
Slart_batcoder-7: using desktop effects?00:00
Doc8404jrib do you happen to know what install i need to make these macros function http://pastebin.com/m3c28941800:00
mogi22Slart_, ok i do have dig00:00
batcoder-7Slart_: if i am i dont notice them, i didnt enable anything00:00
Slart_mogi22: try doing a dig on one of your own hostnames.. see if your dns has them..00:00
mogi22Slart_, dig google returned lots of data, dig (myclient HN) didnt return as much00:01
mogi22Slart_, i guess i dont understand the output of dig to tell00:01
Slart_batcoder-7: hmm.. I think desktop effects is disabled by default... then I don't really know what could be causing it00:01
eseven73batcoder-7: i have not tried xubuntu 8.10 but I have heard it's put on a few pounds00:01
Doc8404eseven73 i wouldnt do it yet00:02
eseven73oh no way, LTS for me00:02
batcoder-7eseven73: few pounds in what way ?00:02
eseven73just general performance00:02
batcoder-7eseven73: what do you think they did ?00:03
eseven73who knows00:03
batcoder-7i want to reverse that00:03
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batcoder-7i got some wifi stuffrunning dont need that hmm00:03
mogi22Slart_, dig HN produces same output as dig rubbish, so i guess its failing, but dig server hostname fails too, so i dont think dig is a good way to test.00:03
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eseven73batcoder-7: have you tried Icewm? its slimmer than XFCE00:04
mogi22Slart_, meaning if i dig dhcpserverHN i get same output as dig blahblah00:04
Slart_mogi22: hmm.. I'm looking at the man page for dig.. give me a second00:04
batcoder-7eseven73: i mean, no but i have seen screens of i, i mean a celeron 2.8 isnt that bad ;) it can handle xfce00:04
mogi22Slart_, i think dig is useful for fqdn on the net.  perhaps not on the lan?00:04
batcoder-7i think its just those daemons they got running in the background00:04
eseven73batcoder-7: ah ok then.00:05
batcoder-7eseven73: its not that bad, i just notice small stuff00:05
batcoder-7maybe its just me00:05
batcoder-7i do got firefox and like 20 tabs open00:05
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owhmogi22, Slart_: dig is the "DNS lookup utility", unless you are running a DNS, it's not for your LAN.00:06
mogi22Slart_, what i dont get is why it all worked on gutsy/feisty but now not on hardy.  i have same configs, so what changed?00:06
mogi22owh, dhcp server is running bind00:06
owhmogi22: What's the actual problem?00:07
amossHi guys! I use dual monitors.. how can I get a new window to open in my primary display?00:07
mogi22owh, basically i want the HN set by the clients on LAN (via dhcp) to work again (i used to be able to ping/ssh into boxes on LAN from my LAN client)00:07
mogi22owh, i can still do so if use their IP, and the HNs do appear in the server leases file00:08
rodsanyone able to help with virtualbox?00:08
ryanakcaAt boot, how can I have my swap be decrypted *after* my home partition? (the swap key is a file on /home, both partitions are in my crypttab, LUKS)00:08
eseven73try #Vbox rods00:08
Slart_owh: but mogi22 *is* running a dns on his lan00:08
amossrods: u can join virtualbox channel00:08
mogi22owh, but for some reason i cant ping the HN since upgrading to hardy (both clients and server)00:08
n8tusmogi22 -> what is HN? can you be more clearer or use the correct terms?00:08
Slart_owh: but we're trying to check if it's being updated properly from dhcp00:09
owhn8tus: hostname00:09
rodsI tried #vbox, no one responding00:09
ubuntupeanyone can help me with grub?00:09
mogi22n8tus, HN is hostname ... is that not the correct term?00:09
Siertubuntupe: what's the problem?00:09
amossrods: ok.. what is your problem?00:09
owhmogi22: Are you running the same DHCP server?00:09
n8tusowh -> it is not good to invent your own acronyms, hostname is correct but not HN, confusing as heck00:09
amossHi guys! I use dual monitors.. how can I get a new window to open in my primary display?00:09
ubuntupei make dual boot ubuntu and xp and i cant boot from xp00:10
owhn8tus: That's fair enough, though from the context it was pretty obvious to me.00:10
mogi22n8tus, how is hostname an acronym (i think you meant abbreviation) for "hostname"00:10
owhmogi22: It was the reference to HN00:10
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mogi22owh, dhcp server is same box but upgraded to hardy or is that not what you meant?00:11
Siertubuntupe: do you have the systems on one harddisk?00:11
n8tusmogi22 -> whatever you call it, dont invent hn as hostname00:11
ubuntupeyes i do00:11
owhSlart_: I've only come in on the tail of this and I was just responding to the comment about "i think dig is for ..."00:11
mogi22owh, yes i know what the reference was, but it sounded like he/she was saying use hostname as an abbreviation for hostname00:11
Siertubuntupe: XP is on the primary partition?00:11
owhmogi22: :)00:11
jinja-sheepUpon lock-screen you have the ability to leave message.  When you resume back to the Desktop, there are popups with the messages in them.  What is it called?  notify-something?00:12
Siertubuntupe: take a look int he file /boot/grub/menu.lst, make sure the Windows section contains "root (hd0,0)"00:12
Siertubuntupe: followed by the lines "makeactive" and "chainloader +1"00:12
supertankerMy user crontabs don't seem to be working. I've added a crontab with crontab-e to run every minute, I've made an /etc/cron.allow with the user's name in it, but it is not working00:12
supertankerAny ideas?00:12
owhSlart_, mogi22: Have you tested to see if bind is responding with something like nslookup?00:12
Slart_owh: I understand.. I just thought I would clarify00:12
ubuntupe# on /dev/sda100:12
ubuntupetitleMicrosoft Windows XP Professional00:12
FloodBot3ubuntupe: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:12
bzwingzeroI'm trying to add programs through the Add/Remove programs app, however nothing is listed. Any ideas why?00:12
mogi22n8tus, anyway its cool, i agree with you about not making up your own abbreviations.  i just thought HN was standard.00:12
mogi22owh, well all clients have full dns and web access.00:13
mogi22owh, i have 0 problems after the upgrade (and lots of troubleshooting) except this one weird difference00:13
owhmogi22: Yeah, but the clients need to be using *your* DNS, unless all your clients are visible on the Internet.00:13
oofusr13, this is eut from earlier. i have tried going to system -> hardware drivers but its just saying that "no proprietary drivers are in use on this system"00:13
Siertubuntupe: can you add "chainloader +1" on a new line?00:14
mogi22owh, well the only dns in their resolv.conf is the local dns/dhcp server00:14
mogi22owh, its one box00:14
ahddmHey guys I just bought a laptop with no cd drive and want to install linux but I don't have a large enough usb drive. Is there anything I can do my HD has 2 partitions if that helps00:14
mogi22owh, dhcp sets the dns entry for all clients00:14
owhmogi22: So my suggestion would be to run nslookup and lookup some stuff, including local names and see what it does for starters.00:14
tiyowan_Hi folks. Just wanted to let you know that the three undersea Mediterranean cables which were damaged about two weeks seem to have been completely repaired.00:14
Siertubuntupe: also make sure your harddrive  still contains XP, e.g.: fdisk -l /dev/sda00:14
mogi22owh, i have dhcp setting most everything for the clients except hostname00:14
mogi22owh,  ok gimme a sec00:15
bzwingzeroI'm trying to add programs through the Add/Remove programs app, however nothing is listed. Synaptic still sees all avaliable apps though. Any ideas why add/remove doesn't?00:15
owhahddm: You could setup a network boot image and install it across the Internet.00:15
Guest_560Thx tiyowan for the update00:15
ahddmowh: how I do that? network boot shows up but i dont know how to use00:15
ubuntupe2min to restart00:15
owhbzwingzero: What does the menu option next to the search bar say?00:15
Siertubuntupe: ok00:16
Lanais there a more advanced way to customize the colors of all the different parts of everything? I'm having the same problems that I did in windows with programs setting text to black or boxes to white so when I make my theme black background with grey text I can't see some things in programs because of how the programs set it00:16
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bzwingzeroowh: All Available Applications00:16
owhahddm: No you'd need to create a USB image of a network installer.00:16
Lanaand sometimes programs don't have a way to change certain colors00:16
ludditehi my laptop screen keeps flickering all the time. 8.10. any reason for this?00:16
maraboutowh: sorry to easedrop but can you direct me to a web source that will explain  network boot images and how to use them.00:16
owhluddite: Intel graphics card?00:16
LanaI thought the color configurations were all affected by ubuntu instead of the programs00:16
mogi22owh, ok so clients can lookup google just fine, but looking up local hosts "server cant find hostname:NXDOMAIN" which doesnt surprise me00:16
ahddmowh: so i still need a larger usb?00:17
mogi22owh, since  i cant ping them either00:17
ludditeowh - yes. Mobile Intel Graphics00:17
def my debian(it isnt mentioned in dmesg output ) doesnt detect my sata dvd drive(/dev/sr0) even I have loaded all necessary modules . Any solution , please ?  Kernel 2.6.26   Thinkpad R6000:17
Lanabut for example, I'm using the calendar in evolution right now, the task that I made in the calendar is white so I can't see the text on top of it00:17
owhahddm: No, the image is small. Lemmie look for a Ubuntu source for you and marabout00:17
ubuntupeok its works now but i have some quetion00:17
jinarion1 small question, in the theme manager, how do i "apply" a theme once i select it?00:17
Slart_jinarion: I think it's applied when you click it00:18
emerald_wurxAnyone know why installing linux-virtual installs and configures a -server kernel in my 8.10 install?00:18
owhahddm: marabout: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot?highlight=(network)|(installer)00:18
ahddmowh: I have a miniture image of ubuntu that fits i think its installer your saying but when i boot with it all i get is a flashing dot on screen00:18
jinarionhmmm..... doesn't seem to apply anything when i select or click it00:18
ubuntupeSlart_: how i can make to boot 1st the Xp and 2 ubuntu?00:19
mogi22owh, Slart_ i'm just baffled what has changed btwn gutsy and hardy that causes this?  obviously my config doesnt account for that change and thats the problem ... ?00:19
Slart_jinarion: you are in the system, preferences, appearance dialog, right?00:19
maraboutowh: thanks as I have a house full of children and am looking to set up ubuntu on a number of machines in the near future...00:19
Doc8404does anyone here know what a gpgme development package is?00:19
owhahddm: marabout: Same link, no highlights: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot -- that should cover it. Check the issues with Hardy.00:19
jinarion1 sec00:19
Lanaany suggestions about my coloring problem? I don't see any way to change the color of it in evolution00:19
ryanakcaAt boot, how can I have my swap be decrypted *after* my home partition? (the swap key is a file on /home, both partitions are in my crypttab, LUKS)00:20
ahddmowh: thanks alot hopefully it works00:20
Slart_ubuntupe: set the default setting in your grub configuration file00:20
owhluddite: On my machine it's because the TV output is being checked. If you have a little while, I can see if I can find the bug that outlined the issue. It's to do with the automatic resolution detection which queries the card including the TV output, which causes the flicker.00:20
ubuntupeSlart_: can you explein me how or show me?00:20
jinarionstart_ bingo thank you :)00:21
bzwingzeroI'm trying to add programs through the Add/Remove programs app, however nothing is listed, All available Apps is selected. Synaptic still sees all avaliable apps though. Any ideas why add/remove doesn't?00:21
owhbzwingzero: I'd use synaptic to update the package list and try again. Remember to quit the Add/Remove as well.00:21
emerald_wurxAnyone know why installing linux-virtual installs and configures a -server kernel in my 8.10 install?00:21
bzwingzeroowh: tried that already.00:21
gen5x4anyoe can help me to format a hardisk in ubuntu????00:21
ludditeowh - wow - thats amazing- ok - thanks. my laptop has the vga out - so thats probably the one being queried00:21
Slart_mogi22: well.. they changed a lot in gutsy and hardy.. I just use dhcp and dns for my small home lan consisting of a impressive 3 computers =)00:21
gen5x4i try gparted but its isnt working ?????00:21
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owhmogi22: So, then bind isn't talking to DHCP. I saw something to do with that. Which DHCP server are you using?00:22
maraboutohw: by the way do you know of a resource that discuss which machines are preferable for installing Ubuntu and which to avoid. I ask as i have an everex stepnote nc1502 that was a pain to get Ubuntu on and would like to steer clear of any other machines that have known issues.00:22
Slart_ubuntupe: run this in a terminal, "gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst"00:22
owhbzwingzero: Then I'm fresh out of ideas.00:22
gen5x4hey, does anonye can help me????00:23
mogi22owh, how do i tell00:23
ubuntupeSlart_: ok00:23
mogi22owh, i just use whatever ubuntu repos install00:23
owhmarabout: I'm guessing that was for me, no recommendations, the list is too variable. I get bitten regularly and I've been at this caper for 27 years :) Buy from a place where you're allowed to test or return if it doesn't work. Laptops are worst.00:23
ryanakcaAt boot, how can I have my swap be decrypted *after* my home partition? (the swap key is a file on /home, both partitions are in my crypttab, LUKS)00:23
Slart_ubuntupe: scroll down to where the long list of kernels are00:23
perilluxhow do I know what is using eth0 and what is using eth1?  I'm trying to set up firestarter and it's asking for both...00:23
ubuntupeSlart_: ok00:24
Slart_ubuntupe: starting on the first kernel, count how many there are.. start at 100:24
owhmogi22: dpkg -l \*dhcp\*00:24
SplexMy mousewheel suddenly stopped working on a recent update00:24
n8tusperillux -> what do you meant by what is using eth0 ?00:24
Splexany idea how to fix?00:24
bthorntonThose of you who use Evolution to manage your calendar: Can you recommend a good PDA that will synch easily with Evolution?00:24
Slart_ubuntupe: ie, count all the lines that start with "title"00:24
_sickwhen i login as a newly created user i just get a dollar sign, no matter in which folder i am. Is it normal?00:24
mogi22owh, 3.0.6.dfsg-1ubuntu900:24
Slart__sick: nope00:24
n8tus_sick yes it is normal00:24
owhmogi22: Huh?00:25
perilluxn8tus: not sure.. but when I set both options to eth0 it says: "The local area and the Internet connected devices can not be the same."00:25
mogi22owh, thats the version00:25
exodus_ms_sick: is ther anything in front of the $00:25
perilluxn8tus: so how do I know which is which?00:25
Slart__sick, n8tus: oh? I thought ubuntu did some fancy prompt thingy by default00:25
owhmogi22: Yeah, which application?00:25
n8tusperillux -> are you reading any  tutorials at all on how to create a router?00:25
_sickexodus_ms: no00:25
mogi22owh, what you mean dhcp3-server?00:25
exodus_ms_sick: no, that is not normal00:25
owhmogi22: Yup.00:26
n8tusSlart_ -> thats the common prompt  $ for the regular non-root user00:26
perilluxn8tus: no I just installed firestarter and I'm trying to run it00:26
maraboutowh:  yes sorry about the misspell.  that's good info on the laptops Thanks. I was planning to search some thrift stores for the computers so the return issue is kind of out but I will keep my ears open for which machines are better candidates. Thanks again00:26
ubuntupeSlart_: you mean to change root(hd0,1)  with (hd0,0)?00:26
emerald_wurxAnyone know why installing linux-virtual installs and configures a -server kernel in my 8.10 install?00:26
n8tusperillux -> what exactly are you trying to acomplish?00:26
Slart_ubuntupe: nope.. just count the lines that start with "title" see which number is the XP install00:26
mogi22owh, oh well yeah i have client server and common installed on server and client and common on clients00:26
perilluxn8tus: I just want to run firestarter thats it.00:26
n8tusemerald_wurx -> seems to make sense to have a server for running a vm00:26
_sicki used "useradd -d /home/testuser -m testuser" and "passwd testuser" and logged it. what else i have todo ?00:26
bzwingzeroI'm trying to add programs through the Add/Remove programs app, however nothing is listed, All available Apps is selected and I've reloaded my sources. Synaptic still sees all avaliable apps though. Any ideas why add/remove doesn't?00:26
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).00:27
ryanakcaAt boot, how can I have my swap be decrypted *after* my home partition? (the swap key is a file on /home, both partitions are in my crypttab, LUKS)00:27
n8tusperillux -> to do what?  to protect one interface or two or three?00:27
emerald_wurxn8tus: I'm trying to install the linux-virtual kernel onto my Ubuntu 8.10 server, which IS a virtual machine, for lack of software PAE emulation.00:27
perilluxn8tus: interface?00:27
eseven73!info luks00:27
ubottuPackage luks does not exist in intrepid00:27
ubuntupeSlart_:  its in 6 line00:27
n8tusperillux -> yes, nic card or so call network interface card00:28
unopryanakca, is swap declared before home in /etc/fstab?00:28
owhmogi22: Yes, but there are different dhcp servers available, so now we know which one you're using. I'm hunting docs for you at the moment.00:28
TheFunkbombAccording to the subject line in #bcm-users, b43-fwcutter is broken in Intrepid.  What do I use then?00:28
Slart_ubuntupe: then go to the top of the file.. look for the setting for "default"00:28
perilluxn8tus: I don't know if I have any network interface cards00:28
n8tusemerald_wurx -> i dont know what will come out of it, virtual over a virtual00:28
ubuntupeSlart_:  ok00:28
Johneim trying to get my ibook g4 'ctrl+click' for my right click since i only have a 1 button track pad, any ideas why mouseemu isnt working when i uncomment out the ctrl + click portion?00:28
Slart_ubuntupe: it's set to "0" right? might be "saved" too00:28
n8tusperillux -> you have to have at least one to communicate, without it, you have an anchor on your desktop00:28
emerald_wurxn8tus: I just find it weird that even though I'm specifying the virtual image it is installing the server image...or is that expected on a server install?00:29
_sickexodus_ms: i used "useradd -d /home/testuser -m testuser" and "passwd testuser" and logged it. what else i have todo ?00:29
ubuntupeSlart_:  ok 2min00:29
n8tusemerald_wurx -> why dont you just let it go through its pace?00:29
smacnaywhen doing a dialup ppp connection in ubuntu, should there be a listing with the "route" command - It just hangs (like the attempted ppp connection) when I use "route" to see the status.00:29
perilluxn8tus: I just connect to a linksys router which connects to the internet00:29
emerald_wurxn8tus: The virtual machine will not start with the -server kernel - no PAE support.00:29
mogi22owh, if you tell me what to google, i can happily hunt too.  e.g. dhcp not talking to bind?00:30
smacnayI think the dialup problems I have stem from there being no route with the ppp connection.00:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bind00:30
smacnayNot sure how to address this so that it works when I use either wvdial or pon/poff.00:30
emerald_wurxn8tus: The -virtual kernel is supposed to fix that, and does, in 7.04 and 7.10...00:30
MOUDgood night all00:31
ubuntupeSlart_:  i am sorry man i cant understand what i have to make 000:31
frankS2Hi, I am running ubntu hardy.. should i upgrade? It would be great with some new apps00:31
frankS2but i dont want the bleeding edge00:31
frankS2thank you =)00:31
n8tusemerald_wurx -> if it does not work, then you have to ask the folks that created those for the distro00:31
Slart__sick, n8tus: ok, I just created a new user and the default command prompt for a terminal is <username>@<computername>:<path>$00:31
emerald_wurxn8tus: Arighty then, thanks00:31
perilluxn8tus: I just want to know which one is eth0 and which one is eth1, "Internet connected device" and "local area device"00:31
n8tusperillux -> in a terminal  type      ifconfig   and it will tell you00:32
Slart_ubuntupe: near the top of that file is a line that says "default           0", can you find it? on my computer it's line number 1400:32
ryanakcaunop: yes00:33
perilluxn8tus: ok I see eth0 and eth1 with a bunch of stuff after each, but I still don't know how to tell which is which...00:33
WebcamWonderGuys, how do I check which version of nvidia is loaded currently?00:33
Slart__sick: you didn't select sh as shell for the user, instead of bash?00:33
ubuntupeSlart_:  aa yeah00:33
ubuntupeSlart_:  i find it00:33
Slart_ubuntupe: change the 0 to whatever number you came up with before..00:34
_sickSlart_: when can i define it ?00:34
unopryanakca, what i might do is have the swap partition mounted by a command in /etc/rc.local00:34
n8tusperillux -> may i suggest you read up some tutorials on networking?  pull the cat5 cable out and experiment, see what happens to the ifconfig  command results00:34
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_sickSlart_:sry, where....00:34
Slart__sick: I think it's in the file /etc/passwd .. you can look at it by running "cat /etc/passwd" in a terminal00:35
ryanakcaunop: oooh, yes, that would work. Many thanks :)00:35
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Slart__sick: find the line with the username of the user you created00:35
garrettjman, I have some messed up sound issues going on and nothing seems to help00:35
perilluxn8tus: why do I have to be an expert on this stuff just to run the firewall?00:35
vjacobhello all. If I get a VFS error upon booting my new kernel, is it due to not having an initrd file (and if so where do I get it from) or can it be because kernel options needed by ubuntu were left out during kernel configuration?00:36
owhmogi22: http://www.debianadmin.com/howto-setup-dhcp-server-and-dynamic-dns-with-bind-in-debian.html00:36
Slart__sick: see if it says ":/bin/sh" or ":/bin/bash" a the end of the line00:36
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n8tusperillux -> firewall stuff is for experts, you want it secured? you hire a professional okay?00:36
ryanakcaWhen encoding with lame, is it possible to use '--new-vbr -V 3 --freeformat'  ? --freeformat requires a -b (minimum bitrate), but isn't that handled by the VBR quality (-V 3)?00:36
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vjacobryanakca: you might want to check out also #hydrogenaudio00:37
_sickSlart_: it says: testuser:x:1000:1000::/home/testuser:/bin/sh00:37
perilluxn8tus: I want to learn, but it just makes sense to me to at least be able to use the firewall while I learn about it.. i can't even use it until i get past this setup, and I can't do that until I figure out which is eth0 and which is eth1..  can't u just tell me?00:37
ryanakcaperillux: You want to run firestarter?00:38
perilluxryanakca: yes00:38
addo65How can I set the behavior of rt-clk-empty-trash to use sdelete or a custom command?00:38
ryanakcaI've never used it, but, I'm guessing you have two cards and that you're trying to figure out which card is eth0 and which one is eth1 ?00:38
n8tusperillux -> i gave you a hint,  ifconfig  will tell you00:38
ryanakcavjacob: thanks00:38
Slart__sick: ok.. on the end of it it says ":/bin/sh" ... that's the login shell.. sh is a ... slimmer shell used mostly for running scripts.. bash has some extra features for when you use it in a terminal00:39
Slart__sick: is this a desktop install?00:39
cexpert1All: Any good sight to find Admin work?00:39
Slart__sick: ie, you run gnome?00:39
Slart_cexpert1: #ubuntu-offtopic00:39
_sickSlart_: no00:39
markpeewhat are you00:39
n8tuscexpert1 -> they seemed to outsourced it to india, i cant find one for me self :(00:39
saerahow to get my microsoft lifecam xv-1000  running on ubuntu ibex?00:39
vjacobryanakca: looking closer at the irc channel, I'd check out their forums instead if I were you. They're buffs with this kind of stuff.00:39
ryanakcan8tus: If he is having a hard time with firestarter, I doubt he'll be able to figure out what ifconfig's output means...00:40
ryanakcavjacob: *nod*, thanks00:40
agentdentonDoes the installer allow me to select an already existent LVM Logical volume as root partition?(I already have LVM all settled and the ubuntu logical partition ready to be used)00:40
n8tusryanakca -> thats why i suggested to him to do a tutorial on networking, and he quipped, its too hard00:40
owhluddite: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/275152/comments/2100:40
owhSo, everyone's problems fixed now -- I've done my good deeds for the day? :)00:41
* owh waits patiently for an avalanche...00:41
eseven73!cookie | owh00:41
ubottuowh: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!00:41
_sickSlart_:it wouldn't bother me, to not see where i am. but i also cannot run apps. i mean: "./setup" fails...00:41
ryanakcan8tus: Setting up a basic firewall should *not* require aquiring a vast amount of knowledge about networking.00:41
=== kaiser is now known as Guest88690
Slart__sick: mm.. hang on.. just a sec00:42
ryanakcaperillux: (repeat) I've never used it, but, I'm guessing you have two cards and that you're trying to figure out which card is eth0 and which one is eth1 ?00:42
WeezzZlooking for french chan pls ???00:42
cexpert1n8tus: Naw they are out there. Personnally my company builds high end servers, and we usually get Admin retainer for 10-40 hrs a month, cause they don't want full time, but need an Admin.  Got to have 50-100 of these contracts to make enough to eat.00:42
ryanakca!fr > WeezzZ00:42
ubottuWeezzZ, please see my private message00:42
perilluxryanakca: that is correct00:42
owhvjacob: Yah?00:42
Cadman21can someone tell me where to find some good desktop themes? that are easy to install?00:43
kgodwinOh, for anyone who was dying of interest about my DVD issues...it turns out that DVD's soundtrack was fucked up. Apparently, that was enough to stop libdvd from letting me play it...but it sort of played in windows ;)00:43
vjacobowh: i get a VFS error when booting my new kernel, is it most likely due to not having an initrd setup working or could it besomthing else?00:43
Slart__sick: ok, run this "chsh"00:43
batcoder-7the more i use xubuntu the more i think xfce and gnome are similar00:43
kgodwinCadman21, what desktop?00:43
tiyowan_Cadman21: Gnome-Look's a pretty popular place.00:43
garrettjI keep reading that pulse is horrible for audio and to remove it, is this true?00:43
owhvjacob: What is the actual error?00:43
ryanakcaperillux: ok. Do you have any means for identifying the two cards? Do you know the ip address of each card?00:43
Slart__sick: it will ask you for your password.. then it will ask you for a new shell.. tell it to use "/bin/bash"00:44
vjacobowh :/ didn't write it down must admit00:44
eseven73kgodwin: please keep it clean in here.00:44
owhvjacob: Then all we're doing is getting wet :)00:44
kgodwinI'm a terrible person ;(00:44
frankS2? intrepid00:44
perilluxI know the address of eth100:44
frankS2?? intrepid00:44
markpeehang on00:44
vjacobowh: hmm, that's a wonderful expression00:44
Slart_garrettj: some people have problems with it.. it just works for other00:44
perilluxryanakca: I know the address of eth100:44
agentdentonwow this chan is pretty fervent00:44
markpeewhats the off-topic channel ?00:45
Cadman21tiyowan: I have ubuntu.8.10 I have used Gnome-look before but I always have trouble installing the themes correctly.?00:45
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:45
owhvjacob: Akin to: "Don't eat the yellow snow."00:45
vjacobowh: why is it that I'd rather read man initrd than simply reboot+write?  ;)00:45
TheFunkbombdoes anyone know to get a working copy of b43-fwcutter?  I hear the one in Intrepid is broken00:45
perilluxryanakca: when i do ifconfig it shows an address for eth1 but no address for eth000:45
xineltry ifconfig -a00:46
tiyowan_Cadman21: Interesting. I'm on 8.10. Could you please describe what type of trouble you had? Perhaps someone could look into it.00:46
ryanakcaperillux: ok. And what is it that firestarter is asking you?00:46
ryanakcaTheFunkbomb: worked here...00:46
_sickSlart_: Thank you very much !!!00:46
TheFunkbombthan ryan00:46
TheFunkbomberr ryanakca00:47
Slart__sick: you're welcome00:47
Cadman21tiyowan: I can never get the menu bars/panels to change or anything like that and my icons on the panel freeze. or don't show up00:47
Lanais there a plugin for xchat or another irc program for linux that can allow me to set a certain nickname to highlight, like in mirc? so that every line a certain user says is highlighted and makes my taskbar flash00:47
barnAnyone know how to massage a csv file with Thunderbird contacts into something I can import into gmail?00:48
perilluxIt has 2 dropdown boxes, both have two options "eth0" and "eth1".  One dropdown box is for local area device and the other is connected network device.00:48
Slart_Lana: I think xchat does that without any plugins.. have you checked the preferences?00:48
perilluxryanakca: It has 2 dropdown boxes, both have two options "eth0" and "eth1".  One dropdown box is for local area device and the other is connected network device.00:48
vjacobdo I even need initrd at all, or can it just be disabled?00:48
unopLana, xchat has that under "Nick names to always highlight"00:48
Lanayeah I've set highlights, but from what I can see it only lets me select words in lines00:48
Lanaoh, I didn't see that, I'll look now00:49
tiyowan_Cadman21: Does this happen when you try to install just one particular theme? Or with different themes as well?00:49
ryanakcaperillux: Is 'lo' one of those options?00:49
perilluxryanakca: no00:49
rubysohohi there... are there anyone here from the philippines00:49
rubysohohi there... are there anyone here from the philippines00:49
=== christiekoehler is now known as christiekoehler|
ninjabuntuanyone know of an out of box Duplex Laser printer that works with ubuntu? I'm running 8.1000:50
LnxSlckrubysoho, we heard you the first time00:50
linkmaster03What package in the repos contains the 'libglade' module for Python?00:50
Lanaunop, hm I don't see where it says that00:50
LnxSlcklinkmaster03, apt-cache search libglade00:50
perilluxryanakca: I found a tutorial for setting up firestarter, it says to use eth0 for first box, then uncheck a certain option which disables the second dropdown box.  I tried it and it works00:50
n8tusninjabuntu -> HPlaserjet 4si the old workhorse00:50
Slart_!ph | rubysoho, not sure if this is the right channel.. check it out00:50
ubotturubysoho, not sure if this is the right channel.. check it out: Join #ubuntu-ph for tagalog00:50
unopLana, Settings - Preferences - Chatting - Alerts - Highlighted Messages - Nick names to always highlight:00:51
ryanakcaperillux: the connected one is eth1 because, well, it's connected to your network and eth0 isn't :)00:51
cuchyanibody speak spanish !!?00:51
ninjabuntun8tus: 4si00:51
Cadman21tiyowan: I tried probably ten different ones. do I have to install the menu panels separately?00:51
Slart_!es | cuchy00:51
ubottucuchy: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:51
linkmaster03LnxSlck: i tried that and i have libgladeui-1-7, libglade2-dev, and libglade2-0 installed00:51
LnxSlcklinkmaster03, so?00:51
LanaI have a different copy of xchat I guess, I don't have that menu00:51
linkmaster03LnxSlck: ...so i'm in here asking the question because python has no libglade module00:52
Dr_willisLana,  theres xchat, then theres xchat-gnome also.  I perfer xchat.00:52
LanaI just installed the one in the add/remove ubuntu app manager00:52
Slart_Lana, unop: are we talking about xchat or xchat-gnome?00:52
=== WubNet_ is now known as Androis
perilluxryanakca: ok it actually gave an error, and then I switched it to eth1 and it started the firewall properly, thanks for you help00:52
LanaI don't know, this is my first day using ubuntu heh00:52
LnxSlcklinkmaster03, so you need something like python-libglade00:52
ryanakcaperillux: at least, I believe that that is the correct answer. If not, try  switching them. If not, ping me and I'll try to help you.00:52
garrettjI love ubuntu, but I'm sick of having to be an expert on every single thing just to get simple stuff to work... like SOUND00:52
unopSlart_, Lana, Xchat 2.8.600:52
tiyowan_Cadman21: No, actually. You don't need to customize the panels separately for themes. Are you willing to do some testing with me? :)00:53
Slart_Lana: in the applications, internet menu.. is it called Xchat or xchat-gnome ?00:53
Lanaah, I have xchat-gnome 0.1800:53
Lanajust looked at the about in help00:53
Cadman21tiyowan: could you recommend one that has mac like menu bar?00:53
Lanait's the only copy of xchat in there, guess I'll have to install that one manually00:54
Cadman21tiyowan: yeah I would be glad to00:54
samdive read about speeding boot by enabling multicore in the boot process, aparently this is done by changing a line in /etc/init.d/rc, does this seems safe?, anyone heard of this, link = http://www.dailygeeks.com/howto/make-ubuntu-boot-faster-by-running-boot-time-scripts-in-parallel/00:54
garrettjAmarok plays mp3s through my 3 front speakers, but totem only send it through the front speaker00:54
Slart_Lana: look in synaptic.. system, administration, synaptic package manager.. search for xchat00:54
ninjabuntuAny other options? 500+ is a little steep for me...00:54
phrostbiteIs there a way for me to transfer files from my laptop which has ubuntu to the family pc that has windows vista?00:55
unopsamd, it's safe and does not make much of a difference00:55
Slart_Lana: it is available from the "Add/Remove" thingy too.. you might have to change to "Show: All available applications" though00:55
unopphrostbite, sure, samba00:55
samdunop, alright, do you recomend making it?00:56
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.  Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/21209800:56
phrostbiteoh ok. Thank you. Also is there a way to install windows xp on a partition and share some of the media like music that i have with ubuntu on the other partition that has windows?00:57
n8tusphrostbite -> you can have putty running scp in windows to securely download the files from ubuntu, but that does not mean you can easily use the files in windows format00:57
Barridushmmm, what's the best way to install a flash player for hardy? download it from adobe or use synaptic00:57
tiyowanCadman21: I apologize for the delay; my connection was lagging badly due to too many torrents. I've paused them.00:57
Barridus(a recent flash player(00:58
LanaI see it, it's just called xchat and has the version 2.8.400:58
Jack_Sparrowphrostbite, yes00:58
phrostbiteHow would I do that?00:58
phrostbiteOr does it do it by default?00:58
Cadman21tiyowan: its cool00:58
Slart_Lana: that sounds like the one00:58
tiyowanCadman21: If you want to run a quick test, we could install some extra themes from one of the packages in the repos. Perhaps you could first test those to see if we could pinpoint the problem?00:58
batcoder-7anyone here know any really good keyboards ?00:59
Cadman21tiyowan: sounds good which one should I download?01:00
tsrkis there any way for a user to see their own password?01:00
tiyowanCadman21: Splendid. Let's get cracking. Open up a terminal and type the following cmd, please: "sudo apt-get install community-themes"  The community themes package contains three or four themes, like Dust, Kin, and New Wave.01:01
unoptsrk, not really - as passwords are stored internally as one-way hashes01:01
tsrkunop, are they readable by the user?01:01
tsrkunop, in fact, where are they stored on ubuntu?01:01
unoptsrk, well yes and no - if shadow passwords are enabled - only the superuser can read them01:02
aprilhare!ipv6 > aprilhare01:02
ubottuaprilhare, please see my private message01:02
unoptsrk, /etc/shadow01:02
jacktowis there a way to set 'date of last metadata change' of a file to an arbitary date on linux?01:02
tsrkunop, is that enabled by default?01:02
Cadman21tiyowan: ok its installed.01:02
unoptsrk, i believe so, yes01:02
tiyowanCadman21: After the package is installed (the cmd has finished running), I would like you to go to System -> Preferences -> Appearance, and verify whether some new themes have showed up in the box. Then, I would like you to try some of them out, like especially Dust, and verify whether the menu panels change.01:02
tsrkunop, ok, thanks01:02
jrib!cn | tianhua01:02
ubottutianhua: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk01:02
BenBhey... "apt-get update" and friends hang for me when fetching from the network... it says "waiting for headers..." and sits there. only release.pgp works. wget from the same server works fine.01:03
tiyowanCadman21: If the community themes do in fact work, then that would suggest that the themes you are getting from gnome-look aren't being installed properly.01:03
unoptianhua, what language is that?01:03
Lanathank you, I didn't even have to re-do the settings01:04
Lanait's perfect01:04
dragobrdoes anyone recommend me a irc server?01:04
dragobran irc server for home usage01:04
Cadman21tiyowan: there are there the panels don't change but the windows look different01:04
unavailablehey is there a way to prevent redirects?01:05
unavailableserver redirects?01:05
tiyowanCadman21: Do the panels become a dark grey when you try out the dust theme?01:05
grendal_primehey guys..i got a couple of things that are making me nuts here...01:05
maraboutunop: looks like Pinyin01:05
BenBdragobr: I had the same problem... I only found the custom ones for the big IRC networks (and maybe crappy ones), but none suited for single server use for a closed circle :(.01:06
unop!info  ircd-irc2  | dragobr01:06
ubottuircd-irc2 (source: ircd-irc2): The original IRCNet IRC server daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.11.1p1+dfsg-2 (intrepid), package size 361 kB, installed size 828 kB01:06
Barridusargh, i got a problem and i don't even know the terminology to describe/search for it.  this "dropdown" menu in the network settings window just comes up with a small white line instead of a list of possible network connections to configure.  screenshot -> http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i44/solidus0079/Screenshot-2.png01:06
grendal_primefirst of wich...i cannot run x11vnc on my ubuntu boxes..i get an error about there being some sort of higher level xserver running?01:06
Cadman21tiyowan: yeah they do this one seems to work.01:06
=== exodus_m1 is now known as frustrated
J0niiHello, I wonder if there is anyone who would like to give me with some help?01:07
Cadman21tiyowan: is there a theme that I can get from the repositories that has a a dock kinda like mac?01:07
tiyowanCadman21: Well done. :) The good news is that your graphics are fine. Right then.01:07
danielejoin /#ubuntu-it-chat01:07
grendal_primesecond of wich..has anyone got ekiga working?  I have tried on 3 different machines now..i get an error that is two big for the dialog box its displayed in and i cannot resize it (something about my router and stunn?  i think)  the video seems to work fine but i cannot get the sound to work at all.01:07
shoto1699Does anyone here know how to install a driver for 2wire?01:08
habitHello. I have not sound @ 3gp movies. Advice me please.01:08
danielejoin/ #ubuntu-it-chat01:08
tiyowanCadman21: If you'd like a mac-ish doc, then there is an application you can install for that. Avant Window Manager.01:08
shoto1699I cannot seem to get my internet to work.01:08
tiyowanCadman21: It's an application which will put that Mac dock on your desktop. Then you could hide the bottom panel and use that instead.01:08
BenBhabit: you don't have the right audio codec for the files that you try to play.01:09
Cadman21tiyowan: so can I sudo apt avant window manager?01:09
markpeefucking hell01:09
markpeeare we allowed to swear here????01:09
tiyowanCadman21: If you'd like to try it out, I think the proper command is, "sudo apt-get install awn"01:09
Barridusno ideas anybody?  i need to change what's on the "hosts" tab for my wireless and i can't get there because the dropdown is messed >_>01:09
habitBenB, how can I know which is right?01:10
ardchoilletiyowan: on Intrepid it's: sudo apt-get install avant-window-navigator01:10
J0niiAnyone willing to help a complete Linux newbie?01:10
tiyowanCadman21: Just a quick tip. Some the package names are quite abbreviated, so if at any point you aren't able to find a specific package, then use the synaptic package manager from system -> admin.01:10
Cadman21tiyowan: so is it better to try and find themes that are the repositories?01:11
ardchoilleCadman21: apt-cache search avant01:11
Cadman21tiyowan: ok01:11
BenBhabit: depends on the program you use... if you use mplayer on the console, it usually tells you about the codec and complains that it can't play it.01:11
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox01:11
Cadman21ardchoille: thanks01:11
tiyowanCadman21: Not at all. :) Let's get you started with the dock first, eh? "sudo apt-get install avant-window-manager"01:11
ardchoilletiyowan: s/manager/navigator/01:12
vooxanyone know why urban terror has really poor performance even with compiz off? (i can barely move the mouse)01:12
procoderselam karprensi01:12
ludditewh : thanks for your good deeds Sir :-)01:12
karprensiprocoder a.s nere geldim ben:)))01:12
=== frustrated is now known as exodus_ms
procoderingilizce konu015fmazsak atarlar çakt0131rma :):01:13
karprensiprocoder harici turk varm0131 heyyoo:)))01:13
ardchoilleEnglish only here please01:13
J0niiI can't seem to get Ubuntu to connect to my network01:13
procoderoki. ardcholle01:13
BenBit seems that drescher.canonical.com is not working right. security. or cc.archive. redirects me to it, and drescher redirects me to archive.ubuntu.com, which redirects me back to drescher, which then just sits there and doesn't return any headers.01:13
procoderyour from01:13
karprensiprocoder ne dior bu kufretmesin:))01:13
unop!tr | karprensi01:14
ubottukarprensi: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.01:14
procoderanlad0131klar0131 dilden ( langue ) konu015f ( speak )01:14
tiyowanCadman21: Once you get the dock installed, then browse over to gnome look and tell us the theme you'd like to install. Then we'll give that a go and see how it pans out.01:14
karprensiheyyyyyyyyyyyy ne dionuz lem:)))01:14
Cadman21tiyowan: that didn't work. I got couldn't find package error...01:14
unopkarprensi, we only speak English here01:14
phixhey, well this is annoying, ssh'ing to a debian box, using irssi within a screen, when switching windows (or actually using any program that uses ncurses) it doesn't clear and display screen properly01:15
BenBdrescher.canonical.com broken: http://pastebin.ca/1304823 - who to contact?01:15
phixI need to press CTRL+L to refresh the screen01:15
karprensiprocoder ne dior bu Bungatti01:15
J0niiI can't seem to get Ubuntu to connect to my network01:15
phixwhat could be causing this? ssh? irssi? libncurses? screen?01:16
eseven73karprensi: English please01:16
Bugattivecino de la france!!!01:16
BotLobstaso i just resized my root, home, and swap partitions and now whenever I try boot into my newest kernel, it beeps very loudly at me until I have to hold the power button to shut it off.  Does anyone have any idea as to what is wrong?01:16
Bugattii am in spain!01:16
maraboutanyone know if Ubuntu will run on an emachine with Celeron 600MHz (w/128KB L2 Cache) ?01:16
karprensieseven73 bilmiom ingilizce:))01:16
tiyowanCadman21: I went a bit wrong with the name. ardchoille pointed out the correct one. It's "sudo apt-get install avant-window-navigator" I'm sorry about the silly typos, but I've been looking at some code for the last few hours.01:16
Bugattijojo amigo karprensi xD01:16
eseven73!english | all three of you01:16
ubottuall three of you: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat01:16
phixBotLobsta: how did you resize it?01:16
phixBotLobsta: did you reinstall grub to the master boot record after resizing?01:16
BotLobstaphix, I booted into a livecd and used gparted01:16
unopphix, i would say screen - try setting   flow  auto   in your ~/.screenrc01:16
phixunop: ok01:17
karprensiyahu bilmiom ben ingilazca:))01:17
BotLobstaphix, no, but I did rerun update-initramfs.  and my other, older kernels can boot01:17
phixBotLobsta: hmmmm01:17
phixunop: I will try that now, BRB :)01:17
karprensiprocoder 015f015f015f015f01:18
Lanawhat will allow me to do more customized color configurations? I want to color window borders and title bars, etc01:18
Cadman21  tiyowan: yeah that one worked. so then I need to pick a theme from gnome-look?01:18
ardchoilleCadman21: if you're going to use avant window navigator, also check the repos for awn-plugins, there were two sets last I looked.01:18
marabouthow does one take a picture of the screen in hardy?01:19
mrwesprint screen key01:19
ardchoillemarabout: hit the Print Screen key01:19
phixhmmmm that didn't work as expected01:19
fumanchu182you need to use hte screen cap program01:20
fumanchu182gnome or kde?01:20
phixok lets try again01:20
phixsweet, pressing CTRL+A CRTL+F to use flow on seemed to have worked01:20
spydroidfinally have everything working perfectly on my toshiba 305d-6851 notebook  :)  thanks to those that helped01:20
tiyowanCadman21: Yep, I'll leave playing around with the dock up to you. So now try going over to gnome look and checking out a theme which you want. Paste the link here please so I could walk you through installing it.01:20
phixok, maybe not01:20
ludditehow can i open the Service Manager from command line ?01:20
phixwhen I type something in irssi and press enter, it doesn't clear it properly on the typing line thingy, and it doesn't show the text correctly, it may show the cursor in a random position but htat is it01:21
unopluddite,  gksu services-admin01:21
maraboutthanks - will http://paste.ubuntu.com take .png images?01:21
phixforcing flow on seems to have caused it not to happen as much01:21
tiyowanardchoille: I've got a slight problem I could use help with. For the last five minutes, I've got the force quit applet window stuck smack dab in the centre of my desktop. Pointers to killing it? :)01:21
phixunop: any other ideas?01:21
TheFunkbombdoes anyone know how to work b43-fwcutter well?01:22
ardchoilletiyowan: alt+f2 and xkil?01:22
Flannelmarabout: No, try imageshack.us01:22
Cadman21tiyowan: this one looks nice. http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Yakano+-Colors-?content=9588501:22
tiyowanardchoille: The process is dead already, but the window's still there. :)01:22
Barriduscan someone point me in the direction of a guide on how to install stuff that was installed via command line?01:23
ardchoilletiyowan: try dragging another window over it and see if it disappears01:23
ardchoilletiyowan: may be an artifact01:23
Barriduserr, UNininstall stuff?01:23
maraboutFlannel: thanks i'll try. I've been getting persistent screen freezes on my machine. Any tips on running diagnostics/troubleshooting to find out what could be causing it?01:23
tiyowanardchoille: Other windows go under it. X)01:24
ardchoilletiyowan: :(01:24
ludditeunop - thanks man - i googled it but no go01:24
ardchoilletiyowan: No idea, sorry01:24
TheFunkbombI can't get my wireless card to work01:24
ardchoilletiyowan: Is it waiting for input via the window or a tray app or some such?01:24
Flannelmarabout: Is it just the screen?  Can you switch to a tty? or REISUB your way out of it?01:24
Serachtis ubuntu 64 more difficult to use than ubuntu 32?01:24
CircsHow does one forcibly unmount a volume?01:24
steroHello guys! After I updated my system I cant access the Network share anymore .. I can access the "share" but i cant see my other computer01:25
tiyowanarchoille: "Click on a window to force the application to quit. To cancel press <ESC>"01:25
tiyowaner, ardchoille.01:25
adam7Seracht: no, not really01:26
ardchoilletiyowan: did <ESC> do it?01:26
tiyowanCadman21: Right. Download the Compiz/Beryl theme.01:26
tiyowanardchoille: Hehehe. Nope. It's ok. I'll get rid of it.01:26
steroHello guys! After I updated my system I cant access the Network share anymore .. I can access the "share" but i cant see my other computer01:26
unopphix, you could try my .screenrc out - i can't remember the option name :)  http://pastebin.com/f25803ee01:26
ardchoilletiyowan: acn you alt+left-click and drag that window out of the way?01:27
Cadman21tiyowan: ok got it01:27
gaintsuracould someone help me figure out why my system is doing this? Jan 10 05:44:19 systemx kernel: [ 5009.987488] APIC error on CPU0: 40(40) | Jan 10 05:44:19 systemx kernel: [ 5009.983447] APIC error on CPU1: 40(40) it just started after the latest kernel (I only have enough room on my /boot for 1 kernel)01:27
Cadman21tiyowan: it comes in a tar.gz?01:27
maraboutFlannel:  just a sec i'll try to do something01:27
TheFunkbombCould someone please help me?  I'm trying to get my bcm4306 wireless card to work.  I've tried ndisgrk, ndiswrapper and b43-fwcutter without success.  Although I do have the driver in the restricted driver menu, pressing activate won't activate it01:27
adam7TheFunkbomb: plug into the internet with a cord and run sudo apt-get update, then try the restricted manager01:28
Flannelmarabout: Another good 'diagnostic' tool is after the freeze, can you still ssh in and do stuff?  (since then its just a graphical/software issue, instead of a full lock up)01:28
TheFunkbombI don't have an ethernet wire :(01:28
TheFunkbombI lent it to my brother01:28
TheFunkbombstupid brothers :/01:29
grendal_primedoes anyone have ekiga working?01:29
Melio1i always wondered how to get that app to work01:29
tiyowanCadman21: Yep. tar.gz is equivalent to zip in linux. :) Now just hang on a second while I try to install this.01:29
Melio1we should probalby ask in the ekiga channel wherever it is01:30
Cadman21tiyowan: ok01:30
adam7TheFunkbomb: you have to run apt-get update before using the restricted manager; I don't know why, but it has never worked for me without that01:30
maraboutFlannel:  yeah i just ssh'd into it no problem01:31
TheFunkbombadam7, I'll get an ethernet cord and give it a shot01:31
steroHello guys! After I updated my system I cant access the Network share anymore .. I can access the "share" but i cant see my other computer01:31
LexvegasTheFunkbomb, try this, it has good reviews. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20190201:32
tiyowanCadman21: Ah ok. :) I understand your problem now. See the themes you selected, it's not a Gtk+ theme.01:32
DoomHello all01:32
DoomIs andy or mak on?01:32
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots01:33
Cadman21tiyowan: so it has to be a GTK?01:33
Serachtadam7 with ubuntu 64 should i look out for anything?01:33
futsuriai_Hello, been trying to figure out why 'tsocks' doesn't play nice with things, when run with, say, Opera, it gives an error saying the library can't be preloaded from LD_PRELOAD01:33
Doomhaving trouble installing01:33
futsuriai_Using 64 bit 8.1001:33
tiyowanCadman21: Not really. See...customizing the linux is a bit different than other OSes. It's not like "one whole thing".01:33
TheFunkbombLexvegas, I will try that as soon as I get an ethernet cord01:34
TheFunkbombwait, what time is staples open til?01:34
TheFunkbombanyone know?01:34
Cadman21tiyowan: does it matter between GTK1.x or GTK2.x.01:34
tiyowanCadman21: You have the choice of individually customizing different *parts* of your GUI, like the widgets.01:34
Doomhere anyway01:34
tiyowanCadman21: Pick something from GTK2.x01:34
Cadman21tiyowan: ok01:35
tiyowanCadman21: I'm trying to find a link that really helped me to customize Ubuntu. Wait one.01:35
steroMy Network share has been messed up after updating :(01:35
maraboutFlannel: I can run the gnome-terminal on the machine can I use that to diagnose any issues since it appears to be graphical/software01:35
DoomI cant even get it installed i got ya beat01:35
rambo298just replaced my R/only CD with a rewritable DVD/CD (Sony) drive; works fine but I want to copy a DVD/movie and Brasero shows the drive as "Status: the medium is not writable"; does that mean the DVD is not writable or the "drive"?01:36
BotLobstaSeracht, about the only big thing is that adobe flash plugin doesnt work the best using the one in the repository.  but you can find one that works well on the adobe site01:36
futsuriai_No tsocks experts, then =( ?01:37
Flannelmarabout: well, you know its not a hardware issue (that's good) and not a kernel issue (also good).  But, I... don't really have any good methods fr tracking down the offending software unfortunately01:37
T1whats the best bittorrent client for ubuntu01:38
rambo298anyone for this => just replaced my R/only CD with a rewritable DVD/CD (Sony) drive; works fine but I want to copy a DVD/movie and Brasero shows the drive as "Status: the medium is not writable"; does that mean the DVD is not writable or the "drive"?01:39
ddr4anyone know how to show X errors on the desktop background01:40
SerachtBotLobsta how about drivers?01:40
Serachtdo they work straight out of the box01:40
ayandeim chaning from suse to ubuntu, is it a big change?01:40
Serachtliek the nvidia experimental drivers?01:40
maraboutFlannel: i'm thinking it is the track-pad software/driver (gsynaptics?) Is there a way to  pursue my hunch?01:40
Seracht(I have a dell xps 1330 if it matters)01:40
Doomanyone from the forum here?01:41
BotLobstaSeracht, every driver ive seen works for me including the nvidia ones01:41
unop!forums | Doom01:41
ubottuDoom: The Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. There is also a channel on IRC Freenode #ubuntuforums.01:41
BotLobstathe only ones that might not is if you get a driver for some external piece of hardware01:41
McFrostyAnyone know the Download link for Gnash PowerPC?01:42
adam7Seracht: the only thing to watch out for is that some proprietary 32bit apps may not run01:43
adam7Seracht: if you plan on using only free software there is no reason not to go 6401:43
Cadman21tiyowan: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/BlueSpace+II?content=78633 does this one work?01:44
Serachtok cool adam701:44
SerachtI'll try it out01:44
tiyowanCadman21: http://ubuntulinuxtipstricks.blogspot.com/2008/12/compiz-emerald-metacity-what.html <- This is what I was looking. It's a good explanation of what the different themes are for. Like what does an emerald theme change, what's metacity/compiz, etc.01:45
ddr4what nvidia drivers would i use for the  nVidia Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200] (rev a1)01:46
kroffewhat is ssh? and is it better then ftp?01:46
vjacobdoes a "make" in kernel compile usually do some spring cleaning, before it gets started, or will it just go through directories and skip files that are already compiled?01:47
YoyotoI'm trying to get a better grasp of how to use linux in general, could anyone point me in a good direction of where to start please?01:47
Cadman21tiyowan: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/BlueSpace+II?content=78633 this is the GTK one that I picked.01:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about documentaion01:47
vjacobyoyoto: try looking on youtube for easy to get started tutorials01:47
BotLobstaddr4, the nvidia-glx-96 package01:48
ddr4BotLobsta: ok01:48
Yoyotovjacob, Thanks, preferably I'd rather not watch videos, I want to have like a basic knowledge of commands and such, I've learned a bit through trial and error01:48
Melio1acer aspire one , ubuntu 8.1o works well01:48
tiyowanCadman21: That Bluespace is a GTK theme. Ok, I'll describe how to install those. Just open up System -> Pref. -> Appearance | Theme. And just click and drag the tarball you downloaded into the theme window.01:49
vjacobyoyoto: how do you prefer to learn, continually through trial and error or by reading a book01:49
Melio1i'm testing it out. the site doesnt really get into the webcam config ect. but i don't care about it01:49
maraboutanyone know where I can find the minimum system requirements for installing Ubuntu on a celeron machine01:49
Yoyotovjacob, Well I like examples that I can try that way i can get a grip on what to do, but I prefer to read because I don't like rewinding and pausing videos01:49
vjacobmarabout: they're the same as most other pcs, you probably want >512Mb of RAM01:50
usr13marabout: I don't think there are any "minimum system requirements"  It just runs slow on slow machines and faster on faster ones.01:50
vjacobyoyota: if I were you I'd just google with some keywords like 'linux introduction book" or "linux tutorials step-by-step"01:51
Lexvegasmarabout, I run ubuntu normal install on an old laptop with 256Mb, but i wouldnt reccomend it01:52
maraboutvjacob: so if the machine doesn't have that much ram forget it. Or are there some work arounds, use an earlier Ubunut or...01:52
vjacobmarabout: as laxvegas writes01:52
rainabbaWhen I use sudo in a terminal, it frequently takes up to a minute for a password prompt, or for the password to get confirmed. My system is a Q6600, with 8GB DDR21066 RAM, 4x500GB SATAII drives in RAID5 and is otherwise VERY responsive. What's going on?01:52
vjacobmarabout: you could try something lighter than ubuntu however01:52
Yoyotovjacob, i'm kind of looking for some reccomended guide.....01:52
vjacobrecommended by who, all of us, or one of us01:52
vjacobthere are soo many guides man :)01:53
Cadman21tiyowan: that worked :) so how do I get the dock program to run?01:53
usr13marabout: I have a P2 800MHz machine and it's not fast but it runs ok.01:53
tiyowanCadman21: Applications -> Accessories -> Avant Window Navigator. :)01:53
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rainabbaAvant didn't impress me.01:53
rainabbaTrying Kiba right now.01:54
tiyowanCadman21: Do check out the link I posted. It has a good explanation of the different parts of the GUI you can "skin" in Ubuntu.01:54
Yoyotovjacob, one, all, whatever, the google option was my instict, but I thought maybe I'd find something recommended by people01:54
Yoyotoinstinct ***01:54
maraboutvjacob: ive got an old emachine 600mhz 128ram just pulled out of the garage  I was hoping to put Edubuntu on for the children. Is that just wishful thinking?01:54
vjacobmarabout: edubuntu... I'd say yes, you don't want them falling asleep01:54
tiyowanrainabba: Agreed.01:54
vjacobmarabout: what you could do is to get some ram for them, however I'd venture to say next moment you01:55
Lexvegasmarabout, maybe xubuntu with educational software?01:55
usr13marabout: Put more RAM in it.01:55
vjacobwillbe upgrading the next component (video)...then processor...even a real low end computer these days is better than that old machine01:55
tiyowanCadman21: I guess what I'm trying to point out is, you have a *lot* of choice over how you want to mix and match the different parts of your GUI. It'll take a while, so don't get frustrated. :)01:55
vjacobyoyota: one of the things I've noticed after starting to use linux is that there is no right/wrong in terms of alternative except what you like. Personally, I've never read such a book01:56
usr13marabout: But if you run fluxbox rather than gnome or KDE it will use quite a bit less memory.01:56
TheFunkbombokay, I got me an ethernet card.  As soon as the room is clear, I'll hook it up01:56
vigomarabout: There is a Xubuntu that is rather minimalist.01:56
Yoyotovjacob, I guess it will be a long night of googling and going guide to guide >.<01:57
TheFunkbombI don't want to lay a 14 foot cable across the room while people are still mulling about01:57
steroHey Guys! this is really strange sometimes I cant see my network shared folders and when I see I cant access them01:57
jalonsoHey guys Wondering if you could help me with something01:57
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maraboutvigo: tell me more...01:57
usr13jalonso: Just state your questions01:58
vjacobyoyoto: start with "ubuntu guide", linux.com... personally I just google on a case by case basis, e.g. "problem ubuntu" and read01:58
vigomarabout: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements check that out01:58
tiyowanmarabout: openbox is a good one I think if you're low on resources.01:58
sterohow can I fix my network share?01:58
maraboutusr13: dont know anything about fluxbox. Tell me more please01:58
Cadman21tiyowan: Well thanks for all the help. I'm great full. so can I download themes for awm dock as well?01:58
Yoyotovjacob, I like to be preventative rather than wait till a problem arises, if I can learn how to do things before they happen01:58
rikkimaruCan someone with some knowledge of driver support for Creative Labs X-Fi sound cards give me a hand?  I'm trying to figure out what I need to do to get my sound working (preferably ALSA)01:58
vigomarabout: That link is for you,,and any one else that is interested in minimal specs01:58
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.01:58
Dexihey guys, frets on fire didnt reset my resolution when it quit, so now i can only see a small portion of my screen and its in a HUGE resolution01:58
jalonsoI just bought an nvidia  9800 geforce card for my pc and my power supply blew out is there any way these two could be connected ?01:59
Dexijalonso, yes.01:59
exodus_msYoyoto: --> http://www.ubuntugeek.com/free-ubuntu-linux-e-books.html01:59
rambo298any use k9copy and brasero to copy/burn a dvd?01:59
usr13marabout: http://fluxbox.org/01:59
NeantHumainWhat I find wrong about Ubuntu is that regular system/security updates regularly break driver settings. Every time the kernel is updated, I have to use EnvyNG to reinstall the NVidia drivers.01:59
Dexijalonso, you should have at least a 500watt for that01:59
tiyowanCadman21: No problem at all. :) Yes, you can download individual themes as well for some applications. AWN has plenty of themes, too. Just look around, take it easy, spend a couple of days setting up your desktop, and you'll be all set.01:59
vjacobyoyoto: okay, that's good too, just don't forget that linux is also trial/error01:59
vigoexodus: Good one!01:59
Yoyotovjacob,  I realize, but one of my friend keeps calling me lower than a Noob when I ask him questions, I'd like to not have that02:00
qqxcould anyone explain this to me please?: http://wiki.bluez.org/wiki/HOWTO/AudioDevices#ServiceActivation02:00
Cadman21tiyowan: well thanks again.02:00
vjacobwell we've allbeen there02:00
Yoyotothanks exodus_ms Is this a good thing to subscribe via RSS? I'd love some new content02:00
zelrikriandoCadman21, do you like docks?02:00
jalonsoDexi: I was using a 500wt02:00
Yoyotovjacob, Ya know I assumed that, but when I responded with I have to start somewhere he just bashed me more >.<02:00
gizmoyou here using bot also?02:00
qqxhttp://wiki.bluez.org/wiki/HOWTO/AudioDevices#ServiceActivation <-- do i type this into terminal or add this to .asoundrc?02:00
sterohow can I fix my network share? I Really need some help02:01
glennsomeone i nreally need help with my nvidia drivers and my desktop effects!!!02:01
vjacobyoyoto: as they say... consider your own progress, not in comparison to others02:01
Cadman21zelrikriando: yeah02:01
exodus_msYoyoto: try it out, see what you think, there is usually some good things on there, but I will let yoube the judge of that :)02:01
tatvjacob good saying!02:02
steroDo I actually have to use the "sudo nautilus" to share files in ubuntu?02:02
Yoyototat, I wanted to say that, but they left >.<02:02
usr13marabout: but you can do a normal install and the system will run ok, will just be slow.  Firefox will take 10 seconds or so to load, but the file manager will only take about 3 or 4 seconds.  Something along  those lines.02:02
vigoHow do I access a CAD program on the Windows partition of this box?02:02
tatYoyoto: haha02:02
TheFunkbomboh sweet, Predator is on Cinemax02:02
Yoyotoexodus_ms, anychance you've read any of these books?02:02
qqx!ot | TheFunkbomb02:03
ubottuTheFunkbomb: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!02:03
rambo298any use k9copy and brasero to copy/burn a dvd?02:03
glenncan someone help me i have a issue with my nvidia drivers02:03
Yoyotooh also, just being curious I'd like to know if anyone uses a twitter application? neither of the ones on the add programs list work for me, and I don't like prism, currently I settled for spaz which uses adobe air, I don't like adobe AIR02:03
MikeHis there any other way to get java working in firefox on an x64 box other than with IcedTea? A particular applet that apparently works under hardy isn't working correctly for me (Intrepid)02:04
maraboutusr13: that's not too bad sounds. kind of like Vista with only 1.5gb of Ram LOL02:04
qqxhttp://wiki.bluez.org/wiki/HOWTO/AudioDevices#ServiceActivation <-- do i type this into terminal or add this to .asoundrc?02:04
BotLobstaglenn, whats wrong with them?02:04
exodus_msYoyoto: I can't say that I read any of them completly, I usually just browse for a subject I'm intersted in at the moment02:04
maraboutusr13: but it sounds like I should install with an alternative CD to get the best results right?02:05
usr13marabout: Well, yea... way better than vista.  Vista is a hog.02:05
glennbotlobsta, i don't know i installed the restricted drivers but i can't enable the desktop effects.02:05
Yoyotoexodus_ms, well what has helped you?02:05
BotLobstaglenn, are you trying to use compiz?02:05
usr13marabout: You could probably go either way, but alternate CD would be a safer bet.02:05
ayandewhats the root password for ubuntu?02:05
usr13ayande: There isn't onw02:05
usr13ayande: There isn't one02:05
exodus_msYoyoto: more importantly I was trying to express that there is too many resources to list here for what you are looking for.02:05
carandraug!root | ayande02:06
ubottuayande: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo02:06
Lexvegas!root | ayande02:06
steroDo I actually have to use the "sudo nautilus" to share files in ubuntu?02:06
Yoyotoexodus_ms, well firs thing I'd like to tackle is basic terminal use02:06
glennbotlobsta, yeah. but the thing is before i installed the drivers i turned off the compiz effects via appearance (if that has anything to do with it02:06
ayandebut i cant install anything without the rights02:06
exodus_msYoyoto: hold on...02:06
usr13stero: Why not?02:06
steroayande: sudo02:06
qqxhttp://wiki.bluez.org/wiki/HOWTO/AudioDevices#ServiceActivation <-- do i type this into terminal or add this to .asoundrc?02:06
sterousr13: ?02:06
shoto1699Anyone here know how to install a driver for 2wire(usb)02:07
shoto1699I get errors when trying to install the driver02:07
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)02:07
carandraugayande: in the few cases sudo doesn't cut for you and, you really really have to be root,  try "sudo su"02:07
BotLobstaglenn, are there any error messages when you start compiz?02:07
tiyowanshoto1699: A driver for what?02:07
glennbotlobsta, when i try to enable the effects via appearance i get a error saying cannot enable effects02:08
maraboutusr13:  ok I will do alternate. I have to go back to a prior response as someone mentioned install via USB and it looks like the CD tray on this is not happening. thanks02:08
shoto1699tiyowan: 2wire02:08
shoto1699tiyowan: 2wire does not have a drivver for linux02:08
sterogetting so pissed of at this network sharing thing :( damn updates :(02:08
shoto1699tiyowan: without it i cannot go on the internet02:08
BotLobstaglenn, does anything show up when you run02:08
usr13marabout: Very well, I'm sure you'll do ok.02:08
Lexvegasshoto1699, i think he means what is 2wire02:08
glennbotlobsta, run what?02:09
BotLobstaglenn, when you run 'lsmod | grep nvidia' in a terminal02:09
shoto16992wire is my modem name02:09
glennbotlobsta i'll try it. can i open a PM with you?02:09
BotLobstaglenn, sure02:09
Oversheein xfce, how do I get the 'taskbar' back?02:09
tiyowanshoto1699: Um, it's a DSL modem right?02:09
kantlivelonganyone here have an nvidia 9800GTX and have drivers 180.22 working??02:09
shoto1699tiyowan: yes02:10
tiyowanshoto1699: Ok...how are you trying to connect to your computer? Through USB?02:10
shoto1699tiyowan: yes02:10
steroCant anyone help me with network sharing? I can access the computer folder where I have stored some files but it does not show any files02:10
Oversheein xfce, how do I get the 'taskbar' back?02:11
jtz100how do ya change gui in ubutu02:11
tiyowanshoto1699: Hmm...do you see it when you type "lsusb" from a terminal?02:11
AndyCAre there always this many problems with the Ubuntu forums?02:11
shoto1699tiyowan: nope02:11
usr13AndyC: What problems?02:11
vigoNvidea Driver stuff>>>https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia02:11
carandraugAndyC: no02:11
tiyowanjtz100: To try out the different desktop environments, you'd use "sudo apt-get install *ubuntu-desktop" where * is x for xfce, k for kde, and empty for gnome.02:12
qqxhttp://wiki.bluez.org/wiki/HOWTO/AudioDevices#ServiceActivation <-- do i type this into terminal or add this to .asoundrc?02:12
carandraugusr13: "Looking into issues with database corruption. We'll be back shortly. Ubuntu-geek "02:12
usr13AndyC: You mean people having issues.  Well, did you see how many there on this channel?02:12
Gun_SmokeIs there no i368-desktop jigdo available?  I only see amd64, alternate, and server files available?  What gives?02:12
AndyCYep, that error02:12
tiyowanshoto1699: Is it not possible for you to get a standard gateway from which you could connect to your gateway via wire or wireless?02:12
shoto1699uh wut?02:13
shoto1699i only have one gateway02:13
Lexvegasshoto1699, using ethernet02:13
shoto1699i cant use ethernet02:13
Jack_SparrowAndyC, offtopic, this is a support channel, most of these 1200+ users are idle02:13
tiyowanshoto1699: Why can't you use ethernet?02:13
shoto1699this is a old computer02:13
shoto1699doesnt have it02:13
vigojtar100: Do you mean background or complete interface ?02:13
tiyowanshoto1699: It has USB, but it doesn't have ethernet?02:14
shoto1699no the modem has ethernet and usb02:14
shoto1699but my computer does not have a ethernet card02:14
shoto1699and if i do get one i have to buy a router02:14
shoto1699which i do not want to spend money on right now02:14
Oversheecan you change resolution from terminal >.<02:15
tiyowanOvershee: "man xrand"02:15
Oversheewrong channel02:15
patxthen leave02:15
tiyowanshoto1699: Ok, has someone already setup your 2wire in your home?02:15
AndyCJack_Sparrow: Sorry for going off topic.  I was just wondering if the Ubuntu forums alway have as many issues problems as they have the last two days.  (Issues as in errors with the forum, not user issues.)02:15
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.  Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/21209802:15
Fracturedsamba is slooow02:16
Oversheetiyowan, no manual entry for xrand02:16
Oversheeim in xfce02:16
Jack_SparrowAndyC, forums occasinally get overloaded or get updated they are seldom down for long02:16
tiyowanOvershee: Google's your friend. xrand works with X; your desktop env. would be irrelevant to its functionality I think.02:17
maraboutanyone had any experience putting Ubuntu onto a USB drive to do an install?02:17
Oversheei am googling02:17
tiyowanshoto1699: Could you please give me the model number of your DSL modem, please?02:17
Lexvegasmarabout, i believe 8.10 has a boot usb creation tool pre-installed02:18
Oversheenothing is helping02:18
shoto1699model is 1000SW02:18
Gun_Smokemarabout, look at unetbootin02:19
goudkovis there a way to enter ascii code similar to using alt+number?02:20
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate02:20
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hibby having cifs/samba troubles... anyone reckon they can throw a hand in my direction?02:21
tiyowanshoto1699: http://www.pcliquidations.com/item.asp?id=1096 <- According to the specs the USB functionality will only work on Windows 98, ME, or 2000. For other OSes you need Ethernet.02:21
shoto1699i partitioned my hd for no reason02:22
RichardWolfVIHello, I'm looking for a simple videoconferencing app for Ubuntu, any suggestions?02:22
evinI formatted a hard drive I never mount and when I restarted my computer the notification area no longer worked properly02:22
tiyowanshoto1699: You've been suckered into one of those "WinModem" type things.02:22
kantlivelonganyone here have nvidia drivers 180.22 working??02:22
shoto1699tiyowan: some ppl got it working02:23
tiyowanshoto1699: Just buy an inexpensive NIC and put it in your PC to get ethernet working.02:23
shoto1699tiyowan: but iono02:23
shoto1699tiyowan: the ethernet slot is taken02:23
eliYo, how do I enable ExpressCard support in ubuntu02:23
shoto1699tiyowan: so i will have to spend money for a router -_-02:23
LexvegasRichardWolfVI, Skype?02:23
tiyowanshoto1699: No. You don't understand...buying a router won't solve the problem.02:24
maraboutGun_Smoke: looks good! checking to see if the emachine is usb bootable. thanks02:24
huff3rdoes Ubuntu satanic edition have their own channel?02:24
Gun_Smokejigdo i386-desktop?  Not the server or alternate.. anyone know why it isn't available?02:24
shoto1699tiyowan: i know that i need a ethernet card02:24
FibonacciLexvegas: Not Skype - it's not free.02:24
RichardWolfVILexvegas: Well, I've already tried it, but I found some quirks on it.02:24
Gun_Smokemarabout, good to hear.. saves a lot of disks.02:24
shoto1699tiyowan: i've tried ethernet on another computer and it works02:24
hibbyRichardWolfVI: Ekiga?02:24
Jack_SparrowLexvegas, Yes it is02:25
FibonacciI couldn't get it to work from behind a router, not in my machine or RichardWolfVI's.02:25
evindoes anyone know how to reset the notification area so that the icons don't appear in windows?02:25
Jack_Sparrowhuff3r, Offtopic..02:25
RichardWolfVIhibby: The person I'm trying to reach is behind a router, and has been unable to use it.02:25
hibbyJack_Sparrow: It's not open, though... and has terrible linux sound support02:25
tiyowanshoto1699: I'd recommend visiting your local PC store. :)02:25
wrb123i installed ubuntu 8.10 and tried to set up networking. chose manual, clicked and added my ip, subnet mask, gateway, and DNS, clicked OK, and it wont connect. when i went to edit it again, the netmask ( entered) is showing up as just 2402:25
shoto1699tiyowan: iono i think ill just un partition my hd02:26
linux_newbieI've installed ubuntu/winxp can someone please tell me how to recover grub inorder to dual boot?02:26
* tiyowan thanks Jack_Sparrow02:26
Jack_Sparrownp we dont need that02:26
Fibonaccilinux_newbie: grub-install I think02:27
RichardWolfVIlinux_newbie: !grub02:27
markpeeid like to no how to get RID of multiple boots...02:27
Lexvegas!grub | linux_02:27
ubottulinux_: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:27
Lexvegas!grub | linux_newbie02:27
ubottulinux_newbie: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:27
RichardWolfVILexvegas: Thanks02:27
linux_newbieFibonacci: thanks for replying.02:27
tritiummarkpee: do you mean multiple kernel entries in the grub boot menu?02:27
LexvegasRichardWolfVI, np02:27
eliHow do I enable ExpressCard support in ubuntu?02:28
dkulchenkowhy is my system using 400MB of swap, when I can see by htop that there is 600+MB free memory?02:29
FibonacciLexvegas: also, does Ekiga support text chat? I think not...02:29
LexvegasFibonacci, I wouldnt know I never use Ekiga02:30
cmv583can anyone assist with usb ( ext. HDD )install from iso. i've read a ton and still can't figure this out. Used unetbootin and have ldlinux.sys file that I don't know what to do with. I checked properties and it is read/write and executable ( i think).02:30
tiyowandkulchenko: What applications are you running?02:31
cmv583gedit doesn't recognize it either02:31
Dante123hi all, just helping a buddy setup his new DYI barebones kit.  There is a fan in the middle of the case....what kind of power does it plug into?  Standard plug like for cdrom drive or one of the cables coming from the front of the unit which I *think* is for led lights, extra fans etc.  Or does it plug into someplace on mobo?02:31
Jack_SparrowDante123, offtopic, but they plug onto the board . read the manual02:32
woody86can someone help me out? For some reason my USB drive went from 2GB to 300mb capacity for no reason? I've tried formatting it in Windows twice now, but still same thing02:32
linux_newbiethanks for all the helping me fix the grub... imma gonna restart and see how it goes02:32
Jack_SparrowDante123, or at least look at the pretty pictures02:32
dkulchenkotiyowan: Drapes(wallpaper switcher) using 200MB of swap, Firefox using ~350MB of swap, and Terminal using about 140MB of swap. (all these programs are using about 65KB of res memory each)02:32
tiyowanDante123: The folks in #hardware could help you out.02:32
kristian_could someone please explain why my results for traceroute: http://paste.ubuntu.com/103001/ differ from for example: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Traceroute.png ?02:32
Jack_Sparrowwoody86, Were you using it for an OS?02:33
tseughello I'm using Ubuntu, and my firefox will not close when I try clicking the x, or alt+F4; how do I force this to close?02:33
tiyowandkulchenko: Would this be firefox 3 by any chance?02:33
dkulchenkotiyowan: you are correct.02:33
wrb123what does everyone suggest here for # of partitions for an ubuntu install, and what / to put on what partition?02:33
Dante123Thanks Jack_Sparrow!  (BTW- I hate manuals!!! ;-) ) Second question, we want to partition his hard drive so that his home folder resides on its own partition.  He has a 1000 gb (1 terabyte) sata drive.   What amount would you recommend for Ubuntu OS and what size for Home (likely the rest of space)02:33
woody86Jack_Sparrow, I was using it as a means to install an OS, but didn't actually have one installed on the USB02:34
Jack_Sparrowtseug, Which version of ubuntu, which version of firefox02:34
xineltseug: open a terminal window and type "ps aux | grep firefox" with out the quotes02:34
tiyowandkulchenko: It's a firefox memory leak problem.02:34
dkulchenkoDante123: if you're going to be gaming, 200GB for Ubuntu would be good. if not, 60GB will be plenty02:34
dkulchenkotiyowan: is it documented somewhere?02:34
tiyowandkulchenko: Lot of folks suddenly find firefox taking over their system all of a sudden. 3.0.4?02:34
xineltseug: then find the one that says /usr/lib/firefox02:34
tseugJack_Sparrow, the latest version, the "Ram animal"02:35
tiyowandkulchenko: Google for "firefox memory leak"; you'll find loads and loads of reports.02:35
xineltseug: the type "sudo kill -15 the first number"02:35
dkulchenkotiyowan: 3.0.502:35
tseugxinel, ok I see a x-3.0.5/firefox02:35
xinelagain without the quotes02:35
Jack_Sparrowtseug, Please type lsb_release -a in a terminal and tell us exactly what it shows02:35
tiyowandkulchenko: It's an OS-independent problem. (read: Mozilla's fault)02:35
=== tritium_ is now known as tritium
tseugxinel what is "the first number"?02:36
dkulchenkotiyowan: thanks. I'll look it up online.02:36
xinelno that doesn;t sound right02:36
tseugxinel  4969?02:36
tiyowandkulchenko: No worries, mate.02:36
tseugor 58572?02:36
Jack_Sparrowtseug, Please type lsb_release -a in a terminal and tell us exactly what it shows02:36
xinelshould be the one right after your name02:36
Fibonaccitseug: pgrep firefox02:36
Lanacan anyone help me with advanced color customization? any other interfaces I can use for it? the normal appearance menu in preferences doesn't give me much to work with02:37
tseugxinel, that worked02:37
xinelFibonacci: nice trick that one, will remember that02:37
tseugwhat does that do?02:37
tseugpgrep firefox02:37
xinelgives u the number straight away02:38
Fibonaccithat's it.02:38
WebcamWonderxinel: Or you could use killall firefox :)02:38
qqxhttp://wiki.bluez.org/wiki/HOWTO/AudioDevices#ServiceActivation <-- do i type this into terminal or add this to .asoundrc?02:38
xinelWebcamWonder: doesn;t always work for me02:38
xinelso i go with what always works for me :P02:38
Fibonaccixinel: you could try killall -9 firefox then.02:39
xinel-9 is a hard kill02:39
xinel-15 is a nice kill02:39
tiyowanLana: What are you trying to achieve?02:39
tritium!enter | xinel02:39
ubottuxinel: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:39
WebcamWonderqqx: The first is a script in python, and the second is a command line script02:39
LanaI just want to be able to put borders around windows and in between menus in windows and change the color of the title bar in windows02:39
Fibonaccixinel: -9 always works, so I use it as a last resort.02:40
xinelis tritium a bot?02:40
tritiumxinel: no, I'm not.  ubottu is.02:40
Jack_Sparrowxinel, No he is  not02:40
xineli knew ubottu is02:40
WebcamWonderLana: Emerald provides more customization in terms of window borders, but requires compiz02:41
kristian_could someone please explain why my results for traceroute: http://paste.ubuntu.com/103001/ differ from for example: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Traceroute.png ?02:41
qqxWebcamWonder, how do i go about executing the script02:41
tiyowanLana: http://ubuntulinuxtipstricks.blogspot.com/2008/12/compiz-emerald-metacity-what.html <- to get stated. Then just get some themes off of Gnome-Look. If you are unsatisfied with the themes there, then I'd suggest into looking into designing your own, if you have the time to spare.02:41
WebcamWonderqqx: You need python, which I do not know about much. Your best bet would be ##python perhaps02:41
qqxthanks WebcamWonder02:41
xinelwhats the file extension of the script?02:41
seaqkristian: because you're behind a firewall with ICMP restricted02:42
sharmz_754hey all anyone abble to help with dual monitors?02:42
Lanaok, thank you, I'll look02:43
Jack_Sparrowsharmz_754, HAve you read through the factoids02:43
tiyowanWebcamWonder: Are the compiz people continuing development on emerald?02:43
sharmz_754yeah the config i have looks to far from the 1-2-3 noob guilds, im scared to risk it02:43
BenBheh, X evdev thinks my USB audio is a keyboard :-) http://pastebin.ca/130486902:43
rhetorichi, having a bit of trouble after dist-upgrade to hardy here02:44
rhetorici removed all the screenlets i previously had set to load on startup in the prefs->sessions dialog, but they all still load at startup02:44
WebcamWondertiyowan: Compiz people aren't doing development themselves, I doubt they will do anything with regards to emerald02:44
rhetoric i tried closing them all and saving the session, to no avail02:44
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
tiyowanWebcamWonder: Roger.02:44
maraboutFlannel: here is the link to that screen freeze I was getting a little while ago. http://img241.imageshack.us/img241/7412/stuckscreenshotxz4.png - I am showing you this since the window dragging that I am getting happens infrequently. Perhaps you have encountered it before.02:45
Flannelmarabout: Not I, no.02:45
tiyowanRight, I'm off. Bye folks, and thanks for the help.02:45
sharmz_754Its a ati 9600 video card, i let ubuntu upgrade to another driver, and the config doesnt make sense to me, i was wondering  if somone can help?02:46
Yoyotohmmm Ya know I'm kind of curious as to what a good antiviruis software is02:47
nicestar999có ai không???02:47
sharmz_754trying to setup  dual monitors02:47
=== jonathon is now known as valros
Flannel!vn | nicestar99902:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about vn02:47
verso I try to run my live cd and I get the error buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block....etc etc, anyone know how to remedy this problem?02:47
Yoyoto>.< ok problem, Suddenly my add/remove application thing is not populated02:47
FibonacciYoyoto: I myself use Avast! for Windows machines, but you don't need one on Ubuntu.02:47
YoyotoI use NOD32 on windows02:47
mrgenixusYou can use CLAM on ubuntu02:47
valroshey how can i install 64bit flash(firefox) must i really use a 32bit browser02:48
ubottuYou can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava02:48
Melio1i use opera for flash these days02:48
xinelwell isn;t that handy02:48
chrishi, i was wondering if someone could help me find out why i can't delete files in my samba share from a windows machine. im using ubuntu 8.1002:48
Melio1it seems to be more stable in opera..02:48
nicestar999i don't like ubuntu.......02:48
mrgenixusif I have a binary tarbal, is there a way I can create a package from it, in order to uninstall i later?02:48
Melio1nicestar999: what do you like02:48
verso I try to run my live cd and I get the error buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block....etc etc, anyone ???02:48
mrgenixusnicestar999: don't start a flame war here02:48
Jack_Sparrownicestar999, Then you are in the wrong channel, this is ubuntu support.02:49
BotLobstavalros, flash has come out with an alpha 64bit flash plugin.  it works perfectly for me02:49
mrgenixusver: you probably have a failing optical drive02:49
mrgenixusOR it's SATA and not fully supported02:49
verit's not recognizing the dvd rom correctly02:49
valroscan anyone answer this, i386 and i686, 32bit and 64bit intel architectures or what?02:49
Yoyotoanyone ever have this problem? where add/remove is empty?02:49
WebcamWonderBotLobsta: Any websites that refuse to work in that alpha plugin? I would like to scrap my nspluginwrapper02:49
tokyoaheadguys I have an application here that fails w/o any error (lotus notes 8.5), is there anyway I can generate a logfile to see what goes wrong?02:49
BotLobstaWebcamWonder, not that ive found02:49
mrgenixustokyoahead: are you running it from terminal?02:50
chrisi've been working on this for three days is there someone who can help?02:50
BotLobstahere is the link for it: http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html02:50
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:50
rhetoricanyone know the file(s) that actually get changed when i edit startup programs in the gnome sessions dialog?02:50
mrgenixustokyoahead: or from the menu?02:50
tokyoaheadmrgenixus: no, but you are right I should do that, then I would see right/02:50
mrgenixuschris: I missed your question02:50
WebcamWonderBotLobsta: Yeah, it would be a pain to redo the 32bit with nsplugin if something doesn't work properly02:50
mrgenixustokyoahead: if there's an error...02:50
vermrgenixus: yes it's sata02:50
exodus_msIs there an application to extract html links from a file using the terminal?02:50
mrgenixusver: might not be supported yet, what liveCD?02:50
tokyoaheadmrgenixus: how can I find out the binary of the progr4am in the menu?02:50
vermrgenixus: sorry 8.1002:51
tinker_I'm using Ubuntu 8.04 on a 6 year old PC. I have been using Ubuntu for several years and everything done to that machine in terms of drivers has been done by Ubuntu.02:51
tinker_I recently tried to upgrade to Ubuntu 8.10 and got this error message02:51
tinker_This computer is currently using the NVIDIA 'nvidia' graphics driver.02:51
FloodBot3tinker_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:51
BotLobstaWebcamWonder, i never really got nsplugin to work for me.  i would have to restart it all the time02:51
chrismrgenixus i have samba set up to fat32 on 8.10 and my windows machines cannot delete files from the share02:51
kristian_seaq : could it be my modem?02:51
mrgenixuschris: the issue is in your samba config probably02:51
tinker_What is flooding?02:51
vermrgenixus:should I run 6.06?02:52
kristian_tinker_ : writing multiple lines fast.02:52
mrgenixusfirstly, check the fs permissions anyhow, just because the fs doesn't natively support them doesn't mean the kernel hasn't limited access anyhow02:52
tokyoaheadtinker flooding is pasting or wiriting more than 3 lines in short succession02:52
FreeTuxTepaneed some help02:52
tinker_okay, thanks02:52
mrgenixuschris: you can reset them with chmod 777 -R /media/fat32-disk02:52
chrismrgenixus yes, in smb.conf but i've done everything i can think of, i really need someone to help me find out what im doing wrong02:52
mrgenixusver: 6.06? I don't know02:52
FreeTuxTepai got a flatbed scanner artec_eplus48u02:52
mrgenixustry a different drive if you have one02:52
kristian_tinker_ : write all as one line or post your text at http://paste.ubuntu.com02:52
chrismrgenixus logged in as root?02:52
rhetoricanyone know the file(s) that actually get changed when i edit startup programs in the gnome sessions dialog? i deleted a bunch of screenlets but they still load every time... (saved session w/o them also)02:53
FreeTuxTepaand i install kubuntu 8.1002:53
mrgenixuschris, you're logged into samba as root02:53
YoyotoHmm I can't find anything about the add/remove programs list being empty02:53
tinker_I'm trying to upgrade from 8.04 -> 8.10, the update manager complains it can't find a driver for my video card, yet I've had ubuntu on my box for years.  Anyone know why this now a problem?02:53
maraboutmy emachine disk drive is broken and it cant be booted via USB. is there a way I can connect it to my machine which is running hardy and do an install from it to the emachine?02:53
mrgenixuschris: do I have that right?02:53
VSpiketinker_: nvidia dropped support for anything older than 6-series in the nvidia proprietary driver02:53
chrismrgenixus nop i just sudo, but i did /bin/bash the other nite02:53
mrgenixuschris: logging in via samba as root is a bad idea, and that might be why you're locked out02:53
mrgenixusI see02:54
tinker_VSpike, so Ubuntu can't get it because Nvidia no longer has it to offer?02:54
