
ZinburAdeman it deals with the installation of said games with the tar file... I'm goin to the games channel ty for your assistance00:00
jp_sfAdeman: to add to the license you already paid with your computer ... microsoft tax at work ...00:00
sinboxthen again, the topic is in portuguese Zinbut but I joined it no problems00:00
IceBall|unjustice|, !info cups00:00
IceBall!info cups00:00
ubottucups (source: cups): Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - server. In component main, is optional. Version 1.3.9-2ubuntu4 (intrepid), package size 2088 kB, installed size 11020 kB00:00
Ademanjp_sf: yeah, I was contemplating hounding lenovo for a rebate but I've gotten the impression it'd be a really hard sell...00:01
jp_sfAdeman: it would00:01
faileasAdeman: actually their recovery solution is one of the best windows based ones i have seen. very simple and straightforward00:01
IceBall|unjustice|, hope that helps :P00:01
jp_sfdatta: ?00:01
techsupporthow can i prevent ubuntu server 8.10 to turn  of monitor after inactivity ?00:01
=== DrunkY is now known as Wolowitz
|unjustice|IceBall: I think there is a dependency I am lacking...will check00:02
=== Wolowitz is now known as DrunkY
Ward1983does some good soul feel like helping me out by trying to compile gephex and see whats wrong? i searched for a solution for about a day and i'm simply out of options for linux :(  -  www.gephex.org00:02
IceBall|unjustice|, ok00:02
jp_sfdatta: anyway: when you open volume control click Edit click preference then check the line-in and micophones, you should then have a new tab in the open volume window where you can define the input source00:02
pdtpatri3kfaileas you are right ..we use ibm at work here and dells and i tell you .. IBM makes it very easy whereas dell - well thats another story00:02
Ademanfaileas: I won't make any assumptions, but do you know if the recovery partition is capable of operating on its own? (i suspect it is, seems logical for a recovery partition...)00:03
dattathaks jp_sf i will try that right now00:03
faileasAdeman: sort of. it needs a specific bootloader, which you can restore from a cd. I STRONGLY recommend making those backup disks though.00:03
Ademangrub couldn't handle it?00:04
Ademanand I'll take that advice00:04
IceBallWard1983, whats that? :P00:04
faileaspdtpatri3k: one reason that other than netbooks, and gaming boxen, i'm a thinkpad man ;p. ;p00:04
Ward1983IceBall, www.gephex.org00:04
IceBallWard1983, kk00:04
Ward1983IceBall, live video tool00:04
IceBallWard1983, ah kool00:05
faileasAdeman: not as far as i know.00:05
* nitrohax waves00:05
zetterhow can I hide my ISP?00:05
nitrohaxanyone know how to get the user list up?00:06
Ward1983IceBall, i used/compiled it before a few times without much problems, but now i keep getting crap00:06
IceBallWard1983, whats the error/problem?00:06
nitrohaxsince this wasn't sp hard to set up i'm going to try using slackware. bbiab00:06
=== Plasma__ is now known as NWN-Plasma
sinboxhow would you cut a connection via it's IP address?00:07
* tyta_linux says HI #ubuntu00:07
crdlb!cloak | zetter00:07
ubottuzetter: Many Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as TOR due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks00:07
faileassinbox: on a lan?00:08
ZinburCould someone direct me to a guide on how to install/unzip properly files ending in tar.bz2 because I seem to be having a devil of a time finding one or installing it properly00:08
Ward1983IceBall, several people have seen the pastebin and they said its impossible to find out whats wrong unless they compiled it themselves and took a look into the code00:08
|unjustice|IceBall:does the tar.gz get unpacked into /etc for cups files?00:08
fr500how can i make telepathy-haze work in ubuntu?00:08
faileasdon't use the ip address, get mac address filtering up and block the MAP00:08
tyta_linuxI'm trying to install a program, but i dont know how00:08
hadriansdeathhello, I would like to try ubuntu from a lice cd if possible00:08
IceBallWard1983, hmm00:08
Ward1983IceBall, i can dig up the pastebin for you if you want but im going for a smoke first as i really really really need it atm00:08
IceBall|unjustice|, yeah /etc/ up to the cups dir i think00:09
crdlbhadriansdeath: the standard desktop install cd is a live cd00:09
tyta_linux"create a new file (as root) in ......"00:09
IceBallWard1983, Ok, np00:09
hadriansdeathdanke, I will just download the iso00:09
unopZinbur,  tar jxf file.tar.bz200:09
Zinburunop is that a program?00:10
IceBall|unjustice|, you can access the CUPS interface through youre browser btw00:10
unopZinbur, tar is a program - but that is a command-line to use tar00:10
dreamyhello everyone00:11
Zinburunop So I would type that into the terminal window in order to install the file with the appropriate file name of course00:11
tyta_linuxhow do you create a new file (as root) in a specific location?00:11
Ward1983IceBall, found it: http://pastebin.com/m7b9d87d400:11
Ward1983IceBall, brb gonna smoke00:11
IceBallWard1983, ok00:11
jribtyta_linux: why would you need to do that?00:11
tyta_linuxbecause its the first step in the howto00:12
kebomixhello , anybody plz help me to setup windows live on thunderbird 200:12
cappicardheya. im getting unable to enumerate usb device on port X: and it's my keyboard. intrepid. it's a compaq keyboard. SDM4540UL00:12
unopZinbur, a .tar.bz2 file is simply an archive like a .zip file  -- your archive could contain anything.00:12
unop!source | Zinbur00:12
ubottuZinbur: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html00:12
dreamybtw. does anyone know how to install linux from the hard disk ?00:12
jribtyta_linux: gksudo gedit location_of_file_here00:12
unop!build > Zinbur00:12
ubottuZinbur, please see my private message00:12
dreamycorrection. how to install xp from the hard disk. i mean00:12
tyta_linuxso in my case gksudo gedit /etc/apt/souces.list.d ?00:13
unopdreamy, i think that's a question to be asked in ##windows00:13
w00b3how do i add old backed up tomboy notes to a new computer?00:13
dreamyok. sorry...00:13
_2yes. hi.  i was just looking around on a server box i have and noticed that the cd trays are no longer ejectable, there has been a hardware change that probably caused this; i removed an ide hd and installed an scsi hd, and both the scsi and ide cdrom drives are affected.   anyone have thoughts on this ?00:13
failureis it mounted?00:14
jribtyta_linux: no00:14
pdtpatri3ktyta_linux what are you trying to do? edit your sources list?00:14
IceBall_2, go into youre bios and see if it detects the hardware00:14
jribtyta_linux: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/iplist00:14
tyta_linuxim trying to install ipblock00:14
BlackCowI have this ancient machine i am trying to resurrect, its got 256 mb of RAM, what do you guys recommend i run on it, is ubuntu to much for it?00:14
_2failure the bios on that box doesn't "detect" anything, you have to set everything by hand.00:14
IceBallBlackCow, xubuntu00:15
unopBlackCow, perhaps but it will still run albeit not comfortably.00:15
_2failure that's the reason i always set all but the boot disk to "not present"00:15
tyta_linuxwhy xubuntu for blackcow?00:15
IceBall_2, then i would think its a mobo issue00:15
Zinburunop I think I understand how to use apt get but would that command work in the terminal for files that cannot or are not supported on apt get?00:15
IceBalltyta_linux, becauser its faster for users with lower end systems00:15
w00b3could anyone please tell me how to add old backed up tomboynotes in a folder to a new computer??00:15
_2IceBall ya would huh00:16
BlackCowyeah, im not going for any frills, im guessing watching any video is out of the question on it tho right?00:16
unopZinbur, sorry, pay no attention to that message - see the private message ubottu sent you - it has instructions on building software00:16
unavailableBlackCow: puppy linux?00:16
Zinburunop ty for your assistance00:16
IceBall_2 if u got some spare pocket change go get a cheap ASUS mobo, never had a prob with one00:16
=== alejandro is now known as alejandro123
unopBlackCow, not really - multitasking would be slightly painful tho00:16
IceBallBlackCow, no you still could00:17
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help00:17
jp_sf_2: what a dmesg | grep CD gives you ?00:17
_2IceBall no spare change.00:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about vodka00:17
danorouExcuse me, I have been unable to use my ATI 4670 card on Ubuntu00:17
BlackCowhmm that would be nice, maybe ill give xubuntu a try, if thats to much ill try something like puppy linux, thanks00:17
IceBall_2 then i rec trying to find a bios update00:17
IceBallBlackCow, np00:18
crayvecmy http.config is blank in apache200:18
w00b3could anyone please tell me how to add old backed up tomboynotes in a folder to a new computer??00:18
failurew00b3 what does google say?00:18
_2jp_sf http://pastebin.com/f544cf04700:18
unopcrayvec, httpd.conf  you mean?  yes .. everything's been moved to  apache.conf00:18
w00b3failure: jack00:19
ae88925On Hardy, usb flash drives stop mounting after a while.  It works again after a reboot, but then stops again.  Anyone have an idea?00:19
crayvecThanks unop00:19
jp_sf_2: a scsi CDROM ? You said ide no ?00:19
_2IceBall your recomendations are noted.  thank you.00:19
jinja-sheepw00b3:   Hint:  It's somewhere in your ~/ directory.00:19
IceBall_2, np, good luck00:19
_2jp_sf i said both,  and the pastebin says both.00:19
Laderiuswhere is my natilis directory located?00:19
w00b3jinja-sheep, no kidding00:19
fbcIs there a way of doing a non destructive installation of xubuntu?00:20
ae88925fbc: You mean install Xubuntu on Ubuntu?00:20
D--apt-get install xubuntu-desktop ?'00:20
fbcae88925, does it matter? I really want to install xubuntu over ubuntu while retaining the home diectories00:21
LaderiusIm trying to figure out where my scripts directory is for Nautiiilus and am having no luck, any suggestions?00:21
ae88925Do what D-- said.00:21
D--fbc: apt-get install xubuntu-desktop && apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop && apt-get autoremove00:21
_2fbc yes, but it's not reccomended.  you can manually mount the target fs on /target at the partitioning stage of the install and go that way,  so it is possable, i have done so.00:21
crayvecSo i should be editing "000-default" with <VirtualHost XX.XX.XX.XX:80> as my external IP?00:22
failuresudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install  xubuntu-desktop && apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop && apt-get autoremove00:22
D--that will install al xubuntu packages, remove ubuntu, and then remove all ubuntu packages not part of xubuntu00:22
kebomixhow can i install windows live account on thunderbird 2 ?!!!!!!!!!!!00:22
timmydi just installed a fresh 8.10 installation and after like using X for 20 minutes my mouse buttons don't work anymore00:22
D--fbc: if you put /home on its own partition -like you should have-, then you could also just reformat and install xubuntu ont he rest, then mount /home without formatting00:23
IceBalltimmyd, does the mouse move>?00:24
mnkebo: /attach irc://irc.mozilla.org/Thunderbird00:24
timmydIceBall, yeah it moves but it can't click on anything00:24
IndyGunFreakkebomix: is windows live pop3?.. if so, just plug it in like a normal pop 3 account00:24
timmydxev doesn't show any mouse button events i think00:24
neil_dnew problem with my ubuntu, when gnome starts it seems to be using my home directory, not the Desktop directory.  what is wrong how do I fix it?00:24
IceBalltimmyd, ok is it usb or ps2?00:24
fbcD--, I've done a apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop but it did not remove things like openoffice and things like that.. I only wanted to leave the base xubuntu load.00:24
themiddlemanhey guys, im in the process of mounting a second hard drive at my wine virtual c drive (since its rather large) should i use a filesystem other than ext3?  im using wine for games mainly, maybe i can get some extra performance?00:25
_2jp_sf were you finished with me ?00:25
timmydIceBall, usb, i tried plugging in and out and that didn't change it00:25
crayvecWould it be this <VirtualHost *:80> if my ip was dynamic, I also have ddclient installed?00:25
IceBalltimmyd, hmm, should auto work, does it work when u load up the livecd?00:25
jp_sf_2: no garantee but I will try grip00:25
=== Pith_n_Winegar is now known as Ch3m1S7
fbcI have so much stuff using gnome binaries left over from ubuntu, that I might as well have ubuntu  installed.00:26
timmydIceBall, it did, and it was even working fine five minutes ago but it seems to stop working after a while00:26
fbcD--, I have so much stuff using gnome binaries left over from ubuntu, that I might as well have ubuntu  installed.00:26
roccity_fbc, you can go to http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce00:26
jp_sf_2: there is something with eject doing IOCTL and then try ioctl SGIO00:26
IceBalltimmyd, Ah ok, have u tried pluggin it in a differant port? Is it in a hub?00:27
jp_sf_2: and grip doing the inverse or something like that, I haven't done yself but I have seen somebody doing it00:27
roccity_fbc that will remove all gnome settings and give you xfce back00:27
roccity_I have used it before works ok00:27
fbcroccity_, aweseome thanks!!!!00:27
roccity_just paste the commands into a terminal and reboot00:27
travis_can sum 1 help me with rar for linux please, thanks00:28
jrib!rar > travis_00:28
ubottutravis_, please see my private message00:28
timmydIceBall, yeah it just moves but won't click00:28
timmydseems like an ubuntu 8.10 bug00:29
IceBalltimmyd, is it in ahub?00:29
roccity_travis_, whats wrong?00:29
timmydno, it's directly in a port on the mobo00:29
jp_sf_2: what eject -rv is telling you ?00:29
neil_dnew problem with my ubuntu, when gnome starts it seems to be using my home directory, not the Desktop directory.  what is wrong how do I fix it?00:29
IceBalltimmyd, wow, must be a bug, go to the forums and try searching or ask someone esle, i have no clue :P00:30
timmydIceBall, do you know what changed in the HAL/xorg interaction?00:30
travis_can sum 1 guide me through setting up winrar thanks, i need help directly from sum 1 not a link00:30
mnemonic76I suddenly have problems mounting partitions... it may have something to do with the installation of MythBuntu... but I need help getting this straight.00:31
_2jp_sf  eject: unable to open `/dev/scd0': No such device or address00:31
dr_willisneil_d,  ive seen others in here with similer issue.. You may want to check the forums00:31
IceBalltimmyd, i dont think anything affecting usb00:31
jribtravis_: did you read the link ubottu gave you?  it doesn't help you unless you read it.00:31
nitrohaxhi quick question relating to the x-chat that comes with ubuntu00:31
travis_yes i did00:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about winrar00:31
dr_willisneil_d,  i think theres some gconf setting that controlls that. but i dont rember the details.00:31
bastid_raZormnemonic76; you don't use winrar in ubuntu you use rar..00:31
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free00:31
IceBall!info usb > timmyd00:31
dr_williswine winrar.exe works :)00:31
ubottuPackage usb does not exist in intrepid00:31
jribtravis_: so you've installed the package it tells you to install?00:31
nitrohaxi'll come back later00:32
_2jp_sf  http://pastebin.com/f3c9ef8c200:32
mnemonic76bastid: sorry, I asked about mounting.. someone else asked about rar00:32
_2jp_sf full output   ^00:32
themiddlemannitrohax, just ask00:32
RythumHi, I'm facing some troubles with RAID.. I have the following warning.. "one or more logical drives contain a bad stripe:controller 1", what can I do to check if everything is ok with the disks?00:32
bastid_raZormnemonic76; oh, sorry.00:32
ravenor_How do I change the default program for opening a certain type of file? (ex: Evince to Adobe Reader)00:33
jrib!defaultapp | ravenor_00:33
ubotturavenor_: To change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting.00:33
_2jp_sf i'll reboot the box and mess with the scsi card settings.  it may have a conflicting address00:33
jp_sf_2: it's lame but I think your mother board  can't see your CDROM00:33
_2jp_sf that's what i just said sort of.00:33
jp_sfjp_sf: it might have assigned the same one but usually BIOS avoid that especially if you didn't force it manually00:33
valroshey is there a good notepad++ alternative, or perhaps a lightweight html editor00:34
mnemonic76Here's the scenario: /dev/sda1 is ext3 called BIGBOI and /dev/sdb1 is NTFS and called FATMAN. They both worked fine for months (out of the box) by going to Places>00:34
benovici need to send a mass mailing with personalised messages - what tool can i use in ubuntu?00:34
ardchoillevalros: geany00:34
_2jp_sf usually bios is involved,,,, not the case here.00:34
ardchoille!info geany00:34
ubottugeany (source: geany): A fast and lightweight IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.14-1ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 2047 kB, installed size 6064 kB00:34
eseven73valros: Bluefish maybe00:34
jribtravis_: the link ubottu gave you does not tell you to install winrar00:34
travis_jrgp, i installed the rar package the one for linux of rarlabs00:34
jp_sf_2: I know this what you were thinking too, I don't see anything else00:34
valrosk ill lookem both up00:35
travis_jrib: jrib00:35
rbilfor years, I've edited xorg.conf to make changes. how is this done now with Hardy?00:35
jribtravis_: do you have https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression opened in your browser?00:35
mnemonic76Something happened, and I started getting several different messages. So I followed the ntfs-3g guide, backed up fstab, fixed it. it worked again.00:35
travis_jrib: yes00:35
valrosis geany in the repositories?00:35
dr_willisvalros,  yes00:35
travis_jrib: now what00:36
eseven73!info geany00:36
ubottugeany (source: geany): A fast and lightweight IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.14-1ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 2047 kB, installed size 6064 kB00:36
dr_willis!info geany00:36
ubottugeany (source: geany): A fast and lightweight IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.14-1ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 2047 kB, installed size 6064 kB00:36
jribtravis_: what does the third bullet point in the Rar section say?00:36
_2jp_sf so i'll reboot it and see what the scsi card's tool can find.   the mobo bios is totally worthless in this case but the expansion card has it's own programming.00:36
eseven73dr_willis: :P00:36
mnemonic76I logged out and still ok, rebooted and still ok, rebooted again and now I get "You are not privledged to mount BIGBOI" and "Invalid mount option when attempting to mount the volume 'FATMAN'."00:36
jp_sf_2: yes first things you should have a scsi controller at least displaying the CDrom and your HD00:36
travis_jrib: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories?action=show&redirect=AddingRepositoriesHowto00:36
rbilxorg.conf is now generated, so where is that stuff saved now?00:37
_2jp_sf hdds plural   think server tower00:37
jribrbil: huh?00:37
_2but yeah00:37
jp_sf_2: the bios is worthless becase it takes order from the controller so if your controller is not setup right yes it is not gonna work most SCSI controller have an interface00:37
travis_jrib: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories?action=show&redirect=AddingRepositoriesHowto ugh now00:38
jp_sf_2: all I can said is that on Dell rack poweredge servers I can go through the scsi controller at the boot time to check the status of the scsi connections00:38
rbiljrib: most of xorg.conf now (in Hardy) is saved elsewhere00:38
_2jp_sf zactly00:38
Dexidoes anyone know of a way to set my extra mouse buttons as a keyboard hotkey?00:38
jribrbil: no.  xorg.conf is /etc/X11/xorg.conf.  Input device configuration though has moved to .fdi files.  See wiki.ubuntu.com/X00:39
travis_jrib: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories?action=show&redirect=AddingRepositoriesHowto ugh now00:39
_2ok i'm off to fix it now.  chow00:39
admin-lacavezeveusing zevenos I can't add a new user whY?00:39
jribtravis_: huh?00:39
jp_sf_2: and usually CDrom show up with a interface address that maybe you can see if it is shared by any other hard disk00:39
jp_sf_2: I would do a reboot too00:39
travis_jrib: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories?action=show&redirect=AddingRepositoriesHowto thats the 3rd bullet dowm limk00:39
alex-82hi, I just deleted a bunch of semi-random packages using synaptic, thinking I was eliminating bloat. When I rebooted all I got was the desktop image, mouse cursor, and the startup sound. I right clicked on the desktop, created an empty folder, double clicked to get to nautilus, ran terminal through that then loaded xchat... so what should I do now? sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop ?00:39
jribtravis_: no it's not, that's a link in it.  But that's not what the bullet point says00:39
jribalex-82: sure00:40
travis_jrib: i still dont get it.00:40
jribDexi: xbindkeys or imwheel should work00:40
exodus_MSfor x in *.txt; do strings $x > ${x}_; mv ${x}_ $x; done00:40
exodus_MSfor x in *.txt; do strings $x > ${x}_; mv ${x}_ $x; done00:40
jribtravis_: copy and paste the text that is the third bullet point00:40
Dexijrib: packages?00:40
jribDexi: yes, they are both in the repositories00:41
Dexijrgp: thanks00:41
jp_sf_2: eject -vr is verbose and can tells you right if it sees a CDrom00:41
usr13alex-82: What window manager are you using?00:41
justrelaxzini just reformatted an external hard drive to ext3 and could use some help00:41
alex-82usr: gnome00:41
kebomixany body here help me to setup windows live account on thunderbird plz ?00:41
jribjustrelaxzin: help with?00:41
fuzeboxsoftwareAnyone here know how to setup the debugging for phpeclipse?00:41
alex-82hmm I should probably find the synaptic history00:41
exodus_MSjrib: did you get my mesage from earlier?00:41
bonhofferanyone know how to open xlsx files with open office00:41
LaderiusQuestion: Im trying to install a mount ISO script, i have the actual script loaded however i need to ass an ISO folder inside mnt and it says i cant because im not the owner, how do i get access?00:41
justrelaxzinit reformatted fine but now i can write anything to it00:41
justrelaxzinit says i dont have permissions to write to that destination00:42
travis_jrib: #00:42
travis_    *00:42
travis_      Package unrar-free is available in the Universe repository.00:42
jribexodus_MS: did now.  Thanks, I didn't know that00:42
FloodBot1travis_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:42
the_squircleHi everyone. My boot splash screen displays for a few seconds (when the bar is bouncing back and forth), but then it goes to verbose mode, starting with "Locating files required to boot..." is there any way I can reset my OS loading screen?00:42
usr13alex-82:  /var/log/dpkg.log00:42
admin-lacavezeveanyone... any luck to add a new user with ZevenOS???00:43
jribtravis_: isn't it: "To add support for rar version 3, install the unrar package from the Multiverse repository"?  Anyway, have you done what that says?00:43
=== sean is now known as Guest75989
bonhofferso i have a xlsx file -- want to open it on ubuntu00:43
LaderiusQuestion: Im trying to install a mount ISO script, i have the actual script loaded however i need to ass an ISO folder inside mnt and it says i cant because im not the owner, how do i get access?00:43
MoLE_I'm having difficulty getting a fully functioning gwibber going on a hardy system, anyone here successfully running it?00:43
exodus_MSjrib: cool, I know you tried to help last night by pointing me to #vi, thought you might be curious, thanks for your help00:43
=== Guest75989 is now known as stefw
the_squirclebonhoffer: use OpenOffice 3.0+00:44
techsupporthow can i set in putty so that when i right click the selected text it would give me the option to copy the text , instead of copy pasting it00:44
jp_sfbonhoffer: you have to go through an extra step something called odf-converter developped by Suse00:44
bonhofferthe_squircle, thanks00:44
bonhofferjp_sf, thanks00:44
Zinburis lunar linux a Separate OS or is it a program for installing a specific type of file?00:44
* the_squircle praises novell (and then slaps himself)00:44
alex-82usr13: thanks00:45
jp_sfbonhoffer: but I would think too that OO 3 is able to open them as the_squircle said00:45
phixxorwhat is the best way to tranfer files that are sitting right next to each other, but are connected wirelessly to a router? I'm thinkin some kinda cable00:45
LaderiusQuestion: Im trying to install a mount ISO script, i have the actual script loaded however i need to ass an ISO folder inside mnt and it says i cant because im not the owner, how do i get access? (/mnt/ISO does not exists, please create it and run the script again)00:46
phixxorWhat is the best way to transfer files betweet computers that are sitting right next to each other00:46
the_squirclejp_sf and bonhoffer: the people at OOo say 3.0 beta can.00:46
jrib!permissions > justrelaxzin00:46
ubottujustrelaxzin, please see my private message00:46
Laderiusphixxor, ftp00:46
bastid_raZorphixxor; scp00:46
jp_sfthe_squircle: ah they are wonderfull those people at OO00:46
jribjustrelaxzin: you need to apply proper permissions to the mounted partition (ie you use chmod/chown appropriately on the mount point with the partition mounted).  See ubottu00:46
the_squirclephixxor: ftp/scp/NFS/afp/smb/tftp... anything network based00:46
Laderiusbastid_raZor, whats scp?00:46
the_squircleLaderius: secure copy00:46
jribphixxor: I would use the wireless network...00:47
phixxorLaderius, bastid_raZor, alright, but is network really the best? The transfer speed doesn't seem that fast00:47
the_squirclejp_sf: they sure are.00:47
Laderiusphixxor, enable full duplex :)00:47
Laderiuscan someone help me00:47
LaderiusQuestion: Im trying to install a mount ISO script, i have the actual script loaded however i need to ass an ISO folder inside mnt and it says i cant because im not the owner, how do i get access? (/mnt/ISO does not exists, please create it and run the script again)00:47
the_squirclephixxor: if you have FireWire (iLink or IEEE 1394) it's pretty fast.00:47
phixxorLaderius: never heard of it00:47
the_squircle!anybody > Laderius00:47
ubottuLaderius, please see my private message00:47
bastid_raZorphixxor; if you don't want to open the box and add the drive to your box then scp would probably be fast and easy00:47
Dexijrib: i got imwheel, but im stupid and cant find the config00:47
admin-lacavezeveabout mine???00:48
jribDexi: you create it: ~/.imwheelrc00:48
bastid_raZorLaderius; sudo mkdir /mnt/ISO00:48
phixxorbastid_raZor, alright. sounds good. I just thought since they both have ethernet there might be a way to connect an ehternet cable to each00:48
Laderiusphixxor crossover cable00:49
Laderiusphixxor i think anyways :)00:49
bastid_raZorphixxor; scp will use ethernet .. scp file file username@ip:location00:49
the_squirclephixxor: you don't need a crossover cable if one of the cards is auto-sensing00:49
the_squirclephixxor: just a regular cable00:49
Dexijrib: can you guide me on how to make it? im not really familiar with creating things :p00:50
jribDexi: gedit ~/.imwheelrc00:50
Laderiushow do i login as admin/root to edit a folders permissiosn?00:50
jribtravis_: did you sort it out?00:50
jribLaderius: what folder?00:50
phixxorok, well one is a macbook. is that autosensing? if so, great! I can connect them and scp00:50
benovici need to send a mass mailing with personalised messages - what tool can i use in ubuntu? (its for good!)00:50
Dexiok thanks00:50
usr13alex-82:  THe synaptic package manager has "History" in the dropdown menu.  File -> History00:50
the_squircleLaderius: sudo chmod <permissions> <folder>00:50
Dexiill go find syntax and all that online. :p00:50
the_squirclephixxor: yes, macs are auto-sensing00:51
usr13alex-82: Just found that. It will more than likely show removed packages as well as installed ones.00:51
the_squirclephixxor: but if you have a firewire cable, the MB is a lot faster at that00:51
neil_dI am trying to change Gnome from using the Home directory instead of the ~/Desktop directory, the gconf desktop_is_home_dir is false... but it is still displaying the wrong directory :( help00:51
woliwhere can I see a list of graphic cards supported by ubuntu intrepid ibez?00:51
Laderiusthe_squircle and to fix this error /mnt/ISO does not exists, please create it and run the script again00:51
bonhofferlooking for how to install OO on 8.10 -- google has some conflicting answers00:51
jribneil_d: check ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs00:51
dr_willisbonhoffer,  you mean the latest OOo?00:51
phixxorthe_squircle: Ok, I have a firewire cable, but I think the other computer doesn't have a fw port. that's odd though, I always thought Ethernet was faster than firewire00:52
bonhofferOOo 3.000:52
the_squircleLaderius: what?00:52
bonhofferthat can open xlsx00:52
cperrin88Hello, I'm having a sound poblem. My onboard soundcard plays on the internal speakers aswell as on the headset I plugged in00:52
jribbonhoffer: don't know what the status is, but check the bugs about it on bugs.ubuntu.com00:52
Laderiusthe_squircle: when i try and add an ISO folder to mnt folder i get that error,00:53
alex-82usr13: thanks, I was looking for that. Actually I found the files which are in /root/.synaptic/log/ .00:53
the_squirclephixxor: 100 base TX is 10MBps, FireWire 400 is 40MBps... but Gigabit is 100MBps00:53
neil_djrib: the    XDG_DESKTOP_DIR="$HOME/"   I presume this is wrong ?00:53
jribneil_d: yep00:53
bastid_raZorLaderius; use sudo00:53
usr13alex-82: Ok, very good...00:53
the_squircleLaderius: sudo00:53
phixxorthe_squircle: got it. thanks00:53
Laderiusthe_squircle, bastid_raZor: the command would be sudo /mnt/iso/  ?00:54
phixxorthe_squircle: and wireless networks (g) are 5mb/s about, right?00:54
bastid_raZorLaderius; sudo mkdir /mnt/ISO *(be sure to note case sensitive)00:54
Laderiusbastid_raZor thanks much00:54
usr13alex-82:  sudo ls -ltr /root/.synaptic/log/00:54
quantumkennyHello, does anyone know of a good count-up timer for Compiz/widgets layer00:54
neil_djrib: thanks00:54
the_squircleLaderius: I know absolutely nothing about mounting ISOs... i didn't even know you could do it!00:55
andresmhshut, I just removed my well configured gnome panel, is there a way I can recover it?00:55
jribneil_d: no problem00:55
woliis the nvidia geforce 8600M GT supported in 8.10 ??00:55
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.00:55
Guest88728I installed a 32-bit-pakage of a programm (this was necessary). Now a 64-bit-pakage (the one for wich I needed this 32-bit pakage) is reporting a dependency error. How can I mark the pakage as installed to avoid dependecy-errors?00:55
bastid_raZorLaderius; if it is looking for /mnt/iso then you need to make sure it is lowercase if it wants /mnt/ISO make sure you make it uppercase00:55
the_squircleLaderius: just follow bastid_raZor's instructions :P00:55
jribwoli: yes00:55
Laderiusthe_squircle i found a natulis script to do it :D. want the link?00:55
the_squirclewoli: i'm using one and I love it00:55
the_squircleLaderius: I'd love it :)00:55
usr13Laderius: the_squircle mount -t iso9660 -o loop,ro /home/somebody/foobar.iso /mnt/cdrom00:56
Laderiusthe_squircle, bastid_raZor: Thanks it works now: the link is (http://g-scripts.sourceforge.net/nautilus-scripts/File%20System%20Management/Mount_Image)00:56
bastid_raZorLaderius; i actually use a script to do the same thing too.. it can also be used to unmount the iso afterwards.00:56
the_squircleGuest88728: you could force install the package using dpkg -i --force-all package.deb00:56
Laderiusbastid_raZor: Which script?00:57
the_squirclethanks usr13 and Laderius00:57
Laderiusbastid_raZor: Maybe the same one im using00:57
usr13Laderius: the_squircle where /mnt/cdrom is a valid mount point, you pick.  i.e.  mkdir /mnt/iso and then use /mnt/iso00:57
bastid_raZorLaderius; a friend of mine wrote it.00:57
the_squircleusr13: I know that much :P00:57
bastid_raZorLaderius; i will give it to you if you want.. but the script you have does the same.. almost00:57
omarcohow can I extract the first character from a variable in bash?00:57
Laderiusbastid_raZor: not sure if mine unmounts tho00:58
Guest88728the_squircle: I did this and it worked. But now the 64-bit-program complains about a missing 64-bit-pakage (the one wich I installed as 32-bit)00:58
bastid_raZorLaderius; one sec and i'll pastebin it00:58
dr_willisomarco,   i would say - check that 'advanced bash scripting guide' it has chapters/sections/examples of that.00:58
ubottuAdvanced Bash-Scripting Guide, obtainable with ${package-manager} install abs-guide, is a quick and comprehensive guide to bash (command line) scripting in *nix systems. It is also viewable via web at http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/00:58
Laderiusbastid_raZor: thanks, will it come as PM?00:58
the_squircleGuest88728: install the 64-bit version of the package it's complaining about.00:58
the_squirclebastid_raZor: if you're PMing it, I'd love it too :D00:58
Guest88728the_squircle:  But isn't the 32-bit version deleted then?00:59
the_squircleGuest88728: Depends. What package is it00:59
sandeepecho 13200:59
rebel_kidis there a quick way to turn gnome on and off? not just flip to CLI but completely turn it off00:59
the_squircleGuest88728: if it's a library, you can have both00:59
sinboxhow can I tell netstat to return result for a specific  port/range?01:00
ikyn_I'm trying to run a .tcl script from my /home/user/ folder, using the command "sudo ./xx.tcl" command. Why is it saying "command not found" ?01:00
Guest88728the_squircle: its "php-zero-ice"01:00
dr_willisikyn_,  you have the first line of the script being the proper #!/bin/whate4ver/tcl line ?01:00
emetAll Florida Ubuntu users, there is a meeting going on in #ubuntu-us-fl01:00
wolithe_squircle, do you happen to have the dell xps m1530?01:00
dr_willisikyn_,  and you have it  chmod'ed to be executable?01:01
the_squirclewoli: MacBook Pro. but i've worked with the XPS.01:01
ikyn_dr_willis: I don't know about the chmod - what would be the command for that?01:01
bastid_raZorLaderius; the_squircle first in cli do .. touch isomount then copy past the contents and chmod 700 isomount then sudo mv isomount /usr/local/bin   http://pastebin.com/f7345d68d01:01
alex-82cool, ok so it looks like I uninstalled gnome-panel. Now I'm looking at some of the alternative panels out there. Need something light with a task list.01:01
dr_willisikyn_,  chmod +x whatever01:01
ikyn_dr_willis: Thanks!01:01
the_squircleThanks bastid_raZor01:01
sandeepIs anyone in toronto?01:01
the_squirclesandeep: I'm in Toronto01:02
mosnocan anyone comment on beagle vs tracker?01:02
bastid_raZorthe_squircle; the script has a little bit of error handling in it so if you do something wrong it will tell you what you're doing wrong.. basically it needs to be run sudo isomount file.iso and it mounts it01:02
rebel_kidis there a quick way to turn gnome on and off? not just flip to CLI but completely turn it off01:02
sandeepHow do you like ubuntu?01:02
the_squirclebastid_raZor: sounds easy enough... but scripts are always nice.01:02
Laderiusbastid_raZor: excuse the noob question but what is cli?01:03
the_squirclesandeep: I used to use OpenSUSE, and I have to say that I like Ubuntu a lot more in many aspects.01:03
sandeepcli is command line interface, like a dos window.01:03
bastid_raZorLaderius; do those commands in a terminal ;) cli is command line input  meaning to do those things in a terminal01:03
Laderiusahh ok01:03
fuxxyrebel_kid, check  out 'runlevels'01:03
the_squircleGuest88728: I can't find anything about php-zero-ice01:03
sandeepI see, I have just recetly acuired an interest in ubuntu, I must say I am quite impressed.01:04
usr13sandeep: As well you should be!  :)01:04
ikyn_dr_willis: if the name of the script is xx.tcl, and it's in my /home/ikyn folder, what would the first line be if I'm running Kubuntu 18.10?01:04
rebel_kidfuxxy, is it in man?01:04
bastid_raZorthe_squircle; Laderius if you notice this script uses /media/iso so that it will appear on the desktop when thinks are mounted. it makes it much easier to find if you prefer using the mouse over a keyboard.01:04
the_squirclesandeep: Welcome to the community!01:04
faileas18.10? ;)01:04
Man23BRsThi people, anyone has some information about bluetooth on ubuntu intrepid? my mobile doesn't sync with de notebook to transfer files. I have read that the bluez protocol stack have been modifyed and has a bug.01:05
the_squircle!hello | Wintre01:05
ubottuWintre: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:05
sandeepCorrect, ANY SPECIAL SOFTWARE YOU USE?01:05
WintreIs there some graphical tool for editing UXTerm*charClass in Ubuntu 8.10?01:05
dr_willisikyn_,  scripting basics.. the first like is the path to the executable that runs the script..   ie: a bash script is #!/bin/bash    perl would be #!/bin/perl   and so on01:05
Laderiusbastid_raZor: yesh, when i type in terminal 'touch mount' nothing happends is that right?01:05
the_squircleMan23BRsT: I am using bluetooth fine01:05
Guest88728the_squircle: It just a .so file (php-extension) in the php-folder. I will copy the 32-bit version, install the 64-bit pakage and backup the 32-bit file ;) Thank you anyway01:05
usr13sandeep: Lots01:05
the_squircle!caps | sandeep01:05
ubottusandeep: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.01:05
Laderiusbastid_raZor: or is it sudo touch mount01:05
ikyn_dr_willis: I'm a scripting newbie - thanks again!01:05
the_squircleGuest88728: If it's just a .so, you can install both01:05
dr_willisikyn_,  you may want to go read some tcl tutorials then.01:05
Laderiusbastid_raZor: sorry i meant isomount01:06
sandeepiI'm so sorry.01:06
WintreI just updated .Xresources, but I wonder if there's an easier way to do that01:06
the_squirclesandeep: just network security tools and Java IDEs. (Why someone in Toronto?)01:06
bastid_raZorLaderius; you are correct touch isomount works. in cli if you do something correctly you get no output if you mess up you then get errors.01:06
sandeepnetwork secrrity is fascinating for me too. What;s your email?01:06
bastid_raZorLaderius; now open isomount with a text editor and c/p the script01:06
Laderiusbastid_raZor: good to know, its my first week with linux and im trying to learn everything i can01:07
the_squirclesandeep: Sorry... I don't give that out.01:07
toddloAnyone know anything about Dell notebooks and sound problems in 8.10?01:07
ritohow hard is it to install a home server stuff...using CLI...01:07
ritoWintre, hi there there :)01:07
ritoWintre, no idea, sorry01:07
ritohow hard is it to install a home server stuff...using CLI...01:07
FloodBot1rito: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:07
ritoWintre, I am a worker here,....please dont cause trouble ok : )01:07
sandeepmay I give you mine?01:07
bastid_raZorLaderius; it takes a bit to learn, just stay positive and you'll be fine01:07
jribrito: stop01:07
Wintre"please dont cause trouble ok"?01:07
usr13ikyn_: I'll bet you'll find this site interesting:  http://www.intuitive.com/wicked/wicked-cool-shell-script-library.shtml01:07
Laderiusbastid_raZor: after i sudo touch isomount where will i find the file to open?01:07
geniirito: sudo apt-get update&& sudo apt-get install tasksel && sudo tasksel            ...select LAMP install01:08
the_squirclesandeep: If you want a good way to get in touch with me, i'm usually on Freenode in one channel or another.01:08
Laderiusbastid_raZor: or do i gedit touch isomount01:08
bonhofferOK. so installed OOo 3 -- but xlsx still has the filter selection window -- any thoughts?01:08
sandeepI will try it out , thanks.01:08
bastid_raZorLaderius; you don't need to use sudo but that is okay.. you'll need to edit it with root permissions. which did you use sudo or just touch isomount?01:08
the_squirclebonhoffer: did you install the extra package?01:09
ikyn_dr_willis: it was the chmod +x problem, nothing in the script. Thanks again :)01:09
cachedHow do I find which program is hogging up alsa?01:09
Laderiusbastid_raZor: i used both expecting an output01:09
renderohello, is it necessary reboot after doing a modprobe ?01:09
the_squirclebonhoffer: odf-converter01:09
bastid_raZorLaderius; type ls -al isomount and tell me what it says.01:09
the_squirclerendero: nope01:09
sinboxhow can I tell netstat to return result for a specific  port/range?01:09
tiyowanhi folks.01:10
dr_willissinbox,  you have checked the netstat man pages?01:10
Laderiusbastid_raZor: -rwx------ 1 k4rm4 k4rm4 0 2009-01-06 18:07 isomount01:10
the_squircle!hello | tiyowan01:10
ubottutiyowan: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:10
Laderiusbastid_raZor: isomount is green01:10
sinboxdr_willis, nope only netstat --help01:10
bastid_raZorLaderius; okay, you can edit it with gedit isomount .. you don't need to worry about chmod'ing the file after you c/p the script just move it with sudo mv isomount /usr/local/bin01:10
the_squirclebastid_raZor: Just a general question not related to this... does a folder have to have any specific permissions to be mounted to?01:11
bonhofferthe_squircle, round two -- i thought OOo could do it01:11
urchini m selling a hp e-pc do you went to by it sinbox?01:11
jribWintre: yes?01:12
WintreWho is this rito individual?01:12
Wintre*rito*> What do you mean "don't cause trouble"?01:12
Wintre*rito* intresting.01:12
Wintre*rito* You came here to cause trouble. This is a support room.01:12
the_squirclebonhoffer: OOo can do it.. with that extra package ;)01:12
bastid_raZorthe_squircle; it needs to be executable and readable01:12
jribWintre: I don't know.  I assumed bot, but he stopped01:12
the_squirclebastid_raZor: 555?01:12
bastid_raZorthe_squircle; 777 for just a folder for mounting things01:12
sinboxurchin, wot?  short answer = no, I don't buy computing equipment  ;-)01:13
WintreImagine. Yet another moron on IRC.01:13
the_squirclebastid_raZor: What will mount do if there are files in the folder you're trying to mount to? (I'm assuming fail)01:13
Laderiusbastid_raZor: okay, did that now how do i confirm it works01:13
the_squircleWintre: :O morons on IRC? WHAT?01:13
bastid_raZorthe_squircle; you really shouldn't mount it that way. use an empty folder01:13
overridexanyone here set up the buttons of a bluetooth headset to execute commands on ubuntu 8.10?  I have the audio part working, just not sure what I should be looking at as far as setting up the buttons01:13
bastid_raZorLaderius; have you moved the file?01:14
the_squirclebastid_raZor: don't worry... I wasn't planning to. Thanks a bunch!01:14
Laderiusbastid_raZor: sudo mv isomount /usr/local/bin01:14
Laderiusbastid_raZor: yep01:14
kuyaba-tokis it possible to have windows and ubuntu in one partition?01:14
jribkuyaba-tok: wubi01:15
the_squirclebastid_raZor: will isomount only mount isos, or will it do bin/cue/nrg too?01:15
bastid_raZorLaderius; okay, now sudo isomount /path/to/file.iso and it will mount or give errors01:15
jribkuyaba-tok: or virtualization I guess01:15
SherlawkDragoncan anyone tell me a good Windows Emulator for Ubuntu?01:15
overridexSherlawkDragon: virtualbox01:15
wash-hastedi use Sun XVM virtual box01:15
SherlawkDragonrndmtngnt> Wine kinda... doesn't work01:15
SherlawkDragon(and yes, that's the best explaination I can give...)01:16
bastid_raZorthe_squircle; i've never attempted to use it to mount anything other than an iso.. feel free to let me know if it works01:16
jribSherlawkDragon: what do you want to use it for?01:16
SherlawkDragonoverridex> will look01:16
the_squirclewill do.01:16
overridexSherlawkDragon: virtualbox is cool, as long as you're not trying to game in it01:16
Laderiusbastid_raZor: bah got errors, one sec01:16
SherlawkDragonI want to run VB apps and stuff01:17
Laderiusbastid_raZor: You must be root or an admin to use /usr/local/bin/isomount. and a string of notfounds01:17
PrivateRolfI'm looking for  someone who has a very basic (if not fresh) installation of Ubuntu with all repositories enabled to help me test a script. Does anyone meet the criteria?01:17
LaderiusPrivateRolf i have a fresh install01:17
bastid_raZorLaderius; use sudo ;)01:17
kuyaba-tokjrib: which one do you recommend?01:17
SherlawkDragonI have windows programs on my computer that I want to run (the Windows was Vista, and I downloaded that update that was corrupting Vista systems)01:17
PrivateRolfAlright, I will Private Message you in a minute, Laderius.01:17
GokulI'm having this issue where the netwrok manager on my Ubuntu 8.10 shows only the wireless network i'm connected to and does not display all the other available wireless connections01:18
jribkuyaba-tok: why do you want to have both on the same partition?01:18
Laderiusbastid_raZor: HA! amazing01:18
SherlawkDragonmostly I just need something that will run windows apps (that works better than Wine, which doesn't really work)01:18
kuyaba-tokjrib: i do not want to repartition my disk01:18
bastid_raZorLaderius; to mount you need sudo to unmount simply type isomount and it unmounts.01:18
Laderiusbastid_raZor: nice thanks alot01:18
Gokulanyone have any suggestions as to how I could fix it?01:18
overridexSherlawkDragon: virtualbox will work for you, though you do need a windows cd to install into it01:18
tiyowanPrivateRolf: I've got a month old install; what kind of script is it?01:18
gogereaversherlawkdragon well thers not mutch etter then wine other then using something like vmware or dule booting01:18
bastid_raZorLaderius; glad i could help. it shows the mounted iso on your desktop too.. that should help in locating it if you like gui apps beter.01:19
kuyaba-tokjrib: ill try wubi then, thx..01:19
SherlawkDragonsee, I HAVE Windows Vista, it came on here, but the OS corrupted itself01:19
jribkuyaba-tok: personally, I don't trust wubi.  I would install ubuntu and virtualize windows.  That should work fine as long as you don't need to play games on windows01:19
gogereaverSherlawkDragon sounds right01:19
SherlawkDragon(personally, I wouldn't have taken Vista)01:19
rndmtngnt_SherlawkDragon: which windows program you need to get to work?01:19
Barridushmmm, i can't enable desktop effects suddenly (don't know the cause01:19
SherlawkDragonA VB app01:20
Barridushow can i get an error code or message?01:20
Laderiusbastid_raZor: yeah its awesome thx01:20
PrivateRolfTiyowan: It's a sort of idea I have going. What this script will do will resolve dependencies for Transmission 1.42 source, build it with the options I've specified, then remove the source package and its extracted directory, and the development dependencies.01:20
wash-hastedsun xvm virtualbox runs every windows app i try and i use it to compile c++ code using dev c++01:20
ArrPirateI have my home directory on another partition and that's great for when I reinstall ubuntu or I want to try a different flavor of linux... but I don't like having to reinstall my favorite programs. Is there a way I can make it so that specific programs get installed when I reinstall ubuntu?01:20
gogereaverSherlawkDragon vb is one thing linux doesent play well with even with wine01:20
rndmtngnt_SherlawkDragon: .net?01:20
SherlawkDragonmaybe I just need the VB DLL for Wine..01:20
Barridusi'm just getting a graphical "desktop effects could not be loaded"01:20
GokulI'm having this issue where the netwrok manager on my Ubuntu 8.10 shows only the wireless network i'm connected to and does not display all the other available wireless connections01:20
SherlawkDragonno, just VB I think, let me see...01:20
Barridusis there a terminal command to enable it so i could see the specific error?01:20
kuyaba-tokjrib: well, i want some...01:21
gogereaverGokul its not supposed to01:21
the_squirclebastid_raZor: where is isomount available? it isn't in any default repos...01:21
valroscrap i screwed up ccsm, changed a keybinding and now instead of the mouse interacting with whatevers in the window it treats the whole window as the title bar, all i can do is move them around01:21
gogereaverGokul it should only list them in the network manager when you scan for new ones01:21
SherlawkDragonnevermind, I thought I had the source, but don't01:21
rndmtngnt_Im sure .net can be installed and run under wine but think you problems maybe be best asked in the wine or lookup the mono channels01:21
valrosi can access the terminal, can anyone help?01:21
jribvalros: use your keyboard to fix it in ccsm?01:21
bastid_raZorthe_squircle; my friend wrote it ..01:21
Gokulgogereaver: how do i scan for new ones then?01:22
tiyowanPrivateRolf: Neat. I'm curious as to what extra options are there that you need to compile the package with. pm me. Sounds interesting.01:22
the_squirclebastid_raZor: aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh01:22
valrosnavigation with the keyboard? tab arrows and enter?01:22
the_squirclebastid_raZor: i'll try everything and let you know how it goes.01:22
SherlawkDragonwhat's the Wine channel?01:22
sinbox!clone | ArrPirate,01:22
SherlawkDragon#Wine is blocks01:22
ubottuArrPirate,: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude --disable-columns --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate01:22
overridexSherlawkDragon: #winehq i think01:22
bastid_raZorthe_squircle; i'm always online so if i dont' respond feel free to pm me. i'm soon to leave for work, now.01:22
the_squirclesure :)01:23
valrosany way to rollback changes in ccsm?01:23
gogereaver Gokul KWifiManager  is one i knoe of01:23
=== freeflowcauvery is now known as masturbatingmonk
gogereaverthe one ubuntu has by defult just does it auto01:24
nbeeboanyone know if nokia n96 install cd works on ubuntu?01:24
=== masturbatingmonk is now known as freeflowcauvery
gogereaverbest one it can find01:24
Gokulgogereaver: it seems obvious that at any time, i'd like to switch from one wireless connection to another one. not having the list of available connections makes it fdifficult to do so01:24
gogereaverKWifiManager gives a list01:24
Gokuli'm using gnome and prefer not to install kwifimanager if i can avoid it01:25
=== Charitwo is now known as o_q
gogereaverisudo apt-get install wifi-radar01:25
IndyGunFreakGokul: easiest way I've found to do it, is wicd.. google it, it has an Ubuntu repository available.01:25
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Gokulsurely there's got to be some way of listing all the avilable wireless connections using the network-manager applet01:26
overridexGokul: left click on it01:26
gogereaverGokul wifi0radio is a nice gui01:26
IndyGunFreaki still like wicd better than all fo em01:26
gogereaverit will scan and even tell you if there open or not01:26
usr13 Gokul If you right click on the little network-manager up there, you will find the list. (I don't remember exactly, don't have my laptop running right now), but just fish around and you should find the list.  I'm pretty sure it is there.01:27
l337ingDisorderCan anyone help with printing? I used the ubuntu alternate installer to install a command-line-only Ubuntu. I'm trying to set up CUPS to print to a printer that is shared on a windows machine and it seems to configure properly with the .PPD file but once configured, it can't print... just says "Connecting to (hostname)"01:27
overridexno one here using a bluetooth device's input buttons?01:27
Gokulthat *IS* the problem. before i connect, it lists all of them but once i connect to one of them, the lists seems to dissapper after a few mins01:27
gogereaverGokul well its supposed to do that01:28
gogereaverGokul if you disconnect the list should come back01:28
nbeebohow mount n96?01:28
* dr_willis wonders what a n96 is01:28
usr13Gokul: Well, someone suggested kwifimanager, maybe you could just install that..?01:29
boot_loopanyone ever use CVS and know what it's for?01:29
gogereaveror wifi-radar01:29
jribboot_loop: yes, why?01:29
gogereaverthers a few apps that do that01:29
=== Frn is now known as Fraeon
ubottucvs is the Concurrent Versions System, the dominant open-source network-transparent version control system; it helps to manage releases and to control concurrent editing of source files among multiple authors. See: https://www.cvshome.org/01:29
usr13gogereaver:  Gokul Yes, I remember, that's the way it works.  It shows list of available APs only when you disconnect.01:30
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=== kayetanadmin is now known as something132
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something132hey i am having this sound problem01:31
something132can someone help me01:31
usr13Gokul: kismet01:31
the_squircle!anyone | something13201:31
ubottusomething132: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:31
Jack_Sparrowsomething132, We have asked you repeatedly to stop spamming us with enter hits.01:31
nbeebohow to mount n96?01:31
gogereaverheh dont make the ops angry01:32
usr13 Gokul Kismet is an 802.11 wireless network sniffer. See:  http://linux.softpedia.com/get/System/Networking/Kismet-327.shtml01:32
sinboxdr_willis, I have now read the netstat man pages and am (not so) glad to report that it has not answered my question unfortunately01:32
RaizeHi, quick question. How do I go about dropping down to the plain terminal prompt from X?01:33
something132my sound card is detected not playing any sound and i have had 2 people who could not solve it can someone help me with this01:33
usr13sinbox: What are you trying to do?01:33
jribRaize: why?01:33
RaizeNeed to install some nvidia drivers, the installer requires that X not be running01:33
something132NEED HELP01:34
jribRaize: use system -> administration -> hardware drivers01:34
jrib!nvidia > Raize01:34
ubottuRaize, please see my private message01:34
something132forgot caps lok on01:34
dr_willisRaize,  I do hope you have tried the Drivers in the repos first? and if those failed - tried the Envyng tool?01:34
mezquitaleSomethief, I suggest you go to the #alsa room, if nobody can help you there then your soundcard isnt supported, you will have to look for gnubien or wishie01:34
dude7064in Ubutntu how can I do administrative tasks with the GUI ?? for example editing restricted files ??? I know in command it can be done with sudo,, what bout the gui ??01:34
Jack_SparrowRaize,  clt-alt-f2, login. run  sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop. do your nivida stuff, using sudo. sudo invoke-rc.d gdm start to restart X . ctl-alt-f7 to get back to gui, if needed01:35
usr13something132: Might be useful info here:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31438301:35
mezquitalesomething132, , I suggest you go to the #alsa room, if nobody can help you there then your soundcard isnt supported, you will have to look for gnubien or wishie01:35
sinboxusr13 just trying to get netstat to return result for all the connection to a single local port, but it is not anything urgent anymore now01:35
dr_willisand hope the nvidia drivers from nvidia.com work :)01:35
overridexdude7064: gksudo gedit <filename> would do it01:35
RaizeLets see if the first idea works real quick, brb01:35
=== rachel is now known as Guest89870
usr13 sinbox netstat -aptn01:37
usr13netstat -aptn01:37
usr13netstat -aptn01:37
FloodBot1usr13: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:37
nbeebohow to mount my nokia n96 in ubuntu?01:37
usr13sinbox netstat -aptn will tell you open ports and what program has them open.01:37
colton_is there a cshapr channel?01:39
justizindoes anyone know of a good tutorial on setting up a 32-bit build environment in an amd64 system?  howabout lpia?01:39
ubottuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box01:39
sp0wnnbeebo - I don't know anything about the nokia n96, but you may want to try typing "dmesg" from a shelll to see what shows up01:39
mavsman4457I can't get my laptop running ubuntu to detect my monitor, what can I do?01:39
* justizin has a feeling setting up lpia will be more like a cross-compiler, but yeesh, rebuilding kernel on the netbook takes 10+ hours! :-P01:39
usr13 sinbox netstat -tp  show network connections [-t=tcp -p=PID and name of the program01:39
justizinthanks Jack_Sparrow01:39
sp0wnnbeebo - you may also want to try lsusb to see what it says (again, from the command line)01:39
sp0wnthen google based on what you find01:40
sinboxthat is easier to read indeed usr13, next question (or actually the previous ne) was what would you use to kill one of those connection to the port in question but not the other ones/?01:40
nbeebosp0wn, thank you, ill try01:40
techsupportanyone here familiar with a service provider that lets you pay for a ubuntu server?01:40
sp0wnbest of luck :)01:41
techsupporti forgot what its called01:41
nbeebosp0wn, its found01:41
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nbeebosp0wn, Bus 003 Device 008: ID 0421:0039 Nokia Mobile Phones01:41
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altus-dominushey guys'01:41
sp0wnso maybe you need a module for it...01:41
ari_stressmorning all, beautiful day! :)01:41
overridextechsupport: like a virtual server or hardware?01:41
sp0wnthere might be a driver that you can download...01:41
sp0wntry lsusb as well, to see what you find01:42
usr13sinbox: Kill the application that is accepting the connection is the preferred method.  But if you want to block the port, you  can do that as well, but would need to use iptables command to do that.  The simplier method is to just stop the application.01:42
overridexwww.dyndns.com has virtual servers that run ubuntu01:42
techsupportoverridex, like a virtual server yeah , to pay for an entire box01:42
altus-dominusneed help.. just installed ubuntu 8.10 did all my updates and installed compiz-fusion, when I apply compiz i do not get any window borders i tried emerald --replace nothing happens.. can anybody please help out01:42
techsupportoverridex, virtual box that is01:42
overridextechsupport: yeah, depends what you need i guess - the virtuals are dyndns.com are on pretty high end hardware on really fast connections01:43
spreeI want to rescan by USB bus. All my USB devices suddenly stopped working and i want to "reset" it01:43
spreei don't want to reboot01:43
sp0wnnbeebo, maybe try the instructions here http://discussions.europe.nokia.com/discussions/board/message?board.id=connectivity&message.id=18974 - they seem to be on the right path01:43
sinboxOK thanks usr13 but the app is a streaming audio server, I just needed to kill one connection, I'll go and read more on iptables as firestarter wouldn't let me do it01:44
gogereaverspree just disconnect evrything01:44
gogereaverspree should reset it01:44
usr13sinbox: To kill the application, simply use: kill <pid#here>01:44
nbeebosp0wn, thank you very much01:44
erosswhen using FTP, how do I use SITE NOSTRIP01:44
sp0wnur welcome, good luck01:44
gogereavernbeebo lol did you get sound workin01:45
techsupportoverridex, thanx, i mean VPS , do you know of any other provider cheaper than dyndns.com ?01:45
nbeebogogereaver, nooope..01:45
Dexican anyone help me with resizing my current partiton?01:45
usr13sinbox: firestarter should block the port for you.  (But that is all firestarter will do, is block the port.)01:45
gogereavernbeebo its soooo easy01:45
nbeeboDexi, if ur in it, not possible01:45
sinboxcan't kill the app usr13 or all the connection get lost, I just had one rogue sourece connected and couldn't contact the [deleted expletive] person who had left it running streaming silence01:45
linxeheross: try "quote site nostrip"01:45
sp0wnnokia much more important than sound =P01:45
Dexinbeebo, but i couldnt resize it from SuSE install without formatting... :(01:45
gogereavernbeebo just go to capture in the voulm manger01:45
usr13sinbox: You can specify port number (in firestarter).01:45
gogereavernbeebo and unmute the speaker icon01:45
overridextechsupport: i knew someone who used a cheaper one... trying to remember the name of it01:45
Dexido i need to do it from bios?01:46
sp0wngogereaver - I had that same issue on a Asus 900A Eee PC01:46
gogereaversp0wn yesterday he was trying to capture sound from the card01:46
gogereaversp0wn vs a mic01:46
anteayawhat is the bash command to display relevant system information?01:46
altus-dominusanyone please ?01:47
sp0wngogereaver - On the Eee you had to unmute the capture to get OUTPUT to work!01:47
dr_willisanteaya,  what info?01:47
gogereaversp0wn yep01:47
anteayadr_willis, system information for bug reporting, my os01:47
dr_willisanteaya,  not sure ther eis 1 command for that01:47
gogereaversp0wn ho wait01:47
gogereaversp0wn oh01:48
gogereaversp0wn that means recording from it might not work01:48
anteayadr_willis, I'm pretty sure there is, I've just forgotten it, thanks anyway01:48
EmericaI'd like to launch Xine via command line over ssh but it seems that Xine is looking at my session and cannot open the display, is there a way to load scripts or applications over ssh as if they were being run from the client machine itself? I'd prefer not to use a remote desktop. X11 forwarding has come up in my searches but everything after seems to forward to the remote machine or is remote desktop based.  Tanks for your time01:48
sp0wngogereaver - that's probably true01:48
overridextechsupport: sorry, i can't remember, and i'm not seeing anything familiar on google01:48
sp0wngogereaver - I haven't tried to use it for recording or video conference or anything01:48
AnneShirleyHow do I disable the drums at the login screen?01:49
jribEmerica: just set the DISPLAY environment variable appropriately01:49
overridexanyone use a bluetooth headset and have the button mapped to do something?01:49
sp0wngogereaver - but I suspect that you're right, the module isn't mapping the interfaces correctly01:49
nbeebogogereaver, this is my current settings.. http://data.fuskbugg.se/skalman01/-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Screenshot.png01:49
jribAnneShirley: system -> administration -> login window -> accessibility01:49
DexiAnneShirley: system>preferences>sound01:49
Dexior that01:49
EmericaJrib: Ive tried, fglrxinfo on the main machine is :0.001:49
Dexii mean session preferences lol01:49
AnneShirleyOk. Thanks!01:49
jribnbeebo: please don't do that01:49
AnneShirleyI'm about to install Ubuntu. Should I get 8.04 LTS or 8.10?01:50
syncxwhat could be the error with this - virtual memory exhausted: Cannot allocate memory01:50
syncxmake[1]: *** [bg.o] Error 101:50
Dexihands down01:50
gogereavernbeebo in the device drop down menu you would be able to slect capture01:50
gogereavernbeebo thats what you wanna unmute should be a speaker icon01:50
AnneShirleyIt's alot better, huh?01:50
DexiAnneShirley: in System>Preferences>Sessions theres a "Gnome Login Sound" checkbox, thats what i meant01:50
josher4AnneShirley: 8.10. It is WAY better...01:50
Dexiyes it is a lot better :)01:50
sp0wnnbeebo - you're looking at the Volume Manager or what not... for the hard drive... try the speaker icon01:50
jribAnneShirley: LTS means you only need to upgrade every 3 years instead of every 18 months.  If that's not an issue for you, then go with 8.1001:50
* overridex wonders why his "PC Speaker" shows up under /proc/bus/input/devices01:51
gogereaversp0wn thast the manager he whants01:51
AnneShirleyOk. I'll shoot for 8.1001:51
gogereaversp0wn you can enabkle sound capture from there01:51
syncxany one to help?01:51
sp0wngogereaver oh yeah?  that's weird, then01:51
nbeebojrib, i cant link? ???01:51
AnneShirleySome people say that 8.04 is more reliable. Is that true?01:51
syncxvirtual memory exhausted: Cannot allocate memory01:51
syncx[08:51] <syncx> make[1]: *** [bg.o] Error 101:51
syncxwhat should i do with that error?01:51
nbeebogogereaver, that is done isnt it..01:51
jribnbeebo: link to sane URLs01:52
DexiAnneShirley: i dont think its reliable at all01:52
gogereaversp0wn not relly switching from a mic to soundcard is always a bit tricky01:52
gogereavernbeebo i ment01:52
nbeebojrib, im not breaking any rules so please dont go off topic01:52
mavsman4457I can't get my external monitor to work with my laptop, what can I do?01:52
AnneShirleyOk. I'm with everyone else. I'm going to install 8.10.01:52
josher4AnneShirley: Go with 8.10, it is more reliable.01:52
nbeebosp0wn, when u click on the speaker icon that is what shows01:52
jribnbeebo: just don't create a url like that next time.  There's no need to spam the channel with a hundred '-'01:53
gogereavernbeebo in device manager on that windows01:53
gogereavernbeebo switch the device to capture01:53
gogereavernbeebo it should say like hda capture01:53
martin__hey guys01:53
nbeebojrib, i didnt make that, filename was maybe 15 signs01:53
jribnbeebo: you're missing the point01:54
nbeebogogereaver, ok ill try01:54
sp0wnmavsman4456 - if you have an nvidia card, try "sudo apt-get install nvidia-xconfig" from a shell (command prompt)01:54
AnneShirleyjosher4: Hello.01:54
josher4AnneShirley: Lmao, I was saying it to martin but Hello!01:54
sp0wnmavsman4456 then click on System | Administration | NVidia X Configuration Manager01:54
gogereavernbeebo from there you can switch the recording input i did this myself yesterday01:54
AnneShirleyjosher4: How are you doing?01:55
gogereavernbeebo you should only see 2 icons your speaker and mic01:55
josher4AnneShirley: Well, and you?01:55
AnneShirleyAnd doing fine, thank you!01:55
josher4AnneShirley: That is good01:55
eriscohow do I share an Internet connection on Ubuntu?01:55
nbeebogogereaver, theres 2 options one is ALSA PCM other is monitor source, rest is the same, capture etc01:56
nbeebogogereaver, i cant use sound yet no speakers, so i cant test01:56
eriscoI am connected to a wireless network that provides me with Internet, and I am connected to a wired network that I want to provide Internet to. how can I accomplish this in 8.10?01:56
EmericaJrib: solved.01:56
AnneShirleyjosher4: Are you a Ubuntu expert?01:56
dr_willis!ics | erisco01:57
ubottuerisco: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php01:57
gogereavernbeebo looks like its your option window on your setup01:57
gogereavernbeebo inout source01:57
gogereavernbeebo input01:57
eriscodr_willis, thanks01:57
josher4AnneShirley: Lol. no. I'm just getting started. Windows and Mac expert though. Linux: Not so much01:57
savvasAnneShirley: ask your question, someone will probably know the answer01:57
josher4AnneShirley: Though I have read up on it01:57
AnneShirleysavvas: I have no problem.01:58
nbeebogogereaver,  there is 2 of those 'input source" , both with the options - mic, front mic, line and cd01:58
savvasAnneShirley: then... why do you want an ubuntu expert? :)01:58
josher4savvas: She is just wondering...01:58
AnneShirleyjosher4: I'm getting started on Ubuntu. Have experience on Fedora and openSUSE.01:58
savvasah, kinky :p01:58
AnneShirleysavvas: I just wanted to know.01:58
gogereavernbeebo then it looks right01:58
josher4AnneShirley: Some on Fedora01:58
nbeebothis isnt a dating channel all..01:58
savvasno offense, AnneShirley :) Welcome aboard!01:59
nbeebogogereaver, hm ok, which should i choose?01:59
eseven73lol nbeebo01:59
gogereavernbeebo it should grab any sound01:59
AnneShirleysavvas: Thanks!01:59
martin__yall got the cube going?01:59
gogereavernbeebo mic with the speaker unmuted in recording looks correct01:59
AnneShirleyjosher4: I have experience on XP and Vista, and some OS X 10.301:59
josher4AnneShirley: Nice01:59
nbeebogogereaver, but which options with those input source stuff, line mic mic boost or cd? line?02:00
josher4AnneShirley: What made you come to Ubuntu?02:00
gogereavernbeebo just turn off the mic you dont whant it capturing both02:00
ubottuSome things are inappropriate for #ubuntu. Controversial topics, which often turn into flame wars: war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, questionably legal activities, suicide are not for here. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy)02:00
gogereavernbeebo it doesent relly matter02:00
jribjosher4, AnneShirley: please use #ubuntu-offtopic for chat, #ubuntu is dedicated for support02:00
eriscodr_willis, I have to do setup on the client as well?02:00
AnneShirleyjosher4: Looks like we're getting in trouble...02:00
nbeebogogereaver, but it doesnt work, tried with sound...02:00
gogereavernbeebo its a old trick with soundcards02:00
josher4jrib: So sorry. Wont happen again02:00
gogereavernbeebo humm maybe it just doesent support it02:01
dr_williserisco,   not messed with that in ages.. i dont recall much setup needed on the client end..  Perhaps set the gateway/dns to be the ics server..02:01
gogereavernbeebo i have a capture option in alisa02:01
nbeebogogereaver, NooooooOoOoo.... maybe do it in another way, within the system not the soundcard02:01
eriscodr_willis, I have zero ability to setup anything on the client. its DHCP or nothing02:01
nbeebogogereaver, alsa* just so u wont type that again..02:01
lomezhi, i just installed ubuntu on a new laptop, i have it installed on my desktop as well02:02
dr_williserisco,  no idea then.  of course you could set up a dhcp server :)02:02
gogereavernbeebo that lets me switch  my input fro my mic to master/pcm02:02
nbeebogogereaver, ok02:02
* overridex dances02:02
lomezhi, i just installed ubuntu on a new laptop, i have it installed on my desktop as well02:02
lomezwhen i plug in an external hd, it displays thi02:02
eriscodr_willis, is this easier with firestarter?02:02
eseven73!enter | lomez02:02
ubottulomez: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:02
eriscodr_willis, I tried firestarter in the past but it completely screwed up iptables and I couldn't connect to anything anymore02:02
dr_williserisco,  no idea.  firestarter does the exact same 'commands' it just has a gui to them..02:02
lomezsorry eseven7302:03
eriscodr_willis, and I couldn't find anyway to set iptables back to the default02:03
gogereavernbeebo im a acer one fan lol not  eepc02:03
dr_williserisco,  'sudo iptables --flush' i recall. :)02:03
nbeebogogereaver, uhm ok lol02:03
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).02:03
eriscodr_willis, will this remove important things I need though?02:04
lomezit says bad fs, cannot mount02:04
jacobcreamwhy isnt Amarok working??02:04
lomezor badsuperblock02:04
gogereavernbeebo you could always run a cable from the sound card to line in its cheap and easy02:04
dr_williserisco,  it fluses out/removes all existing iptables rules that you have setup..   check iptables docs/guides to see how it works..02:04
jacobcreamevery time i try to play some music : it says "Audio output unavialble the device is busy"02:04
lomezeven when i type sudo mount /dev/sdc1, it doesnt work02:04
sztomiis there a deb package for QGtkStyle?02:05
gogereavernbeebo all you need is a pice of 4m audio cable and a ipod head phone spliter02:05
dr_willislomez,  you may want to give a full proper mount command with all needed options.02:05
gogereavernbeebo so you dont need to kep removing it02:05
eriscodr_willis, firestarter is freezing on me02:06
eriscodr_willis, whenever I try to select a list of devices it freezes for a few seconds02:06
lomez dr_willis thanks, i just want the external hd to automatically mount wheni plug it in, it does that on my desktop ubuntu install02:06
dr_williserisco,  i never use firestarter.. so no idea. could be its doing some scanning/work02:06
=== Quagmire is now known as QuagmireisUbuntu
ZemusHey everyone. :) I realize this is a little off topic, but could anyone recommend an open source alternative to Ghost, for drive imaging? I will award internets. ^.^02:06
eriscodr_willis, it is running very very slow02:06
savvasZemus: have you tried www.osalt.com ?02:07
dr_willislomez,    check output of 'dmesg' command befor/after you plug it in and look for error messages.. Mount it manually with the proper options if needed..02:07
=== QuagmireisUbuntu is now known as QuagisIgnorant
Zemussavvas: no, I'll check it out. Do you have experience with it?02:07
lomezdr_willis, can you explain those proper  options02:07
lomezim kind of an ubuntu noob, so i dont really understand. it just works on my other ubuntu install, but im willing to do any kind of work to get it going her02:08
savvasZemus: it's a site that proposes alternatives to windows/closed-source applications :)02:08
dr_willislomez,  theres tons of guides on mounting drives inder linux. basics - 'sudo mount /dev/DEVICENAME /media/mountpoint  -o OPTIONS THAT DEPEND ON YOUR FILESYSTEM02:08
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QTParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap02:08
ZemusOh, heh, I see that. Thanks, savvas, I'll check it out. :)02:09
nbeebogogereaver, hmm back.. yeah maybe i should, but what u mean with the ipod part?02:09
nbeebogogereaver,  oh now i see02:09
savvasZemus: the application clonezilla http://clonezilla.org/ has been suggested a few times by others. maybe give it a try02:09
lomezdamnit new keyboard, sorry, its not partitioning a new install though02:09
nbeebogogereaver, i think i have one, or i can buy one at computer store02:09
=== ryanCH is now known as MoonshineBear
gogereavernbeebo yea cuple bucks at walmart02:09
gogereavernbeebo for both parts02:10
=== Szadek_ is now known as Szadek
gogereavernbeebo just run the 4mm cable from the soundcards output to line in02:10
jhalsteadI have a 28GB tar file.  it's so large Archive Manager seams to be hanging.  I'd like to open it in terminal or something to delete the biggest file.02:10
gogereavernbeebo the splitter lets you conect your speakers to02:10
nbeebogogereaver, pretty expensive to pay 1000 dollars for a trip to walmart.. lol02:10
gogereavernbeebo well any store02:11
Zemussavvas: thanks02:11
nbeebogogereaver, yeah i know, im logical thinker...02:11
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nbeebogogereaver, ok thanks and buy all try that tomorrow02:11
gogereavernbeebo yea then line in is capturing all sound output02:12
=== gustavo is now known as pelao91
gogereavernbeebo old tv cards used this trick02:12
ZemusWhoa, savvas, clonezilla looks fantastic, thanks very much! :)02:12
nbeebogogereaver, k ill try right away then.. lol02:12
mikkrMy VPS isn't booting properly after upgrade. Here's the log message from syslog http://pastie.org/354342 .02:13
gogereavernbeebo heh just rember splitter first lol02:13
mikkrseems to be something with dbus02:13
gogereavernbeebo on the output02:13
phrostbiteIs there a myspace only im client that works with ubuntu?02:13
erossdoes anyone have a cintiq and using it on ubuntu?02:13
Ademanwhy would you want myspace only?...02:14
cachedCan someone help me set up sound?02:14
phrostbiteI don't know because its the only one i use maybe? Actually I am more curious then anything.02:14
Vigohrostbite: boards syas Pidgeon does02:15
myk_robinson'sup, everyone02:15
phrostbiteI know but it doesnt seem to want to show all of the people on my myspace that have myspace im02:15
myk_robinsonWondering if anyone here has any advice for improving USB transfer rate in Intrepid.02:15
gogereavernbeebo heh sometimes if you cant get softwhere to do it thers always a way to get the hardware to02:15
myk_robinsonI get roughly 2-3MB/sec, and that is not even stable02:15
phrostbiteone of my friends is online right now and has myspace im open and it doesnt she they are online and it doesnt show me online.02:16
joejchow do i convert a .tivo in ubuntu?02:16
gogereaverjoejc throw it out and use myth tv02:16
Vigophrostbite: it is not an official site, but someone did it, http://www.ubuntu-unleashed.com/2007/09/setup-myspace-im-with-pidgin.html02:17
myk_robinsonphrostbite: i came in late, what IM client are you using?02:17
phrostbiteI downloaded kopete but that does not have myspace im02:17
phrostbiteThanks vigo for the link and myk I am using pidgeon02:17
Vigophrostbite: looks like Pidgin can handle it02:17
boxif im hosting a site with ubuntu and i created a index.html on another machine would i upload it to /etc/httpd ? or where02:17
nbeebogogereaver, yep.. but really everything is technical.. even atoms o_O02:18
eseven73phrostbite: you can press tab after typing like 'myk' then it fills in the entire name for you :)02:18
phrostbiteYeah it can. Maybe I need to troubleshoot as to why its not picking up my friend who is logged in.02:18
phrostbiteoh thanks eseven73 :)02:18
myk_robinsonbox: it can be in several places.. For example, i host sql-ledger for my business on one of my machines, and the location is /usr/local/sql-ledger02:18
phrostbiteI am still really knew it not only irc but ubuntu in general.02:18
joejcis there any way to convert a .tivo file in ubuntu?02:19
myk_robinsonbox: i believe the locatin of sites gets defined in a file in apache, i think its httpd.conf02:19
Vigophrostbite: as I stated that link is not official Ubuntu, but there are some on the Forums also02:19
* Dam-man Laba ryta.02:19
gogereavernbeebo better off just using cds thow being it will recored all that way even game sounds02:19
phrostbiteVigo, thank you for the link I am reading it right now.02:20
usr13joejc: This looks interesting:  https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/script-to-automatically-convert-video-files-using-ffmpeg-610874/02:20
CircsHowdy, I can't get wifi working on my mini 9, dell is being little/no help. could some help if possible?02:20
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:20
usr13Circs: What wifi card is in it?02:21
usr13Circs: What does lspci say about it?02:21
cachedwhy isn't pulseaudio dying when I kill it?02:21
gogereavernbeebo if just using cd playback it wil only steam the music on the disk02:21
myk_robinsonCircs: please pastebin the results of    sudo lshw -C network02:22
Circsusr13: Broadcom BCM4310 USB controller rev 0102:22
nbeebogogereaver, yeah for now, but since ive seen live screencast as if the webcamera took it  but it wasnt, and each program uses a different port for sound so tou speak, so if i find a super leet haxxor i think its possible.. lol02:22
nbeebogogereaver, different sound port*02:22
myk_robinsonCircs: are you on it now? are you able to get an Ethernet connection?02:22
Circsmyk_robinson: yes it gets a wired connection02:22
gogereavernbeebo with the line in lead setup i said any output on your pc can be recorded02:22
myk_robinsonif so, have all updates been run? What does the restricted driver manager say about it?02:23
gogereavernbeebo no hacks nedded02:23
techsupportmaybe can anyone recommend me a VPS service provider in U.S. East ?02:23
phrostbiteI don't know if this is an ubuntu question but we recently got verizon internet and on there computer they have a shared folder. Well is there a way to have that folder so i can access it from my laptop and put stuff into the shared folder?02:23
gogereavernbeebo dont knoe why your softwhere doesent have that option02:23
nbeebogogereaver, yeah... .. but trying to broadcast internet radio through a game.. but maybe u can do that with mounting a directory/folder as a cd...02:23
joejchow do i make a script?02:24
usr13Circs: You sure it's not working?02:24
Circsmyk_robinson: can't do that atm, but i can tell you what i see02:24
Circsusr13: yes02:24
myk_robinsonCircs: nevermind about the lshw, you already provided the chipset. Have you run all updates?02:24
Circsmyk_robinson: yes02:24
myk_robinsonthat chipset should pull a driver through the restricted driver manager.. Hang on a sec.02:25
gogereavernbeebo acully that would  mean you need brodcastong softwhere that supports mp3 playback02:25
usr13core2troll: See:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18517402:25
myk_robinsonCircs: its quite a read, but here is a 24 page thread on the topic:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=963978&highlight=broadcom+431002:25
myk_robinsonI will browse it and see what I can scope out02:25
PrivateRolfDoes anyone know how to get GPGs for Launchpad?02:25
gogereavernbeebo i only knoe how to do that with shoutcast and some winamp plugins02:25
Circsmyk_robinson: it has 8.04 though02:26
Serachtanyone tried running office 2007 with WINE?02:26
myk_robinsonoh. I had that same chipset on a laptop running 8.04 too, had to jump through some hoops, but documented it02:26
nbeebogogereaver, hmm yeah.. but ill take that later on02:26
PrivateRolfSearacht: No, but if you buy Crossover, some of the profit goes to developing WINE, as it is a WINE port.02:26
gogereavernbeebo never did it in linux but i bet icecash can do it02:26
myk_robinsonCircs: i wil look for the doc i made, i got to where I could get it working in three minutes from a clean install.. be right back02:26
PrivateRolfAnd Office 2007 has official, commercial support by Codeweavers.02:26
Vigophrostbite: seems so, your choice what program to use, is very possible though, let me look around at the MANs here.02:27
Circsmyk_robinson: You are a HERO02:27
myk_robinsonCircs: dont count your chickens before they're hatched :)02:27
phrostbiteOk sweet thanks, vigo.02:27
Circsmyk_robinson: Lol02:27
cameron_i cannot get my joypad to work02:27
usr13Circs: Forget that URL I sent.... too old02:27
cameron_the directional pad on the joystick moves the mouse to each corner02:27
Serachtalso is the intel x3100 still black listed in compwiz?02:27
cameron_trying to play snes9x with a joypad02:27
Jack_Sparrowcameron_, HAve you looked to see if it is in the supported hardware list02:27
Circsmyk_robinson: BRB getting internet toot he mini 902:28
csanai dont know where else to ask,does anyone know of a channel where people help with networking?i02:28
inntegrahi guys good nite to u all again with my problem02:28
myk_robinsonCircs: check this, carefully follow the directions, and pay particular attention the part regarding the Hardy bug fix   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff02:28
cameron_i have used it with snes9x before, its a gravvis gamepad pro which is a kernel module, but kde4 is taking focus of it it seems02:28
inntegrai have no sound i have installed xubuntu 8.10 and my audio is: lspci | grep udio02:28
inntegra00:14.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc IXP SB4x0 High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01)02:28
inntegracan somebody help me on this pls???02:29
joejchow do i make a script?02:29
Vigophrostbite: looks like Wine or some Emu that would interface with it would work, WINE is for windows,, I saw on the forums that someone used ,,wait a sec,,,,02:29
jribjoejc: usually you open a text editor and start typing.  What kind of script?02:29
myk_robinsonCircs: I dont have my old doc, but I think i can skim this page and get you a Cliffs Notes-like version real quick02:29
Don_Miguel!patience | inntegra02:30
ubottuinntegra: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:30
joejcjrib, bash script i think02:30
phrostbiteI need to look up how to use wine. I noticed people talk about it alot.02:30
circsmyk_robinson: Sorry about that02:30
rww!wine | phrostbite02:31
ubottuphrostbite: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help02:31
csanai dont know where else to ask,does anyone know of a channel where people help with networking?i02:31
inntegrai dont know what do you mean with my atitude but i am asking in a proper way sorry if you felt offended02:31
gogereaver nbeebo icecast and darkice would give you what you need to stream live02:31
phrostbitethanks rww for the link I will look at it right now.02:31
rwwphrostbite: that should about cover the basics02:31
myk_robinsoncircs: I will have directions for you in just a few more minutes, typing it up02:31
circsmyk_robinson: I'm now on the mini 902:31
jribjoejc: well basically, you make the first line read "#!/bin/bash" and then enter commands line by line.  You don't seem that comfortable doing this.  Why do you want to?02:31
PrivateRolfAnyone know how to authorize launchpad PPAs?02:31
myk_robinsoncircs: the wifi is BCM4310 rev 01? The revision is VERY important02:31
titefuzzis this a help channel?02:31
titefuzzjust read topic02:32
circsmyk_robinson: It is, and now I can pastebin whatever you need02:32
Vigophrostbite: is a secure site, but yes, look like it can and has been done,,,02:32
Vigophrostbite: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2008-October/161147.html02:32
joejcjrib, i found a script in text formate and i want to use it02:32
titefuzzI am running wine and use a program that primarily uses the clipboard to grab copied data from a webpage.  Is there some fix for wine and the clipboard ?02:33
TriBeCa99anyone know how to copy ALL the data off a partition, including the entire OS, to another partition?02:33
ahklerner! audio drivers02:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about audio drivers02:33
myk_robinsoncircs: while I'm typing, please obtain the driver by typing this into a console          wget ftp://ftp.us.dell.com/network/R174291.exe02:33
TriBeCa99i'm told it can be done with a LiveCD, but I can't figure out how to do it with the Ubuntu LiveCD02:33
Barriduscan i make a script just by creating an empty file and putting commands in it?02:33
jribjoejc: be more specific.  What does the script do?  Running random scripts you find but do not understand is a great way to compromise your system02:33
gogereaverneebo http://www.gnuware.com/icecast/chap_09_04.html02:33
Vigophrostbite: on the forums says Samba,,,http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-150635.html02:33
mike_HI, Can anyone help me install STARCRAFT on my ubuntu system? I have the iso's only and dont even know where to being02:33
Barridusok cool, thank you02:34
jribBarridus: yes.  You should make the first line "#!/bin/bash" or whatever interpreter you want02:34
phrostbitevigo thats exactly what I needed. I appreciate it very much. You all that have done an excellent job helping me.02:34
Barridusok that's handy too02:34
Jack_Sparrow!games > mike_02:34
ubottumike_, please see my private message02:34
Barridusany particular character between commands?  or just enter02:34
Vigophrosbite: my pleasure02:34
Jack_Sparrowmike_, See also !appdb02:34
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:34
jribjoejc: just put the script somewhere, make it executable, and then execute it by providing its path02:34
ArrPirateis there a way to make it so a grub option has a password on it?02:35
joejcso what do i save it as?02:35
jribBarridus: just enter is fine.  You should check out the guides on tldp.org02:35
mike_i think i can get it, i just dont know which program i need to use to mount it...02:35
Barridusok i'll go there, thanks :D02:35
myk_robinsoncircs: be sure that from here on out you address me directly. I am not looking at pidgin at present, but if i'm directly addressed, I will hear it  thanks02:35
HectorThere are way too many users here.02:35
circsmyk_robinson: Not a problem02:36
Barridusi am quickly acquiring a vast array of useful bookmarks, you guys are great02:36
ArrPirateI have dual boot windows and ubuntu and I'd like to know if there's a way to make it so you have to put in a password to select the windows option in grub, if that's at all possible02:36
pwnedulongtimeanyone know how to remove orphaned gconf keys?02:36
VigoArrPirate: Grub is pass locked by default, then there are screen locks and stuff that can be atou activated or manually invoked02:37
myk_robinsoncircs: do you have the driver done yet?02:37
keelowwhat is the best ssh client for x windows02:37
myk_robinsoncircs: i'm almost done with the document for you02:38
CShadowRunUbuntu has ndiswrapper built in now, right?02:38
circsmyk_robinson: Yes it's done02:38
pwnedulongtimekeelow: ssh02:38
essialanyone here familiar with autotools02:38
myk_robinsoncircs: cool. Just need to modiy one part real quick to match the new driver file. Used to be a zip, i think i need to use cabextract to get the contents02:39
travis_hello guys how do i install this theme heres the link: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Silver?content=9637002:39
ArrPiratewhen I install something through Synaptic it often installs all the dependencies as well, but then I uninstall the main thing and at least some of the dependencies stay behind and I can't remember what file go to what... is there a solution for this that I'm missing?02:40
Dexican someone explain the ~/.file thing to me? what does the ~ represent?02:40
funkyHatArrPirate: use aptitude instead02:40
ZemusDexi: it's an abbreviation of the directory path that you're in.02:40
Jack_SparrowDexi, /home/$USER02:41
essialdEXI: ~ means home02:41
myk_robinsoncircs: you got pretty fast internet? I will need to sendspace you some files. Had to use Wine to get the data out of the file from Dell02:41
Dexiok so i have ~/.xchat2 but i cant find that folder in the file browser02:41
VigoAptitude is supported now?02:41
essialI have a problem with firefox starting in a restored (not maximized) state that fills the entire window, making it impossible to move -- this happens on a regular basis, anyone else have this problem?02:41
circsmyk_robinson: 5meg02:41
Jack_SparrowDexi, .means hidden02:41
essialDexi: press ctrl+h02:42
circsmyk_robinson: Also i followed this little bit here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff#Step%201:%20All%20BCM43xx%20-%20Install%20NDISWrapper%20and%20Blacklist%20Native%20Driver02:42
tritiumVigo:  it was never not supported02:42
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:42
eriscoI have my shared internet partially working. my client machine complains about DNS though. how do I configure this part?02:42
Dexioh jesus02:42
VigoOk, thank you02:42
Dexihaha ok so can i put that . in front of whatever i want without messing up anything?02:42
essialDexi: yes02:43
essial.whtaever doesn't hide it in general, but most graphical file browsers hide files/folders that start with .02:43
ChrisDavazRecording audio from my external microphone is incredibly faint (barely audible) no matter how high I set the sensitivity on the mixer.02:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about volume02:44
savvas !you-ask-too-much :p02:44
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:44
travis_hello guys how do i install this theme heres the link: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Silver?content=9637002:44
pwnedulongtimenever understood the logic behind hiding ~/. directories...since that's where the user configs live for most apps02:44
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:44
ArrPiratefunkyHat: Wow! Seems that does exactly what I wanted! However, the interface is kinda not my thing. Are there better GUI front ends?02:44
savvasArrPirate: for what?02:45
essialtravis_: in general you extract the tar, go to it in a console, and do: ./configure     make   then sudo make install02:45
essialbut check to make sure there isn't a .deb for it02:45
ArrPiratesavvas: aptitude02:45
travis_Essial it comes with a xml and lots of pictures02:45
ahklernerhey how do i get the volume control app02:45
savvasArrPirate: tried system > administration > synaptic or applications > add/remove... ?02:46
essialtravis_: try dragging the tar.gz to the apperances dialog02:46
Vigotravis: I think I saw that in Synaptic,,,maybe an apt-get or whatever?02:46
travis_essial: it says its not a valid the,e02:47
ArrPiratesavvas: It doesn't remove the dependencies sometimes02:47
myk_robinsoncircs: sorry , had a call from a roofer..02:47
myk_robinsoncircs: do yo uhave wine installed?02:47
essialah menu theme02:47
LaderiusWhen i minimize my windows they just dissappear how can i et em back?02:48
Laderiusthey dont stack on the taskbar02:48
circsmyk_robinson: No02:48
ZemusLaderius: no, they are gone forever02:48
travis_essial: what do i do02:48
LaderiusZemus, oh, how would i minimize and keep em02:48
myk_robinsoncircs: this will save me an upload.. Please run form console:   sudo aptitude install wine    or, do you have a Windows machine nearby?02:48
essialI think its for an app called GnoMenu, a seperate application from normal gnome02:48
travis_ Essial k hold02:49
travis_ill try02:49
essialagain not 100% sure though02:49
sagredoHi linux friends - how may I see the hard drives my machine has?02:49
lazyPowerAny linux skype users in here?02:49
VigoLaderius: Do you have a bottom taskbar or whatever is called?02:49
circsmyk_robinson: Installing wine atm02:50
savvasArrPirate: yeah, you can head to synaptic > lower right corner, Status > check "Installed (local or obsolete)" and " Not installed(residual config)"02:50
eriscoI have my shared internet partially working. my client machine complains about DNS though. how do I configure this part?02:50
leoechevarriasagredo: use the command 'fdisk -l' in root mode02:50
Laderiusvigo yep02:50
travis_It dont work02:50
leoechevarriahaya there02:50
Laderiusvigo when i minimise firefox it just dissappears02:50
eriscoright now I am using dhcp3 for DHCP. will this collide with dnsmasq?02:50
myk_robinsoncircs: when that is done, run    winecfg       then report back, please02:50
savvasArrPirate: sorry, lower left corner :)02:51
circsmyk_robinson: ok02:51
