jng1 | thanks for the info on notification.. something that quite interests me | 01:03 |
jng1 | like the idea of using dbus to do something like the dashboard idea: http://www.nat.org/dashboard/ | 01:05 |
jng1 | + notification is part of all that | 01:05 |
=== ember_ is now known as ember | ||
pochu | should you see seb128, please tell him I reported bug 314945 | 03:49 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 314945 in libproxy "MainInclusionReport for libproxy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/314945 | 03:49 |
karthik_ | hey i need the source of ubuntu desktop | 05:47 |
karthik_ | plz help me | 05:47 |
=== racarr_ is now known as racarr | ||
jmarsden | karthik_: It's all in the repositories... use apt-get source to download packages one by one or use a mirroring solution like apt-mirror if you have the bandwidth and disk space to grab everything... | 06:10 |
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter | ||
slomo | mvo: feel free to upload gnome-codec-install to experimental whenever you want :) when do you plan to get it into ubuntu btw? | 08:09 |
mvo | hey slomo | 08:10 |
mvo | slomo: I put some outstanding issues on the wiki page (few) when they are resolved I will upload to ubuntu (or request a sync) | 08:10 |
mvo | slomo: hopefully this week though, not sure if I can make that :) | 08:11 |
slomo | which wiki page? | 08:11 |
mvo | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FoundationsTeam/Specs/JauntyCodecInstall | 08:12 |
mvo | its partly outdated, it says I had trouble with the version in experimental (which is true, but svn is fine obviously) | 08:12 |
mvo | but the implementaton section is accurate | 08:12 |
slomo | mvo: to use it on debian/sid you need to install all gstreamer packages from experimental btw ;) | 08:12 |
mvo | smallish stuff as well, exit codecs as symbolic constants (EXIT_SUCCESS, EXIT_INSTALL_INCOMPLETE, EXIT_INSTALL_COMPLETE, ...) | 08:13 |
mvo | I need to figure out which one is which first :) | 08:13 |
slomo | hehe | 08:13 |
mvo | slomo: aha, thanks. that might explain my troubles | 08:13 |
slomo | what is the totem BBC plugin doing with codec installation? | 08:14 |
mvo | I don't know yet :) cjwatson mentioned that it needs to be ported | 08:14 |
slomo | hm, i hope it simply uses gstreamer for installing codecs... then everything will work without changes ;) | 08:15 |
mvo | slomo: cool, I check it out today and maybe come back with silly questions to you :) | 08:15 |
slomo | seb128: hi :) could you sync gstreamer0.10, gst-plugins-base0.10, gst0.10-python, gst-plugins-bad0.10, vala from debian/experimental? some of them might still be in incoming or somewhere between incoming and the pool though ;) also you might want to merge (or sync?) gtk 2.14.7 | 08:42 |
seb128 | slomo: hey, will do the syncs when those are on the mirrors, right I will consider GTK, I'm not sure yet because I might do the 2.15 update directly | 08:43 |
slomo | ok, thanks :) | 08:44 |
seb128 | thank you for doing those updates and asking syncs ;-) | 08:44 |
didrocks | hi everyone | 08:45 |
seb128 | hey didrocks | 08:45 |
didrocks | (and ping mvo as requested) :) | 08:45 |
didrocks | seb128: everything's fine? :) | 08:46 |
seb128 | pitti: about bug #314945, it blocks some of the GNOME updates, one being the new gvfs which fixes the samba issues we have since hardy | 08:46 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 314945 in libproxy "MainInclusionReport for libproxy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/314945 | 08:46 |
seb128 | pitti: just pointing that we need to get that resolved or GNOME is stucked in jaunty | 08:46 |
seb128 | didrocks: just starting my day so yes ;-) | 08:47 |
didrocks | hehe :) | 08:47 |
pitti | seb128: right; my only concern is disabling WPAD, but we can fix that later, too | 08:49 |
seb128 | pitti: whatever you want as long as we can get libproxy used by GNOME ;-) | 08:49 |
slomo | mvo: tim said that the totem BBC plugin currently relies on the list of codecs to be in that gdbm database... needs porting to the codecs inside the package metadata :) | 08:49 |
