
geniiBah : <rito> Wintre, I am a worker here,....please dont cause trouble ok : )01:09
|_ockehow long's my ban from ot?01:26
Seeker`1) What did you do?01:26
Seeker`2) How many times have you asked that question?01:27
|_ocke1: inappropriate chat of a sexual nature (but no swearing)01:27
|_ocke2: this is the first time01:27
Seeker`who banned you?01:27
|_ockeumm hang on01:28
Seeker`I reckon it will be at least 3 days, come back and ask jussi in 8 hours or so01:31
Seeker`its up to him01:31
Seeker`|_ocke: anything else I can help you with?01:33
Jack_Sparrowjrib, something 132 wont listen and has been asked numerous times to stop spamming and using enter etc.. 01:36
|_ockeall good01:36
|_ockei just got off work and noticed i was still banninated01:36
jribJack_Sparrow: mute and pm?01:39
Jack_Sparrowjrib, Tried pm twice.. but he seems quiet now01:40
geniiWeird. Why does !chroot say something about building 32bit environments?01:41
Jack_Sparrowgenii, Hi, ...   care to rewrite it01:41
geniiJack_Sparrow: I'm not sure what to put exactly. But the current one is pretty strange,01:42
ubottuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box01:42
geniiMaybe: Chroot is "change root" You can use this command to run command or interactive shell with special root directory.         (lifted a bit from the manpage)01:43
geniiSeeker`: Does it seem odd to you as well or no? (the curent factoid)01:46
Seeker`it doesn't seem to cover chroots01:47
Seeker`it covers one specific case01:47
nickrudmaybe mention something like. 'Often used for compiling 32bit applications in 64bit environments or repairing not booting systems.' for the people that find 'You can use this command to run command or interactive shell with special root directory.' incomprehensible02:04
nickrudarg, but you get the idea02:05
tritiumGood evening.02:06
Seeker`"Chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment"02:11
geniiSeeker`: Looks good :)02:15
Seeker`you can add it then :)02:16
geniiI think I tried that before, didn't have editing rights on factoids or so02:17
Seeker`!chroot is  used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit  applications in a 64bit environment02:21
ubottuBut chroot already means something else!02:21
Seeker`ubottu: no, !chroot is  used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit  applications in a 64bit environment02:22
ubottuI know nothing about !chroot yet, Seeker`02:22
Seeker`ubottu: no, chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit  applications in a 64bit environment02:22
ubottuI'll remember that Seeker`02:22
ubottuchroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit  applications in a 64bit environment02:22
Seeker`ubottu: no, chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot)02:23
ubottuI'll remember that Seeker`02:23
Seeker`genii: try that02:23
ubottuchroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot)02:23
genii!chroot is chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot)02:24
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, genii said: !chroot is chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot)02:24
PriceChildgenii: tried with a 'no'?02:24
geniiPriceChild: It's new for me02:24
Seeker`PriceChild: he doesn't have editing rights, or ubottu would have told him that it already means something else02:25
geniiI think we went through this a previous time02:25
PriceChildSeeker`: makes sense, thanks.02:25
Seeker`bedtime I tihnk02:29
goukiWhen the channel is an official loco channel, are the only bots allowed the ones from the irc team?02:50
tritiumgouki: not necessarily.  The LoCo can install their own bots.02:50
goukitritium, OK. Just wanted to confirm it. Thank you.02:51
tritiumgouki: no problem02:52
Jack_SparrowdamO was ban evading.. 03:11
ubottuThe operation succeeded.03:13
stdingenii: they speak Portuguese in Brazil03:15
geniistdin: krumin is a spanish port of linux03:16
stdingenii: but he was speaking Portuguese03:17
geniistdin: Ah, my mistake then03:18
geniiPortuguese and Spanish seem mostly the same to me when I see them written03:19
stdinit's hard to tell between Spanish and Portuguese, online translates clarify :)03:19
stdineg http://translate.google.com/translate_t03:20
