=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang | ||
bazhang | @login | 00:10 |
ubottu | The operation succeeded. | 00:10 |
bazhang | @btlogin | 00:10 |
bazhang | not just me then :) | 00:11 |
ubottu | Kamping_Kaiser called the ops in #ubuntu-server () | 01:56 |
ubottu | jjesse called the ops in #ubuntu-server () | 01:56 |
vorian | handled | 01:58 |
Flannel | Mmmmm | 02:12 |
Flannel | Anyone awake with -ot? Not needed now... but something might come up rather soon. | 02:12 |
nickrud | Flannel, what, I thought 'they' were going to give you ops | 02:13 |
Flannel | nickrud: I believe they are; just ... haven't yet | 02:14 |
Flannel | right. Op time. AnneShirley | 02:24 |
nickrud | flannel I was finally having some time. Spoil sport | 02:31 |
Flannel | nickrud: Yeah, People were starting to get angry though because she was being stupid (well, continued to be stupid) | 02:31 |
nickrud | no, when she said god holds up the chair is when it got interesting ;) | 02:31 |
Flannel | She said that? | 02:32 |
Flannel | Mmmm | 02:32 |
nickrud | <AnneShirley> The fact that the chair you're sitting in isn't falling crushing or dissolving is because God is holding it up. | 02:33 |
Flannel | Wow. | 02:35 |
Flannel | yeah... thats the troll line... | 02:35 |
nickrud | or not. I've met believers of that | 02:36 |
Flannel | Well, regardless of if she actually believes it, she got to the point where shew as just asking a ton of hot-button issues, without waiting for responses again | 02:37 |
Flannel | Which I had previously warned her about | 02:37 |
nickrud | yep. Not saying she wasn't trolling her true beliefs | 02:38 |
PriceChild | !o4o | 02:38 |
ubottu | Some things are inappropriate for #ubuntu-ops. Controversial topics, which often turn into flame wars: war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, questionably legal activities, suicide are not for here. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy) | 02:38 |
Flannel | Sigh | 02:38 |
nickrud | yep. but sometimes even we aren't immune to troll bait | 02:38 |
Flannel | PriceChild: that's not necessary | 02:39 |
PriceChild | Hmm? | 02:39 |
Flannel | its been taken care of. | 02:39 |
PriceChild | Doesn't appear so. | 02:39 |
PriceChild | snuxoll is still going | 02:39 |
Flannel | No he's not, he's talking about his usual anti-C++ stuff | 02:40 |
ubottu | FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE) | 03:28 |
ubottu | FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE) | 03:28 |
nbeebo | worthless admins on ur channels | 03:31 |
nickrud | nbeebo, you have a history now in #ubuntu*, you won't get passes anymore | 03:32 |
nbeebo | passes? | 03:32 |
nbeebo | just asking what it is | 03:32 |
nbeebo | or means | 03:32 |
nickrud | 'that's ok, it was just a new user mistake' | 03:32 |
nickrud | is a pass. | 03:32 |
nbeebo | oh ok, whatever ur trying to say... | 03:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | nickrud, Question, a-t wants to never ount sda1 an ntfs we have his fdisk and fstab can yuo take a look.. I have never not wanted to mount a drive | 03:36 |
nickrud | never mount? I've never tried that either, and know nothing about the automount magic | 03:37 |
Jack_Sparrow | ok | 03:38 |
nickrud | interesting idea though. | 03:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | nickrud, I will lwork on that if you can keep an eye on markpee.. | 03:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | I want to see his sources list | 03:38 |
nickrud | markpee? | 03:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | in ubuntu | 03:39 |
nickrud | yeah, the guy with the manual java & flash install. ok | 03:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | Smells of troll | 03:41 |