slomo | is it possible with cdbs to detect if the build is arch-only? :) | 08:53 |
pitti | seb128: bug updated, promoted for now | 08:58 |
seb128 | pitti: danke! | 08:58 |
mvo | slomo: aha, thanks. I have a look. I hope it does not do this check on every startup otherwise parsing the packagelist will become a issue with speed | 08:58 |
huats | morning everyone | 09:11 |
crevette | salut | 09:12 |
crevette | good morning everyone | 09:12 |
seb128 | lut crevette huats | 09:17 |
crevette | salut seb128 | 09:18 |
huats | hello seb128 and crevette | 09:18 |
crevette | salut huats | 09:19 |
mvo | slomo: porting the bbc stuff looks straightforward, Tim did a very nice job with that code it seems | 09:28 |
soren | mvo, asac: Which one of you is the right person to talk to about the firefox plugin finder thingie? | 09:30 |
soren | Specifically about adding a new mozilla plugin and having that plugin finder know about it. | 09:30 |
mvo | soren: for the server side asac | 09:32 |
soren | Ok. Is that all it takes? | 09:33 |
soren | I.e. is there a client side part to it as well? | 09:34 |
slomo | mvo: that's good :) | 09:34 |
seb128 | didrocks: did you work on the other updates I gave you some days ago? | 09:35 |
mvo | slomo: startup will be a bit slower though :/ I will see how much impact it makes | 09:35 |
slomo | mvo: why does it needs this at startup already? | 09:36 |
mvo | slomo: that was the nice bit about the gdbm cache, it is blazing fast | 09:36 |
mvo | slomo: not sure yet | 09:36 |
didrocks | seb128: yes it's done, mvo will review it when he will have some time :) | 09:38 |
seb128 | ok good | 09:38 |
didrocks | it's already uploaded in ~desktop-team bzr branch, IIRC | 09:39 |
mvo | didrocks: doing it now (I need to work on totem anyway for the bbc plugin stuff but I will upload your stuff first) | 09:39 |
asac | soren: i already answered your question yesterday? | 09:40 |
asac | ;) | 09:40 |
didrocks | mvo: ok, thanks, do not hesitate to ping me | 09:40 |
asac | soren: thought i did so in -devel | 09:40 |
soren | asac: Oh, you did? Sorry, i didn't notice. | 09:40 |
* soren goes to look at logs | 09:40 | |
asac | soren: | 09:41 |
asac | 22:23 < asac> soren: yes. just add the headers | 09:41 |
asac | 22:24 < asac> soren: (if its a plugin) however, will not appear in plugin finder service until i update the plugin db | 09:41 |
soren | asac: Yes, just found it. Weird... Irssi didn't hilight it for me. | 09:41 |
asac | hehe | 09:41 |
asac | doest that answer your question? | 09:41 |
soren | Well, it probably did, but it wasn't in the away log this morning. | 09:41 |
asac | no problem | 09:42 |
asac | :) | 09:42 |
soren | asac: Almost. Do you regularly update the db or should I ping you when I do this? I have two packages I need to do this to and I've only done one of them so far. | 09:42 |
asac | soren: ping me. i usually dont do that during alphas in a development release | 09:42 |
asac | but if you want to test i can run the updater for you ; | 09:43 |
soren | Oh, that would be neat. | 09:43 |
soren | I need to update the pfs url thing in firefox, right? | 09:43 |
asac | no ... that should be correct (iif you use ubufox) | 09:43 |
asac | without ubufox it wont work that great anyway | 09:43 |
asac | my pfs.datasource.url starts like http://people.ubuntu.com/~asac... | 09:44 |
asac | so if you have that it should probably be right | 09:44 |
soren | It says 8.10 in both of them? | 09:45 |
asac | yes | 09:45 |
asac | ah right ;) | 09:45 |
soren | Heh :) | 09:45 |
asac | yeah you are right. you will have to make that 9.04 for testing | 09:45 |
* soren updates | 09:45 | |
asac | soren: well. atm 9.04 doesnt exist yet in the db | 09:45 |
asac | so you will get results fom gutsy i think :/ | 09:46 |
soren | Heheh :) | 09:46 |
asac | so better keep 8.10 until you pinged me ... until i ran the updater | 09:46 |
soren | It falls back to Gutsy if it gets an unknown version? | 09:46 |