VigoRatso, I am on winders now or I could trouble shoot that with you,,,how many Virtual Desktops are running...or the lil fancy window witcher things?02:51
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travis_hello guys how do i install this theme heres the link: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Silver?content=9637002:52
myk_robinsonanyone: how do i initiate private chat?02:52
marcelopltHi guys, i needs helo to install Gkrelin on ubuntu02:52
myk_robinsonnvm, got it02:52
Jack_Sparrowmyk_robinson, /msg nick  but ask first02:52
Laderiusvigo any windows i minimise they diaappear02:52
marcelopltim very lammer02:52
ArrPiratesavvas: No, what that in fact does is tell me if there are uninstalled programs with residual config files still in my home directory02:53
=== flaco is now known as flacom
VigoLaderius: Maybe remove or replace the bottom tray. Then size it up the way you prefer.02:54
LaderiusVigo, could it be settings in compfuisn or w/e02:54
Serachthttp://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=98668&d=1231071844 -- in the screenshot here, what is the application docked to the right called?02:54
savvasArrPirate: residual config files are NOT for the ones in your home directory, but the residual config files in the /etc/ directory.02:55
sagredoOops. Okay, now that I've run fdisk -102:55
sagredoI see 3 different drives, how do I know which drive has which?02:55
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hobbes006hi guys, i am trying to learn how to start firefox from terminal without my terminal "freezing" with the firefox process. if i simply type "firefox" in gnome-terminal, firefox launches but my current terminal is frozen because it runs firefox processes. how do i launch firefox from terminal without my terminal freezing?02:56
VigoLaderius: Administrative> Themes ...I think,,or Preferances> whatchamacallit02:56
sagredohobbes006: might want to try firefox&exit02:56
graphite_Does anyone know anything about the new nvidia driver update 177.82?02:56
macvrhi all.... i need advice on REinstalling ubuntu 8.10...  i'm having some problems so i thought i'd reinstall it...i have a separate home and / partition , what things would change what would remain same?02:57
VigoLaderius: move them to the top!02:57
savvasArrPirate: if you're still looking for a fancy gtk gui for aptitude: http://algebraicthunk.net/~dburrows/blog/entry/aptitude-0.5.0-released/ - have fun compiling :)02:57
hobbes006sagredo: that works. nice :)02:57
cperrin88Hey, can someone tell me how to prevent my inboard soundcard from playing sond over my internal speaker AND my headset? The soundcard uses the snd_intel8x0 module02:57
sagredohobbes006: welcome :)02:57
Vigoladerius: that would sole that ,,,for now02:57
hobbes006o wait02:57
hobbes006but that shuts down my terminal :p02:58
sagredohobbes006: yeah :P02:58
hobbes006how do i do this and yet KEEP my terminal02:58
sagredohobbes006: I don't know any other way of doing it, maybe someone else does...02:58
eriscoI am having a hard time getting DNS working on an internal LAN02:58
jfkhey guys, I only have sound in some applications (not at all in firefox, but just fine in totem and rhythmbox)  pulseaudio is installed where should I start?02:58
eriscocan anyone assist me in diagnosing the problem? I am having a hard time getting DNS working on an internal LAN02:58
ArrPiratesavvas: I have no problem compiling02:58
Vigo! aptitude02:58
ubottuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies (on Dapper and earlier, however, only aptitude keeps track of unused dependencies). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide02:58
ZemusArrPirate: that is an awesome screenname, my friend.02:58
DexiSeracht: that looks like it would be a widget, part of "The Widget Factory"... whatever that is02:59
=== jono_ is now known as jono
spencergot a question, how to toggle from totem-gstreamer to totem-xine?? gstreamer always mess up my hue... :(02:59
hobbes006figure it out :)02:59
ArrPirateZemus: Thanks. I like it because it makes people assume I'm male and I get less grief but this channel doesn't care about gender02:59
hobbes006firefox&exit -> terminal closes, firefox launches02:59
ZemusZOMG a womun u  wanna cyber beb lol02:59
travis_hello guys how do i install this theme heres the link: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Silver?content=9637003:00
hobbes006firefox&disown -> terminal stays, firefox launches03:00
ZemusArrPirate: Oh yes, and there's plenty more where that magic came from.03:00
ra21viin ubuntu cli only mode, how can I list all those services which are running03:00
jfkanybody feel like helping out with a sound problem?03:00
hobbes006 sagredo: firefox&disown works just the way i need it to :)03:00
ActionParsnipra21vi: ps -ef03:00
ubottuThe official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org03:00
z28hobbes006: firefox &03:00
spencerwhat is the sound prob jfk?03:01
ra21viActionParsnip: that doesnt only print services, but all the programs03:01
jfkSigmatel 92xx digital output03:01
ra21viActionParsnip: I meant to say services which are defined in /etc/init.d/03:01
jfkhave sound in totem03:01
jfkand rhythmbox03:01
pwnedulongtimejfk: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound03:01
jfkbut not out of firefox, and master sound control does nothing03:01
android60I get a message whenever i first boot saying something about  "Your BIOS doesn't leave a aperture memory hole" / "This costs you 64 MB of RAM"03:01
savvasArrPirate: Take a look at http://packages.debian.org/experimental/aptitude - it might save you some time03:01
ra21viand how can I disable like PostGreSql to run automatically03:02
android60im on a laptop with 4gb using 64 bit ubuntu and video card is set to 256mb03:02
ra21viI can do that using sysv-rc-conf, but the system I need to operate doesnt has that installed03:02
techsupportdoes anyone know of VPS provider around virginia or in virginia ?03:02
rww!ot | techsupport03:03
ubottutechsupport: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:03
ActionParsnipra21vi: top may show it03:03
ra21viActionParsnip: oho, I need to write one script which will export the list of all services that are running... so how can you do with top03:03
ra21visomething like Redhat/fedora used to have, like $services status03:04
ZemusWrong window everyone, sorry.03:04
ActionParsnipra21vi: top -n 1 > ~/topoutput.txt; gedit ~/topoutput.txt03:05
ActionParsnipra21vi: -n 1 does 1 refresh before ending03:06
con-manI LOVE LAMP03:06
ra21viActionParsnip: ok thanks, you didnt understand what I really want03:06
Laderiusfixed the issue i was having now i dont have any top bars, the ubunut ones that have the - square and x03:06
ActionParsnipra21vi: that shows all runing tasks when you run the command03:07
Jack_SparrowLaderius, compiz --replace          from terminal03:07
ra21viActionParsnip: first of all, i clearly stated that operations are to be performed in console mode. so there is no option to start gedit03:07
ActionParsnipra21vi: nano then03:07
ra21viand i dont want the list of those other suffs03:07
davitHello I was wondering if someone could tell me how the change permissions for a folder through terminal03:07
ActionParsnipra21vi: can you rephrase then please03:07
ra21viActionParsnip: i know that, or may be vi or emacs03:07
LaderiusJack_Sparrow: thanks!03:08
ActionParsnipdavit: man chmod03:08
ra21viI need list of services defined in init.d that are currently running,, didnt i say that before03:08
davitactionparsnip: ma chmod 777?03:08
davitactionparsnip: man chmod 777?03:08
RedcardOkay.  Odd question.  I'm installing Ubuntu on Vista, and resizing the Vista partition.  I've messed up , haven't I?03:08
ra21vidavit: man chmod only03:08
ActionParsnipdavit: i wouldnt use 777 unless necessary03:09
FrozenFireDoes anyone know how well CPU autoclocking is supported in Ubuntu? I have autoclocking turn on in my BIOS, but I have to wonder if it's actually working when running Ubuntu.03:09
ra21viRedcard: Installing on vista, using wubi03:09
ActionParsnipdavit: its not very secure03:09
Jack_SparrowRedcard, Actually, that is a much better choice that wubi.. from inside windows03:09
tyler_dRedcard: first mistake... vista.... second, resizing the partition... don't think it will like that 2 much03:09
Redcardtyler_d: The computer came with it, didn't have a real choice.  So how long does the resize typically take?03:09
davitactionparsnip: I need to use it to access a external drive im not being let to use or move any of them03:09
vickinha_nitQue tiPO De GeNte aiNDa eNtRa aQui¿?03:09
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:10
Dam0hello, i just got a second ip address from my provider. now i want to setup a webpage on my ubuntu ststem how do i do this?03:10
ActionParsnipdavit: how are you mounting it? try using UIDs etc to set permissions03:10
tyler_dRedcard: my concern would be what utility are you using to resize the partition?03:10
vickinha_nitoi amigos03:10
Redcardtyler_d: Guided install.03:10
tyler_dRedcard: as windows vista is pretty picky about how big it thinks it is....03:10
ActionParsnipdavit: http://www.hafenscher.net/wiki/index.php?page=Mount_USB_stick_read_and_writable_for_users03:10
davitactionparsnip: It automounts when I connect it, and when i right click on drive to change permissions says they cannot be found03:11
RedcardIt seemed to recognize it was vista, and left the loader.  I'd assume (and probabbly incorrectly) that it would have popped a warning if it thought it shouldn't be done03:11
CaneToadI have a Ubuntu install but the GRUB bootblock is erased.  What's the best plan of attack to reinstall grub for it?03:11
tyler_dRedcard: with guided it should take maybe maybe 5 minutes03:11
ActionParsnipdavit: i'd check the options its mounting with03:11
Redcardtyler_d: It's a guided resize.  It's had the "Please wait" message up for about 30 minutes03:11
con-manI LOVE LAMP03:11
ActionParsnipcon-man: I LOVE CARPET03:11
dwidmannHmm, I've changed video cards from an nvidia card (it died) an ati card, and I'm trying to figure out how to set it up so I have the right resolution on my monitors, anybody have a sample xorg.conf or 2 that I might find useful?03:12
tyler_dRedcard: thats scary, hopefully someone will confirm my course of action... restart, and ensure that vista is still in tact before trying again03:12
davitactionparsnip: How can i check it03:12
philDam0: pop open a terminal (applications -> accessories -> terminal) and type    sudo apt-get install apache2           then just put your website files in /var/www03:12
eriscoI cannot get DNS to resolve on a box on my internal LAN. Internet is shared from this computer, acting as a gateway, to the Internet. how can I start troubleshooting?03:12
tokyoaheadhi guys... is it a good idea to install a higher version of wine than the default? It seems very old (1.0.1) as opposed to the current (1.1.12)03:12
ActionParsnipdavit: run mount on its own03:12
RedcardAnyone want to confirm tyler_d's suggestion?03:13
RedcardDon't worry, won't blame ya. :)03:13
davitactionparsnip: /dev/sda1 on / type ext3 (rw,relatime,errors=remount-ro)03:13
ActionParsnipdavit: are you logged in as yourself?03:14
RedcardOh well, live and let die :)03:14
davitactionparsnip: yes03:14
travis_hello guys how do i install this theme heres the link: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Silver?content=9637003:14
ActionParsnipdavit: good, then you should be ok03:14
_dennisterhey channel, finally got my xorg.conf using my video card properly, now totem doesn't crash when starting a commercial dvd, but vlc does crash with a dvd with these settings...lol...vlc doesn't crash while playing a flash video, so it's dvd-specific03:14
_dennisteranyone know why this might happen?03:15
spenceranyway to force the v4l2 to use xine instead of gstreamer?? really not a big fan of gstreamer at all!03:15
ActionParsnipdavit: thats your / partition, not the mounted drive03:15
spencerit just somehow messed up all my stuff after my last update03:15
ActionParsnipdavit: you usb drive wil be /media/<something>03:16
omarcoCan I make my shell script do an specific action when it receives a "ctrl+c"?03:16
=== vickinha_nit is now known as barbie_cullen
x_hi there03:17
=== x_ is now known as mr_sukor
ActionParsnipomarco: it'll stop, ctrl+c == break03:17
davitactionparsnip: the folder is /media/disk03:17
ActionParsnipdavit: so what does mount say about that mounting?03:17
\kiraleonut: Your test worked03:17
titefuzzI am running wine and use a program that primarily uses the clipboard to grab copied data from a webpage.  Is there some fix for wine and the clipboard ?03:17
davitactionparsnip: /dev/sdb1 on /media/disk type ext3 (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=hal)03:18
Jack_Sparrowtitefuzz, /join #winehq03:18
ActionParsnipdavit: thats cool, ext3 is nice and friendly03:18
eriscocan anyone help me get DNS resolving on my internal network? I am not sure how to diagnose the problem at this point. I simply cannot reach the world wide web03:18
titefuzzty Jack_Sparrow03:18
omarcoActionParsnip: Only more elaborate programs can control what to do if the user presses "ctrl+c" (e.g. removing lock files)?03:18
\kiraIf I set up a tunnel, can I send more than one application through that tunnel? So rather than setting up a tunnel for xchat, then one for firefox, could I just put them both through the same tunnel?03:18
tyler_derisco: what does traceroute show you as your gateway?03:18
kitche\kira: yes03:19
tyler_derisco: alternately from term what does `route` show ?03:19
werdnumomarco: sure they can.03:19
\kirakitche: cool, thanks03:19
werdnumYou need to trap SIGINT03:19
davitactionparsnip: Its not allowing me to change or edit any files on the drive03:19
eriscotyler_d, execute these on the gateway?03:19
werdnumwhich I have no idea how to do in shell scriptish03:19
ActionParsnipdavit: i'd try sudo chmod -R 755 /media.disk03:19
_dennisterlol...spoke too soon...totem did play the dvd, but now is crashing just like vlc03:19
omarcowerdnum: but lowly shell scripts can't do that, can they?03:19
eriscotyler_d, the internal network uses HDCP03:19
ActionParsnipdavit: i'd also chown to files to your username if it intends to be a permanent fixture03:19
eriscotyler_d, HDCP*03:19
eriscotyler_d, DHCP** :P03:20
eriscotyler_d, IP addresses get assigned correctly. however, DNS does not resolve.03:20
davitactionparsnip: Cool the chmod fixed it03:20
eriscotyler_d, I have been following this: http://bigbrovar.wordpress.com/2008/12/18/how-to-share-your-internet-connection-on-ubuntu/03:20
ActionParsniperisco: can you ping IPs?03:20
goat|lappyerisco: so you can visit
davitactionparsnip: How do I use chown03:21
tyler_derisco: in a terminal paste `route` and tell me the output please, if its over 2 lines please use pastebin03:21
ActionParsnipdavit: sudo chown -R <yourusername> /media/disk03:21
_dennisteri'll be back in a few minutes folks...03:21
davitactionparsnip: Ok03:21
ActionParsnipdavit: -R == recursive03:22
eriscotyler_d, http://pastebin.ca/130205003:22
con-man!I love map | con-man03:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about I love map03:22
tyler_derisco: from the term does `ping yahoo.com` resolve? or just sit there?03:22
davitactionparsnip: Thanks youve been only one that bee able to help I been looking for a week03:22
eriscotyler_d, it just sits there03:23
ActionParsnipits a common command dude, im suprised03:23
eriscotyler_d, do you want these executed on the gateway or a computer in the internal network?03:23
spenceranyone can help me with my v4l2 issue?03:23
davitactionparsnip: Everyone else has been telling me to repartionin and stuff03:23
tyler_derisco: what do you mean by "on the gateway"?03:23
mr_sukorwhat thats03:23
eriscotyler_d, my computer is acting as the gateway to the internal network03:24
\kirahow could I trace the route a tunnel takes?03:24
spencerthat's the video 4 linux lib03:24
eriscotyler_d, as I posted the link, I am trying to share an internet connection coming over wifi with a wired network03:24
davitactionparsnip: I remembered chmod from servers i had but couldn't remember he command03:24
tyler_d\kira: install trace route03:24
kitcheerisco: by chance did you set the dhcpcd server to pass the dns servers along as well or no?03:24
ActionParsnipdavit: no need, just take ownership03:24
\kiratyler_d: I have it installed....03:24
Jack_SparrowFirst, check the ownership: Open a terminal and type cd /media ...then type... ls -la ...then, do the following, replacing “yourPartition” with the name of the partition (e.g. /sdb1)... sudo chown -R username:username /media/yourPartition  (On a live system you must create a user name first) followed by... sudo chmod -R 755 /media/yourPartition ... Finally, check to see if it worked by doing another ls -la to verify the permissi03:24
Jack_Sparrowons are set03:24
spencermr_sukor: it allow programs like amsn to use webcam.03:24
ActionParsnipdavit: should have read the man pages03:24
tyler_derisco: you need to set the gateway back to your router, judging from your post it should be
mr_sukori'm using pidgin03:24
\kiratyler_d: Im wondering how I could trace the route a tunnel on a port takes, rather than the traditional way it does it (not sure how)03:25
mr_sukorand still wait for the webcam option03:25
eriscokitche, well, in /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf there is a configuration option to specify the DNS server, and it is correct03:25
ari_stresstyler_d: why ubuntu by default install traceroute6 and not the usual traceroute?03:25
spencermr_sukor, don't hold your breath on it.03:25
ActionParsnipmr_sukor: i dont tyhink pidgin likes webcams, amsn does if you are using msn protocol03:25
spencermr_sukor, not a big fan of the whole situation with that.03:25
eriscotyler_d, that command was run on my computer though, not from a computer on the internal network03:25
Jack_SparrowActionParsnip, That factoid covers  it correctly right03:25
eriscotyler_d, should the gateway not be which is the address of this computer?03:26
kitcheari_stress: it installs both03:26
davitactionparsnip: thanks again03:26
spencermr_sukor, the lead developers of pidgin pretty much say they don't care.. we'll do it whenever we feel like it..03:26
mr_sukorthanks spencer03:26
eriscotyler_d, am I making sense?03:27
ari_stresskitche: no, i don't have ordinary traceroute by default, only traceroute6, strange03:27
mr_sukordo u know how to install amsn by using command prompt?03:27
K_DallasGood evening! Do I need to perform extra tasks for installing Ubuntu on a Vista system? (there are enough partitions for Ubuntu). This is the first time I dual boot vista with anything. XP has always been all right. Thanks03:27
omarcoIs it possible to control what a shell script would do if it receives a "CTRL+C" (e.g. removing a pseudo lock file)? Or is that only possible with more refined programs?03:27
Jack_Sparrowmr_sukor, sudo apt-get install amsn03:27
=== jewel is now known as minus18_pundit
ActionParsnipspencer: as is the case with any project03:28
snowveilwhat command do I use to list all hard drives currently connected to my system?03:28
spenceranyway, can someone help me with my v4l2 issue?03:28
ActionParsnipsnowveil: sudo fdisk -l03:28
mr_sukoris ubuntu have software like virtual drive?03:28
Jack_Sparrowsnowveil, sodu fdisk -l03:28
snowveilthanks :)03:28
\kiraK_Dallas: yes, there is extra steps to take to avoid not being able to boot into windows, or not being able to boot into ubuntu, or deleting windows by accedint. I personnally, have never done dual boot and wouldnt know, but i do know there is alot of well written tutorials online (google)03:28
ActionParsnipmr_sukor: you can mount isos in a stock system03:28
snowveilk, dev/sdc03:29
snowveilhow would I format it?03:29
mr_sukordo u mean extract it?03:29
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.03:29
spencerActionParsnip, well, yeah, but there's enuf demand, and gaim-vv does have a startup framework.. it's a good start on getting it done.03:29
RedcardWow.  I'm amazed that worked.03:29
Jack_Sparrowsnowveil, gparted03:29
K_Dallas\kira> well, I only meant extra steps due to vista being vista otherwise have done dual boot with xp, linux, ...03:29
ActionParsnipmr_sukor: you can mount it just like you mount cd drives03:30
minus18_pundithow can install the packages i have downloaded through Add/Remove. i coudn't install the packages last time due to a power outage. i've downloaded almost 140 packges.03:30
spencerActionParsnip, and don't get me started with their decision on moving to monotone as the version control.. it just make it that much less friendly to start hacking the project...03:30
\kiraK_Dallas: oh, I see. I wouldnt think there would be any extra steps, but im not the person to ask, I tried vista on a friends computer and will never go near it again.03:30
Dracie_hi, how do i get mozilla's firefox "All Downloads Are finished" dialog from covering up my gnome panel03:30
ActionParsnipspencer: i just use stuff, i dont care for any politics03:30
Jack_Sparrowminus18_pundit, are they all from our repos..03:30
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude --disable-columns --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate03:30
mr_sukorsome of windows game cant play well in ubuntu?03:30
ActionParsnipmr_sukor: the system will see the iso or the physical cd as the same03:30
savvasminus18_pundit: you go to Applications > Accessories > Terminal and execute: sudo apt-get -f install03:30
mr_sukorany ideas?03:30
ActionParsnip!appdb | mr_sukor03:30
ubottumr_sukor: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help03:30
K_Dallas\kira> ok, thanks. I continue googling ;)03:31
Jack_Sparrow!appdb > mr_sukor03:31
spencermr_sukor, goto winehq and take a look.03:31
ubottumr_sukor, please see my private message03:31
RedcardFound what I did :P  Sillyness.03:31
jessid!lan | jessid03:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lan03:31
ActionParsnipmr_sukor: theres also cedega which is paidfor software as well as crossover office (also nonfree)03:31
spencermr_sukor, search for the app, they will tell you if it's playable.. i play WoW everynight with my Ubuntu 8.10...03:31
\kiraK_Dallas: well, someone else on here might know, the only reason I pointed you to google in the first place is because I thought you were asking alot of a more basic question03:31
jessid!intranet > jessid03:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about intranet03:32
RedcardSo how many partitions should I create since I get to do this manually?03:32
spencermr_sukor, sometimes you may have to copy some files from your XP c:\windows\system32 to your .wine folder tho.. just check winehq from more info on what you wanna do03:32
Jack_SparrowRedcard, at least 303:32
K_Dallas\kira> that is all right. I am really googling and there is no shame in it :):) Thanks again03:32
Jack_SparrowRedcard, / = root  /home  and a swap at minimum03:33
ActionParsnipRedcard: you'll need a / and /swap at least, i'd suggest a sepearate one for /home too03:33
\kiraK_Dallas: no problem, good luck :)03:33
RedcardJack_Sparrow: Okay.. none of these will be at beginning of the disk.03:33
snowveilif I want this drive to be readable to both windows machines and linux, will ext2 work fine, or should I stick with fat32?03:33
minus18_punditsavvas: it installed something bbut those were not what i have downloaded last night03:33
dawany idea why Banshee would be failing to play everything in my music directory? It's all .mp3's without any form of DRM03:33
Jack_SparrowRedcard, You will probably need to create an extended partition to hold logicals if you go over 4 partitions03:33
ActionParsnipdaw: have you instaled mp3 codecs?03:33
dawoh ... well .. that would be a good reason ..... what package would I look in for those?03:34
\kirasnowveil: you cant read ex2 file systems in windows without additional software, and I would recommend fat32 if it needs to be used constantly by both operating systems. I guess it depends on how much each OS will be using it03:34
ActionParsnip!codecs | daw03:34
savvasminus18_pundit: if the packages were downloaded or not completed, the add/remove downloader will continue from where it left. So you go back to Applications > Add/Remove and check again what you wanted :)03:34
ubottudaw: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:34
Jack_Sparrowsnowveil, Just to clarify...  you cant install ubuntu on fat or ntfs03:34
\kirasnowveil: also (in case I miss-understood your question, you cant install linux on fat or ntfs03:34
snowveilthanks \kira , it's mostly for occasional transfers from my system to a friend's03:34
kc8pxyJack_Sparrow:  not even w/ wubi?03:34
savvasdaw: install the package named ubuntu-restricted-extras :)03:35
\kirasnowveil: No problem :)03:35
snowveilcorrect, this is a portable drive :)03:35
Jack_Sparrowkc8pxy, No03:35
QuagmireHello Jack_Sparrow ...I have a no new laptop that is all but 100% compatible with Ubuntu, but on to my question. I'm just not happy unless I'm trying to do something with a little challenge involved. I have executable text file that I brought over from my windows pc and I want to open it.03:35
Jack_Sparrowkc8pxy, Wubi does not install to an ntfs it creates a lvm03:35
kitchekc8pxy: since wubi installs inside of a image which has the ext* filesystem inside of it03:35
yoyit2is there any way to get a TrendNet TEW-444UB to work with ubuntu?03:35
Jack_SparrowQuagmire, setup vbox03:35
ActionParsnipyoyit2: what is it?03:36
mr_sukorjack : why my ubuntu font rendering keep changing?03:36
QuagmireJack_Sparrow,  Hmmm just look for the software and install?03:36
yoyit2ActionParsnip: its a usb wifi stick03:36
\kirain the terminal, the command 'ls', what does the color of a directory with a blue backgroun and white text mean?03:36
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox03:36
kc8pxykitche: Quagmire  just run it via wine :)03:36
Jack_SparrowQuagmire, Use synaptic and look up virtualbox03:36
ActionParsnipyoyit2: ok then run lsusb, it will give you an identifier you can websearch for03:36
Jack_SparrowQuagmire, Depending on what type of exe.. even dosbox might work03:37
yoyit2ActionParsnip: in terminal??03:37
kc8pxyQuagmire:  do you want to run windows inside your linux, (virtualbox) or run it "natively" (wine) ??03:37
ActionParsnipyoyit2: always in terminal03:37
spencerActionParsnip, i'm always having issue with gstreamer on the color being negative.. do you have any lights to shed???03:38
yoyit2ActionParsnip: so just type in "lsusb" or "sudo lsusb"??03:38
rwwJack_Sparrow: Wubi doesn't create an lvm. It creates a loopback file system inside a file in the ntfs partition. I think you got your L-jargon mixed up ;)03:38
ActionParsnipyoyit2: lsusb03:38
ActionParsnipyoyit2: you dont need sudo for every terminal command03:38
Jack_Sparrowrww, thanks'03:38
yoyit2ActionParsnip: ok so it says "now firmware"?03:38
Jack_Sparrowrww, I wont use or recommend it since it was part of a crash that wiped out my ntfs and windows03:38
yoyit2ActionParsnip: **no03:39
yoyit2ActionParsnip: any other ideas?03:39
ActionParsnipyoyit2: can you give a pastebin of lsusb03:39
ActionParsnip!paste | yoyit203:39
ubottuyoyit2: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)03:39
minus18_punditi want to back all my downloaded package through aptoncd. but aptoncd only shows 350 mb sized packages. i have downloaded 10 times more then that. how can have all my packages llisted in aptoncd?03:39
kc8pxyrrw: it makes a file to be a loopback ext3 fs, and simply loads the fs loopback from within the ntfs it can ntfs-3g??? :)03:39
QuagmireJack_Sparrow, there are a bunch of them to choose from (virtualbox) which one is likely the better one for me? 8.10 32 bit version installed03:39
yoyit2ActionParsnip: can you send me a link03:39
ActionParsnipyoyit2: ubottu just gave you it03:39
rwwkc8pxy: that sounds like an accurate description, yes03:40
GalaxorHi.  I've got a thinkpad R61.  One day, my computer lost the ability to suspend when I close the lid.  Instead, it ... freezes?  How do I go about restoring this or at least debugging it?  I shut the computer, and the "sleep light" never starts blinking, and the fan never turns off.  When I open it back up, I've got a blank screen and the only thing I can do is forcibly shut off the computer.03:40
rwwkc8pxy: I don't recommend it either, I just know quite a lot from when I used to use it.03:40
candiveHi all, Help please, hooked pc to 42 inch plasma changed resolution mistake . now i cannot change screen res back too big for my screen. what is command in terminal to change resolution back to 1154x864?03:40
ubottuFUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE.  Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here:  http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems03:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gstreamer03:40
spenceranyone can help me on configuring gstreamer?03:40
savvasspencer: what do you mean?03:41
QuagmireI'm not trying to run windows ...I just have a executable text file that I'm trying to get open03:41
Jack_SparrowQuagmire,  I installed virtualbox-ose virtualbox-ose-source vboxgtk and virtualbox-ose-guest-utils03:41
kc8pxyrww: doesn't that mean that if a user screws the windows, with an unclean shutdown, you will have a read-only ubuntu fs(AT BEST)??03:41
savvasQuagmire: text files open with Applications > Accessories > Text editor03:41
ActionParsnipyoyit2: http://paste.ubuntu.com03:41
spencerthe hue is stuck with a value of 0, and cannot be changed so the movies are at best looking like a negative image03:41
earthmeLonI drag and drop an item onto AWN but it doesnt add the launcher/shortcut.  Any tips?03:41
wolidoes anybody own an xps m1530 laptop with intrepid ibex?03:42
yoyit2ActionParsnip: it should be there03:42
ActionParsnipyoyit2: paste text in there, hit paste, give us the page yu go to03:42
yoyit2ActionParsnip: just pasted it03:42
rwwkc8pxy: I think that might be the case, yes. Not sure, though.03:42
woliI want to know if it is a 64-bit or 32-bit system..03:42
ActionParsnipyoyit2: we need the new address you go to03:42
Jack_SparrowQuagmire, vbox will have you install windows inside vbox..  Is the file something that I can test for you03:42
yoyit2ActionParsnip: haha, my bad... http://paste.ubuntu.com/101447/03:42
minus18_pundithow can a back up all my downloaded packges using aptoncd. aptoncd isn't showing all the packages. it just shows a total of 350 mb. but i have download 10 times more then that03:42
savvasspencer: have you tried with some other players except totem (Movie Player)? Like mplayer ?03:42
ActionParsnipyoyit2: thanks03:42
rwwwoli: what CPU/processor does it have?03:42
* kc8pxy puts another undeline under "DO NOT DO THIS" next to wubi on his personal checklist.03:43
dewaardMy performance is really off and I think that is due to graphics issues. While memory use is low (I have several GB of free RAM) and the CPU isn't very busy either the interface is slow and often hangs for a few seconds before an action is performed (like opening a new tab in firefox). Also, video playback is rusty. I have an nvidia 8800 GT with the nvidia-glx-177 driver (I've tried downgrading to 173 but didn't help). I've tried several03:43
dewaardthings so far,  including browsing the logs, but no luck yet. Does anyone have any pointers as to where I could look for a solution?03:43
wolirww, is Core 2 Duo enough?03:43
ActionParsnipyoyit2: looks like it uses ndiswrapper03:43
spencersavvas, anything that uses gstreamer as the video lib will have the same issue.. but if i switch to totem-xine and it works perfect..03:43
rwwwoli: Yeah. All Intel Core 2 processors can run either 32-bit or 64-bit; your choice.03:43
ActionParsnipyoyit2: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-684611.html03:43
spencersavvas, did some google search, some people have the issue the other way around.03:43
wolirww, which do you recommend me?03:43
xavieranHow can I stop ubuntu from doing a disk check at bootup?03:43
mr_sukorjack sparrow : why my font rendering keep changing itself?03:43
Jack_Sparrowxavieran, Not a good idea03:43
savvasminus18_pundit: Whatever aptoncd shows, that's what you've downloaded (unless you've used the apt-get autoclean or apt-get clean command, which would remove all downloaded cached packages). Unfortunately with the power outage it means some data was lost.03:44
xavieranJack_Sparrow:  I disk check when I want to... not when my computer wants to...03:44
savvasspencer: no idea, sorry :\03:44
rwwwoli: 1) How much memory/RAM does the computer have? 2) Do you use it for specialized stuff like scientific computation, high-end video editing, etc?03:44
QuagmireJack_Sparrow, you sure can test it out ...its a tiny file03:44
Jack_Sparrowxavieran, It is ill advised to turn it off03:44
dewaardI think it might not be the driver but the window manager that isn't working properly, but I'm not sure how to prove or disprove that.03:44
wolirww, it has 4gb ram, and the toughest things I use are 3D games.03:45
ActionParsnip!ndiswrapper | yoyit203:45
Jack_SparrowQuagmire, Find a place where I can grab it online03:45
ubottuyoyit2: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:45
rwwxavieran: it's not recommended, but you can turn it off by opening /etc/fstab and changing the last option on each line from 1 to 0.03:45
spencersavvas, i'll try other gstreamer codec and see if that helps :(03:45
mr_sukorjack sparrow : why my font rendering keep changing?03:45
kc8pxyxavieran:  tune2fs -c 0 /dev/of/root, but i second Jack_Sparrow.  it's not wise for most users.03:45
xavieranThanks rww03:45
wolirww, is 64-bit faster?03:45
CaptainMorganwoli, of course03:45
xavierankc8pxy:  I know what I'm doing, don't worry :)03:45
earthmeLonTo add items to AWN, create a launcher somewhere other than the desktop, then drag and drop it onto AWN03:45
woliWhat are the cons of using 64-bit?03:45
ActionParsnipCaptainMorgan: only in certain cases, not always faster03:46
CaptainMorganespcially woli if you're using 3d03:46
rwwwoli: You probably won't notice much difference. The only thing is that most 32-bit Operating Systems (including Ubuntu by default) can't address more than 3.something GB of memory.03:46
ActionParsnipwoli: encoding music etc is much faster03:46
epoxyI have a Ubuntu 8.04 box locking up on my a lot lately. It locks and the keyboard lights flash. I have looked in all logs, but there is -nothing- logged that shows failure.  any ideas on what I should look at?03:46
Jack_Sparrowkc8pxy, Famous last words03:46
CaptainMorganActionParsnip, of course, why did you feel the need to educate me?03:46
wolirww, how much ram can 64bit systems address?03:46
savvaswoli: you're stuck at blazing speeds, fast programs and very good performance - other than that, maybe your java won't work properly03:46
ActionParsnipCaptainMorgan: its not automatically faster in all cases03:47
=== lacita_ is now known as quilr
rwwwoli: way, way more than you'll ever have.03:47
Greencoat1982can someone point me to the 64 bit ubuntu room?03:47
CaptainMorganActionParsnip, did I say it was?03:47
=== quilr is now known as lacita__
rwwGreencoat1982: there isn't a separate 64-bit room. Do you have a support question?03:47
wolirww, lol.. that sounds pretty evil03:47
savvas2^64 bytes :)03:47
rwwwoli: it's several thousand GB, I think03:47
kc8pxywoli:  last time i checked, my amd64 kernel compiles showed 64GB adressable  as an option.03:47
CaptainMorganActionParsnip, he brought up 3D, hence my response03:47
ActionParsnipCaptainMorgan: (03:45:42) woli: rww, is 64-bit faster?03:47
ActionParsnip(03:45:55) CaptainMorgan: woli, of course03:47
CaptainMorganActionParsnip, and what is the problem?03:47
ActionParsnipCaptainMorgan: oic, my bad03:47
ActionParsnipCaptainMorgan: apologies03:47
CaptainMorganActionParsnip, cheers03:48
PeoplesAdvocateOk this is my problem, i keep forgetting on how to add my ssh keys to the authorized_keys file. I have my keys in  username/.ssh/mykey.pub i want to put it in authorized_keys to use when i log in on from remote client. How do I add it to log in  as username@host?03:48
mintsoupyoutube redirects to the french version of the site on this computer running ubuntu and no others on my network.  why is it doing this terribly annoying thing and how can i fix it (I am in the US..)03:48
ActionParsnipCaptainMorgan: are you from teh UK03:48
minus18_punditsavvas: amarok, audacity, etc are installed. llike these, many installed software are not being listed in aptoncd03:48
woliwhat, besides java malfunction, is bad about 64bit ubuntu?03:48
Greencoat1982yes I just upgraded my mother board and cpu toa amd64 athlon 5600 and I want to upgrade my os to 64 bit too, however it won;'t recognize any boot cd's03:48
CaptainMorganActionParsnip, that kind of convo will be in ubuntu-offtopic ;)03:48
ActionParsnipwoli: in my experience, thats it03:48
NEWK2Hey, I just installed Ubuntu on my brothers laptop but WiFi doesn't work. What's the deal?03:48
candiveHi all, is there a command in terminal to restore my screen resolution to 1152x86403:48
rwwwoli: Flash, Java, Wine, and everything else work fine for me on 64-bit Ubuntu. Some people have problems with them though.03:48
ActionParsnipCaptainMorgan: on my way03:48
Greencoat1982I've already made sure my bios is in the right boot order03:48
wolirww, which is your processor?03:49
ActionParsnipCaptainMorgan: its a qq03:49
Koleok.. finally taking the leap to linux... now I want to install it on a laptop... will I have any driver issues (my wifi, graphics card etc)?03:49
rohitsensationfor wifi update your ubuntu03:49
rwwwoli: Intel Core 2 Quad Q660003:49
kc8pxyGreencoat1982:  what does it say when you try a 64-bit installer cd?03:49
NEWK2It's the latest one!03:49
kitcheKole: depends on your hardware the laptop has03:49
NEWK2It's 8.1003:49
rww!hcl | Kole03:49
ubottuKole: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection03:49
wolirww, that sounds like some sort of satanic apocalyptic thing03:49
wolirww, how many ghz?03:49
rohitsensationonce u update ur ubuntu it will give u options for non gnu drivers just instal them ur wifi will work03:50
Greencoat1982nothing the cursorjust blinks and then goes to grub03:50
rwwwoli: 2.4Hz per core03:50
Kolethanks rww - so it SHOULD detect automaticly though?03:50
NEWK2Bad ass!03:50
CaptainMorganKole, time will tell... but how will you know if you don't take the plunge? But before doing so, review the HCL03:50
NEWK2I'll try that03:50
rwwKole: depends on your hardware03:50
FloodBot1NEWK2: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:50
kitcheNEWK2: probably the wifi is not supported fully if at all03:50
CaptainMorgan!HCL | Kole03:50
ubottuKole: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection03:50
unavailablerww, is that anything like an optigigadualcorepro?03:50
savvasminus18_pundit: as said, with the power outage some data was probably lost. It's not my nor your fault. If you want to downlaod them again, just purge the installed packages and reinstall03:50
kc8pxyGreencoat1982:  can you force it int eh bootorder to NOT boot, unless from cd?03:50
rohitsensationna all wifi are supported03:50
KoleI just know very little about linux... other then what ive done on my eeepc03:50
rohitsensationur must be  a broadcom wifi harware03:50
kitcheCaptainMorgan: no need to give him that twice now :)03:50
Greencoat1982do you mean with bios?03:50
rohitsensationits definately supported i'm currently using it03:51
Koleim kind of excited and frighteend at the same time :P03:51
CaptainMorgankitche, ? that was a courtesy03:51
Greencoat1982I have the boot order set to the dvd rom03:51
rwwKole: I'd recommend grabbing an Ubuntu LiveCD and booting from it. If it works on there, it should work after you install it.03:51
Jack_Sparrow!training > Quagmire03:51
ubottuQuagmire, please see my private message03:51
woliKole, thats just about normal.03:51
KoleId rather take the full plunge03:51
kitcheCaptainMorgan: just that was given a few minutes before you did it just don't want to scare people away03:51
Koleits what i do03:51
Greencoat1982ah I see what you mean I';ll go try and be back in a few mniutes03:51
woliKole, you might wanna learn right about partitioning03:51
CaptainMorgankitche, didn't see that.. oops03:51
Kolei know partitioning03:52
yoyit2Isusb is for 8.10 right?? so what is it for 8.04????????????????????/03:52
PeoplesAdvocateOk this is my problem, i keep forgetting on how to add my ssh keys to the authorized_keys file. I have my keys in  username/.ssh/mykey.pub i want to put it in authorized_keys to use when i log in on from remote client. How do I add it to log in  as username@host?03:52
Kolethats not a problem03:52
ActionParsnipKole: if its not natively supported you can use ndiswrapper + xp driver03:52
woliKole, I can give you council, if you need.03:52
CaptainMorgankitche, given to him?03:52
unavailablekole   just wait till you decide to go to #ubuntu+1 ...03:52
woli!who | Kole03:52
CaptainMorgankitche, oops :)03:52
ubottuKole: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)03:52
rohitsensationndiswrapper is complicated03:52
Kolehave to partition to use windows ;)03:52
ActionParsnipyoyit2: same thing, its the same in all *nix's03:52
luckyoneI am having issues with my HD display "filling the entire screen", there are black bars around my desktop on my display03:52
ubottuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.03:52
yoyit2ActionParsnip: cuz it says "comand not found"03:53
unavailablekole I just had to battle with a homebuilt nvidia-glx-177 that uninstalled xorg and wouldnt let me apt-get remove it03:53
mr_sukorcaptain : before this i'm using samsung printer after that i'm using hp laserjet03:53
mr_sukorbut the hp wont work as samsung03:53
mr_sukorany idea?03:53
ActionParsnipyoyit2: lsusb (ell ess you ess bee)03:53
dawminor irritation -- my ubuntu splash screen disappears and I get a string of information about what services are being started up. Is this normal or did I break something?03:53
Koleso how much of a partition should i give ubuntu?03:53
CaptainMorgansorry.. mr_sukor are you talking to me? I don't see a captain listed...03:53
mr_sukoryes captain03:54
rww!tab | mr_sukor03:54
ubottumr_sukor: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.03:54
Koleim asking anyone in general :)03:54
mr_sukorCaptainMorgan: yes03:54
CaptainMorganmr_sukor, please use tab complete if your client allows it... and secondly I missed your original question, please repeat(with tab completion :))03:54
unavailablekole give it what you are comfortable with.03:54
CaptainMorganmr_sukor, thanks03:54
Kolewhats the min it needs?03:54
yoyit2https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessBroadcastSystem ActionParsnip03:54
kitchedaw: can be normal if you press a button during bootup but yes that information it shows you is what linux really looks like when booting03:54
unavailablekole but if you're not using vista to partition it, I would suggest defragging in windows03:54
yoyit2ActionParsnip: but some of it i dont get03:54
mr_sukorCaptainMorgan: so can i solve that?03:54
minus18_punditsavvas: is there anyother way to back up installed software? i want to include the codecs, the drivers.03:55
yoyit2ActionParsnip:  sudo iwconfig ath0 essid "my network" mode Master enc off03:55
KoleIm gonna partition as I format03:55
yoyit2ActionParsnip:  ath0 doesnt wotk03:55
ActionParsnipyoyit2: if you run the first command you will reduce security on your system03:55
rwwKole: 4GB, including swap space. I'd recommend at least 8GB, plus space for any other stuff you know you'll need space for (music, etc.)03:55
unavailablekole aah.  i gave mine 2003:55
CaptainMorganmr_sukor, please re-ask or rephrase the original question - with as much detail in one line as is permissible03:55
savvasKole: 8GB at least, you'll be more than fine with 15GB root ("/"), 2GB swap and the rest to your /home03:55
ActionParsnipyoyit2: if you havent configured the wifi you won't have an ath003:55
Kolewhat if I just give it everything?03:55
Kolefull 160 gig?03:56
mr_sukorCaptainMorgan: my printer didnt work after i change to the new printer03:56
unavailablekole why not??03:56
yoyit2ActionParsnip: k.... REALLY new to ubuntu, but how do i get this to work?? i really need a walk through03:56
unavailablekole  if you dont care about windows03:56
ActionParsnipyoyit2: for your usb adapter you need to use ndiswrapper + the xp32 or XP64 driver03:56
rwwKole: that would work too. Mine has 237GB right now and is using about 4% of it03:56
PeoplesAdvocateKole:you can but what if you want to reinstall the os? you will lose all your home stuff03:56
Kolemore space for music and movies03:56
ActionParsnipyoyit2: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper03:56
unavailablekole you may wish to look in to seperating / and /home03:57
KoleIve been using this as a work/home computer... but screw it, im gonna make it an only home computer and use the comp they give me at work03:57
CaptainMorganmr_sukor, we're going to need a little more detail than that.. but being vague in the answering, maybe check to see if it's set to default.. and by "didn't work" what didn't actually work? did it not print? did it not power on? etc03:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about detail03:57
Ademanegad, my brand new lenovo has a stuck pixel...03:57
akioCaptainMorgan: try this: non-standard mode setting for a framebuffer console (1024x600) on a 945gm - I have run gtf and cvt but I don't know where that information is useful. need guidance!03:57
* unavailable wonders if anyone can point out the goods of seperating / and /home 03:58
unavailablefor kole03:58
mr_sukorCaptainMorgan: before this i'm using samsung, and its work perfectly03:58
PeoplesAdvocateKole:if you have the whole hard drive this is what i did (/boot, /, /home, swap03:58
* CaptainMorgan is getting strange interference in here...03:58
mr_sukorCaptainMorgan: then i buy a new one, HP laser jet03:58
ActionParsnipunavailable: create and format a partition, add its line to /etc/fstab to mount it as /home03:58
CaptainMorganakio, huh?03:58
CaptainMorganakio, why do I need to try that/03:58
mr_sukorCaptainMorgan: but this laser jet wont print anything03:59
ActionParsnipunavailable: then copy the data over to the partition for the existing users03:59
bd0117792having /home on a separate partition is good if you re-install...it keeps your settings and everything03:59
akioCaptainMorgan: you said to put as much info into one line as possible, i tried03:59
rohitsensationwhich laser jet do u have03:59
CaptainMorganmr_sukor, so go back to samsung if that's your fancy... does the HP get recognized at least?03:59
Koleoh i forgot to ask03:59
mr_sukorCaptainMorgan: i've set it to defaut and insert the correct driver.. do u have any idea?03:59
savvasmr_sukor: HP model and number?03:59
Kolehow much script work is involved with ubuntu... or is it totally graphical?03:59
akioCaptainMorgan: I am trying to get textmode to work on a 1024x600 screen03:59
minus18_pundit is there anyother way other then aptoncd to back up installed software? i want to include the codecs, the drivers.03:59
CaptainMorganakio, but I don't recall talking with you, kindly.. so I'm not sure as to your problem04:00
mr_sukorCaptainMorgan: yes it recognize as well04:00
unavailablekole depends on what you use it for.04:00
CaptainMorganakio, that's an area I'm not familiar with, but I'm sure someone else will help you ;)04:00
mr_sukorsavvas: hp laser jet 102004:00
Kolewell im a writer ( commercials etc) I do web design and want to use it for music and videos04:00
unavailablekole mostly graphical but can get into the CLI04:00
unavailablekole and plus the CLI is fun04:00
CaptainMorganmr_sukor, so it's recognized.. did you check the cabling?04:00
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal04:00
mr_sukorCaptainMorgan: yes i've check it all04:01
akioCaptainMorgan: who would you suggest?04:01
jp_sf!search help04:01
ubottuFound: frostwire, tty, java-#kubuntu, moblock, help, binarydriver, burners, usplash, themes, keyboard04:01
Dracie_anyone here use mobileme?04:01
CaptainMorganakio, repeat the original question every 5-10 minutes, since this channel moves fast - but not shorter than that04:01
savvasmr_sukor: is it connected on your machine through USB?04:01
jp_sf!search frostfire04:01
CaptainMorganmaybe even 15 minutes04:01
KoleIm kind of sad that I wont be able to use chrome anymore :P04:01
akioubottu: framebuffer04:01
ubottuInformation about changing your framebuffer modes in GRUB can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer#grub04:01
CaptainMorgandepending on movement04:01
mr_sukorsavvas: yes by USB04:02
ActionParsnip!gnutella | jp_sf04:02
ubottujp_sf: Gnutella clients: GTK-Gnutella (GTK, stand-alone), gifTui, giFToxic (GTK, based on giFT), Apollon (KDE, based on giFT), mldonkey-gui (GTK, based on MLDonkey), KMLDonkey (KDE, based on MLDonkey), !Limewire, !Frostwire (Java, not in the !repositories) - See also !P2P04:02
kitcheKole: sure you would be able to but no clue why you would want to anyways04:02
Kolewell its only windows right now04:02
unavailable!medibuntu | kole04:02
ubottukole: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org04:02
Koleill just be happy with firefox04:02
mr_sukorsavvas: i use the same way as i connect the samsung before04:02
savvasmr_sukor: your printer is supported: http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/models/laserjet/hp_laserjet_1020.html - go to Ubuntu menu Applications > Accessories > Terminal and execute: sudo hp-setup04:02
DetraHey ... I have on this computer installed anthy direct (japanese input) and firefox ... But suddenly yesterday, everytime I turn on anthy, firefox freezes ... It has never done that till now ... any has an idea why and how to fix it ?04:03
savvasmr_sukor: It will ask you for your password, type it there and press Enter04:03
unavailablekole  for multimedia applications you may wish to see medibuntu and  the like04:03
techsupporthow can i install man package ?04:03
techsupportto read manuals04:03
savvasmr_sukor: then allow it to download from the internet an add-on or firmware.. whatever it calls it, that should fix it04:03
mosnowhat is default in ubuntu: beagle or tracker?04:03
Kolewell i assume ubuntu comes with an mp3 and basic video player?04:03
mr_sukorsavvas: ok thanks :)04:04
dawKole actually, as I just found out, it does not. mp3 is a restricted format so you have install the codecs, they aren't there by default04:04
DetraHey ... I have on this computer installed anthy direct (japanese input) and firefox ... But suddenly yesterday, everytime I turn on anthy, firefox freezes ... It has never done that till now ... any has an idea why and how to fix it ?04:04
techsupporthow can i update ubuntu server 8.10?04:04
savvasmr_sukor: np :)04:04
Kolecodec easy to find?04:04
unavailablehey techsupport you ever figure out that problem with the node not seeing a specific share?04:05
dawKole sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras04:05
savvasKole: Applications > Add/remove... > Show "all AVAILABLE applications" > Search: ubuntu restricted extras04:05
techsupportunavailable, nope04:05
unavailabletechsupport: well i still havent figured out how to get my vista to see my xp either...  ubuntu sees it fine though04:06
vasslerHello, Just installed ubuntu 8.10, cannot get internet connection04:06
erossdoes anyone know about using QUOTE SITE NOSTRIP for FTP, please PM me04:06
mlopezqckole: easier than easy, just try to play something with a codec you dont have and ubuntu will search it for u04:06
Koledaw - and thats it?04:06
savvasKole: tick the checkbox next to it and apply changes, that should provide you with enough restricted stuff to view/listen to your media :)04:06
Kolewhy is it restricted?04:06
NEWK2ok, now what exactly do I have to do again?04:06
vasslerAny idea ideas?04:06
unavailableKole: not opensource04:06
dawKole -- it is not a true free format04:06
techsupportunavailable, my vista sees my xp fine04:06
darkhamsome mpd user?04:06
nitrohaxhello can anyone help me with a dvd player question?04:06
techsupportunavailable, i didnt have to do anything04:06
spasticteapotDoes anyone know how to run a " .run " file?04:07
mlopezqcvassler: how do you normally connect?04:07
unavailabletechsupport: mine did at one time, but then i had to lock down my pc's04:07
spasticteapotI downloaded Enemy Territory, and don't know what to do with what I downloaded.04:07
Koleohhh ok04:07
unavailabletechsupport: guess i did too good of a job huh?04:07
savvasKole: because it's restricted, no source and patent protected/copyrighted/whatever. :)04:07
dawKole - the explanation is found here: http://www.ubuntu.com/community/ubuntustory/philosophy04:07
DetraHey ... I have on this computer installed anthy direct (japanese input) and firefox ... But suddenly yesterday, everytime I turn on anthy, firefox freezes ... It has never done that till now ... any has an idea why and how to fix it ?04:07
* spikebike wonders if he will regret migrating from ubuntu 32bit desktop to ubuntu 64bit desktop04:08
spikebikeso far the java plugin has been the most painful04:08
mr_sukorsavvas: my printer processing but it wont print04:08
NEWK2ok, I just installed Ubuntu but wifi doesn't work04:08
Koleis there a good rocket dock like program for ubuntu?04:08
savvasspikebike: which one? the sun java plugin from Applications > Add/Remove... works fine :)04:09
NEWK2someone said something about updating it, but what exactly do I do?04:09
spikebikesavvas for 64 bit?04:09
jp_sfKole: most of the MP3 player are unlicensed  and infringing different patents04:09
savvasspikebike: er.. no :p but it might work04:09
Kolerocket dock isint mp304:09
DetraHey ... I have on this computer installed anthy direct (japanese input) and firefox ... But suddenly yesterday, everytime I turn on anthy, firefox freezes ... It has never done that till now ... any has an idea why and how to fix it ?04:09
Koleit just displays icons of the programs you have04:09
spikebikesavvas ya, I don't think that works yet04:09
darkhami would compile gmpc 0.17.0 in ubuntu intrepid and compiling i've a message of libglade-2.0 needed. nothing in synaptic, i've downloaded this in gnome site, but compiling i've an error04:09
darkhamsomeone can help me?04:10
savvasspikebike: never tried it on 64-bit (never had to)04:10
spikebikehttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1016014 that one is the one I'm trying now04:10
spasticteapotHow much of a headache would I be in if I wanted to install 64-bit ubuntu?04:10
worldcitizen!ask | darkham04:10
ubottudarkham: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:10
nitrohaxcan anyone tell me why when i try to play advd it tells me it can read from source?04:10
dawNEWK2 can you hook up your computer to the internet or only have wifi?04:10
savvasmr_sukor: shut down your printer - then shut down your computer. Power on your printer and power on your computer. Check it then.04:10
NEWK2daw: yes04:10
NEWK2It's online with a cable  right now04:10
DetraHey ... I have on this computer installed anthy direct (japanese input) and firefox ... But suddenly yesterday, everytime I turn on anthy, firefox freezes ... It has never done that till now ... any has an idea why and how to fix it ?04:10
dawNEWK2 go to System->Update Manager and get all the current updates installed04:10
NEWK2that's it?04:11
erossspikebike - 64bit is looking better and better, my only complaint is freebasic doesn't compile 64bit code, and if you want to develop in 32bit it's best to have a 32bit partition04:11
dawNEWK2 sorry System->Administration->Update Manager04:11
NEWK2that's actually what i was gonna try04:11
mr_sukorsavvas: warning: hp-testpage should not be run as root.04:11
NEWK2I'll try that04:11
spikebikeeross or a 32bit virtual machine ;-)04:11
mr_sukorsavvas: is this the problem?04:11
dawNEW2k well, if it's just an update issue, that'll get you updated, but if it's more than that there may be other things you'll need to do04:11
savvasmr_sukor: hold a sec04:11
ian_1975can some one help me04:11
erosstrue, but 32 vm doesn't support opengl, does it?04:11
spikebikeflash however "just worked"04:11
spikebikeeross yes04:12
DetraHey ... I have on this computer installed anthy direct (japanese input) and firefox ... But suddenly yesterday, everytime I turn on anthy, firefox freezes ... It has never done that till now ... any has an idea why and how to fix it ?04:12
dawNEWK2 you might also try: sudo apt-get install wireless-tools04:12
savvasmr_sukor: execute this command in terminal: sudo adduser $USER lp04:12
manzurhello my friends i get this error when turning off my computer, why? http://www.ubuntu-es.org/index.php?q=node/7731404:13
savvasmr_sukor: and this command: sudo adduser $USER lpadmin04:13
mr_sukordaw : what is the best way to make a partition for my ubuntu?04:13
savvasmr_sukor: then do as I told you, power off printer then computer, then power them on04:13
DetraHey ... I have on this computer installed anthy direct (japanese input) and firefox ... But suddenly yesterday, everytime I turn on anthy, firefox freezes ... It has never done that till now ... any has an idea why and how to fix it ?04:13
manzurhello my friends i get this error when turning off my computer, why? halt: unable to iterate IDE devices: no such file or directory04:13
erossdoes an FTP server need to be set up with a SITE NOSTRIP on installation, to be able to use the site nostrip option?04:13
vasslerMy friend just installed ubuntu 8.10, cannot get internet connection configured right.. any ideas?04:13
manzurdo u know?04:13
vasslerIts a laptop computer04:14
Zombie_Gazver Zombie_Gaz04:14
manzurhello my friends i get this error when turning off my computer, why? halt: unable to iterate IDE devices: no such file or directory04:14
mr_sukorsavvas: x@x-desktop:~$ sudo adduser $user lp04:14
mr_sukoradduser: The user `lp' already exists.04:14
mr_sukorx@x-desktop:~$ sudo adduser $user lpadmin04:14
mr_sukoradduser: The group `lpadmin' already exists.04:14
FloodBot1mr_sukor: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:14
mlopezqcvassler: he connects with an analog modem?04:14
nitrohaxi've looked all over the help site for ubuntu still hasn't helped me. can nay one help me with a  dvd problem04:14
DetraHey ... I have on this computer installed anthy direct (japanese input) and firefox ... But suddenly yesterday, everytime I turn on anthy, firefox freezes ... It has never done that till now ... any has an idea why and how to fix it ?04:14
savvasmr_sukor: i said $USER - case sensitive04:14
bazhang!give me a test04:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about give me a test04:14
manzurbazhang: hello my friends i get this error when turning off my computer, why? halt: unable to iterate IDE devices: no such file or directory04:15
DetraHey ... I have on this computer installed anthy direct (japanese input) and firefox ... But suddenly yesterday, everytime I turn on anthy, firefox freezes ... It has never done that till now ... any has an idea why and how to fix it ?04:15
savvasbazhang: A test eh? What is the first artery that exits the heart? :P04:15
pdtpatri3kDetra .. you might want to uninstall and reinstall it04:16
pdtpatri3kbut before you do that .. run sudo apt-get update first04:16
pdtpatri3kand then continue04:16
mr_sukorsavvas :  what is the best to make a partition on 20GB HDD?04:16
Detrapdtpatri3k, I tried both uninstalling ff and anthy and reinstalling both ... Didn't help ...04:17
spikebikecool works04:17
manzurhello my friends i get this error when turning off my computer, why? halt: unable to iterate IDE devices: no such file or directory04:17
* spikebike recommends http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1016014 for 64 bit folks wanting java plugins04:17
temppyDetra: try creating another user account, and see if it works there04:17
unavailablethe first septal branch04:17
savvasmr_sukor: using gparted: sudo apt-get install gparted ..and then go to System > Administration > Partition Editor04:17
savvasmr_sukor: if the hard drive is in use by the system, then you won't be able to partition it, you have to use and boot from the Live CD for that04:18
unavailable!hello | ian_197504:18
ubottuian_1975: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!04:18
ian_1975Ineed help04:18
DaveDixonIII cannot see the bottom of my Ubuntu when i Java VNC.04:18
Detratemppy, Well, it works with everything else ... its only ff that freezes ...04:19
unavailableDaveDixonII: you mean the bottom of the workspace?04:19
mr_sukorsavvas: i'm trying to set it as boot, home and to store some file04:19
DaveDixonIIunavailable: I can see everything except the bottom bar.04:19
JoesephHi. I'm thinking about setting up a simple ssh server for my ubuntu machine. I'd like to use it to download files while I am on a remote windows desktop.   Is this what ssh should be used for?04:20
temppyDetra: mk, I figured that04:20
ian_1975can anyone help04:20
temppy!ask > ian_197504:20
ubottuian_1975, please see my private message04:20
Detratemppy, so you would still recommend to try another user ?04:21
mr_sukorian_1975: what help04:21
DaveDixonIIJoeseph: SSH allows you to control your computer via terminal only04:21
mr_sukorian_1975: about what04:21
ian_1975I am tring to connect with a network irc.pitbull-chat.com04:21
ian_1975but I cannot04:21
tuntunHi. My scanner (Canon MPC200) is detected with "sane-find-scanner", but xsane does not detect it. What must I do?04:21
mr_sukorian_1975: use the command as u use in irc04:22
ian_1975I dont know irc04:22
JoesephDaveDixonII: What are you trying to tell me?  I realize that transferring files would be done via terminal.   I was just wondering if ssh would be the most secure and practical use for what I want to do.04:22
unavailableian_1975: your on irc...04:22
ian_1975no aa web chat,04:22
ra21vihow do i know in which level I am in04:22
ian_1975but want to connect via xchat04:22
unavailableirc://irc.pitbull-chat.com  ?04:23
unavailable^^click it04:23
mr_sukorian_1975: i think irc is the same thing like webchat04:23
ian_1975nothing happens when i click04:23
DaveDixonIIunavailable: ?04:24
DaveDixonIIunavailable: I can see everything except the bottom bar.04:24
savvasian_1975: open that url/link in your internet browser04:24
eseven73anyone know the channel for Puppy linux? i went to #puppy but theres only 2 users04:24
z28Joeseph: install openssh-server on ubuntu, and run puTTY and pscp from windows to control ubuntu and or transfer files. ssh includes scp, pscp is a windows scp port.04:24
mr_sukoreseven73: there's 3 including u04:25
kc8pxyi know this question will send red-flags a mile high, but i can't seem to get it working on my own.04:25
tuntunHi. My scanner (Canon MPC200) is detected with "sane-find-scanner", but xsane does not detect it. What must I do?04:25
mr_sukorhi tuntun04:25
mr_sukoras savvas04:25
eseven73mr_sukor: well a min ago there was 2 users me being the 3rd :/04:25
mr_sukorask savvas04:25
pyraki need help deciphering this statement:  "  1. Make sure ghc (or ghc.exe) is in your PATH environment."04:26
darkhamsome mpd user?04:26
pyrakPATH environment?04:26
darkhamand gmpc user?04:26
nbeebothere exists so many jerks in this world04:26
Joesephz28: Thanks, I'll try to find a portable putty (so I can run it off of my flashdrive, and access my computer from anywhere).04:26
bazhangnbeebo, ??04:26
savvaseseven73: http://www.puppylinux.org/wiki/archives/old-wikka-wikki/categorydocumentation/puppylinuxirc04:26
darkhamplease query me04:26
albechI am still experiencing the 'flicker' in 8.10 that is described in this thread: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24/+bug/164589 but the fix mentioned here that fixed it for me in 7.10 and 8.04 where editing /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-kernel-nkc refer to a file that doesnt exist.. Any ideas?04:26
eseven73ty savvas04:26
unavailableDaveDixonII i have no clue honestly04:26
unavailablepyrak: path is a systemvariable04:26
ispmikeeseven73: try #puppylinux04:26
pyrakunavailable, so how do i alter it?04:27
pyrakjust "PATH = '/path/and/stuff' ?04:27
kc8pxyI'm trying to get aircrack-ng to work, and when i follow the howto's, it keeps telling we that it can't put my atheros card can't be put in monitor mode. I've personally put this card in master mode to use as a WAP, so i know it SHOUDL be able to do this also..   is there something ubunt-specific that is goofing me here?04:27
=== GodTodd_ is now known as GodTodd
nirivenkc8pxy, ndiswrapper?04:27
romegaHi, my sound isn't working on applications / volume mixer.  It's an onboard USB chip that works when I modprobe snd-usb-audio and do a speaker-test but no GUI app seems to be able to use it04:27
unavailablepyrak  http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-969.html04:27
Joesephspeaking of encryption, is it safe to login in on any computer if the private key is kept on a flashdrive, instead of on a single computer?04:27
Joesephusing ssh04:27
histokc8pxy, Does that cards drivers support packet injection?04:28
unavailablekc8pxy: which atheros card?04:28
mlopezqcjoseph: of course04:28
brianhermankc8pxy are u a ham radio opperator04:28
rwwalbech: just create the file. The only reason why there are multiple files in /etc/modprobe.d is to make things easier for the package manager04:28
histoJoeseph, nothing is safe04:28
pdtpatri3kyeah until you lose the flash drive04:28
unavailablebrianherman: ???04:28
techsupporthow do i delete a user in terminal04:28
pdtpatri3kyou might want to get something like Iron monkey where the flash drive itself is encrypted04:29
brianhermanham radio04:29
pdtpatri3ktechsupport userdel04:29
rwwJoeseph: not really. A compromised computer could just copy the private key off the USB flash drive and keylog your password04:29
Joesephrww: Would they have to be in possesion of my flash drive, or the computer I used it on?04:30
techsupportpdtpatri3k, how do i add user and give him root priviliages ?04:30
z28Joeseph: putty on windows and ssh is encrytped. windows software here: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html04:30
kc8pxy05:07.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR5212/AR5213 Multiprotocol MAC/baseband processor (rev 01)04:30
kc8pxybrianherman:  yes.04:30
albechtrying that.. brb after reboot04:30
pdtpatri3kdid you get that techsupport?04:30
rwwJoeseph: just the computer you used it in. In general, you shouldn't use your private key on any computer you don't trust04:31
mlopezqcjoeseph: if you are going to put your private key on a Flash drive you must be carefull about who can use it04:31
kc8pxyunavailable: 05:07.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR5212/AR5213 Multiprotocol MAC/baseband processor (rev 01)04:31
savvasJoeseph: just keep your password to have 10+ characters with letters, numbers, dashes, underscores and asterisks and you should be fine :)04:31
unavailablekc8pxy: cus the atheros 9k does support it and I have had it working in intrepid04:31
mlopezqcJoeseph: anyway there is the passfrase04:31
eseven73ispmike: thanks at least theres 24 users in that chan :)04:31
brianhermankc8pxy:w9bjh is my call sign04:32
pyrakunavailable, so i04:32
kc8pxyQSO :)04:32
pyrakunavailable, i don't see the $PATH definition in there04:32
techsupportpdtpatri3k, pm please04:32
pyrakunavailable, is it possible that it's not defined yet?04:32
brianhermankc8pxy:my dad is an extra04:32
mlopezqcJoeseph: private key protects private keys04:32
[TiZ]Hi. My brother's Sansa e250 is mounting read-only. How do I make it stop doing that?04:33
Cpudan80pyrak: what are you trying to do?04:33
PytlaskHeya, quick question. While reading about crontab, I found several different explanations for the priority of allowance. In the default ubuntu distribution Intrepid Ibex, what happens if neither cron.allow nor cron.deny are in the /etc folder?04:33
kc8pxybrianherman:  I'm a 5wpm extra :)04:33
pyrakCpudan80, http://www.haskell.org/soe/software1.htm, and specifically, add something to my path var04:33
pyrakwhich is step 104:33
Cpudan80pyrak: for permanent purposes?04:33
brianhermannow you dont need anything anymore04:33
Cpudan80pyrak: ie. through logouts/reboots04:33
brianhermanno more code04:33
pyrakCpudan80, yeah, i think so04:33
kc8pxyunavailable:  i'm using hardy.04:33
pdtpatri3ktechsupport did you get my message?04:33
Joesephrww, mlopezqc: so If I use a computer that I trust not to be searched through by a cracker, a private key on my flash drive would only be a problem if I lost my flash dirve? But in that case, couldn't I just reset my private key?04:33
unavailablepyrak: open terminal then type echo $path04:34
[TiZ]I need to make it so that the sansa mounts with write access. Can anyone help?04:34
Cpudan80pyrak: so you need to edit .bashrc in your home directory04:34
pyrakCpudan80, well, i'm not sure if this value only is used by the install script, or if its used by the program itself later04:34
pdtpatri3ktechsupport if not then user useradd to add the users and then to give the user root permissions then you would add them to the /etc/sudoers file04:34
dawI'm going to guess I know the answer to this, but: is there a silverlight v2 plug-in for mozilla on linux? I would guess "No," but want confirmation04:34
Cpudan80pyrak: oh let me look04:34
vandenHi. I cannot get my printer working with 8.10. I had been running 7.10 and had it working. A bare-metal install of 8.10 and ubuntu cannot find my HP laserjet 5MP. A google cast no light. Little help?04:34
nirivendaw: no, but look into moonlight, the linux version, i thinkt it uspports 1.0 of silverlight04:34
buckydentnot that i know of.  rumors its in developent04:34
pyrakunavailable, yeah, i got some paths, separated by colons04:35
mauricio_vanden: did you check linuxprinting.org?04:35
dawthanks niriven04:35
savvasvanden: go to Applications > Accessories > Terminal and execute: sudo hp-setup04:35
unavailablepyrak: i didnt.....04:35
Cpudan80pyrak: nah it looks like you only need it for the install04:35
pyrakit's very possible that i don't need to actually do anything for step 1, i guess04:35
Cpudan80pyrak: so you would just do ...04:35
vandenmauricio_: no, just the community docs and googling ubuntu + printer model. Will try04:35
pyrakunavailable, ^^that was my output04:35
savvasvanden: it will ask for your password, you type it in and press enter, and follow the intructions04:35
Cpudan80export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/GHC04:36
nirivendaw, acutally it look slike theres a moonlight 2.004:36
techsupportwhen i do useradd someuser , it snot even prompting to specify password for new user04:36
Cpudan80Do NOT forget $PATH in there!!!04:36
Cpudan80That is very important!!!04:36
darkhamsome mpd user?04:36
darkhamplease query me04:36
kc8pxyunavailable: mind helping me through it?   http://slexy.org/view/s2aSdkLSg304:36
savvastechsupport: try: adduser user04:36
darkhamsome mpd user?04:36
pyrakCpudan80, ok, trying now04:36
pdtpatri3ktechsupport when you do useradd .. there are many options that go with it .. type man useradd at the terminal to see a manual of how to use it04:36
nirivendaw, so, answer is yes :)04:36
vandensavvas: Thanks. Didn't use hp-setup on the last install, but I'll give it a go.04:37
droopsta915why does rhythmbox music player, play my albums from last to first? Can I fix this?04:37
pdtpatri3kand to have it prompt for a password you would type password <username>04:37
pyrakCpudan80, i believe the path i want to add is /usr/lib64/ghc-6.8.2, does that look right to you?04:37
brianhermanthats weird04:37
dawniriven, i'm astounded, but happy :)04:37
savvasvanden: a lot of things changed since 7.10 :)04:37
unavailablekc8pxy: it was over 4 months ago that I had it working... my memory is shot because i also finished a sem at college.04:37
Cpudan80pyrak: ummm /usr/lib/ is already in your path I think04:37
Cpudan80pyrak: if you just install ghc from the repos, it should be in your path04:38
savvasvanden: also, when you're done execute this command (one line): sudo adduser $USER lp; sudo adduser $USER lpadmin04:38
Cpudan80pyrak: Its in the repositories04:38
Cpudan80pyrak: sudo apt-get install ghc04:38
pyrakCpudan80, yes, that's what i did04:38
savvasvanden: then power off your printer, power off your computer and then power them on again. it should work now04:38
nirivendaw, Wait, no, haha, 1.0 only. Sorry about that, heres the link. http://www.go-mono.com/moonlight/04:38
Cpudan80pyrak: then its in your path already04:38
pyrakCpudan80, ok, so it looks like i don't need to do anything for step one?04:38
vandensavvas: No doubt. :-)   hp-setup is failing to detect the printer. It was like that with system-config-printer and the cups web interface, too.04:38
nirivendaw, 2.0 is in progress (to support silverlight 2.0).04:38
=== awesome is now known as Guest65382
Cpudan80pyrak: yes04:39
Cpudan80pyrak: you should be good04:39
dawniriven my heart is crushed . . . but thanks for the link and info! :)04:39
savvasvanden: 5L you said right? is it connected through USB or LPT (whatever is called that serial port)?04:39
konzepthey i need help with my drivers. I have a webcam that i have no idea how to get the drivers for.... its an "in-sight webcam ic455c"04:39
nirivendaw, only a matter of time, 2.0 is alpha stages.04:40
vandensavvas: LJ 5MP. LPT port. (It is probably older than USB printers ;-)04:40
Cpudan80konzept: plug it in - it'll prob work04:40
Guest65382may someone guide me with DHCP issue04:40
pyrakCpudan80, hm, actually it looks like some problem has been miraculously solved.  perhaps the opengl package that i had installed needed a hibernate to kick in or something04:40
Cpudan80woohoo DHCP!04:40
pyrakthanks for all the help, Cpudan8004:40
Cpudan80np pyrak04:40
pyraki'll ping you again if i hit another wall :)04:40
kc8pxywhat package is wlanconfig a part of?04:40
Guest65382just intalled xubuntu 8.10 and no net connection04:41
savvasvanden: well, it should be supported: http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/models/laserjet/hp_laserjet_5mp.html04:41
Cpudan80Guest65382: how do you know its a dhcp issue?04:41
unavailablekc8pxy: have you tried http://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=madwifi-ng04:41
Guest65382during install there was a dhcp issue that i just bypassed04:41
vandensavvas: Yeah, I figured it would be. I managed to get it going back with one of th 6.n releases. Worked fine with 7.04 and 7.10. :-(04:42
compengiwhat's the way to restrict user UIDs being exposed to others? 'top' and 'ps' can be restricted on BSD systems by passing '0' to 'security.bsd.see_other_uids' in src/etc/sysctl.conf. what can be done for linux?04:42
Guest65382i dont know for sure it is dhcp04:42
pyrakCpudan80, pm04:42
Cpudan80pyrak: go ahead04:42
Cpudan80Guest65382: open a terminal, type dhclient04:42
savvasvanden: two suggestions: 1) Check your bios for serial port settings, it should be bi-directional 2) check your cables, one by one, maybe you missed something, or a pin is broken.. stuff like that happen :)04:43
kc8pxyunavailable: that doesn't seem to be an issue yet   it's missing a command, it seems.04:43
Guest65382unknown hard ware address type 80104:43
techsupporthow can i archive a directory in terminal ?04:43
Guest65382cant create /var/lib/dhcp3.......................04:44
pdtpatri3ktechsupport use tar to archive04:44
savvastechsupport: shouldn't you be answering questions instead of asking? your nickname says techsupport :)04:44
Cpudan80Guest65382: sudo dhclient04:44
Laderiusanyone familiur with ktorrent web ui, ive set it up but dunno how to connect04:44
Cpudan80forgot that it needs root04:44
vandensavvas: The cable check I will try for sure. I don't know that I know how to check for bidirectional serial port settings. But, since it is the same box with the same bios as worked with 7.10, that rules that out, no?04:44
epoxytechsuperfreak, tar -cf foo.tar /path/to/stuff  ... or tar -czf foo.tar.gz /path/to/stuff04:44
Guest65382now it says password for (myusername)04:45
wesouleranybody use piwik?04:45
pdtpatri3ktechsupport just type man tar ... you will get a better idea of how its used04:45
vandensavvas: Oh, and it is a parrallel not serial port interface.04:45
Guest65382do i type in my password?04:45
savvasvanden: correct, I tend to forget those stuff, as I don't use them anymore - but I've set up a laserjet 5L in november :)04:46
savvasGuest65382: you type it in and press Enter04:47
techsupportpdtpatri3k, so how can i archive a directory with all its subdirectories ? just use tar /directory ?04:47
Guest65382send packet: network is down04:47
TriBeCa99anyone familiar with slax? i need it to get my ubuntu install working properly (don't ask) and slax is hanging during boot04:47
Dexihey guys xchat is pretty bare. anyone familiar with getting sensors to output in a sysinfo script?04:47
Laderius ktorrent webui failed to launch php executable? any help04:48
Cpudan80techsupport: tar -cvf myTarFile.tar /dir/to/tar04:48
Guest65382No DHCPOFFERS received04:48
vandensavvas: Well, thanks for the help. I thought it might be the cables. I was hoping to get something obvious I'd not tried. But, hp-setup seems useful. Ciao!04:48
savvastechsupport: http://www.google.com/search?q=how%20to%20archive%20tar%20directory http://www.tech-recipes.com/rx/5/create-a-tar-archive-of-a-directory/  http://www.cs.duke.edu/~ola/courses/programming/tar.html04:48
pdtpatri3ktechsupport to archive you would use something like tar -cfz filename.tar.gz /etc/apt04:48
Guest65382no working leases in persistant database - sleeping04:48
Cpudan80Guest65382: your DHCP server is ... not working04:49
hadriansdeathI cannot increase my screen resolution over 800*60004:49
LaderiusI suppose my setup is a little different than others as I am not mainly using KDE but am using Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid) 64 bit desktop edition.04:49
LaderiusThe webui seems to load up the login screen but after I login, no matter what port I use, it fails with.04:49
LaderiusHTTP/1.1 Internal Server Error04:49
LaderiusFailed to launch PHP executable !04:49
LaderiusI grabbed Ktorrent from the Ubuntu Add/Remove programs repository and am using version 3.1.2. Guess I've stuck with Ktorrent because it's the best torrent client that I have found so far...would love to have a nice webui like the windows uTorrent. Any help is appreciated.04:49
FloodBot1Laderius: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:49
pdtpatri3ktechsupport i havent used tar in a while so you might be better off using "man tar" as they have plenty of examples04:49
Dexiholy crap04:49
konzeptcan i use windows drivers for my webcam? and how04:49
Cpudan80konzept: no.... just plug it in - it should work04:49
Guest65382what is eth0?04:49
eseven73Laderius: deluge-torrent is nice04:49
Cpudan80konzept: its probably supported04:49
DexiGuest60051: thats your ethernet cord04:49
Cpudan80Guest65382: your network card04:49
Cpudan80or well04:49
Cpudan80The first one04:50
hadriansdeathCan anyone help me with screen resolution?04:50
wesoulerkonzept:i used a windows driver in eeebuntu.04:50
Dexihadriansdeath: that happened to me once, did you just install ubuntu?04:50
Cpudan80hadriansdeath: reconfigure xorg04:50
hadriansdeathjust installed04:50
Laderiuseseven73 does it have a webui for mobile?04:50
Guest65382should that be recognized upon install04:50
* hadriansdeath as in idiot child to quote firefly04:50
anthonyI just installed ubuntu yesterday =D04:50
eseven73Laderius: not sure really04:50
Guest65382b/c i dont think it was04:50
TriBeCa99anyone familiar with slax? i need it to get my ubuntu install working properly (don't ask) and slax is hanging during boot04:51
anthonytotally ditched windows04:51
konzeptits pluged in and nothing04:51
hadriansdeathhow do I reconfigure xorg?04:51
Laderiuseseven73, i will pass i like ktorrent and ive seen it configuired properly before04:51
eseven73Laderius: i know opera has a nice torrent client built in and theres a Opera for mobile04:51
Cpudan80konzept: what program are you using04:51
Cpudan80konzept: try ekiga04:51
Laderiuseseven73, aye however my mobile device is an ipod touch :P04:51
alex-82I have Ubuntu (gnome), is it possible to replace nautilus as the default file-manager? I am wondering if I can completely remove nautilus from the system.04:51
Laderiuseseven73, ipods dont allow the use of oprea04:52
eseven73oh nvm i forgot how restrictive apple is they prolly dont have a Opera heh04:52
anthonymy mobile device is an ipod touch as well04:52
anuare there mathematic illustration drawing tools ?04:52
Guest65382is my Network Card perhaps ported wrongly?04:52
supernoobi'm trying to set up a local server so I can play around with a website i'm setting up04:52
supernoobi've isntalled lamp-server and phpmyadmin04:53
Cpudan80Guest65382: possibly, is it something weird?04:53
supernoobbut i can't make lampserver activate04:53
anuare there mathematic illustration drawing tools ?04:53
Cpudan80supernoob: you dont need to make it04:53
supernoobi go to localhost/phpmyadmin and get a 40404:53
kholerabbican I have two language spellchecks installed for ubuntu (i.e german and english words)??04:53
TriBeCa99ok i'm starting to go crazy here, and i haven't gotten a response to my last few questions04:53
Cpudan80supernoob: what happens when you go to http://localhost04:53
wolican I run a live session from a usb drive?04:53
sabotK, here's the deal, my installation froze halfway, so I had to restart, now I have this dead 20gb partition with a failed ubuntu installation on it, but I cant get my installer to simply re-install onto there, how do I do that04:53
supernoob"it works!"04:54
TriBeCa99anyone knowledgeable willing to chat with me in PM to help work out my problem?04:54
TriBeCa99i think there's a few ways to solve it, i just keep running into a wall no matter which route i try04:54
supernooboh you know what? i think i need to give phpmyadmin the root password for mysql04:54
supernoobhow do i do that?04:54
Cpudan80supernoob: no you dont04:54
TriBeCa99all i'm try to do is get ubuntu up and running on a software RAID10 partition04:54
alex-82sabot: why not reformat that partition?04:54
Cpudan80supernoob: err maybe you do.... anyway - fix the 404 first04:54
Guest65382the DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 [then there were different intervals such as 20,13,1....after which the send packet said network is down04:54
Cpudan80supernoob: hold on04:54
sabotalex-82, reformat to what?04:55
Dexiugh. i hate when im helping someone and they dont use !who and i never know they said anything, and they leave because they think theyre being ignored04:55
CheesyWeaselsometimes i cant hear mp3s through any program or audio from an mp4 file. i restart and its fixed but it happens really often04:55
supernoobcpudan80: "Not Found. The requested URL /phpmyadmin was not found on this server."04:55
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)04:55
ubottuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.04:56
abstortedmindswhat's a good gui app for converting an avi to a dvd iso so I can burn it04:56
alex-82sabot: if you're installing from the CD then you have the option to specify the partitions. If you do so then you will wipe the disk, or part of the disk. So you would lose your partial installation and start from scratch04:56
sabotI have a windows installation partition that I cannot lose04:56
FiReSTaRTis there anyone for whom the 177 nvidia driver didn't fix the suspend issue?04:56
MoLE_I'm having difficulty getting a fully functioning gwibber going on a hardy system, anyone here successfully running it?04:56
FiReSTaRTi mean the brand spankin new driver update04:56
anthonyi have a question, anyone willing to help me one on one? Its about KDE 4.1 On Ubuntu 8.1004:56
Cpudan80supernoob: Open a terminal and type the following: cd /var/www; ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin phpmyadmin04:56
CheesyWeaselsometimes i cant hear mp3s through any program or audio from an mp4 file. i restart and its fixed but it happens really often04:56
Guest65382upon plugging my internet cable in it tries to acquire network address to no avail then says disconnected from network04:56
Cpudan80supernoob: sorry ehh04:57
alves_rnis anyone using a SATA I HD?04:57
Cpudan80supernoob: Open a terminal and type the following: cd /var/www; sudo ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin phpmyadmin04:57
FiReSTaRTCheesyWeasel : sometimes the browser may mess up your sound.. try closing the browser and see if that fixes it04:57
eseven73speaking of !Tab I updated it last night can an op please look into that when/if they get a chance? :)04:57
sabotalex-82: If I simply delete the partition and have it as free space, can I install onto that?04:57
CheesyWeaselFiReSTaRT: browsers not open04:57
FiReSTaRTCheesyWeasel: worth a shot.. fixed the problem for me.. also close every app that plays sound04:58
alex-82sabot:  yes because the ubuntu install will reformat it anyway. There are a number of possible formats but ext3 is the most common.04:58
wolican I get assistance with booting a live session from a usb?04:58
Guest65382How can I configure my eth0 port properly?04:58
CheesyWeaselFiReSTaRT: thats not it.04:58
sabotalex-82: Okay, Im going to delete it, then go through the installation and make sure I have the correct settings, I need to select manual partition Im guessing04:58
CheesyWeaselwhat packages should i have from synaptic to ensure proper mp3 playback?04:59
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:59
savvasCheesyWeasel: ubuntu-restricted-extras04:59
alves_rnMy sata I hd is writinting at ~ 40MB/s.  Is this good?04:59
eseven73why does it take an hour to unzip a 7zip file? (granted its 1.5 meg file but still) this is just painfully slow04:59
TaiNTeD_RaGEPeople I cant shut down my comp or open terminal or anything it all just goes white, I cant shut down by clicking power nothing comes up, I tried ctrl + alt + delete no luck04:59
Cpudan80TaiNTeD_RaGE: CTRL+ALT+BCKSPC05:00
trippsok my sound completely disappeared for no apparent reason. Was listening to music on audacious, tried to play a youtube video, and nothing. No sound anywhere. No system sounds, mp3, anything. Ideas?05:00
alex-82Guest65382: type cat /etc/network/interfaces in the terminal, then take a look at what it tells you05:00
Cpudan80Should fix it05:00
CheesyWeaselsavvas: thanks. installing now.05:00
supernoobcpudan80: ok, i'm at /var/www$05:00
supernoobnow what05:00
CheesyWeaselsavvas: hopefully this will do it05:00
alex-82Guest65382: the main settings are in that file, the dns settings are in /etc/resolv.conf05:00
Cpudan80supernoob: you typed that command?05:00
Cpudan80and it asked for your password?05:00
Cpudan80so now you should be able to go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin05:00
savvasCheesyWeasel: usually it does :) if not, install also: gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp305:01
LogicalDashI installed Tor and its suggested packages, anon-proxy and mixmailer. Now apt-get is trying to send all of its requests through Localhost port 4001. How do I make it stop?05:01
Guest65382auto lo05:01
CheesyWeaselsavvas: that did it.05:01
Guest65382iface lo inet loopback05:01
CheesyWeaselsavvas: thanks a bunch05:01
savvasnp ;)05:01
LogicalDashI have since uninstalled all this stuff...05:01
savvasyay, I got in a quit message :p05:01
sabotalex-82, im at the partition portion of the installation, using guided (automatic) just frees some of my windows partition and still has 17gbs of unused space, I want to use the unused space, do I need to format the freespace onto its own ext3 partition (Im being detailed because I cannot screw this up)05:02
supernoobcpudan80: i don't know if this is normal or not...when i reload the webpage it pprompts me to dl a file called "default"05:02
hadriansdeathHow do I reconfigure xorg to display 1024*1280 resolution, I installed ubuntu using wubi05:02
titefuzzoh yeah05:02
titefuzzthat reminds me05:02
Cpudan80supernoob: this is why the lamp package needs to be taken offline05:03
Cpudan80supernoob: hang on05:03
ra21vihow do i change into another opened channel in irssi05:03
alex-82sabot: I can't tell you exactly what to do because I can't see exactly what you are looking at. But yes, if you can reformat the free space that would be the right thing05:03
alex-82sabot: your windows install is isolated from the free space05:03
Guest65382secondary question: anyone think Xubuntu 8.10 alt will run better on 2002 gateway box 1.8ghz 377RAM vs. Ubuntu 5.10 (which is where i am coming to you from :-)05:03
supernoobcpudan80: thanks for the help. mind if we move to PM? my connection kicks in and out, and i'm worried your messages will get buried05:03
dr_willisra21vi,  the irssi homepage has a quick start guide.. I belive ya can use alt-1 through alt-#05:03
ra21vii mean how to move better opened room in irssi05:03
pmhyany tools for ext3 file recovery on a disk img whose partition table has been lost and the disk partially overwritten?05:04
trippsno sound from flash sites like pandora either. is there a way to restart the sound system or something?05:04
ra21vidr_willis: uh,i tried that before, it switches between gnome-terminal's tabs05:04
savvasGuest65382: probably yes, xubuntu will use much less resources05:04
ra21vimeans i will have to be in single tab to irrsi get that event05:04
Cpudan80supernoob: sure - fire away05:04
sabotalex-82: I think this is the last thing, when creating the partition, what do I select as "mount-point"?05:05
Guest653822002 BOX is my only connectable comp until i get this DHCP fixed on my HP DV6000 laptop05:05
dr_willisra21vi,  try running irssi in a normal xterm perhaps.. or rxvt . or disable the shortcuts in gnome-terminal.05:05
alex-82sabot: /05:05
alex-82sabot: '/' signifies the root directory05:06
Guest65382I dont know how to troubleshoot the porting of my DHCP05:06
Guest65382the network card05:06
sabotpartitioning now then, hope this works, thank you :)05:06
ra21vidr_willis: yes05:06
angusI have wifi card issue05:06
wolican anybody help me setup a live usb with ubuntu intrepid ibex?05:07
ra21vidr_willis: ok, ctrl+n works for next05:07
sabotFYI: In the future, hibernation should be disabled during installation, the whole thing freezes if it happens05:08
savvaswoli: System > Administration > Create a USB startup disk (I think)05:08
wesoulerhello , i have a  Vmware  problem,but #vmware is no response. there is a VirualMachine ping host return is  success,but failed to ping gateway.what's wrong with vmware or host or router?05:08
wolisavvas, I don't have that in my menu.05:08
angushow to ask the system to detect the wifi card?05:08
=== Guest65382 is now known as Eatdrums
wesoulerbut i see the gateway's MAC, use ip neigh show05:08
rccudo you mean teh getaway's mac05:09
Moddington2_newbie here, I need to install a few libraries, such as SDL_image and libgl, how can I install/find them?05:09
savvaswoli: you said you have intrepid ibex, right? run this from the terminal: usb-creator05:09
Eatdrumsdoes changing my MAC address in eth0 change the porting?05:09
techsupportwhen i type screen i get error Cannot open your terminal '/dev/pts/0' - please check.05:09
wolisavvas, I did not. I want to create a live usb that will install intrepid ibex in my computer.05:10
wesouleryep. got MAC but failed with ICMP05:10
mlopezqchey, anyone knows why when I config a tap device with ifconfig it automatically gets an ipv6 address05:10
wesouleri think there is some problem in Layer 305:10
savvaswoli: and you have which operating system?05:10
EatdrumsHow do I get Xubuntu to recognize my DHCP network card?05:10
wolisavvas, 8.0405:11
wolisavvas, I will use the usb to install it on a laptop.05:11
LogicalDashEatdrums, DHCP is not a kind of network card, it's a protocol used to give IP addresses to devices05:11
lwizardlanyone here using a apple g4 and get ubuntu to install ?05:11
LogicalDashEatdrums, what kind of network card do you really have? Tell us what's on the label05:11
zyrorlhey does anyone know how to downgrade a particular update pushed through automatic updates?05:12
zyrorlthe latest pulse audio upgrade fubared up my audio05:12
flacohello, someone can help me?? the sound is not working, is a Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) HD Audio Controller05:12
LogicalDashzyrorl: if you haven't restarted since, you can use the Force Version command in Synaptic05:13
savvaswoli: download this and install it: http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/u/usb-creator/usb-creator_0.1.10~hardy1_all.deb05:13
zyrorlits all crackly and stuff. i checked the bug reports, its been reported but not really sure how to use the alternatives would rather downgrade it05:13
LogicalDashzyrorl: otherwise you'll have to track down an old version of the package05:13
zyrorldoes ubuntu auto uninstall it?05:13
Paddy_EIREwoli, what are you looking to do.. install from usb flash or run a persistent flash os05:13
