
term_Can someone help me install Vidalia on Ubuntu 8.10?00:00
soothDr_willis_: Well, volume label should be on the disk and it is removable, so ....00:00
Sciambolahi all00:00
theUgfilthpig: I’ll try failsafe and google switch too in a bit.00:01
dr_willissooth,  i always set Lables on all Internal disks also. :)00:01
soothterm_: Did you try, http://www.ubuntu-unleashed.com/2007/09/setup-vidalia-tor-gui-with-ubuntu-and.html00:01
Sciambolai have one problem : Qt and compiz00:01
soothterm_: Or any of the results for "vidalia ubuntu" on google?00:01
Dr_willis_sooth, ' shoul'00:01
paraConstantineXVI: thanks, it wasn't. now that it is, apt-get recognises mingw32 fine. Thanks for the help!00:01
Dr_willis_sooth, ' should'  is  the imporatnat bit. :)00:02
soothimportant even?00:02
filthpigtheUg: okay, good luck :) I'm off to bed, g'nite all!00:02
=== Dr_willis_ is now known as Dr_Willis
balzacmy nic hasn't worked since I upgraded to intrepid00:02
SciambolaSkype and Lyx and more applications "qt2 don't work properly on compiz...00:02
balzacit's 3945abg from intel00:02
theUgfilthpig: thanks man00:02
balzacvery common wireless driver which used to work00:02
balzacI need this. I've been hammering on this problem for an hour and a half. I'm on aderol and I'm not a newbie. Why can't I install this friggin driver?00:03
SciambolaQualche italiano??00:03
ryanakcaI've shrunk my PV using pvresize. How can I shrink the PV's partition to match it's size?00:03
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)00:03
Dr_Willisbalzac,  could be some upgrade bug/quirk. this is why i normally always do clean installs.00:04
filthpigbalzac: google == friend :)00:04
balzacalways doing clean installs is for windows users.00:04
Dr_Willisbalzac,  check  that you are using the latest kernel? try latest update/upgrades, check forums for others with similer issue?00:04
balzacfilthpig: I've been all over google00:04
balzacwhat is lacking is a definitive answer among the 10 or more google search results I clicked00:05
jonny_GtkFileChooser opens very slowly for me00:05
balzacI tried this and that00:05
jonny_can anyone help me work out why? I want to use strace to work out where the delays are but I don't really know how...00:05
balzacndiswrapper, b43cutter, linux-firmware00:05
n8tuser2balzac -> care to tell us what you have done so far in terms of loading the driver or checking if it is loaded?00:05
jonny_strace -e open zenity --file-selection gives me much more than I can handle00:05
balzacIt's just asinine - that what the problem is00:05
balzacn8tuser2: well, I'm not a newb but I'm not very skilled yet either00:06
jmd9qsi'm having trouble using tor in Ibex... i've installed privoxy and tor, and i've followed all the tutorials i can find, but no luck. can anyone help me figure this out?00:07
ryanakcaI've shrunk my PV using pvresize. How can I shrink the PV's partition to match it's size?00:07
n8tuser2balzac -> i did not ask for your newbieness, what did you do to verify it is loaded or loading the driver?00:07
athanhey, can someone help me with firefox? it is all tarded00:07
ConstantineXVIathan, how tarded?00:07
term_soot: that guide didnt work, i still get errors00:07
athanfirefox won't update the url, and it has no history00:07
balzacn8tuser2: I was waiting for gnome to show me my network manager icon when I got it right00:07
athanreally tarded lol00:08
Odd-rationalejmd9qs: did you start tor already? (sudo /etc/init.d/tor restart) also, try the FoxyProxy ff extension... you actually don't realy need privoxy, unless you want it...00:08
tekteenathan: what do you mean update the url?00:08
n8tuser2balzac -> do you wish to answer my questions or you are off to something else?00:08
Odd-rationalejmd9qs: here's the link: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/246400:08
athanwhen i put "google" in the address bar, it stays to "google" not "http://www.google.com".00:08
neetoI have an external eSATA harddrive with a JMicron SATA controller. I am still using 8.04 but from looking at forums, this bug seems to be fixed on 8.10. Is there a way to fix this problem without a complete upgrade to 8.10?00:08
jmd9qsOdd-rationale: i've got switchproxy now... i have started tor, but i'll try the restart and see what it says00:09
balzacn8tuser2: I don't know specifically how to check if a given driver is loaded. NDISwrapper is obvious with the GUI.00:09
term_Can someone help me install Vidalia on Ubuntu 8.10? I get make[2]: *** [src/util/CMakeFiles/util.dir/crypto.o] Error 100:09
Slartathan: on my computer it googles for "google".. I think it's something you can configure in about::config or whatever it's called00:09
Odd-rationalejmd9qs: what are you pointing the proxy too?00:09
balzacotherwise, I don't know how to tell  if a specific is loaded.00:09
n8tuser2balzac -> well you did say you read plenty of materials, so any of those at all you understood on how to check if driver is loaded?00:09
jmd9qsthe proxy is pointed to port 811800:10
n8tuser2or you are just bluffing?00:10
balzacn8tuser2: please just tell me the command00:10
arakthorbalzac: I am not 100% sure, but I believe modprobe -l lists loaded modules00:10
soothterm_: I've never installed vidalia before so I probably can't help you. If you want someone to help you I suggest stating exactly what errors you are getting. You need to provide more context of the error message (i.e. the preceding lines) [not in the channel, use a pastebin]00:10
athanhmm, i might just have to re-install ubuntu 8.10, cuz firefox worked before00:10
Odd-rationalejmd9qs: ok. so make sure privoxy is running too, then (sudo /etc/init.d/privoxy restart) and did you enable forwardin for prixoxy to tor?00:10
n8tuser2balzac -> i would not be telling you the exact command, but I will give you hints,   man moprobe, man lsmod00:10
Slartathan: that sounds a bit overkill00:11
neetoathan: it's not a problem with ubuntu. you can find the option in about:config00:11
balzacn8tuser2: I did use modprobe and didn't find my driver00:11
soothterm_: What features of the GUI do you need?00:11
balzacI'll try those00:11
n8tuser2balzac -> what was your exact command?00:11
athanyeah, i have a fresh install tho00:11
balzacmodprobe drivername00:11
Slartathan: check the browser.urlbar section00:12
athanso its not that important00:12
balzacI've just been taking things I see online and trying them00:12
athankk, 1 sec00:12
jmd9qsOdd-rationale: i've restarted privoxy... last night i changed the privoxyrc file, but i dont' know if i enabled forwardin or not. how can i check?00:12
soothterm_: You can also try #vidalia on irc.oftc.net00:12
n8tuser2balzac -> its a good time you hit the manual pages,  man modprobe and man lsmod00:12
balzacOk, I will00:12
Odd-rationalejmd9qs: pastebin your privoxy config file.. i think it is in /etc/privoxy/config or somthing...00:12
n8tuser2am away for now00:13
jmd9qsok... sorry, irc noob: how do i pastebin? i'm using xchat in gnome00:14
athanoh, how do i update the about:config ?00:14
Odd-rationale!pastebin | jmd9qs00:14
ubottujmd9qs: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:14
High_Speeddoes anyone have any experience with old jaton or trident video cards?00:14
neetohow can I get cp to skip files that already exist in a directory?00:15
Slartneeto: have you checked the man page? I think there's a switch00:15
balzacI think the bottom line is that I've got crappy hardware00:15
Odd-rationaleneeto: i think there is the -u switch... check the manpage00:15
ldiamondCan anyone help out with printing from Microsoft Office (through CrossOver) using cups-pdf?00:15
neetoSlart: checked, but I didn't see one00:15
athannope, still tarded00:15
athanhow do i install ogre?00:15
balzacf*ck intel for being microsoft's whore00:16
balzacmiserable bastids00:16
neetoSlart: ah yeah, you're right... it's worded differently than I had expected it to be.00:16
athancuz when i tried to do it from source, i had so many dependencies, i freaked00:16
Slartneeto: you could try -u00:16
jmd9qsOdd-rationale: pastebin url is http://paste.ubuntu.com/104166/00:16
SilverBulletGetdeb Founder interviewed Topic => http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=103822400:16
ldiamondbalzac, wth r u talking about00:16
Slartneeto: it will still overwrite if the filer you're copying is newer..00:16
athaneven after i got all of them, it still wouldn't make correctly, it just gave me errors00:16
balzacldiamond: intel and their stupid wireless drivers00:16
balzacand all the redundant efforts for wireless compatibility00:17
ldiamondbalzac, this is not specific to intel.00:17
Odd-rationalejmd9qs: do you remember what line you changed?00:17
balzacit sucks00:17
ldiamondbalzac, My intel 4965AGN works fine here... (havent tried packet injection yet tho)00:17
balzacI know, but intel should have more pride than to prop up microsoft and their technically inferior software monopoly00:17
balzacyeah, well my 3954abg sucks00:17
jmd9qsOdd-rationale, hang on i'll find out. i did it based on tor's setup page00:17
Digital7what would cause a module (b43, as in "modprobe b43") to not exist after installing b43-fwcutter via the latest official deb?00:17
ryanakcaI've shrunk my PV using pvresize. How can I shrink the PV's partition to match it's size?00:18
term_sooth: Here is my pastebin file http://pastebin.com/d2c63915e00:18
Odd-rationalejmd9qs: oh wait. nvm... you just added a lin on the top...00:18
balzacit's a bunch of crap.00:18
ldiamondbalzac, this has nothing to do with microsoft... intel just dont develop drivers for linux... because linux is not a big enough share for them...00:18
Slartneeto: if you want more options when moving files you can often use rsync instead of cp/mv..00:18
ldiamondbalzac, its just intel's fault00:18
balzacmicrosoft subsidizes hardware manufacturers to remain incompatibility00:19
jmd9qsOdd-rationale, that's not all though... i know i had to disable a few lines as well00:19
neetoSlart: I've never used rsync... I am backing up my music from one harddrive to another, you think it would work a lot better in this situation?00:19
jonny_Can anyone help me use strace to debug slowness of GtkFileChooser00:19
Odd-rationalejmd9qs: well, it looks right... although, i would just delete that line you added at the top, and un comment line 1162 #        forward-socks4a   /      .00:19
mikevankuikhow can I install ubuntu in textmode? it seems that it doesn't like my grapics card... no problem because its going to run as a server anyway but how do I get to textmode?00:19
balzacanyway, I've tried for a long while and I'm pissed00:19
ldiamondCan anyone help out with printing from Microsoft Office (through CrossOver) using cups-pdf?00:20
tokabonsoir un truc de bizarre viens de m'arriver avec amsn !!00:20
Odd-rationalemikevankuik: you have to use the alternative disc00:20
Odd-rationale!alterntive | mikevankuik00:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about alterntive00:20
Odd-rationale!alternative | mikevankuik00:20
ricekrispymikevanuik: use the alt or server disc00:20
ubottumikevankuik: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ubuntu-8.10-alternate-i386.iso.torrent00:20
Slartneeto: it wont be faster or anything.. but rsync has some extra bling bling.. progress bars and such.. and I think it can copy only if the destination doesn't exist like you were asking for00:20
Gnea!fr | toka00:20
ubottutoka: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr00:20
mikevankuikOdd-rationale: k cool tx00:20
Odd-rationalemikevankuik: another 600mb to download... :P00:20
neetoSlart: sweet, progress bars are awesome.00:21
theUgboobs are fun00:21
mikevankuikOdd-rationale: that's no prob :) I've got highspeed internet :D00:21
jmd9qsOdd-rationale, ok i did that... let me check and see if its working00:21
Odd-rationalejmd9qs: restart privoxy though...00:21
soothterm_: Can you paste the output of 'ls -ld ~/vidalia-0.1.1' please00:21
Slartneeto: I can't really say I know rsyncs syntax by heart..but I don't think you need to be a rocket scientist to use it00:21
mikevankuikOdd-rationale: is there a 64bit version of that ?00:21
Gnea!o4o | theUg00:21
Odd-rationalemikevankuik: yes00:21
=== FriedCPU is now known as FRiEd|BnC
ubottutheUg: Some things are inappropriate for #ubuntu. Controversial topics, which often turn into flame wars: war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, questionably legal activities, suicide are not for here. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy)00:21
jmd9qsOdd-rationale, will do00:21
neetoSlart: naw it looks fine, I can figure it out.00:21
* aprilhare used rsync a while back successfully\00:21
Odd-rationalejmd9qs: the next thing i would just is did you set you proxy to use socks5 ?00:21
mikevankuikOdd-rationale: you woudn't have the link to that too would ya? :D00:22
aprilharebeen ages since i've needed it though00:22
mrwesneeto: there is a gui for rsync called grsync00:22
aprilharewhy do you need rsync?00:22
neetomrwes: sweet, thanks.00:22
aprilharethere is always http or ftp resume00:22
Odd-rationalemikevankuik: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download00:22
neetoaprilhare: rsync is a fancier version of cp00:22
aprilhareneeto, i remember - over a network00:23
Gneaaprilhare: http/ftp resume can break iso's00:23
aprilhareGnea, a bad implementation, maybe00:23
aprilharewhen implemented correctly never breaks isos00:23
Slartaprilhare: rsync works nicely for local stuff too..00:23
Gneaaprilhare: wget, curl... it happens00:23
term_sooth: drwxr-xr-x 8 root root 4096 2009-01-13 01:07 /home/term/vidalia-0.1.100:23
ricekrispyGnea: never had a problem with wget downloading large files00:23
jmd9qsOdd-rationale, you mean for firefox? or system wide?00:23
Odd-rationalejmd9qs: for firefox00:23
Gnearicekrispy: ISO's, specifically.. and you had to resume it?00:24
High_Speedcan anyone help me with my graphics card (jaton 117pci 32m)?00:24
aprilhareits been years though since anyone has had a problem with bad implementations of http resume - even firefox has it now00:24
mikevankuikOdd-rationale: cool :)00:24
aprilharealthough i have noted problems sometimes with firefox not noticing it has only downloaded part of a file00:24
aprilharethen, you can't choose to resume because it thinks it has the lot00:24
Gneabut rsync is usually used for performing backups, not downloading software00:24
soothterm_: Okay you don't have write permissions for that directory. But before fixing that let's see if we can avoid installing from source.00:25
mikevankuik20min and counting (A)00:25
* aprilhare has used rsync to download iso images in the past - thats why i used it at all00:25
Odd-rationalemikevankuik: you found the 64bit alternative disc?00:25
aprilharedebian linux cds00:25
mikevankuikOdd-rationale: yeah I did :)00:25
jmd9qsOdd-rationale, now i'm getting an error from privoxy in firefox saying Privoxy was unable to socks4a-forward your request SOCKS request rejected or failed00:25
mikevankuikOdd-rationale: now I know where to look in the future ^_^00:25
* aprilhare watches episodes of the Roommating Show00:26
Odd-rationalejmd9qs: restart tor too00:26
HRshovinstuffHi guys.  Ok, so I built my new computer today (using it now on an 8.04 live CD)  I just need to copy some files from my old file system to a third storage space hard drive.  However when I try to copy files I am not allowed because I do not have ownership over the old drive.  Can someone show me the usage of chown and what i need to do to start moving stuff from my old install to a backup drive,?00:26
soothterm_: Did you do the steps for adding the repositories from the link I sent you? (Starts with "Open up System->Preferences") [You only need to do that step right now.]00:26
term_sooth: Yes i did add them00:27
soothterm_: What does "sudo apt-get install vidalia" give?00:27
ricekrispyHRShovinstuff: probably best to copy the files first, then change ownership00:27
HRshovinstuffricekrispy i can't copy the files it will not let me00:27
mikevankuikOdd-rationale: going to be so happy with my 64bit ubuntu :D its really my favorite distro :) there is a solution for everything ^_^ going to install a Ubuntu lighttpd php mysql rubyonrails  test server with it :) anything I should be aware about?00:27
GneaHRshovinstuff: easily:  mkdir /media/newdisk/storage && chown ubuntu.ubuntu /media/newdisk/storage  then just drag 'em over to the storage folder00:27
term_sooth: "vidalia is already installed"00:28
GneaHRshovinstuff: you may need to use sudo on those commans00:28
iframei'm about to install u8.10, desktop edition, can i install apache, mysql and php on this vesion, or should i install the server edition?...00:28
HRshovinstuffgnea ok thanks i'll give it a shot brb00:28
jmd9qsOdd-rationale, nope, same thing. i have enabled http, ftp, ssl, and socksv5 in firefox, all through port 8118. should i take some of these off?00:28
High_Speedalright, can anyone tell me how to make a backup of my system so that i can restore it later if i have to reload?00:28
Odd-rationalemikevankuik: not that i know of... but if there is, you know where to complain... :P00:28
soothterm_: Okay, sounds good. Press Alt-F2 and type "vidalia"00:28
neetoterm_: I'm curious as to why you need vidalia... tor runs from the command line easily enough, no?00:28
mcphailiframe: you can install those things easily00:28
vasslerIs there anyway to give ubuntu a mac osx look in the appearance ?00:28
Slart!backup | High_Speed00:28
soothneeto: He wants the GUI00:28
ubottuHigh_Speed: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning00:28
mikevankuikiframe: yes you can :)00:28
neetosooth: I see00:29
mikevankuikOdd-rationale: gehehe :D tx :D00:29
mcphailiframe: use the server edition if you don't need a gui00:29
mikevankuik15min and counting :D00:29
jmd9qsvidalia just freezes my box up. i don't reccomend it00:29
Slartvassler: yes.. but it won't be a simple command to write in a terminal afaik.. you'll have to do it all yourself00:29
term_sooth: it says vidalia is already running, and whhen i click on vidalia it crashes00:29
iframemikevankuik: ok thx...00:29
jmd9qstold ya00:29
Odd-rationalejmd9qs: try chaning the port to 9050 and see what happens...00:29
mikevankuikiframe: as mcphail said its cleaner :) but if your a newbie it might be a bit scary :) (I know it was for me :P)00:29
neetovidalia seems like the easier method on windows because it replaces having to use privoxy and all that crap, but on linux you can just install tor and type tor in the CLI and you're good to go00:30
soothterm_: Are you running gutsy?00:30
jmd9qsOdd-rationale: on all of them?00:30
term_sooth: No intrepid00:30
conrad_2008hello guys, howto change channel room?00:30
Slartconrad_2008: type /join #anotherchannel00:30
soothterm_: Did you change those repository source entries to intrepid from gutsy?00:30
neetoconrad_2008: depending on your IRC client, you can join new channels by typing /join #channelname00:30
Odd-rationalejmd9qs: make all blank except the socks one...00:30
Slartconrad_2008: change #anotherchannel to whereever you want to go00:31
term_sooth: Yes, i wrote intrepid instead of gutsy00:31
grobda24Hello. I clicked the "Get Ubuntu Extensions" in the addon window for Firefox. FF restarted but froze for a while and I forced quit. Now I can see the addons I installed. Neither do they appear in the Ubuntu addons window.00:31
conrad_2008ok ty00:31
conrad_2008bye bye00:31
grobda24can't see*00:31
soothterm_: Did you "make install" anything?00:32
soothterm_: successfully that is.00:32
jmd9qsOdd-rationale: that gives the same error00:32
iframemikevankuik: have been using rh/fedora for a while, i'm having troubles installing f10, a lot of kernel krashes, etc, before that was using f8 , and was ok, so i need to be back, developing, asap, so i need a stable distro...00:32
Odd-rationalejmd9qs: what error?00:32
term_sooth: yes but when i do that it gives me the errors00:32
soothterm_: Did you ever "make install" something for vidalia that didn't give errors?00:33
jmd9qsOdd-rationale, error from privoxy in firefox :  Privoxy was unable to socks4a-forward your request SOCKS request rejected or failed00:33
soothterm_: You didn't "make install" tor sources?00:34
Odd-rationalejmd9qs: did you change to port 9050?00:34
iframemikevankuik: were can i get info about ussies about this release, u8.10?...00:34
term_sooth: yes i did tor is working, but not vidalia00:34
mikevankuikiframe: ubuntu is stable as far as I know... installed a test server with 8.10 at work with it :) and it ran sweet :) but I have to say I did have nice fresh hardware to play with too :) (although it was a million times quicker then on windows).00:34
mikevankuikiframe: here and there is a ubuntu forum where you can go there is a lot of info too00:34
HRshovinstuffGnea --- Thanks so much I knew it was something stupid simple just needed a kick in the butt00:34
mikevankuikiframe: http://ubuntuforums.org/00:35
Odd-rationalejmd9qs: are you using a firefox addon to help swith proxy on/off?00:35
HRshovinstuffricekirspy  ur a tard00:35
mikevankuikiframe: but if you tell google what you want and add ubuntu to the search criteria your pretty save too :)00:35
iframemikevankuik: ok thx for your help...00:35
soothterm_: Okay, try killing vidalia "pkill vidalia" and then starting it again.00:36
mikevankuikiframe: np :)00:36
merrilHi, I'm having problem with fedora core00:36
jmd9qsyes switchproxy. i tried Torbutton as well, but whenever i turned it on, it would stop loading pages completely till i turned it off again00:36
neetomerril:  you are in the wrong channel then.00:36
jmd9qsOdd-rationale, ^^^^^00:36
jinja-sheepI'm having issues with VirtualBox (closed-source) when it comes to USB.  Any suggestion why?00:36
redvamp128Stability in 8.10 was there -- just I could not deal with the NVIDIA issue and Wine -- so now back down to 8.0400:36
merrilbut i like you guys more00:36
mikevankuikmerril: how about switching to ubuntu then? :)00:36
term_sooth: It freezes00:36
neetomerril: that's sweet of you but we don't have the answers to fedora problems00:36
term_sooth: and crashes00:37
vasslerI notice in mac osx you have kinda a windows vista appearence with the glass buttons and menus and window boarders? can you give ubuntu these same effects?00:37
redvamp128Fedora -- I am assuming you are talking about Fedora 1000:37
mikevankuikmerril: its easy :) and sweet :)00:37
=== dimitar is now known as dimitars
redvamp128I was actually thinking about this weekend downloading and installing it on the second partition...00:37
mikevankuikvassler: have you checked out the new KDE 4 desktop?00:37
iframemerril: what kind of problems?...00:37
jmd9qsOdd-rationale, i turned off switchproxy, but tor still isn't working (according to check.torproject.org)00:37
Dr_Willisvassler,  the compiz stuff, and emerald decorations can  look very much like vista, or os-xish00:37
Dr_Willisvassler,  kde4 also has similer look.00:38
mikevankuikvassler: its kinda vista like :( (not to my taste but he what ever floats your boat)00:38
Odd-rationalejmd9qs: let's try this... try disabling/uninstalling that one you are using. stop both privoxy and tor (sudo /etc/init.d/tor stop; sudo /etc/init.d/privoxy stop). try using the FoxyProxy addon. restart firefox, and FoxyProxy should have a wizard to guide you through setting up tor...00:38
redvamp128Actually found a site with some nifty tools for Compiz Forlong's Blog - Compiz-Check <http://forlong.blogage.de/entries/pages/Compiz-Check>00:38
soothterm_: It would have been better to not have installed tor from sources.00:38
jmd9qsOdd-rationale, ok i'll get back to you in a sec00:38
iframemerril: i'm having also a lot of problems with f10, as never before...00:38
term_sooth: why not?00:38
Odd-rationalejmd9qs: and in the wizard setup, select toe default, which is to use tor WITHOUT provixy.00:38
redvamp128There is the handy tool for turning it on and off at the click as well as some commands to add a more detailed Advanced Desktop Effect Settings menu..00:39
redvamp128The Cube is cool00:39
mikevankuikThe Cube rulez :D00:39
merrilwhat's the sudo command in terminal for Files and Settings Transfer Wizard?00:39
redvamp128Though the only thing I don't like is that my Top Bar Dissapears00:40
neetoyou can apparently make the cube a SPHERE in the current beta version of compiz00:40
josher4I forgot, how do you get the cube again?00:40
redvamp128But everything can be managed through the taskbar00:40
ubottuCompiz-Fusion (and the older Compiz and Beryl) are window managers that employ the "composite" extension of X to draw windows using graphics cards' 3D hardware. They can additionally provide "desktop special effects" (such as the "cube") by means of plug-ins. Join #compiz-fusion for help and support with advanced features. See also « /msg ubotu compiz » and « /msg ubotu effects »00:40
LightTitanmy java based programs seem to be having problems. I am running Ubuntu 8.10 64bit. Is there a way to purge my java and reinstall it with default configs?00:40
redvamp128check out this site00:40
Gneamerril: that's for Ubuntu or Fedora?00:40
soothterm_: I'm guessing the vidalia package specifies the exact version of tor it needs and will try to install it from the deb package. You may have the wrong version of tor and/or two different installed versions.00:40
redvamp128Forlong's Blog - I'm trying to comprehend the things I write <http://forlong.blogage.de/en>00:40
mikevankuikOdd-rationale: you know a Virtual Machine like thingy for Ubuntu? where I could install Windows XP on? (need it :( IE is still the leading browser so I need to check if that peace of shit browser understands what I code :()00:40
SlartLightTitan: what kind of problems?00:40
Odd-rationalemikevankuik: virtualbox is my favorite00:40
ubottuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications00:41
LightTitanlike not starting. When I try to run Limewire it hangs on the loading screen00:41
SlartLightTitan: my azureus is acting all laggy and slow.. I'm on 64 bit ubuntu too00:41
redvamp128He has all kinds of tools as well as examples of how to configure the cube to run00:41
crabgrasswhere do i put custom login screens?00:41
LightTitanMine doesn't get past loading screen00:41
LightTitanand it used to00:41
SlartLightTitan: well.. you could always purge the sun java jre and reinstall it00:41
mikevankuikOdd-rationale: cool t I'll have a look at it as soon as I have a change :)00:41
Dr_WillisLightTitan,  run it from a terminal. look for error messages..   be sure you areusing the sun java, also. not the other java variants00:41
VideoSmithHey guys, Konversation ain't a bad IRC client :P00:41
ardchoillecrabgrass: you can copy them to /usr/share/gdm/themes with all the others00:41
AJ_Z0LightTitan: I gave up on sun-java-6 on my 64 install and installed the 32 bit platform00:41
crabgrassardchoille: thanks!00:41
dmulhollandhey, I'm getting a strange error, anytime I launch firefox the window manager does nothing to it, it just launches full screen with no windows bar (all other windows work ok including thunderbird)00:42
SlartVideoSmith: have we said it is?00:42
LightTitanya I have thought about installing 32 bit again... but everything is done and it's ALOT of work to redo it all00:42
redvamp128Josher4 check out this site Forlong's Blog - I'm trying to comprehend the things I write <http://forlong.blogage.de/en>00:42
Odd-rationaledmulholland: is it on full screen? try F1100:42
LightTitanok thanks for the tips guys, I will try it all00:42
VideoSmithSlart:  No :P00:42
AJ_Z0No combination of 64 bit and 32 (mainly for web browser plugin) worked for me. YMMV00:42
Dr_WillisLightTitan,  i belive that program works fine on my 64bit systems00:42
redvamp128I have the handy tool for turning compiz on and off as well as his blog explains how to get the Advanced menu installed as well as how to configure the cube to run00:43
LightTitanok, prolly something with my java, gonna run it from Term00:43
SlartVideoSmith: =).. then I'll counter with.. quassel isn't half bad either00:43
Dr_WillisI cant recall any 64bit issues on my 2 bit ubuntu machines.00:43
AJ_Z0LightTitan: I took the opportunity to install from the Alt CD and use full disk encryption00:43
VideoSmithSlart:  Never heard of quassel.00:43
soothterm_: Removing packages installed from source is difficult. I would try installing tor again from source and looking at the output for the files it creates. Delete those files, uninstall the tor package, uninstall the vidalia package and then try reinstalling the vidalia package. It should install tor automatically.00:43
redvamp128anyone else ever had the issue of the tittlebars dissapearing under compiz?00:43
dmulhollandOdd-rationale: nope, not full screen, happens everytime i launch the application00:43
LightTitanI do get an error when running from term. The following00:44
LightTitanlog4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (com.limegroup.gnutella.gui.Initializer).00:44
LightTitanlog4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.00:44
SlartVideoSmith: it's pretty new.. it runs a irc core thingy that you can connect to with a client.. like using irssi in screen..00:44
Odd-rationaledmulholland: what window manager?00:44
soothterm_: If that doesn't work I would try #vidalia or posting to the launchpad "answers" section or the ubuntu forums.00:44
LightTitansorry, that's a bit long, prolly shoulda pastebined it00:44
VideoSmithSlart:  Interesting.  I'll check it out.00:44
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Slartredvamp128: just reload the decorator..usually fixes it for me00:44
AJ_Z0redvamp128: I've seen the become invisible after rolling up00:44
VideoSmithSlart:  I've been trying to find a good IRC client :P00:44
jmd9qsOdd-rationale, i have done what you asked. still no luck though00:44
High_Speedis there a way i can create a complete "restore" disk of my current system? in other words, something i could use to completely restore all software, packages, etc back to the state it was in when backed up?00:44
dmulhollandOdd-rationale: im using compiz in gnome (defaults), but when I do metacity --replace it still the same00:44
LightTitanI just got more, gonna paste bin it00:44
VideoSmithSlart:  mIRC might be in my miles of files somewhere...00:44
redvamp128here is a screen of what I am talking about00:44
Odd-rationalejmd9qs: hmm... did you setup with or without privoxy?00:44
SlartVideoSmith: stop talking crazy... mIRC.. at least go with xchat =)00:45
LightTitanThis is the rest of the error I get when trying to run limewire: http://pastebin.com/m67b1556300:45
dmulhollandOdd-rationale: i think i fixed it by going into full screen and then back out although makes no sense...00:45
Odd-rationaledmulholland: well, if you don't have any improtant firefox settings, bookmarks, etc to save... try removing or renaming your ~/.mozilla folder...00:45
dmulhollandanything, thanks Odd-rationale problem fixed00:45
mikevankuikOdd-rationale: and were in business :D (its down I can burn :P I love highspeed internet :D )00:45
VideoSmithSlart:  lol ;]00:46
Odd-rationaledmulholland: oh ok. great!00:46
jmd9qsOdd-rationale, without. should i turn privoxy off?00:46
Dr_WillisLightTitan,  it LOOKS to me like youa reusing the 'gnu' java - NOT the sun java.00:46
Odd-rationalejmd9qs: yes00:46
LightTitanah ok00:46
VideoSmithSlart:  I'm still partly possessed by a Windows demon.00:46
Dr_WillisLightTitan,  -->   Java_gnu_java_lang_management00:46
Odd-rationalejmd9qs: i never told you to turn it back on... :P00:46
redvamp128That is a link to the no bars00:46
soothdmulholland: Is your nick based on your name or the movie?00:46
rogue780does anyone know a program to use to sync a windows mobile device or at least browse the files on it?00:46
remuHey everyone, I'm taking intro to Java right now, and the instructor is teaching it using JCreator on Windows. I am doing my coding and stuff on Geany, but I was wondering, what is the best way of searching the Java Documentation like you can with JCreator....are there any solutions?00:46
israelito_solitohello. I need to convert vob files into a dvd. Any suggestions?00:47
redvamp128Can you explain what I need to add to decoration -- I have the advanced desktop effects menu installed00:47
jmd9qsOdd-rationale, i know lol. i restarted tor and turned privoxy off. still nothin00:47
Slartredvamp128: install fusion-icon, then try restarting the decorator from there00:47
Slart!info fusion-icon | redvamp12800:47
ubottufusion-icon (source: fusion-icon): tray icon to launch and manage Compiz Fusion. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.1.0-1 (intrepid), package size 29 kB, installed size 264 kB00:47
Odd-rationalejmd9qs: does firefox have an error message?00:47
LightTitanHmmm.. Dr_Willis... I can't seem to find gnu java installed. I do have sun java installed according to Synaptic though.00:48
jmd9qsOdd-rationale, once i turned switchproxy off those stopped00:48
Dr_WillisLightTitan,  you can have several javas installed.. see what  'java --version' says00:48
gnutronsooth: mulholland drive is a street in LA, first, then a movie /end-offtopic.00:48
Joe_which is better suppoted, ATI or Nvidia (new cards)00:48
breakganyone know why flash would work in epiphany broswer, but not firefox, even though it depends on firefox to run?00:48
redvamp128Didn't work00:48
mikevankuikredvamp128: you know what I love best about compiz? it runs on bullshit hardware :P not like Vista where you need a graphic card the size of a house just to open the start menu :P00:48
gnutronJoe_: nvidia00:49
SlartJoe_: I would say nvidia00:49
redvamp128Though I can deal with it00:49
Dr_Willisoops its java -version   :) nice of Sun to Not like the -- posix type standard00:49
breakglol mikevankuik00:49
josher4breakg: I have gotten flash to work in firefox00:49
israelito_solitohello. I need to convert vob files into a dvd. Any suggestions?00:49
redvamp128Just have to goto the taksbar to move windows or close them00:49
neetoWhen you make a new mysql database using mysqladmin create, where does it store the actual db file?00:49
Joe_didn't AMD say they were going to open their drivers to the Linux community?00:49
breakgjosher4: did it give you trouble? or it worked right away?00:49
fosco_Joe_: and they did00:49
Odd-rationalejmd9qs: did you adjust any tor settings?00:49
SlartJoe_: yup.. and I think they have opened some stuff.. but it takes time to develop a good open driver00:49
josher4breakg: Not really. What is ur problem exactly?00:50
Joe_ah, so just not there yet then00:50
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krakatihow to apply colors in sirc irc client?00:50
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SlartJoe_: ask in a year and the anser might be different00:50
LightTitanDr_Willis: http://pastebin.com/m72a7998700:50
josher4breakg: Flash wont show up?00:50
Joe_after this weeks debacle with upgrading (my stuff is way too old), decided it's time to buy a new computer00:50
mikevankuikbreakg: its true :P my mothers laptop has some shitty intel graphic card :) it took for ages to get stuff running after I installed Ubuntu on it I could run Compiz and it didn't even flinch :D00:50
breakgi tried installing almost everything possible to get flash videos to play, but yea flash wont show,00:50
jmd9qsOdd-rationale, i wouldn't know how. i might of edited the torrc file last night, but if i did i don't know what. want me to pastebin again?00:50
breakgintel sucks00:50
breakgthats what i got00:50
Dr_WillisLightTitan,  CACAO version 0.99.3+hg ? where did that come from..   Hers the output of mine.00:50
Odd-rationalejmd9qs: no that's ok..00:50
israelito_solitohello. I need to convert vob files into a dvd. Any suggestions?00:50
LightTitanlol no clue00:50
neetobreakg: this might be a stupid question, but did you install flash?00:51
breakgthey dont even make a driver for the card i have!!!! who DOES THAT?00:51
breakghehe neeto00:51
Odd-rationalejmd9qs: actually, yes please. :00:51
krakatihow to apply colors in sirc irc client?00:51
mikevankuikbreakg: rofl00:51
breakgyes, it works in epiphany00:51
mikevankuikbreakg: that's harsh :D00:51
VideoSmithSlart:  Gonna check out XChat in my search for a decent IRC client.00:51
redvamp128cube - http://imagebin.ca/view/lMWl8_Hf.html00:51
breakgthey got me using that 965 driver00:51
breakgwhich is mad old00:51
mikevankuikbreakg: I know :| its like stoneage :|00:51
SlartVideoSmith: xchat is nice.. but don't install xchat-gnome, it has hidden a lot of the configuration options00:51
josher4breakg: In firefox, go to www.youtube.com00:51
redvamp128Yes I will say it works-- but however the fusion reload didn't work -- tittlebar still missing00:52
VideoSmithSlart:  "Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil..."00:52
breakgyeah it says i dont have it installed00:52
krakatiok another question: how to display hidden files in emelfm2?00:52
breakgbut it is, and wokring in epiph00:52
SlartVideoSmith: hehe00:52
israelito_solitohello. I need to convert vob files into a dvd. Any suggestions?00:52
josher4breakg: It may be the activeX control00:52
mikevankuikok fireing up my box again :) lets see if this new disk will run stuff my way :D00:52
Joe_is 3-way SLI supported in intrepid?00:52
breakgi like epiph, but its not a full feature00:52
Dr_WillisLightTitan,  http://pastebin.com/f7f41a0ef00:52
josher4breakg: just click get missing pluggins00:52
breakgactive X?00:53
VideoSmithSlart:  "... for thou art with my.  Thy Wine and konsole they comfort me."00:53
breakgyeah i tried that00:53
krakatiok another question: how to display hidden files in emelfm2?00:53
breakgit says i have the wrong version00:53
VideoSmithSlart:  Gotta finish sentences. :P00:53
josher4breakg: hm....00:53
breakgx86_x something00:53
ricardoon have you been using UNIX or UNIX like  OS00:53
breakgwhen i tried to run the .deb file straight from the flash site it gives me crap00:53
ricardoon have you been using UNIX or UNIX like  OS00:53
ricardoon have you been using UNIX or UNIX like  OS00:53
ricardoon have you been using UNIX or UNIX like  OS00:53
FloodBot2ricardo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:53
b_israelito_solito: k3b00:53
jmd9qsOdd-rationale, pastebin url is http://paste.ubuntu.com/104183/... side note, now i cant browse at all unless foxyproxy is off. wtf?00:53
SuperMMTDoes Ubuntu have a "media edition" ?00:54
ubottuUbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org00:54
redvamp128SuperMMT-- try synaptic look for mythbuntu00:54
breakgI didnt know firefox used active X00:54
Slarthello ricardo00:54
SuperMMTwho what where?00:54
israelito_solitob_ thanks00:54
nickrud_!hi | ricardo00:54
ubotturicardo: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!00:54
SuperMMTI haven't even downloaded it yet00:54
Slartbreakg: I doubt it does00:54
LightTitanDr_Willis: ok so how do I remove that weird one and the 1.5 and go with 1.6?00:54
Odd-rationalejmd9qs: did you set any system proxy outside firefox?00:54
breakgi thought activeX was IE00:55
Slartbreakg: it is00:55
krakatino help... bye00:55
AJ_Z0breakg: There is an ActiveX plugin for Firefox on Windows00:55
redvamp128Supermmt hold on and I will find the site about it.. | Mythbuntu <http://www.mythbuntu.org/>00:55
breakgya maybe i need it00:55
Dr_WillisLightTitan,  ive no idea how ya got that one.. or where that Caco stuff came from   I would remove java. then install the 'ubuntu-restricted-extras' package and see ah it installs.00:55
ricardoany one in portugal00:55
redvamp128But if you already have ubuntu installed you can add the packages from synaptic00:55
jmd9qsOdd-rationale, yes, SOCKS on port 905000:55
Slart!pt | ricardo00:55
ubotturicardo: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.00:55
VideoSmithSlart:  XChat almost loaded.00:55
rogue780does anyone know a program to use to sync a windows mobile device or at least browse the files on it?00:55
Odd-rationalejmd9qs: try disabling that...00:55
Slartrogue780: nautilus used to be able to do that..00:56
SuperMMTredvamp128: Is this based on the last LTS?00:56
breakgive installed everything i can from the repo's and nothing has gotten it to work, i think when i installed gnash it worked halfway, only a little sliver of the media would show a s apreview and when i went to play it - - nothing.00:56
SuperMMTredvamp128: Never mind, I see it's not00:56
VideoSmith!hi | Jack_Sparrow_Movie_Character_lol00:56
ubottuJack_Sparrow_Movie_Character_lol: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!00:56
rogue780Slart, ubuntu doesn't seem to recognize the windows mobile device to begin with00:56
redvamp128They have one on 8.05--and 8.10 and 9.0400:56
VideoSmithJust to be odd.00:56
breakgdolphin probably does that00:56
breakgit rocks00:56
Dr_WillisLightTitan,   from the internet -->  cacaovm is a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) which uses Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation  .00:56
breakgbut KDE is ehh00:56
Jack_SparrowHi VideoSmith .. behave yourself00:57
SuperMMTredvamp128: the latest version doesn't work right.  I would need the LTS, and really want the LTS00:57
rogue780breakg, I know. KDE does so many things right...but does it wrong in just enough places to make me stay with gnome00:57
Dr_WillisLightTitan,  so it does not seemto be  the offical sun java. :)00:57
SuperMMTredvamp128: Eh?00:57
redvamp128SuperMMT- If you already have ubuntu installed you can install it through synaptic (mybuntu)00:57
breakgme too, i stay with gnome as well for the same reason00:57
Slartrogue780: then I think you'll have a hard time getting to the files.. most cell phones have some kind of basic file system transfer thingy.. at least using bluetooth00:57
redvamp128and use both window managers00:57
redvamp128| Mythbuntu <http://www.mythbuntu.org/>00:58
redvamp128That is their main site--00:58
* rogue780 helped with the initial Mythbuntu release00:58
jmd9qsOdd-rationale, it's disabled. what next? btw thanks for your help / patience... i've been trying to figure this out for 3 days now. bleh00:58
redvamp128There is one other Media center based one but I can't remember the name --00:58
SuperMMTredvamp128: I don't at the time, although I downloaded Ubuntu 8.10 and it did not work correctly, however the latest LTS for Ubuntu worked perfect00:58
Odd-rationalejmd9qs: yeah, i don't know why it is being so complicated...00:58
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots00:58
Jack_SparrowThe bot is on a diet00:59
jmd9qsOdd-rationale, no kidding. it still won't browse with foxyproxy enabled00:59
mikevankuikseems like it :P00:59
SuperMMTredvamp128: Is this a stand alone download CD iso ?00:59
breakgi dont know who im kidding i like epiphany better anyway :P00:59
SuperMMTredvamp128: or do I need to already have Ubuntu installed00:59
rogue780Slart, I guess what I'm asking for is an alternative to activesync, since that is what all windows mobile phones use as well as pocket pc PDA's....palm devices are supported so I only assume that their chief competitor is also supported at least minimally00:59
mikevankuikthe bot a work must be a monster :P its getting fed like every hour at least :D00:59
Odd-rationalejmd9qs: what error message does it give?01:00
Slartrogue780: I can't really help you any further.. I've never owned a windows mobile phone..01:00
b_rogue780: SyncEngine01:00
rogue780Slart, thanks for tryin'01:01
kdoggHello, When I put the 64 bit install disc in, and select install, the loading screen comes up then the progress bar will stop moving until I press a button. if I keep pressing buttons it makes it to the install dialogue, but I am scared to install with that problem.01:01
rogue780b_, thanks, I'm looking into that now01:01
jmd9qsOdd-rationale, i set it to "use proxy tor for all urls". the error then pops up immediately saying 'connection interrupted01:01
breakganyone know why i get an error trying to configure my gnome-terminal? for some reason its trying to access the "Examples" folder which i deleted a while back01:01
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mikevankuikgetting busy in here :D01:03
Joe_if my controller has 6 sata ports (and supports raid) can I set up 2 raid arrays.  IE one raid 1 array (primary OS discs) and then the other four as raid 10 (storage drives)?01:04
SlartI don't think so, Joe_01:06
SlartJoe_: unless you paid serious money for it01:06
mikevankuikJoe_: doesn't seem likely... you proberbly need a second controller to controll the second raid...01:07
LowestIs this purely a support IRC room or is it general purpose?01:07
prymal_Lowest: it's for support on ubuntu01:07
Joe_that's what I thought...01:07
SlartLowest: there is an offtopic channel for general chat #ubuntu-offtopic01:07
mikevankuikOdd-rationale: Installing right now... lets hope this goed right :D got a good feeling about it though :) (and a tired one :P but thats because I should be sleeping right now :P gehehe)01:08
lime4x4is it possible to run the nvidia 177 drivers for one video card and nv drivers for another vid card in the same system?01:08
kabahhi! somevary can tellme the command to see if i have the 3D aceleration active?01:08
LightTitanDr_Willis: ok, removing all my Java then gonna reinstall. Will let you know how it goes and thanks for your help01:09
jmd9qsOdd-rationale, if i tell foxyproxy to use "default" proxy for all urls, it works but still no tor... i think in this case "default" means no proxy01:09
Digital7lime4x4: try asking that on the forums if no one answers here, that's a good question01:09
MrElendigkabah: glxinfo | grep direct01:09
MrElendigkabah: er.. glxinfo | grep Direct01:09
MrElendiger.. >_>01:10
MrElendigfirst one was correct01:10
Odd-rationalejmd9qs: hey, i got to go eat dinner now... sorry i couldn't help more... hope you get it fixed! :)01:10
tsaihi all, i'm trying to help someone using the live ubuntu disk on their pc. How can i identify the physical harddrive to mount it? it does not mount automatically01:12
mikevankuikOdd-rationale: is it normal that the alt cd will ask for the "Ubuntu 8.10 _Intrepid Ibex_ -Release amd64 (20081028)" cd?01:12
tylortsai run the command "df-h"01:12
tsaitylor - trying now01:12
The_Rebelhow do a set pulseaudio defaults permanently?01:12
Digital7tsai: did yout ry mounting it twice in nautilus?01:12
tylorit will tell you connected media01:12
linxehis there a way to set up host aliases with ssh somehow? like rsh used to use .rhosts - so I dont have to keep typing long domain names / ips ?01:12
linxehis it .shosts or something ?01:13
Digital7tsai: sometimes the livecd seems to spit out errors saying it failed to mount, when the drive is in fact mounted01:13
tsaitylor - we did try twice01:13
gnutronlinxeh: use the /etc/hosts file if i'm reading you correctly.01:13
The_Rebelhow do a set pulseaudio defaults permanently?01:13
tsaii'm trying the df-h01:13
tylorit should tell you the connected media and you should mount it with the mount command01:13
The_Rebeloops wrong channel01:14
The_Rebeldidn't mean to ask twice01:14
gnutrontsai: dh     -h   needs aspace01:14
linxehgnutron: no because that requires root privileges01:14
The_Rebelnow asking in #pulseaudio01:14
tylortsai: as root mkdir /media/hd01:14
tsaignutron- ok01:14
linxehI think its .shosts01:14
linxehor is that different ?01:14
tylorthen sudo mount /dev/{output of df -h} /media/hd01:15
linxehit is isnt it :o it does equivalent hosts. damn01:15
Joe_I didn't know they made 4GB single sticks of DDR3 already...01:15
tsaitylor - trying now01:15
Joe_of course, the price just made me scream01:15
linxehgnutron: ok, its in ~/.ssh/config you can add host aliases, with ports too :)01:16
tsaitylor- dh -h says command not found01:16
gnutrontsai: my bad df -h01:16
tylortsai: df -h01:16
tsaitylor- ok01:17
tylorit will be mounted to /media/hd01:17
tsaitylor- looking01:18
thomas__hallo zusammen01:18
tylortsai: did it work?01:20
xrolly997ist da jemand?01:20
Hootyhi, can anyone help me with this wine backtrace? http://bugs.winehq.org/attachment.cgi?id=1865901:20
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fosco_!de | xrolly99701:20
ubottuxrolly997: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.01:20
mikevankuikxrolly997: da sind mege menschen hier01:20
tsaitylor- i've got my friend joining this chat room so he can see the commands01:20
gnutronlinxeh: are you using a fresh install of intrepid? clean install01:20
tylortsai: first run "df -h" , the output will be all connected drives01:21
tylorTsai: the find your and make a directory "sudo mkdir /media/hd"01:21
tylortsai: then "sudo mount /media/"yourDrive" /media/hd"01:22
linxehgnutron: no, I'm using various systems, but generally hardy01:22
tylorthen just move to that folder01:22
linxehgnutron: why ?01:22
gnutronlinxeh: i must need to re-install ssh, ive used this box for years and my ~/.ssh dir has one file, known_hosts thats it01:22
KhomeiniDoes anyone have any experience with Ubuntu on the Acer Aspire 1?01:22
linxehgnutron: yes, create a config file01:23
gnutronlinxeh: thank you01:23
linxehgnutron: and make it chmod 600. you can put other files in there too - eg authorized_keys so you can set up passwordless ssh01:23
tsaitylor - getting chatzilla installed for him. Hold.....01:23
linxehgnutron: this was for my host alias problem btw (just checking your arent confusing it with something else )01:23
gnutronlinxeh: gotcha, thanks again.01:24
KhomeiniMy Acer Aspire 1 has Ubuntu 8.10 on it currently, and the wireless suddenly shut off. It has a toggle switch on the front, but the indicators don't work. How can I enable the wireless through the software?01:24
IndyGunFreakKhomeini: i've  had that happen before, but i usually restart X, and when i log back in, it works01:25
Dr_WillisKhomeini,  the light one wireelss dosent light up is a known issue. i recall.. you can use the switch I think.. but it dosent light up when its on.01:25
KhomeiniIndyGunFreaks: Restarting didn't work. Originally the computer was able to connect, but suddenly the wireless turned off.01:26
IndyGunFreakKhomeini: can't explain it, mine is fine01:26
KhomeiniDr_Willis: I know the toggle light doesn't work, but my wireless switch gave me problems before. Is there a way to enable it through the software instead of the switch?01:26
tylortsai: you there?01:28
tsaitylor - yes, waiting on my friend to finish installing chatzilla01:28
KhomeiniIs there no way to manually turn on the wireless through Ubuntu? Like an option in the menu.01:28
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mikevankuiktalk too ya'll later :) going to catch some zzz now :D01:30
KhomeiniI mean in Windows, I just right click my wireless and can disable and enable it. There is no mirror of this in Ubuntu?01:31
tyrantKhomeini, same thing try different mouse button01:31
tyrantKhomeini, if u dont have that network symbol there , try alt+f2 and type nm-applet01:31
cmv583hi all! trying to find what wrong with cd-rw drive. cdrecord -scanbus shows it. Googled and tried a few things. http://pastebin.com/m2d57f7dd01:32
LightTitanDr_Willis: If you are still there, I have removed the java and reinstalled but I think I am missing something. When I try to run some java apps it says, Java not found. If I do Java -version I get the following http://pastebin.com/m6744a39901:32
KhomeiniTyrant: I do have the symbol and the box "Enable Networking" was checked.01:32
\Kirais there a command to clear the screen in linux?01:32
KhomeiniWhen I right clicked.01:32
\Kirathe terminal screen01:32
tekteen\Kira: clear01:32
tyrantkhomeini what about left click ??01:32
\Kiratekteen: thanks :) I was thinking of something like "cs"01:32
mdg2Can VCSTIME be set to show 12 hour clock?01:32
Dr_WillisLightTitan,  to install java - all ive ever had to do was 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras' on a clean install01:33
KhomeiniTyrant: Restarted the computer, one sec01:33
LightTitanok gonna try that01:33
tyrantKhomeini, is the wireless working at all ?01:33
Dr_WillisLightTitan,  looks like you have no java installed.. I would install  ubuntu-restricted-extras and let it isntall java01:33
KhomeiniTyrant: Yes.01:33
Chaotic_DescentI can not mount my USB SD card reader or my iPod. How can I figure out what the problem is?01:33
LightTitanAlready doing it :) I'll let you know ,Thanks Dr_Willis01:34
KhomeiniTyrant: All the other computers can connect. All of the sudden the Acer couldn't connect any more.01:34
KhomeiniTyrant: iwconfig is showing nothing01:34
tyrantdid you do an update ?01:34
SylphidIm trying to convert my single disk install to a 2disk raid 1 setup. I followed instructions here http://www.howtoforge.com/software-r...ot-debian-etch however when i try to reboot into the raid volume it fails to an initramfs prompt and also fails when trying to boot to the original volume with the same kernel ... I believe that the update-initramfs -u command screwed it up but im not sure how to repair this.01:34
IndyGunFreakChaotic_Descent: how old is the ipod?01:34
KhomeiniTyrant: No01:34
KhomeiniTyrant: is there a terminal command to turn on the wireless card?01:34
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Chaotic_DescentIndyGunFreak: fairly new. 3rd Gen Nano.01:35
tyrantKhomeini, it depends on if its installed or not01:35
KhomeiniTyrant: It is, it was working before.01:35
IndyGunFreakChaotic_Descent: some of the newer ipods don't work well01:35
IndyGunFreak!ipod | Chaotic_Descent01:35
ubottuChaotic_Descent: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod01:35
tyrantKhomeini, you didnt hit the keyboard shorcut ?01:35
mdg2Any CLI users know if vcstime can be set to 12 hour clock?01:36
KhomeiniTyrant: Trying, the switch and keyboard thingy don't always work01:36
tyrantKhomeini, do u know what wireless card do you have ?01:36
LightTitanDr_Willis: It's still not on it says, I get this: titan@Titan-Comp:~$ java01:36
LightTitanbash: /usr/bin/java: No such file or directory01:36
KhomeiniTyrant: Whatever come standard Acer Aspire 101:36
Dr_WillisLightTitan,  you are usingubuntu 8.10 ? or what excactly?01:36
\Kirahow can I set the system to use UTC from command line?01:36
cm_can someone please tell me how to migrate my home directory to a secondary hard drive (internal)? thanks01:36
Chaotic_DescentIndyGunFreak: I just figured maybe the USB SD card reader problem was related to it. It mounts fine on my mom's PC running Ubuntu. So somehow I screwed up my Ubuntu but not hers...01:37
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository01:37
hdzi was in autosudo or root or whatever and in root of partition / and did01:37
hdz          rm -rf usr then ctrl+c halfway so that means a lot of shit is gone01:37
hdz          from /usr /usr (children) what should i do?01:37
FloodBot2hdz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:37
Dr_WillisLightTitan,  try sudo apt-get install  sun-java6-jre    perhaps?01:37
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hdzi was in autosudo or root or whatever and in root of the partition / and did rm -rf usr then ctrl+c halfway so that means a lot of shit is gone from /usr and the /usr (children) what should i do?01:37
LightTitanDr_Willis: I am running Ubuntu 8.10 64 bit. I have done sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre01:38
Dr_Willishdz,  get ready to reinstall?01:38
\Kirahdz: why on earth did you do that?01:38
KhomeiniTyrant: The wireless card toggled off for whatever reason. How do I turn it back on?01:38
\Kirahdz: there isnt much you can do01:38
Dr_WillisLightTitan,  im not sure how ya managed to getit so messed up.  try that command again. and try java -version from a new login shell perhaps?01:38
\Kirahdz: take the data you want off it, then reinstall01:38
hdzi forgot i had cp'd some source program to / came back to that tty screen hours later01:38
KhomeiniTyrant: The switch is messed up and doesn't reliably work, and there is no keyboard function as far as I can tell. To simplify the question, sorry if I sounded a bit demanding01:38
hdzand thought i was in /home/turtle/program1.1.1./usr01:39
hdzah man i'm f*'d right might as well reinstall?01:39
Dr_Willishdz,  :) now ya know why ubuntu tries to get people to use sudo and never go to a 'root shell'01:39
\Kirahdz: I see, you shouldnt be putting stuff in / for a note in the future01:39
tyrantKhomeini, i dont know what card you have but try sudo modprobe ath_pci if it is an atheros wifi card01:39
hdzwell i did sudo01:39
br3ndenWhat permissions should public_html be set to?01:39
Flannelhdz: Well, backup your stuff, then reinstall, yes.  What version of Ubuntu are you on?01:39
Flannelbr3nden: it needs to be a+x (and stuff in it needs to be world readable)01:39
\Kirahdz: might has well upgrade wile at it01:39
\Kirahdz: hrm?01:40
LightTitanDr_Willis: I did the command again, it told me nothing added cause I already have it. But java -version gives me nothing despite the fact it's installed.01:40
hdzi don't think there is support for nvidia card for 8.1001:40
hdzi read somewhere01:40
Chaotic_DescentIndyGunFreak: this describes downloading something from a folder called .../ubuntu/gutsy/... I have Hardy Heron. Is that a problem?01:40
KhomeiniTyrant: ath5k)01:40
\Kirahdz: im not sure, if not, stay with what makes you happen. But its probably best to google it first. Im pretty sure there is support01:40
\Kirahdz: *happy01:40
hdzi want to do a clean everything i guess01:41
hdzi dont wanna go in halfassed again01:41
tyrantwell try that module maybe and after like 10 second u should have a list of wireless networks01:41
hdzi cant believe i did that01:41
\Kirahdz: well, save the files you want to a removable media first01:41
hdzcan someone du -s /usr01:41
hdzjust to give me an  idea01:41
hdzhow much i lost01:41
Marfihello everyone! i'm trying to get my gnome apps to look / feel more like KDE 4.2. how do i achieve this?01:42
hdzis there a command i cfan still do to make a batch or just text setup file to see what progs and settings i have to later when i reinstall everything have somewhat of progess?01:43
Marfihdz, yes, but i don't remember the name of the program01:43
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude --disable-columns --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate01:43
R0b0t1How do I get the Apple Aluminum keyboards to work? I can't send VirtualBox a F8.01:43
betterhandshey guys--i added a new, unformatted hard drive.  In places under computer it's listed as SCSI Drive.  It also shows up in Device Manager.  I want to format this so that i can use it.  what utility should i use?  I've tried "Disk Manager", but it doesn't see the drive.01:44
chyeahey all. i'm not sure if this is possible, but if i just did an "rm filename" on accident, and meant to do "mv", is there a way to recover the file i just removed? :P01:44
tyrantbetterhands, did u try gparted01:44
Flannel!undelete | chyea01:44
ubottuchyea: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel01:44
Weboscould someone give me a hand: i'm using ubuntu 6.10 and i'm tring to get my onboard nic card to work. i do a sudo lshw -C network and it shows my nic card there as a logical name of : pan001:44
cmv583hdz: chad@chad-desktop:~$ du -s /usr 2812204/usr01:45
betterhandstyrant--not yet.  will do.01:45
Flannelchyea: Not a straight forward way, no.01:45
Dr_WillisLightTitan,  log out/back in - your PATH may be wrong01:45
chyeadarn. that's what i thought. =\01:45
chyeaoh well, no big loss.01:45
\Kirahow can I set the system to use UTC from command line?01:45
Dr_WillisLightTitan,  also check the docs at the !java factoid for the ocmmand to set the default 'java' for the system01:45
Marfiim running kde 4, and trying to get my gnome apps to look more like KDE. how do i do this with QT?01:45
Chaotic_DescentIndyGunFreak: this iPod solution doesn't work. the link you gave me has another link, which has a 3rd link to download stuff off a site that doesn't respond. I've tried clicking on a few "this thread also helps!" links and it just rambles incoherently for a dozen pages...01:46
hdzhrm well maybe i should undelete01:46
hdzlike that guy is doing01:46
jtaji\Kira: dpkg-reconfigure tzdata01:46
josher4betterhands: Use GParted01:46
Dr_WillisMarfi,  i thohg the kde settings had a check box to make  that happen.01:46
\Kirajtaji: thanks01:46
betterhandsthanks josher401:46
mdg2Anyone know if vcstime can be set to 12 hour clock?01:46
IndyGunFreakChaotic_Descent: dunno, some of the 3rd gens are hard/to impossible to get working01:46
IndyGunFreakthank Apple01:46
MarfiDr_Willis, do you know where?01:46
josher4betterhands: Yw01:46
Dr_WillisMarfi,  nope.01:46
Chaotic_Descent"this tutorial is not needed for hardy, only gutsy"01:46
* Chaotic_Descent sighs01:47
hdzyo my gparted* is wierd i can't do shit in there, qtparted looks better, should i use that instead and question.  if i have a win partition that's boot flagged, and secondary linux parition with the boot files but no boot flag, it alright to leave bootflag on windows partition, or should i switch it to linux partition which it was never on and see if it still searches for the boot menu selection01:47
Chaotic_DescentWell what about getting Ubuntu to mount my USB SD card reader? How do I figure out why it won't do that?01:48
gnutronhdz: du -sh 3.6G/usr/01:48
IndyGunFreakChaotic_Descent: that i don't know.01:48
cmv583Dr_Willis: hi all! trying to find what wrong with cd-rw drive. cdrecord -scanbus shows it. Googled and tried a few things. http://pastebin.com/m2d57f7dd if you think you can help?01:48
slipstI'm trying to install I'm trying to install guest additions in VirtualBox OSE but I'm getting "Could not find the VirtualBox Guest Additions CD image file /usr/share/virtualbox/VBoxGuestAdditions.iso or /usr/lib/virtualbox/additions/VBoxGuestAdditions.iso." even though I manually downloaded the file and moved it to the /usr/share/virtualbox/VBoxGuestAdditions.iso anyone know what might be wrong?01:48
cm_can someone please tell me how to migrate my home directory to a secondary hard drive (internal)? thanks01:49
betterhandsinstalled gparted and using now--thanks again Thrasher and josher4.  any recommendations for partition table type if i've no intention other than using it to store backups/data for Ubuntu?01:49
mdg2I'm trying to setup some CLI stuff on my iMac01:49
Flannel!separatehome | cm_01:49
ubottucm_: Your home folder is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home folder to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome01:49
R0b0t1I need to enter a key in that I do not have on my keyboard.01:49
R0b0t1Is there a "virtual keyboard"?01:49
stdinhdz: only the windows/dos bootloader cares about the boot flag. gparted and qtparted are both just frontends to the parted command, GParted is GTK/Gnome and QtParted is Qt/KDE01:49
josher4betterhands: I would recommend making on big ntfs partition01:49
quaalcould someone assist me with setting samba permissions so that when i save a file from the samba client to the samba server, the samba server has complete permissions to the file? i have already tried setting the create mask in smb.conf to 0777. it does nothing01:50
stdinhdz: but you can use both on either Gnome or KDE01:50
josher4betterhands: That is what I did, it works 100% great01:50
Chaotic_Descentthe iPod error I get is this (which I don't understand, but it mentions NTFS, which adds to my theory that it's related to the problems mounting my USB SD card reader which works in Windows) Mount is denied because setuid and setgid root ntfs-3g is insecure with the external FUSE library. Either remove the setuid/setgid bit from the binary or rebuild NTFS-3G with integrated FUSE support and make it setuid root.01:51
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betterhandscool josher4 i'll do that.01:51
josher4betterhands: ok, good luck. Tell me how it works out.01:51
Chaotic_DescentNow, I don't want to go reprogramming stuff... surely whatever screwed things up will leave these clues so that I can un-screw-it-up.01:51
zambadoes ubuntu have a graphical partition tool?01:52
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MrElendigzamba: gparted01:52
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php01:52
betterhandswell since that's not an option on the menu i'm at, i guess i'll choose something else.01:53
WebcamWonderGuys, what is the command to check which packages does a package depend on?01:53
lifenovaIs there a way to sort of 'fix' usplash? When I start up/shutdown, I don't see a splash screen, and on shutdown sometimes I see the huge white text - not really a major problem, but just curious01:54
NubunInstalled Ubuntu Remix using a USB key. Cannot search for a wireless network, suspect Broadcom driver with "status" in use, cannot click on enable ???01:54
Nubuniwconfig gives the usual no wireless extention01:54
WebcamWonderFound it, nvm01:54
Code_Bleuwhy am i getting an operation not permitted when trying to create a hardlink in ubuntu 8.10 as root user?01:55
Nubunany suggestions ?01:55
FlannelCode_Bleu: Where are you trying to hardlink between?01:55
Snow_WolfGreetings all.01:55
Nubunwould be very welccome01:55
Nubunanyone out there ?01:55
solid_liqCode_Bleu: is the filesystem you're trying to create the hardlink on mounted read-only?01:55
Alexushello to all!01:56
Code_BleuFlannel: I have a NFS share mounted locally.  The NFS server is OpenFiler.01:56
FlannelCode_Bleu: so, from the NFS share to the NFS share?01:56
Alexusmake sudo dd if=/zero is bad?01:56
Code_BleuSolid_liq: no, i am able to create and del directories and files01:56
WebcamWonderGuys, any idea why a apt-get build-dep, just fails by saying dependencies cannot be satisfied, but no more information?01:56
FlannelAlexus: That doesn't make sense.  But... sure.  Could be bad.01:57
IndyGunFreakWebcamWonder: do you have source enabled in your repositories?01:57
WebcamWonderIndyGunFreak: Yup01:57
fallencreationsHey guys and gals, is there a way to make the network icon visible to all users? It only shows the network icon to the first person to log in after reboot. I am running Intrepid with an Atheros internal wireless.01:57
IndyGunFreakWebcamWonder: what are you trying to build dependencies for.01:57
WebcamWonderIndyGunFreak: pidgin01:57
Code_BleuFlannel:NFS server =, local = i did a sudo mount /mnt/localdirectory01:57
NubunHello to everyone on Ubuntu !01:57
Nubuncan a guru support my query ?01:58
AlexusI mean that if you can erase all my hard disk with this command sudo dd if=/zero01:58
Alexusi used google traductor :S01:58
FlannelCode_Bleu: you can only make hardlinks from the same partitions01:58
Alexussorry my translations01:58
FlannelAlexus: What command are you doing?01:59
Code_BleuI am running backuppc on the local pc and for some reason it stopped working...and when i look at the logs it says that it can not create hardlinks between two different directories on the same NFS share01:59
FlannelAlexus: oh.  That command as it is won't erase it, no.  But somethign similar may.01:59
Flannel!helpme | Nubun01:59
ubottuNubun: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience01:59
Alexusthanks for all01:59
jinja-sheepShit.  My laptop went "Could not find kernel image: linux" on me. :|01:59
mortuis99hi i am looking for a way to securely format a external USB HD?  are there any apps to do so?02:00
wolterhi, is there not a native way where i can share files with other linux machines?02:00
jinja-sheepPardon the language. :\02:00
wolterwhen i navigate into the folder i only get a $print folder...02:00
IndyGunFreakWebcamWonder: just curious, why are you trying to upgrade pidgin?02:00
Flannel!nfs | wolter02:00
ubottuwolter: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.02:00
Code_BleuFlannel: it is.  after mounting the NFS share locally...ie (/mnt/localdir) im trying to hardlink  /mnt/localdir/pc to /mnt/localdir/cpool02:00
WebcamWonderIndyGunFreak: I just like messing around. I have a lot of free time on my hands :)02:00
IndyGunFreakWebcamWonder: but sudo apt-get build-dep pidgin should work, unless you already have all the dependencies resolved.02:00
kansanhelp!  my printer is not getting detected when i go to system=>admin=> printers => new printer.  its a usb connection to my ML-2510 samsung laser printer.02:01
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages02:01
mortuis99hi i am looking for a way to securely format a external USB HD?  are there any apps to do so?02:01
tylormortuis: use gparted02:01
SSilver2ki have an ubuntu system, stock 8.10, will not be hooked up to the internet, so just tock 8.10.  it keeps switching resolution to a widescreen res, but i need it to stay at 1024x768, how can i do that?02:01
aeonorismortuis99, will gparted do?02:01
jinja-sheepmortuis99:  Use dm-crypt02:01
\Kiramy server lags when i try to connect to it. Its usually just the first time it will hang, and sometimes just closes the connection, but once I close the connection and try to connect again, it responds almost instantly. My game server does not suffer from this, though. The only service Ive tested this on is httpd, sshd, and nmaping the server. Im not sure this might be ubuntu server related, if not, how can I find the problem?02:01
jinja-sheep!info dm-crypt02:02
mortuis99more secure than thant02:02
ubottuPackage dm-crypt does not exist in intrepid02:02
mdg2how do I find out if ubuntu has tzclock for PPC?02:02
fallencreations!help Hey guys and gals, is there a way to make the network icon visible to all users? It only shows the network icon to the first person to log in after reboot. I am running Intrepid with an Atheros internal wireless. Sorry if I repeated this, I just noticed this is the correct way to ask.02:02
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:02
jinja-sheep!info cryptsetup | mortuis9902:02
ubottucryptsetup (source: cryptsetup): configures encrypted block devices. In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.0.6-6ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 102 kB, installed size 452 kB02:02
Nubunhey Ubottu how about it?02:03
jinja-sheepmortuis99:  This is what I use.  Or you can use TrueCrypt.  :<02:03
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:03
WebcamWonderIndyGunFreak: Here is my sources.list, if you want to look at it http://pastebin.com/f170708f602:03
mdg2I'll just talk to myself tonight LOL :)02:03
IndyGunFreakWebcamWonder: i believe you.02:03
jw144000I'm having problems installing updates in Ubuntu 8.10. I keep getting this message: E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.02:03
jw144000E: _cache->open() failed, please report.02:03
Marfihow do i get GTK fonts to work under KDE 4.2?02:04
mortuis99jinja-sheep i have to make sure that data that was on the hard is not retrievable later after reformat02:04
johnny_mnemonicmortuis99, dban beta will work http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=67542502:04
jw144000Can anyone please help/02:04
kansanhelp!  my printer is not getting detected when i go to system=>admin=> printers => new printer.  its a usb connection to my ML-2510 samsung laser printer.  at ONE point, this did work.02:04
Marfii meant to say styles for them02:04
WebcamWonderIndyGunFreak: btw, apt-cache depends pidgin, should show me the libraries, so I need to insatll their -dev right?02:04
jinja-sheepmortuis99:  Oh you want to destroy your HDD?02:04
IndyGunFreakWebcamWonder: i guess..02:04
Scunizikansan: look on samsungs site.. they have the right driver and instructions on how to enable it in ubuntu.. I run the ml-2010 with no issues02:05
Flannelmortuis99: Use shred.  It's already installed.02:05
mortuis99jinja-sheep the DATA on it yes the HD itself NO02:05
jinja-sheepFlannel:  How about dd? <_<02:05
\Kiramortuis99: if you want to destroy data, write over it a bunch. shred is recommended, but there is another way (not as effective)02:05
jinja-sheepmortuis99:  Look into dd command.02:05
Flanneljinja-sheep: dd would work, but shred is much more automated and easier.02:05
\Kiramortuis99: dd is the other way02:05
tyrantWebcamWonder, the command installs the dependencies for building pidgin02:06
mortuis99jinja-sheep dd from comand line or?02:06
jinja-sheepmortuis99:  They recommended shred.  I only know dd.02:06
NubunAny program which which can be used to partition a harddisk in Ubuntu02:06
WebcamWondertyrant: Yeah, but build-dep doesn't work. Just gives me a message, failed to resolve dependencies02:06
Nubunsomething easy to install...02:06
cmv583Nubun: !gparted02:06
FlannelNubun: gparted, "Gnome PArtition Editor"02:06
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php02:07
tyrantWebcamWonder, that s not funny  :P02:07
mortuis99jinja-sheep cant do whole HDs just files02:07
mortuis99shred that os02:07
jinja-sheepFlannel:  Do you know how I can resolve my issue?  I had hard time with VirtualBox (and now I can't start Linux).  Couldn't find kernel image:  linux ?02:07
jinja-sheepmortuis99:  Then dd isn't what you want.02:07
Nubunwhere can i down load gparted ?02:07
jinja-sheepmortuis99:  Use shred, as they said.02:07
WebcamWonderNubun: sudo aptitude install gparted02:07
cmv583Nubun: click link02:07
Marfidoes anyone know how i can get my gnome programs to look decent under KDE?02:08
cmv583Nubun: sudo apt-get install gparted02:08
Flannel!virtualbox | jinja-sheep02:08
ubottujinja-sheep: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox02:08
Flanneljinja-sheep: Check those wiki pages02:08
andronicusjoin #vbox02:08
Nubunwhat is sudo apt-get install ????02:08
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jinja-sheepFlannel:  The issue is no longer related to VB.02:09
cmv583Nubun: copy/paste to terminal02:09
WebcamWonder!themes | Marfi02:09
ubottuMarfi: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy02:09
Nubunsays unable to resolve host02:09
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:09
AbstortedMindshi, does anyone know a program that is simple but easy to write math symbols for my discreet math class?02:10
Nubungparted web link suggests it runs off windows???02:10
cmv583Nubun: http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php02:10
Nubunyeah, it runs off windows ?02:10
cmv583Nubun: open terminal and type sudo apt-get install gparted, then enter password (which you won't see) & press enter02:11
Nubunthe other choice is for linux, but is complicated as it asks me to download from HP USB format tool02:12
SSilver2ki have an ubuntu system, stock 8.10, will not be hooked up to the internet, so just tock 8.10.  it keeps switching resolution to a widescreen res, but i need it to stay at 1024x768, how can i do that?02:12
cmv583Nubun: do you know what terminal is?02:12
qwexe1I am trying to tarball my system, I have one question... is this correct (omitting --excludes) tar cvpzf /nameofbackup.tgz /02:12
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages02:13
cmv583Nubun: /applications/accessories/terminal02:13
jtajiAbstortedMinds: openoffice has formula entry, also I just found that there is an additional formula plugin for openoffice, the package name is openoffice.org-dmaths02:14
lifenovaNubun: are you currently using Ubuntu or Windows?02:14
wolterhow can i know whether my computer has a bluetooth builtin device02:14
bpat1434I've installed filezilla with "sudo apt-get install filezilla" but now when I try to start filezilla, it just sits there.... any ideas?02:15
NubunErr http://netbook-remix.archive.canonical.com hardy/main gparted 0.3.5-lubutu3 could not resolve 'netbook-remix.archive.canonical.com'02:15
lifenovawolter: Open up a terminal and try 'hcitool dev'02:16
wolterlifenova, Devices:02:16
wolterits all i get.02:16
Nubundoes the command    sudo apt-get install gparted  need the internet ???02:17
aeonorisYes, or a linux CD, methinks02:17
lifenovawolter: You don't have one02:17
\KiraIm looking for a program to log the output of a command (with timestamps), and save the file perodically, not at the end of the command02:17
R0b0t1I'm having problems with my iMac's keyboard, any links?02:17
Nubunlet's fix the wireless network02:17
Nubunhow can i get this up'n running ?02:18
qcjnhy, my mp3 player don't show up ???don't automount ?02:18
cmv583Nubun: did that work?02:19
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WebcamWonderNubun: Yes, it needs to download the package for gparted02:19
Nubunfrom the internet ?02:19
lifenovaNubun: yes02:19
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:19
NubunIn which case it wouldn't work as i cannot get connected to the wireless network02:19
WebcamWonderNubun: Yup02:19
WebcamWonderNubun: iwconfig shows nothing?02:20
Nubuncan you help me with troubleshooting my broadcomm driver ?02:20
lifenovaNubun: how far do you get in joining your wireless network?02:20
Nubunthe usual no wireless extensions02:20
WebcamWonderNubun: I might... Not a pro02:20
zambai want to set up some sort of centralized passwd solution.. what for of database should i look into? i've been using nis earlier, but i don't think it's designed with security in mind.. i basically just want to nfs mount a /home and log on using a central authentication server02:20
WebcamWonderNubun: sudo lspci | grep Broadcom02:20
WebcamWonderNubun: What is the chip your card has?02:21
Nubunyes do see the network controller Broadcom Corporation BCM3406 802.11b/g wireless LAN controller02:22
Nubundoes that help you  WebcamWonder /02:22
TheFunkbombGood evening02:22
WebcamWonderNubun: Yeah, hold on02:22
WebcamWonderNubun: Intrepid, or hardy?02:23
vocxSo. I installed Ubuntu 8.10 without a swap partition and I haven't created a file to use as swap space. But after 12 minutes, my computer is put to sleep automatically. This is impressive and unexpected. What gives? How does this work?02:23
cmv583hi all! trying to find what wrong with cd-rw drive. cdrecord -scanbus shows it. Googled and tried a few things. http://pastebin.com/m2d57f7dd02:24
TheFunkbombSo, I went to Borders today and they had the Official Ubuntu book for 8.04 (Hardy???)  Does anyone know when the Intrepid book is coming out?02:24
NubunAh, that is a good one.. I have Ubuntu Remix, which is a cut down version to support netbook computers02:24
Nubunhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR, did get the image onto a USB and install it.02:24
mdg2Can anyone help me set the date/time to show a 12 hour clock?02:24
vocxWell, it is not actually put to sleep, more like it hibernates, because everything is turned off, the monitor, drives, fans, all but a blinking LED.02:24
saeraim not a sudoer :(02:24
mdg2at the CLI?02:24
lifenovavocx: swap is the partition that the system uses if you don't have enough memory, and is also used to store unused data to conserve memory02:24
WebcamWonderNubun: And there isn't a channel dedicated to ubuntu-remix? B/c I don't know if we officially support it or not02:25
WebcamWonderBy "we" I mean this channel02:25
vocxlifenova, I know about that, I'm not new to this. But read carefully, I don't have swap space!02:25
NubunBelieve you must support it.02:25
bpat1434I've installed filezilla with "sudo apt-get install filezilla" but now when I try to start filezilla, it just sits there.... any ideas?02:25
lifenovavocx: Apologies, you might try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq#How%20do%20I%20add%20more%20swap?02:26
vocxbpat1434, go to lauchpad, search for filezilla, and see if there is a bug reported against that.02:26
lifenovavocx: I think I'm misunderstanding what you're saying, hehe. Are you curious why your laptop hibernates?02:27
WebcamWonderNubun: Is it 4306 or 3406?02:28
vocxlifenova, I have a PC that hibernates without swap. That's what I'm saying. How can this be possible? That's it, impressed?02:28
pentasideIs there a free alternative to win3lin?02:28
WebcamWonderNubun: That makes much more sense. Did you install b43?02:29
bacterque honda compa02:29
cmv583!espanol | bacter02:29
ubottubacter: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.02:29
=== Eber_ is now known as Eber
NubunI did not install anything, however can see a Broadcom B43 wireless Driver with "status"   in use !!02:30
Nubunhowever enabled remains un checked02:30
arakthorvocx: this is simply speculation but it could create a hidden file on you / partition or use a similar message. The other option is that it may not suspend to disk, but attempt to hold the running state in memory. again, merely speculation.02:30
bpat1434vocx:  the only one I see that's relevant is a wxWidgets bug but I'm running
WebcamWonder!b43 | Nubun02:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about b4302:30
Nubunah ? !b43 ??02:30
Jams44Anyone know where I can download kubuntu-desktop for Ubuntu 8.04?02:30
TheFunkbombNubun, are you using 8.10?02:31
Nubunplease advice Webcamwonder02:31
josher4bacter: Yes?02:31
Nubunno it is Ubutu remix02:31
WebcamWonderNubun: Hold on, I have a similar card, I am trying to find the page I used02:31
cmv583Jams44: www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/install-kde-kubuntu-on-ubuntu/02:31
bacterdo you speak spanish?02:31
click170 Hey, Im in KDE and I just installed Compiz last night, but I just noticed today that my screen keeps blinking every few minutes since I installed that stuff02:31
click170 Anybody have any idea why02:31
TheFunkbombWhat I had to do to get my b43 to work is plug in via ethernet and run the update02:31
TheFunkbombbut I'm using Ubuntu 8.1002:32
TheFunkbombmaybe it's something similar with Ubuntu Remx02:32
SealedWithAKissCan anybody help me? I'm having trouble mounting my Windows partition. I'm getting an "Unable to mount volume" error message.02:32
TheFunkbomberr Remix02:32
ryanCHwhat is the package name for xine?02:32
Ryan_Delaneydjbeenie: did you install ubuntu-restricted-extras?02:32
Nubunnow funkbomb that might work02:32
vocxarakthor, well it turns off completely. Unless the motherboard is secretly powering the RAM modules in some way. That's why I'm impressed. Is this even documented? Notice that I just fresh installed 8.10, I had been using 7.10 so I missed quite a bit of progress.02:32
Ryan_Delaneysorry, that was a reply to an ancient question :)02:32
TheFunkbombNubun, that's what I did.  I can't tell you the command I used because I forgot it02:32
TheFunkbombGood luck!02:32
Ryan_DelaneySealedWithAKiss: Your NTFS partition was most lilkely shutdown improperly and is marked as in use02:33
gvsa123hi. i am trying to configure my wireless webcam so i am able to view it from within my network. can anyone help me?02:33
NubunBut hey, perhaps i can get the driver on to a usb stick and update it ???02:33
bactersome body speak spanish in this chat?02:33
TheFunkbombNubun, do you have windows installed?02:33
NubunNot on the same machine02:33
Ryan_DelaneySealedWithAKiss: If so, you can fix that by rebooting into windows and shutting down properly. Otherwise, you can mount in the command line with $ sudo mount /device /mountpoint -t auto -o force02:34
vocxbpat1434, you mean your wxwidgets version or filezillas? Seems like a terrible bug, it should probably be reported...02:34
TheFunkbomboh.  On the other machine, does it have the same wireless card?02:34
cmv583!espanol | bacter02:34
ubottubacter: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.02:34
WebcamWonderNubun: You will need internet connetion for sure on that PC to get the drivers. b43 are non-free and not included in Ubuntu02:34
josher4bacter: I'm not fluent but pretty good02:34
WebcamWonderNubun: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/b4302:34
aeonorisHow do you look at your processors in Kubuntu?  Anyone know?02:34
R0b0t1Ubuntu seems to be stealing my function-key presses, which I need to send to a program.02:35
R0b0t1Any help?02:35
NubunCan i download and transfer on my usb stick and plug into my remix machine ?02:35
WebcamWonderNubun: What I did. 1) Connect to Internet via Wire, 2) sudo aptitude install b43-fwcutter, 3) Restart, done!02:35
TheFunkbombI don't see why not but I'm new to all of this02:35
bpat1434vocx: required wxWidgets 2.8.9 or greater :(  time to upgrade wxWidgets02:35
WebcamWonderNubun: But I don't knwo if you have this thing in Notebook-Remix or not02:35
cmv583Nubun: http://www.findmysoft.com/drivers/02:35
bacterthanks josher4 bye02:35
josher4bacter: Adios!02:36
bacteroyes josher402:36
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vocxbpat1434, according to my "aptitude" filezilla in 8.10 needs wxwidgets or greater, so that means you are using some other filezilla, you are probably using jaunty, aren't you?02:37
SealedWithAKissRyan_Delaney, your quite right I didn't shut down properly. So shutting down properly will essentially solve my problem? I have already tried forcing a mount and it didn't work, I only had access to the filesystem, not any actual files.02:37
Nubunok thanks let my try it in the morning.02:37
MrNazI'm trying to boot my Ubuntu Server machine, new install which has never booted before, fresh install... after the POST screen it says "Grub loading, please wait..." and below that "Error 17"    anyone know what error 17 is ?02:37
bacterjosher4 do you use the K3b02:38
Ryan_DelaneySealedWithAKiss: It is not possible to mount an NTFS partition that is marked as in use except with the force option, so yes, the disk mounter and fstab will not mount "in use" partitions. If this is the cause of your problem -- and I can't say for sure from here -- then shutting down properly should resolve it.02:38
vasslerI'm running ubuntu/kde  how do make the time 12 hour format instead of 24 hour format?02:38
vocxMrNaz, usually means grub can't be found in the Master Boot Record. Put the Ubuntu CD back in, and reinstall grub.02:38
josher4bacter: Not really02:38
vasslerI'm running ubuntu/kde  how do make the time 12 hour format instead of 24 hour format? On the task bar bottom02:39
SealedWithAKissRyan_Delaney, thanks a lot for all of your help. I'll give that a shot now and let you know how I get on.02:39
