Mersault | Quickie Question: How does one change channels on the hdhomerun? A friend and I were discussing options for hd tuners, and says it's an irblaster type situation to change channels on the hdhomerun | 00:09 |
erb | my sound (AC'97) works fine in Ubuntu 8.10, but it doesn't work in Mythbuntu. I checked alsamixer and all the volumes are up | 00:11 |
erb | i noticed pulseaudio was running on Ubuntu and its not running on Myth so I installed it with apt-get but theres no process running and /etc/init.d/pulseaudo start does nothing | 00:11 |
superm1 | erb, pulseaudio can cause some problems with mythtv which is why it's not installed by default on mythbuntu | 00:26 |
superm1 | pulseaudio wouldn't likely make it "start" working | 00:27 |
mustangg | !bugs | 00:45 |
tgm4883_laptop | mustangg, no, like this | 00:47 |
tgm4883_laptop | !bugs | 00:47 |
tgm4883_laptop | hmm | 00:47 |
tgm4883_laptop | maybe Zinn doesn't like us | 00:47 |
tgm4883_laptop | !help | 00:47 |
Zinn | !help Use ! followed by a topic to get help on the topic (if it exists) example: !logs. Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number]. For a complete list of my knowledge visit: | 00:47 |
tgm4883_laptop | !%bugs% | mustangg | 00:49 |
Zinn | mustangg: Bugs can be filed here | 00:49 |
mustangg | well it is quite the finicky thing.. | 01:12 |
rhpot1991 | zinn slow? | 01:18 |
tgm4883_laptop | no, it's his bug tracker I think | 01:19 |
tgm4883_laptop | rhpot1991, I think we just need to rename the bug definition | 01:20 |
rhpot1991 | !bugs | 01:20 |
rhpot1991 | ah I bets I know whats up | 01:20 |
rhpot1991 | bug 282498 | 01:21 |
Zinn | Bug 282498 in mythexport (Ubuntu) "package mythexport 1.0.3-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided, Fix Released] | 01:21 |
rhpot1991 | conflict in commands | 01:21 |
tgm4883_laptop | yea | 01:21 |
tgm4883_laptop | thats what I was thinking | 01:21 |
rhpot1991 | any bright ideas? | 01:21 |
tgm4883_laptop | yea | 01:21 |
tgm4883_laptop | we rename !bugs to !bugtracker | 01:21 |
rhpot1991 | that works | 01:21 |
rhpot1991 | !bugtracker | 01:22 |
tgm4883_laptop | Occam's razor | 01:22 |
mustangg | if I make a change in the db with phpmyadmin, do I need to commit changes in some way to see the result in the Front end of myth? | 01:22 |
rhpot1991 | I'm gonna have to tweak the regex I think | 01:22 |
tgm4883_laptop | mustangg, you should just have to exit mythvideo and reenter it I think | 01:23 |
mustangg | shoot, that means there is some other thing going on as well. I deleted from the db those entries but I get again when I return to the video manager. | 01:24 |
tgm4883_laptop | hmm | 01:25 |
rhpot1991 | some backend stuff might get cached IIRC | 01:25 |
tgm4883_laptop | mustangg, depending on how many movies you have, you might just try emptying the table | 01:26 |
tgm4883_laptop | the empty command would drop and recreate the table, so you will have a fresh mythvideo table I thinks | 01:26 |
rhpot1991 | delete from <table>; | 01:27 |
rhpot1991 | should kill them all | 01:27 |
mustangg | well that sounds worthwhile. one sec. | 01:27 |
tgm4883_laptop | rhpot1991, he's in phpmyadmin | 01:27 |
mustangg | seems I should be able to. Just to clarify before: I should delete the whole table (entries) for the videometadata ..? | 01:28 |
tgm4883_laptop | mustangg, you don't want to just drop the table, as then you wouldn't have the table anymore. You could Empty the table, which would drop it and recreate it | 01:31 |
tgm4883_laptop | essentially deleting everything in the table | 01:31 |
mustangg | hmm, according to phpmysql I successfully deleted just "those"entries but I still see them in mythvideo. | 01:31 |
tgm4883_laptop | strange | 01:32 |
rhpot1991 | try restarting your backend | 01:32 |
rhpot1991 | sudo /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend restart | 01:32 |
mustangg | crud still there. ok well I have a few good ideas now, so I'll bang around a bit and get back to you guys. thanks a lot. | 01:34 |
erb | 16:26 < superm1> erb, pulseaudio can cause some problems with mythtv which is why it's not installed by default on mythbuntu | 01:43 |
erb | 16:27 < superm1> pulseaudio wouldn't likely make it "start" working | 01:43 |
erb | i'm not positive on the differences for audio other than pulseaudio when comparing ubuntu to mythbuntu | 01:43 |
erb | i just know that sound works fine in ubuntu 8.10 but not at all in mythbuntu 8.10 | 01:43 |
erb | how can i ensure that mythbuntu always keeps my refresh rate at 60hz? when I boot the box up while its connected to s-video xwindows takes 10 years to start | 01:52 |
erb | the screen goes all crazy and what not | 01:52 |
erb | i need it to know it can't be anything other than 1024x768 @ 60hz | 01:52 |
superm1 | erb, well do some tests using basic tools like aplay to make sure youre audio works with that | 02:35 |
superm1 | erb, before you get to X the bios controls the boot res | 02:36 |