aaahey guys when i'm doing upgrade u know the message that pop ups asking me if i want to install new menu.lst or keep curant one what sould i do?05:13
zyrorlor remove the old package?05:13
wolisavvas, ok, perfect. I have another option, the ubuntu documentation says that I can install a live usb creator from the live cd just by inserting it in my machine... how do I do it?05:13
woliPaddy_EIRE, just install05:14
LogicalDashzyrorl: uh, when you specifically tell ubuntu to install an older version of a package, it will uninstall the newer version05:14
Paddy_EIREwoli, oh... what stage are you at exactly05:14
woliPaddy_EIRE, stage 005:14
phyrfoxGreetings. I just installed the latest version of ubuntu, and seem to have screwed up the x login screen.05:14
racecar56oh noes05:14
zyrorli have restarted since, thats how i found my audio was fubar05:14
Paddy_EIREwoli, ok.. want some help.. or has someone got you covered?05:14
phyrfoxSpecifically, the font is about 1/3 the size of my screen, and I can't seem to fix it. And I somehow seem to have set it up for remote login type stuff.05:15
woliPaddy_EIRE, why don't we go to the ubuntu classroom along with savvas and you two help me out?05:15
Paddy_EIREwoli, yeah I will do05:15
savvaswoli: there are a lot of guides about that process on the internet, let me find one05:15
techsupportwhen i type screen i get error Cannot open your terminal '/dev/pts/0' - please check.05:15
angusLinksys WUSB54G05:16
wesoulerhello , i have a  Vmware  problem,but #vmware is no response. there is a VirualMachine ping host return is  success,but failed to ping gateway.what's wrong with vmware or host or router? i shutdown the Firewall yet.Anybody can help me?05:16
angusfor somehow, system didn't show I have a wifi card05:16
savvasby the way woli, why won't you use usb-creator? it allows you to insert the live cd and does the job for you05:17
wesoulerangus: try iwconfig ?can you see something?05:17
erossanyone use a cintiq on ubuntu05:17
aaaguys can u tell me when i do upgrade of my ubuntu system it's asking me if i want to keep curant menu.lst or get new one i guess what should i do?05:18
Kuwagoanyone know a free shell for ubuntu?05:18
angusyes, I have done that but it just show I have wired lan card, which is unplugged05:18
Cpudan80free shell ?05:18
dr_willisKuwago,  clarify what you mean.05:18
Cpudan80all shells are free05:18
fghfaaa: update, its your grub (boot) menu list05:18
=== Moddington2_ is now known as Moddington2
Cpudan80as in dont have to pay05:18
Flannelaaa: Did you make any manual changes to it?05:18
Flannelaaa: What'd you change?05:19
Kuwagoa telnet public free shell05:19
=== fghf is now known as k0tar3l
savvaswoli: here are some good guides for reference: http://www.ryancloke.com/ubuntu-804-hardy-heron-live-usb-how-to/ http://www.pendrivelinux.com/usb-ubuntu-804-persistent-install-from-linux/05:19
aaabecuase i have to change (1.0) to (0,0) to boot ubuntu05:19
Cpudan80Kuwago: telnet is a program...05:19
Flannelaaa: Ah, ok.  Well, go ahead and let it install a new one, and then afterwards go bcak and re-change that05:19
Cpudan80Kuwago: sudo apt-get install telnet05:19
aaaok thanks05:20
dr_willisI would hope any free 'shell' providers would be using ssh to allow access to their shell service..05:20
erosswhat is telnet05:20
pdtpatri3kcpudan80 why u telling him to install telnet?05:20
angusthe system didn't show I have a wifi adapter05:20
dr_willisThen again - i cant imagine why anyone would want to off free 'shells' on their servers to anyone...05:20
Cpudan80pdtpatri3k: well he wanted it!05:20
savvaseross: check wikipedia for that :)05:20
nickruddr_willis, they're out there, just not as common as they once were05:20
dr_willisCpudan80,  hes wanting a shell provider.. for running bots and things i imagine05:21
dr_willisnickrud,  yea. :)  i imagine they are just as handy as they always were.. :P05:21
Cpudan80well that wasnt clear05:21
savvaseither way, he did point him to the right direction :P05:21
Barridusanyone here use "netbook-launcher"?05:21
Kuwagoyeah I know telnet is a program but I'm looking for a shell to login into that's free05:21
Cpudan80oh I see what you mean05:21
Cpudan80you want free computing05:21
phyrfoxAnyone know how to fix the font size of the x login screen? I seem to have a font way too big to do anything.05:21
Cpudan80Hard to come by05:22
Cpudan80night all05:22
FloodBot1Cpudan80: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:22
dr_willisKuwago,  google i guess is our friend. I would check for 'free shell ssh service'05:22
Cpudan80Speak for yourself floodBot :-P05:22
erossah it's pc remote without security05:22
dr_willisKuwago,  and avoid telnet, learn to use ssh05:22
ramblingturtlehello everyone is there a specific channel for eee ubuntu i am having problem with sd card wanting to mount only with sudo same with ipod 4th gen nano all i want is the devices to mount for all users without sudo privelages05:24
phyrfoxIsn't that a /etc/fstab thingie? Mounting devices automagically?05:24
dr_willisramblingturtle,  you could make specific fstab entries for the devices with the proper options.  if they are vfat/fat/ntfs filesystem. you may need to install/run the ntfs-config tool05:24
dr_willisphyrfox,  hal handles the 'auto mounting' of decvices not listed in fstab. :) so the 2 are 'similer' but different aspects of the same job.05:25
joejcis there a mac desktop environment?05:25
Kuwagook thanks dr_willis I'll look into ssh05:25
dr_willisjoejc,  theres 'make my gnome look like a mac' sites/tweaks05:25
phyrfoxWell, I was close. I'm fairly new to Linux more or less.05:25
titefuzzis there a program where i can mount a physical windows drive?05:26
ramblingturtledr willis could you perhaps point me in the direction of a howto05:26
phyrfoxWhich is why I'm rather annoyed that I fubar'ed my login screen so quickly.05:26
titefuzzinstead of creating a virtual05:26
dr_willisramblingturtle,  install/run the ntfs-config tool for starters..  then theres the ntfs-3g tool/docs that exist05:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about windoes05:26
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft Windows, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents05:26
dr_willisramblingturtle,  assuming the deices are using a windows filesystem05:26
Naicamine i just did a reinstall on my debian server and i cant ping it by hostname from a ubuntu machine. by ip, it pings fine tho05:26
joejci found xpde that looks and kinda works like xp is ther anything like tha, that looks like mac instead?05:27
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE05:27
MoLE_I'm having difficulty getting a fully functioning gwibber going on a hardy system, anyone here successfully running it?05:27
ramblingturtledr_willis they are both fat32 file systems.05:27
dr_willisjoejc,  theres 'make my gnome look like a mac' sites/tweaks thats about it05:27
dr_willisramblingturtle,  most of the tips to get ntfs going also apply to fat32. They just need to get mounted with the proper options. either via the fstab. or  the proper hal tweaks. (which i think that ntfs-config tool also handles)05:28
epoxyum.  why does an Ubunutu upgrade always "successfully finish".. only to render the systems full of surprises on the next reboot?  Seems to be a reoccurring theme with my girlfriends install as well as MANY clients.'05:28
phyrfoxWell... I guess i'll be back. Maybe a reboot will clear my problem up, I guess.05:29
devdavaddoes anyone know how to remove a daemon from running at startup?05:29
devdavadI want to remove mysql from runnig at startup because I don't always use it05:29
rcguzonhello everyone05:29
Teknosudo apt-get install sysv-rc-conf && sudo sysv-rc-conf05:29
dr_willisdevdavad,  theres several 'sysv' config tools in the repos that let you configure that in a semi-gui way. ;)05:29
devdavaddr_willis, thanks I'll look for some05:30
dr_willisdevdavad,  such as the one Tekno  mentio0ned05:30
rcguzondoes everyone know what to do with hal-mtab, it cannot be read when i insert my flash drive05:30
dr_willisI rember why i normally still just mount all my removeable media - manually :)05:30
rcguzoni tried googling it but i found no clear answer05:30
Kuwagoanyone know why there are inconsistencies when using gparted and fdisk for creating two FAT16 partitions on a USB flash device05:31
rcguzoncannot read from ./hal-mtab05:31
rcguzoncannot read from ./hal-mtab anyone out there with an idea how to rsolve05:32
NEWK2I just installed Ubuntu on my brothers laptop, but the wifi doesn't work. someone told me to update it, but it still doesn't work. Is there anything else I can do?05:33
=== Kuwago is now known as kuwago
gralcodoes GCC have line numbering?05:33
rcguzoncannot read from ./hal-mtab anyone out there with an idea how to rsolve05:34
hellhoundcan anyone explain what virtualbox or virtualization is?  I do not understand what it is for but I keep reading about05:35
dr_willishellhound,  it lets you run a machine.. inside a machine. :)   and do all sorts of neat tricks05:35
dr_willishellhound,  or run several machines inside  a real machine.05:35
Set_what does ubuntu use for full disk encyrption?05:35
rcguzonhellhound, like running xp, fedora inside ubuntu05:36
hellhounddr_willis:  thank you but what are the advantages of doing this instead of using wine05:36
rcguzoncannot read from ./hal-mtab anyone out there with an idea how to rsolve05:36
kuwagohellhound you can run another distribution or Ms windows on top of ubuntu05:36
dr_willishellhound,  wine runs windows apps.. not the windows OS..05:36
eseven73Set_: try truecrypt its really nice05:36
samrockscquestion: I've decided to take a peak at opengeu...from what i understand the installation is that similar to ubuntu(which i know, opengeu is ubuntu), how do you start the installer from livecd with ubuntu05:37
kuwagoI've been using Virtualbox for over a year, it's great05:37
Set_is that what ubuntu uses in the alternate install cd?05:37
dr_willissamrocksc,  theres an icon on the desktop normally.05:37
EatdrumsHow can I get Xubuntu to recognize my DHCP network card05:37
jp_sfhellhound: http://www.ubuntu.com/servervirtualization05:37
Eatdrumsif you answered this I missed it05:37
jtajiSet_: dm-crypt/lvm05:37
rcguzoncannot read from ./hal-mtab anyone out there with an idea how to rsolve05:37
hellhounddr_willis:  I have windows on one harddrive on my computer and ubuntu on another and dualboot between the two in order to play games.  so with virtualbox will it allow me to open this windows installation without having to dualboot?05:38
Eatdrumsmy terminal send packets: network is down05:38
kuwagoHellhound Virtualbox is great for tryinh out other distro flavor of Unix or Linux and other OS's05:38
samrockscdr_willis, i'm using the 8.04 and they don't have any icons on the desktop with this one05:38
EatdrumsHOW may I configure my network?05:38
dr_willishellhound,  thats one  not very good way to use it... since windows will  basicially think its been moved to a totally new machine.. and vbox/vmware will NOT make full use of your 3d video cards for games.. (but that isbeing worked on)05:38
dr_willissamrocksc,  check the menus then I guess.05:39
kuwagoHellhound you don't have to dual boot with Virtualbox05:39
jp_sfrcguzon: what is the problem ? you have a problem with a flash drive ?05:39
rcguzonjp_sf, yupz05:39
wolidid amd invent the 64bit system?05:39
jp_sfrcguzon: you cannot unmount it ?05:39
rcguzoni cant mount it05:40
samrockscdr_willis, i'm gonna try to just do the install like a standard ubuntu installation, do you know if theres a command you can use at boot to start it?05:40
rcguzonjp_sf, i cant mount it05:40
tritiumkuwago: with some exceptions.  For example, the free version doesn't support USB.  He may need a USB device only supported on Windows.  (Logitech Harmony comes to mind.)(05:40
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mkerhellhound, it won't open *that* windows installation, you have to install it in virtualbox itself. and I'm not sure you'll be able to play games just like that in it. probably performance loss05:40
regeyaI dunno.  Did amd beat intel to the x86_64 punch or sometihing, woli?  I can't remember.05:40
dr_willissamrocksc,  for opengeu? not really. I found that ubuntu variant. a bit useless.05:40
minisuperbuenas noches05:40
woli!es | minisuper05:41
ubottuminisuper: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.05:41
kuwagodr_willis Virtualbox 2.10 now has 3D accelration for playing 3D game05:41
dr_williskuwago,  for some games in some cases.. from what ive read...05:41
minisuperok muchas gracias05:41
rcguzonjp_sf, do you have any idea how to do this05:41
samrockscdr_willis, i've never used ubuntu, always used gentoo with e17 heh, what do people normally do for ubuntu :/05:41
lanoxx_can anyone explain me what i dont have alsaconf, eventhough i got alsa-utils installed?05:41
dr_willissamrocksc,  you could always install e17 in ubuntu if you like it.05:41
jp_sfrcguzon: it is usually a problem with fstab05:42
samrockscdr_willis, :P i am way to lazy to download it haha05:42
hellhoundmker:  dr_willis hummm i am ignorant sorry but I still do not understand why someone would not just use wine.  why would someone want a full windows system in their buntubox05:42
mkerRegel, the specific architecture was created by amd and that's why it's called amd6405:42
dani_hey hey ubuntu world!!05:43
dr_willissamrocksc,  i found most of these E17-ubuntu-merger/spinoffs to be.. lacking in any real reasons for me to use them vs a 'normal' ubuntu install. :)05:43
dr_willishellhound,  wine runs WINDOWS apps. it will not run a linux disrto, or BeOS, or CPM or DOS. or any other OS.. it runs APPS. not the whole OS.05:43
samrockscdr_willis, yeah this is rather aggravating05:43
mkerhellhound, wine isn't perfect, sometimes you need the real thing05:43
dani_how do i change the color font of my panel clock? or is there another panel clock applet i could replace it with? huh?05:44
rcguzonjp_sf, im a noob at ubuntu, do you know how to fix it?05:44
dr_willishellhound,  I use vurtialbox to run Linux in virtualbiox.. under Vista. :)   You dont have to run windows in it.05:44
kuwagohellhound not just windows but with Virtualbox you can operated two distro's at the same time if you have dual monitors, it's great05:44
omnikillanyone able to help me with openSSH?05:44
lastenthi, I have a problem with a video, when a watch it on VLC, Totem or MPlayer I get a green strip, but when I watch it on Kaffeine everything is normal05:44
tritiumlanoxx_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5294105:45
dani_its a codec problemo dude05:45
alex-82dr_willis: speaking of spin-offs. I really like rox-filer and I was wondering how to replace nautilus with it. I think I understand how to deal with the desktop, but I'm wondering about situations where nautilus is the default file-manager. Like for instance, if I right click on a downloaded file in firefox and say 'show in folder', it will open nautilus. Any ideas?05:45
kuwagoI have even just installed Window 7 Beta for testing on Virtualbox05:45
samrockscdr_willis, i found the icon! It's because they turned off efm :P05:45
dr_willisalex-82,  just install rox-filer and  on the proerties of a folder. I think you set what the default app is. But not all the gnome menus will lauinch that by default even if you do it.05:45
rcguzonkuwago, where did you get a copy of windows 705:45
jp_sfrcguzon: I'm not so sure I think I would delete the dbus/pid and reconfigure hal05:46
hunshadHi a;;05:46
hellhoundmker:  dr_willis: kuwago: ok i can see now that if you want two OS's or have to keep windows for something.. virtualization is better than rebooting... LOL now you have me wishing they could get games to work on the virtual os :)05:46
alex-82dr_willis: is nautilus a dependency of gnome?05:46
kuwagofound it as a torrent using Deluge05:47
dani_how do you change clock font color?05:47
jp_sfrcguzon: it is a USB flash drive you are trying to access ?05:47
dr_willishellhound,  games are the least  common use for the thing. :)05:47
dani_are there any clock applets for panels?05:47
Dude_hi.. hw do u install zippys webcam05:47
rcguzonjp_sf, it is a flah drive im trying to access05:47
mrhHi all05:47
Set_i have an erection05:47
akioHello, I need some help with a framebuffer.05:47
dani_hey is there face recognition for linux login?05:48
hellhounddr_willis:  true05:48
jp_sfhellhound you have also cooperation instead of virtualization see andLinux05:48
Set_o snap05:48
Set_wrong chan05:48
Teknodani_: that would be cool :D05:48
dani_im arriving05:48
rcguzonjp_sf, "I'm not so sure I think I would delete the dbus/pid and reconfigure hal" i think im not good enough with this one05:48
jp_sfrcguzon: do you have a lot of USB connection to the box that is having a problem ?05:48
omnikillanyone want to help me with my openssh problem?05:48
sumitakio, what help ?05:48
ramblingturtledr_willis: thank you i will search through the wiki for a refresher on mount commands... it has been awhile05:48
dr_willisomnikill,  state the problem to the channel and see who answers.05:49
crayvecOMG its taken me 3 days to configure Apache2, ddclient on Ubunto 8.1005:49
akiosumit: I need to set the framebuffer to a non-standard video mode, 1024x600-60@3205:49
dani_la la la la means i love linux05:49
rcguzonjp_sf, only the mouse i guess, this is a laptop im using, so there are a few maybe inside05:49
jp_sfrcguzon: well you have a few kewords in what I said, but I don't really know your configuration05:49
akiodr_willis: next time use webfs05:49
omnikillsshd can't find the keys which i made sure are in /etc/ssh but it still gives the following errors05:49
omnikillCould not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key05:49
omnikillCould not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key05:49
omnikillanyone know enough about openssh to help?05:50
rcguzonjp_sf, ok thank you05:50
jp_sfrcguzon: what I would do is I would do a sudo dbus-demon --system05:50
nbeebokernel updates isnt critical are they? can i disable update manager stuff if it isnt?05:50
mrhI get "Reading package lists... Done" then "Segmentation faulty tree... 0%" whenever I try to install an app from the CL05:50
nbeeboi mean, if u cant*05:50
dr_willisomnikill,  check the ssh logs. If the keys exist. the permissions on the keys may be  incorrect.05:50
wesouleromnikill,you must create one05:50
jp_sfrcguzon: (don't do it) I would delete the /var/run/dbus/pid05:51
jschallwhat directory are my private keys stored in?05:51
crayvecWould Bind clash with ddcleint?05:51
jp_sfrcguzon: then I would sudo dpkg-reconfigure hal05:51
akioWho is the monster Linux guru in here?05:51
omnikillwesouler, the keys are already there05:51
rcguzonjp_sf, ok ill give it a try05:51
hunshadI have a question: i want to install a ubuntu system on a usb  key, but i don't know witch image .iso i must recover? It is a Desktop CD image or Low-Power Intel Architecture MID USB image?05:51
jp_sfrcguzon: then I would reboot05:51
jp_sfrcguzon: and hopefully you should not have any problem05:52
nitrohaxanyone know of a reason why a blue tooth mouse would work, then after a restart lose pairing and not pair up again?05:52
wesouleromnikill,it's must have +r05:52
lanoxx_tritium, thank you, i read it, so how do i get sound running then, i guess my installer for the sound drivers is not much use without alsaconf05:52
kuwagorcguzon try this if your flash drive don't mpunt. Type in terminal:05:52
kuwagosudo gedit /etc/fstab05:52
kuwagoAdd an # to the line below:05:52
kuwago/dev/sdb1 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec 0 005:52
kuwago....or it may look like this05:52
kuwago/dev/sdc1 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec 0 005:52
akioecho "Mmmkayy" | festval --tts05:52
FloodBot1kuwago: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:52
jp_sfrcguzon: and first I would try the solution of kuwago05:53
joejcis it possible to get a virtual machine on a network?05:53
kuwagook will do05:53
dr_willisjoejc,  they can do most anything a real machine can.. and some things they cant. :)05:53
joejcok how do i get my virtual xp on my network?05:53
mrhOuch, I have been dropping by to ask this question since yesterday05:53
rcguzonkuwago, what do i do next?05:54
omnikillwesouler, according to the file manager, they already have read and write permissions on them05:55
hunshadHi all, i must install a ubuntu system on a usb  key, but i don't know witch image .iso to diwnload? It is a Desktop CD image or Low-Power Intel Architecture MID USB image? http://releases.ubuntu.com/intrepid/05:55
zirodayHi, for some reason sftp throught the gvfs module copies files across at ~1.8kbs compared to scp which can do it at ~450, any ideas?05:55
crayvecHi can someone tell me if this site is working, I.ve spent the last 3 days configuring apache2, ddclient on Ubuntu 805:57
crayvecIm not spamming just going blind trying to see if ive done the config right05:57
dr_willisjoejc,  follow the virtualbox docs.. and it should  basicially see the virtual nic and auto-dhcp and get on.05:57
dr_willisjoejc,  i do NOT suggest using virtualbox or vmware to run a 'preinstalled on a diffreent hard drive' (ie real) windows install.05:58
c-0-r-ehi... i need help with compiling...05:58
joejcim not05:58
c-0-r-eaircrack-ng.c:5127: error: ignoring return value of ‘pipe’, declared with attribute warn_unused_result05:58
ohziejoejc, Yes, what dr_willis said. Don't do that.05:58
crayvechttp://smcsorl.homelinux.com/   nothing special just need to see if it can be reached from outside my network05:58
ohziecrayvec, Yes.05:59
joejci was going to but it was quicker to just install xp05:59
crayvecOh cheers thanks05:59
crayvecBreath now05:59
Ademanany non-programmers have resources they used to learn bash scripting?  (totally newbie friendly stuff)05:59
c-0-r-ei need help with compiling aircrack-ng.c:5127: error: ignoring return value of ‘pipe’, declared with attribute warn_unused_result06:00
tritiumAdeman: sudo apt-get install abs-guide, and then read through it06:00
dr_willisAdeman,  read/bootkmark that abs-guide.. :) then reread it a few days later.. then again a week later...06:01
tritiumlanoxx_: not sure what your specific issue is, but check !sound06:01
scientes2im having trouble getting grub to work on my vmware install06:01
Ademanthanks both of you, although it's not actually for me... I've been programming in c++ for 6 years and python for 3... :-p06:01
scientes2i use grub-install from a live cd but it doesnt work06:01
silv3r_m00nhi there06:02
scientes2even when i do it from inside a chroot inside of the target disk with dev and proc mounted06:02
silv3r_m00ni installed kde ... and the kde desktop works fine....what is this kdm ?06:02
scientes2it reports no errors but grub cant frind the disk06:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kdm06:02
scientes2it is scsi06:02
phixxorhey, I'm trying to assign a fixed IP for my ethernet network. WHat is the proper command for this?06:02
dr_willissilv3r_m00n,  kdm is kde's replacement for gdm06:02
Ademansilv3r_m00n: it's the kde display manager, it serves the same purpose as gdm06:02
scientes2you dont need both it doesnt really matter which one you use06:03
silv3r_m00nwhat is gdm ?06:03
scientes2its the thing that logs you in06:03
Dracie_gnome display manager06:03
Ademansilv3r_m00n: when you type in your username and password, that's gdm06:03
Dracie_manages your graphical X sessions06:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gdm06:03
Ademanunless you're at a terminal... lol06:03
Dracie_!help gdm06:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about help gdm06:03
dr_willis!info wdm06:03
ubottuwdm (source: wdm): WINGs Display Manager - an xdm replacement with a WindowMaker look. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.28-3ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 399 kB, installed size 1264 kB06:03
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Dracie_!info gdm06:03
ubottugdm (source: gdm): GNOME Display Manager. In component main, is optional. Version 2.20.8-0ubuntu3 (intrepid), package size 1926 kB, installed size 15984 kB06:03
dr_willisthes others also.06:03
Dracie_!info powernowd06:03
ubottupowernowd (source: powernowd): control cpu speed and voltage using 2.6 kernel interface. In component main, is optional. Version 1.00-1ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 26 kB, installed size 136 kB06:03
lanoxx_!sound | lanoxx06:03
ubottulanoxx: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP306:03
silv3r_m00nAdeman: i have both gnome and kde installed and i login thru a gnome login .... if i install kdm which login shall i get ?06:04
* dr_willis laughes at the bots06:04
Dracie_i hate powernod i use cpu-freqd with more easy06:04
silv3r_m00ni mean which type of login screen06:04
Ademandid ubottu just get banned?06:04
dr_willissilv3r_m00n,  it will switch to kdm then.. you can easially change iot back06:04
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silv3r_m00ndr_willis: where can i find that particular setting ?06:04
Ademanlanoxx_: by the way you can find things out by /msg ubottu <whatever>   so that you avoid getting ubottu banned from the channel :-p06:05
dr_willissilv3r_m00n,  sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm06:05
scientes2silv3r_m00n: you set kdm to start instead of gdm06:05
scientes2your rc2.d etc scripts06:05
lanoxx_Ademan, ok thx06:05
scientes2to not set it permanately you can /etc/init.d/gdm stop then /etc/init.d/kdm start06:06
dr_willisscientes2,  thats the hard way. :)  easier to dpkg-reconfogure it06:06
lanoxx_so ALSA is not configured, it got removed by the sound installed setup file which i downloaded from asus06:06
dr_willisscientes2,  actually that wont work - since both script check to see whats the default. and theone thats not set to be default will just exit.06:06
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dr_willisscientes2,  at least i think it still does that.06:06
scientes2that seems like unneccirally breaking stuff without rewason06:07
scientes2but yeah dpkg-reconfigure sounds better06:07
scientes2but probably does exactally what i said06:07
dr_willisscientes2,  its not breaking stuff without reason.. both kdm and gdm can be started and only the one thats set to be default will actually run, as a sanity check.06:07
scientes2no the sanity check is if the other is *started*06:08
akioHello, I have one of them-there fancy netbooks, need to know how I can get a 1024x600 framebuffer console. Any ideas?06:08
scientes2ie anything taking the screen06:08
FlynsarmyWhen will archive manager ever get support for drag-extracting into folders that are in 'list view' ?06:08
scientes2you can actually run both at the same time06:09
brain187has anyone tired powerdvd yet06:09
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brain187or would like to06:09
dr_willisakio,  theres often specific forums for each brand netbook. you could try the 'vga=ask' option in the menu.lst and let it show what modes it sees06:10
jwaldoAnyone have a Conky script for displaying IRC messages? Google and #conky turned up no results06:11
mezquitalewhat e-mail client do you recommmend for GNOME?06:11
rndmtngntanyone got a link to a good guide to performance tweaking ubuntu 8.10?06:11
LurkersAjwaldo, Have you checked man conky?06:11
dr_willisjwaldo,   you would proberly have to  do some work for that.  find an irc client that  can print text/channel messages to a file.. and have conky tail the file.06:12
lanoxx_is there a way to atleast get my old sound driver back to work again?06:12
dr_willisjwaldo,  the conky homepage also has a lot of neat scripts but i doubt if what you are asking is a 'trivial' thing.  well its sort of trivial.. but not  super-trivial :)06:12
brain187dose anyone on here buy anything from the online store06:12
jp_sfbrain187: the ubuntu one ? yes I did06:12
Khisanthyou could just turn on logging in the IRC client :)06:13
jwaldoThat's what I figured. This should be interesting. . .06:14
alex-82conky has the functionality to exec a shell command and display the result06:14
LurkersArndmtngnt, Try Ubuntu Tweak, it is on GetDeb06:14
alex-82if you just tail the log file then it woudl be fairly simple06:14
akiodr_willis: so far I only have one page that is close enough to what I'm looking for that I have found by googling.06:14
nbeeboconky can do almost anything text vice06:15
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rndmtngntLurkersA: thanks the ubuntu tweak site seems to be down :(06:16
lanoxx_can anyone help my getting my sound back to work?06:17
kuwagoThen save the file and try plugging in your USB flash drive06:18
LurkersArndmtngnt, http://www.getdeb.net/app/Ubuntu+Tweak06:18
LurkersAsite -is- up :)06:18
wesoulerit's work well06:19
eweb100Hay, Anyone know anything about CHEESE webcam tingie?! iT Crashes every time i open it up06:19
eweb100i see the gnome loader06:19
dr_williseweb100,  it works for me.. grandson loves it. :)06:19
eseven73grandson? O.o how old are you?06:20
eseven73i thought i was old06:20
eweb100Ya well when i click on it i go boom.. and it crashes06:20
eweb100eseven73: how old are you?06:20
eseven7335 :)06:20
LurkersAeweb100, Whats the output from terminal?06:20
LurkersAstart it from xterm06:20
eweb100lurkersa, one sec06:20
eweb100lurkersa, you mean do cheese --sync?06:21
LurkersAeweb100, Just the normal launch command, I assume it is just 'cheese'06:22
eweb100lurkersA. http://paste.ubuntu.com/101494/06:23
regeyawhoa whoa whoa, is someone calling 35 'old'?06:23
eweb100regeya, well when you have a 13 year old in the room...06:24
eweb100lurkersa, ello?06:25
LurkersAeweb100, Looks like a GStreamer plugin issue, have you tried reinstalling GStreamer?06:25
eweb100lurkersa, no i will thanks06:25
regeyaoh, I see...surprised to see that dr_willis has a grandson...sorry, I hadn't scrolled up enough and konsole didn't refresh properly apparently06:25
* regeya remembers that a grandma of a classmate was in her late 30s when he was in junior high...06:26
eweb100lurkersa, is GStreamer a package? because apt-get can't find it06:27
LurkersAeweb100, Should be, wait a tick06:27
eweb100lurkersa, no problem thanks!06:28
jim_peweb100, its multiple packages depending on the codecs it includes. like gstreamer-good / bad/ ugly etc06:28
LurkersAeweb100, Yeah, it's there, in the universe repos06:28
dr_willishes 2 :)06:28
FlynsarmyWhen will archive manager ever get support for drag-extracting into folders that are in 'list view' ?06:28
LurkersA^^ what jim_p said as well06:28
dr_willisGrandson has allready ruined one laptop with a bottle of soda.. almost got a 2nd one today06:29
LurkersAi get it through "Add/Remove Programs"06:29
eweb100jim_p; lurkersa, so what would be the correct act to take? to reinstall it06:29
dr_willisFlynsarmy,  try click/shift click farther down the list?06:29
jim_peweb100, because i lost the conversation, what is the problem with gstreamer?06:29
eweb100jim_p,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/101494/06:30
LurkersAjim_p, http://paste.ubuntu.com/101494/06:30
jim_peweb100, do you have gstreamer-properties?06:31
eweb100jimy_p, Total noob here...? how would i find out if i did06:31
jim_peweb100, open a terminal and type             gstreamer-properties                      a window should come up06:32
eweb100jim_p, An error occurred while loading or saving configuration information for gstreamer-properties. Some of your configuration settings may not work properly.06:33
eweb100jim_p, dout thats good..?06:33
jim_peweb100, :| did it open though?06:33
eweb100jim_p, ya that is the error code i got06:33
eweb100jim_p, when i opened it06:33
brain187anyone know about the codec pack they sell?06:34
jim_peweb100, go to video tab, and select v4l as your prefered video device06:34
jim_peweb100, *video input device06:34
DigitalFizis there a place where you can check out linux games, maybe a site with ratings and stuff?06:35
jim_pbrain187, do you want to buy it instead of using the medibuntu repo?06:35
jim_pDigitalFiz, http://www.linux-gamers.net/06:35
thorsten11anyone using an ssh app on the iphone and able to access your server or remote pc?06:35
DigitalFizty jim_p06:35
wesoulerIs any software like Blackberry manager in ubuntu?06:36
=== LBSources is now known as LBSources-
MoLE_I'm having difficulty getting a fully functioning gwibber going on a hardy system, anyone here successfully running it?06:36
eweb100jimy_p, Video for Linux (v4l): Could not get/set settings from/on resource.06:37
eweb100jimy_p, Please?06:37
thorsten11wesouler: i would like an answer to that too :)06:37
vasyokCan anybody help me about mounting?? I have usb_DataTraveler(Kingston,2GB). When I mounting it, ubuntu writes:"mount:block device /dev/scd0 is write-protected, mounting read-only". Is it possible to mount this usb device with read-write options??06:37
lanoxx_is there anyone how can help with me with my sound issue?06:37
=== LBSources- is now known as LBSources
jim_peweb100, do you have synaptic?06:38
eweb100jimy_p, yes06:38
xelectroxhi, can anyone help me with a konversation question?06:38
sfer21!ask | xelectrox06:39
ubottuxelectrox: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:39
vasyokI'm dummer06:39
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jim_peweb100, open it and look for eny package starting with gstreamer. remove them and reinstall06:39
xelectroxwell i wasn't sure as it's not about ubuntu, rather it's program in ubuntu.06:39
xelectroxi need to run more than one command when joining an irc network, like the command to identify my nick, and a command to join a channel via bot invite. how would i use multiple commands in konversations command area?06:40
eweb100jim_p, there is a hudge list whitch is the master?06:40
eweb100jim_p, ok got ya06:41
jim_peweb100, let me look06:41
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=== c is now known as Charitwo
hobotquestion: I am trying to isntall g++-3.4 using apt and I cant seem to find the package, so i googled the issue and it looks like some other people were having the same issues, but their threads were closed06:42
hobotany idea where I should start?06:43
vasyokuse gcc 4.206:43
hobotwell I am not sure if that is supported by the software06:43
vasyok Can anybody help me about mounting?? I have usb_DataTraveler(Kingston,2GB). When I mounting it, ubuntu writes:"mount:block device /dev/scd0 is write-protected, mounting read-only". Is it possible to mount this usb device with read-write options??06:43
vasyoki'm Russian06:44
pipegeekI installed qdvdauthor on intrepid, and all the dialogs and menus are blank---it's not just that the text is the same color as the background, as submenus are visibly empty (not enough room to contain items).  This only happens when it's run within a gnome session.06:44
vasyokand i'm 13 years old06:44
pipegeekAny idea why that might be?06:44
jim_pgstreamer0.10-alsa  gstreamer0.10-esd   gstreamer0.10-gnomevfs  gstreamer0.10-lame  gstreamer0.10-plugins-base gstreamer0.10-plugins-good  gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly  gstreamer0.10-x06:44
pipegeekvasyok: is it possible that there's a write-protect switch on the device, which is in the wrong position?06:45
dpreache1hello all06:45
jim_peweb100, this is what i have06:45
vasyokpipegeek: no, i haven't it06:46
dpreache1anyone knows which package works best to transfer files to and fro a windows mobile 6.1 device (htc touch p3452)06:46
multidexhi room!06:46
eweb100jim_p, ok06:46
pipegeekvasyok: with what filesystem is the volume formatted?06:46
vasyokpipegeek: vfat3206:46
pipegeekwell, that is rather odd, isn't it06:47
pipegeekAnd you *can* mount it and write to it under windows06:47
unopvasyok, /dev/scd0  - does not sound like a usb device, sounds more like an optical device06:47
unopvasyok, make sure you have the right device.  fdisk -l  # should help06:48
pipegeekunop, I'm a doofus06:48
vasyokunop: it's USB device06:48
sumit__ Hi,  while installing  xchat it ask dependencies of python I am using Ubuntu 8.10 at my home PC now how can i install it06:48
pipegeekvasyok, I think you might be using the wrong device06:48
pipegeekhow do you know?06:49
unopsumit_, how are you installing xchat there?06:49
mezquitalecan someone recommend a PCI Express video card that will work with ubuntu???06:49
eweb100jim_p, i just am reinstalling everything that starts with gstreamer06:49
vasyoki formatted this device06:49
binarymutantsumit_ dependecies are taken care of with synaptic and apt06:49
lanoxx_/lib/modules/2.6.27-9-generic/kernel/ubuntu/misc/media/snd-bt-sco.ko <---- i have the modules for sound, but sound is not working, does anyone know what do do?06:49
pipegeekvasyok, I would guess the usb device actually looks something like /dev/sdb106:49
sumit__unop, sudo apt-get install xchat06:50
unopsumit_, show us the output of that command - on a pastebin06:50
pipegeekdon't know why the format worked, but /dev/scd0 refers to the first scsi cd/dvd drive06:50
jp_sfpipegeek: type eject /dev/scd0 the cdrom would eject06:50
sumit__binarymutant, ya but dont ubderstand why it is not taking depndeies it self06:50
LurkersAmezquitale, 8600GT06:50
vasyokpipegeek: it is a usb flash driv06:50
phixxor_irssihow do I switch tabs in terminal with the keyboard?06:51
vasyokit's not HDD06:51
phixxor_irssilike switch between tabs06:51
unopphixxor_irssi, ctrl+shift+t ?06:51
phixxor_irssiunop: naw, that made a new one06:52
mezquitaleLurkersA, have you tried it on ubuntu?  That is the best price for an NVIDIA card, the rest are more than $10006:52
binarymutantsumit_sudo apt-get install xchat, then hit y to accept the installation of dependencies06:52
jp_sfphixxor_irssi: ctrl + pagedown or up06:52
pipegeekvasyok, I don't know what happened there.  It's possible the same physical device is being exposed through two device nodes, and when you access it as /dev/scd0, it treats it as a cd (ie, read-only).  Do dmesg | grep usb, and see if you see a device name there06:52
phixxor_irssijp_sf: thanks06:52
LurkersAmezquitale, Never had a problem with it and I've been using it for years06:52
phixxor_irssijp_sf: also I just found it... it's right under the tabs menu... heh, sorry06:52
pipegeekI only say it's possible because I don't know otherwise ;)06:52
jp_sfphixxor_irssi: true06:53
phixxor_irssithe real problem I wanted to ask about, is what does this ping error mean? Ping: sendmsg: operation not permitted06:54
kiasanthis it possible to do a full install across a network?06:54
TyGRusWhen I am logging into Gnome, it halts, and the menu bar etc. do not show up... I can just see the desktop. Any thoughts? Where can I check the logs for this?06:54
jp_sfkiasanth: yes kickstart06:55
unopkiasanth, sure06:55
kiasanthnice, where do I look for that?06:55
unop!netboot | kiasanth06:55
ubottukiasanth: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate06:55
TyGRusI can right click and create folder06:55
kiasanthsweet, thanks guys and bots06:56
yoyit2ok so im trying to install "DVD Encoder OGMRip" fro add/remove. when i try to install it it says it cant be installed, and to open Synaptic package maneger. what do i do there??06:57
LurkersAyoyit2, Try searching it is synaptic06:57
TyGRusHmm, in fact, it seems launcher (Alt+F2) is not working either06:57
terryxprinter problem...there was a processing document.....06:57
TyGRusterryx: ?06:58
terryxtygrus, when i give print command, its says print error..06:58
phixxor_irssiwhat does this ping error mean and why does it happen? Ping: sendmsg: operation not permitted06:58
TyGRusterryx, oh, sorry, I am seeking help myself here, lol . i cant help much :(06:59
histophixxor_irssi, looks like you don't have access to ping07:00
unopphixxor_irssi, probably no route to the destination or firewall blocking traffic via that route07:00
yoyit2LurkersA:  ok, well im REALLY new to ubuntu, and i have NO clue of what to do in there07:00
LurkersAterryx, Which print error?07:00
histophixxor_irssi, its denying the replies07:00
sohailhow do you add a menu entry when writing a deb package for [k]ubuntu07:00
eweb100Can somone help me with CHEESE? it crashes when ever i open it!07:01
histoyoyit2, does it give an error as to why it can't be installed?07:01
eweb100Help pl0x?07:01
sohailwhat is CHEESE07:01
terryxlurkera, in ubuntu printer install automatically..right?07:01
histoyoyit2, you can search for ogmrip thats the name of the package07:01
eweb100sohail, webcam07:01
eweb100sohail, thing07:01
LurkersAyoyit2, There should be a search button at the top, click it, search the name of the program in the box, when it returns the results, look for that program, right click on it, select 'install' and click the green tick at the top07:01
macvrhi all, i'd like to install ubuntu in another partition , in the same harddrive , could this be done? i.e 2 roots in the same drive but different partitions? each time i could use a different 1 ?07:01
histoyoyit2, or you can opne a terminal and "sudo aptitude install ogmrip"  with out quotes ofcourse07:01
LurkersAterryx, most of the time :D07:02
yoyit2histo: it just says it confilcts with another program07:02
histoyoyit2, ahh well using synaptic or other means won't install it either. YOu have to resolve the conflict07:02
terryxlurkera, so as my printer..all are fine...but today i got an printer error, now i can;t print anything...07:02
LurkersAterryx, so you have used them before in ubuntu?07:03
yoyit2histo: how would i do that exactly?07:03
pipegeekIf vasyok shows up again, perhaps someone would be so kind as to direct him to #ubuntu-ru or #linux-russian07:03
terryxlurkera, yes...and print many file..the error comes today..07:03
LogomachistI installed Ubuntu but Grub isn't kicking in like it is supposed to.07:03
pipegeekdidn't get the chance before he logged off07:04
LurkersAterryx, Have you changed anything on the computer lately07:04
syahrilexecuse me ! how to set enable usb using virtualbox ose?07:04
LogomachistHelp? I'm trying to duel-boot WinXP and Linux.07:04
LurkersAsyahril, VirtualBox only addresses 2 USB devices07:04
terryxonly updates07:04
LurkersAterryx, Can you post the error?07:04
LurkersALogomachist, Does GRUB show up at all?07:05
macvrhi all, i'd like to install ubuntu in another partition , in the same harddrive , could this be done? i.e 2 roots in the same drive but different partitions? each time i could use a different 1 ?07:05
LurkersAsyahril, That is generally your mouse and keyboard07:05
unopmacvr, sure07:05
syahrilSo, How to share my folder from real machine in virtual machine07:05
terryxlurkera, well no big error, i tried to print empty page, and its says...print error...there was a problem processing document..<document name>07:06
thorsten11Logomachist: is ubuntu the only os on the drive?07:06
LurkersAI don't know if VirtualBox can do that07:06
iffan4evermacvr: you can07:06
LurkersAsyahril, I don't know if VirtualBox can do that07:06
macvrunop: how would the setup respond then? would i have an option in grub?07:06
LogomachistNo, I also have WinXP07:06
syahrilthank LurkersA07:06
LurkersAterryx, Does it do the same for a document with something on it?07:06
unopmacvr, grub should detect the already installed OSes and add entries automatically07:06
terryxlurkera, yes07:07
LurkersAsyahril, No problem, you can always try VMWare Player :D07:07
syahrilVMWare is free or Commercial?07:07
LurkersAterryx, Odd.... Have you tried restarting the printer?07:07
unopmacvr, but why would you want to install ubuntu twice?07:07
macvrunop: ok... the thing is i'm having problems with 8.10 , so i want to install 8.10 in another partition and check if that works? would i have any conflicts?07:07
LogomachistGrub wasn't showing up, but I found a seperate Windows installer for Grub and now it does show up, but don't start Linux, only generates errors.07:07
* BruceChang bows07:08
Ahadielsyahril, It's possible to share a folder with Virtualbox07:08
LogomachistIn other words, there's a Grub entry on the WinXP boot menu.07:08
thorsten11Logomachist: i tried a dual boot with vista/ubuntu.  could never get networking capabilites but grub sure took control.  Hmm thats quite a pickle07:08
LurkersAsyahril, Player and server are free and are good products, Workstation is ~$500 but is well worth the cost in my opinion07:08
Ahadielsyahril, In your VM's window, go to Devices => Shared Folders07:08
unopmacvr, the only conflicts would happen if both installs shared the same partitions/filesystems - just make sure that isn't the case07:08
brain187what are you problem with810?07:08
thorsten11Logomachist: grub should be what shows up and you pick from it07:08
unopmacvr, it's just like dual-booting two different operating systems07:09
BruceChangbrain187: hello. Do you know how to use generic IDE driver to install Ubuntu?07:09
LogomachistYeah I looked online and that's what the tutorials say should happen.07:09
terryxlurkera, now see, i have delete the printer..and turn off then on it, then when i on it its showing printer added07:09
LurkersALogomachist, Try booting with a live cd and running the command "install-grub"07:09
macvrunop:  ok ... could u check this out if u have any ideas? how to resolve this?  http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=6448335&postcount=1 <<< if this is solved i wouldnt have to reinstall!07:09
terryxlurkera, now i try to print...07:09
thorsten11Logomachist: i hate to suggest this, but you may want to delete the partition and start from scratch again. might have been an error in the installation07:09
LogomachistSo I start a terminal and select type "install-grub"? Do I have to be in a certain directory?07:10
LurkersAterryx, It fix it?07:10
phixxorhey if I have two computers on a network, and one has already downloaded updates, would I have to download them twice? (cause computer #2 would have to download 209 updates otherwise)07:10
BruceChangHello. May I know how to use generic IDE driver to install Ubuntu 8.10?07:11
terryxlurkera, no....before i have done that...but don't know what happens this time?07:11
LurkersALogomachist, That should be the command, It worked for me last time, other option is 'Super Grub Disk' which can fix it for you.07:11
brain187bruse see pm07:11
LogomachistThorsten11- I already did that. This was my second time installing Ubuntu, no different from the first.07:11
LogomachistWhat's Super Grub Disk?07:11
LurkersAit is a grub rescue cd07:11
thorsten11Logomachist: did you create the partition from xp?07:11
brain187bruce you there07:12
LurkersALogomachist, http://www.supergrubdisk.org/07:12
LurkersAit is a small live cd07:12
LogomachistI did, it's using a ext3 filesystem.07:12
LurkersAterryx, What sort of printer is it?07:13
unopmacvr, what does  cat /proc/swaps  #give you?07:13
syahril<Ahadiel> thanks07:13
terryxhp..all in one 561007:13
opera_it is my  first irc07:13
kevinwme too07:13
LurkersAterryx, Is the correct driver selected in the 'Printer' config under System?07:13
macvrunop: /dev/ramzswap0                          partition5178445640100    /dev/sda6                               partition35503240-107:13
thorsten11Logomachist: try what LurkersA suggested, seems to have worked there. I have never had a problem like that lol, if anything, grub seems to have taken control of my hardware :)07:13
jp_sfopera_: it is ok to look07:14
bullgard4What information is stored in /sys? 'man 7 hier' does not mention /sys. 'man 7 hier' is dated  2001-09-07. /sys probably has been created later.07:14
jtierhow can I reconfigure locale ? I am gettings all kind of errors all over http://pastebin.com/me0a402707:14
terryxlurkera, how to check?07:14
SmokeyDhey ppeople. Are there xen disk images of Ubuntu hardy server available for download somewhere?07:14
opera_i don'T know07:14
SmokeyDI seem to remember seeing them somewhere07:14
LogomachistThanks for the help. I'll give it a try and see how it goes. ^_^07:14
LurkersAterryx, System -> Administration -> Printing07:15
terryxlurkera, now?07:15
LurkersAterryx, yeah07:15
SmokeyDI can of course create an empty disk image and install ubuntu on it, but It would save time if the images already existed07:15
opera_what is the topic here07:15
terryxlurkera, i mean done...now?07:15
jp_sfjtier:  sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales07:16
LurkersAterryx, By 'Make and Model' is the correct name shown?07:16
jtierjp_sf: i get this error http://pastebin.com/me0a402707:16
unopmacvr, do you have the s2disk or pm-utils packages installed?  can you check?07:16
terryxlurkera, yes same as before..07:17
LurkersAterryx, Hmmm, odd. Well I'm not sure sorry, printers aren't really my forte, try posting a request in UbuntuForums07:17
unopbullgard4, /sys is a vritual file system containing kernel specific information mounted as a filesystem07:17
DannyHi every one07:17
jp_sfjtier: sudo apt-get install language-support-en07:17
macvrunop: k.. pm-utils is installed...07:17
terryxlurkera, thanx anyway...07:17
bullgard4unop: Thank you for explaining.07:18
codeshahGuys, I am sort of stuck, Gnome seems to have crapped out on me, in that it will start but I cannot use the launcher or the menu system... the menu system does not load ant Alt+F2 does nothing07:18
DannyI do not know how to play my dvd07:18
LurkersAInstall libdvdcss207:19
codeshahhow can I check what's happening?07:19
LurkersAyou can get it from the medibuntu repositoies07:19
unopmacvr, hmm, i'm really not sure what this could be down to -- try reinstalling  acpi apm and pm-utils07:19
unopmacvr, what actually happens when you try and suspend / hibernate?07:19
macvrunop: it just locks screen instead!07:20
opera_who can talk with me07:21
LurkersAopera_, What is the problem?07:21
opera_i don't know what i do07:21
jp_sfopera_: /join #ubuntu-offtopic07:21
mikeifyinganyoen wanna help out a debian user? Xd07:22
LurkersAopera_, What happened?07:22
macvrunop: i reinstalled pm-utils and tried...! now i get a weird response!> vlc has prevented hibernate from working: playing some media... but i'm not playing anything!07:22
Slartmikearr: probably most of the people in #debian.. or is it somehow ubuntu related?07:22
Slartmikeifying: probably most of the people in #debian.. or is it somehow ubuntu related?07:22
unopmacvr, check if vlc is running .   ps aux | grep -i vlc07:22
Slartsorry mikearr07:23
mikearrnot a problem :)07:23
mikeifyingslart: not sure seen a problem similar to mine in an ubuntu forum post07:23
mikeifyingslart: so figured some here could help me07:23
macvrunop: oo    606  0.0  0.0   3236   804 ttyp1    S+   12:53   0:00 grep -i vlc <<<<<<<i got this response07:23
unopmacvr, nothing else?07:24
Slartmikeifying: you might as well describe the problem07:24
macvrunop:  nope07:24
unopmacvr, strange - try again07:24
macvrunop: i tried killall vlc> but it said no process to kill!07:24
Rollieim ubuntu newb so i need some step by step help07:24
LurkersARollie, What is the problem?07:25
Rolliei need to reformat my windows drive07:25
mikeifyingso has anyone had trouble getting sound from flah ??07:25
Rollieand set up wireless connection07:25
Rollieand do what i need to do to play steam games and all that07:25
terryxlurkera, i got one thing here...its says could not read xref table..error07:26
Rolliealot of things are blocked or something it seems07:26
mikeifyingrollie: setup steam07:26
mikeifyingrollie: what kinda of wireless card do you have?07:26
Rolliethe kind where i steal ppls internet07:27
LurkersAmikeifying, Yeah, try 'sudo alsa force-reload'07:27
opera_i want study linux , ,but don't how start07:27
Slartmikeifying: well.. there used to be some kind of flash library for fixing the sound.. don't know if it's needed anymore though07:27
Slartmikeifying: it was called libflash something..07:27
mikeifyingslart: ill look into it07:27
BruceChangLurkersA: Hello.07:27
mikeifyingrollie: do you know what driver it takes?07:27
LurkersAmikeifying, Yeah, try 'sudo alsa force-reload'07:28
LurkersABruceChang, Hi07:28
Slartmikeifying: apart from that flash has been surprisingly well behaved lately07:28
Rolliei can load up da cd hold on07:28
opera_who can give me a book about linux07:28
mikeifyingslart, i have a feeling its this non-free plugin i have to use haha07:28
LurkersAopera_, Bookstore?07:28
BruceChangLurkersA: Can I install Ubuntu with the option of using generic IDE driver?07:28
opera_which one07:28
Slartmikeifying: I use that too.. on 64 bit..07:29
mikeifyinglurkersa, says alsa is not a calid comand07:29
LurkersAmikeifying, Odd, I know there is some form of clash with ALSA and the non-free flash07:29
LurkersABruceChang, Not sure sorry07:29
mikeifyingslart: yeah my on board souncard went bad so im using a usb soundcard, i get sound out of mplayer for my mp3s but not out of my browser07:29
terryxanybody....i got printer problem...its says could not read xref table..error07:30
EdgeX-How do I find out what dev node is being assigned to my cdrom drive?07:30
BruceChangLurkersA: It's OK thanks.07:30
Rollieim pretty sure they got newer drivers07:30
Rolliethat i can dl07:30
mikeifyinglurkersa, yeah ive been reading onit trying to find a sollution07:30
BruceChangIs there anybody teach me " Can I install Ubuntu with the option of using generic IDE driver?"07:30
mikeifyingrolie: i can help you if its a bcm driver other wise im at a loss buddy07:30
LurkersAmikeifying, the command I provided fixes it for me and the majority07:30
macvrunop: any ideas?07:31
FlannelBruceChang: What do you mean?  Are you having trouble installing?07:31
mikeifyinglurkersa: yeah says the command doesnt exist lol07:31
BruceChangFlannel: Yes...The IDE is not recognized because it's new chipset07:31
FlannelBruceChang: How do you know that IDE isn't recognized?07:31
mikeifyinglurkersa, bash: alsa: command not found07:31
macvrunop: u there?07:32
BruceChangFlannel: I am stopped at initramfs07:32
mezquitaleanyone knows if PCI-Express 2.0 is backward compatible with a PCI Express x16 slot??07:32
mikeifyingmy alsaconf doesnt even list the card but when i run  cat /proc/asound/cards i see it there07:32
EdgeX-How do I find out what dev node is being assigned to my cdrom drive?07:33
mikeifyingrollie: got that driver yet?07:34
kattmanHow can i reinstall broken files with the 8.04 cd07:34
afallenhopehey.. is there a replacement for NetworkManager in Ubuntu 8.04TLS? because. I keep getting disconnected every 15 mins (as you can tell)07:36
macvrunop: u there?07:38
halyconDoes anyone know a good program to use to remove duplicate photos?07:38
Max_PowersDoes anybody know, if I downloaded a folder with many files, and some files were complete, and others were not, and I stopped downloading it, how I can tell which files are complete?07:39
Rolliejeeze you have to go through a bunch of shit to get this stuff to work07:39
Rollieill stick to windows07:39
jussi01!ohmy | Rollie07:40
ubottuRollie: Please watch your language, attitude and topic to help keep this channel friendly and helpful. Remember, there are kids here!07:40
Rolliekids using linux07:40
yoyit2how do i get ogmrip to output .mp4 for my ipod??07:40
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anuhow to let g++ support Unicode ?07:41
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afallenhopehey.. is there a replacement for NetworkManager in Ubuntu 8.04TLS? because. I keep getting disconnected every 15 mins (as you can tell)07:41
pixelatedrollie, everyone uses linux in my house including the kids... and i have several ethernet cards (pci) that wont work in windows07:41
yoyit2how ogmrip to output mp4???????????07:42
anuor how can all compilers install in Ubuntu support Unicode ?07:42
rcguzonupdate on my problem07:42
jussi01!repeat | anu yoyit207:42
ubottuanu yoyit2: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience07:42
FlannelRollie: That page is old.  It's likely that the information on that thread isn't accurate anymore.07:42
mikeifyingrollie: what type of driver does the card take07:42
mikeifyingrollie: because if its a bcm drive ill have it up and runnign fast07:43
SmokeyDhey people. WOuld it be possible to install ubuntu hardy over ssh on a machine (actually xen virtual image) if that machine has been booted with an ubuntu install cd and ssh is running on it?07:43
rcguzonif you ever encounter the "the cannot read ./hal-mtab" problem, just delete the /media/.mtab-hal and /media/mtab-lock07:43
Flannel!install | SmokeyD07:43
ubottuSmokeyD: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate07:43
rcguzonit solved my problem07:43
FlannelSmokeyD: the first link gives a good deal of creative methods for isntall.  Check there07:43
FlannelSmokeyD: I know there are some over ssh, not sure re: xen etc07:44
mkerRollie, you won't get more help for threatening to go back to windows, you do what you want to do. We're not paid to help, we're just regular people. Everyone is here because we like Ubuntu and we want to help people out if we can.07:44
Lamerionquestion : chgrp -R new_group /home/user/directory what does this do in ssh07:45
Guest34175i'm running ubuntu as a vm and i cant get the image to use the whole screen07:45
Rolliemker: i wasnt threatening, i was wining because im n00b07:46
LogomachistI tried "install-grub" and it didn't work.07:46
LogomachistAny more ideas?07:46
LogomachistI'm looking at that Super Grud disk thing now.07:47
Rolliemikeifying: http://drivers.softpedia.com/get/NETWORK-CARD/OTHER-NETWORK-CARDS/Netgear-MA101-Driver-24.shtml07:47
Rolliethis one07:47
unopLamerion, change the group of all objects in that directory ?  just like when not used over ssh07:48
Deadboysi have a problem07:48
Deadboysi changed my ssh port and reset the ssh service now i cant log in via ssh07:48
Deadboysits not even giving me an option to attempt to login just timing out when i try07:48
JaZ969Can somebody help me get my microphone to work, if I unmute any capture/recording settings they auto re-mute themselves.07:49
Lamerionunop : how about if i wanna add a usergroup to a particular directory07:49
jussi01Deadboys: so youve tried loggin in with the new port? (I assume so)07:49
Lamerionsame command?07:49
phixxoris there an official "tips to speed up ubuntu" page?07:49
Deadboysjussi01 i have07:49
Rolliemikeifying can you help y/n07:49
unopLamerion, you cannot do that- you can only specify which group owns a directory.  is that what you mean?07:50
mikeifyingrollie: im looking07:50
onatsanyone here familiar with vinagre?07:50
jussi01Deadboys: and you have no physical access to the machine?07:50
Deadboysnone at all07:50
Deadboysits a dedicated server07:50
mkerphixxor, not that I know of but if you're using Gnome and your computer is old maybe you can try XFCE instead (a.k.a. Xubuntu)07:50
jussi01Deadboys: tried a normal ssh login? (if the change didnt take)07:50
Lamerionunop: if group A owns directory, how can i allow access to group B to ftp his directory?07:50
mkeronats, just ask what you want to know and you'll get an answer if someone has it.07:51
Deadboysive tried to connect via port 22 and it wont even allow me07:51
Lamerionunop: kinda confused at this07:51
Deadboyswhen i try with the new port connection times out07:51
Deadboysand it doesnt even promt me for username or password07:51
jussi01Deadboys:  Id say you need to call the service provider then07:51
phixxormker: thanks. is it that much of a difference?07:51
sujianyone know what is rpath07:51
mkerLamerion, set the permission for "others" as access files maybe? Isn't that 'default' though?07:51
jussi01!info rpath | suji07:51
Deadboysthats what i was thinking jussi01 just thought there might be some solution07:51
sujiwhat is the use of rpath in linux07:52
mkerphixxor, I don't know, it's supposed to be a bit like Gnome but made to be lighter. Give it a try :)07:52
unopLamerion, the simple way - create a new group i.e. group C  whose members are both Group A and B - and set group C as the group for the directory07:53
mkersuji, http://www.google.com/search?q=rpath07:53
Lamerionhmm getting there ,maybe i should describe the case abit.07:53
onatsmker,  i want to be able to access my active desktop at home (ubuntu 8.10), using a windows machine07:54
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nbeeboanyone know what the size of wine is? how many mb?07:54
afallenhopehey.. is there a replacement for NetworkManager in Ubuntu 8.04TLS? because. I keep getting disconnected every 15 mins (as you can tell)07:54
afallenhope http://pastebin.com/d5164f260 <-- that's one issue I have07:54
Lamerionso i have a top directory that has a sub directory both owned by A, so if i want B to be able to access A's subdirectory through ftp only i must07:54
Rolliealso how do you enable permissions to everything imstead of being locked out all the time07:55
Lamerioncreate C that has A & B ? and set owner to subfolder?07:55
unopLamerion, correct07:55
* Lamerion ponders... thanks unop07:55
unopLamerion, you could use ACLs instead - but i don't think they are standard with ubuntu07:56
anui use "sudo apt-get install unicode" there are error msgs : "perl: warning: Setting locale failed.07:56
anuperl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:  LANGUAGE = (unset), LC_ALL = (unset), LC_CTYPE = "zh_CN.UTF-8", LANG = "en_US.UTF-8"  are supported and installed on your system... Setting up unicode (0.9) ...07:56
mkernbeebo, aptitude show wine07:56
Lamerionwee bit too far fetched for a newbie like me now =)07:56
* bobbie4 screams in frustration07:56
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afallenhopethat's another issue:dhcdbd: message_handler: message handler not found under /com/redhat/dhcp/07:57
unopanu,  try.   sudo dpkg-reconfigure locale07:57
JaZ969Amarok says your output device is already busy: xine parameters, help please?07:57
FireFox||Anyone has experience with ubuntu on a Dell Studio XPS ? (435MT) / Will this work out of the box?07:58
nbeebomker, hmm worked thanks07:58
nbeebo55.8 mb07:58
histoFireFox||, try the livecd and find out07:58
histoFireFox||, thats what its for07:58
afallenhopehey.. is there a replacement for NetworkManager in Ubuntu 8.04TLS? because. I keep getting disconnected every 15 mins (as you can tell)07:59
anuunop, thanks :) i will try07:59
afallenhopethat's another issue:dhcdbd: message_handler: message handler not found under /com/redhat/dhcp/07:59
FireFox||histo: thank you histo, I wasn't thinking clear :)07:59
mkerFireFox||, try googling the model and "ubuntu" and see what comes up. If you don't find anything useful look up the specific hardware, like the graphics card, network card and so on. Or just try the live cd like histo said :)07:59
afallenhope http://pastebin.com/d5164f260 <-- that's one issue I have07:59
simardI want to setup a VPN server on my ubuntu computer, which one should I use ? openvpn, openswan, pptp-linux, etc ?07:59
onatssimard, i suggest openvpn07:59
afallenhope!vpn | simard07:59
ubottusimard: From more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD07:59
ubottunetworkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager08:00
anuunop , it said "/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: locale is not installed"08:00
Rolliemikeifying: thanks for trying bro, its ok08:00
pixelatedFireFox||, also even if the livecd doesnt work your machine may work with an install from the alternate cd (this machien i am on work work with livecd but runs fine when installed from alt cd)08:00
simardthank you08:00
unopanu,  sorry, typo.   sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales08:00
anuoh :) thanks08:01
pixelatederr doesnt work with live cd...08:01
simardonats, of course if I would happen to need windows compatibility I should use pptp ?08:01
=== hmhou is now known as horise
anuunop , i think it works :) thank you08:02
coreyhi i have a usb modem connected at /dev/ttyusb1 and i continuously auto disconnects on me (bumped) i dont know why or how to fix it, i am running ubuntu 8.10 and anyone who can help please feel free08:02
onatssimard, there's an implementation of openvpn on mac and windows08:02
kiasanthis it possible to change the partition to ext3 and remove windows without a boot cd etc?08:02
onatsmy machines (ubuntu, mac osx, and windows) can connect one click + password to my home vpn08:02
ohziekiasanth, fdisk08:03
anuoh no , it still doesn't work08:03
kiasanthohzie, it's the same partition I boot from08:03
anu(process:6253): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.08:03
anuUsing the fallback 'C' locale.08:04
ohzieOh, no.08:04
ohzieNot that I'm aware.08:04
ohzieYou have to buckle down and reboot afaik08:04
afallenhopehey.. is there a replacement for NetworkManager in Ubuntu 8.04TLS? because. I keep getting disconnected every 15 mins (as you can tell)08:04
afallenhope http://pastebin.com/d5164f260 <-- that's one issue I have08:04
afallenhopethat's another issue:dhcdbd: message_handler: message handler not found under /com/redhat/dhcp/08:04
sujianyone please,how to know system kernal version in system and uptime08:04
simardonats, oh I see, thanks08:04
afallenhopesuji, time uptime08:04
afallenhopeand kernel uname -a08:05
afallenhopeas root08:05
pixelatedsuji, uname and uptime08:05
afallenhopesudo uname -a08:05
afallenhopeand uptime08:05
unopafallenhope, sudo?08:05
pixelatedafallenhope, what distro is installed on that machine?08:05
afallenhopeyeah... didn't mean to use sudo08:05
kiasanthohzie, I have no problem rebooting, but my pc won't read it's cd drive for some reason08:06
afallenhopepixelated, I have Ubuntu 8.04.... as I mentioned about 50 times08:06
sujiya how to know uptime08:06
debbshi guys08:06
ohziekiasanth, that's very unfortunate. :[08:06
ohzieI know that on uh08:06
afallenhopehttp://pastebin.com/d5164f260 <-- that's one issue I have08:06
afallenhopehat's another issue:dhcdbd: message_handler: message handler not found under /com/redhat/dhcp/08:06
ohziepartitionmagic for windows, you can set a variety of tasks to perform on your boot drive, reboot, and it does them08:06
afallenhopeit's caused by the network manager08:07
ohziebut I've never seen that for linux08:07
anuwho knows how to let Ubuntu support Unicode :)08:07
mkerohzie, gparted08:07
ohziemker, Really?08:07
mkerohzie, oh, maybe not. sorry, just replied after reading "partitionmagic" :)08:07
=== kb is now known as Guest18073
ohziemker, :)08:07
unopanu, make sure you have a UTF locale installed and use that locale08:07
mkerohzie, what things do you want done?08:07
kiasanthguess I'll just open her up and try and make the cd drive work08:07
sujiuptime is not come pa:08:08
ohziemker, kiasanth wants to repartition his boot drive.08:08
anuhow to install UTF locale upop ? :)08:08
unopanu,  sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales  # :)08:08
coreyhi i have a usb modem connected at /dev/ttyusb1 and i continuously auto disconnects on me (bumped) i dont know why or how to fix it, i am running ubuntu 8.10 and anyone who can help please feel free08:08
opera_who come from china08:09
kiasanthmker: I installed ubu from windows and it installed it in the NTFS partition WITH windows, I wanna make ubu the only OS and on EXT308:09
anuperl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").08:09
anulocale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory08:09
anulocale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory08:09
FloodBot1anu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:09
unop!cn | opera_08:09
ubottuopera_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk08:09
sujihow to know  uptime in my system08:09
mkerkiasanth, do you want to remove everything? (like if you have a backup of what's important or don't care about anything on the computer)08:09
unopsuji, uhh.  use the uptime command08:09
unopanu,  maybe you need.   sudo aptitude reinstall locales08:10
sujiwhat is the uptime command08:10
Flannelsuji: go to a terminal and type 'uptime' then hit enter08:10
unopsuji,  open up a terminal.  type   uptime08:10
sujisry i got it08:10
* bobbie4 bashes his head against the wall of sheer frustration08:10
kiasanthmker: I don't care about anything on the PC08:11
kiasanthmker: but I can't boot from CD08:11
anuterminal shows :   http://paste.ubuntu.com/101521/ ?08:11
Fracturedanyone use mt-daapd?  everytime i restart my box, i have to manually rescan the database to get songs listed, nothing shows up otherwise08:11
mkerkiasanth, hm, but the cd drive works right? If you put a cd in you can read it?08:11
betothHas anyone encountered a disk DNE reference when connecting a SATA drive?08:11
kiasanthmker: Nope08:12
kiasanthmker: the PC in question seems to kill CD Drives08:12
anuunop : can you help me ?08:12
kiasanthmker: I have a pile of 5 or 6 dead drives from using them in that pc08:12
betothFor some reason my OS disk reference is lost when I connect an SATA device08:12
anuunop : i want to compile in UTF in g++ :)08:13
mkerkiasanth, crazy! take a look here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation#Installation%20without%20a%20CD08:13
bobbie4why me? I bought a Turtle Beach usb audio device for two reason. 1 http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Vendor-Turtle_Beach said it was supported. 2) I really need the SPDIF interface. To make a long story short, Linux recognizes the device and can use it with the <TEST> buttons on the Sound Preferences screen. But that's it. No matter what I do I can't route audio to it, I can't even find a switch for the SPDIF output. I'm going to cry in a08:14
FloodBot1bobbie4: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:14
bobbie4Paste? I typed that whole thing.08:15
eseven73bobbie4: i think after 3 lines or something like that FloodBot1 starts hissing :)08:15
bobbie4oh, okay. I wish my audio would hiss.08:16
mayailhow to know the system time through terminl08:17
mayailsystem date also08:17
mkermayail, date08:17
eseven73I disabled PulseAudio to get mine working bobbie4 , actually i uninstalled it heh08:17
opera_i will go home .thanks everyone,bye08:18
bobbie4okay, eseven73 how does one uninstall Pulse Audio?08:18
bobbie4if you don't mind telling me08:18
eseven73hmm i did it using synaptic08:18
evowill_bobbie4, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=97363708:18
SpAcI just did apt-get install gnome-desktop-environment thinking it would complete a similar install to the CD, however it didn't seem to include as much as I expected. For example, no browser, or the human theme. Is this normal?08:19
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eseven73!away > TwoD_asleep08:19
ubottuTwoD_asleep, please see my private message08:19
anuanyone knows how to install Unicode in an English Ubuntu :)08:20
=== TwoD_asleep is now known as TwoD
evowill_SpAc, you are probably looking for the package ubuntu-desktop08:21
SpAcevowill_, oh... so would there be much difference between gnome-core and gnome-desktop-environment?08:22
mayailhow to copy file from another system to my system. i use ssh command but it only use to see the files but how to copy them08:22
debbswhere can i find an updated sources list for feisty - mine is messed and has to be edited and reset08:22
hischild_laptopmayail, use sftp. It's based on ssh, so it uses the same username and password, but you use nautilus to connect.08:23
nucc1who is the "web-user" on ubuntu? the one apache runs as...08:23
evowill_SpAc, yes08:23
hischild_laptopnucc1, it's exactly as you say, it's the user apache uses to run the webserver. This is so it doesn't run as root which starts it.08:23
EdgeX-How does ubuntu go as far as printer support08:23
nucc1hischild_laptop: I want to iknow the "username"08:23
rwwmayail: "scp username@address.of.remote.system:/path/to/remote/file /path/to/destination/file". Or, Places > Connect to Server > Service type: SSH.08:23
hischild_laptop!printer | EdgeX-08:24
ubottuEdgeX-: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows08:24
nucc1hischild_laptop: so that I can assign ownership of a folder to it :)08:24
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories08:24
SpAcevowill_, I'm guessing gnome-desktop-environment has some extra apps where as gnome-core is just the bare basics08:24
hischild_laptopnucc1, add yourself to the owners group is probably much easier. Besides, the web user needs to have read access and in case of php that needs to write, also write access.08:24
evowill_SpAc, Exactly08:24
betothIf on bootup I get the message "Gave up waiting for root device," how can I specify the root device and restart the OS?08:25
eseven73bobbie4: any luck?08:25
khaimeneed help with tightvnc, i have the tightvnc server running on my ubuntu box, and i have the client running on my windows box....how can i configure my tightvnc server on my ubuntu box so that when i connect using the tightvnc "viewer" on my windows box i see the "desktop"  ?    i do not see the desktop..i only see a console window08:25
nucc1hischild_laptop: and what is the group name?08:25
rwwdebbs: Support for Ubuntu Feisty ended in October. I'd bet that your sources.list is "messed up" because its repositories were moved to old-archive.ubuntu.com recently.08:25
bobbie4eseven73:  I'm working though the instructions right now08:25
bobbie4hopefully it will work08:25
SpAcevowill_, then ubuntu-desktop is the whole enchilada08:25
evowill_SpAc, yes, it is what you would see in the liveCD08:26
rwwdebbs: old-releases.ubuntu.com **08:26
hischild_laptopnucc1, in a terminal go to the folder where you have stored the files  and type this --> ls -l08:26
hischild_laptopnucc1, it'll show you the user and group owning them.08:26
mayailhow to know my port number in my system08:27
rwwdebbs: See http://jacob.steelsmith.org/content/upgrade-ubuntu-feisty-post-end-life for a replacement sources.list file, and information on upgrading to a supported version of Ubuntu.08:27
evowill_debbs, if your sources.list is really messed up, you might want to have a look at http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic/08:27
eseven73bobbie4: also if you do not wish to permently remove it, you could always try sudo /etc/init.d/pulseaudio stop (Maybe the gurus in here can confirm that command) It's been ages since ive had to do it08:27
nucc1hischild_laptop: /var/www seems to be owned by root...08:27
rwwdebbs: (except change references to "edgy" to "feisty)08:27
coreyhi i have a usb modem connected at /dev/ttyusb1 and i continuously auto disconnects on me (bumped) i dont know why or how to fix it, i am running ubuntu 8.10 and anyone who can help please feel free08:28
hischild_laptopnucc1, 1 more folder down08:28
coreyplease someone help me i droped out again08:28
rwwevowill_: that link appears to be out of date08:28
SpAcevowill_, personal question: would I be ok with just gnome-desktop-environment or will it eventually lead to  me pulling my hair out?08:28
nucc1hischild_laptop: I want to find out who the web user is, so that I can make a folder owned by that user, to avoid having to make it world-readable. am I making sense?08:28
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evowill_rww, wow, yea it's gone, time to unremember that link.08:29
hischild_laptop!afk > rndmtngnt|afk08:29
* eseven73 hands SpAc a wig just in case08:29
ubotturndmtngnt|afk, please see my private message08:29
hischild_laptopnucc1, yes, 1 second, a server is bugging here.08:29
nucc1hischild_laptop: I'm not a beginner with this stuff, if that helps. I've looked in "users-admin" but can't find anything helpful08:29
evowill_SpAc, I will send you a PM, as it really all depends on what you want to accomplish.08:29
bobbie4eseven73:  newbie question, how do i make a directory? is it  md ~/backup/pulseaudio/    ?08:31
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hischild_laptopnucc1, ps aux | grep apache shows that mine runs as www-data leading me to believe that creating a folder with that ownership should be sufficient for what you want.08:32
nucc1hischild_laptop: just saw that. I had to go check "show all" in gconf to make user-admin to display all :(08:33
hischild_laptopnucc1, i gotta go for a bit. GL =)08:34
terryxanybody can solve my printer problem...????????08:34
TazbobuSomething is wrong with my firefox.. when I click on links normally I can hit the back button to go to the previous page.. now no matter what link I click on the back button is grayed out...08:35
simulationi have a trouble about dyndns update client "ddclient" i have config my ddclinet but it cant update the ip address of my host :S08:35
terryxanybody can solve my printer problem...????????08:36
abhishekterryx: what is the problem?08:36
sfer21simulation: what's the error? have you started it with the "ddclient" command from terminal? have you set it as a cron job, if you want it to update all the time?08:36
terryxabhshek, indian-indian bhai bhai...error could not read xref table08:37
sfer21what kind of an error is that? :S08:37
simulationsfer21 i have solved my problem thank you.08:37
abhishekterryx: install the printer drivers again08:38
sfer21simulation: that's okay08:38
terryxtell me the steps08:38
simulationsfer21 problem was about getting ip add from web. thats solved.08:38
simulationthanks ...08:38
terryxabhishek...delete the old printer in system-admin-printing...right?08:38
cplab2-03can i know how to transfer drupal website from one system to other08:38
Deadboysis there a command that i can use to find out what processes are running on my ubuntu server08:39
eseven73!ot | cplab2-0308:39
Deadboysits cli btw08:39
ubottucplab2-03: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!08:39
rwwcplab2-03: ask in #drupal-support on this server08:39
eseven73Deadboys: top or htop08:39
zirodayDeadboys: as well as ps08:39
terryxeseven73, can u help me again...on printer08:40
Deadboysi typed top and saw it08:40
eseven73htop is nicer than top but you have to install it08:40
Deadboyshow to i exit top?08:40
eseven73ctrl + c08:40
rwwDeadboys: press 'q'08:40
Deadboysthanks eseven7308:40
afallenhopehey.. is there a replacement for NetworkManager in Ubuntu 8.04TLS? because. I keep getting disconnected every 15 mins (as you can tell)08:40
afallenhope http://pastebin.com/d5164f260 <-- that's one issue I have08:40
afallenhopethat's another issue:dhcdbd: message_handler: message handler not found under /com/redhat/dhcp/08:40
eseven73terryx: I'm not a printer person, so i wouldnt be of much help sorry08:41
EdgeX-My printer works on ubuntu out-of-the-box...Great :D08:41
Deadboyseseven73 my top says i have two instances of psybnc running08:41
Deadboysbut i only have one psybnc folder08:41
rwwafallenhope: I seriously doubt that NetworkManager is the source of your problem, but one possible alternative is wicd (see http://wicd.sourceforge.net/download.php )08:41
Deadboyshow can i terminate one08:41
terryxabhishek...delete the old printer in system-admin-printing...right?08:41
bobbie4_omfg Thank you eseven73!!!!!08:42
rwwDeadboys: if they're running under your username, press the 'k' key, then type the PID (far-left number in top's display). If they're running under another user, close top and re-open it with "sudo top"08:42
eseven73lol anytime08:42
bobbie4_why did they include Pulseaudio if so many people are unhappy with it???08:43
afallenhoperww, I googled my issue apparently it's the network manager. it'sa bug.. if you googled hcdbd: message_handler: message handler not found under /com/redhat/dhcp/08:43
eseven73Pulseaudio is nice , but it has to be configured correctly, and rumor has it Ubuntu doesnt set it up right08:43
rwwafallenhope: ah, I see. I guess wicd will work for you, then :)08:43
bobbie4_oh, okay08:44
afallenhoperww, how would I remove network manager?08:44
eseven73I'll prolly catch 9 kinds of hell for saying that, but meh, i say whats on my mind, i dont mince my words. :)08:44
rwwafallenhope: sudo apt-get purge network-manager08:44
afallenhopeoh lol08:45
Deadboysis there any reason why in my top i have several processes of sshd running08:45
evowill_afallenhope, if you are installing wicd, that will remove it for you08:45
rwwDeadboys: yes. ssh makes several copies of itself for various security reasons. It's entirely normal to have a few different processes of it running.08:46
eseven73Deadboys: that's pretty normal, theres like 20 proccesses of Apache2 as well, dont pay any mind to that08:46
Deadboysokay thank you08:46
Tazbobufirefox never gives me my 'back' button anymore.. anybody know a fix?08:46
Deadboysso do you think that i should have left that one instance of psybnc on?08:46
Deadboyssince there was two08:46
Deadboysi already killed it though08:46
Deadboysand im still connected to my bnc08:46
afallenhopekkz thanks guys .. personally which you think is better? network manager? or wicd?08:47
Deadboysso no harm done right lol?08:47
eseven73well you could always restart psybnc08:47
rwwafallenhope: wicd08:47
afallenhopeokay thanks I'll use that then.08:47
terryxhow to update to the latest cups for printer in ubuntu08:47
afallenhopealso it's an issue with the dhcpd08:47
Deadboysi would restart it but id rather not :S08:47
=== Greeny`Away is now known as LIttle_Green
evowill_Tazbobu, you can re-add the back button by right clicking on the navigation toolbar, and choosing customize08:48
evowill_Tazbobu, or you can use Alt + left arrow key08:48
eseven73!away > LIttle_Green08:49
ubottuLIttle_Green, please see my private message08:49
afallenhoperww, does it have an icon on the panel too?08:50
Tazbobuevowill_: no, I can't... it won't let me.. doesn't matter what page I go to or link I click on, it won't ever let me go back anymore08:50
rwwafallenhope: in the notification area? yep08:50
Tazbobuevowill_: and the back button is still there.. just always grayed out08:50
PookyAnyone know if there's a place to get gtk2-engine-smooth for intrepid?08:51
afallenhoperww, haha yeah. okay thanks a lot. I'll try that. HOPEFULLY that'll fix my issue. because right now my network manager tells me I'm connected to "unknown" but really I'm connected to "afhnetwork" lol08:51
EdgeX-!away > EdgeX-08:51
ubottuEdgeX-, please see my private message08:51
rwwEdgeX-: did you know!: you can type /msg ubottu !factoid if you want Ubottu to tell you a factoid, so your investigating isn't visible in-channel :)08:52
evowill_Tazbobu, I sent you a PM08:54
EdgeX-Okay rww, Thanks ;)08:54
ActionParsnipyo yo yo08:55
rwwActionParsnip: wazzzzzup08:56
ActionParsnipim guessing its quiet08:56
ActionParsnipand just to reply in the 90s style. WUZAAAAAAAAAH08:57
ubuntu__z i really need help right now i just installed ubuntu 8.4 but when i restart i got a message that says grub error 208:57
ubuntu__righ now im on live cd08:57
ActionParsnipubuntu__: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/713708:59
ActionParsnipgrub error 2 : "Selected disk doesn't exist"08:59
=== Mud|dev is now known as Mud
ubuntu__i did that already but still giving me that error09:00
ActionParsnipubuntu__: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=15168209:00
chilli0hello all09:00
chilli0i can veiw my webcam in ekoi softphone but not cheese09:00
chilli0why is this09:00
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras09:00
fuzeboxsoftwarei have install phpdesigner 2008 under wine, but the text is kinda screwy, does anyone know why?09:01
chilli0ActionParsnip:  ... it works in one but not the other09:01
=== five_ is now known as Guest10407
ActionParsnipchilli0: ive zero experience of webcams personally, the factoid may help some09:01
ActionParsnipchilli0: make sure the software is pointing to the correct device09:02
ActionParsnipchilli0: maybe someone else can chime in09:02
HenryHCan someone give me a hand please? I have just installed U 8.10 and it seems to run fine but now I have put a SCSI card in the box and connected it to my scanner and trying to find the scanner using 'XSane Image Scanner' it says "Failed to open device 'v4l:/dev/video0': Invalid Argument. How do I determine what /dev/video0 is?  And how do I get a list of the hardware that U thinks is in the box to compare that with what I think is in the b09:04
ActionParsnipthe fact it works in one system is good09:04
simardI would like to run a "local dns system" on my lan so that instead of refering to my computers as 192.168.1.x on the command line I could provide with some domain name, how can I do that ?09:04
ActionParsnipHenryH: run lspci to get the cards info then websearch from there, you may need packages or to compile drivers for the card09:05
ActionParsnipsimard: if you use their name, youor router will resolve names09:05
fuzeboxsoftwareanyone an expert with wine?09:06
rwwfuzeboxsoftware: the people in #winehq, probably09:06
ActionParsnipfuzeboxsoftware: or try in here, we may be able to help09:06
rwwfuzeboxsoftware: but, if you'd like to ask your question here, we'd be happy to hear details :)09:06
simardActionParsnip, what names ?09:06
ahmedhello room09:07
fuzeboxsoftwarewell, i have install phpdesigner 2008 in wine, but when i try to edit stuff,text/code, it acts weird09:07
ActionParsnipsimard: the names of each system, every system has a netbios name09:07
fuzeboxsoftwareis there anything i can install to help with the prob?09:07
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ActionParsnip!appdb | fuzeboxsoftware09:07
ubottufuzeboxsoftware: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help09:07
ActionParsnipfuzeboxsoftware: is their no opensource equivelant?09:08
mkercan someone see if /lastlog works in xchat? I thought the problem was that I didn't log, but now I do and I even resterted the client. Still doesn't work.09:09
p4rsehi, how to remove a package and all of its dependencies (that are not used by other packages)? i installed the package with apt-get install09:09
rwwfuzeboxsoftware: See http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=10504 , maybe? Looks like some other people got it to work.09:09
HenryHActionP I ran lspci and it said "01:0a.0 SCSI storage controller: Initio Corporation INI-950 SCSI Adapter (rev 02)" amongst a lot of other stuff. does that mean I have the card working or not?09:09
ActionParsnipp4rse: sudo apt-get --purge remove <package to be removed>; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove09:09
rwwmker: works for me. I get a new channel window named (lastlog) with the search results. For example, I did "/lastlog lastlog" and it gave me your message.09:09
p4rseActionParsnip: thanks!09:10
mkerrww, ok good to know that it's *supposed* to work anyway. I'm just getting a blank window.09:10
rwwp4rse: double-check when you run those commands that they don't try to remove more than you want. Depending on your apt-get setup they can be problematic.09:10
ActionParsnipHenryH: it means its identifid itself, websearch forthat name and see how to config it in ubuntu09:10
ActionParsnip!hcl | HenryH09:11
ubottuHenryH: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection09:11
ActionParsnipHenryH: there may be a guide in the hcl09:11
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rwwmker: if it helps you at all, I'm using Intrepid's version of XChat, 2.6.8, and have logging turned off (so I don't keep scrollback between sessions).09:12
mkerrww, oh, I solved it, apparently xchat doesn't do number of rows like irssi which could do "/lastlog lastlog 5" to show the last 5 results.09:12
p4rseis it ok to remove libglib2.0?09:12
p4rsewhats libglib?09:12
rwwmker: ah. So it was searching for "lastlog 5" and not finding anything, I guess?09:12
rww!info libglib2.009:12
ubottuPackage libglib2.0 does not exist in intrepid09:12
HenryHActionP: Thanks I'll do that now.  See you!!  Thanks also to ubottu, I'll follow them up.  Hope I do not have to get a new(ish) SCSI card.09:12
ActionParsnip!info libglib2.009:12
ubottuPackage libglib2.0 does not exist in intrepid09:12
ActionParsnip!info libglib09:12
ubottuPackage libglib does not exist in intrepid09:12
p4rsehmm ok wierd, well i guess i can remove it then?09:12
mkerrww, yeah, thanks for helping, I saw that you didn't say anything about a number so I tried the same :)09:13
ActionParsnipp4rse: id say so, if its orphaned, autoremove will remove it09:13
rwwp4rse: if nothing else requires it, then removing it will be fine.09:13
p4rse!info libglib2.0-009:13
ubottulibglib2.0-0 (source: glib2.0): The GLib library of C routines. In component main, is optional. Version 2.18.2-0ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 752 kB, installed size 1768 kB09:13
p4rseoh xD09:13
p4rsei missed the last part09:14
rwwp4rse: I just checked on my system and it should be fine to remove it. Only thing I have that needs it is vlc, so none of the important stuff does.09:15
p4rseok, thanks09:15
rwwp4rse: you can see if anything depends on a package with "aptitude why packagename", by the way09:15
ActionParsnipwhy is the opposite of apt-get install, apt-get remove and not apt-get uninstall09:16
rwwActionParsnip: 'cause uninstall is too many letters :p. Besides, there's also apt-get purge, which is also an opposite of install09:17
rwwHi szokedemon!09:17
ActionParsniprww: it just makes sense as the opposite word, plus you can tab complete09:17
szokedemonhi rww:)09:18
rwwActionParsnip: back when apt-get was first written, I don't think anyone had gotten around to bash-completion :P09:18
rwwActionParsnip: but yeah, it'd make sense if it were at least an alias for remove09:18
HenryHSeems that there was support for this card in kernet 2.4 but09:18
HenryHnow it's gone09:18
ActionParsniprww: true, just makes me laugh09:18
ActionParsniprww: i aliased clear to cls too ;)09:19
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April -Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion09:24
ActionParsnip!hi | demilord_7809:25
ubottudemilord_78: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!09:25
Sythe_ZNGreets eeps09:25
demilord_78hi sythe_zn09:25
Sythe_ZN:) i'm an almost complete noob here...09:26
Sythe_ZNi wonder if i could pick your brains for a moment?09:26
demilord_78uhmmm so am I09:26
Sythe_ZNlol ;)09:26
ActionParsnippick away09:26
rwwSythe_ZN: Feel free to ask your question without asking to ask your question :)09:27
Sythe_ZNi'm using 5.10 on an old p2 laptop09:27
Sythe_ZNthe issue is id doesn'h have enough harddrive space to install all the packages09:27
rwwSythe_ZN: 5.10 hasn't been supported since 2007, and isn't receiving security updates any more. Have you considered installing a newer version?09:28
ActionParsnipSythe_ZN: try the minimal ubuntu, or alternative install so you only install what you need09:28
ActionParsnipSythe_ZN: how big is your HDD?09:28
demilord_78try use xfce instead of gnome09:28
Sythe_ZNwell the issue is i'm working on a port for a himalaya so i need kernel 2.6.1209:29
crayvecwill cp -a  overwrite a file?09:29
ActionParsnipdemilord_78: he's low on space for packages, not ram09:29
xiolarDoes anyone know howto start the splashy manager (GUI)?09:29
Sythe_ZNit's a 3g drive09:29
ActionParsnipcrayvec: man cp09:29
crayvecthxs ActionParsnip09:29
ActionParsnipSythe_ZN: i'd grab xubuntu or use the alternative cd to install09:30
rwwcrayvec: yes, it will09:30
Sythe_ZNwhen  try a standard install it fails at about 60% of copying ramaining packages09:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mnimal09:30
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD09:30
Sythe_ZNty ty :)09:30
ubottuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork09:30
crayvecCheers rww09:31
Sythe_ZNi'll have a look in a moment09:31
rwwSythe_ZN: hrm. The bare minimum recommended requirements for Ubuntu is 4GB. or RAM. Xubuntu uses less hard disk space, and its bare minimum is 1.5GB.09:31
rww4GB of hard disk space ** sorry09:31
Sythe_ZNyeah i know, but being linux it's customisable... surely i can get to a package selection from a base install tho?09:32
daredevilther1How to  check which deamons are loaded09:32
xiolarAnyone has some experience with Splashy?09:32
xiolarI installed it using the Synaptic PM09:33
ActionParsnip!splashy | xiolar09:33
ubottuxiolar: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork09:33
zirodaydaredevilther1: erm what are you looking for in particular?09:33
xiolaryes action i seen that09:33
xiolarbut I cant see the icon to start it :(09:33
Sythe_ZNi don't really need the gui and all the rest... i just need to be able to install ged and be able to mount a usb flashdisk for the moment...09:34
crayvecCool the 2man" option is handy09:34
daredevilther1i want to check in terminal which services are running09:34
ActionParsnipxiolar: does splashy in terminal do anything?09:34
ActionParsnipdaredevilther1: ps -ef09:34
xiolarwhat do I need 2 type?09:34
Sythe_ZNat least with that i can det the initrd working how i want it to09:34
xiolarjust splashy?09:34
xiolarmust it echo someting?09:34
ActionParsnipxiolar: yea, or try splas then press tab a few times09:35
xiolarxiolar@xiolar:~$ splashy09:35
xiolarusage: splashy <boot|shutdown|test> | splashy_chvt <N>09:35
xiolarThats was it echod09:35
ActionParsnipxiolar: http://www.google.com/url?sa=U&start=1&q=http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php%3Ft%3D41709&ei=aXdkSbLsEoyS9QSMoITWCQ&usg=AFQjCNERDjDppjgG-0RUokY4R0CA-w6NAQ09:35
rwwxiolar: Looks like the splashy package has a man page. Try man splashy.09:35
mayailhow to learn  linux commands09:35
phixxordaredeviltherl: you mean using top?09:36
