_MMA_ | BHSPitLappy: Don't you have a Bamboo tablet? | 01:02 |
_MMA_ | nm. "DigiPro" | 01:04 |
_MMA_ | BHSPitLappy: Might help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TabletSetupWizardpen | 01:08 |
BHSPitLappy | _MMA_, what makes you think I have $99 to spend on a tablet? :P | 01:35 |
_MMA_ | There's nothing to make me think you don't. | 01:35 |
_MMA_ | And besides, there's always Ebay. | 01:36 |
BHSPitLappy | _MMA_, I'd have sprung for the Bamboo if I could, but I nabbed the cheap Chinese crap | 01:49 |
BHSPitLappy | $35 dolla | 01:49 |
BHSPitLappy | _MMA_, have you used that driver? | 03:26 |
BHSPitLappy | never mind, I goofed. | 03:29 |
BHSPitLappy | _MMA_, hooray, it works | 03:40 |
BHSPitLappy | awesome | 03:40 |
BHSPitLappy | I'll add my model to that list | 03:40 |
_MMA_ | cool | 03:41 |
_MMA_ | And to answer your previous question, no. I'll only buy Wacom because they just work. | 03:42 |
BHSPitLappy | lol | 04:03 |
BHSPitLappy | I'd buy wacom too, if 1) The prices were a lot lower or 2) I actually needed a good tablet | 04:04 |
BHSPitLappy | one of the two | 04:04 |
BHSPitLappy | _MMA_, my first gimp+tablet+linux drawing! And it's a children's book! http://img370.imageshack.us/my.php?image=treelu2.png | 04:07 |
_MMA_ | fun | 04:08 |
BHSPitLappy | lol | 08:24 |
BHSPitLappy | I like the person who commented on the /Incoming/Jaunty/AlphaBackgrounds page that the submissions weren't polished enough | 08:24 |
kwwii | luisbg and _MMA_ at the same time, must have just gotten out of bed together | 13:59 |
_MMA_ | kwwii: mmmm..... | 13:59 |
* _MMA_ loves harry Spanish geeks. | 13:59 | |
kwwii | he is only half-spanish iirc | 14:00 |
kwwii | the islanders aren't really spanish, you know | 14:00 |
_MMA_ | OH!! | 14:00 |
kwwii | I think he is half african or such | 14:00 |
kwwii | :p | 14:00 |
_MMA_ | kwwii: Actually, I just rebooted my bip IRC proxy server we're both connected through. | 14:00 |
_MMA_ | (openssl update) | 14:01 |
kwwii | hehe | 14:01 |
luisbg | I'm african sized where it matters | 14:01 |
luisbg | the rest of me is spanish | 14:01 |
kwwii | oooooh, the part we all love to love! | 14:02 |
luisbg | the same one | 14:04 |
luisbg | love and caress | 14:04 |
* savvas pulls the courtains for minors ;p | 14:05 | |
_MMA_ | hehe | 14:05 |
luisbg | savvas, :P | 14:06 |
savvas | now we all know which address to attack to get back at _MMA_: cpe-071-070-203-016.nc.res.rr.com :P | 14:06 |
_MMA_ | bring it. | 14:07 |
savvas | does anyone know if there's going to be anything fancy about inkscape in jaunty? | 14:08 |
savvas | new features etc? | 14:09 |
luisbg | no clue | 14:09 |
_MMA_ | savvas: Nothing will be different. Unless they really hurry on alot. | 14:11 |
_MMA_ | I'd just run SVN. Really easy to compile. | 14:11 |
savvas | I'm still waiting for those how-to steps you promised! :) | 14:14 |
_MMA_ | 1 sec | 14:15 |
_MMA_ | http://paste.ubuntu.com/102188 | 14:17 |
_MMA_ | savvas: That *should* work on a clean install. Makes a checkinstall deb. | 14:17 |
_MMA_ | When you get to the checkinstall questions, let me know. | 14:18 |
savvas | woohoo! | 14:23 |
savvas | thanks _MMA_ :) | 14:23 |
savvas | I know to do it from here on :P | 14:24 |
_MMA_ | Cool | 14:24 |
savvas | this is great, there should be a way to make a package that follows inkscape's svn, hmm.. | 14:25 |
_MMA_ | savvas: The "make -j 2" part is specific to me. I have 2 core. So change that to suit. | 14:25 |
savvas | ok | 14:25 |
_MMA_ | savvas: tedg is already working to get the Inkscape testers PPA back up. | 14:25 |
_MMA_ | kwwii: *PLEASE* unsub the various art teams from bug 99508. It's an nVidia issue. | 18:30 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 99508 in human-theme "Titlebar incorrectly drawn with geforce 5/6/7, compiz and human-theme" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99508 | 18:30 |
_MMA_ | (there are dupes) | 18:31 |
kwwii | _MMA_: yeah, I should do that | 18:38 |
kwwii | or someone else should :-) | 18:38 |
_MMA_ | Can I? | 18:39 |
* _MMA_ didn't think he could. | 18:39 | |
kwwii | I think anyone on the team can, or? | 18:53 |
kwwii | http://sinecera.de/moon-inkscape.png | 18:55 |
kwwii | what do you think of that? | 18:55 |
kwwii | a pic for the nightly inkscape build launchpad page | 18:56 |
* _MMA_ clicks | 18:58 | |
_MMA_ | Inkscape logo feels a little big. But that's just personal pref. | 18:59 |
kwwii | I will probably change the logo a bit to make it fit | 19:00 |
kwwii | probably something more like http://sinecera.de/moon-inkscape1.png | 19:28 |
kwwii | and with that, I am off to band practice | 19:28 |
_MMA_ | Rawk out! | 19:34 |
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