rhetorici can find tons of forum posts about folks who cant get things to load at startup, but nothing about folks who cant get things to NOT load at startup :(02:54
nicestar999because i can't speak english and i don't known.02:54
chrismrgenixus o boy how do i fix that?02:54
Jack_Sparrowmarabout, You can swap hard drives, install and swap back, there is no copy protection like windows to prevent that from working02:54
tokyoaheadhow can I find out the binary that is opened if I click on a netry in the applications menu?02:54
=== john is now known as Guest81218
mrgenixusto reset the permissions? yeah, logged in as root, or not, as long as you can write the files, you chould be able to make them readable,writeable,and executeable by anybody02:54
vermrgenxius:do you know if my sata controller has the dvd rom as a slave if that would afect it?02:55
mrgenixusbut chmod 777 makes them pretty-much free-and-clear02:55
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection02:55
mrgenixusver: sata doesn't support master/slave02:55
WebcamWondertokyoahead: Right click on the menu, select edit menus, and there you can edit and find the path of the executable02:55
chrismrgenixus not on this machine02:55
verit says it is in my BIOS02:55
monkey_d_luffyIsn't this the way to output stdout and stderr to a file?    2>&1   1>  LOG.txt02:55
mrgenixusver: then it's not Sata02:55
monkey_d_luffyit's not working02:55
tinker_I'm I stuck in 8.04 because my video card is too old to have a new driver for 8.10?02:55
mrgenixusver: how old is the drive?02:55
markpeever, please dont intefear in my business..02:55
vernot what the bios says, everest says it's scsi02:55
mrgenixustinker_: what card?02:55
verbrand spankin02:55
tokyoaheadWebcamWonder: thansk02:56
Dante123dkulchenko we took your advice...thanks!02:56
VSpiketinker_: what is your card?02:56
mrgenixusver: how new is the liveCD?02:56
crdlbmonkey_d_luffy: command &> file is a shortcut02:56
vergot it today02:56
tinker_Im getting the info02:56
IndyGunFreaktinker_: somehow i'd find that very unlikely, but until you tell us what card, its hard to say02:56
tinker_01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV18 [GeForce4 MX 440 AGP 8x] (rev a2)02:56
timmydcan someone help me get my mouse working under X11? ubuntu 8.10 screwed it all up. i was happy on 8.04 because it worked02:57
mrgenixusyou need the legacy driver02:57
kafaenanyone know how to get ubuntu to stop asking for pass every time i log on from suspend?02:57
mrgenixusit's supported02:57
mrgenixusI've using02:57
IndyGunFreaktinker_: use the legacy driver, it should be fine02:57
rhetoricanyone know the file(s) that actually get changed when i edit startup programs in the gnome sessions dialog? i deleted a bunch of screenlets but they still load every time... (saved session without them also)02:57
level_5anyone here using a Sprint Broadband with Ubuntu? I'm told it self configures but mine isn't working02:57
mrgenixuskafaen: it's an option on the user-login/out icon under preferences, I think02:57
maraboutJack_Sparrow:  I dont have a desktop that I can use to do that just a laptop. the desktops in the house are all running mac OS X02:57
mrgenixusver: have you tried a memory check02:57
WebcamWonderrhetoric: Try Administration -> Services02:57
tinker_INdyGunFreak,  how do I do that?  Do I install the driver myself then run update manager?02:57
IndyGunFreaktinker_: uh, no.. it should be in restricted driver manager I would think.. (System/Admin/Hardware drivers)02:58
sharmz_754i need help configing dual monitors i have read the DIY and cant make heads or tales02:58
maraboutJack_Sparrow:  I can access the BIOS on the emachine but since their is no O/S I guess I am stuck there correct?02:58
IndyGunFreaksharmz_754: nvidia or ATI?02:58
WebcamWonderrhetoric: http://library.gnome.org/admin/system-admin-guide/2.14/sessions-3.html02:58
tinker_IndyGunFreak; do you mean go there before running update manager, ask for a new driver then run update manager?02:58
mrgenixuschris: how's it going? may I pm you direct so I don't lose the chat?02:58
IndyGunFreaktinker_: no,  after you update, it *should* work after you enable it.... do you have it enabled on 8.04?02:59
mrgenixuskafaen: fix your issue?02:59
rhetoricwebcamwonder: that might help, thanks02:59
chriswhats the chmod thing again?02:59
WebcamWonderrhetoric: npz02:59
vermrgenxius:yes memtest86, md5s on the disk image, burned @ 4x02:59
tinker_IndyGunFreak;  Yes there is just a single thing at that path and it is enabled in 8.0402:59
kristian_ka faen02:59
valroswhat would most likely be causing a spontaneous absence of an internet connection, happens randomly for about 20 secs at a time03:00
IndyGunFreaktinker_: ok, does it reference your nvidia driver?03:00
mrgenixusver: and you're getting seek errors?03:00
mrgenixusdid you md5sum the machine you burned on?03:00
vermrgenxius:buffer I/O error03:00
mrgenixuser memtest03:00
mrgenixusver: what drive is it?03:01
tinker_IndyGunFreak;  I think so,  it lists one nvidia proprietary driver and it says it is in use and enabled03:01
FreeTuxTepahere again03:01
kafaenmrgenixus: Nope cant find it.03:01
mrgenixusvalros: ip-address conflict03:01
IndyGunFreaktinker_: ok, so what makes you think it won't work in 8.10?03:01
vermrgenxius:make n model?03:01
jinja-sheepI'm trying to learn the command 'screen'  -- It allows me to display what I'm doing on the terminal to other side?03:01
IndyGunFreakmrgenixus: i had a horrible time w/ ISO's i downloaded this weekend, none of them would work (was mailing disks)... finally found a couople on other sites and downloaded them and they worked03:01
tinker_IndyGunFreak,  when I run update manager it stops with an error message saying it can't find a new driver for me03:01
IndyGunFreaktinker_: doesn't make much sense....03:02
mrgenixuschris: chmod -R 777 /media/your-disk03:02
tinker_IndyGunFreak, it didn't occur to me that I could tell update manager to go ahead anyway, let me try that03:02
mrgenixusthat will give "Everyone" "Full Control" on that disk03:02
vermrgenxius:HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH15F03:02
IndyGunFreaktinker_: if that doesn't work, try disabling the restricted driver, restart, run update manager, then once everything is updated, try to reenable the driver.. but it should work in 8.10 w/ the legacy driver (note *should* make sure you have stuff backed up just in case)03:03
fulat2k1hi folks, is there a way i can apply the same font properties which i've set to gnome for qt/kde apps in 8.10?03:03
mrgenixusver: doesn't seem to be a device issue.03:03
SharmZyeah so trying to do the x11 config file for duel monitors, no luck03:03
mrgenixusno other reports for that model03:04
tinker_IndyGunFreak;  thanks for the idea.  What should I back up?03:04
SharmZits a ATI 960003:04
IndyGunFreaktinker_: any important files, etc..03:04
vermrgenxius:no, the device works like a champ03:04
Yoyotothe ubuntu forums which seem to be the only place with the answer I need are down, so does anyone know what to do if my add/remove thing is empty?03:04
tinker_IndyGunFreak;  I just told it to go ahead anyway.  I'll let you know how it turns out03:04
vermrgenxius:ok, say the drive was a slave, would it boot proper?03:04
kantlivelongcan someone help me with an nvidia 180.22 issue?03:04
IndyGunFreaktinker_: lol, good luck03:04
SharmZATI 9600 card03:05
mrgenixusver: I'm stumped03:05
mrgenixusand I have to go03:05
level_5anyone here using the sprint mobile broadband card?03:05
T1hi all, whats the best media player for ubuntu03:05
timmydcan someone help me get my mouse working under X11? after using X for a while all the buttons stop working.. the mouse still moves around visually but X doesn't pass any of it's events to anything03:05
mrgenixusver: sorry03:05
mrgenixuschris: I'm out of here, got dinner03:05
kdc1956ATI 9600 card work good for me here03:05
SharmZduel monitors?03:06
FreeTuxTepaartec scanner under kubuntu 8.1003:06
FreeTuxTepahow configure it?03:06
linux_newbieHow do I find out which partition is windows installed in grub ?03:06
level_5can anyone help with sprint mobile broadband card?03:07
SharmZmay i PM somone that knows about x11 config and duel monitors?03:07
msuttonI screwed up trying to expand my RAID and stuff is broken. Anyone familiar with raids in Ubuntu and willing to give me a hand?03:08
SharmZmay i PM somone that knows about x11 config and duel monitors?03:08
w3wsrmnhow i mine for fish?03:08
msuttonThe damn forums are down03:09
linux_newbiecan someone please tell me :what is the command to show partition list in grub ?03:09
BigMikehi all03:09
BigMike?????every day fsck starts up and says force check not check 29 times - how do I stop it ?????03:10
Oversheeany estimate on when the forums are coming up?03:10
FlannelOvershee: Try #ubuntuforums03:10
keystr0kHow do I check a usb drive for errors?03:11
msuttonDoes anyone have any experience growing RAIDS? I'm really screwed here if I can't fix this...03:12
w3wsrmnkeystr0k: fsck device03:13
keystr0karg. I was trying fschk03:13
BrettMeisterTrying to update but I get this error message after I enter my password: The underlying authorization mechanism (sudo) does not allow you to run this program. etc.03:13
vigo_Ut Oh! I have a tail03:13
BrettMeisterWhat's going on?03:13
SharmZcan someone please help with duel monitors?03:13
usr13BrettMeister: Have you added additional users?03:14
BrettMeisterusr13: Nope.  Tried to install a virtual machine a while back though.  Could that be it?03:14
xMopxHey, I have ubuntu installed  to a thumbdrive. The thumbdrive also has Grub installed, however, the entries are wrong. How can I fix them?03:14
msuttonI need some RAID help, anyone got some expertise?03:14
vigo_Updates are not working?03:15
tortisehi, i'm having a bit of trouble with 8.04.  I installed wicd, but wasn't pleased with it, so i reinstalled networkmanager. the problem is that networkmanager no longer appears to start in the tray automatically.. This is odd, because i've done the same thing many times before without trouble.03:15
w3wsrmntortise: System -> Preferences -> Sessions -> Startup Programs. Is NM listed and/or checked?03:16
Sa[i]nTAnyone else have a mac screw up the filesystem on their flash drive? To the point where it is unreadable by linux, or windows.03:17
tortisew3wsrmm: Network Manager is checked in sessions.03:17
BrettMeisterusr13: Thanks.03:17
BaxI'm trying to setup an extended Desktop on ubuntu fiesty with a dual head ati card.  Before login at the gnome interface, it is doing EXACTLY what I want in that the right monitor is just an extension of the left monitor.  However as soon as a login this setting disappears and my right monitor is back to copying the screen contents of my right monitor.  Any ideas on what I need to fix in my xorg.conf file?03:20
adam7Bax: you probably should upgrade to 8.1003:20
Gamboahi, anywone kwon any free server for homeworld 2 ??03:23
msuttonI screwed up trying to expand my RAID and stuff is broken. Anyone familiar with raids in Ubuntu and willing to give me a hand?03:23
alex-82If I do sudo apt-get install xcfe4, will that give me the option to login as a xfce session OR as my existing gnome session?03:23
huwenfenghi, i want to do this: i want to left click a link, and a new tab will appear, but do not jump to that new tab, how to configure firefox to do this?03:23
tortisew3wsrmm, i can see NetworkManager starts ok as it's booting, and that the applet is checked in sessions.  Wicd was checked still in sessions, so i removed it. and problem persists.03:24
nickrudhuwenfeng, edit-prefs, tabs tab. Open in tab03:24
Sa[i]nTalex-82, You can choose your session at the login screen.03:25
huwenfengyes, it opens on new tab, but i jumped to that new tab immediately.03:26
huwenfengi do not want this.03:26
[elektron]hi there03:26
BotLobstahuwenfeng, middle click on the link03:26
jinja-sheepLinux-4-host.  Vista-4-guest.  The installation progress seems to be stuck at a certain progressbar for quite some time.  Anybody aware of the solution for this kind of behavior? (VirtualBox).  Everybody is dead in #vbox03:26
semanticpchow do i run a java program using a shell script03:26
level_5anyone here using a Sprint Mobile Broadband card?03:26
nickrudalex-82, yes03:27
[elektron]i'd like to implement ubuntu-like driver autodetection in my distro.  any help???03:28
Dexicompiz is AWESOME03:28
Sa[i]nTYes, it is.03:28
[elektron]video autodetection, i mean03:28
huwenfengBotLobsta: OH, good! you are right03:28
Dexiahhh water effect all over the screen!03:28
Sa[i]nTConverted windows user?03:28
nickrud[elektron], you might get some info about where to start looking if you ask on #ubuntu-motu03:28
kristian_is "traceroute" and "tracert" the same thing? they both give the same man page, from "man traceroute" and "man tracert", but they give me completely different results. when i type "traceroute google.com" i get this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/103003/ - while from "sudo tracert google.com" i get this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/103004/ - so there has to be a difference? (strange that i have to run tracert as sudo and not traceroute as sudo!) i ha03:29
DexiSa[i]nT, yeah pretty much03:29
BotLobstahuwenfeng, yea i love that.  I use it all the time03:29
Dexianyone know of a macro program? i wanna make linux draw my name in fire every time i log in03:29
Dexihow sick would that be?03:29
Sa[i]nTDexi, Compiz does have some good eye candy.03:29
msuttonI screwed up trying to expand my RAID and stuff is broken. Anyone familiar with raids in Ubuntu and willing to give me a hand?03:29
LexvegasDexi, then have the rain effect put it out!03:30
markpeemsutton, this is not the appropite place..03:30
w3wsrmnkristian_: check the traceroute man. tracert = traceroute -I (pings)03:30
kristian_192.168.0.1 is my wireless router*03:30
markpeemsutton, please leave NOW03:30
DexiLexvegas, YES!!! i dont see rain effect03:30
zetharxwhat is the best linux raid software?03:30
Lexvegasit should be under the water effect03:30
Dexioh ok03:30
nickrudmsutton, keep asking, at the rate you've been doing so far. Someone probably will come through. markpee you're not an op03:30
nsadminzetharx none. best raid is hardware raid03:31
markpeemsutton, if you do not leave NOW you will be removed by force03:31
huwenfengBotLobsta: yes, it is useful!03:31
msuttonLol, thanks :P03:31
Dexii have thing i didnt even know about03:31
nsadminconnection reset by pee03:31
Dexii just pressed Super R and Super E and i had no idea what was going on03:31
nickrudmarkpee, if you want to talk about it, #ubuntu-ops03:31
markpeenickrud, care to explain that '?03:31
Flannelmarkpee: Please behave yourself.03:31
kristian_w3wsrmn : ok thanks. :-) but tracert/traceroute -I still gives a less complete route than tracert in cmd/windows, how can i get the complete route? :-)03:32
nsadminmarkpee: yer feeling the power... usually this happens about 6-10 months after you become an op03:33
DexiLexvegas, super C is supposed to be used by amarok but something in compiz is making it center my cursor, do you know whats doing it?03:33
heloi'm trying to install NBR, but after adding the deb entries, there are several packages that aren't found which are listed, like clutter, clutter-gtk, desktop-switcher...03:33
mogi22is this a nonissue: when i stop my bind9 i get error about rndc connection to remote host closed, key may be bad etc.  but i can start bind9 with no errors or log entries and all works well.03:34
mkquisthey all - just curious is there a way to automatically rebuild fstab?03:34
mogi22why do i get errors only upon stopping bind?03:34
mogi22and should i care?03:34
LexvegasDexi, i dont know what it would be, but it sounds like something in the accesability section03:34
w3wsrmnkristian_: oh, sorry, my response wasn't clear. you'll want to use traceroute, not tracert. And don't use the -I switch as most hops won't respond to the pings.03:34
nsadminmkquist: what info would be available to build fstab from?03:34
msuttonI'm inn need of some RAID expertise! Messed up my raid while trying to grow it. Anyone able to help me out?03:34
mogi22i see similar error msgs on google but ONLY for those who cant get bind to work, my bind works!03:35
nsadminmsutton: he's a sicco, she'03:35
Robert__!skype > Robert__03:35
ubottuRobert__, please see my private message03:35
nsadmins a sicco, I'm a sicco, we're a sicco, wouldn't you like to be a sicco (specific informative concise complete on topic) too?03:35
mkquistnsadmin: if i created directories and mounted the disks I wanted in them... it might build from current configuration...03:36
nsadminmkquist: perhaps you could build a script that parses the output of mount when invoked with no parameters03:36
zer0my wicd cant search wireless network..how can i fix my problem???03:36
msuttonnsadmin, eh?03:36
mkquistnsadmin: so no command already made huh... oh well, just a thought03:37
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mattI have a perl question, anyone up for it?03:38
Flannelmatt: If its an actual perl question, you may try the perl channel (#perl?) or #ubuntu-offtopic03:38
zer0my wicd cant search wireless network..i already set it to my wireless interface=wlan003:38
DexiLexvegas, you were right, thanks :)03:38
nsadminmsutton: what part were you not understanding? I'm suggesting that you providing specifics might get you more help, better quality help faster than if you repeat the phrase...03:38
helocan i just ignore the packages that are missing from the netbook remix list?03:38
LexvegasDexi, np glad to help03:38
mattFlannel, ahh ok, thanks.03:38
kristian_w3wsrmn : well, if i use traceroute alone i get this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/103003/ - no results. and i dont think "tracert" = "traceroute -I", because i get much better results from "traceroute -I" than from "tracert". basically "traceroute" = no results, "tracert" = some result, "traceroute -I" = more complete result, but still the result from cmd in windows is more complete, showing more accurate. :-/03:39
Dexiomg compiz is so nice i gotta go pee03:39
nsadminmsutton: lots of times really specific detailed information could help people to help you who didn't even realize they had info that's useful to anyone03:40
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion03:40
msuttonI attempted to grow my RAID using mdadm --grow, it started throwing a lot of errors, I didn't think at the time and started expanding my system RAID 1. It stopped the grow and now I am unable to boot my machine off the RAID 1.03:40
msuttonI've 3 raid partitions, two RAID 1s (Root and Swap) and a RAID 5 on 4 disks. I added a 5th and attempted to grow my root partition.03:41
msuttonI didn't think about growing the live system partition.03:41
tortisefixed. i did not have network-manager-gnome.  thank you very much.  have a wonderful weekend.03:42
nsadminso the 4 disk raid is the one that's having the problem... me, never did raid... but someone might have03:42
StargazerIs there an official iTunes port or do i have to use wine ?03:42
randalhey can anyone help me im trying to install a usplah screen but it doesent work can anyone help me plz03:42
adam7Stargazer: wine03:42
StargazerTy, adam7.03:43
msuttonWell, technically they are all 4 disk raids. The 3 different RAID systems are on the same 4 disks. But I don't think thats where the problem is.03:43
msuttonIt's that the grow stopped in the middle of doing it.03:43
msuttonand the errors it was throwing before that03:43
w3wsrmnkristian_: the traceroute manpage states tracert = traceroute -I. Anyways, what do you mean by "windows is more complete"? Do certain which respond under windows provide only * under linux?03:43
randalhey can anyone help me im trying to install a usplah screen but it doesent work can anyone help me plz03:43
rambo298any k3b users here?03:43
Flannel!doesntwork | randal03:44
ubotturandal: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.03:44
nsadminI don't know much about raid... but do you have backups?03:44
w3wsrmnkristian_: *Do certain hops, rather03:44
msuttonThis server is supposed to be the backup03:44
randalhey can anyone help me im trying to install a usplah screen but when i go to test it out i got no boot screen just code03:44
msutton :(03:44
chilli0whats wrong with the site?03:44
rambo298k3b anyone?03:44
nsadminmsutton: so howbout the thing it's the backup for?03:44
msuttonIt's fine03:45
bastid_raZorrambo298; #kubuntu may be a good channel to check too.. k3b is native to kubuntu03:45
rambo298bastid_raZor: txs03:45
Javierjow are you people?03:45
chilli0whats the best wysiwug for ubuntu?03:45
Javierhow are you people03:45
msuttonI suppose I could just blow it all away and start over. But I'd rather not.03:45
FloodBot3Javier: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:45
nsadminthen maybe you could rebuild it from the existing machine03:45
nsadminmsutton: let's just say a coupla things: one, total rebuild is definitely a choice on the table... and 2, back up the original soon!03:46
kristian_w3wsrmn : "Do certain which respond under windows provide only * under linux?" - yes! this is what i was trying to say, sorry about my crap explaining. :-P03:46
Javieri need help i can't type my password in the terminal03:46
chilli0whats the best wysiwug for ubuntu?03:46
zirodayJavier: what doesn't work?03:46
FlannelJavier: When you type it, it won't echo (for security reasons), but its still being typed03:46
zirodaychilli0: wysiwug?03:46
nsadminchilli0: what's a wug?03:46
msuttonnsadmin: *sigh* 9 hours of building the server down the tubes I guess.03:46
gandhiidon't imagine there is a darkroom theme for windows XP?   it would be nice to have the windows match when running xp in vbox03:46
chilli0wysiwyg i meant03:47
nsadminmsutton: one choice, perhaps out of a handful...03:47
zirodaychilli0: wysiwyg for what...?03:47
randalhey can anyone help me im trying to install a usplah screen but when i go to test it out i got no boot screen just code03:47
nsadminchilli0: what do you wnat to do?03:47
chilli0html pages03:47
zirodaychilli0: take a look into kompozer03:47
LexvegasJavier, the password doesn't show up when you type03:47
bastid_raZor!usplash > randal03:48
ubotturandal, please see my private message03:48
zirodaynsadmin: kompozer03:48
Javiernop it doesn't03:48
w3wsrmnkristian_: ah, okies. Hrm... try increasing the response timeout to 15 or 20 seconds with the -w switch (eg -w 15) with and without -I03:48
Javierbut now i know why thanks03:48
LexvegasJavier, it shouldnt, it is a security feature. just type your PW and hit "enter"03:48
zer0how can i set ALT+Z = to open gnome terminal..where to set this shortcut??03:49
zirodayzer0: System > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts03:49
randalbastid_raZor: i already shose the one i want and i changed the rezalution on the start up to but when i test it i get no splash screen just code any ideas03:49
randalbastid_raZor: chose*03:49
nsadminwheres KB1?03:50
zirodaynsadmin: KB1?03:50
mogi22what is rndc anyway?  i read its to control named but i seem to be working just fine w/o it?03:50
zer0i cant see gnome terminal in keyboard shortcuts..03:50
Javieri have another question, i use ubuntu 8.04 and i've been using it for about two days now, and i haven't neen able to create a driver for my sound card, i've checked all over the internet for especific instructions different to the ones provided by genius, because i find them hard to understand03:51
nsadminziroday: I think that's a ham callsign...03:51
Javiercould somebody help me with it03:51
zer0i cant see gnome terminal in keyboard shortcuts..03:51
zirodayzer0: apologies it was in there03:51
RonPauljavier: what kind of card?03:51
tonyyarussoziroday: Note that kompozer is really broken in 8.10 currently, although I hope to get an alpha fix up in a PPA at least shortly.03:51
Javiergenius "sound maker value 5.1"03:51
RonPauli had the same problem last week03:51
randal hey can anyone help me im trying to install a usplah screen but when i go to test it out i got no boot screen just code03:51
nsadminron paul AND arron russo?03:51
Javieri ounly get sound out of 4 speakers03:52
zer0launch web browser,calculator...but no gnome terminal..03:52
zirodayzer0: its not in there, it has since changed03:52
Javierthe other two remain silent03:52
zer0then,where it located?03:52
zirodayzer0: I am trying to find that out, please be patient03:53
ziroday!shortcuts | try using keytouch03:53
ubottutry using keytouch: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts03:53
zirodayzer0: see ^03:54
DexiLexvegas, i have one more for you... system beep when i am pressing backspace with nothing to erase causes this ugly wavey line thing that almost made me reach for the degauss button... (and im on an LCD screen)03:54
nsadminout of idle curiousity anyone an rme hdsp multiface owner?03:54
RonPauljavier: try http://drivers.softpedia.com/get/SOUND-CARD/GENIUS/Genius-Sound-Maker-Value-51.shtml03:54
John`AHello again everyone03:54
John`AI've reached yet another problem...03:54
LexvegasDexi, sorry, i have never seen that before :)03:54
RonPaulif not then it may not be supported but i doubt it03:54
Dexiok ill keep looking03:55
redvamp128Okay I have a bigger swap file on my second hard drive-- what file and how edit so that it would use it03:55
Lexvegasgood luck!03:55
zirodayredvamp128: /etc/fstab03:55
John`Atrying to install linux on a 15gb harddrive, everytime i run the installer it lands up saying theres an error with the disc.. before it was going halfway through then saying "cannot read from disc". I've tried different CDs/Burn Speeds etc.. whats the problem here??03:55
John`AApparently i'm not the only one whos expierenced this...03:55
zirodayDexi: that could be the "visual beep"03:55
Dexiziroday, that'd be it, but its a compiz setting03:56
=== jonathan__ is now known as beilabs
Dexii think03:56
zirodayJohn`A: you do md5 checks of the .iso?03:56
zirodayDexi: there is a metacity one as well. look in System > Preferences > Accesability03:56
John`Ayes i did the checksum... matched.. downloaded from torrents also03:56
alienman# Appears as LANCE03:56
redvamp128okay now what line to add to get it to use it03:56
John`Athe discs i first tried now wont even start up the install process..03:56
redvamp128/dev/sdb2            2220        2482     2112547+  82  Linux swap / Solaris03:56
starshineee# Appears as KWENSA03:57
kristian_w3wsrmn : thanks! :-) "traceroute -w 30" still gave only *, but "traceroute -I -w 30" gave no * results. :-) one last question, the "traceroute -I -w 30" gives no *'s, but it only gives 19 routes, while cmd/windows gives 29 routes, how can this be?03:57
John`Ai was able to install damn small linux on it however, so i know the harddrive is okay03:57
zirodayJohn`A: are there any specific errors?03:57
redvamp128I got the fstab open in gedit03:57
John`Aummm lemme look it up03:57
zer0i dun think that helped me lot03:57
John`Aone moment pleae03:57
redvamp128sudo gedit03:57
Lexvegaszer0. i was able to set a shortcut key in sys/pref/keyboard shotcuts to open a terminal03:57
Dexiziroday, i dont have that menu option03:57
zirodayDexi: sorry System > Prefs > Assistive Technologies03:57
John`Ainstallation error (errno 5),03:58
zirodayzer0: did you install the keytouch package...03:58
John`Acannot read from input/output device or something03:58
zer0what is it??03:58
zirodayJohn`A: at which point does it error out?03:58
ziroday!shortcuts > zer003:58
ubottuzer0, please see my private message03:59
redvamp128anyone know what the last line should read to add swap to this drive /dev/sdb2            2220        2482     2112547+  82  Linux swap / Solaris03:59
ziroday!info keytouch > zer003:59
zer0what sudo to install??03:59
ubottukeytouch (source: keytouch): A program to configure extra function keys in multimedia keyboards. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.3.2-2.1ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 170 kB, installed size 816 kB03:59
John`Aoriginally it would error out midway through the installation using the GUI @ the 62% mark03:59
Dexiziroday, not in there. oh well. :p do you know what could cause (since this login) my screen refresh rate to be limited to 50 or 51, not 75 like it was before?03:59
w3wsrmnkristian_: the difference in a number of hops could be due to the lovely redundancy of the interwebs. one hope may be sending you down a path which requires communicating with more switches/routers, hence the additional hops.03:59
John`Ausing the alternate CD i found the errors quicker.. generally corrupt .deb files03:59
zirodayJohn`A: tried the alternate cd?03:59
Javierit only has windows drivers03:59
John`Athose would error out during within 30% of completion04:00
zirodayJohn`A: right, and you certain you md5sum'd both cds and they checked out?04:00
John`Ai didnt md5sum them after they werre burnt no04:00
Lexvegaszer0, look for "run a terminal" in the shortcut settings controll pannel04:00
zer0let me fix wicd first04:00
John`Ai ran a validation on one cd and it had a bunch of bad sectors... i tried burning these again using a slower speed but didnt check them that time04:00
w3wsrmnkristian_: another thing, by default traceroute used UDP (-U), which gave you only *. It's possible your firewall (on linux, since windows was fine) is blocking the UDP packets.04:00
zirodayDexi: sorry its moved, let me find it04:00
Seahi what is ubuntu forums04:01
zirodayJohn`A: I would md5sum them04:01
zirodaySea: http://ubuntuforums.org04:01
maraboutif I copy an Ubuntu .iso onto a hard drive and then put that into a machine that's cd drive is broken will it boot from the iso or do I need to actually install the ubuntu OS onto the hard drive?04:01
nsadminSea the forums of ubuntu!04:01
redvamp128I think brasero has a check md5 option04:01
zirodayJohn`A: after they've been burnt that is, using the alternate cd to install04:01
SeaWe are still looking into key corruption issues as they arise. Hang in there! ubuntu-geek04:01
zirodayJohn`A: also what are you system specs?04:02
Seathis is message on web site04:02
redvamp128anyone know what to add on the line to get it to use the second hard drive swap on at boot -- /dev/sdb2            2220        2482     2112547+  82  Linux swap / Solaris04:02
redvamp128 already have sudo gedit fstab open04:02
=== christiekoehler| is now known as christiekoehler
zirodaySea: the forums are down for maintanence. You can whine about it in #ubuntuforums04:02
bastid_raZormarabout; if it is broken.. how is it suppose to read the cd?04:02
Javieror could comebody teach me how to follow the intructions to install the reiver?04:02
LexvegasDexi, try looking in the compiz zettings window04:02
Javieror could somebody teach me how to follow the intructions to install the driver?04:02
John`ASystem Specs.. AMD Athlon 1 gig memory04:03
DexiLexvegas, thats where im looking... cant find a thing on it04:03
alienman(#G310E010RM1) noes04:03
=== soreau_ is now known as soreau
Javierthey're far too complex for me04:03
zirodayalienman: do you have a question we can help you with?04:03
John`AAMD Athlon xp 2400 to be exact04:03
Javieri'm a second day ubuntu tuser04:03
maraboutbastid_raZor: I am referring to copying the iso onto the hard drive to get it to run off of the hard drive04:03
John`Ai was able to install it before when i only used one harddrive04:03
DigitalFizdoes anyone know of a method to use the ipod touch without jailbreaking it?04:03
DigitalFizin ubuntu04:03
zirodayJohn`A: okay that should be enough. So try the alternate cd and make sure to md5sum it04:04
John`Ait was when i tried installing it to the master harddrive with the slave attached that i began receiving these errors04:04
bastid_raZormarabout; you can't boot that way, maybe onto a USB drive though..04:04
John`Ahow do i checksum the CD??? is it possible since there are so many files on it after i burnt it04:04
faryshtaHi, on the game Wesnoth, how can I add campaigns to play?04:04
ziroday!md5 | John`A04:04
ubottuJohn`A: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows04:04
nsadminget them from the net, look in the menu04:04
kristian_w3wsrmn : ok, i understand that the number of switches/routers will increase the number of hops, but ever time i traceroute with ubuntu the hops is 10 less then when i traceroute with windows. i've tried several times now, and i cant see how this can just be a coincident, it has to have something to do with the os. any thoughts? - got no firewall on ubuntu so it should be fine. i am not sure how the wireless router or my modem/router is co04:04
John`Aokay i have a chcksum checker installed on here04:04
John`Adoes it matter if i change the speed04:05
John`Aits default is 4x04:05
John`Ai changed it to 2x and have since had more errors..04:05
kristian_w3wsrmn : ubuntu/win machine - wireless router - modem/with firewall config - internet04:06
maraboutbastid_raZor: the machine in question (emachine 600ix) cannot boot from the USB. someone mentioned getting Ubuntu onto a hard drive and then just putting that HD into the machine. I am unclear if it needs to be actually 'installed' on the HD or can it be the disc image, e.g.  the iso04:06
zirodayJohn`A: slower is usually better, but its your choice. Run a cd check as well before starting the install04:06
redvamp128==/dev/sdb2 none   swap    sw  0  004:06
redvamp128without the == does that seem right04:06
redvamp128now there is a command to run to have it check the fstab--04:07
Javiercould somebody help me to create the driver of my sound card?04:07
semanticpc_how to run java program using shell script ??04:08
bastid_raZormarabout; that i don't know.04:08
redvamp128javier what sound card04:08
redvamp128anyone know the command to type for it to check the fstab04:08
w3wsrmnkristian_: hrm. as for the additional hops, i'm at a loss. the only difference i'm aware of between linux/win traceroutes are linux by default = udp (-U) and windows by default ICMP (-I), hence the differences you saw after adding -I and upping -w.04:08
msuttonWhat is the Aptitude package that provides all of the build utilities and header files??04:08
bastid_raZormsutton; build-essential04:08
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msuttonThanks you Bastid_raZor04:08
rwwmsutton: build-essential provides build utilities. Different packages provide different headers.04:09
=== cpudan80______ is now known as Cpudan80
maraboutbastid_raZor: what do you know about via a floppy disc. if I could just get something on there I imagine I can then download via the internet....04:09
faryshtaSomeone here plays Wesnoth?04:10
takamarouHi, I just installed a new video card, and was forced to use acpi=off in my kernel to boot.  Now I'm getting an error in my X server, and am getting booted to a failsafe gdm console thing.  can anyone help?04:10
zer0CTRL+SHIFT+N =  open terminal in new window.the problem is need open terminal by clicking first04:10
rwwzer0: Are you asking how to open a terminal window with a keyboard shortcut if you don't already have one open?04:12
zer0just need press key..04:12
rwwzer0: set a keyboard shortcut in System > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts > Desktop > Run a Terminal04:12
John`Aok once the iso burns to disk...04:12
John`Ahow do i check the md5sum on it??04:12
rww!md5 | John`A04:13
ubottuJohn`A: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows04:13
zer0there is no such option in 8.10 i think04:13
rwwzer0: I'm using 8.10 right now; there is.04:13
John`Aso i can  use winmd5 to check the contents ON the disc??04:13
LexvegasDexi, have you tried diabeling "audible Bell" in the general settings tab of compiz?04:13
iiiiiiiiiianyone noticing X forwarding issues w/ 8.1004:14
=== drnk-e is now known as DRNK-E
cojhi, i'm on 8.10 and was wondering how to check if my ports were being forwarded correctly (using ktorrent)04:14
iiiiiiiiiiman netstat04:14
cplab2-58hey i have installed one sever and around 60 client systems in our lab and we want to connect all client systems to the sever. Only the sever will have net connection and the client systems are to be updated from the sever. Can anyone help with this04:14
rwwcoj: One easy way is to visit http://www.utorrent.com/testport.php?port=INSERTPORTNUMBERHERE04:15
takamaroucan anyone help me with a new video card problem?  I'm getting dumped into a failsafe gdm when I boot?04:15
nsadminiiiiiiiiii let me guess... you are?04:15
maraboutanyone know if I can install Ubuntu onto a hard drive in a mac then take that hard drive out and put it in my emachine that has a broken cd drive and is unable to boot via USB?04:15
cojrww: yeah, that site reports that it's closed04:15
nickgarveymarabout: I see no reason why not04:15
randaling to get a usplash screen to work but when i go to thest it i get this error randal@randal-desktop:~$ sudo usplash -c04:15
randalusplash: can't get console font: Invalid argument04:15
randalusplash: No usable theme found for 1280x102404:15
nickgarveymarabout: as long as it is a x86 mac04:15
cojso i'm not quite sure where the problem lies, because the forwarding is correctly configured in my router and works when i boot to windows and use that port for torrents04:15
Lexvegasmarabout, make sure you unplug the Mac HD just to be safe :)04:16
rwwcoj: Hrm. What version of Ubuntu are you using?04:16
cplab2-58hey i have installed one sever and around 60 client systems in our lab and we want to connect all client systems to the sever. Only the sever will have net connection and the client systems are to be updated from the sever. Can anyone help with this04:16
redvamp128not sure if anyone has answered or not04:17
coji've tried opening another port and using, but no dice04:17
cojusing it04:17
rccunickgarvey: niggerway?04:17
redvamp128what is the command that makes os check fstab04:17
randalhi i am trying to get a splahs screen to work when i go to test it i get this error  randal@randal-desktop:~$ sudo usplash -c04:17
randalusplash: can't get console font: Invalid argument04:17
randalusplash: No usable theme found for 1280x102404:17
cplab2-58hey i have installed one sever and around 60 client systems in our lab and we want to connect all client systems to the sever. Only the sever will have net connection and the client systems have to update packages through the sever. Can anyone help with this issue04:17
nsadmincplab2-58: that sounds like custom work04:17
cojso i was wondeirng if ubuntu has any default blocks04:17
nsadmincplab2-58: that sounds like custom work04:17
rwwcoj: Open a terminal and issue "sudo ufw status". Does it say "Status: loaded" or "Status: not loaded"?04:17
cojon ports04:17
cojnot loaded04:17
maraboutLexvegas: not sure what you mean. If have a G4 tower which can hold 3 hd's I would boot from the one which has OS X on it and install the ubuntu on the other 'empty' drive. that sound ok?04:18
cplab2-58nsadmin; i have been assigned to do this work and as a student and as part of my interest I converted the whole lab to ubuntu. do you have any solution to this04:18
Luxmuxis it possible to Partition my HDD while ubuntu is installed on it? i want to get /home on a different Partition, so that i can reinstall the OS parts04:18
randalhi i am trying to get a splahs screen to work when i go to test it i get this error  randal@randal-desktop:~$ sudo usplash -c04:18
randal usplash: can't get console font: Invalid argument04:18
Lexvegasmarabout, no clue, I have no experiance with Mac04:18
Flannel!separatehome | Luxmux04:19
Lexvegassorry :)04:19
ubottuLuxmux: Your home folder is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home folder to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome04:19
ussercplab2-58: you'll have to setup a local mirror of ubuntu repositories on the server, probably setup NIS too04:19
rwwcoj: Hmm, so you don't have a firewall set up. Are you sure that your computer's getting the same internal IP address in both Windows and Linux? 'cause it's possible that it's not, and that's throwing off the forwarding.04:19
maraboutLexvegas:  you said to 'unplug' the Mac HD. What did you mean by that?04:19
cplab2-58usser; whats NIS?04:19
LuxmuxFlannel, ah, nice04:19
LuxmuxFlannel, thx04:19
iiiiiiiiiinis is the active directory of unix04:19
ussercplab2-58: its really a custom pretty large project, i doubt you'll find someone to lead you through it here04:19
cojrww: when i checked my router page, it listed my machine as having the same internal IP that i assigned it -
cojlet me reconfirm that04:20
ussercplab2-58: NIS= Network information system, equivalent of active directory on linux04:20
rwwcoj: You could double-check with the "ifconfig" terminal command.04:20
nsadminiiiiiiiiii: perhaps ldap is closer04:20
iiiiiiiiiiah yes04:20
Lexvegasmarabout, when I decided to "dual Boot" windows and ubuntu on 2 seperate HDs i unpluged the windows one just to be extra safe, so i wouldnt risk losing anything04:20
cplab2-58usser; but since I have done an installation of ubuntu, I have to solve this problem.04:20
cplab2-58usser;I converted the whole lab to ubuntu04:21
ussercplab2-58: google for local repository server04:21
cojrww: eth0: inet addr: <-- yup04:21
ussercplab2-58: this should get you started http://www.arsgeek.com/2007/02/14/how-to-set-up-your-own-local-repositories-with-apt-mirror/04:22
randalhi i am trying to get a splahs screen to work when i go to test it i get this error  randal@randal-desktop:~$ sudo usplash -c04:22
randal usplash: can't get console font: Invalid argument04:22
cplab2-58usser; and i didnt know that the server is without graphical04:22
dragobrcan anyone suggest me a irc server for "home usage"?04:22
woody86what do you guys use for your filesystem type - ReiserFS, ext3 or something else? Which one is quickest with the current Ubuntu?04:22
kristian1w3wsrmn : ubuntu crashed on "traceroute -U google.com". ^^ oh well, anyways "traceroute -I -w 30 google.com" gets no *'s, so im relativly happy, except for the fact that windows seems to get 10+ hops constantly. oh well, i don't really care, as long as there are no *'s, it doesn't miss anything, i guess.04:22
unop!aptproxy | cplab2-5804:22
ubottucplab2-58: apt-proxy is a program that acts as a local apt repository server for a LAN, only fetching from the internet when required. To set it up see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptProxy04:22
Baxwhen I upgrade from 7.04 to 8.10, will I lost the data on my HDD and/or my user settings, such as the programs I have installed and such?04:22
ussercplab2-58: thats right server doesnt need gui04:23
cplab2-58unop; usser; thank you for the links. I am checking them04:23
maraboutLexvegas:  Ok I see what you are saying. I was thinking of just 'copying' the iso onto the hard drive but you did an actual 'install' onto the hard drive.So If I wanted the emachine to boot off of that HD Ubuntu would need to be installed onto to. as opposed to just 'copying' the iso onto the drive.04:23
rwwcoj: Okay, so you're definitely forwarding it properly on the router, you don't have a firewall set up... KTorrent is definitely using the right port? I haven't used "netstat" much, but I hear that's the way to check that.04:23
randalhi i am trying to get a splahs screen to work when i go to test it i get this error  randal@randal-desktop:~$ sudo usplash -c04:24
randal usplash: can't get console font: Invalid argument usplash: No usable theme found for 1280x102404:24
YoyotoMy add/remove programs list is empty still, noone has had this problem? the ubuntu forums are down which looks like the only answer04:24
cplab2-58usser; why is that so? I think with gui its much easier to use04:24
ussercplab2-58: its a tad outdated, apt-mirror is in the repositories by default now, to install it sudo apt-get install apt-mirror04:25
cplab2-58usser; so i have to install this on both the server and client machines04:25
cojrww: yeah, the port is set correctly in ktorrent, but the thing is that the port itself is reported as closed in that utorrent port checker04:25
ussercplab2-58: server's main role is to serve other computers with content and gui just wastes cpu cycles04:25
unopcplab2-58, servers are supposed to have small footprints04:25
w3wsrmnkristian1: the fact ubuntu didn't like -U might be something to look into. but i'm glad you're getting better results tracing than before. i for one am off to bed, g'night04:25
Lexvegasmarabout, well just copying the iso wont work. you need to install somehow treat the HD as a cd and make it live (much slower)04:25
cojrww: one thing though - different sites detect my IP differently, because of my shitty ISP's proxy04:25
cplab2-58usser, unop; oh i see. great info04:26
rwwcoj: Heh. Well /that/ might explain it.04:26
cojrww: GRC shieldsup detects my IP wrongly but shows the port as open04:26
cojso i'm not sure if that's the answer04:26
ussercplab2-58: no apt-mirror is installed on server only, its used to make a local snapshot of ubuntu repos locally, then you just point your clients to your local server so that they fetch updates from it not from ubuntu.com04:26
rwwcoj: Sounds like it, because as far as I can tell, everything's set up correctly on your local network.04:26
coj14847: stealth / 14848: open / 14849: stealth <-- what GRC says04:26
cojeh ok. but how do i tell what my actual IP is?04:27
isilionhi, i was trying ipmasq, i rebooted, and now i cant get access to internet. im using ubuntu 8.10 and a wired ethernet connection. all work great in windows..04:27
rwwcoj: most routers have that information in their status page04:27
LuxmuxHow do i allocate 2 Hotkeys for one function?! i want to allocate a key on my keybord AND on my remote control for "next track" but System -> Pref -> Keyboard shortcuts only allows me to allocate ONE key04:27
unopcoj, www.whatismyip.com  http://ipchicken.com04:27
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cgiwraphow can i put /usr/local/bin a system wide global path ? so all my apps can pull apps directly out of that folder with the full path?04:27
coji usually use whatismyip.org because it's always been correct in the past04:27
kristian1w3wsrmn : good night. thanks for your help/time! much appreciated! :-)04:28
cojbut now, if i assume the IP that it reports is correct, then the port's found to be closed04:28
ussercplab2-58: sorry that guide is severely outdated now that i glanced through it, just google for setting up local repositories with intrepid or hardy04:28
dragobrLuxmux, you can use xbindkeys04:28
cojwhatismyip.com and whatismyip.org give me different addresses :/04:29
maraboutLexvegas:  hmm sounds interesting I need to find more info on that. I am concerned that the HD may format as HFS to work on the mac but an HFS hard drive (to my knowledge) wont then work on the emachine...04:29
unopcgiwrap, append it to PATH in /etc/profile04:29
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE04:30
rwwcoj: According to Freenode, your IP address is Not sure if that helps.04:30
=== john is now known as Guest56120
Lexvegasmarabout, yeah, deffinatly look it up. i have to go, but good luck!04:30
cojthat's what whatismyip.com reports. i guess i'll take that as "real" then. weird that some sites misdetect my ip :|04:30
cojthanks rww, you're a pal.04:30
redvamp128okay -- can someone answer this-- there is a command to check the fstab04:31
DexiLexvegas, whataya know, audible bell WAS causing it04:31
maraboutLexvegas:  yes thanks take care04:31
cplab2-58usser; okk. so in the sources repositories I can just change it to update from the main server and this will solve the issue? is it so?04:31
Dexiactually no it wasnt04:31
ubottuFUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE.  Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here:  http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems04:31
Dexibut its gone now so who cares04:31
rwwcoj: No problem :). One last point: some bittorrent clients have an icon on the status bar that says whether your port is blocked. I don't know if KTorrent does, but it might be worth looking in to.04:31
Dexii think it mighta been part of the water feature04:31
marabout!ntfs -3g04:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ntfs -3g04:31
redvamp128Actually wondering if Ext4 will be used in 9.0404:31
ussercplab2-58: yes thats the idea, but you have to create the local repositories server first04:31
ubottuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions04:32
isilionhelp please i cant connect to internet after using ipmasq04:32
randalhi i need some help im geting this error how do i fix it04:32
randalusplash: can't get console font: Invalid argument04:32
John`A i got the cd burnt04:32
John`AHOW do i check the MD5sum of the cd using WinMD5??04:32
rwwredvamp128: Per Colin Watson on the mailing lists, it's enabled in the Jaunty daily builds, so I'd guess it'll be enabled in Jaunty release.04:32
John`Ado i click the cd and select send to md**04:33
cplab2-58usser; I just found out that there was an error in installation of server. so i need to reinstall it.04:33
rwwredvamp128: see https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-discuss/2009-January/006641.html04:33
ussercplab2-58: gotta make sure server works right04:34
randalhi i need help im geting this error usplash: can't get console font: Invalid argument04:34
cojrww: ktorrent doesn't, but transmission does, and it shows the port as closed. might be wrong though since it might not be using the correct IP04:35
John`AHOW do i check the MD5sum of the cd using WinMD5??04:35
Flannel!md5 | John`A04:35
John`Ai just burn ubuntu alternative to disc04:35
ubottuJohn`A: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows04:35
John`Ayeah it says ISO image04:35
John`Aive already checked the image the md4 sum matches04:35
John`Abut someone said i could check the disc itself after being burnt04:35
FlannelJohn`A: Boot to the disc, then from the boot menu, there's a "Check CD for defects" entry04:36
cplab2-58usser; thank you for the help. I'll try rectifying the server problem and then contact you04:36
rwwcoj: Does transmission have a yellow or red icon? If it's red, it's detecting it as closed. If it's yellow, it's not sure yet (and will change to red or green eventually).04:36
Baxwhen I upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10, will I lose the data on my HDD and/or my user settings, such as the programs I have installed and such?04:36
FlannelBax: No04:36
cplab2-58usser; the server installation is same as client installation?04:36
cplab2-58usser; We are setting the server only for ther sake of updations04:36
FlannelBax: but, as with everything, you should have backups04:36
overriderhi, how can i get a list of installed packages? thanks04:37
BaxFlannel: so for instance, I don't have to close my IRC window or close all my programs to update?04:37
ussercplab2-58: no, for the server you really need the ubuntu server cd because it has an optimized kernel and doesnt include all the bloat the client has04:37
John`Alemme try it04:37
Dexiis there a setting to disable the cache cleaner i keep seeing?04:37
FlannelBax: When doing large updates like that, its probably best to close everything yes, but no I don't think you're actually required to.04:37
isilionhelp please i cant connect to internet after using ipmasq04:37
rwwoverrider: open the terminal and issue: dpkg -l04:38
cplab2-58usser; yes i meant we used the server cd itself, but i am just asking whether the installation procedure is same?04:38
overriderrww: thanks04:39
ussercplab2-58: yea pretty much04:39
BaxFlannel: so there shouldn't be any drastic changes when I update, just a "different engine under the hood" sort of speak, right?  It's not like it's going to move my files everywhere or something?04:39
FlannelBax: Nope, just an upgrade.04:40
redvamp128can someone please pm me with the command to check the fstab04:40
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions04:40
Flannelredvamp128: What do you mean 'check' fstab?04:40
gogereaverBax lol no upgrades = systemm files04:40
gogereaverBax not anything you have stored04:41
qqxis there anyone that could please help me get my bluetooth headset working with my computer?04:41
Hilikusi used to have a swap partition but it's not there anymore, i think my server crashed and something got corrupted, how do i fix that?04:41
rwwredvamp128: what do you mean? Do you want to mount partitions you've added to fstab? If so, "mount -a" should do that...04:41
joljamhow can run a program "as root" in linux04:41
cplab2-58usser; thank you very much. Ii'll get in contact with you soon after I finish with the server. How long will you be around04:41
Flannel!sudo | John`A04:41
ubottuJohn`A: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)04:41
Flanneler, joljam ^^04:41
qqxjoljam, sudo su04:41
rwwjoljam: command-line programs: sudo commandname. Graphical programs: gksudo commandname04:41
Hilikusi still see the partition but there seems to be something wrong with the partition table04:41
redvamp128ahh that was the command04:41
ussercplab2-58: i  was about to go sleep sorry04:42
Hilikus/dev/sda3 4636 4867 1863540 5 Extended04:42
redvamp128(sudo mount -a) and it didnt' give me an error04:42
Hilikus/dev/sda5 4636 4867 1863508+ 82 Linux swap / Solaris04:42
redvamp128so that means it took my swap04:42
rwwqqx: "sudo -i" works better than "sudo su"04:42
Hilikustwo devices have the same Start and End, is that normal?04:42
cplab2-58usser; keep your system on. Is there any facility that I can beep ur box so that you wake up??04:42
qqxrww could you help me with my bluetooth headset04:43
rwwHilikus: Yes, if one is an extended partition and the other is inside that extended partition.04:43
rwwqqx: nope04:43
Dexioh wow am i stupid04:43
Hilikusrww ok, that seems to be the case so the partition table is not corrupt04:43
Dexiive been playing the same 5 songs over and over because i accidentally put "ss" in the search field of amarok04:43
rwwHilikus: that's correct. Extended partitions are kinda like boxes that can hold other partitions. It's entirely normal ;)04:43
cojrww: there's no icon that i can see within the transmission window itself. are you perhaps thinking about utorrent?04:43
alex-82is the proper way to add a start-up script to ubuntu to use update-rc.d ?04:43
Hilikusso whats the mount point for a swap partition??04:44
unopalex-82, that's one way04:44
rwwcoj: Heh. It appears that I'm thinking of deluge-torrent, actually. Sorry about that.04:44
BaxFlannel: I just had a problem upgrading, it can't finish.  It's blaming my Internet connection, but I think it can't find the necessary files from the error message I'm getting04:44
Hilikusin fstab my swap entry has "none" as mount point04:44
cojrww: oh ok04:44
unopHilikus, that's normal - a swap entry is not mounted somewhere - because it would be useless if it were04:45
alex-82unop: is there a file somewhere where I can just add the code?04:45
_2Hilikus none is as good as anything for a mountpoint for swap space04:45
rwwHilikus: swap partitions don't have mount points, so that's also normal ;)04:45
Hilikusunop sigh, ok, so whats wrong then?? my system is reporting 0k swap space04:45
unopalex-82, what do you mean?  you want to run some code when the machine boots?04:45
FlannelBax: You're on 7.04, right?04:45
qqxcan anyone tell me how the $%#$ to install blueman?04:45
_2Hilikus show us the line from fstab04:46
unopHilikus, what does this give you?   cat /proc/swaps04:46
alex-82unop; yes, just a bash script04:46
BaxFlannel: yep, want to see the error message?04:46
randalhi i need help im geting this error usplash: can't get console font: Invalid argument04:46
nsadminis blueman available?04:46
HilikusUUID=71532ed9-6746-4bd9-9f72-c0a6090c5413 none swap sw 0 004:46
FlannelBax: Nah, 404 about not finding the repos, right?04:46
unopalex-82, you can place it in  /etc/rc.local  then # just before the exit at the end04:46
BaxFlannel: yep04:46
Hilikusunop, just this: Filename Type Size Used Priority04:46
Luxmuxis there a way to merge Gajim History Files? backed some up from a live session and now want to integrate it in my Home installation04:46
qqxnsadmin, what do you mean?04:47
unopHilikus,  how about this.   sudo mount -a;  cat /proc/swaps04:47
FlannelBax: right, you need to move your repos to using http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/, see the note about it on the upgrades page (linked from here...)04:47
Flannel!upgrade | Bax04:47
ubottuBax: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes04:47
alex-82unop: thanks, what if I just want it to run for a particular user (ie can i put it in the home dir somewhere?)04:47
_2Hilikus you might check with "blkid" to make sure that the uuid for the swap is correct.  also you might add either auto or defaults  as an option in the fstab04:47
rwwHilikus: try "sudo swapon /dev/sda5" then check again.04:47
unop!startup | alex-8204:47
ubottualex-82: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot04:47
incadudeFthe forums is down. does anyone know how long it will be down for?04:47
unopalex-82, you can also use sudo  in /etc/rc.local  to run the code as another user04:48
Hilikusunop same result04:48
us3rXAnyone point me in the right direction to get Atheros AR242x wifi working? Since the forums are down. =p04:48
Hilikus_2 i'll do that, thanks04:48
nickrudincadudeF, if anyone knows, they'll be in #ubuntuforums04:48
unopHilikus, I suspect your swap partition's UUID has changed04:48
us3rXI tried a few aways on google, but none seem to be working =s04:48
Hilikusrww now it reports something!04:48
unopHilikus, what's on the line above the swap entry in /etc/fstab?04:48
Hilikusafter swapon04:48
Hilikus/dev/sda5 partition 1863500 0 -104:49
_2Hilikus so it's probably the uuid as i first said04:49
rwwHilikus: swapon / swapoff is the "correct" way to "mount" swap partitions. So, I guess your question now is why it didn't get swapon'd in the first place. I'd guess UUID change too.04:49
Dracieanyone here have an ipod touch?04:49
rww!anyone | Dracie04:49
ubottuDracie: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?04:49
_2Hilikus also the fstab "may" need the auto option before  mount -a will pick it up.04:49
Draciehah thx04:49
qqxGREAT Ubuntu Forums is having "Database Corruption Issues"04:50
Dracieor how about this.. how do i do a usb sync of my 2.1 firmware ipod touch04:50
Draciein gtkpod04:50
Hilikus_2 sw, auto ?04:50
nsadminqqx http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php/blueman04:50
_2Hilikus sw,auto   no space04:50
Hilikusoh ok04:50
lianimatorhow does a bash script take in a filename with spaces in the filename?04:50
rwwlianimator: ask in #bash04:50
_2lianimator quote them or escape the spaces04:51
nsadminlianimator: info bash, look for the section on quoting rules04:51
incadudeFwhat is this channel for then?04:51
_2incadudeF to help beginners find their C:\04:52
rwwincadudeF: Ubuntu technical support. Not forums discussion or bash scripting help.04:52
nsadminlianimator: quoting something takes away special meaning of each char in it04:52
qqxyeah nsadmin i tried downloading it. its only available for hardy, not intrepid04:52
nsadminlianimator: for example, what is the special meaning of the space char?04:52
rwwnsadmin: lianimator left #ubuntu already ;)04:52
us3rXmuhahahaha! the forums seem to be working again.04:52
incadudeFwhere can i talk about ubuntu then?04:52
nickrud_2, inadvertently correct, in a way.04:52
_2nsadmin depends on the quote.04:53
rwwincadudeF: if you have a support question, here. If not, #ubuntu-offtopic.04:53
nickrudincadudeF, #ubuntu-offtopic is general chat about ubuntu04:53
_2nickrud i know, that's why i said "sorry"04:53
randalok im being ignored is there anyone here i can talk to that knows how to use usplash plz help04:53
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines04:54
nickrudrandal, you're probably not being ignored; ask every 5 minutes or so and someone will step in04:54
Jack_SparrowEvening nickrud04:54
rwwrandal: You're not being ignored. If anyone knew the answer to your question, they'd help you. Unfortunately, most people don't bother playing with usplash, so this is outside of most peoples' expertise.04:54
incadudeFthanks nickrud and rww04:54
randalya i know ive been asking for 30 min04:54
nickrudJack_Sparrow, you also.04:54
randalsorry im just geting mad at this usplash04:55
incadudeFlater all04:55
Flannel!usplash | randal04:55
ubotturandal: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork04:55
Flannelrandal: Have you tried the things on that page?04:55
randalim geting errors04:55
randaltwant me to send you ther errors04:55
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)04:55
randalFlannel: randal@randal-desktop:~$ sudo usplash -c04:55
randalusplash: can't get console font: Invalid argument04:55
randalusplash: No usable theme found for 1024x76804:55
randalscreen init failed04:55
FloodBot3randal: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:55
nsadminrandal: also the more specific you are, the more information you supply make it more easier for more people to try to think about your problem... maybe they're not expert, but they still might be able to help (if you help them)04:56
Flannelrandal: I don't see sudo usplash on that page anywhere.04:56
Flannelrandal: Are you following some other howto?04:56
ganymedehello, my computer has been locking up recently and i suspect it is a hard drive/SATA controller fault, so i looked at dmesg and got some errors on ata2.00 and some ata resets. here is the dmesg: http://pastebin.com/d4e7a904d can anyone see whether it is a fault in the cheap $9 SATA controller or whether my cheap power supply damaged my hard drive?04:56
randalFlannel:  that code there test the uspash to see if it set up right04:56
huwenfengis there any tools to schedule your job daily under Ubuntu?04:57
ganymedehuwenfeng, cron04:57
nickrud!cron | huwenfeng04:57
_2randal and you are running that in a tty console not the gui    right ?04:57
ubottuhuwenfeng: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm04:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about macfuse04:57
nsadminplease don't get cheap power supplies if they power expensive stuff04:57
randal_2:  thats the gui console how do use the other console04:57
huwenfengno, that's not i mean, i mean some application that i can use to reminder me what i should do ,  something like that.04:57
randal_2: this is just to test i restarted my computer and it doesent work im geting an error usplash: can't get console font: Invalid argument04:58
randal Flannel04:58
munk_can anyone help me with a pcmcia wireless card? i have no ideea how to use it, i put it in and nothing happens..04:58
Jack_Sparrowhuwenfeng, mozilla has a calendar todo thing04:58
nsadminmunk_: I remember one time, nothing happened when I tried to think...04:58
TheFunkbombhello my lovelies :D04:58
_2randal the first seven consoles can be accessed via  ctrl+alt+f#  where # is one through seven,  the gui is probably running in tty704:58
TheFunkbombI got my wireless to work on Ubuntu.  All it took was updating via an ethernet wire04:59
munk_nsadmin ?!04:59
maraboutcan anyone tell me 1: can I install Ubuntu on a FAT HD and 2: whether ubuntu will run smoothly in a machine with a celeron processor on a FAT HD04:59
TheFunkbombadam7, you around?04:59
Jack_Sparrowmarabout, No fat04:59
nsadminmunk_: can you use wired ethernet temporarily?05:00
randal_2:  ok i c ill try it like that 1 sec can i copy past in that console05:00
Jack_Sparrowmarabout, It wont handle  the permissions05:00
_2marabout syntax error,  FAT HD  unknown05:00
cplab2-58In one of our systems, we have created a user called student, and due to some problems the user was deleted. but now the we are unable to create the same user as the home directory already exists. Can anyone tell how to solve this issue for creating the same user05:00
maraboutJack_Sparrow:  gotta be NTFS? Can05:00
munk_nsadmin yes i can...05:00
_2randal only with "gpm" installed and running05:00
maraboutJack_Sparrow:  **Cant be HFS either?05:00
Jack_Sparrowmarabout, ext3 would work.05:00
TheFunkbombwell, anyway.  Adam7, jussi01, and all others, I want to thank you for your help05:01
munk_nsadmin: thats how i have it hooked up now...but i never had to work with pcmcia so i dont know anything, i tried google and i cant find any useful info...05:01
TheFunkbombeveryone, thank you so much05:01
unopcplab2-58, you can delete that user's home directory (should be at /home/student/ )05:01
meoblast001how does one install mod_rewrite on a copy of apache from the ubuntu repositories?05:02
Hilikusyou guys were all right, it was a UUID change05:02
Hilikusthanks a lot!05:02
rwwmeoblast001: I think it's installed along with apache. That's my impression from someone asking that the other day, anyway.05:02
randal_2 Flannel ok if i use this cosole it gets rid of one error but the error im getting is usplash: No usable theme found for 1024x76805:02
rwwHilikus: yeah, UUID's aren't supposed to change... but sometimes they do and things get odd. Glad you figured it out :)05:03
nsadminmummy's all right... daddy's all right... they just seem a little weird...05:03
Dracie_i dislike how the ubuntu default boot has the quiet option on... nobody wants to sit and wait and look at just abar05:03
meoblast001rww: the only other possible reason this installation is failing is... lack of some JSON thing.... i'll look into that and ask if i have any more questions05:03
cplab2-58In one of our systems, we have created a user called student, and due to some problems the user was deleted. but now the we are unable to create the same user as the home directory already exists. Can anyone tell how to solve this issue for creating the same user05:03
_2cplab2-58 two methoods from the command line,   sudo rm -r <users home> ;adduser student      2.  useradd -h <users home> student      better man the command i might have pulled the wrong switch -h05:03
meoblast001rww: or a bug05:03
maraboutJack_Sparrow: what about an install of Grub or some other CLI via floppy which I can then attach an ethernet cable and install via net05:03
Jack_SparrowDracie_, edit out quiet and splash05:03
unopmeoblast001, i guess it's just a matter of enabling that module (see a2enmod)05:03
rwwmeoblast001: I don't know if it's turned on by default, though. Do you know how to enable Apache modules?05:03
randal_2: Flannel so what do you guys think05:03
meoblast001rww: no i do not05:04
Dracie_Jack_Sparrow, yeah i know.. just an observation.. i am bored05:04
Dracie_my cable is going at 54 k modem speeds05:04
rwwDracie_: eh, that's debatable. Personally, I turn off usplash altogether, though apparently not everyone agrees with that aesthetic ;)05:04
Jack_Sparrowmarabout, We have a ton of ways to install.  YOu have a  hardware restriction stopping you ..  I wont be of any help05:04
kBangcplab2-58, unop answered you...delete the /home/student dir05:04
cplab2-58_2; the home directory cannot be deleted simply. It needs special previledges05:04
Dracie_rww, yeah i keep splash on but put disable quiet.. i like pretty and functionality05:04
rwwmeoblast001: as unop said, check the man page for a2enmod05:04
_2randal sounds like you don't have a correct picture for the size or, it's in the wrong location,  or, fbcon doesn't support that rez on that hardware05:04
huwenfengJack_Sparrow: what's the name of the calender?05:04
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)05:04
meoblast001rww: k05:05
Jack_Sparrowhuwenfeng, sunbird or sunfire05:05
_2cplab2-58 that's why i said sudo05:05
albechis there a way i can disable the automounter for certain devices?05:05
kBangcplab2-58, root is required, surely someone has root privs?05:05
Dracie_kBang, sudo05:05
nsadmincplab2-58 you might as well look at the man pages of: useradd, usermod, userdel, groupadd, groupmod, groupdel because with what you're doing you might need it05:05
randal_2: the read me that came with the theme said to use it on that size and where shold it be located\05:05
kBangthanks, but I don't need it Dracie_ >.>05:05
Dracie_weee im totally out of it05:05
munk_Dracie_: you romanian05:05
John`Aback again05:06
meoblast001rww: so a2enmod mod_rewrite?05:06
_2kBang root is not required,  'superuser' is required, it just happens to be called root on 99.99% linux systems05:06
randal_2: you said it could be in the wrong location what location should it be in05:06
munk_Dracie_: oh sorry05:06
rwwmeoblast001: I'd assume so, yes. Like I said, I'm going off what I remember from someone else talking about this the other day. That sounds right, though.05:06
meoblast001rww: wait... its rewrite... not mod_rewrite05:06
_2randal that i'm not familear with, sorry.05:06
unop_2, having said that - you wouldn't date rename the root user :)05:06
unop_2, dare*05:07
randal_2 ok what about this fbcon doesn't support that rez on that hardware05:07
_2unop i have.05:07
maraboutJack_Sparrow: by 'restriction' do you mean that the HD has no OS on it? as my problem is that CD drive is broken and I cant boot from USB. The HD i have is blank no OS whatsoever.05:07
_2unop that's why i said it.05:07
nsadminunless the root user looked like jessica alba, I wouldn't date her :)05:07
randal_2 so you mean it could be my hardware05:07
_2randal test with an 800x600 maybe ?05:07
randal_2 i think your right i tried puting a bottscreen on windows but i could never get it to work becasue my computer wouldnt handle it05:08
_2randal or if a lappy maybe 1200x80005:08
Jack_Sparrowmarabout, right, you have a broken cd, cheap and easy to fix and an older system that wont boot a usb.. It really isnt something we can deal with05:08
bullgard4What is the purpose of the usbfs filesystem?05:08
John`Ai checked the INSTALL CD for integrity... found two problems right away...both linux-restricted-modules-common_2.6.24.13-19.44_all.deb and  nvidia-kernel-common_20051028-1ubuntu_all.deb failed mdchecksum05:09
John`Ai may have the file names written incorrect i scribbled it on paper.. :|05:09
_2bullgard4 to make nountable usb devices show up  ?05:09
nsadminto provide info about usb devices in your system to programs that run outside kernel space05:09
_Cid1234 members in the room (useless information, sorry)05:09
maraboutJack_Sparrow: I see...05:09
randal_2 lappy????05:09
bullgard4_2: Hm.05:09
_2randal lap top computer05:10
John`Ai went ahead and tried to install despite these cd errors and this time it couldnt even detect the harddrive05:10
John`Ai gave up..05:10
munk_so nobody can help me with pcmcia?05:10
unopbullgard4, http://www.aoc.nrao.edu/~tjuerges/ALMA/Kernel/usb/ch07.html05:10
theshadowIf you have a ecryptfs directory and Nautalus has seen the unencrypted directory it keeps a cache of thumbnails is there a way to prevent that or to clear the cache when I unmount the folder?05:10
huwenfengyou should ask the vendor05:10
randal_2: i have a gaming desktop computer05:11
Hatoyuhow can I fix the error:insmod: error inserting 'shdpci.ko': -1 Invalid module format05:11
qwexerdoes anyone know of an openoffice irc channel?05:11
cplab2-58_2; KBang; thanks it worked05:11
randal_2: but i have a feeling its my motherboard i have never with anyoperating system able to get a bootscreen working05:11
_2cplab2-58 welcome05:11
nsadminqwexer tried #openoffice?05:11
cplab2-58nsadmin; thank you. it woked05:12
qwexerno, I will...duh05:12
_2randal sounds like the trobble i have with my lappy with ati everything.05:12
cplab2-58_2; there is a problem to one of our systems. The internet is working but updations or installation of packages are not taking place. Can you help05:12
nsadmincplab2-58: cool... those six commands form the basics of the unix user/group system as they've been implemented under linux05:13
randal_2: i dont have ati i have nivida but i think its my motherboard my motherboard always has been werid05:13
Jack_Sparrowcplab2-58, sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit (Provide Pastebin link in channel)05:13
qwexerthere are 4 people including me, hope they aren't all taking bio breaks, haha05:13
cplab2-58nsadmin; I didnt use the commands. Directly I went to administration----> users and groups.05:14
bullgard4unop: Thank you very much for hinting me at a very interesting website describing the usbfs.05:14
_2cplab2-58 if it's network related prolly not.   if it's package management related  maybe.   have you tried   sudo dpkg --configure -a     on the box to make sure it's not a hung package config ?05:15
qwexeranyone familiar with OOo macros?05:15
qqxcan anyone tell me how to downgrade to ubuntu hardy?05:15
unop!downgrade | qqx05:15
ubottuqqx: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.05:15
nickrudqqx, by reinstalling05:15
IdleOneqqx: backup and re-install05:15
nickrudheh. four people with personal experience at it ;)05:16
unopJack_Sparrow, you do realize you can just .   pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list  (uuoc, btw) :)05:16
IdleOnelol nickrud yup05:16
_2qqx fresh install the older system is supported.05:16
nsadmindowngrading of any debian based system is specifically and purposely not supported... they decided a long time ago that downgrades would be way too much work05:16
Jack_Sparrowunop, Yep..05:16
J-a-k-ehello, is there anyone here who's had experience with creative beta drivers on an x-fi card running alsa ? I'm wondering how sound quality compares to windows.05:16
TheFunkbombtheoretically, how long can I leave Ubuntu running without having to reboot?05:16
unopTheFunkbomb, till the cows come home?05:17
nickrudTheFunkbomb, theoretically years05:17
_2TheFunkbomb for ever05:17
TheFunkbombsweet :D05:17
nsadminTheFunkbomb: 5 years?05:17
nsadminlonger maybe05:17
cplab2-58_2; no there is no problem with any broken packages or synaptic manager.05:17
nickrudTheFunkbomb, but there's a few upgrades that require reboots05:17
us3rXTill an update makes you reboot? =p05:17
TheFunkbombso it isn't like windows where I have to reboot after 48 hours?05:17
TheFunkbombor things get buggy05:17
_2TheFunkbomb in practice, the unix time limitation will shut it down in about 2031  if it makes it that long05:18
unopTheFunkbomb, never say never , things get buggy on linux too05:18
qqx_2 "the unix time limitation"?05:18
TheFunkbombyeah, but I can expect a longer uptime than 48 hours, right?05:18
Cadman21can someone lead me to a good program for loading music to an ipod?05:18
qwexerthefunkbomb: depends on what you run,05:18
nsadminTheFunkbomb: You have typed a line in this irc chat. FOr windows to understand what this means, you must reboot. Choose: one second, now05:18
Jack_SparrowTheFunkbomb, firefox 3 seems to have a memory leak, but in general.. yes05:18
qwexerthefunkbomb: I've had my laptop on for almost a week with no problems05:18
_2cplab2-58 then it's probably something im not aquainted with.05:18
_2qqx yes.  time stamps are going to run out of digits05:19
qqx_2 im sure they'll invent a patch before then05:19
us3rXCan anyone point me in the right direction to getting my Atheros AR242x wifi card working? I followed a few guides i seen, but none of them seem to be working. =s05:19
huwenfengis there anyone using the Hurd Kernel here?05:19
Jack_Sparrowunop, All of those are cut and pieced together from a notepad..  I need to clean it up and write more specific notes05:19
_2qqx the patch is start using 32 bit05:20
alex-82ok, what's the best way to set some environment variables at startup (I only want it to apply to one user)05:20
unopus3rX, sounds like the same chipset i have - i used the madwifi drivers05:20
TheFunkbombnext question.  I like to humiliate my ex-girlfriend playing literati.  It requires Java.05:20
nsadminTheFunkbomb: I ran a lab server that was doing mail, primary dns, web service, shell accounts (including for the java, c++, c, web design and programming, unix use, unix admin courses)05:20
unopalex-82, edit that user's  .bashrc05:20
TheFunkbombI have java 6 but it's not enough for them05:20
James2432Webforums are down?05:20
TheFunkbombor something like that05:20
us3rXunop, Thanks I'll look in to madwifi. =)05:20
TheFunkbombJames2432, I just posted to them05:20
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository05:20
nsadminone time at least, had the server up the entire semester05:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about awesome05:21
qqxok i have a question, ill stop asking about bluetooth forever if someone tells me is ubuntu bluetooth-microphone-capable?05:21
TheFunkbomboh yes you do05:21
James2432sorry just joined05:21
ldiamondCan anyone tell me how I can resize my home partition?05:21
unopJack_Sparrow, that sounds like what i keep having to do constantly - as of late :)05:21
James2432I must have missed it05:21
qqxwell ill continue if the answer is yes05:21
anhdhi tried to install the package wxgtk2.8 so that i can install playonlinux but i got this  http://paste.ubuntu.com/103021/ can smb help me05:21
IdleOneqqx: try05:21
Cpudan80ldiamond: use gparted05:21
_2ldiamond boot a gparted live CD05:21
Cpudan80ldiamond: Its a live CD05:22
* nickrud 's notpad is still google05:22
ldiamondNo other way than a live CD?05:22
TheFunkbombthe ubuntu live CD partitioned it very easily05:22
James2432TheFunkbomb, may I have the link to webforums, please?05:22
ldiamondWell, other than that...?05:22
cplab2-58Jack_Sparrow; http://paste.ubuntu.com/103022/05:22
nickrudldiamond, you can boot in recovery mode and use parted,05:22
nickrudldiamond, not for the faint of heart05:23
ldiamondThat's starting to sound more like something useful05:23
anhdhi tried to install the package wxgtk2.8 so that i can install playonlinux but i got this  http://paste.ubuntu.com/103021/ can smb help me05:23
TheFunkbombthey're good people05:23
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:23
Aji-Daha1aso...my touchpad doesn't seem to two-finger scroll and I'm not sure how to set that feature.  Ideas?05:23
Jack_Sparrowcplab2-58, that looks fine.. did you sudo apt-get update?05:23
_2ldiamond if you like living on the edge,  temporarly set a root password, run   sudo kill -9 -1   login as root dismount the home partition and use parted05:24
unop_2, that's not a good idea using SIGKILL right off the bat - especially as the superuser05:24
James2432TheFunkbomb, thats the URL I had it said: ERROR The requested URL could not be retrieved...now it says undermaintenance .... thanks anyways05:24
* nickrud shudders every time he hears the command parted05:24
* Dam-man Laba ryta.05:25
TheFunkbombsorry.  I must have gotten in just under the wire05:25
ldiamond_2, that wouldnt allow me to resize the main linux partition right?05:25
_2unop i didn't say everyone should now try that.05:25
TheFunkbombJames2432, they had some issues yesterday.  Forums were down for 10 hours or so05:25
Cadman21has anyone used gtkpod for managing their ipod before?05:25
TheFunkbombmust have been one of those rare linux reboots05:25
unop_2, i say you should never have to try that05:25
rww!anyone | TheFunkbomb05:25
ubottuTheFunkbomb: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:25
James2432TheFunkbomb, I think they are updating their database to cope with all the posts05:25
_2ldiamond yes actually, i think you can even resize /  if you mount it ro first.  but i'm not going to hand hold on that one.05:26
TheFunkbombrww, ???05:26
rwwTheFunkbomb: oops, sorry. I accidentally mixed up your nick with the one above yours.05:26
TheFunkbombIt happens all the time ;)05:27
ldiamondrww, why bother about people starting questions with "anyone".... who cares really..?05:27
_2ldiamond at any rate, editing partitions is always at the risk of losing all data on the entire disk.  so use at your own discresion05:27
rwwldiamond: I don't care. However, the people who ask questions like "Has anyone used PROGRAMNAME before?" and ends up getting no responses, when they could have just said what their actual question/problem is and gotten responses, probably should care.05:28
TheFunkbombldiamond, maybe to cut down on those questions?05:28
James2432TheFunkbomb, I lol'd05:28
TheFunkbombI'm new here and think it's a silly rule but hey, these dudes helped me so I'll follow the rules.  Not a big deal05:28
ldiamondThey'll eventually figure it out...05:28
cplab2-58Jack_Sparrow; http://paste.ubuntu.com/103024/05:29
_2anyone know anything about something ?05:29
James2432ldiamond, what the rule of RTFM?05:29
cplab2-58_2; nice question05:29
unopno, everything about nothing05:29
ldiamondJames2432, what the hell are you talking about?05:29
* _2 </shrugs>05:29
nickrudeverything about nothing is my forte05:29
James2432<ldiamond>They'll eventually figure it out...05:29
nickrudunop, you're my sole mait ;)05:30
cplab2-58_2;, unop; no, everything about everything05:30
* unop eeeks!!05:30
ldiamondJames2432, what about that? what does it have to do with RTFM?05:30
TheFunkbombI do have another issue though.  When I open up OpenOffice, the bar at the top doesn't have any text, just dashes05:30
unopnickrud, that's a daunting prospect :)05:30
TheFunkbombI assume this is an issue with my video card?05:30
James2432When in doubt/trouble RTFM?05:30
ldiamondJames2432, ok, you've lost me there Betty.05:31
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer05:32
James2432ldiamond, my name isn't betty05:32
Jack_Sparrowcplab2-58, I can bring that repo up here.  can you type  in.archive.ubuntu.com             in a browser and get to it05:32
Cadman21can anyone tell me why brasero might freeze up when I'm trying to burn a normal audio cd?05:32
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash05:32
nickrud!msgthebot | TheFunkbomb05:32
ubottuTheFunkbomb: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".05:32
TheFunkbombsorry I'm new05:32
nickrudTheFunkbomb, np, it's just easier for us lazy people to trigger the bot ;)05:33
ldiamondJames2432, I guess it is now!05:33
James2432ldiamond, *sad face*05:33
_2play nice kids05:33
_2freenode rules forbid blessing people out  so, play nice.05:34
James2432whois _205:34
tritium_2: what?05:34
nickrudrflol James243205:35
Jack_SparrowTheFunkbomb, I was shocked looking at the logs that I have averaged 1000 responses a day every day of the week for months at a time.. Yep, we will take any shortcuts05:35
TheFunkbombYou guys do good work.  I've been in non-Ubuntu channels and people can be jerks05:35
James2432TheFunkbomb, 2nd05:35
TheFunkbombI'm not the most knowledgeable when it comes to computers but that doesn't mean people should look down their noses at me05:36
TheFunkbombyou guys rock05:36
James2432"Ubuntu: Linux for human beings"05:36
Jack_SparrowTheFunkbomb, we dont look down at people unless we are helping them up..05:36
_CidI forget what Ubuntu means...isnt it something about togetherness ....helping eachother..I forget05:36
mogi22hey what is the serial declaration for in zone files?05:37
James2432_Cid see my last post05:37
Cadman21i'm new to ubuntu and I'm having problems with brasero freezing up on me or just closing the second it opens? does anyone have any help?05:37
TheFunkbombJack_Sparrow, well, I'm new and people have been pretty welcoming here.  I can't wait until I know enough to where I can help people05:37
Aji-Daha1aso...my touchpad doesn't seem to two-finger scroll and I'm not sure how to set that feature.  Ideas?05:37
ubottuTo contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate05:37
linux_newbiehi, after I recovered grub; i can't boot into window05:37
Jack_SparrowTheFunkbomb, that does not mean financially..05:38
TheFunkbombI'm looking and seeing what I can do to help :)05:38
_Cid"Ubuntu" is an ancient African word, meaning "humanity to others". Ubuntu also means "I am what I am because of who we all are". ...05:38
_Cidthere we go05:38
Jack_SparrowTheFunkbomb, Just passing on the info you get from here helps imensly05:38
nooomemdamn it... just can't get samba flowing. keep getting "network path not found" on the windows box but can ping the ubuntu-running file server.05:38
James2432_Cid oh you wanted the definition of the word XD05:38
TheFunkbombJack_Sparrow, I will.  I'm going to get a few more days under my belt before helping tho05:39
linux_newbiecan some one please tell me how to boot back into window after recovered grub ?05:39
Jack_SparrowTheFunkbomb, welcome to ubuntu, I am calling it a night..05:39
unopUbuntu is an african word that means "I won't use windows"05:39
TheFunkbombJack_Sparrow, good night and thanks for the help05:39
Cadman21is there a better program for burning CDs than Brasero?05:40
mogi22Aji-Daha1a, hey is that your real name?  aji?  i've a friend w/ that name but never met anyone else w/ it.05:40
Jack_Sparrowlinux_newbie, gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.list   there is an example of the windows option near the bottom05:40
cplab2-58Jack_Sparrow; ya I have come to the site. now what do i do05:40
Jack_Sparrowcplab2-58, Just wanted to make sure your network could see it..05:40
James2432@linux_newbie: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows05:41
linux_newbiejack_sparrow: I've done that changing hdx,y but it doesn't work05:41
Jack_SparrowHave patience someone will help. I am calling it a night05:41
_2unop hehhe05:41
Jack_Sparrowlinux_newbie, sudo fdiak -l where is windows   sda105:41
Jack_Sparrowfdisk -l05:41
linux_newbieon sda405:41
Jack_Sparrowat least that way you will have the right partition.. goodnight05:42
ZiberHow can I check the status of a service?05:42
linux_newbiejack_sparrow: oh ok thx so which means counting from 0 so it's located in 3 ?05:42
cplab2-58Jack_Sparrow; i have entered the site05:42
_2caution, bios hd0,# != /dev/sda#05:42
Jack_Sparrowyes   it starts at 0... Please goodnight05:42
James2432linux_newbie: did you change your /boot/grub/grub.conf?05:43
linux_newbiejack_sparrow: thx for the help, gn05:43
linux_newbiejames2432: nope05:43
James2432leave it that way05:43
cplab2-58Jack_Sparrow; i didn't get you??05:43
nickrudJames2432, menu.lst in ubuntu05:43
_2Jack_Sparrow but you can have only sda1 and sda5   i.e. only two partitions  so it could be hd0,105:44
nickrudJames2432, linux is linux, there'll be a few things you'll catch up on quickly ;)05:44
nickrudcplab2-58, jack left for the night05:44
_2can have only,  meaning that it is possable...05:44
ozzloyi have my laptop connected to my bluetooth headphones, but sound is still only going through the laptop speakers.  how do i fix that?05:44
James2432I'm so use to gentoo/debian from work x_X05:44
linux_newbieimma gonna reboot and see how it goes05:44
tritiumJames2432: ubuntu is debian-based05:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ufs05:44
James2432@ tritium, I know, but there are many things that are different05:45
nooomemI can't telnet localhost @ 139 after having just started samba... is there something wrong?05:45
_2nickrud yes i saw it,  i lag.05:45
tritiumJames2432: hardly05:45
James2432For example the grub.conf is menu.lst05:45
nickrudcplab2-58, you were having problems with 404's ?05:45
flashkidddoes someone knows how to trobleshooting k3b?05:45
James2432Ubuntu boots faster than debian(because of server services)05:46
cplab2-58nickrud; no. the thing is that I am not able to do updations05:46
James2432@flashkidd, what's wrong?05:47
_2James2432 boot speed is related to services being started at boot time and whether each script waits on the other to finish or not.05:47
nickrudcplab2-58, put the results of  sudo apt-get update  on http://paste.ubuntu.com please05:47
James2432@_2...thats what I just said with (because of server services)05:47
linux_newbiesparrow: it didn't work can you please check my grub menu05:47
tritiumJames2432: these are minor point.  In terms of package management, configuration, etc., debian and ubuntu share a common base.05:47
_2James2432 not exactly,  but ok.05:47
flashkiddJames2432: Sometimes my cdrom isnt recognized05:47
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)05:47
James2432@tritium, I totally agree05:48
Aji-Daha1aooh, xinput did the trick, I wonder if that gets preserved05:48
James2432@flashkidd, you mean when you insert a blank media? or one that is burnt?05:48
linux_newbiejames2432: can you check my grub menu.list ?05:49
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flashkiddJames2432: I cant record in linux, only windows works05:49
MK-AdminSo if I leave my desktop on for a few days the sound goes away.05:49
MK-AdminComes back after a reboot.05:49
MK-Adminand Flash player on Firefox keeps freezing.05:49
James2432@linux_newbie sure05:49
_2MK-Admin that's a bug   shouldn't happen.05:49
daredeviltherewht is the command to see alsa mixer settings05:50
_2MK-Admin finding it is the challange.05:50
MK-AdminI am on fairly proprietary hardrware...05:50
MK-AdminGateway FX540 box.05:50
MK-Admin_2: Where do you suggest looking?05:51
oxymoronI kind of need some major help. *somehow* (no time to explain) a user was created with root privileges and either someone maliciously did an rm -rf / (though I can't see it in ps aux | grep rm) but I cannot sudo at all anymore05:51
ozzloymy bluetooth headphones are successfully paired to my laptop, but sound still only goes through the laptop speakers.  how do i fix this?05:51
oxymoronand the system is slowly disappearing.05:51
oxymoronkeep in mind this is a remote box05:51
James2432@linux_newbie your grub seems in order05:51
_2MK-Admin /var/log/*     and when the sound fails also run the command,,,    dmesg | tail05:51
flashkiddJames2432: The cdrom disapears when I put a media in05:51
oxymoronadmin@ks357677:~$ sudo updatedb05:51
oxymoronsudo: no passwd entry for root!05:51
daredevilthereoxymoron: go in resume mode and add username to sudoers by usermod command05:52
linux_newbiejames2432: but it still boots directly into ubuntu05:52
James2432@flashkidd is a blank media or one that you just burnd?05:52
linux_newbiejames2432: what might be wrong with ?05:52