ActionParsnipxiolar: i'd use man splashy, or read that guide09:36
xiolarok thanks so far :D09:36
rick_wIs it normal that the little shutdown window pops _under_ all my active apps when I want to put my machine to sleep? If you're not paying attention for a minute, the whole pc will shut down...09:36
mayaili am the new user of ubuntu09:36
zirodaydaredevilther1: well you can see all the processes with ps09:36
rwwmayail: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal and the links I'm about to have ubottu send you09:36
ActionParsnipxiolar: i dont use splashy but ask.com brought that up in seconds09:36
rww!documentation | mayail09:36
ubottumayail: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com09:36
ziroday!terminal | mayail here are some basics09:36
ubottumayail here are some basics: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal09:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ab09:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about as09:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about asb09:37
zirodaydaredevilther1: what process are you trying to find?09:37
rwwdaredevilther1: to investigate with the bot, please use /msg ubottu !factoid, rather than typing in-channel.09:37
ActionParsnipdaredevilther1: if you try: ps -ef | grep <part of a process name>09:37
ActionParsnipdaredevilther1: you can see details of it09:37
daredevilther1alrite thanks09:38
crayvecDoes anyone know if the phpsheild that comes with PHPmotion is free.09:38
zirodaycrayvec: according to http://www.phpshield.com/, nope09:38
daredevilther1Does anyone knw how to rename removable media09:38
Sythe_ZNyou see, i just need this box for working on this project... if u wanna know more see : http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=HimalayaLinuxBooting09:38
ActionParsnip!label | daredevilther109:38
ubottudaredevilther1: To rename the labels of your partitions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RenameUSBDrive.09:38
daredevilther1i c them like this DISKVOL109:39
zirodaycrayvec: of course if you release your code under the GPL you don't have to worry abouyt that09:39
daredevilther1No not usb drive09:39
rick_wAnybody on the shutdown window?09:39
crayvecYeah i see that , but i see in the its kinda bundled inside the phpmotion archieve download09:39
ActionParsnipdaredevilther1: a partition is a partition09:39
ActionParsnipdaredevilther1: doesnt matter if its scsi or floppy09:39
daredevilther1renaming regular partation of harddisk09:39
ActionParsnipdaredevilther1: same09:39
zirodaycrayvec: well you need to ask the phpmotion support team about thier product. We do not support that here. Sorry09:39
crayvecSorry was a just a shot in the dark Ziroday09:40
daredevilther1i renamed them in /media but still then i open computer i c them like this DISKVOL109:40
ActionParsnipdaredevilther1: notice how the factoid says "rename the labels of partitions"09:40
ActionParsnipdaredevilther1: thats just the mount point09:40
rwwdaredevilther1: Did you read the link that ubottu sent you? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RenameUSBDrive09:40
ActionParsnipdaredevilther1: the label is what you need to change using that guide09:40
daredevilther1alrite thanks let me read the guide09:41
Sythe_ZNwhile we're on the topic of usb drives, how do i mount a flash drive from bash?09:41
medbSo far no one in #vbox has been responding, but there's a problem with the gpg key for the ubuntu virtualbox repo. I'm always getting an error from it. Is there a newer gpg key? Or a fix of some kind?09:41
ActionParsnipdaredevilther1: in linux, a partition is a partition, whether its usb , sata, pata, scsi09:41
ActionParsnipdaredevilther1: fdisk will just show partitions, its irrelevant where they are accessed as the kernel deals with all that09:42
fuzzy_logichey guys09:42
ActionParsnipSythe_ZN: run sudo fdisk -l09:42
ActionParsnipSythe_ZN: that will show the partitions09:42
daredevilther1i m new new linux thats why not knw so much09:42
fuzzy_logiccan someone give me a url to ubuntu commands?09:42
crayvecI am impressed with Webmin09:42
Sythe_ZNi don't have fdisk installed09:42
fuzzy_logiccan someone give me a url to ubuntu commands?  i am new09:42
mib_dtxrrcjehi .. .Err http://sg.archive.ubuntu.com feisty/main Packages                          404 Not Found09:42
ActionParsnip!webmin | crayvec09:42
ubottucrayvec: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.09:42
mib_dtxrrcjei get this when i run apt-get update  .... Err http://sg.archive.ubuntu.com feisty/main Packages                          404 Not Found09:43
crayvecebox yeah09:43
mib_dtxrrcjewhat should I do?09:43
ActionParsnipSythe_ZN: you should do, its a standard command09:43
ActionParsnipmib_dtxrrcje: are you running feisty?09:43
mib_dtxrrcjeyeah ActionParsnip09:43
Arenlorfuzzy_logic: what commands in particular?09:43
Sythe_ZNstandard as in?09:43
mib_dtxrrcjeActionParsnip: if I could upgrade ubuntu I would09:44
ActionParsnipSythe_ZN: as in its on all systems, its all in lower case, linux is CaSE SenSItivE09:44
mib_dtxrrcjeActionParsnip: but dun know how09:44
Sythe_ZNyeah i know... is it part of the kernel or bash tho?09:44
rwwmib_dtxrrcje: Support for Ubuntu Feisty ended in October and its apt-archive has been moved to old-releases.ubuntu.com. Edit /etc/apt/sources.list and change references to sg.archive.ubuntu.com to old-releases.ubuntu.com. Additionally, seriously consider upgrading or reinstalling to a newer version of Ubuntu.09:45
ArenlorGood Morning/Day/Evening all09:45
rww!upgrade | mib_dtxrrcje09:45
ubottumib_dtxrrcje: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes09:45
ActionParsnipmib_dtxrrcje: you sure it's not:  deb http://sg.archive.ubuntu.com feisty main packages09:45
ActionParsnipmib_dtxrrcje: can you ping the server?09:45
ActionParsnip!upgrade | mib_dtxrrcje09:45
ubottumib_dtxrrcje: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes09:45
crayvecCan ebox be installed into ubuntu?09:45
rwwActionParsnip: see my message. Feisty's packages aren't on the normal mirrors any more.09:45
rwwcrayvec: looks like there's an ebox package. Try that.09:46
rww!info ebox | crayvec09:46
ubottuebox (source: ebox): the eBox platform - Base framework. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11.99-0ubuntu11 (intrepid), package size 293 kB, installed size 2324 kB09:46
ActionParsnipnew nvidia drivers in the updates today09:47
crayvecNice a package thx rww09:47
Sythe_ZNhmmm oki... well it's monuted, but now i created directories in the mnt folder for mounting into, how can i remove them?09:47
rwwmib_dtxrrcje: oh, I forgot to mention. Feisty isn't receiving security- or any other updates any more, so the old-releases repository won't be updated, even if you do use it.09:47
ArenlorSythe_ZN: rm -rf09:48
ActionParsnipSythe_ZN: sudo rm -rf /path/to/folder09:48
rwwSythe_ZN: check that they're empty and that they're not in the output of "mount", then do "sudo rm -rf /mnt/dirname"09:48
ActionParsnipSythe_ZN: make sure nothing is mounted there09:48
ActionParsnipSythe_ZN: or it will wipe that too09:48
Sythe_ZNah thanx... tba09:48
ActionParsnipSythe_ZN: rm -rf is VERY agressive so watch yourself09:48
mib_dtxrrcjerww: thanks .. update's fixed for nao09:48
LuXorhey someone tell me a packcage for open arena :))09:49
mib_dtxrrcjerww: i need to upgrade this server but i'm not the admin09:49
xiolarLal Read the "MAN" or clowns will eat you09:49
ArenlorSythe_ZN: watch your spaces also, rm -rf / mnt/dir will cause a very bad problem by removing your / directory09:49
rww!info openarena | LuXor09:49
ubottuopenarena (source: openarena): fast-paced 3D first-person shooter. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.7+dfsg1-1 (intrepid), package size 698 kB, installed size 1620 kB09:49
xiolardid that xD09:49
LinusUEllo every109:49
rwwmib_dtxrrcje: Okay. Just letting you know that upgrading it is a really, really good idea :)09:49
Sythe_ZNthanx :D i'm working on a clean system so a reinstal isn't the eno of the world09:49
Arenlorxiolar: what about info?09:50
Sythe_ZNah ; i'09:50
bmzhow can I tell which version of ubuntu I have?09:50
Sythe_ZN*:) i'll keep that in mind09:50
LinusUuname -r09:50
bmzis there anything in /etc09:50
rww!version | bmz09:50
ubottubmz: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »09:50
rwwLinusU: that's the kernel version, not the Ubuntu version09:50
crayvecYes i did notice Webmin uninstalled phpadmin and repalced it with a boxy looking drab interface09:50
LinusUsorry uname -o09:50
rwwArenlor: please refrain from typing dangerous commands in Ubuntu channels, even if you're only using them as examples of what not to do. It's one of those things that tends to be frowned upon.09:51
LinusUmy fault09:51
Sythe_ZNi generally remove folders with a relative path with the shell in the parent so i don't have to use "/"09:51
xiolarIve had it with splashy, going back to usplash lal!09:51
LinusUdammit that didn't work either, bad me09:51
Sythe_ZNgot it thanx guys09:51
Sythe_ZNnext thing... mounting a loop device09:52
Arenlorrww: sorry about that, just wanted to warn about it, I've done it before09:52
LinusUmount -o loop -t iso9660 /path/to.iso /mount/point09:52
rwwSythe_ZN: sudo mount -o loop <loopback-filename> <mountpoint>09:52
KartagisLinusU, you don't need -t iso996009:53
LuXorrww ok, downloading thanks09:53
LinusUKartagis: sorry, thougt so09:53
bmzis there a bluetooth wizard in hardy?09:53
ActionParsnip!info bluez09:54
ubottubluez (source: bluez): Bluetooth tools and daemons. In component main, is optional. Version 4.12-0ubuntu5 (intrepid), package size 362 kB, installed size 1232 kB09:54
Sythe_ZNi run "mount -o loop initrd.img mnt/initimg" but i get an error saying device or resource busy...09:54
Arenlorbmz: I think System > Preferences > Bluetooth is in Hardy09:54
LuXor<ActionParsnip> remember me ? :P i have finally connected to internet09:54
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ActionParsnipLuXor: awesome dude, ndiswrapper do you?09:55
Sythe_ZNit gives me the same error regardless of which loop device i point it to tho09:55
bmzArenlor: that is just preferences, no way to pair a device09:56
ActionParsnipSythe_ZN: can you pastebin the command and the error please09:56
Sythe_ZNi'm guessing the initrd is ext3, correct me?09:56
ActionParsnip!paste | Sythe_ZN09:56
ubottuSythe_ZN: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)09:56
silv3r_m001hi there09:56
Arenlorbmz: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/bluez-gnome09:57
rwwHi silv3r_m001!09:58
Arenlorhello silv3r_m00109:58
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silv3r_m001i am facing this issue with my networking... when booted into windows the internet works fine but in case of ubuntu it sometimes doesnt work and i have to restart 1 or 2 times09:58
silv3r_m001why this difference ?09:58
ActionParsnipsilv3r_m001: try sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart09:59
silv3r_m001yah did it 100 times09:59
Arenlorsilv3r_m001 there are many possibilities, what driver do you use, and what is your chipset?09:59
silv3r_m001its an intel motherboard09:59
FireFox||silv3r_m001: i7 core chipset?10:00
rwwFireFox||: asking confusing, irrelevant questions probably isn't the best way to help ;)10:01
Arenlorsilv3r_m001: what wireless card do you have?10:01
rwwsilv3r_m001: wireless network or ethernet? also, copy the output of "lspci" and "lsusb" terminal commands to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ and give us a link to the pastebin page. Those commands will tell us what card you have.10:01
FireFox||rww: Sorry, I just was interested in the problem. I realise that the qustion is irrelevant but it might be interesting if that was the chipset10:02
silv3r_m001its ethernet10:02
silv3r_m001lan internet10:02
silv3r_m001FireFox||: where can i see the chipset name10:03
silv3r_m001in kinfocenter in which tab shud it be ?10:03
silv3r_m001its a 1.7ghz p4 may be intel 810 or 815e something like that10:04
rwwsilv3r_m001: open a terminal and type "lspci;lsusb" and copy the output you get to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ , then give us a link to the page it creates. The chipset name is in that output.10:04
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silv3r_m001its here10:06
silv3r_m001and the thing is i have 2 broadbands... 1 of them works always fine and the other 1 sometimes stops working and i have to restart... but in windows it always works fine10:07
ActionParsnipsilv3r_m001: you have an ATI Technologies Inc Rage XL10:08
silv3r_m001thats the graphcis card10:08
silv3r_m001the ethernet cards are intels10:09
rwwActionParsnip: the ethernet cards are lines 11 and 12 of that output10:09
Arenlorsilv3r_m001: so one of your ports always works while the other has intermittent problems in Ubuntu, but is fine in Windows correct?10:09
ActionParsniprww: oh i thought this was a vga issue10:10
silv3r_m001Arenlor: yah10:10
Ethoswhats the command to delete all contents of a folder?10:10
silv3r_m001Arenlor: the one which makes problem is a local internet , its on a shared ip ... means the isp put my computer on their LAN10:10
silv3r_m001rm -rf *.*10:10
Ethosthanks mate10:11
EdgeX-Internet Hacking code?10:11
iLogichey.. does anyone know why my wlan0 interface doesn't stop when I do a /etc/init.d/networking stop?10:11
rwwEthos: rm -rf *10:11
Arenlorsilv3r_m001: what release of Ubuntu do you have?10:11
Ethosexcellent thanks rww10:11
silv3r_m001Arenlor: 8.04 hardy10:11
mars_i have a problem with grandr. i have a macbook with ubuntu 8.10. when i plug in a monitor and use grandr. i get one of two options.10:12
mayailanyone know how to install adodb reader in ubuntu10:12
mars_either i get a mirror of my screens where my monitor has a high resolution. or i get dual monitors with low resolution (which looks awful)10:12
ActionParsnip!pdf | mayail10:12
ubottumayail: pdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/okular/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)10:12
ActionParsnip!info acroread10:13
ubottuPackage acroread does not exist in intrepid10:13
TwoEqualsTenmayail, you mean acrobat? You can install it from medibuntu.10:13
ActionParsnip!info adobereader10:13
ubottuPackage adobereader does not exist in intrepid10:13
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org10:13
smoppyI'm trying to capture video over a Canon MV750i camcorder through the USB cable (i have no 1394 card on my laptop). By googling i found that 99.9% of users uses the Firewire port with kino or dvgrab but i didn't found a way to use the USB connection, yet.10:13
Arenlorsilv3r_m001: do you use DHCP with the LAN?10:13
smoppyDoes anyone have an idea if is it possible to capture video from a VCR through USB?10:13
=== Potjie is now known as uciha-ssk
silv3r_m001i put the ip mask and gateway myself10:14
TwoEqualsTenmayail, enable the repo for medibuntu, then install acroread.10:14
ActionParsniprww: it needs the e100 module10:14
mars_anyone knows how to get different resulotions with dual monitor and grandr?10:14
rww!medibuntu | mayail10:14
ActionParsniprww: http://hardware4linux.info/component/31408/10:14
ubottumayail: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org10:14
EdgeX-How does ubuntu go compatibility-wise with TV capture cards?10:15
Arenlorsilv3r_m001: What exactly is occurring when it stops working?10:15
rwwActionParsnip: I wandered off to do something else. silv3r_m001's the one with the problem :)10:15
silv3r_m001Arenlor: no pings ... host not found10:15
silv3r_m001can resolve server10:15
ActionParsnipsilv3r_m001: you need the e100 module10:16
silv3r_m001e100 ?10:16
silv3r_m001whats that10:16
Arenlorsilv3r_m001: sounds like DNS maybe10:16
demilord_78kernel driver module10:16
ActionParsnipsilv3r_m001: its a module file you need to download or compile10:16
demilord_78sudo modprobe e10010:16
Arenlorhe has it10:16
silv3r_m001ActionParsnip: can it be done thru synaptic ?10:16
Ethoswhats the easiest way to copy the entire contents of 1 folder to another?10:16
Ethoscommand wise10:17
EthosCP something :D10:17
demilord_78man mv10:17
ActionParsnipsilv3r_m001: try the modprobe as demilord_78 says to see if yuo have it already10:17
mcorpcp -r10:17
demilord_78cp is copy10:17
silv3r_m001but i dont understand it works fine 80% of the time... it stops either when the computer is booted and has to be rebooted10:17
demilord_78mv move10:17
ActionParsnipEthos: man cp10:17
mcorpsorry cp -R10:17
EdgeX-How does ubuntu go compatibility-wise with TV capture cards?10:17
silv3r_m001ActionParsnip: how to modprobe ?10:17
Arenlorsilv3r_m001: you have e100 already10:18
silv3r_m001Arenlor: so what next10:18
silv3r_m001is that the default behaviour10:18
ActionParsnipsilv3r_m001: like demilord_78 said10:18
cwilluEdgeX-, look up mythbuntu10:18
Ethoswhich one :D10:19
cwilluEdgeX-, not specifically to install it, but whatever it supports, ubuntu will by definition also support10:19
Arenlorsilv3r_m001: when it goes down, can you ping an IP address? Or is the problem only with pinging a domain?10:19
silv3r_m001Arenlor: i can ping my ip... but the gateways ip >> destination unreachable  and for others host not ofund10:19
EdgeX-Thanks cwillu10:20
ArenlorEthos: to move something use mv, to copy something use cp10:20
EthosI need to copy the contents of the folder10:20
Ethosso another folder, not the folder itself10:20
=== dichtbijzee_ is now known as dichtbijzee
EdgeX-cd folder && cp * /somewhere/lol10:20
ActionParsnipEthos: where exactly are you copying from / to10:20
Ethosvar\www\html\backup (contents of) to var\www\html :)10:21
rwwEthos: cp -R /var/www/html/backup/* /var/www/html/10:21
silv3r_m001hi there... i use this kate and quanta plus and they create too many backups files with this ~10:21
silv3r_m001how can i delete them ?10:21
rwwsilv3r_m001: have you checked in their preferences? GEdit does the same thing by default and has an option to turn it off (which I have >.>); dunno if those programs are similar. As far as removing them, see http://soft.zoneo.net/Linux/remove_backup_files.php10:22
chilli0rebel_kid: rawr10:23
ActionParsnipEthos: you could use gksudo nautilus and copy it with gui10:23
Ethosno gui :D10:23
silv3r_m001ActionParsnip: Arenlor : any idea on that lan internet issue10:23
ActionParsnipEthos: wise man10:23
Arenlorsilv3r_m001: so you can ping yourself but not any other IP? It definitely sounds like DNS to me10:23
silv3r_m001is it some problem with the isp which windows is able to tackle and ubuntu doesnt10:23
dichtbijzeehi. I set up an old compaq e500 with the alternate cd 8.10, I had no network at the time so i chose to configure it later. now i do have network. but ifconfig shows no eth0 while /etc/network/interfaces does.10:24
silv3r_m001Arenlor: even if its a dns issue then i shud be able to ping the ip of my gateway10:24
silv3r_m001it appears as if on some boots ubuntu is not able to bring up that interafece10:24
rwwArenlor: If pinging IP addresses is failing, it has nothing to do with DNS. DNS resolves hostnames to IP addresses; it isn't used if the computer already /has/ the IP address.10:24
ActionParsnipEthos: sudo cp -R /var/www/html/backup/* /var/www/html10:25
ActionParsnipEthos: i'd make a test folder first10:25
ActionParsnipEthos: and run a similar command10:25
ActionParsnipEthos: make sure it does exactly what you need10:25
rebel_kidim having a bit of trouble with 8.10, it picks up my wireless network and i enter the code, it attempts to connect and then brings me back to the wireless password dialog, when i check show password it gives me something like b30f9e16fe771c1eaeec8b83eab9eec315882dc3dd924b144a61abe7a66c59b1 which is definitely not my password10:25
Arenlorsilv3r_m001: do you get anything in the system log?10:26
Ethosthanks ActionParsnip :)10:26
chilli0rebel_kid:  i had that two , just delete it then put in urs again and it should work10:26
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Arenlorrebel_kid: actually that IS your password10:26
rebel_kidchilli0, i did that... i do troubleshoot :)10:27
rebel_kidarenlor, hashed or something?10:27
chilli0rebel_kid:  its ur password10:27
Arenlorrebel_kid: what card are you using, a broadcom 43xx?10:27
rwwrebel_kid: yeah10:27
rebel_kidarenlor, not sure, its built into an hp laptop10:27
silv3r_m001Arenlor: where can i get the system log10:27
dichtbijzeelooks hashed to me, my 4895agn does that as well10:27
chilli0rebel_kid:  hp eww10:27
demilord_78hp is ok, acer is :-<10:28
Arenlorsilv3r_m001: System > Administration > System Log10:28
VSpikeMy old ATI card is an X850 (or R420 core) - I am currently using a newer nVidia card but was just wondering about the state of ATI drivers now.  AIUI there are radeon, radeonhd and fglrx drivers, is that correct?  But does radeonhd support my older card?  Will it ever? And what state is it in at the moment?10:28
rebel_kidchilli0, i didnt buy it... trust me i would never buy something with a made for windows vista sticker on it :)10:28
ActionParsnipdemilord_78: acer man eee pc10:28
ActionParsnipno tats asus10:28
rebel_kidArenlor, any advice?10:28
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ActionParsnipacer have the mini one or something10:28
chilli0rebel_kid:  i was gonna say, u were having a go at me for getting one with windows on it lol10:28
VSpikeActionParsnip: acer aspire one10:28
demilord_78no acer uses empowering technology wich is evil10:28
ActionParsnipoh only lots10:29
ActionParsnipibm ftw10:29
rebel_kidchilli0, i had a friend burn the sticker off with a laser... it wouldnt come off10:29
silv3r_m001Arenlor: i am on kdea10:29
kashankiwhen i start the internet conection and open mozilla, mozilla it is always in off line mode, how do i set it to on line ?10:29
chilli0rebel_kid:  let me get u link for a sec10:29
Arenlorrebel_kid: can you create a pastebin of the commands "lspci && lsusb" and post the link here? http://paste.ubuntu.com/10:29
rwwVSpike: You missed one: there's a driver called "ati" too. As far as support... I have only a few problems (Radeon HD 3450) and from what I hear, I'm lucky.10:29
EdgeX-rebel_kid> chilli0, i had a friend burn the sticker off with a laser... it wouldnt come off  <--ROFL10:30
ActionParsnipkashanki: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.0/+question/3192510:30
VSpikerww: oh yeah forgot about ati :)10:30
dichtbijzeehi. I set up an old compaq e500 with the alternate cd 8.10, I had no network at the time so i chose to configure it later. now i do have network. but ifconfig shows no eth0 while /etc/network/interfaces does.10:30
chilli0rebel_kid:  go here naw http://system76.com/article_info.php?articles_id=910:30
rebel_kidArenlor, http://pastebin.com/m4c5ae77210:30
VSpikerww: I know that one def doesn't support this card though!10:30
Arenlorsilv3r_m001: I'm not sure if there is a GUI for it in KDE, the logs are /var/logs/syslog amongst others in /var/logs10:31
rebel_kidEdgeX, windows is crippling and insulting to the world of computers, it would have taken a lot of money to make me keep that sticker10:31
|timgws|How do I do a command as root?10:31
ActionParsnipdichtbijzee: run lspci and you can websearch for the network chip/s you have10:31
rebel_kid|timgws|, sudo10:31
rww|timgws|: sudo commandname10:31
ActionParsnip|timgws|: sudo for cli, gksudo for gui apps10:31
|timgws|thanks, forgot about that :)10:32
rebel_kidchilli0, cool that could cover the burn marks10:32
mayaili'l see iedibuntu then what i do to install adodb reader10:32
chilli0im gonna get one soon10:32
mayaili'l see medibuntu then what i do to install adodb reader10:32
rwwVSpike: fglrx claims to support "Radeon X800", which I assume includes X850. The "radeonhd" drivers only supports r5xx and r6xx cores, not r4xx.10:33
ActionParsnipmayail: add the repos, sudo apt-get update; apt-cache search adobe | grep -i pdf10:33
ActionParsnipmayail: and install the package it comes up with, xpdf and gpdf are fine too and open source10:34
vdshi all/j #reflab10:34
VSpikerww: right, that's what it looks like.  Shame.. it was fglrx that drove me to buy an nvidia card :) I was weighing up the state of ati drivers now to find out if buggy nvidia drivers could drive me to plug the ATi back in :)10:34
silv3r_m001Arenlor: in windows i had to do a setting called half duplex for that particular connection10:34
ActionParsnipVSpike: i only buy nvidia10:34
silv3r_m001how can i do the same in linux ?10:35
rrykuaHello, I need help with my Aetheros wireless (with Toshiba Satellite Pro P300-1CG).10:35
rrykuaI read few manuals online however none of these worked (either package not found or compilation problem).10:35
rrykuaIt also looks like it's already installed with "linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-22-generic", however I cannot understand how to access list of wireless networks and to connect to them.10:35
rrykuaI am a newbie to Ubuntu (installed it as dual-boot with Windows Vista) and may need detailed instruction10:35
FloodBot1rrykua: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:35
rwwVSpike: yeah, fglrx isn't fun to set up, especially if you dislike closed-source and therefore have a bad taste in your mouth the whole time >.>10:35
rebel_kidim having a bit of trouble with 8.10, it picks up my wireless network and i enter the code, it attempts to connect and then brings me back to the wireless password dialog, when i check show password it gives me something like b30f9e16fe771c1eaeec8b83eab9eec315882dc3dd924b144a61abe7a66c59b1 which is definitely not my password10:35
Dexihey guys what time is it?10:35
rwwDexi: in which time zone?10:35
VSpikeDexi: where?10:35
Dexidoesnt matter ill translate10:35
ActionParsniprrykua: install vista and leave space for linux unpartitioned, when you install linux, the dual boot will be handled for you10:35
Arenlorrebel_kid: can you connect to any networks?10:35
rwwDexi: 10:35am UTC10:35
ActionParsniprww: not GMT? its 10:35am here too :)10:36
rebel_kidArenlow, attempting to connect to stupid windows neighbors unsecured wifi ;)10:36
rrykuaActionParsnip: i installed Ubuntu already... i can connect to wired networks, but not to wireless10:36
Dexirww: thanks10:36
rebel_kidArenlor ^^10:36
Deximy phones wrong :(10:36
ActionParsniprrykua: use the wired to fully update your system10:37
rwwActionParsnip: There are ridiculously technical differences between GMT and UTC, but generally, they're the same.10:37
VSpikerww: It just crashed a lot when doing user switces and stuff like that.  Also crashed when running vmware. also sucked at video playback etc. was generally a horrible experience.10:37
rebel_kidArenlor, negative, no wifi whatsoever10:37
VSpikerww: this was a few year back though! I'm sure it's pure loveliness by now10:37
rrykuaActionParsnip: i did install all updates (similar to Windows Update), however it still doesn't work10:37
ActionParsniprww: as long as I dont miss my bus I'm a winner10:37
Arenlorsilv3r_m001: check out http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-change-the-speed-and-duplex-settings-of-an-ethernet-card/10:37
ActionParsniprrykua: then run lspci and lsusb, one will show you yuor wifi chip. you can websearch on how to set it up using the wired link10:38
rwwVSpike: haha. Well, it doesn't actually crash my system so much any more, but it's still a recurrent pain in the backside :(10:38
rrykuaActionParsnip: Is there any way of remote assistance (like VNC or Remote Desktop), so you can check what's wrong here?10:38
ActionParsniprrykua: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade10:38
ActionParsniprrykua: do you have a router?10:38
HellFire-Auhi guys, i have fuppes running on an ubuntu machine with both wireless and wired interface. I need to have the listen port for the web server component set to the wired interface. Any possible way i can access the web config page from the wireless side of things? (I have tried port forwarding on the ubuntu machine but that breaks the fuppes functionality on the ethernet side)10:38
ActionParsniprrykua: if you run lspci and lsusb you will get output about your hardware, websearch for the line that relates to your wifi10:39
rrykuaActionParsnip: Yes I do - I have wifi router. What's lspci, lsusb?10:39
VSpikerww: well I currenly have an nvidia bug with compiz .. and the answer is always "upgrade to the latest beta".  But usually on checking the forums you'll find some really nasty sounding problems with it like massive memory leaks or similar. So you always seem to lurch from one bug to the next.  But it does work reasonably well most of the time, and doesn't seem to crash at least10:39
ActionParsniprrykua: they are terminal commands10:40
rrykuaActionParsnip: Okay. Here I've got my wireless card: 02:00.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. Unknown device 002a (rev 01)10:41
Arenlorrebel_kid: I had the same problem with my wireless card, try running lshw -C network and post the results to pastebin10:41
rrykuaActionParsnip: Does that means it is installed normally?10:41
Arenlorrrykua: lspci LiSt PCI and lsusb is LiSt USB10:41
ActionParsniprrykua: no, its just the chip telling you what it is10:41
ActionParsniprrykua: now you know what it is you can research10:42
fastaHow can I enable the virtual consoles? It seems that they are disabled by default?10:42
fastaI.e., s.t. Cont-Alt-F1 works.10:43
rrykuaActionParsnip: But I did knew name of my card before. How do I install a driver for it? And how do I check it works at all? Where can I check for a list of wireless networks or smth similar?10:43
HellFire-Auhi guys, i have fuppes running on an ubuntu machine with both wireless and wired interface. I need to have the listen port for the web server component set to the wired interface. Any possible way i can access the web config page from the wireless side of things? (I have tried port forwarding on the ubuntu machine but that breaks the fuppes functionality on the ethernet side)10:43
ActionParsniprrykua: you can check if its already working with: sudo iwlist scan10:43
rebel_kidArenlor, http://pastebin.com/m421b0fa910:43
rrykuaActionParsnip: no. there are only lo and eth010:44
ActionParsniprrykua: you may know then name of the card but linux may see it different, it also gives you something you can copy / paste to websearches to get precise info10:44
ActionParsniprrykua: then it needs configuring10:44
rrykuahow do I configure it? Is there any manual?10:44
ActionParsniprrykua: www.ask.com www.google.com10:44
ActionParsniprrykua: what is the 1 line output for your wireless card10:45
ActionParsniprrykua: you can copy / paste from terminal10:45
rrykuaActionParsnip: tried to google it, found few manuals, none of them worked unfortunately. That's why I'm here. Which line?10:45
ActionParsniprrykua: the line in the lspci output that names your wireless chip10:46
LuXor<ActionParsnip>  hey, i have just downloaded my ati driver, its run file. how to install it?10:46
ajftCan anyone help with rebuilding initrd images so they support LVM?  I "upgraded" a working 8.04 LVM system to 8.10 and the new kernel can't mount root in LVM10:46
ActionParsnip!ati | LuXor10:46
ubottuLuXor: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:46
tipoteHi all ! I've been writing an app to do real-time audio spectrogram (purpose is large hall equalization - it is written in python+numpy+pyaudio+Qt+Qwt). I am looking for a name, and was thinking ubuntu users may be able to tell me is "friture" is ok in english ? "friture" is a french word whose first meaning is "frying", but it is also used in popular language to mean "noise" or "cracks" in a sound. Does it feel good for an app name in english ?10:46
rrykuaActionParsnip:  02:00.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. Unknown device 002a (rev 01)10:46
rrykua03:00.0 Ethernet controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. Unknown device 436c (rev 16)10:46
rrykua0a:01.0 FireWire (IEEE 1394): O2 Micro, Inc. Firewire (IEEE 1394) (rev 02)10:46
rrykuaActionParsnip: these are all network cards i've got... wireless is atheros10:47
jaapvissertipote as long as the application is good nobody cares about the name >:) friture is easy to remember thatś a good thing... i about to have lunch .. >:)10:48
ActionParsniprrykua: sudo apt-get nstall madwifi-tools; sudo modprobe ath_pci10:48
ActionParsniprrykua: thats install, not nstall10:49
rrykuaActionParsnip: installed everything, sudo modprobe output nothing10:49
ActionParsniprrykua: cool10:49
ActionParsnipok try sudo iwlist scan10:49
tipotejaapvisser: ok, thanks !10:50
rrykuaActionParsnip: still only eth0 and lo10:50
rrykuaActionParsnip: Are you going to be here in 1 hour? I need to go now, but I really appreciate your help and will need more of it.10:51
ActionParsniprrykua: try sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules10:52
VozivHello, How would I make a "fake" cdrom drive in ubuntu? I'm booting the ubuntu-server 8.10 install disk off of a USB drive and it keeps coming up with an error of "Cannot find installation cdrom"10:52
rrykuaActionParsnip: installed them... i'm leaving now... thanks for help... hope to see you in 1 hour10:52
ActionParsnipVoziv: if its when you update / install, try removing the cd from your /etc/apt/sources.list10:52
dichtbijzeehi again, if i get network DISABLED when i do lshw, how do i enable it. i tried modprobe e100 (the driver for the card)10:53
ActionParsnipVoziv: you can always mount the cdrom iso as the cd as you say, you can mount any iso anywhere10:53
VozivActionParsnip::: I haven'nt installed anything yet, I'm just at the installation menu, I can go into a shell if needed, but I'm not sure how to make a "fake cdrom" as i've read10:53
jaapvisserdichtbijzee (zandvoort) try : sudo /etc/network/interfaces start10:54
ActionParsnipVoziv: sudo mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom0 -o loop10:54
dichtbijzeejaapvisser, did that, al gedaan ;)10:55
VozivActionParsnip::: Could I do something of that sort, pointing it to my usb stick?10:55
Arenlorrebel_kid: just did a lot of research on your problem try this "sudo modprobe iwl4965" and see if you can connect after that10:55
ntrJust installed ubuntu 8.10.  And i've got some problem with the internet connection. Only a few websites work, and only ocationally. Most websites won't load at all. (i have'nt search much on the ubuntu sites cos this is the only i have and the ubuntu sites won't load.)10:56
ActionParsnipVoziv: sure, just replace /dev/cdrom with the partition name of the usb stick, sudo fdisk -l will show you its name10:56
VozivActionParsnip::: Thanks, I'll let you know how it turns out :)10:56
ActionParsnip!mount | Voziv10:57
ubottuVoziv: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QTParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap10:57
Arenlorntr: can you open a terminal Applications > Accessories > Terminal and try pinging one of the sites that don't work?10:57
=== kj4hzw is now known as kj4
Vozivfdisk -l Doesn't work when in the installer shell :/10:59
onetinsoldierVoziv: how about parted -l ?11:00
rwwVoziv: have you tried it with "sudo" in front of it?11:00
VozivI'll try both suggestions11:00
groundupI am trying to do what is said here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=789578 because I have static that won't go away over my laptop speakers and when I plug my headphones in no sound at all.11:01
ActionParsnipVoziv: i explicitly stated sudo11:01
VozivNo luck with parted -l and placing "sudo" infront, it returns /bin/sh "parted" not found11:01
groundupIt keeps saying "Connecting failed: connection refused" which I think is probably due to the static. I just can't figure out how to stop the static.11:01
ActionParsnipVoziv: only root can use sudo11:01
onetinsoldierVoziv: sorry, i don't know then11:02
Vozivonetinsoldier::: thanks11:02
VozivActionParsnip::: by the looks of it, I can't use sudo11:02
ArenlorActionParsnip: no sudo is how a normal user runs a command as root11:02
dichtbijzeehi again, if i get network DISABLED when i do lshw, how do i enable it. i tried modprobe e100 (the driver for the card)11:02
rwwActionParsnip: sudo in the LiveCD (I assume that's what "installer shell" means?) works without prompting for a password11:02
dichtbijzeerww, yes11:02
ActionParsnipArenlor: Voziv: my bad, its been a long day11:02
Vozivrww::: I'm using the ubuntu-server iso11:02
ActionParsniprww: its just habit now if i needs power11:03
ArenlorActionParsnip: it's called coffee :P11:03
ActionParsnipArenlor: i'll grab a tea11:03
w00b3could someone PLEASE help me with this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/101589/11:03
ActionParsnip!coffee | Arenlor11:03
ubottuArenlor: coffee is a caffeinated beverage made by filtering hot water through ground up roasted beans of the coffee plant. Flavouring to taste such as milk or cream, sugar or sweetener are often added afterwards. Not to be confused with !java11:03
ntrArenlor pinging sites that work is extremly slow, but works. pinging google.com (site that never works) gives nothing11:03
ActionParsnipntr: does it resolve to an ip?11:04
Vozivntr::: try pining ip addresses11:04
FireFox||you can try to ping www.hompes.be11:04
FireFox||it'l give you a ping of 100-13011:04
VozivGoogles IP:
FireFox||(due to the slow website)11:05
ntrActionParsnip sites that work resolve to IPs. google.com does not11:05
ActionParsnipntr: can you ping
mrglinuxi can not find mod_rewrite for apache in synaptic11:05
ActionParsnipntr: hat do you get from: nslookup www.ask.com11:05
Vozivntr, if you can ping the ip above, then your issue is resolving dns's, as it's one of googles many ip addresses11:05
spikebdarn hats11:05
w00b3could anyone PLEASE help me with this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/101589/11:05
FireFox||w00b3: What is the problem, just dumping a paste isn't ennough11:06
w00b3FireFox||, what more is needed then11:06
spikebnot a clue w00b311:06
rwwmrglinux: it appears to be included in the apache2 package, but is disabled by default.11:06
VozivWould my USB key that im booting from, would it be seen as a /dev/usb device, or a /dev/sda11:06
rwwmrglinux: see http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-7304.html ; not sure if the procedure's changed since 2005 though >.>11:06
Arenlorw00b3: try sudo srm -vr /media/disk-111:07
rwwVoziv: /dev/sda11:07
ActionParsnipVoziv: it'll be /dev/sda111:07
ActionParsnipVoziv: /dev/sda is a physical disk you can hold and touch, /dev/sda1 is the first partition on /dev/sda11:08
VozivOk, I will try mounting that11:08
jaapvissermrglinux indeed mod_rewrite is enabled by default edit your httpd.conf to activate it like: LoadModule mod_rewrite /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_rewrite.so11:09
w00b3Arenlor, http://paste.ubuntu.com/101593/11:09
ActionParsnipVoziv: if thats what the partition is called11:09
mrglinuxjaapvisser yes .. my problem solved i look for mod_rewrite name exactly but that name was rewrite and i enabled it11:10
jaapvisserok gr8 mrglinux now get i working in .htaccess file >;011:10
Arenlorw00b3: disk-1 is what a USB thumb drive?11:10
ActionParsnipfor all to see: ntr: ;; reply from unexpected source:, expected
w00b3usb 500 GB drive11:10
Sythe_ZNany news on http://paste.ubuntu.com/101570/ ?11:11
Arenlorw00b3: try to umount it first11:11
onetinsoldierntr: are you using a router?11:11
w00b3i did11:11
w00b3then it says it doesnt exist11:11
Osarishi how can i concatinate 2 strings in the shell example echo "hello this is host" + 'hostname'   (the hostname part i want it to use the hostname command to display the machine hostname. exmaple Hello this is host noobbuntu11:12
Arenlorw00b3: try the command mount and see what it actually is you'll have a line like: /dev/sdb1 on /media/disk-1 type ext3 (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=hal)11:13
rwwOsaris: that particular example can be done with: echo "Hello this is host `hostname`" (` is the key to the left of 1 on US keyboards)11:13
ArenlorOsaris you can try the cat command11:13
w00b3Arenlor, what???11:13
ntronetinsoldier yes. in a network with a Mac and two Win PCs11:14
Osarisaah thanx cause i saw a example and instead i used ' (to the right of the keyboard)  thanx so much11:14
onetinsoldierntr: router configuration or whatever is probably the problem11:15
VozivUgh, still no luck11:15
Arenlorw00b3: run "sudo mount", you'll get a list of all mounted file systems, one of them will say something like /dev/sdb1 on /media/disk-1, you need to know what the /dev/sd*# part is11:15
VozivAny suggestions on installing ubuntu server without a cdrom?11:15
rwwVoziv: USB install, maybe?11:15
iLogicman.. ubuntu's network management is weird11:15
rww!usb | Voziv11:15
ubottuVoziv: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent11:15
VozivI followed that, and it's where I'm stuck right now :(11:16
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iLogicwhy doesn't /etc/init.d/networking seem to affect wlan0 interface?11:16
Sythe_ZNcan anyone help me mount my initrd image for editing?11:17
rwwiLogic: /etc/init.d/networking only deals with network interfaces listed in /etc/network/interfaces. wlan0 is usually dealt with by Network Manager, and therefore isn't in the interfaces file by default.11:17
Arenlorw00b3: never mind just thought, are you trying to clear the contents of the USB drive?11:17
w00b3yes Arenlor11:17
w00b3its dev/sdb111:17
rwwSythe_ZN: can you link me to that page you got the initrd image from? I'll have a go at it.11:18
Arenlorw00b3: try "srm -r /dev/sdb1/*"11:18
sumitplease suggest me a GUI based lightweight internet browser for my Ubuntu actually I have p-3  256 MB11:18
Sythe_ZNsure... http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=HimalayaLinuxBooting11:18
nsadminrww kernel packages build initrd images when installed11:18
Arenlorw00b3: note, it could take a very long time based on how fast your computer is and how much data there is to delete11:19
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free11:19
w00b3Error: File /dev/sdb1/* - Not a directory11:19
Sythe_ZNit's the 2.6.12 kernel and initrd11:19
rwwnsadmin: I'm aware of that :)11:19
nsadminok, good enough...11:20
iLogicrww: i get that.. but when I try to add the same config from network manager on /etc/network/interfaces and restart networking it doesn't work11:20
Sythe_ZNi think the issue is the kernel's compiled for an ARM processor11:20
onetinsoldierntr: you aren't getting packets forwarded to you properly from the router. either the router isn't configured correctly, or your LAN IP/Config isn't set up quite right in Ubuntu to receive the packets properly. find out the LAN IP of the MAC and WIN machines and make sure you're not stealing their LAN IP11:20
rwwSythe_ZN: where on that page does it say to mount anything? I'm confused...11:21
iLogicrww: the thing is.. every night I leave my box up for grabbing torrents, but when I check it in the morning, the network has disconnected.. so I try to use a script to ping the access point and restart networking if it's down..11:21
Sythe_ZNit doesn't... that's the point11:21
rebel_kidArenlor, ty for the help but it didnt work, im moving to debian anyway, ubuntu was great for me in the newb days but tis time to remove the training wheels11:22
iLogicbut doesn't work if I can't use networking :(11:22
rwwSythe_ZN: Okay. So why are you trying to mount it?11:22
jaapvisseriLogic is your passphrase in /etc/networking/interfaces11:22
Arenlorw00b3: try "cd /media/disk-1" then "srm -r *"11:22
Sythe_ZNi need to mount it in a loop device so that i can edit it11:22
rwwiLogic: Can you copy your /etc/network/interfaces file to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ (replace any passwords in it with <password> or something)?11:22
mikkrHow do I allow my user to edit /var/www without doing sudo every time?11:22
Sythe_ZNi can't edit it from the device because i'm not getting a terminal and i don11:22
Sythe_ZN't have a keyboard interface11:23
JimmyDeesorry I came in late but I might can help sythe11:23
groundupThis is driving me insane. I can't get the static off of my speakers! I can't hear anything else but static.11:23
w00b3bash: cd: /media/disk-1: Permission denied11:23
Sythe_ZNdo tell jimmy11:23
JimmyDeeunplug soundcard, replace soundcard11:23
Deadboysgroundup try a diffrent audio driver11:23
jaapvissermikkr change the permissions user/group (chmod) so /var/www  is readable and editable by your users11:23
Arenlorw00b3: try using sudo with both commands11:24
w00b3sudo doesnt work11:24
mikkrjaapvisser: and that's ok from a security perspective?11:24
JimmyDeechmod +x www-data /wherever11:24
iLogicrww: http://paste.ubuntu.com/101600/11:24
jaapvisserwell that depends.....  dont know about your setup and users11:25
JimmyDeesorry sudo chmod +x www-data /wherever11:25
rwwSythe_ZN: From the looks of it, you're not supposed to mount it and edit it. You're supposed to recompile it. Have you tried asking about this on that site's forum (http://forum.xda-developers.com/)?11:25
Arenlorw00b3: "sudo cd /media/disk-1" doesn't work?11:25
mikkrjaapvisser: It's on my vps. There's a root of course. And my own account, 'mikker'11:25
simplenewbHow do I resize a window that has expanded beyond the bottom of the screen? Alt+F8 does not work.11:25
JimmyDeeok here try this11:26
w00b3Arenlor, of course not11:26
Sythe_ZNthe project's been out of action for 4 years so i doubt i'll get a response11:26
JimmyDeesudo md /mnt/disk111:26
JimmyDeesudo mount -o loop filename11:26
w00b3Arenlor, but i know of another way11:26
Arenlorw00b3: "sudo su" then "cd /media/disk-1" lastly "srm -r *"11:26
JimmyDeesudo mount -o loop filename /mnt/disk111:26
Sythe_ZNjimmy... http://paste.ubuntu.com/101570/11:27
rprettymanzcat /dev/cd0 >> filename11:27
onetinsoldiersimplenewb: hard to know for sure. you can try F1111:27
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit11:28
JimmyDeeyou input sudo mount -o loop initrd.img mnt/initimg11:28
harioumsumit, what u mean11:28
rwwSythe_ZN: well, I guess work with the documentation you have. There's a little in point 2 about recompiling the image from source. Unfortunately, since 1) you're using an unsupported version of Ubuntu, and 2) your problem is unrelated to Ubuntu, I'm not sure that we'll be able to help much :(11:28
sumitharioum,  i mein nothing now it is working11:28
JimmyDeetry inputting sudo mount -o loop initrd.img /mnt/initimg11:29
JimmyDeebut create the dir first11:29
harioumsumit, Ok just try11:29
JimmyDeewaaa netsplit11:29
sumitharioum, ya sure thanks a lot11:29
iLogicrww: did you look it?11:29
JimmyDeeanother happy customer11:29
Sythe_ZNoki... will do11:30
JimmyDeesythe if you need help pm me11:30
harioumhow to configure font in .Xdefaults for my urxvt11:30
rwwiLogic: sorry, I got distracted :(. What type of encryption are you using? WEP/WPA/etc?11:30
iLogicrww: wep11:30
JimmyDeealso anyone with dd-wrt issues holler at me11:31
rwwiLogic: Okay, that looks correct for WEP. Does "sudo ifup wlan0" (ifup to connect, ifdown to disconnect) work?11:31
a_okhow can i see the changelogs for a package?11:31
Sythe_ZNsame resuld jimmy11:31
w00b3you there???11:31
iLogicrww: nope..11:31
JimmyDeesythe pm me11:32
iLogicrww: I'm wondering why doesn't network manager just act as a frontend for that?11:32
Deadboyshow do i load a module to my kernel?11:32
froggerBobHi, I got this problem where every TCP connection just stalls until timing out every few minutes. it's becoming impossible to download large files.11:32
rwwiLogic: Network Manager's supposed to get out of the way of devices using /etc/network/interfaces, I think11:32
rwwiLogic: try "sudo ifup -v wlan0". That should give more information.11:33
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iLogichold on.. will try11:33
onetinsoldiera_ok: a lot of times there's a file that contains the changelog in /usr/share/doc/<package>  ...if it's .gz file then use 'zless' to read it11:33
Arenlorw00b3: did using "sudo su" work?11:33
Deadboyshow do i load a module to my kernel?11:33
Deadboysoops sorry for the repete11:33
rprettymanmodprobe $MODULENAME11:33
rprettymanDead boy modprobe $MODULENAME11:33
rwwDeadboys: sudo modprobe modulename. That'll load it until you remove it (sudo modprobe -r modulename) or restart.11:34
w00b3Arenlor, NO11:34
Deadboyswhat directory do i put the module in?11:34
a_okonetinsoldier, i am mainly interested in the ubuntu versions so the security fixes etc11:34
w00b3how do i get out of root11:34
rprettymanwoob3 "exit"11:34
Arenlorw00b3: just type exit11:34
rwwDeadboys: oh, it's not a module that's included in the Ubuntu kernel?11:34
onetinsoldiera_ok: otherwise, you could look into installing 'apt-listchanges' or going to http://packages.ubuntu.com/<package>11:35
w00b3does anyone here know how to use srm?11:35
Deadboysyeah rww11:35
onetinsoldiera_ok: and that's about all i can suggest11:35
a_okonetinsoldier, thanks that wil do :)11:35
rwwDeadboys: what's the name of the module?11:36
rprettymanDeadboy, sudo modprobe rww11:36
* rww doesn't want to be modprobed >.>11:36
onetinsoldiera_ok: roger :-)11:36
Arenlorw00b3: I use it all the time, I'm a bit confused as the problem going on here11:36
rwwDeadboys: What version of Ubuntu are you using?11:36
rwwDeadboys: Hrm. Have you tried just doing "sudo modprobe ipv6"? The ipv6 module is packaged with Intrepid kernels.11:37
froggerBobHi, I got this problem where every few minutes all TCP connections just drop in unison. what might be the problem?11:37
Deadboysrww i have a custom kernel11:38
Deadboysand yeah ive tried11:38
rprettymanrecompile ith with ipv6 support11:39
rprettymanits better then trying to add a module, when you could just have it in the kernel11:39
aprilharebest way to test ipv6 is to try out miredo11:39
Deadboysi cant rprettyman11:40
rprettymandid you compile the custom kernel, better yet, why do you need a custom kernel, if you don't mind me asking11:41
Deadboysits for a vps i have11:41
Deadboyswhere i have no control of the kernel11:41
rprettymanoh, so its  a remote server11:41
Deadboysand i need to add ipv6 support to it11:41
Deadboysvia a tunnel11:41
rprettymandoes your host even provide routing support for ipv611:41
Deadboysthats why im going to be using a tunnel11:42
aprilharetry miredo first deadboys11:42
rprettymanthen your better off not using it, it won't work if it won't tunnel out of their datacenter11:42
aprilharesudo apt-get install miredo11:42
Deadboysaprilhare what is miredo11:42
rww!info miredo | Deadboys11:42
ubottumiredo (source: miredo): Teredo IPv6 tunneling through NATs. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.5-1 (intrepid), package size 72 kB, installed size 316 kB11:42
rwwDeadboys: use miredo as aprilhare's saying... and next time you come in here with a kernel-related question, consider letting us know that you're using a non-Ubuntu kernel from the start.11:43
aprilhareyeah, that11:43
Deadboysi installed miredo but i have no idea how to use it11:43
eaxDoes anyone know how I set a Wireless Prism card in promisc mode?11:43
Deadboysim not too linux savy11:43
aprilhareDeadboys, once installed you are using it11:44
aprilhareDeadboys, try pointing firefox to http://ipv6.google.com/11:44
Deadboysim on a remote server aprilhare11:44
Deadboysdoesnt have firefox11:44
Deadboysill try to ping it though11:44
aprilhareping -6 it then11:44
Deadboysi know :)11:45
aprilhareDeadboys, how did you go11:46
Deadboysping: invalid option -- '6'11:46
aprilhareuse command ping611:46
Deadboysunknown host11:47
Deadboysbecause i dont have the ipv6 module11:47
rprettymandeadboys does your DNS server have IPv6 support?11:47
Deadboysi dont think so11:47
rprettymanthen you can't use it11:47
Louandoi want to change traffic from to go out a gateway which is not the default11:47
Louandocan i do that?11:47
fastaWhen I want to install nvidia-glx-180 (or any other version) Ubuntu wants to delete the xserver. Why?11:48
rprettymanyou won't resolve to an ipv6 address if your DNS server doesn't know what ipv6 is11:48
rprettymandig domainname11:48
rprettymanifconfig|grep ipv611:48
Deadboyshow come i cant uninstall miredo now11:49
Deadboysi tried apt-get remove miredo11:49
Deadboysnot working11:49
aprilharetry doing this sudo /etc/init.d/miredo restart11:49
Dexiholy crap11:49
Dexithats the biggest split ive ever seen11:49
aprilhareall hail crap11:49
Dexihaha :p11:49
Deadboyssudo: /ect/init.d/miredo: command not found11:49
jribDeadboys: how did you install miredo?11:49
Deadboysapt-get install miredo11:50
Dexig'night all11:50
aprilhareDeadboys, etc not ect11:50
jribDeadboys: pastebin 'apt-cache policy miredo'11:50
Deadboysoh duh11:50
colton_If I installed emacs on my pc via sinaptec and I wanted to gain access to the folder "emacs/lisp/. . ." Where could this folder be found?11:50
Deadboysanyways i got it removed11:50
colton_That is, where would synaptec install such a folder?11:51
jribcolton_: why do you want access to it?11:51
colton_I want to add a mode11:51
rprettymanDeadboys: you could always apt-get install tightvncserver fluxbox xorg11:51
rprettymanDeadboys: if you wanted to have a graphical interface on your vpn11:51
jribcolton_: you would probably use the corresponding directory in your HOME, ~/.emacs/lisp most likely.  I don't use emacs, so double check with the documentation11:52
Deadboysrprettyman i know but i dont mind cli11:52
MaxFrameshello, happy new year11:52
colton_There is no such folder in home. Let's say I installed something else, like code::blocks, or notepad, or whatever, isn't there a default location where such folders could be found and modified?11:53
jribcolton_: you create it11:53
zenohow do i restart all sound stuff?11:53
rprettymanwhereis program11:53
rprettymanalsa reload11:54
jribcolton_: there is, but it's system-wide.  You use your ~ to do these things you are asking about usually11:54
rprettymanzeno: /\11:54
jribcolton_: reading the emacs manual, ~/.emacs.d/lisp is now more likely11:55
zenorprettyman: thanks11:56
rprettymanzeno: np11:56
jribcolton_: here's a blog talking about one such setup http://www.emacsblog.org/2007/10/07/declaring-emacs-bankruptcy/, however I can't find the relevant info in the manual11:57
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akhil_I am implementing a checker which checks for the no of character changes from file1 to file2. Can I use grep to do that?11:59
jribakhil_: my first guess would be diff, but I've only seen that show differences line-by-line.  You would have to check if it can report differences character-by-character12:00
onetinsoldierakhil_: i'm not sure what your trying to do exactly... but it sounds more like something for either the 'wc' command(wc -m) or the diff command12:00
onetinsoldierwc -m --> print the character counts12:01
akhil_I am trying something similar to edit distance12:01
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tuchha12when shokwave will be available fot ubuntu?12:02
SlimeyPeteask adobe12:03
zenorprettyman: still getting this error http://pastebin.ca/130267812:03
jribtuchha12: if you really must use it, you can install it in firefox running through wine12:03
groundupugh, this is so annoying. Two days ago I installed Ibex and the sound was working fine (it was working fine in Hardy as well). Last night I tried to put my headphones in and it wouldn't play anything through the headphones. So, I started tinkering with sound settings. Now, all I get is static from the speakers and headphones still don't work. So, in order not to go insane, I keep the...12:03
groundup...headphones plugged in so I don't hear the white noise. I can change the volume by going to volume controls dropping down to the SigmaTel device and changing the "in-gain" and volume to mute. Other than that, nothing else works. I did a sound test and I can faintly hear the sounds from the test behind the static.12:03
jrib!shockwave > tuchha1212:03
ubottutuchha12, please see my private message12:04
rwwtuchha12: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Shockwave12:04
rprettymansudo alsa reload12:04
jribgroundup: create a new user12:04
rprettymanzeno if that doesn't work, give me the out put for lsmod|grep snd12:04
groundupjrib, I would rather fix the problem than to just go around it.12:04
jribgroundup: it's probably easier to start from working sound and then getting the headphones to work, rather than starting with completely broken sound12:05
jribgroundup: anyway, this ensures that it really is due to the customizations you made as well12:05
rprettymangroundup: try oss to get better quality but it doesn't support multichannel, so only one audio source at a time12:05
rprettymangroundup: but no clicking or whitenoise, in most cases12:06
zenorprettyman: http://pastebin.ca/130267912:06
rprettymangroundup: if that doesn't work, what sound card are you using12:06
groundupI just want to revert the changes.12:06
groundupI want to at least get my speakers working. From there, I can figure out the headphone issues12:06
groundupanything is better than listening to this blasted static12:07
jribgroundup: creating the new user will do that.  Deleting the appropriate gconf keys will probably do the same, but I have no idea what they are12:07
zenorprettyman: problem started after a java application quit unexpectedly, although killall java does nothing12:07
rprettymangroundup: sudo alsa reload12:07
grounduprprettyman: yeah, I did that12:08
tuchha12which os is better for desktop and servers?12:08
rprettymanps -A|grep java12:08
zenorprettyman: no ouput12:08
groundupWarning: Processes using sound devices: 6399(mixer_applet2) 6720(firefox) 8084(speaker-test).12:08
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jribtuchha12: #ubuntu-offtopic for discussion of operating systems please12:08
onetinsoldiergroundup: sounds like a sticky wicket. you could do something like, 'purging' all pulseaudio and alsa packages from your system, then installing them again. but then, it's possible there are more sound packages than just pulseaudio and alsa.12:08
groundupI guess I need to kill chatzilla12:08
romintahey all, is there a reason i cant use chroot on the new live cd12:09
groundupI killed speaker-test a long time ago. Not sure why that would still be open.12:09
Svenstarorominta, you can, I just repaired a system with that.12:09
jribgroundup: by "tinkering with sound settings" did you touch any files outside your home or edit anything with sudo?12:09
groundupjrib: no12:09
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=== FRiEd|BnC is now known as FriedCPU
onetinsoldiergroundup: lsof | grep speaker12:10
jribgroundup: then purging packages won't help.  Just create the new user to see if that resolves the issue, then find the specific gconf keys on your account if you want...12:10
onetinsoldiergroundup: ignore that command12:10
onetinsoldiergroundup: or try it if you want. if you get nothing back then you just have to press ctrl+c12:11
grounduponetinsoldier: I got a couple of lines back12:11
romintamust be somthing i am doing wrong then, i get the error can not find /bin/bash12:12
onetinsoldiergroundup: ahh, roger12:12
jribrominta: well what are you chrooting to?12:12
romintaor if i try it without sudo chroot, i get the error no such file or directory and its defo there12:12
jribrominta: try *what* exactly?12:13
romintaa partition or a harddrive sdsa or sda112:13
romintasda or sda112:13
jribrominta: and /media/sda1/bin/bash exists there?12:13
romintai tryed mounting it first i.e /media/disk (which is really /dev/sda)12:14
groundupokay, well, I guess I will be back12:14
jribrominta: ok, does /media/disk/bin/bash exist then...?12:14
romintaare is that what i am doing wrong i need a bash shell on there i will try that12:14
MOUDHey all12:15
jribrominta: why do you want to do this?12:15
onetinsoldiergroundup: i am not sure what to make of your pastebin. some sort of permission problem obviously. perhaps i should run speakertest and then do the lsof command and see if i get the same thing back12:15
javagamerI did some tunneling a while ago for a guest OS and now I'm trying to set it back.  Think I have a proper interfaces file, but when I restart networking it doesn't seem to like it, is there anything else I have to change back?12:15
romintatrying to install rEFit or lilo on over the MBR or the partition12:16
jribrominta: you have OS X?12:16
MOUDWhat's a good program that can run windows programs?12:16
romintayes but i am using a vm to test it first12:16
jrib!wine > MOUD12:16
rprettymanMOUD wind12:16
ubottuMOUD, please see my private message12:16
groundupokay, still get the static while on the login screen and still get it on the guest account12:16
rprettymanMOUD virtualbox or vmware server12:17
jribrominta: well refit has a pretty straightforward installer12:17
MOUDthanks for the info12:17
jribgroundup: then it can't be related to user-specific configuration changes12:17
Link-hi guys12:18
onetinsoldiergroundup: well, i did it and no issues here. after ending the speaker-test with ctrl+c, nothing at all back from lsof | grep speaker12:18
romintayer but i would really like to learn rather than just use an installer (plus i dont hav any blank cds here), so i was hoping i could do it all from a live cd12:18
Link-how can i combine a .png image with a .exe file any specific command?12:18
jribrominta: I installed refit from OS X12:18
groundupOkay, so it isn't user related. Any other advice?12:18
rprettymanlink, look at the convert command, not exe though, "man convert"12:18
jribgroundup: what else changed since it was working?12:19
Link-rprettyman thank12:19
groundupI don't really think I changed that much.12:19
MOUDrprettyman: wind or wine?12:19
romintayes i belive you can do that, but i am testing everything on a virtual machine first, i have got all the info, but for some reason chroot would not work, but i think that is beacuse i do not hav a bash shel on the partition i was trying to chroot12:19
jribrominta: ok12:20
rprettymanmoud : wine12:20
rprettymanmoud: one sec, first sudo apt-get install wine12:20
groundupWhatever is causing this static sound won't let me use use Pulse app12:20
rprettymanMOUD:check here for what programs you want to try to run native12:20
marek_hi, what is the best app for recording video from tv card?12:21
romintalol should have guessed such a silly error thanks alot, if i chroot a partition, can i still edit the mbr for that drive not just the partition12:21
rprettymanMOUD: what ever is not avaible for wine, your more then likely need to run inside of windows native, or windows though a vpn12:21
onetinsoldiergroundup: i don't know really. perhaps the root of it is a file descriptor(fd and NOFD) issue. might try to find out what file descriptor the sound driver uses. sorry i can't really be of any help.12:21
MOUDi'ts around 72MB total12:21
rprettymanMOUD: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&ct=res&cd=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Fappdb.winehq.org%2F&ei=D55kSfimIYyS9QTaoYTWCQ&usg=AFQjCNGkDI5hX0oyO91fsJqS-d2L368mBQ&sig2=euHOvz8e1AXyhoaGkO5qNg12:21
rprettymanMOUD: that sounds about right with depencies12:22
huwenfenghi, how can i set the Thunderbird like this.  when a mail from a@example.com is received, it will be listed in a specific sub dir?12:22
earthlingI have a soft link to a executable /bin/earthling in my $HOME . this executable prints working directory. when I run the link what will be the working directory printed.. ? and does this change for hard link?12:22
rprettymanhuwenfeng: filters, one sec12:23
groundupSeems like I am not the only one... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=97114612:23
rprettymanhuwenfeng: http://kb.mozillazine.org/Thunderbird_:_FAQs_:_Filters12:23
MOUDwhat about windows games?12:24
zxdis there a guide , tutorial , book whatever , showing the difference between debian and ubuntu ? i am looking into migrating to ubuntu because of obsolete packages in debian stable12:24
onetinsoldiergroundup: i'm reading now....12:24
Seveasgood afternoon12:24
mkerzxd, http://www.ubuntu.com/community/ubuntustory/debian12:24
kitcheMOUD: what about windows games some work some don't have to look at the appdb for wine to see if they work or shell out cash to buy cedega and use that12:24
jribSeveas: good morning12:25
rprettymanMOUD: their is other programs out their, but they cost money, depending on the game, their might be a linux version, online or it might work though wine with special tweaking, just search for the game on the WineHQ database, as far as games in a Virtualmachine, your better off restarting12:25
onetinsoldiergroundup: ok, weird12:25
flexd2hi there, again.12:25
Seveasjrib, ah silly american, always behind the times ;)12:25
MOUDok then12:25
Seveashi flexd212:25
flexd2I seem to have managed to install ubuntu now, but i also managed to install grub to the wrong drive it seemed. It suggested hd0 but i went with another hdd.. is there a way i can fix this?12:25
groundupOkay, unfortunately I don't have the time to fix this. Be back here in about 8 hours to try try again. Thanks for the time.12:25
jrib!grub > flexd212:26
ubottuflexd2, please see my private message12:26
flexd2i went with the hdd i installed ubuntu on, figuring that would work12:26
onetinsoldiergroundup: ok, good luck12:26
kitcheflexd2: it will work you just have to change the boot order12:26
ultratekhow do i run a cmd inthe terminal with from root12:26
Seveasflexd2, grub really should be installed on hd0, even if ubuntu is on another hd12:26
kitcheultratek: use sudo12:26
jribultratek: what command?12:26
flexd2Seveas: okay, i`ll just find the way to change it i guess.12:26
Seveasflexd2, ubottu sent you some links. They should tell you what to do (grub-install hd0)12:27
nnullwhen your installing inteprid and select to make a drive encrypted, do you need to enter your encryption password everytime the pc reboots?12:27
Seveasnnull, yes. Otherwise the encryption wouldn't be very useful12:27
nnullSeveas, indeed, was checking for that reason, ta.12:28
ultratekjrib: mount -t nfts-3g /dev/sdb1/media/STORAGE -o force12:28
jribultratek: you're missing a space after "sdb", but use sudo as kitche suggested12:29
vildentcan anyone help me to run the UML-tool jude on my Ubuntu 8.1012:29
flexd2Seveas: right, fixed i think, we`ll see shortly :)12:29
mkernnull, I'd love to hear about performance later so send me a pm here if you remember.12:29
Seveasflexd2, good luck!12:29
vildenti have this problem http://pastebin.com/d6c479fb612:29
gbear14275where can I find the repository addresses.  I tried to add one incorrectly and I am getting an error, but the gui wont recognize it for me to edit or delete?12:29
jribgbear14275: /etc/apt/sources.list12:30
Seveasvildent, that's a bug in a program that's not part of ubuntu. We cannot really support that12:30
tuchha12how can i install mpeg-4 and quicktime? i want to see some videos in apple site12:30
huwenfengrprettyman: OH, it works12:30
Seveas!codecs | tuchha1212:31
ubottutuchha12: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:31
nnullmker, ive run server's with encryption, and xubuntu, hard to notice a difference on low loads, didn't really test high load, as these servers were on p3 600's etc..12:32
ultratekjrib: it is an exteranl storage hardrive an older one by acom12:32
mkernnull, do the harddrives get to work alot more?12:32
zxdfrom what i read so far ubuntu releases are exact snapshots of debian unstable at a certain point in time?12:33
quibblergbear14275, System-Administration-Software Sources12:33
Seveaszxd, no, you read that very very wrong :)12:33
gbear14275quibbler: thanks I found it :)12:34
zxdSeveas, well it says it's based on that12:34
nnullmker, wasn't really benchmarking tbh, but not that i could notice.. as i was benchmarking the Loads on these machines...12:34
Seveaszxd, ubuntu does import packages from debian unstable and various other sources until a certain point in the release process. These imports often are unchanged, but often have ubuntu-specific packages. Ubuntu also has newer versions of quite some software and some unique packages12:35
mkernnull, that's alright I'm interested in what you noticed :) well nice then thanks for the info, I'm about to give it a try as soon as I get the chance.12:35
nnullmker, ok gl :)12:35
Seveaszxd, but that's just part of the whole 'what is ubuntu'12:35
gbear14275so... i have to open a file browser as root to be able to open a file as root using the gui right?  Is there a reason there is not an "open as" option under the right click menu (or similar)?  Or is there?12:35
jribgbear14275: because it's not something you should be doing all that often.  If you are, then you're probably doing something in not the best way12:36
gbear14275jrib: I can't edit my sources.list file as a user12:36
rww!info nautilus-gksu | gbear1427512:36
ubottunautilus-gksu (source: gksu): privilege granting extension for nautilus using gksu. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.0-5ubuntu3 (intrepid), package size 5 kB, installed size 68 kB12:36
jribgbear14275: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list12:36
b00leyhi 2 all12:36
rprettymanlog in as root12:36
rprettymansudo passwd12:36
zenowhat is  rsvg-convert? i had to kill it it was taking 99 percent cpu on boot, and was run by root12:37
jribrprettyman: please don't recommend that, it's not necessary12:37
b00leyanybody can say, what means "Unexpected IRQ trap at sector 10"12:37
gbear14275rww: and jrib: yup... just an awkward way that might be easier to have an "open as <user>" option within the non-root gui... but I'm guessing this was a design decision?12:37
KcajHeya :D12:37
el_rusohi everyone, i´ve changed size partition in my windows server 2003 using gparted under ubuntu liveCD but now, windows cannot run, please help me12:38
jribgbear14275: a lot of people like to be root for everything for some reason.  I imagine that was one reason, yes.  rww suggested a package that allows you to do what you asked though.  Just know when to use it12:38
Seveasel_ruso, for help with windows: ##windows12:38
zxdSeveas, where can i read about that12:38
Kcaji just ripped offmy space key12:39
Seveaszxd, lppk at the 'the ubuntu philosophy' pages on www.ubuntu.com12:39
zenonever mind got it12:39
zenobootchart did it12:39
gbear14275jrib: yes I agree that there are some bad culture habits around and not advocating otherwise, was curious though if there was a way to integrate gksu into the gui's right click menu.12:42
hischildI'm setting up ICS on a pc with 2 network cards. I know how to setup ICS properly (done it before), however 1 of the network cards will not send nor receive data, despite that it can get an IP from dhcp.12:42
gbear14275eh anyways, jrib, rww, thank you very much again... you are very helpful!12:43
rprettymanhischild: try ifdown (cardthatworks)12:43
rprettymanhischild does it work now12:43
flexdWorks now i guess :)12:43
hischildreportingsjr, no. I've also physically removed the card that works and tried to make it work, this has also failed.12:43
hischildrprettyman, ^12:44
jrgpcan I tunnel windows filesharing through openvpn?12:44
quibblergbear14275, you could use nautilus script and use a script to open nautilus as root12:44
hischildjrgp, i suppose you can in theory. Don't ask me how though12:44
rprettymanhischild, what kind of card is it, and do you know what module it is using12:44
hischildrprettyman, a compaq card, came with the pc. Give me a second to figure out what module it's using.12:45
jaapvisserjrgp : i am not an expert on openvpn but got what i needed by reading: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/48912:46
hischildrprettyman, it's using the tlan module.12:46
jrgpthanks jaapvisser12:46
rprettymanhischild: is this percistant, are you able to get anytraffic on the card other then dhcp leasing12:48
rprettymanhischild: can you ping the card's ip from another machine on your lan/network12:48
annaimkonkihello everyone... how do i use my pci wireless card on ubuntu12:49
hischildrprettyman, it's consistent behavior yes. I'm able to obtain a dhcp lease if i manually run dhclient as nm-applet seems unable to do so. I'm unable to ping the gateway from this card, and any other pc on the lan can't reach this card.12:49
rascal_is_heremy phone can be used as a usb mass storage device it is detected i windows but it is not getting detected in ubuntu please help me out !12:49
BadThingubuntu is a bitch to learn after being lazy with windows heh12:49
amerinesehi, not really familiar with how hd/drivers work, but my problem is tvtime doesn't give me sound, but i can get it through an arecord | aplay command i found somewhere... any way to simply direct sound output to mixer:line so i can tell tvtime to use device=mixer:line instead of the aplay arecord thing?  does this make sense?12:50
rprettymanhischild: are you able to test the card on a live distro or live windows disc, it sounds like it could be a posible hardware malfunction, also are their any messages in syslog or dmesg about the card12:50
tuchha12i shokwave working good with wine?12:50
amerinesethe specific line i use is: arecord -D hw:1,0 -r 48000 -c 2 -f S16_LE | aplay - to play sound12:51
hischildrprettyman, this card has worked before the vacations, leading me to believe it is indeed a hardware malfunction. Let me check syslog about the card (why didn't i think of that)12:51
rprettymantuchha12:  check the wine databaseshockwave server http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=468412:52
tuchha12i sed to see quicktime or mpeg-4 files but now no12:52
rascal_is_here my phone can be used as a usb mass storage device it is detected i windows but it is not getting detected in ubuntu please help me out !12:52
ActionParsniprascal_is_here: does a disk show up in sudo fdisk -l?12:53
BadThingi was trying to install kismet manually, something i dont understand, is if i got my ubuntu laptop online and used synaptic, would it gather all the files kismet depended on automatically?12:53
romintaok guys still having problems, i tryed sudo chroot /media/disk i get the error /bin/bash no such file or directoy, and there is defo a /media/disk/bin/bash12:53
rprettymanBadthing: Yes syanptic or apt-get resolves dependencies12:54
hischildrprettyman, there's some notes in dmesg i can't place. --> ppdev0: unregistered pardevice <-- and --> ppdev0: registered pardevice <--12:54
BadThingthanks rprettyman12:54
ActionParsniprominta: this may help http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/handbook/handbook-x86.xml?part=1&chap=612:55
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rprettymanhischild: I am not sure to what to make of that, I found this on google http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32936012:55
v3s4can I resize a Vista partition with the partition tools in Ubuntu install cd without messing Vista up?12:55
rprettymanv3s4: in theory but you should backup mission critical files you can't replace just in case12:56
romintathanks, should i run the -t -o mount options cus its a windows ntfs partition12:56
ActionParsnipv3s4: you can use gparted in livecd to resize partitions12:56
ActionParsnipv3s4: i'd backup important data if your data is important12:56
hischildrprettyman, other then that, there's nothing out of the ordinary in syslog nor in dmesg.12:57
=== tuna-fish is now known as tuna
v3s4rprettyman, ActionParnsnip, thanks. Back-up already ongoing.12:57
rprettymanhischild: well i hope it wasn't an expensive fiber nic or serial nic, but neweggs is pretty good about getting you a new one fast12:58
hischildrprettyman, i'm at school and i have a network of about 12 pc's to maintain. Lucky i've got some spares around and this is just a testing box. Thanks for your time, you've confirmed my thoughts.12:59
ActionParsniphischild: only 12, or just 12 spare?12:59
robwoj44I search somebody who have XFI13:00
robwoj44I installed new creative driver for XFI and I couldn't hear audio in TVtime13:01
robwoj44and xawtv13:01
robwoj44same problem with oss13:01
hischildActionParsnip, i'm just a student here ... i'm the admin of just those 12 ... with a bunch of spares13:01
ActionParsniphischild: i'd make them citrix clients, you could take a few days off then13:02
hischildActionParsnip, i'm teaching a dozen people how to use ubuntu for every day tasks, and it's fun =) only problems i've had so far have been hardware failures ...13:03
BadThingmy problem with ubuntu seems to be i see like 5 different explanations for one issue on forums13:04
ActionParsniphischildoh, nice one13:04
=== smarti16 is now known as sam[cOe]
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats13:05
CayalMy system is an bad shape. :(13:05
Aeon5717i have a problem with a script. it does not execute on doubleclick, and it does when i run it in console with ./script.sh any ideas?13:05
cdavisWhere should I look to understanding how to get ubuntu to handle dockign my laptop with the external monitor? It works fine but I have to adjust the nvidia settings each time I dock?13:06
CayalAeon5717, try chmod +x script here.13:06
CayalOr better yet, right-click on it and hit 'properties', and tick "allow executing file as program".13:06
CayalMaybe that'll work.13:06
CayalAnyhow, my compiz is dead. Very dead. It won't start.13:07
Aeon5717Cayal: didn't work. i think the script is missing some part...13:07
BadThingdoes anyone use a Cantenna?13:07
CayalOh. Probably just a bad script. :[13:07
Aeon5717it is a script for a game wormux :) i do not think it is bad. it executes just fine from the console13:08
jaapvisser.sh are made for running in a shell not >;013:08
Aeon5717LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./lib WORMUX_DATADIR=./data/ WORMUX_LOCALEDIR=./data/locale WORMUX_FONT_PATH=./data/font/DejaVuSans.ttf ./lib/ld-linux.so.2 ./bin/wormux13:10
Aeon5717this is a script13:10
Aeon5717any ideas?13:10
ActionParsnipyou dont need the .sh if yuo are running from shell,jaapvisser13:10
LukaszI wonder if there's any chanbe to get the latest ekiga on intrepid13:10
Aeon5717it does not execute on doubleclick, but does so in shell with ./wormux.sh13:10
eilemawould anyone be willing to help a complete newbie to ubuntu real quick?13:11
ActionParsnipjaapvisser: as long as its maked as executable and has #!/bin/bash at the top, the shell will know it is a script13:11
hischild eilema that's why we're here. Ask and someone might be able to answer.13:11
scizzo-eilema: maybe ask the real question?13:11
eilemaok i just installed ubuntu over xp13:11
eilemaeverything is great so far13:12
hischildeilema, 1 line if you can please.13:12
eilemabut it wont let me see my second hard drive because its ntfs13:12
eilemaok sorry13:12
hischildeilema, does it show your second hard drive on your desktop?13:12
=== kayetanadmin is now known as something132
eilemawhen i click on the harddrive under places it says i am no priviledged13:13
fastaHow can I install flashplugin-nonfree behind a proxy with synaptic? The program which wants to download it that is started within Synaptic is not using the proxy variables nor the synaptic proxy configuration.13:13
something132i have a sound problem, my sound card is detected but is not working.13:13
hischildeilema, can you double click on the icon on your desktop and tell me what it says? and please type my name ( type his and press tab, it'll complete my name ) in front of replies.13:13
robwoj44nobody concerning XFI problem with TV?13:13
ActionParsnip!sound | something13213:14
ubottusomething132: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP313:14
sky_how to install gdm theme ?13:14
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy13:14
Lukasz!gdm |sky_13:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gdm13:14
hischild!changethemes | sky_13:14
ubottusky_: To change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubottu xfce-themes13:14
engemechi everybody13:14
Lukaszengemec, Hello13:15
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs13:15
hischild!pm | eilema13:15
ubottueilema: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.13:15
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats13:15
LukaszDoes anyone know how to get the latest ekiga (3.0) on 8.10?13:15
ActionParsnip!info ekiga13:16
ubottuekiga (source: ekiga): H.323 and SIP compatible VoIP client. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.12-0ubuntu5 (intrepid), package size 4460 kB, installed size 14656 kB13:16
eilemait says i am not privileged to mount the drive,13:16
ActionParsnipLukasz: find a repo with it on or compile from source13:16
BadThingstupid question, but do .txt files work in ubuntu?13:16
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eilemawould anyone want to help me one on one this is very confusing, please know that im totally new to ubuntu13:16
scizzo-BadThing: ummm yes13:16
scizzo-BadThing: its a normal text file13:17
LukaszActionParsnip, I've found a repo, added the GPG key but it's non for 8.1013:17
engemecLukasz, i'm trying record my desktop, but i heve been a delay. the sound and video are not sinchronized. Do u have a solution?13:17
BadThingheh,thx scizzo13:17
ActionParsnipLukasz: then its no good to you13:17
Lukaszengemec, I'm sorry13:18
kitcheengemec: most don't record sound with the video13:18
LukaszActionParsnip, In which sense "not good"13:18
flexdhmm, what program should i use if i want to burn a .iso to a cd?13:18
quibblereilema, go to System-Administration-Synaptic Package Manager and install ntfs-3g and ntfs-config13:18
scizzo-flexd: brasero13:18
flexdThis brasero program seems to think all my cds are full13:18
flexdBut they are blank13:18
Lukaszflexd, Why don't you check "add/remove" for "iso"?13:18
flexdand have worked perfectly in this burner before.13:19
scizzo-flexd: tried to change the size before burning?13:19
ActionParsnipLukasz: if the repo is for breezy and you are running intrepid, the package is no good to you is it13:19
engemecLukasz , i'm trying to do some classes abou Ubuntu and Calc13:19
scizzo-flexd: that is the time it is set to before burning13:19
LukaszActionParsnip, Not brezzy, Hardy.13:19
assargadonMy video-card has 3 outputs: VGA, S-video and SP-DIF. How it's possible to use s-video output? It technically works (during boot process), but login screen appears on my monitor, not TV.13:19
flexdscizzo-, what do you mean?13:19
flexdit says size: 013:19
Lukasz!iso | flexd13:19
fastaOk, solved it myself, but I thought Ubuntu was more polished.13:19
ubottuflexd: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.13:19
flexdbut it's a blank cd.13:19
flexd!burning | flexd13:20
ubottuflexd, please see my private message13:20
ActionParsnipLukasz: i found this in about 5 seconds https://launchpad.net/~sevmek/+archive13:20
engemecSOMEBODY, i'm thinking to use xvidcap to record my desktop. Will work better?13:21
LukaszActionParsnip, Let me check it13:21
eilemaok im installing them, quibbler, can we talk one on one?13:21
ActionParsnipengemec: theres recordmydesktop13:21
ActionParsnip!info recordmydesktop13:21
ubotturecordmydesktop (source: recordmydesktop): Captures audio-video data of a Linux desktop session. In component universe, is optional. Version (intrepid), package size 52 kB, installed size 152 kB13:21
engemecrecordmydesktop has a problem.13:21
engemecthe sound and video are not sincronized13:22
infidel_hi folks, i have no audio, maybe because of a recent update. i removed and reinstalled alsa but that doesnt do the trick. Any ideas?13:22
eilemaok i installed the ntfs programs13:22
scizzo-infidel_: tried loading the old kernel or something to see if the same problem occurs there?13:22
engemecActionParsnio, did you use xvidcap?13:22
SlartDoes anyone know of a "backup on paper" utility for linux/ubuntu?13:23
eilemait says "You are not privileged to mount the volume" when i try to open the drive13:23
infidel_scizzo: im still working with the previous kernel version because of a driver problem13:23
ActionParsnip!istanbul | engemec13:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about istanbul13:23
ActionParsnipengemec: istanbul - Desktop session recorder producing Ogg Theora video13:23
scizzo-infidel_: checked dmesg and messages log?13:23
infidel_scizzo: nope13:23
engemeci'll see something about it. i will back in some minutes13:23
ActionParsnipengemec: deskscribe - A suite of tools for recording a user's desktop activity13:23
norbert_hi all; anyone here using voipbuster under Linux (and if so, how?? linphone?)13:24
engemeci'll see. Thanks a lot!13:24
ActionParsnipengemec: apt-cache search record desktop13:24
infidel_scizzo: how i go about doing that? im new to linux13:24
ActionParsnipengemec: thats all i did13:24
ActionParsnipengemec: works with other stuff too13:24
alexb92hey guys i know this is a noob question, but when you do a clean install of ubuntu onto a hdd does grub automatically install too?13:25
ActionParsnipengemec: e.g. apt-cache search irc client13:25
scizzo-infidel_: type dmesg in a terminal13:25
ActionParsnipalexb92: if you have a single drive, the boot sector of the hard drive13:25
scizzo-infidel_: you can also check in /var/log/messages and some other logfiles there13:25
alexb92becoz ive installed ubuntu 3 times on a seperate internal hdd i have and i cant get it to boot, even with setting that hdd to the main priority in BIOS13:25
scizzo-infidel_: you could have a dbus problem or something13:25
engemeci didn't know this command13:26
infidel_scizzo : checkin13:26
engemecapt-cache search ****13:26
ActionParsnipengemec: yes you can search for anything13:26
quibblereilema, have a look here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=14248113:26
ActionParsnipengemec: you can even grep the output too13:26
something132i have a sound problem someone help!!!13:26
engemeci didn't know13:26
ActionParsnipalexb92: does grub load at all?13:27
ActionParsnipsomething132: just say whats going on13:27
kurisutofuaaThis is going to sound wired but I need some help install XP on my scened hard-drive13:27
ActionParsnipkurisutofuaa: ##windows for you13:27
CayalDoesn't sound too weird.13:27
wxlanyone here?13:28
ChrisBookwoodHow do I make a bridge on 8.10 so I can connect wirelessly to the internet on my other computers who doesn't have a ethernet cable plugged in?13:28
something132ok well my sound has been messed up for like 4 months. the sound card is detected but is not playing back any sound13:28
eilemathanks quibbler ill read it and get back to you13:28
CayalAnywho, is bumping encouraged on the forum if nobody replies to a topic, or against the rules, or frowned upon, etc?13:28
ActionParsnipsomething132: run lspci, what is the line relating to the audio device?13:28
eilemamight have to help me with some of the computer jargon13:28
ActionParsnipCayal: it is but within a reasonable time13:28
something132Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 03)13:29
Psykushi, trying to get ubuntu set up on my computer, vista is already installed, went to install ubuntu to some free space but opted not to install the bootloader since I wanted to use the windows one13:29
ActionParsnipsomething132: have you websearched that before?13:29
ikoniaPsykus: you can't use the windows boot loader to boot linux13:30
Psykususing easybcd to add an entry to the windows bootloader, I find that I need to go back and install grub to my ubuntu partition13:30
something132alot of times. i have had 2 forums about my case13:30
Psykusyeah you can with easybcd13:30
dr4gHow can i alter the rate at which the blank screensaver activates ?13:30
ikoniadr4g: system -> administration -> screensaver13:30
dr4gi'm using ubuntu server13:30
ikoniadr4g: system -> preferences -> screensaver sorry13:30
ikoniadr4g: then your not using a screen saver13:30
Psykusanyways, going by this guide here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows , i'm supposed to load up grub in the livecd13:30
miguelalguien de habla hispana?13:30
ikoniadr4g: if your not using X13:30
ikonia!es > miguel13:31
ubottumiguel, please see my private message13:31
FloodBot2ikonia: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:31
=== miguel is now known as Guest24800
dr4gikonia: okay, well the screen goes blank after 10 minutes of inanctivity.13:31
kurisutofuaaCayal, when I get to the install it complains that it cant read my hd0 (linux) to write some files, but I am installing on hd113:31
vigoHello World, re-installed and am happy to be back,,IPtables looks like they are active, do I need a firewall?13:31
ikoniadr4g: thats just the apm system13:31
Guest24800ikonia hablas español?13:31
Kartagisif i do a apt-get remove ldap-server*, does that mean ldap-server and libdb4.2 will be removed?13:31
ikoniaGuest24800: no13:31
CayalThat's sort of bizarre.13:31
ikonia!es | Guest2480013:31
ubottuGuest24800: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.13:31
monkey_d_luffydoes anyone know how can I make in gimp a set of frames visible (and invisible) without having to manually click on each frame?13:31
CayalAre you installing from CD, or your first HD?13:31
ikoniaKartagis: it will remove anything from the ldap-server meta package13:31
dr4gikonia: can i modify the screen to turn off after 1 hour instead of 10 minutes ?13:31
ikoniadr4g: thats in your advanced power managment options13:32
kurisutofuaanow tell me thats not wired13:32
alexb92actionparsnip : no doesnt boot up13:32
Psykusgot that, but after doing Type "find /boot/grub/stage1" in grub, it doesn't work13:32
Kartagisikonia, thanks13:32
alexb92just hangs when its meant to be loading13:32
dr4gikonia: is that part of the OS or the bios ?13:32
quibblervigo, IPtables is your firewall you can install firestarter to finetune it if you want13:32
ikoniadr4g: apm is the interface into the bios13:32
ikoniadr4g: for power managment anyway13:32
Psykusalready mounted the ubuntu partition, I don't have a grub folder in /boot/13:32
alex-82hi, I have a lot of ram in use,  2.4GB, but if I look at my processes, it seems that none of them are using a particularly large amount of ram. Where else could the ram be being consumed?13:32
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dr4gikonia: okay thanks i will look in there13:32
vigoThank you13:32
ikoniadr4g: monitor blanking won't be set in the bios though13:32
robwoj44anybody use XFI with tuner TV?13:32
dr4gikonia: do you know where its set ?13:33
ikoniaalex-82: cache - don't worry about it13:33
ActionParsnipalexb92: then you need to tweak your bios, if you reinstall grub from live cd you will know its there13:33
DagamaHaving a slight problem installing Ubuntu on a computer with WinXP; I don't have access to CD or DVD, and wondering if it possible to install it on a separate partition without going through Wubi.13:33
ActionParsnip!grub | alexb9213:33
ubottualexb92: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto13:33
ikoniadr4g: look in /etc/apm13:33
hischildalex-82, don't think about memory as you do with windows. the linux kernel keeps a lot in cache in your memory.13:33
scizzo-Psykus: my question to you would be why you would want to use the ugly horrible win loader instead of grub from the start?13:33
ArenlorIs there any way to have grep run a command every time it finds a line?13:33
alex-82ikonia: where can I check the cache?13:33
ikoniaalex-82: you are doing13:33
ikoniaalex-82: when you view the memory you can see how much is in use13:33
Psykusbecause I use windows as my primary OS13:34
ActionParsnipsomething132: run: amixer set Master 100% unmute && amixer set PCM 100% unmute13:34
ikoniaalex-82: as I said, dont worry about it, it will free up ram "on demand"13:34
scizzo-Psykus: ummm yes....but that has nothing to do with the loader13:34
dr4gikonia: i only have event.d DIR in there which contains 'ppp' and '20hdparm'13:34
Psykusi'm going by this part here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows?action=show&redirect=RestoreGrub#Preserving%20Windows%20Bootloader13:34
alex-82ok, but I was a little worried because I have no swap file13:34
dr4gikonia: ppp looks to be a config file13:35
alexb92what??? tweak the bios? it worked fine when running under wubi using the same disk, so when you do a clean install, wouldnt it just eb the exact same thing?13:35
Psykusand find /boot/grub/stage1 doesn't work13:35
sky_1how to install this theme ? http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/ArchDark?content=9403013:35
alex-82so Im guessing this cache will not continue to expand past the available system memory13:35
dr4gikonia: actually ppp is a bash script13:35
hischildalex-82, correct13:35
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org13:35
Psykusnor does any combo of root (hd0,<number)13:35
something132ok what shall i do with the result13:35
sky_1how to install this theme ? http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/ArchDark?content=9403013:36
ikoniadr4g: /etc/apci/power13:36
Psykusmy ubuntu partition shows up as /dev/sda513:36
norbert_hi all; anyone here using voipbuster under Linux (and if so, how?? linphone?)13:36
ikoniasky_1: read the release notes in the theme13:36
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?13:36
ikoniasky_1: it's a gdm theme, just drop it into the login manager gui13:36