stdinyes, google can even translate now! :p03:20
Jack_SparrowIn that case the ip had br...03:20
stdinyeah, but you can't always trust the IP, someone may just happen to be an a certain country03:21
geniiI sometimes use babelfish, or occasionally whois the ip/mask t see originating country03:21
Jack_Sparrowagreed.. but it is another clue03:22
stdingenii: geoip-bin ftw03:22
stdin$ geoiplookup
stdinGeoIP Country Edition: BR, Brazil03:23
stdinworks with host names too, not just IPs03:24
geniistdin: I thought I was already in -ot there actually <laughing>03:39
stdinI think my brain is in -ot mode, difficult to concentrate for too long03:41
geniiHere too03:41
bazhang|_ocke, how may we help you03:53
bazhang<|_ocke> 1: inappropriate chat of a sexual nature (but no swearing)03:59
bazhang<|_ocke> 2: this is the first time03:59
bazhang|_ocke, would that be it?03:59
bazhang|_ocke, couple of points; this is not the first time (more likely 3rd or 4th at least), and please dont idle in here04:03
|_ockeoh sorry, it auto-joined04:09
|_ockeonly 2nd time, though actually04:09
|_ockebut that was the first time i asked about this ban04:10
bazhangyou were warned about this type of thing on many many occasions04:10
bazhanghardly the second by a long shot.04:10
|_ockei'm sorry i didn't mean to be stupid, i was drunk and pissed off, and i didn't intend to offend anyone04:10
bazhangthat is what you said every time previously.04:11
bazhangno reason to believe you now |_ocke 04:11
|_ockewell.. what can i say... it's not the first time i've been drunk04:11
|_ockeand my irc is on 24/7/365, so...04:11
|_ockeall i can say is i'm sorry04:12
bazhang|_ocke, please part now04:12
nbeeboso now ive been banned for a week or so and i didnt even do anything... on #ubuntu-offtopic btw04:12
bazhangnbeebo, how may we help you04:12
nbeeboi dont know, in the end i want to be unbanned, in the middle i dont know...04:16
bazhangnbeebo, checking the logs there are at least 4 marks against you; hardly seems to be for 'didn't do anything'04:17
nbeeboi meant the last time04:17
nbeeboand the last time i even asked what i did04:18
nbeebocheck that log if u can find it04:18
nbeeboi think he got personal...04:18
bazhangnbeebo, my guess is that you ignored many many warnings and continued on nonetheless04:19
nbeeboi did not04:19
bazhangnbeebo, in fact I was there for many of those warnings and gave some myself04:19
nbeeboexcept they didnt like me say "u"04:19
bazhangnbeebo, that is certainly not the issue at all; to suggest so is simply dishonest04:20
nbeebocant u read logs?04:20
nbeebou dont have to maybe wait for someone else, if u admins can at all04:21
bazhangnbeebo, and considering that the marks are from a wide range of operators, that is confirmed that it was neither personal, nor from the use of 'u'04:21
bazhangnbeebo, why the hurry to get back into #ubuntu-offtopic ?04:22
bazhang!coc | nbeebo please read this04:22
ubottunbeebo please read this: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/04:22
bazhang!guidelines | nbeebo and this04:22
ubottunbeebo and this: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines04:22
nbeebofollowed the guideline looking in coc now04:23
bazhangI suggest you read those *carefully* nbeebo and think again why you were banned in #ubuntu-offtopic ; it certainly was not over *nothing*, nor the the use of 'u'.04:23
nbeeboits never nothing, but shouldnt even be warned for that04:23
bazhangnbeebo, please dont idle in here as per the channel /topic04:24
nbeeboim not idle04:24
nbeeboreading the coc04:24
bazhangnbeebo, please /part the channel now.04:24
bazhang@mark nbeebo <nbeebo> there exists so many jerks in this world upon parting here (#ubuntu)04:30
ubottuThe operation succeeded.04:30
nickrudthat is a fact; previous part message proves it04:31
Flanneljussi01: what'd you need earlier?07:52
FlannelHowdy Myrtti 09:02
Tm_TMyrtti <309:03
* elkbuntu huggles myrtti09:08
jussi01ikonia: ping09:43
ubot3In #ubuntu-offtopic, rww said: !no, ipv6 is a new version of the Internet Protocol that allows for more IP addresses and makes other important changes. To disable it, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv4 . To enable it, install the "miredo" package.12:28