flashkiddJames2432: A blank media05:52
James2432line 2305:53
James2432add a #05:53
James2432it hides the menu05:53
_2oxymoron you changed the name of the superuser from root to something else.05:53
flashkiddJames2432: It doesnt write to the cd05:53
MK-Adminoxymoron: Can you do locate lsattr05:53
oxymoronIIRC daredevilthere, that's a recovery mode. I only have SSH and 'rdesktop'-sort of access to it05:53
_2oxymoron that's what the error message is saying.    ^05:53
MK-Adminoxymoron: If the person did indeed rm -rf / DO NOT reboot05:53
daredevilthereHAs anyone got any info of connecting Nokia device to ubuntu through Gnubox and browsing internet05:54
oxymoronlocate requires admin privs05:54
James2432@flashkidd, dunno o_O never seen that b405:54
semanticpc_has any one used sun grid ??05:54
oxymoronMK-Admin, I actually think it wasn't a hack attempt05:54
oxymoronhere's the thing05:54
linux_newbiejames2432: thx, gonna reboot and see if it works. brb05:54
daredevilthereoxymoron: but since u are not in sudo anymore i think its recovery mode that can reset passwd and add sudo entry05:55
flashkiddJames2432: I tried a fresh install but dont help05:55
_2oxymoron    sudo -u `grep ':0:0:' /etc/passwd` echo boo05:55
James2432@flashkidd, lemme google this05:55
Y-TownHow can I get F-Spot to see my samba shares to use as my default folder of pictures?05:55
Flanneloxymoron, MK-Admin: Lets stop mentioning that command, thanks.05:55
flashkiddJames2432: I am using the live cd with the 4.1.85 (kde beta 2)05:56
oxymoronquestion. If you have a server with X/Gnome installed will it show up checked in Tasksel? Because I simply entered tasksel to install LAMP05:56
oxymoronthat's the exact time it started happening05:56
_2oxymoron ooops  sorry,    sudo -u `grep ':0:0:' /etc/passwd | cut -d':' -f1` echo boo   <<<<05:56
oxymoroncould it be an issue of it removing all sorts of graphical interface?05:56
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_2oxymoron what does that command do ^  ?05:57
James2432@flashkidd do you have multiple drives?05:57
oxymoronsudo -u `grep ':0:0:' /etc/passwd | cut -d':' -f1` echo boo   <<<<05:57
oxymoronadmin@ks357677:~$ sudo -u `grep ':0:0:' /etc/passwd | cut -d':' -f1` echo boo05:57
oxymoronsudo: no passwd entry for echo!05:57
coolbam14i need help installing ubuntu with wubi05:57
coolbam14i restarted computer05:57
_2oxymoron without the <<<<  on the end please05:57
flashkiddJames2432: No just one connected with the hd in a ide cable05:57
coolbam14and it gave me a command prompt with grub on it05:57
oxymoronthat's exactly how I pasted it from openssh _205:57
coolbam14idk what to do05:57
oxymoron(the <<< was a mistake copied from the irc)05:58
_2oxymoron errmmm   then you have deleted the superuser account from the passwd file05:58
oxymoronapparently apparently this baby is pretty f-ed up, isn't it?05:58
coolbam14i need help installing ubuntu with wubi05:58
James2432@flashkidd, then how are you booting off of live cd? or did you install it from the live cd?05:58
coolbam14idk what to do05:58
coolbam14i restarted computer05:58
coolbam14and it gave me a command prompt with grub on it05:58
flashkiddJames2432: yes05:58
FloodBot3coolbam14: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:59
Y-TownIs there a way to get f-spot to see samba share directories?  the browser it uses does not show that ability05:59
flashkiddJames2432: I installed from livecd05:59
dr_willisY-Town,  mount  the share to a local directory. dont use the 'file browser' browing of shares.05:59
linux_newbiejames2432: greate the menu is shown now.. but it has error 12 when selecting windows05:59
Y-Towndr_willis: whats the best way to do that?05:59
_2oxymoron solution.    boot a live cd  (or anything that can access the linux filesystem)  and copy these two backup files to their origenal in /etc/  passwd~ to passwd   and  shadow~ to shadow05:59
oxymoron_2 and others thanks for your quick help, I really don't think it's rm -rfing / but rather just deleting all graphical interface AND I messed up bad with the root acct06:00
dr_willisY-Town,  mount command, or edit /etc/fstab06:00
flashkiddJames2432: It works fine to read just record is bad06:00
linux_newbiejames2432: in fdisk -l the windows partition should state something like win95 ex'd right ?06:00
SmegzorIs there a guide to playing dvd's in ubuntu written for 8.10?  I've found a few but they're quite old.  I have installed all the media codecs etc, but no joy.  I'm running Ubuntu amd64.  I even tried playing them in virtual XP, but that didn't fly either.06:00
Cadman21from root folder where are the program files located that are in the applications menu?06:00
James2432@linux_newbie: error 12 =12 : Invalid device requested.06:00
oxymoron_2 this is a server that I use but don't have actual access to, it's remote and a friend who is overseas can only use the support system06:00
oxymoronit can be wiped clean and reinstalled without much loss. nothing personal on there.06:01
_2oxymoron only known cure is physical contact admin06:01
oxymoronI figured as much _206:01
coolbam14i tried installing ubuntu using wubi but when i restarted my computer chose the partition it just booted up with a command prompt thats says <Grub>06:01
dr_willisSmegzor,  i was thinking it was just a matter of installing the decss stuff from medibuntu,  - I tend to use mplayer or vlc however. they may make it easier.06:01
James2432@flashkidd sorry can't find a solution :/06:01
Y-Towndr_willis: I tried but didnt have much luck... the share folder is actually "pictures" under a different user name...Can you sorta guide me to the correct format to work with to get it to moun please06:01
flashkiddJames2432: no problem06:01
James2432@linux_newbie, what version of windows are you trying to boot?06:02
Smegzordr_willis: I've done all that, tried vlc too.06:02
_2oxymoron if you had a root shell open at present you could fix it from there though06:02
dr_willisSmegzor,   trouble shoot the problem. Perhaps  your /dev/dvd link or somthing is wrong06:02
flashkiddJames2432: I am thinking in buy a new sata cdrom it is not so expensive, and is better than ide drives06:02
_2oxymoron i was answering on the assumption that you don't have superuser shell/s at present.06:02
Smegzori'm going to try another codec..06:03
James2432@flashkidd, i'll pm you something06:03
linux_newbieflashkidd: check ur cd read speed06:03
oxymoron_2, btw the remote desktop JUST shut down btw. That's not the point though. I have two shells open06:03
sarmisakgood morning all06:03
oxymoronlet me see if any of them still has sudo non-expired06:03
oxymoron(both admin accounts)06:03
_2oxymoron no. not a normal user that has sudo rights, but real superuser only.06:04
oxymoronno, sorry.06:04
flashkiddhow I can see that?06:04
James2432i meant06:04
James2432linux_newbie, i'll pm you something06:04
Y-Towndr_willis: I tried but didnt have much luck... the share folder is actually "pictures" under a different user name...Can you sorta guide me to the correct format to work with to get it to moun please06:04
_2oxymoron ok then my assumption was correct and my answer is also accurate.   only through hands on access now.06:04
=== Gandalf is now known as Guest41346
oxymoronI am pretty much conceded to the idea that playing around with useradd and userdel without knowing wtf you're doing has cost me.06:05
Guest41346I need a video card to use with flight gear,  any suggestions would help06:05
semanticpc_has any one used sun grid ??06:05
oxymoronvaluable lesson. at least not a production server, just a tester06:05
dr_willisY-Town,  theres 1000's of docs/guides out on how to mount a remote share to a local directory  the 'samba-doc' package has several books on samba that have a chapter on the topic ;)06:05
neil_d_I am trying to run sshd in a chroot jail.  at the moment I am getting an error "Privilege separation user sshd does not exist"  I have entries in the /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow (copied from the main system) what else do I need ?06:05
James2432@linux_newbie, please check PM for grub config06:06
Y-Towndr_willis: ty06:06
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James2432@flash_kid have you tried burning at a lower speed?06:07
_2oxymoron like i said, if someone on site can copy passwd~ and shadow~ to their passwd and shadow   you are fixed.   it's a simple copy process.      cp /etc/passwd~ /etc/passwd ;cp /etc/shadow~ /etc/shadow06:07
Aliveshow do i find what a package was configured with when it was built?06:07
_2oxymoron else you are sol06:08
oxymoronI'll definitely consider that06:08
oxymoronwould require going through two people while I was going to wipe the server clean anyway and install ubuntu without the burden of x/gnome06:08
bullgard4unop: http://www.aoc.nrao.edu/~tjuerges/ALMA/Kernel/usb/ch07.html is slovenly authored. Can you tell me what the author means by the sentence: "You can also poll() this to learn about new devices"? (I can read the file /proc/bus/usb/.usbfs easily using mc. Why does the author mention a need of poll()?)06:08
Smegzordr_willis: I got it working with medibuntu.  I've had that installed previously.  It must have dropped off in the last dist upgrade.06:09
huwenfengwhat the hell are the Isreal doing now!06:09
GrayhaneI need a video card to use with flightgear, any suggestions ?06:10
msuttonWhere does aptitude install header files for libraries? I just "apt-get install libavcodec-dev" and I can't the files.06:10
oxymoron_2, actually here's one for you. all of the files that I need salvaged are located in my $HOME and I have a session open (normal user). Could I just SCP them over?06:10
oxymoronscp shouldn't need sudo. I'm not sure though.06:10
neil_d_I am trying to run sshd in a chroot jail.  at the moment I am getting an error "Privilege separation user sshd does not exist"  I have entries in the /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow (copied from the main system) what else do I need ?06:10
_2msutton a command to remember,   dpkg -L <installed package name here> | less06:11
_2oxymoron probably   yes06:11
coolbam14i tried installing ubuntu using wubi but when i restarted my computer chose the partition it just booted up with a command prompt thats says <Grub>06:12
msutton_2: I love you.06:12
venportAnyone willing to help someone new to linux? I installed Ubuntu on a project PC, and now the Screen Resolution is stuck at 800 x600,  and when i06:12
_2neil_d_ user named  sshd  is in /etc/passwd ?06:12
oxymoronthanks again for all your help :). I think I'll idle here and maybe learn something.06:12
neil_d__2: yes06:12
_2msutton it's ok,  you'll get over it,  i'm a jerk.06:12
venporttry and change it, i don;t have any optoins06:12
coolbam14i tried installing ubuntu using wubi but when i restarted my computer chose the partition it just booted up with a command prompt thats says <Grub>06:12
James2432@coolbam14 ... is wubi the windows installer for ubuntu?06:13
nickrud!wubi | James243206:13
ubottuJames2432: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.06:13
_2neil_d_ and sshd's home exists    "in the jail"06:13
daredeviltherevenport: go2 system -> prefrences -> screen resolution06:13
James2432*sigh* i've heard so many problems associated with wubi06:13
mogi22if bind is the group for my rndc.key file, and dhcpd user is in the group bind, shouldnt dhcpd user be able to read the key file?06:14
mogi22its perm is 64006:14
neil_d__2: yes06:14
mogi22i just find it odd that dhcpd cant access the file unless its 644 or gorup = dhcpd.  i thought adding dhcpd user to group bind would do the trick06:15
_2neil_d_  hmmmm ok, i struck out.    maybe someone else can help you with that error06:15
venport@daredevilthere: thanks but I gave that a try and it only lists 800 x 600 and 640 x480 and i was hoping for somthing like 1680 x 1050 (or somewhere around that size)06:15
mogi22actually is it a bad idea to add dhcpd to the group bind?06:15
ryanCHubunut, normally detects PCI wifi devices as well as it detects USB wifi devices, right?06:16
msuttonWhy god! Why won't the forums come back?06:16
msuttonI'll be good I swear.06:16
James2432ryanCH not always, but yes06:17
nickrudJames2432, wubi is good, *if* people install exactly as recommended06:17
_2ryanCH  update-pciids ;lspci    see if it finds your wifi that way06:17
daredeviltherevenport: that means ur monitor only supports that resloution06:17
neil_d__2: ok06:18
bazhang!give me a test06:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about give me a test06:18
daredevilthereHow do i block access to certain programs  for other users?06:18
James2432@nickrud .... it's that "*if*" that scares me06:18
venportWell i'm using the same monitor for my Windows computer at 1680 x1050 (using a KVM to switch)... so i'm not sure why it would not let me use a larger resolution06:18
bazhangdaredevilthere, kids?06:18
nickrudJames2432, eyup.06:18
daredeviltherebazhang: no not kids. other users to which i have given shell and access06:19
daredeviltherebazhang: is there any type of file where i can put all names of programs that certain user cannot use . just like access.conf file06:20
daredeviltherevenport: which graphics driver do u have06:20
venportCould my crappy video card not like ubuntu?06:20
_2daredevilthere one way, though it's very convoluted and not reccomended, is set their executable to 750 and put the people that are supposed to run them in the group06:20
bazhangdaredevilthere, you want to create a guest account?06:20
eseven73Forums please! kthxbai :)06:20
akahige1can anyone tell me how xorg and usb are interrelated? my mouse seems to have started effecting video performance...06:21
gharzguys, why do i always get this error whenever i run an update => The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>06:21
gharzit was working before06:21
venportNot sure daredevil, i just installed ubuntu today, (very new to linux)06:21
nsadminyou have to get the key from the key server06:21
venportis there a place where i can read about drvers06:21
daredeviltherevenport: check it with this command sudo lspci | grep VGA06:22
gharznsadmin: get the key?06:22
bullgard4venport: Yes06:22
qqxcould anyone pls help me with this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/103031/06:22
garrettjUbuntu really needs a distinct walkthrough of everything important. Like a help file pointing out all the different options in the sound section. Specifically why there are 1000000000000000 options in the drop down menus.06:22
daredevilthere_2: thats an option but wht if i want to block access to so many programs than?06:22
venportok BRB06:22
molsonhello, I have a question about wifi drivers for ubuntu...06:23
garrettjand each option in those drop down menus makes different sounds come out of different speakers06:23
garrettjmakes no sense06:23
molsonI'm using a HP Pavilion DV5139us which has a Broadcom card built into it...06:23
qqxmolson | ask06:23
neil_d__2: about that sshd user, could sshd be using an external program to check?06:24
qqx!ask | molson06:24
ubottumolson: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:24
z28  464  irssi -n LtL -c irc.freenode.net06:24
daredeviltherebazhang: no not guest account , accounts are already created06:24
_2daredevilthere another option would be dir perms.  you could move executables to something like /usr/local/bin  and limit the access to the dir    but again,  you are talking about a very custom approach in either case.06:24
carlfIs there any way to get gdm in intrepid to pay attention to an .xinitrc or .xsession in my home directory? It seems to only see the stuff in the xsessions directory.06:24
eseven73garrettj: well theres man pages for that, granted they're kinda hard to understand at times, but they're there.06:24
_2neil_d_ "pam"06:25
qqxcould anyone pls help me with this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/103031/06:25
garrettj"man pages?"06:25
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk06:25
dr_williscarlf i was thinking there was some entry in gdm/kdm sessions menus that read the .xinitrc or .Xsession. but im not sure what installs it.. or  where it came from06:25
huwenfengshao: please do not use chinese here.06:25
eseven73garrettj: type man find in a terminal06:26
daredevilthere_2:  but there has to some kind of approach i mean some type of conf file where i can write the names of all the programs and username that i dont want them to access.Somthing like /etc/security/access.conf06:26
ubottu日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい06:26
molsonI'm using a HP Pavilion DV5139us, which has a broadcom wireless card in it.  I cannot seem to get this card to work with ubuntu.  I've tried installing the broadcom STA drivers and it hasn't worked so far.  I haven't been able to install ndiswrapper or ndisgtk (the "make install" command returns a ton of errors) so I can't get the windows drivers to work.  Any help or advice?06:26
garrettjwow thank you esven7306:26
_2daredevilthere selinux    which i don't like.06:26
daredevilthere_2: selinux whts that?06:27
neil_d__2: found something the sshd user says .....:/usr/sbin/nologin  but this program isn't in the jail, I will put it in a have another go.06:27
daredeviltherevenport: c this might help u
garrettjhere's another question: How do I get pulseaudio back, in full, when I followed a tutorial to take it off and correct my sound (which it didn't). I never got to mess around with PULSE06:27
eseven73'back'? meaning you uninstalled it garrettj ?06:28
garrettjto be honest06:28
qqxi cant seem to get pulse audio to work. here's the error i get: http://paste.ubuntu.com/103031/ any help or advice?06:28
eseven73'sudo apt-get install pulseaudio' should do it06:28
garrettjI can't really remember what I did to get it off06:28
nickrudmolson, did you try sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper?  Better yet, try system->admin->hardware drivers, see if it shows a driver for your card06:28
garrettjI followed some tutorial eseven7306:28
eseven73!pm | franklin06:29
ubottufranklin: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.06:29
garrettjeseven73 when I go to synaptic manager, there are like 100 things to do with pulse, do I install them all?06:29
molsonnickrud, I've tried both.  the apt-get install ndiswrapper does not work (it says it cannot find the package).  the hardware drivers do not show up in the second method listed.06:29
huwenfengeseven73: what does "pm" mean?06:29
_2oops .06:29
neil_d__2: that wasn't it, still giving the error. :(06:29
molsonnickrud,  ndiswrapper does not show up in the synaptec manager either06:30
nickrudmolson, go to system->admin->software sources, make sure main, restricted, universe and multiverse are enabled. It'll update your sources, and try again06:30
James2432@huwenfeng, private message: double click on his name06:30
eseven73garrettj: hmm i would just install pulseaudio, that other stuff listed there are just extras i beleive, at any rate, once you choose pulseaudio, it will pull in everything else it needs anyways06:30
eseven73huwenfeng: private message06:30
_2neil_d_ #openssh  might find help in there, i'm not much of a networking nofin06:31
garrettjeseven73: thanks I appreciate it, I'll give it ago... I'm also having a problem getting sound with flash06:31
neil_d__2: I will try thanks for the tip/06:31
qqxcan anyone help me with this error message? http://i40.tinypic.com/20sj9jq.png06:32
_2neil_d_ also  ##linux   at times that is the place for advanced networking questions.  and some times it's not.06:32
Dexidoes anyone here know of a program for macros? recording keyboard & mouse and outputting it?06:32
eseven73garrettj: 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras'  *MIGHT* work for that flash sound issue, im not a flash guru really, but try that.06:32
garrettjeseven73: I'll give a quick try06:32
molsonnickrud, these options are all enabled.  I also went ahead and enabled "source code"06:32
James2432@Dexi shell scripting is pretty much well macros06:33
nickrudmolson, if you still can't find ndiswrapper, then your sources.list got messed up somehow.   sudo mv /etc/apt/sources.list ~/Desktop , then run through the system->admin->software sources again to rebuild them.06:33
nickrud!hardysources | molson (here's complete instructions, works for hardy on up)06:34
ubottumolson (here's complete instructions, works for hardy on up): In System->Admin->Software Sources, enable (main) (universe) (restricted) and (multiverse) and disable the Cdrom on the Ubuntu Software tab. On the Updates tab, enable (hardy-security) and (hardy-updates).06:34
molson...this is a fresh install of ubuntu...  I'm a relative noobie to this stuff but learning lol06:34
nickrudmolson, it happens sometimes06:34
James2432@molson .... everyone is at one point06:35
garrettjeseven73: what is this downloading? seems like a lot of stuff :D06:35
_2James2432 not me,  i'm at two points   :)))06:35
nsadminif everyone's at one point, that would be a crowded point!06:35
eseven73garrettj: various codecs and what not needed to for flash, mp3, dvd stuff06:35
* nickrud gags on bad puns06:36
huwenfengwhat's guru?06:36
James2432@_2, what do you mean?06:36
molsonok I'm rebuilding the list now06:36
qqxcan anyone help me with this error message? http://i40.tinypic.com/20sj9jq.png06:36
garrettjeseven73: you may be the most awesome guy ever06:36
_2sorry nickrud06:36
im51is there anything that is similar in functionality to ices2 but with mp3 support, but that is not ices0?06:36
venportdaredevilthere-- Thanks, i'll do some reading them come back, mabye i'll have more questions...06:36
James2432@_2 .... i hate you for bad pun06:36
James2432just got it -_-;06:37
cNOOBI have a question.  Is Doom 3 worth buying and running on Ubuntu 8.04?06:37
_2James2432 that was a gag too     :)06:37
eseven73garrettj: lol I'm still kinda new at this myself but I've learned a few basics in this channel to be able to help you with those questions you had :)06:37
dr_williscNOOB,  if you want it.. :)06:37
nsadmindoom3 and quake4 are pretty good06:37
James2432you can check the stability of Doom 3 @ WineHQ.com06:37
dr_willisDoom3 should have a native linux port06:37
cNOOBI just want something to do..and WineHQ says Starcraft doesn't work very good...so...I dont want to waste my money06:37
molsonok, followed the instructions you gave me nickrud..  gonna attempt to apt-get install ndiswrapper (under a sudo environment of course)06:38
nsadminit does06:38
nsadminI run both on linux06:38
dr_williscNOOB,  FreeCol - is my fave.06:38
cNOOBDoes Starcraft run perfect?06:38
garrettjeseven73: reboot time woooo06:38
dr_willis!info freecol06:38
ubottufreecol (source: freecol): an open version of Colonization. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.4.dfsg-1ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 13153 kB, installed size 20092 kB06:38
molsonno luck on that, still not able to find it06:38
nickrudmolson, put a copy of /etc/apt/sources.list on http://paste.ubuntu.com06:39
cajetaok..trying to get xchat figured out..it changed since I last used it :)06:39
_2cajeta xchat or xchat-gnome  ?  they differ i hear.06:40
cajetathis is xchat-gnome!06:40
nickrudmolson, never mind. I'm behind the curve, I don't have ndiswrapper in my packagelist either, and I know mine are good06:40
z28cajeta: dump that, use xchat.06:40
cNOOBWhat would be a good game to buy or play on my machine that works well on Linux that I can play both offline and online?06:40
molsonok nick06:40
cajetathanks for the advice06:40
eseven73xchat-gnome is rubbish06:40
cajetaok, off I go!06:41
nickrudmolson, install ndiswrapper-utils-1.906:41
molsonusing apt-get?06:41
nickrudmolson, yes.06:41
qqxis irssi better than xchat?06:41
z28Question, why do people use that bastardized xchat-gnome over the 'real deal'?06:41
dr_willisqqx,  install it and see06:41
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.06:41
garrettjeseven73: man it didn't work, but my sound settings may not be right in the generic section. Do you mind if I pm and pick your brain on basic sound stuff?06:42
molsonok installed06:42
nickrudmolson, either my memory of package names was faulty, or the naming got changed. Almost certainly the former06:42
qqxeseven73, you just made a qualitative comparison and here you are using a bot to b#$%#$% me out06:42
eseven73garrettj: im not a sound guy, so i prolly wouldnt be much help sorry06:42
z28qqx: xchat is GUI, irssi is curses, terminal based06:42
im51what can record from my sound card (or rather pulseaudio, with a monitor source) and broadcast that as an mp3 stream to an icecast server...or what can transcode from ogg to mp3...i've been using ices2 but the majority of programs dont support ogg without a codec (atleast on losedows) means i need to use mp3...06:42
molsonyeah, I think its the naming06:42
garrettjeseven73: ok thanks anyway :D06:42
=== im51 is now known as im5
nickrudmolson, you should be good to go06:43
garrettjis there anyone on here willing to pm me and tolerate basic sound questions? :D06:43
eseven73garrettj: np good luck :)06:43
xinelmeh i use kvirc06:43
molsonwhere should I go from here?  afer the ndiswrapper is installed (which it now is) should it just...work?06:43
cNOOBAnyone here have Doom 3?  If so do you think it is a worth while buy with good replay ability?06:43
im5molson: you need a windows driver for it06:43
eseven73qqx: well whatever, polling is a no no here. ;)06:43
nickrud!ndiswrapper | molson06:43
ubottumolson: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:43
molsonok thanks06:44
im5what can record from my sound card (or rather pulseaudio, with a monitor source) and broadcast that as an mp3 stream to an icecast server...or what can transcode from ogg to mp3...i've been using ices2 but the majority of programs dont support ogg without a codec (atleast on losedows) means i need to use mp3...06:44
nickrudmolson, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper06:44
silv3r_m00nhi there06:45
silv3r_m00ni want to open excel files(xml format) in openoffice.org spreadhseet06:45
silv3r_m00nhow can i do that ?06:45
daredevilthereI neeed some help for LTSP network boot06:45
im5silv3r xml or xsl?06:45
silv3r_m00nim5: xml06:46
im5silv3r can you link to an example of one?06:46
im5idk i'll check first nvm06:46
silv3r_m00nim5: do you have access to ms-excel ?06:47
im5silv3r_m00n: i think i got it06:47
daredeviltherewhere does apt-get downlaod and keep pacakages06:47
silv3r_m00nim5: just create an excel file type something and save as xml format06:47
im5you go to file->open and then on that drop down box choose Microsoft Office 2003 XML06:48
nickruddaredevilthere, /var/cache/apt06:48
silv3r_m00nim5: let me try06:48
daredeviltherecan i change the default apt-get downlaod path06:48
im5silv3r_m00n: no i dont have access to ms-excel06:48
im5what can record from my sound card (or rather pulseaudio, with a monitor source) and broadcast that as an mp3 stream to an icecast server...or what can transcode from ogg to mp3...i've been using ices2 but the majority of programs dont support ogg without a codec (atleast on losedows) means i need to use mp3...06:48
daredeviltherenickrud: do u recommend me to backup deb pakages which i download or install from internet evrytime06:48
nickruddaredevilthere, it can be done, but why?06:49
mrgenixusim5: um ogg codec is free on windows...06:49
whitedoxWould ethernetting 2 PC's together, one being a Linux OS and one being a WIndows OS work for just file browsing? Like I need to access some files on my linux box on my Vista box, and copy them over. Would this work?06:49
nickruddaredevilthere, the cache is limited to 500mb, I never worry about backing up myself other than normal backup routines06:49
mrgenixuspretty decent support in most players (winamp?)06:49
poboy975linuxhi, I got a question for someone...06:49
mrgenixuspoboy975linux: nope06:49
daredeviltherenickrud: bacause some times my internet works slow06:49
mrgenixuspoboy975linux: I'm pretty sure you would have asked them already06:49
im5mrgenixus: but people wont want to download it just to listen to my station06:50
poboy975linuxlol, dont usualy get a response right away06:50
John`Aran into more problems.. this time it couldnt detect the harddrisk also during a check o06:50
John`Ai checked the INSTALL CD for integrity... found two problems right away...both linux-restricted-modules-common_2.6.24.13-19.44_all.deb and  nvidia-kernel-common_20051028-1ubuntu_all.deb failed mdchecksum06:50
daredeviltherenickrud: Oh so can i increase the cache size limit or how can i back them06:50
im5mrgenixus: and it wasnt working on my friends winamp...06:50
brmassa_i think i overwritten my main user (using useradd i think), so i lost all groups, including sudoers. how can i restore it?06:50
John`Awhat can  i do about this??06:50
silv3r_m00nim5: no it cudnt open it06:50
nickruddaredevilthere, there's a lot of ways you can handle repositories, you might find https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/ interesting reading06:50
daredeviltherenickrud: alrite thanks06:50
nickruddaredevilthere, after reading that you might have some fresh ideas about what you really want06:51
im5silv3r_m00n: well just look through those...thats about the only way i could think of...look for the ones that say "XML"06:51
gharzguys how do i deal with this apt-get error -> W: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/intrepid-security/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2  Hash Sum mismatch06:51
James2432gn pplz06:51
im5silv3r_m00n: try DocBook06:51
nickrudbrmassa_, you can restore admin to your main user by booting into recovery mode and running adduser <username> admin06:51
gharzi'm getting 4 of these errors :(06:51
John`Anoone can help me with my issues?06:52
daredevilthereDoes any one knw how do i configure ltsp server settings06:52
brmassa_nickrud: thanks a lot. i was thinking about it, but i was not sure...06:52
nickrudJohn`A, if the disk is bad, you need to reburn it06:52
John`Anickrud this is like the 7th disk ive burnt of it06:52
John`Adifferent ISO's at times06:53
nickrudJohn`A, you should burn as slowly as possible, and make sure the iso is good06:53
mrgenixusJohn`A: I don't know anything baout your issues...  as far as the bad cd you burned, you have to brun a nw one06:53
im5John`A: ummmm...check the md5 sum of the iso? if that is good just reburn...if the check fails re download ubuntu06:53
nickrud!md5sum | John`A06:53
ubottuJohn`A: To verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more06:53
poboy975linuxI have two extra hard drives in my ubuntu box...they show in the file browser as size listed..but they are unable to be mounted. I ran the ls /dev/disk/by-uuid/ -alh and it shows a sdb1 device...but when i type  sudo parted /dev/sdb1 p it says unrecognised disk label06:53
John`Athe checksum was perfect06:53
John`Acomplete match06:53
mrgenixusthen your ram is porbably bad06:53
John`Ahow much ram do i need?06:53
mrgenixusif the disk matches but individual files don't06:53
woody86Does anyone know how to setup an auto-login without having GDM installed?06:53
mrgenixusnot the issue06:53
mrgenixusrun memtest8606:53
nickrudJohn`A, usually its burning too fast.06:53
whitedoxWould ethernetting 2 PC's together, one being a Linux OS and one being a WIndows OS work for just file browsing? Like I need to access some files on my linux box on my Vista box, and copy them over. Would this work?06:54
mrgenixusyou'll find bad areas in your ram06:54
im5poboy975linux: what format are the disks?06:54
John`Alast cd i burnt wasthe alternate cd ver06:54
mrgenixusnickrud: the disk checksums were ok though, which means he's not reading the disc consitently06:54
im5what can record from my sound card (or rather pulseaudio, with a monitor source) and broadcast that as an mp3 stream to an icecast server...or what can transcode from ogg to mp3...i've been using ices2 but the majority of programs dont support ogg without a codec (atleast on losedows) means i need to use mp3...06:54
nickrudmrgenixus, iso checksums I think he said06:54
John`Athe original one i burnt was with the gui installer and i got it to install on the hd alone but when i wanted to reinstall so it would detect BOTH harddrives then it started problems06:54
poboy975linuxI dont know.. they are used hard drives...I have never been able to do anything with them....gparted doesnt see them06:54
mrgenixusright -- oh -- nvm I get it06:54
nickrudJohn`A, same disk that installed correctly?06:55
poboy975linuxis there a way for me to reformat and partition for linux?06:55
im5John`A: ummm...it should detect both hdds...its not like its a retard disk..it knows if theres a hdd...06:55
John`Athats what i dont get06:55
im5poboy975linux: you wanna reformat?06:55
John`Ai know but i didnt try instaling with both harddrives connected06:55
poboy975linuxthese two extra drives....not my main drive06:55
John`Athatswhy i tried reinstalling06:55
im5poboy975linux:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingANewHardDrive06:56
mrgenixuspoboy975linux: use gparted if you have gnome06:56
nickrudJohn`A, strange.06:56
John`Ai dont think the harddrive is bad, cause i was able to install damnsmalllinux with no problem06:56
mrgenixuspoboy975linux: that's probably the easiest way06:56
im5what can record from my sound card (or rather pulseaudio, with a monitor source) and broadcast that as an mp3 stream to an icecast server...or what can transcode from ogg to mp3...i've been using ices2 but the majority of programs dont support ogg without a codec (atleast on losedows) means i need to use mp3...06:56
poboy975linuxI'm on that site....thats where I got the commands to run....but it doesnt tell me what to do when errors06:56
mrgenixusJohn`A: you can install dsl?06:56
John`Awith the ubuntu cd's they seem to error out midway through (gui ver installer) then within the first 15% on the text installer06:56
John`Ayep, i have no problem with DSL06:56
poboy975linuxgparted doesnt see the devices06:56
ce_imoetzis indonesia06:56
John`Anow im guessing it could be the disc06:57
mrgenixusim5: mp3 is non-free which means you'll have to use non-ubuntu sources afaik06:57
im5poboy975linux: are they plugged in?06:57
im5mrgenixus: gah...06:57
John`Athe disc i have dsl on is a different brand than the ones im burning for ubuntu.. of course its size is 650mb06:57
John`Aso  i cant burn ubuntu to it :|06:57
mrgenixusim5: which is to say?06:57
poboy975linuxthey are internal sata drives....they show in the cmos ok06:57
im5mrgenixus: in other words: DAMNIT06:57
John`Ait really is a bit mind boggling06:57
John`Aespecially cause last time i tried the alternate cd install it couldnt detect the hd06:58
duhenim5 type in google medibuntu and try to install win32 or 64 codecs to work with non free formats06:58
im5duhen: but the source im trying to use doesnt support mp3...ices206:59
im5and ices0 is just retarded...06:59
John`Athe WEIRDEST thing is..06:59
gharzguys, if i run a command 'mkdir -p folder' ............. how do i reverse this? can i just simple delete this? i check the mkdir man page but i don't understand... it was too techy for me about parent :(06:59
John`Athe SAME disc i used to install originally, the one that worked, wouldnt work afterwards06:59
John`Alanded up giving me the "errno 5" error06:59
im5and oddcastv3-jack ...ofcourse, does jack...which would take ALOT of f***in around with pulse and jack to get it to work...07:00
poboy975linuxwhen I tried the ls /dev/disk/by-uuid/ -al command it listed sda1 main sda5 swap, sdc1 external drive, and sdb1 unknown and sdb2 unknown07:00
im5gharz: if you figure out all the dirs it made...just do rm -rf (path to the top directory that it made)07:01
im5just DONT do rm -rf /*07:01
im5whatever you do DO NOT07:01
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!07:01
Flannelim5: Please don't even do things like that here.  And watch your language.07:01
im5Flannel: i told them not to do it, so stfu you ass07:01
im5ima leavin07:02
nsadminis will robinson here?07:02
poboy975linuxi guess so07:02
noodlesgcno hes not, he's lost.... in space07:03
krlhc8hell all07:03
poboy975linuxthats right....probably forever since the other two movies arent ever goin to be made07:03
dr_willisAnd we are truely thankfull for that...07:03
nsadmindr_willis: any relation to gary willis?07:04
gharzim5: thanks!07:04
krlhc8I'm having problems with webcams in general on my Intel Inspiron 640m laptop.  Webcams work fine on my other laptop (gateway) but not with the intel laptop.  What's up with that?07:04
dr_willisnsadmin,  who?  - willis - is my first name. :P07:04
gizmoanyone know where to find good shell here?07:05
_Cidbash? :)07:05
dr_willisgizmo,  clarify that question a bit to the channel...07:05
nsadmingizmo: the good shells are on the beach07:05
gizmonsadmin, lol07:05
krlhc8gizmo: koopas07:06
gizmodr_willis, just asking maybe in here also know about this07:06
whitedoxWhat filesystem does Ubuntu use?07:06
gizmokrlhc8, you mean?\07:06
dr_willisgizmo,  im not sure anyone knows what you are really asking about...07:06
krlhc8whitedox: depends, usually ext3 by default07:06
nsadminwhitedox: a filesystem supported by thelinux kernel07:06
krlhc8gizmo: I was kidding.07:06
duhenwhitedox ext 2 ext 3 reiserfs an dmore07:07
gizmodr_willis, like FloodBot1  its a bot that come from shell right?07:07
whitedoxI am using a default install of Hardy. Straight off the disc.07:07
bazhang!ot | gizmo07:07
ubottugizmo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:07
dr_willisgizmo,  it could just be a program running on someones  pc at home. :)07:07
bazhanggizmo, take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic NOT here07:08
whitedoxSo...If I installed Ubuntu Hardy fresh off the disc, then it is ext3? Or is there a way to check?07:09
krlhc8I'm having problems with webcams in general on my Intel Inspiron 640m laptop.  Webcams work fine on my other laptop (gateway) but not with the intel laptop.  What's up with that?07:09
poboy975linuxso anyone have any ideas for me?07:10
rwwwhitedox: Yes, by default it's ext3. You can check by running "mount" and looking at the "type" of the partitions you care about.07:10
nsadminwhitedox: it's what's cool... it's what's powerful... it's your choice, and you get to make it when you install07:10
krlhc8poboy975linux: can't see your question...07:11
whitedoxnsadmin: The thing is, I don't remember what I chose.07:11
duhenwhtiedox if it works you have no problem07:11
garretthi, I lost my bottom panel which applications minimize to, how do i get it back?07:11
nsadminpoboy975linux: I don't have very many ideas... the last one I had involved chocolate ice cream, a thorn off a rose and about 10 truckloads of peeled garlic07:11
poboy975linuxok I have two devices that show when I run this command ls /dev/disk/by-uuid/ -al....sdb1 and sdb2....they should be two extra hard drives, that are installed but gparted isnt  seeing them07:12
nsadminwhitedox: so you have an existing installation?07:12
duhengarett right click on another panel and click on add panel07:12
rwwgarrett: right-click a remaining panel, click "New Panel", configure the new panel.07:12
whitedoxnsadmin: yes07:13
Kruxerhi all :)07:13
nsadminwhitedox ok are you running it now?07:13
whitedoxnsadmin: yes07:13
nsadminok, as root, type mount07:13
nsadminit should tell you what you have mounted07:13
Kruxercan i install apache web server from ubuntu dvd?07:13
nsadminand if it says angelina jolie, I'm jealous!07:14
whitedox/dev/sda1 on / type ext3 (rw,relatime,errors=remount-ro). So ext3?07:14
FlannelKruxer: yes07:14
nsadminsda1 is, yes07:14
ubuntu_is there any implementation of the sudden motion sensor in Macs for hard drive protection in Ubuntu?07:14
Kruxerflajann, does it have all the dependencies?07:15
krlhc8poboy975linux: not sure.  nobody seems to be answering my questions right now either.  i'd just try back later.07:15
KruxerFlannel, ^^07:15
_Cidubuntu_: humm..if there is, I would think it would be part of the mactel project, might want to check that07:15
whitedoxnsadmin, well this PC only has 1 harddrive. lol.07:15
FlannelKruxer: yes07:15
nsadminwhitedox: oh, ok...07:15
Flannelubuntu_: There are things like it, I don't know if the mac hardware is supported though.07:15
Kruxerthanx :)07:15
ryanCHwhat package would "xine" be under?07:16
whitedoxnsadmin, Is it possible other things could be listed there as well? I mean, there is other stuff there, but they all had things listed that are not even filesystems...07:16
sparris there a way to make usb storage devices automatically mount, instead of having to use the launcher to open them in dolphin?07:17
dr_willisI hate when file manager windows auto popup when ya plug in a device. :)07:17
_CidFlannel:  most of it is, I run a ubuntu-server on a mini mac, plain out rocks :-)07:17
garrett_okay guys, I loaded the new panel but I cant figure out how to configure it to have programs minimize to it. how do i do it07:18
duhengarrett_ use add to panel07:18
duhenor sth like it07:18
sparrdr_willis: ditto07:19
nsadminwhitedox: since you don't have any other mounts, it's not... but if you did, it would show them07:19
gizmocan i have my window xp after i install ubuntu??07:19
gizmoi mean 2 os in one time07:19
yogandraWhere is temp files of opera store?07:19
sparrdr_willis: im getting less and less happy with kubuntu as time goes on, due in no small part to the crappification of kde07:19
gizmocan i have my window xp after i install ubuntu??07:20
yogandraWhere is buffer files store by opera?07:20
Odd-rationalegizmo: yes... you just might have to reinstall grub.07:20
Odd-rationalegizmo: see !grub07:21
poboy975linuxgizmo: try virtualbox ose07:21
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:21
gizmopoboy975linux, what the command?07:21
onefiftyone_rumvirtualbox ftw07:21
onefiftyone_rumrunning belenix on it as we speak07:21
gizmoi dont really understand..07:22
gizmointsall grub in terminal?07:22
poboy975linuxuse add/remove to install virtualbox07:22
Odd-rationalegizmo: read that first link... it has the info07:22
davitHello, I instslled ubuntu using Wubi on one of my partitions and was wondering how to conver to to full ubuntu07:23
onefiftyone_rumis their a way i can upgrade from 5.10 to 8.* ??07:24
yogandraI am listening song online from browser opera. Can anyone tell me where those files are store locally?07:24
nsadminyou should probably upgrade one step at a time07:24
davitnsadmin: what you mean?07:24
onefiftyone_rumup[grade one step at a time??07:24
onefiftyone_rumcould you please elaborate that for me?07:24
nickrudonefiftyone_rum, you'd be far better off doing a reinstall; much less chance of breakage, much less downloading vs. going through every release07:24
onefiftyone_rumwell every time i try installing 8.10 it doesnt load up07:25
Flannelonefiftyone_rum: you'd upgrade from 5.10 to 6.06, then from 6.06 to 8.0407:25
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onefiftyone_rumit just sits their with a blank screen07:25
onefiftyone_rumand i just now got 5.10 to use my screen properly07:25
nickrudonefiftyone_rum, you'd have to go to 6.06 -> 8.04->8.1007:25
onefiftyone_rumi see07:25
davitnsadmin: what would happen if i partitioned the partition with windows on it07:25
onefiftyone_rumwell how about just going from 5.10 to 6.06?07:25
Flannelonefiftyone_rum: 6.06 to 8.04 will go off without a hitch, 5.10 to 6.06 may require some light massaging.07:25
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onefiftyone_rumwell, prolly not worth it then07:26
Flannelonefiftyone_rum: Its not the end of the world, its actually relatively easy.  And please, watch your language.07:26
onefiftyone_rummy apologies07:26
onefiftyone_rumthnx for the help fellas07:26
davitonefiftyone_rum why dont you just reinstall with new version07:26
sol1tudehi! does propietary ati drivers work with HD3850 ?07:26
onefiftyone_rumit wont07:26
onefiftyone_rumi have been trying to get an os to install on this p.o.s laptop for hours07:27
davitonefiftyone_rum whst error u getting07:27
sol1tudeor open-source07:27
nsadminonefiftyone_rum: you might try installing the 6.x dpkg, libc and perl first07:27
blackegdewhen i load my ubuntu i have several ubuntu``s to choice from. how do i delete my old ubuntus>07:27
onefiftyone_rum5.10 was my only choice07:27
gizmoReboot (to hard drive). Grub should be installed and both Ubuntu and Windows should have been automatically detected. <---what is this mean?i need to restart my laptop after doing grub?07:27
nsadminany idea why?07:27
Flannelonefiftyone_rum: To do it, your best bet is to go the manual route; you need to first upgrade to "uptodate" 5.10.  You can get those repos by moving you stuff to http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade07:27
onefiftyone_rumthe laptop isnt online07:27
blackegde when i load my ubuntu i have several ubuntu``s to choice from. how do i delete my old ubuntus>07:27
gizmoReboot (to hard drive). Grub should be installed and both Ubuntu and Windows should have been automatically detected. <---what is this mean?i need to restart my laptop after doing grub?07:27
davitonefiftyone_rum: download slax(not slakware) and try with that run off live cd07:27
onefiftyone_rumi was hoping i could download it all in an iso image07:28
bakermdIs there a way to create a custom install for Ubuntu? i.e. specify a specific list of packages to be installed?  Ideally I would run something that inventories the installed packages and creates some sort of Kick Start file for the installation - Any ideas?07:28
onefiftyone_rumand do it from the cd drive on the lappy07:28
onefiftyone_rumdavit: i have tried many flavors but not slax yet07:28
Flannelonefiftyone_rum: once you've done that (and rebooted to get the new kernel), make sure you have your appropriate metapackages: ubuntu-standard, ubuntu-minimal, ubuntu-desktop (or kubuntu, whatever), and a proper kernel metapackage (linux-image-686-smp would be one example)07:28
onefiftyone_rumdavit: i might give it a try07:28
gizmoanyone can help me on my quesrtion?07:28
onefiftyone_rumty flannel07:28
davitonefiftyone_rum: yah its small it works when i having trouble with ubuntu07:28
davitonefiftyone_rum: slax.org if im not mistaken07:29
blackegde when i load my ubuntu i have several ubuntu`s to choice from. how do i delete my old ubuntus?07:29
Flannelonefiftyone_rum: Then once you've made sure you've got that, move your sources from breezy to dapper, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade.  Once it's done, reboot, you're on dapper.  You can then use the instructions on the page ubottu is going to give you to go from 6.06 to 8.04 (and I suggest sticking with 8.04, LTS releases seem like they agree with your schedule)07:30
Flannel!upgrade | onefiftyone_rum07:30
ubottuonefiftyone_rum: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes07:30
davitOk lol back to what I was asking if i delete my windows partition while using wubi what effect will it have07:31
duhendavit you will have some more space:)07:31
duhendavit sorry for my english07:32
davitduhen: will it delete off my boot manager?07:32
venportwhy oh why are the ubuntu forums not working? oh well mabye i should get some sleep and try it again tomorrow Thanks for helping everyone07:33
davitduhen: im afraid to do it because my drive sizes are showing up incorrectly in ubuntu and i dont want to mess up more07:33
matt0Forums down again07:33
duhendavit only one drive works incorrect?07:34
davitduhen: all of them are a bit off on size07:35
tozetreHey guys. I have a ghostscript question. :3 Anyone want to help? I'm getting an error that it can't open the initial device (pdfwrite). I checked permissions and tmp space already.07:35
duhendavit oh, if you have boot files on it drive you'll lose it07:36
duhendavit oh, if you have boot files on that drive you'll lose it07:37
Flannelmatt0: #ubuntuforums for forum stuffs07:37
matt0O I c.07:37
davitduhen: I installed ubuntu through wubi because i dont have a cd drive or large enough usb but did it on a partition other then the windows one I dont know how wubi handles booting07:38
duhendavit ubuntu works with fat fat16 and fat32 portition ntfs(maybe) but you should install it with linux portition07:42
duhendavit if you used default confing07:43
duhenit has linux portition07:43
davitthe partition i used was a fat32 i believe07:43
_bugz_is there a wxPython package for ubuntu?07:44
davitok ima just take a gamble a partition windows partiion how do i use gparted?07:44
duhendavit switch to win and look for it07:44
duhendavit gparted has a wizard07:45
duhendavit use it07:46
mogi22is it normal for rndc-confgen -a -b 256 to take a looooong time?07:46
duhenits easy07:46
IraimbilanjaHi. In Ibex, Rhythmbox won't play anything. mp3s emit a series of cracking noises, while ogg&wav don't even start playing. Madplay works fine, and I think it was some update that broke Rhythmbox. Ideas?07:46
IraimbilanjaTotem is broken also so I guess it's a gstreamer thing07:46
duhenremove it and use madplay:)07:47
cojiraim - have you installed mp3 libraries?07:47
cojubuntu doesn't come with MP3 capability07:47
davitduhen: ok i opened gparted theres 3 partitions 1 windows fat32 1 linux extended 1 recovery i wanna destroy windows lol07:47
IraimbilanjaYes I have coj ;) I was nicely prompted and accepted, and all worked fine, until an update I believe07:48
duhendavit yeah  f*ck you Bill GAtes07:48
coji was recommended to get Amarok straightaway and not bother with rhythmbox so that's what i did07:48
davit:) lol07:48
duhendavit i like you and i know your problem with win07:49
duheni hat eit07:49
IraimbilanjaWell I've been an Amarok and KDE for years now, thought I'd try something different now ;) I'll look it up in launchpad07:49
duheni hate it :)07:49
davitduhen: yah its annoying especially on a netbook07:49
IraimbilanjaI've been a fan, that is07:49
duhenchoose win part which you want to remove07:50
davitduhen: when i right click on windows partition i only have option to unmoiunt07:50
duhendo you have win disc?07:50
onefiftyone_rumwhen i click on my windows partition it says i dont have permission to view it07:51
DwightShroothow do i unblock my network07:51
onefiftyone_rumany idea why?07:51
davitduhen: nope I dont even have a cd drive07:51
IraimbilanjaHmm actually I lied - oggs also "play", with a cracking noise07:51
duhendavit oh07:51
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davitduhen: lol yah thaty why im having trouble or else i would just use ubuntu cd07:52
digiforI have installed sahana- on ubuntu 8.10. It is not showing up in
davithow do i format in terminal07:53
eraggogood morning07:53
duhenit s a good idea07:53
Iraimbilanjadigifor, you probably have to run it somehow -- like /etc/init.d/sahanad start07:53
DwightShrooti set it up my network so surrounding neighbors can't use my internet and i want to undo it07:53
duhenwait a minute07:54
digiforIraimbilanja, I'll give that a shot thanks07:54
duhendavit see https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-terminal/+question/852107:55
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iameliteHi anyone know anything about yaboot and PowerPC G3 Imacs?   Everytime i boot, i have to put "video=ofonly nosplash" or it freezes, fine ill deal. but how to i set that to put that in automatic07:55
IraimbilanjaWTF! Youtube _also_ only plays this cracking noise07:56
digiforThat wasn't it. Sahana's detructions are geared towards compiling: http://wiki.sahana.lk/doku.php?id=doc:installunix:english07:56
IraimbilanjaHeh, detructions07:57
redheathi everyone07:57
redheatoh, and a happy new year to you all07:58
digifordestructions I mean! [instructions]07:58
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redheatI'm running intrepid ibix, and I was wondering which video program, like windows Real player can I use to download .flv videos, that is flash videos like You Tube?07:58
davitduhen: turns out i had to unmount partiton before formation07:58
Iraimbilanjaredheat, look it up on gnome-apps.org, pretty sure there is something07:59
caiotorminhey everyone07:59
redheatok thank you so much07:59
gizmoi dont understand about the grub.07:59
gizmocan anyone help me on this..or should i install virtualbox07:59
davitduhen: ok done what kind of partion format should I makew it?08:00
caiotorminI'm having some problems with ubuntu's installation, probably caused by my vga08:00
caiotorminanyone can help me?08:00
duhenfor ubuntu you may choose ext2 ext 308:00
duhenor maybe reiserfs08:00
ElTimohow do I change the amount of video ram being used by an integrated graphics card08:00
duheni recommend ext3 partitoni08:01
ElTimoduhen: reiserfs is incredibly fragile08:01
davitduhen: it only lets me use as primary partition is that ok08:01
caiotorminwhen I try to install, after the loading (orange bar) there was a black screen with the white cursor totally freezed/distorted08:02
coji hope future linux filesystems create additional date fields as metadata :( there's no "Date Created" in linux08:02
duhenits ok08:02
mogi22hey can i get linux on a floppy just to boot up and mount my hd and make a few changes?08:02
caiotorminmy vga is VIA Chrome S#08:02
duhenyou may redo it later08:02
Iraimbilanjacaiotormin, drop into a console and look at /var/log/messages/X*08:03
DimitreeAre ubuntuforums down ?08:03
savvasyes Dimitree08:03
gizmocan anyone help me on this..or should i install virtualbox08:03
Dimitreety savvas08:03
caiotorminIraimbilanja, even my ubuntu has not been installed?08:03
IraimbilanjaYeah, still it's one way to go about diagnosing the problem.08:04
gizmocan anyone help me on this..or should i install virtualbox08:04
davitduhen: ok done :) now lemme try to reboot lol08:04
davitif all goes well ill be back08:04
caiotorminright.. sorry but i'm very noob on it.. how can I access the console Iraimbilanja?08:04
Iraimbilanjacaiotormin, try Ctrl-Alt-Backspace at the distorted screen. It kills X so you get the console, hopefully.08:05
onefiftyone_rumwhere do i put the codec files for mplayer @ on ubuntu 5.10???08:05
savvascoj: isn't modified time the same as created time?08:05
caiotorminIraimbilanja, I've seen this tip before, but when the screen is distorted, any command works :/08:07
caiotormincan I try this before?08:07
frybyecan sbdy tell me why I cant find flashplugin-unfree since yesterday...???08:07
frybyefor intrepid08:07
Iraimbilanjacaiotormin, you mean NO command works?08:07
frybyeI thought it was in universe...??08:08
frybyeah ha - part of restricted metapackage or...?08:08
caiotorminbtw sorry for my bad english08:08
rainabbaI'm running hardy on LVM, on Linux Software RAID. What'd the best way to make a backup which I'd be able to restore later on dissimilar storage (or the same)?08:08
savvasfrybye: flashplugin-nonfree08:09
savvasnot unfree08:09
Iraimbilanjacaiotormin, Then reboot, and at the first Ubuntu menu, look at the options. I believe there may be stuff like "safe mode", or "select videomode" (somewhere at the bottom). For the latter, try a few different videomodes08:09
caiotorminsometimes as I try with 'noapci nolapic', it shows a colored screen, changing the collors08:10
cojsavvas: nope, not under windows anyway08:10
caiotormintottaly distorted08:10
Iraimbilanjacaiotormin, Also just in case, from the same menu, run "check cd integrity" AND "memory test"08:10
DefamedPrawnis there any way I can pump the amount of volume available from pulseaudio? It's a bit quiet on this Intel Imac.08:10
cojit's convenient to have at least two date fields so you know when a file was first created and when it was copied08:10
cojand/or when it was modified08:10
onefiftyone_rumi just installed ubuntu 5.1008:10
onefiftyone_rumand i dont have permissions to do anything08:10
onefiftyone_rumhow do i get permission?08:10
Flannelonefiftyone_rum: You need to use sudo08:10
onefiftyone_rumfor everything?08:11
IraimbilanjaDefamedPrawn, in your volumecontrol/mixer, there's a crapload of interrelated channels you can adjust, not just one. Try and crank them all up08:11
onefiftyone_rumi cant copy files on the graphical interface?!08:11
davithey back08:11
duhenis it ok?08:11
davitnot totally08:11
Flannelonefiftyone_rum: If you're just starting out, I strongly suggest you upgrade to a newer version.  8.04 is ... a long way from even 6.06 (which was a large improvement over 5.10)08:11
savvascoj: windows is windows.. linux is linux :) the last time it was modified gives you the last time a file was created/changed08:11
caiotorminIraimbilanja, I tried this, memory and CD was OK.. so, do you know some cheatcode to put on boot line? I tried also xforcevesa08:11
Iraimbilanjaonefiftyone_rum, why the hell 5.10? this was 3 years ago08:12
duhenwhat problem08:12
Flannelonefiftyone_rum: As a regular user you can't do any system level tasks, no.  That's a security feature.08:12
hdmounthey, can someone help me locate mysecond HD, I want to make it a perm storage drive08:12
DefamedPrawnIraimbilanja already looked. Only ones that seem to have any effect are Master, PCM, and Front. Is there no conf file anywhere I can just edit to make it louder?08:12
onefiftyone_rum5.10 is the only one that will run on my laptop08:12
FlannelIraimbilanja: That tone isn't really necessary.08:12
onefiftyone_rum8.10 stalls all day during install08:12
davitduhen: nothing lol nothing happened08:12
gizmoany helper here???08:12
savvasonefiftyone_rum: have you tried xubuntu?08:12
cojsavvas: yeah i'm just saying that it's an idea that linux could use (and would be usefult o many people)08:12
onefiftyone_rumno i havemnt08:12
Flannelonefiftyone_rum: Alright, lets upgrade you to at least 6.06 then.  Did you check the integrity of the 8.10 CD? or 8.04?08:12
cojjust because windows has it doesn't mean it's bad08:12
onefiftyone_rumyeah, the integrity check was good08:13
davitduhen: it like everything i did had no effect08:13
Flannelcoj: Please take the non-support discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks.08:13
gizmoi want to make 2 os ...ubuntu and windowxp...anyone can help?08:13
savvascoj: i don't see the reason for it, but http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com :)08:13
cojum ok08:13
onefiftyone_rumthnx flannel08:13
Flannel!dualboot | gizmo08:13
bazhang!dualboot | gizmo08:13
ubottugizmo: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot08:13
onefiftyone_rumi'll upgrade to something newer08:13
hdmounthey, can someone help me locate mysecond HD, I want to make it a perm storage drive, thk you08:13
bazhanggizmo, read those links08:13
davitonefiftyone_rum hey did slax work for u08:13
Flannelonefiftyone_rum: Alright, still have my instructions from earlier?08:13
Baz_hi, i installed "Windows Wireless Driver" (ndiswrapper i think) and borked up my wireless driver... I used the program to try and remove the driver, then i uninstalled the program itself but my wireless card is still not being detected... how do I revert back to the default working driver that was there right after installation??08:13
onefiftyone_rumyeah, i got it08:13
gizmobazhang, i dont eally understand about the link08:13
Iraimbilanjacaiotormin, not really. But keep googling.08:13
onefiftyone_rumdavit: havent downloaded it yet08:13
onefiftyone_rumstill working on it08:14
duhendavit use windwos08:14
duhendavit use windwods08:14
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo gizmo08:14
duhendavit use windows08:14
caiotorminIraimbilanja, thank you anyway :)08:14
DexiIs there a way to turn of the automatic HTTP cache "cleaner"08:14
hdmountam I next in the queue :) ?08:14
davitduhen: i wont stoop that low im gonna do an excersism08:14
onefiftyone_rumhdmount: lol08:14
Flannelonefiftyone_rum: Ok, so, to move over to old-releases, you'll need to edit /etc/apt/sources.list, since its a system file, we'll have to use sudo.  hit alt-f2 to open a run dialog, then type `gksu "gedit /etc/apt/sources.list"` (without the ``, but with the "") hit enter, you'll get a text editor (after typing your password)08:14
Flannelonefiftyone_rum: In there, change all of the URLs (likely something like http://cc.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu) to http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu08:15
caiotorminIraimbilanja: which distro you uses?08:15
savvashdmount: there's no cue :)08:15
jxanderis there a way to browse gvfs in xfce? (8.10)08:15
gizmobazhang, how to install virtualbox in terminal?08:15
hdmounthey, can someone help me locate mysecond HD, I want to make it a perm storage drive08:15
gizmoi cant make the grub without the guide(step by step)08:15
hdmountI am using ubuntu studio, which is a prob in and of itself:(08:15
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davitduhen: lol wow i forgot to press apply in gparted08:16
bazhanggizmo, what does virtualbox have to do with grub?08:16
Iraimbilanjacaiotormin, giving Ubuntu a spin right now08:16
Ham1979I did a distro upgrade yesterday and now mysql won't start Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock'08:16
rainabbaI'm running hardy on LVM, on Linux Software RAID. What'd the best way to make a backup which I'd be able to restore later on dissimilar storage (or the same)?08:16
duhencheck some things08:17
bazhangduhen, please chat elsewhere08:17
davitduhen: i just partitioned what you mean stop lol08:17
jxandercould i use nautilus in xfce without it changing my desktop?08:17
duhenyou ll may have some problems08:17
Ham1979also  /var/lib/mysql is too full but I'm not sure what I can delete08:18
davitbazhang: hes helping me with my problem is it illegal to joke a lil?08:18
Flanneljxander: I believe there's a --no-desktop flag or something that accomplishes that08:18
Baz_how do I revert my wireless driver back to what was original installed by ubuntu?08:18
davitduhen:lets hope for best to late to go back brb08:18
jxanderFlannel: cool, thanks!08:18
bazhangdavit, this is support only; chat in #ubuntu-offtopic08:18
duhenwubi use a windows booter08:18
sarujihi ubuntu forum site seems to be down08:18
davitbazhang: he is supporting me08:18
Flannelsaruji: try #ubuntuforums08:19
hdmounthey, can someone help me locate mysecond HD, I want to make it a perm storage drive08:19
sarujiok thanks08:19
Baz_hdmount: did you check in the closet?08:19
sarujione more question though08:19
bazhangdavit, that is fine. keep the offtopic chatter to another channel please08:19
davitduhen lol wow hope i dint kill it ill be back with other comp if it doesnt work08:19
duhenbazhang i supporting him08:19
hdmountBaz, Ha ha...08:19
sarujicould someone point me in the right direction on how to install an archived minefield tar file?08:20
FlannelBaz_: That's not really helpful08:20
Baz_hdmount: try opening 'partition editor'08:20
sarujiok give me a quick low down?08:20
hdmountI do not have partition editor08:20
Baz_Flannel: neither is commenting on it08:20
hdmountI guess it does not come with ubuntu studio?08:20
thenoobeveryone, How do i make my vista corect boot?'08:20
nsadminyou have fdisk08:20
bazhangthenoob, with ubuntu?08:20
sarujilol @ thenoob08:20
thenoobeveryone, My internet is shot and takes forever to load08:20
FlannelBaz_: The theory behind commenting on it is so that you won't do it in the future.  If you'd like to actually have this discussion, I welcome you to come have it in #ubuntu-ops08:20
nsadminI shot the internet... but I did not shoot the arpanet08:21
hdmountnsadmin, are you asking me about fdisk?08:21
Flannelhdmount: Is this other harddrive already partitioned, etc?  You just need to mount it?08:21
Son_of_DemetriusGood Evening all :)08:22
nsadminfdisk is a partition editor... very primitive, but it does the job08:22
hdmountFlannel, it is installed, and was when I installed ubuntustudio; however, I do not know where it is on the computer08:22
duhenSon_of_Demetrius good morning :)08:22
Flannelhdmount: you mean in your filesystem? or the actual device location?08:22
hdmountnsadmin, oh, see I know very little about computers, i do the best I can08:22
Son_of_DemetriusI have a codecs issue if you guyz have a moment08:23
hdmountFlannel, I mean it is physically in hthe computer, but thats all I know08:23
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bazhang!codecs | Son_of_Demetrius08:23
ubottuSon_of_Demetrius: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:23
thenoobBazhang, yep08:23
bazhangthenoob, which was installed first08:23
Flannelhdmount: type `df` and it will list all of the mounted partitions, you can look for it there.08:24
Son_of_Demetriusthx ubottu...but I'm a very complicated beginner :)08:24
thenoobbazhang, well i just need the correct grub command08:24
bazhangSon_of_Demetrius, install ubuntu-restricted-extras08:24
thenoobbazhand, got my internet is so slow it is having trouble loading this converastion08:24
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub thenoob08:25
bazhangthenoob, that is if vista is installed second08:25
thenoobbazhang, i have grub restored08:25
Y-Towndoes samba work well for linux to linux sharing?08:25
ubottuFTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd08:25
hdmountFlannel, it is just showint one08:25
Son_of_DemetriusI loaded a dvd on Ubuntu 8.10...gr8 video dispaly but no sound...I can't d/load at the moment from the archives..is there an external link to a file somewhere?08:25
hdmountFlannel, but I do have a second in the computer08:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nautilus08:25
thenoobbazhang, that is guna take forever08:25
thenoobbazhang, you could just tell me lolz it takes forever for that page to load08:26
hdmountFlannel, I want to make it a permanent storage drive to house all my media08:26
bazhangthenoob, if grub is restored what is your issue08:26
thenoobbazhang, corecly booting windows08:26
Son_of_Demetriusw32 codecs or something..I'm not sure where to turn08:26
Flannelhdmount: Alright, it's possible then that it's not mounted.  type `sudo fdisk -l` (thats a lowercase L) and you'll list all of the partitions on your drive.  If you want to add it so it gets mounted permanently somewhere, you'll need to edit your fstab, this page walks you through doing that: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab  Feel free to ask about any questions08:26
Y-Towndoes samba work well for linux to linux sharing? or will I need to use NFS?08:26
bazhangthenoob, does it not show in grub?08:26
FlannelY-Town: Either will work.08:26
bazhangSon_of_Demetrius, from medibuntu.org08:27
Y-TownFlannel: k thanx08:27
hdmountit says my second one, the one that ends in b, doesn't contain a valid partition table08:27
sakoduhen: Lol that didnt go well I cant even boot now08:27
nsadminspal: look at www.debian.org08:27
sakoduhen: this is davit by the way lol08:28
Son_of_Demetriusthx bazhang...but that link confuses me...I'm talking about downloading a file and installin it within the Terminal...but it can't 'fetch' the address...what ami I doing wrong?08:29
duheni know i taping08:29
bazhangSon_of_Demetrius, no need for the repos; just need the one file08:29
Son_of_Demetriusif you have a moment..I'll type slowly what I'm trying to grasp ok?08:29
duhenwubi use windows boot i wrote it08:30
ilianhello, can anyone help me with zipping files in Ubuntu08:30
sakoduhen: ima load up DSL and boot from it08:30
hdmountFlannel, would it be possible to put it in Computer so it shows up by the dvd and cd drive and filesystem08:30
sakoduhen: i have a 64mb usb so that most i can do now08:30
iliani need to compress about 10 pictures into one smaller file08:30
duhencan you boot in ubuntu?08:31
Y-Townilian: fileroller08:31
ilianwhat is fileroller08:31
_Cidduhen:  you mean ... reboot from command prompt? or ...err?08:31
Iraimbilanjailian, won't work for pictures, they're as small as they can be.08:31
Flannelhdmount: Yes, I believe if your mount point is in /media/ it will show up in places.  But if that doesn't work, yes, I'm sure theres some other way to do it (I just don't know what that may be)08:31
ubottuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression08:31
Baz_ilian: like zip or ar them?08:32
duheni mean boot from bios08:32
sakoduhen: no im getting a no operating system found its ok it doesnt matter ill have full ubuntu up my tomorow08:32
ilianzip, I want to send as attachment to a Windows user08:32
Son_of_DemetriusFirst of all...I was weaned on the heretic windows :(...now I'm trying to understand the d/load process within Ubuntu...the problem is...I can't at this moment access the archive download pepository...I'm lookinfg 4 a way in...without being online...I'm trying to grab a file on a windows comp to install on to an offline Ubuntu OS...am I being unrealistic?08:32
hdmountFlannel, can I use storagedevicemanager to get the second drive up and running?08:32
bazhangSon_of_Demetrius, just download the .deb08:33
Baz_ilian: highlight the files, right-click on one of them, click 'create archive', choose zip and done08:33
duhenoh does it mean that everything fine?08:33
BarnoseDoes anyone know if I put another hard drive in my pc that already has windows on it.. OR how can i format another hard drive that already has stuff on it to use for extra storage on my own pc... Thank you08:33
bazhangSon_of_Demetrius, from your browser08:33
nsadminhow can you download something from a net you're not connected to?08:33
ilianI tried but they don't compress...I guess they can't be compressed08:34
Son_of_Demetriuswhat's the magic link pleasae...desperate to watch a movie here :)08:34
bazhangmedibuntu.org Son_of_Demetrius08:34
Son_of_Demetrius@nsadmin...yep...I confuse myself 2 :(08:35
savvasSon_of_Demetrius: on a dvd?08:35
Polysicshi all08:35
Baz_ilian: oh, you are more woried about the size rather than them being one file - you need to actually shrink the size of the photographs in a program like gimp08:35
Polysicsanyone knows if the unstripped ffmpeg in 8.10 is good?08:35
duhenbye :)08:35
Polysicsor should i force the medibuntu version?08:35
Son_of_DemetriusI have a music dvd..It loads on Ubunt with MPlayer..no sound tho?08:35
digiforWhat can I do for this error? You don't have permission to access /sahana on this server.?08:35
savvasnsadmin: you can't08:35
dr_willisPolysics,  i think the medibuntu version has some extra features08:35
ilianreally, is it easy to explain how to do that?08:36
savvasSon_of_Demetrius: applications > accessories > Terminal and execute: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras08:36
dr_willisa music DVD?08:37
savvasSon_of_Demetrius: then if it asks, type in your password and press Enter08:37
Y-TownI am trying to get a shared directory on another linux box to mount on my linux laptop at boot by using fstab.  I am trying to do a simple share with no security or passwords since its on my home network only...anyone know how to set up in fstab to properly mount?08:38
alex-82if I type 'firefox FILENAME' in the terminal, shoudl the file open in firefox?08:38
alex-82because it doesn't seem to work08:38
Son_of_DemetriusUbuntu tells me I'm missing codecs...thx guys...but I really sound ridiculous here...I am not online in order to 'fetch' the addy....I'm looking for some external mode of downloading within a Windows OS at the moment...burn the file...and install it on to my other Ubuntu PC...stoopid or what?08:39
tfhow are you08:39
BarnosePlease, Does anyone know if I can put a hard drive from another machine into mine as a slave and reformat it to use for extra storage? And this hard drive may have virus/spyware stuff on it.. Would that mess up my other hard drive or OS ? I think I can use a partition manager to reformat? Thank you!08:39
nsadminBarnose: sure, why not?08:39
FlannelBarnose: Stick it in, fire up gparted and format it.  It'll be safe then.08:39
BarnoseFlannel, What is gparted?08:41
onefiftyone_ruma partition manager08:41
FlannelBarnose: It's a partition editor.  It may be listed in your menus as "Gnome Partition Editor"08:41
onefiftyone_ruma very nice one imo08:41
BarnoseFlannel, Oh I'm sorry .. i will be using windows xp to do this... shouldn't matter, should it? I will be using partition manager 3.0 ultimate or something....08:42
savvasBarnose: what Flannel means is: burn an ubuntu desktop live cd, boot using that cd, go to System > Administration > Partition editor to do your work08:42
gharzguys, i've been having sleepless nights with these hash sum mismatch whenever i run apt-get update... how do i fix this? i've been searching google but can't find the solution :( please help08:43
FlannelBarnose: erm... sure... you can use a liveCD, or... some windows partition editor.  You realise this is #ubuntu though, right?08:43
gharzhow do i re-install or reconfigure my apt-get and keys08:43
diskmounthey I am using gparted to partition my second (empty hd) what parameters should I give it, I want it to be a permanent media drive that I can share over the network my movies and music and pictures08:43
dns53gharz your mirror may be corrupt, try the official ones08:43
diskmountI need to determine free space preceeding, new size, file system08:44
diskmountso since the drive is empty, would I change free space preceeding from 0 to full?08:45
diskmountso confused08:45
BarnoseFlannel, yes, im sorry this is the only place i know to go to get anwsers... I have ubuntu but only as a application... Do you know if it's possible to format a hard drive with stuff on it inside the OS? I mean like from my desktop.. I don't wanna install the hard drive and have it completly destory my stuff.. I have 160gb drive now full08:45
gharzdns53: i didn't change anything since it has been installed... how do i fix the keys?08:45
dns53df gives disk free in the partition08:45
gharzdns53: i remember last time there's a site in ubuntu wherein i can generate my sources.list and instructions on how to get the gpg keys08:46
dns53gharz reinstall the package ubuntu-keyring08:46
FlannelBarnose: #ubuntu-offtopic would be the place to ask stuff like this in the future.  But, just install the hard drive (power is off), then fire up the liveCD first, clear it, then reboot off the windows harddrive.08:46
dns53gharz i think the gui system > administration > software sources should allow you to reset to the original ones08:47
gharzdns53: i ran dpkg-reconfigure ubuntu-keyring and the message was "Automatic..." not changed08:47
gharzdns53: and by 99% i'm getting a message saying bzip2: Data integrity error when decompressing ... blah blah08:48
dns53gharz run apt-get --reinstall install, change your apt sources08:48
gharzdns53: ok i'll try that08:48
Ham1979i keep getting a message saying disk full but when I do df only dev/sda is 100% usage08:48
BarnoseFlannel, kk thanks.. just to be clear.. cause i am dumb... I put in the hard drive with my other one? or by it'sself.. and you mean my windows xp disk to format the drive.... ?? Can I format without putting an OS on it? Thanks for your help08:48
Ham1979I don't know what I can dete08:48
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
Flannel!paste > franklin_08:50
ubottufranklin_, please see my private message08:50
Flannel!virtualbox > franklin_08:51
diskmountanyone available?08:51
diskmountI need help using gparted08:51
onefiftyone_rumbeautiful! thank you everyone for your help, especially you flannel!! u rock;08:52
dns53diskmount what are you trying to do?08:52
Dexican anyone point me in the direction of an ISO mount for linux?08:52
diskmountI have a second hard drive that is empty, I want to make it a permanent media storage drive to share over the network08:52
diskmountso in the gparted tool I am trying to decide what parameters to put08:52
wuz7362Dexi: mount -o loop image.iso /mnt08:53
diskmountshould it also be a primary partition, or should it be extended08:53
Son_of_DemetriusI'm halfway there guys...I d/od win32 and amd64 codecs from meibuntu...and the icon shows up as a tmp file in windows...If I burn the files on cd...how can I open them on my Ubuntu system..please be patient...I'm trying to understand this new changeover08:53
diskmountsshould there be space preceeding or leave it at 008:53
Dexiwuz7362, oh thanks08:53
Son_of_Demetriusmedibuntu...my typing still sux so bad :(08:53
diskmountand should it be ext3 or something different08:53
diskmountthis is for my empty sdb drive08:54
Flanneldiskmount: ext3 will be good08:54
jack_When I try to open vlc it says this, what does it mean? vlc: ../../src/xcb_lock.c:33: _XCBUnlockDisplay: Assertion `xcb_get_request_sent(dpy->xcb->connection) == dpy->request' failed.08:54
TulgaI have 4 servers and I want configure them like 2 big fast computers. then if one big down, run another big. is it clustering? or something other?08:55
diskmountFlannel ok so that is step on, ext3, next what to I do about space preceeding08:55
Dexiwuz7362, turns out its actually a bin and a cue08:55
FuLioHOw do i enable compiz fusion?08:55
Flanneldiskmount: What?  Oh, just format the whole drive as one big ext3 partition08:55
zeekwhy isnt any one in Debian room?08:55
DexiFuLio, do you have it installed yet?08:55
wuz7362Dexi: then you have to convert it to iso. don't know how to do that.08:55
diskmountok Flannel08:55
Flannelzeek: debian has moved to oftc08:55
alex-82how can I tell firefox to open a html from a terminal window?08:55
zeekoh ok thanks08:55
gharzdns53: i'm still getting this error => W: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/intrepid-security/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2  Hash Sum mismatch08:56
FuLioDexi, yes i do, just like after i did this update it messed up everything and now i just need to enable it, just dont remember the commmand08:56
wuz7362Dexi: bin/cue is not a filesystem, so it cannot be mounted08:56
diskmountFlannel since sda is primary should sdb be extended08:56
gharzchanged the repository to server to main instead of my current location08:56
Flanneldiskmount: No, that has to do with the drives themselves.  You're making sdb1, and it'll be primary as well.08:56
Dexiwuz7362, arent there programs that trick it into thinking its a CD?08:56
diskmountFlannel, thanks for spending some time helping me08:57
Flanneldiskmount: No problem.  That's what we're here for08:57
DexiFuLio, one second08:57
FuLioDexi, ohk08:57
wuz7362Dexi: afaik no. look for some convert to iso tool, i don't know the name08:57
jack_Does anyone know the answer to my problem I mentioned above?08:57
DexiFuLio, do you have the compiz settings in System > Prefs > whateveritscalled?08:58
jack_When I try to open vlc it says this, what does it mean? vlc: ../../src/xcb_lock.c:33: _XCBUnlockDisplay: Assertion `xcb_get_request_sent(dpy->xcb->connection) == dpy->request' failed.08:58
Dexiwuz7362, okay08:58
HectorMerry christmas everyone.08:58
FuLioDexi,  yes08:58
jack_Christmas ended 4 days ago08:58
micro01hey guys, im new to ubuntu and linux, i got ubuntu cuz i heard it was easy to use and learn..... What are some good sites or online videos to help get me started?08:59
diskmountunrelated ? Flannel, would my rt_kerne be responsible for hiccups during multitasking (I am on a p4 with 2g ram)08:59
DexiFuLio, check mark the things you want, and then logout/login08:59
gharzanybody who knows how to handle a Hash Sum mismatch when running apt-get update? please ... please... please... this is an annoying error message :(08:59
AliRezaTaleghanii have one script in my Session(which i added in GUI mode), how can i restart it, with out reboot! or relogon?08:59
rww!documentation | micro0109:00
ubottumicro01: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com09:00
Flanneldiskmount: -rt does lots of things differently.  Do you understand how -rt works?  Oh, first off, why are you using the realtime server?  What are you using medibuntu for?09:00
FuLioDexi, I have done that. it wont work ineed to enable it agn09:00
jack_micro01,  I know of another distro that is even easier, but we are forbid from discussing it in here :p09:00
micro01is ubuntu easy to learn?09:00
AliRezaTaleghaniyea, very easy09:00
dr_willis!training | micro0109:00
ubottumicro01: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com09:00
jack_micro01, yes most Linux distros are easy to learn09:00
DexiFuLio, oh, sorry then, im not sure if i can help there. I only just installed it a few hours ago for the first time. :p09:00
micro01what is the easiest one09:00
FuLioDexi,  oh lol its ohk09:01
jack_micro01, as said we are not allowed to talk about that here09:01
AliRezaTaleghaniwas not any idea4me? :| plz09:01
AliRezaTaleghanii have one script in my Session(which i added in GUI mode), how can i restart it, with out reboot! or relogon?09:01
diskmountFlannel because I wanted to play with the music production stuff09:01
micro01jack can u msg me09:01
dr_willismicro01,  it just takes   a little effort to read and start 'thinking' and  getting away from the Bad habbits that MS has trained people in.09:01
Flanneldiskmount: Are you doing it in real time? or batch type stuff (editing a sound file, etc)?09:01
FuLioDexi, Btw like earlier i got this update, so i updated it and it messed up my screen resolution and my cf so thats whyi was asking =\09:01
diskmountFlannel, butnow I just care about the video and picture editing09:01
diskmountFlanel, I will not have time for many months to play with the music software anyway09:02
kj4hy you fakers09:02
Flanneldiskmount: Right, the video editing: is that like streaming stuff? (from the camera through your computer out to people watching?) or where you open up a saved movie file, make changes/whatever, then save it again?09:02
kj4heloo all09:02
gharzi don't want to reinstall my system again... please help regarding the hash sum mismatch09:02
DexiFuLio, something messed up my screen refresh rate... i think it was compiz09:03
Flannelkj4: We don't suggest you IRC drunk.  You may consider signing off for the night and doing something else.09:03
diskmountFlannel, the latter, editing and sharing stuff by uploading09:03
FuLioDexi, i just did compiz --replace, something is wrong -.-09:03
diskmountFlannel no shoutcast servers or live streams09:03
DexiFuLio, sorry i dont know09:03
Flanneldiskmount: alright, you don't really need the -rt kernel.  I'd suggest removing linux-rt and installing linux-generic09:04
kj4Flannel, thanks09:04
diskmountFlannel is there a way to do that without destroying everything I have done so far09:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about macro09:04
Son_of_DemetriusLet me try and simplify things for myself..how do I inpack a .deb file in Ubuntu 8.10...does it contain a native program to do that?...I installed it very recently...do I need to load the live CD again to open these blank icon files that have a .deb extension?09:04
diskmountFlannel, is it as simple as dl the reg kernel with synaptic09:04
Dexi!refresh rate09:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about refresh rate09:04
Flanneldiskmount: Oh, it won't destroy anything.  Just open up synaptic, remove the linux-image package, and install the linux-generic package.09:04
Dexiubottu, youre no help!09:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about youre no help!09:04
Flanneldiskmount: Mmmm, let me... double check the package names.  Do install linux-generic though.  It's just that you may need to remove some more -rt packages.09:05
Flannel!fishing | Dexi09:05
ubottuDexi: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".09:05
diskmountFlannel, I need to backtrack a second, I did the gparted thing, but I never was prompted to pick an instal point and I do not see a mount prompt09:05
diskmountFlannel, thanks09:06
Flanneldiskmount: right.  Your drive is now partitioned, and just sitting there.  You'll manually edit your fstab to add it to your filesystem.09:06
Flanneldiskmount: the packages to remove: linux-rt, linux-image-rt, linux-restricted-modules-rt.  Don't remove anything that looks like that but has numbers in it (like linux-image-2.6.27-3-rt)09:07
ProbelemAnyone have any idea why Cairo-Dock won;t update?09:07
gharzdns53: how do i get a key from ubuntu? i've restored my sources.list back up and i'm getting this error now... => W: GPG error: http://archive.ubuntu.com intrepid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 40976EAF437D05B509:07
diskmountFlannel can I remove those before I instal a new kernell?09:08
ProbelemI've got an update reminder in taskbar and it keeps saying update availiable.09:08
Flanneldiskmount: You can do them both at the same time, actually.  Those are just metapackages, they won't actually touch the installed kernels.09:08
dns53gharz well the way i know is install ubuntu-keyring, there are probably better ways of verifying it, that is a warning not an error09:09
eweb100Can somone help me with compiz? The settings don't do anything.09:10
ProbelemHave you turned on 3d capabilities?09:10
dns53gharz the apt-key util handles this, apt-key netupdate,  though i have never done this09:11
downstreammicro01: PING09:11
gharzdns53: ok thanks so much...09:11
eweb100problem, ummm?09:11
eweb100everyone, no but i do have a graphics card driver that works09:11
sony_boywhere in the file system is my webcam located?09:11
diskmountso Flannel, what do I want to replace those with09:12
Flanneldiskmount: Hmm? Oh, install linux-generic09:12
Probelemeweb100 - Go System>Preferences>Appearance09:12
wardolbive never messed with that stuff look pretty cool though09:12
gharzdns53: apt-key net-update didn't work :(09:12
ProbelemThen go to Visual Effects09:12
dns53gharz should i export mine and send it to you?09:13
diskmountok Flannel, with it it is going to instal some kernels with numbers after them, will they cancel out the rt ones with numbers after them that are not marked for uninstal?09:13
Dexiwhats the chmod command to make something executable09:13
Flanneldiskmount: Right.  Those packages are the actual kernels for -generic.  No, they won't touch the other packages.09:13
FlannelDexi: chmod +x foo09:13
dns53gharz what does apt-key list show?09:14
Dexifoo=file im assuming09:14
diskmountso I will just have 2 diff sets of kernels Flannel?09:14
Flanneldiskmount: Indeed.  Two different types of kernels.09:14
diskmountFlannel, where will I be able to decide which one to use?09:15
Flanneldiskmount: Although, since we removed the -rt metapackages, you won't get updates for -rt anymore, just -generic.  And once you've rebooted to -generic you can remove the -rt kernels if you want.09:15
DefamedPrawnthat's funny. Every time I try and launch gnusound, x restarts.09:15
Flanneldiskmount: When you boot at your GRUB menu you choose (just like between version number differences currently)09:15
diskmountFlannel, cool, it is prompting me to restart, but before I do, do you think you could walk me through the terminal (scary) so that I can have my newly partitioned sdb mounted?09:16
sony_boywhats the easiest way to caputure a picture with my webcam in ubuntu?09:17
sony_boyin windows i can do it with explorer09:17
DexiFlannel, ugh, i cant get this... i have a bunch of .dat files and a file with no extension, idk how to make it run09:17
Flanneldiskmount: You can actually restart whenever you'd like.  But the new kernel wont come into effect until then.  You'll be editing fstab, it's not *that* scary.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab  has a good deal of information on the subject.09:17
FlannelDexi: Remember for stuff in the current directory, you need to expliticly state a relative (or full, I suppose) path: ./filename09:18
gharzsony_boy: speaking about webcam.. my laptop has inbuilt webcam and i haven't used it since i used ubuntu.. what software are you using to use it? can u use with with yahoo chat?09:18
gharzdns53: i think it's working now.09:18
herraI didnt like the name "admin" so I've tried to change it to "herra" with sudo usermod -l herra admin the account seems to work but the folder in /home hasn't chnaged there is still one folder called admin. DO I need to a)Rename this folder, b) add another folder called herra, c) nothing d) go to bed ?09:18
JohnathanLawshey i am running Ibex on Eee 1000HD and I am having problems with firefox, When I try to add an addon I get a little tiny icon in the middle of the screen that freezes the rest of firefox and when I left click and maximize it /is a blank forefox window.  also the same thing happens when i try to use the keyword search. anyone got any ideaas09:19
gharzdon't know how... but the last command that i ran was apt-key update... delect all the keys in my software sources09:19
DexiFlannel, i was in /home/dexi and did chmod +x file09:19
Flannelherra: You don't have to do anything.  You *can* make it so the home folder matches your username though if you'd like.09:19
Dexithen I do ./File?09:19
FlannelDexi: yes.09:19
sony_boygharz, i use amsn client, dont know about a yahoo linux client but forget pidgin it doesnt support webcam09:19
DexiFlannel, nothing happened09:19
FuLiohi i need help, im trying to get into Synaptic package manger and i got an error saying 'dpkg --configure-a' how can i fix that problem?09:19
FlannelDexi: Did you get an error?09:19
DexiFlannel, no output09:19
FlannelDexi: Then the file ran.09:19
gharzsony_boy: thanks for the info! i'll try that.09:19
dns53FuLio open a terminal and run sudo dpkg --configure -a09:20
DexiFlannel, actually i got one this time :p09:20
dr_willisJohnathanLaws,  ive seen a similer thing  also.. but my FF dident freeze.  its a small firefox window thats blank and resized to be real real tiny.  I cant really get it to repeate. it just seems to do it on sokje sites. that sort of tells me its my adblocker blocking a popup or similer09:21
DexiFlannel,  ./upl: symbol lookup error: ./upl: undefined symbol: __glutRoot09:21
diskmountFlannel, so if I do mkdir /media/home how will it know to mount sdb there, or am I replacing media with sdb?09:21
herrawhen I try to rename the folder "admin" to "herra" I get the error: Bareword "admin" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at (eval 1) line 1.09:21
