itnet7 | Bug #314494 | 01:43 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 314494 in samba "Cant install samba" [Undecided,Incomplete] | 01:43 |
itnet7 | I have a question about the handling of this bug if someone has a second :-) | 01:43 |
crimsun | ask away | 01:45 |
itnet7 | Thanks crimsun, this wasn't really a bug, I just pointed the reporter in the right direction and solved their issue, how should I set the status? I am thinking Invalid because it wasn't really a bug, right? | 01:46 |
Ryan52 | I didn't actually look at it, but maybe convert it to a question? | 01:48 |
crimsun | no, it's a bug | 01:48 |
crimsun | the package needs to handle nonexistent files gracefully | 01:48 |
crimsun | i.e., the action "remove" should not fail, and one should not need to "purge" to workaround the failure proceeding the "remove" action | 01:49 |
itnet7 | oh, Should I then check to see if that same thing happens when I try removing samba, then confirm it, basically commenting what you just said about gracefully handling file removal if I have the same results as the reporter? | 01:50 |
Ryan52 | well, no. I doubt that you'll be able to reproduce it. | 01:51 |
Ryan52 | you should ask the submitter for more debugging information. | 01:51 |
Ryan52 | or let a maintainer deal with that :) | 01:52 |
crimsun | itnet7: if you can reproduce it in a fully updated install (or vm), that would be great | 01:52 |
crimsun | i'll it to my TODO this evening | 01:52 |
crimsun | i'll add it* (...) | 01:52 |
itnet7 | Thanks to you both... I will bring up a vm and see If I can duplicate it too | 01:55 |
andresmujica | why don't we have virtualbox ready images? | 01:59 |
andresmujica | the ones i've seen are vmware.... | 02:00 |
andresmujica | and they seems forgotten... | 02:00 |
andresmujica | it would be helpful... | 02:00 |
Rocket2DMn | of what? ubuntu installs? | 02:00 |
andresmujica | although vmbuilder is pretty nice... | 02:01 |
andresmujica | yeap.. for reproducing bugs... | 02:01 |
Rocket2DMn | that would be nice, i use vbox, though i want to switch to vmware sometime i think | 02:01 |
andresmujica | | 02:01 |
andresmujica | have you tested 2.1? | 02:01 |
Rocket2DMn | i never got intrepid to run in a vm though | 02:02 |
andresmujica | the networking part is perfect.. all the vbox0, br0 hassle is gone!! | 02:02 |
Rocket2DMn | no i havent, im excited about the networking stuff though | 02:02 |
Rocket2DMn | no more bridging | 02:02 |
andresmujica | yeap! i was testing it today and it can use wlan0 or eth0, and that's pretty nice | 02:03 |
Rocket2DMn | is 2.1 in backports? | 02:04 |
andresmujica | the bad side of vms is the space consumption... | 02:04 |
Rocket2DMn | ah, its only in jaunty | 02:04 |
andresmujica | i've got my disk full because of them.. | 02:04 |
andresmujica | i'm using virtualbox repo, so i've got the puel.. | 02:04 |
Rocket2DMn | i dont have more than a handful of VMs, and i have plenty of space to go around | 02:05 |
Rocket2DMn | im still in hardy on this desktop, too | 02:05 |
Rocket2DMn | i wasnt sure my nvidia card would play nice with intrepid and dual head | 02:05 |
andresmujica | ohh, i've got the servers in hardy (well there're some still in dapper thou) and desktop with intrepid | 02:05 |
Rocket2DMn | cool, ive needed a stable setup on this box, it's too much of a pain dealing with upgrades when you gotta drag along nvidia drivers and vbox ose modules and whatnot | 02:06 |
Rocket2DMn | they kept throwing upgraded kernels at hardy, too | 02:07 |
andresmujica | for the modules try woth dkms | 02:09 |
andresmujica | it's great! | 02:09 |
andresmujica | there's a tiny bug with 1.6.6 you need to purge the package | 02:09 |
andresmujica | after that every time you update your kernel it would auto compile the new modules | 02:09 |
Rocket2DMn | 1.6.6 of what? dkms? | 02:09 |
andresmujica | vbox 1.6.6 | 02:10 |
Rocket2DMn | i have 1.5.6 | 02:10 |
andresmujica | a file was left at /var/lib/dkms that made the vbox's modules auto compilation fail.. | 02:10 |
andresmujica | ohhh | 02:10 |
andresmujica | that's the good thing of vbox it's a nice piece of software, stable you don't feel the urge of upgrade | 02:11 |
Rocket2DMn | i havent used dkms at all, i probably should learn | 02:11 |
