with ubuntu not finding all available wireless networks04:59
cuddlefishHow do I reinstall python? (pythonpath is messed up)04:59
LtL\kira: best way to configure printers is from a browser http://localhost:63104:59
marabouttrying to run apt-get update via terminal but keep getting "failed to fetch" errors - any ideas what I can do?04:59
passive1pelao91, Now I am downloading limewire to see04:59
\kiraLtL: I dont want to configure printers... Thanks for the info, though ;)04:59
Deadboysim having a problem when trying to add a user04:59
Deadboys-bash: useradd: command not found04:59
pelao91ok that is the best05:00
=== bitFish is now known as Bitfish
itzheroThanks guys, printer's working.  How do I keep my motd file from changing back to the Ubuntu default?05:00
\kiraDeadboys: adduser is the command, I believe05:00
donavanjp_sf: yeah I know scsi is the way to go but I only have a few 4g scsi drives which is hardly worth it ... but I have some bigger IDEs Im not so much worried about the drives so much as how its going to hit my processor ... am I looking at some serious slowdown?05:01
Deadboys\kira no it is useradd05:01
TriksterWhat apps will I loose when I switch to Linux?05:01
RonenHow is everyone...I have a quick question, hopefully you can help...05:01
Deadboysdoes anyone have any idea why useradd isnt working for me?05:01
Deadboysim logged in as root05:02
CarlFKDeadboys: are you running ubuntu?05:02
mamaroTrikster I still use windows for photoshop, GIMP doesn't do it for me.05:02
jp_sfdonavan: usually devs and people are the first to scream at hardisk performance I have usually checked throughly with sar (and ksar (for the nice graphic output)) I never saw a problem, your IDE controller might be abigger bottleneck, if you have the luxury try monitor it with sar (sysutils package)05:02
AmericunWhat is the best podcast manager for ubuntu?05:02
dscvltis there a log file for the "Leave Message" option when my screen is locked in X?05:02
t94xr_laptopanyone else with a sony ericsson phone? Im having trouble getting ubuntu 8.10 to recognise my phone at all - even in usb mode..05:02
RonenI can't get a screen resolution any higher than 1024 x 76805:03
DeadboysCarlFK would i be in #ubuntu if i wasnt05:03
Trikstermamaro, you mean that Linux doesn't have Photoshop?05:03
RonenI used to be able to get a resolution much higher than that...05:03
CarlFKDeadboys: how/why did you log in as root?05:03
Ronenbut then I tried to install the NVidia drivers for my video card and it didn't work..05:03
Psyrix21quick question, i am doing a dual boot, with two HD's. I'm getting ready to install Ubuntu. Should i have the HD with windows on it, the primary HD? or does it matter?05:03
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot05:04
Ronenbut I was unable to get any higher resolution than 1024 x 768..05:04
DeadboysCarlFK i logged in my dedi as root because that is the only user i have at the moment05:04
Deadboyshence me trying to create another one05:04
CShadowRunpsycodad ubuntu will install a boot loader onto the primary drive by default to give you grub05:04
CShadowRun(i think)05:04
donavanjp_sf: will do thanks ... one other question ... can I do a mirrored raid for to os drive ... I know in windows its a big no-no but can linux do this to make the OS a little snappier ?05:04
mdgDeadboys: What happens why you type "whereis adduser?"05:05
CarlFKDeadboys: dedi?05:05
CShadowRundonavan windows can do it, my old windows system used to be raid005:05
DeadboysCarlFK Dedicated server05:05
Deadboysadduser: /etc/adduser.conf /usr/share/adduser /usr/share/man/man8/adduser.8.gz05:05
Deadboysthats what happens mdg05:05
Psyrix21blah blah read that link05:05
mdgDeadboys: should be in sbin05:05
jinja-sheepPsyrix21:  Linux don't require lot of spaces.  I suppose you should save all your personal data / private data / only-god-know-what data on the second hard drive.05:05
nickrudt94xr_laptop, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluez/+bug/30672105:06
LtLDeadboys: mdg is right, or use the gui05:06
\kiraDeadboys: yep, its adduser05:06
Psyrix21there is no data on the second HD, just finished formatting it05:06
t94xr_laptopnickrud, thanks i'll take a look05:06
DeadboysLtL gui is not an option05:06
jp_sfdonavan: on the same drive ? no don't do it05:06
Deadboysmdg how do go about fixing it just move to sbin?05:07
donavanCshadowsRun: was that a hardware raid ... or did they change something on me and I didnt catch it ... I know that as of server 2000 running any dynamic disk couldnt be done on the OS partition because of booting issues with the bios or something05:07
mdgDeadboys: What do you get when you type "who"05:07
jtajiDeadboys: maybe you don't have /usr/sbin in your path? try /usr/sbin/adduser05:07
maraboutlost my internet connection or so it seems in terminal can you help me check if I am still connected05:07
donavanjp_sf: 2 physical drives acting as one05:07
Deadboysjtaji no just file05:07
maraboutI'm trying to apt-get install updated but keep getting error messages05:07
RonenAnyone know about fixing video resolution problems??05:07
Americundid anyone answer my question?05:08
Deadboysmdg root     pts/1        Jan  5 04:1505:08
Deadboysthen my ip and host05:08
AmericunI asked what the best podcast manager is for ubuntu05:08
nickrudmarabout, try  sudo apt-get -f install   if it fails, put the complete output on http://paste.ubuntu.com05:08
jtajiDeadboys: huh?05:08
provosorry for the silly question but when I open my usb flash drive in ubuntu 8.10 and delete a file from the drive how much my space is not freed up?   the only other way I know is to format the usb drive complete and I do not want to keep doing this05:08
Deadboysjtaji you asked a question i responded05:08
Jack_Sparrowprovo, look for a .Trash folder on that drivve05:08
mdgDeadboys: then useradd is not in your path -- try /usr/sbin/adduser05:08
maraboutim in root from recovery menu do i need to type 'sudo'?05:09
Deadboyswhen i tried /usr/sbin/adduser05:09
mdgDeadboys: then try /usr/sbin/adduser05:09
nickrudmarabout, are you sure the package name is updated ? I'm not showing it as existing (and no about sudo in recovery)05:09
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Deadboysmdg i tried  it05:09
jp_sfdonavan: I wouldn't bother for the OS as it is the easiest things to recover but yes05:09
LtLDeadboys: youre missing the adduser in /usr/sbin/ try apt-get adduser05:09
provojack:  i see it,  i see the files and just tried to delete them but after i delete them they come back05:09
donavanprovo: did the same thing ... dump the trash ... it still in the trash bin and still takes up space .... it got me too at first05:10
hckyplayer024soooooo im trying to connect ubuntu to my wireless network. and if i change my network to WEP security it can find it no problem but when its WPA2 it wont find it at all.05:10
DeadboysLtL it says i already have it05:10
Deadboyshow can i remove it and reget it05:10
provodonavan: so what can i do to get rid of these files without formatting the entire flash drive again?05:10
LtLDeadboys: your whereis output doesnt agree with you05:10
donavanjp_sf: I was actuall thinking of the performance boost no so much the recovery aspect05:10
Deadboysroot@axis:~# whereis adduser05:11
Deadboysadduser: /etc/adduser.conf /usr/share/adduser /usr/share/man/man8/adduser.8.gz05:11
donavanprovo just delete them and then empty your trash can05:11
jp_sfdonavan: I think it will not be significant05:11
Deadboysit says i already have it when i typed apt-get install adduser05:11
jp_sfhckyplayer024: have you tried Wicd ?05:11
hckyplayer024jp_sf: yeah i am actually using Wicd now05:12
LtLDeadboys: that doesnt show the adduser binary, just the conf and man pages05:12
maraboutnickrud: info pasted05:12
nickrudmarabout, I need the link :)05:12
Deadboyswell its not letting me install it since it says i already have it05:12
Deadboyswhat should i do about that05:12
donavansp_sf : thats what I was figuring but I wanted someone else to talk me down from jumping off the cliff05:12
LtLDeadboys: somehow its lost, force re-install w/apt-get05:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about unetbootin05:12
provodonovan: thanks i see how that works now.. silly me05:12
\kiraDeadboys: okay then. thats why im looking at the man page right now "adduser, addgroup - add a user or group to the system"05:12
\kiraDeadboys: Exact quote05:12
maraboutnickrud: not accessing irc from that machine as it is not ready trying to get ubuntu onto it05:12
\kiraDeadboys: I just answered your question!05:13
maraboutnickrud: http://paste.ubuntu.com/100056/05:13
\kiraDeadboys: I just added a user to my system, just to be double sure05:13
\kiracan anyone read this, or is my internet messed up again?05:13
\kiraCarlFK: you can log in as root via sudo su, or sudo passwd to change the password05:13
DeadboysLtL how do i force re-install05:13
\kiracan anybody read this?05:13
marabout\kira: i am reading it05:13
LtLDeadboys: let me look05:13
CShadowRunDoes anyone know a reverse VNC server for ubuntu?05:14
bullgard4devices.txt calls (217,0) /dev/curf0 a "callout device for rfcomm0". What is a 'callout device'?05:14
cafuegoa vnc client, you mean?05:14
CShadowRuncafuego no i mean a reverse VNC server05:14
donavanprovo: don't feel bad it pissed me off for 20 mins or so first time I tried it05:14
maraboutnickrud: was the link valid?05:14
CShadowRuncafuego that is, a server that connects to a client in order to traverse a NAT05:14
nickrudmarabout, are you sure that's the complete name of the package? apt-cache search updated shows no package updated here, and I have good sources05:14
cafuegoCShadowRun: I shouldn't think so.05:15
CShadowRuncafuego ?05:15
cafuegoCShadowRun: Is this why we tunnel over ssh.05:15
LtLDeadboys: try sudo apt-get install adduser --reinstall05:15
jp_sfCShadowRun: only if the other end click on a file05:15
maraboutnickrud: no im probably wrong - just trying to update which I assume is just apt-get update - correct05:15
jp_sfCShadowRun: otherwise I don't know05:15
DeadboysE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)05:15
CShadowRunjp_sf yes the other end can install and do simple things05:16
CShadowRunjp_sf i'm just trying to help a friend and don't want to go through port forwarding.05:16
jigpehello how to burn a movie?so that I could play it to my dvdcd component player05:16
nickrudmarabout, yes. you typed updated :)   apt-get update will update any packages that have new releases, if you're on the net05:16
LtLDeadboys: i may have that syntax out of order05:16
Deadboysit installed05:16
jp_sfCShadowRun: I did that with x11vnc, but I did a port forwarding on my end05:16
Deadboysit started to05:16
Deadboysthen i got that message05:16
FloodBot2Deadboys: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:17
CShadowRunjp_sf yes, exactly!, port forwarding at my end so the client can connect to me05:17
CShadowRunjp_sf how did you do it? :)05:17
maraboutnickrud: you saw the link it does not appear to me that I am connected how can I check my connection?05:17
DeadboysLtL should i just do a fresh install of Ubuntu?05:17
jigpehow to burn an 651MB .avi movie into the blank cd?I tried to use gnome and brasero even k3b but no options for burning video...05:18
nickrudmarabout, hm, brain fart. apt-get update gets the latest list of packages, apt-get upgrade gets any that have upgrades available.   apt-get update && apt-get upgrade   will do the trick05:18
Deadboysor Debian acctually since ubuntu gives me so many problems05:18
WastePotatoHow do I configure X to use the xserver-xorg-video-radeon driver? I have it installed, but changed to fglrx driver to see if there would be a difference in perfomance. I was wrong. -_-05:18
yaris1234567890how do i make wget download in the background? doing this doesn't work. wget -x -nH http://www.something.com > /dev/null &, this still outputs the whole download progress05:18
cafuegoCShadowRun: Port forwarding is what you do on your router/gateway. You forward port XXX to the vnc port on the target server.05:18
nickrudmarabout, ifconfig  will show any network connections. If you're in recovery mode, you would have to connect manually05:18
nickrudmarabout, unless you've created a network config file,  /etc/network/interfaces  with the proper options05:19
jp_sfCShadowRun: yes so you do TCP port forward on your router port 5500 to the internal IP you want (of your computer I assume)install x11vnc on the other end at the friend linux then on your computer don't forget to vncviewer - listen 0  and that's it the remote friend needs to type x11vnc - connect your.current.ip:550005:19
cafuegoyaris1234567890: it does run in the background, but you forgot the -q flag for no output.05:19
tbonechicwow, there's a lot of ppl on here..05:19
CShadowRunjp_sf thank you, exactly what i wanted *hug*05:19
yaris1234567890wget -x -q -nH http://www.something.com > /dev/null &   ?05:19
maraboutnickrud: no I have not created a network config file - what msg in the ifconfig output will indicate that I am connected05:20
jp_sfCShadowRun: you are welcome one thing though, it is quite often that people scan IP so when you don't need it put your firewall on05:21
cyorxampDoes anyone here have one of those pre-installed ubuntu's on a Dell laptop (maybe an inspiron 1525)... if so could you show me your xorg.conf please? :D05:21
tbonechicI have a question: I have mplayer and I run it through x11, but it never plays properly. :( any suggestions?05:21
CShadowRunjp_sf don't worry, i'm running a FreeBSD firewall, ;)05:21
LtLDeadboys: no i don't think thats needed. hang on05:21
cafuegoor tunnel vnc over ssh, so it cna't be sniffed either05:21
tbonechiccryptnix: I have intrepid running on a latidude D630.  will that do?05:21
DeadboysLtL i got it sorted out05:22
Deadboysthanks though05:22
nickrudmarabout, it formats as stanzas; lo is the loopback (internal machine) net, you most likely would have an eth0 stanza, with inet addr xx.xx.xx.xx in the second line of it.05:22
jp_sfCShadowRun: ipf is fine on your router or your machine ?05:22
cyorxamptbonechic, if your talking to me, then does that use GM965 / X3100 intel graphics?#05:22
CShadowRunjp_sf i use pfSense on one of my old boxes, set it up last week :)05:22
radicaljoemarabout>Can you ping your router or gateway?05:22
jp_sfCShadowRun: I change the config on my router when it is not needed05:22
tbonechiccyorxamp: no. leme chek05:23
CShadowRunjp_sf yes i also do that, so no worries, i know my way around :)05:23
maraboutnickrud: "Link encap: Local loopback inet addr:"  is some of what the  text read05:23
darren_hi guys any one now how to use the net sharing tool for iphone with ubuntu?05:23
jp_sfCShadowRun: one thing you want to look also is port knocking it is quite useful05:23
buckhello ...05:23
DeadboysWould it be unwise to install Unreal IRCD 3.2.7 as root?05:24
buckhaving problems with restricted drivers 17705:24
nickrudmarabout, yeah, that's the internal network. It doesn't see the internet. another stanza will show your connection to a router 192.xx.xx.xx most likely05:24
buckany good URL that really shows how to resolve the xorg issu05:24
tbonechiccyorxamp: it's a GM965/GL960 intel graphics card.05:24
cyorxamptbonechic, thats the one :D05:25
tbonechicwould that be of any help05:25
LtLDeadboys: you need to be root/sudo to  install ircd05:25
tbonechicwhat is it that u need?05:25
cyorxamptbonechic, the same 8.04 that came with it?05:25
nickrudDeadboys, install as root, but run it as a non-privileged user, the config probably has provisions for that05:25
maraboutnickrud:  -- next info is mask no other info beyond RX, TX ,etc is shwoing. BTW my goal on irc is to get help to  wipe the existing 8.10 which isnt working and install Hardy via Live CD05:25
tbonechiccyorxamp: no, I installed it via LiveCD and upgraded to Intrepid05:26
Deadboysthere isnt any provisions like that in the config for it05:26
Deadboyswould it be bad to run as root?05:26
HellFire-AuCan anyone help me set up a bi-directional nat?05:26
maraboutNickrud: since I assume I cannot connect to Net this way since I have not set up a network config file as you mentioned previously correct?05:26
joejci there a way i can save my files to some kind of internet drive. i used gmail on ubuntu05:26
LtLDeadboys: just install/edit  config and start as root.05:26
nickrudmarabout, simply boot up the cd and run the install on the same partition as the 8.10 install. Part of the default install is wiping out whatever was on the partition already :)05:26
buckAny news if they fixed the problem with the nvidia 177 drivers. everytime i try to activate it when i reboot just goes to a text screen05:26
cyorxamptbonechic, might be worth a look anyway, just wondered if I could looksie at your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file05:27
LtLDeadboys: once installed, use your ircd pass for priveleges05:27
tbonechicsure thing.  I'll msg u what I have once I copy it ^_^05:27
nickrudDeadboys, almost certainly05:27
cyorxamptbonechic, pop it in a nopate05:27
maraboutnickrud: i was hoping to use 8.04 alternate but after downloading it was 800+mb and can fit that on the cd's I have...05:27
DeadboysLtL what do you mean by that05:27
tbonechiccyorxamp: ...?05:27
cyorxamptbonechic, http://paste.ubuntu.com05:28
dftwhat's the best way to restart nautilus without logging in and out again?05:28
dftor rebooting05:28
yaris1234567890wow i got banned from centos for ignoring an annoying fart05:28
PriceChild!offtopic | yaris123456789005:28
ubottuyaris1234567890: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:28
nickrudmarabout, something wrong with your download; the alternate iso is 699 mb05:28
LtLDeadboys: give yourself an O-line  with htpasswd and ip in ircd.conf  edit that file carefully05:28
radicaljoemarabout:Is you network interface wired of wifi?05:28
LtLDeadboys: just read the ircd.conf carefully.05:29
DeadboysOh i didnt realise you were talking about that im very familiar to unreal ircd was just wondering if running it as root would cause any security issues05:29
william56during the cli's hardware detecting portion, it's sitting at 0%, and the screen has gone black, then gone white, then back to the hardware installation screen, and now it's all black with two lines that just say 'illed' at bottom05:29
Nautilus___Can anyone tell me how to install GD gfx toolkit on current ubuntu? I'm a *nix newb but have managed the whole LAMP stack but I guess GD is separate.05:29
william56anyone know what just happened to my install?05:30
nickrudDeadboys, running internet facing processes as root is dangerous; for example apache runs a www-data. But LtL obviously knows how unreal handles that security.05:30
buck... is there a good URL that addresses the restricted drivers issue with the nvidia 177 drivers05:30
LtLDeadboys: it will be a root owned process thats all.05:30
not_a_jeweljoin #makassar05:30
maraboutnickrud: yes I am using wifi05:30
nickrudmarabout, if at all possible, wire up during the alternate install. It's much easier that way.05:31
Deadboysone more question can you give me the full syntax of the adduser command05:31
dftor rebooting05:31
dftwhat's the best way to restart nautilus without logging in and out again?05:31
dftor rebooting05:31
buck... is there a good URL that addresses the restricted drivers issue with the nvidia 177 drivers05:31
nickruddft, alt-f2  killall nautilus ; it should restart automatically05:31
maraboutnickrud: you are referring to the machine I am going to install on Yes?05:32
nickrudmarabout, yes05:32
radicaljoemarabout>I'm trying to get my wifi working.  Its not always easy with linux.05:32
cuddlefishHow do you reinstall python?05:32
cyorxampNautilus___, it's in the repo's... it'll begin with php in the name and gd somewhere :D05:32
dftnickrud: k, ty05:32
maraboutncikrud: as I downloaded the file on another machine05:32
cyorxampNautilus___, php5-gd05:32
Nautilus___cyorxamp: not seeing it. looked for stucff like php5-gd05:32
=== not_a_jewel is now known as ardi007
william56is there a way to access the cli command from a regular ubuntu install cd?05:32
cyorxampNautilus___, it's in my repo05:32
Daejeohello guys greeting :)05:33
Daejeohappy new year05:33
Nautilus___cyorxamp: I go from phpgacl to to php-geshi05:33
WastePotatoHow do I configure X to use the xserver-xorg-video-radeon driver? I have it installed, but changed to fglrx driver to see if there would be a difference in perfomance. I was wrong. -_-05:33
maraboutnickrud: so just exit root pop in Hardy CD and reboot making sure Hardy Cd is the boot CD?05:33
nickrudmarabout, yep05:33
cyorxampNautilus___, http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/php5-gd05:33
cyorxampNautilus___, then your missing some repo's I'd guess05:33
tbonechiccyorxamp: and it's sent ^_^05:33
joejc is there a way i can save my files to some kind of Internet drive. i used gmail on xp05:34
buck... is there a good URL that addresses the restricted drivers issue with the nvidia 177 drivers05:34
LtLWastePotato: you need to uninstall fglrx, i forgot myself, i hated it05:34
tbonechicwould anyone know as to why x11 might be broken?05:34
maraboutnickrud: will this automatically be a LiveCD install or am I missing or misunderstanding something re: LiveCD versus install05:34
gnu2it2what is good way to backup my desktop to bootable cd/dvd ? I do not need an enterprise setup05:34
orkanHey guys... I somehow created a hardlink to a directory... and now I cannot remove it. Is there a way?05:34
nickrudmarabout, if it's a desktop iso it will be the livecd install, yes. The alternate will give you a text installer.05:34
HermanDEHas anybody been successful with bzflag on 8.10?05:35
HellFire-AuCan anyone help me set up a bi-directional nat?05:35
cyorxamptbonechic, thats your -complete- xorg.conf? it's missing loads05:35
WastePotatoYep. Done that. I have no Compiz. :(05:35
darren_hi guys any one now how to use the net sharing tool(iphonemodem2) for iphone with ubuntu?05:35
Ian00orkan: its not possible to do that05:35
jtajiorkan: unlink05:35
Ian00and if you did, you would just delete it05:35
Nautilus___cyorxamp: do you know which repo it's in? I have main and universe ON, multiverse OFF05:36
tbonechiccyorxamp: ... that what I got. I'll check again05:36
maraboutnickrud: just pulled Cd out of my laptop bag and it is labeled 7.1 -that is still Hardy right? BTW im installing onto a laptop05:36
orkanunlink tells me that "it is a directory"05:36
=== Trikster is now known as ian_reegles
nickrudmarabout, no, hardy is 8.0405:36
orkanand somehow if I create a file in this folder it appears in another one that I hard linked to05:36
cyorxampNautilus___, no idea... use that ubuntu link I gave you - my servers don't run something as silly as Ubuntu, Debian all the way05:36
nickrudmarabout, and it makes no difference if it is a laptop or desktop05:36
orkanand ls does not show it as being a symlink05:36
cyorxamptbonechic, no it has all the right sections, just bugger all in each of them05:37
buck... is there a good URL that addresses the restricted drivers issue with the nvidia 177 drivers05:37
buck... is there a good URL that addresses the restricted drivers issue with the nvidia 177 drivers05:37
buck... is there a good URL that addresses the restricted drivers issue with the nvidia 177 drivers05:37
FloodBot2buck: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:37
Ian00orkan, rm -rf dir05:37
WastePotatoSo. Anyone have any ideas?05:37
Nautilus___cyorxamp: yes the link is most helpful, tx!  Just need this box for a couple weeks (a project)05:37
Wickedi need to use the alternative cd to install ubuntu...but i have no working cdrom...how can i install with the alternative cd?05:37
orkanheh, but I want the data to be preserved...05:37
orkanI need just the link to be removed05:37
joejcis there a program that will autamaticly sync files with a website05:37
orkanif I try to rename - mv says it is being used05:37
maraboutnickrud: oh yeah that's right too much info in the head. We'll I've got either 7.1 or 8.10 and 8.10 wont display graphics after the install - what do you suggest?05:38
HermanDEWicked: Use a netboot.....05:38
nickrud!install > Wicked (there are some non-cdrom techniques here)05:38
ubottuWicked, please see my private message05:38
Ian00orkan, like i said, which you ignored. its not possible for it to be a hard link. you can't hard link directories05:38
orkanalthough I can rename the actual folder no problem05:38
Daejeoi want to make an image consist of ubunto base files and certain more voip applications. if user wants to install it from cd, and then the installation should go smoothly and automatically.  can i see how to doc?05:38
Ian00$ file your_directory05:38
nickrudmarabout, what video card? How many video cards in the machine?05:38
cyorxampOK Does anyone here have a PRE-installed Dell Laptop?05:38
WickedHermanDE, the netboot has the same options as the alternative cd? i need to be able to encrypt the driver during install...which only the alternative cd offers05:38
sohailis there a dummies guide to creating installation packages for ubuntu05:39
maraboutnickrud: via chrome9 HC IGP - 1 card as far as I  know05:39
HermanDEWicked: that should have been.... PXEBOOT...05:39
bullgard4devices.txt calls (217,0) /dev/curf0 a "callout device for rfcomm0". What is a 'callout device'?05:39
HermanDEWicked: It is a method of booting a device from a network server....05:39
nickrudmarabout, ah, chrome9. I have had really bad luck helping people with that in intrepid ;(05:39
WickedHermanDE, hmm..im not sure i understand what u are saying.05:39
HermanDEWicked: Then installing from the server...05:39
HermanDEWicked: Most newer systems have the ability to boot from the network.05:40
FoncyHey folks, is there any way to unmount a partition that uses /home as mountpoint?05:40
tbonechicum, whoever needed the backup on CD/DVD, I think this might help: http://tinyurl.com/862ozm05:40
WickedHermanDE, yea. i know what a netinstall is. but im wondering if it provides what i need.05:40
HermanDEWicked: As well as booting from a USB device....05:40
maraboutnickrud: ive seen problems listed that is why i was trying to go with hardy alternate05:40
FoncyIt always tells me that it's used by some processes, but obviously I can't kill all of them :)05:41
HermanDEWicked: Full install without the use of a cdrom...05:41
maraboutmickrud: my alternative is 7.105:41
tbonechiccyorxamp: bugger?05:41
Daejeoi want to make an image consist of ubunto base files and certain more voip applications. if user wants to install it from cd, and then the installation should go smoothly and automatically.  can i see how to doc?05:41
cyorxamptbonechic, it's british slang :D05:41
tbonechicI'm slightly new in retrieving info from .conf files :p05:41
tbonechiccyorxamp: lol05:41
cyorxamptbonechic, "bugger all" = "nothing at all"05:41
joljamhow  can i check what version of java is installed on my ubuntu intrpid05:41
joljamI wanty to do it from the command line05:41
tbonechicthanks for the clarification!05:42
maraboutnickrud: i read something about 'compiling' which I know even less about. take a look at this for me if u can: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=50484905:42
nickrudbullgard4, the way I'm reading that is it's the outgoing device05:42
FoncyYou could at least say: Foncy, I have no idea... :(05:42
HermanDEjoljam: man java05:42
nickrudmarabout, I don't need to look, I've seen it.05:42
FoncySo I am still hoping for some help.... anyone?05:42
BenWhiteyhow do i go about making my server install run a script/run a program on boot??05:42
nickrudmarabout, or maybe not that exact thread, but many of them.05:43
maraboutnickrud: so that wont work either I take it?05:43
HermanDEFoncy: Have you tried setting the partition to Read only first?05:43
joljamman java just gives me lot of help info05:43
nickrudmarabout, it can be done. People have done it, but I've not had luck helping with it is all I'm saying05:43
FoncyErr, no, how do I do that, HermanDE?05:43
bullgard4nickrud: Ah! Thank you very much for commenting.05:43
=== sleepy_cat is now known as goku
joljamit does not give me any inof on the version05:43
HermanDEjoljam: Do you see where it talks about the version?05:44
=== goku is now known as dbz_vegita
HermanDEjoljam: mount partitionname -o remount,ro05:45
FoncyUh, that was for me, right?05:45
maraboutnickrud: we'll I'm going to try via 7.1 and see what that gives me. no harm in that I suppose?05:45
HermanDEFoncy: Yep....05:45
nickrudmarabout, heh. Not like it costs anything :)05:45
HermanDEjoljam: man java05:45
HermanDEjoljam: Search for "version".05:46
HermanDEjoljam: use the forward slash, type in "version", press enter...  Press "N" for the next find....05:46
LtLjoljam: type java -version05:47
FoncyHermanDE, "/home is currently in use"... that's all I get.05:47
HermanDEFoncy: use lsof to find what is currently in use....05:47
ougsI need to create a ubuntu installation CD that i can use to install a server with. The server does not have a screen so there should be no interaction ata ll. any tips?05:48
FoncyHermanDE, I used fuser -m to find that out, and it's processes that I just can't kill, like the gnome-panel..05:48
gvsa123has anyone tried using grisbi on ubuntu?05:48
HermanDEougs: Serial cable.....05:48
FoncyI just can't get tha partition not to be used.05:48
tbonechiccyorxamp: I think the reason I don't have anything is because xserver-conf isn't installed--which may solve my other problem...05:48
nite_johnboyHi - Just installed a HP LaserJet 1020 - Ibex found it right away when turned on but will not print a test page - Do I need to do a restart of computer ? ?05:48
FoncyThat's my problem05:48
HermanDEFoncy: did you set the partition to READ ONLY?05:49
william56anyone know why hardware detection on the ubuntu minimal cd would be screwing up?05:49
HermanDEFoncy: or did it error out when you tried to set it...05:49
FoncyNo... that's why I asked you earlier how I do that, HermanDE...05:49
FoncyAnd then I did what you told me, and it told me that /home is currently in usw.05:49
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows05:49
HellFire-Aucan someone help me setup a bi-directional nat?05:50
william56it says 'detecting hardware, please wait' and never gets past 0%, and the screen keeps flasdhing black while it's doing it05:50
william56and it's saying 'killed'05:50
HermanDEFoncy: check your mount command.  Are there any flags set on the partition?05:50
BenWhiteyhow do i go about making my server install run a script/run a program on boot??05:50
sloopyWastePotato, can you paste bin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?05:50
FoncyHermanDE, you mean like "boot", "lba" etc?05:50
HermanDEFoncy: Then use lsof and filter for your home partition....05:51
FoncyNo flags there.05:51
vigognomeBenWhitey: Do you mean from startup?05:51
HermanDEFoncy: The flags would be something like ro,rw, and possibly masks..05:51
BenWhitey<vigognome> yes05:51
FinnishAnyone converted avchd-files with success? I'd need some help05:52
LtLnite_johnboy: whip open a browser type http://localhost:631  to test your printer05:52
HermanDEFoncy: and may include noexec, nosudo....05:52
FoncyHermanDE, but why use lsof when I already KNOW what processes are using the partition I need to unmount?05:52
nickrud!boot | BenWhitey (or add your own script to /etc/init.d/, see man update-rc.d05:53
ubottuBenWhitey (or add your own script to /etc/init.d/, see man update-rc.d: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto05:53
HermanDEFoncy: Usually, if the partition is set to read only, the processes will error out if they attempt to write....05:53
FoncyHermanDE, okaaaaaaaaaaaaay... so HOW do I set the partition to read-only?05:54
HermanDEFoncy: mount (mount or partition name) -o remount,ro05:54
nsadminhow to find if tdom is packaged for ubuntu and what versions are in what version of ubuntu05:54
FoncyObviously I can't do that if the partition is used, soooo I have to make it not being used first, before I can tell processes only to read, right?05:54
FoncyOh my...05:54
FoncyOkay, I repeat slowly:05:54
nickrudFoncy, why not just kill the processes?05:55
chirankahi there, I just upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10, now all of the tooltip popup windows are black,  this seems to be independent of compiz, any ideas?05:55
FoncyIt doesnt work!05:55
FoncyBecause the partition is USED05:55
BenWhiteythanks !!!05:55
Foncynickrud, because unfortunately some of the processes restart themselves after killing, like the gnome-panel ofc... =/05:55
HermanDEFoncy: Usually, a remount,ro will work fine....05:55
nsadminlook at fuser to see what process use a partition05:55
FoncyHermanDE, maybe, but it doesn't.05:55
vigognomeFrom Startup: I do not know if this is what you wanted, but is close: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-33615.html05:55
FoncyCan't help it, I'd love to.05:55
HermanDEFoncy: What is the process locking the drive?05:55
nickrudFoncy, then log out of gnome, and work from a console05:56
nsadminwhat is it you're trying to do exactly?05:56
sloopyWastePotato, http://paste.ubuntu.com/100076/05:56
HermanDEFoncy: Are you working from within X?05:56
sloopyWastePotato, try that change...05:56
FoncyHermanDE, many of them.. like gnome-panel (3rd time I mention this now)05:56
nickrudFoncy, you'll have to log in as root, probably, to not have any processes accessing any partitions under /home05:56
HermanDEFoncy: Are you working from a non root account?05:56
FoncyHermanDE, X?05:57
cuddlefishFoncy: kill -9?05:57
HermanDEFoncy: Geeze, Ok, I got here late....05:57
FoncyHermanDE, yes... but sudo su, and then umount doesn't work either.05:57
vigognomeWhere is the pastebin at?>05:57
HermanDEFoncy: gnome has a really nice database locking system....05:57
nickrudFoncy, you're trying to unmount the partition mounted as /home ?05:57
nsadminfoncy what is it you're trying to do exactly?05:57
maraboutnickrud: can you tell me what deleting the "quiet splash" does when installing from CD05:57
php_wizardryI have just installed ubuntu and installed the restricted drivers for a 9500 GT video card, which upon reboot, no more gui, start x don't work. Anyone able to help?05:57
nickrudmarabout, it gets rid of the moving bar during bootup, and shows all the kernel boot messages on the screen05:58
Foncynickrud, exactly, because I want to take some space from it for a new partition.05:58
buckI am in need of a LINUX restricted driver WIZARD05:58
php_wizardrynickrud: you remember what you did for me the other day?05:58
HermanDEFoncy: you need to be at the command line....05:58
cuddlefishfoncy: try killing X, and logging in as root.05:58
HermanDEFoncy: without XWindows running....05:58
LtLphp_wizardry: try 'startx'05:58
HermanDEFoncy: And without GNOME....05:58
php_wizardryalready did05:58
nickrudFoncy, you'll need to boot into recovery mode and work from there, or use a root account if you've enabled it, or use a live cd05:58
dbz_vegitais it possible to install linux on a usb hdd05:58
nickrudphp_wizardry, not positively ;)05:58
sloopyWastePotato, go it?05:58
dbz_vegitain such a way tht when the comp is started it gives an option to boot from the USB HDD05:59
blah569How would I give myself permission to create this directory?  Command:MKD /var/www/lib/inc05:59
blah569Response:550 Create directory operation failed.05:59
php_wizardrylol, i reinstalled ubuntu, went to 32bit because of some probs with the 64bit05:59
Foncynickrud, got a Live-CD here, so I boot from there and then resize the partition?05:59
chirankafigured it out, thanks05:59
php_wizardrynow need to reinstall the driver for my vid. card again05:59
WastePotatosloopy: Yeah. Thanks. :)05:59
nickrudFoncy, that works, especially if you want to use gparted05:59
HermanDEFoncy: Yep, that is the best way...05:59
sloopyWastePotato, let me know how it works05:59
=== dbz_vegita is now known as c_webkit
nsadminFoncy what kind of partition is it05:59
nickrudphp_wizardry, heh. That doesn't narrow it down much05:59
nsadminfile system on the partition06:00
FoncyPerfect... see guys, THAT'S what I call a helpful answer :P06:00
Foncynsadmin, ext306:00
nickrudphp_wizardry, no offense meant, I prefer to stay in mainline06:00
vigognome! pastebin06:00
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)06:00
nsadminFoncy: you're tending to not provide info when beind asked... it takes two to tango06:00
php_wizardrynickrud: i have that 9500GT video card, and when I enabled the 177 restricted driver, it crashed my gui on reboot06:00
php_wizardrynickrud: now stuck at command prompt06:01
nickrudphp_wizardry, ah, that I remember I think06:01
FoncySo far I answered every question, most of them three times because I was asked three times :(06:01
nsadminFoncy: you're trying to increase or decrease /home?06:01
php_wizardrynickrud: do you remember the commands to fix it?06:01
maraboutnickrud: and the acpi=off noacpi nolacpi stuff can you tell me what that means in relation to my situation with via chrome9?06:01
nickrudphp_wizardry, you're the guy with two video cards, right?06:01
nsadminok, how do you normally log in? do you see a graphical screen or a text?06:01
FoncyLike I said before..06:01
php_wizardrynickrud: yea06:01
FoncyGraphical screen06:01
FoncyI type in my loginname and the password06:02
nickrudmarabout, not really. I've never had to use those for my machine so I've never really looked into what they do, exactly06:02
nsadminok, then here's what you do...06:02
FoncyI'm listening :)06:02
nsadminfirst, install a text irc client like irssi or bitchx06:02
nickrudphp_wizardry, add    BusID "2:0:0" to the Device section of /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:02
FoncyAnd taking notes..06:02
maraboutnickrud: how do I query the bot?06:02
nickrudmarabout,    /msg ubottu factoid06:02
blah569How would I give the user account permission to create a directory in "/var/www/?"  I receive a failed to MK DIR in the ftp client.06:03
nickrudmarabout, that will open a new dialog window you can continue to talk to ubottu. There, you don't use the ! at the beginning of the factoid06:03
php_wizardrynickrud: was that all i had to do chief?06:03
nsadminblah569: add it to the www-data group, maybe that do it06:03
HermanDEblah569: Which ftp server are you using?06:03
FoncyWhich would be another load of commands I need to learn in order to use the program :(06:03
nsadminlet me see...06:03
nickrudphp_wizardry, yep. All that messing around, that's all that was needed. X was trying to use the onboard chip06:03
nsadminyou'll have to come back here as root06:03
donavanwhat can I use to do a drive confidence test ?06:03
php_wizardrynickrud: thanks man, thank god one of us remembered :P06:04
Foncynsadmin, so you think nickruds idea won't work?06:04
nickrudphp_wizardry, I've used our long, drawn out troubleshooting as an example of how not asking the right question is FAIL on my part :)06:04
nsadminI don't know :)06:04
HermanDEdonavan: Download a builders drive test disk.....  Maxtor, WD, Seagate...etc...06:04
nsadminprobably it will but I didn't see his idea06:04
blah569HermanDE:  vftpd or something similar to that name.06:04
FoncyI think I'm going to try that first, sounds a  lot easier.06:04
php_wizardryty again06:04
nickrudnsadmin, Foncy heh. Just download the gparted Live CD and use that :)06:05
nsadminI was thinking maybe he didn't want to reboot06:05
joejcis there a ftp program that automaticly syncs folder with server?06:05
FoncyShe does want to reboot a million times if necessary :)06:05
neil_dthe sound on my computer has stoped working, when I boot off the CD it goes OK.  how can I get it to work again ?06:05
nsadminso she doesn't care about that, ok06:05
HermanDEFoncy: There are a couple of CD based distros that are designed for things like resizing partitions.....06:05
FoncyHermanDE, orly?06:06
* nickrud looks at deciphering parted's command line switches, vs reboot. HAAHAHAHA06:06
HermanDEFoncy: Yep....  Kind of like a free partition magic thing....06:06
FoncyExactly nickrud :D06:06
FoncyHermanDE, we are at that point already in this conversation.06:06
nsadminFoncy: do you have any interest in trying lvm?06:06
nite_johnboyLtL; That is real nice - Tried doing another test page from URL and screen justs blinks a half a millisecond and does not do print job - Using HP LaserJet 1020 Foomatic/foo2zjs (recommended) driver.06:06
donavanhermande: yeah I have a bunch of them on various cds but I was hoping for a linux based util that I can run on the OS rather than having to reboot the machine and hookup the drive to an IDE port right now I have it connected to a USB  connector06:07
nsadminit's a way to make this whole process easier in the future06:07
LtLnite_johnboy: from the command line type: ls |lpr06:07
nsadminbut it would be hard to set up if you're already running06:07
HermanDEFoncy: I'm slow......  http://gparted.sourceforge.net/news.php06:07
raylu!sound neil_d06:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sound neil_d06:08
nsadminhow to find if tdom is packaged for ubuntu and what versions are in what version of ubuntu06:08
raylu!sound | neil_d06:08
ubottuneil_d: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP306:08
raylunsadmin: use your package manager06:08
maraboutnickrud: I think that  ubottu dude need to go back to school He didn't understand a thing I was talking about. LOL06:08
WastePotatoBack. No dice.06:08
Prez00i am running latest Ubuntu, but with latest kernel and am getting a crash in what seems to be e1000 module, what channel should I try o try and ifgure this out?06:09
nsadminI'm running debian, I want to find out for ubuntu06:09
raylunsadmin: http://packages.ubuntu.com06:09
nickrudmarabout, it should give you a link to a web site you can search. The bot is useful, if you already know what it's been taught06:09
Foncynsadmin, the most rocky way isn't always the hardest for me. I think saying what way is the easiest depends on the users knowledge, and mine isn't exactly huge... :)06:09
rayluWastePotato: if you want to use the free ati driver, you can just remove your xorg.conf06:10
rayluWastePotato: though i'd recommend renaming it, of course06:10
nite_johnboyLtL; Not getting return of anything - just comes back to comp. name@comp.name-desktop: blink blink < no output >06:10
LtLnite_johnboy: also in menu: click system - prefs - set default printer06:10
HermanDEFoncy: Everybody needs to destroy a fixed number of partitions before lessons turn to wisdom.....06:10
nite_johnboyLtL; 1st thing I tried.06:10
Deadboysdoes anyone know the name of the package that contains the openssl development libraries06:11
HermanDEFoncy: In my case I think I'm up to about 30 or 35...  The wisdom has yet to arrive.....06:11
Deadboysim trying to install it via aptget and i cant remember the name of it06:11
FoncyHermanDE, that would be awful! I installed and reinstalled Ubuntu a lot of times already, but never lost any data.06:11
nite_johnboyLtL; System-Preferences - that is....06:11
HermanDEFoncy: I'm talking about resizing live partitions.....06:11
Deadboysits not openssl-dev does anyone know what it is?06:11
rayluDeadboys: libssl-dev, i think06:11
Deadboysalright thanks06:12
Deadboysthats it raylu06:12
Deadboysi remembered it was somthing -dev06:12
bobbie4Okay strange problem with Ubuntu that I can't figure out. When I hook up my external USB creative sound card it will only play audio for events where I hover the cursor over a ogg or mp3 file. Other than that sound only comes from the laptop speakers. I've been through every setting in Preferences -> Sound to no available. Also the sound is only in Mono and in volume control when I select the USB sound device I only have one PCM slide06:12
bobbie4r. Any thoughts?06:12
Deadboysthanks again06:12
LtLnite_johnboy: try system - admin - new printer or have you already?06:12
presdecwould appreciate some help, how can i change the gnome panel font? all the forum topics etc i google'd looked out of date <-2007..06:12
HermanDEFoncy: With the right backup, it's easy to recover....06:12
raylu!it | trolls06:12
ubottutrolls: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)06:12
nsadminxfs is going to get shrink support, right now it doesn't have it, but when it does you can shrink or grow live with the partition mounted06:12
Foncynickrud, Live_CD is burning atm... so I just boot from that CD and use gparted as usual?06:13
nickrudFoncy, yep.06:13
raylubobbie4: to set a default sound device, i think you have to edit the indicies in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base06:13
darren_is there an australian room for ubuntu?06:13
FoncyGee, that's so sweet.06:13
FoncyThanks in advance nickrud, for hope :D06:14
HermanDEdarren_: Isn't this a South African room?06:14
nickrud!au | darren_06:14
ubottudarren_: The Australian Local Community Team has channels here on Freenode. They are #ubuntu-au for technical discussion, and #ubuntu-au-chat for social chatter.06:14
rayludarren_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AustralianTeam06:14
FoncyAlright, I'm going to test it right away... see you in a couple of minutes if you're interested in the result guys. ;)06:14
php_wizardrynickrud: :(06:15
HermanDEFoncy: Have fun...06:15
nickrudphp_wizardry, what?06:15
FoncyI hopefully will.06:15
HermanDEFoncy: And remember...  Data is imaginary.....06:15
php_wizardrynickrud: that wasn't it06:15
maraboutnickrud: if I wanted to specify boot parameters I would stick in the line after "quiet splash"?06:15
php_wizardrynickrud:still not working06:15
raylumarabout: you shouldn't edit those. edit defoptions instead06:15
nickrudphp_wizardry, I know :) But you left before I remembered.   sudo apt-get install nvidial-glx-177 , and add    Driver "nvidia"  to the Device Section06:16
nsadminmarabout: if you're running grub, the kernel command line would be in /boot/grub/menu.lst (default place)06:16
nite_johnboyLtL; Yes tried that as well - not sure what's going on here - What about the nothing returned from shell command ?06:16
nickrudmarabout, yes. The proper method is to add it to the line that starts with   # defoptions  , then sudo apt-get update-grub. That will make sure those are added to the kernel line properly with each kernel upgrade06:17
raylunickrud: no apt-get06:17
bobbie4i'll try raylu06:17
nsadminit would add them to each kernel06:17
php_wizardrynickrud: sorry, i was in vista and am right now, so i will have to leave and go back to ubuntu, will have this written down this time, ty again06:17
nickrudraylu, heh. This is why I don't normally help more than one at a time :)  marabout   just   sudo update-grub06:17
LtLnite_johnboy: the shell cmd was to test the line printer daemon, google for the correct driver or check hardware compat lists. i dunno06:17
vigognomeI plunkered some KDE stuff into this install, should I remove it, and if so,,how?06:17
nickrudphp_wizardry, no problem06:17
maraboutnickrud: so if I want to input this "boot: live vga=771 noapic nolapic where do I need to input that? bypass the install screen somehow? can you explain plz06:18
php_wizardrynickrud: btw, how can you connect to wifi through command prompt?06:18
raylunickrud: installing nvidia-glx should install nvidia-glx-177 and later versions06:18
maraboutnickrud: F6 other options?06:18
raylunickrud: and you shouldn't have to add the driver yourself to xorg.conf06:18
nickrudraylu, thanks.06:18
nickrudraylu, the install of the driver does that, alone?06:18
mikebotDoes ubuntu come with helvetica fonts?06:19
nsadminmarabout oh, that's the live cd?06:19
raylunickrud: i don't remember. but if it doesn't, nvidia-xconfig does it for you06:19
maraboutnsadmin: yes 7.106:19
nickrudraylu, the issue was he couldn't even get to a gui without the nvidia driver, the nv doesn't support his card06:19
nsadminmarabout, I'm not sure how you would save those options to a live cd06:20
presdecany ideas on the gnome panel font? gnome channels real quiet :P also my in built 4-1card reader doesn't appear at all, any ideas?06:20
nickrudmarabout, save for a live cd? You can't06:20
nsadminbut if you have linux installed, then you could alter the boot loader config file06:20
bobbie4raylu: what you suggested looks promising, but I'll have to learn 'Linux' first. I can't understand a single thing in that file.06:20
HermanDEnsadmin: usage of a USB device...06:20
nickrudmarabout, but for just editing the kernel line, yes at the end of quiet splash06:20
LtLmikebot: try installing msttcorefonts package06:20
raylu!sound | bobbie406:21
ubottubobbie4: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP306:21
FoncyDidn't work yet.06:21
mikebotLtL: Thanks. Will they be useable in gimp?06:21
nsadminHermanDE: so it's a live usb stick?06:21
FoncyDidn't want to boot from the Live-CD :(06:21
raylubobbie4: there should be a driver with the word "usb" in it. set it to 0 or 106:21
HermanDEFoncy: What happened....06:21
maraboutnsadmin: 8.10 is there beneath but it wont load correctly (graphics probs -via chrome9 hc igp06:21
bobbie4thank you raylu I'll look there06:21
raylubobbie4: or pastebin that file for me (i don't have it handy)06:21
mikebotLtL: I already have the newest version..06:21
HermanDEnsadmin: Some live distros allow saving settings to a usb device....06:21
DasEinickrud:generic vesa mostly gives a basic (gui-able) solution for configuration06:22
LtLmikebot: i kinda doubt it, search in synaptic for gimp packages06:22
maraboutnickrud: so no reason to remove "quiet splash" just type after it?06:22
nickrudmarabout, yes06:22
FoncyHermanDE, I tried to boot from the gparted-Live CD, went to the boot menu, chose the drive, hit Return, but all that happend was Ubuntu starting....06:22
HermanDEFoncy: Now you have me interested...  I've used that disk a few times.......06:22
HermanDEI'll boot it here....06:22
FoncyIm trying again, brb06:23
Daejeonirik: the system is locking the root access on console, and flashing blue screen06:23
rayluFoncy, HermanDE: why are you using a gparted live cd? what's wrong with gparted on ubuntu?06:23
nite_johnboyLtL; When I checked URL page again I clicked on "Show all jobs " and it shows printer name HP Laserjet - 1020 - 4,5,6,7,8,9 - consecutively after each test print - When I click on " Show active jobs " - It shows none. So they do not seem to stuck in a que - but just not going through with job.  - Will close everything down and try a restart - not sure what else to do at this point....06:23
nickrudDasEi, does vesa support the 9500gt? not sure myself. Anyway, we came at his solution the first time (since he couldn't get a gui at all) by adding the driver stuff manually, then finally discovering he had two video cards and we needed to add the BusID.06:23
syn-finhow do i hardcode dns servers into ubuntu 8.04 from CLI? I want to get IP and netmask from DHCP but DNS record to stay the same all the time?06:23
mikebotLtL: Thanks. G'night!06:23
LtLnite_johnboy: ive had that problem and it kinda fixed itself06:23
Daejeonirik: passwd --lock root &> /dev/null06:24
raylusyn-fin: /etc/network/interfaces, though you're better off using NetworkManager06:24
nsadminsyn-fin: maybe you can configure your dhcp client06:24
DasEinickrud:should work as a (emergency) solution06:24
nite_johnboyLtL; Thank you for your help. Appreciate it.06:24
presdeccan u read this?06:24
nsadminto not supply dns servers06:24
raylupresdec: no06:24
DasEinickrud:ibex ?06:24
LtLnite_johnboy: welcome06:24
nsadminpresdec: I can't read at all06:24
presdeclol, ok guess that's ok then :)06:24
nickrudDasEi, yes. X tried to use the onboard chip06:24
nite_johnboyLtL; Will work on it awhile - maybe restart will be the Cure All - ???06:24
HermanDEraylu: I like specalized tools.  I have too much experience using general toolkits and toasting drives......06:25
nickrudDasEi, I've used our long, drawn out troubleshooting as an example of how not asking the right question is FAIL on my part :)06:25
DasEinickrud:hm, monitor onboard, then via gui, harwaredrivers ??06:25
syn-finraylu, im using network manager byt every 30 minutes or so DNS goes back to old one06:25
rayluHermanDE: you realize that gparted on any cd is going to be the same, right?06:25
nickrudDasEi, didn't follow that06:25
raylusyn-fin: yeah. network manager is kinda hit or miss06:25
raylusyn-fin: it's just that when it misses, you wonder how it managed to screw up so bad06:26
HermanDEraylu: Sure, but the kernel and associated libraries will be different....06:26
HermanDEraylu: You do realize that gparted is dependent on the libraries located in the distribution?06:26
rayluHermanDE: it really will make no difference at all. the one on the gparted cd isn't "better"06:26
DasEinickrud:if hal first initializes the onboard (most bioses let it set you), you could use that to get to the dek-gui, then use system> hardwaredrivers to configure the slot-one06:26
syn-finraylu, do you know what to type in /etc/network/interfaces for eth0 to use as dns?06:27
HermanDEraylu: Ok, You have your way, I have mine....06:27
presdechow can i find which device my 4in1 is?06:27
ougs <HermanDE> ougs: Serial cable.....      Only USB available06:27
raylusyn-fin: "man interfaces" may help you06:27
presdeci'm guessing it'd be a usb hub? or not?06:27
DasEipresdec: sudo fdisk -l ??06:27
presdecno good, it's not there :S06:28
HermanDEougs: Sounds like a fun challenge....06:28
cvd-prits there amd 45nm processors?06:28
HermanDEougs: It sounds like you need a small distro that would automagically setup the ethernet as well as ssh.....06:28
=== Mud|dev is now known as Mud
nickrudDasEi, ah, I think I follow you there. A lot of the gui stuff is black magic to me. The whole reason I use linux is having text file configs I can edit. I'm of two minds about the abstraction that's going on now.06:28
syn-finraylu, hm man interfaces | grep dns , does not return anything :(06:29
nickrudDasEi, but if X is trying to use a card that's not hooked up to a monitor, well, there's only one way to get around it that I know of06:29
Don_MiguelHello all, I have a problem with Update Manager not being able to install updates,   see  http://paste.ubuntu.com/100088/06:30
nickrudDasEi, udev gives me hives, and now hal is on top of that06:30
DasEinickrud:especially on ibex (xorg 7.4) same with me, but you can still editt xorg.conf manually; had to do the same (onboard/slot, ibex)06:30
blah569How do I give the account permission to create a new directory in?  /var/www/ ?  It has permission to create files but not directories.06:30
jigpehello how to hide the users from the desktop?the users will just type there username and pass in order to login.06:31
raylusyn-fin: grep -i? also, instead of grepping man pages, consider using / to search06:31
nickrudDasEi, but we're getting offtopic for support; meta discussions about support should have it's own channel l;)06:31
maraboutnickrud: 7.1 choked worse than 8.10 - is there way to find out what settings the installer intrepid used and plug them in somewhere so that they can be used upon reboot?06:31
DasEinickrud:hal is a nice idea to get faster (kernel-implementation, no modules), but as I said, you can often configure default graphic-card in bios > hal takes that up06:32
nickrudDasEi, yeah, he couldn't06:32
rayluDon_Miguel: on the off chance it's been fixed, sudo aptitude clean06:32
rayluDon_Miguel: or just remove the file yourself06:32
nickrudmarabout, I don't know, but others that come through here may06:32
nsadminwhat's a 4in106:33
maraboutnickrud: ok06:33
maraboutnsadmin: any ideas on the via chrome9 hc igp graphics issue on hardy and/or intrepid?06:33
nsadminoh, if you think it's a usb thing, try lsusb06:33
DasEinickrud:back to support, a chance is to have displayconfig-gtk from hardy write a xorg.conf and copy that to hardy06:33
nickrudDasEi, for marabout ?06:33
nsadminmarabout: maybe there are drivers in later kernels06:33
itai-michaelsonhi - need php advice, installed lamp and now trying a test.php, firefox shows this: ?php echo “Hello World”; ? , is that what is supposed to happen?06:33
DasEinickrud:haven't followed whos 9500 gt it was06:34
remuHey guys, I'm having trouble with my fileserver/torrentbox. I moved stuff around my room, including the server, and now it is not connecting to my router...I do not know where to start troubleshooting. If someone could help me that would be just AWESOME! By the way, I am running Ubuntu 8.04.1 on it.06:34
nsadminis that what your page has?06:34
nickrudDasEi, ah, marabout has a chrome 9, php_wizard had the 9500gt06:34
rayluitai-michaelson: sounds like you didn't install php. what package did you install?06:34
maraboutnsadmin: my page?06:34
nsadminremu: wired ethernet?06:35
itai-michaelsonraylu, lamp06:35
Don_Miguelraylu, I have tried to remove the file but my not have done so correctly.  Is there more to that    "sudo aptitude clean"   ??06:35
presdecblah569 sudo chmod -rwx06:35
DasEinickrud:yo, stopping here for ot :)06:35
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
DwightShrootQuestion: how can i reduce the lag when i fullscreen videos06:35
rayluitai-michaelson: er... what?06:35
remunsadmin, yes, wired ethernet, i have tried different ethernet cables as well. Neither works.06:35
rayluDon_Miguel: no06:35
rayluDwightShroot: video card, video player?06:35
itai-michaelsonraylu, sorry sudo tasksel install lamp-server06:35
nsadminok, probably it's not the cables06:36
Don_Miguelraylu, OK I'll try that  now ...06:36
nsadmindo you have a nat setup? and do you have a machine acting as gateway? a ubuntu box?06:36
DwightShrootim streaming the videos, can i witch them to my vlc06:36
nsadminand btw, I'm mostly not here... so you may have to repeat later06:36
maraboutDasEi: intrepid is installed It displayed perfectly during install but afterwards no display. i take that to mean that it can display/use the via chrome9 hc igp card but needs to be told how and when.06:36
rayluitai-michaelson: there is some configuring you have to do to get apache to use php to process .php files, but installing php should do that for you. try "sudo aptitude reinstall php5"06:36
remunsadmin, I have a Linksys router that all of the other computers in the house are connected too.06:36
itai-michaelsonraylu, ok thanks06:37
qcjnhi, i'm searching for an application like hotkeyp , it make all kind of keyboard shortcuts06:37
bobbie4raylu:  I just checked. My soundcard isn't properly supported, no SPDIF output and other problems ;-(. But my new Turtle Beach USB audio adapter which should be here by Wednesday is fully supported :-)06:37
nsadminremu: ping it by its numeric IP address06:37
william56anyone know why the minimal installer would have a kernel panic when detecting hardware?06:37
remunsadmin, It was working fine earlier, then through ssh I did "sudo shutdown -h now", turned it off for a while, then moved it, turned it back on, and now this problem.06:37
DwightShrootalso it's kind of a recent thing to start happening06:37
remunsadmin, I will try that, give me one second.06:37
DasEimarabout: only card in system ?06:37
raylunsadmin, remu: don't you want to see ifconfig first?06:38
maraboutDasEi: yes06:38
SnowAngelIs there anypeple using "Green os"?06:38
nsadmineventually :)06:38
DasEimarabout: can't you go to desktop at all ?06:38
nsadminI'm noet rady fore hard stupf06:38
itai-michaelsonraylu, reinstalling php didn't work06:39
maraboutDesEi: not after the install no06:39
rww!ot | SnowAngel06:39
ubottuSnowAngel: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!06:39
nsadminso does it return ping replies?06:39
DasEimarabout: you could try to boot in safe mode and try to fix x-server06:39
rayluitai-michaelson: could you show me /etc/apache2/mods-installed/php.conf?06:40
GRULLIZZLEis there any way to pass from ubuntu to ubuntustudio configuring the packages manually, or via internet with some sort of upgrade?06:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about miminal06:40
remunsadmin, going to do that shortly, it was turned off, so i just turned it back on06:40
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD06:40
itai-michaelsonraylu, No such file or directory06:40
remunsadmin, pinging tells me that the host is unreachable.06:40
rwwGRULLIZZLE: ask in #ubuntustudio, not here. #ubuntu only provides support for the official Ubuntu distributions.06:40
maraboutDasEi: if you could lend a hand If/when I need it it would be much obliged06:40
rayluitai-michaelson: hm, try looking for a similar file. i'm doing this from memory :P06:40
jinja-sheep"allowing you to select only those you want" -- was that meant as the packages?06:41
itai-michaelsonraylu, ok, thanks06:41
remunsadmin, i have dd-wrt running on my router, and that doesnt seem to show the server connected to it either, under dhcp clients (it is a static dhcp lease using mac address) or under active clients06:41
Flannelrww: studio is an official flavor06:41
GRULLIZZLErww isnt ubuntustudio an official ubuntu distro?06:41
nickruditai-michaelson, did you install libapache2-mod-php5 ?06:41
rwwFlannel, GRULLIZZLE: It is? Geh, I suck, ignore me06:41
asimis there anyone who have used ffmpeg plugin?06:41
GRULLIZZLEand i asked there ofc, but that was 3 hours ago, zero answer06:41
maraboutDasei: I am at 8.10, kernel 2.6.27-7-generic (recovery mode) now if that is the same as "safe mode"?06:42
FlannelGRULLIZZLE: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/Installation06:42
* rww wanders off to read up on U.S. better06:42
DasEimarabout: at bootup (grub loading) press escape, choose recovery mode from grub-menu, boot up, either chosse try to fix x-server then or use a root prompt: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:42
raylunickrud: 12:36:53       raylu> itai-michaelson: there is some configuring you have to do to get apache to use php to process .php files, but installing php should do that for you. try "sudo aptitude reinstall php5"06:42
asimneed help regarding ffmpeg06:42
DasEimarabout: yes, same ^06:42
remunsadmin, Did you get my last message?06:42
itai-michaelsonraylu, how about /etc/apache2/mods-available/php.conf?06:43
nsadminjust sat back down06:43
remuOh okay06:43
itai-michaelsonnickrud, yes06:43
rayluasim: need a more specific question06:43
DasEimarabout: are you in the root-shell now ?06:43
maraboutDasEi: not sure that I get grub loading as I get square window with Ubuntu 8.10, kernel.. options06:43
itai-michaelsonnickrud, i installed LAMP i figured it will have all of that06:43
nickruditai-michaelson, sudo a2enmod php5   (trying to beat raylu ;)06:43
nsadminlet's define some terms06:43
william56anyone know where i can get a crc or something for the minimal image?06:43
Deadboysis there a fast way to remove a directory with alot of files in it06:43
nsadminfirst, what is the name of the machine where you put the ping command into06:43
nickruditai-michaelson, it should then be in mods-enabled06:44
GRULLIZZLEFlannel thank you06:44
Deadboysim trying to do rmdir bnc2.4.8 but it says its not empty so i cant06:44
rayluDeadboys: rm -r06:44
itai-michaelsonnickrud, This module is already enabled!06:44
jinja-sheepDeadboys:  rm -rf06:44
maraboutDasEi; no but once I hit enter i will be at Recovery Menu06:44
armaguedon-hacki need one person speak spanish06:44
LtLDeadboys: try rm -rf06:44
rww!es | armaguedon-hack06:44
ubottuarmaguedon-hack: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.06:44
asimrayllu, actually I installed ffmpeg pluggin thru ssh, and I am able to use command thru ssh to convert, but when I try to use it using php it doesn't works06:44
remunsadmin, umer-laptop is where i put the ping command into, that is the laptop i am currently using.06:44
DasEimarabout: you are running two differnt machines, one irc here, the other next to you...06:44
nickruditai-michaelson, ok, and you're getting browser trying to download file?06:44
maraboutDasEi: yes exactly06:44
HectorHey, can anyone assist me with some sound issues?06:44
nsadminremu: ok, what's its internal ip address06:44
jinja-sheepDeadboys:  Also.  If you want to know more information about the command -- For instance.  ls.   You can do either .... "ls --help" or "man ls"06:45
cvd-prcommand to view all my posts in xchat?06:45
rwwFlannel: is there a list of official Ubuntu derivatives somewhere? I can't seem to find one on the site...06:45
rayluasim: you're using ... ffmpeg through php to convert video?06:45
itai-michaelsonnickrud, no i just get a white screen with ?php echo “Hello World”; ?06:45
nsadminor is it an external address?06:45
HermanDEDeadboys: Ensure you append the directory to the end of the command....06:45
GRULLIZZLErww you guys should edit "armaguedon", in spanish is armageddon also, without the "u"06:45
LtLcvd-pr: try /lastlog cvd-pr06:45
remunsadmin, the internal ip for umer-laptop is
DasEimarabout: recovery menu has an option : try to fix xserver > try that06:45
raylue/las nickrud06:45
HermanDEWouldn't want to remove the whole mount point...  :)06:45
rayluer, ignore that06:45
itai-michaelsonraylu, nickrud http://paste.ubuntu.com/100096/06:45
nsadminok, try ping from
cvd-prLtL, wow thanks06:46
rwwGRULLIZZLE: the "armaguedon" part was someone's nickname, not part of the factoid ;)06:46
rayluitai-michaelson: is there a php.conf in mods-enabled?06:46
presdec[31391.045186] Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 1 what does this mean?? plz?06:46
remunsadmin, it worked, 0% packetloss06:46
itai-michaelsonraylu, yes, thats what i put in the pastebin06:46
GRULLIZZLErww oh part of the ubuntu chan history... i see :)06:46
nsadminok, so on that machine your net is up06:46
DasEipresdec: got a hd-error, run e2fsck (careful!) , see man e2fsck06:46
nickruditai-michaelson, look in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled; is php.conf and php.load both there?06:47
nsadminwhat's another machine connected to the gateway?06:47
rayluitai-michaelson: sudo a2ctl restart06:47
xixnixnickrud can i pm you06:47
LtLDon_Miguel: still here?06:47
maraboutDesEi: ok that's done06:47
HermanDEpresdec: How many errors?06:47
rayluitai-michaelson: sorry, sudo apache2ctl restart06:47
remuummm....right now, no other one, everyone else is asleep, well, my linksys pap2 sip device is connected06:47
nickrudxixnix sure06:47
DasEimarabout: resume normal boot06:47
remunsa, i can go connect the desktop downstairs if that may help06:47
HectorGentlemen, can I get any assistance with getting my sound to work? Highlight or PM me if you can get me somewhere.06:47
raylu!who | nsadmin06:47
ubottunsadmin: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)06:47
raylu!sound | Hector06:47
ubottuHector: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP306:47
presdeci saw is as the result of dmesg | tail, while trying to resolve why my 4in1 card reader wasn't working06:48
remunsadmin, ummm....right now, no other one, everyone else is asleep, well, my linksys pap2 sip device is connected,  i can go connect the desktop downstairs if that may help06:48
presdecthe system is a new install it can't be hd? right?06:48
DasEimarabout: login possible now ?06:49
HermanDEpresdec: just a buffer miss.  Usually happens when systems are initializing.  Not good when you get about a 1000 within 5 minutes....06:49
nsadminremu: yeah, fire it up, try pinging the gateway (which has what internal ip address?) and then ping the laptop with it06:49
rwwpresdec: /dev/sr0 is CD-ROM, not hard-drive. Hard drives are /dev/sdXN06:49
nsadminremu: each machine has a preassigned internal IP address?06:50
presdecty rww and HermanDe06:50
maraboutDesEi: Same white/grey garbled text flashing across screen If I let it continue eventually a window will pop up saying ubunut is running in Low-graphics mode. Clicking anything associated with this window just repeats the process06:50
maraboutDesEi: not possible06:50
presdecany idea why 4in1 doesn't even show in dmesg then??06:50
HectorRaylu: I'm seeing if anyone can actually guide me through the process. I'm using ALSA for it already.06:50
HermanDEpresdec: try lsusb06:51
DasEimarabout: again what was the exact name of the card ?06:51
rayluHector: have you tried the other steps in there?06:51
HectorI have.06:51
remunsadmin, yes each does, the ip for the desktop is
bobbie4Well, that's a first.  Just opened up a window in Firefox 3 and crashed my session. The machine stayed on and only restarted my GUI session. weird.06:51
nickrudmarabout, lspci | grep -i vga has the info you need06:51
maraboutDesEi: via chrome9 hc IGP (stepnote nc1502)06:51
raylunsadmin, remu: you haven't seen ifconfig yet :D06:51
fuzeboxsoftwarenickrud: got it ;006:52
nsadminremu so is the desktop up now? what happened when you tried to ping?06:52
remunsadmin, "ping" from this laptop ( worked fine06:52
nickrudfuzeboxsoftware, I remember you, but not the issue ;)06:52
maraboutnickrud: decode that plz for me06:52
nsadminremu: oh really :)06:52
fuzeboxsoftwareoh, im php_wizardry06:52
Don_MiguelLtL, raylu, am still here .. about finished downloading 33+MB of updates, and am about to attempt to install them.06:52
fuzeboxsoftwarenickrud: the 2 graphic cards guy :P06:52
nsadminso the laptop sees the desktop06:52
presdecok found the device, how can i determine mount points now?06:52
remunsadmin, i can go back downstairs and ping from there, but im pretty sure it works as well from there06:52
nickrudmarabout, it's a command you can type in a terminal which would give you the info you just gave to DesEI :)06:52
nickrudfuzeboxsoftware, great!06:53
remunsadmin, yes the laptop sees the desktop06:53
syn-finI have ubuntu 8.04 and when I check for updates it says your system is up to date, shouldn't it upadte my system to 8.10?06:53
nsadminremu: but the laptop pings the desktop...06:53
HermanDEpresdec: Do you have a storage device in the bay?06:53
fuzeboxsoftwarenickrud: wouldn't know a gui program to get wep for wifi working, do you?06:53
asimraylu: I am trying to use ffmpeg through php06:53
remunsadmin, yes, the laptop can ping the desktop06:53
rayluasim: why?06:53
presdecyeah.. nothing happens though06:53
rwwsyn-fin: 8.04 is an LTS release, so it won't prompt you to update to non-LTS releases. See !lts and !upgrade.06:53
rww!lts > syn-fin06:53
ubottusyn-fin, please see my private message06:53
presdeceven rebooted with device in06:53
rww!upgrade > syn-fin06:53
itai-michaelsonraylu, nickrud i think my helloworld syntax is wrong , i restarted apache2 and can get phpinfo but the helloworld doesn't work, i got the syntax from here : http://joeabiraad.com/linuxunix/installing-lamp-on-ubuntu-710-linuxapachemysqlphp/10006:54
asimI have to  make a site similar to youtube06:54
victor123hi all06:54
maraboutnickrud: thanks - clt-alt-F7 should take me out of this screen horror right?06:54
nickrudsyn-fin, it will if you go to system->admin->software sources and on the updates tab, change the last dropdown to normal releases06:54
nsadminremu so here are my intermediate results... your internal net is fine, you can't reach outside for some reason... btw, what machine are you irc-ing from06:54
HermanDEpresdec: pull out the card, tail the syslog, push the card back in and see what is reported....06:54
nickrudmarabout, clt-alt-f2 to get out, ctl-alt-f7 to get back06:54
asimfor that reason I successfully installed "ffmpeg" throgh SSH, and phpinfo is clearly showing it06:54
rayluitai-michaelson: i see no php06:55
Don_MiguelLtL,raylu,  updates failed to install: E: /var/cache/apt/archives/perl-modules_5.8.8-12ubuntu0.3_all.deb: files list file for package `xulrunner-1.9-gnome-support' is missing final newline      which is the same report I have been getting for ten days plus ...06:55
rayluitai-michaelson: oh, i'm blind. the ? isn't in the righth place06:55
remunsadmin, i am irc-ing from the laptop, my internal network is fine, and all of the computers that can connect to the internal network can also connect to the internet...the server just doesnt seem to be connecting to the router/internal network06:55
rayluitai-michaelson: *right. <?php echo .Hello World.; ?>06:55
nickruditai-michaelson, <?php print 'hello world?' ?> ?06:55
asimthis issue is related to linux also06:55
rayluitai-michaelson: oh yeah. the "." should be ' or "06:55
fuzeboxsoftwareanyone know how to connect to a WEP wifi connection without using the command prompt?06:55
asimand  I am newbie on linux thats why getting problem06:56
raylu!who | asim06:56
ubottuasim: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)06:56
nsadminremu: hmm, so your laptop is actually getting out06:56
remunsadmin, as is the desktop06:56
rayluasim: youtube uses flv06:56
nsadminok, so I've lost what the problem is :)06:56
nickrudfuzeboxsoftware, missed your last. I use network manager, it's been automatic for me. Did have to go to system->admin->hardware drivers and enable my wifi, though06:56
itai-michaelsonraylu, nickrud HELLO WORLD! thank you06:56
rayluasim: ohhh. there's an ffmpeg php extension06:56
remunsadmin, the problem is that my server will not connect to the router, i can not access my server from anymachine06:57
asimraylu: youtuble actually converts video file format into flv, this is what actually ffpmeg does06:57
fuzeboxsoftwarenickrud: I can connect to wifi but not when WEP is enabled06:57
asimraylu: yes there is ffmpeg-php extension06:57
nsadminyour server... which is not the laptop06:57
remuthe server is in my local internal network06:57
nsadminok brb06:57
remunsadmin, correct, the server is not my laptop, it is a seperate computer sitting here next to me06:57
nickrudfuzeboxsoftware, I used wpa2 , and it worked. Never tried wep06:57
rayluasim: so yeah, i still need a more specific question. all you've told me is that it doens't work06:57
maraboutnickrud: strange those commands do nothing but produce more grey matter on the screen06:58
fuzeboxsoftwarenickrud: my router don't have wpa06:58
nickrudfuzeboxsoftware, but I know verrrrrrrrry little about wireless06:58
maraboutDesEi: any suggestions?06:58
Deadboyswhat is the name of the ncurses library package?06:58
fuzeboxsoftwarenickrud: kk06:58
rayluremu: ifconfig!06:58
n8tuserremu when you say your other hosts cannot access, cannot login? but can ping it?06:58
nickrudmarabout, like I said, I know little to nothing about the chrome drivers06:58
DasEimarabout: I just looked in hardy and found no default for this (seldom) card but google found me a driver from 2007, that should work; compiling from source though06:58
remun8tuser, can not ping it, can not access the shares on it, nothing06:58
asimraylu: hmm let me tell you again, actually when I used command on SSH for convertion the file its works fine, but when I try to use it trhoug php it doesn't06:59
rayluDeadboys: you couldn't search for "ncurses?"06:59
remuraylu, ifconfig...and then what? i dont know what im looking at, lol06:59
nickrudDeadboys, libncurses5 (libncurses5-dev if you're compiling)06:59
raylu!work | asim06:59
ubottuasim: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.06:59
rayluremu: pastebin it to us06:59
n8tuserremu-> how do you know its ip address is really you configured it for static?06:59
remuraylu, I cant.....im doing it on the server, and the server cant connect to the router or the internet ;-)06:59
nsadminremu: what happens if you connect the laptop using the server's ethernet cable?06:59
asimubott: how do I specify more???07:00
remun8tuser, i configured it for its mac address07:00
presdecnothing shows up in the tail -f /var/log/syslog when i remove or put in the card...07:00
rayluasim: ubottu is a bot. and specify more as in tell me how it doesn't work07:00
rayluremu: oh, ew. what devices are listed?07:00
asimraylu: here is a command which I am tryint to use "/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg -i /var/www/vhosts/gametightkicks.com/httpdocs/ffmpeg_test/03.avi -ar 22050 -ab 32 -f flv -s 320x240 /var/www/vhosts/gametightkicks.com/httpdocs/ffmpeg_test/drop.flv"07:00
remunsadmin, yes, the cable i am using for the server right now was being used with the laptop up untill an hour ago07:00
n8tuserremu which os is are you using for that server?07:00
remuraylu, eht0 and lo07:01
syn-finhow to find out what video card is installed from CLI?07:01
nsadminremu: and no problems?07:01
remun8tuser, ubuntu 8.04.107:01
nickrudsyn-fin, lspci | grep -i vga07:01
ethana2I upgraded an 8.04.1 machine's kernel to 2.6.24-22 and it broke sound07:01
a34lkj2348dsf311How does a windows machine connect to a Unix print or file server?07:01
jinja-sheepAnyone toying with Minimal Disc before?  I'm trying to find more information about it.  If you have, please let me know.  I'm trying to find out what's in it.07:01
remunsadmin, no, the cable is fine07:01
lyraein internet linguo, what is .com, .net, .org.. etc called?07:01
maraboutDasEi: hmm guess I'll need to try to download hardy then as Intrepid is what is on the hd. That compiling seems a bit above my level your thoughts on the process BTW can u point me to server close to Southeast US where I can dwnload Hardy -preferably via FTP07:01
lyraedomain name extension?07:01
ethana2updates aren't supposed to break things on stable releases07:01
asimraylu: this command should convert avi file into flv format, but it gives 127 error07:01
=== a34lkj2348dsf311 is now known as integra
DasEimarabout: you might look up viaarena for a newer driver, than will have to compile it, see :07:01
rayluremu: does eth0 have an ip?07:01
nsadminok, good... we've ruled out all the network devices07:01
n8tuserremu  post the contents of the server's  ifconfig;  cat /etc/resolv.conf;  route -n07:01
rayluasim: in php or ssh?07:01
integraHow does a windows machine connect to a Unix print or file server?07:01
ethana2how do I make sound work with the -22 kernel?07:01
asimraylu: in php07:01
DasEi!compile > marabout07:02
ubottumarabout, please see my private message07:02
tonnohelp, I want to shutdown mi PC, I do click on the Quit Icon on the GNOME Panel... but I can't see the shutdown or restart icon, can someone help me pleases? :S07:02
rayluasim: that's um.. not how you use the ffmpeg php extension :P07:02
syn-finnickrud, 02:0b.0 VGA compatible controller: Trident Microsystems TGUI 9660/938x/968x (rev d3), but it only gets me 640x480 :( how to solve it?07:02
remuraylu, nsadmin, n8tuser, all of that will take some typing....i can be back in 15 after having all that typed up07:02
rayluremu: usb drive?07:02
remuraylu, it doesnt seem to have an ip07:02
NET||abuseHi guys. I have a laptop and desktop running 8.10, the desktoDOn the lappy, the07:02
nsadminwait wait :)07:02
rayluremu: dhclient eth007:02
n8tuserremu do it, if you wanted assistance07:02
salertonno, do u install any program or working with07:02
rubeyrhey all got problems with my wireless connection constantly resetting and asking for a key every twenty minutes07:02
asimraylu: if i use the same command on ssh it works, but doesn't works with php07:03
remuraylu, i have one, but how can i get that info copied over to it07:03
remun8tuser, will do07:03
integraHow does a windows machine connect to a Unix print or file server?07:03
rayluremu: ifconfig > ifconfig.txt07:03
rayluremu: but you should try "sudo dhclient eth0" first07:03
rwwI'm running Virtualbox-OSE with a 64-bit host. Clients can be either 32-bit or 64-bit, right?07:03