drtrolllo! how does one add multiple dns suffixes in ubuntu? i have tried with networkmanager/dhclient.conf, but the domains always end up on one single line (e.g. "search foo.bar bar.baz") which sadly does not work (splitting them manually to 2 and it does!)09:21
FlannelDexi: Those are errors inside the script.  You'll... have to consult whomever wrote the script09:21
DexiFlannel, dangit09:21
dr_willisFuLio,  its proberly sayind    dpkg --configure -a  with a space.. or somthing similer.. you need to proberly run the command it suggests with 'sudo  Whatever-it-suggestes'09:21
FuLioalright thanky you09:22
vjacobhello all. after booting with my new kernel, I get fuss over not having map, and boot not being able to find certain files09:22
KazurikHello, I don't know if this is the right place to ask this but does anyone know when the ubuntuforums will be comming back up? I am having a hard time with my wireless card09:22
vjacobis there something one should ALWAYS do after doing make install; make modules_install?09:22
Flanneldiskmount: each line in fstab consists of a few  things: device (thats the drive), mount point (thats where it lives in the filesystem, where to put it), and then some bookkeeping stuff.  so you'll edit it and tell it to mount that partition at /media/home (although, personally, I'd call it storage or something, calling it 'home' may cause confusion)09:23
FlannelKazurik: try #ubuntuforums09:23
Kazurikah ha, thanks09:23
JohnathanLawsha! I have absolutely no idea but my problem fixed itself  after a reboot, so cheers09:24
herraanyone go a clue bout my rename problem?09:24
Flannelherra: What command are you using?09:24
herrawhen I try to rename the folder "admin" to "herra" I get the error: Bareword "admin" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at (eval 1) line 1.09:25
montgomery_xI would like to install ubuntu on my 486 but I cannot find the "mouse click button"09:25
kingwhat is with the forums.09:25
FlannelKazurik: #ubuntuforums09:25
Flannelherra: What *command* are you using?09:25
dns53herra that from a script?09:25
Flanneler, king, #ubuntuforums09:25
kingFlannel, Try opening.09:25
herrasorry, rename admin herra09:26
Flannelking: Right.  #ubuntuforums is the place to go to ask09:26
Flannelherra: you're going from herra to admin or the other way around? use mv instead.09:26
Flannelherra: mv admin herra09:26
rwwmontgomery_x: The minimum system requirements for Ubuntu include "300 MHz x86 processor". The 486 can only get up to 100MHz. Even if you do find this mythical button, you'll be unable to install Ubuntu :(09:26
dns53herra there is no rename command, instead you move it to a different name09:26
herraok thanks09:26
pratik1how to resume downloads of firefox from terminal09:27
rwwmontgomery_x: That said, is there a genuine support question we can help you with today?09:27
herrawell Ive got a perl rename script on here09:27
herrabut doesnt seem to do owt09:27
Flannelherra: And then you'll need to use usermod -d to move where the world thinks your homedir is, too.09:27
Flannelherra: right, rename uses a regular expression to rename.09:27
herradon't undertsand that one flannnel?09:27
herrausermod -d ?09:28
diskmountFlannel, it says the mount poiint is already there in my /media/home09:28
Flannelherra: Don't worry about it.  Just use mv.  Oh, yes.  usermod -d /home/herra herra09:28
Morchuboodrtroll: you need to edit /etc/resolv as sudo, you can put your search domains there.09:28
Flannelherra: That tells the system to look for herras homedir in /home/herra, instead of /home/admin09:28
herraah yeah cheers09:28
Flanneldiskmount: Um... what does?09:28
=== dungnt is now known as vnese
diskmountthe terminal09:29
kingI am trying to get external mic jack on Dell 1525 working. I am following http://www.practicalweb.co.uk/blog/08/06/24/configuring-audio-skype-dell-inspiron-1525-ubuntu-8 and http://www.linux-archive.org/kubuntu-user/225109-mic-issues-dell-inspiron-1525-a.html. But it still doesn't work.09:29
diskmountso I guess all I have left to do is actually mount it lol, and that is where I am stumped09:30
KazurikWell looks like th forums are down for the count so ill just ask here. Does anyone know why I wouldnt be able to use my WN311T in ubuntu? I have used the ndisgtk thing and it says the driver is installed and present but iwconfig does not show any wireless device09:30
diskmountFlannel, I did sudo mkdir /media/home09:30
Flanneldiskmount: ok, now you edit your fstab like it says on that webpage.09:30
Flanneldiskmount: actually, you'll also need the UUID of that drive, so: sudo blkid09:31
herrawhen i poull donwe menu, places, home it still looks for admin.. should I log out and back?ç09:31
Flannelherra: Yes, you'll need to.09:31
daredevilthereHey i m using obexfs to mount my cell09:32
=== FriedCPU is now known as FRiEd|BnC
herrathanks Flannel09:32
kingFlannel, Do you have pointers for me?09:32
daredeviltheresudo obexfs -u 1 /tmp/mnt but i cant browse /tmp/mnt unless i login as root why is tht so?09:32
Flannelking: Nope09:32
savvasdaredevilthere: sony ericsson?09:33
daredeviltheresavvas: no Nokia phone09:33
savvasdaredevilthere: have you tried: sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /tmp/mnt09:34
=== greg_universe is now known as greg_sleeped
diskmountOh well this is way too hard09:35
diskmountthanks for helping09:35
daredeviltheresavvas: says function is not implimented09:35
Flanneldiskmount: It's really simple actually.  Mostly just copy/paste.09:35
herraFlannel, afyer loging back in I get the error message : The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_MixerApplet". Do you want to delete the applet from your configuration? .. what do you suggest?09:35
=== Bowo_27 is now known as cwek_imoet
simplenewbwhen I connect to my router at home and later try to switch to  a new router at a coffee shop or relatives house the wifi login icon in the top right corner disappears until I reboot. How do i find out why it's crashing and how do I connect manually so I can stop rebooting all the time?09:36
savvasdaredevilthere: try: sudo chmod -R +r /tmp/mnt09:36
JHook101Hello does anyone have a moment to assist me?09:36
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:36
nsadminI don't have a moment, but I do have a minute09:36
jack_When I try to open vlc it says this, what does it mean? vlc: ../../src/xcb_lock.c:33: _XCBUnlockDisplay: Assertion `xcb_get_request_sent(dpy->xcb->connection) == dpy->request' failed.09:37
Flannelherra: um, I suppose yes.  Your guess is as good as mine.  You can always re-add the mixer applet afterwards09:37
JHook101!ask I would like to know if there is a equivalent to Microsoft Office available for Ubuntu09:37
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:37
nsadminnote, please be specific informative concise complete when yuou ask09:37
daredeviltheresavvas: Same says  Function not implemented09:37
hetiihi :)09:37
nsadmintry openoffice09:37
jack_JHook101, OpenOffice.org09:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kexi09:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about base09:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about database09:38
JHook101thank you so much :D i will check that out now!09:38
JHook101and btw i lvoe this os already09:38
nsadminking: you can /msg the bot09:38
Tulgahow to configure 3 servers like 1 big server?09:38
dns53it's cross platform09:38
JHook101so cool09:38
* king feel stupid talking to the bot in private09:38
* king +s09:38
dns53Tulga you want high avalability?09:38
rww!fishing > king09:39
ubottuking, please see my private message09:39
Tulgadns53: I have 5 servers. I was planning to work like 2 frontend (load balance) + 3 high avalability. but application not support it09:39
nsadminare you afraid that if you're alone with it, it will try something? :)09:39
jack_When I try to open vlc it says this, what does it mean? vlc: ../../src/xcb_lock.c:33: _XCBUnlockDisplay: Assertion `xcb_get_request_sent(dpy->xcb->connection) == dpy->request' failed.09:39
JHook101!ask Will I be able to play multi player games on ubuntu?09:39
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:39
Tulgathen I changed mind, and now 2 frontend + 1 big server09:39
nsadminJHook101: you don't need the !ask09:40
edemhi everybody ! where can i get information on terminal configuration09:40
jack_JHook101, depends, what games do you want to play?09:40
dns53Tulga yeah the applications need to support it, you can get some stickeyness on the router to make it more likely the request always goes to the same server09:40
JHook101ok i apologize I am wanting to play steam games such as counter strike09:40
savvasjack_: go to #videolan09:40
JHook101or world of warcraft09:40
dns53Tulga what application?09:40
Tulgadns53: kannel09:40
JHook101can i be in more then one irc channel?09:41
JHook101if so how do i join that chat and still be in this one09:41
FlannelJHook101: yes, /join #channel09:41
jack_JHook101, Yes through WINE you can play WoW & I have never heard of the other game as I am not a gamer.09:41
Tulgadns53: I tried heartbeat and howto for apache. apache works, but kannel not support it.09:41
jack_JHook101, Yes you can young more then one channel by click on theother channels name, & it will not take you out of this one.09:42
jack_JHook101, stop asking stupid questions :p09:42
=== izibi_ is now known as izibi
=== FRiEd|BnC is now known as FriedCPU
gh0stanyone try building the newer transmission on 8.10 and have any success? im having some issues regarding openssl, anyone have any insight/experience?09:42
Tulgadns53: kannel requires only 1 connection to SMSC. then if I run 3 servers, they try to create 3 connections to SMSC. it is problem. then I think solution is 1 big server09:42
JHook101im not asking stupid questions i have never used linux and i have never used irc09:42
alex-82I'm trying to install mpd and i get an error during the installation (sudo apt-get install mpd), it tries to start mpd and it says "unable to bind port 6600: cannot assign requested address"09:42
savvasjack_: stupid is the one not asking :)09:43
jack_JHook101, I was just teasing :p09:43
Cation_H`JHook101: that's alright, u r welcome09:43
jack_JHook101, you can go ahead & ask me questions any time you want, I am always here to answer the best I can.09:43
dns53Tulga well if it's a j2ee application the application server can be configured to run in ha09:43
gh0stanyone try building the newer transmission on 8.10 and have any success? im having some issues regarding openssl, anyone have any insight/experience?09:43
JHook101ok what was that channel again for video game questions09:44
jack_JHook101, I am not sure, they gave me a channel for movie watching questions.09:44
herraMy desktop seems to be caught ina loop.. constanatly saying it reuires a restart for security upgrades.. any ideas?09:44
Tulgadns53: it is not j2ee app.is it possible to configure like 2pcs 2ghz PCs to 4ghz PC?09:44
jack_JHook101, however just ask people about videogames & WINE09:45
JHook101O I am looking for a channel that supports video game use on ubuntu unless someone can tell me if I can play world of warcraft or steam counter strike09:45
KazurikJHook101 you may want to look into a program called WINE. I know it will let you play World of Warcraft in linux09:45
rwwgh0st: Have you tried using the PPA at https://launchpad.net/~transmissionbt/+archive , instead of building it?09:45
JHook101ok cool09:45
jack_JHook101, I already told you yes you can play WoW09:45
JHook101i mostly wanna know for steam games09:45
Cation_H`JHook101: using wine to play windows games09:45
JHook101:p i am trying to quit wow :p09:45
Cation_H`JHook101: you can google for it09:46
dns53Tulga not sure about os clustering, i have not heard about it, you could probably have 1 server at a time working and automatic switchover with it runnng on xen or something09:46
jack_JHook101, do you means treaming games liek flash?09:46
rww!wine | JHook10109:46
ubottuJHook101: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help09:46
KazurikJHook101, look at http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=1554 it has a HOWTO for installing steam with wine09:46
gh0strww: had no idea a site like that existed, thanks man09:46
JHook101ok also I think this ubuntu already came with openoffice I start my first semester of college monday and pretty much I can open a .doc or any other ms office ext in open office correct09:46
jack_JHook101, yes ubuntu does come with openoffice :p09:47
Cation_H`JHook101: open office can't open .docx09:47
Cation_H`JHook101: it's not very compatible09:47
vltHello. I just upgraded the packages "libssl0.9.8" and "openssl". Why does usn say "After a standard system upgrade you need to reboot your computer to effect the necessary changes"? Is this really necessary?09:47
rwwgh0st: no problem. FYI, apt-get will warn you about unauthenticated packages when you use PPAs; read the warning then decide whether or not you trust what is, essentially, packages made by some random person :)09:47
jack_JHook101, that is why I mentioned stupid questions as a tease, because you was asking about something that is already on you system :p09:47
JHook101o lol09:48
rebel_kidwhat is the most standards compatible web browser for linux (with xhtml support) preferably a GUI and CLI09:48
JHook101well is there a way to read ms office extensions then?09:48
=== scientes_ is now known as scientes
Cation_H`JHook101: you should use open office, then export to pdf for windows09:48
dns53JHook101 openoffice.org version 3 (not in the latest release) can open it, you need to track down this version as it was relesed too late to make it in the release09:48
jack_JHook101, Yes open office can read MS Office files, just not Office 2007 files.09:48
jack_Well wait that is wrong09:48
savvasrebel_kid: opera and firefox probably09:49
jack_it can read 2007 files, it just cannot write them09:49
rebel_kidsavvas, im looking to get away from the fox, it swayed far from standards on <div>09:49
gh0strww: i understand, thanks many my friend, btw quick n00b question, this reply i sent you, is it all red and stuff like how you sent me?09:49
jack_But it can read & write all previous MS files.09:49
rwwgh0st: yes :)09:49
JHook101like 2005?09:49
diskmountFlannel, can I show you what I have come up with so far?09:49
savvasrebel_kid: well you can use opera: www.opera.com/download09:50
ishbibenobanyone have any good ideas for grabbing flv streaming video?09:50
gh0strww: excellent, unfortunatley the PPA failed09:50
JHook101lol what is funny is I am majoring in computer forensics but just now started using linux lmao09:50
Flanneldiskmount: Sure.09:50
mrwesOpen Office 3.0 can read MS Office 2007 files09:50
JHook101k i will dl that then09:50
rebel_kidsavvas, ty09:50
jack_mrwes, yes but it cannot write them.09:50
savvasJHook101: shouldn't you grab a book instead then?09:50
rwwJHook101, Cation_H`, dns53: The version of OpenOffice 2 in the repositories contains non-standard additions, including the ability to read .docx files.09:51
diskmountFlannel, # /etc/fstab: static file system information. # # <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>  proc  /proc  proc  defaults  0  0 # /dev/sda1 UUID=f0815b03-682b-4351-b973-7a7d80a4de34  /  ext3  ,errors=remount-ro  0  1 # /dev/sda5 UUID=4de81698-5a6b-4872-a7a1-50376bf10472  none  swap  sw  0  0  /dev/sdb1  /media/cdrom0  udf,iso9660  user,noauto,exec,utf8  0  009:51
JHook101i want fast answers it is 3:52 i need to get to sleep soon but this new os is exciting09:51
diskmountFlannel, though I do not know where to put the last uuid that corresponds to sdb109:51
dns53rww i believe those non standard addons are in the official release of 309:51
Flanneldiskmount: the line you'll be adding will look like this (except with your uuid): UUID=fee986fe-7ecc-48a7-a2ed-9686750997fa /media/home ext3 defaults 0 209:52
jack_JHook101, do not worry about d/ling anything OpenOffice 2 the one that is on your system can read even the newset MS files.09:52
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JHook101o ok then09:52
rwwdns53: That's probably correct. No need to go hunting down OOo3 to read .docx files, though, hence me mentioning it.09:52
JHook101I am at http://www.winehq.org/download/09:52
FuLiohow can i get my cf to work after a update has happen?09:52
rwwgh0st: "failed" how, specifically?09:52
JHook101am i supposed to download the one by scott ritchie?09:52
gh0strww: i might not have a choice but to build @ this time!09:52
Cation_H`diskmount: If you don't know the UUID09:52
mrwesjack_: ahh..yah, read only09:53
diskmountflannel does that come after my current last line, or do I erase everything after /devsdb109:53
Cation_H`diskmount: you can use the /dev/sda1 to replace UUID09:53
ctuxi have problem with the installation of nvidia drive on kubuntu 8.1009:53
jack_JHook101, as said do not d/l anything09:53
gh0strww: broken dependency (cache) apparently im not sure what that means, but im gunna plug @ it 1 more time before i try building again09:53
KazurikJKook101 you could just open up a terminal and type sudo apt-get install wine09:54
Flanneldiskmount: Just add it on to the end.  open it (alt-f2, gksu gedit /etc/fstab) go to the bottom, hit return, paste it in there, hit return again (or for good measure, two more times), then save, and you're done.09:54
ctuxthe hardware driver menu shows the appropriate driver but wont install it09:54
JHook101where is the terminal lol09:54
ctuxhow to manually install nvidia driver?09:54
JHook101and is the terminal like dos?09:54
jack_JHook101, yes09:54
JHook101where is the terminal09:54
jack_JHook101, the terminal is in your menu.09:54
hetiimy dmeseg repor me : [26242.876120] console-kit-dae[13470]: segfault at 1d0 ip 00007f567866be09 sp 0000000040515090 error 4 in libglib-2.0.so.0.1800.2[7f567863f000+c3000]09:54
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:55
hetiifor what is this library ?09:55
diskmountFlannel, # /etc/fstab: static file system information. # # <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>  proc  /proc  proc  defaults  0  0 # /dev/sda1 UUID=f0815b03-682b-4351-b973-7a7d80a4de34  /  ext3  ,errors=remount-ro  0  1 # /dev/sda5 UUID=4de81698-5a6b-4872-a7a1-50376bf10472  none  swap  sw  0  0  /dev/sdb1  /media/cdrom0  udf,iso9660  user,noauto,exec,utf8  0  0 UUID=d29c0aff-560d-493f-80d709:55
JHook101and what do i type in the terminal again09:55
Cation_H`JHook101: application > accessories > terminal09:55
jack_JHook101, you type cammands into the terminal09:55
Cation_H`JHook101: the command09:55
tokyoaheadhi all... I have a 8.04 installation here but the update manager wont show the 8.10 upgrade, do I have to do something special?09:55
hetiibtw i have ubuntu server 8.1009:55
Flanneldiskmount: Um, use pastebin.  IRC gobbles up carriage returns.09:55
Divyeshany one knows how to remove IcedTea JVM from F 8 ?09:55
Flannel!paste | diskmount09:55
ubottudiskmount: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)09:55
rww!upgrade | tokyoahead09:55
ubottutokyoahead: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes09:55
KazurikJHook, you can also push Alt + F2 and type gnome-terminal to open it, Once you get it open type sudo apt-get install wine09:55
JHook101no somebody told me what to type to get win installed09:55
Divyeshany one knows how to remove IcedTea JVM09:56
lianimatorcan I configure evince to not take over the Media Next and Previous keys?09:56
savvasDivyesh: System > Administration > Synaptic ?09:56
jack_JHook101,  sudo apt-get install wine09:56
mrwesJHook101: open a terminal and type sudo apt-get install wine09:56
mrwesdoube vision09:57
Divyeshhmm not in ubuntu09:57
diskmountFlannel, http://paste.ubuntu.com/103075/09:57
JHook101now i did that and it is downloading will it automatically install to where i can then access it from the start menu09:57
Divyeshin fedora09:57
DubDubanyone running intrepid on an aspire one? I've got some wifi questions.09:57
savvasDivyesh: /join #fedora09:57
Divyeshfedora channel is dead09:57
JHook101I also  appreciate the help guys I am soaking alot in at once09:57
Cation_H`JHook101: application > wine09:57
rwwDivyesh: for support with Fedora, ask in #fedora, not here.09:57
KazurikJhook, you dont actively use wine. Wine will allow you to double click .exe files though and it will run them as if you where in windows09:57
bootlacesHey everyone. Using NetworkManager to VPN into a network, how do I get ubuntu to route *all* traffic thru the VPN?09:58
Flanneldiskmount: Um, line 7 of that paste... is there a "defaults" before ,errors=remount-ro?09:58
KazurikJhook, There is a nice howto on how to get steam working on the wineappdb (http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=1554). After you do the sudo apt-get install wine you will be on step 209:58
diskmountFlannel, it said realtime but I erased it09:59
Flanneldiskmount: but yeah, that looks good as long as there's a newline after the last line. (always make sure theres a trailing newline in everything)09:59
gh0strww: i win :)09:59
FuLioDid anyone else got an update today 01/09/09 and it messed up your screen resolution and your Cf?09:59
gh0stit was a conflict in left over packages09:59
KazurikJhook, all of those things in the offset boxes are command you run in the consle/terminal09:59
Flanneldiskmount: odd.  Go ahead and add defaults there...09:59
gh0strww: gtk stuck around for some reason but everything else was removed so it messed up10:00
diskmountFlannel, I put b ack realtime10:00
diskmountFlannel that is how they have it on the page you linked me10:00
rwwgh0st: Ah, that'd explain it. So the PPA ended up working?10:00
rwwgh0st: or did you build it from source?10:00
JHook101wow this is so awesome lol10:00
rwwdiskmount: that should be relatime, not realtime.10:01
Flanneldiskmount: shrug.  The lack of defaults is just odd.  But if its working for you so far... by all means go with it.10:01
vixeyhi, does anyone know if it's possible to type unicode symbols using preset names? For example <some control code> alpha <space>, should give the actual alpha symbol? Control-Shift-u almost works but it needs codes instead of names. if not.. where would you start looking for something like that also?10:01
rwwdiskmount: it stands for RELative Access TIME10:01
gh0strww: the PPA worked, thanks for the advice, btw is there anywere i can read more about these "PPA's" or even just what they stand for or are used for?10:01
diskmountFlannel, I havent typed anything in yet, this is all me in textedit10:01
diskmountFlannel, I doubt any of this will work10:01
Flanneldiskmount: Erm... what is your current fstab?10:02
Flanneldiskmount: close without saving changes... then paste your fstab10:02
rwwgh0st: PPA stands for Personal Package Archive. They're basically little mini apt repositories that people use to upload unofficial packages they've built.10:02
diskmountFlannel fstab = bad command10:02
gh0strww: sweet great idea10:02
jack_When I try to open vlc it says this, what does it mean? vlc: ../../src/xcb_lock.c:33: _XCBUnlockDisplay: Assertion `xcb_get_request_sent(dpy->xcb->connection) == dpy->request' failed.10:02
Flanneldiskmount: fstab is a file.  /etc/fstab, you can display it with... cat /etc/fstab10:02
rwwgh0st: Looks like there's more information about it at https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA?action=show&redirect=PPAQuickStart , though that may be a little technical.10:03
TerrorBitediskmount: don't paste it here btw, use pastebin10:03
Dr_futureHello, I'm new to Ubuntu, and I installed it on a Vmware, but I can't figure out how to install the vmware tools, could anyone help me please?10:04
gh0strww: exactly what im looking for, i may be a bit new to some things but, thats exactly how people learn, im not afraid of learning ;)10:04
diskmountFlannel it is not in /etc10:04
Flanneldiskmount: Mmmm... it is.  cat /etc/fstab10:04
jack_!Ubottu I choose you!10:05
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:05
Dr_futureubottu : vmware tools10:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about vmware tools10:05
Dr_futureubottu : install10:05
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate10:05
Dr_futureubottu : install programs10:05
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:05
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".10:06
Flannel!synaptic | Dr_future10:06
ubottuDr_future: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto10:06
Dr_futureFlannel : I have already those tools on my desktop, but I don't know how could I install them10:06
jack_!Thank you10:06
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)10:06
diskmounthttp://paste.ubuntu.com/103076/ flannel10:06
Dr_futureFlannel : 2 files, with these extensions .rpm and .gz10:06
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)10:07
rww!fishing > jack_10:07
ubottujack_, please see my private message10:07
arvind_khadrithere used to be a script to automate the mounting of disks... where can i find it?10:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about oo310:07
dns53Dr_future untar the tar.gz and run the install script10:07
jack_!rww hi10:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rww hi10:07
Dr_futureok dns53 :)10:07
jack_rww so do you go fishing often?10:08
Flanneljack_: Please stay on topic.  #ubuntu-offtopic is the place for general chatting10:08
diskmountFlannel, you see it?10:09
jack_Flannel, sorry I was just tired & being a troll.10:09
rwwjack_: and take a look at that message ubottu sent you, while you're at it10:09
gharzanybody here who's using acer crystal eye webcam? it doesn't seem to work.10:09
Flanneldiskmount: Right, so... that's whats working for you now (without defaults), so we won't add defaults. Now, we'll want to add that line to the end, so, alt-f2, gksu gedit /etc/fstab, then paste that line at the end (on a new line), then hit enter again after it.10:09
lianimatorcan I configure evince to not take over the Media Next and Previous keys?10:09
jack_rww no need to I wasn't the one fishing, so do you like to catch bass or tuna?10:09
Flanneljack_: Please stop.10:09
diskmountFlannel, you mean paste all the stuff dealing with second hd?10:10
Flanneldiskmount: "that line" being the new line for your spare partition... yeah.  Just that one line.10:10
alex-82I'm trying to install mpd on ubunutu 8.10. During the install process it tries to launch mpd and fails because it finds that it can't bind the port10:10
jack_Flannel, you I am jusat really tired I going a little crazy right now, I should temp ban myself from the room.10:10
alex-82I've tried editing mpd.conf to different ports but it always fails in the same way10:10
alex-82so the problem isn't that something is using the port10:10
diskmountFlannel so confused because it is like 5 liknes, I never typed any stuff into termina for second hd, only in txt edit10:11
Flanneldiskmount: There's only one line dealing with the second partition.  UUID=fee986fe-7ecc-48a7-a2ed-9686750997fa /media/home ext3 defaults 0 210:11
Flanneldiskmount: No, you won't type anything into the terminal.  And it's not four lines.  Each line in fstab deals with one partition10:11
kingNeed help getting external mic on DELL 1525 working.10:11
king!moin | kraut10:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about moin10:11
rwwlianimator: That's a known bug that is fixed in the development version of Ubuntu, but which hasn't made its way to Intrepid (yet?). See https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-settings-daemon/+bug/26377910:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about moinmoin10:11
lianimatorrww: thanks10:11
diskmountFlannel so what did I do this for? lol10:12
diskmountFlannel # /etc/fstab: static file system information. # # <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>  proc  /proc  proc  defaults  0  0 # /dev/sda1 UUID=f0815b03-682b-4351-b973-7a7d80a4de34  /  ext3  relatime,errors=remount-ro  0  1 # /dev/sda5 UUID=4de81698-5a6b-4872-a7a1-50376bf10472  none  swap  sw  0  0  /dev/sdb1  /media/cdrom0  udf,iso9660  user,noauto,exec,utf8  0  0 UUID=d29c0aff-560d-4910:12
Flanneldiskmount: Er... You need to edit that file and append that line...10:12
Flanneldiskmount: I have no idea where you got that.  (Append the line I gave you, *but* change your uuid)10:12
jack_rww how about we call it a night in here & just go fishing tomorrow?10:13
sh1is there a yahoo messenger for ubuntu 8.10?10:15
KenBW2is there a way to make an installation disc from an existing installation?10:15
rwwsh1: Do you need video/audio chat capabilities, or is just text-chat okay?10:15
sh1just text chat okay10:16
rww!fr | fifi10:16
ubottufifi: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr10:16
rwwsh1: Take a look at Pidgin (GNOME), Kopete (KDE), and Empathy (GNOME, kinda unpolished).10:16
fifithank you!10:16
sh1can text chats be tapped by a firewall?10:17
diskmountFlannel, when i did alt f2 a little run windo popped up and I put the stuff you said in, but I do not see how I pasete the uid in on a separate line,a s there is only one line in the window10:17
ProbelemI like Kopete10:17
sh1i mean yahoo chats. im behind a corporate firewall10:17
Flanneldiskmount: No, no.  That command, hit enter.  That'll open a text editor.10:17
sh1i dont want anyone to read my messages10:17
Dr_futuredns53 : Are you still around?10:18
rwwsh1: Yes it can, by default. You could look into OTR ( http://www.cypherpunks.ca/otr/ ) or a similar scheme if you want encrypted messages in Pidgin.10:18
diskmountFlannel so when the fstab window opens, I just press enter and paste the uuid in?10:18
rwwsh1: both sides of the conversation would need to be using an OTR plugin for that to work, though.10:18
gh0stokay, im loosing my mind with trying to open a port, ive done this litterally 150+ times. can someone please help me? (it shouldn't take to long, i have a decent understanding on how this works)10:18
dns53Dr_future yes10:19
=== DRNK-E is now known as drnk-e
TerrorBitesh1: It might also be possible to connect to the yahoo servers using SSL encryption, but I'm not sure10:19
Dr_futuredns53  I unrared it10:19
Probelemrww, Where do you get Empathy from, I'd like to try it out.10:19
savvassh1: just send them an email instead. use https://mail.yahoo.com instead of http://mail.yahoo.com10:19
Dr_futureand I think I should install it from the terminal10:19
savvasProbelem: applications > Add/remove10:19
dns53Dr_future yes from a terminal in that vm10:19
rww!info empathy | Probelem: the Ubuntu repositories10:19
ubottuempathy (source: empathy): High-level library and user-interface for Telepathy. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.24.1-1ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 269 kB, installed size 760 kB10:19
Flanneldiskmount: go to the bottom, paste my line, then edit the uuid on it, then go to the end of the line and hit enter twice (because we want to make sure the file ends with an empty line)10:20
sh1savva: do you mean to say if i use https://mail.yahoo.com and chat using webchat it will be encrupted?10:20
Dr_futuredns53 : ok, how can I use it, when I type the command in the terminal, it says that this directory doesn't exist10:20
Dr_futurehow to determine the directory of that file?10:21
Flanneldiskmount: It'll look like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/103081/10:21
Dr_futureit has.pl extension10:21
diskmountFlannel, I did, but the only thing is your line is shorter and where all the other lines end in 2 numbers, your 2 numbers end way before the other rows last columns10:21
dns53Dr_future cd to the dir and run ./app10:21
Flanneldiskmount: That merely has to do with spaces versus tabs.  If you want you can space it out to match the others, but it's not important10:21
Dr_futuredns53 : I extracted that folder on the desktop, its name is vmtools10:22
diskmountFlannel now do I save?10:22
Flanneldiskmount: yep10:22
Flanneldiskmount: Then close, then go to a terminal and type `sudo mount -a`10:22
dns53Dr_future well cd ~/Desktop10:22
Dr_futureok dns53, I'm going to try this10:22
Flanneldiskmount: That will remount everything according to your fstab (including the new drive)10:22
cojcurrently there's still no way to view Adobe ebooks (EBX) on linux natively, right?10:23
diskmountFlannel, mount: special device /dev/disk/by-uuid/d29c0aff-560d-493f-80d7-0ecc2ee31470 does not exist10:23
bsusacould someone please help me, how do i install flash on the mythbuntu frontend to play online videos?10:24
Flanneldiskmount: Pastebin the output of your sudo blkid please10:24
gh0stMe trying to open port- (20426) use a gui to "ufw" add (20426) for both tcp and udp , router SUPPORTS upnp, try it out, no go. :( | set static ip and manually forward port, no go. :( | set my pc as DMZ! no go :( | anyone see what im doing wrong here? Please!?10:24
diskmountFlannel http://paste.ubuntu.com/103083/10:25
sh1how can i download pidgin using apt-get10:26
coji couldn't get my port open but it seems to be related to my ISP's stupid policies and proxy10:26
rwwsh1: "sudo apt-get install pidgin"; if you're using a default Ubuntu install, it's already installed in Applications > Internet > Pidgin Instant Messenger10:26
gh0stcoj, they block even non-standard ports like that?10:27
Flanneldiskmount: Hmmm, that's odd.  Ok, pastebin your fstab (cat /etc/fstab) again please.10:27
Dr_futuredns53 : Could I private you please?10:27
dns53Dr_future why not10:27
Dr_futurethanks :)10:28
FuLiomy compiz fusion isnt working, after the last update what could be wrong?10:28
diskmountFlannel, http://paste.ubuntu.com/103084/10:28
quibblercoj, natively no however with wine look here: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/ebx-40-bits-encrypted-pdfs-in-linux-404089/10:28
sh1thanks. where are the encryption settings10:28
gh0stthis is a huge pain, i cant get anything forwarded, anyone have any insight?10:29
=== benjamin_ is now known as benjamin_FOX
herra//server irc.efnet.net10:30
herra/server irc.efnet.net10:30
S[h]O[r]Tim having a really problem installing mysql-server on a fresh hardy server i keep getting Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)10:30
Flanneldiskmount: huh.  Well, that *is* interesting.  Ooooh.  We just reformatted this disk, yes?  It could be that the /dev/disk/by-uuid/ is only generated at boot.. even if that sounds sort of stupid.  (Actually, there's probably some command we can do to make it re-generate, but I don't know it).10:30
Flanneldiskmount: Go ahead and reboot, we need to do it for your kernel anyway.  Once you reboot, that drive should be there.  If not, we can use the old-style of naming stuff for fstab.  But it ought to work.10:31
diskmountFlannel what ever you think, I have no clue what I am doing10:31
ProbelemAnyone have any idea why Cairo-dock won't update?  I'm sick of this update icon in the taskbar.10:31
diskmountok brb Flannel10:31
rwwFlannel: why don't you just use the /dev/sdwhatever notation instead of a UUID for now?10:31
IllusionHello, I have restored mysql databases in /var/lib/mysql. But all databaes have root permissions, how can I change the owner to mysql?10:32
Flannelrww: Because he has to reboot for a kernel update anyway, and there's no real reason to change it twice more.10:32
ProbelemIt says E: /var/cache/apt/archives/cairo-dock_1.6.3.1_all.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/cairo-dock/icon-mouse.png', which is also in package cairo-dock-data10:33
rwwProbelem: Do you have an unofficial cairo repository active?10:33
ProbelemI don't believe so, I downloaded cairo-dock from the ubuntu repos.10:34
JHook101So as far as security goes would you say linux by far is way more encrypted then windows?10:34
raevolcould someone help me troubleshoot getting my sound working? i've tried whats on the wiki with no luck10:35
new-userHello channel,10:35
JHook101how old is yoru computer10:35
raevoli'm sure it's a simple configuration thing, I installed xubuntu kind of backwards, just not knowledgable enough to troubleshoot it myself10:35
JHook101and are you using on board sound or a sound card10:36
raevolmine? just put a new mobo in, asus p5q se plus, onboard sound10:36
Digital7does anyone know what's up with the update servers (and the rest of the internet) right now? is it because of windows7 distribution?10:36
raevolit's VIA HD Audio if that helps10:36
ProbelemIt says NOT AUTHENTICATED when i go to update it.10:36
JHook101ok well i do not know much about linux yet but I would look into making sure there is no conflictions10:36
mountdiskFlannel, it showed up right by the dvd drive and cd drive10:37
JHook101same thing happen to my video card it said it does not support it but gave me a option to enable it and download the proper drivers10:37
raevollike... irq conflicts? it works in windows10:37
Flannelmountdisk: sounds good.10:37
mountdiskFlannel, but how the heck to I give it network sharing10:37
rwwProbelem: That would be a reasonably-good indicator that you're using non-Ubuntu repositories. Can you open your /etc/apt/sources.list file, copy it to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ and give me a link to the pastebin page you create, please?10:37
Probelemraevol, have you tried running alsamixer in the terminal?10:37
Flannelmountdisk: Er..... What sort of network?10:37
raevolJHook101, that's the proprietary drivers, that's supposed to happen10:37
raevolProbelem, yes, there's only master and pcm listed, but both are max10:37
Flannelmountdisk: with windows computers? or all OSX/linux?10:37
rwwDigital7: The update servers and general internet work fine for me :/10:37
apollo_liecan someone tell me how to set a default soundcard (i have 2 -> 1 onboard & 1 pci)10:38
mountdiskFlannel just my little home network so that way my laptop and wirelessly acess files from that drive and play movies or music off of it without having to download them10:38
Digital7rww: i've been drawing 3 - 15kb/sec from nearly every server i've hit tonight10:38
JHook101does anyone know any tweaks to speed up firefox and the desktop movement with this linux distro I have over 3gigs of ram and a decent processor10:38
Digital7rww: excluding a few, which operate at full speed10:38
mountdiskFlannel just macbooks10:38
Flannel!nfs | mountdisk10:38
ubottumountdisk: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.10:38
Digital7rww: perhaps it's regionally mediated10:38
new-userThere's a problem in the Ubuntu package repository.  The file texlive-base-bin_2007.dfsg.2-3ubuntu1_i386.deb (part of the installation of TeX) cannot be read beyond ~497 KB.  I have tried several mirrors through synaptic, manual wget, and even Firefox (via packages.ubuntu.com).  All give the same results, i.e., incomplete download sized ~497 KB.  Firefox mentions that the file cannot be fetched further as the 'source cannot be read'.  What should I do?  10:39
Flannelmountdisk: thats likely the easiest way. If you were doing it with windows stuff, you'd have to use samba (see !samba)10:39
rwwapollo_lie: fiddle with the settings in System > Preferences > Sound10:39
Flannel!bug | new-user10:39
ubottunew-user: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots10:39
mountdiskFlannel, I see when I go to networks there is a windows icon10:39
Flannelnew-user: File a bug, it's likely a packaging error or something.10:39
raevolProbelem, aplay -l shows it correctly as well10:39
mountdiskFlannel, I was hoping I could just right click the drive and enable sharing10:39
mountdiskFlannel guess things are not that simple10:40
Probelemrww, http://paste.ubuntu.com/103090/10:40
Flannelmountdisk: I have no idea how sharing works.  You may be able to.10:40
sh1in pidgin how to use encryped messages10:40
raevolProbelem, the us.archive servers tend to be super slow, if you pick a fast one using the software-sources app, you'll probably get better speeds10:40
Probelemraevol, I'm not sure on much past that, I have an nVidia on-board sound on my laptop and it's always pre-configured10:40
apollo_lie@all: i have a m-audio audiophile 2496 card and get this error when testing: audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open audio device for playback.10:40
mountdiskFlannel, thanks, its 340am and I need to get up early so I will call it a night10:40
raevolerr, not Probelem, Digital7 rather10:41
rwwProbelem: The last line of that sources.list file is that unofficial cairo-dock repository I was talking about. Go ahead and remove that, do an apt-get update, and go from there.10:41
raevolany else have any ideas about my sound? shows correctly in aplay -l and is maxed in alsamixer, but still no sound10:41
H4FHi everyone10:42
ProbelemHow do I do that, it's telling me that I can't?10:42
KazurikHmm, after spending 2 hours on this wireless card I think I am just going to buy a new one that works out of the box in linux.10:42
new-userAre you sure this is a bug?  I mean, can someone try to replicate this problem?  A simple http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/main/t/texlive-bin/texlive-base-bin_2007.dfsg.2-3ubuntu1_i386.deb should clear up the mess (if some other user is able to download the entire 2.2 MB file).  Anyone willing to try?10:43
H4FCan any one suggest me how can I change spell checking language in pidgin .10:43
apollo_liehave someone experience with a m-audio audiophile 2496 soundcard?10:43
rwwnew-user: give me a sec, I'll try downloading it10:43
ProbelemKazurik, I had tons of trouble with my wireless card and ndiswrapper.  It's a Broadcom wireless 1340 mini-PCI.  Once I finally did get it working, It took a dump on me.10:44
rwwnew-user: the whole 2.2MB just downloaded for me =/10:44
ProbelemI haven't had the extra cash to order a card that works out of the box yet.10:44
raevolbrb rebooting10:44
new-userThanks rww.  It is some config problem at my end then.  Surprisingly, *all* other packages seem to download fine.10:45
apollo_lieis there someone who have experience with soundcard configuration / installation?10:46
syntax\whats a good mp3 player available in ubuntu? winamp--like one?10:46
KazurikSyntax: I use banshee, I find that its a pretty good player10:46
quibblersyntax\, amarok10:46
H4Fhow can I change pidgin spelling suggestion language ?10:47
S[h]O[r]Tim having a really problem installing mysql-server on a fresh hardy server i keep getting Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)10:47
ProbelemI use Rhythmbox, syntax\10:47
Dr_Future_I want to learn ubuntu from scratch guys, I'm switching from windows10:48
JHook101Ok I have a few questions 1 What is the equivalent to Ctrl + Alt + Delete 2 How do I see my systems performance which I would see in the question 1 and 3 How do I disable the system beep when I hit backspace or something happens on desktop?10:48
Digital7raevol: i did pick one with software-sources, about 10 of them..from 5 or 6 different countries10:49
syntax\quibbler, Probelem: thanks for the suggestions10:49
JHook101I just switched from windows xp pro to this distro for the first tiem using this distro and linux period and I have to say it is alot of work to learn so far but very smooth and awesome system10:49
raevolstill no luck with the sound :(10:49
JHook101Anyone have a solution to the questions i asked if so can i get a pm with the answers :p10:50
Probelemjhook101, System>administration>system monitor.10:51
KazurikJhook101, I know there is a performance monitor, I am in Kubuntu right now though so i can't look for it10:51
ProbelemNot sure what they Key-binding is for it, though.10:51
new-userStill no luck with downloading.  This is definitely *not* a config problem at my end.  Even a direct download from Firefox fails at 492 KB using the same kernel.org mirror link I posted earlier.  Any further ideas?10:51
bonhofferi am on my laptop and want to "middle button paste" what i have just highlighted -- how can i do  it10:52
quibblerJHook101, System-Adminitration-System Monitor for performance - - System-Preferences-Sound uncheck beep10:53
bonhoffershift + insert doesn't work10:53
Tm_Tbonhoffer: if you push both mousebuttons?10:53
BeepIIhitting windows key + m inverts my colors... is there a way to make this scheme my default without having to do hit windowskeay + m each time?10:53
rwwbonhoffer: how many buttons do you have? if 2, push both at once.10:53
gizmo_Hi. I want to create a moving montage of photographs with music running alongside the slideshow that I can then burn to a DVD to be played on a DVD. Any ideas for software?10:53
Probelemjhook101, there are also applets you can add to the Gnome panel that will show performance.10:53
rwwbonhoffer: no problem :). It's called "three-button mouse emulation", in case it breaks and you need help with it :)10:53
JHook101k thanks10:53
bimoseptyopi just install openbsd as my guest operating system10:54
bimoseptyopon vmware10:54
bimoseptyopin my thoshiba laptop10:54
bonhofferrww, that is excellent -- a lot of figuring this out is learning what to ask/websearch on10:54
ciphergothrather unhappily talking to you all from Windows ... I upgraded from Gutsy to Intrepid, and after the restart, there was no network manager icon and no networking :-(10:54
rww!enter | bimoseptyop10:54
ubottubimoseptyop: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:54
bimoseptyopubottu, ok, sory bro10:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ok, sory bro10:54
bimoseptyophow, my openbsd guest OS get internet from my pcmcia card?10:55
b14ckThat was the most violently coherent question I've ever heard.10:55
raevolhmm, ok so my sound *is* coming out the "Back" audio port10:56
raevolis there a way to switch it to the front one? front as in in a 5.1 setup?10:56
ciphergothI looked in the logs; it found my wlan0 device, but disabled it because of "reason 2"10:56
ciphergothI don't want to have to switch to using Windows whenever I want to connect to the Internet!10:57
diskproblemshi all. am getting Error while iterating over blocks in inode 2721252: Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read10:57
diskproblemse2fsck: aborted10:57
diskproblemsanyone able to assist me in what i need to do? the disk stops working and i have to do a hard reset to get it going again.  is my hdd knackered?10:57
b14ckTo be incurably honest, yes it is knackered.10:58
new-userAnother stonewall.  I simply can't download the texlive-base-bin package.  Maybe I should file a bug-report.  However, I'm surprised as to how rww managed to download the whole stuff.10:58
diskproblemsbl4ck - really?10:58
rwwnew-user: Would you like me to upload the package somewhere for you?10:58
b14ckDon't act so angrily indecent, diskproblems >:E10:58
new-userrww: Can you please check that you have downloaded the entire file (~2.2MB) and not a truncated version10:59
rwwnew-user: sure thing. Can you link me to the file again?10:59
new-userrww:  http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/main/t/texlive-bin/texlive-base-bin_2007.dfsg.2-3ubuntu1_i386.deb10:59
KenBW2anyone know a good image-to-text app?10:59
rww!ocr | KenBW210:59
ubottuKenBW2: OCR software for Ubuntu includes Tesseract, Ocrad and GOcr. GNOME users can use 'gocr-gtk' as a front-end to GOcr, while KDE users have Kooka available as a front-end to Ocrad and GOcr.10:59
diskproblemssorry. didn't realise i was being indecent.  all i'm looking for is someone with some knowlege who can help me.11:00
Tm_TKenBW2: there's also GIMP if you like to get ascii art11:00
KenBW2Tm_T: no, i mean if an image has text in it11:00
b14ckdiskproblems, these type of problems tend to be poetically predatory.11:00
Tm_TKenBW2: then see above11:00
lindyHi .. we've been trying to upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10 for a long time.  We got an error about running a prerelease .. in a desperate try, I enabled prerelease sources, but that didn't help.   How do I upgrade now?  Do I have to do it manually on the command line?11:00
diskproblemsi don't understand.11:00
b14ckdiskproblems, they are frivolously bewildering.11:00
raevolso the audio on my ubuntu is coming out of the black "rear" port instead of the green "front" port, is there a way to fix this?11:00
boy_pro_1m8he he he11:00
rwwnew-user: Just downloaded it. I have a 2.3 MB file for definite...11:01
presdecAnyone else have an epson Stylus SX205 printer? running Linux #####-ubuntu 2.6.27-9-generic x86_64 GNU/Linux11:02
diskproblemsbl4ck - should i buy a new sata drive then?  money is tight.  in kern.log i keep getting something along the lines of ata2link is slow to respond, please be patient.  from what i've researched it looks as if the drive is being put into read only mode?11:02
new-userrww: OK.  Very many thanks if you can upload it somewhere.  If not, thanks a lot anyway!11:02
b14ckdiskproblems, yes you should probably buy a new sata drive :( Your current one seems to be acting a little too silently merciless.11:02
aruiany1 can see me?11:02
b14ckarui, i can see you11:03
diskproblemsyour choice of words are interesting.11:03
presdecarui, hi!11:03
quibblerarui, hi11:03
Kazurikarui, of course not im looking at a monitor!11:03
aruiwoohoo~~ cool ~~ nice 2 see u all11:03
ciphergothHow can I find out what NetworkManager means when it says "deactivating device (reason 2)"?11:03
ciphergothI don't want my network devices deactivated!11:04
FuLiohi guys why is my ubuntu login screen to large?? how do i fix that11:04
rwwnew-user: http://rww.name/ubuntu/texlive-base-bin_2007.dfsg.2-3ubuntu1_i386.deb11:04
diskproblemsbl4ck - are you able to guide me through the use of any tools that i  may use to help repair the disk before i go without food for a week and buy a new drive?11:04
b14ckciphergoth, int he most quintessentially comforting way possible... I'm sorry but they will be deactivated anyway11:04
b14ckdiskproblems, yea11:04
b14ckdiskproblems, fdisk11:04
diskproblemswant me to post the output?11:04
KenBW2rww: i installed gocr-gtk, but it won't run, says package not found11:04
b14ckdiskproblems, sure11:05
BoomShakahey, is ubuntuforums.org down?11:05
S[h]O[r]Twell i found out what it was11:05
rwwBoomShaka: yes, has been for a while11:05
S[h]O[r]Tloopback wasnt configged11:05
b14ckFuLio, it is because your video card driver is unusually decrepid.11:05
diskproblems   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System11:05
diskproblems/dev/sdb1               1       19081   153268101   83  Linux11:05
diskproblems/dev/sdb2           19082       19457     3020220    5  Extended11:05
diskproblems/dev/sdb5           19082       19457     3020188+  82  Linux swap / Solaris11:05
presdecBoomShaka, yes11:05
ciphergothb14cj; what do you mean?11:05
FloodBot3diskproblems: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:05
rwwKenBW2: What version of Ubuntu are you using?11:05
FuLiobl4ck, is there a way to fix that?11:05
ciphergothb14ck even11:05
KenBW2rww: Hardy11:05
quibblerBoomShaka, yes11:05
b14ckFuLio, yes, reboot the computer (it probably tried to use a super low resolution for the first bootup)11:05
razinsomebody get rid of diskproblems11:05
rwwKenBW2: try running the command "gtk-ocr"11:06
diskproblemssorry, will use pastebin from now on11:06
KenBW2rww: thanks11:06
ciphergothb14ck: they will be deactivated anyway?  They are always deactivated as part of a normal startup?  Shouldn't I expect to see them being reactivated then?11:06
b14ckTHe network drivers were too disruptively jolly for their own good.11:06
diskproblemsbl4ck - http://paste.ubuntu.com/103103/11:07
ciphergothb14ck: they were less jolly when I was running Gutsy then11:07
ciphergothb14ck: they worked fine until I upgraded last night11:07
b14ckThat upgrade you did sounds illegally ironic. oO11:07
presdecciphergoth, i had a similar msg with my sony ericson connected11:07
BoomShakadoes any1 have any expereience using their ubuntu internet sharing with their xbox?11:08
ciphergothb14ck: seriously, any idea how I can move things forward?  I don't want to be stuck in Windows-land :-(11:08
raevolso the audio on my ubuntu is coming out of the black "rear" port instead of the green "front" port, is there a way to fix this?11:08
b14ckciphergoth, yea i was just joking lol11:08
b14ckciphergoth, one second11:08
sachaeli've been looking for a simple calendar app for linux, something like the calendar program in OS X?11:10
dustrialhi all, wanna make a network upgrade, but i am useing KDE, are there full instructions for intrepid upgrade from hardy tp a KDenvironment?11:10
presdecsachael, rainlendar's not bad11:11
ciphergothevolution has a calendar; never used it in anger though.11:11
bwaynesachael: tried google calendar?11:11
oCean_sachael: or 'cal' on cmdline11:11
ciphergothI have to confess I use Google calendar for everything11:12
sachaelbwayne, presdec: *for linux*, not windows, not firefox, a gtk app. There is one called "dates", but it is too barebones...11:12
presdecsachael, rainlendar exists for linux11:12
bwaynei thought sunbird was ok.11:13
Joe_can anyone verify the legitimacy (and saftey) of this: http://simplyeko.com/linux/how-to-maximize-bandwidth-on-ubuntu-intrepid-ibex-810/11:13
quibblersachael, google calendar -you can install adobe air for linux and use gmdesk.air11:13
KenBW2Tm_T: how do you do ASCII art in gimp?11:13
sachaelactually, i did try sunbird, it is very close to what I'm looking for, although that last time i installed it it was super slow :(11:13
gharzanybody who's using acer crystal eye webcam around? i can't make my webcam work.11:14
raevolso the audio on my ubuntu is coming out of the black "rear" port instead of the green "front" port, is there a way to fix this?11:14
FuLioubuntu login screen is to large, how can i fix this?11:14
SiDigharz, did you try easycam ?11:14
ciphergothFuLio: how do you mean "too large"?  Describe what you see in more detail.11:14
gharzSiDi: not yet.. is that a driver?11:15
gharzlet me check that out.11:15
SiDigharz, it's a piece of software that recognises about 500 webcams and auto installs drivers for it11:15
SiDiit's a bit messy and unofficial, but it works well, gharz11:15
sachaelhow come there is not gtk calendar program? something like this: http://img.tomshardware.com/us/2006/04/27/use_and_dont_lose_your_cell_phone_data/thg_sync_apple_ical.jpg11:15
SiDihttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/EasyCam see here gharz11:15
FuLiociphergoth, all i see is username11:15
FuLiociphergoth, i cant see what im typing11:16
ciphergothThe fonts are too large?11:16
razin i hate linux, i hate linux, i hate linux, i hate linux, i hate linux, i hate linux, i hate linux, i hate linux, i hate linux, i hate linux, i hate linux, i hate linux, i hate linux, i hate linux, i hate linux, i hate linux, i hate linux, i hate linux, i hate linux, i hate linux, i hate linux, i hate linux, i hate linux, i hate linux, i hate linux, i hate linux, i hate linux, i hate linux, i hate linux, i hate linux, i hate linux, i 11:16
ciphergothdon't worry, Linux hates you too11:16
MetaMorfoziSHi all11:16
quibblerrazin, breath in breath out11:16
sachaelwait, i got it! i have Prism installed. I can prism-ize google calendar :D11:16
new-userrww: This is so weird.  The link you gave me *still* chokes the download at ~492 KB.  Its almost psychic.11:17
MetaMorfoziSI want to set my cpufreq scaling governor to performance during the boot, and then set back to ondemand. Is there an ubuntu related ttutorial for it? Or anybody have any idea how to do that?11:17
* ciphergoth starts to get the feeling that b14ck is not about to return with the solution to his network problems :-(11:17
gharzSiDi: thanks... i'll check that out.11:17
SiDiyou're welcome gharz11:17
b14cksorry ciphergoth had to pee11:17
b14cktry running net-config11:18
ciphergothMetaMorfoziS: I shouldn't think so it sounds like a weird thing to want to do - if it's ondemand it'll be there on demand!11:18
ciphergothb14ck: never mind your micturation, I have network problems! :-)11:18
MetaMorfoziSciphergoth > by default i don't know what is the default, i think it must be some powerrsave one11:18
MetaMorfoziSso i want to speed up my boot process with it11:18
ciphergothI'd guess that the default would be either ondemand or conservative11:19
diskproblemsbl4ck - still no suggestions?11:19
ciphergothmaybe it changes when the power is plugged in11:19
MetaMorfoziS(and because of this is an eeepc, i want to echo 0 > /proc/acpi/asus/cpufv whic means it overclocks it about 5%)11:19
b14ckdiskproblems, i think your disk is fugged11:19
KazurikOh thats cruel, My N card wont work no matter what I do but if I plug in a USB B wireless card it just works :(11:19
ciphergothb14ck: remember I have to shut down windows, boot Linux, try something, then boot Windows to tell you what it did11:19
MetaMorfoziSi just don't know what init script i need to make, and where...11:19
diskproblemshow do i know without trying to repair it?11:19
ciphergothso... what does net-config do?11:19
b14ckciphergoth, sure11:20
b14cknet-config just runs an interactive setup for eth011:20
b14ckbasically it lets you pick if you want dhcp/static ip, etc11:20
presdecMetaMorfoziS, it starts near the end of initd, and i'm fairly certain it's ondemand not powersave during the boot11:20
b14ckif you do that it will 'reboot' your ethernet device11:20
b14ckciphergoth, its a good thing to try, if you ask me11:20
sachaelor maybe, while im looking into python and cairo right now, i will just take the google calendar python api and do something myself...11:20
MetaMorfoziSpresdec > how can i check it? And how can i tune it at the start of the boot process?11:20
ciphergothit's wlan rather than ethernet I'm trying to get ot work.11:21
ciphergothOK will try it11:21
rwwb14ck, ciphergoth: Strangely enough, I don't see net-config on my Ubuntu install. Could you double-check you're not trolling please, b13ck?11:21
ciphergothrww: are you running Intrepid?11:21
ciphergothmany thanks for checking btw11:21
MetaMorfoziSand how can i insert my own code to the start and end of the boot process?11:21
b14cksorry, im not running ubuntu atm11:21
b14ckim using gentoo but i have a ubuntu box i use at work11:21
rwwciphergoth, b14ck: even stranger, that doesn't appear to be the name of a program provided by any package in the Ubuntu repositories.11:22
ciphergothsachael: python and cairo is a great combination, you can have tremendous fun with it11:22
rwwciphergoth: yeah11:22
quibblersachael, adobe air with gmdesk will give you google calendar11:22
b14ckyou may want to try netconfig if net-config isnt there11:22
ciphergothrww: you just saved me about 10 minutes of totally useless frustration - many thanks!11:22
sachaelquibbler, i found prism installed, i will prism-ate google calendar :D11:22
rwwb14ck, ciphergoth: netconfig isn't in the repositories, or on a standard Ubuntu install, either.11:23
b14cksorry then11:23
quibblersachael, i'll try that myself but i'll have to install prism first11:23
dattai am trying to convert avi to wmv, how can i do that?11:23
ciphergothsachael: I did all these with python and cairo: http://www.lshift.net/election/potus/11:23
dattai found how i can convert wmv to avi but not the other way around11:23
presdecMetaMorfoziS, google initd, edit /etc/init.d/ :w! allows u 2 save changes11:24
ciphergothrww: I don't suppose you can help me get any further forward on what I should try?11:24
b14ckdatta, why do you want to change your avi to wmv? oo11:24
b14ckdatta, avi is way better than wmv :(11:24
BoomShakacan anyone help me sort out the strict NAT type error when connecting to xbox live??11:24
dattawell i have some problem because i have to upload those videos11:24
rwwciphergoth: unfortunately, no. I don't use NetworkManager, so I wouldn't know how to help :(11:24
sachaelciphergoth, interesting, were you using some database for the information?11:24
raevolso the audio on my ubuntu is coming out of the black "rear" port instead of the green "front" port, is there a way to fix this?11:24
dattaand wanted them in a small size11:24
MetaMorfoziSpresdec > thank you11:24
ciphergothsachael: I fetched data from various websites, particularly fivethirtyeight.com - I had to OCR those numbers out!11:25
ciphergothalso electoralvote.com11:25
ciphergothsachael: I was emailed vector versions of the cartograms by the designers11:26
dattais there any other format which can make small size and get uploaded in youtube?11:26
ciphergothsachael: note the lovely fading vertical lines :-)11:27
tkp23Hi. I'm having trouble running php files from the command line. Php reports that it is Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php5/20060613+lfs/sqlite3.so'. And indeed, this file doesn't exit. It used to be suppllied with the phpe-sqlite3 package, however, this package doesn't exist in intrepid!11:27
=== mathias is now known as presroi
tkp23sorry, that was supposed to read "php5-sqlite3"11:27
dattacan anyone help me convert the video?11:27
presdecMetaMorfoziS, np but be carefull, keep backups and a livecd if ur going 2 play around with it :) gl11:28
tkp23so if php5-sqlite3 doesn't exist anymore, then where is the php5 sqlite support?11:28
sachaelwhat version of kde does kubuntu have? is it suitable for a complete linux newbie?11:28
mikebeecham1hi guys...my mate has just converted to Ubuntu, and has just installed 8.04.  When he boots up, he gets past the ubuntu splash screen, see's his mouse on a black screen, then everything freezes up.  Can anyone help?11:28
Jonydoes anyone know much about the main menu screenlet11:28
dustrialsachael: 4.2 i guess11:28
mikebeecham1just changed my nick...sorry11:29
Jonydoes anyone know much about the main menu screenlet11:29
Jonydoes anyone know much about the main menu screenlet11:29
Jonydoes anyone know much about the main menu screenlet11:29
FloodBot3Jony: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:29
dustrialsachael:  if you read wikipedia on kde and gnome, .. i may get an idea11:29
rwwsachael: Kubuntu has KDE4.1 out of the box, and semi-official repositories for 4.2. Both versions are, in my personal biased opinion, not as user-friendly as Ubuntu.11:30
rwwUbuntu with GNOME **11:30
ciphergothOK, will go for a shower and hope that someone who knows all about NetworkManager is here when I return :-) thanks rww for saving me huge amounts of time and frustration!11:31
sachaelrww, but i guess they have the same drivers? that is most important11:31
rwwciphergoth: You're welcome! Glad I could help, even if it wasn't too useful!11:31
abzhello everybody . . :)11:31
rwwsachael: Kubuntu and Ubuntu are built on the exact same base. They have the same drivers. Only difference is KDE vs. GNOME.11:31
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
abzgood night (in my country) :p11:32
abzi've a question11:32
abzis it possible to change a bootsplash on INtrepid??11:33
fosco_abz: yes11:33
rww!usplash | abz11:33
ubottuabz: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork11:33
fosco_an easy way is using startupmanager11:33
abzmy intrepid usplash couldn't change . .11:33
abzi've tried so many ways11:33
abzbut it comes with a blank screen with a few terminal output . .11:34
Tycho451Hi everybody, I installed the libc6-i686 upgrade that came up last night (~10h ago), which failed and now I can't boot. chroot from a rescue cd brings a segmentation fault and the forums are down :(11:34
FuLiohow can i change my login screen resolution ? its got to large after a update11:34
Tycho451Can anybody here help me or point me in the right direction?11:35
N1ckRWhats currently best virtualisation on Ubuntu, Virtuabox ?11:35
fosco_!best | N1ckR11:35
ubottuN1ckR: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.11:35
abzubottu: i did it . ..but nothing changes11:35
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:35
mikebeecham1hi guys...my mate has recently installed Ubuntu, and is only seeing a frozen cursor on black screen when he tries to boot.  Can anyone help resolve this?  He's not even getting to login or desktop11:36
Gneaabz: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-change-the-bootsplash-in-ubuntu-810-intrepid-ibex.html11:36
mikebeecham1...and the forums are down so cant investigate there11:36
toaderHi, how to mount a ISO file. I have download a Windows 7 Beta. I want to install it on a virtualBox11:37
abzok i'll check this Gnea . .11:37
mikex2Hi, which tool is recommended to use when I want to split a partition into two new partitions? My current system/installation of ubuntu is running on that partition11:37
fosco_toader: virtualbox can use an iso file as a CDROM device11:37
ph33rzHello everyone11:37
toaderfosco_: OK. thanks11:37
=== colorblackcolorw is now known as zombie7
jribmikex2: create backups and then use gparted11:38
abzGnea: but i just wanna use usplash . . not other alternate splash . .11:38
jribtoader: you don't need to mount it.  Just use the virtualbox preferences to use the .iso as your cdrom11:38
jrib!helpme | mikebeecham111:38
ubottumikebeecham1: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience11:38
feng_? what happened11:39
ph33rzI was hoping to recieve a little help, I recently install ubuntu 8.10 everything was running smoothly then recieved a read write error and now ubuntu will not boot.. Goes str8 to busybox and and says that none of the file systems exisit..11:39
mikebeecham1jrib: sprry, dont mean to do that....but help in the channel has grown less and less recently11:39
mikebeecham1which does not help grow the community very much11:39
ahecklermikebeecham1: That sounds like a problem with X. Take a peek at your xorg.conf and see if anything went horribly wrong.11:39
jribmikebeecham1: you realize everyone here is a volunteer?11:39
SiDimikebeecham1, he has driver problems11:40
mikebeecham1jrib: yes thanks...I do!11:40
mikex2I also wondering which virtualization program I should use in ubuntu, vmware or something else?11:40
aheckleralthought i dont know enough myself to help you out11:40
ph33rzmikex2, I used virtualbox11:40
ahecklermikex2, i tried Virtualbox and liked it11:40
Gneaabz: ah, this looks better.. http://userend.blogspot.com/2008/08/how-to-change-boot-splash-screen-in.html11:40
mikebeecham1jrib: and you realise the reason I ask is because most of the volunteers in here know more about linux than me!!11:40
jrib!virtualizer | mikex211:40
ubottumikex2: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications11:40
feng_I just wanna learn gtk programming , is it ok?11:40
mikebeecham1aheckler: is there any way to look at x before getting to the desktop?11:40
feng_anny one can provide some suggestions?11:41
ubottuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete11:41
ph33rzcan someone please help me to get my system to boot, I'm dropping into the busybox screen11:41
clou_can i trust getdeb.net?11:41
feng_I just wanna learn gtk programming , is it ok?11:41
SiDimikebeecham1, he should edit his /etc/X11/xorg.conf (sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf) from the shell (ctrl+alt+f1 to go to shell), and change the value of the driver for Video device to "vesa". Then restart x (sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart // kdm instead of gdm if kubuntu) and then see if it works11:41
feng_ anny one can provide some suggestions?11:41
jribfeng_: sure.  You might want to try the #gtk channel on irc.gnome.org for help with programming gtk11:41
jribfeng_: sorry, #gtk+11:42
ahecklermikebeecham1: you'll may have to boot into recovery mode to do what SiDi said (AFAIK), but yes11:42
feng_thank you very much11:42
clou_there shouldn't be trash on getdeb, or? can i trust these packages?11:42
jribclou_: I do not.  Proper packages go into the repositories11:42
fosco_clou_: packages from getdeb use to work fine for me, but it is not official11:42
abzGnea: hmmm . . .dunno why, my usplash intreopid cannot change . . some site said that is a bug . .11:43
SiDiyeh also mikebeecham1 if it doesn't work, you can go to recovery mode and use the "repair xorg" (or something similar) option to restore graphical server's configuration to default (ie default drivers instead of those the installer chosed for your pc)11:43
Gneaabz: what site?11:43
ahecklerclou_, I use them occasionally, they can be trusted, but as fosco_ said, it isnt official11:43
abzGnea: launchpad . . ubuntuforum.org11:43
Gneaabz: that's a bit vague, could you please provide the exact url?11:43
ph33rzI was hoping to recieve a little help, I recently install ubuntu 8.10 everything was running smoothly then recieved a read write error and now ubuntu will not boot.. Goes str8 to busybox and and says that none of the file systems exisit..11:44
clou_ok, i would also only use somne packages....i just want to make sure they do not put *shit* like sripts which could destroy my ubuntu...is it at least controlled by the getdeb maintainers?11:44
mikex2ph33rz, aheckler: Can it virtualize 64-bit os?11:44
rww!ohmy | clou_11:44
ubottuclou_: Please watch your language, attitude and topic to help keep this channel friendly and helpful. Remember, there are kids here!11:44
ph33rzmike, if your running a 64bit os atm11:44
ahecklermikex2: i dont think so, no11:44
mikebeecham1thanks guys...will try those out and saee what happens11:44
ph33rzmm i believe it can if you are on a 64bit os11:44
SiDiph33rz, could you provide the exact error message ?11:44
rwwmikex2: Virtualbox can have 64-bit clients if you're running it on a 64-bit host.11:44
fosco_ph33rz: boot with liveCD and test your partitions/filesystems11:44
* rww has done it11:45
jribclou_: http://www.getdeb.net/about.php read the "Quality" section11:45
ph33rzSidi, There isnt just one.. its basicly not mounting my drives11:45
ph33rzi'm not getting an error code11:45
ahecklerph33rz, i am on a 64-bit system and Vbox wouldnt let me install 64-bit arch just the other day...11:45
ph33rzjust basicly says no init found, try passing init=bootarg11:45
daredevilthereabz: ubottu its a bot :)11:45
abzGnea: i finding it . . i forgot the exact link . .;)11:45
ph33rzokay fosco i'll try that..11:46
clou_and how do i install tar.gz packages(not sources codes, i mean .bin files which are in the tar.gz11:46
clou_i heard something with /opt ?11:46
abzdaredevilthere: yeah, i c some min ago :p11:46
ahecklerclou_: are you asking where to install them or how?11:46
Gneaabz: ok :)11:46
new-user1323rww:  Where're you man?  I just rebooted my computer into Windows and tried the texlive download there.  Amazingly, it still failed.  I think that my ISP is choking on some of the contents of that archive.  Can you please: 1) gzip the deb file, 2) rename it (to, eg., test.gz), 3) upload it again?  It would be very kind of you.  I'm back in Ubuntu now.11:46
ph33rzi just dont understand why it all the sudden crashed, I was booted and was running great11:46
ph33rzthen bam it goes down11:46
jribclou_: you have to read the README or INSTALL file, but usually you just copy them somewhere and run them.  /opt is conventionally used11:46
rwwnew-user1323: okay, will do11:46
abzGnea: thx a lot ;)11:46
SiDiclou_, usually when packages are provided this way they contain a configure.sh or install.sh file11:46
ZeroA4clou_, what is this package ? are you sure there is no deb for it?11:47
clou_aheckler: both11:47
daredeviltherewhts /opt this directory for11:47
fosco_ph33rz: maybe a sudden harddisk death11:47
jrib!fhs | daredevilthere11:47
ubottudaredevilthere: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview11:47
syntax\emerald keeps on crashing, now i don't have the close button etc. how can i fix this?11:47
SiDiclou_, most of the time, thus, you need to extract the files and run the configure file (via sh configure.sh from console)11:47
ahecklerdaredevilthere: *opt*ional programs11:47
=== lipsin_ is now known as lipsin
zirodaysyntax\: you can switch back to metacity with metacity --replace11:47
ph33rznah, theres no way. this is like the 4th time this has happened to me had to reinstall everytime11:47
ph33rzdrive works fine tho..11:47
syntax\ziroday: then? does this mean i can't use emerald no more?11:48
zirodaysyntax\: emerald is buggy, old and unmaintained. You really shouldn't use it anymore. You can install fusion-icon to switch between metacity and emerald easily11:48
daredevilthereaheckler: oh thanks11:48
clou_SiDi: not a source code, i mean a *finished* .bin file11:48
clou_like when you download firefox for linux from the firefox site11:48
quibblerclou_, make it executable and run it11:49
clou_i could copy it in my home dir, but  i want to have it really installed in my system11:49
abzi've googled to download an oOo 3 . . but why it have "charged" ?11:49
jribclou_: you should stick to the repositories.  It will keep your system more secure11:49
clou_let#s take openarena for ex.11:50
clou_the newest version is 0.8.1, it is not in the repo11:50
terryxhow i do scanning in ubuntu11:50
jribclou_: newer does not mean better11:50
jrib!scan | terryx11:51
ubottuterryx: Scanning software: XSane, the GIMP (GNOME), Kooka (KDE). For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners - See also !OCR11:51
amews_ajWhere is gedit located?11:51
clou_no matter for the moment...;)11:51
daredevilthereCan i install and setup ltsp frm ubuntu cd11:51
rwwnew-user1323: http://rww.name/ubuntu/foo.tar11:51
rwwamews_aj: /usr/bin/gedit11:51
abzis it possible that oOo 3 is commercial product not like an old version of openoffice.org ?/11:51
jribamews_aj: why?11:51
ahecklerclou_, in that case I might put it in /usr/local/games11:51
clou_so i should move it to /opt?11:51
fosco_amews_aj: /usr/bin/gedit, why?11:51
feng_how can i change the code of gedit11:51
jribabz: ooo3 is free software in both senses of the word11:51
gharzSiDi: it didn't work :(11:51
jrib!source | feng_11:52
ubottufeng_: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html11:52
clou_oh, is /opt for closed source?11:52
amews_ajthx, a program asks for path to a notepad editor11:52
jribclou_: it's preference.  I like to use the rule that anything that has a nice unixy structure goes into /usr/local/ and other software goes into /opt11:52
fosco_amews_aj: you can give it just gedit, it will find it11:52
ahecklerclou_, not really, it's just another option11:53
aheckler!fhs | clou_11:53
ubottuclou_: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview11:53
clou_ah ok11:53
abzjrib: i've checked http://openoffice-3.org/ , why it's not to easy to download oOo 3?11:54
clou_so i move the folder with openarena to /usr/local/games and create a menu icon?11:54
amews_ajtried that11:54
azertylu all11:54
tokyoaheadhi guys.. I am trying to enable my ATI graphics card, but when I press the "activate" button, it asks me for the passowrd but then nothing happens - the driver remains deactivated - any idea what I can do?11:54
raevolis there a way to populate /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.27-9/sound/pci/hda with the files that should be there?11:54
tokyoahead(activate the prop. driver)11:54
rwwtokyoahead: that happened to me a while back; restarting fixed it =/11:54
new-user1323rww:  Trying downloading the tar now.  I've a hunch it won't work (as tar merely concatenates files without affecting their contents).11:54
raevoltokyoahead, try installing the linux-headers for your kernel, check in synaptic11:54
clou_jrib: and what are programms with unix structure and what are other programs?11:54
tokyoaheadnww just restarted, same thing11:55
jribabz: there's a big "download now" button.  You really should check the bug about why ooo3 is not in intrepid and see if work has been done on it in bugs.ubuntu.com though11:55
ahecklerclou_, if you downloaded openarena in executable form, then yes11:55
tokyoaheadraevol: will try thanks11:55
rwwnew-user1323: Yeah, but if it's your ISP caching something weirdly it might help.11:55
clou_thank you, and no games go in /usr/local?11:55
* rww shrugs11:55
jribclou_: programs that use the structure described in !fhs are unixy to me11:55
abzjrib: yeah, i press "download now", there is a bored registration . .11:55
jribabz: right11:56
unipalcan you use wildcards with tracker like * or ?    It doesn't seem to work11:56
ahecklerclou_, personally, i installed urban terror to /usr/local/games, but you can use /opt if you want, there's really no difference11:56
abzjrib: why?? coz a bug ?11:56
jribabz: why don't you use http://download.openoffice.org/ ?11:56
clou_how do i recognize these programs?11:56
new-user1323rww:  Yup.  Botched again.  You *have* to apply a transformation that changes the contents, i.e., the bytes that pass through to my ISP.  GZip seems the most obvious to me.11:56
jribabz: I'm not even sure that site you linked to is official11:56
rwwnew-user1323: I tried GZip, but my browser decided it was a text file or something. How about BZip2?11:57
ggeeckocan somebody tell me how to install the exchange plugin in evolution11:57
jribggeecko: install evolution-exchange in Synaptic11:57
abzi c jrib, now i checking http://download.openoffice.org/  . .11:57
ggeeckojrib: synaptic?11:58
unipalcan you use wildcards with Tracker like * or ?    It doesn't seem to work11:58
ahecklerggeecko: System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager11:58
new-user1323rww:  Exactly.  It is detected as a text/plain file.  This is why I think my ISP is choking on it (thinking it is a text file while it isn't).  Bzip2 should be fine.  Thanks for keeping with me.11:58
ggeeckogot it11:58
jribggeecko: when installing software on ubuntu, you use APT.  A frontend to APT is System -> Administration -> Synaptic.  See ubottu for more info11:58
jrib!software > ggeecko11:58
ubottuggeecko, please see my private message11:58
ahecklerjust search for "evolution-exchange" mark it for install and hit apply11:58
ciphergothback again, hoping someone who knows about NetworkManager has arrived in the mean time.  I upgraded from Gutsy to Intrepid, and my network connection has gone; the network icon in the tray has disappeared.  I'm reduced to using Windows!  Anyone got any ideas where I should start?11:58
knutin gnome: where can i see the folders on my harddrives that take most of the diskspace. i need more free space and i dont know where the irelevant data is located.11:59
ahecklerciphergoth: go to system > preferences > sessions and make sure network manager is checked11:59
rwwknut: Investigate Applications > Accessories > Disk Usage Analyser11:59
rwwnew-user1323: http://rww.name/ubuntu/foo.bz212:00
ciphergothaheckler: that sounds worth trying, thanks!  Before I reboot into Intrepid to try it, any tips on what to do if it is checked?12:00
unipalHello everybody, can you use wildcards with Tracker Search tool like * or ?    It doesn't seem to work...12:00
new-user1323rww:  Trying it now.  Let's keep our fingers crossed.12:00
knutrww: Thank You12:01
ahecklerciphergoth: umm to be honest, it depends if you're on wireless or wired connection12:01
ahecklerFYI everyone the forums are back up!12:01
hezzasorry if anyone just replied to me I didnt see it.. lost connection.. please repost12:01
daredeviltherehow do i configure my openssh-server12:01
Gneaaheckler: they went down?12:01
rwwdaredevilthere: sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config12:01
ciphergothaheckler: wireless, but I could sort out wired if you think it would help12:01
starbucksHi guys im having a problem uninstalling ubuntu...I have A grub error 22 and no bootdisks/floppy drive and so im confused as to how to fix this..12:02
Gneaciphergoth: you might want to check out wicd12:02
ahecklerciphergoth: wired would probably be easier to configure and troubleshoot, that's been my experience12:02
knutis there a gui tool for convertin *.dmg files into *.iso?12:02
ahecklerGnea: they were down all last night and this morning, at least for me12:02
Seiver`DamrossNetsplit Detected irc.freenode.net from: lindbohm.freenode.net12:03
=== hezza is now known as herra
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit12:03
new-user1323rww:  The bz2 file is still coming out as text/plain.  Did you actually bzip2 the deb archive and then rename the result, or just renamed the original file?12:03
rwwnew-user1323: I actually bzip2'd it.12:03
Gneaciphergoth: http://wicd.sourceforge.net/12:03
kristian_/dev/sdb1 is mounted to ~/rtorrent. now i want to have /dev/sdb1 mounted to ~/x, and within x dir i want the rtorrent dir with content. this is what im thinking of doing, but i want to make sure i dont screw it up. ;-) my plans: "umount /dev/sdb1", then "mkdir x" in ~, then "mount /dev/sdb1 ~/x". then the content that was in ~/rtorrent will now be in ~/x. then i will mkdir rtorrent within the x dir, and "mv blabla rtorrent/blabla". will th12:03
rwwnew-user1323: open up a terminal and issue "wget -c http://rww.name/ubuntu/foo.bz2". That might work better.12:03
Gneaaheckler: oh wow... it was down the other day for about 20 minutes or so12:03
=== ziroday_ is now known as ziroday
ciphergothGnea: I have no net under Ubuntu, so installing wicd would be pretty painful!12:04
starbucksAnyone know how to remove Grub please?12:04
DefamedPrawnhi my audio has suddenly just fritzed. Can't get a sound12:04
adam7starbucks: did you remove Ubuntu?12:04
new-user1323rww:  wget's what I've been using all this time.12:04
Gneastarbucks: in favor of..?12:04
adam7starbucks: if you still want to use Ubuntu, you'll need Grub probably12:04
ahecklerGnea: i guess they were having database problems yesterday12:04
ciphergothGnea: the default Windows boot manager I would guess12:04
rwwnew-user1323: and that bz2 file isn't getting downloaded properly with it?12:04
SiDii got highlighted but i lost the message due to the netsplit.. :/12:04
ciphergothadam7: starbucks is trying to uninstall Ubuntu, the nutter :-)12:04
Gneaciphergoth: ask in #windows12:05
herranot sure if this got posted with the netsplits etc.. if so.. sorry for repetition..12:05
herraI didn't like the name "admin" that ubuntu gvae me so I changed it with "usermod -l herra admin" I then did a "mv admin herra" in my home dir. Then shutdown and restart. Now, when I log on as "herra" I get the message "Could not chdir to home directory /home/admin: No such file or directory" so it still associates "herra" with the "admin" directory.. Didthe usermod fail? How do I resolve this please?12:05
unipalHello everybody, can you use wildcards with Tracker Search tool like * or ?    It doesn't seem to work...12:05
adam7ciphergoth: then you need to overwrite it with the Windows bootloader -- we don't do that here ;)12:05
nickoeI got a new battery for my laptop. But whenn I use the battery, then the computer works VERY slow. Is there anything I can do to fix that?12:05
Gneastarbucks: please ask in #windows12:05
starbucksadam7: No im trying to uninstall thats just it12:05
ciphergothgnea: that's not really fair, a well behaved program will uninstall well12:05
starbucksoh ok sorry thanks12:05
Gabe_Marianhello there !!! ;-)12:05
ciphergothI think we should be able to answer questions about how to uninstall Ubuntu, I think it does fall onto our plate12:05
adam7starbucks: just ask in #windows, most of us probably don't know how to do it12:05
starbucksok thanks12:06
Gabe_Marianwhat's the problem?12:06
ahecklerstarbucks: you could just use DBAN to wipe your entire drive12:06
kristian_ciphergoth : format? ;-)12:06
aheckleroh he left12:06
ciphergothfdisk /mbr IIRC actually12:06
Gabe_Marianwhat problem are you discussing now?12:06
NET||abusehey guys,, can anyone see the video on www.mevio.com ?12:06
greyfox_I have a problem with fglrx, the driver utility jockey says "activated but not used" : I have the correct screen resolution, but I can't run any 3D program nor run Compiz. I already tried aticonfig --initial -f , without sucess12:07
Gneaciphergoth: it's bad enough that people are jumping back to windows, but no need to make it anymore difficult for them12:07
ciphergothGnea: do you mean "any easier"?12:07
chilli0hey guys12:07
Gneaciphergoth: pm me if you really think this conversation is worth continuing.12:07
ahecklerwhy hello there12:07
chilli0does anyone here know how to use css12:08
ahecklerwe've been expecting you12:08
chilli0i need a little bit of help12:08
ahecklerchilli0: PM me, CSS isn't reall something we shoud use the main chan for12:08
SiDiNET||abuse, sounds like its stuck in "loading now"12:08
new-user1323rww:  The bz2 is coming down like an exotic dancer on a greased pole man!  Thanks, you're a life saver.12:08
Gneachilli0: #css, #html or #php might be a better place to ask..12:08
kristian_/dev/sdb1 is mounted to ~/rtorrent. now i want to have /dev/sdb1 mounted to ~/x, and within x dir i want the rtorrent dir with content. this is what im thinking of doing, but i want to make sure i dont screw it up. ;-) my plans: "umount /dev/sdb1", then "mkdir x" in ~, then "mount /dev/sdb1 ~/x". then the content that was in ~/rtorrent will now be in ~/x. then i will mkdir rtorrent within the x dir, and "mv blabla rtorrent/blabla". will th12:08
Gabe_MarianI have Ubuntu 7.10 and I like it, and I dont know if I should upgraed to Ubuntu 8.10. What do you think??12:08
GneaGabe_Marian: I would suggest 8.04, not 8.10, at this time.12:09
abzGabe_Marian: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:09
kristian_Gnea : why?12:09
dns53Gabe_Marian yeah stick lts12:09
Gneakristian_: too many things broken right now12:09
Gabe_MarianI have heard that upgrading with the command you have gave me use to cause problems12:09
abzyeah gnea, i thin' intrepid is more buggy than hardy . .12:10
SiDiGnea, the same way, pulse + flash are horrible in 8.04 while work pretty well in 8.10.12:10
inflexwhere can I configure where various USB drives are mounted by default, and have it happen without needing GNOME/Nataulius running?12:10
=== Xoebus_ is now known as Xoebus
adam7abz: probably, because Hardy is an LTS. That said, I haven't had any problems with 8.10.12:10
SiDiIntrepid isn't an LTS though..12:10
adam7inflex: I think you need Nautilus to run to automount stuff12:11
Gabe_MarianIt could be better wait until 9.0412:11
abzGnea: my intrepid have a freq hang . .not like a hardy . .12:11
inflexadam7: damn :(12:11
adam7inflex: why?12:11
GneaSiDi: pulse can be disabled. i don't know why they put pulse in there so crippled..12:11
Gneaabz: then go back to hardy12:11
inflexadam7: backup system I'm setting up, to save power I've made a USB controlled 240V switch, so when it comes to backing up time, I power up the external USB drive12:12
Gneano need to get all bent out of shape about it :)12:12
inflexadam7: then do the backup... then shut it down again12:12
zirodayGnea: SiDi pulse and flash can work nicely in hardy with the libflashsupport package12:12
adam7inflex: right, so what's the problem?12:12
andycasI cant shutdown ubuntu with HW shutdown button, i can run halt and reboot commands from terminal though. Whats wrong?12:12
SiDiziroday, yeh, that's what i did, but it's a pity canonical still didn't put it into the updates12:12
abzGnea: how about app compability?? intrepid support more apps . .12:12
inflexadam7: guaranteeing that the device gets the same dev name / mount point each time ;)12:13
adam7inflex: udev12:13
Gneaziroday: but if pulse isn't setup properly to begin with (and it's not in Ubuntu) then what's the point of it being user-friendly?12:13
zirodaySiDi: the reason being is that it does damage to existing setups that work well12:13
inflexadam7: yeah, looking through that atm.... looks fun12:13
Gneaabz: what do you mean? hardy supports just as many apps as intrepid supports.12:13
adam7inflex: you can set up a udev rule for that so it always get the same name12:13
adam7inflex: I don't think it's too difficult12:13
SiDiziroday, i see12:13
inflexadam7: okay, I'll dig around12:13
zirodayGnea: how its setup and if it was rushed is a different story12:13
new-user1323Bye, everyone.  Thanks rww!12:13
abzGnea: owh ya???12:13
nitinI've been running VirtualBox on Ubuntu12:14
Gneaabz: yes. do you have any specific examples?12:14
nitinIt runs perfectly, but as all humans are, I want more! :-P12:14
abzGnea: vbox maybe . .12:14
jribinflex: if you set a label on the partition, that will be used12:14
nitinSo I've been trying to get Vbox to mount a specific partition instead of using a file12:14
inflexjrib: okay, tx12:14
nitinI read the instructions in the manual12:14
Gneaabz: vmware works too12:14
adam7inflex: what jrib said, that works well too -- I use it on my USB keys12:14
inflexjrib: mmm.. what program to use to set labels?12:14
nitinAnd created a virtual disk with sudo12:14
adam7inflex: gparted can do it12:14
jrib!label | inflex12:14
ubottuinflex: To rename the labels of your partitions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RenameUSBDrive.12:14
inflexok... guess fstab might too12:15
nitin....actually a virtual disk file that has a reference to the raw disk12:15
ortsvorsteher!enter | nitin12:15
ubottunitin: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:15
* inflex is used to the world of slackware, where nothing is automagic ;)12:15
Gneaabz: also, hardy is an LTS release, ibex is not.12:15
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.12:15
Gneaabz: when the next version of ubuntu comes out next year, ibex will get thrown under the bus.12:15
jribnitin: #vbox is probably a better place to ask12:15
inflextx guys, I'll let you know how it goes... lots of fun trying to save as much power as possible :)12:15
nitinOkay, so my question is: how do I get my user account access to the raw partition - right now, I'm logging in to the GUI as root and running the virtualbox12:15
adam7inflex: good luck :)12:15
abzGnea: i dunno like vmware :p12:16
adam7nitin: gksudo virtualbox12:16
Gneaabz: vmware server is plenty free :)12:16
abzGnea: ya, i hope so .. . jaunty will better than intrepid and hardy :p12:16
inflexbtw, e2label is what I needed12:16
adam7inflex: yeah12:16
nitingksudo virtualbox doesn't open up that GUI interface :-( It just returns to the command line after prompting for the password12:17
abzGnea: i think vbox more user friendly than vmware12:17