asac | soren: yes. because gutsy was the first release that had that feature and i didnt pass a version i think | 09:46 |
asac | or it gives you zero results ;) | 09:47 |
asac | (blindly running a sql statement) | 09:47 |
asac | i cant remember right now ;) | 09:47 |
soren | Ok :) | 09:48 |
soren | asac: Thanks. I'll ping you later when I've uploaded the other one. Probably today. | 09:48 |
soren | asac: Oh, one other thing: walters over in #ubuntu-devel said to just generate the application id for the plugins. I just want to check with you if that's right. | 09:51 |
huats | seb128: regazrding the gnome-keyring problem : upstream has made new commit in their trunk that revert the changes that with the issue | 09:51 |
huats | http://svn.gnome.org/viewvc/gnome-keyring?view=revision&revision=1444 | 09:51 |
seb128 | ok | 09:51 |
seb128 | did they reply to your email? | 09:51 |
huats | yep | 09:52 |
asac | soren: application id? | 09:52 |
huats | apparently he hasn't the time to investigate it | 09:52 |
huats | right now | 09:52 |
huats | that is why he reverted it | 09:52 |
soren | asac: The XB-Npp-Applications header. | 09:52 |
asac | soren: those are the application ids of the apps that provide the plugin host | 09:52 |
asac | e.g. seamonkey, firefox, et al | 09:52 |
soren | Oh. | 09:53 |
asac | soren: so if your plugin installs itself in the firefox, seamonkey and thunderbird plugins dir | 09:53 |
asac | you have to add the application if for those apps there | 09:53 |
huats | seb128: so I think the right way will be to do the same revert he did in a separate patch in our package | 09:53 |
soren | asac: Oh. | 09:53 |
asac | let me get the list for you | 09:53 |
soren | asac: Good thing I asked :) | 09:53 |
seb128 | huats: ok | 09:54 |
huats | (basically it is just the configure.in and the Makefile.am to modify... ) | 09:54 |
huats | I'll do that | 09:54 |
seb128 | ok | 09:56 |
seb128 | didrocks: good work on the totem update ;-) | 09:57 |
soren | asac: It installs into /usr/lib/{xulrunner-addons,mozilla,firefox}/plugins | 10:00 |
soren | asac: I think I found it: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/pages/appversions | 10:04 |
soren | asac: Totem, for instance, lists: ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384, 92650c4d-4b8e-4d2a-b7eb-24ecf4f6b63a | 10:06 |
soren | ...which AFAICS maps to Firefox and Seamonkey. | 10:06 |
asac | yeah | 10:08 |
soren | Should I just copy those? | 10:08 |
asac | soren: you are on track ;) ... so depending on where you link the plugin to, you add the apps there (though for now just ffox matters) | 10:08 |
asac | soren: usually yes. | 10:09 |
asac | soren: just ensure that it your plugin package also works in seamonkey ... then its fine | 10:09 |
asac | soren: what plugin is that? | 10:10 |
soren | asac: mozilla-virt-viewer | 10:10 |
soren | It should work. I believe Debian uses it with seamonkey. | 10:11 |
soren | Oh, or do you mean whether it installs the proper symlinks? | 10:11 |
asac | soren: how many Xb-Npp headers do you have now? 3 or 5? | 10:13 |
soren | 3. | 10:13 |
soren | Applications, mime-types and... er.. | 10:13 |
soren | Name. | 10:13 |
asac | soren: look at gnash or swfdec or flashplugin... there are two more | 10:14 |
asac | -Description | 10:14 |
soren | Glancing at the totem plugin again, it has Seamonkey's app id in the xb-npp-applications header, but doesn't put any links into the any directory with "seamonkey" in it? | 10:14 |
soren | I'll look at Gnash. | 10:14 |
asac | soren: seamonkey looks at /usr/lib/mozilla ... | 10:15 |
soren | Ok. | 10:15 |
soren | Oh, gnash only puts it in a ubufox dir? | 10:15 |
asac | soren: only those that use alternatives system need to go there | 10:16 |
soren | asac: Ah, gotcha. | 10:16 |
asac | (because ubufox can switch plugins for mime-types on the fly) | 10:16 |
soren | Neat. | 10:16 |
* asac thinks that he has to document the latest state | 10:17 | |
asac | i think its all hidden in some old spec atm | 10:17 |