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, rww said: !no, ipv6 is a new version of the Internet Protocol that allows for more IP addresses and makes other important changes. To disable it, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv4 . To enable it, install the "miredo" package.12:28
ubottuIn ubottu, rww said: !no, ipv6 is <reply> For an introduction to IPv6 and information on tunneling IPv6 through IPv4 connections, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6. To disable the IPv6 kernel module, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv4.12:53
ubottuTo disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv413:04
stdin!no, ipv6 is <reply> For an introduction to IPv6 and information on tunneling IPv6 through IPv4 connections, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6. To disable IPv6 see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv413:05
ubottuI'll remember that stdin13:05
ubot3In #ubuntu-offtopic, stdin said: !no ipv6 is <reply> For an introduction to IPv6 and information on tunneling IPv6 through IPv4 connections, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6 | To disable IPv6 see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv413:07
stdinhush ubot3 13:07
ubottuIn ubottu, Pici said: jaunty =~ s/-Please/- Please/13:56
ubottuThe operation succeeded.13:56
ubottuThe operation succeeded.13:56
Picisilly rabbit.13:56
PiciHrm. Any objections to replacing the url in !training with that of help.ubuntu.com?  14:12
ubottuA desktop course manual for Ubuntu 7.10 can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Training14:12
PiciI don't think many people would be intersted in just looking at a manual for 7.1014:12
jussi01how about just !forget training ?14:14
Picijussi01: I've aliased it to documentation instead.14:19
ubottudocumentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com14:19
SlartHello ops.. who handles ubottu when it comes to weird behaviour/bugs etc?16:25
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots16:25
jussi01Slart: launchpad does16:25
Slartah.. nice, thanks jussi0116:25
jussi01Slart: although you can try get me or stdin in -bots16:25
jussi01Slart: still better to file a bug though16:26
SlartI'll do that, thanks for the help16:26
* genii starts brewing a fresh batch of strong coffee16:39
Ursinhahi genii :)16:43
geniiUrsinha: Hello :)16:44
jpdshttp://pthree.org/2009/01/07/rm-rf/ - YES!17:01
jussi01ikonia: ping17:52
* Myrtti pokes herself17:54
Myrttifeels weird17:54
Tm_TMyrtti: how so?17:54
MyrttiI don't like IRC anymore17:55
MyrttiI have nothing to say17:55
ikoniaalways nice to take a break17:55
Tm_TMyrtti: it's ok, as soon as we get that one channel sorted (;)18:00
* Tm_T hides18:00
Tm_TMyrtti: really, I have been missing you in IRC18:00
Tm_Tit's far more dull place without proper persons18:00
Tm_Tgenii: you're at watch shift in #k atm?18:01
ikoniamany eyes or on #k18:01
Tm_Tso I can look elsewhere18:01
geniiI'm at work so not continuously in #k for policing/etc ... I'll go /away when not available for more than a few minutes so you guys can tell18:04
geniiikonia: What was the issue with wesley__ , I did not catch it18:07
ikoniahe wants to use the jaunty .28 in 8.10 and convert his file systems to ext4, which is fine, but he was told it's not supported and may break as not only the kernels but the ext tools need to be updated too and they are being updated a fair bit in jaunty at the moment18:08
ikoniagenii: and instead of being ok with it he just kept asking "how" to which he was told if he didn't undestand how to do it, it was probably best not to as if he broke it, it wouldn't be supported18:09
ikoniagenii: but then he was a bit rude to a few people warning him of this calling them stupid 18:09
geniiikonia: Aah, OK. Yes he was also yesterday on about compiling latest greatest intel xorg driver, etc18:10
ikoniahence why I'm not happy about him miss-representing it in #kubuntu18:10
Myrttiis REISUB supposed to work? 'cause it doesn't.18:36
nickspoonMyrtti: Does for me, under 8.04.18:53
PiciJack_Sparrow: Are you talking to that person in pm? 18:53
Jack_Sparrowno response yet18:54
Tm_Thi bluesmoke 18:54
Myrttibluesmoke: you really should identify to the services if you really are Amaranth.19:03