nickrud | maybe, or someone who's done something they don't know about | 03:42 |
nickrud | Jack_Sparrow, did you feel that one down in SD area? | 03:51 |
Jack_Sparrow | nick yes I did | 03:53 |
Jack_Sparrow | I was just looking it up.. riverside to the vaklley | 03:54 |
Jack_Sparrow | Just a little one here | 03:54 |
nickrud | hope it was reasonably small | 03:54 |
Jack_Sparrow | 5.0 a biggie | 03:55 |
Jack_Sparrow | http://earthquake.usgs.gov/eqcenter/recenteqsus/Quakes/ci10370141.php | 03:55 |
nickrud | probably get revised down | 03:56 |
Flannel | Its 1mi south of SB | 04:04 |
Flannel | There's definately some damage, but I haven't seen any news yet | 04:04 |
nickrud | that's close to population, not good | 04:05 |
Jack_Sparrow | too close to my niece | 04:06 |
Flannel | http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=34.113N+117.294W&sll=34.112089,-117.259998&sspn=0.092097,0.154495&ie=UTF8&ll=34.112302,-117.294374&spn=0.023877,0.038624&t=h&z=15 | 04:10 |
Flannel | Mmmm, wrong earthquake discussion channel | 04:11 |
=== essy is now known as SportChick | ||
nickrud | Jack_Sparrow, seems that markpee was just annoying, not a troll | 04:27 |
Jack_Sparrow | I saw the source.lst | 04:27 |
Jack_Sparrow | Just an attitude issue | 04:28 |
Jack_Sparrow | Niece got shook up good... but she is ok. | 04:28 |
nickrud | yeah, usual male 'I can do this' attitude. | 04:28 |
nickrud | Jack_Sparrow, good to hear. Hopefully not much damage. I've only been in one where it was more than just shaking. | 04:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | I was in El Centro early 80's that one was bad | 04:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | I was in Sears and ceiling and lights falling everywhere | 04:30 |
nickrud | not good, is it. I always find that structurally strong area now. Doorways aren't much, but I'll use it. | 04:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | Some of the suff in the ceilings of commercial buildings that you dont see is scary stuff | 04:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | Huge air handllers.. in particular | 04:32 |
nickrud | yeah. I worked commercial hvac controllers for a while. amazing what's hidden on roofs | 04:36 |
=== bluesmoke is now known as Amaranth | ||
Flannel | forward may be more productive | 07:10 |
Flannel | fuzzybear3965: How can we help you? | 07:10 |
fuzzybear3965 | oh I just clicked something.. didn't mean to be here | 07:10 |
Flannel | fuzzybear3965: No problem. We would appreciate it if you wouldn't idle in here though. | 07:11 |
Flannel | He must be psychic | 07:11 |
nickrud | lol | 07:11 |
tritium | Good call, ikonia. He should not be allowed back in for that comparison. | 07:12 |
bazhang | talk about hyperbole 'nazi driven' | 07:13 |
ikonia | I tried to speak to him in pm - he said "he's fuckin done" so he was | 07:13 |
ikonia | now for some reason rudd-0 is pm'ing me asking why I banned him - even though he's not in the channel | 07:14 |
ikonia | just ignoring it | 07:14 |
ikonia | seems like a tag team act | 07:14 |
bazhang | yep | 07:14 |
tritium | Indeed. | 07:14 |
Flannel | What on earth is with these people tonight? | 07:15 |
ikonia | no idea | 07:15 |
tritium | I was just about to ask. | 07:15 |
nickrud | biorhythms | 07:15 |
Flannel | Ah... Almost a full moon | 07:15 |
ikonia | back to normallity I hope now | 07:16 |
Flannel | Nah, waxing, so we've got a few days | 07:16 |
elkbuntu | i see we've hit the "I've finished all the games i got for christmas now. I'm bored" trolls hitting u | 07:20 |
bazhang | haha | 07:20 |
tritium | I think elkbuntu hit the nail on the head. | 07:20 |
elkbuntu | i've been doing this long enough | 07:21 |
tritium | How long, elkbuntu? | 07:21 |
elkbuntu | since before i knew what linux was | 07:21 |