inflexokay, now I'm rolling :)12:17
adam7nitin: run it in a terminal and see what the problem is12:17
ZeroA4Gnea, why next year? the next version will come out this april!12:17
ggeeckoanyone here use owa in evolution12:17
nitinIs there anyway to get the command line for a start menu item?12:17
jribnitin: right click on the ubuntu icon -> edit menu12:17
nitinadam7: I'm running it in a terminal window - it just returns to the prompt12:17
GneaZeroA4: er, right. lol :)12:17
adam7nitin: right click on the apps/places/systme thing and hit edit menu12:17
nitinAh, menu editor! :-)   I've always been right-clicking on the menu item itself... it never occurred to me that I had to click the Ubuntu icon :-)12:18
uborntoohi, having problem with efax. I have a fax modem and smartlink modem driver. when i send fax, i get "/dev/ttySL0 locked or busy". what's the problem?12:18
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion12:18
Gneaabz: so as i was saying, in a few more months a new version will be out... we still support 8.04, so if you have a bug to report, go ahead and submit it and it'll be taken care of :)12:19
nitinadam7: I did a gksudo VirtualBox (the capitalization from the 'Start' menu) and got a No protocol specifiedQt WARNING: VirtualBox: cannot connect to X server :0.012:19
abzGnea: yeah gnea . . .toss ah ..12:19
uborntooGnea: you left Debian for Ubuntu?12:19
nitinJust got the records, that's a Ubuntu menu, not a start menu :-)12:19
Gneaabz: in the meantime, ibex is for those who aren't afraid of having problems popup now and then12:19
zirodaynitin: are you running x?12:19
syntax\im not able to load emerald themes :( this used to work before i just have to click the emerald theme i like now it does not work.12:19
adam7nitin: you're running as your user, not root, right?12:19
InsectoidNo sound on 8.10 after install using debootstrap.  Sb live card, but the old dell OEM version.  /proc/asound is populated, emu10k module loaded and all the other snd_* modules are loaded...12:19
sky_1how i can change on Ubuntu terminal to black color ?12:19
sky_1background on console12:20
abzGnea: i agree with you . .12:20
nitinadam7: Yes, I'm running as a user logged into the GUI12:20
zirodaysyntax\: ask in #compiz-fusion12:20
syntax\but if i try emerald --replace on the terminal, it works12:20
nitinziroday: yes, logged into GUI12:20
syntax\okay ziroday12:20
zirodaynitin: as root or as a normal user?12:20
Gneauborntoo: i still run debian, but it's just not user-friendly enough.12:20
Azzmodansky_1, edit -> profiles?12:20
nitinziroday: I'm logged into GUI as a normal user12:20
dns53syntax\ you need compiz config settings manager and to change the window decorator from gtk-decorator to emerald12:20
zirodaynitin: right, and gksudo virtualbox does not work?12:20
uborntooGnea: debian has more packages then ubuntu?12:21
Dr_futurehello, I'm new to ubuntu, how to install xchat?12:21
nitinziroday: gksudo virtualbox just returns to the prompt so I did a gksudo VirtualBox and then I get the error  No protocol specifiedQt WARNING: VirtualBox: cannot connect to X server :0.012:21
srdgamehi all, i always meet an error when try to post to news server, the error says "404 posting not allowed"12:21
sky_1thank you12:21
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate12:21
Gneauborntoo: the average newbie user cares about that why?12:21
srdgameI am using pan as one news reader12:21
zirodayDr_future: see ^^^12:21
adam7srdgame: I don't thnk that is a problem with Ubuntu -- contact the owner of the web server12:21
Dr_futureziroday : I mean, I searched for Xchat from synaptics but there were no results12:22
zirodaynitin: erm okay, do sudo -i and then VirtualBox12:22
srdgameadam7,  web server?  do you mean news server?12:22
uborntooGnea:  your english is funny, "that why"?12:22
syntax\dns53: how can i do that. im on the compiz config settings manager now.12:22
zirodayDr_future: odd, as xchat is in the repos12:22
Gneauborntoo: "that, why?"12:22
adam7srdgame: yes12:22
nitinziroday: I get the same error message12:22
srdgameadam7, ok,  thanks12:22
adam7Dr_future: make sure you have universe enabled12:22
zirodaynitin: well I don't know sorry12:22
dattai am trying to create a personal keyboard layout, how can i do that12:23
nitinziroday: When you ask if I'm running X, I'm assuming Ubuntu 8.10 uses X for the GUI12:23
uborntooanyone can help me out on efax?12:23
dattaor try to modify one?12:23
zirodaynitin: yes12:23
Dr_futureok adam712:23
=== lipsin_ is now known as lipsin
sky_1On ubuntu if i install compiz it automatic install too ccsm ?12:23
nitinziroday: What are my options other than X for Linux?12:23
zirodaysky_1: nope12:23
zirodaynitin: there is only X12:23
Gneauborntoo: what's the problem?12:24
uborntoohi, having problem with efax. I have a fax modem and smartlink modem driver. when i send fax, i get "/dev/ttySL0 locked or busy". what's the problem?12:24
adam7sky_1: no12:24
jribnitin: framebuffer I guess12:24
adam7sky_1: why? you can install it12:24
nitinziroday: so there's only X across Linux,Solaris,FreeBSD,and all the other *nixes and BSDs?12:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about emerald12:24
zirodaynitin: as far as I know yes12:24
adam7nitin: pretty much I think12:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about emerald-theme12:24
adam7nitin: OS X might even use X12:24
Gneauborntoo: ou probably have more than one process opened that's using the ttySL0 device12:24
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:24
=== sled_ is now known as cubra
zirodaysky_1: please don't swear and see !msgthebot12:25
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".12:25
nitinadam7: Is Berillium a replacement for X or a window manager?12:25
dns53nitin xfree86 (bad licence but open source) or a proprietary one but you will have trouble getting drivers, you could also use the framebuffer12:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nitin12:25
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal12:25
adam7nitin: never heard of it12:25
adam7!msgthebot > nitin12:25
ubottunitin, please see my private message12:25
b14ck"it sounds like when hated filesystem deletion occur, you have to modify it.."12:25
uborntooGnea: checked thro' ps -e, only the smartlink driver slmodemd is using it.12:26
nitinadam7: It's the 3D cube thingie for Linux GUI12:26
Dr_futurehi ubottu12:26
adam7nitin: compiz?12:26
adam7nitin: that's a window manager12:26
Gneauborntoo: what about lsof?12:26
adam7!msgthebot > Dr_future12:26
ubottuDr_future, please see my private message12:26
uborntooGnea: let me check first.12:26
dattacan anyone help me with changeing a keyboard layout i have found a link in ubuntu forum and it told me that i would find the files in a diretroy but there was only one file, i have no idea how to solve this12:26
sky_1anyone can me help....is in apt any function like search in yum ??12:26
b14ckdatta, ugh, sounds like your issue is caused by depressingly evil system overflow.12:26
adam7sky_1: apt-cache search12:27
Gneauborntoo: also, make sure you're part of the dialout group12:27
jribdatta: explain exactly what you are trying to do12:27
dr_willis!apt | sky_112:27
ubottusky_1: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)12:27
marmutahi, does someone know what package ps is from?12:27
b14ckdatta, your case might be linked to unsettlingly rancid installation aging.12:27
dattai am trying to change a keyboard layout12:27
Gneasky_1: apt-cache search something12:27
jribb14ck: stop please12:27
sky_1Gnea: i am not troll12:27
dattaor modify one to make it a personal one12:27
uborntooGnea: thks, good point.12:27
dattaonly for me to use12:27
jribdatta: system -> preferences -> keyboard -> layout to change the layout used12:27
Gneasky_1: sorry?12:27
nitinadam7: Yes, it's compiz! I didn't know it's package name, just the project name12:28
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adam7nitin: package names are usually the same as teh project name12:28
flackfizerplease! somebody tell me ! how to burn VIDEO DVD, if I have VIDEO_TS and .VOB files ???12:28
nitinadam7: In the videos on YouTube, it was referred to as Berillium :-(12:29
marmutathe command line command ps - what package is that? I can't seem to find it12:29
syntax\what command issue my rendering method and my gfx driver?12:29
adam7nitin: oh yes, Beryl. It was renamed a while ago12:29
adam7marmuta: apt-file is what you need12:29
flackfizerhow to burn VIDEO DVD, if I have VIDEO_TS and .VOB files ???12:29
jribmarmuta: dpkg -S $(which ps)12:29
uborntooGnea: been a while seen I check the groupings, which menu is that?12:29
Gnea!repeat | flackfizer12:29
ubottuflackfizer: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience12:29
sky_1so i am troll...how to install emerald ?12:29
dattai tried to change the layout through this link: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47682112:30
dattabut i can12:30
Dr_futurewhat check boxes I should check in the downloadable from the internet?12:30
Gneauborntoo: System->Administration->Users and Groups12:30
dattacan't find the directory12:30
adam7sky_1: look in Synaptic for the Emerald package12:30
sky_1nothing there12:30
Dr_futurein software sources12:30
Gneasky_1: sorry, we don't feed trolls here.12:30
marmutathank you all, found it in procps12:30
nitinadam7: Ah, Beryl. I keep getting it confused with Berillium. My bad!12:31
Insectoidlinux-image has alsa support doesn't it?12:31
flackfizerhow to burn VIDEO DVD, if I have VIDEO_TS and .VOB files ???12:31
adam7sky_1: there is. It is called Emerald and it is in Universe.12:31
adam7!repeate > flackfizer12:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about repeate12:31
dr_willisflackfizer,  i just make a data disk and copy those dirs over to it.12:31
Gnea!patience > flackfizer12:31
ubottuflackfizer, please see my private message12:31
Gneaflackfizer: please wait another 5 minutes before asking again.12:31
sky_1adam7: no for me no...but i install it via console now...but thanks12:31
nitinIs there any way to install an RPM on Ubuntu? Perhaps some kind of RedHat-Debian bridge?12:32
Gneaflackfizer: unless someone answers in the meantime12:32
Gneanitin: rpm or alien12:32
jribdatta: if you are sure you need to modify a layout, then read /usr/share/doc/xkb-data/README.Debian12:32
Gnea!alien | nitin12:32
ubottunitin: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)12:32
nitinGnea: Thanks! I was looking for alien12:33
dattathank you jrib i will try this right now12:34
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quibblerflackfizer, you could try K3B or if you want to spend $20 nero for linux12:36
dr_willisIf you allready have the dvd video/vob files made.. you can use k3b or brassero or about any other cd/dvd burning app to make the actual disk.. thats the easy part.. generating the dvd video/menus is the hard part12:37
sky_1where i can find emerald themes ? on gnome look is nothing like window decoration :-/12:37
kristian_/dev/sdb1 is mounted to ~/rtorrent. now i want to have /dev/sdb1 mounted to ~/x, and within x dir i want the rtorrent dir with content. this is what im thinking of doing, but i want to make sure i dont screw it up. ;-) my plans: "umount /dev/sdb1", then "mkdir x" in ~, then "mount /dev/sdb1 ~/x". then the content that was in ~/rtorrent will now be in ~/x. then i will mkdir rtorrent within the x dir, and "mv blabla rtorrent/blabla". will th12:38
Tclwith what i can open .rar ?12:38
sky_1Tcl: unrar12:38
nitinTcl: WinRAR?12:39
sky_1Tcl: apt-get install unrar12:39
ciphergothTcl: it doesn't work if you double-click on it?12:39
jribkristian_: sure and update your fstab12:39
jrib!rar > Tcl12:39
ubottuTcl, please see my private message12:39
Tclyep no unrar :)12:39
nitinsky_1: Isn't RAR proprietary?12:39
sky_1no ?12:39
kristian_jrib : ok, just had to confirm. :-) and thanks for reminding me about fstab. :-)12:39
Tclk thx12:39
=== Everget3 is now known as Evergete
JC_Denton_How can I find out the default gateway for my wire(less)connection?12:40
rnkJC_Denton_, it's probably, but you can check your router configuration12:42
rnkit's usually a web interface12:42
rnkJC_Denton_, or you could use DHCP, wich configures the interface automagically12:42
rnkoh, and i brainfarted on the earlyer ip. it should be
syntax\http://www.davisononline.org/images/stories/darker-theme/dark-large.png <-- how can those panels in the left side of this screenshot? can anyone help? the conky thing.12:43
kristian_jrib : this is what i get when i "sudo umount /dev/sdb1" - http://paste.ubuntu.com/103121/ - the directory/partition is only used by rtorrent, which is not running, so i don't understand why it refuses this. any thoughts?12:43
JC_Denton_rnk dhcp would sent this info to my pc wouldn't? i'm thinking it's incorrect though so I would like to have a look at the info dhcp is sending12:44
jribkristian_: do you have a terminal open inside the partition?12:44
rnkJC_Denton_, well, the IP of the gateway is the same as the IP of the router, mostly because the router *is* the gateway12:45
kristian_jrib : no. currently i am sshing to the machine. (same lan) so then it should be on ubuntu partition.12:46
jribkristian_: see if fuser or lsof will tell you then12:46
marmutaQuestion: How can I stop "ps -Ao comm:40" from truncating at 15 characters?12:47
ali1234my gamepad is now controlling the mouse cursor, and not working as a gamepad in games. how do i fix it?12:47
JC_Denton_rnk yes but where can I view these settings in ubuntu?12:47
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kristian_jrib : i've checked can't find anything, but i will try removing it from fstab and update fstab.12:48
rnkJC_Denton_, wait, do you want to configure your network interface or your router?12:48
simplenewbhow do I implement libpam-opie as part of my ssh challengeresponse login?12:49
rnkJC_Denton_, if it's the interface, just look around in the settings12:49
marmutaIs that a bug in ps?  "ps -Ao comm:40" never prints more than 15 characters, anyone?12:49
rnkJC_Denton_, if it's the router, the manual should tell you what to do.12:49
sky_1how to install this theme ? http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Moomex-Ultimatum?content=7774712:49
raevoli still can't figure out what's going on with my sound12:50
=== FRiEd|BnC is now known as FriedCPU
JC_Denton_rnk no, it's the interface. I think my wlan and lan interface are receiving different settings12:50
JC_Denton_rnk but an ifconfig doesnt show gateway ip...12:50
raevolthere's only master, pcm, and capture channels, and sound seems to be coming out of the black "rear" port, instead of the green "front" one12:50
adam7JC_Denton_: route shows you gateway ip12:50
Icemagichi there12:50
JC_Denton_adam7 thanks12:51
Icemagicanyone can help me? I just installed ubuntu and can't install java :(12:51
adam7Icemagic: what version of Ubuntu did you install?12:51
Icemagic64x one I think12:51
adam7Icemagic: 8.10?12:52
adam7Icemagic: all you have to do is go to a website with a Java applet, and it will install automatically12:52
raevolanyone know why my audio is coming out of the wrong port12:52
daredevilthereany article about ubuntu ppp cell phone configuration?12:53
Icemagicnope all sites are saying install java here :http://java.com/en/download/linux_manual.jsp12:54
Xintruderdoes ubuntu come with a default firewall?12:54
adam7Xintruder: no, but it comes with all ports are closed12:54
Icemagicany ideas how I install java :( ?12:54
adam7Icemagic: Firefox should pop down a little bar that says you need more plugins12:54
adam7Icemagic: try a different Java website12:55
Xintruderso there is no fire wall developed by ubuntu at all?12:55
quibblerXintruder, yes IPTables12:55
adam7Xintruder: no, but you don't need one by default12:55
IcemagicI did :|12:55
syntax\is this possible? ill host a vmware player that will run win xp. ill install active sync on vmware player and i'll plug my pocket pc. how can i move or somehow access the pocket pc plugged into the host machine to vmware player12:55
dns53Icemagic sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre12:56
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dns53ver 5 is also there as well as icetea12:56
kristian_jrib : i was able to umount after closing screen. and now i have mounted partition to ~/x. is the best way of moving a lot of data by mv? about 40-50gb. from ~/x to ~/x/rtorrent.12:56
adam7dns53: he's on 64 so he needs icedtea for firefox plugin I think12:56
Icemagicsun-java6-jre is already the newest version.12:56
jribkristian_: yes, it should be almost instant since it's no the same partition12:56
kristian_jrib : ah! stupid me! :-P thanks! :-)12:57
dns53i think that package also installs the plugin if not install sun-java6-plugin12:57
Icemagicso any Ideas how I get java ?12:59
adam7Icemagic: try installing icedtea6-plugin12:59
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository12:59
Melio1icedtea works pretty good12:59
Icemagicmmm I was there didn't work12:59
Melio1but real java tends to work places icedtea doesnt12:59
adam7Icemagic: run sudo apt-get install icedtea6-plugin12:59
adam7Melio1: but does real java have an x64 plugin?13:00
Melio1adam7 i was under the impression it did13:00
Melio1but i can't verify that13:00
Melio1i don't run 6413:00
adam7Melio1: you know, actually I was thinking it might too13:00
adam7and I'm on 6413:00
adam7but I can't find it if it does13:00
Icemagicso  got icedtea now13:00
Melio1i was considering it recently13:00
adam7Icemagic: ok, restart firefox13:00
Melio1running all 64bit13:01
Melio1because i realized i don't really run a lot of apps13:01
IcemagicYAAAAY works!13:01
Melio1and they're probably all ported to 64bit13:01
adam764bit works perfectly for me13:01
Melio1how much performance diff is it13:01
adam7most (all?) OSS apps run on 6413:01
adam7the only ones I have trouble with are closed source apps that are only made for 3213:01
Melio1adam7 not all of them did before13:02
adam7but there aren't very many of them, and most of them can run13:02
Melio1it's kinda a new statement :)13:02
adam7Melio1: I haven't met any that aren't13:02
BesogonHi! How can I mount ISO file (from DVD) with gvfs-mount? I added to FUSE group himself, but haven't result.13:02
Icemagicthanks for the help :)13:02
adam7Icemagic: no problem :)13:02
Melio1but like i said. is there peformance differnces13:02
rainycloudhow much performance difference is there between a 64 and 32? I dont know but sometimes the startup of the 8.10 tend to be a bit on the slower side after passing login screen that is.13:02
Melio1is it worth the effort of reisntalling for 64bit13:02
adam7Besogon: dunno how to do it with gvfs-mount, but you can do it with sudo mount -o loop /iso/file /mount/point13:03
Melio1i wouldnt mind seeing comparisons on the web13:03
adam7rainycloud: Melio1: not much, almost none13:03
Melio1i don't see much of the point13:03
adam7it's the new thing :)13:03
Melio132bit apps are fully compatable with 32bit os's13:03
Melio1and there's tons of it13:03
Melio1yay cutting edge13:03
Melio110 points for cutting edge13:03
adam7the thing is, x64 is also capable of running x3213:03
tom_eats_livesanyone know if uplink and defcon serials work with linux versions ?13:04
Besogonadam7: I know it. But I need mount ISO with nautilus script and without ROOT13:04
adam7Besogon: I don't know then, sorry :(13:04
kristian_jrib : thanks a lot! :-) done now, just heading over to fstab to make it stay. :-)13:04
* Icemagic <3 defcon game13:06
andycasI cant shutdown my ubuntu when i press power button. /var/log/acpid shows that the event gets sent out and it recognizes when i press the button13:08
tom_eats_livesanyone know if uplink and defcon windows serials work with linux versions ?13:08
sky_1how to install this them please ? -_- http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=77747&forumpage=013:08
sky_1tom_eats_lives: the should work -_-13:08
Some_uxhi, When I create a dialup connection to my ISP using PPTP or L2TP, am i supposed to see a new PPP0 interface ?13:09
quibblerBesogon, why is an iso file on a dvd?13:09
Anarhisthi, i need to remove +x from all the files which aren't directories after the move of some directories from FAT. how do i do that, if i just do it recursively it messes up the directories13:09
tom_eats_livessky_1, Ok else always wine but thats quite "ugly"13:10
jribAnarhist: use find with -type and -exec13:10
Anarhistjrib, thanks13:11
theunixgeekIt's success story time! I got a friend to switch her office computer over to Ubuntu. I spent about 7 minutes setting it up to have a more familiar Windows-like look with only one panel, with only the relevant applications in the application menu. Now, she's loving it! Switching over from Vista, she says the interface looks much brighter, cleaner, and easier to use! Thank you, developers! :D13:11
theunixgeekand she finds it to be more stable as well13:12
jribAnarhist: another way would be to remove it recursively and then use chmod a+X recursively to give it back to only the directories13:12
quibblertheunixgeek, good man congrads!13:13
theunixgeeka few of her co-workers were sort of scared about it. they were especially scared about the office 2007 compatibility13:13
theunixgeekbut OOo 2.4 in Ubuntu opens the *x documents just fine13:13
Titan89993.0 will handle all 2k7 docs13:15
Besogonquibbler: no. I did iso with dd command. And now want mount it with right click on mouse13:15
kristian_when i type "cd lost+found" in /, then i get permission denied, so i try with sudo infront, and that is invalid command, how can i navigate to /lost+found then?13:16
Titan8999why not just mount it in the terminal since you are already there13:16
Titan8999kristian, you can do sudo ls /lost+found13:17
Titan8999and if you need to do something with a file there just use the absolute path13:17
quibblerBesogon, you have nautilus scripts....it should mount13:17
Titan8999there is another way but it typically isn't "supported"13:17
troythetechguyI updated my desktop (8.04) yesterday, and now my graphics are all messed up.  Usually, I can select "hardware drivers" from the system/admin menu, and check the box next to envidia driver for my graphics card, but that option is no there.  I look in synaptics and I see linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-22-generic is installed, but there is also an option for  How do I know if I need the .23 one?13:17
Besogonquibbler: Where can I find it? I realy can do this script.13:18
DaViDe87ciao a tutti13:18
vigoIf I want to run 8.04 do I have to uninstall 8.10?13:19
DaViDe87ho ubuntu 64bit come faccio a estrarre un rar?13:19
crashfloware there any ubuntu-spins specifically made for netbooks? if so, where can I learn about them?13:19
McScruffhi all, how do i change my computer name13:19
kristian_Titan8999 : thanks. :-) strange that you can't navigate the directory though, at least i think so. ;-) sudo ls /lost+found, showed nothing, so i guess that means the dir is empty! ?13:20
paul__Hallo bin ich schon im Chat?13:20
crashflowpaul__, das bist du, aber die sprache hier ist englisch13:21
ntndoIs there any reason why a folder says 7.5gb available space, but I've got 30gb+ on the HD unused?13:21
paul__ou i am so sorry13:21
SiDintndo, you might want to empty the trash on this HDD :)13:22
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ntndojust did13:22
paul__but so happy13:22
SiDidid you empty .Trash, .Trash1000, did you check for an NTFS trash ?13:22
troythetechguycrashflow: http://www.canonical.com/projects/ubuntu/nbr13:23
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.13:23
ntndono NTFS trash13:23
yoolaohello, i want to add comments on my files, video pdf... how can i do this ?13:23
paul__Ok Danke13:23
tom_eats_livespaul__, bitte ;)13:24
crashflowtroythetechguy, thanks13:24
=== tuna-fish is now known as tuna
SiDintndo, when you're at the root of the HDD and check for free space, it does say 30 gb free ?13:25
jribyoolao: right click -> properties -> notes13:25
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=== Bruno is now known as Guest81758
Titan8999ntndo: what does df -h report?13:26
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ntndowell when I go to the root it says 13G available.13:26
yoolaohum jrib, i dont have this, where does it come from?13:27
ntndothat helps.13:27
ntndoThanks Titan8999 and SiDi13:27
jioeg1My totem player just crashed and now I have to sound anymore. How to restore sound?13:28
vigoCan I run 8.04 if the WUBI 8.10 is installed?13:28
crashflowthe netbook-remix looks really good in the demonstration video13:28
jribyoolao: are you using nautilus (the default file browser in GNOME)?13:29
caris_mereneed help setting up my graphics on mini-note 2133...screen is smaller than xorg thinks13:29
ntndojioeg1: sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart13:29
jioeg1ntndo: already tried that, didn't work :(13:29
yoolaono i have kde and konqueror or dolphin... i'm going to test notilus13:30
jribyoolao: ask #kubuntu if there is similar functionality in kde13:30
ntndojioeg1: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2742327 see here.13:30
heath|OTGIf anyone is having a problem with choppy flash in full screen mode, could you try something for me to confirm if it fixes your problem?13:30
ntndoa few other suggestions in that thread..13:30
yoolaothanks i'll try this too13:30
jioeg1ntndo: I have already read this thread :/ no suggestion worked. lsof | grep pcm does not show any files.13:31
ntndoColor me stumped then, :( sorry mate13:31
ntndothat always does it for me.13:31
jioeg1this happened to me a couple of times, have not found any solution so far :(13:31
jioeg1ntndo: thanks though13:31
ntndogood luck13:31
quibblerBesogon, have a look here: http://g-scripts.sourceforge.net/13:32
ugyelethi there, I want to create an icon for an app. The app is a sh script with terminal output, run as root. The script is in sudoers, so fring up a console it is ok. But the command line for the icon does not work. This is that: xterm -e sudo sh /path/to/script.sh13:33
simplenewbcan I make openssh require an rsa key and my password and not just one or the other?13:33
ugyeletDoes not work mean it does not pop up terminal window, I see only a flash.13:33
Besogonquibbler: thanks13:33
quibblerBesogon, you are welcome13:34
sky_1anyone can me help with installing one theme ?13:34
synthihi all13:34
Icemagicany Ideas why my java fonts are messed up now :P ?13:34
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SiDisky_1, under Ubuntu or Kubuntu ?13:36
sky_1i am new on Gnome -_-13:37
SiDisky_1, open System > Preferences > Appearence, and go to the tab named "Themes"13:37
jauntyjoehi, could someone tell me how to permanently stop the creation of core files?13:37
Breciohi, good morning 4 every one13:37
SiDisky_1, then you can either drag 'n' drop the .tar.gz theme file to this window, or click the "Install" button and search for it manually. You can also put the folder contained in the theme directly inside the .themes/ folder in your home13:38
adaptrjauntyjoe: man ulimit, set it to 0 to disable13:38
SiDiBrecio, thanks, you too (at 2 PM though)13:38
adaptrjauntyjoe: of course, you could also stop running software that crashes13:38
sky_1Sidi: tahnk you13:38
Breciohere, 10 am13:38
srdgameadam7, ping13:38
jauntyjoeNo manual entry for ulimit13:38
vigoI have a Itronix, older laptop type thing and wanted to test a min of 8,04 befire I loaded it onto the box, so can I test it on this one that has 8.10 installed?13:38
ChiliblackI have a book shelf pc based on a Sahara 3810 motherboard by FIC, it has a intel 810 chipset. Ubuntu server 8.10 installs but just won't boot, seems to be an issue with the ide driver built in to the kernel. Should I just try an older version of ubuntu?13:39
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srdgamewhich channel I should join if I have question about pan (pan news reader)13:40
sky_1SiDi: Can you help me with installing icons ? :)13:40
vigoChiliblack: There are some minimal installs for older hardware, Xubuntu is one13:40
Chiliblackvigo are they based on the same kernel13:41
vigoChiliblack: yes13:41
jauntyjoeadaptr: did "man ulimit" and got "No manual entry for ulimit"13:41
sky_1SiDi hm ? :ň13:41
* Icemagic wonders what the difference between windows xp and ubuntu are13:41
ChiliblackI think I might end up with the same problem then13:41
Breciohum, sorry about the question out of place, but is urgent, someone here is a veterinarian? plz pvt-me13:42
adaptrjauntyjoe: I know, but that's still what you need to set... check out /etc/security/limits.conf13:42
vigoChiliblack: some are can be reverted or somesuch thing, is a minamalist thing13:42
SiDisky_1, sorry was gone13:43
SiDisky_1, you can drag 'n' drop the same way, or put the icon folders to .icons :)13:43
Chiliblackvigo the box is a celeron 633 not fast but it would boot....it was running fedora core 1 happily before I installed ubuntu over it13:44
sky_1SiDi: wow13:44
ardakingi've a problem with my bluetooth...i can transfer file from cell to pc but not vice versa...the error is: Operation not supported by backend13:44
ardakingi'm on intrebid and i've a nokia13:45
dns53ardaking there is an obex push and an obex ftp service, try both of them13:45
vigoChilioblack: maybe this one will help: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport13:46
ardakingdns53 the push work but it transfer only to the cell memory...and i need to transfer directly to the mem card13:46
craigbass1976I get errors when a php script runs a query that returns no results.  On my CentOS box, this doesn't happen.  Is this just an apache/php config?13:48
craigbass1976Errors supressed or something?13:48
dns53ardaking look at what your phone allows, it may allow you to change that or perhaps your phone can be plugged in and used as a card reader (my old one did)13:48
KenBW2is there a way to make ubuntu go to sleep after 2 hrs of inactivity (Power Management only goes up to 1 hour)13:49
SiDisky_1, where you using KDE before ?13:49
ardakingdns53 great idea thanks ;) but i would that all works...not find "diversivi"13:49
KenBW2is there a way to make ubuntu go to sleep after 2 hrs of inactivity (Power Management only goes up to 1 hour)13:50
vigolet me test these CDs , back in a bit,,,,13:50
sky_1SiDi: Kubuntu,Debian, Fedora, Mandriva13:50
dns53ardaking a sd card reader is also quite cheap if nothing else works13:51
ardakingdns53 yep but it always worked...few days ago it do not13:51
SiDisky_1, how do you change themes under kde? :P13:51
sky_1SiDi: KDM theme manager13:52
SiDisky_1, i see :p13:52
joerackHello. Can you help me? I don't have mic working13:52
SiDisky_1, when i was using amarok under gnome i couldnt find a way to change themes :x13:52
craigbass1976KDE was always for me a "how the balzes to you do such and such.... Oh, duh; there it is" type of thing13:53
sky_1i use gnome because my internet under Kubuntu doesnt work13:53
craigbass1976sky_1: eh?  you on dialup?13:53
dns53ardaking you could try updating your phone if possible13:53
sky_1i set ip,netmast,gateway and dns but then nothing happend13:54
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
ardakingdns53 it's at latest update...the problem is the obex server not the phone13:54
herraI've changed my default username from admin to herra by "usermo -l herra admin" however, the user herra still points to /home/admin and I can't change it on the GUI - it's greyed out.. how do I remedy this on the commandline please?13:54
craigbass1976sky_1: never messed with that.  How does it work?  Cat5 coming into your box?13:55
Daremonaiis there an open source flex builder?13:55
sky_1craigbass1976: yes -_-13:55
craigbass1976sky_1: that's weird.  Wonder if you can get on without even logging into the GUI (Ctrl+Alt+F1) by messing with ifconfig13:56
sky_1craigbass1976: i must learn how gnome works :)))13:56
ottoshmidthow do I switch to default guest session in intrepid?13:57
sky_1but i love plasmoids on kde4 :D13:57
sky_1hmm how to change wallpaper ? i am confused13:57
craigbass1976ANYONE:  sky_1's issue makes no sense to me.  Why would networking work in GNOME and not KDE?13:57
craigbass1976This isn't Windows...13:58
sky_1craigbass: different network manager ?13:58
craigbass1976sky_1: under the hodd is the same stuff13:58
craigbass1976sky_1: hood13:58
sky_1craig: we are offtopic13:59
gizmocan anyone help me to use the grub?w/out the link14:01
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sky_1what do you want with grub ?14:02
gizmoi want my os become two..window xp and ubuntu14:02
SiDicraigbass1976, maybe the gnome frontend has more options than the kde one14:03
gizmobefore i install ubuntu ..my os was window xp..14:03
gizmoafter i install ubuntu..i cant find the windowxp14:03
gizmosky_1,  can help?14:03
sky_1gizmo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows14:05
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UmeaboyMy Opera webbrowser disappears for me without reason.14:05
* sky_1 is restarting14:05
BoohbahUmeaboy: have you tried running it from a shell session? you may be able to see some useful error messages14:06
mikex2How can I remove the root permission on a file? I want my user should have right to use the file14:07
_Benhi guys14:07
Boohbahmikex2: sudo chown user:group file14:07
dns53sudo chown user.group file14:07
RizRhi everyone. got a question about gnome.14:07
RizRone thing that bothers me about gnome clock applet is the inability to resize the calendar applet. is there anyway to do it whatsoever?14:07
sotiris001hello everyone is it possible to install ubuntu from an external usb disk?14:09
_Benim having some trouble installing ubuntu server edition. comes up with an error on boot saying that it can't load '0:6' and that I should choose a kernel appropriate to my cpu. if i take the disk out and put it in a machine with a compatible cpu is there any way i can configure it to make it work? its for an amd gx1 cpu14:09
tyfoohow to check which module is used atm as grapgic card driver?14:09
tux91Is anybody on jaunty here? If so, does your sound work after recent updates?14:10
_Bentyfoo it will be in xorg.conf14:10
Boohbah_Ben: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geode_(processor)#Linux_on_Geode14:10
sotiris001the problem is that usb disk is partitioned14:10
tyfoo_Ben: the xorg.conf is empty. there are only som Identifiers defined14:10
_Bentyfoo thats weird then...14:10
JockeoIn OO spreasheet, I have two long lists with students grades for two different exams. Each list have two columns with "Student ID" and "Grade". How can I organise the data in a format with the three columns: "Student ID", "Grade 1", "Grade 2"? (All students didn't take both exams, so I can't just sort based on student ID)14:10
_Benthanks boohbah14:10
sotiris001if i select boot from usb what's the order partitions will be checked?14:11
bazhangtux91, #ubuntu+1 for jaunty discussion14:17
tux91bazhang: thanks14:17
RickXis there a way to change the functions of mouse buttons? For instance, right click on desktop brings app menu, middle or left brings the usual menu?14:17
dimitari don't have sound on my ubuntu 8.10. It's fresh installed. I checked  master volume... how can i have sound?:D14:18
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RickXbbl.. time for breakfast.14:18
joaboaconstrctranyone know how I can import mac address book to evolution in ubuntu?14:19
UmeaboyBoohbah: I am running it from Terminal now and nothing like that happens.14:19
UmeaboyOooooooh. Now it did.14:19
Umeaboyopera: X Shared memory extension is not available. ZPixmap not supported. Segmentationerror.14:19
_Benhey boohbah, apparently i need to change the kernel from an i686 to an i586. i don't actually know how to do this.... can it be done via aptitude?14:20
Umeaboy_Ben: Ver old computer?14:20
_BenUmeaboy - amd gx1 based thin client14:20
joaboaconstrctrI import to a file on usb, and then when I use import in evolution, it doesnt regognize it14:21
_Benwant to use it for a simple mysql server. there will only be a very small load on it so slow doesnt matter14:21
nsadmin_Ben you can do it with aptitude if there are available kernels... you might end up having to either: get an available kernel which is not quite i586, maybe i48614:21
nsadminor compile your own14:21
Umeaboy_Ben: I thought i686 was for very very very old computers.14:21
nsadminno, that's i386 :)14:22
nsadminif by "very very very old" you mean 32-bit...14:22
_Benat work there's an informix server with 8 xeon cpus thats running on i386... sco is really crap :D14:22
nsadminlinux would really make that machine fly14:23
_Bencan anyone point me in the direction of some reference material on how to swap a kernel?nsadmin, tell me about it. its running a legacy system.14:23
Chiliblackright got a bit further. I get dropped into busybox when grub tries to boot unbuntu server 8.10, if I press exit at busybox console it boots. How to I get the thing to just boot14:24
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BoohbahUmeaboy: http://www.google.com/search?q=opera+zpixmap14:24
nsadminswap a kernel?14:24
nsadminyou mean install another and boot it?14:24
_Bennsadmin, yea14:24
nsadminthere are available kernels14:25
_Ben2.4.36 i486 maybe??14:25
nsadminthat's way wayyy early14:25
synthiAnybody got a good How to for Updating an Kernel? :)14:25
nsadminis that what you're running now?14:25
_Beni know :) i have another thin client running tat for an http server14:26
nsadminsynthi: updating? you could apt-get the new kernel14:26
_Benunfortunately that distro is uclibc not glibc and i cant get mysql on it14:26
synthiyeah but i need to configure it ?14:26
synthior not?14:26
nsadminwhat is your goal?14:27
Titan8999synthi: ubuntu isn't the best distro for custom kernels14:27
Titan8999synthi: it works decent "out of the box" and thats what it does best14:27
nsadminit should be fine... but maybe there exists a kernel he can use14:27
benzssdoes anyone know if it's possibly to backup ktorrent?14:28
Titan8999nsadmin: yes, but something to keep in mind is that Ubuntu kernel config is much different than other distros and the learning experience won't really cary overy14:28
Titan8999err over14:28
synthiso i only need to type apt-get kernel2xxxx and i update my kernel?14:28
nsadminsynthi: why do you want to upgrade? what is your goal?14:29
synthii just want to learn how it works14:29
estanhm. how can i turn off preview thumbnails on the desktop?14:29
nsadminok, so what specifically do you want to learn?14:29
estani can't find it in the appearance settings..14:29
nsadminhay's for horses!14:30
Boohbahsynthi: if you really want to learn about the kernel, get some source and compile it14:30
nsadminor... cows...14:30
swissmanhi all ;-)14:30
Titan8999synthi: gentoo is the place to learn kernel compilation IMO14:30
KB3RWVAnyone try running itunes in wine?14:31
nsadminunder ubuntu there are some things you can use that would add a bit of convenience14:31
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NiobeDbCan anyone recomend a good small BBS like phpBB?14:31
Titan8999NiobeDb: you could use drupal14:32
estan(nevermind i found it)14:32
_Benif i want to install a new kernel, i in theory can do it via aptitude privided their exists a compatible one available right? what about actually making that kernel boot: i need to muck about with grub for that don't i?14:32
nsadminsynthi: first, there's a script called make-kpkg which does two main things14:32
BoohbahNiobeDb: vbulletin maybe? i don't know if it's small14:32
Titan8999NiobeDB: drupal will have other uses as well14:32
jrib_Ben: you should be getting kernel upgrades from APT automatically with update-manager and they will automatically be setup for you14:32
Titan8999Boohbah: vbulletin is commercial14:32
nsadmin(once you have a kernel config...) it builds your kernel, and second, it packages it into a debian package14:33
NiobeDbTitan8999, I have wordpress atm, is drupal a CMS as well?14:33
_Benjrib, i need to downgrade kernel as it currently refuses to boot on i686 (amd geode cpu)14:33
BoohbahTitan8999: oh i see14:33
BoohbahNiobeDb: drupal is full of holes...14:33
NiobeDbBoohbah, I'll see what size vbulletin is14:33
nsadminyou could try openacs, but that's big14:33
jrib_Ben: have you found the relevant bug report?14:33
Titan8999Boohbah: what sort of holes?14:34
_Benjrib: uhm no....14:34
KB3RWVAnyone try running Itunes in wine?14:34
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Titan8999KB3RWV: check the wine appdb14:34
jrib_Ben: you need to provide more details.  Did ubuntu boot with an older kernel and then update-manager gave a new one and this one now fails?14:34
NiobeDbI think openacs is too big for me but it looks good14:34
_Benjrib.... its a long story...14:34
KB3RWVIt gave me an error and wouldnt finish installing titan14:34
jrib_Ben: summarize it14:35
Titan8999Boohbah: there are hundrends of additional security modules that can be added to it14:35
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NiobeDbI might just see how much phpBB3 needs and make room lol14:36
NiobeDbI might be able to get something to make wp + phpBB to work together14:36
cikkihi all!14:37
_Benjrib: I have a thin client running on an AMD GX1 cpu with a 4.6gb laptop harddisk in it. it has no cd drive or spare id controller and cannot boot off of usb. the only option was for me to put the laptop disk into a laptop (the one im using now) and install ubuntu server edition from there. unfortunately the laptop has a modern pentium m cpu which works an i686 kernel. so after installing and putting the harddisk back into the thin client, the thin client refu14:38
_Benses to boot. i need to somehow revert the kernel on that hdd to an earlier one or just one that is configured for i586 or older14:38
cikkiIs it possible to have IDL installed for free on my ubuntu? Gdl won't work. Is there any free version of the real IDL, ore someway to meke it work anyway?14:38
jrib_Ben: uname -r14:38
Titan8999cikki: IDL stands for?14:38
_Benjrib ???14:39
nsadminI Don't Lie?14:39
jrib_Ben: what does 'uname -r' return?14:39
cikkiTitan8999: it's a programming language and toolkit14:39
cikkimosly used by astrophysicists14:39
NiobeDbjrib, ther kernel thingy14:39
_Bendunno. im using that laptop but not booting from that disk14:39
Titan8999cikki: look purely commercial to me14:39
NiobeDbjrib, something like this 2.6.27-9-generic the kernel version14:40
jribNiobeDb: I understand, I'm trying to help _Ben14:40
jrib_Ben: boot it on the laptop and come back here14:40
NiobeDbjrib, lol sorry I thought you where asking hahah >_<14:40
cikkiTitan8999: it is. I wonder if anyone here knows it and even also a free version of it...14:40
sky_1anyone can me help with isntalling Opera ?14:40
_Benjrib, oh the kernel version is 2.6.26 i think14:40
jrib_Ben: my guess is it's using -generic.  That works on most cpu14:41
cikkiTitan8999: probably i'm off topic, i know. But I tried...14:41
cikkibye so.14:41
Titan8999sky_1: should work with: sudo apt-get install opera14:41
vigocikki: like matlab?14:41
sky_1ah i found it now14:41
cikkivigo: no... not really...14:41
sky_1Titan: no Opera is not GNU project cant be in repo14:42
_Benjrib, if it is on generic is there any way i can change it to a i586,486 or 386??14:42
vigocikki: there is a free-open source matlab doohicky14:42
Titan8999sky_1: you may have to enable an extra repository14:42
cikkivigo: i have octavia and maxima, but i nedd something like idl for image issues and other things...14:42
Titan8999sky_1: it does exist in a ubuntu repository, i have installed it via aptitude before14:42
cikkivigo: never mind!14:43
sky_1i downloaded it from theis site...befofore i can saw x64  version -_-14:43
vigocikki{ I saw a few interesting ones in the Synaptic package manager14:43
jrib_Ben: /msg ubottu info linux-image-i38614:43
jrib_Ben: erm, ignore that14:43
jrib /msg ubottu info linux-image-i38614:43
cikkivigo: i also do need 100% code compatibility. And GDL looks so difficult to install, because it uses a lot of not-supported packages14:43
ubuntui am having trouble installing kubuntu 8.10.  I can boot into the livecd, but it cannot find my sata hard drive to setup partitions and install... any suggetions?14:44
Titan8999ubuntu: what board do you have?14:44
jrib_Ben: there are -386 kernels in APT.  Let me check what the documentation says about your processor though14:44
vigocikki" Yes, multiverse stuff, or whatever, I am just getting back , went sailing with Fiesty on the laptop14:44
_Benok thanks14:44
ronnyanyone aware of a way to disable the 'a' support in intel abg cappable wlan cards?14:45
Cheeryhow do I turn wine to .deb?14:45
ronnymy ubuntu crashes only when im in the range of the a networks of our uni14:45
nsadminisn't wine already in ubuntu?14:45
_Benwine is in aptitude14:45
Cheeryyeah, but I want patched version to run fallout 314:46
_Benronny, define crashes14:47
vigo! wine14:47
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help14:47
ronny_Ben: kernel panic, havent found a way to debug14:47
ljsoftneti have a Tenda W541R wireless router, is this router safe from being hack by our neighbors?14:48
_Benronny, can you succesfully use your wireless elsewhere ??14:48
ronny_Ben: yeah14:48
Titan8999ljsoftnet: if enable WPA14:48
ronny_Ben: it even worked in the a nets of the 25c314:48
Titan8999ljsoftnet: but anything connected to the internet is never secure14:49
slayer^_^Hi, i cannot get working a laser printer CANON LBP 2900i on ubuntu intrepid ibex 32 bit 8.10 . I tried following the guide on the official website, but with no luck... any ideas?14:49
ronny_Ben: but it fails if i use it in the wpa enterprise of my uni14:49
[vr] Is it possible, while within X, to unload snd modules and re-load them? (My audio quit while playing mp3's) Or will these modules remain 'in use' indefinitely?14:49
ubuntuTitan8999: i have a XFX nforce 750a motherboard and the hard drive is a western digital 500gb sata drive set to ahcp in the bios14:49
Titan8999ljsoftnet: or truly secure I should say14:49
_Benronny, do the other networks use wep?14:49
NiobeDbhow much is 195,555 Bytes?14:49
nsadminabout ten dollare!14:49
ronny_Ben: my home stuff uses wpa, also the wpa in the b/g networks works fine14:49
Titan8999ubuntu: sorry, I am not familar with the nvidia chipsets14:49
ronny_Ben: we have only one building with a nets, thats where my laptop crashes14:49
jrib_Ben: hmm, I can't find the documentation that would tell me what the right kernel for your processor is.  I guess you can just try the -386 one and see what happens14:50
_Benronny, in that case i have no idea...14:50
_Benjrib, do u know what apt-get install * i need?14:50
ronnyi think all i need to do is idsable a support14:50
ronny_Ben: can you sugest a support channel about linux wlan?14:50
nsadminor today, just for you, $9.99!14:50
_Benronny, sorry no. i avoid wireless like the plague14:51
jrib_Ben: the metapackage is linux-386.  You probably still need to choose the -386 kernel from the grub boot menu when you boot14:51
DonnieDarkohi, i am trying to search for *.tar and *.rar in the desktop search14:52
spsneohow to install restricted drivers like driver for ati radeon card14:52
sky_1which name will be after Inrepid Ibex ?14:52
_Benthanks jrib. im gonna try that now.14:52
slayer^_^jaunty jackalope14:52
IdleOnejaunty jackalope14:52
sky_1lol :D14:52
sky_1still funny names14:52
slayer^_^ehm simply asking a question is the right way to ask something, or have i got to input a specific command?14:52
DonnieDarkobut it doesn't work - the help says to use *.[ch] but it doesn't work with more than one character as a filetype14:53
jribslayer^_^: just ask a specific, detailed question on a single line14:53
slayer^_^ok, i did then...14:53
Boohbahall the previous versions were named after real animals, but the jackalope is fake! is this a bad omen?14:53
spsneohow to install restricted drivers like driver for ati radeon card14:54
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto14:54
spsneoubottu: thanks14:55
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)14:55
slayer^_^Hi, i cannot get working a laser printer CANON LBP 2900i on ubuntu intrepid ibex 32 bit 8.10 . I tried following the guide on the official website, but with no luck... any ideas?14:55
IdleOneBoohbah: the jackalope is not fake! just not seen very often sorta like the yeti :)14:55
NiobeDbubottu, help14:55
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots14:55
nsadminpromo seafood grotto mister ubotto14:55
spsneoubottu: yeah i do know that14:55
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:55
sky_1dont chat with ubottu :D14:56
NiobeDbI want to open your brain ubottu and make you better ^_^ *hugs ubottu*14:56
jribslayer^_^: you should probably tell us what guide you used and what exactly happened/didn't happen14:56
BoohbahIdleOne: ahh yes the jackalope has a wikipedia entry, it MUST be real :)14:56
IdleOneBoohbah: :)14:56
jribgoogle images has pictures too :)14:56
slayer^_^i used this guide and it didn't work for me : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters/CanonPrinters/Canon_LBP_2900#Compiling%20the%20driver%20(amd64)%20Steps:14:56
jribslayer^_^: again, "didn't work" is vague14:57
slayer^_^everything seems to be ok, no major error messages, the printer simply doesn't print14:57
DonnieDarkonobody has a clue?14:57
slayer^_^everything i try to print goes in queue... but it never prints14:57
vigoWho was looking for scientific ?14:58
jribslayer^_^: uname -m14:58
slayer^_^uname -m = i68614:58
vigoScience repos : >>>>http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/Linux_software_equivalent_to_Windows_software#Scientific14:59
slayer^_^the only strange thing is that my printer is lbp 2900i , but i cannot find absolutely anything on the net... thus i thought it was the same driver of lbp 290014:59
jribslayer^_^: this guide seems to be for amd6414:59
zeroRooteri finally fixed my laggy mouse problem!15:00
slayer^_^no, the guide is not for amd64... only the last section is for amd6415:00
jribslayer^_^: and the 1st step...15:00
slayer^_^yes, the 1st step works... but i cannot find anything for lbp 2900i , just for 290015:01
jribslayer^_^: why aren't you using the top of the guide?15:01
slayer^_^the top of the guide? sorry?15:02
slayer^_^again, this is the guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters/CanonPrinters/Canon_LBP_2900#Compiling%20the%20driver%20(amd64)%20Steps:15:02
jribslayer^_^: yes, you're linking me to the middle of the page that is entitled "Compiling the driver (amd64) Steps"15:02
jribslayer^_^: so you are following subesctions 1-10?15:03
slayer^_^so, actually i am not a newbie... thus i don't do such mistakes :) just to be clear15:03
sky_1how i can set my WoW.exe icon ?15:03
slayer^_^yes, the only thing is that i didn't "alienize" rpm packages because the driver contains .deb packages15:03
korogiannosHi.  what should I google to route my cousins PC (sharing the same adsl) through my pc, and subsequently limit his badwidth? (he's a torrent fiend and I can't even browse, let alone stream)15:03
jribsky_1: right click -> properties -> icon maybe15:03
Boohbahsky_1: right click on the desktop to make a new icon, then the path should be 'wine /path/to/exe'15:04
slayer^_^if you try to download the canon driver you'll see that there are debian and rpm packages... i installed the deb (even if the guide tells to alienize the rpm)15:04
slayer^_^i found on the net that people actually is installing hte debs15:04
spsneoi am not able to use restricted driver manager to install ati grpahics driver in ubuntu . i am behind a http proxy. it seems restricted driver manager does not work behind proxy. what to do?15:05
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jribsky_1: wfm.  What exactly did you try?15:05
slayer^_^sorry, i am looking now that the guide has been updated and tells that we can use the debs15:05
Paddy_EIREspsneo, let me google that one a sec15:06
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spsneoPaddy_EIRE: i am waiting for your reply :)15:06
jrib!who | slayer^_^15:06
Boohbahspsneo: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2005-October/012613.html15:06
ubottuslayer^_^: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:06
jribslayer^_^: one sec as I download...15:07
slayer^_^!jrib if you wish we can speak in private15:07
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:07
Cheeryfuck, must break my wine install to get wine install. :(15:08
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twiadpawshey guys someone up for helping solving a problem? ;)15:08
Cheerybecause getting debian packages is so hard15:08
jribtwiadpaws: just ask your question15:08
Paddy_EIREspsneo, have a look here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/synaptic/+bug/11167515:08
twiadpawsoh cool15:08
jribCheery: please watch your language and be more specific about your issue15:08
Cation_H`Cheery: is this true?15:08
spsneoPaddy_EIRE: one sec15:08
Paddy_EIREspsneo, it seems that bug report needs to be reopened.. could you possibly help provide the missing information that they require15:09
twiadpawsi've written a little script and put it into init.d. made a static link over to rc2.d. should mount samba folders automatically, it just doesnt work. if i run it manually it works just fine. if i boot i just get the message that the network wasn't reachable15:09
CheeryCation_H`, jrib: it's not really an issue15:09
korogiannosHow can I use my desktop as a gateway for my LAN, and limit other PCs badwidth to a certain % of our connection speed?15:09
jribCheery: ok, well this channel is for issues...15:09
jribtwiadpaws: are you making it run after networking comes up?15:10
Cheeryjust making debian packages is so ridiculously hard15:10
spsneoPaddy_EIRE: what can I do?15:10
Paddy_EIREspsneo, and to clear something up.. are you currently using ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex?15:10
jribslayer^_^: what version are you using?15:10
twiadpawswell it's at S99 so the network should be working by then15:10
spsneoPaddy_EIRE: yeah15:10
slayer^_^!jrib : i am using 1.6015:11
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:11
Cation_H`Cheery: using or making??15:11
Paddy_EIREspsneo, ok.. I am terribly sorry for starting what I cannot finish as I must run of to a small job for a friend.. if you are willing to continue to try for help here and possibly wait or come back in about 1-2 hours I will do what I can15:11
FloridaGuy33Hey, I am trying to install 8.10, Intrepid IBEX on my Intel motherboard, and for the life of me, it's not working.  I got it to install once, but had to wipe my harddrive afterward - and now It won't reinstall.  I get to about 50% and I get a CD drive speed error.  Is this a common error, or could something actually be wrong with my system here?15:12
jribCheery: not really, but wine is already packaged15:12
spsneoPaddy_EIRE: thanks15:12
Paddy_EIREspsneo, sorry man.. and no problems15:12
korogiannosCan I use my desktop as a router (with some kind of bandwidth limiting to each pc on my LAN) or do I need a separate server box?15:13
HodappIs there any way to tell NetworkManager what DNS to use? I have edited resolv.conf but it just keeps changing it back.15:13
slayer^_^!jrib : i am seeing that i got the error root@user-desktop capstatusui -P LBP2900 = *** captstatusui Socket Error *** even if i do the command sudo /etc/init.d/ccpd restart... wtf!!!15:13
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:13
jribslayer^_^: no need for the !15:13
twiadpawshow can i be sure the network is ready by then? ;)15:13
slayer^_^jrib : ok15:13
sky_1Why i have on my keyboard button with Microsoft logo ????15:14
ahecklerHodapp: follow the directions here: https://www.opendns.com/homenetwork/start/device/ubuntu, substituting your preferred DNS servers in for the OpenDNS ones of course15:14
FloridaGuy33My kingdom for some install assistance if anyone is able to help15:14
jribFloridaGuy33: just ask your qusetion15:15
testsky_1: in linux that is know as "super" or <mod4>15:15
sky_1i must buy keyoboard with tux logo15:15
FloridaGuy33I did: but I will repost.  I get to about 50% and get a 'your drive may be spinning too slow, your hard drive may be old, blah blah'' error. - but I -have- had Ubuntu 8.10 installed on the drive before, like a week previous.15:16
|neon|i am trying to connect a second monitor to my laptop running ubuntu, i am able to connected using "separate X screen" however i only see a portion of the desktop on the external monitor. my laptop is 1440x900 the external is 1600x1200 and it is configured that way under nvidia settins, however i can not see the entire scree any suggestions?15:16
FloridaGuy33I just.. messed up with my partitions and accidently deleted it >.>15:16
korogiannoscan I use my hardy desktop to limit another PCs use of bandwidth (torrents) on a shared adsl connection?15:16
Lantay77sky_1: where can you get a keyboard with tux?15:16
Hodappkorogiannos: Why can't you just tell the other PC to limit its torrent bandwidth?15:16
testkorogiannos: if your hardy desktop functions as the router between the other computer and the internet15:17
FloridaGuy33I guess I want to know, is this a known bug?  Or is there a workaround?  Or could there be an actual problem with my drive in the two days it was not installed on my system.15:18
korogiannostest: I could set that up, but don't know where to start looking15:18
korogiannostest: or rather, what to google15:18
jribslayer^_^: checked the google results for "capstatusui socket error"?  There are some hits including a forum thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=161255&page=415:18
mas2Could someone recommend a good NFO Viewer application?15:18
slayer^_^jrib : i am looking for it and i'll let you know15:19
nihilitasDoes anybody have any experience with making the onboard digital coax work with Ubuntu 8.10 and a Gigabyte EX58-UD5 motherboard?  The analog/stereo jack outputs sound, but I can't get the coax to give me anything.  I've tested all of the options that show up in the "Sounds" preference window.  The ALSA, OSS, PulseAudio, and HDA Intel ALC885 Digital (ALSA) options are what give me the stereo output.15:19
Hodapphmmm... no wonder Ubuntu doesn't work with my wireless, lspci isn't showing either of the 2 devices that are plugged into PCI ports15:19
sky_1Lantay77: I think it will be GNU ..and some guy give me this keyboard for free :P15:19
testkorogiannos: do you have two nics?15:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nfo15:19
korogiannostest:Not at present, but can install one15:20
testkorogiannos: I would start by looking in to IP masquerading15:20
jribslayer^_^: the wiki also has: Note: Turn on the printer before starting your computer to avoid socket error: (*** captstatusui Socket Error ***).15:20
korogiannostest: will do. thankyou : )15:20
slayer^_^jrib : i know... i am trying to do everything back from the beginning now that i've installed libgtk 1.2 ... even if i don't know why should it work now...15:21
sky_1check it http://www.infoworld.com/article/04/08/20/HNlinuxkeyboard_1.html15:22
synthinice one15:23
slayer^_^jrib : rebooting now15:23
sky_1or this pic15:24
synthibut the best keyboard ist this one here -> http://www.daskeyboard.com/15:24
synthiin ultimate version15:24
sky_1with MS logo ??? never15:24
spsneois there any way to find the package to be installed from restricted driver manager?15:25
jribsky_1: we like to keep this channel dedicated to ubuntu support only since it is so busy.  Mind moving your discussion over to #ubuntu-offtopic?15:25
joshua24can someone tell me why pidgin is using old icon theme?15:26
HodappDoes anyone have any hints for how I might figure out why neither of my current PCI cards are shown in lspci?15:26
nsadminHodapp: a line does not appear for them?15:27
Hodappnsadmin: Yes.15:27
nsadminor you get "unkinown device"15:27
Hodappnsadmin: No line appears.15:27
Hodappnsadmin: And I know both pieces of hardware work in Linux because I've used them on other configurations.15:28
amarelunixboa tarde15:28
amarelunixalguem ae conheçe o TOR?15:28
viniciusamarelunix, so ingles aqui velho...15:28
viniciusamarelunix, #ubuntu-br ?15:28
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.15:28
viniciusmy localhost is not reachable... but pingable... :p15:29
Hodappnsadmin: Well, any suggestions? It's probably due to the new motherboard.15:30
ShackJackGeneral Flash 10 question for Ubuntu users... Is it just me or does Flash 10 use a bit more resources than it ought to... I have a Core Duo and video pegs it at 50% or more sometimes and my poor old P4 plays most vids kinda choppy... Anything I can do to improve it?15:30
HodappI seem to recall that Flash on Linux always uses way more resources than it should.15:30
maverick_hey all15:31
daredevilthereHey all15:31
threequarkshi all.  has anyone used vpnc for vpn networking on ubuntu? is there docs on what the .conf config options should be?15:31
maverick_when i try to copy and paste texts between several windows i lose my copied text if i closed the window that i copied it from?15:31
ShackJackHodapp: Yeah, though this time around doesn't seem to work as efficiently as past versions...15:32
HodappShackJack: Adobe is known for that.15:32
ShackJackAny suggestions on how I can improve my Flash experience... System tweaks, alternate plugins?15:32
daredeviltherei m mounting my drives but it says special device /dev/sdb6 does not exist?15:32
jribdaredevilthere: does it exist?15:33
wisniewskihallo gury can someone help me my drife with my movies isnt vissible in xubuntu 8.1 how can i make it vissible15:33
daredeviltherejrib: yes15:33
jribdaredevilthere: pastebin15:33
daredeviltherejrib: i just checked sudo fdisk -l15:33
daredeviltherejrib:  alrite15:33
jribwisniewski: internal?  What filesystem?15:33
wisniewskiim a newbie in linux help will be very thankfull15:34
daredeviltherewisniewski: abt wht15:34
mclureanyone here who know what the port 51015 is used for? having unknown traffic (udp protocol) to that port15:34
wisniewskihow make my 3td hd particion visible in xubuntu15:34
jribwisniewski: did you see my questions?15:34
wisniewskii have only datasystem and my usb sticks vissible15:35
wisniewskibut my other two drives the win drive and the data drive not15:35
jribwisniewski: what filesystem?15:35
daredeviltherejrib: here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/103170/15:35
jribwisniewski: install and run ntfs-config15:35
wisniewskican you explain me how to install it15:36
jribdaredevilthere: ls -l /dev/sdb615:36
jribwisniewski: System -> Administration -> Synaptic, same way you install everything else in ubuntu15:36
daredeviltherejrib: It says cannot access15:37
jribdaredevilthere: ls -l /dev/sdb*15:37
wisniewskiis it not possible over the terminal15:38
daredeviltherejrib: it says    brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 16 2009-01-11 01:06 /dev/sdb15:38
jribwisniewski: sudo apt-get install ntfs-config15:38
sluimersHello, I get an error when I start gnome and are forced to start in low-graphics mode, how can I fix that?15:38
wisniewskithe funny thing is i see the drives with xgine15:38
sluimershttp://www.tkarena.com/forums/linux-arena/38717-graphics-driver-probem-ubuntu-8-10-vb8001.html <- my problem15:38
mizipzoris there a graphical go client in the package repository? just found a ascii one15:39
jribdaredevilthere: you included the * in the command I gave you?15:39
daredeviltherejrib: yes i did15:39
wisniewski ntfs-config15:39
jribdaredevilthere: does this drive work in windows? You can access the data on it?15:39
|neon|i am trying to configure and external lcd connected to my laptop, i am using nvidia settings to make changes.   ext lcd is detected and i am configuring it as separate x screen, the res is 1600x1200 while the laptop is 1440x900. the proble is tha the ext lcd only shows portion of the screen and is missing like a 1/3 on the bottom and right side any ideas how can i correct this thx15:39
wisniewskiok done an now15:39
jribwisniewski: run ntfs-config15:39
wisniewskihow i find out the root15:41
wisniewskisorry if my english is bad im from germany15:41
FloridaGuy33Mmkay, I am giving up on this - I cant seem to get the install to stick.  Thanks guys.15:41
jribwisniewski: there's #ubuntu-de if you want help in german.  I don't understand your last question15:41
estanhm. how come i can only set a program to use for multimedia in general, what do i do if i want rhythmbox for audio but totem for video?15:41
jrib!defaultapp | estan15:42
ubottuestan: To change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting.15:42
estanas it is now when i doubleclick an .mp3, totem starts..15:42
estanjrib: ah.15:42
slayer^_^jrib : no luck yet15:42
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jribslayer^_^: did you shutdown your computer, turn the printer on, then boot your computer again?15:43
bthorntonCan the latest version of Ubuntu reliably read and write to NTFS partitions (with Windows XP--not Vista)?15:43
RonPaulI'm having problems with Flash websites.  in fact I can't get to my favorite pr0n site cuz i don't have the version of flash required.  could anyone help thanks15:44
bthorntonI know it can read without problems...15:44
slayer^_^jrib : yes, i did15:44
jribbthornton: it works.  But keep in mind it's reverse-engineered15:44
jribslayer^_^: and you get the same error?15:44
bthorntonjrib: That doesn't bother me as long as it doesn't break things. :)15:44
slayer^_^now i got the captstatusui socket error that i hadn't before15:44
slayer^_^i simply hadn't this before : This will launch a window that after a bit should say "ready to print".15:44
bthorntonor, is "unlikely to break things"15:45
jribbthornton: it never has for me, but it's possible of course15:45
slayer^_^jrib : now i got this new error... however i didn't print a single page now15:45
jribslayer^_^: what new error?15:45
bthorntonjrib: Good to know. Do you mount with any special options?15:45
johnzornhow can I get modprobe to see a driver?15:45
jribbthornton: no15:45
slayer^_^jrib : captstatusui ... i hadn't that error bvefore15:45
jribslayer^_^: yes you did, you told me about it before...15:46
estanhm. i turned thumbnails off in the file management settings, is there no way to turn it on in nautilus temporarily for a folder i'm browsing?15:46
slayer^_^jrib : i can't believe it...15:46
estani have a folder with images, and i'd like to see thumbnails.. but i don't want thumbnails on e.g. my desktop.15:46
jribestan: no, I don't think so15:46
estanhm. ok :(15:46
jribslayer^_^: "i am seeing that i got the error root@user-desktop capstatusui -P LBP2900 = *** captstatusui Socket Error *** even if i do the command sudo /etc/init.d/ccpd restart"15:46
slayer^_^jrib : yes, i started having that error after one of the last installations15:47
nihilitasDoes anybody have any experience with making the onboard digital coax work with Ubuntu 8.10 and a Gigabyte EX58-UD5 motherboard?  The analog/stereo jack outputs sound, but I can't get the coax to give me anything.  I've tested all of the options that show up in the "Sounds" preference window.  The ALSA, OSS, PulseAudio, and HDA Intel ALC885 Analog (OSS) options are what give me the stereo output.15:48
bthorntonhm, while I'm here...15:49
estanjrib: hm. regarding the "default application to use" issue, eventhough i rightclick an .mp3 and choose open with and choose rhythmbox, the next time i double-click an .mp3 it opens with totem.. any ideas?15:50
estani'd like video to open with totem and audio with rhythmbox.15:50
slayer^_^jrib : what should i do?15:50
bthorntonWhen browsing Windows/SMB shares in Nautilus, I can see shares but am always denied access (not surprising since Nautilus never gave me the chance to supply login credentials). How do I supply credentials so I can connect to protected shares?15:50
jribestan: read more closely what ubottu said15:50
|neon|i am trying to configure and external lcd connected to my laptop, i am using nvidia settings to make changes.   ext lcd is detected and i am configuring it as separate x screen, the res is 1600x1200 while the laptop is 1440x900. the proble is tha the ext lcd only shows portion of the screen and is missing like a 1/3 on the bottom and right side any ideas how can i correct this thx15:50
estanjrib: ooh sorry! ;)15:50
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estanjrib: thx a lot.15:51
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jribslayer^_^: I don't know.  If shutting down, turning on the printer and starting again did not resolve that error, then try again later or try the mailing list or forum15:51
bthompso1anybody on that uses freenx15:53
venportCan anyone recommend a tut for ubuntu, I installed it yesterday and would like to learn more about the terminal and basic commands. (I’ve been looking things up on google but i thought i would ask you guys).15:54
venportThis is also my first time with any linux distro15:55
silfertry googling around for some guides15:55
JMS32I m hide menubar in Kopete. How to restore it?15:55
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partitomanIs anyone here familiar with the partitioning? I lost my main OS due to installation error and am now trying to restore it...15:55
venportthanks silfer, i've been doing that, and found a few, i'm going to start reading soon, Just thought i would ask those who know first...15:56
FireFox||partitoman: start with the ubuntu setup and create a partition for your other os in the supploed partitio manager15:56
Boohbahpartitoman: you've probably overwritten the bootloader which may be solved using the installation disk for your previous OS15:58
silferjust wondering does anyone know if its easier to port apps from mac than porting them from windows?15:59
partitomanwell here's the thing: I never meant to start the installation, and aborted it before anything actually happened. Or so I thought -- now I can't boot into my Mac OSX anymore! I described the problem here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=103576515:59
partitomanAs no one's replied there so far I thought I'd come here...15:59
xdrhello, is there a "sysinstall-3" pkg for gentoo?15:59
Boohbahxdr: huh, like FreeBSD?16:00
xdrBoohbah: to create a liveusb system16:01
Boohbahxdr: there is a nice tool called unetbootin for that sort of thing16:02
ntndoany links on running gtk apps in windows?16:02
MenZa...you can get gtk for windows.16:02
silferyea unetbootin is good16:02
silferbut you can only copy cd iso onto it i think...16:03
Boohbahntndo: the windows installer for pidgin installs gtk automatically.16:03
ntndoI think I asked that wrong, actually16:03
MenZantndo: Most GTK applications for Windows installs it automatically, like Boohbah said. :)16:03
xdrsilfer: I will need to install gentoo on my aspire one16:03
ntndohttp://comix.sourceforge.net/  I'd VERY much like to use this on my windows box, what'd be a way to compile it or emulate it for use on a windows machinee?16:04
ntndoOnce I get gtk installed that is.16:04
rraj_behello . . .could any one help me in installing Google gears for any website to speed up my browsing as my net speed is very very slow16:04
jribntndo: ask ##windows16:04
Boohbahxdr: yes just grab an iso and pop it in unetbootin16:04
mirakis there a way to remove totally ubuntu-desktop16:04
jrib!purekde | mirak16:05
ubottumirak: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »16:05
sybuxhi all. I'd like to know how to change the expiration date of my own certificate. Someone can help me ?16:05
estanhm. anyone know of a good remote desktop control solution? after getting sick of having to purge my familys computer of viruses every 6 months i've set up ubuntu + virtualbox/winxp that they're happy with, but it would be nice if i could show them stuff from home over the net.16:06
einarmagnushello everybody, I am setting up a server running ubuntu, mainly for sharing files and printer, i.e. samba. I'd like to be able to disconnect the screen and just just vinagre to control it but I find that I have to starx as root to be able to run it or change any settings at all. I must be doing something wrong, right? even windows allows you to do some administrative things as user after asking for password. So. What am I missing?16:06
estancan NX do that? i mean remote control, not just a new session.16:06
estanwould be nice if they could just click something to give me access.16:06
aqueiFloodBot1, hello16:07
RonPaulDoes anyone know that if I enable UPNP on my router if that is the same as Port Fowarding?16:07
rraj_behello . . .could any one help me in installing Google gears for any website to speed up my browsing as my net speed is very very slow16:07
joaboaconstrctr_anyone know how I can migrate mac os  addressbook to ubuntu evolution?16:07
syahrilexecuse me...! how to get driver or configuration usb-tv with cihpset Empia em28xx?16:08
_Benhi guys16:08
user___rraj_be: i am not sure, if ggears is for that, i recommend looking into wikipedia : proxy, squid to get a bit more input.16:09
einarmagnusok, so my user lacked some permissions it needed. estan: check out VNC or vinagre16:09
_Benmy thin client is booting and trying to load 8139rc lan driver but it nees to be 8139too how do i change this?16:10
_Benits running ubuntu 8.04.1 server16:10
mirakjrib: thank you //16:11
MOUDHey all16:11
_Benjrib, your earlier help with the kernel stuff worked... thanks :)16:11
skydartI just updated to OpenOffice 3.0.1, and found that it opens at lightening speed, (ok, perhaps not that fast, but its definately snappier).16:12
MOUDI installed cedega yesterday but I get an error when running it in terminal "   CRITICAL Unable to load GTK2 Python bindings: No module named gtk " , can anyone help me?16:12
magicsrvhey guys. Can anyone tell me what programming language does mIRC(Win) uses? I want irc client for linux that uses the same programming language to build menus and execute commands16:12
Lantay77flash cs3 in virtualbox windows xp keeps crashing when i load a .fla file from /media/flash drive mounted as M:16:13
KartiHi all, anyone give me a pointer how to upgrade Open Office 2.4 to 3 or should I remove it and reinstall 316:13
KartiMany thanjs for any assistance :)16:13
_Bendoes anyone know how to change the network driver from 8139rc to 8139too on ubuntu server ed?16:14
silferjust add the repo for ooo 3 and then you can upgrade16:14
silferfrom the manager16:14
skydartdo not remove it, Kari.  Give me a second, and I will find it for you.16:14
Kartiskydart: Many thanks16:14
Lantay77flash cs3 in virtualbox windows xp keeps crashing when i load a .fla file from /media/flash drive mounted as M:16:14
Kartisilfer: many thanks as well :)16:14
einarmagnusis there a way to start an xserver on a remote machine through ssh so that is runs as if I started it locally?16:14
skydartKarti, it rediculously simple . . and stable.  Check out the step by step instructions here: http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-To-Install-OpenOffice-org-3-0-in-Ubuntu-8-10-96449.shtml16:15
magicsrvhey guys. Can anyone tell me what programming language does mIRC(Win) uses? I want irc client for linux that uses the same programming language to build menus and execute commands16:15
johnzornso how does modprobe work, I can't get it to see a driver no matter where I put it16:16
_Beneinarmagnus - im sure it is possible.. i have read articles about it but i have never tried it. google is your friend :)16:16
Lantay77flash cs3 in virtualbox windows xp keeps crashing when i load a .fla file from /media/flash drive mounted as M:16:16
Lantay77help anyone?16:16
Kartiskydart: Cheers :)16:16
skydartLantay77, does that only happen when you mount it as "M"?  How about another drive letter?16:17
silferlantay: try copying onto the desktop of windows vefore opening it16:17
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Lantay77skydart: I tried R also didnt work16:17
skydartLantay77, hmmm16:17
Lantay77silfer: desktop copy over works, but thats a hassle i wish i didn't have to do that16:17
Lantay77yesterday i did not have to copy over16:18
skydartSorry, Lantay77, I'm at a loss.16:18
Lantay77hmm also when i saved the state it did not save correct16:18
Lantay77ill just replace the image. i have it backed up and try it again later16:18
armornickhey guys, i don't know whether this is the right channel, but does gnome-do make gnome go slower?16:19
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chandrucan anyone guide me in setting internet connection in ubuntu using rerliance data card ?16:19
yeushi guys... I know that this is not particularly an ubuntu problem, but since I think most of the poeple are realtivly tech-savy, maybe they could still help me out.. i got a canon ip4000 printer which does not work anymore...  when i turn it on, the printhead first moves a little bit forth and back and than crahes immidiatly into the left wall of the printer-case16:19
DelvienI am having an issue with this Hard drive. I format the drive, and its a 196gb partition, Gparted reports 182.54gb, and after format, its 170.4 gb. How am I loosing 26gb ??16:19
armornickchandru, what kind of connection is that?16:20
_BenDelvien, it has to do with the 'size' of a kilobyte16:20
Lantay77amornick: try /join ##gnome16:20
chandruarmornick:  its wireless data card of reliance network16:20
thomas__Hello everyone16:20
Delvien_Ben ?16:20
thomas__I want to browse a shared drive that I have on my windows XP computer through the network, does anyone know how to do this?16:21
_BenDelvien, the disk is 196 billion bytes, however, when you format, instead of treating a kilobyte as 1000 bytes, it is 102416:21
_Bena megabyte is 1024 kilobytes etc16:21
_Benbasically they lie when they say the disk is 196gb16:22
Delvien_Ben: I always knew they were lying, but even so...16:22
XpistosCan anyone tell me where Ubuntu puts applications. Like windows has them in C:/Program Files but default. Where does Ubuntu put them? Thanks16:22
_Benalso after format the OS (ubuntu) reserves 5% of the disk aswell for lost+found16:22
DelvienXpistos: all over, the "start" commands are run from /usr/bin16:22
armornickXpistos, apps are put in /usr/bin, /bin and /sbin16:23
Delvien_Ben I see, thanks for the info16:23
RoyKhi all. I gave an old laptop with ubuntu to my mom for christmas, and she doesn't seem to have any problems with it, except "how can I install itunes?". Does anyone know a good player that may resemble itunes for linux?16:23
yeusRoyK: how about amarok?16:23
RoyKyeus: will check16:23
armornickRoyK, amarok has an iTunes mode16:23
daredeviltherejrib: Hey sry my pc hanged. well whn i bot ubuntu i c reveladation failed and my Harddisk clicks ?16:23
RoyKarmornick: ok16:23
_Benguys, how do i change my network drive from 8139rc to 8139too16:24
armornickRoyK, however, I don't think you can download music from the itunes network via linux16:24
RoyK_Ben: disable 8139rc in /etc/modules16:25
phaidrosonce with fresh install i had local mail dalivery to my linux username, this is not anymore .. and i want it back again. whats the usally installed mta doing the local delivery?16:25
RoyKarmornick: I don't think that's important16:25
XpistosMaybe a better question would be where does gpodder put it? I can find it but I see most of the other stuff16:25
armornickXpistos, if you've installed via apt, try /usr/gpodder16:25
nsadmin_Ben take the networking down that uses that card... remove the module... modprobe the desired module... ifconfig etcSomething should work now... put the networking back up16:25
MOUDI installed cedega yesterday but I get an error when running it in terminal "   CRITICAL Unable to load GTK2 Python bindings: No module named gtk " , can anyone help me?16:26
roland_jemand auf deutsch da16:26
courtHello all - I'd like to pop in with a network adapter curiosity. I just built a little machine and put Hardy on it. When I check ifconfig, the "RX packets" section says "dropped:4505970450" and that huge number grows by millions every second. The network interface still works just fine, but that "dropped" value sounds like a driver problem? Any ideas?16:26
_BenRoyK 8139rc is not in /etc/modules16:26
_Bennsadmin, err, how?16:26
RoyK_Ben: sec16:26
the_squircle!de | roland_16:26
ubotturoland_: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.16:26
gigantohi all, is there a to do list that is able to blend into your desktop area?16:26
gigantosomething like those fancy system monitors16:27
RoyK_Ben: blacklist it in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist and autoprobe should use the other one16:27
the_squirclegiganto: i think there's one you can add to the GNOME panel.16:27
micro01hey what is a good burning program for ubuntu for DVDs16:27
_BenRoyk, jus type autoprobe??16:27
Grabhello, does ubuntu close all running apps if cpu goes 100% ?? i was running a terminal when suddenly it disappeared??!!16:27
Painkillerhello, I have a little problem. I just connected my ext3 USB hard drive and it gave mean error, "mount: Stale NFS file handle". Can someone please help?16:27
the_squircleGrab: it shouldn't...16:27
Xpistosarmornick: Thanks for the help, but still no luck. I have installed gpodder with apt-get, but I can find the app anywhere. gnucash and other show up and gpodder is working,but but I am at a loss. THanks for trying16:27
Grabthe_squircle, it seems it crashed16:28
Grabwhat can i do ?16:28
Grabto diagnose16:28
gigantothe_squircle, i see, so there isn't any that floats above the background image?16:28
RoyK_Ben: I guess so - if not, add 8139too to /etc/modules - but I'd guess blacklisting 8339rc first would be good16:28
thomas__I'm trying to access a shared windows drive on a networked computer, how do I go about doing this?16:28
micro01what is a good burning program for ubuntu16:28
armornickXpistos, why do you need to know where it is installed?16:28
ubottuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto16:28
the_squirclegiganto: i'm sure there are.... I just don't know of them. try looking in synaptic16:28
Grab!burn micro0116:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about burn micro0116:28
ubottumicro01, please see my private message16:28
gigantothe_squircle, yeah im looking at the moment.16:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nautilus16:28
the_squircleGrab: open up a new terminal?16:28
_Benroyk, ta will try that16:29
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.16:29
the_squircleGrab: maybe a program passed an exit to bash, so the terminal quit.16:29
the_squircleGrab: i dunno.16:29
Xpistosarmornick: 1) information, but more important 2) Trying to subscribe from firefox instead of getting the url and then pasting in gpodder16:29
ubottuA desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others - See also !Flavors16:29
Meho_hey guys i was wondering is there a way to install nvidia drivers version 173 trough the terminal16:29
DelvienFor some reason i keep getting pinged when someone says "armornick"16:29
ubottuThe Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the latest edition. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.16:29
the_squircleMeho_: Yep. the packages can be retrieved through apt-get.. but it's a lot easier to use the restricted drivers menu.16:30
meermanrI want a script of mine to create a notification balloon, where should I start?16:30
Grabubottu crashed ?16:30
the_squircleMeho_: sudo apt-get install nvidia-drvers-something-something-173 i think16:30
IenorandI'm looking for a vmware (player) Ubuntu machine, preferably ibex or jaunty, desktop version, that is downloadable without torrrenting, anyone know of a source?16:30
the_squircleGrab: Ubottu *never* crashes :P16:31
armornickXpistos, is there anything in your /opt directory16:31
Meho_the_sequircle: i tried and the problem is that the restricted drivers option goes on a frits so can u tell me how i can get it trough apt-get on the terminal16:31
the_squirclelenorand: hypervisor i think would work.16:31
bullgard4System > Help and Support opens Ubuntu Help Center > Search: I  type in 'gnome-access-guide' and obtain: 'No results for "gnome-access-guide",' although 'Search for Files' finnds 14 hits. What is the reason for this failure?16:31
armornickIenorand, try the vmware.com virtual appliance market16:31
the_squircleMeho_: what does the restricted drivers window do?16:31
micro01i try burning an avi onto DVD with brasero16:32
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
micro01and it gives me an error16:32
Grabhow can i run a script and write it's output to a file as well as show it to terminal ?16:32
Xpistosarmornick: no. only crossover games16:32
heath|workMeho_, apt-get install envyng   after that    envyng -t16:32
armornickXpistos, then I don't know, and I don't have time to install it right now16:32
jribGrab: man tee16:32
_Benroyk, still has same error message....16:32
G470Hello all. I'm about to install Intrepid in an intel iMac (core duo) from the early 2006. The live-cd seems to recognize everything fine, but I have one doubt. Should I let the installer install the boot loader (and where?)? Keep in mind that this machine uses EFI.16:32
Delvien_Ben ok new error "Mount wrong fs type bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda3 missing codepage or helper program16:32
Meho_the_squicle: it litterely goes into not responding and does not download it16:33
RoyK_Ben: what error messages? please pastebin them16:33
the_squircleMeho_: it did that for me too... i left it 15 minutes and it seemed to work, but I can look up how to do it in the terminal16:33
thomas__Does anybody here know about accessing shared windows network drives ?16:33
Meho_the restricter driver manager crashes on me while trying to download the driver16:34
mkerI'm trying to import an OpenPGP key with Seahorse. The website only gives me some kind of hash, that looks like a bit like 0x1A2BCDEA (though not those same characters). I tried "find remote keys" and searching for that but it didn't give me anything but "Couldn't communicate with 'keyserver.pgp.com': Time limit exceeded"16:34
the_squirclethomas__: Samba16:34
Ienorandarmornick: That one's only got torrented images16:34
the_squircle!samba | thomas__16:34
the_squircle!smb | thomas__16:34
RoyK!smb | RoyK16:34
thomas__I thought that Samba was just for sharing linux content with windows'16:34
Ienorandthe_squircle: Hypervisor?16:34
the_squircle*ubottu CRASHED*16:34
the_squircleubottu left the chat room. (Excess Flood)16:35
the_squirclethomas__: ubottu crashed, just wait a minute16:35
_Bendelvien, what fs type is used? ext2? ext3?16:35
Lantay77thats kinda funny16:35
armornickIenorand, try this: http://isv-image.ubuntu.com/vmware/16:35
Delvien_Ben ex316:35
the_squirclelenorand: hypervisor will run VMWare images i recall...16:35
Delvien_Ben I can manually mount the partion, but its permission are root only and mounted RO16:36
_Bendelvien, are you specifying that on the mount command?16:36
Delvien_Ben nautilus does, thats where the error comes from16:36
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
Grabjrib, thanks16:37
Ienorandarmornick: Cheers, perfect!16:37
thomas__Linux is such a pain in the butt sometimes :016:37
_Bendelvien, not sure i can help any further then.... it might be a problem with 2 partitions overlapping tho16:37
Grab* ubottu has quit (Excess Flood)  <= lol16:37
the_squircleI think i killed ubottu.16:37
_Benroyk, it says that my network card is not compatible with 8139rc and tat i should try using 8139too16:37
Delvien_Ben ext2 is a decent format to use for data drive ?16:38
_Benroyk, comes up t boot16:38
RoyKyeus, armornick: where can I find this itunes mode?16:38
_Bendelvien, no idea really... i just hit buttons and see what happens :D16:38
RoyK_Ben: does the networking work?16:38
_Benroyk, no16:38
Xpistosarmornick: Thanks for trying. I will keep checking.16:38
RoyK_Ben: lsmod | grep 813916:38
thomas__is ubottu coming bat? :(16:38
the_squircleDelvien: You might want to consider XFS and other higher-performance filesystems for solely-data drives.16:38
armornickRoyK, click on 'collection' and you should see a little ipod icon16:38
the_squirclethomas__: it'll reboot eventually16:39
Delvienthe_squircle: o?16:39
micro01im trying to burn a movie on to DVD with brasero and it says that the file im trying does not have a suitable type for video projects....... how do i fix this so that i can burn this movie?16:39
_Benroyk, it lists both 8139too and 8139rc16:39
gehel__Delvien: FAT is still a decent solution for data only partitions if you need portability !16:39
_Benroyk, cp sorry, not rc16:39
jokkaaIs there anykind of netsend to use in ubuntu? i need to send messages to window computers on my network...16:39
thomas__uhh, does anyone here know the irssi command to stop the client from printing information about people entering / leaving the room?16:39
the_squircleDelvien: XFS is great if you need really high performance16:40
_Benthat must mean i typed it into balcklist wrong16:40
gehel__jokkaa: have a look at smbclient16:40
RoyK_Ben: ah16:40
Delvienthe_squircle: kk gonna reboot really quick16:40
Ienorandmicro01: Might need to recode, try VLC?16:40
the_squirclemicro01: It has to be VOB to be burned16:40
RoyK_Ben: try rmmod both and then modprobe 8139too16:40
jribthomas__: http://www.irssi.org/documentation/tips16:40
RoyKit should't load 8139rc if you blacklisted it, though16:40
sam__"Delvien: XFS is great if you need really high performance" What's XFS?16:40
williamI am making incremental backups of a remote server using rsync. Everything is working fine but I would like to automate the process16:41
william currently I run a command 'sudo backup_remote_server.sh'16:41
william the problem is I can't put this as a cron job because sudo prompts for a password16:41
_Benroyk, thanks ill do that16:41