bpat1434vocx not sure...02:39
bacteri need drivers for avi02:39
cmv583MrNaz: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=44294502:39
vocxbpat1434, what do you mean? Are you using someone else's computer?02:39
NubunWebCamWonder do you think i can download the drivers onto a USB stick and install onto Remix?02:39
scwizardone of my brother's complaints about ubuntu is that it uses over 200MB of RAM02:40
scwizardis this a fault of ubuntu or linux?02:40
bpat1434vocx: can't figure out the version of filezilla since it won't run...02:40
scwizardis there anyway to reduce the footprint?02:40
ribatejohi, what od you guys use to merge pdf files?02:40
WebcamWonderNubun: YOu should be able to. I don't know, which files to take however02:40
Ryan_Delaneyscwizard: There are minimalist distributions you might want to try that focus on using the least resources possible02:40
ribatejoI mean, with UI not from terminal02:40
Tailsfanyeah, like OpenGEU02:40
kantlivelongis it possible to merge two mics with ~/.asoundrc into dsnoop or can i do seperate "dsnoop"s?02:40
vocxbpat1434, use this "aptitude show filezilla"02:41
Ryan_Delaneykantlivelong: I don't know , but if your name is a reference to the philosopher, then I owe you a beer :)02:41
scwizardRyan_Delaney: how much does something like slackware use?02:41
Tailsfanprobably the same as any other KDE Distro02:41
ubottuYour home folder is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home folder to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome02:41
kantlivelongRyan_Delaney: sorta is sorta isnt :)02:41
WebcamWonderNubun: Here you go, http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=6077792&postcount=7202:42
vasslerI'm running ubuntu/kde  how do make the time 12 hour format instead of 24 hour format? On the task bar02:42
Ryan_Delaneyscwizard: I can't tell you, as the only distro I use regularly is ubuntu. Minimalist distributions off the top of my head are puppylinux and damn small linux02:42
TailsfanI just wish the Server Edition of Ubuntu would install on my tower :(02:42
scwizardiirc neither of them have a decent desktop enviroment02:42
vocxscwizard, I believe most of the memory is used by graphical apps, so obviously using a command line version would help. Or maybe a lighter desktop manager like xfce02:42
FlannelTailsfan: What about the server edition are you looking for?02:42
Ryan_Delaneyscwizard: You might try xubuntu also as a middle way02:42
scwizardperhaps it's gnome/kde that are responsible for ubuntu taking up so much02:42
scwizardvocx: windows XP has graphical apps and has a 70MB footprint or so02:43
TailsfanAs in for when I try to install it on the one tower I have, on the hard disk scanning phase, it continously flashes, and then it goes into "Failed" mod02:43
gnutronvassler: right click on the clock in the taskbar, choose properties.02:43
Ryan_DelaneyYes, AFAIK the desktop environment is at least half of the memory footprint, especially with compiz and so on02:43
scwizardRyan_Delaney: sounds like a possibility02:43
MickmeisterRyan_Delaney, it's now mounted the partition but I can access any files. There's just a directory structure with no files.02:43
vocxscwizard, you may be mistaken for a troll if you come to a Linux channel with such assumption. My windows certainly doesn't use 70 MB.02:43
vasslergnutron: No dice.02:43
Ryan_DelaneyMickmeister: You might be suffering some other kind of data loss/corruption.02:44
giacomo_cis it possible to install windows xp on my laptop that already has 8.10 installed?02:44
cmv583hi all! trying to find what wrong with cd-rw drive. cdrecord -scanbus shows it. Googled and tried a few things. http://pastebin.com/m2d57f7dd02:44
gnutronvassler: make that preferences02:44
FlannelTailsfan: What are you looking to use the server edition for?02:44
scwizardvocx: is your windows windows XP?02:44
giacomo_ccan i just resize my root parition and make a new on for windows?02:44
mikejetIs there a way to configure Ubuntu to access my ISP's DNS through TCP instead of UDP? I especially want Firefox to do that.02:44
TailsfanAs a Server for my tower, and it's only 64 Megs02:44
MickmeisterRyan_Delaney, I'm not sure, I can access everything fine from Windows.02:44
gnutronvassler: make that preferences under general tab. choose 12 or 2402:44
=== wobblyw1 is now known as wobblywu
FlannelTailsfan: 64megs of RAM?02:44
NubunWebcamWonder have downloaded them as i type...02:44
vasslergnutron: Theres a digital clock settings but within it theres is no setting to change 12 or 24  hr formats02:44
Ryan_DelaneyMickmeister: All right, that's odd. What are you using to mount the partition?02:44
WebcamWonderNubun: Cool, tell me if it works02:45
FlannelTailsfan: Try using the alternate CD instead of the server CD.02:45
FlannelTailsfan: the server CD has a server kernel, which has less hardware support than the desktop one.  But you can use the alternate CD to install a command-line only system02:45
MickmeisterRyan_Delaney, I'm essentially just clicking on the partition from the places menu and letting it mount automatically.02:45
gnutronvassler: must be your windows manager, works under gnome02:45
Ryan_DelaneyMickmeister: Do you have any familiarity with the command line? I'm going to PM you if that's ok.02:45
vasslergnutron: I'm using kde though02:46
vocxbpat1434, are you sure you haven't enabled other repositories for the next Ubuntu? Where did it say it required wxwidgets 2.8.9?02:46
MickmeisterRyan_Delaney, yeah I'm quite familiar with the command line, and a PM is fine with me.02:46
Nubunyup, now transferring to USB02:46
scomptcan anybody tell me why this compile error is occurring on ubuntu and not os x? http://pastebin.com/d3732f91a02:47
vocxTalking about partitions: are those partitions that are not in fstab the only ones that can be mounted with a single click, through the mount applet? Seems weird.02:47
bpat1434vocx: in the INSTALL file for filezilla02:48
gnutronvassler: try Right-click on the clock, select Time & Date Format. Under the Time & Dates tab choose "pH:MM:SS AMPM" for time format.02:48
cornellHi... trying to upgrade desktop 7.04 to 7.10, following the instructions at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades02:48
vocxbpat1434, dummy, then you downloaded filezilla from source.Maybe in a tar.gz?  Then what was the "sudo apt-get" command for?02:49
kereshow do you start glade?02:49
XarosDoes anyone know a good piano keyboard program?02:49
cornellIt says that 7.04 " has been removed from the normal archives and mirrors, but its packages are still available if you add these lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list file: "02:49
SSilver2khow can i set the resolution from the command line?  is xrandr the only way02:49
bpat1434vocx: I downloaded the source to read the INSTALL file... I installed via apt-get02:49
cmv583cornell: http://www.google.com/search?q=upgrade+desktop+7.04+to+7.10&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:unofficial&client=firefox-a02:49
Flannelcmv583: Please don't do that.02:50
cmv583Flannel: sorry, what?02:50
keresdoes anyone know how to start python-glade?02:50
Flannelcmv583: Don't do that.  When helping, be helpful.02:50
cmv583Flannel: didn't realize i wasn't.02:50
ErnieDuglasI LOVE UBUNTU !02:50
Ryan_DelaneyErnieDuglas: High five :)02:50
vocxbpat1434, well, which source did you download? It may be not the same source as the one included in the Ubuntu repos, you know.02:50
Flannelcmv583: Posting google queries of someone's question is certainly not helpful.02:51
ErnieDuglasXubuntu is nice too, but it can't do CompizFusion + Emerald skins as easy02:51
bpat1434vocx: true... doesn't matter now. I upgraded wxwidgets to 2.8.9 and it's still failing to load02:51
cornellThen lists three lines.  I added them, ran upgrade manager.  It failed on a bunch of 404's.  Should the lines have been added, or should they replace the others.02:51
ErnieDuglasoh for sure high five02:51
Flannelcornell: Replace the others02:51
vocxbpat1434, run it from the terminal, see what it spits out.02:51
KenBW2how would i go about using ssh -g (-g      Allows remote hosts to connect to local forwarded ports.)02:51
cmv583Flannel: that's a stepp i was told to do 2 days ago when i started asking for help, didn't think it would be a big deal, wasn't to me02:51
cornellShould I not be using help.ubuntu.com?02:51
Flannelcornell: The 404s you get are likely from the old ones still.02:52
cornellThanks Flannel02:52
bpat1434vocx: nothing spits out... just a blinking []02:52
Flannelcmv583: Well, I apologise for whomever did it to you the other day, but that's not how things go in this channel.  It's dangerous and moreover, rude.02:52
ErnieDuglasssh is hard!02:52
Jack_Sparrowcornell, Not old expired links02:52
ErnieDuglasthey need a noob guide to ssh and using with FTP and other in Linux02:52
ErnieDuglasI've looked and tried but it doesn't seem to work02:53
joejcwhats a good cheap graphics card?02:53
cmv583Flannel: sorry, didn't mean anything by it, just trying to pass time until it's my turn.O:-)02:53
saeraErnieDuglas: its easy /msg me02:53
ErnieDuglasnvidia comes ON some mobos now02:53
cornellKinda figured, but didn't wan tot trash the desktop.  So get rid of all the others or just the ones that correspond, i.e. feisty, feisty-updates and feisty-security.02:53
vocxbpat1434, then restart the X server, that is log out and back in.02:53
Y-Townanyone know a good GUI file sync app?02:53
ErnieDuglasthis puter I just setup was only $250 US02:53
ErnieDuglasruns all this like a champ02:53
bpat1434vocx... okay02:53
cornellWell, Jack_Sparrow, I got there from the update to 8.10 page, didn't think that'd be old and expired.02:54
ErnieDuglasmy work is interested too --- looking to fund what I can.02:54
FlannelErnieDuglas: If you install openssh-server, you've got ssh working (assuming proper port forwards).  If you point your ftp clients at your box with the ssh server, and choose "sftp" instead of ftp, you'll be able to then connect, without anything else.02:54
ErnieDuglasfor dev02:54
keresdoes anyone know how to start python glade?02:54
ErnieDuglasI want stuff that runs on MacOS too though ideal. I know I know it's apples & oranges but still02:54
Jack_Sparrowcornell, I was looking at the earlier link posted02:55
ErnieDuglasits very nice mac is coming with us.02:55
vocxjoejc, I'd say an nVidia one, doesn't need more than 64 MB.02:55
joejcvocx, any specifics?02:55
quaalcould someone assist me with setting samba permissions so that when i save a file from the samba client to the samba server, the samba server has complete permissions to the file? i have already tried setting the create mask in smb.conf to 0777. it does nothing02:55
lar50nif i changed the screen resolu in ibex and made my menus inaccessible by mouse, how could change it back?02:56
vocxjoejc, nope, sorry. Although I would advice against VIA. Stay with Intel, Ati and nVidia, if you must.02:56
ErnieDuglasquaal >> when you are running the cmd, who is launching it?02:56
quaali still get a -rwx-w---- file in a drwxrwsrwx directory02:56
quaalErnieDuglas, i'm saving the file to the samba share with firefox. so i assume my client user is running it02:56
fuzeboxsoftwarecan someone tell me why my printer works sometimes and sometimes it don't ?02:56
ErnieDuglasquaal > i.e. you may want to try cmd with different user, or even in a batch ? or cron? when is it running?02:56
ErnieDuglasquaal >> with FF? hmmmmm not sure about that. They should try native interface id say02:57
cornellGonna try again, if I don't get back to y'all... thank you02:57
ErnieDuglasquaal > just 'explorer' window02:57
NubunWecamwonder ...having a problem with           sudo b43-fwcutter --unsupported -w /lib/firmware broadcom-wl-
quaalErnieDuglas, i'm not using windows.02:58
Nubunsudo unable to resolve host02:58
ErnieDuglasquaal > but then translate that, then. so, for gnome it would be... um... what is gnomes file mananger?02:58
Nubunand cannot open input file broadcom-wl-
puneeth.deb packes are not installing in ubuntu..!02:59
ErnieDuglastell them to use nautilus to trans your files not thru FF02:59
Jack_Sparrowpuneeth, Are you getting them from our repo or from some other source02:59
quaalErnieDuglas, yes, when i drag the file from the desktop into the share, then it works properly02:59
quaalErnieDuglas, so this is some kind of a firefox problem?02:59
puneethJack_Sparrow, from different source as in this case, opera 9.63 deb03:00
cornellmmm.... "No valid mirror found", "... no mirror entry for the upgrade was found.This can happen if you run an internal mirror or if the mirror information is out of date.   Do you want to rewrite your 'sources.list' file anyway? If you choose 'Yes' here it will update all 'feisty' to 'gutsy' entries. ..."03:00
ErnieDuglasyes & no. It's just that one is "hookt up" and the other isnt yet id wager/guess.03:00
cornellDo I want to choose Yes?03:00
Y-Townanyone know a good GUI file sync app?03:00
WebcamWonderNubun: And it doesn't go forward to finish the command? sudo is known to have trouble, but carries out the command03:00
Jack_Sparrowpuneeth, Look for a readme wher eyou are getting the programs you are trying to install.  Not all debs are created equal03:01
puneethJack_Sparrow; i couldnt install virtualbox cus of the same problem03:01
Jack_Sparrowpuneeth, virtualbox from our repos works just fine03:01
Nubunsudo b43-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware wl_apsta-     didn't have a problem with this ??03:01
Jack_Sparrowpuneeth, Getting debs from other sources can really trash a system03:01
ubottuUbuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!03:02
puneethJack_Sparrow; how about opera...? version 9.63 aint available. i could easily install 9.62 the same way... it gives some sorta error03:02
Mene-MeneMy MP3 is showing the wrong length.03:02
Mene-MeneI've googled it and it shows up that its probably variable bit rate.03:02
Mene-MeneThis problem has occured before, but has yet to be resolved as far as I can see.03:02
ErnieDuglasFlannel: ty! I copied those directions up there I will try them03:03
ubottuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser03:03
Jack_Sparrow!info opera03:03
ubottuPackage opera does not exist in intrepid03:03
Mene-MeneI'm in Hardy Heron 8.0403:03
Dexihey all03:04
Mene-MeneI've tried both Rhythm and Totem.03:04
kabhow can I build a schedule like the ubuntu schedule? is there any tool to do this or it's hand work?03:04
LaderiusWhere does Xchat install to?03:04
WebcamWonderNubun: Sorry, I am at loss. I don't really know03:04
Mene-MeneIn Totem it continues to play but I need to jump to the 14 minute section.03:04
ErnieDuglasdon't use opera---- My Uncle helped build Netscape !03:04
ErnieDuglasthat evolved into Mozilla03:04
Flannelkab: What do you mean?03:04
ErnieDuglasthen into Firefox03:04
kabFlannel,  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule03:05
ErnieDuglas:)   Use Firefox for the winnnn.03:05
NubunIt managed to run !03:05
kabFlannel, I want to build a schedule like this03:05
Nubunnow at the final step03:05
Flannelkab: The table itself is just a table in wiki markup.03:05
SSilver2kplease someone03:05
SSilver2khow can i set the resolution from the command line?  is xrandr the only way03:05
kabFlannel, ahh ok, thank you so much!03:05
SSilver2ki have an ubuntu system, stock 8.10, will not be hooked up to the internet, so just tock 8.10.  it keeps switching resolution to a widescreen res, but i need it to stay at 1024x768, how can i do that?03:05
FloodBot1SSilver2k: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:05
LaderiusWhere does Xchat install to? im using ubuntu 8.1003:06
ErnieDuglasSSilver2k: you want to set your X config03:06
vocxLaderius, what do you want to do with it?03:06
DexiLaderius: /usr/lib/03:06
Nubunsudo chmod o+rx /lib/firmware/b43 /lib/firmware/b43legacy   problem with this line03:06
Laderiusvocx install a mrc script03:06
Dexino thats wrong03:06
SSilver2ki checked my xorg.conf - there were three lines in it03:06
SSilver2kall saying auto03:06
SSilver2kdidnt look like any normal xorg.conf03:06
Laderiusdexi ll i need to do is install a script03:07
DexiLaderius: put it in /home/yourusername/.xchat203:07
ErnieDuglasSSilver2k: yes you want it to have the res 1024x768 inside /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:07
LaderiusThx dexi03:07
XarosCould someone recommend a good piano keyboard program for Linux?03:07
ErnieDuglasSSilver2k: make it the only entry. and leave the Scan rate the same as it says (I find it's OK it only reports wrong number)03:08
Nubunwebcamwonder what is sudo03:08
WebcamWonder!sudo | Nubun03:08
ubottuNubun: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)03:08
Nubunsudo chmod o+rx /lib/firmware/b43 /lib/firmware/b43legacy  this does not work ?03:08
vocxSSilver2k, since 8.04, xorg.conf file is almost empty, you would only modify it to override some options, or when the x server doesn't detect everything for you, as seems the case with you.03:08
Laderiusdexi its not working how do i execute it? im trying /load -rs de4.mrc03:08
WebcamWonderNubun: What does it say?03:09
canon247Hi all, I am trying to mount my main harddrive using ubuntu 8.10 live dvd thru the File Browswer and it's not mounting. What is going wrong?03:09
Nubuncannot resolve host03:09
DexiLaderius: use a full path03:09
WebcamWonderNubun: And is it working, or did it quit?03:09
Mene-MeneUbuntu itself recognizes it as the wrong time.03:09
Nubununable to resolve host "myhostname"03:09
ErnieDuglasSSilver2k: er, the only Resolution entry. so that it only chooses that one you want03:09
ocRobcanon247: what cmd are you using03:10
WebcamWonderNubun: try iwconfig now03:10
Laderiusdexi /load -rs ~/home/myusername/.xchat2/de4.mrc?03:10
DexiLaderius: if that doesnt work, restart xchat and it should load automatically03:10
vocxcanon247, how is that? Does it give an error? Have you tried mounting from the command line?03:10
Nubunno wireless extentions03:10
SSilver2kthere used to be xf86conf that i used years ago to select those and creat an x conf, anything like that now03:11
Nubunhave not run this command sudo ifconfig wlan0 up03:11
ErnieDuglashey has ne1 gotten DUKE NUKEM 3D to work on here using YANG or some other way of doing it???!!!? ***** <<<<< Important .  :)03:11
canon247not quite familiar with the command lines.......is there a specific comman line i should be using?03:11
WebcamWonderNubun: chmod has not visual response, so it shouldn't tell you anything03:11
WebcamWonderNubun: It shouldn't really matter, but go ahead and try03:11
jinja-sheepFlannel:  As you said earlier, I'm at rescue operation mode now -- Exceute a shell in /dev/mps/root or in the installer environment or choose a different root file system or reboot the system?  I don't want to interrupt the interesting convo in #ubuntu-offtopic. :)03:11
Nubuncan we change the permissions manually03:11
vocxSSilver2k, no, configuration of the X Server is supposed to be greatly improved now. But you still are able to modify xorg.conf.03:11
Nubunrather than using sudo?03:11
ocRobcanon247: do you know what the device name is03:11
WebcamWonderNubun: It works, the error you see is from sudo, not chmod, and it continues, and doesn't really care03:12
Flanneljinja-sheep: Um, I'd imagine the former.  But again, with the encrypted stuff, I'm not really sure.03:12
Jack_SparrowNubun, Hey Peter, how is it going tonight03:12
vocxcanon247, type "sudo fdisk -l" to list your disks, then you can use a command such as "sudo mount /dev/sda1 /some/point"03:12
jinja-sheepFlannel:  Suppose we go with the usual procedure?  It did asked me for the password so I'm sure it should be same (in boot).03:12
ErnieDuglasSSilver2k: a version or two back, you could still run 'dpkg reconfigure xserver-xorg' and get back in. I have no idea now a days!!!03:12
canon247have identified device name  but   each time  i click and try to mount receive window message saying unable to mount volume03:12
Flanneljinja-sheep: You don't want it in the installer, you want it in your harddrive.  I'm just not sure what /dev/msp/root is03:13
\Kirawhats the command to see what services are running on my machine?03:13
Nubunyes can see the permissions changed for those directories03:13
Flannel\Kira: `ps aux` will suffice03:13
ocRob\Kira: ps aux03:13
\KiraocRob: thanks03:13
Nubunwho is Peter ? :-)03:13
storrgieanyone know an ETA on the forums?03:13
jinja-sheepIt's my root.  (Running rescue from broken disk).  <mps being my hostname>03:13
barbarella \Kira:netstat03:13
Flannelstorrgie: try #ubuntuforums03:13
jinja-sheepFlannel:  It's my root.  (Running rescue from broken disk).  <mps being my hostname>03:14
canon247im actually tying to mount the hardrive of my cpu  ...not sure what its name actually is however its showing up labeled as  245 gb media03:14
saiyhello everyone03:14
storrgieQuestion about Xconfig... when i set it up last time i specified something like busid: ... but i dont remember how I did it.03:14
vocxcanon247, I told you to do this is a terminal "sudo fdisk -l"03:14
ocRobcanon247: on the desktop? sounds like its already mounted03:14
Nubunsudo ifconfig wlan0 up  this says Operation not supported03:15
ocRobcanon247: if you see an icon on the desktop that says 245 gb media its already mounted03:15
Nubuncan i simply reboot the machine at this point ?03:15
Leo__hi,all: i am having problems with sound,anyone who can help me with that?03:15
Nubunwebcamwonder ?03:15
WebcamWonderNubun: YOu could try03:16
boscoslifewhat would the command be to sync using symlinks (/var/www to /home/bosco/public_html my website is www.boscoslife.com)03:16
vocxocRob, his 245 gb media appears in nautilus, which may or may not be mounted03:16
turtle_hello everyone03:16
jmd9qsi've been unable to set up Tor to work in Intrepid 8.10... can someone please help me figure this out? my torrc file is located: http://paste.ubuntu.com/104183/03:17
ocRobboscoslife: ln -s /var/www /home/bosco/public_html03:17
ubottuMany Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as TOR due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks03:17
turtle_tor is for privacy right?03:17
Nubunwebcamwonder now rebooting ....03:17
ocRobvocx: it wouldn't show up if it wasn't mounted..03:17
WebcamWonderNubun: Great03:17
Nubunlets hope it works03:17
ocRobcanon247: cat /etc/mtab03:17
ErnieDuglaseven maker of tor says dont count on tor tho03:17
jmd9qsJack_Sparrow, this isn't for irc, it just isn't working period03:18
canon247ocRob   i typed the sudo fdisk-l command and it cannot be found03:18
DraceMy windows is messed up, and it crashed the last time I could open it, so now I cant open up Ubuntu. Any help?03:18
jinja-sheepFlannel:  I ran the shell.  I'm in root.  Could you assist me?  I see vmlinuz -> boot/vmlinuz-etc.03:18
ocRobsudo fdisk -l03:18
vocxocRob, you are wrong, it shows up. If it remains unmounted until you explicitly click on it03:18
Leo__can someone help me with the sound problem?03:18
\Kiramy samba and cups are really messed up, but I dont need them. But, every time I go to do something in apt-get, I get a long list of errors about cups and samba stuff. How can I remove these errors?03:18
Jack_Sparrowjmd9qs, Just pointing out that many sites wont let you connect while using tor due to the abuse factor03:18
turtle_Drace, you might have to reinstall, thats what I ended up doing03:18
Flanneljinja-sheep: Go to /boot/ and see if you have a vmlinuz there, and a initrd03:18
ocRobvocx: ah you are right03:19
boscoslifeocRob: i have more than one website so is it ln -s /var/www/www.boscoslife.com #that file in that directory#        /home/bosco/public_html03:19
Nubunwebcamwonder do i need to install those .deb packages too ?03:19
Jack_Sparrowcanon247, Last letter is L03:19
ocRobln -s dir/ symlink/03:19
Nubundid only install the firmware03:19
ocRobboscoslife: ^03:19
jinja-sheepFlannel:  There are a directory boot.  But it's empty. <_<03:19
jmd9qsJack_Sparrow: cool cool. can you suggest a better channel for this question? no one ever answers on the Tor channel...03:19
DraceMy Windows has major erros and it cannot boot. I cant run Ubuntu now either...any help?03:19
turtle_ive learned not to grow too attached to my data even though itd be great to have it all again03:19
turtle_will transmission block the copyright police?03:19
WebcamWonderNubun: If you ran the dpkg commands, those installed the deb files03:20
Flanneljinja-sheep: Ah, well.... that could be one reason.  Um, check your fstab (less /etc/fstab) is boot on a separate partition?03:20
Jack_Sparrowjmd9qs, tor is where I would ask, but genreally need to wait most of a day for answers03:20
vocxocRob, do you know about the mounter applet? It only shows those drives that are not in fstab? Do you know why?03:20
PhaseSo, at some point in my computers always-on state, sound just stops working. I've tried restarting pulseaudio (/etc/init.d/pulseaudio restart) but nothing comes up except another command prompt, pulseaudio -k doesn't work either. The only way I've seen that fixes it -- is restarting.. continue cycle. Any ideas?03:20
Jack_Sparrowturtle_, Nope03:20
ocRobvocx: why is that03:20
DraceMy windows has major errors and it cannot boot. How can I run Ubuntu now?03:20
jmd9qsJack_Sparrow, yup, figures. thanx anyway03:20
\KiraDrace: please be more descriptive. Tell us exactly whats happening (errors on screen, how far the startup gets)03:20
ocRobvocx: that are NOT in fstab?03:20
DraceUbuntu has errors mounting03:20
boscoslifeocRob: it does not work still what am i doing wrong03:20
DraceYou know the one it gives when windows crashed unexpectedly03:20
barbarella \Kira:apt-get remove samba cups, if you don't need it03:20
jinja-sheepI see /etc/fstab.  Bunch of... information about the hdd displayed.  I think it's in separate partition on account of encrypted lvm.03:21
\Kirabarbarella: causes the same errors03:21
Jack_SparrowDrace, How was ubuntu installed and please dont say wubi03:21
ocRobboscoslife: what'd you type03:21
joejcif my i lost my 3d acceleration when upgraded to 8.10 and still dont have it other distros could the kernal be the problem?03:21
DraceThrough a mounted image o.O03:21
ocRobvocx: i never use the mounter applet, cli :P03:21
vocxocRob, I formated my hard drive in such a way that reserved space for 2 Windows partitions. So after install the Windows partitions are not there, but nevertheless I can mount them with a single click in the applet. I'm just trying to figure out how this works.03:21
DraceI just downloaded it and ran the image file03:22
ocRobvocx: ahh i have my windows partitions in /etc/fstab so it mounts them on boot up03:22
DraceDidnt burn it to a cd..03:22
Nubunwebcam wonder did not install the deb packages with with  dbkg03:22
\Kirabarbarella: it reports that the packages are not installed, then trys to configure and start the services, obviously failing. Every time I do anything in apt-get, at the end it tries to configure and start samba a cups....03:22
Nubunsorry dpkg03:22
Jack_SparrowDrace, Cant help with that..03:22
boscoslifeOnyx: my ip address/website is still linked to /var/www           ln -s /var/www/www.boscolife.com /home/bosco/public_html03:22
turtle_Drace,  I try to one OS per CPU from now on03:22
Nubunthere is a 32bit and 64bit version03:22
Nubunwhich one should i install?03:22
turtle_it happened to me more than once03:22
barbarella \Kira:what does dpkg -l |grep samba say?03:22
boscoslifeocRob: : my ip address/website is still linked to /var/www           ln -s /var/www/www.boscolife.com /home/bosco/public_html03:23
WebcamWonder<WebcamWonder> Nubun: If you ran the dpkg commands, those installed the deb files03:23
DraceUbuntu says if you can force it with mount -ntsf.... or something03:23
vocxocRob, I made a partition for home and another one, like /ABC, but those ones are in fstab so they don't appear in the applet, not in nautilus with the single click automount capability.03:23
DraceDIdnt work for me03:23
jinja-sheepI see /etc/fstab.  Bunch of... information about the hdd displayed.  I think it's in separate partition on account of encrypted lvm.  I see a boot partition (sda5).03:23
DraceSo its not possible?03:23
turtle_Drace,  do you have to computers?03:24
Jack_SparrowDrace, You cant run ubuntu from ntfs03:24
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection03:24
ocRobboscoslife: all that command does is create a symbolic link (~/public_html) which points to /var/www, you still need to edit the apache configuration to allow user directories (~/public_html)03:24
DraceI have 2 computers if thats what you meant03:24
DraceCan I reinstall through a Live cd?03:24
\Kirabarbarella: http://pastebin.com/d2fd329e603:24
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate03:24
DraceAnd if so, could I access my windows partitions?03:24
turtle_Drace, put windows on one(for gaming or whaterver, and put Linux on the other03:24
ocRobvocx: if its in fstab it will mount at boot..03:24
boscoslifeocRob: ok do you have a site on how to do that03:25
DraceThe second is not my computer. Im hoping to run Ubuntu to retrieve some important files...03:25
linux_newbieHI, How come cario dock fails to auto start?03:25
Jack_SparrowDrace, Ubuntu can read write ntfs or fat03:25
turtle_many people need MS office for MS word to post resumes and such.03:25
jinja-sheepDo anybody know how to repair a broken system?  It seems that all of the files in /boot is empty.03:25
Jack_SparrowDrace, Boot a livecd of ubuntu and save your files to usb drive03:25
barbarella \Kira:so samba is installed03:25
\Kirabarbarella: but apt-get doesnt think so....03:26
vocxocRob, I know, but here's the catch, I don't want to. I really like it how it is now! I single clicky instead of writting the info to fstab. That's what I find puzzling but amazing at the same time.03:26
jinja-sheepJack_Sparrow:   I recently said this -- Maybe you do know?  "Do anybody know how to repair a broken system?  It seems that all of the files in /boot is empty."03:26
barbarella \Kira:try apt-get install --fix-broken03:26
=== chilli0 is now known as chilli0|coding
ocRobboscoslife: its easy, a2enmod userdir, i believe03:26
\Kirabarbarella: no difference03:27
Jack_Sparrowjinja-sheep, too late in my day, winding down.  Without kowing your setups etc I couldnt guess03:27
ocRobboscoslife: then you may  need to restart apache, apache2ctl restart03:27
cornellWell... I went ahead with the yes... it continued for a bit and then ended with errors on the fetch http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/etc.03:27
ocRobboscoslife: thats assuming you have apache2...03:27
cornellSo, I'll try again tomorrow.03:27
vocxjinja-sheep, /boot should contain a folder named "grub", also in /boot there should be a compressed linux image, something like vmlinuz-2.6-17, I think you would need to start by installing some "linux-image" package03:27
mikejetI'd like to configure firefox to use a different DNS server than the rest of Ubuntu. Is that doable with config file changes?03:28
jw144000I'm having problems installing updates on Ubuntu 8.10. Can anyone help?03:28
jinja-sheepvocx:  In my situation, there are no files.  It is gone.03:28
vocx!errors | jw14400003:28
ubottujw144000: If you have problems or errors, you will need to describe/paste them. Please use the !pastebin for errors that cannot be quoted in a single IRC message03:28
jinja-sheepI need to rebuild my boot partition.03:29
vocxjinja-sheep, that's what I'm telling you. Install "linux-image".03:29
boscoslifeocRob: no i have apache2 setup03:29
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)03:30
DraceIf I were to reinstsall via Livecd would I be able to access my windows files?03:30
barbarella \Kira:you can remove it with dpkg, but what is the error you get with apt?03:30
ocRobboscoslife: enable userdir module: sudo a2enmod userdir, restart apache: sudo apache2ctl restart03:30
fuzeboxsoftwareanyone help with a printer problem? shows the printer, but don't print from like web pages or open office03:30
vocxjinja-sheep, then run "sudo grub-install --root-dir=/ hd0"     check the syntax in the manual page03:30
ocRobboscoslife: then whatever is in your public_html will show up in http://host/~username/03:30
josher4Drace: Depends, what kind of disk setup do you have?03:30
linux_newbiehi, can someone please tell me how fix cario-dock won't autostart ?03:30
DraceWhat do you mean?03:31
tsai0irc://freenode/ocRob,isnick: cannon247 has had to reboot his router and will be back in a bit. Sorry.03:31
josher4Drace: Partition wise03:31
DraceIm not sure..03:31
\Kirabarbarella: http://pastebin.com/d4b65bec103:31
jinja-sheepvocx:  How can I install it?  I ran the sudo aptitude install linux-image and I get no http connection.03:31
josher4Drace: ok....03:31
boscoslifeocRob: root@li50-105:/# sudo a2enmod /home/bosco/public_html/03:31
=== hogbog is now known as boghog
ocRobDrace: if you have windows installed and want to keep it installed, you need a big enough drive to resize that ntfs partition and make room for linux partitions03:31
ocRobboscoslife: no, userdir is the name of the module03:31
tsai0ocRob: cannon247 has had to reboot his router and will be back shortly. Thanks!03:32
josher4Drace: U want Linux on the C: drive?03:32
ocRobboscoslife: 'sudo a2enmod userdir'03:32
Nubunsudo dpkg -i b43-fwcutter_011-4ubuntu1_i386.deb  webcamwonder ... there are problems with this....03:33
Nubuncannot run this command03:33
josher4Drace: You there?03:33
DraceI have it on there already, but windows wont boot. And since my windows crashed the last time I had it on, ubuntu wont boot. Im hoping to be able to reinstall Ubuntu to retrieve some important files on my C:/03:33
vocxjinja-sheep, mmm... then you need proper repositories? Maybe your system is also broken in the apt area. Check /etc/apt/ is it empty?03:33
WebcamWonderNubun: Did you already run thios command before?03:33
josher4Drace: Just boot from the livecd03:33
jinja-sheepvocx:  I'm running this from alternative disc (resume a broken system).03:33
Nubunjust now03:33
DraceIm downloading it right now03:33
ocRobDrace: you can probably boot from livecd, mount the drive and transfer w/e files you need over your network03:33
josher4Drace: OR03:33
jinja-sheepvocx:  /etc/apt is good.  Bunch of files there.03:34
Nubunsays the package architecture does not match sustem (lpia)03:34
WebcamWonderNubun: Umm, the post says to run those before. If you didn't run those, how did the below commands run successfully?03:34
josher4Drace: Well, nvm03:34
Nubunthey did03:34
DraceAlright thanks...ill give it a try03:34
Nubunwhat is lpia?03:35
vocxjinja-sheep, at this point it seems easier to just reinstall, don't you think?03:35
josher4Drace: Ok, tell me how it works out. Yw03:35
WebcamWonderNubun: You should have really ran those commands before, and stopped if they hadn't executed. Does iwconfig show wlan0?03:35
jinja-sheepvocx:  It's only boot partition that is missing.  Everything else is all well and fine.03:35
webbhawk_h4x0r71does ubuntu have a remastering tool?03:36
snypzzanyone using dell laptop dual monitors03:36
Nubuni did install a b43-fwcutter_011-1_lpia.deb  file prior to trying out his one03:36
Cadman21which program is better for managing an ipod banshee or rythmbox?03:36
snypzzand virtualbox03:36
WebcamWonderNubun: Then that should be fine. You don't need to install the deb files listed there if you ran the lpia one03:36
boscoslifeocRob: it still did not work with that command03:36
ocRobNubun: what wireless card do you have? b4306 rev03 or something?03:36
jinja-sheep!best | Cadman2103:36
ubottuCadman21: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.03:36
vocxjinja-sheep, then I don't know. Copy the /boot from some other PC, and then you'd need to modify /boot/grub/menu.lst to point to the correct partitions03:36
CircsHow would one create an .iso of their boot drive?03:36
Nubunyes ocROb03:37
ocRobNubun: i have that card, hold on i have a great tutorial don't use fwcutter03:37
DraceCircs: Try PowerISO or Alchol 120%03:37
snypzzyes ubuntu is the BEST OS03:37
snypzzit is free and allows you to run many other OS via virtual box03:37
ocRobforums are down?03:37
snypzzmy OPINION....!!!03:37
NubunWebcamwonder wlan0 says Access point not associated03:38
WebcamWonderNubun: There you go. Your wireless card is now installed03:38
=== Someone is now known as Guest94367
Nubunthere is a change ....under driver setting can see the "enable " selected now !03:38
WebcamWonderNubun: Yup. Try to connect using Network Manager03:39
Nubunthis is what i got right from the onset03:39
CircsDrace: Aren't those windows utilities?03:39
Guest94367Is anyone else having issues with the forums?03:39
Circsguest94367: Yes03:39
barbarellaocRob:yes they are03:39
Guest94367Okay, just wondering if it was only me03:39
ocRobNubun: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=201902 <== use that thread to get your card working as soon as the forums are back up03:39
jinja-sheepvocx:  Will try it.  :)03:40
ocRobNubun: i think the link for the bcmwl5 drivers doesnt work anymore but i have them so when you get to that point let me know03:40
vocxOkay, I'll give all another shot.  I have a PC with 1.5 GB RAM, I don't have a swap partition and I don't have a swap file. After 15 minutes my computer is put to "sleep", you can see this through Screensaver > Power managment. It basically hibernates. How does this work without swap space?03:40
SimonXanyone knows where can I download UMTSMON for intrepid?03:41
ocRobvocx: must be using your physical memory03:41
ZmAYneed some help with connecting to wifi please.. i have atheros card03:41
Gustavo_GI am trying to install a series of .deb files, but there is apparently a dependency between them and so I guess there is a proper order in which to install them. Is there anything I can have dpkg do to resolve these dependencies?03:41
\Kiravocx:  it just saves it to your physical memory, probably /var/03:41
Guest94367I don't believe sleep does a dump, I think it keeps running everything in ram03:41
\Kiravocx: well, somewere in /var03:41
\KiraGuest94367: he said hibernate03:42
Guest94367No, he said basically hibernates03:42
boscoslifeocRob: when i type in  (a2enmod userdir) (ouput) Module userdir already enabled03:42
woltercan i have a per-network static ip address in my computer?03:42
vocxGuest94367, the PC turns off, everything turns off. A single LED remains blinking.03:42
ocRobboscoslife: restart apache and try again03:42
wolteri have a laptop and i will connect to various networks...03:42
ocRobboscoslife: are you able to go to http://localhost/~username/03:42
SimonXwolter: yes you can.03:42
\Kirawhat is the updatedb.mlocat proccess?03:43
Gustavo_Gvocx: something must still be cycling the DRAM.03:43
wolterSimonX, how, where?03:43
ocRobwolter: shouldn't be a problem03:43
SimonXthrough wifi?03:43
SimonXor cable?03:43
\KiraGustavo_G: whats DRAM?03:43
LinuxNubAnyone around to help me with a problem i've got after a fresh install concerning screen? I've got a really good idea of what the problem is, as i get it every time i do a fresh install... But what i don't remember from last time is the commands ectect.03:43
SimonXwhat kind of ur ubuntu?03:43
valroshello, can someone guide me through reinstalling java 64bit, ive had so many problems with it03:43
ocRob\Kira: dram = ram03:43
barbarellawolter:yes, man interfaces03:43
vocxGustavo_G, \Kira your answers are the most probably correct. But is this documented somewhere?03:43
Guest94367\nick 1packer03:44
\KiraocRob: oh, thanks03:44
\Kiravocx: google?03:44
Nubunwebcam  wonder03:44
SimonXwolter: with hardy and intrepid possible.03:44
Gustavo_GDyanmic RAM. (Capacitors hold the bits and so they need to be cycled so that they don't discharge). SRAM (static ram) just needs to be powered because each bit is a flip-flop.03:44
_Cid_Guest94367:  turn the slash :)  /03:44
Guest94367it isn't working that way, just ignores it03:44
Nubunwlan0 was the same default reponse which i did get03:44
Adam_I just want to say, everything worked for me right away on my laptop in ubuntu, and I had to spend hours installing drivers on win703:44
vocx\Kira, ha ha, easy way out.03:45
wolterSimonX, i have intrepid.03:45
\Kiravocx: Im just buying time :) Im looking aswell03:45
wolterbarbarella, SimonX, is there a gui application for doing it03:45
_Cid_Guest94367:  weird..must be your client I guess03:45
* AtomicSpark slaps someone03:45
Guest94367maybe, it's too bad, don't like being Guest9436703:45
SimonXso you wanna set your wlan static ip address?03:45
boscoslifeocRob: i am actually able to go to myserverip/bosco~ and have it pull up the index.html in /home/bosco/public_html/03:45
ocRobboscoslife: ok the userdir mod is enabled03:46
ocRobboscoslife: if you want to link your ~/public_html you need to rm -rf ~/public_html (assuming you don't want anything in that directory tree) and ln -s /var/www ~/public_html03:46
Gustavo_Gvocx: I am a linux noob, so I don't know where it would be documented. If the computer is still receiving power, and there is no way that it could have dumped the RAM into the harddrive, then I can't imagine any other way than for the RAM to remain persistent. That's the difference between Sleeping, and hibernation. Hibernation consumes NO power. Sleeping consumes enough to keep the DRAM...03:46
Guest94367I was wondering if anyone knows how to fix bootsplash problems. I managed to mess somethings up so I don't have a graphical boot screen anymore03:46
vocx\Kira, Gustavo_G, Guest94367, ocRob so as you see, my PC does some sort of hibernation. But what happens if I actually unplug it. Maybe the RAM was in fact being cycled by that tinny LED.03:46
boscoslifeocRob: then why is it that when i go to www.boscoslife.com it still lynks /var/www/index.html03:47
ocRobGuest94367: heh i know its on the forums..which are down right now, can't remmeber how i did it before03:47
vocxGustavo_G, yes, you are most probably correct, but this nevertheless amazed me...03:47
jinja-sheepvocx:  I have copied the files to /boot.  What do I need to do?  Editing the GRUB, you mentioned.03:47
SimonXwolter: just edit your Network Connection ( Right Click )03:47
Gustavo_GIf you unplug it, the information in RAM is lost. It's technically not hibernation.03:47
MyNamewhen not driven, how can programmers produce quality? the bain of this community?03:47
MyNamethe reason for lack of market share?03:47
Gustavo_GI am trying to install a series of .deb files, but there is apparently a dependency between them and so I guess there is a proper order in which to install them. Is there anything I can have dpkg do to resolve these dependencies?03:47
Guest94367I know about using the startup manager, but it doesn't work for me, so I switched to terminal commands. I wanted to change the image and for some reason it lost it03:47
ocRobboscoslife: b/c apache still sees the root dir for your webserver as /var/www, all your doing basically is linking boscoslife.com/~user to boscoslife.com03:47
vocxGustavo_G, so it's sort of a fake hibernation, that is until you unplug it, ha!03:48
Nubunwebcamwonder the problem yet persists03:48
LinuxNubCan someone tell me the command i need to edit xorg.conf? :]03:48
ocRobNubun: wait for the forums to come back up...03:48
vocxGustavo_G, what are those debs?03:48
Gustavo_Gvocx: Yeah. Just keep in mind that hibernation copies the contents of RAM into a file in the hard drive. You can unplug the computer, turn it back on, and the state will be restored.03:48
SimonXI love Intrepid!! Muaaaaach!03:49
Gustavo_GIt's a bunch of tools (mostly compiler stuff, i think) to cross compile linux for an AVR32 procsesor.03:49
boscoslifeocRob: i am actually able to go to myserverip/bosco~ and have it pull up the index.html in /home/bosco/public_html/index.html i have 3 users and 3 sites03:49
vocxGustavo_G, yes, I know. Hibernation is useful for laptops, but since this is a PC, this sort of fake-hibernation is still useful, since I don't need to unplug it.03:49
webbhawk_h4x0r71does  ubuntu have a remastering tool??03:50
ubottuInterested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility03:50
ocRobboscoslife: ~/public_html is the webroot for host/~user, /var/www is still the main webroot for your host03:50
Gustavo_GYeah, and recovering from "sleeping" is much quicker, because the computer doesn't need to load the hard drive RAM image into RAM03:50
boscoslifeocRob: srry this is what i wanted to say how do i link www.boscoslife.com to /home/bosco/public_html/index.html  i have 3 users and 3 websites03:50
barbarellaocRob:you still can use the ubuntu forum from googles cache03:50
LinuxNubAnyone? Linebased command for editing xorg to fix my "Failed to start the X server (your graphical interface)" error?03:50
VolVEhey all, remind a noob, how can I see what groups a user belongs to from the commandline ?03:50
vocxjinja-sheep, the /boot/grub/menu.lst has info on the partitions, probably lines like "root=UUID=1223-123235-34234-2423"  or root=/dev/sda1  those need to be changed03:50
exodus_ms!xorg > LinuxNub03:51
ubottuLinuxNub, please see my private message03:51
ocRobNubun: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=201902 <== thats the thread you need03:51
ocRobbarbarella: good looking out :P03:51
DavidSchlesI upgraded from 8.04 to 8.10 and am now having kernel panics...anyone know anything about this or have seen it before?03:51
vocxGustavo_G, maybe it was the old kernels that didn't get sleep right, but in previous Ubuntu distros, sleep didn't turn anything off, just the screen.03:52
SimonXDavidSchles: Never upgrade, just fresh install.03:52
kavonhey guys i have this problem03:52
LinuxNubexodus_ms: That hasn't helped in the slightest.. Im a bit very rusty on the whole linux side of things (It's been a good 14 months since i used it, and i was only ever very basic anyway).. I just need the command to edit the xorg config from terminal03:52
kavonthe forums don't load03:52
ocRobboscoslife: you need to cd /etc/apache2/sites-available, cp default boscoslife.com, make the necessary changes to that file and then a2ensite boscoslife.com03:52
DavidSchlesSimonX: well now that I have upgraded....anything i can do03:52
Gustavo_Gvocx: Interesting. I just started using Ubuntu today, and I'm doing so on a virtual machine, so I don't really know yet about the power options.03:52
vocxSimonX, counter! I have upgraded without problems. Only those that have tons of repos suffer.03:53
ocRobboscoslife: you also need to mv the contents of the site out of /var/www to ~/public_html03:53
ocRobNubun: yes03:53
nazrafhi guys does anyone know how to capture images or video from a "stereo" camera using opencv?03:53
_Cid_LinuxNub:  you fav editor will do   like   vi :)03:53
vocxGustavo_G, should try it further. It kicks.03:53
DavidSchlesstill is there a way i can resolve these kernel panics?03:53
=== rob is now known as Guest5471
SimonXhehehehe vocx, congratullations then....03:53
webbhawk_h4x0r71does anyone know if ubuntu has a remastering tool?03:54
LinuxNub_cid_ i dont have any form of graphical interface, so i need the most basic, gaurentee'd to have editor.. and the command to go with it >.<03:54
Paddy_EIRE!remaster | webbhawk_h4x0r7103:54
ubottuwebbhawk_h4x0r71: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility03:54
_Cid_LinuxNub:  I dont use GUI either, we in the same boat ;-)    try: nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:54
Paddy_EIREwebbhawk_h4x0r71, pay attention :P03:54
DavidSchlesanyone know what i can do about these kernel panics?03:54
Nubunhad gone through a complex setup with webcamwonder03:54
exodus_msLinuxNub: vi is terminal03:54
nazrafanyone have experience with stereo cameras and opencv????03:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about umtsmon03:54
_Cid_LinuxNub:  if there is no nano, then use vi ... its different though, if you not used to ut  ... you got internet on the box?03:55
Paddy_EIRE!anyone | nazraf03:55
ubottunazraf: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?03:55
Nubunwe did get the drivers and complete an installation via a USB stick03:55
ocRobNubun: i understand, i have that card though fwcutter rarely works03:55
vocxLinuxNub, vi is so powerful that most people don't realize they are being told to use it, vi vi vi03:55
Nubunwhat are the reasons?03:55
ocRobNubun: its a firmware issue i believe03:55
SimonXnot working? !umtsmon03:55
* _Cid_ lubz vi03:55
LinuxNub_cid_ yes... But i need also the dir of the xorg config folder? Since im far too much of a noob to actually find the location of it using command lines >.<03:55
nazrafi need to capture images from stereo camera on opencv03:55
nazrafhow can i do that03:56
SimonXPaddy_EIRE: help me to search umtsmon for intrepid03:56
nazrafthe normal capture function does not work?03:56
bobbob1016I am downloading a bunch of files with downthemall for firefox.  Is there a way I can set ubuntu to automatically put in a specific username and pass each time firefox prompts for it?03:56
_Cid_LinuxNub I gave it to you ;-)    try  'nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf'03:56
exodus_msLinuxNub: read dude, he gave the app to open the config file and the path as well03:56
LinuxNubOh, thanks cid. sorry this laptop is absolutely pants03:56
bobbob1016I did remember, but some servers are different, so save password doesn't always work.03:56
_Cid_LinuxNub:  nano is easy to use if you are not used to vi ...if you are online, you can do 'apt-get install nano'03:57
Paddy_EIRE!find umtsmon intrepid03:57
nazrafhow can i capture images from a stereo camera using opencv a videre stereo camera03:57
ubottuPackage/file umtsmon does not exist in intrepid03:57
nazrafubottu thanks for the advice :)03:57
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:57
_Cid_LinuxNub:  if you mess things up in vi- you can exit without saving   do ":q!"  (without the ")03:57
LinuxNubSorted, now to edit this the proper way aha ^^03:57
boscoslifeocRob: i dont get it in am in my  /etc/apache2/sites-available directory now what is it that i need to do>>>> ssrry for the nubeness03:57
vocx_Cid_, no worries, nano is installed by default, it couldn't be otherwise since Ubuntu users are not typically experts to even know how to get out of vim03:58
DavidSchleskernel panic help anyone?03:58
nazrafwhat irc channel besides opencv channel is best for help on computer vision???????????03:58
_Cid_vocx:  oh ..didnt know  .....  nano is not bad :)03:58
ocRobboscoslife: you need to create a configuration file for it, similar to the 'default' entry but you will need to make some configuration changes03:58
SimonXvocx, what about pico?03:58
ocRobvi > *03:58
boscoslifeocRob: names www.boscoslife.com03:58
Teknovi(m) is assrape03:58
LinuxNubWhat is the other standard nvidia driver that comes with ubuntu? (pref abriviated).. nv and... ?03:59
SimonXpico = nano03:59
vocxSimonX, pico doesn't exist anymore.03:59
SimonXyeah..thats right.03:59
boscoslifeocRob: srry i mean named www.boscoslife.com03:59
ocRobboscoslife: or just boscoslife, but i would go boscoslife.com03:59
cm_hi. i'm following these instructions to move my "home" location and all has gone well, except that when i try to log-in i get the follow error message: "User's $HOME/.dmrc file is being ignored. This prevents the default sessin and language from being saved. File should be owne dby user and have 644 permissions. User's $HOME directory must be owned by user and not writable by other users."...03:59
cm_...My effort to fix it by doing "chown -R username:username /home/username03:59
cm_chmod 644 /home/username/.dmrc03:59
cm_chmod 644 /home/username/.ICEauthority03:59
cm_exit" is not working.  Advice please :)03:59
FloodBot1cm_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:59
fosco_LinuxNub: "nvidia"03:59
LinuxNubty fosco.. Sorry about all the nooby questions, i'll learn for myself when ive got it up and running on my box.. just annoying with this laptop and its 9" screen :S04:00
DavidSchlesanyone here able to help me with a kernel panic after upgrading from 8.04 to 8.1004:00
MyNamei made a mistake of elephantine proportions04:00
vocxcm_, why did you move home ?04:00
cm_i wanted it on another hard drive04:00
SimonXDavidSchles: ask vocx...04:00
jinja-sheepvocx:  Do you know what text editor I can use on bterm?  Can't use xterm.04:00
vocxjinja-sheep, what's a bterm?04:01
=== rob is now known as Guest44629
cm_vocx: i just wanted it on another hard drive04:01
webpigeonfstab x.x04:01
Barriduswhat is this paste bin thing for?04:01
webpigeonBarridus, putting code/console output into04:02
vocxDavidSchles, your question is vague. I know that I haven0t had any kernel panic after upgrading.04:02
Barridusoh, ok04:02
mslcm_, How did you move it?04:02
DavidSchlesvocx: well the problem is...i don't know what causes the panic04:02
jinja-sheepvocx:  Something for ubuntu-rescue-boot.  Small in size.04:02
jinja-sheepTerminal emulator, I think.04:02
DavidSchlesvocx: my laptop will randomly just freeze and the capslock blinks04:02
Barriduswebpigeon, still learning the ropes of linux and this chan.  thank you.04:03
cm_msl: i followed these directions http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome04:03
webpigeonBarbosa, thats okay04:03
vocxDavidSchles, it's always the graphics card. Change it to "vesa" in /etc/X11/xorg.conf then reboot04:03
\Kirahow can I restart the ssh dameon?04:03
DavidSchlesvocx: k i will try that04:03
barbarella\Kira:/etc/init.d/ssh restart04:04
webpigeon\Kira, sudo /etc/init.d/sshd restart (you might not need the d, i can't remember off hand)04:04
\Kirabarbarella: thanks04:04
\Kirawebpigeon: thanks04:04
vocxDavidSchles, once your system is up you may be able to search for the new driver of your nvidia/ati graphics card, etc.04:04
DavidSchlesvocx: ok ,i do have an nvidia card04:04
DavidSchlesvocx: would it matter that i am sometimes running an external monitor04:05
DavidSchlesvocx: what should i change to vesa?04:05
SimonXDavidSchles: nVidia running well in my intrepid....04:05
vocxDavidSchles, totally matters, since for some reason I don't know, something these things work on the external monitor but not the LCD, etc.04:05
boscoslifeocRob: http://pastebin.com/m55be2c7 that is the error message i got when making a file in that directory there and cp default to www.boscoslife.com and changed the correct directories04:06
SimonXmy compiz looks so wonderful...04:06
DavidSchlesvocx: still what should i change to vesa...i don't change my xorg for the external04:06
LinuxNubcould my "Failed to start X server" error be caused by refresh rates? I cant remember if that's what it was before >.<04:06
DavidSchlesvocx: and it panics without the monitor sometimes04:06
cm_more love please!04:07
ZmAYhave some problems with connecting to wifi, need some help pls04:07
vocxDavidSchles, there is a section called "Device", it should have an option called "Driver" next to it, put "vesa"     You should also check the kernel logs and the X server logs.04:07
=== werdan7 is now known as to
DavidSchlesvocx: the sectoin device shows up a few times04:07
IndyGunFreakZmAY: well define, "some problems"04:08
=== to is now known as werdan7
DavidSchlesvocx: 3 times04:08
barbarellaboscoslife: you mean a2ensite?04:08
ricardoquien es04:08
DavidSchlesvocx: should i replae "nvidia" with "vesa" for each section04:08
tonsofpcshrm... is there a way I can kill a connected port without killing the daemon on it or the client connected to it? (from a console)04:08
ocRobboscoslife: yeah a2ensite not mod04:09
vocxDavidSchles, ha ha, well, that's weird. Erase one, and leave just one. But now I remember, there should be a file named xorg.conf.failsafe, look at it. Rename it to xorg.conf, and save your current one.04:09
DavidSchlesvocx: ok04:09
ZmAYIndyGunFreak: trying to make Atheros AR242x wireless card to work but we get "ath_pci: HAL doesn't support MAC revision 0xe2" in dmesg04:10
wolteris giver not in the repos in hardy?04:10
IndyGunFreakZmAY: right.04:10
DavidSchlesvocx: i have a xorg.conf.backup04:10
IndyGunFreakdoes the PC have a non-wireless internet connection,.04:10
DavidSchlesvocx: also contains a bunch of "Device"04:10
boscoslifebarbarella: i did a2ensite i have a configuration file made for www.boscoslife.com and i also have enabled the userdir module could i be doing wrong that when i type www.boscoslife.com it still links to /var/www and not /home/bosco/public_html/04:10
LightTitan!java factoid04:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about java factoid04:11
webpigeonboscoslife, did you restart apache?04:11
LinuxNubHoly shit! my ubuntu CD's are outdated...04:11
vocxDavidSchles, just remember that I don't have direct experience with nVidia setups, I've read a lot of stuff but actually experimented little in this area. From nvidia I've read that they don't use "xinerama" anymore but "xrandr", so many xorg.conf may break down because of it.04:11
LinuxNub5.10 Breezy aha.04:11
IndyGunFreakZmAY: 32bit?04:11
vocxLinuxNub, !!!04:11
ocRobboscoslife: do you still have a symlink ~/public_html pointing to /var/www ?04:11
IndyGunFreakZmAY: do this... system/admin/hardware drivers, and disable "Support for Atheros 802.11 wireless lan cards"...04:11
LinuxNubWill need to download the new one as soon as ive got this one installed :s04:11
DavidSchlesvocx: ok cool...i am going to run this sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg04:11
ZmAYalready did that04:11
IndyGunFreakZmAY: did you install the backports?04:12
jinja-sheepvocx:  Blah.  I'm in menu.  I finally edit the menu.lst over the ssh.04:12
ocRobNubun: yes04:12
LinuxNubi just done a sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg.. how weirds that :S04:12
vocxDavidSchles, in ubuntu 8.10 that should generate a basic xorg.conf and auto detect your stuff, do run it.04:12
Nubunthe drivers you got off that site, was it plug and play04:12
jinja-sheepvocx:  There are bunch of kernels + initrd + quiet + etc. + title +.... but what about uid?  That's... purely random.  How can I find out what to correspond to?04:12
Nubundid it require a lot of work to get them going04:12
vocx!uuid | jinja-sheep04:13
ubottujinja-sheep: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)04:13
ocRobNubun: somewhat but that thread tells you exactly what to do04:13
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal04:13
ocRobNubun: if you follow it to a T it will work no problem, take about 15 minutes04:13
IndyGunFreakZmAY: did you install the backports?04:13
ZmAYIndyGunFreak: nop04:13
LinuxNubHm, could anyone help me with this "Failed to start the X server" error.. "Fatal server error: No screens found"04:13
DavidSchlesvocx: k rebooting04:14
Nubunwhat do i search for in that forum04:14
IndyGunFreakZmAY: run this in a terminal...  sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-intrepid-generic04:14
boscoslifeocRob: when i try and recreate it says file already exist04:14
SimonXLinuxNub: xorg.conf04:14
Nubunhave noticed it has been down for more than a day04:14
ocRobboscoslife: try to recreate what?04:14
wolterwhere can i get a giver deb package?04:14
EdgeX-Hello; Could anybody recommend a screen-recording program for Ubuntu?04:14
vocxLinuxNub, seriously, we won't support you if you are running 5.10... what's the deal with you04:14
MattHow do you format a drive on Ubuntu? I dont see the option04:14
ocRobNubun: you need to follow the instructions exactly, that forum is just a how-to for getting the b4306 cards working04:14
JesdiscipleI'm stuck in the login shell because apt-get corrupted someething while I was trying to fix Apache...04:14
EdgeX-Matt, fdisk04:14
SpikoIndyGunFreak, let me speak for zmay, i'm ssh'd to his machine trying to fix it right now04:14
LinuxNubvocx.. That's just mean :(04:14
SimonXEdgeX-: Screen Recording04:14
LinuxNubGot no way of getting any higher until i get 5.10 sorted :S04:15
EdgeX-What SimonX04:15
SpikoIndyGunFreak, E: Couldn't find package linux-backports-modules-intrepid-generic04:15
Nubunno problems, do i search for b4306 ?04:15
ocRobNubun: no, you need to follow that forum exactly04:15
LinuxNubTis all ive got that's bootable... And this laptop would die before the download finished :S04:15
SimonXEdgeX-: Screen Recording for record your screen04:15
ocRobNubun: trust me, there are a ton of how-tos out there for that card that DONT WORK04:15
ocRobNubun: see if you can do what barbarella said and find it in google's cache04:15
IndyGunFreakSpiko: hang on.04:15
JesdiscipleI wonder if there's a more relevant channel I should join?  I don't think I can hold a convo very well here...04:15
ZmAYIndyGunFreak: Couldn't find package linux-backports-modules-intrepid-generic ... repos?04:16
mslMatt, fdisk is for partitioning.  You can format with mkfs.ext3 or mke2fs.04:16
Nubunso i need to search for something...04:16
EdgeX-SimonX, is that a program or something- i'm not quite understanding you04:16
SimonXEdgeX-: Take Screeshoot...sorry04:16
Nubunon that forum04:16
boscoslifeocRob: when i try and recreate it says file already exist04:16
EdgeX-Nubun, My mistake04:16
vocxLinuxNub, are you sure you can't get any of the newer ones? Why? Go to a cafe? Seriously 5.10 is totally dead, we can't really help with that, a lot has changed.04:16
DraceWhat does PowerIso mean by "No Media in drive"...trying to burn an iso04:16
SimonXTake Screenshoot04:16
IndyGunFreakZmAY: probably, open up synaptic, and double check everything on the first and second tab is checked.04:16
Jesdisciplejoin ubuntu-help04:16
ocRobocRob: recreate what04:16
ocRobboscoslife: recreate what04:16
LinuxNubvocx.. I live in the country, it's atleast 40 miles to a town, and i havn't got a car until next week :S04:16
SpikoZmAY, it's ok :)04:16
khakaneat one time i told ubuntu to hold on the kernel version i was using, now i dont remember how i did it.  could someone help me out?04:16
Mattok i'm trying to get use to linux (windows brain washed)04:17
ocRobNubun: yes04:17
vocxMatt, install "gparted"    you can also partition with "cfdisk"04:17
wolterhi, can somebody help me with my webcam?04:17
SimonXEdgeX-: if you wanna record your screen, just click Take Screenshot04:17
NubunI guess i need to search for b3406 when the site is up n running?04:17
wolterit doesn't work on cheese, just in xawtv04:17
IndyGunFreakZmAY: Spiko "/join #indygunfreak"... its hard for me to follow two of yuou in here..04:17
edjuHow might I find the last time that updatedb was run?04:17
DraceCan I create a Livecd with a cd+r?04:17
Nubunfor what reason do you think it would be in my google cache?04:17
Nubunnever visited that site prior to today04:17
ocRobNubun: no, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=201902 you need to save that link04:17
khakanebtw i held the kernel back in CLI04:18
ocRobNubun: google cache's the website04:18
NubunAh ...gotcha !04:18
boscoslifeocRob: srry for the nubeness what am i doing wrong still it seams like everything is done but nothing is working04:18
DraceCan i create a livecd with cd+r? My drive isnt reading Dvd+r...04:18
Nubundo you know when the site is going to be live ?04:19
JesdiscipleSemi-newbie stuck in login shell, tried to post to forums with lynx but couldn't hold cookies.04:19
Nubunhas been down for ages04:19
ocRobright now on google's cache04:19
Mattgparted worked great! Thanks!04:19
jinja-sheepvocx:  Done.  Reboot?  <_<04:19
webpigeonboscoslife, have you restarted apache!!!?04:19
EdgeX-Hello; Could anybody recommend a screen-recording program for Ubuntu?04:19
vocxjinja-sheep, sure!04:19
ubottuDear $DEITY, Give me strength to understand and work with users who question my logic, the rules, netiquette and common sense. Give me resilience to teach them the basics of Linux, Ubuntu, Community Guidelines and IRC. Allow me not to stray to nitpicking, argument, foul language or leisurely op abuse. Deliver me my daily xkcd, User Friendly, LWN, /. and Planet Ubuntu, and guard over my encrypted drives. Let it be so.04:19
LinuxNubso no-ones willing to give fixing a 5.10 error a shot? >.<04:20
jinja-sheepAnd for the reboot part too.  :<04:20
ocRobboscoslife: keep playing w/ it you'll figure it out, what is wrong exactly?04:20
Dracecan i create a livecd with a cd+r?04:20
ocRobboscoslife: yeah try restarted, apache2ctl restart04:20
ocRobDrace: yes or you can use unetbootin to put ubuntu on a usb drive04:20
EdgeX-Hello; Could anybody recommend a good free screen-recording program for Ubuntu 8.10- I can't seem to find one04:21
mslEdgeX-, gtk-recordMyDesktop04:21
vocxjinja-sheep, totally awesome factoid. When did they put it?04:21
MattGood program to convert avi etc. to dvd?04:21
webpigeonLinuxNub, it's not under offical support anymore04:21
SimonXEdgeX-: I've told you, try using Take ScreeShot!04:21
LakesProse_anyone tried Time Vault, feel it's reliable ?04:21
DavidSchlesvocx: i knwo have a very simple xorg.conf...hopefully that did it04:21
EdgeX-SimonX, But that takes still images- i need video04:21
LinuxNubMight not be under official support, but it's really not that hard an error to fix, im guessing if you knew your stuff it'd be common knowledge.. It's just been so long since ive fiddled with linux, i with linux im really clueless04:22
jinja-sheepvocx:  No idea. It was there. :)04:22
SimonXApplication-->Accessories-->Take SCreenShot04:22
DavidSchlesvocx: i connect to my external by using nvidia x server settings but just doing apply, without changin xorg04:22
SimonXit could be video too04:22
vocxLinuxNub, really you should have mentioned that you were using 5.10 before04:22
boscoslifeocRob: did that when i type in www.boscoslife.com it still is loading the index.html file that is in /var/www and i want it to laod the one in /home/bosco/public_html but when i type *myip-bosco it laods fine04:22
EdgeX-SimonX, it isn't04:22
felixsullaDoes anyone know why Ubuntu would be able to get to a website when you put in an IP address, but not when you put in the name? (Guest virtualbox, host is Vista)04:22
LinuxNubwhys that vocx?04:22
ocRobboscoslife: disable the usermod module, a2dismod usermod04:23
ocRobboscoslife: restart apache, and try again04:23
barbarellafelixsulla:maybe you have a dns problem04:23
mslLinuxNub, Have you tried using the vesa driver?04:23
jinja-sheepvocx:  I don't know how I can shut down without damaging anything.  shutdown -h 0, halt didn't work.04:23
LinuxNubI havn't.. but i shall04:24
andrewfreehow come ftp wont start http://paste2.org/p/12904204:24
n2diyjinja-sheep: try shutdown -h now04:24
ocRobboscoslife: actually your going to have to do more than that, you need to search google04:24
felixsullabarbarella, do I need to confige dns somehow?04:24
boscoslifeocRob: ERROR: Module usermod does not exist!04:24
vocxLinuxNub, because it's outdated, people wouldn't know what to recommend.   What! You haven't tried vesa? It's the most essential piece of knowledge.04:24
vocxjinja-sheep, poweroff maybe04:25
jinja-sheepn2diy:  Nothing.  I'm running bterm.  It said.. shutdown:  Unable to send message:  Connection refused.04:25
webpigeonandrewfree, try ftpd?04:25
barbarellaandrewfree:yes the client is installed04:25
LinuxNubas i said vocx.. I was a beginner 12 months ago.. Anything i learned then is gone now aha04:25
andrewfreebarbarella: Oh snap, how do I install the server04:25
barbarellafelixsulla:yes in /etc/resolv.conf04:25
n2diyjinja-sheep: is this on a remote box?04:25
vocxLinuxNub, 12 months ago 5.10 was already out dated by 2 years! How's that?04:26
LinuxNubHad the CD's a while04:26
LinuxNubsec ill check delivery date on the box :P04:26
webpigeonandrewfree, the ftpd package is the ftp server04:26
jinja-sheepn2diy:  No.  Rescuing a broken system.04:26
LinuxNub4/1/06 :s04:26
ocRobboscoslife: go to google and search for apache2 aliases and look at the cached pages of the forum04:26
barbarellaandrewfree:it depends what you want. ftpd,pure-ftpd, etc04:26
=== miguel is now known as Guest65852
andrewfreeftpd will work04:26
LinuxNubusing VESA driver failed..04:27
andrewfreeI use ssh but I need ftp for something where the keys on ssh are not working04:27
n2diyjinja-sheep: try shutdown -h 1, and let it cook for a minute?04:27
vocxjinja-sheep, I'm not sure how it actually boots and goes down, but I'd say it's safe. Maybe "logout" or change the init level to 0 or something.04:27
jinja-sheepvocx:  I give up.  It's back to Windows era.  (re-installation).04:27
vocxjinja-sheep, installation is pretty fast so I don't see a downside. But I'm curious, how did you get a broken system?04:28
andrewfreebarbarella: Still does not work root@freekbox:~# sudo /etc/init.d/ftpd start04:28
andrewfreesudo: /etc/init.d/ftpd: command not found04:28
barbarellaandrewfree:you can use scp for that04:28
jinja-sheepn2diy:  Do you know how to restore / build a boot partition?04:28
jinja-sheepvocx:  Was having issues with VirtualBox (closed-source) USB support.04:28
barbarellaandrewfree:oand in windows winscp04:28
andrewfreebarbarella: I dont use windows04:29
andrewfreeand scp needs host keys still.04:29
chris1Locked out of GUI by apt-get corruption, tried to post to forum and couldn't hold cookies in lynx.04:29
andrewfreeso wont work for this04:29
barbarellaandrewfree:sudo apt-get install ftpd04:29
vocxandrewfree, if you are using a root shell you don't need sudo, but why are you the root user anyway? That's bad.04:29
jinja-sheepvocx:  Tried instructions from the websites + #vbox and reboot.  OMG.  BoOT is lost. :|04:29
n2diyjinja-sheep: not really, I could get through it with a install disk, but would have my fingers crossed I was backed up.04:29
boscoslifeocRob: ok did that now what am i sopposed to find04:29
andrewfreebarbarella: did that already04:29
chris1Locked out of GUI by apt-get corruption, tried to post to forum and couldn't hold cookies in lynx.04:29
vocxjinja-sheep, ha ha ha, seriously? Only because USB support?04:30
andrewfreevocx: its a personal server I dont worry about it.04:30
LinuxNubWill attempt to download 8.10 on this laptop, but i've got an funny feeling it'll cut out shortly after starting04:30
jinja-sheepvocx:  Yeah... Tragedy..04:30
chris1Locked out of GUI by apt-get corruption, tried to post to forum and couldn't hold cookies in lynx.04:30
jinja-sheepvocx:  I tried this... boot from hard disk.  It worked!  <_<04:31
jinja-sheepBut then I would have to leave disc in... all times. :(04:31
chris1Does anybody have a clue how I can get Gnome back?04:31
vocxjinja-sheep, I haven't installed VBox in my new machine, but I recall you only needed to change one config file so your username could access USB devices with Vbox04:31
n2diyjinja-sheep: can you kill bterm, and get to a bash prompt?04:31
jinja-sheepBooting up.... Cleaning up.... Stage checking... Etc.04:31
chris1Does anybody have a clue how I can get Gnome back?04:31
boscoslifeocRob: ok did that now what am i sopposed to find04:31
barbarellaandrewfree:why don't you use scp, if you only want to copy some files?04:31
jinja-sheepn2diy:  bterm is no longer an issue.  I'm booting up from first hard drive right now04:31
chris1Locked out of GUI by apt-get corruption, tried to post to forum and couldn't hold cookies in lynx.04:32
mwasis there any other open source software to browse code like snavigator04:32
vocxjinja-sheep, I'm confused. It's booting up so that's a good thing or what?04:32
chris1Does anybody have a clue how I can get Gnome back?04:32
andrewfreebarbarella: again, it needs they keys. Long story but I basically just want to send them onto a file on my server that has full permissions with no questions or encryption.04:32
n2diyjinja-sheep: so you no longer want to reboet?04:32
ocRobboscoslife: might be a ghetto fix but you could just change the config in the default to your home dir heh04:32
gralcois there a grammar checker plug-in for openoffice writer?04:33
jinja-sheepvocx:  It's good thing.  I used alternative disc.04:33
chris1Locked out of GUI by apt-get corruption, tried to post to forum and couldn't hold cookies in lynx.04:33
jinja-sheepn2diy + vocx:  See http://developer.novell.com/wiki/images/thumb/b/ba/Screenshot-Ubuntu_install_prompt-alternative.png/320px-Screenshot-Ubuntu_install_prompt-alternative.png  (The last one in the menu)  is what I did.04:33
boscoslifeocRob: right but i have 3 sites with 3 different user accounts then what lol04:33
vocxchris1, maybe reinstall gnome core files, then "dpkg-reconfigure" etc04:33
jinja-sheepEarlier -- I tried to rescue a broken system.  However that didn't work out well.04:33
yoyit2my Totem media player, it wont let me use anything under the "go" tab04:33
SimonXEdgeX-: do you know xvidcap?04:33
chris1Which package would that be?04:33
yoyit2like menu04:33
ocRobboscoslife: i haven't done it from CLI in so long, i always use cPanel04:34
SimonXEdgeX-: A screen capture enabling you to capture videos off your X-Window desktop04:34
boscoslifeocRob: can i use webmin to do it04:34
ocRobboscoslife: possibly04:34
torcis there an issue in Ubuntu with the Sun JDK 6 ? It keeps blocking/hanging on every application I'm launching with it04:34
barbarellaandrewfree:it is the openbsd-inetd service04:34
ocRobboscoslife: snoop around in there04:34
vocxjinja-sheep, well, youhad to take the hard way before the easy one... ?!04:34
jinja-sheep!info abiword-plugin-grammar | gralco04:34
ubottuabiword-plugin-grammar (source: abiword): grammar checking plugin for AbiWord. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.4-4ubuntu4 (intrepid), package size 37 kB, installed size 96 kB04:34
SimonXEdgeX-: with xvidcap Video can be saved in MPEG or AVI files format.04:35
vocxchris1, search like "aptitude search gnome"04:35
n2diyjinja-sheep: all I see there is an image of a Ubuntu login screen?04:35
andrewfreebarbarella: Its installed now what?04:35
jinja-sheepvocx:  Didn't know if it'd work.  I saw the menu when I was going to install.04:35
EdgeX-SimonX, I found one04:35
jinja-sheepn2diy:  Right.  I used the last one in the list.04:35
Ryan_DelaneyWhat was the path of the file?04:35
Ryan_Delaneywrong window04:36
jinja-sheepn2diy:  Which mean my system is stable.  I only need to fix boot partition.04:36
DraceOk I booted from Live cd. How can I access Windows partitions from here though>04:36
n2diyjinja-sheep: I don't see any list?04:36
DraceThere is no host04:36
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jinja-sheepn2diy:  Menu.04:36
ocRobDrace: go to command line and type sudo fdisk -l04:36
vocxjinja-sheep, how can it boot, if it's not because of the boot directory I'm more confused04:36
n2diyjinja-sheep: ok, the boot disk screen.04:36
jinja-sheepvocx:  It's using disc's /boot... apparently.04:37
jinja-sheepBEAUTIFUL DESKTOP.  Now I need to fix the /boot.  <_<04:37
DraceDone, and now?04:38
barbarellaandrewfree:you have to configure it04:38
andrewfreebarbarella: Can you help me I have never used it before.04:39
TeamColtra[TFDSince I have upgraded to .10 I have not had any issues with my computer freezing up (awesome) but for some reason MP3s wont play... anywhere on my computer... I tried checking if my restricted's were added and they are04:39
DraceocRob: sudo fdisk -l returned no errors. Now?04:39
barbarellaandrewfree:same here, i prefer to use proftpd.04:39
vocxMount your hard drive somewhere like /media/original_drive, then from the alternate CD select install grub, and select /media/original as root partition. From a terminal it would be like "sudo grub-install --root-dir=/media/original hd0"04:39
ocRobocRob: did you see /dev/sda1 or anything04:39
jason_how can i use kde stuff in gnome04:40
ocRobDrace: did you see /dev/sda1 or anything04:40
DraceYup yup04:40
andrewfreecan i send files via command line to my server running it without any questions asked using that?04:40
barbarellaandrewfree:yes, with scp04:40
ubottuSCP is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/04:40
ocRobDrace: 1 2 3 4 ? you need to know which one is your windows server, mkdir ~/windows; mount -t auto /dev/sda1 ~/windows04:40
DraceIt gives me 1 and 204:41
woltermy pc has bluetooth, though it is not showed under hcitools04:41
wolterhow do i install/use it?04:41
n2diyanybody trie Dling Windows 7 Beta?04:41
ocRobDrace: do you know what the partitions are ?04:41
DraceNo, not sure04:41
Thorsten11have not had a chance to give it a run yet04:41
n2diyThorsten11: did it work?04:41
jason_i have used windows 7 its way better than vista04:42
Thorsten11thats what i have heard04:42
Mattwill a labtec webcam work with ubuntu? I hooked it up and it didnt do anything. I'm new to linux.04:42
ocRobDrace: cd /mount; mkdir sda1 sda2; mount -t auto /dev/sda1 sda1; mount -t auto /dev/sda2 sda204:42
ocRobDrace: see whats on them04:42
Thorsten11more light wieght04:42
boscoslifeocRob: ok it just worked when i changed the defualt file now what is wrong as to why the defualt file is changing it lol04:42
jason_but its in beta not an every day use thing04:42
jinja-sheepvocx:  "Allows booting the system from the hard drive."04:42
n2diyThorsten11: did it work, the download?04:42
ocRobboscoslife: you need to figure out virtualhosts04:42
jinja-sheepvocx:  It skip the /boot -- I suppose.04:42
boscoslifeocRob: what is wrong with my virtual host04:43
Thorsten11ohhh lol, yeah it did last night, not sat night though04:43
andrewfreebarbarella: scp failed04:43
roccahardy doesn't ask me to upgrade to intrepid, even with sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, what should i do ?04:43
jason_what do i have to install to make KDE stuff fully work in Gnome04:43
ocRobboscoslife: its nonexistant at this point heh04:43
vocxIs /boot truly a different partition or is it contained is the root partition?04:43
DraceSec ocRob, let me get Mirc up on my other computer, would be much easier04:43
barbarellaandrewfree:and the error was?04:43
jinja-sheepvocx:  A different partition (sda5).04:43
ocRobvocx: depends on how you partition your drive04:43
ocRobnvmnd :P04:44
vocxocRob, hehe04:44
jinja-sheepocRob: Yeah.  Depends.04:44
andrewfreebarbarella: Cant remember because its a big program and to get there again takes forever. But it was a error with the secure part and host04:44
n2diyjason, how did you install the packages giving you trouble?04:44
jason_its Kopete it say cant use webcam have to install sonmething04:44
KatheI would like to know what to remap the volume control keyboard shortcut to, in order for them to control PCM instead of Master04:45
vocxrocca, by default Hardy will only show upgrades to another LTS release. You can change that in the software sources interface, I believe.04:45
jedexwhile i am gathering information in order to triage a bug, should i assign it to myself?04:45
roccavocx: i changed it already04:46
vocxrocca, log out and back in04:46
whackedI have a werid bug04:46
hollyw00dhi all, anyone here have luck running gmail in mutt without encountering disconnect timeouts?04:46
barbarellaandrewfree:install proftpd04:46
Odd-rationaleKathe: so right now the volume control controls Master? Try rightclickin the volume applet --> preferences and selecting PCM.04:46
barbarellaandrewfree:runs out of the box.04:46
whackedI have been running a dual boot of xp and ubuntu .7.10 for about 1.5 year04:47
jinja-sheepvocx:  Want to hear a twisted side to my story?04:47
whackedrecently i formatted the drive for linux and install ubuntu 8.1004:47
vocxjinja-sheep, do I have a choice?04:47
Dracecd mount..."No such directionairy04:47
jinja-sheepAfter reboot, the USB support now works.  :304:47
whackedand know i can no longer connect to internet with xp04:48
whackedbut i can with Ubuntu 8.1004:48
vocxjinja-sheep, Am I great or what?04:48
KatheOdd-rationale ... PCM is already selected, if I deselect Master I lose PCM too, either way the volume control does not effect PCM04:48
jason_and i have another problem04:48
jason_with 8.1004:48
DraceocRob, I entered cd /mount and it gives me error04:48
jinja-sheepvocx:  Yes.  You sure know lot about grubs.  However, I'm not sure if I'm clear out of the picture.  I need to test rebooting without the disc.04:49
jason_i try to do a fresh in tall or 8.10 and it dosnt reconize my i845g/gl chip set04:49
powertool08I set a static dns entry somewhere several months ago, It has become a problem now as the address changed, I've checked my /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/hosts files, where else could this static entry be?04:49
barbarellapowertool08:only in resolv.conf04:50
vocxjinja-sheep, try it. And next time you should explain things a little better, since I had a hard time following you. Mention every cause and every consequence.04:50
boscoslifehow do i make a cp of my kernal the way i have everything setup now and back it up so i can reuse this kernal to install again04:50
boscoslifeif i am running a server04:50
DraceSent a pm04:50
ocRobDrace: cd; mkdir sda1 sda204:50
ocRobocRob: just do it in your home dir04:50
powertool08barbarella: I looked in /etc/resolv.conf there's nothing there but my localhost entry, is there another resolv.conf?04:50
jinja-sheepvocx:  Sorry.  I need to tie up sentences into a chunk more often.  :)04:51
vocxjinja-sheep, yes the !enter factoid is the key.04:51
whackedheard of anyone losing internet connection a dual boot with xp after do a clean install of Ubuntu 8.10 on it partition04:51
hdonhow can i make scons print out the commands it's executing? the closest option i found in the man page doesn't suffice (debug=presub)04:51
barbarellapowertool08:in /etc/resolve.conf type nameserver isp_dns_address04:51
vocxwhacked, seems impossible. But for reference, my TV card doesn't want to work on XP but it does nicely in Ubuntu.04:52
IndyGunFreakvocx: lol, well thats backwards04:52
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whackedthat what i thought04:52
vocxIndyGunFreak, I don't know what's causing it. It's the damn windows drivers!  So what's your card?04:53
whackedI have been running a dual boot with 7.0 and xp for 1 an half years now with no isssues04:53
barbarellawacked:dist-upgrade, maybe ;-)04:54
whackedso i decide to do a fresh install of the new unbuntu since upgrading via internet to 2 upgrades didnt seem the plan04:54
whackedpulse audio was a  pain for me04:54
powertool08barbarella: Is there any way to track down which file has the current entry and delete it? I don't need to have it statically mapped anymore and I'd like to remove the current wrong entry to avoid confusion04:55
vocxwhacked, I did the same. I had 7.10, two days ago I installed 8.10, everything is nice except for my wireless card. I need to troubleshoot that instead of talking to you guys, hehe04:55
whackedhad to diable it to get my M-audio card to work04:55
whackedi have network cable unplugged message in windows network setting04:56
jason_why did ubuntu take out options in the Xserver04:56
rebel_kidusing esound instead of pulseaudio how can i kill all audio? i have static from a feed i cant kill04:56
whackedthats my error04:56
barbarellapowertool08:have you got a static ip or via dhcp?04:56
vocxjason_, they are supposedly auto configurated now, woot?04:56
powertool08barbarella: dhcp04:56
jason_vocx it doesnt04:56
whackedsorry to hear vocx04:56
jason_they need to put it back like it was04:56
samrockscquestion: when i download an application and install it where do those package files go so that i may clean them up?04:56
samrockscquestion 2: is there an automated process for maintenance i should be doing04:57
vocxjason_, won't do, it is inevitable!!!04:57
ocRobsamrocksc: did you install them with dpkg ?04:57
vocxjason_, what's the problem?04:57
barbarellapowertool08:is there a router between or are you connected directly with your isp?04:57
whackedcant understand how upgrading ubuntu could affect the connectivety of windows04:57
powertool08barbarella: there is a router04:57
jason_they messing up ubuntu is the problem04:57
whackedi have tried with router without router04:58
whackedreset winsock04:58
samrockscocRob, whatever synaptics use and apt-get04:58
jason_they promiss to keep it so people know how to fix things and u cant in xserver now04:58
jason_and it sucks04:58
ocRobsamrocksc: should be able to remove it the same way, apt-get remove pkg04:58
barbarellapowertool08:ok, in the router there is an option to send more dns addresses with de dhcp server04:58
vocxjason_, but you can. What do you want to solve?04:58
samrockscocRob, switching from gentoo bit clueless with packages with debian04:58
whackedtry removing pulse audio04:58
ReBoot77is there a C++ channel?04:59
samrockscocRob, i don't want to remove programs, just the installation packages that came with them04:59
Kathesamrocksc, the gui, you deselct the package such as remove or remove complete, or apt-get remove name of package04:59
ocRobsamrocksc: no worries, its easy04:59
whackedand see what happens04:59
ocRobsamrocksc: i believe it cleans those up automatically..04:59
samrockscocRob, so theres no file that i can check, what is the extension of those files normally?04:59
Katheas far as upkeep, it cleans up the packages automatically, and will check periodically for updates04:59
ReBoot77is there a C++ channel?04:59
ocRobsamrocksc: .deb i believe04:59
Kathesimply apply the updates when they come available04:59
samrocksci see05:00
vocxsamrocksc, packages are downloaded in /var/apt/cache I believe, it's safe to remove them, there is also some "apt-get clean" or something05:00
dualboothello all05:00
barbarellapowertool08:when you added, you have to restart your network in ubuntu05:00
josephhuangsamrocksc do sudo apt-get clean if low on disc space05:00
samrockscjosephhuang, i just don't like cloggy installation packages05:00
ocRobah my bad :P05:00
noodlesgcReBoot77 yes, /join ##c++05:00
dualbootdo any of you know if recent ubuntu 8.10 updates included new ATI graphics drivers?05:01
whackedwhat could cause "NETWORK CABLE UNPLUGGED" message in windows via wired connection and yet can still connect on Ubuntu on dual boot05:01
