=== ehammond1 is now known as erichammond | ||
erichammond | Hi, I'm requesting IRC cloak as per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam/Cloaks with launchpad https://edge.launchpad.net/~esh | 06:17 |
jussi01 | nalioth: PriceChild ^^^ | 07:25 |
PriceChild | erichammond: done | 08:40 |
PV_Work | hello any irc council here today? I would like to get my IRC cloak activated | 20:56 |
=== PV_Work is now known as PrivateVoid | ||
PriceChild | Hey PV_Work, can I have your launchpad page please? | 20:56 |
PriceChild | PrivateVoid: ^ | 20:56 |
PrivateVoid | https://launchpad.net/~privatevoid | 20:56 |
PrivateVoid | Are you on the list PriceChild ? | 20:57 |
PrivateVoid | Joseph price? | 20:58 |
PriceChild | PrivateVoid: the list? | 20:58 |
PrivateVoid | https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-irc-council/+members | 20:58 |
PriceChild | yep | 20:59 |
PrivateVoid | I just didn't recognize the names with nics | 21:00 |
Pici | 'the list' | 21:00 |
PriceChild | PrivateVoid: all done. | 21:03 |
PrivateVoid | thanks PriceChild | 21:05 |
PrivateVoid | gotta run home now... | 21:05 |
PrivateVoid | see you around later. | 21:05 |
Rocket2DMn | Hey, I was told this was where I should go to get my ubuntu member cloak? Am I in the right place? | 22:11 |
jpds | Rocket2DMn: Yes, could we please have a link to your Launchpad page? | 22:17 |
Rocket2DMn | sure, https://launchpad.net/~rocket2dmn | 22:19 |
jpds | nalioth, PriceChild: Cloak for Rocket2DMn please. | 22:20 |
jpds | Rocket2DMn: And congrats on the membership :) | 22:22 |
Rocket2DMn | thank you. | 22:23 |
Rocket2DMn | I'll just idle in here until I get pinged, there is no rush :) | 22:24 |
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