soren | I couldn't find anything resembling documentation. All Google would give me was changelog entries mentioning xb-npp headers or something similar. | 10:18 |
asac | yeah. its in the initial ubufox spec i think ... but thats the best place to hide it | 10:19 |
soren | Heh :) | 10:21 |
didrocks | seb128: thanks a lot :-) | 10:29 |
didrocks | and thanks mvo for having sponsored them ;) | 10:31 |
crevette_ | heay new gtk-vnc | 10:33 |
crevette_ | vinagre can be updated | 10:33 |
lapo | hi | 11:23 |
tseliot | Riddell: my work for kdebase-workspace is ready. I have a patch which will preserve the current functioning if my "dontzap" package is not installed (as I have yet to upload it to jaunty) | 11:59 |
tseliot | Riddell: shall I create a debdiff or use a bazaar branch? | 12:00 |
Riddell | tseliot: great, I'm likely updating that package today for the new RC | 12:00 |
Riddell | tseliot: you can use the bzr branch lp:~kubuntu-members/kdebase-workspace/ubuntu | 12:00 |
Riddell | make a diff from that or another branch I can merge if you like | 12:00 |
tseliot | Riddell: ok, I'll use that bzr branch as a base | 12:01 |
crevette_ | seb128, gedit-plugins fails to build on hppa (http://launchpadlibrarian.net/21008459/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-hppa.gedit-plugins_2.25.2-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz) due to lack of python-gnome2-desktop, what is the needed action ? | 12:32 |
seb128 | crevette_: don't bother about hppa | 12:33 |
crevette_ | okay | 12:33 |
crevette_ | but it keeps bother me :) | 12:33 |
seb128 | half of GNOME doesn't build usually, that's not an issue in your upload, but probably the gnome-python stack being outdated or something | 12:33 |
seb128 | need somebody who cares about hppa to look at it | 12:34 |
seb128 | well you can track the hundred GNOME packages not building if you want | 12:34 |
pitti | seb128: look at bug 315049, last comment :) | 12:47 |
ubottu | Bug 315049 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/315049 is private | 12:47 |
seb128 | pitti: waouh, that's cool ;-) | 12:49 |
pitti | (bug goes to invalid) | 12:49 |
pitti | seb128: btw, I stopped all retracers on ronne, since as soon as this apport is uploaded, I want to setup my shiny new cron-based crash-diggers | 12:50 |
seb128 | pitti: the retracing just before that was mostly correct though, did we say we just want to do that when the stacktrace is a ?? collection? | 12:50 |
seb128 | pitti: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/21008801/Stacktrace.txt | 12:51 |
pitti | seb128: I can probably make it a little less picky | 12:51 |
pitti | seb128: right now it must be perfect | 12:51 |
seb128 | pitti: having one function having ?? is frequent, not sure why | 12:51 |
pitti | since I don't currently have a function that says "good enough" | 12:51 |
seb128 | ok | 12:51 |
pitti | but I'm happy to create one | 12:51 |
seb128 | well if you detect outdated packages that's worth asking a retracing anyway | 12:51 |
seb128 | but it happens that even with the good packages installed you have the first function being a ?? | 12:52 |
seb128 | could be stack corruption or something | 12:52 |
pitti | right, or just missing symbols | 12:52 |
seb128 | anyway that's a good start we can do adjustement as we notice issues | 12:52 |
pitti | oh, hang on | 12:52 |
seb128 | good work ;-) | 12:52 |
* seb128 hugs pitti | 12:52 | |
pitti | def has_useful_stacktrace(self): | 12:52 |
pitti | '''Check whether this report has a stacktrace that can be considered | 12:52 |
pitti | 'useful'. | 12:52 |
pitti | I *knew* I did that before | 12:52 |
pitti | :-) | 12:53 |
seb128 | you use that for the retracing failed or worked thing no? | 12:53 |
pitti | right | 12:53 |
pitti | one-line patch :) | 12:54 |
seb128 | good ;-) | 12:54 |
* pitti tests again | 12:55 | |
pitti | sorry for the bug spam you'll get due to this | 12:55 |
pitti | I guess I'll unsub you again | 12:55 |
pitti | argh, I can't; you need to do that yourself | 12:56 |
seb128 | that's alright, easy to mark as read ;-) | 12:56 |
seb128 | brb | 12:57 |