vocxsamrocksc, and as far as "maintenance"... mmm... no such thing in Ubuntu, I believe. What needs to be maintained anyways in gentoo?05:01
samrockscjosephhuang, thank yeh05:01
bbelt16agwhy isn't suspend and hibernation in the new  kernel ?05:01
bbelt16agits not enabled by default?05:01
powertool08barbarella: ok05:01
SJrXwhacked,  uh probably the wrong link speed and duplex being set, but try #WINDOWS05:01
samrockscvocx, same thing as with debian stuff i guess updating repositories etc.05:01
andrewfreeI am running pure-ftpd but I cant connect to it... my password is not working but its working for ssh05:01
vocxwhacked, in the device manager, remove the driver and reboot again into windows, maybe it is picked up again.05:02
samrockscwhen your updating kernel will it do it for you ? or is that still manual?05:02
whackedi have tried that as well no sucess05:02
whackedhalf duplex full duplex 10/10005:02
whackeddid that too with driver reinstall05:02
vocxsamrocksc, totally automated. Since you have only one kernel per release, plus minor fixes of course. So each new release comes with all new updated packages.05:03
Kathedualboot 64bit or or 32bit05:03
whackednetsh int commands05:03
barbarellaandrewfree:are you using a username which is added to the box where proftpd is installed?05:03
hanasakiwhy would firefox not connect to a imaps server from my firewall (timeout) however telnet to the host on 993 works?05:03
whackedoh well05:03
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whackedbut i do like this ubuntu 8.1005:03
andrewfreebarbarella: ohh.05:03
whackedeverything worknig fine05:04
Flannelhanasaki: Because firefox isn't a mail client05:04
hanasakiFlannel: oops.. thunderbird05:04
samrockscvocx, cool05:04
hanasakiwhy would thunderbird not connect to a imaps server from my firewall (timeout) however telnet to the host on 993 works?05:04
jinja-sheepvocx:  Do you know how I can compile the latest kernel?  (I prefer having Ubuntu autocompile it for me).05:05
rebel_kidhow can i kill by pid?05:05
jason_why dont ubuntu 8.10 detect i845g/gl chipset05:05
Kathedualboot: I could not find any updated drivers for the ATI cards that were compatible with the new x-server on 64bit.  I went back to 8.04 for this reason.  But that is not true for all ATI cards many work05:05
whackeddon't understand when trying to un-install pulse audio you are required to remove the whole gnome desktop05:05
andrewfreebarbarella: I did root@
jason_and dont say it does bc it dont05:05
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jinja-sheepvocx:  And it worked without the disc.  I guess it must worked.  Again!  Thank a lot!  I'm sooo relived! :)05:05
vocxsamrocksc, most outsiders complain that you get outdated packages. It's true, but, it's not that bad. Who needs bleeding edge anyways.05:05
barbarellarebel_kid:kill -9 pid_name05:05
bbelt16aghey is there a how to  with how to recompile your  kernel the  ubuntu way?05:06
rebel_kidbarbarella, OMG ty, i got that stupid thing lol05:06
jason_ubuntu 9 r they going to put the xserver back the way it was05:06
dualbootbarbarella> do you know if recent 8.10 updates include the latest ATI graphics drivers?  I read on AMDs website that the latest driver supports XOrg 7.4 & Ubuntu 8.1005:06
vocxjinja-sheep, the latest kernel can be compiled by following the Master Kernel thread in the forums05:06
Leo__hello,anyone knows about that what player can be used in ubuntu?05:06
vocx!kernel | jinja-sheep05:06
ubottujinja-sheep: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages05:06
KatheLeo, player for what?05:06
dualbootLeo__: I use VLC and MPlayer05:06
Leo__for movie05:06
jinja-sheepvocx:  Thanks.  Because I think I'm using my computer's kernel.  The touchpad don't even work at all.  Lol.05:06
hanasakiFlannel:  any good or even bad inptu for me?05:07
nureyi'm on latest update of intrepid and suddenly mysql stopped working... it won't start up and i only found this in daemon.log: [ERROR] Can't start server: Bind on TCP/IP port: Cannot assign requested address05:07
KatheInstall Mplayer for w32codecs05:07
barbarellarebel_kid:pid number i mean05:07
Katheand just about anyone will work kaffiene, vlc, etc...05:07
rebel_kidbarbarella, i got ya :)05:07
nureybut there's nothing on port 330605:07
Leo__the totem does not work05:07
ziroday`nurey: have you made sure you killed all existing mysql programs?05:07
vocxjinja-sheep, I accept credit card, but I prefer cash, and sacks of pennies especially. Thank you for using this service.05:07
bbelt16agsigh we gonna have fun tomorrow  fixng  my bucket of bolts here hehe I just did a full upgrade ya...05:07
nureyziroday`: no mysql processes are running and nothing on port 8080 according to netstat05:08
jinja-sheepvocx:  How about paypal?  :)05:08
KatheLeo, Totem will but only after w32codecs are install, the easy way to get those is to install mplayer05:08
bluedragonhello need help05:08
ziroday`nurey: hmm okay. you done ps aux | grep mysql?05:08
nureyziroday`: yes05:08
Kathebluedragon ask your question05:08
bluedragon i can't play wma files i think i have all the gs plugins05:08
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Leo__can mplayer works well by  .rmvb ?05:09
bluedragoni have mplayer installed and i can't play the file neither05:09
ziroday`nurey: it sounds like an old mysql process didn't correctly quit and is still locking that port. A restart would probably fix it05:09
nureyziroday`: i did reboot and it didn't help05:09
miranda_psileo__: download the mplayer plugins and use those - works like a dream05:09
vocxjinja-sheep, sure, maybe the kernel you installed has already touchpad support, but is disabled in some way. Probably you can install it a new, with a meta package such as "linux-image", maybe it will autoconfigure itself again.05:09
ziroday`nurey: and you sure nothing is running on the port that mysql wants?05:09
miranda_psibluedragon: if you can't play it in mplayer then it is probably drm protected05:10
barbarellanurey:have you changed the my.cnf file?05:10
nureyziroday`: yes netstat -an |grep 330605:10
Kathebluedragon wma is proprietary05:10
ziroday`bluedragon: wma files work, unless they are protected with DRM05:10
Leo__okay ,thanks05:10
nureybarbarella: no05:10
bluedragonbut it doesn't give that error05:10
jason_get DeVeDe and convert the movie to what ever will play05:11
dualbootI'm not asking anything complicated05:11
miranda_psibluedragon: what error do you get?05:11
nureybarbarella: i just changed it to enable log but there's nothing special in the log05:11
vocxIt would be possible to load the individual modules, maybe "sudo modprobe touchpad" or whatever the touchpad driver is called, "synaptics" maybe05:11
dualbootcan someone here help?05:11
ziroday`nurey: well then I am out of ideas. sorry05:11
jinja-sheepvocx:  sudo aptitude install linux-image right now.  What's your PayPal account?  I'm glad to give you some money.  I love it that my data isn't at loss at all.05:11
Kathedualboot, lost track of your thread, what's the question05:11
miranda_psi!ask | dualboot05:11
ubottudualboot: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:11
noodlesgcbluedragon do you have the w32codecs package from medibuntu?05:12
dualbootKathe: I'm using Ubuntu 8.04, have ATI HD3650 video card05:12
bluedragonit says audio/x-asf-unknown decoder plugin which is not installed05:12
bluedragonany ideas what that mean05:12
bluedragonwhat is that05:12
dualbootKathe: I read that 8.10 isn't fully supported yet, so haven't upgraded.  How would I find out if recent 8.10 updates include latest ATI drivers?05:12
bluedragonhow do i know if i have it05:12
vocxjinja-sheep, data can be retrieved easy, that's not a problem. By merely mounting the drive you can copy everything.  You crazy I have no paypal account, just kidding. Donate to Ubuntu, gnome, or something.05:12
jason_dualboot go get envy install the drivers with that05:12
dualbootKathe: I know how to install the binary versions manually but prefer not to05:13
gnutronbluedragon: i play .wma files in realplayer in intrepid05:13
miranda_psibluedragon: don't know the gstreamer messages well - what does mplayer tell you?05:13
noodlesgcbluedragon type sudo apt-get install w32codecs05:13
JimmyDeefor fluxbox you need sudo apt-get install fluxbox xserver-xorg xorg and xdm right?05:13
dualbootjason_> tried Envy in the past, seemed to create more problems than it solved05:13
Kathedualboot, as far as I know the 36xx is still not supported directly05:14
nureyhere's the output of mysqld_safe... again not very informative....http://pastebin.ca/130708005:14
barbarellanurey:try mysqld --verbose see what it is telling you05:14
bluedragoncannot find the the codec for audio format 0x16305:14
jinja-sheepvocx:  "Data can be retrieved easy" -- This was on encrypted lvm.  I have to supply my password at the boot.  Good thing linux is very organized and throughout.05:14
jason_well dualboot u have to install the drivers ur self i for get how though05:14
vocxjinja-sheep, I forgot. You did mention it at the very beginning. Encrypted... yeah, never messed with that.05:14
gnutronbluedragon: do what noodlesgc suggests get w32codecs05:14
bluedragonhow do i do that05:15
dualbootKathe> is there a way to track that type of information?  I need to know when the proper ATI drivers are packaged and sent as updates by Conanical05:15
whackedwhat could cause a network cable is unplugged message on windows xp   ? and i am using the same hardware right now to chat here on my dual boot linux05:15
bluedragoni typed w32 in the  add remove software thing it was a no go05:15
nureybarbarella: i updated the paste http://pastebin.ca/130708205:15
jinja-sheepvocx:  It's not hassle at all.  All you do is supply the password at beginning of the bootup and it's like using a normal Ubuntu again... only that it's encrypted this time.  Sure, tiny loss in performance.05:15
gnutronbluedragon: apt-get install w32codecs05:15
whackedand this happened right after upgrading to unbutu .1005:15
whackedno regrets05:15
noodlesgcbluedragon ok go to medibuntu.org (could be .com) and follow instructions05:16
Kathedualboot I am probably not the person to best ask, I only knew the answer to your question because I have a similiar series card myself05:16
jason_whacked they messed up 1005:16
whackedbut still like to get my windows to work on the net05:16
bluedragonbut how do i know if it is installed allready05:16
jason_my opion05:16
gvsa123anyone know what i applications i need to setup my network camera as a home sucurity device?05:16
vocxjinja-sheep, yeah, but I mean, I have no use for encryption. I don't need to encrypt my homework, or my silly pictures of my cat or so.05:16
mineswapanyone plz, i cant play avi, mpeg, flv, 3gp, mp4 even i've realplayer, vlc, totem05:16
dualbootKathe> thanks for the help anyway05:16
noodlesgcbluedragon type aptitude search w32codecs and post the output05:17
idmeverytime I start up a new gnome session, my gtk theme goes back to default and have to open "Appearance Preferences" to *restore* it back? Anyone knows how to fix that?05:17
whackedget restricted driver under sypnactic05:17
miranda_psimineswap: what happens when you try to play video files?05:17
gnutronbluedragon: nobody knows who youre talking to if you don't prefix a nick to the question/answer05:17
mineswapthe player appear but suddenly quit by itself05:17
noodlesgcgnutron he's talking to me05:17
DraceWill changes be kept if I booted Ubuntu from Livecd?05:18
bluedragonhow do u do that lol05:18
gnutronnoodlesgc: thats cool, just giving him a healthy clue05:18
yahooliandrace: no05:18
Kathedrace, generally no05:18
Dracei did some 'sudo mount -t auto...'05:18
miranda_psimineswap: try running vlc videofile.ext from the commandline and see what gets printed in the commandline05:18
noodlesgcbluedragon ok instead just open System->Administration->Synaptic and search for it (w32codecs)05:18
wolterwhere can i find a giver deb package?05:19
barbarellanurey:can you try an other port, just for testing purpesses05:19
lu6ciferI think they're doing maintainence, but is ubuntuforums down for anyone else?05:19
nureybarbarella: ok05:19
miranda_psinoodlesgc: is he using 32bit ubuntu? don't thinkk the w32codec package is 64bit at all...05:19
mineswapmiranda_psi: but now a switch with vista using mirc, i don't know how to figure pidgin..help me plz05:20
noodlesgcmiranda_psi I think he's using 32bit. there is a w64codecs if I recall05:20
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miranda_psimineswap: can we just deal with one problem at a time please...05:21
noodlesgclu6cifer yeah its down, I was in #ubuntuforums a few minutes ago05:21
nureybarbarella: i changed it to 33060 and i got this in daemon.log -- Do you already have another mysqld server running on port: 3306005:21
bluedragonnoodlesgc it is not installed it said nonfree codecs05:22
mineswapmiranda_psi: ok, sorry, now what im suppose to do?05:22
bluedragonit says it has to remove one and add 2305:22
KatheTossing this question back out there, didn't get much of an answer last time... I need a good way to map the keyboard shortcuts for the volume controls to the PCM...  If I select PCM in the sound settings the controls are being faught by something,  that is if I press volume up the sound briefly goes up then it goes back down.  If I keep it on Master they work fine, but do to a sound driver bug the Master does not effect the sound output.  Can anyone provide05:22
noodlesgcbluedragon ok install that package05:22
bluedragonnoodlesgc will that interfere with the gs codecs or add to it05:23
gnutronbluedragon: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats    you need to read up on this05:23
noodlesgcbluedragon it will add to it05:23
bluedragonoh ok05:23
miranda_psimineswap: run "vlc videofile" from the commandline and post the output that appears on the commandline to http://paste.ubuntu.com05:23
vocxKathe, it seems like a problem. I also got no clue how to map all these multimedia buttons.05:23
barbarellanurey:can you pastebin the my.cnf file?05:24
psypher246hi all! could anyone please tell me how to restart network manager in intrepid. i found a link that states: sudo /etc/dbus-1/event.d/25NetworkManagerDispatcher restart but event.d is an empty directory05:24
jason_just install ubuntu extras in add/remove it install all the codec u need to play movies and stuff05:24
DraceHow can I mount my windows partitions to Ubuntu?05:24
mineswapmiranda_psi: thankz, i'll try05:25
n2diywhat's up with the Ubuntuforums, I'm getting "Service Temp. Unanvailable" errors, for two days in a row?05:25
DraceMy windows failed and i need to retrieve some files05:25
noodlesgcpsypher246 try: /etc/init.d/NetworkManager05:25
psypher246that simple?05:25
bluedragonnoodlesgc installing lets see what happens will post answer05:25
noodlesgcn2diy its down05:25
jason_there working on the forum right now05:25
n2diynoodlesgc: ok, any idea for how long?05:25
DraceHow can I mount my windows partitions to Ubuntu?>05:26
noodlesgcpsypher246 yeah, just type sudo /etc/init.d/NetworkManager restart05:26
psypher246noodlesgc: doesn't seem to do what i expected. still says my wired connection is unmanaged even though there is no config in the interfaces file05:26
DraceMy windows failed and I need to retrieve some important file...05:26
noodlesgcn2diy I have no clue. You could ask in #ubuntuforums, but they probably don't know either05:26
KatheDrace, http://markhill.me.uk/articles/mounting_windows_partitions/05:26
BigMikebut in a live cd and boot up05:26
n2diynoodlesgc: ok, 7305:27
nureybarbarella: oh jeez i got it05:27
nureybarbarella: my.cnf had a BindAddress to an old interface IP05:27
noodlesgcpsypher246 try this one: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart05:28
Kathedrace, here is another walk though http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/mounting-windows-partition-onto-ubuntu-linux/05:28
psypher246yeah did that already05:28
nureybarbarella: thanks for your time !05:28
bluedragonnoodlecgs that was a no good05:28
bluedragonstill not working05:28
bluedragonmaybe i can go to windows see if it works05:28
noodlesgcbluedragon good idea, it may be a broken media file05:29
bluedragonyeah starting to think that to05:29
bluedragonbut with in new package i should be able to play wma files right noodlesgc05:29
VigoI am on a limited/? usr account, how do I start firewall or stuff?05:30
noodlesgcbluedragon yeah. older wma formats have been reverse engineered, but for newer ones, we have to use proprietary dll's which is in that package05:30
nureybarbarella: nice nick btw05:31
bluedragonNoodlesgc oh wait lol it works Thanks05:31
bluedragonNoodlesgc you rock thanks05:31
noodlesgcbluedragon awesome :D05:31
Vigooh wait,,,sudo,,brb05:32
KatheLast go at the question, I need a good way to map the keyboard shortcuts for the volume controls to the PCM...  If I select PCM in the sound settings the controls are being faught by something,  that is if I press volume up the sound briefly goes up then it goes back down.  If I keep it on Master they work fine, but do to a sound driver bug the Master does not effect the sound output.05:32
DraceCould someone help with partitioning?05:33
CarlFK1Drace: you can do it05:33
wolterhow do i configure my samba to share files with windows users?05:33
wolterfrom zero.05:33
DraceIm doing an installation of Ubuntu, It asks for something about partioning that im not clear about05:34
barbarellanurey:yes, better as Jane Fonda05:34
wolterDrace, lets meet at ubuntu-classroom05:34
_Cid_wolter: ther eis a pretty good example in the samba.conf, just need to edit af ew lines, did you have a look?05:34
Brack101so wait, fedora/redhat don't have apt-get?05:34
wolter_Cid_, no, where do i go?05:34
CarlFK1why do I suck at pgrep?   http://dpaste.com/108407/05:34
_Cid_Brack101:  kinda ... you can install it, and somepeople maintain repo ..apt is a debian thingy mostly05:34
_Cid_wolter:  /etc/samba/smb.conf05:35
KatheBrack101, you can isntall it, but they have another package system defaultly05:35
Brack101I see05:35
CarlFK1I want to pkill gnome-screensaver, but it isn't finding it (guessing it is the - )05:35
Brack101because I was considering running fedora on a couple work computers but I don't know how I could live without apt-get05:35
_Cid_wolter: let me know if I am not making sense :-)05:35
_Cid_Brack101: they got 'yam'   no where near as nice ..but it works in a pinch05:36
Brack101I see05:36
_Cid_Brack101:  and you can yum install apt-get ;-)05:36
_Cid_Brack101:  yum install apt*05:36
noodlesgcCarlFK1 try pgrep gnome-screensav05:37
Pulvinarwhois Pulvinar05:37
noodlesgcCarlFK1 weird eh?05:37
wolter_Cid_, you are..05:37
CarlFK1noodlesgc: you rock. why does that work?05:37
_Cid_wolter:  ok :)   we will take it in steps, dont worry - its not that hard05:38
myrdoes anyone know how i can fix a sound issue? all of a sudden the sound quality is pretty bad, it's hard to explain.05:38
_Cid_wolter:  first, you should know what samba is ... lets see if the bots got an answer for us05:38
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.  Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/21209805:38
_Cid_wolter: those links would probably get you started, but lets just go ahead and configure stuff right now -  go ahead and open a shell ( a command line window if you like)05:39
wolter_Cid_, thanks!05:39
noodlesgcCarlFK1 I think there is a limit on process name lengths05:39
_Cid_wolter: oh, I misread - I was making sense ..I thought I wasnt :P   well - Wolter, let me know if you need more help - go ahead and check the conf file - there is a home dir share example in there ready to use, just uncomment and restart samba (/etc/init.d/samba restart)05:40
CarlFK1noodlesgc: bitchen.  thanks a bunch.  I was going to start doing ps|grep|awk|mplayer hacks05:40
wfiuewfewHi! I need to use the command "iw". Which synaptic package is it in?05:41
_Cid_wfiuewfew:  apt-get install aircrack-ng05:41
andrewfreeI found that it worked but idk where it is still05:42
andrewfree-rw-r--r--  1 root root          3 2009-01-08 08:42 test.txt05:42
noodlesgcCarlFK1 nice.05:42
_Cid_wfiuewfew:  I am curious as to why though ;-)05:42
noodlesgcandrewfree, I have no  idea what the problem you are having is, but that file looks like its probably in /root05:43
andrewfreeits not, I used this command ftp -u oem@ /test.txt05:44
andrewfreebut cant find out where it went05:44
tboydstonis there a special folder to work out of for web development (php etc.) in Ubuntu? In Vista I had a xampp environment and was restricted in terms of where I could play around.05:44
tunahi, I just installed a new ide harddrive, but it didn't show up as /dev/hda. (I had only sata har drives before.) How can I find it?05:44
barbarellaandrewfree:in the oem user dir05:44
whyameyetuna: /dev/sda?05:45
wfiuewfew@_Cid_: I am debugging my wifi network with a sniffer05:45
princeduganis pcsx supposed to work? mine crashes on "Run CD".05:45
andrewfreebarbarella: its not there either /home/oem05:45
tunawhyameye: /dev/sda is my sata harddrive05:45
mayankhow to mount iso without any software in ubuntu05:45
wfiuewfewBut I still get iw not found after installing this package --- is it available for 7.04?05:45
whyameyetuna: and you tried /dev/sdb05:45
tboydstonandrewfree> so I should save all of my php documents in var/www before running them?05:45
_Cid_wfiuewfew:  never used it ..should be part of the one I linked you05:46
barbarellaandrewfree:do a updatedb and locate the file05:46
andrewfreetboydston: Depends on your webserver conf files05:46
tunawhyameye: sdb is my OTHER sata drive.There is no sdc05:46
mayankhow to mount iso without any software in ubuntu05:46
andrewfreebarbarella: is updateb a command?05:46
whyameyetuna: I dunno. I'd look at the syslog for a clue.05:46
myrmayank, something like: mount /path/to/file /path/to/target -o loop05:46
Noah1989_tuna: ls /dev/?d?05:46
gnutronandrewfree: updatedb is05:46
etherealityDo I need to prepare my computer for the Ubuntu distribution upgrade? Close applications, etc.?05:46
tboydstonandrewfree: Great, thanks so much. Is there a way to change the folder?05:46
tunamayank: mkdir /media/cdemu && sudo mount -o loop -t iso9660 <whatever you want to mount> /media/cdemu05:47
myranyone have any ideas about fixing a random sound issue? it affects multiple apps and is not hardware-related. just bad sound quality all-of-a-sudden05:47
Noah1989_myr: which sound card?05:47
tunanoah: /dev/sda  /dev/sdb05:47
andrewfreegnutron: wtf that does not work05:48
_2tuna sudo mkdir -p05:48
Noah1989_tuna: there you have your two harddrives ;-)05:48
myrNoah1989_, just an integrated intel.05:48
mayanktuna, permission denied05:48
tunaNoah1989_ Yeah, except I have 305:48
tunamayank: add sudo's05:48
andrewfreebarbarella: this is linux. I need to find it on my box now. not send it again05:49
tunamayank: sudo mkdir /media/cdemu && sudo mount -o loop -t iso9660 <whatever you want to mount> /media/cdemu05:49
modjorhi all05:49
Noah1989_myr: i also have one, there sometimes was an issue that was caused by some wrong configuration05:49
DraceCan someone help me? I need to retrieve my windows files. (It crashed and wont boot up!)05:49
_Cid_andrewfree: just entered, what are you looking for?05:49
barbarellaandrewfree:you asked to change folders, ftp folders?05:49
Noah1989_myr: but i can't remember how i solved that05:49
EdgeX-Hello; How do I work out what /dev/ node my ubuntu partition is using?05:49
=== zkinion is now known as thebleh
Noah1989_myr: i changed some value from 2 to 4 or vice versa05:50
tunaDrace: get an ubuntu disk, boot into ubuntu, mount the disk and copy over what you need05:50
socksDoes anyone have any experience getting hibernate to work on a dell laptop?05:50
_2EdgeX- df -h05:50
myrNoah1989_, i don't know where to look05:50
andrewfree_Cid_: A file I sent myself I have no idea where it is, i sent it using this command ftp -u oem@ /test.txt05:50
myrNoah1989_, i'm running hardy05:50
DraceTuna: Im having problems with the mounting05:51
EdgeX-Thanks _205:51
_Cid_andrewfree:  thats the root directory    try  "cd  /"05:51
DraceTuna: I already booted it from livecd, im stuck here though05:51
barbarellaandrewfree:do a updatedb and locate the file05:51
tunaDrace: ok05:51
yahooliandrace what is the error message05:51
mayanktuna, my iso file is in another drive, i have wubi...05:51
Noah1989_myr: alsaconf or alsactl05:51
andrewfreebarbarella: idk how to do that05:51
Draceyahoolian: i just dont know what to do from here05:51
tboydstonandrewfree: Got it to work, thanks again :D05:51
andrewfree_Cid_: did and done its not there05:51
tunamayank: wait, what? how does that harm you05:51
_Cid_andrewfree:  if you ever get truly stuck looking for a file - you can crawl the entire HD (will take a few minutes)  you can do that like this:  find -name <name of file> -print05:51
myrNoah1989_, how can i tell?05:51
DraceI got to as far as booting ubuntu from livecd05:51
barbarellaandrewfree:ok, then type locate file_name05:52
andrewfreetboydston: yep05:52
whyameyeDrace you might want to take a look at this if things are really bad: http://ubuntu-rescue-remix.org/05:52
Noah1989_myr: try what you can do with those..05:52
yahooliandrace open the terminal05:52
Draceits up05:52
myxinSandralalk mo :D05:52
mayanktuna, no harm..i mean my iso is in /media/10000(drive name is 10000)05:52
Sandralalkmyxin: oi mo05:52
etherealitywhen the upgrade tells me to free 92 M on /, that's just on my hard drive, right? "/" represents my entire hard drive, so i just need to get 92 M off my computer onto an external drive or something?05:52
=== Noah1989_ is now known as Noah1989
myxin[Sandralalk]: ta vendo qnta gente?05:53
ethereality(92 M -> 92 MB of data i think)05:53
Sandralalkmyxin: sim mas eu não entendo nada né05:53
myxinnem eu :P05:53
myxinvamo sair05:53
DraceEhh...not sure what that it, but i just need to mount05:53
tunamayank: I'm not following here, do you mean it worked05:53
Sandralalkpra onde?05:53
andrewfreeWell it says it does not exist then.... wrong test file.. so ftp never sent it05:53
mayanktuna, no05:53
mayanktuna, any different procedure for wubi?05:53
tunamayank: I do not knw05:54
Noah1989myr: i think the value i adjusted was how many bytes there are in each sample05:54
_2!tab > mayank05:54
ubottumayank, please see my private message05:54
windio00what program can i use to make a manual that is either html or pdf?05:54
myrNoah1989, changing "PCM Out" helped05:54
Noah1989myr: using alsaconfig?05:55
myrNoah1989, correct. thank you very much for your help05:55
Noah1989myr: :)05:55
EdgeX-I'm using DD to backup my entire ubuntu partition to my external HDD; should I be re framing from doing stuff while this is happening?05:55
EdgeX-refraining rather*05:55
john`andersonhello how do i install new fonts on ubuntu?05:56
_2EdgeX- yes05:56
exacubefor some reason, Suspend doesn't work on my laptop05:56
exacubeit suspends,05:56
exacubewhen i press the power button to bring it back, the screen just stays blank05:56
exacubeit doesn't turn on05:56
exacubenothing happens05:56
myrjohn`anderson, you can put fonts in ~/.fonts05:56
exacubewould anyone know the reason for that?05:56
tboydstonis there a keystroke to bring up the terminal?05:56
john`andersonwhat extension do the fonts need to be?05:57
myrjohn`anderson, ttf05:57
john`andersoncool ty so much05:57
_2tboydston that's both de specific and adjustable05:57
_2tboydston something like alt+f11    idk your setup.05:58
andrewfreehow can i change this to put it on /home/oem/ instead of / because it does not have permission to write to /05:58
mayankhow to mount iso without any software in ubuntu05:58
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_2mayank please define "without any software" ?05:58
Flannel!iso | mayank05:58
ubottumayank: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.05:58
clearzenmayank: sudo mount -t loop /path/to/.iso /mount/point05:58
Argon34710hey, who can help me developing some OS for the nintendo wii in linux???05:58
mayankgot it05:59
clearzenmayank:sudo mount - loop /path/to/.iso /mount/point (sorry)05:59
clearzensudo mount -o loop /path/to/.iso /mount/point05:59
Argon34710lets do something cool for the wii....06:00
andrewfreeftp -u ftp://oem@ /thisismyfile.txt      <--- that tries to put the file on / when it does not have the permission how can I change it to try to put it on /home/oem06:00
* _2 still wonders what "without any software" meant...06:00
andrewfreehe wants to do it without an OS.. XD06:01
[TiZ]So... what's up with the forums?06:01
Corpisis there a command so you can mount a .iso like on the desktop?06:01
_2corpis yes mount06:02
Leo__hello, need help06:02
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:02
Leo__i have setup the mplayer.but it cannot find .rmvb file ,why?06:02
clearzenCorpis: like I said just a moment ago sudo mount -o loop /path/to/.iso /home/user/Desktop/folder06:04
DraceI cant mount /dev/sda1!06:04
_2Drace why not ?06:04
Drace"'dev/sda1' does not have a valid ntfs"06:04
myrLeo__, have you looked at http://www.simplehelp.net/2007/07/27/how-to-play-rmvb-files-in-ubuntu/ ?06:04
Leo__okay,thanks myr06:05
clearzenDrace: is that the exact error?06:05
_2Drace oh, yuch,   i don't do windows!06:05
CarlFK1other than gnome-screensaver, what other screen savers are there so I can disable them so my monitor will stop going to sleep?  (trying to make a clock...)06:05
[TiZ]What's going on with the forums? I'm only seeing a really vague "We'll be right back. --ubuntu-geek." Can I expect it to be up within the hour? Or should I just go to bed and post my thread in the morning?06:05
clearzenDrace: sudo aptitude install ntfs-3g && sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /media/windows (or wherever you want)06:06
CarlFK1whatever put it to sleep is not being reset by: xset s reset06:06
_2CarlFK1 bios power management06:06
ravenor_Running Hardy on an Aspire One. I updated the kernel to 2.6.24-23, and wireless has been killed (atheros). Has any body else reported problems?06:07
Joetheodd_Hey guys. I know I'm almost asking you to answer this question with a coin-flip, but I figured I'd ask anyhow. I've got a Thinkpad 600 with PCMCIA ethernet card. What are the chances of it working with ubuntu out of the box?06:07
CarlFK1_2: is there any way to tweek that from the os?06:07
princeduganArgon34710: I am willing, but I have no skills06:07
_2CarlFK1 yes. but none that i would reccoment06:07
clearzenravenor_: * killed* how? that is pretty general06:07
Hostile_Kidzany swat boosters?06:07
bogdani have a problem with my kubuntu installation.  my external ntfs hard drive doesn't show cyrillic named files (they show up on my other ubuntu laptop).  any ideas what might be wrong?06:07
CarlFK1_2: dang, that sounds like fun.  what do you not recomend?06:07
CarlFK1Joetheodd_: i bet it works06:08
ravenor_Clearzen: Going from not working to no wireless adapter after update and reboot.06:08
clearzenravenor_: ok, is the module loaded?06:08
DraceDidnt work06:08
Dracestill same error06:08
DraceNTFS signature is missing06:08
_2direct editing of /dev/nvram  CarlFK1   hope you have an air bag.  cause that's a good way to crash it.06:08
Joetheodd_CarlFK1, that's what I assumed. :)06:08
clearzenDrace: are you sure it isn't vfat?06:09
Joetheodd_How old is ubuntu 5.10?06:09
ravenor_clearzen: Should be. Where do I check?06:09
Draceill try that as well if you want06:09
tritiumJoetheodd_: October of 200506:09
_2Joetheodd_ that's date.  year.month06:09
clearzenlsmod | grep ath   <-- that should show it I believe06:09
FlannelJoetheodd_: It was released in October of 2005, it went EOL in April of 200706:09
fr500can anyone get empathy to connect to their ekiga account?06:09
CarlFK1_2: i don't mind crashing it, but that sounds tedious. maybe I'll reboot and dig around in the bios06:09
Dracenot vfat..06:10
barbarellaDrace:can you pastebin the output from fdisk -l06:10
_2CarlFK1 i would,  yeah06:10
Draceit says htIll have to install wine and mirc on it06:10
Draceits a live cd :-$06:10
Numlock40451can anyone tell me how to network transfer between my ubuntu laptop and my windows vista desktop..06:11
ravenor_clearzen: Nope. lsmod doesn'thave anything. Google says other people hve had wirelss problems. Broadcom, Intel wireless adapters06:11
barbarellaDrace:and you want to mount a ntfs partition?06:11
gleesondanyone know if there is an eee pc specific channel?06:11
myrcan anyone help me backup my amarok sqlite database with sqlitebrowser?06:11
Dracebarbarella...i was told I can!06:11
Dracegod thank you06:12
DraceWill run installation as I was previously going to do06:12
clearzenravenor_: try sudo modprobe ath_pci and see if that gets it working06:13
_2CarlFK1 one time i experimented with nvram just to see how badly it could affect the system.   heh. i ended up with a bios that couldn't store settings at all.  reset to factory defaults each boot cycle.    (i was trying to be malicious, it worked...)06:13
barbarellaDrace:which drive is the one you like to mount?06:13
ThreetimesHi, how do I execute a program after inserting my USB drive?06:13
ravenor_clearzen: "could not open /lib/modules/2.6.24-23/volatile/ath_hal.ko: No such file" That's not good.06:14
clearzenThreetimes: what kind of program?06:14
CarlFK1_2: neat.  I have some P2 boxes I might try that on some day.  but not the 3ghz P4.  it's one of my better POS boxes :)06:14
Numlock40451anyone..i need to get a file off of my desktop its sharing the file.. it running vista and the machine im transfering it to is my lap top runnin ubuntu 81006:14
bogdani am having trouble with ubuntu 8.04, ntfs-3g doesn't see cyrillic named files on ntfs file system. any ideas?06:15
TheresaEllisHi. Can I mount a subdirectory of a filesystem?06:15
amd007_I want to split a 1 GB file into 5 .rar files, is it possible in ubuntu? how can i do it in ubuntu?06:15
Threetimesthe command would be "unison /home/peter/Documenten /media/disk/Documents"06:15
_2!rar > amd00706:15
ubottuamd007, please see my private message06:15
_2oops sorry.06:15
_2!rar > amd007_06:15
ubottuamd007_, please see my private message06:15
clearzenravenor_: try uninstalling and reinstalling the restricted drivers for the card first06:15
Mal3koi have just remove ncftp using apt-get..when i type the ncftp cmd it says -bash: /usr/bin/ncftp: No such file or directory so how do i remove the bin refenrece to that dir?06:16
tboydstonis there a reason keyboard shortcuts from the desktop seem to be picky and slow to respond?06:16
clearzenravenor_: that is the easy way to fix the problem. I can tell you how to build it from source but you shouldn't have to06:16
_2TheresaEllis "mount a subdirectory of a filesystem" ???   any dir can be a mount point if that;s what you are asking.06:16
Mal3kobarbarella: how do i use it?06:17
gadu33server irc.estuchat.org06:18
DarkKnighthey i have a disk error which is not being solved when i use fsck -y....anyone has any idwa06:18
_2Mal3ko heh. you exit that shell and start a new one.06:18
DarkKnighthey i have a disk error which is not being solved when i use fsck -y....anyone has any idea06:18
clearzenravenor_: I think the driver is in sudo aptitude remove --purge linux-restricted-modules`uname -r` && sudo aptitude install linux-restricted-modules`uname -r` -y06:18
cm_hi i need some help with my home folder/ dmrc permissions from someone who actually knows, well, everything.  please private message me. i'm desperate. thanks06:18
bogdanntfs-3g not showing cyrillic files, any ideas?06:19
Flannelcm_: set it to 64406:19
Mal3ko_2: oh lol06:19
ravenor_clearzen: I followed the instructions at the Ubuntu Aspire One page to get wifi working. Madwifi. Does that make a difference?06:19
clearzenravenor_: perhaps, I would have to see the instructions06:19
_2cm_  sudo chown $USER ~/.dmrc ;chmod 600 ~/.dmrc06:19
ravenor_clearzen: Google ubuntu aspire one.06:20
navetzcan someone help me with my digital camera06:20
navetzwhen i try to mount it I get error 5006:20
navetz:unknown error06:20
navetzalso I am using KDE if that helps06:21
_2cm_ if you have really messed up permissions  own your home  (preferably with -R)06:21
clearzenravenor_: throw me a link06:21
ravenor_clearzen: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AspireOne06:21
fr500can anyone get empathy to connect to their ekiga account?06:22
ThreetimesHi, how do I execute a command after inserting my USB drive?06:22
ThreetimesThe command would be "unison default"06:22
_2!kde | navetz06:22
ubottunavetz: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde406:22
DarkKnighthey i have a disk error which is not being solved when i use fsck -y....anyone has any idea06:22
Flannelcm_: Are you using sudo instead of gksu for graphical programs?06:22
navetz_2: yes i asked in kubuntu but noone is there06:22
cm_flannel: i've been using the terminal06:23
_2navetz ok. is the camera set to disk mode ?06:23
clearzenravenor_: so did the driver build properly or did you get errors?06:23
wolter_Cid_, i can't get samba to work in windows... my sister can't get into my shared folder.06:23
wolter_Cid_, i am going to pass you my smb.conf, ok?06:23
TwoDDarkKnight, what type of error, damaged sectors?06:23
navetz_2: I don't know what disk mode is06:23
_Cid_wolter:  ok - but do it using the parse page, or it will kick you ;-)06:23
ravenor_clearzen: When I first did it, there were no problems. Only after I updated the kernel.06:24
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)06:24
DarkKnightTwoD; fsck 1.40.8 (13-Mar-2008)06:24
DarkKnightfsck.ext3: Unable to resolve 'UUID=ab5d3f4d-1d37-4614-aad3-d3051671a4db'06:24
clearzenravenor_: you need to recompile it. Do you still have the source code?06:24
wolter_Cid_, you mean the pastebin, you aggressive man?06:24
clearzenravenor_: everytime you change kernels you must rebuild it06:24
ravenor_clearzen: I could download it if I don't. I'm on a wired connection right now.06:24
ravenor_clearzen: What else would I need to rebuild?06:25
_2navetz on the camera itself  the menu "might" list  1. disk mode  2. digital camera mode  3. something else  ...06:25
TwoDDarkKnight, hmm, sounds to me like it can't figure out which disk has that UUID... but I could be wrong. Checked the manual?06:25
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clearzenravenor_: nothing you have everything else if you compiled it once already. except kernel headers I believe06:25
wolter_Cid_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/104250/06:25
navetzThe digital camera says: Connected to computer. on the main screen so yes i assume it is in disk mode06:26
=== GodTodd__ is now known as GodTodd
clearzenravenor_: sudo aptitude install linux-headers-$(uname -r)06:26
DarkKnightTwoD; what manual?? someone told me some command which solved this issue i got previously...now i dont remember the command06:26
navetz_2 also i assume it is mounted06:26
cm_lot of help this channel is06:26
_2navetz no.  that doesn't indicate disk mode.  you need to disconnect it and see.06:26
navetz_2 okay06:26
TwoDDarkKnight, programs usually come with a manual page (manpage), just type "man the_command".06:26
TwoDDarkKnight, so in you case: "man fsck.ext3"06:27
unopDarkKnight, type.  sudo blkid  # is that UUID listed in the output?06:27
_2DarkKnight up arrow in the terminal might show the command06:27
mattgyver83Does anyone know what package needs to be installed for /etc/init.d/NetworkManager  Im using a script that calls for it, i have network manager installed however i have no such file06:27
DarkKnight_2; that was long time back.....some months before06:28
TwoDDarkKnight, I couldn't find much about errors there. I'll try google.06:28
_2DarkKnight have you cleared the command history ?06:28
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DarkKnight_2 nope06:29
_2DarkKnight less ~/.bash_history   and use less's search feature06:29
ravenor_clearzen: "could not find package whose name or description matched linux-headers-$"06:29
woltercheese cannot read my webcam! what should I do?06:29
unopmattgyver83,  /etc/init.d/networkmanager  is provided network-manager  ..  /etc/init.d/NetworkManager isn't provided by any package - could be a typo.06:29
DarkKnightunop; yes when i tried it...i got a list of UID's with this one uid06:29
_2DarkKnight just trying to offer ways that you might use both now and in feuture situations that call for remembering an old command.06:30
navetz_2 okay the camera didn't have a disk mode i nthe mode sections, but it had instructions to connect it to the computer. I followed them and got the same error06:30
DarkKnight_2; didnt get you06:30
clearzenravenor_: my bad sudo aptitude install linux-headers-`uname -r`06:30
unopDarkKnight, what exactly does this give you?  sudo blkid | grep ab5d3f4d06:30
_2navetz there is an app in the kmenu    kcamera access   try it.06:31
DarkKnightunop; rosh@rosh-desktop:~$ sudo blkid | grep ab5d3f4d06:31
DarkKnight/dev/sdb1: UUID="ab5d3f4d-1d37-4614-aad3-d3051671a4db" TYPE="ext3"06:31
ThreetimesHi, how do I execute a command after inserting my USB drive?06:31
ThreetimesThe command would be "unison default"06:31
clearzenravenor_: you just need the headers for your current kernel uname -r shows the kernel version so it should append the current kernel number to the end and give you the right package06:31
_2DarkKnight this???    less ~/.bash_history    and use less's search feature<<<   man less    for info about it's search keys06:31
unopDarkKnight,  fdisk -l /dev/sdb06:32
navetz_2 I don't have that app, I digicam and that also fails at opening the folder06:32
DarkKnightunop;  fdisk -l /dev/sdb06:32
navetz_2 I have tried in dophin and konqueror as well06:32
ravenor_clearzen: Ok... this time it worked, but it didn't download anything? Output says no packages were downloaded.06:32
unopDarkKnight, anything? nothing?06:33
clearzenravenor_: that's fine. It just means you had them already06:33
_2navetz only digital camera i have any experance with has disk mode, which makes things real easy....  sorry.06:33
DarkKnightunop; it says it cannot open06:33
clearzenravenor_: get the source and rebuild the kernel modle then sudo modprobe ath_pci and you are in business06:33
Em3raldMcSquizzywhere can I find out about the changes to the kernel in the last few updates?06:33
navetz_2: alright thanks anyway06:33
ravenor_clearzen: No need to uninstall? Mess around in Synaptics?06:33
unopDarkKnight, prepend sudo to the command perhaps?06:34
DarkKnight_2; i searched....i see that it has the commands which i used 3 weeks back06:34
clearzennope, we already checked for a loaded module and it isn't there so no worries06:34
mattgyver83unop, in my /etc/init.d/ dir i have 'network' however no networkmanager, though the package says its installed when i try to.  Any idea?06:34
_2navetz but if you have the time.  ask again in #kubuntu and wait for a reply.06:34
navetz_2: alrigth06:35
clearzenravenor_: I have to bottle some brew. good luck.06:35
sugiI need help. I am pulling out my hair.  I am using the program called "Pystromo" it sets custom remap keys.  I can't for the life of me, asign one of my keys to Mouse CLICK 1 Buttom (or just Button 1 *the left click button on a mouse")  Does anyone know how to do this in Pystromo?  Please help.06:35
_2DarkKnight cool.   so you know what you did then to get it to work,    and you learned how to check for things like that in the feuture also.   cool deal.06:35
unopmattgyver83, have you tried reinstall network-manager ?06:36
DarkKnight_2; i didnt get you06:36
=== cakey is now known as zombie_nomnom
DarkKnightunop; http://paste.ubuntu.com/104252/06:36
unopDarkKnight, ok, where have you booted up into now?06:37
_Cidwolter:  back, sorry - inet dropped06:37
wolterwill intrepid ibex's giver package work in hardy heron?06:38
_Cidwolter: dont count on it - best not to mix distrubutions06:38
DarkKnightunop; in the sense06:38
unopwolter, probably but you don't want to do that -- you could backport the package tho06:38
wolteralso, if somebody has expirience with finger-swiping, let me know06:38
mattgyver83unop, just tryed, no changes06:38
wolteris giver in the hardy-backports?06:39
ThreetimesHi, how do I execute a command after inserting my USB drive?06:39
ThreetimesThe command would be "unison default"06:39
unopwolter, find out.  http://packages.ubuntu.com06:39
DarkKnightunop; i didnt understand??06:40
wolterunop, ah, it isn't.06:40
unopmattgyver83, that'd odd, i'm not sure what's going on here.06:40
unopDarkKnight, have you managed to boot the machine ok?06:40
DarkKnightunop; when i booted...it checked for errors06:40
sugiDoes anyone here uses Pystromo?06:40
DarkKnightunop; it checked twice06:41
quassel251can someone help trobleshooting k3b?06:41
sugiquassel251: i can try... what's wrong?06:42
wolteris there any windows-linux-mac software that will give me a dropbox kind of file sharing?06:43
silv3r_m00nhi there... how can i make kate , kwrite etc to use \r\n for newlines ...?06:43
quassel251sugi: my burner sometimes is recognized sometimes dont06:43
darkbook_alguien me puede decir si hay la posibilidad de que lo incluyan en el nuevo kubuntu??06:43
tritium!es | darkbook_06:43
ubottudarkbook_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.06:43
_Cidwolter:  given up on samba? :)06:43
wolter_Cid, did i send you my smb.conf?06:43
darkbook_sorry, thanks!!06:43
quassel251sugi: in windows I can write dvds in linux cant06:43
_Cidwolter: I never got it - but I lost connetion for a bit06:44
wolter_Cid, here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/104250/06:44
_Cidwolter:  ok - looking, hang on06:44
sparrI am experiencing the problem where the forcedeth driver doesn't like nvidia NICs with backwards MAC addresses.  Is there a way, short of hacking the kernel myself, to avoid the random MAC assignment and instead get a predictable MAC?  changing MAC every time I reboot is playing merry hell with configuration on my router.06:44
BigMikehow do I know if I have an nvidia graphics card or not?06:44
sugiquassel251: it sounds like something else is accessing it and not allowing it to be shared with other apps.  does  a restart always fix it?06:44
quassel251sugi: I tried to reinstall the system but didnt work06:45
sparrBigMike: lspci should tell you06:45
_2quassel251 open a konsole,  and run k3b from there, that will let you see any messages it returns.     sop for debugging a gui app06:45
tuna_Is there some way to see a list of what harddrives and partitions the grub (hdX.X) numbers map to?06:46
quassel251_2: it says no cd/dvd driver found06:46
sugiI need help. I am pulling out my hair.  I am using the program called "Pystromo" it sets custom remap keys.  I can't for the life of me, asign one of my keys to Mouse CLICK 1 Buttom (or just Button 1 *the left click button on a mouse")  Does anyone know how to do this in Pystromo?  Please help.06:46
mattgyver83unop, this machine is running hardy, something i just read says networking-manager doesnt exist on this, any truth to that you are aware of?06:47
_2tuna_ cat /boot/grub/device*06:47
unoptuna_,  fdisk -l  #  hd0,1  refers to the second partition on the first harddrive (number starts at 0)06:47
tuna_unop & _2: thanks06:47
term_anyone know how to make VLC player as default player?06:47
unopmattgyver83, networking-manager doesn't but network-manager does06:47
unop!info network-manager hardy06:47
mattgyver83sorry, thats what i meant06:47
ubottunetwork-manager (source: network-manager): network management framework daemon. In component main, is optional. Version 0.6.6-0ubuntu5.8.04.1 (hardy), package size 152 kB, installed size 572 kB06:47
quassel251_2: I run from terminal06:48
* _2 might mention to unop and tuna_ device.map and the fact that bios order is used durring boot time, not kernel order. (they can differ)06:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ntfs-config06:50
ori /server irc.w3.org 666506:50
term_anyone know how to make VLC player as default player in Ubuntu 8.10?06:51
pan"~/Desktop/swiftweasel/swiftweasel-bin" how would i run this program with one command06:51
=== LBSources- is now known as LBSources
pancd ~/Desktop/swiftweasel;./swiftweasel-bin ??06:52
CaptainMorganterm_, what have you tried so far?06:52
tritiumpan: no, cd is to change directories06:52
CaptainMorganterm_, I run 8.04 but I imagine it's the same, no?06:52
ubottudpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.06:52
panbut i wnat to go to that directory06:52
panand run ./swiftweasel-bin06:52
pancd ~/Desktop/swiftweasel;./swiftweasel-bin ??06:52
tritiumpan: you don't need to change directories to run it.  Just specify the entire path.  It it set executable?06:52
CaptainMorganmaybe preferred applications in System > would do it too.. ?06:53
pancd ~/Desktop/swiftweasel/./swiftweasel-bin ??06:53
pan~/Desktop/swiftweasel/./swiftweasel-bin ??06:53
=== Milosz is now known as deadchip
_2no dot06:53
mattgyver83unop, found the file in a different folder, thanks for your help.06:54
_2!tab > pan06:54
ubottupan, please see my private message06:54
tritiumpan: and you never answered my question.  Is it set executable?06:54
Glennexhi guys! very new in ubuntu here and need your help very badly06:54
panit is executable as in if i click in it in nautilus?06:54
_CidGlennex:  uh oh, I hope its an easy one!06:55
term_CaptainMorgan: i dont know how to do it06:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about yum06:55
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)06:55
Glennexi cannot install build essential from cdrom coz im having this "failed to mount cdrom" error :(06:55
quassel251c an so06:55
unoppuneeth, please /query ubottu  to do that in private06:55
ravenor_Hardy, Atheros wireless. After upgrading to 2.6.23-24, wireless stopped working. Reinstalling the drivers works up to the point where I "sudo modprobe ath_pci", which gives me "unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)". What should I do now?06:56
_CidGlennex:  but..you are online ....right? :)06:56
quassel251_2: Its running but It dont recognize the burner06:56
_2Glennex sudo06:56
puneethunop; i am pretty new to ubuntu folks... please tolerate my nonsense06:56
Glennexi can open files from cd06:56
panit works if i click on swiftweasel-bin using nautilus06:56
panbut i want to run in through terminal06:56
tritiumpan: we told you how06:57
puneethis there any way to become root in ubuntu?06:57
_CidGlennex: the way I see it, why bother with cd if you are online? :)06:57
tritium!rootsudo | puneeth06:57
ubottupuneeth: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)06:57
_Cidpuneeth: yeah ..not recommended ..but you can do   sudo -i   or sudo su06:57
unoppuneeth, sudo -i06:57
AceBlade258how do i delete a directory i don't want (that i made) i.e. /Media06:57
_CidAceBlade258:   rm -rf06:57
unop_Cid, err, sudo su is redundant06:57
wolterdoes mono include gtk, net, and everything?06:58
_Cidunop: so people keep telling me <shrug>06:58
panpan@pan-laptop:~$ ~/Desktop/swiftweasel/swiftweasel-bin06:58
pan/home/pan/Desktop/swiftweasel/swiftweasel-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libjemalloc.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory06:58
_Cidunop:  but if you get tired of typing sudo 98273 times, its a great way of doing it :)06:58
unop_Cid, why become the superuser to run another user that lets you become the superuser?06:58
_2quassel251 i'm lagging to much to help really,  and #kubuntu is the propper channel for that issue.  however someone in here (tritium maybe) can help if there is no answer in the other channel06:58
unop_Cid, s/another user/another program/06:59
_Cidunop:  sudo su  makes you root - and keeps you root06:59
Glennexcan anybody help solve my problem?06:59
unop_Cid, as does sudo -i06:59
CaptainMorganGlennex, which is?06:59
CaptainMorgan!ask | Glennex,06:59
ubottuGlennex,: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:59
quassel251_2: ok thanks :-)06:59
tritiumThanks, _2.  I'm actually on my way to bed.  Have a good night.  quassel251 please ask the channel, and someone will help.06:59
Glennexcannot install build essential from cdrom06:59
_CidGlennex:  you tried07:00
_CidGlennex: have you tried "apt-get install build-essential" ?07:00
Glennexit says failed to mount cdrom07:00
Glennextried that07:00
RomeReactorpan:  If you _must_ run it from its own directory, try this:07:00
RomeReactorsh -c "cd /home/pan/Desktop/swiftweasel && ./swiftweasel-bin"07:00
sfuentesGoogle Chrome for Linux should be out my Q2 2009, woohoo!07:00
_Cidyou still got the install cd-rom in te drive?07:00
_2_Cid sudo -i == sudo su -     as far as user shell is concerned,  however, there is more overhead (and the option for more logging) with sudo su -07:01
unopRomeReactor, eh?  /home/pan/Desktop/swiftweasel/swiftweasel-bin  # suffices07:01
Glennexi can browse files from cd07:01
panthanku so much07:01
pani learned something today07:01
_2tritium just knew that you could if not busy.   some can't.07:01
Mac191hi i just plugged my 2 ubuntu 8.10 pcs together and cant seem to find a straight forward guide to sharing files between em? (there connected with a crossover cable)?07:01
_Cid_2:  I noticed things "wrong" with sudo -i ... good ol' su just works :P07:01
pannow must read man pages for sh07:01
jbhlspci -> creative labs ectiva EV193807:01
panthx RomeReactor07:01
jbhno sound07:01
unoppan, note: that's a silly way to do it.07:02
puneeththx _Cid> i had to import some firewall rules from http://www.itech7.com/Security/Secure-your-Linux-Box-using-IPTables-Firewall07:02
Flannel!noroot | _Cid07:02
ubottu_Cid: We don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-)07:02
Glennex_Cid can u please help me07:02
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
puneethwhat is the difference between sudo su and sudo -i?07:02
_Cidoh come on .. the question was 'how do I become root' - this IS linux guys, not windows ...the power to do what you want07:02
Glennexso far i tried sudo apt-cdrom07:03
unoppuneeth,  sudo su # is a silly way.07:03
Glennexis there any work around installing build essential from cdrom?07:03
puneethwith sudo su i see root@puneeth-desktop:/home/puneeth# with sudo -i i see root@puneeth-desktop:~#07:03
_CidGlennex:  ah, that would not work - I am not sure what is going on with your cd-rom ... lets try to remove that from your apt rep's   so you can get it from the internet, that works07:03
pan/home/pan/Desktop/swiftweasel/swiftweasel-bin doesn't unop07:03
FlannelGlennex: Does `sudo apt-cdrom add` give you an error?07:03
tabris|awayunop: `sudo su` is equiv to `sudo -s`, but I haveyet to find an equiv for `sudo su -l`07:04
Glennexyes flannel07:04
Glennexthats correct07:04
Flanneltabris|away: sudo -i07:04
FlannelGlennex: No error? alright, once you've done sudo apt-cdrom add, do sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install build-essential07:04
tabris|awayFlannel: thanks... taht will likely come in handy!07:04
Glennex_Cid problem is i dont have internet, that is why i will install build essential to install drivers for my wireless card07:04
ndlovuI see ubuntu made the NYT most-emailed list this morning... not bad. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/11/business/11ubuntu.html07:04
panwhat is the difference between "&&" and ";"07:04
jimmioHello all, I just added Windows 7 Beta to my machine and can't seem to configure GRUB to boot it... root seems to be hd0,2...07:05
_CidGlennex: ah ok - my bad, I thought you said you had internet :)07:05
unoptabris|away, it's not.  and  sudo -i  to simulate a login07:05
Glennexflannel, i mean i got error "failed to mount cdrom"07:05
FlannelGlennex: Is the cdrom mounted already? If so, unmount it.07:05
Glennextried that already07:05
Glennexthe same prob07:05
Flannelpan: && is a boolean and.  Which will short circuit (if you know what that is).  Basically, command1 && command2 will only do command2 if command1 completes successfully (returns 0)07:06
Glennexi cannot add cdrom source also from the synaptic07:06
davcastbuon giorno !07:06
FlannelGlennex: alright, we can do it manually.  Mount the CDrom, then browse it.  You'll find build-essential (And the dependencies it needs) and you can just install them by double clicking07:06
pani understand now07:06
panmakes sense07:07
anr78how can I check which display driver I'm currently using?07:07
puneethwhat does chmod the file mean?07:07
Flannelpan: whereas c1 ; c2 will do c2 regardless of c1.  Similarly, c1 || c2 will only do c2 if c1 exits with non-zero (generally failure)07:07
_Cidpuneeth: to change permissions on the file07:07
AceBlade258sorry, rm didn't work07:07
Glennextried that also and i thought thats the easiest way of installing it but i got error also07:07
_Cidpuneeth: who can do what to it07:07
AceBlade258jon@Bushido:~$ sudo rm /media07:07
AceBlade258rm: cannot remove `/media': Is a directory07:07
panthx flannel07:08
Glennexi forgot the error it says something like "g++"07:08
unopAceBlade258, why do you want to remove /media. you shouldn't have to.07:08
anr78AceBlade258: rm -r (-r means recursive)07:08
anr78AceBlade258: but, what unop said :)07:08
puneeth_Cid; how can a chmod a file located at '/home/puneeth/Desktop/Unsaved Document 1'07:08
unoppuneeth,  chmod ... "/home/puneeth/Desktop/Unsaved Document 1"07:09
tom_this may seem like a stupid question, but is there a way to get svideo to work on ubuntu so i can stream movies to my tv?07:09
AceBlade258oh, oops, i made it and don't want it07:09
_Cidpuneeth: you got a space in there, use auto complete or wrap it in quotes for it to work07:09
AceBlade258and thanks07:09
ohmygodpuneeth, use tab07:09
unopAceBlade258, /media is system directory .. be careful deleting it07:10
puneethohmygod; tab for what?07:10
Glennexhelp me guys :(07:10
_Cidpuneeth: tab is auto complete07:10
puneethunop; what is ... have to do?07:10
ohmygodpuneeth, like that:  /home/.../Unsaved{tab}...07:10
ohmygodpuneeth, shell will auto complete07:11
Flannel!helpme | Glennex07:11
ubottuGlennex: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience07:11
unoppuneeth,  ... is for you to fill in the permissions you want.07:11
FlannelGlennex: "an error something like 'g++'" doesn't give us a whole lot to work with.  CAn you try again, and tell us what the erorr actually is?07:11
puneethunop; gime an example07:11
ytnylguys... need serious help here. i have a huge amount of text in my terminal from a php script i ran, which i need... but i cant spend an hour using the mouse to select it to copy/paste07:11
_CidGlennex: also, that sounds like the erro ryou get when compiling ..not when trying to install ( just guessing here)07:12
unoppuneeth,  chmod  g+w  "/home/puneeth/Desktop/Unsaved Document 1"07:12
ytnylwhy is there no way to save the text on my screen?07:12
_Cidytnyl:  can you run it again?07:12
unoppuneeth,  chmod  o-rwx  "/home/puneeth/Desktop/Unsaved Document 1"07:12
puneethwhat is g=w mean?07:12
cup0beansis there any way to get the default gnome panel instead of the ubuntu menus? I want the gnome foot logo haha07:12
Flannel!permissions | puneeth07:12
ubottupuneeth: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions07:12
_Cidytnyl:  if you can run it again   do    php script >> lots_of.txt    and all output will go there07:12
unoppuneeth, http://www.washington.edu/computing/unix/permissions.html07:12
ytnyltell _cid probably not because twitter restricts api and i think they are getting upset. i ran this script twice already07:13
tom_can anybody tell me how to set the display options so i can svideo out to a tv....i really dont want to have to install winblows on a partition just so i can watch movies07:13
ytnylaww, man...07:13
_Cidytnyl:  hehe07:13
AceBlade258damn, directory's still there?07:13
ytnyllol.. i can't remember how to talk to people on here even07:13
_2chmod 644 /path/to/file.name07:13
anr78I use my Ubuntu laptop in a docking station with en external display both at my home office and at work. The external displays have different resolutions, and I haven't been able to find an X configuration that just works for both of them. I have to manually switch xorg.conf when I change docking. Anyone got some fresh ideas to offer?07:13
ytnylthere we go07:13
ytnylwhat is going on here...07:15
Mac191hi i just plugged my 2 ubuntu 8.10 pcs together and cant seem to find a straight forward guide to sharing files between em? (there connected with a crossover cable)?07:15
_2AceBlade258 deleting /media ?    grep -q media /proc/mounts && sudo rm -R /media || echo 'dismount the blamed thing first!'07:15
_2AceBlade258 but you'll prolly want to   sudo mkdir -p /media    to put it back  :)))07:16
AceBlade258i made it as a mounting point, but i don't want it anymore07:16
AceBlade258i also have a really tricky problem if anyone's up for it07:17
Mac191sudo rm -rf path2point07:17
_2really tricky ?07:17
jeeves_Mosswhat is the support channel for OpenOffice?07:18
_2#oo.org ?07:18
imaginativeonehow do I disable the system debugger?07:18
CuriosTigerHi all07:19
sam__hi all07:19
sam__need help starting 2 ADSL modems on my ubuntu box..07:20
sam__when i run pppoeconf its only picks up and sets up one.. i need both to run on "ppp0" & "ppp1" any pointers?07:20
PC_NerdI want to add a user to group "daemon", with a different home directory than /home/{user}      sudo useradd -b /home/daemon/htdocs -g daemon daemon-ftp       that simply displays the output from "useradd --help"... any suggestions?07:21
jimmioHello again... What can I do to find the root location for GRUB of a certain partition?07:21
_CidPC_Nerd:  adduser instead of useradd? :)07:21
CuriosTigerapt is driving me a bit nuts. a) is 'apt-cache search //' really the only way to get a list of installed packages from the command line? b) is apt-file the only way to list the files inside each package? c) does apt-file update actually work? it's been "running" with no indication of progress for about half an hour now07:21
untappedpilot2how can i setup a printer that is connected to my router?07:22
_2PC_Nerd if the username is daemon-ftp  then you'll prolly need to quote it.07:22
CuriosTigeraccording to top, apt-file isn't working particularly hard either07:22
_2_Cid for that case i disagree. but to each his own07:22
AceBlade258*buntu will not boot if my sata drives are connected07:23
_2CuriosTiger apt-cache is not at all a good way to list installed packages.   man dpkg     (-l)07:23
AceBlade258any idea's07:24
ubuntu-u-s-rhi all07:24
_2CuriosTiger apt-cache is not at all a good way to list installed packages.   man dpkg     ( 1. -l    2. -L )07:24
sloopyAceBlade258, is grub using the UUID for specifying the mounts?07:24
CuriosTiger_2: Yeah, you said that. Now, how about a list of files inside a given package?07:24
ubuntu-u-s-ri was messed with my partition07:24
PC_Nerdsudo adduser --home /home/daemon/htdocs --group daemon daemon-ftp       "adduser: Specify only one name in this mode"07:24
untappedpilot2why not just filter for installed packages in synaptic07:24
=== deadchip is now known as Milosz
_2CuriosTiger i said that07:24
karakilled  israel  moron israel gazzaa  killed  childreenn  anan0131z0131  sikeyim   israil areyou  understend07:25
karakilled israel07:25
karakilled  israell07:25
sloopyAceBlade258, does grub load at all?07:25
CuriosTigeris that man dpkg07:25
CuriosTigerkara: so you're upset Israel kills people, so you want to kill people too? You make no sense. Stop trolling.07:25
rooney_bonjour tout le monde07:25
CuriosTigerrooney: God dag til deg.07:26
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience07:26
anr78rooney_: heisann07:26
ubuntu-u-s-ri was able make it larger but i was make it smaller, i`m wubi user - ubuntu is installed as application. Someone's help me?07:26
AceBlade258*buntu (i put that because i have all three) starts to load then a command line pops up and says sumthin about the device and at the end of the line it says errno=-507:26
=== timothy_ is now known as VideoSmith
VideoSmithStupid comp.07:27
_CidGlennex: did you post the adctual error message? I might have missed it07:27
CuriosTiger_2: Oh, -L does that. Sorry. Thanks. :)07:27
VideoSmithNo I didn't say that *pets comp* :P07:27
kara Israel kills people, so you want to kill people  and  childrenn  are you understendd  killss israell07:27
error404notfoundusing apt-get, how can I upgrade a certain package?07:27
sxphow can i have empotrated a xterm in my Desktop?07:28
Flannelerror404notfound: sudo apt-get install package07:28
error404notfoundFlannel: that's for install, right? what about upgrade?07:28
_Ciderror404notfound:  apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade will upgrade all your currently installed packages..if you just want to update one to the latest status ..see Flannel's post :)07:28
Flannelerror404notfound: That'll upgrade it to the newest version07:28
ytnylis there a way to get text off my terminal screen without using copy and paste?07:28
=== timothy_ is now known as VideoSmith2
ytnyli have to transfer like 60 megs of text07:28
sxpi want to have a terminal in the background07:28
rooney_ Israel kills people, so you want to kill07:28
Flannelytnyl: What is generating it?07:29
miranda_psiytnyl: is this from running a program?07:29
Flannelrooney_: Drop it pleaae07:29
CuriosTigerkara: I understand you are trolling in a channel where it's not appropriate. Go to #politics or something.07:29
sloopyAceBlade258, what does it say about the device? and how big is the HD?07:29
VideoSmith2lol XChat is actually pretty good as well as Konversation.07:29
Flannelytnyl: run the command again likethis:  command > ~/path/to/file  that'll put the output in the file.07:29
VideoSmith2Which is the better IRC client I don't know.07:29
_2ytnyl command that outputs the data > redirrected to a file      cat /etc/passwd > ~/my_passwd_backup  #one example07:30
_CidVideoSmith: personal prefernces, try some out - find one you like07:30
AceBlade258somthing about a timeout i think, one's a 500GB and the other is a 160GB07:30
VideoSmith_Cid:  Thanks for the advice ;)07:30
VideoSmith2_Cid:  We appreciate it07:30
_2ytnyl you can use such things over ssh as well07:30
AceBlade258both formatted as NTFS:-(07:30
sloopyAceBlade258, can you pastebin the /boot/grub/menu.lst ?07:30
_CidVideoSmith2:  for linux, lot of people prefer Xchat07:31
=== GodTodd__ is now known as GodTodd
ytnyli still don't know how to get around directories even with this07:31
ytnyli am used to dos, but not all commands are the same07:31
_Cidytnyl:  ?    cd? :)07:31
VideoSmith_Cid:  interesting.07:31
_2ytnyl cat blah | ssh user@host tee -a filename07:31
_Cidytnyl:  cd <dir>   cd .. takes you back out one07:31
_2ytnyl yes path is optional07:32
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal07:32
AceBlade258pastebin? sorry, i'm kinda new07:32
ytnylthe slashes confuse me, though07:32
DarkKnightcan anyone tell me how to compile and execute C programs in anjuta07:32
VideoSmith_Cid:  It seems the only difference is the channel tabs bar thing.07:32
sloopy!pastebin | AceBlade25807:32
ubottuAceBlade258: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)07:32
ytnyltwitter is going to ban me if i keep running this script.. hopefully they let me do it once more so i can get it right07:32
nihil161I'm having a lot of problems getting things to compile with any headers like iostream using gcc to compile c++.  It compiles into an object fine but throws out a bunch of crap on the linking.  By messing with it I was able to get it to compile fully however it didn't do anything.  The program was just a test program that printed hello, world but it didn't display the text.  I have build-essential installed.  Anyone have any ideas?07:33
VideoSmith_Cid:  Under Konversation, the channel tabs are at the bottom.  On XChat, the channel list is on the left.07:33
VideoSmithWell, have fun m8ies.  Kill each other.07:33
ytnyli try it again...  hopefully it work. thank you everyone07:33
_CidVideoSmith: :)  some are different..some support different looks ..some are cross platform (so you can use the same on yoru mac at work) etc etc - it really comes down to preference07:33
operahello.when i open a word file using openoffice, it too slowly . how can i settle this problem?07:33
_2opera one way would be to NOT use M$ formats07:34
ytnylahhh...  they not let me run it again07:35
ytnylmust be because i take up so much bandwidth07:35
sxphow can embed a terminal on the desktop?07:35
_Cidytnyl:  try again in 24 hours? :)07:35
_2sxp apt-cache search imbeded terminal07:36
RPSguys is anyone familiar with  mobloquer? It's a program to provide a level of protection when downloading torrents.07:36
sxpsorry for me english ;-)07:36
operabut, i have to acess doc.because i have to give others a  .doc file07:36
AceBlade258if that file is rewritten at each boot it probly won't be any help...07:36
AceBlade258the drives weren't connected at this booyt07:37
Glennexok, i manually install build essential by just double clicking the file but gave me this error:dependency is not satisfiable: g++07:37
DarkKnightcan anyone tell me how to compile and execute C programs in anjuta07:37
FlannelGlennex: You'll have to start by installing (through double clicking) the dependencies.  so go find (on the CD) the g++ deb, install that, then go back to build-essential, and see what else it wants.07:38
cjzmy screen resolution seems to be wrong for my monitor. the fonts are so big that it does not fit07:38
Glennexany ideas?07:38
_CidGlennex: find the g++ package, and try to double click (install) that one first07:38
operado you any ideas about acess .doc file in linux07:38
Glennexis that available from cd too?07:39
_CidGlennex: yes07:39
FlannelGlennex: Yeah, everything that build-essential needs is on the CD07:39
operabut  it so slow that i can't endure07:39
sxp_2 no results found07:39
AceBlade258opera: save the file as an oo.org format and reopen it07:39
Glennexhmm.. i see, i will try this at once07:40
sxpwith apt-cache search imbeded terminal07:40
DarkKnightcan anyone tell me how to compile and execute C programs in anjuta07:40
cjzcan anyone help me fit my screen resolution to my monitor?07:40
AceBlade258opera: then save it as a .doc again if you need to07:40
operaaceblade258 , but i have to report a doc file to my boss.07:40
_2so shorten to  apt-cache search terminal    and maybe filter through grep or less   idk  i was just offering a way to search  sxp07:41
error404notfoundhow can I login using a different user within a window? so that I can do like vnc?07:41
_Cidsxp:  havent tried this myself ...but here is a tutorial on doing just that http://icehot.wordpress.com/2008/05/11/ubuntu-hardy-tutorial-embed-terminal-into-your-desktop/07:41
operaACE ,i will test it according what you said , thank you07:41
Baz_what advantages does ubuntu have as a SERVER over debian?07:41
_2_Cid nice find.07:42
AceBlade258no problem07:42
_Cidsxp:  oh, looks like you can do it with screenlets - try: sudo apt-get install screenlets07:42
FlannelBaz_: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition07:42
AceBlade258ubottu: any news, much obliged07:42
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:42
Baz_Flannel: thanks thats a pretty good article07:43
AceBlade258sloopy: any news, much obliged07:43
sxp_Cid, ok07:43
johnweddwhats the news on Jaunty07:44
Baz_but actually the article doesn't mention advantages over debian07:44
Flanneljohnwedd: #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty questions07:44
Mal3kohow do we check for failed ssh login attempts..or bruteforce attemps?07:44
harleypiganyone familiar with the pam module pam_time time.conf syntax?07:44
sloopyAceBlade258, sry i am at work got busy a min...07:44
Baz_any suggestions on a good freeware ubuntu/IMAP solution?07:45
FlannelBaz_: What's wrong with dovecot?07:45
AceBlade258that's fine, help is help07:45
Baz_Flannel: I know very little... so dovecot you say? I will look into it, anything else?07:45
sloopyAceBlade258, is your boot drive on pata or sata?07:45
AceBlade258the boot drive is a pata07:46
FlannelBaz_: there's a few, but dovecot is fairly simple (of course, theoretically everything is fairly simple).  Dovecot tends to scale better with larger mailboxes than some of the others07:46
sam__i second that about dovecot07:46
Baz_Flannel: does it have a nice webmail interface or would that be a separate product07:47
FlannelBaz_: That'd be separate.  dovecot is just an IMAP(S) and/or POP(S) server07:47
tsai0Hi all, trying to help a buddy to mount his hard drive on a winxp pc with an ubuntu live cd 8.10 using the mount -t ntfs-3g/dev/sda1/media/disk -o force command at the command line the results are at http://pastebin.com/m2924f4e2. Any ideas as to what to do next?07:47
jtajiBaz_: squirrel mail is popular for that07:47
Baz_Flannel: looking for something flashy/ajaxy - well designed07:47
jtajiBaz_: definitely not flash/ajaxy though :p07:47
Mal3koguys how do we check for failed ssh login attempts..or bruteforce attemps?07:47
Baz_jtaji: ever seen smartermail (for windows) - very slick web interface07:48
FlannelBaz_: roundcube is07:48
earthling tsai0:give a  space between 3g and /dev07:48
Baz_Flannel: now is that just a webmail product that goes ontop of mail servers?07:49
FlannelBaz_: It's a HTTP based mail client that connects to your IMAP server, yes.07:49
sloopyAceBlade258, yeah i had this same problem, when i installed a sata drive in my machine i am trying to rem what i did to fix it...07:49
Baz_Flannel: perfect!07:49
earthling tsai0: also add sudo before the whole command07:49
AceBlade258tsai0: sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/disk -o force07:50
AceBlade258don't forget the spaces07:50
earthlingAceBlade258: how could one do that!!!!07:50
Baz_is LAMP an option for ubuntu server install07:50
earthlingAceBlade258: with a command07:50
jtajiBaz_: it sure is07:51
Baz_so awesome07:51
madhuhow to geek into others system in ubuntu Network07:52
madhui m new to ubuntu ,,,can any body help me07:52
AceBlade258earthling: he did, and i have in the past07:52
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:52
tsai0earthling: i will have him do this.  he can't connect to the internet on the problem pc so I'm having to do eveything in pastebin so he can see it.  Thanks for your patience :)07:52
AceBlade258madhu: what are you switching from and what do you need help with?07:52
milos_Mal3ko, not sure but think it's /var/log/auth.log07:53
madhuhow can i know some one is acessing my system07:53
sloopymadhu, start here  http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/hacker-howto.html07:53
_Cidmadhu:  accessing..or hacked?    a 'w' command will tell you who is logged in07:53
madhuohhh ,,,means who command07:54
_Cidmadhu:  you can use 'who' as well :)07:54
madhuya i can see07:54
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
_2or w07:54
madhuhow can avoid some one capturing my incomming and outgoing packets through wirehark ?07:55
Baz_Flannel: in my dovecot searches i bumped into courier and cyrus - what are your thoughts07:55
madhuhow can i avoid some one capturing my incomming and outgoing packets through wirehark ?07:55
FlannelBaz_: dovecot performs better on larger mailboxes07:55
FlannelBaz_: Also, you almost certainly want to use Maildir for storage07:55
AceBlade258is anyone using a logitech g15 keyboard?07:55
camelelhello, i'm looking for a site/blog to host my linux arcticles07:56
madhuhow can i avoid some one capturing my incomming and outgoing packets through wirehark ?07:56
camelelanyone knows any?07:56
hischild!repeat | madhu07:56
ubottumadhu: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience07:56
Baz_Flannel: will do, any other tips/tricks/gotchas to know about? This is going to be very low load but large install - basically I want to host all my family's email forever without ever having to download locally...07:57
madhuanybody knows about firestarter firewall,,,,how can i run it in background so that,,,,i keep on using network connection07:58
Baz_Flannel: oops, didn't mean to say large install - it is going to be low load, few boxes, but very many msgs perhaps with big attachments in each boxz07:58
FlannelBaz_: You're grabbing from many sources, right?  ISP pop accounts, etc?07:58
jeeves_Mosshow do I get the spell checker of OpenOffice installed?  I have attemped to spell something seriously wrong, and it STILL dosen't get the bad spellings.07:59
Baz_Flannel: not really, the boxes are going to reside their with our own domain name - but now that you mention it that could be a great feature - what were ut hinking07:59
jeeves_MossFlannel, hey man, long time no chat!08:00
abliHi! I have an schroot sbuild setup as described in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SbuildLVMHowto  Any idea how can I keep the ephemeral schroot around so that I can enter it when there is a build failure?08:01
FlannelBaz_: getmail (or fetchmail) will do that (fetch from a whole lot of external mail things), then you route that stuff through procmail if you want to do any sorting, and then procmail stores it in Maildir format (~/Maildir); then dovecot serves that email via IMAP to your clients (thunderbird, mutt, roundcube, whatever).  To send email, the clients send it to the ISPs servers, and then store a copy on the IMAP.08:01
FlannelBaz_: that's generally how that's done.08:01
MakuseruHi, i seem to be having an audio problem. I cannot get any sort of audio, when ever i play something in Amarok all the meters and everything move like the song is suppose to be playing, yet i dont hear anything. Anyone know what would cause this?08:01
hischild!sound | Makuseru08:02
ubottuMakuseru: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP308:02
FlannelBaz_: I personally use getmail.... I found it easier to configure than fetchmail, but if you ask me for specific merits... that was a long time ago ;)08:02
FlannelBaz_: But, that's how you can have all of your email on your home server and available to all of your various computers.08:02
jeeves_Mosshow do I get the spell checker of OpenOffice installed?  I have attemped to spell something seriously wrong, and it STILL dosen't get the bad spellings.08:03
Baz_Flannel: you're turning me on... hahaha08:03
_2how does that differ from exim ?08:03
Flannel_2: This allows you to not actually "be" your own mail server.  Your IMAP server just fetches mail from all your various accounts (like a regular email client would)08:04
AceBlade258*buntu will not boot if my sata drives are connected08:04
Baz_Flannel: the one thing i would change is sending thru the isp - what for? If you travel you need to keep changing your smtp settings?08:05
_2oh,  ok.08:05
styleI want to run a small webhost for a few friends. Can I get something like cPanel for ubunt? A package that supplies me with configuration. And user management.08:05
cameleli've installed x11vnc package through aptitude and configured the port and opened it in iptables/ufw and when i 'nmap localhost' i can see the port open, and also i've ran /usr/bin/Xvnc and if i try running it again it says "fatal server error, server is already active for display 0" but still, can't vnc to the box or to the x11 session08:06
camelelany ideas?08:06
FlannelBaz_: Well in this case the TX and RX are entirely separate, so sending could be done however.  For most people that tends to be as close to "I'm just a regular person" as possible, vs having your own smarthost or relay08:06
AceBlade258help :'(08:06
MatilloHey, I just went in to enable the windows networking packages and I reboot and I come up with a misconfigured video card driver. I've been using the fglrx ati driver, but I can't figure out how to use aticonfig to set it back up, lshw's saying my video card is unclaimed. I'm new to linux and this is the third or fourth time I've had to reinstall video drivers this week, any tips?08:07
FlannelAceBlade258: Sounds like your BIOS is trying to boot to the SATA over the PATA.  See if you can change the order in your BIOS08:07
Baz_Flannel: what about saving mail in MySQL - is that done?08:08
ytnyldoes anyone know how i can post a file in xml into my blog and it be readable?08:08
AceBlade258lol, i should be more specific, grub starts to load08:08
camelelso you just want to replace linux to be first on grub list?08:09
FlannelBaz_: Not that I've heard of, but... I wouldn't have looked into it if I saw it mentioned.08:09
jeeves_MossFlannel, do you have a sec?08:10
Flanneljeeves_Moss: I'm not too familiar with OOo and spell checking, sorry.08:10
AceBlade258actually *buntu starts to load then it goes to a command line that says somthing about a timeout i think, and at the end of the line it says errno=-508:10
AceBlade258that line keeps repeating08:11
jeeves_MossFlannel, no worries.  how have you been?08:11
Flanneljeeves_Moss: Pretty good.  Yourself?08:11
jeeves_MossI'm doin...08:11
cameleli've installed x11vnc package through aptitude and configured the port and opened it in iptables/ufw and when i 'nmap localhost' i can see the port open, and also i've ran /usr/bin/Xvnc and if i try running it again it says "fatal server error, server is already active for display 0" but still, can't vnc to the box or to the x11 session, any ideas?08:11
jason_camelel u on 8.1008:12
camelelyea man08:12
darrenhi every one, what is the best method for cloning an ubuntu installation on to a larger hdd, its fun to install but i dont really want to go thru it all again haha08:12
camelel8.10 is the current right?08:12
jason_i hate 8.1008:12
jason_yes im on 8.04 its alot better08:13
darrenjason: why?08:13
cameleland you got vnc working?08:13
AceBlade258darren: Clonezilla08:13
jason_it dont detcet have of the chipsets thats out08:13
hischildjason_, darren, if you don't mind, please take the discussion about which is better to #ubuntu-offtopic.08:13
* _2 hasn't seen an email in several years now. and has no desire to see another one.08:13
scienteshow do i keep programs from messing with my resolve.conf?08:13
jason_and it will not work with my i845g/gl08:13
scientesits  pissing me off08:13
AceBlade258if you need help i can walk you through it08:13
darrenAceBlade258: cheers mate08:14
styleD-link 122-g can I use it on ubuntu?08:14
_2but.  i may try to configure exim4 just for the learning curve08:14
styleDoes interpid support a lot more wireless?08:14
scienteshow do i figure out what program is messing with my resolv.conf08:15
_28.4 is LTS and 8.10 is newest, both are current, yes08:15
unopscientes,  it's usually dhclient or resolvconf .. most probably the former08:16
scientesi use neither08:16
unopscientes, but are they installed?08:16
scientesdhclient is08:16
Baz_during the ubuntu server install, what mail server are u installing if you choose "Mail Server" under "Lamp Server"?08:17
scienteswell i gues its used to connect to dsl08:17
scientesso i guess it is used08:17
_2scientes one can chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf   then the offending process will cry about not being able to change the file... that's one way to find it.08:17
unopscientes, and your interface gets an ip address automatically?08:17
Tech-Mikei8 peeps, installed vlc (which came with vlc-nox) but: vlc-nox = command not found08:17
scientesyes but i want to send my resolvs through the local caching server08:17
scientesas with everything wlse on the network08:17
unopscientes,  you can override options for resolv.conf in  /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf then08:17
jtajiBaz_: I think just postfix, I never bother with the "Mail Server" task08:18
_2Tech-Mike and ?    what are you trying to do ?08:19
debyljoin ubuntu.cz08:19
Baz_jtaji: ah ok... is dovecot available in apt-get?08:19
Tech-Miketrying to run vlc-nox in terminal08:19
_2Tech-Mike so run vlc08:19
jtajiBaz_: indeed08:19
Tech-Mikeif i wanted the gui - i would - i want to use terminal ... nox08:20
Baz_ok, now this may be a silly question, but is there anyway for me to use my gui to interact with a server that has no gui? Like remote X or something?08:20
Tech-Mikevlc-nox is installed but command not found - when i tested this is debian (not ubuntu) it was fine08:20
_2Tech-Mike dpkg -L vlc-nox | grep bin/08:21
styleWhat KDE does interpid use? and what kde does 7.10 use? and 8.04?08:21
Tech-Mike_2 which does?08:22
nike365AceBlade258: i get the following results with the    mount -t ntfs-3g/dev/sda1/media/disk -o force :http://pastebin.com/d6469f372  what should i do next?08:22
_2nothing    man   nothink08:22
jtajiBaz_: yeah but it's really pointless and wasteful for administering server... not to mention all the docs/tutorials will use the terminal08:22
Tech-Mikei already did: locate vlc-nox , and theres not a nox in bin08:22
unopnike365, best thing to do is boot up into windows *twice* and carry out a chkdsk there.08:22
V0iDcould anyone tell me where the host file is located in hardy heron?08:23
ytnylhow do i get an xml post onto my word press blog? anyone know how that works08:23
Blaenkanyone know how to recursively erase every file of extension .txt in a directory? (and like I said, recursively, so in all of its sub-directories as well)08:23
ytnyli have a big xml file i want to post on my blog08:23
unopBlaenk, find somewhere/ -iname "*.txt" -type f -exec rm -v {} \;08:23
Blaenkthank you unop I appreciate it08:23
GaduMy Ubuntu 8.04 doesn't recognize my monitor and I would like to force 1600x1200 resolution08:24
Gaduany tips?08:24
_2!ati > Gadu08:24
ubottuGadu, please see my private message08:24
_2one idea08:25
nike365unop: i  have committed those actions  and the results were file record segment is unreadable continuos with no boot result08:25
styleGadu: How do you know what resolution you have if the computer doesnt recognize it?08:25
_2you can put mode lines in the xorg.conf file Gadu if you know them.08:25
Gaduwindows installation uses 1600x1200@6008:25
unopnike365, did you do that *twice* tho?08:25
