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crevette | hello | 09:08 |
slomo | seb128: please sync gstreamer0.10, gst-plugins-base0.10, gst-plugins-bad0.10, gst0.10-python and vala from debian/experimental :) | 09:09 |
seb128 | lut crevette | 09:09 |
seb128 | hey slomo, ok | 09:09 |
crevette | salut seb128 | 09:11 |
mvo | a gtkwhiteboard package in jauny :) now I just need a wii remote | 09:19 |
seb128 | hey mvo | 09:26 |
fta | hi | 09:27 |
fta | seb128, bug 315910 | 09:27 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 315910 in cairo "Please sponsor cairo 1.8.6-1ubuntu1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/315910 | 09:27 |
seb128 | fta: hey, thanks! | 09:27 |
fta | sorry, took a while, i kept forgetting about it :P | 09:28 |
seb128 | that's alright ;-) | 09:28 |
mvo | hey seb128 | 09:28 |
fta | seb128, if you can have a look at fennec in NEW, i'd appreciate | 09:29 |
seb128 | will do | 09:29 |
seb128 | mvo: could you have a look to bug #296373? | 09:29 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 296373 in gnome-control-center "proxy settings are not applied properly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/296373 | 09:29 |
crevette | seb128, I think you could be interested with https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/metacity/+bug/312522 | 09:29 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 312522 in metacity "[sponsoring] Please upload metacity 2.25.89" [Wishlist,Confirmed] | 09:29 |
crevette | it fixes ennoying bug with printscreen button spawning an error | 09:30 |
seb128 | crevette: I think mvo is using bzr for this one, could you try to ping him rather? | 09:30 |
crevette | seb128, he put the debian in bzr ? | 09:32 |
seb128 | right | 09:32 |
crevette | I'll ping him when I can | 09:32 |
crevette | I need to order the tee hsirt for fosdem first | 09:32 |
crevette | I have some issue | 09:32 |
mvo | crevette: yeah, its in bzr, I'm happy to assist with the update | 09:39 |
crevette | mvo, can we do that tonight? | 09:39 |
crevette | huuu, not tonight I have my training | 09:39 |
crevette | or after 11:00 pm in france :) | 09:39 |
mvo | crevette: could be as easy as: checkout the branch, adding a new changelog entry, run bzr-buildpackage (it will download the right tarball from ftp.gnome.org and do the usual building) | 09:39 |
crevette | mvo, ah okay | 09:40 |
crevette | mvo, and should/can I commit my change myself | 09:40 |
mvo | crevette: 11:00pm is a bit late for me :) anytime you want during dayligh hours :) | 09:40 |
mvo | crevette: you can put it into your own branch and I can merge from that, thats very easy | 09:40 |
crevette | okay I'll try | 09:41 |
* crevette notes | 09:41 | |
mvo | after you made your changes you just do: bzr push lp:~crevete/metacity/ubuntu | 09:41 |
mvo | (or choose a different branch name instead of "ubuntu" if you want, but that is kind of the most comon one) | 09:41 |
crevette | okay, understood | 09:41 |
mvo | personally I find it easy than debdiffs, but its probably initially a bit harder (new commands etc) | 09:42 |
crevette | hey, it nice to learn new things :) | 09:42 |
mvo | but what I find nice is that basicly the same knowledge about bzr applies for doing regular development work | 09:42 |
mvo | excellent, thanks crevette | 09:43 |
crevette | you're welcome | 09:44 |
crevette | seb128, we'll need to talk about nautilus-sendto, it ships new plugins based on package not in main, so how should I do ? | 09:45 |
seb128 | crevette: don't build those | 09:45 |
crevette | should I split the package in two parts ? | 09:45 |
crevette | seb128, yeah but it is less fun :) | 09:45 |
seb128 | no you can't have build-depends in universe | 09:45 |
seb128 | just don't build using those options | 09:45 |
crevette | okay | 09:46 |
didrocks | hi everyone :) | 09:47 |
mvo | hey didrocks | 09:50 |
didrocks | mvo: how was your week-end? :) | 09:51 |
seb128 | hello didrocks | 09:52 |
mvo | didrocks: nice and relaxing :) I even went outside, but its -10°C here in the morning so it was a bit cold :) | 09:53 |
mvo | yours? | 09:53 |
didrocks | hi seb128 | 09:53 |
didrocks | mvo: great one, very relaxing too. I didn't go outside because of the same reason (too cold ;)) | 09:54 |
mvo | :) | 09:57 |