the_squirclesam__: XFS is a journalling filesystem with wicked performance16:41
RoyK_Ben: blacklist the ones you don't want and try again16:41
williamshould I just enable the root account?16:41
micro01hey im trying to burn a movie onto DVD  wuth Brasero16:41
micro01but it wont let me16:41
micro01burn the avi file16:41
micro01can someone help me16:42
MOUDHow can I access the files of my nokia phone? I've already added it to the Bluetooth devices16:42
jribwilliam: put it in root's crontab16:42
Somethiefmicro01 it probably wants you to insert files converted into dvd format already with the foders like VIDEO_TS etc16:42
micro01well then whats a good program i can use that automatically does that, cuz all it is is an AVI16:43
williamjrib, ok, so I don't need to enable the root password for that?16:43
jribwilliam: no.  'sudo -i' will get you a root prompt, then you can 'crontab -e'16:43
jribwilliam: or just use /etc/crontab16:44
williamjrib, the other problem will then be ssh-agent or rather keychains for authentication with remote host16:44
kantlivelonghey all.. im not sure if this an nvidia problem or not.. i used 177.x drivers fine with my 9800GTX but the 180.22 doesnt detect the device(even though its supposed to be supported inthis version)16:44
maverickDoes anyone know how to let ubuntu automatically mount my ntfs drives and without asking for password?? it mounts them but when i click them16:44
micro01WHATS a good burning program then?16:44
chris78vi am hooking up wi-fi i need help installing16:44
ZiberDoes .gz compress more than .tar.gz?16:44
dustrialhi, i got a desktop W-LAN-card... its ePCI,  if i run $lspci , i should see it right?16:44
HodappZiber: What does .gz do?16:45
Somethiefmicro01 why dont you try googling16:45
micro01cuz  i want an answer from u guys16:45
micro01with first hand experience16:45
ZiberHodapp: ... gzip.16:45
thomas__micro01: you should learn to be more patient...16:45
LukaszA quick console way to copy samba shares?16:45
MOUDkantlivelong: 180.xx is buggy, use 177.xx instead, for older cards try 173.xx16:46
HodappZiber: Keep going.16:46
ZiberHodapp: ?16:46
jribwilliam: http://arctic.org/~dean/rdiff-backup/unattended.html what I have used in the past16:46
chris78vi need help installing my wi-fi16:46
HodappZiber: What does gzip do?16:46
williamthanks jrib16:46
kantlivelongMOUD: my card is supposed to be offcially supported in 18016:46
Somethiefmicro01 try devede16:47
Somethiefi have used it before, its available in ubuntu repos16:47
smartguyzhow do I delete xp from Ubuntu dual boot, how do I remove/delete XP totaly from my Ubutu16:47
MOUDkantlivelong: Many cards are but the driver is not good16:47
kantlivelongMOUD: anythings is better then this.. im forced to 200mhz on a 700mhz gpu..16:47
HodappMOUD: What's the problem with 180?16:48
thomas__is ubottu back? :S16:48
maverickOMG it's so hard to get an answer in all this huge flood of questions...16:48
williamjrib, that example uses a passphrase free private key which is REALLY BAD!16:48
smartguyzseeking UBUNTU HELP...16:48
Somethiefsmartguyz sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst16:48
chris78vi need to change security info on my wi-fi. how do i do that? does anyone know?16:48
jribwilliam: why is it bad?  How else would you expect to automate a backup?16:48
Somethiefsmartguyz just be carefull with that file or you might end up with nonbooting system16:49
bullgard4System > Help and Support opens Ubuntu Help Center > Search: I  type in 'gnome-access-guide' and obtain: 'No results for "gnome-access-guide",' although 'Search for Files' finnds 14 hits. What is the reason for thei failure?16:49
HodappZiber: Do you know what gzip does, vs. what tar does, even in conjunction with gzip?16:49
MOUDHodapp: It has a bug that it doesn't recognice the nvidia card, even if it's supported16:49
williamjrib, you use keychains16:49
HodappMOUD: What card?16:50
williamjrib, so you only need to provide the keyphrase once on system startup16:50
smartguyzneed to get rid of XP i will use it via Virtual box latter need a strait UBUNTU system....16:50
chris78vcan anyone help me with my wi fi security issue16:50
MOUDHodapp: 9800, some geforece 8 series too16:50
smartguyz100% Ubnuntu system...16:50
presdecmartguyz, sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst remove the vista/xp part and then just format the xp partition16:50
williamjrib, otherwise, if someone where to hack into your system you would essentially just be giving them the keys to your other server accounts16:50
perilluxI'm trying to host a game server.  However I think i need to open the port with firestarter and I don't know what type it is, in the list it has DHCP, DNS, FTP, HTTP...SSH, Telnet, ect...   which do I pick?16:50
Somethiefsmartguyz then just use partition editor to destroy winxp partition16:51
HodappMOUD: hmm. I have 9800 GT, I should probably make a note of this16:51
MOUDI found a list on a forum but I don''t have the ling16:51
Somethiefand convert it to etx316:51
DefineByteHow do you change the default CPU governor from the command-line? I know you'd use gconf-editor under gnome but I'm not running X.16:51
MOUDHodapp: what version r u using now?16:51
HodappMOUD: 17716:51
kafaenis there any light weight email apps that work great?16:51
HodappMOUD: but I want to get a version that supports CUDA 2.016:51
MOUDis it giving you any glitch?16:51
HodappMOUD: I've only had it a matter of hours but I don't think so16:51
jribwilliam: iirc, that guide creates a new user who can only run the backup command, so that key would only allow the hacker to create more backups for me16:51
A[D]minShow i can delete line contain a word from file....ex: i want to delete all lines which contain a word "test" from a file16:52
presdecanyone on here have an epson printer working on i686?16:52
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.  Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/21209816:52
MOUDHodapp: I see, well, I can't help you with that, I'm sorry16:52
smartguyzhow do I wipe out the partision in ubuntu....16:52
HodappMOUD: what what?16:52
HodappMOUD: with what*16:52
Somethiefsmartguyz find partition editor in your administration menu16:52
thomas__A[D]minS: You might want to ask about that in #vim  :)16:52
MOUDHodapp: with making the 180.xx driver to recognize you card16:52
A[D]minSthomas__ thx16:53
HodappMOUD: That's not what I care about. I just want CUDA 2.016:53
yoolaosed '/test/d' test.txt16:53
williamjrib, yes but if they know your non passphrase protected private key they can access your remote computer (the one you are backing up)16:53
maverickjoin /bash16:54
valroswhy wont brasero burn this cue file, the only image type it allows me too select is iso and that gives an error16:54
jribwilliam: right, but they can only run the backup command :/16:54
maverickA[D]minS: or in #bash16:54
operasudo si what command16:54
lasiviandoes anyone know if there is an easy way to setup the madwifi drivers in 8.10?16:55
operasudo is what command--download?16:55
jribwilliam: I don't know how to do what you ask though.  I guess you would have to run ssh-agent for the user?16:55
chris78vcan someone help me set up my wi-fi?16:55
=== joe_k is now known as joaboaconstrctr
williamjrib, no, the configuration limiting the user to only run the backup command is on the backup server... not the server being backed up16:55
presdeckanenas ellinas? sry for greek16:55
A[D]minSmaverick using vim  ":g/test/d"16:55
valrossudo stands for superuser do, it runs the command as root16:55
A[D]minSi got the answer :)16:55
saeraopera, sudo apt-get to down load stuff or wget to get a web page16:55
valrosdoesnt wget work with any file accessible?16:56
MOUDHodapp: I just found this link, I hope it helps:  http://forums.nvidia.com/index.php?s=88978281626dda6959d24064926e930a&showtopic=8585516:56
operaapt-get is what command?16:56
jribwilliam: yes, but you wouldn't allow the backup user to ssh to the server being backed up at all16:56
valrosaptitude package manager, apt-get install [package name]16:56
smartguyzdo not see partision editor in the menu, system, administration....?16:57
MOUDHodapp: or you can try this forum exclusively for CUDA on Linux:  http://forums.nvidia.com/index.php?showforum=6816:57
valrosor apt-get remove [package name]16:57
saeraopera, what do you want to do?16:57
williamjrib, then how would he backup?16:57
valrossmartguyz, sudo apt-get isntall gparted16:57
presdecym epson printer is refusing to print, instructions say to install a different driver thru the printer admin program, and yet it says choose a driver 2 download and there are no options 2 choose.. really confused can anyone help plz?16:57
valrosanyone know a way to mount or burn bin/cue files?16:58
williamjrib, aren't rsync and rdiff just a layout on top of ssh?16:58
williamI mean a layer16:58
operasaera,SOME one let me sudo apt-get ,but i don't know what mean16:58
Appihi please suggest me any website related to technical video tutorials16:58
=== jussi01 is now known as jussi01_
thomas__Appi: Youtube.com16:58
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01
Somethiefsmartguyz type "sudo gparted" in terminal and see what it says16:59
williamjrib, thank you for your help. I think I will just bite the bullet right not and use passphrase free ssh16:59
jribwilliam: all you are allowing is command="rdiff-backup --server --restrict-read-only /",from="kitty",no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-pty16:59
extorIf I touch favicon.ico and create a zero byte file, will that stop all my favicon.ico apache errors or will it create a new problem with apache not being able to render the icon bitmap?16:59
dedoX!seen mcisternas17:00
ubottuI have no seen command17:00
Appithomas__:  Thank you, but do you know any other as well..17:00
smartguyz sudo apt-get isntall gparted17:00
smartguyzE: Invalid operation isntall17:00
thomas__appi: video.google.com17:00
operathank you ,i know17:00
valroslol, typo17:00
Somethiefits install, not isntall17:00
valrossudo apt-get install gparted17:00
chris78vcan someone help me with wi-fi set up?????17:00
valrosis that what you wanted to know opera?17:01
Appithomas__: okay, thank you.17:01
ameedHello All , am using Ubuntu and suddenly the PC freezes and am unable to do anything - i noticed that the keyboard keeps blinking when it freezes17:01
gizmoi need help in eggdrop of my terminal in ubuntu?17:01
smartguyzthank you....17:01
ameedAnyone Can help?17:02
williamjrib, oh yes. You are quite right. Thank you. I think I will do what that guide suggests but I will do it with the root user (I need to preserve file permissions)17:02
jribwilliam: I was wrong before, it uses the root user it seems17:03
saeraok in a terminal opera if you say go get me that application please the terminal will refuse to do it so you have to say sudo before it (hence thats why you must type sudo apt-get) if you wish to install a package you must type install after sudo apt-get (so it would look like this      sudo apt-get install   ) you must also know the package name so to install firefox 3 say sudo apt-get install firefox17:03
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.  Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/21209817:03
smartguyzSomethief thank you....17:03
presdecameed, does it do so while ur not using it? i.e during screensaver mode?17:03
saeraopera, is that useful?17:03
ameedsometimes when am not using it and sometimes when am using it17:04
ameedpresdec: mostly when am not using it17:04
jtajiextor: those are not errors, they are in your access log... there's nothing you can do about web browsers requesting favicon.ico and it wouldn't help anything using an empty file17:04
williamjrib, yes it logs in as root on the target server that it is backing up. but it backs up as a local 'backup' user... so as far as I can tell it does not preserver file ownership. The only way do to that would be to actually backup as root too17:05
jribwilliam: oh, I see17:05
_Benroyk, u still about/17:05
presdecameed: if it happens while ur using it check ur processor temperature that's the most common reason for a frozen pc like that. It could also be a known opengl problem with ur screensaver. check both17:05
phrostbiteWhere can I go to get more themes for ubuntu?17:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ununtu17:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about uuntu17:06
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com17:06
DefineByteanyone know how to make the powersave governor the default?17:06
jtajiwilliam: I do that at work and do use root for the backup.... however you could use sudo with an appropriate entry in sudoers17:06
presdecphrostbite: get the art program, lets u browse themes etc. check synaptic 4 it17:06
operasaera,YES, VERY useful,i  have copy what you said into my note17:06
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore17:06
phrostbitewhat do you mean check synaptic?17:07
stegelhello, i am trying to install ubuntu 8.10 32bit on a athlon x2 64 with a WD SATA hard drive...when i pick Install from the boot menu...i get a "Kernel Sync" error17:07
stegelany idea?17:07
chris78vcan some one please help me?17:07
stegelthe error is "kernel panic - not syncing attempted to kill init"17:07
jtajiwilliam: i.e. connect as backup user and let backup user use sudo for rdiff-backup with no password17:07
saeraoh opera in termnal type sudo apt-get moo17:08
lukasz__Hi people17:08
saerajust for fun17:08
smartguyzcan I resize the UBUNTU active partition17:08
gizmoanyone know how to wget eggdrop using terminal?17:08
_Benguys, i can't seem to stop my ubuntu 8.04 server install from trying to load 8139cp network driver... i dont even have a compatible card :(17:08
lukasz__What is my trash directory in terminal?17:08
smartguyzfrom 13 gig to 60???17:08
saeralukasz__, press the up arrow17:09
Somethiefsmartguyz i would instead format the second one and mount it as /home/ orso17:09
steve3000Anyone run into grub not detecting their WindowsXP partitions? fdisk shows they're still there but grub doesn't seem to recognize them...17:09
Somethiefso os files on one partition and user files on a bigger one17:09
lukasz__I need to do that in sudo terminal17:09
gizmoanyone know how to wget eggdrop using terminal?17:09
Somethiefsteve3000 just add entries yourself17:10
saerasudo apt-get update then whilst there press the up arrow17:10
presdecgizmo: http://www.tuxshells.com/howto_eggdrop_irc.php17:10
Stormx2gizmo, wget ftp://ftp.eggheads.org/pub/eggdrop/source/1.6/eggdrop1.6.19.tar.gz17:10
jtaji!trash | Lukasz17:10
ubottuLukasz: The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash17:10
steve3000Somethief I did, but it keeps telling me invalid disk hd(0,0) it's the first partition of the first drive...17:11
phrostbiteWhere can I go to get more themes for ubuntu?17:11
Stormx2!themes | phrostbite17:11
ubottuphrostbite: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy17:11
phrostbitesweet thank you17:11
Somethiefsteve3000 check whats ubuntu's disk number?17:11
bkillerBRhello folks17:11
saeraphrostbite, www.google.com   have you attempted to use that?17:11
Somethiefits another physical disk?17:11
lukasz__thank you :)17:11
steve3000Something: yes17:11
smartguyzwiped out XP17:11
phrostbiteI am at gnome-look.org and do i get xine themes gnomenu themes?17:12
bkillerBRis there any chat room for having OpenOffice 3 in Hardy?17:12
Somethiefsteve3000 sudo gparted17:12
smartguyzwould like to exspand the ubuntu patition...17:12
Somethiefsteve3000 and check whats in your first hd17:12
ameedpresdec: how can i trouble shoot both cases any tools i can use?17:12
phrostbiteI used google to get to gnome-look and it has so many different types of themes do they all work for ubuntu?17:12
steve3000Somethief: will have to install it... thanks...17:12
presdecphrostbite: missed ur msg, check the add remove programs for Art manager, it downloads the themes and lets u browse them and also lets u click install them :)17:13
asiatico66ciao a tutti!!17:13
phrostbiteok sweet thank you17:13
phrostbiteDo you have any themes you recommend?17:13
Stormx2phrostbite: xine doesn't have a GUI, it's a backend.17:13
Somethiefsteve3000 its probably either not flagged as bootable or has some manifacturer files in the first partition, in that case you could also try increasing the second number like hd(0,1) until you find bootable partition17:13
Stormx2I think..17:13
grobda24Why does this article not come up on either a title or text search ? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mobile%20Broadband%20Internet%20USB%20Adapters17:13
Stormx2!u | presdec17:14
ubottupresdec: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officer, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..17:14
steve3000Somethief: thanks, it looks like there is space before the boot partition... strange... going to try hd(0,2 and 0,4)... thanks17:14
presdecameed: try acpi -t for the temperature17:14
yeushey guys...   my default screendepth on kubuntu is how do I use 32bit on my desktop?17:14
smartguyzwill see you all on the flip side....17:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Stormx217:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about depth17:15
saera!U | Stormx217:15
ubottuStormx2: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officer, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..17:15
williamjtaji, but there is that same problem with automation when using sudo...17:15
Stormx2saera, don't be coy.17:15
saeraStormx2, true im not a carp so should behave17:16
jtajiwilliam: in sudoers you can give one user the ability to use a single command without password17:16
Stormx2saera, what are you talking about?17:16
dirkheinehello people17:16
ameedpresdec: i got NO ACPI support in kernal17:16
phrostbiteI downloaded art manager and I am not seeing it anywhere in the applications list. Did I miss something?17:17
saeraStormx2, it was an attempt at a joke, sorry17:17
Lukaszphrostbite, Did you try to start it from the console?17:17
phrostbiteI was not aware I could do that. I used the archive download thing and figured it would put something in the applications so its easy to start it.17:18
dirkheineI installed Ubuntu 8.10 at my HP mini-note, I completed the ubuntu wiki and all works fine, except for one thing, I can't set the resolution while, according to the Howto I should. Now it's 640x480 instead of the standard 1280x768, which is extremely annoying. What can I do to fix this?17:19
dustrialneed help with ePCI and UBUNTU ?17:19
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution17:19
Somethiefdirkheine what actually prevents you from changing it17:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xorg!dirkheine17:19
ubottudirkheine: please see above17:20
operais someone using ati2600pro video adapter? when i enable desktop effect i go some problem for playing vedio.17:20
dirkheinein the window to change it I can only choose 640x48017:20
exodus_mslooking for a nice terminal rss reader, any suggestions?17:20
Lukaszopera, Do you have "EXA" enabled in your xorg.conf?17:20
dirkheinethanks Lukasz, useful links17:20
Jack_Sparrowopera, common issue with no real solution17:20
funkbombgood morning friends17:20
Lukaszdirkheine, You're welcome, it's all in the docs on the community site.17:20
ChrisBookwoodMy ad-hoc goes down about 2minuts from start up. If i look iwconfig, my wifi card has ssid 'CBnet', and when it goes down, it has none set. Any ideas to what is deleting the ssid?17:21
MOUDcan I have an RSS feed on the right side of my desktop?17:21
LukaszJack_Sparrow, If he gets X to work with EXA?17:21
MOUD*is it possible to have17:21
joaboaconstrctranyone know how to migrate data from Mac os x evolution in ubuntu?17:22
mas2If my ubuntu system for some reason hangs/crashes what keyboard combonation do I use to see my task and kill the process. Like ctrl+alt+del in windows.17:22
Lukaszopera, Another, most recent mode of 2d acceleration for the X, enhances something in LibGL17:22
ChrisBookwoodMy ad-hoc goes down about a minut from start up. If I look in iwconfig, my wifi card has ssid 'CBnet', and when it is down, it has none set. Any ideas to what is deleting the ssid?17:22
Jack_SparrowLukasz, Feel free to walk him through but wont that kill 3d dames17:23
Lukaszopera, What exactly is your problem with?17:23
dirkheineaccording to xrandr my screen is called 'Screen 0, but I can't use it in a command, because of the space in it17:23
FireFox||mas2 : ctrl+alt + (<---) key twice17:23
mas2FireFox||: thanks!17:23
mas2FireFox||: didn't work tho17:24
FireFox||not the p^lus key17:24
Lukaszmas2, It's quite different than in Windows on Ubuntu.17:24
FireFox||it's the key to remove the letter last typed17:24
operaLUKSZ,vedio is bad quality17:24
FireFox||ctrl+alt+backspace and pres the backspace twive17:25
SomethiefFireFox|| it's also called backspace, just btw :P17:25
FireFox||Thanks Somethief I lost the word in my head:d17:25
dirkheinehow can I write spaces in a name needed for a console command?17:25
=== less is now known as more
Somethiefhaha yw ^^17:25
Lukaszmas2, I would reccomend you to type "ctrl+alt+F1" which will get you to the full terminal mode where you can check any process or, when needed kill it17:25
FireFox||Lukasz: also tell how to get back in X :)17:26
Somethiefdirkheine put it in quotes17:26
bkillerBRis it possible to increase resolution in terminal screen mode?17:26
unopdirkheine,  command  "argument with spaces"17:26
dirkheineok, thanks17:26
mas2FireFox||: that did work =) but it reloaded my hole system. If I was doing something that would not be saved. If there was an application that caused the crash it would be better to just kill that process.17:26
Lukaszopera, Can you please explain me more clearly your issue?17:26
[biabia]recent upgrade prompted me with a choice whether to accept their suggested changes to menu.lst or not. i modified it previously to password protect. will their suggested changes remove my lock?17:26
FireFox||mas2 an other way is to open a console, type xkill and klick on the window you want to shutdown17:27
LukaszFireFox||, The X session you find under "F7" usually.17:27
Jack_SparrowFireFox||, whtat about tab complete for spaces in commands17:27
vigoThis might help: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/intrepid/17:27
Jack_SparrowFireFox||, filenames etc.. it is quite helpful17:27
dirkheinehere Screen 0 is my output, right? http://www.pastebin.be/1597117:28
smartguyzhow do I setup multiple monitors17:28
operaLukasz, can't play movie smoothly, say often stop several seconds17:28
ubottuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama17:28
FireFox||Jack_Sparrow: I wouldn't have a clue , I'm quite a beginner my self, so I do not really get what your talking about17:28
smartguyzdoes Ubuntu recognize extended monitors17:28
Lukaszmas2, Right, but wouldn't it kill only a program instance communicating with the X. i'm not sure if the process itself would get killed too17:28
operaI am using a open source driver downloaded from office website17:28
mas2Lukasz: how do i return to to X after I went into the full terminal?17:28
smartguyzI see the same screen17:29
Somethiefsmartguyz it does, just plug one in and press the external screen button in your keyboard (if on laptop)17:29
smartguyzneed 2 independent screens17:29
mas2FireFox||: thanks17:29
Lukaszmas2, Typing "ctrl+alt+F7"17:29
Jack_SparrowFireFox||, In a terminal and you are trying to get to a folder etc with a space in the name you can type the first few letter and hit tab17:29
mas2Lukasz: thanks17:29
Somethiefopen screen resolution in your administration menu17:29
dirkheinecheck the howto you got by !dualhead, smartguyz17:29
Lukaszmas2, You could read a bit about the process managment in linux through console, it's really handy and useful17:30
MOUDIs it possible to have a RSS feed on the right side of my desktop?17:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about process17:30
bkillerBRSomethief, I don't mean the graphical interface17:30
FireFox||ah Yes indeed Jack_Sparrow I knew that, why are you tleling?17:30
vigoIs Tux any good?17:30
Lukaszvigo, Of course :D17:31
_Benguys im loosing my mind here! ubuntu is refusing to load my network driver :( it says every time i boot up it says "this (blahblahblah) is not an 8139C+ compatible chip."  and "try the "8139too" driver instead "17:31
vigoThank you17:31
SomethiefbkillerBR sorry wasnt talking to you, what was yout question? :P17:31
smartguyzdo not see screen resolution in the admin window17:31
Jack_SparrowFireFox||, you were telling him about screen 0 I was just adding another option while I am waking up having coffee.. did not mean to interrupt17:31
Somethiefsmartguyz kde or gnome?17:31
smartguyzI see it in the prefs menu17:31
vigoI have to fix an old Itronix, and all the docs I saw said Tux Mobile17:31
Somethiefwell smartguyz that one is fine17:31
Lukaszopera, What driver are you using? "Ati" or "fglrx", do you have "Direct Rendering" enabled?17:32
FireFox||ha Jack_Sparrow no problem :) but I think you are confiusing me with an other person mate (also no problem :))17:32
bkillerBRsomethief, how can i increase the terminal text mode resolution17:32
operalukasz. I am using Ati, with direct rendering enabled17:33
SomethiefbkillerBR you mean terminal running in a window or the real terminal mode?17:33
operaand,i fint i can17:33
bkillerBRsomethief, real terminal17:33
SomethiefbkillerBR sorry no idea :/17:34
Somethieftry googling?17:34
savmanI have a problem on ubuntu can somebody help me?17:34
Somethiefsavman ask dont wonder17:34
operadon't konow how to enable desktop effect(3d desktop) with ati driver17:34
_Benguys im loosing my mind here! ubuntu is refusing to load my network driver :( it says every time i boot up it says "this (blahblahblah) is not an 8139C+ compatible chip."  and "try the "8139too" driver instead " i have been googling etc for 3 hours now with no joy :(17:34
savmanI have a game called urban terror but when I run it my screen says out of range17:35
savmando you know how to fix it?17:35
smartguyzUbuntu will not let me extend monitors...?17:35
Somethiefsavman is it an error issued by the screen or some warning by X server?17:35
Jack_Sparrowsavman, I had to run it with a command line modifier to give it res. I found that answer on their wiki17:35
TheFunkbombI'm sorry.  I'm back17:35
smartguyzI placed them side by side....17:36
savmanby the screen17:36
Somethiefsmartguyz use that screen resulution thingy17:36
bkillerBR_Ben try googling with ndiswrapper17:36
savmanbecause me screen goes black17:36
Jack_Sparrowsmartguyz, yes it will.. see also twinview and xinerama17:36
bkillerBR_Ben, ndiswrapper + your NIC17:36
_Benndiswrapper? what is that?17:36
lasivianis there such a thing as an ubuntu-friendly smartphone yet?17:36
TheFunkbombNew question.  How can I get the headphone ports to work with ubuntu?17:36
dirkheinexrandr gave this output: http://www.pastebin.be/15971 so I used "Screen 0" as output screen, but it responded "output not found"17:36
Lukaszopera, can you pastebin the output of " sudo grep \(EE\)  /var/log/Xorg.0.log" please ?17:37
smartguyz twinview and xinerama...?17:37
SomethiefTheFunkbomb a laptop?17:37
Somethiefsmartguyz google is your friend17:37
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:37
dustrialHELP ME with ePCI  and ubuntu 8.10? how to find out if ePCI is soupported??!?!17:37
smartguyzAhh ok thanks...17:37
ubottutwinview is a feature provided by nvidia cards, which can be configured with nvidia-settings17:37
ubottu_Ben: please see above17:37
operaOK, lUKASZ17:37
Jack_Sparrowdustrial, pci-e is supported, im on one now17:38
ChrisBookwoodMy ad-hoc goes down about a minut from start up. If I look in iwconfig, my wifi card has ssid 'CBnet', and when it is down, it has none set. Any ideas to what is deleting the ssid?17:38
operaoK LUKASZ, I am a new starter on ubuntu, still lots of things to learn. anyway, thanks for your help.17:38
Jack_Sparrow!pm > dustrial17:38
ubottudustrial, please see my private message17:38
_Benis ndiswrapper for wifi?17:38
LnxSlck_Ben, yes17:38
TheFunkbombSomethief: yes, for a laptop17:38
_Benits not a wireless card17:38
Somethief_Ben it works with alot of things just try it17:39
savmanI wanna run a game but is says out of range and screen goes black17:39
=== bjames is now known as Guest50403
SomethiefTheFunkbomb you got 8.10? it fixed my issue17:39
Lukaszopera, It's fine, I'm a beginner too.17:39
dustrialJack_Sparrow:  how to check if my Ubuntu also soupports ePCI-cards?17:39
TheFunkbombyes, I have 8.1017:39
Lukasz_Ben, It might be17:39
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection17:39
gnok_basterUn SaLuto a Tutto  iL Chan Di  #ubuntu17:39
williamis it possible to make ssh-askpass stop using X?17:39
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)17:40
dios2i loves ubuntu17:40
williamand use the command line instead17:40
aeonorissavman, try fiddling with the resolution.  Also, haven't like five people answered you now?17:40
SomethiefTheFunkbomb try lspci | grep Audio17:40
Guest50403I've recently installed Ubuntu and it seems to have created an extended partition - is there any way I can convert this partition to a primary partition whilst keeping the installed system?17:40
operai love ubuntu too17:41
Lukasz_Ben, Briefly, Ndiswrapper is a windows network driver, suited to work on Ubuntu17:41
grobda24Can someone see if this article turns up in a search ? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mobile%20Broadband%20Internet%20USB%20Adapters17:41
TheFunkbombcan I post two lines of reports here or should I use pastebin?17:41
SomethiefTheFunkbomb you can pm em17:41
Lukaszgrobda24, Wait17:41
Jack_SparrowGuest50403, there is limit of 4 physical partitions which is why there are extedned to hold logical partitions17:42
Guest50403Lukazs: Actually, as the name suggests, it is a _wrapper_ that allows Windows network drivers to be used on Linux.17:42
bkillerBRjust found out about the term text mode17:42
_Benok. i'll look into it. I know that my lan card does work with 8139too as it was absolutely fine in delilinux17:42
Jack_SparrowTheFunkbomb, two short lines no wrapping17:42
Guest50403Jack_Sparrow: My system has only two partitions.17:42
bkillerBRthanks guys17:42
Jack_SparrowGuest50403, why is this an issue?17:42
joejc_where does firefox save the bookmarks to?17:42
dustrialJack_Sparrow: so why is my W-LAN (PCIe) card not presented in $lspci output?17:42
Guest50403Jack_Sparrow: sda -> sda1 (swap), sda2 (extended) -> sda5 (install)17:42
d0netsFNhey is there a good open source burning app for burning wmv's to dvd?17:43
Guest50403Jack_Sparrow: It's just non-ideal - I'd rather not have extended partitions at all.17:43
kbrosnanjoejc_: ~/.mozilla/firefox/.../places.sqlite17:43
jtajid0netsFN: devede17:43
Jack_SparrowGuest50403, I would suggest a fresh install, manually partition, create two ext3 and one swap and reinstall, it is a much better setup all the way around17:44
Guest50403Jack_Sparrow: That was my backup plan in case there was no solution.17:44
Lukaszgrobda24, It seems still not to17:45
Guest50403I'll probably start again with one / and one /home partition.17:45
Guest50403(and swap of course)17:45
Guest50403Shame there's no solution, but thanks anyway :)17:45
Jack_SparrowGuest50403, YOu can move everything over, but if this is a fresh install..  backup /var/cache/apt/archives.. that is where all of those downloaded updated went.. it will cut your install time way down.17:45
Guest50403Jack_Sparrow: cheers17:46
grobda24Lukasz, odd isn't it ?17:46
d0netsFNthanks jtaji im installing now17:46
dustrialany-help pls: $lspci doesnt show my PCIe-card ... so how to see if it is there?17:47
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Jack_Sparrowdustrial, give more info with your question.. like make model and chipset of the card.17:47
=== Ukhyii is now known as FiRaRdA
dustrialJack_Sparrow:  $lspci should yield: Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications, Inc. AR5006EG 802.11 b/g Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)17:49
mordofok.. so i hit something, and accidentally made firefox go fullscreen (not F11 fullscreen.. ) it overlaps my top and bottom bars, and i have no idea how to disable it, is this something with ubuntu or firefox? and does anyone know how to turn it off?17:49
MOUDJack_Sparrow: hey jack, how are you?17:49
Jack_Sparrowmorning MOUD17:49
Lukaszgrobda24, It doesn't even if I search by keywords. Mabe, it hasn't been indexes yet by google?17:50
Lukaszopera, How is it going, need any help?17:50
Jack_Sparrowdustrial, I dont have an answer, I dont use much in the way of wireless.  and any wireless card I have used all came from the supported hardware list and worked out of the box17:50
mirakis there a way to list packages in a system that are not dependent of another package17:51
Muhammad_SaadHello, Can someone tell me a way to install just a basic command-line Ubuntu system?17:51
dustrialJack_Sparrow:  thx anyways17:51
jtajimordof: I saw someone with this problem the other day and they hit F11 several times to solve it17:51
clouthe new nvidia driver  180.22 is out17:51
clouwill it be in envyng?17:51
clouor do i have to install it manually?17:51
Jack_SparrowMuhammad_Saad, there is minimal and server without desktops w/ms etc17:51
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD17:51
_Benguys i've just looked into the ndiswrapper stuff. im pretty sure its going to be of no use. a different linux distro i was playin with used the lan card with the driver 8139too without any issues. ubuntu is trying to load another driver, 8139cp. it loads both that driver AND 8139too. ive tried mucking with rmmod, lsmod, modprobe etc etc and still cannot get anywhere. how can i manually configure ubuntu to not try to load the 8139cp driver at all?17:52
mordofjtaji: : that's messed up.... but it worked, lol. ty. took pressing it fast like 4 times in a row17:52
Lukaszmirak, Don't know the exact answer to your question, but, have you ever tried "wajig"? It has a whole bunch of options for managing packages17:52
ubottuwajig is a simple tool for basic debian administration. you can handle apt commands, change alternatives defaults and handle service daemons via simple commands. wajig uses sudo every time. http://www.togaware.com/linux/survivor/Wajig_Overview.html17:52
grobda24Lukasz, have you tried searching using the wiki search ? I can't get that to do it either ! :|17:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wajig!mirak17:52
ubottumirak: wajig is a simple tool for basic debian administration. you can handle apt commands, change alternatives defaults and handle service daemons via simple commands. wajig uses sudo every time. http://www.togaware.com/linux/survivor/Wajig_Overview.html17:53
jtajimordof: strange, thanks for the feedback... I've never experienced that issue myself17:53
kabahHola hola17:53
kabahNo se usar esto!! x_x17:53
FloodBot2kabah: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about esp17:53
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:53
mordofjtaji: first i'd experienced it also. i didn't even hit F11 to begin with, lol. i looked through all the menus, no idea how it happened17:53
sachaelin the ubuntu installer, is resizing of NTFS partitions problematic? (ubuntu 8.10)17:54
kabahhola hola?17:54
High_Speednew to the linux world, could someone help me a little with sound card drivers?17:54
clouthe new nvidia driver  180.22 is out, will it be in envyng or di i habe to install it manually with the nvidia installer?17:54
Jack_Sparrow\!es > kabah17:54
wolteri am playing warcraft 3 and the maximum resolution i can get is  1024x768, while the resolution i have normally in the desktop is 1280x80017:54
Jack_Sparrow!es > kabah17:54
ubottukabah, please see my private message17:54
mordofsachael: gparted can do it. don't know if the ubuntu partition thing is updated with what gparted uses17:54
daredevilthereHey all i need a software that manages by files like songs, documents etc.my hd is all jumbled up17:54
ubottua free and open source office suite, including word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components.  To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". User help available in #users.openoffice.org17:54
wolter!who > ubottu17:54
ubottuwolter, please see my private message17:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about OO317:55
Lukasz_Ben, Have you tried blacklisting it in /etc/modprobe ?17:55
=== FriedCPU is now known as FRiEd|BnC
_Benlukasz yep17:55
icqnumber!info openoffice.org17:55
ubottuopenoffice.org (source: openoffice.org): OpenOffice.org Office suite. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.4.1-11ubuntu2.1 (intrepid), package size 4 kB, installed size 44 kB17:55
SiDikabah, aqui para espanoles : #ubuntu-es17:55
Muhammad_SaadJack_Sparrow, Is there a way to install command-line system from alternate CD?17:55
_Benlukasz at least i tink so. i added blacklist 8139cp to the end of the file17:55
icqnumberis there openoffice 3 for ubuntu?17:55
SiDiicqnumber, yes but you need to add a repository from launchpad17:56
Jack_SparrowMuhammad_Saad, alternate is just text installer of full system17:56
Lukasz_Ben, Which file?17:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about modprobe17:56
icqnumberSiDi, have you tried it already?17:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about module17:56
ubottuTo compile modules and drivers that are not bundled with the standard kernel,  for more info /msg ubottu kernel  , install the relevant package, usually called "<modulename>-source", and run « sudo module-assistant » (you will have to do this again after kernel updates). To prevent specific modules from loading, see /msg ubottu blacklist17:56
High_Speedcan anyone tell me how to update my alsa drivers to the latest version?17:56
Jack_SparrowMuhammad_Saad, you can sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop if you want17:56
Jack_Sparrow!fishing > Lukasz17:56
ubottuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »17:56
ubottuLukasz, please see my private message17:56
SiDiicqnumber, i'm using it :)17:57
Jack_SparrowLukasz, please /msg ubottu command       to not spam the channel17:57
SiDiicqnumber, youu'll need to run DicOOo to properly setup your language's dictionnary, though, but it works well.17:57
shyampls tell is it is possible to install piding in ubantu 5.1017:57
_Benjack_sparrow, hes only trying to help me :)17:57
LukaszJack_Sparrow, Sorry, Didn't know that.17:57
TheFunkbombNew Question:  Ubuntu comes with Rhythmbox as the music player.  First, when I tried to play an MP3, it asked to find codecs.  When I went to install the codecs, there were stipulations.  How closely do I have to stick to those stipulations?17:57
icqnumberSiDi, okey thank you17:57
Jack_Sparrow_ben he can !command > yournick and send it to you without spamming us with it too17:58
TheFunkbombfollow up question.  Does Amarok2 work in Ubuntu?  The site says kubuntu and is it worth the installation?17:58
=== KIAaze is now known as KIAaze|away
SiDiicqnumber, want me to pm you the repository ? i don't have the auth key though17:59
_Benjack_sparrow ok ta :)17:59
batcoder-7do any of you guys here like soft touch keyboards ?17:59
=== geo_ is now known as geo05_
jokkaaWhat is the best music player for ubuntu? My audacious suddenly started to lagg all songs, and xmms2 will not add songs...18:01
shyamis it is possible to install piding in ubantu 5.1018:01
SiDiicqnumber, intrepid or hardy ? here is the repo to add for intrepid : deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/openoffice-pkgs/ubuntu intrepid main (to be added in /etc/apt/sources.list) (be aware that since the repository isn't authentificated you'll have warning messages when downloading an openoffice.org message)18:01
IndyGunFreakshyam: it'd be smarter to try and upgrade.18:01
IndyGunFreak!eol | shyam 5.10 is well past it..18:02
ubottushyam 5.10 is well past it..: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases18:02
Ienorandjokkaa: I like decibel for simplicity18:02
Jack_Sparrowshyam, You need to upgrade 5.10 does not have security updates and has reached end of life18:02
icqnumberSiDi,  is it the link you have used https://launchpad.net/~openoffice-pkgs/+archive ?18:02
SiDijokkaa, you can try rythmbox, exaile, amarok, listen, quod libet, and there are prolly others18:02
MOUDjokkaa: I would suggest VLC since it supports many audio and video codecs18:02
High_Speedcan someone point me to info on how I can update to the latest version of alsa drivers?18:02
danubi accidently stopped a program with ctrl + z, how do i start it again and kill it?18:02
Jack_SparrowHigh_Speed, /join #alsa18:02
shyamthank u18:02
IndyGunFreaki don't know about VLC for just normal mp3 playin18:02
Lukasz!media > jokkaa18:03
ubottujokkaa, please see my private message18:03
IndyGunFreaki'm sure it works, but there's probably better18:03
icqnumberSiDi, okey i see, ti is the same thank you18:03
SiDihttp://news.softpedia.com/news/How-To-Install-OpenOffice-org-3-0-in-Ubuntu-8-10-96449.shtml icqnumber  :)18:03
LukaszJack_Sparrow, Thanks for the hint on using ubottu :)18:03
phrostbiteI downloaded a different themes for the login screen and I can't figure out how to apply it there?18:03
ekphi I am having difficulty mounting my DVD recorder player18:04
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Jack_Sparrowphrostbite, drag and drop the tar onto the login manager18:04
ekpreceiving bad block error18:04
LukaszHigh_Speed, Try to look for "alsa-base" package18:04
zeroRooterekp: you mean what by mouting it?18:04
zeroRooterlike daemon tools? or actually puttign in a dvd player18:04
icqnumberSiDi, strange that i was not included in intrepid https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OOo30Schedule18:04
phrostbiteJack_Sparrow, thank you I will try that..18:05
SiDiicqnumber, i think it's because it was released just too late for ubuntu devs to integrate it18:05
phrostbiteThat worked, thank you.18:05
MOUDJack_Sparrow: do you know how can I access my Nokia phone in ubuntu? My phone is found on bluetooth devices18:06
zeroRooterwell thats a first lol j/k18:06
ekpblock device /dev/scd0 is write-protected, mounting read-only18:06
Jack_SparrowMOUD, not really18:06
ekp/dev/scd0: can't read superblock18:06
MOUDJack_Sparrow: ok then, thanks18:06
Steve42who understands full disk encryption.  I have it setup and working because I installed from the alternative cd but I dont understand if all files are decrypted once you enter your passphrase or if they are encrypted/decrypted on every read/write?18:06
LukaszMOUD, There's been some bugs regarding accessing NOKIA devices on 8.10, check on launchpad18:06
Jack_Sparrowekp, usually means there was an unclean mount, put the flash in a windows box and remove properly or force mount18:06
LukaszMOUD, Sorry about getting into question. Maybe Jack knows how to help18:07
ekpwhat do you mean to put in a windows box and remove18:07
MOUDLukasz: thanks for the tip :)18:07
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Jack_Sparrowekp, is it a flash drive removeable drive with fat or ntfs partitions?18:07
strangeseraphwhy can't I remove all the open office programs without removing english language support? :(18:08
ekpno it is a DVD drive internal IDE master18:08
LukaszMOUD, I myself have one that works only by bluetooth, no chance to mount it.18:08
ekpdoes it have something to do with scsi emulation18:08
icqnumberSiDi,  and looks like it is not even the final release, instead rc118:08
Steve42disk encryption help anyone?18:08
MOUDLukasz: which phone you have?18:09
SiDiicqnumber, it's the 3.0.1 rc1 :)18:09
SiDiicqnumber, the repository is the one for the dev version of ooo for ubuntu (instead of 2.4 its now 3.0.1 rc1, it was still 3.0 a few days ago)18:09
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Steve42last call. i need help with understanding encryption18:10
SiDiicqnumber, if you want only the stable 3.0 you can remove the repository and download it on openoffice.org18:10
ekpzeroRooter Jack Sparrow:  It is a LG dvd drive IDE interface jumper set on master18:10
timebombwhat's a good way to incrementally develop a custom ready to deploy version of ubuntu server for a tiny server machine?18:10
=== FRiEd|BnC is now known as FriedCPU
mas2Is it possible to run KDE apps in gnome? I found Krusader (File Manager App) but it said it was for KDE and in Synaptic it wanted me to download alot of files with KDE in it's name. If it is possible what is the cons? Performance or stability?18:10
Steve42yes, you can run kde apps in gnome18:11
phrostbiteI can't remember what the thing is i need to download to play certain dvd's its like libcvvs or some crazy letters like that18:11
Steve42once you install the application it will install the needed libraries for kde apps to function18:11
SiDimas2, you can but it's a bad idea18:11
ekpI originally had it as slave to my CDROM and could mount it but switch it to master because could not put boot DVD in it and get it recognized18:11
Steve42installing ubuntu-restricted-extras will get everything for multimedia and then you can play dvd's18:12
mas2SiDi: why is it a bad idea?18:12
SiDimas2, this means each time you run krusader, it'll run a lot of kde background stuff in order for it to work, and the program will not use your theming, etc18:12
bluevapour hey guys tryin to setup a server, using firehol as iptables management, and using lightttpd with ipv6 enabled just in case, lan is fine, outside users can connect to ssh on port 22 fine, but not 8018:12
bluevapour<bluevapour> thats the link18:12
phrostbitewhere do i get ubuntu-restricted-extras?18:12
LukaszMOUD, It's a 516018:12
LukaszMOUD, That's the bug thread https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+source/linux/+bug/28770118:13
mas2SiDi: ah okey then I will not do it. I use Gnome Commander now and it works great and so on but don't like the design on the interface seems like it was made 10 years ago hehe.18:13
SiDimas2, and  nautilus has a lot of functions like ssh, ftp (hasardous :P) support. if you want to try another file explorer, i recommand you to use one that is written in gtk (used by gnome apps) instead of qt (kde apps). (for instance you can try Thunar, from XFCE)18:13
_Benguys.... blacklist has managed to stop the system from loading 8139cp, BUT sudo /etc/init.d/networking start says error while getting interface flags: no such device18:13
ekpJack Sparrow; any ideas?18:13
phrostbitenvm I found it. Thank you very much.18:13
MOUDLukasz: thanks for the link, gonna take a look18:13
ChrisBookwoodMy ad-hoc goes down about a minut from start up. If I look in iwconfig, my wifi card has ssid 'CBnet', and when it is down, it has none set. Any ideas to what is deleting the ssid?18:14
Steve42sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras18:14
mas2SiDi: thanks for the explination. Will look up Thunar18:14
LukaszMOUD, Maybe you'll find some reports that can help out with your issue18:14
zeroRooterwhat does sudp mean? lol18:15
MOUDLukasz: I hope so :)18:15
LukaszSiDi, What aside of Thunar would you recommend?18:15
LukaszZeroGRiD, "super user do" ? ;)18:15
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:15
ekpzeroRooter: when I put in DVD it will not mount.....error bad superblocks18:15
icqnumber!info openoffice.org-pdfimport18:16
ubottuPackage openoffice.org-pdfimport does not exist in intrepid18:16
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SiDiLukasz, i don't know any other for gnome. There's nautilus. As Thunar is in gtk it should be properly integrated, but the other file explorers are all in Qt, AFAIK18:16
SiDizeroRooter, it means "do as super user"18:17
bluevapourCan anyone help me please18:17
amews_ajIs it safe to resize a vista partition using live cd ?18:17
amews_ajHow high risk of failure?18:17
SiDibluevapour, ask your question and if someone can, he/she will18:17
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SiDiamews_aj, it did it twice, i once had a failure message but in fact for both tries it succeeded18:17
Jack_Sparrowamews_aj, There is always risk working at the partition level.. but generally considered safe18:18
SiDiamews_aj, it remains very risky for a NTFS partition. Please save all your data before.18:18
amews_ajSiDi: I once tried that xp wouldn't boot again. is it common ?18:18
Jack_Sparrowamews_aj, Not common, did you defrag twice before resizing18:18
SiDiamews_aj, NTFS is implemented by reverse engineering. Noone can guarantee wether it'll work or not, even if it will often work :p18:18
SiDiYeh always defrag before resizing, it decreases the risk of errors18:19
ben_traukoamews you'd better back up your winvista disk18:19
LukaszSiDi, Nautilus misses some features, like "File Browser" to "Spacial Mode" switching18:19
bluevapourhmm i guess no1 can18:19
amews_ajSiDi: If it fails, is there still a way to make it ok again?18:19
Jack_Sparrowamews_aj, Also .. if you have limited free space, it increases the dangers18:19
amews_ajor at least to get files out ?18:19
Jack_Sparrowamews_aj, Dont plan on it18:19
wisniewskihy can someone help me i had mounted my ntfs drive on xubuntu and after restart i have no promission for it18:20
Jack_Sparrowamews_aj, Backup what you cant afford to lose.18:20
SiDiamews_aj, if your data has been entirely saved you can remake the partition and then put the data back. thus *save your data* !18:20
Somethiefwindows can usually correct the errors made by ntfs-3g but you should still have a backup18:20
amews_ajJack_Sparrow: k, how much difference is there from installing an OS on internal hdd or external hdd?18:20
AvengingwatcherI am going to be setting up an Ubuntu Server and I haven't been command line in a while so I was gonna install XFCE over it. The server will be a dedicated server and on an extra box so nothing mission critical yet. On a scale of 1 to 10 10 being highest how difficult do you think the transition should be?18:20
amews_ajhow much speed difference ?18:20
ekpSiDi: do you have any idea why I can not mount my DVD drive in 8.10?  Did work before when slave to CDROM but now as master will not18:20
Somethiefamews_aj big18:20
Jack_Sparrowamews_aj, externals seem to be much harder because of the bootloader issue18:20
Lukasz_Ben, Try, under root "ifconfig" to see if your kernel shows up any net devices18:20
SiDiamews_aj, the difference is between USB and SATA. Huge performance decrease with USB disks18:21
amews_ajSiDi: how much18:21
SiDiekp no idea, sorry18:21
wisniewskicon someone help18:21
dr_willis!ntfs-3g | wisniewski18:21
ubottuwisniewski: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions18:21
_Benlukasz, just the loopback18:21
SiDiamews_aj, i think you can write like 2/3 times faster on a SATA (internal) disk18:21
henrik-_I have a problem with my Windows XP installation and Ubuntu.18:21
henrik-_I installed Windows XP, and then I installed ubuntu 8.1018:22
wisniewskithe drive is mounted but i cant opent it after restatr18:22
SiDiamews_aj, and as they're meant to be used for OS's i think constructors make better quality disks if they're internal (as they usually have 5yr warranty and not 3 like usb external disks)18:22
_Benlukasz, im trying to force the 8139 module to load with initramfs atm18:22
henrik-_Now, when I try to boot, I get BSOD. So, if I try to install Windows XP again, will it write over GRUB?18:22
gehel__amews_aj: perfomances depends a lot on the kind of drives you have. You can find very fast external HDD on firewire.18:22
amews_ajSiDi: K, I have a vista partition on 111 GB, 45 gb free. Do you think it is ok decreasing that by 20 gb18:22
ikoniahenrik-_: it will overwrite grub, you'll have to replace it18:22
sachaelare there any pitfalls when installing Ubuntu besides an existing Vista installtion?18:22
henrik-_If so, how do I install Grub after the WinXP installation?18:22
ikoniahenrik-_: take the BSOD message to ##windows channel and they can help debug it18:22
henrik-_ikonia: That's what I figured, but what is the easiest way?18:22
[hydra]henrik- windows xp will write over grub18:23
ikoniahenrik-_: re-installing grub to the mbr after windows is not a massive task18:23
SiDiamews_aj, if you didn't forget to save your data it's ok :) but actually 45gb will be enough for an ubuntu install :)18:23
daredeviltherehenrik-_: use ubuntu live cd ti repair grub18:23
gehel__amews_aj: rule of thumb on any partition type is to keep 10% free to avoid too much fragmentation18:23
henrik-_ikonia: well, I get BSOD for 1/5 second, so I have no idea what's wrong.18:23
amews_ajSiDi: 45 of the 111 gb free18:23
henrik-_Safe mode won't work either, so I guess I'll just have to reinstall Windows XP.18:23
SiDiamews_aj, for the OS, 15GB, 4GB (or 2 if you have 2GB ram) of swap, and there are 25gb left for your home partition18:23
amews_ajhave to resize18:23
=== Poi is now known as drunky
gilHey, I'm picking up my wireless network but when I try to connect it hang on "attempting to join wireless network" for a while, then it asks for the key, I type it in and it hangs on "attempting" again18:23
ikoniahenrik-_: most common cause (not fact) is that you didn't chkdisk /defrag your windows disk before ubuntu install18:23
vigoWhat if root is not installed?18:23
gilIt cycles through that for a while, any ideas?18:23
operai have down adobereader*.deb with firefox,but i can't install with double thick. how should i do18:24
daredeviltherehenrik-_: reinstall windows than repair grub18:24
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AraneidaeI cannot open my DVD tray -- `eject` does nothing (have tried -r and root).  Any suggestions?18:24
henrik-_daredevilthere: okay, so I boot from the CD, I open partition editor (GParted) and then what?18:24
sachaelgil, isn't there a drop-box with the type of the key that you enter; try the other options18:24
henrik-_Is there a button saying "Repair Grub"?18:24
Somethiefopera why cant you install it?18:24
SiDiopera, check if you have GDebi, for installing .deb files graphically18:24
Jack_Sparrowopera, double click should do a deb.. what error do you get18:24
gilsachael: I've tried several options I believe, but I'll try it again now18:24
wisniewskino one an idea18:24
daredevilthereopera: do frm terminal sudodpkg -i adobereader*.deb18:24
High_Speedcan someone help me figure out why my sound card worked under ubuntu but not ubuntulite?18:24
SiDiamews_aj, i'm going to eat. Ask Jack_Sparrow if you have any other questions, he's prolly wiser than me ;)18:24
gehel__Araneidae: some process is probably locking the drive. try running "lsof /dev/dvd"18:24
Jack_SparrowAraneidae, umount it first18:25
grobda24Just somehow managed to "sudo rm *" in my home directory. Only lost two minor files, but I have lost all of the ",settings" files ! Is there a way te regenerate default installed files like .profile ?18:25
gharzguys, i've just installe xchm... but whenever i open a .chm file xchm doesn't open it... i have to open the .chm file thru Applications->Office->xCHM... how do i set my machine to associate .chm files with xCHM?18:25
sachaelgil, i got a similar problem until i realised that the option that is selected by default isn't the correct one18:25
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Araneidaegehel__, I already ran `umount -l`, which has worked in the past ...18:25
_Benlukasz, just thought... it wouldn't be that pci devices dont work in linux-386 would it?18:25
gehel__gharz: copy files from /etc/skel18:25
adaptrgrobda24: * does not match dotfiles by default; what did you REALLY do ?18:25
daredeviltheregrobda24: i think they would b back18:25
AraneidaeIt's true, there are programs fighting me for it (under wine)18:25
gharzgehel__: which files should i copy?18:25
gharzthe .chm files?18:25
operawhen i double click, it let me choose the fit file to open it18:25
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gilsachael: that actually happened to me on this computer with an earlier version of ubuntu, I changed the type and it started working but that doesn't seem to be working here18:26
Jack_Sparrowgrobda24, silly boy.. You can also try booting a livecd and copying that config info over18:26
nownotim trying to pass a post variable to a python script. how does the code look on the python end to accept this variable18:26
Jack_Sparrownownot, Try #python programming channel ty18:26
AraneidaeThe device is now unmounted, indeed there is no dvd device anymore18:26
grobda24adaptr, you're right. They're there ! Guess I panicked a bit. "ls" does not list .files either which threw me as well.18:27
gilHey, my network-manager hangs on "Attempting to join wireless network", anyone know how to get around that?18:27
nownotJack_Sparrow: im in there but there willingness to help with something this low level is next to none18:27
Jack_SparrowAraneidae, if this is for swapping disks under wine.. /join #winehq18:27
grobda24Jack_Sparrow, good idea .. if anything has been lost.18:27
Jack_Sparrownownot, and it is offtopic here18:28
daredeviltherecan u tell me how can i mount drives so that specific user has read write access18:28
gharzguys, how do i associate .chm files with xCHM? i installed xCHM but i can't double click the .chm file to open it18:28
wisniewskialways when i try to open the drive promission denies18:28
grobda24nownot, is it #python ?18:28
Jack_Sparrowdaredevilthere, you can read up on fstab and set permissions there on the mount18:28
sachaelare there any pitfalls when installing Ubuntu besides an existing Vista installtion?18:28
_Benlukasz, still isnt working18:29
gilWith the issue I'm having, someone said they killed all services for NetworkManager and it started working, can someone tell me how to do that?18:29
daredevilthereJack_Sparrow: from where18:29
daredevilthereJack_Sparrow: any help18:29
Lukasz_Ben, No, rather impossible.18:29
grobda24sachael, you could check the http://help.ubuntu.com wiki that lists the issues.18:30
_Benlukasz, whats rather impossible?18:30
henrik-_Damn, looks like my NTFS partition is corrupted.18:30
Lukasz_Ben, Linux not supporting PCI devs18:30
_Benlol ok :)18:30
Jack_Sparrowdaredevilthere, man fstab .. sorry, but I am trying to enjoy breakfast atm18:30
henrik-_I can't find it when I booted from the WinXP CD.18:30
_Benjust that pci wasnt invented when 386's first came out18:31
daredevilthereJack_Sparrow: alrite sry il read that18:31
gilAnyone know how to get NetworkManager to stop hanging at "Attempting to connect to wireless network"?18:31
Lukasz_Ben, I'd consider creating a thread on http://ubuntuforums.org18:31
operai do what sudokpg ...it say command not find18:31
_Benok lukasz. I'll do that18:31
Lukasz_Ben, I'm sorry, i can't help you with that, I'm not good at hardware, sorry.18:31
daredevilthereopera: sorry leave a space18:31
_Benok no worries.18:32
daredevilthereopera:  sudo dpkg -i file.deg18:32
_Benoh and thanks very much for your effort :)18:32
Jack_Sparrowdaredevilthere, permissions set there are the reverse of  normal permissions like 775 etc18:32
cmv583i need help with uibuntu on usb. I've been at it for a few days now and not sure enough that I won't mess up existing data. Not sure how to backup either.18:32
Lukasz_Ben, Let's not make it too big :)18:32
bashcahi there i tried backup my  os  using aptoncd  but i got this error FATAL -> Failed to fork.18:32
TonnoHi everyone, I found a Usplash on gnome-look.org, And I would like to install it in my PC, but I don't know how to install it because is a .tar.gz, can someone here help me out? pleases18:32
=== TCM is now known as TCM|Away
rainycloudgents, proftpd is not listing directory structure when used externally, interestingly when configuring the proftpd.conf file since i am behind a nat router, it is accessing it just fine internally but the host file seems to be taking instead of , could this be the reason externally the directroty structure is not listing? as when i use its not listing internally but when i use it is..18:33
ikonia!away > TCM|Away18:33
ubottuTCM|Away, please see my private message18:33
daredevilthereTonno: Is a a gdm login splash?18:33
rainycloudTonno put that uplash screen in the grub folder and edit the grub conf file if it is a grub splash file..18:33
Lukasz_Ben, I'm sure some Ubuntu dev or just more experienced user will help yoo out with that18:34
Lukasz_Ben, Before making a thread you could try to "ask" google about "the chipset name" + "your Ubuntu version"18:35
gharzanyone who can help me associate .chm files with xCHM?18:35
_Benlukasz, done that all day :D18:35
Lukasz_Ben, Well, I'm assuming you've done that already :)18:35
batcoder-7did 8.10 become more resourceful ?18:36
operadaredevil* ,I TAPY Again, it shows  another program have add . maybe i should download again.18:36
Tonnodaredevilthere, no... is a Usplash... like this rainycloud  http://gnome-look.org/content/preview.php?preview=1&id=68031&file1=68031-1.png&file2=&file3=&name=Usplash+theme+Ubuntu+Studio18:36
gharzhow do i associate .chm files with xCHM? searched google but no definite answer.18:36
Lukaszbatcoder-7, It ships with the newest GNOME so, it migh certainly affect18:36
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batcoder-7Lukasz: any other things ?18:37
Tonnorainycloud, and were is the grub folder?18:37
Jack_SparrowTonno, Sorry for asking is this for the grub screen or the screen after that18:37
Lukaszbatcoder-7, Tracker is enabled by default, look into preferences and check "smart pausing"18:37
atomic__I have what I think is an interesting problem.18:38
TonnoI did not understand that Jack_Sparrow18:38
atomic__I downloaded picard and let it "fix" my music files.18:38
Lukaszbatcoder-7, It's rather general question that yours. Any details?18:38
atomic__I was having some trouble with my internet connection so it made my directories a little screwed up.18:38
=== francesco is now known as Guest47899
batcoder-7Lukasz: its just ab it sluggish, i use xubuntu actually so it should actually be lighter hhe18:39
gilWhen I try connecting a wireless network, I hang on the "Attempting to join the wireless network", anyone know how to get around this?18:39
Jack_SparrowTonno, Sorry for asking is this for a graphic behind the grub screen or for after you select ubuntu in the grub menu18:39
Guest47899un aiuto ho scricato un file dei drive stampante hp ed in  run   come faccio ad installarlo grazie18:39
atomic__/media/disk-1/music/AC_DC/Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap/AC_DC/Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap/AC_DC/Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap18:39
Qid_Ubt-Usbexcuse me for my bad english ... I would like to know if it is possible to start a program on ssh on 2 computer18:39
Jack_Sparrow!it > Guest4789918:40
ubottuGuest47899, please see my private message18:40
atomic__As you can see I need a way to remove the extra directories.18:40
TonnoI did not understand that either... I don't know about english to much :(18:40
Lukaszbatcoder-7, Yeah, it should but XFCE is getting heavier from release to release18:40
Lukaszbatcoder-7, Is it that bad?18:40
batcoder-7i am on a celeron 2.818:41
=== Guest51081 is now known as DrunkY
Jack_SparrowTonno, What language channel would you like?18:41
Lukaszbatcoder-7, Sorry, need to go "away" for a longer moment18:41
atomic__I do not want to delete music/artist/album but I would like to get rid of artist/album/artist/album18:41
Lukaszbatcoder-7, Will be back soon18:41
gharzanybody around who can help me how to associate .chm file with xCHM?18:42
batcoder-7Lukasz: ok18:42
ChrisBookwoodMy ad-hoc goes down about a minut from start up. If I look in iwconfig, my wifi card has ssid 'CBnet', and when it is down, it has none set. Any ideas to what is deleting the ssid?18:42
TonnoJack_Sparrow, #ubuntu-es. But I don't know what going on with the channel, bacause.. everytime that I try to get in... Ubuntu Server say that I and .... banned :S18:42
mankashhow to enable telnet18:42
Jack_Sparrowatomic__, gksudo nautilus.. but it is not forgiving if you make a mistake. Exit as soon as you make your changes18:42
atomic__gharz: Open with?18:42
mankashhow to enable telnet18:43
atomic__Jack_Sparrow: Yes I can manualy cut the files then paste them in the target directory and delete the rest but I was hoping someone would know of an automatic solution.18:43
Jack_Sparrowatomic__, no automatic process for that18:44
Jack_Sparrowmankash,  please hold down on the repeats18:44
TonnoJack_Sparrow, #ubuntu-es. But I don't know what going on with the channel, bacause.. everytime that I try to get in... Ubuntu Server say that I and .... banned :S18:44
Somethiefatomic__ you could write some kind of automatic script for it18:44
Jack_SparrowTonno, You were banned for not following the rules..18:45
atomic__Jack_Sparrow: I've got 8 gigs of this type of stuff. :)18:45
TonnoJack_Sparrow, rules? what rules? :-|18:45
Jack_Sparrowatomic__, there is no automatic solution for file management18:45
atomic__Around 400 artist directories.18:46
Jack_SparrowTonno, this is the wrongchannel for discussing it18:46
sldkfsjldkfhow do i find out what video card driver im using?18:46
StargazerHow do i use bluetooth on my laptop, it's pretty new.18:46
atomic__Somethief: Where do I start looking?18:46
daredevilthereStargazer: install bluez-utiles18:46
TonnoJack_Sparrow, ohhh ok... sorry18:46
Jack_Sparrowsldkfsjldkf, lspci | grep -i vga should show you the right pci port for setting up the video card in your xorg18:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bluez18:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bluez-utiles18:47
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup18:47
Somethiefatomic__ i dont really know if there are any but keywords like "linux music file automatic organizer" etc could produce some good stuff in google18:47
sldkfsjldkfJack_Sparrow, that will also show the version number?18:47
TonnoJack_Sparrow, So I'll have to get in google to see how do I install that Usplash ... I hate google18:47
daredevilthereTonno: wht u wanna install18:47
cmv583Tonno: www.gzip.org/18:48
atomic__Stargazer: What do you want to do with bluetooth?18:48
Jack_Sparrowsldkfsjldkf, not  sure18:48
Tonnodaredevilthere, A usplash18:48
ubottuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork18:48
Reset_By_Feari have upgraded my ubuntu from 8.04 to 8.10 now my kernel is 2.6.27-9-generic, ive done apt-get update and apt-get upgrade but still that is the kernel version i got.im expecting it to be 2.6.27-11-generic.am i doing wrong?18:48
batcoder-7i need ot figure out why my system is being so resoruceful when that much stuff is not even running18:49
gharzatomic__: i can open it with Open With... but the thing is i want to open it by just double clicking the .chm file and it will open with xCHM.18:49
Tonnodaredevilthere, A usplash, you know what it is?18:49
BaxI'm trying to upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10 (and up till I eventually hit 8.10), but right now my update manager is having trouble locating the files needed for 7.10.  From what I learned last night when I last worked on this, I had to add some old.ubuntu html address to my repository list, but it didn't work for me.  Can any one help me?18:50
StargazerAtomic__, i want to transfer music to my phone, it has a firewire port but it's only charging when i connect it.18:50
batcoder-7this gnome system monitor is eating 30 percent of my cpu ?18:50
batcoder-7what is this thing doing ?18:50
Reset_By_Fearhow can i upgrade my kernel using apt-get?18:50
SomethiefStargazer easiest way is to take the memory card and plug it in directly18:50
Somethiefalot faster also18:50
andresmhi can't figure out how to configure the app switcher in compiz so the only thing it does is show the list of apps and let me go from one to the other18:50
whyameyeis there an app that will record my actions in a web browser, then play them back?18:50
MaT-dggood tool to record desktop?18:51
atomic__Stargazer: I use blueman bluetooth manager.18:51
guntbertReset_By_Fear: it seems on 8.10 its 2.6.27-9 right now18:51
andresmhi want to disable the effect that gives focus to the selected widodow18:51
StargazerSomethief, it's a tracfone... no cards.18:51
Jack_Sparrowbax sudo do-release upgrade             didnt work18:51
Reset_By_Fearguntbert: are we having the same kernel version?18:51
guntbertReset_By_Fear: it looks so18:51
Jack_Sparrowandresmh, /join #compiz18:51
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atomic__I can transfer files to and from my phone and I'm even connected to the internet from my phone through bluetooth.18:52
Reset_By_Fearguntbert: im wondering my classmate is using 27-1118:52
dirkheinehello people18:52
Jack_SparrowReset_By_Fear, does he have backports or porposed enabled?18:52
dirkheineI can't find the output to use for Xrandr18:52
Reset_By_FearJack_Sparrow: sorry. i have no idea18:53
guntbertReset_By_Fear: I'm not too concerned about the latest kernel, but I guess he might be experimenting with 9.04 alpha18:53
dirkheineonly thing I can find in man xrandr, xrandr -h and the wiki is to write 'xrandr' but that gives "Screen 0" and if I use that it gives 'output not found'18:53
BaxJack_Sparrow: you're asking me to use that terminal command?  I'll try it now18:53
atomic__I wonder if I could find something that would strip all of the files out of any directories and stick them back in /music then rerun picard to fix my problem?18:54
Reset_By_Fearguntbert: anyways if you are using the same version with mine then i guess i dont have to do magical commands just to reach to the latest kernel version of linux as long as this version im using now is the release supported version of ubuntu desktop. am i right?18:54
sonoblaiseIs it possible that the Lazarus version given with Intrepid is incorrect??  I installed it yesterday and even if the IDE runs, I get a lot of trouble...  such as: the application directory disapeared!  Synaptic tells me that it installed stuff in the /usr/share/lazarus directory, but when I go there (i need to chmod the location to give total access to it so I can recompile the IDE), I don't find anything...18:55
Jack_Sparrowatomic__, You will not find a program to do that automatically, but it could be scripted but that is offtopic, it is not part of ubuntu support18:55
guntbertReset_By_Fear: thats the way I see it too :), you know for me stability is a major goal18:55
grobda24Hello. I transferred Wubi using LVPM to a new drive. I also use grub "map" command to get around the lack of a bootable primary windows drive (I boot using the second drive). I have differing and erroneous size reading on the new (ext3) drive.18:56
Reset_By_Feardamn virtualbox 2.1 is very easy to run host interface that version lower than 2.118:56
Reset_By_Fearright guntbert18:56
BaxJack_Sparrow: negative, you're terminal command doesn't work18:57
guntbertReset_By_Fear: for virtualbox issues there is #vbox :)18:57
Reset_By_Fearbtw, i have my 2gb usb flash disk here, since this 8.10 has Create USB startup disk, does this mean all the installed packages in my box will also be copied to my usb flash disk?18:57
themiddlemanis it a bad idea to give firefox a lower nice value18:57
atomic__Jack_Sparrow: Yes I realize this is offtopic. I thought I may find someone in a linux related channel to help me. I'll look elsewhere.18:57
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anti_theoconhey all...i got a question...sound system...anybody?18:57
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Jack_SparrowBax, sounds like your sources are all messed up..18:58
batcoder-7whoa is pidgin a resource hog ?18:58
usserReset_By_Fear: no, i think that creates a basic live cd/usb without any packages that you've installed18:58
skydartanti_theocon, be more specific.18:59
anti_theoconstreaming audio, well audio input in general screwed up...18:59
batcoder-7can someone englighten me if Gnome-system monitor is needed ?18:59
Reset_By_Fearusser: thanks bro19:00
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batcoder-7i almost feel like i should just be running gnome19:00
anti_theoconthanks for assistance! i am running gnome desktop...audio playback is fine19:00
BaxJack_Sparrow: from what I read around, they no longer store the source packages to upgrade from 7.04, any idea where I can get them and how to redirect my upgrade manager to them?19:00
batcoder-7Xfce doesnt feel so light anymore19:00
SackFacehellas! can anyone with up-to-date intrepid post the output of: cat /proc/mounts | grep static19:00
Jack_SparrowBax, I thought you added the old repos to your source.list?19:00
Reset_By_Feari wonder why was ubuntu not used in EEEPC19:01
Jack_SparrowReset_By_Fear, they took ubuntu and refitted it to their specific hardware19:01
SiDi/dev/disk/by-uuid/2ead5cec-5a96-4494-ac5a-5178677ece68 /dev/.static/dev ext3 ro,errors=remount-ro,commit=1200,data=ordered 0 0 SackFace19:01
ubottuInformation about installing Ubuntu on an Asus EeePC can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC19:01
GodfatherofEir1Whats the command for untarring and installing a file from the terminal?19:01
anti_theoconsound recorder and audacity just hanging when i try to record something19:02
Reset_By_FearJack_Sparrow: what do you mean by refitted? im sorry im no english expert19:02
BaxJack_Sparrow: I thought I did to, doesn't mean I did it right19:02
SomethiefGodfatherofEir1 depends on is it compressed19:02
Somethiefif its .tar.gz then tar zxvf <file>19:02
GodfatherofEir1somethief, thanks, for some reason I was thinking it was untar xvcf19:03
StargazerHey guys, i have a Verizon Blitz and i would like to connect it to my laptop. any tips ?19:03
Jack_Sparrowbax http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/           ?19:03
operaGOD*, try 'tar xvf'19:03
GodfatherofEir1opera, I think I got it19:03
Jack_SparrowBax, sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list    (Provide Pastebin link in channel)19:05
m0RrEhello, i ordered some new computer components yesterday and was wondering how good is the 64bit suppourt nowdays?19:06
Slart_m0RrE: I would say very good19:06
m0RrEwill it do any good to switch over?19:06
anti_theoconhda intel alsa mixer works in playback, but not working in record as default19:06
Bodsdam0RrE, good, i have no problems with it19:06
m0RrEah nice19:06
Slart_m0RrE: not really unless you want to use 4GB or more memory19:06
m0RrESlart_: 6gb :)19:06
Slart_m0RrE: it's supposed to be a little faster for some special stuff.. but I doubt you'd notice it without using some kind of benchmark19:07
edgy Hi, I want to connect my intrepid box to the internet via ISA server, is this possible? I changed my ip and gateway but I can't ping or connect!19:07
Bodsdam0RrE, the only thing i would say is bad about 64bit is that some small 3rd party applications dont have support for it, but all 'mainstreem' stuff does19:07
Slart_m0RrE: ah.. then it is 64 bit for you or you'll only be seeing 3,6 GB of those19:07
m0RrEi'm going to use intel i7 920 + 6gb ddr-3 ram19:08
m0RrEi noticed that intel i7 isn't really supported yet?19:08
ubuntushow off19:08
m0RrEany qualified guesses when it will be in the kernel?19:08
m0RrEit has been out for 2 months now, pretty surprised that it isn't supported yet :o19:09
Jack_Sparrowm0RrE, Try asking in #ubuntu+119:09
ubuntuyou are a boing man19:09
bluevapouranyone able to help me with firehol?19:09
ubuntuFrom which country are you19:10
Jack_Sparrowubuntu offtopic19:10
Mr`SmithOkay, there is a function in Ubuntu, in the keyboard shortcuts, one is allowed to setup a shortcut to zoom in and zoom out of what is displayed on their screen, regardless of what it is, and then wherever they'd have their mouse, would more or less determine where the zoom would be focused at. I was wondering, what package, part, or whatever, in Ubuntu allows it to have and utilize this function, and how could I go about getting it in 19:10
threatrixI changed some permissions on the home folder and now when I log in it tells me it cant update the ICEAuthority wont update19:10
BodsdaMr`Smith, compiz offers this function, via the 'Magnifier' plugin19:12
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!19:13
al_caponemy HP 1005 printer does not any more since the upgrade to 8.1019:14
al_caponedoes anyone have ideas why?19:14
kiwi__hi, i have a problem with my keyboard. layout is US-INTL. However, pressing the key for quotation marks (next to ENTER) requires two hits. even more strange, if i look at my emails sended the quotation sign turns into somtething different (an s with a hat on top). how can i fix this?19:14
Mr`SmithWould I be able to activate it by keyboard shortcut still, and.. I remember seeing that before, though, I don't know if it was in the gnome window manager that seems to be the only one to work decently, would I be able to get it on this one here? Could I zoom out completely to 100% so it would display as 'normal' and not zoomed?19:14
FireFox||m0RrE : How do you mean it isn't supported? (I'm bout to have one to)19:14
Belboz99Hey all, having trouble accessing my VBox with rdesktop-vrdp, it keeps on just showing a black screen for a fraction of a second and then disappearing, I believe it's an authentication problem, but there's really no output19:14
ekpneed command to grant permissions to all devices on system19:14
al_caponeit is connected via usb and lsusb shows it as recognized and the ducuments even enter the printer que19:15
thlnhi all, i'm looking for a small program to modify the speed of videos and to insert textblocks. any suggestions?19:15
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BaxJack_Sparrow: it says it's unable to read from /etc/apt/source.list19:15
Jack_SparrowBax, not good..19:15
threatrixI changed the permissions of my home folder to 644 because of an error that was showing up when I loged i now after I changed those permissions its giving me and error that says could not update ICEauthority file and then it says on the next bubble config server error /usr/lib/libgcong2-4/gconf-sanity-check-s19:16
RukasuzuHi people19:16
Jack_SparrowBax, you are probalbly due for a fresh install anyhow19:16
TheFunkbombIn Windows, I have a program called Sensura Headphone Theater.  It allows me to alter how things sound.  Is there anything like this for Ubuntu?19:16
TheFunkbombfor example, I can make music sound louder and richer than the stock output19:16
BaxJack_Sparrow: you mean I got to upgrade all the way to 8.10 from a CD?19:16
TheFunkbombright now, MP3s sound pretty flat.19:17
luca_ciao  a tutti19:17
luca_qlcn puo aiutarmi a capire 2 cose in amule?19:17
al_caponebax: just download the  newest cd and then there shouldn't be too much updating left19:17
luca_kad firewalled e id basso19:18
luca_aperte già le porte del router19:18
Stonehambeydoes anyone know how I can bind an application to a keyboard shortcut?19:18
Itakuis there any documents on learning C?19:18
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat19:18
TheFunkbombI can translate19:18
Mr`SmithIn accessibility, I see in Preferred applications, under the accessibility tab, the Visual section gives me the option of 'Orca with Magnifier', could this be a feasible equivilent?19:18
BodsdaMr`Smith, I would suggest trying it out to see if you like it, yes it is activated via keyboard shortcut and yes you can zoom in and out all the way -- i just cjecked and you may prefer desktop zoom rather than the magnifier. Would you like me to walk you through how to enable it?19:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about C19:18
Abedhey guys , lsn i have a freakin problem with my firefox, when i launch the firefox, the bar when the close button and minimize is hidden but when i press F11 { Full Screen Mode } and remove the full screen mode again , it appears , so anyone?19:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about c++19:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about c#19:19
Baxal_capone: but I heard it's unstable to suddenly upgrade pass a previous release.  Will my files and installed programs be screwed with when upgrading directly to 8.10 from a cd?19:19
BodsdaMr`Smith, my suggestion is a compiz effect not an accessability option19:19
TheFunkbombI thought C# was a windows only language19:19
luca_qlcn puo aiutarmi ? grazie19:19
luca_chiedo consiglio19:19
Mr`SmithWell, if you could point me in the right direction at least, that would be swell.  ^_^19:19
luca_su amule19:19
al_caponedid you have a seperate home partition?19:19
BodsdaTheFunkbomb, i believe it was developed by MS but it is only a language after all19:19
al_caponeif so all you files will be the same19:19
painItaku, a real good book on c++ is the c++ programming byt stephen prada19:19
luca_qlcn puo aiutarmi?19:20
BodsdaMr`Smith, can i ask what graphics card you have?19:20
al_caponeif not back then up and then do a clean reinstall19:20
TheFunkbombBodsda, I got my wireless to work :D19:20
BodsdaTheFunkbomb, cool!, what was the fix?19:20
Abedhey guys , lsn i have a freakin problem with my firefox, when i launch the firefox, the bar when the close button and minimize is hidden but when i press F11 { Full Screen Mode } and remove the full screen mode again , it appears , so anyone?19:20
Itakupain: is it downloadable?19:20
Mr`SmithHmm... Some ATI somethign or another, just a moment.19:20
TheFunkbombBodsda, I had to hook up via ethernet cable and run some updates19:20
ToastTrying to connect a remote X application to my Intrepid desktop, I'm getting lots of this error in the applications console output. "X Error: RenderBadPicture (invalid Picture parameter)". Could anyone help me debug the problem please?19:20
TheFunkbombso simple19:20
daredevilthereHow can i mount so that to give specfic user rw permission19:20
painluca_, prata* even... hmm, well, google is your friend... =)19:20
BodsdaTheFunkbomb, dman lol :)19:20
ChrisBookwoodMy ad-hoc goes down about a minut from start up. If I look in iwconfig, my wifi card has ssid 'CBnet', and when it is down, it has none set. Any ideas to what is deleting the ssid?19:20
TheFunkbombNow I'm addicted to Ubuntu.  I'm trying to get my mom and dad to use it19:21
FireFox||Anyone knows if HyperThreathing is officially suported by ubuntu19:21
Mr`SmithWhere's the easiest place to find it? I'm not too familiar with Fedora nor linux quite yet.19:21
BodsdaMr`Smith, fedora? you are not using ubuntu?19:21
BodsdaTheFunkbomb, good luck, i got my girlfriend using it :)19:22
Mr`SmithI am in fact using Fedora, yes, I was able to enable the feature in Fedora, wanted to know if there was a way I could get some sort of equivilent on Fedora19:22
FireFox||Bodsda: so now you can bash her ?:d19:22
FireFox||Bodsda: sorry that was inappropriate19:22
TheFunkbombMy dad has no interest.  My mom wants to know what it's all about but she is not technically advanced.19:22
ubottuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)19:22
BodsdaMr`Smith, yes if you have compiz installed but you would have to talk to the guys in #fedora about that19:23
TheFunkbombbut as long as she doesn't have root access, I figure she can't muck things up too badly19:23
BodsdaFireFox||, haha, something like that yeah19:23
BodsdaTheFunkbomb, sudo is a wonderful tool, perhaps consider SELinux19:23
TheFunkbombWe'll see.  I'll start with my brother who is the most advanced.19:23
Mr`SmithWell, from what I can see in the programs manager, it is in fact installed.19:24
BodsdaMr`Smith, ok, unfortunately im not supposed to help you in this channel, do you mind if i pm you?19:24
Dev_n00bfor all you wonderfull people, some of which have helped me with my ubuntu tribulations, Newegg.com has the Asus EEE PC 4g surf for $249.99 and a coupon code of EMCABAGAJ to knock $50 more off...19:24
Mr`SmithHave at it! =D19:25
BodsdaMr`Smith, is that a yes?19:25
Mr`SmithThat is a yes.19:25
Abedhey guys , lsn i have a freakin problem with my firefox, when i launch the firefox, the bar when the close button and minimize is hidden but when i press F11 { Full Screen Mode } and remove the full screen mode again , it appears , so anyone?19:25
TheFunkbombI do need a better MP3 player that will allow me to alter the sound a bit19:25
TheFunkbombRythymbox is kind of flat19:26
Mentor49Yo whats up19:26
TheFunkbombIs Songbird a total flop?19:26
Mentor49i think so19:26
threatrixI changed the permissions of my home folder to 644 because of an error that was showing up when I loged i now after I changed those permissions its giving me and error that says could not update ICEauthority file and then it says on the next bubble config server error /usr/lib/libgcong2-4/gconf-sanity-check-219:26
painAbed, supposed to do that? move the mouse to the top of the screen and see if it appears?19:27
TheFunkbombwhat's an itunes like alternative on Ubuntu?19:27
pyrakTheFunkbomb, try songbird19:27
nsadminfreakin fire fox finds full frogs flailing flummagically fried flappers.19:27
TheFunkbombpyrak, I tried songbird on windows and was not impressed19:27
pyrakTheFunkbomb, there are a number of others, but songbird is the most itunes-like.  it's also being actively developed and likely to continue to improve with time19:27
Abedpain: believe me i tried19:28
pyrakTheFunkbomb, well, you could also try amarok, which is more powerful, but has a learning curve19:28
painAbed, try the about:config then in firefox.19:28
nickrudthreatrix, ouch19:28
Abedok pain i will see thnx19:28
WastePotatoCan anyone recommend any file conversion utilities (e.g mp4 to mp3, doc to odt) for ubuntu?19:29
threatrixnickrud, yeah anyway i can fix it?19:29
nickrudthreatrix, when you changed everything to 644, that means you can't 'execute' a directory; that is, cd into it19:29
Abedpain where to go plz?19:29
Abedabout mozzilla then config~19:29
TheFunkbombI also need to upgrade OpenOffice and get a better IRC client19:29
Mentor49How to check my Onboard-Mic? Also, to check that my system know my mic?! (Sorry for my bad English)19:29
TheFunkbombI'm kind of nervous about installing OpenOffice3.19:30
TheFunkbombI'm not good with installing things yet19:30
painAbed, in firefox adress field, type about:config  then do a search for full and you get some options, be careful though...19:30
nickrudthreatrix,   find /home/<username> -exec chmod 755 {} \; will fix that. But any executables you might have in subdirs still won't run; you'll have to fix those as you find them19:30
Aka[S]Unaanyone here19:30
TheFunkbombterminal scares me :(19:30
Abedok wut shall io19:30
ubottusigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed.19:31
Jack_SparrowPlease behave..19:31
Abedwut shall i look for pain?19:31
threatrixok thanks nickrud ill try it19:31
kbrosnanpain: Abed ther are not any prefs in about:config that would help19:31
Aka[S]Unaanyone from Bulgaria?19:31
[Steffy]The FunkBomb, try using the Add/Remove.. tool app under Applications. Also try using XChat for IRC19:31
TheFunkbombwill do19:31
painbrowser.fullscreen.autohide;true ?19:31
Abedkbrosnan do u know wut would help?19:31
Aka[S]UnaAnyone from bulgaria19:31
WastePotatoTheFunkbomb: You can install OpenOffice 3 without going to the terminal.19:31
painAbed, kbrosnan if set to false instead?19:31
Samuel-NotAFKI can't get Firefox to work: sam@sam-laptop:~$ firefox19:31
Samuel-NotAFKSegmentation fault19:31
Jack_SparrowAka[S]Una, Please stop the offtopic19:31
TheFunkbombI feel like by not using terminal though, I'm missing out on one of the cooler parts of ubuntu19:32
nickrudthreatrix, you might just as well be better off with creating a new user from scratch, and moving your data files over.19:32
kbrosnanAbed: maybe a theme issue, i've never heard of shuch an issue19:32
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kbrosnanpain: set what to false19:32
Aka[S]UnaJack sparrow who the hell do ya think you are>19:32
Abedkbrosnan i didn't change the firefox's theme19:32
painkbrosnan, Abed, oh, sz.. browser.fullscreen.autohide;true19:32
TheFunkbombI think he thinks he's some sort of Op or something :P19:32
apollo13Samuel-NotAFK: did you try running in safe-mode already? (firefox --safe-mode)19:33
kbrosnanpain: really no19:33
apollo13Samuel-NotAFK: -safe-mode sry19:33
painkbrosnan, ok19:34
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douglwhat provides mpegtools for ubuntu 8.10?19:34
kbrosnanAbed: no but a differnet one may, did you change your gnome theme?19:34
Abedpain didn't work19:34
Samuel-NotAFKapollo13: yes19:34
TheFunkbombshould I remove OpenOffice2.4 before installing 3?19:34
Abedyes kbrosnan i have19:34
Samuel-NotAFKapollo13: Still segment faults19:34
apollo13Samuel-NotAFK: even reinstalled? or is it a custom install?19:34
nsadminTheFunkbomb the packaging should remove the old one19:34
kbrosnanAbed: firefox picks up images from the gnome theme, probably the issue19:34
TheFunkbombokay :)19:35
apollo13dougl: apt-file search mpegtools lists libdvb-dev: /usr/lib/libdvbmpegtools.a and libdvb-dev: /usr/lib/libdvbmpegtools_pic.a or is it a program?19:35
buzz0r__no, it wont remove the old one if you install the debs from the official website of opnenoffice19:35
kbrosnanAbed: so either change your gnome theme, or install a firefox theme19:35
buzz0r__but you can use them parallel19:35
sinani am having trouble with cron19:35
sinanit seems it isn't working19:35
Samuel-NotAFKapollo13: Even reinstalled.19:35
Abedok kbrosnan thnx19:35
Samuel-NotAFKapollo13: Even after purging and reinstalling19:35
Abedand thank you pain19:35
painAbed, no sweat19:36
nsadminif you apt-get them which packages do you get? and do those packages replace?19:36
Samuel-NotAFKPlease help: sam@sam-laptop:~$ firefox19:36
Samuel-NotAFKSegmentation fault19:36
Jack_Sparrow!br > epcom19:37
ubottuepcom, please see my private message19:37
apollo13Samuel-NotAFK: you don'T need to repeat yourself19:37