andresmujica | if i'm not wrong it's already at hardy... | 02:11 |
andresmujica | ls /var/lib/dkms | 02:11 |
Rocket2DMn | dkms_dbversion? | 02:12 |
Rocket2DMn | i just need to do an intrepid upgrade sometime, i suppose i'll get to that soon and pray that the nvidia stuff works ok | 02:14 |
andresmujica | around vbox 1.6.something they are using dkms, so it would put some vbox dirs on that.. but it's better to go directly to 2.1 | 02:14 |
Rocket2DMn | they should backport 2.1 to intrepid | 02:15 |
andresmujica | (for nvidia thing don't know how updated is the info thou) | 02:16 |
Rocket2DMn | thanks, i use his EnvyNG in Hardy b/c the drivers in the repos failed and so did a manual install | 02:17 |
Rocket2DMn | gonna go afk for a bit, catch ya later andresmujica | 02:19 |
andresmujica | ok! | 02:22 |
=== kc8tad is now known as rrittenhouse | ||
dholbach | good morning | 07:00 |
thekorn | good morning bugsquad | 07:39 |
maco | thekorn: hiya | 07:41 |
thekorn | hello maco | 07:42 |
YoBoY | hi | 09:43 |
YoBoY | #314919 should be set to 'Wishlist' | 09:45 |
andresmujica | dholbach: ping | 10:52 |
dholbach | andresmujica: pong | 10:52 |
andresmujica | hi dholbach, how are u? | 10:52 |
dholbach | good good - how 'bout you? | 10:52 |
andresmujica | nice, thks... but i've messed with my 5-a-a-day | 10:52 |
andresmujica | i've changed my launchpad login | 10:52 |
andresmujica | and now there's 2 me on the stats page... | 10:52 |
andresmujica | :( | 10:53 |
dholbach | 2 you? | 10:53 |
dholbach | like two entries of yours? | 10:53 |
andresmujica | yeap | 10:54 |
andresmujica | andres-mujica | 10:54 |
andresmujica | and andres.mujica | 10:54 |
andresmujica | the new lp is andres.mujica | 10:54 |
dholbach | ah, here's what you can do: | 10:55 |
andresmujica | i've just managed to reconfigure .5-a-day within my hme, so i can report again.. | 10:55 |
* andresmujica takes note | 10:55 | |
dholbach | - copy all the bug number of your ~/.5-a-day-<old name>/data to ~/.5-a-day-<old name>/data and in the new directory run bzr commit -m "merged old bug numbers"; bzr push | 10:56 |
dholbach | - try to delete the old branch in<new lp login> | 10:56 |
dholbach | if that doesn't work out, just forget about the old one :) | 10:56 |
andresmujica | ok let me try... | 10:57 |
andresmujica | copy from old name to new name, right? | 10:57 |
dholbach | no | 10:57 |
dholbach | copy the bug numbers of the one file to the other one | 10:57 |
andresmujica | ok, it seems it's done.. | 11:03 |
dholbach | alright | 11:03 |
andresmujica | hey, where's the debugging procedure for hibernate (suspend to DISK) ?? | 11:34 |
andresmujica | oo oh i've found it.. | 11:47 |
bddebian | Boo | 15:04 |
torkiano | hello all | 17:27 |
torkiano | anyone can mark bug 214439 as triaged? | 17:28 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 214439 in xserver-xorg-video-tdfx "Quake engine games freeze if video settings changed" [Undecided,New] | 17:28 |
hggdh | torkiano, why triaged? the bug is still in status new; also, the last entry states "... I think ...", which does not sound, to me, as being a confirmation | 18:12 |
cyril__ | Hello | 20:04 |
bdmurray | cyril__: hello | 20:05 |
cyril__ | I make some work on bug 298592, but i don't know how to propose more work on this bug | 20:05 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 298592 in kdebase-workspace "KDM can't use language choosen in systemsettings" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 20:05 |
bdmurray | I'm bring it up in #kubuntu-devel | 20:06 |
bdmurray | james_w: What is the workflow for your merge proposal in Launchpad? | 21:10 |
james_w | bdmurray: from the link in the email you can write a review and vote on it | 21:12 |
james_w | if you are happy with it then you can merge as normal | 21:12 |
james_w | then edit the merge proposal to change the status to "merged" | 21:12 |
james_w | you do that by clicking the edit link next to the status, near the top of the page | 21:12 |
james_w | it's a lot better than it was, but it's still not quite there | 21:13 |
james_w | though if you merge and push to launchpad it may mark it as merged automatically, I can't remember | 21:13 |