tritium | I've been using linux since 1993, but didn't really get into IRC until 2004 or so. | 07:23 |
elkbuntu | back then when the MUD implementers i became Mod/Op/Goddess on spoke about 'the kernel upgrade broke the code' i figured it meant a piece of hardware | 07:23 |
ikonia | ahhh mud's | 07:23 |
elkbuntu | that's where i learned the art of programming | 07:28 |
Flannel | that's where I perfected the ability to type like a bat out of hell | 07:28 |
Flannel | although, recently having two different keyboards has increased my error rate | 07:28 |
elkbuntu | hehehe | 07:28 |
elkbuntu | Flannel, i wasnt too bad before i started, but yeah, it added a few NOS jets to my fingers | 07:29 |
Flannel | Do some people actually enjoy acting like jerks? | 08:14 |
Flannel | Mmm, and I should've used a semicolon. | 08:14 |
bazhang | insmod? | 08:15 |
Flannel | yeah | 08:16 |
Flannel | I'm just going to drop it, see if he continues | 08:16 |
bazhang | aha | 08:16 |
bazhang | man apt-get | 08:16 |
bazhang | :/ | 08:16 |
Flannel | Well, and then attitude issues over the fact that that's not allowed. | 08:16 |
Flannel | or rather, that that's discouraged. | 08:16 |
ikonia | just removed talbot as when I asked him what he was spamming for he showed me pictures of young girls in pm | 08:37 |
ikonia | well caught flannel | 08:37 |
Flannel | ninja ops! | 08:38 |
ikonia | nice job | 08:38 |
ikonia | I turned my back to type here, and he hit again | 08:38 |
ikonia | should have banned him | 08:38 |
Flannel | Thats what redundancy is for! ;) | 08:38 |
ikonia | HA ops | 08:38 |
Flannel | ikonia: oh, those were sad faces? | 08:46 |
ikonia | I assumed so | 08:46 |
Flannel | I wonder if hes the same arr emm arr eff guy... let me sort through my logs | 08:53 |
Flannel | love is a surpisingly hard word to grep for in IRC logs | 08:57 |
elkbuntu | hehe | 08:57 |
Flannel | The right to repeat one's self every three minutes? What on earth kind of place is this? | 09:13 |
ikonia | where is that ? | 09:13 |
Flannel | #u | 09:13 |
Flannel | no action needs to be taken... I'm... just flabbergasted | 09:13 |
Myrtti | moin | 09:15 |
Flannel | Howdy Myrtti | 09:15 |
Flannel | topyli: We're sick. | 09:38 |
topyli | we are .( | 09:38 |
topyli | and looks like i've lost eye | 09:39 |
Flannel | You're a sick cyclops! | 09:39 |
ubottu | In ubottu, rww said: !no, firewall is <reply> You can use ufw to manage Ubuntu's built-in firewall. For usage instructions, run "man ufw" in the terminal. For more detailed information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/serverguide/C/firewall.html | 10:02 |
jussi01 | so has |_ocke been here since his banning from -ot? | 10:02 |
Flannel | When was that? | 10:02 |
jussi01 | couple of days ago | 10:03 |
Flannel | He was here on the 7th at 1:26 and at 3:53 | 10:03 |
jussi01 | ok. | 10:05 |
Flannel | (those are times from the logs) | 10:07 |
jussi01 | Flannel: just read. thanks | 10:19 |
jussi01 | oh dear God... please someone stop him (fujisan #freenode) | 10:21 |
Flannel | oops | 10:38 |
Flannel | You know.. for some reason trall in -ot screams kayt | 10:41 |
bazhang | anyone else having trouble with btracker? | 10:41 |
Flannel | bazhang: aye | 10:42 |
bazhang | @login | 10:42 |
Flannel | That works | 10:43 |
ubottu | The operation succeeded. | 10:43 |
Flannel | just doesn't work once you get there | 10:43 |
bazhang | thanks Flannel | 10:43 |
Myrtti | @login | 10:43 |
ubottu | The operation succeeded. | 10:43 |
Myrtti | @btlogin | 10:43 |
stdin | someone look at Fuse_ (and trall) in #u | 10:44 |
Myrtti | watching | 10:44 |
Flannel | I'm debating a ban or a forward of Fuse | 10:45 |
Flannel | I imagine just the former | 10:45 |
Myrtti | trall is one step away from kick | 10:46 |