Gaduwant linux to use the same08:25
Baz_jtaji: even more something like working with apache's conf i find much more pleasing with gedit (for example) than in the console08:25
AceBlade258nike365 sorry, first sudo mkdir /media/disk08:26
Gadu_2: i put `Modes      "1600x1200" "1280x1024" "1280x960" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"`08:26
AceBlade258then rerun the command again08:26
AceBlade258sorry i was afk08:26
unopBaz_,  ssh -X you@server 'editor filename'08:27
jtajiBaz_: you can do that easily actually... without having to do remote x08:27
nike365AceBlade258: thnx will try that   brb08:27
=== PierreW_ is now known as PierreW
unopBaz_,  some editors can edit remote files - don't know if gedit is one of them.  alternatively, you can mount the remote files locally, edit them, etc.08:27
jtajiBaz_: in ubuntu desktop .. places > connect to server... use ssh, then open the file with gedit from the file manager08:27
Baz_excellent suggestions guys!08:28
_2jtaji sounds like  fish://08:28
V0iDcould anyone tell me where the host file is located in hardy heron?08:28
_CidV0iD:  I would guess  /etc/hosts08:28
V0iD_Cid: thanks dude i'm anewbie! 0_o08:29
_CidV0iD:  a little less now, you welcome - rock on :-)08:29
_2V0iD me too08:29
KatangawiseHi all! I have one quation.. May be a strange alittle.. If I want work from command line only, how can I see pictures, movies and play mp3 files? :)08:30
styleKatangawise: You need x to see movies08:31
unopKatangawise,  use appropriate programs :)08:31
Katangawiseunop, escuse me? what programes?08:32
Katangawisestyle, From X only?08:32
_2Katangawise svgalibs + vlc plays movies nicely  even on slow systems.  mpg123 mplayer and vlc all play mp3s ...08:32
nite_johnboyHi - Using a dual boot - had problems with one partition and lost my grub boot loader - can I get this back by booting to Ububtu CD ?08:32
styleKatangawise: May I ask why you are trying to see movies in a terminal?08:32
SJrXnite_johnboy,  yes08:32
=== ziroday` is now known as ziroday
_2style no. you don't need x to see movies.08:33
Baz_if you install ubuntu-desktop ontop of ubuntu server, does that mean it will always be running even if you are not logged on? Is that why it is considered wasteful?08:33
yoyit2OGMRip keeps freezing at 66% how do i fix this?08:33
style_2: Can I play movies via ssh?08:33
_2style   probably, i've never tried   heh.08:33
SJrXstyle_2, you can mount the movies over an SSH connection08:33
SJrXVLC also has an ASCII output option08:34
nite_johnboySJrX; is it fairly straight forward to fix?08:34
SJrXnite_johnboy,  yeah this will probably help: http://www.lmgtfy.com/?q=Repair+GRUB+by+Ubuntu+Live+CD08:34
_2SJrX yeah but that's ugly08:34
Baz_whats the word on the street about webmin (to manage remote servers) - yay or nay?08:34
styleSJrX: How cool, what is it?08:34
SJrXWhen I do "lsof | grep /dev/dsp" I get nothing. When I try to do "echo "Hello" >> /dev/dsp" I get Device or Resource Busy08:35
unop!webmin | Baz_08:35
ubottuBaz_: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.08:35
ziroday!grub | nite_johnboy see the second link08:35
ubottunite_johnboy see the second link: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:35
Katangawisestyle, only for education.. I think, to study the terminal you have use it, but if I have GUI, terminal using is much less..08:35
zirodaynite_johnboy: correction, first link08:35
Baz_hehe, nice08:35
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox08:35
Katangawisestyle, only for education.. I think, to study the terminal you have use it, but if I have GUI, terminal using is little things..08:35
nike365AceBlade258: i sent the command  and it resulted with   mkdir: cannot create directory `/media/disk': File exist08:36
yoyit2my OGMRig freezes everytime, when i get to 66%, does anyone have any idea of how to fix this?08:36
zirodayBaz_: however the current version in intrepid (and possibly hardy) is broken IIRC08:36
Baz_so is ebox cool or should i just grow up and do it like a man?08:36
cameleli've installed x11vnc package through aptitude and configured the port and opened it in iptables/ufw and when i 'nmap localhost' i can see the port open, and also i've ran /usr/bin/Xvnc and if i try running it again it says "fatal server error, server is already active for display 0" but still, can't vnc to the box or to the x11 session, any ideas? im using ubuntu 8.1008:37
Baz_ziroday: oh, well there goes that08:37
nike365AceBlade258: please note this is a live dvd08:37
AceBlade258nike365: then try this: sudo mkdir /mnt/win08:37
nike365AceBlade258:  attempting now..08:38
crdlbcamelel: if you're using ubuntu, just use vino08:38
AceBlade258nike365: then rerun the mount command, changing the mount point to there, and i know:)08:38
KatangawiseI have one more quation.. How can I install Visual Studio 2005/8 by wine? Or It's easy much more to use VirtualBOX?08:39
nite_johnboyziroday; Thanks much - should be cool now - appreciate it!08:40
polywaffleon my ubuntu laptop I wish to have the default headset as default.  In the non sudo account, this is possible.  It achieves this without an edit to the asound configuration files and without using the asoundconf commands.  I would like to know how to achieve this with my account which can sudo I would also like to know why the other account achieves this but the sudo account does not.  Thanks in advance.08:40
polywafflePS I have also used the GUI method of changing default cards without avail08:41
KatangawiseI have one more quation.. How can I install Visual Studio 2005/8 by wine? Or It's easy much more to use VirtualBOX?08:42
=== dhoss-laptop is now known as dhoss
nike365AceBlade258:  result from last command  was     fuse: mount failed: Device or resource busy08:43
GaduKatangawise, make sure you get the latest version of wine from winehq rather than using the ubuntu repositories08:43
GaduKatangawise, you should install winbind and wine-gecko as well. then try installing your program08:43
jason_i use cross over it seems to be a little better than wine08:43
Gadujason_, indeed08:44
KatangawiseGadu, Thanks a lot!08:44
polywaffleha ha I guess that stumped u guys08:44
zirodayjason_: however crossover is not free in either sense :)08:44
s1ma0Alguem português ?08:44
DJones!pt | s1ma008:44
ubottus1ma0: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.08:44
AceBlade258nike365:what kind of computer is this?08:45
s1ma0i am new in linux :x08:45
_Cids1ma0:  welcome :-)08:45
s1ma0window$ sucks !08:45
Gadupolywaffle: is the device not found in your System > Preferences > Sound ?08:45
polywaffleGadu the device is Gadu, however only on the login screen does sound come through the headphones08:46
Baz_s1ma0: hey! my cousin is a window08:46
nike365AceBlade258: gateway 5012  ....running windows xp :(08:46
polywaffleafter that, the sound comes through the laptop speakers Gadu08:46
zirodays1ma0: you have to do /join #ubuntu-pt08:46
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gvsa123hi.. i need help with setting up zoneminder to view my network camera... i am on the zoneminder console, but there is no image. i think i might have the configuration messed up08:46
s1ma0Ola :)08:46
AceBlade258nike365: why dosn't he dual boot?08:47
Gadupolywaffle: interesting, and are all the pulldown menus set to your headset in the sound prefs device tab?08:47
polywafflethat is correct Gadu08:47
s1ma0install linux in your window$08:47
s1ma0and you gonna get dual boot08:47
AceBlade2582nd that08:48
s1ma0i have ubuntu 8.1008:48
Gadupolywaffle: does the test sound also come through your standard speakers?08:48
_2install linux inside of M$    yuch.08:48
s1ma0boas :)08:49
polywaffleit does Gadu08:49
polywafflebut the applications will not use the headphones gadu08:49
tsai0i know  what you all mean.  I have used Linux mostly since Suse 9.3 and Ubuntu 6.10. I have a Mac and Winxp and really hate using Winxp. Go Unix!08:50
Gadupolywaffle: in your sound mixer, does the device appear in File > Change Device?08:50
polywaffleGadu, do you mean via alsamixer08:50
AceBlade258never inside... ontop or beside08:51
Gadupolywaffle: yes08:51
polywafflethe device listed is pulseaudio in alsamixer08:51
scienteswill ubuntu listen to ntp server listings from dhcp?08:51
nike365AceBlade258: i have very valuable files on my hardrive that has windows xp on it ...... not familiar with installing  another  OS on  the already malfunctioning  drive since its showing  File records unreadable and error code 8193  file setupdd.sys could not be loaded.08:51
scienteshow do i set the ntp server to listen to?08:51
s1ma0rootpt ?08:51
scientesand will it listen to broadcasts?08:51
s1ma0és o rooter ?08:51
rootptSim :-)08:52
rootptBom dia.08:52
s1ma0bom dia08:52
FloodBot1s1ma0: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:52
jtajiscientes: install ntp package, then edit /etc/ntp.conf08:52
s1ma0chat é fixe08:52
Gadupolywaffle: oh wait, is it 3.5 or usb?08:52
rootptfinalmente ja vi :)08:52
polywaffleit is usb Gadu08:52
s1ma0olha presiso qe me arranjes isto08:52
rootpttens que registar o nick08:52
s1ma0as drives08:52
Gadupolywaffle: it should show up as it's own device08:52
polywafflethe headset may be brought up with alsamixer -c Headset08:52
gvsa123can anyone help me with setting up zoneminder on 8.10?08:53
polywafflebut it does not come up by default witht he command alsamixer Gadu08:53
s1ma0qando é qe podes dar uma olhadela neste pc ?08:53
AceBlade258Nike365: so you are trying to recover files08:53
style!es | s1ma008:53
ubottus1ma0: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.08:53
pw-toxicif there is no power plugged in into my notebook, i can't set the display to maximal brightness.. vor me it seems, that there are two different programs, who adjust the brightness..08:54
style!no | style08:54
pw-toxicany suggestions?08:54
ubottustyle, please see my private message08:54
polywaffleGadu , I have also tried adevchooser without avail yesterday08:54
polywafflesorry Gadu, I mean padevchooser08:54
_2bah  i think i better do a   chown -R 0 /    package scripts keep owning things to wrong uid08:54
nike365AceBlade258: yes i have given up hope on even thinking about booting into xp again. just want my files recovered and not damaged :(08:55
AceBlade258nike365:this is hard to follow, talk to me one on one08:56
AceBlade258and i have an idea08:56
kj4hello everyone!08:56
_2pw-toxic only a comment, i can't adjust my backlight at all.   100% ati chips08:56
FirefisheDo the ubuntu forums get updated about this time?08:56
pw-toxicpw-toxic be happy about this... i nearly cant see anything ...08:56
Baz_i install ubuntu server and was wondering if i had to open any ports to be able to ssh into it?08:56
polywaffleGadu , if it were an ealier version that did not use pulseaudio, I would be fine, but intrepid uses pulseaudio by default08:56
Gadupolywaffle: this would be easier if i could recreate your problem lol, unfortunately using USB Audio for all of my playback devices works fine Dx08:57
pw-toxic_2: i have intel onboard graphics08:57
Gadupolywaffle: ah, i prefer hardy as odd as that sounds08:57
nike365AceBlade258: sure how do i do that?08:57
polywaffleGadu, I would also but the fact that I use wireless broadband08:57
pw-toxicanyone an idea how i can adjust my display brightness in ubuntu?08:57
Baz_pw-toxic: are u using nvidia drivers by any chance?08:58
s1ma0register linuxxx s1mao@hotmail.com08:58
polywaffleI take it that hardy does not use the pulseaudio daemon Gadu?08:58
AceBlade258nike365: do you see the tabs on the top?08:58
Gadupolywaffle: ALSA08:58
pw-toxicbaz_ yes, but not on this computer ;) here i have intel onboard graphic card with ubuntu default drivers08:58
nike365AceBlade258: yes08:58
polywaffleGadu, I found alsa easier08:58
AceBlade258nike365: click on the one with my name on it08:59
cameleli've installed x11vnc package through aptitude and configured the port and opened it in iptables/ufw and when i 'nmap localhost' i can see the port open, and also i've ran /usr/bin/Xvnc and if i try running it again it says "fatal server error, server is already active for display 0" but still, can't vnc to the box or to the x11 session, any ideas? im using ubuntu 8.1008:59
Baz_pw-toxic: heh, then i'm not sure :(08:59
pw-toxicbaz_ if i plug in my power device, the display gets slowly brighter until it is at full brightnes08:59
Gadupolywaffle: much =x08:59
cameleli'm sorry for asking 5 times, but no one seems to answer :(08:59
pw-toxicbaz_ could this be anything with compiz?08:59
rodolfohi there!08:59
polywaffleGadu , it seems the solution then lies in improving my knowledge of the workings of pulseaudio08:59
Gadupolywaffle: your should probably submit a bug report on it not using the USB Device when select09:00
Baz_pw-toxic: don't think so, i know the compiz config quite well and I know I haven't seen anything on brightness09:00
rodolfoI have a .patch file and I'd like to apply it to my ubuntu 8.10. how do I do that?09:00
Gadupolywaffle: worse case scenario, you find out it's not a bug and learn something from it =P09:00
polywafflethis is true Gadu  , but first I should find out why it does not work behind the GUI and then I can report a possible fix09:00
flashkiddhow can I burn cds in k3b?09:00
Gadupolywaffle: good plan09:00
ubottuPatches are files describing the changes in code to achieve some results.  There are a number of ways these can be produced, but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToFix and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems may provide some useful guidelines.09:01
polywaffleGadu , thank you for your assistance today.09:01
aleixanyone here with an hp-mininote 2133? I can't get any video on xorg... blinking cursor... anyone?09:01
Gadupolywaffle: anytime mate, hope you find a solution =D09:02
polywafflethanks Gadu09:02
camelelmaybe you can help me?09:02
Gaducamelel: yes?09:02
cameleli've installed x11vnc package through aptitude and configured the port and opened it in iptables/ufw and when i 'nmap localhost' i can see the port open, and also i've ran /usr/bin/Xvnc and if i try running it again it says "fatal server error, server is already active for display 0" but still, can't vnc to the box or to the x11 session, any ideas? im using ubuntu 8.1009:02
flashkiddI can burn cds in wodim but k3b graphical interface doesnt work09:02
sloopyAceBlade258, still around?09:03
Gaducamelel: vnc server comes with ubuntu 8.10 by default, you don't need to install another package for it09:03
camelelyou know the default path?09:03
Gaducamelel: System > Preferences > Remote Desktop09:03
camelelisn't it a rdp client for win32 box?09:04
camelelah if it's there then it's not09:04
camelelyou know a way to run it through console?09:04
camelelcause i'm not at home right now but i'm connected through ssh at the moment09:04
Gaducamelel: vino-preferences09:04
AceBlade258sloopy: yup09:05
Ham1979Hi How do I start VNCServer on a remote machine that isn't logged in yet09:05
camelelthanks alot mate09:05
Gaducamelel: np09:05
Ham1979i have tried vncserver from terminal which I thought is how I used to do it but no luck09:05
puneethi am not running any software which needs alot of RAM, but my system is eating 404mb of RAM right now!!09:05
sloopyAceBlade258, IIRC what i had to do to fix it was install sata drives, and then boot from livecd, partition sata drives, then rerun grub with the original /boot partition specified09:05
puneethwhat's wrong with ubuntu?09:05
GaduHam1979: if you'd like to connect remotely to a pc that isn't logged in, i'd recommend using a remote login instead09:06
Ham1979Gadu - I am on a windows macine09:06
GaduHam1979: alright, have the PC you'd like to connect to use automatic login09:06
_2puneeth you must not have much ram.  if you had more it would eat more.09:06
camelelgadu, can i msg you on private?09:07
Gaducamelel: you may09:07
Gokee2Hello all, I want to get win98 installed on vmware (I have read online vmware is good with 98) but have never used vmware.  Does anyone happen to know a good guide?  Thanks09:07
tsai0nothing is wrong with ubuntu.  it is has all the power of  the linux kernel underneath. just not stripped down like hard-core linux distros.  Some linux-gurus would consider it unstable09:07
Ham1979ok, can you point me in the direction to set that?09:07
puneethIST)_2; i have 756mb of RAM... n its taking 416mb of RAM right now!!09:07
puneethso much of RAM for nothing!!09:08
kj4puneeth, you need to buy more RAM now09:08
AceBlade258go linux09:08
sloopypuneeth, see what top has to say09:08
archmanhello. everytime i boot into ubuntu after a few minutes disk starts to work even if i'm not running or trying to run anything. So i ran htop today and seen that /usr/bin/updatedb is running when the 'disk started to work'. Is it necesarry or can be turned off?09:08
tsai0puneeth: or use something like Puppy Linux09:08
tsai0puneeth: or Damn Small Linux09:08
_2puneeth serious,  if you had 3g it would use 2g09:08
kj4Mem:       2074588    used: 2000008      free: 7458009:09
_2linux' idea of ram is "if you have it, lets use it"09:09
puneethfedora is more efficient that way...09:09
* Slart has 4Gb, 3,2 Gb used09:09
kj4thats my machine. See, you need more RAM!09:09
sloopyarchman, can be turned off but it is better to let it run09:09
archmansloopy: why? what's it for?09:09
kj4archman is not going to like ubuntu if he is an arch linux user09:10
puneetheven Arch is cool that way!09:10
archmankj4: :D09:10
Gokee2archman, It can be turned off (not sure how) what its doing is indexing your hard drive for quick seaching.  Try "locate somefileyouaremissing) in a terminal.09:10
archmankj4: im likin it for a year now ;)09:10
sloopyarchman, its a database of file names installed on your machine09:10
kj4i've used arch too, i keep coming back to ubuntu (actually usually xubuntu)09:11
GaduHam1979: System > Administration > Login Window > Security09:11
_2kj4 i have a p1 with kubuntu on it  64m ram and it only uses about 56m ram to run kde09:11
archmanGokee2: i run xp on vmware workstation everyday, should be no difference with 98, why do you need a guide??09:13
Blaenkhow can I make it so that bob and john have write access to somedir/, and not just bob, how it currently is09:13
archmanGokee2: i have a guide, if you want it, for 609:14
Gokee2archman, Because I have no idea how to get vmware working...  I installed "vmware-package" and can`t seem to figure out how to use it...  Looks like it builds other vmware packages?09:14
DasEiBlaenk: put them in the same group09:14
^_SMALLVILLE_^ bongkar09:14
Blaenkcan you please help me with that DasEi ? I would appreciate it09:14
archmanGokee2: i'll upload the guide for you...just a sec09:15
Gokee2archman, Thanks :)09:15
mikevankuikdoes anyone know where you can find what files logrotate rotates?09:15
norgayhi i am facing probs in printing09:16
mikevankuiknorgay: whats the issue?09:16
DasEiBlaenk: create a group with sudo grpadd , add bob and john there (useradd) , give the group write access09:16
norgayi m on a windows network and I need to print from a shared printer09:16
Blaenkthank you DasEi09:16
=== kj4 is now known as notfruity
norgayI tried to locate the shared printer but it does not show up in the network09:17
MatilloCan somebody help me how to re-configure my monitor? It stopped being detected all of a sudden.09:17
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots09:17
mikevankuiknorgay: is it conected directly to the network? or is it atached to a computer?09:17
norgaymy work network is manual ip set09:17
norgayattached to a computer09:17
DasEiMatillo: which version ubuntu ?09:17
DasEiMatillo: sudo apt-get install displayconfig-gtk09:18
mikevankuiknorgay: can you see the computers?09:18
DasEiMatillo: sudo  displayconfig-gtk09:18
_2Blaenk groups is the key   i like to use the 'users' group for things like that.   set the perm to something like 075 on the basedir and own it by nobody:users09:18
mikevankuiknorgay: do you have samba installed?09:19
DasEiMatillo: backup xorg.conf before, search your monitor afterwards09:19
Matillowell, i've already tried running the xfix stuff, it detected on installation just fine, but now it's not fixing.09:19
Blaenknobody:users? what would that mean09:19
=== dhoss-laptop_ is now known as dhoss
mikevankuiknorgay: they have the printer shared do they?... otherwise its useless to look on your *nix machine...09:20
archmanGokee2: http://rapidshare.com/files/182717623/vmware-workstation6_manual.pdf09:20
_2Blaenk man chown    man chmod     man groups09:20
archmani hope it'll help09:20
norgayyeah the printer is shared09:20
abzhello everybody?09:20
r3duxhey abz09:20
simplexioBlaenk: nobody user from users group own file09:20
DasEiBlaenk: chmod is another way, google for it09:21
MatilloSo, what is this displayconfig-gtk? The screen resolution gui? That doesn't detect my display.09:21
abzr3dux: ;)09:21
tsai0AceBlade258:  are you signed into MSN?  nike365 is looking for you.  I'm his brother09:21
_2i'm went.   gooday to one and all.09:21
DasEi!who | Matillo09:21
ubottuMatillo: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)09:21
BlaenkDasEi: well wasn't the point to chmod from the beginning?09:21
norgayi guess the problem is like this:  i am the only ubuntu machine in my office which has 10 other computers on windows.....all the computers have manual ip....dhcp doesnot work so its set mannual09:21
MatilloYeah, thanks for that. Unnecessary.09:21
r3duxMatillo, X doesn't rec your screen res?09:21
Blaenkor wait, nevermind09:21
abzi can't access ubuntu forum, can u?09:21
Matillor3dux: No, it pops up in safemode whatever for resolution.09:22
r3duxIt was down earlier, abz... maybe still09:22
DasEiMatillo:You can search a list of monitors in displ....09:22
Blaenkokay if I have group 'grp1', how would I go about, nevermind09:22
r3duxMatillo, have you tried entering some res's in xorg.conf?09:22
mikevankuiknorgay: doesn't have to be an issue you should still be able to connect to an other machine and use that printer if its shared.09:22
edward__1hi everyone09:22
abzr3dux: owwh, thx . .09:22
Matillor3dux: no, because I try not to touch that without knowing what I'm doing, that's what I came to ask about. Is that my last resort?09:22
franklinha ha ha ...!cn09:22
norgaylemme try again and let u know .....will be back in few minuts09:23
micro0hey guys im new to ubuntu, and i just installed compiz fusion but i dont know how to get the 3d cube working, can someone help me?09:23
Blaenkhey if i do something like chown grp1 someDir/, does that mean that anything within someDir will be owned by grp1, or do I need the -R flag, oh and even then, when new things are created in that dir, would it still be grp1's?09:23
DasEiMatillo:also if you find it, the gtk writes the monitor section, including modlines, for you09:23
r3duxMatillo, or using the nvidia display interface? Or ati one?09:23
abzanybody have downloaded madwifi-ng-r2756+ar5007.tar.gz ??09:23
c0nfl|ct bom dia mundo09:23
palluhello all of you09:23
boghoghi you09:23
micro0can someone help me09:23
r3duxMatillo, "NVidia X Display Settings" thing, I mean, or whatever the ATI one is09:23
edward__1android ? have one ?09:23
palluhas any one seen the mac say what time it is?09:23
abzi need it . . .but the file from http://snapshots.madwifi-project.org/special/madwifi-ng-r2756+ar5007.tar.gz is only contain README file . .09:24
abzisn't it?09:24
micro0someone help me09:24
Matillor3dux: well I'm using the fglrx for ati, but I don't know how to configure monitors with that.09:24
Blaenkhey DasEi so is this fine. chown -R :mygrp1 myDir/09:24
abzsomebody give me a mirror for madwifi-ng-r2756+ar5007.tar.gz :(09:24
r3duxThere's a way from the install of the driver, I used to have a ATI x1400...09:24
r3duxGrab the driver and do "./ati-blah --help"09:25
mikevankuiknorgay: can you ping the other machine? (where the one where the printer is conected to)09:25
edward__1you can search it from google blaenk, why no?09:25
pallumicro0:what are you trying to do?09:25
micro0im trying to get the 3d cube working threw compiz09:25
Matillor3dux: the aticonfig help is like 10+ pages09:25
palluone monitor>09:25
pallui got it working on 2 monitors its so cool09:26
Gokee2archman, Hmm I was hoping for more of a debian/ubuntu way of doing things.  Do you use a ubuntu package or do you download from the vmware site?09:26
r3duxMatillo, there are simple example near the top... or just read. Do you want me to look at the screen setup in my xorg.conf and give you the format?09:26
micro0pallu: did u hear me09:26
palluso what driver are you using09:26
Matillor3dux: I was kind of hoping to figure out how to make it detect it and autoconfigure again09:26
quibblermicro0: go to systen>preferences>compiz config manager09:26
Blaenkedward__1: I did, and couldn't figure it out, which is why I'm asking here09:26
micro0ok now what09:27
oirahi i was wondering if someone could direct me to some sort of reference tool for the terminal. something like tomboy, and such programs. but again something for the terminal. (and i dont mean vi, its too loose, i have too many documents to keep track off)09:27
Blaenkchown seems to ask for owner:group, but what if I want the entire group, everyone in the group, to be the owner? chown :group ?09:27
micro0pallu: now what09:27
Matillor3dux: aticonfig --query-monitor returns "Connected monitors: none"09:27
SlartBlaenk: I don't think a group can own a file09:27
palluyou need to know if the driver that x is loading is going to let you load the cube09:28
r3duxMatillo, actually that's not going to help now it's done diff... no explicit monitor res stuff in xorg.conf09:28
BlaenkSlart: directory even?09:28
SlartBlaenk: it has to be user and group... but you can set permissions for the group09:28
r3duxMatillo, that's odd...09:28
palludo you have copiz-fusion installed?09:28
Matillor3dux: it's a laptop display too.09:28
micro0 yes09:28
micro0i do09:28
micro0im in the manager right now09:28
SlartBlaenk: nope, not even for a idrectory09:29
Blaenkah okay Slart, and for the latter part you mentioned, could you give me an example please? I would extremely appreciate it09:29
micro0click on desktop then go to 3d cube, i know, but then i dunno what to do after09:29
Blaenk'set permissions for the group' on a directory?09:29
SlartBlaenk: are you using command line?09:29
Blaenkyes sir09:29
BlaenkI already created the group and put my two users in it09:29
Blaenknow I want that group, call it grp1, to have write access to somedir/09:29
SlartBlaenk: chmod g+rw filename  will make everyone in the group have read and write permissions09:29
Blaenkso chmod grp1 g+rw somedir/ right09:30
Blaenkoh, chmod -R too09:30
TerrasqueBlaenk: chgrp grp1 somedir; chmod g+w somedir/09:30
simplexioBlaenk: chown user:group file changes owners09:30
archmanGokee2: khm downloaded09:30
r3duxMati - what's the default res?09:30
SlartBlaenk: the 'g' means the change the permissions for the group, +r means to add read permissions, +w means to add write permissions.. +r+w is written as +rw09:30
r3duxI mean, the native res09:30
Matillor3dux: like, 1280x800 normally?09:30
Blaenkah thank you Slart I really appreciate it, and I do put the group name in there right09:31
Blaenkchmod g+rw -R grp1 somedir/09:31
r3duxMatillo, are you using the restricted drivers?09:31
Blaenkor do I do what Terrasque said09:31
SlartBlaenk: not if the file is alread owned by a user and a group09:31
Blaenkso I assume I do what Terrasque said09:31
Matillor3dux: yeah, but i think my video card is still configured right, it's just the monitor I can't make work09:31
SlartBlaenk: what you write in the chmod command will be for the group that owns the file09:32
Blaenkohhh I see what you mean now09:32
boghoganyone know how to force X to use 1024x768 resolution on my laptop with intel 815 graphics? in gnome it only lets me choose 800x600 or lower. it is driving me crazy, i tried adding Modes option to display subsection of screen but to no avail09:32
r3duxMatillo, I would change from restricted to not, or vice versa and see if that works - and then take it from there09:32
Blaenkbut what if the group doesn't already own the file, do I do what Terrasque said then?09:32
Blaenkchgrp grp1 somedir; then what you said09:32
Matillor3dux: Not restricted isn't supported.09:32
Gokee2archman, Hmm I take it that its not easy to use the debian/ubuntu utils to install it then?  Also whats the difference with VMware Workstation and VMware Server?09:32
DasEiBlaenk: chown -R ,grp1  /some/dir09:32
boghogand every hit on google points to the ubuntu forums with are down...09:32
Blaenkah thank you, is the comma intentional? I assume not09:33
* boghog starts pulling his hair out09:33
archmanGokee2: i downloaded the version from the internet, installed from sources i put in serial, and that's it...no problem...09:33
Matillor3dux: Maybe. I can't use the open source stuff, anyway.09:33
archmanGokee2: dunno really09:33
Baz_if i use dovecot does that mean i dont need postfix?09:33
SlartBlaenk: you can change what group owns the file later and the permissions will transfer.. the file only knows that "my group can read/write me", not that "group gr1 can read/write me"09:33
r3duxMatillo, either that or grab the most recent ATI drivers from the site - either way - reinstall your graphic card drivers09:33
Matillor3dux: Either way, it's a monitor issue. Display adapter's fine.09:33
DasEiBlaenk : should be a colon, see man chown09:33
zirodayBaz_: yes09:33
nunu_Hi, can anyone tell me why I'm not able to use synaptic (sudo) ? my user is in the sudo group but synaptic refuses to install upgrades09:33
Matillor3dux: this is a clean install. I've reinstalled twice in as many days. I got the ati drivers last night and still got them on my flash drive.09:33
zirodayBaz_: unless you have a postfix or similar server elsewhere that dovecot can connect to09:34
archmanGokee2: try to dl' it and install, there are instructions. you new to linux?09:34
abzanyone have ccsm crash like this : Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/ccsm", line 38, in <module> . . ?09:34
DasEiMatillo:did you try the gtk ?09:34
Baz_does IMAP (or dovecot specifically) support address books and contacts or is that where an ldap solution comes in?09:34
zirodayBaz_: thats ldap :)09:34
MatilloDasEi: I dunno what to do with that.09:34
abzhelp me please, my ccsm crashed . .:(09:34
Blaenkright, which was what I was going to do in the beginning DasEi, so chown -R :grp1 somedir/ && chmod -R g+rw somedir/, right Slart ?09:34
oirahi i was wondering if someone could direct me to some sort of reference tool for the terminal. something like tomboy, and such programs. but again something for the terminal. (and i dont mean vi, its too loose, i have too many documents to keep track off)09:34
zirodayBaz_: and if you're looking for a webmail client roundcube is highly recommended09:34
r3duxMatillo, have your tried running glxinfo (or fglxinfo) | grep direct09:34
SlartBlaenk: that looks right09:35
r3duxMatillo, it should say yes, if not... driver issues09:35
TerrasqueBlaenk: just try it out09:35
Gokee2archman, No, I am just trying to figure out what options vmware has for me and if I can build a package for myself with the vmware-package ubuntu provides.  I really like packages09:35
BlaenkSlart: one last question, if a user within the group creates a file in that dir, somedir/, it will still be the same permissions right? meaning the group will have ownership, since I did it recursively09:35
DasEiBlaenk : sudo chown -R :grp1  /somedir09:35
r3dux("direct rendering", that is)09:35
SlartBlaenk: if you're going to be using special permissions with lots of weird users/groups there are stuff you can install to let you use acl's.. I think it's pretty much like in windows09:35
Matillor3dux: OpenGL Renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect?09:36
Baz_ziroday: who knew setting up email was so involved! So far I have Ubuntu/Dovecot/Roundcube/Spamassasin/ClamAV/SSL/MySQL (for RoundBox) and I still havent figured out what I'm going to do about sending mail!09:36
TerrasqueBlaenk: you could have done some extensive experimenting on the time you've tried to get a full answer here :)09:36
regulardrakehey everyone09:36
r3duxMatilla... ahhhh.... that's not good.09:36
BlaenkTerrasque: I wouldn't know if I would be able to revert my mistakes09:36
DasEiMatillo:ypu can search your monitor there09:36
r3duxMatillo, drivers haven't taken09:36
TerrasqueBlaenk: then use a test dir, not the real dir09:36
SlartBlaenk: hmm.. there is a setting for that too.. if new files in a folder inherites the parent folders permissions.. not sure how to set it though.. might be something called guid but I'm not sure09:36
Baz_Matillo: when i look at your name i see 'mail to:'09:36
Matillor3dux: Ok, well how can I change that?09:37
Blaenkyeah I believe so, but I know even less heh, thanks Slart I really appreciate your help09:37
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zirodayBaz_: right, its harder then it looks :). I personally use dovecot+postfix+roundcube on a debian server. Remember to setup ssl with postfix+dovecot _as_ well as with the webserver nad roundcube09:37
SlartBlaenk: you're welcome09:37
norgaymike......i can ping the other machine with the printer09:37
r3duxReinstall your gfx drivers, do some research... for some reason you're not getting h/w accel'd gfx - just software09:37
Baz_ziroday: i thought u said with dovecote u dont need postfix09:38
zirodayBaz_: you don't need postfix if you are connecting dovecot to a postfix server somewhere else09:38
Matillor3dux: Ok, well, would that explain my monitor suddenly being unconfigured?09:38
r3duxMatillo, there's STACKS of forums and wikis about this kinda stuff.. yeah - it would def explain it - you're using software gfx atm.09:39
Baz_ziroday: I am a bit of a bobo - if i am making my own entire solution that means i need it then right?09:39
Matillor3dux: I had to run through stacks of forums and wikis just to get the drivers installed09:39
norgayhi mike u there?09:39
Matillor3dux: I have 3d hardware acceleration, I'm just trying to get a screen resolution I an use.09:39
Baz_ziroday: i guess i just dont get why an MTA is separate09:40
r3duxMatillo, should be as simple as chmod +x ati-blah; ./ati-blah..09:40
DasE1Matillo : which monitor have you got ?09:40
Matillor3dux: well the aticonfig program runs fine. i dunno what monitor i've got, my laptop display.09:40
r3duxHe's got a 1280x800 lapop, DasE109:40
r3duxMatillo, what model is your laptop?09:41
MatilloDasE1: What I'm getting with detect is an 800x600 plug n' play monitor, and that's wrong.09:41
Matillor3dux: Dell vostro 1000, earlier today it was running fine, then I updated and installed windows networking somethingorother.09:41
Baz_does postfix handle smtp?09:41
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DasE1Matillo : http://paste.ubuntu.com/104300/09:43
quibbler!chinese > weethen09:44
jftsangHello. Am I able to have GNOME and KDE installed on a Ubuntu machine?09:44
DasE1jftsang: yup09:44
simplenewbcan anyone point me to a good tutorial on how to dual boot ubuntu and vista with ubuntu installed first?09:44
DasE1!cn > weethen09:44
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jftsangDasE1, what package do I do in order to install the KDE?09:45
jftsangIs it kubuntu-desktop?09:45
DasEi!dualboot > simplenewb09:45
ubottusimplenewb, please see my private message09:45
ActionParsnipyo yo yo09:46
Slartjftsang: kubuntu-desktop will install everything that's installed if you had downloaded the KDE iso, afaik09:46
Slartgood morning, ActionParsnip09:46
ActionParsnipSlart: thats right, and its 9:50am ;009:46
DasEijftsang: yes or apt-cache search >paket*<09:46
SlartActionParsnip: bah.. borin irc client =)09:46
ActionParsnipSlart: it does the job09:46
jftsangOk, but there won't be any clash if I have kubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-desktop?09:47
SlartActionParsnip: =)09:47
Slartjftsang: not that I've heard of..09:47
ActionParsnipjftsang: not at all, you can run as many DEs as you wish09:47
jftsangRight, thanks!09:47
ActionParsnipjftsang: you will just have 2 x libs for each (bloat)09:47
DasEijftsang: you can choose the session at login09:47
Slartjftsang: if it's in the repos it's usually safe to install.. that's kind of the point of having a repository09:48
zirodayBaz_: yeah, you need postfix09:48
Mulderi performed a hard shutdown on ubuntu after attempting soft reboot and failing.  now sound wont work.  system beep works, but nothing else seems to.  i tried deleting .pulse and .pulse-cookie and created a new user but get no sound still.  mpg123 gets no sound either :S anyone got any ideas09:48
ActionParsnipjftsang: but if you need some kde app in ubuntu you'll need the libs09:48
DasEiMulder: tried alsamixer ?09:48
ActionParsnipjftsang: i personally use kde apps in fluxox as kwin annoys me greatly09:48
ActionParsnipjftsang: but i love amarok and k3b09:48
serban@find qmail09:49
ActionParsnip!sound | Mulder09:49
ubottuMulder: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP309:49
datakidlooking for a strong password for root. 8 chars is max? and can I use symbols?09:49
ActionParsnipdatakid: didnt think it had a max limit really09:49
ActionParsnipdatakid: you can use anything you can type on your keyboard09:50
quibblerdatakid, no max and yes09:50
datakidah,. ok - for some reason I thought that *nix had an 8 char limit, don't know why09:50
ActionParsnipdatakid: i personally use button shapes rather than actual words so they are gobbldygook anyhoo09:50
datakidok thanks all ActionParsnip, quibbler09:50
Mulderah yes, for some reason the PCM was set to mute09:51
MatilloAlright, well, I ran the displayconfig-gtk and tested a generic monitor of that resolution! And it hung up and now i'm booting to busybox, even recovery console.09:51
ActionParsnipdatakid: for a strong pass i'd use more than 8 at least09:52
MatilloDasE1: Any thoughts?09:52
Mulderthanks for the suggestions DasE1, ActionParsnip09:52
ActionParsnipdatakid: at my work we have a policy where we have to have at least 12 length with mixed case, at least one number and a character in the pass as well09:52
datakidyeah, I'm going for unreadable, have no fear09:53
DasEiMatillo: busybox or x not staring ?09:53
MatilloDasE1 I can't log into the recovery console.09:53
DasEiMatillo: so you got a further problem then x-server09:54
MatilloDasE1 I sure do now. Any ideas on how to get back onto ubuntu or is it time for another clean install?09:54
ActionParsnipMatillo: if you cant boot to recovery console then your system is quite ill, i'd run an fsck in livecd as well as scan your memory for errors09:55
DasEiMatillo: that can be a disk error or sth with initramfs, which can be updated09:55
MatilloDasE1 Winxp runs fine, on this machine, btw.09:55
Vincemanpssst, how do you enable SSL protocol?09:55
DasEiMatillo: first I#d try tp run e2fsck -p  on the unmounted drive from live, they try a update-initramfs from chroot ( also live)09:57
MatilloDasE1: I'm not gonna touch it. Reinstall time.09:57
MatilloOk, first I'm actually gonna try booting from a livecd, but I have to set up the proper drivers or at least VESA from the start. How's that done again?09:58
johnskulskihey does anyone know how i can tar extract to a differnet path than what it was tarred with. say it extracts to ./foo/file1 I would like to extract it to ./bar/file109:58
DasEiMatillo: your choice, maybe backup mbr or install grub manually afterwards (win)09:59
lain_wired_I'm running ubuntu on an asus eeepc 1000h and a few of the apps i run are too tall for the screen. the bottom of the window goes off the screen and i'm unable to shift it up or select any of the covered options without a fair amount of blind tabbing and guesswork09:59
MatilloDasE1: it's not a drive problem, it's a software problem.09:59
darrenis there a big differenc between madwifi and ndiswrapper, how do i find out what im using (for my wifi connection)09:59
clearzendarren: unless you manually installed windows drivers with ndiswrapper you are not using it09:59
darrenok so question 2, if im using madwifi can i do ad-hoc?10:00
Oli``How can I install FF3.1 in a way that replaces 3.0.*?10:00
clearzendarren: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Adhoc10:01
quibblerjohnskulski, when you hit extract in file roller you can change the path where it is extract to10:01
darrenclearzen: cheers man u guys are helpfull10:02
ActionParsnipOli``: http://icehot.wordpress.com/2008/11/27/firefox-31b2-ubuntu-repository/10:02
clearzendarren: np10:02
darrenclearzen: befor i start with it...is it gunna b a nightmare to set up, from ur personal experience?10:03
MatilloHow can I drop back to vesa drivers on the ubuntu live cd?10:03
clearzendarren: if you don't know any commands or networking then it will take you a minute. But a nightmare no.10:03
ActionParsnipVinceman: you havent provided any info hardly10:04
VincemanI'd like to know how to enable the SSL protocol10:04
ActionParsnipVinceman: what app do you wish to use ssl?10:04
clearzendarren: I think there is a package called madwifi-tools if you don't want to use CLI10:04
Vincemanit is for gmail10:04
auroraHey, could anyone explain what might be the problem when I connect to my server using tightvncserver from a remote machine, I just get a chequered screen and nothing else? It connects fine but I see nothing other than that...thanks!10:04
ActionParsnipVinceman: its in the setting of your account, what client do you use?10:04
Vincemanok, I use some netscape reminiscant10:05
ActionParsnipVinceman: you should have said: Hi I use netscape reminiscant and would like to enable SSL for my gmail account10:05
clearzenaurora: there are several settings that could cause the improper return of a xsession to a client pc10:05
ActionParsnipVinceman: enable SSL means nothing10:05
Vincemanis there how can it be disabled, it worked fine yesterday10:06
Vincemanhas my PC been hacked?10:06
clearzenaurora: how are you forwarding X?10:06
Vincemanthank you ActionParsnip10:06
ActionParsnipVinceman: i doubt it10:06
auroraclearzen: any obvious ones? it's a fresh install10:06
Vincemanwho'd want to hack this thing here...10:06
ActionParsnipVinceman: check this: http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=1328110:06
Vincemanmy precious PC!10:06
ActionParsnipVinceman: i doubt it has, i wouldnt sweat it10:06
clearzenaurora: using tightvnc a windows pc and a ubuntu box?10:06
Vincemando you know Seamonkey ActionParsnip?10:07
auroraclearzen: yes10:07
clearzenaurora: is the ubuntu box the host?10:07
auroraclearzen: All I've done is a fresh install, then sudo apt-get install tightvncserver10:07
auroraclearzen: yes, it's the host10:07
CrypTomHi all, is there a problem with usermod or useradd when adding lots (~1000) users to one group? I've added hundreds of users to some groups (audio, etc.) without problems, but then suddenly useradd/usermod report that the specified group cannot be found (even if it is there). Changing the group with adduser user group works!10:07
Vincemananother tiny question, I can't delete the mails from my inbox anymore, it just strikes them through, more spam than ever reached my inbox, it's disgusting!10:08
clearzenaurora: how long have you let the connection sit? Is it just being slow?10:08
auroraclearzen: I've left it for about 2 minutes and it just stays on that chequered screen10:08
ActionParsnipVinceman: i use opera and firefox and soon firepup if it runs well, just gonna test it later today10:08
ActionParsnipVinceman: spam is offtopic here, make sure you have full access to the folder your emails are saved to10:09
clearzenaurora: ok, is both machines on the same local network?10:09
auroraclearzen: yes, both local lan10:10
clearzenaurora: just covering bases, but the router is set to allow all communication over the lan right10:10
manu__\join #mpg12310:10
auroraclearzen: yes, there's only a switch between hosts10:11
ActionParsnipCrypTom: if you are doing multiple users i'd do it in a script10:11
VincemanActionParsnip, this is weird, the SSL checkboxes are checked in the prefs10:11
ActionParsnipVinceman: then thats all I know dude10:11
Vincemanbut but but10:12
Vincemanthis can't be happening!!10:12
clearzenaurora: do you have vnc setup to use ssh?10:12
ActionParsnipVinceman: check settings all the way down that guide with a fine toothed comb10:12
auroraclearzen: no ssh involved10:12
thomasiteHello. Does anyone here know how to play .3gp files on Ubuntu? No sound comes out each time I play any of my 3gp files. I have already checked the volume controls. :( Thanks!10:13
clearzenaurora: one sec10:13
CrypTomActionParsnip: thats what I did, the first 800 of our pupils were generated ok, the last 137 produced errors10:13
ActionParsnipVinceman: double check every single check box, port number etc etc10:13
ActionParsnipCrypTom: not sure, you could try a reboot just to test10:13
CrypTomActionParsnip: I used useradd and usermod (to change already existing users)10:13
CrypTomActionParsnip: I already did10:14
ActionParsnipCrypTom: is it scripted to generate them or are you typing them in by hand?10:14
ganeshnot able to install ubuntu from cd..system is going to dead lock when it comes to partition step how to fix?10:14
manu__hello everybody10:14
CrypTomActionParsnip: the users are ready from a file exported from our school management software10:14
CrypTomActionParsnip: s/ready/read/10:15
ActionParsnipCrypTom: can you manually add users at cli10:15
CrypTomActionParsnip: I can, but the primary group is created automatically with the username, when I specify my own primary group (the class the user attends), I get an error that the group does not exist10:16
thomasiteHello. Does anyone here know how to play .3gp files on Ubuntu? No sound comes out each time I play any of my 3gp files. I have already checked the volume controls. :( Thanks!10:16
CrypTomActionParsnip: I can no longer change _any_ group of any user with usermod!10:17
Vincemanhow can gmail work so fast if it uses SSL protocol?10:17
ActionParsnipCrypTom: http://nixcraft.com/linux-software/339-what-maximum-number-members-group-can-have.html10:18
ActionParsnipVinceman: as google10:18
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ActionParsnipVinceman: ssl isnt a huge overhead with modern pcs10:18
Joe_anyone have experince with RAID?10:19
ActionParsnip!raid \ joe_10:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about raid \ joe_10:19
ActionParsnip!raid | joe_10:20
ubottujoe_: raid is Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID wto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto10:20
CrypTomActionParsnip: thanks for the link, but I'm using the latest (8.10) ubuntu server, so it almost certainly cant be due to an old glibc, right?!10:20
ActionParsnipCrypTom: theres no concrete answer to that10:20
CrypTomActionParsnip: ok10:20
ganeshhow to install ubuntu from internet?10:20
Joe_actionparsnip right, my question is a bit more specific than that10:21
georgijwhenever i run "sudo apt-get update" i get the following errors: http://pastebin.com/d194d660710:21
ActionParsnipJoe_: then ask a specific question rather than an abstracted one for exact answers rather than abstracted answers10:21
iskren_sfHi everyone. I have some problems with wireless on asus-eee 901. After I shut the wireless down and then up - it shouldn't work. I checked via lsmod and it turned out that the module for the card (rt2860sta) is activated but no one uses it (third column == 0). Then "ifconfig ra0 up" gave "SIOCSFFLAGS: Operation not permited"10:21
ne2k__georgij: that means that your computer is corrupted and needs to be sent to me for "repair"10:22
ActionParsnipiskren_sf: does: sudo iwlist scan work?10:22
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georgijne2k__: do i need to reinstall ubuntu?10:22
iskren_sfActionParsnip, it says no networks, but obviously the computer doesn't detect somehow the card10:23
ActionParsnipgeorgij: you just need to get the signature files for that server10:23
ActionParsnipiskren_sf: its just a quick test10:23
kikokosi have now xfce 8.10 and i dont know how to change resolution...i tried reconfigure xserver-xorg but it doesnt work10:23
kikokoshave you any ideas ?\10:23
georgijW: GPG error: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com intrepid-security Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>10:24
Joe_Going to build a new system, in the end I want to have a RAID 10, but can't afford all discs.  Can I add additional discs to a RAID 10 and what is the minimum number of discs10:24
ne2k__Joe_: I have experience with RAID. this is a concrete answer to your concrete question10:24
iskren_sfActionParsnip, also - ifconfig ra0 says that the driver is not up (that is why I tried UP - but it didn't work)10:24
Joe_ne2k__ great, see my question above then10:24
ne2k__Joe_: what is RAID 10?10:25
kikokosmy xorg.conf has no info about resolution10:25
auroraHey, could anyone explain what might be the problem when I connect to my server using tightvncserver from a remote machine, I just get a chequered screen and nothing else? It connects fine but I see nothing other than that...thanks!10:25
ActionParsnipiskren_sf: have you tried rmmod rt2860sta; modprobe rt2860sta10:25
Joe_ne2k__ Raid 1+010:25
ne2k__Joe_: I didn't say I was going to help you. I just said that I have experience with it, which is what you asked ;-)10:25
sfuentesdoes anyone know of a simple standalone color picker app for linux?10:25
ActionParsnipiskren_sf: then sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart10:25
Joe_ne2k__ Heh, nice10:25
iskren_sfActionParsnip, yes! - the problem is that the module is up, but the software somehow didn't use it10:25
ne2k__Joe_: so, what does that mean?10:25
ActionParsnipJoe_: minimum disks for raid 10 is 410:26
ActionParsnipiskren_sf: http://forum.eeeuser.com/viewtopic.php?id=4476210:27
Joe_actionparsnip right, but is it possible to say start with RAID 0, then later add 2 more discs and clone then add in the 110:27
ne2k__Joe_: RAID 0 isn't RAID.10:27
ActionParsnipne2k__: why isnt it?10:28
ne2k__Joe_: I don't see why you couldn't do that. but I also don't see the point10:28
iskren_sfActionParsnip, yes - I tried that too! Hm ... I did all this yesterday and now .. it doesn't want to work at all (after restart, wifi on from beginning)10:28
ganesh how to install ubuntu directly from internet?10:28
adir1982how i can upgrade from ubuntu 8.4 to 8.10 ?10:28
ActionParsnip!minimal | ganesh10:28
ubottuganesh: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD10:28
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ne2k__ActionParsnip: RAID is "Redundant" array... in so-called "RAID 0", you don't have any redundancy, you just stripe the data across two disks. if one dies, you lose everything. hence, not redundant.10:29
iskren_sfeven ifconfig ra0 gives - device not found10:29
ActionParsnipJoe_: as long as your controller supports both modes, yes10:29
ActionParsnipne2k__: i see your thinking10:30
iskren_sfActionParsnip, I was using networkManager at the begining but now switched to WICD (read in a forum). What do you suggest10:30
ActionParsnipiskren_sf: i always manually edit /etc/network/interfaces10:30
ganeshActionParsnip:after downloading how to install?10:30
ActionParsnipne2k__: then why is it called raid, and why is it performed on a raid controller10:30
Baz_i have a software RAID5 on my ubuntu install - how can I check that the drives are healthy and everything is good?10:30
ActionParsnipganesh: boot to the burned cd like a normal install10:31
burkmatssh over a rather unstable connection (bad wireless), any place I could change timeout values so that a gap of ~100ms doesn't completely sever my ssh connection?10:31
ActionParsnipganesh: its a text based install and is very nice10:31
ne2k__ActionParsnip: from Wikipedia: ". It is important to note that RAID 0 was not one of the original RAID levels and provides no data redundancy. RAID 0 is normally used to increase performance, although it can also be used as a way to create a small number of large virtual disks out of a large number of small physical ones."10:31
iskren_sfActionParsnip, yes! that is the best way, but I can't get it working either way :)10:31
Vincemanwhat's the latest version of SSL?10:31
ActionParsnipne2k__: fine, but why do raid controllers support it then if its not raid? I'm all curious now :)10:31
ne2k__ActionParsnip: well, because it's useful for some applications, and involves the same sorts of operations as other raid levels, so is easy to implement with a raid controller10:32
ganeshActionParsnip:i dont have cd that is the reason i want direct installation..my bandwidth is quite good10:32
ActionParsnipganesh: you need to be able to boot to some form of media to install, ask a buddy to download it for you and burn it, its 10Mb10:33
ActionParsnipne2k__: makes sense10:33
ActionParsnipne2k__: i like it, thanks10:33
ne2k__ganesh: you could install Wubi and then convert it. but it's a bit of a faff10:34
ActionParsnipis wubi going to be dropped any time soon? its garbage10:34
Win2UbuntuHi all :-)10:34
ne2k__ActionParsnip: it's not garbage at all, I thought it was fantastic10:34
Win2UbuntuIn the room's opinion which flavour of ubuntu is the best? im tempted to look at xubuntu but i wonder if it will have the same support as ubuntu?10:35
ActionParsnip!best | Win2Ubuntu10:35
ubottuWin2Ubuntu: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.10:35
ne2k__ActionParsnip: it got me using Ubuntu for general use, which I probably wouldn't have been bothered to do if it hadn't been available10:35
ActionParsnipWin2Ubuntu: xubuntu is equally suppported as ubuntu and kubuntu10:35
Win2Ubuntuah ok cool thanks Action Parsnip, so i wont be missing out10:35
Win2Ubuntuas in, anything i can get for one ill be able to get for the other?10:35
iskren_sfActionParsnip, is there any way to see who was using the rt2860sta driver before the removal, so I can spot where is the problem10:35
ganeshActionParsnip:since its saved on hard disk is there any way to read from hard disk and boot?10:36
hischildWin2Ubuntu, yes10:36
ActionParsnipne2k__: i think its half a job, its installed but runs via windows and it can bootup etc. Its nasty imho, run it live or install it10:36
Win2Ubuntuthanks hischild10:36
hischildActionParsnip, it's an opinion. Some like it, some hate it.10:36
ActionParsnipiskren_sf: you could run lshw -C network i guess10:36
Win2Ubuntunow, ive also heard that Intrepid is not the best of releases10:36
ActionParsniphischild: absolutely10:36
Win2Ubuntuand that i should go for Hardy10:36
ne2k__ActionParsnip: it doesn't "run via windows", what does that mean?10:36
ActionParsnipganesh: i think you can get grub to boot an iso, I'd store it on a seperate partition to the one you intend to install to10:37
ne2k__right, time to go and do some real work.10:37
ne2k__bye all10:37
ActionParsnipne2k__: well its a windows app essentially10:37
hischildActionParsnip, yeh you can, but what you say is true as well. You need a seperate partition for it to operate from.10:37
ActionParsnipne2k__: just screams issues but if folks wanna try ubuntu theres the live environment10:38
ActionParsnipand then folks wanna transfer their stuff to a proper install and its not masively graceful or simple10:39
caveman26I just got a new computer, it has a sigmatel STAC9228 audio codec, I cant get any sound working at all.. and the ubuntuforums are down. please help10:39
iskren_sfActionParsnip, that gave both the wireless and wired networks but I can't see who is actually using the driver10:39
ActionParsnipiskren_sf: if you read the output you will see what driver each is using10:39
enterneodid anyone update to pidgin 2.5.4?10:40
Baz_how do i make my eth5 back to eth0?10:40
CrypTomActionParsnip: found a solution: a split the line (e.g. of the audio group) onto two lines, so I 've got two lines starting with:    audio:x:29:10:41
Win2Ubuntuwhat version of ubuntu would the board reccommend, Hardy or Intrepid?10:41
CrypTomActionParsnip: now, usermod/useradd work again10:41
=== oz4kk is now known as erikja
enterneoI am unable to login on pidgin 2.5.4, getting not authorized, does anyone else face the same issue?10:42
d_m_itris99when will be the new release of amsn gimp and pidgin?10:42
ActionParsnipCrypTom: wtg dude, nice job10:42
d_m_itris99is cryptload available for linux?10:43
ActionParsnip!info cryptload10:43
ubottuPackage cryptload does not exist in intrepid10:43
deanypidgin using yahoo account stopped displaying the hotmail users altogether now.. bah10:44
ActionParsnipd_m_itris99: could try with wine10:44
deanythe ones already on my list.10:44
iskren_sfActionParsnip, ok - so I know the driver (rt2860). The problem is that on restart, the lshw says "*-network DISABLED" on the row specifying the wireless. after that ifconfig ra0 up gives Operation not permited (executed by root). Then after networking restart nothing has changed .10:44
predsWhenever I try to install a package (kdelibs5) it says "corrupted filesystem tarfile - corrupted package archive". I've redownloaded it from 2 mirrors and done a filesystem check. Any other ideas?10:45
ActionParsnipiskren_sf: forums are down for a bit, id websearch that some when they come up, i gotta check some boxes10:46
DIFH-iceroothow to set another java vm? (1.5 and 1.6 are installed and 1.5 is the default)10:46
ActionParsnippreds: sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install kdelibs510:46
iskren_sfActionParsnip, ok! Thanks very much!!10:46
predsActionParsnip: thanks, I've tried that already10:46
ActionParsnippreds: can you patebin the commad with the output10:48
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)10:48
predsActionParsnip: just booted into a livecd to run the filesystem check, I'll reboot the machine10:49
Vincemanwhat is it with this unminimizable window of firefox?10:50
ActionParsnipVinceman: use right alt to drag it down, then you should see your window controls (like minimise)10:51
ActionParsnipVinceman: is that what you mean?10:51
VincemanI think so let me try10:51
ActionParsnipVinceman: right alt + click drag10:51
Vincemanit doesn't work :(10:52
ActionParsnipVinceman: can you see the max / min buttons?10:52
ActionParsnipVinceman: its important to use the right hand alt10:53
Baz_why is evolution integrated in ubuntu - very un-ubuntu like decision10:53
DeffyAfter doing 'swapoff /dev/sda1' and issuing 'hdparm -y /dev/sda' I assumed I could put my harddrive into suspension until something tried to read it again, but it just spins back up immediately.  What gives?10:53
ActionParsnipVinceman: or if you right click on the running process in yur taskbar you should be able to maximise it there, then you should see the controls10:54
Vincemanit says unmaximize there but when I click it I get exactly the ame10:55
ActionParsnipVinceman: if you close it from the right click and open another is it ok?10:55
Vincemanno, just tries it10:56
ActionParsnipVinceman: if you press F11 do they come back?10:57
zirodayActionParsnip: Vinceman: try press F11 twice10:57
ActionParsnipzirodayyou know where im going with this hehe10:58
Vincemanwell, I can conjure some minimize maximize and close buttons with that10:58
zirodayActionParsnip: yeah, I have the same issue :)10:58
ActionParsnipVinceman: is it ok now?11:01
ActionParsnip!caps | gerber11:01
ubottugerber: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.11:01
Vincemanyes it's ok11:02
ActionParsnipVinceman: sweet11:02
ActionParsnipVinceman: f11 == universal shortcut to make browser fullscreen11:02
ActionParsnipVinceman: popups use it too sometimes, very annoying11:02
Vincemanhow did is sneek into my system?11:03
CaneToadis it possible to roll back an update to a previous version?11:04
ActionParsnip!downgrade | CaneToad11:06
ubottuCaneToad: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.11:06
ActionParsnipVinceman: you may have accidentally pressed it11:06
DasEiCaneToad: distro or packackage ?11:07
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging11:07
CaneToadDasEi, a package, eg ghostscript.11:07
DasEiCaneToad: it is, see above or use synaptic/apt11:07
terryxhow to download videos from sites like youtube?11:09
ActionParsnipterryx: theres a firefox addon11:09
terryxactionparsnip, how to download that?11:10
aurorahas anyone experienced slow downloads with apt on 8.10?11:10
ActionParsnipterryx: or use this script: http://www.arrakis.es/~rggi3/youtube-dl/11:10
DasEiterryx: I use video downlaod helper (ff addon)11:10
hateball!info youtube-dl | ActionParsnip , terryx11:11
ubottuyoutube-dl (source: youtube-dl): download videos from youtube.com. In component universe, is extra. Version 2008.03.22-1 (intrepid), package size 8 kB, installed size 64 kB11:11
auroracheck this for an apt throughput:  2184B/s 49710d 4h14min36s11:11
ActionParsniphateball: nice11:11
ActionParsnipDasEi: youtube-dl is dead handy if you want to auto convert the file in scripts :)11:11
DasEiActionParsnip: checkin' hateball11:12
terryxthanx guys...:)11:13
iskren_sfterryx, go to tools -> add-ons -> get add-ons11:14
DasEiActionParsnip: but it's just youtube, not flash in general (like megavideo and so on) nor ?11:14
terryxiskren_sf..done that already..thanx11:14
ActionParsnipDasEi: as long as it uses similar tech like youtube etc it should be ok11:15
Nileshhello everyone.11:16
NileshI wanted to setup dual desktop with ubuntu11:16
* sleepy_cat dragon_flam11:16
Nileshi am using interpid... latest version of ubuntu.11:17
=== sleepy_cat is now known as dragon_flam
iskren_sfusing the keys for louder/week music on my eee changes the volume for microphone capture. How can I change that? In ubuntu shortcuts the keys are assigned to volume up/down11:17
vincewei_sanyone here who knows how to handle ppc?11:18
Myrttivincewei_s: join #ubuntu-powerpc11:18
archmananyone got kai with psp working?11:20
Rudd-Oin case you want to run the Ubuntu LiveCD on an USB drive: http://rudd-o.com/new-projects/portablelinux/11:20
KrisWHi Guys11:20
Jaffarkelshaci am having some graphics wierdness (i cant make it any clear) pic here http://paste.ubuntu.com/104338/ any suggestions on whats causing this11:21
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krizewmlzehi, how to connect mail-notification with thunderbird ? thx for answer11:21
aLeSDhi all11:22
kristian1what is the command in terminal to shutdown *now*?11:22
ActionParsnipkristian1: sudo shutdown -h now11:22
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aLeSDmy xorg can't reconize correctly my screen resolution. How could I force it ?11:22
Rudd-Okristian1: poweroff11:22
=== NeT_DeMoN_ is now known as NeT_DeMoN
Rudd-OaLeSD: read the manpage xorg.conf11:22
mattycozei need help establishing a remote desktop connection over the internet; what's the best server & client to use11:24
ActionParsnip!est | mattycoze11:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about est11:25
ActionParsnip!best | mattycoze11:25
eXlini modified sources.list on my new virtual server, but update doesnt download universe cause has sum mismatch. any advices?11:25
ubottumattycoze: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.11:25
archman_anyone managed xlink kai to work with psp?11:25
ActionParsnipmattycoze: there is no best ANYTHING in the world11:26
mattycozeoh ffs.11:26
=== ziroday` is now known as ziroday
speedcoreI'm configuring a samba server, I try to setup user/group permissions. Is the Umask set on the users-account on the server. Or at the client machine?11:26
mattycozeActionParsnip - is your only purpose on this channel to be a douche?11:27
ActionParsnipmattycoze: id suggest vnc over ssh, but you could install a terminal sevices server also11:27
kiskool_canal fr ?11:27
ActionParsnipmattycoze: no im stating fact11:27
aLeSDRudd-O: you mean that if I put there the configuration (as in the old Xorg) . I can force the automatic configuration ?11:27
ActionParsnipmattycoze: if you asked the room what the "best" irc client was, everyone would have a different answer as all needds and preferences are different11:28
mattycozeno you're trying to justify being pompous; good day to you sir.11:28
ActionParsnipmattycoze: best doesnt exist unless you are expressing a products suitability to your requirements11:28
mattiashi i need help11:28
Myrtti!fr | kiskool_11:29
ActionParsnipmattias: wassup bro11:29
ubottukiskool_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr11:29
mattiasi installed package Splash Screen11:29
Rudd-OaLeSD: if you put configuration file, then no autoconfiguration.  if you remove configuration file, xorg autoconfigures.  if autoconfiguration fails, you may have to generate an xorg.conf with X --configure and then start from that11:29
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
mattiasand have trouble uninstalling it11:29
kiskool_je chercher l'url du canal fr  merci11:29
ActionParsnipmattias: dpkg -l | grep -i splash11:29
Myrttikiskool_: /join #ubuntu-fr11:29
mattiaswhen uninstalling it, it tells me i got to uninstall ubuntu-desktop package aswell11:30
danilocomo ingreso a ubuntu en español11:30
Myrtti!es | danilo11:30
ubottudanilo: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.11:30
mattiasright, i figure i got to type that into console11:30
ActionParsnipmattias: whats the name of the package you need to uninstall?11:30
mattiasSplash Screen11:31
ActionParsnipmattias: not splash-screen (ubuntu package names dont have spaces)11:31
eXlinany1 know what is causing Hash Sum mismatch on "apt-get update" ?11:31
mattiasright, sec...11:32
ActionParsnipmattias: if you get me the name of the package I'll see what the deal is11:32
ActionParsnipmattias: cool, sec11:32
Alastair_anyone using jaunty here ?11:32
MyrttiAlastair_: #ubuntu+111:32
beastaxhi guys, im having some trouble with my graphics.  Games would not start, so I went into Nvidia X Server Settings and was confronted by the following message:11:32
beastaxYou do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.11:33
zirodaybeastax: have you installed the nvidia drivers from System > Admin > Hardware Drivers?11:33
beastaxso I run nvidia-xconfig as root, and get a validation error11:33
mattiasand i kind of figured its not a good idea to remove ubuntu-desktop with it through the synaptic manager, since it sounds kind of important11:33
beastaxziroday, yeah, this isnt a new install11:33
zirodaybeastax: what card do you have?11:34
Alastair_nah it is'mt11:34
Gustavo_GI am running 08.10 and I need to compile something with gcc-4.2. Is doing: sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/gcc-4.2 /usr/bin/gcc  the best way to do it?11:34
beastaxgeforce 8800 errr11:34
Alastair_it's just a metapackage11:34
beastaxGS i think11:34
beastaxmaybe GT11:34
ActionParsnipmattias: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2006-October/096379.html11:34
Alastair_if you remove it nothing will happen (at least not right away xD )11:34
beastaxshould I roll back the driver maybe?11:34
zirodaybeastax: okay, you can find out with the lspci | grep VGA command but thats enough, can you verify you have the nvidia-glx-177 package installed11:35
beastaxziroday, yes i do11:35
zirodaybeastax: okay, did you recently upgrade or change drivers?11:35
Rudd-Ocan I recruit someone to help me make my app more hig compliant?11:35
zirodayRudd-O: not here, try in #ubuntu-offtopic11:35
beastaxziroday, i think so yeah - for the first time ever i am using autoupdate, rather than doing it periodically through terminal11:36
beastaxand this problem only started happening today11:36
zirodaybeastax: hmm, do you have a /etc/X11/xorg.conf file?11:36
beastaxziroday, yeah, automatically configured by nvidia-xconfig, but it throws up a validation error11:36
beastaxVALIDATION ERROR: Data incomplete in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.11:37
beastax                  Device section "Configured Video Device" must have a Driver11:37
beastax                  line.11:37
beastaxoops sorry retarded paste11:37
erUSULGustavo_G: if you are using make is best to do "CC=gcc-4.2 make"11:37
zirodaybeastax: can you pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf please11:37
beastaxziroday, sure11:37
ActionParsnipbeastax: you need to change the xorg.conf a little11:37
Gustavo_GerUSUL, would I put that line in the makefile?11:38
beastaxziroday, here you go11:38
erUSULGustavo_G: no is a command line... put that on the bash promt11:38
mattiasmy pc is still working. I guess no harm done11:38
Gustavo_GOh, does it set an environment variable then?11:38
beastaxziroday, i see no section "configured video device" - should it have one?11:38
ActionParsnipmattias: i'd reboot to fully test11:38
mattiasgood idea11:39
zirodaybeastax: okay, well according to that you should be using the nvidia drivers. Can you pastebin your xorg logs11:39
erUSULGustavo_G: exactly. make will use what is in CC as the C compiler11:39
mattiaswhen im not back in 5, tell my wife i love her11:39
ActionParsnipbeastax: if you rename the line above Driver "nvidia"11:39
Gustavo_GerUSUL: Thank you!11:39
erUSULGustavo_G: no problem11:39
beastaxActionParsnip, section "Device" - identifier "nvidia"?11:40
beastaxziroday, which xorg logs from /var/log, there are seven of them11:40
ActionParsnipbeastax: if you rename the line *above* Driver "nvidia" to read Identifier "Configured Video Device" and change line 55 in your pastebin to reflect this change (Device0 to Configured Video Device) you should be ok11:40
Rudd-Obeastax: xorg.ZERO11:40
zirodaybeastax: the latest, it is usually the one not ending in .gz11:40
Rudd-Oziroday: xorg logs are not logrotated11:41
jason_that new xserver is hard isnt it11:41
zirodayRudd-O: oh my bad11:41
beastaxziroday, http://rafb.net/p/T8KgSB69.html11:42
mynameistuxI am trying to give my laptop (running ubuntu) a static IP. I have been following the instructions on this page. http://www.ubuntugeek.com/change-ubuntu-system-from-dhcp-to-a-static-ip-address.html but I want to know how to get a static IP when connected through wifii.11:42
beastaxits massive :S11:42
Teknojungle is massive11:42
ActionParsnipmattias: looks like you win11:42
mattiasuninstalling ubuntu-desktop removed Pidgin, Transmission and something else, not quite sure what11:42
ActionParsnipbrando is massive11:42
ZeroA4mynameistux, you dont get as static ip... you just SET an static ip11:43
mattiasmeh, i use emesene anyways11:43
ActionParsnipmattias: you can install them again, the configs are in your ~/ so you should be ok11:43
mynameistuxok, I think that is what I am trying to do, is it. I want set it up, so once I have port forwarding on my router, it will stay working.11:43
mattiasi seriously gotta get me that report a bug package11:43
mynameistuxso I can host game servers and torrent and such11:43
zirodaybeastax: according to the log the nvidia driver is not installed correctly. Try reinstalling the package11:44
jason_the best way to do it is install 8.04 and get every thing right and gonig then upgrade to 8.10 seems to work good that way11:44
beastaxActionParsnip, ziroday im gonna try changing this line, brb11:44
plinioHi. My ubuntu problem is: where are feisty (7.04) powerpc ubuntu channels? Cannot connect any more to powerpc channel software? I know this ubuntu version was discontinued but until 2008, dec, I could get the software from this channel...11:44
beastaxziroday, i did, with apt-get install --reinstall nvidia-glx-17711:44
beastaxziroday, should i purge it instead?11:44
ActionParsnipbeastax: did you install the nvidia driver from repo?11:44
beastaxActionParsnip, yes11:44
ZeroA4mynameistux, if you dhcp suports it you can set an ip reserve so your nic mac will always receive the same ip from the dhcp11:44
nikon365I am trying to save my data in WinXp before doing a full reinstall. I was lucky enough to get some help from a user in this room. Can anyone take a look at this: "http://pastebin.com/m4ef3f2b2" and tell me what I should do from here?11:44
zirodaybeastax: I would do a remove and then an install. Making sure to restart xorg inbetween11:44
beastaxziroday, ok, im gonna try restarting with this new xorg.conf, if that fails i will try reinstall11:45
mynameistuxZeroA4: how would I go about doing that?11:45
thrillERboyhey guys11:45
ActionParsnipbeastax: make sure you run: sudo apt-get install nvidia-177-kernel-source nvidia-settings11:45
beastaxziroday, should i remove the nvidia-kernel as well11:46
zirodaybeastax: yep11:46
ZeroA4mynameistux, the IF an the HOW depends on your dhcp server...11:46
ActionParsnip!wine > mattias11:46
ubottumattias, please see my private message11:46
mynameistux<ZeroA4> that is all handled by the router, what would the feature be called?11:46
thrillERboyI've installed ubuntu yesterday, using VMware, I tried installing in another system using VMware an it installed cool... but, I installed compiz form and and remove programs in applications menu... But, I can't see the compiz control panel or anything like that11:47
thrillERboyalso, My desktop effects cannot be enabled?11:47
mynameistuxalso, is putting your nick in <tags> like that suffient, is there a way that I can get all my posts to have your nick at the beging, in xchat11:47
ubottucoffee is a caffeinated beverage made by filtering hot water through ground up roasted beans of the coffee plant. Flavouring to taste such as milk or cream, sugar or sweetener are often added afterwards. Not to be confused with !java11:48
ActionParsnipmynameistux: virtual server or port forwarding11:48
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository11:48
ZeroA4mynameistux, normally ip reserve or something like it... it changes from router to router i am afraid11:48
mynameistuxincase it helps, its a linksys11:48
mattias!info usplash11:48
ubottuusplash (source: usplash): Userspace bootsplash utility. In component main, is optional. Version 0.5.25 (intrepid), package size 28 kB, installed size 200 kB (Only available for amd64 armel i386 lpia powerpc sparc)11:48
mynameistuxok, I will have a looksee11:48
daredevilthereHey guys How can i connect my Nikon camera to ubuntu with lsusb command i see this Nikon but how to browse pictures11:49
bobslaededaredevilthere: what Nikon cam is that? Mine at home works just fine11:50
plinioHi. My ubuntu problem is: where are feisty (7.04) powerpc ubuntu repository? Cannot connect any more to powerpc channel software? I know this ubuntu version was discontinued but until 2008, dec, I could get the software from those repositories...11:50
ActionParsnipdaredevilthere: do you see the disk in : sudo fdisk -l11:50
mynameistux  DHCP Server:   Enable  Disable11:50
mynameistuxam I close?11:50
aeosynthwhat are the commands for the login / shutdown prompts?11:50
mynameistuxthere is some dhcp stuff bellow that as well11:51
oCean_aeosynth: not sure what you mean?11:51
daredevilthereActionParsnip:  do i dont c it there11:51
daredeviltherebobslaede: i have Nikon D8011:52
ZeroA4mynameistux, it is offtopic here, but wich stuff?11:52
dman1hi my problem is trying to get my intel audio working (ICH9). Has anyone had any success?11:52
ChiliblackI want to define a particular interface by MAC address, is the check_mac_address.sh the way to do it? its very different to the way I used to do it in redhat..11:52
thrillERboyhow to open a second server tab in xchat?11:52
ikoniaChiliblack: don't change card mac addresses11:52
mynameistuxwhat do you mean by that?11:53
aeosynthoCean_: in the gnome menu when you select 'shut down', you get a prompt asking if you want to shut down, restart, suspend, hibernate. how do i get that prompt from the command line?11:53
mynameistuxthe dhcp stuff?11:53
ActionParsnipdaredevilthere: do you have a camera app install like digikam?11:53
ikoniaaeosynth: you don't11:53
ikoniaaeosynth: it's a desktop interface11:53
oCean_daredevilthere: seems the device is detected, but not mounted automatically. Mine (not a Nikon) mounts auto and starts f-spot11:53
bobslaededaredevilthere: which Ubuntu version are you using?11:53
Finnish_Is raw dv-format unpacked video?11:53
ChiliblackI am not although I have in the past (there are reasins to do that) I have multiple interfaces,,and I don't want to have the one connected to my router which is firewalled wo be swapped with one from the network which isn't11:53
eXlinAny1 know if there is some issues with repositories atm?11:54
ikoniaChiliblack: just define your firewall rules then11:54
oCean_daredevilthere: you might look at dmesg output (the /dev/sd* device linked is probably there)11:54
ikoniaeXlin: no, what is your problem ?11:54
ZeroA4mynameistux, yes. what is it?11:54
bobslaededaredevilthere: when i plug my D90 in, it asks me if i would like to import the pictures, or whatever, and i can also just browse the device11:54
bahrami'm get this error in upgrade ubuntu of libgs package -> http://paste.gnudownload.org/show/4 can help me?11:54
bobslaededaredevilthere: although, are you using the usb cable?11:54
daredeviltherebobslaede: yes i am using usb cable11:55
eXlinwell, packeges.ubuntu... universe doesnt downloadn package list. and packeges from security.ubuntu... gives 404 on install but downloadns nicely packge list11:55
oCean_aeosynth: I see. So you want that screen to pop-up, not just the "shutdown" command11:55
bobslaededaredevilthere: theres a setting in your camera, how it should act11:55
ikoniaeXlin: check it in a browser, it may be having problems11:55
mynameistuxlet me paste bin it for you11:55
sh1i want to get a new dhcp address, that is i want to restart my network interface11:55
bobslaededaredevilthere: as a storage device, or something else, i forget which it is, that setting, should do the trick!11:55
sh1how do i do it?11:55
aeosynthis there any way to create a shutdown launcher? I'm recreating the gnome-menu since it's not entirely customizable11:55
ikoniash1: sudo /etc/init.d/network restart11:55
bobslaededaredevilthere: Mass Storage device11:56
bobslaededaredevilthere: that setting, somewhere in the camera, should be changed11:56
mynameistuxIs that of any help to you?11:56
daredeviltherebobslaede: but it works fine it windows11:57
eXlinikonia: that error was sayed on my server. my own browser from different location is sayin 404 when i linked that address...11:57
ZeroA4mynameistux, no...11:57
aeosynthoCean_: if I could get the 'shutdown' command to work, that'd be fine too. i tried making a launcher with gksu shutdown -h now, but it didn't work11:57
bobslaededaredevilthere: yeah, i know, i've had that same problem with my brothers D4011:57
mynameistuxscreen shot it is then11:57
eXlinon direct address to packege11:57
minchehow to run applications with root privileges?11:57
ikoniaeXlin: looks like it is down then11:57
ZeroA4mynameistux, maybe your router dont have ip reserve11:57
bobslaededaredevilthere: i think its called PTP or something11:57
ikoniamacvr: sudo11:57
ikoniaminche: sudo11:57
bobslaededaredevilthere: the other option11:57
eXlinanywhere i can report about it?11:57
ikoniamacvr: sory - that wan't fo ryou11:58
ikoniaeXlin: if there is a problem, alerting will have picked it up11:58
minchesudo what?11:58
oCean_aeosynth: ok, well, "sudo /sbin/shutdown" should work (from commandline, but not sure if this works in launcher. I think it should)11:58
mynameistuxyeah, I reached the same conclusion11:58
ikoniaminche: sudo then the command11:58
macvrikonia: no probs11:58
ikonia!sudo > minche11:58
ubottuminche, please see my private message11:58
daredeviltherebobslaede: whn i dmesg it says usb storage found than it next line says end_request i/o error11:58
mynameistuxwould it have one, if I were to put something like tomato, or ddwrt on it?11:58
jason_sudo then the application name in treminal11:58
bobslaededaredevilthere: exactly, you need to change that setting, for it to work11:58
macvrikonia: was kind of weird! just logged in and got msg sayin SUDO!!!11:58
daredeviltherebobslaede: alrite let me try11:59
ZeroA4mynameistux, i dont know tomato nor ddwrt11:59
adamw9678Dose anyone know much about the new gOS?11:59
mynameistuxI will do a little bit of rtfm, and get back to you11:59
ikoniaadamw9678: in what respect11:59
mynameistuxoh, and upload a sceenshot of dhcp settings to image shack for you12:00
aeosynthoCean_: doesn't work as a launcher (just tried it). I think because i'm not inputting my sudo password?12:00
plinioHey! My ubuntu problem is: where are feisty (7.04) powerpc ubuntu channels? Cannot connect any more to powerpc channel software? I know this ubuntu version was discontinued but until 2008, dec, I could get the software from this channel...12:00
ikoniaplinio: the repo's have been removed from the release server as it's EOL12:00
adamw9678Well I have heard the it is being supported by ubuntu12:00
macvrhi all... could someone help me setup my hotkeys for music playback? all the keys[play,pause,next,prev] seem to be getting an output when i use the xev but i'm not able to get it to work with rhythmbox... anyone could help with this?12:00
daredeviltherebobslaede: ya it asking me to import photoes12:00
ikoniaadamw9678: it is an ubuntu product12:00
daredeviltherebobslaede: now do i need to mount it 2 browse it12:00
bobslaededaredevilthere: great :) then it works12:00
jason_plinio do they even still have 7.04 software up12:01
bobslaededaredevilthere: no, it shoul be on your desktop12:01
jason_didnt they discard 7.0412:01
ikoniajason_: no - thats the problem, it's been moved to the old release server12:01
oCean_aeosynth: ah well, yeah, that might be the case.12:01
adamw9678I made a little partion on my HD just to give gOS a go but cant get compiz to work12:01
daredeviltherebobslaede:  no i cant c it on desktop12:02
ikoniaadamw9678: gos is for virtual machines is it not ?12:02
ikoniadaredevilthere: try not to use text speak please.12:02
bobslaededaredevilthere: how about when you tr'mount'12:02
daredevilthereikonia: text speak?12:02
ikonia"I don't C it"12:03
daredeviltherebobslaede: alrite12:03
ActionParsnip!ppc | plinio12:03
ubottuplinio: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ12:03
mynameistuxthat should be the link to the dhcp related settings on my router12:03
macvr hi all... could someone help me setup my hotkeys for music playback? all the keys[play,pause,next,prev] seem to be getting an output when i use the xev but i'm not able to get it to work with rhythmbox... anyone could help with this?12:03
eXlinikonia: ok, i founded out more. about it. what i did was following. 1. apt-get update, 2. apt-get install ebox ebox-.... and when it starts installing depencies it says following on depencies: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/o/openssl/openssl_0.9.8g-4ubuntu3.3_i386.deb  404 Not Found12:04
ActionParsnipdaredevilthere: you dont get charged by the letter here, its all free12:04
ikoniaeXlin: ebox is a broken package12:04
adamw9678Yes but compiz should still work if installed on certain machines shouldnt it?12:04
daredevilthereActionParsnip: ya i knw that12:04
ikoniaadamw9678: not on virtual machines12:04
eXlinaddres contains only openssl_0.9.8g-10.1ubuntu2_i386.deb̈́12:04
ActionParsnip!info openssl12:04
ubottuopenssl (source: openssl): Secure Socket Layer (SSL) binary and related cryptographic tools. In component main, is optional. Version 0.9.8g-10.1ubuntu2.1 (intrepid), package size 389 kB, installed size 836 kB12:04
plinioYes, they  did have the software (ubuntu powerpc software). I need to download mysql , and the versions in mysql site (binary and source) give me dependencies faults...12:05
bobslaedeActionParsnip: that would be great support tho, charging by the letter, i'm gonna talk to the boss about that one :)12:05
mynameistuxand I think its time I got me some ddwrt12:05
ActionParsnipbobslaede: hahahah12:05
ikoniaplinio: the 7.04 release has been mved to the oldrelease server12:05
ActionParsnipplinio: if you compile source you must satisfy dependancies manually12:05
aeosynthso is there any way to create a shutdown launcher?12:05
ikoniaplinio: the 7.04 repo still exists12:05
daredeviltherebobslaede: thanks buddy12:06
ActionParsnipaeosynth: make a small bash script to run sudo shutdown -h now12:06
aeosynthActionParsnip: how would I do that?12:06
ActionParsnipaeosynth: or alias it in ~/.bashrc12:06
xanxorHi, I wonder if anyone can help me with VirtualBox? I just installed it and set up a virtual Windows XP with the wizard, but when I start it it says "FATAL: No bootable medium found".12:06
plinioIkonia: how can i redirect apt-get to the new repository (the message is 404 not found!)?12:06
bobslaededaredevilthere: no problem12:06
aeosynthActionParsnip: I'm new to linux, never made a bash script before12:06
ActionParsnipaeosynth: simple text file. 1st line: #!/bin/sh    2nd line: sudo shutdown -h now12:07
deanyxanxor: put the xp disc in your drive12:07
ikoniaplinio: you need to change your sources.list to the oldrelease server12:07
xanxoroh, duh. haha. thanks.12:07
deanyxanxor: and enable the drive in the settings12:07
ActionParsnipaeosynth: save and exit, chmod +x the file and its ready to go, actually, use gksudo instead12:07
xanxorgotcha. scuse my stupidity.12:07
ActionParsnipaeosynth: you will be shown a password box to type your password in and the system will turn off12:08
macvr hi all... could someone help me setup my hotkeys for music playback? all the keys[play,pause,next,prev] seem to be getting an output when i use the xev but i'm not able to get it to work with rhythmbox... anyone could help with this?12:08
deanyas long as bush is still alive no one can be called stupid :)12:08
mynameistuxlol at what deany said12:08
deanyxanxor: dont forget to isntall guest additions12:08
xanxorwhat does that mean? sorry.12:09
plinioikonia: do you have this address? (oldrelease)12:09
deanyxanxor: Devices/Install guest additions.. when you installed XP12:09