hischildalex-82, consider your memory as a huge table. Would you rather have as much on your table as you can, while keeping enough workspace but allow quick access, or would you rather keep your table clean but require a longer time searching for things?13:36
ikoniahischild: effective description13:37
hischildikonia, thank you13:37
Psykuswould /dev/sda5 still be (hd0,5) to grub, or?13:37
ikoniasomething132: you've just said that13:37
ikoniaPsykus: no, it depends on your partition layout13:37
ActionParsnipnorbert_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=16128213:37
dr4gikonia: i don't have apci, only apm :(13:37
operadoes anyone know "Ubuntu UNLEASHED 2008 Edition "?13:37
ikoniaopera: that is not an official ubuntu release, nor is it supported here13:37
ikoniadr4g: ugh13:37
sky_1it say that its not theme archive13:38
ikoniadr4g: sorry /etc/acpi13:38
alex-82hischild: yes I see that unused ram is wasted ram. I was surprised to see the RAM so high (and climbing) when it hasn't gotten this high before. I must have installed a program that caches aggressively13:38
Psykusikonia: ah. well all I need to do now is install the grub loader to the ubuntu partition but not the MBR13:38
norbert_ActionParsnip: okay, but that's 2006, I wonder whether someone is still able to use voipbuster under Linux today13:38
ikoniaPsykus: you really don't want to put it on the patition in my opion13:38
=== Sancas_ is now known as sancas
ActionParsnipnorbert_: i just went to the voipbuster nad they have a linux section13:38
ActionParsnipnorbert_: you'll find most of it still stands13:39
norbert_ActionParsnip: yes, unfortunately that information appears to be inaccurate and/or outdated13:39
ikoniadr4g: have you got that ? /etc/acpi13:39
ActionParsnipnorbert_: http://bluev.wordpress.com/2006/04/11/mini-howto-logitech-webcam-ekiga-amsn-gizmo-voipbuster/13:39
=== onats_ is now known as onats
ActionParsnipnorbert_: just replace emerge with sudo apt-get install13:39
norbert_ActionParsnip: also from 200613:39
fastaIs Medibuntu also available for jaunty?13:39
fastaOr how can I use Medibuntu in jaunty?13:39
ikoniafasta: not yet as jaunty is not stable so shouldn't be used for everyday tasks13:39
ActionParsnipnorbert_: so what, the man page for cp is from the late 80s but still stands13:40
norbert_my question is really whether anyone here is CURRENTLY/STILL using voipbuster under Linux (and if so, how?? linphone?)13:40
ikoniafasta: jaunty support is in #ubunt+113:40
dr4gikonia: nothing only apm which contains event.d/ which contains two shell scripts. The shell scripts reference to /etc/ppp/apm.conf but that file doesn't exist either13:40
LukaszActionParsnip, Still remember ekiga case? Well, it seems to be installing, thanks.13:40
ikoniadr4g: just to be %100 you do not have the dir /etc/acpi13:40
Arenlorfasta: if you have to ask that question you should not be using Jaunty13:40
rawajfehhow can I share the BBC streaming over lan13:40
ActionParsnipnorbert_: dont you think its worth a try rather than just shooting it down without giving it at least a go. It may just work13:40
dr4gikonia: no i don't have acpi or apci13:40
norbert_ActionParsnip: I've tried these things, really13:40
norbert_ActionParsnip: I'm a Linux geek and know how to use Google search :)13:40
fastaArenlor: I have used Debian for over 6 years.13:41
hischildalex-82, i understand. No worries though, the kernel is smart enough not to cache to much.13:41
ikoniafasta: what has that got to do with anything ?13:41
LukaszAchilleus, Can I ask how did you find it right on launchpad?13:41
ActionParsnipnorbert_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=46965213:41
ikoniadr4g: they are the two power managment sources I would expect yo to be able to set it in13:41
fastaCan I just install the intrepid version then?13:41
ikoniafasta: no13:41
LukaszActionParsnip,  Can I ask how did you find it right on launchpad?13:41
MOUDHello again. Wine seems to work perfecly with RAdmin, didn't test other programs thought13:41
dr4gikonia: ok thanks anyway13:41
norbert_ActionParsnip: never mind, I can find these URLs13:41
ActionParsnipnorbert_: ask.com is decent too. Finds loads that google doesnt13:41
Tazjinthis was just one of the biggest irc nicklists i've ever seen13:42
fastaikonia: so, can I downgrade?13:42
ikoniadr4g: I'm looking for something else, but without X, that is where I'd be I'd expect you to be able to set it13:42
ikoniafasta: no13:42
ActionParsnipLukasz: huh?13:42
ActionParsnipLukasz: www.ask.com or www.google.com13:42
Arenlorfasta: http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/jaunty.list Medibuntu is in Jaunty13:42
ActionParsnipLukasz: just type idiot type sentences in and it spews out the gold13:42
alexb92would ubuntu run on a 2gb usb drive?13:42
fastaThank you13:43
ActionParsnipalexb92: yes but you'd have to stripp it down a fair bit13:43
fastaI will synchronize later with a more stable release.13:43
ikoniaArenlor: you'll find that repo is empty13:43
ikoniafasta: that repo is empty -13:43
ActionParsnipalexb92: http://reddevil62-techhead.blogspot.com/2008/11/installing-ubuntu-810-to-usb-flash.html13:44
alexb92whats the abolute minimum it needs?13:44
something132what is knoppix13:45
ikoniasomething132: a linux distibution13:45
ubottuHardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu13:45
ActionParsnip!knoppix | something13213:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about knoppix13:45
monkey_d_luffydoes anyone know how can I make in gimp a set of frames visible (and invisible) without having to manually click on each frame?13:45
ActionParsnipsomething132: its a live cd distro13:45
ActionParsnipmonkey_d_luffy: maybe theres a shortcut key, i'd ask in #gimp13:46
Jack_Sparrowsomething132, Goolge up distrowatch for a list of the most popular13:46
KcajI'm so sad yo :(13:47
KcajMy space key kind of broke13:47
ikoniaKcaj: do you have a ubuntu support request ?13:47
tuchha12i cannot install jdownloader any help?13:47
KcajNothing seems to fix it ;_;13:47
pixelatedalexb92, i run 8.04 on my laptop which is a 1Ghz P3 256MB ram and it isnt fast but is acceptable13:47
ikoniatuchha12: what's up ?13:47
Psykuseh, i'm just going to run the installer from the CD again and see if it has an option to install to the partition instead of the MBR13:48
serengetihi, if I find a bug in ubuntu's version of firefox, should I report it on launchpad or bugzilla?13:48
Psykusi'm in the livecd right now13:48
MOUDis there a way to create a desktop shortcut to open a windows program using wine? (just to double click the shortcut and it'll run automatically)13:49
Psykuswhat command would you use to find the location of a binary? like grub13:49
serengetiPsykus: which13:50
PiciPsykus: If its in your $PATH, you can just do: which grub13:50
opera UNLEASHED13:50
opera 2008 Edition13:50
opera si fit for new user?13:50
FloodBot2opera: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:50
operawho can tell me13:50
Jack_SparrowPsykus, How about just grub-install13:50
Jack_Sparrowopera, It sounds more like one of the derivatives and as suchnot supported here13:50
LordMetroidserengeti, maybe reporting to both would be good...13:51
alexb92pixelated, oh right nice but whats the memory you have on there, the processing and ram isnt the problem its the space13:51
operait is a book13:51
LordMetroidhmm, but I think that Ubuntu have some kind of cooperation with various developers and passes bug reports on to the developers of the particular software13:52
operaa gay give it to me today13:52
ikoniaopera: stop now13:52
Gneaikonia: whoa...13:52
ikoniaopera: if you want ubuntu support - great, if you want to mess around and cause an issue, leave now13:52
operabye thank you13:53
Gneaopera: is this the one you're talking about? http://www.amazon.com/Ubuntu-Unleashed-Andrew-Hudson/dp/067232909313:53
Jack_Sparrow!hi > mani_13:54
ubottumani_, please see my private message13:54
karlkewlhi does anyone know how i can set the password for a chatroom that i create?13:54
ikoniakarlkewl: join #freenode and ask13:54
nothingLAstsdelete system3213:54
karlkewlok. thanks!13:54
alexb92just wondering, does anyone know what jaunty jantalope will have instore for us?13:55
Gneaopera: it is a read, but it should do fine for a new user13:55
serengetiLordMetroid, that's why I'm asking. I think I've read somewhere that bugs should be reported to launchpad and not upstream, but I'm not sure about it.13:55
alexb92hopefully an easier install process :P13:55
Jack_Sparrowalexb92, ask in #ubuntu+113:55
Gnea!jaunty | alexb9213:55
ubottualexb92: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April -Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion13:55
alexb92ohk sorry guys13:55
MOUDis there a game package for ubuntu?13:57
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PiciMOUD: There isn't one package.13:57
ActionParsnipMOUD: there are games on the repo13:57
CayalDo you mean the default gnome games?13:57
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QTParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap13:57
ActionParsnipMOUD: fretsonfire, tuxracing are 213:57
MOUDCayal: no, not the default, some extra13:57
ActionParsnipMOUD: apt-cache search game | less13:58
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php13:58
CayalI stink at FOF.13:58
MOUDok, thanks13:58
CayalOoh, be sure to download PlanetPenguin racer.13:58
ActionParsnipCayal: im ok, im rocking to meshuggah trying to get my score up13:58
Jack_Sparrowmani_, Hello, did you have a Ubuntu support question13:58
ActionParsnip!hi | Berrzebb13:58
ubottuBerrzebb: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!13:58
BerrzebbUsb Ubuntu Setup13:59
ActionParsnip!usb | Berrzebb13:59
ubottuBerrzebb: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent13:59
Tazjinhas anyone got gnome2-globalmenu to work on 8.10?13:59
Berrzebbwhat korea input...T_T13:59
sluimersI have problems with booting, can someone help me with that?14:00
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk14:00
MOUDActionParsnip: are all those games installed?14:00
ActionParsnip!info gnome2-globalmenu14:00
ubottuPackage gnome2-globalmenu does not exist in intrepid14:00
LordMetroidserengeti, report it to launchpad then14:00
ActionParsnipMOUD: no, they are optional14:00
mercutio22hello. I messed up my KDE installing the beta from the ppa repo mentioned at the kubuntu site now I need to reinstall libkwineffects1 and libkdecorations4 but apt is complaining these can't be downloaded.14:00
soreaumercutio22: Does it say anything about broken packages?14:00
fuzzy-logichey guys how to install .run file?14:00
MOUDnice, and how do I get them?14:00
Gneafuzzy-logic: sh ./file.run14:00
ActionParsnipMOUD: they are not all games, some are libs for games, you can read the list and install what you wish14:00
mercutio22soreau> no...14:00
Berrzebbkeyboard layout14:00
ActionParsnipMOUD: wine can run some windows games too14:00
TazjinActionParsnip: it's not in the repo, I had to compile it14:01
Pici!enter | Berrzebb14:01
ubottuBerrzebb: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:01
MOUDI know14:01
ActionParsnipMOUD: and dosbox will run old dos games like dune and transport tycoon14:01
alexb92is it possible to repair a wubi install wiht the live cd or not?14:01
Gnea!keyboard | Berrzebb14:01
ubottuBerrzebb: To switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts14:01
Jack_Sparrowalexb92, No14:01
MOUDActionParsnip: yes, I heard about dosbox14:01
ActionParsnipalexb92: unless you can mount the wubi image in the live cd, no14:01
alexb92lol ouch so thats what happened before then lol14:01
ActionParsnipMOUD: gotta love dune, I'm playing syndicate with dosbox :)14:02
alexb92i couldnt boot up with it and it said everything was a readonly file system and xserver didnt want to boot14:02
ActionParsnipalexb92: wubi imho is wortless14:02
Jack_Sparrowalexb92, I wont use nor recommend wubi..  In my opinion, it is only a test drive14:02
MOUDActionParsnip: I'll try it later14:02
alexb92so yeah it screwed up big time14:02
MOUDare they free?14:02
Berrzebbno desktop14:02
ActionParsnipalexb92: then use sudo chmod to apply correct read write access14:02
operathank GNEA, it is14:02
Berrzebbkeyboard layout laptop ver no see..T_T14:03
ActionParsnipMOUD: games like syndicate and dune arent but the games in the repos are14:03
soreaumercutio22: Make sure your sources.list file is correct and then run apt-get upgrade14:03
alexb92thats why i wanted this second internal hdd to boot up with ubuntu but if it cant work, im not going to bother to mess around with bios files becoz i already have 2 windows installs on here14:03
MOUDI see14:03
MOUDI'm looking for a game in specific, it used to come with Fedora, it's a game that there are two balls and you have to clear 70% of the screen14:03
ActionParsnipMOUD: jezzball14:03
ActionParsnip!info jezzball14:03
ubottuPackage jezzball does not exist in intrepid14:03
GneaBerrzebb: your english is very difficult to understand...14:03
MOUDyeah, that's the one14:03
ActionParsnip!find jezzball14:04
ubottuPackage/file jezzball does not exist in intrepid14:04
MOUD!info jezzball14:04
ubottuPackage jezzball does not exist in intrepid14:04
mercutio22soreau> I removed the ppa lines from sources.list and done sudo apt-get upgrade already but I still can't reinstall those packages14:04
alexb92couldnt log into it, there would be a blue screen that would say : xserver could not be started due to internal erros, please reboot your machine, then an ok button would appear and when you press enter, you were lead back to the loading processes screen14:04
soreaumercutio22: Try reinstalling kdebase-workspace14:04
ActionParsnipMOUD: sudo apt-get install kbounce14:04
minchei cant get the desktop cube to work :/14:04
Jack_Sparrowminche, Do you have other effects working14:05
ActionParsnipminche: have you installed video drivers?14:05
jribminche: how did you try?14:05
nnullminche, hehe yea its tricky, make sure you have cube rotation enabled14:05
minchei have14:05
MOUD51MB? wow.14:05
mincheand i have viedo effects14:05
Jack_Sparrowminche, Install ccsm  sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager Next go to system...pref..advanced desktop effects....  On the first page  put check next to rotate cube and desktop cube.. dbl click general options... up closer to the top...  click on desktop size  and set them to 4, 1 and 1  top to bottom... ctrl+alt+(Left Mouse Button) then move mouse14:05
mincheand everything else is working14:05
alex-82would it be possible to completely remove nautilus from my system? I want to use rox-filer instead14:05
MOUDActionParsnip: thank you very much14:05
ActionParsnipMOUD: simple websearches m'boy14:05
Tex-TwilHello, how can I disable the gdm login and use only a console login ?14:05
minchean it rotates when i move window near the end of the workplace14:05
jribTex-Twil: forever?14:05
mercutio22soreau> ok, done that. I still have libkephal lib missing though14:05
nnullJack_Sparrow, with the uber answer :)14:05
Tex-Twiljrib, yes14:06
minchebut i set it to 3x2 or soemthing windows14:06
ActionParsnipminche: then hold alt+ctrl and drag the screen round14:06
Tex-Twiljrib, even after reboot14:06
mincheand i can only use upper row :/14:06
nnullminche, there's your problem14:06
jribTex-Twil: disable "graphical login" in system -> administration -> services14:06
mincheoh, alt+ctrl14:06
minchethanx :D14:06
nnullfollow what Jack_Sparrow said and you should be fine14:06
Tex-Twilok I have a look jrib thx14:06
d0gmazanyone knows a very simple lightweight webserver with a gtk gui for ubuntu? i need to download files to my ps3 thats the ony thing it has to do14:06
=== Sancas_ is now known as sancas
MOUDI have a question... When i try using "  su  " on terminal and it asks me to input the password, it gives me something like authentication failed or something like that, but when I run sudo I use the same pass and it works fine14:07
MOUDwhy is that?14:07
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto14:07
soreaumercutio22: Well I am out of ideas then, maybe someone else here knows14:07
Jack_Sparrow!sudo > MOUD14:07
ubottuMOUD, please see my private message14:07
chaitan3MOUD, try sudo su14:07
Picialex-82: You may be able to modify these scripts here to use rox-filer instead: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/nonautilusplease  . Don't remove nautilus though, that provides the desktop itself as well.14:07
jribMOUD: running 'su' attempts to login as root.  root has no password.  Just use 'sudo -i' if you need a root shell14:07
Jack_Sparrowchaitan3, sudo  su isnt the best choice14:07
nnullif i setup a squid proxy for a home network would it be able to cache Ubuntu Updates? so that the 5 odd PC's don't all need to download the same data?14:07
MOUDoh I see, thanks for the info, I'll keep that in mind :)14:08
ActionParsnipMOUD: you need to use sudo -i instead14:08
Jack_SparrowMOUD, see also gksudo14:08
MOUDI will14:08
mercutio22soreau> I this is very complex. Thanks for your help. I will try reinstalling KDE and compiz later14:08
pronoy!sudo > pronoy14:08
ubottupronoy, please see my private message14:08
chaitan3Jack_Sparrow, why not sudo su?14:08
ActionParsnipMOUD: gksudo for ui apps like gedit and nautilus, sudo for cli apps like apt-get cp mv etc14:09
mercutio22Does anyone know how I can make apt install some libraries that are missing here?14:09
nnullanyone know? if Ubuntu-Updates are cache-able by a proxy?14:09
alex-82Pici: thanks. rox-filer can handle the desktop as well.14:09
ActionParsnipmercutio22: can you show us the message and we can diagnose, use pastebin14:09
Jack_Sparrowchaitan3, It isnt needed sudo -i is safer..    Still working on first cup of coffee but someone else can give you real details14:09
jaapvissersudo apt-cache searh missinglib and after sudo apt-get install missinglib / mercutio2214:09
MOUDI think I'll have to read some tutorials and info about ubuntu and linux in general14:09
ubottuA desktop course manual for Ubuntu 7.10 can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Training14:10
mercutio22jaapvisser> the problem is the library is not found anymore because it was from a ppa14:10
MOUDone more question... some time ago I saw on youtube that you can flip ubuntu like a 3D cube and move the windows and make them look like papers14:10
ActionParsnipMOUD: just use the system, you'll learn well. Just websearch when you get stuck14:10
MOUDActionParsnip: I will, thanks14:11
Jack_SparrowMOUD, YEs, that is compiz effects14:11
ActionParsnipMOUD: ive seen that, like playing cards on a table14:11
MOUDis compiz already installed and configured on ubuntu or it's a separate package?14:11
jaapvisserwhat is ppa mercutio22?14:12
mikkrWhat is the "apparmor" package?14:12
jaapvisseric tnx mikkr14:12
EdgeX-!java > edgex-14:12
ubottuEdgeX-, please see my private message14:12
fosco_mikkr: aptitude show apparmor14:12
Jack_SparrowMOUD, Included / easy to setup14:12
mikkrfosco_: thx14:12
MOUDok then, i'll take a look14:13
ActionParsnipMOUD: its installed seperate, make sure you have graphics drivers installed14:13
ActionParsnip!compiz | MOUD14:13
ubottuMOUD: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion14:13
mercutio22jaapvisser> its a personal, unofficial repository where I got the kde4.2 beta from. It was listed in the kubuntu web site14:13
MOUDyou people sure are a great help :D14:14
=== dYna is now known as basti
Jack_SparrowWe try14:14
chaitan3im having a problem with suspend to ram, everything works flawlessly,the system suspends and resumes fine, but the cpu fan makes too much noise. on checking the sys monitor the cpu usage is 0%. So it just that the cpu fan is unnecessarily at a high speed. Is there any way to turn it down?14:14
jaapvisserjust a suggestion maybe you can work with .deb files for your missing parts14:14
fastaHow do I list the wireless accesspoints available?14:14
ActionParsnipMOUD: its a community for a reason14:14
wesley__What is faster Ext3 or jfs ?14:15
omnydevichaitan - are you sure the temp guage is working properly? cpu should never be 0c14:15
fosco_fasta: iwlist interface scan14:15
CaesiHullo, where does Ubuntu 8.10 normally install programs?14:15
ActionParsnipCaesi: all over the place in /14:16
wesley__i know that jfs doesnt take much gb away like ext3 does14:16
minchei changed the theme with emerald. but scroll button is deafult, and so i select background. any way to change that?14:16
chaitan3omnydevi, how do i check?14:16
CaesiActionParsnip: isn't there one particular folder, like /etc/ or so?14:16
Jack_SparrowCaesi, all over14:16
ActionParsnipCaesi: no, all apps use varying librarys and files so they are dotted around14:16
ActionParsnipCaesi: as a user its unimportant to you14:16
omnydevichaitan - depends on the program, i never got mine to work properly. just sounds like a cpu temp reading 0 indicates a false reading, or the guage isnt working.14:16
Jack_SparrowCaesi, not like program files in windows14:16
Caesiok thanks @ Jack_Sparrow and ActionParsnip .. I have a folder with a program, where should I best put it?14:17
HalitechCaesi, not as bad as Windows but yeah, files and libs will be everywhere14:17
wesley__ActionParsnip, i bet you could help, i am installing the mini itx i was talking about, so i want to make jfs file systems but if that better or can i better pick ext314:17
HalitechCaesi, do you want it just for yourself and does it recommend any certain place?14:17
chaitan3omnydevi, on issuing sleep.sh on the cli, i get an error "FATAL: module acpi_sbs" not found14:17
Jack_SparrowCaesi, /home/$USER14:17
mercutio22whats the best way of removing KDE and all its apps?14:17
CaesiHalitech: no it's just Skype with OSS support :) .. ok Jack_Sparrow thnx14:18
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 ; sudo apt-get remove kdelibs5 ; sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop »14:18
Jack_Sparrow!skype > Caesi,14:18
EdgeX-!skype > EdgeX-14:18
ubottuEdgeX-, please see my private message14:18
ActionParsnipCaesi: you can put it anyplace, just remember to put a symlink to the bnary in /usr/bin if you want to launch it from anywhere14:18
rawajfehhow can I share the BBC streaming over lan  ? I want to stream from the server and all clients listen to the same audio stream ?14:18
Halitechmercutio22, check here http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/index.php there is a section to get pure gnome, xfce14:18
nomingzi_does anybody has ebook/PDF file with book title "Ubuntu 8 Server Administration and Reference" http://books.google.com.my/books?id=LhMFril7EBgC&dq=Ubuntu+8+Server+Administration+and+Reference+torrent&source=gbs_summary_s&cad=014:19
omnydevichaitan - sounds like the file isnt where it needs to be then. i dont know much about it, since i never have my cpu set to sleep so i can remote into it if i have to for anything14:19
ehgfhefhCan Anyone help me http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=103238714:19
ehgfhefhI need help or I will need to delete my whole OS, networking stopped working over night http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=103238714:19
mercutio22Halitech> I already have both gnome and KDE14:19
mercutio22Halitech> I want to remove KDE14:20
chaitan3I checked the modules directory of the kernel, there is an sbs module in the acpi directory14:20
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 ; sudo apt-get remove kdelibs5 ; sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop »14:20
Halitechmercutio22, okay, then go to the link for Pure Gnome14:20
ActionParsnipehgfhefh: what if you specify a static ip?14:20
ehgfhefhMy internet connection doesn't work, wlan or wired, stopped working over niht14:20
Halitechmercutio22, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome14:20
minchei changed the theme with emerald. but scroll button is deafult, and so i select background. any way to change that?14:20
omnydeviis it acpi_sbs?14:20
mercutio22Halitech> THANKS! =]14:21
ehgfhefhit's PCI card omnydevi14:21
ActionParsnipehgfhefh: try: sudo mv /etc/network/interfaces /etc/network/interfaces_old14:21
Jack_SparrowHalitech, He just has to type the line I linked14:21
Halitechmercutio22, np :)14:21
ActionParsnipehgfhefh: then reboot14:21
ehgfhefhI will try that ActionParsnip14:21
chaitan3omnydevi, nope, but on doing sudo modprobe sbs, there is no difference14:21
|TheBarold|just upgraded to Hardy and now Pidgin/Instantbird has made my AOL/AIM Buddy list invisible, anyone know a fix?14:21
nnull|TheBarold|, install 8.10 :)14:21
chaitan3Is there any command by which i can control the speed of the cpu fan?14:21
omnydevichaitan - hrm, not sure man, sorry. that one is a little over my head14:22
Jack_Sparrow|TheBarold|, try /join #Pidgin14:22
ActionParsnipehgfhefh: that will allow you to reestablish the link with zero initial config14:22
=== cexpert1 is now known as TBotNik
omnydeviehgf - when you plug the ethernet cable into the card, does it light up?14:22
|TheBarold|Jack_Sparrow: yeh they werent much help14:22
Jack_Sparrow!find powernow14:22
ubottuFound: powernowd, powersaved14:22
ehgfhefhomnydev, yes it light's u14:22
Jack_Sparrow!info powernow14:22
ubottuPackage powernow does not exist in intrepid14:23
Jack_Sparrow!info powernowd14:23
ubottupowernowd (source: powernowd): control cpu speed and voltage using 2.6 kernel interface. In component main, is optional. Version 1.00-1ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 26 kB, installed size 136 kB14:23
omnydevicoo, thats about as far as i can go with networking issues heh14:23
ActionParsnip|TheBarold|: try buddies -> show and tick some boxes14:23
|TheBarold|nnull: is that general recommendation? or will that fix for sure?14:23
ActionParsnip|TheBarold|: worth a try14:23
nnull|TheBarold|, general reco14:24
troythetechguyI'm experimenting setting up Ubuntu Server edition on an older server here at work.  However, I don't have a lot of experience with servers.  It appears this server has a RAID set up.  I successfully installed Ubuntu 8.10 server, but on the re-boot I'm told the bios cannot find bootable media.  I used GParted and set the drive as bootable & RAID, but not luck.  Ideas?14:24
nnull|TheBarold|, personally never had a problem with pidgin in either version.14:24
omnydevitroy - what raid array? 1 or 5 or x or ?14:25
Jack_Sparrowtroythetechguy, We have a -server channel and I can trigger the factoid on raid if you like14:25
|TheBarold|i never really did either, till my pc started acting up, then I got the SSL error for MSN on pidgin14:25
MOUDI ran cozmig (or something like that) on terminal and the whole system got bugged14:25
ActionParsnip|TheBarold|: you could always rename ~/.purple and rerun pidgin14:25
ActionParsnip|TheBarold|: this will isolate it to the app or the settings14:25
Jack_SparrowMOUD, Install ccsm  sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager Next go to system...pref..advanced desktop effects....  On the first page  put check next to rotate cube and desktop cube.. dbl click general options... up closer to the top...  click on desktop size  and set them to 4, 1 and 1  top to bottom... ctrl+alt+(Left Mouse Button) then move mouse14:26
FloodBot2azfira: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:26
troythetechguyJack_Sparrow: That would be great.14:26
ubotturaid is Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID wto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto14:26
ActionParsnipJack_Sparrow: MOUD: its sudo apt-get install compiz-settings-manager14:26
tiyowanHi folks. I've been having a problem with the package manager today. GPG BADSIG errors. Tried changing the servers. Did sudo apt-get clean, update, install, but no dice. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.14:26
jribtiyowan: pastebin the errors14:27
ActionParsniptiyowan: can you pastebin the command as well as the whole error please14:27
ActionParsnip!paste | tiyowan14:27
ubottutiyowan: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)14:27
Jack_Sparrow!info compiz-settings-manager14:27
ubottuPackage compiz-settings-manager does not exist in intrepid14:27
Jack_Sparrow!info compizconfig-settings-manager14:28
ubottucompizconfig-settings-manager (source: compizconfig-settings-manager): Compiz configuration settings manager. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.7.8-0ubuntu3 (intrepid), package size 619 kB, installed size 4048 kB14:28
ActionParsnipJack_Sparrow: its not ccsm though in the install command14:28
TwoEqualsTenccsm runs it, compizconfig-settings-manager installs it.14:28
Jack_SparrowActionParsnip, ccsm is shorthand.. if you read what I wrote.. It does explain it14:28
ActionParsnipalthough they should make a metapackage14:28
ehgfhefhActionParsnip, it's still the same, usually, when it worked,I would get WLAN connection in matter of secconds, now he says Waiting for Network Key for the wireless network '(null)'...14:28
ehgfhefhand that icon youi got when it's connecting, only lower circle is green14:29
ActionParsnipJack_Sparrow: i know but sudo apt-get install ccsm yields: E: Couldn't find package ccsm14:29
a_programmaercan anyone help in installation of  driver of intel g41 chipset with x4500 graphics14:30
Jack_SparrowMOUD, Install ccsm  sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager14:30
Jack_SparrowActionParsnip, There is nothing wrong with that statement14:30
TwoEqualsTenAnd scene.14:30
ActionParsnipehgfhefh: if you rmmod the driver module, then modprobe it back in, does it work?14:30
bahadunnwhat is a good info document reader in ubuntu?14:30
IsvaraI'm having trouble installing 8.10 on a Compaq Presario CQ60. It'll boot the installation menu, but then trying to either install or run it as a live CD just hangs with no useful output. What can I do?14:31
Isvara(Installing the amd64 version.)14:31
ehgfhefhActionParsnip, how to do that?14:31
HalitechIsvara, what video card do you have and how much ram?14:31
tiyowanRight. http://paste.ubuntu.com/101670/ <- sudo apt-get update14:31
TwoEqualsTenbahadunn, for which documents?14:31
ActionParsnipJack_Sparrow: you said to install ccsm to someone who wasnt even aware what the cube deskto pis actually called, i just wanted you to clear what you meant14:31
MOUD_connection problem14:31
MOUD_I'm downloading it now14:31
IsvaraHalitech: Some nVidia thing and 1GB.14:31
ActionParsnipehgfhefh: run lshw -C network14:32
TwoEqualsTenWell good thing you're both here ActionSparrow14:32
Jack_SparrowTo get live cd to run this often helps..At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--"14:32
=== _Dulak is now known as Dulak
HalitechIsvara, probably some issue with the video card then, try to install in safe video mode14:32
Jack_SparrowIsvara, BEst to stick with the 32 bit until you get a feel for ubuntu14:32
ActionParsnipehgfhefh: you will see driver in the output of your wireless cards config14:32
IsvaraYeah, I tried that. Same problem -- just nothing.14:32
ActionParsnipehgfhefh: sudo rmmod <that name>14:32
IsvaraJack_Sparrow: Oh, I have a feel for Ubuntu. Just not this laptop.14:33
fuzzy-logichey somebody tell me pls openarena server14:33
fuzzy-logicto play14:33
dustrialhi all, what is the best way to share internet ( got a hub but only one valic mac-adress for my internet connection)14:33
bahadunnTwoEqualsTen: for info documents14:33
Jack_SparrowActionParsnip, I said install ccsm.. then tell them exactly how to  do it.. There has been little confusion over that factoid14:33
ActionParsnip!ics | dustrial14:33
ubottudustrial: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php14:33
Halitechdustrial, best and easiest would be with a router14:33
bahadunnTwoEqualsTen: like coreutils, or bash, or whatever might be in the info system14:33
ActionParsnipJack_Sparrow: gotcha14:33
silv3r_m00nhi there14:34
komarovhi!!! help please. how i can connect HID-mouse by Bluetake BT0009SX?14:34
TwoEqualsTenbahadunn, command line, I use nano, for gui, I use gedit mainly.14:34
ActionParsnipdustrial: +1 for router, uses waaaay less power than a pc , unless you do leave your pc on 24/714:34
erUSUL!ics | dustrial14:34
ubottudustrial: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php14:34
bahadunnTwoEqualsTen: I dont think you understand what I am talking about14:34
silv3r_m00ni installed kdm in the morning and now i see that running sudo konqueror gives No protocol specified14:34
silv3r_m00nkonqueror: cannot connect to X server :0.014:34
IsvaraI'll try 32-bit Ubuntu and Debian anyway and see what happens.14:34
silv3r_m00nhow to fix this ?14:34
=== MOUD_ is now known as MOUD
Jack_SparrowIsvara, Try the options I gave a second ago14:35
ActionParsnipsilv3r_m00n: try kdesudo konqueror14:35
TwoEqualsTenbahadunn, are you talking about binary files or something?14:35
Jack_Sparrowsilv3r_m00n, sudo konq is a bad idea14:35
Halitechsilv3r_m00n, why are  you trying to run nautilus as root?14:35
bahadunnTwoEqualsTen: I am talking about INFO documents14:35
tiyowanDid anyone catch that pastebin? :) http://paste.ubuntu.com/101670/14:35
bahadunnTwoEqualsTen: like manpages but more detailed?14:35
Jack_Sparrowsilv3r_m00n, kdesu konq..  is better but still dangerous14:35
fuzzy-logichey somebody will tell me or no?14:35
silv3r_m00nActionParsnip: Jack_Sparrow Halitech but till yesterday it was running fine14:35
komarovhi!!! help please. how i can connect HID-mouse by Bluetake BT0009SX?14:36
Halitechsilv3r_m00n, thats fine but WHY?14:36
ActionParsniptiyowan: you need the gpg key for http://de.archive.ubuntu.com14:36
Jack_Sparrowsilv3r_m00n, sudo  gui apps will eventually catch up to you14:36
dustrialwell i dont need a router, my dorm just gives internet to registered MAC-adresses ... normally i tunnel inet through ssh for friends, but my girlfried has a windows machine... so i need some better solution for her ;D checking out the bot's hints ... thank you all14:36
silv3r_m00ni want to open a folder with root access14:36
ActionParsnipsilv3r_m00n: why do you want to run konqueror with sudo?14:36
silv3r_m00nActionParsnip: to get root access and do some modification14:36
Jack_Sparrowsilv3r_m00n, kdesu konq..  is better but still dangerous14:37
silv3r_m00nkdesu konqueror not working :(14:37
Halitechsilv3r_m00n, kdesu kate <name of file>14:37
ActionParsnipsilv3r_m00n: its a better idea to use terminal to cd to the folder, then run the app to edit the file14:37
silv3r_m00nkdesu kate is failing14:37
IsvaraJack_Sparrow: I've already tried those, but the result is the same. Removing quiet doesn't even give any extra output.14:37
ActionParsnip!ru | komarov14:37
ubottukomarov: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke14:37
silv3r_m00nnothing is running with root access14:37
ActionParsnipsilv3r_m00n: are you using kde?14:37
fuzzy-logic<komarov> 4e takoe?14:37
silv3r_m00nActionParsnip: yeah14:37
Jack_Sparrowsilv3r_m00n, If you have made a habit of running gui apps with sudo..  you can do serious damage to your setup14:37
silv3r_m00nJack_Sparrow: why ?14:38
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)14:38
ActionParsnipsilv3r_m00n: sudo apt-get install kate; kdesudo kate14:38
genioOK, I'm having trouble mounting a shared file on a remote FreeBSD machine from Ubuntu only.  On a near-by RedHat machine, I  have no problems mounting.  In Windows I have no problems.  Only in Nautilus on this Ubuntu machine.  Am I missing something?  I'm able to mount some files shared out by a Windows machine, just not this FreeBSD machine.14:38
silv3r_m00nActionParsnip: kate is intalled14:38
Jack_SparrowIsvara, try ctrl-alt-F2 when you hang running live and see if you get a terminal14:38
ActionParsnipsilv3r_m00n: im just covering all bases14:38
tiyowanActionParsnip: There's a cmd to autoget the GPG keys for a repo, right?14:38
silv3r_m00nActionParsnip: actually i do like this mostly sudo su root14:39
silv3r_m00nand then the thing i want to run14:39
ActionParsniptiyowan: not that i know of, trot over to the site and download the file, or websearch14:39
Jack_Sparrowsilv3r_m00n, Please read the link on gksudo for pyschocats informative description14:39
ActionParsnipsilv3r_m00n: you could use sudo -i then do what you want14:39
Jack_Sparrowsilv3r_m00n, sudo su is another bad idea14:39
silv3r_m00nJack_Sparrow: whatever ... right now i need to run a few apps with root access14:39
fuzzy-logicsomebody tell me the server of openarena?!14:39
tiyowanActionParsnip: Thanks, mate.14:40
silv3r_m00nkdesu is failing14:40
silv3r_m00ni installed kdm in the morning from synaptic and after that this issue is arising14:40
silv3r_m00ntill yesterday it was running fine14:40
Jack_Sparrowsilv3r_m00n, Failing because of your previous usage of sudo su and sudo guiapp14:40
silv3r_m00nwhy ?14:40
silv3r_m00nwhat happened with that14:40
genioIs there a known issue with Ubuntu having troubles mounting a samba share on a remote machine?14:40
silv3r_m00nhow can i fix it nw14:41
jaapvisserfuzzy-logic try : http://www.getdeb.net/app.php?name=openarena14:41
Jack_Sparrowgenio, Hot really, samba seems to work for most of us14:41
ActionParsniptiyowan: http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/breezy/Release.gpg14:41
MOUDJack_Sparrow: it didn't work, I also tried Wooby Windows and also didn't work14:41
ActionParsnipMOUD: have you installed video drivers?14:41
MOUDonly the link you gave me14:41
mkergenio, check launchpad for bugs, otherwise try to explain your problem with more details and maybe someone (who isn't me :) ) can help you.14:42
Jack_SparrowMOUD, Did you have any effects before.. if not then you need to configure your video card as you are probably in vesa mode14:42
fuzzy-logic<jaapvisser> i need a online server, to play.14:42
MOUDoh, then I think i'm on vesa mode14:42
fuzzy-logic<jaapvisser> i have the game allready14:42
IsvaraJack_Sparrow: No console on Ctrl-Alt-F2, although repeated pressing causes it to beep, suggesting those keypresses are filling up a buffer (and Caps Lock is togglable). Hmm.14:42
Jack_SparrowIsvara, Ok..  YOu may need to go the alternate cd route14:43
Jack_SparrowIsvara, HAve you checked supported hardware page for hints.14:43
ActionParsnipMOUD: run lspci | grep -i vga14:43
ActionParsnipMOUD: and start looking at how to configure your video card14:43
MOUD01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GeForce 8700M GT (rev a1)14:44
silv3r_m00nActionParsnip: allright kdesudo works... but how can i make sudo work again14:44
silv3r_m00nhave i messed up something14:44
Halitechsilv3r_m00n, read here http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo14:44
* silv3r_m00n reading14:44
Jack_Sparrowsudo -i14:44
ActionParsnipsilv3r_m00n: just use it14:44
IsvaraJack_Sparrow: Yeah, it's not a listed one.14:44
Jack_SparrowIsvara, Make and model?14:45
IsvaraJack_Sparrow: Compaq Presario CQ6014:45
Jack_SparrowIsvara, Let me see what I can find.. hold for a minute or two14:46
wxl-hcwhat is the chat tool widely used in america?14:46
IsvaraHmm. If I don't select 'English' quickly enough in the bootloader, it stops responding (usually I can select that and use the menu).14:46
ndlovuif I have an app installed already, but I download and install a .deb of a later version, a) would it upgrade the current version?, and b) would it handle the dependencies correctly?14:47
Jack_SparrowIsvara, It should work fine14:47
wxl-hccan anyone tell me?14:47
ndlovuI guess it's better to first apt-get remove the old version first?14:47
Jack_SparrowIsvara, Gimme another minute or two ..  http://www.ubuntuhcl.org/browse/product+compaq-presario-cq60-120-es?id=660014:47
Jack_Sparrowwxl-hc, xchat14:48
MOUDhow can I change my video card settings?14:48
manowarı am from turkey14:48
IsvaraYeah, I saw that one. Encouraging, at least, but I wonder what's different.14:48
manowarplease help14:48
silv3r_m00nHalitech: i read that... i want to know that sudo guiapp is not working... does it mean sudo is broken i mean for sure ?14:49
w00b3is there a way to check the integrity of blank DVD's on Ubuntu?14:49
manowartürkish help14:49
Gnea!tr | manowar14:50
ubottumanowar: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.14:50
Halitechsilv3r_m00n, you shouldn't be using sudo guiapp as Jack_Sparrow has told you repeatedly14:50
silv3r_m00nHalitech: thats fine i understood that... now i want to know about sudo fixing14:51
silv3r_m00ni want to know whether is it broken ?14:51
silv3r_m00nand shud i fix it following the instructions on that page ?14:51
MOUDg2g now, i'll be back later14:52
MOUDand thanks for the help14:52
Jack_SparrowIsvara, Wow, some people have no problem with that hardware others have no luck14:52
w00b3is there a way to check the integrity of blank DVD's on Ubuntu?14:52
Halitechsilv3r_m00n, even if you fix it, with using it you will just end up breaking your system again14:52
mkerw00b3, don't know but if you don't get any help here you might find something on cdfreaks, I think they're good with that stuff.14:52
Jack_SparrowIsvara, Without quiet and splash.. do you see and errors14:53
silv3r_m00nHalitech: yeah yeah yeah yeah i wont use sudo again....but for now i want to know whether its broken and if its broken i want to fix it :)14:53
IsvaraJack_Sparrow: No, nothing at all14:53
silv3r_m00nHalitech: and my /etc/sudoers file is blank14:54
EdgeX-how do i change my recording levels :S14:54
silv3r_m00nis that wrong14:54
Halitechsilv3r_m00n, does kdesu guiapp work?14:54
Captain_HaddockHi, since my upgrade to Intrepid, I've been facing issues with Samba, usually filename issues. Certain files with accents in their filenames are inaccessible from Windows. All was fine with Hardy.14:54
silv3r_m00nHalitech: yeah14:54
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:54
silv3r_m00nkdesudo is working kdesu is not working14:54
Halitechsilv3r_m00n, then use it and don;t worry about fixing sudo guiapp14:54
wxl-hcis any studens here?14:55
toocoldhow can i use cups/openoffice to print multiple pages on one sheet of paper?14:55
toocoldim a studens14:55
silv3r_m00nHalitech: hey :D i want to fix it14:55
wxl-hcuniversity student?14:55
toocoldwxl-hc: whats up?14:55
wxl-hci am a chinese student14:55
toocoldat what university?14:55
wxl-hci want to talk with somebody like me14:55
IsvaraJack_Sparrow: Same problem with 32-bit14:56
toocoldi only speak english14:56
arikhi can i ask something14:56
silv3r_m00nHalitech: i need to fix it please14:56
arikhow do u save a file created in console14:57
silv3r_m00ni have downloaeded a software which is a .sh installer and it is not running via kdesu or kdesudo its saying command not found14:57
EdgeX-How would I go about making my recording level a bit higher; Skype and Sound Recorder are hardly picking up my voice14:57
LinuxApeAnyone use usb-creator14:57
Gneaarik: in console? what do you mean?14:59
scunizi /part14:59
IsvaraActually, the 32-bit one is doing something now -- slowly. Looks like some long timeouts on the SATA controller.14:59
ndlovutoocold, you can set that from page preview in openoffice.org writer. open page preview, then click on the print options page view button.15:00
arikGnea: i was made to create a file "sudo vim /etc/init.d/ekpd"15:00
arikthen paste a list of commands inside it15:00
arikhow do i save it?15:00
toocoldndlovu: what page?15:00
Gneaarik: :wq15:01
toocoldndlovu: i dont see a page preview? only preview in browser15:01
Gneaarik: be sure to press ESC first15:01
DvyjonesI'm installing Wubi, and now the installer (after rebooting) is hanging at "Setting up cache/swap" (not wuite sure which, since I'm not installing it in English). Any ideas?15:01
DvyjonesIt's at 0%15:01
Gnea: <-- puts vim in command-mode, w <-- writes/saves the file, q <-- quits15:01
ndlovutoocold: from the menu, it's file -> page preview (near the bottom)15:01
EdgeX-How would I go about making my mic volume a bit higher; Skype and Sound Recorder are hardly picking up my voice15:02
IsvaraJack_Sparrow: I'm at a busybox prompt that says (initramfs). Never seen that before. Nothing running on any other vtys.15:02
ndlovutoocold, just below preview in web browser15:02
silv3r_m00nHalitech: there ?15:02
toocoldndlovu: i dont have it - is there another way i can access it? im using OOO315:02
arikwhoa thanks! that was rocket science15:02
ndlovutoocold, on the toolbar there's usually a button with a printer and a magnifying glass on it. that opens it as well.15:03
CaesiHullo, while trying to install Ekiga 3.1.0 on Ubuntu 8.10 I keep getting "configure: error: *** libsasl2 headers not found", anyone any idea on how I can fix this? :)15:04
fastaWhat's the name of the application associated with the application that one clicks on when locking the session?15:04
GneaCaesi: why are you trying to compile it?15:04
fastaSince the icon disappeared, I assume the application is not installed anymore.15:04
DvyjonesCaesi: Search for libsasl2 in synaptic, and install the one ending in -dev15:04
hobbes006hi guys, how do i configure it so that my "normal ubuntu user" can execute the "mount" and "umount" commands? i dont want to run as root.15:05
EdgeX-Hey; How would I go about making my mic volume a bit higher; Skype and Sound Recorder are hardly picking up my voice15:05
hobbes006i dont want to have to type "sudo mount"15:05
CaesiGnea: trying to install the newest version; Dvyjones: apparently the newest version is installed15:05
Jack_Sparrowhobbes006, sidt sudoers ... I do belive is the answer15:06
Gneahobbes006: you can change fstab settings for specific devices, but for random devices, you'll need to do it as root initially. it has to be.15:06
Gnea!fstab | hobbes00615:06
ubottuhobbes006: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions15:06
silv3r_m00nJack_Sparrow: hi i want to fix sudo guiapp15:06
hobbes006i did this in fstab:15:06
Jack_Sparrowsilv3r_m00n, Sorry, cant help you there15:06
hobbes006work /mnt/work user, auto15:06
hobbes006is that correct ?15:06
DvyjonesAny help on this? I'm installing Wubi (8.10), and it's hanging at "Installing system", I think the bottom line is something like "Formatting swapspace at partition 1 at /host/ub..." Any ideas?15:07
Gneahobbes006: no. read the URLs above, they will tell you how to do it right15:07
toocoldndlovu: i'm in oodraw - pdf files only open in oodraw15:07
Jack_SparrowDvyjones, Please see the wubi FAQ, I wont use or recommend it...15:07
Halitechsilv3r_m00n, if you feel you have to fix it then google is going to be your friend15:07
altus-dominusnickserv -elp15:07
ndlovutoocold, I don't know how to do muliple pages in oodraw, sorry.15:07
altus-dominusnickserv help15:07
FloodBot2altus-dominus: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:07
Gneaaltus-dominus: /msg nickserv help15:07
toocoldndlovu: do you know how i can import PDF In oowriter15:08
silv3r_m00nHalitech: cant find it on google15:08
broonsparrowhi.could anyone help me with installibg Mailman/Postfix on 8.04?15:09
ndlovutoocold, check http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Pdf_Import_Extension15:09
Halitechsilv3r_m00n, http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&q=cannot+kdesu&btnG=Google+Search15:09
marceloHow do I uninstall a package?15:10
Gneamarcelo: sudo apt-get remove <packagename>15:10
Jack_Sparrowmarcelo, How was it installed?15:10
ndlovutoocold, also, http://openoffice.blogs.com/openoffice/ has some good general tips on using openoffice.org15:10
marceloJack_Sparrow: apt-get install package15:10
toocoldndlovu: i have already installed the pdf import extension15:10
ndlovutoocold, then you're a step ahead of me :)15:11
DuncanGnomehi. is there anyway to tweak the gnome version of xchat to style the nicklist to a bar that will always show to the right/left of the window?15:11
Jack_Sparrowmarcelo, apt-get remove package ...   Hopefully you have not modified your sources.list15:11
DuncanGnomelike the channel/server bar is set by default.15:11
dftanyone have the link to the tutorial for setting up hardy chroot env handy?15:11
silv3r_m00nHalitech: i just opened sudoers file on another computer and it has content like shown on the psyco link u gave .... and my sudoers file is blank15:12
ubottuchroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot)15:12
mkerDuncanGnome, don't you just click and drag it?15:12
silv3r_m00ni think changing its content shall fix it15:12
Jack_SparrowDuncanGnome, regular xchat can, I dont use xchat-gnome15:12
toocoldndlovu: in oowriter i see page preview but everytime i open a pdf in oowriter it goes to oodraw15:12
Halitechsilv3r_m00n, that info *may* be specific to gnome, I don't use kde as I don't like it so not sure15:12
DuncanGnomedamn. but i can only find regular xchat in rpm. and i can't get alien to work :/15:13
Jack_Sparrow!info xchat15:13
ubottuxchat (source: xchat): IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.6-2ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 315 kB, installed size 840 kB15:13
Jack_SparrowDuncanGnome, It is in our repos15:13
silv3r_m00nHalitech: i was playing with kdm and login manager in the morning i am sure it happened with that15:13
marceloJack_Sparrow: My problem is that I changed the code of a game, but it is not working as desired so I want to install the original again. What do you mean with "Hopefully you have not modified the source list"?15:13
broonsparrowhi.could anyone help me with installing Postfix, when I get to the config page in the terminal it freezes.15:13
DuncanGnomeoh, ok15:13
Jack_SparrowDuncanGnome, Alien is a not the best idea  either15:14
DuncanGnomewhat should i use, for rpm conversion, then?15:14
Jack_Sparrowmarcelo, What game15:14
Halitechsilv3r_m00n, could be right15:14
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)15:14
GneaDuncanGnome: why do you need to convert xchat from rpm?15:14
silv3r_m00nHalitech: i enabled autologin for a user15:14
marceloJack_Sparrow: xgalaga, I originarily installed it via apt-get.15:14
DkySvenhello people15:14
silv3r_m00nlet me change the contents of sudoers file and see what happens15:14
=== cexpert1 is now known as TBotNik1
GneaDuncanGnome: just to change where the list bar is at? have you tried #xchat?15:15
Jack_Sparrow!info xgalaga15:15
ubottuxgalaga (source: xgalaga): X version of the famous Galaga game. In component universe, is optional. Version (intrepid), package size 263 kB, installed size 804 kB15:15
bloufhi, anyone knows how to change the text color in the panel containing applications, places etc ... please ?15:15
Gnea!info wesnoth15:15
ubottuwesnoth (source: wesnoth): fantasy turn-based strategy game. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:1.4.5-1 (intrepid), package size 3857 kB, installed size 8796 kB15:15
marcelo!info xgalaga15:15
ubottuxgalaga (source: xgalaga): X version of the famous Galaga game. In component universe, is optional. Version (intrepid), package size 263 kB, installed size 804 kB15:15
ndlovutoocold, you can try playing with the printer settings on system > administration > printing. I think from 8.04 (hardy) it has an option for multiple pages per sheet.15:15
Jack_Sparrowmarcelo,  Use synaptic to purge - remove it then reinstall15:15
ndlovutoocold, I've played around with it, but it hasn't worked for me15:16
DkySvenwhen I tried to format my USB stick at my Windows Vista HP mini-note to make an Ubuntu start-up USB-stick it crashed during the formatting and now it seems broken. Does anyone knows how to fix this? I already tried Gparted and fdisk15:16
DuncanGnomeGnea: i can change the bar with the gnome version. anyway, i'll see if i can do something with the one of the ubuntu repositories.15:16
toocoldis there a pdf program i can use to print a pdf with multiple slides per page15:16
Jack_SparrowDkySven, what does gparted show and what is the error15:16
ndlovutoocold, it should be controlled by the n-up setting on the printer options tab for the printer15:16
SoloportableHi Guys, I had a kernel update today to kernel and I got kernel panic's15:16
GneaDuncanGnome: ah okay, i'm not a big fan of nome15:17
Soloportableno log messages so i can't say what to exact problem is, yet15:17
Jack_Sparrowsamu, Hello15:17
GneaSoloportable: during bootup?15:17
Jack_SparrowDuncanGnome, Do you want a screenshot of my xchat so you can verify what you are trying to do15:17
Soloportableno while working :) Other wise i would nog what the problem was15:18
DkySvenJack_Sparrow: http://www.pastebin.be/1589815:18
GneaSoloportable: can you install pastebinit and use it to pastebin dmesg?15:18
Kevdogchroot using openssh -- anyone with any experience?15:18
ndlovutoocold, you can also install acrobat reader, which lets you set pages per sheet.15:18
GneaKevdog: could you be a bit more specific, please?15:19
ndlovutoocold, it's the acroread package15:19
Soloportabledmesg has no track of any errors15:19
toocoldndlovu: is there something more lightweight like xpdf?15:19
GneaSoloportable: weird... so it just hardlocks the whole thing?15:19
Jack_SparrowDkySven, I would try gparted livecd...15:19
Soloportableindeed :) With a nice flashing led on my portable as a result15:20
KevdogA little behind the times but discovered the chroot patch integrated into openssh sources -- only seen examples how to setup sftp only without shell access15:20
DkySvenok, I'll try that15:20
rijoubottu: paste15:20
DkySvenI'll be back later15:20
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)15:20
RidingDefgerman ubuntu channel?15:20
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.15:20
KevdogAny links or examples to set up with interactive jailed shell specifically using openssh (and not something like mysecureshell or linux jailkit)15:20
Soloportablebut the fact that it happens after 10 minutes of working and only with version 9 of 2.6.27 makes me thing of an error in the wireless driver (that's the only thing that changes then)15:21
GneaKevdog: not sure, what does google say when you put this in: ubuntu openssh chroot jail15:21
flexdIs there a graphical disk utility?15:21
flexdSort of a stupid question i should have googled :p15:21
KevdogGnuea: Wasn't that specific -- only searched by openssh chroot and openssh jail.  Only found examples with sftp no shell only15:22
rijoubottu: ventrilo15:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ventrilo15:22
Gnea!info rssh15:22
ubotturssh (source: rssh): Restricted shell allowing only scp, sftp, cvs, rsync and/or rdist. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.3.2-7 (intrepid), package size 47 kB, installed size 216 kB15:22
KevdogGnea: Only example for shell access was through using old methods, using the patch, ext15:22
GneaKevdog: check that out ^^^15:22
renatorabeloHi people . im having some trouble with firefox . i dont have any sound . If i try install libflashsupport , i have sound but firefox crash . does anybody know a workaround ??15:22
omnydevirenat - on 64 bit os?15:23
Kevdogrssh doesn't allow a login shell, correct??15:23
renatorabelo32 bit os15:23
GneaKevdog: been too long since i used it last to remember15:23
omnydevirenat - ah, dont know how on 32, sorry15:23
Gnea!sound | renatorabelo15:23
ubotturenatorabelo: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP315:23
DuncanGnomeah, it's working.15:23
DuncanGnomeJack_Sparrow, thanks.15:24
unr3a1hey all15:24
Jack_SparrowDuncanGnome, You are welcome15:24
unr3a1is openoffice.org 3.0 available through apt-get yet?15:24
KevdogGnea: and Ubotto, thanks for your help15:24
unr3a1and if so, how do I update to it?15:24
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=== Altus^D is now known as Altus^D0M1nus
creolifeseems dead in here15:25
SoloportableGnea: if i have some time left later on the day I'll try to start ubuntu in text mode and see if i can track the kernel panic error. Debian lenny seems to have the samen problem.15:25
creolifefor all the users haha15:25
renatorabelomy problem is only with firefox java sound . geez these bots .15:26
=== Altus^D0M1nus is now known as altus-dominus
mas2I can't login when a password has numbers in it. It keeps telling me wrong password even tho I know it's the right.15:26
amerinesehaving some trouble killing a couple of processes, why might a process be unkillable?15:26
Jack_Sparrowcreolife, Did you have a Ubuntu support question15:26
creolifeis your numlock on?15:26
creolifeno, thanks tho jack. im just here to check it out. first time on irc15:26
Soloportableamerinese: try killall -9 procesname :)15:26
ndlovutoocold, I used to use xpdf and I don't remember it supporting multiple pages per sheet15:26
creolifewell, i do have a question15:26
amerinesein system monitor, the processes are listed as "zombie" and "uninterruptible"15:27
creolifehow do i install a game if its a .bin file15:27
Jack_Sparrowcreolife, Welllcome.  this channel is support only, others for chat and discussions15:27
toocoldndlovu: do you know of any more advanced pdf utilities?15:27
the_squircletoocold: xpdf?15:27
GneaSoloportable: sounds like a hardware issue then... maybe it doesn't like how interrupts are being handled15:27
Soloportablecreolife: chmod +x binfile && ./binfile15:27
marceloJack_Sparrow: It does not work, even though I removed xgalaga with synanptic and installed with apt-get, I still have the version I installed from source code.15:27
toocoldtoocold: it work let me print 2 or more slides one page15:27
creolifewill that mount it and install it?15:27
the_squircleI'm having a problem with my X Keyboard configuration that's causing errors, and I'm told to report it as a bug... should I do it on launchpad?15:28
SoloportableGnea: I know but it's a lenovo :) so it's working for 3 years with only open drivers. full intel chipset. Did they change someting to the interrupt routine handling in version 9?15:28
Jack_Sparrowmarcelo, That was the first question I asked you.. How was it installed..15:28
amerineseSoloportable: so tried killall, was using kill before as well as through system monitor (but that should be the same), still doesn't die?15:28
ndlovuif you don't mind using the commandline, you could also print it to a .ps file and then use mpage. (cat print.ps | mpage -4 -bA4 -a | lpr)15:28
Soloportablecreolife: it's a cd? You have to extract the iso image than and mount it in a loop15:28
ndlovutoocold, ^15:28
Jack_Sparrowmarcelo, You said with apt-get..  Now you say from source15:28
creolifeits not a cd, i downloaded it online. its a game called planeshift15:29
Jack_Sparrowmarcelo, Sorry.. dont have time to help you15:29
Soloportableamerinese: what program/proces are you talking about?15:29
roger_marcelo, perhaps you have to manual delete the .xxx folder that the game created in your /home/name/ folder15:29
amerineseSoloportable tvtime15:29
creolifei know that since its a bin it needs to be mounted. im just unsure how in linux. fairly new15:29
roger_it could still be reading the information stored there15:30
amerineseagain, the status is "uninterruptible" and "zombie"15:30
Jack_Sparrowcreolife, BIN NEEDS TO BE MOUNTED ???15:30
strongarm82can somebody help me with a wireless network problem?15:30
Jack_SparrowSorry for the caps15:30
CarlFKhow do I make the () work for sudo (echo ppa >>/etc/apt/sources.list)15:30
creolifedoes it not? isnt a .bin an image file?15:30
DennisGhello. i have a problem. My taskbar is gone, as the bar on the upper side of the screen.15:30
Soloportableamerinese: what tv card? did you try to rmmod the driver?15:30
erUSULCarlFK: $()15:30
somekoolmy ubuntu system does not recognize my 2GB of RAM. I did a grep HIGHMEM in /boot/* and the kernel option seems to be enabled. anyone have an idea what could be wrong?15:30
Jack_Sparrowcreolife, What game/program.. exactly15:31
DennisGso.. what can i do? Restarting does not help.15:31
fabsys.j #ubuntu-fr15:31
marceloJack_Sparrow: Sorry, I installed it first with apt-get then I downloaded the source with apt-get source, changed the source run make and make install.15:31
CarlFKerUSUL: cool.  thanks15:31
creolifeplaneshift, its an mmorpg15:31
strongarm82why is it that only some wireless networks connect, but others time out while trying to get an IP address?15:31
toocoldndlovu: AH! xournal does what i want15:31
IsvaraJack_Sparrow: Did you think of anything? I'm all out of ideas.15:31
Ward1983erm... i order 1 32bit desktop CD, 1 64bit desktop, 1 32bit server and 1 64bit serverCD and i got 4 desktop CDs lol, apperantly they do not even read the custom shipping requests :s15:31
SoloportableCarlFK: use "" instead15:31
amerineseSoloportable: no, i'm not sure what that is but i can try that... it's an avertv hybrid fm+volar15:31
GneaSoloportable: no idea, but if i was going to see if it had, i'd add this as a boot parameter:  pci=routeirq15:31
misblayi need help about ndiswrapper15:31
Ward1983where do i go to to ask for the remaining 3 CDs?15:31
misblaysearch but found nothing..15:31
ndlovutoocold, that's great15:31
mas2Why can't I have the numbers 1-9 in my user password? If I have, Ubuntu (8.10) keeps telling me I type the wrong password.15:31
erUSULCarlFK: but "echo ppa | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list" is prefered style15:31
Ward1983since they dont read whatever i type :s15:31
ZenithDKhi, how do I go about installing touch screen drivers in Ubuntu?15:31
creolifeim looking for a decent mmorpg for linux, im trying to install and play this while regnum is downloading15:31
Jack_SparrowIsvara, Some say it worked with no issues or changes, others said it didnt work at all. no idea why the difference15:31
tomtthow do I open up a specific port for UDP on a ubuntu install?15:32
SoloportableGnea: and what does that one do?15:32
IsvaraIt's not unheard of for companies to change hardware components without changing the model number, sadly.15:32
misblayhey! i need help here :)15:32
Jack_SparrowIsvara, Or 4 versions of the same chipset as in bcm43xx15:32
Soloportablemisblay: repeat the question :)15:33
Jack_SparrowIsvara, All I can offer is a sympathetic ear..15:33
misblayi'm using a wireless pci card, with bcm431815:33
creolifeJack_Sparrow: its called planeshift, its an mmorpg15:33
misblayyesterday i've installed the required drivers15:33
misblayvia ndiswrapper15:33
Jack_SparrowIsvara, Speak of the devil15:33
misblaybut today it doesnt work :/15:33
Picicreolife: chmod +x file.bin ; sudo ./file.bin15:33
Soloportablemisblay: did you use the exact files of the cd you got with the card?15:34
misblaythough i can see it in the output of lspci15:34
creolifePici: thanks15:34
misblayyes exact ones15:34
misblayyesterday everything was fine..15:34
Soloportablecreolife: that was the same answer as i had given15:34
misblayafter reboot it doesnt work15:34
Soloportablemisblay: is ndiswrapper running? and are all the drivers loaded?15:34
Jack_Sparrowmisblay, did you update this morning..  YOu may need to do that again..15:35
Soloportablemisblay: lsmod | grep ndis15:35
strongarm82anyone know why with some wireless networks i can connect fine with Windows, but Linux times-out while trying to get an IP with both dhcpd and dhclient??15:35
creolifeSoloportable: thanks, im just a n00b :p15:35
DennisGcan someone help me? My task bar and the bar on the upper of the screen are gone. I dont know how to fix it15:35
amerineseSoloportable: hmm, so rmmod the driver doesn't work because it's busy, force didn't work with it either15:35
misblaySoloportable: i'll try that one15:35
Jack_SparrowDennisG, the X O _ close minimize etc.. or another15:35
DennisGthe thing above that15:36
Soloportableamerinese: so now you know what hangs :)15:36
DennisGWith the ubunto logo and the things like system and stuff15:36
misblayJack_Sparrow: it didnt work, i've done same thing from first step to last..15:36
heath|workis it possible to have a usb drive in /etc/fstab mount only when available?15:36
creolifeSoloportable: cannot access `planeshift.bin': No such file or directory15:36
misblaywait i'll reboot and try lsmod..15:36
IsvaraSo I guess I can either try another distribution, or use XP. Neither option appeals.15:36
marceloJack_Sparrow: I installed it first with apt-get then I downloaded the source with apt-get source, changed the source run make and make install.15:37
Jack_SparrowIsvara, MAy I pm you15:37
IsvaraJack_Sparrow: Sure15:37
roger_DennisG are you refering to the bar on top that shows what windows is open, the trash can, and log out15:37
jimmi_johi. I have problems getting ubuntu desktop 8.10 to start installing when choosing "install ubuntu" from the install menu. The laptop is a thinkpad T23. I tried selecting "acpi=off" using the F6 options, as suggested on the ubuntu forum. I can see HD activity for awhile, and then nothing happens and I can navigate the install menu again15:37
GneaSoloportable: just what it says it does: routes the irq's15:37
Soloportablecreolife: did you chmod +x the file succesfully? ./planeshift.bin should work if you are in the right directory?15:37
jimmi_jomd5sum of the CD also checks out ok15:38
creolifeSoloportable: so i need to change to the directory the file is in?15:38
Ward1983you know how the gnome-panaes are animated now? can i switch that off?15:38
amerineseSoloportable: so there are processes that can't be killed ever?  without a restart?  should that be surprising to me?15:38
gimpophileis there a place t seach for chat rooms?15:38
SoloportableGnea: i was guessing that :) Sorry i only do assembler on 8 bit µcontrollers so i'm not an expert in hardware layer working15:38
creolifeSoloportable: and how would i change the directory to the desktop?15:38
Jack_Sparrowjimmi_jo, HAve you run the cd self test15:38
Soloportablecreolife: would be handy :)15:38
jimmi_joJack_Sparrow: yes, and that does nothing as well15:38
Jack_Sparrowjimmi_jo, than you have a bad disk.. see md5 and or re-download it..15:39
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows15:39
Soloportableamerinese: it could happen but now you know what to look for. Maybe tv4linux guys have a fix or work around15:39
ndlovuis it possible to convert an existing windows partition to a virtual machine?15:39
tomttI'm trying to start a server on port 8308. I can access it from15:39
tomttlocalhost, but not from outside. There are no rules in my iptables,15:39
tomttwhat disables access from outside? How do I enable it?15:39
Soloportablecreolife: cd Desktop or cd Bureablad of whatever language you speak15:39
heath|workIsvara, what is your issue?15:39
Jack_Sparrowjimmi_jo, If this is a Dell or HP, butn it at the slowest possible speed.15:39
DennisGmmm please help. is it possible that gnome-panel is broken?15:39
bullgard4uptime reports '8 users'. How to list these 8?15:40
GneaSoloportable: that's quite a niche, no problem :)15:40
roger_DennisG are you refering to the bar on top that shows what windows is open, the trash can, and log out15:40
heath|workbullgard4, users15:40
Jack_SparrowDennisG, You can reset gnome panel to defaults, but you would lose any custom settings launchers15:40
Isvaraheath|work: Apparent lockup after choosing Live or Install from the bootloader, seemingly regardless of command line options.15:40
jimmi_joJack_Sparrow: md5sum is checked and ok, re-burned the cd, same issue. will try another cd then15:40
DennisGJack_Sparrow, no problem. as long it will work again15:40
jimmi_joJack_Sparrow: the laptop is a thinkpad t2315:40
strongarm82where is /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1.conf located in Ubuntu?15:40
jtajibullgard4: try 'w' and 'who'15:41
SoloportableDennisG: if you didn't do anything it could be broken. But try to move you .gnome folder and relogin15:41
ndlovuDennisG, I assume you've tried just restarting X?15:41
creolifeSoloportable: it has started installing, thanks alot. but will it show up in the applications list?15:41
ubottuTo reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »15:41
DennisGi did15:41
DennisGlet me first reset gnome-panel15:41
joe-maci'm beginning to think that preseeding is broken in hardy... if i pass the options via the append line it works. can anyone confirm this?15:41
amerinesesoloportable: alright thanks, i guess i'll leave it be15:41
joe-macwell, at least the hardy i have15:41
Soloportablecreolife: probably not ; just make a new item, chose a pictogram and hard config the command15:42
heath|workwhat is your hardware?15:42
heath|workIsvara, ^15:42
DennisGit does not work15:42
mas2Is it possible to create a ntfs partion out of free space on my ext3 partion? If so which is the easisest way? Need xp to run an application that doesn't run good enough for Vbox.15:42
strongarm82where is /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1.conf located in Ubuntu?15:42
creolifeSoloportable: haha no idea how to do that. and i dont want to take any more of your time. thanks for the help. ill use google for the shortcut :)15:42
DennisGeven not after a reset i think. is it possible to fix this or am i screwed up?15:42
joejcwhats a good torrent client?15:42
roger_right click bottom panel, new panel, right click new panel, add whatever you need15:42
Isvaraheath|work: Compaq Presario CQ60 laptop -- amd64, nvidia15:43
mas2joejc: Deluge15:43
bullgard4heath|work, jtaji: Thank you for your help.15:43
heath|workIsvara, 64bit install?15:43
IsvaraI've tried both, with the same result15:43
Photoguyjoejc,what's wrong with one that's included?15:43
heath|workIsvara, k... give me a sec to look at the specs15:44
joejci dont like the one included15:44
mas2joejc: did you use windows before? If you did and used uTorrent you will be pleased with Deluge.15:44
SoloportableGnea: i leave it for today. I have a lot of work left to do15:44
misblayback again (:15:45
mas2Which application can I create a ntfs partion out of free space on my ext3 partion that I use for ubuntu?15:45
misblaylsmod | grep ndis doesnt output anything15:45
evowill_mas2, gparted, and from the liveCD if that is the hard drive you are booting from.15:45
misblaymas2: try gparted15:45
heath|workIsvara, on the bottom there should be a longer number CQ60-something15:45
kapipiHmm, can I have dpkg do something like the reverse of dpkg -L package,  to find out to which package a given file belongs15:45
Isvaraheath|work: CQ60-107EM15:46
mas2evowill_, misblay: thanks! Would you happend to know what happends if I have grub installed and ubuntu and create a ntfs partion and install win XP on it. Will grub notice this and add it to the menu?15:46
misblayanyone here who helped me a few mins ago?15:46
DennisGmmm, looks like gnome-panel is running but not showing. what can i do??15:47
misblaymas2: i dont know the default but, if you re-install grup, yes probably it should notice that..15:47
misblayi need help with ndiswrapper15:47
mas2misblay: but which OS do you think will load after I install XP. Ubuntu or the last one, XP ? I want Ubuntu to be my primary OS and XP occasionally for a few apps.15:48
samrockscdoes anyone know if bitchx has changed names in the repository for synaptic`15:48
Jack_Sparrow!find bitchx15:48
pdelgadoI have two (older) computers that I want to donate to a homeless kids shelter... and I wanted some advise regarding what OS to put in them... I was thinking about setting them up with Ubuntu + Sugar (the OLPC shell)... or the other option would be a clean install of Edubuntu, any ideas?15:48
ubottuFile bitchx found in epic4-script-hienoa, epic4-script-lice, xemacs21-basesupport15:48
misblaymas2: it doesnt matter, you can change the GRUB menu order by editing necessary file15:48
Picisamrocksc: Bitchx is no longer supported upstream, it has been removed from the repository.15:49
ndlovuhas anyone used VMware converter? http://www.vmware.com/products/converter/15:49
misblayJack_Sparrow: lsmod | grep ndis doesnt output anytinhg, what should i do?15:49
samrockscpici ircii, any non-xchat stuff it's been a year since i15:49
samrockscdoh~, installed anything15:49
heath|workIsvara, from what I see it should be fine.  Did you test the cd?15:49
Guest90076Hello guys, I have problem with reconfigurin my xorg.conf, dpkg-reconfigure does not reconfigure my graphic card, it does just my Keyboard and then exits, any idea ?15:49
Jack_Sparrowmisblay, I am a bit busy.. please address the question to the channel15:49
mas2misblay: Okey then I will make an try and use gparted to make an partion partion to install xp on and hopefully grub understands.15:50
vigomas2: you can also edit that in Winiconfig or BIOS,,,,,whatever you are comfortable with15:50
DennisGcan someone PLEASE help?15:50
tomttIf I start a mongrel on a port on my server, I can not access it from the outside? What blocks it and how can I enable it?15:50
Jack_Sparrowmas2, If the partition is below ubuntu, grub will complain as well as fstab.. but XP prefers to be #! partition15:50
misblayJack_Sparrow: i did, and you said something a few mins ago, thats why i've asked.. anyone to help, excep Jack (:15:50
Jack_SparrowDennisG, The next ugh would be to try and rest all of gnome to defaults15:51
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ubuntu-8.10-alternate-i386.iso.torrent15:51
mas2Jack_Sparrow: so I might get an error on boot after created a ntfs partion out of free space from ext3 partio and install XP on (got ubuntu and grub installed). So neither OS will boot and get error?15:51
heath|workIsvara, ^15:51
misblayI need help with NDISWRAPPER, anyone to help?15:52
vigoYes, Jack_Sparrow is correct15:52
Isvaraheath|work: Ahh... ha, well, that's also one of the options that doesn't work. But I've burned two CDs (one 64-bit, one 32-bit) so it seems unlikely that that's the problem. Also, another symptom. You know the initial language selection in the bootloader? If I don't select that quickly enough, it locks up anyway.15:52
RawHeartlessWhat software do I need to do some video editing (change the audio, add images to the video and upload it to youtube)15:52
RawHeartlesson Ubuntu 8.1015:52
misblayneed help with NDISWRAPPER (:15:52
Jack_Sparrowmas2, If you install XP  then XP should boot  than ou would need to fix ubuntu15:53
ASULutzymisblay: I would suggest sudo apt-get install ndisgtk15:53
ASULutzymisblay: It makes using ndiswrapper a bit easier, it's a graphical frontend for it15:53
heath|workIsvara, I would try the alternate cd then15:53
misblayASULutzy: i'll try it, but actually this is a bit different problem15:53
heath|workuse the text based installer15:53
ASULutzymisblay: Ok, then go ahead and explain your problem15:53
Jack_SparrowDennisG, The next ugh would be to try and rest all of gnome to defaults as in    To Reset All of Gnome: http://linuxfud.wordpress.com/2007/02/14/how-to-reset-ubuntugnome-settings-to-defaults-without-re-installing/       In terminal type:         rm -rf .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity15:53
mas2Jack_Sparrow: Okey if at least one of the OS boot I can always fix the problem. Could probaly d15:54
misblayASULutzy: yesterday i could connect to my modem, but after first reboot with my new PCI wireless card, using bcm4318 chipset, i cant connect now15:54
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto15:54
mas2probaly do that even if they didn't but then I would have ascces to irc and google :)15:54
ASULutzymisblay: Are you using Intrepid?15:54
misblaynope hardy15:54
roger_mas2, you installed windows xp after ubuntu and grub is messed up right15:54
roger_you have a live cd15:54
alex_sleiborgHey. I suddenly can't start open office 3.0, due to an unexpected error. Any help?15:54
roger_easy to fix15:54
Jack_Sparrowmas2, See the link on fixing grub after installing windows15:54
mas2Jack_Sparrow: thanks!15:55
ASULutzymisblay: you could lsmod | grep -i ndiswrapper15:55
RockClimberanyone using ubuntu without the fglrx driver and getting an HD2400 working?15:55
Jack_Sparrowmas2, Make note of partition numbers before you install xp.. it will halp later15:55
misblayASULutzy, ah sorry i'm using 8.10, which is intrepid though i didnt know its name (:15:55
misblayi'll try now15:55
Jack_Sparrowmas2  sudo fdisk -l  after you create partition for XP and before you reboot15:56
misblayASULutzy: it doesnt output anyting..15:56
ASULutzyOh,then real quick, check System -> Administration ->Hardware Drivers, maybe there's an off chance that Ubuntu can use proprietary drivers15:56
Jack_Sparrowmas2, see also uuid's15:56
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)15:56
ASULutzymisblay: So ndiswrapper isn't loaded, you could just do modprobe ndiswrapper maybe?15:56
Slartalex_sleiborg: no more specific error messages? checked in /var/log/syslog? tried starting from a terminal?15:56
misblayASULutzy, already checked it, it doesnt work15:56
roger_boot live cd, open terminal, sudo grub, root (hdx,x)-- x being the partition grub resides, setup (hdx) exit15:57
misblayi'll try that one, actually i've tried before..15:57
NicEXEhow can I mount a *.vdi file?15:57
heath|workmisblay, linksys?15:57
alex_sleiborgSlart: It's tries to recover an old document, and then something goes wrong. And i teminates the app15:57
misblayASULutzy, allright "modprobe ndiswrapper" i've done that15:57
SlartNicEXE: perhaps convert it to an iso.. what program creates vdi files?15:57
misblayheath|work, are you asking pci card?15:58
ASULutzymisblay: Ok, well what does iwconfig say15:58
NicEXESlart: VBox15:58
=== PV_Work is now known as PrivateVoid
heath|workyeah... are you still on that?15:58
ASULutzySlart: vdi stands for virtual disk image I believe15:58
saerahi i have processes running that i dont control how to terminatethem ? http://pastebin.com/m1aa39d6815:58
misblayASULutzy, unfortunately nothing, this is my problem actually..15:58
misblayheath|work, yes i couldnt solve it yet..15:58
ASULutzysaera: Which of those do you want to terminate and why?15:59
RawHeartlessWhat software do I need to do some video editing (change the audio, add images to the video and upload it to youtube) - Ubuntu 8.1015:59
SlartASULutzy, NicEXE: aahh.. I have a few of those.. didn't even think of it.. hmm.. virtualbox doesn't offer anything that can edit these files?15:59
heath|workmisblay, you have to go to linuxwireless.org and download the firmware15:59
vigoI still have problems remembering the |pm stuff, can I disable it in Pigen15:59
ASULutzymisblay, heath|work: I thought you said you had it working yesterday?15:59
Jack_SparrowRawHeartless,  For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications15:59
misblayASULutzy, yes i did..16:00
ASULutzymisblay: after doing modprobe ndiswrapper, what does iwconfig now say16:00
NicEXESlart: VBox can only attach them to a virtual pc16:00
misblayASULutzy, heathwork misunderstood i guess..16:00
misblayASULutzy, unfortunately nothing, this is my problem actually..16:00
piksiRawHeartless: kino & pitivi for simple stuff but for more serious blender16:00
ASULutzymisblay: install ndisgtk, then go to system -> administration -> windows wireless drivers, and point that app to your windows wireless driver (the .inf file) I believe16:00
SlartNicEXE: this looks promising.. if a bit hackish.. http://forums.virtualbox.org/viewtopic.php?t=5216:00
saeraASULutzy, all non important ones i have 75%ram running16:01
heath|workmisblay, http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b4316:01
=== PrivateVoid is now known as PV_Work
ASULutzysaera: Er, I don't really know what you consider unimportant :) what does free -m say16:01
heath|workthere is ubuntu instructions16:01
Slart!away > PV_Work16:01
ubottuPV_Work, please see my private message16:01
misblayASULutzy, i'll try it right now16:01
eaxHow do I reset a network interface?16:01
saeraASULutzy, all but i want a sytem at the end of it16:02
heath|workmisblay, actually ubuntu has it just run sudo /usr/share/b43-fwcutter/install_bcm43xx_firmware.sh16:02
Slarteax: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart will reset them all..16:02
chibacitybluesHi there! I want to start a 2nd X server. this works and I can ctrl+f8 to it. what doesn't work is starting xterm on that display - I always get 'client 1 rejected from local host'. any ideas?16:02
Slarteax: don't know if you can just reset one16:02
SmokeyDhey people. I am running ubuntu hardy server in a xen virtual machine. WHen I do the updates with aptitude, apt seg faults when it tries to setup module-init-tools16:02
SmokeyDany ideas?16:02
misblayheath|work, the guide i've followed by installing drivers, writer said since i'll use ndiswrapper, b43 can make problem, isnt it true?16:02
eaxSlart: Thanks :)16:02
Slarteax: you're welcome16:02
heath|workyeah if you are using ndiswrapper16:03
ASULutzysaera: None of those look unimportant really... I mean you could kill the ssh server and the antivirus stuff, but what does free -m say? Why are you trying to kill processes16:03
GneaSmokeyD: you might want to try #ubuntu-server16:03
heath|workjust modeprobe ndiswrapper  if you have already done the rest16:03
ubottuXEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen16:03
ASULutzyheath|work: I've already had him do that16:03
SmokeyDGnea: ok, thanks. Didn't know it existed :) sorry16:03
misblayheath|work, it doesnt work unfortunately..16:03
GneaSmokeyD: no problem :)16:03
misblayheath|work, the guide i've followed by installing drivers, writer said since i'll use ndiswrapper, b43 can make problem, isnt it true?16:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ufw16:04
saeraASULutzy, freeing up ram16:04
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).16:04
ASULutzymisblay: Yes, you ought to blacklist them16:04
ASULutzysaera: please do free -m in a terminal16:04
misblayASULutzy, i've done that too16:04
vigoUFW is IPtables like stuff, very strong16:04
misblayASULutzy, sudo rmmod b43 outputs that it doesnt exist..16:05
Thxpnp^Laptopvigo =) thx16:05
eaxSlart: It didn't work :/ The problem is that I used the terminal to try to connect to my network (it's wep and for some reason it won't connect) but now I can't even see other networks :S16:05
ZiberHow can I list all the things that an ip is listening for?16:05
saerahttp://pastebin.com/m3cd757dc ASULutzy16:05
eaxSlart: Nevermind, magically now it's working O_o WEP still doesn't work..16:05
misblayASULutzy, sudo rmmod b43 outputs that it doesnt exist..16:05
vigoThxpnp_^Laptop: My pleasure16:06
misblayASULutzy, if i try to load b43 and delete ndiswrapper, is it going to conflict?16:06
ASULutzyZiber: netstat -ta will show all listening tcp ports I think16:06
ASULutzymisblay: Yes16:07
misblayASULutzy, and what should i do then?16:07
heath|workmisblay, apt-get install b43-fwcutter16:07
heath|workmisblay, then just run sudo /usr/share/b43-fwcutter/install_bcm43xx_firmware.sh16:07
ZiberASULutzy: I want to list it seperately for different ips16:07
misblayheath|work, ASULutzy just confirmed that it will cause a conflict with ndiswrapper16:07
misblayheath|work, are you sure that it wont? cause i've read it somewhere..16:08
heath|workremove the ndiswrapper driver16:08
ZiberI want list all the ports that an ip is listening on, I mean.16:08
misblayheath|work, ah wait, somehow ndiswrapper showed up at lsmod :)16:08
misblayASULutzy, ndiswrapper showed up at lsmod, what should i do now?16:09
misblayASULutzy, actually it doesnt seemed working to me..16:09
hobbes006thanks to the guys who referred me to the fstab document. works great.16:09
Slarteax: I can't really say anything wise about wireless networks.. it's still voodoo to me16:09
misblayASULutzy, "ndiswrapper 196380 0" is output16:09
ASULutzymisblay: it showed up in lsmod because you loaded it with modprobe, if you don't want to use ndiswrapper and want to try b43, you can rmmod ndiswrapper and then load b43, if it was working before and now it isn't, I would consider basically doing it over, but this time use ndisgtk, it's generally less error prone since you just have to point it to the correct driver16:10
Ziberlsof -i -n -P -l | grep LISTEN | grep <ip> <-- that works.16:10
misblayASULutzy, i've tried so many times that it should show up till now..16:11
MOUDHey again16:11
dragon33greetings, i'm running v8.04 and would like to install a gui based ftp prgram.  iw ould appreciate any recommendations, thanks!16:11
chibacitybluesnobody running a 2nd X?16:11
=== _NeoBlaster is now known as NeoBlaster
SlartMOUD: gftp is nice16:11
jribchibacityblues: ask your question16:11
Slart!ftp | MOUD16:11
misblayASULutzy, and, though it has showed up, i still cant connect :/16:11
ubottuMOUD: FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd16:11
heath|workmisblay, did you edit your /etc/modules file16:12
misblayASULutzy, but iwconfig returns as it should :)16:12
MOUDWhere's the video card options file? I think it's the xorg.conf (/etc/X11)16:12
dragon33thanks guys16:12
misblayheath|work, should i? the guide didnt point it..16:12
SlartMOUD: basically anything you'll find in the Add/Remove section with a little ubuntu symbols on it is nice16:12
dragon33and gals! hehe16:12
heath|workthat's how ndiswrapper will load on reboots, but you should still be able to get it working otherwise16:12
ASULutzymisblay: Sorry what does iwconfig say?16:12
alex_sleiborgI have the same problem like this guy, anyone know how i can fix this? I really need to get OOO up and running today. https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-au/2008-December/004456.html16:13
toocoldhow can i make take the pages of one PDF file, and then make it so that there are 4 slides per page in the new PDF?16:13
ASULutzymisblay: And heath|work is right, you need to add /etc/modules if you want ndiswrapper to load up on boot16:13
misblayASULutzy, ah excuse me, it was ifconfig that has output16:13
misblayASULutzy, iwconfig still doesnt output anything :S16:14
chibacitybluesjrib: I'm able to start the 2nd instance, ctrl+f8 to it but I can't start a xterm on it - i always get ' X: client 1 rejected from local host' from X16:14
jribtoocold: maybe with pdftk.  I have no idea if it does that, but that would be the first place I would look16:14
=== alberto is now known as Guest33027
Hobbes`whats the best way to uninstall gnome and all dependencies ?16:14
RawHeartlessIs there in Ubuntu any software were you can capture what is going on in your screen while recording (ex. to make a video tutorial for The Gimp, recording all the steps you are doing)?16:14
jribchibacityblues: how are you doing those things?16:14
Hobbes`apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop doesn't work16:14
SlartMOUD: hmm.. they seem to have removed the little ubuntu symbol in Add/Remove.. nevermind that then16:14
misblayheath|work, i didnt care about ndiswrapper to load on boot, i just want it to get working and then i'll solve rest :/16:14
joejchow do i get virtual machine no my network?16:15
jrib!puregnome | Hobbes`16:15
ubottuHobbes`: If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 ; sudo apt-get remove kdelibs5 ; sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop »16:15
RawHeartlesshobbes try to install first other destkop suck K16:15
RawHeartlessthen apt-get16:15
jribwho was the genius who wrote that...16:15
jribHobbes`: one second16:15
Guest33027Does anybody know a reason why /etc/init.d may disappear???16:15
Slart!info gtk-recordmydesktop | RawHeartless16:15
ubottugtk-recordmydesktop (source: gtk-recordmydesktop): Graphical frontend for recordmydesktop. In component universe, is optional. Version (intrepid), package size 78 kB, installed size 564 kB16:15
kellojoecan somebody help with how to make ubuntu play vcd and vcd menu?16:15
misblayi'll try to use b43 drivers :S i think that will be the best..16:16
Hobbes`i don't have the disk space for a dist-upgrade.. so planning to get rid of gnome before the dist-upgrade16:16
ASULutzyGuest33027: Er, you mean there's nothing in /etc/init.d ?16:16
RawHeartlessthans slart16:16
Guest33027I have an installation of 8.04 server that is missing all of /etc/init.d16:16
j_bsdxinukellojoe, vlc16:16
ASULutzyGuest33027: accidental space or something while doing rm -rf on something is my guess :-/16:17
Guest33027It was working and I wanted to add a script16:17
vigoIf I wanted Irfanview32, an image viewer thing, how would or could I get it?16:17
jribHobbes`: wait.  Why are you running 'dist-upgrade'?16:17
Guest33027I went to look for the directory and nothing was there16:17
Slartvigo: is it available from the repos?16:17
Hobbes`jrib need to upgrade from gutsy ..16:17
eax_Hi :) I just put a 64 Bit 10 Hex Digit WEP key on my wireless network and now my other computer won't connect to it. It's running 8.10 while this computer (I'm typing on) is running 7.10. It works on this one but not on the new one? Both "dots" are green but it's still trying to connect. What do I do?16:18
vigoSlart: No16:18
Guest33027I really do not recall deleting it. Any other ideas ASULutzy?16:18
jribHobbes`: that's not the proper way to upgrade between ubuntu versions16:18
Hobbes`will be using the gui16:18
jrib!upgrade > Hobbes`16:18
ubottuHobbes`, please see my private message16:18
ASULutzyGuest33027: Heh, well someone running as root did?16:18
vigoSlart: It is a nice Open Source image tool thingy16:18
toocoldcan someone please help me print a pdf file, with 4 slides per page?16:18
scott-1987Boa tarde a todos16:18
stefanohow install cinelerra in ubuntu 8.10?16:18
Hobbes`but i want to get rid of gnome before i upgrade16:18
Slartvigo: yes, I've used it on windows.. never seen it in linux though16:18
Pici!br | scott-198716:19
ubottuscott-1987: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.16:19
jribHobbes`: you want a metapackage like ubuntu-desktop installed when you upgrade.  Do you have one other than ubuntu-desktop installed?16:19
ZenithDKwhat calibration tool is used for touchscreens in Ubuntu Mobile Edition?16:19
Slartvigo: the author recommends running it with wine or similar.. I think you'd be better off finding a native image viewer you like16:19
=== _ is now known as Guest18753
heath|workmisblay, why don't you just install the native stuff?16:19
Hobbes`jrib nope ... apt-get remove ubuntu-dekstop only remove a 40-50kb package16:19
chibacitybluesjrib: starting X:   X :1.0  and in another terminal  xterm -display :1.016:19
Guest33027The server has been running for months. We even updated from 7.10 with no problem16:19
Slartvigo: http://www.irfanview.com/faq.htm#Q4516:19
jribchibacityblues: never did it like that.  Is there a reason you aren't using 'startx'?16:20
Hobbes`and autoremove doesn't show any missing deps either16:20
jribHobbes`: that wasn't my question16:20
eax_Hi :) I just put a 64 Bit 10 Hex Digit WEP key on my wireless network and now my other computer won't connect to it. It's running 8.10 while this computer (I'm typing on) is running 7.10. It works on this one but not on the new one? Both "dots" are green but it's still trying to connect. What do I do?16:20
misblayheath|work, i've done that now, and iwconfig has a nice output now :)16:20
CheesyMcPuffscan i change my password?16:20
scott-1987Pici thank you!16:20
Hobbes`jrib it's a standard ubuntu install16:20
chibacitybluesjrib: nope, just wanted to keep it simple ;) sec, i try16:20
ASULutzyGuest33027: Well, there's no reason /etc/init.d/ would just disappear because it felt like it that I can think of ;)16:20
misblayheath|work, but it doesnt seem to be able to connect network :S16:20
misblayiwlist doesnt fine anything :S16:21
unavailable!bestbot > unavailable16:21
vigoSlart: Hrmmm,,a new challenge then?16:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bestbot16:21
Hobbes`i don't use gnome though16:21
jribchibacityblues: startx -- :1      iirc16:21
Guest33027Any way I could reinstall it without reinstalling the whole system?16:21
jribHobbes`: I bet upgrade-manager will install ubuntu-desktop anyway, but https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE.   How much space do you need?16:22
Hobbes`I have about 300megs16:22
heath|workmisblay, so you have install the b43 stuff?16:22
jribHobbes`: how much does it say you need?16:22
misblayheath|work, yes16:22
Hobbes`no idea .. letm e check16:22
unavailableWhat happened to BestBot16:22
Neremori've a question16:23
Guest33027init.d needs to be there right? There is no other boot service system control that does not use it?16:23
vigoGuest33027: That is what backups are for,,and I still have not backed this one up,,no CD-RWs or something goofy with my CD-Rom16:23
misblayheath|work, what to do now?16:23
unavailable!ask | Neremor16:23
ubottuNeremor: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:23
Neremorwhich device in /dev/input/... is processing the keyboard-entrys?16:23
=== CheesyMcPuffs is now known as CheesyPuffs
unavailablenickrud: what happened to bestbot?16:23
nickrudunavailable, not sure. You could try asking in -bots (if no one's there, try -ops)16:24
ohzieNeremor, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=301244 is all I can find on that.16:24
misblayheath|work, what to do now?16:24
chibacitybluesjrib: thanks, it works. mit-magic-cookie stuff i suppose. now i only need to get it to start fluxbox instead of gnome on the 2nd instance.16:25
Guest33027vigo: I know. I'm trying to avoid sorting out a messy collection of old back ups that may end up being useless anyhow16:25
vigoCan I get World Wind from NASA for this WUBI 8.10 system?16:25
jribchibacityblues: fluxbox wiki should tell you what to put in your ~/.xinitrc16:25
misblayheath|work, what to do now?16:25
eHi, did anyone try Ubintu minimal install, is it worth to bother ?16:25
misblayASULutzy, i've installed b43 drivers, but iwlist doesnt find anything, what to do now?16:26
