[01:30] hello pleia2 [01:30] hey PrivateVoid [01:30] Tomorrow night is the big night, heh? [01:35] pleia2, are you running the US LoCo team now? [01:35] nah, it's sort of leaderless [01:35] eightyeight was trying to take charge, but he's been busy with life lately [01:35] ah... notice you changed some stuff.... [01:35] I can assist -- if needed... [01:36] just let me know. [01:37] pleia2, just fixed one part of the menu for ya [01:37] thanks :) [01:37] I might email eightyeight tonight, people are sorta getting antsy to get things rolling again [01:38] just let me know... always willing to lend a hand [01:38] pleia2, will you be there tomorrow night? [01:38] at the Americas Council meeting? [01:38] We got our first newsletter out for NY [01:39] pleia2, yes, at the membership meeting [01:39] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewYorkTeam/Newsletter/Issue1 [01:39] yep [01:39] Cool... I am looking forward to it with nervous anticipation [01:47] :) [08:29] problem: W: GPG error: http://security.ubuntu.com intrepid-security Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key [08:31] can someone help me resolve this === Rafik_ is now known as Rafik [16:20] /join #ubuntu-offtopic [16:20] ... [20:16] ok [20:17] aptitude search '~i~nlinux-restrict' [20:18] http://paste.ubuntu.com/101264/ [20:19] woli: purge all that along with the two nvidia packages from before [20:19] jrib, just for you to know, this is the current status of the issue http://paste.ubuntu.com/101266/ [20:21] jrib, from the restricted modules, there are three packages: 19, 21 and 22 [20:21] woli: you are purging the 5 packages you got from http://paste.ubuntu.com/101264/ [20:21] ok, I chose to purge the common one, and they are all getting removed. [20:21] jrib, [20:22] woli: k [20:22] I wanted you to actually purge them though [20:23] well, I purged one and they all got removed. Now, I purge the one in aptitude search '~i~nnvidia' ? [20:24] woli: sure purge the others you got [20:24] jrib, new status: http://paste.ubuntu.com/101270/ [20:25] woli: it's not time to test anything yet. Did you purge everything including the two nvidia packages? [20:25] jrib, done purging. [20:25] it was only one package... [20:26] nvidia-kernel-common and nvidia-glx-new [20:26] It was not there this time. Legacy was instead. [20:26] that's impossible [20:26] Uh, no it was not sorry. [20:26] It just appeared as autocomplettion. [20:27] so, done purging. [20:27] woli: ok, now 'sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new' [20:28] done [20:29] !who | woli [20:29] woli, please see my private message [20:29] jrib (just pinging) [20:29] ok. Now run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' and then 'sudo nvidia-xconfig' [20:30] woli: [20:30] dont worry, I am alerted whenever someone posts a message in this channel. [20:30] jrib, it asks me if I want to use the kernel framebuffer device. [20:31] interface. [20:32] woli: meh, try with 'no' for now. You can do it over later and change it if you want [20:34] jrib, em... it tells me to choose a keyboard but there are no options. [20:35] jrib, [20:35] done [20:35] woli: you ran 'sudo nvidia-xconfig' afterwards? [20:36] jrib, http://paste.ubuntu.com/101276/ [20:37] :/ [20:37] woli: add a driver line and run nvidia-xconfig again I guess [20:37] Driver "nv" [20:37] I add it to the xorg? [20:38] sure in the section "Configured Video Device" [20:38] I assume xorg.conf wasn't changed by nvidia-xconfig [20:39] jrib, this is my new xorg conf.. it doesn't have that part http://paste.ubuntu.com/101279/ [20:39] ok, it just created its own I guess [20:40] woli: seems ok, reboot [20:40] ok [20:40] brb [20:44] nah... [20:44] low-graphics mode again. [20:45] jrib, no drivers in use either in the hardware drivers [20:45] using vesa. [20:45] woli: pastebin 'lsmod | grep nvidia' and '/var/log/Xorg.0.log' [20:46] woli: did you install drivers manually or use envy before by the way? [20:46] before, I had used envy once. [20:46] ugh [20:46] ok [20:46] before that, I installed them with the Hardware Drivers [20:46] Should I uninstall the ones envy installed? [20:46] woli: yes [20:46] lsmod grep thing returns nothing. [20:47] good [20:47] you don't have an nvidia module being loaded [20:47] is that sarcasm? [20:47] no, I mean we understand what the current problem is [20:47] anyway, remove the envy one [20:47] ok. [20:47] apt-cache policy nvidia-glx-new [20:47] It says that it is going to remove the glx new one... [20:48] now it is installing something mesa lib1gl or such [20:49] I don't know why an uninstallation should download something. [20:49] jrib, http://paste.ubuntu.com/101284/ [20:49] woli: is envy done? [20:49] No.. it is still downloading a package. [20:49] k [20:50] nvidia-glx-new was supposed to be installed before? Did you try and it failed or just forgot to install? [20:50] I installed it. [20:50] envyng uninstalled it. [20:50] ok [20:51] 33% of download... [20:51] I have no idea what envy does, I just know it was never really a good solution [20:51] lol... [20:51] ubuntu should have JUST ONE software installer. [20:52] exactly [20:52] I posted an idea to the brainstorm to merge the synaptic with the add/remove [20:52] hope it gets approved. [20:53] well those are okay imo, synaptic is just like advanced mode of add/remove. In the end they are both just frontends to apt [20:53] well, but I have applications that appear installed in one of them, but not on the other. [20:53] that's a bug then [20:55] 71% [20:55] I really want to thank you for helping me with this. [20:56] np, I'm grading papers anyway so need a distraction :) [20:56] Are you a professor? [20:56] nah, grad student [20:57] ah. [20:57] Operation complete. Would you like to restart your computer? [20:58] woli: install nvidia-glx-new first [20:58] done. reboot? [20:59] or should I xconfig again instead? [20:59] woli: just check your xorg.conf to make sure it's still using nvidia [20:59] jrib, using nv... [21:00] woli: k, run nvidia-xconfig [21:00] it finally ran errorless [21:00] k, reboot [21:01] xorg.conf alright, rebooting... [21:04] low graphics mode again. [21:04] lsmod | grep nvidia [21:04] no output. [21:04] apt-cache policy nvidia-glx-new [21:04] hold on. [21:05] http://paste.ubuntu.com/101292/ [21:05] what does 'sudo modprobe nvidia' do? [21:07] jrib, FATAL: Error running install command for nvidia [21:08] woli: I'd purge those package we purged before and install it again as having the envy driver installed may have messed things up [21:49] jrib, oh man [21:49] woli: eh? [21:49] the power went off for a while. [21:49] oh, fun [21:49] sure. [21:50] look, I was wondering if I should instead run the xorg,conf reset command and then just install the drivers from the Hardware Drivers tools. [21:50] tool* [21:50] jrib [21:51] woli: hardware drivers is just going to install nvidia-glx-new anyway [21:51] it's easier to troubleshoot using apt imo [21:51] yes.. [21:51] woli: you can try of course. See if the nvidia module gets loaded [21:51] but back in the days when I was installing my wacom, I messed up with the xorg a couple of times, and that was the way I fixed it. [21:51] I will try, and if it does not work, I'll get back to you. [21:52] which was the xorg.conf reset command? [21:52] ah nvm. [21:56] jrib, FINALLY. [21:56] solved low-graphics mode problem and resolution. [21:56] Monitor is now detected. [21:56] how? [21:57] sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg [21:57] now, graphics drivers are not enabled i think. [21:58] but, my screen is slightly moved to the left. [21:58] jrib : pinging. [22:00] http://paste.ubuntu.com/101324/ [22:00] jrib, lsmod has still no output. [22:01] then we haven't really changed anything, you're just using nv for the driver [22:02] I'd do the whole purge restricted and nvidia dance again since envy may have interfered before [22:03] ok [22:03] purging legacy (it appeared in autocompletion again, so just to check) and new. [22:03] done. [22:04] and nvidia-kernel-common or whatever [22:04] ah ok [22:04] not installed, so not removed. [22:05] now, should i proceed with the glx-new? [22:05] and linux-restricted*? [22:05] done [22:05] specifically, linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r) is purged? [22:06] not installed, so not removed. [22:08] ls -al /lib/linux-restricted-modules [22:08] no such file or directory. [22:09] k, you have a clean xorg.conf? [22:09] ie after running dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [22:09] yes [22:10] what next? [22:11] nvidia-xconfig [22:12] command not found. [22:12] should i install glx new? [22:12] sure [22:14] http://paste.ubuntu.com/101337/ [22:15] i think there was a command to enable the drivers... [22:15] meh, it created its own now. That's fine. Let's see if nvidia gets loaded on reboot now [22:16] ok [22:19] monitor is screwed up again/ [22:20] lsmod | grep nvidia [22:20] is what we care about [22:20] the identifier in the xorg config is device0... shouldn't it be Configured Video Device? [22:20] no output. [22:21] its using vesa again. [22:26] woli: modprobe nvidia throws errors still? [22:26] jrib, check out this draft of xorg i made [22:26] FATAL: Error running install command for nvidia [22:26] yes. [22:27] http://paste.ubuntu.com/101343/ [22:27] woli: xorg.conf isn't the problem. If the nvidia module isn't getting loaded, xorg.conf isn't related [22:27] ah... [22:27] woli: uname -r [22:27] well, but xorg does affect my monitor. [22:27] sure [22:27] 2.6.24-22-generic [22:28] woli: sudo depmod -a [22:29] ok, but first, i think you want to take a look at this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/101345/ [22:29] running depmod.. [22:29] no output. [22:29] woli: sudo modprobe nvidia [22:30] same error. [22:30] there's this bug https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20/+bug/106217 but /lib/linux-restricted-modules/.nvidia_new_installed didn't exist before right? [22:30] Launchpad bug 106217 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22 "Hidden file does not get removed when switching from nvidia-glx-new/nvidia-glx-legacy to nvidia-glx causing X not to start due to mismatch of versions" [High,Fix released] [22:31] jrib, have you read this page? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia [22:31] woli: once upon a time, why? [22:32] nah, just wondering if we should follow it. [22:33] woli: don't see anything there except depmod [22:33] ah [22:33] I removed all envyng packages. [22:33] It says there in the page that if one has used envyng, the hardware drivers will not interact. [22:34] woli: does it give a solution? [22:34] but jrib, i think I should download the restricted modules for it to work. [22:34] nah. [22:34] those are installed when you install nvidia-glx-new [22:35] ah [22:35] don't follow this, but it's probably the same issuehttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=950777 [22:36] sorry, but the restricted modules weren't installed. I'm installing them. [22:36] we missed it there I guess... [22:36] what exactly are you installing? [22:36] linux-restricted-modules [22:36] If the restricted driver remains unactivated after attempting to activate it in the Hardware Drivers dialog, you may not have the appropriate linux headers installed to compile the driver. Ensure that the linux-headers-XXX and linux-restricted-modules-XXX packages are installed, where XXX matches the version of the kernel you are using (linux-image-XXX). [22:36] you should have linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r) installed [22:37] linux-restricted-modules just pulls in those packages [22:37] Well, linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-22-generic was not installed. [22:37] that's not possible [22:37] not if it was purged before and nvidia-glx-new installed [22:37] Well, apt-get is downloading it right now. [22:37] I did purged it [22:38] take a look at this, jrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/101347/ [22:39] The card has now appeared again in the Hardware drivers. [22:39] lsmod | grep nvidia [22:39] no output. [22:39] modprobe nvidia [22:40] same error. [22:40] :/ [22:41] sudo depmod -a [22:41] done. [22:41] modprobe nvidia [22:41] same error. [22:41] what does modprobe do? [22:42] tries to load the module [22:42] ahh.. now i understand. [22:42] the module is not loadable. I know you knew that hehe. [22:42] sudo insmod /lib/modules/[version]/kernel/drivers/video/nvidia.ko [22:42] So, which module is it? nvidia-glx-new or what? [22:42] see if that works [22:43] replace [version] with whatever [22:44] yes [22:44] it threw no output. [22:44] lsmod | grep nvidia [22:44] http://paste.ubuntu.com/101349/ [22:44] ! [22:45] jrib [22:46] you seem to be having the same issue here then: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=950777 There's a workaround there with commenting a line in /etc/modprobe.d/lrm-video, but you should see if you can find a bug for it in bugs.ubuntu.com and see if there is a better solution [22:47] so, should I not try that one? [22:48] woli: trying it to see if it works is okay. I would just make sure there isn't a better solution before settling on it. But if it does work, then you know more about the problem [22:51] modprobe returns no errors now. [22:51] you can try starting X if you have your xorg.conf setup for nvidia [22:51] jrib, does that mean nvidia-xconfig? [22:51] sure [22:51] + relog [22:51] ok [22:52] so relog/reboot? [22:52] just 'sudo invoke-rc.d gdm start' [22:53] * Starting GNOME Display Manager... [ OK ] [22:53] nothing else happened. [22:53] go to tty7 [22:53] what is that? [22:54] where are you typing commands now? [22:54] gnome-terminal [22:54] oh. [22:54] damn i've spent all day fixing this. [22:54] sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart then. (bye) [22:54] heh [22:57] same ting. [22:57] * jrib refuses to believe [22:58] Look, this is the real deal. [22:58] I am going to get a new computer by tomorrow. [22:58] This one goes to my brother, who doesn't know if he wants ubuntu. [22:58] I think I will just reinstall the whole ubuntu. [22:58] If he doesn't want it, then Ill wipe it out. [22:59] going to do a restart [23:07] I just ordered my new rig [23:07] gotta wait for it to be delivered... [23:07] and they list the shipping date as the 16th [23:07] whole lotta anticipation [23:20] jrib, hey. [23:20] Well, I guess today is almost gone,. [23:21] I will worry no more about this problem for I will reinstall/remove ubuntu from this computer, to install windows xp maybe. My brother is not very wise in that. [23:21] I will recieve my new computer tomorrow afternoon, and till then, I will hold myself from all computer activities. [23:21] Then the new age will begin.