ikoniaplinio: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/12:09
xanxoroh, ok.12:10
deanyxanxor: just mouse and video/sound enhancements12:10
xanxorokay, thanks.12:10
deanyxanxor: like vmware tools if you ever used it12:10
xanxorno, just virtualbox.12:10
plinioikonia: ok! I'ĺl try that and post the result here... Thanks.12:10
koreki need some help with configuration of ip tables12:11
ikoniaplinio: don't need to post the results, I know it works thanks12:11
ikoniakorek: #netfilter and #iptables are iptables support channels12:12
korekok thanx12:12
TampaJawaJust trying out this IRC thing12:12
mynameistuxsorry tampajawa, nobodey here12:12
=== orkun is now known as ihate88
TampaJawathat's alright, I'm barely here myself12:13
deanydont like how my /home (ext3) partition is already 9% non-contiguous.. hardly done anything since i installed 3 days ago12:13
Terrasquedeany: I checked my XFS partition last friday. 98,9% fragmented. Beat that! :D12:14
TampaJawahope you all have a great day12:14
deanylookin at ext4 performance reviews, i wont be touching it12:14
aeosynthActionParsnip: is chmod +x the same as setting 'allow executing file as program' in nautilus? using that and sudo, i only see the password prompt if i run it in a terminal. is there a way to shutdown without having to enter a password? how does the panel applet do it?12:15
anTiXdoes anybody have experience with label writers? I need a fairly simple one for printing bar codes that works with ubuntu12:15
ActionParsnipaeosynth: its not just nautilus, its everywhere, it marks it as executable12:15
macvr hi all... could someone help me setup my hotkeys for music playback? all the keys[play,pause,next,prev] seem to be getting an output when i use the xev but i'm not able to get it to work with rhythmbox... anyone could help with this?12:16
plinioikonia: the address you gave me is for the iso image to install ubuntu. I've already have ubuntu powerpc installed (and working better than my mac os x on my  g3 machine) What i need is the repository address to download mysql for ubuntu ppc, ok?12:16
ActionParsnipaeosynth: you can add the shutdown command to the list off apps the dont require sudo but im not sure ow to do that personally, have a websearch around12:16
ikoniaplinio: thats the old release server,  ou need to find the repo12:16
ActionParsnipaeosynth: i think ikonia may have a clue or 212:16
aeosynthActionParsnip: i meant, I set that property through the nautilus gui, is that the same as doing chmod +x?12:16
plinioikonia: you mean google ubuntu repository?12:17
ikoniaplinio: 10 seconds of looking and I found it http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/12:17
ikoniaplinio: no - the repo is on the server URL I gave you, you just needed to LOOK12:17
ikoniaplinio: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/12:18
ActionParsnipaeosynth: as long as the owner can execute it its fine12:18
LosowskiIT Giants Conference in Kraków, Poland | January 14, 2009| For all the fans and enthusiasts of FREE SOFTWARE, Linux, Unix, Open Source, as well as for students and specialists of IT and related disciplines. | Special Guest: Richard Stallman | http://itgiants.org/itg2009/ | :-)12:18
ikoniaLosowski: why are you spamming us with that12:18
Losowskiikonia: Richard Stallman is spam??12:19
dfgdefghkjerneAlright boys?12:19
LosowskiHe's the god of Linux :)12:19
ikoniaLosowski: yes, spamming things like that in an ubuntu support channel is spam12:19
ikoniaLosowski: please don't do it again12:19
MM2How I mark a package manually installed with aptitude or apt-get (text-only interface)?12:19
ActionParsnipLosowski: sure thats Linux Torvalds?12:19
MyrttiActionParsnip: tut-tut12:19
Losowskiikonia: Ubuntu is Linux, and that conference is Linux related...hence. it's not spam12:20
ikoniaLosowski: please don't do it again12:20
ikoniaLosowski: I'm not asking12:20
aeosynthikonia: do you know how to set some apps to not require sudo? (i want to shutdown in one click)12:20
jribLosowski: this channel is only for ubuntu support, not any ubuntu talk12:20
ikoniaLosowski: it's spam - don't do it again, this is for UBUNTU support only12:20
ActionParsnipLosowski: its not a support question, its offtopic12:20
ActionParsnip!ot | Losowski12:20
ubottuLosowski: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:20
ikoniaaeosynth: give them setuid ?12:20
ikoniaaeosynth: change the owner to not be root ?12:21
Nileshhow to setup dual head desktop in ubuntu12:21
ikoniaNilesh: with what video card ?12:21
aeosynthikonia: walkthrough? -_-;12:21
Nileshhow to check that?12:21
jason_will avi vid play in a dvd player12:21
ikoniaaeosynth: look at setuid and changing permissions12:21
ikoniaaeosynth: I don't think you should be changing things like shutdown permissions12:21
Nileshi have hp compaq nc6400 laptop12:21
xanxorhi, is there a way to use virtualbox to install the virtual OS on an external hard drive?12:22
ActionParsnipjason_: depends on the make and model of dvd player, some can and some can't12:22
V0iDDoes anyone know if the ati video bug on ubuntu has been fixed yet?12:22
zakidine_when i try to install my nvidia 4000mx driver on intrepid it tells me that i dont have the kernel for my GCARD, and i have to accept to download it on the nvidia s website, after that it tells me that is no matching kernel with my graphic card12:22
ActionParsnipjason_: you'd have to rtfm to see what yours can and cant do12:22
MM2Nilesh: try at command line a command: xrandr --auto12:22
ikoniaV0iD: contact ati for ati bugs12:22
zakidine_what do i have to do ?12:22
jribV0iD: checked bugs.ubuntu.com?12:22
ActionParsnipzakidine_: how did you install the driver?12:23
V0iDthanks guys!12:23
zakidine_Action in shell window12:23
NileshMM2 : xrandr --auto ...does not output anything.12:23
zakidine_after killin the X12:23
xanxorI don't have a lot of space on my main hard drive but I have a huge external hard drive. Is it possible to use VirtualBox (or other software) to install the virtual OS on the external hard drive?12:23
MM2Nilesh: is another display connected and on?12:24
jribxanxor: virtualbox uses ~/.VirtualBox/ so just make that a symlink to your external12:24
V0iDxanxor: Yes12:24
ActionParsnipzakidine_: i'd suggest using the ones on the rerpo12:24
deanyxanxor:  in prefs12:24
ActionParsnip!nvidia | zakidine_12:24
ubottuzakidine_: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:24
xanxorI'm sorry, I don't know what a symlink is. What is that?12:24
NileshMM2: i am using docstation which is connected to HP monitor12:24
ActionParsnipzakidine_: you can also tab complete names so your name highlights when you address me just like yours is now12:24
MM2Nilesh: It helped for me :)12:24
deanyi set both the machine and hard disk locations to my external12:24
jribxanxor: listen to deany12:25
xanxorhow do you do that?12:25
zakidine_ActionParsnip,  okay !12:25
xanxorokay. sorry deany, I'm kind of slow today. how do you do that?12:25
MM2Nilesh: and external display (projector) just worked12:25
ActionParsnipzakidine_: better :)12:25
MM2Nilesh: can't help you more, sorry!12:25
NileshMM2: what helped you?12:25
NileshMM2: ok12:25
MM2Nilesh: that xrandr --auto12:25
deanyxanxor: both default folders to your external (/media/whatever)12:26
xanxoroh yes, I just noticed that, thanks.12:26
NileshAnyone else who can help me so setup dual head desktop ?12:26
MM2How I mark a package manually installed with aptitude or apt-get (text-only interface)?12:27
zakidine_thank you ActionParsnip  , ill try to install that stuff12:27
ikoniaMM2: what do you mean how to you mark a package?12:27
adamw9678how do I disable xcompmgr in gOS?12:28
ennizjoin #<ubuntu-it-chat>12:28
jribadamw9678: isn't gOS some operating system other than ubuntu?12:28
zj3t3mju"Restarting web server apache2  Syntax error on line 5 of /etc/apache2/conf.d/obm.conf"12:28
zj3t3mju"Invalid command 'php_value', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration"12:29
MM2ikonia: ltsp-server depends on dhcp-server, we don't want that, because we have other dpcp-server so apt thinks ltsp-server is broken, but it is not12:29
adamw9678Yes but it is suppoted by ubuntu12:29
zj3t3mjuwhat do i do?12:29
ikoniaMM2: so you can either install dhcp-server to meet the dependency, then disable it, or you can re-build the package to not need it12:29
MM2ikonia: so apt tries sometimes to remove ltsp-server because it is "broken"12:29
ikoniaMM2: just install dhcp-server and disable it, you don't have to use it, just install it12:29
jribadamw9678: no, try #gos here on freenode12:30
chippyhello, why would I want to add an rss subscription to cups? (interest perked via update)12:30
adamw9678OK thanks12:30
MM2ikonia: I would rather mark it somehow satisfied dependency, because there is other packages too :(12:31
whitefangi was wondering if theres any way to get a loading screen for ubuntu, right now the screens just blank until X loads.12:31
V0iDhi witefang12:31
=== irc is now known as Guest13665
V0iDdo you mean the ubuntu screen12:32
adamw9678There is nobody in #gos?12:32
whitefangwell, i guess until gdm loads.12:32
V0iDwhitefang: ?12:32
whitefangisn't it gnome display manager that displays the ubuntu login?12:32
Gustavo_GI'm trying to cross-compile a linux kernel and I'm getting an error message http://paste.ubuntu.com/10434712:33
jribadamw9678: then search the gos website for where support is provided12:33
whitefanganyways, yah, the ubuntu screen where I get to login to the desktop...before that, theres just a blank screen for quite a while.12:33
simon_b1hi all12:33
whitefanghi simon_b112:33
adamw9678Ok thanks again12:33
xanxordeany: It's having some kind of problem accessing the USB system. it says  Could not load the Host USB Proxy Service (VERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND). The service might be not installed on the host computer.   Result Code:  NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x00004005) Component:  Host Interface:  IHost {f39438d7-abfd-409b-bc80-5f5291d92897} Callee:  IMachine {ea6fb7ea-1993-4642-b113-f29eb39e0df0}12:33
simon_b1could someone help me with rsync?12:33
plinioikonia: Thanks. Repositories redirected to the old release feisty ubuntu (you gave me one year more to my mac running linux!) tks.12:33
V0iDwhitefang: Don't think you can change that!12:33
mynameistuxwhitefang: is it a blankk brown screen?12:33
whitefangno, just a blank screen, completely black.12:34
Nileshikonia: can you help me to setup dual head desktop?12:34
whitefangi remember a year ago when i was using ubuntu, there'd be an ubuntu logo with a loading progress, and listing the "modules" being loaded.12:34
ikoniaNilesh: what video card do you have12:34
mynameistuxaah, well that dosnt sound right12:34
Nileshikonia: how to check that?12:35
V0iDwhitefang: you can change the ubuntu screen!12:35
Nileshikonia: sorry but i am quite new to ubuntu.12:35
ikoniaNilesh: lspci or look at the website for your laptop model12:35
xanxorHi, can someone help me? I'm trying to make a virtual Windows XP using VirtualBox on my external hard drive. But I get this message from VirtualBox:  Could not load the Host USB Proxy Service (VERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND). The service might be not installed on the host computer.   Result Code:  NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x00004005) Component:  Host Interface:  IHost {f39438d7-abfd-409b-bc80-5f5291d92897} Callee:  IMachine {ea6fb7ea-1993-4612:35
xanxorSo clearly something's going wrong with the hard drive.12:35
whitefangwhich ubuntu screen are you talking about? the one where i get to login, or the one where there's only a black void of despair :P12:35
xanxorI mean with the USB connection12:35
ikoniaxanxor: usb support is not available in all virtualbox releases12:36
bomberhi everybody!!i need help how to install my wireless12:36
ikoniaxanxor: check the virtualbox website to show the different versions and restrictions12:36
Nileshikonia : 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)12:36
xanxorOkay. thanks.12:36
V0iDwhitefang: The ubuntu splash before the black void of despair!12:36
Nilesh00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/GME, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)12:36
ikoniaMilos: ok, so it's an intel card, so you need to use a technology called "xinerama"12:36
Nileshikonia : i can see these 2 things in lspci output.12:36
ikoniaMilos: sorry not you12:36
ikoniaNilesh: I would advise you to use xinerama then12:37
ikonia!xinerama > Nilesh12:37
ubottuNilesh, please see my private message12:37
whitefangtheres no ubuntu splash screen12:37
whitefangits just a black void of despair :(12:37
Nileshikonia: let me try that.12:37
V0iDwhitefang: in synaptic look for startupmanager !12:38
mynameistux err, i was so going to suggest that12:38
Nileshikonia: there are different sections .12:38
ikoniaNilesh: what ?12:38
Nileshikonia: Intel integrated graphics adapters ... is this what u want me to try?12:39
whitefangahhh, didn't have startupmanager installed12:39
lilendianHello all, can someone help me with running a local telnet server? i've already installed inetdutils-telnetd / telnet but still can't connect. There seems to be no ports listening when I checked with nmap.12:39
ikoniaNilesh: you have an intel card, so that would be a sensible place to start12:39
ikonialilendian: check inetd/xinetd is listening12:39
lilendianI am not too familiar with how to open ports and configure this on ubuntu. Any help would be appreciated.12:39
Nileshikonia: ok fine.12:39
ikonialilendian: telnet is launched from inetd/xinetd12:39
jriblilendian: why telnet instead of ssh?12:40
whitefangima reboot and see if the darkness is gone :P12:40
V0iDwhitefang: My pleasure!12:40
V0iDwhitefang: You may have to check its enabled though!12:41
bullgard4Is it not possible to fetch source packages using Synaptic?12:41
lilendianjrib, i am trying to see if I can use python to develop some thing at work, yes, its insecure, somewhere along the way, i'll try secure ssh- because the piece of equipment I am trying to retrieve data from only supports telnet.12:41
jriblilendian: k, just want to make sure you understood that :)12:41
comicinkerI want to start xterm with a program launcher, and xterm shall call a programm with parameters. how can I do that? currently: xterm -geo 118x37 -fn 9x15 mocp -T green_theme      however the parameter -T green_theme won't be accepted12:42
=== justme is now known as Guest89800
StargazerOfficial forums are down, any other place i could ask for great help ?12:42
jribStargazer: here?12:43
jribStargazer: or the mailing list (lists.ubuntu.com)12:43
VaInVacanza_Iti need to use GCC3.4 in ubuntu... which version???12:43
StargazerJrib, how can i sync my new iPod nano, 16gB ?12:43
jrib!ipod | Stargazer12:43
ubottuStargazer: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod12:43
linux_newbieHi, where can I download this libxine-extracodecs  ?12:44
poppitplease tell me how to deal with my problem .. here it is (Dont laugh )12:44
mynameistuxok, that is so cool, that you can pipe stuff like the ipod iformation to people like that12:44
bobbob1016Anyone know of a good program for macros?  Gui macros, as in when I am prompted for a username and pass, it will enter a default one?12:45
Teknowhere you need that12:45
GaduI removed the gnome-panel by removing it from sessions (i don't need the panel as i have a dock) Unfortunately alt+F2 no longer brings up the run application window. How can I have 0 panels and keep Alt+F2 Run Application?12:46
whitefangno luck getting a splash screen12:46
V0iDwhitefang: You may have to check its enabled though!12:46
whitefangin startupmanager, "Show boot splace" is enabled.12:46
bobbob1016Tekno, Was that to me?12:47
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:47
mynameistuxGadu: not really what you asked for, but have you tried gnome-do, it makes alt+f2 look pretty, boring12:47
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:47
comicinkerlinux_newbie: try debian and/or ubuntu deb archives12:47
whitefangUsplash theme: usplash-theme-ubuntu12:47
V0iDwhitefang: in Usplash do you have one selected12:48
Gadumynameistux: I'll have to check that out thx. Just need to figure out how to get it Alt+F2 back =P12:48
Terrasquemynameistux: I prefer a hotkeyed shell window over these moderm thingies12:48
Deckard_BR26354Anyone know how to diagnose problems with Gnome Sound themes and Pulseaudio?12:48
Gustavo_GIt looks like I'm missing qt headers. Does "sudo apt-get install libqt3-headers libqt3-compat-headers" install it? It looks like it installs 44.6MB of additional stuff. Is this correct?12:48
whitefangV0iD: yes, "usplash-theme-ubuntu" is the selected Usplash theme.12:49
mynameistuxI didn't think it was possible to get rid of all panels, clearly it is12:49
bomberhi somebody know how to configure wireless??12:49
comicinkerbomber: iwconfig12:49
V0iDwhitefang: Im sorry I cant think why its not working for ! I take it u have gnome12:49
mynameistuxcan you get a web browser, googleing something along the lines of add panel from terminal ubuntu, might help12:49
whitefangi do.12:49
ubotturockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started!12:49
bombercomicinker: i did it and it showed me that i dont have extensions12:50
V0iDwhitefang: In boot options misc. you have show boot splash checked?12:50
mynameistuxwhitefang: it could be a graphics card thing, I know my gpu handles boot and normal use differently12:50
whitefangV0iD: i do.12:51
mynameistuxVOiD: if it were not checked, it should show text during boot, telling you what its doing, afaik12:51
syntax\how do i install vmware - tools?12:51
comicinkerbomber: "no wireless extension"  at section "wlan0"12:51
syntax\i have the iso, how can i mount it on vmware player :D12:51
Gadulol is gnome panel absolutely necessary or something? I got a dock and added all the features the panel does and want to get rid of the last panel without losing other features such as Alt+F2 *scratches head*12:51
MindSparkhi, how do I write to a macfs ?12:51
V0iDwhitefang: try unchecking it reboot then recheck!12:52
generalsnushi guys. is it possible make a wireless access point with a laptop with x2 wlan cards? as in: recive a wireless signal on wlan card 1.. and have the other wlan card act as a AP.. kinda like a repeater12:52
whitefangshould i change the resolution? right now its 640x48012:52
lilendianok, now that I can log into the server, in order to restrict clients what do I do? from a quick search, it seems I have to place a 'telnet' file in /etc/xinetd.d/ - am I on the right track here?12:52
MindSparkgeneralsnus, yes, you need routed12:52
V0iDwhitefang: that should matter but you could set it to 1024x768!12:52
comicinker!hfs | MindSpark12:53
ubottuMindSpark: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE12:53
bomberi have lo and etho12:53
V0iDwhitefang: that *shouldn't matter12:53
rodolfoguys, where the 'scrollbar.patch' file goes to after the "wget -O scrollbars.patch http://launchpadlibrarian.net/21136285/10_scrollbars.patch" is done?12:53
mynameistuxwhat is your screen res, whitefang12:53
MindSparkcomicinker, thanks12:53
whitefangactually, maybe when i installed it, it didn't do the post-configuration tasks that it just did after changing the resolution12:53
generalsnusMindSpark: how do i do this?12:53
lilendianAh, did someone say resolution? So how about those nvidia drivers - sucks being on gtx 260s/280s innit?12:53
whitefangmy desktop is 1680x102412:53
dr_willisrodolfo,  you apply patch files to the Source code befor you compile normally/12:53
bomber<comicinker> i dont have "wlan0"12:53
comicinkerbomber: so wlan card is not yet recognised. what wlan card do you have?12:53
Gadunvm, got a great tip on making it permanently hide12:53
mynameistuxwell theres your problem, maybe12:53
rodolfodr_willis, yeah that's what I'm trying to do12:54
whitefanglol, maybe my screen doesn't support 640x480?12:54
dr_willisrodolfo,  i recall some 'how to use patch files' tutorials somewhere.. i forget the exact commands. normally ya keep them in the dir with your source code so you can find them easier12:54
mynameistuxwhat is the highest res you can set the bootsplash to12:54
MindSparkgeneralsnus, you add a static route to your routing table12:55
whitefangim going to try 800x600 and reboot12:55
* whitefang &12:55
mynameistuxno wait12:55
FloodBot1whitefang: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:55
bombercomicinker: i have atheros card12:55
mynameistuxset it to the highest12:55
rodolfodr_willis, I just need to browse the surce tree to run the 'patch -p1 < <file.patch>' but I don't know where the source folder is located12:55
jribrodolfo: read what ubottu is about to send you and 'man patch' (very readable)12:55
jrib!source > rodolfo12:56
ubotturodolfo, please see my private message12:56
whitefangmynameistux: highest color depth too?12:56
dr_willisrodolfo,  its where you downloaded it to and unarchived it to.. normally12:56
IenorandHia, how do you update to the new user-switcher-replace-quit if you've mistakenly clicked away the notification?12:56
generalsnusMindSpark: and that will make one of the network cards to act as a wireless AP?12:56
mynameistuxwhat I think may have happend is that the res is so low, all you can see is the corner of the boot splash, where it is black anyway12:56
mynameistuxidk about color depth12:56
mynameistuxleave that as it is12:56
comicinkerbomber: just a second12:56
whitefangmeh, ill try 1600x1200 24bits...if it doesn't blow up, i'll be back in a few ^_^12:56
whitefangall or nothing, lol12:57
MindSparkgeneralsnus, no, this will forward the packets coming from one interface to the other12:57
rodolfodr_willis, after downloaded the patch file I have searched  for .patch files only and files named 'scrollbars'12:57
rodolfodr_willis, no search results though12:57
bombercomicinker: ok men12:58
dr_willisrodolfo,  Huh? Normally one downloads  the source for a program  say 'bubbaeditor.tgz'  you might find some patch for that program..  You then unarchive the program source to a directory . and apply the patch from the dir   you unarchived to.12:58
generalsnuswell.. how do i make a wireless card, act as a AP?12:58
rodolfojrib, I already have dpkg-dev which is the only file [it seems to be] required to patch my OS12:58
jribrodolfo: ok, did you read what ubottu sent you?12:59
rodolfodr_willis UUUGH slow down12:59
rodolfojrib, yup12:59
MindSparkok, I think I need to rephrase my question comicinker, I need to mount my apple fs read/write12:59
dr_willisrodolfo,  perhaps start at the beginning.. Im thinking you may be confused about how patches work.12:59
comicinkerbomber: try to install "linux-backports-modules-intrepid" from backports, after that load the ath5k module with "modprobe ath5k"13:00
jribrodolfo: well ubottu told you how to get the source package.  But I'll let dr_willis take it from here13:00
generalsnusMindSpark: i see that "firestarter" has some internet conection sharing..  i enabled it.. but iwas not given any option to name a ssid or anything..13:00
dr_willisjrib,   ive never patched  source for a .deb befor. :) ive only patched tar.gz source code like once or twice13:01
comicinkerMindSpark: I don't own a hfs drive. I don't know if it's even possible to write on hfs13:01
ikoniadr_willis: same technique really, same principal13:01
jribdr_willis: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html just apply patch before running dpkg-buildpackage13:01
MindSparkcomicinker, ok, thanks13:01
MindSparkgeneralsnus, I am sorry, I am not sure what firestarter is. I was mainly referring to how to make the forwarding work13:02
comicinkerI want to start xterm with a programm with parameters. how can I do that? currently: xterm -geo 118x37 -fn 9x15 mocp -T green_theme      however the parameter -T green_theme won't be accepted13:02
Tommckthe latest updates for my intrepid laptop seem to have broken networking for me.  I get IP connectivity, but DNS is down.  Previous updates broke wireless for me on this laptop too, so I'm quite frustrated.  Can someone help me figure out the issue?13:03
=== squiddy is now known as Guest43351
linux_newbiecan someone please help me with codec issue ?13:03
zenlunatichow can i get the item back on gnome panel that shows a dropdown of your network connections and has the wifi signal strength?13:03
GarpQuestion: anybody using the Armenian locales could help me to configure a machine? Thanks.13:03
rodolfodr_willis I got the current source and downloaded the patch but I just can't cd into the source tree and run the "patch -p1 < ..patch file.." command13:03
jriblinux_newbie: just ask your question13:03
bombercomicinker: men i cant tell me the comands beacuse im begginer and i dont know ubuntu really good13:04
linux_newbiejrib: no sound on certain .rmvb files13:04
mynameistuxzenlunatic: the network moniter applet13:04
jriblinux_newbie: have you installed w32codecs?13:04
dr_willisrodolfo,  why not? last i got the source tree it was in  my home dir under whatever the program name was..13:04
linux_newbiejrib: yes I have13:04
jriblinux_newbie: do you have sound in mplayer?13:04
rodolfodr_willis in your home dir?13:04
mynameistuxzenlunatic: right click on panel, click add to panel, find network moniter13:04
comicinkerbomber: do you have intrepid (8.10)?13:04
zenlunaticmynameistux: it isn't the same one13:05
dr_willisrodolfo,  yes.. how did you 'get' the source?13:05
ahugh3shey guys... I recently got a 1080p TV... needless to say.. .the "look" I get off a windows machine on it is well... microscopic. I don't suppose there is a HTPC them for ubuntu (gnome/kde whatever) that would scale all my content so that I can acutally read it on the TV?13:05
rodolfodr_willis running the "apt-get source nautilus" command13:05
linux_newbiejrib: great, I'd just tested it and mplayer works ...thanks for helping13:05
bombercomicinker: no men i  have ubuntu 8:0413:05
ShaMunwhat is big features for solaris latest VS Ubunto ?! is any unique features that i should move to Ubunto !13:05
IenorandHow do you update to the new user-switcher-replace-quit manually? And what does that "update" actually do, just remove and replace buttons?13:06
VaInVacanza_Itubuntu have gcc3.4???13:06
jrib!info gcc-3.4 | VaInVacanza_It13:06
ubottugcc-3.4 (source: gcc-3.4): The GNU C compiler. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.4.6-8ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 1504 kB, installed size 4536 kB13:06
yushahi everyone!13:06
fourdotshi everyone13:06
whitefangw00t, that did it, 1024x768@1613:06
mynameistuxso, its working13:07
whitefangyes it is. thanks :)13:07
fourdotsI need help with sound problems in 8.10 (post upgrade)13:07
mynameistuxthats ok13:07
comicinkerbomber: you accidently don't own a AspireOne from Asus?13:07
whitefangwill the "Show text during boot" make the splash screen a little more verbose?13:07
whitefangie. show the tty0 would show.13:07
dr_willisI got an AAspire One :)13:07
bombercomicinker: i dont know i have aspire acer 531513:08
fourdotsreverting to ALSA only (no pulse audio) - does not work...13:08
mynameistuxI think the show text during boot thing, is the best feature of ubutnu, well, one of the best13:08
whitefangok, now that that's out of the way, time to get WoW and wine to play nice together...and MMS with my 360 going...and i can be windows free. ^_^13:08
mynameistuxgood for tou13:09
VaInVacanza_Itwhat is universho to use gcc3.4 in ubuntu?13:09
whitefangmynameistux: is it pretty?13:09
fluxyHello. I got a .emerald theme file. How do I install it? Thanks13:09
mynameistuxis what pretty13:09
dr_willisrodolfo,  that command put the source code into a directory - where ya ran the command at.. In my case my users home directory   nautilus-2.24.1/13:09
VaInVacanza_Ithow to use gcc3.4 in ubunt???13:09
whitefangmynameistux, nah, not that good for me...because those two things are never going to happen.13:09
bullgard4Is it not possible to fetch source packages using Synaptic?13:09
rodolfodr_willis ._.13:09
jribVaInVacanza_It: install the gcc-3.4 package from the repositories13:09
Tommckwell, funny.,.. I just fixed my own problem - found a bug in launchpad that matched my situation13:09
=== squiddy is now known as Guest25779
mynameistuxwow and wine, it has been done13:10
xanxorHi, I wonder if someon could help me get my microphone configured? I know a lot of people have problems with it in Ubuntu and I've done everything I've read about, but it doesn't work. Yes, I've enabled microphone and capture everywhere I can find the option to.13:10
mynameistuxwhat is mms13:10
VaInVacanza_Ithow create with synaptic?13:10
* mynameistux feels stupid13:10
jribfluxy: emerald-theme-manager13:10
jribVaInVacanza_It: what?13:10
BehnamI'm looking for a dbg package that will enable the function " gdk_x_error " in gdb13:11
fourdotsPlease Help - intrepid sound problems - pulse/alsa ...13:11
VaInVacanza_It...with software update manages?13:11
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats13:11
fluxyjrib:  Is it a package that I need to install?13:11
jribVaInVacanza_It: you aren't making sense.  Ask a complete question13:11
comicinkerbomber: well, that's going to be a little difficult. even if you don't own a AspireOne I would try the following description: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AspireOne#Install Ubuntu Hardy Heron (8.04.1) on the Acer Aspire One13:11
jribfluxy: maybe13:11
VaInVacanza_Iti need to install software(ns2) using gcc3.413:12
jribfluxy: .emerald themes are for the emerald decorator which isn't used by default13:12
mynameistuxwell, i've done my good deed for the day13:12
mynameistuxI think its time I turn in13:12
VaInVacanza_Itso i m looking for a linux version with gcc3.413:12
mynameistuxnight all13:12
xanxornight tux13:12
Area52Good Morning. Is there a way to set up a repository or some way of holding all the downloads, apps, sudo apt-get stuff on a local server so i dont have to down load if for all my computers ?13:12
jribVaInVacanza_It: are you sure there isn't similar software to whatever ns2 is in the repositories?13:12
fourdotsHow can I fix (post upgrade) Intrepid "no sound" problem?13:12
rodolfodr_willis please take a look @ http://paste.ubuntu.com/104359/13:12
jrib!who | VaInVacanza_It13:12
ubottuVaInVacanza_It: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)13:12
bombercomicinker: i have to enter in that website??13:13
xanxorCan someone help me with my microphone at all? I believe I have everything enabled that I should, but it still doesn't work.13:13
fluxyjrib:  Found it in emerald package. Thank you very much.13:13
jrib!apt-proxy | Area5213:13
ubottuArea52: apt-proxy is a program that acts as a local apt repository server for a LAN, only fetching from the internet when required. To set it up see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptProxy13:13
IenorandHow do I change to new user-switcher-replace-quit manually? Please, anyone?13:13
jribVaInVacanza_It: yes what?13:13
DefamedPrawnis there a howto out there on setting up alsa from scratch?13:13
comicinkerbomber: stick to "Install Ubuntu Hardy Heron (8.04.1) on the Acer Aspire One -> Wifi" and follow the instructions13:13
dr_willisrodolfo,  im pretty sure you need to be IN the nautilus source directrory when ya run that command13:13
Area52jrib: Thank you very much13:13
Behnam( No one for my gdb problem ? ^^ )13:14
BehnamI'm using Ubuntu 8.1013:14
jribVaInVacanza_It: anyway, gcc-3.4 is in synaptic13:14
comicinkerbomber: just a recommondation, I don't if it will work13:14
VaInVacanza_Itand ubuntu version?13:14
strangeseraphubuntuforums.org isn't working13:14
xanxorSorry to keep repeating myself - can somebody help me with my microphone? I mean, does the silence mean no one knows/wants to help?13:14
jribVaInVacanza_It: ask complete questions.  I have no idea what you mean by that13:15
fourdotsxanxor: did you check if it's muted maybe in gnome alsa mixer?13:15
VaInVacanza_Itwhich ubuntu version to use?13:15
Dorobo18jpHi all is there a was to see IP traffic that hits my system?13:15
xanxorfourdots: yes, I checked in alsamixer.13:16
xanxorfourdots: it's not muted in alsamixer.13:16
rodolfodr_willis I CDed into nautilus source dir and run it again...didn't work out though13:16
jribVaInVacanza_It: you don't have ubuntu installed already?13:16
=== cprofitt is now known as cp_work
VaInVacanza_Iti use vbox13:16
xanxorfourdots: hang on, I'll just check again.13:16
VaInVacanza_Itvirtual box13:16
VaInVacanza_Itor vmware13:16
erUSULDorobo18jp: netstat?13:16
jribVaInVacanza_It: 8.04 or 8.10.  8.04 has support for 3 years, 8.10 has support for 18 months.  8.10 is newer.13:16
dr_willisrodolfo,  could be ya got to be in the src dir..    could be some option to aptch to tell it where to look also.13:16
unopDorobo18jp, iptraf13:17
xanxorfourdots: now when I went into alsamixer, capture was enabled but the volume set to 0, even though I turned up the volume last time. I tihnk it resets itself or something.13:17
VaInVacanza_Itpk thank u13:17
erUSULDorobo18jp: it depends on what you want to see ... live connections; aggregate bandwith ? conection attemps as seen by the firewall if any ?13:17
PiciBehnam: You may want to try asking in #ubuntu-devel or #ubuntu-motu for that13:17
gajanHi all13:17
xanxorfourdots: I don't see an option for microphone either, just capture and master.13:17
Dorobo18jpi want to see all if possible13:18
rodolfodr_willis http://paste.ubuntu.com/104360/13:18
gajanWhats command for making .rpm a .deb13:18
erUSUL!alien | gajan13:19
ubottugajan: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)13:19
booiewhats a cli command to determine what hardware i have ?13:19
erUSULbooie: lshw13:19
dimebargajan: alien13:19
dr_willisrodolfo,  root@rodolfo-laptop:/home/rodolfo# patch -p1 < scrollbars.patch    <--------- that  Prompt is telling me that you are NOT in the nautilus source directrory when you are running the command.13:19
fourdotsxanxor: you should enable mic control iin the edit -> Sound card properties13:19
dimebaroh.. i should have read ubottu13:19
Dorobo18jpif you could whisper me how to see all te ip internet activity hitting my system that would be appretiated13:19
gajanubottu: thanks for that. what are the risk involved?13:19
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:19
rodolfodr_willis you mean not to run as sudo?13:19
jribrodolfo: and you're also root for some unknown reason13:19
dr_willisrodolfo,  you do not use sudo13:20
gajandimebar: thanks13:20
erUSULDorobo18jp: try "sudo netstat -putan | less" on a terminal and see if thats appropiate13:20
erUSUL!who | Dorobo18jp13:20
ubottuDorobo18jp: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)13:20
rodolfojrib dr_willis well to apply changes to the system or some patch file I'm supposed to be an admin, aint I?13:20
Chewbacca69honk honk13:20
jribgajan: what are you trying to install?  alien should be avoided13:20
jribrodolfo: no13:20
dr_willisrodolfo,  you are patching the SOURCE CODE - thats all. Not system files..13:21
BehnamPici: Thanks :)13:21
xanxorCan anybody please help me with my microphone? I have enabled capture in alsamixer and enabled the microphone in the volume settings thingy you get in the GUI.13:21
xanxorIt still doesn't work. Please, anyone?13:21
dr_willisrodolfo,  when you compile stuff you compuile as a user. only the last step of installing the stuff needs to be ran as admin13:21
xanxorAlso, whenever I enable the microphone under the volume settings thing in the top right corner of the screen, whenever I go back to it, it's disabled again. How do I fix that?13:22
gajanjrib: actually in our org only redhat is officially supported, but i use ubuntu with exception approval. so there are some packages for which only rpm is avlbl13:22
rodolfodr_willis but I don't get it! how am I supposed to run the patch command from the source dir?!13:22
Dorobo18jperUSUL-that is ok but i would like to see the accual ip addresses13:22
xanxorLike, I try to enable the microphone but the setting doesn't stick.13:22
dr_willisrodolfo,  you CD to the source dir.. and then do that patch command13:23
bullgard4Is it not possible to fetch source packages using Synaptic?13:23
jribgajan: just note that alien isn't really that great.  It can mess up your system if you use it to install libraries and things like that13:23
shibbyHmm... wasnt lzm2dir once a part of Ubuntu?13:23
rodolfoeven as a normal user I get the same output from it13:23
=== shibby is now known as shibbz
dr_willisrodolfo,  copy that .patch file to the soruce dir.. cd to the source dir.. run the patch command13:23
xanxorDoes anybody know how to make this setting stick? I go to the volume controls accessed from the top right corner of the screen and enable the microphone but it just disables itself again.13:23
erUSULDorobo18jp: foreing adrress column ??13:23
dr_willisrodolfo,  and i hope you isntalled the source as a user also.. other wise it may all be owned as root..13:23
rodolfodr_willis, it's is already there13:24
rodolfodr_willis, my home folder13:24
gajanjrib: thank u for that, but i dont hv any other option it seems13:24
rodolfolike you said13:24
tparcinahi channel!13:24
shibbzWasn't lzm2dir a part of ubuntu???????13:24
Hultis!hi | tparcina13:24
ubottutparcina: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!13:24
tparcinaI'm looking for ppd file for HP LaserJet P2055dn printer13:24
MetaMorfoziSHi all, i need  a program that can search for text in pdf, doc, ppt, etc formats13:24
Behnamxanxor: you would rather leave a topic on ubuntu forums, you'll be more sure to find an answer ...13:24
MetaMorfoziSWhat you suggests?13:24
shibbzFor some reason I remember lzm2dir included in 8.04... but it isnt in 8.1013:24
tparcinaHultis: thank you for wellcome :)13:24
jribgajan: if the rpm's are built from source by your organization, then you could build debs instead and worry about the details13:24
rodolfodr_willis ugh I didn't..13:24
fosco_MetaMorfoziS: grep13:25
dr_willisrodolfo,  and where did this patch file come from?13:25
[FRSK]KRSanyone know how fast a upgrade is applied to synapics??13:25
gajanjrib: how do i do that?13:25
MetaMorfoziSfosco_ > thank you, really helpful....13:25
Hultistparcina: too bad i cant help you with the ppt file though13:25
jrib!packaging > gajan13:25
ubottugajan, please see my private message13:25
gajanjrib: by make?13:25
jribgajan: no, see ubottu's message13:25
gajanubottu: where do i find that?13:25
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:25
MetaMorfoziSSo anybody else?13:25
tparcinaHultis: yes, it seams extrimly hard to find it :(13:26
Dorobo18jperUSUL - no ip addresss there is there an ip sniffer i could get or something ?13:26
xanxorSo nobody can help me with my microphone settings problem, then.13:26
shibbzubottu: yes you are intelligent! even bots are!13:26
rodolfodr_willis it comes from the "wget -O scrollbars.patch http://launchpadlibrarian.net/21136285/10_scrollbars.patch" command, which is NOT allowed to be run as a normal user13:26
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:26
melchHey. I am having some problems with adobe air13:26
dr_willisrodolfo,  a normal user can get files with wget...   you are confused about somtning...13:26
gajanubottu: where i can find ur private msg?13:27
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:27
dr_willisrodolfo,  my user just got that patch file just fine13:27
rodolfohold up13:27
Deckard_BR26354xanxor: if you go on the forums, you'll see that lot's of people are having problems with microphones - I tried for several days to get mine working and gave up.13:27
fourdotsxanxor, I've got sound problems myself... ;-)13:27
shadohi all13:27
melchHey has anyone installed adobe air on their 32bit system?13:27
tparcinashado: hi shado!13:27
xanxorDecard_BR26354: I've already been on the forums and didn't find a solution. That's why I came here. I can't give up because I don't have a phone and need my microphone to use VoIP.13:28
rodolfodr_willis http://paste.ubuntu.com/104363/13:28
xanxorIf nobody is going to help me that's fine, I just won't waste more time sitting here asking. You guys are usually very helpful and I appreciate that, so if you can't help so be it.13:28
sarmisakxanxor, is this a notebook?13:28
Hultistparcina: checked this? http://h30434.www3.hp.com/psg/board/message?board.id=Install&message.id=178513:28
rodolfodr_willis what does that mean?13:28
dr_willisrodolfo,  looks to me like your permissions for your users home dir are all messed up if you cant even download files to your own home13:28
xanxorsarmisak: Yes, it's Packard Bell laptop.13:28
Deckard_BR26354xanxor: I did get skype working - with a USB headset because it's treated as a digital device and not an analogue microphone, which is where the problem seems to be.13:29
sarmisakxanxor, usually on laptops there are two different mics -in my samsung it is- pop up the mixer window, and go to settings13:29
melchDeckard_BR26354: what are you skype problems?13:29
xanxorDeckard_BR26354: That's interesting, that's a good idea. Maybe I'll do that if I can't get my current mic working.13:29
melchDoes anyone know anything about adobe air?13:29
sarmisakxanxor, you should see two mics, one is just mic, and the other one is front mic.13:29
rodolfodr_willis it isn't all messed up because I don't deal with user permissions on this machine and this is a fresh install13:29
sarmisakxanxor, just switch them on and off until you hear some sound from it, that's the way I solved it.13:30
xanxorsarmisak: I don't see anything that says front mic. In the default mixer window I just see Microphone, which is enabled and at full volume. Then when I go into Recording, there's a thing that says Microphone and it's disabled.13:30
Deckard_BR26354melch: The root problem is that capturing audio from an analogue mic seems to be broken.13:30
xanxorsarmisak: Whenever I enable it, it re-disables itself. The setting won't stick.13:30
EdgeX-Hello; What program would you recommend for me as far as video editing goes?13:30
sarmisakxanxor, hmm that's pretty strange13:30
sarmisakxanxor, maybe you should switch off any voip software before trying to record13:31
jribEdgeX-: pitivi, kino, avidemux13:31
fourdotsdoes anyone have experience with ALSA & Pulse Audio? I have no sound!13:31
EdgeX-thanks jrib :)13:31
sarmisakxanxor, sometimes you can access sound hardware at one program only13:31
Deckard_BR26354EdgeX-: avidemux (GTK+)13:31
melchDeckard_BR26354: Does you mic work in any other program?13:31
dr_willisrodolfo,  if your own user cant write to their own home directroy somthign IS wrong..  the folloing just worked for me --> http://pastebin.com/m5dedaea713:32
xanxorsarmisak: I don't know what you mean by that.13:32
SuPeRhAmfourdots, did you try pavucontrol in terminal to bring up the pulse audio volume manager?13:32
sarmisakxanxor, ok, when you access your sound hardware by using ALSA only one program can access the hardware13:33
sarmisakxanxor, just shut everything else that might use sound, and then try recording13:33
Deckard_BR26354melch: No - I am using gnome / pulseaudio / ALSA - playback is fine and I can HEAR the mic through my speakers, but sound recorder won't capture it and pulseaudio won't show it on the monitor graph.13:33
xanxorsarmisak: okay, thanks. I'll try that.13:33
fourdotsSuPeRhAm: I've tried alot of things... I've swithed over to ALSA only (http://idyllictux.wordpress.com/2008/10/29/alsa-instead-of-pulseaudio-for-ubuntu-810-intrepid-a-non-destructive-way/)13:33
xanxorsarmisak: I assume that includes web browsers and evrything that might use sound, so I'll be back in a minute.13:34
lvlefistoi can't run skype while jackd is running, can someone help?13:34
Area52has anyone here compaired apt-proxy and apt-cacher13:34
fourdotsSuPeRhAm: pavucontrol gives "Connection failed: Connection refused" - probably 'cause pulseaudio is not running13:34
=== dimitar is now known as dimitars
SuPeRhAmfourdots, did you stop the service for pulseaudio?13:35
lvlefistowell, skype does run, but have audio playing problems13:35
fourdotsSuPeRhAm: i think so... "$pgrep pulse" gives nothing13:36
melchNone have any idea what i can do with adobe air?13:36
fourdotsSuPeRhAm: from that howto.. the line "% sudo mv /etc/X11/Xsession.d/70pulseaudio ~/" would prevent pulse from startin at boot.. i think13:37
rodolfodr_willis I think it worked for me as well http://paste.ubuntu.com/104364/13:37
Dorobo18jpAnyone know a Voip comp to phone software out there for linux ?13:38
IenorandHow do I manually replace shutdown button with FUSA in ibex?13:38
sarmisakDorobo18jp, skype?13:38
dr_willisrodolfo,  you do none of this as root. only after you build the .deb  THEN you install that as root13:38
Dorobo18jpim in japan that is expensive13:38
neil_dwhat rpm should a CPU fan be going ?13:39
rodolfodr_willis oh man ..13:39
fourdotsSuPeRhAm: as far as I could gather, pulse audio is all messed up in 8.1013:40
rodolfodr_willis ok then so...how do I buid the deb file from a patch file? just rename the file extension and I'm done?13:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about FUSA13:40
fourdotsSuPeRhAm: ...or at least when using my sound device13:40
dr_willisrodolfo,  you have to use the proper command to actually build the .deb now that you patched the source13:41
dr_willisrodolfo,  ive no idea what you mean by rename the file extension... all you ahve done is altered the source code.. NOW you actually compile it13:41
fourdotsPlease Help! PulseAudio vs ALSA - no sound after 8.10 upgrade.13:42
hateballDorobo18jp: Asterisk13:43
SuPeRhAmfourdots, im using pulse atm for my usb speakers, so i dont think its 8.10 doing it13:43
melchAnyone have an idea what I can do to get air to install13:44
Deckard_BR26354fourdots: kde or gnome?13:44
shibbzis there any way of using spoonwep on ubuntu?13:44
shibbzor some way of converting lzm files?13:44
fourdotsDeckard_BR26354: Xubuntu ... so XFCE13:44
rodolfodr_willis I do this running make command?13:45
fourdotsSuPeRhAm: alot of people over the posts I've read seem to think so...13:45
Deckard_BR26354fourdots: does is have a sound config tool?13:45
dr_willisrodolfo,  i  dont think so - thers some special dpkg/apt command to do it.. someonementioned it earlier i belive13:46
fourdotsDeckard_BR26354: sort of.. but you can run Gnome config from command line (I used to run gnome.. I can still log into a gnome session)13:46
dr_willisrodolfo,  <jrib> dr_willis: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html just apply patch before running dpkg-buildpackage13:46
fourdotsDeckard_BR26354: you think xfce might be ignoring gnome settings?13:47
Picirodolfo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide should help as well.13:47
Deckard_BR26354fourdots: Dunno - is pulseaudio running and have you tried the paplay command?13:47
fourdotsDeckard_BR26354: pulseadio is NOT running... I followed a howto on the net to disable pulse, and only use ALSA directly13:48
fourdotsDeckard_BR26354: so paplay also does nothing13:49
datakidhow can I tell which of the bootloaders grub or lilo is being used? I did an apt-get dist-upgrade from debian stable to debian unstable (ubuntu has better support :) ) and got some lilo warnings and config errors. turns out lilo is daft and difficult compared to my grub experiences, and now I notice that both are installed - the q I'm trying to answer is do I even need to worry?13:49
Deckard_BR26354fourdots: what's the irc command to put nicks at the start of a reply?13:49
pirx_hi! has anyone used debconf and knows where to put the 'template' file that contains all the questions?13:49
fourdotsDeckard_BR26354: audacious and totem seems to play (visualizer) - but no actual sound comes out13:50
Picidatakid: We do not support Debian here, please join #debian for support.13:50
fourdotsDeckard_BR26354: start typing the name and press tab.. like in console13:50
datakidok, so pretend I didn't mention the debian part13:50
Dorobo18jphateball- can you send me a private message please13:50
Gneadatakid: while Ubuntu and Debian share the same structure used for packaging packages, everything else is different.13:50
IrishDavidhey, im trying to build a program and its complaining of "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lhistory" any ideas how I install it?13:50
datakidPici, Gnea ok thanks13:50
Picidatakid: How about you just ask in #debian13:50
Deckard_BR26354fourdots: thanks - have you tried the aplay command?13:51
IrishDavidim running on a 64-bit machine and it should be installed13:51
fourdotsDeckard_BR26354: yes13:51
Deckard_BR26354fourdots: and aplay -l lists your soundcard?13:52
GneaIrishDavid: check to see if libreadline5 is installed:  dpkg -l | grep ^ii | grep libreadline513:53
Dorobo18jphateball- i downloaded it i have the tar.gz file on my desktop what next ?13:53
IrishDavidGnea: it's installed...13:53
fourdotsDeckard_BR26354: yes - 2 devices13:54
GneaIrishDavid: what about libreadline5-dev?13:54
karolHI sorry where do i get working version of SKYPE for 8.10 64 bit?13:54
AlexPersimmonhihi how can I use local mirror to install openoffice in xubuntu?13:54
Gnea!skype | karol13:54
ubottukarol: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto13:54
GneaAlexPersimmon: #xubuntu might be a better place to ask :)13:54
dimitarshow can i make all icons on desktop smaller without streching them 1 by 1?13:54
IrishDavidGnea: that wasnt installed, trying again13:55
AlexPersimmonremove X if u wish, I`m not dumb enough to think that it makes a difference for a list of repos13:55
driverfredhello! Can anybody give me some advice on what usb wireless adaptor to get for 64bit Ubuntu!?13:55
fourdotsDeckard_BR26354: see aplay ouput here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/104367/13:55
GneaIrishDavid: okay13:55
IrishDavidthanks Gnea working now13:55
GneaIrishDavid: cheers :)13:55
handyguy33I'm having a problem with Samba. Is there anybody here who could help me?13:55
AlexPersimmonis it ok to use debian installer?13:55
Deckard_BR26354fourdots: everything is un-muted in alsamixer? You've removed/changed ~/.asoundrc? You've re-run alsaconf and rebooted?13:56
GneaAlexPersimmon: are you talking to me?13:56
hateballDorobo18jp: asterisk is in the repos. as for usage... I'm not one to ask, I merely suggested it to you as an alternative :)13:56
dimitarshow can i make all icons on desktop smaller without streching them 1 by 1?13:56
GneaAlexPersimmon: take care of one problem at a time, please13:57
AlexPersimmonI only have 1 currently13:57
AlexPersimmonwhich is using a local server and not launchpad to download OO13:57
driverfredCan anybody give me some advice on what usb wireless adaptors are compatable with 64bit Ubuntu!?13:58
GneaAlexPersimmon: did you see what I said before?13:58
AlexPersimmonit seems like the only available installer is for debian (on the local server that is)13:58
karolGuys how do i call application that enables to use Mac-like icons on the bottom of screen?13:58
Gnea!wireless | driverfred there is a list of functioning adaptors linked from here -13:58
ubottudriverfred there is a list of functioning adaptors linked from here -: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs13:58
dr_williskarol,  several of the 'docks' in the repos do that.. and I hate them all.. so good luck13:58
AlexPersimmonyou said to ask at xubuntu but the question is about repos and not specific to an OS13:59
driverfredThanks Gnea!13:59
GneaAlexPersimmon: welp, I have to get back to work.13:59
Gneadriverfred: cheers14:00
scientesany way to make single user filesystems?14:00
scientesso they are portable between systems?14:01
melchAnyone have any exrpince getting adobe air to run?14:01
fourdotsDeckard_BR26354: if '00' means unmuted, and 'MM' means muted in alsamixer, then... the main palyback mixers are unmuted (Master, Master M, PCM,  Surround, CD, Video) ... the rest are muted14:01
Deckard_BR26354fourdots: when you play an audio file with aplay what happens?14:03
GeorgeAhow can I know if 'cupsd' is running on startup?14:04
fourdotsDeckard_BR26354: "$ alsaconf \n bash: alsaconf: command not found14:04
sidewalkhow well does ATI 3670 work on Ubuntu?14:04
licensedorchidIt plays, assuming that you get the options correct.14:04
licensedorchidGeorgeA: right after boot?14:04
GeorgeAlicensedorchid, yes14:04
Deckard_BR26354fourdots: doesn't '00' mean lowest volume setting? In other words, unmuted but no volume?14:04
fourdotsDeckard_BR26354: the command seems to try and play it, but only silence.. no errors14:05
licensedorchidGeorgeA: two ways. The easiest is to open a terminal and us PS to get a list of running processes.14:05
licensedorchidpiped to a grep like this: ps -A | grep cups14:05
GeorgeAlicensedorchid, that requires me to actually restart the server juts to test that :)14:06
Dorobo18jpi just installed asterisk threw synaptic but now cant find it where did it go ?14:06
Deckard_BR26354fourdots: isn't there an gui for alsa mixer in xfce?14:06
licensedorchidOkay, the other way, then14:06
licensedorchidServer, so all command line stuff?14:06
fourdotsDeckard_BR26354: don't think so... if I run the Gnome Alsa Mixer (Gui) the '00' ones are unticked and the 'MM' ones are ticked...14:06
GeorgeAlicensedorchid, no, I have a GUI, but I do most of my stuff from the command line normally. Thing is, I was doing stuff with cups, then I started it, but I don't remember if it were already started from b efore14:07
fourdotsDeckard_BR26354: yup, I use 'Gnome Alsa mixer'... or 'Alsamixergui'14:07
Deckard_BR26354fourdots: did your sound ever work?14:08
fourdotsDeckard_BR26354: why does aplay -l list 2 devices?14:08
licensedorchidGeorgeA: Look in your rc.(somenumber) dirctories14:09
Dorobo18jpi just got asterisk from synaptic downloaded now i cant find it can some one help me out14:09
fourdotsDeckard_BR26354: yes, before 8.04 -> 8.10 updrade... and previous versions -- I think I also had a problem when upgrading to 8.04, apparently that's when ubuntu went over to using pulise14:09
licensedorchidGeorgeA: you should see s20cups there14:09
GeorgeAlicensedorchid, ah.. alright, I was looking at hte rc files in /etc/init.d/rc.x I guess i was almost in the right place :P14:09
fourdotsDeckard_BR26354: 'pulse'14:10
GeorgeAlicensedorchid, yep it exists.. thanks14:10
booleanquestion: is there a way to keep specific packages from no installing when doing an apt-get upgrade ?14:10
melchDoes anyone have any idea how I can get adobe air working?14:10
licensedorchidNo problem, GeorgeA14:10
licensedorchidmelch: Nope, but it was something I wanted to get running, too. I should probably look, eh?14:10
christExcuse me, im having some problems with my network, when i am updating or upgrading from the repos, suddenly it stops and i have to disconnect the networkmanager and then connect it again, and thats the only way it works14:11
melchlicensedorchid: are you on 32bit or 64bit?14:11
Deckard_BR26354fourdots: 'pulse'?14:11
licensedorchidmelch: 32 bit14:11
Deckard_BR26354fourdots: ignore that last comment...14:11
Deckard_BR26354fourdots: alsaconf is in the 'alsa-utils' package - have you got that installed?14:12
djiezesHi. Do ATI cards (Radeon HD4850/4870) still pose problems under linux? Or is that a problem of the past since ATI opensourced their drivers?14:12
nvrpunk_how do I insert a new line into a file using sudo?14:12
nvrpunk_sudo "foo this into" >> foo14:12
eternalhow can I add certain users to a group14:12
nvrpunk_does not seem to work14:12
fourdotsDeckard_BR26354: alsa-utils is already installed14:12
licensedorchidnvrpunk_: sudo su14:12
melchlicensedorchid: can you try installing it and then the digg applecation?14:12
licensedorchidand then try it14:12
melchlicensedorchid: I have no problem installing I have a problem running the apps14:13
licensedorchidmelch: sure14:13
nvrpunk_ /etc/crontab permission denied14:13
Deckard_BR26354fourdots: try "apropos alsa" and see what commands are available for configuration.14:13
handyguy33Hi again, i'm having a problem with samba, can anybody here help me out?14:13
sipiornvrpunk_: try something like sudo sh -c "foo >> bar"14:13
Picinvrpunk_: sudo does not work across IO redirection operators.  Use sudo crontab -e to modify the root crontab, or use cat "bleh" | sudo tee -a bar14:14
fourdotsDeckard_BR26354: asoundconf14:14
fourdotsDeckard_BR26354: asoundconf?14:14
vlad_Hi, i have problems mounting a network drive. Could anyone help?14:15
EdgeX-!compiz > EdgeX-14:15
melchlicensedorchid: thank you su much!14:15
ubottuEdgeX-, please see my private message14:15
licensedorchidmelch: Which air app were you looking for?14:15
licensedorchid(me to test...)14:15
fourdotsDeckard_BR26354: I did run (per howto) "asoundconf unset-pulseaudio" & "asoundconf set-default-card nForce2" previously and rebooted14:16
melchlicensedorchid: i was testing by installing the diggtop and twril14:16
deanyvlad_: ubuntuguide.org is a great resource.. try it14:16
Dorobo18jpCan some one help me i go asterisk threw synaptic now cant find it can some one please tell me how to find the program14:16
foolishhi all14:16
djiezesDoes anyone know if ATI cards (Radeon HD4850/4870) still pose problems under linux? Or is that a problem of the past?14:16
bobbob1016Is it possible to encrypt my /home from a normal LiveCD?  I'm trying to install eeebuntu on an eeepc, and there is only the normal, not the alternate14:16
Deckard_BR26354fourdots: and 'nForce2' is in the output of "asoundconf list"?14:16
deanyno pm`s please14:16
fourdotsDeckard_BR26354: yes14:17
licensedorchiddjiezes: Mine seem to work just fine. That isn't to say they all work.14:17
djiezeslicensedorchid: and which one is it exactly?14:17
fourdotsDeckard_BR26354: .. and only nForce214:17
vlad_deany: It's a stange problem. I can connect to the server using smbclinet command, i can browse the folders and get/put files. However, once i try to mount, i can cannot open/execute any files and get Premission Denied message. There is no password on the file server. using root account does not help.14:17
=== Xoebus_ is now known as Xoebus
PiciDorobo18jp: What exactly are you looking for? Asterisk doesn't provide a GUI configuration iirc.14:18
licensedorchiddjiezes: This particular machine has an old m20014:18
zorglu_q. i got trouble storing my session when unlogging from the desktop, i would like to get all my apps/window at the same place when i log back. how should i do it ?14:18
foolishhello every body can somme one tel me why the modem sagem int work in my ubuntu 7.0414:18
licensedorchiddjiezes: I mean x200m14:18
Deckard_BR26354fourdots: where is the sound output to - hi-fi, PC speakers or what?14:18
Dorobo18jp.. thanks14:18
djiezeslicensedorchid: oh okay, i'm looking for info on the Radeon HD 48xx models .14:19
deanyvlad_:  http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_mount_network_folders_on_boot-up.2C_and_allow_all_users_to_read14:19
Picideany: I'll answer in here because -offtopic isn't a support channel.14:19
deanyvlad_: look up there, also how to read/write to etc..14:19
deanyok Pici14:19
licensedorchiddjiezes: Sorry. I can't help much with that, except to say that if my old-school ghetto card is okay, anything more mainstream should be, as well.14:19
Picideany: Use apt-get dist-upgrade, the 'upgrade' argument will not pull in packages that have new dependencies, such as linux-image pulling in a new depedency of linux-image-$version.14:20
fourdotsDeckard_BR26354: regular desktop speakers.. USB powered, woth sound over a 3.5 jack (headphone jack) into the onboard "speaker out" 'port'14:20
djiezeslicensedorchid: okay, thanks, i'll look a bit further.14:20
foolishsudo file14:20
deanyi usually use the upgrade gui but this time i went the shelll route14:20
Deckard_BR26354fourdots: and they are on and plugged in? (I know, but check the obvious)14:20
licensedorchidI guess now I have a question. I have a mighty mouse, bluetooth. Everything works but the button clicks. Any thoughts?14:20
fourdotsDeckard_BR26354: .. i actually use it on a KVM switch (share spkrs with XP pc) but it's now directly plugged into ubuntu mobo for testing (kvm gets confused sometimes)14:21
zorglu_q. i got trouble storing my session when unlogging from the desktop, i would like to get all my apps/window at the same place when i log back. how should i do it ?14:21
melchlicensedorchid: lol. I hate that mourse with a passion. How goes adobe air?14:22
licensedorchidzorglu_: system -> preferences -> sessions -> options   and check automatically remember running aps14:22
zorglu_licensedorchid: i already did. but it doesnt remember anything14:23
zorglu_licensedorchid: does this work for you ?14:23
MartinN00b|GIGAhi guys14:23
licensedorchidmelch: grabbing diggtop now.14:24
Deckard_BR26354fourdots: how have you got you media players configured?14:24
ubotturaid is Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID wto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto14:24
sistohas anyone tried the HP Laserjet P1006 ?14:25
fourdotsDeckard_BR26354: ok. usb power was in powered down xp box, but power LED on spkrs were on... plugged usb power into ubuntu mobo any way... LED went of then on again... don't think it's power. also sound jack is directly into ubuntu pc to bypass any KVM problems... need reboot?14:25
sistoi found it for 100 bucks14:25
handyguy33Hi. I tried a chmod command to try to fix my samba problem but still no joy. does anybody here know anything about samba?14:25
sistoshould i go for it?14:25
vlad_deany: thanks for pointing that out, but i'm afraid it still does not work14:25
vlad_deany: tried all the usual routes14:25
MartinN00b|GIGAive got a problem with my 3-D-View of my Desktop, the Top and the bottom are not invisible, i use the newest none-beta ubuntu (8.10)14:26
rafaelscj!ask > handyguy3314:26
Picisisto: HP generally has good linux(cups) support. Check cups.org for support.14:26
fourdotsDeckard_BR26354: what? as in explicilty (vs. autodetect) specify in the media app's preferences that the sound device is ALSA? in that case yes.14:26
dariohello someone spanish??14:26
Pici!es | dario14:26
ubottudario: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.14:26
dariook gracias14:26
fourdotsDeckard_BR26354: sorry, i mean "in which case, that is how I've got them configured"14:27
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows14:27
deanyvlad_: sorry im not too up on smb in linux14:27
fourdotsDeckard_BR26354: e.g. Audacious uses "Alsa Output plugin"14:27
ROSHAhi there14:27
handyguy33the windows computers on my network are bringing up all of the ms office documents as read only. i've tried a few tweaks but nothing has changed14:27
Deckard_BR26354fourdots: well, if you've just powered your speakers back-up, try playing something again...14:28
licensedorchidmelch: I keep getting an error about diggtop being damaged14:28
sistoPici: i searched p1006 on cups.org and got no results :( where can i find more stuff???14:28
sistohplip maybe?14:28
workingchairHey guys, i'm trying to get dual monitors to work.  I have it set up with the NVIDIA X Server Settings and each time I restart, it goes back to a single monitor.14:29
Picisisto: Perhaps14:29
KoolDhey i'm having some problems using fonts....i need to use a nepali font...i know i installed it right because i get the font in the font choosing options...anyway none of the fonts work....how do i fix it14:29
fourdotsDeckard_BR26354: skype uses (default)14:29
sistoPici: thx!14:29
workingchairAnyone know of a good tutorial on dual monitors?  I've googled it but I can't find anything worthwhile14:29
fourdotsDeckard_BR26354: restarted Audacious, it still just wiggles the visualzer scope14:29
sistoPici: it sounds like it's fully supported: http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/models/laserjet/hp_laserjet_p1006.html14:30
fourdotsDeckard_BR26354:  none of the skype audio out devices produces sound14:30
=== Wotanskrieger2 is now known as Wotanskrieger
licensedorchidmelch: twhirl worked just fune.14:30
deanyhow do i remove what was installed with "apt-get build-dep" ?  is it just basically copy pasting every package name it installed (there is a lot of em)., or will some quicker commmand work14:31
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
fourdotsDeckard_BR26354: running skype on console gives: ALSA lib pcm.c:2196:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.hdmi  \n bt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: Connection refused (111)14:31
sistowhat is the difference between "hplip toolbox" and gnome's "printer configuration tool"? why do i have two different device managers for printers?14:33
Pici!xinerama | workingchair try this14:33
ubottuworkingchair try this: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead14:33
Deckard_BR26354fourdots: well, there could be any number of issues there - the whole point of having pulseaudio was allow several apps to access the soundcard at the same time. Now you've removed it I don't know how well all your apps will play together...14:33
Deckard_BR26354fourdots: ...I only came in here to get my microphone working :)14:34
gamblerhi, longtime fedora user. Installed ubuntu, worked like a charm, picked up my home WIFI router no problem.14:34
fourdotsDeckard_BR26354: you too huh?14:34
mib_0a2qsrhi, im in spain wtihout reliable internet, i had a question. im thinking about buying a usb'key from a phone company to get adsl internet, does that rely on special windows'only drivers? or will it work on ubuntu14:34
=== MartinN00b|GIGA_ is now known as Psycho--Bot
gamblerI want to try setting up my wireless in master mode. Atheros AR521214:34
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gamblercan anyone point me to how the networking is handled in debian/ubuntu?14:34
fourdotsDeckard_BR26354: thanks anyway. good luck with you ppic14:34
fourdotsDeckard_BR26354: good luck with your mi14:35
fourdotsDeckard_BR26354: good luck with your mic14:35
Psycho--Botn00bs if anybody want to help me: query14:35
FloodBot1dezz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:35
SlartDoes anyone know of a way to convert realmedia files to something a bit more useful?14:35
fourdotsDeckard_BR26354: geez... m i c14:35
sistowhat is the difference between "hplip toolbox" and gnome's "printer configuration tool"? why do i have two different device managers for printers?14:35
Deckard_BR26354fourdots: thanks - I think certain functions in pulseaudio are broken at the moment - but going back to ALSA also requires a good understanding of the configuration issues. The forums have some very large threads on sound issues and I'm finding it difficult to get to the bottom of mine.14:36
cetanhotaHello all, is there a gui tool that can be used to manage apache?14:36
xanxorHey, I wonder if someone can help me? I just bought a new mp3 player (cowon d2) but when I connect it to the computer, ubuntu thinks it's a picture CD. I can't get it to link up as a hard drive.14:36
ActionParsnip1gambler: your network device is a file like every other device14:36
overclockbuhhh my visual effects died14:36
deanySlart: ffmpeg, or the gui winff14:37
djiezesDoes anyone have experience with ATI Radeon HD 48xx models under linux? Can you till me if 3D acceleration works okay (with proprietary drivers)?14:37
deanygoogle winff14:37
melchlicensedorchid: how is the install going?14:37
Slartdeany: oh.. ffmpeg handles rm?.. sweet.. I'm off to try..14:37
fourdotsDeckard_BR26354: that's also the problem I'm having... alot of the "official" ubuntu howto's are on alsa only. there are alot of mixed info14:37
ActionParsnip1!hcl | djiezes14:37
ubottudjiezes: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection14:37
deanySlart:  i dont know for sure.. :)14:37
=== uli is now known as Guest77721
mib_0a2qsrhi, im in spain wtihout reliable internet, i had a question. im thinking about buying a usb'key from a phone company to get adsl internet, does that rely on special windows'only drivers? or will it work on ubuntu14:38
djiezesActionParsnip1: thanks14:38
Slartdeany: well.. it's the most positive answer I've heard in a long time so I'll give it a try =)14:38
Deckard_BR26354fourdots: Well, as I see it, the problem is in the complexity - pulseaudio is not a replacement for ALSA, it works with it.14:38
deanyit handles god knows how many formats, no reason it shouldnt14:38
=== Psycho--Bot is now known as Ubuntu-Bot
Ubuntu-Botyoure fucking n00bs14:39
Ubuntu-Bothere i am14:39
xanxorhaha yes we're n00bs that's why we're here.14:39
ActionParsnip1!ohmy | Ubuntu-Bot14:39
ubottuUbuntu-Bot: Please watch your language, attitude and topic to help keep this channel friendly and helpful. Remember, there are kids here!14:39
xanxorwell observed.14:39
Deckard_BR26354fourdots: but somewhere in the mix of pulseaudio, gstreamer and alsa things are going wrong - for me anyway...14:39
melchlicensedorchid: Did you install adobe air?14:39
Ubuntu-Botubottu: i dont think so14:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about i dont think so14:39
Ubuntu-Botbut can anybody help me14:40
mib_0a2qsrno one has any ideas if usb-internet keys work on ubuntu?14:40
ActionParsnip1!ask | Ubuntu-Bot14:40
ubottuUbuntu-Bot: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:40
xanxorDeckard_BR26354: You still talking about the microphone problem? Any answers?14:40
Slartdeany: bah.. it doesn't support realmedia.. I wonder if it's some kind of legal thing..14:40
Ubuntu-Botubottu: ive done this two times14:40
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:40
xanxorDoes anyone have any ideas about getting an mp3 player to connect as a hard drive when ubuntu for some reason thinks it's a picture CD?14:40
fourdotsDeckard_BR26354: I realize this. I would have preferred a working PulseAudio - it sounds (pun) like a more elegant design; but according to some, the ubuntu guys didn't implement it correctly and/or test it thoroughly ..14:41
ActionParsnip1Slart: wouldnt it be ale to do it if youo had the rm codecs?14:41
Deckard_BR26354xanxor: No - I've been trying to help 'fourdots' with his alsa problem - with no success there, either...14:41
xanxorDeckard_BD26354: Man, alsa is annoying.14:41
deanywell the amazing app Super! for windows uses ffmpeg/mencoder and it can handle everything known to man14:41
SlartActionParsnip1: mm.. I suppose so.. but mplayer can play realmedia files.. perhaps mencoder can transcode them14:41
ActionParsnip1Slart: http://linux.derkeiler.com/Newsgroups/comp.os.linux.misc/2006-09/msg00662.html14:41
deanyso, Slart  guess i`d try mencoder14:41
melchlicensedorchid: are you alive?14:42
ActionParsnip1Ubuntu-Bot: i made him say it, I havent seen your issue14:42
mib_0a2qsrsomeone has to know the answer to my question! not difficult!!14:42
Deckard_BR26354fourdots: I have had more success with pulseaudio installed then without it...14:42
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
ActionParsnip1mib_0a2qsr: wassup?14:42
Deckard_BR26354fourdots: ...the only real issue left to resolve for me is microphone capture.14:43
mib_0a2qsrActionParsnip1: I´m asking if anyone knows if usb-modem keys providing adsl service via a phone company works on ubuntu, if it requires drivers windows has or not. im living in spain for a few months without any internet and its killing me.14:43
fourdotsDeckard_BR26354: I also had a problem with my mic after the previous upgrade (to 8.04 if i remember correctly) - can't remember for the life of me what I did to fix it. This kind of stuff shouldn't happen anymore should it!?14:46
ActionParsnip1mib_0a2qsr: http://www.saifur-rahman.com/2008/09/using-mobile-as-usb-modem-in-ubuntu/14:46
overclockhi evryone im new to ubuntu i instaled it on my ibm thinkpad r50e i had the visualeffects working till today when ihad a update now it say i cant enable the visual effects plus there is an update that would not download what do i do??14:47
leohartxhow do i completely remove network manager applet ? ( to setup static ip address)14:48
mib_0a2qsrty ActionParsnip1. not exactly what im looking for but thanks anyways14:48
SlartActionParsnip1, deany: mencoder actually worked.. the file ended up three times as large, but that's ok. Thanks14:48
Deckard_BR26354fourdots: Well, things are getting better with every new release - I think issues creep in with all the chipset variations, like a PCI audio card versus the mobo-integrated versions.14:49
scienteshow do i spin down a hard disk automatically?14:49
xanxorHi, does anybody know how I can connect my mp3 player to ubuntu so that it shows up as a hard drive instead of as a picture CD?14:49
ActionParsnip1Slart: try ogg vorbis instead ;)14:49
scientesxanxor, its always a drive do to /media/disk14:50
melchHas anyone gotten adobe air to install on their 32bit system?14:50
scientesor just /media14:50
xanxorscientes: I'm sorry, I don't understand. Do what?14:50
SlartActionParsnip1: thought I'd try a couple of different codecs.. might as well see how ogg compares14:50
ActionParsnip1xanxor: if you run sudo fdisk -l you should be able to mount it if its listed, mount it as writable and yuo can load it up14:50
scientesxanxor, go to /media and look for it14:50
scientesits a drive there14:50
xanxorActionParsnip1: Thanks, I'll try that.14:51
leohartxhow do i completely remove network manager applet ? ( to setup static ip address)14:52
handyguy33any samba pros in here?14:52
fourdotsDeckard_BR26354: yeah... I would think that would be more applicable to a few releases ago... this particular issue obviously got worse! my sound worked fine before without need for extraneous hacking14:52
xanxorActionParsnip1: I did what you said but I can't find which one it is in the resulting list. How do I select the right one?14:53
ActionParsnip1handyguy33: im pretty sweet at it, wassup14:53
ActionParsnip1xanxor: you need to look at the size and filesystem type14:53
xanxoroh, okay. thanks.14:53
shonodoes anyone know of a library in ubuntu for interrupt-based serial transfer?14:53
scientesf ubuntu sda mangling makes hdparm not work right on IDE drives14:53
xanxorActionParsnip1: Sorry, it doesn't seem to say the size.14:54
scientesi believe14:54
leohartxxanxor: have you used other icon set ( icon themes) ?14:54
ActionParsnip1xanxor: can you pastebinn the output please14:54
Ward1983what kind of size would you use for the swap partition of a 8GB system?14:54
xanxorActionParsnip1: You mean just copy and paste what's in the terminal?14:54
Ward19838GN RAM that is14:54
frostburnWard1983, depends on how much ram you have14:54
ActionParsnip1xanxor: no to pastebin14:54
xanxorleohartx: Not sure what you mean about icons, what does that have to do with how it's mounted?14:54
scientesxanxor, to paste,ubuntu.com14:54
ActionParsnip1!paste | xanxor14:54
ubottuxanxor: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)14:54
frostburnWard1983, 0-4gb14:54
ActionParsnip1Ward1983: does your memory use go above 8Gb?14:55
Ward1983frostburn, i meant it has 8GB RAM14:55
xanxorActionParsnip1: Okay thanks, I'll do that.14:55
ActionParsnip1Ward1983: whats the system used for?14:55
Ward1983ActionParsnip1, its 8GB, xen14:55
ActionParsnip1!caps | scientes14:55
ubottuscientes: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.14:55
Ward1983why do people use caps?14:55
leohartxxanxor: how does it shows in rhythmbox ?14:55
xanxorActionParsnip1: http://paste.ubuntu.com/104392/14:55
ActionParsnip1Ward1983: then i'd gve another 4 - 8Gb if you are using Xen14:56
xanxorleohartx: I don't use RhythmBox, I use Amarok.14:56
xanxorleohartx: I can't convince Amarok that it exists either.14:56
Ward1983ActionParsnip1, ok thats about what i thought14:56
ActionParsnip1xanxor: look at the top line of each block14:56
VixyHello everyone. I have a 64 bit processor and about 6Gigs of RAM. I'm trying to decide if I should install the 64 bit version of 8.10 or 8.04. I was told that 8.10 is still having a lot of issues, where as 8.04 is more stable. Which would be better for someone who is just starting out using Ubuntu?14:56
ActionParsnip1Vixy: id sugest 8.10 personally14:57
deanyis vbox meant to use 315meg memory when im runnin a 256meg vm14:57
xanxorActionParsnip1: Haha okay, I see it now. Dunno why I didn't notice that. thanks.14:57
n8tuserVixy-> i hope you will not get discourage by issues that dont work out easily14:57
ActionParsnip1xanxor: you have a 50Gb disk, a 16.5Gb disk and a 500Gb disk14:58
VixyActionParsnip1: Even though there are still quite a few issues with it?14:58
cameigonshello, hey, can I set different languages from different users in ubuntu ?14:58
leohartxVixy: 8.10 64 bit is for you14:58
xanxorActionParsnip1: It's the 16.5GB. What do I do now that I know which one it is?14:58
ActionParsnip1Vixy: its fine, i'd download both and try both, see which you prefer14:58
Vixyn8tuser: I won't get discouraged by issues, I'd just prefer something that I can at least get up and running correctly in a decent amount of time.14:58
handyguy33ActionParsnip1:  all the documents on my machine come up as read only on the windows machines in the workgroup14:59
xanxorActionParsnip1: Now that I know what it's called, how do I tell it to be mounted as a hard drive? The computer currently thinks it's a picture CD for osme reason.15:00
n8tuserVixy -> then dont worry about decent amount of time, 64bit is not quite there yet15:00
cameigonsdoes anyone know? Can I have menus/dialogs/program default langagues/etc in on language for one user and in another language to another user ?15:00
mikevankuikVixy: 8.10 I'd say but as others said before be ready for some issues with 8.10 and 8.04 its not guaranteed that your 100% free of them but don't get discouraged because its as stable as a mountain when its up.15:00
cameigons*on = one15:00
simplexioshono: http://www.captain.at/programming/rtai/serportint.php that could be helpful15:00
ActionParsnip1xanxor: well its ntfs formatted and its name is sdc115:00
n8tusercameigons -> i believe you can have diff settings for each user, just save the session at logout15:00
mikevankuikVixy: going to use it for a server or a desktop?15:00
ActionParsnip1!ntfs3g | xanxor15:00
ubottuxanxor: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions15:00
Vixymikevankuik: For a desktop15:01
cameigonsn8tuser, ok, I'll look into it, thanks15:01
xanxorOoh, thanks ActionParsnip1. I already used that to mount the 500GB drive - it's just the same procedure?15:01
ActionParsnip1xanxor: exactly the same15:01
xanxorActionParsnip1: Haha okay. Thanks again for your help.15:01
ActionParsnip1xanxor: just use /dev/sdc1 instead15:01
roadrocket13anybody have issues with the latest 8.04 updates killing their audio ?15:01
xanxorActionParsip1: Great. off I go.15:01
ActionParsnip1xanxor: or whatever partition is your player15:01
xanxorActionParsnip1: I think it's sdd.15:02
melchDoes anyone use adobe air?15:02
mikevankuikVixy: you'll love Compiz then :) (if you like a nice visual desktop :) )15:02
fastaI copied my .evolution folder from a different computer, but when I start Evolution it runs the setup wizard. How can I just let it use my settings from the other computer?15:02
Seveasfasta, settings live in gconf15:03
=== oh2 is now known as Mion
Seveasso you need to copy things from .gconf/.config/.gnome* as well15:03
fastaSeveas: ok, I will try that. Thanks15:03
roadrocket13the ubuntuforums.org site is down for maintenance and i was wondering if anybody could shed some light on a no-audio issue15:03
DvyjonesHow do I connect to my ubuntu computer through VNC (I have TightVNC on this box, the Remote Desktop thingie on my Ubuntu 8.10 desktop is the default (except it has a password))15:05
=== The_Compiler is now known as The-Compiler
roadrocket13nobody else is having audio problems with the latest 8.04 updates ???15:06
=== yacc__ is now known as yacc
* IntrepidOne looks at elkbuntu :)15:07
vanhackerhello bomber15:07
mikevankuikroadrocket13: sorry I'm running 8.10 so I woudn't know :)15:07
vanhackerare you are?15:07
IntrepidOneyou look like a five star general up there15:07
workingchairDvyjones, have you googled that?  There are lots of tutorials on VNC15:07
rio__I m facing some errors15:08
rio__it keeps saying broken packages15:08
rio__you need to fix manually15:08
rio__what should I do ?15:08
IntrepidOnerio__: sudo apt-get -f install15:08
rio__For inquiries please contact: Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network C... and here how should I say ok or agree15:10
rio__it just wont go ahed15:10
rio__there is <ok> but cant be clicked15:11
rio__and even enter is not doin any effect15:11
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:11
term_anyone know how to make VLC player as default player in Ubuntu 8.10?15:11
vlad_!ask i'm need help with mounting a network drive - smbmount, i keep getting "Permission Denied" when i try to open/view any of the files in the mounted directory15:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:12
ActionParsnip1!paste > handyguy3315:12
n8tuserterm_ -> look in /etc/mime.types15:12
ubottuhandyguy33, please see my private message15:12
CarlFKI have "GeForce 7150M" - does nvidia-glx-180 not work with it?  (hardware thing downgraded me to 177)15:13
p4rsehi, does anyone know a good proxy server for ubuntu 8.10?15:13
shonosimplexio: appreciated!15:13
ikoniap4rse: squid15:13
HyperkondriacDid I make a good investment in the books "Ubuntu Hacks" and "Ubuntu Toolbox 1000" ???15:13
Mionp4rse: socks15:13
term_n8user: how do i do next?15:13
sarmisakHyperkondriac, reading is a great investment ;) does not matter which book15:14
rio__how do i go further of this "Configuring sun-java6-jre" agreement by agreeing I'm stuck hee for a very long time15:14
p4rseikonia: is that a cache proxy only or can it be configured to say, a tunneling proxy or something?15:15
ikoniap4rse: it's basiclly a http proxy out of the box15:15
ActionParsnip1rio__: press down arrow15:15
ActionParsnip1!info squid15:15
ubottusquid (source: squid): Internet object cache (WWW proxy cache). In component main, is optional. Version 2.7.STABLE3-1ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 679 kB, installed size 1748 kB15:15
rio__I m at the bottom15:15
vlad_ i'm need help with mounting a network drive - smbmount, i keep getting "Permission Denied" when i try to open/view any of the files in the mounted directory15:15
Gneavlad_: did you give the correct credentials?15:16
ActionParsnip1vlad_: make sure the account you are connecting with has a password, blank passwords dont fly with smbmount15:16
kiskool_Kbarcode ?15:16
bluedragonquick question15:17
kiskool_need help on Kbarcode15:17
bluedragonhow do you change the icon for your hdd15:17
term_anyone know how to make VLC player as default player in Ubuntu 8.10?15:17
Gnea!ask | kiskool_15:17
ubottukiskool_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:17
vlad_ActionParsnip1: so if there is no password it won't work? i use the guest option and everyting works fine under smbclient15:17
Lokiasecan someone tell me how I can make my wifi connect automatic when ubuntu starts up?15:18
EdgeX-Lokiase, mine automatically does without any change in settings15:18
HyperkondriacThat's the one thing that made me curious about Ubuntu is how easy it recognized all of my hardware; my wireless card and usb modem.15:18
Gneaterm_: http://tinyurl.com/8aj79j15:18
licensedorchidLokiase: Do you want it to autoconnect to an AP?15:18
EdgeX-I'm sure it's in the netwrok manager15:18
kiskool_need help on Kbarcode plz15:18
=== The_Compiler is now known as The-Compiler
fastaSeveas: Evolution shows my email headers now, but cannot connect to show the messages (at least it seems to hang).15:19
Lokiaselicencsedorchid: whats an AP?15:19
Lokiaseacces point?15:19
licensedorchidLokiase: Yeah.15:19
Gneakiskool_: can't help if we don't know what the problem is.15:19
ActionParsnip1vlad_: i'd create a password on the account you are using or create a new account for the connection15:19
Lokiaseautomaticly connect to my router, with wpa2 encryption15:19
ActionParsnip1vlad_: either way it should need a password15:19
ActionParsnip1vlad_: and blank passwords are silly anyway15:19
licensedorchidLokiase: Gnome?15:20
bluedragonsorry probably missed it how do you change icons15:20
kiskool_I can not use the database in Kbarcode15:20
Tobias92Dear ubuntu people, my video drivers are being real stubborn ever since the (recent?) upgrade to nvidia-glx-180. I've tried reinstalling them through the graphic utility, through envyng and even through dpkg, but nothing seems to help ("failed to initialize"). Any suggestions?15:21
p4rseikonia: ok. Im quite a noob with proxies, normally a proxy server hides the user requesting pages so it appears as if the proxy is requesting those pages right? but can it do the opposite, hide itself so its a "transparent" middleman wich only passes on packages without changing source ip or anything?15:21
=== tyfoo2 is now known as tyfoo
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
tyler_d1how do I tell my video card from term?15:21
licensedorchidLokiase: Well, assuming it is just regular ubuntu, it'll be gnome. Right click on the network manager. Click on edit connections15:21
Gneakiskool_: that's not very descriptive, please try again, this time with as much detail as you can... most people don't use kbarcode, so if you assume that most people do, then you're not going to get very good help.15:21
jokkahwhat are simptoms of bad cpu ?15:21
ikoniap4rse: well no, the whole point of a proxy is to "proxy" so not changing the IP is a bit "non-proxy"15:21
licensedorchidLokiase: under wireless, select your AP, and click on edit. Then check "connect automatically"15:22
Mionjokkah: that everything else is ok, but the computer still bugs15:22
bluedragonhow do you custumize your hdd icon15:22
bluedragonany suggestions15:22
Gnea!repeat | bluedragon15:22
