ScottK | NCommander: I can look at the backport thing in an hour or two if you haven't. What bug/package? | 01:01 |
NCommander | ScottK, its in the backscrool | 01:03 |
ScottK | NCommander: I'm too lazy to look. If you want me to deal with it, the least you can do is scroll back for me. | 01:03 |
stdin | bug 314554 | 01:03 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 314554 in strigi "New upstream release (strigi 0.6.2)" [Undecided,New] | 01:03 |
NCommander | #314504 | 01:03 |
NCommander | whoops | 01:03 |
NCommander | No wait | 01:04 |
NCommander | I was right | 01:04 |
NCommander | bug #314504 | 01:04 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 314504 in intrepid-backports "please backport choqok 0.2 from jaunty to intrepid" [Undecided,New] | 01:04 |
NCommander | ... | 01:04 |
NCommander | oh come on | 01:04 |
NCommander | woo@ | 01:04 |
NCommander | *! | 01:04 |
DaSkreech | !info choqok | 01:04 |
ubottu | Package choqok does not exist in intrepid | 01:04 |
DaSkreech | !info choqok jaunty | 01:04 |
ubottu | Package choqok does not exist in jaunty | 01:04 |
DaSkreech | !info gwibber jaunty | 01:04 |
ubottu | Package gwibber does not exist in jaunty | 01:04 |
DaSkreech | :-P | 01:04 |
NCommander | !info hello jaunty | 01:05 |
ubottu | hello (source: hello): The classic greeting, and a good example. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2-3 (jaunty), package size 19 kB, installed size 588 kB | 01:05 |
NCommander | Ok, so the bot working. | 01:05 |
DaSkreech | Hooray someone packaged it! :) | 01:06 |
seele | you know.. people are going to hate me for this, but the kde 4.2 notifications are kindof annoying | 01:10 |
seele | theyre much bigger than they used to be | 01:10 |
seele | youre forced to look at them | 01:10 |
seele | you have to stop what you are doing because they cover everything | 01:11 |
DaSkreech | seele: I just kill plasma When they get on my nerves | 01:11 |
DaSkreech | :-) | 01:11 |
crimsun | seele: hence my absolute incredulity at the idea of notifications, but i digress | 01:13 |
crimsun | (i realise that i am an absolute corner case in that regard) | 01:14 |
seele | youre threashold for wanting to know what is going on with your computer is just lower than others | 01:14 |
seele | if someone gets a mail every minute, i'm sure they don't want notifications for new mail | 01:14 |
seele | but people who don't probably like them | 01:14 |
seele | i've got so many people on my contact lists that i get "this person is online" messages all the time | 01:15 |
seele | (and i havent figured out how to turn them off) | 01:15 |
DaSkreech | seele: Well you should like Jaunty then with sabdfl's new system | 01:16 |
crimsun | well, the computer information is just displayed differently; i use multitail in another terminal emulator. if something's really absolutely important, i'll notice anyhow, because the consequences tend to be catastrophic (e.g., battery exploding, computer rebooting, etc.) | 01:16 |
seele | DaSkreech: have you not been paying attention to any of the conversations that have been going on about that in here? :P | 01:16 |
DaSkreech | Can't you just turn those off for Kopete ? I'm almost sure I saw abutton somewheer for that | 01:16 |
DaSkreech | seele: aren't they supposed to kill the flood of notifications? | 01:17 |
DaSkreech | That's kinda 1/2 the point of doing it right? | 01:17 |
seele | DaSkreech: maybe some, but not all of them | 01:17 |
DaSkreech | It manages floods of notifications and makes them intangible | 01:17 |
DaSkreech | Then kill libknotify | 01:17 |
seele | that's not going to stop frequency | 01:17 |
seele | it's going to provide fewer icons in the task bar | 01:17 |
seele | and might control some notifications so that they shouldnt happen.. which they probably shouldnt be notifications in the first place | 01:18 |
DaSkreech | What bugs me with kopete is that if for some reason the notifications hit the edge of the screen then they stop the timer that removes them and you have to take them off manually | 01:19 |
* ScottK solves that problem by not using kopete. | 01:58 | |
DaSkreech | I keep being tempted to try that approach | 02:46 |
LaserJock | but Kopete is so nice otherwise | 02:47 |
DaSkreech | Yes but it would be nice if it was amarok awesome | 02:48 |
jjesse | seele: i have taken some screenshots of kpackagekit in fedora for you will finish more of them tomorrow | 03:31 |
DaSkreech | !info kpackagekit jaunty | 03:43 |
ubottu | Package kpackagekit does not exist in jaunty | 03:43 |
DaSkreech | :-P | 03:43 |
ScottK | DaSkreech: It helps I don't use IM. | 04:40 |
torkiano | #ubuntu-bugs | 05:36 |
pali | Hello, when I use suspend/hibernate from kmenu or /usr/sbin/pm-suspend (pm-hibernate), on resume doesnt lock kde4 desktop | 08:13 |
Lure | is there a known fix for thsi debsign problem: | 08:46 |
Lure | gpg: problem with the agent - disabling agent use | 08:46 |
Lure | nevermind, solved gpg problem | 09:04 |
freeflying | any news on the WML protocol of kopete in jaunty? | 11:56 |
Riddell | what's WML? | 11:58 |
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler | ||
yao_ziyuan1 | i have a suggestion | 12:50 |
yao_ziyuan1 | currently, i can only enable "complex script input" when the system locale is set to chinese | 12:50 |
yao_ziyuan1 | i want the ubuntu way: even if system language is english, i can still enable complex char input (scim) | 12:51 |
yao_ziyuan1 | also, if system language is english, chinese characters in the taskbar are too light. and for small size chinese chars, wenquanyi-bitmapfont should be used. | 12:53 |
yao_ziyuan1 | i mean, there are two chinese fonts: wenquanyi-bitmapfont is a bitmap font for small sizes and wenquanyi-zenhei is a vector font good for large sizes | 12:54 |
yao_ziyuan1 | this is how ubuntu handles chinese displaying, and kubuntu should learn from it | 12:55 |