Shadow____X | hey superm1 i got my permissions and samba permissions figured out | 03:16 |
Shadow____X | thanks for the help | 03:17 |
dhimiter | hello | 03:17 |
dhimiter | ?? | 03:18 |
Shadow____X | !help | 03:18 |
Zinn | !help Use ! followed by a topic to get help on the topic (if it exists) example: !logs. Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number]. For a complete list of my knowledge visit: | 03:18 |
Shadow____X | !ask | 03:19 |
Zinn | Please don't ask if anyone is around or if it is alright to ask a question. Many people check back periodically and may answer your question when they see it. IRC is not normally an instant fix so check back often for an answer. | 03:19 |
dhimiter | !pvr usb2 | 03:19 |
Zinn | Sorry I don't know about pvr usb2 | 03:19 |
dhimiter | !help | 03:19 |
Zinn | !help Use ! followed by a topic to get help on the topic (if it exists) example: !logs. Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number]. For a complete list of my knowledge visit: | 03:19 |
Shadow____X | if you are looking for help for a specific tuner either ask here or look in the mythtv wiki | 03:20 |
erb | 18:35 < superm1> erb, well do some tests using basic tools like aplay to make sure youre audio works with that | 03:48 |
erb | 18:36 < superm1> erb, before you get to X the bios controls the boot res | 03:48 |
erb | audio doesn't work in any player in mythbuntu but works out of the box in ubuntu | 03:48 |
erb | also my bios loads perfectly fine on the TV | 03:48 |
erb | its when it gets to loading linux when things go haywire | 03:48 |
erb | i'm just not sure how to make sure X knows its always 1024x768 @ 60 because it seems like it auto senses modes first even though i've set the resolution in catalyst control center | 03:49 |
superm1 | erb, i'm assuming you are comparing the same release of mythbuntu to ubuntu in terms of audio right? i'm not sure what else to recommend that would differ between the two | 05:30 |
superm1 | Shadow____X, good to hear | 05:49 |
Shadow____X | yeah | 05:49 |
Shadow____X | have you used dvb utils before | 05:49 |
Shadow____X | :) | 05:49 |
Shadow____X | is dvb scan better than the built in mythtv scanner | 05:50 |
Shadow____X | and if so i ran the scan have a channels.conf but once i imported it it left me with channels withno freqids | 05:53 |
superm1 | i've used them before, buti had better luck with the mythtv scanner | 05:56 |
Shadow____X | hmm but why would it stick me with channels with 0 freqids | 05:56 |
Shadow____X | also once i importanted it it scanned the channels | 05:57 |
MythbuntuGuest85 | I live in the U.S. Which channel guide service should I use? | 06:27 |
superm1 | MythbuntuGuest85, schedules direct | 06:27 |
superm1 | you can set up an account at | 06:28 |
superm1 | they have a 7 day trial available, roughly 20 a year after that | 06:28 |
MythbuntuGuest85 | perfect... will i have to add them manually? | 06:28 |
MythbuntuGuest85 | or will they autoupdate every couple days? | 06:28 |
superm1 | every day it updates | 06:31 |
superm1 | on it's own | 06:31 |
d0netsFN | anyone have a g1? | 06:32 |
MythbuntuGuest85 | well worth the 20 bucks | 06:32 |
d0netsFN | remotedroid + myth = orgasmic | 06:32 |
d0netsFN | mythbuntuguest85 you can also pay 5$ for 2 months | 06:32 |
d0netsFN | i did that for now since im not sure where i will be or what tv service i will have then | 06:32 |
MythbuntuGuest85 | off the top of you head, what is the next best free version of this. (i am making a mythbackend + xbmc frontend for my mom. do i need two account with schedules direct?) | 06:33 |
MythbuntuGuest85 | this install says i will lose many schedulin features without schedulesdirect. what features? | 06:34 |
superm1 | you can use EIT data if it's a digital OTA source | 06:35 |
superm1 | which would mean that you only get about 2 days of data, and no episode or first air date data | 06:36 |
superm1 | you'll get re-recordings of shows when they are syndicated | 06:36 |
Doodz | Hey peoples... just installed Mythubuntu .. can't get captured card to be recognised. My capture card works fine in Kaffeine... its a Gigabyte U8000 Hybrid (digital/analog) | 11:26 |
Doodz | Hey peoples... just installed Mythbuntu .. can't get captured card to be recognised. My capture card works fine in Kaffeine... its a Gigabyte U8000 Hybrid (digital/analog) | 11:29 |
Nixon | I think you will have to install a couple files there Doodz, I'm not familiar with your device but google hit a ton of info try searching for gigabyte u8000 mythtv | 12:01 |
jaypetey | So, my dilemma: I downloaded the Mythbuntu 8.10 Desktop ISO, ran it, and got a Kernel Panic error. I've run across it before, and simply downloaded the alt install instead. I now realize that my kernel panic was most likely due to memory failure, and have since gotten rid of my bad stick of ram. Anyway though, I've run the alt install, and get it to the optional installation components (the one after the base system install). If I check a | 12:52 |