bdmurray | neat, and how did you request the merge proposal? | 21:14 |
james_w | "Propose this branch for merging" or similar on the branch page | 21:17 |
james_w | I believe you will be able to do it via email soon | 21:17 |
james_w | and through the API one day | 21:17 |
greg-g | ahhh, "one day" ;) | 21:21 |
bdmurray | yes, "one day" is on my calendar but it keeps moving | 21:21 |
greg-g | I know what you mean! It keeps hopping around, just out of my reach. | 21:22 |
=== ivoks_ is now known as ivoks | ||
LimCore | hello | 21:46 |
LimCore | it would seem that all main media players in ubuntu 8.04 fail epically when trying to play media, because of bugs in playlist implementations | 21:47 |
LimCore | I find this highly embarassing. Is it possible to make some meta-bug and therefore resolve it with higher priority (not just one program fails, but all that could do given task) | 21:47 |
greg-g | LimCore: it would make most sense to report specific application bugs. no need for a metabug | 21:50 |
greg-g | metabugs tend to be overlooked by the people who actually do the fixing | 21:51 |
greg-g | the prefered first step would be to submit (or find) a bug with steps to reproduce in launchpad and then also the upstream's bug tracker (since they are the ones who actually know the code of the application) | 21:52 |
LimCore | ehh ok | 21:52 |
greg-g | does that not make sense? | 21:53 |
LimCore | it makes | 21:53 |
LimCore | but volounteers alone seem to not always give expected result in timely maner | 21:53 |
greg-g | I don't think that contradicts anything I said above | 21:54 |
greg-g | if there is an issue, please report it | 21:54 |
LimCore | ok I will | 21:54 |
greg-g | thanks. | 21:55 |
Rocket2DMn | any chance i can get another triager to have a look at my bug 313567 for me? | 21:55 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 313567 in linux "[Jaunty] Suspend/resume restarts X session" [Undecided,New] | 21:55 |
Rocket2DMn | it would be a shame if that behavior made it through to jaunty release | 21:56 |
hggdh | Rocket2DMn, is this on Jaunty? | 21:56 |
Rocket2DMn | yessir | 21:56 |
Rocket2DMn | somebody tagged it as regression-potential, it is indeed a regression | 21:57 |
hggdh | hum. I will give it a go, and see if it I am also affected | 21:57 |
hggdh | brb | 21:57 |
bdmurray | Rocket2DMn: regression-potential means it is in a regression in the development release | 21:58 |
Rocket2DMn | ah, news to me thanks bdmurray | 21:58 |
Rocket2DMn | btw bdmurray i just gave ubuntu-bug a test (it exists in hardy, not just intrepid). i'll update my guide when the forums are stable | 21:59 |
hggdh | back | 21:59 |
Rocket2DMn | any luck hggdh > | 22:00 |
hggdh | no, I resumed without even being asked for password | 22:00 |
hggdh | on the other hand, I got a kernel oops | 22:00 |
hggdh | heh | 22:00 |
Rocket2DMn | lol | 22:00 |
hggdh | let me see what was the oops | 22:00 |
hggdh | interesting: this is where I got the oops: 426656660207002 | 22:01 |
hggdh | dammit | 22:01 |
hggdh | Component: resume devices | 22:01 |
Rocket2DMn | where are you pulling the oops from? kern.log? | 22:01 |
hggdh | dmesg | 22:01 |
Rocket2DMn | ah k | 22:02 |
Rocket2DMn | whoa X got all messed up wheni resumed this time, WHAT is going on! | 22:02 |
Rocket2DMn | i like how TTYs come and go on that laptop, sometimes they work sometimes they dont | 22:02 |
* LimCore cleans room | 22:03 | |
hggdh | Rocket2DMn, I am no expert on suspend (*never* supended before): are you expected to re-authenticate? | 22:03 |
Rocket2DMn | hggdh, normally it is like a locked screen, it just wants your password | 22:04 |
LimCore | (sorry, wrong window) | 22:04 |
Rocket2DMn | whats happening here is that X session is restarted, so i have to login all over again | 22:04 |
hggdh | I go *no* request: | 22:04 |
hggdh | so you get a GDM restart, I get my session as it was | 22:04 |
Rocket2DMn | check your power options | 22:04 |
hggdh | and a koops | 22:04 |
Rocket2DMn | yeah youre supposed to get your session back, just as you left it | 22:05 |
hggdh | Yes, I expect I would get the session as it was, but I also expected to have to authenticate | 22:06 |
hggdh | Rocket2DMn, what is you kernel package version? | 22:07 |