aleite | Hello guys! | 13:56 |
aleite | I compiled KDE from trunk. Does anyone know how to make kdm my default display manager? | 13:56 |
apachelogger | #kde | 13:58 |
Riddell | aleite: edit DAEMON= in /etc/init.d/kdm | 14:05 |
aleite | Riddell: There is no kdm file on /etc/init.d | 14:08 |
aleite | But there is a gdm file. Should I copy it to kdm and try to edit? | 14:10 |
Riddell | aleite: can do | 14:12 |
apachelogger | Riddell: is dpkg asking whether to change init scripts? | 14:13 |
Riddell | apachelogger: or just edit the gdm one | 14:13 |
Riddell | apachelogger: I don't follow | 14:13 |
apachelogger | aleite: or just edit the gdm one | 14:13 |
aleite | I am trying | 14:13 |
apachelogger | Riddell: will dpkg replace the file or will it ask what to do considering it differs from $installed gdm/kdm package? | 14:13 |
Riddell | apachelogger: I expect it asks | 14:14 |
apachelogger | ok | 14:14 |
Riddell | depends if it considers the file a "conf file" | 14:14 |
aleite | Could any of you paste your kdm file from init.d for me on pastebin? There are many gdm parameters that I don't now how to change on the gdm file | 14:14 |
aleite | ? | 14:14 |
Riddell | yes, it's listed in /var/lib/dpkg/info/kdm.conffiles | 14:15 |
Riddell | aleite: | 14:16 |
apachelogger | Riddell: question is if the same applies for gdm ;-) | 14:16 |
Riddell | or just install kdm, which will set all the right bits | 14:16 |
aleite | Thanks Riddell | 14:16 |
aleite | If I install kdm, it will install all kdelibs and kdebase... I just want to use the one I compiled from trunk | 14:17 |
Riddell | apachelogger: it does | 14:17 |
apachelogger | kk | 14:17 |
aleite | Well, I'll reboot my system.. see what happens | 14:19 |
cbr | | 14:23 |
cbr | me want | 14:23 |
Tm_T | cbr: I have it | 14:23 |
=== rdieter_away is now known as rdieter | ||
cbr | how? | 14:24 |
sebas | Guys ... it does NOT work | 14:24 |
Tm_T | simple, built from svn | 14:24 |
Tm_T | sebas: I know | 14:24 |
Tm_T | I have it, but I don't use it =) | 14:24 |
Tm_T | I have been following it for months now | 14:25 |
sebas | Yeah, don't spread it then, unless people want to hack on it | 14:25 |
sebas | It creates false expectations | 14:25 |
Tm_T | I didn't spread, did I? | 14:25 |
cbr | it doesnt work? | 14:25 |
Tm_T | cbr: work in progress, heavily | 14:25 |
apachelogger | sebas: I heared Tonio likes to package stuff that doesn't work ;-) | 14:31 |
sebas | Yeah ... I'd be happier if it wouldn't be shipped until we say it works | 14:32 |
sebas | I've already got a boatload of emails after my blogentry, telling me that they want this and that, and that I should think of a and b ... | 14:33 |
Tm_T | haha | 14:33 |
sebas | 95% of those items we just didn't get around to yet | 14:33 |
* apachelogger suspected something like that | 14:33 | |
Tm_T | sebas: sounds great =) | 14:33 |
apachelogger | you know, the plasmoid managed to connect me once | 14:33 |
apachelogger | I dunno how, but it did :D | 14:34 |
Tm_T | apachelogger: it was me, not the plasmoid | 14:34 |
apachelogger | omg | 14:34 |
aleite | Hello guys! | 14:34 |
* apachelogger starts build0ring kdelibs | 14:34 | |
apachelogger | aleite: welcome back | 14:34 |
aleite | Well.. the script sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start worked | 14:34 |
aleite | But it didn't start automatically | 14:35 |
stdin | you need start-up links | 14:35 |
smarter | sudo update-rc.d kdm default | 14:35 |
aleite | And now phonon doesn't work.. and I can't mount external devices... | 14:35 |
smarter | *defaults | 14:35 |
stdin | "sudo update-rc.d kdm defaults 30 01" | 14:35 |
smarter | better :] | 14:35 |
apachelogger | aleite: that is the price of using trunk :P | 14:35 |
aleite | ok... | 14:35 |
aleite | I'll try | 14:35 |
smarter | and there's a config file to change too | 14:36 |
smarter | so that kdm is the default display manager | 14:36 |
smarter | and gdm doesn't try to launch itself | 14:36 |
apachelogger | /etc/X11/default-display-manager | 14:36 |
aleite | apachelogger: but trunk is so much funnier.. :D | 14:36 |
smarter | apachelogger: you're faster than me :p | 14:36 |
aleite | I did that... | 14:36 |
apachelogger | aleite: I know :D | 14:36 |
apachelogger | smarter: you go package 4.1.4! | 14:36 |
aleite | But now akonadi works perfectly! | 14:37 |
aleite | That's good | 14:37 |
aleite | :D | 14:37 |
apachelogger | not that it would be useful though :P | 14:38 |
smarter | apachelogger: I'll do once I've finished my homework && if ( $time != "10pm; utc+2" ) | 14:38 |
smarter | s/!=/</ even | 14:38 |
apachelogger | smarter: $time >= I suppose? | 14:38 |
apachelogger | =< is invalid in any language I know | 14:38 |
aleite | Well.. I'll reboot again and see what happens | 14:39 |
aleite | See ya | 14:39 |
freeflying | Riddell: its wlm, mis-typed as wml :) | 14:40 |
aleite | Hello guys | 14:42 |
aleite | It Worked!!! | 14:42 |
aleite | What a magic command , this update-rc.d thing | 14:42 |
aleite | :D | 14:42 |
aleite | Phonon still doesn't work but I think it is because I didn't compiled it with pulse-audio support | 14:43 |
Riddell | freeflying: I still don't know what that is I'm afraid | 14:43 |
aleite | smarter: thanks for the great tip | 14:44 |
apachelogger | aleite: pretty much so if you are running ubuntu | 14:44 |
freeflying | Riddell: msn protocol of kopete | 14:44 |
freeflying | Riddell: now is called window live messenger | 14:44 |
apachelogger | ~wp windows live messenger | 14:45 |
kubotu | Results for windows live messenger: 1. Windows Live Messenger: | 2. Windows Live Messenger IM Control: | 3. Windows Live Messenger - Simple English Wikipedia, the free ...: | 14:45 |
kubotu | [1] Windows Live Messenger 8.5 conversation window | 14:45 |
aleite | I still can't mount my external device.. I could when I used gdm | 14:45 |