Guest33027I would not mind end up with default script (which is what I had).16:26
Hobbes`misblay did you install the firmware too ?16:26
Neremorno that didn't help sorry16:26
misblayHobbes', firmware? just apt-get install fwcutter, isnt it enough?16:27
scott-1987Hello little girls16:27
Hobbes`nope you need to get the firmware and run fwcutter to extract it16:27
chibacitybluesjrib: yep, that won't be a big problem. I want to access this 2nd X via nxfree. vnc is so sluggish.16:27
heath|workmisblay, did you run sudo /usr/share/b43-fwcutter/install_bcm43xx_firmware.sh16:27
raziusdid anybody here managed to put a ralink rt61 wireless card into master mode?16:28
misblayheath|work, but it doesnt seem to be able to connect network :16:28
misblaysorry wrong message :/16:28
vigoGuest33027: That is a kinda backup, I like to backup rb. stuff and other neato stuff that doesn't come with the install16:28
Slartcan someone try if ubottu answers to !info commands in pm? He used to do that before but not today.. just wonder if it's just me he hates16:29
misblayheath|work, there isnt a directory such as b43-fwcutter in usr/share ?16:29
mkere, obviously that depends on what you want.16:29
ppqhello! iv'e got a kernel problem with ubuntu hardy heron. i built a 2.6.28 vanilla kernel yesterday to test ext4. it didn't work that good with the binary nvidia drivers so i removed the generated 2.6.28 kernel .deb package and manually modified my /boot/grub/menu.lst to boot the 2.6.24-22 thing from the official ubuntu repos, which i installed after apt-get remov'ing the 2.6.28. it works well, but when i started update-manager to install an update, it told16:29
ppqme to run this command: http://paste.ubuntu.com/101728/ .. the output doesn't look like it's all good now. what can i do to fix that?16:29
wolandhi. whats the command name to launch the screen resolution gui?16:29
heath|workmisblay, did you apt-get install b43-fwcutter16:29
jribSlart: he answers me, but only if I omit the initial !16:29
happymcplaksinDoes anybody else have the modifier key problem when using two keyboards as described here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/292727/ ?16:29
happymcplaksinI've tried the workaround but either I did it wrong or it doesn't work for me16:30
JoostooHay peepz :D16:30
misblayheath|work, since i cant connect internet, i've downloaded .deb package from packages.ubuntu.org16:30
Slartjrib: ahh.. well.. I guess you could call that a feature =) thanks16:30
heath|workmisblay, and installed correct?16:30
misblayheath|work, of course..16:30
silv3r_m00nhi there16:31
misblaybtw, b43 is still blacklisted, is it a problem though i've run modprobe b4316:31
silv3r_m00nwhere can i see the contents of sudoers file of ubuntu 8.04 after a fresh installation16:31
Guest33027vigo: As for as you know all possible configurations use init.d right? I just do not know if it was there when the server was first installed16:31
sudobashI can only be on internet for 5 seconds literally.... Please email solution to sudobashx@gmail.com: http://pastebin.com/f7cd4ea7316:31
misblayheath|work, any suggestions on how to make a succesful network scan?16:32
NillerzHello everyone. I have a slight problem. I used ndiswrapper to install windows drivers for a realtek 8187se wifi radio chipset and even though it apparently worked according to ndiswrapper, I cannot detect the device in a network manager16:33
toaderHi, in Ubuntu how to crack wireless connection?16:33
SmokeyDhow do I get the info for xen from the bot?16:33
misblayheath|work, any suggestions on how to make a succesful network scan?16:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about zen16:33
ubottuXEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen16:34
SmokeyDfinally. sorry for the spam16:34
NillerzHello everyone. I have a slight problem. I used ndiswrapper to install windows drivers for a realtek 8187se wifi radio chipset and even though it apparently worked according to ndiswrapper, I cannot detect the device in a network manager16:34
ASULutzy!repeat | Nillerz16:34
ubottuNillerz: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience16:34
vigoGuest33027: I would have to research that, as I am disabled it takes me time to readjust to stuff I have been away from for a while.16:34
Slarttoader: not discussed here.. see !piracy and I guess !coc for more info16:34
wolandwould someone mind running the screen resolution tool and letting me know what the actual process cmd is?16:34
misblayheath|work, i've re-installed fwcutter but it didnt solve :S16:35
Slartwoland: toader: not discussed here.. see !piracy and I guess !coc for more info16:35
Slartwould someone mind running the screen resolution tool and letting me know what the actual process cmd is?16:35
Slartwoland: gnome-display-properties16:35
misblayASULutzy, do you have any idea about how to use b43 drivers properly?16:35
ASULutzymisblay: No, I used to use ndiswrapper for my Broadcom card, but then since Intrepid I can just use the proprietary drivers16:36
vigoThis text is too tiny! I try to fix and be back16:36
Guest33027vigo: I'll keep researching. Problem is I do not know if it was there to start with, but then again why cause problems know unless it has to do with an update.16:36
misblayASULutzy, and fwcutter is the proprietary driver :)16:36
wolandSlart: i'm guessing your first comment to me was a mistake :o16:36
heath|workmisblay, it will not work if it is not connected to the internet16:36
heath|workfwcutter will download and load the drivers for you16:37
Slartwoland: indeed.. copy pasting can be soooo hard sometimes =)16:37
heath|workcan you not plug it in somewhere and get it working?16:37
wolandSlart: tab complete ;)16:37
misblayheath|work, i've downloaded .deb package and you say that it wont work? it didnt require internet connection by the time it has been installed16:37
ASULutzymisblay: I use the Broadcom STA driver16:37
Guest33027vigo, ASULutzy, Thank you for your time.16:38
Meystrokann mir mal jemand um mein kleines problemchen helfen? ^^16:38
heath|workmisblay, I have the same card and just redid it16:39
Nillerzhttp://www.nillerz.net/pastebin.php?show=m3839d139 As you can see by line 26, the device is there but not working. :c16:39
ScottG489I get flickering whenever I play video in ubuntu 8.1016:39
Slart!de | Meystro16:39
ubottuMeystro: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.16:39
ASULutzyScottG489: Using an ati card?16:39
=== edmarlima is now known as edyBUNTU
dundelllli'm using ubuntu 7.04, when i do aan apt-get update, ubuntu can't find the package.gz16:40
silv3r_m00nhi there16:41
silv3r_m00nhow can i switch back fro kdm to gdm16:41
=== alberto is now known as Guest86428
Meystroich skype mitnem kumpel gerade und komischerweiße hör ik aus den lautsprecher und über meine kopfhörer seine stimme wie kann ik es einstellen das es nur über kopfhörer geht?16:41
ubottuUbuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) was the sixth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 19th, 2008. See !eol for more details.16:41
Pici!de | Meystro16:41
ubottuMeystro: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.16:41
TwoEqualsTensudo apt-get install --reinstall gdm should work16:41
=== fysaen is now known as Guest59208
ScottG489ASULutzy: Yes I am.16:41
Slartdundellll: read ubottu's line above.. 7.04 support ended October 2008.. so the repos have closed16:41
dundellllohww oke16:42
silv3r_m00nTwoEqualsTen: there is something better16:42
ASULutzyScottG489: Also using compiz?16:42
Slartdundellll: I think there is a repos for all the "dead" releases.. something like old-releases.ubuntu.com.. can't really remember16:42
ScottG489ASULutzy: 256MB ATI Mobility Radeon HD 345016:42
ScottG489ASULutzy: And yes I use compiz.16:42
silv3r_m00nTwoEqualsTen: and that is sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm16:43
TwoEqualsTensilv3r_m00n, ah, that's it16:43
cristii am having some trouble with eclipse, some java library seems to be the problem, can someone help me out? I have some error outputs almost ready16:43
MeystroKann mir einer sagen wieso ich mein kumpel über lautsprecher und über Kopfhörer gleichzeitg höre und wie ich das ändern kann?16:43
=== fysaen_ is now known as fysaen
dundellllslart: thx i'm going the check that out16:43
ASULutzyScottG489: Yea... The solution I use, is to install compizconfig-settings-manager, then go to system -> preferences ->CompizConfig Settings Manager and under general, check the box for unredirect full screen windows. That'll fix the problem of flickering with video and 3d while full screen16:43
Seveas!de | Meystro16:44
ubottuMeystro: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.16:44
ASULutzyScottG489: If you want to stop non-full screen video from flickering, I think you can do it by forcing a certain video mode for playback... I think I always did mplayer -vo xv (but I honestly haven't watched video on  my desktop which has an ATI card in a while)16:44
Brolyproblem - error in locking authority file /home/user/.Xauthrity... also says no valid font path when trying 'startx' any suggestions?16:44
darksyst3my a til des francais ici ?16:44
tyta_linuxConnection refused from 'www.google.com'  why?16:45
Slart!fr | darkham16:45
ubottudarkham: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr16:45
Slart!fr | darksyst3m16:45
ubottudarksyst3m: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr16:45
Slartsorry darkham16:45
tyta_linuxpidgin wont connect to google talk contacts16:45
cristii am having this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/101738/ when i try using the eclipse help, i also have other problems related to eclipse. can anyone help me ?16:45
ScottG489ASULutzy: Well its really any sort of video. Like Google Earth flickers16:45
ASULutzyScottG489: Yea, fglrx + compiz is fun stuff16:45
ScottG489ASULutzy: whats fglrx?16:46
ASULutzyScottG489: Let me see if I have anything special in my xorg.conf on my desktop. But definitely unredirect full screen windows like I mentioned. Fglrx is the proprietary ati driver for Linux16:46
Brolyproblem - error in locking authority file /home/user/.Xauthrity... also says no valid font path when trying 'startx' any suggestions?16:46
ScottG489ASULutzy: What exactly does that setting do for compiz?16:46
DigitalFizScottG489, its the driver for ati crap16:46
tyta_linuxwhy is the connection to google refused in ubuntu?16:47
ASULutzyScottG489: Here's my xorg.conf on my desktop, I'm thinking that the videooverlay option might have been important ;) http://paste.ubuntu.com/101740/16:47
Brolyanyone know a good text web browser to use from terminal16:48
Brolythats available froma apt-get16:48
hareldvdq1: what does it take to have php+postgres+apache packages running?16:48
SeveasBroly, lynx or w3m16:48
ASULutzyScottG489: It makes full screen stuff not get directed to compiz, which will stop full screen games/videos/etc from flickering, but I would also try adding that option "VideoOverlay" in your xorg.conf, I'm guessing I added that for a reason ;)16:48
Meystrohier ^ ^16:48
SlimeyPeteBroly: links (install the links-ssl package)16:48
SlimeyPeteBroly: another good one is lynx16:48
vigoMuch betterest16:48
cristii am having this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/101738/ when i try using the eclipse help, i also have other problems related to eclipse (if i save any file i get the GC Warning: Out of Memory!  Returning NIL!  error). can anyone help me ?16:48
Brolyim going to install that and try to find something abotu that error16:49
Brolyi can't startx16:49
Qshellis there a german chan here?16:49
PiciQshell: #ubuntu-de16:49
SeveasBroly, heh, then a text-based browser helps :)16:49
vigolynx ROCKS16:49
Brolyoh another question does anyone know if its possible once i startx, if i can partition my drive to install gentoo then remove the ubuntu partition and add the space to the gentoo root partition?16:50
* heath|work agrees with vigo16:50
ASULutzycristi: I would use sun's java jre16:50
mishaHiya folks. I'm running a dual boot system on my computer - Ubuntu (Ibex) and Windows XP. I'd like to share the information (everything from bookmarks to settings and master passwords) between both my Firefox-installations. There is a shared hard drive on which the info could be placed. Is this arrangement possible, and i, how should I proceed16:50
omnydevibroly - i believe it is, but how to i have no idea16:50
ScottG489ASULutzy: lol its so funny that you said that cuz i was reading over the xorg and VideoOverlay was the one thing that jumped out at me even though i dont get what it means lol16:50
Brolyill do some research, thanks guys ill be back once i can get in x16:51
tyta_linuxwhy does google refuse connections only on ubuntu?16:51
juandy2ksomebody from grand rapids?16:51
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:51
destroysoundthe game16:51
ASULutzyScottG489: Yea, like I said, after a massive amount of fiddling, I was finally able to get my graphics card to work perfectly with Linux, but then I sort of turned my desktop into almost a headless server, so it was kind of pointless. But hopefully that works for you!16:51
cristiASULutzy: can i find that in the package manager?16:51
ELJusticeirogalera alguém ai tem algum conhecimento em snort ??16:51
Meystrowo finde ich Pulse?16:51
ASULutzy!de | Meystro16:52
ubottuMeystro: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.16:52
ScottG489ASULutzy: lol what do you mean you turned it into a headless server?16:52
=== Guest27182 is now known as Styles
ASULutzyScottG489: I pretty much only use my desktop as a file server, ssh to it, do everything through a terminal, I don't actually sit down in front of the monitor very much16:52
=== Styles is now known as Guest6249
ASULutzycristi: Yes, it's um... sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre16:53
cristiASULutzy: i have it installed sun-java-jre version 6-07-3ubuntu216:53
mishaAlso: As I said, I'm running Ubuntu (Ibex) and recently installed Compiz. Works fine, except that I can't change the background images on the Cube Caps. My graphics card is a Nvidia, if it matters anyhow.16:53
cristiASULutzy: i'll try reinstall though16:53
ASULutzycristi: Eclipse is using gcj and not sun's java though... You need to update alternatives... Let me see if I can find something16:53
ScottG489ASULutzy: aw thats no fun!16:53
Isvaraheath|work: Trying the alternative CD now. There were some errors on sr0, but it's in the installer now.16:54
Serachtanyone know any good widget applications for ubuntu16:54
ScottG489ASULutzy: i also noticed I have a subsection in my "Screen" section called ""SubSection "Display""16:54
cristiASULutzy: bless you for helping :D16:54
heath|workIsvara, word16:54
ScottG489ASULutzy: It actually caused me problems with making my login screen go far to the right. im thinking I could just get rid of it. It just has my resolution16:54
pbeesleySeracht: gDesklets maybe - http://www.gdesklets.de/16:54
ASULutzycristi: try sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun16:55
Isvaraheath|work: Would sr0 be the internal SATA CD drive, or the external USB one?16:55
toxicvomithow do i make the taskbar transperent16:55
IsvaraI don't think I've ever actually used SATA in Linux before.16:55
cristiASULutzy: do you want the output?16:55
ScottG489ASULutzy: your sections are a different order too lol. its so much different, strange16:55
SmokeyDhey people. should I run my iptables script pre-up or post-up in network/inerfaces (not using network manager)16:56
bastid_raZortoxicvomit; right click it then properties> background select solid color and adjust style slider16:56
rmrfslashHow can I enable PAE on Ubuntu 8.10?16:56
heath|workIsvara, probably the external16:56
ASULutzyScottG489: Yea, the only things of real interest are the VideoOverlay section and the loading of the glx module, I added those to fix problems I was having, not sure if they'll work for you or not, but you can always backup xorg.conf and give it a whirl16:56
ASULutzycristi: Sure? use a pastebin though16:56
tbicmy laptop freezes if I don't press a key on the keyboard or move the mouse, does any one have any ideas?16:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about PAE16:57
cristiASULutzy: http://paste.ubuntu.com/101750/16:57
rmrfslashI have a machine w/ 8 GB memory16:57
rmrfslashbut I need 32-bit ubuntu16:57
ASULutzycristi: Does eclipse still freak out when you try and run it?16:57
ScottG489How do I make a quick backup of a file?16:57
rmrfslashso, the next best thins is to enable physical address expansion16:58
jribScottG489: cp?16:58
rmrfslashaka PAE16:58
bastid_raZorScottG489; cp file newfilename16:58
rmrfslashbut this is a kernel option16:58
jribrmrfslash: desktop or server?16:58
afh|workhey.. does the wicd support the b43 driver?16:58
rmrfslashnot sure why this isn't a default16:58
rmrfslashor, on by default16:58
ScottG489bastid_raZor: yea that works16:58
cristiASULutzy: seems not! when i was saving a file it was usually running the cpu at 60% and then quit with the out of memory error, not it seems just fine.16:58
jribrmrfslash: it's default on the server kernel16:58
cristiASULutzy: thank you! :D16:58
vigoScott489: get HUBackup from Synaptic16:58
rmrfslashbut I'm not running the server kernel16:58
rmrfslashany way to enable this on the desktop version16:58
ASULutzycristi: Heh, $WORK pays me to know Java, among other things, so yea, I had to go through the same things. Glad I could help!16:59
jribrmrfslash: you probably need to rebuild the kernel16:59
ASULutzyrmrfslash: Why do you need 32 bit?16:59
NillerzHow do you make a network manager recognize a wireless chip?16:59
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rmrfslashI actually need the java plugin for mozilla which is ridiculously broken on 64-bit linux when you try to run 32-bit mozilla17:00
rmrfslashso the short trm solution (at the time) was to just use 32 bit ubuntu17:00
rmrfslasha mistake, in my opinion17:01
rmrfslashbut wasn't my decision17:01
Isvaraheath|work: Seems to be going okay now. It detected my NIC, which Debian wouldn't do (even when I told it what it was). So perhaps it was a video thing.17:01
hareldvdq2: (q1 was not answered) How to install skype? (downloaded skype-debian_2.0.0.72-1_i386.deb)??17:01
rmrfslashSo basically, there's no easy way to enable PAE on ubuntu after-the-fact17:02
ScottG489Whats a good command line program for comparing files?17:02
rmrfslashor even during initial installation for that matter17:02
heath|workIsvara, I think so... If you have no video on reboot install envyng and get the newest drivers17:02
rmrfslashScott... diff17:02
ASULutzyScottG489: diff or md5sum17:02
ASULutzyScottG489: depending on what you mean by comparing17:03
rmrfslashmd5sum won't compare files will it?17:03
rmrfslashjust gives you the hash, yes?17:03
ScottG489ASULutzy: Pretty much just straight text. So I don't think I need a checksum17:03
rmrfslashwhich I guess you could compare two hashes17:03
NillerzIf I run lpci I can see my wireless chip on the motherboard but it does not recognize it in any networking managers I use. I cannot connect with the terminal either17:03
rmrfslashbut that'll only tell you if they're "different"17:04
rmrfslashnot what is different17:04
NillerzAny help? Anyone want to at least like, pretend or something?17:04
vigoWho asked about Skype?17:04
ASULutzyrmrfslash: Right, which is why I said depending on what you mean by comparing ;), if you just want to check if they're different, md5sum is the way to go, if you actually want to do line by line comparisons, diff17:04
Isvaraheath|work: Corrupted debs, though :-( I think today is conspiring against me.17:04
hareldvdq3: (1 and 2: no answer) how to create execution desktop icons?17:04
heath|workIsvara, maybe the cd drive is bad17:05
heath|workor you real pissed somebody off17:05
heath|workreal =>really17:05
IsvaraI'll burn another one more slowly and try it from the external CD drive.17:06
xragex347I have a question about ubuntu. I'm installing it on an alternative computer. This computer (Main Computer) is running Windows Vista. I was wondering if it is possible to bridge (share) internet connections. PC1[Win]<----|ethernet|---->[Ubuntu]PC217:06
rmrfslashnillerz, just enable ssh and give me your root uname/passwd17:06
vigohttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype  <<<for whomever asked about Skype17:06
rmrfslashI'll log in and take a peek ;)17:06
the_gamerhi folks17:06
c4g0tch4hey guys, i got a problem. i have installed ubuntu on my laptop and configured wlan with madwifi and wpa_supplicant. now the first problem is, wenn i connect to the wlan, it disconnects me every 2-3 minutes, and then i have to run dhclient and it's working for the next 2-3 minutes. the second problem is, that i can't connect to invisible wlan with wpa_supplicant17:06
Polysicshi all17:06
c4g0tch4can anyone help me?17:07
Polysicsis the "stock" ffmpeg good enough for doing some conversions from avi/others to flv?17:07
Polysicsvideos convert fine but without sound17:07
mishaAlso: As I said, I'm running Ubuntu (Ibex) and recently installed Compiz. Works fine, except that I can't change the background images on the Cube Caps. My graphics card is a Nvidia, if it matters anyhow. Is this a common enough problem?17:07
ScottG489ASULutzy: Will I need to restart anything after I edit the xorg.conf file17:07
rmrfslashCompiz.... yuck.17:07
ASULutzyPolysics: ffmpeg can do it just fine, what command are you using to convert17:07
DaHopihello, i have rouble with installing 8.10 X86_64: cd stops booting by loading "powernowd". ...17:08
omnydevimisha - i cant change the top/bottom images, but background, just change the background17:08
rmrfslashScott, yeah.... kwm or gdm17:08
xragex347Hmmm. Do I have to wait still? Curious.17:08
ASULutzyScottG489: You shouldn't have to do a full restart, just restart X17:08
bastid_raZormisha; #compiz-fuzsion may be a good place to ask too.17:08
PolysicsASULutzy, ffmpeg  -i fnf.avi -ar 22050 -ab 32 -f flv -s 320x240  dest/fnf.flv17:08
ASULutzyScottG489: ctrl+alt+backspace (I think restarting X is enough)17:08
the_gameri'm trying to get my logitech chillstream controller to work. i did: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Joystick_lshal_outputs_done17:08
rmrfslashright, log out login17:08
c4g0tch4no one here who can help me?17:08
Otacon22i have all lights of the keyboard locked and i can't use the control and alt and the uppercase button17:08
Otacon22what can i do'17:08
rmrfslashwill dot he trick17:08
the_gamerthis only gets one stick and one button to work17:09
xragex347Is it possible to bridge(share) connections with a PC running Ubuntu and a PC running Vista?17:09
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Gnea!patience | c4g0tch417:09
ubottuc4g0tch4: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines17:09
mishabastid_razor: Cheers, I'lll go there!17:09
ScottG489ASULutzy: ok, is that a safe way of restarting X? ctrl + alt + backspace always seemed kinda forcefull17:09
omnydevixrag - using vmware, yes17:09
xragex347I have 2 towers, one is running vista, the other ubuntu.17:09
c4g0tch4ubottu: ok, I'm sorry17:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ok, I'm sorry17:09
DaHopiagain: is there a possibility to boot 8.10 x86_64 live cd without powernowd?17:09
the_gamerhow to get more than that to work?17:09
xragex347How would I get them to share internet.17:09
mishaomnydevi: That's what I think I'm doing, but to no avail...17:09
omnydevixrag - with a router?17:10
the_gameri'm trying http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=428469 but it won't compile17:10
xragex347It's currently a wireless connection17:10
ASULutzyPolysics: Does ffmpeg give any useful output? I remember when I was converting .avi's to flash for streaming over webserver, flash was very picky about lots of things like its audio bitrate and some other things17:10
Polysicsi suspect i am missing some audio options in the above but i am stunbling as to which :-)17:10
misharmrfslash: Yeah, eyecandy for teens - but hell, it's fun to play around with ;)17:10
xragex347It use to work just fine with they both ran windows.17:10
Gneac4g0tch4: did you follow some sort of guide to get wireless to work?17:10
omnydevixrag - is ubuntu seeing the wireless driver?17:10
PolysicsASULutzy, apparently, ffmpeg detects two streams but only writes out 117:10
MOUD_Where can I download the nvidia geforce 8700m GT for ubuntu 64-bit? There's no driver on nvidia.com17:10
Polysicsthe video stream17:10
xragex347Windows is using the wireless drive.17:10
rmrfslashmisha I used it for a while.... Java is not a fan of Compiz17:10
omnydevimisha - did you reload the windoe manager?17:10
xragex347I just want to know if it's possible, I'm not having any troubles with it yet.17:10
c4g0tch4gnea: yes, I've tried several guides and methodes, and also google is empty :P17:11
tyta_linuxwhy does google refuse connections only on ubuntu?17:11
omnydevii just use compiz for my vm's mostly, easier to just flip a screen than to mess with minimizing and maxamizing17:11
ASULutzytyta_linux: can you ping www.google.com17:11
rmrfslashtyta, that makes no sense17:11
GneaMOUD_: from the repository. it's not a good thing to install from nvidia.com anyway - you'll want the 177 driver17:11
tyta_linuxmail.google.com connection refused17:11
Gneac4g0tch4: which guides?17:11
heath|workxragex347, what are you trying to do?17:11
tyta_linuxthe rest of the web allowed17:11
rmrfslashnot me17:12
omnydevityta - erm, try www.gmail.com?17:12
xragex347I'm installing ubuntu on a secondary PC17:12
PolysicsASULutzy, ffmpeg reports as being compiled with: --enable-gpl --enable-pp --enable-swscaler --enable-pthreads --enable-libvorbis --enable-libtheora --enable-libogg --enable-libgsm --enable-dc1394 --disable-debug --enable-shared --prefix=/usr17:12
tyta_linuxomny - gmail.com refused17:12
wesley__how can i convert ext3 to ext417:12
xragex347I want to bridge my wireless connection from my Main PC (Vista) and my second PC (Ubuntu)17:12
mishaomnydevi: Hmm...not sure...how would I do that?17:12
omnydevityta - strange, i get there just fine on my ubuntu machine at home17:12
ASULutzytyta_linux: can you https: to anything?17:12
rmrfslashmail.google.com is an alias.... should work17:12
engemeci'm using thunderbird with 3 e-mails accounts17:12
Gneawesley__: ext4 is not officially supported yet, it's still in development17:12
Otacon22what is this error in dmesg'17:13
engemeceverything is allright17:13
rmrfslashtyta, what are you using17:13
omnydevimisha  - in the upper right corner, scratch that, I will let ASUL help, he is smart and i am on vista at work, so i cant walk through accurately17:13
Otacon22[238558.647308] atkbd.c: Unknown key pressed (translated set 2, code 0xda on isa0060/serio0).17:13
Otacon22[238558.647315] atkbd.c: Use 'setkeycodes e05a <keycode>' to make it known.17:13
wesley__i readed it was out of development17:13
tyta_linuxall browsers17:13
tyta_linuxits like ive been banned17:13
DaHopiinstallation of ubuntu 8.10 on Athlon64 not possible????17:13
ikoniaOtacon22: it means it doesn't know what to do with the key you presed17:13
misharmrfslash: OK, good to know what to pinpoint if Java starts behaving strangely. But I don't think I'll be entertained by Compiz for very long.17:13
ikoniaDaHopi: yes it is17:13
tyta_linuxbut the other computers allow me17:13
Gneawesley__: where?17:13
omnydeviDaHopi - is possible, you need a 64 bit version of the install though17:13
Otacon22ikonia, now control and alt are disabled17:13
misblayi'm having trouble with my bcm43xx drivers, anyone to help?17:13
rmrfslashtelnet mail.google.com 8017:13
Otacon22i can't put letters in uppercase17:13
rmrfslashGET \17:13
Otacon22and do control+c17:13
xragex347If it's possible, then how would I do it?17:13
xragex347Using bridge-utils?17:13
wesley__Gnea on internet, there stands that ext4 has reached stable17:13
misblayi'm having trouble with my bcm43xx drivers, anyone to help?17:13
ikoniarmrfslash: why would a mail server be listening on port 80 ?17:13
ASULutzytyta_linux: use a terminal and either do what rmrfslash said, or simply ping mail.google.com17:14
Gneawesley__: and so, do you have a URL for this?17:14
misblayi'm having trouble with my bcm43xx drivers, anyone to help?17:14
engemecwhat odo u want to do with mail.google.com17:14
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ikoniaOtacon22: sounds like your keyboard setup is messed up17:14
mishaomnydevi: Is cool, I suppose restarting the whole shebang would do the trick...!17:14
rmrfslashit's only the login page17:14
DaHopiomnidevi: but powernowd fails, live cd will not boot...17:14
engemecit's only login page17:14
misblayASULutzy, i've run install_bcm43xx_firmware.sh but still cant have connection :/17:14
ikoniaDaHopi: what is the exact error ?17:14
omnydevimisha - maybe, i dont have a wireless card, so i can be of little help. sounds like that is what is going on though.17:14
PolysicsASULutzy, might it have something to do with the fact that stock ffmpeg on 8.04 is apparently compiled without liblamemp3?17:14
the_gamerdoes anybody know how to get this chillstream controller from logitech to work?17:14
tyta_linuxdestination port unreachable at mail.google.com17:14
ASULutzyPolysics: Oh...17:14
rmrfslashyeah, you got probs17:15
wesley__Gnea http://kerneltrap.org/node/677617:15
xragex347What would I use to bridge the connections?17:15
gastoI have same issue of Nvidia Geforce 6200 not being able to install the drivers17:15
engemecyta_linux hi!17:15
DaHopiikonia: first it gives me a kernel oops with cpufreq, then booting stops at "starting powernowd...."17:15
misblayi'm having trouble with my bcm43xx drivers, anyone to help?17:15
misblayASULutzy, i've run install_bcm43xx_firmware.sh but still cant have connection :/17:15
gastoposted like 100000 posts on Ubuntuforums.org17:15
gastono response yeyt17:15
ASULutzyPolysics: Yea... Now I can't remember what exactly I did if anything to get it to be nicer... Maybe added medibuntu repositories and installed some stuff from there17:15
gastoso I feel like sit17:15
engemecwhat do you want o do?17:15
ikoniaDaHopi: and this is not in a virtuam machine, this is on native hardware ?17:15
omnydevigasto - did you install envyng?17:15
ScottG489Is t here a way I can have my computer remember what programs are open when I logout or restart X and then reopen them when I log back in?17:15
gastoI want to know how to get my Ubuntu working with Nvidia graphics,17:15
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tyta_linuxso what do i need to try?17:15
tyta_linuxis it an ubuntu prob?17:16
misblayASULutzy, i've run install_bcm43xx_firmware.sh but still cant have connection :/17:16
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misblayi'm having trouble with my bcm43xx drivers, anyone to help?17:16
wesley__So how can i convert ext3 to ext417:16
DaHopiikonia: yepp, its on native Athlon64 3000+, 1 GB RAM17:16
gastoand want to know how to diagnose or get the file log of what is going on with the video17:16
jribScottG489: yes, but that's broken in GNOME on 8.10.  You can try hibernating instead though17:16
ASULutzyScottG489: Yes, go to System -> preferences -> sessions and then options17:16
Polysicsi would reallly like to avoid recompiling ffmpeg as it is a chore :-) can't anyone give me a good repository for that, please?17:16
omnydevigasto - did you install envyng ?17:16
ikoniaDaHopi: shouldn't be a problem at all, I've got it on multiple athlons17:16
[eXception]how do I foreward an incommin shh-tunnel-connection?17:16
rmrfslashI wouldn't suspect ubuntu as much as I would some configuration17:16
ASULutzyPolysics: I definitely never recompiled ffmpeg17:16
ScottG489ASULutzy: jrib says it. It isnt broken. I've had that checked forever but it doesnt save.17:16
rmrfslashr u using a proxy?17:16
rmrfslashr u just at home17:17
ScottG489ASULutzy: it is*17:17
ASULutzyPolysics: I did add medibuntu repository though... One sec, let's see if the bot can help17:17
engemecglxinfo (direct render = yes, so..... your driver is working correctly)17:17
tyta_linuxi can access via proxy though17:17
ASULutzy!mp3 | Polysics17:17
ubottuPolysics: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats17:17
tyta_linuxyes home17:17
rmrfslashso using a proxy you can access it17:17
DaHopiikonia: ok.. mmh is there a possibility to disable powernowd on livecd startup?17:17
Gneawesley__: you mis-read it, that article is from 2006 and it says nothing about ext4 being ready.17:17
ikoniaDaHopi: I'm just looking for that option to be honest.....17:17
ASULutzyand misblay I don't really know17:17
tyta_linuxfirefox, epiphany, Abrowser = no work17:17
wesley__Gnea i read a dutch articele about ext4 being stable17:18
ikoniaDaHopi: off the top of my head, I don't know, I've never had to17:18
tyta_linuxbut the rest of the web is accessible17:18
Gneawesley__: liar.17:18
ASULutzytyta_linux: So you can't even ping mail.google.com ?17:18
wesley__Gnea its true on tweaker.nl17:18
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ASULutzyGnea, wesley__: It is stable under the newest kernel.17:18
engemecoh may GOd17:18
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ikoniawesley__: look - ext4 is not yet stable and not in the kernel and has nothing to do with ubuntu - so lets more on please17:19
rmrfslashno firewalls?17:19
gastoOmnydevi, I installed envy and gave me same results as attempt of direct install of Nvidia drivers17:19
wesley__ASULutzy i have that kernel and wanna convert ext3 to ext417:19
gastocould it be because I did nothing about the previously installed drivers from Nvidia?17:19
PolysicsASULutzy, i'm starting with installing the ubuntu-restricted-extras package17:19
rmrfslashblocking port 44317:19
DaHopiikonia: however.. thanks..17:19
lvrwhat was the command line way of finding out whether a package is installed on your system or not? can't remember it.17:20
omnydevigasto - you installed envy or envyng?17:20
gastoI think17:20
omnydevigasto - yes it could17:20
bastid_raZorlvr; apt-cache policy packagename17:20
gastoone is for gui, other is core right?17:20
tyta_linuxrmr, no firewalls17:20
ikonialvr: open synaptic and search for the package name17:20
ASULutzywesley__: http://ext4.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Ext4_Howto there's this, but I would say as far as Ubuntu is concerned, ext4 is definitely not offcially supported until Jaunty, so #ubuntu won't be much help17:20
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tyta_linuxinstalled ipblock last night, but its not even running17:20
ASULutzywesley__: There's always #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu+117:20
omnydevigasto - install envyng, then from terminal run envyng -t, then 0 to uninstall, then when it comes back up, use envyng -t then 1 to install then reboot17:21
omnydevigasto - after the uninstall, reboot the machine17:21
lvrbastid_raZor: thank you17:21
gastoomnydevi, OK I will update when that happens17:21
usr13lvr: ls /var/lib/dpkg/info/package-name...17:21
ikoniaDaHopi: I can't see a kernel option for it at all,17:21
ASULutzywesley__: 2.6.28 is not part of Intrepid yet, so not really supported, again try #ubuntu+1 or #ubuntu-offtopic17:21
rmrfslashyou sure it's not running?17:21
rmrfslashi.e. you don't have iptables rules17:21
ikoniawesley__: it's not supported at all17:21
Gneawesley__: you can try ASULutzy's suggestion, but we don't support ext4 yet, so you'll be on your own - if it breaks, it'll be your problem, not ours.17:22
MaggieI used to use vlc 0.8.6a as my multimedia player on my Ubuntu Hardy Box. Then I decided to update it from the source code. I am a newbie in Linux so thought it will be updated when I would compile it from source code. After I compiled it from source code, whenever I start vlc from Applications>Sound & Video>VLC media player nothing would start but when I try to open any music file or video file in vlc I can only hear the audio but I cannot see where the pl17:22
Maggieayer is?17:22
MaggieWhen I type vlc in the terminal I get the following output:"http://paste.ubuntu.com/101758/" .I don't know what to to get the GUI back!! Plz anyone help me17:22
rmrfslashsudo iptables -L17:22
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omnydevigasto - also, if it lists more than 1 driver you can install, install the recommended one. even if it isnt the latest. like mine, i have 173 installed, even though 177 is available17:22
ASULutzytyta_linux: Run this please: sudo iptables -L17:22
ASULutzy!who | rmrfslash17:22
ubotturmrfslash: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:22
ikonia!away > fysaen|away17:22
ubottufysaen|away, please see my private message17:22
lorenzohello, how do I capture audio from a youtube video on Ubuntu? thanks a lot17:22
wesley__Gnea are you stupid orso? You wont get warranty from ubuntu17:22
ikoniawesley__: drop the attitude, he's expalining the situation to you17:22
Gneawesley__: i was about to help you out, but it seems that you don't want it.17:23
rmrfslashubottu: is this good?17:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about is this good?17:23
tyta_linuxasul paste in here?17:23
ikoniawesley__: he's providing you with a sound bit of advice/warning17:23
omnydeviwesley_ - do not insult people here, they are trying to help17:23
ScottG489ASULutzy: still getting that flickering :/17:23
sigiusQ: anyone has a pointer to the windows based installer that install ubuntu in a file on the windows partition ?17:23
ASULutzy!paste | tyta_linux17:23
ubottutyta_linux: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)17:23
wesley__Lutyz did17:23
ikoniawesley__: what ?17:23
rmrfslashubottu: is this how I should address messages17:24
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:24
ASULutzyScottG489: Did you do the unredirect full screen windows thing and the video overlay thing? The other surefire way to fix it is to do metacity --replace & in a terminal, but this will disable desktop effects17:24
MaggieI used to use vlc 0.8.6a as my multimedia player on my Ubuntu Hardy Box. Then I decided to update it from the source code. I am a newbie in Linux so thought it will be updated when I would compile it from source code. After I compiled it from source code, whenever I start vlc from Applications>Sound & Video>VLC media player nothing would start but when I try to open any music file or video file in vlc I can only hear the audio but I cannot see where the pl17:24
Maggieayer is?When I type vlc in the terminal I get the following output:"http://paste.ubuntu.com/101758/".I dont know what to to get the GUI back!!Plz anyone help me17:24
Polysicsok, i'll try installing ffmpeg off medibuntu17:24
rmrfslashubottu: woops ;)17:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about woops ;)17:24
tyta_linuxasul / rmrf: http://paste.ubuntu.com/101761/17:25
ikoniarmrfslash: he's a bot - stop talking to him please17:25
ryanakcaAt boot, how can I have my swap be decrypted *after* my home partition? (the key is a file on /home, both partitions are in my crypttab, LUKS)17:25
rmrfslashikonia: I get it17:25
rmrfslashikonia: and how do you know it's a "he"17:25
ASULutzywesley__: #ubuntu is for ubuntu support, as 2.6.28 is not a part of 8.10 or previous, it's not supported here, that's all. I provided you a link that could be helpful, but if you want actual help with it, there are channels for that. #ubuntu+1 and #ubuntu-offtopic will provide more assitance than here17:25
wesley__Only ASUluty helped me Gnea was no help, he was only not believing that ext4 is stable, and if i am correct Ubuntu comes without warranty so if something breaks its my problem even if its supported is it my problem still17:25
ikoniawesley__: this channel is for supported ubuntu solutions/help - ext4 is not supported/stable release yet, so it is not supported(discussed) in here17:26
ikoniawesley__: does that make it a little clearer for you ?17:26
MaggieI used to use vlc 0.8.6a as my multimedia player on my Ubuntu Hardy Box. Then I decided to update it from the source code. I am a newbie in Linux so thought it will be updated when I would compile it from source code. After I compiled it from source code, whenever I start vlc from Applications>Sound & Video>VLC media player nothing would start but when I try to open any music file or video file in vlc I can only hear the audio but I cannot see where the pl17:26
Maggieayer is?When I type vlc in the terminal I get the following output:"http://paste.ubuntu.com/101758/".I dont know what to to get the GUI back!!Plz anyone help me17:26
ScottG489ASULutzy: I just added the VideoOverlay. What else should I have done?17:26
rmrfslashthis channel is on fire17:26
ikoniarmrfslash: please don't be silly17:26
Gnea!repeat | Maggie17:26
narothepharohWhats a good app to do a resume?17:26
ubottuMaggie: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience17:26
ScottG489ASULutzy: Oh yea and the compiz thing. I did that too17:26
wesley__ikonia you dont get it? on all ubuntu cds cleary stands ubuntu isnt responisble for data loss and theres no warranty17:27
narothepharohWhats a good app to do a resume?17:27
ohzienarothepharoh, docs.google.com17:27
omnydeviwesley_ - welcome to every OS on the planet17:27
moulihi my name is mouli17:27
rmrfslashikonia: sorry, I'll be more serious... :-\17:27
ikoniawesley__: I do get it - your not listening. I'm explaining THIS CHANNEL's support requirments17:27
ASULutzywesley__: You must have a problem reading. Ext4 is not supported in 8.10 or previous, therefore it is offtopic for this channel.17:27
flexdwhy is the rubygems 1.3.1 package installing rubygems 1.2.0 ?+17:27
ScottG489ASULutzy: Even when I put Google Earth in Full Screen it still flickers. Maybe it isnt true full screen though17:27
tyta_linuxi smell a kick17:27
moulii have a fresh laptop i dont have  a bootable ubutu cd17:27
ASULutzytyta_linux: REJECT     tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere            reject-with tcp-reset  that doesn't look right?17:27
wesley__thats why i use Kubuntu, we get support for non supported things17:28
ikoniawesley__: no you don't17:28
moulii need to create one and update over the net how do i do it17:28
ramirohow do I set up inetd to run ftpd?17:28
rmrfslashtyta_linux: sudo iptables -F and don't use ipblock17:28
flexdI need rubygems version 1.3.1 or up17:28
ohziewesley__, #kubuntu17:28
wesley__ikonia yes i do, i get support for kde4.2 in kubuntu irc channel17:28
narothepharohohzie that just takes me to gmail17:28
rmrfslashtyta_linux: that command will erase all your iptables rules17:28
ikoniawesley__: there is a package for it -17:28
Gneawesley__: it's you who doesn't get it - you don't go around insulting people like that. you just DON'T! if you want to be helped, you need to be respectful, and that includes not lying.17:28
ScottG489ASULutzy: Now that I think about it. When my screen saver has been running it hasn't flickered at all.17:28
ASULutzytyta_linux: I would just clear out iptables and accept all17:28
ohzienarothepharoh, At the top? Documents.17:28
ASULutzyScottG489: Yea, it needs to be full screen fullscreen ;)17:29
ikoniawesley__: look - I'm not arguing this anymore with you, please just accept the situation/advice/warnings given to you and I wish you look with it17:29
wesley__theres no officialy kde4.2 package,17:29
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rmrfslashtyta_linux: I used to use progs like ipblock but its honestly easier to just learn how to use iptables17:29
ASULutzyScottG489: But again, fglrx + compiz is always a bit tricky. If something is really bad, you can always do metacity --replace & and then switch back to compiz when done with compiz --replace &17:29
ScottG489ASULutzy: Well I can't watch all video in completely full screen. Is there a fix for regular video?17:29
rmrfslashtyta_linux: and you'll feel cool when you have all that glorious iptables output and you know what it all means ;)17:29
moulihi guys i need to create a live dvd from my operating system can you hellp17:29
Gneawesley__: if you can figure that out and abide by it, the ubuntu mailing list might be a better forum to discuss your successes17:29
ryanakcawesley__: If you're interested in help with Ext4, you'll get help by asking in ##linux , not in #*ubuntu . :)17:29
narothepharohohzie: I paste to browser and it takes me to gmail17:30
something132sound problem17:30
tyta_linuxthanks everyone17:30
tyta_linuxthat worked17:30
ScottG489ASULutzy: I heard this is just a problem with 8.10? I also didn't have this problem before I reinstalled before17:30
ASULutzyikonia: I don't really understand why people get indignant when they're told to go to #ubuntu+1 or #ubuntu-offtopic... Those channels aren't like, second-class channels for has-beens. They're there for a reason.17:30
tyta_linuxso should i lose ipblock17:30
omnydeviScott - sometimes for games etc, i have to disable compiz. maybe for certain aps you may have to do the same.17:30
rmrfslashtyta_linux: read my replies17:30
ikoniaASULutzy: concur17:30
narothepharohWhats a good app to do a resume?17:30
GneaASULutzy: heh17:30
ASULutzyScottG489: My desktop is running 8.04, so doubtful. Fglrx and compiz have always not played together nicely, heck they used to not play together at all iirc17:31
ryanakcaAt boot, how can I have my swap be decrypted *after* my home partition? (the key is a file on /home, both partitions are in my crypttab, LUKS)17:31
Gneanarothepharoh: openoffice.org17:31
tyta_linuxrmrfs, sorry17:31
narothepharohGnea: which part ?17:31
iplaythisgamI'm trying to use screen and rtorrent in the crontab to run on my headless server. rtorrent seems installed correctly, when i start it in a terminal it uses my .rtorrent.rc file to watch a director. I have gotten screen to start a rtorrent session on reboot but the rtorrent session isn't watching my directory like it's not using my .rtorrent.rc file.17:31
Gneanarothepharoh: writer17:32
vigoIma gonna figure out how to get SeaMonkey17:32
biggerfischHow do I install adobe Flash player for 64-bit ubuntu?17:32
rmrfslashtyta_linux: this is where I got started https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo17:32
beniwtvHi all... Is ther any way to tell update-rc.d that I want priority S90 or similar? My problem is I need to wait for Asterisk which is S20 to be started in my script. Thanks.17:32
ikoniabiggerfisch: install the package flashplugin-nonfree17:32
ikoniabiggerfisch: just get that package from the package manager17:32
narothepharohGnea: well I dont have writer how do i install?17:32
rmrfslashtyta_linux: very informative, very intuitive17:32
ryanakcaiplaythisgam: if I understand correctly, you want your server to start rtorrent in a screen, under your account when it starts up, and to keep it running?17:32
biggerfischikonia ok17:32
ScottG489ASULutzy: I'm gonna try to change my driver to radeon. that fixed some problems other times17:32
iplaythisgamryanakca correct17:32
ASULutzyScottG489: I've never tried the Radeon driver. Back when I was configuring my desktop with ati card it wasn't nearly mature enough, but that was about a year ago, so perhaps radeon is the way to go now17:33
iplaythisgamryanakca Ive got a screen session runnin on startup now, but its a su session - i figure this is whats causing my problem17:33
biggerfischikonia, apt-get says it is all ready the latest version but it doesnt work17:33
LukaszDo you know any console way to make programs autostart?17:34
ikoniabiggerfisch: define doesn't work please.17:34
Gneanarothepharoh: sudo apt-get install openoffice.org-writer17:34
ScottG489ASULutzy: ill let you know how it goes17:34
biggerfischflash does not run on a web site17:34
ikoniabiggerfisch: define doesn't run - what do you see and what is the problem17:34
ryanakcaiplaythisgam: maybe put something to start / stop it in /etc/init.d/ ... use sudo -u iplaythisgam screen -S rtorrent rtorrent    as the command... and then you can add a cron.hourly (or however often you want) that will check that it's running, and if not, start it.17:34
rmrfslashbiggerfisch: I think that was another reason I wanted Ubuntu with PAE rather than 64-bit ubuntu.... no flash plugin for 64-bit17:34
omnydeviiplaythisgame - i just edit .profile to start my apps on login. just sudo vi .profile and add the name to the bottom of the list17:34
ikoniarmrfslash: there is - please don't miss-lead people17:35
Wandereranyone know a tool to scan MP3's and update the ID3 tags like itunes does?17:35
biggerfischwhat is PAE?17:35
ikoniabiggerfisch: memory extension17:35
omnydevior do what ryan says, sounds like he knows more than i do about this :D17:35
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ikonia!away > fysaen17:35
ubottufysaen, please see my private message17:35
biggerfischi just restarted firefox again and it works this time. thank you17:35
MaggieI used to use vlc 0.8.6a as my multimedia player on my Ubuntu Hardy Box. Then I decided to update it from the source code. I am a newbie in Linux so thought it will be updated when I would compile it from source code. After I compiled it from source code, whenever I start vlc from Applications>Sound & Video>VLC media player nothing would start but when I try to open any music file or video file in vlc I can only hear the audio but I cannot see where the pl17:35
ryanakcaiplaythisgam: If you don't need it to be started *directly* on startup, but shortly after, you could just stick with a cron script that checks if there's a screen named 'rtorrent', and if not, starts one... (screen -S <screen_name> <command>)17:35
Maggieayer is?When I type vlc in the terminal I get the following output:"http://paste.ubuntu.com/101758/".I dont know what to to get the GUI back!!Plz anyone help me17:35
narothepharohGnea: It says this...openoffice.org-writer set to manually installed.17:35
rmrfslashikonia: sorry, the last time I looked (which was before November) it was unavailable17:36
ikoniarmrfslash: it's been available for a years as a 32bit wrapper, and it was released just over a month ago native17:36
omnydevibrb, going to install ubuntu on our esx server so i can use it on the client server. then i can help more cause i will have a visual.17:37
ASULutzyikonia: Is the native release actually released yet? Or is it still like alpha-beta'ish quality?17:37
ikoniaASULutzy: still beta (official stamp is beta I think)17:37
pdtpatri3kikonia whats still in beta?17:37
ikoniaASULutzy: very promising results so far, but not without issue17:38
P3X-018In older versions of ubuntu, it used to display which programs started up at the initial loading screen, e.g. writing "OK" for the programs that started. But that can't be seen in the new version, how do you get it back?17:41
hajarhow to know which version of ubuntu in my pc?17:41
MrHankeyhi, are there anny here who can help me find new "chat" clients?17:41
joaopinto!im | MrHankey17:41
ubottuMrHankey: The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete17:41
ryanakcaAt boot, how can I have my swap be decrypted *after* my home partition? (the key is a file on /home, both partitions are in my crypttab, LUKS)17:41
ASULutzyP3X-018: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and remove the quiet and splash options17:42
rmrfslashhajar: cat /etc/issue17:42
MrHankeybut i have tryed pidgin and i sucks and kopete to!17:43
rmrfslashMrHankey: why do they "suck"17:43
ScottG489ASULutzy: Nope, no good. Got a black screen when I restarted X. I'll stick with no video for now I guess...17:43
beniwtvAnyone for my question? " Is ther any way to tell update-rc.d that I want priority S90 or similar? My problem is I need to wait for Asterisk which is S20 to be started in my script."17:43
rmrfslashMrHankey: what don't they do17:43
ScottG489ASULutzy: Thanks for the help though, ttyl17:43
ASULutzyScottG489: yep take care17:43
MrHankeycause they doesent work i dont know thats wrong!17:43
ASULutzyhajar: there's also lsb_release -a17:44
gfatherhello guys17:44
ohziehajar, cat /etc/lsb-release17:44
ohziehajar, It'll give you version number and the name of the release.17:44
rmrfslashMrHankey: they should indeed work... what's the error17:44
gfatheri reinstalled ubuntu on my secound drive , but now grub cant detect my windows , how do i fix that ?17:44
usr13ScottG489: You could try the default driver.17:45
ohziegfather, You know what partition and drive it's on?17:45
lintunenHi, I asked a few days ago about how to prevent kernel packages from getting overwritten with automatic updates.  I was point in the direction of the pinning how-to but couldn't get it to work and was wondering if someone had any further ideas17:45
MrHankeythats what i do nmot know!17:45
ikonialintunen: thats the right way to do it, you need to get that to work17:45
pbeesleyscottg489: did you run sudo update-grub after changing the config file?17:46
rmrfslashMrHankey: I mean, when you execute kopete or pidgin, do the applications come up? At what point do you determine they're not working?17:46
gfather<ohzie> hmm i think  so , its on my sata srive17:46
MrHankeyim so tired of not being able of "chating" with my friends!17:46
lintunenikonia:  despite following the instructions (to lock in Synaptic) the packages still get overwritten17:46
beniwtvlintunen: Why not just copy vmlinuz_* and initrd-* to your own version in /boot and then specify it in Grub as default?17:46
hajarthanx rmrfslash , ASULutzy , ohzie17:46
ikonialintunen: which instructions did you follow (can you show me the url)17:46
rmrfslashMrHankey: You could also try meebo.com in the mean time while you debug these clients17:46
rmrfslashhajar: np17:46
ASULutzyMrHankey: pidgin should work, try starting it from terminal and describing what the errors you get are17:46
hajarthanx too much it was a problem for me17:47
lintunenikonia:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto <-- section on holding packages17:47
ohziegfather, The important part is knowing what grub calls it, and then adding it manually with the grub config. You have to add the entry I'll PM you in a second, and then run the grub-update or update-grub command.17:47
rmrfslashMrHankey: or mibbit.com17:48
bastid_raZorlintunen; Apt/Dpkg Section in the list is the easiest way to go. i use it for a few packages.17:48
rmrfslashMrHankey: or gtalk17:48
lintunenbeniwtv:  I don't understand what that will achieve, ie I don't see how it will stop the updater from wanting to override the kernel packages17:48
rmrfslashlunch time17:48
Jimi__Hendrixjust curious...did someone just kick cybermx417:49
ikonialintunen: which package did you "lock" ?17:49
ikonialintunen: as in what is the name17:49
beniwtvlintunen: It will not, but it will allow you to boot the kernel *you* specify, regardless of what kernel ubuntu installs17:49
ikoniaJimi__Hendrix: there is no user in this channel with that nick17:49
tristanmikeHello. I installed Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid the other day and got my surround sound up and running but now ALL audio crackles and skips. Can someone please help me with this ? Thanks in advance.17:50
MrHankeyplz help me ikonia!!!17:50
starenkaany idea how to run shell script on bad login attempts (either gui or cli)17:50
icqnis nvidia 180 backported to intrepid? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-180/180.11-0ubuntu1~intrepid1, are there packages somewhere?17:50
lintunenikonia:  i'm wanting to lock the linux image and linux header kernel packages17:50
Jimi__Hendrixikonia, i know...he was complaining about being kicked and i want to know what he did...yes i am that bored17:50
ASULutzyMrHankey: click applications -> Accessories -> Terminal and type pidgin, you need to explain what doesn't work about it17:50
MrHankeyikoni, can u help me with my amsn problems??17:51
ASULutzy!ask | MrHankey17:51
ubottuMrHankey: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:51
ikoniaJimi__Hendrix: he's not listed as ever being in this channel, where is he complaining ?17:51
lintunenbeniwtv:  that part is fine, I am loading the kernel version I want17:51
* icqn sees that ikonia has a lot to do.... he is my hero!17:51
jriblintunen: why would you need to do this with kernel packages?17:51
Jimi__Hendrix#ubuntu-programming...said #ubuntu chat but i think he was in #ubuntu-cy17:51
ikoniaJimi__Hendrix: what is his nick, I'll speak to him17:52
ikoniaJimi__Hendrix: as in his current nick17:52
phoenixzHow can I clear a disk from all partitions using fdisk? (but automatically, from command line, not with interactive menu)17:52
tristanmikeHello. I installed Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid the other day and got my surround sound up and running but now ALL audio crackles and skips. Can someone please help me with this, it's really bad and sound is almost unbearable ? Thanks in advance.17:53
lintunenjrib:  applied a patch17:53
Jimi__Hendrixikonia, you dont need to talk to him...i dont think...17:53
Jimi__Hendrixhe says #ubuntu-programming are his only friends in irc...17:53
Jimi__Hendrixso hes either very emotional or messing with us...17:53
ikoniaJimi__Hendrix: if he's been kicked/removed please direct him to #ubuntu-ops or #ubuntu-irc rather than taking up space in other channels17:53
jriblintunen: if you followed ubottu's instructions, then the resulting package should have a name different than the packages in the repository17:54
beniwtvlintunen: Then why do you still want to lock it? (Maybe I didn't understand your question correctly)17:54
lintunenI don't even know if it's possible to lock kernel packages I just don't want to accidentally undo any damage with automatic updates :-)17:54
dmananyone have a g9 mouse?17:54
icqnis nvidia 180 backported to intrepid? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-180/180.11-0ubuntu1~intrepid1, are there packages somewhere?17:54
grendal_primei got a machine here...dell with an ICH5 sound card in it..im trying to get skype working..well any audio app working really...I have hardy running on the machine, and the sound works fine. i plug in a mic and i can hear sound out of the speakers but nothing captures the sound it seems.17:54
omnikillg9 looks ugly17:54
ASULutzyphoenixz: You can't do that non-interactively with fdisk17:54
ASULutzyphoenixz: You have to use sfdisk17:54
dmanya it does, but it's amazing17:54
Jimi__Hendrixikonia, lol ok17:54
omnikillseeing as it descended from the MX510 mouse, it would have to be amazing17:55
dmantrying to get it working17:55
erica647icqn: I don't believe it is... I just installed Ubuntu and I got 173.82 which I believe is still the latest non beta nvidia driver17:55
jriblintunen: at least, that's what happened at one point.  In any case, more generally, you should always increment the version and append '~jrib1' (or your name :)) using 'dch -i' for example17:56
icqnerica647, what is this then https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-180/180.11-0ubuntu1~intrepid1 ?17:56
ryanakcaAt boot, how can I have my swap be decrypted *after* my home partition? (the key is a file on /home, both partitions are in my crypttab, LUKS)17:57
lintunenjrib:  I'm not sure what you are saying now - that I'm looking in the wrong place when I try to lock?17:58
tristanmikeHello. I installed Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid the other day and got my surround sound up and running but now ALL audio crackles and skips. Can someone please help me with this, it's really bad and sound is almost unbearable ? Thanks in advance.17:58
erica647icqn: I haven't seen that but would recommend you check the nvidia website to see what the latest non-beta driver is.  Also I wouldn't worry much about updating unless you're having issues17:58
jriblintunen: I remember now that what I said about the naming was if you pulled from git.  Anyway, yes I am saying you are looking in the wrong place.  A lock isn't necessary.  Just increment the version as I explained before building the deb17:59
rothchildhi how do I install digikam with just it's minimum dependencies? Each time I select it synaptic tells me it's gonna install all sorts of unwanted apps (dolphin for instance)17:59
icqnerica647, yes i am aware of it, that it is beta, but there are problems with title bars on nvidia card geforce 7,6 series (with compiz compositing manager)18:00
narothepharohWhats a good app to do a resume?18:00
beniwtvlintunen: I think he meant that if you did your own kernel package, you should append something to the version, to not to be the same version as Ubuntu packages.18:00
ikonianarothepharoh: any wordprocessor/text editor18:00
Gneanarothepharoh: openoffice writer couldn't do it?18:00
narothepharohGnea: It says this...openoffice.org-writer set to manually installed.18:01
doglinoI want to log in fedora through ssh, I know what that can done with command ssh but  there is a GUI to do that?18:01
erica647icqn: You'll probably have to do a manual install then per the instructions on the Nvidia site.  I do remember seeing them there but haven't tried it myself18:01
jribdoglino: you mean vnc?18:01
lintunenjrib, beniwtv :  I see, I'll look into that.  Thanks!18:01
Gneanarothepharoh: oh. and it's not in the Applications->Office menu?18:01
narothepharohGnea: I want templates to make it easy you know18:01
narothepharohGnea: no18:02
Gneanarothepharoh: oh. well, you didn't say that, so no, i'm sorry, i didn't know.18:02
doglinojrib no18:02
tristanmikerothchild: as I understand it, Synaptic installs only the base dependencies, anything else should be listed as recommended.18:02
icqnerica647, i do not really want to install it with every kernel update18:02
beniwtvlintunen: That way, you won't have to worry about updates :) Just specify the kernel as default and there you go.18:02
doglinojri just to send/receivce files18:02
narothepharohGnea: yes i did you told me how to install18:02
jribdoglino: you can use Nautilus:  File -> connect to server18:03
erica647icqn: I sure understand that... but I doubt it's going to be included in the released version of Ubuntu as long as it's beta18:03
lintunenbeniwtv:  thanks :-)18:03
rothchildtristanmike: that's what I thought and when I look at the dependencies I can't see dolphin in amongst them? (hence ending up here!)18:03
Gneanarothepharoh: check this out: open up firefox and search google for the following terms:  openoffice resume templates18:03
jriblintunen: you increment the version with 'dch -i' and then append '~lintunen1'.  Then you'll only be offered the repo version when there is a new version out of the package.  At that point you see what the changes are and try to merge them somehow18:03
mlwinnigSorry to interrupt...  Anyone out there got a Novatel (Verizon) V640 working in Ubuntu?  I have a Dell Mini-9 and USB adapter & can't get it to work.  Thanks!18:03
Chickerswow this is cool18:04
lintunenjrib:  OK, thanks18:04
doglinojrib yeah18:04
icqnerica647, i hope it will be included somewhere as packages :-)18:04
doglinojrib thanks,18:04
ASULutzynarothepharoh: http://letmegooglethatforyou.com/?q=open+office+resume+templates18:04
erica647icqn: yeah I was looking for it myself the other day just to try it out.  I didn't see it though18:04
tristanmikerothchild: it's a KDE app ?18:04
beniwtvmlwinning: Does it get detected? (You can see the command dmesg in a terminal for that, after plugging it in.18:04
GneaASULutzy: there's some pretty cool stuff there, actually18:05
erica647icqn: I even checked out some other distros and they're all using 173.82 as well18:05
doglinojrib Nautilus rocks!18:05
erica647177.82 I mean18:05
mlwinnigNo.  Tried command line and Gnome.  Power turns light green but that is all.18:05
ratpoisonhello! is there a package that makes the drawing of qt apps with gtk+ ? I know there is a package making gtk apps look like qt, but is there one for the opposite job?18:05
rothchildtristanmike: yes it's a kde app (I don't get on with F-spot) but it only depends on a few libraries (which I have no trouble with) but when I mark it to install synaptic tells me it want's to install most of KDE418:05
beniwtvmlwinnig: what does dmesg say if you plug it in? (use http://paste.ubuntu.com if the output is large)18:06
GabbsmoCan I install ubuntu from the alternate ISO using UNetbootiN?18:06
malexI'm trying to boot intrepid live cd on a thinkpad R31 with an orinoco based mini-pci wlan card. However, Intrepid hangs on boot with lots of "eth1: Error -110 writing Tx descriptor to BAP" error messages. Any thoughts on how I can get Intrepid to boot?18:06
=== krishna is now known as Tom_
strongarm82anyone know how i can install the classic version of XMMS?18:06
mlwinnigFound info for Linux but not Ubuntu per se.  My Gnome does not have a detect button and it keeps changing USB to PPP IP port.18:07
ikoniamalex: I suggest you wait for a reasonable ammount of time, it may be dhcp timing out18:07
ratpoisonmalex: how can you be sure that eth1 is the wlan card?18:07
tristanmikerothchild: right, but the problems lies in the fact that those dependencies might need dependencies and those might need certain dependencies, and so on. As far as I know, generally, when you run "Gnome" and want KDE apps installed, you have to basically install KDE which I suspect is why you're getting so many "unrelated" packages to install... I suspect anyway.18:07
Tom_Is there any software to trace a specific ip address in ubuntu 8.10?18:07
gfatherguys anyone can help me with grub settings ?18:07
ikoniaTom_: tracroute and the network tools from system -> administration18:07
ratpoisontristanmike: synaptic calculates the dependencies fully, you don't have a problem with that18:08
EhsenSirajwhenever I insert a dvd in my super drive i get this error "Unable to mount the volume NEW. mount point /media/cdrom0 doesn't exist". Would you please help me how I fix it.18:08
ratpoisonrothchild: what do you want to do? wasn't here since the beginning18:08
Tom_i need to know the location of specific ip address?can i get that18:08
beniwtvmlwinning: Just to be sure, we are both talking about Verizon cable modems right?18:09
rothchildtristanmike: it's ok I found a synaptic setting that had 'reccomends marked as dependencies' turned it off and now I can install with just the real depends18:09
tristanmikeratpoison: right, but he's curious as to why, when running Gnome, and trying to install a KDE app, Synaptic wants to install, what appears, to be unrelated packages.18:09
icqnerica647, why have you checked that? do you have issues?18:09
ASULutzyEhsenSiraj: sudo mkdir /media/cdrom0 maybe? :X18:09
Chickersneed program to mount the DVD =)18:09
styleShould I have ubuntu on hdb?18:09
erica647icqn: I run Wine and some windows apps... was curious to see if there was any performance difference18:09
tristanmikerothchild: or, you could just alter the setting that says "recommends marked as dependencies" and turn it off ;P18:09
mlwinnigBENIWTV - need time to command line load it... is there a private channel or EM we can use?  Pretty busy here!18:09
ratpoisontristanmike, rothchild: you WILL add bloat to the system, but it's not difficult to remove it after you're done with the app18:09
styleWould it be bad to have ubuntu on hdb? Should I swap the hd's?18:09
rothchildtristanmike: and ratpoison thanks for the help - I just found that setting and turned it off18:09
malexratpoison: googled and that error came up for orinoco cards back on 2004-2005. wired card is e100, so is very unlikely to be buggy.18:10
icqnerica647, i only have found https://launchpad.net/~thomas-creutz/+archive for intrepid18:10
malexikonia: 10 minutes already18:10
ASULutzyTom_: You can't track down an ip address to like a physical street address generally... You can try using whois to at least get the ISP etc18:10
ikoniamalex: ok, so its more than dhcp then18:10
tristanmikeHello. I installed Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid the other day and got my surround sound up and running but now ALL audio crackles and skips. Can someone please help me with this, it's really bad and sound is almost unbearable ? Thanks in advance.18:10
malexikonia: dhcp would've timed out by now. Seems like a Ubuntu kernel bug18:10
Tom_k thank q....dude18:10
icqnerica647, it seems to have positive replies https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-177/+bug/29754318:10
EhsenSirajThanks a lot its working now.18:10
ratpoisonmalex: if you don't absolutely NEED wireless for the installation try and find out which boot option disables wifi during boot18:11
beniwtvmlwinnig: I've sent you a private message18:11
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erica647icqn: reading that18:11
malexratpoison: I don't need it now, but will need later. Hopefully, updated kernels work as this happens with the released image.18:11
icqnerica647, at the ending18:11
ratpoisonmalex: then there is a hotkey that lets you customize the boot options on the livecd menu. google the boot options and then add that option before you boot18:12
klyncafter installing smbfs, can i add entries to fstab, or do i need to run smbmount as a user? the docs are lacking about whether / how to use it from fstab18:12
ratpoisonklync: what are you trying to do?18:13
hobohow come everytime i launch xchat from the apps>internet>xchat menu launcher thing it always throws me into this ubuntu help channel?18:13
klyncratpoison: mount a samba share for real, rather than through the vfs layer18:13
hoboi want it to just do nothing18:13
ikoniahobo: default channel18:13
erica647icqn: wow there's a lot of comments out there concerning that driver18:13
ikoniahobo: remove the default server and default channel18:13
tristanmikeHello. I installed Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid the other day and got my surround sound up and running but now ALL audio crackles and skips. Can someone please help me with this, it's really bad and sound is almost unbearable ? Thanks in advance.18:13
ratpoisonklync:  I suppose alt+f2 > shares-admin doesn't cover you?18:14
MaggieI used to use vlc 0.8.6a as my multimedia player on my Ubuntu Hardy Box. Then I decided to update it from the source code. I am a newbie in Linux so thought it will be updated when I would compile it from source code. After I compiled it from source code, whenever I start vlc from Applications>Sound & Video>VLC media player nothing would start but when I try to open any music file or video file in vlc I can only hear the audio but I cannot see where the pl18:14
Maggieayer is?When I type vlc in the terminal I get the following output:"http://paste.ubuntu.com/101758/".I dont know what to to get the GUI back!!Plz anyone help me18:14
hoboikonia wheres that at? prefrences? i havent found it yet18:14
lorenzohi, can anyone help me capturing audio? I have tried gnome-sound-recorder but it's not doing it for me. I may have some audio problem on my machine. I tried a few tutorials and read a few threads but no joy. anyone can help please? thanks18:14
ikoniaMaggie: you have broke your distro18:14
erica647icqn: Looks like it's only going to be released with Jaunty though18:14
klyncratpoison: ratpoison perhaps... it's pulling down *even more* software now, but we'll see what that gets me18:15
ikoniaMaggie: you should not update by compiling from source, even less so if you are new to linux and don't understand what you're doing18:15
erica647icqn: If you have a spare machine to play with, you might want to download the jaunty beta just to see how it works18:15
klyncratpoison: although (and this is purely personal) my least favourite thing about ubuntu is all of this graphical stuff18:15
styleMy box is 600mhz18:15
hoboikonia wheres that at? prefrences? i havent found it yet18:15
icqnerica647, it is too boring at the moment :-)18:15
styleWikipedia says I need 700mhz to be recomended.18:16
ratpoisonklync: the master smb.conf.18:16
dmanreinstalled the nvidia drivers but it's not showing up in prop drivers?18:16
ratpoisonklync: then*18:16
styleWhat is the diffrence between server and desktop edition?18:16
Maggieikonia thanx but can I do anything to do it right?18:16
Pici!server > style18:16
ubottustyle, please see my private message18:16
Chickersupdate audio drivers from manufacturer website if there are no linux drivers install through wine18:16
Jeruvylorenzo: could you provide some details.  What software/versions are you using. What have you done.  What errors are occuring. etc.18:16
ikoniaMaggie: not really as your machine is now in an unknown state18:16
tristanmikeHello. I installed Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid the other day and got my surround sound up and running but now ALL audio crackles and skips. Can someone please help me with this, it's really bad and sound is almost unbearable ? Thanks in advance.18:17
klyncratpoison: no, i want to *mount* an smb share on a remote machine from my ubuntu desktop; i do not want to export shares from my ubuntu box (if i did, i would've installed samba and cracked open smb.conf)18:17
hoboikonia: where is default server crap?18:17
ikoniaMaggie: the best thing I can suggest is re-install ubuntu to get a stable base system back, then if your not sure about how to do things in future use the ubuntu support resources18:17
ikoniahobo: I'm looking I've not got xchat in front of me18:17
ratpoisonklync: that's wizardry beyond my level, sorry18:17
dmanwhen reinstalling ubuntu, will you lose your docs etc?18:17
dmandesktop links etc?18:17
klyncratpoison: well, thanks anyway... i learned about share-admin :)18:17
JeruvyTristam: are you sure this isn't a speaker problem?18:17
hoboi know. i'll just ask someone where im going.18:18
klyncratpoison: and alt+f2 ... yippie!18:18
hobothnaks though !18:18
gastodo I18:18
gastosudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install envyng-gtk envyng-core18:19
ratpoisonklync:  yup, alt+f2 is the most awesome shortcut, it runs ANYTHING without leaving a terminal window18:19
gastoto get the envy program from virtual terminal?18:19
style377mb ram, 600mhz duron, can I use ubuntu? Currently it has debian etch with gnome.18:19
lorenzoJeruvy, I am on Ibex, using the default gnome-sound-recorder; I tried capturing audio both from totem audio and from a youtube video playing in firefox. Sound-recorder seems to be recording but the audio file is empty when i play it back.  If I launch sound recorder from terminal, i get (gnome-sound-recorder:27672): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_widget_get_accessible: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed. that is all iknow :)18:19
jxanderwill gnome support dual-head configuration better so that i will be able to have two different wallpapers on each monitor in the next ubuntu?18:19
ratpoisonstyle: wouldn't recommend it, try crunchbang (wait for a link)18:19
lorenzoJeruvy, i also get ** (gnome-sound-recorder:27672): CRITICAL **: atk_object_add_relationship: assertion `ATK_IS_OBJECT (target)' failed18:19
dkavstyle; I use a PIII 600, 512 MB with xubuntu and its ok18:20
ratpoisonstyle: duh... crunchbang.org It's ubuntu with fluxbox18:20
tristanmikeHello. I installed Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid the other day and got my surround sound up and running but now ALL audio crackles and skips. Can someone please help me with this, it's really bad and sound is almost unbearable ? Thanks in advance.18:21
styledkav: Should I get more ram or more cpu?18:22
ikoniastyle: in relation to what ?18:22
dkavno, i only have a problem after instalation18:22
styleikonia: bether performance for bitorrent and desktop, and ssh usage18:22
dkavthe xorg.con file is empty18:23
ikoniastyle: depends what your bottle neck is, normally desktop performance is diven by your video card18:23
ratpoisontristanmike: check if you have pulseaudio installed. you probably do, but you don't have the tweaking tools for it. In my experience, if pusleaudio, alsa, device and application volumes are set to 100% this can cause noise18:23
styleikonia: I have a Nvidia fx 44018:23
ikoniastyle: that is quite old18:23
lorenzoJeruvy, any suggestions?18:23
ikoniastyle: actually - is that a geforce 4 ?18:23
tristanmikeratpoison: I do have PuleAudio as this is a stock installation of 8.1018:24
dkavwas empty, sorry. But i start with a live CD (tinyme) an copy xorg.conf tu my /etc/.....18:24
tristanmikeratpoison: it was working fine on Hardy18:24
ratpoisontristanmike: that's how I solved a similar problem in a friend's box with a clean intrepid install18:24
LaderiusAnyone know a clock screensaver?18:25
tristanmikeratpoison: and as a haibt, I never put volumes up to 100%18:25
klynccan i mount samba shares from fstab using smbmount? can anyone give an example to follow?18:25
styleikonia: It is quite old. It is an old box.18:25
ikoniaklync: if the shares are in fstab you just need to use mount18:25
dkavstyle: trie to install crash... Maibe its better for your box18:25
ikoniastyle: I suspect that is your visual bottle neck18:25
tristanmikeratpoison: I guess I'm bypassing Pulse18:26
LaderiusAnyone know a clock screensaver?18:26
tristanmikeratpoison: for instance, when I run "pavumeter" the meter's don't move18:26
LaderiusAnyone other then dkav know a clock screensaver?18:26
tristanmikeratpoison: but that's the only way I could discover to get my surround sound speakers working... at first I only had two out of the possible 6 speakers working18:27
Flanneldkav: Please be helpful18:27
icqnLaderius, why are you asking?18:27
stylelloyd: no18:27
Laderiusicqn: because on my old windows box i used the clock screensaver and was curious if i could find one, im not having any luck and its super helpful18:27
raylutristanmike, ratpoison: speaker-teest18:27
ikoniaLaderius: there is one installed by default I think18:28
ratpoisontristanmike: if you really want to know where your sound is routed to, then open the pulseaudio manager,  go to the tab Devices and watch the sinks18:28
lloydmy /boot partition ran out of space for setting up Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.27-9-generic and now I cant update or do tah dpkg --congigure -a18:28
Laderiusikonia: i couldnt find it, i may have over looked it18:28
furytheorySooooo .... greetings and salutations to all. Good afternoon. Gotta Problem that has to do with networking. Any network guru's in the group?18:28
ikoniaLaderius: I'm pretty sure there is one installed by default18:28
dkavstyle, what`s the problem with your debian bos??18:28
styleDwl-g122 does interpid support it by defoult?18:28
ikoniastyle: are you using ubuntu or debian ?18:28
styledkav: I can't get ntfs to work, and no automount of usb disks.18:28
Laderiusikonia: Know what it is called?18:29
ikoniaLaderius: hang on18:29
styleikonia: Currently debian, will instal ubuntu interpid in about haf an houre18:29
tristanmikeraylu: "Time per period = 10.973321 / 0 - Front Left"  is all I'm getting from that command18:29
pdtpatri3kfurytheory if you ask a question whomever knows the answer will answer you18:29
ikoniastyle: then please get support from #debian18:29
tristanmikeratpoison: pulseaudio manager ??18:29
lloydmy /boot partition ran out of space for setting up Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.27-9-generic and now I cant update or do tah dpkg --congigure -a18:29
ratpoisontristanmike: the still monitors might mean that they are monitors for an unused sink. Right click on the window I told you before on an output under a sink and watch what the monitor does18:29
styleikonia: I am asking about things to prepare me for the upgrade. I haven't asked a single debian question!18:30
ratpoisontristanmike: run pulseaudio device chooser, and click on manager18:30
ratpoisontristanmike: run pulseaudio device chooser, right **click on applet** and click on manager18:30
ikoniastyle: your asking performance questions, which I assume is about your current install18:30
styleikonia: No, it is about my future ubuntu install.18:30
KingOfDosCan someone tell me how to configure the behavioure of my Wacom Intous 3? It's realy fucked when i'm using dual screen :X18:30
Laderiusikonia: negitive there is not one :(18:30
tristanmikeratpoison: you've lost me... applet ? what applet ?18:31
ikoniastyle: then install it first to find out if you have performance issues18:31
styleI am considering to buy some second hand hardware.18:31
Rolliei need a 2.4 driver for a netgear MA101 external wirelesss card18:31
styleKingOfDos: ,18:31
ikoniaLaderius: just looking myself now, it used to be made out of "balls" to make the clock18:31
styleikonia: A lot of work if someone here knows it won't work18:31
ikoniaRollie: a 2.4 driver ? the current kernel is 2.618:31
Laderiusikonia: lemme know if you find it, if not back to google for me :P18:31
icqnLaderius, there is a clock screensaver, do not remember its name18:31
Rollieok 2.618:31
KingOfDosThe problem is that it's a little strange. It's an A4 Wacom, but he stretches over two screens. So it's to small.18:31
Rolliei just need it to work18:31
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lloydmy /boot partition ran out of space for setting up Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.27-9-generic and now I cant update or do tah dpkg --congigure -a18:31
ratpoisontristanmike: look, if you run pulseaudio device chooser, there is an applet on your system tray, no? it looks like a headphone mini-jack18:32
anparkshi im having problems with a super broken synaptic18:32
KingOfDosIn other words, my first screen has 15(width)x30(height) cm of the wacom. The second has the other 50% of the wacom18:32
anparksi manually installed a version of libghc6-xmonad-contrib-dev and there are now problems18:32
neothecatgood afternoon EST.18:32
Jack_Sparrowanparks, The first question would be have you made any changes to your sources list18:32
anparksit tells me to reinstall the package but says it cant18:32
KingOfDosbecause it's higher then the width, the images are stretched18:32
tristanmikeratpoison: what is the command for "pulseaudio device chooser" do you mean "System-Preferences-Sound" or "System-Preferences-PulseAudio Preferences" ?18:32
Rollieso what do i do to get this workin18:33
neothecati did try to look this up, but i did not see any fixes, other than not using ff.  does anyone know how to stop firefox from using 90% cpu?18:33
ratpoisontristanmike: you don't have all the tweaking tools installed I guess. wait for me to tell you what I have installed in my system18:33
Laderiusicqn can i port a windows screensaver?18:33
tristanmikeratpoison: sounds good18:33
anparksno i have not. just made the mistake of dist-upgrade instead of apt-get upgrade before i moved to intrepid18:33
ikoniaLaderius: looks like your right, it's no longe in 8.1018:33
styleIntrepid Ibex, how do you change the settings for the gues account? or does it go back to default every time it logs off?18:33
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Laderiusikonia i found one18:34
Laderiusikonia in the kscreensaver package18:34
anparksall repos are intrepid. something is fishy. the package will  not fix, and now i can no longer install packages!18:34
=== c is now known as Guest93293
doglinowhat is default directory to put "program files", in windows there is a folder called "program files", i downloaded a file tar.gz and I want know where I put this file18:35
Zero_FeniXI'm having troubles getting a 32 bit version of ubuntu installed on a VirtualBox machine. I get the image loaded up and try to select any of the main options menu and it just freezes up. Any ideas on how to get this to work?18:35
Jack_Sparrowanparks, Which version of ubuntu   and what link does this give you.. sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit (Provide Pastebin link in channel)18:35
PiciSome_Mercy: This is a support channel, please don't do that.18:35
user_Zero_FeniX: which versions are you using?18:35
ASULutzydoglino: You need to decompress it with tar xzvf18:35
furytheory[Pardon me if I seem a bit new at this :) ] Computer 1: Windows -- Wireless card and Wired NIC installed -- Shared connection set up. Second Computer: NIC installed -- Patch cord to Windows computer. I cannot figure out how to patch the connection to my Ubuntu for internet from Windows. I am not asking for the answer, just guidance. Is there a site that any one can recommend?18:35
Jack_Sparrow!who > Some_Mercy18:35
ubottuSome_Mercy, please see my private message18:35
fevelhey all18:35
DaHopihello, i cant install 8.10 on amd64..18:35
Guest93293this is gay18:35
yellabshell all18:35
DaHopilivecd stops running on powernowd18:36
lloydmy /boot partition ran out of space for setting up Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.27-9-generic and now I cant update or do tah dpkg --congigure -a18:36
Guest93293this is really gay18:36
Laderiusyellabs, hello :)18:36
fevelI am getting used to the tool that comes with ubuntu server for firewalling ufw18:36
icqnLaderius, yes, if it is in white and red colors it is the one i was talking about18:36
Zero_FeniXuser_,  I downloaded ubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386.iso18:36
fevelbut how do I add prerouting rules18:36
doglinoASULutzy I know that but WHERE  I decompress it18:36
PiciGuest93293: Please do not use that term depreciatively in this channel.18:36
icqnLaderius, i believe you can not port it18:36
lloydmy /boot partition ran out of space for setting up Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.27-9-generic and now I cant update or do tah dpkg --congigure -a18:36
DaHopitried it with acpi=off, checkd my cd..18:36
user_Zero_FeniX: this is going into the vm?18:36
ASULutzydoglino: what is it? that's really up to you. Generally you decompress it and then there will be install scripts inside of it18:36
doglinoASULutzy ok thanks18:37
Zero_FeniXuser_, yes18:37
Rollieikonia: what is the driver called exactly for ubuntu18:37
Andre_HHi my name is Andre, i am from Germany.18:37
user_Zero_FeniX: ok, and which ubuntu version are you running on the host?18:37
lloydmy /boot partition ran out of space for setting up Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.27-9-generic and now I cant update or do tah dpkg --congigure -a18:37
ikoniaRollie: I don't use that device, I don't know without looking into it18:37
Andre_HComplete Question: Is there something like an IP-Address-Control(http://www.codeproject.com/KB/miscctrl/IpAddrCtrlLib/TestIPAddressControl.png) for Linux too?18:37
neothecatGuten Tag Andre!18:37
Rolliei found this18:37
Andre_Hhi neothecat18:37
Zero_FeniXuser_, sorry I'm actually running 32 bit windows vista as my uh... realy os I guess.18:38
Jack_Sparrow!msg Some_Mercy Please dont come back18:38
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:38
Jack_Sparrow!msg > Some_Mercy Please dont come back18:38
=== Charitwo is now known as YouDoNotKnowMe
user_Zero_FeniX: ok, i am out then, sorry18:38
yellabshow well does gnomenu work ? its an gtk-apps addon, does any one have experience with the stability of it?18:38
ratpoisontristanmike: http://pastebin.com/m7131e301 look, it's got things I don't have, but what I only lack are application specific plugins for apps I don't have, you can sort them out yourself18:38
ASULutzyAndre_H: What exactly does that do?18:38
b0nnhrm, how do I find my cdrom and mount it?18:38
anparksand still i get: E: /var/cache/apt/archives/libghc6-xmonad-contrib-dev_0.8-2_amd64.deb: subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 118:39
diffredPlease help. I need to convert a .rm video to some common such as mpeg or avi.18:39
b0nnwhen I try to mount /dev/cdrom1 I get:18:39
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b0nnmount: block device /dev/scd0 is write-protected, mounting read-only18:39
ratpoisontristanmike: also, you can omit the dev / dbg packages18:39
b0nnmount: /dev/scd0: can't read superblock18:39
IsvaraWhat does a flashing caps lock light mean during boot?18:39
yellabsdiffred use ffmeg18:39
Andre_HASULutzy: its a windows control i want to use under linux to input IPs for my programs18:39
diffredyellabs: thanks gonna check it18:39
ikoniab0nn: cd's are read only18:39
b0nnso how do I mount it?18:40
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ASULutzyIsvara: It means a kernel panic, things are seriously broke18:40
Zero_FeniXAny idea's on how to get ubuntu installed on a windows vista 32 bit host with VirtualBox?18:40
yellabsdiffred : if you want an quick and easy way go here http://media-convert.com/18:40
jack_jYou have been plopped18:40
IsvaraAnd the installation finally went so well.18:40
ikoniab0nn: it's mounted18:40
IsvaraI am cursed today.18:40
DaHopimmh is there nobody who can help me to install Ubuntu 8.10 on an AMD64 3000+ ?18:40
ikoniab0nn: it was warning you that it's mounted read only18:40
yellabsdiffred just upload the file and convert it18:40
yellabsgood luck18:40
jack_jyoyo get your isos and mount you funnylalalalala18:41
b0nnah, no18:41
diffredyellabs: oh thanks18:41
zanberdoquestion: is there a limit to the number of drivers/partitions the install partition manager can handle?  I have a system with three drives: two 250G and one 500G.  When I load the ubuntu ibex installer, the partition manager only shows the two 250G drives available, even though I have an older version installed to the 500G drive (and it still boots)...18:41
ikoniaDaHopi: I can't see any option for power now disable, however I'm surprised your having this issue,18:41
Picijack_j: Do you have a support question?18:41
ikoniaDaHopi: if you fancy a test, pass the kernel parameter "single" to the boot line from the livecd18:41
b0nnit's not listed when I type just 'mount'18:41
ikoniaDaHopi: see if it boots that way (just for a test)18:41
jack_jno wheres the offtopic then18:41
Picijack_j: #ubuntu-offtopic18:41
furytheoryI need a good networking site ... anyone? ... anyone???18:42
ikoniafurytheory: no-one, no-one, no-one18:42
b0nnand there is no files listed when I ls themount point18:42
ikoniafurytheory: thats not ontopic here18:42
DaHopiikonia: i will give it a try.. thanx... till later ;)18:42
ikoniab0nn: what command did you use, exactly18:42
furytheoryNetworking for Ubuntu isn't on topic? Hmmm.18:42
b0nnsudo mount /dev/cdrom1 /media/disk18:42
LaderiusHey guys what termainal commands would i type to execute this http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man1/kclock.kss.1.html18:42
SanketsuWell, I've got an issue on my laptop involving the wireless not working after updates.  I've put the details here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=103350118:42
ikoniafurytheory: a networking site in general is not18:42
anparksplease will somebody take a look at this: http://pastebin.com/m3cc7eba018:43
b0nner, that fails asking for fstype18:43
anparkscannot fix this broken package18:43
IsvaraWhat do I need on the grub command line to boot with a visible console?18:43
b0nnsudo mount /dev/cdrom1 /media/disk -tvfat18:43
Jeruvylorenzo: from the error it would seem to be a problem with GTK specifically, or the software cannot find what it needs.  Have you searched those errors on launchpad.net?18:43
edd_hi, after update i have network manager is seeing each network card twice18:43
ikoniab0nn: cd's are not vfat18:43
anparksand no i am not a noob, yes my sources.list is in order, i have apt-get cleaned etc.18:43
ikoniab0nn: just use the command "sudo mount /dev/cdrom1 /media/cdrom"18:43
jack_jcds are Mastered FS18:43
ASULutzyIsvara: Take away splash and quiet18:43
ikoniab0nn: cd's normally automount when you put them in (I assume your using a gnome desktop)18:44
furytheoryExcuse me... How about a networking site that is a little more explanitory than ubuntu's site.18:44
b0nndidyou not read what I said happens when I do that?18:44
jack_jor CDfs + Micro$oft-LiveFS18:44
IsvaraASULutzy: I have a blank grub command line.18:44
tristanmikeratpoison: the only packages that I don't have installed that you do, are the XMMS packages, and I don't use XMMS. Oh, and the flash-nonfree plugin one as well18:44
ikoniab0nn: what is on this cd ?18:44
Espinete77Hi, I'm trying to compile an app and I need jack/jack.h. I have jackd installed so I was wondering, what package do I need to get jack.h ?18:44
jack_jboot em up blanker18:44
ratpoisontristanmike: then the program I'm telling you should be under applications / sound video18:44
tristanmikeratpoison: other than 3, my list is the same18:44
tristanmikeratpoison: ahh, perfect18:45
b0nnId tell you.. if I could mount it?18:45
Laz_IIcan i get help with a grub error18:45
Jack_Sparrow!who > jack_j18:45
ubottujack_j, please see my private message18:45
ikoniab0nn: ok - so how do you know it's not blank18:45
tristanmikeratpoison: bingo, I've got it now18:45
user_Espinete77: the jack-devel package could do18:45
FoxKilo48.1 won't see my Firewire card connected to Edirol FA66 any help? Where do I start?18:45
ikoniab0nn: hence why it's asking for a file system18:45
ASULutzyIsvara: Hmmm? When you reboot, push 'e' to edit the line and just erase quiet and no splash fromt he end and push 'b' to boot18:45
Espinete77user_: that doesn't exist in synaptic18:45
b0nnit's supposed to be a printed cd18:45
user_Espinete77: something similar?18:45
IsvaraASULutzy: I hit 'escape' to get a to the grub command line18:45
b0nnbutit could be blank18:45