Rocket2DMn | 2.6.28-4-generic | 22:09 |
* hggdh is running 2.6.28-3-generic ... 2.6.28-4.9 fails to load | 22:09 | |
Rocket2DMn | i had the problem all through jaunty as long as i remmeber | 22:10 |
hggdh | ah, got apport kicked on the koops | 22:10 |
hggdh | reporting it | 22:10 |
Rocket2DMn | i was hoping to get my bug triaged, i reported it last weekend | 22:11 |
Rocket2DMn | since i cant really triage my own bug :( | 22:11 |
hggdh | weird... apport states problem cannot be reported, because linux-image-2.6.28-3-generic is not a genuine Ubuntu package | 22:11 |
hggdh | now THAT is surprising | 22:11 |
Rocket2DMn | lol, file it against linux | 22:11 |
hggdh | yes, but I am losing apport's auto upload of problem data. This is ridiculous | 22:12 |
bdmurray | hggdh: it might be because your kernel is not up to date | 22:21 |
Rocket2DMn | bdmurray, any idea about my suspend/resume bug? | 22:22 |
hggdh | bdmurray, I can understand if this is the reason but: (1) the message is misleading; (2) I cannot boot with current -4 | 22:22 |
hggdh | hum. Will try another boot on current, JIC | 22:23 |
hggdh | brb | 22:23 |
bdmurray | Rocket2DMn: looking | 22:24 |
bdmurray | can you add your menu.lst file to the bug? | 22:28 |
Rocket2DMn | sure | 22:31 |
Rocket2DMn | done | 22:32 |
hggdh | yay, I drop straight into BusyBox on 2.6.28-4 | 22:33 |
bdmurray | your kernel isn't trying to resume from suspend | 22:33 |
bdmurray | ## e.g. defoptions=vga=791 resume=/dev/hda5 | 22:34 |
bdmurray | # defoptions=quiet splash | 22:34 |
hggdh | no, this is on a full reboot | 22:34 |
Rocket2DMn | i dont understand bdmurray , i did two installs of jaunty | 22:35 |
Rocket2DMn | you just listed 2 comments | 22:37 |
bdmurray | Sorry, I was confused about suspend vs hibernate | 22:40 |
Rocket2DMn | k | 22:40 |
bdmurray | The output of dmesg after resuming from suspend might be helpful | 22:41 |
bdmurray | Rocket2DMn: also have you seen ? | 22:42 |
Rocket2DMn | o_0 i swore that was attached already, lol, ill get that right away | 22:43 |
Rocket2DMn | yeah i know about that page, thanks | 22:43 |
Rocket2DMn | you want me to do that stuff on the wiki page or just get the dmesg? | 22:44 |
Rocket2DMn | ah i had the dmesg.txt file i just neve ruploaded it | 22:47 |
Rocket2DMn | alright bdmurray , i uploaded dmesg, i havent done the wiki page stuff yet | 22:48 |
Rocket2DMn | thanks for sticking through this | 22:48 |
bdmurray | Its probably really an X bug | 22:51 |
Rocket2DMn | i thought it might be, i filed it under linux b/c it is suspend resume though | 22:51 |
Rocket2DMn | i discussed it in here before i filed it i think | 22:51 |
Rocket2DMn | bdmurray, would you make a note on the bug of your analysis and change the package as necessary? it would be nice to have a more professional opinion on the report so that the X guys don't think i'm crazy | 22:53 |
bdmurray | Rocket2DMn: you could ping someone in #ubuntu-x and see what they thing | 22:54 |
Rocket2DMn | k, i'm in there now bdmurray , thank you | 22:57 |
Rocket2DMn | we'll see if anybody bites | 22:57 |
woody86 | how can I mark a bug as 'wishlist'? | 23:38 |
crimsun | you need to be in bugcontrol | 23:39 |
crimsun | which bug? | 23:39 |
woody86 | | 23:40 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 315248 in vlc "vlc does not have a Report a bug button" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 23:40 |
crimsun | marked | 23:40 |
woody86 | how can I do that in the future? | 23:40 |
crimsun | you need to join bugcontrol | 23:40 |
woody86 | ah, how can I do that? :) | 23:41 |
crimsun | see the topic | 23:41 |
crimsun | Documentation: | If you have been triaging bugs for a while, please apply to | 23:41 |
woody86 | crimsun- ah, thanks again :) | 23:45 |
crimsun | yw | 23:45 |
woody86 | out of curiosity, would you guys mark this one as 'Wishlist' too? | 23:55 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 315263 in ubuntu "New Package Music Organizer" [Undecided,In progress] | 23:55 |
bdmurray | woody86: yes, it's a bit improperly formatted too. it should be tagged 'needs-packaging' and the title should actually have [needs-packaging] in the front of it | 23:59 |
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