apachelogger | unlikely | 14:45 |
apachelogger | KDE trunk doesn't have integration for that stuff yet | 14:45 |
Riddell | freeflying: oh right, how confusing. libmsn is still going through main inclusion, it needs a security review | 14:45 |
aleite | What stuff? | 14:46 |
freeflying | Riddell: thanks | 14:46 |
aleite | org.freedesktop.Hal.device.PermissionDeniedByPolicy... it says when I try to my it | 14:47 |
apachelogger | aleite: yeah | 14:47 |
apachelogger | dolphin would have to authenticate that you are allowed to mount devices, which it can't do right now, because policykit-kde is not yet in trunk | 14:47 |
aleite | I see... it worked with gdm because it used their policies... I guess | 14:48 |
aleite | Where is policykit-kde? wasn't it on playground? | 14:49 |
apachelogger | yes | 14:49 |
apachelogger | aleite: it would be weird if it worked with gdm though | 14:49 |
aleite | It does | 14:50 |
apachelogger | the authentification is done by the component that needs the permissions, not the display manager | 14:50 |
apachelogger | weird it is | 14:50 |
aleite | When I login though gdm.. I just click the device on that plasmoid and bang... it mounts | 14:50 |
aleite | Weird indeed | 14:53 |
apachelogger | ScottK: bug 314504 got a diff | 14:55 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 314504 in intrepid-backports "please backport choqok 0.2 from jaunty to intrepid" [Undecided,New] | 14:55 |
JontheEchidna | Any core-dev around that could take a look at bug bug 314554? | 14:58 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 314554 in strigi "New upstream release (strigi 0.6.2)" [Undecided,New] | 14:58 |
Riddell | freeflying: I don't suppose you know of anyone looking at making a KDE frontend to ibus? | 14:59 |
apachelogger | what is ibus? | 15:00 |
sebas | Apple's local transportation system ;) | 15:01 |
apachelogger | lol | 15:01 |
Riddell | apachelogger: scim replacement | 15:02 |
apachelogger | iSee | 15:03 |
freeflying | Riddell: no, I don't | 15:05 |
freeflying | Riddell: I still doubt if it can replace scim even it will be re-implenmented in c | 15:06 |
Riddell | freeflying: why do you think it can't replace scim? | 15:07 |
freeflying | Riddell: it use the oringin data type of dbus, I think its limiation for a input method, especially those complex, like japanese | 15:09 |
apachelogger | Nightrose: | 15:09 |
Nightrose | apachelogger: Qt version? | 15:11 |
freeflying | Riddell: and compare with imbus, you will find it is not so mature as a framework | 15:11 |
apachelogger | Nightrose: 44 | 15:11 |
Nightrose | apachelogger: can you send that to Ian? he b0rked that | 15:11 |
freeflying | Riddell: btw, do you have any suggestion on scim-sunpinyin? :) | 15:11 |
ScottK | apachelogger: If you think the diff in 314504 is good, feel free to upload. I'll ack it then. | 15:12 |
apachelogger | Nightrose: what way would be best? | 15:13 |
Riddell | freeflying: convince upstream to licence as BSD? | 15:13 |
Nightrose | apachelogger: email - everything else is mostly hopeless lately | 15:13 |
Nightrose | :/ | 15:13 |
apachelogger | ScottK: what is the preferred changelog entry? | 15:14 |
ScottK | apachelogger: Something like * Source backport of .... Changes from Jaunty: | 15:15 |
ScottK | And then the changes. | 15:15 |
seele | Riddell: was Open Source Nigeria 2009 what you were talking about? | 15:15 |
ScottK | The revision should be the current Jaunty revision with ~intrepid1 on the end. | 15:15 |
Riddell | seele: yes | 15:16 |
apachelogger | ScottK: uploaded | 15:20 |
ScottK | apachelogger: Uploaded == attached the debdiff to the bug or == dput to the archive? | 15:21 |
freeflying | Riddell: no other solutions? :) | 15:22 |
apachelogger | ScottK: dput | 15:22 |
ScottK | apachelogger: Great. | 15:22 |
Riddell | freeflying: include the original form and the compiler in the package | 15:22 |
seele | Riddell: certainly canonical would send you to talk about kubuntu there? :) | 15:23 |
ScottK | apachelogger: Ack'ed. Now if we just could find an archive admin to accept it. | 15:24 |
apachelogger | Riddell: please accept choqok in intrepid-backports | 15:24 |
apachelogger | ScottK: thx | 15:24 |
apachelogger | JontheEchidna: does someone look at strigi already? | 15:24 |
apachelogger | JontheEchidna: + you should be doing 4.1.4 :P | 15:25 |
JontheEchidna | don't think so, or at least they didn't tell me :P | 15:25 |
JontheEchidna | + I did that yesterday before 4.1.4 | 15:25 |
apachelogger | :P | 15:25 |
ScottK | Not /me | 15:25 |
* apachelogger reviews strigi | 15:25 | |
JontheEchidna | yay, pbuilder actually created the pbuilder without failing this time, unlike last night | 15:25 |
* apachelogger still thinks revu is better fitted for package updates | 15:26 | |
JontheEchidna | apachelogger: where is your magical kde dependency tree chart? | 15:27 |
* ScottK thinks so too. | 15:27 | |
apachelogger | JontheEchidna: kollide/tmp | 15:27 |
* JontheEchidna bookmarks | 15:27 | |
apachelogger | JontheEchidna: got a buildlog for strigi? | 15:30 |
JontheEchidna | nope | 15:30 |
apachelogger | gotta wait until kde4libs is finished then | 15:30 |
freeflying | apachelogger: prepareing ked-4.1.87? | 15:33 |
apachelogger | 4.1.4 | 15:34 |
apachelogger | NCommander: btw, I just noticed that apparently the kubuntu-members-kde4 ppa is non-virtual | 15:40 |
NCommander | wait ... what? | 15:41 |
apachelogger | NCommander: k-m-4 seems to be building all arches, not just the main 3 | 15:41 |
* NCommander looks | 15:42 | |
NCommander | apachelogger, it doesn't seem to here | 15:43 |
NCommander | apachelogger, what package are you looking at? | 15:43 |
apachelogger | amarok-mysql-5.1 | 15:43 |
* Riddell gets onto the MIRs for qzion and qedje and google gears | 15:43 | |
apachelogger | at least it copied loads of debs when I copied to another ppa earlier | 15:43 |