Samuel-NotAFKapollo13: Oops sorry.19:37
threatrixnickrud, how would I do that if I cant login to an accoun normaly in x19:38
slipstHow do I backup my OpenPGP keys in Seahorse?19:38
nickrudthreatrix, you could hit ctl-alt-f2, log in there and run it. Ctl-alt-f7 to get back to gui login19:38
guitarkid11305im having trouble viewing other computers in my network.  any ideas?19:38
aeonorisguitarkid11305,  What OS are the other computers using?19:39
nsadminguitarkid11305 more specific...19:39
guitarkid11305they are using windows vista19:39
fixed_23hi, i'm having a problema with the official ATI driver. I've a X600 ati Radeon and Ubuntu 8.10 full upgraded. I've installed the ATI driver from "restricted drivers" but the login screen is blank ("no input"). However i can insert login and password and when hit "return" X starts normally, with fulle resolution, compiz effects, etc...anyone can help?19:39
SiDiIs the Ubuntu Wine Team a dead project ?19:39
nickrudthreatrix, if you can't log in there, reboot and use the recovery mode19:40
nsadminas long as there's wine, they'll try to make it :)19:40
Abedkbrosnan i changed the gnome theme and the firefox theme but the problem is still there19:41
aeonorisguitarkid11305, try fiddling with Samba.19:41
TheFunkbombhmm is this a safe site to allow?  deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/openoffice-pkgs/ubuntu intrepid main19:41
=== DrunkY is now known as drunky
Jack_SparrowTheFunkbomb, reasonably so.. yes..19:41
TheFunkbombthey want me to allow that as a 3rd party software source19:42
TheFunkbombhow reasonably? lol19:42
Jack_SparrowTheFunkbomb, trying to get 3.019:42
conalit takes hours to copy a 2GB file from my internal drive to my external drive.  used to be fast until recently.  i'm on 8.10.  any ideas?19:42
Jack_SparrowTheFunkbomb, Possible issues at the next full upgrade,19:42
nickrudTheFunkbomb, look for who's running the ppa, then look that person up on the net to check reliability.19:42
TheFunkbombI have the tar of 3.0 direct from openoffice.org but I don't know what to do with it19:43
usserTheFunkbomb: it doesnt work anymore, the packages have been removed from there19:43
nsadminconal: if someone could look at the output of free on your box, probably would be able to tell19:43
TheFunkbombI'm hopeless lol19:43
nsadminyou're probably swapping like crazy19:44
SeqHas anybody used "approx" to cache apt packages? aptitude hangs on "waiting for headers" whenever I update now19:44
conalnsadmin: i could paste that output here (four lines)19:44
nsadminnot up to me19:45
guntbertusser: the ppa? strange, I just got an upgrade openoffice.org (1:3.0.0-6ubuntu0intrepid1) to 1:3.0.1~rc1-2ubuntu1~intrepid119:45
cNOOBWhat is the best IRC program for Linux?  I use Pidgin and don't like it much for IRC.19:46
threatrixis there a command for seting up a new user in the CLI?19:46
nsadminthe best one is the one you like most19:46
SiDicNOOB, xchat is great (irssi for command line too)19:46
Abedso pain , kbrosnan any further ideas?19:46
wisniewskihy there what is a good newsreeder for usenet on linux19:46
cNOOBOkay, thanks.19:47
cNOOBI will try it out.19:47
wisniewskisomething like alt.binz for windows19:47
nickrudthreatrix, after you add the new user, you'll want to run adduser <newuser> admin to get sudo privs19:47
conali've pasted my 'free' output to http://hpaste.org/13805, with my question about slow disk copy.  i'd appreciate any analyses & suggestions.19:48
painAbed, sz, fresh out.. google?19:48
wisniewskii have googled but dont know witch one is on time and good for binaries19:49
romildo[newbie] I need to compile a program which needs the X development libraries. Which package should I install to get X11 headers and libraries?19:49
usserguntbert: hm really let me try it again19:49
jaws2_wisniewski : try NNTPgrab19:49
nickrudthreatrix, and   useradd -G dialout,cdrom,plugdev,lpadmin,sambashare to get the necessary groups for the new user19:49
Abedok thnx pain ,19:49
leighim trying to install gparted and it's telling meit's not available but is refered to by another package19:49
leighcan anyone help me out?19:49
wisniewskithx jaws2 i try19:50
usserguntbert: oh yea it works, hm strange i tried it yesterday,browsed the repo even it was empty19:50
guntbertusser: I don't know - with regard to repos/ppas... I understand barely how to follow instructions :)19:50
cmv583anyone help with usb install using unetbootin?19:50
leighdoes anyone know why i can't install gparted from terminal?19:50
Jack_Sparrow!coc > Aka[S]Una19:50
Jordan_Ucmv583, Are you running into a problem?19:51
dentid4hedSo, I made the decision to switch yesterday and downloaded 8.1019:51
guntbertusser: how do you browse that repo?19:51
nickrud!hardysources | leigh (good for hardy on up, make sure these are all checked)19:51
ubottuleigh (good for hardy on up, make sure these are all checked): In System->Admin->Software Sources, enable (main) (universe) (restricted) and (multiverse) and disable the Cdrom on the Ubuntu Software tab. On the Updates tab, enable (hardy-security) and (hardy-updates).19:51
Abedlol pain it looks like that it is a common problem19:51
guntbert!who | cmv58319:51
ubottucmv583: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:51
usserguntbert: in browser http://ppa.launchpad.net/openoffice-pkgs/ubuntu, it looks like they were in the process of updating packages yesterday as the repo was empty, oh well great openoffice319:52
painAbed, well, then you know your not alone... =)19:52
dentid4hedI burned 8.10 to a disc and put it in my drive today. Restarted, boot from CD, installation won't start. The cd just loads until the progress bar starts moving then freezes up less than 1/4 of the way.19:52
guntbertusser: ok, found it, thx :)19:52
cmv583Jordan_U: unetbootin created ldlinux.sys file that i can't do anything with?19:52
leighi suck...the main wasn't selected19:52
Abedhehe yup pain that's unfortunately true19:53
nickrudleigh, you don't suck, you asked a clear question ;)19:53
=== h is now known as Guest84604
guntbertdentid4hed: as always my first question: did you md5sum your iso file before burning it?19:53
leighi shouldn't have any problems creating another partition with gparted if i'm trying to split my current ubuntu installation will i?19:53
dentid4hedDid I what? I burned the ISO to a cd, that's it.19:53
cmv583Jordan_U: gedit tell me it can't detect the character code?19:54
guntbert!md5sum | dentid4hed19:54
ubottudentid4hed: To verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more19:54
dentid4hedWhen I want to install an OS, usually windows, I burn the ISO to a disc and install it. I want to use Ubuntu and I assumed the same would work.19:54
nickrudleigh, gparted will only work on unmounted partitions; if you're doing surgery on the ubuntu install you'd be better off getting the live gparted CD and using that19:54
Seiver`DamrossNetsplit Detected irc.freenode.net from: lindbohm.freenode.net19:54
=== marko-_-- is now known as marko-_-
nickrudleigh, or using the desktop live cd19:55
=== Eber_ is now known as Eber
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit19:55
omaru_hi everyone19:55
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!19:55
guntbertdentid4hed: that works only if the iso is ok though - therefore md5sum19:55
leighnickrud, and than boot off the live cd and i should be able to split my ubuntu partition?  (i'm going to attempt to install OS X as well)19:55
Newb`sça fork !§§§§19:55
Newb`soops, wrong chan19:55
nickrudleigh, yes.19:55
leighnuckrud, thanks i'm gonna give it a shot19:55
slipstHow do I backup my OpenPGP keys that are in Seahorse?19:56
Jack_Sparrow!fr > Newb`s19:56
ubottuNewb`s, please see my private message19:56
Jordan_Ucmv583, Why are you trying to edit the file? Did it not install properly to the flash drive?19:56
jankahow ARE you noW?19:56
Newb`sJack_Sparrow: Sorry, wrong chan :)19:56
threatrixok I got a new user account now I need to restore permissions so I can do administrative tasks19:57
usserslipst: just export it19:57
smartguyzneed 2 independent screens19:57
cmv583Jordan_U: no it saved the file and it won't execute. not sure what to do?19:57
slipstusser, I can only see export public key.19:57
nickrudthreatrix, and   useradd -G admin,dialout,cdrom,plugdev,lpadmin,sambashare to get the necessary groups for the new user (do this in recovery console)19:57
smartguyzsomeone  how do I setup??19:57
smartguyzmsg me please??19:57
Gnea!ask | smartguyz19:58
ubottusmartguyz: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:58
c_kornslipst: they are usually stored in ~/.gnupg19:58
usserslipst: theres a way to export the entire keypair, its there, i dont have seahorse so i cant tell where exactly19:58
Slart_ok, got an interesting problem.. my "0" key on my numeric keyboard doesn't make any zeroes any more.. it seems to have become a full time "insert" key, regardless of num lock state.. how could this have happened? I've looked in the keyboard settings options but haven't found anything useful.. all other keys work as normal... it's just that zero key19:58
nickrudthreatrix, and   useradd -G admin,dialout,cdrom,plugdev,lpadmin,sambashare <newuser>  (heh, gotta remember the target) to get the necessary groups for the new user (do this in recovery console)19:58
Gneasmartguyz: what do you mean, 2 independent screens?19:58
burkmatGood evening everyone. I'm looking for a way to automate the switching from my laptop screen to VGA output, which I currently do through the System -> Preferences -> Screen Resolution interface. A simple shellscript should suffice?19:58
rebelcan someone help me with pulseaudio19:58
viniciushi! my localhost is not reachable by browser, and the process is actively running with the correct bath on 000-default19:58
rebeli have two sound cards19:58
pain!beer > pain19:58
ubottupain, please see my private message19:58
rebeland i want to change the default card19:58
Gneasmartguyz: btw, we don't PM questions/answers here. it's easier to help other people if we don't.19:59
Jordan_Ucmv583, I have never used unetbootin myself but as I understand it you shouldn't need to execute anything, it should just create a bootable flash drive in one step19:59
painlol ubottu19:59
smartguyzusing 2 monitors I am able to see only the same thing on booth screens...19:59
aeonorisSlart_, try tapping your left shift, then your right shift.19:59
aeonorisOr vice-versa.19:59
douglwhat provides mpegtools for ubuntu 8.10?19:59
slipstc_korn, secring is all my secure keys right?19:59
dentid4hedmd5sum checked out. CD just didn't work on install. Like I said, froze up before installation had a chance to begin. Ubuntu's orange progress bar started to move and froze up @ less than 1/4 the way to the end.19:59
Slart_aeonoris: ah.. good idea.. didn't do anything though.. it still just works as an insert key20:00
cmv583Jordan_U: how do i use it to boot off my ext. HDD ( that's what i'm using as usb )20:00
Gnea!apache | vinicius20:00
ubottuvinicius: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)20:00
smartguyzI do not have screen resolution in the admin window only the preferences menu20:00
dentid4hedIs Linux really ready to be used or is it still for developers? I mean, if I'm having this much trouble installing, shouldn't I stick with Windows?20:00
Gneasmartguyz: ah, then you need to setup a second Xserver with a second xorg.conf20:00
c_kornI have the following problem: I have an encrypted root and swap partition. I want only type in the root passphrase at boot. so I want to create a keyfile for swap. I have it already set up but I am still asked for the swap passphrase at startup20:00
Jack_Sparrow!de > janka20:01
ubottujanka, please see my private message20:01
Abedgd news pain, i removed the .mozilla directory from my home directory and everythin works20:01
Gneasmartguyz: that way, one xserver runs on one monitor, and the second xserver on the other monitor20:01
c_kornslipst: I presume20:01
guntbertdentid4hed: is this a serious question?20:01
aeonorisdentid4hed, generally speaking, Ubuntu is a rather straightforward install.20:01
dentid4hedI asked another before it.20:01
dentid4hedIt froze up on me.20:01
=== exodus_m1 is now known as exodus_ms
burkmatGood evening everyone. I'm looking for a way to automate the switching from my laptop screen to VGA output, which I currently do through the System -> Preferences -> Screen Resolution interface. A simple shellscript should suffice?20:01
slipstc_korn, thanks20:01
dentid4hedIn fact, it froze up before installation even began.20:02
momo_jemand da20:02
tritiumdentid4hed: it's easier to install and use than windows.  Of course it's for everyone, not just developers.20:02
c_kornmomo_: this is an english channel20:02
smartguyzok how do I setup xorg..?20:02
painAbed, good for you... nice..=)20:02
momo_oh ok hello20:02
viniciusGnea, thanks20:02
dentid4hedOkay, how to I install it without it breaking down and freezing?20:02
dentid4hedSorry, typo.20:02
aeonorisdentid4hed, you could have a scratched CD, a messed up disc drive, or the ISO you downloaded could be corrupt.20:02
Jordan_Ucmv583, You reboot your computer and either set the BIOS to try to boot from USB before your internal HD or bring up a one time boot menu ( to do this you will have to press a key at boot, there should be a message at boot that tells you what key that is )20:02
dentid4hedI just burned it on a brand new disc.20:02
Slart_aeonoris: ahh.. found it, apparently setting "Numeric keypad delete key behaviour" to "Legacy key with dot" not only changes the delete key but also the zero/insert key20:02
dentid4hedI just MD5 summed it.20:03
dentid4hedChecked out.20:03
burkmatI'm looking for a way to automate the switching from my laptop screen to VGA output (and vice versa), which I currently do through the System -> Preferences -> Screen Resolution interface. A simple shellscript should suffice?20:03
guntbertdentid4hed: nothing froze up on you, its only so - downloads of large files can become corrupt - so before wasting a CD it is a good idea to check the integrity of that file, that doesn't aplly to linux only20:03
diskmounthey all20:03
momo_what you are talking about?20:03
diskmountFlannel, you around?20:03
cmv583Jordan_U: it will automatically recognize that file?20:03
aeonorisSlart_, oh, that's annoying.  Not the other keypad keys, though?20:03
dentid4hedI checked the ISO integrity. It was fine.20:03
AberrationHi all! I need to remove pulseaudio and replace it with DMIX because of latency problems.... I know how to disable pulseaudio (replace the pulseaudio bin by pulseaudio.bex) but I don't know how to install DMIX20:03
Jack_Sparrowdentid4hed, I didnt see where it was hanging on you.. but I need to leave soon...20:03
Slart_aeonoris: nope.. the other ones worked just as normal20:04
Gneasmartguyz: are you on nvidia or ati?20:04
Jack_Sparrowdentid4hed, To get live cd to run this often helps..At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--"20:04
Jordan_Ucmv583, That USB drive should now be bootable, I am not sure what that file does specifically20:04
henrik-_Okay, I have to reinstall Grub. Someone here told me earlier that it was really easy using the Live CD. Can someone please explain?20:04
smartguyzxorg.conf...? ATI20:04
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:04
vigoAberration: Is that in the Synaptic package manager?20:05
henrik-_Thank you Captain!20:05
burkmatI'm looking for a way to automate the switching from my laptop screen to VGA output (and vice versa), which I currently do through the System -> Preferences -> Screen Resolution interface. A simple shell script should suffice?20:05
=== rebel is now known as The_Rebel
diskmountI need hep with kernel, last nght Flannel ws orking wth me and we addd generic Kernel (since mmmmmne cae with ubuntusudio) looks lik rt_kernel s in effetand messingwith my typing...20:05
cmv583Jordan_U: thanx20:06
Gneasmartguyz: here's some info that will help, a bit: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=386633  you will, of course, need to use ATI settings and not nvidia settings20:06
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:06
diskmountanyhow this morning  enI wnt to grub to chnge from rtto generic, I got error25 disk error20:06
Jordan_Ucmv583, np20:06
vvmbeh è il primo collegamento...... sto guardando20:06
diskmountGnea, hi,this is Mib, you helped me with cho mia20:07
smartguyzthank you....20:07
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod20:07
=== njourdai is now known as Bruno18
vvmcome funziona?20:07
cNOOBI have a problem: http://rafb.net/p/LcgPU676.html - My computer for some reason can barely run the Doom 3 Demo and the sound is messed up beyond belief.20:07
guntbert!it | vvm20:07
ubottuvvm: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)20:07
Gneadiskmount: hey20:08
gil__Hey, anyone have an idea why my NetworkManager would hang on "Attempting to join the wireless network"?20:08
tabbuhi, i got an error installing xubuntu 8.10 ( http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1015569 ) unfortunately the solution posted doesn't work for me20:08
Gneagil__: no, but this might help shed some light: open a terminal and type this:  tail -f /var/log/syslog  and see if there are any wireless errors20:08
gil__Gnea: will do20:08
diskmountGnea I am having probs with the rt kernel and added generic last night via synaptic, but I seem unable to use it via grub, I get error 25, and then when I try to switch back to rt, I get the same error and have to reboot20:08
Rukasuzu"/^msg nickserv ident yourpassword;wait -freenode 2000" freenode20:09
Gneadiskmount: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=117271&highlight=grub+error+2520:09
gil__Gnea: I think I see an error: "No DHCPOFFERS received.", next line: "No working leases in persistent database - sleeping."20:10
refeferhey mates, what's do20:10
exodus_mslooking fo recomendations for a good command line rss reader for ubuntu20:10
Gneagil__: looks like you're either not authenticating or the dhcp server isn't working on the router's end20:10
Baxso I can upgrade safely from 7.04 to 8.10 using a live cd, right?  I won't lose my files or programs, right?20:10
refeferer, What do I need to add when running a program from terminal to spin it off into its own process, so that I might close the terminal and have it keep going?20:10
nickrudBax, not safely, no. You would have to upgrade to 8.04 first20:11
gil__Gnea: I don't think its a problem on the router's end because my other computers (one XP, one Ubuntu) connect fine20:11
tavishrefefer: $20:11
gil__Gnea: If I'm not authenticating, would you know how to troubleshoot that?20:11
vigotabbu: Looks like you have tried everything short of wiping the HDD, that could be the error, faulty HDD20:11
GneaBax: it wouldn't technically be an 'upgrade', but if you wanted to go that route, if i were you, i'd backup /home (maybe make its own partition) and be prepared to kiss everything in every other directory goodbye20:11
tavishrefefer: sorry, &20:11
Baxnickrud: but I can't even upgrade to 7.1020:11
nickrudBax, and depending on whether or not your home is a separate partition, if you use the _alternate_ cd's20:11
refefertavish, that puts it in the background, but still has its executable linked to terminal20:11
refeferso if I close it...20:11
Gneagil__: we do have some generic troubleshooting...20:12
Gnea!wireless | gil__20:12
ubottugil__: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:12
Gneagil__: see if any of that helps... if not, let us know20:12
gil__Gnea: I'll take a look at it, thanks20:12
zenwrylyI've been experiencing rare hard freezes for some time.  Recently they've been becoming much more frequent.  Finally they started happening ~5 minutes after boot.  I can reproduce them when booting the live CD but I can't reproduce them so far when booting to windows (forgive me).  So I can't figure if it's hardware or software.20:12
nickrudBax, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades to get to 7.1020:12
diskmountGnea, it looks like I need to make the hard drive the primary boot device maybe20:12
Itakuis there a disassembler for windows programs that can be run on linux?20:12
nickrudrefefer, try disown <tab> <tab> , then exit20:13
BaxGnea: it's the only route I can go according to previous advice I've received.  No one can explain to me how to redirect my upgrade manager to the old.ubuntu files20:13
cNOOBI fixed the sound problem...now the game play is just laggy as hell.20:13
coldflame23os[Linux 2.6.27-9-generic i686] distro[Ubuntu "intrepid" 8.10] cpu[2 x Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     P8400  @ 2.26GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 2.27GHz] mem[Physical: 3.0GB, 77.8% free] disk[Total: 231.9GB, 41.0% free] video[ATI Technologies Inc Mobility Radeon HD 3400 Series] sound[HDA-Intel - HDA Intel1: HDA-Intel - HDA ATI HDMI]20:13
Gneadiskmount: that could be it... also, if the partition lost its boot flag, that might cause a problem20:13
nickrudBax, the page I gave you has the instructions for that20:13
diskmountGnea oh, I wouldnt have a clue20:13
refefernickrud, so <command> <options> & disown <tab><tab>?20:13
GneaBax: see what nickrud told you, that should work... might take a bit of work tho20:13
Gneadiskmount: sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda20:14
Baxnickrud: how do I add those deb files to /etc/apt/sources.list?20:14
Gneadiskmount: if the * isn't there, then it doesn't have the boot flag20:14
nickrudrefefer, command options <enter>, then disown tab tab is my method20:14
diskmountGnea I know very little, but my first thought was that it is trying to boot ffrom my second hd,sdb, wich is amedia storage drive/media/home20:14
gharzanybody here who's using bluefish? i'm having a problem... whenever i click 'view in browser' my html file doesn't open in my default browser... anyone?20:14
nickrudBax, gksudo gedit20:14
Gneadiskmount: that could very well be the case20:15
refefernickrud, worked perfectly, thanks20:15
nickrudBax, you can replace your old one with those lines, then run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade to get to the point where you can upgrade20:15
diskmountGnea its there20:15
Gneadiskmount: in any event, booting from the livecd and doing the grub-install should get it back into place20:15
simmerzhi. I'm struggling with sound in intrepid. it works for a bit, then dies for some reason. sometimes some apps can use it and others can't. other times nothing can use it. alsa force-reload tends to resolve it in the short term.20:15
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.20:15
diskmountGnea, will that mess up my sdb mount?20:15
pikario!hi | simmerz20:16
ubottusimmerz: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!20:16
Gneadiskmount: not at all20:16
ryanakcaAre there any CLI ipod managers?20:16
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:16
Gnearyanakca: nafaik, but songbird recently made an ubuntu release20:16
Gnearyanakca: http://unter-hund.com/2008/12/03/songbird-1-final-linux-installer/20:16
diskmountGnea, so I need to restart with the disk in, press any key to boot and reinstall the grub, then select generic kernel and log in and uninstall rt?20:16
simmerzpikario: thanks. I'm not all that new here...20:17
TheFunkbombYou know what the coolest thing about Ubuntu is?  And I'm serious here.  The fact that you can move program order on the task bar.20:17
Gneadiskmount: i don't see why rt would be messing anything up20:17
TheFunkbombseriously, you can't even do that in XP20:17
smartguyz<Gnea> not a programmer still do not get it ....?20:18
smartguyzgot it on video...20:18
diskmountGnea my computer stutters when I have a few webpages open, something downloading and am in chat20:18
ryanakcaGnea: thanks20:18
Baxnickrud: ...there isn't anything in my source.list20:18
burkmatI'm looking for a way to automate the switching from my laptop screen to VGA output (and vice versa), which I currently do through the System -> Preferences -> Screen Resolution interface. A simple shell script should suffice?20:18
simmerzpikario: any idea about how to get sound sorted out? it hasn't worked since a clean install of intrepid20:18
diskmountGnea so someone recommended I swich to generic20:18
vigoTheFunkbomb: uhm,,actually you can,,sorta20:18
smartguyzI know this must be simple for you but I am new to Ubuntu....20:18
BlackHawkhello. i have a problem with vmware under ubuntu ... dont know if its a vmware-issue, but i dont think so ... at first there were a few keys missing under winxp - running on vmware - and after solving this i cant use shift, caps, ctrl or alt under ubuntu ...20:18
nickrudBax, typo then   gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list20:18
Gneadiskmount: hrm20:18
TheFunkbombvigo, I can't.20:18
pikario!sound | simmerz20:18
ubottusimmerz: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP320:18
smartguyzxorg.conf...? ATI20:19
xiamxWhy rythmbox has a bad quality for mp3, acc playback? is it because of the codec?20:19
vigoTheFunkbomb: I use to use RocketDock, is like an Apple Launcher doohicky, kinda neato20:19
simmerzpikario: isn't intrepid supposed to use pulseaudio for sound?20:19
Gneasmartguyz: i'm no programmer either, but it doesn't take a degree to edit a text file... i'll see if there's something else that can help... and maybe someone else in here knows how to setup 2 xservers... btw, are you on 8.04 or 8.10?20:19
andre_dAnyone have an invite to Spotify to share with me?20:19
BlackHawkbtw. google said this is happening mostly under ubuntu 8.1020:19
pikario!bot | simmerz20:19
ubottusimmerz: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots20:20
Galadxcan i get some help?20:20
diskmountGnea,I am on a p4 2ghz with 2 gig ddr300 ram20:20
smartguyzI see NVIDIA not ATI20:20
pikarioI'm sorry, I'm only a bot. Please direct your questions to a real user. :)20:20
MHz128Hello! If I install the 64 bit Ubuntu, will I be able to use ndiswrapper with XP wireless drivers?20:20
diskmountGnea mayebe it is just slow anyhow and the rt will ot make a difff on games or downloads20:20
* simmerz has been duped :D20:20
tritiumpikario: ?20:20
BlackHawkgaladx, just ask^^ they dont like metaquestions^^20:20
Gneadiskmount: right, there's no reason that rt should be causing problems like that tho20:20
GaladxWill someone please help im having trouble with the install20:20
GaladxOk, well20:21
GneaGaladx: please explain your problem with as much detail as you can20:21
Galadxi clicked the install option on my disk20:21
kapipi_pidginHello, I wonder if someone knows a good site that reviews motherboards, for *server use*?20:21
l0gin_Hi all20:21
Galadxand its says "ACPI: Aborted because junk in compressed archive.20:21
diskmountGnea is tjer  command I can typeto seewhat type ofkernel I m runn?20:21
Galadxand its says "ACPI: Aborted because junk in compressed archive."20:21
diskmountGnea, see that i messed up, the comp cant even keep up with me typing20:21
perillux1I'm trying to make a small "website" that I'm hosting with apache2, it works if I type it's network IP address in the browser for any computers on my network.  Is there anyway that I can get computers outside of my network to access it?  I'm not looking for a nice address like www.google.com, simply typing an IP address would be good enough for me.20:22
diskmountGnea all I have running is firefox with 5 tabs, this being one of them20:22
eelriverdiskmount, uname -a20:22
jim_pcall me a noob but... i did set up an nfs share on my bros laptop. now what do i do on my desktop? set it to mount through fstab? and if the laptop not online when i boot the desktop? will it take ages to boot?20:22
BlackHawkanybody read my problem ... or did it disappear too fast^^20:22
jim_pplease give me some ideas20:22
Galadxwill someone pm me? I need help20:23
jipriceis it possible to see what kind of hardrive my laptop is using whithout opening it?20:23
Gnea!pm | Galadx20:23
ubottuGaladx: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.20:23
diskmounteelriver Linux ADAM 2.6.24-22-rt #1 SMP PREEMPT RT Mon Nov 24 20:47:19 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux20:23
Gnea!patience > Galadx20:23
ubottuGaladx, please see my private message20:23
jim_pjiprice, with some app like hwinfo maybe20:23
BlackHawkgaladx, well ... dont know if i can help you^^ but if you explain your problem anybody will^^20:23
jim_pjiprice, let me look20:23
K-4UOkay, someone here who can tell me how to enable my webcam(a Trust WB-1400T) under Ubuntu 8.10?20:24
Galadxwhen i try to install it come up with20:24
Galadxand its says "ACPI: Aborted because junk in compressed archive."20:24
jipriceany commands?20:24
spmccannjiprice:  it is possible are you running ubuntu at the moment20:24
vigogaaladx: Where did you get the install disk from?20:24
jim_pjiprice, no :(20:24
Galadxi downloaded and burned it20:24
Gneadiskmount: do you get any errors in dmesg?20:24
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
jim_pjiprice, it does show it on the gui though. the name of the package is hardinfo20:25
jim_p!info hardinfo20:25
ubottuhardinfo (source: hardinfo): Displays system information. In component universe, is optional. Version (intrepid), package size 222 kB, installed size 648 kB20:25
MHz128Hello! If I install the 64 bit Ubuntu, will I be able to use ndiswrapper with XP wireless drivers?20:25
guntbertGaladx: did you check the integrity of the iso with md5sum?20:25
Galadxi tried but i waited 2 hours and got nothing20:25
jim_pMHz128, depending on what you use, you may also need 64 bit xp drivers20:25
guntbert!who | Galadx20:25
ubottuGaladx: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:25
diskmountGnea, I did not catch anything u said about dmesg, but I will say tat when I tr to open synaptic and it prompts for pword, every single time it say incorrect, like I am typing to fast or something and i ant keep up?20:26
jim_pGaladx, are you on ati??20:26
MHz128jim_p, depending on the card itself?20:26
vigoGaladx: did you set CD as boot in BIOS?20:26
Galadxjim_P, I have an ati video card if thats what your asking20:26
jim_pMHz128, yea. if it has 64 bit xp drivers20:26
Galadxvigo, yes i booted from cd20:26
BlackHawk... ill ask again and dont complain about missing characters^^ i cant write any characters that require the shift-key^^ so ... i cant use shift, caps, ctrl, alt or windows-key ... linux just ignores it if i do, this all happened after i fixed an error in vmware where i couldnt use the cursor keys ... if anybody has an idea about that id be quite happy^^20:27
vladtsepesh1984i have installed ati proprietary driver following ubuntu comunity tutorial but i recive the following error http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/103234/...please help me20:27
jim_pGaladx, good luck with the alternative cd. ati and xorg 1.5 do not match. period!20:27
MHz128jim_p, There are vista drivers... think they might be 64 bit?20:27
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jim_pMHz128, dunno. ntw, are you sure you need ndiswrapper?20:27
vigoGladx: Uhm ok,,that was first thing I had to ask,,,lemee look around some20:27
hanasakiwhat package provides the ldap server?20:27
Galadxjim_p, so i can't install it?20:27
Gneasmartguyz: if you can set your xorg.conf up to be similar to this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=964487  , then you should be able to to the startx -- :0 and startx -- :1 just fine... obviously, replace the nvidia stuff with ati stuff, and there is some help here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI20:27
MHz128jim_p, ndiswrapper works better than the native rt2500pci driver... ]20:27
Gneasmartguyz: if you'd like, we can use pastebin to make sure that the /etc/X11/xorg.conf is looking right20:28
jim_pGaladx, you cant install if you use the normal live cd. and the same will occur if you install atis drivers after the installation on the hdd20:28
diskmountGnea here is mypastebin http://paste.ubuntu.com/103259/20:28
TheFunkbombso, how do I install a program from a tar?20:28
Baxnickrud: those old.ubuntu deb files are already in my sources.list.  Do they specifically need to replace specific deb links that were there before?  Any idea what those deb links are?20:28
guntbertjim_p: about ATI and xorg 1.5: where does that statement come from?20:28
BlackHawkcmon guys ... i cant even change channels here without the shift-key ... please ...20:28
TheFunkbombyou know what?  I'll just google it20:28
nickrudBax, you should use only those; remove all the others20:28
jim_pGaladx, so either go to 8.04 or use another distro with xorg 1.420:29
perillux1How can I prevent gedit from saving a backup file with ~ at the end everytime I overwrite a file.20:29
Galadxjim_p, so use an older version then? 8.04?20:29
smartguyzyes lets do that thanks....20:29
jim_pGaladx, 8.04 is safer if you dont have hardware that needs a newer kernel. that is a p45 chipset mobo and some new intel cpus and tons of wireless chipsets20:29
Baxnickrud: remove ALL of the other deb links?20:29
jim_pGaladx, try the alternative first20:30
vladtsepesh1984please help me....i can't install ati driver....after the download this is the output http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/103234/20:30
vigoGaladx: I agree with the 8.04,,,20:30
K-4UOkay, someone here who can tell me how to enable my webcam(a Trust WB-1400T) under Ubuntu 8.10?20:30
Galadxok, ty20:30
nickrudBax, myself, I'd move the old sources.list to my desktop for a copy, then put only those lines in the sources.list. They are complete20:30
Gneadiskmount: the only thing that looks out of place is that your DVD drives aren't settling as fast as the kernel would like them to20:30
perillux1How can I prevent gedit from saving a backup file with ~ at the end everytime I overwrite a file?20:30
jim_pguntbert, are you on ati (fglrx) and xprg 1.5? all i have heard is fglrx not working properly or at all20:30
c_kornperillux1: in settings20:31
cmv583Jordan_U: tried booting from that drive and it can't find keernel?20:31
unopperillux1, google says - http://tombuntu.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/01/geditbackups.jpg20:31
cmv583Jordan_U: kernel20:31
guntbertjim_p: yes I am - no problems at all (I don't need the 'fancy' thing though)20:31
diskmountGnea, so it is fine, nothing to change other than re installing 2 rt things from synaptic? we uninstalled kernel-rt and kernel-module-something and one more thing20:31
vladtsepesh1984no one want help me....  ;(20:32
jim_pguntbert, fancy = compiz? or is it games?20:32
Reset_By_Fearhow can wine use proxy when running gecko?20:32
K-4UCompizz <320:32
PowhatanBobI just got a second monitor and am trying to make it work with my previous one.  I got the resolution and all working but each monitor just displays a clone of the desktop.  How can I make the desktop extend across both ?20:32
jim_pvladtsepesh1984, did you use atis installer?20:32
guntbertjim_p: fancy=compiz, but I don't play games either :)20:32
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
Gneadiskmount: yeah, try the generic again and see what happens20:33
vladtsepesh1984yes i used the ati driver from ati web site20:33
jim_pguntbert, sadly, i have one game to "feed" but i dont use compiz20:33
diskmountGnea, you want me to retart and select generic from grub?20:33
diskmountGnea I will prob get the same error20:34
Gneadiskmount: sure20:34
IenorandHow do you use regex like: echo [1-5] to show numbers 1 to 5 ?20:34
K-4UStill no-one who can help me with my webcam(Trust WB-1400T) under 8.10?20:34
liquidHello Party People20:34
Gneasmartguyz: also, be sure to address me like I'm addressing you, otherwise I can't see what you're saying to help20:34
Jordan_Ucmv583, Can you try booting using the USB drive on another computer?20:34
jim_pK-4U, how is it identified on lsusb?20:34
guntbertjim_p: I was asking only because of " ati and xorg 1.5 do not match. period!" doesn't match with my experience20:34
cmv583Jordan_U:  don't know. Does that drive need to be unmounted?20:35
K-4Ujim_p: Bus 002 Device 005: ID 093a:2468 Pixart Imaging, Inc. Cammaestro 2.5DU/X-EYE/Orite SC-120/ICGear TravelCam/Easy Snap Snake Eye WebCam20:35
K-4UB <-- i think...20:35
perillux1I'm trying to make a small "website" that I'm hosting with apache2, it works if I type it's network IP address in the browser for any computers on my network.  Is there anyway that I can get computers outside of my network to access it?  I'm not looking for a nice address like www.google.com, simply typing an IP address would be good enough for me.20:35
usicowwhen I issue the command 'ps aux | grep lirc' I get the following: root      6234  0.0  0.0   2932   548 ?        S<s  20:58   0:00 /usr/sbin/lircd --device=/dev/lirc0. How can I change the script that starts the lircd deamon at startup so it uses /dev/lirc1?20:35
jim_pguntbert, ok. but you dont use compiz and games. you can do the same if not more with an opensource driver20:35
liquidI have a quick question, I was reading that the old driver included in 8.10 for nvidia chipsets are not good and dont support 3d acc. would this cause the chip to go bad on the motherboard20:35
TheFunkbombI can't get Open Office 3 to go in :(20:35
xinelmorning all20:36
c_kornhas someone an encrypted swap with keyfile?20:36
SiDiTheFunkbomb, how did you install ?20:36
Jordan_Ucmv583, If you are currently booted into an OS then yes, you should unmount the drive before you unplug it20:36
TheFunkbombSiDi, I didn't.20:36
threatrixnickrud, hey so I got a new account working but to get one with permissions its not making a home folder for those accounts so they arent able to log in with a gnome session either20:36
TheFunkbombI have a tar on my desktop20:36
SiDiTheFunkbomb, you can add a repository in order to get OpenOffice 320:37
guntbertjim_p: ok, but one thing I need fglrx for is reducing the power consumption of my card :)20:37
nickrudthreatrix, see the pm20:37
vladtsepesh1984nobody help me to install atis driver20:37
TheFunkbombokay, how do I add a repository?20:37
fishmonkeyIf I burn the install iso to a DVD-R I'll be able to boot from it right?20:37
SiDiTheFunkbomb, but its the 3.0.1rc1, if you want 3.0 you need to download from the website20:37
TheFunkbombyeah, I have the tar from openoffice.org20:37
K-4Ujim_p:Why did you want to know?20:37
xinelthreatrix: did u do a "sudo adduser" in terminal?20:37
TheFunkbombbut I'm not sure what to do.  I'm new20:37
SiDihttp://news.softpedia.com/news/How-To-Install-OpenOffice-org-3-0-in-Ubuntu-8-10-96449.shtml see here TheFunkbomb20:37
TheFunkbombSiDi, I've been there.  Someone in here said that the files have been pulled from there20:38
cmv583Jordan_U: i originally put OS on int. HDD and it is small. I have ext. HDD that is large and want to use that for OS but not quite sure how to do that.20:38
Flannelfishmonkey: Yes20:38
SiDiTheFunkbomb, if you do this guide then it'll be installed as any other program, except that this is a "development" repository, so the very latest updates of OOo will be downloaded to your PC, but they might sometimes have bugs (since its development)20:38
jim_pK-4U, thats where it starts. its not tha maker of the camera, its the chip it has on20:38
perillux1Is there any way that I can host files through this old laptop, like a file server?  Do I have to use ftp of could I use http for easier use?20:39
SiDiTheFunkbomb, after you've done this tutorial you can install Openoffice320:39
xinelperillux1: ssh is pretty good20:39
fishmonkeyFlannel: cool thanks20:39
K-4Ujim_p: Okay.. that would explain a lot.. Amsn recognizes it, but the screen stays black, and the webcam lights don't come on20:39
SiDiTheFunkbomb, what part of it are you stuck on, at the moment ?20:39
litongI need some help with sounds in Ubuntu 8.10 I didn't find something useful for me on the google.... After I am loggin in the sounds of clicking etc are not working20:39
Flannelperillux1: You could use http, although you may want to consider using sftp.  It's extremely easy to set up, and will function identically from an end-user perspective as ftp20:39
Jordan_Ucmv583, You probably don't want to use Unetbootin for everyday use, it20:39
TheFunkbombSiDi, I just have the tar sitting on my desktop20:39
TheFunkbombof the latest stable release20:39
jim_pK-4U, do you get image in another app like cheese?20:39
Jordan_Ucmv583, It's not as fast as a normal install because it's compressed to fit onto smaller Flash drives20:40
K-4Ujim_p: Yes, cheese recognizes it20:40
SiDiAlright TheFunkbomb follow the link20:40
cmv583Jordan_U:  any tips?20:40
K-4Ujim_p: Though the colors are a bit off..20:40
SiDiHere is a way to add it into Ubuntu into such a way that the system's updater will update it too20:40
perillux1Flannel: ok thanks, do you know of any good sftp tutorials?20:40
jim_pK-4U, then it does not work properly20:40
TheFunkbombSiDi, like I said before, someone here said the files aren't on that site anymore20:41
xinelperillux1: do a sudo apt-get install openssh-server, then give each user an account on your machine sudo adduser username, give your server a static ip then they can connect using filezilla of gftp20:41
litongI need some help with sounds in Ubuntu 8.10 I didn't find something useful for me on the google.... After I am loggin in the sounds of clicking etc are not working20:41
Flannelperillux1: install openssh-server... then connect with your favority ftp client (which almost certainly supports sftp)20:41
smartguyzGneawill do thanks....20:41
SiDiAh i see, TheFunkbomb. Well i'm using those and it works, i got OOo installed and updated regularly20:41
TheFunkbombI'll try in the openoffice chan20:41
TheFunkbombthanks though20:41
perillux1Flannel: xinel: well i was wondering if they would be able to connect with firefox20:41
smartguyzGnea: will do thanks....20:42
Jordan_Ucmv583, Last time I tried to install Ubuntu on an external drive it was not strait foreward, but that was a few years ago. Have you thought about just having /home on the external drive?20:42
Flannelperillux1: Just to download?  for that you'll have to use a web server20:42
SiDiTheFunkbomb, it's pretty empty :)20:42
SiDiTheFunkbomb, i'll download the .tar.gz and tell you how to install20:42
blip-hi all, i'm trying to set a font in Konsole under Ubuntu, I used the command "consolechars -f bicon-8x16-512.psfu.gz"....but i'm getting the message "Couldnt get a file descriptor referring to the console \n  get_console_fd: Invalid argument".   any ideas ?    thanks20:42
TheFunkbombokay, thanks20:43
K-4Uerr, great.. now what..20:43
cmv583Jordan_U: just copy paste?20:43
perillux1Flannel: I have apache2 but it only works for computers on my network when they type my IP in20:43
Jordan_UNot quite20:43
Galadxjim_p, why does 8.04 come up as a rar file?20:43
Jordan_U!separatehome | cmv58320:43
ubottucmv583: Your home folder is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home folder to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome20:43
perillux1Flannel: so that works perfectly except i'd like anyone, even computers not on network, to be able to connect20:44
litongI need some help with sounds in Ubuntu 8.10 I didn't find something useful for me on the google.... After I am loggin in the sounds of clicking etc are not working20:44
perillux1Flannel: is that possible?20:44
SiDiGaladx, are you currently under Windows ? If you have winRAR installed you might see it with a rar icon but it's actually an .iso file (cd image file)20:44
K-4UGaladx: jim_p is gone..20:44
jinja-sheepardchoille:  You there?20:44
FireFox||where can I read the supported CPU's out of my kernel20:44
Galadxanyone know why 8.04 comes up as a rar unlike 8.1020:44
SiDiTheFunkbomb, download is at half20:44
PowhatanBobhow do i get dual monitors set up in ubuntu 8.10?20:44
Baxnickrud: okay, edited the sources.list and tried upgrading to 7.10 in the upgrade manager.  It then complained it found "No valid mirror" and said it failed to fetch a bunch of html old-releases files for gutsy and aborted the update.20:45
Flannelperillux1: That has to do with routing (you need to forward port 80 to your server), and then to be able to connect to your network, you likely want some sort of dyndns type thing, since your IP probably changes ocassionally20:45
K-4UPowhatanBob: What do you mean?20:45
TheFunkbombSiDi, thanks for doing this20:45
dr_willisGaladx,  Im not sure that anyone knows what you mean by saying 'comes up as a rar'20:45
cmv583Jordan_U:  will i have to change save folders for all apps?20:45
tritiumGaladx: you need to be more specific about what you mean.  8.04 and 8.10 are releases.20:45
K-4UPowhatanBob: Sorry, i meant: What videocard do you have?20:45
MHz128I have an older 80gb ide drive with my Ubuntu installation, I would like to move this installation to a partition on a 1tb sata drive. Can I use dd to copy the drive without harming the system?20:45
Galadxwhen i download it, its showing up as a rar file20:45
PowhatanBobnvidia 860020:45
SiDiTheFunkbomb, no problem. That's something i got bothered with too, so i understand that you're being annoyed with it ;)20:45
PowhatanBobK-4U: Nvidia 860020:45
K-4UPowhatanBob: Then you should be able to install the restricted drivers, and use the Nvidia control panel20:46
TheFunkbombSiDi, I'm still getting my feet in ubuntu but at least I'm moving forward :D20:46
dr_willisGaladx,  if you mean to say that you downloaded a .iso file to your windows machine, and winrar is poping up when you click on the .iso Its because winrar  has decided to bset it self as the default app for .iso files..  (which is not too handy)20:46
smartguyzGnea: I am working on this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=221174&highlight=Xinerama+ATI, will get back to you thanks.....20:46
SiDiMHz128, it might copy the data but not sure it'll work, if the drives are mounted by uuid in /etc/fstab i'm not sure it'll work.20:46
PowhatanBobk-4u: I think i'm already using the restricted drivers, where would i find the control panel?20:46
nickrudBax, I'm inclined to think you have a typo in your sources, since I can see http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty*20:47
ardchoillejinja-sheep: I am :)20:47
MHz128SiDi, is there any other way to accomplish this?20:47
SiDiTheFunkbomb, that's the most important part :) Having an OS that you can learn how to use, not an OS that you have to undergo20:47
K-4UPowhatanBob: Type sudo nvidia-settings20:47
dr_willisGaladx,  you may want to download  imgburn for burning iso files under windows.  http://www.imgburn.com/20:47
Galadxdr_willis, ok, so if i burn it its still going to burn the same right?20:47
perillux1Flannel: thank you! it works, i just forgot to forward port 80 thanks20:47
Gneasmartguyz: awesome, good luck :)20:47
SiDiMHz128, i think dd is the good way20:47
TheFunkbombSiDi, right.  I like it so far20:47
Galadxdr_willis, i have it already20:47
SiDiMHz128, i just thought that you may have to check this file, if the HDD's are referred by UUID i think it depends on the HDD so you would have to change them (there is a command to get the UUID but i don't remember it)20:48
dr_willisGaladx,  your system has winrar set to load the .iso is the whole issue..20:48
K-4UPowhatanBob: In a terminal ofcourse, i think you knew i meant that?20:48
viniciushi! everything looks good on apache but i cant reach on my browser... and telnet 80 is not working as well20:48
dr_willisGaladx,   make imgburn the default app.20:48
guntbertand Galadx, remember to md5sum check the .iso20:48
MHz128SiDi, I need to run  dd from a live disk correct?20:48
Galadxhow do i change it?20:48
LLStarkscan someone confirm a bug for me?20:48
PowhatanBobk-4u: guess i'm not using them, any idea if grandr will work?20:48
dr_willisGaladx,  i dont do windows support. :)  so no idea.20:48
SiDiMHz128, yeh because it's not safe to run it from a system with files being used and modified20:49
unopvinicius, what happens when you try this.   sudo invoke-rc.d apache restart20:49
MHz12810 420:49
Galadxdr_willis, I got it20:49
SiDiMHz128, i never did it btw, i suggest you ask again and see if someone knows a good way to do it20:49
jinja-sheepardchoille:  See the PM. :)20:49
unopvinicius, or perhaps.   sudo invoke-rc.d apache2 restart20:49
K-4UPowhatanBob: System->Administration->Restricted Drivers20:49
Jordan_Ucmv583, All user preferences are stored in /home so they will just copy over with everything else, and it will still be mounted in the same place so no configuration ( beyond fstab, as explained in the instructions ) need be changed20:49
ardchoillejinja-sheep: got it :)20:49
Galadxdr_willis, does installing ubuntu wipe my hard drives or do i have to do that first?20:50
SiDiLLStarks, if you're under 9.04 i think you should ask in #ubuntu+120:50
Jordan_Ucmv583, For instance the path to your desktop will still be /home/you/Desktop it will simply be writing to the external HD rather than the internal20:50
dr_willisGaladx,  depends on hwat you tell the installer to do. You can easially fdisk/delete the partitions first if you want20:50
=== linxeh is now known as linxeh[
cmv583Jordan_U: how do i backup? just in case?20:50
Baxnickrud: I copied pasted the deb address directly from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades, so I don't think it was a typo20:50
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SiDiTheFunkbomb, you need to extract the directory in the tar (anywhere, desktop for instance)20:51
zofiahi, i have a problem with wifi connection, can you help me?20:51
Galadxdr_willis, so it will gimme the option? (I want to, i have a virus) I'm installing it on my laptop, this is my desktop20:51
nickrudBax, put a copy of your /etc/apt/sources.list on http://paste.ubuntu.com . It's odd that it complains it can't find those20:51
TheFunkbombSiDi, so that would be tar xzf and the name of the tar?20:51
SiDiTheFunkbomb, then you can just run the file named "setup" inside it. I suggest you run it from a console (open one, "cd Desktop/Open**(press the tab key for folder autocompletion)", and then "sh setup")20:52
dr_willisGaladx,  the disk partitionign tool can delete the partitions..20:52
viniciusunop, same thing20:52
K-4UPowhatanBob: Did you find it?20:52
zofiai can see wifi networks20:52
SiDiTheFunkbomb, you can extract it graphically hehe :P20:52
zofiabut when i try to connect to them20:52
dr_willisGaladx,  or i recall it asking to 'use the whole drive' also20:52
Galadxi have no idea how to do any of that20:52
zofianetwork manager shows some progress20:52
perillux1Flannel: one last thing.  Do you think it's a security risk for me to leave port 80 open all the time even though it will rarely be used?  Or do you think it's fairly safe?20:52
unopvinicius, does the command give you any output, error messages, etc ??20:52
zofiabut with noresult20:52
guntbert!enter | zofia20:52
ubottuzofia: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:52
TeleNubbyI've tried and tried to get Ubuntu working (details soon), and I've looked around and realized many people are experiencing the same problem as I am; the item we had in common was our graphics card. I've got an ATI RADEON XPRESS 200 Series.20:53
viniciusunop, no, apache can start and stop with no problem aparently20:53
PowhatanBobK-4U: yes, thanks you, i'm actually trying to get the size of my screen set so i can use grandr20:53
TeleNubbyI've install Ubuntu perfectly fine. I see the login screen, and when I attempt to login, the screen goes black-ish (as if it's going well), then after a few seconds it returns to the login screen. No error message is supplied.20:53
TeleNubbyAny ideas?20:53
Galadxdr_willis, Im still burni8nf the cd... the last cd i tried didn't work... i got errors...20:53
FloodBot1TeleNubby: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:53
SiDiTheFunkbomb, yes it's "tar -xzf filename.tar.gz" though ;)20:53
unopperillux1, as long as the service listening on that port (httpd) is secured, it shouldn't be a problem.20:53
K-4UPowhatanBob: yw ;)20:53
TheFunkbombah ha.  I didn't cd to the desktop20:53
dr_willisGaladx,  i tnd to use unetbootin, and make bootable thumbdrives for my installs.20:53
TheFunkbombthat's why it did nothing20:53
SiDiTheFunkbomb, for the graphical method just drag n drop the folder inside the tar XD20:53
Jordan_Ucmv583, Note that because you are going to create the new partition on an external drive you do not have to resize any partitions, so there is no risk of data loss from resizing20:53
unopvinicius, is apache running?   ps aux | grep -i apache20:53
Jacroewhat's the default sound package thing in ubuntu? Pulse or esound?20:54
K-4UOkay, someone here who can tell me how to enable my webcam(a Trust WB-1400T) under Ubuntu 8.10?20:54
SiDiJacroe, Pulseaudio from 8.0420:54
litongI need some help with sounds in Ubuntu 8.10 I didn't find something useful for me on the google.... After I am loggin in the sounds of clicking etc are not working20:54
SiDiK-4U, did you try easycam ? see easycam in help.ubuntu.com20:54
viniciusunop, yes20:54
TheFunkbombSiDi, okay, so I have it unpacked on the desktop.  Now what?20:54
K-4USiDi: Not yet, let's try20:55
Jordan_Ucmv583, You will have to change the directions to match what you are doing though, I can walk you through it but I may have to leave to do other things on short notice today20:55
SiDiTheFunkbomb, you can run the "setup" file inside it ;)20:55
unopvinicius,  what ports is apache configured to listen on?    grep Listen /etc/apache2/ports.conf20:55
K-4USiDi: err, wait, yes.. i tried.. but the packages don't fit.. these are for hardy, and i'm using intrepid20:55
TheFunkbombokay, I ran it in terminal and then terminal closed really quickly SiDi20:55
wolteri am not getting the app name autocomplete feature on the gnome-terminal20:55
SiDiK-4U, let me check for the intrepid version on french wiki ;)20:56
K-4USiDi: okay, ty :)20:56
SiDiTheFunkbomb, open a terminal and cd and then do "sh setup" so we see the error20:56
Jordan_Uwolter, When you hit tab does it enter an actual tab character?20:56
unopwolter, try sourcing  /etc/bash_completion20:56
wolterJordan_U, no..20:56
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wolterunop, sourcing?20:56
=== linxeh{ is now known as Chousuke
unopwolter,  source /etc/bash_completion20:56
perillux1unop: what do you mean by: as long as the service listening on that port (httpd) is secure?20:56
Baxnickrud: I now just give you this address http://paste.ubuntu.com/103270/, to see it, right?20:56
cmv583Jordan_U:  i'll take you up on that?20:56
nickrudBaz_, yep20:57
perillux1unop: I'm not sure if I have a service "listening" don't even know what that is.  lol sorry20:57
Jordan_Ucmv583, OK20:57
PovAddictwhat just happened to the language packs? http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/language-pack-es20:57
wolterunop, it worked!20:57
zofiahi, i have a problem with my wireless card, Atheros Communications Inc. AR5212, i have 8.10 with latest kernel, i can see wifi networks, i can start connecting, but when my wifi is protected by wep i cannot connect to it, can you please help me?20:57
SiDiK-4U, i think you can use this one, we got the hardy one only in our wiki too (the guy who devs it is french thus we have latest info on easycam)20:57
cmv583Jordan_U:  i can't access home from places20:57
wolterunop, will it work everytime i log in, or do i have to enter that command?20:57
RapJonesHey there! Anyone have a second to help a newb?20:58
Jordan_Ucmv583, What happens when you try?20:58
SiDiK-4U, i used it under intrepid for my lappy and i had no problem. Just don't forget to remove the repository once your webcam is installed20:58
PovAddictRapJones: just ask your question20:58
TheFunkbombSiDi, this is what I got: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/103271/20:58
cNOOBDoes anyone here run Starcraft?  If so, do you have any problems playing on BattleNet?20:58
viniciusunop, 80 and 44320:58
wolteris it unconvenient to make one's home partition ntfs?20:58
unopperillux1, if you have a port open, it means a service is listening on that port .. port 80 is usually controlled by the httpd (apache perhaps) -- so as long as your httpd is not vulnerable to exploits and is properly secured, you should have nothing to worry about.20:58
SiDiK-4U, easycam will only install your drivers but then you can remove it safely ;)20:58
nickrudBax, if sudo apt-get upgrade is giving you errors, then I don't know what's wrong with the repo, those are well formed lines20:58
K-4USiDi: I added it to my sources.list, but it said this:W: Ophalen van http://blognux.free.fr/ubuntu/dists/hardy/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz 404 Not Found is mislukt20:58
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots20:58
perillux1cNOOB: when i tried it in wine, I could never connect to BNet20:58
cmv583Jordan_U:  nothing20:58
unopwolter, you'll have to run that command for every logon - to do that automatically - you'll need to put that command in your ~/.bashrc file20:58
RapJonesJust installed 8.10 on an HP Pavillion laptop. Says my wireless card is disabled. Can't figure out how to enable it.20:59
SiDiTheFunkbomb, do you have Java installed ? I mean java jre 6, not OpenJDK that is installed by default ?20:59
Jordan_Ucmv583, Can you open nautilus ( the file browser ) at all?20:59
unopvinicius,  perhaps your firewall is blocking connection attempts to port 80 then?  do you have a  firewall running?20:59
SiDiTheFunkbomb, (btw the repository method really is more simple :D )20:59
cNOOBOh okay, thanks...not sure if I should get it then...20:59
perillux1unop: I'm not sure if, or how to secure it though.  I'll understand if it's too much to explain here, I could look it up myself if u want.20:59
TheFunkbombOh yeah, I have to install java...20:59
blip-hi all, can someone please help me install a font in Konsole ?   I can't figure out how to do this.20:59
cmv583Jordan_U:  not sure?20:59
SiDiK-4U, hm the guy's repo is down. Let me have a look20:59
lasivianis there a way to force-reprobe all devices?20:59
LLStarksis it just me or does firefox lose antialiasing when moving a tab?20:59
PovAddictblip-: you install fonts system-wide, not in konsole20:59
dr_willisblip-,  i just copyu the fonts to my .fonts dir and select the proper front from the Konsole menus21:00
diskmountGnea, I had no luck, never could switch to generic, I am about ready to burn a reg ubuntu iso and start from scratch21:00
litongI need some help with sounds in Ubuntu 8.10 I didn't find something useful for me on the google.... After I am loggin in the sounds of clicking etc are not working21:00
Jordan_Ucmv583, Are there any folders you can access?21:00
RapJonesCan someone help me enable my wireless card in 8.10 on a HP Pavillion laptop?21:00
viniciusunop, i dont think i have one...21:00
_dark__don't suppose anybody knows how to the the trust tb-4200 tablet to work with ubuntu? I can move the mousepointer with it, but I can't use any functions like draw21:00
Baxnickrud: here my readout after executing that terminal command, http://paste.ubuntu.com/103272/21:00
viniciusunop, ps aux returns nothing like a firewall to me21:00
viniciusunop, how can i make sure?21:00
TheFunkbombSiDi, let me install Java jre621:00
Gneadiskmount: :( make sure you have a good backup first...21:00
SiDiTheFunkbomb, don't forget to remove OpenJDK before to avoid conflicts ;)21:01
unopvinicius,   sudo iptables -L   # if iptables is in use21:01
TheFunkbomboh boy21:01
SiDiK-4U, can you tell me what webcam you have ? i'll try to find the drivers on his webby21:01
TheFunkbombnow I'm going to be lost lol21:01
diskmountGnea only thing I NEED to save somehow is all the damn work you and I did on getting the echo mia to work properly!21:01
nickrudBax, that looks really good. now try sudo apt-get update , which is what I should have said the first time :)21:01
blip-the font i want to install in this case came with BiCon terminal and it's a .psfu.gz extension... can i just copy it to .fonts dr_willis ?21:01
azurinxhi all... got an ubuntu question21:01
endorphineHi, I'm using Ubuntu server with open ssh and chrooting, I'd like to figure out how to assign a group to a directory so everyone in the group can add and modify things in the directory?21:01
unopvinicius,  sudo ufw status # if ufw is in use, i think - i am not sure about this one tho21:01
K-4USiDi: I have a Trust WB-1400T, yes i know.. linux doesn't like it21:01
nickrudBax, if that completes properly, you're good to try the upgrade-manager21:01
RapJonesCan someone help me enable my wireless card in 8.10 on a HP Pavillion?21:01
cmv583Jordan_U:  everything from comp. down in places menu. i can use apps that are in apps menu. and system is fine21:01
SiDiTheFunkbomb, are you SURE you don't want to add this simple repository to get OOo ? :p21:01
azurinxdoes ubuntu 8.10 support SLI?21:02
dr_willisblip-,  try it and see?  kde also used to have the special fonts:// or was it fonts:\\\ location in its file manager21:02
TheFunkbombSiDi, I'd love to take the easy way out but I need to learn this21:02
unopdr_willis, the former21:02
woody86how can I start GDM after I've disabled it in the 'Services'21:02
diskmountGnea, maybe the grub thing isnt crucial, I just need to uninstall the generic kernels and reinstall all the 3 rt things I deleted21:02
blip-k thanks dr_willis21:02
TheFunkbombSiDi, OpenJDK is not installed21:02
unopwoody86, sudo invoke-rc.d gdm start21:02
Gneadiskmount: i can't even remember it at this point.... do you have an account on ubuntuforums.org?21:02
SiDiahem, i'm sorry K-4U but it's not in the compatible list :(21:02
gbear14275can anyone point me to being able to interface with a phone through linux support?  I heard it could be done but don't know how21:03
K-4USiDi: Whut? I had it working.. once.. it was.. 7.04 i think21:03
azurinxhey, can anyone answer my question about SLI in 8.10?21:03
woody86unop, ok, and how can I make it the default?21:03
Gnea!dialup | gbear1427521:03
ubottugbear14275: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up21:03
cmv583Jordan_U: after changing bios i have annoying white box on monitor! LOL21:03
diskmountGnea, no, its no biggee, I just need to know what 3 things I need to reinstall, I know one was like rt-kernel, and there were 2 others, none ended in numbers21:03
Jordan_Ucmv583, OK, if you ever want to get to your home directory you can get always get there by going through "File System" then to home/yourUserName21:03
litongI need some help with sounds in Ubuntu 8.10 I didn't find something useful for me on the google.... After I am loggin in the sounds of clicking etc are not working21:03
TheFunkbombSiDi, would Openjdk be a program that comes installed on ubuntu stock?21:03
thebighamWhy does ubuntu opens up the file manager when i login???21:03
SiDiK-4U, its not in the list of easycam's compatible cams so it won't work from you = no need to go further with easycam, you'll have to find the drivers the usual way :/21:03
dr_willisthebigham,  i woudl guess you saved a session with one open.21:03
Gneadiskmount: well, I ask because, if you want to write it down, you should do it there so that way you can remember and it will help others21:04
lasivianI had wireless before, I ran kismet and now after I rebooted I have no wireless detected21:04
unopwoody86, sudo update-rc.d gdm defaults21:04
SiDiTheFunkbomb, it's an opensource version of Java21:04
Jordan_Ucmv583, But you don't need to do that to move your /home, we will be using the terminal anyway21:04
lasivianno card listed at all21:04
Javiergood afternoon, can somebody help me with some dvd playback problems21:04
GneaJavier: what sort of problems?21:04
thebighamdr_wills, how do i unsave it?????21:04
K-4USiDi: Okay... not good.. someone told me the gspcav modules..21:04
SiDiTheFunkbomb, actually java comes 95% openSource but the 5% remaining requires an EULA so it's not installed by default21:04
LinuxLover4_and trying desperatly to configure samba21:04
LinuxLover4_Im haveing trouble configureing samba on an ubuntu server 8.10. I can never seem to get my shares to work. Vista tells me that the share is unavailable, and xp asks me for a password, but nothing works! This is my third round of trying to get samba to work. Any help? please??21:04
cmv583Jordan_U: ok that worked21:04
StargazerHow come i can no longer see my Font files (*.ttf), i used to be able to preview/see them in Hardy Heron but now i can't in Intrepid Ibex.21:04
SiDiK-4U, well i wish you good luck with it.21:04
Javierwhen i try to play a dvd totem turns gray and stops working21:04
Gnea!samba | LinuxLover4_21:04
ubottuLinuxLover4_: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.  Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/21209821:04
GneaLinuxLover4_: did you install swat?21:05
K-4USiDi: Well.. thanks.. i guess..21:05
SiDiK-4U, by the way if you fiind something, let me know and i'll forward to easycam's dev21:05
gbear14275Gnea: Was talking more about transferring files and accessing the phone's filesystem21:05
azurinxLinuxLover4 : check the authentication method... it should be set to user21:05
Gneagbear14275: oh, well that depends on what phone it is21:05
LinuxLover4_ubottu: Gnea i am installing swat right now,21:05
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:05
cmv583Jordan_U:  whenever you're ready, i appreciate the help21:05
LinuxLover4_azurinx: it is comented out21:05
K-4USiDi: Okay, i'll try.. the only problem i have atm is the compile error from gspcav..21:05
Gnea!pm | Javier21:05
ubottuJavier: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.21:05
unopStargazer, they were probably uninstalled in the upgrade process ? a guess21:05
SiDiTheFunkbomb, go to System > Administration > Software sources21:05
woody86unop, that said it 'etc/init.d/gdm missing LSB style header'21:05
unop!fonts | Stargazer21:05
ubottuStargazer: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer21:05
dr_willisLinuxLover4 there is also the 'samba-doc' package that has books on confguring samba. :) I basicially install the samba server, edit /etc/smb.conf to be the proper Workgroup. and enable the HOME shares.. i then give each linux user a samba password with 'sudo smbpasswd -a USERNAME'21:05
diskmountGnea is linux generic headers one of the things I can remove21:06
gbear14275Gnea: w75521:06
SiDiTheFunkbomb, i'll make you do what i exactly did to get OOo, which i use flawlessly :)21:06
yao_ziyuanis it normal to have two scim-launcher's running, one for gtk+ apps, the other for qt apps, especially in kubuntu?21:06
Javierok sorry21:06
Gneadiskmount: you can, but i wouldn't recommend it21:06
cmv583Jordan_U: sorry about pm.:-[21:06
Gneagbear14275: i don't know who makes that21:06
Jordan_Ucmv583, np21:06
Javierwhen i try to play a dvd with totem it turns gray and stops wprking21:06
lasivianwhy would a wireless card completely drop from the list of detected devices on a notebook?21:06
unopwoody86, hmm, try enabling it the same way you disabled it then -- if that gives the same error, you might want to reinstall gdm.21:06
lasivianI had this happen before and I had to reinstall for it to come back21:06
Jordan_Ucmv583, OK, first you need to make your external drive one large ext3 partition, you can do that with a program called gparted either from the installed system or from the Ubuntu CD ( it comes by default on the CD, you need to install it if you want to use it on a default installed system )21:06
charles__hey guys, i have a problem with my wireless on an acer aspire 3680. the jockey hardware drivers dialog installed drivers without a problem, but network manager doesn't seem to notice it.21:06
Gneagbear14275: and next time you say 'phone', make sure you say 'cellphone', because, believe it or not, landlines are still out there and plenty in use :)21:07
cmv583Jordan_U: i'm new to linux but anxious to learn21:07
diskmountGnea but I need to go ahead and reinstal linux-image-rt21:07
gleesondso I have an ubuntu machine that used to run as a desktop but now it is headless... how to I turn X off and stop it from restarting itself21:07
Gneadiskmount: is it asking if you want to uninstall the headers?21:07
charles__ifconfig shows i have 3 interfaces; lo, eth0, eth1. eth1 is clearly the wireless card21:07
woody86unop, well 'Services' are greyed out, and I can't unlock it either21:07
litongI need some help with sounds in Ubuntu 8.10 I didn't find something useful for me on the google.... After I am loggin in the sounds of clicking etc are not working21:07
c_kornis there a log of the root partition decryption at boot time?21:07
TheFunkbombSiDi, I'm trying to install Java 6 now21:07
K-4USiDi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/103239/ <-- this is the error21:07
SiDiTheFunkbomb, once you opened "Sources of software" window (in System > Administration) go to "3rd party software" tab and click on Add+21:07
StargazerUnop, it's not that i don't know how to install them it's just i can no longer preview the font... in hardy i could double click the font file and a window would pop open with some text showing me different sizes of the text and symbols.21:07
gbear14275Gnea: sorry, motorola21:08
charles__iwlist scan says all interfaces don't support scanning21:08
diskmountGnea no, last night I was working with flannel and we uninstalled 3 rt things, modules, rt, and something elese21:08
charles__what do i do guys21:08
cmv583Jordan_U: i won't lose anything on there?21:08
unopStargazer, ahh, sorry, no idea then21:08
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gbear14275someone just told me a command about d message or something in terminal... what is it?21:08
unopwoody86,  reinstall gdm perhaps.  sudo aptitude reinstall gdm21:08
Jordan_Ucmv583, You will loose any data on the external drive21:08
wolteris there any dificulties in using an ntfs partition as home?21:08
dr_willisgbear14275,  you mean 'dmesg' ?21:08
Gneagbear14275: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=84867121:08
dr_williswolter,  in short DONT don it.21:09
SiDiK-4U, i'm saving it. If you find the working drivers, you can find me on this irc and let me know and i'll post at the dev's blog21:09
lasivianmy wireless is no longer showing up in dmesg at all21:09
TheFunkbombSiDi, now I can't get Java6 to install :(21:09
cmv583Jordan_U:  thats where i have been saving everything to!!!!!!!!!!21:09
gbear14275dr_willis: yup, thanks21:09
cmv583Jordan_U: ouch21:09
dr_williswolter,   if you need easy access to a ntfs parittion from home. make a link to it.21:09
Galadxdr_willis, so i installed it, and im going through the setup, will it ask to partition the drives?21:09
K-4USiDi: I will do my best ;)21:09
diskmountGnea, I found it, if I reinstall linux-rt, it auto isnalls the images and modules21:09
SiDiTheFunkbomb, ok let's solve Java then and then i tell you how to install OOo's repository :p21:09
wolterdr_willis, yeah..21:09
litongI need some help with sounds in Ubuntu 8.10 I didn't find something useful for me on the google.... After I am loggin in the sounds of clicking etc are not working21:09
oelileo:) hi folks21:09
Jordan_Ucmv583, Well that makes things a bit trickier :)21:09
Gneadiskmount: hm, okay...21:09
gbear14275Gnea: THANKS!  thats awesome21:09
TheFunkbombSiDi, okay21:09
cmv583Jordan_U: lol21:09
Gneagbear14275: cheers21:09
dr_willisGaladx,  it should.. read what the isntaller says and see. i recall it asking  'use all of the disk' and other questions21:09
TheFunkbombSiDi, I untarred the tar and now I have a folder with two files in it21:09
fitforthesunhi...i just reinstalled my OS (8.04) and am trying to set up wireless...can anyone help?21:09
lasiviandoes Ubuntu do a complete device redetection on reboot?21:10
Baxnickrud: grrr, getting the same messages from the update manager.  The readout I got from sudo apt-get update didn't look that positive, http://paste.ubuntu.com/103274/21:10
SiDiTheFunkbomb, you need to stop downloading stuff. That's not how Ubuntu works :)21:10
TheFunkbombSiDi, both are .bin files21:10
Gnealasivian: yes.21:10
Jordan_Ucmv583, Do you know what the external is formatted as ( ext3, fat, ntfs ) ?21:10
SiDiTheFunkbomb, open the "Add/Remove" window (in Applications menu)21:10
cmv583Jordan_U: boils down to memory and an uneducated decision when first installing ubuntu and ditching windoze.21:10
AMDfanboyhi, my sound worked than i guess got killed in an update.  ubuntu 8.10 amd64.  can someone whose sound works go into system preferences sound and tell me what it says?  so actually it makes sound, but its just crackling21:10
lasivianGnea: so if it's not detecting something after a reboot that device has a problem?21:10
TheFunkbombSiDi, okay, I did that.21:10
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viniciusunop, humn... no ufw command here :p21:10
cmv583Jordan_U: vfat21:10
Gnealasivian: quite possibly. what does it seem to not be detecting?21:11
SiDiand type "openjdk" there to check for openJDK first, and then type "java" and take the Sun Java6 jre ;) TheFunkbomb21:11
lasivianGnea: Atheros wireless, I had put it into monitor mode previously tho21:11
nickrudBax, no, that all looks good. What's going on is you have a wine source in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/<some file> . You can edit that file and put a # at the beginning of each line. Then run sudo apt-get update and you should have no errors.21:11
BatyukHi people. Anybody knows what mdadm --build does? My first HDD is full, so I bought second (the same). Now, I want to create software RAID0, but I don't have any hdd place to backup data21:11
Gnealasivian: nothing from iwconfig?21:11
lasivianGnea: dmesg now contains nothing regarding the wireless21:11
lasivianGnea: not listed21:11
TheFunkbombSiDi, okay, openJDK is not installed21:11
cmv583Jordan_U: brb21:11
Gnealasivian: is it builtin to a laptop or pluggable?21:11
lasivianGnea: this happened once before and I had to reinstall to fix it21:11
lasivianlaptop, Aspire One21:12
Jordan_Ucmv583, Then you will have to resize it and risk loosing data, you can't have your /home on vfat :(21:12
Gnealasivian: isn't there a function key that turns the wireless on/off?21:12
TeleNubbyI've got an ATI RADEON XPRESS 200 series GFX card. At Ubuntu login, once entered the correct auth info., a black screen shows up and I'm looped back to the login screen. Any ideas?21:12
Gnealasivian: usually when it's off, the kernel will not see it21:12
Baxnickrud: is wine what's making upgrading so difficult?21:12
lasivianGnea: not thqat i'm aware of, nor a setting in Bios21:12
nickrudBax, quite likely21:12
Gnealasivian: FN+F4 perhaps?21:13
rambo3Why do I get "You may be a victim of software counterfeiting. - Click here to find out more " message on my Ubuntu login  screen ?21:13
TheFunkbombSiDi, now when I search for java, I don't see Java jre621:13
fondellHello, I got a problem to fix skype in ubuntu 8.10 x 64. Can anyone help me?:)21:13
wash-hastedyea about updates and killing ..i had that problem today with virtual box and had to recompile the kernel with this code '/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup'21:13
litongI need some help with sounds in Ubuntu 8.10 I didn't find something useful for me on the google.... After I am loggin in the sounds of clicking etc are not working21:13
lasivianGnea: that's sleep mode21:13
droopsta915how can I burn a dvd that I ripped? Is there a special way to this?21:13
wolterCan the supergrub use any font?21:13
nickrudBax, third party packages are nearly always the problem with upgrading between releases. You might consider removing it and reinstalling after completing the upgrades21:13
Gnealasivian: oops.. is there another button?21:14
AMDfanboyhi, my sound worked than i guess got killed in an update.  ubuntu 8.10 amd64.  can someone whose sound works go into system preferences sound and tell me what it says?  so actually it makes sound, but its just crackling21:14
dr_willisTeleNubby,  on my old x2oom  system i had to use the vesa drivers - untill i could get the fglrx drivers going.. but i did not see that issue with 8.10 - You may want to install the fglrx drivers from the command line. Or  try to edit the xorg.conf to  have4 it use vesa instead of ati for a short term fix21:14
lasivianGnea: this is EXACTLY what happens: there is a switch in the front, but that is supposedly disabled in Ubuntu21:14
cmv583Jordan_U: can i put stuff i want saved in one file, compress, and save that file on int. HDD to open later and access?21:14
lasivianer, sorry, meant to paste a link21:14
fondellHello, I got a problem to fix skype in ubuntu 8.10 x 64. Can anyone help me?:)21:14
TeleNubbydr_willis: How would I go about using the Vesa drivers?21:14
Jordan_Ucmv583, Yes, if it will all fit21:14
Gnealasivian: if it's disabled in ubuntu, then perhaps you need to press it before ubuntu boots up?21:14
dr_willisTeleNubby,  edit xorg.conf like i sayd :) but that may not work any more properly under 8.1021:15
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:15
Gnealasivian: like, turn it on, press the wifi key and wait21:15
lasivianGnea: aye, testing that now, I think it only mattered to the previous "Linpus" OS21:15
wolteror, if it is not supergrub, which is the boot utility that lets you choose between installed OSs that can have backgrounds and stuff?21:15
litongFONDELL  one second;-)21:15
Gnealasivian: ah21:15
StargazerIs there no font viewer in Intrepid Ibex ?21:15
fitforthesunso, i just reinstalled 8.04 after a failed upgrade and can't get a wireless connection at all. am also not seeing any wireless options on the network manager21:15
dr_willis!find gfont21:15
ubottuFound: x11proto-xf86bigfont-dev21:15
lasivianGnea: this is exactly my problem: http://www.techsupportforum.com/hardware-support/laptop-support/326244-aspire-one-wireless-card-dissapears.html21:15
SiDiTheFunkbomb, sec gonna check21:15
TeleNubbydr_willis: I'm new to Ubuntu; trying to get away from slow Windows. I really have no idea when it comes down to editing the xorg.conf file to use Vesa drivers instead of my current.21:15
lasivianGnea: I think it might be related to the notebook more than Ubuntu21:16
guntbertBatyuk: you might want to read http://www.howtoforge.com/linux_lvm, it contains a fairly extensive part on raid too21:16
Agemaniachi everyone :)21:16
nickrudStargazer, I like waterfall21:16
FireFox||wolter: grub?21:16
SiDiTheFunkbomb, just type t21:16
dr_willisTeleNubby,  thats why i sugested installing the fglrx drivers from the console.   Check the link the bot gives from the !ati factoid21:16
litongFONDELL try this :Went into Options Menu -> Sound devices21:16
litongChanged to the following21:16
litongSound In: HDA Intel (hw:intel,0)21:16
litongSound Out: Pulse21:16
litongRinger: Pulse21:16
FloodBot1litong: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:16
wolterFireFox||, can grub support image backgrounds and custom fonts?21:16
SiDiTheFunkbomb, just type Java then (sorry me having trouble with keyboard :x)21:16
nickrudStargazer, gwaterfall  that is21:16
GaladxIf I select the second option for partitioning my drives, does that delete my old files?21:16
dr_willisTeleNubby,  its very likely you cant just edit the xorg.conf any more    - its gotten to be a very minimal config file21:16
Gnealasivian: so wait, is it disappearing when you hibernate or put it to sleep?21:17
TeleNubby!ati factoid21:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ati factoid21:17
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:17
FireFox||wolter: I think Lilo is more graphical21:17
fondellHello, I got a problem to fix skype in ubuntu 8.10 x 64. Can anyone help me?:)21:17
TheFunkbombSiDi, Java6 JRE does not show up21:17
lasivianGnea: not that I can remember21:17
dr_willis<Galadx>  i imagine no one has  'the second option' memorised.. :)21:17
unopGaladx, yes21:17
SiDiTheFunkbomb, you should *always* use Add/Remove to add applications except for alls that are not inside Ubuntu (windows apps for instance, or OOo 3)21:17
SiDiTheFunkbomb, what shows up exactly ? Java Runtime 6 ?21:17
lasivianGnea: Only on reboot, sometimes I could bring it back by total shutdown+battery removal21:17
Gnealasivian: well, according to that link you pasted, that's what's going on21:17
fondellHello, I got a problem to fix skype in ubuntu 8.10 x 64. Can anyone help me?:) Whisper me PLEASE!21:17
Galadxdr_willis, it said something about using the whole drive I think, then it had a bubble option under it21:18
Gnealasivian: could be bad wiring21:18
CentHOGGhi, anybody here mplayer savvy? channel mplayer is kinda slow21:18
SiDiOh i know why TheFunkbomb. There is a little list next to the input area21:18
TheFunkbombSiDi, OpenJDK, Archive manager, Openoffice database and a few things21:18
cmv583Jordan_U: what do i compress with?21:18
woody86unop,  hey thanks! it worked :)21:18
SiDiTheFunkbomb, it's written "Apps maintained by Canonical", right ?21:18
FireFox||wolter: check out this link http://maddhat.com/?p=2821:18
TheFunkbombSiDi, yes21:18
lasivianGnea: Both times it's refused to come back have been after I have run Kismet21:18
Gnealasivian: usually there's just a pair of small leads going to the wifi chip... one of them could've been bumped out of socket, so it's barely touching it now21:18
SiDiTheFunkbomb, switch to "All applications"21:18
belihi, if i try to play a dvd via vlc it shows the title of the dvd shortly and then there is the blank vlc screen again....21:18
guntbert!repeat | fondell21:18
ubottufondell: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience21:18
DangerDuckalo folks :D21:18
woody86Is the ReiserFS supposed to run fsck EVERY startup?21:18
wolterFireFox||, I think lilo is what i need21:19
TheFunkbombSiDi, that did it21:19
lasivianGnea: No, this is a mini-pci socket. But the ONLY two times i've run kismet the network has not returned21:19
dr_williswolter,  why would you want LILO over GRUB?21:19
TheFunkbombSiDi, Java6 is already installed21:19
unopwoody86, volumes are checked for consistency at every startup - but a full fsck is only carried out every so-many boots21:19
lasiviani'm starting to think maybe a command was sent to the wireless that turned it off21:19
beliany ideas why my vlc cannot play dvd?21:19
cmv583Jordan_U: how do i make a 7 gig folder?21:19
lasivianand I can;t get it back on21:19
SiDiTheFunkbomb, ah great :D21:20
StargazerNickrud, i want to preview the font files... not the ones i have already installed21:20
cmv583Jordan_U:  or can i?21:20
dr_willisbeli,  check the path of the links in /dev/dvd /dev/cdrom and so forth. make sure they are correct.21:20
wolterdr_willis, because it can provide a nicer interface... should I use grub for some reason21:20
TheFunkbombSiDi, okay, lets do it the repository way21:20
Abedhey guyz i am trying to instal the gtk+ source file and i have already installed the pre-requirement but when i run sudo make it gives an error:21:20
Abed../../../modules/other/gail/gailutil.h:62: error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before ‘AtkMisc’21:20
Abed../../../modules/other/gail/gailutil.h:69: error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before ‘AtkMiscClass’21:20
SiDiTheFunkbomb, then let's give up your .tar.gz openoffice for now, and do it the easy way ;P21:20
dr_williswolter,  nicer interface? You are a bit confused. :)21:20
TheFunkbombI mean Open office21:20
TheFunkbombSiDi, agreed21:20
nickrudStargazer, ah. No, I don't know any tool that shows uninstalled fonts.21:20
SiDiTheFunkbomb, open "Sources of software" in System > administration21:20
smerzcan anybody help me? I cannot suspend/hibernate my computer. got an intel core 2 duo & ATI hd4850. when trying to resume my computer never comes back completely. I only see the baground gui and my mouse (after suspend)21:20
dr_williswolter,  lilo is old. and problemnatic. and grub has basically replaced it on Every disrto out.. for good reason21:20
nickrudStargazer, except finding samples on the web21:20
wolterdr_willis, am i? Doesn't lilo provide image support and stuff?21:20
TheFunkbombSiDi, done21:20
dr_williswolter,  not that i recall.21:20
wolterdr_willis, does grub?21:21
belidr_willis: i am in the cdrom group....vlc shows the title of the dvd for short...so paths seem to be ok21:21
dr_williswolter,  grub can display images and look purty21:21
unopwolter, yes21:21
LinuxLover4_Ok . . . one more samba question...I installed swat, and I can access my shares in windows and read them. I just cant write to them. How can I allow write from an unathenticated user???21:21
SiDiTheFunkbomb, go to "3rd party software" tab and click on Add21:21
TheFunkbombSiDi, done21:21
dr_williswolter,  i always disalbe that useless eyecandy21:21
woody86unop, cause if mine isn't on battery power, it adds another 10 secs to the startup, and it says 'Running fsck' but I don't know if this is checking the volumes, or is a full fsck?21:21
Gnealasivian: right, most minipci wireless cards have a pair of wires with little leads on them that clamp onto the card.21:21
dr_willisLinuxLover4_,  you need to enable 'guest' writeable some how. i recall21:21
wolterdr_willis, where can i see how to do it?21:21
SiDiTheFunkbomb, put this "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/openoffice-pkgs/ubuntu intrepid main"21:21
dr_williswolter,  grub is documented all over the place. Grub homepage for starters I guess..21:22
ubottuTo change the Gnome splash screen, use !gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor.21:22
SiDiTheFunkbomb, you're on 8.04 or 8.10 ?21:22
ubottuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork21:22
TheFunkbombSiDi, 8.1021:22
GenuAliEnвсем привет21:22
unopwoody86, a full fsck would probably take much longer than that - i guess that's just a consistency check then (which is not done when running on batter power)21:22
GenuAliEnбля тут пиндосы21:22
SiDiAlright it's that, then, TheFunkbomb :)21:22
guntbert!ru | GenuAliEn21:22
ubottuGenuAliEn: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke21:22
TheFunkbombSiDi, okay, now what?21:22
LinuxLover4_dr_willis: im sharing /home , so I want to be able to write into /home/user do I need anything else?? user permissions or something??21:22
Jordan_Ucmv583, You can select all of the files, ( or the directory they are in ), right click and choose "archive"21:22
Agemaniaccould someone help me to install wolfenstein enemy territory on ubuntu 64bit?, i keep getting the error message21:22
SiDiTheFunkbomb, now you can go back to Add/Remove, don't forget to actualise the list of apps, and you can install it :D21:22
lasivianGnea: aye, those are the antenna leads21:23
AgemaniacThis installation doesn't support glibc-2.0 on Linux / unknown21:23
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dr_willisLinuxLover4_,  that sounds very insecure..   I always set up a specific 'anyone' share - that lets anyone read/wriet to it.. I wouldent want  to allow unrestricted access to /home/username21:23
woody86unop, even though it's the reiserFS? I heard they do fsck really quickly since it's a journaling FS21:23
belidr_willis: i can mount the dvd....and walk to the media files and play them....but wth is vlc not playing it....its an original movie dvd21:23
DigitalFizanyone here ever use idjc?21:23
dr_willisbeli,  check the dvd settings - or tell vlc to play the directory perhaps?21:24
TheFunkbombSiDi, okay, now I'm getting the red arrow saying I have software updates21:24
litongI need some help with sounds in Ubuntu 8.10 I didn't find something useful for me on the google.... After I am loggin in the sounds of clicking etc are not working21:24
belidr_willis: what kinda dvd settings?21:24
TheFunkbombSiDi, should I install all of them?21:24
Gnealasivian: so what about updating the bios?  i'm guessing you've gone through this... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AspireOne21:24
SiDiTheFunkbomb, when you'll install it, or when you'll have updates for openoffice, you may receive messages saying that the source you're downloading the packages from has not been verified. You should not get worried about that, it's downloaded from launchpad.net, which belongs to Canonical21:24
Agemaniaccould someone help me to install wolfenstein? i keep getting error message " This installation doesn't support glibc-2.0 on Linux / x86_64"21:24
fitforthesuni need help trying to set up wireless on 8.04...can anyone help?21:24
unopwoody86, sure, the process takes time - same as with ext3 - which is also a journalled file system.21:24
SiDiTheFunkbomb, yes ;)21:24
lasivianhrrm, I did the package for madwifi tools21:24
SiDiTheFunkbomb, it's OOo321:24
dr_willisbeli,  vlc has a lot of settings. it may be doing somthing odd.. ive never had issues with play ing dvd - but i do tend to  just play the dvd's from .iso files :)21:25
LinuxLover4_dr_willis: its a home server, my family doesnt know how to do anything. . . . but i need to share /home so i can upload files to either user. its ubuntu server no gui, so i need to upload fiels remotely21:25
wolterdr_willis, is the gnome-splashcreen-manager for the boot image and interface in general?21:25
belidr_willis ;)21:25
TheFunkbombSiDi, even the files like Uno runtime environment?21:25
smerzi cannot suspend/hibernate my computer. got an intel core 2 duo & ATI hd4850. when trying to resume my computer never comes back completely. I only see the baground gui and my mouse (after suspend) - anyone knows any help?21:25
Agemaniachelp :(21:25
PrebenRanybody have a recommendation for a backup system for home computer?21:25
litongFIRFORTHESUN ndswrapper, madwifi, wpa_suplicant, try it worked for me.21:25
TheFunkbombHere goes nothing21:25
=== SchneeSchwarz_ is now known as SchneeSchwarz
SiDiTheFunkbomb, yes it's needed by OpenOffice21:25
woody86unop, ok. Thanks :)21:25
lasivianGnea: yes, that's the tutorial I built it with last week21:25