asac | soren: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Plugin ... does that make a bit sense? | 13:06 |
asac | soren: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Plugins ... does that make a bit sense? | 13:06 |
asac | ;) | 13:06 |
* soren looks | 13:06 | |
soren | asac: It seems a bit odd that one of the application guid's you have in the example (from Gnash) isn't on the list just below it. | 13:11 |
asac | really? | 13:11 |
soren | TWo of them, actually. | 13:12 |
soren | The example: Xb-Npp-Applications: ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384,92650c4d-4b8e-4d2a-b7eb-24ecf4f6b63a,aa5ca914-c309-495d-91cf-3141bbb04115 | 13:12 |
soren | Only the first is in the list immediately below. | 13:12 |
asac | interesting point ;) | 13:12 |
asac | ok the list is bogus/incomplete | 13:13 |
asac | i didnt remember that seamonkey has a new id (vs. old mozilla suite) | 13:13 |
asac | soren: now its better ;) | 13:14 |
soren | Much :) | 13:17 |
soren | asac: I've uploaded my two plugins. They should be published and everything by now. | 13:20 |
soren | Launchad concurs. | 13:20 |
tseliot | Riddell: here's my branch: lp:~albertomilone/kdebase-workspace/dontzap and here's the commit: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~albertomilone/kdebase-workspace/dontzap/revision/4 | 13:27 |
tseliot | Riddell: let me know if there are problems with my patch ^^ | 14:22 |
seb128 | vuntz: do you still work on gnome-session? | 14:39 |
seb128 | vuntz: did opensuse got complains about the session storing btw? ;-) | 14:39 |
vuntz | seb128: funny that you're talking about it now | 14:40 |
vuntz | seb128: I'll try to start this today | 14:41 |
seb128 | ah cool | 14:41 |
seb128 | vuntz: I've also issues about autostart things not started but I'll try to update gnome-session before bugging you about that ;-) | 14:43 |
seb128 | vuntz: the new gnome-volume-control applet for example | 14:43 |
seb128 | .xsession-errors has timeout errors about those | 14:43 |
seb128 | lool: do you know why some debian packages are relibtoolized to workaround a rpath issue on amd64? | 14:45 |
seb128 | lool: or rather do you know what the issue is exactly? | 14:46 |
seb128 | ie gvfs | 14:46 |
lool | seb128: I think redhat still carries patches to its libtool so tarballs released from fedora/redhat hosts might contain problematic ltmain.sh | 14:46 |
seb128 | lool: how do we notice the issue? | 14:47 |
seb128 | ie, what effect does it have? | 14:47 |
seb128 | we used to not relibtoolize gvfs and got no complain that I know about | 14:47 |
lool | IIRC think they force the lib dir to be lib64 on x86-64; you could search for that snippet | 14:47 |
seb128 | since I seem to not be able to get the current version building after autotools update I'm near of dropping the debian patch for now | 14:47 |
seb128 | I'm not sure what practical issue it creates | 14:48 |
seb128 | not something users notice apparently | 14:48 |
seb128 | or we would have received bugs about that in intrepid I guess | 14:48 |
lool | seb128: objdump -x =nautilus | grep RPATH on my amd64 box still gives RPATH /usr/lib | 14:48 |
seb128 | since we used to no relibtoolize | 14:48 |
lool | seb128: I can tell of one painful issue with it: LD_LIBRARY_PATH doesn't work any more | 14:48 |
lool | Because RPATH has precedence over it | 14:48 |
lool | And a single RPATH on /usr/lib and you're using the default system libs again already | 14:49 |
seb128 | ok, that is lower priority than getting the gvfs update uploaded right now | 14:49 |
lool | seb128: Basically the scale of the problem is huge, I think hundreds of amd64 binaries have this issue, but it's not visible on 32-bits arches | 14:49 |
seb128 | I'll comment the patch for now and have a look to that later | 14:49 |
lool | Sure; you can also use chrpath instead | 14:50 |
seb128 | right | 14:50 |
seb128 | pedro_: bug #314966 are you sure? what version do you use? | 15:10 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 314966 in gnome-media "Inverted scroll wheel in new gnome-volume-control" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/314966 | 15:10 |