NCommander | I just see lpia, amd64, and x86 | 15:44 |
apachelogger | hm, maybe it was a bug in soyuz then | 15:44 |
emonkey | apachelogger, btw sorry about the MIR for libmsn, i asked around for a security guy but didn't found any at all | 15:44 |
apachelogger | emonkey: there is a ubuntu-security team @ lp | 15:45 |
emonkey | which isn't contacted by now? | 15:45 |
apachelogger | is, they are doing a review soonish | 15:46 |
apachelogger | choqok on lpia intrepid-backports built \o/ | 15:46 |
ScottK | apachelogger: It'll still go to binary New. | 15:46 |
emonkey | o nice, so that task dont need any further attention from me? | 15:46 |
apachelogger | ScottK: well, the buildds are pretty busy, so there is no quick availability anyway | 15:47 |
apachelogger | emonkey: nope | 15:47 |
emonkey | apachelogger, ok thx | 15:47 |
seele | is rc1 going to be packaged or just the 4.2 release? | 16:06 |
seele | is there any way to unupgrade? heh | 16:06 |
vorian | seele: it will be packaged after 4.1.4 is done | 16:07 |
jjesse_ | format and reinstall to un upgrade? | 16:07 |
seele | jjesse_: i was hoping to avoid reinstalling. i dont know where my cdrom is atm :) | 16:08 |
seele | oh well.. i guess i'll have to deal with plasma crashing every 5 minutes until i find it | 16:08 |
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse | ||
seele | i should know better by now to test on my work laptop | 16:08 |
jjesse | seele: you coul create a liveusb and redo the install from there | 16:08 |
jjesse | i use a liveusb to install to my dell mini | 16:08 |
seele | jjesse: oh good idea | 16:08 |
jjesse | dont know if the ubuntu liveusb crator works w/ kde only, i used the fedora one | 16:09 |
_neversfelde | unetbootin is a nnice tool to create a liveusb with KDE | 16:13 |
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde | ||
freeflying | Riddell: for sunpinyin, how about make a dfsg package? remove the whole data dir in source tarball | 16:22 |
apachelogger | JontheEchidna: dpkg-source: error: Version number suggests Ubuntu changes, but Maintainer: does not have Ubuntu address | 16:22 |
JontheEchidna | ah, last release was a sync | 16:23 |
Riddell | freeflying: does that leave anything useful? | 16:23 |
freeflying | Riddell: users only need to donwload it from internet, then it works | 16:25 |
freeflying | :) | 16:25 |
Riddell | freeflying: if you think that would be useful to people then by all means do | 16:25 |
* JontheEchidna steps away for a bit to prepare lunc | 16:26 | |
JontheEchidna | h | 16:26 |
seele | jjesse: one thing i didnt think of.. can you downgrade kmail files once you import them to akanodi? | 16:38 |
Riddell | seele: kmail doesn't actually use akonadi yet | 16:42 |
Riddell | except for contacts | 16:42 |
seele | Riddell: so it was just the contacts? | 16:42 |
seele | ah hah.. ok | 16:42 |
apachelogger | I think it didn't even import the contacts | 16:42 |
Riddell | korganiser uses it too | 16:42 |
seele | what was the giant import process int he beginning for? just korg? | 16:43 |
apachelogger | it just accesses them via akonadi, but they are not actually stored in it | 16:43 |
cbr | will kmail still want mysql server? | 16:43 |
apachelogger | seele: creation of the akonadi configuration to access the old resources | 16:43 |
apachelogger | or I am wrong after all and your data have been eaten by akonadi | 16:43 |
apachelogger | cbr: yes | 16:44 |
cbr | :( | 16:44 |
cbr | why can't it be integrated like in amarok or smth? | 16:44 |
seele | Riddell: kuser looks unlikely for jaunty. dont know if you need to take it off the list? | 16:44 |
seele | hopefully for 4.3, but that doesnt matter to kubuntu | 16:44 |
Riddell | we don't really have a list except the specs | 16:45 |
seele | s/list/spec | 16:45 |
Riddell | spec's don't tend to be edited once approved | 16:45 |
seele | ok then | 16:46 |
Lure | Riddell: I have seen that you did not merge digikam with debian/expiremental package - was this intentional, or should I do this for beta8? | 16:53 |
apachelogger | why the heck is still alive? | 16:53 |
cbr | will kde autodetect audiocd's? or well, detect them at all for that matter | 16:54 |
Riddell | Lure: only that debian experimental is old, if it's worth the merge then please do | 16:59 |
Riddell | apachelogger: this annoys me too | 16:59 |
Riddell | cbr: I seem to remember apachelogger looking into that, needs a complex solid rule thing | 16:59 |
apachelogger | Riddell, cbr: it should already do that it just doesn't have actions assigned ... well actions beside opening it with dolphin | 17:00 |
apachelogger | these actions require "complex" solid rules | 17:00 |
cbr | imo it didnt for me in beta1 or beta2 | 17:01 |
cbr | didnt even display in the "new stuff" plasmoid | 17:01 |
apachelogger | might be something in the linux stack | 17:01 |
cbr | vlc played it | 17:01 |
apachelogger | cbr: the detection | 17:01 |
apachelogger | if solid doesn't know about the CD, KDE can't do anything, so I guess the issue is in hal's device polling | 17:02 |
cbr | it shows for a data cd.. damn, dont have an audio cd to try atm | 17:04 |
cbr | also, hardware eject button functionality is abort for some reason | 17:06 |
mluser-work | Are there currently problems getting Atheros wifi cards working with Jaunty? | 17:07 |
apachelogger | cbr: would only happen if the device is locked I think | 17:09 |
cbr | well i have it mounted and opened in dolphin | 17:12 |
cbr | that shouldnt stop it though? | 17:12 |
apachelogger | not sure | 17:17 |
apachelogger | technically when it is mounted the device is locked | 17:17 |
apachelogger | or rather, when an application accesses the mountpoint | 17:18 |
Lure | Riddell: it would just make future merges easier (when they get our of lenny freeze) | 17:18 |
Riddell | Lure: yeah, go ahead | 17:18 |