ActionParsnip1jokkah: its offtopic as its not ubuntu related specifically15:22
ubottubluedragon: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience15:22
melchbluedragon: gnome-looks.com15:22
dr_willisbluedragon,  right click on it on the desktp, properties. click on the icon.. perhaps15:22
Lokiaselicensedorchid: I can choose "connect auto" and "system setting", whats the last one?15:23
TheFunkbombgood morning15:24
ActionParsnip1bluedragon: right click it and click properties i'd imagine15:24
nrpilbluedragon: http://www.gnome-look.org/15:24
licensedorchidLokiase: Not sure. I would hate to guess and be way wrong.15:24
=== cesar_ is now known as Guest5012
kiskool_Gnea I install my database with Kbarcode but I do not know how my model automatically registered15:24
hyakuheihey all, I need a little help - my laptop is taking a very long time to boot, its hanging on Network config. It has two interfaces, Wired is BCM5906M and wireless is 3945ABG it was fine untill about a month ago but now whenever I boot from cold it takes about 3 minutes for (something) to timeout and then continues to boot. Any ideas ?15:24
TheFunkbombquick questions.  What is the command line to update Ubuntu 8.10?  It's something like sudo apt-get....15:24
bluedragonsorry thanks15:25
hyakuheiTheFunkbomb: sudo aptitude update15:25
TheFunkbombthanks hyakuhei15:25
hyakuheinw ;)15:25
licensedorchidTheFunkbomb: update the repos, or update the software?15:25
bluedragonyou right click it then properties then just click th image it will allow you to change pretty easy i am just used to windows being diffcult15:25
TheFunkbomblicensedorchid, update the software15:25
bluedragonhave to get used to EASY LOL15:25
TheFunkbombI have to reinstall ubuntu15:25
[TiZ]The forums have been having a lot of problems lately. What's going on?15:26
licensedorchidTheFunkbomb: sudo apt-get update followed by a sudo apt-get upgrade15:26
licensedorchidTheFunkbomb: I believe15:26
jokkahwhat are simptoms of bad cpu ? you leave the ff open, and the next day, its using some 90% of your processor and your pc is hot as hell  (even some times this happpens.. like 3, 4 times a week) ..., from time to time, your cpu goes to 100% usage for some not so hard to do tasks.. example some sql queries... if there are more then a couple, the mysql uses 100% of the cpu and the comp get hot and slow to finish any task... plus the feeling tha15:26
bluedragonDoes anyone know where I can get a animated Linux Penguin to have like on the desktop doing song lol  mething anything how about beating up a msn butterfly or somethi15:27
Gneakiskool_: you should check #kbarcode (yes, it exists)15:27
melchHas anyone used adobe air?15:27
TheFunkbombokay bbl!15:27
dr_willis!info xpenguins15:27
ubottuxpenguins (source: xpenguins): little penguins walk on your windows. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2-6 (intrepid), package size 219 kB, installed size 1316 kB15:27
kiskool_thanck you15:27
licensedorchidmelch: did you get my last message to you? :D15:27
NET||abusehi guys.. i'm trying to read an origional MS Office 2007 cd that came with the laptop i'm using, i have ubuntu and virtual box with a Vista VM, i need to figure out office Outlook's method of dealing with gpg email signings and encryption15:27
mikevankuikmelch: yeah but not on linux yet :( want to though :)15:27
lparhyakuhei: anyone help you figure out what was hanging your bootup?15:27
bluedragonxpenguins what is that15:28
NET||abusenever mind the vbox VM, my ubuntu os won't read the CD for some reason15:28
melchlicensedorchid: no i did not15:28
NET||abuseis there anything i can do to figure out what's wrong with the disc?15:28
melchlicensedorchid: what did it say15:28
ganesh1how to check whether m15:28
GneaNET||abuse: can vista read it?15:28
PiciNET||abuse: Check dmesg15:28
licensedorchidtwhirl works fine. I am on it now.15:28
licensedorchidbut diggtop is jacked.15:28
melchlicensedorchid: did you just install it?15:28
ganesh1how to check whether my graphics card is in use or not?15:28
licensedorchidAbout an hour ago.15:29
melchlicensedorchid: i wonder what my problem is then15:29
licensedorchidSave the file to the desktop, and then right click-> open with adobe air15:29
NET||abusehmm, dmesg had a ton of "[sr0] unaligned transfer" messages15:29
LokiaseHow can I get rid off the "enter password for default keyring" at every startup?15:29
licensedorchidNET||abuse: have you tried crossover?15:29
melchlicensedorchid: which file did you download?15:30
NET||abuselicensedorchid: just ejected and cleaned the disc, works now! :P15:30
licensedorchidLokiase: That is how your network manager gets the key to the API. YOu don't really want to kill that.15:30
melchlicensedorchid: maybe i should install flash from the repos?15:30
licensedorchidmelch: I did. libflash-nonfree, I think15:31
Diogo_Vallitem algum br ai ?15:31
Lokiaselicensedorchid, I don't want to enter the password every time when the pc starts up,...15:31
melchlicensedorchid: maybe it is the same reason i can't get google gadget to work15:31
ganesh1 how to check whether graphics card is in use or not?15:31
ikoniaganesh1: plug a monitor into it15:32
gamblerwhat ubuntu package contains wlanconfig15:32
licensedorchidTwitter, the ubuntu forums, and a few other sites are down today. All seems to be DB issues.15:32
licensedorchidI wonder if there is something similar to the great zune suicide of 08 going on with DB's today15:32
Diogo_ValliTEM ALGUM BR AI ?15:33
NET||abusejeeeeeeeezus,, even the vista VM runs at the sign of an office cd,, now trying to boot the vm, it's blue screening after a second.. "PAGEFAULT_IN_NONPAGE_AREA15:33
ganesh1ikonia: i mean graphics driver..15:33
fosco_gambler: wlanconfig is in madwifi-tools package15:33
fosco_gambler: just try to run wlanconfig and the system will tell you what to do15:33
fastaEvolution shows my email headers now, but cannot connect to show the messages (at least it seems to hang). When I run strace on it, I see lots of "resource temporarily unavailable".15:34
NET||abuselicensedorchid: need to test gnupg on vista with ms outlook environment for configuring a customers machine. need a vm, crossover won't do for this test15:34
hyakuheilpar: not mate, still a mystery to me!15:34
Diogo_ValliTEM ALGUM BR AI ??????????????15:35
Pici!br | Diogo_Valli15:35
ubottuDiogo_Valli: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.15:35
p4rseikonia: ok. here's my problem, my school has a http proxy which they shut down after 00:00 to prevent ppl to use internet at night. I can use another proxy that is on 24/7, but i dont wanna stop using the school proxy entirely so they dont suspect anything. So far i've switched proxy every night manually, but i thought why not have my own proxy server (on the school network) that switches between tunneling my traffic through school proxy (15:35
melchlicensedorchid: did you get google gadgets to work15:35
perilluxWhen i set rules using firestarter, do I have to run firestarter for them to work?15:35
Piciperillux: No, they are always in effect.15:36
Lokiasedoes someone knows how to turn off the "unlock keyring"? I don't need a pasword to give in for it, I want it to start automaticly...15:36
gamblerfosco_, ty15:36
gamblerxbmc not in ubuntu anymore? i cant find it in synaptic15:36
todd_Can someone point me to a quick doc on how to create a "Meta Synaptic Package" for my personal use (no code, just want it to contain a list of other packages)???15:36
bluedragonjust finished installing xpenguin applet how do i access it15:38
bluedragonwhere is it15:38
dr_willistodd_,  i just make a little batch file that installs the packages i normally want.    text file with serveral 'sudo apt-get install whatever' lines. :)15:38
todd_Lokiase: You need a .ssh file with a ref to your keyring file15:38
Lokiasetodd_: can you take me by my hand en help my step by step?15:38
dr_willisbluedragon,  you could always run it from a terminal.15:38
Miondr_willis: you can install several packages at once, instead of calling apt-get 40 times15:39
todd_dr_willis: but I would like to be able to "push" other packs to fellow developers15:39
todd_Lokiase: give me a sec...15:39
fourdotsHelp with sound PLZ! -- "nForce2 AC97" - ALSA / Pulse - Broke after 8.10 upgrade15:39
dr_willisMion,   Yep.  but i got my script sort of grooped where i can install groups  :)15:39
Lokiasetodd_: ok, thanx15:39
lparhyakuhei: sorry, just saw your response now... was just wondering what your /var/log/messages looked like, or /var/log/boot from around the time it is hanging15:40
bluedragonDr willis shouldn't there be a place where you can get it15:40
hyakuheiNothing relevant in messages, I'll take a look in boot now lpar15:40
dr_willisbluedragon,  Huh?15:40
todd_Lokiase: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto look at the generateing public keys section15:40
hyakuheilpar: Nothing in boot15:40
ganesh1how can i check whether graphics driver is installed or not?15:41
lparhyakuhei: it's just hanging at the network startup then?15:41
bluedragonDr_willis shouldn't there be some place i can just click and it is there15:41
todd_Can someone point me to a quick doc on how to create a "Meta Synaptic Package" for my personal use (no code, just want it to contain a list of other packages)??? I need to be able to do updates for others...15:41
jessidHi. Is it possible in the Ubuntu instalation process to install only the ubuntu-minimal packages??????????????????15:41
Lokiasetodd_: to difficult, i need more assistance, i'm totaly noob15:42
bluedragonbesides the xpenguin is corney looking for something better any suggestions15:42
dr_willisbluedragon,  if you mean to be ask ing 'where is the icon for xpenguins'  (instead of being so vague) i would have to say.. look in your menus...15:42
hanibanahi al :)15:42
todd_Lokiase: I am sorry, thats my extent... I just follow that15:42
hyakuheilpar: thats right - most of the time I use suspend2ram so I'm not that effected by it but any time I boot after a full shutdown it hangs mid way through the boot process for about 3 minutes15:42
todd_anyone else want to take a crack at Lokiase15:42
fourdotsI've disabled PulseAudio to use ALSA only - still no sound. Can anyone please help15:43
hyakuheilpar: by switching (VT's?) to F8 I'm able to see that its hanging on the "Configuring Networks" part of the boot process15:43
troythetechguy_I'm running 8.10 as guest OS using Virtualbox.  Any idea why the ping command does not work?15:43
licensedorchidI am looking for a low-footprint, but decent looking, imap client. Thoughts?15:43
todd_Can someone point me to a quick doc on how to create a "Meta Synaptic Package" for my personal use (no code, just want it to contain a list of other packages)? I need to be able to update for others use???15:43
Picijessid: Not through the Desktop CD, you'd have to use the minimal CD image for that.15:43
Pici!minimal | jessid15:43
ubottujessid: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD15:43
outoftimehas anyone ever run into a problem with gnome-terminal not line-wrapping properly for long commands? it does a line feed but continues on the same line as before. only seems to be a problem when i have colors/styles in my PS1...15:43
Lokiasetodd_: i just must enter those two commands?15:43
lparhyakuhei: what version of ubuntu are you on?15:44
jessidPici thanks a lot. I had never heard of that cd.... Thanks again!!!!!!15:44
licensedorchidLokiase: what's the problem?15:44
bluedragonDr_Willis there is no icon and where would there a better animated theme of the linux penguin15:44
licensedorchidI was AFK.15:44
derspanksterI want to move a storage hard drive from one machine to another. I guess I need to unmount the drive ,remove it, install it in the other machine and mount it.  Is that all?15:44
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD15:44
Lokiaselicensedorchid: the wifi starts automatic, so thats great, but "unlock keyring" asks my password every time at startup now...15:44
todd_Lokiase: You need 2 things if you read that... a .ssh file and a key file where an encripted pass is stored15:44
jessidsee you later! :)15:44
hyakuheilpar newest stable15:45
hanibanaI installed Ubuntu 8.10 on my WD external hard drive and selected that the GRUB be installed on /dev/sdb (my External disk). But, after rebooting its get me the Error 17 :( . I want to have Ubuntu on this disk to be booted on my work system and my Laptop. I did NOT have this problem with Fedora. But I like to stick with Ubuntu...15:45
licensedorchidAh. That issue still. Let me see...15:45
hyakuheilpar: Ubuntu 8.1015:45
todd_Anyone know much about synaptic?15:45
hanibanaGRUB error, I mean15:45
bluedragonDr_Willis last question how do I automount my ntfs partiton when i logon15:45
lparhyakuhei: k, i'm just trying to figure out if you may be hanging on an IPv6 problem or something... I had that problem in 7.1015:46
ubuntu-chileubuntu en español15:46
hyakuheilpar: could be I suppose15:46
Boohbahubuntu-chile: /j #ubuntu-es15:46
hyakuheihmm, I might just take the network stuff out of the boot process for now15:46
lparhyakuhei: network manager will attempt to configure IPv6 but take too long to time out15:47
lparhyakuhei: that's just a possibility tho15:47
hyakuheithanks for the input lpar15:47
bliZZardzis it 'safe' to install py3k on Gutsy?15:47
hornet141maybe used other boot loader, what thing about lilo ?15:47
hanibanaany idea ? :(15:47
teniserI need a help15:48
fourdotsdoes any 1 of you 1425 odd people know how to get alsa-only sound to work?15:48
shmuckis there RAD PHP application for Ubuntu ? thanks15:48
derspankster I want to move a storage hard drive from one machine to another. I guess I need to unmount the drive ,remove it, install it in the other machine and mount it.  Is that all?15:48
shavinis there any open source or free software for pdf to png conversion?15:48
licensedorchidLokiase: do you have to log onto your machine, or is it auto login?15:48
IdleOne!sound > fourdots15:48
ubottufourdots, please see my private message15:48
kiskool_Gnea>that-is that the other uses instead of Kbarcode then?15:48
Hikeractiveshavin, a screenshot?15:48
energYshmuck: What are you Victoria Beckham? "ooh, thats soo rad."15:48
bardyrHey, i have hooked a old thin client up to my speakers and want them to be used to extend my laptops speakers trough pulseaudio, the problem is that the thin client only has OSS sound, can this be done?15:49
Lokiaselicensedorchid: auto login15:49
lparhyakuhei: np, i'd say look around for ways to better config NetworkManager for time outs etc... or possibly ditch it for a more manual startup process if you can, e.g. just ifup/ifdown15:49
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs15:49
outoftimeah, nice, found my answer - http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=4891015:49
lparyou can prolly find something that works15:49
licensedorchidI wonder if auto login uses the pam modules. It must, right?15:49
shavinHikeractive: Oh, hadnt thought of that. but is there any file convertor too?15:49
reelHi, aptitude complains that "I wasn't able to locate file for the <package name>.  you need to manually fix this package". multiple sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade didnot help. Any tips on how to solve this problem ?15:49
=== IVBela1 is now known as IVBela
Milos_SDCan 2 keyboards attached to a PC - one USB and one PS/2 freeze X?15:50
Lokiaselicensedorchid: no idea15:50
shavinbecause for long files which do not fit on a screen?15:50
Hikeractiveshavin, there may be -- there are some free online tools if you google for them. i've used those before.15:50
teniserDo you have any idea why when I constantly scroll in the browser, song stops while is playing? (It happens to all the MP3 software that I try - Amarok, Rhytmbox, GNOME music box).15:50
MOUDHey all15:50
MOUDcan VLC open audio images? (.img extension)15:51
todd_teniser: may be a simple resource problem what MHz/how much ram?15:51
dr_willisMilos_SD,  ive never had them freeze X15:51
tenisersorry for my bad english, but I can san you only that i have ASUS A7N8X-X  graphic card15:51
Lokiaselicensedorchid: still no solution?15:52
todd_can anyone help me with synaptic???15:52
Milos_SDdr_willis, I get this error before X freezes - USB Keyboard: Read error: No such device15:52
licensedorchidLokiase: edit your gdm-autologin to include @include commonpam-keyring15:52
MOUDhow can I mount a .img file?15:52
teniserI don't understand the drivers, but the application Hardware drivers  wrotes to me is the active ATI / AMD proprietary FLGRX graphic driver.15:52
Lokiaselilencedorchid: how? (noob remember)15:52
licensedorchidLokiase: http://tinyurl.com/2n5z5y15:53
licensedorchidI am going to go smoke a cigarette. Be back in a second.15:53
cdeszaq1How can I remove all .svn directories within a directory tree from the command line?15:53
=== cdeszaq1 is now known as gogzmer
dr_willisMOUD,  i belive 'fuseiso' can do that.. or so the homepage for it claims --> fuseiso - FUSE module to mount ISO filesystem images15:53
teniserPlease give me a reply15:53
Lokiaselicensedorchid: will try it, thanx15:53
MOUDdr_willis: ok, I'll give it a try. thank you15:54
todd_cdeszaql: you may want to try rm -rf `find . | grep .ssh`15:54
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QtParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap15:54
todd_cdeszaql: oops you may want to try rm -rf `find . | grep .svn`15:54
gogzmertodd_: thanks15:54
teniserTodd, are you here??15:55
todd_teniser: yes, what did you need?15:55
ganesh1how can i check whether graphics driver is installed or not?15:56
teniser@Todd, It is a ASUS A7N8X-X graphic driver. I do not understand the drivers, but the application Hardware drivers wrotes to me that is the active ATI / AMD proprietary FLGRX graphic driver.15:56
todd_teniser: sorry I know nothing about graphics/audio cards :-(15:57
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots15:57
teniserok Todd, anyway thanks15:57
todd_Can someone point me to a quick doc on how to create a "Meta Synaptic Package" for my personal use (no code, just want it to contain a list of other packages)? I need to be able to update for others use???15:58
Ward1983i have some bridges and i deleted them several times, each time i reboot they are back again, how can i permanently dele them?15:58
Ward1983delete them15:58
todd_teniser: sorry I wish I could help, I always answer 2 ???'s for every ? I ask in here... sometimes it takes a while15:59
todd_Can someone point me to a quick doc on how to create a "Meta Synaptic Package" for my personal use (no code, just want it to contain a list of other packages)? I need to be able to update for others use???15:59
licensedorchidLokiase: any luck?16:00
teniserTodd, please say me is there a Serbian, Croat or Bosnian Ubuntu IRC Support chat?16:01
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke16:01
todd_teniser: I have no idea, maybe16:02
* dr_willis has no idea what language Serbian, Croat or Bosnian speaks. :)16:02
Jack_Sparrowteniser, /join @ubuntu-ru16:02
Jack_Sparrowteniser, /join #ubuntu-ru16:02
Jaffarkelshaccan someone help explain this for me, my graphics has been behaving odd http://paste.ubuntu.com/104338/ shows screen shot of my problem16:02
Jack_Sparrowkeltic I think16:02
VioletsPieIn the add/remove program, what exactly computes the popularity rating?16:03
Jack_SparrowVioletsPie, feedback16:03
VioletsPiei see16:03
dr_willisVioletsPie,  i think theres some optional feedback tool that can send info to  the servers. about what you get16:03
todd_Jack_Sparrow! cool can you help me!?16:04
todd_Can someone point me to a quick doc on how to create a "Meta Synaptic Package" for my personal use (no code, just want it to contain a list of other packages)? I need to be able to update for others use???16:04
troythetechguy_I'm running 8.10 as guest OS using Virtualbox.  Any idea why the ping command does not work?  I have network access as I'm able to use IRC & internet.16:04
Jack_SparrowVioletsPie, When you install ther is an option to op in or out16:04
licensedorchidTroythetechguy_ I am guessing that your host is blocking ICMP16:04
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude --disable-columns --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate16:04
MOUDfuseiso didn't work :(16:04
dr_willistroythetechguy its due to how virtualbox/windows is gettting the vbox machine to the network.16:04
Jack_Sparrowtodd_, that will handle it16:05
rafaelscjVioletsPie, this opyion is at synaptic's preferences16:05
=== m1dn1ght_ is now known as m1dn1ght
=== MrElendig is now known as Mion
todd_Jack_Sparrow: No, I want to beable to install a package on a bunch of peoples machines, and then be able to push new apps via, synaptic update... help???16:06
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning16:06
MOUDhow can I mount a .img file?16:07
todd_jack_sparrow: lol, i dont want everything... I dont care if they use kde, or gnome, I want to be able to ensure they have java 1.6 and eclipse and....16:08
Jack_Sparrowtodd_, there is no current feature like that in Ubuntu.  You can probably script something up  that they run, you could create your own personal repo and have them add it16:08
dr_willisMOUD,  you could try googling for that. youmay have better luck. I dont recall ever seeing a .img file befor16:08
dr_willisMOUD,  or find a way to convet img to .iso files16:08
todd_Jack_Sparrow: thats what I am trying to get info on... my own personal repo... is there a how to?16:08
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Intrepid, and help keeping the servers' load low!16:08
Ward1983i have some bridges and i deleted them several times, each time i reboot they are back again, how can i permanently delete them?16:09
Jack_SparrowMOUD, img are not a biggie hold on16:09
MOUDdr_willis: I'm googling it but the ubuntu forum is offline and I think there's a solution in there16:09
todd_Jack_Sparrow: thats what I am trying to get info on... my own personal repo... is there a how to?16:09
MOUDJack_Sparrow: ok16:09
ubottuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers16:09
ganesh1 how can i check whether graphics driver is installed or not?16:10
MOUDJack_Sparrow: can it mount .img files? (it's an audio image)16:10
todd_Jack_Sparrow... lol, anyway to do it over the net, so I dont have to sneeker net?16:10
nwillettjeffrieswould someone be able to help me with a flash video problem?16:10
ne2k__is it possible to make cinelerra look like it belongs on Gnome/Ubuntu? it's a fairly ugly-looking interface out of the box16:11
Jack_Sparrowtodd_, What you want to do is fine but it really isnt ubuntu support  try offtopic etc,16:11
MOUDsudo apt-get install APTonCD  doesn't work :/16:11
todd_Jack_Sparrow: ok, synaptic is not supported??? all I want is some info on how to create a repo??? wtf16:12
MOUDfound it on package manager16:12
todd_Jack_Sparrow: Or at least somewhere else to look16:12
Jack_SparrowMOUD,  sudo mount Filesystem.img /home/user/MyFilesystem -o loop16:12
tefahey there every body16:12
bardyrhow can i force all processes of a user to a given priority? new and old16:12
dr_willisMOUD,  aptoncd does not mount  cd's or image files.. it creates them :)16:12
MOUDdr_willis: well, it's worth a shot16:13
lumpySalut, salut !16:13
khomfyi  not a pro so i might need some help16:13
tefai am on ubuntu now ...but accidently the sound went off ...and when i try to raise the voice from the gnome applet ....it tells me that system cant find gstreamer ..:/16:13
Jaffarkelshaccan someone help explain this for me, my graphics has been behaving odd http://paste.ubuntu.com/104338/ shows screen shot of my problem. any input welcomed16:14
Jack_SparrowMOUD,  http://www.ubuntu-unleashed.com/2008/04/howto-mount-isos-in-ubuntu-easy-way.html16:14
MOUDnot that :(16:14
tefaany suggestions :( ??16:14
yao_ziyuandejavu sans should be made the default of ubuntu16:14
khomfyi need a webcam driver for a in build bison webcam16:14
sh1how do i install ncurses16:14
Jack_SparrowMOUD,  If not that then you need to come up with a better question16:14
sh1i tried to install aptitude install ncurses and it says no package found by that name16:15
Jack_Sparrow!ot >yao_ziyuan16:15
MOUDJack_Sparrow: thanks for the info but I downloaded the program but it only supports .iso file format ATM :/16:15
todd_Can ANYONE help point me to something on creating a synaptic repo????16:15
Jack_Sparrow!find ncurses16:15
ubottuFound: lib64ncurses5, lib64ncurses5-dev, libncurses5, libncurses5-dbg, libncurses5-dev (and 16 others)16:15
dr_willisMOUD,  one forums states you can just rename the .img to .iso and mount it as an .iso, or use wine and magiciso, to convert it to iso then mont it16:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about img16:15
Jack_SparrowMOUD, What program.. aptoncd was not for you16:15
m1dn1ghtIs there a serious problem with ubuntuforums??16:15
khomfydoes anyone know any bison webcam driver for amilo pa254816:15
MOUDdr_willis: nice, I'll try that16:16
Picim1dn1ght: Theres no timeframe on when it will be back up currently.16:16
nwillettjeffriesactually i saw a timeframe of 1800 UTC16:16
nwillettjeffriesis that wrong?16:16
RPSYou justr have to hate when you create your own problems, but I was trying to install VLC from the terminal and I'm getting an error.16:17
Jack_Sparrow!webcam > khomfy16:17
ubottukhomfy, please see my private message16:17
m1dn1ghtPici: thanks16:17
dr_willis!info ccd2iso16:17
ubottuccd2iso (source: ccd2iso): Converter from CloneCD disc image format to standard ISO. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3-3 (intrepid), package size 7 kB, installed size 60 kB16:17
m1dn1ghtMOUD: http://www.mopedia.co.uk/2008/02/convert-img-to-iso-in-ubuntu.html16:17
dr_willisMOUD,  or use that tool ccd2iso :)16:17
lumpyThere are french ubuntu channel ?16:17
Pici!fr | lumpy16:17
ubottulumpy: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr16:17
bliZZardzhow do i get/install the devel files for a package/lib?16:18
RPSYou justr have to hate when you create your own problems, but I was trying to install VLC from the terminal and I'm getting an error. Here is a pastebin of the dpkg error I'm getting http://pastebin.com/d355e279f16:18
PicibliZZardz: Most have -dev at the end of them.16:18
bliZZardzPici: use apt-get ?16:18
PicibliZZardz: Is there something in particular that you're looking for?16:18
VioletsPiewow Rhythmbox is pretty impressive16:19
bliZZardzi just need the devel files and hence16:19
PicibliZZardz: You'll need the metapackage build-essential as well if you're planning on compiling software.  /msg ubottu compile   for more info16:19
bliZZardzwhat does '--enable-shared' mean in /configure? what happens if i dont use it?16:20
sh1which command and what should i give to install ncurses16:20
dr_willis!find ncurses16:20
ubottuFound: lib64ncurses5, lib64ncurses5-dev, libncurses5, libncurses5-dbg, libncurses5-dev (and 16 others)16:20
bliZZardzPici: am installing Py3k on my Gutsy and stumbling on some errors in Make. guess the devel packages are not there.and hence16:20
scienteshow do i set my samba workgroup?16:21
sh1i try to install them and they wont install16:21
meiyuliwhat are you talking about?16:21
fastaWhen I switch to a console (Contr-Alt-F1) it switches back to the GUI again. How can I switch to the console?16:21
m1dn1ghtmeiyuli: Who are you referring to?16:21
Picifasta: Either try ctrl-alt-f1 again, or use ctrl-alt-f216:21
fastaPici: already tried that16:21
meiyulii don't quit understand16:22
Picimeiyuli: This is the official Ubuntu Support channel, do you have a question?16:22
dr_willisscientes,  i edit the /etc/samba/smb.conf file to change mine16:22
m1dn1ghtmeiyuli: This is the support channel for #ubuntu.  For non-support chat you can try #ubuntu-offtopic16:22
scientesdr_willis, hmm looks good there wonder why every other linux comp shows up in windows but not this one16:23
dr_willisscientes,  ive had so many weird quirks with Vista and XP and samba lately.. its scary.16:23
n0dlhello, when i type in lsusb in the terminal i get a list of 7 buses that show that they are either 2.0 or 1.1. How do i find out which port is 2.0 and which is 1.1?16:23
dr_willisscientes,  so the linux box is only NOT showing up to one windows pc eh?16:23
dsdeizwhat ftp server do you guys recommend? :-?16:24
scientesdr_willis, xp works great but vista is a pain16:24
meiyulihow can i get a free web proxy?16:24
dr_willisdsdeiz,   I reccomdne learnign to use ssh.16:24
scientesthis is the windows 7 beta inside of kvm16:24
energYI need a remote torrent program. Should I use rtorrent or torrentflux?16:24
dsdeizother than ssh.. hehe16:24
gluckHi, is there any possibility to install Ubuntu Server to a machine via LAN? Have no monitor or keyboard. Have a laptop.16:24
dr_willisscientes,  i have an issue where XP and vista machines are not seeing each other.. but they both see the linux box ihage.. and it can see both of them16:24
dsdeizjust a good ftp server.. hehe16:24
RPSdoes anyone have a minute to help with my problem ...I think its a simple one ....when I try to install any program from either installer I get the following error message .... you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem ...I'm not sure exactly what I need to run.16:24
dsdeizcause that's what the client wants.. hehehe16:24
Tobias92Hey ubuntu people, I've got a rather odd problem: my gtk theme seems to be broken for some applications (xchat, firefox, thunar) but not for, say, the utility that configures the theme16:25
scientesdr_willis, its funny thats the type i see, windows sucks linux rues :)16:25
kukuricasudo dpkg -a, I guess16:25
=== geo_ is now known as geo05
brendan0powershello, is there any way to use casper(customizing a livecd) withought a squashfs image?16:25
meiyuliis there any people who understand chinese16:25
brendan0powersI have to make changes frequently, and re-generating the squashfs image takes a while16:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ch16:25
fru_hi guys16:25
adityagi did a "sudo apt-get install postfix" on ubuntu 8.04 , during installation i get a screen with POSTFIX CONFIGURATION, and there's <ok> at the end, but i dont know how to proceed to the next step.16:25
RPSkukurica, thats how I got in this mess ...thinking. ;)16:25
meiyuliok !16:26
fru_need help with su-login16:26
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)16:26
fru_i got ubuntu 8.0416:26
fru_when i try to login as su with command "su"16:26
Myrtti!sudo | fru_16:27
ubottufru_: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)16:27
Jack_Sparrowfru_, You dont use su.. see sudo above16:27
adityag i did a "sudo apt-get install postfix" on ubuntu 8.04 , during installation i get a screen with POSTFIX CONFIGURATION, and there's <ok> at the end, but i dont know how to proceed to the next step.16:27
fru_i would like to be permantly loged in as su, jack16:28
dr_willisadityag,  hit the TAB key  to get to the OK - and hit enter. :)16:28
Jack_Sparrowfru_, Not a good idea16:28
dr_willisfru_,  use sudo -s then16:28
fru_well ^^16:28
daredevilthereHey all . What tools do i need to compile softwares from sources16:28
dr_willisfru_,  and be CAREFULL :)16:28
fru_im old enough *gg*16:28
lmaolmaowhen i am choosing what partitions I want on the ubuntu liunux install . . . it says mount point . . what am I supposed to do for that>\16:28
vxbinacawhy is Rocks n' Diamonds broken after 3 release cycles?16:28
n0dlwhy does lsusb list 7 Buses when I only have 4 usb ports?16:29
fru_yeah its working, thx guys16:29
vxbinacaall that happens is the distro maintaners distro bump the same code16:29
fru_i will watch out ^^16:29
RPSkukurica, I ran that line and its still refusing to let me install a program16:29
adityagdr_willis: cool16:29
PrathmeshHello I m kinda preparied format and reinstall of Linux. I have created few probs due to my newbieness can anyone just tell me if any way to fix it16:29
lmaolmaoGuys can someone pleas help me . . . what does it mean when it gives me the option MOUNT POINT when I am preparing partitions on the ubuntu install? what should I select for the partition that will have the os on it etc etc?16:30
=== Somethief is now known as somethief
Prathmeshif not then which os shoudl I install Ubuntu or Kubuntu16:30
franklinmeiyuli what'up16:30
[c0ma]kubun ftw!16:30
[c0ma]KDE > GNOME16:30
SlimeyPetePrathmesh: you can switch between ubuntu and kubuntu easily, so it doesn't really matter16:31
SlimeyPetejust install ubuntu and then later you can switch to kubuntu if you want to16:31
[c0ma]or you could go with xbuntu16:31
Jack_Sparrow[c0ma], Please lose the rude shorthand16:31
daredeviltherelmaolmao: wht are u asking16:31
bliZZardzam not finding dev files for _dbm  _tkinter16:31
[c0ma]rude shorthand??16:31
ganesh1 how can i check whether graphics driver is installed or not?16:32
mattiashi, i need advice16:32
daredeviltherelmaolmao: use / on which partation u want to install ubuntu16:32
bartocc"aptitude install foo" might install bin software16:32
PrathmeshI m currenly on Kubuntu but I faced some probs infcat I creadted probs with very well working OS16:32
Pici[c0ma]: This is a support channel, please take the offtopic chatter to #ubuntu-offtopic or elsewhere16:32
ASULutzyAnyone have any clue why I can mount a drive running on a Windows machine on the LAN with smbmount, but when I'm outside the LAN and I replace with the external IP, it doesn't work... I've got the machine set as DMZ on the router?16:32
bartocccan I know what bins have been installed by a certain "aptitude install" ?16:32
mattiasis there a way to remove duplicate files in a folder system in linux ubuntu?16:32
Picibartocc: dpkg -L packagename16:32
[c0ma]i have no idea what you are refering too....16:33
Jack_Sparrow[c0ma], There are multiple meanings for ftw16:33
[c0ma]for the win16:33
somethiefASULutzy you either got NAT and inproperly forwarded port, your ISP drops the port or either of the machines is conffed to not allow usage over public internet (which is probably how it should be so its default)16:33
[c0ma]only way ive ever seen it used...16:34
=== somethief is now known as Somethief
mattiashow can i find and remove duplicate files?16:34
Jack_Sparrow[c0ma], There are multiple meanings for ftw      which is a good enough reason to try and avoid confusion ..  http://dot.com.do/BTWgloss.html16:34
PrathmeshAnyway to install Default and purge all the other changes I have done with Kubuntu ?16:34
[c0ma]oh ok...16:34
macmanguys .. i just made a backup with k9copy to 1 movie about 10 minutes ago .. i put another one in and  k9copoy crashes .. i have rebooted restarted everything .. but whenever i put this certin dvd in and use k9copy it crashes .. any ideas ?16:35
bartoccI just "sudo aptitude install apache2" but I don't see apache2ctl installed16:35
bartoccshould I install something else ?16:36
bartoccthx Pici btw16:36
RPSthe second I open synaptic package manager I get the following error ...E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.16:36
RPSE: _cache->open() failed, please report.   what command line prompt do I need to run in order to fix this issue?16:36
bliZZardzam not finding dev files for _dbm  _tkinter ...help plz!16:36
bliZZardzsearch for 'dbm dev' is giving me only gdbm.16:37
daredevilthereHow do i recompile kernel16:37
JMS32How to do the B/W out to one of sisplats?16:38
Picibartocc: Its part of the apache2.2-common package16:38
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages16:38
sektor1952question does anyone know how long the ubuntu forums are going to be down for while they perform db maitenance?16:38
fastaWhich package provides libnss3.so.ld?16:38
Picisektor1952: No, there is no time frame at this time.16:38
=== openchris is now known as Chris`
jakobhow do you do16:39
Dillizari have just install a new 8.04 in win. xp and i cant install flash for firefox16:39
daredevilthereDillizar: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree16:39
Dillizari did daredevilthere but doesnt work16:39
* RPS lifts his arms and sniffs ...nope I don't stink LOL16:39
sektor1952then maybe you guys can answer a question being the forum is down, which marvell yukon driver do I download the one for 2.6 kernel that says fedora or the one that says 2.4 and higher16:39
Dillizarsome error missing file16:39
daredevilthereDillizar: restart firefox than16:40
sektor1952I try installing the one that is for 2.6 kernel but I get a syntax error16:40
Picifasta: Have you looked at http://packages.ubuntu.com for the file?16:40
Jack_SparrowDillizar, Just to be clear, you did the "WUBI" install  right16:40
Jakoo1I have a problem with intrepid and a modem 56k on serial port, despite with hardy was ok any idea?16:40
fastaPici: not yet, but I will do so.16:40
jakobi am depresst16:40
DillizarJack_Sparrow, its ok fixed it =)16:41
bliZZardzPici : am not finding dev files for _dbm  _tkinter .what should i search for?16:41
bliZZardzPici: I search for 'dbm dev'16:41
fastaPici: now I did and it's not in jaunty, but evolution needs it.16:41
RPSJack_Sparrow, take mercy on me and get me out of purgatory please16:41
sektor1952I know there is a post about it on the forums but they are down16:41
Picifasta: Jaunty support is in #ubuntu+116:41
Jack_SparrowRPS, I cant shoot you from here.  Please address your issue to the channel. I am leaving for a bit16:42
RPSE: _cache->open() failed, please report.   what command line prompt do I need to run in order to fix this issue?16:42
jakob i have processor with 4 cilinders16:42
Jack_Sparrowjakob, Please stop16:42
RPSthe second I open synaptic package manager I get the following error ...E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.16:42
Jack_Sparrow!ask > jakob16:42
ubottujakob, please see my private message16:42
Picijakob: This is a support channel, please stop with the random chatter.16:43
jakobow ok16:43
squarebracketwhen i try to reset my computer via remote shell, it drops to a root shell. why is it doing this?16:43
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Guest50345fråga installera nvidia 9600 gt drivers i Kubuntu16:43
synthe_cisercan anyone give me a tipp how i'll get the "Cube 3D Animation" when i switch from one window on my desktop to another? I hope anyone can understand this :D16:43
Pici!sv | Guest5034516:43
ubottuGuest50345: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se16:43
PicibliZZardz: Can you pastebin the errors that you are getting?16:44
RPSsynthe_ciser, you are looking compiz-fusion16:44
Jakoo1please can anyone help me to set up a 56k modem on serial port with intrepid?16:44
ubottuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up16:45
n0dlwhy does lsusb list 7 Buses when I only have 4 usb ports?16:45
adaptrn0dl: the mobo does have 716:45
n0dlhow could i tell if a device is plugged into a usb 2.0 or 1.1 hub?16:45
n0dladaptr: as far as I know no16:46
squarebracketsynthe_ciser, have you installed compizconfig?16:46
fastaPici: the library is installed in /usr/lib, but still evolution doesn't see it.16:46
synthe_cisersquarebracket, nope never heard compizconfig16:46
eehjälp mig att installera nvidia på kubuntu16:47
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Myrtti!se | Guest7168916:47
ubottuGuest71689: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se16:47
daredevilthereI cant here voice frm mic input ?16:47
synthe_cisersquarebracket, so first i'll have to install compizconfig?16:47
daredevilthereHow to corrent it16:47
MyrttiGuest71689: detta kanal är engelskt.16:48
squarebracketsynthe_ciser, have you installed compiz-fusion? (i think it's installed by default)16:48
adaptrsquarebracket: it isn't16:48
squarebracketadaptr, oh.16:48
synthe_cisersquarebracket, nothing happens when i type in compiz-fusion into my terminal16:49
squarebracketsynthe_ciser, type: sudo apt-get install compiz16:49
adaptrbetter yet: install compiz-config or settings-manager or whatever16:49
squarebracketthat's after... mind you, i guess it'll depend on compiz, eh?16:50
mataharii wanted to ask you if someone knows where the totem-player saves its temporary files16:50
daredevilthereHow do i compile softwares frm source16:50
squarebracketsynthe_ciser, type: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager16:50
adaptrdaredevilthere: googlezorz16:50
photomaniachello, i am running ubuntu 8.04 and somewhere along the line i installed some packages or programs that have been eating up resources.16:51
photomaniaci want to restore my system to the default settings and packages but im not sure how to do that without reinstalling. i appreaciate any help. thank you16:52
_Cidphotomaniac:  to look what is taking your resources - a good first step is to run 'top' on the command line :)16:52
RPSthe second I open synaptic package manager I get the following error ...E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. Uh, what exactly do I need to run from the terminal to get this problem fixed?16:52
eXlinfor some reason my mysqlserver (5.0) isnt creating root account by default on 804LTS, any advices how to create that?16:52
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
=== five is now known as Guest88421
MyrttiRPS: dpkg --configure -a16:53
Myrtti!root | eXlin16:53
ubottueXlin: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo16:53
MyrttieXlin: hrm, oh, nvm16:53
ASULutzyMyrtti: for mysql? There should be a root account16:53
MyrttieXlin: misread16:53
KoolDis there any firewall in ubuntu as default16:54
adaptrthere is one firewall in Linux, and it is included in all Linux distros16:54
ASULutzyKoolD: iptables is built into Ubuntu, but the default rule is allow all, but Ubuntu comes with no open ports, so that's fine16:54
Taurus4619hello how can i change language in terminal?16:54
KoolDASULutzy: thanks16:54
MionTaurus4619: LC_LANG16:54
eXlinubonto: well, it is not problem. --skip-grant-tables -> noticed that on user table there is not whole root account. and mysqladmin doesnt give me to chance root password cause of incorrect password. and yes i have tryed also empty password16:55
Mionyou need to build the locale you want to use16:55
eXlinserver installation asked for root password16:55
Mionsince glibc don't provide all of them anymore16:55
eXlinso i setted it up16:55
Taurus4619LC_LANG eng ?16:55
Taurus4619or how?16:55
energYI need to reconfigure torrentflux. How do I remove all setings?16:56
adaptrdpkg-reconfigure torrentflux16:56
eXlinTaurus4619: it gived error by then when i tryed to do reconfigure. it goed away when i setted lang and language to en_US (utf8)16:56
RPSI ran the line of code and got the following message in the terminal ...it was too large to post here, so here is the link to it http://pastebin.com/d171703eb16:56
eXlinhow to set lc_Lang? maybe i should google it. but you think it could help?16:56
RPSMyrtti, that should have had your nick at the start but I forgot it.16:57
ASULutzyRPS: I'm not familiar with this moblock package, what is it?16:57
ASULutzy!info moblock16:57
ubottuPackage moblock does not exist in intrepid16:57
ASULutzyRPS: Oh, it's peer guardian16:58
MyrttiRPS: press ok?16:58
RPSits a version of peer guardian16:58
ASULutzyRPS: Just push ok if you want to use it16:58
RPSthat comes up in the terminal window and there is no way to click, type or do anything from the terminal16:59
MyrttiRPS: hit tab and press enter16:59
RPSwhen that message shows the terminal might as well be dead16:59
ASULutzyRPS: tab ?16:59
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
RPSit is asking 15 millions questions ...I'd just as well remove the program to tell the truth17:00
photomaniac_Cid: when i looked at 'top'  i added up the individual memory usage % and got about 18 but on the system monitor it shows that i am using 61% for programs and 38% for cache17:01
tylorhello all, how do i stop a package from wanting to upgrade?17:01
EnoxAccording to the nvidia readme I need to add vmalloc kernel parameter to the kernel I'm booting.  Do I simply append that to the kernel= line in menu.1st?  is there a way I can make sure my modifications are Ok with grub before rebooting?17:02
_Cidphotomaniac:  linux uses memory different than windows, we keep it full until we need the space - hence making new lookups faster. Having full memory should not bog down the system17:02
RPSwhat I don;t fully understand could get me into trouble with locking down all types of good sites17:02
Hutchhi all. having some difficulties with my USB headset. in system>preferences>sounds i have USB headset OSS selected for playback and the test works fine. however, it does not work for youtube, skype etc. any ideas?17:02
Enoxphotomaniac- If you use the 'free' command then look at the used memory on the "-/+ buffers/cache" line you'll see the actual amount used in the way you're thinking about it.17:03
synthe_ciseri have to say, compiz brings my pc to crash17:04
Hutchany idea?17:05
RPSwhat is the best way to uninstall or at least disable mobloquer (peerguardian) until I've done enough research to understand how to properly use the program?17:05
Mionapt-get remove ?17:06
Mionor whatever17:06
mshkajiflanhvhi there! does any one know how to configure moodle in ubuntu?17:06
RPSbut when I look for it as mobloquer it doesn;t return anything17:06
Hutchrps: use your package manager.17:07
Miondid you install it from a .deb in the first place?17:07
Hutcheither applications>add/remove... or system>administration>synaptic package manager17:07
kingbom dia17:07
kingalguem me pode ajudar a instalar o vmware server 2 em ubuntu?17:07
joepdamn. I think im uninstalling xchat, annoys me too mcuh, heh.17:08
kingi need help in installing vmware server 2 in ubuntu17:08
eternalwhat do you need help with ?17:09
eternaldid you run the install script  ?17:09
kingthe instalation goes fine, bun i cannot end the registration17:09
Scunizijoep what annoys you?17:09
fru_how do i start a private chat ?17:10
fru_with a command17:10
Scunizifru_: /msg <nick>17:10
n0dl /exit17:10
fru_hell of a joker n0dl :/17:10
nvrpunkhow would I change17:11
Lokiaseecan someone tell me how I can get rid of he keyring popup when ubuntu starts up?17:11
kingafter the instalation, i run the command vmware, and it opens the browser17:11
nvrpunkhow do I change sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 3128   to only do this for everything outside of
JampiterIs there a tool in Ubuntu that allows me to view my system specifications, akin to dxdiag?17:11
kingand asksme for a login name and a password17:11
RPSthank you guys I got it uninstalled ...it can be so tough sometimes ...I'm a LONG time computer user, heck I go back the days before Microcrap ruled the world and DOS was king, but this linux world can be very humbling.17:12
Hutchmy USB headset is no working in rhythmbox and skype, but not in firefox for youtube etc. any ideas?17:12
eternalKing when you run call vmware it brings up your a browser ?17:12
eternalKing interesting17:13
fru_can I filter name in channelist17:13
bartoccwhat package must I install to have the "man" utility ?17:13
tritiumbartocc: nothing.  It's installed by default.17:13
eternallook at groups vmware17:13
=== Leon_ is now known as LeonBrussels
bartocctritium: I get a command not found17:13
gimpscape_hi. Could you recommend me some good calendar application with TODO list? I'm looking for something lightweight ( not evolution, not sunbird)17:13
i-pinkhow i can change the ubuntu icon to pink icon?17:13
eternaland did you add yourself to that group ? ?17:13
bedakecould someone tell me why network manager lists my wireless as unmanaged?  I can scan for networks fine manually17:14
bartoccon 8.1017:14
SinnerboyDOS was Micro$oft too17:14
JampiterIs there a tool in Ubuntu that allows me to view my system specifications, akin to dxdiag?17:14
i-pinkhow i can change the ubuntu icon to pink icon?17:15
i-pinkhow i can change the ubuntu icon to pink icon?17:15
i-pinkhow i can change the ubuntu icon to pink icon?17:15
FloodBot1i-pink: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:15
Hutchcan anyone help me? USB headset not working in firefox for youtube etc.17:15
fru_can i leave a message for someone ?17:15
daredeviltherei-pink: check gnome-look.org17:15
i-pinki have a icon17:16
Lokiaseekiasee> can someone tell me how I can get rid of he keyring popup when ubuntu starts up?17:16
i-pinkbut i dont know how t change17:16
tritiumbartocc: it's in the man-db package.  You should have man-db and manpages packages both installed.17:16
eternalfru_ you have to be authenticated first then use /msg nick17:16
=== felix-da-catz_zz is now known as felix_da_catz
fru_how get auth ?17:17
i-pinksomeone can help me in praivet17:17
adrenalineLokiasee, that is annoying and a great question17:17
cecilwhat happen to ubuntu forums ? been off for hours.17:17
Myrtti!pm | i-pink17:17
ubottui-pink: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.17:17
roozbehonlineaiuw: hi17:18
Lokiaseeadrenaline: i will work without keyboard, so I MUST find a solution...17:18
wolteri have a dropbox icon on my panel, i don't know how to kll that process...17:18
i-pinkhow i can change the ubuntu icon to pink icon?17:18
i-pinki have a icon17:18
i-pinkbut i dont know how t change17:18
daredeviltherei-pink: which ubuntu icon17:18
eternalfru_ you have to registered first17:18
adrenalineLokiasee, I will see if I can find something on google17:18
i-pinkthe start icon17:18
wolteri-pink, http://strabes.wordpress.com/2006/10/16/change-the-menu-bar-logo-on-ubuntu-dapper/17:18
fru_long procedure ?17:18
RPSsee now I know to use the tab key to work through colored text items located in the terminal window. I enjoy learning, but its tough sometimes. BLUSH17:18
woltergoogle works sometimes17:18
eternalfre_ /msg nickserv register pass email address17:18
bedakeHow can I set network manager to manage my wlan0?  It is shown as unmanaged under nm-tool17:19
fru_ah okay17:19
jensorI am running ubuntu eee and tried to format a usb flash drive using17:19
jensorterminal.When I gave the format command for the drive, terminal says17:19
jensorcannot format because drive is mounted.I then unmounted the drive and17:19
jensorgave the format command for the drive, and terminal says device not17:19
jensorfound.I am trying to format ext2,so I can't use windows.How on earth17:19
jensordo you do this in linux? I am limited in my knowledge of linux, so a17:19
FloodBot1jensor: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:19
photomaniac_Cid:sorry about the delay. my computer locked up with 2 programs.17:19
i-pinki men the icon it open the menu17:20
ProlescumHello. I'm looking for a solution to have dual heads on 8.10 using a compaq nx9005. I don't want to edit the xorg.conf unless necessary, and was under the impression that it was automatically detected with Intrepid. Any ideas? Need more info?17:20
pyrokay_hey guys, i'm on the aspire one running xubuntu. my wireless card works, but won't recognise one specific network - any ideas?17:20
JampiterIs there a tool in Ubuntu that allows me to view my system specifications, akin to dxdiag? Namely the processor speed. Is there a command in Bash or something? Someone must know.17:20
josei live in basque country (spain917:21
cristican anyone recomend me what should i use to make an interface for a g++ program?17:21
i-pinkhow i can change the ubuntu icon to pink icon?17:21
i-pinki mean the icon it open the menu17:21
pyrokay_Jampiter, uname -a or cat /proc/cpu17:21
photomaniaci would like to restore my box to its default post install settings and packages.17:21
adrenalineCrap the ubunut forums are down17:21
PiciJampiter: lshw as well17:21
josealguien sabe cstellano?17:21
JampiterThank you :)17:21
photomaniacif anyone could help i would appreciate it.17:21
Pici!br | jose17:21
ubottujose: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.17:21
Pici!es | jose sorry17:21
ubottujose sorry: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:21
sektor1952Is there a known issue with shutting down/rebooting ubuntu?17:21
bedakeAnyone know how to set network manager to manage my wlan0?17:22
cristi can anyone recomend me what should i use to make an interface for a g++ program?17:22
KrnlKlinkHello, My computer has two bluetooth adapters, I'd like to be able to disable one of them based on the mac address. Is this possible?17:22
josedonde le doy para cambiar de canal17:22
sektor1952I try to do a shutdown or reboot and I get init: timeout opening/writing control channel /dev/initctl17:22
eternaljust edit the xorg.conf file and put in VESA for the time being17:22
sektor1952and it doesn't shutdown17:22
=== HarassmentPanda_ is now known as HarassmentPanda
VioletsPiewhat audio program is closest to foobar for windows?17:23
Myrttijose: /join #ubuntu-es17:23
kam270i hear a two google searches uses the same amount of electricity as boil a kettle. Is there software i can use to make ubuntu more environmentally friendly. Isnt this the right time to topple google ?17:23
bedakei thought foobar ran on windows17:23
pyrokay_VioletsPie, you can get foobar2000 working under wine, but it's tricky. try amarok17:23
VioletsPieok thanks17:23
daredevilthereHow to i reconfigure my mic settings17:23
Picikam270: This is a support channel, please keep the offtopic chatter elsewhere, such as #ubuntu-offtopic17:23
sektor1952any idea what would be causing the shutdown issues?17:23
eternaluse the volume control settings17:24
photomaniaci need to do it without an install disk.17:24
pyrokay_kam270, google uses distributed searches, so your search probably couldn't boil a whole kettle on it's own. :)17:24
AxzGuys how to replace PulseAudio with Alsa?17:24
Picipyrokay_: Please don't.17:24
Axzbecause PulseAudio is laggy17:24
pyrokay_Oh, ok.17:24
daredeviltherehow can  i use qmenu to run another linux inside ubuntu17:24
eternalread the man pages on pulse17:24
eternalworks just fine17:24
bedakecould someone tell me why nm-tools lists wlano as unmanaged and how I can set it to managed?17:24
kam270pyrokay_,  id like to comment but ill get booted17:24
pyrokay_photomaniac, can you boot from USB?17:25
adrenalineLokiasee, http://www.ubuntued.com/?p=1517:25
adrenalineLet me know if that works for you17:25
=== fru is now known as frux
photomaniacyes but the problem is my hard drive gives me many errors when i do a fresh install and usually i have to do it 2-4 times before i can get a good install.17:26
Lokiaseeadrenaline: how can I open keyring manager via terminal?17:26
pyrokay_photomaniac, get a new hard drive :O17:26
photomaniacalso, my wireless is my only source of internet right now and it is a proprietary one.17:26
pyrokay_sektor1952, what were you saying?17:26
sektor1952I try to do a shutdown or reboot and I get init: timeout opening/writing control channel /dev/initctl17:27
sektor1952and it won't shutdown17:27
photomaniacpyrokay_: is there no way to internally restore the default after install configuration? say command line or app.17:27
DavidSchlesI upgraded from 8.04 to 8.10 and am now experiencing kernel panics...anyone know anything about this?17:27
elmnashi guys Im in xchat now, and I cant see the mainlist17:27
wolterDavidSchles, what panics?17:27
elmnaswhat need I to press to see it?17:27
wolterelmnas, which list?17:28
DavidSchleswolter: kernel panic17:28
elmnaswith settings etc17:28
DavidSchleswolter: i don't know of anyway to log it17:28
wolterelmnas, you mean, the menu?17:28
wolterDavidSchles, but what happens in kernel panics?17:28
pyrokay_photomaniac, sorry, i don't know17:28
wolterelmnas, ctrl+f917:28
photomaniacok thanks.17:28
DavidSchleswolter: my comp freezes and the caps lock blinks17:28
eraggo:( i needed to restart my machine 2 days ago :S17:28
photomaniacexiting now17:28
lemdamn it17:28
jtajiDavidSchles: do you have intel wireless?17:29
wolterDavidSchles, ah, I don't know... maybe your computer has a little too much dust?17:29
urantherhow come I keep getting "bad passphrase" when i'm try to enter in my *correct* passphrase in ssh-add/ssh using a private key? it worked fine with pageant in windows17:29
DavidSchlesjtaji: yes17:29
DavidSchlesjtaji: t6117:29
meganoxdoes anyone know how long the forums have been down?17:29
Neo_The_UserI was wondering, has anybody tried my guide out yet on compiling Mesa 7.3-rc1 and fglrx under a custom upstream kernel?17:29
sektor1952pyrokay_: I'm trying to google to see what could be the cause, and can't seem to find anything relative and can't check the forums neither and yes I agree it is very strange17:29
pyrokay_uranther, caps lock?17:29
jtajidavidlockwood: t61 here too, you need to install linux-backports-modules-intrepid17:30
urantherpyrokay_: that's not it :| and it does this on multiple keys17:30
woltercheese cannot read my webcam, help me please17:30
pyrokay_sektor1952, in google results, click cached. that'll show google's copy of the page17:30
DavidSchlesjtaji: was that to me lol?17:30
bedakehow does one set an interface to be managed or unmanaged under network manager?17:30
Neo_The_Useryes DavdSchles17:30
jtajiDavidSchles: whoops yeah, t61 here too, you need to install linux-backports-modules-intrepid17:30
sektor1952ok thx17:30
DavidSchlesjtaji: ok, how should i go about that17:30
pyrokay_bedake, why do you want to change it? is it broken?17:30
meganoxbedake: create an entry for it in /etc/interfaces, then network manager will ignore it17:30
jtajiDavidSchles: sudo aptitude install linux-backports-modules-intrepid, then reboot17:30
DavidSchlesjtaji: sudo apt-get install linux...17:31
DavidSchlesjtaji: ok17:31
elmnashi guys can someone help me to find webcam plugin to pidgin messenger I cant find it17:31
DavidSchlesjtaji: thanks a lot17:31
bedakewell right now, my wireless is unmanaged for some reason17:31
Neo_The_Useris there a minimal command line install for ubuntu like gentoo?17:31
jtajiDavidSchles: no more problems after that ;)17:31
Neo_The_Useris there a minimal command line install for ubuntu like gentoo?17:31
bedakeim trying to get it to manage again, i can scan for networks fine its just not being managed17:31
Neo_The_Usersorry for the double post. didnt mean to17:31
jtaji!minimal | Neo_The_User17:31
ubottuNeo_The_User: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD17:31
DavidSchlesjtaji: cool, that would be great17:31
KrnlKlinkso any thoughts on how to disable one of two bluetooth adapters?17:31
wolterNeo_The_User, maybe xterm?17:31
pyrokay_elmnas, pidgin doesn't do webcam. try sudo apt-get install amsn17:31
pumpkini need to debug a pcmcia/cardbus problem. What tools should i use (pccard seems a bit limited).17:31
DavidSchlesjtaji: ha, the problem with kernel panics is that i can't cause them to see if they go away :P17:31
bedakenothing is listed in my interfaces file, is that normal?17:33
ProlescumSorry to ask again, anyone have any idea how to get a second screen working with a radeon IGP 320M on a compaq nx9005?17:33
sektor1952pyrokay_: thx for the tip and its what I read before but isn't doing reboot -f kind of bad, because it is not cleanly shutting everything down and unmounting the volumes?17:33
meganoxbedake: sort of.  normally only the loopback device is listed there17:33
pyrokay_sektor1952, have you tried the magic kernel keys to do a safe unmount?17:34
meganoxbedake: AFAIK only the interfaces file determines whether network manager considers it managed or unmanaged17:34
pyrokay_sektor1952, hold down Ctrl + Alt + SysRq and press R E I S U B17:34
bedake<meganox> well I was hoping to find my wlan0 listed so i can get it managed, would it be under /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf?17:34
sektor1952pyrokay_: no I haven't tried the 3 finger salute, but I will try that as well its just very strange17:35
meganoxbedake: NM ignores any interface mentioned in the interfaces file, so it's good that it's not there17:35
pyrokay_sektor1952, it's a little bit strange to get your fingers around17:36
mib_722mbejghey icannot install ubuntu 8.04 on my laptop lenovo 3000 G43017:36
mattiasi need help with aMule17:36
meganoxbedake: Not sure i'm afraid.  as soon as i try to configure anything manually with NM it breaks so i just leave it alone17:36
mattiasi cant uninstall amule17:37
wolterhcitools cannot detect my bluetooth17:37
meganoxhas anyone installed fuppes on intrepid?17:37
pyrokay_mattias, is there an error?17:37
pyrokay_wolter, is it supported?17:37
elmnascan someone help me please, I have downloaded a skin to amsn but I dont know where I will locate it17:37
mib_722mbejghey icannot install ubuntu 8.04 on my laptop lenovo 3000 G430 validation error help me17:38
mib_722mbejghey icannot install ubuntu 8.04 on my laptop lenovo 3000 G43017:38
meganoxelmnas: maybe in ~/.amsn?17:38
wolterpyrokay_, i don't know, i just got a dell xps m1530... how do i know if it is supported?17:38
Jack_Sparrowmib_722mbejg, Please hold down on the repeats17:38
pyrokay_elmnas, check in preferences menu. mib_722mbejg, try doing 'check installation cd at boot.17:38
bedakemeganox, hm well thanks for the help, Im going to reboot and see what happens, I just got the card scanning for the first time randomly after I rebooted, kinda blew my mind17:39
mib_722mbejg   cannot even run the live cd17:39
mib_722mbejghelp me17:39
jinja-sheepwolter:  I have a Ubuntu running on Dell XPS 1530.  It worked.  You only have to configure few things for touchpad (otherwise the mouse get crazy when you use touchpad) and few other things.  It's fine and working great for me.17:39
meganoxelmnas: open your home folder in nautilus, press Ctrl-H and type ".amsn"17:39
mascoolany idea why xrandr --output LVDS --off doesn't disconnect the laptop screen on 8.10 ?. I have an Acer 19" connected to RGB17:39
jinja-sheepHow do I list the devices on my hard drive (and mount a certain device)?17:40
Svish|Laptopwhy is the VPN tab in NetworkConnections disabled?17:40
mib_722mbejghey icannot install ubuntu 8.04 on my laptop lenovo 3000 G43017:40
pyrokay_jinja-sheep, try gparted17:40
mib_722mbejghelp me17:40
wolterjinja-sheep, nice to know it.. my touchpad needed some fixes as well, but i am having problems with my webcam and my bluetooth... m1530 has bluetooth right?17:40
pyrokay_Svish|Laptop, have you installed the neccesary packages?17:40
Jack_Sparrowmib_722mbejg, Please have some patience and keep your question and responses to one line.  THings like help me etc only delay your answer17:40
jinja-sheepwolter:  Sure if you bought it with Bluetooth.  I was able to get my mouse to work with Bluetooth.17:41
jinja-sheepwolter:  Not sure about webcam.  I have no needs for webcam + fingerprint.  <_<17:41
elmnasty meganox :)17:41
Svish|Laptoppyrokay_: probably not. what are they? there is no info there17:41
wolterpyrokay_, jinja-sheep: i get something about stopping bluetooth at boot in the syslog file =D17:41
=== dimitar is now known as dimitars
Svish|Laptopthe VPN tab is just blank and disabled.17:41
wolterjinja-sheep, em, could you download cheese to see if it works right away and then you tell me?17:42
pyrokay_Svish|Laptop, try doind an apt-cache search vpn and look for any vpn-core packages.17:42
jinja-sheepwolter:  Uh.  OKay.17:42
oholiabhey, was wondering if anybody's messed around with ushare at all17:42
wolterpyrokay_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/104454/17:42
Jack_Sparrowmib_722mbejg, To get live cd to run this often helps..At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--"17:42
jim_pis there an app other than irssi,xchat, pidgin that can connect me to irc through a simple gui? i am on irssi now and i have no idea how to switch channels17:42
wolterplease check it out,.,.17:42
pyrokay_wolter, do an lspci and lsusb and look for bluetoothy things17:42
Hutchanyone able to help me fix USB headset not working in firefox?17:43
pyrokay_jim_p, what's wrong with xchat?17:43
mascoolany idea why xrandr --output LVDS --off doesn't disconnect the laptop screen on 8.10 ?. I have an Acer 19" connected to RGB17:43
meganoxjim_p: pidgin is the simplest gui i have seen for irc17:43
ocRobif i manually edit resolv.conf what do i need to do to flush the dns and start using the new servers, or is it dynamic?17:43
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jim_ppyrokay_: my bro does not like it in his pc. nor does pidgin17:43
jim_pmeganox: ^^17:44
oholiabjim_p: esc + NUM to switch tabs, if that's what you mean17:44
wolterpyrokay_, ok, but here is some more to the syslog thing http://paste.ubuntu.com/104456/17:44
pyrokay_jim_p, bad luck17:44
meganoxocRob: there's no flush command for linux AFAIK17:44
Jack_Sparrowjim_p, If you have three working IRC clients, you need to just try a few more.  We cant possibly know what you want in a client.  You can ask the bot. since we discourage polls on best app in this channel17:44
jim_poholiab: i am on a laptop with fn keys now!!!17:45
mikejetocRob - ubuntu seems to use the new resolv.conf immediately after you write the file.17:45
ocRobmeganox: ok, is resolv.conf dynamic?17:45
Hutchcan anyone help me sort out my no sound in firefox problem?17:45
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.17:45
ocRobok i thought so17:45
yoochan#j fr-dvorak-bepo17:45
jim_pJack_Sparrow: thanks, never thought of the bot17:45
lemI want to change a key-binding on my keyboard. is it possible within ubuntu? do I have to install something?17:45
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines17:45
Fuzzyhey guys, how to setup evolution mail?17:45
oholiabjim_p: so am I, I don't understand your point17:45
AtchoumI have to download a script and I must put the rights of execution to above make walk script but when I want to modify the permissions they are rétablient automatically! I cannot modify the field “Access to the file”.17:45
meganoxocRob: i assume so17:45
mikejetocRob : Is there something you can put in resolv.conf to use a persistent TCP connection to the ISP dns server?17:45
wolterpyrokay_, here is the lspci... i don't know if there is really something bluetooth http://paste.ubuntu.com/104457/plain/17:46
jim_poholiab: my point on what?17:46
oholiabwhat you just said17:46
Svish|Laptoppyrokay_: ok, will try do that17:46
Jack_SparrowAtchoum, What are you trying to install (from outside supported repos)17:47
meganoxmikejet: http://blog.spikesource.com/resolvconf.htm17:47
pyrokay_wolter, i see nothing about bluetooth in there. try lsusb and pastebin that17:47
oholiabso, anyone used ushare at all?17:47
Hutchanyone? USB headset firefox no sound? lol17:47
Jack_Sparrow!find ushare17:47
ubottuFound: cpushare, ushare17:47
Jack_Sparrow!info ushare17:47
ubottuushare (source: ushare): lightweight UPnP A/V Media Server. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1a-0ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 51 kB, installed size 236 kB17:47
wolterpyrokay_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/104459/17:47
wolterpyrokay_, wait, the usbhci is nothing about bluetooth?17:48
meganoxmikejet: sorry wrong link, this one: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/dhclient-etcresolvconf-hooks/17:48
Neo_The_Userjoin my facebook group http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=5663790829317:48
oholiabJack_Sparrow: I'm attempting to use it to stream media to my Xbox 360 with a degree of success17:48
pyrokay_wolter, i can't see anything relating to bluetooth in there17:48
Seveas!ops | Neo_The_User spam17:48
ubottuNeo_The_User spam: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!17:48
Fuzzysomeone will help or no?17:48
oholiabI'm curious to talk to anyone who's had it working17:48
wolterpyrokay_, i mean, the uhci in line 3 of http://paste.ubuntu.com/104457/plain/17:48
wolterjinja-sheep, any success?17:49
jinja-sheepwolter:  Had some issues at first.  And then it worked.17:49
pyrokay_wolter, no, sorry. that's just the usb ports17:49
meganoxoholiab: have you tried fuppes?  are you using intrepid?  this is what i'm stuck on, can't satisfy dependencies17:49
bbbshow do i logout of the x windows and go to the shell17:49
wolterjinja-sheep, which issues?17:49
pyrokay_wolter, lsusb will give you info about attached usb devices, including intern al bluetooth17:49
jim_pbrb people17:49
pyrokay_bbbs, Ctrl + Alt + f117:50
jim_pi will find that client :P17:50
jinja-sheepwolter:  Nothing really.  It weren't showing anything at first.  Few restart with the applications then it displayed a video.  Overall, no issues.17:50
Atchoum<Jack_Sparrow>: j'essaie d'installer osdate17:50
Hutchanyone have any suggestions for usb audio from flash via firefox?17:50
oholiabmeganox: I managed that actually17:50
PiciUsually, 60 days17:50
=== mr is now known as Guest57152
meganoxoholiab: any tips?17:51
wolterjinja-sheep, did it freeze when you tried to close it?17:51
oholiabmeganox: you can either apt-get it or use apt-get build-dep ushare and then compile from source17:51
Jack_SparrowAtchoum, English please17:51
jinja-sheepwolter:  I closed it.  No freezing.17:51
oholiabmeganox: oh wait, do you mean fuppes or ushare?17:51
Atchoumi install osdate17:52
bbbsi want all x windows shutdown though17:52
Picibbbs: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop17:52
meganoxoholiab: lol, fuppes unfortunately17:52
meganoxoholiab: will try ushare17:52
mrecan anyone help me with a network-manager issue? the thing is that on my hardy --> intrepid upgraded laptop network manager wors, but on my fresh installed intrepid it doesn't - it says the wired connections are unmanaged... dunno why, since i have [ifupdown] managed=false in my /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf file17:52
oholiabmeganox: I'll give fuppes a try and get back to you17:53
wolterjinja-sheep, sorry to bother you, but which webcam do you have?17:53
mreand there's the other thing about iwl not working saying this in dmesg:17:53
mre[   43.405539] iwl3945: Radio disabled by HW RF Kill switch17:53
mre[   43.405607] iwl3945 0000:10:00.0: PCI INT A disabled17:53
lemI want to change a key-binding17:53
wolterjinja-sheep, lsusb and tell me if it is omnivision17:53
mrealthough i have the wireless powered up17:54
Prolescum Hello. Anyone know how to set up dual screens using a Radeon 320M. I don't really want to edit the xorg.conf17:54
jinja-sheepwolfter:  I'm pre-occupied with something here. ;)17:54
wolter!tab | jinja-sheep17:54
ubottujinja-sheep: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.17:54
pyrokay_Prolescum, unplug one of the screens and do it in the gui. then plug the other screen in :)17:54
wolterjinja-sheep, no problem then...17:55
Pici!hotkey | lem17:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hotkey17:55
Pici!hotkeys | lem17:55
ubottulem: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts17:55
bbbsany other ways to logout of x-windows?17:55
Hutchsigh, noone experience usb audio issues with firefox/flash?17:55
EnselicWhere do I change the application that is launched when I click on a link to a .png in Konversation? I'm on Ubuntu.17:55
Picibbbs: Did my suggestion not work?17:55
pyrokay_bbbs, you can force the xserver to quit by doing ctrl alt backspace, but it isn't reccomended17:56
Jack_Sparrowmre, HW RF Kill switch       Would seem to imply there is a hardware switch turned off17:56
=== stephan is now known as cortex
bbbsthat doesn't log you out of x-windows though. it just opens another terminal. i need to be able to kill all X windows17:56
mreJack_Sparrow, yea, but i have the killswitch disabled17:56
Prolescum@Pyrokay -- Thank you, but that doesn't seem to work; it recognises another screen in the GUI, but doesn't actually show up on the second screen.17:57
mreJack_Sparrow: seems to be a nasty bug17:57
Picibbbs: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop   will stop the xserver from running.17:57
Jack_Sparrowmre, What hardware?17:57
Hutchpyrokay_: any help with the USB sound issue?17:57
mreJack_Sparrow: 1 moment17:57
lilendianSO have any of you guys had any luck with a fully functional driver setup with GTX 200 series cards?17:58
mreJack_Sparrow: [   13.128636] iwl3945: Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 3945ABG/BG Network Connection driver for Linux, 1.2.26ks17:58
pyrokay_Hutch, not yet17:58
Jack_Sparrowmre, Is this a laptop17:58
Hutchpyrokay_: is that a known issue or not sure?17:58
mreJack_Sparrow: yep, HP nx740017:58
lilendianI was able to get X up and running with the binary build 180 drivers, but the resolution was screwed up. any thoughts, guys?17:58
Jack_Sparrowmre, One or two seconds17:58
energYFinaly, soon done with 8.04 upgrade. 8.10 next:D17:59
pyrokay_Hutch, not sure. try lsusb and paste me the content17:59
Jack_Sparrowmre find a little push-button-thing at the top, above the lighted bar---- it's a little wireless icon with sound-waves on both sides of th e signal-thing.18:00
mreJack_Sparrow: Debian Sid gave me the exactly same problem18:00
oholiabmeganox: what was the first dependency error you got when you ran the ./configure?18:00
jensorHow can a usb flash drive be formated in ext2 format?18:01
mreJack_Sparrow: huh? you mean a button above the keyboard or what? that is already turned on and glowing18:01
pyrokay_jensor, use gparted18:01
bbbswhen is the ubuntu forum going to be back up18:01
Picibbbs: There is no timeframe at the moment, sorry.18:02
pyrokay_bbbs, just use google 'cached' option18:02
mrejensor: why would you want ext2 for any reason?18:02
Prolescum@Pyrokay -- Should I just try a fresh install and see if that makes a difference?18:02
Jack_Sparrowmre, Have you pushed it?  I dont have one of those, just making a suggestion18:02
niklauswhere do we set the system wide font in gnome for hardy ?18:02
jensorpyrokay_, I don't recognize what gparted is.18:02
mreJack_Sparrow: i have done so before, nothing, then i even rebooted with the thing on and still nothing18:02
Hutchpyrokay_: PMed you since firefox is crashing atm and cant pastebin it18:03
meganoxoholiab: libavcodec1d, installing from a deb from getdeb18:03
Kaushali dont see pidgin 2.5.4 for Hardy Heron in http://www.getdeb.net/app/Pidgin18:03
mreJack_Sparrow: button glowing = killswitch OFF; button not glowing = killswitch ON18:03
=== frux is now known as fru_
Kaushalwhen its going to be released18:03
meganoxoholiab: oops, maybe it's a hardy deb, i just realised18:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pwd18:03
jensormre, I need the format for a receiver i am playing with18:03
mrejensor: lol, yea use gparted18:03
pyrokay_jensor, run gksudo gparted - it's a partitioning tool.18:03
_moro_bana_what does the command pwd do?18:03
Jack_Sparrowmre Note: Most HP Notebook PCs have wireless devices built-in. To turn on the built-in device, simply press the wireless power button on your PC which will have the universal symbol for Wi-Fi (shown here on the left) and illuminate with a blue light.18:03
oholiabmeganox: sorry, that with fuppes or ushare?18:03
Jack_Sparrowmre http://h20239.www2.hp.com/techcenter/Wireless/wireless_TS.htm18:04
meganoxoholiab: fuppes.  have installed ushare now, just checking if it works18:04
pyrokay__moro_bana_, shows your present working directory in bash. maybe you're looking for poasswd?18:04
mreJack_Sparrow: lol, i already told you, it's on and it's working in windows :D18:04
Jack_Sparrowmre, np good luck..18:04
mreJack_Sparrow: it's working in windows but NOT in linux18:05
mrethat's my problem18:05
lilendiananyone here using a GTX 200 series graphics card on ubuntu?18:05
Jack_Sparrowmre, No need for threee lines to say that..18:05
mreJack_Sparrow: sry...18:05
DamakiI'm new to Ubuntu, I've just installed 8.10 on my desktop but I can't connect to a wireless network since I can't for the life of me find the option to do so. Right clicking on the Network Manager in the top taskbar gives me the option to edit connections which I have done, but there's no option to actually connect to the network.18:06
DamakiThe help file tells me to go to System -> Administration -> Network18:06
DamakiBut that option does not exist in the Administration menu18:06
pyrokay_Damaki, is your wireless card working?18:06
DamakiIt should be.18:06
meganoxoholiab: well fuppes is running but xbox doesn't see it18:06
MrdudecoolOn Vista, do I have to partition first or can I do that in the installation process18:07
Jack_SparrowDamaki, Have you looked at our wifi page  or our supported hardware page18:07
DamakiI bought one which should work "out the box" especially for ubuntu.18:07
DamakiHow can I check?18:07
TulgaI configured static route to host on windows, freebsd and ubuntu machines. but ubuntu 8.10 not working on it. I added 'up route add -net gw dev eth1' to /etc/network/interfaces. what is wrong here?18:07
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:07
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection18:07
pyrokay_Damaki, i'm not sure. try ifconfig18:07
oholiabmeganox: ushare is working for me, but the problem is that it sees every file as a music or video file18:07
NET||abusehmm, testing gnupg keys between linux and vista here. I find that sending the gpg key from windows to linux, the asc file is attached, i can't right click and just import the key,  i have to "decrypt and open" then it realises it's a key and imports it.18:07
DamakiI have checked, but I will check again.18:07
Adam_!hardware | Adam_18:07
ubottuAdam_, please see my private message18:07
MrdudecoolOn Vista, do I have to partition first or can I do that in the installation process18:07
DamakiAha, I will read through that wifi docs, Jack_Sparrow. Thanks.18:08
oholiabmeganox: and it's not reading the ID3 tags so it thinks that every item is an album, artist, song and playlist18:08
jensorI am running ubuntu eee and tried to format a usb flash drive using18:08
jensorterminal.When I gave the format command for the drive, terminal says18:08
jensorcannot format because drive is mounted.I then unmounted the drive and18:08
jensorgave the format command for the drive, and terminal says device not18:08
jensorfound.I am trying to format ext2,so I can't use windows.How on earth18:08
FloodBot1jensor: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:08
jensordo you do this in linux? I am limited in my knowledge of linux, so a18:08
pyrokay_Mrdudecool, you can do it in the install process. install vista first, then install linux on top18:08
Adam_Mrdudecool: I believe you need to have it unallocated18:08
NET||abusewhat gives with that kinda weirdess.. this is with ubuntu+thunderbird+enigmail and Vista+Outlook2007+winPT18:08
_moro_bana_pyrokay_: no, I was looking for pwd, thanks18:08
eternalanyone use POSTFIX here ?18:08
Jack_Sparrow!eee > jensor18:08
ubottujensor, please see my private message18:08
bbbswhere are the start up scripts in ubuntu18:08
Adam_Mrdudecool: if you install ubuntu second, you have to edit the grub boot file to include windows18:08
Damakiokay, pyrokay_, I've just run that command and I only get my eth0 and loopback devices. How can I enable my wireless card?18:08
Mrdudecoolthanks pyrokay. I have had vista for a while on my laptop I can still install linux now, right?18:08
pyrokay__moro_bana_, alright, cool18:08
eternaldo you have to use the ncurses config to set it up ?18:08
Hutchpyrokay_: sorry rebooted.18:08
Adam_i believe18:09
pyrokay_Damaki, yes18:09
MrdudecoolAdam, is that hard to do?18:09
Joe_are there any major disadvantages with going with Intrepid 64bit?  IE lack of 64bit versions of key/useful programs?18:09
Adam_Mrdudecool:  no it's very easy, just google 'reinstalling grub after windows'18:09
Hutchpyrokay_: did you get the info?18:09
pyrokay_Hutch, do a lsusb and search google for the USB ID of the device you want.18:09
bbbswhere can i put a command to be run before the xserver starts18:09
meganoxoholiab: sounds bad.  fuppes looks good but it looks like i'm going to have to build it, which will have to wait till tomorrow18:09
Jack_SparrowJoe_, exactly the reason we suggest 32 unless you have over 4 gigs of ram18:09
NET||abusejoe_: so far my only lacking is sound on the vista 64 VM in virtualbox18:09
M3TAPHYS1CSHi guys, I recently installed Windows 7 (multibooting with vista and Ubuntu) and since then i think windows has overwritten my Grub as i cant select Ubtuntu to boot from. I know it is still there i just lack the option to select it =(18:09
NET||abuseJoe_: otherwise not really.18:09
eseven73Forums are down again?18:09
Mrdudecoolah okay thanks.18:10
Adam_M3TAPHYS1CS: google 'reinstalling grub after windows'18:10
MrdudecoolIm going to have a try in a few18:10
zloogWhats the perfered protcol for file sharing between to linux computers?18:10
meganoxoholiab: in fact i have to go now. good luck!18:10
jensorwhat does gksudo do in lieu of sudo?18:10
Joe_jack_sparrow NET||abuse building a new computer that will be able to support over 4GB (MB can) so I probably will end up with it, just debating on 64bit OS over 32bit with PAE enabled18:10
pyrokay_M3TAPHYS1CS, boot from ubuntu live disk and do grub install hd(0,0)18:10
Jack_Sparrowzloog, samba18:10
zloogJack_Sparrow: Coal, thanks18:10
Jack_Sparrow!samba > zloog18:11
ubottuzloog, please see my private message18:11
Adam_pryokay_: I think he has vista on partition 018:11
M3TAPHYS1CSokay i was thinking it would be along those lines..18:11
pyrokay_Adam_, alright18:12
bartoccI intend to use mysql with ruby18:12
bartoccshould I do "sudo aptitude install libmysql-ruby1.8"18:12
bartoccor "sudo gem install mysql" ?18:12
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)18:12
ubottupostfix is the default !MTA and !MDA on Ubuntu. For help, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto - See also !MailServer18:12
ubottuIMAP and POP are protocols for fetching email. The officially-supported server in Ubuntu is Dovecot (packages "dovecot-imapd" for IMAP, and "dovecot-pop3d" for POP) - See also !MailServer for information on the SMTP protocol18:13
ProlescumAny other ideas on getting two screens working with Radeon 320M under Intrepid? GUI useless.18:13
Pici!msthebot | eternal18:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about msthebot18:13
stdinbartocc: use apt-get if possible18:13
Pici!msgthebot | eternal18:13
ubottueternal: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".18:13
pyrokay_Prolescum, not sure. google it18:13
zloogJack_Sparrow: And If you were going to host up music + TV for your network share would the proper place to put those files be /media/share or where?18:13
pyrokay_can we put how to use google cache in the topic pls? :)18:13
Hutchpyrokay_: what else you need ?18:13
bartoccstdin: is that for stability reasons ?18:13
eternalk Pici18:14
stevensj2Prolescum: the forums are down now, but there was a guy who had 6 screens set up. Not sure of the hardware he used, but his posts might be helpful18:14
pyrokay_Hutch, i closed your window, sorry. Msg me again with the lsusb thing18:14
wolterhow do i force to install a x86 dev in a x86_64 system?18:14
kusok_snais ubuntu support usb gamepads?18:14
stdinbartocc: for a few reasons, the package in the repos is known to work, it's also already set up to work with ruby, and any other packages which may need the ruby bindings to mysql will know you already have it18:14
SinnerboyProlescum: Try Xrandr18:15
bartoccstdin: what will happen if I do both ? by mistake18:15
MrdudecoolIs this link any good on how to edit grub? http://najam.wordpress.com/2007/03/01/reinstall-grub-after-installing-windows-xp/18:15
Prolescum@Pyrokay -- Have tried google too... I appreciate the forum very much and use it often, but am an amateur still. Is there a time to come back here when someone with that kind of info is about?18:15
petafileWHat do I need to do to get a joypad set up in intrepid?  Its a USB logitech PS1 knockoff controller, I've installed the xorg joypad driver and the joystick package.18:16
stdinbartocc: depends where gem installed it, if it was in /usr/local then that will override the package install, if it was in /usr then the package will overwrite the gem install18:16
stdinbartocc: I'd suggest removing the one installed by gem and installing the packaged version18:17
bartoccthx stdin18:17
linduxedim getting horrendously slow video playback, but there are no terminal messages that indicate my computer being too slow (it absolutely isnt)18:17
linduxedany ideas where to start looking?18:17
pyrokay_linduxed, try installing the latest graphics drivers18:17
MrdudecoolIs this link any good on how to edit grub for windows vista? http://najam.wordpress.com/2007/03/01/reinstall-grub-after-installing-windows-xp/18:17
eternallinduxed video drivers ?18:17
linduxedpyrokay_: done18:17
pyrokay_are they in use?18:17
eternalwhat app are you using for video output18:18
eternalhave you tried VLC18:18
linduxedeternal: nvidia 180.1118:18
linduxedeternal: mplayer and totem18:18
eternaltry VLC18:18
eternalwhat codec you using18:18
linduxeddifferent formats, different size18:18
MrdudecoolWhat is the LiveCD? Is that the download of ubuntu?18:19
Jack_SparrowMrdudecool, yes18:19
pyrokay_Mrdudecool, yes18:19
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto18:19
ubottuThe Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.18:19
linduxedeternal: picture a 600x400 .avi hogging down to 1 FPS18:20
MrdudecoolOkay thanks guys. As I have windows vista already and want to install ubuntu on my laptop also but then for the choice need to edit grub and not sure how to do that easily18:20
petafileMy joypad doesn't seem to be detected since cat /dev/input/js0 and xev both don't detect button presses.  Any ideas?18:21
=== MrElendig is now known as Mion
Jack_SparrowMrdudecool, the livecd installer takes care of all of that18:21
wolteris there a way i could prevent link symbols from showing up in my desktop?18:21
MrdudecoolOk thanks.18:21
Jack_Sparrowwolter, As in mounted drives?18:21
MrdudecoolSo if I just run the installer for ubuntu, it will do the dual thing for me?18:21
wolterJack_Sparrow, well yes.18:21
Jack_Sparrowyes to both of you18:21
pyrokay_Mrdudecool, it should do it automagically18:21