nsadminI'd also like to see /etc/network/interfaces07:03
DasEimarabout: If you're very new to ubuntu, might work better, just go to ubuntu.com and choose your free download07:04
tonnosaler, no I just was editing my wbar (like a Simdock)  and was in the firefox :(07:04
nickrudsyn-fin, put a copy of /var/log/Xorg.0.log on http://paste.ubuntu.com please07:04
rubeyrany suggs?07:04
rayluasim: the ffmpeg php extension only provides info about movies (and a few other things which are worthless to you). can i see your php script?07:04
salertonno,try logout or switch user07:04
DasEimarabout: anyway, the link I found in 2 min google : http://www.viaarena.com/default.aspx?PageID=420&OSID=25&CatID=2580&SubCatID=16407:04
NET||abuseI have my lappy with space a bit tight on my /home partition, i need to copy a VM image of 19GB to it, but where on the system could i put it on the root / partition that would be sensible?07:04
remuraylu, i just did sudo dhclient eth0, and it says listening, then sending, then dhcpdiscover on eth0 to port 67 interval (changing number)07:04
maraboutDasEi: just awfully slow there hoping to catch a faster closer server for the download07:04
kavoorhi..  I'm getting a weird kind of error while installing packages. Please have a look http://paste.ubuntu.com/100109/07:05
Foncynickrud, thanks a lot, worked perfectly :)07:05
nsadminFoncy: oh, you again :)07:05
nickrudNET||abuse, I'd create a new dir, say   /vm07:05
rayluremu: but it never gets an ip? can you hook it's ethernet cable up to another machine?07:05
nickrudFoncy, great :)07:05
rayluremu: *its07:05
rubeyrshould i use transmission or is there a better client out there07:05
asimraylu: ffmpeg is also a plugin, I am not using php's extension of ffmpeg, I am just trying  to invoke ffmpeg command through script, get me???07:05
tonnosaler, I did a "sudo reboot" but what I log in again I did not see the restart icon, but I gonna do the log out let see07:05
NET||abusenickrud: suppose..07:05
remuraylu, i have hooked it up to this laptop, and it worked fine07:05
DasEimarabout: what is awfull slow ?07:05
tonnosaler, brb07:05
nsadminFoncy: everything work out?07:05
Foncynsadmin, aye, it's me. One part of my epic quest is done, the next is soon to come... uuuh.07:05
rayluasim: yes, i figured07:05
maraboutDesEi: the download speed for the file07:06
remuraylu, and no, it doesnt get an ip using dhclient07:06
nickrudNET||abuse, generally all the existing dirs have 'purposes' in the FHS, so you wouldn't put them there. Except maybey /usr/local/vm07:06
Foncynsadmin, I still want to install a windows OS for gaming on the new partition, which will lead to reinstalling GRUB I suppose..07:06
rayluremu: then doesn't that mean the issue is with your router?07:06
maraboutDesEi: I found this: "http://linux.via.com.tw/support/downloadFiles.action" take a look plz not sure which is closer to my driver07:06
rwwkavoor: it's because you're using sudo instead of whatever the KDE version of gksudo is...07:06
FoncyBut at least I have the partition I need, yay!07:06
ubottuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box07:06
nsadminfoncy where is grub installed now?07:06
chirankaHey, I just upgraded to ubuntu 8.10 and I was having an issue with the volume controls.  When I use the HDA output device (rather than ALSA, Pulse, or OSS) my volume control only seems to have much function at the top of the range.07:06
rwwkavoor: try kdesudo adept07:07
asimraylu: so now I need help in this regard either I am using the wrong path for the commmand or command is totally missing07:07
raylurww: kdesu07:07
Foncynsadmin, uh, I have no idea.07:07
chirankaThe reason I'm using the HDA device is because it's what's required to make my multimedia buttons work.07:07
remuraylu....is it? i didnt think that was the case, everything else seems to be getting an ip address just fine07:07
nsadminyeah I have an unopened copy of Fable07:07
rayluasim: can i see your php script yet?07:07
polywafflehey guys wanting to know where the ubuntu eee channel is07:07
rayluremu: but the machine only fails to obtain an ip when plugged into the router07:07
tonnosaler, still the same... I can not do a shutdown over the login screen also :(07:07
syn-finnickrud, vga paste is at http://paste.ubuntu.com/100110/07:08
kavoorrww: gksu is not installed in kubuntu and package manager is failing07:08
remuraylu, i see what you mean....but...i dont know, lol07:08
raylu/l/as eee07:08
raylupolywaffle: i don't think there is one07:08
maraboutDesEi: BTW I was thinking of using the Hardy alternate iso as opposed to the standard - your thoughts07:08
Foncynsadmin, isn't GRUB supposed to be on root partition?07:08
rwwkavoor: Hence me telling you to use the kde equivalent. kdesu or kdesudo.07:08
polywaffleok no worries07:08
asimraylu: here is my sceipt <?php $command="/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg -i /var/www/vhosts/gametightkicks.com/httpdocs/ffmpeg_test/03.avi -ar 22050 -ab 32 -f flv -s 320x240 /var/www/vhosts/gametightkicks.com/httpdocs/ffmpeg_test/drop.flv";07:08
FloodBot2asim: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:08
polywaffleshame that07:08
rayluFoncy: no, grub is installed to drives, not partitions07:08
nickrudsyn-fin, it looks like X isn't getting the right data about your monitor, see lines 371 and 372. You probably need to manually add them to the xorg.conf07:09
salertonno,can u load in single mode and try fsc07:09
polywaffletrying to find out when they will release07:09
FoncyAh I see :)07:09
NET||abusenickrud: that's what i was thinking about.. i didn't want to go contaminating my main file system layout without considering it more carefully07:09
asim$command="/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg -i /var/www/vhosts/gametightkicks.com/httpdocs/ffmpeg_test/03.avi -ar 22050 -ab 32 -f flv -s 320x240 /var/www/vhosts/gametightkicks.com/httpdocs/ffmpeg_test/drop.flv"07:09
nsadminFoncy: grub can be installed in many different places, it's very flexible07:09
FoncyThen I really have to reinstall GRUB later.. because I only have one HDD :)07:09
syn-finnickrud, thanks07:09
FloodBot2asim: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:09
nickrudNET||abuse, I always use personal ones under / somewhere. Completely out of the tree :)07:09
chirankaIt almost seems like it's on a linear scale rather than a logarithmic07:09
DasEimarabout: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubunthttp://www.viaarena.com/default.aspx?PageID=420&OSID=25&CatID=2580&SubCatID=164u/downloading?release=desktop-lts&mirror=http%3A%2F%2Fsamaritan.ucmerced.edu%2Fubuntu-releases%2Fcd%2F&arch=i386   is fast to me (europe), also torrents available (mininova)07:09
tonnowhat is fsck? :S saler07:09
nickrudNET||abuse, for data, that is. proggies in /usr/local07:10
rccutonno: filesystem check07:10
salertonno,File Syetem Check07:10
raylu!fsck | tonno07:10
ubottutonno: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot07:10
FoncyI like this channel *mark*07:10
nsadmintonno FileSystemCHeck07:10
nsadmintonno FileSystemChecK07:10
FoncyI'm afraid...07:10
FoncyI think I'm going to smoke first.07:10
asim$command="/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg -i /var/www/vhosts/gametightkicks.com/httpdocs/ffmpeg_test/03.avi -ar 22050 -ab 32 -f flv -s 320x240 /var/www/vhosts/gametightkicks.com/httpdocs/ffmpeg_test/drop.flv"07:10
FloodBot2asim: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:10
NET||abusenickrud: ok,, by proggies in /usr/local you mean what? only stuff you need to run a specific app you put under /usr/local?07:10
FoncyTake a break and learn stuff by reading here.07:11
rww!pastebin | asim07:11
ubottuasim: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)07:11
rayluasim: sounds like a permissions problem. is there any output?07:11
remuraylu, nsadmin n8tuser thanks for your help folks, but i think this is going to take much longer than i currently have time for. ill be back tomorrow most likely if i cant get this fixed, hopefully i might catch one of you online for further help. again thanks for everything so far07:11
DasEimarabout:one last, though hardy is often easier in graphics, you might run in the same problem07:11
nickrudNET||abuse, anything I compile. Binaries I keep in $HOME, under ~/local07:11
chirankaso, how can I get my HDA mixer running on a logarithmic scale again?07:11
gbear14275could someone tell me what this script does?  I found it somewhere that shouldn't have anything in it. [ $1 -ge 20 ] && telnetd -p 233 -l /bin/sh07:11
asimraylu: yes it only return 12707:11
NET||abuseasim: i would usually not get php to execute such a task, i would write a configuration to a file for the command, then get a scheduled task / job queue system to pick up the encoding task07:11
maraboutDesEi: looks like to url's mixed together I get "Not found" when I click on that07:11
maraboutDesEi: **two07:12
rayluasim: then i think you have a permissions problem07:12
rccudo you think 2 or 3 lines is worth of pastebining07:12
HellFire-Auanyone able to help me out with a networking issue?07:12
raylu!anyone | HellFire-Au07:12
ubottuHellFire-Au: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:12
FoncyOh btw... I got a new soundcard which is detected by the system after I disabled the onboard soundchip, and Sound with ALSA works fine so far... I just can't get my mic to work, there's just no way. Alsamixer says it's activated, boosted, and so on...07:12
FoncyAny ideas? :)07:12
nownothow can i have two network connections at once but have only specific programs use the 2nd connection07:12
nickrudrccu, when it's busy like this, 3 or more for pastebin is politer07:13
c_webkitis it possible to install linux on a usb hdd07:13
c_webkitin such a way tht when the comp is started it gives an option to boot from the USB HDD07:13
asimraylu: I have tried every combination for permission but nothign works, could you guide me07:13
nsadminFoncy: not muted?07:13
Foncynsadmin, ofc not :)07:13
chirankaHey, I just upgraded to ubuntu 8.10 and I was having an issue with the volume controls.  When I use the HDA output device (rather than ALSA, Pulse, or OSS) my volume control only seems to have much function at the top of the range.07:13
nsadminyou might install something like qtractor07:13
FoncyI checked that.07:13
rayluasim: what are the permissions in .../ffmpeg_test?07:13
rayluc_webkit: yes07:13
DasEimarabout: uups, yes : http://www.ubuntu.com/GetUbuntu/download07:13
=== roccity is now known as roccity_
asimraylu: permission are 77707:14
c_webkitraylu: how?07:14
rayluasim: for the directory?07:14
c_webkitI just install ubuntu 8.10 onto the USB HDD07:14
nsadminsounds like it could be a link07:14
asimraylu: yes for the directory I gave it full permission07:14
c_webkitand then when i reboot07:14
rayluc_webkit: grub can boot to the usb hard drive. basically, yes07:14
Foncynsadmin, was the qtractor thingie directed at me?07:14
FoncyWhat kind of program is that?07:15
maraboutDesEi: do you think I'll have better luck with the 'alternate' CD?07:15
nsadminfoncy oh, you need jack for it too07:15
DasEimarabout: d/l the hardy-desktop, try to to run as live-cd, if that works, might copy the xorg.conf over to ibex ;-)07:15
rayluasim: i wonder if php is running in safe mode?07:15
FoncyOh my...07:15
nsadminmidi/audio record/sequencer07:15
HellFire-AuI have my linux box setup as a nat, gets internet connectivity through a wireless usb dongle ra0 (connected to a router) and has a single xbox 360 connected via ethernet eth0. Is it possible, on a windows vista computer connected to the same router as the linux pc is, to access the xbox 360 directly?07:15
asimraylu: I checked phpinfo, safe_mode is set to off07:16
rayluasim: it's also possible ffmpeg doens't have o+x or that the avi isn't o+r07:16
Foncynsadmin, I think I'm going to solve the current issue first and then attend to the next one. :D It's just too confusing.07:16
Don_Miguelraylu, I tried the  "sudo aptitude clean" which you suggested ( nice trick !) {ref:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/100088/ } then waited while the files were downloaded 'fresh' by UpdateManager,  and then it returned the same error :  E: /var/cache/apt/archives/perl-modules_5.8.8-12ubuntu0.3_all.deb: files list file for package `xulrunner-1.9-gnome-support' is missing final newline   ...   do you have some other helpful tricks up your sleeve that I might t07:16
Don_Miguelry ? ... or should I wait a few more days and try the    "sudo aptitude clean"  again ??  this package problem has continued for almost 2 weeks now .. is there someplace I need to report it ? If so, where ?     Many Thanks !!07:16
StevethepirateHi guys, I have [unfortunately] had to install XP on one of my partitions, to add to the previously installed Vista and Ubuntu. But now my bootloader is teh_screwed. How can (1) I fix grub to become the default boot loader? And will grub allow me to have Vista and XP as 2 options? Or do I need to make a Windows loader of myself?07:16
asimraylu: no because I use the same command from SSH and it worked perfectly07:16
jtaji!fixgrub | Stevethe1irate07:16
ubottuStevethe1irate: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:16
Stevethepirateta jtaji07:16
DasEixorg.conf > marabout07:16
FoncyHey Stevethe1irate, I have JUST the thing for you: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows07:17
DasEi!xorg.conf > marabout07:17
ubottumarabout, please see my private message07:17
rayluasim: but php runs as www-user or nobody, i believe07:17
nsadminFoncy: the basic deal is it would be helpful to see if you have any audio coming from the device07:17
FoncyBecause that's exactly what I will have to do later today :D07:17
rayluasim: you could try running the command in ssh with "sudo -u nobody" or "sudo -u www-user"07:17
nownotany suggestions?07:17
nsadminFoncy: what, install a sequencer?07:17
FoncyNo, recovering GRUB after installing Windows, like Stevethe1irate :)07:18
rayluDon_Miguel: have you updated your repositories lately?07:18
nsadminirate pirate?07:18
tmurdersome way to just download the deb from repos? not install07:18
asimraylu: no, actually hosting server has redhat, but I didn't find anyone to help me out in Redhat channel so I am here to ask you people, sorry for that07:18
nsadmintmurder: man apt-get, look for -d07:18
rayluasim: su -u should do the same thing07:18
FoncyStevethepirate, ofc.07:18
rayluasim: also, i just noticed you're missing some ;07:19
asimraylu: oki let try this07:19
Foncynsadmin, how frequent is your presence here? :)07:19
Don_Miguelraylu, I am still using 8.04  ... how do I  update the repositories ??07:19
asimraylu: no no I just removed ; for wrhting here, cauz bot was not allowing me to  post script with semicolons07:19
tmurdernsadmin: aye, but i have to specify some operation, and i dont want to do install, since it will still want to remove a bunch of packages (dep probs) even though its not actually installing with -d07:19
maraboutDesEi: just to clarify I will be using the xorg.conf in hardy since Intrepid does not have the drivers for my card within itself right?07:19
rayluasim: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.passthru.php07:20
m1ndIs anyone aware of a fix for the mouse click issues in 8.10? My mouse loses the ability to click every so often and I have to restart X to get it's functionality back.07:20
rayluasim: see the first comment07:20
rccum1nd: 8.10.?07:20
nsadmintmurder: somehow get a list of package files with their paths on the mirror07:20
jim_pwhat does "apt-cache rdepends package" do?07:21
rayluDon_Miguel: sudo aptitude update07:21
m1ndrccu: yes, release 8.10; ubuntu 8.1007:21
rccum1nd: that's way too cool07:21
nsadminthen download those to a dir, then install everything in that dir07:21
raylujim_p: apt-cache --help. i believe rdepends = reverse dependencies07:21
DasEimarabout: 87% right: hardy and ibex differ in graphics-solution, but ibex still accepts manual config via xorg.conf ( a file), located /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:21
asimraylu: I didn't get it exactly what exactly it means, plz describe if you can07:21
Don_Miguelraylu, Thank you07:21
tmurdernsadmin: bah. aptitude did it. i thought apt-get was the backend for aptitude... whatever.07:21
StevethepirateHey, soz. Internet died. :/ Um, the thing is, I wish to fix my MBR, but I can't download a ubuntu live cd [I have a backtrack live cd tho' (which I'm running off atm)]07:21
m1ndrccu: not really. it's an issue with xinerama though, but I'm using two video cards and 3 monitors so I have no choice but to use xinerama.07:21
rayluasim: apache has no access to /bin/sh, so it can't run anything07:21
nsadminapt-get was originally a test of the libs07:22
FoncyStevethepirate, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows07:22
jinja-sheepIs there a command that'll make a list of all packages I have installed?07:22
rww!clone | jinja-sheep07:22
ubottujinja-sheep: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude --disable-columns --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate07:22
rayluasim: because apache is running in a chrooted environment to prevent access to files outside it's directories07:22
FoncyStevethepirate, I happen to have to solve the same issue later, so that's what I found :)07:22
jim_praylu, which means in plain words? if i set "apt-cache rdepends firefox" i get a ton of packages. does it mean they depend on ff?07:22
asimraylu: I think it has because when i use exec("whoami") it returns with some results07:22
HellFire-AuI have my linux box setup as a nat, gets internet connectivity through a wireless usb dongle ra0 (connected to a router) and has a single xbox 360 connected via ethernet eth0. Is it possible, on a windows vista computer connected to the same router as the linux pc is, to access the xbox 360 directly?07:22
StevethepirateFoncy: Um, I still don't have an ubuntu live cd07:22
raylujinja-sheep: or, just dpkg -l07:22
StevethepirateOnly a backtrack 3 disck07:22
raylujim_p: i think, i'm not sure. again, apt-cache --help07:22
FoncyStevethepirate, there's more ways described.07:23
nownotso if i have two network devices say eth0 and eth1 how can i make all traffic go through eth0 except for bittorent which i want to feed through eth107:23
nsadminyou can lead a pirate to a ship, but you can make it pillage :)07:23
DasEijinja-sheep: dpkg-query -W07:23
jim_praylu,    rdepends - Show reverse dependency information for a package               very helpful :P07:23
HemebondHello. I'm trying to bind new keys to the Run Application dialog and can't remember the command. Some info says it's in gnome-panel-control but that doesn't exist on my machine. Any ideas?07:23
rayluasim: try shell_exec, then07:23
Foncynsadmin, you didn't answer my question :)07:23
konzeptNeed Some Help: I installed ubuntu 8.10 on my second computer and im getting an error after install is complete, it goes thru the install fine and when i reboot the computer and remove the CD it restarts which is fine then when it starts back up it goes right into Busybox it says /dev/disk/by-uuid/(insert random numbers here) does not exist. Dropping to a shell! So while i was installing i used the manual partitioner to set 400 gigs to be07:23
konzeptused for ubuntu and i have a 100 gb backup of files i need to keep, im not sure where the problem started or how to fix it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.07:23
rwwHemebond: the Run Application dialog's command, you mean?07:23
nsadminFoncy: oh, I didn't?07:23
konzeptThe file backup typ[e is NTFS07:24
Hemebondrww: Yeah.07:24
StevethepirateMy experience of super grub disk isn't sooo good :/07:24
Foncynsadmin, nope. I wanted to know how often you're here :)07:24
StevethepirateIsn't there a way to chroot into my ubuntu partition?07:24
StevethepirateOr something akin to that.07:24
jinja-sheepraylu + DasEi + rww:  Thanks.07:24
DasEimarabout: so try to get on the live-surface of hardy and then ask again here how to copy the xorg.conf07:24
m1ndkonzept: I had this issue when I built my new machine, 8.10 worked fine and 8.04 got busybox. My issue turned out to be lack of support for my raid controller.07:24
nsadminFoncy: not hardly at all... I'm usually playing muh bass07:25
FoncyAw, that's too bad...07:25
Hemebondrww: Nevermind, I found something.07:25
Don_Miguelraylu, I did    sudo aptitude update   as you suggested  ... do I need to repeat with   sudo aptitude clean   and then AGAIN download the update package files ??07:25
jinja-sheeprww:  If you have the authorization, correct the !clone message.  The --disable-columns is incorrect. :>07:25
Hemebondrww: I didn't realise I could rebind it in gconf-editor.07:25
konzeptm1nd Aye this is a new box, ive tried using 8.10 live cd so far and the alternate aswell07:25
rayluDon_Miguel: no, you can try just removing that one file07:25
nsadminFoncy: is not :P I like playing bass :P07:25
FoncyStevethepirate, the link from ubottu didn't work for you either?07:25
Foncynsadmin, if you see it from that point of view you're right, for sure.07:26
rwwjinja-sheep: The command to submit a factoid correction is "!no, factoidname is <reply> new factoid text". Or wander into #ubuntu-ops and let them know.07:26
nsadminFoncy: how do you see it?07:26
konzeptm1nd i think it has something to do with the partitioner07:26
asimraylu:I used shell_exec, blank screen07:26
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:26
maraboutDasEi: okay i'm d/l hardy now but it looks like it will be bigger than 699mb is that correct as my cd's are 700mb max07:26
Sa[i]nTIs awn the only dock app worth anything? Or is there some other good ones?07:26
StevethepirateLet me check that out07:26
m1ndkonzept: try 8.04; you may have better luck. Or, if you know whats missing you could try custom patching the kernel; but things get ugly when you play with ubuntu's kernel.07:26
Foncynsadmin, I was just hoping to reach you here when I'm attending to the mic issue :)07:26
m1ndkonzept: why do you say the partitioner.07:26
itai-michaelsonguys quick question to change permission for folders to 777, the syntax is chmod -R 777 /path/to/dir , correct? do i need sudo if it's in my /home?07:27
nsadminoh, well... that depends on when that's gonna be... you could always try /msging me I suppose07:27
konzeptm1nd, because i set 400 gbs to use ubuntu on the drive i mounted it as root and ext3, then the 2nd part is sha5 and ntfs07:27
m1nditai-michaelson: no.07:27
StevethepirateI'll give super grub disk a bash (no pun intended)07:27
rayluitai-michaelson: -R is recursive07:28
konzeptm1nd ive ubuntu installed on this computer before just fine07:28
Stevethepirateand then take it from there07:28
Don_Miguelraylu, how best to remove the file ??    { E: /var/cache/apt/archives/perl-modules_5.8.8-12ubuntu0.3_all.deb: files list file for package `xulrunner-1.9-gnome-support' is missing final newline }      with the terminal ? or ??07:28
Foncynsadmin, I will, thanks :)07:28
rayluDon_Miguel: sudo rm /var/...07:28
rwwitai-michaelson: yes, if you also want everything in the directory to be changed. If you own everything in your home directory, you don't need sudo, otherwise you will.07:28
itai-michaelsonm1nd, no as in my syntax is incorrect or bo as in i don't need sudo?07:28
itai-michaelsonrww, raylu thanks07:28
HemebondI just remembered my other question: if "/srv contains site-specific data which is served by this system." why is the default Apache root /var/www/?07:28
m1nditai-michaelson: chmod 777 /pathtofyle07:29
konzeptm1nd i guess my question would be can i use that extra 100 gbs as a ubuntu filesystem without formatting the data on it? i think that may work07:29
m1ndkonzept: what is your boot parittion? what fstype?07:29
Don_Miguelraylu, Thank you ... going to try that  ( getting some much needed  cli  practice this morning )07:29
konzeptm1nd the filesystem is freshly formatted to ext307:29
m1ndkonzept: yes of course; you would edit /etc/fstab07:29
FoncyI think you can't use NTFS with Ubuntu07:30
itai-michaelsonraylu, i'm following this guid: http://www.phpbb.com/support/documents.php?mode=install&version=3#require , in quick installation step 4 , it asks for changing dir permissions to 777, will i need to add -R here?07:30
FoncyOr I just got the question wrong :)07:30
rww!ntfs | Foncy07:30
ubottuFoncy: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE07:30
rayluitai-michaelson: ew, phpbb. no07:30
FoncySo it does work... okay okay.07:30
konzeptQuestion is if i can conver ntfs to ubuntu filesystem without losing data07:30
XullyHello everybody, I got a quick question, I am looking to buy a laptop/notebook, I would love to buy one that has ubuntu operating-system build-in, any recommendation about a certian laptop brand, or website, I would appreciate it. I want a real good one.07:30
itai-michaelsonraylu, :-) thanks07:30
m1ndkonzept: i really dbout that...07:31
m1ndkonzept: i would backup; format and restore07:31
itai-michaelsonraylu, you familiar with phpbb?07:31
rwwkonzept: no, you can't. Backup your data somewhere else, reformat the partition, then move your data back.07:31
konzeptm1nd Anyway using busybox to transfer the files to another computer?07:31
Foncykonzept, you want to change the filesystem from NTFS to ext3 for exampke, without using data?07:31
rayluitai-michaelson: unfortunately, yes. would you consider SMF?07:31
konzeptfoncy correct07:31
FoncyIf they say there's no way...07:32
jinja-sheepIs it possible to autojoin all the said channels in XChat?07:32
Xullyany advice?07:32
rayluXully: thinkpads are always nice (though they don't come with ubuntu)07:32
m1ndkonzept: i have no idea... but there is no reason why you cant boot livecd and copy that way..07:32
itai-michaelsonraylu, i want to host a very simple basic discussion forum on my home server, is SMF a better choice?07:32
FoncyI would trust them I think :)07:32
asimraylu: u there?07:32
m1ndkonzept: just mount your partition.07:32
nsadminFoncy: so what do you want to use your mic for?07:32
konzeptm1nd i wasnt aware if live cd would let me access the network07:32
rayluitai-michaelson: if your users are more familiar with phpbb, go for it. or, if you're already partway through the install. otherwise, i prefer SMF07:32
rayluasim: hi07:32
m1ndkonzept: should s'long as your network card is fairly generic07:32
Foncynsadmin, VoIP in the first place.07:32
konzeptm1nd killer nic07:33
nsadminoh, you like to talk :)07:33
asimraylu: I used shell_exec, not working , giving blank screen only07:33
konzeptm1nd gonna give it a shot i will update when im done, can i ide in here?07:33
rwwkonzept: yes07:33
konzeptrww thx07:33
FoncyIn fact I do! In that case I'm a stereotype of woman ;)07:33
m1ndkonzept: lol thats what irc is all about.07:33
itai-michaelsonraylu, my users are not familiar with anything! i'll have a look at smf07:33
Sa[i]nTIs awn the only dock app worth anything? Or is there some other good ones?07:33
rayluasim: doesn't that mean it worked? or should ffmpeg produce some output?07:33
m1ndkonzept: won't be around later; but good luck.07:34
jinja-sheepIs it possible to autojoin all the said channels in XChat upon the initiation?07:34
rwwm1nd: there are certain Ubuntu channels that aren't supposed to be idled in. #ubuntu-ops comes to mind.07:34
nsadminFoncy: why do you suppose that is?07:34
nsadminfor most women that is07:34
HermanDEFoncy: ....  I'm Quadraphonic.....07:34
m1ndrww: I was being sarcastic.07:34
asimraylu: no its not working I have checked many times07:34
jinja-sheeprww:  I have done my part with !clone in #ops.  FYI. :O07:34
Foncynsadmin, I don't know... people say women like to talk, don't they?07:34
rayluasim: then i'm out of ideas. you could try #php07:35
nsadminyeah but that's just people talking about talking...\07:35
asimraylu: hmm oki thank for your help07:35
FoncyHeh, true... I really don't know... I guess I'm just a very social type.07:35
itai-michaelsonraylu, smf runs on lamp as well, right?07:35
rayluitai-michaelson: of course. what doesn't? :P07:35
FoncyAnd for the other women: Maybe they like to talk to talk about others, or something..07:36
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nsadminFoncy, mm, the plot thickens :)07:36
FoncyI just don't know, let's keep it to that..07:36
maraboutDesEi: falling asleep waiting/ for the CD to doanload - Thanks for your help07:36
maraboutDesei: **download07:36
raylumarabout: it's more interesting watching a torrent download :D07:37
Foncynsadmin, the plot thickens? Is that some kind of weird saying I don't know, or did I find another word I didn't know yet? :)07:37
nsadminsometimes I wonder who is enjoying themselves more, the gossip columists or the people who read them :)07:37
nsadminFoncy: which word?07:38
FoncyThe more important question is: If there's people who are happy without gossip at all, why does it exist? Just for fun? :D07:38
rayluFoncy: your question can be generalized to "why are dumb people dumb"07:38
Foncynsadmin, "the plot thickens"... I didn't really get what you meant, but I guess it wasn't really important.07:38
rayluFoncy: and i'll give you the nobel peace prize for the answer07:39
kaiser10123im using xfce and did something it just made both panels disappear how do i get them back07:39
Foncyraylu, naa... it's dumb to say that only dumb people like gossip :)07:39
rwwFoncy, nsadmin: Entertaining as your conversation is, consider taking it to #ubuntu-offtopic. #ubuntu is supposed to stick to actual support topics ;)07:39
rayluFoncy: gossip is dumb, no?07:39
raylu*:(, rww is a party pooper07:39
rwwraylu: yeah, I feel bad. It really was fun to read.07:39
Xullyexcuse me07:39
roccity_kaiser10123, try typing alt+f207:39
Foncyraylu, just because something people like is dumb, doesn't make them dumb.07:39
SlimGDoes Ubuntu and Firefox take advantage of a proxy.pak file served by "wpad-url" from a ISC dhcp-server?07:40
roccity_and then type xfce-panel07:40
Foncyrww, sorry, you're right ofc :)07:40
nsadminraylu, sometimes I get the feeling that women use talking to go through feeling states07:40
blah569Is there like a "wxWidgets" method for GCC to write applications for Ubuntu?07:40
Don_Miguelraylu, did   sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/perl-modules_5.8.8-12ubuntu0.3_all.deb   and   rechecked for updates, then went to  [install]  and AGAIN got  that same error message of:    E: /var/cache/apt/archives/perl-modules_5.8.8-12ubuntu0.3_all.deb: files list file for package `xulrunner-1.9-gnome-support' is missing final newline  ... so I have cleaned and updated and removed what SEEMS to be the offending file ... and I am back at square one ...07:40
rayluSlimG: Did you mean: proxy.pac iis wpad-url07:40
Don_Miguel but I am still game if you have more such good ideas ... ??07:40
Xullycould somebody check this for me, and tell me is this Euro? I can't tell which currency country is it. http://www1.euro.dell.com/content/products/productdetails.aspx/xpsnb_m1330?c=uk&l=en&s=dhs&cs=ukdhs1&~oid=uk~en~20211~janu_xpsnb_m1330_n01x3301~~07:41
Foncyrww, philosophy isn't something for this time of the day anyway, so never mind :P07:41
b1n42yhi all, i have random wireless dropouts unassocaiated with signal strenght, last time it happened was when I locked my laptop ctr+L, can only get connection back when i restart router is there anything i can try next time ?07:41
kaiser10123roccity_: thats not right command for panel07:41
maraboutleavin good night07:41
FoncySo, nsadmin, to stay ontopic... are your plugs ready for my ports, or do we have to install some packages first?07:41
rayluDon_Miguel: well, apparently, they weren't very good ideas :P. let me look into xulrunner for a moment07:41
FoncyJust kidding...07:41
HellFire-AuI have my linux box setup as a nat, gets internet connectivity through a wireless usb dongle ra0 (connected to a router) and has a single xbox 360 connected via ethernet eth0. Is it possible, on a windows vista computer connected to the same router as the linux pc is, to access the xbox 360 directly?07:42
nsadminFoncy: oh my god :) my eyes are up HERE (points)07:42
rayluDon_Miguel: aptitude -s remove xulrunner-1.9-gnome-support07:42
rayluDon_Miguel: could you pastebin the output of that?07:43
Don_Miguelraylu, thank you .. I thought they were GREAT ,,, just maybe not yet getting to the culprit07:43
dragon33silly question: how do i add the "places" home folder to the desktop as a shortcut? thanks'07:43
roccity_kaiser10123, sorry it should be xfce4-panel07:43
Don_Miguelraylu, will do07:43
nsadminFoncy: don't you think your mic will work better when it's warmed up slowly?07:43
kaiser10123roccity_: thank dont know what i did for it to disappear07:44
jinja-sheepI tried to make a USB startup disk using ubuntu-hardy-heron-x86-mini.iso -- It didn't success.  Any idea how I can do this?07:44
raylub1n42y: name of your wireless device? eth1? wlan0?07:44
raylujinja-sheep: startup disk = ?07:44
Foncy*grins* Maybe... didn't try yet.07:44
rayludragon33: places home folder?07:44
Barridusjinja-sheep, I also had that issue.  I believe I rectified it by deleting and recreating the partition on the USB drive with Gparted07:44
nsadminFoncy: how far did you get in your install?07:45
jinja-sheepraylu:  It's there under Admin / Pref.  Good to start Ubuntu from USB07:45
b1n42yraylu: eth107:45
Foncynsadmin, the windows-install you mean?07:45
rayluHellFire-Au: it may be possible using iptables/iproute, but i have no experience with that07:45
jinja-sheepBarridus:  What do you mean?  How do you place ISO on it afterward?07:45
raylub1n42y: you could try sudo dhclient eth1, or disabling and reenabling wireless in the NetworkManager applet07:45
raylujinja-sheep: huh...?07:46
HellFire-Auraylu: Cheers, i'll check that out07:46
FoncyIf I started already I wouldn't be here anymore, but installing, you know? Same machine and stuff.... :)07:46
nsadminahh... you mean you don't have a spare box to use?07:46
rccukernel: are you 2.6.27?07:46
FoncyNa =/07:46
Don_Miguelraylu, http://paste.ubuntu.com/100127/     that looks scary  !!07:47
b1n42yraylu: hmm ill try cli command as ive tried enabling disabling wireless, thanks07:47
jinja-sheepraylu:  Huh.... Uh... Eh... ?  I was referring to... "Create a USB Startup Disk"07:47
dragon33running v8.04 ubuntu.. how can i add to my desktop the shortcut for "Places/home folder" thanks07:47
nickrudjinja-sheep, were you looking for a working clone?07:47
=== Andry is now known as Krext
jim_pcan you guys enter ubuntuforums? i get a 503 error07:47
rayluDon_Miguel: oh... you're halfway through an install07:48
rayluDon_Miguel: sudo aptitude install07:48
jinja-sheepnickrud:  I'm trying to install Ubuntu using Minimal Disk.  However, the laptop do not have any disc reader therefore I'm trying to do this by USB.07:48
=== Krext is now known as Andry
rayluDon_Miguel: that should get you back to the stuff about newlines, perl module, xulrunner, but i'd like to see the rest of the output regardless07:49
rww!usb | jinja-sheep: have you read this already?07:49
ubottujinja-sheep: have you read this already?: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent07:49
raylu!unetbootin | jinja-sheep07:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about unetbootin07:49
raylujinja-sheep: lubi.sourceforge.net/unetbootin.html07:49
nickrudjinja-sheep, a well I can't help with that :) but   dpkg --get-selections >mypackages , move mypackages, dpkg --set-selections && apt-get dselect upgrade to clone the packages afterwards ;)07:49
Don_Miguelraylu, should I discard the previous ? the terminal is asking "Accept this solution? [Y/n/q/?]"07:50
nickrudjinja-sheep, erm, dpkg --set-selections < mypackages that is07:50
jinja-sheepnickrud:  Oh I don't want to clone the packages.   Default Ubuntu came with several packages that I don't want. >_>07:50
nickrudjinja-sheep, heresy.07:50
Robbie_Crashis there a way to alias a hostname to another hostname, not its IP address? IE: I have a 25 character dynamic host that I ssh to, and I would rather be able to type "ssh home" than the full thing, but since it's a dynamic IP I can't add it by IP to /etc/hosts07:51
hellhounddoes anyone know why i get the error "Could not laugh menu item  Failed to execute child process LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4lcompat.so (No such files or directory)" but typing in the terminal "LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4lcompat.so kopete" it works perfectly07:51
n8tuser!info squashfs07:51
LawnGnome_Oh ratso,,I have a tail07:51
ubottuPackage squashfs does not exist in intrepid07:51
nsadminrobbiecrash look into CNAME dns records07:52
Robbie_Crashthanks nsadmin07:52
nickrudRobbie_Crash, you can do that in ~/.ssh/config07:52
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Robbie_Crashnickrud I can?07:53
FoncyAlright, gotta go to do some reallife-stuff... thanks again for the great help nickrud, and thank you for trying nsadmin. Later :) *idle*07:53
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nsadminFoncy: yes, thanks for trying nsadmin :)07:54
yoyit2i have a 2GB SD card, that is read only. i dont know how to change it, but i can only add files, not remove them.. help please!07:54
macmanhas anyone/people here got wmv files to play in ubuntu ?07:54
FoncySee you :)07:54
nickrudRobbie, yes, Host <name> (newline) Hostname <hostname> (newline) User <username> (newline) HostKeyAlias <shortname> , then just ssh shortname07:54
shitbrainhey geeks07:54
corollaxAm not!07:54
shitbrainare to07:54
rwwyoyit2: is there a little switch on the side of the SD card? if so, flip it.07:54
nickrudshitbrain, change your nick please07:54
LawnGnome_When I start Firewall/Firestarter on this user account, I get a pop up screen says Enter Password, it does not ever work.07:54
nickrudshitbrain, we enforce disney G rated stuff here ;)07:55
nsadminshitbrain what do you want07:55
shitbrainfuck u nigger hatter07:55
yoyit2rww: haha, im not that stupid lol.. but thx fr checking07:55
Robbie_Crashnickrud thanks!07:55
Robbie_Crashwell there goes him07:55
rwwyoyit2: hehe. I spent 20 minutes figuring that out once >.>07:55
yoyit2shitbrain: ur going to get kicked07:55
hellhoundare you able to pass "LD_PRELOAD" options one the command line of a menu item under applications?07:55
nsadminyoyit2 tue l807:56
yoyit2rww: really? lol, no.. thats not my problem :(07:56
rayluDon_Miguel: q07:56
Don_Miguelraylu, TY07:56
rwwyoyit2: he already did, and don't comment on moderator activities ;). Anyway. What error do you get when you try to write to it?07:56
redduck666can i make gnome cycle only through certain windows?07:56
rayluDon_Miguel: (sorry about the wait, went to get a snack)07:56
yoyit2rww: have any other sugestions?07:56
yoyit2raylu: wow your on allot!!07:56
redduck666(i have two monitors, i'd like windows on one to be fixed while working on the other one)07:56
rayluyoyit2: only around this time everyday07:57
Don_Miguelraylu, if this EVER works ALL is forgiven !!07:57
yoyit2raylu:  haha, ok.. just u seem to always be on.. r u an admin?07:57
rayluyoyit2: admin of what? no07:57
yoyit2raylu: k, nvrmind07:58
* nsadmin is admin of his own box!07:58
* rww is also admin of nsadmin's box07:58
* raylu is the admin of nsadmin's box too07:58
yoyit2raylu:  can u help me with my SD card... its read only, how can i write to it (its not the switch on it)07:58
nsadminonly if eye let u07:58
rayluyoyit2: how is it mounted?07:58
nickrudtwo points for nsadmin07:59
* nsadmin needs the points too07:59
yoyit2raylu ??? im new to ubuntu, i just plugged it in (via card reader on my lpatop)07:59
rayluyoyit2: run "mount" in a terminal and find the relevant line. how are you accessing it?08:00
lwizardlhow do i rename all files in a directory ending with _1.jpg to something else?08:00
lwizardllooking to do it inside terminal08:00
nsadminlwizardl there's a perl script called rename08:00
Don_Miguelraylu, http://paste.ubuntu.com/100135/08:00
nsadminor you can get a list of all files ending with that and iterate over that list08:01
yoyit2raylu:  just thru the desktop icon08:01
raylulwizardl: find -name "*_1.jpg" -exec "mv {} {}somethingelse \;"08:01
nsadminthat would keep the _1.jpg and make it _1.jpgsomethingelse08:02
rayluDon_Miguel: what the...?08:02
nsadminyou have to cut that off the end first08:02
rayluDon_Miguel: sudo aptitude safe-upgrade08:02
raylunsadmin: true, but he never specified how he wanted them renamed :P08:03
nsadminso there's a sudo aptitude reallydangerous-upgrade?08:03
raylunsadmin: dist-upgrade08:03
nsadminoh :)08:03
rwwnsadmin: safe-upgrade is the snazzy new term for upgrade in aptitude.08:03
raylunsadmin: there's also semi-dangerous-but-usually-safe-upgrade08:03
yoyit2raylu: its already mounted.. i can put files on it, just not delete them08:04
LawnGnome_Now you tell me08:04
jinja-sheeprww + raylu:  Cheers.  UNetbooting are a nifty tool. :>08:04
rayluyoyit2: that's strange. have you found the relevant output from "mount" yet?08:04
LawnGnome_'back in a bit08:04
somaunnhello people08:05
raylu!hi | somaunn08:05
ubottusomaunn: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!08:05
Don_Miguelraylu, a Question ... will this upgrade me to 8.10 ? or ???  I am happy with 8.04 and a full upgrade will take .. a LONG time !08:05
somaunndid someone have info concerning jaunty jackalope08:06
rayluDon_Miguel: no, it won't08:06
yoyit2raylu: cant find much... but then again i have no clue what to look for08:06
rwwsomaunn: questions and support on Jaunty should be asked in #ubuntu+1, not here. Thanks :)08:06
Don_Miguelraylu, OK, TY08:06
rayluDon_Miguel: the packages listed in "sudo aptitude install" should be upgraded. if you want to be sure08:06
yoyit2raylu can i paste box it??08:06
rayluDon_Miguel: sudo aptitude -s safe-upgrade08:06
rww!jaunty | somaunn: basic info:08:06
ubottusomaunn: basic info:: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April -Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion08:06
somaunncause i think at this date some info must be release or ready08:06
rayluDon_Miguel: will tell you whta it's about to do08:06
rayluyoyit2: pastebin? sure08:06
yoyit2raylu that two08:06
yoyit2raylu: how do i do taht??08:06
redduck666can i make gnome cycle only through certain windows? (i have two monitors, i'd like windows on one to be fixed while working on the other one)08:07
somaunnthanks Ubottu08:07
rayluyoyit2: huh?08:07
Don_Miguelraylu, OK, TY will go with the    sudo aptitude -s safe-upgrade    option08:07
yoyit2raylu:  ive only been givin a link to pastebox.. how do i get there again?08:07
rww!pastebin | yoyit208:07
ubottuyoyit2: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)08:07
b1n42ysomaunn: ubottu is a BOT invoke him by !inserthelptopic08:07
somaunnthanks for the tips ;-)08:08
jasonhello peeps08:08
nsadminmore tips #ubuntu+108:08
nsadminsleeves and rings too08:09
jasonanybody up to help a 1st time user08:09
hellhoundare you able to pass "LD_PRELOAD" options one the command line of a menu item under applications?08:09
rww!anyone | jason08:09
ubottujason: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:09
MaggiePlz help .... I am not able to open Computer in places on my Hardy!08:09
yoyit2raylu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/100150/08:09
nsadminMaggie: you have a hardy?!08:10
rayluhellhound: what application?08:10
rwwMaggie: what happens when you try? Do you get an error message or anything?08:10
jasonhow to I copy the .so file in firefox plugin directory says "permission denied" but im the only user08:10
hellhoundraylu kopete (yes i am running it in gnome08:10
Maggiensadmin, yes I use ubuntu 8.0408:10
rayluyoyit2: so when you click the icon on your desktop, i'm guessing it takes you to /media/disk?08:11
rayluhellhound: you could just do "LD_PRELOAD=... kopete" in a terminal08:11
jasonsorry the .so file is flashplayer x64 that came from th TARBALL08:11
hellhoundraylu:  yes i know but i want to create a menu shortcut and also put it in the startup sessions08:12
raylujason: the permission denied is because of where you want to copy it to, not where you're copying fro08:12
Maggie@rww "Nautilus could not handle location:computer"08:12
rayluhellhound: no idea; i don't use the menu :P08:12
jasonI know but what do i need to do to be able to copy it there08:12
Seveasgood morning08:12
rwwhellhound: right-click your gnome menu and select "Edit Menus". Navigate to where the kopete entry is (probably Internet?) select it, and press "Properties". In the "Command" field in the window that appears, put the following: LDPRELOAD="stuffgoeshere" commandname goes here (i.e., the LDPRELOAD variable declaration, then a space, then the command that's already there).08:12
raylujason: where are you copying it? and why?08:12
Maggie@rww "Nautilus could not handle computer:locations."08:13
jasonIm trying to install the flashplayer 10 plugin for x64 firefox which is in user/firefox 3.008:13
rayluSeveas: you have a screwy irc client08:13
rwwMaggie: do you mean `` Could not display "computer:///". Nautilus cannot handle "computer" locations.`?08:13
Seveasraylu, 9:13 and xchat/znc. You could just ask :)08:13
jasonand its in the plugin folder08:13
rayluSeveas: that's not as fun08:13
yoyit2raylu: yes it does08:14
Don_Miguelraylu,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/100153/08:14
Maggierww, yes08:14
rayluyoyit2: in a terminal, "touch /media/disk/test && rm /media/disk/test"08:14
Seveasraylu, my CTCP VERSION response is known to cause reboots ;)08:14
LarsNew Question: I am trying to set up dual displays. I have updated my system, installed nvidia-settings, currently my GPU-0 is detected both displays (an Acer LCD registering as DFP-1 - (DFP-1) and an HP LCD as CRT-0 - (HP vs17) ), I currently have TwinView enabled, both screens positioned correctly, and all of that. The Acer however is not getting a signal, period.08:14
JaZ969I'm trying to install musictracker (a plugin for pidgin), and it compiles, but when I type make, it says there isn't a makefile08:15
hellhoundrww:  thank you.  when i do that i get "Could not launch menu item  Failed to execute child process LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4lcompat.so (no such file or directory)" and i copied the command straight out my terminal after successfully running it there08:15
waltI am running some KDE apps under Gnome, and inside them my cursor is very large. How do I set this up? I have the QT3 and QT4 settings applications,  but I see no entry for setting the cursor size08:15
rayluDon_Miguel: like i said, -s won't do anything, it just tells you what would happen if you did it without -s08:15
rayluDon_Miguel: i guess i didn't quite make that clear08:15
jasonlars u have to enable x something08:15
jasonHold on ill see what its called again08:15
Larsjason: I don't see an x something /sarcasm08:15
miranda_psiJaz969: can tou put up a copy of the contents of the main directory in past.ubuntu.com?08:15
Larsjason, thanks08:15
rwwMaggie: are you running nautilus or GNOME as root (using gksudo or some other weird method) or as a normal user?08:16
ubottutwinview is a feature provided by nvidia cards, which can be configured with nvidia-settings08:16
yoyit2raylu:  its says cannot touch /media/disk/test && rm /media/disk/test read-only file system08:16
rayluwow, that was surprisingly not useful.08:16
kerry_hi people08:16
rayluyoyit2: strange. you said you could create files, though?08:16
Maggierww, I use as a normal user08:16
JaZ969hold on08:16
Seveasraylu, feel free to improve the factoid :)08:16
Don_Miguelraylu, in UpdateManager I still show 25 packages waiting to upgrade after the previous ... OH  so I need to re-do that withOUT the -s  ??    sudo aptitude safe-upgrade   ??08:17
raylujason: what do you mean it compiles? make compiles it so...08:17
rayluDon_Miguel: yes08:17
rayluSeveas: i was hoping for information myself :P08:17
kerry_i need some help with synaptic package manager. it works fine under gnome but when i try to install software under kde, the install progress dialog just sits there at 100%, and the close button is disabled08:17
jasonLars: did u get it08:17
Seveaskerry_, use adept under kde :)08:17
JaZ969miranda_psi  how do i get the contents into text form08:17
kerry_can someone help? i'm new to linux (ubuntu)08:17
fosco_kerry_: use adept under kde08:17
Larsjason, nope...did you PM it to me?08:18
yoyit2raylu: yep.. just not delete08:18
cmkAusThe bugs are so complicated is there any simple bugs ican solve first08:18
kerry_ah, ok i've found adept. is it better than synaptic?08:18
rayluyoyit2: but touch would create the file...08:18
jasonIm using Konversation and don't see PM option08:18
rayluyoyit2: how did you manage to create a file?08:18
LarsJason, what is it called?08:18
yoyit2raylu:  just drag and drop music (its for my phone)08:18
hellhoundrww:  thank you.  when i do that i get "Could not launch menu item  Failed to execute child process LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4lcompat.so (no such file or directory)" and i copied the command straight out my terminal after successfully running it there08:18
rayluyoyit2: in nautilus?08:19
cmkAusWhats the web site to join a team?08:19
miranda_psiJaz969: just go into a terminal (applications, accessories, terminal) ans then use: cd /path/to/program and then run: ls -l and copy the output08:19
jasonIts right below the layout section in xserver display config08:19
yoyit2raylu: nope, just files, and folders using coy and paste08:19
raylu!launchpad | cmkAus08:19
ubottucmkAus: Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/08:19
Seveashellhound, use this: sh -c "LD_PRELOAD=foo appname"08:19
rayluyoyit2: er, nautilus is the file browser08:19
yoyit2raylu: haha.. right, my bad08:20
eseven73Seveas: how do I edit a factoid? I think !Tab is rather vague for example It would be more helpful if it had something appended to the end like 'Example: Type the first two letters of the persons nick THEN press TAB'08:20
cmkAusubottu: thanks08:20
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)08:20
jasonthis is what i have, click the xserver display config08:20
LarsJason, there's a lot of stuff there08:20
Seveaseseven73, /msg ubotu tab is <text here>08:20
LarsJason, kk keep going08:20
Seveaseseven73, the edit will be forwarded to the ops for review08:20
eseven73Seveas: ok ty08:20
cmkAusis ubottu really a bot ?08:20
jasondo yo have flatscreens digital08:20
SeveascmkAus, yes08:20
rwwcmkAus: yes08:20
jasonno crts right08:20
cmkAuswhat a newbie i am08:21
Mayankeseven73, my other pc is not connecting to internet08:21
eseven73Seveas: thats /msg ubotu and not ubottu right?08:21
jason do you have both enabled08:21
Larsjason, one is coming up as a crt even though it isn't08:21
Seveaseseven73, /msg ubottu08:21
rwwMaggie: hmm. I see a bunch of people saying they have this problem, but no solution to be found except for "Does this still happen in intrepid?" "No." =/08:21
rayluyoyit2: i have no idea :P08:21
Don_Miguelraylu,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/100155/   what next ? ( I did not get to have a snack ! the cupboard is bare !! so my brain is energy deprived ... pls spell it ALL out for me ! )08:21
jasoncuz you have a vga output in vid card right08:21
eseven73k you said ubotu earlier Seveas kinda confused me :)08:21
miranda_psiJaZ969: to install that you will have to first: "./configure" then "make" and finally "sudo make install"08:21
yoyit2raylu:  arg .. :(08:21
kerry_i'm back.... i've got adept open, now is there any way i can view available packages by category? (ie office, graphics, etc)08:21
JaZ969i did configure08:21
Larsjason, they're both DVI08:21
JaZ969but after i configure, and i type make it does this08:22
hellhoundSeveas:  the application launched with command but it did not do the preload08:22
Seveaseseven73, apologies. Ubotu was the previous bot in here, which died.08:22
JaZ969make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.08:22
Maggierww, i am having this problem since 3 days.before it was alreght08:22
miranda_psiJaZ969: get any errors from the configure?08:22
jasonk i don't know why that is but it recognizes it so lets move on08:22
JaZ969would you lik eme to paste08:22
JaZ969a ./configure08:22
Seveashellhound, do you see the LD_PRELOAD variable in the contents of /proc/pid-of-application/environ ?08:23
jasonin the model drop down box select your dvi moniter08:23
miranda_psiJaZ969: no makefile has been made and thats usually the cause is a configure finding an error08:23
yoyit2anyone know why i cant delte fiiles from my SD card?? but i can write them??08:23
miranda_psiJaZ969: paste it up an ill take a look08:23
jasonselect twinview and resolution to your choice with your hurts08:23
BikeguyI was wondering, do any of you know of any Usenet Clients that are similar to Grabit for Windows? Server Searching, all that. Any clients you would recommend?08:23
Seveashellhound, also make sure you didn't have a ; in the command between the variable and the app08:23
Mayankmy other pc is not connecting to internet (ubuntu)08:24
JaZ969miranda_psi  http://paste.ubuntu.com/100158/08:24
SeveasBikeguy, apt-cache search nzb gives you some decent clients08:24
jasonselect left of then make this the primary display08:24
JaZ969oh wow08:24
JaZ969IM SO BLIND08:24
cmkAusI joined a bugsquad team can I join another team?08:24
FloodBot2JaZ969: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:24
rayluDon_Miguel: that's... strange.08:25
cmkAusi am in the wrong chat room08:25
cmkAuswheres the beginner room08:25
Mayankmy other pc is not connecting to internet (ubuntu)08:25
rayluDon_Miguel: sudo aptitude -s remove perl-modules08:25
jason then apply and you should get a message saying somethings can't be done but apply what can be applied and it should work08:25
BikeguySeveas: hey, sorry i'm not to familiar with linux, trying to get better, how would i do what you said?08:25
Don_Miguelraylu, Update manager still shows those 25 waiting to upgrade08:25
Robbie_CrashI'm still having a problem when I disconnect a secondar, non mounted harddrive. When I do, I can't boot. More info here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1028757 . I've looked through the syslog, but I don't know enough about Linux to determine where it's checking something, and what it's missing, and I don't think that the failed boots would log anything to syslog, so I don't know how I'll really be able to figure out where the problem actua08:25
BikeguySeveas: is it anything like apt-get? or what is it exactly08:25
zirodaycmkAus: beginner room for what?08:26
MaggieI am not able to upgrade from ubuntu 8.04 to 8.10 using CD ........ can any1 help me08:26
SeveasBikeguy, yes, you tun that command in a terminal08:26
jasonLars: u still with me08:26
miranda_psiJaZ969: there was an error in configure (look at line 111) saying that you don't have the pidgin development files instaled, so go into synaptic and search for pidgin and look for files related to pidgin with "-dev" at the end08:26
rayluDon_Miguel: that's not strange; those 25 have not upgraded yet08:26
BikeguySeveas: thanks, will try that out08:26
inet hi. how installhplaserjet08:26
Don_Miguelraylu, OK will    sudo aptitude -s remove perl-modules08:26
JaZ969miranda_psi  I'm installing the pidgin dev files atm08:26
cmkAusIs there a channel called unbuntu beginner?08:26
eseven73Maggie: 8.04 is a LTS are you sure you want to upgrade? What's in 8.10 that you need so badly?08:26
Seveasinet, pluginlaserjet gotosystemadministrationprining selectaddprinter08:26
raylucmkAus: no08:26
miranda_psiJaZ969: ok08:27
cwillubut 9950808:27
SeveascmkAus, what are you beginning with? :)08:27
cwillubug 9950808:27
eseven73!LTS | Maggie08:27
ubottuMaggie: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.08:27
BikeguySeveas: so what that did was spit out things that are in the repository? interesting08:27
raylu!ru | inet08:27
ubottuinet: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke08:27
Mayankmy other pc is not connecting to internet (ubuntu)08:27
SeveasBikeguy, yes, apt-cache searches the local cache of repository info. Very useful08:27
Maggieeseven73, I am not able to use USB flash drives in my hardy08:27
hellhoundSeveas:  there is nothing in /proc/12368/environ.  The file is blank.  Should i add LD_PRELOAD ?08:27
b1gbawxwhat folder do i need to put a program in to make it a universal file accessed by everyone08:27
Seveashellhound, you can't edit things in /proc ;)08:28
raylub1gbawx: why?08:28
JaZ969configure: error:08:28
JaZ969*** PCRE library is needed; please make sure you have the PCRE development08:28
JaZ969*** files installed. The latest version of PCRE is always available at08:28
JaZ969*** http://www.pcre.org/.08:28
FloodBot2JaZ969: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:28
Seveashellhound, but this means something screwy is happening08:28
BikeguySeveas: yeah, definitely seems awesome08:28
b1gbawxwhat do you mean why08:28
b1gbawxjust what folder is it08:28
raylub1gbawx: what are you trying to make accessible, and why?08:28
SeveasJaZ969, what are you compiling?08:28
Seveasisn't it in the repos?08:29
raylub1gbawx: because your question makes no sense. there are many directories that are world-readable08:29
JaZ969plugin for pidgin08:29
Seveas!search musictracker08:29
b1gbawxis it /usr/bin or somethin08:29
Seveas!find musictracker08:29
b1gbawxjust a regular program iw rote08:29
b1gbawxi wrote08:29
ubottuFound: pidgin-musictracker08:29
miranda_psiJaZ969: try searching for PCRE in synaptic and install the dev files as well08:29
SeveasJaZ969, install the pidgin-musictracker package :)08:29
raylub1gbawx: the best place for something like that is /usr/local/bin08:29
Bikeguyraylu: thanks for the help a couple of days ago, i ended up doing a full system reinstall, and while i was doing that decided on doing a raid 5 setup08:29
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash08:29
JaZ969wheres that08:29
SeveasJaZ969, no need to compile it08:29
Don_Miguelraylu, http://paste.ubuntu.com/100160/   for  sudo aptitude -s remove perl-modules08:29
Mayankmy other pc is not connecting to internet (ubuntu)08:30
rayluBikeguy: o.008:30
CoUrPsE|DeAdMy audio doesnt play, i got startup audio and login audio, but my rythmbox doesnt play..08:30
SeveasJaZ969, sudo apt-get install pidgin-musictracker08:30
Maggieeseven73, see my pm08:30
hellhoundSeveas:  hummm any ideas ti fix the proc file or whatever i need to enable "LD_PRELOAD"08:30
miranda_psiJaZ969: if its in the package manager thats definitely a better way to go (and much easier as well :D)08:30
rayluDon_Miguel: now, i am very very confused08:30
zirodayCoUrPsE|DeAd: does totem audio play?08:30
Don_Miguelraylu, OH OH !08:30
eseven73!pm | Maggie08:31
ubottuMaggie: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.08:31
Mayankmy other pc is not connecting to internet (ubuntu)08:31
JaZ969yeah lmao08:31
rayluDon_Miguel: aptitude suggests upgrading a package when you tell it to remove it08:31
Bikeguyraylu: yeah, it's pretty sweet. Raid 5 3 750's. So my primary is a 1.3x tb drive...pretty fun08:31
vasyokIs somebody Russian?08:31
HemebondIs permission inheritance broken in Ubuntu?08:31
Maggie I am not able to use mount any USB flash drive on my PC08:31
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke08:31
rayluDon_Miguel: my best suggestion at this point is to remove xulrunner-1.9-gnome-support and then upgrade08:32
LarsNew Question: I am trying to set up dual displays. I have updated my system, installed nvidia-settings, currently my GPU-0 is detected both displays (an Acer LCD registering as DFP-1 - (DFP-1) and an HP LCD as CRT-0 - (HP vs17) ), I currently have TwinView enabled, both screens positioned correctly, and all of that. The Acer however is not getting a signal, period.08:32
Robbie_Crashvasyok: /j #ubuntu-ru08:32
Robbie_Crashyou're welcome08:32
R1cochetcan i run a livecd without resarting and booting from disc?08:32
Maggie I am not able to use mount any USB flash drive on my PC08:32
JaZ969thank you so much Seveas08:32
JaZ969and miranda_psi08:32
fosco_R1cochet: inside a virtual machine08:33
Robbie_CrashMaggie what happens when you try to mount one?08:33
miranda_psiJaZ969: no probelm08:33
CoUrPsE|DeAdziroday, Progress bar moves, but no audio.08:33
R1cochet!virtual machine08:33
ubottuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications08:33
Wickedhmm...sound in flash videos seems to skip after i leave firefox open for a while. any ideas how to fix this?08:33
robin0800send test08:34
Don_Miguelraylu, that one was  NEEDING an upgrade so removing the OLD is part of the UPGRADE ??  I thought we DID remove that   xulrunner-1.9-gnome-support    one !  what is that command ??08:34
MaggieRobbie_Crash, nothing happens08:34
zirodayCoUrPsE|DeAd: okay, are there any errors printed in the terminal?08:34
ubottuVMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware08:34
CoUrPsE|DeAdziroday,  nope.08:34
Robbie_CrashMaggie absolutely nothing? Does the flash drive have a light on it?08:34
rayluDon_Miguel: no, we didn't. you ran it with -s. "sudo aptitude remove xulrunner-1.9-gnome-support08:34
zirodayCoUrPsE|DeAd: okay, is your PCM level on your mixer set to max?08:35
jasonI need some help installing x64 flashplayer 10 plugin for firefox 3.0508:35
MaggieRobbie_Crash, yes the light on flash drive is working08:35
CoUrPsE|DeAdziroday, yes.08:35
LarsNew Question: I am trying to set up dual displays. I have updated my system, installed nvidia-settings, currently my GPU-0 is detected both displays (an Acer LCD registering as DFP-1 - (DFP-1) and an HP LCD as CRT-0 - (HP vs17) ), I currently have TwinView enabled, both screens positioned correctly, and all of that. The Acer however is not getting a signal, period.08:35
Robbie_CrashMaggie does it light up when you plug it into the USB port on your Ubuntu box?08:35
Don_Miguelraylu, OH ! yep ... OK, this time w/o the  -s      aptitude remove xulrunner-1.9-gnome-support08:35
rayluCoUrPsE|DeAd: speaker-test08:35
MaggieRobbie_Crash, yes08:35
zirodayCoUrPsE|DeAd: well then I'm out of ideas :(08:35
miranda_psijason: just uninstall any flash alternatives you have, then go to a site using flash and use firefox to install it08:35
Robbie_CrashMaggie can you open a terminal and type mount and pastebin the output please?08:36
CoUrPsE|DeAdSound prefences, sound playback returns:08:36
MaggieRobbie_Crash, sure08:36
jasonthat installs the 32 bit version08:36
CoUrPsE|DeAdaudiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open audio device for playback. Device is being used by another application.08:36
jasonIm on 64bit Ultimate Edition08:36
rayluCoUrPsE|DeAd: a long shot, but: killall artsd08:36
miranda_psijason: only if you are using the 32bit firefox, 64bit firefox can't use the 32bit plugin08:36
CoUrPsE|DeAdziroday, :(08:37
jasonit is 64 bit firefox08:37
zirodayCoUrPsE|DeAd: this happens as soon as you login?08:37
CoUrPsE|DeAdartsd no such process.08:37
miranda_psijason: i'm using 64bit firefox in ubuntu 8.10 64bit and it works fine08:37
joeb3_jason, get the 64 bit flash plugin from adobe.com08:37
rayluCoUrPsE|DeAd: have you tried speaker-test?08:37
Sa[i]nTIs awn the only dock app worth anything? Or is there some other good ones?08:37
CoUrPsE|DeAdziroday, Yeah, i get boot audio, login audio, and then nothing else.08:37
MaggieRobbie_Crash, this was my output http://paste.ubuntu.com/100164/08:37
CoUrPsE|DeAdraylu, Whats speaker test? i try the sound playback test.08:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dock08:37
jasonI have that joeb3 but don't know how to install it08:37
raylu!search dock08:38
ubottuFound: awn, cairo-dock08:38
rayluCoUrPsE|DeAd: run "speaker-test"08:38
jasonits in tar.gz format08:38
joeb3_jason, tar -zxf filename.tar.gz08:38
CoUrPsE|DeAdALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1008:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave --- Playback open error: -16,Device or resource busy08:38
Don_Miguelraylu, it says    The following actions will resolve these dependencies:08:38
Don_MiguelRemove the following packages:08:38
FloodBot2Don_Miguel: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:38
Don_Miguel         do I REALLY want to REMOVE those ???  I am USING them !!08:38
Kartagisi tried to create a keybinding in gconf-editor. is there a was to toggle it? Ctrl+Alt+d works find toggling08:38
jasonthats the command?08:38
LarsNew Question: I am trying to set up dual displays. I have updated my system, installed nvidia-settings, currently my GPU-0 is detected both displays (an Acer LCD registering as DFP-1 - (DFP-1) and an HP LCD as CRT-0 - (HP vs17) ), I currently have TwinView enabled, both screens positioned correctly, and all of that. The Acer however is not getting a signal, period.08:39
Robbie_CrashMaggie can you go to places>computer>file system>mnt08:39
Kartagisjason, you asked me?08:39
Robbie_Crashand tell me if that's got your USB drive in it?08:39
joeb3_jason, that's the command to uncompress the file you downloaded.08:39
=== GodTodd_ is now known as GodTodd
rayluDon_Miguel: ubuntu-desktp is a virtual package, so it's not a big deal08:39
IgramulI am switching to Fluxbox. How can I open the audio mixer from command line?08:39
jasonand just uncompress where?08:40
rayluDon_Miguel: and you can live without firefox-gnome-support for now.08:40
raylu!info firefox-3.0-gnome-support08:40
ubottufirefox-3.0-gnome-support (source: firefox-3.0): Support for Gnome in Mozilla Firefox. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.5+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.10.1 (intrepid), package size 82 kB, installed size 176 kB08:40
Don_Miguelraylu, so I just CLOSE firefox  ?08:40
MaggieRobbie_Crash, when I open places>Computer .... I get err msg "Nautilus cannot handle computer: locations."08:40
rayluDon_Miguel: you don't even have to do that, though it can't hurt08:40
rayluDon_Miguel: the only downside is that if packages are added to ubuntu-desktop, you won't be notified of them08:40
Robbie_CrashMaggie hold on one second08:40
CoUrPsE|DeAdIts like the sound device is owned by root and not letting me run audio.08:41
miranda_psijason: just uncompress it anywhere really, though somewhere like /usr/lib/ would be a good place08:41
Don_Miguelraylu, it is a BIG PAIN to close out FF ... as I have LOTS of tabs active !  do I need to close it for safety ?08:41
Kartagisi tried to create a keybinding in gconf-editor. is there a way to toggle it? Ctrl+Alt+d works fine toggling08:41
miranda_psijason: the you just create a symbolic link to the .so object thats in there in the firefox plugins directory08:42
jasonok and then what08:42
Robbie_CrashMaggie from the system panel, you click on Places, then Computer, and that Nautilus error comes up?08:42
robin0800send% test08:42
MaggieRobbie_Crash, yes08:42
rww!test | robin080008:42
ubotturobin0800: sigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed.08:42
miranda_psijason: once the symbolic link is in place, simply restart firefox and it should all be set08:42
Robbie_CrashMaggie when did you install Ubuntu, and how did you do it?08:43
jasonok i have to say can i not just but the .so in /usr/firefox 3.05/plugins directory08:43
rayluDon_Miguel: like i said, no08:43
rayluDon_Miguel: but firefox 3 should remember your tabs anyway08:43
jasonI tried that and it gave me a permission error08:44
rayluCoUrPsE|DeAd: not sure how much help this will be: http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=47416808:44
LarsRewording: my HP LCD is detecting in nvidia-settings as a CRT...it displays, but when I try to enable twin mode with my Acer (which detects as a DFP), the Acer doesn't get a signal08:44
MaggieRobbie_Crash, I installed Ubuntu 8.04 on November 19 from ubuntu CD that was shipped by cannonical08:44
Robbie_CrashMaggie are you still using 8.04?08:44
Robbie_Crashor have you done the dist_upgrade?08:44
MaggieRobbie_Crash, yes08:44
Robbie_CrashMaggie which?08:45
Mayankmy ubuntu is not getting internet connection08:45
MaggieRobbie_Crash, Ubuntu 8.0408:45
Don_Miguelraylu, so I say  Y   and accept the solution ? OK08:45
rayluRobbie_Crash: why would his/her usb drive be mounted at /mnt...?08:45
Robbie_CrashMaggie thanks, one second. You may have the GVFS issue. Let me research a second here.08:45
rayluDon_Miguel: yes08:45
miranda_psijason: doesn't work like that - the .so may require other files and if they are not there then it won't work so just use the symbolic link (ln -s /file/to/link/to /path/to/link)08:45
Mayankmy ubuntu is not getting internet connection08:46
=== vasyok is now known as kvas
Don_Miguelraylu, DONE .. would you like the paste ?08:47
alex_sleiborgHow do i start a program from the terminal, and when i close my terminal. Then the app should still run?08:47
Robbie_Crashraylu that's the only thing I saw that looked like a USB drive in the mount output08:47
rayluDon_Miguel: sure08:47
rayluRobbie_Crash: i know, but i'm wondering why it's mounted there in the first place08:47
LarsHELP! my HP LCD is detecting in nvidia-settings as a CRT...it displays, but when I try to enable twin mode with my Acer (which detects as a DFP), the Acer doesn't get a signal08:47
raylu!screen | alex_sleiborg08:47
ubottualex_sleiborg: screen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen08:47
kaps1my linux partition is not getting detected08:48
rayluLars: try messing with xrandr08:48
Larsraylu, which is?08:48
Igramulkaps1, detected by what?08:48
Mayankmy ubuntu is not getting internet connection08:48
rayluLars: a command line tool for messing with displays08:48
ubottuXRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1208:48
Larsraylu, how do I use it?08:48
rayluLars: just run it in a terminal. xrandr --help08:49
raylux strike force ...08:49
kaps1 Igramul:I installed windows and now when I am trying to recover my grub , my linux partition says unallocated ?08:49
=== alinuxfan is now known as alinuxfan2
Don_Miguelraylu,     http://paste.ubuntu.com/100170/    for results of      sudo aptitude remove xulrunner-1.9-gnome-support08:49
homyHello, I have a problem with the "Create USB Startup disk". I used the programm to create a intrepid 32bit startup disk (but I'm using a 64bit intrepid os). It did that successfully (at least it said that), but I can't boot from it. I know my bios can do that, as a also tried selecting the boot device manually (using F9), selecting "Removable". But then it just says sth like No bootable medium found.08:50
kaps1Igramul:probably my mbr got messed up ?08:50
Robbie_Crashraylu I have no idea. She's not done anything abnormal from what she's said, it just mounted there. And she's got an old GVFS error it sounds like, and short of a dist upgrade I'm not sure how to fix that, so I'm reading up on that.08:50
Mayankmy ubuntu is not getting internet connection08:50
Robbie_CrashMaggie sit tight, I'm still looking08:50
Slartkaps1: how does it say unallocated? an error message from grub? in gparted? fdisk?08:50
MaggieRobbie_Crash, OK08:50
Igramulkaps1, try booting from the live system and fix the grub installation from there.08:50
kaps1Slart: in gparted08:50
Robbie_CrashMaggie does your USB disk have any files on it?08:51
Mayankanybody  plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz?08:51
Mayankmy ubuntu is not getting internet connection08:51
Larsraylu: I'll need a little guidance here08:51
MaggieRobbie_Crash, yes08:51
Slart!details | Mayank08:51
ubottuMayank: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."08:51
Igramulkaps1, ouch... did You remove the partition dirung the installation of Windows?08:51
kaps1Igramul:I did the same but gparted itself is not able to detect linux partition08:51
rayluDon_Miguel: what... the...08:51
Mayankmy ubuntu is not getting internet connection, 8.1008:51
rayluDon_Miguel: might want to add that paste to your bug report08:51
Slartkaps1: hmm... and you're sure you're looking at the right disk, at the right place?08:52
chris_i have an annoying problem with compiz-fusion. everytime i open a window it will stop for a split second before continuing. otherwise it runs absolutely smoothly. i couldn't find anything useful in google. any suggestions?08:52
Slartkaps1: are there any ext partitions at all anywhere?08:52
rayluLars: just try some of the commands/options08:52
kaps1Igramul:I didnt removed the linux partition but others and reformatted them with new size08:52
Larsraylu, I wouldn't know where to begin...08:52
cwilluchris_, what kind of card, and lots of windows open?08:52
kaps1 Slart:yes there is one swap and another ext308:52
rayluLars: xrandr --help is where to begin :D08:53
homyCan anybody help me with my usb-creator problem?08:53
Slartkaps1: you're sure you didn't install it to the wrong partition?08:53
chris_cwillu: nvidia gforce 8600gt. no, it happens with any number of windows08:53
Igramulkaps1, what's the "another ext3"? /boot ?08:53
Larsraylu, I have it up, but I don't know which command is the one I want, mainly because I don't know what the problem is to begin with08:53
rayluLars: i think if you just run "xrandr", it should give you the status of your displays08:53
kaps1 Slart: I tried testdevice it shows me ext3 is there but filesystem corrupted08:53
Larsraylu, I have no idea WHY my acer isn't getting a signal08:53
CoUrPsE|DeAdraylu, Not much help sadly, :(08:53
kaps1Igramul: didnt got your question ?08:54
Robbie_CrashMaggie can you open a terminal, and cd to /mount08:54
MaggieRobbie_Crash, OK08:54
rayluRobbie_Crash: /mnt? /media?08:54
Igramulkaps1, try mounting that ext3 from a live CD. If mount fails, You can try ext3.fsck08:54
kaps1Igramul: mount fails08:55
MaggieRobbie_Crash, this is what I got bash: cd: /mount: No such file or directory08:55
Robbie_CrashSorry,  raylu is right, /mnt, not /mount.08:55
Slartkaps1: hmm.. I haven't done enough partition recoveries to feel that I can give advice at this point.. I might just as well make things worse08:55
Mayankmy ubuntu is not getting internet connection, 8.1008:55
raylukaps1, Slar, Igramul: sudo fdisk -l08:55
SlartMayank: more details..08:55
CoUrPsE|DeAdWhats the sound device called in /dev?08:56
Robbie_CrashMaggie it's /mnt, pardon me, after that, type 'ls' and tell me if you're seeing any of the files and folders you should be seeing?08:56
rwwMayank: how is it supposed to be connected to the internet? Ethernet? Wireless? Pastebin the output of lspci and lsusb...08:56
Larsraylu, this is all german to me, with my configuration, I need to know WHY the second output isn't working08:56
MayankSlart, i have 2 pc's, first has ubuntu 8.10, p-4, 1gb ram, airtel internet (delhi)08:56
Kartagisi tried to create a keybinding in gconf-editor. is there a way to toggle it? Ctrl+Alt+d works fine toggling08:56
MaggieRobbie_Crash, No08:57
SlartMayank: and airtel internet means?08:57
kaps1raylu:  Slar, Igramul: sudo fdisk -l shows as /dev/sda6            4742        7492    20797528+   4  FAT16 <32M ?08:57
Mayankfirst has internet without problem, but another is not connection, its says connection is disconnected08:57
Robbie_CrashMaggie does anything show up after that command?08:57
SlartMayank: wired connection? ppp? 3g? wireless?08:57
MaggieRobbie_Crash, No08:57
Robbie_CrashHmm, ok.08:57
Mayanki am in india, new delhi, both have wired connection08:57
Robbie_CrashMaggie, one second please08:57
Mayankslart, but different, means no internet sharing08:58
Mayankdifferent location, but same service proviver08:58
homyHey, I have a problem with usb-creator08:58
rayluDon_Miguel: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=619888908:58
kaps1Igramul: what is ext3.fsck ?08:58
rww!fsck | kaps108:58
ubottukaps1: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot08:58
homyusb-creator exits fine but the usb-drive isn't bootable08:58
Slart!ics | Mayank, there might be some info here08:59
ubottuMayank, there might be some info here: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php08:59
Robbie_CrashMaggie when was the last time you did a system update?08:59
Mayankslart, when i have installed ubuntu on the first pc, i have just installed nad internet is working fine08:59
MaggieRobbie_Crash, 2 days ago and then the problem started08:59
LarsI'm trying to get my two monitors to work, can somebody walk me through and find out where the problem is?08:59
rayluDon_Miguel: dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq xulrunner-1.9-gnome-support08:59
HellFire-Auhow come in a network bridge, wpa_gui for wpa_supplicant only gets upto ASSOCIATED then drops back down to DISCONNECTED then repeats. No ip is getting assigned, password error or something else?09:00
raylu!in | Mayank09:00
ubottuMayank: #ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India09:00
Mayankslart, the only difference is i have working internet connection pc have clean ubuntu installed (means no wubi)09:00
Mayankraylu, thanx09:00
kaps1raylu: fdisk -l is showing my ext3 partition as FAT16 ?09:00
Don_Miguelraylu, that would be:  sudo dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq xulrunner-1.9-gnome-support    ?09:00
rayluLars: i can't help you much with xrandr, but i really suggest you play with it. for now, can you pastebin the output of xrandr?09:01
rayluDon_Miguel: yes09:01
Don_Miguelraylu, OK brb09:01
kaps1raylu : /dev/sda6            4742        7492    20797528+   4  FAT16 <32M is the output for my ext3 partition ?09:01
raylukaps1: ...then why do you say it's a ext3 partition?09:01
Mayankslart, the only difference is i have working internet connection pc have clean ubuntu installed (means no wubi), and other one has wubi with xp which is not connection to internet..09:01
rwwMayank: Does the PC connect to the internet okay in XP?09:02
PabixHello, do you know whether it is possible to make Synaptics faster when sorting packages by whether or not they are supported by the Ubuntu developers?09:02
kaps1raylu: I never formatted it as FAT16 , it was originally ext3 and I only changed other partitions for sure09:02
Robbie_CrashMaggie were USB drives showing up properly before the update?09:02
MaggieRobbie_Crash, yes09:02
Larsraylu, I'm on a different computer09:02
Mayankrww, yes.. perfect...09:02
kaps1raylu: how can I recover my ubuntu data from there ?09:02
SlartMayank: on the pc that is directly connect to internet, run this in a terminal "sudo cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"09:03
raylukaps1: you said earlier that mounting failed; what happened?09:03
SlartMayank: does it say "0" or "1"09:03
homyAny help with my usb-creator problem? Medium won't boot.09:03
rwwMayank: okay. Open up a terminal and issue the command "lspci;lsusb", copy the output to http://paste.ubuntu.com/, and provide here a link to the created pastebin page.09:03
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kaps1raylu: it says, mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda6,09:04
jasonWho has 64bit firefox 3 and flashplayer 10 working?09:04
Slartjason: I do09:04
kaps1raylu : mount -t ext3 /dev/sda6 /media/disk-1/mnt/ is my command09:04
Mayankrww, ok09:04
b1gbawxis there something special i need to do to get my external usb harddrive to work09:04
raylukaps1: take off the -t ext309:04
b1gbawxit shows up under places but i cant access it09:04
Robbie_CrashMaggie Do you know how to install a package from source?09:04
CoUrPsE|DeAduh huh.09:04