Flannel | here it comes | 10:50 |
* jussi01 wonders why peoples aliases dont kick people any more... | 10:52 | |
Flannel | What? | 10:52 |
jussi01 | Mode #ubuntu +o Flannel by ChanServ | 10:55 |
jussi01 | Mode #ubuntu +b *!*@ by Flannel | 10:55 |
jussi01 | "jonaskoelker | 10:55 |
jussi01 | Mode #ubuntu -o Flannel by Flannel | 10:55 |
jussi01 | no remove in there... | 10:55 |
Flannel | He was already gone | 10:55 |
Flannel | he left a while ago, that was Fuse | 10:55 |
jussi01 | oh | 10:55 |
Flannel | Thats why it wasn't immediate, because it was manual | 10:55 |
* jussi01 shuts up | 10:55 | |
Flannel | :) | 10:55 |
Flannel | Myrtti, -ot | 11:00 |
Myrtti | my mum calls at the most inconvenient times | 11:04 |
Flannel | heh | 11:04 |
Flannel | Myrtti: eh? | 11:06 |
Flannel | Myrtti: that's not a ban evasion | 11:06 |
Myrtti | sure looks like it | 11:06 |
Flannel | How do you figure? | 11:07 |
Myrtti | ident is the same for starters | 11:07 |
bazhang | looks like kayt | 11:07 |
Flannel | Well, owner and purple aren't exactly custom | 11:07 |
bazhang | ie speaking style | 11:07 |
Myrtti | well, his behaviour was annoying enough | 11:07 |
Flannel | Oh, I'm not arguing the ban, just saying it's not necessarily evasion | 11:08 |
Myrtti | why can't my mum just give up! | 11:08 |
Flannel | Er... | 11:08 |
Flannel | actually | 11:08 |
Flannel | it is. | 11:08 |
Flannel | Since kayts whowas is the same IP | 11:08 |
Myrtti | "guinea pigs plalalalala, white pages... plalalala, kittens... plalalal | 11:08 |
Myrtti | " | 11:08 |
Flannel | not the one they were banned from ealier mind you, but that's still BE | 11:09 |
Myrtti | is that on mibbit him? | 11:09 |
Flannel | No | 11:09 |
Myrtti | no? | 11:09 |
bazhang | @bansearch trall | 11:09 |
ubottu | Match: *!*n=Owner@58.170.88.* by Myrtti in #ubuntu-offtopic on Jan 09 2009 11:06:29 (ID: 8866) | 11:09 |
Flannel | Ramp? | 11:09 |
Flannel | @bansearch kayt | 11:09 |
ubottu | Match: *!*@ by Jack_Sparrow in #ubuntu on Jan 08 2009 23:35:29 (ID: 8829) | 11:09 |
Myrtti | not even with /wii | 11:09 |
ubottu | Match: *!*n=Owner@124.182.244.* by Mez in #ubuntu-offtopic on Jan 08 2009 23:46:24 (ID: 8830) | 11:09 |
Myrtti | [13:09] [freenode] ~~~Ramp [i=3aaa58b0@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-69430e2f248dde0c] | 11:10 |
Flannel | Myrtti: /whowas kayt gave me the same IP earlier | 11:10 |
Myrtti | [13:09] [freenode] ~~~ ircname : CPE-58-170-88-176.sa.bigpond.net.au | 11:10 |
Flannel | Mmm, yes. Thats him | 11:10 |
bazhang | nice catch | 11:10 |
Myrtti | wasn't me | 11:10 |
Myrtti | was rww who noted it | 11:10 |
Flannel | back again | 11:10 |
Flannel | Right, well... shucks... Its going to be a leap year before that ban gets lifted, eh? | 11:11 |
bazhang | yuck | 11:25 |
bazhang | trall posted a nasty link in #u | 11:25 |
ubottu | In ubottu, Gnea said: no, vpn is VPN (OpenVPN, Cisco, etc) support in Ubuntu can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN , for gaming: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD , if you want to use SSH: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH_VPN | 11:36 |
Flannel | !vpn | 11:37 |
ubottu | From more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD | 11:37 |
Flannel | Why do people put howtos on w.u.c? WE've been on h.u.c/c for longer than this page has been around | 11:38 |
ubottu | In ubottu, rww said: !no, firewall is <reply> You can use ufw to manage Ubuntu's built-in firewall. For usage instructions, run "man ufw" in the terminal. For more detailed information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/serverguide/C/firewall.html | 12:05 |
rww | Hi op people! Looks like my !firewall edit got ignored last time around. Anyone have any suggestions on it? 'cause it'd be nice if !firewall were modified to mention ufw... | 12:06 |