Myrttibluesmoke: takes a bit too much of faith now19:03
Tm_TMyrtti: I agree on that19:03
FlannelIdentifying defeats the purpose of in cognito19:04
Myrttione would wonder why someone would need to be in cognito here19:07
FlannelNot here, but otherplaces.  Here's only because its silly to be on with two separate clients (with two separate nicks)19:11
Tm_Tno, not really IMO19:12
Seeker`jussi01: is your server likely to be rebooted often?19:25
jussi01Seeker`: no, it wont be. we just had to add memory and swap ;)19:26
Seeker`jussi01: ah, cool19:27
ubottuThe operation succeeded.19:27
=== bluesmoke is now known as Amaranth
AmaranthMyrtti, Tm_T: better? :)19:29
MyrttiAmaranth: ♥ me love you long taem19:30
* Amaranth runs away19:32
Paddy_EIREhey could someone please fire jack_j a final warning as he keeps pestering me pinging me and generally being a twat19:37
ikoniaalready taken care of19:37
Paddy_EIREthank you19:37
Paddy_EIREhow do I stop him from pming me19:37
Paddy_EIREpm'ing me19:37
ikoniaignore ?19:37
ikonia /ignore 19:37
ikoniaahhh the seeker is quick19:37
Paddy_EIREthat is not working thoug hyou see :)19:37
ikoniayou could mention it to a staff member in #freenode19:38
Seeker`ikonia: :D19:38
topyliwhat always works is passively ignoring the query window :)19:39
Paddy_EIREtopyli, not when dcc windows keep popping up on your screen stealing focus19:41
Paddy_EIREno thanks..19:41
ikoniaPaddy_EIRE: speak to a staff member19:42
Paddy_EIREok.. I am done.. I will be back later when he is gone19:42
Paddy_EIREI asked19:42
Paddy_EIREno response as yet19:42
topyliPaddy_EIRE: please /part this channel19:50
topylioh :)19:50
Paddy_EIREHey jack_j is still in #xubuntu20:12
MyrttiPaddy_EIRE: yes?20:13
Tm_Ttopyli: you, brrrrh!20:13
Myrttisince when hasn't dcc ignore worked?20:14
Paddy_EIREjack_j still has not been taken care of.. I am going to leave for a while.. dcc windows are popping up from him and he is pinging the hell outta me20:14
topyliTm_T: yes?20:14
Tm_Ttopyli: just failed to notice you hanging this much here20:15
Paddy_EIREIgnore kicking and banning aint working20:15
Paddy_EIREhe is ban evading.. and he is now in #xubuntu20:15
topyliTm_T: well i was invited, thought it polite to stay :)20:15
MyrttiPaddy_EIRE: he's been there for a while, and hasn't misbehaved there20:15
Tm_Ttopyli: indeed it is20:15
Paddy_EIREMyrtti, well he is intentionally continuing to be abusive to me20:16
Paddy_EIREa 24-48 hour ban sounds reasonable20:16
Paddy_EIREno lessons are being learned20:17
MyrttiPaddy_EIRE: errr.20:17
Myrttiif he hasn't misbehaved on #xubuntu, there is no reason to kick him from there20:17
Myrttiif he's being abusive to you in pm, then it's not on the channel20:17
PriceChildAre there any logs I can be pointed to, or is it all in PM?20:17
Paddy_EIREwell I am off this is getting annoying20:17
Paddy_EIREone less helper20:17
MyrttiI hope he understands that pm's and dcc's can't be helped if someone is kicked from a channel20:18
* PriceChild wonders why he wasn't in #xubuntu20:19
jussi01heya PriceChild!!20:19
PriceChildAllo jussi01 :)20:19
topylii'm afraid poor paddy's understanding is rather selective in the first place :(20:21
Tm_T"do as I want you to do or I go away" attitude I smell20:22
geniiaway for a bit (work)20:36
ubottuThe operation succeeded.21:05
ubottuThe operation succeeded.21:05
jussi01Pici: are *you* on the *list*? :P21:30
kestutisCould I ask for a question?22:11
kestutisI would like to get unbanned,22:12
kestutisLast time I asked that an operator said me to read the rules and ask again after 48 hours.22:12
Tm_Twho was it?22:15
Tm_Tkestutis: and which channel?22:17
Tm_Tah, #ubuntu22:18
Tm_Tkestutis: have you read them?22:18
kestutisthe rules?22:19
kestutisYes. i have.22:19
Tm_Tunderstood too?22:19
Tm_Tsomeone willing to watch over this friend?22:20
* Tm_T is bit busy22:20
Jack_SparrowTm_T, IN ubuntu?22:20
Tm_TI think yes22:21
kestutisSo, i agree with the rules, that i won't be again such as i was before the ban.22:22
ikoniakestutis: what was it that got you banned ?22:23
Tm_Tikonia: repeating22:24
* ikonia nudges Tm_T 22:24
kestutisand not listening.22:24
Tm_Tikonia: nuggets?22:24
kestutisCan i hope to be unbanned soon and get out from ops channel now?22:26