MaggieRobbie_Crash, yes09:04
CoUrPsE|DeAdas i suspected, my user is not allowed to use the device.09:04
jasonI need your help Slart09:05
rayluhomy: try unetbootin09:05
CoUrPsE|DeAdhow do i open users and groups dialog with sudo?09:05
kaps1raylu : mount /dev/sda6 /media/disk-1/mnt/09:05
kaps1mount: you must specify the filesystem type09:05
fjaehi all09:05
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=== ctulhu_fhtafn is now known as ctulhu_fhtagn
kaps1raylu: it asks to specify filesystem ?09:05
rwwCoUrPsE|DeAd: you shouldn't need to. The "Unlock" button at the bottom of the Users and Groups window will authenticate you and allow you to do administrator stuff.09:05
raylukaps1: o.0. try -t vfat09:05
homybut I used the "Create usb startup disk" utitlity that is pre-installed in Ubuntu 8.10! So I don't need Unetbootin? The problem is only that the medium doesn't boot, even though usb-creator said it would.09:06
CoUrPsE|DeAdrww, Sorry, didnt even see the unlock button.09:06
rayluCoUrPsE|DeAd: and of course, there's always usermod09:06
kaps1raylu:  mount -t vfat /dev/sda6 /media/disk-1/mnt/09:06
kaps1raylu : mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda6 ?09:06
rayluhomy: well, it lied :P. or, your bios isn't configured ot look for usb devices first09:06
Don_Miguelraylu, "not removing"   http://paste.ubuntu.com/100175/   { ref:  sudo dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq xulrunner-1.9-gnome-support  }09:06
Robbie_CrashMaggie According to this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=801597&page=3 many users have had a similar problem with their GVFS, which could be causing this problem with your USB drives, and mostly fixed the issue by installing the newest version of GVFS from source, which can be found here: ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/sources/gvfs/1.1/09:07
=== less is now known as more
jinja-sheepIs there an excellent tool that can monitor your network?  Displaying the network graphic of several days?  Statistics, etc.09:07
homyraylu: In the bios I typed F8 (select booting device) and selected "Removable" to test that. But even then it said sth like "No bootable Medium found", even though the drive was in a usb port.09:07
Robbie_Crash!ru | ctulhu_fhtagn09:07
ubottuctulhu_fhtagn: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke09:07
homy#(and yes, I tried multiple usb ports on my computer)09:07
MaggieRobbie_Crash, thanx for your help    i'll  try what u said09:07
rayluhomy: then i revert back to my original suggestion; use unetbootin09:08
ctulhu_fhtagn!ru | ctulhu_fhtagn09:08
ubottuctulhu_fhtagn, please see my private message09:08
rayluDon_Miguel: try putting firefox-3.0-gnome-support at the end of that command09:08
ctulhu_fhtagn!ru |hui09:08
ubottuhui: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke09:08
Robbie_CrashMaggie you're welcome. If that fixes your places issue, but not the USB issue, please come back and let us know09:08
rayluDon_Miguel: sudo dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq xulrunner-1.9-gnome-support firefox-3.0-gnome-support09:08
ctulhu_fhtagn!ru | хуй09:08
ubottuхуй: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke09:08
xfm_Hello. I use ubuntu 8.10. I have a sound problem: sometimes the sound is oddly turned off for a few seconds then turned on automatically. I hav noticed this on various progs as vlc or firefox.09:08
fjaedoes anybody know why there are some connections established by tor as root at the boot of ubuntu?09:08
rayluDon_Miguel: not that i mind, but why does it take so long to run these commands and pastebin the results?09:08
homyraylu: could the problem be that I started usb-creator in a 64bit intrepid os but installed 32bit to the usb drive?09:08
MaggieRobbie_Crash, sure09:09
homyraylu: but usb-creator should work if it is included by default in ubuntu09:09
Don_Miguelraylu, OK I am willing to keep trying next up :    sudo dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq xulrunner-1.9-gnome-support firefox-3.0-gnome-support09:09
rayluhomy: and the world should be perfect09:09
ctulhu_fhtagnвиндовс маст дай09:09
kaps1raylu: any other option ?09:09
xfm_Hello. I use ubuntu 8.10. I have a sound problem: sometimes the sound is oddly turned off for a few seconds then turned on automatically. I hav noticed this on various progs as vlc or firefox.09:09
rwwctulhu_fhtagn: /join #ubuntu-ru09:09
ctulhu_fhtagnнихуя себе флуд09:10
rwwctulhu_fhtagn: speak russian there. Speak english only here.09:10
CoUrPsE|DeAdOkies, all workng niow,.09:10
CoUrPsE|DeAdThats guys.,09:10
raylukaps1: have you tried the fsck suggestion yet?09:10
ctulhu_fhtagnшо ты мне туту молвишь, бот тупой, сука буржуйская?? нах09:10
fjaehello could anybody help me?09:10
raylu!anybody | fjae09:11
ubottufjae: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:11
ctulhu_fhtagnсука по русский пиши09:11
chrisleesHi, a quick question here: Does Ubuntu support 3 optical drives in the same tower?09:11
xfm_Hello. I use ubuntu 8.10. I have a sound problem: sometimes the sound is oddly turned off for a few seconds then turned on automatically. I hav noticed this on various progs as vlc or firefox.09:11
fjaemy question is09:11
ulinskieI want to install my epson stylus c59, can anybody help me on this09:11
ctulhu_fhtagnиксэфэм урод заебись своей 8-1009:11
chrisleesxfm_: Does this happen while it is playing a sound?09:12
kaps1raylu : fsck /dev/sda6 ?09:12
raylukaps1: yes09:12
ctulhu_fhtagnhi, Indian human!09:12
aprilharei am having a firefox/flash problem. after a heavy firefox session, i sometimes find that flash doesn't display at all. i have to restart firefox to get it going again, but it's getting more frequent. is there anything i can do?09:12
kaps1raylu : it says superblock invalid ?09:13
raylukaps1: then i have no idea09:13
xfm_chrislees: for instance, while watching a movie, it happens regularly, even if I do not touch the computer, and no other sound there09:13
fjaeIs it normal to start my system and tor has an establshed connection to an external adress from a 1064 -64XXX local range to a 443 external port?09:13
kaps1raylu: can you  plz suggest something as to how can I recover from this corrupted partition ?09:13
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rwwfjae: you might get better insight in channel #tor on this server or on irc.oftc.net.09:14
chrisleesxfm_: Maybe Pulseaudio is crashing and then restarting itself? Have you tried "killall pulseaudio" in a terminal to see if this fixes the problem09:14
raylukaps1: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-general-1/help-please-superblock-has-an-invalid-ext3-journal-460677/09:15
fjaeThanks rww09:15
=== FriedCPU is now known as FRiEd|BnC
fuctflyim having an issue with ekiga09:15
xfm_chrislees: can I "monitor" pulseaudio ina term?09:15
fuctflyim using 8.109:15
rayluchrislees: from experience, pulseaudio doesn't die that easily. -9 is often needed09:15
fuctflymy ekiga is stuck at 2.0.1209:15
rayluxfm_, chrislees: also consider disabling pulseaudio altogether09:16
fuctflyive been trying to get it upgraded to 3.0.1 so i can test their h.264 support which isnt in the 2.0.12 version09:16
aprilharemight installing the 64 bit flash plugin make a difference with my flash problem?09:16
LarsHELP, I need both my inputs in DVI to display as CRTs...how do I get the DFP to detect as a CRT?09:16
Robbie_Crash I'm still having a problem when I disconnect a secondar, non mounted harddrive. When I do, I can't boot. More info here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1028757 . I've looked through the syslog, but I don't know enough about Linux to determine where it's checking something, and what it's missing, and I don't think that the failed boots would log anything to syslog, so I don't know how I'll really be able to figure out where the problem actu09:16
xfm_raylu: I've read on blogs that it was not as easy as we wished in 8.1009:16
fuctflyanybody can give me any advice in this situation?09:16
aprilharehow do i go about installing the 64 bit flash plugin cleanly?09:16
rayluxfm_: it = ?09:16
raylufuctfly: 8.1 = ?09:17
xfm_raylu: disabling pulsaudio09:17
chrisleesraylu: I just tried it, Pulseaudio has gone09:17
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash09:17
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions09:17
rwwfuctfly: That's the most current version of ekiga in the Ubuntu Intrepid repositories. The next version of Ubuntu will have 3.0.1 (or higher).09:17
rayluchrislees: but on your system, pulseaudio wasn't being screwy in the first place :D09:17
fuctfly8.10 interepid09:17
Don_Miguelraylu, same negative results      http://paste.ubuntu.com/100180/09:17
fuctflyekiga is 2.0.12 that comes with the default installation09:18
raylufuctfly: oh. by the way, those aren't truly version numbers, they're dates09:18
=== FRiEd|BnC is now known as FriedCPU
fastaHow do I disable the fancy window effects?09:18
fuctflymy bad09:18
xfm_raylu, chrislees: ok, killall pulseaudio works, now what?09:18
rwwfasta: If you're talking about compiz, System > Preferences > Appearance > Visual Effects > None09:18
chrisleesxfm_: See if you continue to get the audio cut-out problem09:18
level3I am trying to start program with 'nohup javadev.sh >out.txt &', but when I close the terminal, my program stops. How to keep it?09:19
xfm_raylu, chrislees: I have no sound now09:19
raylu!aptfix | Don_Miguel09:19
ubottuDon_Miguel: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »09:19
raylu!screen | level309:19
ubottulevel3: screen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen09:19
rwwfuctfly: I'm taking a look now to see if there's a relatively-easy way to get Ekiga 3 in intrepid.09:19
Mayankjoin/ #ubuntu-in09:19
fuctflyive tried to uninstall 2.0.1209:19
fuctflythen install 3.0 snapshot09:19
Robbie_CrashMayank type instead: /join #ubuntu-in09:20
xfm_chrislees: whats the command to launch it again09:20
fastarww: thank you09:20
fuctflydidnt work due to failed dependences along the way09:20
chrisleesxfm_: just "pulseaudio"09:20
xfm_chrislees: Ive got an error09:20
Mayankyes got it09:20
fuctflyi even tried manually installing it via the source code and gave up after 7+ different dependences i had to search for..09:20
xfm_W: ltdl-bind-now.c: Failed to find original dlopen loader.09:20
xfm_W: main.c: setrlimit(RLIMIT_NICE, (31, 31)) failed: Opération non permise09:20
xfm_W: main.c: setrlimit(RLIMIT_RTPRIO, (9, 9)) failed: Opération non permise09:20
xfm_ALSA lib control.c:909:(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid CTL front:009:20
xfm_ALSA lib control.c:909:(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid CTL front:009:20
FloodBot2xfm_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:20
raylufuctfly: only 7 :P09:20
fuctflyif there is a way to enable h.274 codec in 2.0.12 im golden09:21
LarsHELP HELP, I need to set up dual monitors with twinview. One is detecting as a DFP, the other as a CRT. CRT works, DFP is getting black screen in twinview. How do I get both to work?09:21
Don_Miguelraylu, I do not know that THAT ( an apt crash )  is the problem ... will it hurt anything to try     sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a       ??09:21
chrisleesxfm_: The killall command is only temporary; rebooting will restart pulseaudio. In any case, it looks like Pulseaudio is running even though you are getting error messages09:21
fuctflybasically what i am trying to do is to see if i am able to call video relay interpreters via ekiga..09:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dualview09:21
rayluDon_Miguel: in your situation, no :P09:21
ubottutwinview is a feature provided by nvidia cards, which can be configured with nvidia-settings09:21
Robbie_CrashI guess that doesn't help at all09:21
rayluDon_Miguel: it's similar to the solution at the bottom of http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=619888909:21
LarsRobbie_Crash, nope09:22
fuctflywhen there is aptitude, it makes much easier to install or remove whatever i put on it..09:22
raylufuctfly: apt-get build-dep ekiga09:22
raylufuctfly: might help09:22
Mayankrobbie_crash, how i do 1024x768 my permanent resolution?09:22
Don_Miguelraylu, LOL09:22
rwwfuctfly: The relevant bug for this is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ekiga/+bug/274085 . Give it a read through and see if it helps.09:22
tripchronichello everybody09:23
fuctflyekiga is already installed..  i just need to add h.264 codec to it which is supposedly to be added in the 3.0 version and its nowhere to be found on the snapshot server for apt-get09:23
Don_Miguelraylu, done    now what ?09:23
Mayankevery time its only have 800x60009:23
fuctflyi even added deb www. in the sources.list09:23
rayluDon_Miguel: sudo aptitude safe-upgrade09:23
fuctflyno luck still09:23
xfm_chrislees: The problem is still there. How could I monitor pulseaudio? Perhaps launch it from a term? But I can't if pulsaudio relaunches automatically09:23
* raylu just tried to tab-complete aptitude in irssi09:23
fuctflyi will read that link09:23
faileasraylu: it happens ;p09:23
raylufuctfly: build-dep gets the build dependencies09:24
Don_Miguelraylu, OK   in progress    sudo aptitude safe-upgrade09:24
tripchronicchkrootkit just gave me "eth0: PACKET SNIFFER(/sbin/dhclient3[6073])"  should i be worried?09:24
Mayankhow i do 1024x768 my permanent resolution?09:24
chrisleesxfm_: Keeping an eye on the terminal output might yield some clues, if pulseaudio is the problem09:24
rwwraylu: the new version of ekiga requires different dependencies from the current Intrepid version, so I doubt that'll work =/09:24
kaps1raylu: thanks, but the link you provided is not helping me09:24
TrenterQuestion:  How can I register my nick name with the nickserv?09:24
CoUrPsE|DeAdHow do i add a line of code before gdm starts?09:24
rww!register | Trenter09:24
ubottuTrenter: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode09:24
raylurww: oh :909:25
Robbie_CrashMayank System>preferences>Screen Resolution09:25
CoUrPsE|DeAderm, a line of code, pfft, i mean how do i do: modprobe radeon09:25
CoUrPsE|DeAdbefore GDM starts?09:25
xfm_chrislees: yes but that recquires to have launched pulseaudio from a terminal09:25
Mayankrobbie_crash, its only show max 800x600, i want 1024x76809:25
rayluCoUrPsE|DeAd: /etc/modprobe.d, i think09:25
Robbie_CrashMayank what video card do you have?09:25
rayluCoUrPsE|DeAd: or is it /etc/modprobe...09:25
rwwCoUrPsE|DeAd: add "radeon" to /etc/modules09:25
LarsRobbie_Crash: think you can help me out?09:26
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:26
CoUrPsE|DeAd/etc/modules doesnt exist.09:26
chrisleesRe-asking my question in case anyone useful missed it :-)  I installed a blu-ray drive yesterday alongside my other two DVD burners. All internal SATA drives. Now my system appears to deny all knowledge of the second burner which was working perfectly before. Any ideas?09:26
Mayanknvidia, my nvidia setting shows 1024x76809:26
rww!ppa | fuctfly09:26
ubottufuctfly: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.09:26
quibblertripchronic, No I believe it is part of Ubuntu see:http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13414509:27
tripchronicthanks buddy09:27
Robbie_CrashMayank, if you've got nVidia settings, you should be able to change it in there09:27
rwwCoUrPsE|DeAd: what version of Ubuntu are you using?09:27
CoUrPsE|DeAdand file lines in a file in /etc/modprove.d/ will be exacuted? or do i make it an exacuteable file?09:27
ChrisDavazI am trying to install Ubuntu 8.10 32-bit desktop on a Lenovo Thinkpad T500 however after booting up the Ubuntu LiveCD drops to a shell. Anyone know what is going on? I have successfully used this disc before to install on another machine.09:28
fuctflyi already added this to the sources.list file09:29
rwwCoUrPsE|DeAd: That's odd, you should have one. You could just create /etc/modules with the contents "radeon", owner root:root, permissions -rw-r--r--, and it should work.09:29
fuctflydeb http://snapshots.ekiga.net/snapshots/ubuntu/ intrepid main09:29
Robbie_CrashMayank if it keeps resetting to a different resolution, try launching nvidia settings from a terminal using gksu nvidia-settings09:29
Lo_with last update my wine "is broken"09:29
chrisleesChrisDavaz: with the desktop CD you can give special boot options that can sometimes get Ubuntu to boot when otherwise it won't - have you tried specifying these at the boot menu? (there's a list you can bring up if you hit one of the F keys, I think it might be F409:29
fuctflyif thats wrong, it might explain my issues09:29
rwwCoUrPsE|DeAd: here's mine for comparison: http://paste.ubuntu.com/100185/09:30
CoUrPsE|DeAdokies, thanks rww.09:30
ChrisDavazchrislees, thanks for the tip i'll give it a try09:30
fuctflythis is what i m trying to do09:30
fuctflywont take too long to read..09:31
b1gbawxever since i selected x windows to not load on startup my usb external harddrive wont load while in x. is there a way to fix this09:31
rwwfuctfly: that repository doesn't have intrepid packages in it.09:31
fuctflythat way you can understand exactly what i am shooting for right now..  =)09:31
fuctflyi noticed..09:31
fuctflyonly debian does..09:31
fuctflyacquire files from debain then?09:31
fuctflysince ubuntu is based on debian?09:31
Lo_with last update my wine "is broken" I'm using ubuntu 8.1009:32
rwwfuctfly: did you read the bug report I linked you to?09:32
Don_Miguelraylu,   "Processing was halted because there were too many errors."         http://paste.ubuntu.com/100182/         sure looks like the same basic error message we started with !!!09:32
rwwLo_: elaborate on "is broken", please09:32
LurkerInTheWebsHELP -- Trying to enable twinview, one input is a DFP, the other is a CRT. How do I get both to work?09:32
fuctflyi skimmed it..09:33
Lo_rww: No application (which worked) does now, if I try to launch winecfhg I get the following error: wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to 0x00000004 at address 0x455410 (thread 0014), starting debugger...09:33
Lo_wineserver crashed, please enable coredumps (ulimit -c unlimited) and restart.09:33
HacKBoXAnybody need any help?09:34
fuctflyi feel that my issue is that i need to find h.264 codec that works with ekiga, then i should be all set09:34
rayluDon_Miguel: so i've been wondering why it takes so long to run these things09:34
fuctflyonce i m able to do that, i m all set09:34
fuctflyin theory that is09:34
b1gbawxever since i selected x windows to not load on startup my usb external harddrive wont load while in x. is there a way to fix this09:35
rayluDon_Miguel: and yes, you're right. it seems we've gotten nowhere. try "sudo apt-get remove firefox-3.0-gnome-support" first, then sudo dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq xulrunner-1.9-gnome-support09:35
=== zeeek is now known as ColdFyre
Lo_rww: also if I try to do wine anyprogram.exe from a terminal I get the error: wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to 0x00000004 at address 0x455410 (thread 0014), starting debugger...09:35
Lo_wineserver crashed, please enable coredumps (ulimit -c unlimited) and restart.09:35
rwwfuctfly: you could ask the ekiga people if there is one. Their channel is #ekiga on irc.gnome.org.09:35
CarlFKwhat package do I install to satisfy: NVIDIA-Linux-x86-96.43.07-pkg1.run    http://dpaste.com/105511/ "the kernel source files in  '/usr/src/linux-source-2.6.28' have not been configured."09:36
rwwLo_: I'm looking for solutions. Give me a sec :)09:36
Lo_rww: Thanks a lot!! :)09:36
fosco_CarlFK: nvidia-glx-9609:36
CarlFKfosco_: im trying to build it on jaunty, which currently doesn't support -9609:38
ChrisDavazI tried setting various kernel options (disable acpi for example) and I am still having trouble with getting the Ubuntu 8.10 LiveCD to boot on my Lenovo Thinkpad T500. The X server failed to start after 60 seconds.09:38
fosco_CarlFK: jaunty does not support nvidia acceleration at all09:38
rwwLo_: what version of Ubuntu are you using?09:38
Don_Miguelraylu, "slow" is probably tired operator being very very careful to follow instructions correctly  :-)    will now attempt to     try "sudo apt-get remove firefox-3.0-gnome-support" first, then sudo dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq xulrunner-1.9-gnome-support09:39
jessiehey guys I need help getting my Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01) to work09:39
Lo_rww: 8.1009:39
rwwfosco_: support for Jaunty is in #ubuntu+1, not here.09:39
rayluCarlFK: if you can't find a configured kernel source, you could always build your own kernel :D09:39
Lo_rww: Unfortunately it seems to be a quite widespread problem in wine 1.1.12: http://forum.winehq.org/viewtopic.php?p=17490&sid=590335c11cd63963d620b072678d5c3009:39
jessiejust installed Ubuntu on a friends laptop and I'm having problems, i heard madwifi works with these cards?09:39
rayluDon_Miguel: there is such a thing as too careful09:39
LurkerInTheWebsHELP -- Trying to enable twinview, one input is a DFP, the other is a CRT. How do I get both to work?09:39
rwwLo_: Intrepid's only up to 1.0.1 right now, though, unless you installed it manually.09:40
fuctflytrying their chan now09:40
CarlFKraylu: swelll :)09:40
raylujessie: "works" may be an overstatement09:40
fuctflytheres somebody awake surprisingly at this hour..  =)09:40
jessieraylu ahh i see, does ndiswrapper work okay?09:40
Lo_rww: no... I mean it was installed automatically..09:40
Teknoits 11:40 AM09:40
fosco_fuctfly: not everyone has your timezone :-)09:40
rwwLo_: try "mv ~/.wine ~/.wine_old". That'll move your wine configuration out of the way and make a new one. Try running winecfg again after that.09:40
raylujessie: using "works" in the same sentence as something about wifi is often an overstatement :P. madwifi works, sometimes09:40
Don_Miguelraylu, see PM09:41
jessieraylu I think i was talking to you the other night (other username; mattycoze) :p09:41
raylujessie: just like ndiswrapper. and networkmanager, for that matter09:41
jasonJust thought I would tell everyone that Slart ROCKS he helped me drastically so Props to Slart09:41
CarlFKfosco_: actually i just want to be able to use the cards svideo port.  any idea if that will work?09:41
xfm_chrislees: found how to desactivate for alsa here: http://idyllictux.wordpress.com/2008/10/29/alsa-instead-of-pulseaudio-for-ubuntu-810-intrepid-a-non-destructive-way/. Thanks for your help09:41
rayluDon_Miguel: oh, the second part isn't worth trying, then09:41
fosco_CarlFK: sorry, they don not want we talk about jaunty here09:41
LurkerInTheWebsHELP -- Trying to enable twinview, one input is a DFP, the other is a CRT. How do I get both to work?09:41
jessieahh i have faith in it lol; they've all done alright with all the computers I've installed Ubuntu upon09:41
rayluDon_Miguel: so, back to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=619888909:41
rwwLo_: that'll tell us whether something's wrong with your copy of wine, or with your wine configuration; and you can move it back again with "rm -r ~/.wine; mv ~/.wine_old ~/.wine"09:42
rayluDon_Miguel: the person had trouble with ussp-push. in the last post, he mentions removing references to that package in /var/lib/dpkg09:42
rayluDon_Miguel: perhaps you can do something similar to xulrunner-1.9-gnome-support09:42
Lo_rww: Ok, now winecfg and wine seem to work..09:43
Lo_rww: but how to "restore" my programs?09:43
rwwLo_: okay, so something is screwy with your .wine directory... hmm.09:43
Don_Miguelraylu, still reading that one ... so far it seems we have tried all those that apply and I am unclear on how to DO some of those ... and my mind is not so clear at almost 0600 AM ...09:43
Lo_rww: Yes. definitly09:44
rwwLo_: I'd recommend going into #winehq and telling them about it. They know way more about this than me...09:44
jessiedam acer laptops have serious problems with their wifi on ubuntu09:45
MartinN00bjoin #Ubuntu:09:45
rwwLo_: like I said, though, to restore your old configuration, remove the new one: "rm -r ~/.wine" and move the old one back: "mv ~/.wine_old ~/.wine"09:45
Lo_rww: Thank you so much.09:45
b1gbawxever since i selected x windows to not load on startup my usb external harddrive wont load while in x. is there a way to fix this it worked before09:45
Lo_rww: I'll check that out.. anyway thanks for putting me on the right track ;)09:45
rayluDon_Miguel: "ls -F /var/lib/dpkg", find /var/lib/dpkg -name "*xulrunner*", grep -r xulrunner /var/lib/dpkg09:46
rayluDon_Miguel: could you run those three and show me what they produced?09:46
jasonHey guys I have both my moniters working but all my windows open in the middle and maximize thur both screens09:47
KJ4HZWjason: that sounds awesome09:47
travisivartIn this recent install of 8.10 on a laptop, I've had some problems with sound. It sounds really jarbled. Any ideas?09:48
bottigerHow is ubuntus partitioning tool? If you have a whole harddrive formatted in ntfs, can you then resize it and create a new partition?09:48
Don_Miguelraylu, OK ....   (1) ls -F /var/lib/dpkg   (2) find /var/lib/dpkg -name "*xulrunner*"  (3)  grep -r xulrunner /var/lib/dpkg        uhh, Is (2) a terminal command ??09:49
KJ4HZWbottiger: it works fine for that, just make sure you shut down windows cleanly first09:49
rayluDon_Miguel: yes09:49
Don_Miguelraylu, OK09:49
ghalebhello, I notice a high disk activity .. how can I know which is the process asking for disk i/o ?09:50
allsystemsaregoghaleb, iotop09:50
ghaleballsystemsarego: thank you09:51
bottigerKJ4HZW: thank you09:51
rwwbottiger: yes. You can do that easily during install, or with gparted from the Live CD>09:51
jasonKJ4Hzw what sounds awesome the fact that all my windows maximize covering both screens09:53
Don_Miguelraylu, wow, #3 is huge  ... and I lost #1 & #2  and part of #3   how can I include it if I do not see it in the terminal ???09:54
rayluDon_Miguel: you can just give me the first two, then. (pressing up in terminal will give you the last few commands you ran09:55
rayluDon_Miguel: as for getting the third, "grep -r xulrunner /var/lib/dpkg | head"09:55
rayluDon_Miguel: will give only the first 10 lines, which may be of use09:56
=== chipt4_ is now known as chipt4
pogztimzhello veryone. wat package should i download for converting *.avi files into *.mp4 format?09:59
Don_Miguelraylu, I do not seem to be able to scroll back ... there are hundreds of lines for #3 (grep) so i will repeat the first two and paste them, then repeat #309:59
Teknopogztimz: avidemux09:59
pogztimzTekno: ty and happy new yeeeear.. :)10:00
faileaspogztimz: i think ffmpeg would do it10:00
=== sean is now known as Guest35413
TulgaI cannot install 8.04 on the raid1 server. ubuntu found 2 disks. how to solve it?10:01
GbigGhi - can somebody help me to get my raid5 with mdadm after reboot working?10:02
Slartehm.. when did ubuntu start playing mp3s just because I hoover my mouse pointer over them? is there someone I can send a "kick-in-the-groin"'o'gram to?10:03
SlartTulga: what kind of raid? hardware? software? on board raid?10:04
rwwSlart: Edit > Preferences > Preview > Previw Sound Files: Never, maybe?10:04
Tulgaboard raid configured HDD for raid110:05
Tulgaanother OS found 1 HDD, but ubuntu found 2 HDDs :(10:05
rwwSlart: looks like that's it. /me turns it off too10:05
Slartnautilus.. I should have known.. =)10:05
Slartthanks rww10:05
rwwSlart: you're welcome :)10:06
SlartTulga: fakeraid (as they are called in linux) can be tricky ...10:06
Slart!fakeraid | Tulga10:07
ubottuTulga: raid is Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID wto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto10:07
colton_what does the tilde ~ before a directory mean ?10:07
GbigGhome directory10:07
Slartcolton_: your home folder.. /home/colton_ or similar10:07
colton_It means that it is a home directory?10:07
=== rww_ is now known as rww
colton_How many home directories can there be?10:07
Slartcolton_: one10:08
Teknoas many as users10:08
Slartcolton_: one per user =)10:08
colton_When I tilde a directory it becomes invisible for some reason why is this?10:08
raylutilde a directory?10:08
rwwcolton_, what do you mean by "tilde a directory"? put a ~ at the end of it?10:08
Slartcolton_: hmm.. how do you "tilde a directory"?10:08
Tekno~/data is short for /home/colton/data10:09
bazylhi everyone !10:09
t94xr_laptophey, i have a Sony Ericsson, im having trouble with Ubuntu recognising my phone in either usb mode or phone mode connected via usb - this isnt a bluetooth issue, just a usb device issue10:09
Slartinstead of writing ~/data you can write /home/<yourusername>/data.. it's the same thing..10:09
Don_Miguelraylu, sorry for the delay   http://paste.ubuntu.com/100200/10:10
archmani have wine 0.9.59 installed from repos, and now i'm building new release. can i run it from the source folder without 'make install' ? how to run it properly?10:11
archmani wanna have two of them...10:11
rayluDon_Miguel: this is long shot...10:11
rayluDon_Miguel: cd /var/lib10:11
rayluDon_Miguel: sudo mv dpkg dpkg-b10:11
Slartarchman: I'm not sure if you can.. but perhaps.. ask in #winehq instead.. they are the real wine experts10:11
rwwarchman, ask in #winehq10:12
rayluDon_Miguel: sudo aptitude safe-upgrade10:12
SiDiI think it's just "make", archman10:12
* SiDi didn't know about winehq channel :o10:12
rwwarchman, it'll probably end up involving passing an option to ./configure, though, if wine is anything like most other programs.10:12
puffso, I have several USB drive enclosures.  I have had a variety of problems with the drives that came  with the enclosures, because they were preformatted to NTFS, making them difficult to use on certain versionsof linux and macosx.10:12
t94xr_laptophey, i have a Sony Ericsson, im having trouble with Ubuntu recognising my phone in either usb mode or phone mode connected via usb - this isnt a bluetooth issue, just a usb device issue10:12
puffHowever, because people started putting data on the preformatted NTFS partitions, it was not feasibleto reformat them.10:13
puffI am about to start usinga 500GB drive.  Before Put data on it and make it unfeasible to reformat it, what format should I put on it?10:13
archmanrww: i did configure --prefix to another location...10:13
rwwarchman, then make install should install it to that other location.10:13
nsadminpuff: consider an lvm PV10:13
rwwpuff, which operating systems need to be able to read the drive?10:13
puffrww: All of them.10:13
nsadminthen a PV woudlnt' work10:13
Don_Miguelraylu, OK   (1)  cd /var/lib  (2) sudo mv dpkg dpkg-b  (3)  sudo aptitude safe-upgrade       is there spozed to be a SPACE in #2  -b ??10:14
t94xr_laptoprww: lol fat32 should read ok10:14
rwwpuff, do you need the ability to create files larger than 4GB?10:14
pufft94xr_laptop: I cannot help you directly, but I can point out bitpim, which is a python-based PIM that has support for a great many phones.10:14
rayluDon_Miguel: no10:14
puffrww: Not generally, though it is likely I will be sneakernetting around multimedia files (e.g. movies, etc) with this drive.10:15
rayluDon_Miguel: i wonder what happens when you run apt/dpkg without /var/lib/dpkg. i don't want to remove it, of course, so we're renaming it to dpkg-b10:15
archmanrww: they answered me to just run the shortcut in the root of the source (the one that points to /tools/winewrapper10:15
nsadminpuff: why not use the drive to temporarily hold the files on the ntfs drives so you can put a different fs on them?10:15
t94xr_laptoppuff: its not the program, i can do that, ubuntu doesnt recognising my phone - when its usb mode (flash stick mode) or in phone mode10:15
=== tyfoo2 is now known as tyfoo
nsadminthen when you're done, use the drive for whatever10:15
Don_Miguelraylu, OK .. as a #4 ? in this list ?10:15
rwwpuff, because the only filesystem supported out-of-the-box by Ubuntu, OS X, and Windows is FAT32, which has a 4GB-per-file size limit.10:15
puffrww:  however, to date most of those files are under 4GB.10:15
rayluDon_Miguel: er? you've already given me 1, 2, and 3. what would it mean if it were 4?10:16
rwwpuff, Windows and Ubuntu can read and write ntfs out of the box, but OS X can only read. Only Ubuntu can read ext2/3 out of the box (OS X and Windows require plugins). HFS+ is a pain in the ass on anything that isn't OS X...10:16
Don_MiguelI have just done  1 & 2 about to do 3 ...10:16
puffnsadmin: Well yes, that's a possibility, but if there's a better format to put on this drive sarting out, I'd prefer to do so10:16
rayluDon_Miguel: hm? you've already shown me grep -r xulrunner /var/lib/dpkg | head10:17
puffrww: Okay, so are there any major drawbacks to fat32?10:17
rwwpuff, 4GB-per-file size limit and no file permissions.10:17
puffrww: I suspect I can live with that.10:17
rwwpuff, if you don't have any >4GB files, and you don't need file permissions, use FAT32.10:17
nsadminpuff: if you're going to use the drive for temporary purposes, the filesystem you pick should be for the temporary purpose... after that, you can format to whatever you want for the more permanent purpose10:18
Don_Miguelraylu, in current list you gave me, I am about to do    sudo aptitude safe-upgrade     and then you said: [06:15] <raylu> Don_Miguel: i wonder what happens when you run apt/dpkg without /var/lib/dpkg. i don't want to remove it, of course, so we're renaming it to dpkg-b10:18
puffnsadmin: I'm going to use the drive in an external USB enclosure as a combination of backup device and sneakernet10:19
puffThe latter purpose most likely for movies, etc.10:19
rayluDon_Miguel: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh10:19
puffWhich makes macosx a priority, win32 a lesser priority.10:19
nsadminwhat about the other drives? do you want to reformat them and rewrite the data to them?10:19
rayluDon_Miguel: "mv dpkg dpkg-b" renames dpkg to dpkg-b10:19
puffSo, I can live with <4GB and no user permissions.10:19
rayluDon_Miguel: i was just explaining what those 3 commands do10:19
puffnsadmin: Eventually I'd like ot reformat them.  I have about 5-6 drives in the 160GB to 250GB range, and one terabyte drive.  All formatted ntfs.10:20
Don_Miguelraylu, OH, OK ... I did mention TIRED I think !  <grin>10:20
puffnsadmin: However, for now I just want to get this new drive set up "right".10:20
t94xr_laptoppuff: may i suggest a NAS (Network Attached Storage)10:20
nsadminpuff: you could do those now, before you put the 500g drive into permanent service... you have that opportunity until you do so10:21
puffnsadmin: Then I can contemplate shuffling data around and reformatting drives.   Two ofthe drives (250GB each) don't seem to work proeperly.10:21
puffnsadmin: Getting the new drive working is a higher priority than shuffling, etc.10:21
TrenterI'm a migrating windows user and I am trying to find the Linux equivilant of Task Manager, mainly because I am trying to force stop a program in wine10:22
nsadminI'm just saying you can shuffle more easily now than you would be able to if you put the drive into permanent service now10:22
pufft94xr_laptop: I'm considering that, but more likely before that happens, I'll get another terabyte drive (or two) and stickthem in a spare ubuntu box as a fileserver.10:22
PolitikerALTTrenter: Try CTRL+ESC10:22
nsadminother than the tb drive10:22
PolitikerALTTrenter: or start the gnome-system-monitor10:22
puffnsadmin: Yes, and if I wanted to spend a week copying data back and forth, I'd consider that.10:22
rwwpuff, you could also stick with ntfs and use the ntfs-3g FUSE driver on Ubuntu and OS X, now that I think of it.10:22
rww!ntfs-3g | puff10:22
ubottupuff: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions10:22
puffrww: Yeah, but then I'd have to worry about upgrading the macosx boxen and that gets political.10:23
rwwpuff, ah. Nevermind that idea, then.10:23
puffrww: I'm just looking for the "right" format to moveto, at this point.10:23
Don_Miguelraylu,  here is paste #12 !   http://paste.ubuntu.com/100206/10:23
PolitikerALTTrenter: you could also run xkill to kill a window10:23
nsadminyou can still use ntfs-3g to access the drives which already are ntfs10:23
puffrww: Most likely,what will happen is I'll get this 500GB working in an enclosure, and then at some point in the not-imediate but not too distant future, stick all the 160GB-250GB drives in a spare ubuntu box and back them up to a fresh terabyte drive.10:24
TrenterI have a window titled "Untitled Window" but it does not show up in the list of processes10:24
PolitikerALTrun xkill and klick on the window10:24
puffrww: Baby steps, man  :-).10:24
puffrww: Thanks for the advice10:24
rayluDon_Miguel: sudo mkdir dpkg10:24
PolitikerALT(alt+f2) and then enter xkill10:25
* nsadmin notes in passing that backing up a drive to another drive is not the safest choice10:25
rayluDon_Miguel: and then safe-upgrade again10:25
nsadminif you have that much storage and you're supporting people for work, then you need tape drives10:25
rayluTrenter: the equivalent of task manager is the command line tool "top". otherwise, ctrl+esc may give you a gui version. "ps -e" is useful too.10:26
Don_Miguelraylu, OK  sudo mkdir dpkg    and then    safe-upgrade again10:26
puffnsadmin: Yeah, that's a whole 'nuther issue. Tape drives are kinda pricey.  This is an odd situation, not quite "work" but not personal either.10:26
rayluTrenter: but what you probably want is wineserver -k10:26
TrenterThat did it, many thanks10:26
nsadminthen does money change hands in exchange for use of the storage?10:26
marcin_anthello all10:27
puffnsadmin: Not really.  It's a small coalition of cash-poor freelancers and 3D guys trying to get a toehold.10:28
PolitikerALTHello, is there some thing like "RAID over Lan"? I mean like synchronisation, but syncronizing all the time when a file has changed.10:28
marcin_anthow can I change datetemporary just to run some application with specific system date and time?10:28
=== rebel_kid|zZzZ is now known as rebel_kid
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rsync10:29
rayluPolitikerALT: you want rsync10:29
puffnsadmin: there are days (many) when I want to just go do another financial corp consulting gig and throw a lot of money at the infrastructure, and maybe someday I will, but meanwhile I'm just trying to make it work.10:30
Don_Miguelraylu, do we need to rename/move   dpkg-b   back to   dpkg  ??10:30
puffwhat a cool quote:  "A person with ubuntu is open and available to others, affirming of others, does not feel threatened that others are able and good, for he or she has a proper self-assurance that comes from knowing that he or she belongs in a greater whole and is diminished when others are humiliated or diminished, when others are tortured or oppressed. ~ Archbishop Desmond Tutu, 1999"10:31
rayluDon_Miguel: no, making dpkg should be enough. why?10:31
PolitikerALTraylu: rsync has a daemon? mom, I'll have a look10:31
Don_Miguelraylu, http://paste.ubuntu.com/100214/10:31
GbigGhi - somebody know how to get mdadm raid after reboot?10:31
GbigGto work10:31
PolitikerALTmoment, I'm reading the manual10:31
rayluPolitikerALT: oh. i should mention that i have no experience with it10:32
puffPolitikerALT: It can, depends on how you're using it.10:32
puffPolitikerALT: I have only brushed the surface with rsync, but one mode of using it is you run rsync locally and it pushes deltas (changed data) to a daemon on the remote system.10:32
rwwnils, /join #ubuntu-de10:33
=== ziroday is now known as bingqiling
PolitikerALTpuff: Ah, that would be exactly what I need, thanks10:33
GabbsmoIs it possible to make a ALTERNATE install USB with UNetbootin?10:33
Ruudianyone speaks russian? could use some help to translate "IT support" to russian10:34
puffPolitikerALT: Just a heads up, in my expereince rysnc is very finicky about file specifications, specifically it seems most straightforward thing to do is to specify *both* the source and destination paths with a trailing slash, e.g. rsynch /source/path/ /dest/path/10:34
rww!ru | Ruudi10:34
ubottuRuudi: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke10:34
Ruudithnx rww10:35
PolitikerALTpuff: thanks10:35
puffPolitikerALT: The trailing slash tells rsync that you want "path" to be a directory at both locations, and you want th econtents of "path" to be synchronized.  Beyond that it gets iffy, but the safest thing seems to be to have the final element in the file spec be a directory name with a trailing slash.10:36
puffPolitikerALT: I suspect this is rsync's achilles heel, and if they ever fix it rsync will become far more widespread.10:36
rwwtrailing slashes in rsync irritate the heck out of me :(10:36
* johny says hello10:37
puffrww: Tell me about it :-).10:37
puffrww: Tip:  if you ever have to clean up the results of such, kdiff-3 is invaluable.  Also incredibly handy for when you drift off source control and are trying to merge changes back in.10:38
wj32how do I disable middle-click pasting?10:38
=== bingqiling is now known as ziroday
puffrww: However, kdiff-3 can easily bog down on some common use cases.  For example, when I was using kdiff3 to merge a couple different backups of my user directory, I found it *much* easier after I first a) cleaned up mozilla and beagle .files, b) moved four or five jdk hierarhies out of all versions of my user directory .10:40
johnyI'm on ATI radeon 9700 card, can't use fglrx with Intrepid, therefore, I got back to the "ati open-source" driver, but my xorg.cong isn't still configured, which is weird. Can anyone of you have a look http://paste2.org/p/12487010:40
rwwjohny, Intrepid's version of Xorg does extensive autodetection, so many users have the default xorg.conf file. I have an ATI card too, and when I used to use radeon, the file looked like that.10:41
Don_Miguelraylu, did you see my last ? [06:31] <Don_Miguel> raylu, http://paste.ubuntu.com/100214/10:42
johnyrww: Thanks, it's good to know. I was thinking about adding "radeon" line to it. Do you experience problems with CPu use going higher when scrolling any pages, even with dillo?10:43
LarsHelp, HELP - trying to get two monitors to work in twinview...one is a DFP, the other a CRT. The CRT works fine, DFP comes up black and not detecting...help!10:43
rwwjohny, the Xorg process's CPU usage tends to spike when I scroll or move windows around or do anything... it's only momentary, though, so I never really bothered with it.10:44
rwwjohny, adding the radeon line won't hurt, but it won't change anything either.10:44
johnyrww: Say what, I just typed "glxgears", and it eats the whole 100% of my CPU, is it usual behavior?10:46
LarsHelp, HELP - trying to get two monitors to work in twinview...one is a DFP, the other a CRT. The CRT works fine, DFP comes up black and not detecting...help!10:46
rwwjohny, not sure; I'm running fglrx right now, so I can't check.10:47
rwwjohny, but radeon isn't very efficient at running OpenGL stuff, so it wouldn't surprise me.10:47
AdvoWorkanyone had any problems with saving settings in about:config of firefox under ubuntu yet when you restart firefox or log out, it resets them?10:48
puffhm, some digging around brings up XFS, woulod that work?10:48
johnyrww: If I wanted to test it out a bit going back to "vesa", for a while what should I do: Is removing "xorg-driver-video-ati" enough?10:49
rwwpuff: that's not well supported, if I remember correctly.10:49
LarsHelp, HELP - trying to get two monitors to work in twinview...one is a DFP, the other a CRT. The CRT works fine, DFP comes up black and not detecting...help!10:50
Slartrww, puff: XFS as in the file system?10:50
nonix4Lars: Using the prog for choosing display outputs runtime?10:50
rayluDon_Miguel: oops10:50
Mayankwhich version of fedora should i download for my pentium-4, 1gb of ram?10:50
SlartMayank: ubuntu 8.10, 32 bit10:51
rwwjohny: probably xserver-xorg-video-radeon, xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd, xserver-xorg-video-ati, depending on exactly which driver you're using10:51
rayluDon_Miguel: i suppose you do need to move it back, then10:51
rww!fedora | Mayank10:51
ubottuMayank: Other !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)10:51
nonix4Lars: xrandr that is?10:51
Mayankslart, no, fedora, there is no i386 for fedora?10:51
rwwMayank: oops, sorry, that was useless. Fedora support in #fedora, not here. #ubuntu is, unsurprisingly, only for Ubuntu support.10:51
SlartMayank: what channel are you in?10:51
rayluDon_Miguel: i'd still recommend trying to follow the last suggestion in that post. removing references ot xulrunner in the available and status files may help10:52
Don_Miguelraylu, remind me ,,, what is the command for that ?10:52
rayluDon_Miguel: rm -r dpkg10:52
johnyrww: By the way: How can I check which one is used by the OS if my xorg doesn't put any entries in the config file?10:52
rayluDon_Miguel: mv dpkg-b dpkb10:52
rayluDon_Miguel: both with sudo10:52
nonix4Lars: try "xrandr --prop" to view currently detected screens10:52
puffrww: Good 'nuff, that recommendation is probably outdated.10:53
HomingHamstercan anyone explain to me hoe i would use IP routes on my ubuntu machine to channel different ports down a different connection.10:53
rwwjohny: I usually read the Xorg logfile at /var/log/Xorg.0.log. I know radeon and fglrx both put lines in there when they're in use.10:53
puffAh, crap, plugged the 500GB into a USB enclosure and it's not coming up at all.10:53
Larsnonix4: you'll get a PM from LurkerInTheWebs in a sec10:54
puffand not showing up in "df -h" output. Hm.10:54
nonix4puff: nor dmesg?10:55
PokerFacePenguinis there a change in the way memory shows up in intrepid?  I just noticed i am down from 4 to 3 GB RAM.  I recently did the upgrade to 8.10.10:55
PokerFacePenguin64 bit that is10:56
rwwPokerFacePenguin: what's the output of uname -a ?10:56
SlartPokerFacePenguin: I haven't noticed any difference.. I have 3.9 GB available.. can't really remember if it was different in hardy10:56
PokerFacePenguinLinux heirloom 2.6.27-9-generic #1 SMP Thu Nov 20 22:15:32 UTC 2008 x86_64 GNU/Linux10:56
LurkerInTheWebsnonix4...check your PM10:56
rwwPokerFacePenguin: hrm. Can you copy the output of "free" to http://paste.ubuntu.com/, then say the link here?10:57
puffnonix4: No signs in dmesg.10:57
puffnonix4:  nor in /var/log/messages10:58
=== ruben_ is now known as Repolete_
Don_Miguelraylu, still a problem     http://paste.ubuntu.com/100240/10:59
puffBah, humbug... it's 4am here, time to sleep and come at it with a fresh approach in the morning.10:59
jinja-sheepHmm.  I'm trying to install Ubuntu 8.04 LTS on mobile laptop.  However, I faced an issue when it comes to detect + mount CD-ROM.  The problem?  There is no CD/DVD reader so the CD-ROM drivers won't be needed.10:59
puffG'night all.  Thank you much for your help and support.10:59
rwwpuff: 'night! Good luck :)10:59
PokerFacePenguinrww: http://paste.ubuntu.com/100241/10:59
johnyrww: Checked! It's certainly radeon (= ati Open-Source driver, right?) DRI is enabled, compiz launches on OS start too, but this scrolling is just horrible. As I've mentioned before: I installed Dillo to test it out, the browser itself is fast as hell, but when i scroll a page it just eats all the CPU. Yes, that's a momentary behavior, but it affect the entire system.11:00
puffrww: Thanks. Ciao, baby.11:00
nils__Goog Morning :D11:00
SlartPokerFacePenguin: I don't know if memory can break without the computer crashing.. but perhaps it's possible11:00
nils__Shut Up!!!!!!!!11:00
DawnLighthello. is it reasonable to use gnome without a mouse?11:00
Don_Miguelraylu, see my PM11:00
rwwjohny: hmm. I think there's a radeon driver channel at #radeon on this server. Try asking there maybe?11:01
SlartDawnLight: there are some accessability options for controlling the pointer with the numeric keyboard.. but I don't think gnome was meant for keyboard only operation11:01
johnyrww: Thanks, I will.11:01
SlartDawnLight: but that would of course depend on how you use it.. what programs you run and so on..11:03
ActionParsnipyo yo yo11:04
alexb92gday guys, i have ubuntu installed inside a windows partition using wubi and now when i boot into ubuntu it comes up with alot of errors saying read only file system then x sevrer comes up in a big blue screen saying that due to internal erros, xserver can not be started please contact your namufacturer11:04
Slartgood morning, ActionParsnip11:04
alexb92theres a big ok button11:04
rwwGeh, it's 3am already? 'night, all...11:04
Miguel_2009Hey dudes, whick Linux (Deb based) distribution do you recommend for a PC with only 256Mb of DDR ?11:04
HomingHamstercan anyone explain to me hoe i would use IP routes on my ubuntu machine to channel different ports down a different connection?11:04
alexb92and when i press the enter key, i get lead back up to the booting processes screen and it jus stays black11:04
ActionParsnipSlart: I just got a weird message from you11:04
SlartMiguel_2009: xubuntu11:04
DIFH-icerootMiguel_2009: xubuntu11:05
asea168i coming11:05
SlartActionParsnip: just wondering what time you had there =)11:05
DIFH-icerootMiguel_2009: or dsl, but i dont know if it is debian-based11:05
ActionParsnipSlart: haha 11:00am GMT11:05
HomingHamsteris xubuntu ubuntu but with XFCE window manager?11:05
alexb9210:05 pm sydney time :P11:05
Miguel_2009I'll look for it xD11:05
DIFH-icerootMiguel_2009: damn small linux11:05
Miguel_2009Yep homing11:05
DIFH-icerootHomingHamster: yes11:05
SlartActionParsnip: if your irc-client hadn't been so paranoid it would have answered me =) "/ctcp Slart time" will tell you what time it is here11:05
ActionParsnipMiguel_2009: puppylinux, xubuntu, DSL (damnsmalllinux)11:06
Miguel_2009damn samll linux.. i've heared about it11:06
HomingHamstercan i "turn" ubuntu into xubuntu using synaptic?11:06
ActionParsnipSlart: its pidgin, i have no idea what settings :)11:06
tuchha12how can i change my boot from 9 sec to 311:06
Miguel_2009ahm dsl = damn small linux :P11:06
DIFH-icerootMiguel_2009: its a 50mb linux11:06
ActionParsnipHomingHamster: yes, sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop11:06
Miguel_2009tipe in a terminal:11:06
SlartHomingHamster: I'm not sure if it will be the same but you can try installing xubuntu-desktop or whatever it's called11:06
HomingHamsterneat, thanks ActionParsnip11:06
Miguel_2009sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst11:06
DIFH-icerootSlart: it is the same11:06
SlartActionParsnip: ah.. pidgin.. destroyer of irc =)11:06
Miguel_2009then go to the part it says timeout11:07
Miguel_2009and change 9 for 311:07
ActionParsnipMiguel_2009: gksudo gedit dude, sudo gedit is incorrect11:07
HomingHamsterthanks Slart that sounds about right11:07
Slartah, thanks DIFH-iceroot11:07
ActionParsnipSlart: it does irc, cant say fairer than that11:07
Miguel_2009y use always sudo gedit xDDDDDD11:07
alexb92does any one have any ideas?11:07
SlartMiguel_2009: gksudo gedit.. never sudo with a gui11:08
ActionParsnipMiguel_2009: so it sets up the environment and doesnt break permissions and ownerships on files11:08
Slart!gksudo | Miguel_200911:08
zhaozhouSlart, Great tip, thanks for that!11:08
ubottuMiguel_2009: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)11:08
zhaozhouSlart, the ctcp time-one11:08
ActionParsnipMiguel_2009: sudo is for cli apps like nano apt-get cp etc11:08
Miguel_2009ah great xD11:08
Slartzhaozhou: yes, it's nice.. there are other ctcp commands too.. I just use version and time11:08
Miguel_2009i always do from the other way now i'll make it as you say xD11:08
stix_I have this constant annoying sound on my system. Can I restart the sound daemon somehow?11:09
archmani'm an idiot but i have to ask it again...when i install wine via synaptic i can get wine and wine-dev. How do i get wine-dev installed via sources? I want programs to see that i have wine development files on the dependency check.11:09
Miguel_2009Well i'll take a look to DSM then11:10
alexb92is there a way to repair ubuntu with the live cd?11:10
ActionParsnipalexb92: define "repair"11:11
Slartarchman: I think wine-dev is sources... or at least headers11:11
alexb92well as in my ubuntu wont boot up due to a read only file system as its installed under wubu\11:11
alexb92but it was working fine before though11:11
archmanSlart: and how can i point a program when he needs wine-dev files on installtion?11:11
ActionParsnipalexb92: i dont think you can fix wubi with live cd, you could maybe mount the hdd imag and work on it from windows11:12
alexb92lol sorry but im a complete noob when it comes to ubuntu so how do you do that?11:13
alexb92i tried going into where the ubuntu directory was stored in my C: drive and making it read only there11:13
alexb92but upon reboot it still didnt recognise it11:13
alexb92and i tried defragging and disk check11:13
Slartarchman: oh.. I don't really know.. I don't even know where whatever wine-dev installs is located11:13
Slartarchman: /usr/src is a common place.. take a look and see... or check in synaptic what it installs11:14
ActionParsnipalexb92: its a windows question really, you need something like magicdisk or some other virtual drive system11:14
alexb92does windows and ubuntu even get along together? or do they try and fight for the partition and the filesystem11:14
alexb92i have vmware available?11:14
alexb92or should i just completely remove it and start fresh?11:14
ActionParsnipalexb92: no they dont fight, they can sit side by side and with some config can read each others files11:15
Slartalexb92: ubuntu is a nice os.. windows not so much11:15
alexb92i know and i really like ubuntu\11:15
archmanSlart: /usr/include/ , and /usr/share, and libwine.so in /usr/lib/11:15
ActionParsnipalexb92: if you are happy to start fresh, its an option11:15
alexb92its just a pity that there isnt easy ways to fix things unlike windows11:15
ActionParsnipalexb92: personally i despise wubi11:15
alexb92but the annoying thing is that i have files in ubuntu which i cant access though11:15
alexb92and i did a hell of alot of downloading with synaptic11:16
ActionParsnipalexb92: its because its a half ass install of ubuntu from within windows, if you had a proper install you could boot to livecd and repair easily11:16
Slartalexb92: I meant as in getting along with other os's too.. ubuntu is pretty considerate when it comes to overwriting stuff.. windows is more of a ignorant crybaby =)11:16
alexb92yeah i know lol11:16
Slartalexb92: ahhh.. using wubi.. then I can't really say.. haven't used it myself11:16
alexb92i just did wubi at the time becoz i didnt have the space but now i have an external hdd so yeah i dont mind using that11:17
alexb92but the hdd is only usb 2.0 not sata or anything11:17
Mass[UB]Why do I always get time-out when I try to ping an ip from ubuntu?11:17
ActionParsnipalexb92: you are also comparing badly due to experience, im sure yuor windows exposure is colossol compared to your linux exposure11:17
SlartMass[UB]: uhm.. you're pinging something that isn't answering?11:17
ActionParsnipalexb92: you can install to usb in the live cd11:17
alexb92yeah i know11:18
Mass[UB]Slart: uhm, no when i do it from Windows it's answering, I'm using ubuntu on virtualhost11:18
AdvoWorkanyone recommend another terminal server client for ubuntu other than the "Terminal Server Client"?11:18
SlartMass[UB]: try pinging, that's a google machine.. it answers to my pings11:18
Mass[UB]Trust me it's not the ip not answering11:18
alexb92i mean my experience with ubuntu is a really positive one i love using ubuntu but its just when it crashes and your a new comer to the OS, its kind of hard to do things if you know what i mean11:18
SlartMass[UB]: then you probably don't have networking setup properly.. it's not a ubuntu feature11:18
ActionParsnipAdvoWork: apt-cache search remote desktop11:19
Mass[UB]--- ping statistics ---, 3 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 2000ms11:19
ActionParsnipalexb92: thats when you learn most11:19
alexb92like in windows if something screws up u can repair with the cd or use software which does the things for u11:19
alexb92and i want to learn linux becoz its the future OS11:19
ActionParsnipalexb92: its one of them11:20
Mayankis there any windows channel for xp or vista?11:20
Slart!windows | Mayank11:20
ubottuMayank: For discussion on Microsoft Windows, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents11:20
saerahi im trying to use rythem box with my ipod so i need to convert my ogg files to a format ipod understands11:20
ActionParsnipsaera: i'd rerip your files, converting from one lossy format to another will degrade quality11:20
alexb92oh is it possible to install ubuntu on a mac?11:21
alexb92i have a friend who owns a mac and really liked ubuntu when he saw it on my comp11:21
Slartalexb92: I think so, yes.. a newer intel-cpu mac, that is11:21
ActionParsnipalexb92: yes11:21
Snuptalexb92, why not? ;)11:22
Slartalexb92: I don't think there's a wubi for os X though11:22
alexb92how though?11:22
alexb92i know that mac uses a feature called bootcamp11:22
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE11:22
chipt4alexb92: some models are better supported than others11:22
ActionParsnipalexb92: you can use standard installs on intel based macs, or get the ppc iso for Gx cpus (theres no flash plugin for ppc)11:22
saeraActionParsnip, i'd really want to be able not, mp3 is simply compressed music files is it not? where would it loose quality?11:22
chipt4alexb92: rEFIt is the bootloader, i believe11:23
ActionParsnipsaera: converting to ogg reduces quality of the original, like bmp is to jpeg11:23
chipt4if it's an intel mac11:23
ActionParsnipsaera: if you convert from ogg to mp3 you will loose even more quality11:23
alexb92saera: aac is a really good format for music11:23
chipt4google around for a tutorial on the specific model of mac11:23
Snuptalexb92, flac better11:23
alexb9296kbs of aac = 128 kbs of mp311:23
ActionParsnipsaera: ogg is an awesome format but not so many players like it (I always buy cowon players due to this fact)11:24
Nothingmansiemanko jakies polaki :> tak  z ciekawości11:24
alexb92and it uses half the space11:24
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:24
saeraalexb92, i sm uding an ipod, rather i want to use my ipod and cant11:24
redduck666can i make gnome cycle only through certain windows? (i have two monitors, i'd like windows on one to be fixed while working on the other one)11:24
alexb92oh right11:24
alexb92well i know that if you are willing to get custom firmware for your mac, you can play ogg files through it as well11:25
alexb92you can also add more themes and other things too11:25
ActionParsnipalexb92: put rockbox on ipod and you have a winner11:25
ubotturockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started!11:25
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:25
alexb92good choice11:25
=== jonathan__ is now known as beilabs
alexb92just the thing11:25
FloodBot2alexb92: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:25
nillerzHello! How do I mount a windows partition?11:26
Snupthm. What happened with  FlodBoot_1_? :)11:26
ActionParsnip!ntfs-3g | nillerz11:27
ubottunillerz: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions11:27
Slart!ntfs | nillerz11:27
ubottunillerz: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE11:27
vasyokmount /dev/sdaX /media/windows_partition11:27
vegaa windows partition is not automatically ntfs..11:27
vasyokmount -t FILESYSTEM_TYPE /dev/sdaX /media/windows_partition11:27
vega"-t auto" also works quite well11:28
vegaif you are not sure11:28
ActionParsnipif you install ntfs-3g you can write to plain permissioned files11:28
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
alexb92oh another question11:33
alexb92whats going to be changed in 9.04?11:33
ThinkMinusUbuntu live cd is demanding a username/password. What is username password for hardy heron live cd?11:34
alexb92besides the fast boot up times with jaunty jantalope :P11:34
GuillemHow can I start gnome apps - such as evince- over a ssh -CX connection? Since Intrepid, those apps keep complaining about gconf is not running....11:34
Blue_AciDGuys how do you kill a task and find what tasks are running also -.-11:34
ActionParsnipBlue_AciD: ps -ef11:35
GuillemBlue_AciD,  gnome-system-monitor11:35
ActionParsnipThinkMinus: try ubuntu for both11:35
ThinkMinusActionParsnip: ok...let me see11:35
SlartGuillem: hmm.. never had any problems before.. hang on.. let me try it locally here11:36
light50Blue_AciD: htop is nice11:36
GuillemSlart, seems about a problem with dbus.11:37
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SlartGuillem: I just tried running mousepad, since I run xfce on the remote computer and that worked nicely..11:37
SlartGuillem: might be a gnome thing though..11:37
GuillemSlart, yes, for sure. xfce apps won't complain about gconf11:38
SlartGuillem: as I now see that you wrote in your question =)11:38
SlartGuillem: let me boot up my laptop then.. it has plain ubuntu/gnome on it11:39
GuillemSlart, my concern is that gconf needs to be properly launched with dbus somewhat, since latest gnome release.11:39
GuillemSlart, also may be a problem of Gnome already running in the remote machine. I'll check that right now.11:39
GlimmermanDell D630 external monitor resolution problem....cant get 1280x1024 resolution....help plz11:41
stix_I have this constant annoying sound on my system. Can I restart the sound daemon somehow?11:41
ActionParsnipGlimmerman: what video card?11:43
Glimmermanintel onboard x310011:43
asea168 i speak Chinese who can know !11:43
yaris1234567890what to do if i want to run more than one script in the background ? do i just stick all of em to /dev/null & ?11:44
Blue_AciDHey guys I'm on 8.04, on 8.10 I had compizfusion with like pour fire on screen etc in 8.10 it worked fine but in 8.04 it won't work at all or my screen goes blank etc\11:45
AdvoWorkhow can i make a symbolic link from say /files/users to /files/shared ? :S11:45
SnuptBlue_AciD, check youre video drivers11:46
GuillemAdvoWork, ln -s /files/users /files/shared11:46
ActionParsnipGlimmerman: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=88395311:46
ActionParsnipAdvoWork: ln -s /source/folder /destination/folder11:47
johny?seen rww11:47
saeraalexb92, i had a look at the rockbox thing and its not listing my ipod 4gb ipod shuffle there11:47
SlartGuillem: it seems to work alright for me.. I get an error "Failed to create dbus proxu for org.gnome.Settings".. but it still works11:48
saeraany suggestions?11:48
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod11:48
Snuptseanw, shuffle doesn't suppot rockbox11:48
ActionParsnipsaera: i think you need a model with a screen11:48
GuillemSlart, hmm, but in my case works very slow at certain operations like showing a file-browser dialog, etc.11:48
cringousHi, I work a few months with ubuntu 8.10 64bits, with a Gforce 6600 and a LCD at 1280x800. Saturday the resolution falled to 1024x768, and even at nvidia-settings the monitor appears as CRT, and I can't change it to widescreen. Any clues ?11:49
Glimmermandamn...so i'm stuffed11:49
Glimmermanno ubuntu for me11:49
ActionParsnipGlimmerman: i gave you a link11:49
Glimmermani read it11:49
ardakinghow to increase monitor frequency with my ati on ubuntu 8.10 ?11:49
ActionParsnipGlimmerman: edit your xorg.conf and add the mode11:49
SlartGuillem: well... it isn't very fast.. but it's still usable I think11:50
Glimmermani'll tinker some more11:50
asea168how to install realplayer ?11:50
ActionParsnipGlimmerman: did you restart x after changing the file?11:50
ActionParsnip!realplayer | asea16811:50
ubottuasea168: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:50
jessiehey ppl does anyone know what to download to get all the restricted formats working?11:50
GuillemSlart, yes, just I wish to find out which is the proper way to do remote use of current gnome apps...11:50
ActionParsnipGlimmerman: then jump into display properties and select the resolution11:50
Glimmermanwould you suggest the 64bit edition for a cor2duo?11:50
cringousI already has changed the mode at xorg.conf, but 8.10 works differently than olders versions with it11:50
ActionParsnipGlimmerman: how much ram?11:51
ActionParsnipGlimmerman: and what is the main purpose of the system?11:51
warlocStick 32bit11:51
ActionParsnipGlimmerman: 32bit is my advice11:51
jinja-sheepI'm curious -- Which partition would be faster for IO performance?  ext3 or lvm?11:51
asea168give me Chinese page!!!11:51
ActionParsnipGlimmerman: morfe stuff is 32bit and you dont have more than 4gb ram so you wont gain anything11:51
ardakinganybody can help me about monitor frequency ?11:52
ActionParsnipardaking: you may have to modify xorg.conf to get the refresh you need11:52
HacKBoXjinja-sheep ext3, ext4 if you can upgrade11:52
ActionParsnipHacKBoX: what proportion of speed upgrade is there?11:52
ardakingActionParsnip how i can do it ?11:52
ActionParsnip!chinese | asea16811:53
ubottuasea168: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk11:53
ActionParsnipardaking: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf_old; gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf &11:53
ardakingActionParsnip ok i'm in xorg.conf...now ? sorry but i'm a newbie11:54
tons2000Intrepid Ibex, my USB mouse appears to be sending two click events and two unclick events... Any ideas how I can correct this?11:55
Staale-Is it possible to use firestarter to block certain ips from connecting to my computer? (There only seems to be options for allowing)11:55
Staale-Or should I use /etc/hosts.deny11:55
ActionParsnipardaking: do some websearching about xorg.conf, you will see tonnes of guides and help11:55
ardakingthanks ;)11:56
SlartStaale-: it's possible using iptables.. I haven't used firestarter but I would be very surprised if there wasn't a way to do it11:56
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sidduwhat does this command mean 1>&2 in the command mean ?11:56
ActionParsnipardaking: im not overly sure how to do it but you setup displays in there so its probably the best place to start imho11:57
Staale-Slart:  I currently use firestarter as that properly saves and restores my settings on reboot, and the package to do that for iptables was discontinued in debian afaik. Since I am using firestarter, I prefer not to mess with the underlying iptables rules directly as firestarter won't pick those up I think.11:57
asea168how to download film???11:57
SlartStaale-: sounds like a wise decision =)11:57
GuillemSlart, strange, I've found out how to start dbus manually and "attach" gconf to it, and now I get the error you shown me.... and works much better. Your laptop is in Intrepid?11:58
ActionParsnip!ot | asea16811:58
ubottuasea168: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:58
Slartasea168: click link, select save as.. save11:58
warlochey guys, any suggestion on an irc client (jaunty alpha 2) i hate xchat gnome and pidgen11:58
sidduwhat does "1>&2"  mean in the "make install 1>&2 " ?11:58
SlartGuillem: yes, 32 bit ubuntu 8.1011:58
ardakingActionParsnip i'm still searching in google but there isn't any guide/tut about it...11:58
asea168where page is free??11:58
GuillemSlart, OK11:58
Slartsiddu: have you checked in "man bash"11:58
Guillemthanks for your help.11:58
SlartGuillem: you're welcome11:58
chipt4Staale-: it's a simple matter to create a script to load your iptables on reboot11:58
gavolehello, i want install ubuntu 8.10, but my system is low specification ( P4 1.6Ghz, Memory 1G )11:59
ActionParsnipwarloc: sic11:59
ActionParsnipwarloc: pork11:59
Slartasea168: this isn't the place to discuss where to get films and such..11:59
warlocGavole: should be fine11:59
Guillemgavole, my eeepc is not better than that I think11:59
Slartasea168: this channel is for ubuntu support only11:59
ActionParsnipwarloc: epic411:59
jessieuber lEEET12:00
gavolethank you!!12:00
ActionParsnipardaking: what refresh do you want?12:00
ActionParsnipwarloc: apt-cache search irc client | less12:00
ActionParsnipwarloc: ;)12:00
sidduSlart: No ma12:01
warlocthanks I'm real n00b12:01
sidduSlart: No man12:01
r_a_fwarloc: thats ok ;)12:01
sidducan u just brief that for me12:01
ActionParsnipwarloc: you'll learn tricks like that12:01
Slartsiddu: I'm not going to read the manual because you don't want to12:01
ardakingActionParsnip now i have 60 hz with a 1024*768 screen resulution...i would 75hz at the same res12:01
Slartsiddu: there is also google, most man pages are available there12:02
Slartsiddu: you're looking for output redirection12:02
Slartsiddu: http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bashref.html#Redirections12:03
sidduslart : yeah thats right !can u parse that command12:03
ActionParsnipardaking: let me search12:03
warlocthe only one is quassel and it has (un-installable) dependencies12:04
KatangawiseHi all! How can I remove all my wireless card drivers and install the the updated? Ubuntu 8.1012:05
ActionParsnipardaking: where you have your res for example "1024x768"12:06
ActionParsnipardaking: try "1024x768-75.0"12:06
ActionParsnipardaking: looks like the deal in some forums12:06
ardakingthe problem is that i don't have that12:07
zhaozhouAnyone know a way to smack together two partitions (on separate harddrives) without losing, or having to move, any data?12:07
chanuxHaving a problem installing openssh-server / client on ubuntu hardy12:07
ActionParsnipardaking: put that for the mode you wanna use then save, close gedit then hit ctrl+alt+backspace (save all work first)12:07
Slartzhaozhou: might not be possible12:07
ActionParsnipardaking: can you pastebin your xorg.conf please12:07
ActionParsnip!paste | ardaking12:07
ubottuardaking: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)12:07
faileasgavole: i've run it on a PIII 450 with 640 mb of ram. ;)12:07
KatangawiseHi all! How can I remove all my wireless card drivers and install the the updated? Ubuntu 8.1012:08
ardakingActionParsnip wait a moment12:08
zhaozhouSlart, I know it's possible using unionfs, but unionfs is obsolete to aufs and i can't get aufs working... looking for a simpler/better solution12:08
Slartzhaozhou: huh? are you sure that is what unionfs does?12:08
ardakingActionParsnip here the paste: http://paste.ubuntu.com/100269/12:09
Slartzhaozhou: you don't want to merge the two partitions ? you just want to pretend they are one big partition?12:09
zhaozhouSlart, Well, that's what i've been told12:09
zhaozhouSlart, yup.12:09
onatshi, how do i determine if my NIC is running at FE or GE speeds?12:09
Slartnsadmin: yes yes.. one day without any kind of creativity 15 years ago.. I've had to live with it since then =)12:09
stinger05hello there, is there a voice plug-in for an msn messenger client for ubuntu ??12:10
KatangawiseHi all! How can I remove all my wireless card drivers and install the the updated? Ubuntu 8.1012:10
ActionParsnipardaking: you'll need some lines about screen modes for resolution, you can then specify refresh. find some example xorg.confs. you backed your old xorg.conf up earlier so you can play all you wish12:10
Slartzhaozhou: ah.. then unionfs might work..  I've never heard of aufs though.. so I can't really help you with it12:10
ActionParsnipardaking: unless someone knows an ati trick or 312:10
* faileas thinks he finally got mondo to almost work12:10
faileaswell its backing up to NFS. now i need to see if i can get it to back up to dvd, and test if it works12:11
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:11
nsadmineXp`iRc|31229 nuthin to list except for chickens, ducks, geese and frogs12:12
KatangawiseHi all! How can I remove all my wireless card drivers and install the the updated? Ubuntu 8.1012:12
ActionParsnipKatangawise: how did you install them?12:13
HacKBoX!b43-firmware is Firmware required to enable Broadcom wireless devices. use 'sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter' to install the firmware and then use System->Administration->Hardware Drivers to enable it. Broadcom Firmware can also be downloaded from http://sites.google.com/site/hackboxlinux12:13
nsadminKatangawise: later kernel maybe?12:13
stinger05im looking for a voice plugin for msn protocol (either on pidgin or something else)12:14
stinger05is there any available ?12:14
ActionParsnipKatangawise: amsn12:14
AdvoWorkmy /dev/mapper/main-root is at 100% useage, any ideas how I can find out what its full of?12:14
ActionParsnipAdvoWork: cat or some text editor12:14
ActionParsnipAdvoWork: cat /dev/mapper/main-root | less12:15
KatangawiseActionParsnip, apt-get install "something ***back****" It was a long link..12:15
Slartstinger05: don't think there is one..12:15
ActionParsnipKatangawise: i you installed from repos, when you apt-get upgrade it will upgrade alongside12:15
mwasguys, how do I log all chats in pidgin12:15
ActionParsnipmwas: at top -> option -> enable logging12:16
mwasActionParsnip: How do I view them?12:16
ActionParsnipmwas: im unsure where they are stored, check in ~/.purple12:16
mwasActionParsnip: Thanks12:17
=== BADAI is now known as cobisex_mencari_
KatangawiseActionParsnip, my connection is jumping, if I near the router also.. My friend, with his laptop, ubuntu 8.10,has a good, stabile connection..12:17
ActionParsnipmwas: ~/.purple/logs12:17
ActionParsnipKatangawise: maybe you need better  drivers, or to compile them12:18
forbzie22anyone know of any good programs to copy AVI to your PSP ?12:18
KatangawiseActionParsnip, How can I do it?12:18
forbzie22i know they have to be mp4 first12:18
ActionParsnipKatangawise: run lspci, it will tell you the wireless chip. you can websearch from there12:19
dns53forbzie22 i just use ffmpeg to convert it myself, google the command line options12:19
ActionParsnipforbzie22: ffmpeg -i inputvideo.avi -b 500k -s 176x144 outputvideo.mp412:20
forbzie22dns53, i have the front end for winff installed too, i converted to mp4 but no joy, strange12:20
ActionParsnipforbzie22: change the bitrate and resolution to your liking12:20
forbzie22thx actionparsnip - will give it a go12:20
farciarz84I have two network-cards, one wire which is connected to internet and one wifi by which I want to share my internet connection. What should I do to make this?12:21
dns53forbzie22 yes you need the right range of bitrate, framerate and the right resolutions12:21
HacKBoX!b43 > HacKBoX12:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about b4312:21
KatangawiseActionParsnip, terminal gives me wlan0, rl-8139/81... It's realtek chipset, but something wrong.. Anyway, thank you a lot..12:22
forbzie22do you know the correct resolutions i can use ?12:22
forbzie22framrate, bitrate etc..12:22
ActionParsnipforbzie22: its whatever res the video is in or you can change it with those options12:23
dns53google knows, it was on the gentoo wiki12:23
forbzie22ok, thx12:23
ActionParsnipforbzie22: mplayer should be able to tell you what it is but you can scale it for psp screens12:23
ActionParsnipforbzie22: makes life easier for the poor thing12:23
farciarz84I have two network-cards, one wire which is connected to internet and one wifi by which I want to share my internet connection. What should I do to make this?12:24
ActionParsnip!ics | farciarz8412:24
ubottufarciarz84: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php12:24
dereckG'morning all, HOw can I enable optical audio output? I'd love top have 6.1 sound again :)12:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about b4312:24
ActionParsnip!broadcom | HacKBoX12:24
ubottuHacKBoX: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx12:24
Slartdereck: you might want to mention what sound card you're using too12:24
dereck ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA)12:25
Teknowhat pdf reader you are using ?12:25
forbzie22ok, my avi's are also flickering when playing in all media players, including mplayer. very jumpy. I have lots of codecs installed which were pulled down from apt-get install winff12:25
ActionParsnipTekno: i use xpdf12:25
Teknois it best12:26
danny_how do I restart pulseaudio?12:26
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.12:26
ActionParsnipTekno: there is no best of ANYTHING in the world12:26
ActionParsnipTekno: its all persnoal taste and preferences12:26
ActionParsnipTekno: you need to learn to drop the word "best" unless you are expressing your own opinion12:27
DomiXhi, does someone use jaunty and Xorg? I does not work with vmware, I just get a blank screen12:27
magicsrvCan s.o suggest me a GUI included FTP Server ?12:27
Teknoi can say abiword is the worst pdf reader :D12:27
Slart!jaunty | DomiX12:27
ubottuDomiX: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April -Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion12:27
dns53magicsrv gftp or just nautilus12:28
ActionParsnipTekno: try: apt-cache search pdf | grep reader12:28
Slartdns53: ftp server..12:28
HacKBoX_will an op please kick HacKBoX X-IRC screwed up on me12:28
magicsrvdns53 I'm really newbish... could u be more specific?12:28
SlartHacKBoX_: won't he drop eventually?12:28
ActionParsnipmagicsrv: few ftp servers ave a gui12:29
HacKBoX_should i just feel like getting back on with my name12:29
dns53magicsrv my mistake, you probably need to use ftpd and configure it manually with the text config file12:29
ActionParsnipmagicsrv: i like proftpd but millions would hate it and millions would love it12:29
magicsrvbesides, I need to setup a SERVER... managed to install A server, But there was no "Add users" in the utility12:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about b4312:29
magicsrvActionParsnip, I have that one, could u tell me how to add users and groups?12:29
ActionParsnip!adduser | magicsrv12:29
ubottumagicsrv: To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo12:29
TwoDHacKBoX, I think there's a ghost command, s you can tell NickServ to do it, if you have registered12:29
HacKBoX_how do i register?12:30
ActionParsnipmagicsrv: just add normal users then edit the conf file to chroot users to their home folders12:30
Slart!register | HacKBoX_12:30
ubottuHacKBoX_: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode12:30
chipt4i'd try /msg nickserv help12:30
ActionParsnipmagicsrv: or is it for multiple users to access the same data store12:30
* jinja-sheep registered HacKBoX 12:30
nsadminfor the draft, right?12:31
=== alberto is now known as Guest44992
magicsrvActionParsnip, so basicly... in order to have usernames with password for the ftp server I need to add OS users?12:31
jinja-sheepmagicsrv:  What are you trying to do?12:32
ActionParsnipmagicsrv: its one way12:32
farciarz84is it possible to see all machines connected to my local network?12:32
Slartmagicsrv: some ftp servers use "virtual" users.. others use the system userlist12:32
farciarz84what is a unix command for t his12:33
ardakingActionParsnip I have resolved !!12:33
Slartfarciarz84: nope.. but you might be able to sniff the network traffic and from that decide who is out there12:33
jinja-sheepfarciarz84:  arp -a12:33
jinja-sheepfarciarz84:  Probably not what you're looking for, tho.12:33
ActionParsnipardaking: wtg :D12:33
nsadminfarciarz84 go into the room... open eyes... turn 360 degrees...12:33
magicsrvjinja-sheep, ActionParsnip Slart I want to setup a FTP server with ONE username & password, giving access to NTFS Partition on my PC12:34