Myrtti | !firewall | 12:15 |
ubottu | Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 12:15 |
ubottu | Seveas called the ops in #ubuntu (Magnata) | 12:16 |
rww | Mhm. iptables isn't simple at all, Firestarter is buggy as heck, and Guarddog... well, dunno about that 'cause it's KDE only | 12:16 |
ubottu | Seveas called the ops in #ubuntu (izN) | 12:16 |
topyli | i sort of like rww's version | 12:23 |
rww | Anyways, I'll let y'all mull it over. I've done enough op poking for one day ;) | 12:26 |
Myrtti | I have no idea | 12:27 |
topyli | ufw is ubuntu standard. the current factoid doesn't mention it but instead leads you to iptables sorcery or to installing packages fro universe | 12:29 |
ikonia | Jack_Sparrow: is it just me or is he just talking nonsense | 13:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | Yep | 13:35 |
ikonia | everything he says is authorative nonsense | 13:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | rm to remove apt-get installed program? | 13:36 |
Tm_T | ok, this MIGHT be stupid question but what's best way to contact sabdfl? | 13:40 |
ikonia | email ? catch him on line ? | 13:41 |
Pici | Tm_T: In person | 13:42 |
Tm_T | ikonia: latter would be better | 13:42 |
Tm_T | Pici: if I could (: | 13:42 |
jussi01_ | Tm_T: how soon you need him? | 13:42 |
jussi01_ | Tm_T: I would imagine hell be at the cc meeting on the 20th | 13:42 |
Tm_T | well not soon, few weeks is ok | 13:42 |
Tm_T | jussi01_: aah, brilliant | 13:42 |
Tm_T | I'll wait for that then | 13:43 |
Tm_T | thanks sons | 13:43 |
ikonia | he'll or will hell actually be there ? | 13:43 |
Tm_T | he will | 13:43 |
Pici | Aww.. you got our hopes up | 13:43 |
ikonia | I was looking forward to meeting hell | 13:43 |
Tm_T | I wasn't | 13:44 |
ikonia | maybe el diablo could attend | 13:44 |
Pici | http://www.savagechickens.com/2009/01/orientation.html | 13:44 |
Tm_T | have seen it, nothing to wait for | 13:44 |
ikonia | Pici: nice | 13:44 |
genii-around | ping genii | 14:18 |
genii-around | bah | 14:18 |
ikonia | I'm out, it's gone dumb-tasktic in #ubuntu | 14:28 |
jussi01 | ikonia: pm? | 14:36 |
* genii brews an extremely large urn of strong coffee | 15:32 | |
Pici | Jack_Sparrow: oops | 15:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | :) | 15:38 |
jpds | Jack_Sparrow: Factoid redirect fail. | 16:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | saw that ty | 16:40 |
stdin | info and search are not part of Ecyclopedia, so there is no redirection | 16:41 |
ubottu | search is not a valid distribution ['dapper', 'gutsy', 'gutsy-backports', 'hardy', 'hardy-backports', 'intrepid', 'intrepid-backports', 'jaunty', 'jaunty-backports', 'kde4-ppa', 'kubuntu-members-kde4', 'medibuntu', 'partner'] | 16:41 |
stdin | I still don't know why that happens :| | 16:41 |
Myrtti | does anyone know how to get the specs of a Dell laptop with a tag number from the Dell site? | 16:54 |
Myrtti | I have no clue how this works | 16:54 |
Myrtti | oh, I got it | 16:56 |
Tm_T | Myrtti: what's up? | 16:57 |
Myrtti | I'm trying to figure out do I want the company laptop or no | 16:57 |
Tm_T | ah | 16:57 |
Myrtti | ok, it has half the RAM my desktop, and about... hmmm | 16:58 |
Myrtti | one third of HD | 16:58 |
Tm_T | Myrtti: you can give it to me | 16:58 |
Myrtti | Tm_T: sorry | 16:58 |
Myrtti | what's INTEL CORE 2 DUO T7100 | 16:59 |
Myrtti | ok, it would have a better processor | 16:59 |
Myrtti | oh, and VT | 17:00 |
Myrtti | eeniemeeniemineymoe | 17:08 |
genii | /msg ubottu Hi | 17:14 |
genii | bah | 17:15 |
Tm_T | haha | 17:15 |
Myrtti | genii: lol | 17:15 |
genii | Tm_T: Yeah yeah | 17:15 |
genii | :) | 17:16 |
