[18:10] <_MMA_> andreasn: You know if the all the source images for Tango's utilities-terminal are in SVG? I have a icon I based of of the scalable SVG but use for smaller sizes like we all know has issues. === jjp is now known as jairo === jairo is now known as jair0 [18:44] _MMA_, I think they are anyway, 16x16 and 22x22 might be xcf's [18:44] I'll check [18:50] _MMA_, the 22x22 has a svg, the 16x16 only a xcf-file. Should be pretty quick to trace though [18:51] cvs -d:pserver:anoncvs@anoncvs.freedesktop.org:/cvs/tango co tango-icon-theme [18:51] in $size/apps/utilities-terminal [19:23] <_MMA_> andreasn: Thanx alot sir. [19:56] np