apachelogger | Riddell: -- Installing: /tmp/buildd/kdebase-runtime-4.1.4/debian/tmp/usr/lib/ | 17:25 |
apachelogger | do you think that bump was intentional? KDE trunk also comes with 4.2.0 | 17:25 |
apachelogger | or actually does not | 17:25 |
Riddell | hmm, mostly those .so versions are set globally | 17:27 |
apachelogger | Riddell: kaudiodevicelist is the only lib with version in kdebase-runtime | 17:28 |
apachelogger | it comes from phonon I suppose | 17:28 |
Riddell | set_target_properties(kaudiodevicelist PROPERTIES VERSION ${GENERIC_LIB_VERSION} SOVERSION ${GENERIC_LIB_SOVERSION}) | 17:33 |
apachelogger | aaaahhhhhhhhhh | 17:38 |
apachelogger | Riddell: my bad | 17:38 |
Riddell | apachelogger: did you build it against a newer kdelibs? | 17:38 |
* apachelogger kicks JontheEchidna for coming up with jaunty packages while we are doing intrepid packaging :P | 17:38 | |
apachelogger | yes | 17:38 |
apachelogger | jaunty pbuilder | 17:38 |
JontheEchidna | <.< | 17:38 |
apachelogger | JontheEchidna: at least strigi didn't flood my inbox with build failures ;-) | 17:39 |
ScottK | apachelogger: And he didn't build with the wrong version of the tarball. | 17:39 |
apachelogger | true ^_^ | 17:40 |
JontheEchidna | hehe | 17:40 |
* apachelogger restarts batbuild | 17:40 | |
apachelogger | Nightrose: amaork is becoming patch software | 17:42 |
apachelogger | *amarok even | 17:42 |
seele | we have a few french speakers here right? | 17:45 |
seele | what does douloureux, triste, and grave mean? | 17:45 |
seele | grave i think means serious? | 17:45 |
seele | not sure about the other two | 17:45 |
Riddell | something, sad and serious | 17:45 |
Sput | painful ois the first | 17:45 |
Sput | *is | 17:45 |
ScottK | Sounds more German than French then. | 17:45 |
Sput | no, that's not even remotely German :) | 17:46 |
Riddell | so not positive words | 17:46 |
Sput | the middle maybe | 17:46 |
apachelogger | german borrowed the 2nd one from french doesn't exaclty mean the same anymore though | 17:48 |
seele | i don't get how this song is supposed to be played "sad and painful". | 17:48 |
* ScottK was being ironic about stereotypes and nationalities, not translating. | 17:48 | |
Sput | yeah, german "trist" is more "boring" | 17:48 |
Sput | ScottK: I love how others think about us :) | 17:48 |
seele | ugh.. and this one that is supposed to be serious sounds like the sad and painful one | 17:49 |
seele | i guess i dont get french impressionism | 17:49 |
seele | weirdos :P | 17:49 |
ScottK | Sput: I actually know quite a few Germans and none of them fits the traditional stereotype. | 17:49 |
Sput | :) | 17:49 |
ScottK | These things lag. It was probably a lot more true 50 years ago. | 17:50 |
Riddell | seele: you need to play it while a dog knaws at your leg | 17:50 |
ScottK | I do know that none of the German students that came to live with us (we've had 4) found the US to be at all like they expected. | 17:51 |
seele | and stoned out of my mind on opium maybe. otherwise the dog would be seriously pissing me off | 17:51 |
ScottK | seele: Absinthe. | 17:52 |
ScottK | It's legal in the US now, BTW. | 17:52 |
seele | ScottK: that too | 17:52 |
seele | yes, but it is insanely expensive | 17:52 |
ScottK | Dunno. I didn't buy any, just tried it at a friend's house. | 17:52 |
seele | yeah, there are some bars here in DC who have it and we've seen it in the state store | 17:53 |
* ScottK prefers to stick to Scotch. | 17:53 | |
* Sput has coffee | 17:53 | |
* Riddell coughs politely at ScottK | 17:53 | |
Sput | even though I know it will screw up my intestines again | 17:53 |
ScottK | Right. Coffee during the day and Scotch after the kids are in bed. | 17:53 |
JontheEchidna | We have a liqour store right off the highway here. One step away from having a drive-through ;P | 17:53 |
ScottK | Before I moved in 2006 the closest liquor store to our house had a drive through. | 17:54 |
ScottK | JontheEchidna: You're way to young to know about such things anyway. | 17:54 |
* ScottK starts to worry about getting in trouble for encouraging the delinquency of a minor. | 17:55 | |
ScottK | That is, or was, an actual crime. | 17:55 |
JontheEchidna | It's like a huge store right next to the highway, pretty hard to miss | 17:55 |
JontheEchidna | a state store, of course | 17:55 |
ScottK | Well back in the day, when I was about your age the drinking age was 18 and you'd be pretty close. | 17:57 |
seele | ScottK: oh come on youre not that old are you? or did you live in west virginia | 17:57 |
Sput | well, drinking age is 16 here and nobody really cares :) | 17:57 |
ScottK | Yeah, that's one way the US and Europe are very different. | 17:57 |
ScottK | seele: I grew up in Kansas. | 17:57 |
ScottK | And yes, I am that old. | 17:58 |
seele | lol | 17:58 |
* ScottK has a younger brother who was legal for 6 months and then not for 2 1/2 years because the state legislature messed up the grandfather clause when they changed it. | 17:58 | |
Sput | undergrads coming from germany to the US have a lot of fun too | 17:59 |
Sput | been drinking here for years, and then they get told they're too young to even enter a pub | 18:00 |
ScottK | Yep. | 18:00 |
ScottK | We had that with the ones living with us. | 18:00 |
Sput | on the other hand, undergrads coming from the US to Europe usually try to kill themselves | 18:00 |
ScottK | Yeah. | 18:00 |
* ScottK has lived outside the US for nearly 3 years at different times and still does not at all understand Americans outside the US. | 18:01 | |
Riddell | apachelogger: you have a note about packaging libmal? it's already been packaged and removed | 18:01 |
ubottu | Debian bug 394544 in " please remove libmal from unstable and testing" [Normal,Closed] | 18:01 |
Riddell | and opensync seems not to have a stable release | 18:02 |