* genii hands out a round of coffees (or your favourite beverage of choice, in lieu) | 17:16 | |
Pici | friiiiday | 17:16 |
Ursinha | thanks genii :P | 17:16 |
genii | Ursinha: You're welcome | 17:17 |
Myrtti | FRIDAY! | 17:20 |
Tm_T | is | 17:30 |
Tm_T | though I don't notice anything | 17:30 |
Myrtti | can't decide! | 17:31 |
Myrtti | arght | 17:31 |
Tm_T | Myrtti: take laptop | 17:32 |
Tm_T | less wasted energy if nothing else | 17:33 |
Myrtti | true | 17:33 |
ubottu | Seveas called the ops in #ubuntu (plshelphackadmin) | 18:01 |
jussi01 | Myrtti: lol | 18:01 |
Myrtti | I haz plane tickets I haz plane tickets lalalalalalSHALALALALAA | 18:03 |
Myrtti | *cough* | 18:03 |
Myrtti | excuse me | 18:03 |
stdin | WARNING: I'm about to switch ubottu to the new server. it should all just work ™ but there may possibly be teething problems | 18:42 |
* Pici holds tight | 18:43 | |
* Myrtti huggles jussi01 tight | 18:44 | |
jussi01 | :D | 18:45 |
* genii holds his coffee in a deathgrip! | 18:45 | |
Myrtti | stdin: don't hold us in suspense, I'm about to pee in my pants! | 18:45 |
Myrtti | aaaeaeeeeaarrgggghhh | 18:45 |
Myrtti | there it goes | 18:45 |
Pici | Myrtti: I hope you're referring to ubottu with that 'it' | 18:46 |
Myrtti | Pici: well, yes. | 18:46 |
genii | Hehehe | 18:46 |
Myrtti | how sad is this: http://www.cam-lug.org.uk/?page=news&id=19 | 18:46 |
nickspoon | Heh. | 18:46 |
Myrtti | it's really, really depressing | 18:46 |
Pici | At least the mailing list is active | 18:47 |
jpds | Why? | 18:47 |
nickspoon | Hm, why? | 18:47 |
jussi01 | why what? | 18:47 |
Myrtti | Pici: it is? | 18:47 |
Myrtti | whee | 18:47 |
nickspoon | Why is that depressing? :P | 18:47 |
Pici | http://lists.infowares.com/archive/clug/2009-January/thread.html | 18:48 |
nickspoon | Oh, noticed the date :* | 18:48 |
Myrtti | nickspoon: you're welcome | 18:48 |
jussi01 | :) | 18:48 |
Myrtti | wheeeeeee | 18:48 |
nickspoon | Oh dear. | 18:49 |
stdin | eeek | 18:49 |
Pici | look what you did! | 18:49 |
jussi01 | stdin: remove some of the channels from the list | 18:49 |
stdin | I didn't do anything | 18:49 |
Myrtti | http://lists.infowares.com/archive/clug/2009-January/007335.html <-- nickspoon | 18:49 |
nickspoon | You killed ubottu! | 18:49 |
stdin | it's already reconnecting | 18:49 |
Myrtti | you bastards | 18:49 |
Pici | stdin: not you, Myrtti | 18:49 |
jussi01 | stdin: yeah, but it may just do it again | 18:49 |
jussi01 | stdin: theres a limit before it does that. | 18:49 |
Myrtti | now I have to figure out the distances | 18:51 |
Myrtti | ok, so about 41 minutes drive | 18:52 |
* genii sips | 18:53 | |
Pici | Arg. I know that the bot is down, but I still try the triggers anywy. | 18:55 |
stdin | it's only joining 19 channels and still dies | 18:56 |
nickspoon | Oh dear. | 18:56 |
stdin | well, it's getting further | 18:56 |
Myrtti | I wonder does the clug have any meets these days | 18:57 |
genii | Ah, forgot #k has no -br :( | 18:57 |
stdin | I didn't forget anything, I removed them :p | 18:58 |
genii | Hm | 18:58 |
Myrtti | hmmm, they seem to have something going | 18:58 |
Myrtti | can I poke the bot? | 19:05 |
stdin | it should be ok now, probably, maybe | 19:06 |
Myrtti | !prayer | 19:06 |
ubottu | Dear $DEITY, Give me strength to understand and work with users who question my logic, the rules, netiquette and common sense. Give me resilience to teach them the basics of Linux, Ubuntu, Community Guidelines and IRC. Allow me not to stray to nitpicking, argument, foul language or leisure op abuse. Deliver me my daily xkcd, User Friendly, LWN, /. and Planet Ubuntu, and guard over my encrypted drives. Let it be so. | 19:06 |
Pici | @login | 19:07 |
ubottu | The operation succeeded. | 19:07 |
* genii hands Jack_Sparrow a coffee | 19:17 | |