b0nnhow do I know?18:45
tristanmikeratpoison: I have "Manager" open now18:46
zanberdoto further qualify my question. when I boot the kubuntu hardy installer the partition manager identifies all three drives (the two 250G and the one 500G).  Maybe this is a bug in the ubuntu ibex installer?18:46
ikoniab0nn: are you using gnome desktop ?18:46
Espinete77user_: I've looking but I can't find it18:46
Laz_IIyep i will erace it18:46
b0nnIm using kubuntu18:46
ikoniab0nn: what desktop are you using ?18:46
ikoniab0nn: ok, kde18:46
user_Espinete77: try libjack-dev18:46
ikoniab0nn: so when you put the cd in, if there is data on it, kde should auto mount it for you, the fact that it's not doing that, and the mount command is asking for an FS suggests it's blank18:46
ASULutzyIsvara: Just edit your existing grub menu line when you reboot?18:46
jack_jthere is 14xx people here18:46
ratpoisontristanmike: now try and find out if the sound output that sounds clunky is amplified excessively. you can see which output goes to which sink under the tab devices. you can right click on the outputs and get specific visual monitors for each sink and thus you can tell if pulseaudio is actually bypassed18:47
Laz_IIok let me look at the window not18:47
Laz_IIok let me look at the window now18:47
ikoniajack_j: please stop18:47
ikoniajack_j: this is a support channel only18:47
jack_jxubuntu is not even responding18:47
ikoniajack_j: you have been told that, now please follow it18:47
Espinete77user_: yay that was it! thanks :D18:47
Laz_IIdoes a USB UUID id change18:47
rayluLaz_II: uuids are specific to partitions18:48
Jack_SparrowLaz_II, It should not18:48
Laz_IIright that is what i thought18:48
rayluLaz_II: so your question makes no sense18:48
Laz_IIit could not open the root device18:48
Laz_IIi am trying to boot ubuntu from a USB hard drive18:48
IsvaraASULutzy: Okay, got it, but removing 'quiet' doesn't help -- I still just get the progress bar.18:48
Laz_IIi have it installed but the bootloader18:48
ASULutzyIsvara: And remove splash.18:49
Laz_IIdoes not work18:49
lorenzoJeruvy, no, how do i search for those errors on launchpad?18:49
tristanmikeratpoison: let me give you some background. My surround sound doesn't work by default. Using PulseAudio. So far, the only fix I have found was to open "System-Preferences-Sound" and change the "Music and Movies" to use Alsa and multichannel playback rather than auto detect. Also, I needed to open my volume control and uncheck the "SB Live Analog/Digital Output Jack". This gave me 5.1, but the sound crackles18:49
IsvaraASULutzy: splash is not there, but I'll try adding nosplash.18:49
Jack_SparrowLaz_II, How did you create the bootable usb18:49
bazbazbazhow's it going! this is definitly not where i am supposed to be asking this question, but i have searched and have no idea where to go from here and the ubuntu community is the best!......... I moved into a condo with network outlets on each wall. To make them live i went to the wiring closet ready with a switch to connect all the end points - but there weren't any! All the wires were connected to some other thing.... what do i do?18:49
tristanmikeratpoison: now, since PulseAudio is new "relatively", I'm finding it rather confusing18:49
rayluLaz_II: also, where is the bootloader installed?18:49
ikoniabazbazbaz: as you said this is not the right place to ask, do don't ask18:50
Laz_IIi had the live session cd up and running and i just installed to the usb hard drive18:50
tristanmikeratpoison: does any of that make any sense whatsoever ?18:50
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent18:50
Laz_IIi put the boot loader on the usb drive18:50
Jeruvylorenzo: in a google search type "site:launchpad.net {error msg}"18:50
bazbazbazikonia: i am sure someone could point me in the right direction, i am stuck18:50
Jack_SparrowLaz_II, See also pendrivelinux18:50
IsvaraAh, it's there twice, and once is off-screen. Cunning.18:50
ikoniabazbazbaz: it is not the puropose of this channel, please don't ask18:50
nicolavorrei qualcuno che mi insegnasse a usare linux ubuntu18:50
Jack_Sparrowbazbazbaz, Offtopic18:50
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rayluLaz_II: so is the problem that you don't see grub at all on bootup?18:50
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)18:51
Laz_IIno i get a kernal panic error when booting18:51
bazbazbazso anyone know of a good #netowrking irc channel?18:51
Picibazbazbaz: ##networking18:51
Laz_IIi will put the error in18:51
furytheoryIt's no wonder that most of the computers in the world have Windows on them. I am not condoning Microsoft's practices, but some one comes in with no-bs problem looking for advice and gets told that their problem is not on topic. I hate Windows, but i know that if I have a problem I can call (even if I have to pay for it) and they can solve it in an ORGANIZED way. This is chaos. This is the first time that I have tried to actually t18:51
furytheoryried to talk to other guru's. I think that I will just go back to reading manuals and solving problems the old fashioned way, perseverance and self reliance. All I wanted is for someone to recommend some help, not tell me how..18:51
raylufurytheory: are you kiding?18:51
raylufurytheory: let me pretend we're #windows for a second18:51
Laz_IIVFS: Cannot open root device "UUID (uuid string) or unknown-block(0,0)18:51
raylufurytheory: scndisk, defrag, reboot, reboot, reboot18:52
Jeruvyfurytheory: same holds true for ubuntu, call canocial and get live support if you wish18:52
raylufurytheory: *scandisk. oh, and something about fdisk and anti-virus18:52
bazbazbazmicrosoft has support? never knew18:52
raylufurytheory: oh, and in an indian accent18:52
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:52
tristanmikefurytheory: don't worry, you'll get a bunch of people slagging you for this, but I'm starting to agree with you18:52
ASULutzyAll offtopic18:52
Laz_IInot me18:52
Jack_SparrowLets get back to the topic.. please dont feed the troll18:52
furytheoryI don't want to call. I wanted someone that actually has a brain to help me. This is supposed to be help for Ubuntu, right?18:53
tristanmikeratpoison: did you get my last messages ?18:53
bazbazbazfurytheory: whats your problem again18:53
lorenzoJeruvy, thanks a lot, i'll try that18:53
ratpoison!patience > tristanmike18:53
ubottutristanmike, please see my private message18:53
FoxKilo48.1 won't see my Firewire card connected to Edirol FA66 any help? Where do I start?18:53
tristanmikeratpoison: a simple "yes" would suffice... for all I know, you just took a heart attack... you don't have to go throwing ubottu at me like I'm the plauge :/18:54
Laz_IIThe error that i get is VFS: Cannot open root device "UUID (uuid string) or unknown-block(0,0)18:54
Jeruvylorenzo: sure, let us know what you find out.18:54
ratpoisontristanmike: relax dude, nothing personal18:54
SanketsuOk, so I had a hard drive failure and installed a new HDD on my laptop, then ended up doing a fresh install of Intrepid.  Everything worked just fine.  There were 200+ updates I could do though so I let them all install as normal, over the wireless here since all my wired ports are used up on my router.  After the updates and restart due to kernel updates my wireless will no longer connect.18:54
=== K is now known as Guest46727
rayluLaz_II: so which drive is the grub loader installed on?18:55
ratpoisontristanmike: yes. switching the audio option from the multimedia manager was a piece of info I didn't have. that probably means that your sound is bypassing pulseaudio. Try double clicking on your volume meter and click preferences. Choose your appropriate sound card and click preferences. check on all available options and tweak them. Sometimes you need to uncheck you have headphones or IECsomething or somesuch18:55
JeruvySanketsu: what does /var/log/messages tell you, any boot/kernel errors?18:55
rayluSanketsu: iwconfig18:55
Laz_IIi have the bootloader installed on the usb drive18:55
Laz_III can get the loader to boot to my internal hard drive18:56
raylutristanmike, ratpoison: also, alsamixer18:56
Laz_IIbut not to the usb drive18:56
ratpoisonraylu: that's the same, but gtk, I think18:56
SanketsuI'll look just a moment Jeruvy and raylu.18:56
tristanmikeratpoison: my sound is bypassing PulseAudio because for some reason I only get one option under Pulse. For instance, when I run "alsamixer" all I get is one option to change, pulseaudio volume... that's it18:56
zanberdoMight there be a rational reason why the hardy alternate installation partition manager see all three of my installed hard drives, but the ibex alternate installation partition managers does not?18:56
rayluratpoison: er, alsamixer runs in a terminal. and occsaionally, it fixes something the gnome one can't18:56
anparkshello an somebody help me fix a broken package?18:57
raylu!who | Laz_II18:57
ubottuLaz_II: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:57
terrorishi all18:57
tristanmikeratpoison: there is very little documentation on how to set up PulseAudio and I'm very confused18:57
raylu!anybody | anparks18:57
ubottuanparks: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?18:57
anparksmy sources.list is now also totally fucked and i have nothing in it18:57
terrorishas anyone got fallout 3 to work with wine?18:57
rayluLaz_II: can you show me /boot/grub/menu.lst on the usb hard drive?18:57
lorenzoJeruvy, thanks a lot, i'll try that18:57
Jack_Sparrow!ohmy > anparks18:57
ubottuanparks, please see my private message18:57
Flannelanparks: Please watch your language.  You can generate a new one in software souces18:57
anparksplease take a look at my anparks@fassbinder:~$ sudo dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq libghc6-xmonad-contrib-dev18:57
anparksdpkg - warning, overriding problem because --force enabled: Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should reinstall it before attempting a removal.18:57
anparks(Reading database ... 375304 files and directories currently installed.)18:57
anparksRemoving libghc6-xmonad-contrib-dev ...18:57
anparksghc-pkg: cannot find package xmonad-contrib-0.618:58
FloodBot2anparks: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:58
Laz_IIokay raylu i put the boot loader in the usb drive18:58
anparksdpkg: error processing libghc6-xmonad-contrib-dev (--remove): subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 118:58
ratpoisontristanmike: I kind of figured it out myself, but only for stereo sound. Never tried it for multichannel18:58
rayluLaz_II: ...what?18:58
terrorisanyone got fallout3 to work in wine?18:58
ratpoisontristanmike: there is a forum post you can refer to, lemme find the one that helped me18:58
Laz_IIRaylu you asked where i put the grub loader and i put on the usb hard drive18:58
tristanmikeratpoison: it's very frustrating that it's worked since Hardy Hedgehog for me, but since this new "PulseAudio" (crap, imo), I can't get sound to work right18:58
Unoabaltoanyone have any experience on pcmcia smartcard readers?18:59
tristanmikeratpoison: maybe even Warty18:59
Flannelanparks: Software sources is different than synaptic.  But, synaptic's opening shouldn't be affected by an empty sources.list18:59
Jack_Sparrow!appdb > terroris18:59
ubottuterroris, please see my private message18:59
DaHopiikonia: same problem.. i made a copy of syslog.. should i paste it somewhere?18:59
ikonia!pastebin > DaHopi18:59
ubottuDaHopi, please see my private message18:59
ratpoisontristanmike: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=789578&highlight=pulseaudio+intrepid try this18:59
tristanmikeratpoison: let me ask you this... do you think that this link (http://www.automaticable.com/2008-05-28/how-to-enable-surround-sound-on-ubuntu-hardy/) is suitable ? I don't usually like messing around with conf files18:59
tristanmikeratpoison: thanks for the linky19:00
KingOfDosdoes someone know how to fix/configure my wacom?19:00
rayluLaz_II: oh. i thought you meant that you did it just now19:00
rayluLaz_II: anyway, i still want to see /boot/grub/menu.lst19:00
anparksi am getting these errors: http://pastebin.com/d469943f219:00
SanketsuJeruvy: in /var/log/messages would it say error somewhere if there was an error?19:00
ratpoisontristanmike: sounds good, but do the tweaking first. If you then decide you want to get rid of pulseaudio, follow this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=973637&highlight=pulseaudio+intrepid19:01
rayluanparks: try "sudo aptitude reinstall libghc6-xmonad-contrib-dev"19:01
SanketsuBecause I've got a big list of stuff here.19:01
DaHopiikonia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/101807/19:01
=== nickklau is now known as marcules
tristanmikeratpoison: bookmarking all those links. Thanks again.19:02
Laz_IIraylu no i have it on another computer next to me19:02
anparksraylu: no good. i tried all the intuitive tricks.19:02
Unoabaltoany smartcard gurus around? I could use some help with a pcmcia smart card reader19:02
rayluLaz_II: ok...?19:02
rayluanparks: what does reinstalling it do?19:02
DaHopiikonia: i think problem is on BUG: unable to handle kernel paging request at ffff88083d46c8f819:02
ratpoisontristanmike: the basic idea behind pulseaudio is that each physical output of your local (or network, if you have it enabled) is a sink. Each input is a source. Each pc with pulseaudio is a server. You can then route the output of every channel of every program to a sink.19:02
anparksrylu: the package is missing to begin with.19:03
Laz_IIraylu i "cat /boot/menu/grub.1st" and i get file not found... I hit c to go to a command line with grub loads19:03
rayluanparks: so reinstall should install it...19:03
ratpoisontristanmike: it took a couple of days to figure out how it works, but now I'm sending my sound from my eeepc to the mainspeakers in my home and it's awesomely awesome19:03
rayluLaz_II: lst, not 1st19:03
Laz_IIraylu same file not found19:04
SanketsuBy the way, if it helps Jeruvy, I'm on my desktop right now, with my laptop next to me.  Next best thing to copy paste I can do right now is take a picture of my laptop's screen.19:04
=== k is now known as Guest26360
rayluLaz_II: wait, what did you mean when you said you hit c to go to a command line?19:04
rayluLaz_II: if you do that when grub loads, you're in a grub shell19:04
tristanmikeratpoison: well... sounds great in theory... but, imho, it should be a little more "polished" before it becomes the standard in Ubuntu Desktop19:05
rayluLaz_II: which is not what you want. to see that file, you'll have to stick the usb drive on a computer that's already booted in another OS19:05
Laz_IIraylu yeah i have grub installed to the usb drive and i can get to a grub shell but i cannot get ubuntu to load i get a kernal panic error that it cannot mount the uuid of the usb device19:05
tristanmikeratpoison: it's too difficult to use, if you ask me. Whereas before everything worked OOTB, now nothing seems to work OOTB.19:05
rayluLaz_II: right... which is why you need to boot another OS, like I said19:05
theos2i want command for deinstallation and reinstallation of java19:05
rayluLaz_II: or put the usb drive in different computer19:05
tristanmikeratpoison: anywho, thanks again19:05
rayluLaz_II: anyway, i have to go, sorry19:05
theos2any clue?19:06
ratpoisontristanmike: true. I hear Fedora 10, which came in later, has it completely stable. and yes, you ARE right, especially since they were so strict with oofice 3.019:06
Laz_IIraylu okay thatnk you19:06
Sanketsuraylu: what am I looking for with iwconfig?19:06
DoonzHey people im having some slow network problems. I have a 25/1 line. I can download directly from my ubuntu server at almost 25mbit. But when im going through the ubuntu box from my windows machine or when browing using elinks through my ssh. the net can come to a crawl. Also when doing this i have azureus downloading but only at 600kb/s wich is less than 50% of my line speed my ssh connection become almost unusable. Im using the Ubuntu b19:08
theos2how can i install java and how can i remove plz help19:09
zanberdotheos2, apt-get install sun-java6-jre19:09
zanberdotheos2, assuming you need the runtime environment19:10
theos2the default java of ubuntu zanberdo19:10
zanberdotheos2, however, I use apt-get search when I need an app...19:10
ASULutzytheos2: the default java of Ubuntu doesn't always play nicely with things19:10
theos2and how can i remove it19:11
zanberdotheos2, I'm not sure what the "default" java is, but I believe sun-java6-jre is what you need.19:11
SanketsuOk, so I had a hard drive failure and installed a new HDD on my laptop, then ended up doing a fresh install of Intrepid.  Everything worked just fine.  There were 200+ updates I could do though so I let them all install as normal, over the wireless here since all my wired ports are used up on my router.  After the updates and restart due to kernel updates my wireless will no longer connect.19:11
lorenzoJeruvy, so it seems my error is a bug in sound-recorder, which will be fixed in jaunty. I am not sure that error is what prevents me from capturing audio though, do you think it could be?19:11
zanberdotheos2, apt-get remove sun-java6-rje19:11
hobbes0061hi guys, how do i mount a Windows Vista's Shared Folder (on a separate machine) to my Ubuntu Machine using command line and using fstab?  I have managed to connect it using the GUI Places > Connect to Server method but it has some problems with read-write access so I suppose I probably need to configure it further.19:11
Ward1983how can i solve this error?19:12
Ward1983gcc: @DX_CXXFLAGS@: No such file or directory19:12
Ward1983gcc: @SHARED_COMP_FLAGS@: No such file or directory19:12
ASULutzyhobbes0061: sudo smbmount //ip.address.of.windows/theShareName /media/share -o username=theUser19:12
jribWard1983: provide more details as to what you are doing.  Is this software you wrote?19:12
hobbes0061ASULutzy: i tried that.... but i seem to be missing the ip.address.of.windows19:12
hobbes0061how do i find out what is the ip address?19:13
Ward1983jrib, nope its software i try to compile19:13
ASULutzyhobbes0061: go over to the windows box and run cmd and then type ipconfig19:13
jribWard1983: more details...19:13
zanberdohobbes0061, from the windows cmd prompt, type ipconfig19:13
zanberdohobbes0061, you may have to run the command line as admin though19:13
Hoohow can i change the topic of an irc channel?19:13
hobbes0061i see19:13
jribHoo: /topic new_topic19:13
zanberdohobbes0061, which if I recall is a right-click option from the start menu (but I could be mistaken)19:13
Ward1983jrib, pastebin? i dont think there is more usefull info19:13
Jack_SparrowHoo, ask in freenode19:13
flexdI've been searching the forums for a way to stop video flickering with a ati graphics card...19:14
joejchow do i configure a router with no dhcp?19:14
jribWard1983: well the name of the software you are compiling may be useful19:14
Hooi didn't found any info19:14
Jack_Sparrowflexd, turn off effects.19:14
Ward1983jrib, gephex19:14
flexdThat's the only solution?19:14
flexdI haven't enabled any effects in the first place..19:14
Ward1983jrib, went for the old version now, which worked fine before19:14
=== phantomcircuit_ is now known as phantomcircuit
Jack_Sparrowflexd, verify they are off... and that you have real video drivers and not running vesa mode19:14
ASULutzyflexd: There are others, but they only work in specific situations. I use unredirect full screen windows which stops flickering in full screen apps/video, but the easiest way is probably to just turn off compiz and use metacity with metacity --replace &19:15
Jeruvylorenzo: It could. perhaps download kubuntu livecd and try it that way.19:15
Ward1983jrib, (no its not in the repos and no there no deb)19:15
MOUDHello again19:15
flexdJack_Sparrow, turning off effects like Window Decoration and stuff now leaves me with programs and no titlebars? :/19:15
jribWard1983: what did you run after extracting the tarball?19:15
Ward1983jrib, ./configure with some flags and make19:15
JeruvySanketsu: I can't say for sure, but any errors would be suspicious especially around network or device drivers19:15
zanberdoflexd, you might also try asking at #compiz-fusion. the guys over there know compiz inside and out and can help with video driver issues (usuall)19:15
ASULutzyflexd: either run metacity --replace & in a terminal, or go to system -> preferences -> appearence and turn desktop effects to off19:15
flexdJack_Sparrow, i turned off the ones that seemed to have been enabled (window decoration, fading windows)19:15
Jack_Sparrowflexd, I thought you said they were off.. try metacity --replace19:15
theos2whic is the latest version of java?19:16
flexdJack_Sparrow, i said i never turned any on ;)19:16
SanketsuOk, I'm going to take some pics of the log and post them to see if you can make any sense of them.19:16
jribWard1983: well @DX_CXXFLAGS@ is supposed to be getting replaced19:16
ASULutzyflexd: You can't just uncheck a few effects, you need to disable compiz19:16
flexdI just did what ASULutzy said.19:16
flexdwill try to play movies19:16
Ward1983jrib, thats what i guessed yeah19:16
[AU]VauxHello All19:16
hobbes0061works. thanks!19:16
hobbes0061however, there's one more problem.19:17
hobbes0061when i run the command with sudo19:17
MOUDI just downloaded kbounce, where did the games go?19:17
hobbes0061all the mounted folders and files end up belong to root19:17
flexdright awesome19:17
[AU]VauxI've got a question19:17
zanberdotheos2, sun-java6-jre will install java version "1.6.0_10"19:17
flexdASULutzy, now it doesnt flicker :)19:17
[AU]VauxWhat does an IRC Bouncer do?19:17
Hoodid any one installed L2j on ubuntu?19:17
jribWard1983: what version did you download?19:17
hobbes0061which is not what i want.... i want the mounted folders and files to be owned by my default ubuntu user... how do i do that?19:17
lorenzoJeruvy, wait a second, why do you say kubuntu? i have gnome. could it be that i once installed Kubuntu desktop just to try it out and then removed it? Would that have messed stuff up?19:17
FlimmWhat's a native package?19:18
Ward1983jrib, 0.4.3b tarball (darcs 0.4.4 seemed broken i tried it yesterday, and 0.4.4 tarball has a annoying qt4 bug)19:18
Ward1983jrib, on 64bit 8.10 btw19:18
jribWard1983: what is the b for?19:18
Jeruvylorenzo: well the kubuntu front end would not involve GTK, so it's a way to see if that is in fact the problem, or the recorder itself is the issue.19:18
Jack_Sparrowhobbes0061, Keep the mounted files and folders .. under /home/$USER19:18
hobbes0061Jack_Sparrow... that's exactly what i did.19:19
Ward1983jrib, also i had to do some includes maunally, their code seems to be buggy (strange enough i do not remember having to do that on 7.04)19:19
hobbes0061i mounted them under /home/[myusername]/work19:19
DonkeyKonghey everyone, I have an Acer 6930 laptop and when I used Ekiga or even aMSN my webcam works but when I try to use Camormama or Cheese to take pictures it wont detect my webcam any help?19:19
jribWard1983: if you're grabbing the binary, why are you compiling at all?19:19
Jack_Sparrowhobbes0061, but because you used root to put them there you dont own them now?19:19
Ward1983jrib, its not a binary...19:19
hobbes0061because of the sudo smbmountcommand19:19
Jack_Sparrowhobbes0061, one sec..19:20
Ward1983jrib, its the sources in a tarball19:20
jribWard1983: ah, never mind I didn't grok the 'b' in the tar.gz I downloaded19:20
styleK/s is that kbytes per sec, or kbits per sec?19:20
DonkeyKonghey everyone, I have an Acer 6930 laptop and when I used Ekiga or even aMSN my webcam works but when I try to use Camormama or Cheese to take pictures it wont detect my webcam any help?19:20
cdeszaqWhat is the APT package for the CGI.pm perl module?19:21
Jack_Sparrowhobbes0061, here is a tutorial on how to do it for a partition, modify for use on folders and files.19:21
Jack_Sparrowhobbes0061, First, check the ownership: Open a terminal and type cd /media ...then type... ls -la ...then, do the following, replacing “yourPartition” with the name of the partition (e.g. /sdb1)... sudo chown -R username:username /media/yourPartition  (On a live system you must create a user name first) followed by... sudo chmod -R 755 /media/yourPartition ... Finally, check to see if it worked by doing another ls -la to verify19:21
Jack_Sparrowthe permissions are set19:21
FloodBot2Jack_Sparrow: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:21
styleFloodBot2: LOL!19:22
hobbes0061they cant be changed unfortunately19:22
|unjustice|what is the command to view hardware like soundcards?19:22
hobbes0061i did chmod -R 777 /home/[username]/work19:22
zanberdo|unjustice|, lspci19:22
DaHopiikonia: any idea?19:22
hobbes0061i did chown as well19:22
pablo_somebody speak spanish?19:22
hobbes0061but it still remains owned by root :(19:22
Jack_Sparrow|unjustice|, lshw19:23
zanberdo|unjustice|, that will list all pci hardware...19:23
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:23
styleThe encrypted interpid folder, can someone tell me about how that works?19:23
DonkeyKonghey everyone, I have an Acer 6930 laptop and when I used Ekiga or even aMSN my webcam works but when I try to use Camormama or Cheese to take pictures it wont detect my webcam any help?19:23
zanberdo|unjustice|, lshw will list more detailed hardware information19:23
jribWard1983: what arch are you compiling on?19:23
zanberdo|unjustice|, but it seems Jack_Sparrow beat me to the punch on that...19:23
Ward1983jrib, 64bit 8.1019:23
Ward1983jrib, amd64 (core2duo)19:23
* DaHopi is rebootiing19:23
Ward1983jrib, ./configure --with-MPEG3 --with-LIBPNG --with-GL --with-AVIFILE19:24
zanberdostyle, google encfs - you will find a lot of information on the encryption method used for the encrypted directory (as this is what is used)19:24
stylezanberdo: The password to decrypt, is that the user password, or?19:25
zanberdostyle, generally there is another directory (hidden perhaps) that is the "real" encrypted directory.  This is then mounted with encfs to a visible directory (generally /Public)19:25
zanberdostyle, rather ~/Public19:25
pablo_i've a problem with the usb in the virtualbox 2.1.019:25
zanberdostyle, I was just reading an article on the ubuntu site about how this is managed.  Can't recall the details, but it's tied to your user account19:25
gfatherguys anyone know the package for PCRE library ?19:25
=== [AU]Vaux is now known as [AU]Vaux-AFK-
jribWard1983: heh, I get different errors than you http://paste.ubuntu.com/101820/19:26
Jack_Sparrowpablo_, /join #vbox19:26
Ward1983jrib, sorry: replace contrib/ffmpeg with a SVNed ffmpeg19:26
Ward1983jrib, svn checkout svn://svn.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg/trunk ffmpeg19:26
jiffe89I had amavisd-new installed on an ubuntu machine and it was removed along with any startup scripts, config files, but now when I try to reinstall it, it doesn't create a config file or init.d script19:27
Ward1983jrib, (that will fix that error)19:27
hareldvdwhich packag contains kpdf and kdiff3?19:27
theos2i deleted the latest version of jdownloader and iam doing a reinstallation but my insstallation when install the program starts from the beggining,any clue?19:27
cperrin88Hey, I have a proble with the Google Calendar function of Evolution. It does not load all the calendars I have set up19:27
gfatherany idea ?19:27
puffHm, that's odd.  I just installed ibex from scratch (new hard drive) and I couldn't get online using ifconfig/iwconfig/dhclient, got an odd "no IPV6 router present" in dmesg. However, using the GUI network manager, I got online  no problem.19:28
gfatherlibpcre not found , anyone knows the package ?19:28
jribWard1983: k, it's compiling.  estimate on how long the error takes to show up?19:28
jiffe89any idea how I can 'reset' the amavisd-new package?19:28
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zanberdohareldvd, you should be able to install kpdf using apt-get install kpdf - be advised it's a kde-dependent package and will likely install a number of kde libs19:28
pablo_sorry for my english, i'm from mexico and can't speak very good the english, i hope can you understand me19:28
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:29
meho_hi i am trying to connect to someone to help them with something i have remote desktop viewer but the connection is not going trough19:29
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pablo_this is the problem http://img136.imageshack.us/img136/5964/usbvboxdr9.png19:29
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Ward1983jrib, not too long, few minutes maybe, i have a 2.13Ghz C2D , jrib but im gonna try again myself too from scratch, so i know for certain that you dont need to make some includes (i had to make some but dont remember what files)19:29
hareldvdzanberdo: Trying apt-get install kpdf gives me: Package kpdf is not available, but is referred to by another package.19:29
Ward1983jrib, it was allways the same include missing in like 5 files19:30
puffpablo_: Try the channel #ubuntu-es19:30
DaHopiikonia: do you have a idea?19:30
theos2i deleted the latest version of jdownloader and iam doing a reinstallation but my insstallation when install the program starts from the beggining,any clue?19:30
pablo_the vbox mark the usb like not disponible19:30
meho_please help its urgent19:30
zanberdohareldvd, hmm... odd... of course, until recently I've been running kubuntu which includes kpdf, so I haven't tried to install it for gnome... sorry19:30
chattrzOT but does 15inches lcd have big difference in electricity usage than a 22inches lcd?19:30
jribWard1983: meh, ok sounds to involved for right now.  I'll be back in a few hours if you're still stuck then and we can bounce ideas around19:31
pablo_how can i get in in ubuntu-es?19:31
ASULutzypablo_: You have to enable usb passthrough, /join #ubuntu-es for help in Spanish19:31
hareldvdany idea how to install skype?19:31
ASULutzypablo_: type /join #ubuntu-es19:31
jrib!skype | hareldvd19:31
ubottuhareldvd: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto19:31
zanberdochattrz, probably a better question for research than this channel19:31
Ward1983jrib, ok thanx in advance19:31
user_hareldvd: i believe kpdf was replaced by okular19:31
zanberdochattrz, and by research I mean google19:31
chattrzzanberdo: i was just hoping somebody has a brilliant idea while goggling19:31
Ward1983jrib, oh you need to do ./configure in the SVNed ffmpeg first btw19:32
ASULutzymeho_: Explain what you have tried and what happened19:32
hareldvduser_: which is the "native" ubuntu pdf viewer?19:32
zanberdochattrz, I thought I knew,  but clearly my hubris lead me astray... :)19:32
ikoniaDaHopi: sorry wasn't at my desk19:32
Ward1983jrib, i'll /msg you the steps i had to do while you're gone if thats ok19:32
chattrzzanberdo: hubris?what is that?19:32
jribWard1983: sure19:32
user_hareldvd: no19:32
ASULutzychattrz: hurbis = excessive pride19:32
zanberdochattrz, pride. but actually that message wasn't meant for you... :/19:33
Ward1983jrib, ok thanx for helping out19:33
meho_well what i tried is to use remote desktop viewer available on 8.04 version and typed in the ip address and the port but after a minute the message poppes up connection closed and it was not open in the first place19:33
ikoniaDaHopi: your using a mac mouse ?19:33
hareldvdseem to me ubuntu uses ghostscript for pdf viewer is that so? (want to configure Firefox).19:34
br3ndenHow can I manage network traffic on the fly?19:34
DaHopiikonia: no, standard mouse19:34
ASULutzymeho_: I prefer using the terminal server client, have you tried using that? Does the person you are trying to connect to have remote desktop enabled?19:34
DaHopiikonia: .. on PS/219:34
chattrzis hurbis an english word?19:34
Ward1983meho_, what exactly do you want to do / achieve?19:34
zanberdohareldvd, evince19:34
meho_yes they do19:34
avocado1chattrz: yes19:34
meho_i will try terminal server19:34
SanketsuJeruvy, I went to switch my Ethernet cable over from my desktop to my laptop so I could just copy paste my /var/log/messages to a pastebin, but things just got weird, my ethernet connection is doing the same thing as my wireless now.19:35
zanberdochattrz, well, it's a latin derivative.  check it out on dictionary.com19:35
Ward1983meho_, are you connecting over the internet to the other computer?19:35
Ward1983meho_, very important detail19:35
ikoniaDaHopi: interesting it found a mac mouse19:35
meho_over the internet19:35
Ward1983meho_, is the other person behind a router?19:35
chattrzoh ok thanks19:35
MindVirusHow do I copy the entire audio track from a DVD?19:35
ASULutzymeho_: Yea, they have to enable port forwarding on their end to make sure it works of course19:35
meho_they are19:36
meho_that is a big bother as she is not computer literate19:36
zanberdochattrz, my bad, it's of Greek origin19:36
Ward1983meho_, setup portforwarding, i think VNC is TCP 5900 iirc19:36
avocado1MindVirus: i believe you can do it with the ffmpeg tool, but it's a bit complicated19:36
ikoniaDaHopi: I'm not sure the powernow message is "the" fatal message19:36
zanberdochattrz, from the 1880's... but this is off-topic.19:36
MindVirusI'll see, thanks.19:36
Ward1983meho_, then try to get her to setup remote administration, then you can setup the router (unless her modem NATs aswell offcourse)19:37
ASULutzymeho_: Well, you could have her plug her computer directly into the modem if possible, otherwise she will have to setup port forwarding, possibly setting her machine as DMZ will work19:37
Ward1983meho_, remote administration in the router that is19:37
blubaustinhey i was wondering y when I upgraded to ubuntu 8.10 on PPC I can only use it in low graphics mode... I tried editing the xorg.conf to no avail.19:37
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meho_ok i will sort something19:37
Ward1983meho_, then you can just surf to her IP and setup the router for her, when you're done you can disable remote administration19:37
DaHopiikonia: but livecd stops at "starting powernowd...... "19:37
Ward1983meho_, worst case use hamachi19:37
meho_hanachi ??19:38
zanberdoblubaustin, I have never worked with ppc and ubuntu.  Have you checked out YDL?19:38
Ward1983meho_, yeah or any VPN19:38
ikoniaDaHopi: if you look at the syslog - it actually gets beyond that19:38
blubaustinyellow dog is fedora based19:38
meho_ok thanks19:38
blubaustini like debian based19:38
zanberdoblubaustin, right...19:38
zanberdozanberdo, understood19:38
ikoniablubaustin: there is an ubuntu version for PPC, it's community maintained19:39
styleikonia: For ps3?19:39
ikoniaDaHopi: I'm just walking it through a little,19:39
blubaustinI used 7.10 ppc19:39
blubaustinit worked fine19:39
ikoniastyle: there is a PS4 specific version - again community driven, not official19:39
Ward1983meho_, (with VPN its like you're both connected to the same switch, no mather if you have NAT or not)19:39
rubydiamondhow do i know which computers are running19:39
blubaustinuntil I upgraded to 8.10....19:39
ikoniastyle: PS3 sory19:39
rubydiamondon network 192.168.104.*19:39
styleikonia: I would be truly impressed if ubuntu had a PS4 version even before the console was released:P19:40
BlutrilleI am using the LiveCDCustomizationFromScratch directions that were sent to me yesterday although I am unable to get them to work from very early in the process. Anyone here able to help? I'd really like to know how to boot the 8.10 Live without it auto logging into a tmp account. I just want it to goto the user login screen. outside of this I'm good to go.  Any help?19:40
ikoniablubaustin: can you show me that url please19:41
blubaustinwhat url?19:41
ikoniablubaustin: sorry, not you19:41
ikoniaBlutrille: can you show me the url/instructions you are following ?19:41
Jack_SparrowBlutrille, What instructions are you using19:41
ikoniablubaustin: apologies19:41
blubaustinapology accepted... just wanting to run ubuntu thats all.19:42
ubottuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ19:42
blubaustinI know...19:42
LukaszHow can i set up the default icon size in Ubuntu?19:42
blubaustinI edited my xorg... with DRi19:42
Blutrillethe ones one help.ubuntu.com under LiveCDCustomizationFromScratch19:42
blubaustinI mean no dri19:42
blubaustindriver being r12819:43
blubaustinsetting monitor, and etc.19:43
thebighamhello, does anyone might know wats causing ubuntu to open the file manager when login19:43
blubaustinto no avail19:43
FloodBot2blubaustin: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:43
blubaustinsays no screens detected.19:43
stylethe standard installation CD requires 384MB of RAM, I only have 377. Won't it work?19:43
hareldvdwich package contains graphics diff3? (I used to use kdiff3).19:43
Gh0styanyone here run yakuake (or other kde based apps) on gnome and has problems that the bottom of the application appears under the lower taskbar on every workspace except workspace one ... bug introduced in intrepid and very annoying ... :(19:44
TuniX12how do have 377 ??19:44
Jack_Sparrowstyle, use minimal...19:44
LogomachistHi. I've got some serious problems. I installed Ubuntu (attempting to duel-boot XP and ubuntu) but Grub didn't kick in (I installed it a second time just to make sure). Someone recommended that I try SuperGrub Disk, so I downloaded and ran Autopsuper grub disk... and now I don't even have choice of booting into XP.19:44
styleJack_Sparrow: Minimal? I can use the standard instalation cd?19:44
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SanketsuI had a hard drive failure and installed a new HDD on my laptop, then ended up doing a fresh install of Intrepid.  Everything worked just fine.  There were 200+ updates I could do though so I let them all install as normal, over the wireless here since all my wired ports are used up on my router.  After the updates and restart due to kernel updates neither my wired nor my wireless will connect to the internet.19:44
Jack_SparrowLogomachist, boot windows disk and do a fixmbr19:44
zanberdohow can I confirm the UUID for a given dev?19:44
TuniX12LinuxMint is based on Ubuntu so why i can install mint in my laptop but ubuntu no?19:45
allsystemsaregozanberdo, blkid?19:45
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)19:45
Jack_Sparrow!mint > TuniX1219:45
ubottuTuniX12, please see my private message19:45
LogomachistJack Sparrow- Thanks. I'll go try that.19:45
avocado1anyone know about installation of the nvidia beta binary video drivers?  i've added the "nv and nvidia_new" exceptions to /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common, but the apt package manater says there is a new package that needs updating "nvidia-177-modaliases".  will this conflict with my current setup?19:45
zanberdoallsystemsarego, Jack_Sparrow thanks19:45
* DaHopi is rebooting..19:45
TuniX12Jack_Sparrow: its the same base right?19:46
Jack_SparrowTuniX12, same base , but NOT supported here19:46
Blutrilleexact url is : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomizationFromScratch19:47
neodemiis there a program that can batch resample folders of mp3s in ubuntu via a gui of some sort19:47
AndreU_hi, I like to get a patch from the forum but did not get an approval to see it.19:48
Blutrillei get an error when i run sudo debootstrap ... what might  be missing?19:48
ikoniaBlutrille: what is the error19:48
AndreU_could somebody please fetch it for me? http://ohioloco.ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=94854&d=122873514119:48
blobbylolhi, i can't start kde anymore, when i enter my login, that does not start kde but that comes back to the login screen. If i type startkde in the terminal, i have $DISPLAY not set or cannot connect to X server ; i've seen that my hd was full 0 Ko free, so i've freed 2 Go but kde still does not start19:48
ASULutzystyle: How do you have 377? That doesn't seem possible19:48
* DaHopi is back19:48
styleASULutzy: 128 +128 + 12819:49
Blutrillesec moving laptop need power19:49
Jack_Sparrowstyle, How much is shared video ram19:49
rubydiamondhow do I check which comps are running in my nw19:49
styleJack_Sparrow: No idea.  Mem[|||||||||||||||||||||103/377MB]19:50
Jack_Sparrowstyle, Look in bios at shared video19:50
Kev^^^Hi! i need help adding a new internal hard drive :D19:50
rubydiamondhow do I check which comps are running in my network using nmap19:51
blobbylolhi, i can't start kde anymore, when i enter my login, that does not start kde but that comes back to the login screen. If i type startkde in the terminal, i have $DISPLAY not set or cannot connect to X server ; i've seen that my hd was full 0 Ko free, so i've freed 2 Go but kde still does not start19:51
TuniX12while installing ubuntu it blocks  while  booting how can i see error msgs?19:51
ikoniaTuniX12: your not installing ubuntu19:51
ikoniaTuniX12: your using mint19:51
dawildtwighave wireless on laptop but always shows wireless is disconnected and computer will not connect to wireless19:51
TuniX12before using mint19:52
TuniX12so i've tried mint and it works!19:52
ichbinesderelchdawildtwig: wireless switch turned off? :P19:52
ikoniaTuniX12: what is the error19:52
SanketsuI'm having that same issue after updates dawildtwig.19:52
TuniX12i dont know it freeze19:53
dawildtwignah not that dumb yet :)19:53
SanketsuHowever mine's also not connecting via wired either.19:53
TuniX12ikonia: while loading19:53
Jack_SparrowTuniX12, To get live cd to run this often helps..At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--"..19:53
avianHas anyone been able to get rtorstat to run?19:53
TuniX12ok thanks Jack_Sparrow19:53
zanberdoI've just completed installing ibex and grub is returning an error 17 during the boot.  What are the most common reasons for this?19:54
Blutrilleok im back found some power :)19:54
dawildtwigichbinesderelch: the wireless card is seen i can see the networks just won't connect to them19:54
ichbinesderelchdawildtwig: what card is it and what modules do you use?19:54
neodemican i batch resample mp3s in ubuntu?19:55
blobbylolhi, i can't start kde anymore, when i enter my login, that does not start kde but that comes back to the login screen. If i type startkde in the terminal, i have $DISPLAY not set or cannot connect to X server ; i've seen that my hd was full 0 Ko free, so i've freed 2 Go but kde still does not start19:55
dawildtwigichbinesderelch: i have linksys broadcom bcmwl5.inf driver and am using ndiswrapper19:55
thewestlakerHi all, I'm trying to add this command monit -d 60 to my rc.local  do I just add that or do I have to put it in "" or something... it's not working.. thanks19:55
ichbinesderelchblobbylol: try starting from konsole with "X :1 && export DISPLAY=:1 && startkde"19:56
Blutrilleso the error after using "sudo debootstrap --arch i386 gusty chroot" is E: No such script: /user/share/debootstrap/script/gusty19:56
ASULutzyblobbylol: Did you see why your hard drive is filling up? I had the same thing happen to me kde put like a 50 GB log file on my system do du -x / | sort -n19:56
AndreU_please, can someone fetch me the patch from the forum?: could somebody please fetch it for me? http://ohioloco.ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=94854&d=122873514119:57
ichbinesderelchdawildtwig: any error messages in dmesg?19:57
blobbylolASULutzy: it's just that my partition is too small, but i've freed some space19:57
caimlasASULutzy, yes kde4 is a piece of junk in that (and many other) regard19:57
ozzileeAnyone know why emacs would fail to save in a cifs-mounted smb share?19:58
ASULutzycaimlas: Yea, I use Gnome, was just fiddling with it and left it on overnight while watching some videos and it decided to fill up the entire disk ;)19:58
caimlasozzilee, just in emacs? mounted in what means?19:58
caimlasby what means19:58
hwildehelp my previously working ssh is failing with error "Disconnecting: Bad packet length 1397966893."19:58
caimlasASULutzy, huh. some videos eh? :P19:59
pdtpatri3kozzilee do you have permission to the destination ?19:59
ozzileecaimlas: mount -t cifs share mountpoint19:59
hajarhi ... built-in bluetooth does not work ...how to solve this?19:59
dawildtwigichbinesderelch: any ideas?19:59
ozzileepdtpatri3k: Yes, I have permissions.19:59
caimlasozzilee, permissions will need to be set correctly: on the mount point, on the server's share and at the server filesystem level19:59
ichbinesderelchdawildtwig: dmesg errors?19:59
ozzileeThe first time I try to save it works, the second time I get an error about the path not being a directory.19:59
ASULutzycaimlas: I had elisa going, was watching some TV shows, woke up with a 50 GB log file in /var/log about weird 3d stuff and yea, it wasn't fun ;)19:59
ozzileeAlso, if I try to chmod the mount point, chmod tells me that it is not a directory.20:00
ozzileeA different mount from a different server works fine.20:00
ichbinesderelchdawildtwig: and did you try connecting through the network manager or in konsole/any other programm?20:00
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ozzileeOffending server is debian, working server is OS X server.20:00
dawildtwigichbinesderelch: 1 sec lemme check20:00
blobbylolso, nobody has an ideA ?20:00
pdtpatri3kozzilee first off is the mount working properly?20:00
ichbinesderelchblobbylol: try starting from konsole with "X :1 && export DISPLAY=:1 && startkde"20:00
caimlasASULutzy, hmm sounds like yet another issue with X and 3d/rendering atm20:00
ichbinesderelchtried that?20:00
caimlasozzilee, try mounting with smbfs20:01
ozzileepdtpatri3k: Well, for most definititions for properly, yeah. Except for emacs.20:01
ozzileecaimlas: smbfs just calls mount.cifs nowadays.20:01
caimlasblobbylol, what was your problem?20:01
dawildtwigichbinesderelch: the only thing i see in there is pcmcia: this interface will soon be removed from the kernel ; plase expect breakage unless you upgrade to new tools20:01
blobbylolcaimlas: i cannot start kde anymore20:01
caimlasozzilee, wasn't sure; mounting from ubuntu?20:01
pdtpatri3kozzilee is it only emacs that cannot save to the directory ?20:02
ozzileecaimlas: Yes, mounting from 8.1020:02
blobbylolcaimlas: if i try to login it comes back to the login screen20:02
hwildehelp my previously working ssh is failing with error "Disconnecting: Bad packet length 1397966893."20:02
ichbinesderelchdawildtwig: kk, and tried connecten with entwork manager?20:02
ozzileepdtpatri3k: Only emacs, yes, and only on the second save. If I close the file and re-open, it will save once more.20:02
dawildtwigichbinesderelch: but i mean it says it loaded ndiswrapper wlan0 using ndsi driver: bcmwl5 and than states the encryption methods supported20:02
Kev^^^ Hi :) can someone help me with /etc/fstab ?:)20:03
caimlasozzilee, I'm tempted to tell you to go to #debian and pester a specific shallow-minded op over there with the specific directions to tell him "this is a debian problem not an ubuntu problem" but I don't want to waste your time. :P20:03
caimlasblobbylol, did you look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log yet?20:03
dawildtwigKev^^^: what do you need help with20:03
pdtpatri3kozzilee hmm in that case i havent seen that problem yet ..20:04
ASULutzyhwilde: ssh -vvv20:04
ozzileecaimlas: Yup, came from #debian. As soon as they asked my kernel version they told me to get lost :-)20:04
blobbylolcaimlas: no20:04
caimlasozzilee, that sounds like an oplock issue in debian, actually. you have log access on the debian machine?20:04
ozzileecaimlas: Also been in #emacs (no help) and #samba (no answer)20:04
ASULutzyhwilde: Probably screwyness in interoperability, an ugly fix would be to try ssh -120:04
caimlasozzilee, I'm not intimate w/ emacs so I can't say, exactly20:04
BlackHawkdoes anyone here have experience with thunderbird? I'm not sure if it is Ubuntu's problem or Thunderbird's ... but at the thunderbird-channel on mozilla I don't get any answer ...20:04
ozzileecaimlas: Yeah, I'll bring it up.20:04
caimlasblobbylol, you should look; do you know how?20:05
pdtpatri3kozzilee why did they tell you to get lost after you told them your kernel version?20:05
caimlasblobbylol, I suspect you will find something in there about a file such as /home/yourusername/.Xauthority futzing things up20:05
blobbylolcaimlas: yes but i can't pastebin it, i'm on a terminal20:05
ozzileepdtpatri3k: I'm guessing because they could tell it was an Ubuntu kernell.20:05
ASULutzyblobbylol: sudo apt-get install pastebinit20:05
Jack_SparrowBlackHawk, Thunderbird seems to work fine for me. What is the actual issue20:06
hwildeASULutzy, cmon now I googled and found those same articles.  That is bogus.  I haven't upgraded any of the three machines20:06
caimlasozzilee, who, specifically, told you to get lost? there's a real finger-dragger in there who banned me for a generic question about .deb package management20:06
pdtpatri3kozzilee yeah but at the same time you should be to ask them specific emacs question .. thats odd that they wouldnt help considering ubuntu is debian based and its basically the same thing20:06
caimlasblobbylol, I don't want you to pastebin it.20:06
themiddlemanhey guys my trash froze while emptying, is it okay to use an rm command on ~/.local/trash, whatever it is20:06
ASULutzyhwilde: Well, the ssh -v or -vv is still worth doing to maybe see some more meaningful output20:06
hwildeASULutzy, I have that output.  Doesn't help much20:07
blobbylolcaimlas: what do you want me to do ?20:07
Jack_Sparrowpdtpatri3k, No we dont take care of each others products20:07
nuckleanyone seen this ? ~~> http://tinyurl.com/4jgawb20:07
rubydiamondhey do anyboyd use nmap here20:07
rubydiamondI want to scan a network for up machines20:07
hwildeASULutzy, if I can ssh serverA, then ssh serverB,  why can't I ssh -tt serverA nc serverB 2220:07
rubydiamondalso open ports20:07
hwildeASULutzy, especially since this worked yesterday20:07
BlackHawkJack_Sparrow, my specific problem is an error with the webmail-extension ... It just returns that it couldn't connect to the server at localhost, because the connection was refused20:07
caimlasblobbylol, actually look through the Xorg.0.log.old (think that's what it gets called)20:07
blobbylolwhy .old ?20:07
caimlasblobbylol, what you're looking for will be near the end of the log20:08
ASULutzyhwilde: that does seem pretty odd20:08
ichbinesderelchdawildtwig: internet connection gone, did you try connecting manually in konsole?20:08
pdtpatri3kJack_Sparrow so ur saying if someone had a random question just because its different names yet the same package management.. u wont help? thats odd20:08
judgenive forgotten where gnome stores gnome menu entries.. could anyone enlighten me?20:08
BlackHawkdoes that have anything to do with another program using localhost?20:08
hwildeASULutzy, yeah I wouldn't be here otherwise :/    very odd.  it's all over the web forums, but no solutions20:08
caimlasblobbylol, it will be a reference to a file, likely a file within your $HOME or /tmp20:08
Jack_Sparrowpdtpatri3k, This is ubuntu support, not mint not eee  .. Ubuntu..20:08
caimlasblobbylol, is the partition your $HOME or /tmp on, full?20:09
nuckleanyone seen this ? ~~> http://tinyurl.com/4jgawb20:09
ASULutzyhwilde: Anything funny in the configs that might have gotten changed?20:09
themiddlemancan we kick nuckle?20:09
Jack_Sparrowpdtpatri3k, There is little more aggrivating that to spend an hour on a problem and get nowhere only to find out they are using a derivative whith different sources and additions20:09
pdtpatri3kJack_Sparrow yes but if someone had debian and needed something install i would say run apt-get install <packagename> and not tell them to get lost20:09
ASULutzyWhat are the last modified times on the configs?20:09
caimlasblobbylol, .old because that is the name of the log for the last time X was run. if you're getting kicked out as you log in I suspect that X is being restarted as gdm/kdm reloads.20:10
blobbylolmy $HOME partition is not full anymore, i've freed some space20:10
caimlasblobbylol, what about the partition /tmp is on?20:10
caimlasblobbylol, have you rebooted?20:10
Jack_Sparrowthemiddleman, Did he spam again with that link20:10
dawildtwigichbinesderelch: works fine with ethernet so nothing could be wrong with the stack or anything like that just can't seem to get the wireless to work but everything is recognized lights up20:10
pdtpatri3kJack_Sparrow but there are lots of similarities like if i had a problem with vi .. and just wanted to know what command to use while in vi .. im sure its the same on debian and ubuntu20:10
dyngaКто нить ставил ыщдфкш20:10
caimlasozzilee, how's it going? did I miss a msg from you?20:10
blobbylolcaimlas: yes20:10
themiddlemanJack_Sparrow, yeah20:10
ASULutzy!ru | dynga20:10
ubottudynga: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke20:10
MOUD_my connection is very bad today :/20:10
blobbylolcaimlas: if i write df -h i can't see the /tmp partition20:10
ichbinesderelchdawildtwig: try connecting manually in console, any encryption?20:11
caimlasblobbylol, /tmp isn't usually an independent partition; it's a part of the / partition20:11
hwildeASULutzy, fyi ssh -1 doesn't make any diff20:11
pdtpatri3kJack_Sparrow he asked a simple question about emacs and they told him get lost ... thats nothing specific to one distro - it works on fedora, slax whatever.. anyway - im over it20:11
blobbylolcaimlas: the / partition has more than 2 Go free, now20:11
gastoanyone know how to leave Ubuntu as it was from the beginning, without reinstalling with CD20:11
dawildtwigichbinesderelch: how do you connect manually in console i don't have encryption i use wireless mac filtering through the router itself20:12
blobbylolcaimlas: isn't there some kind of tmp files that i can delete ?20:12
caimlasblobbylol, tell ya what... rm ~/.Xauthority and rm -rf /tmp (both as your user), restart X, and then you should be able to log in.20:12
hwildethere is an #emacs channel you know....20:12
alexurc Hi! I just installed successfully VMWare server on Ubuntu 8.10, but it wont let me click to create a new virtual machine its greyed out and disabled..20:12
ASULutzyhwilde: I know this sounds lame, but I would check the timestamps on the last time the configs on each server were modified, if you're saying it worked yesterday and now it doesn't, that may help to track down the problem20:12
Jack_Sparrowgasto, Best to make a backup if you want to go BACK to the way it was when you installed it20:12
caimlasblobbylol, if that doesn't work you could try adding another user to determine whether it's a user profile issue or if it's related to X specifically.20:12
hwildeASULutzy, I checked, and restarted sshd, and rebooted, can't make heads or tails of it.20:12
ichbinesderelchdawildtwig: i assume the networkinterface is wlan0, so "sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid networkname"20:12
caimlasblobbylol, could be; no way to say without knowing which tmp files you've got.20:12
ichbinesderelchdawildtwig: networkname is the name of your network20:13
MOUD_Can anyone tell me where kbounce is installed? I'm using Ubuntu's default desktop (gnome if i'm not wrong)20:13
dawildtwigichbinesderelch: and i checked the router too and that is fine cuz my other computer works on wireless as well through that20:13
caimlasgasto, yes.20:13
oz6ohHello friends. Can somebody help me to compile a sourcefile called echolinux20:13
caimlasgasto, to a degree. are you talking about application state, or desktop configuration?20:13
blobbylolcaimlas: i've already tried with another user, that does not work20:13
ASULutzyhwilde: I'm out of ideas :X20:13
blobbylolcaimlas: do i have to delete /tmp as su ?20:13
dawildtwigichbinesderelch: will do 1 min20:13
caimlasgasto, there's no going back to the installed programs state, short of manually weeding through them20:13
ozzileecaimlas: stew was the guy, wasn't "get lost" in so many words, but that was the jist of it.20:13
oz6ohi am also on skype as olebole125220:13
Blutrilleanyone here answer questions about PAM?20:13
Jack_SparrowMOUD_, Some apps, especially KDE apps under gnome will not make a launcher.  Create one yourself20:13
ozzileecaimlas: Sorry, phone call.20:13
caimlasblobbylol, doing so as a user should, iirc, zap all files owned by said user.20:14
hwildeASULutzy, the odd part ot me is that the end serverB dosen't seem to see the connection at all, or I can't find it in the logs.20:14
caimlasozzilee, heh. can't recall the guy who banned me.20:14
blobbylolcaimlas: but there are a lot of tmp files that are not deleted if i do it as a user20:14
caimlasblobbylol, and you can log into console with said users?20:14
Laderius xbmc users?20:15
blobbylolcaimlas: yes i'm currently logged20:15
caimlasblobbylol, sure, do it as root then.20:15
dawildtwigichbinesderelch: did that still don't connect just goes to the next line for the command20:15
Blutrilleok well good day to you all ... ill see you about20:15
caimlasblobbylol, shouldn't cause issue unless you've got a daemon running using a lock file in there or such20:15
LaderiusIm setting up my ubuntu to send files to my xbmc xbox, whats the fastest file transfer protocol?20:15
ozzileecaimlas: The only errors I see in the logs are not being able to open /etc/printcap.20:15
BlackHawkJack_Sparrow, any idea about this localhost-problem with the webmail-extension?20:15
gastoehm so basically, no, you can´t put Ubuntu as it was when just installed20:15
Jack_SparrowBlackHawk, Nope20:15
caimlasgasto, what exactly are you trying to revert?20:15
gastowell, I had an issue20:16
BlackHawkJack_Sparrow, kk ... thx anyway20:16
ichbinesderelchdawildtwig: what does "sudo iwlist wlan0 scan" and "lsmod | grep bcm" say?20:16
gastowith the Nvidia driver20:16
caimlasozzilee, which logs are you looking at?20:16
caimlasLaderius, ftp20:16
blobbylolcaimlas: X does not start anymore because i've deleter /tmp/.X11-unix20:16
gastocaimlas, I had an issue with Geforce 6200 Nvidia driver, and when using Envy, things got really nasty20:16
ozzileecaimlas: /var/log/samba/log.smbd, log.myclient20:16
blobbylol"cannot stat /tmp/.X11-unix"20:16
Laderiuscaimlas, do i need a ftp program? and can i enable full duplex?20:17
gastocaimlas, so, I have envy installed, but envy -t doesn´t work20:17
gastocaimlas, so I am fcked up20:17
gastoI need to get back20:17
caimlasgasto, ah fun. yeah I'm not sure specifically what you'd need to do; you could reinstall w/o killing your home folder/files, if you set up the /home dir as a seperate partition.20:17
oz6ohi am looking for radioamateurs and some who know to work with a makefile20:17
Jack_Sparrow!ohmy > gasto20:17
* caimlas is being slightly overwhelmed with msgs, just a moment20:17
ubottugasto, please see my private message20:17
Jack_Sparrowgasto, Do you mean envy from the web..20:18
caimlasgasto, idk what envy is20:18
* ozzilee can wait20:18
dawildtwigichbinesderelch: the scan says my router essid router protocol all that nonsense and lsmod thing doesn't return anything just goes to the next line20:18
Sanketsuichbinesderelch, After you're done helping out dawildtwig would you mind helping me out as well?20:18
caimlasLaderius, yes; and I don't see why not.20:18
oz6ohI am looking for radioamateurs and people who know something about makefiles20:18
caimlasoz6oh, i might be able to help.20:18
tonyyarussoDoes anyone know how to pair with a bluetooth device on the command line?  The applet doesn't work right.20:18
caimlasgasto, again,  idon't know what envy is20:19
oz6ohcaimlas ok can yoy help me?20:19
caimlasozzilee, can you pastebin the smb.conf and related files?20:19
gastocaimlas, http://albertomilone.com/envyfaq.html#A20:19
Laderiuscaimlas, which program20:20
caimlasoz6oh, yeah I'll help you in /msg not in open channel20:20
Jack_Sparrowgasto, That was your first mistake20:20
caimlasLaderius, uh, ftp will transfer files.20:20
ubottuenvyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!!  if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk20:20
oz6ohcaimlas can you also work on skype?20:20
Laderiuscaimlas, im aware but how would i connect to set it up?20:20
ichbinesderelchdawildtwig: strange problem there, everything seems to work, kinda, maybe try reinstalling the driver with ndiswrapper, and deinstalling it before20:20
Laderiuscaimlas, i know the ip and username/pass20:21
caimlasoz6oh, you probably don't want me to. I'm on day 3 of being cigarette free (read: irritable is an understatement) and I've also got a bad sore throat.20:21
oz6ohcaimlas i have skypename olebole125220:21
caimlaspretty noisy here atm as well20:21
caimlasLaderius, on the xbox? nfi20:21
Laderiuscaimlas, no in ubuntu!20:21
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ichbinesderelchSanketsu: whats your prob?20:21
hajarbluetooth is not work .. how to solve it?20:21
caimlasLaderius, gftp20:21
blobbylolX does not start anymore : "cannot stat /tmp/.X11-unix (file not found)"20:21
Laderiuscaimlas, thx20:21
cerebratewhat program are you using for bluetooth hajar?20:21
gastoJack_Sparrow, I know that is last resort, that is why I used it, but failed miserably20:21
dawildtwigichbinesderelch: tried reinstalling it as well it may be the script that was put into there i was haveing a conflict with ubuntu drivers trying to claim my wireless20:22
DkySvenhello people, I've a problem with my HP mini-note. I downloaded the via drivers and changed vesa by via, but now I've just  ablack screen20:22
=== MOUD__ is now known as MOUD
Jack_Sparrowgasto, and once you have used it,  other things that should work.. may not20:22
hajarbluetooth sharing file20:22
gastoJack_Sparrow, so you say basically, 'don´t use envy'20:23
cerebratehajar, how exactly does it 'not work'?20:23
dawildtwigichbinesderelch: how do you uninstall ndiswrapper?20:23
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ichbinesderelchdawildtwig: do you remember the exact conflikt?20:23
ASULutzyblobbylol: sudo mkdir -p /tmp/.X11-unix maybe?20:23
caimlasblobbylol, restart kdm or gdm, whatever you're using20:23
Sanketsuichbinesderelch: Well, I've got a Vaio laptop with a fresh install of intrepid on it due to a hard drive crash (so new hard drive and install of intrepid) and everything was working fine until I updated.  There were 200+ updates and after the updates I had to restart, since then my laptop won't connect to the internet, neither wired nor wireless.20:23
Jack_Sparrowgasto, wont use it wont recommend it20:23
hajarsend file is not active and when I search for devices in terminal nothing occur20:23
dawildtwigichbinesderelch: yea it was with the ethernet card20:24
gastocaimlas and Jack_sparrow, I've tried restricted drivers automatic update, but failed, tried Nvidia package directly, but failed, tried envy but failed20:24
Jack_Sparrowgasto, and last but not least, cant help you once you have used it20:24
caimlasDkySven, send it to me and I'll 'fix' it :P20:24
ichbinesderelchdawildtwig: uninstalling it with "sudo apt-get remove ndiswrapper-common"20:24
caimlasDkySven, that a linux device?20:24
cerebratehajar, you've made sure that the device you're trying to connect to is in pairing mod, right?20:24
Jack_Sparrowgasto, tell people what chipset in that nvidia..20:24
ozzileecaimlas: smb.conf is stock debian, with include=shares.conf added at the bottom. shares.conf has some shares defined with: path = /srv/samba/foo, writable = yes, browseable = no, and valid users = foo20:24
syahrilexecuse me! how to find where ubuntu detect my external usb dvd-rom?20:24
ichbinesderelchSanketsu: what wireless card and ethernet card? correct modules loaded?20:25
caimlasozzilee, I don't have a stock debian box to source. ;P20:25
ozzileecaimlas: I tried disabling oplocks on a share, didn't seem to make a difference.20:25
hajarno devices occur at all , and trying different device to pair20:25
dawildtwigichbinesderelch: where there was b3 b4 and one other one20:25
allsystemsaregosyahril, lspci | grep i dvd20:25
caimlasozzilee, have you tried this from another host, per chance? or w/ other applications which might make a lock?20:25
allsystemsaregosyahril, lspci | grep -i dvd20:25
syahrilthank's i'll try20:25
ozzileecaimlas: Ok, I'll get it pastebinned, one moment.20:25
gastoJack_Sparrow, how can I tell?20:25
ozzileecaimlas: I'll try another host as well.20:25
Sanketsuichbinesderelch: Prism 2.5 wavelan card for wireless, and I'm not sure on ethernet.  How do I find that out?20:25
blobbylolcaimlas: ASULutzy: now it cannot open /tmp/server-0.xkm20:26
dawildtwigOk this is the problem that i am using ndiswrapper but the problem is that it keeps loading modules b43, b44, and ssb. The only way to get the wireless to work is to remove all of those. The only problem is that when i do that the ethernet card won't work now.20:26
dawildtwigHow do i make the driver be ndiswrapper while also having the module b44 and ssb loaded for my ethernet card. I have ubuntu 8.10.20:26
caimlassyahril, after you plug it in type dmesg in console to determine whether it is detected and to which device it is assigned. typically it'll throw an icon onto your desktop when media is inserted.20:26
cerebratehajar, have you checked to make sure you bluetooth adapter is supported? have you paired devices before?20:26
dawildtwigichbinesderelch: exactly it was this Ok this is the problem that i am using ndiswrapper but the problem is that it keeps loading modules b43, b44, and ssb. The only way to get the wireless to work is to remove all of those. The only problem is that when i do that the ethernet card won't work now.20:26
dawildtwigHow do i make the driver be ndiswrapper while also having the module b44 and ssb loaded for my ethernet card. I have ubuntu 8.10.20:26
caimlasblobbylol, right. did you restart kdm/gdm?20:26
SonicComKidHi.. could someone answer a very dumb question for me? It's been driving me up the wall20:26
blobbylolblobbylol: yes20:26
hajarno .20:26
blobbylolcaimlas: yes20:26
cerebratehajar, you should probably double check up on that20:26
blobbylolcaimlas: oh sorry that works20:27
caimlasblobbylol, ok, stop gdm/kdm now, and try to 'startx' as a normal user.20:27
caimlasblobbylol, can you log in?20:27
eugmanIs there a gui tool for doing batch resizes of images or am I stuck with command line stuff like imagemagick?20:27
ichbinesderelchdawildtwig: you could blacklist b43 and b44, unsure what kinda module ssb is though, but blacklisting b43 and b44 for wireless maybe does the trick20:27
blobbylolcaimlas: no i still can't :(20:27
ozzileecaimlas: pastebin.com/d1666f90d20:27
hajarsearching on net ?? nothing relating to my model20:27
SonicComKidI have two desktops, both with Ubuntu Hardy (8.01), on both I download hldsupdatetool.bin, on both I do the chmod +x hldsupdatetool.bin    then when I do ./hldsupdatetool.bin one works, the other says the file is missing, but I'm in the working directory of where the file is20:28
gastoJack_Sparrow, how can I tell my Nvidia chipset?20:28
dawildtwigichbinesderelch: tried blacklisting you have to black list all 3 and when you do so it won't work for the wireless20:28
allsystemsaregogasto, lspci -nn | grep -i vga20:28
dawildtwigichbinesderelch: because the wireless also uses ssb20:28
Sid__I have windows as OS ..I want to install Ubuntu and use a dual boot machine there was problem installing ubuntu 8.1...butGrub doesn't not show ubuntu 8.1  option20:28
dawildtwigichbinesderelch: so the fix was to type this in from the no fluff guide "echo -e '#Hardy ssb/ndiswrapper workaround, added' `date` '\ninstall ndiswrapper modprobe -r b43 b44 b43legacy ssb; modprobe --ignore-install ndiswrapper $CMDLINE_OPTS; modprobe ssb; modprobe b44;' | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper"20:29
syahrilhow to mount external usb to DVD-rom?20:29
iShockStats updated! View: http://bzhtf.co.cc/~lee/ubuntu.html20:30
caimlasblobbylol, ctl-alt-F1 over to console, log in, and wade wade through the Xorg.0.log file20:30
caimlasblobbylol, and, I take it you tried it with the alternate user? and iwth a different desktop environment?20:30
dawildtwigichbinesderelch: and that worked until i did an update20:30
blobbylolwhat does wade mean ?20:30
hajarcerebrate .. how to (check up)??20:30
dawildtwigichbinesderelch: that code pretty much loaded ndiswrapper before loading the other 3 modules20:30
pogayplayya: was ich nicht verstehe, wenn eine Verbindung zu WLAN-Router da ist, warum geht der DHCP nicht mehr? DHCP ist ja eigentlich einfach. Ich sehe den Zusammenhang zum Update nicht...20:30
Sanketsudawildtwig: Do you know which update?20:31
caimlasblobbylol, and out of curiosity, this wouldn't have happened directly after you ran an upgrade, would it?20:31
ASULutzyiShock: I'm 6th most active in this channel? Geeze, I should shutup more20:31
familyhey, i just installed xubuntu8.10, and i enabled extra repos20:31
ichbinesderelchdawildtwig: go through lsmod and check if any of these modules is loaded never the less20:31
blobbylolcaimlas: no,  i don't think it was after an upgrade20:31
dawildtwigSanketsu: no i just updated about 1 week ago and installed about 1 month ago20:31
DkySvenmy screen resolution doesn't fit at my 7' HP mini, anyone knows how to fix that?20:31
pogayplayya:  da der Zyair 220G auf anhieb ging, ist das Problem mal für den Moment nicht mehr so akut.20:31
familywhen i type sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras it does nothing, is there a diferent command for xubuntu?20:31
Sid__it only shows memtest when grub loads and no ubuntu option to boot20:32
ikoniaiShock: may I pm you for an offtopic question please.20:32
iShockikonia: Sure, no need to ask :P20:32
caimlasblobbylol, wade, verb. to make one's way slowly or laboriously (often fol. by through): to wade through a dull book.20:32
dawildtwigichbinesderelch: yea they are loaded that code just made sure that ndiswrapper was loaded before them20:32
blobbylolcaimlas: i've tried with a new user and i've tried with kde and kde-neon20:32
caimlasblobbylol, and you tried logging in with a different desktop environment (ie gnome or xfce instead of kde) as well as with a different user (with a different DE)?20:33
__MAVHello Everybody!20:33
caimlasblobbylol, try it with a GTK based desktop.20:33
__MAVHow do I view all kernel startup messages?20:33
dawildtwiglchbinesderelch: here's the site from ubuntu https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff#Version%200.320:33
LtL!de | pogay20:33
Sid__I have windows as OS ..I want to install Ubuntu and use a dual boot machine there was problem installing ubuntu 8.1...butGrub doesn't not show ubuntu 8.1 option can anybody help!20:33
ubottupogay: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.20:33
blobbylol1 Go to download gnome, i don't really want to do this :/20:33
ichbinesderelchdawildtwig: unload them, and set them in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist, restart the whole network "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart", make sure ndiswrapper is laoded and try again20:33
caimlasozzilee, which version of samba is on the debian machine>20:34
ichbinesderelchdawildtwig: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist to blacklist them permanently20:34
garwaltrying to find an app that will play internet radio I have tried the desktop applet and it will not load the station after I have modified the xml file to add my local stations? Any ideas of a lighjt weight app that will run on the desktop with a small interface?Thanks20:34
nicknickcnikhi , where i can find software modem drivers for ubuntu?20:34
caimlasblobbylol, try xfce20:34
caimlasor fvwm for that matter20:34
blobbylolcaimlas: i'm trying gnome ^^ good connection here20:34
caimlasor icewm20:34
dawildtwigichbinesderelch: will do20:34
dawildtwigthanks for the help20:34
caimlasblobbylol, we're looking to see if QT is f'd20:34
blobbylolf'd ?20:35
caimlasblobbylol, because you're apparently unwilling to look through the logs to find the cause of the problem, which will be in the log.20:35
caimlasblobbylol, insert your preferred explicative which starts with "f"20:35
blobbylolcaimlas: i don't know what to seek in this huge log file20:35
blobbylolcaimlas: ok20:35
caimlasblobbylol, the line you would be looking for would start with EE20:36
Flannelcaimlas: Obfuscated profanity still is.  Please refrain from it20:36
ozzileecaimlas: 3.0.24-6etch1020:36
caimlasblobbylol, it's not that long.20:36
=== sevenseeker_ is now known as ghost
blobbylolcaimlas: ok i'll take a look20:36
herpezhi. i installed ubuntu 8.10 and i cant go to any website unless google-related websites. I can ping all sites but cant go them20:36
caimlasFlannel, yeah I know. sorry. subconscious.20:36
__MAVHow do I view all kernel boot-up messages? They go so quiclky so I can't read them20:36
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caimlasyou should see me unbridled. this IS refrained. :P20:36
chattrzherpez: check your provider or your gateway20:36
caimlasherpez, that's... odd.20:37
caimlasherpez, restart the network service. run from console: /etc/init.d/networking restart20:37
LogomachistI'm back. I tried to run fixmbr but I couldn't find the file.20:37
LogomachistWhere is it?20:37
caimlasherpez, that should do the trick, and if not, well...20:37
__MAVHow do I view all kernel boot-up messages? They go so quiclky so I can't read them20:37
ikoniaLogomachist: on a windows PC20:37
ikoniaLogomachist: CD sorry20:37
ikoniaLogomachist: fixmbr is a windows cd option20:37
caimlas__MAV, dmesg20:37
Logomachistoooooooo. OK, that helps20:38
caimlas__MAV, they're in /var/log20:38
ikoniaLogomachist: you can get support for it in ##windows20:38
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blobbylolcaimlas: http://pastebin.com/f56042056 there are only these three lines after a "grep EE"20:38
ichbinesderelchblobbylol: you can't log into kdm right?20:38
picca-anyone here know of a good alternative to pidgin that supports webcams and is for gnome20:38
qhartmanI need to examine the post-install scripts that a package runs to try to figure out why it's failing. How do I extract those from the deb file?20:38
__MAVcaimlas: I need to log the messages that appear _before_ the dard drive is mounted20:38
blobbylolichbinesderelch: into kde yes20:38
__MAVcaimlas: I need to log the messages that appear _before_ the hard drive is mounted20:38
herpezchattrz: is not provider or dns. i tryed it. ill sites work in windows. more strange, i can wget any file, for example apt-get files but apt-get dont work20:39
Sanketsuichbinesderelch: lspci -v | grep -i Network        returns      02:02.0 Network controller: Intersil Corporation Prism 2.5 Wavelan chipset (rev 01)20:39
caimlasozzilee, don't recall if you said, but did you checked the /var/log/samba/log.%m file for your host?20:39
ikoniapicca-: not really, it's the protocol not the application thats the problem20:39
ichbinesderelchblobbylol: did you do the X update and still using an xorg.conf?20:39
ichbinesderelchSanketsu: i really have no idea about prism wlan adapters20:39
herpezchattrz: and this "bug" is common, i have seen many references on internet about it20:39
picca-ikonia: have been trying it with kopete, but doesn't work so well20:39
blobbylolichbinesderelch: which X update ? i think a xorg.conf is used, yes, i don't know20:39
LazersMHey, can anyone spend a second to help me?20:39
ozzileecaimlas: I did, found nothing except messages about not being able to load printcap.20:39
ikoniapicca-: I can undestand that, as I said it's the im protocols, not the application20:40
ikoniaLazersM: if you ask a question we can try20:40
LazersMKubuntu won't boot off the DVD.20:40
__MAVow do I view all kernel boot-up messages that appear before the hard-drive is mounted? They go so quiclky so I can't read them.20:40
picca-ikonia: aye thanks20:40
ikoniaLazersM: what happens when you try to boot it20:40
ichbinesderelchblobbylol: do you have a nvidia card?20:40
chattrzherpez: your ubuntu must be having a problem while you install ,check your dns /etc/resolv.conf or restart your network sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart20:40
caimlas__MAV, wht is it you're trying to do, exactly? the head of the dmesg output will contain everything from CPU initialization through the current running state (well, system level nonsense)20:40
Zzeiss__MAV: try "dmesg | less"20:40
LazersMboots to windows normally20:40
Sanketsuichbinesderelch:  Ok, thanks.20:40
blobbylolichbinesderelch: yes20:40
ikoniaLazersM: ok so either a.) your bios is not set to boot from cdrom first b.) your cd/dvd is not bunt correctly20:41
LazersMI have managed to boot Puppy Linux and Mandriva up, but these are both on CDs.20:41
ichbinesderelchblobbylol: try addint to xorg.conf under Device Section: Option    "BackingStore" "False"20:41
blobbylolin the Xorg.0.log.old file there is also the error XKB : could not compile keymap20:41
blobbylolichbinesderelch: ok20:41
ikoniaLazersM: I suspect your burn is bad in that case20:41
LazersMIt's set up to boot correctly.20:41
LazersMThe drive is a DVDROM20:41
__MAVcaimlas: I'm trying to understand why is my Xen-enabled kernel won't detect my SATA drive20:41
ikoniaLazersM: I suspect your burn is bad in that case20:41
LazersMBut in the bios it lists as CDRW.20:41
__MAVI want to see the sata_nv errors20:41
LazersMHmm, I  guess so.20:42
caimlasozzilee, you said you had an issue with the mount point permission, right?20:42
__MAVbut they just go very fast20:42
ikoniaLazersM: don't I wouldn't worry too much about that20:42
LazersMi used a random iso burner.20:42
caimlas__MAV, is this a self-compiled kernel?20:42
ikoniaLazersM: burning cd images to dvd's can cause a problem20:42
herpezchattz, i will reboot, but it isnt a dns problem, because i have tried 3 differente. brb20:42
__MAVcaimlas: yes20:42
LazersMYes, I did think of that, but I don't see an alternative.20:42
caimlas__MAV, did you build a kernel that works from the same source tree?20:42
LazersMIs there a 'DVD-kubuntu' ?20:42
ozzileecaimlas: The issue is that emacs will not save in the mount point, because it doesn't think it is a directory. chmod doesn't think it's a directory either.20:42
ikoniaLazersM: nope, you could buy some cd's20:43
Sanketsuichbinesderelch: Well, I've got a Vaio laptop with a fresh install of intrepid on it due to a hard drive crash (so new hard drive and install of intrepid) and everything was working fine until I updated.  There were 200+ updates and after the updates I had to restart, since then my laptop won't connect to the internet, neither wired nor wireless.20:43
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SanketsuOops, sorry.20:43
__MAVcaimlas: no. I used 2.6.18 kernel20:43
caimlasozzilee, that's really weird. google turned up nothing I take it.20:43
ikonia__MAV: thats not an ubuntu kernel20:43
LazersMDamn, well.20:43
caimlas__MAV, used 2.6.18 for what?20:43
blobbylolichbinesderelch: i don't have a Device section but InputDevice20:43
LazersMCan anyone find a DVD Kubuntu image?20:44
ichbinesderelchblobbylol: post your xorg.conf pls in a pastebin20:44
ikoniaLazersM: no20:44
blobbylolichbinesderelch: sorry i have a device section20:44
hajarhow to add a subtitle to a movies in movies player .. it does not occur in subtitle list20:44
blobbylolichbinesderelch: what should i add in it ?20:44
ikoniaLazersM: I'd suggest buying a blank cd, or trying to burn the dvd again20:44
LazersMGah. Ok.20:44
caimlasozzilee, hmm. no error in dmsg, eh? how about trying to mount it at a different point within the filesystem, or with different permissions?20:44
LazersMHm, I'll try and reburn the DVD.20:44
ozzileecaimlas: Nothing on google. Another share works fine, both to emacs and chmod. Both mount points show up as inode 2.20:44
LazersMThanks anyway, bye!20:44
__MAVNow I have 2.6.27-11 kernel for a regular boot20:44
ichbinesderelchblobbylol: just add somewhere in there Option    "BackingStore" "False"20:45
__MAVand I've managed to compile 2.6.18-8-Xen kernel20:45
__MAV2.6.27-11 works great20:45
ikonia__MAV: why are you compiling your own kernel ? and where did you get 2.6.27-11 from ? are you using the proposed repo?20:45
__MAV2.6.18-8-Xen fails20:45
caimlasozzilee, does ls think the mount point is a dir?20:45
mike_is it possible to download free music for free20:45
gastohow can I enable Universe and Multiverse?20:45
caimlasozzilee, try unmounting the share and hitting it with chmod again (assuming you haven't done this)?20:46
chattrzgasto you ask God for that please kneel20:46
Picigasto: System>Administration>Software Sources20:46
chattrzgasto honestly i dont know or20:46
ozzileecaimlas: ls thinks it is a dir, yes. Unmounted, chmod works fine.20:46
chattrzgasto /etc/apt/sources somewhere20:46
ikoniamike_: yes20:47
mike_any one know any legal fre music sites20:47
__MAVikonia: The 2.6.27-11 is the kernel I've installed by regular ubuntu update20:47
blobbylolichbinesderelch: i've added the line 'Option "BackingStore" false' but there is an error during the parse of xorg.conf20:47
Lantay77when will 9.04 be beta?20:47
BlackHawkmike, you really need music sites? what about internet radio?20:47
ikonia__MAV: what version of ubuntu as the latest stable I can see is -920:47
ikoniaLantay77: when it's ready20:47
mike_onwhat is it20:47
ichbinesderelchblobbylol: whats the error?20:47
Lantay77any date approx?20:47
__MAVikonia: It is Ubuntu 8.1020:47
HacKBoX_mike_ pandora.com20:47
blobbylolichbinesderelch: it says that it cannot parse xorg.conf20:47
mike_o i never thought o fthata thanks20:47
user_Lantay77: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule20:47
gastoPici, I meant by terminal command20:47
ikonia__MAV: 2.6.27-9 is the lastest stable kernel I can see20:47
familyi have Xubuntu 8.10 and i have a SH file i want to run, but it keepspad opening in mouse20:47
Lantay77thank you20:48
blobbylolichbinesderelch: false is not a valid keyword20:48
ikonia__MAV: check you don't have the proposed repo enabled20:48
gastohow do I enable Multiverse, and Universe repositories by terminal command20:48
HacKBoX_mike_ or downoad songbird and use shoutcast20:48
chemokidhi, is it possible to upgrade an ubuntu 8.04 32 bit install to a 64 bit version?20:48
caimlas__MAV, 10-1 odds you need to go back and verify that the module for your sata support is being used. lsmod to help determine which is being used on the working kernel, then go into the make menuconfig or whatever and verify said options are enabled. they like to mix up the kernel config and make things 'unconfigure' from version to version... using a newer config on an older kernel tree is certainly going to cause this problem20:48
caimlas for you20:48
ikoniagasto: use the gui - it's easier if your not confident20:48
chemokidusing just apt-get or aptitude20:48
ichbinesderelchblobbylol: "false" dont forget the ""20:48
ikoniachemokid: not really20:48
Lantay77what do the colors on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule mean?20:48
blobbylolichbinesderelch: ok sorry20:48
gastoikonia, I need from command line20:48
caimlasozzilee, chmod doesn't play nice with mounted mount points on any volumes, iirc.20:48
ikoniagasto: why ?20:48
ikoniagasto: what's the issue with the gui20:48
chemokidikonia: so the only way i can do this is by doing a complete new install?20:49
ikoniachemokid: yes20:49
Lantay77what do the colors mean? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule20:49
caimlasozzilee, or does chmod not work properly on any of the files within the samba mount?20:49
caimlasozzilee, sorry, just trying to help narrow dow nthe cause of the problem20:49
user_Lantay77: very easy no? if they're on track i guess20:49
BlackHawkmike_, if you're using ubuntu i'll recommend you streamripper (perhaps even together with streamtuner, which lets you choose your streams out of a database)20:49
caimlasozzilee, was jumping down the wrong rabbit trail earlier20:49
blobbylolichbinesderelch: but the login still does not work20:49
boot_loopAnyone familiar with CVS in ubuntu? I have the server installed, but I am not sure how to test it to see if it works and/or how to really use it?20:49
caimlasblobbylol, you got your ducks in a line?20:49
gastoikonia, I have serious Nvidia driver problems, so no GUI for now20:50
blobbylolcaimlas: what ?20:50
ikoniagasto: fix that then first, before doing other things20:50
caimlasblobbylol, your X problem! you got it fixed?20:50
ozzileecaimlas: I get the same message for files within the share as well: chmod: changing permissions of `test.txt': Not a directory20:50
blobbylolcaimlas: ichbinesderelch: i've tried gnomen same problem20:50
blobbylolcaimlas: the X problem, partially, but the login problem, no20:50
Caplainafter i upgraded to 8.10 from 8.04 i haven't been able to masquerade my internet connection properly, any help?20:50
ikoniagasto: or use the vesa xorg driver to get a basic gui up20:50
ichbinesderelchblobbylol: hhm than remove the line, or comment it out20:51
mas2I want to save a file to /etc/Firefox/Profile/Chrome/ but I cannot because root is the owener. Must I log in as root in the terminal and move my file to there or is it a graphical way of solving it?20:51
Lantay77why dosn't ubuntu include wine with default install?20:51
caimlasblobbylol, and you've looked through the X logs like I indicated?20:51
blobbylolyes caimlas20:51
ikoniaLantay77: why should it ?20:51
__MAVikonia: When I build initrd.img via mkintramfs tool - I think it takes drivers from kernel, not from 2.6.27-1120:51
ikoniaLantay77: you can get it if you want it, not everone wants it20:51
caimlasozzilee, weird. which stock kernel version again?20:51
Lantay77it should for people who are new to ubuntu20:51
blobbylolcaimlas: http://pastebin.com/f56042056 there are only these three lines after a "grep EE"20:51
ikoniaLantay77: not everyone wants it20:51
Slartmas2: I think you'll have to use the terminal at some point, yes20:51
Lantay77i have to explain so much how to get wine20:51
jaapvisserboot_loop : did u use CVS clients before if this is a new project i suggest using subversion or git which al lot of people have more knowledge on.20:51
__MAVSince drivers from Xen won't even actually load on Xen20:51
Lantay77not everyone wants open office20:51
ozzileecaimlas: With the other mount, chmod doesn't do anything, but it does not give me that error.20:51
Lantay77but thats default20:51
__MAVSince drivers NOT from Xen won't even actually load on Xen20:52
ikoniaLantay77: thats a pretty obvious "want"20:52
Lantay77i dont like it20:52
ikoniaLantay77: ok20:52
boot_loopjaapvisser: yes this is a new project. Is subversion a client or a server? Also is there a good windows client?20:52
cerebrateLantay77: wine is easily installed... it's right there in 'add/remove'20:52
caimlas__MAV, er, no; most likely cause of the problem is the one I noted. you might be better off trying a Xen related channel, btw - this is one more geared towards desktop stuff.20:52
SlartLantay77: I would say more people want openoffice than wine.. but I'm just guessing too.. I have no statistics for it20:52
mas2Slart: what is the command for moving one file that is located in home documents to ex /etc/firefox/abc? mv pathFileA pathFileB ?20:52
Lantay77well they include allot of stuff people dont want20:52
jaapvisserboth boot_loop20:52
caimlas__MAV, and your Qs aren't specific to Ubuntu anyway20:52
Slartmas2: indeed20:52
everettzLooking for clean removal of Pulse from Intrepid, are there any good howtos?20:52
Lantay77some people use vlc instead of totum20:52
Lantay77but they include totum20:52
ozzileecaimlas: 2.6.27-9-generic20:52
user_Lantay77: the cd is indeed based on statistics..20:52
Slartmas2: put a sudo in front of that and it will run as root20:52
Lantay77where do these statistics come from?20:53
ikoniaSlart: gksudo20:53
jaapvisserboot_loop: subversion has a nice windows client but did not use it ever20:53
caimlasozzilee, what are the locations of the "other" mount point and the dysfunctional CIFS point? and is the other point a CIFS filesystem as well?20:53
mas2Slart: thanks!20:53
Slartmas2: you're welcome20:53
user_Lantay77: its a background program submitting them to ubuntu servers20:53
ikoniauser_: no there isn't20:53
__MAVI wonder why Ubuntu team discountinued the support of Xen as dom0 ?20:53
ikoniauser_: don't make stuff up20:53
boot_loopjaapvisser: ok cool thanks20:53
SlartLantay77: I think it's called popularity contest or some abbreviation of that20:53
Lantay77and if its isntalled by default how do they determine if people want it or not?20:53
user_Slart: yes20:54
Lantay77how do they find who wants stuff tho20:54
caimlasozzilee, did hte problem exist on a prior kernel version?20:54
ozzileecaimlas: Working is /mnt/foo, non-working is /mnt/bar. They are both CIFS, different Samba versions.20:54
Lantay77i didnt have any say...20:54
caimlasozzilee, or is this the first ubuntu 8.10 kernel you'e had?20:54
user_Lantay77: popolrity contest is not installed by default20:54
ozzileecaimlas: No idea, this is a new machine.20:54
Lantay77do you vote somewhere or what?20:54
caimlasozzilee, gotcha.20:54
Lantay77i mean open office is...20:54
ikoniaLantay77: this is a support channel, we are happy to support you with issues, but your just really talking about what you like20:54
Lantay77and totum20:54
FlannelLantay77: The things that are installed by default aren't based on statistics20:54
blobbylolhow can i change the default display manager ?20:54
essialFor some reason, Transmission doesn't have a tool tray icon, is there a secondary package I need to install? I remember it having one at one point20:54
TriBeCa99apologies for the stupid question... but how do you get to a terminal from the install CD?20:54
Lantay77then why is everyone telling me they are based on statistcs?20:54
ikoniaTriBeCa99: applications -> accessories20:54
FlannelLantay77: because they're misinformed20:55
essialTriBeCa99: Applications -> Accessories -> terminal20:55
stefodnbHi. I downloaded ubuntu-8.10-desktop-amd64.iso. It will work on my 64bit Intel CPU, right?20:55
Flannelstefodnb: Yes20:55
TriBeCa99*from the install CD*20:55
ikoniastefodnb: correct20:55
cerebrateLantay77: it's right there in the installation. There's a checkbox (unchecked by default) that asks if you want to be a part of those statistics20:55
Lantay77what determines on what is isntalled by default then?20:55
FlannelTriBeCa99: You mean the alternate CD?20:55
Slartstefodnb: yes20:55
user_Flannel: then why in the first place do we have populairty contest?20:55
caimlasozzilee, both 3.x versions of samba, though?20:55
TriBeCa99flannel: yup20:55
SlartLantay77: probably a group somewhere that try to fit as much good stuff on a cd as possible..20:55
Lantay77Flannel what determines whats installed by default?20:55
FlannelTriBeCa99: There is no inbuilt terminal, but if you, instead of choosing the install, chose "rescue a broken system" you can get to a terminal (either 'on' your computer, or just the cd)20:56
FlannelLantay77, user_: Lets take this to #ubuntu-offtopic20:56
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SlartLantay77: but you're free to create your own distro if you disagree about this..20:56
TriBeCa99Flannel: thanks, i'll give it a shot20:56
__MAVDoes anybody khows how do I view all the messages issued by the kernel at boot? Is there any feature so it will wait some seconds or wait until I press any key ?20:56
FlannelSlart: There's no reason to take that attitude.20:56
Lantay77i just want to know what determines the applications.......20:56
ozzileecaimlas: Yes, working version is 3.0.1020:56
FlannelLantay77: Right, lets discuss it in #ubuntu-offtopic20:56
blobbyloli'll try the windows way : rebooting again and again20:56
mas2The terminal that comes with ubuntu 8.10 doesn't have Auto Complete let's say there is a folder in /etc/ that named Firefox I want to be able to just write Fir and then hit tab or some other button to get the fullname. Can anyone tell me of a good terminal application that can do that20:57
Flannel__MAV: dmesg | less20:57
Sanketsulaptop with a fresh install of intrepid on it due to a hard drive crash (so new hard drive and install of intrepid) and everything was working fine until I updated.  There were 200+ updates and after the updates I had to restart, since then my laptop won't connect to the internet, neither wired nor wireless.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.20:57
caimlasozzilee, ummm what was the debian samba version, again?20:57
Slartmas2: afaik gnome-terminal does have tab autocomplete20:57
Slartmas2: it won't complete fi to Firefox though..20:57
__MAVFlannel: I need to see the messages that appear even befor the hard drive is mounted20:57
mas2Slart: because of the low letter?20:58
Slartmas2: yes20:58
ozzileecaimlas: 3.0.2420:58
gastoallsystemsarego, this is my Nvidia: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: nVidia Corporation NV44A [GeForce 6200] [10de:0221] (rev a1)20:58
caimlasozzilee, bingo!20:58
caimlasozzilee, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+source/samba/+bug/286828/+viewstatus20:58
caimlasozzilee, not that it helps us any. :)20:58
betadatai forgot the CLI command for identifying chipsets.. such as video.. or sound.. what is it again ?20:59