apachelogger | Riddell: cmake complained about it at some point | 18:02 |
apachelogger | that is all | 18:02 |
Riddell | yeah, we can ignore it | 18:02 |
Riddell | bug 314778 | 18:02 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 314778 in google-gadgets "Main inclusion for Google Gadgets" [Undecided,New] | 18:03 |
ScottK | Sput: Once when I was in Ireland I was told, "I'd always figured there were Americans like you, I'd just never met one." | 18:03 |
ScottK | This was meant as a good thing. | 18:03 |
Riddell | don't worry Americans, Obama will save your reputation I'm sure :) | 18:03 |
ScottK | Well almost all my Americans abroad horror stories are pre-Bush, so that won't do it I don't think. | 18:04 |
seele | i blame TV. if all i knew of America was our media then i'd probably think theyre a bit strange too | 18:06 |
jpds | seele: I think douloureux is painful. | 18:06 |
ScottK | Yep. | 18:06 |
jpds | Oh, damn, Sput already said that. | 18:06 |
Sput | well, we used to love America over here, until Bush came and destroyed everything | 18:06 |
seele | jpds: yeah, unfortunately i'm having a hard time understanding how to play this particular piece as "painful" | 18:07 |
* apachelogger finds english weird thanks to it crowd :P | 18:07 | |
Sput | amazing how fast he managed to destroy the US' reputation in the world | 18:07 |
seele | i dont think a dog gnawing on my leg is the right kind of pain | 18:07 |
Sput | seele: no, that's bad education. | 18:07 |
apachelogger | Sput: luckily obama held a speach in berlin now everything is good again? :P | 18:07 |
Sput | no | 18:08 |
Sput | and I don't think he'll be able or even willing to fix things | 18:08 |
apachelogger | right the "ick bin ein bärliner" was missing | 18:08 |
Sput | it's not like the US plan to give up their plans for world domination, obama will just try to package that message nicer | 18:08 |
apachelogger | yummy berliners | 18:08 |
ScottK | If that's a kind of sausage, then I'm in. | 18:09 |
Riddell | it's a kind of doughnut, Nightrose bought one for me specially | 18:09 |
Sput | no, it's a sweet roll filled with jelly and powdered with sugar | 18:09 |
apachelogger | aye | 18:09 |
ScottK | Oh. That'd be good too. | 18:09 |
Sput | | 18:09 |
ScottK | Yeah, I'd eat that. | 18:10 |
Sput | so that explains the jokes that many germans still make about JFK saying "Ich bin ein Berliner" | 18:10 |
Sput | even though we understood and loved his real message :) | 18:10 |
seele | not much jelly in that jelly dounut | 18:10 |
ScottK | seele: Agreed. It'd do though. | 18:11 |
Sput | seele: not supposed to | 18:11 |
seele | ScottK: oh, i'm not saying i wouldnt eat it. because i would | 18:11 |
seele | Sput: sorry, i'm used to doing things super sized | 18:11 |
* seele plays up the american stereotype | 18:12 | |
* ScottK recalls that coming up before | 18:12 | |
Sput | seele: well, the dough is tasting delicious by its own, I prefer being able to taste some of it without having everything covered in sweet jelly :) | 18:12 |
apachelogger | hm | 18:13 |
seele | thur's not enuf sugar in this thang. pass tha cool whip mum | 18:13 |
apachelogger | Sput: go search a pic of a mohnknödel :P | 18:13 |
seele | oh and "Add Cheez Pleez" | 18:13 |
apachelogger | .!!!~~~~>Bat build WARNING: either this package is in incredibly good shape, or there isn't enough data to gather for the report | 18:14 |
apachelogger | I love that message | 18:14 |
Sput | | 18:14 |
Sput | lrn2google | 18:14 |
seele | ugh.. 5 notifications just to open that link | 18:14 |
apachelogger | Sput: that is an abomination | 18:14 |
seele | now see.. that's got some filling in it | 18:14 |
* apachelogger demands original viennese mohnknödel | 18:15 | |
Tm_T | apachelogger: how about karjalanpiirakka? | 18:15 |
apachelogger | seele: imagine that thing about twice the size with about 80% jelly + butter and poppy seed on top of it | 18:16 |
apachelogger | that is what you get in austria for dessert ;-) | 18:16 |
apachelogger | in vienna anyway | 18:16 |
seele | sounds good to me. i like the sweets | 18:17 |
apachelogger | Tm_T: looks way too healthy | 18:17 |
Sput | I'm not a huge friend of sweet stuff | 18:17 |
Sput | I like my chocolate with 99% cocoa too | 18:17 |
seele | ah yeah, i'm a snob when it comes to chocolate. i prefer the darker stuff and strongly dislike "candy" chocolate like hershey's | 18:18 |
Sput | yep | 18:18 |
Sput | dark++ | 18:18 |
apachelogger | that reminds me | 18:18 |
apachelogger | to the batcave! | 18:18 |
Sput | dark-with-chili++++ | 18:18 |
seele | oh yes, that is good. i've had some with curry powder and macha tea too | 18:19 |
jpds | Yay for fluid-width: | 18:20 |
apachelogger | can't follow | 18:22 |
ScottK-laptop | seele: I'm reminded of the Bill Cosby quote, "I am proud to be an American. Because an American can eat anything on the face of this earth as long as he has two pieces of bread." | 18:22 |
seele | Riddell: what does this mean (in the desktop team meeting minutes): * Kubuntu/KDE app plans were not sufficiently fleshed out to assess | 18:23 |
seele | status. This should be resolved by the next meeting. | 18:23 |
seele | ScottK-laptop: ah haha and i had a sandwich today for lunch too :) | 18:23 |
ScottK | It comes from an old stand up routine of his about a trip to Italy. | 18:24 |
Sput | ScottK: "bread" | 18:24 |
Sput | :) | 18:24 |
* ScottK wishes he could remember which album it was on. | 18:24 | |
Riddell | seele: it means they don't know what'll happen or when, I did get an e-mail from rick spensor asking for more information but it's basicly up to dbarth what he wants the DX team to commit to | 18:25 |
seele | hum | 18:26 |
ScottK | Riddell: Is there an IRC channel or something to chat with these DX folks or are they just pitching patches over the transom? | 18:26 |
Tm_T | ScottK: #ubuntu-desktop ? | 18:26 |