litongI need some help with sounds in Ubuntu 8.10 I didn't find something useful for me on the google.... After I am loggin in the sounds of clicking etc are not working21:25
user___hi, i have downloaded http://videos.ubuntu.com/development/german_packaging-jam-berlin_part1.ogm. when i open it with totem, it only plays the sound, but no movie. hints?21:26
TheFunkbombSiDi, I can't thank you enough for your help :D21:26
SiDiTheFunkbomb, i think there are 2/3 things that OOo will ask when it updates because it relays on it21:26
dr_willisLinuxLover4_,  yu could make a open share. and just link it to some place in each users home. that way both users can easially access the share.  it would need to have  a very open 'permissions' on it.21:26
Gnealasivian: hrm, okay... i'm not sure what else to suggest then :/  perhaps someone else knows21:26
TheFunkbombSiDi, okay.21:26
TheFunkbomb62 updates lol21:26
FireFox||Where is the Dell ubuntu channel?21:26
SiDiTheFunkbomb, you're more than welcome. Sorry for having you get messed with that tar.gz file ;P21:26
lasivianGnea: thanks for trying21:26
Agemaniacplease help :( its saturday and im at home really bored, i just want to install wolfenstein :(21:26
litonggood luck21:26
SiDiFireFox||, i don't think there is any21:26
=== christiekoehler is now known as christiekoehler|
dr_willisLinuxLover4_,  the samba-doc books proberly detail more info on making public shares and the  things to lookout for.. then i will ever rember. :)21:26
Gnealasivian: np, good luck21:26
litongI need some help with sounds in Ubuntu 8.10 I didn't find something useful for me on the google.... After I am loggin in the sounds of clicking etc are not working21:26
smerzPrebenR: create a script that will backup your files? maybe synch files using rsynch etc just an idea21:26
TheFunkbombSiDi, no problem, that was my fault.  I should have listened to you in the first place21:26
dummheithey i wish to add a launcher to my desktop bar which launches an application with sudo21:26
dummheithow do i do so?21:26
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)21:27
SiDiIt's ok TheFunkbomb :p You just need to leave the windows habits;)21:27
LinuxLover4_dr_willis: ok, putting security issues aside, i still need to be able to enable public write?? could you give me a link for the samba-doc book?21:27
dr_willisdummheit,  make the launcher launch 'gksu commandtorun'21:27
TheFunkbombSiDi, I sure do.21:27
dummheitahhh thx21:27
PrebenRsmerz, yes, but wondered if there was already something like this and perhaps a bit more advanced so one can rolleback also for some directories?21:27
Agemaniaccan someone help me with this? "This installation doesn't support glibc-2.0 on Linux / x86_64"21:27
aibapt-cache showpkg does not accept globs. how do I achieve the equivalent of `apt-cache showpkg linux-restricted-modules*' ?21:27
mib_mpwr98how do i get multiple monitor support for ubuntu? I'm on 64bit too21:27
dr_willisLinuxLover4_,  samba-doc is a ubuntu package you isntall that has 4+ books IN it. :) that will get installed locally21:27
dr_willis!info samba-doc21:27
ubottusamba-doc (source: samba): Samba documentation. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.2.3-1ubuntu3.4 (intrepid), package size 7768 kB, installed size 15976 kB21:27
TheFunkbombSidi, I hope this fixes my issues with OOO2.421:28
SiDidummheit, you need to give him admin powers21:28
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LinuxLover4_thansk dr_willis21:28
SiDidummheit, go to system / Users & groups / choose your user, go to properties, then privileges tab and chose what powers he/she shall be granted21:28
Baxnickrud: I # all of the wine lists in /etc/apt/sources.list.d, but I still get this message [http://paste.ubuntu.com/103280/] and then this message [http://paste.ubuntu.com/103281/].  Should I just uninstall wine?21:28
smerzPrebenR: you want to backup directories to where?21:28
SiDiTheFunkbomb, what were the issues ?21:28
dummheitgksu wont run21:28
smerzPrebenR: whats the target21:28
teamcoltraI have been having this bug with Ubunut for a while now,  some of my programs (like xchat, audacity) do not remember settings that I input, and it seems as though my computer just freezes randomly21:28
AgemaniacThis installation doesn't support glibc-2.0 on Linux / x86_64... help :(21:28
dummheitwhy isnt it possible to make it ask for the password like synaptic for example?21:28
PrebenRsmerz, external usb HDD (500Gb)21:28
TheFunkbombSiDi, the bar on the top with file/edit/etc just showed dashes21:28
SiDiTheFunkbomb, if you need help for your locale's dictionnaries in OpenOffice, i highly recommand to use DicOOo (you can find it on the web)21:29
MindVirusAnyone design metacity themes?21:29
SiDiTheFunkbomb, hm never saw this issue21:29
Agemaniacnot me :X21:29
mib_mpwr98I've got a 64bit ubuntu, but need flash player... :S21:29
Kl4mit works21:29
TheFunkbombSiDi, if 3.0 doesn't solve it, I'll take a screen grab.  I'm hoping it isn't a GPU issue21:29
wolterdr_willis, what you were trying to show me is gfxboot21:29
Agemaniaci saw a thread in ubuntu forum about how to install the flash player i think21:29
PrebenRmib_e8dt45, flash player works fine in 64 bit ubuntu21:29
Jordan_Udummheit, What do you mean by "gksu won't run"?21:29
sachaelanyone here worked with python+cairo?21:29
SiDidummheit, the user needs to be granted the rights to use stuff such as gksudo, sudo, etc, through this very menu, before they can use those binaries to do stuff as "superuser"21:30
SiDiTheFunkbomb, i hope so too. Did you ever install your GPU drivers tho ?21:30
TheFunkbombThis is just what I needed, another reason to sit on my computer.21:30
Kl4mThere is no need for a forum thread, flash player works fine in ubuntu 64 if you install the appropiate package instead of installing manually21:30
mib_mpwr98PrebenR: how? i cant find an install21:30
dummheitgksu kvm -cdrom /dev/cdrom -hda /home/dummheit/Qemu.img -boot c -soundhw all21:30
Agemaniaccan someone help me to install wolfenstein in 64bit architecture? keep guetting This installation doesn't support glibc-2.0 on Linux / x86_6421:30
TheFunkbombSiDi, I believe they were installed under the restricted drivers jockey thing21:30
dummheitthis is what i wish to be launched21:30
cmv583Jordan_U: ok whenever you're ready.21:30
dr_willisI just install 'ubuntu-restricted-extras' and flash worked on my 64bit machines21:30
PrebenRmib_mpwr98, which version of ubuntu?21:31
Jordan_Ucmv583, You sure you have everything backed up?21:31
teamcoltraI have submitted a bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/313515 and it got changed from incomplete -> new and now for some reason -> incomplete and I don't know why21:31
mib_mpwr98just downloaded it today21:31
SiDiTheFunkbomb, you'll see, it's damn uber very hard to install the drivers for the GPU :) Just go to "System > Admin > Peripheral's drivers" (or something similar, i'm not using english ubuntu ;P), and activate the drivers ubuntu suggests21:31
Agemaniachelp me :(21:31
thebighamhow do you install xubuntu on ubuntu?21:31
guntbertAgemaniac: I guess your problem comes from the application/game you want to install - so you might better ask the people who distribute that21:31
SiDiTheFunkbomb, it's the same thing that for java. If the drivers were opensource you would have them already installed, but they're not activated because proprietary21:31
smerzPrebenR: is that external disk always connected?21:31
Jordan_Ucmv583, If so, first boot from a liveCD and rejoin this channel21:32
dr_willisthebigham,  install xubuntu-desktop package21:32
PrebenRsmerz, yes but not mounted21:32
TheFunkbombSiDi, they're activated21:32
smerzPrebenR: if it's a server thats always running i would suggest scripts and crontab21:32
SiDiTheFunkbomb, alright then :) Is the update finished now ?21:32
dummheitunderstand what i mean? i wish to have a nice launcher for my windows qemu file so i dont have to type the complete stuff each time21:32
cmv583Jordan_U:  no have no more room on my int. HDD so i guess. i need to change boot seq. to do that right?21:32
TheFunkbombSiDi, I think it has to be OpenOffice because everything else works perfectly21:32
dummheitbut it only runs without sudo command21:32
TheFunkbombSiDi, almost done21:32
mib_mpwr98i still cant figure out flash :(21:32
fitforthesunwireless still not working. when i click on the two screens icon on the taskbar, it only gives me a "manual configuration" option21:32
PrebenRsmerz, ok will make a home grown system21:32
smerzPrebenR: you could create monthly weekly cycle21:33
user___Agemaniac: this might help you: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=71212621:33
Agemaniaci know it works in 32 bit plataform guntbert, i have heard it is possible to install on 64bit also but i havent find anything so far on internet21:33
SiDiTheFunkbomb, you use Ubuntu, not K/Xubuntu ?21:33
dummheit"kvm -cdrom /dev/cdrom -hda /home/dummheit/Qemu.img -boot c -soundhw all" will work but "gksu kvm -cdrom /dev/cdrom -hda /home/dummheit/Qemu.img -boot c -soundhw all" won't21:33
smerzPrebenR: it's just really simple and straightforward. I wouldnt know any other solution21:33
TheFunkbombSiDi, yes, Ubuntu Intrepid21:33
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Agemaniacthanks, ill take a look :)21:33
PrebenRsmerz, as a user can I get a scrip to run shutdown in ubuntu?21:33
archivatorWhat is the cpu load for an idle Windows guest running in VirtualBox? I'm getting 20-25% and a load of >1.221:34
archivatorWhat is the usual cpu load*21:34
TheFunkbombSiDi, same issue with OpenOffice.  I'll take a screen grab and show you21:34
smerzPrebenR: scripts running from crontab can be run as root21:34
tab1293hey, i just enabled compiz and everything is working except the cube. whenever i try to enable the cube, when i click on another desktop in the lower right corner nothing happens21:34
Jordan_Ucmv583, If you don't have enough room on your internal then you will need to resize your fat partition ( with a low but existent chance of file loss ) rather than getting rid of it, either way you need to boot from the LiveCD, if the boot order is already set to CD first then just reboot with the CD in, if not then yes you will need to change the boot order21:34
user___Agemaniac: thats my google link, good luck :-) http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=wolfenstein+ubuntu+64+bit&btnG=Search21:34
tab1293the desktop doesnt even switch, its like its frozen21:34
archivatortab1293, do you have Rotate Cube enabled?21:35
Agemaniacthanks ^^21:35
cmv583Jordan_U: brb21:35
SiDiTheFunkbomb, after the install is done, open Synaptics (system/administration) and search for the package named "openoffice.org-gnome"21:35
dummheiti want to launch a kvm / qemu engine with sudo but from my panel, without having to type the command every time, how do i do?21:35
smerzPrebenR: or create a user with a locked account that can use sudo without authentication. (user account locked & login shell /bin/false)21:35
PrebenRsmerz, I mean if I start a backup script (as user) before going to bed and leave it to run until it finished21:35
tab1293archivator: ahh that did it, thanks21:35
wesleyhow can i add osx to grub, it located at /dev/sda121:35
CppIsWeirdwhat command is it that allows you to execute a program over ssh and exit your ssh session with that program still running?21:35
MindVirusI'm trying to modify a metacity theme: I want to make the window border wider. It's hard to resize windows with a 1px border.21:35
rdw200169archivator: really depends on what processes are running in the background in winodws21:35
rdw200169archivator: an idle windows, with no strange stuff running in the background, should be quite minimal21:35
FireFox||archivator: check the task manager in windows and see if it's 25% there?21:35
smerzPrebenR: well you can run the script as root. just use sudo to run the script21:35
tab1293also do i need the simple compiz manager to run compiz?21:36
smerzPrebenR: since you wrote it yourself we can consider it trustworthy :)21:36
TheFunkbombSiDi, okay, I found that21:36
SiDiTheFunkbomb, is it installed ? (yeh i know the checkboxes in synaptics look crap :P)21:36
archivatorrdw200169, absolutely no user app is running in the background. Just the win services, with the updates disabled21:36
TheFunkbombSiDi, yes21:36
archivatorFireFox||, no, just the host21:36
FireFox||archivator: can you verify in linux that your virtualbox is using those 25%?21:37
rdw200169archivator: and the task manager (in windows) shows low usage?21:37
Jordan_Utab1293, You can choose to run compiz from System > Preferences > Appearance -> Desktop Effects, if you want to change specific preferences you will need ccsm or simple-ccsm21:37
SiDiTheFunkbomb, ok send me the screen and let megoogle then :)21:37
archivatorFireFox||, gnome-system-monitor gives me that number. The load is usually about 1.2 when I have only Firefox and VB running.21:37
archivatorrdw200169, correct.21:37
tab1293Jordan_U: yes but without simple-ccsm, Custom Effects didnt show up under the appearances21:37
hollyw00dwithout updating it?21:38
smerzPrebenR: make sure you unmount the disk before shutdown. it should automount once you plug it in so it should be quite simple21:38
dollyparton\hello, i'm installing Ubuntu and the installation seems to be stuck at 80% on some gnome22... file21:38
johnnymo1218after upgrading to 8.10 i am getting invalid security certificate errors when using https - despite regenerating the cerificate21:38
DigitalFizhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/103283/ how do i fix this error?21:38
dollyparton\for about 20-30mins. is this normal? what happens if i end the installation here?21:38
seangrovehey all, how can I list all user groups from the terminal?21:38
PrebenRsmerz, hmm. I'll see how I can do it. Need something my wife can operate too :-)21:38
johnnymo1218anyone else had this ? or shed some light on fixing it?21:39
seangroveI can't seem to google it up21:39
rdw200169archivator: do you have multiple cores, like a dual core or the amd phenom, also, do you have virtualization (in the processor) turned on in the virtual box configs?21:39
SiDijohnnymo1218, on every single site ? or more likely on sites with bad certificates ?21:39
FireFox||archivator: since you can not verify that virtualbox is actually using up those 25% percent you can not be shure that windows is to blame this. Check the system monitor to find out which program is using your resources21:39
TheFunkbombSiDi, http://img171.imageshack.us/my.php?image=55524357cf8.png21:39
c_kornseangrove: groups21:39
Jordan_Utab1293, You can still change the preferences with ccsm from System > Preferences > Advanced Desktop Effects ( I might be remembering the exact name wrong ) if you have ccsm installed, and you can turn compiz on and off via Sys > Prefs > Appearance21:39
johnnymo1218SiDi: for all21:39
seangrovec_korn: :P21:39
archivatorrdw200169, no, a single core 3.8 GHz pentium21:39
smerzPrebenR: they can operate shortcuts! :-D21:39
SiDidollyparton\, did you check the CD was well burnt ? Common cause when the install process gets stuck on an exact file21:39
PrebenRsmerz, I don't automount. but when you shutdown; does it wait until the usb is unmounted (and synced) ?21:39
seangrovepretty stupid question now that I know the answer...21:39
johnnymo1218its on localhost21:39
seangrovethanks c_korn !21:39
PrebenRsmerz, yes, but giving passowrds...21:39
DigitalFizTheFunkbomb, did you copy over a bunch of windows fonts?21:39
archivatorFireFox||, the system monitor tells me that VirtualBox is using those 25%.21:40
smerzPrebenR: i dont know. probably yes because you are shutting down21:40
rdw200169archivator: ah, single core uses *much* more of the processor, and the lack of virtualization routines21:40
dollyparton\SiDi, i've used it before to install. it's possible the CD has become slightly scratched.. could that cause it?21:40
SiDijohnnymo1218, well i don't know then, sorry21:40
TheFunkbombDigitalFiz, no, nothing from Windows21:40
SiDidollyparton\, maybe if it can't read.21:40
rdw200169archivator: the processor is having to work very hard; you would notice a huge difference by upgrading your proc marginally to a dual core21:40
smerzPrebenR: you could configure sudo to allow her to run that one script21:40
dollyparton\anyway, all i'm trying to achieve is a fresh GRUB installation. can you suggest a way to do that without re-installing all of ubuntu?21:40
SiDidollyparton\, usually when it crashes at file copy, on a particular file, it's that the cd is corrupted ;)21:40
dollyparton\someone suggested a command that didn't work, said no boot disk available or such.. the command is written down upstairs21:41
johnnymo1218after creating the new certificate makes no difference21:41
dollyparton\sugo install-grub or such21:41
archivatorrdw200169, not without changing the mobo as well. I believe the problem to be a software one as the reverse case (linux guest in windows host) gives me normal idle usage.21:41
SiDidollyparton\, supergrubdisk is a good liveCD for grub. You can also reinstall grub from liveCD but i don't know how to do exactly21:41
rdw200169archivator: then ea. os (linux and windows) would have their own proc to use, thereby significantly increasing the stability and operation of ea. os21:41
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SiDidollyparton\, "sudo apt-get install grub" i suppose but you shall ask someone else to confirm :p21:41
dollyparton\alright thanks, hopefully one of the 1000+ people here knows:p21:42
dollyparton\oh, i dont have to choose a dir?21:42
archivatorrdw200169, we're talking about 3.8 billion operations a second. I think that's plenty for each :)21:42
SiDiHmm TheFunkbomb that's weird :D21:42
dollyparton\i think what someone suggested was sudo grub-install /dev/sda21:42
dollyparton\or /dev/hda21:42
dollyparton\both didn't work21:42
TheFunkbombSiDi, it certainly is since the bar works on everything else but OOO21:42
dollyparton\sda said it was probing the BIOS for something, boot disk maybe21:42
rdw200169archivator: forgive me, but i would much prefer a quad core 2.0 gighz to a 3.8 ghz any day21:42
rdw200169archivator: particularly in linux since it actually uses all the cores ;)21:43
SiDiTheFunkbomb, go to OOo options, there is an option for smoothing fonts, i think it's that.21:43
rdw200169archivator: i'm sorry, but I'21:43
TheFunkbombSiDi, I can't go there because I can't find it lol21:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:43
angasule!restricted formats21:43
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:43
TheFunkbombcatch 2221:43
SiDiTheFunkbomb, it can come from conflict with CompizFusion (the 3D cube + other graphic stuff) for using anti aliasing functions on some GPU21:43
DigitalFizhow do i fix this: E: Package liblame-dev has no installation candidate21:44
SiDiTheFunkbomb, ok i'll tell you where to click, sec ;P21:44
Astr4yWhat's the safest way to temporarily disable pulseaudio?  I've tried stoppign the service and that doesn't work.21:44
rdw200169archivator: m all out of ideas.  perhaps it's something to do with video... are you using a 3d card, or a vesa card, and vice versa w/ drivers21:44
seangroveand how can I give a group permissions to sudo?21:44
archivatorrdw200169, 3D accel is disabled in the guest. I actually think it's the net driver VB uses.21:44
SiDiTheFunkbomb, type F10, then 3 times arrow left, then once arrow bottom then enter21:44
pidgouthello everybody21:45
seangroveah, perhaps editing the sudoers file21:45
rdw200169archivator: not in the guest, in linux; the reason i say this, is that it seems likely that virtual box is having to do some additional emulation for something it generally doesn't21:45
noelferreirahow can i get a XML file for gedit that enables PROLOG syntax higlighting (files .pl) ?21:45
zac11Hello! I'm partitioning a new laptop hd and I'm wondering if these partitions look good for 8.10 64-bit. My goal is to run the live CD first & use Gparted to partition the following:21:45
zac11(1) 20GB Vista [fat32] (2) 40GB Vista Programs (3) 20GB Data (4) 240GB Extended - 2GB /swap, 20GB /, and 218GB /home21:45
belire folks21:45
rdw200169archivator: like having to do extra work drawing the window, accessing the hard drive, ram, etc...21:45
angasule!restricted formats  | beli21:46
ubottubeli: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:46
archivatorrdw200169, I have 3D up and running, with 64 MB reserved for the guest.21:46
vladtsepesh1984 i have installed ati proprietary driver following ubuntu comunity tutorial but i recive the following error http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/103234/  please help me21:46
TheFunkbombSiDi, nothing shows up in there either21:46
SiDibtw TheFunkbomb your GPU is a nvidia one ?21:46
TheFunkbombSiDi, yes21:46
beliangasule: thanks i will read that stuff21:46
rdw200169archivator: perhaps windows is wasting a lot of processor operations with a swap file, do you know if windows is using one... 64mb is not very much!21:46
angasulebeli: you're welcome21:46
ZiberAs root, how do I look at another user's screen session?21:46
TheFunkbombSiDi, it's some piece of junk 64mb pci crapper21:46
magikidDoes anyone know where to look to see if there are any major issues with ubuntu 8.10 server edition?21:47
SiDiTheFunkbomb, ok, type "metacity --replace &" in a console and tell me if you see the menus21:47
rdw200169magikid: what are you having problems with?21:47
SiDiTheFunkbomb, we'll check something about your drivers' version later too, i'm very curious about knowing if it's the version 9621:47
rdw200169magikid: or are you just asking a general question21:47
Baxwhat the terminal command for copying a directory and all of its subdirectories and files to another location?21:47
magikidrdw200169: nothing, I'm thinking of upgrading from the LTS21:47
TheFunkbombHOLY CRAP21:47
pidgoutcan please help me someone to setup my wireless broadband connection (UMTS, EDGE, GPRS, etc.). Driver work but I cannot get a connection with PPP... Any help appreciated!21:47
TheFunkbombSiDi, you rock21:47
ZiberBax: cp -r <origin> <desintation>21:47
zac11I'm wondering if Vista will recognize the fat32 partitions (the 20GB, 40GB, and 20GB) and allow me to partition them as NTFS during the install (at least the first 20GB for a Vista install) - once Vista is done installing, I plan to run Ubuntu and install it to the extended partition - I'm not sure if this will work, however, since it'd be my first time trying hehe21:48
archivatorrdw200169, 64MB video RAM is plenty. The recommended amount is below 32. Disk IO in the guest is minimal/absent. I really do believe this is a host issue.21:48
rdw200169pidgout: what kind of phone?21:48
magikidrdw200169: so, just general info21:48
SiDiTheFunkbomb, :D now go to the options / appearance / and uncheck the checkbox for smoothing fonts :P21:48
DigitalFizthis is just retarded i been asking questions for 2 days in here and never even get a response21:48
cmv583Jordan_U:  ok21:48
SiDiTheFunkbomb, then in that same console you can type "compiz --replace &" to turn 3D effects on again ;)21:48
Astr4yDigitalFiz: Try the forums, it's a little bit hectic in here sometimes21:48
ZiberAs root, how do I look at another user's screen session?21:48
pidgout@rdw200169: it's a sierra wireless pcmcia adapter (AirCard 850)21:48
dr_willisDigitalFiz,  yep. bummer.. and the forums have been up/down lately21:48
rdw200169magikid: well, the major additions are what you will be most interested in, because they are most likely to cause problems; like openLDAP using the dn=config format for default21:48
dr_willisZiber,  im not sure thats even possible.21:48
FireFox||zac11: shouldn't be a problem at all21:49
DigitalFizwell i been here longer :P21:49
Ziberdr_willis: oh? :(21:49
DigitalFizforums where down most of yesterday it sucked21:49
dr_willisZiber,  check the sreen docs /guides I guess..21:49
rdw200169magikid: the server applications are known to be very very reliable, and I'm not aware of any major issues unrelated to new features21:49
Ziberdr_willis: hmm, k21:49
dollyparton\sidi, i think your command was right but it refused to install because, get this, the current version was up to date. fucking linux21:49
dollyparton\any way to force a re-install?21:49
AlgorithmicContrHow do I get ubuntu to recognize super keys(I'm trying to bind keyboard shortcuts)21:49
rdw200169magikid: the did, though, fix a small issue with the preseed network configuration portion which made me very happy, but that was minor21:49
bonhofferwith lots of gtk applications -- i am getting my terminal full of " Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_paint_box: assertion " errors -- can i ignore these (i.e turn them off)21:50
magikidrdw200169: ok, thanks for the info21:50
Astr4yIs there a way to temporarily disable pulseaudio?  One of my required apps is segfaulting unless i disable pulseaudio, but i dont want to remove it completely21:50
bonhofferor fix them21:50
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rdw200169magikid: just make sure you scan the Release Notes and make sure that nothing will cause problems; the release notes identify any possible problems and major outstanding bugs21:50
SiDidollyparton\, grub is drama sometimes :p21:50
SiDidollyparton\, i had lots of problems with it on some installs with many OS's and i never managed to install/fix it from liveCD :D21:51
vladtsepesh1984nobody can help me????please21:51
Otacon22Hi all guys: i need a miracle21:51
archivatorbonhoffer, those are harmless asserts that fail in the core GTK code. I think there was a patch on bugzilla to disable them but I don't have it in my history.21:51
Otacon22i have a disk full of errors21:51
Otacon22and i need to format it21:51
SiDidollyparton\, there are ways but they didn't work for me :/ Wait for a grub expert or search about supergrubdisk on google21:51
bonhofferreally disconcerting for a professional os to be giving users errors  like that21:52
TheFunkbombSorry SiDi I got froen up21:52
dr_willis'professional os' ? heh...21:52
TheFunkbombSiDi, so that was metacity what now?21:52
TheFunkbomboh I got it21:52
SiDiAstr4y, "sudo pulseaudio --kill"21:52
SiDiTheFunkbomb, ok you left too fast :D21:53
archivatorbonhoffer, professional is not the first word that comes to my mind.. Besides, those are ages old, I don't think they are getting removed any time soon..21:53
dr_willisbonhoffer,  pipe all  command output to /dev/null if you want with > or that other &1> thing.. (i cant rember the exact syntax for the last)21:53
SiDiAstr4y, you can ps aux | grep pulse and "kill -9 <pid for pulseaudio>"21:53
DigitalFizI did "sudo apt-get build-dep idjc" and the console said this "E: Package liblame-dev has no installation candidate" how would I go about fixing this?21:53
Draciehi i am trying to setup a network share, but it keeps on giving me the error saying i am restricted to files i own... I added usershare owner only = False to my smb.conf but it still isn't letting me21:53
noelferreirahow can i get a XML file for gedit that enables PROLOG syntax higlighting (files .pl) ?21:53
TheFunkbombSiDi, do you know where the smoothing text option is?21:53
SiDiTheFunkbomb, go to the OOo options, Display, and uncheck "Smoothing foots"21:53
bonhofferdr_willis, o.k. that works21:53
SiDiTheFunkbomb, display or appearence21:54
mogi22i'm using tomsrtbt (linux on a floppy) to boot a system and fix its config, how do i mount the hard drive once i've booted up with floppy?  when i do mount /dev/sda1 /mnt it says it cant recognize the device and to insmod -l driver21:54
mogi22what would that driver be?21:54
SiDiTheFunkbomb, to turn 3D effects back on, type "compiz --replace &" in a console after you unchecked the checkbox ;p21:54
mogi22or am i mounting it incorrectly?21:54
Astr4yIs there a way to temporarily disable pulseaudio?  One of my required apps is segfaulting unless i disable pulseaudio, but i dont want to remove it completely21:55
SiDiTheFunkbomb, making you a screenshot of the good tab21:55
TheFunkbombSidi under "view" I have "dithering" is that the same?21:55
TheFunkbombSiDi, thanks21:55
cmv583Jordan_U:  u here?21:55
lasivianGnea: They edited the aspireone writeup since I built this21:55
Jordan_Ucmv583, OK, go to System >Administration > Partition Editor , resize your fat partition and create an ext3 partition with the free space, if you need more specific instructions just ask21:55
SiDiTheFunkbomb, it's called "Lisser" in french, i guess the nearest term in english is "smoothing"21:56
lasivianGnea: the new madwifi "ath_pci" works fine now21:56
SiDiUploading the pic21:56
TheFunkbombSiDi, okay, I think we're talking about the same thing21:56
lasivianGnea: thanks btw, it was helpful to sort out what exactly was happening21:56
aboSamoorI am updating my status using puple-remote and it works, but when I add a cron job it does not update the status of my gmail ?21:56
cmv583Jordan_U: ? got this error: Failed to run /usr/sbin/gparted as user root. Unable to copy the user's Xauthorization file.21:57
slipstI have a collection of documents such as ebooks and articles. Is there an application that manages this for me? Something like Rhythmbox for music.21:57
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slartimy 8 gig motherboard has 8 gigs in it and it is not completely happy  :(    i am running 64bit kubuntu hardy21:58
mogi22is there a linux on a floppy solution that lets you mount your hard drive once booted?21:58
SiDihttp://img57.imageshack.us/my.php?image=capturemv5.jpg TheFunkbomb21:58
zac11What would be a recommended amount of space for the root partition? for instance, I want to run ubuntu with 240GBs. Would 20GB be enough to install Ubuntu to /? Where does all the other installed software go to, like OpenOffice and such? Does that install into the /home directories or /?21:58
deicideferretanyone here use both VMWare workstation & server?21:58
BaxI'm trying to upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10.  From what I've been told so far, wine is an obstacle to upgrading and I need to completely remove it.  I've already went into the synaptic manager and removed it, but ubuntu still lists it under my Applications.  What do I do?21:58
Astr4yPeople still use Hardy? D:21:58
TheFunkbombSiDi, in the dumb American version, we call that Anti-Aliasing21:59
SiDiTheFunkbomb, OOo has an option for that but users reported the same issue under aMSN, Amarok and Opera. i'ld like you to go again to the "Driver peripherals" window and tell me what versions of the drivers is activated21:59
TheFunkbombokay, let me do that other command21:59
slipstzac11, depends on how many apps you'll be installing. I think I went with 6gb last time and that was plenty for me.21:59
TheFunkbombSiDi, okay21:59
SiDiTheFunkbomb, ok that's what i expected :P it's actually font anti aliasing21:59
deicideferretzac - i've done 10 in the past without problems21:59
Jordan_Ucmv583, That's odd, you are currently using the LiveCD?21:59
SiDitell me if you still have the menus after re-enabling compiz too ;)22:00
deicideferretanyone know if there are real advantages to VMWare workstation?22:00
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deicideferretconsidering it costs $$ etcheh22:00
TheFunkbombSiDi, Nvidia accelerated graphics driver (version 96) [recommended]22:00
SiDiTheFunkbomb, bingo :)22:00
TheFunkbombSiDi, you are the man (or woman)22:00
SiDiTheFunkbomb, i'm 99% sure there is a bug in the version 96, somehow related to multiple apps (here OOo for fonts | and compiz) using 3D or antialiasing functions22:01
SiDiTheFunkbomb, i think i'm a man ;P22:01
TheFunkbombSiDi, it works perfectly!  Thank you so much!22:01
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SiDiTheFunkbomb, i fear you'll have to do with it if your GPU is really old. The bug shouldn't be bothing unless you use amarok, opera, or amsn (equivalences : exaile / firefox / pidgin)22:01
deicideferretwow nobody uses VMWare22:01
SiDiTheFunkbomb, you're welcome :) by the way, listen up22:01
Javierhi, i'm having trobles playing dvds, i've downloaded the codecs but none of the players i have are able to play one, can somebody help me?22:01
SiDiTheFunkbomb, when you'll have updates including OOo, the update window will show a warning popup because the source of the files hasn't been verified22:02
TheFunkbombSiDi, firefox works just fine.  It was just OOO so far.22:02
zac11slipst, deicideferret: Nice! (: thank you22:02
ryaxnbhow do i update the ubuntu bootloader and make it check for new OS'es22:02
SiDiTheFunkbomb, don't worry about this warning message, it's because of that launchpad repository we added22:02
TheFunkbombSiDi, right.  I can ignore that and I'll still be safe?22:02
Astr4ydeicideferret: Most people use virtualbox or some other alternative on ubuntu from what i've seen22:02
ryaxnband then add those22:02
slipstdeicideferret, take a look at their homepage and read about the differences?22:02
TheFunkbombSiDi, gotcha.  Thank you so much again.  It's dinner time in the states22:02
SiDiTheFunkbomb, yeh because the repository is on launchpad, and launchpad belongs to canonical so there shouldnt be bad stuff cominng from there22:02
Javierhi, i'm having trobles playing dvds, i've downloaded the codecs but none of the players i have are able to play one, can somebody help me?22:03
SiDiTheFunkbomb, have a nice meal ;)22:03
slipstJavier, try vlc22:03
TheFunkbombSiDi, you have a great day!22:03
SiDiTheFunkbomb, thanks22:03
Javierslipst. when i use vcl, it freezes22:03
slipstJavier, maybe there's something wrong with your dvd22:04
cmv583Jordan_U:  i think? i changed boot seq. and post to cd and it gave me options to choose just like normal boot though?22:04
Javieri can play it in wondows22:04
ryaxnbagain, how do i make grub check again for new oses to be loaded22:04
Javierslipst, i can play it in windowa22:04
slipstJavier, same version of VLC in both windows and ubuntu?22:05
Javierslipst, i use media player clssic in windows22:05
bobrownI have an Acer Aspire One and can't get the standard and alternate disk images to boot from a USB flash drive.  The netbook remix does boot, so I installed it.  I'm having wireless touble now.22:05
archivatorDo you know if anyone's actively working on reducing boot time?22:06
slipstJavier, you could try mplayer, maybe you need something from medibuntu (google it) but I don't really know, sorry.22:06
Javierslipst, np thank you for answering22:06
Jack_Sparrowarchivator, remove splash from the boot command22:06
bobrownI wanted to install using the alternate  disk image in order to encrypt my disks.  Any ideas on how best to do this?22:06
=== lukasz_ is now known as Rukasuzu
Jordan_Ucmv583, Can you open a terminal and run "whoami", if it says "ubuntu" then you are using the LiveCD, if it says your user name ( on your installed system ) then you are booted normally. Note that gparted still should work from your installed system, so you have some other problems ( most likely with permissions ) that need to be dealt with22:07
jacekowskiarchivator: you can try to disable readahead22:07
archivatorJack_Sparrow, I'm not complaining about boot time. In fact, jaunty has been quite an improvement over hardy. There were rumors jaunty would be focused on boot time, that's why I'm asking..22:07
jacekowskiarchivator: it might reduce boot time22:07
=== Leefmc-away is now known as Leefmc
Jack_Sparrowarchivator, Discussion and questions for jaunty belong in #ubntu+122:08
ghindoIf I have a flash drive plugged into my Ubuntu laptop, how do I tell which entry in /dev/ represents that flash drive?22:08
archivatorJack_Sparrow, noted.22:08
cmv583Jordan_U:  yeah i'm in normal boot22:08
Astr4yIs there a way to temporarily disable pulseaudio?  One of my required apps is segfaulting unless i disable pulseaudio, but i dont want to remove it completely22:08
Jack_Sparrowghindo, sudo fdisk -l   wil show all drives, it should be easy to spot22:08
Jordan_Ucmv583, Have you booted successfully with the CD drive that you currently have in before?22:11
DigitalFizcurse you crazy liblame-dev!!22:12
cmv583Jordan_U:  gparted will not work either?! what do i do? this is driving  me crazy! i can't save anything to desktop, can't use my cd-rw as cd-rom! no i haven't22:12
cgiwraphow do i check if i have journal_data on my partition ?22:12
cmv583Jordan_U:  the one i originally installed with is broke!!!!!!!!!22:13
kinectionhow do i change the play/pause keys to control mpd in ubuntu?22:13
Jordan_Ucmv583, Ahh, I think that the problem with gparted ( which is really a problem with gksudo ) is because your / is full22:13
Jordan_Ucmv583, Can move any files off to your external drive to make space?22:14
SiDikinection, System > Preferences > Keyboard shortcuts22:14
BlackHawkjoin #ubuntu-de22:15
cmv583Jordan_U: sure, how22:16
droHello everyone. I was wondering if anyone in here is using Eclipse from the repos?22:17
Somethiefor the disk is mounted as readonly22:17
Somethiefcmv583 in terminal: df -h22:17
guntbert!anyone | dro22:17
ubottudro: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:17
Somethiefand paste the line with only / in the end22:17
PowhatanBobI got TwinView working for my nvidia card, but I don't want windows to span both displays, when i hit maximise i want it to fill only one display.  How can I accomplish this?22:18
droI added in the PHP Eclipse plugin and now I receive an error when ever I try to open a .php file. From what I've read, this is only a problem with Eclipse 3.2 (which is the only version available in the repos). Does anyone know a workaround?22:18
CppIsWeirdwhat is the command to execute a program from an ssh session such that i can close the session and the program continues to execute?22:19
SiDidro, you can install the one from eclipse's webby22:19
SiDidro, it's true the repo version is a bit outdated22:19
AzzmodanCppIsWeird, you could start the program in something like "screen"22:19
fosco_CppIsWeird: nohup22:19
droSince they Eclipse devs have already released v. 3.4, how can I make a recommendation for the repos to be updated?22:19
CppIsWeirdfosco_ ftw, 10 points. ty. :)22:19
drosidi: Yes, I could, but I'd like it to be tied into Synaptic... Cause, well, honestly I'm lazy. lol22:20
cmv583Somethief: http://pastebin.com/m1ea2a0922:20
SiDidro, :D22:20
SiDidro, if you feel courageous you can try the auto update system built in eclipse22:20
=== christiekoehler is now known as christiekoehler|
droHrmph. That, and I'm only allowed 425 mb / day by my ISP.22:20
droInteresting. Is it under help?22:20
FarmCretinhey, im using ubuntu desktop and im having trouble recognizing my usb wireless adapter. how can i add the wireless connection?22:21
droFarmCretin: Which version of Ubuntu?22:21
FarmCretinthe newest one, i just burned it22:21
Somethiefcmv583 also see: mount -ls | grep /dev/sda522:21
slipstI have a collection of documents such as ebooks and articles. Is there an application that manages this for me? Something like Rhythmbox for music.22:21
droJust to make sure, it's Intrepid Ibex, correct?22:21
SiDidro, thats a bad limitation you have :/22:22
Jack_SparrowFarmCretin, lsb_release -a  so we know for sure which version22:22
Somethief[00:20:50] <dro> Hrmph. That, and I'm only allowed 425 mb / day by my ISP.22:22
Somethiefare you serious? :o22:22
cmv583Somethief: http://pastebin.com/d491b56fd22:22
droSiDi:  I live in the middle of nowhere and am forced to use Hughesnet Satellite Internet... Which blows... Hard core.22:22
SiDidro, ouch :P22:22
neviscan I ask for help here or is there another channel?22:22
droYes, somethief. I am serious. Unfortunatel.22:23
SiDinevis, definately here22:23
nevisOk. good.22:23
Somethiefdro wow where is that? :P22:23
droBoycott Hugheset guys. Don't use their service, if possible. :D22:23
Jack_Sparrownevis, If it is ubuntu support related22:23
PowhatanBobHow can i make windows expand to fill only one monitor in a dual screen setup?22:23
nevisI'm using a a livecd now,22:23
droMiddle of nowhere Illinois, US.22:23
Somethiefcmv583 your disk is full, can you delete some unneeded file(s)?22:23
nevismy main installation crashed and grub won't load.22:23
SiDiFarmCretin, what is exactly the usb wireless adaptor you use ?22:23
FarmCretinWG111 netgear22:23
nevisIt hangs on "grub loading, please wait"22:23
Somethiefdro just curious but whats the speed and ping times of that thing?22:24
nevisafter "stage 1.5"22:24
nevisI was trying to suspend to RAM, and on resume, got a black screen22:24
cmv583Somethief: sure just don't know exactly what's unneeded?22:24
droThe speeds for HTTP are similar to ISDN 512kbs although they're rated to be "upto 1.5 mbs", supposedly. The latency... Well, it's horrid for gaming and even IRC when I am multitasking.22:24
nevisSo I restarted,22:25
nevisand when the computer got back up, GRUB hanged.22:25
Jack_Sparrowcmv583, delete everything in /var/cache/apt/archives.. or back it up22:25
nevisWhat do I do now?22:25
droAnd, if you're using non-HTTP (ie. FTP, Telnet, etc). the speeds are forced to dialup speeds.22:25
Somethiefuhm i didnt see your first question but how recent is your install?22:25
Jack_Sparrow!patience > nevis22:25
ubottunevis, please see my private message22:25
Somethiefdro bad luck :P22:25
FarmCretinSiDi:  WG111 netgear usb22:25
SiDidro, i'd be sad of having this at home (even if 80% of the time i got 30kbps connexion, only with ports 80 and 443)22:25
nevisI'm sorry. :-)22:25
droYeah, I go up to the city and visit friends a lot just so I can steal... or, ahem.. use theri connections. :D22:26
Somethiefhaha :D22:26
guntbertnevis: you should state your problem and ask your questions all in one (long) line, don't use enter to split lines22:27
drosomethief / SiDi: Have you ever seen your IRC client's latency exceed over 1 minute? I have... Sadly. Nothing like being a minute behind the conversation. :(22:27
SiDiFarmCretin, if you speak french i got a full doc for you :P22:27
SiDidro, yes, i did22:27
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:28
droSiDi: At least I'm not the only one!22:28
Somethiefhaha irc over grps in a moving car gets pretty close :P22:28
droubottu: Sorry22:28
ubottuIt's ok, I can't stay mad at you. Those darned ewoks on the other hand...22:28
SiDihttp://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/wifi_netgear_wg311v3 FarmCretin i can translate this for you if you want, it's a guide for your USB key22:28
FarmCretinSiDi:  ha, no i cant speak french. only english and broken espanol22:28
BridgeInhabitantThere is an unidentified machine connected to my network, is there a command I can use to query its operating system?22:28
droBridgeInhabitant:  Check out smb4k to establish a connection and have all kinds of fun!22:29
bkuhnHello!  I am using a radeon card with the Free Software xorg-server-video-ati driver in hardy (although same behavior found with intrepid).  The contrast setting keeps getting reset to the maximum on the card.  In Microsoft Windows, the contrast setting for the card/LVDS panel can be set.   In xorg, I cannot seem to find a way.  Thoughts?22:29
SomethiefBridgeInhabitant install nmap22:29
cmv583Jack_Sparrow: i can't! select all, right-click and move to trash isn't click-able22:29
Somethieftheres a gui also in repos but cant remember it's name :P22:29
nevisI have a dual boot configuration, XP and Ubuntu8.10 (i installed kubuntu-desktop lated). After an attempt to suspend the system, it crashed. I restarted, only to find that GRUB hangs up after "stage 1.5" saying "please wait". I waited for a bit, but I don't think it's going to help. I'm now using the ubuntu8.10 livecd. thanks for any advice.22:29
SiDiFarmCretin, ok, i'll make you type 2 commands to check this is exactly that card that you're using. Open a terminal and please type "lspci | grep -i wireless"22:29
droWell, I'm off. Have fun everyone...22:30
FarmCretinSiDi:  nothing, it didnt read anything22:30
SiDiBridgeInhabitant, if you suspect a windows machine, open nautilus, type smb:// in the address bar and if you see something it means there's a windows pc around22:31
SiDiFarmCretin, "lspci | grep 802.11" then22:31
SiDiah lsusb sorry22:31
ghindoJack_Sparrow: Coo, thank you22:31
FarmCretinSiDi:   still nothing. ill try different usb ports22:32
cmv583Jack_Sparrow: do i have bigger problems than i thought?22:33
SiDiFarmCretin, can you just type "lsusb" and "lspci" and paste the output of both to http://pastebin.ubuntu.com then please ?22:33
guntbertnevis: as long as nobody else takes the bait: you could at least check your file system on your HD22:34
FarmCretinno can do, im talking to you on my wireless laptop. the desktop im trying to use the usb with has no internet22:34
SiDiI see FarmCretin22:34
nevisguntbert: thanks. how?22:34
deicideferretSimple question.. I install something.. I can see it in "Edit Menu" etc..22:34
deicideferretbut when I try to use the ubuntu menu.. I don't see it22:34
SiDiFarmCretin, just type lsusb and look for something related to wireless, please22:35
deicideferretI guess I just have to reboot22:35
JHook101Are there any visual packages for desktop in ubuntu22:35
Jack_Sparrowdeicideferret, /join #vbox and please hold down the use of enter in the channel22:35
deicideferrethow down the use of enter :)?  that is the first time i've ever heard/read that.  interesting concept.22:36
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:36
FarmCretinSiDi:  yes, i see Bus 002 Device 003: ID 1385:4251 Netgear, Inc22:36
=== Rafik_ is now known as Rafik
SiDiFarmCretin, ok, that's really little info but i'll try to find you a driver ;)22:36
Astr4yIs there a way to disable pulseaudio withotu removing it compeltely?22:37
=== christiekoehler| is now known as christiekoehler
spasticteapotCan I chmod a whole folder?22:37
guntbertnevis: try it with gparted System/Administration/PartitionEditor (use it just to check, don't change things there)22:37
FarmCretinSiDi:  thanks, you might be saving be quite a bit of cabling22:37
Jack_Sparrowspasticteapot, yes22:37
Astr4yspasticteapot: Yes22:37
nevisguntbert: what should I look for?22:37
erUSULspasticteapot: chmod -R (recursively)22:37
Astr4yspasticteapot: "sudo chmod 777 -R /folder/name" would affect the fodler and everything inside of it, including subfolders22:37
spasticteapoterUSUL: Much thanks.22:38
jam59Greetings, folks. I just installed ubuntu server and include the LAMP install but Apache2 won't parse the php files. Any ideas?22:38
spasticteapotAstr4y: What's the 777 option do again?22:38
bob__any dvd experts  in here?22:38
Astr4yspasticteapot: Sets permissions so everybody can do everything :p22:38
spasticteapotI'm hoping to give applications access to the folders - wouldn't chmod -x do it?22:38
Astr4yspasticteapot: yes22:38
Agemaniacdoes anyone knows how to run and install a tarball file?22:38
space_cadetallright. i need to go from grub to a win7 setup.22:38
SiDiFarmCretin, do you know if your usb key has a number like v2 or v3 written somewhere ? it seems there are 3 versions of this usb key22:38
jam59I can parse php files from the command line but not via the web server.22:39
guntbertnevis: in gparted choose your HD, right-click on one partition, select check22:39
space_cadeti have grub installed, but i need it to boot to my second partition (where the files are extracted) and begin setup.22:39
space_cadetfor win722:39
milanhow do i talk22:39
Jack_SparrowAgemaniac, tar is just a compressed file, anything could be in there22:39
milanoh i get it22:39
nevisguntbert: gparted has "warning" - /dev/sda1 has a bad sector. what is ntfsresize?22:39
noelferreirahow can i get a XML file for gedit that enables PROLOG syntax higlighting (files .pl) ?22:39
Agemaniacits only a so file (actually flash player for 64 it but i dont know how to install it :p22:40
spasticteapotAstr4y: sudo chmod 777 -x -r /root/.etwolf gives: " chmod: cannot access `777': No such file or directory"22:40
bob__any dvd experts  in here?22:40
cmv583Jordan_U: well i'm at a loss. i can't seem to delete anything in file browser? emptied trash ! still no gparted!22:40
guntbertnevis: then sda1 is your windows partition, leave it alone (for now)22:40
AgemaniacJack_Sparrow,  its only a so file (actually flash player for 64 it but i dont know how to install it :p22:40
jam59Any ideas on getting Apache2 to parse PHP files?22:41
FarmCretinSiDi:  the box says v222:41
Jack_SparrowAgemaniac, Look for instructions where you got the file.22:41
Astr4yspasticteapot: You have to use R, capitalized, it's case sensitive, also you cna take the 777 out of there, it was only an example22:41
SiDiok FarmCretin thanks22:41
nevisok. sdb2 is my linux partition.22:41
nevisI'm runing check on it now.22:41
tiyowanHi folks.22:41
Astr4yspasticteapot: You should be typing "sudo chmod -x -R /root/.etwolf".22:42
nevisI think check on sdb2 completetd successfully22:42
AgemaniacJack_Sparrow, it only says about uninstalling any previous vercion of flash before installing the new one22:42
ubottuYou can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava22:43
SiDiFarmCretin, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper this doc slightly outdated but the idea is there22:43
bob__I'm not getting dvd movies to show up in 8.10 and ideas?22:43
SiDiFarmCretin, you'll also need the windows drivers (i suppose you know how to find them)22:44
guntbertnevis: I gotta go, but you might want to prepare for others to step in: open a command-shell, type sudo fdisk -l and pastebin the output of this command22:44
guntbert!pastebin | nevis22:44
ubottunevis: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)22:44
FarmCretinSiDi:  ill get them off the disk22:44
SiDiFarmCretin, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51993 here is a forum topic about someone with the same usb key, too22:44
SiDiOf course once the driver is installed you can just use the graphical method for connecting to the internet FarmCretin22:45
nevisok. thank you very much.22:45
AgemaniacJack_Sparrow, hmm the flash installer that i downloaded its already for 64 bit architecture, i only need to know how to dun it :S, theres only a file.so inside, but i dont know the comand to run the installation :S22:45
JHook101Can someone tell me which MySQL package I would download for Ubuntu22:45
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)22:46
slashBoothi, i've got a problem with 8.10 on my laptop, I have no sound, what can I do? :(22:47
nevisOk. My system crashed and GRUB won't load. Check out my fdisk -l output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/103304/22:47
JHook101hey ubot22:48
JHook101The MYSQL program I need to be on client not server22:48
JolterHey guys!! can anyone help me to setup NFS?22:48
unop!info mysql-client-5.1 | JHook10122:48
ubottuPackage mysql-client-5.1 does not exist in intrepid22:48
oirawhen i start a 3d app like glxgears my X terminal crashes and the ctrl f1 terminals get scrambled. i have a X3100, and am using the intel driver. and intrepid22:49
Jack_Sparrow!fing mysql-client22:49
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:49
Jack_Sparrow!find mysql-client22:49
unop!info mysql-client | JHook10122:49
ubottuFound: mysql-client, mysql-client-5.022:49
ubottumysql-client (source: mysql-dfsg-5.0): MySQL database client (metapackage depending on the latest version). In component main, is optional. Version 5.0.67-0ubuntu6 (intrepid), package size 51 kB, installed size 80 kB22:49
perillux1is there any way to turn my laptop screen off?  it never turns completely off, it still has the backlight on, unless the computer is off22:49
oirawhich driver is doing this, (which package is respoinsible) can i downgrade it?22:49
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.22:49
JHook101I went to http://www.ubuntu.com/products/softwarecatalogue They had MySQL website listed I was wanting to know which package I would download for a 32 bit desktop22:50
oiraits sad ubuntu crashes22:50
oiraout of the box, with a single package update22:50
carandraugperillux1: yes. I have a shortcut on my laptop that does that. It's a button that just says LCD22:50
unopJHook101, i believe ubottu just told you which one :)22:51
Jack_Sparrow!info mysql-client-5.022:51
ubottumysql-client-5.0 (source: mysql-dfsg-5.0): MySQL database client binaries. In component main, is optional. Version 5.0.67-0ubuntu6 (intrepid), package size 7694 kB, installed size 18136 kB22:51
perillux1carandraug: care to share what's in it?22:51
oirai found some erros with findutils being linked to libc6 and libc6 linked to the findutils dependencys which caused apt-get to die as well. but got that working22:51
Jack_SparrowJHook101, sudo apt-get install mysql-client-5.022:51
perillux1carandraug: or is it a physical button on your comp?22:51
Jack_Sparrowoira, Was it a package from our supported repos?22:51
perillux1carandraug: I don't have any buttons to turn it off, but I'm sure there is a way to do it still.22:52
oiraJack_Sparrow: oh yeah, might have not been. sorry :(22:52
carandraugperillux1: it's a physical button. Like the ones to control the sound. I checked the keyboards shortcuts but it's not configured there (though the sound control buttons are there)22:52
Jack_Sparrowoira, That is the risk you take22:52
nevisHi there. Could someone please help me? My system crashed and GRUB won't load. My fdisk -l output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/103304/22:53
jam59Jack_Sparrow: Any suggestions for getting Apache2 to parse PHP? It runs from the command line but not from the web server.22:53
Jack_Sparrowjam59, I would ask in #apache or ubuntu-server22:53
oiraJack_Sparrow: yes you are correct, i forgot i had updated the source file22:53
jam59Jack_Sparrow: Ahhh, ubuntu-server. Thanks!22:53
Jack_Sparrowoira, np22:54
perillux1carandraug: I can actually turn it off with something I type in the command line (after a long time on google)  but I can't seem to get it to turn back on.....  I have to restart the comp to get it back one which kind of defeats the purpose lol22:54
Jack_Sparrowjam59, you are welcome22:54
carandraugperillux1: I see. I think you can choose to turn it off and lock the screen22:55
AgemaniacJack_Sparrow, hmm the flash installer that i downloaded its already for 64 bit architecture, i only need to know how to run it :S, theres only a file.so inside, but i dont know the comand to run the installation :S22:55
perillux1carandraug: I can do that too but the backlight stays on22:55
Agemaniacsorry, but cant make it work :/22:55
kevin_hey guys a wile ago i edited my menu.lst and then did a kernel update and now menu.lst didn't auto-update. how can i fix this?22:55
Jack_SparrowAgemaniac, cant help sorry. I am about to take a break and ust lurk for a bit22:55
Agemaniackk, enjoy :)22:56
Jack_Sparrowkevin_, Which kernel update, I assume a manual update to some special kernel22:56
Agemaniacis someone else around? :X22:56
=== christiekoehler is now known as christiekoehler|
carandraugperillux1: I see. I tried it now. Since I was with the room light on I didn't notice that. But the shortcut I have on my keyboard (Fn+F7) really turns the monitor off22:57
kidkoAnybody have ideas as to how I should handle the latest NVIDIA drivers? There are two parts, and X11 won't start because one is *.80 and the other is *.8222:57
carandraugperillux1: can't you bind a keyboard shortcut to the command you found on google? The command works as a switch? Or would you need a different one to turn it on?22:58
=== kevin_ is now known as kevin83
perillux1carandraug: it might need another one to turn it on22:58
kevin83did you get my message?22:58
perillux1carandraug: i'm going to try it again, so this might be my last message lol22:58
carandraugperillux1: wait22:59
IceBallDoes anyone know if there is a better driver for a ATI Radeon Xpress 1100 other than fglrx?22:59
perillux1carandraug: ok22:59
kevin83the kernel update was a typical one delivered by software updates from 2.6.27-7 to 2.6.27-922:59
Enissayi have no sound while playing flash movies on youtube, dailymotion,...!!! how can i fix this please?22:59
droRoom:  Where can I request a repos file to be updated (eclipse is out of date by over two years)22:59
kevin83i restored the original grub file, removed the new kernel and reinstalled it but it didn't update menu.lst22:59
carandraugperillux1: or you can bind a shortcut to a script that checks wether the LCD is on or off, and turns it on or off depending on the monitor status22:59
IceBallEnissay, its a fkash problem23:00
Jack_Sparrowdro, look up the maintainer and ask. or look into packaging23:00
kidkoI updated my system today, and the NVIDIA kernel is at version 177.82, while the driver stayed at 177.80. X11 won't start as a result. Any ideas/how to downgrade?23:00
kidko(Sorry, driver's 82, kernel's 80)23:00
neviscan't boot, grub hangs. need help. pretty please with sugar on top?23:01
kidkonevis: what have you done recently?23:01
EnissayIceBall: i dunno, it stops working after installing updates23:01
carandraugperillux1: my programming skills are really really basic but I'm pretty sure I could pull something like that in perl in a few hours. An actual programmer would probably take a few minutes if you tell him the command to check the status and the commans to turn it on and off23:02
perillux1carandraug: well the way it is supposed to work is... it turns it off, then it runs an empty loop, then when I press ctrl+c to close the program it's supposed to turn the monitor on.  but it doesn't turn it back on23:02
IceBallEnissay, yea, tons of ppl are having the problem23:02
perillux1carandraug: hmm, maybe I can split it into two programs and do what you suggested.23:02
kevin83i can always just alter the file manually and change -7 to -9 where appropriate23:03
EnissayIceBall: how can i fix it? do i have to reinstall it (i'm triying)23:03
neviskidko - system crashed after trying to suspend in 8.10. When resuming, got a black screen. eventually restarted alt-ctrl-del. when the computer came up again, grub hanged on stage 1.523:03
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.23:04
carandraugperillux1: maybe. Good luck with that. If you know a menu with more keybindings, other than System>Preferences>Keyboard shortcuts, maybe it's there the option for my (Fn+F7)23:04
IceBallEnissay, i think if u type in flash sound crackles ubuntu in google, there is a link to a submitted bug on launchpad, that should help u23:04
kantlivelongxcan someone here help me w/ an nnvdia issue?23:05
FloodBot3mib_4n0gpy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:05
EnissayIceBall: thks23:06
spasticteapotDoes anyone here have any advice as to installing Ubuntu on one partition and "/home" on another?23:06
IceBallEnissay, np23:06
spasticteapotSomeone recommended it to me as a good way to make upgrading easy, but it seems to make everything malfunction.23:06
noelferreirahow can i get a XML file for gedit that enables PROLOG syntax higlighting (files .pl) ?23:07
carandraugspasticteapot: unless you're a developer, don't bother giving more than 15Gb to / . And even that ammount is probably more than enough23:07
spasticteapotcarandraug: Did that. However, whenever Ubuntu downloads a package, that seems to be where it installs it.23:07
spasticteapotWeird, eh?23:07
al_caponespasticteapot: use gparted for partitioning and besides a /home partition u ll need / and swap23:07
carandraugspasticteapot: that's right. They are installed in / . But software here doesn't take a loot of space23:08
spasticteapotal_capone: Did that. 20GB for "/",  100GB for "/home", 2GB for swap.23:08
perillux1carandraug: it worked!!23:08
spasticteapotcarandraug: I'm already down to 8GB.23:08
spasticteapotWeird, eh?23:08
carandraugperillux1: cool!23:08
perillux1carandraug: theres one slight problem I can foresee though..23:08
spasticteapotOf course, it also seems to keep Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory from working.23:09
al_caponespasticteapot: use a live cd with the newest version to install a clean version and make a /home partion23:09
Agemaniaccarandraug,  do you have one min? :x23:09
jribspasticteapot: there's no reason for that, it doesn't make sense23:09
carandraugspasticteapot: I install those games on /home23:09
carandraugAgemaniac: yes23:09
spasticteapotI just installed 8.10.23:09
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al_caponespasticteapot: punkbuster does not work in et under ubuntu23:09
spasticteapotcarandraug: You install ET with a script.23:09
spasticteapotal_capone: Are you sure?23:10
spasticteapotIf so....WTF?23:10
perillux1carandraug: it's just that I have a on.sh and an off.sh  and I have to run it like sudo ./off.sh  and enter my password.  might be hard to enter that when i can't see, and type my pass... but w/e I think it will be ok   xD  thanks for your help23:10
carandraugspasticteapot: I install UT2004 with a script too but the script asks me where.23:10
Agemaniaccarandraug, have downloaded flash player for 64bit architectures, it comes in a tar ball and inside theres a .so file, how do i install or whats the command to execute the .so file?23:10
spasticteapotThere are a dozen documentation sheets for each half-assed Tetris clone in the repository, but not W:ET?23:10
spasticteapotcarandraug: I have a sneaking suspicion that UT and ET use very different scripts. Especially because the latter is years and years old.23:11
AgemaniacW:ET rocks :)23:11
carandraugperillux1: it's the same as typing the pass in the terminal. You also can't see it there23:11
al_caponespasticteapot: use wine to install et23:11
droJack-Sparrow:  sorry for the delay, I was over in #eclipse.  How can I find the maintaner or otherwise look into packaging?23:11
al_caponeye it does23:11
Agemaniacspasticteapot, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=71212623:12
Agemaniacthere i fown a way to install et :)23:12
IceBallwhats the command to open up the wine config?23:12
jribIceBall: winecfg23:12
perillux1carandraug: true, plus if I mess up I could always just press ctrl+c and start over23:12
sbakHi. I just built a new comp AMD athlon x2 64. I accidentally installed the x386 version of desktop, and not the 64bit. Now i can not get comp to load from 64bit cd to reinstall. I have hd0 boot options disabled in bios. still it always boots from HD0. it tries to boot from CD but seems to think there is nothing bootable there23:13
sbakkinda frustrated23:13
jribsbak: check the md5sum of the iso you have downloaded and burn at 2x23:14
carandraugAgemaniac: you just run it in the terminal with sh I believe23:14
spasticteapotAnyone know how to uninstall Enemy Territory?23:14
sbakjrib: ok. I will try that... thanks23:14
carandraugAgemaniac: did you read this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AMD64/FirefoxAndPlugins?action=show&redirect=FirefoxAMD64FlashJava23:14
nevisok. I tried something, I'm going to reboot now. wish me luck.23:14
droRoom:  Where can I request a repos file to be updated (eclipse is out of date by over two years)23:15
grabhow do i increase screen refresh rate on puppy ? they cant help me on official chan :P23:15
jribAgemaniac: you realize flash is easily installed through the repositories?23:15
jribgrab: this channel is for ubuntu support23:15
=== tyfoo2 is now known as tyfoo
[TK]D-Fenderhello all, small issue I could use a hand with.  Running 8.10 I can't seem to get my Line-In to work on my Creative SB Audigy.23:15
Agemaniaccarandraug,  yes, i readed that, but its already for 64 bit, so no need to simulate, ill try with the sh, im a not with linux ^^23:15
toehio"ldd file.so" shows me all the dependencies of the file. How do I automatically get all of them?23:16
grabi think there is people able to help me here23:16
grabif they want23:16
danubhey all, what is the undo command in vim?23:16
jribgrab: it's offtopic here23:16
jribdanub: u23:16
TheFunkbombThis is a silly question.  Do I need a firewall and virus scanner?23:16
jribTheFunkbomb: no23:16
jrib!firewall > TheFunkbomb23:16
ubottuTheFunkbomb, please see my private message23:16
Agemaniacjrgp, yes, but it doesnt work properly, every time i try to watch a video it downloads it and plays the first 2 seconds and then it freezes23:16
grabhow do i change screen refresh rate in command line ?23:17
JHook101does anyone know any ubuntu tweeaks to increase speed and performance23:17
carandraugAgemaniac: I don't have a 64bit but I'm guessing it's not in the repos for you to be trying that23:17
linxeh[grab: at the console for console mode, or using the command line to change it for X ?23:17
grabusing the command line to change it for X23:17
jribgrab: man xrandr23:18
carandraugAgemaniac: have you tried to look on the PPA?23:18
linxeh[grab: you can rerun the xconfig tool23:18
spasticteapotcarandraug: How do you install games downloaded from the package manager to /home instead of somewhere else?23:18
Agemaniaccarandraug, no, whats that? :X23:18
linxeh[grab: sudo -dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg23:18
linxeh[grab: or you could edit the file by hand23:18
carandraug!ppa > Agemaniac23:18
ubottuAgemaniac, please see my private message23:18
grablinxeh[,  what file?23:18
MarjanHey, I have problem whith freezing in every 3D  application23:18
JHook101Ubuntu Performance & Speed Tweaks?23:18
linxeh[grab: /etc/X11/xorg.conf I think23:19
Agemaniacok, ill check :)23:19
grablinxeh[, and jrib  thank you so much23:19
carandraugspasticteapot: when I install from the package manager they go for they default place. But when installing games from CD's and DVD's, they ask where. WHen I tried to install in / instead of /home, I had a bunch of problems23:20
spasticteapotcarandraug: I download most of my games from the repository.23:20
carandraugspasticteapot: have you tried to clean your cache? It can take a lot of space23:20
spasticteapotcarandraug: Er....how do I do that? :)23:20
Agemaniacomg... i hate linux.. :( lol23:20
Agemaniactoo much for a noob :x23:21
sbakjrib: THANKs! nero must have messed up while burning CD. MD5 did not match what i downloaded. seems obvious, but i assumed the CD was good :/23:21
VideoSmithCould anyone help me with a problem?  I am trying to get kdenlive onto Linux Ubuntu.23:21
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linxeh[Agemaniac: well, you could stop being a noob ? :)23:21
nevisok. it worked. thanks guys.23:21
linxeh[Agemaniac: all the best things in life take considerable effort... :)23:21
carandraugspasticteapot: "sudo aptitude clean" or "sudo apt-get clean"23:21
TheFunkbombIs there anyway or any program to easily improve audio output from MP3s?  I use Sensaura Headphone Theater in Windows.  Anything comparable in Ubuntu?23:22
nevisnow, i have a few more other questions, but it seems you guys are very busy.23:22
nevisanyone feels like giving a noob a hand? :-)23:22
tritiumnevis: the channel is always busy23:22
droRoom:  Where can I request a repos file to be updated (eclipse is out of date by over two years)23:22
carandraugAgemaniac: you're trying to install from a PPA? You need help?23:22
Agemaniaci only have 2 days a week to enjoy and i spend them trying to fix a flash problem and trying to find out why the sound doesnt work on my wolfenstein >.<23:22
TheFunkbombnevis, I'm a noob too but maybe I can help23:22
imaginativeonehow do I determine the ip address of my computer?23:22
grablinxeh[, what does this mean: VertRefresh  56-71 ? shouldn't it be one number only? is it safe to set it to 75 ?23:22
fosco_imachine: www.whatismyip.org23:22
TheFunkbombimaginativeone, google "what is my ip"23:23
nevisI have an old ABIT NF7 mobo. do you know if there's a way to have suspend/resume work properly?23:23
imaginativeonewithin my local network23:23
TheFunkbombhey, I finally helped someone!23:23
TheFunkbomboh :(23:23
imaginativeonethe one that is distributed from my wireless router...23:23
fosco_imaginativeone: ifconfig23:23
linxeh[grab: no, its a range23:23
carandraugimaginativeone: run "ifconfig"23:23
ti-musoimaginativeone: or sudo ip a23:23
Agemaniaccarandraug, i just dont understand why does adobe gives a flash player for 64bit architecutes, but imposible to install :(23:23
linxeh[grab: you should increase the maximum number (71) to 75 or 85 (depending on your monitor)23:24
linxeh[grab: do you have a flat panel TFT ?23:24
jribAgemaniac: use the version in the repositories23:24
imaginativeoneis it the "address" or the "BCast"?23:24
grabsamsung syncmaster lcd23:24
grabshould be tft23:24
nevisalso - I read about recompiling the kernel to shorten boot-up time. that sounds exciting. shoud I try it? :-)23:24
linxeh[imaginativeone: the address23:24
miranda_psiAgemaniac: it is possible to install the 64but flash plugin23:24
mankashany hex compare software available23:24
Agemaniacwell, in theory23:24
Agemaniacim trying to23:24
linxeh[grab: you dont need to set it higher than 60hz then - your screen cant display changes effectively higher than that anyway23:24
carandraugAgemaniac: send a mail to adobe. They may not answer you but if enough people complain... Do the same for games company that force you to use wine, or hardware that don't give linux drivers23:24
Agemaniacwhat, ill give you the link23:24
miranda_psiAgemaniac: what problem are you having?23:24
sbakI have one more issue (not ubuntu, but for my ubuntu comp). I bought 2 sticks 4gb mushkin memory. the gigabyte mobo supports 8gb but is only posting with 4gb any ideas?23:25
linxeh[grab: and it wont suffer from flicker like a CRT does23:25
grablinxeh[, but i see vertical lines, that you see when you have a low rate23:25
JHook101hey do i type rmmod pcspkr in terminal23:25
grabit flickers23:25
JHook101this command is to disable the beep in ubuntu23:25
jribsbak: ask the mobo or ram manufacturer or try ##hardware23:25
al_caponehey just reading this i was wondering where you could change the screen resolution using commands as the gui does not give me the options i want (only 50hz)23:25
linxeh[grab: if you are using an analogue connection (VGA 15pin) then you are better off having it lower23:25
linxeh[grab: tearing ?23:25
Agemaniacmiranda_psi, http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html  at the bottom is the link, and if you can install it please tell me how :X23:25
sbakjrib: thought so.. :) thanks23:25
yrjokinhi - I keep opening k3b whenever I try to into anywhere (home, documents etc) in the 'places' menu (same happens when I open a completed torrent from the pop-up23:25
jribal_capone: wiki.ubuntu.com/X and 'man xrandr'23:26
linxeh[grab: hmm, thats a vsync issue, you might need to find an option for that with your gfx card or something23:26
grablinxeh[, i have a VGA (nvidia tnt2 video card)23:26
carandraugspasticteapot: did you how a lot of free space?23:26
Agemaniacoh well, thanks carandraug :)23:26
al_caponejrib: cheers i ll look into that23:26
phixxorhey, problem, I got xubuntu-desktop and stuff, but when I log in I don't have bars on the top or bottom of the screen!23:26
JHook101where do i type rmmod pcspkr at23:27
jribJHook101: nowhere23:27
grablinxeh[, how can i change vsync then ?23:27
JHook101I am trying to diable the annoying system beep23:27
jribJHook101: xset b 0    If you really want to remove the kernel module, then it's 'sudo modprobe -r pcspkr', but you probably want to blacklist it instead.23:28
imaginativeonehow do I run a vnc server?23:28
Raylzwhen is gutsy support ending?23:28
JHook101How do i blacklist it instead23:28
jrib!gutsy | Raylz23:28
ubottuRaylz: Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Gutsy:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades - Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.10 - Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/710tour23:28
jribRaylz: oops.  in april23:28
phixxorhey can't someone help me get xubuntu to work? It's not showing the header or footer bars :(23:28
JHook101I just do not want to hear the beep23:28
jribJHook101: use xset b 0 like I suggested23:28
linxeh[grab: I'm afraid the tearing thing is beyond me now - I havent used desktop linux since the old XFree86 (predecessor to xorg) days really, I mainly use it remotely as servers / virtual served desktops to OSX / Windows23:28
TheFunkbombcan anyone play yahoo's literati through ubuntu?23:28
Raylzphixxor: alt f2 and write in xfce4-panel23:29
JHook101where do i type that23:29
phixxorRaylz, thanks23:29
JHook101in terminal"?23:29
jribJHook101: yes23:29
grabok linxeh[23:29
phixxorRaylz, is that a common problem?23:29
JHook101Are there any music download applications for ubuntu23:29
whab00heeelppp howcome i cannot execute the make install command23:30
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Raylzphixxor: nah :) problem is, that if panel is killed and session is saved, it will stay off23:30
jribwhab00: what exactly are you trying to install?23:30
Raylzphixxor: session is saved when you shutdown your pc23:30
gmaskDesktop Girls23:30
Agemaniacmiranda_psi, got my private msg? :)23:30
=== gaintsura_ is now known as gaintsura
Raylzphixxor: after reboot all programs are starting which were opened at the shutdown23:30
jribgmask: do you have a question about ubuntu support?23:30
phixxorRaylz, heh, that's weird -- I just installed xfce, how would it have been killed already?23:30
Raylzphixxor: maybe it hasnt been started yet :)23:31
kantlivelongxcan someone help me w/  an nvidia issue?23:31
oirahi, if i run any GL app like glxgears my xserver crashes. but if i login as root it works fine. cab anyone help?23:31
Raylzphixxor: anyway, after reboot itll work23:31
phixxorRaylz, lolol, well anyway, it worked :)23:31
whab00help i follow these instructions but when i get to teh last step to make install it gives me an error makefile / no target or something here is the site PLEASE help anyone http://www.ubuntugeek.com/atheros-5007eg-with-madwifi-on-i386-platform.html  >>>>>>>>>>> HELP PLEASE23:32
jribkantlivelongx: this channel is for ubuntu support23:32
patxhow do i install adobe flash player23:32
mogi22when i try to mount sda1 i get "try insmod driver"  how do i determine the driver?23:32
jribpatx: install the flashplugin-nonfree package in system -> administration -> synaptic23:32
jribmogi22: pastebin exactly what you are doing and the output23:33
mogi22patx, actually i had to install adobe-flashplugin to get v1023:33
Astr4yIs there a way I can stop apt from updating my kernel?23:33
whab00help i follow these instructions but when i get to teh last step to make install it gives me an error makefile / no target or something here is the site PLEASE help anyone http://www.ubuntugeek.com/atheros-5007eg-with-madwifi-on-i386-platform.html  >>>>>>>>>>> HELP PLEASE23:33
imaginativeonehow do I run a vnc server?23:33
nevisWhat are modules and where can I read about them? I'm having trouble with 8.10 using my motherboard's temp-sensors and suspend (ACPI?)23:33
jribwhab00: pastebin what you ran and the full output23:34
JolterHello im trying to mount NFS share but I get this error message : internal error23:34
mogi22jrib, its a diff system so i cant paste but basically i do mount /dev/sda1 /mnt and it replices sda1 is not a recognized block device try insmod driver23:34
look2thestarsModules are related to the kernel, I believe. There should be info in the kernel documentation area, from what I remember.23:34
jribmogi22: what is sda1 formatted as?23:34
JolterHello im trying to mount NFS share but I get this error message : internal error23:35
=== TheFunkbomb_ is now known as TheFunkbomb
DoonzCan anyone help me sort out some network issues23:35
look2thestarsWhat kind of network issues ?23:35
mogi22jrib, its ext3, i booted from floppy (hal91) to change some pam files (i mucked them up before)23:35
TheFunkbombAhh, finally a proper IRC client23:35
whab00http://paste.ubuntu.com/103316/  JIRIB here is teh pastbin23:36
Integerhi everybody23:36
mogi22jrib, so i just need to mount the hard drive (assume sda1) to change those pam config files23:36
jribwhab00: and are you sure the documentation at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Atheros does not work for you?23:36
geeksquadi just installed xampp and i cant figure out where to put my stes23:36
Integerafter last updates i cannot change the resolution23:36
DoonzI have Ubuntu acting as my gateway/router but now my internet is extremely slow23:36
Integeri'm using intel driver and compiz working properly.23:36
jribmogi22: you need to make a copy of the full output then, what you wrote, I have never seen before23:36
IntegerI added modes too... but nothing in return.23:36
JolterHello im trying to mount NFS share but I get this error message : internal error23:36
whab00JIRIB: here is teh paste bin http://paste.ubuntu.com/103316/  , and i havent tried that yet ... but why cant i make install?23:37
patxhow do i install a flash play... i tried installing flashplugin-nonfree but it did not work... i even upgraded it and reconfigured but still nothing.23:37
Doonzi have firestarter installed but im not sure what else to do23:37
Integerjust 1 resolution i can see: 1280x80023:37
Integerdoes anybody have idea?23:37
geeksquadenable the plugin23:37
Nomexouswhab00: did you try ./configure first?23:37
VideoSmithGuys mind helping someone who's not that computer knowledgable find out what to do with this info?23:37
look2thestarsDid you check /var/log/messages  and/or associated X log ?23:37
geeksquadin firefox23:37
VideoSmithI followed the directions there.23:38
mogi22jrib, what i wrote is the full output, literally it says "kernel does not recognize /dev/sda1 as a block device (try 'insmod driver')23:38
VideoSmithTo download Kdenlive.23:38
look2thestarsCheck logs too for NFS mount issues, make sure you have all services started that you need.23:38
VideoSmithNow what?23:38
geeksquadgo to tools add-ons23:38
patxgeeksqad the flashplugin-nonfree is not coming up al a plugin....23:38
geeksquadplugins and enable falsh23:38
look2thestarsis /dev/sda1 where the device is ? If you do dmesg |grep sd, what do you see ?23:38
VideoSmithah k23:39
whab00nomexous no i didnt how do i ude ./config?23:39
Samuel-NotAF1On what date will Ubuntu Hardy stop receiving updates?23:39
geeksquadthen i got nothing unless you install ubuntu-restricted (all java mp3 and all that stuff) in add/remove23:39
jribmogi22: what version of ubuntu?23:39
patxk ty23:39
geeksquadanybody here using xapp23:39
RickZillaInteresting...extensions for OS apps tend to work better on windows than they do ubuntu...not a criticism, just an observation23:39
Nomexouswhab00: after you have extracted the tar, just do23:39
geeksquadmy badd xampp23:40
Nomexouswhab00: ./configure; make; sudo make install23:40
mogi22jrib, hardy but again, it doesnt matter b/c i'm booting from a floppy23:40
look2thestarsfor ./config, that's in regards to compling a program, generally. as root you'd uncompress a tar.gz file for example in /user/local, adjust permissions as necessary...23:40
whab00ok thx23:40
jribmogi22: so the error doesn't happen on ubuntu?23:40
look2thestarsgo into the directory, do /.configure with any necessary options, and then do make as regular user and make install as regular user23:40
IndyGunFreak!eol | Samuel-NotAF1 not sure, but its here somewhere23:40
ubottuSamuel-NotAF1 not sure, but its here somewhere: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases23:40
geeksquadSamuel-NotAF1:  a long time from now23:40
mogi22jrib, well i dont know enough to say its b/c of ubuntu or not, but its an ubuntu system i'm trying to repair23:41
look2thestarsbut that's only if you don't have the ability to install in Ubuntu using apt-get and/or synaptic.23:41
jribmogi22: right, by my question I meant: the operating system you are using when you run the 'mount' command is not ubuntu?23:41
look2thestarsFor t/s, I always check error logs first, then look at permissions...23:41
VideoSmithhow do i add new repositorye?23:42
mogi22jrib, oh ok, its whatever HAL91 uses.  if you google that, you will see what i mean.23:42
look2thestarsto save you time, take a look at the medibuntu web site, they have instructions.23:42
jribmogi22: why don't you use an ubuntu live cd?  Otherwise I assume hal91 since it fits on a floppy doesn't have whatever it is the kernel needs to mount ext23:42
look2thestarsinstructions on adding a repository.23:42
SlashBOOThi i don't have any sound on my laptop on 8.10, what should I do?23:42
mogi22jrib, its on a floppy so i doubt its anything similar to ubuntu ... sadly i dont have the cd here.23:43
geeksquadSlashBOOT: give hardwre info please23:43
jribmogi22: burn one23:43
look2thestarsFor no sound, I'd first try to do update and see if that fixes the issue.23:43
mogi22jrib, hehe how!  i cant login to my system courtesy of pam.  i'm on a dial up right now on this laptop23:43
look2thestarsmogi22, do you have any linux cd with you at all ?23:43
jribmogi22: a friend.  My only other suggestion is try -t ext2 when you mount23:44
mogi22look2thestars, no unfortunately not.23:44
danubhow do you reload the environment after you modify it?23:44
mogi22jrib, hmmm ok i did try ext3 and it wasnt recognized23:44
SlashBOOT0:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)23:44
danubexport environment?23:44
SlashBOOT01:00.1 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc RV620 Audio device [Radeon HD 34xx Series]23:44
ingcomrbrHi I am inquiring UbuntuDeveloperWeek about.. someone knows something?23:44
JHook101I there a way to mask your ip address using linux23:44
look2thestarsmogi22, what kind of system are you trying to repair ?23:44
jribmogi22: the hal91 page lists ext2 and not ext323:45
mogi22jrib, i dont mind using another floppy to load the driver if i just knew what the driver was!23:45
mogi22look2thestars, its hardy23:45
jribmogi22: you can mount ext3 as ext223:45
mogi22jrib, hmmm i'm excited, let me go try23:45
look2thestarsmaybe you don't need to try to mount the ext3 filesystem, maybe you need to do fsck on it23:45
jribmogi22: right, why aren't you using "recovery mode" from the grub menu though?23:45
look2thestarsjrib is right, try recovery mode first, that drops you into something like runelevel 1, non-networking mode, and then you can do certain tasks.23:46
smelianhello i have .WMV movie but when i open it with smplayer or movie player its work without sound can any one help me plz ( its HD movie23:46
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs23:46
ermovedinstall vlc23:47
ermovedproblem solved23:47
look2thestarssmelian, try mplayer or VLC23:47
bthompsonhow can i reconfigure keyboard..for some reason down arrow doesn't work in kubuntu but does in windows23:47
geeksquad vlc rocks23:47
mogi22jrib, ok it all failed in similar fashion but whats this about grub?23:47
VideoSmithhow do i add new repositoryes?23:47
smelianlook2thestars: they dont  make it work23:47
ermovedbthompson, settings managers > keyboard > layouts23:47
geeksquadthe boot menu'23:48
IndyGunFreak!repositories > VideoSmith23:48
ubottuVideoSmith, please see my private message23:48
look2thestarsmake sure you have the permissions on the movie set right ?23:48
mogi22jrib, will grub let me mount my hard disk ... actually it must mount it already to even load, right?23:48
VideoSmithAlright.  On Linux Ubuntu with GNOME, where is that?23:48
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ermovedive got stumpwm working for one of my logins, but it doesnt work for my main account.  sbcl hits 99% cpu, anyone have an ideas where i can look for the problem?23:48
look2thestarsmogi22, you're on dial-up ?23:48
mogi22look2thestars, yup23:48
JHook101Does anyone know about the program Lifetunes23:49
look2thestarsdang it. dial-up sux.23:49
DoonzOk I have my ubtun server set up as my router/firewall/dns server. everything is working except for the internet is horribly slow now for all computers. What can i do to speed it up. And for reference im 25/1 speed line23:49
jribmogi22: yes, it will mount your partitions23:49
mogi22look2thestars, i know, sad vestige that i am23:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lifetunes23:49
ermovedJHook101, nope23:49
look2thestarsOr I'd recommend downloading supergrubdisk... makes grub eezy23:49
jribhe doesn't have a problem with grub23:49
mogi22jrib, so it will notify me when to interrupt the boot process?23:49
mogi22jrib, to get to grub prompt i mean?23:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lifetunes23:50
mogi22look2thestars, what is supergrub?23:50
bthompsonermoved: how about in kubuntu...i don't see that option23:50
geeksquadJHook101: he is a bot and he dont have that23:50
jribmogi22: if you don't see a grub menu with all your different kernels, then you have to hit ESC when it says "hit ESC to see the menu".  Then choose "recovery mode"23:50
azizhi. my friend wants to try out Win7 but still use grub. my idea was: save MBR -> install Win7 -> restore MBR. anybody see a potential problem in this?23:50
geeksquadbthompson: go to #kubuntu23:50
JHook101It is supposed to be a music downloader but I just want to know about it before I download it23:50
bthompsoni did....nobody seems top know..23:51
geeksquadrun win7 in a vm23:51
mogi22look2thestars, wait wait the page is almost up on google ... almoooost23:51
IndyGunFreakaziz: as longas you don't overwrite your ubuntu partition,should work ok23:51
TheFunkbombnice, ubuntu automatically recognized my printer23:51
bthompsonseems like to me the regular ubuntu has beter support and seems like it might be easier to use..23:51
jribmogi22: supergrub is for repairing/reinstalling grub23:51
azizyes. partitions will remain the same. he's already space for win723:51
look2thestarsmogi22, you got an Intel mobo, by chance ? You might try the EFI boot manager ?23:51
geeksquadit is i saw gnome panels in kubuntu once lol23:51
look2thestarssupergrubdisk is for booting from different disks as well, different OS's23:52
mogi22look2thestars, it is intel.23:52
look2thestarsTry the EFI boot option, it might work.23:52
jriblook2thestars: mogi22 just can't login normally because of some issue with pam.  It has nothing to do with grub23:52
mogi22jrib, ok well i'm sure my grub is fine and i dont need to repair it.  so i dont really benefit from supergrub ... or do i?23:52
LinuxLover4_how do i create folder links/shortcuts?? i want to create an ftp user, and then create a folder that links to a folder in another user directory. thus /home/ftp/user links to -> /home/user/files23:52
look2thestarsmogi22 - can you login and then do init 1 ?23:52
jribLinuxLover4_: ln -s TARGET NAME23:52
LinuxLover4_the command is ln ?23:53
Hermanonhttp://www.elfarra.org/gallery/gaza.htm Photos from inside Gaza23:53
jribLinuxLover4_: the command is the one I just said, not just 'ln'23:53
mogi22look2thestars, do u mean login to grub prompt or bash?23:53
LinuxLover4_ok thanks23:53
jrib!ot | Hermanon23:53
ubottuHermanon: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:53
TomCollinsfor whatever reason my laptop detects a tv as connected... definitely do not.  how can i turn this off and how can i make sure it remains off every time i start up23:53
look2thestarsIf you can boot up at all, then perhaps supergrubdisk isn't the right tool for your problem.23:53
mogi22look2thestars, oh yeah it boots up just fine23:53
look2thestarsbash prompt, init 1 after su'ing to root23:54
look2thestarsYou might need to adjust /etc/inittab to go to init 3 instead of level 5 so that you get to the command-prompt at boot up.23:54
DigitalFizwhat does this mean and how do i fix it? "E: Package liblame-dev has no installation candidate"23:55
look2thestarsAnyone near St. Catharines, ON ?23:55
Hermanonjrib:thanks for reminding me,but i think humanity is above all,please don't disturbe yourself.who cares anyway23:55
jribDigitalFiz: it means no package with that name exists.  Try: apt-cache search -n lib lame dev23:55
unoplook2thestars, ubuntu does not have a /etc/inittab  - sysvinit has been replaced by upstart23:55
noelferreirahow can i get a XML file for gedit that enables PROLOG syntax higlighting (files .pl) ?23:55
look2thestarsoh, sorry23:56
mogi22look2thestars, yeah but i cant get to root or any user, and i know the prob ... i mucked up pam configs when i shouldnt have23:56
jribHermanon: this channel is for ubuntu support.  Not anything else.  Thank you for understanding23:56
rick_wWhy isn't the last version of Boinc in the Ubuntu/Debian repository?23:56
mogi22well here's all my faith in the hands of grub ...23:56
look2thestarsmogi22, can you bypass this by editing something in etc to allow you to start as root ?23:57
DigitalFizjrgp, it happens when i do: "sudo apt-get build-dep idjc"23:57
look2thestarsMogi22, don't bother with grub right now... you need to think outside the box and get in as root.23:57
Breakagej #gnome23:57
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jribDigitalFiz: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list and the output of: apt-cache policy idjc23:58
DigitalFizjrgp, it found 2 packages that command you gave me i installed them both and still not working is it a case of depreciated dependancies?23:58
neviscan anyone tell me if frequency scaling is important? do I want to use it or is it mainly for mobile computers?23:58
rick_wAnybody any info on Boinc on Ubuntu?23:59
unopnevis, it's mainly for mobile computers or those that use battery power.23:59
look2thestarsFrequency scaling only in the context of extending battery power on a laptop.23:59
jribnevis: it's main purpose is to save power which is pretty important on a laptop running from a battery but otherwise it's not really that beneficial23:59
nevisok. tnx.23:59
kevinw_how do i get rid of the irc server update bot?  i don't really care who signs on and off all the time.  (using xChat)23:59
DigitalFizjrgp, sources: http://paste.ubuntu.com/103326/23:59
nevisshould I try recompiling the kernel to better fit my hardware?23:59

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