seb128 | could somebody copy the line of syncs slomo asked before? | 10:10 |
didrocks | seb128: <slomo> seb128: please sync gstreamer0.10, gst-plugins-base0.10, gst-plugins-bad0.10, gst0.10-python and vala from debian/experimental :) | 10:14 |
seb128 | didrocks: thanks | 10:14 |
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asac | seb128: http://paste.ubuntu.com/103893/ | 12:42 |
asac | oops ... he isnt here ;) | 12:42 |
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pedro_ | asac: hi!, are you going to be around this thursday (Feb 15) ? | 12:48 |
pedro_ | asac: i'm planning to run a nm hugday, the product currently have ~250 new bugs :-( | 12:48 |
pedro_ | bonjour seb128 | 12:49 |
seb128 | hey pedro_ | 12:49 |
pedro_ | asac: i mean Jan 15 not Feb 15 | 12:49 |
asac | s13:42 < asac> seb128: http://paste.ubuntu.com/103893/ | 12:50 |
asac | pedro_: why not .... product has 250? i guess you mean package ;) | 12:50 |
pedro_ | asac: yeah, ok i'll setup everything then, thanks ;-) | 12:50 |
seb128 | asac: http://download.gnome.org/sources/gnome-main-menu/0.9/gnome-main-menu-0.9.12.tar.gz? ;-) | 12:51 |
asac | seb128: i knew it ;) | 12:51 |
seb128 | hehe | 12:52 |
seb128 | asac: feel free to upload your changes but updating to the new version would be better | 12:52 |
asac | thanks. will give it a try then ;) | 12:52 |
huats | hi everyone ! | 13:21 |
seb128 | lut huats | 13:26 |
huats | hello seb128 | 13:26 |
huats | I was away this morning but I'll put on LP the seahorse update soon | 13:26 |
huats | nice WE btw seb128 ? | 13:26 |
seb128 | huats: nice one yes | 13:26 |
seb128 | huats: you? | 13:26 |
huats | great too :) | 13:27 |
huats | away from my computer :) | 13:27 |
seb128 | hehe | 13:27 |
* didrocks is thinking that while huats is away from his computer, didrocks have to fix http://www.ubuntu-fr.org/telechargement | 13:46 | |
didrocks | shave/has/ | 13:47 |
huats | didrocks: LOL | 13:47 |
* didrocks has to learn English too :) | 13:47 | |
huats | mvo: hello | 14:13 |
huats | mvo: this is a semi-automatic reminder for the apt build regarding the sources description number :) | 14:14 |
huats | ;) | 14:14 |
mvo | hey huats, thanks! | 14:15 |
huats | :) | 14:15 |
huats | no pb :) | 14:15 |
huats | seb128: I have updated the seahorse bug on LP | 15:27 |
huats | I hope it is correct.. | 15:27 |
seb128 | huats: ok good | 15:27 |
seb128 | huats: I'm working on some else right now but I'll have a look and let you know later | 15:29 |
huats | sure | 15:29 |
huats | I am not in a position to ask, since I did something wrong... :) | 15:30 |
asac | hmm seb is gone again ;) | 16:28 |
asac | what is he doing all day ;) | 16:28 |
asac | seb128: http://paste.ubuntu.com/103978/ | 16:33 |
asac | seb128: any objection ... anything you would upload before alpha3 still? | 16:33 |
asac | (all those are no changes respins) | 16:33 |
crevette | hey http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/11/business/11ubuntu.html?_r=1&ref=technology | 16:34 |
seb128 | asac: evolution will be updated to 2.24.3 today | 16:34 |
crevette | I was browsing the page and I found a known face | 16:34 |
asac | ok ... i will skip that then | 16:34 |
asac | seb128: thanks | 16:34 |
asac | anything else? | 16:34 |
seb128 | no | 16:34 |
asac | seb128: fyi, nspr/nss is completely available everywhere ... so no need to set lower build-depends or something. | 16:35 |
seb128 | ok | 16:35 |
seb128 | testing other updates, be back later | 16:35 |
student022 | Hi! I have installed Ubuntu8.04 on server B and run the gnome desktop on B, accessing it with nxclient from A. When I open a gnome-terminal from within the desktop on B, I get an error "There was an error creating the child process for this terminal". How to avoid this? | 16:41 |
student022 | I found reports on /etc/fstab or udev errors that prevent the /dev/pts directory from having the right settings. But /dev/pts/0 exits, so its probably something else. | 16:41 |
student022 | When logging in to B from A using ssh -X, I can open gnome-terminal without problems. It only happens under Gnome (or KDE with konsole, respectively.) | 16:41 |
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papa7775 | hello can someone help me out im having issue with a live cd | 18:58 |
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