Riddell | ScottK: macslow and tedg are on #ubuntu-devel, davidbarth doesn't seem to be on today | 18:26 |
Tm_T | brrrrh | 18:27 |
Tm_T | I hate this, so much to do, so little time | 18:27 |
ScottK | Tm_T: Seems like a Gnome place. | 18:27 |
Tm_T | ScottK: true, don't listen to me | 18:27 |
Tm_T | just if I could do Ubuntu/KDE/whatever developing for living | 18:27 |
Riddell | well it's all gnome so far, the most I think they'll do for this cycle is get kmail or whatever showing notifications on gnome | 18:28 |
ScottK | Does Kmail do notifications? | 18:28 |
Tm_T | does | 18:28 |
ScottK | I seem to have managed to have that disabled. | 18:28 |
Tm_T | new mail | 18:28 |
apachelogger | it is off by default | 18:28 |
ScottK | Ah. | 18:28 |
Tm_T | for example | 18:28 |
apachelogger | + it is not working in kontact | 18:29 |
ScottK | That'd explain it. | 18:29 |
apachelogger | dunno why though, very weird issue | 18:29 |
Tm_T | apachelogger: uh?! | 18:29 |
ScottK | At least on my 4.1.3 Kmail isn't working in Kontact. | 18:29 |
Tm_T | apachelogger: does here | 18:29 |
* Tm_T is using svn trunk | 18:29 | |
apachelogger | me too | 18:29 |
ScottK | I click on the mail thingy in Kontact and Kmail opens up in a new window. | 18:29 |
apachelogger | Tm_T: didn't work when I tried it a couple of days ago | 18:30 |
Tm_T | apachelogger: how did it fail? | 18:30 |
apachelogger | ScottK: if you have kmail in tray it will not embedd | 18:30 |
ScottK | OK. Must be that then. | 18:30 |
apachelogger | ScottK: or in general if a kmail process is running that is not bound to kontact it will not embedd | 18:30 |
Tm_T | apachelogger: hmm, does here | 18:30 |
* ScottK isn't using Kontact much right now. | 18:30 | |
* Tm_T is using Kontact in a way that only Kmail has tray icon | 18:31 | |
* apachelogger isn't using kontact until it stopped crashing all the time again :P | 18:31 | |
Lure | apachelogger: it does not crash that often for me anymore (max once per week) | 18:33 |
seele | apachelogger: imap :( | 18:33 |
Tm_T | seele: what about it? | 18:33 |
seele | that's one of the crash issues | 18:33 |
Tm_T | hmmmm | 18:34 |
Tm_T | something I could reproduce? | 18:34 |
apachelogger | seele: pop3 looses data | 18:34 |
seele | apachelogger: YIKES! i've never had that happen to me | 18:34 |
ScottK | apachelogger: How so? | 18:34 |
apachelogger | besides, I wouldn't want to download all that crap | 18:34 |
apachelogger | seele, ScottK: see kdepim bugs in launchpad | 18:34 |
Tm_T | hmm, we have meeting soon? | 18:37 |
Riddell | none planned | 18:38 |
seele | Tm_T: some guy didnt get his intrepid CD and used the email to reply to Mr. Jonathan | 18:41 |
apachelogger | I did get mine, otherwise I probably would have to do the same | 18:41 |
jjesse_ | hrmm never got my intrepid ship it cds :( | 18:42 |
Riddell | and annoy me by insisting on using titles? | 18:43 |
* ScottK had to make two special requests. The first time got all Ubuntu. | 18:44 | |
Tm_T | seele: bah, cheating | 18:46 |
Tm_T | ScottK: we always fail to get our special requests even when we go and spread ~800 discs or so | 18:46 |
Tm_T | Riddell: we really should get sabdfl to Assembly next summer | 18:47 |
* apachelogger hates when a notification times out so fast that apachelogger can't read it | 18:47 | |
seele | Tm_T: you mean Akademy? not the e.V. Assembly? | 18:48 |
Riddell | Assembly the big Finnish computer do I think | 18:48 |
Tm_T | seele: I mean finnish computer event called Assembly | 18:48 |
seele | ah, oops | 18:48 |
Tm_T | 5 000+ people spending 4 days in one place with events, competitions and stuff | 18:48 |
Tm_T | lots of old hacker and demo culture stuff going on | 18:49 |
seele | like HOPE and CCC? | 18:50 |
seele | except not as security focused | 18:51 |
Tm_T | hmm, not at all like that I guess | 18:51 |
Tm_T | seele: "huge lan party" some people say | 18:51 |
ryanakca | Hurra, is now fluid width :) | 19:18 |
Tm_T | ryanakca: great news <3 | 19:18 |
* apachelogger doesn't notice anything | 19:19 | |
* JontheEchidna either | 19:19 | |
ryanakca | There's a max-width... make the window smaller | 19:20 |
ryanakca | Hmmm... screenshot in the masthead goes down when it's too small... I should probably up the min-width by 100px; no? | 19:21 |
ryanakca | Or just update the masthead to the current ``latest news''? 8.10 is two-month old news ;) | 19:22 |
JontheEchidna | then I probably have a good resolution. :) | 19:24 |
apachelogger | meee tooo | 19:24 |
ScottK-desktop | ryanakca: Did you get the FAQ stuff I sent you in too? | 19:26 |
ryanakca | ScottK-desktop: completely forgot about it, sorry, thanks for reminding me. I'll stick it in the wiki and add a link to it from the FAQ | 19:27 |
ScottK-desktop | ryanakca: OK. Some of that stuff I think should go in the FAQ proper, but but wiki is good for most. | 19:28 |
* ScottK udates krusader. | 20:02 | |
ScottK | updates even. | 20:02 |
d-miller | ls | 20:03 |
Tm_T | apachelogger: hi | 20:07 |
Tm_T | apachelogger: got any luck with Qt ? | 20:08 |
* Tm_T still fails to make sense to it all | 20:08 | |
apachelogger | Tm_T: didn't came round to take a look at it yet | 20:09 |
Tm_T | apachelogger: roger | 20:09 |
jcastro | apachelogger: does choqok support | 20:15 |
apachelogger | jcastro: not yet, but the developer said that he's probably going to implement them | 20:16 |
jcastro | sweet | 20:16 |
apachelogger | the design certainly supports it | 20:16 |
jjesse_ | apachelogger: it looks cool | 20:16 |
jcastro | apachelogger: there's a ton of us on already, we could use one more! | 20:17 |
jjesse_ | wasn't rgreening going to port gwibber to QT? | 20:17 |
jcastro | iirc there was a branch someplace | 20:17 |
* apachelogger is still too much influenced by Amarok, so <3 twitter :D | 20:17 | |
apachelogger | jjesse_: Qt | 20:17 |
jjesse_ | sorry :) | 20:18 |