pedro_ | seb128: latest one on jaunty | 15:10 |
seb128 | pedro_: the new gnome-volume-control dialog moves on the right when scrolling down on my install | 15:11 |
pedro_ | seb128: works fine for me, tried the same with another user too | 15:11 |
seb128 | pedro_: you have horizontal scales right? | 15:11 |
seb128 | and they move on the left when you scroll down? | 15:11 |
pedro_ | seb128: yes, that's correct | 15:15 |
seb128 | ok, weird | 15:15 |
seb128 | I get the issue here too and it's not likely locale specific | 15:15 |
seb128 | I'll investigate | 15:15 |
pedro_ | the scale there acts just like the icon on the panel, same behavior | 15:15 |
seb128 | the mixer applet does the same | 15:15 |
seb128 | right, which is wrong too | 15:15 |
seb128 | scrolling down on the mouse there move those to the right | 15:16 |
seb128 | which means louder | 15:16 |
seb128 | where down should mean less loud | 15:16 |
seb128 | but if you say that works correctly for you | 15:16 |
pedro_ | indeed | 15:16 |
seb128 | I'm just puzzled in works differently on your box | 15:16 |
pedro_ | i'm gonna try with another locale as well | 15:16 |
seb128 | I wouldn't have though that was config specific | 15:16 |
seb128 | what gtk version do you have? | 15:17 |
seb128 | brb, restarting session to try the new gnome-session | 15:18 |
soren | asac: Can you ping me when the plugin database is updated for Jaunty? | 15:21 |
asac | soren: i would suggest that you ping me later week to remind me to update it ;) | 15:26 |
asac | probably best if both try :) | 15:26 |
soren | Will do :) | 15:27 |
crevette | yeah new gvfs, no more problem connecting a ftp | 15:56 |
seb128 | oh, dns seems to be fixed now ;-) | 16:25 |
crevette | you lost DNS ? | 16:32 |
seb128 | crevette: no, but it was not resolving some domains | 16:33 |
crevette | seb128, hey teuf is going to work for mandriva | 16:33 |
seb128 | ie I could connect to irc.gnome but not irc.gimp | 16:33 |
crevette | ah weird | 16:34 |
seb128 | good for him ;-) | 16:34 |
seb128 | what is he going to do there? | 16:34 |
crevette | http://blog.mandriva.com/2009/01/08/440/ | 16:34 |
crevette | not clear to me | 16:35 |
crevette | apparently he will have to fight with perl :) | 16:35 |
crevette | and urpmi | 16:36 |
huats_ | seb128: both gnome-keyring and seahors update are in LP | 17:15 |
seb128 | huats_: thanks | 17:16 |
huats_ | avec plaisir :) | 17:16 |
huats_ | seb128: I'll take care of seahorse-plugins too... | 17:21 |
seb128 | ok | 17:23 |
seb128 | huats_: you should remove the autom4te.cache directory in the automake changes | 17:26 |
huats_ | seb128: ok | 17:27 |
huats_ | I'll do that right now | 17:27 |
seb128 | huats_: I can fix it for gnome-keyring don't bother | 17:27 |
huats_ | seb128: ok | 17:27 |
huats_ | In fact I wasn't sure, and that was an extra question that I failed to asked :( | 17:28 |
huats_ | thanks | 17:28 |
seb128 | I though you already updated packages which have autoconf patches before | 17:31 |
seb128 | the GNOME packages usually have those | 17:31 |
seb128 | huats_: you also need to update the shlibs | 17:35 |
seb128 | huats_: debian/libgnome-keyring0.shlibs should be set to since the lib has new symbols | 17:36 |
seb128 | let's restart the session to try this gnome-keyring update | 17:37 |
seb128 | huats_: you can update the bug if you want to fix those or I can do it for you | 17:38 |
huats_ | seb128: so ? | 17:41 |
seb128 | huats_: so what? | 17:41 |
huats_ | you said : "let's restart the session to try this gnome-keyring update" :) | 17:41 |
seb128 | ah, that works | 17:41 |
huats_ | regarding the other stuffs I'll update the bug... | 17:42 |
seb128 | evolution can use the passwords normally and the ssh agent still works | 17:42 |
seb128 | huats_: ok, no need to test build, just cdbs-edit-patch, clean the directory, edit the shlibs and changelog and update the bug | 17:42 |
huats_ | and I already did bugs with autoconf... but I failed this time to remove he autom4te.cache | 17:42 |