ActionParsnipmagicsrv: if you want them to view the same data store, set their home folder to the same and then use guid override to make the gloally accessible12:34
nillerzHey, I'm using the ubuntu installer and it just tried to re-size an existing partition12:34
nillerzand it's taking a LONG time, hasn't even gotten to 0 percent yet, been running for 30 minutes12:34
TecR0chow do you setup a ftp in ubuntu ?12:34
ActionParsnipmagicsrv: thats fine, create the user and set its home to to mountpoint of the ntfs partition12:34
=== aNdrE is now known as Guest58073
jinja-sheepnillerz:  What existing partition? :o12:35
ActionParsnipmagicsrv: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7958812:35
Slartmagicsrv: my relation with ftp-servers is frosty to say the least.. they never work for me, and when they do it's when I don't need them12:35
farciarz84nsadmin: but some there also vpn connections12:35
magicsrvSo... VSFTPD is basicly all I need?12:35
bazylhi everybody!12:35
bazylhai tora naga san ;)12:35
ActionParsnipmagicsrv: theres a whole slew of ftp servers on the repos12:35
jinja-sheep!hi | bazyl12:35
ubottubazyl: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!12:35
nillerzResize SCS|1 (0,0,0) , partition #2 (sda)12:35
dereckG'morning all, HOw can I enable optical audio output? I'd love top have 6.1 sound again :)  lspci reports that I have SBx00 Azalia12:35
nillerzWindows Vista Longhorn is taking up 116.9 gb12:36
nillerzLinux Mint Main 6 is taking up 104.112:36
ActionParsnipnillerz: yep, it does that12:36
nillerzso you just let it sit there for some time?12:36
nillerzit hasnt hit 1 percent yet12:36
bazyl104.1 of what?12:36
nillerz47 percent12:36
jinja-sheepDon't trail off.12:37
Guest44992my kde freezes when i log in :S anybody can help?12:37
ActionParsnip!enter | nillerz12:37
ubottunillerz: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:37
Slarthmm.. if I run a command in a terminal, send it to run in the background and then exit the terminal... can I somehow reattach to that command... to see the output it's produced and such?12:37
jinja-sheepThank you ActionParsnip :)12:37
chipt4Guest44992: buy it some mittens?12:37
nillerzoh, sorry about that12:38
jinja-sheepSlart.  You mean fg?12:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about b4312:38
nillerzIt's a poor habit, I'm aware. So it's definately working?12:38
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:38
zambawhat do i have to install to be able to read pdf documents inline in firefox?12:38
=== Guest44992 is now known as kusanagi__
Slartjinja-sheep: kind of like that.. but in a new terminal12:38
nsadminI'm just a bot, o yes I'm only a bot... I live upon an oiley spot...12:39
jinja-sheepSlart:  I wouldn't know but I think it involves with tail command.12:39
salerzamba,Pdf firefox plugin12:39
ubottuDNS is an acronym for Domain Name System, and is an internet system used to translate names into IP Address.12:39
kusanagi__i tried chipt4, but mittens seems not enough12:40
zambasaler: what about java?12:40
chipt4scarf & hot cocoa?12:41
ActionParsnip!java | zamba12:41
ubottuzamba: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository12:41
jinja-sheepActionParsnip:  Would you know if I should have DNS server enabled?12:41
magicsrvActionParsnip, got GProFTPd, I think I'll manage from here... thanks for the help12:41
ActionParsnipjinja-sheep: use nslookup (some ip), if you get responses from 127.x.x.x or localhost you have one installed12:41
zambasaler: i don't want to install it as an add-on for firefox, at least not through firefox, but through aptitude/apt12:41
jessiehey i need help with an atheros wifi card that is being totally stubborn; i've been following this tutorial http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-get-atheros-ar5007eg-or-ar242x-wireless-cards-may-be-other-models-working-in-ubuntu-810-intrepid-ibex.html and i have an error message when i bash in "sudo make unload"12:42
jessiecan anyone help!12:42
jinja-sheepActionParsnip:  It's not installed yet.  I'm using alternative disc this time.12:42
jinja-sheepFor the said laptop.  I'm giving Hardy a go.12:42
ActionParsnipjinja-sheep: then you dont have one and rely on other servers for resolution12:42
BrolyIF YOU LISTENIN.. HEEEEEEEELP!.... i copied folders from a burned cd-r onto my desktop but i'm unable to move the files to my music folder, apparantely they're locked... i get permission denied... how can i move them... well i could manually do it with sudo mv, ?12:43
magicsrvActionParsnip, what is a user's shell?...12:43
magicsrvsorry I'm bothering you again with smthn so stupid, but the utulity keeps giving me errors about it....12:44
chipt4Broly: you just answered your own question.12:44
jinja-sheepBroly:  Try cp.12:44
ActionParsnipmagicsrv: its the shell they use for commands (like /bin/bash) for security use /bin/false12:44
Brolylol chipt412:44
Brolyjinja-sheep, ill try that12:44
Brolythx ;12:44
_Zombie_'sup 'sup12:44
jrib!permissions > Broly12:44
ubottuBroly, please see my private message12:44
evowill_!permissions | Broly12:44
ubottuBroly: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions12:44
ActionParsnipjessie: i think you need the source code to uninstall it12:44
Brolyty jrib and evowill12:45
_Zombie_If I want to shrink my 8.10 install and install Winblows <gasp>, what do I have to do to get grub back on the mbr?12:45
Slart!grub | _Zombie_12:45
ubottu_Zombie_: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:45
magicsrvActionParsnip, thanks! Hope it won't affect logging into the server...12:45
ActionParsnipmagicsrv: i think it may, create a test user and try12:46
amortvigilhey i  booted a school pc winth ubuntu live usb but accadently whiped its c drive! how can i turn it back ?12:46
cjsAnybody here know anything about mounting BSD partitions? I have the ufs module loaded, but though sfdisk -l shows a /dev/sdf6 as the BSD partition within the NetBSD MBR partition that I want, the device doesn't appear in /dev.12:46
ActionParsnipamortvigil: so you wiped the schools internal drive?12:46
jribamortvigil: how did you "accidently whipe its c drive"?12:46
ActionParsnipamortvigil: of the pc12:46
Slartamortvigil: if you wiped it it might be gone.. time to fess up and go see the network admin12:47
ActionParsnipjrib: sudo fdisk /dev/sda1 ;)12:47
Slartamortvigil: testdisk might be able to restore it.. can't promise anything though12:47
amortvigilaction well actually its the network drive i mounted to get my personal files12:47
ActionParsnipamortvigil: i'd fess up. you had zero reason to be accessing it as you have your usb stick12:47
amortvigiloeps :p12:48
Guest49049omg i dont know how to instal two distros on my PC :(12:49
ActionParsnipamortvigil: id just tell the admins so they can reimage the box12:49
magicsrvActionParsnip, "User not found..." ...12:49
amortvigilok i hope they have backups  for all 2000 students :s12:49
ActionParsnipGuest49049: partition the system so you have blank space to install the other system to12:50
ActionParsnipamortvigil: well its only a workstation, not the file server surely12:50
nsadminleave unpartitioned space12:50
ActionParsnipmagicsrv: I think you need to make true system users12:50
yxlI'm from china,Can I talk in chinese12:50
SlartGuest49049: omg, just install it to another partition and use grub12:50
amortvigilok ty, i hopeso12:50
SlartGuest49049: omg, it's not that hard12:51
ActionParsnipGuest49049: to save space you can mount the same swap and home dirs between both systems using their fstabs12:51
Guest49049i installed first Kubuntu but now i am on other distro and dont know which partition is used for what and i dont see my fat32 partition -_-12:51
posixGuest49049: destroy windows, that's all )12:51
Guest49049i dont have windows12:51
magicsrvActionParsnip, I have... made it at the User Manager ...12:51
ActionParsnip!adduser | magicsrv12:51
evowill_!cn | yxl12:51
ubottumagicsrv: To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo12:51
ubottuyxl: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk12:51
jinja-sheepIs it possible to install Ubuntu without the extra apps?  I looked at ubuntu-desktop and it's not what I'm looking for... Hmm. :o12:52
ActionParsnipmagicsrv: silly gui apps12:52
amortvigilxyl : try china,s channle?12:52
Slartjinja-sheep: well.. there's minimal ubuntu..12:52
Slart!minimal | jinja-sheep12:52
ubottujinja-sheep: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD12:52
evowill_jinja-sheep, yes, ubuntu server12:52
posixmaybe adduser $username? lol12:52
jinja-sheepevowill_:  NO GUI.  >_>12:53
arathornare you speak turkish ?12:53
metaflux317ubuntu rawks12:53
Slart!turkish | arathorn12:53
ubottuarathorn: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.12:53
ActionParsnipmagicsrv: i wouldnt run an x server on a server system12:53
babohow do i disable services in ubuntu ? the /etc/inetd.conf file isn't as it should be ...12:53
evowill_jinja-sheep, you can install just what you want from the server12:53
metaflux317anyone know chris pirrilo?12:53
evowill_jinja-sheep, including a gui :-)12:54
ActionParsnipmetaflux317: i know of him12:54
jinja-sheepbabo:  System -> Prefs -> Sessions12:54
earthling babo: /etc/init.d/12:54
metaflux317u guys know the server for chris chat?12:54
Slartmetaflux317: do you have a support question about ubtuntu?12:54
ActionParsnip!ot | metaflux31712:54
ubottumetaflux317: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:54
jinja-sheepBlah.  :o.  I'm going to try ubuntu-mobile.  It's more fitting for eee-alike laptops. :o12:55
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ActionParsnipjinja-sheep: could try puppy linux12:55
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Guest49049now i destroy my partitions12:55
* Guest49049 is formating 5s12:55
=== kamikaze is now known as simit
earthlingSlart , I must say you are the  most dedicated ubuntu user out there. RESPECT :)12:55
Slart!nickspam | simit12:56
ubottusimit: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead. See also « /msg ubottu Guidelines »12:56
Slartearthling: huh?12:56
ActionParsnip!cookie | Slart12:56
ubottuSlart: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!12:56
Slartnom nom nom12:56
MaggieRobbie_Crash plz see my pm12:56
ubottuGirls exist on the internet. See http://www.escapistmagazine.com/print/17/27 | http://www.xkcd.com/322/ | For more interesting reading: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Encourage-Women-Linux-HOWTO/12:56
Guest49049sry xD12:56
Delvienanyone know a good free webblog "host"12:56
Guest49049Delvien its ot12:56
earthlingSlart: well seen you her for the past one yearr.. nearly everyday ..12:56
kaneda__Delvien; blogspot.com?12:56
earthlingSlart: *here12:57
Slartearthling: studying can be so boring =)12:57
evowill_!ot | Delvien12:57
ubottuDelvien: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:57
chipt4Delvien: not journalspace xD12:57
earthlingSlart: yeah :p12:57
jinja-sheepDelvien:  Host all your *.png off your MySpace link. :\12:57
simitpremier usb web cam ?12:57
DelvienNot like you were talking about anything on topic anyway. so !shoosh12:58
Guest49049i want wine with dx10 on ubuntu xD12:58
ActionParsnipGuest49049: its abstracted, you dont have DX10 perse but your system can do all the stuff DX10 does via wine12:58
Delvienjinja-sheep: wot?12:58
ActionParsnip!appdb | Guest4904912:58
ubottuGuest49049: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help12:58
SilentWarriorhi everybody12:59
kelsenaçgm pode me ajudar meu gerenciador de pacotes nao abre mais e da erro todas as vezes que tento instalar12:59
jinja-sheepGoogle "Blogspot"12:59
nsadminthat was yesterday :)12:59
Guest49049how to make run internet on KDE4 +Ubuntu ? i have ADSL and i am lost12:59
DelvienGuest49049: thats OT... that belongs in #wine (see what i did there)12:59
ActionParsnip!pppoe | Guest4904912:59
ubottuGuest49049: Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE12:59
Maggiewhat dependencies are required to update gvfs?12:59
Guest49049it was easy on KDE 3.512:59
Guest49049but on KDE4 -_-13:00
jribMaggie: update-manager takes care of updates for you13:00
ActionParsnipGuest49049: then compile kde3.513:00
kelsena mensagem que aparece é a seguinte: E: Problem parsing dependency Depends13:00
kelsenE: Um erro ocorreu processando frostwire (NovaVersão1)13:00
kelsenE: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/APTonCD%20for%20ubuntu%20intrepid%20-%20amd64%20(2009-01-04%2011:43)%20DVD1_Packages13:00
kelsenE: A lista de pacotes ou o arquivo de status não puderam ser analisados ou abertos.13:00
kelsenE: _cache->open() failed, please report.13:00
FloodBot2kelsen: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:00
kelsenalgm pode me ajudar13:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about b4313:00
jrib!br | kelsen13:00
ubottukelsen: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.13:00
Maggiejrib what if i want to do it manually ?13:00
ActionParsnipkelsen: you have spaces in there, get rid of them13:00
idesperado hello there...who can tell me how to boot into the command line mode...It seems the old /etc/inittab is13:01
idesperado                 hello there...who can tell me how to boot into the command line mode...It seems the old /etc/inittab is not available on Intrepid13:01
jribMaggie: It's usually not a good idea, especially with core things like gvfs, unless you already know what you are doing.  Why do you want to?13:01
ActionParsnipidesperado: press esc when grub shows up and select recovery mode13:01
nsadminMaggie: you could do that I suppose... but why go thru the effort?13:01
gst-kapsplz help me to recover my corrupted filesystem ?13:01
jribidesperado: why?13:01
idesperadoActionParsnip: I don't wanna boot into the recovery mode...13:01
ActionParsnip!datarecovery | gst-kaps13:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about datarecovery13:01
idesperadojrib: why??13:02
ActionParsnipgst-kaps: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery13:02
jribidesperado: yes.  Why do you you want to exactly?  Since the reason you want to affects how you would...13:02
Maggiejrib coz a frien of mine uninstalled nautilus13:02
Guest49049can i have same time on my linux distros ???13:02
idesperadoActionParsnip: I just want to but into multi-user command line mode ..13:02
ActionParsnipidesperado: that will give you command line mode13:02
jribMaggie: so install it again?13:02
dns53idesperado the append runlevel to the kernel command line should work, as well as recovery mode13:02
yoyohey how can I change the label of my hard drives...Like on the desktop it just says 750.2 GB media....how would i change that to games or something?13:02
idesperadoActionParsnip: runlevel 2-4 is OK13:02
Maggiejrib how?13:02
ActionParsnip!label | yoyo13:02
ubottuyoyo: To rename the labels of your partitions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RenameUSBDrive.13:02
jribMaggie: use APT, with for example Synaptic13:03
idesperadodns53: how to append the runlevel info??13:03
yoyoActionParsnip: its not a usb drive though...same process?13:03
* Guest49049 is rebooting.13:03
gst-kapsActionParsnip: i tried all those stuff but no success13:03
ActionParsnipyoyo: partition is a partion on anything13:03
=== george2002 is now known as Guest83996
Maggiejrib it is there when i look in package manager13:04
ActionParsnipgst-kaps: thats all i can advise, dd_rescue is decent when coupled with testdisk and foremost13:04
jribMaggie: so what is the problem?13:04
idesperadojrib: can you help me with my question?13:04
dns53idesperado in the kernel line in grub, append 2 to go to runlevel 213:04
jribidesperado: You never answered mine.  Do you just not want X to startup by default forever?13:04
ActionParsnipgst-kaps: foremost is pretty sweet, or you could plump up for easy recovery pro (windows app)13:04
gst-kapsActionParsnip:i used dd_rescused and have an image13:05
ActionParsnipgst-kaps: easiest way is to restore from backup after a fresh install13:05
idesperadojrib: ...no...I wanna start x from cli with startx...13:05
Maggiejrib when i open places>computer i get the msg "Error stating file '/usr/share/applications/nautilus-computer.desktop': No such file or directory"13:05
gst-kapsActionParsnip: how ?13:05
ActionParsnipgst-kaps: then mount the image and use foremost to get data off it13:05
jribidesperado: system -> administration -> services, disable graphical login13:05
Grabwhat's your favourite irc client?13:05
ActionParsnipGrab: pidgin13:05
jribMaggie: what did your friend do exactly?13:05
evowill_gst-kaps, you can also try testdisk / photorec13:05
jrib!best | Grab13:05
ubottuGrab: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.13:05
idesperadojrib: .....I'm not using gnome...13:06
Slart!irc | Grab13:06
ubottuGrab: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines13:06
jribidesperado: ........ what are you using..........?13:06
SlartGrab: personally I use irssi.. some people like xchat or xchat-gnome13:06
gst-kapsActionParsnip: but formost doesnt give all data13:06
gst-kapsActionParsnip:its just few formats13:06
idesperadojrib: ......Xmonad...13:06
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.13:07
ActionParsnipgst-kaps: you can specify the format you want to pull from the image13:07
jinja-sheepAww, what?  No tutorial. :o13:07
idesperadojrib: and I'm not boot into gnome env13:07
jribidesperado: If you don't have 'services-admin', then either install it or install sysv-rc-conf and use that to stop gdm from starting on runlevels 2-513:07
Maggieijrib I had this problem that while opening places>computer I got msg "Nautilus cannot handle Computer: locations"13:07
ActionParsnipgst-kaps: you wont get ALL the data, if you did the drive would not be corrupt as its 100% readable13:07
Maggiejrib I had this problem that while opening places>computer I got msg "Nautilus cannot handle Computer: locations"13:07
gst-kapsActionParsnip:yeah but they are very limited, like .txt13:07
jribMaggie: you said your friend removed nautilus.  What did he do exactly?13:08
ActionParsnipgst-kaps: well you can specify ANY file extension and it will attempt to find files13:08
gst-kapsActionParsnip:my drive is not corrupted its just that filesystem is screwed13:08
idesperadojrib: sysv-rc-conf.....can you tell which files decide and I can configure manually???13:08
ActionParsnipgst-kaps: you could try fsck to fix the file system13:08
jribidesperado: man update-rc.d13:08
Maggiejrib can i pm you?13:08
idesperadojinja-sheep: like the old /etc/inittab13:08
jribMaggie: no, I'd prefer it if we use the channel13:08
idesperadojrib: like the old /etc/inittab13:09
jribidesperado: runlevels 2-5 are identical by default so inittab isn't relevant13:09
Maggiejrib so i used irc to seek help13:09
jribMaggie: ok, but for me to help you, can you answer my question?13:09
Grabanyone here found good drivers for nvidia tnt2 video card ??13:10
=== Guest83996 is now known as george2002
jribidesperado: if you want to know how to use inittab for other reasons, see upstart.ubuntu.com.  It's not helpful here though13:10
idesperadojrib: ...runlevel 2-5 r identical???...I remembered runlevel 5 is graphical...13:10
=== george2002 is now known as Guest92456
ActionParsnipGrab: let me websearch (used to have one ages ago, the Ultras were NIIIICE)13:11
jribidesperado: not on debian (and not on ubuntu)13:11
idesperadojrib: no I'm not bothering with inittab...13:11
* jinja-sheep tests out the irssi.13:11
yoyohow do i see a list of my dev stuff....like if i wanna see what dev goes to what mountpoint....in my fstab theres no dev its just identified by uuid13:11
Maggiejrib i was told to update gvfs using source code...... so i tried to do it but i was unsuccessful when my friend came and i asked him to help13:11
GrabActionParsnip, i've got a nvidia tnt2 model 64 pro13:11
nsadminyoyo mount13:11
ActionParsnipGrab: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-71 nvidia-settings; gksudo nvidia-settings13:11
jribMaggie: you need to be more specific about what your friend has done13:12
GrabActionParsnip,  look here : http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_x86_71.86.06.html13:12
yoyonsadmin:mount, what do you mean?13:12
GrabActionParsnip,  is that one good13:12
ActionParsnipGrab: id use the drivers on repos13:12
yoyoI need a list of devs so I can change their labels to what the folder is called that they are mounted in13:12
jribyoyo: 'mount'13:13
nillerzHow long is it supposed to take to resize a partition?13:13
jinja-sheepnillerz:  Not long.13:13
nillerzfrom 220 gb to 116 gb?13:13
guantanamois it possible to play intel video 5-format on ubuntu?13:13
jinja-sheepnillerz:  You have been here since.  Same situation?13:13
nillerzOkay because its taking longer than an hour and hsows no progress13:13
nillerzyes, same one13:13
GrabActionParsnip,  can you please tell me how to find repo's drivers next time ?13:13
jinja-sheepnillerz:  Something is wrong.  :\13:13
nillerzoh jeez13:14
jinja-sheepnillerz:  You broke the unbreakable toy. :\13:14
TiredWolfnillerz: does the drive's led lit up?13:14
KrimZon"Restored compatibility with recent Linux 2.6 kernels." :(13:14
Maggiethen he downloaded gvfs_0.99.1-1_i386.deb and installed it and after installation we got msg that it was broken and we should write sudo apt-get install -f in the terminal and that uninstalled nautilus13:14
nillerzthe drives LED light is the one with the picture fo 3 disks on top of each other, right?13:14
nillerzyeah it's lit up13:14
Maggiejrib then he downloaded gvfs_0.99.1-1_i386.deb and installed it and after installation we got msg that it was broken and we should write sudo apt-get install -f in the terminal and that uninstalled nautilus13:14
chervais the sourcecode of the command rm in the source of the kernel13:14
nillerzdoesn't SOUND like an active hard-drive though13:14
jribMaggie: pastebin: apt-cache policy gvfs13:15
guantanamois it possible to play intel video 5-format on ubuntu?13:15
TiredWolfnillerz: no i mean the *physical* LED13:15
magicsrvI managed to configure the GProFTP Daemon and it even went online, but I cannot access the FTP Server from another PC.... Any Ideas?13:15
jinja-sheepnillerz:  You sure you didn't do lot of resize?  When you kept moving / resizing / repeated tasks to your liking.  There are list being made at the bottom.13:15
TiredWolfTiredWolf: what is it that you're resizing?13:15
nillerzOn the computer, yeah. IT's a laptop and it has a little light blinking under a picture of 3 disks on top of each other13:15
TiredWolfgah, i meant nillerz13:15
jinja-sheepTiredWolf:  Quit drinking too much. :o13:15
=== ajp is now known as AngelFace
magicsrvjinja-sheep got any ideas on my stupid FTP problem? :)13:15
TiredWolfnillerz, gparted (if that's what you're using) should have a Cancel button... which probably won't work, but try13:16
nillerzI just had it re-size my Vista partition to whatever made sense (I checked it with what I knew was taken n Vista)13:16
GrabActionParsnip, are you there mate? can you please tell me how you did find those nvidia drivers ?13:16
jinja-sheepmagicsrv:  You want to be able to access to your NTSF partition all times?13:16
Grabi want to learnù13:16
nillerzI'm using the partitioner built into the ubuntu installer13:16
Maggiejrib this is what i got http://paste.ubuntu.com/100304/13:16
jribcherva: coreutils most likely13:16
magicsrvjinja-sheep, exactly13:16
magicsrvIs it not possible?13:17
ActionParsnipGrab: i literlally gave you the command earlier13:17
jribMaggie: sudo apt-get install gvfs/hardy-updates13:17
jinja-sheepIt is linux.  Anything is possible in linux, not Windows.13:17
jribMaggie: if it asks you a question, pastebin it before replying13:17
alexb92gday guys, im about to install ubuntu into a blank hdd, i have 3 hdds in my computer, so will i stillbe able to boot from the 2 other disks?13:17
TiredWolfnillerz: try mounting the windows partition read-only, see if it mounts (sudo mount /dev/whatever /mnt -o ro)13:17
jinja-sheepmagicsrv:  For what purpose?13:17
Grabyes ActionParsnip  and i thank you for that one, but since i want to learn, can you tell me how to find out by myself ?13:17
ActionParsnipalexb92: yes, configure grub to boot the other disks13:17
nillerzI want to be able to read AND write to all portinos of the harddrive later13:18
SubdolusCan uname tell me the exact speed of my CPU?13:18
ActionParsnipGrab: websearching, i searched for nvidia tnt intrepid and that came up. all nvidia cards use nvidia-settings for configuration13:18
TiredWolfSubdolus: no13:18
magicsrvjinja-sheep, you see... I work with very large PSD and TIFF files.... And my clients have to be able to upload graphics at all times... It's the best for me to give them an FTP Server addess with a user&pass to upload.... And I DON't want to use windows any more13:18
TiredWolfSubdolus: cat /proc/cpuinfo can13:18
ActionParsnip!nvidia | Grab13:18
alexb92oh right, well one of the hdds has vista boot loader, so will i be able to use that as the default one?13:18
ubottuGrab: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto13:18
jribSubdolus: cat /proc/cpuinfo13:18
ActionParsnipalexb92: no as vista can only boot windows systems as it sucks massively, grub can boot anything13:19
EagleScreenSubdolus uname is not for that I think13:19
EagleScreenSysinfo for 'kairi': Linux 2.6.27-9-generic running KDE 4.1.3 (KDE 4.1.3), CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual  CPU  T2390  @ 1.86GHz at 800 MHz (3724 bogomips), HD: 45/226GB, RAM: 949/1999MB, 134 proc's, 48.37min up13:19
Maggiejrib i got this http://paste.ubuntu.com/100306/13:19
magicsrvjinja-sheep, besides, I cannot risk to want from s.o. 300 miles away to send me a CD with a bugged file....13:19
nillerz No cancel button is available. Restart? Did I fuck up?13:19
jribmagicsrv: ok, continue13:19
Grabok thank you very much ActionParsnip13:19
chervajrib: thanks13:19
SubdolusI actually run oBSD... /proc/cpuinfo doesn13:19
Subdolus't exist13:19
jribMaggie: ok, continue.  Sorry magicsrv13:19
SubdolusAny other ways?13:19
IdleOne!language | nillerz13:19
ubottunillerz: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.13:19
magicsrvjrib, NP13:20
jinja-sheepmagicsrv:  Will look it up.13:20
nillerz!language | obottu13:20
ubottuobottu: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.13:20
ZyzRhar en liten fråga bara..verkar inte hitta det på forumen...Hur stänger man av compiz i intrepid?13:20
TiredWolfnillerz: it doesn't sound like anything good. but before restarting... try mounting it13:20
jrib!se | ZyzR13:20
TiredWolf!se | ZyzR13:20
ubottuZyzR: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se13:20
magicsrvjinja-sheep,  thanks a lot!13:20
IdleOne!botabuse > nillerz13:20
ubottunillerz, please see my private message13:20
ActionParsnipGrab: its admirable you wanna learn though :)13:20
nillerzOkay, what's the terminal command for that?13:20
nillerzIt's the c:\ drive13:21
TiredWolfnillerz: sudo mount /dev/whatever /mnt -o ro13:21
jribMaggie: if that downgraded without issue, what does 'apt-cache policy nautilus' return?13:21
TiredWolfnillerz: the fact that it's C:\ in windows doesn't tell me much. it's probably /dev/sda1 though13:21
alexb92but when i had ubuntu installed with wubi, it used the vista bootloader and i started it through there13:21
ActionParsnipnillerz: run sudo fdisk -l, it will show you partition names, in linux its not C:13:21
TiredWolfnillerz: you can find out with "sudo fdisk -l", most likely13:21
Maggiejrib i got this http://paste.ubuntu.com/100307/13:21
Grabcan ubuntu write successfully on NTFS ?13:22
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE13:22
EagleScreenyes it can13:22
ikoniaspam/last *.gr13:22
jinja-sheepmagicsrv:  Something like this?  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MultipleComputersSynchronization13:22
Grabis it secure?13:22
ActionParsnipGrab: mostly, files with weird permission are not editable but can be read13:22
ActionParsnip!ntfs-3g | Grab13:22
ubottuGrab: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions13:22
Grabim afraid linux can damage data on NTFS partitions.. can you say that's safe?13:22
ActionParsnipGrab: all other files can be modified and new files can be created13:22
=== Slart_ is now known as Slart
ActionParsnipGrab: its OSS, it comes with zero warranty13:23
Grabi remember about 2 years ago this wasnt safe13:23
yoyook the label of my drive is music but it still shows 750.2 GB Media on the desktop....How do I get the desktop to change?13:23
ikoniaGrab: it is much more stable than it was, however there is still a risk, just much smaller13:23
jribyoyo: unmount and let hal mount it again13:23
ActionParsnipGrab: if its importnat, run your backup before you start playing so you have a recent copy13:23
Maggiejrib i got this for apt-cache policy nautilus http://paste.ubuntu.com/100308/13:23
ikoniaGrab: it is reversed engineer so nothing is perfect13:23
nillerzokay... it's allowing me to look inside the other partiton that is 11.9 gigabytes13:23
nillerzIs it possible just to install to that?13:23
Slart!info quassel13:23
Grabikonia,  what do you mean exactly?13:23
jribMaggie: sudo apt-get install nautilus13:23
ubottuquassel (source: quassel): distributed, Qt based, IRC client using a central core component. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.0-0ubuntu9 (intrepid), package size 2246 kB, installed size 4236 kB13:23
TiredWolfnillerz: what other partition? you shouldn't be thinking about installing right now, you should be thinking about not losing your data13:24
yoyojrib: what is hal, i umount'd it and i mounted it again...is that not enough...should i just do a mount -a?13:24
ActionParsnipGrab: ntfs is a microsoft proprietary system, the ntfs-3g app is a best effort as microsoft are not disclosing how ntfs works13:24
nillerzoh fudge, one of those, eh? Umm... let me see if I can boot to vista...13:24
earthlingGrab : have been using it for ages now.. never have managed to crash my disk yet :)13:24
jribyoyo: oh, it's in your fstab?13:24
ikoniaGrab: exactly what I've just said13:25
ikoniaGrab: what part is not clear ?13:25
nillerzhey, it's booting to vista alright, let me just run a chkdsk and see what's up13:25
yoyojrib: yeah its in my fstab labelled with a uuid=13:25
nillerzyeah it's running chkdsk13:25
TiredWolfnillerz: that's a good thing13:25
Grabikonia,  i got you. you mean that microsoft didnt tell how ntfs work.13:26
jinja-sheepmagicsrv:  http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-vsftpd-ftp-service-server/13:26
jribyoyo: I don't know what you have to do then.  You can try restarting hal and then logging out or logging in, but it will probably be faster to just reboot and see if it then shows the new label13:26
ikoniaGrab: how NTFS works is not known to anyone other than microsoft, the open source developers implimented their version of the tools13:26
Grabi see13:26
nillerzit made me mad when I tried to first run chkdsk in vista and it said I needed elevated priveledges and I didn't know how to log in as root in vista..13:26
jribMaggie: any errors?13:26
nillerzI had to be comploicated about it.13:26
ubottuUbuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications13:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about video-card13:27
SubdolusFor future reference, sysctl and dmesg work on almost all platforms. In case anyone was curious13:27
ActionParsnipGrab: they just prodded ntfs and made observations until what they had looked sort of right, it will never be 100% unless microsoft tell them exactly how it works or the developers fluke it13:27
Grab!video card13:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about video card13:27
Grabok ok13:27
cjsShould I upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10?13:27
nillerzit's funny though how Exploerer is starting to use features from Linux file managers, I mean, the run/search bar is awesome and stuff and so is clickable folder addresses13:27
jribcjs: up to you...13:27
ActionParsnip!nv | grab13:27
ubottugrab: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto13:27
Grabim there :P13:28
cjsHa! People can hear me. I must just be asking too weird questions most of the time.13:28
IvruUsing logger comand to log message, It truncate my messages. Not only truncate, but replace some part of the log by the syslog header. Does anyone can help ?13:28
Maggiejrib no errors13:28
jribMaggie: you should do 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop' too13:28
magicsrvjinja-sheep, nope... not like this... I don't want to make a common dir for users around the world.... I want to setup FTP Server .... I have installed G Pro FTP Daemon AND configured it... but the guy next to me won't login... (Damn! If he won't login, how would s.o. 300 miles away?)13:28
jinja-sheepmagicsrv:  I think you want this?  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7958813:28
ikoniacjs: no, your just asking questions that are your personal choice13:28
jinja-sheepmagicsrv:  Are you on a router?13:29
zambaare printers installed per-user or per-system on ubuntu?13:29
Maggiejrib but still i am not able to open places > computer13:29
jinja-sheepIf so, you probably need to do the port fowarding.13:29
jribMaggie: did you run that last command?13:29
ikoniazamba: per system13:29
nillerzuh oh, vista is being slow with the boot.13:29
zambaikonia: who can install them?13:29
ikoniazamba: administrator users13:30
Maggiejrib no13:30
magicsrvjinja-sheep, yes, But that is not an issue, I have my ports forwarded13:30
jinja-sheepmagicsrv:  Did you see the last link?  It allow you to make a private directory.13:30
Grabwhat can i do in order to be safe on my ubuntu ? should i install an antivirus / firewall ??13:30
magicsrvjinja-sheep, just reading it....13:30
jinja-sheepmagicsrv:  Use "The secure way"13:31
ikoniaGrab: depends if you feel you need it13:31
Grabon windows i need it13:31
ikoniaGrab: this isn't windows13:31
ikoniaGrab: anti-virus probably not as long as you apply common sense to how you work.13:32
Grabthat's why im asking13:32
ikoniaGrab: firewall, if your connected directly to the internet and running services, possibly a good idea13:32
magicsrvjinja-sheep,  I'm having trouble downloading the package....13:32
Grabikonia,  what firewall?13:32
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).13:32
magicsrvjinja-sheep,  coult u get me a direct link?13:32
jinja-sheepmagicsrv:  No.  Use terminal.13:33
Maggiejrib I have a slow internet connection last command is downloading something13:33
jribMaggie: ok13:34
jribMaggie: afterwards, you'll probably need to at least logout and back in13:34
Maggiejrib ok13:35
Maggiejrib the problem started 3 ddays ago when i used the command sudo apt-get update13:36
nillerzmaggie fi you have a slow connection, then you shouldn't update13:36
nillerzThe people in this channel will disagree13:36
nillerzThe people in this channel DONT UNDERSTAND13:36
jribnillerz: huh?13:37
ikonianillerz: ?13:37
nillerzI bet you all feel fine with your FiOS and your satellite and your T313:37
Maggiejrib ok13:37
ikonianillerz: what are you talking about ?13:37
nillerzWhen was the last time you thought about the Dialup Dynamos?13:37
jribnillerz: stay on-topic please13:37
ortsvorsteherhello. i use ubuntu 8.10 on a desktop pc. also i use a nvidia geforce 6200 video card. ubuntu tells me, that the driver from nvidia is in use. but always when i try to use nvidia-xserver-settings, he tells me to run nvidia-xconfig to activate the drivers. how can i enable the proprietär driver?13:37
nillerzTHEY ARE PEOPLE TOO.13:37
nillerzI'm sorry.13:37
ikonianillerz: if you explain the problem we maybe able to help13:37
TiredWolfnillerz: i am on 33.6kbps dialup right now, but i don't see how it's relevant.13:38
TiredWolfplease calm down.13:38
ikonianillerz: if you rant on, you will be removed from the channel13:38
nillerz:P I'm just picking. I was on 28.8 kbps dialup until I was 1713:38
ikonianillerz: do you have a problem, yes/no ?13:38
jinja-sheeportsvorsteher:  See System --> Admin --> Hardware Drivers13:38
nillerzNo, I was saying Maggie shouldn't update13:38
nillerznot if she has a slow connection13:38
ikonianillerz: ok - if you don't have a problem, please don't make random rants in the cahnnel, this is for support discussion only13:39
ortsvorsteherjinja-sheep, i did, there he says he is using driver number 177. but it isnt so13:39
jinja-sheeportsvorsteher:  Did you/he restart already?13:39
Maggienillerz why do u think so13:39
GneaMaggie: updating over dialup is best to do while not sitting in front of the computer :)13:39
nillerzMaggie: How fast is your internet connection?13:39
ortsvorsteherjinja-sheep, yes, i restarted many times since i updated to 8.1013:39
Maggienillerz 64 kbps13:40
GneaMaggie: or, finding something else non-internet related to do on it13:40
nillerzThat's too slow to be updating. No real reason anyway. I never really update and I'm on Cable now.13:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nvida13:40
nillerzAnd yes, every single person in this channel disagrees.13:40
MaggieGnea I update during night while I sleep13:40
jribIn any case, Maggie is installing software that got uninstalled nillerz, not updating13:40
Gneanillerz: there's no need to be so overly opinionated about it.13:40
ActionParsnip!nvidia | jinja-sheep13:40
ubottujinja-sheep: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto13:40
GneaMaggie: ah, okay. perhaps i misunderstood/misread the problem..13:41
jinja-sheepOh it was the typo.  Phft.13:41
ortsvorsteherjinja-sheep, it doesnt seem to be the problem of the driver. i mean it is that the driver isnt in use from the system13:41
zambaikonia: hm.. non-administrator users were able to add/remove printers here13:41
jinja-sheepActionParsnip:  See the issue ortsvorsteher is having with his driver.  Any idea why?13:41
ikoniazamba: how13:41
tyson_First time IRC'in here, am i supposed to wait my turn for my problem lol?13:41
zambaikonia: have no idea13:41
jinja-sheeportsvorsteher:  It should be working.  Did you update from older version recently?13:42
nillerztyson_: just ask it and if anyone knows they'll answer13:42
jribtyson_: nope, just jump in with a detailed question on a single line13:42
ikoniazamba: they will be able to connect to existing printers, but they won't be able to add a new printer to the system13:42
zambaikonia: through system - administration - printers13:42
Gneatyson_: nope, just go ahead and ask :)13:42
ikoniazamba: ahhh, thats fine, don't worry about that13:42
Maggietyson dont use words like lol here13:42
ortsvorsteherjinja-sheep, no, i updated from 8.04. and i updated before two weeks13:42
ActionParsnipjinja-sheep: install nvidia-settings so you can configure the card13:42
zambaikonia: well.. they were able to remove the printers used by all the other users of the system as well13:42
ortsvorsteherActionParsnip, i try13:43
ikoniazamba: sorry, thats probably a bad "definition" on my part, that is a user configuring a printer for their use, not adding it to the system13:43
ikoniazamba: look if the user doing it is in the "admin" group13:43
tyson_I'm having a "No Signal" problem... It happens when im playing WoW. It seems random, i've updated to the current Driver for my video card Nvidia Geforce 9600gt on www.nvidia.com13:43
zambaikonia: i think i found the error13:43
zambaikonia: the user was in the lpadmin group13:43
yassinehi everybody13:43
tyson_Ubuntu 8.10 distro13:43
ortsvorsteherActionParsnip, he tells me that he has alreadey the newest nvidia-settings13:43
ikoniazamba: perfect13:43
zambaikonia: going to retry now13:43
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: then run: gksudo nvidia-settings13:44
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Gneatyson_: have you double-checked to make sure the monitor cable is plugged in on the back of the computer and monitor?13:45
ortsvorsteherActionParsnip, when i do this, the following message comes: You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.13:45
Gneatyson_: okay, let's keep the chat here in case someone else can help :)13:45
ActionParsnipdo that then13:45
enovativis there a way to change the audio file that plays when Ubuntu boots up ?13:46
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: sudo nvidia-xconfig13:46
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ortsvorsteherActionParsnip, i did, now restart x yes?13:46
mvbalgooyhow do i print multiple documents?13:46
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: after running that, restart the xserver and then run sudo nvidia-settings13:46
ortsvorsteherActionParsnip, i try and will be back...13:47
nillerzOkay, I'm usin the default Ubuntu installer and I want to make /dev/sda2 , my dos partition, readable by linux. Is there a certain way I need to partition /dev/sda1 ? sda2 is ntfs13:47
arthur_i just got an error msg while updating???? http://paste.ubuntu.com/100317/13:48
ikonianillerz: if /dev/sda2 is ntfs it can't be dos13:48
ikoniaarthur_: out of disk space ?13:48
nillerzIt's vista, same thing13:48
ikonianillerz: not the same thing - just being clear13:48
ortsvorsteherActionParsnip, still the same :(13:48
Grabis it safe to use an external hard disk (NTFS) with ubuntu ?13:48
Grabit's got external power13:48
ikonianillerz: yes, ntfs can be read-able by ubuntu13:48
level3I am trying to connect from ubuntu client to Windows 2003 Terminal Server. I am able to connect from Vista Client, but unable to connect from Ubuntu. Server gives an error 'Failed to load Terminal Server Profile path'. What to configure at ubuntu?13:48
nillerzokay, continuing par usual.13:49
tyson_Gnea: yes my DVI connectors are snug on the monitor and back of the computer. It only black screens and says "No Signal" while im playing wow... and it can be random either 5 minutes or hours13:49
ikoniaGrab: you can read ntfs - no problem13:49
Grabi want to write :P13:49
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE13:49
ubottuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions13:49
jinja-sheepganja-sheep:  I know you.13:49
ikoniaGrab: I explained the potential risks of writing to ntfs earlier13:49
ubottuFUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE.  Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here:  http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems13:49
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: did you run gksudo nvidia-settings13:49
ikoniaGrab: please investigate the bot in a private message13:49
level3ntfs r/w support is added to recent kernels13:50
ortsvorsteherActionParsnip, yes, i did. with the same message, which i gave you at last13:50
mvbalgooyHi i`m using ubuntu for a while now... and i want to print multiple documents13:50
ganja-sheepWho here use irssi?13:50
SlimeyPeteganja-sheep: I do.13:50
ikoniaganja-sheep: a lot of people will13:50
Gneatyson_: do you see anything in /var/log/syslog when it happens?13:50
ganja-sheepNice.  First timer here.13:50
ganja-sheepIt's... terminal.  Lol.13:50
* Slart is trying out quassel =)13:51
ganja-sheepmvbalgooy:  What kind of issues do you have with... printer?13:51
MythrilI'm a little confused, is 64bit ubuntu supposed to be as usable and stable as 32-bit, because I would claim that it is not13:51
ardchoilleganja-sheep: and with screen, you can use do irc, email, web browsing, videos and ore in a tty if x breaks :)13:51
ikoniaMythril: it is13:51
Mythrilikonia: does flash work for you consistently?13:51
ikoniaMythril: yes13:51
SlartMythril: afaik it's supposed to be as stable as the 32-bit version.. anything specific that didn't work for you?13:51
GneaMythril: it is. do you have a specific issue?13:51
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: then if you run: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg13:52
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: then restart x13:52
mvbalgooydon`t have any issue printing.. but i want to print a few document in one time13:52
nonix4ganja-sheep: and pretty advanced for terminal, w/ split display and all that good old time (tm) stuff :)13:52
ortsvorsteherActionParsnip, i try13:52
ganja-sheepardchoille: Any useful commands?13:52
tyson_Gnea: im not sure, havnt checked when it happens, it black screens and won't recover back to the desktop, cant even ctrl + alt + f1 it to terminal13:52
ikoniamvbalgooy: just send them all to the print queue then13:52
tyson_Gnea: what exactly is the directory you pointed me to13:52
ardchoilleganja-sheep: useful commands?13:52
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: then run the command you ran before you restarted the xserver last, then restart x server, then run gksudo nvidia-settings13:52
ganja-sheepardchoille: For the terminal (irssi) or is that every individual commands?13:53
ardchoilleganja-sheep: irssi has tons of stuff:  /join #irssi13:53
Mythrilpulseaudio skips randomly, flash crashes all the damned time, a lot of my favorite software that worked in previous 32-bit versions will not work in 64 (sometimes it's the softwares fault for putting in IA32 asm)13:53
ortsvorsteherActionParsnip, you mean gksudo xserver-settings?13:53
nonix4tyson_: nor alt-sysrq-k?13:53
mvbalgooyhow do i do that without opening them13:53
Grabdo you guys believe that ubuntu handles dowloads (even torrents) better than windows ??13:54
ikoniamvbalgooy: better to open them13:54
nonix4(don't try that ppl, unless you know what you're doing:)13:54
Grabit seems to download faster13:54
ortsvorsteherActionParsnip, now i the reconfigure is finished13:54
ganja-sheepMythril: Do your processor support 64 bits?13:54
ikoniaGrab: no difference13:54
SlartMythril: hmm..and it all works if you use 32-bit?13:54
Mythrilganja-sheep: most definately13:54
MythrilSlart: yes13:54
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: restart x server13:54
tyson_Gnea: Not sure what alt-sysrq-k is, Newb to linux really, but bill gates is on my hated list so its about time to change13:54
Mythrilslart: or at least they did in 7.1013:54
Mythrilcurrently using 8.1013:54
mvbalgooyokay thanks <ikonia> and <ganja-sheep>13:55
SlartMythril: they've changed quite a lot since then.. not everything changed for the better =)13:55
vasilisI've got a question. I've changed the system language from system->administration->support on a 8.10 installation but i still get everything in the old language. Even after creating a new user. The locales have changed in /etc/environment but nothing happened.Any help appreciated13:55
SlartMythril: I suppose it could be some driver issue.. graphics or such..13:55
nonix4tyson_: pressing alt-sysrq-k (SAK) will kill every program running on current console13:55
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: ok now run gksudo nvidia-settings13:55
iLogic_vasilis: you have to change your desired language on the gdm (where you type your login and pass)13:56
ortsvorsteherActionParsnip, after restarting xserver now i ran  gksudo nvidia-settings and still the same problem13:56
MythrilSlart: I can't say I am happy with that concept, if it wasn't for the better, it probably shouldn't be pushed to public users13:56
Gneatyson_: in a terminal, type this:  tail -f /var/log/syslog13:56
nonix4vasilis: and you logged in?13:56
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: are you being told to run that command again?13:56
vasilisiLogic_: how do i do that?13:56
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: if it is, do so13:56
ortsvorsteherActionParsnip, i try13:56
Gneatyson_: then try running WoW and after it happens, go back to it and see if any errors showed up for WoW or nvidia13:56
AdvoWorkhi there, im trying to attach a file with a normal browser window. I select a remote location under places, find the file then Open. but it doesnt attach anything. any ideas please?13:56
iLogic_vasilis: logout of your current session and try searching for it on the screen where you type your login13:57
nonix4vasilis: /etc/skel or some such might have something overriding it13:57
alexb92sorry guys can i ask one quick noob question and i will leave u alone?13:57
ortsvorsteherActionParsnip, now after running sudo nvidia-xconfig he tells me the following: VALIDATION ERROR: Data incomplete in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.13:57
ortsvorsteher                  Device section "Configured Video Device" must have a Driver13:57
ortsvorsteher                  line.13:57
jinja-sheepardchoille:  You tried me.  >_>13:57
vasilisnonix4: cheers, i'll have a look13:57
tyson_Gnea: thanks, i will do right now its showing unregistered pardevice and unable to read device-id ret=-113:57
Maggiejrib still not able to open places>computer13:57
jribMaggie: you logged out and back in?13:57
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: ok, gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf &13:58
LilllyzHey does anyone know a program that will convert id3 tags to utf8 automatically from its current encoding. I have a bunch of mp3s with different encodings and can't seem to find a way to find out what they are and to change it over to utf8. I have tried easy tag but it doesn't seem to change it without garbling it up.13:58
Maggiejrib no13:58
jinja-sheepardchoille:  tricked*  You know better than to send a man to the battlefield without weapons.  I was doomed.  Didn't know how to change channel tabs in irssii. :o13:58
jribMaggie: do that13:58
Maggiejrib ok13:58
nillerzIs it possible to have a linux-based laptop use less battery life by ONLY playing music, and not doing other background tasks?13:58
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: and set a driver line to read: Driver "nvidia"13:58
ikonianillerz: stop all uneeded services13:58
nillerzwhat's the lightest weight music player?13:58
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: in the configured video device" section13:59
Slartnillerz: mpd?13:59
ardchoillejinja-sheep: Oh, I just figured you knew that much, sorry about that.13:59
ActionParsnipnillerz: aplay13:59
nillerzlemme check that stuff out . . .13:59
ikonianillerz: all about the same, they all have X11 interfaces etc etc, there is a console one, but that will still open an xterm13:59
alexb92i used to have ubuntu running in a wubi configuration, now that i have a spare internal hard disk, if i install linux onto that hard disk, will i still be able to access the windows partitions without any configuring involed?13:59
alexb92sorry i know im a noob13:59
jinja-sheepnillerz:  Install ubuntu-core and start playing music from the command.  That'll save you lot of battery.13:59
Gneanillerz: you could start by installing ubuntu as console-only13:59
ortsvorsteherActionParsnip, i am in this section. now i ave to put in NV4 Geforce6200?13:59
nillerzI could do that, and I might do that, but only off a CD...13:59
ortsvorsteherActionParsnip, i am in this section. now i ave to put in NV44 Geforce6200?13:59
ikoniaalexb92: you can't move wubi installs to a seperate disk, you ned to do a clean install, but yes you will be able to access your windows partition14:00
ikonianillerz: if you do that your cd drive will eat the battery14:00
alexb92yeah im doing a clean install14:00
tyson_Gnea: Could this be a kernel issue?14:00
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: no, you need to put: Driver "nvidia"14:00
ikoniaalexb92: no problem then14:00
alexb92oh right so no configuring involed?14:00
nillerzUSB would be better, wouldn't it?14:00
Gneatyson_: not sure - did you see anything happen this time?14:00
ikonianillerz: still a power eater14:00
* tyta_linux says Hello #Ubuntu14:00
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: below where it says Section "Configured Video Device'14:00
Maggiejrib still nothing happened14:00
tyson_Gnea: havn't tried it yet, ill do it now14:00
ikoniatyson_: then say hello rather than "/me hello"14:00
jribMaggie: run 'nautilus' in a terminal14:00
ortsvorsteherActionParsnip, driver is already nvidia14:00
Gneanillerz: USB has a consistant drool for power14:00
FinnishCan I sort row alphabetically in OO calc? I have 50 names and I want them in alphabetical order14:00
ikoniatyson_: sorry, not you14:00
nillerzI could use a 800 gig partition and like, have it read off other partiitons...14:00
alexb92i have vista installed on one hard drive, xp installed on another and ubuntu will be installed on the third as a clean boot14:01
alexb92so if i install ubuntu on the second disk, i didnt want it to boot as default14:01
ikonianillerz: the partition size doesn't matter14:01
ActionParsnipalexb92: you'll need ntfs-3g installed for write access but you can read the data just fine without any config14:01
ikoniaalexb92: just set grub to boot windows by default14:01
nillerzNevermind, duh, I could just use sessions...14:01
alexb92oh right k14:01
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: ok then try rerunning nvidia-settings14:01
alexb92so when i do a clean install and boot into ubuntu sorry but how do i configure grub?14:01
thoriumI have pppoe on ppp0(eth0) and a local network on eth1, I want to configure iptables in order to have the internet available on the internal network14:01
ortsvorsteherActionParsnip, there is no section configured video device. please look at http://pastebin.com/ff9c0f7b14:01
thoriumI have the following configuration14:02
ganja-sheepFinnish: Use sort command.14:02
ikoniaalexb92: get into ubuntu first then we can help14:02
thoriumon the computer in the local area network only ymessenger,dc++,ftp work(I tested just this)14:02
gavoleHello, there.  xubuntu how to take screenshot ("Print Screen key use") it was easy to take screenshot in ubuntu because of a separate menu there.14:02
thoriumhttp doesn't wrok on that14:02
Gneatyson_: do you see anything like the problem here? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WorldofWarcraft/Troubleshooting14:02
Finnishganja-sheep: Yeah, sort, and whats the command/function in it?14:02
alexb92ohk cool14:02
tyson_Gnea: I tried opening wow after installing the recommended driver for Nvidia and i got about 8 lines of text all saying something about my kernel verison is wrong14:02
alexb92thank you very much guys and sorry for bothering you14:02
jinja-sheepFinnish:  Look at sort --help.  It'll list the possibility.14:02
ikoniaalexb92: it's no bother14:02
Maggiejrib nautilus in terminal opens the home folder14:02
tyson_Gnea: so basically i need to get the correct Kernel version and install it?14:02
alexb92i will do it tomorrow morning its late at night now14:02
Gneatyson_: okay, are you running 8.04 or 8.10?14:03
alexb92thank you very much i will be back in the morning14:03
nillerzThe thing is, I go on huge bike-rides, from here to a town 20 miles away, and I use my laptop as a radio. I can't use headphones, that's asking for trouble, so I just blast it. This drains battery power and it takes 2 hours, each way. I can charge it in town but I'd like to have some power available for delays.14:03
tyson_Gnea: 8.10 ibex14:03
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: ok, change line 47 to read: Section "Configured Video Device"14:03
jinja-sheepnillerz:  Get a Zune.14:03
tyson_Gnea: is there a way i can respond instead of typing Gnea: each time before i start my message?14:03
Slartnillerz: the hard drive survives a bike ride?14:03
nillerzJinja-sheep: I'm  cheap. I'm VERY cheap.14:03
nillerzSlart: Yes. I'm a very good cyclist.14:04
Slartnillerz: but sorry.. this is getting offtopic..14:04
xteracolol Slartr14:04
nillerzbesides, hard drives are really cheap nowadays.14:04
Maggiejrib the real problem that i am having is in the following post http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=80159714:04
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: save the file and close gedit, then rerun the gksudo nvidia-settings command again14:04
jinja-sheepnillerz:  Cheap enough to end your life?  Having laptop on the bike is absolutely ridiculous. :\14:04
ortsvorsteherActionParsnip, i put you now the new xorg conf in http://pastebin.com/f2a7dc280 cause in line 47 which you told me to change, i was in section monitr14:04
Gneatyson_: you could just omit it, but then i might not see it right away14:04
nillerzjinja sheep: It's in the laptop sleeve of my sack.14:04
Gneatyson_: if you type Gn<tab> it should be easier14:05
tyson_Gnea: its fine, i can type it out its not hard just wondering if there was a shortcut14:05
Gneatyson_: you may need to press tab a couple of times14:05
nillerzWhat did you think I did?14:05
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: huh??14:05
nillerzI;m not reading slashdot while cruising down the hills...14:05
sar4jI managed to make a BT PAN with ubuntu as master and connected a windows box. I can ping ubuntu from windows, and vice versa.. I can even browse httpd site (running on port 80) from the windows box. but I am unable to connect to vnc from realvnc on windows. the other way - RDP from ubuntu to windows works.. can some one help, are there some ports to open on ubuntu box? how do i start by debuggin14:05
jribMaggie: you get that error when you go to places -> home?14:05
Slartnillerz: make sure it shuts down the screen too.. not really sure how to do that but I guess there has to be a way14:05
Gneanillerz: especially in this weather...14:05
Slartnillerz: or you run it without X?14:06
tyson_Gnea: Should i Copy/paste the line?14:06
Maggiejrib i dont get any error14:06
nillerzyeah, I live in an area outside of Buffalo.14:06
ortsvorsteherActionParsnip, i dont know if the last xorg.conf and this one which i pasted you now are identical. so i pasted you at last now the actual xorg.conf. still there is noch section which we search?14:06
jribMaggie: why do you believe it's the same problem then?14:06
Gneatyson_: just the one line, sure14:06
nillerzI can close the lid... doesn't that power off the screen?14:06
ikonianillerz: still running an X environment though, = more power14:06
nillerzI'll probably go all consoley on it.14:07
Maggiejrib when i open places > computer i get "Nautilus cannot handle computer: locations."14:07
=== iLogic_ is now known as iLogic
Gneanillerz: you can tell it what it does in the power management settings:  System->Preferences->Power Management14:07
tyson_Gnea: NVRM: API mismatch: the client has the version 177.82, but this kernel module has the version 177.80.  Please make sure that this kernel module and all NVIDIA driver components have the same version.14:07
nillerzI still gotta get the stuff installed14:07
Slartnillerz: I have no idea.. but having the screen shut off might save you quite a lot of battery time14:07
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: ok, reead line 50 in the pastebin, it says: Section "Device"14:07
Gneatyson_: ah, okay. what method did you use to install the nvidia drivers?14:07
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: this is what it says in your file right now.14:07
Slartnillerz: and mpd has a command line client so you don't really need X just to play music14:07
jribMaggie: ls -l /usr/share/applications/nautilus-computer.desktop14:07
tyson_Gnea: System > Administration > Hardware Drivers14:08
Maggiejrib also i cannot mount any usb flash drive14:08
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: it NEEDS to be changed to Section "Configured Video Device"14:08
sar4jI managed to make a BT PAN with ubuntu as master and connected a windows box. I can ping ubuntu from windows, and vice versa.. I can even browse httpd site (running on port 80) from the windows box. but I am unable to connect to vnc from realvnc on windows. the other way - RDP from ubuntu to windows works.. can some one help, are there some ports to open on ubuntu box? how do i start by debuggin14:08
ortsvorsteherActionParsnip, yes, so it is. now i am in line 50 which is the following: VendorName     "NVIDIA Corporation"14:08
Gneatyson_: okay, are you familiar with the pastebin site?14:08
nillerzYeah, I am planning to use a simple terminal based player.14:08
tyson_Gnea: nope but im a fast learner14:08
endritkan yu spik german14:08
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)14:08
Slart!de | endrit14:09
ubottuendrit: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.14:09
ortsvorsteherActionParsnip, sorry, i missed line 50 which is Section "Device" and i change it now to "Configured Video Device"14:09
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: ok then go 3 lines up14:09
Gneatyson_: see if you can pastebin the output of this command:  dpkg -l | grep ^ii | grep nvidia14:09
Maggiejrib i got this -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 10082 2008-09-26 18:37 /usr/share/applications/nautilus-computer.desktop14:09
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: I told you what the line says you need to change, you need to be slightly less litteral14:09
endritkann ich denn trotzdem deutsch schreiben14:09
LurkerInTheWebsHELP! I've completely restored my Xserver. Both of my monitors are detected and outputted simultaneously. I try to open nvidia-settings and it tells me to nvidia-xconfig, I do, restart the computer and suddenly NOTHING is detected. Is there another way to twinview?14:09
jinja-sheepWhat's the command line to search for description too with aptitude search?14:09
jinja-sheepParameters, or that.14:09
ActionParsnipjinja-sheep: same14:09
ActionParsnipjinja-sheep: apt-cache search <anything>14:10
ortsvorsteherActionParsnip, okay. i changed line 50 to : Section "Configured Video Device" Is that right now?14:10
nillerzI dont actually *need* language packs, right?14:10
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: you can pastebin what you have ityou wish, I can check it14:10
ardchoillejinja-sheep:  apt-cache search -n appname   <-- search names only, no description14:10
tyson_Gnea: just copy/paste the results from terminal to the pastebin site? and hit send?14:10
Gneatyson_: yes, it will give you a URL which you can then paste here14:10
ortsvorsteherActionParsnip, ok. please look at http://pastebin.com/f1a4e215e14:11
tyson_Gnea: http://pastebin.com/m3bfcd74f14:11
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: looks great14:11
jinja-sheepThanks ActionParsnip + ardchoille.14:11
ortsvorsteherActionParsnip, now restart xserver?14:11
jribMaggie: reboot, make sure it still happens14:11
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: ok save and close gedit then run the gksudo nvidia-settings14:11
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: no need really14:11
Maggiejrib my problem is discussed in the following thread and the solution to it has been given as to manually update gvfs "http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=801597"14:12
ortsvorsteherActionParsnip, still after gksudo nvidia-settings i get You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.14:12
jribMaggie: you have https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/23388914:12
ortsvorsteherActionParsnip, so now i ran sudo nvidia-xconfig?14:12
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: try restarting x first14:12
ActionParsnipwithout the command14:13
gabblerhi can anyone tell me how i can install not the latest java jre14:13
ActionParsnip!java | gabbler14:13
ubottugabbler: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository14:13
ortsvorsteherActionParsnip, ok...14:13
a_okhow can i prevent apt from stopping daemons that i am removing?14:13
gabbleractionparsnip, thanks but i need to install an old version not the one in the respository14:13
ActionParsnipgabbler: i think if you specify version it may install14:14
Gneatyson_: that's really weird... okay, what do you get from this command:  grep NVRM /var/log/dmesg14:14
ActionParsnipgabbler: try apt-cache seach java | grep jre14:14
tyson_Gnea: NVRM: loading NVIDIA UNIX x86 Kernel Module  177.80  Wed Oct  1 14:38:10 PDT 200814:14
gabbleractionparsnip, thanks i did try that and it just came back 5 or 6, whereas i need update 7 rather than what i have14:15
Gneatyson_: okay, that's correct... but for some reason, a program that WoW is calling isn't the correct version for it14:16
erUSULa_ok: it makes no sense to keep them running if you are about to remove them14:16
Maggiejrib the problem is still there14:16
ShoopufAny reason why I wouldn't want to run a sudo aptitude update/install/safe-upgrade?14:16
tyson_Gnea: Im using Wine if that helps?14:16
ActionParsnipgabbler: icedtea-java7-jre14:17
ortsvorsteherActionParsnip, now i have a very bad resolution. but i am happy, something is changed ;) but now after running sudo nvidia-xconfig i get: PARSE ERROR: Parse error on line 50 of section Configured Video Device in file/etc/X11/xorg.conf. "Configured Video Device" is not a valid section name.14:17
jribMaggie: see if it happens with a new user14:17
tyson_Gnea: So something in Wine isn't calling for the right kernel while running WoW?14:17
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: is that what you get from nvidia-settings14:18
ortsvorsteherActionParsnip, yes14:18
endritkann mir jemand beim man download helfen14:18
jribMaggie: pastebin 'apt-cache policy libglib2.0-0' as well14:18
Maggiejrib there is only one user on mu ubuntu box14:18
ortsvorsteherendrit, schau mal in den deutschen kanal /j #ubuntu-de14:18
jribMaggie: right, so create a fresh new one14:18
slaytonfor some reason when I use my Scroll Whell in GNOME TERMINAL i scroll commands and I don't scroll up the window's previous lines... this change happened recently does anybody know what could be causing it?14:18
endritin welchem ich hab doch ubuntu14:19
Slart!de | endrit14:19
ubottuendrit: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.14:19
ortsvorsteherendrit, du bist hier im english sprachigem kanal :)14:19
__doc__hi, I'd like to make /dev/input/event5 (my joystick) accessible so I can use it for games, what udev rule do I have to write?14:19
ortsvorsteherendrit, einfach folgendes eingeben: /j #ubuntu-de14:19
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: you're gonna be wrestling with that until you can get righted14:19
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: try renaming the section back maybe14:19
endritwie jetzt du bist nur ein computer und ich noch nicht so gut englisch14:20
Maggiejrib pastebin  "http://paste.ubuntu.com/100337/"14:20
a_okerUSUL, yes it does i upgrading and don want downtime14:20
ortsvorsteherActionParsnip, i wrestl with that a since i updated14:20
saschahl__doc__: don't you also have a /dev/input/js* device? what are the permissions of the nodes? games usually use the js* device14:20
Gneatyson_: i'm really lost now, not sure what the problem is14:20
ortsvorsteherActionParsnip, i try to rename it back and pastebin it.14:20
Gneatyson_: all i know is, there's a version mis-match somewhere14:20
zambawhat kernel module do i have to use for 00:09.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8029(AS)?14:20
a_okcrappy windows quotes14:21
__doc__saschahl: for some of my gaming devices there's a /dev/input/js*, but for some there isn't, and /dev/input/js* doesn't support force feedback14:21
tyson_Gnea: Would uninstalling Wine ( The program i used to run WoW ) and reinstalling it maybe tell it which version to call?14:21
Gneatyson_: someone else might be able to help you with it, i'm totally out of the loop on this one14:21
erUSULa_ok: i think that is impossible to do an upgrade without downtime...14:21
ortsvorsteherActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/f74c827fd nvidia-settings changed the section back14:21
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: i think i got it14:21
jribMaggie: your system isn't up to date.  I know you have a slow connectiont.  How long will the following take: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade14:21
Gneatyson_: it's trying to use 177.82 instead of 177.8014:21
a_okerUSUS: well only downtime i have is a service restart14:21
Gneatyson_: so i don't know, never played wow before with wine.14:21
ortsvorsteherendrit, ich bin ein mensch und kann ein wenig english. bist du schon im deutschen kanal?14:22
tyson_Gnea: I had 177.82 installed first, then i went back to 177.8014:22
X-tremAl_RavenAnyone knows how to setup Pidgin to work with juick.com?14:22
ortsvorsteherActionParsnip, you have an other solution?14:22
a_okerUSUS that is if it does things the way i used to14:22
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: on the line below the one you just changed, change: Identifier  "Device0"14:22
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: to: Identifier      "Configured Video Device"14:22
Gneatyson_: then some portion of it is still installed... maybe in /usr/lib14:22
tyson_Gnea: Is there a way i can delete my nvidia files and just reinstall 177.80 only?14:22
Gneatyson_: it's not that simple now, you've already installed it14:23
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: then change the line in screen that says Device  "Device0" to Device "Configured Video Device"14:23
Gneatyson_: can you pastebin the output of this command:  ls -l /usr/lib/libGL*14:23
ataufikHello everyone... I have problem when running "apt-get update" like this : W: A error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used.GPG error: http://dl2.foss-id.web.id intrepid-updates Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>14:23
ortsvorsteherActionParsnip, like this? : http://pastebin.com/f1ecbc36e14:23
slaytonataufik: that means the repository at dl2.foss-id.web.id is bad14:23
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: exactly like that, now make the second change in the screen section14:23
saschahl__doc__: I don't know if many games are able to use the input/event devices.14:24
slaytonataufik: contact the person responsible for managing the repository14:24
ortsvorsteherActionParsnip, which one?14:24
saschahl__doc__: but have a look at some udev rules in /etc/udev/rules.d/ and copy/modify one14:24
ataufikslayton, can I just change the repo in the source.list?14:24
Gneai've got the same problem going on here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hal/+bug/293570  the usb drive simply refuses to keep a stable connection, the system keeps asking me what do I want to do with the blank disk in the drive14:24
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: Device         "Device0"  changes to    Device    "Configured Video Device"14:24
a_okerUSUL, this is how i do it on my non Ubuntu box: remove old version, compile new version and install, check installed files/config files, <initscript> restart14:24
slaytonataufik: sure you could remove it, but the software you installed from that repo would no longer be eligble for updates from that repo14:24
tyson_Gnea: http://pastebin.com/m3bfcd74f14:24
ortsvorsteherActionParsnip, in line 55 yes?14:25
slaytonataufik: eligible is the wrong word.... you could get updates14:25
tyson_Gnea: Sorry sec14:25
Gneatyson_: wrong one14:25
Gneatyson_: np14:25
mosfetdoes someone knows where I could find a new version for dovecot on ubuntu 8.0414:25
slaytonataufik: grr... you could NOT get updates14:25
Maggiejrib the problem is still there on different user14:25
mosfetI tried on backports but no success14:25
savengerHi everybody...14:25
erUSULa_ok: a restart impilies a stop start that's how apt does it too14:25
slaytonmosfet: install from source14:25
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: line 55 in the pastebin, yes14:25
saschahl__doc__: try to match on DRIVERS, SUBSYSTEM and on KERNEL and set MODE and have it create a symlink with SYMLINK14:25
erUSULa_ok: implies*14:25
jribMaggie: k, did you catch my message about updating?14:25
savengerI have a problem with using autofs, where can I read out error-messages for it?14:25
tyson_Gnea: http://pastebin.com/m59e3671f14:25
ataufikslayton, do you mean every repo server has different repo files?14:25
Maggiejrob no14:26
ortsvorsteherActionParsnip, like that? http://pastebin.com/f3fd3ce3614:26
Maggiejrib no14:26
jribMaggie: your system isn't up to date.  I know you have a slow connectiont.  How long will the following take: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade14:26
ShoopufAny reason why I wouldn't want to run a sudo aptitude update/install/safe-upgrade?14:26
Shoopufon a web server setup14:26
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: looks perfect14:26
Gneatyson_: aaah, there it is14:26
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: save and restart x14:26
__doc__saschahl: I'm a programmer, but honestly, I don't grok udev rules any tiny bit. it looks all gibberish to me.14:26
tyson_Gnea: Good to hear14:26
a_okerUSUL, yeah i know but i want to stop it (the old version files removed but still running) after i installed the new version. so it starts the new version14:26
ortsvorsteherActionParsnip, ok :)14:26
Maggiejrib 7 hours14:26
slaytonataufik: what the error means is that the changes made to are invalid... I don't know what changes were made... it looks like the index file is out of date though14:26
jribMaggie: k.  The only other thing I would check for is what do you have installed to /usr/local/?14:27
slaytonataufik: again try contacting the person who is hosting the repository14:27
Gneatyson_: now what package does this command say it's in:  dpkg -S /usr/lib/libGL.so.177.8214:27
Grabhow to open .nrg files ?14:27
magicsrv_jinja-sheep, ActionParsnip . I got it. Linux IS CaseSensitive. Thanks for the help :)14:27
zambai want to clone a installed version of ubuntu onto several other identical machines.. what software can i use for this and is there something i need to keep in mind when cloning?14:27
savengerI have a problem with using autofs, where can I read out error-messages for it? /var/log/messages says nothing14:27
ActionParsnipmagicsrv_: hugely case sensitive14:27
Maggiejrib how do i do that14:27
zambaand how can i set hostname based on dhcp?14:27
kembertusgood day everyone14:27
erUSULa_ok: well... i do not think i can help you; sorry... if there is a way to do what you want i do not know about it... maybe #ubuntu-server has more knowledgeabe people14:28
ortsvorsteherActionParsnip, still i have a bad resolution. now i try gksudo nvidia-settings?14:28
ataufikslayton, okay... I 'll try., thanks14:28
tyson_Gnea: says its not found14:28
jribMaggie: ls /usr/local/*14:28
magicsrv_ActionParsnip, In the end that seemed to be all the problem :) Changed the homedir from "/media/ftp/" to "/media/FTP" and it all went on place. Thanks again! :)14:28
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: yeah man14:28
jinja-sheepmagicsrv:  Good.  Now, get out of my flock. <_<14:28
ActionParsnipmagicsrv_: np man14:28
kembertusi am new here in ubuntu and after installing and series of upgrades i now face this problem in stat up14:28
jinja-sheepmagicsrv:  Good luck with your clients.14:28
ActionParsnipkembertus: what errors?14:29
ortsvorsteherActionParsnip, by running gksudo nvidia-settings i still get You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server14:29
kembertusit has many boots to choose14:29
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: ok try sudo nvidia-xconfig and restart x14:29
ortsvorsteherActionParsnip, i try14:29
ActionParsnipkembertus: choose the newest kernel14:29
a_okerUSUL, point is that i dont want apt to EVER start or stop services for me. I am the admin not apt. it took the mailserver down witout me noticing it (untill nagios started shouting that is)14:29
Gneatyson_: alright, then you'll need to do this:  sudo rm /usr/lib/libGL.so.177.82 /usr/lib/libGLcore.so.177.82 && ln -sf /usr/lib/libGLcore.so.177.80 /usr/lib/libGLcore.so.1 && ln -sf /usr/lib/libGL.so.177.80 /usr/lib/libGL.so.114:29
a_okerUSUL, ok thank you will try that14:29
Gneatyson_: sudo ln -sf14:29
erUSULa_ok: no problem14:30
Maggiejrib this was my output http://paste.ubuntu.com/100343/14:30
tyson_Gnea: every line at once or each /usr's lines seperate with sudo ln -sf?14:30
ardchoilleGnea: Will any of that be overwritten during updates to software?14:30
jribMaggie: you have glib installed there.  Why?14:30
Gneaardchoille: nope, updates won't fix it14:30
kembertusyeah that is what i am doing right now but s there a way that my computer will boot continuously? like before i dont have this press "esc" and choose among the choices14:30
Gneatyson_: sorry, once more, all on one line:   sudo rm /usr/lib/libGL.so.177.82 /usr/lib/libGLcore.so.177.82 && sudo ln -sf /usr/lib/libGLcore.so.177.80 /usr/lib/libGLcore.so.1 && sudo ln -sf /usr/lib/libGL.so.177.80 /usr/lib/libGL.so.114:31
tyson_Gnea: ok step complete what now?14:31
Maggiejrib it was required when i was installing something from source code14:31
Gneatyson_: sudo ldconfig14:32
jribMaggie: so why not use the repositories?14:32
tyson_Gnea: done14:32
jribMaggie: what did you install from source code that you want to keep anyway?14:32
Gneatyson_: okay, NOW try WoW14:32
LurkerInTheWebsNeed a Linux hero here, guys. Two monitors, both outputting simultaneously until I "nvidia-xconfig" and restart. Then neither work. Trying to get twinview up and running.14:32
kembertusnow there are 4 choices, blah.blah.blah.16; blah,blah,blah16 (recovey) and blah.blah.1414:33
ortsvorsteherActionParsnip, i reeboted now, cause i clicked after restarting x on the false button. Now i have a very good resolution and will try gksudo nvidia-settings?14:33
tyson_Gnea: Pro =)14:33
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: no, if its fine leave it14:33
tyson_Gnea: Now what if it goes back to the "No Signal" Screen in game play?14:33
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: try running glxgears14:33
Maggiejrib to keep a backup  coz u know i have a slow connection14:33
ortsvorsteherActionParsnip, i try glxgears14:33
=== hahahehehe is now known as haha
Gneatyson_: does it?14:33
kembertusAP thanks14:33
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: run it a bit then close, tell me how many frames per second you get14:33
=== haha is now known as tralalala
tyson_Gnea: So far no, you will know if i get disconnected soon14:33
LurkerInTheWebsNeed a Linux hero here, guys. Two monitors, both outputting simultaneously until I "nvidia-xconfig" and restart. Then neither work. Trying to get twinview up and running.14:34
Maggiejrib Cmake14:34
Gneatyson_: heh okay :)14:34
ActionParsnip!dualhead | LurkerInTheWebs14:34
tyson_Gnea: But when i had 177.82 installed it was random... anywhere from 5minutes to an hour14:34
t94xr_laptopIs there a way of upgrading network manager to one that supports both bluetooth and wireless connections at the same time?14:34
ubottuLurkerInTheWebs: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama14:34
kembertusactionparnshp thanks14:34
=== tralalala is now known as beeeeeeee
Gneatyson_: problem was, you had overlapping libraries leftover from your previous installation that didn't get removed correctly14:34
ActionParsnipkembertus: np bro, try tab completing names in irc too ;)14:34
tyson_Gnea: So it was calling the lib that wasnt installed?14:34
ortsvorsteherActionParsnip, frank@zerberus:~$ glxgears XIO:  fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server ":1.0"  after 4269 requests (32 known processed) with 0 events remaining. Segmentation fault14:34