ikonialooks to me like your unbanned22:30
ikoniaoh wait22:30
ikoniahang on22:30
ikoniathere you go22:30
ikoniayour unbanned22:30
kestutisikonia: thanks:)22:31
Myrttiheadaches </322:34
ikonianot good22:35
mrweswhy am I banned from Ubuntu?23:15
mrwesJack_Sparrow: why am I banned?23:17
ubottuThe operation succeeded.23:18
nickrudmrwes, you had a long talk here with bahzang and ljl about you ban ...23:21
nickrudmrwes typing with one hand, be patient23:21
mrwesasking if anyone was using jwm?23:22
nickrudcontinuos off topic. you should review the logs for -ops 11/30 if you don't remember the convo23:25
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/23:25
nickrudbazang or ljl, you'll need to continue with them23:26
mrweshow was I off topic? by asking about a windows manager?23:26
mrweser window..not windows23:26
nickrudmrwes hm, that was a different ban23:27
mrwesI'm confused...I was banned oringally for topic and I understood what I did wrong and read the COC, etc.23:28
nickrudyes and that one wa removed23:28
mrwesthe ban was lifted and I was in the channel several times23:28
ikoniaJack_Sparrow banned you mrwes23:28
mrwesI know23:29
ikoniahow do you know - he banned you after you left the channel ?23:29
mrwesbecause I didn't ask a 'support' question?23:29
nickrudthis is from the 5th. I see the ban but it's not logged in the tracker, bot must have been down. you will have to wait for jack23:29
ikonianickrud: I see the ban on the 6th in BT23:30
ikoniamrwes: yes, pretty much,23:30
mrwes(11:17:13 PM) mrwes: Jack_Sparrow: why am I banned?23:30
ikoniamrwes: oh, you've discussed this with jack already 23:30
mrwesno...but he was involved that day23:30
nickrudikonia, i'm only seeing the 11/30 from nick search. but glad to paas to you, one handed typing sucks23:31
ikonianickrud: no sweat23:31
mrwesI wanted to know if previously installed software under gnome would show up in the jwm menus automatically23:31
mrwesso i asked if anyone was running jwm23:31
ikoniayou didn't ask that though23:31
mrwesI didn't get a chance!23:31
ikoniacome on - you did23:32
ikoniaI've read the logs23:32
Flannelnickrud: ask ubottu for the current bans, then apply that to the BT and you'll see all of them23:32
mrweswell I think it was unjust and would like it removed23:33
ikoniamrwes: I was just typing that I was happy to remove the ban for you23:33
nickrudFlannel, i'll ask about that in a while, when the bleeding stops ;;23:33
mrwesthank you23:33
ikoniamrwes: however you have had a few nudges in the past to try to stay on topic/be clear with what your asking, so I ask that you really try to focus on that23:33
ikoniaban is removed23:34
mrwesdanke sehr23:34
Jack_SparrowIm back23:35
Flannelnickrud: what'd you do?23:35
mrwesso...can anyone answer my question on jwm menus?23:35
ikoniaJack_Sparrow: sorry - didn't see you come back23:35
ikoniamrwes: your not in #ubuntu23:35
ikoniamrwes: join #ubuntu to ask support questions23:35
Jack_SparrowI was busy with another issue..23:35
nickrudFlannel, shower door fell broke sprayed glass. 23:36
ikoniaJack_Sparrow: hope I didn't step on your toes there, - I've spoke to this guy before in the past, 23:36
Jack_Sparrowikonia, our judgement is always trusted.  If something is very serious.  I document it well in bt23:37
Jack_Sparrownickrud, Hope you are ok23:38
Jack_SparrowSeveral people were involved on mrwes...23:38
nickrudjack just a small gouge on one finger; bleeder though. it'll be fine just an annoyance23:39
ikoniaJack_Sparrow: cool - I thought as much23:39
FlannelAlso, it'd be nice if non-JS people could view BT logs.23:40
FlannelI'll ping j...01 about it later, after I get home and verify there isnt some way to do it currently23:40
ikoniaFlannel: I didn't think you needed js23:41
Flannelikonia: To view the ban logs you do.  The view/whatever things are js23:41
ikoniaooh really23:42
Flannelthere may be other ways, I can't dig through the source at the moment23:42
ikoniaI didn't know23:42
ikoniaI see what you mean23:42
FlannelYeah, thats how you keep the same search with the various viewings (without refreshing)23:42
FlannelI don't know if its ajax, or just a display none/block sort of thing.23:43

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