allsystemsaregogasto, have you enabled the restricted driver?20:59
ozzileecaimlas: You are an amazing human being. Thank you :-)21:00
caimlasozzilee, hold on21:00
gastoallsystemsarego, ehm, I failed at that.21:00
gastoallsystemsarego, I don´t remember the error it gave me21:00
gastoI tried recovery mode21:00
jadoi still can't login to kde :(21:00
gastobut no go21:00
betadatawhats the command to identify chipsets ?21:01
everettzAny suggestions on improving tthe responsiveness of the Orca screen-reader in Intrepid?21:01
caimlasozzilee, sometimes you just need to widen your search terms. :P21:01
TriBeCa99Flannel: I'm in 'rescue a broken system' but can't find a terminal anywhere...21:01
ichbinesderelchjado: you are blobbylol? :P21:01
caimlasfirst hit for "ubuntu debian 8.10 samba 3.0.24"21:01
jadoichbinesderelch: yes sorry21:01
kornejocan some one help me plz im trying to instal my web cam quickcam chat on ubuntu 8.4 but i  think the system does not recognize it when i run cheese it says that there r no cams installed21:01
caimlasor something like that21:01
FlannelTriBeCa99: There should be two choices (three, I think).  What choices do you have?21:01
=== jado is now known as blobbylol
TriBeCa99Flannel: it just went straight into the installation21:02
mas2if I'm in a folder in the terminal let's say /home/2mas/test/ is there any command I can write to get out the full path?21:02
ozzileecaimlas: Nice. Well, at least it's a known problem.21:02
blobbylolichbinesderelch: have you somehting else for me ?21:02
TriBeCa99Flannel: no idea what you mean by three choices21:02
ikoniamas2: pwd21:02
gastowhooooooooooooooooollllllyyyyy shtt21:02
ichbinesderelchblobbylol: thinking, you can log into gnome right?21:02
mas2ikonia: thanks21:02
gastoit booted , normally21:02
gastoI can´t believe it21:02
blobbylolichbinesderelch: no !21:02
gastoit booooooooooooooooooooted21:02
omnydevigrats gasto!21:02
caimlasozzilee, from the looks of it it's been tagged w/ a high priority and has been fix-committed in intrepid-updates21:02
FloodBot2gasto: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:02
ichbinesderelchblobbylol: so you can just log into nothing?21:03
victorbrcamas2: do you want to get the path into your clipboard21:03
caimlasozzilee, but I'm not familiar enough w/ the ubuntu version upgrade process to know if that means it's apt-getable yet.21:03
blobbylolichbinesderelch: into the terminal :)21:03
caimlasor which package it'd be in21:03
FlannelTriBeCa99: For rescue a broken system?  Choosing "Rescu a broken system" from the boot menu starts the install?21:03
FlannelTriBeCa99: sorry, that was two separate typing sessions so it makes less sense than it ought to21:03
caimlasozzilee, it'd be in the smbfs package, looks like.21:03
ichbinesderelchblobbylol: go into the terminal, do "sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop", than "X :! && export DISPLAY=:1 && kdestartup"21:04
TriBeCa99Flannel: Yes it does21:04
ichbinesderelchblobbylol: or startkde21:04
mas2victorbrca: now I just wanted to see the path so I could use mv to move a file. Is there a command to get the path to clipboard?21:04
caimlasozzilee, you could try to get around the problem temporarily if you want to hassle with nfs.21:04
ichbinesderelchblobbylol: startkde not kdestartup21:04
TriBeCa99Flannel: I managed to get to the install menu, which includes 'enter rescue mode'. when i go there, i can execute a shell, but it doesn't seem to ahve the commands i need21:04
TriBeCa99flannel: i'm looking for fdisk or cfdisk...21:04
FlannelTriBeCa99: That's not normal (well, not the behavior I experienced anyway), Has the CD passed an integrity check?21:04
TriBeCa99flannel: i guess i could run that... i JUST burned it21:05
kornejocan some one help me plz im trying to instal my web cam quickcam chat on ubuntu 8.4 but i  think the system does not recognize it when i run cheese it says that there r no cams installed21:05
ozzileecaimlas: Yeah, I might have to. It looks like there might be a workaround in the comments as well, I'll try that.21:05
blobbylolichbinesderelch: i'm on irssi and i don't know how i can see previous lines of the irc, can you retype the command ?21:05
TriBeCa99flannel: and i've experienced that behavior with a totally different disk as well21:05
caimlasozzilee, which version of smbfs is installed? dpkg -l smbfs21:05
TriBeCa99flannel: it's the 8.10 alternate amd64 disk21:05
ichbinesderelchblobbylol: "sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop", than "X :! && export DISPLAY=:1 && startkde"21:05
ozzileecaimlas: 2:3.2.3-1ubuntu3.421:06
ichbinesderelchblobbylol: "sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop", than "X :1 && export DISPLAY=:1 && startkde"21:06
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FernandoFhello all21:06
victorbrcamas2: yes, but you need to have X on the system and install an app called xclip21:06
mas2victorbrca: ah okey. thanks for the tip21:06
caimlasozzilee, another instance: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+source/linux/+bug/28682821:07
caimlasI'm guessing those are the comments you referred to.21:07
TriBeCa99Flannel: all i'm trying to do is the 2nd step of this howto: http://www.howtoforge.com/install-ubuntu-with-software-raid-1021:07
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LtLTriBeCa99: perhaps your path isn't set in console, type whereis command then use the full /path/to/command/21:07
victorbrcamas2: np!21:07
FlannelTriBeCa99: No offense, but howtoforge generally has completely rubbish Ubuntu tutorials.21:07
FernandoFgoodevening all frieds21:08
TriBeCa99Flannel: funny, someone here pointed me at it...21:08
jxwolfhello everyone21:09
mas2if I use the edit command for a text file in the terminal how do I exit and how do I save?21:09
ozzileecaimlas: Yeah, that's them, I'm reading through them now.21:09
pirungai need help to use gparted, my partitions is with a secure key, and i cant modify it, i want to resize a ntfs partition, can anyone help me?21:09
jxwolfif someone could msg me about installing my nvidia drivers that would be great  :)  thanks21:10
ikoniajxwolf: what card do you have ?21:10
martinosamigoshi everyone21:10
=== Daisuke-Ido is now known as Daisuke_Ido
martinosamigoscan someone help me with samba on ubuntu?21:11
LtLmas2: don't use 'edit' use a terminal based editor, nano being the easiest.21:11
wesleyhow can i control my fans ?21:11
mas2LtL: just nano textfile.txt etc ?21:11
eTiger13anyone know how to add the lock screen feature back into 8.1021:11
ikoniawesley: they are normally controller through acpi21:11
blobbylolichbinesderelch: i had a grey screen and had to reboot my computer !21:11
LtLmas2: correct, commands are displayed at the botttom of the screen.21:11
jxwolfikonia: i have a Nvidia GeForce 9500GT21:12
ikoniajxwolf: ughh, that may be a problem, thats a bleeding edge card21:12
mas2LtL: worked fine! Thanks!21:12
caimlasmartinosamigos, ask your question/state your problem thoroughly.21:12
ichbinesderelchblobbylol: hm... your problem definitly is kinda strange21:12
=== The__Compiler is now known as The-Compiler
jxwolfikonia: it seems to have found it but for some reason wont seem to download the package to install it21:12
wesleyikonia but it runs so fast it makes a lot of noise21:13
simon___NOOB needs help, program meny wont open...??21:13
ikoniajxwolf: because those drivers are not in the ubuntu release I believe21:13
ichbinesderelchblobbylol: any kde update or anything else? anythign you changed with kdm?21:13
ikoniajxwolf: identifying it, is one thing, but finding compatible drivers when I don't think they are packaged for ubuntu yet is a different21:13
blobbylolichbinesderelch: how can i try to use gdm instead of kdm ?21:13
ichbinesderelchblobbylol if gdm is installed start it with "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start"21:14
jxwolfikonia: if i go Admin > Hardware Drivers  and then it says Version 177  Recommeded and a Version 13321:14
ichbinesderelchblobbylol: but stop kdm before "sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop"21:14
ikoniajxwolf: you can try 177 - but i don't think it supports that card21:14
ozzileecaimlas: Well, I'm off work for a week starting tomorrow, I'll see what transpires in that time. I may just upgrade the Debian servers to Lenny, the new version of Samba should fix it.21:14
blobbylolNot starting GNOME display manager (it is not the default display manager) ( ichbinesderelch )21:15
earthmeLonCan anybody here suggest a GPS app?  I am going to be driving cross-country and will have my laptop plugged into the car with a GPS receiver :D21:15
WoofsieI feel like an idiot for  asking this but.. can someone tell me how to open math in open office?21:15
=== gulp is now known as gulp000
ozzileecaimlas: Thanks for all your help, I really appreciate it. I'm going to work on my launchpad-fu :-)21:15
jxwolfikonia: whoa lol  ok so i decided if it doesnt work no loss so i went into the package man and found nvidia 177 glx files installed and then i went to the hardware thing and it installed and told me to restart  doing that now21:15
ichbinesderelchblobbylol: try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm", it should ask you if you wanna make it the default display manager21:16
jaapvisserthe Nvidia -177 drivers are for the Quadro FX cards got an update this morning21:16
martinosamigosis there an issue with samba on ubuntu?21:16
blobbylolichbinesderelch: right21:16
ozzileemartinosamigos: Yes, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+source/linux/+bug/28682821:16
martinosamigosi cant login to my console21:16
csc_is there anyone running a live usb with persistence ?21:16
ozzileemartinosamigos: smbmount doesn't play nice with certain versions of samba, including the current version in Debian Etch.21:17
jxwolfi wish it showed a list of supported cards21:17
martinosamigosim using ubuntu server 8.1021:17
AnneShirleyCan anyone get ClubPenguin working on Ubuntu 8.10?21:17
martinosamigosit was working fine21:17
douglcan anyone recomend a good screen recorder for my ubuntu - I want to record a video of my desktop configuration with all the compiz effects, any suggestions?21:17
simon___Why doesnt my "program meny" opens? system works fine..21:17
martinosamigosbut when i dod configuration of samba, i rebooted and i cant login to console21:17
blobbylolichbinesderelch: GNOME says that i can't login because i maybe don't have enough disk space but i have more than 1 Go21:18
ozzileemartinosamigos: Define "can't login." What does it say?21:18
ikoniasimon___: what program ?21:18
ikoniasimon___: what is "meny" ?21:18
bastid_raZordougl; recordmydesktop21:18
jxwolfikonia:  NICE! it works :)   got time for another question?21:18
martinosamigoswhen u put the root username and password, it will prompt you gain to tyle the usernmae21:18
ikoniasimon___: where is this menu21:18
ikoniajxwolf: well, thats really surprised me, well done21:18
ikoniajxwolf: please ask21:18
ichbinesderelchblobbylol: on your home or root partition?21:18
ozzileemartinosamigos: Try changing your session type?21:18
blobbylolichbinesderelch: GNOME also says to look at .xsession-errors, and this is it : http://pastebin.com/f5dcd886221:19
martinosamigosi dont have gnome21:19
jxwolfikonia: your not only one surprised this is my first time using this os21:19
blobbylolichbinesderelch: this is the same partition21:19
martinosamigosim using commandline21:19
simon___ikonia: in the panel21:19
jaapvisserAnneShirley : Do you mean clubpenguin.com ? you need flash + java for that21:19
martinosamigosi can login in recovery mmode21:19
saLOUthow can i deactivate my usb mouse in X? i want it to use in Xephyr.21:19
LtLmartinosamigos: you cannot use username root to login.21:19
martinosamigosif you are on the console you can21:19
wesleywhats the best way to control your fans ?21:19
jxwolfikonia: now im looking to get wine installed :/ i know that is alot harder whats best way to install wine?21:19
AnneShirleyjaapvisser: Ok. I'll try that.21:19
=== Sancas_ is now known as sancas
jenpojay algun programa de ubuntu para descargar videos en intermet???????????21:19
unop!es | jenpoj21:20
ubottujenpoj: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:20
ikoniajxwolf: open synaptic package manager, search for wine then click "install" it's that easy21:20
DIFH-icerootjxwolf: sudo apt-get install wine21:20
jxwolfnice  brb21:20
Woofsieanyone? i have math installed, i just don't know how to open it in writer21:20
bastid_raZordougl; gtk-recordmydesktop to be exact or krecordmydesktop if you use KDE21:20
Sanketsulaptop with a fresh install of intrepid on it due to a hard drive crash (so new hard drive and install of intrepid) and everything was working fine until I updated.  There were 200+ updates and after the updates I had to restart, since then my laptop won't connect to the internet, neither wired nor wireless.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.21:20
QuagmireI have a simple question ...what folder does programs live in? home/username/ .?21:20
ikoniasimon___: what pannel ?21:21
jaapvisserAnneShirley : try this : sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin  (btw people what is the free flash-plugin for ubuntu?)21:21
ikoniasimon___: guide me where you are clicking21:21
DIFH-icerootjaapvisser: gnash21:21
ichbinesderelchblobbylol: what does df -h say exactly?21:21
pikariohi whenever i try to install ubuntu it says there is not enough hard drive space to install . why does it say this?21:21
_moro_bana_i have a fresh install, all my video players are flickering,what could be the problem?21:21
AnneShirleyjaapvisser: I installed the Flash plug-in via Synaptic.21:21
douglbastid_raZor,  - thank - checking it out now21:21
DIFH-icerootichbinesderelch: free diskspace in MB21:21
jaapvisserAnneShirley : does the penguin site work aftert installing and restarting your browser?21:22
SJr|WorkHow can I determine if a certain SSL key is has been blacklisted (it's not from an ubuntu box, but a client keeps rejecting it)21:22
AnneShirleyjaapvisser: I installed Flash & Java and I'm testing right now...21:22
saLOUtQuagmire: often programs live in /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin or /opt/kde3/bin etc.21:23
AnneShirleyjaapvisser: Are you using Firefox?21:23
jaapvisseryep thatś what i use and the site works here.21:23
simon___ikonia: in the top corner, the menu with program, system.21:23
AnneShirleySee, I can do it until I try to login.21:23
AnneShirleyIt seems to hang at the login.21:24
jaapvisseric i have no account let me try21:24
blobbylolichbinesderelchi have the partition /dev/sda3 mounted on / which has 1 Go free (it had 0 free when the problem began)21:24
ikoniasimon___: the system menu, or the application menu21:24
simon___ikonia: the system menu works, but not the application.21:25
AnneShirleyjaapvisser: Nope. JAVA & Flash didn't work. Still hanging.21:25
ikoniasimon___: in what respect, as it shows nothing21:25
gulp000can i tell at everyone becausewhen install ubuntu/debian the partition manager  caN't see the partition linux existence?21:26
blobbylolichbinesderelch: so, any other idea ?21:26
ichbinesderelchblobbylol: i'm thinking :)21:26
simon___ikonia: It shows nothing...21:26
joejchow do i increase max volume?21:27
ikoniasimon___: does it drop down with nothing, or does it not drop down21:27
blobbylolichbinesderelch: did you saw my xsession-errors file ?21:27
gulp000enyone reply my question?21:27
ichbinesderelchblobbylol: jup, but just some xmodmap error21:27
simon___ikonia: no dropdown21:27
ikoniasimon___: odd21:28
mohwaqas12hello all21:28
gulp000now have mandriva inside,i've 900 amd 128 ram...21:28
ikoniasimon___: what about the places menu21:28
LtLsimon___: what happens when you use alt+f121:28
ikoniagulp000: not sure what your asking21:28
QuagmiresaLOUt thanks for the info21:29
zanberdohow can I stretch the panel to include both monitors when using twinview?21:29
ichbinesderelchblobbylol: okay another idea, "chmod a+w /tmp" cause of the xsession error file21:29
earthmeLonzanberdo, nvidia or ati or what?21:29
earthmeLonOpen your nvidia settings, dude21:29
simon___ikonia: alt f1, the aplication change colour, no dropdown.. places and system works fine.21:29
joejcis it possible ti increase max volume?21:30
jxwolfikonia: hey is it the same if i go to Applications > Add/Remove Programs  and then do all open source  and then search  Wine  i find   Wine Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer21:30
elena39server otrere.irc.gr21:30
earthmeLonzanberdo you should be able to use nvidia-settings or whatever and set it up21:30
PoPpiLLsikonia, the partition manager cant see his drives21:30
elena39server otrere.irc.gr21:30
gulp000i want install ubuntu...when is time to format only one partition it don't see the partition existing..21:30
ikoniajxwolf: perfect21:30
zanberdoearthmeLon, you may misunderstand my intentions.  I have enabled twinview.  I want the gnome panels (top and bottom of screen) to stretch across both displays21:30
jxwolfikonia: so that will work the same as going into the package man?21:30
elena39server otrere.irc.gr21:30
blobbylolichbinesderelch: it seems to work :/ ununderstandbly enough21:30
ikoniajxwolf: totally21:31
jxwolfikonia:  ok doing that now21:31
ichbinesderelchblobbylol: it did work or it didn't?21:31
earthmeLonzanberdo  my bad dude!!! You want to stretch it instead of making a new one?  I always preferred two separate ones so the window list panel thing would reflect the windows on that screen.  Not sure, sorry bro21:31
Cadman21Can installing Banshee media player cause brasero to not work?21:31
elena39server otrere.irc.gr21:31
LtLelena39: stop the spamming ...please21:32
blobbylolichbinesderelch: i logged on gnome, i'll now try with kde21:32
Sanketsulaptop with a fresh install of intrepid on it due to a hard drive crash (so new hard drive and install of intrepid) and everything was working fine until I updated.  There were 200+ updates and after the updates I had to restart, since then my laptop won't connect to the internet, neither wired nor wireless.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.21:32
zanberdoearthmeLon, no problem.  I'm coming from kde and it's a simple matter to enable a panel to stretch across multiple displays.  I'd hoped it was the same for gnome21:32
matshello, i installed ubuntu on my laptop. version 8.10 (intrepid) kernel 2.6.27-7-generic. my sound doesn't work (only with open sound system, which doesn't work with a lot of media players) How can i make work ALSA?21:33
ichbinesderelchblobbylol: seems the update kinda screwed the /tmp right permissions21:33
simon___ikonia: any suggestions?21:33
ikoniasimon___: not sure to be honest21:34
ikoniasimon___: never seen that21:34
blobbylolichbinesderelch: kde also works21:34
ichbinesderelchblobbylol: perfectly ;)21:34
blobbylolichbinesderelch: but i really can't understand why allowing to write on tmp solves the problem !21:35
simon___LtL: alt f1, the aplication change colour, no dropdown.. places and system works fine.21:35
blobbylolichbinesderelch: thank you very much :]21:35
LtLblobbylol: the /tmp directory should be chmod 1777 in octal format. 'stat /tmp' if not sudo chmod 1777 /tmp21:35
karelmHi, I'm running Ubuntu in vmware fusion. Works all fine except that I can't seem to use any special characters (like ~). I have an azerty keyboard where on windows one would normally press Alt gr (== ctrl + alt if I'm right) + "=" to get the tilde. Pressing ctrl + alt (option) + "=" doesn't seem to do anything in vmware however. When I try to set a shortcut for something the alt key is recognized as such. I have selected Macbook/pro as a ke21:35
ichbinesderelchblobbylol: finally we solved that one ;) np21:35
gulp000i've 2 HD in the second 4 partition  fat32,ext2,ntfs.. why ubuntu cant see this partitions?21:35
=== zuzanna is now known as jacekowski
eseven73mats: does 'sudo /etc/init.d/pulseaudio stop'  fix your sound at all?21:36
blobbylolLtL: ichbinesderelch: i think i now why it was not 777 anymore : the disk was full, so the computer automatically removed the right to write on /tmp21:36
lorenzo_hi, does Audacity worrk without Jack? thanks21:36
LtLsimon___: thats weird, try alt+f2 then gksudo updatedb or maybe its  gksu updatedb21:36
Fudgecan anyone recommend a slightly smaller ubuntu support channel for my noob questions? like smaller channel as i use text to speech and its hard to follow such a big channel21:36
eseven73LtL: 'sudo updatedb'21:36
gulp000the best distro linux for my spc? i've 900 amd, 128 ram21:36
AnneShirleyjaapvisser: You there?21:37
ikoniagulp000: your very limited check out distrowatch.com21:37
ichbinesderelchblobbylol: that could be, a warning that he did that would be nice though21:37
AnneShirleySorry. Lock up.21:37
LtLblobbylol: not just 777 it uses the sticky bit, hence chmod 1777  '1' is the sticky bit21:37
AnneShirleyLet's go back to the IM.21:37
gulp000thanks ikonia21:37
blobbylolLtL: the sticky bit ? to say that it is a directory ?21:37
=== jim_p_busy is now known as jim_p_
LtLeseven73: will sudo run from the alt+f2 menu? im a terminal freak, rarely use gksu or otherwise.21:38
jim_p_how can i set apt-pinning in synaptic?21:38
blobbylolLtL: no sorry i've just read the man21:38
bastid_raZorjim_p_; https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto21:39
DonkeyKonghey everyone I have an acer 6930 and my webcam works with aMSN and also Ekiga but wont work with camerama or cheese any ideas how to solve?\21:39
jeshkarelm: xmodmap ja xev might be your friends21:39
eseven73LtL: i dont usually use ALT+F2 but i wouldnt think it would be 'gksu' since you can type in commands21:39
LtLblobbylol: the /tmp directory uses/needs the sticky bit. sudo chmod 1777 /tmp. and never mess with /tmp without a good reason.21:39
matseseven73: No, i don't got a error ... but the sound still doesn't work ... i only got a kind of crunching21:39
simon___LtL: Did not do anything.21:39
jim_p_bastid_raZor, thanks. i was almost certain that "Lock version" is what i was looking for21:40
matsan error21:40
blobbylolLtL: i won't mess with it anymore21:40
flexdhrm.. is there a quick way of resizing my current partition?21:40
blobbylolthanks a lot i have to go21:40
flexdI want to resize the partition ubuntu is on to about 50% of it's size.21:40
karelmjesh: you mean remap some keys? Well, I would think so too, except that when I go into the shortcuts prefpane and I press for example alt + y, it shows up as "alt + y", so it seems to be correctly recognized...21:40
bastid_raZorjim_p_; the communty documentation is a wealth of knowledge.21:40
_THEGODhi ubuntu guys21:40
Slartflexd: not sure if there is a quicker way than using gparted..21:40
DonkeyKonghey everyone I have an acer 6930 and my webcam works with aMSN and also Ekiga but wont work with camerama or cheese any ideas how to solve?\21:41
_THEGODdo anyone knows where can i find kubuntu livecd ?21:41
ikonia_THEGOD: ubuntu.com21:41
eseven73mats ok then its probably not a pulseaudio issue.... I'm not really a sound person , but that's usually the first thing to test for21:41
_THEGODkubuntu live 10.8 or 8.1021:41
flexdSlart, right.21:41
ikonia_THEGOD: ubuntu.com21:41
_THEGODi cant see a livecd link on kubuntu .com21:41
_THEGODhttp://ftp.belnet.be/mirror/ubuntu.com/releases/kubuntu/intrepid/ ?21:41
jxwolfikonia: while i wait for all my updates  i installed wine btw  im just waiting for one other thing  but  im looking for a itunes replacement with like online radio stations  whats best one in your opinion?21:41
flexdSlart, my problem being: It's the active HDD i run ubuntu off.21:42
flexdCan i even resize that?21:42
LtLsimon___: click system - preferences - main menu, check everything21:42
Slartflexd: you can resize it if you boot from a live cd21:42
bastid_raZorjxwolf; for gnome rhythmbox does well.21:42
flexdi'll go do that then21:42
ikonia_THEGOD: http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download21:42
ikoniajxwolf: sorry, I actually don't use itunes replacments so I wouldn't know, there are a very options21:43
jxwolfbastid_raZor: im running ubuntu 8.10  will that work for it?21:43
simon___LtL: "main menu" wont open. All other open.21:43
Sanketsulaptop with a fresh install of intrepid on it due to a hard drive crash (so new hard drive and install of intrepid) and everything was working fine until I updated.  There were 200+ updates and after the updates I had to restart, since then my laptop won't connect to the internet, neither wired nor wireless.  Any idea where I should look to fix this?21:43
jxwolfikonia: ok ill get back to you once my updates are done  if wine doesnt run the program :)  you have been very helpful21:43
bastid_raZorjxwolf; it is the default mp3 player and with a few activated plugins it should do the job21:43
ikoniajxwolf: no problem, happy to help21:43
LtLsimon___: thats a clue, but i'm perplexed....21:44
_JSC415hi ?21:44
jxwolfbastid_raZor: ok lemme look for it21:44
LtLsimon___: is this a fresh install? have you tried re-starting x-windows?21:45
simon___LtL: not fresh. working fine for months. Rebooted only.21:46
jxwolfbastid_raZor: this is gonna be dumb but i listen to like 1.fm  any way to get that into that music player your talkign about i have it open21:46
jeshkarelm: yes, i meant remapping and adjusting shifting keys (i once had broken alt gr because it was mapped for some odd reason to mod1, remove fixed it)21:46
matsi found some links at google about people who wrote that their  ALC883 (it's also my sound card) doesn't work with ubuntu. Is it probably possible to make this sound-card work under ubuntu???21:47
bastid_raZorjxwolf; enalble last.fm in plugins and configure it21:48
karelmjesh: and what should I remap "ALT" to? It already shows as "ALT" in keyboard shortcuts, just doesn't work for characters...21:48
jim_p_mats, your card is supported 110% by alsa, so if you still dont have sound... remove pulseaudio. there is no reason to go to special module loading parameters21:49
bastid_raZorjxwolf; i've never used it to listen to radio via internet but it has the ability.. you can also add stations by ctrl+L21:49
[1]_JSC415lols internet radio :P21:50
xang!hello hans89021:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hello hans89021:50
hans890ok, but can i get some help about ubuntu from here?21:50
ubottuMany Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as !TOR and web (Java, etc) gateways due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks. If you're using mibbit, please try joining #ubuntu again. Mibbit takes a long time to connect, so you may have missed a message to do this.21:50
ubottuMany Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as TOR due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks21:50
LtLsimon___: try re-installing ubuntu-desktop21:51
dekkongHello I have installed Squid and I need some help to setup the proxy! anyone?21:51
danielleHi, I'm having trouble playing a dvd.21:51
mlwinnigHi!  Can someone please tell me how to get a command to execute every time on startup?21:51
ikonia!sessions > mlwinnig21:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sessions21:52
ikonia!session > mlwinnig21:52
ubottumlwinnig, please see my private message21:52
hans890i am trying to retrieve files from a folder that i dont have access (i am saving files from macos hdd with ubuntu livecd)21:52
victorbrcamlwinnig: you can use your rc.local file or add the program to sessions (easier)21:53
danielleWhen I put a dvd in, totem says that it could not read from resource.21:53
hans890is there a way to access folder with alternative username?21:53
dekkongcan anyone help me with Squid ?21:53
ubottusquid is a caching proxy for the Web.  See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SquidGuard  See: http://www.squid-cache.org21:54
CayalSoftware rasterizer detected, abortingaborting and using fallback: /usr/bin/metacity        <------ What is this all about, when I try to run compiz?21:54
matsjim_p_: how can i remove pulseaudio ???21:55
jim_p_mats, sudo apt-get autoremove pulseaudio21:55
zigzagsudo apt-get purge pulseaudio21:55
jim_p_what is the difference between fam and gamin?21:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fam21:56
ogahyellowHello. I am looking for help with recovering a usb hard disk with ubuntu. I was moving a partition with GParted and lost power during the move. Now I have errors, with no partition.21:56
jim_p_!info fam21:56
ubottufam (source: fam): File Alteration Monitor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.7.0-13.3ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 66 kB, installed size 256 kB21:56
jim_p_!info gamin21:56
ubottugamin (source: gamin): File and directory monitoring system. In component main, is optional. Version 0.1.9-2ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 39 kB, installed size 160 kB21:56
andypls1what's the proper irc channel to talk about internet domain names?21:56
SlartCayal: I don't know but I know how to get rid of it =)21:56
jim_p_ogahyellow, is it ntfs formatted?21:57
=== jim_p_ is now known as jim_p
matsdanielle, did you install libdvdcss2 ???21:57
NotSurehhuummm   My firefox browser disappears into the middle of the screen when I minimize it never to be seen again... can someone help me?21:57
ogahyellowno, it had 2 fat32 partitions and one ext221:58
SlartCayal: download the compiz check script from this site.. http://forlong.blogage.de/entries/pages/Compiz-Check  then run it.. I think it will offer to fix that for you21:58
daniellei think I just did that. I just copied and pasted a code from a forum I'm going to log out and in and try it. If it doesn't work, I'll be back. (mats)21:58
mlwinnigUBOTTU: Command needs admin rights to execute.  Can I use sudo in Sessions, and if so, how do I deal with the password?21:58
matsjim_p_: same problem ...21:58
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:58
jim_pogahyellow, then you may be able to save something through testdisk and photorec21:58
jim_p!info testdisk21:58
ubottutestdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.9-1.1 (intrepid), package size 1196 kB, installed size 3768 kB21:58
mlwinnigAnyone NOT a bot?21:58
RockClimberhi, anyone using rhythmbox with a mediasharer (like a linkstation) and having problems with some files not playing?21:58
TheaxiomI have been away from ubuntu for a month or so, what is the gui program for partition/disk management?21:58
jim_pmats, swich all your sound outputs to alsa21:59
oCean__mlwinning: if it's just 1 command, try using /etc/rc.local. Just add the command there21:59
K350Is there anyone who runs Ubuntu server (hardy)  here?21:59
thatguyso sometimes my sound will mess up and i will have to kill pulseaudio and restart it.  any help?21:59
ogahyellowjim_p, so apt-get testdisk and run it, and go from there?21:59
matsjim_p_: same problem ...21:59
Sanketsulaptop with a fresh install of intrepid on it due to a hard drive crash (so new hard drive and install of intrepid) and everything was working fine until I updated.  There were 200+ updates and after the updates I had to restart, since then my laptop won't connect to the internet, neither wired nor wireless.  Any idea where I should look to fix this?22:00
mlwinnigoCean: Is that an existing file or one I need to create?22:00
NotSure My firefox browser disappears into the middle of the screen when I minimize it never to be seen again... can someone help me?22:00
oCean__should be there already22:00
jim_pK350, is it a server specific problem?22:00
matsdanielle: so?22:00
oCean__"by default this script does nothing"22:00
jim_pogahyellow, sudo apt-get install testdisk22:00
OriWBCan Someone help me what to do to connect my laptop to a projector? I don't get a signal22:00
daniellehi, there. i do have libdvdcss2 installed ( I just checked the package manager) however the dvd will not play in totem still22:00
LtLoCean__: it will when you add something to it.22:00
mlwinnig oCean: How will it handle the admin rights issue?22:00
jim_pOriWB, are you on ati ?22:01
matsjim_p_: do you have an idea?22:01
groundupIf I start removing packages with KDE in them from using synaptic, are there any issues I should be worried about?22:01
OriWBjimp: whats ati?22:01
matsdanielle: ...?22:01
matsdanielle: try vlc22:01
matsto play the dvd22:01
K350jim_p: Well, when I disconnect my screen it doesn't seem to start.22:01
OriWBjim_p: whats ati?22:01
jim_pOriWB, lspci | grep VGA22:02
kbrosnanNotSure: might be on a differnt desktop22:02
jim_pK350, the monitor?22:02
K350jim_p: jim_p Yes the monitor22:02
danielleoops, sorry mats I forgot to add your name to what I wrote: libnavcss2 is installed I have tried vlc it looks like it will work but then the player just minimizes and nothing happens22:02
OriWBjim_p: sorry, I'm new to ubuntu, it doesn't mean anything to me22:02
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NotSurekbrosnan  I dont think so...22:03
remur_blnhowdy, is there a place to see the patches ubuntu applies to packages?22:03
jim_pK350, linux can sense the absence of a monitor and not start xorg. its a feature22:03
FernandoFbyer all22:03
FernandoFbye all22:03
jim_pK350, saves on resources you know22:03
jxwolfikonia: so wine seems to come with IE in it so i right clicked the exe and hit run with wine loader  and i get a blank window  so im guessing it didnt work lol22:04
K350jim_p: ah, uh well I don't run x22:04
OriWBjim_p: how can I check if I am on ati or not?22:04
BoomShakacan someone tell me how i can check what window decorator I am using?22:04
jim_pK350, then what do you expect to start?22:04
matsdanielle: give me your email adress; i offer you two packages22:05
jim_pOriWB, paste the output of the command i said earier22:05
K350jim_p: text mode only?22:05
jeshOriWB: you need to open console and paste the command given by jim to that console22:05
Aisonhello, when I install some dev packets with sudo apt-get build-dep vlc22:05
Aisonwhy are they removed with apt-get autoremove?22:05
OriWBjim_p: it says 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)22:05
remur_blnnevermind, found it22:06
AnneShirleyUm, do you all know the little "Connect" button?22:06
jim_pK350, and it does not start without a monitor connected?! that is weird. can you do something like ssh to the server?22:06
AnneShirleyOn the menu bar?22:06
jim_pAison, because that is what autoremove does22:06
jxwolfok ikonia seems to be away  :)   can anyone help me with getting wine to work ?22:07
AnneShirleyI accidently removed it. How do I get it back?22:07
ubuntu_guten abend an alle22:07
Aisonjim_p, well, but when I install packets with apt-get install, those arent autoremoved22:07
AnneShirleyDoes anyone know how to do that?22:07
OriWBjim_p: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)22:08
K350jim_p: I actually don't know if it's the monitor. But when I start it with the monitor everyting works fine (including SSH) But when I disconnected the montor i tdoesn't seems to start. At least no servers start and I can't ping the machine.22:08
thatguyso sometimes my sound will mess up and i will have to kill pulseaudio and restart it.  any help?22:08
jim_pOriWB, you are on some intel onboard gpu, possibly g45. good luck. i have no idea about intels22:08
AnneShirleyExcuse me?22:09
groundupWell, I guess I'll find out what happens when I uninstall everything with KDE in it...22:09
OriWBjim_p: what question should I be asking now?22:09
oCean__AnneShirley, not sure which connect button, but generally you should be able to add options to the panel by right-clicking on the 'menu-bar'22:09
oCean__AnneShirley, and choose 'add to panel'22:10
AnneShirleyoCean__: I know, but that ones not in the menu!22:10
AnneShirleyIn this list of buttons.22:10
matsguten abend ubuntu_, du hast nicht zufällig ne idee, wie ich meinen alc 883 soundchip ans laufen kriege? ich habe im netz schon gelesen, dass das schwierig sein soll ...22:10
jeshOriWB: hate to ask the obvious, but i guess you have tried pressing fn-key with whatever f-key with a display icon on it?22:10
oCean__AnneShirley, which connect button? Connect to...?22:10
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AnneShirleyConnect to like, Wireless network.22:11
OriWBjesh: lol, yeah, i have.22:11
AnneShirleyOr Ethernet.22:11
jeshOriWB: okay.. too bad :|22:11
jim_pOriWB, "how do i configure xorg with intel drivers to use dual monitor?" replace dual monitor with whatever sounds better to you22:12
OriWBjim_p: thanx alot22:12
carmelosalve a tutti22:12
jomais there a friendly soul who can explain to me how to install wireless on Ubuntu. There are so many possibiities of error it is hard to tick off things. I use Vista and Ubuntu 8.10. Apparently ndiswrapper only has drivers for XP, not Vista. so do I need this exaclty? 1. a driver for my card but for XP. 2. put ndiswrapper on my USB? 3. how do I then install it?22:12
AnneShirleyI'll be back...22:12
carmelodomanda su plugin pidgin: come si usa la messagistica musicale una volta attivato il plugin?22:13
LtL!it > carmelo22:13
ubottucarmelo, please see my private message22:13
OriWBDoes someone know how i configure xorg with intel drivers to use a dual monitor?22:13
thatguycan anyone help me please?22:13
victorbrcajoma: you need to first find the card that you have... and the look for the drivers22:14
tortisemats: ein moment mal22:14
jxwolfhokay so22:14
jxwolfwho know wine well enough?22:15
matstortise: ?22:15
tortisemats: welche version von ubuntu?22:15
jeshOriWB: you could try writing 'xrandr' to that console and have a look if it says anything about what's connected to the computer (or what it's able to see)22:16
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OriWBJesh: I was just about to try urandr... is xrandr better?22:17
matstorsie: was wolltest du damit sagen ... ?22:17
nomikegood evening22:18
lionel_kennt hier jemand urbanterror?22:18
lionel_und kann mir herlfen?22:18
MartinN00bjede zelle meines körpers ist glücklich22:19
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.22:19
nomikeI want to re-encode ogg files to a lower quality to save space. I was first thinking of using a simple bash-for-loop and oggdec/oggenc but then I'll loose the meta-tags22:19
matslionel_: das spiel ist bekannt22:19
nomikeany ideas22:19
mauilionanyone having trouble getting thunderbird to display the main window? I have uninstalled reinstalled I can bring up the profile window but the main gui bails with a bad X window error22:19
thatguyso sometimes my sound will mess up and i will have to kill pulseaudio and restart it.  can anyone  help me?22:20
timmyd__how do i get rid of this stupid network manager app?22:21
LtLthatguy: the way i fixed pulseaudio was to completely remove it and install esound. your mileage may vary.22:21
matstortise: kannst du mir helfen?22:21
lionel_ok my problem is that i will install mandingo22:21
daniellehey, mats, thank you! it works now22:22
lionel_but Mandingo find not the log file22:22
matshey danielle! freut mich zu hören22:22
lionel_the urban terror logfile*22:22
Jack_Sparrowmats, This is the english speaking support channel..  Please /join #ubuntu-de22:23
anparkshi network-manager is broken and i can no longer connect to the internet22:23
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore22:23
anparksthe problem first started happening after doing a grub-install and booting into one of the new kernels that intrepid installed on upgrade22:23
solid_liqhmm, 8 second lag22:23
anparksso now im on my laptop22:24
ivantis2okay my computer running ubuntu (Dell something) is really screwed up22:24
ivantis2eclipse does not work at all22:24
anparkswhats the problem22:24
anparkseclipse doesnt work and you say ubuntu is screwed up?22:24
ivantis2my computer is really really slow22:25
bbrookshello, I dual boot with Vista and Ubuntu..I have Vista on my first part, and Ubuntu on my 2nd.  had issue with VIsta and had to rebuild, how can I fix the bootload to point back to grub?22:25
anparksyour problem is java22:25
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto22:25
fooHm, I upgraded ubuntu to 8.10 from 8.04... and lftp broke. I get this error: lftp: error while loading shared libraries: libgnutls.so.13: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory - any ideas?22:25
ivantis2my problem is java?22:25
anparkswait so what is the problem with eclipse tho22:26
Jack_Sparrowfoo, Usually an upgrade will only break when a user has installed things manually.. Yes, even if they worked before the upgrade.. Could that be the case here22:26
Milos_SDHow can I remove one package without pulling other packages that depend on that package? :)22:26
AsclepiusHey all22:26
Jack_SparrowMilos_SD, Are you trying to pull part of a metapackage?22:27
matswie kann man es nur verbieten, wenn hier andere leute auch meine sprache sprechen ... mit den anderen spreche ich ja auch auf englisch22:27
matstortise: May you can help me?22:27
Milos_SDJack_Sparrow, I want to delete libgphoto2 package, but it pulls a lot of other packages with it...22:27
Asclepiusmats: Nieman weiss deutsch22:27
anparksnevermind i fixed my problem by getting otu of that terrible kernel22:28
anparksivantis: what is the problem with eclipse22:28
ubottuA meta-package is a package that simply depends upon other packages and brings them in. It's not a real package, but a very useful package that can drag in other package versions.22:28
anparksai have much experience with eclipse under ubuntu22:28
Milos_SDJack_Sparrow, libgphoto2 is not a metapackage... ;)22:29
AsclepiusProblem: I have a single harddrive that must be shared out to a computer and go to the TV any solutions?22:29
matsAsclepius: sorry, i did not understand ...22:29
BoomShakawhere can i get additional themes to install in System > Preferences > Appearance > Themes ?22:29
billybigriggerhey all22:29
Jack_Sparrowmats, thank you22:29
Asclepiusdie Problem oder mein Deutsch?22:30
billybigriggeris anyone aware of a voice chat program besides skype that i can voice chat with someone between linux and windows?22:30
AnneShirleyOk, can someone help me get my network connections button back?22:30
anparksso yes are you using gnome? eclipse has had trouble starting for me in other window managers22:30
Slartbillybigrigger: ekiga is available for both windows and linux afaik22:30
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Slartbillybigrigger: I guess teamspeak might work too22:31
anparkssuch as xmonad and ion22:31
oCean__AnneShirley, it might be the 'notification area' in the dropdown list22:31
fooJack_Sparrow: hm, actually, I wonder if I did install that from source. You know, I think I did. I'll reinstall... I totally forgot, that may fix it22:31
fooJack_Sparrow: Thanks22:31
Jack_Sparrowfoo, np22:31
AnneShirleyoCean: It was. Thank you SO much!22:31
lifewithryan_gho@billybigrigger try googling Gizmo522:31
SmokeyDhey people. I am building my own debian package. When I compile the package from source, configure and make run fine. When I run "debian/rules build" though (after running dh_make), make fails with "undefined reference to... in function....)22:31
SlartAsclepius: I would use nfs if I could choose freely.. this is not always an option, depending on what that other computer can do22:31
oCean__Andril, sure :)22:31
ubottuThe packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports22:31
oCean__AnneShirley, sure :)22:31
SlartSmokeyD: this is #ubuntu.. for ubuntu support.. have you tried #Debian?22:32
Asclepiusthanks Slart. The probelm is that im connecting it to this new Western Digital media thing. It can read a hardrive and play .ISO's through hdmi, but i would also like to play the .ISOs on the computer in my bedroom22:32
SmokeyDSlart: no, but I am building for Ubuntu so thought to ask here. But Jack_Sparrow already gave me a guide which I didn't find through google22:33
billybigriggerSlart: thanks22:33
billybigriggerlifewithryan_gho: thanks22:33
Jack_SparrowSmokeyD, np22:33
Genuis27hi everybody22:33
fooJack_Sparrow: Now that I upgraded, I have the latest version, so I deleted source version and installed via apt and now I'm all set. Thanks :)22:33
SlartSmokeyD: but... you said you were building a debian package?22:33
lifewithryan_ghonp...i like it alot22:33
Jack_Sparrowfoo, glad you got it..22:33
SmokeyDSlart: a deb package for ubuntu22:33
SmokeyDdeb refers to debian, so hence the word22:33
AsclepiusI was wondering if there was some kind router that has a passthrough so i can go from harddrive--> router-->usb out to TV and wirelessly to ubuntu computer22:33
Ward1983jrib, are you still around?22:34
SlartSmokeyD: ah.. gotcha22:34
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore22:34
SlartAsclepius: it would be entirely up to that Western Digital media thing.. perhaps it can connect to a samba share.. (normal windows filesharing)22:35
AsclepiusIm pretty sure the only connections the western digital thing has is 2 usb's in. Its a pretty cool thing http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=8993217&st=western+digital&type=product&id=121800858880822:36
AsclepiusI am trying to save myself from having to buy a whole other drive for me to be able to watch whats on my harddrive on the bedroom computer22:37
Ward1983Asclepius, are they networked?22:38
SlartAsclepius: hmm.. that sounds... complicated... don't think I've seen usb over ethernet like that..22:38
AsclepiusNo they arnt networked. The western digital thing isnt really a computer but rather a hard drive reader. Thats the problem. I was hoping i could run the hard drive to a router through usb and then have like a usb passthrough to go to the wester digital box. That way i could wirelessly read the hard drive while still having the physical connection to the box22:39
Ward1983Asclepius, well you're either gonna need cables from both to a harddrive, so you might aswell network them lol22:40
LogomachistMuch thanks to the guys who recommended running fixmbr. My Windows is now working again.22:40
Ward1983btw USB length is limited22:40
LogomachistBut Grub still doesn't take over at boot.22:41
Sanketsulaptop with a fresh install of intrepid on it due to a hard drive crash (so new hard drive and install of intrepid) and everything was working fine until I updated.  There were 200+ updates and after the updates I had to restart, since then my laptop won't connect to the internet, neither wired nor wireless.  Any idea where I should look to fix this?22:41
Asclepiuswhat i have read and previously known is that you cant connect two computers the same hardrive through usb22:41
Ward1983Logomachist, windows xp or vista?22:41
Asclepiusand be using them at the same time22:41
Ward1983Asclepius, yes so jsut use a crosscable22:41
LogomachistI have Ubuntu and XP on the same drive.22:41
Ward1983Asclepius, and network the computers22:41
Asclepiusi cant share out the western digital box22:41
Ward1983Logomachist, sorry dunno for xp, but for vista you can add grub in its bootloader and that works fine, i had to do that once22:42
Asclepiusthere it is, its just kinda a hard drive reader22:42
victorbrcaAsclepius: or you can get a router/ap with usb support.22:42
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victorbrcaAsclepius: kinda overdoing it thou22:42
Asclepiuswhat would be an easier way than that22:42
Asclepiusim trying to avoid just buying another harddrive22:43
victorbrcaDear Ms. Marion,22:44
victorbrca  22:44
victorbrcaLately Luana has been complaining to me that she is having problems with one of her class colleagues. It.s coming to the point where she does not want to go to school so she can avoid the other kid (her name is Cassandra).22:44
victorbrcaLuana usually keeps things in and doesn.t stand up for herself, which makes it even worse.22:44
victorbrcaI have asked her to stop talking to Cassandra, but that did not resolve the problem. By what Luana has told me it doesn.t look like she means harm. It seems more that she.s trying to get Luana.s attention, but she.s trying too hard.22:44
FloodBot2victorbrca: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:44
AsclepiusThanks for all the help guys (and gals)22:45
helenej'ai finalement pu configurer ma carte nvidia, mais j'ai encore un probleme a l'écran de login, qui n'apparait pas, mon écran se met en stand by, et puis je sais me logger quand meme, mais si je fait ctrl+alt+F1 et puis que je retourne en F7 ca finit par apparaitre,  j'ai configuré les plages de fréquence de mon écran dans xorg22:48
Dexisound in linux is just... UGH22:48
jxwolfikonia: you around?22:48
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr22:48
ikoniajust about22:48
jxwolfikonia: ok lemme know  new issue :)22:48
ikoniajxwolf: what's up22:48
cidesigndatabpark search22:49
csanahi guys!22:50
CayalWould anyone like to hear the long story about my problem?22:50
ikoniaCayal: summerise your problem22:50
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TriBeCa99hey guys, i'm in a terminal and man isn't fully operational... can someone tell me how to get mdadm to give me the status of all my multi-disk partitions?22:50
csanaI don't know where else to ask but is there by any chance an irc channel where people help with networking?22:51
mib_adzv15y4i need help on this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=103361622:51
ikoniaTriBeCa99: mdadm --manage $device --status22:51
CayalNo compiz, tells me software rasterizing is enabled (it isn't). Reinstalling intel drivers did nothing.22:51
alexisi'm looking for a knemo like for gnome (a bradwidth monitor applet). It exist?22:51
ikoniaTriBeCa99: why happens when you man madadm22:51
ikoniaTriBeCa99: why happens when you man mdadm22:51
gardiercsana its best just to ask and if someone knows they will answer22:51
mib_adzv15y4tried uninstalling profiles or put in complaint mode, did not help22:51
csanais there by any chance an irc channel where people help with networking?22:52
Jack_Sparrowmib_adzv15y4, Please include a description of the problem when pasting a link22:52
ikoniacsana: look at the channel list on freenodes website22:52
Jack_Sparrowcsana, #networking...  and please stop repeating22:52
eseven73I keep getting Orbit errors when trying to open a program http://paste.ubuntu.com/101910/22:52
dr_williscsana,  'networking' is a big topic..22:52
mib_adzv15y4kernel crashes in our usb host driver22:52
jxwolfikonia: i sent the info pm so whenever you want reply :) im gonna go grab a drink22:52
TriBeCa99ikonia: unrecognized option --status22:53
TriBeCa99ikonia: and when i man it i can only see the first man page22:53
ikoniaTriBeCa99: what happens when you do man mdadm22:53
CayalSo, should I reinstall Ubuntu to get compiz working?22:53
TriBeCa99pg up and pg dwn no worky22:53
ikoniaTriBeCa99: the options are on the first man page22:53
mib_adzv15y4tried uninstall of all apparmor profile or put in complaint mode did not help22:53
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gardiercsana people here would know some about aspects of Ubuntu networking and maybe linux. As dr_willis says it's abroad subject22:53
ikoniaTriBeCa99: you press space to go down22:54
CayalIs there a way to backup my applications, themes, settings, and such?22:54
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning22:54
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude --disable-columns --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate22:55
eseven73Cayal: I use rsync to backup my ~/home  (if you want the gui for that download grsync) or maybe unison-gtk22:55
QuagmireI'm so frustrated guys ...I'm trying to find a program and it go moved, but I can;t seem to find it ...I can run it, I can uninstall it, but as soon as I reinstall it doesn't show up in /home/username/ ...could someone give me a little guidance? I would surely appreciate it.22:55
kyleRi have an error at startup that says bootmgr is missing, will a program called gparted help fix this?22:55
Quagmireit got moved22:56
CayalYeah, but I also want my apps and settings for those apps.22:56
SlartCayal: did you try that compiz-check script?22:56
CayalYep, Slart.22:56
SlartCayal: it didn't offer to fix the software rendering thing?22:56
eseven73Cayal: backing up your /home will save all your settings22:56
CayalIt told me software rasterizing was enabled, but it isn't.22:56
CayalOh, yeah. Hidden files. :P22:56
eseven73yep usually hidden22:56
CayalWhat exists in the /usr folder? Anyhing of interest?22:56
eseven73/usr/share maybe22:57
SlartCayal: hmm.. how did you come to the conclusion that software rendering wasn't enabled?22:57
eseven73but most things go in your /home22:57
Cayal Error: Software Rasterizer in use22:57
CayalThat's the bottom line of the compiz-check output.22:58
CayalI checked my Xorg.conf.22:58
SlartCayal: did you run it with sudo?22:58
CayalThere was no "Virtual" section or anythign else that looked like that.22:58
eseven73anyways i got a issue of my own.... http://paste.ubuntu.com/101910/   could someone please look into that22:58
Cayal Do not run this script as root, because it might distort its outcome.22:58
Cayal Aborting.22:58
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victorbrcaI'm sorry for my last message. I right cliked by mistake on my putty session and it pasted all my clipboard here.22:59
SlartCayal: hmm.. odd.. I had the same problem once.. I ran the script and afaik it said the same thing it did for you.. but then it asked if it should fix that.. I answered yes and then everything started working again22:59
eseven73oh man no ones answering me, that cant be a good sign, I hope i dont have to reinstall :(((22:59
CayalI wish. Did you have horrible Intel integrated graphics?23:00
eseven73I think i royally fried my system lol23:00
CayalWith no drivers because Intel decides to be evil to linux users? ;_;23:00
SlartCayal: I can't remember if this was on my laptop.. if it was then yes, it's an intel on board graphics card23:00
Itakuwhats the Full path to sshd program for openssh-server?23:00
zigzagwonder if remastersys works with the mini.iso23:00
lstarnesItaku: run which sshd23:01
lstarneseseven73: it looks like a simple permissions error on that directory23:01
LtLItaku: /usr/sbin/sshd23:01
zigzaganyone know?23:01
VDarthusVMay I ask for a bit of assistance please?23:01
eseven73lstarnes: cant be, im running it as root23:01
* zigzag bleeds on the floor23:01
ItakuLtL, its not there23:01
lstarneseseven73: even root isn't fully immune to file permissions23:01
exodus_MS!ask > VDarthusV23:01
ubottuVDarthusV, please see my private message23:01
eseven73i know but its even simple things liek starting firefox lstarnes23:02
ItakuLtL, bash: /usr/sbin/sshd: No such file or directory23:02
jxwolfikonia: you get the pm btw ?23:02
lstarneseseven73: what error do you get with starting firefox?23:02
Itakuoh wow nevermind im smart23:02
rayluItaku: run "which sshd". also, if you want to restart it, you want23:02
eseven73lstarnes: stuff i run all the time, the usual, firefox, irssi, nano, thunar :(23:02
rayluItaku: sudo invoke-rc.d sshd start23:02
ikoniajxwolf: yes, I suggest you ask in #winehq23:02
ikoniajxwolf: always better to ask in a channel rather than a pm23:03
eseven73lstarnes: it just complaines that i need TCP for Orbit23:03
Itakui forgot to install it i guess -.-23:03
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jxwolfikonia: sorry i know but i had to leave and if you answered my msg id never see it23:03
VDarthusVI've been having trouble getting Ndiswrapper to get my drivers of a Netgear W111 card to successfully work.  The last time I installed Linux Ubuntu I was able to get NdisWrapper to work without too much fight but this time I can't figure whats wrong23:03
eseven73Ive never even heard of Orbit23:03
Itakuwhats /usr/share/apport/apport-qt? its just randomly asking for my password23:03
ikoniajxwolf: always better to ask in a channel rather than a pm23:04
imoutanyone know how i can get wlassistant for 8.10 ? did it move to an unsupported or non-free apt source or whatever ?23:04
VDarthusVI think the problem is with blacklisting other drivers23:04
ikoniajxwolf: yes, I suggest you ask in #winehq23:04
rayluVDarthusV: we'll need more information than that23:04
rayluimout: this isn't debian :P non-free is in multiverse23:04
imoutraylu so any idea why its not in apt sources it was in 8.4 ?23:05
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K350How do one change motd?23:06
SlartCayal: some forum threads recommend running this command "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg"23:06
ikoniaK350: /etc/motd23:06
meekatronhow do i find out what dns server my machine is using23:06
kyleRi have an error at startup that says bootmgr is missing, will a program called gparted help fix this?23:06
ikoniameekatron: /etc/resolv.conf23:06
Slartmeekatron: cat /etc/resolv.conf23:06
CayalOK, Slart, I'll try and hope for the best.23:06
ikoniaK350: no23:06
ikoniaK350: oops23:06
ikoniakyleR: no23:06
meekatronSlart: thanks23:06
rayluimout: no idea23:07
imoutok raylu thanks23:07
lstarneseseven73: what's the output of "stat /tmp" and "stat /tmp/orbit-root" ?23:07
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rayluimout: i suppose it's been replaced by nm-applet23:07
eseven7315:07 < lstarnes> eseven73: what's the output of "stat /tmp" and "stat /tmp/orbit-root" ?23:07
eseven73oops sorry23:07
Cayal"xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.20090107180718"23:08
rayluimout: Deleted in intrepid-release (Reason: needs KDE 3, bug 283543)23:08
CayalDid it work, or?23:08
eseven73one sec lstarnes23:08
imoutthat's a bummer wlassistant was excellent and very easy to use23:08
lstarneseseven73: wait, I think I might have another idea.  Do you use any NFS shares?23:08
VDarthusVUbuntu sees the USB Netgear w111 card however it can't really connect to it ie it says it connects but doesn't, and then drops the connection.  I got Ndiswrapper and ndiswrapper and the graphical interface for them installed,   Then I got the inf file from the cd, however it still does not connect, although when I remove the USB dongle and put it back it flashes blue light for a few seconds like its working then stops.23:08
* tyta_linux is so thankful for the helpful folks in #ubuntu! =)23:08
eseven73lstarnes: nope23:08
rayluimout: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kblogger/+bug/28354323:08
ogahyellowhello, I was on before trying to get help with a partition lost when I lost power using GParted. I was advised to install and use testdisk, which found 2 partitions, but I do not know how to continue23:09
lstarneseseven73: what's the output of "ps aux | grep gconfd | grep -v grep"?23:09
CayalStill no luck. I guess reinstall is the only option.23:09
SlartCayal: you might have to restart X.. you can either just reboot.. or do Ctrl+Alt+Backspace23:09
SlartCayal: that will kill all your running apps..23:10
imoutgod it never dawned on me to look at bugs, thanks raylu :D23:10
SlartCayal: at least the ones running in x23:10
Ward1983VDarthusV, istn that an atheros based card? (if yes ndiswrappen is not needed)23:10
rayluimout: i didn't; i went to the package's launchpad page23:10
Quagmireguys is there a channel that deals with questions on terminal commands?23:10
Ward1983Quagmire, right here?23:10
eseven73lstarnes: nothing on that last command, but heres the first command you asked me to run: http://paste.ubuntu.com/101922/23:10
SlartQuagmire: there's #bash.. but it can be pretty sleep.. why not ask here23:10
imouti see23:11
VDarthusVI'm not sure...  it is Netgear w111 USB dongle23:11
lstarneseseven73: I think the issue might be due to gconfd not running23:11
rayluVDarthusV: w...g111?23:11
eseven73lstarnes: hmm i didnt remove it how can i restart it?23:11
VDarthusVraylu: what do you mean?23:12
rayluVDarthusV: there's a netgear wg111, but no w11123:12
CayalSlart, thank you very much.23:12
VDarthusVmy bad23:12
SlartCayal: it works?23:12
VDarthusVyes that23:12
SlartCayal: yay!23:12
mosfetHi I have a ubuntu 8.04 and I need to download gcc and its dependencies and install it in a specific folder how can I do that ?23:13
mosfetI already have gcc installed23:13
Sanketsulaptop with a fresh install of intrepid on it due to a hard drive crash (so new hard drive and install of intrepid) and everything was working fine until I updated.  There were 200+ updates and after the updates I had to restart, since then my laptop won't connect to the internet, neither wired nor wireless.  Any idea where I should look to fix this?23:13
CayalIf only IRC had a thanking system.23:13
Gletobmosfet: sudo apt-get install build-essentials23:13
imoutmosfet you'd be better getting the build-essential package23:13
lstarneseseven73: are you currently using gnome?23:13
ogahyellowhello, sorry to repeat. Can someone help me to recover a partition using testdisk?23:13
billybigriggercant get audio working in skype x6423:13
VDarthusVThe NetGear wg111 USB23:14
Gletobmosfet: sudo apt-get install build-essential23:14
eseven73lstarnes: nope but that's never been an issue before23:14
billybigriggerprogram installed fine, i changed my audio to pulse, and i can hear the tones and everything but i cant get my built-in mic working23:14
eseven73lstarnes: currently im using Icewm but i have Gnome and kde installed as well23:14
rayluVDarthusV: http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/p54/devices23:14
billybigriggerdoes skype need to use pulse for mic too?23:14
eseven73usually i have no issues23:14
VDarthusVI got it to work before on my last computer using ndiswrapper23:14
mosfethum I ALREADY HAVE A GCC installed23:14
mosfetand build -essentials too23:15
Ward1983VDarthusV, "Note: Ubuntu 6.10 Edgy Eft supports the WG111v2 (rtl8187 chipset) with a native driver straight out of the box."23:15
Slartbillybigrigger: I don't think skype uses pulse at all23:15
mosfetI need to install a second instance of gcc23:15
Ward1983VDarthusV, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/NetgearWG11123:15
Quagmireok then ...I'm trying to find a program ...I moved it but do not remember where ...now I can;t find the folder. I have searched in Nautilus in the home folder, but it doesn;t show up23:15
VDarthusVmime is version one I believe23:15
mosfetin /opt/gcc for instance23:15
Ward1983VDarthusV, was your last computer installed before 2006? :p23:15
Gletobimout: he wants it in a seperate folder.  Can that be done?23:16
rayluVDarthusV: seems outdated, but https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/NetgearWG11123:16
VDarthusVThis is my new computer though23:16
Ward1983VDarthusV, back then the driver didnt exist yet, now there is a driver23:16
VDarthusVI still want to use this netgear usb dongle to save money23:16
lstarneseseven73: do you also get that error about gconf when using nano?23:16
oCean__Quagmire: try running 'locate programname'23:16
QuagmireoCean__ where do I find that?23:17
eseven73lstarnes: nope23:17
oCean__Quagmire: you might have to run 'updatedb' first23:17
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eseven73lstarnes: just gui stuff23:17
Ward1983VDarthusV, basically it should just work, maybe its restricted tohugh i dunno, nothing usefull on google23:17
oCean__Quagmire: open a terminal and run command23:17
VDarthusVokay I'll look over that23:17
cyluxHey, I installed new fonts (all caps) and somehow Firefox adopted these fonts. They got annoying so I deleted them but FIrefox has kept these fonts. What do I do?23:17
ChrisBookwoodHi, how do i make a bridge on ubuntu? When i say bridge, i mean my laptop, which has a ethernet cable plugged, sending out a wifi signal my other pc's can connect to, to the internet23:17
mosfetdoes someone know from a .deb how to retrieve all its dependencies and then install the package to a specific location23:17
dr_willis!ics | ChrisBookwood23:17
ubottuChrisBookwood: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php23:17
something132sound problem sound card detected but not playing music23:18
QuagmireoCean__ I got ...cannot open a temporary file for /var/lib/mlocate/mlocate.db23:18
ChrisBookwooddr_willis, what do you mean by "in the network"?23:18
rayluVDarthusV: yeah, i'm fairly sure it works without ndiswrapper23:19
QuagmireoCean__ that is what I got when I ran updatedb23:19
Ward1983ChrisBookwood, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=71387423:19
oCean__Quagmire: right, you have to run "sudo updatedb"23:19
rayluVDarthusV: so i'd recommend uninstalling that. "lsmod | grep mac" please23:19
dr_willisChrisBookwood,  i dont mean anytyhing. thats the bot saying it..    it means other machines you are networked with.. i imagine..23:20
rayluVDarthusV: oh, "sudo modprobe -r ndiswrapper" first, of course23:20
lstarneseseven73: what happens when running gnome-schedule (the command you used in your first paste) as a regular user?23:20
oCean__Quagmire: after that, as a user you can locate any file by using the 'localte' command23:20
VDarthusVRaylu: in that case why do you think it doesn't work?23:20
w3wsrmneseven73: try ` chmod 0700 /tmp/orbit-root && chown -R root:root /tmp/orbit-root23:20
ChrisBookwooddr_willis: i sorry, yeah... okay, thanks23:20
cyluxHey, I installed new fonts (all caps) and somehow Firefox adopted these fonts. They got annoying so I deleted them but FIrefox has kept these fonts. Any ideas?23:20
ChrisBookwoodWard1983, i'll give that a look too23:20
rayluVDarthusV: no idea, and i'm not really concerned. ndiswrapper should be a last resort choice, and it isn't for you23:20
w3wsrmneseven73: minus the backtick, then try gnome-schedule23:20
eseven73lstarnes: same error23:20
Scunizicylux: you need to refresh the font database23:21
QuagmireoCean__ "locate program name" command23:21
cyluxScunizi: What's the command, again?23:21
Scunizi!font | cylux23:21
ubottucylux: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer23:21
VDarthusVMaybe thats so, however last time I used it it worked like a dream; perfectly23:21
eseven73w3wsrmn: doesnt help23:21
Itakuhow do i send a message to all users on my comp logged in with ssh?23:21
Scunizicylux: then you probably need to close FF and restart23:21
Ward1983ChrisBookwood, basically the important thing is to enable ip_forwarding , iirc i did it for my PDA with only one command (but i did it manually whenever i needed it)23:22
cyluxScunizi: Lol, I've restarted the whole computer.23:22
oCean__Quagmire: what's the question?23:22
Scunizicylux: I mean after refreshing the database23:22
cyluxScunizi: Oh alright23:22
w3wsrmneseven73: paste the output of ` stat /tmp/orbit-root `23:22
QuagmireoCean__ I just want to make sure I had the info right ...I think you made a typo with locate earlier and wanted to be sure23:23
Scunizicylux: restarting the computer to "reset" services isn't really necessary unless you get a kernel upgrade.. usually that is.. not like windows where you have to reboot for most everything to take effect.23:23
eseven73w3wsrmn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/101924/23:23
ChrisBookwoodWard1983, i will keep that i mind!23:24
rayluQuagmire: if you can run the program, use "which"23:24
oCean__Quagmire: I might have :) After running the updatedb command, your localte command is: "/usr/bin/locate <string>"23:24
oCean__Quagmire: where <string> is (part of) your filename23:24
QuagmireoCean__ now that I I have found everything that has anything to do with xchat ...how do I kill it all off ...I want to remove everything and start from scratch23:24
LtLeseven73: you should sudo chmod +t /tmp/  your bits are set to- drwxrwxrwx23:24
savvasQuagmire: remove what? xchat custom user settings?23:25
imoutraylu; Thanks again, have fun o/~23:25
rayluQuagmire: how did you install xchat?23:25
imoutsavvas ?23:25
savvasimout ? :)23:25
oCean__Quagmire: I'm not sure, you want to remove all of the xchat software?23:25
imoutgreek savvas ?23:25
Quagmireyes I need to place it in the correct place and everytime I uninstall it reinstalls to the same ODD location23:25
QuagmireI need it ALL out23:25
savvasyes imout, but support in greek goes in #ubuntu-gr ;)23:26
rayluQuagmire: how did you install it? and where does it install? could you be more specific?23:26
QuagmireI'm on another pc by the way23:26
imouthah :D23:26
Quagmireits too hard to remember all the stuff I did to get to this point and I really don;t have a singhle problem in the world with wiping the program completely and starting over23:27
rayluQuagmire: that's really not helpful. i'm guessing you didn't install from the repositories?23:27
QuagmireI was trying to change the theme and ran into problems after the fact23:27
QuagmireI installed it from the add/remove23:27
oCean__Quagmire: You might try de-installing from the add/remove option in the Applications menu23:27
raylude-installing :P23:28
illmortalAnyone know of a good Gnome dock/panel?23:28
QuagmireI've uninstalled and reinstalled mutiple times23:28
rayluQuagmire: how?!23:28
Quagmireevertime I reinstall it comes back with ALL the same settings23:28
Ward1983illmortal, gnome-panel :p23:28
ardchoilleill_phaze: awn, wbar, simdock, cairo-dock, there are many23:28
oCean__Quagmire: and that's bad because...23:29
illmortalgnome-panel? Is it anything like kool dock? Ward1983?23:29
ardchoilleillmortal:  awn, wbar, simdock, cairo-dock, there are many23:29
rayluQuagmire: rm -r ~/.xchat23:29
illmortalawn only makes kooldock right? which is kde?...23:29
rayluillmortal: gnome-panel are the two panels you're looking at23:29
Quagmirebecause I could NOT find the program to remove the file I needed to remove and got totally frustrated23:29
illmortaloh lol i knew that raylu =x23:29
ChrisBookwoodWard1983, in the thread you linked to, it says that if it's a wifi card i will use for clients, it has to be set up differently than showed in the tutorial. Can you help me with that?23:30
Ward1983illmortal, i was joking its the default panel lol23:30
imoutsavvas no i dont need help in greek, we don't speak it in Scotland, but thanks :D23:30
LtLraylu: i think its ./xchat2 isn't it?23:30
illmortalaye lol23:30
Quagmireits like trying to put a jigsaw puzzle together in the dark ...you can be a stinking genius, but turn all the lights out and you are just another idiot. ;)23:30
rayluLtL: i wouldn't know. and i can't get any information out of Quagmire anyway :P23:30
Ward1983ChrisBookwood, not sure let me check23:30
rayluQuagmire: that's what it's like helping you, right now23:30
LtLraylu: er ~/.xchat2 rather23:30
Quagmireraylu it is too messy to remember all the steps ...I'm not trying to be evasive23:31
sekyourboxErr http://archive.ubuntu.com feisty/multiverse Packages                        404 Not Found [IP: 80]23:31
oCean__Quagmire: well, as raylu pointed out, your settings are in the .xchat directory in your homedirectory. Removing that directory (~/.xchat) might help you23:31
jjleeI seem to be getting intermittent key verification errors running debmirror: http://paste.ubuntu.com/101931/23:31
QuagmireI just simply don't tremember it has unfolded over 2 days23:31
savvasimout: I think you need to register an account to receive private messages :p23:31
sekyourboxis this supposed to be in the apt-get list?23:31
rayluQuagmire: you keep saying that you uninstall and reinstall. i'm sure you can remember if you've installed from source, binaries, or the repositories23:31
TriBeCa99anyone know how to add devices to a degraded raid array in mdadm?23:31
Quagmirethats the isssue ...that folder is NOT in the home folder .LOL23:31
illmortalwhat's the package name for awn dock? o.O23:31
raylusekyourbox: apt-get list? sources, you mean? what were you doing when you got that?23:31
jjleesudo rm -rf mirror/.temp && run_debmirror.sh sometimes errors like that, sometimes not23:31
TriBeCa99for various reasons i built the array with two missing devices, now i need to add devices in the missing spots23:32
rayluQuagmire: as ltl said, try .xchat223:32
raylu!search awn23:32
ubottuFound: fawn, feisty, avant, feisty-#kubuntu*, awn, ops-#ubuntu-mozillateam, feisty fawn23:32
imoutthats okay savvas, i'll drop you an email, nice see-ing you, have fun :D23:32
raylu!awn | illmortal23:32
ubottuillmortal: Avant Window Navigator is a dock-like navigation bar for the Linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/ Awn-Manager can be found the Gutsy !backports repository and in Universe in Hardy23:32
QuagmireI uninstalled and reinstalled using using add/remove and synaptic23:32
Ward1983ChrisBookwood, i didnt read it all but you should have enough with ad-hoc wifi networking, which is fairly straightforward: sudo iwconfig eth1 essid "WirelessNetworkName" mode Ad-Hoc key s:*************23:32
LtLQuagmire: do a ls -la in your home dir if you see .xchat2 thats where your settings are saved.23:32
TriBeCa99if i just do mdadm /dev/md1 --add /dev/sdb1 it just adds them as spares...not in place of the missing drives23:32
sekyourboxraylu, I just did an apt-get update23:32
rayluQuagmire: then you installed from the repositories and you shouldn't be concerned with where the files are. messing with that is a bad idea; use the package managers23:32
sekyourboxraylu, I have about 4 addresses with an error23:33
Ward1983ChrisBookwood, google ad-hoc wifi ubuntu and stuff like that if it doesnt work23:33
raylusekyourbox: no idea. possibly a problem with your router or a real problem with the servers23:33
QuagmireI do see xchat2 listed when I ran the ls -la command23:33
sekyourboxI added this Failed to fetch http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/dists/feisty/Release.gpg  Could not resolve 'medibuntu.sos-sts.com'23:33
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ChrisBookwoodWard1983, so you say i just need to set up ubuntu to ad-hoc, to make it work, and thats it?23:34
LtLQuagmire: what exactly are you trying to accomplish?23:34
Ward1983ChrisBookwood, oh and offcourse give them an ip in the same subnet, i forgot to mention23:34
TriBeCa99anyone give me a hand using mdadm? please?23:34
ChrisBookwoodWard1983, can i contact you pm?23:34
Ward1983ChrisBookwood, yes ad-hoc between your 2 wireless interfaces, and then ip_forwarding should do it23:34
ikoniaTriBeCa99: whats up23:35
Quagmirewell there is a file that xchat uses that needs to be moved and then another that changes the color of your theme needs to be moved in its place, but it was not there earlier ...it may have had to do with refreshing the db23:35
Ward1983ChrisBookwood, sure but here maybe other people can read it if they have the same problem or are interested in doing the same23:35
ChrisBookwoodWard1983, yeah, but i think it too messy doing it here, but if they are interested they can just ask to join23:36
ssslonnnhi! I have a question. how to check my NAT configuration? i'm connected to the internet through 3,5G, when I'm  trying to use different torent clients to download - only Vuze partialy working, downloading is ok, but my upload speed is zero. how i can check my NAT configuration?23:36
QuagmireI'm looking for it and its still not coming up in a search inside nautilus23:36
LtLQuagmire: if you rm -rf ~/.xchat2   ...then run xchat from the menu you can start with fresh original settings.23:36
mrwesWill previously installed software under gnome show up in the menus for JWM automatically?23:36
rayluQuagmire: did you run ls -lA in your home directory?23:36
giacomo_ci have a separate partition for my / and for my /home.  i want to install ubuntu 8.10, but i want to keep my /home partition, how can i do this?  just install the / partition?23:36
TriBeCa99ikonia: how do i add drives to a degraded array?23:36
ikoniaTriBeCa99: you have to use the "build" option and just add the drive and it will rebuild the array with a drive23:37
TriBeCa99ikonia: mdadm /dev/md1 --add /dev/sdb1 just adds it as a spare, but doesn't replace the 'missing' drives23:37
Quagmireraylu yes I believe it was in my home folder23:37
TriBeCa99ikonia: ahhh so just mdadm --build /dev/md1?23:37
ikoniaTriBeCa99: with the disk options too - but yes23:37
raylussslonnn: http://www.utorrent.com/testport.php?port=5105423:37
raylussslonnn: replacing port with your port23:37
TriBeCa99ikonia: disk options? the disks have already been added to the array....23:37
giacomo_ci have a separate partition for my / and for my /home.  i want to install ubuntu 8.10, but i want to keep my /home partition, how can i do this?  just install the / partition?23:37
TriBeCa99ikonia: i'll man it and see if i can figure what you mean....23:38
dr3aswhy is synaptic set as an dependency when installing firefox? :S23:38
ikoniaTriBeCa99: mdadm --manage /dev/mda1 --add "disk"23:38
raylugiacomo_c: go into manual partitioning and choose /home as the partition's mount point. make sure not to mark it as needing formatting23:38
KenBW22i've heard that hibernation on intrepid is possible with the eeepc. i have ubuntu installed completely on an SD card - is there a way to get it to work?23:38
ikoniaTriBeCa99: if it doesn't pick up the disk from that you need to issue a rebuild command specifying the additional disk along with the origionals23:38
giacomo_coh, thanks raylu23:39
QuagmireLtL I ran the rm -fr ~/xchat2 coammand and when I restarted xchat ....all my settings are STILLthere23:39
rayludr3as: it's not: http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/firefox-3.023:39
KenBW22Quagmire: maybe it uses a different config directory23:40
LtLQuagmire: rm -rf  the order may be important23:40
illmortalis there a better dock than AWN?23:40
TriBeCa99ikonia: i've already done the manage mode call to add the disks... but when i do it adds them as spares rather than replacing the missing drives23:40
dr3asraylu: well, a apt-get install firefox pulls it down23:40
QuagmireI ran it exactly the way he typed it23:40
bastid_raZorillmortal; cairo-dock is fairly decent.23:40
billybigriggeranyone here use skype with an HDA Intel soundcard/mic? i can't get my mic to work in skype, and cant see anywhere to get skype to use alsa instead of pulse23:40
rayludr3as: try running just "apt-get install"23:40
rayludr3as: it might have been left over from a previous install23:40
dr3asclean install23:40
TriBeCa99ikonia: i doubt i can actually --build (i know i can't --create) because the md device already exists... i jsut want it to add the two other drives tot he array23:40
illmortalcairo-dock ey?... alright ill check it out, thanks bastid_razor23:41
KenBW22i've heard that hibernation on intrepid is possible with the eeepc. i have ubuntu installed completely on an SD card - is there a way to get it to work?23:41
QuagmireI've been saying that the file is not where it was the first time I ran xcaht ...I moved it23:41
rayludr3as: huh?23:41
dr3asi see someone else have marked it as a bug23:41
Austin`1With Ubuntu 8.10 I'm having a weird issue: whenever I save a new file, things freeze up a little. I can change workspaces fine, but the taskbar doesn't update, and everything between the top and bottom panels is frozen (it switches when I switch workspaces though). This stays for 10 - 45 seconds and then everything is fine. Right before things come back, the icons in the notification area disappear and then reappear. Anyone know wh23:41
savvasdr3as: type in your address bar this: apt://wormux23:41
rocawhats the command to tell what version of ubuntu you're running23:41
Slartroca: lsb_release -a23:41
KenBW22Austin`1: slow HDD?23:41
savvasdr3as: firefox supports apt:// urls, to easily point and click to install a package23:41
rocaSlart: thanks23:41
dr3assavvas: i see, but i dont want that :p23:41
Austin`1KenBW22: would that cause that? how can I fix it23:41
Slartroca: you're welcome23:41
LtLQuagmire: did you install xchat from a tarball or other archive rather than package manager?23:41
KenBW22Austin`1: dunno, i just know i have similar problems having ubuntu on a slow SD card23:42
illmortalbastid_razor after installing it.. where is it located in the menu? o.O23:42
savvasdr3as: and that's why it needs synaptic - to install packages and add-ons you might need, like visiting a site that needs a flash and you don't have flash23:42
rayluAustin`1: do you get a similar problem if you run "touch ~/test"?23:42
Quagmireno I grabbed it from synaptic or add/remove ...but I've removed it and reinstalled it SO many times I have lost count23:42
bastid_raZorillmortal; applications>system tools (i think) you could alt+F1 then type cairo-dock23:42
Quagmirethats why I want it ALL out ...a freesh start23:42
Austin`1raylu: nope, that doesn't freeze anything23:43
savvasdr3as: You can always switch to the package abrowser :) - or just purge the package ubufox23:43
VDarthusVHow would I get netgear wg111 to work on ubuntu Intrepid Ibex23:43
obf213hey, im trying to use gparted to resize my partition, but the resize option is grayed out even tho its ext3 which as full gparted capabilites? any ideas as to whats up?23:43
rayluAustin`1: so i'm guessing it only happens in one app, then?23:43
Jack_Sparrowobf213, is it unmounted23:43
illmortalok cool, thanks again bastid_razor23:43
dr3asthats not much clean an easy :S i just want a small simple system23:43
Slartobf213: is the partition mounted?23:43
Quagmireany chance someone could take me on one on one for a short time ...I'm posotive that with focus we could get this resolved23:43
Austin`1raylu: it happens whenever I am creating a new file. if I am overwriting, it works fine23:43
LtLQuagmire: then run synaptic, search xchat and choose remove including configuration files23:43
rayluobf213: i think you meant to say that gparted has full ext capabilities :P23:43
obf213Slart, Jack_Sparrow, no23:44
bastid_raZorillmortal; i use the svn version which has quite a few more eye candy effects if you have an nVidia graphics card.23:44
Austin`1raylu: so basically any app. it also seems that whenever this happens, firefox closes23:44
rayluAustin`1: don't tell me you had a file named "test" already?23:44
QuagmireLtL ...I've only down that about 3 times at this pount23:44
savvasdr3as: try debian testing then, install what you need and customize it from the ground up23:44
obf213is that the problem? how can it be unmounted when its is my linux partition?23:44
koleI just installed ubuntu... first time using linux in my life.... and i LOVE IT23:44
jeeves_Mosswhat would cause my system to lock up to the point where it takes 10-15 mins to switch terminals, and have all the icons on my desktop dissipier23:44
QuagmireLtL I'll reinstall it and it comes back EXACTLY the same way it was before I uninstalled it23:44
illmortalbastid_razor, how do I obtain that version?! I do in fact run a nvidia card23:44
dr3asi've set up a laptop with just ubuntu-minimal, added gnome-core, gdm and x-stuff, kind of fun23:44
exodus_MSkole: cool :)23:44
sekyourboxUbuntu is okay for a desktop computer23:44
raylujeeves_Moss: sudo dmesg | tail23:45
raylujeeves_Moss: tail /var/log/messages23:45
sekyourboxI like CentOS for servers23:45
raylu!svn | illmortal23:45
ubottuillmortal: svn is Subversion: an open-source revision control system, which aims to be a compelling replacement for CVS. See http://subversion.tigris.org/23:45
bastid_raZorillmortal; do you have any experience with compiling? if not it is not wise to use it. the svn version breaks often and needs tweaking to fix it23:45
worldcitizensekyourbox: is there something better for a desktop computer?23:45
Slartobf213: hmm.. I just tried it on my machine.. and I can resize an ext3-partition23:45
jeeves_Mossraylu, the system locks up and I need to reboot it in order to get anywhere23:45
savvasdr3as: well then, just remove ubufox and synaptic packages - it should be ok23:45
Austin`1raylu: I didn't have a file named test already. and I ran it multiple times23:45
raylujeeves_Moss: try ctrl+alt+f1 next time it happens, then23:45
dr3assavvas: yupp, i think that will be the way23:45
sekyourboxall your preference, good user support with ubuntu23:46
obf213Slart, so im on ubuntu now using that partition, I didn't think that it would be a problem. I can't unmount the partitition can I, that wouldnt seem to make any sense.23:46
illmortalooo.. no i'm not too good with compiling unless i have instructions, bastid_razor lol23:46
rayluAustin`1: well, running it the second and latter times won't make a difference. touch only creates files if they don't exist23:46
Slartobf213: ahh... it's the root partition or something?23:46
bastid_raZorillmortal; best guess then would be to stick with the repo version. it has all the plugins working and is by far (in my opinion) better than awn23:46
Slartobf213: almost all kinds of partition tools reuires an unmounted partition23:47
obf213Slart, i guess, i only have ubuntu on this computer and this si the main partition so I guess its the root?23:47
Slartobf213: do you have a live cd you can boot from that, do the resizing and then boot into the real system again23:47
LtLQuagmire: run this in terminal from your home dir, find -name '*xchat*'23:47
_M4rk_Hi all, Im trying to setup a webpage kinda thing so i can add new ftp users threw that for pureftpd although i need to edit pure-ftpd.conf but i can not find it, does anyone know where this file is located?23:47
LtLQuagmire: look for xchat.conf23:48
Slartobf213: I think that's what pretty much everyone does when they need to do something with a system partition23:48
Austin`1raylu: here we go. I did 'touch ~/Desktop/test' and it froze. and most of the times that I experience this its on the desktop23:48
raylujeeves_Moss: also, http://fosswire.com/2007/09/08/fix-a-frozen-system-with-the-magic-sysrq-keys/23:48
rayluLtL: -iname may help23:48
rayluAustin`1: is your partition ext3?23:48
LtLraylu: that worked here, but iname would work.23:49
BangersIs anything wrong with this command?  rsync -vur --delete /data /mnt/data.    It seems to be sitting on building file list for a very long time23:49
xavier13ikonia PM?23:50
xavier13anyone here?23:50
n2diyCan a file be "highlighted" in Nautilus, so it stands out from the rest of the files?23:50
LtL_M4rk_: look in /etc/23:50
dr3assavvas: "sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends firefox" works ;)23:50
sekyourboxI think im high on paint fumes23:50
Sanketsulaptop with a fresh install of intrepid on it due to a hard drive crash (so new hard drive and install of intrepid) and everything was working fine until I updated.  There were 200+ updates and after the updates I had to restart, since then my laptop won't connect to the internet, neither wired nor wireless.  Any idea where I should look to fix this?23:50
exodus_MS!ask > xavier1323:50
ubottuxavier13, please see my private message23:50
demilord_78Is there a plugin for rhythmbox to rescan my collection?23:51
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raylun2diy: no, but it's semi-possible in bash :D23:51
sekyourboxxterm had exploits the other day?23:51
NickzHello guys!! I need some help with Squid23:51
raylu_M4rk_: also, note that ftp passwords are transmitted in cleartext and, therefore, not recommended23:51
Austin`1raylu: yes, my partition is ext323:52
mobilephreakquagmire sudo find / -name xchat.conf23:52
n2diyraylu: Ok, I was hoping for a Nautilus solution, thanks.23:52
bastid_raZordemilord_78; close it then reopen it.. it scan on each open23:52
raylumobilephreak: locate is better for find /23:52
mobilephreakraylu as long as you updatedb23:52
raylumobilephreak: i believe there's a cronjob for doing that23:52
Slartn2diy: there's propertied, emblems23:52
sekyourboxlol, local exploit for cain and able? why?23:52
savvasdr3as: great :)23:52
Slartn2diy: *properties23:52
demilord_78ah ok thnx bastid_raZor23:53
rayluAustin`1: then i'd say you have a screwy hard drive. how long has ubuntu been installed? also, df -hx tmpfs23:53
mobilephreakraylu i am conming from old liux/unix23:53
xavier13i seem to have lost my helper... can anyone help me out with mdadm? i'm going nuts here23:53
raylumobilephreak: old = ?23:53
xavier13seems like what i'm trying to do would be simple, but i can't find it in the man page at all23:53
Austin`1raylu: I'm using sshfs, could that be a problem?23:53
savvasdr3as: I think you can customize that no-recommends and set it somehow in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/23:53
rayluAustin`1: i thought you said ext3?23:53
dr3assavvas: thanks for the tip23:54
rayluAustin`1: yes, that would be the obvious source of the problem23:54
mobilephreakraylu solaris 8 hp-ux and the like23:54
xavier13i need help adding new devices to a degraded RAID10 array in mdadm23:54
NickzI need some help with squid23:54
raylumobilephreak: woah.23:54
Austin`1raylu: yes but I have a sshfs mounted23:54
* raylu bows23:54
Barridusis there a "shortcut" for entering the path to the home folder?23:54
n2diySlart: yes, that looks like as close as I can get to what I wanted.23:54
Austin`1raylu: ok, thanks23:54
rayluAustin`1: is that where you're saving files?23:54
AndreasMadridhi!  I have accidentaly removed the netowork thing from the panel (i just wanted to move it), but now i don't find it in "add to panel". How can i get it back? The thing that says if I'm connected to inernet and shows all the wireless networks???23:54
ubottuYour home folder is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home folder to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome23:54
rayluBarridus: ~23:54
illmortalAnyone know how to unlock the trash bin so that it can be added to a dock or even the desktop?23:54
mobilephreakraylu been around this for a while, remember getting slackware with floppies23:54
Austin`1raylu: no, the problem is mostly on ~/Desktop/23:54
obf213Slart, gparted live to the resuce23:55
rayluAustin`1: oh... where is the sshfs mounted?23:55
Austin`1raylu: ~/gulati/23:55
raylu!trash | illmortal23:55
ubottuillmortal: The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash23:55
Austin`1raylu: should I mount it in /media/23:55
Slartobf213: ah.. now you should be able to resize it23:55
xavier13!mdadm > xavier1323:55
techsupportto install LAMP which command do i run? sudo apt-get install lamp ?23:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mdadm23:55
jjleeDoes anybody have any idea why debmirror is fetching (for example) a hardy-security Release file that doesn't match the Release.gpg it also fetched at the same time?23:55
rayluAustin`1: up to you. i thought it might be slow because it needed to stat the directory above where you mounted it23:56
rayluAustin`1: but that's unlikely23:56
illmortalraylu well I don't need the location I don't think... but I remember making a modification somewhere so that I can have the trash bin located on the desktop.23:56
Barridushmmm, doesn't seem to work23:56
Austin`1raylu: ill umount the sshfs and see how if its better23:56
raylu!icons | illmortal23:56
ubottuillmortal: Want to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (GNOME) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE)23:56
AndreasMadridhi!  I have accidentaly removed the netowork thing from the panel (i just wanted to move it), but now i don't find it in "add to panel". How can i get it back? The thing that says if I'm connected to inernet and shows all the wireless networks???23:56
jjleerunning gpgv myself shows a bad signature error, and the Release file and the Release.gpg file look sensible23:56
rayluAustin`1: i believe there's a better way than using umount23:56
nickrudtechsupport, sudo tasksel install lamp23:56
=== Octoroks_ is now known as Octoroks
jjleeDoes that not worry anybody else?-)23:57
Austin`1raylu: oh?23:57
demilord_78look in the session configuration tool AndreasMadrid23:57
illmortalbam! you're the man, raylu!23:57
kolehow do I get dvds to play?23:57
nickrudjjlee, try removing the data /var/lib/apt/lists and redownloading it all23:57
rayluAustin`1: sshfsmount, or something like that. i don't remember23:57
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:57
demilord_78install libdvdcss kole23:58
jjleenickrud: all what?  The whole mirror??23:58
nickrudjjlee, that is, sudo apt-get update ;)23:58
kolethat in addremove?23:58
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:58
rayluAustin`1: yeah, there's an sshfs binary. http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/i386/sshfs/filelist23:58
rwwkole: no. Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs23:58
AndreasMadriddemilord_78 there the network manager is already added.... ???23:58
jjleenickrud: all == /var/lib/apt/lists, you mean, ok23:58
ubottuHvis du vil diskutere på Norsk, vennligst gå til #ubuntu-no. Takk!23:59
Austin`1raylu: yeah, that's how I mount it. I unmount it with umount23:59
AndreasMadriddemilord_78 and also some programs show an icon in tray, like amsn, they aren't there anymore either23:59
rayluAustin`1: i thought sshfs would have some flag for unmounting23:59
est28hi, I have installed ubuntu 8.10 and after that installed nvidia drivers (using envy). After restart everything is soooooo sluggish, that I have to wait 10 minutes to menu opening. That is because desktop effects are automaticly turned on? How can I turn them off (I can do it only in terminal)?23:59
kolewhat do I hit to open command line?23:59
Barridusheh, raylu, i was entering !home/username as i misunderstood XD23:59
eseven73Restarting fixed my gconf errors :)23:59

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