jribMaggie: cmake is in the repositories.  Let's get rid of the /usr/local/ stuff.  'sudo mv /usr/local/ /usr/local.old && sudo mkdir /usr/local/' and then reboot14:34
kebomixhello , i need help in ekiga14:35
tyson_Gnea: Well i wish i was pro at linux commands =( just started learning about a week ago14:35
kebomixicant call me friend14:35
daredevilthereHey buddies help me.I installed flash in ubuntu 8.04 but it is not working14:35
tyson_Gnea: You my friend, *high five*14:35
Gneatyson_: it was calling the lib that wasn't supposed to be installed that was still installed14:35
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: run: glxinfo | grep -i direct14:35
jribdaredevilthere: 'not working' is not very descriptive14:35
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: what does it say?14:35
Gneatyson_: it takes time :)14:35
kembertusActionParsnip: would there be problem if i was not able to fix my issue?14:35
Gneatyson_: you might find this useful as well...14:35
Gnea!terminal | tyson_14:35
ubottutyson_: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal14:35
ortsvorsteherActionParsnip, it says direct rendering: No (If you want to find out why, try setting LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose)14:35
Maggiejrib nothing happened14:35
savengerI have a problem with using autofs, where can I read out error-messages for it? /var/log/messages says nothing14:36
jribMaggie: what does 'ls /usr/local/' say now?14:36
daredeviltherejrib i mean firefox says install flash but its already installed14:36
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: ok then run gksudo nvidia-settings14:36
ortsvorsteherActionParsnip, i try14:36
jribdaredevilthere: how did you install it?14:36
tyson_Gnea: Ill defaintly have to check that out14:36
daredeviltherefrom adobe website . deb paskage14:36
tyson_Gnea: Thanks for taking your time and fixing my problem14:36
Gnea!flash | daredevilthere14:36
ubottudaredevilthere: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash14:36
ActionParsnipkembertus: maybe you should boot an older kernel14:36
ortsvorsteherActionParsnip, :( You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.14:36
tyson_Gnea: What do you get for being here? helping people?14:36
Gneatyson_: you're welcome, glad it worked14:36
=== more is now known as less
jribdaredevilthere: I've seen that package cause nothing but problems, I would just get rid of it and use flashplugin-nonfree14:37
kembertusActionParsnip: what does that supose to mean? thanks14:37
Gneatyson_: I get a lot of thanks, not much else14:37
Ronald_Has anybody had any problems with either the GeForce 7300GT PIC-e or GeForce 7600GS PCI-e video cards?14:37
daredeviltherejrib ok thank you so i install flashplugin-nonfree14:37
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: hmmmm. i think you need to research how to setup ubntu for your particular nvidia card, if you run lspci it will say what it is14:37
Grabis it normal that "System->Administration->Hardware Drivers" is empty ??14:37
Maggiejrib this was the output "http://paste.ubuntu.com/100346/"14:37
jribMaggie: so reboot14:38
ortsvorsteherActionParsnip, this is my device 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV44A [GeForce 6200] (rev a1)14:38
tyson_Gnea: Well you keep doing what you do, great job and thanks again =)14:38
jribGrab: if you have no hardware that uses proprietary drivers that are available, sure14:38
Gneatyson_: cheers :)14:38
Grabjrgp, i have nvidia tnt2 video card14:38
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: have you ran sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-17714:39
Grabjrgp, im reading here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia#Driver%20Versions14:39
Maggiejrib just have a look at this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=80159714:39
Grabjrgp,  but i dont know what glx to take..14:39
aadI'm trying to record sound from the microphone, but am not successful. When I play back what I recorded it is silent.14:39
ortsvorsteherActionParsnip, no i didnt. but i can run it now14:39
ActionParsnipthat'll install the driver14:39
aadI use the Andrea USB-SM. Playback of a sound is working properly on it.14:39
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: ive ot pretty much the same card14:40
B|ackPantheri have a 3-mobile GSM wireless but the wireless cannot be recognised.The other wireless networks work fine.Can anyone help me please14:40
kennethgthi to all14:40
ortsvorsteherActionParsnip, he tells me that i have already installed the newes version of nvidia-glx-17714:40
daredevilthereHey buddies how can i mount nokia 6630 memory card as regular partition14:40
ortsvorsteherActionParsnip, you have the same card? in ubunt 8.10? and it runs? may my video card has an defect?14:40
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: thats good14:40
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: its just config14:41
ActionParsniportsvorsteher: you just need to wrestle it a bit14:41
ortsvorsteherActionParsnip, :) i am armed to wrestle ;)14:41
ActionParsnipthen get your nunchucks out and attack14:41
ActionParsnipi gotta split14:41
Icynoobis it normal when i try to install ubuntu server it won't work and when i try with ubuntu desktop it works14:41
doglinoHow I do to enable the sound to work iin 2 programs at the same time?14:42
erUSULIcynoob: well the kernel are different so this may explain it14:42
Icynoobok thx14:42
Icynoobbut when i use the desktop edition i can run lampapplication?14:43
erUSULIcynoob: yes you can14:43
Maggiejrib thanx its all working now14:43
gehel_When I use Gnome Network Connections manager, the changes are not saved. Do you know in which file they should be saved ?14:43
kennethgthi, i have a problem, i install ubuntu 8.1 in my laptop Dell Inspiron 1420 but the butons click dont do click14:43
jribMaggie: no problem14:43
Icynoobok thx that's it :)14:43
erUSULIcynoob: ubuntu servers kernel is optimized for BIG machines14:43
jribMaggie: be wary about compiling things from source, especially core libraries.  Most are in the repository anyway14:44
gosuserhello..im using GOS gadgets14:44
zambahow can i configure my dhcp client to use the hostname provided from the dhcp server?14:44
gosuseris there anyone here using the same14:44
* Gnea notes that it's still impossible to burn cds/dvds in intrepid :(14:44
daredevilthereHey how can i see wht packages are installed in ubuntu using apt-get14:45
Gneazamba: hostname is set on your system, not on the dhcp server14:45
Maggiejrib thanx again but what if want a newer version14:45
gosusergOS gadgets the source code its from ubuntu too, right14:45
jribMaggie: a newer version of what?14:45
Gneadaredevilthere: dpkg -l | grep ^ii14:45
zambaGnea: yeah, but i want to do it this way and have seen it done14:45
zambaGnea: maybe using pump instead of dhclient..?14:45
Gneazamba: maybe i don't understand what you're asking....14:46
erUSUL!clone | daredevilthere14:46
ubottudaredevilthere: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude --disable-columns --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate14:46
daredeviltherethanks ubottu and Gnea14:46
Maggiejrib of what i want to download and its old available in the repository e.g. vlc14:46
daredeviltherewell is aptutide better or apt-get14:46
ganja-sheep!best | daredevilthere14:47
ubottudaredevilthere: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.14:47
jribMaggie: feel free to compile vlc, but not the libraries it depends on since those are in the repositories14:47
jrib!compile > Maggie14:47
ubottuMaggie, please see my private message14:47
zambai want to set up a read only desktop user.. the user should have permission to log on to the system, but not perform any changes to their home directory.. (this is because this user will be shared between quite a few people)..14:47
zambais this possible?14:47
zambawill chmod-ing the different files break anything?14:48
HideousNashimotolol wow14:48
LarsOkay...while not using the Nvidia X driver, my two screens both display simultaneously, but identically. When I nvidia-xconfig OR install another nvidia driver with EnvyNG...one monitor won't be detected. What is up? How can I enable TwinView!?14:48
HideousNashimotoThis OS is opium for the MASSES!!!14:48
gehel__zamba: you might run into problems with some programs that expect write access to /home/user14:48
jribHideousNashimoto: stop14:48
* HideousNashimoto stops14:49
zambagehel__: yeah, that's what i'm thinking as well14:49
domasHi! If I rsync single file, it is being copied at 100MB/s, if I rsync same file as part of directory rsync, it is copied at 10MB/s, what should I do? :)14:49
jribzamba: I don't know, I assume you need to be able to write sometimes, but why not use the Guest session in intrepid?  It wipes all the modifications on logout and starts fresh every time14:49
zambagehel__: so i need some abstraction for the solution14:49
HideousNashimotojrib, you should say pause14:49
domas(most of CPU time is in %sys)14:49
gehel__zamba: easier solution : use .bash_logout to reset the directory on exit14:49
HideousNashimotonow when I start again, I will go all over again14:49
Maggiejrib thanx I was a real pain eh!14:49
daredevilthereHow can i save the pakages in my pc so that in future in dont have to install it from apt-get install pakage14:49
zambagehel__ and jrib: oh.. both interesting solutions14:49
B|ackPantherHi,i installed ubuntu using a disk and everytime i want to install something it asks me for the cdrom .How can i just download the stuff from online?14:49
gehel__does anyone know where the gnome network connection manager saves its config ?14:50
daredevilthereBjackppanther use apt-get install package name14:50
nillerzHey, I tested Banshee and it's really... um... *quiet*. I checked AlsaMixer and there is only one channel, master volume. Do I need to download extra drivers?14:50
xnvAre there any command line commands I can run to get a list of unmounted drives?14:50
daredevilthereBjackpanther use apt-get install package name14:50
Jack_SparrowBlackWolf90, remove the cd from your list of sources14:50
zambajrib: what limitations does the guest user have?14:50
LarsOkay...while not using the Nvidia X driver, my two screens both display simultaneously, but identically. When I nvidia-xconfig OR install another nvidia driver with EnvyNG...one monitor won't be detected. What is up? How can I enable TwinView!?14:50
zambajrib: and is it possible to set up several different guest users?14:51
gehel__B|ackPanther: remove the cdrom from the source list in /etc/apt/source*14:51
jribzamba: all I know is it exists in intrepid, I've never used it14:51
Jack_SparrowBlackWolf90, system.. admin...software sources14:51
omnydevixnv - dmesg or dmsg14:51
zambajrib: ok14:51
aadHi, does anybody know how the complete audio chain is arranged in Ubuntu (8.04)? It seems that there is a stack of different drivers (PulseAudio, Alsa, OSS?, alsamixer, amixer, gnome-audio-mixer) that each do their part in the audiochain, and that one of them blocks/mutes the microphone signal. I want to use an external USB sound device (Andrea USB-SA)...14:51
omnydevione of the two14:51
gehel__B|ackPanther: you can also use synaptic to configure that graphically14:51
xnvomnydevi: No, I mean something useful14:51
omnydevixnv - dmesg or dmsg14:51
A_legendGuys, I'm planning to maintain, and support a new Linux-like kernel.14:51
xnvomnydevi: Not useful14:51
omnydeviit shows you everything you need to know14:52
BlackWolf90Jack_Sparrow, you want B|ackPanther, not me ;)14:52
xnvomnydevi: And a bunch of other junk14:52
gehel__aad: sound in Linux is still a big mess an is going to stay that way for some time ;-) good luck !14:52
omnydevinot sure how that isnt useful14:52
A_legendAre you interested?14:52
Jack_SparrowA_legend, That would be a question for a different channel..14:52
Jack_SparrowBlackWolf90, corect.. thanks14:52
A_legendWhat channel?14:52
xnvomnydevi: It's a waste of time. What typical user wants to wade through dmesg just to mount a hard drive?14:52
Jack_SparrowA_legend, That would be a question for a different channel.. no14:52
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages14:52
omnydevixnv - one who cares about their system14:53
A_legendI'm making changes to code!14:53
LarsOkay...while not using the Nvidia X driver, my two screens both display simultaneously, but identically. When I nvidia-xconfig OR install another nvidia driver with EnvyNG...one monitor won't be detected. What is up? How can I enable TwinView!?14:53
Jack_SparrowA_legend, Please stop14:53
omnydevilars - go to nvidia settings on ...14:53
xnvomnydevi: I care about my system and I don't want to wade through dmesg.14:53
omnydevilars uh, crap. administrative things14:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dmesg14:53
Jack_Sparrowxnv, Most users dont need to wade through dmsg to mount a drive14:54
aadgehel__ - that is too bad. Can I disable parts of the whole audio chain? E.g. disable PulseAudio and try to only use ALSA? Then I can concentrate on a smaller part to get it working...14:54
xnvJack_Sparrow: Right. Nor should they.14:54
omkarhelo guys14:54
ohziexnv, is it a usb hard drive?14:54
feedmechickenPlease help me!! My sound keeps going out. It works fine under the guest session.14:54
Larsomnydevi, I do, however, before I do that I need to "sudo nvidia-xconfig" and restart...which causes one monitor to not be detected any longer14:54
xnvohzie: "It"?14:54
omkarcan anyone tell me why i am unable to view the screen when i am using Kubuntu 8.1014:54
ohziexnv, the drive you're trying to mount.14:54
Jack_Sparrowxnv, I didnt see your question, I just got up..  Would you repeat it for me14:55
xnvohzie: I'm trying to get a list of mountable devices14:55
omkarI am having Nvidia 6200 Graphics card14:55
xnvPreferably those that aren't already mounted14:55
Jack_Sparrowxnv, sudo fdisk -l for a start14:55
ohziexnv, Oh okay. I saw him comment about dmesg and I thought you were having trouble mounting something.14:55
nillerzMy laptop is now incapable of accessing the internet via eth0. Any ideas? I have none, frankly.14:55
ohzienillerz, How did you get there?14:56
omkarhello anyone plz help me14:56
Jack_Sparrowxnv, there are also scripts that will mount all your windows drives but unless something odd is going on you should not even need to gdo that14:56
omnydevilars not sure, you might not have the right driver for the job14:56
nillerzdunno just decided to not work anymore.14:56
nillerzI didn't even touch any network settings, it just stopped. My router and modem seem to be fine though14:57
Larsomnydevi, then where do I find the right driver and which one is it?14:57
omnydevilars if you did, i think it would work much better :) you go into your xorg.conf and change the nv to nvidia or vice versa?14:57
nillerzI'm using the same router and same modem for the other computer through which I'm chatting to you fine gentlemen14:57
omnydevilars - i recommend envyng14:57
omkarNvidia and Kubuntu do they have probs?14:57
=== FriedCPU is now known as FRiEd|BnC
grobda24Anyone get display problems with Google Earth ? It runs OK but takes ages to switch back to after minimise and when it does come up it sort of hogs the display with various areas of the Gnome GUI whited out.14:57
=== FRiEd|BnC is now known as FriedCPU
Larsomnydevi, did you read my original question? I EnvyNG and it only does the same thing.14:57
ohzieIs there any way to make gksu not gray out everything behind it?14:58
omnydevilars you using driver 173 or 177?14:58
xnvJack_Sparrow: Seems like there should be a command-line app to do this all by now.14:58
Larsomnydevi: 17314:58
Larsno option for 17714:58
omnydevicould try out 17714:58
omnydevi177 failed for me, so i use 173, but if it didnt work, i would go 177 :D14:58
Grabhow can i know what drivers are installed for my video card ?14:58
Jack_Sparrowxnv, Please end the discussion and tell us what kind of drive etc and ask a specific question14:59
Larsomnydevi: where do I get 177?14:59
omnydeviLars - administrative stuff, uhh...let me think....hardware drivers i think, something like that14:59
omnydeviLars - sorry, at work and on my xp box...and still fairly new to ubuntu. I don't remember it all off the top of my head yet14:59
Jack_SparrowLars, what chipset on the nvidia and what release / os14:59
daredevilthereHey many flash is not working15:00
daredevilthereany solution15:00
omnydevidared on 64 bit os?15:00
Grabhow can i know what drivers are installed for my video card ?15:00
Grabplease :)15:00
daredeviltherei m on 32 bit os15:00
omnydevigrab - System - Administrative something, hardware drivers15:00
Jack_SparrowGrab, Please hold down the repeats...15:00
omnydevidared did you install flash plugin-nonfree?15:00
LarsJack_Sparrow: I'm on 8600gt, 8.04, acer m2n32-sli deluxe motherboard15:00
xnvJack_Sparrow: I did ask a specific question and keep getting unrelated answers. The only "discussion" was to explain how the answers were wrong. It appears the right answer is "No"15:01
daredevilthereomyydevi yap15:01
daredevilthereomydevi yap15:01
ohziexnv, I thought fdisk -l worked rather well.15:01
Grabomnydevi,  "System->Administration->Hardware Drivers" is empty15:01
xnvohzie: Doesn't apply to all mountable media15:01
Jack_Sparrowxnv, At the mommmment you are trolling.. I just joined and want to know your specific question without your commentary15:01
omnydevigrab ooer! do you have a nvidia config or something to due with nvidia?15:01
ohziexnv, It's the closest thing you'll get unless you sift.15:01
daredevilthereomnydevi i installed flash 10 and flash-pluginnonfree15:01
xnvohzie: Sift?15:02
Grabomnydevi,  i dont know ?15:02
omkarI have a multiboot dvd which gives me problem when i use Kubuntu Live cd15:02
ohzieJack_Sparrow, He wants to list all mountable media15:02
omkari get half of the screen in Pink15:02
omkarwhy is it15:02
omnydevidared I would uninstall it all and find a good wiki via google for it, flash always gave me hell, but i am on 64 bit so cant help much with 3215:02
omnydeviGrab what kinda video card you have?15:02
grobda24Oh I've got it. I have to turn compiz off for Google Earth.15:02
Grabomnydevi, nvidia tnt215:02
kebomixhello , i need help with Ekiga , i can not call my friend , i need help with that ?15:03
omnydeviGrab hmm. could edit you /etc/X11/xorg.conf and see if it is using a vesa driver15:03
LarsJack_Sparrow: did you get my stats earlier?15:03
ohziexnv, try lshw | grep /dev/15:03
ohziexnv,  sudo that though15:03
Jack_SparrowLars, Yes, the 8000 nvidia's have been the most troublesome15:04
omnydeviLars - it should say something about video driver. if it is vesa, that may be it15:04
ohziexnv, I think that does it pretty awesomely.15:04
archmanhello, me again...15:04
ohziexnv, If it's not what you're looking for lemme know though.15:04
ohzieI'll try again. :315:04
omnydevilars - or you could install envyng as well and let it do the work for you15:04
LarsJack_Sparrow: The real problem is that one monitor detects as a CTR, the other disappears15:05
omnydevisorry, i didnt sleep last night, minds kinda going all over the place15:05
archmancan i overwrite deb files? i have wine 0.9.59 and want to install 1.0.0. Do i need to remove 0.9.59 ? (it's not a problem, but just for the info)15:05
Jack_SparrowLars, I dont do dual head.. have you tried with effects off..15:05
Grabomnydevi, http://paste2.org/new-paste15:05
LarsJack_Sparrow: doesn't make a difference15:05
coolbhaviI have a 128 bit hex key and I have wicd along with ndiswrapper but it doesnt seem to work15:05
LarsJack_Sparrow: when the latest drivers are installed, nvidia-xconfig is run, etc. only one monitor will be detected15:06
nillerzhow do you download video drivers via terminal? I think I interrupeted it before and now I' having some slight video problems15:06
coolbhaviIts a shared key15:06
coolbhaviI am on BCM 4310 broadcom card15:06
madzcan i use ym 8.1 here?15:06
coolbhavi any ideas?15:06
coolbhaviI am on hardy15:07
haru`im on deron15:07
Jack_Sparrowcoolbhavi, Please try to keep it on one line and not using enter after every 3 or 4 words15:07
Grabomnydevi,  is that what you were looking for15:07
omnydeviGrab - i didnt see anything there15:08
coolbhaviJack_Sparrow, sorry15:08
archmanJack_Sparrow: got a sec?15:08
MartinN00bfucking shit15:08
=== nimak is now known as nima
coolbhaviJack_Sparrow, how to get my wifi working at this point15:09
blkdominibe polite15:09
Grabomnydevi, http://pastebin.com/d5fc8617f15:09
omnydeviGrab - have you used envyng?15:10
omnydevii forgot if you told me or not...sorry mate15:10
Grabomnydevi,  i dont even know what it is15:10
omnydeviGrab - it isnt detecting the card at all15:10
Grabomnydevi,  what can i do now ?15:10
omnydeviGrab in your Synaptic Package manager, search for envyng15:10
LarsJack_Sparrow: I safeboot, reconfigure X...both screens come back. The minute I do anything Nvidia X one disappears...what's up?15:10
omnydeviif you havent already, go to Repository and add everything15:11
Grabomnydevi,  there are 2 entries15:11
Graball uninstlaled15:11
Grabwhat's to be installed15:11
Grab ?15:11
omnydeviGrab - is one the dev files?15:11
omnydeviGrab - the one that isnt the dev files :D15:11
Grabomnydevi,  no15:11
Grabthere are three15:11
Grabgtk, core , qt15:12
Jack_SparrowGrab, Stop using enter15:12
omnydeviGrab - i'd go with gtk or core15:12
Grabyou sure?15:12
omnydeviGrab - one that says it will install nvidia drivers automagically15:12
joejcanyone know where i would find a ftp File Synchronizer ?15:12
floatboathow can i edit pdf files (highlighting and annotation)?15:12
Grabok omnydevi lemme see :)15:13
Ludofloatboat, try inkscape but it can only edit one page at a time15:13
LudoHow can I stretch a gnome panel over two screens? I have the notebook screen and then a external screen. Using the Nvidia X Server Settings app I enabled Xinerama and now I have two screen but I want my panel to stretch over both screens.15:14
GuillemLudo, the xinerama stuff means that panel only is at one screen, IMHO15:14
joejcAnyone know where i would find a ftp File Synchronizer?15:15
GuillemLudo, apps get maximized at each screen, also15:15
xukunis it possible to play blue ray movie on ubuntu?15:15
LudoGuillem, true and I would like to keep it like that but would like that just the panel stretch over to the other screen15:15
AdvoWorkanyone here know much about editing firefox (about:config) and printers? ie can a printer overwrite the settings as i keep changing them and they change back....15:16
GuillemLudo, you want the panel on the other screen?15:16
LudoGuillem, on both15:16
Dam0hello,i have just added a user in Ubuntu 8.10 now they are trying to connect but they cannot, they said port 22 needs to be open is this true and how do i do it?15:16
Jack_SparrowLudo, effects  can mess with you when trying dual head...15:16
Ludobut other screen would be a good start15:16
GuillemLudo, create another panel15:16
Kagaludo, you can have a panel on both screens, but you can't have one panel that stretches between two15:16
testuserMy ssh has stopped working; I get "Permission denied (publickey,password)" errors.15:16
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash15:16
testuserCan anyone help?  Thanks!15:17
ubottuAn open source flash replacement.  It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/15:17
LudoKaga, Guillem , Jack_Sparrow thanks for the reply I will run a second panel15:17
GuillemLudo, I guess you can have two panels, each one in one screen. Not sure....15:17
Dam0hello,i have just added a user in Ubuntu 8.10 now they are trying to connect but they cannot, they said port 22 needs to be open is this true and how do i do it?15:17
mosfetwith vim how can I uncomment in a file all fil startins by  a // followed by some spaces and with console word15:18
daredevilthereedit ssh config file15:18
GuillemJack_Sparrow, effects are mostly OK  in my case.15:18
mosfetfor instance15:18
Grabomnydevi,  i've installed envyNG-core: what to do now ?15:18
pr0gr4mm3rHi, I am having trouble editing/saving files in gedit over FTP.  When I save the file, the permissions are changes to 0666 (-rw-rw-rw).  Making my scripts world-writable is a huge security problem.  Why does it even need to do that, and is there a way to keep the permissions the same?15:18
omnydeviGrab go to applications - system tools, envyng15:18
richar_dj #linumint15:18
mosfet\\         console(...)15:18
Grabomnydevi,  i dont have system toosl under applications15:18
LarsJack_Sparrow: the 3D acceleration driver under Admin > Hardware doesn't even allow my to detect the one screen that does work15:19
jim_pwhat can i use to view a .pps file? other than openoffice impress of course and its mega huge bloat15:19
jribmosfet: /join #vim15:19
Dam0how do i open ports in Ubuntu?15:19
Jack_SparrowGuillem, I seem to remember specific issues with nvidia drivers and xinerama, but they may have it sorted by now15:19
jribjim_p: powerpoint probably15:19
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).15:19
jim_pjrib, under wine? i'd better go with OOo impress!15:19
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).15:19
jim_psomething else?15:19
Little_Greenhey guys!15:20
jribjim_p: google docs15:20
Little_GreenCan s.o. tell me how to run my War Craft III Copy with wine?15:20
jim_pjrib, online?15:20
Jack_SparrowLittle_Green, /join #winehq   or look in the appdb15:20
Little_GreenThe CD-Rom is in the CD Rom, but it keeps telling me "Insert CD Rom"15:20
jribjim_p: yes.  Maybe ppthtml works too15:20
GuillemJack_Sparrow, I use twinview, and almost everything runs fine. Compiz provides value to the twin-view stuff (scale windows of only one of the monitors, ...)15:20
omnydeviGrab - its under applications. Sorry i am not on my ubuntu machine and my virtual machine here is kde15:20
Little_GreenJack_Sparrow, tnx15:21
Jack_Sparrow!appdb > Little_Green15:21
ubottuLittle_Green, please see my private message15:21
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omnydeviGrab so i can't tell you *exactly* just roughly15:21
Dam0how do i open port 22 for users to use?15:21
jim_pjrib, thanks for your help15:21
jrib!ssh > Dam015:21
ubottuDam0, please see my private message15:21
jribjim_p: I think ms used to have a viewer only.  That might work ok in wine15:22
Dam0i just want to know15:23
Dam0how do i open port 22?15:23
jim_pis realtek 8100 supported by linux?15:23
jribDam0: read what ubottu sent you15:23
Dam0i know all about it15:24
jribDam0: then you know the answer to your question.15:24
Kagajim_p, i think so15:25
Grabomnydevi, i am installing all 3 packages. maybe they're all required :) i'll let you know mate.tnx15:26
testuserDoes anyone know how to fix "Permission denied (publickey,password)" errors from SSH?15:26
jribtestuser: use the right key or enter the right password?15:26
LarsIs there any way besides nvidia-settings to run two screens with a nvidia graphics card?15:26
jribLars: edit xorg.conf by hand15:27
Larsjrib, I need a little help with that?15:27
Dam0i installed network-manager0dev is this correct?15:27
jribLars: wiki.ubuntu.com/X15:27
jrib!dualhead | Lars15:27
ubottuLars: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama15:27
jribDam0: why?15:27
omnydeviGrab - good to hear man :D15:28
Dam0ohh i found it15:28
floatboatdoes anyone know of a GUI for ctorrent?15:28
omnydevifloatboat - ever try deluge?15:30
gizmowhy my xchat can see your nick list in here?>15:30
joejcanyone know a way to automatically send files in a folder to my website?15:31
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fosco_gizmo: make sure it is xchat and not gnome-xchat, go to Help - About15:32
IndyGunFreakgizmo: if you know you're using xchat, click the view menu then check "User List".. otherwise on Xchat Gnome, its a button.15:33
meho_Hi yesturday i have updated to 7.10 of the ubuntu os now the problem was and is that i do not have sound on my com i would say its a driver problem but what do u guys think it is15:34
IndyGunFreakmeho_: what sound device?15:34
IndyGunFreakmeho_: how does lspci idenfiy your sound15:35
Jack_Sparrowmeho_, YO probably dont remember if you recompiled alsa to get it going on 7/04 but if you did, then you would need to do it abain15:35
Grabomnydevi,  i was right: i had to install the 3 of them15:35
Grabim runnin envyng right now15:35
yggworkwhat comes after hardy ?15:35
IndyGunFreakyggwork: intrepid15:35
joejcanyone know a way to automatically send files in a folder to my website?15:35
joejcthen jaunty15:35
yggworkis hardy pretty much current ?15:35
meho_btw i am a noob to ubuntu and linux in general15:35
omnydeviGrab - my bad man, i always used the website, just recently found out it was in the repo15:35
Grabnp omnydevi15:36
meho_so this is straight off the cd no changes made from there other than update from 7.04 to 7.1015:36
Grabomnydevi,  how can i be sure that drivers are installed and that my video card is recognized ?15:36
frostburnjoejc, using an scp script with cron would work15:37
omnydeviGrab - run the application and select the automatic one, automatically install driver15:37
joejchow do i do that?15:37
Jack_Sparrowmeho_, if you type  /join #alsa  they can probably sort it quickly  .. they handle sound for that release15:37
meho_thank you very much15:38
Temujin_meho_: what kind of sound card do you have?15:38
floatboatomnydevi: i've never tried it15:39
floatboatcan it minimize to tray?15:40
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daredevilthereHEy a;;;15:40
r|z0nHi, I have a Dell Inspiron 8100 laptop running Ubuntu 8.10. For some reason, if I let my laptop sit for a while, it will go into Suspend mode, but when I move the mouse to go out of Suspend mode, my screen is either black or white. The hard drive light is blinking as if there were activity going on with my laptop, but it never returns from suspend mode. What do I need to check or change to resolve this issue? Thanks for the help!15:42
floatboatdoes anyone know of a panel such as fbpanel that has a network monitor macro ? (fbpanel only has CPU monitor) ?15:42
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IndyGunFreakr|z0n: there's quite a few laptops that have suspend issues... mine do (Acers)15:43
r|z0nI don't think I had the issue with 8.04.115:44
IndyGunFreakwell, thats pretty much irrelevant since you're using 8.1015:44
r|z0nYeah I know15:44
r|z0nIt's a pain in the you know what, such a pain I've felt like going back to 8.04.115:45
IndyGunFreaksometimes the grass isn't greener on the otherside15:45
r|z0nlol yeah i know15:45
omnydevifloatboat - i highly suggest it, its freaking awesome15:45
DJonesr|z0n: I've got a Dell 8100 with 8.10, I don't have any problem like that, after an hour my screen saver kicks in, but a mouse click takes me back to the normal screen, I don't have suspend set up15:46
r|z0nI like 8.10, especially on this old laptop, it runs very well, in fact I've made it my primary OS on this laptop and hardly ever use XP unless I just absolutely have to.15:46
floatboatomnydevi: ok , deluge it is :)15:46
LarethHello I get the warning shown in http://pastebin.com/m120e5a45 in my error.log for apache2. I checked the folder mentioned and it contains files pdo.so and sqlite.so instead of the ones mentioned in the log. I installed apache and php through apt. I am using ubuntu server 8.0415:46
r|z0nDJones, thanks for the info. I wonder how I can disable the Suspend feature on this thing? I don't really need it considering that I don't have a working battery and its always plugged into the wall anyhow15:47
piksir|z0n: linus torvalds has something highly related: http://torvalds-family.blogspot.com/2008/12/debugging-hell.html15:47
DJonesr|z0n: I'm not sure about disabling, I've never set suspend up, so can't help there15:47
SergGnomпо руски лепечим?15:47
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke15:48
r|z0nDJones, Just out of curiosity, does your 8100 have mouse issues? Sometimes I can sit this thing down and my mouse goes haywire, I think it has something to do with the mouse button between G and H keys.15:48
omnydevifloatboat - it has ip filters that block garbage ips and has data encryption that bypasses some isp p2p bandwidth throttlers. plus a few more nifty features15:48
babomy syslog doesn't contain any setting for apache ...15:48
babois that strange ?15:48
jim_pis realtek 8100 supported by linux?15:48
DJonesr|z0n: Nope, to be honest, I don't have any issues at all, sound, graphics, mouse, keyboard - all work fine, even desktop effects although they can be a bit slow15:49
gizmoanyone can help me how to decrease my disk usage in my terminal?15:51
r|z0nEverything works great on this one too.. Especially after I replaced the 256 MB ram with 512... I can't play DVD's from Linux though... really about the only issue... plus the mouse issue I mentioned earlier....15:52
gst-kapsis there a way to create a ext3 partition without formating ?15:52
SlimeyPetegizmo: use "df -h" to display disk usage, and "du -hs /path/to/directory" to show the size of a directory15:52
r|z0nDJones, has your 8100 suggested that you enable the restricted drivers for the video?15:52
omnydevigst-kaps - whats fs is the partition now?15:53
gosuseroooh my god.,...its happen again15:53
gosusermy ubuntu suddenly logout15:53
r|z0nDJones, mine did, and I enabled them and this thing went downhill.. i dont think the restricted drivers (NVidia drivers) that ubuntu suggests work too well with this laptop.15:53
gst-kaps omnydevi:gparted says its unallocated, but actually its a corrupted ext3 partition, where my ubuntu was installed15:53
Temujin_jim_p: what's a realtek 8100? LAN chip? Wireless?15:54
DJonesr|z0n: Yes, I'm using the nvidia driver from the repo, that was a problem to start with because of the nvidia issues, but the fixes seem to have worked fine, I'm not sure which driver I'm using at the minute though (I'm in work, the laptop is at home)15:54
omnydevigst-kaps, are you on the live cd right now then? and what tool says it is corrupted?15:54
IndyGunFreakgst-kaps: well, then you're likely gonna have to format it.. usually unallocated, means nothing is there.. are you sure you didn't accidently delete that partition?15:54
r|z0nDJones, I need to get a battery for this laptop. I hardly use this laptop except when I'm on the go. It was given to me, had a bad hard drive in it. Replaced with a WD 60 GB. Except being heavy as an anchor, this thing is solid as a rock. Great machine for its age.15:55
gst-kapsomnydevi:yes on live cd , gparted says so, and fdisk doesnt show it up15:55
omnydevigst - yeah, Indy is right. Most likely you are going to have to reformat. Did you use guided or manual?15:55
gst-kapsIndyGunFreak:yeah I am sure i didnt deleted the partition15:55
msh1How do I add new/custom keyboard layout in Intrepid?15:55
r|z0nDo you know if you can put a battery in the place of the floppy drive and have 2 batteries running simultaneously on this thing?15:55
Temujin_jim_p: ah, it's another codename for r8139-compatible NIC's; yeah, linux supports  them15:56
IndyGunFreakgst-kaps: then i would suspect some sort of hardware failure, is it setup w/ Ubuntu and XP?15:56
IndyGunFreak!keyboard | msh115:56
ubottumsh1: To switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts15:56
DJonesr|z0n: Same here, I replaced a hdd, but the rest of it is great, 8+ years old and can still beat some new laptops. Yes, you can have two batteries fitted, as you say, one in the floppy bay15:56
gst-kapsIndyGunFreak:yes, after i installed xp it screwed my ubuntu15:56
omnydevigst ahhh yeah15:56
daleharveyfollowing the trouble shooting steps to get rid of pulseaudio to get skype working15:57
IndyGunFreakgst-kaps: i'm just guessing, that XP tried to take that partition.15:57
omnydevigst - windows broke it. windows bootloader is most likely to blame15:57
IndyGunFreakgst-kaps: cuz if it shows unallocated, that means there's no file system.15:57
jim_pTemujin_, i still dont know. i am waiting its owner to mail me his lspci!!!15:57
daleharveyand it tells me its going to get rid of Remove the following packages:15:57
IndyGunFreakthus no OS15:57
omnydevigst it will write on the first hdd and the first partition it sees period. there is no option to change it15:57
IndyGunFreakdaleharvey: its just a meta-package, no big deal15:57
gst-kapsomnydevi: but now whats the option to get it work ?15:57
omnydevigst - reinstall ubuntu mate...sorry15:57
msh1Induy: I know this but this is not letting me add a new layout of my own. do you know something? i mean exact the directory where these layouts are?15:57
r|z0nDJones, thats pretty cool. i noticed the battery fit in the floppy bay, but didn't know if it would actually work,, This thing was built pretty tough. I'd say for a second owner that its in mint shape. But you can tell that the plastic that its made out of is a much higher quality than plastics the newer laptops are made out of.15:58
IndyGunFreakmsh1: unfortunately i don't15:58
daleharveyok, tentatively say Y15:58
gst-kapsIndyGunFreak, omnydevi:: but then how can I recover data from there ?15:58
omnydevigst - you could try to copy it to a usb, or use the linux rescuecd...that would be your best bet. no telling really what xp did though15:59
IndyGunFreakgst-kaps: well, hopefully you backed up prior.. because if its unallocated, there's no file system, and it will be very difficult to get data off the partition.. most likely the data is gone15:59
omnydeviyeah, most likely winblows formatted the whole thing during install15:59
daredevilthereHey i installed flashplugin-nonfree but still it is not working16:00
IndyGunFreakomnydevi: well, it probably didn't format it, because if it did, it would be NTFS, not unallocated16:00
r|z0nDJones, I have a toshiba laptop that my parents bought me about 5 years ago, its a nice machine, but its literally fallen apart. hinge busted on it and the outer plastic is scratched to death. For the money I thought it would have been a little more durable, like this Dell laptop.16:00
omnydeviIndy you are right. I think the best bet is from livecd to mount the partition and see if anything is on it.16:00
r|z0nI ended up having to hook an external keyboard/mouse and LCD to the Toshiba laptop and turn it into a desktop. Impossible to use it with an LCD that has a broken hinge.16:00
gst-kaps IndyGunFreak:omnydevi: it didnt formatted the whole , as i saw the process closly, how can I recue data16:00
IndyGunFreakomnydevi: yup..16:01
DJonesr|z0n: I've had mine since new, it was top of the range when I got it.  Built to last :)16:01
Unknownuser56omnydevi,don't be ignorant,you can choose which partition to install Windows on,after install,the mbr is rewriten so you won't be able to boot ubuntu until you fix it16:01
ASULutzyQuick question, if I have a machine that has Windows Remote Desktop enabled, is it possible to mount a drive from there in a simple way? I know I could just RDP to the thing and restart it to Ubuntu and just use ssh, but looking for a solution that doesn't involve RDP'ing to the machine graphically16:01
gst-kapsomnydevi:i tried mounting16:01
gst-kapsits not getting mounted16:01
IndyGunFreakgst-kaps: waive your magic wand, and rescue the data, i'ev told you.. if there's no file system, its very unlikely, there's any data16:01
r|z0nDJones, thanks for the chat about this laptop. Hope I didn't aggravate you any.. its not every day you run into someone that has the same hardware as you and can give you experience about it.16:01
gst-kapsand I am unable to see any partition name16:01
omnydeviUnknown - thanks for the input. Since you seem to know more, why not try telling kaps what to do :p16:02
IndyGunFreakyou don't have a partition, its unallocated space16:02
DJonesr|z0n: No probs, hope you get the niggles sorted anyway16:02
AdvoWorkanyone here know much about editing firefox (about:config) and printers? ie can a printer overwrite the settings as i keep changing them and they change back....16:02
r|z0nDJones, I am quite impressed with the "features" of this thing. It's not every day that you find a laptop that has serial port, floppy drive, and DVD rom in it.16:02
Temujin_i wish i had a job so i could buy a decent laptop with intel graphics16:03
ac3_0f_spad3swhat's the difference between binary and source?16:03
r|z0nI use the serial port a lot for working with things like managed switches and routers, and with the Toshiba laptop I got, I had to use a USB converter. So I'd say that even after I buy a NEW laptop (something that is vista capable) I'll still hold onto this one as long as it continues to work just because of the extra (older) features it offers.16:03
omnydevimy vote is, xp broke it, and reinstalling ubuntu is necessary. sounds like more than a mbr issue16:03
kitcheac3_0f_spad3s: source you compile to get the binary :)16:03
daredevilthereHey guys how can i install the software from source on my ubuntu16:04
sztomihi. I'm trying to establish an ssh connection between two ubuntu boxes. The problem is that whenever I set a static ip address on the server, it gets reset after a few seconds. I managed to connect once, but a few minutes later, the connection was frozen, and when I checked, the static IP was reset on the server. Can you help me?16:04
gst-kapsomnydevi: IndyGunFreak: ok, i though there maybe someone known to it, anyways also how can I recover data from a ddrecued image16:04
ac3_0f_spad3sk kitche thanks16:04
captspifybinary are the executables and ready to go versions, source is the "if you want to see/edit the code" version16:04
r|z0nI wonder if they make 512 MB chips that will work in the 8100. I bet this thing would run like a champ if it had a gig of ram in it.16:04
omnydevikaps - google rescuecd and download that.16:04
Temujin_daredevilthere: what software are you trying to install?16:04
omnydevithen burn the iso, i would apt-get install k3b as well16:04
Jeruvydaredevilthere: you need to setup your box for building, see build-essential, and possibly any other tools.16:04
daredevilthereany software16:04
Unknownuser56gst,reinstall grub ( can't see why XP would corrupt another installation unless ofcourse you chose to install on the same partition .. )16:05
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto16:05
daredevilthereso u mean i only need build essentials to intall the software from source16:05
=== vasyok is now known as ctulhu_fhtagn
r|z0nnot to say that it doesn't run fine now with 512 MB (256x2) but sometimes I find this thing slowing down when I have several Mozilla windows open, a few terminal windows and a few Gedit windows (do PHP programming)16:05
omnydeviubottu - ftw!16:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ftw!16:05
Jeruvydaredevilthere: no, thats just the essentials.  The rest is dependant on how you build16:05
strangeseraphquestion: I want to burn Ubuntu 8.10 to discs, but I don't have any blank CDs and its too cold to go out to the store today. Can I use a blank DVD?16:05
Temujin_daredevilthere: it depends on what software you're installing16:05
Unknownuser56daredevilthere,yes that installs the compilers/headers so you can compile code16:06
daredevilthereI c16:06
sztomistrangeseraph: yes, you can16:06
strangeseraphokay :)16:06
strangeseraphdo I use the regular iso image or is there a DVD specific image to use?16:06
=== ctulhu_fhtagn is now known as nekromant
daredevilthereAre debs pakages are better to install or from source?16:06
SlimeyPeteuse debs, if possible16:07
daredeviltherethen wht are debs pakages are they binary files?16:07
Temujin_Always .debs if possible16:07
SlimeyPetethey're binary files, yes.16:07
sztomistrangeseraph: maybe some very old bioses or drives won't support it though, but I've never seen such case.16:07
SlimeyPetewell, they're packages which include binaries amongst other things16:07
Jack_Sparrow!ohmy > omnydevi16:07
ubottuomnydevi, please see my private message16:07
daredevilthereWell anyone tell me wht is dmesg? and wht this command do and how can we use it16:07
KenBW22what happened to that app that used to be in System > Administration > Hardware Devices?16:08
sztomiI'm trying to establish an ssh connection between two ubuntu boxes. The problem is that whenever I set a static ip address on the server, it gets reset after a few seconds. I managed to connect once, but a few minutes later, the connection was frozen, and when I checked, the static IP was reset on the server. Can you help me?16:08
strangeseraphokay, so I have the torrent of 8.10 downloading. What is a sumcheck, do I need it since this is a torrent? Or should I check it just in case?16:08
Temujin_daredevilthere: what are you trying to do?16:08
r|z0nDJones, Again thanks for the chat. I'm going to get off here and see if I can fix a few bugs in this thing. I'll be back later.16:08
jkphey all: can anyone recommend an online backup service on the lines of Mozy / Backblaze / Carbonite that supports linux?16:08
testuserHas anyone had any experience with SSH?  My ssh has stopped working -- I keep getting "Permission denied (publickey,password)" errors...16:08
daredeviltherei am just tryig to learn ubuntu and learning commands16:08
daredeviltherei mean to get hold on my system16:08
strangeseraphI currently have Wubi on this laptop, but I want to use JUST Linux and have Vista or XP on my old laptop.16:08
Gnea!terminal | daredevilthere16:09
ubottudaredevilthere: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal16:09
Jack_Sparrow!info abs-guide16:09
ubottuabs-guide (source: abs-guide): The Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4.1-1 (intrepid), package size 1074 kB, installed size 4332 kB16:09
captspifyto testuser- do you have physical access to the server?16:09
sztomistrangeseraph: there should be no problems, but it's a good practice to check the files before burning, and check the disc after it was booted up.16:09
Gneasztomi: you should ask in #ubuntu-server16:09
KenBW22what happened to that app that used to be in System > Administration > Hardware Devices - it was like Windows' Device Manager16:10
testuserto captspify: THANK YOU!  I can't even "ssh"...16:10
captspifyto testuser- have you tried re-installing ssh?16:10
testuser(Yes, I have access to the server, it is the localhost...)16:10
RawHeartlessI was wondering, why sometimes Firefox is over all the bars and everything.  Even the buttons minimize, maximize and close are gone... it's really annoying!16:10
testuserYes, I tried "sudo apt-get remove openssh-server" and then "sudo apt-get install openssh-server"... No joy. :-(16:11
GneaRawHeartless: got a screenshot?16:11
omnydeviRaw - you have compiz?16:11
RawHeartlessGnea sure, where can I upload it?16:11
IndyGunFreakRawHeartless: never had that prob... almost sounds like a theme issue16:11
KenBW22testuser: try sudo apt-get remove --purge openssh-server16:11
captspifyto tesuser- are you trying to ssh into the smae machine your using?16:11
GneaRawHeartless: imageshack.us16:11
gst-kapsanyone having knowledge on testdisk ?16:12
testuserKenBW22:  will try that; BRB...16:12
omnydevii used to have that issue, but it was compiz, had to reload it to get them back16:12
Jack_Sparrow!compile > meho_16:12
ubottumeho_, please see my private message16:12
IndyGunFreakgst-kaps: i take it you didn't backup prior to doing this?16:12
Jack_Sparrow!info build-essential > meho_16:12
ubottubuild-essential (source: build-essential): Informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.4 (intrepid), package size 7 kB, installed size 48 kB16:12
gst-kaps IndyGunFreak:yeah I didnt backeup my data16:13
IndyGunFreakgst-kaps: this is probably gonna be a good lesson.. hope nothing important was there16:13
gst-kaps IndyGunFreak:there was, thats why i am trying hard to recover16:13
gst-kaps IndyGunFreak:i agree i am sorry16:13
gst-kaps IndyGunFreak:testdisk says there is a linux partition16:14
omnydevigst - yeah. rescuecd is your best bet...but prolly will have negative results. unless you want to turn the hdd to a company that recovers data for like 7 grand..yer kinda screwed16:14
IndyGunFreakgst-kaps: what file system does it say it is?16:14
testuserKenBW22, captspify:  I just tried "sudo apt-get remove --purge openssh-server", followed by "sudo apt-get install openssh-server", then "ssh 127.0Permission denied (publickey,password)."  :-(.0.1", and again,  "16:15
IndyGunFreakomnydevi: thats just what i was about to say, unless you're gonna pay some heavy cheese for data recovery, its lsot.16:15
RawHeartlessGnea here it is http://img519.imageshack.us/my.php?image=firefoxem9.jpg16:15
captspifytestuser - so your trying to ssh into the box your already on? can I ask why?16:15
gst-kaps IndyGunFreak:it says filesystem seems to be damaged16:15
GneaIs anyone else having a problem with burning CDs/DVDs in intrepid? I keep getting errors when I insert a blank disk: http://paste.ubuntu.com/100408/  and it worked fine in 8.0416:15
IndyGunFreakgst-kaps: well...16:15
IndyGunFreakGnea: no probs here, just burned 3-4 yesteday actually16:16
strangeseraphthis is gonna be fun. I used Hoary Hedgehog for a year before getting an XP laptop, and I've been spoiled a bit. Getting back into Linux full time will be great.16:16
omnydeviGnea - negative. i use k3b16:16
GneaRawHeartless: try pressing F11 once or twice16:16
RawHeartlessI did16:16
RawHeartlesstwice worked16:16
omnydevigst - you could try the grub reinstall. that *might* do it. that the bot sent links to. then rescuecd....thats your best bet16:17
testusercaptspify:  Yes, I am trying to test the ssh server; trying to eliminate any possible areas for confusion.  SSHing into another server is not working, either...  :-(16:17
RawHeartlessthanks! Gnea16:17
Gneaomnydevi: I use k3b too, but this error persists. i've tried all_generic_ide=1 and it still doesn't work16:17
GneaRawHeartless: cheers16:17
omnydevithose two options are your best bets.16:17
DotschI've made a Ubunutu Live CD specialiced for the BOINC usage. Is it posible to put such a CD on the ubuntu servers that other users could download them ?16:17
GneaIndyGunFreak: i used to not have this problem at all before I threw intrepid on here... this is the only problem that I've had with it16:18
omnydeviGnea - sorry, i use sata dvd-rw's. never had an issue, know little of ide :(16:18
gst-kapsomnydevi:for reinstalling grub i need to reinstall the whole ubuntu ?16:19
ASULutzyDotsch: I would think that you'd have better luck getting BOINC servers to host that, wouldn't you? Worse comes to worse just start a torrent up, it'll spread if people hear about it I'm sure16:19
Gneaomnydevi: well, it's a USB connection... doesn't matter what's on the other end, even the internal IDE is doing the same thing16:19
captspifytestuser - so this happens with any other ssh server? let me test on my box to see if ssh works on the local machine, brb16:19
testusercaptspify:  thank you   :-)16:19
IndyGunFreakgst-kaps: no, you can reinstall grub from the live cd16:20
IndyGunFreakbut i dn't think grub is your issue.. is windows booting ok?16:20
gst-kapsIndyGunFreak: yes16:20
IndyGunFreak!grub | gst-kaps you can try won't hurt anything i guess... follow the appropriate instructions16:20
ubottugst-kaps you can try won't hurt anything i guess... follow the appropriate instructions: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto16:20
DotschASUlutzy : thx, torrent would be a good idea...16:20
captspifytestuser - ok, that worked, give me a sec and I'll give you an address to test16:20
IndyGunFreaktry running a restore grub16:20
omnydevigst - i dont think it is the issue either. i am just trying to think what i would do in the same situation before giving up completely16:21
testusercaptspify:  thank you again, I really appreciate your help!  :-)16:21
IndyGunFreakgst-kaps: if there was still a filesystem there, then reinstalling grub would be a good solution16:21
omnydevigst - it might work, and thats enough for me. seen stranger things happen, heh16:21
IndyGunFreakbut your essentially asking grub, to find something that isn't there.16:21
=== marcos_ is now known as w525aa
omnydevigst - you could download super grub16:22
gst-kapsomnydevi:whats that ?16:22
omnydevigst - a uber grub loader. it has a ton of features normal grub doesn't, its saved me once, but there was a fs to find, heh16:22
IndyGunFreakomnydevi: if there's a ubuntu/linux partition on the drive, he can just reinstall grub from an ubuntu cd..no real need for super grub16:22
captspifytestuser - do you have an address I can email you login info? don't feel safe making it public by posting on here |;)16:23
strangeseraphokay good, the sums are the same, so I can burn the CD. :)16:24
gst-kapsi will try16:24
strangeseraphoop, DVD ;)16:24
b0b0hi... like to ask... which one is important to see? Beacons? Data? PWR?16:24
daredevilthereHey all16:25
daredevilthereHey which player is better mplayer or totem16:25
omnydevidared - up to the user. most will say mplayer though.16:25
testusercaptspify:  THANK YOU AGAIN!  While waiting, I noticed that there is both an ssh_config and an sshd_config in /etc/ssh, and that the ssh_config bizarrely had "PasswordAuthentication no" instead of "PasswordAuthentication yes"; when I changed this to "yes" and restarted the sshd, lo-an-behold, I could ssh into both my localhost and the remote machine...  YAY!16:26
cwilludaredevilthere, I prefer totem myself, can't be bothered to learn mplayer16:26
cwilluthat, and it's already installed :p16:26
captspifytestuser- wow, nice16:26
daredevilthereHmm totem slider is not good16:26
testusercaptspify: thank you for offering to email a remote host to test my ssh on, I won't be needing that email after all.  Thank you again, captspify!16:26
omnydevidared - you can always download whatever you want and play with it, if you don't like it, just delete it and try another ;)16:27
cwillutestuser, might consider setting up an ssh key, and using that instead of password auth16:27
captspifytestuser- not a problem, glad I could help anyway. hope it all works well!16:27
cwillutestuser, simple matter of running ssh-keygen, and copying the contents of ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub into ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on the target16:27
daredeviltherehow can i manage tasks from terminal?16:27
floatboatanyone here use fbpanel? do you know how i can edit the 'systemmenu' on the panel?16:28
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daredeviltherei want to kill non responsivse tasks n c which r running16:28
cwilludaredevilthere, kill/killall/"ps aux|grep <name>"/top16:28
ikoniadaredevilthere: please try not to use text speak, makes it easier to read16:28
testuserThanks to all the helpers on #ubuntu.  Have a nice day!  :-)16:29
strangeseraphthen again, Wubi does work. I could always just increase my disk space use with Wubi and keep Vista on this machine. So many decisions to make.16:29
strangeseraphthe only thing keeping me from fully running Linux is my Zune. :o16:30
shimani need help on networking16:30
shimanhow to set my ubuntu to join windows network?16:30
shimanhome network (join workgroup)16:30
ikoniashiman: as in be on the same network or join a domain16:30
daredevilthereuse samba16:30
shimanalready installed samba16:30
AdvoWorkdoes anyone know of any plugins or anything for being able to file > print to pdf in firefox, so that it auto saves it as a .pdf(you can just name it 123 and it will add .pdf) ?16:30
ikoniashiman: be part of the work group is fine, just set the workgroup name in the samba config file16:31
shimanbut still cant find workgroup16:31
ikoniashiman: thats all it is, really a broadcast name16:31
jinja-sheepIs it even possible to downgrade?16:31
shimando i need to reboot ?16:31
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.16:31
ikoniashiman: there is a line that says workgroup =16:31
daredevilthereCould anyone explain wht this means kill/killall/"ps aux|grep <name>"/top16:31
colton_what's the ubuntu equivalent of ctrl-alt-delete?16:31
strangeseraphI should probably get a different MP3 player. Sigh sigh. ^.^16:31
cwilludaredevilthere, split on the /16:31
ikoniacolton_: what do you actually want to do ?16:31
usr13AdvoWork: I don't think so16:31
cwilludaredevilthere, different commands, type man <command> to read about each16:31
daredeviltherecwillu alrite16:32
colton_If I have a haywire application and I need to kill it, how can I do that?16:32
shimanchanged from workgroup = WORKGROUP to my home network16:32
Temujin_jinja-sheep: why are you trying to downgrade?16:32
ikoniacolton_: use the kill command16:32
cwillushiman, "sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart" as well?16:32
usr13AdvoWork: Does any other browser have such a feature?16:32
ikoniashiman: ok, well done, so what's the problem ?16:32
napsteris there any application similar to Mail Bomber?16:32
cwilluto pick up the new setting16:32
colton_ok, but how to I know what to type after kill?16:32
shimancwillu: yes did that also. restarted the samba.. nothing happens16:32
jinja-sheepTemujin_:  There are no Ubuntu UMPC 8.04 LTS, only 8.10.16:32
AdvoWorkusr13,  not that I know of16:32
colton_kill . . . what?16:32
daredevilthereHow to check which services are running on ubuntu?16:33
colton_kill yeah.16:33
ikoniashiman: what are you expecting to happen ?16:33
shimanikonia: i cant join workgroup16:33
strangeseraphmusic is central to my life right now. ^^16:33
cwillucolton_, use killall <process name> if you know there's only one running, etc16:33
omnydevidared - system - administration - system monitor16:33
ikoniashiman: define join a workgroup, what are you expecting to see that your not seeing ?16:33
cwillukillall takes names, while kill takes a process id16:33
shimanokay. just upgraded from 8.04 to 8.1016:33
strangeseraphbut then again, I only have no more than 4GB of music, I could use the Sansa until I get a 8GB+ player16:33
nickruddaredevilthere,  sudo netstat -tlnp16:33
colton_how do I know the process name?16:33
daredevilthereomnydevi no i am asking how to do that frm terminal16:33
shimanikonia: previously i can browse thru network.. and get files from other pcs that are using windows16:34
SlartAdvoWork: I think there is a pdf printer you can install.. it works like a normal printer but outputs pdf's.. would that work for you?16:34
ikoniashiman: you need to have shares defined for that16:34
cwillucolton_, the name of the command you ran to start it, or look it up in top16:34
usr13AdvoWork: I may be wrong16:34
strangeseraphwhat mp3 players does everybody use? And please, don't say an iPod if you use one. D:16:34
usr13AdvoWork: I think I just found such a plugin16:34
FassAsswhat would be the best way to switch eth0 to gigabit?16:35
omnydevistrange - exaile16:35
cwillustrangeseraph, canola on my n80016:35
Gneastrangeseraph: LG16:35
cwillustrangeseraph, banshee on the computer itself16:35
Jeruvy!poll | strangeseraph16:35
shimanikonia: previously when i was on ubuntu 8.04 it was kinda easy for me to join my workgroup.16:35
ubottustrangeseraph: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.16:35
=== berat is now known as hellues
omnydevishiman - go to places - connect to server, and select a windows share16:35
usr13AdvoWork: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/597116:35
strangeseraphnot talking about the application, I'm talking about the device. :P16:35
strangeseraphfor the app I'd use Songbird probably. ^__^16:35
nuno_nunesHi pp16:36
shimanomnydevi: did that as well.. still cant. let me try it again16:36
Jeruvystrangeseraph: then you're really OT. :P16:36
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:36
daredevilthereHey i used sudo net usershare to add my /media/Drives they are added but whn i open smb://localhost i dont see anything16:36
strangeseraphoh. okay. I'll find a linux channel instead16:36
Temujin_winamp and foobar2000 run through WINE the last time I checked16:36
omnydevishiman - that is the best way, i tried at home and couldnt get it to connect to save my life. then i went back and checked the xp box and my wife had taken out the ethernet cord to download torrents faster. make sure all checks balance out :)16:37
Slart!info cups-pdf | AdvoWork16:37
ubottucups-pdf (source: cups-pdf): PDF printer for CUPS. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.8-1ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 42 kB, installed size 256 kB16:37
Temujin_strangeseraph: i have a sansa clip that works very well16:37
AdvoWorkSlart, what about ti?16:37
daredevilthere!info ss16:38
ubottuPackage ss does not exist in intrepid16:38
daredevilthere!info ssh16:38
ubottussh (source: openssh): secure shell client and server (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 1:5.1p1-3ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 1 kB, installed size 44 kB16:38
FassAssIs there a way to switch eth0 to gigabit? hardware should support it16:38
SlartAdvoWork: a virtual printer that outputs pdf files..16:38
nickrud!msgthebot > daredevilthere  (more fun this way)16:38
ubottudaredevilthere, please see my private message16:38
ChousukeFassAss: both endpoints?16:38
FassAssyes switch and card16:39
archmanis there a channel for ubuntu games? support...16:39
ChousukeFassAss: it should get autonegotiated if it's supported.16:39
archmanwin games on ubuntu16:39
JeruvyFassAss: agree with Chousuke on that one.16:39
meho_i have gotten info that i need to install new version of alsa16:39
ChousukeFassAss: though it's possible to change it manually too if it for some reason fails to automatically set itself up. IIRC with ifconfig16:40
meho_and i have no clue how to do it even if the code is slapped on my face16:40
homyHI! I created bootable usb-drive using Create usb startup disk in an intrepid live cd. (32bit). But it doesn not work, my computer says "no bootable device found" when I select "removable" as the boot device.16:40
strangeseraphmight wait until I actually have a new mp3 player to put the full install of ubuntu on. Wubi is fine for now.16:40
shimanguys, previously i just right click on the network icon on the taskbar and add my workgroup name then apply. but after i've upgraded to 8.10 im kinda lost16:40
ChousukeFassAss: are you sure all the ports in the switch are gigabit ports? :)16:40
jinja-sheephomy:  That's for booting up.... at BIOS.... not Windows.16:40
FassAssPretty sure. Let me get the driver info and such brb16:41
shimancwillu: previously i just right click on the network icon on the taskbar and add my workgroup name then apply. but after i've upgraded to 8.10 im kinda lost16:41
jinja-sheephomy:  Kill the power switch on Vista.  Boot up and press <menu boot> button.  Select USB.16:41
homyjinja-sheep: yes. It says "Press F9 to select first boot device after POST", then I pressed F9 and got a menu with removable, cd and hard disk.16:41
homyjinja-sheep: i did select that in the bios.16:41
homyI also tried different usb ports in the computer.16:42
daredevilthere/msg ubottu !search factoid16:42
omnydeviarcman - what games?16:42
shimando i need to reboot my pc to get into the network workgroup?16:42
jinja-sheephomy:  That's strange.  It should be.  I know because I did that few hours ago.16:42
daredeviltherewhat are iptables?16:43
Barridushomy, remake the usb drive but delete (and possibly recreate) the fat16 partition16:43
Barridusin gparted16:43
Barridusthen run the usb creation app16:43
omnydevishiman -shouldnt. is it a domain or workgroup computer?16:43
daredevilthereHey buddies . can video be played in terminal ?16:43
shimannope. not a domain. just workgroup16:43
homyBarridus: thats weird: gparted tells me its a fat32 partition but you spoke of a fat16 file system?16:43
jinja-sheepdaredevilthere:  Yes.16:43
omnydevishiman - does windows have a firewall or somesuch that might be blocking you?16:44
Slartdaredevilthere: I think there are some framebuffer players16:44
daredeviltherejinja-sheep How16:44
daredevilthereframebuffers players16:44
Gnea!iptables | daredevilthere16:44
ubottudaredevilthere: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).16:44
Slartdaredevilthere: or you could use vlc's ascii output module =)16:44
shimanomnydevi: i dont think so. because previously i can browse through workgroup.16:44
daredeviltherecan i play video in tty16:44
newairI have Firefox 3.0.5 and I can't use Java sites.  Any comments?16:44
Seveasnewair, use non-java sites instead ;)16:45
omnydevishiman - do you have the same ip as before?16:45
Temujin_newair: do you have a java plugin?16:45
Barridushomy now that you mention it, i'm not sure if i used 16 or 32.  feel free to experiment, but there is a bug that prevents the drive from being made properly if you don't use gparted16:45
Seveasnewair, or install the sun-java6-plugin package16:45
shimanomnydevi: DHCP16:45
jinja-sheep!info aaxine | daredevilthere16:45
ubottuPackage aaxine does not exist in intrepid16:45
shimanomnydevi: address given by router16:46
slakhey anyone know how to change pAM to auth against ldap16:46
homyBarridus: could you check? My drive came preformatted with fat32 when I bought it. (See output of fdisk -l at http://paste.ubuntu.com/100419/).16:46
omnydevishiman - i could be a firewall then if you are 100% sure the workgroup, share, and username/password and connections are how they are supposed to be.16:46
Temujin_newair: are you on 64-bit16:46
Slart!info libxine1-console16:46
ubottulibxine1-console (source: xine-lib): libaa/libcaca/framebuffer/directfb related plugins for libxine1. In component main, is extra. Version 1.1.15-0ubuntu3 (intrepid), package size 59 kB, installed size 232 kB16:46
omnydevishiman - does it give you an error message when you try to connect?16:46
newairI tried to install the sun-java6-plugin and no response16:46
shimanomnydevi: ic..16:46
Slart!info xine-console | daredevilthere16:47
ubottuxine-console (source: xine-ui): the xine video player, user interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.99.5+cvs20070914-2 (intrepid), package size 55 kB, installed size 164 kB16:47
omnydevishiman - any error message details could be helpful :)16:47
AdvoWorkSlart, yeah ive seen it16:47
homyBarridus: where would that bug be? (Only 2 bugs in launchpad: https://bugs.launchpad.net/usb-creator/+bugs?search=Search&field.status=New&field.status=Incomplete&field.status=Confirmed&field.status=Triaged&field.status=In+Progress&field.status=Fix+Committed&field.status=Fix+Released&field.status=Invalid&field.status=Won%27t+Fix&field.omit_dupes.used=)16:47
FassAssChousuke > you were right. I thought the onboard nic Realtek RTL8201BL was 1gig but its only 100. dumb question. Thanks for encouraging me to actaully open the case and find out wich MB I had used to peice that pc together with.16:47
jinja-sheepdaredevilthere | http://www.digipedia.pl/man/aaxine.1.html16:47
MTecknologysuggestions for anything better than ampache?16:47
shimanomnydevi: nope. i tried to browse using places -> network ->windows network -> my workgroup16:47
AdvoWorkbut u cant name the files16:47
shimanomnydevi: i can see my workgroup name. but once i clicked on the icon.. there's nothing inside16:48
omnydevishiman - did you go to places, connect to server, and setup the share using Windows Share?16:48
cwilluMTecknology, define better16:48
daredeviltherethanks jinja-sheep16:48
cwillu(apache I presume)16:48
ChousukeFassAss: you're welcome. :)16:48
omnydevishiman - until you establish you have rights to access the share, you won't be able to see anything inside of it16:48
Barridushomy, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick16:49
shimanomnydevi: what shud i do next?16:49
Barridusskip down to where it says "missing operating system"16:49
unopshiman, tried restarting samba ?16:49
omnydevishiman - that is established in Places - Connect to Server in the top right corner of your screen. Click Places, then you should see Connect to Server in the menu16:49
Barridusi had that issue, and that was indeed the workaround16:49
MTecknologycwillu: ampache lets uses apache - but it's a way to stream music from a server - http://ampache.org/16:49
shimanunop: tried few times. same result16:49
cwilluah, k16:49
shimanomnydevi: hold on16:50
KatangawiseHi all! I want to see my wireless card model. I'm typing lspci -v | less but in networking get ethernet card only. Now i'm working with wi-fi, but signal is not stable and very weak. Anybody knows whats wrong? Ubuntu 8.1016:50
newairShouldn't java work automatically with Firefox?16:50
omnydeviyou shouldnt need samba16:50
BagualasI made a downgrade of the java, how may I set the PATH of system and new path for java?16:50
kitchenewair: it should but on ubuntu it doesn't you need to install the -plugin16:50
jinja-sheepBagualas :: in your .bashrc, I believe.16:50
homyBarridus: uhm... which version of SYSLINUX does the usb-creator included by default in intrepid use?16:51
Wildcat_anyone know if there is a repositotry i can add to upgrade my alsa to the 1.0.18a version through synaptic?16:51
newairkitche, that kind of bites16:51
kitchenewair: the plugin is in the repos16:51
shimanomnydevi:  yes. previously i can browse thru workgroup without installing samba16:51
shimanomnydevi: click on connect to server.. and what shud i do next?16:52
KatangawiseHi all! I want to see my wireless card model. I'm typing lspci -v | less but in networking get ethernet card only. Now i'm working with wi-fi, but signal is not stable and very weak. Anybody knows whats wrong? Ubuntu 8.1016:52
omnydevishiman - in the dropdown menu, select WIndows Share16:52
shimanomnydevi: okay..16:52
newairkitche, i think I will check to do it with repos.  thank you . bye16:52
shimanomnydevi: what should i do next?16:52
omnydevishiman - now enter the computer name you are trying to access16:52
omnydevishiman - then the folder, and your user name on the machine16:53
shimanomnydevi: hold on16:53
shimanomnydevi: server: the computer name right?16:53
KatangawiseHi all! I want to see my wireless card model. I'm typing lspci -v | less but in networking get ethernet card only. Now i'm working with wi-fi, but signal is not stable and very weak. Anybody knows whats wrong? Ubuntu 8.1016:53
omnydevishiman - yes16:54
shimanomnydevi: hold on16:54
jim_pany info on this            06:07.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev 10)    ? does it work on linux or i have to do extra?16:55
shimanomnydevi: how about the user name? ubuntu or windows?16:55
quietdevHi, thanks ahead of time for this one, after plugging in an external Samsung 17" CRT into the Thinkpad Z60T with Ubuntu 8.10 I was offered to allow Ubuntu to automagically edit something called the "virtual display" something something. I didn't think much of it, and it did seem to enable the extension of the display into the Samsung, however, now I am going back to single display and I have...16:55
quietdev...noticed that #1 desktop effects "Extras was turned off and #2 I could not turn it back on. It said, "Desktop effects could not be enabled". Any help would be very much appreciated. I am studying http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1019668 to start....16:55
daredevilthereHas anyone tried playing videos on tty terminal16:56
Katangawisejim_p, Hi, it's works. We are speaking about LAN connection, right?16:56
KatangawiseHi all! I want to see my wireless card model. I'm typing lspci -v | less but in networking get ethernet card only. Now i'm working with wi-fi, but signal is not stable and very weak. Anybody knows whats wrong? Ubuntu 8.1016:56
omnydevishiman - windows16:56
shimanomnydevi: No application is registered as handling this file16:56
=== Gun_Smoke_ is now known as Gun_Smoke
omnydevishiman - you used the windows computer name, and user/pass?16:57
shimanomnydevi: yes16:57
shimanomnydevi: Cannot display location "smb://m6r/16:57
KatangawiseHi all! I want to see my wireless card model. I'm typing lspci -v | less but in networking get ethernet card only. Now i'm working with wi-fi, but signal is not stable and very weak. Anybody knows whats wrong? Ubuntu 8.1016:58
guntbert!repeat | Katangawise16:58
ubottuKatangawise: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience16:58
omnydevishiman - did you select the right folder?16:59
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience16:59
shimanomnydevi: hold on16:59
KatangawiseHi all! I want to see my wireless card model. I'm typing lspci -v | less but in networking get ethernet card only. Now i'm working with wi-fi, but signal is not stable and very weak. Anybody knows whats wrong? Ubuntu 8.1016:59
GneaKatangawise: please stop that.17:00
shimanomnydevi:  is it possible to set my network card eth0 to use my workgroup name?17:00
jim_pKatangawise, yes, but it is not in my pc so i have to give instructions to the owner17:00
omnydevishiman - not sure. I just use the way we are going through now at home. I haven't really messed with my eth0 too much. I can test tonight and get back later on it though17:00
guntbertKatangawise: let us have a look: pastebin the output of sudo lspci -v17:01
jim_pKatangawise, what wireless card are you on?17:01
omnydevishiman - i think you can, but that might require samba at that point17:01
Zarvox_since intrepppid myy keyboard is more sensitive17:01
daredevilthereUbuntu is great. I love it :)17:01
Katangawiseguntbert, wrere17:01
shimanomnydevi: on 8.04 i can just set the eth0 to use the workgroup name and voila! all done. i can browse the workgroup network17:01
Katangawiseguntbert, were can i post output?17:01
Zarvox_aka typing is too faaast17:02
shimanomnydevi: once ive upgraded to 8.10 there is no option for me to set the eth0 to use the workgroup17:02
superdugI'm trying to install 8.10, besides there being elements all over the screen ... when in terminal I type ubituity --debug --pdb --desktop %k gtk_ui ... it sits there for a moment then exits with no message17:02
omnydevishiman - yeah. everytime i just enter the server name, folder name, username and password and it lets me in. i haven't looked for a faster way to do it yet.17:02
homyZarvox_: open System->Preferences->Keyboard and ajust the sliders to suit yourself.17:02
jcfpjim_p: wired network cards usually just work, and these realtek onces are very common too.17:03
homyBarridus: ok, usb-creator is finished now, I'll have to reboot to try it out though :)17:03
Katangawisejim_p, Thats a problem.. I dont know now.. I cant get output about model og my wireless card..:(17:03
guntbert!pastebin | Katangawise17:03
ubottuKatangawise: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)17:03
shimanomnydevi: hmm ic. okay. i'll try to troubleshoot first. will get back to u17:03
shimanomnydevi: thanks for ur time17:03
jim_pjcfp, is there a chipset-to-correct-module chart?17:03
omnydevishiman - hope i was of help!17:03
Zarvox_homy: tx but nothing append17:03
AngryElfwhen I try connecting to a vpn(pppt) with the network manager,it  tells me that the connection failed -- nothing more detailed than that any way to figure out what's wrong with it?17:04
=== jaso2 is now known as DBO
jcfpKatangawise: in lspci a wireless network card will show as just another 'ethernet controller' because that's exactly what it is.17:04
jim_pKatangawise, lspci | grep wireless17:04
jim_pKatangawise, lspci | grep Wireless17:04
[Spooky]Is there any help command to ubottu?17:04
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots17:05
Zarvox_homy:the settings can't adjust the speed17:05
guntbertjim_p: 'lspci  | grep -i wireless' is a bit shorter :)17:06
asorticEnter text here...17:06
jcfpjim_p: get the id from lspci -n, then google. 'modinfo' command is useful too, module for your card is probably "8139too"17:07
jim_pjcfp, thanks17:07
homyBarridus: my bios still says "No bootable Device found" :) So I still can't boot from the usb thumb drive.17:08
homyI tried deleting its partition and creating a new fat32 partition with gparted and re-running usb-creator, but it didn't work (ie. I can't boot from it).17:08
LinuxGhostSomeone HELP ME, ive bought a PC TV Pendrive Tv Tuner, it works on windows on ubuntu i cant watch, ive tried TV Time even VLC bUT THE settings arae so difficult17:09
dr_willisLinuxGhost,  you sure it even has ANY linux support at all?17:09
dr_willisA lot of tv tuners are just not supported..17:09
LinuxGhostit has specifications for windows only17:10
billybigriggerhi all, whats the best way to get flash working in firefox? should i install the sun-java6-jre package or is there a big howto around on how to get it working? im on 8.10 x6417:10
homyLinuxGhost: is it a dvb-t tuner? Does it connect via usb?17:11
LinuxGhostbut is it impossible to watch on ubuntu?17:11
dr_willisbillybigrigger,  i just install the 'ubuntu-restricted-extras' package and it installs flash and java..  ive not had to 'tweak/work/mess' with those in ages.17:11
aba-billybigrigger: what's java have to do with flash?.. lol17:11
billybigriggerdr_willis: thanks17:11
GneaLinuxGhost: what does dmesg have to say about it?17:11
csanacan vmware be installe don ubuntu?17:11
LinuxGhostit is like usb,17:11
dr_willisLinuxGhost,  You would have to check for your specific tuner and see if it has linux support. Google/forums/hardware support list17:11
Gneacsana: yes.17:11
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection17:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cmware17:11
ubottuVMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware17:11
billybigriggeraba-: haha, just read my question, i didn't mean to ask about flash in firefox17:12
throlkenahi guys i need some help with running the c compiler in the ubuntu terminal.17:12
billybigriggermy bad17:12
LinuxGhostwhen i connect it no signal is given even when i do the command lsusb i cant see it17:12
homy!tv | LinuxGhost17:12
ubottuLinuxGhost: http://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Me-TV (GNOME), Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out17:12
* billybigrigger is a little stuffed up and sick today17:12
dr_willisLinuxGhost,  If its supported.. it should work.. if its not.. then it wont.  Its possible it may get support  in the future. Its hard to tell  - it depends on the exact tuner/card/thing.17:12
homyBarridus: any other ideas to get me booting from usb drive?17:12
throlkenacan we use stdio.h in ubuntu's terminal ? (i'm new to this)17:12
throlkenawhile using c?17:12
jinja-sheephomy:  How about disc?17:12
dr_willishomy,  tryed that unetbootin tool? I use it to make bootable Usb media from ubuntu iso images17:13
Gnea!gcc | throlkena17:13
ubottuthrolkena: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)17:13
homydr_willis: I used the usb-creator installed in intrepid by default.17:13
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homyjinja-sheep: yeah, I can boot fine from a cd rom but, i want to have a usb thumb drive on which I can also save settings and stuff like that.17:13
alexis12Is the ubuntu cd you can request from the website a live cd?17:14
dr_willishomy,  ive had mixxed results with that tool - a lot seems to depend on if ive made my usb stick bootable befor.  Same with Unetbootin,  You may want to try Unetbootin. it cant hurt. :)  also it seems some usb media are more pboelmatic then others17:14
Gnea!vmware > csana17:14
ubottucsana, please see my private message17:14
daxelrodalexis12: Yes, it is a livecd.17:15