Jack_Sparrow | yea, I need it.. I had a long week. | 19:17 |
bazhang | @login | 19:28 |
ubottu | The operation succeeded. | 19:28 |
genii | I have right now horrible lag problems and I think they are messing with the phone lines again. I'll go do some work and will be /away, checking back in maybe 1/2 hr | 19:29 |
bazhang | * [the_logger_works] (n=the_logg@public-gprs68586.centertel.pl): IRC logging bot <-- this okay? | 19:32 |
stdin | not really unless they have permission | 19:33 |
jpds | bazhang: No. | 19:33 |
stdin | freenode policy on logging bots is opt-in | 19:33 |
bazhang | jpds, kick/remove ban? | 19:34 |
stdin | see if they are human first | 19:34 |
bazhang | okay | 19:34 |
stdin | public-gprs68586.centertel.pl seems odd for a log bot | 19:35 |
bazhang | no response via PM | 19:37 |
jpds | No response to CTCP. | 19:37 |
stdin | go ahead and ban, whois indicates no activity from then since connection | 19:39 |
bazhang | done | 19:40 |
bazhang | btw the btracker is working :) many thanks! | 19:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | bbl.. going to the movies | 20:00 |
Pici | Have fun | 20:00 |
* genii sips | 20:07 | |
* Myrtti is not going to comment the tld | 20:24 | |
Myrtti | oops, I did | 20:24 |
Gary | bazhang: that logging bot ban can be removed now | 20:26 |
bazhang | Gary, it seems to have been removed some minutes ago | 20:26 |
bazhang | nearly an hour ago in fact | 20:27 |
bazhang | oh misread | 20:27 |
Pici | bazhang: He means remove the ban | 20:27 |
bazhang | the ban | 20:27 |
Pici | the ban | 20:27 |
bazhang | jinx | 20:27 |
bazhang | Gary, my apologies for poor reading comprehension; ban removed | 20:29 |
Gary | my apologies for not being clear :p | 20:29 |
bazhang | ban can merged to can :) | 20:30 |
bazhang | Myrtti, did you get the fabled letter? | 20:30 |
bazhang | -ot really went to the dogs for a while without you | 20:31 |
* Myrtti blinks | 20:32 | |
Myrtti | fabled letter? | 20:32 |
bazhang | thought there was a *letter* you were waiting on | 20:32 |
bazhang | perhaps just more reading problems from my end | 20:33 |
Myrtti | oh, right | 20:33 |
Myrtti | no, I didn't get the email from Canonical | 20:33 |
bazhang | oh | 20:33 |
bazhang | thought it was about going to UK | 20:33 |
Myrtti | oh, I'm going there no matter what :-) | 20:34 |
bazhang | nice :) | 20:34 |
Myrtti | well, not exactly no matter what | 20:34 |
Myrtti | but am going there no regard of emails from canonical or others | 20:34 |
Gary | Myrtti: to live? | 20:39 |
Myrtti | that remains to be seen ;-) | 20:39 |
Gary | cool, come visit me and tom | 20:40 |
Myrtti | starting with two weeks starting week from now | 20:40 |
Gary | you are welcome to come visit colchester, essex | 20:40 |
Gary | (and stay) | 20:40 |
Pici | Myrtti: Are you getting a new job as well? | 20:41 |
Myrtti | ie. the cattlebus (read: Ryanair) flight lands approx week and two hours from now | 20:41 |
Myrtti | Pici: nope | 20:41 |
Pici | Myrtti: | 20:42 |
Pici | Myrtti: er.. Lucky you can telecommute... /me actually has to go in to work | 20:42 |
* Pici shuts up, cannot form intelligent sentences currently | 20:43 | |
Myrtti | yeah, I asked the HR "do you mind if I travel to moon for two weeks, if I can still work from there?" "No, just inform me beforehand if you plan to move permanently, then we have to discuss the matter a bit more" | 20:45 |
=== Mez_ is now known as Mez | ||
savid | Hi, I'm having trouble joining #ubuntu. I've changed my port to 8001 but it doesn't seem to be working | 23:44 |
jussi01 | savid: please go back and try the test again | 23:46 |
savid | jussi01, thanks, that worked. | 23:49 |
jussi01 | savid: great | 23:49 |
Myrtti | roight, time for nini | 23:52 |
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