Jack_Sparrowwolter, One sec18:21
MrdudecoolOk thanks guys18:22
Jack_Sparrowwolter, To Remove Drive Icons from Desktop Use Terminal and type gconf-editor browse to /apps/nautilus/desktop and uncheck volumes_visable..  http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/hide-removable-drive-icons-from-your-ubuntu-desktop/18:22
wolterJack_Sparrow, and could you help me with my webcam and/or bluetooth later?18:22
saschahlpetafile: joypad data usually does not generate x events that are visible in xev18:22
=== roozbehonline is now known as RoozbehOnline|Aw
saschahlpetafile: but cat /dev/input/js0 should at least produce some data18:22
wolterJack_Sparrow, ah well, i mean the link emblems that are attached to icons when one makes a link18:23
wolterJack_Sparrow, but only in the desktop.18:23
jim_pi am on lostirc now18:23
Jack_Sparrowwolter, NOt my thing..  I dont use anything bluetooth.. and All of the cheapie webcams I have tried have worked out of the box, the fancy ones, havbe not18:23
jim_pcan someone please highlight me?18:23
Jack_Sparrowwolter, that will just remove tham from your desktop, they are still there18:23
cinco29hey im running ubuntu 8.04 andi wanted to know if i should upgrade to 8.10?18:24
saschahlpetafile: does the js0-device exist at all? does dmesg show anything about it?18:24
cinco29like whats the difference?]18:24
oCean_jim_p: like this?18:24
jim_pcinco29, are you on ati?18:24
petafilesaschahl, it looks like it's running as /dev/input/js1. . .18:24
jim_poCean_, thans, but nothing blinked18:24
petafilebut thanks for the help18:24
Jack_Sparrowcinco29, If you really want to try it, make a full backup or try the livecd18:24
jim_pcinco29, do you make extensive use of wireless?18:24
EnissayI've downloaded a movie and when tried to play it with vlc player, it says that: "Content blocked,this media file can only be played using DOM-X".... Any idea on how fix this please?18:25
cinco29i dont use wireless at all.18:25
majnoontried xset -dpms and my screen STILL blanks out18:25
ronaldj218Which channel should be used for SciLab discussion?18:25
wolterJack_Sparrow, and if i linked a folder in the desktop, could i remove the link emblem?18:25
jim_pcinco29, upgrade to 8.10 then and remove network manager18:25
pyrokay_Enissay, don't dowload coprighted files.18:26
Jack_Sparrowwolter, Not sure how you would remove the link thinginy on the icon18:26
wolterJack_Sparrow, ok18:26
cinco29removing network manager would i still have my normal lan?18:26
Enissaypyrokay_: :S18:26
pyrokay_Enissay, that's a virus infected file. well, domplayer is a virus. try axxo.18:26
Enissaypyrokay_: what's axxo?18:27
wolterdoes anybody know when are the ubuntu forums going to be back?18:27
ScuniziI'm trying to file a bug on launchpad and I get timeout errors..18:27
pyrokay_wolter, use google's cache to view them.18:27
TheFunkbombso, I figured out my issue with Yahoo Literati18:27
jim_pcinco29, removing network manager will guarantee less headaches when it comes to networking. if you are not compy on configuring your wired connection through the terminal, use gnome-network-admin18:28
pyrokay_wolter, just do cache:www.<webpage>.com in a google search.18:28
energYHow long time untill ibex will have Nvidia graphic acceleration?18:28
cinco29what would be some of the advantages to 8.10?18:28
pyrokay_hey there18:28
jim_pi quit. i go to my own pc and xchat18:28
cinco29i understand jim18:28
energYcinco29: Guest user, and encrypted folder in peoples homes.18:28
jribenergY: I've had it since ibex was released.  Ask a more specific question18:28
jim_pstupid irc apps! who made them?18:28
pyrokay_cinco29, better compatability with certain things.18:29
energYjrib: Isn't there some problem with the drivers?18:29
cinco29hmm ok18:29
ASDFG23456hello, i will ask a noob question please don't flame me18:29
jrib!notes > energY18:29
ubottuenergY, please see my private message18:29
pyrokay_just ask it18:29
linduxedeternal: just noticed something18:29
TheFunkbombapparently, there is an issue between greasemonkey in Ubuntu and yahoo literati18:29
MindVirusIs ext4 the fastest format out right now?18:29
oCean_wolter: just curious *why* whould you want to remove that link-thingy?18:29
MindVirusIs it anything in comparison to Reiser4?18:29
jribenergY: for some cards.  Check bugs.ubuntu.com for the related bug if that's what you are asking about18:29
wolteroCean_, because its big and misplaced... i don't like it there...18:30
linduxedeternal: mplayer reports that it cant find the codec even though i installed all the gstreamer packages18:30
linduxedMindVirus: depends on what you use it for18:30
wolterpyrokay_, tough luck, today the last snapshot was taken18:30
MindViruslinduxed, let's say desktop usage.18:30
linduxedMindVirus: reiser is the best for small files afaik18:30
energYjrib: Then I will take the risk... I'll hope for luck, if not it'll probably be fixed sometime...18:30
MindViruslinduxed, that's ReiserFS or Reiser4?18:31
jribenergY: just check by using a live cd, or read the release notes and see if your card is affected18:31
jinja-sheepwolter:  What was it that you asked from me?18:31
linduxedMindVirus: well, all the reiserfs are good18:31
cesar_boHello, how can I put options for my touchpad on the xorg.conf, I am using intrepid and the xorg.conf file doesn't have the inputdevice section. Where is now?18:31
oCean_wolter: ah ok. Well it's probably in the definition of the icons. Unfortunately I have no idea where you should look18:31
wolterjinja-sheep, do see which webcam you had built in18:31
DamakiHow long are the forums usually down for during maintenance?18:31
MindViruslinduxed, ReiserFS is a complete rewrite.18:31
MindVirusI'm sorry.18:31
wolteroCean_, ah ok18:31
jinja-sheepwolter:  The command I meant.18:31
jribcesar_bo: wiki.ubuntu.com/X and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad18:32
wolterjinja-sheep, lsusb18:32
Jack_SparrowDamaki, No eta on when they will be finished18:32
linduxedMindVirus: yeah and ive heard its for the better18:32
Noah1989reiserfs has murderous performance!18:32
MindVirusOf course, but it's not stable.18:32
MindVirusNoah1989, in a good way?18:32
cesar_bojrib: thanks, I would look it18:32
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.  Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/21209818:32
DamakiJack_Sparrow, okay thanks.18:32
wolterjinja-sheep, also, if you could run gstreamer-properties afterwards, that would be great18:32
Noah1989MindVirus: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans_Reiser18:32
Jack_SparrowDamaki, they are seldom down this long,18:32
sektor1952anyone here about a work around for bug 313568 bug report has not been updated yet18:33
MindVirusNoah1989, I know who he is.18:33
cinco29okay well. i was asking these questions cus i think i installed 8.10 the wrong way or did something wrong, or maybe corrupted cd...18:33
sektor1952trying to compile nic drivers and it comes up with a version mismatch18:33
DamakiJack_Sparrow, it's no problem. I just need to get some drivers for my wireless adapter, which I thought would work but the version I have actually requires ndiswrapper and some 64-bit drivers :/18:33
DamakiJust need to wait to read a forum post :P18:33
jinja-sheepwolter:  Let me get on the laptop.18:34
cinco29i installed 8.10 and after installation was done, i was prompt to a terminal to log in, and i then i was just lost from that point18:34
Jack_SparrowDamaki, What make model of wireless card18:34
cinco29so i went back to 8.04 where i have a desktop18:34
DamakiJack_Sparrow, I have a Netgear WG311 v318:34
Noah1989MindVirus: it's just to explain what "murderous performance" refers to18:34
sektor1952cinco I have desktop working in 8.1018:34
ASDFG23456when a library has the ending *.la is it a complete library or is it the source of a library or something?18:34
MindVirusNoah1989, he killed his wife.18:34
Jack_SparrowDamaki, Let me see if I have any notes18:34
linduxedMindVirus: over all though the ext systems are the ones i see as a nice standard, if i dont feel like checking if theres a fs that will be t0ta11y-1337 under "THESE UND EXACTLY THESE!" conditions then i know ext is a sure way to be satisfied18:35
cinco29okay then it must have been that the image i burned some how got corrupted18:35
Noah1989MindVirus: yeah.. i am afraid of using his filesys, how can i be sure it does not kill files of mine?18:35
DamakiJack_sparrow, I thought I was buying a v2, which apparently works "out the box". the box doesn't specify a version number though.18:35
DamakiJack_Sparrow, thanks.18:35
MindVirusNoah1989, ReiserFS was fine.18:35
MindVirusIt was checked by kernel devs.18:35
Noah1989MindVirus: well, to be serious18:35
MindVirusNOTHING that is unstable goes into the kernel.18:35
Noah1989MindVirus: reiserfs is fine and i used it18:35
mobl-sheepwolter:  Here I am.18:36
Noah1989MindVirus: but i'm afraid the development thereof is kind of paused18:36
=== mobl-sheep is now known as kinja-sheep
Jack_SparrowDamaki, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Netgear_WG311_v318:36
cinco29ill stick to 8.04 for now18:36
MindVirusNo, development of Reiser4 is paused.18:36
MindVirusReiserFS = Reiser4.18:36
kinja-sheepwolter:  Yes -- Bus 001 Device 002: ID 05a9:2640 OmniVision Technologies, Inc.18:36
DamakiYeah Jack_Sparrow, I'm reading that page at the moment. One of the steps is to get the Netgear drivers for it. But since I have a 64-bit system, I need the 64-bit drivers. The guide directs me to a forum post which is down :P18:37
Jack_SparrowMindVirus, Please try to keep your responses to one line18:37
aleperaltaHi guys any good how to on building virtual cluster with xen (toy cluster), I found some stuff in google but it's using 5.10... maybe you now something more updated. Thanks18:37
Javenwow...lots of people in here18:37
cinco29i just love how this os doesnt argue with me if i wanna install something lol. windowz does18:37
wolterkinja-sheep, you have my same webcam, i believe...18:37
MindVirusJack_Sparrow, apologies.18:37
linduxedsektor1952: not familiar with that problem, tried googling?18:37
nikon365I am trying to save my data in WinXp before doing a full reinstall. I was lucky enough to get some help from a user in this room. Can anyone take a look at this: "http://pastebin.com/m4ef3f2b2" and tell me what I should do from here?18:37
Jack_SparrowDamaki, let me see if I can get em18:37
ASDFG23456I got these files in /usr/local/lib: libdsocks.la  libdsocks.so.0      libsocks.a   libsocks.so    libsocks.so.0.1.0 libdsocks.so  libdsocks.so.0.1.0  libsocks.la  libsocks.so.0 and a program was telling me i didnt have lsocksd before i applied a patch, then after i applied the patch it seemed to compile fine so im figuring the patch told the makefile where to find the library, just that im not sure. so i want to confirm that i have th18:37
sektor1952I did find a bug report on it, but no updat18:37
ASDFG23456e library lsocksd.18:37
tydoes any1 know how much ram geexbox takes to run? and how fast the processor should be?18:37
Noah1989MindVirus: hm.. so there are other kernel hackers working on reiserfs (=ver3)18:37
kinja-sheepwolter:  Try restarting cheese few times before you finally see the video.18:37
DamakiJack_Sparrow, It would be great if you could, although I don't mind waiting.18:37
MindVirusNoah1989, AFAIK yes.18:37
babs_in_michiganI bought a new  hard drive.  If I install the new one as master and the existing one as slave what do I have to do to fstab in order to mount it to access my data?  Will it just do it automatically?18:38
wolterkinja-sheep, i have ran it like 100 times now... haha18:38
tywho is elkubuntu?18:38
tywho is elkbuntu?18:38
kinja-sheepwolter:  Hmm.  Weird. <_<18:38
cinco29windows is an expensive lap dance , ubuntu is the lap dance to go .lol18:38
kansanhelp!  my printer is not getting detected when i go to system=>admin=> printers => new printer.  its a usb connection to my ML-2510 samsung laser printer.  at ONE point, this did work.  i already downloaded & installed the samsung unified linux printer driver.  should i reinstall/reconfigure cups?18:38
kinja-sheepwhats pastebin?18:38
wolterkinja-sheep, yeah... =C18:38
wolterkinja-sheep, could you pastebin your lsmod?18:39
Aquinanikon325 did you already receive help?18:39
kinja-sheepwolter:  Sure.18:39
sektor1952I am still flipping through google to see if I find something, but haven't found anything yet18:39
ty!tell kinja-sheep about pastebin18:39
ubottukinja-sheep, please see my private message18:39
kinja-sheepwolter:  http://pastebin.com/f5e4e923018:39
kinja-sheepty:  I know. :\18:39
sektor1952linduxed: Did you see my reply?18:40
tyl8r guys18:40
linduxedsektor1952: plz restate your problem with details on what has already been tried18:40
kinja-sheepty:  It was a joke.18:40
ASDFG23456i didn't ask my question as a joke or something, i really don't know18:40
linduxedsektor1952: yeah i did18:40
kinja-sheepASDFG23456:  What issue do you have?18:40
majnoontried xset -dpms and my screen STILL blanks out after about 15-20min18:40
Adam_does samba require any special setup to see windows shares after installation?18:40
ASDFG23456the issue is that i can't figure out if i have the library lsocksd on my computer18:41
sektor1952linduxed: I am trying to compile yukon drivers when it bombs because it saying the headers are a different version that the source, I googled and found this bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/313568, currently trying to locate a work around but have not found anything yet18:41
kinja-sheepASDFG23456:  I'm not sure about this -- Is it a package?  If so, try do the package search.18:42
p4rsehow do i set up socks proxy?18:42
PiciASDFG23456: lsocksd? or libsocksd?18:42
linduxedsektor1952: well i cant help ya on that one but since you went into more detail maybe someone else can provide help18:42
kansanwhen i do lsusb | grep samsung:   Bus 002 Device 024: ID 04e8:327e Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd ;  but when i go to system => admin => printers => add printer ... it doesnt auto detect it.18:42
linduxedsektor1952: besides, ill be leaving in a couploe of min18:43
ASDFG23456kinja-sheep: no, it's not a package it's a library that comes with dante which is a socks client.18:43
sektor1952linduxed: also I don't know if a work around would be a good idea. ok ty for your assistance thus far linduxed have a good day18:43
kinja-sheep!info libsocksd | ASDFG2345618:43
ubottulibsocksd (source: dante): SOCKS library for packages built using libsocksd-dev. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.18.dfsg-0.2 (intrepid), package size 96 kB, installed size 256 kB18:43
kinja-sheepASDFG23456:  Do the "aptitude search libsock"18:44
ASDFG23456oh nice18:44
kinja-sheepThe credits goes to Pici tho.  He was right about the package.18:44
TheFunkbombwhat is the command to turn of 3d?18:45
TheFunkbombit's metacity something or another18:45
kinja-sheep!register > kinja-sheep18:45
ubottukinja-sheep, please see my private message18:45
PiciTheFunkbomb: metacity --replace18:45
ABEYCITYhi 8-)18:45
TheFunkbombthanks Pici!18:45
Narumidoes anyone knows  about a command line program that converts an image (jpeg) to ascii text ?18:45
p4rsewhere to configure socks proxy settings?18:45
mikebeechamhi guys...wonder if you can help....I have a update version of some software I use.  I'm new to linux (ish)....I've extracted the zip and inside the folder there is an 'install' file and an 'install-sh' file.  I've navigated to the folder in a terminal but cant get the install to start...can anyone help18:46
timothy__Guys, is there a way to find a list of the basic Konsole commands?18:46
_Ming_hi all   nwbie question   how do i get Terminal to go to root ?18:46
Pici!console > timothy__18:46
ubottutimothy__, please see my private message18:46
NarumiI searched in the package list, but didn't find anything...18:46
Jack_SparrowDamaki,   wget ftp://downloads.netgear.com/files/wg311v3_1_0.zip18:46
Noah1989_Ming_: sudo su18:46
TheFunkbombPici, and what is the command to turn it back on?18:46
timothy__thanks m818:46
PiciNarumi: within the caca-utils package, img2txt18:46
Jack_SparrowDamaki,   http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-wireless-networking-41/success-netgear-wg311v3-400257/18:46
_Ming_Noah1989, tx18:46
Damakithanks a bunch Jack_Sparrow18:46
whoopIs it me or is the forum offline alot of the time lately?18:46
Jack_SparrowNoah1989, NOt the best choice18:46
PiciTheFunkbomb: compiz --replace iirc18:46
TheFunkbombJack_Sparrow, I got Literati to work with Ubuntu :D18:47
NarumiPici, ok let's try :) thank you very much18:47
TheFunkbombPici, thanks18:47
wolterkinja-sheep, ok thanks, at least the webcam sections look equal.18:47
Jack_SparrowDamaki, Please let me know if it does or does not work for you18:47
goobsoftHey, I'm trying to create a screencast, but I can't seem to get the ogg converted to flv.  When I use the method described here (http://lampcomputing.com/node/27), it only maps the video to the flv file, and I get an flv with no sound.  Any tips?18:47
slipstWhat good tasks/calendar apps are there? I'm looking for something to keep track of classes and when I have to turn in assignments..18:47
Noah1989Jack_Sparrow: yeah, but it's what he wanted, wasn't it?18:47
wolterkinja-sheep, could you run gstreamer-properties now?18:47
Damakiokay Jack_Sparrow18:47
Jack_SparrowTheFunkbomb, cool18:47
whoop_Ming_: sudo su18:47
PriceChildslipst: I use evolution's calendar as it integrates with gnome.18:47
FinnishIs raw dv-format unpacked video?18:47
whoop_Ming_: or cd / (depends on what you mean)18:47
Jack_SparrowNoah1989, What he wants may not be the best choice for what he wants to do.  sudo -i  would perhaps be better18:48
kinja-sheepwolter:  The command?  What are you looking for?18:48
slipstPriceChild, does it remind you of upcoming things or do you have to manually check it?18:48
kinja-sheepwolter:  The plugin is Video For Linux 2 (v4l2).18:48
wolterkinja-sheep, ah ok.18:48
PriceChildslipst: I believe it can notify you.18:48
Noah1989_Ming_: you wanted to have a terminal run by the root acount, right?18:48
wolterkinja-sheep, what happens when you test it?18:48
DakotaDoggcan anyone help me with a hosed gui on virtual pc ?  it was running great, but then i had the bright idea of changing the display mode in the gui display properties.  i have checked the x11/conf file and it is still ok.  it's just the gui that's hosed.18:48
elostiowhats the difference between sudo su und sudo -i18:49
Noah1989_Ming_: or did you mean "go to root" as in "cd /"18:49
sektor1952anyone else have input on the kernel source and kernel header version mismatch issue?18:49
slipstPriceChild, I'm in the setup assistant now but I don't want to use it for email. Can I bypass this somehow? I only want the calendar.18:49
wolterkinja-sheep, and also, what does the pipeline line says?18:49
Noah1989elostio: the difference is s/su/-i/18:49
Apocalypsedoes the installcd contain a way for me to resize my ext3 partition?18:49
kinja-sheepwolter:  The blue beam shined at my face.  The pipeline -- v4l2src18:49
PriceChildslipst: press cancel?18:49
Jack_SparrowApocalypse, Yes. partition editor is part of the livecd18:49
PriceChildslipst: or close the wizard18:49
Picielostio: sudo -i properly sets up the environment variable in the resulting shell.18:50
Noah1989hi Neremor18:50
wolterkinja-sheep, no video appears, nor the app freezes?18:50
Neremoris there a program to search for missing album covers and save them in the albums directory?18:50
elostiothx pici18:50
ApocalypseJack_Sparrow: sorry I didn't specify - 8.04 ( I'm sure it is new enough to include that, correct? )18:50
kinja-sheepwolter:  No video appears.  The app seems to be freezing on me (Testing... )18:50
Neremori mean an standalone application18:50
slipstPriceChild, then evolution closes :) Thanks for the tip about evolution though, I'll just make something up for the email18:50
Ktulhu_i need help with gkrellm  , it freezes while using firefox and compiz any ideas ???18:50
Noah1989Pici: but sudo su would let the environment variables as they are?18:50
wolterkinja-sheep, nice, now we coincide in something, do you have 64bit or 32bit?18:50
kinja-sheepPici -- You know about img2txt.  Is there a pastebinit for photos?18:50
kinja-sheepwolter:  amd6418:51
PriceChildslipst: odd, thought it was optional sorry18:51
wolterkinja-sheep, ok.18:51
wolterkinja-sheep, now, can you run cheese from the terminal?18:51
Picikinja-sheep: I'm unsure.18:51
basemhi every body18:51
wolterkinja-sheep, a pastebin for photos could be imageshack.us18:51
DakotaDoggcan anyone help me with a hosed gui on virtual pc ?  it was running great, but then i had the bright idea of changing the display mode in the gui display properties.  i have checked the x11/conf file and it is still ok with the values it needs to run correctly..  it's just the gui comes up normally, then goes garbled.18:51
DamakiJack_Sparrow, Those are the same drivers that are in the guide that I'm following. However, the guide states that those drivers don't work on the amd64 platform (which is what I'm on), and in which case, I should instead use the 3rd party drivers which it links to the forums. I'll wait for the forums to come back up instead.18:52
kinja-sheepwolter:  The app ran just the same in terminal.  Video AK-OK.18:52
p4rsedoes anyone know if its possible to use a socks proxy instead of http_proxy?18:52
Ktulhu_i need help with gkrellm  , it freezes while using firefox and compiz any ideas ???18:52
Jack_SparrowDamaki, I tried18:52
DamakiThanks for looking anyway, Jack_Sparrow :)18:52
DamakiJack_Sparrow, yeah, much appreciated!!18:52
TheFunkbombokay, how do I turn on metacity again?18:52
dmhardisonIs there a location where I can find the packages that are required for a minimal Ubuntu installation. ie. just enough to boot to terminal18:52
TheresaEllisHi. My PC crashed while GParted was resizing my windows NTFS partition and I had to hit the power button. Now windows wont boot. Should I use a Microsoft tool to try and repair the file system or an Ubuntu tool?18:52
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD18:52
basemany one tell me how to increase the disk size in linux18:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about metacity18:52
dmhardisonI need to do it via apt.18:53
wolterkinja-sheep, you get nothing like this, do you? http://paste.ubuntu.com/104489/plain/18:53
kinja-sheepTheresaEllis:  Why did you hit the big red button?18:53
mikebeechamcan someone guide me in how to install an application that has an install and install-sh files?18:53
dmhardisonI will be chrooting into the environment to create an image from the chroot18:53
ApocalypseTheFunkbomb: you use the compiz fusion icon to do it18:53
Adam_basem: you could use gparted18:53
majnoontried xset -dpms and my screen STILL blanks out after about 15-20min18:53
Ktulhu_i need help with gkrellm  , it freezes while using firefox and compiz any ideas ???18:53
kinja-sheepwolter:  I get the same thing.18:53
TheFunkbombApocalypse, I don't think I have that18:53
eseven73TheFunkbomb: isnt it metacity --replace or something like that?18:53
wolteryou do? oh its a shame..  because my image does not appear on the cheese screen...18:54
wolterdoes yours? kinja-sheep18:54
ApocalypseTheFunkbomb: yeah I had to install it, try searching for fusion in synaptic18:54
basemthank u adam18:54
Apocalypsethen it will show up in your menu under applications - system tools18:54
Jack_Sparrowmikebeecham, programs you get off the web instead of from our supported repos should come  with a howto where you get the program18:54
kinja-sheepwolter:  Yes, I get the same message in the terminal (and the video does work).18:54
basembut will this affect the system18:54
Adam_!Terminal | Adam_18:54
ubottuAdam_, please see my private message18:54
TheresaElliskinja-sheep: Because the machine completely stopped. The mouse stopped moving and I could get to a terminal with ctrl-alt F1 thru F5 and ctrl-alt-backspace didnt respond, neither did ctrl-alt-del. The disk light had also stopped flashing. Power off was the only thing I could do.18:54
eseven73!ccsm | TheFunkbomb18:54
ubottuTheFunkbomb: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion18:54
Apocalypseonce you have it installed + running, you can easily switch between compiz and metacity with a click18:54
_Ming_how do i get detailed info about my network interfaces18:54
Apocalypse_Ming_: ifconfig as root?18:55
Adam_what's the difference between metacity and compiz?18:55
_Ming_ie chipset18:55
mikebeechamJack_Sparrow: pidgin does not...it just has a simple "you should compile the program first"  not very helpful!!!18:55
TheresaElliskinja-sheep: That should be could NOT get to a terminal, sorry18:55
_Ming_Apocalypse, tx18:55
eseven73_Ming_: maybe lshw too18:55
wolterkinja-sheep, oh i don't know what to do now... how much time did you let cheese to run before the video worked?18:55
jim_pare the radeon/radeonhd drivers included on the default ubuntu install?18:55
ApocalypseAdam_: metacity is the regular KDE window manager, compiz is the one with all the screen candy :)18:56
kinja-sheepTheresaEllis:  I don't know if you can recover it.  Shutting down when you're resizing a partition is never a good thing.  I'm not expert on data recovery.  You'll have to ask somebody else.18:56
Jack_Sparrowmikebeecham, We cant help it if unsupported repos or sites dont give you all the info you need.  Have you looked at getdeb.net18:56
Noah1989Apocalypse: no metacity was from gnome18:56
kinja-sheepwolter:  Not long.  Few secs.18:56
Noah1989Apocalypse: kde has kwin18:56
eseven73kwin is for KDE Apocalypse18:56
kinja-sheepwolter: a second, really.18:56
Apocalypseoh my bad :)18:56
ASDFG23456kinja-sheep: thanks a lot, real simple help but did the trick18:56
TheresaElliskinja-sheep: I know its bad news. I couldnt believe it when the machine froze. Such bad luck18:56
x31_i'm struggeling with my old pcg-n505x laptop and its hotkeys18:56
ApocalypseI keep switching between boxes and forgot that ubuntu defaults to gnome :)18:56
=== FriedCPU is now known as FRiEd|BnC
ubottuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts18:56
TheresaEllisIs there an IRC channel for gparted?18:57
eseven73!away > FRiEd|BnC18:57
ubottuFRiEd|BnC, please see my private message18:57
Jack_SparrowTheresaEllis, What is the issue18:57
Noah1989TheresaEllis: dunno, what you wanna know?18:57
kinja-sheepASDFG23456 -- Glad to hear it.18:57
wolterkinja-sheep, ah, and, do you get a fatal: module not found. when you run sudo modprobe gspca ?18:57
crashsystemsanyone remember how to add a user to a group via the CLI?18:57
Noah1989crashsystems: usermod -aG somegroup username18:57
hwildecrashsystems, /etc/group18:57
packetlossi installed ubuntu and something is wrong with refresh rate or something; i'm getting stripes on the screen, when playing an .avi file, i can only see picture when moving the window... any idea what is wrong ?18:58
themiddlemanwhen i go to places>connect to server, where does gnome mount the virtual directories (in nautilus it just says ftp://username@ipaddress)18:58
kinja-sheepwolter:  Yes -- FATAL: Module gspca not found.18:58
heatmzzrcan anyone tell me how to import a MS outlook contacts file into Evolution so that the fields match up?18:58
x31_Jack_Sparrow that doesn't help18:58
=== IVBela1 is now known as IVBela
Noah1989crashsystems: remember that a new login is required before the user is in the group18:58
netsurf3hey using acer aspire one on intrepid ibex, the intel IGP does not appear to be accellerating video18:58
Jack_Sparrowx31_, What doesnt help18:59
netsurf3or anything for that matter18:59
wolterkinja-sheep, do you have ekiga configured, or skype installed?18:59
kinja-sheepJack_Sparrow:  Do you know any pastebinit for photos?  Image / photo uploader via command-line.18:59
packetloss i installed ubuntu and something is wrong with refresh rate or something; i'm getting stripes on the screen, when playing an .avi file, i can only see picture when moving the window... any idea what is wrong ?18:59
TheresaEllisJack_Sparrow: Hi. Machine locked up while gparted was resizing my ntfs windows partition. Nothing would respond including Ctrl Alt F1 thru F5, Ctrl Alt Backspace and Ctrl Alt Del. Hard disk light had stopped too and even the mouse was not responding. Only thing I could do was hit the power button. Now of course windows wont boot and I am not sure whether to try repairing the file system with a microsoft tool like chkdsk or with an ubuntu tool18:59
Noah1989packetloss: what graphics card?18:59
kinja-sheepwolter: I uninstalled ekiga the first thing.  No skype either.  (Has no need for webcam).18:59
sektor1952If kernel source is version and kernel-headers are is it safe to ignore the header match18:59
Jack_Sparrowkinja-sheep, Yes to the first no to the second18:59
packetlossdont know, some intel integrated18:59
packetlossit's an ibm thinkcentre18:59
kinja-sheepJack_Sparrow:  What do you mean? Pastebinit for photos? o.O19:00
superheroHello, How can I Install gtkwave for ghdl??19:00
jim_pare the radeon/radeonhd drivers included on the default ubuntu install?19:00
packetlossNoah1989 how do i find out which graphics ?19:00
Jack_SparrowTheresaEllis, Sounds like you may not have defragged windows first or you had minimal free space after the drive resize19:00
eternalsuperhero install by source19:00
Noah1989packetloss: lspci| grep VGA19:00
wolterkinja-sheep, wat the f*ck!? it works in ekiga!19:01
Jack_Sparrowkinja-sheep, http://imageshack.us/19:01
kinja-sheepwolter:  What the fuck. =\19:01
superheroeternal: can you guide me step by step plz?? cuz I am fresh linux user ;)19:01
Jack_Sparrowwolter, Dont use that sort of rude shorthand.. thanks19:01
packetlossNoah1989; 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 661/741/760 PCI/AGP or 662/761Gx PCIE VGA Display Adapter (rev 04)19:01
Jack_Sparrow!ohmy > kinja-sheep19:01
ubottukinja-sheep, please see my private message19:01
kinja-sheepwolter:  I'm aware of the imageshack, but I'd like to do it via commandline.  <_<19:02
wolterJack_Sparrow, thats why i masked it with a *, for people to read what they want =D19:02
zichohow do i check my ubuntu version?19:02
kinja-sheepJack_Sparrow:  :319:02
Jack_Sparrowwolter, Dont do it19:02
kansanafter installing the samsung unified printer driver, and restarting ubuntu hardy, i can now add the samsung 2510 printer (yes its a compatible printer according to wiki).  however when i send it print jobs... nothing happens.... ideas?19:02
fitzkilAnyone here plays Glest in Ubuntu?19:02
TheFunkbombgrr.  I can19:02
Noah1989packetloss: hm.. i have no ideas. maybe try another driver / xorg module19:02
wolterkinja-sheep, well, ekiga now detects it, and it uses the v4l219:02
TheFunkbombI can't get metacity to turn back on19:02
Jack_Sparrowwolter, Obfuscated swearing is still swearing. we dont accept it of our users.. Please keep the room family friendly.19:02
TheFunkbombthere was a command I used the other night19:03
Soopahi all, when I try to open catalyst, it tells me that no ATI graphics driver is installed, and I'm not sure what to do to fix that19:03
Soopacan anyone help?19:03
Jack_SparrowTheFunkbomb, metacity --replace19:03
Soopait is indeed an ATI card, btw :-)19:03
TheFunkbombevery time I do that, it freezes up19:03
=== GDonato_ is now known as gdonato
ApocalypseJack_Sparrow: Thanks again, I'm off to try and resize my disk - wish me luck!19:03
kinja-sheepwolter:  Try changing your Preferences in Cheese to something low.19:03
Jack_SparrowApocalypse, good luck19:04
wolterkinja-sheep, ok, i will test gstreamer-properties before that....19:04
Noah1989join gentoo19:04
JerrrIs it best to use the prop drivers suggested by Ubuntu? I have an 8600 GT yet when I drag a box across the window; it looks kind of choppy.19:04
Noah1989forgot the /19:04
mysticdarkhackhello all19:04
user_sektor1952, what's up?19:04
Ktulhu_Hey all i need help with a small problem , gkrellm freezes while using firefox in compiz any ideas ???19:04
sektor1952If kernel source is version and kernel-headers are is it safe to ignore the header match19:04
superheroHello, can anybody guide me SPS to install GTKwave plz??19:04
Ktulhu_Hey all i need help with a small problem , gkrellm freezes while using firefox in compiz any ideas ???19:04
user_Jerrr, use the nvidia drivers19:04
TheresaEllisJack_Sparrow: You are right I didnt defrag windows first. I had deleted another partition so I was increasing the size of the ntfs partition to fill the remaining unallocated space. After I rebooted into ubuntu gparted showed that the partition had been moved to the left but not expanded and it had a warning triangle by the partition. At that stage it wouldnt boot into windows so I tried booting it from a windows disk and running chkdsk (with no switc19:05
BellinXFelonent pro, I used gparted and formatted it to ext3 and xubuntu recognizes it, but I cannot put anything on it19:05
sektor1952user: see my reply?19:05
Jerrruser_ ; New linux user here, download the drivers from nvidia? Also, would you be able to assist me in getting my soundcard to work?19:05
user_alright, hang on19:05
Ktulhu_Hey all i need help with a small problem , gkrellm freezes while using firefox in compiz any ideas ???19:05
TheresaEllisJack_Sparrow: Sorry that should read "Now I have booted back into Ubuntu" - not windows - my mistake19:06
BellinXFeloncan someone help me with my seagate freeagent pro, I used gparted and formatted it to ext3 and xubuntu recognizes it, but I cannot put anything on it19:06
mysticdarkhackAnyone here have a sony vaio z and able to install ubuntu and able to run compiz fusion?19:06
=== user_ is now known as pyrokay
Jerrruser_ ; Im not at home right now so what you tell me, I am going to jot down and take notes to try when I get home19:06
wolterkinja-sheep, cheese works! but with a low resolution, like you said haha19:06
wolterkinja-sheep, which resolution do you have?19:06
kinja-sheepwolter:  :P19:06
wolterkinja-sheep, thasnk!19:06
wolterthanks! i mean haha19:06
kinja-sheepwolter:  The lowest one -- But I'm testing to find the highest resolution now.19:06
pyrokayJerrr, let me find you a link19:07
kinja-sheepwolter: Highest working resolution**19:07
sektor1952user_: The most I found so far was a bug report19:07
Jerrrpyrokay ; Do you need to know my mobo? I am using on board sound currently.19:07
pyrokayJerrr, are you using 32bit or 64bit?19:07
kinja-sheepJerrr, what Ubuntu ?19:07
Jerrrpyrokay ; Atm 32, I might switch over to 64 tonight. I have a 64 b proc.19:07
kinja-sheepJerrr:  https://help.ubuntu.com/19:07
VideoSmithHas anyone here gotten scared by typing free -m into the terminal and seeing its results?19:07
jribVideoSmith: nope, never19:08
frojndHEllo there. Does anyone know of any program that would convert jpeg or any other format to ascii ?19:08
frojndCommand line the better...19:08
VideoSmithjrib:  :P19:08
pyrokayfrojnd, google it19:08
mysticdarkhackOne thing I know for sure is ubuntu or the kernel or driver not able to use two video grapic yet19:08
kinja-sheepJerrr:  See the link (your machine version).  There are bunch of instructions on how to make DVD working for you and much more.  Basically, everything you need to know... and to set your machine up19:08
frojndpyrokay: this has 2 names...19:08
wolterkinja-sheep, ... mine is the lowest one i think...19:08
frojndpyrokay: how cna a program have 2 seperate names..19:08
frojndanyone else ?19:08
wolterkinja-sheep, i mean, the one that follows the lowest19:08
Jack_SparrowTheresaEllis, What does gparted currently show for your partitions19:08
JerrrThanks Kinja.19:09
Jack_SparrowTheresaEllis, If you need I can give you a command or two for cli that will tell us what we need to know19:09
kinja-sheepwolter:  Mine is second lowest.19:09
VideoSmithAlright guys, here's a question:  Does this mean I should cut down on some stuff?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/104500/19:09
VideoSmithI ask a question and everyone leaves. =019:10
packetlossi obtained a new graphics card driver, that consits of two files; .la and .so19:10
packetlosswhat do i do with these two files19:10
kinja-sheeppacketloss:  What files?19:11
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots19:11
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:11
heatmzzrcan anyone tell me how to import a MS outlook contacts file into Evolution so that the fields match up?19:11
packetlosskinja-sheep; sis_drv.la  sis_drv.so19:11
TheresaEllisJack_Sparrow: Do you know a site I can upload a screenshot to without setting up an account? A bit like pastebin?19:11
kinja-sheeppacketloss:  How did you "obtain" the files in first place?19:12
kinja-sheepTheresaEllis:  No.  >_>19:12
Jack_SparrowTheresaEllis, Yes one sec19:12
packetlossdonwloaded from intel website19:12
Jack_SparrowTheresaEllis, http://imageshack.us/19:12
kinja-sheep.... No (to command-line, that is).19:12
packetlosskinja-sheep; Generic Linux* graphics driver for Intel® Desktop Boards.19:12
packetlossThis download contains multiple packages:19:12
packetlossFor 32-bit:19:12
FloodBot1packetloss: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:12
Jack_Sparrowpacketloss, Please stop flooding the channel.. use the pastebin19:13
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots19:13
_moro_bana_i just created a wrong symbolic link in /usr/local/bin ,how do I remove it.19:13
sektor1952user_: The suggestions the installer gives me for the driver package I am trying to build is to either remove the UTS_Release line in versions.h and redefine it, export ignore_header_mismatch=119:13
wolterkinja-sheep, ah me too...19:13
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:13
Jack_Sparrow_moro_bana_, sudo19:13
Tobias92The  problem I'm having is a rather odd one: all gtk themes on my desktop have stopped functioning, so all windows look rather ugly. I tried reconfiguring ubuntu-artwork, ubuntu-desktop, even temporarily renaming my .config and .gnome2 folders, nothing helped so far. Anyone care to help me out? :)19:13
wolterkinja-sheep, what you are saying is that your cheese chose the lowest resolution for you when you ran it?19:13
ciaronanyone have any experience with getting a Canon Pixma iP1000 to work with ubuntu?19:13
=== HeLLs is now known as _JUaN_
_moro_bana_Jack_Sparrow: the complete command please?19:14
Adam_!cheese | Adam_19:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cheese19:14
Adam_what's cheese?19:14
veloc1tyTobias92, i had the same and resolved it by deleting all themes from the .theme folder in my home dir19:14
kinja-sheepwolter:  Uh.  I think I changed that -- It was something so fast that I forget to mention it.19:14
wolterkinja-sheep, ah..19:14
veloc1tythen i was able to reinstall / apply new themes19:14
_moro_bana_Jack_Sparrow: im afraid to use rm , not pretty sure19:14
Jack_Sparrow_moro_bana_, cant without knowing waht you are trying to remove.  gksudo nautilus     but be careful..19:14
Tobias92veloc1ty, you mean .themes? Yeah, it's empty19:15
=== _JUaN_ is now known as HeLLs
bullgard4/etc/apt/sources.list shows several lines such as '#deb http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/ddebs gutsy main universe'. What packages are stored in these 'people' repositories?19:15
wolterkinja-sheep, do you think that i would get a better resolution with the adequate drivers?19:15
TheresaEllisJack_Sparrow: http://img65.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotpm3.png19:15
tgpraveen123Adam cheese is a program to capture pics19:15
tgpraveen123using your webcam19:15
brolywhat type of apps should i be looking into for the osx looking toolbars?19:15
Adam_tgpraveen123: ah okay, thanks =)19:15
_moro_bana_Jack_Sparrow: ok, im removing django-admin.py from /usr/local/bin19:15
tgpraveen123Adam its like photobooth of mac. u can apply effects to them also19:15
kinja-sheepAdam_:  cheese is another term for money.  We were talking about money. :)19:15
Tobias92broly, avant window navigator :)19:15
fixxxermetI installed my system with a / ext3 partition.  Is there a way to change my / partition to xfs without losing all of my data or formatting my drive?19:15
veloc1tyTobias92, it shouldn't be empty :s19:15
Adam_who moved my cheese?!19:16
veloc1tynormally the seems are stored there19:16
oCean_VideoSmith: don't worry if the 'free' mem isn't growing.. It's just Linux that attempts keeping a large cache19:16
Joe_if I move to a new system and go with Kubuntu, but move my /home directory over... it'll just ignore all the gnome settings and give me the default KDE dekstop... right?19:16
kinja-sheepwolter:  I wouldn't know..19:16
Tobias92veloc1ty, how might I fill it then?19:16
brolyTobias92, thanks ill google that now19:16
billsso, one of my co-workers did an update this morning and now when the login display pops up, it immediately disappears and then tries again... forever19:16
billsanyone else encounter this?  i'm looking around on the internet now...19:16
jtajiJoe_: that's correct19:16
veloc1tyTobias92, check /usr/share/themes19:16
billsgdm and X are not dying but gdmgreeter is19:16
Joe_jtaji good, thanks!19:16
EdgeX-Hello; When I try and delete a specific file from my external from ubuntu; I get an 'input/output' error; any idea as to why this is?19:16
Jack_SparrowTheresaEllis, Ok, so you have a windows recovery partition, windows partition and some free space.  an ubuntu boots but windows wont at this point correct so far?19:16
veloc1tyis it empty there?19:16
Tobias92veloc1ty, yeah there are some themes in there. Need I copy them to ~/.themes?19:17
veloc1tytry it with one of them19:17
sektor1952user_ ?19:17
Jack_SparrowTobias92, usually just drop the tar files on an open theme manager window19:17
EdgeX-Hello; When I try and delete a specific file from my external from ubuntu; I get an 'input/output' error; any idea as to why this is?19:17
lozhi there,  could anybody help me regarding a wireless problem on intrepid; iwlist scan reports that i am connected to the wireless network, but i can't get connected to internet.19:17
TheresaEllisJack_Sparrow: I dont have a windows recovery partition. sda3 is my linux /boot partition19:18
Jack_SparrowTheresaEllis, sda1 is hidden19:18
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TheresaEllisJack_Sparrow: sda1 was the partition I deleted19:19
Tobias92Jack_Sparrow, veloc1ty, I though the problem was with compiz, I configured gtk-window-decorator now instead of compiz-decorator19:19
Tobias92Resetting X now19:19
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brolyTobias92, that little navigator is awesome, thanks for the tip19:19
Tobias92broly, you're welcome =)19:19
Jack_SparrowTheresaEllis, I need to see your /boot/grub/menu.lst19:19
wolterkinja-sheep, oh, i think i messed up somewhere, could you pass me your xorg.conf ?19:19
wolterkinja-sheep, i just need the video section, but i would like it all19:20
Jack_SparrowTheresaEllis, sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && pastebinit /boot/grub/menu.lst       (Provide Pastebin link in channel)19:20
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bn43hi I'm trying to execute the iproute sharing command when wvdial executes19:20
bn43but I need to do it manually now19:21
bn43can anyone point me in the right direction?19:21
ubottuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up19:21
_moro_bana_Jack_Sparrow: I see, gksudo nautilus gives me sudo on the on GUI19:21
pyrokaywvdial && iproute ?19:21
ruben_Can anybody help me?19:21
TheresaEllisJack_Sparrow: It looks as if somehow the ntfs partition is not as damaged as I thought as the warning triangle has gone and I can at least get a directory list. menu.lst is at http://pastebin.com/f5f61cc519:21
Jack_Sparrow_moro_bana_, correct, but is not forgiving if you make a mistake19:21
pyrokayruben_, what's up?19:22
_moro_bana_Jack_Sparrow: I understand the might/power19:22
ruben_I can't install xubuntu within windows on my windows 9819:22
mreJack_Sparrow: i found a way around it - i had to install linux-backports-modules-intrepid, but then i had no more eth0; i tried relaoding the boadcom b44.ko still nothing :/ any ideas?19:22
TheresaEllisJack_Sparrow: Is it worth trying to reboot windows in case it works now? Dont know why it would because when I ran chkdsk from a windows cd I didnt repair anything - just wanted to see if there were errors on the filesystem but maybe it repaired some stuff anyway19:23
gaintsuracould someone explain/help me figure out why my time is always wrong? its really actually 12:22PM and my clock says 4:52PM. I made sure NTP is running, though I still do not get the correct time.19:23
Jack_SparrowTheresaEllis, grub pointing to sda2 is correct at hd0,1 so try it19:23
Jack_Sparrowmre, no idea, please address the channel19:24
EdgeX-Hello; When I try and delete a specific file from my external from ubuntu; I get an 'input/output' error; any idea as to why this is?19:24
TheresaEllisJack_Sparrow: OK. Thanks. Will do.19:24
Jack_Sparrow_moro_bana_, Exit as soon as you are done with that session of nautilus, never leave it open19:24
mreJack_Sparrow: which channel?19:24
ruben_Can xubuntu be installed inside windows '98?19:24
pyrokayruben_, that'll be tricky19:24
bn43um I've been told to put the scrip in /etc/ppp/ip-up-d19:24
Jack_Sparrowmre, this one.. but not with my name in the line19:25
bn43but that does not work19:25
mreah :D19:25
ruben_I have done it one 2 xp's19:25
Jack_Sparrowbn43, Please keep your responses to one long line.. thanks19:25
lozhi there,  could anybody help me regarding a wireless problem on intrepid; i have changed my router last week, and can no longer connect to the network, intrepid recognizes the wireless network, and when i click on the wireless network, the green and blue revolving arrows spin, then i get :Disconnected, the network connection has been disconnected, then if i type in iwlist scan, wlan0 appears to be connected to my wireless network, so19:25
lozno errors. i still have no connection to the net... any idea or guidance would be appreciated, as i can't seem to google myself out of this kaffufel...19:25
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pyrokaybecause windows 98 is old, and the WUBI installer is meant for NT/XP.19:25
bn43ok sorry19:25
ruben_Is there any wya to do it otherwise?19:25
oCean_gaintsura: I'm not sure, but sometime when the diff between the hardware clock and the "real" is too large. See what "hwclock --show" gives?19:26
yakuzYesterday I installed msn-pecan and used WLM to get connected with Pidgin. Today when I loged in I got a question wether or not I want to "Accept certificate for rsi.hotmail.com?" SSL Certificate Verification. If I choose yes will i not be able to connect to Pidgin anymore?19:26
mrecan anyone tell me why linux-backports-modules-intrepid removes the eth0 interface (i tried reloading my broadcom b44.ko but without success)19:26
Jack_Sparrowruben_, It is way better to do a real install on its own partition.19:26
pyrokayruben_, download the .iso image from the ubuntu website and burn it to a cd you can install it that way.19:26
mrei had to install linux-backports-modules-intrepid in order to use iwl394519:26
EdgeX-yakuz; #pidgin?19:27
ruben_Partition disk, install on that, ye?19:27
gaintsuraoCean_: select() to /dev/rtc to wait for clock tick timed out is what hwclock output19:27
yakuzEdgeX-: didn't know there was such a channel. And people here often know ubuntu related stuff. But thanks I will ask there.19:27
JonathanEllisJack_Sparrow: Hi again. The machine doesnt boot windows. Only gets as far as "Starting up ..." (text only at top of screen and then hangs with no disk activity so there is still some problem. I dont even get "Cant find ntldr" or anything similar. By the way I was talking to you on TheresaEllis a few minutes ago19:27
mreJack_Sparrow: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-backports-modules-2.6.27/+bug/287450 <-- can you throw an eye on this?19:27
lozhi there,  could anybody help me regarding a wireless problem on intrepid; i have changed my router last week, and can no longer connect to the network, intrepid recognizes the wireless network, and when i click on the wireless network, the green and blue revolving arrows spin, then i get :Disconnected, the network connection has been disconnected, then if i type in iwlist scan, wlan0 appears to be connected to my wireless network, so19:28
lozno errors. i still have no connection to the net... any idea or guidance would be appreciated, as i can't seem to google myself out of this kaffufel...19:28
Jack_Sparrowmre no  Im a bit busy19:28
EdgeX-yakuz, yea i've found I can just go to #<appname> on this network ;)19:28
Tobias92veloc1ty, no luck for me, it still looks darn-ugly19:28
shredder12i have installed medusa using  apt-get and on running it says unable to connect to the specified host...even though i can ping the host.. any clue..??19:28
mreJack_Sparrow: no problem, tyt ;)19:28
phnomIs there any way to have different default sessions for different users in GDM?19:28
BellinXFelonhey i have a seagate external hard drive i used gparted to format it to ext 3 and i cant write anything to it, can anyone help?19:28
veloc1tyTobias92, try to remove all the themes from both folders (copy them to another place) and then reinstall a new one19:28
gaintsuraoh farkin fail! ubuntu forum is down19:28
veloc1tythat was how i got it running again ;)19:28
EdgeX-Hello; Whenever I try and delete a corrupted file from my external HDD on ubuntu- I get an 'input/output error'...Any idea as to why this is happening D:19:28
lozBellinXFelon: what format did you use?19:29
Jack_SparrowJonathanEllis, Deleting that recovery partition is not something vista liked.  the #Windows people may be able to fix it with a windows install cd and fixmbr etc19:29
BellinXFelonloz ext319:29
Tobias92veloc1ty, will do19:29
lozBellinXFelon: i did that, you have no permission to write on the disk?19:29
JonathanEllisBellinXFelon: It may be a permissions issue. Do you have permission to write to it? Try creating a small text file on the disk using sudo gedit <path>/somefilename19:30
ruben_Right, I have a disk, when I install on a new partition, will it be fairly straightforward?19:30
BellinXFelonloz, for example i cant put anythin on it, if i copy it wont let me paste19:30
kinja-sheepBellinXFelon:  In terminal -- Point to your hard drive and chown <user>:<user> <path-to-your-hdd>19:30
Tobias92veloc1ty, no luck, it only changes the appearance configurator's theme (like it did before)19:30
mreJack_Sparrow: i'll try proposed :)19:30
lozBellinXFelon: i think you can do that just by right clicking on your hard drive, and change the properties19:30
veloc1tymh sorry.. then i have no further ideas19:31
veloc1tyi had exactly the same but that was how i fixed it19:31
JonathanEllisJack_Sparrow: Windows was fine after deleting the recovery partition. It was only the machine crashing during resizing the vista partition that killed it. But anyway, you dont recommend trying to fix it in linux so that is my question answered19:31
lozBellinXFelon: have you got permission to write etc?19:31
oCean_gaintsura: hm, not sure whether that is related to your problem19:31
Jack_SparrowJonathanEllis, Good luck19:31
lozhi there,  could anybody help me regarding a wireless problem on intrepid; i have changed my router last week, and can no longer connect to the network, intrepid recognizes the wireless network, and when i click on the wireless network, the green and blue revolving arrows spin, then i get :Disconnected, the network connection has been disconnected, then if i type in iwlist scan, wlan0 appears to be connected to my wireless network, so19:31
lozno errors. i still have no connection to the net... any idea or guidance would be appreciated, as i can't seem to google myself out of this kaffufel...19:31
sektor1952anybody else have suggestions to my issue?19:31
pyrokayanyone not being served? :)19:31
shredder12Hello people,, i have installed medusa using apt-get and on running it says unable to connect to the specified host...even though i can ping the host.. any clue about the solution??19:32
JonathanEllisBellinXFelon: You may need to take ownership of the disk using sudo chown. Try man chown to get the options you need19:32
sektor1952pyrokay: May ask your opinion?19:32
Jack_Sparrowloz, can you direct connect without the router?19:32
pyrokaysure, i have forgotten your problem again though :)19:32
babs_in_michiganForums are back up19:33
deanyBellinXFelon: might need the "active" bit setting again19:33
lozJack_Sparrow: how can i know that?19:33
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash19:33
pyrokayyay, forums are back19:33
JonathanEllisJack_Sparrow: Thanks. If the worst comes to the worst I will just delete the windows partition altogether since ubuntu works now and tell Theresa she can only use ubuntu now :-). She wanted to try ubuntu anyway since she is fed up with windows so maybe I just tell her she cant go back to windows land. It would certainly be the quickest option but on the chance there is something quick I can do...19:33
symbolisBegin the chat exodus. :D19:33
sektor1952Pyrokay: Kernel version is 2.6.27-9-generic header version is, so the drivers won't compile19:33
Jack_Sparrowloz, By taking the wire and plugging it into your cable box or dsl modem .. unless they are a combined unit19:33
pyrokaysektor1952, pm me19:34
lozJack_Sparrow: yes, ot will work with the ethernet cable19:34
deanyif you check what partition is set to as "boot"...it might be the wrong one.. ive had to reset the "boot" bit when i aborted an install after it formatted the partitions.19:34
lozand iwlist scan shows the wireless network19:34
Jack_Sparrowloz, So it is a new wireless router?19:34
TheFunkbombsomething is messed up with my screen.  When I open Firefox, I lose the task bar on top and the program bar at the bottom19:34
pyrokayTheFunkbomb, press F11.19:34
lozJack_Sparrow: yes, i just changed it as my linsys dropped dead19:34
TheFunkbomblol look at that19:35
TheFunkbombthanks pyrokay19:35
Jack_Sparrowloz, Is the router set as open network or wep or wpa or mac?19:35
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kinja-sheepI'm looking for way to install Flash.  However, I find out my flash problem; the problem being that flash only work for short time after installation).... is this -- https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash#amd64andppc19:35
pyrokayTheFunkbomb, no probs.19:35
solo1zoneI am trying to make a decision (esxi or ubuntu Jeos - vmserver) has anyone tried the ubuntu path19:35
kinja-sheepI'm using Ubuntu 8.10 -- Is flashplugin-nonfree still stable for my said distro?19:35
lozJack_Sparrow: i have tried open, and wep2 personal, currently it is set without any security19:35
Jack_Sparrowkinja-sheep, ppc.. as in your running on a Mac ??19:35
pyrokaykinja-sheep, i think so.19:36
kinja-sheepJack_Sparrow -- amd6419:36
babs_in_michiganForums back down19:36
symbolisCrud. Forgot what I was going to look up on the forums, anyway.19:36
tgpraveen123>Forums back down19:37
Jack_Sparrowkinja-sheep, So not on a mac..19:37
ubottuYou can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava19:37
kinja-sheepJack_Sparrow:  Yes, not on the mac.19:37
packetlosshow do i install a graphics driver in form of two files; sis-drv.la and sis-drv.so ? Thanks a lot!19:37
Jack_Sparrowkinja-sheep, that link may work better for you19:38
babs_in_michiganI'm looking to backup the internet radio stations I have added to rhythmbox.  I looked in .gonf/apps/rhythmbox and the settings aren't there.  Does anyone know where they are located?19:38
TheFunkbombI cannot get metacity to turn back on :(19:38
TheFunkbombeverytime I do metacity --replace, linux freezes19:38
kinja-sheepJack_Sparrow:  Thanks.  I'm looking into it.  The link need to be updated.  The latest version is.. 7.10.  :)19:38
creeedhello, I get a problem with the fonts under gnome, when I start dual-display with xrandr, the dual-display works fine but after some switching between windows the fonts goes to change colors, letters disappear a chaos.. I use ubuntu 8.10 with gnome. any help please?19:39
pyrokaypacketloss, move the files to the correct place /usr/src/linux/drivers and do depmod -aq sis-drv19:39
zenlunaticwhat is the name of the default panel item that lists your networks when you click on it?19:42
nikon365I am trying to save my data in WinXp before doing a full reinstall. I was lucky enough to get someone to attempt 2  help from a user in this room. Can anyone take a look at this: "http://pastebin.com/m4ef3f2b2" and tell me what I should do from here?19:43
pyrokayzenlunatic, NetworkManager and nm-applet19:43
bullgard4/etc/apt/sources.list shows several lines such as '#deb http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/ddebs gutsy main universe'. What packages are stored in these 'people' repositories?19:43
symbolisbabs_in_michigan, Check in ~/.gnome2 ?19:43
chazcoHi.. how can I turn off the startup noise? I've disabled it in sounds->preferences but it still plays...19:43
rwHi, I have a problem with all the themes I'm trying to install. They don't look right. For instance the panel is only half themed, things like that.19:43
dmayhi all! anybody knows any analogue for conky for console?19:44
Jack_Sparrownikon365, Break it down .. no need for someone to wade through all of that... to help you fix windows19:44
pyrokaydmay, nope, sorry.19:44
kintarotpcAnyone ever install vmware server?19:44
pyrokaykintarotpc, follow a tutorial.19:44
Archangel013Hi. I have a question about upgrading from Hardy to Intrepid. I'm currently running Hardy, and I installed KDE4 packages concurrently with KDE3, but now I want to run a network upgrade. My question is whether or not the network upgrade will replace the old KDE 3&4 data with the new KDE4 install, or will I have to remove that manually?19:45
=== PushF12 is now known as dajhorn
pyrokaykintarotpc, it just takes a while - and i can't quite remember. :D19:45
reya276Does anyone here know how to setup MSSQL ODBC drivers in Ubuntu to create an ODBC connection? I already have iodbc installed19:45
dmaycan't belive i so smart to imagine somthing first )19:45
baroneciao a tutti19:45
creeedI googled everywhere and nothing found, I will be very thankful for any suggestion19:45
kintarotpcI'm sure. I've got it installed, just working with it now. Mostly just curious if anyone else has done so.19:46
shredder12 Hello people,, i have installed medusa using apt-get and on running it says unable to connect to the specified host...even though i can ping the host.. any clue about the solution??19:46
babs_in_michigansymbolis: It looks like it just keeps the music database there.  However, perhaps it saves the radio settings in the same file.  Thanks.19:46
Jack_Sparrownikon365, The basics.. boot a livecd, mount the windows drive, save your stuff to a usb stick19:46
pyrokaycreeed, what graphics card? compiz? etc19:46
nikon365Jack_Sparrow : ok , new to this....thnx.....need to recover files  but unable to mount drive  ee after using force commands19:46
TheFunkbombI think I fixed it19:46
babs_in_michigansymbolis: Yup.  It certainly does save the radio station settings in the music database file.  Thanks again.19:47
Jack_Sparrownikon365, if you cant read or force mount it you need professional help19:47
symbolisbabs_in_michigan: Sure thing!19:47
fru_i need to make changes in ifconfig permanent19:47
creeedpyrokay, I have an Intel GMA x3100 embedded graphic Chip, compiz should be not the motive.19:48
fru_i edited /etc/network/interfaces19:48
Knysliux001have a small problem, starting today amarok and totem stopped playing mp3 files after PC crashed. Have any ideas what could be broken?19:49
creeedThe driver works fine, compiz too, just when I switch to dual-display the fonts play fool!19:49
fru_but after rebooting i always need to open the ifconfig gui look for the properties19:49
pyro2927hey, does anyone know what drivers i should use with a TrendNET wireless card in my desktop?19:49
fru_and THEN it works19:49
fru_thats weird19:49
Tobias92Anyone got another suggestion as to why my theme looks like windows 95 and I can't change it using the theme manager?19:50
fru_any help possible :(19:50
harrisonubuntu 8.04 using Radeon 9000.  I cant get the resolution to change.  Ive edited the xorg.conf file19:50
harrisonnothing changes19:50
pyrokaytry x19:50
harrisoncan anyone walk me through this?19:50
Teknoopen terminal and type xrandr19:51
pyrokayharrison, try xrandr -r 1600x1200 or whatever you want your res to be19:51
symbolispyro2927, No idea if it's accurate or not, but you might want to check out http://linux-wless.passys.nl/19:51
Archangel013Kubuntu Hardy. Installed KDE4 over KDE3 without fully upgrading Kubuntu installation. I want to update to Intrepid, but if I do a network upgrade, will the new installation replace the old KDE 3&4 with the new KDE 4 data, or will I have to do that manually?19:52
pyro2927symbolis: thanks!19:52
gaintsurahow is it that http gets a higher priority than SSH>19:52
harrisonTekno.....Screen 0: minimum 640 x 480, current 800 x 600, maximum 800 x 60019:52
harrisondefault connected 800x600+0+0 0mm x 0mm19:52
harrison   800x600        85.0*19:52
harrison   640x480        86.019:52
harrisonpyrokay.....xrandr -r 1600x1200.....Rate 1600.0 Hz not available19:53
jokkahwhats up with http://ubuntuforums.org/19:53
harrisonjokkah...good question...been down for hours19:54
harrisonnot a good time to switch to Ubunut19:54
jokkahubuntuforums.org === was hacked.....19:54
harrisonresolution issue persists19:55
harrisonwhy is this so user unfriendly to change resolution?19:55
pyrokayharrison, what resolution do you want it to be?19:55
majnoontried xset -dpms and my screen STILL blanks out after about 15-20min19:55
harrisonat least 1024x768 at 75hz19:55
pyrokayand ubuntu is just picky about its users19:55
harrisonpyrokay.....at least 1024x768 at 75hz19:56
pyrokaytry xrandr -r 1024x768 then19:56
harrisonharrison@HDvideo:~$ xrandr -r 1024x76819:56
harrisonRate 1024.0 Hz not available for this size19:56
harrisonpyrokay.....harrison@HDvideo:~$ xrandr -r 1024x76819:56
harrisonRate 1024.0 Hz not available for this size19:56
pyrokayman xrandr19:56
bn43hi I have placed a script in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/ and made it executible - sudo wvdial brings up my modem but the script does not execute - I have to do it manually - what can I do to fix?19:57
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pyrokaywhatever resolution is, use it19:57
shredder12any help guys.. i have installed "medusa" using apt-get and even though i am connected to internet.. it doesn't seem to be connected.. whenever i run it, it says that the specified host is unreachable....  well, i access internet through a proxy server...so do i have to configure the network settings somewhere...??19:57
harrisonpyrokay....im at 800x600 at 60hz on a 19inch monitor!19:58
harrisonflicker is giving me a headache19:58
Archangel013Anyone have any idea whether or not doing a version network upgrade will erase previously installed KDE 3 and 4 data?19:58
TeknoArchangel013: nope19:59
bn43hi I have placed a script in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/ and made it executible - sudo wvdial brings up my modem but the script does not execute - I have to do it manually - what can I do to fix?19:59
pyrokaybn43, set it as executable20:00
Archangel013Tekno: So if I were to do a network upgrade, I'd have to uninstall all old KDE3 stuff?20:00
pyrokaychmod a+x <script>20:00
Knysliux001Hello, starting today totem stopped playing mp3 files after PC crashed. Where to start fixing it?20:00
omshantimy computer won't play mp3's but it goes through the motions.  haaaaaaalp!20:00
bn43pyrokay: ls -l shows this -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   92 2009-01-13 22:27 share.ppp020:00
GneaKnysliux001: will audacious play them?20:01
Knysliux001Gnea: I'll try to install it20:01
bullgard4/etc/apt/sources.list shows several lines such as '#deb http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/ddebs gutsy main universe'. What packages are stored in these 'people' repositories?20:01
pyrokaybn43, have you tried putting a symlink to it in init.d?20:01
bn43pyrokay: I don't understand - I just want the script to start on wvdial - not on every startup - isn't init.d meant for that?20:02
fyrmedicWhats up with the forums?20:03
obunndatabase corruption20:04
zcdo you need root to change your iptables rules?20:04
nickrud_!sudo | zc (yes)20:05
ubottuzc (yes): sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)20:05
fyrmedicanyone know why grub doesn20:05
majnoontried xset -dpms and my screen STILL blanks out after about 15-20min20:05
zcnickrud_: how do i change them20:05
Archangel013New question: Would it be easier for me to log into a KDE3 desktop and remove all KDE4 packages and then perform a network upgrade to Intrepid, or to use a live CD to make a new partition for my /home folder and install Intrepid from the CD?20:06
fyrmedicoops,,, Anyone had experience with ubiquity failing at the install of grub. I am trying to install on an Acer Aspire One.20:06
nickrud_zc, that's a loong subject. Generally I use firestarter for simple workstation firewall rules; and shorewall for complex rules. I've never learned the actual iptables syntax myself20:06
Knysliux001Gnea: audacious play mp3 files fine, but totem and xine don't. Also preview in Nautilus doesn't work.20:06
pyrokayfyrmedic, i have that laptop. try validating the install cd at boot20:07
bn43can anyone help? I can't get a script to execute after starting wvdial20:07
gaintsurahow come when I run hwclock I get this? select() to /dev/rtc to wait for clock tick timed out20:07
nickrud_bn43, you mean if you start wvdial in a terminal, you can't run a script in the same terminal?20:08
gaintsurabn43: afaik you are supposed to put the script in /etc/init.d/pppd-up or similar?20:08
fyrmedicpyrokay: I am trying to do the install from a live usb created with unetbootin. I am going to download another iso and try re-creating the usb stick.20:08
GneaKnysliux001: what audio output is audacious using?20:08
pyrokayfyrmedic, you can check the media at boot20:08
[TiZ]Seriously, what's happened to the forums? They've been fubar'd for the past day! There's a thread I need to post. I'll probably just pastebin it and ask for help ere.20:09
bn43nickrud_: no I put a script in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/ and read that any script in there executes20:09
pyrokayfyrmedic, but i used the standard installer + madwifi, works alright20:09
Archangel013I want to upgrade to Intrepid with KDE4, but I already have some KDE4 packages installed on Hardy. Would it be easier for me to log into a KDE3 desktop and remove all KDE4 packages and then perform a network upgrade to Intrepid, or to use a live CD to make a new partition for my /home folder and install Intrepid from the CD?20:09
fyrmedicpyrokay, I didn't see that option on the usb startup. The only options I saw were "default" "help" and "manufacturer"20:10
Knysliux001Gnea: PulseAudio20:10
pyrokayfyrmedic, sorry, i was thinking of a different boot cd20:10
nickrud_bn43, ah, I've never used wvdial and expected that to happen. I've always used pppconfig so don't have any usable insight20:10
gaintsurabn43: perhaps it is executing?20:11
fyrmedicpyrokay: no worries. How did you do the madwifi? Was that after the successful install?20:11
bn43gaintsura: no it isn't - I have to do it manually20:11
pyrokayfyrmedic, i just compiled and installed, would you ike my madwfi installer script?20:11
Knysliux001Gnea: thanks, I think the problem is with xine engine. I'll try to reinstall it.20:11
bn43if I do sudo ./script, it executes20:12
GneaKnysliux001: okay20:12
fyrmedicpyrokay; No thanks, I found plenty of resources on getting that working. I just have to get through the install first.20:12
xiamxIs there a gnome repo for ubuntu to get the lastest version of gnome?20:13
pyrokayfyrmedic, alright, well, it boots from usb alright, and everything else works :)20:13
Slart_xiamx: nothing official.. there might be some non-official repos somewhere though20:13
fyrmedicpyrokay: Ok sure I'll give it a shot. Thanks.20:14
Slart_xiamx: just out of curiosity, is there anything special in the newest gnome?20:14
Archangel013Anyone have any idea?20:14
Slart_Archangel013: that you have some KDE4 packages installed already shouldn't affect the update.. I would just do a plain upgrade20:15
majnoontried xset -dpms and my screen STILL blanks out after about 15-20min20:15
Knysliux001Gnea: unbelievable! All I had to do to fix xine engine was to delete ~/.xine dir :)20:15
Archangel013Slart_: Alright, thank you :) And that wouldn't remove KDE3 packages, right? I would have to do that manually after the upgrade?20:15
alexanderIs there anybody who use a bluetooth headset with ekiga?20:15
GneaKnysliux001: right on :)20:15
l_rwhat is the non plus ultra app with gui for bluetooth device management in lunux?20:16
JerrrHow do you tell if your using kde / gnome?20:16
pyrokayJerrr, is it blue or brown?20:16
pyrokayThen it's gnome :)20:16
JerrrOk :D20:16
Knysliux001Jerrr: most probably :)20:17
Slart_Archangel013: I have no idea if it will remove the KDE3 packages...20:17
someonetestingcrhi there, does anyone know if it is possible to set the dpi (like Xft.dpi) at boottime? Through grub as a boot parameter?20:17
Archangel013Slart_: Alright thank you for your help :)20:17
Slart_someonetestingcr: dpi? dots per inch?20:17
bn43hi I have placed a script in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/ and made it executible - sudo wvdial brings up my modem but the script does not execute - I have to do it manually - what can I do to fix?20:17
Slart_someonetestingcr: but.. at boot time it doesn't care about dpi..20:17
pyrokaysomeonetestingcr, try looking in /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:17
DjVipersomeonetestingcr: you mean at gdm ?20:18
Slart_someonetestingcr: it doesn't matter until you start X.. or?20:18
[TiZ]I need some help. I wish there were a better way to do this, but the forums are so screwed up right now. I've written a short novella and put it on pastebin. x_x Would anyone mind looking it over and answering the questions I have? It's at http://pastebin.com/m6dfac214. Thanks.20:18
gaintsurabn43: it just occured to me, but have you set it to the same user/group as the other scripts in ppp/ip-up.d/?20:18
someonetestingcryeah I know, I also could do it in the the .Xresources, but I need it on a livecd, thats why I need to do it as a boot parameter if possible20:18
fyrmedicpyrokay: I'll give it a shot if you have it set up.20:18
bn43um how do I check that?20:18
majnoontried xset -dpms and my screen STILL blanks out after about 15-20min20:19
gaintsurabn43: ls -al /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/20:19
majnoonand forums are DOWN20:19
gaintsuraforums aren't down20:19
gaintsuraI was just there20:19
pyrokay[TiZ], i'm reading :)20:19
[TiZ]Thank you, pyrokay20:19
Bllasaeyeah they are for me too20:19
ptn107they are down20:19
=== brent_ is now known as brentd
gaintsurabn43: if it isn't then you'd sudo chgrp <groupname> -R /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/ && sudo chown <owner> -R /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/20:20
bn43gaintsura: the other files show exactly the same settings20:20
bn43root root20:20
gaintsuraptn107: they were down just a minute ago yes, but I was literally just browsing the forum not 2 seconds ago20:20
Slart_someonetestingcr: but even a live cd must have some kind of default init file for X... I doubt very much that you can set dpi from grub.. that would be like inserting your favourite firefox bookmarks into grub..20:20
gaintsurabn43: what about the permissions?20:20
bn43the same20:20
Bllasaedown for me still20:21
ptn107gaintsura: im on them right now all pages say "We'll be right back. -- ubuntu-geek"20:21
gaintsurahm, I see that now too20:21
[TiZ]The forums are most definitely not up. "We'll be right back. -- ubuntu-geek"20:21
bn43-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   92 2009-01-13 22:27 share.ppp020:21
gaintsurabn43: I'm really nore sure then20:21
ptn107they were fine 5 min ago20:21
[TiZ]What kind of clusterfudge hit them? O_o20:21
someonetestingcrSlart_: Okay, but since the livecd (Crunchbang Linux btw) is in a packed format, I might not be able to change that file before burning it to disk, or am I?20:21
rhousandI have a fresh install of 8.04.1 when i get to the login screen I have to login to failsafe. if i try to login to gnome the screen turns black for a sec the takes me back to the login screen. what could that be??20:21
pyrokay[TiZ], You can use your ntfs partition as-is. at install time, just set the 120gb partition to be mounted as /home/20:22
maraboutis there a way to review what installs have been done via sudo apt-get update. i would like to review what I have done to consider uninstalling some items20:22
Slart_someonetestingcr: most packed formats can be unpacked.. if not then perhaps that live cd isn't what you want20:22
mikebeechamhi guys...can anyone tell me if there are any alternatives to Firefox in Linux?20:22
JerrrFirefox :)20:22
bn43mikebeecham: opera20:22
lifenovamikebeecham: Opera20:22
Bllasaewhy can't you use ff?20:22
[TiZ]pyrokay, isn't that a completely bad idea? To use a non-ext3 partition as /home?20:23
Slart_someonetestingcr: if it's an ordinary iso then you can edit it using the regular archiving tools.. file-roller or whatever it's called in Gnome20:23
Knysliux001[TiZ]: you'll waste HOURS of time while shrinking partitions20:23
mikebeechambn43: lifenova how comparable is Opera to Firefox?20:23
someonetestingcrSlart_: It is in the the filesystem.squashfs20:23
bn43u'll miss the extensions if ur an extension junky20:23
bn43but on my system it 'feels' faster20:24
pyrokay[TiZ], why would using a ntfs partition be so bad?20:24
mikebeechambn43:  the only extension I really use is flashgot20:24
lifenovamikebeecham: tabbed browsing, more secure/standards compliant than IE, add-ons... I don't use it, but the website is http://www.opera.com/20:24
=== failure is now known as frogger
Knysliux001[TiZ]: gparted while booted from livecd lets you simply copy - paste partition from one place to another, then delete old one.. That's what I would use to move /20:25
Slart_someonetestingcr: I have no idea.. and..since this is *ahem*  #ubuntu.. you might not find the admins looking favourably on you asking for help anothed distro..20:25
bn43its got a pretty good download client built in20:25
mikebeechambn43 is that BT?20:25
mikebeechamI tend to use Deluge for BT20:25
[TiZ]pyrokay: There's no real support for permissions, jsut permission masks at mount time. I would have to set every file as executable if I wanted to put any programs on it, or I would have to not put any programs at all. Opening any file is painful if everything is chmod 777.20:26
JerrrWhats the major difference between 32b/64b?20:26
bn43but I love my ff - especially with the vimperator extension20:26
Slart_someonetestingcr: but you can't be the first one that wants to change something in a live cd.. there has to be howtos and such20:26
bullgard4/etc/apt/sources.list shows several lines such as '#deb http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/ddebs gutsy main universe'. What packages are stored in these 'people' repositories?20:26
[TiZ]Knysliux001: Oh! That's highly convenient. Plus, I am prepared to waste hours shrinking partitions. :)20:26
someonetestingcrwell, crunchbang is based on ubuntu20:26
someonetestingcrso the iso is probably packed in the same way20:26
bardyrJerrr, 64bit can take more then 4gb ram20:26
Jerrr32b can only take 4?20:26
majnoontried xset -dpms and my screen STILL blanks out after about 15-20min20:26
bardyrJerrr, yea20:26
icewatermanhi, does anyone know a tool for linux, that can make an avi file from a lots of pictures?20:27
JerrrOk, thanks!20:27
bardyrJerrr, everything else is pretty much the same except some closed source apps dont support 64bit20:27
Slart_bullgard4: hmm.. my sources list doesn't mention people.ubuntu.com.. some kind of mirror or 3rd party repository?20:27
d0wnl0ad3rσggι ιℓ ρι¢¢σℓσ tσмму ιℓ вαмвιησ υ¢¢ιšσ ∂α υη αмι¢σ ∂ι ƒαмιgℓια нα ¢σмριυtσ 4 αηηι, šє нαι ιℓ  cuore мαη∂α qšt мєšš α 15 χšσηмє є ℓυι tι ρяσtєggєяà є tяα 9 мιηυtι qυαℓ¢σšα tι яєη∂єяà felice20:27
jim_phow can i set a theme on a gtk1 app? aria in particular20:27
Slart_icewaterman: try avidemux, I think it can do that20:27
pyrokay[TiZ], if you're prepared to wait, then you can start backing up your ntfs partition, delete it, convert to ext2 and transfer back. as to your roms, i'm not too sure.20:27
Slart_icewaterman: I think mencoder or ffmpeg might be able to do too20:28
Knysliux001[TiZ]: Still, asking a friend to borrow some big HDD for a day would save you a lot. ;)20:28
filthpigHi, is it possible to make a computer boot from a usb flash device even if the bios doesn't list it as an option? It's a very old laptop :)20:28
icewatermanSlart_: i know avidemux, diddnt know it could do that. but i'll give it at try20:28
[TiZ]pyrokay: My roms are on Zangetsu too. Pretty much everything is there.20:28
Slart_icewaterman: I might be wrong.. I thought I saw something about individual frames somewhere.. might have been the other way.. movie->images20:28
[TiZ]Knysliux001: I'd do that if I knew anyone who had one. :/20:29
rhousandwhat startup scripts run in gnome but not failsafe-gnome?20:29
pyrokay[TiZ], i know they're there - i know how to transfer them, but not how to play them.20:29
[TiZ]pyrokay, uhm, that's for zsnes and gens to do.20:29
qbmaniac_work'hdparm -i /dev/hda gives me all IDE drives... is there a way to get SCSI drives??20:29
JerrrIs it possible to set up a vnc server on ubuntu so I can dial in from my vista laptop?20:30
JasenHello all!20:30
maraboutcan anyone help with error message "GSynaptics couldn't initialize."20:30
Slart_Jerrr: yes20:30
JerrrSlart_ ; Mind shooting me to a link ?20:30
JasenI have a Vostro 1500 and before I begin using ubuntu I need to verify a few things :)20:30
Slart_Jerrr: the vnc client works the same on windows as in ubuntu..20:30
Slart_Jerrr: hmm.. let's see what ubottu have to say about it20:31
JasenI once installed Ubuntu but gave up because I couldn't get my wireless to work20:31
Slart_!vnc | Jerrr20:31
ubottuJerrr: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX20:31
bullgard4Slart_: On another Ubuntu 8.04.1 computer they do not appear either. I believe that they originate from third parties. System > Administration > Software Sources classifys them also as 'Third-Party Software'. This said, I would like what 3rd party in particular. Could the be Medibuntu backports?20:31
Slart_bullgard4: its possible.. you have googled for the url, right20:31
ubottuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX20:31
JasenWhere could I get ubuntu drivers for my Wireless, Graphics etc20:31
Knysliux001[TiZ]: if your fstab uses uuid than it will work OK using copy-paste method. Just don't forget to delete the old partition.20:32
shibbzJasen,  try going to www.google.com20:32
shibbzJasen, I heard they have drivers20:32
Slart_jason: that would depends entirely on what kind of hardware you have20:32
Picishibbz: Please don't, thats not helpful.20:32
shibbzFine :|20:32
shibbzparty pooper.20:32
Slart_jason: many drivers are available from the restricted drivers thingy20:33
Jasenrestricted drivers? o.o what the heck is that20:33
shibbzanyways, google: "Your hwmodel + ubuntu version20:33
PiciJasen: System>Administration>Hardware Drivers20:33
[TiZ]Knysliux001, good point.20:33
shibbzie; "Nvidia 8800GT ubuntu 8.10 drivers"20:33
shibbzthat should lead you to the right place.20:33
bullgard4Slart_: I am hurrying to do what you suggested.20:33
JasenAnd you don't need an internet connection to install them?20:34
bn43hi I have placed a script in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/ and made it executible - sudo wvdial brings up my modem but the script does not execute - I have to do it manually - what can I do to fix?20:34
shibbzyou might20:34
shibbzdepends which20:34
shibbzsome run on scripts20:34
Slart_Jasen: I mistyped your name there.. sorry about that.. restricted drivers manager is an app that downloads and installs drivers for all kinds of things.. nvidia graphics card, ati graphics cards, wireless cards etc etc20:34
bill__anyone know anything about using 1) em28xx usb video capture devices, or 2) rt2870 802.11n usb wifi adapters with Intrepid?20:34
shibbzyou seem familiar20:34
=== Slart_ is now known as Slart
shibbzarent you Irene's husband?20:34
Slartshibbz: you might have run into me in this channel before20:35
shibbzno no, not from here.20:35
_dbd_l12Anyone knows if Ubuntu 8.04 (hardy heron) will get PyQt 4.4 in the future (for the moment it's still 4.3). Is there an easy way to install pyqt 4.4 now (without breaking stuff) ? thanks in advance20:35
Slartshibbz: I'm pretty sure I would have noticed being married to this Irene.. I would have to say no20:35
shibbzso irene IS available.20:35
shibbzfuck yea/20:35
* Slart gets out a !lol for himself and a !language for shibbz20:36
Picishibbz: This is a support channel, could you please keep the language family friendly and move the offtopic chatter elsewhere, such as #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks.20:36
shibbzsure sorry, i just got excited because irene is still available.20:36
shibbzanywyas, how about you help me out20:37
Slartshibbz: just ask your question, like everyone else20:37
phaidroshi, what to do on non detected usb 2.0 stick (repeated ehci error messages)20:37
shibbzI installed nubuntu, but they removed the top bar and main menu... do you know of any way i can return that?20:37
Slartphaidros: try plugging it directly into the computer ie don't use an external hub.. apart from that I don't know.. usb stuff usually get detected properly20:38
haolehey there... i've just installed wine, but the fonts in it won't work... i can't see them, and sometimes they appear for a fraction of second and all messed up... what could be going on here?20:38
Slartshibbz: nubuntu?20:38
Knysliux001[TiZ]: about playlists. To my mind. Almost any playlist format is plain text. All you have to do is simply replace all /media/Zangetsu to /home/tiz/Music/ :)20:38
Jack_Sparrowhaole, /join #winehq20:38
Slart!fonts | haole, not sure if this will help but you can always try20:38
ubottuhaole, not sure if this will help but you can always try: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer20:38
haoleJack_Sparrow, i only experience this over ubuntu20:38
Slarthaole: the msttcorefonts thingy..20:39
haolegonna try the msttcoreofnts20:39
maraboutanyone can help me I am trying  to get "GSynaptics" to initialize20:39
[TiZ]Knysliux001: Right. sed would do that just fine. I use sed in a shell script for synching those playlists to my rockbox'd iPod. Works great. The thing is just finding those files.20:39
Jack_Sparrowhaole, But you experience it only when running wine correct20:39
haoleJack_Sparrow, yes20:39
lifenovaCan anyone help me try to get usplash to work? Upon booting/shut down, I see just a black screen instead of the splash screen20:39
[TiZ]And other links to /media/Zangetsu, as they will break after Zangetsu ceases to exist.20:39
haolemsttcorefonts is installed :(20:39
Slartmarabout: why not use the regular synaptics?20:39
BllasaeSo I20:39
Bllasaem new to Ubuntu20:39
BllasaeI downloaded Thunderbird20:40
phaidrosSlart: nope, plug unplug won't work. in best case it falls back to uhci .. most cases .. ehci errors galore :(20:40
guntbert!enter | Bllasae20:40
ubottuBllasae: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:40
SlartBllasae: welcome to #ubuntu then.. if you have a question, just ask20:40
BllasaeAnd I need to know how to open it20:40
ScuniziSlart: it's a gui configuration tool for a touchpad20:40
shibbzYeah, nubuntu. it's a pentesting flavor of ubuntu... i'm just wondering how i could get the panels and main menu back up20:40
BllasaeAlright, sorry about that20:40
PiciBllasae: How did you install it?20:40
SlartScunizi, marabout ahhh.. sorry sorry sorry.. I confuse those two all the time..20:40
JasenOk. I have a20:40
BllasaePici: I didn't20:40
JasenDell Wireless 1390 WLAN Mini-Card20:40
BllasaeIt just sitting there on my desktop20:41
maraboutSlart: I went to configure my trackpad and the "GSynaptics couldn't initialize" window popped up.20:41
JasenBut the tutorial on the net says that you need the internet to do this :(20:41
JasenAnd I don't see how you can do it because I don't have internet! *sigh*20:41
Jack_SparrowBllasae, thunderbird is in our supported repos..  sudo apt-get install thunderbird        will do it20:41
Scunizi!enter | Bllasae20:41
shibbzJasen, isnt that based on the broadcom 4311?20:41
Slartmarabout: mm, can't help you there.. never had to mess with my touchpad20:41
ubottuBllasae: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:41
PiciBllasae: Please use the software repositories via either Applications>Add/remove or System>Administration to install software.  There should be little reason to download software from 3rd party locations.20:41
BllasaeI like Thunderbird, so I downloaded it20:42
Jasenshibbz: yes20:42
LokiaseCan onyone tell me how to get rid of the "unlock keyring" popup when ubuntu starts up?20:42
harrisonhelp, ive changed my xorgconf file 4 times and still cant get the resolution to change20:42
harrisoncan anyone help me with resolution issues?20:42
Jack_SparrowBllasae, And we are telling you the easy correct way to do it20:42