homydr_willis: I made put an iso on it with usb-creator before, and that worked. Then I wiped it a time ago and now I'm trying again...17:15
alexis12daxelrod: thank you, im new here :D17:15
jinja-sheephomy | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent17:15
unopalexis12, yes, they used to send out an install cd too some years ago - don't know if they still do that17:15
LinuxGhostbut itt is supposed to have some tricks or shortcut to watch tv with any tv tuner like some commands i run to use any nokia phone to dial-up under ubuntu17:15
daxelrodalexis12: It will almost certainly be faster to download it than to wait for them to ship you the CD however17:16
homyjinja-sheep: yes. I used method 0. (but in intrepidm usb-creator is included by default and I didn't have to install it)17:16
LinuxGhostit is supposed to have some commands to watch TV on ubuntu with any card/usb17:16
Gneacsana: have you tried ndiswrapper?17:16
jinja-sheephomy:  What Ubuntu version?17:17
Gneacsana: okay. you'll need to find a way to get vmware to that system then. usb?17:17
throlkenacan anyone check this out? http://pastebin.ca/130021417:17
csanaGnea:yah i have usb17:17
daxelrodalexis12: Any of the Desktop cds not labeled alternative are livecds17:17
alexis12daxelrod: Yep, i heard about 6 weeks, but, i have exams in the next week and if i get it now, i will be distracted..I've never done anything like this before..17:17
Gneacsana: like, a thumbdrive?17:18
passingmannarwht exam17:18
PhaseAny tools that I can use to send/receive faxes on my all-in-one?17:18
throlkenaubottu http://pastebin.ca/1300214 is my problem..17:18
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:18
homyjinja-sheep: intrepid uname -r: 2.6.27-11-generic  dpkg-query -W usb-creator: usb-creator0.1.1017:19
Gneathrolkena: i'm going to get you a link, again, for what you need.. please pay careful attention.17:19
jinja-sheephomy:  Did you try different flashdrive?  I had some issues with certain flashdrives in the past.17:19
Gnea!compile | throlkena17:19
ubottuthrolkena: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)17:19
PistosI know this must be a newbish question, but my Google Fu is failing me at hte moment; How can I change the download sources for aptitude?  I don't have GUI access to the machine.17:20
=== sled is now known as cubra
ubottuYou can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html17:20
Pistosjinja-sheep: Thank you.17:20
daxelrodPistos: Do you mean you want to change what repositories are used?17:21
Gneathrolkena: gcc -o myprogram myprogram.c   <-- that should do it17:21
Pistosdaxelrod: Yes.17:21
jinja-sheepPistos:  That's not it.17:21
PistosThe current ones are downloading too slowly.17:21
Pistos< 50 kb/sec.17:21
[maurice]is there a way to enable/disable system beep?17:21
homyjinja-sheep: well, no I only have one. But, I made it bootable using usb-creator before. But then, after a while, I wiped the drive; and today, I want to install ubuntu on it again. So I know the drive works.17:21
Pistosjinja-sheep: Yeah, I sorta gathered after reading a bit.  :)17:21
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories17:21
jinja-sheepPistos | Here you go.17:21
levene__I'm using17:21
unavailablehomy unetbootin17:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about unetbootin17:22
homyunavailable: i used usb-creator which is included by default in ubuntu 8.1017:22
homyand usb-creator worked before!17:22
homywith exactly the same drive17:22
unavailableunetbootin works inside windows.  (just giving an alternative)17:22
jinja-sheephomy:  It work... but it is probable that you wear the usb drive out already.  See if you can open inside... save files on it... etc.17:22
levene__I'm using hardy, and I cannot use virtualbox since the vm driver is not installed. it was working before christmas; I think the kernel has been updated since then.,17:22
passingmannarcan ubuntu be installed in usb and run from any pc ?17:22
levene__what do I do?17:22
unavailablepassingmannar: yes17:22
homyjinja-sheep: yes, otherwise usb-creator couldn't save files on it (and I see that there now are fles on the drive)17:23
levene__the virtualbox-ose-modules-generic package is installed (this is what the error dialog message suggests)17:23
sztomiunetbootin is not windows-only BTW17:23
[maurice]hello, is there a way to enable/disable system beep?17:23
Gnea!usb | passingmannar17:23
ubottupassingmannar: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent17:23
unavailablesztomi: k, i was just saying you can run it in windows...17:23
passingmannarthanks Gnea17:23
jinja-sheeppassingmannar | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent |  Why don't you do it now?  homy have issues with it. <_<17:23
dr_willis[maurice],  xset b off, gets rid of most of them. of course some apps may be beeping in their own way. Gnome has some beep settings also17:23
levene__[maurice]: there are some wires inside your machine... you could attach a switch :-)17:23
passingmannarso does it work well17:23
homyjinja-sheep: I tried the Method 0 given.17:24
jinja-sheep[maurice]:  Take the speakers out with the baseball bat.17:24
scampbellthrolkena: your posted source code is broken, use printf not print.  Here is the fixed code, compiled and run   http://pastebin.ca/130022417:24
[maurice]dr_willis, levene__ thanks17:24
levene__anyone using virtualbox on hardy?17:24
dr_willislevene__,  lots of us do..17:24
jinja-sheep[maurice]:  Run this command -- rmmod pcspkr17:24
[maurice]jinja-sheep, thanks for the advice, ill try that when all else fails17:24
levene__dr_willis: is it working as of the last apt-get update?17:24
dr_willislevene__,  not noticed.  Not on Linux at the moment.17:25
levene__dr_willis: because mine is now broken and i don't know how to fix it17:25
levene__dr_willis: the virtualbox-ose-modules-generic package is installed (this is what the error dialog message suggests)17:25
Gnea[maurice]: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=12674617:25
[maurice]levene__ it seems to be working now, when you guys say my nick it beeps, thats what I was wanting, but its so low I can hardly hear it17:25
levene__[maurice]: which irc client?17:26
dr_willis[maurice],  the irc client may have its own 'nick beep' settings17:26
jinja-sheephomy:  I'm aware you tried the method 0.  However -- There are nothing I can do.  It worked for me.  Did you try saving files on the usb?17:26
levene__[maurice]: well, use irssi like sensible people, then :-)17:26
homyjinja-sheep: right-click->create document->empty file works well. Btw, the usb drive is formated to fat32? Is that ok?17:27
jinja-sheephomy:  I mean... save to the USB.17:27
iderikHello, i've just installed ubuntu, and trying to install NVIDIA drivers with Harddrive Drivers application, nothing happens when I try to activate the driver in the list =/ anyone know what's wrong? if you need any more information, please tell me :-)17:27
homyjinja-sheep: yes, saving to usb also works fine17:27
jinja-sheepFat32 should be fine.17:27
omnydeviiderik - nothing happens when you hit activate?17:28
m1dn1ghtHi guys.  I wrote a simple bash script to run a couple of commands.  Works fine.  To simplify it I created a simple application launcher for gnome-panel so I could run the script with one click.  This also works fine, however what I would like to do is have the script run in a visible terminal (like the option when I double click the script in nautilus) so I can see the progress.  Is this possible?17:28
jinja-sheephomy:  If nothing work, try Method 1... and 2.17:28
homyjinja-sheep: ok, I'll probably do that. The weird thing is, method 0 worked perfectly for me in the past.17:28
MikeTheMikaLIAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!17:28
iderikjinja-sheep: method 1 and 2? :/17:28
homy(near past, after intrepid was released)17:28
passingmannarHow to make ubuntu start in terminal rather then loading in Gnome  Gui system17:28
jinja-sheepiderik:  Yes... in the link. :\17:28
lianimatorMikeTheMika: yes.17:29
omnydeviiderik - what version of ubuntu/what graphics card?17:29
jinja-sheepm1dn1ght:  Sure that can happen.17:30
MikeTheMikaHi all, I have done something unbelievable....... How to gain back power after switching root with user???17:30
MikeTheMikaI can't do sudo and can't access Users and Groups17:30
GneaMikeTheMika: what did you do, exactly?17:30
Flightyany chance to install ubuntu 8.10 server amd64 on a bios raid from intel ich10 chipset?17:30
Pistosjinja-sheep: Thanks.17:30
MikeTheMikaI'm a noobie with ubuntu....17:30
m1dn1ghtjinja-sheep: excellent...can you tell me how please?17:30
[maurice]can someone say my nick?17:30
levene__dr_willis: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox <-- this is the answer to my question :)17:31
amigoHow can I kill processes? kill -9 not work :-/17:31
jinja-sheepm1dn1ght:  Oh you want that.  Hmm.  Change the first line of your script to..... #!/bin/bash -x17:31
=== woli is now known as aberratic
passingmannarhow to kill a non responsive program17:31
MikeTheMikaGnea: in Users and Groups...................there are two accounts: one is my name other is root17:31
GneaMikeTheMika: go on..17:31
MikeTheMikaI switch the preferences17:31
m1dn1ghtjinja-sheep: will try that now - thanks!17:32
jinja-sheepm1dn1ght:  Let me know how it goes for you.17:32
MikeTheMikaits hard to recall since i can't open it anymore17:32
MikeTheMikaits like i switch the permissions17:32
GneaMikeTheMika: okay, are you able to login as your regular user?17:32
homym1dn1ght: I think what you want is right-clicking the launcher->properties and changing "Application" to "Application in Terminal"?17:32
GneaMikeTheMika: if you open a terminal and type this command:  id    what do you get?17:33
MikeTheMikaGnea: uid=1000(mongkorn)   gid=1000(mongkorn)    groups=1000(mongkorn_17:34
MikeTheMikaGnea: mongkorn is my user name17:34
GneaMikeTheMika: and now:  id root17:34
iderikomnydevi: ubuntu 8.10 i think, the latest one. i've a NVIDIA GeForce 8200M G17:35
MikeTheMikauid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root),4(adm),20(dialout),24(cdrom),25(floppy),29(audio),30(dip),44(video),46(plugdev),104(scanner),112(netdev),113(lpadmin),115(powerdev),117(admin)17:35
MikeTheMikauid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root),4(adm),20(dialout),24(cdrom),25(floppy),29(audio),30(dip),44(video),46(plugdev),104(scanner),112(netdev),113(lpadmin),115(powerdev),117(admin)17:35
FloodBot2MikeTheMika: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:35
MikeTheMikaoops sorry17:35
GneaMikeTheMika: yes, the problem is quite obvious now. :)17:35
MikeTheMikaoo how to fix it?17:36
m1dn1ghtjinja-sheep: Didn't work unfortunately.17:36
m1dn1ghthomy: but that did :)  thanks for the help17:36
GneaMikeTheMika: you're going to need to boot with the livecd and fix your /etc/group file manually17:36
omnydeviiderik - what happens when you click activate?17:36
MikeTheMikaGnea:  hmmm ok17:36
homym1dn1ght: you're welcome17:37
MikeTheMikaGnea:  is the instruction given when I boot from cd?17:37
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sandjkirklandhow do I add files to a folder that says "you do not have permission"17:37
sergialguien me puede ayudar?17:38
unop!es | sergi17:38
ubottusergi: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:38
jinja-sheepsandjkirkland, use sudo17:38
GneaMikeTheMika: no, you'll need to make sure the disk gets mounted on the desktop when you boot it up, then open a terminal and become root (sudo -i) and edit the /media/disk/etc/group  (it might not be /media/disk, it might be /media/somethingelse)17:38
puremichaelanyone know what broke radeonhd? i've installed it from the ubuntu repos and since yesterday i can only run in lowres mode17:38
sandjkirklandokay how do I open a folder using sudo ? I am on gnome desktop17:38
GneaMikeTheMika: then just replace all instances of 'root' on the right-hand side to mongkorn17:39
omnydevisand - sudo nautilus, that should do it17:39
homysandjkirkland: you can try right-clicking the folder, selectiing properties->Permissions and changing permissions.17:39
MikeTheMikaGnea:  i see, so thats all I have to do?17:39
GneaMikeTheMika: yeah, pretty much... when you saved it, make sure you unmount the disk before rebooting back into the main system17:40
homyGnea: why does MikeTheMika do that? Are'nt the outputs of id ok?17:40
MikeTheMikaGnea:  alright, thank you very much17:40
MikeTheMikaGnea:  i've been dying over a week to fix it i have mid-term exams coming up >___< I'm still new with ubuntu17:41
Gneahomy: no.17:41
homyGnea: sorry, could you elaborate on whats wrong?17:41
GneaMikeTheMika: midterms in the beginning of january?!17:41
wal3hello. how can I see which program uses/blocks the audio dev?17:41
Gneahomy: open up a terminal and type id, then type id root17:41
Gneahomy: then, scrollback and see what he typed17:42
Wildcat_has anyone ever compiled alsa from source in ubuntu?... cause no one in the alsa channel will respond to me17:42
LillymonNow I've really got a problem. My system froze completely and I was forced to reboot. fsck seemed very unhappy with the results it got on boot, and is asking me to manually fix something. sdb2 is gone, so I'm assuming the problem is there somewhere.17:42
GneaWildcat_: why would you need to do that?17:42
wal3hello. how can I see which program uses/blocks the audio dev?17:42
MikeTheMikaGnea:   yes....17:42
sandjkirklandomnydevi, Perfect thanks that did it17:42
homyoh, yes gnea, yeah, right17:43
MikeTheMikaGnea:   x-mas n new year isn't really a break for my university......17:43
omnydevisand - glad to be of help :)17:43
GneaMikeTheMika: ah, okay17:43
GneaMikeTheMika: sorry about that :)17:43
MikeTheMikaGnea:   anyway, thanks again n i really appreciated the help u gave me17:43
omnydevisand - if you try to access them as user, you will get the same error. you might have to give yourself permissions to the location and files. remember that sudo command, it comes in handy from time to time17:43
Wildcat_Gnea: im doing it becuase i need to use my audio over an hdmi cable.... alsa 1.0.8a is supose to suport it... but ubuntu only lets u upgrade to 1.0.7 so i had to download the tar files and install manually17:43
GneaMikeTheMika: good luck17:43
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:44
MikeTheMikaGnea:   thanks, I will need it ^^   well take care Gnea17:44
pablo_hi all17:44
LillymonHello? I've just lost partition, what the hell do I do?17:44
gaintsuraWhat is SCIM ? Screen Input Method I'm assuming right? thats for touchscreens and such?17:44
georgeafhey guys, i just installed gnubik and it says "Can't get visual". I checked the source and found that it says that when gdk_gl_config_new fails. The attributes for that function are  int attribs[]={GDK_GL_RGBA,GDK_GL_RED_SIZE,   1, GDK_GL_GREEN_SIZE, 1,GDK_GL_BLUE_SIZE,  1,GDK_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER,GDK_GL_DEPTH_SIZE ,1,GDK_GL_ACCUM_RED_SIZE, 1,GDK_GL_ACCUM_GREEN_SIZE, 1,GDK_GL_ACCUM_BLUE_SIZE, 1, GDK_GL_ATTRIB_LIST_NONE}; in the source. Any idea why it may fa17:44
georgeafil ?17:44
QuagmireI bought an off-business lease laptop Dell D620 & it shows as being a very compatibe pc for ubuntu. My question is ...this system has a 100gb hdd that has a fresh install of XP Pro on it and I already have 2 other laptops, so its not like I'm without microcrap alternatives. ;) With that said I want to know what is my best course of action in setting up this laptop ...should I partition the hdd and leave XP or just format and install u17:44
omnydevililly - how did you lose it?17:44
sandjkirklandNext question is about icons. I created an icon 48*48 put it into an icon folder and I can use it, but if put it into any other folder I can't use it as an icon - nybody know why17:44
* Wildcat_ wonders if "sudo XXXXX" is the same as "su"..... "XXXXXX"17:45
pablo_i need help with ubuntu on macbook17:45
GneaWildcat_: there's some sort of instruction here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51961017:45
Gnea!sudo | Wildcat_17:45
ubottuWildcat_: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)17:45
Wildcat_Gnea: i followed the instructions but i am having problems17:45
georgeafhey guys, i just installed gnubik and it says "Can't get visual". I checked the source and found that it says that when gdk_gl_config_new fails. The attributes for that function are  int attribs[]={GDK_GL_RGBA,GDK_GL_RED_SIZE,   1, GDK_GL_GREEN_SIZE, 1,GDK_GL_BLUE_SIZE,  1,GDK_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER,GDK_GL_DEPTH_SIZE ,1,GDK_GL_ACCUM_RED_SIZE, 1,GDK_GL_ACCUM_GREEN_SIZE, 1,GDK_GL_ACCUM_BLUE_SIZE, 1, GDK_GL_ATTRIB_LIST_NONE}; in the source. Any idea why it may fa17:45
georgeafil ?17:45
wunnymushvlc wont run in ubuntu 8.1017:45
Gnea!repeat | georgeaf17:45
ubottugeorgeaf: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience17:45
Lillymonomnydevi: As I stated, the system froze and I was forced to reboot. fsck gave me an error and asked me to manually fix it. It started a management session, but I hadn't a clue what to do, so I hit Ctrl+D to get back to KDE.17:45
LillymonThe user friendliness of Ubuntu vanishes very quickly when you're asked to manually fix a broken file system from a fsck log.17:46
omnydevililly - sorry, i cant be of help on that, i know jack about kde. other than i like it, but had to stick with gnome17:46
LillymonIt's nothing to do with KDE! It's a broken partition that fsck spotted! KDE has no bearing on anything whatsoever!17:47
CCRC-errorHi all17:47
kitcheLillymon: if you don't know how to use fsck then I suggest read the man pages on fsck17:48
CCRC-errorI've installed ubuntu 8.10 on a vmware & i want to use it (CLI mode only!) for running as my server.17:48
omnydevikitche - looks like i could read those as well :D17:48
homyLillymon: maybe you can boot from a live cd, start gparted and do a partition check and repair?17:48
LillymonThis is probably a minor thing. I had some torrents writing to the partition, maybe I'll lose some of that. I don't care but I've no a clue where to start here.17:48
CCRC-errorBecause of it I have to disable as much proceses as I can.. & I don't find info about them all via google, I hope you'll be able to help me.17:48
kitcheLillymon: since manually fixing a file system doesn't tell us much about your problem without seeing the exact error17:48
macman_anyone got wmv files to play on ubuntu 8.1017:48
CCRC-errorWhat is for the console-screen.kdb.sh script?17:48
pablo_i need help to run a partition of ubuntu on vmware fusion over macosx17:48
LillymonWell it wrote a log, but I don't remember where. Where would fsck write such a thing?17:49
unopmacman_, sure - you'll need extra codecs tho17:49
unop!w32codecs > macman_17:49
ubottumacman_, please see my private message17:49
omnydevipablo - they make vmware for mac?17:49
hbithi guys...running out of space on system partition....got an extra partition. Does anyone have a hint on how to backup filesytem, merge partitions and restore?17:49
CrocoJetI am getting problems to make boot in pendrive usb boot created via intrepid. After boot via pendrive, only show syslinux boot prompt, how to start live intrepid via pendrive ?17:50
unophbit,  it should be quite simple if you know your way around /etc/fstab17:51
domasdamnit, anyone is hitting any kswapd deadlocks?17:51
domas[ 9515.569817] BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 11s! [kswapd0:336]17:51
domas[ 9516.320413] BUG: soft lockup - CPU#3 stuck for 11s! [tar:7370]17:51
domasI'm hitting those all the time17:51
FloodBot2domas: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:52
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tlvbwill the command    ls -R dira | grep -v "$(ls -R dirb)"    list the files that exist in dira but not in dirb?17:52
unoptlvb, yes but not very reliably17:52
marcoHow can I define default permissions for vfat removable devices?17:52
unoptlvb,  http://wooledge.org/mywiki/BashFAQ/036 -- How can I get all lines that are: in both of two files (set intersection) or in only one of two files (set subtraction).17:53
marcoalso, what's the program/package/script responsible for auto mounting devices on ubuntu?17:53
hbitunop I'm thinking on gpart (livecd) to resize partitions, I'm doubtful on the copy process...by the way got anly 1 harddrive17:53
marceloMy terminal tty2 is not printing what I type to the screen, and when I type return I do not get a new line, just one prompt in front of the other. What is happening?17:54
lacitahow do I set up the su password?17:54
tlvbunop: thanks17:54
unop!sudo | lacita17:54
ubottulacita: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)17:54
Guest9508there's a text editor that allow many people to edit the same text at the same time, i can't remember the name, does anyone remember ?17:54
g8torhello all17:54
tlvblacita: why do you want to? sudo -s not enough?17:54
lacitaunop: su, not sudo17:54
unoplacita, you don't use su on ubuntu17:55
unophbit, how much free space on the spare partition?17:55
lacitatlvb: need C compiler to create an executable17:55
marcohow can I discover what is the package/binary/script responsible for auto mounting removable devices?17:55
throlkenasomeone please help me outh with this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=103144617:55
lacitaunop: I've done it before, and need to do it now.17:55
unoplacita, you'll need to install build-essential for that - not use su17:55
CrocoJetwhen connected pendrive at usb, ask me to run on program, after click, show "Cannot find the autorun program"17:56
malkav_lacita sudo passwd17:56
tlvblacita: su has nothing to do with creating executables17:56
homymarcelo: try typing the command "reset"17:56
g8torI have a Wester Digital (500G) USB drive that worked fine in 8.04 but since I have upgraded (fresh install) to 8.10 I can mount it at all? Is this a known issue or is it my badd?17:56
unoplacita, malkav_, we don't recommend that here17:56
CrocoJetI made boot usb pendrive from "ubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386.iso"17:56
Koordinhi, how can i download man page 2 & man page 3 ?17:56
lacitamalkav_: tried it, authentication failure17:56
hbitunop: hda5 (15GB's)  hda6 (5GB's) ...will merge to a 20GB's...on my drive I have also WXP and W2K3 on other partitions..17:56
lacitaunop: I'm not an idiot. I can handle my own installation.17:57
marcelohomy: Thanks, it works17:57
homymarcelo: you're welcome17:57
LillymonWhere the hell does fsck write logs when something goes wrong? It must be a standard location, someone must know.17:57
marcoAm I asking something too difficult? What daemon/script/thing ubuntu uses to auto mount removable devices?17:58
lacitamalkav_: Thnk you very much.17:58
unoplacita, no one said you were - regardless, sudo is appropriate for superuser access .. if you need a superuser shell.   sudo -s17:58
homyLillymon: I suggest booting from a live cd17:58
lacitaunop: got it. thanks for all your help!17:58
malkav_sudo passwd should work you enter your sudo pass and nex su pass17:58
homyLillymon: because then you can umount your partition and do a fsck with fixing errors.17:58
LillymonWhat the hell would booting from a live CD do? The broken partition isn't mounted and I have two hard drives.17:58
LillymonThe broken partition is not on the same HD as root, I can work on it from here.17:59
iderikomnydevi: my internet died, i have graphic card NVIDIA GeForce 8200M G17:59
Koordinhi, how can i download man page 2 & man page 3 ?17:59
marcohow do I stop ubuntu from mounting removable usb sticks automatically?17:59
malkav_ok ;]17:59
csc_problem for experts: how can i extend the root filesystem of a livecd (which uses memory) with a given filesystem on an the hardisk?17:59
unophbit, you'd have to use a gparted live CD and do this - but you should backup all data first17:59
marcokoordin: what program's man pages?18:00
Koordinmarco:for the system calls18:00
Koordinfor instance, chmod(2)18:00
sandjkirklandhow can I password protect a folder so that I even have to put in a pw to access18:01
tlvbLillymon: there's nothing in /var/log?18:01
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LuXorNEED HELP !!18:01
homy!ask | LuXor18:01
ubottuLuXor: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:01
marcokoordin: good question, but I don't know, sorry.18:01
LuXorhomy i cannot connect to internet with the static IP18:01
marcocsc_: I presume that if you use LVM on both partitions you can extend the way you are talking about18:02
iderikomnydevi: are you still there?18:02
hbitunop: yup thanx  that's the idea...1) boot gpart livecd 2) backup 3) resize 4) restore....the backup process is what I don't know how to perform...which would me the best dd tar ?? any parameters notes to care about?18:02
marcocsc_: but livecd's usually don't use lvm, as it's a complicated mess unnecessary for a simple live cd18:02
csc_marco, dinamically?18:02
Lillymontlvb: I have no idea, I haven't looked because no one gave any suggestions and I'm on the verge of fucking panic here!18:02
LuXorhomy i have ubuntu 8.10 i followed this paper but not works... http://www.itech7.com/Linux/Ubuntu-810-internet-connection-for-a-static-IP18:02
csc_marco, i need to extend the root partition of my livecd dinamically18:02
marcocsc_: would require unmounting the root partition I'm afraid18:02
Koordinsandjkirkland: i think you can remove the right to execute for the group and for the others ; then you are the only one who can open it18:02
marcocsc_:you can always mount hdd partitions on points you need space on the livecd though, it would be simpler18:03
LuXorany help??? :(18:03
csc_marco, what do you mean18:03
homyLuXor: did you right-click network manager applet and use that gui (right click on the network icon in the top right and select Edit Conenctions...)18:03
tlvbLillymon: ah, well to my knowledge /var/log is the standard logging directory, and looking at a local computer here I can see that there is a fsck directory in it18:03
Lillymon"fsck.ext3: Unable to resolve 'UUID=c1f497b5-987b-4dbb-b705-b6fcfdf28890'"18:04
unophbit, i recommend tar.   (cd /path/to/src && tar cf - .) | (cd /path/to/dest && tar xf -)18:04
LuXorhomy nope.. i was just following the paper what i have just gave you18:04
macman_unop, what does mediaubuntu have to do with me playing wav files on ubuntu 8.1018:04
WyhiwylCan someone explain this to me? I got this message when doing $ sudo apt-get upgrade:18:04
marcocsc_: say, you need, for a reason, space in /usr/share on the live CD. You simply mount a partition with free space on the HD to /usr/share18:04
WyhiwylThe following packages will be upgraded: libopal-2.2 transmission-cli transmission-common18:04
Wyhiwyl3 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.18:04
WyhiwylNeed to get 3849kB of archives.18:04
WyhiwylAfter this operation, 4096B of additional disk space will be used.18:04
FloodBot2Wyhiwyl: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:04
LillymonIt died with exit status 8, which appears to indicate an "Operational error".18:04
WyhiwylDo you want to continue [Y/n]?18:04
marcocsc_: Or just use a symbolic link, even more versatile18:04
unopmacman_, the w32codecs package is available on medibuntu18:04
homyLuXor: ok, so try that. Its easier anyway. Ok, so do you have the "Network Connections" Dialog open?18:04
iderikWhen I try to activate a NVIDIA driver with Hardware driver application, a new window shows with a progress bar, but it happens so fast i can't see whats going on, i think nothing happens. i tried to restart but no driver is installed. anyone knows what's wrong? please18:05
marconow, does anyone know what pixie magic ubuntu does to auto mount removable devices??18:05
frankychan_anybody there18:05
LuXorhomy you mean configure the IP-s from the Network Manager?18:05
omnydevi1423 of us, whats your issue?18:05
hbitunop: thanks for the help18:05
homyLuXor: yes: right click on network manager, select "Edit connections"18:05
macman_unop, can i install that via apt-get ?18:05
LuXorhomy & then?18:06
iderikomnydevi: can you help me with my driver problem i talked about? please18:06
Koordinhi, how can i download man page 2 & man page 3 ? (for the system calls, chmod (2) for instance)18:06
unopmacman_, yes, as long as you have the medibuntu repository setup.18:06
jonny_For some reason my session never becomes inactive - the screensaver won't start and worse, the computer doesn't auto suspend!18:06
homyLuXor: is it a wired or wireless network you want to set a static ip for?18:06
mgolischKoordin: install manpages-dev18:06
omnydeviiderik - install envyNG through Synaptic18:06
marcokoordin: try "man 2 syscalls" or "man 2 intro"18:06
jonny_I only have firefox and google reader running (greader in prism)18:06
LuXorhomy & no.. its some zyxel modem connected to lan card.. i don know what is name of that18:07
omnydeviiderik - that program will detect your nVidia card and install the correct driver if the hardware way is failing18:07
marcoI beg of you, how come no one knows how ubuntu mounts removable devices? Does it use a daemon? How one could configure it?18:07
jonny_Hmmm. Does gnome-power-manager rely on the screensaver to tell it the session is idle?18:07
homyLuXor: so basically you just want to connect to the internet?18:07
LuXorhomy & yes18:08
csc_marco, it's more complicated than that. basically my custom livecd has a squash filesystem which is 5,3GB. whenever data is required for it , it's expanded in the root fs / (not a precise point), which is a disc in ram. i need to extend this ram disc with some partition on a real hd.. i hope the prob is clear18:08
homyLuXor: do you have dsl?18:08
homyor what kind of a modem is it?18:08
dmanmy windows are auto loaded "stuck" to the top left corner of my screen, what preference will turn this off?  Or is this a video card issue?18:08
LillymonOK, now what the hell is an operational error?18:08
marcocsc_: but surely where you need the most space? /home?18:08
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Koordinmgolisch: thanks that's it18:09
LuXorhomy & yes its DSL, and the modem is ZyXel ( i dont know model )18:09
homyLuXor: ok, so select the DSL tab in "Network Connections"18:09
LillymonIf I actually use a live CD, what the hell do I actually DO with it?18:09
LuXorhomy there is some user and password to configure... no static ip18:09
marcoI reckon ubuntu talks softly to usb devices convincing them to mount like magic?18:10
mgolischKoordin: yeah quite annoying that those important bits arent installed by default, but i guess the standard ubuntu user wouldnt even know what syscalls or libc is at all18:10
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homyLuXor: yes. the details you got from your provider. Why do you want to set a static ip address?18:10
marcomgolisch: or even how the system auto mounts removable devices...18:10
Koordinsure ;o)18:10
Koordinand the middle user know irc : )18:10
LuXorhomy because on windows it needs to be configured. and when you configure it your on the internet in some seconds...18:11
LuXorhomy i dont know elseway to connect to internet18:11
LillymonI need to fsck my disks using a live CD, but I've not a clue how to do that. It's all well and good saying "Use a live CD", but how damn you? What do I type and what do I do?18:11
hot_rod_hippiemarco: what is the problem you are having with your removable device?18:11
marcohot_rod_hippie: I'm a curious type. I wanted to configure whatever is automagically mounting usb devices to try to configure the default permissions for vfat devices18:12
omnydevililly - i would guess you load the live cd, mount your drive, and use an application to scan and repair the disk18:12
marcohot_rod_hippie: this is linux after all, should be easy to custom simple file permissions, isn't it?18:12
Lillymonomnydevi: "an application"? How descriptive. It'll be a Kubuntu 8.10 CD.18:12
qdbhello. i have not installed ircd yet by i have "irc" in passwd file and in nautilus file properties permission tab. is that normal?18:13
homyLuXor: sorry, as I know it, ussually you get password/username from your provider (if you have a usb-modem). Maybe sb else can help you18:13
macman_unop, i just installed it and w32codec .. should i reboot and play the wmv in totem ?18:13
omnydevililly - sweet, forgive me, i am new to this myself. someone said earlier gparted had a scan and repair utility, i would look for that18:13
Wildcat_i need some serious help... tried to upgrade alsa and now my ubuntu says i dont have any sound devices... and no one in the alsa channel is talking... anyone have any advice?18:13
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LuXorAnyone Know how to connect to internet ??? With Static IP ? i have ubuntu 8.1018:13
unopmacman_, you shouldn't have to reboot - a simple restart of totem should be enough18:13
LuXorAnyone Know how to connect to internet ??? With Static IP ? i have ubuntu 8.1018:13
dmankillall command is just "Killall App" yea?18:13
omnydeviLuXoR - can you set your IP in your router?18:13
pzivkovicwhen i run "import pygtk" in python console it runs without errors but when i run script with this line i get "IndentationError: unexpected indent"!any help?18:14
omnydeviLuXoR - most routers have an option to set IP based on mac address18:14
g8torcan someone help me with mounting my usb drives? The memory stick mounts just fine the hard drives will not mount @ all.18:14
LuXoromnydevi no i cant... the provider not giving me the password18:14
pzivkovicis this OS problem or python error?18:14
unoppzivkovic, there's #python18:14
hot_rod_hippiemarco: how curious are you? there are graphical ways to control automounts18:14
unoppzivkovic, sounds like an error you have made with the python code18:14
dmankillall command for myth please?18:14
marcohot_rod_hippie: including default permissions? I'm quite curious actually ;-)18:14
wal3hello. how can I see which program uses/blocks the audio dev?18:15
puremichaelexists a channel related to the proprietary ati drivers ?18:15
pzivkovicunop, that code i copied from devhelp18:15
pablo_i need help to run a partition of ubuntu on vmware fusion over macosx18:15
pzivkovicunop, it sounds like ubuntu pygtk problem18:15
pzivkovicis there pygtk in ubuntu?18:15
LuXoromnydevi any help?18:15
unoppzivkovic, yea, though code formatted on webpages is hardly proper18:15
unoppzivkovic, make sure that line has no leading whitespace18:16
ASULutzypzivkovic: Are you sure your indenting properly? Python requires strict indentation rules, no lines can have improper leading whitespace18:16
qdbhello. i have not installed ircd yet by i have "irc" in passwd file and in nautilus file properties permission tab. is that normal?18:16
danandHi all. I'm having a problem installing virtualbox guest additions. I'm running vbox on Ubuntu 7.10 (vbox 1.5.0 OSE) and the guest OS that I want to install the guest additions stuff on is Ubuntu 8.10. I've tried installing via the Guest Additions ISO and running the install script, and by apt-get installing the vbox source and utils package on the guest system. Unfortunately both lead to errors... Anyone else had this problem?18:16
eseven73dman: maybe 'killall -9 myth' or 'killall -9 myth*' if that dont work try 'ps aux |grep myth*' and find the pid, then 'kill -9 <pid # here'18:16
unopdman, eseven73, never kill -9 right off the bat - that's dangerous18:17
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ASULutzyqdb: Yes, that's normal, check /etc/shadow, I'm guessing irc doesn't have a password, just like all the other users (www-data, nobody,  etc)18:17
macman_ unop Unpacking w32codecs (from .../w32codecs_20071007-0medibuntu3_i386.deb)18:17
eseven73lol unop ooops :/18:17
unopmacman_, what's that?18:17
unopeseven73, really - don't18:17
omnydeviLuXoR - you have a router or just a modem?18:17
macman_unop, showing you that i installed mediaubuntu and installed w32codec18:17
unopmacman_, ok18:18
slakubuntu 8.10 = the suck18:18
pzivkovicunop, ASULutzy thanks!it was whitespaces problem!didn't know py is so strict about it!thanks again18:18
macman_unop, gxine , totem nothing will play the wmv18:18
macman_let me try vlc18:18
ASULutzypzivkovic: yep, in the future, remember this is Ubuntu support, for python support, #python, but glad I could help18:18
sandjkirklandcan I take a folder from one user and copy it to another user18:18
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eseven73unop: i hear people in here saying 'kill -9 <pid>' all the time, so i never thought it as a danger :/18:18
unopsandjkirkland, sure18:19
ASULutzyeseven73: You don't want to kill -9 something for no good reason, kill sends a signal which tells a process to cleanup and die gracefully, if you do kill -9 you're not giving the process a chance to cleanup, you're abruptly killing it18:19
sandjkirklandunop Would this work Copy folder, logout, login to other user, paste18:19
sandjkirklandor ....18:20
unopeseven73, http://sial.org/howto/shell/kill-9/18:20
eseven73yes i know, but again i hear everyone else doing it in here, so i didnt think it was that big of a deal :)18:20
ASULutzyeseven73: kill sends sig 15 which is TERM by default, kill -9 sends signal 9, which is KILL, check the man page :)18:20
pzivkovicASULutzy, i tried there but it requires registration.Sorry for offtopic.How can i register myself on this server?18:20
macman_unop, wheni play the file i get this error "The stream is encrypted and decryption is not supported."18:20
pzivkovici'll try #help18:20
ASULutzypzivkovic: /msg NickServ18:20
unopsandjkirkland, i would say - copy the folder to it's destination, assign right permissions and ownership, log out, log back in, etc18:21
unopmacman_, yea, that's something i have never managed to get around - encrypted wmvs - not sure it's even possible on linux (yet)18:21
omnydeviLuXoR - if you have just a modem you are going to have a rough time trying to set your ip static. you will need some kind of router for that. depending on the router i might be able to walk you into it.18:21
macman_dang .. so unop play it in windows ?18:21
dmanneed to remove all traces of mysql, command for this would be??18:22
unopeseven73, if everyone jumps off the Brooklyn bridge - would you? :)18:22
macman_.. let me restart18:22
dan_Hi I'm new to ubuntu  I have always used windows and before that Dos. What are some of the things I should know about Ubuntu and Linux?18:22
eseven73lol ok ok i got the point18:22
xdsl_userÂñåì ïðèâåò...18:22
xdsl_useråñòü êòî ðàçãîâàðèâàò ïî ðóññêè?18:23
xdsl_user.nick Carbon18:23
unopxdsl_user, english please18:23
ASULutzydman: You could start by sudo apt-get purge mysql-server maybe?18:23
omnydevihmm, what is the difference from apt-get remove and apt-get purge?18:24
hot_rod_hippiemarco: do you want to assign permissions to the entire drive?18:24
ASULutzyomnydevi: remove just removes the program, purge removes the program and its config files I believe18:24
hbitunop: I'll perform a backup of my filesystem to an external usb drive (fat)...is there a way of doing this without having to create an ext3 filesystem on the usb drive ..create an iso or something  15GB's18:24
omnydeviASUL - thank you, good to know. I just used remove...doh!18:24
Itmaybe man apt helps you18:25
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omnydevii could read the man, but faster to get an answer here, since i am at work and ubuntu-less atm18:25
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unophbit,  you can create a tarball with tar - it has the capability to preserve permissions and ownership so you don't have to create a new filesystem18:26
ASULutzyhbit: You can use dd and make an image if you want to, there's also the option of tar'ing /18:26
technodubshould i trust and make all the updates ?18:26
unophbit,  the only problem is that FAT has a filesize limitation - you might have to split the tarball up into many peices18:26
QuagmireI bought an off-business lease laptop Dell D620 & it shows as being a very compatibe pc for ubuntu. My question is ...this system has a 100gb hdd that has a fresh install of XP Pro on it and I already have 2 other laptops, so its not like I'm without microcrap alternatives. ;) With that said I want to know what is my best course of action in setting up this laptop ...should I partition the hdd and leave XP or just format and install u18:26
jim_pKatangawise, are you still there?18:26
Ittrust yes18:26
technodubit r u sure?18:27
Itbut be sure you check the release infos18:27
Iton the site18:27
xdsl_userSorry bad english ... I know what you can use the client on ubuntu for IRC?18:27
jessidHello. How can I know what ports ubuntu is using????????18:27
ASULutzyQuagmire: That's really a matter of personal preference, personally I would keep Windows on there, at least until you're sure Ubuntu is working fine for you... It would be silly to blow up the Windows install only to discover that Ubuntu isn't supported for some strange reason by your hardware18:27
alexis12Quagmire : It depends, if you would like to use windows on that laptop as well as ubuntu, then a partition will obviously be best.18:27
omnydeviQuag - depends. if you have important files i would back them up and use the whole pc. you still have 2 copies of winblows to use. wouldn't hurt to have a full ubuntu box. i would at least18:27
Itsure because bugs always exists18:27
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up port-forwarding (for games, torrents, webservers) see http://portforward.com - also see !firewall18:27
technodubhow does the md5 checksum works?18:27
ASULutzyxdsl_user: What is your native language?18:27
BarridusQuagmire, depends on your needs.  i sort of like having both os's with me so i have both on my laptops.  you can always blow the xp partition out later if you decide it's uneccesary18:28
Itmd5 sums it's a long story18:28
unoptechnodub, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/md518:28
Itbut every file even with a different file name18:28
Ithas other md5sum18:28
unopIt, not every file - surely18:29
Itunop  yes not every file...18:29
xdsl_userASULutzy > Russian18:29
wisnutanyone know why running a tsclient session from intrepid causes X to lock up?  Mouse moves, can break out into CLI, but cannot move/minimize any windows on ubuntu desktop, although dos prompt in tsclient window still active. . . . . .very strange?18:29
hbitunop: right 4Gb's thanx for the reminder18:29
ASULutzy!ru | xdsl_user18:29
ubottuxdsl_user: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke18:29
Itcome on why Russian?18:30
skooz1reinstalled ubuntu now at the grub menu when i select vista it returns to grub ubuntu loads fine18:30
Iti speak greek but i use english here18:30
xdsl_userThank you UBUNTU THE BEST18:30
amikropHello. After running that script http://dpaste.com/105672/, each Terminal I run points to ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Pyro Studios/Imperial Glory. How can I fix this?18:30
* technodub i love this channel 18:30
ASULutzyIt: I was directing xdsl_user to the russian Ubuntu support channel because his English was not very good and he said Russian was his native language.18:31
LosowskiI just built a new kernel for Ubuntu - 2.6.28...how to I create an Nvidia Module for it....I deleted the older kernel, and Nvidia needed it as a dependency...so, how to I make Nvidia dependent for my new kernel?18:31
ItAsuLutzy : nice... :-)18:31
omnydeviskooz1 - you might have to edit grub. title Windows root (hd0,0) chainloader +118:31
marcelohow can I contract the path name to a minimum in the prompt?18:31
skooz1anyone have an idea on the grub menu18:32
rnkmy up key doesn't seem to be working. Is that a known problem?18:32
Iti only know tha there is a command like modrpope about adding options for the kernel on the fly18:32
omnydevinot other than the one i mentioned18:32
jessidHello. How can I know what ports ubuntu is using????????18:32
xdsl_userThank you, I saw18:33
zigzagshi my ubuntu likes to freeze up a lot.  how can i bring up my system monitor using keyboard shortcuts?18:33
Itjessid : what do you mean ? open ports?18:33
skooz1omnydevi what do i need to type in terminal18:33
omnydeviskooz1 when grub comes up, you have to hit .. whatever it tells you to hit to edit the menu. i would have to read more to know exactly. i just got the command when i was trying to install on raid018:34
jessidIt yes, I am trying to use twinkle, that is a voice on ip program, and it says port 5060 is in use, so I need to know what program is using it18:34
zigzagshit esc during grub to bring up the menu18:34
Itey skooz1 i think you can download KGRUBEDITOR18:34
omnydeviskooz1 - i would google grub and title Windows root (hd0,0) chainloader +118:34
Itits should help you a lot it's a gui with options to change grub boot loader settings easily!18:35
skooz1it: thanks18:35
vigognomeports on Linux is nmap18:35
Kelenwhen i make kernel with "make menuconfig", some option could not be changed. anything wrong with me?18:35
skooz1omnydevi thank18:35
zigzagswhat keyboard shortcuts can i use to bring up my system monitor18:35
omnydevianytime :D18:35
technodubjessid type netstat - options18:35
ASULutzyjessid: you can use netstat to view what ports are open, ngrep can be used to monitor traffic coming in over a certain port,18:35
jessidtechnodub, ASULutzy thanks a lot!18:36
ItJessid : i agree also about netstat18:36
jessid It, ok, thanks a lot!!!!18:36
technodubjessid :>18:36
Itbut maybe sudo netstat if you have default settings...18:36
ASULutzyjessid: There's also fuser18:36
d-techcould not stat /dev/cciss/c0d01 --- no such file or directory18:36
vigognomeYes, It, I forgot that one18:36
Itvigognome no problem18:37
jessidASULutzy ok I will try it too. thanks again!18:37
ASULutzyjessid: fuser -n tcp 506018:37
iShockK well I got a new webcam, only small problem, it lights up, but there isn't a /dev/video0 or anything .. Anyone got tipz?18:38
ItI love IRC guys18:38
vigognomeWhere or what channel can I go to to refresh my information on how XChat functions, like to relearn /msg and stuff?18:38
wisnutanyone know why running a tsclient session from intrepid causes X to lock up?  Mouse moves, can break out into CLI(using ctrl+alt+F2), but cannot move/minimize any windows on ubuntu desktop or launch new gui apps, although dos prompt in tsclient window still active. . . . . .very strange?18:38
Itit's so useful COOL18:38
skooz1yes it is <it>18:39
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omnydeviwisnut - hmm..have any themes or compiz running?18:40
d-techcannot get 71.0 x86 to partition ... any ideas18:40
wisnuti'll try turning that off and try. . . .didn't think of that18:40
omnydeviwisnut - i'd try to disable that and try again, see what happens18:41
Itdoes enybody knows how to print a utf-8 encoded string to  cp737 character-map in ms-dos prompt18:42
dwxreaperhow do I tell what type of memory I need from Ubuntu18:42
Itusing python18:42
marcelohow can I contract the path name to a minimum in the prompt? I mean fff@dddd:~/dir1/dir2/dir3/...$ to something smaller?18:42
Itbecause it prints useless characters18:42
dr_willismarcelo,  theres a bash-prompt howto - that gives 1000+s of example prompts that do that. and much more18:43
Itpython in linux cmd is fine18:43
dwxreaperhow do I tell what type of memory I need from Ubuntu18:43
kebomixhello , is there is any program equivilant to microsoft one note other than basket ?18:43
omnydevidwx - from ubuntu?18:43
Kelenwhen i make kernel with "make menuconfig", some option could not be changed. anything wrong with me? anyone could help me. plz?18:43
dwxreaperomnydevi: yes18:44
Supersaiyan_IVKelen, because they may depend on another module that needs to be enabled first18:44
omnydevidwx - i dont understand. to install ubuntu? or ...18:44
dwxreaperomnydevi: what kind of memory do I need18:45
dwxreaperddr2, etc18:45
omnydevidwx  - any should do, are you on the live cd now?18:45
KelenSupersaiyan_IV: So, How to got them relations?18:45
omnydeviram is ram...just some ram is better than other types of ram18:45
Itanybody knows how python prints correct a utf-8 string in ms-dos screen?18:45
dwxreaperomnydevi: it has to be the right memory..18:45
wisnutonmydevi:  disabling all compiz settings seems to work so far - thanks (but now i disabled too much!)18:45
omnydevidwx - put in the liveCD, if it loads, the ram will work18:45
Supersaiyan_IVKelen, trial and error18:46
dwxreaperomnydevi: that's not what i'm asking18:46
omnydeviwisnut - glad i could kinda help. :)18:46
iShockK well I got a new webcam, only small problem, it lights up, but there isn't a /dev/video0 or anything .. Anyone got tips? It's a GE MinieCam Pro, I've got the windows CD for it, but then again, this isn't Windows.18:46
Itpersonally i don't use compiz stuff18:46
kebomix is there is any program equivilant to microsoft one note other than basket ?18:46
wisnutonmydevi:  you helped. . . just forgot about compiz. . . . .18:46
KelenSupersaiyan_IV: ...18:46
omnydeviwisnut - yeah..i like compiz, just sometimes it can really mess with my head18:46
aberraticto use the python api under a c application what do i have to pkconfig?18:47
KelenSupersaiyan_IV: you tried to make yourself kernel yet?18:47
aberratici dont find the python.h ...18:47
vigognomeHow do I remove WUBI and get a clean install of 8.04 , or can I revert, or what?18:47
iShockK well I got a new webcam, only small problem, it lights up, but there isn't a /dev/video0 or anything .. Anyone got tips? It's a GE MinieCam Pro, I've got the windows CD for it, but then again, this isn't Windows. I think the problem lies here: [497969.990005] usb 3-1: SN9C105 PC Camera Controller detected (vid:pid 0x0C45:0x60FE)18:47
clansman5you guys know aby goos ebooks about gtk1.2, gtk2.0 programming?18:47
iShock[497970.110016] usb 3-1: No supported image sensor detected for this bridge18:47
dwxreaperI can probably go to a website and it will tell me18:47
Itabberatic:  i think include python.h is ok18:48
kingiShock, Try to see if it plays in vlc.18:48
iShockking: There's no /dev/video0, how can it play?...18:48
Supersaiyan_IVKelen, yes, because the Zaurus module got built ½ a year later into intrepid, which I needed18:48
Supersaiyan_IVHas anyone here tried Nvidia VDPAU with ffh264vdpau codec with any success? (Nvidia driver v180.18)18:48
kingiShock, It may now as you have to put a device location in vlc. But I thought you might as well try.18:49
pablo_i need help to run a partition of ubuntu on vmware fusion over macosx18:49
KelenSupersaiyan_IV: using menuconfig or xconfig?18:50
Supersaiyan_IVKelen, menuconfig18:50
iShockking: As I knew it wouldn't, no, it didn't work.18:50
MNZthe ubuntu intrepid disk that I can get from here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download can that run as a live cd or only install?18:50
omnydevimnz - both18:50
MNZomnydevi, ok thanks18:50
kingiShock, You mean to say it didn't work because you knew it didn't!18:50
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras18:51
vigognomeI try again, if I delete/uninstall  the WUBI from windows can I then install a stable release?18:51
kingiShock, ^18:51
Itit is Live cd18:51
iShockking: Checked both, nothing.18:51
kingiShock, sorry.18:51
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages18:51
Supersaiyan_IVthere you go Kelen18:51
mogi22quick question:  is samba the only way to share a dir on ubuntu server w/ win xp client?18:52
kingmogi22, quick answer, yes only I know of.18:52
=== root__ is now known as root__corp
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ircroot18:52
ubottuIt's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.18:52
KelenSupersaiyan_IV: what's mean?18:52
Muhammad_SaadCan I use a live CD to install just a basic command line system?18:52
mogi22king, thanx was afraid of that18:53
ASULutzyMuhammad_Saad: You probably want ubuntu-server for that?18:53
iShockCan anyone help me get a GE MiniCam Pro set up in Ubuntu? I get this error: [497970.110016] usb 3-1: No supported image sensor detected for this bridge18:53
Itmuhammad_Saad: yes18:53
kingMuhammad_Saad, No, you need alternace CD.18:53
kingIt, how?18:53
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots18:53
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vigognome! wubi18:53
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.18:53
Itwhen you install the system from a live cd18:53
Itread well the options you have on the screen18:54
Muhammad_SaadI have Xubuntu 8.10 live CD and it has a file /preseed/cli.seed. Does it have any link with my question?18:54
Itthen you will see that you can do it18:54
kingMuhammad_Saad, It does, I guess the seed file contains all the configuration and package options.18:54
sdfhow do I small screen a game?18:54
sdfas in, reduce it to the tasbar, or get my mouse out of it so I can use the other screen?18:55
iShockCan anyone help me get a GE MiniCam Pro set up in Ubuntu? I get this error: [497970.110016] usb 3-1: No supported image sensor detected for this bridge18:55
Muhammad_Saadking: so how do I make use of it?18:55
=== Solarus is now known as Solarus_
tinkywonkneed help on ubuntu 8.10 intrepid kernel 2.6.27-11 acer extensa 5210 texas 0a:06.2 Mass storage controller: Texas Instruments 5-in-1 Multimedia Card Reader (SD/MMC/MS/MS PRO/xD) can anyone please help me18:56
kingMuhammad_Saad, Sorry. What you could do is install the full system and then set the run mode to CLI so that it boots up at command prompt.18:56
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kingMuhammad_Saad, But if you don't need the GUI at all, you are better of doing a server install (if that is what you need) or using an alternate cd to choose the packages.18:56
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April -Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion18:56
kingMuhammad_Saad, You could probably use that file. I just don't know how.18:56
marcodoes ubuntu 8,10 mounts ptp cameras?18:56
CCRC-errorHow can I disable in Ubuntu 8.10 gdm? I want to use my pc without any Gui..18:56
Itking: yes he can do that in all kinds of linux easily18:56
fosco_CCRC-error: go to system - admin - services and disable gdm18:57
Wildcat_anyone know what error code -16 in dmesg means or were to find it?18:57
jensorI need help setting up Samba peer-to-peer with windows xp using the posting in ubuntu discussion by stormbringer18:57
Itbut i think ubuntu supports no gui install from live cd18:57
tinkywonkneed help on ubuntu 8.10 intrepid kernel 2.6.27-11 acer extensa 5210 Texas Instruments 5-in-1 Multimedia Card Reader (SD/MMC/MS/MS PRO/xD) can anyone please help me for some reason it seems to work but when i put a sd card in it just dont mount18:57
sdfhow can I small screen a fullscreen app like  a game?18:57
kingIt, I don't think I have seen that option ever.18:58
OrbJinzosdf: thats in the games config itself18:58
Itsdf : it depends on the game18:58
iShockCan anyone help me get a GE MiniCam Pro set up in Ubuntu? I get this error: [497970.110016] usb 3-1: No supported image sensor detected for this bridge18:58
sdfisnt there a standard ubuntu key combo to small screen18:58
sdflike windows has ctrl super18:59
sdfand alt tab18:59
king!repeat | iShock18:59
ubottuiShock: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience18:59
Itsdf : ubuntu is not windows gaming machine18:59
pdtpatricksdf normally you can press ctrl+alt+enter and that works but in your case i think it is in the game itsef18:59
kingsdf, GNOME probably has. I don't know.18:59
CCRC-errorfosco_ - I need to disable gdm from the CLI18:59
kingIt, How is that relevant to his question.18:59
tinkywonkneed help on ubuntu 8.10 intrepid kernel 2.6.27-11 acer extensa 5210 Texas Instruments 5-in-1 Multimedia Card Reader (SD/MMC/MS/MS PRO/xD) can anyone please help me for some reason it seems to work but when i put a sd card in it just dont mount18:59
CCRC-errorWhat daemon\services should I disable?18:59
ozzloyi'm using default gnome desktop with kde's konsole for my terminal.  how do i get konsole to open links with firefox?19:00
sdfIt, of course, but I assumed gnome would provide a handy way to small screen anything19:00
sdfregardless of what it is19:00
kingtinkywonk, Do other ports work / have ever worked?19:00
Itking : ok19:00
Supersaiyan_IVtinkywonk, does dmesg display some info that he device has connected?19:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gdm19:00
CCRC-errorok, thanks.19:00
pdtpatricksdf look look in the game settings itself and see whether that allows you.19:00
Itsdf : i don't currently know how19:00
nonix4tinkywonk: and does dmesg show more lines when you plug the card in?19:01
sdfpdtpatrick, it doesnt19:01
Itsdf: i don't play games but in settings of the game it might be an answer19:01
b1gbawxever since i selected x windows to not load on startup my usb external harddrive wont load while in x. is there a way to fix this19:01
Itrather than gnome19:01
sdfi cant imagine why gnome haven't added this feature19:01
aberraticwhere is python.h in ubuntu?19:01
Wildcat_nonix4: is there someoen that list the error code for demsg?19:01
tinkywonk<king> not sure to be honest not tried them yet as got no usb devices available and yes dmesg says 932.228107] tifm_core: MMC/SD card detected in socket 0:119:01
tinkywonk 19:01
Itaberratic check www.python.org19:01
CCRC-errorp.s After my computer started, I did Ctrl+Alt F1 & started to configure my system from the CLI without login to the gnome, while I did /etc/init.d/gdm stop the gdmgreeter has continue to live, even after killing it it was relaunched - how can I disable it?19:01
|c0mmissar|hi I want to twin screen ubuntu 8.10 with an Nvidia gforce 6200 oc. my tty1 shows on the tv but when I ctrl+alt+F7 to go to xserver I get nothing on the tv out side. any thoughts?19:02
pdtpatricksdf did u try the alt+ctl + enter? im sure there is a key combination for it .. if not then query google. Im sure another user probably ran into the same problem and resolved it19:02
tinkywonkits a fresh install as just trying ubuntu out and i must say good so far19:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about card19:02
sdfpdtpatrick, yeah that just makes it go to ne screen rather than 219:02
hckyplayer024hi Im trying to connect to my encrypted network and i cannot connect to any encrypted network. i have Wicd installed and I know my key is right. does anyone know what I can do?19:02
king|c0mmissar|, I guess the CLI is not X. And only X is shared.19:02
sdfpdtpatrick, i'm having trouble with google querying aswell, i cant come up with a good search that has brough up anything interesting19:02
tinkywonki have not tried any other ports at all as never use them but use my sd slot all the time19:02
kinghckyplayer024, You should be able to connect to any Encrypted network with wicd.19:03
kinghckyplayer024, run wicd from CL and look at the errors.19:03
kingtinkywonk, Did your SD slot just stop working? Did it work before?19:03
harlemdavveysapete dirmi come posso iscrivermi alla mailing list della community di traduzione per ubuntu??19:03
=== ICE__corp is now known as ICE__corp00o0
LakesProseanyone know if there is a channel for GCaldaemon ?19:03
|c0mmissar|king so it's a permissions issue?19:03
mogi22what is a command to see my partition table19:03
fliegenderfroschI’ve got a serious problem: Evolution seems to have downloaded some new mails but doesn’t show them. In the search folder for new mails it says 13 new mails on the left, but on the right it says that there are no mails in this folder. Can anyone help me?19:04
aberraticIt, i just had to install python-dev19:04
king|c0mmissar|, No it is a 'missing feature' issue would be first guess, but I am among the most ignorant people here!19:04
nonix4tinkywonk: anything like "[   54.669606] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdf] Attached SCSI removable disk" in logs though?19:04
tinkywonkit never worked from install but did work in windows before i formated and installed ubuntu19:04
hckyplayer024king: what is CL19:04
tinkywonkno nothing like that nonix419:04
kinghckyplayer024, command line. Linux without X.19:04
hckyplayer024king: okay how do i do that?19:04
tinkywonkthis is my lspci 0a:06.0 CardBus bridge: Texas Instruments PCIxx12 Cardbus Controller19:05
tinkywonk0a:06.1 FireWire (IEEE 1394): Texas Instruments PCIxx12 OHCI Compliant IEEE 1394 Host Controller (prog-if 10)19:05
tinkywonk0a:06.2 Mass storage controller: Texas Instruments 5-in-1 Multimedia Card Reader (SD/MMC/MS/MS PRO/xD)19:05
tinkywonk0a:06.3 SD Host controller: Texas Instruments PCIxx12 SDA Standard Compliant SD Host Controller19:05
FloodBot2tinkywonk: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:05
Itand CLI is command line interface..........19:05
kinghckyplayer024, I seriously doubt whether anyone can share their TTY with external output like you want to do.19:05
CCRC-errorHow can I disable, for all of the reboots, the bootsplash?19:05
tinkywonkthis is my dmesg after inserting and removing a few times19:05
tinkywonk[  493.512070] tifm_core: MMC/SD card detected in socket 0:119:05
tinkywonk[  504.185678] tifm0 : demand removing card from socket 0:119:05
tinkywonk[  755.324061] tifm_core: MMC/SD card detected in socket 0:119:05
tinkywonk[  779.191476] tifm0 : demand removing card from socket 0:119:05
tinkywonk[  932.228107] tifm_core: MMC/SD card detected in socket 0:119:05
FloodBot2tinkywonk: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:05
kinghckyplayer024, That is a feature of the X server (the GUI thing), so you need X to have that feature19:05
kingtinkywonk, !paste19:06
king!paste | tinkywonk19:06
ubottutinkywonk: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:06
sdfpdtpatrick, disabled compix and ctrl alt enter windows the game, but my mouse is still within the fame19:06
=== bjames is now known as Guest16722
Itwhat exactly is ubuntu paste?????19:06
kingIt, click to see.19:06
=== ICE__corp00o0 is now known as ICE_
=== ICE_ is now known as ICE_-
tinkywonkany ideas anyone19:06
SlimeyPeteit's a pastebin. If you paste stuff (e.g. an error message) at that website, it'll store the paste and then you can give the URL to us so that we can read it19:06
jensor<jensor> I need help setting up Samba peer-to-peer with windows xp using the posting in ubuntu forum group by stormbringer19:06
jensor<jensor> under step 2, Changing settings in windows, with wins enabled, I get error: The drive could not be mapped because no network drive could be found.19:06
nonix4tinkywonk: so... it detects that there is a card but doesn't detect it as a disk?19:07
hckyplayer024king: when i try to connect to my network, Im sure all my settings are right, It gets stuck on validating authentication19:07
|c0mmissar|oh I"ve tried so many edits to my xorg.conf & none work. there's an Nvidia x server settings applet that installed with the driver, but it doesn't even open. gives me a segmentation fault..19:07
|c0mmissar|& my network hiccups...19:07
tinkywonkthats correct nonix4 i have tried everything on all the forums but no luck i have reinstalled twice but still same thing19:07
b1gbawxever since i selected x windows to not load on startup my usb external harddrive wont load while in x. how to i set it to load usb once x loads19:08
omnydevic0mm - how did you install the nvidia driver?19:08
ItI understand what  http://paste.ubuntu.com/ is finally19:08
Itther you paste your code for and for sometime you find it online on a link19:08
Guest16722I'm about to buy a new laptop that comes with Vista.  I want to install Ubuntu, however I'd like to make a drive image before I install just in case I need to restore the laptop to factory state (e.g. if I need to send it back).  My first thought was to run an Ubuntu LiveCD, connect to a samba share and do something like dd piped through tar/gzip into a file - is there a more efficient way of creating a bit-for-bit drive image?19:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about b4319:08
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pdtpatrickquestion .. on a laptop, say you connect it to a projector.. how would you change the input so it goes to the projector? does function f8 work or does ubuntu have a different hot key for this?19:09
=== ICEk is now known as ICE---_
nonix4tinkywonk: actually that is a boot time message... don't have sd cards within sight atm to check what it should show when plugged in :/19:10
Ithow to print a utf-8 correct in ms command prompt with python?19:10
sinboxGuest16722, check clonezilla maybe19:10
Guest16722sinbox: Cheers - I'll take a look.19:10
eseven73Guest16722: is it from a company like Dell? if so it should come with a restore disk no?19:10
tinkywonki have yes and when i put it in lspci says card inserted when i take it out it says card removed i have tried booting with it in but still does no mount and show me the files19:11
Guest16722eseven73: It's a Sony and I believe they all come with a hidden recovery partition.19:11
Iteven if i encode or decode a sdtring in python only crappy characters i see on ms-dod screen19:11
tinkywonkdoes not mount that was19:11
nonix4tinkywonk: Does "dmesg | grep -i removable" list some scsi device names?19:11
eseven73Guest16722: hmmm I guess the store brands got smart and figured out people were using the restore disks on other machines lol19:11
tinkywonkno nonix419:11
Guest16722eseven73: Maybe.19:12
nonix4tinkywonk: and lsmod lists sd_mod as loaded?19:12
zigzagshow do i unfreeze my computer if it decides to freeze up? are there keyboard shortcuts for the system monitor??19:13
electroweakeseven73: you should be able to create recovery disks out of that partition.19:13
Guest16722zigzags: Ctrl+Alt+Backspace19:13
eseven73right i was just curious19:13
omnydeviGuest - you could download acronis and use that, they have a clone feature. or vice versa19:13
Guest16722zigzags: Or you can fall back to a terminal (Ctrl+F1).19:13
Glenn`I installed eggdrop on my Ubuntu, it loads perfectly, but dosen't connect to IRC. (Can't see it in netstat eighter) Any ideas what's wrong?19:13
omnydevivice versa has a free 30 day full use trial.19:14
d-techcannot install 7.10 ... partitioning fails19:14
d-techcould not stat /dev/cciss/c0d01 --- no such file or directory19:14
White_FOXLOLOLOOL http://ptlancer.freehostia.com/19:14
tinkywonkno it does not here is the details it gives http://paste.ubuntu.com/100501/  nonix419:14
electroweakeseven73: my brother created some time ago from his sony it took few dvd's I guess19:14
Ityes acronis 30 day trial can make an iso cd live that works with no limits19:14
marabouti need help installing Hardy alternate. my screen is split into two columns and I need to start over19:15
zigzagsctrl+alt+backspace makes me log out then back in. this is NOT what i meant by 'unfreeze'19:15
BXCracerhi, can i view the web page source with cat without downloading the whole page ?19:15
zigzagsis there a keyboard shortcut that will open my SYSTEM MONITOR19:15
Itanybody PYTHON ??? unicode in python? a real good explenatory how to???19:15
tinkywonksorry yes it does nonix419:16
tinkywonkdid not see that lol19:16
ASULutzy!ot | It19:16
ubottuIt: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:16
ItBXCracer better check man wget19:16
zigzagsso there are no keyboard commands to open up the system monitor?19:17
andycaswhere can i access my tv tuners svideo input?19:17
NaPsTeRhi, i need help with ubuntu19:17
ItAsuLutzy : what does !ot | It means?19:17
ASULutzy!ask | NaPsTeR19:17
ubottuNaPsTeR: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:17
BXCracerIt ok thank, i will19:17
zigzagshow the heck do i go about unfreezing my computer when it freezes up??19:18
ASULutzyIt: I was triggering the bot to remind you that #ubuntu is for ubuntu support, not for Python questions :)19:18
zigzagsot == offtopic19:18
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ASULutzyzigzags: When you say freezes up, how bad of a freeze up are we talking? Can you still use ctrl+alt+f1 to switch to tty1, or is the caps lock light blinking on and off19:18
ItAsuLutzy : OK i got it!! ok?19:18
maraboutI was using  texti was trying to install hardy alternative  somehow I'm in built in Shell (ash) cant seem to exit out -can anyone help19:19
darkblue_BIntrepid Fresh Install - why is there no vector.h ? what pkg supplies vector.h? I see lbstdc++6-4.3 dev19:19
Itzigzags: thanks for the explanation19:19
zigzagsi can still use ctrl alt F1/2/3/4 or w/e to get to text command, yes19:19
mavsman4457I am on a laptop and cant get dual screens to work anymore, it was working about a week ago then I disconnected it and now ubuntu won't detect my external display, what can I do?19:19
NaPsTeRi just installed the automatic updates and now when i turn on my pc it does the welcome sound and the mouse is working but there's no taskbars and no background...i can't do anything...wat do i do?19:19
zigzagsi havent noticed if the light blinks on n off but it probably doesnt19:19
Iti am total noob in IRC's19:20
vitinwat is this?19:20
ItI think i'll better go take a look at http://www.irchelp.org/irchelp/new2irc.html19:20
eseven73!welcome | vitin19:20
ubottuvitin: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.19:20
zigzagsso i can switch back n forth to the tty's but idk what to do once im there that will unlock the rest of my comp19:21
vitin i want messenger19:21
ICE---_it, me too19:21
White_FOXLOLOLOOL http://ptlancer.freehostia.com/ .19:21
omnydeviNaPsTeR - start in safe graphics mode, or edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and set the graphics card driver to VESA19:21
Itbye #ubuntu irc see you another day19:21
vitinhow can i get messenger19:21
eseven73!pidgin | vitin19:22
ubottuvitin: The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete19:22
maraboutis there a way to set screen resolution in Hardy alternate liveCD prior to the install process?19:22
vitinyeah i know19:22
ASULutzyzigzags: What is frozen about it? can you not do anything?19:22
vitinbut i can get a web cam there19:22
NaPsTeRomnydevi: i don't know how to do either of those things...i'm a bit of a noob.19:22
omnydeviNaPsTeR - me too. :D do you enter your user name and password when you log in?19:22
ASULutzywhen you switch to tty1, you could check top and see what process is upset19:22
galiafhi every body sorry for my english19:22
omnydevior did you do the automatic login?19:22
NaPsTeRomnydevi: no19:23
omnydeviNaPsTeR - can you get to the login screen?19:23
it_croud\who #ubuntu19:23
polimasparvierocome si entra nel canale italiano???19:23
NaPsTeRomnydevi: no19:23
galiafi have a little question conserning ubuntu19:23
eseven73!it | polimasparviero19:23
ubottupolimasparviero: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)19:23
omnydeviNaPsTeR - let me think, heh. thats a bit of a pickle.19:23
=== mikes80` is now known as mikes80
ASULutzy!ask | galiaf19:24
ubottugaliaf: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:24
mavsman4457My laptop won't detect my external monitor, how do I fix this?19:24
=== Guest89574 is now known as Blue-Omega
NaPsTeRomnydevi: ye, i can get into root terminal from recovery19:24
galiafmy tpuchpad dosen't working how to configure it, i have an xps_153019:24
eseven73vitin: maybe you could get it working in WINE, check the wine headquarters site for Yahoo! Messanger or MSN19:25
ASULutzymavsman4457: Do you know what kind of graphics adapter it has?19:25
it_croudwhy gedit does not open xchat log files?19:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about winehq19:25
darkblue_BIntrepid Fresh Install - why is there no vector.h ? what pkg supplies vector.h? I see lbstdc++6-4.3 dev19:25
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help19:25
eseven73!appdb |19:25
ubottu: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help19:25
maraboutif I choose expert mode in Hardy (alternate) LiveCd will it then allow me to set screen resolutions?19:25
omnydeviNaPsTeR - keen, from there do sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:25
eseven73dang epic fail today *needs more coffee*19:25
omnydeviwell, prolly cant gedit19:25
marcowhat's the program/package/script responsible for auto mounting devices on ubuntu?19:25
mavsman4457ASULutzy, I'm using an MSI Wind and an Envision monitor, does that help?19:26
omnydevisudo vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:26
Jack_Sparrowomnydevi, Please suggest to people gksudo gedit not sudo gedit.. thanks19:26
omnydeviwhat is gksudo gedit?19:26
marcohot_rod_hippie: yes.19:26
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)19:26
omnydevihe doesnt have graphics19:26
eseven73good catch Jack_Sparrow :)19:26
omnydevik thx19:26
omnydeviso sudo vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:26
Jack_Sparrowomnydevi, gedit is a gui app..  you told him to sudo gedit..19:27
it_croudwhy ubuntu gedit sees xchats logs as binary and refuse to open it complainig about the character encoding?19:27
ASULutzymavsman4457: they have intel adapters I believe. I would sudo apt-get install grandr && grandr19:27
marcohot_rod_hippie: namely devices that don't have file permissions understandable by linux (eg. FAT32)19:27
omnydevithen i said o wait that wont work19:27
ASULutzymavsman4457: And check if the monitor is detected there19:27
omnydevimy bad19:27
MimiDoes anyone know how I would go about making my mouse buttons (vol up/down, next/previous song) work just like they did when I installed Ubuntu? XFC86 or whatever diidnt work19:27
MimiIve reserached hard19:27
marcohot_rod_hippie: So that normal users can read what's on the thumb drives, but can't write to it19:27
NaPsTeRomnydevi: now wat19:27
it_croudi tried kate and it opend the xchat log files but gedit no19:27
ubottuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts19:27
omnydeviNaPsTeR - are you in?19:27
ubottuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto19:28
MimiJack_Sparrow, Im not that dumb....19:28
NaPsTeRomnydevi: i think so19:28
vitin_how can i get another chat19:28
omnydeviNaPsTeR - ok, vi is strange if you never used it before. What kinda graphics card ya got?19:28
Jack_SparrowMimi, I did not mean to imply anything of the sort..19:28
maraboutcan anyone explain the purpose of "expert mode"  in the hardy alternate CD19:28
it_croudok i will paste the code errors here19:28
vitin_how can i get another chat?!?!?!?!?19:29
mavsman4457ASULutzy no it didn't detect it there19:29
it_croudgedit has not been able to detect the character coding.19:29
it_croudPlease check that you are not trying to open a binary file.19:29
it_croudSelect a character coding from the menu and try again.19:29
eseven73vitin_:  /join #whatever19:29
hot_rod_hippiemarco: you should be able to change /etc/fstab to make the device write-able19:29
ASULutzy!paste | it_croud19:29
ubottuit_croud: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:29
it_croudops!! sorry19:29
Jack_SparrowMimi, What are you talking about.. I dont see any pots from you in awhile and I did not make any to you19:29
NaPsTeRomnydevi: its an ATI 9550 or something to that effect19:29
Neo_The_Userit_croud, thats the best screen name ever19:29
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vitin_am loose19:29
mavsman4457ASULutzy should I start up ubuntu with the monitor attached already or should I hook it up after I've started ubuntu?19:29
=== geo_ is now known as geo05
it_croudNeo the user thanks!!!19:29
omnydeviNaPsTeR - you are going to want to navigate to the part where is talks about your Graphics Card, and it will say DRIVER19:30
omnydeviI think it is near the bottom, use the arrow down keys19:30
code_i just got a eeepc19:30
vitin_how can i get another chat19:30
=== Mr is now known as Guest89702
marcohot_rod_hippie: right, but then every new device would get a random "/dev/sd?" file for it19:30
code_this will s ound stupid19:30
eseven73I just told you vitin_19:30
Neo_The_UserCould somebody please post the Ubuntu 8.04 LTS stock generic kernel config on pastebin?19:30
Jack_Sparrowvitin, /join #channelname19:30
code_but where is the cd drive19:30
vitin_u dont19:30
Guest89702hello-can someone tell how upgrade to the new version of Amarok?19:30
Guest89702on Ubuntu?19:30
Jack_SparrowNeo_The_User, No, please go get it yourself19:30
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages19:30
MimiJack_Sparrow, just saying that, like I said, Ive researched hard. Obviously my first instinct was to go to Keyboard Shortcuts, read about Keytouch, didn't work. Been trying for months now ^^  I guess Ill wait till Jaunty is out because i dont feel like reinstalling Ubuntu19:30
ASULutzymavsman4457: Both should work, sorry work stuff came up, ask again, maybe someone can be more helpful :)19:30
vitin_i dont know19:31
marcohot_rod_hippie: it's kludgy to use the fstab, there should be a daemon doing the automounting, don't you think?19:31
mavsman4457ok thanks19:31
Neo_The_UserI have ubuntu 8.10 installed, I just want to check out the LTS kernel config19:31
Jack_SparrowMimi, Did you see the link on mouse buttons?19:31
Guest16722zigzgas: There is a panel app. that allows you to kill unresponsive applications (that have a graphical interface), alternatively you can bring up a terminal and kill them manually.19:31
evowill_code_ : please don't flood, and the eeepc does not come with a cd drive, you can use an external cdrom drive19:31
mavsman4457ubuntu won't detect my external monitor, what can I do?19:31
marcohot_rod_hippie: and it should have some kind of documentation, but it seems something so simple is so hard to find19:31
NaPsTeRomnydevi: i'm not so sure where that is exactly. there is device, monitor and screen sections19:31
Guest16722zigzags: Or you could set a keyboard shortcut for the system monitor.19:31
omnydeviwhat is the driver for device?19:31
maraboutinstalling Hardy alternate got a message saying PNP bios error can anyone  help me with that19:31
Jack_Sparrowroot__, I strongly suggest you not browse the web as root user on your system19:32
evowill_code_ or if you are trying to install, you can use the USB memory stick method to install Ubuntu19:32
Neo_The_Useranybody willing to share the 8.04 lts kernel config?19:32
omnydeviNaPsTeR - sorry, been a while since i had to do this, and on xp at work now. sorry for the fuzziness of the answer19:32
vitin_stop stop!!!19:32
vitin_how can i get another msn?19:32
hot_rod_hippiemarco: true, i get what you're after now, but i'm not aware of how to do that19:32
Jack_Sparrow!kernel > Neo_The_User19:32
ubottuNeo_The_User, please see my private message19:32
NaPsTeRomnydevi: it says: Identifier     "Configured Video Device"19:32
Neo_The_UserJack, no19:32
iceswordroot__, open your port 22, lol19:32
omnydeviNaPsTeR - thats it?19:32
Neo_The_UserI know what a kernel is Jack19:32
b1gbawxever since i selected x windows to not load on startup my usb external harddrive wont load while in x. how to i set it to load usb once x loads19:32
marcohot_rod_hippie: thanks. Any idea where I can find decent documentation on the subject?19:33
Neo_The_UserI wrote some kernel fixes19:33
armornickhey guys, I need some peptalk. I am convinced that ubuntu is a pretty good distro, but everywhere on the net, everyone says ubuntu is for noobs, and canonical is evil, and arch and debian are much better, etc. Can anyone please give me some heads up?19:33