LaserJock | I would love to see a Qt client | 20:18 |
* ScottK loves it when that happens. | 20:19 | |
ScottK | Sat back down at the desk after being away for awhile and there was the end of the test build. | 20:19 |
* ScottK 's wife detected an unauthorized facebook acount (via Google I think) belonging to $ELDEST_CHILD last night. | 20:22 | |
* ScottK just got done adjusting firewall rules and will now wait for $ELDEST_CHILD to wonder why she can't get to facebook. | 20:23 | |
apachelogger | internet access monitoring ftw | 20:23 |
seele | ah hah | 20:23 |
seele | i take it she's not going to leave her car for the test, is she | 20:23 |
* apachelogger has about 5 social networking sites blocked due to request by $MOM | 20:23 | |
ScottK | ;-) | 20:23 |
apachelogger | it also keeps me from getting dragged ;-) | 20:24 |
apachelogger | +in | 20:24 |
ScottK | $MIDDLE_CHILD thought she was safe making a myspace account from her friend's computer a couple of years ago. | 20:24 |
ScottK | That didn't work out so well for her either. | 20:24 |
ScottK | I always think it's funny hearing about kids knowing more about computers than their parents. | 20:25 |
LaserJock | man, I've never had that temptation | 20:25 |
seele | when $ELDEST_CHILD turns 18, does she get facebook back or does she have to go to panera to do it from free wifi? | 20:25 |
LaserJock | I have a facebook account, but it seems so pointless | 20:25 |
Tm_T | LaserJock: same problem | 20:25 |
Tm_T | I just don't use it | 20:25 |
ScottK | seele: She can live by her rules when she's self supporting. | 20:26 |
LaserJock | if I want to waste time I hop on IRC | 20:26 |
* ScottK knows a bit about that. | 20:26 | |
Tm_T | ScottK: glad I don't have that problem yet | 20:26 |
apachelogger | LaserJock: lol | 20:26 |
ScottK | My brother has 3 girls the oldest of which is 8. | 20:26 |
seele | i hear kids are cute until theyre 12, and then youre just waiting for them to leave the house | 20:27 |
ScottK | Every time I start with teenage daughter stories he puts his fingers in his ears and says, "I can't hear you." | 20:27 |
Tm_T | seele: false | 20:27 |
ScottK | 12 is a good average. | 20:27 |
Tm_T | seele: they're cute until they're yours | 20:27 |
seele | Tm_T: lol | 20:27 |
Tm_T | except my daughter <3 | 20:27 |
seele | hah | 20:27 |
ScottK | $ELDEST was advanced. Hit it around 10. | 20:28 |
seele | she must be <12 | 20:28 |
Tm_T | seele: 8 weeks soon | 20:28 |
seele | ScottK: two extra years. lucky you | 20:28 |
ScottK | yeah. | 20:28 |
seele | Tm_T: ah, you have about 2 years before all you hear is "NO!" | 20:28 |
Tm_T | anyway, I have very good experience with kids | 20:28 |
ScottK | OTOH, $MIDDLE is 14 and just getting there, so it balances out. | 20:28 |
Tm_T | seele: nah, she'll learn it much earlier | 20:28 |
seele | ScottK: and then you have the cute $YOUNGEST for a few more years at least | 20:29 |
* Tm_T used to work with trouble childs | 20:30 | |
ScottK | seele: yes. She seems to vacilate between 5 and 25. | 20:31 |
ScottK | She has glasses too, as of Monday, so she's doomed to be smart. | 20:31 |
* apachelogger once had glasses... | 20:34 | |
* JontheEchidna haz glasses | 20:36 | |
seele | looks like the rain stopped, gotta get some groceries | 20:37 |
* Tm_T uses classes just to reduce brightness mostly | 20:37 | |
jjesse_ | so smart people have glasses? | 20:37 |
Tm_T | indeed | 20:37 |
Tm_T | as my iq is around 150 | 20:38 |
jjesse_ | hrmmm what about contacts? :) | 20:38 |
* ScottK thinks so, he says as he looks at the screen through his glasses. | 20:38 | |
Tm_T | jjesse_: what contacts? | 20:38 |
jjesse_ | if i wear contacts does that make me as smart as people who wear glasses? | 20:38 |
Tm_T | no | 20:38 |
Tm_T | there's no ducktape involved | 20:39 |
Tm_T | +t I guess | 20:39 |
apachelogger | Tm_T: classes don't make you smart, neither do methods | 20:40 |
Tm_T | I know (:) | 20:40 |
apachelogger | time for some scooby-doo | 20:43 |
=== rdieter is now known as rdieter_away | ||
* Lure just survived unbootable jaunty - luckly workaround from BusyBox helped | 22:00 | |
* Lure is happy, did new upload to universe after exactly 9 months since last one ;-) | 22:33 | |
Riddell | what's wrong with them having facebook accounts? | 22:36 |
Riddell | ScottK | 22:36 |
Tm_T | Riddell: IIRC you need parents permission if your underaged | 22:37 |
ScottK | Riddell: Nothing. The deal is though that we have to have access to them. This new account we don't. | 22:37 |
ScottK | Tm_T: Actually not. You do need to be, I think, 13. | 22:37 |
Tm_T | ScottK: oh, interesting | 22:37 |
nhandler | Tm_T: That is the requirement for most forums too | 22:37 |
ScottK | This is more having hardass parents who keep an eye on things. | 22:37 |
Tm_T | ScottK: some web services here in Finland have quite strict 16-18 age limits on that | 22:37 |
Lure | Riddell: btw, when did digikam/kipi-plugins drop to universe? | 22:37 |
=== wonderful is now known as SteveS | ||
Riddell | Lure: not sure, the comment in the seed file says # * (digikam) needs kdebase-kio-plugins | 22:39 |
Lure | Riddell: probably because it is kde3, and intrepid was kde4-focused... | 22:46 |
Lure | Riddell: anyhow, it helps me as I can upload myself ;-) | 22:46 |
Lure | even though we have plently of kubuntu-coredev's now! ;-) | 22:47 |
Lure | Riddell: where did kdeprint package go in kde4 and what replaces it? | 22:48 |
JontheEchidna | it went bye-bye | 22:49 |
JontheEchidna | kde4 apps now use the Qt4 printing stuff (not as featureful as kdeprint was, but...) | 22:49 |
JontheEchidna | there is a kde-printer-applet that shows available jobs when things are being printed, and system-config-printer-kde takes care of configuration | 22:50 |
Lure | JontheEchidna: ok, will remove it then from recommends | 22:54 |
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