laga | your message didn't go thru after "If I check a" | 12:57 |
jaypetey | If I check nothing, it only gets to 2%. So I began to wonder if it was possibly a hard drive failure, and replaced the HDD. No go. I am now downloading Mythbuntu 8.04.1 and hoping that it was something to do with the Intrepid build, but am simply wondering if anyone else has any bright ideas for why my system is worthless? -Sorry for the length | 12:58 |
laga | jaypetey: try the desktop cd | 13:01 |
laga | the alternate disks aren't really working | 13:01 |
jaypetey | well, my hardy download is done now. i'll give the alt a try, but i've read some bad things about intrepid in my research on my problems... so i ask, is the juice worth the squeeze? or should i just go with hardy? (i might add that i plan on using a wiimote as my remote control, and MythPyWii isn't hasn't been updated for intrepid, but i doubt that will keep it from working. | 13:08 |
jaypetey | err, i'll give the desktop a try i mean | 13:09 |
jaypetey | wow, i really should check for typos before i hit enter. that one was bad. | 13:10 |
=== _styelz is now known as styelz | ||
d0netsFN | hey yall | 17:19 |
d0netsFN | in ubuntu i had alot of fonts built in | 17:19 |
d0netsFN | with mythbuntu they werent installed | 17:19 |
d0netsFN | is there a package that i can install to get a bunch of fonts? | 17:19 |
d0netsFN | i apt-cache searched but theres like 09802384092834082304982039480238423 packages with font in the title | 17:20 |
=== N1X0N is now known as Nixon | ||
davedom | I am having a problem with mythtv and cx18 driver | 17:45 |
davedom | cx18 seems to work fine when I cat /dev/video1 and play it back | 17:46 |
davedom | but I get no audio within mythtv | 17:46 |
davedom | to get audio from cx18 and mplayer, i have to set the audio rate to 48000 using v4l2-ctl | 17:47 |
davedom | it seems mythtv sets it to 32000 and I have no idea how to change that | 17:47 |
dman | ok, I made a change to my x,org file for my G9 mouse....didn't make a backup (doh!) and now although I reactivated my nvidia drivers, compiz isn't working. Any ideas? | 17:58 |
dman | it's as though I'm in no 3d mode | 17:58 |
dman | do I need a complete restart or should logout be fine? | 17:59 |
davedom | as far as restarting X to use the new driver? | 18:00 |
dman | yes | 18:00 |
davedom | a logout should work | 18:00 |
dman | hmmm | 18:00 |
davedom | but I always tend to ctrl-alt-backspace to make sure I kill it | 18:00 |
dman | x was screwed up, so I tried to change it back but it looks like a generic file now....with none of the original info | 18:01 |
dman | I did ctrl-alt-backspace as well | 18:01 |
davedom | have you looked in /etc/X11? | 18:02 |
davedom | depending on what you used, it may have backed it up once | 18:02 |
dman | <---super-newb to linux :) | 18:03 |
davedom | so it might have something a little less generic there | 18:03 |
dman | nope..nada there...just the generic file. So what are my best options? Do I have to reinstall? | 18:05 |
davedom | its prolly the easiest :/ | 18:06 |
davedom | you could try uninstalling the nvidia drivers | 18:06 |
davedom | then reinstalling | 18:06 |
davedom | using synaptic | 18:07 |
dman | Ouch! That'll teach me to think I know what I'm doing | 18:07 |
dman | will try that then | 18:07 |
mustangg | hello all.:::.. Some feedback about the db "ghost entries" problem I had yesterday for those who helped me - turns out those "ghost" entries were actually the names of poster files. I rm 'd the actual files and suddenly the db was ghost free.. | 18:14 |
mustangg | and I think that explains why the sql route suggested by a few folks here didn't work. Would anyone know if there is any dynamic elements to populating those lists? | 18:21 |
mustangg | The lists of videos in Video manager that is. | 18:21 |
MythbuntuGuest20 | what tuner cards are recommended that are basically plug and play, I am looking to buy one and would like some recommendations please. Thanks in advance | 19:55 |
jphillip | MythbuntuGuest20 HD or SD? | 20:02 |
hads | I use a Technotrend S-1401 myself | 20:15 |
inteliwasp | how can i tell what diver version i would have for cx18 cards? | 20:29 |
dan2 | what's the keystroke in a movie that I can use to add audio delay | 20:50 |
hads | dan2: You can through the menu, "m" | 21:52 |
mnemonic76 | I only get a blue screen on LiveTV and Recorded Videos playback on my frontend. This works fine on the backend/frontend. | 22:10 |
neoneddy | Anyone here doing HD content? specificly 1080i from over the Air ? | 22:14 |
=== kjetil_ is now known as KjetilK | ||
mnemonic76 | I have audio for live tv/recordings on my frontend, but only a blue screen... how can I troubleshoot this? | 23:55 |
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