Jack_SparrowNeo_The_User, You are offtopic, please stopo19:33
Guest16722vitin_: Do a google for Pidgin or Empathy19:33
NaPsTeRomnydevi: so wat must i do?19:33
Neo_The_Userit's a support question. I can't find the LTS kernel config19:33
tgpraveenarmornick: canonical is definteley nor evil19:33
robiledoes anyone know a plugin for xmms to show the available playlists in an extra window or so?19:33
omnydeviNaPsTeR - where it says Configured Video Device" put the cursor on the last double quote19:33
iceswordarmornick, mhm, you will get a lot of fun if you uses debian sid, lol19:33
marcovitin_: Or just use Windows' MSN, I'm not aware of any linux client which has webcam support, if that's what you are after19:33
omnydevidevice" <---there19:33
tgpraveenarmornick: it is the best for new users19:34
omnydevias far right as it will go19:34
it_croudb1gbawx Debian is for linux masters19:34
omnydevionly using the arrow keys19:34
NaPsTeRomnydevi: k19:34
Guest16722vitin_: sudo apt-get install empathy19:34
armornickthat's the thing, I am not a new user anymore (or so I believe)19:34
omnydevithen hit A on your keyboard19:34
omnydevithen hit enter19:34
tgpraveenarmornick: arch and debian is very difficult as compared to ubuntu19:34
it_croudb1gbawx ubuntu  is for linux noobs or people with not much free time19:34
tgpraveenarmornick: well then u could give arch a try if u dont mind19:34
omnydevithen type19:34
tgpraveenhaving to do a lot of19:34
Jack_Sparrowit_croud, Not true at all.19:34
omnydeviDRIVER       "VESA"19:35
tgpraveen\commmand line work getting it installed19:35
Guest16722tgpraveen: Ubuntu - an African word meaning "unable to configure Debian" :-)19:35
it_croudb1gbawx Debian unstable is for linux masters surely19:35
omnydeviNaPsTeR - tell me when you got that :D19:35
Jack_Sparrow!ot > Guest1672219:35
ubottuGuest16722, please see my private message19:35
levi84heya, happy new year, could somebody give me some help on: printer server and some samba stuff? ty (1st time linux user)19:35
marcoit_croud: I use unstable on my laptop, and I'm just a lowly power user19:35
NaPsTeRomnydevi: done19:35
omnydevihit ESC19:35
tgpraveenGuest16722: and debian means " couldnt compile gentoo"19:35
FloodBot2omnydevi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:35
it_croudUbuntu - an African word meaning "unable to configure Debian" :-) ha haha :-)19:35
Guest16722Jack_Sparrow: What was that for?19:35
Jack_Sparrowtgpraveen, Stop thanks19:36
yellabsnice joke, however ubuntu = a configured debian19:36
omnydevithen startx and see what happens19:36
LaderiusNeed some help: I installed 8.04 afer my raid drive was not supported in 8.10(kept dropping to shell) now im trying to update and im getting an error when i use the tool to updat the error is (E: /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.24-22-generic_2.6.24-22.45_i386.deb: short read in buffer_copy (backend dpkg-deb during `./lib/modules/2.6.24-22-generic/kernel/net/decnet/decnet.ko')19:36
Jack_SparrowGuest16722  because you are offtopic. this is support19:36
=== faled_ is now known as faled
Mimiactually  Jack_Sparrow , that doesnt say anything how to make it work on all applications, as It did... I guess Ill just install Ubuntu on a virtual machine and steal the config file (whereever that is :P )   and put it on my current installation ^^ thank you though , like i said, ive been trying for months19:36
it_croudyes configured by canonical ....19:36
tgpraveenarmornick: only benefit of arch is rolling release but then stability and testing benefits goes19:36
NaPsTeRomnydevi: wat u mean :w, q19:36
it_croudnot by the user19:36
omnydevi:w will save the file19:36
it_croudfor the user19:36
omnydevi:q will exit vi19:36
it_croud:q! will force to quit19:37
Guest16722Jack_Sparrow: It was a single comment - it's not off topic, however this drawn-out set of remarks about it is.  End. :-)19:37
omnydeviafter you hit ESC :)19:37
armornickI think I'm staying with ubuntu, because I like to use my pc as soon as I've installed an OS (which Debian and Arch don't seem to be good at)19:37
omnydeviwe want to save before we force quit19:37
tgpraveenhey guys does anyone know of a way to make my nokia n73 cell work as a webcam in ubuntu.19:37
armornickbtw, how does Canonical make money anyways?19:37
tgpraveeni know a prog for this in windows19:37
it_croudyes after esc ok19:37
tgpraveenbut in ubuntu?19:37
endeavormaccan i enable xdmcd from the command line?19:37
omnydeviwhen you get back to the terminal type "startx" without quotes19:38
vitin_how i install the msn on ubuntu?19:38
tgpraveenarmornick: support is its main revenue stream.probably some companies like dell might be paying not sure19:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about amsn19:38
yellabsLaderius , have you tried apt-get update and / or setting different mirrors from where you get the packages?19:38
icesword!info amsn19:38
omnydeviif anyone can help NaPsTeR from here, I have to take my son to a dr appointment. sorry NaPsTeR, i gotta run mate19:38
ubottuamsn (source: amsn): An MSN messenger written in Tcl. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.97.2~debian-0ubuntu3 (intrepid), package size 264 kB, installed size 876 kB19:38
armornickvitin, apt-get install amsn19:38
tgpraveenarmornick: and also donations. but canonical is loosing money only.it doesnt profit19:38
omnydevibe back in a hourish or so19:38
Laderiusyelllabs, I have yet to try that19:38
NaPsTeRomnydevi: ummm...think we've gone from bad 2 worse. now i have a cross in the middles of the screen and like a sorta grey background with lines19:38
armornickwhat would happen if canonical ever goes bankrupt?19:38
vitin_how can i install the msn on ubuntu?!?19:39
tgpraveenarmornick: it is not likely mark is rich enugh ;-)19:39
iceswordvitin_, sudo apt-get install amsn19:39
Jack_Sparrowvitin, ask in winehq or install vbox etc19:39
tgpraveenhey guys does anyone know of a way to make my nokia n73 cell work as a webcam in ubuntu.19:39
tgpraveen<tgpraveen>i know a prog for this in windows19:39
comradekinguvitin_: Or use pidgin19:39
marcovitln_:you can't. The official MSN Messenger client is only officialy avaliable for Windows systems19:39
yellabsvitin_ you can use pidgin with msn19:39
marcovitln_:as the other users said, you can use alternatives, but they aren't likely to support all the features of the offical client19:40
racquadhi guys, I have a doubt about using evolution with spamassassin and IMAP.19:40
yellabsits in applications . internet / pidgin19:40
racquadHow can I configure evolution to scan my IMAP messages for spam?19:40
yellabsjust setup the account19:40
armornickI think amsn comes closest to the official msn client19:40
Laderiusyellabs, i 'sudo apt-get update' and now it says its done and is back at a prompt whats next?19:40
sliggyhey everyone19:40
Jack_SparrowNaPsTeR, Please restate your question and what has been done so far19:41
vitin_so i need to use pidgin only?19:41
tgpraveenlast time i am asking19:41
yellabstry again the install you wanted19:41
tgpraveenhey guys does anyone know of a way to make my nokia n73 cell work as a webcam in ubuntu.19:41
SiVA_can someone help me create a new wifi connection?19:41
Laderiusyellabs, says i have 3 broken packages :/19:41
yellabsvitin_ give it an try setup msn19:41
vitin_i can use other one?19:41
armornicktgpraveen, I know it's unlikely, but ultimately, is canonical the owner of ubuntu or is it a community effort19:41
psycosei, i look for some help using conduit to sync two folders on 2 ubuntu intrepid on a LAN, the local sync of 2 folders on 1 system works ... thanks19:41
SiVA_iwlist shows me the device is working and I can scan to find my router19:41
SiVA_so I know it's working19:41
marcovitln_: no, you can use others, which may or may not support more of the messenger protocol. Pidgin is quite popular though19:41
comradekingutpgraveen: what is the windows program called?19:41
yellabsLaderius, do you have an desktop running?19:41
NaPsTeRi ran an automatic update and now when i run my pc it doesn't start up properly, i don't have taskbars and i can't do anything...can any1 help?19:41
Laderiusyellabs, Yes19:41
tgpraveenarmornick: combination of both19:41
SiVA_but the wifi router doesn't come up in the network gui tool19:42
Jack_Sparrowarmornick, community19:42
yellabsLaderius, you can use synaptic to fix the packages19:42
tgpraveenthere are few conanoical employees also19:42
sliggyI'm trying to get Ubuntu to connect to an OS X server via LDAP, so I got everything configured based on the guide on help.ubuntu.com, and I can see all of the LDAP users when I type 'getent passwd' but I can't login as them at the login prompt. Does anyone know how I could solve this?19:42
racquadHow can I configure evolution to scan my IMAP messages for spam?19:42
yellabsLaderius, filter for broken packages19:42
hot_rod_hippiemarco: i don't know where to look.  there is a program in the repos called Mount Manager, but I haven't done anything with it (sounds like a graphical tool for /etc/fstab)19:42
armornickso if canonical would ever stop working on ubuntu, the community could just take over?19:42
tgpraveencomradekingu: will have  to check but19:42
Laderiusyelllabs, doning it now, the package is the linux image one19:42
sliggyarmornick: yes19:42
tgpraveenhow willl that help19:42
tgpraveencant run it in wine19:42
ASULutzyarmornick: this is an Ubuntu support channel, that's offtopic.19:43
Jack_Sparrowarmornick, Please take discussions to another room, this is support19:43
Laderiusyellabs, i get this error E: /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.24-22-generic_2.6.24-22.45_i386.deb: short read in buffer_copy (backend dpkg-deb during `./lib/modules/2.6.24-22-generic/kernel/net/decnet/decnet.ko')19:43
tgpraveenand that same software aint19:43
tgpraveenfor linux19:43
armornicksorry, say no more19:43
psycosejoin #conduit19:43
ASULutzy!enter | tgpraveen19:43
ubottutgpraveen: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:43
tgpraveenso is there any other idea19:43
maraboutneed some help ubuntu hardy alternate text installer has left side text on right and right side text on left. Should I assume it willbe correct after install?19:43
sliggyI'm trying to get Ubuntu to connect to an OS X server via LDAP, so I got everything configured based on the guide on help.ubuntu.com, and I can see all of the LDAP users when I type 'getent passwd' but I can't login as them at the login prompt. Does anyone know how I could solve this?19:43
yellabsspam ass and imap read  short read in buffer_copy19:44
Jack_Sparrowmarabout, What video card?19:44
marcohot_rod_hippie: thanks for finding this. How it auto mounts USB devices continues a mistery though, eh?19:44
maraboutvia chrome9 hc igp19:44
yellabsfor spam and imap. some read that might help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9960319:44
Wyhiwylwhich versions of OpenOffice can open .docx files?19:44
Laderiusyellabs, what could be causing the error thios is the package that is broken (linux-image-2.6.24-22-generic (version 2.6.24-22.45) will be installed)19:45
hot_rod_hippiemarco: as far as i can tell, yes19:45
maraboutJack_sparrow: via chrome9 hc igp19:45
levi84Wyhiwyl:  v 3.019:45
Jack_Sparrowmarabout, ugh, sorry, YOu almost better off running that card as vesa19:45
Wyhiwyllevi84: what about 2.x?19:45
Jack_Sparrowmarabout,  You can try this..  TO force vesa mode: At start or install press F6 and remove quiet splash and add these xmodule=vesa xdrvr=vesa, res=1024x76819:46
yellabsLaderius, hold on, ...19:46
maraboutJack_sparrow: hoped the alternate hardy cd with text install would help rectify I can follow the prompts but not sure what the end product will be19:46
marcohot_rod_hippie: oh well, bugger. Thank you so much for spending time on my question. It was really appreciated.19:46
hot_rod_hippiemarco: good luck19:46
Jack_Sparrowmarabout, If you have livecd handy .. try what I posted.19:46
Laderiusyellabs, okay19:47
maraboutJack_sparrow: should I jettison this install or do what you mentioned after/if this fails?19:47
yellabsLaderius, could you read this webpage and say if its the same error ? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=46862419:47
sliggyNo answers to my question?19:47
levi84Wyhiwyl: sorry not only 3.019:47
Jack_Sparrowmarabout, I would bail now if your screen is left/right chalenged19:47
Ninja_to sliggy what was your q?19:48
sliggyninja_ I'm trying to get Ubuntu to connect to an OS X server via LDAP, so I got everything configured based on the guide on help.ubuntu.com, and I can see all of the LDAP users when I type 'getent passwd' but I can't login as them at the login prompt. Does anyone know how I could solve this?19:48
=== graham_ is now known as gray--
Wyhiwyllevi84: so OOo can open .docx from which version?19:48
DammitJimhi all19:49
racquadHow can I configure evolution to scan my IMAP messages for spam?19:49
Ninja_sorry that is abit above my head reseting is the only recommendation19:49
SiVA_how can I configure a wifi connection via the console?19:49
DammitJimI'm having a problem19:49
yellabsnewer versions can open docx19:49
DammitJimwith mysql on ubuntu intrepid19:49
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:49
yellabsfrom 3 on19:49
Ninja_or check hardware but it sounds complex19:49
maraboutJack_Sparrow: Ok I see your point. Need to burn a Live hardy.  what cdm will take me outta here as I am at the [!!] Partition discs part19:49
AnaisCareMaizIt says this on the apps chart when I try to install opera, doesnt even let me check it. Weird because I used it before on this same machine on Ubuntu 8.04 too, how can I fix it?: Opera cannot be installed on your computer type (amd64). Either the application requires special hardware features or the vendor decided to not support your computer type.19:49
Jack_Sparrowmarabout, escape should19:49
levi84Wyhiwyl: i know that only from v3.0 can read, don't know past version witch could read .xdoc19:50
zleap1xdoc or docx19:50
zleap1i think 2.4.1 could read docx19:50
sliggyNinja_ I'm guessing you've had no luck finding a solution to that either, I've been searching around for days19:50
Ninja_yeah very sorry i can't help but that is not a field that iam good in19:51
Jack_Sparrowmarabout, To get live cd to run this often helps..At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--"..   is my general suggestion19:51
sliggyNinja_ do you know of a good place to ask that, I've tried the Ubuntu forums but nobody responds19:51
yellabsAnaisCareMaiz for opera 64 bit http://www.opera.com/browser/download/?os=linux-x86-64&list=all19:51
Ninja_sorry i can't help, the ubuntu forum would have been my only recomendation19:52
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:52
AnaisCareMaizyell0w, I will try it, thanks19:52
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras19:52
marcohot_rod_hippie: In case you are still interested, it seems that "gnome-volume-manager" handles the auto-mounting of devices on Ubuntu. Why, oh, why rely on a Gnome tool to handle mounting is beyond my ability to comprehend ;-)19:53
maraboutJack_Sparrow: esc only backs me up one level doesnt free me from this prison cell I'm in. BTW and added noapic and nolapic to the line but did not delete quiet splash also checked 'expert mode'19:53
LinuxGhostsomeone knows how to add mithtv repository to ubuntu?19:53
marcohot_rod_hippie: it seems to rely on HAL (seems like a kludge to detect changes to the system) to know what to mount19:54
Jack_Sparrowmarabout, I have not used alt-expert mode in some time but once you are out of the partitioner you should be able to kill that off19:54
ZINGhey I am wanting to learn to program in Linux... what would be a good book to start out on?19:54
celdridgewas wondering if anyone can help with a Logitech Quickcam express in 8.10.  I get the message that its attached to /dev/video0 in dmesg, but when i try to open it with any program it says not available19:54
Laderiusyellabs, that fixed it thanks...19:54
yellabsgood np19:54
hot_rod_hippiemarco: cool, thanks19:54
Jack_SparrowLinuxGhost, mythtv has a channel19:54
LaderiusWhere can i ask questions about software?19:54
maraboutJack_Sparrow: maybe it was adding the expert mode that caused this left-right shift problem...?19:54
pop79hi. I just got an m-audio oxygen 8v2 midi keyboard today, how do i get it to work with ubuntu?19:54
Jack_Sparrowmarabout, I doubt it19:54
Laderiuswhat is mediubuntu?19:55
LinuxGhostwhat is the mithtv channelA?19:55
yellabsits an ubuntu spinoff19:55
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org19:55
erUSUL!medibuntu > Laderius19:55
ubottuLaderius, please see my private message19:55
evowill_!medibuntu | Laderius19:55
ubottuLaderius: please see above19:55
it_croudmedibuntu is for not gpl software19:55
it_croudlike w32codecs19:55
Laderiuswhats it used for then19:55
yellabsand software19:55
erUSULit_croud: no; is for patented software19:55
Laderiusin practal terms19:55
ZINGhey I am wanting to learn to program in Linux... what would be a good book to start out on?19:55
LinuxGhostmithtv please19:55
yellabslots of answers ...lol19:56
Jack_SparrowLinuxGhost, /join #Mythtv19:56
LinuxGhostai want to install mithtv on ubuntu19:56
Laderiusthats a plus yellabs :D19:56
it_crouderUSUL yes pattetnte soft ok!!!!19:56
erUSULLaderius: things that ubuntu can not offer due to licensing/patenting issues is offered there19:56
pop79hi. I just got an m-audio oxygen 8v2 midi keyboard today, how do i get it to work with ubuntu? thank you19:56
LaderiuserUSUL, in theroy it would be a good idea to add?19:56
Jack_SparrowLaderius, Yes19:56
maraboutJack_Sparrow: i hit ctl-alt f2 and now i am at a black screen which says "Please press (blank _ Ent  this console" - cant get all the text since it is split and opposite where is should be19:57
yellabsZING there are many books, because lots of program langauge exist19:57
LaderiusAnything else to make life easier i should know about?19:57
Jack_Sparrowmarabout, You are not on the hard drive so you can power down19:57
ZINGi know but what would be the best one to learn based on in demand and pay grade19:57
yellabsZING for example python , wich is some what favorite in ubuntu developers19:57
maraboutJack_Sparrow: pressed enter give me some info regarding  Built in shell (ash)  BusyBox v1.1.3 - Ok Thanks19:58
celdridgewas wondering if anyone can help with a Logitech Quickcam express in 8.10.  I get the message that its attached to /dev/video0 in dmesg, but when i try to open it with any program it says not available19:58
KatangawiseHi! I know that in Ubuntu I can open "Run" dialog.. How can I do that? Thanks!19:58
NaPsTeRi really need help19:58
maraboutjack_Sparrow: **gave19:58
DIFH-icerootKatangawise: alt + f219:58
KatangawiseDIFH-iceroot, Thanks!19:58
pop79Katangawise: ctr-f219:58
yellabsZING you can take an look here, but there are many other choices https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Programming19:58
pop79i didnt see that :)19:58
pop79hi. I just got an m-audio oxygen 8v2 midi keyboard today, how do i get it to work with ubuntu?19:59
erUSULLaderius: you need it for libdvdcss needed to watch dvd's w32codecs is there too. There are packages for acrobat reader... it is usefull19:59
yellabsceldridge did you try ekiga ?20:00
erUSULLaderius: althought you have to be aware of the legal implications...20:00
macman_so all .. im trying to play a .wmv file .. i have installed medibuntu .. w32codec and libdvdcss with no change .. any ideas ?20:00
tgpraveenerUSUL: in which countries is it illegal to use the codecs?20:00
LaderiuserUSUL Thanks :P20:00
=== Wyhiwyl is now known as WyHiWyL
tgpraveeni always wanted to know the legal status of the codecs?20:00
evowill_macman_,  if it is encrypted you will not be able to play the .wmv20:00
pop79hi. I just got an m-audio oxygen 8v2 midi keyboard today, how do i get it to work with ubuntu?20:00
macman_i've tried kaffeine , mplayer , gxine .. nothing lets me play the file20:01
LaderiusStupid question, how do i confirm my installtion of ubuntu which version?20:01
yellabsceldridge plugin the webcam and try if it works with ekiga or camorama , you can also take an read here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam20:01
maraboutJack_Sparrow: the F6 apci advice you gave was for the regular hardy CD as opposed to the alternate one correct?20:01
macman_evowill_, even thought i have all the codec to play it ?20:01
sliggyLaderius what do you mean20:01
tgpraveenLaderius: try system monitor from20:01
celdridgeyellabs: yes camorama is what im using to test .. it does not work20:01
erUSULtgpraveen: well i'm not expert but in the u.s.a using libdvdcss or some codecs woulb be illegall due to DMCA no?20:01
tgpraveenpreferences menu20:01
aberratichow do i download rsvg-view?20:01
tgpraveenerUSUL: i am frm india . any one else have any idea20:01
sliggyaberratic: try sudo apt-get install rsvg-view20:02
WyHiWyLmacman_: maybe it's not a .wmv file, try command $ file to know20:02
LinuxGhosthi, on mithtv is empty room, how to install mithtv20:02
aberraticPackage was not found20:02
tgpraveenLinuxGhost: its mythtv and check their site20:02
sliggyLinuxGhost: try #mythtv kiddo20:02
evowill_Laderius, lsb_release -a20:02
tgpraveenfor official irc room20:02
ardchoilleLinuxGhost: it's mythtv20:02
pop79I have 2 devices that i cant get to work with ubuntu, the m-audio oxygen8 v2 midi keybord and the genius g-pen 450. can anybody help me?20:02
xangaberratic: sudo apt-cache search rsvg-view20:02
RaZMataZLaderius, $cat /proc/version ?20:02
tgpraveenpop79: what problems are u facing20:02
pop79it dosnt work20:03
yellabsceldridge https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam20:03
sliggypop79: what are you trying to do with them20:03
ardchoilleLaderius: lsb_release -a20:03
macman_wyggler2, what do you mean command $ file ?20:03
Laderiussec too many answers :P i just wanna know if its hardy or intrepid20:03
pdtpatrickon ubuntu upgrades.. why does it say the following packages have been held back.. if i run sudo apt-get upgrade it doesnt upgrade them unless i click on the gui and press install..20:03
sliggypop79: Like, which applications do you want to run with it20:03
pop79i dont really know20:03
tgpraveenpop79: did u google it. try to use lsusb and lspci in terminal20:03
sliggypop79: ...20:03
evowill_pdtpatrick, dist-upgrade instead of upgrade20:04
tgpraveenand see if they are recognised ie their entry comes or not20:04
Laderiussystem monitor worked fine :P20:04
pop79i would like to use the g-pen to be a mouse20:04
Laderiusits hardy20:04
pdtpatrickthanks evowill :)20:04
yellabsceldridge lsusb will show what is is20:04
erUSULpdtpatrick: those usually get installed if you use dist-upgrade20:04
celdridgeyellabs: thanks but that site is pretty much non-helpful ... no information on this cam and no info that is up to date20:04
WyHiWyLpdtpatrick: this only happens with the kernel update, right?20:04
Laderiusalso, how can i confirm my all of my devices are operating at full potential20:04
celdridgeyellabs: its a quickcam express20:04
NaPsTeRi'm really stuck20:04
evowill_Laderius, try them :-)20:04
RaZMataZLaderius, test em20:04
tgpraveenpop79: run the commands that i told u.20:04
pdtpatrickyes only with the kernel upgrade20:05
pdtpatrickyes only with the kernel upgradeLTS~20:05
LaderiusAny Advice on how to stress test my PC20:05
tgpraveenand see if it has entries for the devices u require20:05
evowill_!ask | NaPsTeR20:05
yellabsceldridge what version of ubuntu?20:05
ubottuNaPsTeR: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:05
ZING?join #linux20:05
ZING!join #linux20:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about join #linux20:05
erUSULZING: /join20:05
celdridgeyellabs: 8.1020:05
pop79tgpraveen: this is what came up: Bus 006 Device 002: ID 07ab:fc05 Freecom Technologies20:06
pop79Bus 006 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub20:06
pop79Bus 005 Device 003: ID 15ca:00c3 Textech International Ltd. Mini Optical Mouse20:06
pop79Bus 005 Device 002: ID 058f:9360 Alcor Micro Corp. 8-in-1 Media Card Reader20:06
pop79Bus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub20:06
FloodBot2pop79: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:06
pop79Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub20:06
NaPsTeRi'm trying...my pc is not finishing startup20:06
evowill_!details | NaPsTeR20:06
ubottuNaPsTeR: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:06
tgpraveenpop79: this is for which command ? was the device plugged in.20:07
yellabsceldridge there seems to be an lot of problems with this webcam and ubuntu 8.1020:07
celdridgeyellabs: yeah .. all webcams pretty much20:07
pop79the lsub command20:07
NaPsTeRwhen i boot up my pc it plays the welcome sound but that is all...i don't get taskbars or anything and i can't do anything...only move the mouse20:07
evowill_NaPsTeR, we need details to be able to help you20:07
celdridgeyellabs: dmesg [21899.828206] quickcam: Registered device: /dev/video020:07
celdridgebut nothing there20:07
evowill_NaPsTeR, I will send you a PM20:07
NaPsTeRbut there is nothing to click20:08
jose__hello, all20:08
pop79!howdy |jose_20:08
ubottujose_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!20:08
yellabsceldridge  i wonder if it works on 8.0420:08
tgpraveenpop79: try lspci also20:08
macman_WyHiWyL, what does command $ file mean ?20:08
aberraticxang, thanks, I now know that it comes with the librsvg bin packages20:09
Laderiusnow that i installed medibuntu, how do i see whats avaible?20:09
jose__I have recently been exposed to Ubuntu because of loading Xubuntu on an Ancient Pentium 2 Gateway and rescuing it.  In fact, it's how I'm on IRC roght now20:09
blutrilleanyone have experience working with customization of the boot process for live 8.10?20:09
macman_so guess what you guys .. i just did a test .. i downloaded some random wmv off of the INTERNET to my desktop and it is playing20:10
yellabsceldridge  its an bug....https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/29317620:10
pyraki can't connect to a wpa enterprise network anymore, after upgrading to intrepid20:10
macman_WyHiWyL, you there ?20:10
pyrakit won't let me choose the correct private key20:10
WyHiWyLmacman_: $ file /path/to/.wmvfile tell what exactly the filetype is, i think maybe it's not .wmv really20:10
lacitaI can't get the sound working on my Lenovo 3000 Y410. I have tried updating to the latest drivers, and altering the alsa_base file... It just won't work...20:10
jose__my question for this forum is this:how do I know when I should install Ubuntu, as opposed to Xubuntu on a laptop PC my friend has given up on.  what are the minimum specs for it to be comfortably usable, or is it better to stick with Xubuntu?20:11
macman_WyHiWyL, /home/macman/Desktop/twlight.wmv: Microsoft ASF20:11
ZummiG777Question: Is anybody familiar with FWBuilder?20:11
unr3a1hey all20:11
tgpraveenjose__: state the specs of lappy20:11
xangaberratic: You are welcome :)20:11
unr3a1is there an app that can extract any ISO to a flash drive and make the flash drive bootable?20:12
yellabsceldridge  i know its a bit techical read but it might give some insight into your problem , so here is the url again https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/29317620:12
pyrakhelp connecting to wpa network?  ability to authenticate broke after upgrade to intrepid20:12
evowill_unr3a1, unetbootin20:12
Serafeimi have serious problem with my usb hubs. Anyone who thinks that can help me, please sent me a message to send you the system logs, thank you20:13
WyHiWyLmacman_: have you tried play the file with mplayer, it works just fine for me20:13
jose__tgpraveen: I don't have them on me, it's why I wanted to know the minimum specs for running it comfortably20:13
blutrilleAnyone have experience customizing Live 8.10 boot process ... dont want to boot to the ubuntu account ... would rather system boot to a user login screen .... any help?20:13
tgpraveeni think for ubuntu its 384mb ram20:13
phobiacI'm having a problem with installing linux on my netbook, the install works fine up until the partitioning of the hard drive. The installation doesn't auto detect the driver for the hd, and I have no idea what driver to use. The drive is a Toshiba MK6028GAL ATA device, according to windows. Any one know what driver I should use or where I can find out?20:13
yellabslacita : i hope you are not afraid to read Lenovo 3000 Y41020:14
tgpraveenjose__: processor not sure check the ubuntu site or google it20:14
macman_ok .. one sec20:14
marcowhy UDF dvds don't mount on my ubuntu box?20:14
yellabslacita : i hope you are not afraid to read http://forums.lenovo.com/lnv/board/message?board.id=N_Series_Lenovo_3000&message.id=772220:14
maraboutJack_Sparrow: fixed screen problems by inputting "Live vga=771 napic nolapic" on the alternate CD I am the configure network screen of the menu I'll keep you updated sporadically if that's ok20:14
lacitayellabs, thanks...20:14
jose__I'm pretty sure it's only a few years old, so I know it'll run Xubuntu just fine.  I'll get my hands on it this evening20:14
evowill_blutrille, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomizationFromScratch20:15
pop79i need the genius g-pen 450 to work with ubuntu as a mouse and to work with gimp. how do i do this?20:15
lacitayellabs, thanks... but I've already tried it.20:15
macman_WyHiWyL, so say i play it with mplayer .. i want to convert it to mpg so i can use devde to make it into a movie20:15
yellabsto bad20:15
Jack_Sparrowmarabout, glad to hear it20:15
=== khisanth_ is now known as Khisanth
jose__heck, if this pentium 2 384 MB RAM with a 13GB HD can run Xubuntu, then this thing will fly20:15
mylogicis alpha 2 the newest release of jaunty?20:16
blutrilleevowill_: ok thx ill look into it20:16
yellabslacita , you also treid to select an other sound system like oss?20:16
maraboutJack_Sparrow: can you tell me what "live vga=771" means?20:16
WyHiWyLmacman_: you can use ffmpeg to convert20:16
Kristoffercan anyone help me with a software question?20:16
Jack_Sparrowmylogic, Try #ubuntu+120:16
_Zeus_How can I install a tgz from launchpad source?20:16
macman_WyHiWyL, what is the command .. mplayer file1 ?20:16
DIFH-icerootKristoffer: how should we know?20:16
Jack_Sparrowmarabout, You are forcing vesa/vga res20:16
yellabslacita , in system / preferences / sound?20:16
lacitayellabs, I had it working with alsa before.20:16
torcis there a way to access my Wine folder (linux) from Windows?20:16
Jack_Sparrow!compile > _Zeus_20:16
ubottu_Zeus_, please see my private message20:17
evowill_blutrille, also if you don't want to do it yourself, you can find some others have already done what you as, let google be your guide :-)20:17
WyHiWyLmacman_: are you trying to play or convert the file?20:17
macman_WyHiWyL, play it first .. if it works then convert it20:17
evowill_as = ask20:17
=== White_FOX is now known as NOHELL
NOHELLLOLOLOOL http://ptlancer.freehostia.com/ .20:17
NOHELLLOLOLOOL http://ptlancer.freehostia.com/20:17
maraboutJack_Sparrow: I hope that is a good thing. It seems near to what you were indicating if Im not mistaken?20:17
yellabslacita , in system / preferences / sound? take an look anyway, to see if its set to alsa20:17
NOHELLLOLOLOOL http://ptlancer.freehostia.com/ .20:17
Jack_Sparrow_Zeus_  It is still way better to stick to the official repos20:17
lacitayellabs, no. the test fails20:17
yellabsi see20:17
torcwhat are some excellent sound/video file conversion software for linux?20:17
_Zeus_Jack_Sparrow: I know how to do it like that, there is no configure file20:17
_Zeus_and make or make install does nothing20:17
pop79wat is new with the 9.04 development release?20:17
lacitayellabs, yes, also is selected, but OSS doesn't work either.20:17
WyHiWyLwhy don't you play it frist and tell me if it works?20:17
torcis there a way to access my Wine folder (linux) from Windows?20:18
meho_Hey Jack Whats the crack20:18
hwilde!jackalope > pop7920:18
ubottupop79, please see my private message20:18
Kristofferwell the company i work for is switching all of their systems to ubuntu which is wonderful. I have been tasked to find a human resource application that can keep track of employee information along with time off requests and if possible help with employee scheduling. is their any type applications you can recommend me checking out?20:18
macman_WyHiWyL, it won't i get an error .. "ProcessInputError "20:18
Jack_Sparrow_Zeus_  Then it isnt something I would trust to  install on my machine20:18
marcoSome dvds written on Vista are not opening on my ubuntu box, it seems to be an UDF issue. Anyone knows anything about this?20:18
_Zeus_it's from launchpad.net20:18
omarukoi need help20:18
hwildetorc, Linux can read and write ntfs, so move your files from linux to windows that way20:18
hwilde!ntfs > torc20:18
ubottutorc, please see my private message20:18
hwildeomaruko, ask your question, if you can in one line20:18
omarukoi think that i have problems to run compiz fusion20:18
Jack_SparrowKristoffer, Put it into a spreadsheet..20:18
hwilde!compiz > omaruko20:18
ubottuomaruko, please see my private message20:18
meho_Kristoffer: use the one u used up till now but use it aling side wine and its going to be like propper20:19
aberraticwhere can I get a python2.5.pc pkg-config file?20:19
hwildemarco, why do you say some?  some work then?20:19
DustBunniesMaybe I'm a huge noob, but when I tell my computer to use Ubuntu (I duel boot with XP) it starts up with a GRUB Command Line Interface and I don't know what commands to type to start a GUI20:19
mylogicKristoffer: http://webscripts.softpedia.com/script/Portal-Systems/Human-Resources-3500.html20:19
Kristoffermeho it actually crashes under wine20:19
WyHiWyLmacman_: in this situation, i dont know how to fix you prob, maybe your file is damaged. sorry!20:19
hwildeDustBunnies,  what does the command line prompt say20:19
MariachiACHello. I just have a quick question. I use ubuntu with the orca screen reader. why does the Ubuntu community choose pulseaduio over alsa?20:19
macman_hmm.. cool WyHiWyL thanks20:19
hwilde!alsa > MariachiAC20:20
ubottuMariachiAC, please see my private message20:20
hwilde!pulse > MariachiAC20:20
marcohwilde: yes, it seems vista writes in good ole' ISO9660 and the UDF thing. The UDF thing seems to be incompatible with my ubuntu box20:20
yellabslacita , i am looking around a bit to see if i can come up with an answer20:20
DustBunniesI didn't copy down the text that is at the top, but it is something about press TAB for a list of options, it doesn't state what command to start the GUI I think20:20
DustBunniesIts grub>20:20
hwildemarco, but you said "some" so some of them work?20:20
WyHiWyLmacman_: maybe you should try $ffmpeg -i /path/to/file and tell me the result20:20
hwildeDustBunnies, did you try just hitting enter?20:20
DustBunnieshitting enter just put grub> again20:21
omarukosome body help20:21
WyHiWyLmacman_: the command will show you more details about the file20:21
DustBunniesBut then again, I've typed help and used tab before I press entered to try to figure it out20:21
hwildeDustBunnies, well just ytpe in "boot"20:21
DustBunnieshmm I guess I'll try that, I asked another ubuntu user and he said startx (which didn't work)20:21
iceswordDustBunnies, restate it20:21
tgpraveenomaruko: detail your problems20:21
yellabslacita , last try for you , http://forums.lenovo.com/lnv/board/message?board.id=N_Series_Lenovo_3000&message.id=213120:22
meho_Ok anyone know where the ubuntu appl is in ubuntu as i want to resume my torrents its important20:22
hwildeDustBunnies, you are at the Grub boot loader, it hasn't loaded any OS yet20:22
tgpraveenomaruko: describe what exactly is the prob20:22
Jack_Sparrowmarabout, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VESA_BIOS_Extensions#Linux_video_mode_numbers20:22
tgpraveenbye everyone20:22
hwildeDustBunnies, also you should never be seeing that prompt.  what changed on your computer20:22
yellabslacita , i hope you can get it working, got to go now, its late20:22
meho_i ment bittorrent20:22
DustBunniesI have been using XP for a while20:22
yellabsbye all20:22
MariachiACok thank you.20:22
DustBunniesthen I decided to use ubuntu20:22
DustBunniesso I burned a CD20:22
DustBunniesI installed it20:22
FloodBot2DustBunnies: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:22
hwilde!enter > DustBunnies20:22
ubottuDustBunnies, please see my private message20:22
StuckMojohow the fook do you actually completely disable POS pulseaudio in 8.10???20:23
hwilde!attitude > StuckMojo20:23
ubottuStuckMojo, please see my private message20:23
hwilde!alsa > StuckMojo20:23
Laderiusnow that i installed medibuntu, how do i see whats avaible?20:23
hwildeDustBunnies, try just typing "boot" if you could20:23
hwilde!medibuntu | Laderius20:23
ubottuLaderius: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org20:23
DustBunniesI will, thank you. I'll restart and try that20:23
Jack_SparrowLaderius, Browse with synaptic, but they are not differenciated from the other programs on opther repos20:23
macman_WyHiWyL, http://paste.ubuntu.com/100554/20:24
LaderiusJack_Sparrow thanks20:24
marcohwilde: Yes. the ones written using ISO9660 seem to work fine. Only the ones using UDF seem to be incompatible20:24
Laderiusalso, is there a ubuntu port for utorrent?20:24
pop79what is the pastebin?20:24
StuckMojohwilde: the only way i was able to get it to turn off, despite trying all the methods on the forums, was to change /usr/bin/pulseaudio to a symlink to /bin/true20:24
maraboutJack_Sparrow: oh snap! 771 is for a 800x600 display whereas mine is a 1280x800 I hope I can rectify this later. thoughts...20:24
Jack_Sparrowmarabout, So you got that link20:25
StuckMojohwilde: which gets overwritten every time the pulse packages get upgraded20:25
MariachiACSo I woudl hasve ot stay with pulse audio thten. It just seems a bit slow with speech as far as thats concerned.20:25
hwildeStuckMojo, if you are really sure that's what you want to do....    sudo apt-get remove --purge pulseaudio20:25
yellabsmacman ffmpeg -i nameinputfile nameoutputfile20:25
maraboutJack_Sparrow: yes thanx should have acknowledged that20:25
hwildemarco, there are posts all over about your problem and it sounds like a Vista issue.  ubuntu can obviously read dvds20:25
StuckMojohwilde: for some reason gnome-session starts it even if you've got disabled in /etc/X11/Xsession.d20:25
Jack_Sparrowmarabout, np20:25
hwildeStuckMojo, not if you remove --purge it.20:26
StuckMojohwilde: yeah problem with that is about 40 packages in gnome depend on it20:26
yellabsmacman ffmpeg --help20:26
conterprohi, i seek tried usb-phone for skype (Linux ubu 8.10). pls reference20:26
StuckMojohwilde: well...actually it's only the metapackage ubuntu-desktop20:26
StuckMojohwilde: but removing that will screw up upgrades and such20:27
marcohwilde: it can read DVDs of a specific format. It is incompatible with newer UDF DVDs because no one seems to bother about making linux distros compatible to them. Or at least that's what I found from google.20:27
macman_yellabs, WyHiWyL .. there is a lot of disabled options ie .. --disable-armv5te --disable-armv620:27
StuckMojohwilde: running pulse screws up my mixer, which is why i don't want it. my card processes multiple streams just fine, i don't need a sound server20:27
yellabsmacman sorry mate, its man ffmpeg20:28
yellabsto see help\20:28
hwildeStuckMojo, I have told you how to remove it completely if that's what you want to do20:28
mogi22where does samba store user/pw info?20:28
hwildemarco, http://ascending.wordpress.com/2008/06/14/howto-read-vista-burnt-udf-dvds-on-ubuntu-linux/20:29
WyHiWyLyellabs: he only want to see the information about the file20:29
StuckMojohwilde: i'd just like to find out the proper way to tell the system i don't want to use it. removing it completely causes dependency issues20:29
StuckMojohwilde: but thanks20:29
LordDicraniuswhen viewing the routing table via CLI, what does an asterisk mean unde the gateway column?20:29
hwildeStuckMojo, read the link from ubottu about alsa.  it explains how to set alsa as the default20:30
hwilde!alsa > StuckMojo20:30
ubottuStuckMojo, please see my private message20:30
WyHiWyLmacman_: you download this file from internet? if so, i think the process is not successful, because the duration is very short, just about 5secs20:30
hwildeLordDicranius, usually all you really need to look for is the one that says "default" that is your default gateway20:30
maraboutJack_Sparrow: made it to "Select and install software" so far - "configuring language-pack-en-base"20:30
Jack_Sparrowmarabout, great..  well done dude20:30
yellabsWyHiWyL, i guess my concentration is getting low, better turn in, thanks for the remark20:31
LordDicraniushwilde: thanks, I know, but I was just wondering what an asterisk means :)20:31
macman_i will re-download20:31
yellabsbye bye all20:31
yellabsgood luck and have an nice night20:31
sacamanojoin #mythbuntu20:32
hwildeLordDicranius, it means "all".  those lines with the stars really differentiate subnet traffic and interfaces20:32
memenotyouhow do I give a user sudo privledges from the command line?20:32
marcohwilde: thanks. Weird they didn't integrate the support in the main kernel yet, isn't it? Surely is making a lot of users confused...20:33
hwildememenotyou, the user has to be added to the admin group20:33
djolefolIs there a way in Evolution mail client to password protect the message pane of imap account? Like presented in here: http://www.mozilla.org/support/thunderbird/tips#beh_imappassword20:33
memenotyouhwilde:  how do I do that from the command line?20:33
hwildemarco, i dunno, you can ask in ubuntu+1 if it's on target for hte next release20:33
hwildememenotyou, add the username to the admin: line in the file /etc/group20:34
JaisonHello peeps20:36
Jaisonnoone here I guess?20:38
ericjungi installed ibex from windows and now hibernate in Ubuntu doesn't work (as expected). Is there any way to get it to work?20:38
Jaisonnoone is answering20:38
=== B|nTaRa-- is now known as B|nTaRa
user_!ask | Jaison20:38
ubottuJaison: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:38
maraboutJack_Sparrow: I thought this would reboot to a gui  but it appears to be a terminal "To run a command as administrator (user "root") use "sudo <command>." See man sudo_root" for details."  ~$   What  happened?20:39
IndyGunFreakJaison: see, we all met in the channel where we really answer questions, and said "nobody answer his questions"20:39
WyHiWyLimp_mstr: maybe your swap partition is too small, it must be at least equal the RAM20:39
JaisonI just hello I was trying to be polite20:40
awshola como andan saludos desde argentina!!!!!20:40
marco hello Jaison, how can we be of help?20:40
WyHiWyLericjung: maybe your swap partition is too small, it must be at least equal the RAM20:40
gandymanHi - Getting error " can't mount volume " - Have another NTFS windows hard drive installed in this computer - any idea's ? ?20:40
IndyGunFreakWyHiWyL: you can have no swap file if you like, its not required20:40
awshi people!!!!!!20:40
Bodsdagandyman, does it give a reason?20:40
Jaisonbut my question is how can I save my nvidia config settings it want let me20:40
Jack_Sparrowmarabout, May I pm you20:41
awsalguien habla español?20:41
gandymanBodsda; hang on - will go try again.20:41
WyHiWyLIndyGunFreak: it's required for suspend or hibernate20:41
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:41
IndyGunFreakWyHiWyL: ah, i didn't see this was about suspend.20:41
unr3a1evowill_: thank you20:41
IndyGunFreakJaison: do you have the restricted driver enabled?20:41
maraboutJack_Sparrow: yes by all means20:41
Jaisonhow do I tell that20:41
IndyGunFreakJaison: system/admin/hardware drivers20:42
mgolischwhy doesnt the gentoo coreutils patch apply to ubuntu coreutils?20:42
ericjungWyHiWyL: how can i find my swap partition size?20:42
WyHiWyL$ sudo fdisk -l20:42
mgolischeven if i use the patch for whatever version the sourcepackage of coreutils claims to be20:42
ericjungWyHiWyL: I don't think there is a swap partition then20:42
hwildeericjung, cat /proc/swaps20:42
Jaisonits says proprietary drivers are being used and I have version 17320:43
user_mgolisch: maybe ubuntu version is also a patched upstream version?20:43
ericjungeric@ubuntu:~$ cat /proc/swaps20:43
WyHiWyL$ sudo fdisk -l | grep swap20:43
hwildeericjung, ok then you have no swap.20:43
hwildeericjung, you should also not find it in /etc/fstab20:43
IndyGunFreakJaison: ok, so open a terminal and type "gksudo nvidia-settings"... make the chanes, apply, then "save to configuration file"20:43
mgolischuser_: even if i try to apply to that tar_orig thing which if i understand correctly is the unpatched upstream source, or should atleast be20:43
ericjunghwilde: /prc/swaps shows a swap but fdisk -l does not20:43
WyHiWyLericjung: so if you have no swap, then you cannot suspend or hibernate20:44
hwildeericjung, is the swap partition set to be mounted in /etc/fstab20:44
mgolischvery weird, i want cp -g so bad20:44
gandymanBodsda; hey - Funny thing - It's working now - Thanks anyway. - Must have had to let permissions come through or something.20:44
Jaisonok so run this app in as root and it will change it20:44
Bodsdagandyman, oh, cool :)20:44
ericjunghwilde: yes, it is in fstab20:44
IndyGunFreakJaison: it should, as long asyou "save to configuration file"20:45
marcohow can I download the source code from a specific package? Can I use APT tools to do that?20:45
ASULutzyericjung: you can just do sudo swapon -s to show your swap20:45
Jaisondo I need the gk cuz ive been using just sudo20:45
IndyGunFreakJaison: yes, sudo is for CLI, if you're running GUI apps, you need gksudo20:45
IndyGunFreak!gksudo | Jaison20:45
ubottuJaison: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)20:45
ericjungASULutzy: it says /host/ubuntu/disks/swap.disk            file9765524952-120:45
ASULutzyericjung: If it doesn't return anything, you can also use swapon to assign a partition for use as swap, for example if /dev/sda6 is a swap partition then sudo swapon /dev/sda6 would tell the OS to use /dev/sda6 for swap20:45
ericjungi have a swap file20:46
ericjungthat isn't the problem20:46
ericjungit is 976552 in size, whatever that means20:46
ericjungbut i have 4GB of ram20:46
ASULutzyericjung: Why are you using a swap file and not a swap partition?20:46
Jaisonok thanks all alot guys I appreciate the knowledge cuz today is only my second day with linux20:47
ericjungASULutzy: I took ubuntu installation defaults20:47
ericjungASULutzy: it installed inside Windows Vista20:47
ericjungASULutzy: and now I cann't hibernate Ubuntu20:47
ASULutzyericjung: Oh. You're using Wubi20:47
ericjungASULutzy: yes20:47
* IndyGunFreak growls.. dang wubi users.. never tell anyone that20:47
ASULutzyericjung: Do a real install IMO ;)20:47
LaderiusHey Iphone and Ubuntu help is found where?20:47
ericjungASULutzy: wubi is not ubuntu?20:48
gurps1what the hell is wubi?20:48
Laderiuswubi is windows based ubuntu install20:48
ericjungwubi is a star wars character20:48
LaderiusWubi (Windows-based Ubuntu Installer) is an official Windows-based free software installer for Ubuntu, licensed under the GPL.20:48
gurps1What are its advantages?20:49
Laderiusthere are disadvantages20:49
Laderiuslike you have a windows poartition20:49
Laderiusand you can use your entire HDD20:49
Laderiusbecause of the ntfs filesystem20:49
Laderiusgurps1 np20:50
ASULutzyThere are no real advantages to using Wubi, other than some people don't want to try to setup a dualboot. There are myriad disadvantages. I would suggest doing a proper dual boot20:50
LaderiusI need iphone ubuntu help!20:50
ericjungcan wubi install by migrated to a real install, or must i start over?20:50
bLuE_AciDFOr whoever asked what wubi was, its a installer for ubuntu, it just is installed from windows if you don't have a disk, and it doesnt make a new partition which blows20:50
gurps1Im going to install Ubuntu onto my desktop PC,currently running windows xp, how to i go about dual booting?20:50
IndyGunFreaki think you have to start over...20:50
ericjungIndyGunFreak: no!!!20:50
ASULutzyericjung: To answer your original question, I'm not sure you can actually hibernate with Wubi20:50
bLuE_AciDI recommend not dual booting20:50
hwildegurps1, just stick in the live c and it should prompt you through it20:51
bLuE_AciDBut if you want to20:51
ASULutzyericjung: And that might not be true20:51
IndyGunFreak!dualboot | gurps120:51
ubottugurps1: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot20:51
hwilde!enter | bLuE_AciD20:51
ubottubLuE_AciD: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:51
ASULutzyericjung: You may be able to migrate a wubi install20:51
unr3a1how can one make ubuntu able to recognize the UDF filesystem type?20:51
IndyGunFreakASULutzy: i've never heard of migratiung one.. that would be entertaining20:51
bLuE_AciD!Sorry | hwilde20:51
ubottuhwilde: It's ok, I can't stay mad at you. Those darned ewoks on the other hand...20:51
=== `Chris_ is now known as `Chris
ASULutzyericjung, IndyGunFreak: http://lubi.sourceforge.net/lvpm.html20:51
gurps1hwilde: The live cd will prompt me through what exactly?20:52
rainabbaI'm having an odd problem. "System Monitor" says that I'm only using 777MB RAM of the 7.8GB I have total, but "free -m" says I'm using 4614. Why the discrepancy? I am runnign hardy x86_64.20:52
bLuE_AciDGurps, just use wubi if you going to dual boot, really no point in a disk.20:52
IndyGunFreakASULutzy: hmm, maybe not as bad as i thought... never heard of LVPM..20:52
user_unr3a1: in which context?20:52
ASULutzybLuE_AciD: You're wrong. Don't spread misinformation.20:52
hwildegurps1, it will show your partitions and how much free space on your drive, then show how much ubuntu will take up next to win, then it will setup the dual boot and everyhitng.20:52
unr3a1I need to burn an ISO to a CD20:53
JaisonSince the convo is on duel booting, I have upgrade my kernel to 2.6.27-9-generic but still have in grub how do I clean that up20:53
Jack_SparrowBlue-Omega, Wrong.. very wrong20:53
hwildeJaison, /boot/grub/menu.list20:53
hwildeJack_Sparrow, last-spoke not alphabetical tab complete :)20:53
Jack_SparrowBlue_acid, Wrong.. very wrong20:53
ASULutzyJaison: Grub automatically generates the menu.lst based on what it sees. Everytime you upgrade it will readd those entries, even if you manually remove them from menu.lst20:53
IndyGunFreakJaison: gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst    and put a # sign in front of the entries you don't want in your grub menu (i woudln't recommend deleting them)20:53
ASULutzyJaison: I would recommend just not bothering, but if you really want to clean them up you'll have to actually go about uninstalling the old kernels20:53
Laderiushow can i transfer apps to my iphone in ubuntu without itunes?!20:54
IndyGunFreakASULutzy: you can comment them out no problem at all.. and they won't show up20:54
JaisonSo Is that safe20:54
user_unr3a1: i think you you can right click on the iso file in the file manager and start up a burn program.. it will detect the burner and the medium20:54
ActionParsnipLaderius: you coul copy the install files over20:54
hwildeJaison, just ignoring them is safe.20:54
gurps1hwilde: Thank you very much indeed!!20:54
IndyGunFreakJaison: what?.. commenting them out?..of course, its safe ignoring them to.. i just wouldn't recommend deleting them.20:54
ASULutzyIndyGunFreak: But when you install a new kernel, Grub will go ahead and readd them unless you remove them, right?20:54
rainabbaI'm having an odd problem. "System Monitor" says that I'm only using 777MB RAM of the 7.8GB I have total, but "free -m" says I'm using 4614. Why the discrepancy? I am runnign hardy x86_64.20:54
JaisonIM OCD its hard20:54
Jack_Sparrowhwilde, Looking for that option in xchat as we speak20:54
IndyGunFreakASULutzy: once i comment my old ones out, they never show up again20:55
JaisonI will comment them out20:55
Jack_Sparrowhwilde,got it20:55
ASULutzyIndyGunFreak: You may be right, I just never bother to remove them :)20:55
IndyGunFreakASULutzy: lol20:55
BBonifieldi'm attempting to mount a RAID-5 array into Ubuntu(from a live CD).  The original RAID host was a stand-alone file server unit.  however, Ubuntu isn't recognizing the disks in /dev/.  thoughts?20:55
hajmolais there a way to have a live USB pendrive, so that I can boot a computer off of it and install ubuntu onto the local harddrive?20:55
hwildeJack_Sparrow, should be default u know20:55
LaderiusActionParsnip the IPA files?20:55
gogereaverhajmola yes20:55
usr13rainabba: Are you new to linux?20:55
Jack_Sparrowhwilde, Should have been, this is a fresh ibex, and it wasnt20:55
IndyGunFreakJaison: just put a # sign in front of the "Title" you don't want to appear, then save and exit.20:55
ASULutzyhajmola: Yes, Intrepid actually has a built in tool to make a live-usb20:56
gogereaveron 8.10 in the menu slect make bottable usb drive easy20:56
ActionParsnipLaderius: i guess, i dont use iphone but id imagine it can be done20:56
hajmolaASULutzy, really? where at?20:56
gogereaverhajmola the system menu if i rember20:56
ASULutzyhajmola: System -> Administration -> Create a USB startup disk20:56
hwildeJack_Sparrow, alphabet is default20:56
hajmolaASULutzy, gogereaver, thanks!20:57
Jack_Sparrowhwilde, ty20:57
rainabbausr13: Not exactly, but my focus has been higher-level.20:57
usr13rainabba: See:  http://www.ntlug.org/Articles/MemoryManagement20:57
ActionParsnipLaderius: check the apple site to see if its possible that way. i hate apple so can say from personal experience20:57
ASULutzyrainabba: Probably the difference between your buffers and caches, I think free counts the amount used by buffers and caches and perhaps system monitor doesn't?20:57
* gogereaver slaps ActionParsnip around a bit with a large trout20:57
Lighttitani don't use the iphone either =P... i have an Android G1 developer phone and am loving it!20:57
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rainabbaASULutzy: Makes sense.20:58
gogereaverwhat he trying to do to his ipohne20:58
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot20:58
Jaisonso I need to put # in front of every line right?20:58
cameron_3 cd's now20:58
cameron_that i have burnt20:58
ActionParsnipgogereaver: its poor bang for buck and people lap up ipods without considering other players, creating isheep20:58
cameron_all 3 have a corrupt file20:58
ASULutzyJaison: Not every line :) the lines of the old kernel entries20:58
Jaisonthat i don't want there corrcet20:58
cameron_i downloaded via bittorrent and md5 check is right20:58
ActionParsnipcameron_: did you md5 check the iso?20:58
gogereaveri ahve a ipod tuch and a samsong yp-f120:59
user_cameron_: try lower burn speed20:59
Lighttitancameron... ubuntu cd's?20:59
JaisonYeah thats what i meant sorry20:59
IndyGunFreakJaison: in front of the title, yes20:59
gogereaverand a psp20:59
ActionParsnipcameron_ what speed are you burning at?20:59
CrocoJethow to start one program (for example glxgears) many times in unique command ?20:59
cameron_i tried 48x the first 2 times20:59
cameron_the 3rd time i did 16x20:59
Lighttitanwhat program are you using to burn?20:59
LaderiusActionParsnip, dosent work that way, im installing virtualbox and will emulate itunes :/20:59
scoremeformusichello, could someone help me with a music picard problem? it deletes any files I tag using it20:59
unr3a1user_: I have tried that.  all it does is extract the files that it recognizes20:59
IndyGunFreakJaison: it should look like this... #Title Ubuntu bla bla bla.. .. then that title will not appear in your grub list20:59
cameron_ripped as an iso and checked the md5 on the new iso and doesnt match up20:59
rainabbaASULutzy: That wouldn't explain the following though would it? With 8GB of RAM, running x86_64 bit kernel, I show nearly 4GB used with nothing running except Opera with a few tabs, and VMWare workstation with the guest shut down.20:59
ActionParsnipLaderius: looks like the only solution20:59
gogereaverjailbroken ipod tuch = tablet psp21:00
JaisonJust the titles or all four entries like uuid kernel initrid21:00
cameron_i currently use slamd64 i like it but i want to *try* kubuntu so i dont have to compile kde 4 to try it21:00
unr3a1user_: I found this: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/ubuntu-help/81922-how-read-udf-filesystem-linux.html but that path no longer exists for the .config file21:00
ActionParsnipcameron_: does the cd pass integrity check once booted to?21:00
IndyGunFreakJaison: just the title21:00
scoremeformusicno, sorry it doesn't delete it, it makes it unplayable21:00
cameron_ActionParsnip, no, comes back "1 file . .. . .blah"21:00
wash-hastedsun xvm virtual box is great21:00
thekinghow do I format a hard drive via a terminal21:00
ASULutzyrainabba: what does free -m actually say?21:00
cameron_ive already wasted 3 disks i just dont want to waste another21:00
rainabbawash-hasted: Lies! It's all lies!21:00
cameron_is there any way to use lilo to boot off an iso ?21:00
ASULutzycameron_: Not lilo, but there is unetbootin21:01
ActionParsnipcameron_: could try burning it at 4x or use a different burner21:01
cameron_only burner i got21:01
ActionParsnipcameron_: are you burning from Linux, you could try a different app21:01
cameron_makes me wonder21:01
rainabbaASULutzy: total/used/free of 7999/4614/3384   when the VM isn't running.21:01
scoremeformusiccan anyone help me with a musicbrainz picard problem? it keeps rendering any file I play unusable21:01
ASULutzyWhy does no one ever recommend unetbootin?21:01
cameron_cus i burnt GB's and GB's of movies to dvds itd be gay21:01
scoremeformusicI have all codecs installed21:01
Lighttitancameron... are you burning the iso to the disk or are you opening the iso with k3b then burning the contents of thr iso?21:01
user01hi, graphics question, is eps vector-based?21:01
WyHiWyLASULutzy: unetbootin is a tool to make liveusb, or am i wrong?21:01
IndyGunFreakJaison: note lines 137 and 143   http://paste.ubuntu.com/100570/21:01
ASULutzyrainabba: the whole line, what are the buffers and caches21:01
rainabbaASULutzy: 7999/7951/47 when it is.21:02
Ryan_DelaneyI have a stupid question: Whenever I ssh to my fileserver it asks me for the password to the default keyring, but I never got a chance to set that password and don't know how to set/change the default keyring password. Where is that, and what app controls it (preferably with the command line)?21:02
user_unr3a1: from which medium are you trying to read and where do you want to burn to?21:02
rainabbaASULutzy: Right now it's running and shows 7999/7952/47/0/123/6961. Lemme shut the guest back down to check it then.21:02
ASULutzyWyHiWyL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UNetbootin You can use it to install from an .iso to hard disk without burning a CD21:02
ASULutzyrainabba: Don't shutdown21:02
ASULutzyrainabba: Oh, the guest OS, yea go ahead if you want21:03
linxehRyan_Delaney: apropos keyring21:03
IndyGunFreaki've always used it to create thumb drives to install from, works great for that21:03
ActionParsnipRyan_Delaney: http://mexpolk.blogspot.com/2008/02/ubuntu-change-default-keyring-password.html21:03
thekinghow do I format a hard drive via a terminal21:03
dmanany reason why my windows are loading locked to the upper left corner21:03
Ryan_Delaneylinxeh: thanks21:03
pop79how can i get my genius g-pen 450 to work on ubuntu?21:03
unr3a1user_: the ISO is on my harddrive21:03
Jaisonman I love this channel, Its so much easier than reading for two days to do one simple thing21:03
unr3a1user_: and I am trying to burn it to a DVD21:03
ASULutzytheking: What do you mean by format, are you looking to erase all the files on the drive (and if so how securely)? Or are you trying to repartition a drive?21:03
WyHiWyLASULutzy: oh, so i didn't know its full power :)21:03
rainabbaASULutzy: Now it shows 7999/4611/3384/0/118/371221:03
thekingASULutzy, erase all files on the drive securely21:04
IndyGunFreakJaison: well, sometimes you still have to read for two-three days, but this channel is generally a wealth of info21:04
ActionParsniptheking: man mk2fs21:04
Lighttitanpop79, have you done a search on the ubuntu forms about you pen?21:04
pop79yeop :)21:04
ASULutzytheking: How securely, like NSA securely or?21:04
user_unr3a1: ok, and the problem is with the iso, the conversion, or the burning process?21:04
scoremeformusichow do I get the list of roms21:04
thekingASULutzy, just a simple wipe21:04
Lighttitanpop79, and it turned up nothing?21:04
gogereavertype /rooms21:04
macmanguys .. how can i use ntfsprogs to make a ntfs partition on a usb drive ?21:04
unr3a1there are 2.4GB worth of files in the ISO21:04
pop79well, no21:04
rainabbaASULutzy: I've now closed everything except the termal I'm using (and X of course) and still show 4430 used and 3713 cached.21:05
unr3a1but ubuntu is only seeing maybe 200KB of them....21:05
gogereaverwrong lol21:05
JaisonI tried to install the 64bit flashplayer last night and I read for 4 hours and it took like 5 minutes to do it and what i read did not tell me anything about what i did21:05
ASULutzytheking: If all you want to do is erase everything and it's a simple wipe just remove all the partitions and call it a day ;) you can do that with fdisk21:05
gogereaverits /list21:05
ASULutzyrainabba: Right21:05
unr3a1one of which is a txt file saying that it needs to be viewed in a OS that supports the UDF filesystem21:05
ASULutzyrainabba: 4430 - 3713 = ?21:05
ASULutzyrainabba: the amount that is cached is considered used21:05
ASULutzyrainabba: I'm guessing anyway :)21:05
IndyGunFreakJaison: are you using 8.1021:05
theatrustopASULutzy, it is21:05
Jaisonyep ultimate edition 2.021:06
theatrustopLinux will gobble up free memory for disk cache21:06
IndyGunFreakJaison: ah, ultimate edition...21:06
rainabbaASULutzy: Makes sense again. Trouble is, VMWare sees that memory as unavailable and it shouldn't be (based on the fact that nothing else is using it).21:06
ASULutzyrainabba: You are aware that unused RAM is wasted RAM... You WANT things to be cached or else the RAM is worthless21:06
waremperor'night world. Seeya soon.21:06
Jaisonyep utlitmate edition x6f21:06
rainabbaAny way to free that cache up?21:06
Lighttitanpop79, what kind of pen is it again?21:06
user_unr3a1: ok, so in this "whats in the iso?"-context you came up with the udf-question? so its not related to a burning problem itself?21:07
rainabbaASULutzy: Ok, but I want VMware to have first dibs on it.21:07
pop79it is a genius g-pen 450 graphics tablet21:07
rainabbaTHEN the guest can have the rest and swap out what it needs from there.21:07
JaisonI tried their forum, then ubuntu's forum, then firefox forum then adobe forum then here21:07
hajmolaASULutzy, can I make a partition on my USB harddrive and make it live?21:07
unr3a1user_: no... the disc burns.  but it only burns the files that Ubuntu is able to recognize in the ISO21:07
usr13rainabba: YOu can change swappiness value21:07
ASULutzyrainabba: Hmmm, well, there is this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=589975 but that seems iffy :)21:07
rainabbausr13: For VMWare you mean?21:07
Jaisonalas it was here I achieved my goal21:07
usr13rainabba: O21:08
SiDiDoes anyone know about a good gui for managing iptables, please ?21:08
ASULutzySiDi: Is firestarter the front end? I forget21:08
usr13SiDi: Firestarter21:08
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).21:08
rainabbausr13: I've set it to not swap at all because I have enough ram. I want the guest to take it's 4GB, then leave the other ~4GB for the host apps.21:08
ActionParsnipSiDi: firestarter21:08
SiDiHm thanks21:08
user_unr3a1: ok, you might check the channel of the burn program you are using, which program would that be?21:08
IndyGunFreakman, some of these bot responses are huge when Im on my aspire one...lol21:09
unr3a1user_: but its not a problem with the burner21:09
IndyGunFreakof coruse, i'm trying to do 10 things on an 8.9in screen21:09
usr13rainabba: I've not used vmware enough to know much about how it works, and I do not run 64 bit kernel either.21:09
ASULutzyrainabba: That's weird that VMWare won't let you set the amount of RAM given to the guest to 4 GB. Any reason you're set on VMWare instead of VirtualBox?21:09
SiDiSorry but firestarter is not what i'm looking for :p21:09
unr3a1user_: Ubuntu cannot recognize the files in the ISO, because it can't read UDF filesystems21:09
unr3a1user_: So I am asking how to get Ubuntu to read a UDF file system21:10
usr13SiDi: Do you just need a good firewall script?21:10
ASULutzySiDi: You asked for a graphical front end to iptables. Which is exactly what it is.21:10
ActionParsnipSiDi: firestarter is a good gui to form iptables rules21:10
user_unr3a1: ok, which ubuntu version are you using?21:10
SiDiWell, it's for another user who needs to open some specific ports21:10
Jaisonwell I have to restart21:10
Jaisonjason@Gameroom:/etc/X11$ mv -v xorg.conf.2009010513592 /etc/X11 xorg.conf21:10
FireStormthe wubi installer doesnt run21:10
Jaisonmv: target `xorg.conf' is not a directory21:10
Jaisonjason@Gameroom:/etc/X11$ mv -v xorg.conf.2009010513592 /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:10
Jaisonmv: cannot stat `xorg.conf.2009010513592': No such file or directory21:11
FloodBot2Jaison: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:11
hajmolacan I make a bootable live-usb on a 10gb partition in my USB harddrive?21:11
FireStormwhen i try to run it hourglass appears for a second then nothing happens21:11
iShockChannel #Ubuntu stats updated! View them at: http://vertex.cluenet.org/~lee/ubuntu.html21:11
usr13SiDi: Are you trying to build a stand-alone firewall router?21:11
SiDiAnd as i never felt that need for myself, i have no idea how to do :P and i'm not sure that user wants to do it manually21:11
IndyGunFreak!paste | Jaison21:11
ubottuJaison: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)21:11
ActionParsnip!usb | hajmola21:11
ubottuhajmola: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent21:11
rainabbaASULutzy: It lets me, but when I go to start the guest it forces me to reduce it to more like 3.2GB because Linux is reporting that 4.4GB is being used. VirtualBox refuses to play nice. No matter how I prep my guest image or how I restore it, I can't get it to run properly under vbox. Either it won't boot, or it does and run slow as shit.21:11
CarlFKapache2 - where do I set .sh files to be text so they are displayed and not downloaded?21:11
SiDiusr13: the guy just wants to open ports for css :P21:11
mogi22is ip/24 same as ip/
Laderiuswhere can i change screensavers?21:12
ASULutzyrainabba: I'm not sure, sounds like a VMWare bug, you could forcefully clear the cache, but I'm not sure how recommended that is21:12
rascal999when i record on my microphone the playback is just a buzz21:12
usr13SiDi: firestarter should work for him.21:12
joejcis it possible to make 2 routers work as 1 network?21:12
rainabbaASULutzy: Trying gdm restart for now.21:12
rainabbaI'll pull a Microsoft and reboot if nothing else.21:13
Laderiusrainabba what are you trying to do?21:13
unr3a1user_: 8.1021:13
SiDialright then usr13 thanks21:13
pop79i am trying to move a file to /usr/lib/xorg/modules/input to install a driver, but it says that the permission is denied. what do i do to get it in?21:13
ASULutzyrainabba: sudo echo 3 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches21:14
rainabbaLaderius: Trying to launch my VMWare guest with 4GB allocated to it. I'm running x86_64 kernel with 8GB of RAM, but linux says I'm using 4.4GB and vmware seems to agree so it's telling me to reduce the amount of ram for my guest.21:14
FireStormhey, the wubi installer isnt working for me, when i double click it nothing happens..21:14
ASULutzyrainabba: You could try that, who knows :X21:14
Jaisonim trying to rename a the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.2009010513592 to just xorg.conf whats the syntax21:14
ActionParsnipFireStorm: did yuo md5 check the installer?21:14
Laderiusrainabba, Interesting, im trying to allocate 2gbs ram and ubuntu 32bit says i have 2.7 when i have 421:15
ASULutzyJaison: sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf.whatever /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:15
* Hector dances.21:15
FireStormno, but ive used the one on the site thats just he exe, also the one thats just on the ubuntu cd, i should also mention that its worked before and ive installed ubuntu but now i want to uninstall and reinstall, but even the uninstaller doesnt run21:15
rainabbaASULutzy: Trying, that command, 1 min21:16
user_unr3a1: ok, still searching21:17
mogi22if i want sessions (ssh) to timeout after 10 min of inactivity, do i just add TMOUT=600 line to bottom of /etc/profile?21:17
FireStormid do cp instead of mv so you save a copy21:17
ActionParsnipFireStorm: doesnt matter where you download it from ,  you ned to check the downloaded file is correct21:18
ASULutzypop79: You have to be root to write outside of your home directory21:18
LaderiusQuestion: virtualbox cannot read from the boot medium! System Halted error. :/21:18
FireStormk how do i do that21:18
meho_ok i have been to alsa roomand no is is helping can someone help me here21:18
pop79ASULutzy: how do i do that?21:18
geolrHi all! Please help my confusion about FreeNX: Does the system open a new X-session parallel to any other users on the system? Or do I see what Grandma has on her screen?21:18
user_unr3a1: which kernel version are you running, "uname -a"?21:19
FireStormbut shouldnt the uninstaller work since the installer originally worked21:19
baheerhello all21:19
Jaisonok I have to restart my computer check on this nvidia xserver thing goodbye guys21:19
pop79!howdy |andy__21:19
ubottuandy__: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!21:19
ASULutzysudo mv /targetFile /destination/21:19
meho_Code i Put in21:19
meho_meho@Sex-Central:~/alsa-driver-1.0.18a$ sudo cp ./modules/snd-hda-intel.ko /lib/modules/$( uname -r )/ubuntu/media/snd-hda-intel/21:19
meho_cp: cannot stat `./modules/snd-hda-intel.ko': No such file or directory21:19
FloodBot2meho_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:19
FireStormi suspsect the problem is deeper21:19
ASULutzy!enter | meho_21:19
ubottumeho_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:19
baheerI would like to localize this http://start.ubuntu.com/8.10/ page21:19
meho_will try21:20
FireStormsince the exact same file works on my other machine21:20
baheerwith whom can I contact?21:20
ActionParsnip!md5 | FireStorm21:20
ubottuFireStorm: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows21:20
baheerand how can I do?21:20
ASULutzymeho_: The file doesn't exist.21:20
andy___which is much better? amd quad core or intel core 2 dou, i plan to upgrade my cpu, and would i run into problmes with it when i install linux?21:20
rainabbaASULutzy: now free -m looks good21:20
meho_so this reffairing to a file on the system or install files21:21
meho_that are supose to be installed21:21
ASULutzyandy___: Preference, both will work just fine,I personally have an Intel Q6600, and the new i7's look pretty nice too, but either will work, and both have their merits.21:21
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rainabbaASULutzy: That works for now.21:22
user_unr3a1: you have to execute the command in a terminal window, let me know if you need more info (if at all..)21:22
andy___but in your opinion should i go for intel or amd?21:22
ASULutzyrainabba: Awesome, glad I could help21:22
unr3a1user_:  2.6.27-9-generic21:22
rainabbaASULutzy: :)21:22
ASULutzyandy___: I told you what I did, but it's up to you21:22
lighttitanpop79, is the pen you refer to an input device or a tablet?21:22
pop79a tablet21:23
unr3a1user_: yea, I am not a complete linux newb :P21:23
unr3a1user_: at work, so thats why it is taking me longer than normal to do stuff.  have to pay attention to two things at once21:23
user_unr3a1: judging from this site, you kernel should be fine: http://kernelnewbies.org/Linux_2_6_26, another useful looking page that came up is http://ascending.wordpress.com/2008/06/14/howto-read-vista-burnt-udf-dvds-on-ubuntu-linux/21:24
lighttitanah... i found an entry in the ubuntu forums you might like to see if you didn't catch it in your search. it is for the F610 model but it might get you headed in the right direction pop79.21:24
pop79what is the address?21:25
FireStormActionParsnip none of the file names there match mine as mine is cd sized http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/8.10/release/21:25
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billybigriggeris there any gui apps for converting mkv to mp4 for xbox 360 yet?21:25
lighttitanpop 79, do a search in the ubuntu forums for Genius G-pen F61021:25
FireStormalso i cant imagine what could go wrong in transfer of the file from wubi-installer.com or whatever since its worked on my other machines fine21:25
FireStormalso none of that explains why my UNinstaller doesnt work21:25
user_unr3a1: you might try to manually mount the iso as indicated at the second address (ignoring the compile stuff for now)..21:26
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ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:26
ActionParsnipFireStorm: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes21:26
ASULutzyFireStorm: tcp/ip isn't perfect :) as far as the uninstaller, no idea, perhaps it's a Windows problem21:26
pop79oh, ive actually been searching and i found the instructions on a blog. i really appriciate the help you gave me anyway lighttitan. Thank you, and did you do all that searching for me?21:27
lighttitanya, just sorry it was late pop79.21:27
ASULutzybillybigrigger: mencoder can do anything, just search for mencoder frontends21:27
cameron_with unetbootin how do you install it without a usb drive ?21:27
unr3a1user_: I can try that manual mount21:28
pop79thank you anyway. you were very helpful :) x2!21:28
ASULutzycameron_: You tell it to do a hard drive install and point it to the correct partition21:28
cameron_the only option it gives me21:28
cameron_is /21:28
cameron_i have / on its own partition for slamd64 /boot is on /dev/sda121:28
ASULutzycameron_: I guess I don't understand what you're trying to do21:29
cameron_im trying to boot kubuntu iso21:30
FireStormActionParsnip k md5s are the same21:30
cameron_isnt unetboot supposed to install a boot loader which loads the selected iso image (if thats what you are trying to do)21:30
philippe /join #oe21:31
FireStormya something is wrong with my windows because the uninstaller of wubi doesnt work and the wubi installer doesnt work from the site AND on the cd so does anyone know what is required to run the wubi installer/uninstaller21:31
FireStormlike some runtime or something21:31
ASULutzycameron_: Unetbootin can be used to install an iso directly to your hard drive, do you have a partition setup for Kubuntu?21:31
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cameron_ASULutzy, yes21:31
ActionParsnipFireStorm: cool21:32
wamcveygreetings. I am trying to upgrade a Feisty server using do-release-upgrade (tried using update-manager as well) and both are complaining about feisty repositories not being available. in particular,  I get: binary-i386/Packages.gz 404 Not Found   for a wide variety of repository servers (us.archive.ubuntu.com, archive.ubuntu.com, mirrors.kernel.org, easynews mirrors, etc)21:33
ASULutzywamcvey: Feisty has reached end of life21:33
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases21:33
wamcveyI know.. .that's why I'm upgrading.21:34
wamcveyI don't want to upgrade *to* feisty... I want to upgrade from it... so why are the feisty repositories a pre-requisite to upgrading to gutsy?21:34
corwinбля, русский канал забыл =(21:35
ASULutzy!ru | corwin21:35
ubottucorwin: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke21:35
ASULutzywamcvey: update-manager -d doesn't work?21:35
evowill_wamcvey they moved the repositories21:35
kdoggis there a default generic usb driver in Ubuntu?21:36
FireStormsomething is wrong with my windows because the uninstaller of wubi doesnt work and the wubi installer doesnt work from the site AND on the cd so does anyone know what is required to run the wubi installer/uninstaller21:36
evowill_wamcvey use http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/21:36
evowill_change your sources list to reflect that, then you will be able to upgrade21:36
ASULutzyFireStorm: Have you considered that the download was corrupted? Did you actually bother to md5sum the files?21:37
wamcveyevowill_: thanks, I'll give it a try... still puzzling to the extreme why I need old repositories to be valid to upgrade to new release.21:37
cameron_okay i have my kubuntu iso on /home (which is on its own partition) trying to use unetbootin to boot off that iso how do i use it, i already have a partition /dev/sda5 for kubuntu21:37
FireStormASULutzy yes21:37
evowill_wamcvey, because it wants to make sure you have the latest packages before you upgrade21:37
cameron_hard disk: only drive it gives me is /21:37
cameron_is that normal?21:37
evowill_wamcvey, to prevent breakage in the upgrade process, so everyone is on the same page :-)21:37
wamcveyevowill_: So my deb line should look like: deb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty main restricted21:38
wamcvey  right?21:38
ethancan anyone help me i just reinstaleld ubuntu on my computer and im trying to set up my wireless and i need help idk how to do it and also im trying to update my sytem but the system keeps freezing can anyone help?21:38
ActionParsnipcameron_: you need to make an empty folder to mount the iso to21:38
cameron_how bout /mnt/iso21:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about unetbootin21:38
ActionParsnipethan: run lspci or lsusb which will identify the device, you can webserach from there21:39
ASULutzyBah, you've failed me again ubottu.21:39
=== cognitiaclaeves1 is now known as cognitiaclaeves
ethanits an internal21:39
ActionParsnipcameron_: sounds ideal, you'll need sudo mkdir /mnt/iso first21:39
NintendoGuy0I'm wondering about the Three 3G Broadband Modem (E160G). Anyone got it working on 8.04? I can't seem to work out how to use it at all!21:39
ActionParsnipethan: lspci then21:39
cameron_mount -t iso9660 it ?21:39
cameron_or is that for unetbootin to do?21:40
RoastedSup fellas... got a quick question... I have an IP of a Windows XP computer that wasn't "playing by the rules" at work. I need to find the host name of it. I tried ping -a <ip> but it didn't pull the host name as it normally does. I have an Ubuntu Intrepid Desktop set up at work. Is there any way in Ubuntu I can pull the Windows host name of this computer?21:40
ethanactionparsnip its a broadcam bcm431821:40
wamcveyevowill: looks like it's working... thanks for the advice about old-releases. Seems to be working.21:40
ethanactionparsnip can you help?21:40
NintendoGuy02836I'm wondering about the Three 3G Broadband Modem (E160G). Anyone got it working on 8.04? I can't seem to work out how to use it at all!21:41
ASULutzycameron_: Hold on, I'll see if I can find a decent unetbootin howto21:41