huats_ | ok | 17:43 |
seb128 | huats_: the seahorse update looks correct | 17:48 |
huats_ | seb128: ok | 17:48 |
huats_ | seb128: I have updated the gnome-keyring bug | 17:50 |
huats_ | I nedd to go | 17:50 |
huats_ | but feel free to tell me if anything else is neede | 17:51 |
huats_ | d | 17:51 |
seb128 | huats_: ok | 17:51 |
huats_ | thanks for you patience :) | 17:51 |
seb128 | huats_: thanks for your work ;-) go now, I'll comment on the bug if required | 17:51 |
huats_ | ok | 17:51 |
huats_ | thanks :) | 17:51 |
seb128 | huats_: seahorse needs a shlibs update too | 17:52 |
huats_ | rrrggghhh | 17:52 |
huats_ | ok | 17:52 |
huats_ | I'll do that | 17:52 |
crevette | :) | 18:00 |
crevette | seb128, is there something I can do tonight ? | 18:02 |
seb128 | crevette: http://download.gnome.org/sources/gnome-nettool/2.25/gnome-nettool-2.25.3.tar.gz | 18:02 |
crevette | okay, btw I didn't see upload of empathy, does bigon will do it ? | 18:03 |
crevette | anyway time to go back home | 18:06 |
crevette | see you | 18:06 |
=== cj_ is now known as _cj | ||
=== _cj is now known as cj | ||
pochu | I'm unsubscribing from tracker bugs in Launchpad. Not enough time and I don't really care much about it anymore... | 20:07 |
pochu | Upstream and Debian maintainer are subscribed to it | 20:07 |
tedg | Nokia's putting a bunch of money/time into Tracker -- I'm hoping it'll have a rebirth. | 20:21 |
tedg | Not for Jaunty for sure though. | 20:21 |
dobey | heh | 20:22 |
pochu | and imendio too I think | 20:30 |
pochu | err | 20:31 |
pochu | or perhaps that's Nokia paying Imendio to work on Tracker :) | 20:31 |
dobey | i think nokia contracted codethink to work on tracker | 20:31 |
pochu | I know Martyn Russell has been working a lot in tracker, and he's from Imendio | 20:32 |
pochu | dobey: maybe codethink subcontracted imendio :P | 20:33 |
dobey | no i think nokia just contracts everyone they possibly can | 20:35 |
dobey | oh wow, nice | 20:36 |
dobey | there are 1344 bugs with the needs-packaging tag :( | 20:36 |
crevette | hey | 20:48 |
dobey | hi crevette | 20:48 |
pochu | hey crevette | 20:48 |
crevette | hello dobey | 20:48 |
pochu | dobey: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/qa-needs-packaging-bugs | 20:48 |
crevette | heu pochu | 20:48 |
crevette | pochu: I'm packaging a gnome tarball and I need to update a patch 03_autoconf, how can I do? I should just run autoconf ? | 20:49 |
pochu | crevette: if it's really only changing configure, that may work (but may not) | 20:51 |
pochu | crevette: `autoreconf -fiv && rm -r autom4te.cache` always work though, but will update configure, makefiles, libtool etc | 20:52 |
dobey | which you probably need to do anyway, and you may also have to re-run intltoolize | 20:53 |
dashua | Is gnome-sound-preferences missing on the latest Jaunty? Volume control in the new applet does nothing as well. I just upgraded from Intrepid 64 and it was nearly flawless. I just wanted to confirm this wasn't an upgrade issue. | 20:57 |
pochu | I think it's now in gnome-media | 20:58 |
pochu | dashua: what version of gnome-media do you have? | 21:00 |
pochu | you need gnome-media 2.25.1 | 21:00 |
dashua | pochu: /gnome-media_2.25.1-0ubuntu1_amd64 | 21:00 |
pochu | dashua: don't you mean gnome-sound-properties ? | 21:03 |
dashua | pochu: Yes. | 21:04 |
pochu | it was in gnome-control-center, but has been removed in 2.25.3 | 21:08 |
pochu | should have been added in gnome-utils 2.25.1, but looks like it wasn't | 21:08 |
dashua | bug 314957 is the closet thing I could find | 21:08 |
pochu | either it wasn't, or it wasn't shipped in the Ubuntu binaries | 21:08 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 314957 in gnome-control-center "Jaunty A2 - gnome-sound-properties missing" [Wishlist,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/314957 | 21:08 |
dashua | Ok thx | 21:09 |
pochu | according to that it's replaced by the new gnome-volume-control in gnome-media | 21:09 |
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