wamcveyevowill: Looks like I spoke too soon... when it does the re-writing of my sources list to upgrade me to gutsy, it's now failing: Failed to fetch http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy-updates/Release.gpg Error reading from server. Remote end closed connection21:41
ASULutzywamcvey: gutsy isn't in eol yet21:42
ActionParsnip!broadcom | ethan21:43
ubottuethan: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx21:43
wamcveyASULutzy... I know. *I* didn't make the decision that the old repository URL should be the same repository URL for the new release... that's an assumption of do-release-upgrade apparently.21:43
NintendoGuy02836excuse me for repeating, but hasn't anyone used a Three 3G E160 broadband modem?21:43
=== Mud|game is now known as Mud
lighttitanNintendoGuy02836... not sure how to get 3G modems working in 8.04 but I do know ubuntu mad a lot of wireless broadband improvements from 8.04 to 8.10. You might think about switching to 8.1021:44
ethanactionactionparsnip: yes21:44
_Zeus_i would do that21:44
ethanactionparsnip: yes21:44
FireStormsomething is wrong with my windows because the uninstaller of wubi doesnt work and the wubi installer doesnt work from the site AND on the cd so does anyone know what is required to run the wubi installer/uninstaller... files are md5 checked21:45
wamcveythe question remains... how do I upgrade from an EOL'ed release.... If I set my repository to old-releases.ubuntu.com (so it can make sure it is the latest most update to date old release), then it fails when it tries to install gutsy. If I set my repository to us.archive.ubuntu.com, it fails cause it can't validate that my old release is up-to-date.21:45
NintendoGuy02836lighttian; I ordered 8.10 in the post a few days ago. at least i think it was 8.10. is there any way to download just a patch from 8.04 to 8.1 instead of having to download the whole system again?21:45
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes21:45
NintendoGuy02836oh, thank you..21:45
ActionParsnipethan: read that guide21:45
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ASULutzywamcvey: Hmmm, that trigger wasn't that helpful21:46
ethanactionparsnip:can you help me with my updates though?21:46
ASULutzywamcvey: Oh actually yea: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades21:46
ActionParsnipethan: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade21:46
ASULutzywamcvey: Which is actually what I suggested earlier, that's just update-manager -d21:46
ActionParsnipethan: use wired connection until you have your wifi setup21:46
ethanactionparsnip whcih one21:46
ethanactionparsnip: im on a wired connection right now but which one of those21:47
Flannelwamcvey: You have to stop update-manager midway through and manually edit some stuff.  Let me find you a link21:47
ActionParsnipethan: all, on the same line21:47
wamcveyASULutzy... I guess we're not quite on the same page... I'm doing everything in that document... and it's failing21:47
ActionParsnipethan: its a terminal command21:47
gardierActionParsnip is the difference in wifi support mainly kernel related? Only I notice Debian Lenny has much better wifi support too, though I think they're planning to remove some of it cos it's not Free enough.21:48
ethanactionparsnip: commands do i use to update without my system freezing again yes ik terminal but my whole system crashes evrytiem i update21:48
ActionParsnipgardier: ive not used true debian so couldnt comment21:49
mordofhas anyone found a fix for having a wirelss NIC that the RF kill switch is software based? some way to turn it on so that the wireless card can work for intel onboard21:49
wamcveyFlannel: thanks... I'd appreciate the link... I'm getting tempted to just hack my sources.list and dist-upgrade the box, but I know that's no longer a supported upgrade procedure...21:49
Zombie_GazProbably a stupid question... why does my 'w' command show 4 users when I only see 3 listed?21:49
gardierActionParsnip I keep havering between the two :)21:49
ActionParsnipethan: what point does it hang?21:49
Flannelwamcvey: You're upgrading from 7.04 to 7.10, right?21:49
ActionParsnipgardier: i use gentoo, mandriva and kubuntu21:49
wamcveyFlannel: yes21:49
elican I create multiple x screens on one display. ex) splitting a monitor into 4 parts each with there own xserver21:50
ethanactionparsnip; what do you mean21:50
=== Daisuke-Ido is now known as Daisuke_Ido
cameron_any luck finding a readme on unetbootin ?21:50
wamcveyFlannel: from feisty to gutsy... (and will likely go on to hardy as well, but first things first is getting to gutsy)21:50
ActionParsnipethan: when does the update stop and the system hang, whats going on when it stops21:50
evowill_Cameron, on sourceforge21:50
Dante123hi all,  trying to setup wireless for dell mini-9's in my classroom.  I have the code for the shared WEP connection.  However, the tech guy didn't tell me if it is passphrase or ascii.  Anyway, I have tried it both ways and it doesn't work.  Any suggestions?  Is there something I am doing wrong.  BTW, the mini's come with 8.04 and Netmanager.  Any help is appreciated by me and the kids that want to be able to surf the net and print f21:50
RoastedSup fellas... got a quick question... I have an IP of a Windows XP computer that wasn't "playing by the rules" at work. I need to find the host name of it. I tried ping -a <ip> but it didn't pull the host name as it normally does. I have an Ubuntu Intrepid Desktop set up at work. Is there any way in Ubuntu I can pull the Windows host name of this computer?21:50
=== eli is now known as dotblank
ActionParsnipethan: is it during the downloading or the installing part21:50
Flannelwamcvey: Well, it's certainly not unsupported.  You just have to make sure you have the proper metapackages (ubuntu-standard, ubuntu-minimal, a kernel metapackage, and whatever your desktop metapackage is)  It's just not as clean (update-manager takes care of some removals after the fact, etc)21:50
=== `Chris is now known as Chris`
gardierActionParsnip I kinda like Mandriva 2009 was a real improvement. Gentoo is one of those Lego systems isn't? Where you put it together yourself?21:51
ethanactionparsnip: during the installing part21:51
ASULutzycameron_: Check lubi21:51
ASULutzycameron_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=44191821:51
ActionParsnipethan: are your partitions healthy?21:51
ethanactionparsnip: the whole system just freezes and then when i reboot and try again it says failed21:51
NintendoGuy02836AZUlutzy - I'm on a windows right now - I don't have any way of getting on the internet on my ubuntu computer except that 3G modem, so I can't download the update on my laptop.. can't I download it from the computer I'm on now, and bring it on a USB disk to my Ubuntu laptop?21:52
ethanactionparsnip: what do you mean healthy?21:52
omnydeviNaPsTeR - all well?21:52
ActionParsnipgardier: nar mandriva is a fully fledged distro, gentoo is more lego like but its fun21:52
Flannelwamcvey: did you update completely once you switched to old-releases?  I'm seeing indications that the newer update-managers know how to switch off of old-releases21:52
ActionParsnipethan: try: sudo shutdown -rF now21:52
ASULutzycameron_: and there's this on unetbootin: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=427540 tbh I haven't used unetbootin in a while, but I know it can install an iso to a partition21:52
ActionParsnipethan: it will reboot your box and check the disk health21:52
wamcveyFlannel: ok... well, then I'll just dist-upgrade myself to gutsy... cross my fingers, and if it goes ok, will use update-manager to go to gutsy (hopefully that will cleanup what's not needed)21:52
wamcveyFlannel: Yes, I updated completly with old-releases.21:53
Flannelwamcvey: That should yeah.  Just be sure you're entirely up to date on feisty, with at least those four metapackages21:53
freddy__hey, hello to all21:53
gardierActionParsnip what does the rF switch do? (apologies for this cli newbie)21:53
wamcveyFlannel... ok, thanks... wish me luck. I may be on later in a more frazzled state if it doesn't go well.21:53
dotblank can I create multiple x screens on one display. ex) splitting a monitor into 4 parts each with there own xsession?21:53
Bear7809Hey guys, little help here.21:54
ActionParsnipgardier: -r == reboot21:54
Dante123hi all,  trying to setup wireless for dell mini-9's in my classroom.  I have the code for the shared WEP connection.  However, the tech guy didn't tell me if it is passphrase or ascii.  Anyway, I have tried it both ways and it doesn't work.  Any suggestions?  Is there something I am doing wrong.  BTW, the mini's come with 8.04 and Netmanager.  Any help is appreciated by me and the kids that want to be able to surf the net and print f21:54
ethanactionparsnip: when it checks the disk will it fix it if theres soemthign wrong?21:54
gardierActionParsnip cheers21:54
ActionParsnipgardier: -F == freakout (causes fsck)21:54
freddy__hello kenkku21:54
gardierActionParsnip thanks21:54
kenkkudoes anyone know any other (packaged & in intrepid repos) mail notification programs other than mail-notification that would support reading mbox over ssh/sftp?21:54
ActionParsnipethan: if its downloading the apps ok and installing locks then your drive may be bad21:54
ActionParsnipgardier: man shutdown ;)21:55
kenkkusomething that would actually work, mail-notification crashes with sftp21:55
lzantalCan I setup software raid after installation without erasing the disk?21:55
ethanactionparsnip: how do i fix it? and the command didnt work that you gave me21:55
Bear7809I just installed Hardy on my computer. When i get to the splash screen, the monitor turns off and recieves no signal. But ubuntu is clearly running as I hear the sounds to log in. If i press ctrl alt f1 i can get the command line to log in. I dont know whats going on. I installed it on my parents computer which runs an Nvidia card and it works fine. I dont know if its my ATI card or my monitor. Little help?21:55
ActionParsnipethan: fsck will attempt to fix them too21:56
ASULutzyethan: Can't you just sudo touch /forcefsck21:56
omnydevilzantal - no21:56
ASULutzyethan: and then just reboot normally21:56
omnydeviizaltal - well, what raid array?21:56
lzantalThank you. Thats what I thought.21:56
ASULutzyBear7809: Probably the ati card, fglrx is always fun. I would edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and force it to use vesa driver till you can figure out what's going on21:56
cameron_lubi uses gnome "zenity"21:56
cameron_i have kde21:56
omnydeviizantal - yeah, the creation of the raid will wipe all data sadly21:57
ethanasulutzy and actionparsnip; that command didnt work i tyepd it in bu tnothing happened21:57
Bear7809ASULutzy: how do you do that?21:57
ASULutzyomnydevi, lzantal: You can create a raid 1 without erasing21:57
ASULutzylzantal: I've done it before, remotely, through ssh :)21:57
lzantalREALLY??! That would save me hours21:57
funkapusHi.  Is this the right channel for questions about vpnc (under ubuntu, of course)?  Is another channel more appropriate?21:57
lzantalcould you give me some pointers?21:58
omnydeviasul - wow, thanks for correcting me, i would look into that...if i needed a raid1, heh21:58
niklausMy LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8" doesn't work with g++. It gives me font problems , some messages in square boxes. How do i fix it ?21:58
ASULutzylzantal: It's not exactly easy to do, but it is definitely possible. What you will have to do is first of course make the partitions match, and then copy over all of the original drive to the new, and then basically trick mdadm into fixing a "broken" array... I found a decent howto on it, and actually, I may have MADE a howto on the forums somewhere... Let me google21:58
Bear7809ASULutzy: how do i edit xorg to use the Vesa drivers over anything else?21:58
ActionParsnipethan: you could check it from recovery console, the partitions need to be unmounted21:58
ActionParsnipethan: or livecd21:59
lzantalASULutzy: thanks a ton.21:59
ASULutzyBear7809: You'll have to add a line that says driver "vesa" under screen I think... But not 100%, you should probably ask that to the channel or just do a quick google search21:59
omnydeviBear - you vi the /etc/X11/xorg.conf and find the driver being used and replace it with VESA21:59
ethanactionparsnip: im running both ubuntu and windows xp would the best bet be to uninstall ubuntu and then reinstall windows and do everything from sratch?21:59
omnydeviyou will get a low screen resolution most likely, but it will come up21:59
Bear7809omnydevi: what would i put in the command line? im not exactly the best with it.22:00
kajeI need to setup a Single Sign On configuration for about 50 ubuntu boxes. I've read the SingleSignOn page on the Ubuntu docs, but I'm a little confused regarding the roles that Kerberos and LDAP play. Should I be using one or the other or both in combination?22:00
omnydevilzantal - sorry for lying to you, i never thought to do it that way before22:00
niklausWill changing LC_ALL="C" from LC_ALL="en_US.utf-8" cause any problems ?22:00
omnydeviBear - you have any kind of GUI?22:00
ethanactionparsnip: wipe my whole os and redo it from sratch22:00
=== knoppix is now known as Matisse
ActionParsnipethan: no need, just need to check the partition is ok, no need to format22:00
NintendoGuy02836Has anyone got a Three 3G modem working on 8.04? I can't figure out how to set it up.22:00
Bear7809omnydevi: no, none, monitor gets no signal. Goes to standby. I can access console and log in by pressing ctrl alt f1. monitor comes back on.22:00
Dante123hi all,  trying to setup wireless for dell mini-9's in my classroom.  I have the code for the shared WEP connection.  However, the tech guy didn't tell me if it is passphrase or ascii.  Anyway, I have tried it both ways and it doesn't work.  Any suggestions?  Is there something I am doing wrong.  BTW, the mini's come with 8.04 and Netmanager.  Any help is appreciated by me and the kids that want to be able to surf the net and print f22:01
lzantalomnydevi: I did not know it. I just thought I should ask.22:01
Dante123I don't understand open vs. shared keys?  And if he means 128 bit WEP passphrase or ascii (assuming it isn't hex because the # symbol is used)22:01
omnydeviBear - best way is to "sudo vi /etc/X11/xorg.cong22:01
ethanactionparsnip: i need help i need to fix ubuntu this is liek the fourth time iv instaleld it on here because i keep getting problems22:01
ASULutzylzantal: this: http://www.howtoforge.com/software-raid1-grub-boot-debian-etch It's a little verbose... I made one that I thought was better somewhere on the ubuntu forums which I can try and dig up22:01
ASULutzylzantal: But that should work22:01
omnydevilzantal - i just hate giving false information :(22:01
omnydevithanks again ASIL22:01
omnydeviASUL, oops22:01
MatisseI have changed the UUID in /boot/grub/menu.lst  and in /etc/fstab  and now my system boots with an ash shell as result22:01
omnydeviBear - what kinda graphics card you have?22:01
Bear7809omnydevi: ATI All-in Wonder 9600 series.22:02
lzantalASULutzy: thank you soo much. what is your user name on the forum? I could do the search.22:02
ASULutzyomnydevi: Well, you didn't really give bad info... There isn't really a simple or normal way to create a RAID1 without destroying the partitions of both disks... This way works, but what you're basically doing is tricking mdadm into rebuilding a broken array22:02
ASULutzyASULutzy on the forums as well,22:02
omnydeviASUL yeah, that owns man :D22:02
MatisseI've changed the UUID using bklid or sth. like supposed when booting ends with fsck error 8022:02
Bear7809omnydevi: editing it to just use VESA is fairly easy after that?22:02
omnydeviBear - find your graphics driver and replcae it with VESA22:02
ASULutzyI think I made a howto anyway :) I get confused sometimes, if you can't find it, that howtoforge article will definitely work22:02
ActionParsnipethan: then reinstall, partition xp to not use the whole disk and leave unpartitioned space, ubuntu will then be able to use it and the dual boot will be handled for you22:03
omnydeviBear - if you never used VI before...it isn't as easy as it sounds22:03
Bear7809omnydevi: im afraid I have not.22:03
lzantalASULutzy: thank you soo much. You saved me hours of backup.(which i will do anyway) I am just happy to learn something new again22:03
omnydeviBear - use only the arrow keys to navigate, just use arrow down till you see your graphics card22:03
MatisseWHAT can I do now ? I dont even see the root partion, only a certain one, which I used for data storage22:03
omnydeviBear - vi can make a mess out of things fast if ya dont know what you are doing. (yes...i am speaking from experience)22:04
Bear7809omnydevi: so get to the graphics part, then replace whatever driver is there with just the word VESA?22:04
ASULutzylzantal: No problem, it's a fun task22:04
ASULutzylzantal: heh, it's even more fun when you do the entire thing remotely via ssh... that first reboot command... You have to be very brave to issue :P22:04
omnydeviBear - yes. Hit A to type. Use DEL to delete the card driver name starting with the first letter22:04
omnydeviBear - then left arrow, press "a" and type VESA, it should be in double quotes. Hit ESC and press ":w" without quotes. that saves it. then hit ":q" without quotes, that exits22:05
__MAVHello All!22:05
aberraticwhy when i zoom in in nautilus my custom svg icons dont amplify?22:05
omnydeviBear - lastly, startx22:05
Bear7809 omnydevi: VESA should be "VESA" like that?22:06
bretaDoes anybody know about any ubuntu ver. using kernel with "CONFIG_HOTPLUG_CPU=y"22:06
omnydeviBear - Yessir!22:06
RediXeIs there a way to get packages installed on a machine that can't see the outside world? I have my desktop that can access the machine and the outside world and would like to install some packages on the machine that can't see outside using apt-get22:06
omnydeviESC, :w, :q, startx22:06
Bear7809omnydevi: do i just type w or :w?22:06
NintendoGuy02836Has anyone got a Three 3G modem working on 8.04? I can't figure out how to set it up at all.. I really need help with this, doesn't anyone know???22:07
vantraxbreta, why would you want to enable that on anything but a bladeserver22:07
__MAVI would like to say that you guys the developers of Ubuntu are making the great job because ubuntu is the very best of Linux distributions I've seen so far!22:07
HacKBoX_RediXe: you need to download the ubuntu .deb package files22:07
omnydeviafter you : you just need w22:07
MatisseHow can I mount the missing partitions ?22:07
Bear7809omnydevi: startx is just a command i can imput without anything extra?22:07
HacKBoX_RediXe: make sure you check the dependencies and satisfy those also22:07
omnydevii need to install ubuntu on a esx server here so i can go through this stuff22:07
omnydeviBear - startx is what you use when you are back in terminal22:07
ASULutzylzantal: I found it: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=778907 but reading it, maybe the howtoforge is just better :) I should update the post... Oh well22:08
omnydevithat should restart the xserver22:08
HacKBoX_RediXe: what are you trying to install?22:08
Bear7809omnydevi: finally just reboot?22:08
RediXeHacKBoX_: sun-java-jre22:08
omnydeviBear - no need to reboot, just startx when back in terminal22:08
__MAVWhat program can I use to backup my Ubuntu installation (including partintioning) and burn it to DVD so later I can boot from that DVD and restore the system ?22:08
Bear7809here i go wish me luck, i'll be back if it messed up haha.22:08
omnydeviBear - this is ubuntu, no need to restart the whole cpu after every change. i love that22:08
dotblankCan I spit a widescrren monitor into sepperate xscreens?22:09
linxehvantrax: you mightwant that on a superdome, or on any virtualised installation...22:09
omnydevibrb, boss is calling me22:09
__MAVdotblank: try Xepyr22:09
=== Vermoot` is now known as Vermoot
RediXeHacKBoX_: Trying to install Openfire IM server on an ubuntu server but it needs java installed   .. I could have sword it wanted a sun-java6-dev or something but didn't see that in the repo22:09
__MAVdotblank: executing "Xepyr :2" will give you 2-nd X screen22:10
linxehRediXe: sun-java6-jre22:10
HacKBoX_RediXe: What does your other computer run?22:10
ASULutzylzantal: If you do go off my guide, don't raid your swap, I actually didn't do that, and most people will recommend that you don't, but overall the post is helpful22:10
linxehRediXe: or sun-java6-jdk22:10
RediXeHacKBoX_: this machine is on xubuntu 8.04 and server is ubuntu server 8.0422:10
MatisseI have changed the UUID in /boot/grub/menu.lst  and in /etc/fstab  and now my system boots with an ash shell as result I've changed the UUID using bklid or sth. like supposed when booting ends with fsck error 80. WHAT can I do now ? I dont even see the root partion, only a certain one, which I used for data storage. How can I mount the missing partitions ?22:10
HacKBoX_RediXe: ok. are they on a network?22:11
RediXelinxeh: Is there not a java dev anywhere?22:11
dotblanksays command can't be found22:11
HacKBoX_RediXe: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/sun-java6-jre take a look at that22:11
cameron_i think why unetbootin doesnt work22:11
__MAVWhat program can I use to backup my Ubuntu installation (including partitioning) and burn it to DVD so later I can boot from that DVD and restore the system ?22:11
cameron_it doesnt work with lilo22:11
cameron_only grub22:11
RediXeHacKBoX_: I am ssh'd into the server atm - not sure why but it can't access the outside world and I'm not too worried about. I'll just scp the deb file over and manually do it22:11
linxehRediXe: if there was you wouldnt want it. the jdk one is the dev kit for compiling22:11
HacKBoX_RediXe: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/sun-java6-jre take a look at that22:12
omnydeviBear - you up and running?22:12
RediXelinxeh: I know, I just have this memory of when I installed this on my home machine that I used a -dev file is all. Can't access that machine to double check until I go home for the day.22:12
HacKBoX_RediXe: at the top you can navigate the dependencies and at the bottom you can download the files22:13
funkapusanyone able to get vpnc working recently?  i had it working successfully a few weeks ago, but not now (since i moved off networkmanager to /etc/network/interfaces; tried going back to networkmanager too, with no joy).  i may need to install that other OS if i can't get vpnc to work sometime soon, which i would really hate.22:13
RediXeHacKBoX_: thx :)22:13
HacKBoX_RediXe: No Problem; Thank the community22:13
Matisse__MAV, you could make a installed packages list and also put all personal data into a tarball, but I wouldnt make a DVD to but from. To much work. Just reinstalling with internet connection would be better22:13
Matisse__MAV, (reinstalling using that package list)22:14
ozzloy"we" == me and jauricchio22:15
ozzloywoops, wrong window22:15
__MAVMatisse: It would be great just to copy partition into place22:15
RediXeHacKBoX_: I assume these packages will run on 64bit machines?22:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about usbdev22:16
ryanakcaI have two encrypted partitions (/home and swap) in my crypttab that I mount/decrypt every boot, both have the same passphrase... Is there a way to make it so that I only have to type in my passphrase once?22:16
HacKBoX_RediXe: you didn't say that one second22:16
RediXeHacKBoX_: Yeah I just realized I forgot to mention that part :P22:16
xompHello, just installed Hardy on my HP Pavilion ze4300 laptop and even though it says "Connected to Wired network connection" it's not pulling an IP Address from my router and I can't get on the internet. Can someone please help me?22:16
Matisseactually copying /home, /etc and maybe /usr and reinstalling could do that, but I'm not sure if there are some more configuration files f.e. in /var or others22:17
ASULutzy__MAV: You could just create a tarball of /, you could also make an image of the entire disk using dd, there are a couple of options, though the tarball one sounds more right22:17
kdogganyone know if a usb device's usbdev id changes if reconnecting it?22:17
omnydevixomp - you have the machine there handy?22:17
HacKBoX_RediXe: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/amd64/sun-java6-jre22:17
RediXeHacKBoX_: I also, moved over to the sun-java6-sdk and saw the AMD64 so downloading that now. As for depends not so sure22:17
xompomnydevi, yes, it's in my lap :-)22:17
omnydevixomp - you try any ifconfig commands?22:18
gerarHow do to install java on my computer?22:18
xompomnydevi, no, but I just checked what kind of NIC it has in it and it says "National Semiconductor Corporation DP83815 (MacPhyter) Ethernet Controller.22:18
omnydevixomp - i am not the best network guy out there by any means, i had this just happen once and all i had to do was ifconfig eth0 down and ifconfig eth0 up22:18
omnydevixomp - well, sudo ifconfig eth0 down and sudo ifconfig eth0 up22:19
__MAVASULutzy: That sounds great, thanks!22:19
ASULutzy__MAV: Yea, you could just do.... tar cvpzf backup.tgz --exclude=/proc exclude=/lost+found exclude=/backup.tgz exclude=/mnt exclude=/media exclude=/sys22:19
HacKBoX_RediXe: you can check this out. http://linuxappfinder.com/package/sun-java6-jre22:19
xompomnydevi, ok, I'm doing that now22:19
ASULutzy__MAV: And to restore you could just do tar xvpfz backup.tgz -C /22:19
lacitaI can't get the sound working on my Lenovo 3000 Y410. I have tried updating to the latest drivers, and altering the alsa_base file... It just won't work...22:19
omnydevixomp - coo, if that does not work, I will have to wait till i get home. my 8.10 worked great oob, so i didnt have to tinker with a lot of things, not even sure what it looks like22:20
AccidusI just wanted to say thanks for anyone who assisted me in the past few days with my connection. Now I'm almost 100% sure the problem is with the ISP, since when I connect my laptop to the office wire, everything runs smoothly. Now the only thing left to do is fix the issue with the ISP and the hibernation issue for ubuntu22:20
ASULutzy__MAV: Er, syntax, cd / && tar cvpzf backup.tgz --exclude=/proc exclude=/lost+found exclude=/backup.tgz exclude=/mnt exclude=/media exclude=/sys /22:21
qcjn2hi, can i make that Ubuntu start right away, without asking a password22:21
maraboutJack_Sparrow: you still here?22:22
lacitaqcjn2, yes22:22
theatrustopqcjn2, yes you can set it to auto-login22:22
theatrustopqcjn2, on the login preferences22:22
qcjn2in system, administtration ?22:22
lacitaqcjn2, system > admin > login window22:22
__MAVASULutzy: thank, you I think I'll give it a try22:22
evowill_qcjnt, system > administration > login window > Security tab22:23
lacitaI can't get the sound working on my Lenovo 3000 Y410. I have tried updating to the latest drivers, and altering the alsa_base file... It just won't work...22:23
qcjn2Activate automatic connexion22:24
ryanakcaI have two encrypted partitions (LUKS, /home and swap) in my crypttab that I mount/decrypt every boot, both have the same passphrase... Is there a way to make it so that I only have to type in my passphrase once?22:24
qcjn2Checked & choosed the user, right ? thanks a lot22:24
HacKBoX_RediXe: I PM'd you22:25
rostamanIs this a good channel to ask Thunderbird questions in?22:25
maraboutneed help trying to finish Hardy. install typed "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop"  now hoping to finish the process22:26
user_rostaman: just try.. ;-)22:27
=== tyfoo2 is now known as tyfoo
rostamanno thanks, user_ ;-)22:28
qcjn2by the way, i was using hotkeyp, under window, that was really great. Is there something similar for Ubuntu ? i've read tha we could do more, in term of key shortcut with KDE ?22:29
Bear7809omnydevi: hey omny you in here?22:29
omnydeviBear - yessir!22:30
Bear7809omnydevi: so i put in the command sudo vi /etc/x11/xorg.cong22:30
Bear7809omnydevi: i just get that in quotes at the bottom with [NEW DIRECTORY] right beside it22:31
CanaenDoes anyone know how to change the soundclip Ubuntu plays on startup22:31
Bear7809omnydevi: then nothing, its not like i can do anything, and moving the arrow keys shows me no real progression.22:31
omnydeviBear - one sec, let me find an example mate. can you see a web page?22:31
omnydevisweet, one sec22:31
Bear7809omnydevi: do you mean in sudo vi?22:32
maraboutdoes anyone know how to boot into ubuntu after doing get-update in terminal22:32
omnydeviBear - go here http://www.linuxcompatible.org/help_with_xorg.conf_t31963.html22:32
crdlbCanaen: system > preferences > sound > sounds ?22:32
user_Canaen: system, preferences, sound22:32
Bear7809omnydevi: because if thats the case i just see a bunc of blue ~ and at the bottom is the directory you speak of. i can put in some commands but thats it.22:32
omnydeviBear - yes, we have to sudo vi, i just do the wrong thing and right when i open a terminal the first thing i do is sudo su22:33
marabouti was installing from the hardy alternate iso and am stuck here not knowing what to do22:33
omnydevibear - on that page, find where it says Section "Device"22:33
omnydevibear - and Identifier  "Videocard0"22:34
omnydeviBear - you need to sudo vi yours to have the next line say DRIVER "VESA"22:34
Bear7809thats why...you told me /etc/x11/xorg.conG i guess you missed the F22:34
tritiumBear7809: that's what tab-completion is handy for22:35
Bear7809omnydevi: that or i copied it wrong.22:35
zambai need something to extract contacts and messages from a sony ericsson p1i22:36
zambadoes anyone know if such a tool exists?22:36
Canaenthank you!22:36
curthi everyone22:37
curti have 2 computers being used by a group of 5 family members. could someone point me to an article on how to set up the two computers so that the users home directory will follow them between computers?22:38
=== sean is now known as Guest25310
user_curt: do you already have a network connection between the two comps?22:40
woody86can anyone give me a hand? When I try to upgrade to jaunty update-manager gives me this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/100624/22:40
simulationcan you suggest any proxy server app for ubuntu ?22:41
throwtsquid is one22:41
curtuser_: yes22:41
=== NintendoGuy02836 is now known as NintendoGuy0
simulationumm ok thanx throwt22:42
rustenguini have a question about security22:43
user_curt: ok22:43
mamat_hi, anyone know how i can disable bzr-notify automatic-useless applet?22:43
geniirustenguin: Ask away22:43
AlexisWhy is the god damn python channel locked to registered nicks :@22:43
rustenguindoes phishing exist in gnu / linux?22:44
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:44
geniiAlexis: Probably to prevent bots22:44
mamat_Alexis: quite annoying... especially when auto-register doesn't work anymore22:44
FireStormrustenguin yes you can still be fooled to enter your bank information to a fake site22:44
rustenguinand how can you avoid it22:45
Alexismamat_: LAME!22:45
rustenguinis it easier22:45
ZackfettALWAYS view the source first22:45
Zackfettjust to be safe22:45
lacitaOk, so now I have to suspend my machine to get the audio working. WTF?22:45
stroyanrustenguin: Firefox 3 has some anti-phising site checking.  And you can check that https certificates are valid.22:46
mamat_hi, anyone know how i can disable bzr-notify automatic-useless applet?22:46
rustenguinthat sounds great22:46
elihmm brasero won't let me burn video cds or dvds22:46
elii add everything but the burn button is grayed out22:47
Zackfetti think i know eli22:47
Zackfettyou might not have a burner22:47
vesaythHello! I'm trying to set up my new wireless network card and am having some trouble. The model is WMP300N by Linksys. I installed ndiswrapper and set it up according to the guide posted here: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/3973. It looks like it installed fine but I don't see the option to use it. Anyone have any ideas?22:47
ttuttleHey.  I just tried to install the restricted extras, and it hung unpacking java.  I ran top, and nothing was happening, so I logged out and back in.  Now it says there's another package manager running, except there isn't.  How do I reset the lock?22:47
ikoniattuttle: look at the lock file it's complaining about22:47
stroyanrustenguin: Look at the "Edit->Preferences" dialog and the "Security" tab in firefox 3.22:48
klenzwhat do i need to format an xternal hdd to ntfs?? in gparted the ntfs option is greyed out??22:48
ttuttleikonia: It says "Unable to get exclusive lock", that's all.22:48
ttuttleikonia: Should I try apt-get?22:48
lacitaklenz: get a gpated live CD.22:48
eliZackfett: I have a dvd burner22:48
ikoniattuttle: it still won't be able to get the lock22:48
user_curt: ubuntu on both computers?22:48
eliand it works in any other burning software22:48
Zackfettdoes your drive say dvd rw22:48
klenzlacita. ok22:48
curtuser_: yes22:49
rustenguini did activate the choice to avoid phishing22:49
nonix4Is there any reasonable way for figuring out which voltages lm-sensors *should* be reporting for your motherboard?22:49
ikoniattuttle: a.) use ps -ef to look for a package manager running b.) look at /var/dpkg/lock for a file22:49
duaneb1400 users in #ubuntu?22:49
lacitaall lagging22:49
eliCD-RW/DVD±RW Drive22:49
omnydeviBear - you there?22:49
eliits the software or somthing22:49
rustenguinim not ubuntu user, sorry22:50
eliI have burned dvds before22:50
eliBrasero won't let me press the burn button22:50
elia data disk with dvd works22:50
elibut video does not22:50
tkachI can't hear any sound. I just reinstalled 8.04 and no luck. I checked every single volume level...again, no dice. Is this most likely a hardware problem, what else can I try. (note: this is an old dell computer with a basic sound blaster card)22:50
ttuttleDamn, apt gets pissy when it decides to not do anything and I interrupt it not doing anything.22:51
user_curt: this might be a start, checked the first two entries, looks reasonable to me. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=connect+two+ubuntu+linux+home+network+home+shares&start=10&sa=N22:51
lzantalASULutzy: Thank yo a bunch. It is working.Now I just have to wait to copy everything over22:51
Zackfetteli, have you tried burning it on windows?22:51
ttuttleAh, killall -9 dpkg.22:51
zichoAx-Ax, hej hej22:52
eliZackfett I have burned DVDs onthis machine before it works22:52
Ax-Axvad festligt22:52
eliin linux22:52
elibrasero is having some kind of glitch cause i can't even output to an image file22:52
Zackfetteli try using the add and remove program thing to get a new disk burner22:53
Zackfettim kind of a newb at this but im trying to help as best i can]22:53
eliZackfett: that would be ignoring the problem, there must be why brasero won't burn it, brasero works with any other type of project22:54
Turno1so what are the odds that we'll get a new version of the nvidia driver before 9.04?22:54
ttuttleHi.  Where do I get libdvdcss?22:54
ttuttleIt says it has no installation candidate?22:55
Zackfetteli: thats what i mean, im trying to help but i cant help you with fixing it because i dont use brasero because i dont have a burner22:55
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:55
rwwttuttle: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs22:55
eth01how can i install adium?22:55
rwwttuttle: 1) install libdvdread3, 2) run the script it tells you on that page22:55
ttuttlerww: Thanks.22:55
eliZackfett: well I really looked forward to an easy way to make dvds in linux22:55
rwweth01: Adium is only for Mac OS X. It's based off Pidgin, though, so you might want to try that.22:55
DelvienHaving an issue with USB's mounting very slowly. anyone experience the same?22:56
curthi all22:56
ZackfettDelvien: i have22:56
eth01rww: i thought there was a version for ubuntu?22:56
exodus_mseli: what kind of dvd's22:56
eth01rww: alternatives would be, though?22:56
DelvienZackfett: Did you fix it?22:56
mib_sgglsfno adium for ubuntu22:56
DelvienZackfett: what kind of PC?22:56
eliexodus_ms: DVD-r22:56
Zackfettsome old one made for windows millenium22:57
eliexodus_ms: I also have dvd-RW and dvd+R as well22:57
rwweth01: not as far as I know. Adium makes extensive use of Apple's non-free libraries, so I doubt it'd ever happen. Alternatives would be Pidgin or Empathy for GNOME.22:57
exodus_mseli: are you trying to create your own dvd from a recording i.e. camcorder, or backup?22:57
curtcould someone point me to an article on how to configure two computers on a home netowrk so that the users´ home directory follows them between computers?22:57
BlisterDose photoshop work on WINE "out of the box" ????22:57
DelvienZackfett: what kind of Mother board?22:58
puppiesRcutehello i was wondering i tried virtual box to load up my windows iso and with every os i try to run a error pops up each time even with linux iso's22:58
rww!appdb | Blister22:58
ubottuBlister: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help22:58
hraskoI just wanted to sign up22:58
eliexodus_ms: camcorder, the file is in avi format22:58
Slartcurt: will you be using one as some kind of always on-server?22:58
kitcheBlister: depends on which photoshop22:58
Zackfettlast i checked a yellow one22:58
rwwpuppiesRcute: what error message do you get?22:58
curtSlart: yes22:58
DelvienZackfett: .....22:58
exodus_mseli: have you tried Kino?22:58
Blisterkitche, its photoshop 722:58
Slartcurt: I would export the home folder using nfs..22:58
Blisterbut i may be abel to get hold of CS322:58
puppiesRcutelet me check real quick cant think of what it exactly says its all over the forums though same message22:58
hraskoI just wanted to sign up to ubuntu brainstorm but I didn't received the 'what-to-do-next' e-mail22:58
Zackfetti installed my 160 gbyte hard drive and my mother board is just yellow22:58
heath|OTGhello... is anyone running ubuntu on a LCD TV?22:58
mib_sgglsfhi hrasko22:59
Slartcurt: and you're sure you want the same settings, same software etc on both computers?22:59
mib_sgglsfno sign up needed22:59
mib_sgglsfjust ask22:59
Zackfettim good with computers just i dont know what you mean22:59
eliexodus_ms: well I'd rather try to get the out-of-box to work so that it is easier for people I meet to make dvds22:59
Bart_Blister, http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=263122:59
curtSlart: sure22:59
Blisterdo you know any good sites to help a newbie to get to grips with the basics of using WINE ?22:59
Bart_Blister, http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=658422:59
Slartcurt: or is this for the purpose of sharing documents and such?22:59
hraskohi mib_sgglsf, but I found the mail server that sends those e-mails is not configyured correctly22:59
rwwhrasko: ask in #ubuntu-brainstorm22:59
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help23:00
Bart_Blister, install it ( apt-get install wine) and use it ..23:00
zambai need to backup all my data (most importantly contacts and smses) from my sony ericsson mobile phone.. how do you suggest i do this?23:00
eliexodus_ms: its also wierd in that the properties menu is disabled when using a video project23:00
rwwBlister: The people in #winedb might know thart sort of thing better than us :)23:00
exodus_mseli: what app are you trying to use23:00
Blisterthank you rww23:00
DelvienZackfett: If you dont know what i mean by "what kind of motherboard do you have" then I wont be able to diagnose the problem.23:00
rwwBlister: #winehq **23:00
hraskook, hanks, just wanted to let to know someone that the mailserver is not confogured ok23:00
mib_sgglsfhrasko: thanks23:00
eriscohow can I get the input of my TV card to be outputted through my onboard?23:00
eliexodus_ms: brasero23:00
eriscodoes that make sense?23:00
curtSlart: well, there are 5 family members sharing the 2 computers. It would be ideal if their documents and configurations could follow themback and forth between computers23:00
hraskoso I'll try ubuntu_brainstorm channel23:00
thebighamhello, how do you change the network management password. i'm not sure if thats wat its called. It the thing that pops up when you login, and asks for the password inorder to connect to a wireless network.23:01
eth01rww: i have also noticed that at login the password entry is just blank? (even if i enter the password)23:01
Slartcurt: ok, you need to install the nfs server parts on the computer where the actual files will be stored.. the server machine or whatever we're going to call it23:01
curtSlart: ok23:01
riohi, my brightness-control doesnt work anymore, any hints?23:01
ikterme newbie23:01
puppiesRcuteVirtualBox kernel driver not installed. The vboxdrv kernel module was either not loaded or /dev/vboxdrv was not created for some reason. Please install the virtualbox-ose-modules package for your kernel, e.g. virtualbox-ose-modules-generic..23:01
puppiesRcuteVBox status code: -1908 (VERR_VM_DRIVER_NOT_INSTALLED).23:01
puppiesRcuteResult Code:23:01
FloodBot2puppiesRcute: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:01
Slartcurt: so, "sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server" will do that23:01
eliexodus_ms: according to brasero's help "In order to use all the potential of the video project, you need to install all GStreamer's plugins, ffmpeg, vcdimager and dvdauthor. See your operating system documentation for more information on how to install all these applications." I have installed all of these dependancies and it still does not function23:02
ikterwant to get help in way to make webcam working with kopete23:02
tkach I can't hear any sound. I just reinstalled 8.04 and no luck. I checked every single volume level...again, no dice. Is this most likely a hardware problem, what else can I try. (note: this is an old dell computer with a basic sound blaster card)23:02
ikterany clues ?23:02
thebighamhello, how do you change the network management password. i'm not sure if thats wat its called. It the thing that pops up when you login, and asks for the password inorder to connect to a wireless network.23:02
mib_sgglsfikter: have you added the driver for the old soundblaster crd?23:02
curtSlart: ok. what next?23:02
ikterthe only error i get is the jasper23:03
enryi have to do two command at startup23:03
ikterwitch i install allready23:03
Slartcurt: "gksudo gedit /etc/exports"23:03
rwwpuppiesRcute: what version of Ubuntu are you using?23:03
ikterusing synaptic package manager23:03
Slartcurt: should bring up some text.. some examples and comments23:03
mib_sgglsfikter: so i have an old SB too.  figure out what kind it is, do a #modprobe <x>   where x is driver name , such as snd-sb16   for the old 16bit card23:03
rwweth01: you mean the GNOME graphical login? or some other login?23:03
curtSlart: i am writing this down because I am going to set it up later23:03
mib_sgglsfthen try alsamixer23:04
heath|OTGIs anyone running ubuntu on an HDTV?23:04
ikterdude, use to work before23:04
Slartcurt: ok.. this file (/etc/exports) defines what folders are shared, who gets to use them and so on23:04
exodus_mseli: there are several really good apps you could use besides brasero, just because they are not installed by default soes not mean they will not work 'out-of-the-box' have you tried DeVeDe, QDVDAuthor, DVDStyler, AcidRip, and DVD::Rip.23:04
ikteri had in the past installed on the same computer23:04
ikterubuntu 8.1023:04
curtSlart: ok, seems clear enough23:04
Slartcurt: does the other computer have a fixed ip-number?23:04
ikterusing wubi23:05
mib_sgglsfikter : cant tell u why it suddenly doesnt work.  thats all I know -- how i got MINE to work23:05
ikterno problems with kopete23:05
curtSlart: I can set it up with one23:05
ikternow since something changed, i cannot handle anymore :)23:05
Slartcurt: and is the local network reasonably safe?23:05
eliI have tried  DeVeDe, QDVDAuthor, and DVD::Rip and they don't seem to function ass well + they have glitches23:05
curtSlart: yeah, local netwrok is safe23:05
mib_sgglsfikter: sorry :(   anyone else know what kopete couldv'e changed???23:05
lacitaWhat's the command to identify what version I'm running?23:06
ikteri read over the internet about the jasper...23:06
rww!version | lacita23:06
ubottulacita: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »23:06
syn-finhow to restart x11 from CLI?23:06
ikteri install it...23:06
ikterstill doesn't work :(23:06
tritiumsyn-fin: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart23:06
ikterif i invite someone, nothing happens23:06
Slartcurt: what I've done on my home network is simple add a line such as this one "/media/disk,sync)"23:06
ikterbut when i go to configure menu23:07
Slartcurt: this allows the computer with that ip access to the folder /media/disk23:07
eriscoI have input coming in on my TV card. how can I view it on ubuntu?23:07
ikteron video, my webcam is turning ok23:07
ikterthat means kopete actually sees the webcam23:07
Slartcurt: if you're more paranoid than I am you can add all kinds of security to this.. you'll have to read the nfs manual if you want to know how to set that up23:07
curtSlart: ok23:07
curtSlart: then getting the folder to auto mount on the other computer?23:08
ikterit's not about just the stupid webcam, just that i want to figure it out :D23:08
Slartcurt: ah... first we have to do one more thing on the server23:08
ikterand i don't know how23:08
curtSlart: ok23:08
mib_sgglsfikter: one other thing to try: if sound used to work, and driver is NOT needed, did you check PREFs>SOUND to make sure its not set to AUTODETECT but rather to ALSA23:08
Slartcurt: you have to run "sudo exportfs" to make the it read the file and share the folders accordingly23:08
Slartcurt: now.. I'm not entirely sure on how to do this for multiple users.. I've just added a line in my /etc/fstab that looks like this.." /home/markus/markus@comp01 nfs rw 0 0"23:10
eriscoI have input coming in on my TV card. how can I view it on ubuntu?23:10
curtSlart: ok, maybe some googling will turn up some answers23:10
Gletoberisco: what model is it23:11
Slartcurt: that will mount the folder /media/disk/markus on my server ( to /home/markus/markus@comp01 on my desktop23:11
eriscoGletob, its a haupagge23:11
Slartcurt: I almost think you'll have to mount the folder with all the home folders as /home23:11
Gletoberisco: what model?23:11
ikteron the configuration i have only "accounts, contact list, status, chat window, video and plugins"23:12
Slartcurt: so you don't mount each home folder separately..23:12
Turno1erisco: do you know the model? is it an internal card, or an external usb device?23:12
ikternoting about sound :S23:12
xocI have ubuntu and I cannot install vlc using sudo apt-get install vlc23:12
eriscoTurno1, Gletob, its an internal card. I will see if I can find the model on it23:12
curtSlart: ok23:12
xocit says vlc-nox has stuff it cannot install23:12
Slartcurt: and of course.. ubottu will gladly hand out advice.. !nfs is a good place to start23:12
Slart!nfs | curt23:12
ubottucurt: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.23:12
bearhunterwat wit flash and ubunutu crash23:12
bearhuntersomeone tell me wtf is up23:13
ikterxoc, use the add/remove23:13
eriscoTurno1, Gletob, its upside down and I cannot see it at the moment. how will the particular model help?23:13
xocSince you only requested a single operation it is extremely likely that23:13
xocthe package is simply not installable and a bug report against23:13
tritiumbearhunter: English, please23:13
xocthat package should be filed.23:13
ikterand search for vlc and aply install23:13
=== nick__ is now known as Skkyt
eriscoTurno1, Gletob, I tried viewing it in Totem but it said "Totem is missing a channels listing to be able to tune the receiver."23:13
Slartbearhunter: easy now.. breathe in.. breathe out... now, tell us what's wrong.. details are good, versions are good etc23:13
curtSlart: something else occurred to me as well. the server should probably manage the user accounts23:13
Turno1erisco: because there are a couple of very different types of tuner cards, knowing what you have is helpful23:13
Gletoberisco different models have different components, driver requirements, and configurations23:13
curtSlart: in case someone changes their password and such23:14
SkkytIs there an app that takes all files in a given folder and can rename them based on a certain specification?  Like image001.jpg, image002.jpg etc?23:14
Turno1erisco: thats good, it sounds like your card is working, you just need to scan for channels23:14
ubuntu__can anyone tell me how to configure sound on a dell latitude d83023:14
eriscoTurno1, Gletob, well I tried w_scan but it complains that my device is the "wrong type"23:14
Slartcurt: well.. yes.. that might be a good idea.. since it's only 2 computers changing the passwords manually might not be that hard.. but setting up some kind of server based login would be fancy =)23:14
xocok thanks23:14
kitcheSkkyt: you could write a small i loop to do that23:15
eriscoTurno1, Gletob, http://pastey.net/10562223:15
Unknownuser56In case of FHSS the data ( of a package,let's say ) is sent in one frequency whilein DSS the data of the package is sent in different channel frequencies ,correct ?23:15
eriscoTurno1, Gletob, if you really need that model number I will have to shutdown and get back to you23:15
bearhunteri forggot that the flash problem with  ubuntu didnt exist hardy hr har23:15
Slartcurt: I'm not really sure on how to set that up though.. never messed with centralized user management in linux23:15
=== callum_ is now known as calrogman
Gletoberisco: if it's an internal card put the output of lspci on pastey23:16
curtSlart: Iĺl go for fancy. The users are not very computer-literate and I live 6 hours away23:16
eriscoTurno1, Gletob, HDTV MVR 180023:16
curtSlart: fancy is always more fun anyways23:16
eriscosorry lol23:16
seek_therapyis Ubuntu  dapper , gutsy or feisty?23:16
Slartcurt: =)23:16
funkapusanyone able to get vpnc working recently?  i had it working successfully a few weeks ago, but it's badly broken now (since i moved off networkmanager to /etc/network/interfaces; tried going back to networkmanager too, with no joy).23:16
eriscoTurno1, Gletob, Win-TV HVR 180023:16
Slartseek_therapy: those are all versions of ubuntu23:17
Turno1erisco: okay, hang on one second while i look that up23:17
Slartseek_therapy: the latest one is intrepid23:17
rioon my thinkpad r61, the brightness control doesnt work anymore, is there a fix for this behavior? :(23:17
exodus_msseek_therapy: Intrepid is newest version23:17
rwwseek_therapy: You might find https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Releases useful :)23:17
ikteranyone can help me regarding the webcam on kopete ?23:17
rwwseek_therapy: eek, sorry, wrong link23:17
curtSlart: thanks a ton for your help. got me off to a good start. Iḿ relatively new to linux and I'm loving Ubuntu23:17
eriscoTurno1, Gletob, http://pastey.net/10562323:17
ikterjust doesn't work23:17
Slartseek_therapy: here's a list of all the versions.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Ubuntu23:17
mkerDoes anyone use disk encryption? I'd like to hear if (or how much) it slows down your system. I'm using an Intel Core2Duo4500 @ 2.20 Ghz. Would I for example be able to use bittorrent at 10mb/s (both up and down full speed) while watching an HD movie in x264?23:17
rwwseek_therapy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases23:17
Slartcurt: you're welcome, hope you get your little network up and running.. fancy style =)23:18
seek_therapybecause i upgraded my cousins version of Ubuntu and her sound isnt working23:19
eriscoGletob, did the paste help you?23:19
mib_sgglsfikter: and u checked sound preferences from main system menu?23:19
mib_sgglsfikter: for ALSA and NOT auto detect?23:19
ikteri will now23:19
Unknownuser56In case of FHSS the entire data ( of a package,let's say ) is sent in one frequency while in DSDS the data of the package is sent in different channel frequencies ,correct ?23:19
vesaythHello! I need some help with installing a wireless network card (WMP300N by Linksys). I installed ndiswrapper and installed the windows wireless driver from the cd, and verified it with 'ndiswrapper -l.' When I try to use ndiswrraper -m I get two copies of the message: 'module configuration already contains alias directive.' I have no Enable Wireless option when i right click my network manager icon. Anyone have any ideas?23:20
user_mker: you may ask in truecrypt channel f.e.23:20
Turno1erisco : http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/Hauppauge_HVR-180023:20
mkeruser_, I'm wondering about the one used in ubuntu installer (dm-crypt is it?) not truecrypt.23:20
Turno1erisco : it looks like you will need to get a little dirty to get your tuner to work23:21
eriscoTurno1, kernel recompilation?23:21
iktermib_sgglsf: should i change all of them to ALSA ?23:21
user_mker: then that one :-)23:21
eriscoTurno1, I am not going that far =\23:21
Turno1erisco : so say the mythtv guys, and they are the largest community of tv tuner using folks in linux23:21
mib_sgglsfikter: thats what worked for ME23:22
Turno1erisco : it looks like you will need to at least compile the latest version of v4l-dvb23:22
Gletoberisco could you install mplayer from the repos please23:22
mib_sgglsfbut no guarantees ;)23:22
laderiusWhats something for ubuntu to kinda spice up the desktop?23:22
mkeruser_, well, I am in that channel right now?23:22
ikteri will try now23:22
ikterall are ALSA23:22
eriscoGletob, I have it installed23:22
Unknownuser56In case of FHSS the entire data ( of a package,let's say ) is sent in one frequency from whereafter it changes the channel frequency while in DSSS the data of the package is sent in different channel frequencies ,correct ?23:22
rww!ot | Unknownuser5623:23
ubottuUnknownuser56: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:23
Gletoberisco: run "mplayer tv://dev/video0"23:23
ikterdoesn't work :(23:23
eriscoGletob, random static23:24
thebighamHow do you auto mount the windows partition?23:24
eriscoGletob, mostly green23:24
user_mker: here in #ubuntu so far noone answered, so you could check for a #dm-crypt channel or check their maillist archives for figures23:24
mib_sgglsfcool it tzkao23:24
rwwthebigham: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions23:24
eriscoGletob, that may not be the right device though...23:24
lacitaOk, so now I have to suspend my machine to get the audio working. WTF?23:24
vesaythOr are there any channels that are specifically for wireless networking problems?23:24
Gletoberisco: try "mplayer pvr://dev/video0"23:25
Unknownuser56rww,not off-topic,if you can't even give constructive critisism,then don23:25
eriscoGletob, the device that w_scan reports is /dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend023:25
mib_sgglsfikter: i'm sorry... from here thats all i could think of; not that familiar with kopete -- I just know,like i said, that older soundblasters sometimes require a differetn driver.  BUT -- if you had it already working, i'm not sure what got broken23:25
eriscoGletob, with "PVR" [encoder] device do not support MPEG input.23:26
billybigriggerhow do i set my default torrent client?23:26
SlartUnknownuser56: we try to keep this channel for ubuntu-support only23:26
Gletoberisco: run "mplayer tv://dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0" and see what that dows23:26
Turno1erisco : this forum thread looks helpful, but it's a little old23:26
Turno1erisco : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=55027623:26
eriscoGletob, same green static23:26
SlartUnknownuser56: the channel is crowded and busy as it is23:27
TrenterQuestion:  I have been using wine a lot recently and I've uninstalled a lot programs that do not work.  Is there some sort of bug that keeps programs in the "programs" section of wine even after I have uninstalled them through the wine uninstaller?23:27
eriscoGletob, it is output from an xbox, if that helps23:27
yaris123456789hey guys i am moving lot of image files from one server to another. but if i wget too fast, the server automatically throttles it. i cannot control the server hosting the image. so how to speed up this process without waiting 2 days for everything to transfer? run multiple instances of wget?23:27
nbeeboi want my speaker output to also be my microphone input, what can i do?23:27
ikteron the other hand, when another person is inviting me, it pop up the message, but when i accept... nothing happens :(23:27
Turno1Gletob: he may just need to select svideo or composite....23:28
SlartTrenter: mm.. it does that for me too.. don't know if it's a bug or just an unimplemented feature.. you can edit the menu if you want.. or ask in #winehq for advice23:28
johnzornanyone one use the closed source version virtualbox 2.1?23:28
Turno1erisco : how is the xbox connected to the tuner? composite (yellow), svideo or coax?23:28
eriscoTurno1, I bookmarked it, thanks23:28
AndreasMadridwhere does ubuntu get the weather information from?23:28
mib_sgglsfanyone know where Ikter can go for help with Kopete?23:28
rwwTrenter: yeah, there is. One of the subfolders of /home/yourusername/.local/ has all the icons in it; I deleted them from there and they went away.23:28
eriscoTurno1, composite23:28
Turno1erisco : lets see real quick about just selecting the composite input23:28
AndreasMadridit's fine for most places but for Berlin Germany it's totally wrong, always23:29
Turno1erisco : i have no idea how to do that with mplayer23:29
Slartyaris123456789: that might be one way.. if the server doesn't realise both connections are from the same ip23:29
ensayyaris123456789 -> both ends you own and they are on same room?23:29
rwwTrenter: (.local is hidden in the GUI File Browser by default; press Ctrl-H to show hidden files.)23:29
Turno1erisco : ;) hang on23:29
ikterwebcam doesn't work on kopete :(23:29
eriscoTurno1, I can also do svideo (that is the circular one right?) because I have an adapter23:29
SlartAndreasMadrid: doesn't it say somewhere in the preferences for the weather thingy?23:29
ubuntu_noobwhich module on the 8.10 livecd is for ext4? I need to mount a partition... ext4dev doesn't work :/23:29
yaris123456789Slart: yes23:29
eriscoTurno1, this all started when I mistook HDMI for meaning "the xbox comes with an HDMI cable"23:29
mib_sgglsfikter:  sorry again.  have to log off...   good luck!23:29
ubuntu_noobhi :)23:29
eriscoTurno1, so my monitor does not take it :P it'll be quite a while till I can get anywhere to find an appropriate adapter for it too, so23:30
ikterthx for help23:30
kitcheubuntu_noob: why not just mount the partition as ext3?23:30
Turno1erisco : so you really just need a hdmi cable?23:30
AndreasMadridSlart: dunno. i just found the option to show weather, togetzher with the time and date, but not, where the info comes from. For madrid it's accurate, but for Berlin it shows 4°C whereas it's actually -11°C23:30
Turno1erisco : cause that would be so much simpler23:30
AndreasMadridand not only today23:30
Bart_Question: When I unload a module with  modprobe -r ***  is the device turned off?23:31
eriscoTurno1, I know, but it will be at least a week until I can get one23:31
ubuntu_noobmount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda2,23:31
eriscoTurno1, so I dug up a TV card and was hoping that'd do it23:31
ubuntu_noobdoesn't work23:31
TrenterThat did it, thanks rww23:31
ubuntu_noobthe partition was formatted with 2.6.28 ext4 module23:31
SlartAndreasMadrid: hmm.. I searched the preferences box and there's no urls or anything.. perhaps some wiretapping might tell us what url it goes to23:31
laderiusMy video card drivers are apparently reset, it said an error at startup saying it could not communiticate with my gfx card now my resloution is very large and im not sure how to fix it.23:31
eriscoTurno1, and I don't need an hdmi cable, I need an hdmi adapter, from composite to hdmi23:31
Pir8Is it possible to have ubuntu auto-login to the wifi network, without the user logging into GDM ?23:31
hrasko_Hi, I'm here again since no one responded me on ubuntu-brainstorm channel23:32
ubuntu_noobwell I tried: mount -o ro -t ext3 /dev/sda2 /mnt/data/23:32
exodus_msis there a way I can configure the terminal to use 'split-windows' similar to irssi?23:32
Turno1erisco : you know the picture you're going to get with your tv tuner will not be HD, right?23:32
Bart_Simpele?? question: When I unload a module with  modprobe -r ***  is the device turned off?23:32
kitcheubuntu_noob: should work considering ext4 is backwards compatible but I believe ubuntu doesn't support ext4 yet but if you do mount -t ext4 it should auto load th ext4 module23:32
funkjaHow can I change the swap partition that ubuntu is using?23:32
eriscoTurno1, if I can see my xbox display, yes :P23:32
AndreasMadridSlart dunno about that, am pretty nooob. Just wanted to report to you guys that it works fine for other destinations that i treid, but that fpr Berlin it's been way too high for days now. Maybe someone relies on it...23:32
hrasko_the mailserver that sends e-mails from brainstorm registration process is not configured properly23:33
kitchefunkja: by using swapon <device> swapoff <old swap> and chaning the line in /etc/fstab23:33
ubuntu_noobI checked the lib/modules folder on the lifecd but only ext4dev, so I did modprobe ext4dev and doesn't :/23:33
SlartAndreasMadrid: I doubt NASA is using the weather applet to time their launches.. =) I'll see if I can find where it comes from though..23:33
hrasko_someone should fix it I guess23:33
eriscoTurno1, well, I have the info I need to compile the drivers. I will try to work that out.23:33
ubuntu_noobdoesn't work, but module loaded correctly23:33
b1gbawxever since i selected x windows to not load on startup my usb external harddrive wont load while in x. how to i set it to load usb once x loads23:33
laderiusMy video card drivers are apparently reset, it said an error at startup saying it could not communiticate with my gfx card now my resloution is very large and im not sure how to fix it.23:34
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ubuntu_noobcomes back with unknown fs type23:34
Turno1erisco : wait just a second23:34
eriscoTurno1, okay23:35
ubuntu_noobthat's 2.6.27-7-generic on the cd23:35
eriscoTurno1, the xbox output cable has a switch. "tv" or "hdmi"23:35
rwwhrasko_: Brainstorm discussion in #ubuntu-brainstorm , not here :)23:35
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup23:35
gogereaverxbox lol23:35
eriscoTurno1, I tried it on both modes but still green static from mplayer23:35
hrasko_rww: well well :)23:35
gogereavererisco change the mplayer video mode23:36
gogereaverthe xbox does not have 3d drivers23:36
eriscogogereaver, to what mode?23:36
gogereaverx11 should work23:36
vesaythHello! I need some help with installing a wireless network card (WMP300N by Linksys). I installed ndiswrapper and installed the windows wireless driver from the cd, and verified it with 'ndiswrapper -l.' When I try to use ndiswrraper -m I get two copies of the message: 'module configuration already contains alias directive.' I have no Enable Wireless option when i right click my network manager icon (it's not even grayed out, it's just not t23:37
thebighamhello, how do you set keyboard short cuts?23:37
eriscogogereaver, I have X11/Xv, X11 ( XImage/Shm), X11 (OpenGL), X11 (OpenG) multiple textures, and X11 (VIDIX)23:37
gogereavertry xv23:37
eriscogogereaver, already on that23:38
gogereaverthen ximage23:38
meekatroni have a printer installed and working on with cups on machine, how can i print from the command line on machine
gogereaverthe opengl ones whot work23:38
ubuntu_noobthanks for help, I reboot to hd then again23:38
gogereaveryou do need to restart mplayer for it to take effect23:38
Paddy_EIREmeekatron, does it support postscript?23:38
meekatronyes i think so23:39
eriscogogereaver, I get nothing but green static23:39
mas2I just installed Ubuntu. I really want to be able to see my partions (want to see if the default install created a swap partion).23:39
eriscogogereaver, and I did restart23:39
Turno1erisco : yeah man, you might want to follow the directions in post 4 of that forum I sent you, but also try a different tv program, cause I can't get totem to work with my tv card either23:39
Paddy_EIREmeekatron, I cannot remember the exact command23:39
eriscoTurno1, what other TV cards are there?23:39
gogereavermaybe the video has some cedec issues23:39
Bart_How do I disable my wireless network hardware????23:39
rwwmas2: sudo fdisk -l at a command-line to see all partitions on all mounted drives.23:39
Paddy_EIREmeekatron, I will have a google .. 2 mins please23:39
meekatronPaddy_EIRE: thanks23:39
Turno1erisco : and I know my tv card works... i'm using an hauppauge hvr 1600, i think23:39
eriscoTurno1, sorry, I mean what other TV programs are there?23:39
gogereaverhave to tryed using vlc23:40
mas2rww: is -l for list?23:40
rwwmas2: yeah23:40
eriscogogereaver, is it GUI?23:40
Turno1gogereaver: i'm trying it with my card right now23:40
Paddy_EIREmeekatron, have a peek here first till I see if I can find something more substantial.. or fit for your question rather :)23:40
gogereaveroh turno123:41
mas2rww:  when I wrote fdisk -l it said can not open dev/sda23:41
gogereaveryv card?23:41
Turno1gogereaver: didn't work with mine ;)23:41
rwwmas2: put sudo in front of it: "sudo fdisk -l"23:41
Turno1gogereaver, erisco : i use mythtv23:41
gogereaverxawtv and tvtime are god apps to use with a tv card23:41
mas2rww:  thanks!23:42
gogereaverlighter then myth to23:42
laderiusMy Video card drivers have been defaulted to whats seems to be none, i have a very large display... when i installed earlier they worked fine and i updated to the nvidia ones under propierty drivers earlier, now thats not avaible. i have the nvidia drivers installed but my resloution is still really low, how can i fix this?23:42
gogereavernormaly installing those make myth work to23:42
gogereaversence they grab the drivers23:42
Turno1i have an hvr-950... it's usb... and i had to follow pretty much those directions exactly to get mine working23:42
eriscoTurno1, I am not sure how to open the device correctly with VLC, gogereaver23:42
gogereavererisco thought you where using a xbox?23:43
mas2rww: it doesn't say how big the partions is tho? can I just something like -something to get that?23:43
eriscogogereaver, yes, so?23:43
gogereaverthought where whanted video playback23:43
eriscogogereaver, I want my xbox output to play on my screen, yes23:43
gogereaver360 or orignal23:44
rwwmas2: For non-swap partitions, "df -H" will do that.23:44
eriscogogereaver, 36023:44
SlartAndreasMadrid: seems it's using http://weather.noaa.gov23:44
gogereaverthe 360 should output to a tv just fine built in23:44
SlartAndreasMadrid: I just thought of something else.. are the coordinates for Berlin correct?23:44
eriscogogereaver, okay, so how do I get it from my tv card to my screen? that is the issue23:44
gogereaverbut i think its ment for hd23:44
gogereavernot a hacked 46023:45
gogereavertrying to output a tv card23:45
laderiusMy Video card drivers have been defaulted to whats seems to be none, i have a very large display... when i installed earlier they worked fine and i updated to the nvidia ones under propierty drivers earlier, now thats not avaible. i have the nvidia drivers installed but my resloution is still really low, how can i fix this?23:45
eriscogogereaver, its not hacked, no23:45
gogereaversweiswitch the tv cars oinput to componet23:45
Jack_Sparrow!sparrow has a suggestion for a factoid23:45
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:45
Turno1erisco : try tvtime23:45
SlartAndreasMadrid: there are more than one Berlin in the lists.. one shows 4C and one -11C..23:46
gogereaveryou just need to change the mode23:46
AndreasMadridSlart coordinates are correct. I changed for another Berlin weather station and it works. Seems it's a prob with that specific station23:46
eriscogogereaver, I am not quite following you23:46
AndreasMadridSlart yes.23:46
ym1hello happy new year23:46
gogereavererisco its probly in tv tunermode23:46
Jack_Sparrow!no, Sparrow has a suggestion for a factoid23:46
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:46
eriscogogereaver, probably. what do I need to do?23:46
Bart_How do I disable my wireless network hardware????23:47
Paddy_EIREJack_Sparrow, what are you trying to do man?23:47
ym1I would like to make myself a present, a laptop that just work under ubuntu, suspend/resume included  :-)23:47
AndreasMadridSlart I had chosen Airport Tempelhof as it's closest to my home, and that one was the malfuntioning one. have changed to Tegel now, so i have correct values. Thanks23:47
gogereavererisco it should be in the menus somewhere it verys on the softwhere thow23:47
Turno1gogereaver: i'm in here in vlc and it doesn't have the option to choose the input23:47
ym1There are several contenders on my list : system 76 (gazelle or pengolin), lenovo (T500)  and dell (xps)23:47
mib_70r1aeI have a noob question regarding installing Ubuntu?23:47
Paddy_EIREJack_Sparrow, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots23:47
SlartAndreasMadrid: yes, those were the ones I checked on the website.. you're welcome23:47
Paddy_EIRE!ask | mib_70r1ae23:47
ubottumib_70r1ae: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:47
gogereavercapture device your tv card souce would be where it can be changed23:47
mib_70r1aeumm, can I use a usb drive to install ubuntu on my hd?23:48
rww!usb | mib_70r1ae23:48
ubottumib_70r1ae: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent23:48
gogereavermyth and tvtime can both do this as well23:48
Turno1erisco : would you be willing to try a different program? I think it's more suited to your card23:48
laderiusMy Video card drivers have been defaulted to whats seems to be none, i have a very large display... when i installed earlier they worked fine and i updated to the nvidia ones under propierty drivers earlier, now thats not avaible. i have the nvidia drivers installed but my resloution is still really low, how can i fix this?23:48
AndreasMadridSlart I'll call the templehof weather stattion maybe they can change that23:48
Jack_SparrowPaddy_EIRE, Hi, yea , we were testing something23:48
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)23:48
ym1I would like to know first if I am missing an excellent laptop ? and then get some feedback from users of one of these 3 laptops.23:48
gogereaveryea agreed use tvtime for this23:48
funkjawhat would happen if I booted without any swap space defined?23:48
Paddy_EIREJack_Sparrow, ah.. looks like a handy method if that is the usage23:48
mib_70r1aeand will I be able to use compizfusion well? (I have a 2.5 GHZ amd dual proc with 2 GB of ram and 256 Graphics)23:49
SlartAndreasMadrid: good idea23:49
Jack_SparrowPaddy_EIRE, They still must be approved before they become a factoid23:49
gogereavermob yes very well23:49
eriscoTurno1, I tried tvtime23:49
eriscoTurno1, got another idea?23:49
Paddy_EIREJack_Sparrow, hell yeah.. otherwise it would be mad :)23:49
rwwfunkja: if you have a reasonable amount of memory, it should boot fine. I don't think I have one set up right now, actually...23:49
gogereaverin tvtime where it says something like ntsc or pal23:49
Jack_SparrowPaddy_EIRE, Yea, it was..23:49
eriscoTurno1, tvtime outputted typical TV static when I selected the television input23:49
gogereaveruse that menu and change it mode23:49
VigoI cannot read these little letters,,,brb23:49
eriscoTurno1, and a black screen when I chose composite23:49
Turno1oh! oh!23:49
Turno1okay, well then turn on your xbox23:50
gogereaveryou dont whant tv input23:50
eriscoTurno1, it is on...23:50
Turno1and select tv on that tv / hdmi switch23:50
Paddy_EIREJack_Sparrow, you accepted factoids before without approval :/23:50
eriscoTurno1, it is switched to TV =\23:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about b4323:50
Jack_SparrowPaddy_EIRE, at one point in time..yes23:50
Paddy_EIREJack_Sparrow, hehe.. mad23:50
gogereaverit should be displaying your xbox then23:50
mib_70r1aeand tell me if this is weird, I run windows vista fine with aeor enabled but when i try to install fedora or mandriva (it doesn't go, the mouse freezes at a black screen)23:50
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx23:50
gogereaveris the tv part working ?23:50
Turno1gogereaver: he gets static23:51
eriscoTurno1, I get static and nothing but static heh23:51
dbboltoncan anyone tell me how to create a new user and set the home directory to an existing directory?23:51
=== Brucee is now known as Bruce
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx23:51
Turno1erisco: got anything else you could plug up to the composite in real quick?23:51
gogereaveryou dont have it hooked to cable or anything23:51
exodus_msmib_70r1ae: have you installed Ubuntu?23:51
kitcheJack_Sparrow: hmm odd that bcm43xx factoid still exists since bcm43xx driver is deprecited for b4323:51
maxbHas anyone managed to get suspend/wakeup to work with fglrx in intrepid?23:51
rwwdbbolton: do you want to do that in graphics mode or on the command line?23:51
dbboltonrww command line23:51
Paddy_EIREkitche, tis just as well as it needs style cleanup any way23:52
Turno1erisco : does the xbox have a screensaver?23:52
dbboltonrww the gnome users-admin tool wouldn't let me do it23:52
Jack_Sparrowkitche, bcm43x is the chipset not to be confused with b43 or fwcutter etc23:52
AndreasMadridok, am leaving23:52
gogereaveryea it sounds like his xbox isnt sending out a single23:52
mib_70r1aeonce i make my usb stick bootable can i still use it to save files on?23:52
laderiuscan someone help me reset my drivers23:52
gogereavermib yes23:53
kitcheJack_Sparrow: well the url says Driver so in essence I still think it's confusing I know bc43xx is a chipset sicne I have a broadcom wireless card myself23:53
rwwdbbolton: sudo useradd -d /path/to/home/directory username23:53
FireStormsomething is wrong with my windows because the uninstaller of wubi doesnt work and the wubi installer doesnt work from the site AND on the cd so does anyone know what is required to run the wubi installer/uninstaller... files are md5 checked23:53
eriscoTurno1, it isn't anything like a screensaver23:53
eriscoTurno1, nothing else23:53
dbboltonrww thanks23:53
mib_70r1aegogereaver, do i have to remove the bootable part? or will it work like normal23:53
gogereaverfirestorm you can just delete the files manuly23:53
Turno1the only other thing i could suggest would be to try svideo23:53
laderiusMy Video card drivers have been defaulted to whats seems to be none, i have a very large display... when i installed earlier they worked fine and i updated to the nvidia ones under propierty drivers earlier, now thats not avaible. i have the nvidia drivers installed but my resloution is still really low, how can i fix this?23:54
Turno1its usually better anyway23:54
gogereaverdelete the image and remove the ubuntu line from the windows boot.ini23:54
Jack_SparrowFireStorm, I wont use or recommend wubi..23:54
FireStormbut i also need to INSTALL23:54
rwwJack_Sparrow: The more I hang out here, the more I agree with you on that >.>23:54
FireStormya i want to reinstall23:54
Jack_Sparrowladerius, Which nvidia card23:54
FireStormand the wubi installer doesnt run23:54
VigoWowies! is HUGE23:54
rwwVigo: welcome to the largest channel on Freenode ;)23:55
gogereaverladerious dpkg-reconfigure xorg23:55
Jack_SparrowFireStorm, see the wubi factoid, in general we dont think too highly of it23:55
wj32rww: yet only a few people are actually talking23:55
gogereaveryou can reset driver setting in there23:55
VigoThank you rww23:55
kitcherww: there are bigger channels just they are secret anywyas getting offtopic :)23:55
FireStormbrb dinner23:55
exodus_msis there a way to get the terminal to behave like 'Terminator' without running an emulator?23:55
laderiusJack_Sparrow Nvidia geforce 8800GTS23:56
nbeeboi want my speaker output to also be my microphone input, what can i do?23:56
unlinkwhy might i not be getting any signal to my monitor through my DVI cable, but DVI->VGA converter + VGA cable works? I've tried different cables23:56
rww!info Terminator | exodus_ms, you mean this terminator?23:56
ubottuPackage Terminator does not exist in intrepid23:56
Jack_Sparrowladerius, sudo nvidia-xconfig from a terminal..23:56
rww!info terminator | exodus_ms, you mean this terminator?23:56
ubottuterminator (source: terminator): multiple GNOME terminals in one window. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11-2ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 105 kB, installed size 988 kB23:56
wj32nbbebo: what program are you recording with23:56
Paddy_EIREexodus_ms, that makes no sense... just install terminator23:56
* rww mutters mean things about case-sensitivity >.>23:56
Jack_Sparrowladerius, then sudo nvidia-settings23:56
exodus_msrww: yes, I have installed terminator but wish not to use emulation23:56
laderiusk sec23:56
Kalistohey guys i need some help. i removed a package that tool a ton of packages with it. my system is barely usable. is there a way i can reinstall the removed packages (ie standard ubuntu install)?23:57
nbeebowj32, nothing, but if i did would it be easier?23:57
wj32nbeebo: it should let you select the audio input, and i'm pretty sure they offer wave out23:57
Jack_SparrowKalisto, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop23:57
wj32nbeebo: well, i remember that in windows, audacity let you do that23:57
=== john is now known as Guest43960
rwwKalisto: sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop ubuntu-standard ubuntu-minimal23:58
Paddy_EIREexodus_ms, explain what you think emulation means?23:58
laderiusJack_Sparrow Sudo nvidia-settings = command not found23:58
rwwKalisto: sorry, apt-get, not aptitude23:58
KalistoJack_Sparrow: does ubuntu keep a log of its removed packages?23:58
Kalistothanks guys23:58
Jack_Sparrowladerius, sudo nvidia-xconfig from a terminal.. did that work23:58
gogereaversounds ike the driver install failed23:58
laderiusbacked u the file23:58
VigoDoes apt-get seamonkey 1.1.14 work if I want that browser?23:58
nbeebowj32, you understand i mean the sound that comes out of the speaker should also come in my microphone? not the other way around23:58
wj32nbeebo: oh i see23:59
rwwKalisto: there's a log of all package actions at /var/log/apt/term.log (try sudo nano /var/log/apt/term.log)23:59
kitcheVigo: sudo apt-get install seamonkey will install seamonkey23:59
exodus_msPaddy_EIRE: I have installed Terminator, just don't want to use a terminal emulator.23:59
nbeebowj32, thanks anyway not good at phrasing23:59
Jack_Sparrowladerius, log out then in and then try to run the second command23:59
Vigokitches: Thank you23:59
Paddy_EIREexodus_ms, then how do you intend on running it :/23:59
wj32nbeebo: uh, you mean you say something into the mic and it comes out your speaker?23:59
gogereaverexodus you do relese any term in x is a emulator23:59
Paddy_EIREexodus_ms, you do realise its built from gnome-terminal23:59
Paddy_EIREexodus_ms, which is a terminal emulator23:59

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