shibbzJasen, it's pretty easy to install, as slart already told you about the drivers that come with ubuntu. are you using 8.10 or 8.4?20:42
Scuniziharrison: did you just install ?20:42
harrisonscunizi...but then i changed to a larger monitor after the install20:43
PiciBllasae: To properly install it, use Applications>Add/Remove, do not download it from a 3rd party location.  We cannot support doing stuff that way and you will not get security fixes and updates from us.20:43
lifenovaBllasae: In Ubuntu, it is easier to install software that's in our repositories, not from the software vendor's website.20:43
Jack_SparrowBllasae, click on applications, accessories terminal and type.  sudo apt-get install thunderbird20:43
NixerXAnyone tell me how to globally change the icon for MP3 files to a custom icon?20:43
SlartBllasae: things work a little differently on linux compared to windows.. always use the "Add/remove" thingy or system, administration, synaptic package manager to install software20:43
Scuniziharrison: was it working on the previous monitor?20:43
shibbzJasen, I'm using the same card right now with 8.10...20:43
BllasaeSlart: Ah, you can tell I'm new from Windows lol20:43
maraboutScunizi: the error message says that I have to set 'SMHConfig 'true' in xorg.conf or XF86Config" how do I do that?20:43
Jack_SparrowBllasae, np..20:43
JasenSo it should auto detect it? o.o20:43
Scuniziharrison: had you enabled the restricted drivers for your card? and what kind of card do you have.?20:43
shibbzJasen, its detected automaticly20:43
SlartBllasae: you *can* download stuff but it will only give you problems you don't want =)20:43
PiciBllasae: We were all new once (or at least most of us) :)20:43
JasenOh great!20:43
SlartBllasae: hehe.. common thing, we've all been there20:43
JasenThat solves a problem :D20:44
pyrokayharrison, try doing sudo dpkg --reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg20:44
mikejetI couldn't get ubuntu to use my CRT correctly, so I broke down and bought an LCD monitor.20:44
harrisonscunizi....no, not that im aware of20:44
Scuniziharrison: what kind of card?20:44
shibbzJasen, private message20:44
harrisonpyrokay...ive already done that.  It gives me a generic xorg file with 800x60020:44
harrisonscunizi...radeon 900020:44
teniserHi everybody20:44
teniserI need a help20:44
[TiZ]Alright. Pyrokay, Knysliux001, thank you guys for your help. I'm going to reboot to the intrepid liveCD, install ndiswrapper and xchat so I can pop in here, and get started.20:44
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:44
energYI ugraded to 8.10. Why doesn't it show me a guest user, and a encrypted folder for my user?20:44
teniserWhere I can find a deeb installation of Galaxium messenger?20:45
pyrokay[TiZ], alright, but i'm going soon, so these nice people will have to help out20:45
[TiZ]I'm sure it'll all be good. ;)20:45
shamuswhat do i search for in synaptic if I wanted to remove older versions of the kernel?20:45
LokiaseCan anyone tell me how to get rid of the unluck keyring popup?????????????????????????????????20:45
SlartBllasae: so, go to the system menu, administration, synaptic package manager.. it will ask you for your password.. then you'll get a big list of what is available..s earch for thunderbird20:45
receptoris it possible to install 8.10 to usb? i don't mean setting up a live cd with persistent changes but a proper installation like on hd20:45
NixerX<teniser> if you can find an RPM version of it you can use the ailien package to convert it to a .deb20:45
pyrokayLokiase, be patient please20:45
Scuniziharrison: arg.. look in System --> Admin --> Hardware Drivers and see if there is a driver listed there that you can activate.. if there is activate it and then restart.. sometimes you can't just restart the gui but need to do the whole machine.20:45
phaidroshi, what to do on non detected usb 2.0 stick (repeated ehci error messages: hub 1-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 4)20:46
teniser@nixerX, where I can download Alien? In Synaptic?20:46
SlartBllasae: then click on the little square to the left of the name.. select "install" from the menu, then click the Apply button.. tadaaaa. it's done20:46
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)20:46
Jack_Sparrowteniser, Not a good idea..using alien to convert debs20:46
NixerX<teniser> yea alien should be there20:46
teniseris Alien easy for use?20:46
filthpigwhat system requirements does xubuntu have?20:47
NixerX<teniser> yup20:47
Scuniziteniser: what are you trying to use alien on?20:47
Jack_Sparrowteniser, It is a bad idea .. unsupported and you wont get much help if you use it and trash your system20:47
pyrokayfilthpig, it can install on 192mb ram but it is a good idea to have at least 256.20:47
shibbzteniser, alien is pretty straight forward but can mess up your system.20:47
rohilHi All. Just installed 8.10 dual boot with Vista on my vaio. I had gone ahead with guided install but it didn't ask me to create swap partition anywhere. Now, while installing some packages , I am getting errors related to man-db like  "No space left on device"20:47
teniserok, thanks20:47
rohilAny help would be appreciated20:47
nickrud_how do you handle rpms in a deb system? with tongs20:47
BllasaeApparently, it's already there. Is there a hard drive somewhere that I can see? Also, how can I put things on the desktop and the top bar next to the Firefox icon?20:48
slatercompHi for all.20:48
Slart!requirements | filthpig20:48
ubottufilthpig: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu20:48
Jack_SparrowHey nickrud_  Agreed20:48
rgotten i am getting error 25 on boot, nybody know what this is?20:48
Gnearohil: that has nothing to do with swap, just no space left on your system - how much did you give it?20:48
glaxHi guys, I want to run a script every time the computer reboot with cron as user root.20:48
glaxcan that be done20:48
knubbewhere do i configure my touchpad/mousepad now when ksynaptics has been removed from the repository?20:48
Slartrgotten: grub error 25?20:48
Scuniziteniser: there's probably a version of the program available for ubuntu.. what's the program you're trying to load?20:48
jribglax: why?20:48
energYubuntu-desktop, how big?20:48
bn43hi all - dunno if u were following my previous question but found the solution - the script file was illegally named20:49
ubottuFor a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad20:49
rohil!Gnea I gave it 8 gb with windows partition having 102 gb20:49
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:49
pyrokaybn43, thanks for that20:49
glaxjrib, I want to open a screen every time the computer reboot and start running some application on it20:49
pyrokaygood to know :)20:49
Gnearohil: sounds like you didn't give it enough20:49
teniser@Scunizi, i want GALAXIUM MESSENGER, but on Google webiste there is only RMM instalation, i need deb, because i don't know how to use RPM20:49
Slartglax: why use cron if it's going to run when the computer boots?20:49
MrdudecoolHi, I have tried to install this now and it just stays on the rocky sort of looking page and doesn't bring any windows up. Any help?20:49
comicinkerwhere are development documentation files are installed? in particular, I search the gtk+ docs displayed in yelp20:49
Gneateniser: you can try to use alien to conver teh RPM to DEB20:50
shibbzdid you install grub in the mbr?20:50
fyrmedicpyrokay: I just changed iso's and the 8.04 has an integrity check that the 8.10 that I had previously didn't. I think I had a corrupted image.20:50
Jack_Sparrowrohil, run livecd and delete /var/cache/apt/archives contents to make room20:50
pyrokayfyrmedic, excellent.20:50
Jack_SparrowGnea, Has been told that and that it is not a good idea20:50
NixerXCan anyone tell me how to globally change the icon for MP3 files to a custom icon?20:50
bn43it had a period in it20:50
TheFunkbomblinux isn't really heavy on graphics cards, is it?20:50
pyrokayfyrmedic, also, having access to wired ethernet makes thiing a lot easier  :)20:50
Mrdudecool Hi, I have tried to install this now and it just stays on the rocky sort of looking page and doesn't bring any windows up. Any help?20:50
Jack_SparrowTheFunkbomb, Actually yes20:51
jribNixerX: you probably need to edit the icon theme (ie create your own based on the one you use now)20:51
knubbeJack_Sparrow: thank you20:51
fyrmedicpyrokay: doing the install process now. When you installed to your netbook how did you partition it? And I have net access.20:51
guntbert!repeat | Mrdudecool20:51
ubottuMrdudecool: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience20:51
TheFunkbombJack_Sparrow, really?  I have a 64mb GPU and it's fine20:51
Jack_SparrowTheFunkbomb, compiz and all of that do add up20:51
jribglax: sure you can do that, but you should probably explain exactly what you are doing to make sure there isn't a better way20:51
Jack_Sparrowknubbe, np20:51
MrdudecoolSorry guntbert20:51
SlartMrdudecool: "rocky sort of looking page"?? "install this", what is "this" ? what are you doing? please explain more20:51
BllasaeApparently, it's already there. Is there a hard drive somewhere that I can see? Also, how can I put things on the desktop and the top bar next to the Firefox icon?20:51
eseven73TheFunkbomb: it depends on the window manager that you have20:51
Scuniziteniser: if you need access to msn messenger there are other programs that will do that nicely.  aMSN, emesen, Pidgin and Wengophone.. and they are all in the Repo's20:52
TheFunkbombI just have the basic window manager20:52
pyrokayfyrmedic, personally i resized acers partition to 100Gb, gave ubuntu 15, and set acer's 100gb as /home/.20:52
MrdudecoolBasically, the first page opens and I enter on the Install Ubuntu link and then the next page comes on but nothing else happens.20:52
Jack_SparrowTheFunkbomb, gmone, ked or ?20:52
Gneateniser: is there something that galaxium can do that pidgin cannot?20:52
eseven73TheFunkbomb: something lightweight like fluxbox would be very easy on the graphics card20:52
glaxjrib, Every time the computer reboot I want to open a screen -S name and run a python script on it20:52
jribcomicinker: dpkg -L PACKAGE will tell you the files a package has installed, but why do you need to know this?20:52
bigzterhi there...can someone help me here.... I'm trying to join a wireless network in my school, but it seems like I can't surf the internet although I am connected to the network...20:52
jribglax: I guess that's ok, but why as root?20:52
Scuniziteniser: aMSN handles video too.. not sure about emmessenn20:52
BllasaeAlso, should I download ALL the security updates?20:52
filthpigSlart: Thanks. I'm gonna install on a system with effectively 222 mb ram, will xfce be okay, or should I go for an even lighter desktop?20:53
comicinkerjrib: yelp has no print dialog20:53
Gneabigzter: did you sign up for an account?20:53
TheFunkbombI just have the standard version of Ubuntu 8.1020:53
fyrmedicpyrokay: oh ok, I am using the ssd model. I suppose I will give ubuntu 8 on the fixed drive and /home on the removable drive.20:53
pyrokaybigzter, do an ipconfig /all on your local windows pc, and copy that into your wifi connection preferences.20:53
bullgard4Slart: What are 'ddebs' as in https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2006-September/000195.html?20:53
jribcomicinker: file -> print this page20:53
pyrokayfyrmedic, ok.20:53
PiciTheFunkbomb: If you are planning to enable desktop effects, you'll need something that supports 3d accelleration, otherwise, you should be fine.20:53
bigzterokay pyrokay, try that20:53
Slartfilthpig: hmm.. 222 Mb is a bit on the smallish side.. but it will run xfce.. you won't be able to run openoffice, gimp, firefox etc at the same time though20:53
teniser@Gnea, i don't like Pidgin20:53
MoronCountyserver boston.ma.us.financialchat.com 700020:53
comicinkerjrib: sorry, I ment devhelp20:54
glaxjrgp, need it so I can listen on certain ports and make some configurations on the system20:54
teniserbecause i used Windows Live Messenger a couple of year20:54
teniserand i want a messenger as WLM20:54
glaxjrgp, can @reboot specify that it want to be as root20:54
shibbzteniser, there is a version for linux that looks just like WLM20:54
shibbzteniser, hang on one moment ill find it20:54
shibbzbut you have to have tcl installed20:54
MrdudecoolI am trying to install Ubuntu on my laptop and I load from the boot disk and then select to install. The background of the next page loads however no boxes open. Can anyone help?20:55
Slartbullgard4: hmm.. let me guess.. from the page you linked " .ddebs (debug symbol debs) ".. I guessing ddebs are debug symbol debs20:55
jribglax: it will run as the user whose crontab you use20:55
Martonhy all20:55
Gneateniser: well, we offer support for pidgin, as it supports MSN20:55
teniserok shibbz, tnx20:55
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto20:55
MagicFabwhat's the general opinion about using ubuntu-tweak.com ?20:55
rohilis there any way to increase the size of my linux partition ?20:55
bullgard4Slart: Aha! Thank you.20:55
jribcomicinker: might be easier to just go to library.gnome.org and print from there20:55
Jack_Sparrowrohil, livecd can do that20:55
Gneateniser: have you tried kopete?20:55
Slartrohil: I think you can grow the ubuntu partition, yes.. if there is room for it to grow, that is20:56
filthpigSlart: okay, I'll make sure to have a nice swap partition ready, then ;) I guess the comp will be upgraded with more mem later on, but right now I just want to get it running. It's crazy that this computer actually runs windows xp..20:56
guntbertMrdudecool: first question with such problems: did you md5sum check your iso file before burning it?20:56
teniser@Gnea, yes, but I don't like it20:56
teniserIt works slowly20:56
differentrealityhi, could someone tell me how I can set a wpa2 personal key to a wireless connection ?20:56
teniserfor m20:56
teniser*for me20:56
FloodBot2teniser: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:56
rohilthanks jack, clearing the cache only freed 294 mb .. i will try increasing the partition to 16 gb from 8 and see if it works. thanks.20:56
Decepticonhow do i unlink this? i got everything in /home/another_user/some_files/* (dirs under this path), showing up in /home/my_user/my_dir/* (where * represeents the dirs in /home/another_user/some_files/) ... how do i stop this linking20:56
comicinkerjrib: ah, all there: /usr/share/gtk-doc ;) that's more easy20:56
shibbzteniser, visit http://www.amsn-project.net/ and follow their tutorials. it's a great program, but don't expect it to work with other languages but english20:56
Mrdudecoolguntbert, the disc is correctly burnt. That was my first problem so I can click install.20:56
altspsHola, alguien habla español por aqui????????????????20:56
Pici!es | altsps20:56
ubottualtsps: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:56
* Gnea notes that the last release of galaxium was July, 200820:57
Slartfilthpig: hehe.. some swap might be needed yes.. you might want to shut down any services you don't need too.. just to make things a bit lighter20:57
Scuniziteniser: shibbz I mentioned that one. it's in the repos20:57
teniser@shibbz, I use emesene now :)20:57
fubuntuHello friends! Im trying to install Ubuntu 8.10 on a 600mhz Acer computer but i keep getting error messages like Buffer I/O error on device sr020:57
shibbzthats amsn20:57
JasenOk! Not good.....I just tried to install ubuntu on the older computer we have in our house and it started smoking......That can't be good o.o20:57
Scunizi!es | altsps20:57
Gneateniser: I don't understand why you would want to use software that isn't actively updated anymore...20:57
Slartfubuntu: have you checked the CD ? there is an option when you boot to do that20:57
shibbzScunizi, sorry mate.20:57
jribDecepticon: you need to run ls -l on the paths you are asking about and pastebin the results20:57
fubuntuSlart: yes because it works on all my other computers20:57
guntbertMrdudecool: its not a question of correct burning but of integrity of the iso file20:57
teniser@Gnea, but if u understand me, i want a messenger which is stylish20:57
MrdudecoolOh sorry. I am not sure then20:58
Decepticonjrib: its kind of private20:58
Slartfubuntu: then the cd drive might be dying on you.. or it could just be some driver issue20:58
fyrmedicJasen: Smoke coming out of your machine of most types IS generally a bad sign :)20:58
Decepticonjrib: i would do it in private20:58
Scunizishibbz: no biggie.. you came into it late.. he might just be .being pain20:58
jribDecepticon: change the names then.  Or that20:58
Decepticonjrib: is that ok20:58
jribDecepticon: yes20:58
Gneateniser: so change the gtk style for pidgin20:58
Decepticonjrib:  ok one sec20:58
guntbert!md5sum | Mrdudecool20:58
ubottuMrdudecool: To verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more20:58
Jasenfyrmedic: I might have to get it looked at then :P20:58
MrdudecoolThanks ubottu20:58
fubuntuSlart: ok.. well I cant boot from the live cd because of this :/20:58
slashzulI installed syslog-ng and cant setit up to allow other clients to dump into my syslog server.20:58
fubuntuSlart: this computer has windows 98 on it20:59
teniser@Gnea, Pidgin allows to change a theme?20:59
fyrmedicJasen: You should do that, or recycle it.20:59
fubuntuSlart: and I would like to change that to ubuntu'20:59
Gneaslashzul: just edit the /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf file, there's an option there, it's clearly defined in the comments20:59
Slartfubuntu: mm.. you don't happen to have an external cd drive you can use?20:59
fubuntuSlart: yes an usb20:59
Gneateniser: yes, it uses GTK20:59
Jack_Sparrowfubuntu, To get live cd to run this often helps..At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--"..20:59
Slartfubuntu: you might be able to use an regular usb stick for the install too.. type !usb here in the channel for more info about that21:00
Jack_Sparrowfubuntu, sorry.. usb .. nevermind21:00
BllasaeAlso, should I download ALL the security updates?21:00
vltHello. Everytime I log in, the alsamixer restores old settings. Where are the values stored?21:00
Gneateniser: http://art.gnome.org/themes/gtk221:00
fubuntuJack_Sparrow: np :)21:00
ScuniziBllasae: you should do all the updates21:00
allsystemsaregoscreenshot question: how do I take a screenshot of the context menu after I right-clicked on a file in Nautilus? (PrntScrn doesn't work)21:00
sarmisakBllasae, especially security updates21:00
MrdudecoolGah, im confused21:01
Slartallsystemsarego: I think there is a screenshot tool in accessories21:01
fubuntuSlart: Do u think I should try to install Ubuntu from an non Live cd?21:01
guntbertMrdudecool: about what?21:01
teniser@Gnea, I want clear look like this: http://thecamels.org/wp-content/uploads/galaxiumcontactlist1.png21:01
Slartallsystemsarego: it's called "Take screenshot" in my menu21:01
Slartfubuntu: a non-live cd? you mean the alternate cd?21:01
fubuntuSlart: yes21:01
Slartfubuntu: you can try.. it might work21:01
allsystemsaregoSlart, ok, and set a delay?21:01
MrdudecoolI think I need to download that file and check the MD5SUM21:01
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help21:02
guntbert!who | Mrdudecool21:02
ubottuMrdudecool: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:02
teniser@Gnea, are u here?21:02
MrdudecoolGuntbert: I think I need to download a file to check the MD5SUM21:02
lumenjoin #pokerth21:02
a_programmaerI am running ubuntu 8.10 ,My xorg doesnt give full resolution,Gigabyte eg41mf-s2h Main board with intel g41 chipset ..any idfeas?21:03
Gneateniser: no, I fell off of the earth. :p21:03
teniserlool , you don't answer me...21:03
fubuntuSlart: Im gonna do that now :P21:03
Gnea!patience | teniser21:03
ubottuteniser: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines21:03
guntbertMrdudecool: but I suppose you have that file already (you used it to burn the CD :)), just check that file for a start21:03
fubuntuSlart: But i have a strange feeling it will fail on me<21:04
Decepticonjrib: not sure if you can see my pm query21:04
Slartallsystemsarego: yes.. set a delay, bring up the menu, then wait21:04
slashzulGnea: ps shows syslog running, but no netstat -a shows its not working21:04
fubuntuSlart:  yeah it does not work :(21:04
Gneaslashzul: make sure you restart it after you make the edit:  sudo /etc/init.d/syslog-ng restart21:04
allsystemsaregoSlart, thanks, that works now21:04
Slartfubuntu: try the external usb?21:04
Mrdudecoolguntbert: So open the files and check if that MD5SUM file is there?21:04
fubuntuSlart: almost the same error21:04
energYWhat is the name of the new webmin?21:04
Gneateniser: I don't see much difference between what that screenshot shows and what pidgin does21:04
sarmisakenergY, webmin?21:04
fubuntuSlart: does it acutally work on computers as old as this one? its an Celeron 600 mhz :P21:05
Slartfubuntu: I would say some threatening words to the cd drive.. mention the words "electronics recycling", "garbage furnace" to it.. see if it perks up =)21:05
Gneateniser: the only difference seems to be that it shows your user icon and makes everyone elses icon look bigger21:05
fubuntuSlart: yeah well could it also be that its to slow? :P21:05
Slartfubuntu: I don't really know.. can't hurt to try though.. if the external drive is nearby21:05
PiciMrdudecool: The MD5SUMs are online, such as http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/MD5SUMS for 8.1021:05
teniser@Gnea, but in Pidgin i can't to save and use my friend's smilies?!21:05
guntbertMrdudecool: ah, you wanted to download the MD5SUM, please do that and store it in the same place as the iso21:05
fubuntuSlart: but u know what :P21:05
maraboutif I need to edit the xorg.conf file who do I access it? is " gksudo gedit /xorg.conf " correct?21:05
Mrdudecoolguntbert: That MD5SUM .txt file is on the burnt Disc21:05
Gneateniser: they're saved automagically21:06
fubuntuSlart:  I have  an IDE cdrom in my basement :P21:06
Slartfubuntu: nah.. I don't think speed has anything to do with it..old age perhaps.. but not speed21:06
* deany finally got new pidgin compiled ..21:06
fubuntuSlart: which is 50x :P21:06
Gneateniser: you'll have to use pidgin to actually figure it out, but yes, it supports user icons21:06
energY!sarmisak | webmin21:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sarmisak21:06
Slartfubuntu: well.. give it a try21:06
niklaushow to restrict a process to not consume more than 300 MB RES and 50 % CPU for 2 mins ?21:06
Gneateniser: and it supports much more than what galaxium supports21:06
Slartniklaus: check ulimit21:07
[TiZ]Okay, back. About to start my huge renovation, but first I'm backing up /home and burning it to a DVD21:07
teniserGnea, Thaaaank you veeery muuuch:)))21:07
guntbertMrdudecool: I'm not sure if that is the right one but look inside anyway (its a plain text file)21:07
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution21:07
Gneateniser: hence, why we suggested pidgin in the first place :P21:07
teniseri see:)21:07
Mrdudecoolguntbert: I have opened the file now21:07
=== niklaus is now known as slowpc
eldiborIs anybody know how turn off window decoration for one window?21:08
teniser@Gnea, i have onemore question....Which music player supports ''what i'm listening to'' in my messenger ?21:09
Gneateniser: pidgin - there's a plugin for that21:09
teniserwhere i can download it?21:09
guntbertMrdudecool: does it contain a line 24ea1163ea6c9f5dae77de8c49ee7c03 *ubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386.iso ?21:09
slashzulGnea: Im showing it started but not listening21:10
slowpcmy pc is low on configuration (1.4 Ghz athlon , 768MB RAM, ) , i run gnome, firefox , it almost takes up my entire RAM. I see in free as 100 MB and less on the startup. WIll the new version fix anything on resource hogs ?21:10
Mrdudecoolguntbert: No, it says that the line is not in there21:10
Hikeractiveteniser, sudo apt-get install pidgin-musictracker21:10
slashzulGnea: udp        0      0 *:syslog                *:*21:10
slashzulno State21:10
slowpcRes in top shows 100MB+ for firefox and some gnome-terminal21:10
Gneaslashzul: try like this:  sudo netstat -pan21:11
guntbertMrdudecool: so please download the file and store it in the same place as the iso-file21:11
teniserWhich Music player you recommend me?21:11
slashzulGnea: udp        0      0   *                          24793/syslog-ng21:11
Gneaslashzul: yup, it's listening21:11
Mrdudecoolguntbert: Sorry where can I get that file from?21:11
slowpcAnyone recommend another distribution ?21:12
Gneaslashzul: remember, it's using UDP, not TCP - only TCP will show up with LISTEN21:12
guntbertMrdudecool: you should read, what ubottu tells you :)21:12
majnoontried xset -dpms and my screen STILL blanks out after about 15-20min21:12
binausalut tout le monde21:12
guntbert!md5sum | Mrdudecool21:12
ubottuMrdudecool: To verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more21:12
Hikeractiveteniser, I just use rhythmbox, but there are lots of good ones. Amarok, Listen, Banshee, etc.; right now though I'm using herrie mainly, from the command line.21:12
guntbert!md5sum > Mrdudecool21:13
ubottuMrdudecool, please see my private message21:13
binauok personne parle francais ici ^^'21:13
guntbert!fr | binau21:13
ubottubinau: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr21:13
slashzulGnea: wouldnt this test work? echo "testing" | nc localhost 514 ?21:13
glaxI make some test and it doesn't open the screen at reboot21:13
glaxcrontab file is like this21:13
Gneaslashzul: try this:  logger test21:13
=== Weeejeee is now known as Weejee
glax@reboot screen -S test python /home/user/test.py21:13
binau!fr | binau21:13
ubottubinau, please see my private message21:13
og01I have an issue where if I switch user the second user doesnt get the composite effects.  Tis is because DRI only works on one X session at a time.  I thought this was resolved with the DRM Open Master (I could well be mistaken) I've googled loads - can anybody help? (Intel drivers BTW)21:13
Gneaslowpc: how 'slow' is your pc?21:14
teniserWhere I can change theme in Pidgin?21:14
glaxjrgp, do you find something wrong on it?21:14
Gneateniser: audacious21:14
binauthanks guntbert21:14
Mrdudecoolguntbert: Do I download the file winmd5sum?21:14
slowpcGnea, my memory gets exhausted and swapping is my main problem. It is (Athlon XP 1500 ,1.4Ghz, 768MB)21:15
ubottuXEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen21:15
slashzulGnea: ok, worked, how to test from remote workstation?21:15
a_programmaerI installed the latest intel graphics chipset driver from intellinuxgraphics.org..and compiled it .But how do I replace default ubuntu  xerver-xorg-video-intel with the one I just compiled21:16
guntbertMrdudecool: the link ubottu gave you (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM) tells you *nearly* everything you need for now. Please read the page21:16
Gneaslashzul: same way - just edit syslog.conf to do this:   *.*   @  restart sysklogd and then:  logger test21:16
Mrdudecoolguntbert: Thanks. Ill try that ='21:16
teniserWhere I can change theme in Pidgin?21:16
bstahljoin #lottalinuxlinks21:17
bstahljoin /21:17
guntbertMrdudecool: np :) - and good luck21:17
Gneaslashzul: if you want to get fancy, there's an event viewer to syslog service that's free, if you can find it21:17
shibbzteniser, http://portableapps.com/node/1123721:17
Gneateniser: http://ubuntuanswers.wordpress.com/2007/12/23/applying-gtk-themes-in-ubuntu-710/21:17
shibbzOr that one ;)21:18
fubuntuSlart: are u here?21:19
Slartfubuntu: yup, what's happening?21:19
teniserThanks. I have Compiz Fusion, but i don't know where I can change settings for him??21:19
og01or does anybody know how to use dri2 (if stable) in intrepid?21:19
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion21:19
fubuntuSlart: while is was in the basement searching for my IDE crdom which I found suddenly it had booted up to the installation21:19
[TiZ]teniser: You need to install the compizconfig-settings-manager package.21:19
shibbzteniser, you want to change the compiz theme or pidgin?21:19
Slartfubuntu: despite the errors?21:19
[TiZ]You should install simple-ccsm too, yes.21:19
fubuntuSlart: yes :S21:20
Slartfubuntu: does it work?21:20
teniser@shibbz, Pidgin21:20
fubuntuSlart: well im currently installing it :P21:20
shibbzteniser, that guide i posted will help you with that21:20
fubuntuSlart: even though this aint the live cd21:20
fubuntuSlart: but who cares? :P21:20
Slartfubuntu: alright.. as long as the install works21:20
shibbzteniser, it's not a short process if its the first time you are doing it, so i would stick to the tutorial21:20
teniserok, tnx21:20
slowpcGnea, any suggestions ?21:20
zigzaganyone been able to get tor to work on intrepid?21:20
shibbzJerusalem420, ahalan beekum21:21
fubuntuSlart: yes but tbh the cd rom makes awful noises :P21:21
shibbzhigh in jerusaleeeeeeeeeeem21:21
Gneaslowpc: xubuntu or elivecd21:21
shibbzcd rom, now thats one i havent heard since 199921:21
teniser@shibbz, yes, it's a first time21:21
shibbzshalom kapara21:21
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat21:21
eseven73!info shalom21:22
shibbzGnea, it's a word for hello :)21:22
ubottuPackage shalom does not exist in intrepid21:22
fubuntushibbz: well Im still living in the 9021:22
shibbzfubuntu, I wish i was.21:22
Gneashibbz: it's not english :)21:22
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:22
shibbzGnea, neither is Hello. btw. :)21:22
TheFunkbombhow do I get new themes for Ubuntu?21:22
og01Anybody know how to resolv the issue of compiz not working on multiple users (ie when you switch users)21:22
Gneashibbz: it's also offtopic ;)21:22
shibbzGnea, also true :)21:22
creeedhello, I get a problem with the fonts under gnome, when I start dual-display with xrandr, the dual-display works fine but after some switching between windows the fonts goes to change colors, letters disappear a chaos.. I use ubuntu 8.10 with gnome. any help please?21:22
Mrdudecoolguntbert: I did what that page said and got the message that the check sums are the same so what do I have to do now?21:22
creeedI googled everywhere and nothing found, I will be very thankful for any suggestion21:22
shibbzanyways, off for a reboot!21:22
fubuntushibbz: were u more hansome back then? :D21:22
rgottenSlart: rgotten: grub error 25?, yes i am getting that error21:22
shibbzfubuntu, no, i had more $ :(21:23
differentrealityany idea why my network manager applet does not "see" wlan0 interface ?21:23
slacker_nlanyone familiar with guessnet/ifpplugd?21:23
SmokeyDhey people. Should /etc/hostname contain the fqdn or just the hostname? like pig.<somedomain>.nl or just pig21:23
zard0zwhat happened to the ubuntu fourm? anyone know?21:23
ge_Hey People! How can I record what is played on my soundcard?21:23
GneaSmokeyD: just pig21:23
Slartrgotten: have you been editing your grub configuration? or is it a new install?21:24
Gneage_: audacity can do that21:24
A[D]minSis there xen's GUI ?21:24
Gnea!xen | A[D]minS21:24
ubottuA[D]minS: XEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen21:24
SmokeyDGnea: ok thanks. SHould I then put pig and pig.somedomain.nl in /etc/hosts?21:24
throughputi'm partitioning my hd... how much is big ubuntu?21:24
slacker_nlSmokeyD: doesn't really matter21:24
throughputwith all the software included21:24
GneaSmokeyD: yeah21:24
A[D]minSGnea there is nothing about GUI there21:24
A[D]minSin rhel i am using virt-manager21:24
throughput80 GB are ok?21:24
SmokeyDslacker_nl: since the domainname is determined by dns anyway?21:24
throughputor 60gb?21:24
GneaA[D]minS: tried #xen?21:25
slacker_nlSmokeyD: no, but it really doesn't matter :)21:25
ge_Gnea: i dont have audacity. Is there a simple way like "cat /dev/sound > mysound.wav" or something?21:25
elmnashi guys, Im using virtualbox and installed windows xp, is it possible to reach the discs and the drivers , I have anyway dual boot too with ubuntu and windows21:25
A[D]minSGnea i am asking if there any ubuntu package built for xen thats all21:25
slacker_nlyou can have either one21:25
Gneage_: sudo apt-get install audacity  will get you audacity quickly21:25
A[D]minSanyways i will use xen tools thx21:25
slacker_nlanyone familiar with guessnet/ifpplugd?21:25
guntbertMrdudecool: ok, now we know, that the iso-file is not corrupted, whats nice, but then we don't know what might have caused your error :(, please restate your problem (without addressing me, so that others will look into it too21:25
Decepticonhow to use diff with two commands?21:25
Bllasaeis there a program like windows media player for ubuntu?21:26
Decepticondiff <command a and its rguments> <command B and its arguments> is this how?21:26
Mrdudecoolthanks for the help guntbert21:26
NomexousDeception: diff <(first command) <(second command)21:26
ge_Gnea: but shouldnt it be possible with standard linux tools somehow?21:26
slacker_nlBllasae: mplayer/vlc/totem, pick one :)21:26
GneaA[D]minS: try this: apt-cache search xen21:26
Bllasaealright thanks21:26
josher4How do I get Ubuntu to recognize my monitor (I Am using a Dell D410 in a dock with external monitor)21:26
DecepticonNomexous: are the < or ( part of it?21:26
deanyelmnas: huh?21:26
=== rich_ is now known as LateralLink
DecepticonNomexous: the parenthesis is not part of it?21:26
NomexousDeception: like this: diff <(ls) <(ls -A)21:26
DecepticonNomexous: but the < is?21:26
Jonny0starsHello, Im having some difficulties with remote-help-assistant. I dont think its modifying the firewall rules and allowing a connection.21:27
DecepticonNomexous: oh i see21:27
MrdudecoolI shut my laptop down with the disc in with the files on. I will then turn my laptop on and the screen will load and I will click Install. The next screen will load but no other windows will load. Any help?21:27
omshantimy computer won't play mp3's but it goes through the motions.  haaaaaaalp!21:27
elmnasI  cant reech the other discs on my virtualbox21:27
elmnaslike d:/ E:/ F:/ G:/ etc21:27
elmnaswhat need I to do?21:27
Jonny0starsDoes Ibex ship with the firewall turned on and if so how can i add an exception21:27
slacker_nlanyone familiar with guessnet/ifplugd?21:27
elmnaswhat do"21:27
nocarevHey there... I'm using gparted on an Ubuntu live CD to resize a partition. This is somehow taking extraordinarily long - "perform readonly test" took some four hours, "perform real move" is looking at about 5 hours from now - and I understand I probably shouldn't end it, but I'd just like to know how many more steps there are after the current one ("copy x sectors using a blocksize of 128 sectors")?21:27
eseven73!firewall | Jonny0stars21:28
guntbertelmnas: ask in #vbox - they know more about virtualBox :)21:28
ubottuJonny0stars: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).21:28
Gneage_: audacity will get the job done.21:28
Jonny0starseseven73: Thanks21:28
Jerusalem420why doesn't 11 0-59 0-23 * * 0-6 root mplayer music/misc/MothersChildrenHaveAHa.mp3 work in my crontab file?21:28
MrdudecoolI shut my laptop down with the disc in with the files on. I will then turn my laptop on and the screen will load and I will click Install. The next screen will load but no other windows will load. Any help?21:28
kdoggHello, When I put the 64 bit install disc in, and select install, the loading screen comes up then the progress bar will stop moving until I press a button. if I keep pressing buttons it makes it to the install dialogue, but I am scared to install with that problem.21:29
a_programmaerI am not able to start x server as a normal user,while as root I can start it.I googled for it,and according to the suggestions I gave permission to /tmp,also I deleted .Xauthority files from home dirs,but to no avail.can anyone help please?21:29
shamscan anyone tell me whats meaning of carrier-neutral data centers?21:29
josher4How do I get Ubuntu to recognize my monitor (I Am using a Dell D410 in a dock with external monitor)???? Oh, and btw, the sound port on the dock also does not work.21:29
gnutronJerusalem420: the path is wrong21:29
AchothHello. I'm using Ubuntu Server 8.10, and I would like to be able to use VLC on it. How do I install a graphical interface? Almost anything will do.21:29
SlartJerusalem420: is that a verbatim copy of the crontab entry?21:29
Jerusalem420yes to slart21:29
MrdudecoolI shut my laptop down with the disc in with the files on. I will then turn my laptop on and the screen will load and I will click Install. The next screen will load but no other windows will load. Any help?21:29
SlartJerusalem420: make the music path absolute then21:29
kdoggit is a good disc too, used it on another pc21:29
Jerusalem420and whats wrong w/ the path?21:29
guntbert!repeat | Mrdudecool21:29
ubottuMrdudecool: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience21:29
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines21:30
nocarevI'll shorten my question :) how many more steps does gparted have after "copy x sectors using a blocksize of y sectors" (under "perform real move") when resizing a partition? (it seems this will definitely take all night, but I'm hoping it won't take all of tomorrow too)21:30
Gneage_: you can also do this to see what else there is:  apt-cache search record audio21:30
* Jerusalem420 waits to see if it worked21:30
SlartJerusalem420: what is music/misc..?  if you're in /etc it would look for /etc/music/misc.. if you're in /home it would look for /home/music/misc....21:30
zigzagnocarev:that'd be it21:30
=== a_programmaer is now known as vyom
josher4nocarev, how filled is this partition and how big is it?21:31
jessidHi. Where can i specify what services I need to run at boot time? I know this has something to do with init21:31
jessid!init ~jessid21:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about init ~jessid21:31
MatBoyhow do I remove a route that has a gateway *21:31
Jerusalem420i made the path absolute21:31
kdoggHello, i have found a bug with the 64 bit intrepid disc, does anyone care to help me figure this out???21:31
MatBoycan't get it working21:31
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto21:31
SlartJerusalem420: also, isn't 0-59 0-23 the same as * *21:31
Jerusalem420it should be21:31
Jerusalem420but i tried * *21:31
=== vyom is now known as VyOm
SlartJerusalem420: not sure if that's the problem though21:31
Jerusalem420and it didnt work21:31
bill__ Any recommendations on getting a usb video capture device based on the em2861 chip to work under Intrepid?  It loads the em28xx module when I plug the device in, and /dev/video0 shows up, but when I try "mplayer tv://" I get a solid blue video window.  I'm feeding it composite from a security camera.  The xv and x11 command line switches don't help.21:31
Jerusalem420but i'm guess that wasnt the problem21:31
Jerusalem420rather the path21:31
FloodBot2Jerusalem420: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:31
nocarevzigzag: phew, glad to hear. it's just 250 GB (200-ish free) being resized to 180, but from what I read on the internet it has to do with Vista doing something incredibly stupid to its partitions making them impossible to resize (should've looked around before, I guess)21:32
=== VyOm is now known as vyom_of_prg
zigzagnocarev:well too late now, wait till it finishes and then find out21:32
eseven73!nickspam > vyom_of_prg21:32
ubottuvyom_of_prg, please see my private message21:32
=== sean is now known as Guest12561
nocarevzigzag: yep, that's what I'm going to do. I'm just glad it's just these five hours and not another ten after that :) thanks21:33
kdoggHello, When I put the 64 bit install disc in, and select install, the loading screen comes up then the progress bar will stop moving until I press a button. if I keep pressing buttons it makes it to the install dialogue, but I am scared to install with that problem.21:33
george_clooneycan I set my dvd drive to codefree with ubuntu?21:33
SlartJerusalem420: oh... another thing.. it's just <minutes> <hours> in crontab.. it doesn't do seconds21:33
vyom_of_prgubottu, how can i see your private msg..soory but m a newbie on xchat/irc21:33
og01anybody know if multi-master drm support is in intrepid? and if not why not? (as fedora has had it since 2.6.25)21:33
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:33
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode21:34
shibbzdamnit, i forgot the key sequence to save in nano... anyone?21:34
MatBoyis there a way to remove all routes ?21:34
eseven73vyom_of_prg: you have to register21:34
lorenzosuhow can I compare two directories (and all subdirs). I've read about the dircmp command but not installed on ubunto :/21:34
josher4How do I get Ubuntu to recognize my monitor (I Am using a Dell D410 in a dock with external monitor)???? Oh, and btw, the sound port on the dock also does not work.21:34
Nomexousshibbz: ^O21:34
SmokeyDhey people. Does it matter to lvm2 drives if the hostname changes?21:34
SlartJerusalem420: and what is "root" supposed to be doing in the command?21:34
mikejetI still can't figure out how to make flash on firefox and x86_64 reliable.21:34
SmokeyDI just see that /etc/lvm/backup/<lvname> contains the hostname21:35
Jerusalem420being the user21:35
SmokeyDso I wonder, what will happen if I change the hostname21:35
SlartJerusalem420: I would try with something like "* * * * 0-6 mplayer bla bla bla"21:35
Nomexouslorenzosu: Perhaps use diff?21:35
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP321:35
SlartJerusalem420: I would try with something like "* * * * 0-6 mplayer bla bla bla"21:35
gnutronJerusalem420: sudo crontab -e  to edit a root owned crontab, lose the root in the syntax21:35
SlartJerusalem420: or even "* * * * * mplayer bla bla bla"21:35
JerrrAnyone using Realtek ALC889A ?21:35
Nomexouslorenzosu: Like 'diff <(ls dir1) <(ls dir2)'21:36
SlartJerusalem420: you don't put a user in the crontab21:36
lorenzosuNomexous: thought diff is only for files..21:36
ubuntu-chileubuntu en español21:36
Nomexouslorenzosu: The '<(command)' creates a temp file filled with the output of 'command'21:36
SlartJerusalem420: if you want the command to be run as root use "sudo crontab -e"21:36
eseven73!es | ubuntu-chile21:37
ubottuubuntu-chile: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:37
MakuseruHi, i seem to be having an audio problem. I cannot get any sort of audio, when ever i play something in Amarok all the meters and everything move like the song is suppose to be playing, yet i dont hear anything. Anyone know what would cause this?21:37
SlartJerusalem420: at least I think that is the way to do it21:37
vyom_of_prgubottu, thanks , I didnt know this21:37
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about vmplayer21:38
ubottuVMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware21:38
SlartError: I am only a user, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:38
lorenzosuNomexous: Not sure I understand.. :/21:38
slacker_nlA[D]minS: /msg ubottu !ask question21:38
Dutch_Geckohas anyone had repository issues with evolution today? update-manager performed a dist-upgrade and uninstalled evolution for me, and now I can't get it back because one of the dependencies has changed version21:38
Nomexouslorenzosu: Let me find you a link21:38
Nomexouslorenzosu: What shell do you use?21:39
lorenzosuthe default ubuntu 'terminal'21:39
josher4How do I get Ubuntu to recognize my monitor (I Am using a Dell D410 in a dock with external monitor)???? Oh, and btw, the sound port on the dock also does not work.21:39
fubuntuSlart: during the install it says that I have to select a driver for my disk drive because it was not detected? :S what should I chose?21:39
lorenzosuNomexous: Thansk ;)21:39
=== weitao is now known as the_owl
fubuntuSlart: there are alot of options21:39
A[D]minSslacker_nl don't worry will not flood the room21:39
Nomexouslorenzosu: You got it? Here's a link if you need... http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/process-sub.html21:39
Slartfubuntu: uh.. never seen that before21:40
bn43does anyone know how to start wvdial as a normal user?21:40
slacker_nl:( the ubuntu forums are a little flaky atm21:40
gnutronJerusalem420: you can also sudo tail -f /var/log/messages and watch for any errors as cron executes.21:40
cs_studentWhen I try sudo apt-get update I get the following message " Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock"21:40
Slartcs_student: are you running synaptic in the background?21:40
Lokiasedoes anyone know how i can get rid of the "unlock keyring" popup at startup?21:40
cs_studentNo, I don't believe so21:40
cs_studentSlart, ^^21:41
grendal_primei need a recomendation for a webcam that runs on ubuntu 8.04 and will work with skype.  I need a webcam that is already supported by the current kernel.21:41
Slartcs_student: anything else that uses apt? updates or such21:41
deanyLokiase:  theres gnome keyring thing in session prefs.. i always disable it21:41
cs_studentSlart, no21:41
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »21:41
the_owlhi, i just update my ubuntu to 9.04, but it has no sound, somebody else is the same?21:41
Lokiasedeany: can you help me? where?21:41
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.21:41
Slartcs_student: try what ubotu said21:41
deanyit always came up when using wireless.21:41
grendal_primeive looked through the hd compatability list and bought one that said it was supported,  it did not work and i was unable to compile source for it ither.21:42
chazcoHi.. how can I stop the startup sound playing? It says disabled in the sound preferences...21:42
Slart!jaunty | the_owl21:42
ubottuthe_owl: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.21:42
Lokiasedeany: does wireless work without that service?21:42
JerrrAsla currently does not have drivers for the Realtek ALC889A Audio Codec , am I sol when it comes to getting sound then?21:42
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/21:42
deanyGnome keyring daemon21:42
deanyfor me it did21:42
deanyive never had anything not work without it21:42
lorenzosuNomexous: Ahh ok... so what output should I expect? If I understand correctly from diff manual, if I get no output the directories are identical21:43
the_owlSlart: thanks21:43
the_owlubottu: thanks21:43
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)21:43
josher4How do I get Ubuntu to recognize my monitor (I Am using a Dell D410 in a dock with external monitor)???? Oh, and btw, the sound port on the dock also does not work.21:44
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!21:44
BllasaeWhere is the thunderbird icon in the applications foldeR?21:44
Nomexouslorenzosu: I don't really know what the output of diff should be, but yes, there will be no output if the directories are identical21:44
SlartBllasae: It should be in applications, internet21:44
bn43does anyone know how to start wvdial as a normal user?21:44
Nomexouslorenzosu: That's just if they have the same filenames.21:44
Slartbn43: you can't run it from a terminal?21:44
lorenzosuNomexous: Ah21:44
throughputplease i need some advices...21:44
lorenzosuNomexous: And to check if they are exactly same files? cmp?21:45
Slartjust ask, throughput21:45
throughputI need to install vista and ubuntu21:45
creeedhello, I get a problem with the fonts under gnome, when I start dual-display with xrandr, the dual-display works fine but after some switching between windows the fonts goes to change colors, letters disappear a chaos.. I use ubuntu 8.10 with gnome. any help please?21:45
Nomexouslorenzosu: The command I gave you doesn't care whether or not the files are actually the same (i.e. have the same hash).21:45
BllasaeSlart:It says Evolution Mail, and that's it21:45
roelorenzosu,  diff file1 file221:45
Nomexouslorenzosu: You may need to write a more complicated script.21:45
SlartBllasae: did you install it using synaptic?21:45
=== `Chris is now known as Chris`
bn43Slart: I have to do su wvdial21:45
parceltoungehi guys21:45
throughputbut... what is the correct partition for ubuntu, in particular, how many space does it need?21:45
BllasaeI don't even know anymore21:45
Slartbn43: sudo .. not su21:45
Lokiasecan someone help me how to disable the keyring via terminal21:45
lorenzosuNomexous: Aww... you know of any utility.. I basically if a backaup wnt well :)21:46
Bllasaeit says it's already installed21:46
chazcoHi.. how can I stop the startup sound playing? It says disabled in the sound preferences...21:46
bn43sorry yeah21:46
throughput60Gb are ok?21:46
throughputthe hd is of 160GB21:46
MakuseruHi, i seem to be having an audio problem. I cannot get any sort of audio, when ever i play something in Amarok all the meters and everything move like the song is suppose to be playing, yet i dont hear anything. Anyone know what would cause this?21:46
SlartBllasae: and still there is no Thunderbird in applications, internet?21:46
gofgNew to linux in general: how easy is it to install two desktop environments and either switch between them or boot into one of them or whatever?21:46
fubuntuHello During my ubuntu install it said no disk drive was detected.. what should I do?21:46
parceltoungehi, how do i figure how what port my PCSC device is connected too?21:47
creeedfubuntu, BIOS!21:47
fubuntucreeed: and do what?21:47
Dutch_Geckogofg: GDM (the login manager) makes this really easy :) just click on "Sessions" before you log in and choose your environment21:47
JampiterIs there a version of Ubuntu available with no added software, IE just the Ubuntu core and Gnome (and all the frameworks and thingies needed to run software and whatnot)21:47
fubuntucreeed: it detected my harddisk there21:47
deanychazco: system/preferences/sessions?21:47
JampiterAn unofficial one maybe?21:47
SlartBllasae: ok.. open a terminal (accessories, terminal), and type in this command "sudo apt-get install thunderbird thunderbird-gnome-support"21:47
idemsuppose im running Ubuntu with auto-update enabled. Would it be possible for someone to then install malicious packages on my box by rerouting the ubuntu package server in my dns to a fake server, containing this malicious package designed to create a backdoor on my box?21:47
LokiaseCan someone please help me how to get rid of the keyring popup when ubuntu starts? (via terminal pls)21:47
creeedfubuntu, show if BIOS detect your disc drive?21:47
gofgDutch_Gecko, sudo apt-get gdm? Is that a gnome app?21:47
slacker_nlJampiter: server-install?21:47
SlartBllasae: it will ask you for you password and then install thunderbird21:47
fubuntucreeed: it did21:47
SlartBllasae: oops.. hang on.. wrong command21:47
Dutch_Geckogdm is installed by default in ubuntu, and kubuntu uses kdm, but they are very similar21:47
slacker_nlJampiter: but that's without gnome21:47
chazcodeany - I found the option under pref->sound, but it seems to ignore it...21:48
parceltoungehow do i know what port the PCSC device ive connected via USB is connected too?21:48
Nomexouslorenzosu: A quick google doesn't show anything similar...21:48
gofgDutch_Gecko, I have it configured to auto-log me in. Where is GDM's configuration?21:48
vyom_of_prgthroughput, You need atleast 2 partitions for ubuntu 1 swap and 1 other for booting21:48
Jampiterslacker_nl: will it connect automatically to the internet via Wifi? If I can do that I can get gnome and whatnot21:48
Dutch_Geckoso if you install a new window manager or environment, (e.g. sudo apt-get install blackbox) it will appear in the sessions dialog21:48
deanythere is gnome login sound21:48
Nomexouslorenzosu: I couldn't find a package with dircmp either21:48
deanyin sessions21:48
lorenzosuNomexous: Yes I know :(21:48
creeedfubuntu, do you mean hard drive?21:48
SlartBllasae: ok.. open a terminal (accessories, terminal), and type in this command "sudo apt-get install --reinstall thunderbird thunderbird-gnome-support"21:48
slacker_nlJampiter: depends on your wireless adapater21:48
Dutch_GeckoSystem -> Administration -> Login Window21:48
JampiterI'm attempting to make a minimalist machine purely for CGI rendering21:48
Nomexouslorenzosu: I think you'll have to write your own script21:48
slacker_nlJampiter: some are known, some are not21:48
deanyno idea what it really does, first thing i do as part of install is untick all the crap21:48
bn43can anyone help me use wvdial as a normal user?21:49
lorenzosuNomexous: Ok thanks21:49
Jampiterslacker_nl: I have one that works perfectly with Ubuntu desktop21:49
BllasaeSlart: Couldn't I just reinstall it from the package manager?21:49
slacker_nlJampiter: but the ubuntu live cd will install ubuntu with gnome for you21:49
SlartBllasae: if you want to you can use copy paste.. it's Ctrl+Shift+V to paste into a terminal21:49
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help21:49
gofgDutch_Gecko, Okay. I wanted to try Xfce. I notice that apt-get install xfce doesn't work.21:49
deanyoh, that login sound, not the african bongo type stuff21:49
throughputbut what is the max dimension of ubuntu with all the software21:49
SlartBllasae: that works too.. the end result would be the same21:49
BllasaeSlart: I'm using another computer here21:49
m1dn1ghtHas there been any official word on the problems with ubuntuforums.org and when they'll be back up?21:49
SlartBllasae: ahh21:49
Jampiterslacker_nl: Is there an option to not install openoffice, firefox, games etc etc etc. and just have a bare system?21:49
Dutch_Geckogofg, it's xubuntu-desktop21:49
Dutch_Geckothat will get you up and running with xfce21:49
slacker_nlJampiter: ahh, but you can remove them?21:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about SysVinit21:50
slacker_nlJampiter: or install the server install and add gnome manually21:50
vyom_of_prgthroughput, if you are talking about a standard install most probably 10-15 GB is enough21:50
Jampiterslacker_nl: I will probably do that21:50
vyom_of_prgthroughput, by the way it is a good practice to have a separate /home partition too21:51
Jampiterslacker_nl: I'll just apt-get ubuntu-desktop... does that have all the bloat included with it? Is gnome a package available on it's own?21:51
throughputi will do 159Gb ubuntu e 1GB for vista :P21:51
Lokiasecan someone please!!!!!!!!! help me how to disable keyring so i dont need to typ the password every login.......................................!!!!!!!!!!88?????????????????????????21:51
tekteenJampiter: It is possible to just get gnome21:51
Flare183!patience | throughput21:52
ubottuthroughput: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines21:52
Jampitertekteen: Just apt-get install gnome then?21:52
`krstnsnhaha wtf21:52
josher4How do I get Ubuntu to recognize my monitor (I Am using a Dell D410 in a dock with external monitor)???? Oh, and btw, the sound port on the dock also does not work.21:52
parceltoungeI've connected a USB device and i need to know what port she is on21:53
Lokiasedear volunteers, can you please help me :(?21:53
slacker_nldoes anyone know why guessnet/ifplugd doesn't respect the gateway stanza in my interfaces file?21:53
BodsdaHi, i just installed a new theme from gnome-look, in the appearances application it says "This theme will not look as intended because the required GTK+ theme engine " is not installed" what theme engine is it referring to?21:53
throughputI'm sorry... I'm kidding21:53
kantlivelongcan someone here help me w/ setkeycodes?21:53
BllasaeSlart: Still doesn't work21:53
bn43hi how do get wvdial to execute as a normal user?21:54
=== kane77 is now known as kane77_emo
packetlossi need to have 'glib development headers'21:54
SlartBllasae: ok, press Alt+F2, you should get a small window with a prompt, enter "thunderbird" and press the "run" button21:54
Dutch_Geckoparceltounge, try typing dmesg|tail at a terminal, the kernel has probably picked up the device21:54
packetlosswhere do i get that '21:54
Cobra6460quick question, can i run Linux on my second hard drive with out messing with my main drive, like i have a C:/ drive (contains my main stuff) and then i  have a D:/ drive  can i install and run it on my D:/ drive?21:54
parceltoungePCSC devices:21:54
parceltounge    No: 0OmniKey CardMan 5321 00 0021:54
parceltoungefound it21:54
joaopintopacketloss, apt-cache search glib dev21:54
FloodBot2parceltounge: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:54
Godstrongi need some help21:54
Lokiaseplease people, can you help me :s21:54
parceltoungeyou guys are awesome21:55
bn43whats up  with the forums?21:55
SlartCobra6460: yes.. it might still mess with the boot loader though..21:55
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dreamyhi room21:55
Cobra6460ok, ty21:55
Godstrongi just download the iso file to ubuntu on a cd and trying to get it to run in a virtual machine21:55
BllasaeSlart: Could not open location (stuff) error stating file thunderbird': no such file or directory21:55
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Godstrongi need some help21:55
SlartBllasae: you did press the "apply" button in synaptic, right?21:55
BllasaeIt reinstalled it21:55
SlartBllasae: and no error messages?21:55
Lokiaseis there really nobody with a solution for my keyringproblem :(?21:55
FloodBot2Bllasae: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:56
SlartBllasae: ok.. go with the terminal thing.. open a terminal and run this "sudo apt-get remove thunderbird"21:56
SlartBllasae: then, when that is finished, run this "sudo apt-get install thunderbird"21:57
Lokiasestill nobody?21:57
Godstrongi just downloaded the iso file on ubuntu on a cd and trying to get it to run in a virtual machine...someone please help!!!!21:57
Dutch_GeckoLokiase, is there anything running on startup that might use the keyring?21:58
josher4How do I get Ubuntu to recognize my monitor (I Am using a Dell D410 in a dock with external monitor)???? Oh, and btw, the sound port on the dock also does not work.21:58
SlartGodstrong: mount the install cd in your vm, boot from it21:58
Bllasae"Package Thunderbird not installed, so not removed"21:58
packetloss'pkg-config --modversion glib-2.0' returned 2.18.0, but GLIB (2.18.2) was found! - how do i remove 2.18.0 ??21:58
tekteen_Godstrong: more information21:58
JamesCardIn my Hardy installs the Vinagre bookmarks list remains sorted after I edit ~/.gnome2/vinagre.bookmarks. Intrepid ignores the sorted bookmarks and displays them in most-recently-used order. How can I get the old behavior back>21:58
bikerfonziema c'e qualche italiano21:58
LokiaseDutch_Gecko: Where can I check it, please via terminal....21:58
Bllasaei swear I installed it21:58
Slart!it | bikerfonzie21:58
ubottubikerfonzie: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)21:58
bn43anyone know how to use wvdial as normal user?21:58
AlanAre there limits on how much you can pull from an Ubuntu mirror in a certain amount of time or number of concurrent connections?  I'm trying to create a local mirror from gb.archive.ubuntu.com but it's not actually downloading much...21:58
Dutch_Geckoit would be easiest to check in your gnome or KDE settings21:58
LokiaseDutch_Gecko: please guide me :$21:59
slacker_nlbn43: i think the user needs to be in the dailout group21:59
tekteen_Alan: no21:59
Dutch_Geckoare you using Gnome or KDE Lokiase?21:59
kernelwhobn43: you mean without having to use sudo?21:59
Bllasaeslart:I think I fixed it21:59
kantlivelongany alsa gurus herE?21:59
chazcoHi.. how can I stop the startup sound playing? It says disabled in the sound preferences but the setting seems to be ignored...21:59
LokiaseDutch_Gecko: gnome21:59
bn43kernelwho: yes21:59
packetloss'pkg-config --modversion glib-2.0' returned 2.18.0, but GLIB (2.18.2) was found! How do i remove 2.18.0 ??21:59
bn43I have added user to dialout group21:59
dreamyhi. im asking for a "apt" command line that alows upgrading from "ubuntu" to "ubuntu studio".. it was once given to me before.. but i lost it21:59
BllasaePlease don't ask why it wouldn't work21:59
Godstronghow do you mount the iso file in vm?21:59
SlartBllasae: you see it in the internet menu now?21:59
Dutch_GeckoLokiase, click on System, Preferences, Sessions21:59
Dutch_Geckoyou'll have a list of everything that runs on gnome startup21:59
tekteen_Godstrong: which vm?21:59
Alantekteen, fair enough...22:00
Dutch_Geckocheck if there's anything there that might require a password of some kind22:00
vyom_of_prgLokiase, I think this programm runs during startup /usr/lib/gnome-session/helpers/gnome-keyring-daemon-wrapper22:00
kernelwhobn43: edit your sudoers file, add this line: %dialout ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/wvdial22:00
gofgGrr. How do I hit "okay" or "accept" when the button appears off the screen, and my resolution is too small to see it?22:00
LokiaseDutch_Gecko: Cant find it, I use mythbuntu...22:00
Dutch_Geckogofg, try hitting enter :)22:00
gofgthat's what I usually do, but it did not work this time.22:00
Dutch_GeckoLokiase, ah, I'm not familiar with mythbuntu :\ I'm not sure where you'd find the necessary info22:01
Godstrongvmware player22:01
comicinkergofg: press alt and click anywhere in the window to move the window22:01
tekteen_Alan apt-get will not exceed the number of connections allowed (if it exists). I have downloaded gigs in a day from them though.22:01
slacker_nlanyone familiar with guessnet/ifplugd?22:01
LokiaseDutch_Gecko: please help me, the guys in mythbuntu do not help :(22:01
bn43kernelwho: does that mean the user has to be id the sudoers group as well?22:01
gofgcomicinker, it will not move up past the top of my screen.22:01
Alantekteen_, well, i'm using apt-mirror which defaults to 20 connections...22:01
Bllasaeslart:Yup, thank you very much22:01
=== kane77_emo is now known as kane77
SlartBllasae: you're welcome22:01
Dutch_Geckook Lokiase, try doing this at a terminal instead: cat .xinitrc22:02
tekteen_Alan: As far as I know it should not stop you22:02
comicinkergofg: ah, I know. just a second22:02
packetlossHow do i remove glib 2.18.0 ?22:02
Alantekteen_, fair enough, i guess i'll just wait it out....22:02
LokiaseDutch_Gecko: no such file or dir22:02
Godstrongi just downloaded the iso file on ubuntu on a cd and trying to get it to run in a virtual machine...someone please help!!!!22:02
Godstrongi have vmware player22:02
Alanhmm, maybe it's possible that what I'm using to check actually isn't reporting traffic by this machine anyway :|22:03
comicinkergofg: in a terminal, enter: gconftool --set --type=bool /apps/compiz/plugins/move/allscreens/options/constrain_y false22:03
tekteen_Godstrong: I can not help you. ask on a vmware channel or ask for vmware help here. Do not ask questions too general.22:03
kernelwhobn43: yes, user must a sudoer (have perms to sudo to begin with) default user does22:03
Dutch_GeckoLokiase I'm really sorry and I'd like to help but I don't know what to do past that point, this is likely to be mythbuntu specific and I've never used it before22:03
MakuseruHi, i seem to be having an audio problem. I cannot get any sort of audio, when ever i play something in Amarok all the meters and everything move like the song is suppose to be playing, yet i dont hear anything. Anyone know what would cause this?22:03
gofgcomicinker, thank you!22:03
laggerbearhello. i just installed Ubuntu 8.04. It's my first time that i use Linux like OS. After i installed an Internal HDD (ntfs) i receive an error saying that i cannot mount the HDD . Help file says that i should force mount the drive , Any idea how is that possible?22:03
SlartGodstrong: check the documentation for vmware player.. afaik you want to mount the cd and boot from it to install ubuntu22:03
LokiaseDutch_Gecko: thats why i use terminal, but i dont know the commands :(22:03
JamesCardIn my Hardy installs the Vinagre bookmarks list remains sorted after I edit ~/.gnome2/vinagre.bookmarks. Intrepid ignores the sorted bookmarks and displays them in most-recently-used order. How can I get the old behavior back>22:04
tekteen_Makuseru: I think #kubuntu can help you more. AmaroK is a KDE app22:04
bn43kernelwho: I actually just want a normal user to do this - not default user - I created a dialout user for the purpose22:04
josher4How do I get Ubuntu to recognize my monitor (I Am using a Dell D410 in a dock with external monitor)???? Oh, and btw, the sound port on the dock also does not work.22:04
tekteen_!sound > josher422:04
ubottujosher4, please see my private message22:04
Lokiasehow can i get rid of the keyring problem via terminal please??? :(22:05
bn43kernelwho: is there a way to do that?22:05
Makuserutekteen_: i was just using that as an example. No sound works at all on my system.22:05
Dutch_GeckoJamesCard, afaik that's a known "regression". check out the vinagre bug tracker for more info22:05
tekteen_you can first try ubotu's suggestions22:05
JamesCardDutch_Gecko: thanks!22:05
tekteen_!sound > Makuseru22:05
ubottuMakuseru, please see my private message22:05
Lokiasecome on guys, there must be someone who can help me :(22:06
kernelwhobn43: er, I'm rusty on multi-user setup, but ... sudoers edit via visudo is what you need22:06
tekteen_Lokiase: what is you question?22:06
tuxeduphello all, I am selling my eee 701 but I am conserned about data recovery and fraud.  I understand that simply formatting the machine is not enough, so I have used dban to zero the drive twice do you think this will be enough?22:07
audreynick audrey_b22:07
Lokiasetekteen_: the popup of the keyring at ubuntu startup to "activate" my wifi, i dont want it22:07
tuxedupor is there a tool in the repositiories that is more appropriate?22:07
test34Lokiase, use keychain ?22:07
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Lokiasetest34: i'm noob, dont know that, i need simple steps :(22:08
tekteen_Lokiase: tell network manager not to auto connect to a network22:08
=== tekteen_ is now known as tekteen
comicinkertuxedup: dd will do the job22:08
Slarttuxedup: there is "wipe"22:08
Lokiasetekteen_: network manager MUST connect automaticly, thats correct, but he at startup the popup of all stored pasw. shows up, dont want that :(22:09
Slarttuxedup: but it takes quite a while to wipe an entire drive.. be prepared to let it run for a day or two22:09
Slart!info wipe | tuxedup22:09
ubottuwipe (source: wipe): Secure file deletion. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.21-5 (intrepid), package size 42 kB, installed size 136 kB22:09
test34Lokiase, google for: keychain .bashrc22:10
tekteenLokiase: I do not use gnome, but you could see if you can not have a password on the keychain program22:10
Slarttuxedup: but unless you've stored secret nuclear weapon designs or such on it I would say a single run of writing zeroes to it will suffice22:10
Lokiasetest34: having probs with my browers, can you help pls?22:10
tuxedupSlart: it would be a problem using that now as I formatted the drive and have since used dban to zero the drive twice22:10
audreynick audrey_b22:10
dreamyupgrading to ubuntu studio (from ubuntu)  need help.. :S ? eazy ?22:11
audreychannel "serena"22:11
packetlossi pay 100,00 EUR to one who will tell me how to remove glib 2.18.022:11
Slarttuxedup: you can run wipe from a live cd.. I even think there is a  wipe cd that boots and then wipes everything it can get it's hands on..22:11
slowpcpacketloss, apt-get remove glibc22:12
comicinkerpacketloss: what's that in canadian dollar?22:12
Alanpacketloss, why is glib 2.18.0 such a big problem for you?22:12
tuxedupSlart: when you say it is a long process, exactly how long would you say for a 4gb SSD?22:12
AnRkeyhow do i turn drop shadows off for my windows in gnome? I am using 8.04.122:12
Lokiasetekteen: dont understand that22:12
tuxedupSlart 5+ hours?22:12
x-kentcan that be that 2gb of ram + 2.5gb of swap given to 32bit machine will drive it crazy ? my current df status says I have more free space than total... and I have many other glitches. anyone ??22:12
deanyAnRkey: turn compiz off...22:13
packetlossalan; i have also 2.18.other-than-022:13
tekteenLokiase: see if you can set the password on keychain to null22:13
packetlossapt-get remove glibc no-go22:13
Alanpacketloss, right, but is it actually causing a problem being there?22:13
tekteenLokiase: In other words, get rid of it22:13
AnRkeydeany, brilliant! but no... i would like to keep compiz, i just cant seem to disable drop shadows for some reason. Any ideas?22:13
Slarttuxedup: nah.. but a couple of hours.. .. but wiping an SSD isn't really useful if I understand things correctly.. since you can't be sure you're zeroing the sectors you think you're writing to, it does all kinds of load balancing and stuff internally22:13
packetlossalan it has to be removed22:13
packetlosstrust me22:14
Lokiasetekteen: when ubuntu starts up, the "unlock keyring" appears, and I have to give my pass, to make wifi work. i want to get rid of it, so wifi starts without the keyringpopup....22:14
tekteenI know22:14
Lokiasetekteen: so please assist me :$22:14
tuxedupSlart: what about if I used Dban to write random data to the drive, as I udnerstand it some of the options just fill the drive with random data from start to finnish and do this a few times, do you think this would be better?22:15
SlartAnRkey: "can't" as in "I can't find out how to do it"? or "I know how to do it but they just won't go away" ?22:15
tekteenLokiase: I am looking it up22:15
Slarttuxedup: that's pretty much what wipe does22:15
=== bobby_ is now known as odium1
AnRkeySlart, as in the buggers just wont leave no matter what i turn off22:16
Dutch_GeckoAnRkey, try installing compizconfig-settings-manager then a new item will appear under System -> Preferences22:16
tuxedupSlart:thanks for the advice :)22:16
comicinkerAnRkey: hopefully: gconftool --set --type=int /apps/compiz/plugins/decoration/allscreens/options/shadow_opacity 022:16
Slarttuxedup: you're welcome22:16
Dutch_Geckoit allows fine-grain control over compiz settings22:16
AnRkeyDutch_Gecko, that is what i am using22:17
tekteenLokiase: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/564322:17
odium1hmm.. anyone know if the ubuntu forums are down or is it just me?22:17
tekteen!google > Lokiase tekteen22:17
ubottuLokiase, please see my private message22:17
SlartAnRkey: you've tried changing the settings in "window decorator"?22:17
Slartodium1: they are down22:17
odium1slart: thanks.. i just wanted to make sure haha22:17
Lokiasetekteen: libpam-keyring doenst work, its old...22:18
AnRkeycomicinker, YOU ROCK!!! that worked perfectly22:18
SlartAnRkey: in ccsm.. the compiz config settings manager.. !ccsm for more info22:18
packetlossi offer 120,00 EUR if you tell me hot to remove glib 2.18.022:18
Slartpacketloss: can't you just find the file and delete it?22:18
AnRkeySlart, tried turning it off there, never worked22:18
comicinkerAnRkey: yeah, but this broke probably something22:18
bn43aha - in case those who are interested - http://zaher14.blogspot.com/2007/01/run-wvdial-as-norman-user.html22:18
tekteenLokiase: I can not help then22:18
Lokiasetekteen: ubuntu now uses gnome-libpam-keyring, works different22:18
AnRkeycomicinker, will turn it back on if it does22:19
DwightShrootim trying to install a windows game download, already have wine just not sure how to do it22:19
Lokiasetekteen: please NO,i googled for houres and i really need a solution :(22:19
AnRkeycomicinker, thanks!22:19
AnRkeybeen driving me nuts for weeks now22:19
DasEIDwightShroot: which game ?22:19
tekteenis the keyring pass the same as the login pass?22:19
SlartAnRkey: hmm.. I just tried setting the Shadow Radius to 0 and my shadows disappeared22:19
tekteenLokiase:  is the keyring pass the same as the login pass?22:19
AnRkeyhave been reading every thread about shadows and compiz for over a week22:19
Lokiasetekteen: yes22:19
comicinkerAnRkey: undo it with gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/compiz/plugins/decoration/allscreens/options/22:19
AnRkeyslart, maybe i should wipe my compiz config and try again22:20
DwightShrootDasEI: dark room22:20
tekteenLokiase: I have no idea22:20
SlartAnRkey: that might work22:20
AnRkeycomicinker, shweet, i have made a note of that22:20
Lokiasetekteen: please convince the other people to help :(22:20
elmnasdoes someone use wallpapoz?22:20
Makuserutekteen_: i was just using that as an example. No sound works at all on my system.22:21
MakuseruHi, i seem to be having an audio problem. I cannot get any sort of audio, when ever i play something in Amarok all the meters and everything move like the song is suppose to be playing, yet i dont hear anything. Anyone know what would cause this?22:21
DasEIDwightShroot: no experience in that, basically install the exe with wine, but join #winehq for more specific help, also wine - homepage gives an good overview22:21
CITguy_Calliopeis anybody familiar with configuring /etc/gdm/gdm.conf ?22:21
tekteen!patience > Lokiase22:21
ubottuLokiase, please see my private message22:21
carlosfI'm having a trouble. Every time I restart my computer I can't do the # char nor the @22:21
carlosfsometimes I can sometimes I cannot22:22
multiverseHi, what is an alternative to EasyUbunut?22:22
alex___is there a 64bit i386 version of command line only ubuntu cd?22:22
Slartalex___: eh.. nope.. there is no 64bit i386 version22:22
jribmultiverse: that's not needed anymore.  Why do you want it?22:23
Slartalex___: that would be a strange version, indeed22:23
XLValex___, considering 386 was 32bit22:23
multiverseThere is an alternative, but I can't remember the name.22:23
DasEIcarlosf: sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup22:23
jribmultiverse: did you see what I said?22:23
comicinkerhelp: comannd: xterm -fn 9x15 mocp -T green_theme22:23
comicinkerthe parameter -T green_theme for mocp doesn't work. what's the correct way?22:23
multiverseMy friend needs the nvidia drivers and as I recall, we can get those from those too.22:23
carlosflets see22:23
jribmultiverse: use System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers22:24
alex___ok, so I have a 64bit proc, is there a 64bit version for intel procs?22:24
tekteenmultiverse: do not use easyubuntu22:24
alex___XLV: ^22:24
Slartalex___: yes, there is .. use the amd64 version22:24
XLValex___, the amd64 version, used for intel and amdf 64bit cpus22:24
alex___Slart: really?22:24
reduzhi ubuntuers, i perfermed an upgrade and now my audio is all fucked up and distorted22:24
reduzany clues?22:24
AnRkeySlart, comicinker, I tried the recursive unset and it put my shadows back22:24
Slartalex___: but you might as well use the 32 bit version.. unless you have more than 4GB of memory22:24
DasEI alex___: see above or (less complicated ) use the 32 (ram ??)22:24
comicinkerAnRkey: nice22:24
Petengyhi to all22:24
alex___I have 4gigs or ram22:25
AnRkeyslart, comicinker, it still wont let me change them in compiz config settings manager though22:25
AnRkeyat least they are off now22:25
AnRkeythanks to both for your help22:25
DasEI alex___: might be a reason for 6422:25
RetraktorSorry, I lost my connection. Repost follows: Hello, I have a question. In ifconfig, my wlan connection is assigned an ip adress from the DHCP server on my router, but my ethernet connection is assigned the internet IP adress of the router. Both connections are set up to use automatic DHCP.22:25
multiversedo you know any ubuntu tricks to resize the screen? My Nvidia video card hooked up to my old crappy tv via s-video cable has drivers loaded that show picture, but the panels are offscreen. I've been looking around google and have found a lot of people having similar problems, but not many with solid answers22:25
alex___DasEI: Ill try 64bit, not going to run X on it22:26
AnRkeySlart, comicinker my machine is sooo much smoother now!22:26
jribmultiverse: what driver are you using?22:26
=== kinja-sheep is now known as kinja-sheep_
multiversenvidia apparently22:26
DasEI alex___: want it headless ?22:26
=== kinja-sheep_ is now known as kinja-sheep
omshantimy computer won't play mp3's but it goes through the motions.  haaaaaaalp!22:26
alex___DasEI: ya22:26
jribmultiverse: nvidia-settings is probably the easiest way to tinker with that22:26
rdw200169Retraktor: so, what is your problem exactly?22:26
Dutch_GeckoRetraktor, that sounds more a like a configuration error on your router, check the DHCP ranges it's configured to use22:26
alex___DasEI: just want it to ssh into22:26
DasEI alex___: see also :22:26
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD22:26
tekteen!mp3 > omshanti22:27
ubottuomshanti, please see my private message22:27
alex___DasEI: 8.10 latest?22:27
omshantii have the codecs22:27
DasEI alex___: you can choose only the basics from it, no x and so on at all, but still can apt-get everything later22:27
omshantibut it still won't play :/22:27
DasEI alex___: yes22:27
alex___DasEI: that's how i've always installed linux22:27
alex___DasEI: so that works, first time with ubuntu22:28
RetraktorDutch_Gecko: It ranges from to
tekteenomshanti: install vlc and try that22:28
DasEI alex___: worked in hardy (and prbly earlier) too22:28
Dutch_GeckoRetraktor, that's for both wireless and wired?22:28
PetengyI need some help because ubuntu, after a system update (with partial version progress), removed totaly evolution and now it's impossible to install it22:28
tekteenomshanti: If that does not work, I do not know22:28
PetengyHow to restore/reinstall evolution now?22:28
Adam_does anyone have a url explaining how to install themes from gnome-look, something informative that explains all the lingo22:28
RetraktorDutch_Gecko: doesn't seem like my router distinguishes between wireless and wired22:29
jribPetengy: you may have to explain what you mean by "partial version progress"22:29
alex___DasEI: i just feel so wrong downloading amd64 for an intel chip22:29
rdw200169Retraktor: off the shelf routers usually don't22:29
DasEIPetengy: sudo apt-get remove --purge evolution && sudo apt-get install evolution22:29
omshantithanks Tekno22:29
Retraktorrdw200169: got mine from my ISP22:29
omshantitekteen, i mean22:29
PetengyDasEI: I'll try22:29
Dutch_GeckoRetraktor, could you open a terminal and type ifconfig then paste the results in a PM to me22:30
SlartAdam_: download the file.. unpack it.. system, preferences, appearance, theme.. install theme.. find file you unpacked.. tadaaaa =)22:30
andrew_yo my doggs22:30
Retraktor\pm Dutch_Gecko eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:1c:25:12:14:1222:30
Retraktor          inet6 addr: fe80::21c:25ff:fe12:1412/64 Scope:Link22:30
Retraktor          UP BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:122:30
Retraktor          RX packets:10127 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:022:30
Retraktor          TX packets:9060 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:022:30
Retraktor          collisions:0 txqueuelen:10022:30
FloodBot2Retraktor: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:30
Dutch_Geckoyeah I did say in a PM ;)22:30
andrew_u lkie ban ppl?22:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about programming22:31
Adam_slart: it can't be that easy22:31
Jack_Sparrowandrew_, Please stop   the chatter22:31
olaeafer upgrading from 8.04 to 8.10, my keyboard stop working properly (every second reboot - or so- after logging in, i can't type at all) - I have a Dell laptop (and external usb keyboard) can anybody help ?22:31
PetengyDasEI: It tell me that some dependecies are not satified22:31
SlartAdam_: I just did it yesterday22:31
audreyQUOTE PASS 1836122:31
Adam_slart: wow okay, what about themes that require extra stuff.22:31
DasEIPetengy: 8.10 ?22:32
adam-ITI working through Ubuntu docs and trying to create a XEN virtual machine using VMbuilder and am looking for some help. I keep getting the error: "Domain is undefined and host has no domain set". When I run all that vmbuilder jazz to create a XEN virtual machine. Any help?22:32
andrew_what extra?22:32
DarkMagnumOK guy. Remember Jasen?22:32
SlartAdam_: what kind of extra? extra engines? I've never tried that22:32
Adam_slart: i see some themes that need stuff like metacity or minerva(sp?)22:32
andrew_if want themes install art mngr22:32
Adam_extra engines yeah22:32
andrew_but real shouldn't be kicked22:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about foo2xqx22:32
DarkMagnumYeah. Ubuntu just deleted all of my hard drive and now my wireless won't work *mad face* And im stuck with a direct connection!22:32
DarkMagnumgrrr :(22:33
SlartAdam_: well.. metacity is already installed.. that's what you're using when you have desktop effects disabled22:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about foo2js22:33
Jack_Sparrow!who > andrew_22:33
ubottuandrew_, please see my private message22:33
PetengyDasEI: yes, but it happened after a automatic system update and partial version update22:33
adam-ITAnyone know anything about VMbuilder?22:33
Adam_slart: oh so when compiz is off metacity is on?22:33
PetengyDasEI: just 20 minutes ago22:33
SlartAdam_: I don't really know how to install other engines.. I just selected something nice that used compiz22:33
SlartAdam_: yup, correct22:33
andrew_jack chill brother22:33
DasEIPetengy: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade            <does this give errors/hints ? any foreign soft installed ?22:34
PetengyDasEI: 1  min22:34
DarkMagnumCan somebody help me with my wireless? This is really getting on my nerves! Whats the dxdiag for ubuntu? I need to know my wireless card info :(22:34
PetengyDasEI: it's all right22:34
adam-ITany one help me with vmbulder?22:35
DasEIDarkMagnum: lshw tells you about your hardware, then see22:35
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:35
kane77DarkMagnum, lspci | grep network22:35
DasEIPetengy: so no errors ?22:35
DarkMagnumDasEI: And you can accecss this via the terminal?22:35
PetengyDasEI: evolution  need evolution-coomon 2.24-0ubuntu1 but i have 2.24.222:36
DasEIDarkMagnum: both given cmd's, yes22:36
PetengyDasEI: I think22:36
The_Rebelwhats up with the forums?22:36
adam-ITHow can I get dual screen support on my Dell GX620? I'm running a ATI 7200 as the primary display but the video card off the mother board, intel gma 950, isn't being recognized.22:36
PetengyDasEI: sorry I have 2.24.322:36
SlartThe_Rebel: nothing.. they more kind of "down" at the moment22:36
PetengyDasEI: and it need 2.24.222:36
PetengyDasEI: I'm not sure22:37
The_Rebeli'm getting tired of them being kinda down.22:37
RanyAlbeghi all , does anyone know how do i use wget to download a web page source code into text file?22:37
DasEIPetengy: what about using synaptic-paketmanager to reinstall it ?22:37
multiversejrib:  you said, "nvidia-settings", and where do I find that?  Do I need to grab that via Synaptic?22:37
adam-ITAny help for me?22:37
ingwa1hi everyone I've tried using ubuntuforums.com but the site is currently down. I have intrepid and am trying to get my radeon 9250 working but with no joy. In lshw I get display UNCLAIMED22:37
The_Rebelis there someone i can phone for Ubuntu support?22:37
andrew_or add remove22:37
The_Rebelcan i phone one of you guys?22:37
The_Rebelmaybe skype22:37
SlartThe_Rebel: have you checked the ubuntu site?22:37
adam-IT@ The_Rebel. Your mom.22:37
The_Rebelead adam-IT22:38
comicinkerThe_Rebel: canonical22:38
The_Rebeli'll leave you to figure out what that means22:38
RanyAlbeghi all , does anyone know how do i use wget to download a web page source code into text file?22:38
PetengyDasEI: Dipende: evolution-common (=2.24.2-0ubuntu1) ma 2.24.3-0ubuntu1 verrà installat22:38
elmnaswhere is the font map in ubuntu?22:38
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:38
The_Rebeleat a..22:38
adam-ITI working through Ubuntu docs and trying to create a XEN virtual machine using VMbuilder and am looking for some help. I keep getting the error: "Domain is undefined and host has no domain set". When I run all that vmbuilder jazz to create a XEN virtual machine. Any help?22:38
PetengyDasEI: sorry it's in italian, I'll try to translate22:38
SlartRanyAlbeg: wget www.google.se will save the html in the current folder22:38
The_Rebeldoes canoncial have skpye?22:38
RanyAlbegSlart: its source code?22:39
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto22:39
SlartRanyAlbeg: it's the html code22:39
PetengyDasEI: dependence evolution-common (=2.24.2-0ubuntu1) but 2.24.3-0ubuntu1 will be installed22:39
adam-ITI working through Ubuntu docs and trying to create a XEN virtual machine using VMbuilder and am looking for some help. I keep getting the error: "Domain is undefined and host has no domain set". When I run all that vmbuilder jazz to create a XEN virtual machine. Any help?22:39
comicinkerThe_Rebel: http://www.canonical.com/services/support22:39
SlartRanyAlbeg: it won't be source code if the page is generated using php or such22:39
RanyAlbegSlart: thanks22:39
DarkMagnumHow do you search for networks? Not have to enter the info but search for available ones?22:39
ingwa1hi everyone I've tried using ubuntuforums.com but the site is currently down. I have intrepid and am trying to get my radeon 9250 working but with no joy. In lshw I get display UNCLAIMED22:39
andrew_ubuntu tweak is good22:39
PetengyDasEI: I see in synaptic that evolution common I have installed is 2.24.322:40
TheFunkbombIs there any way to set different wallpapers for the two screens?22:40
andrew_for adding and removing22:40
dieomCan someone help me with my site, please? http://laod.myminicity.com/22:40
PetengyDasEI: and evolution is 2.24.222:40
domuniquemy evolution is broke too22:40
andrew_2 screens?22:40
Slartdieom: go away22:40
PetengyDasEI: so i need evolution 2.24.3 I suppose22:40
PetengyDasEI: I suppose it isn't in the repo22:40
multiversedoes anyone know any ubuntu tricks to resize the screen? My Nvidia video card hooked up to my old crappy tv via s-video cable has drivers loaded that show picture, but the panels are offscreen. I've been looking around google and have found a lot of people having similar problems, but not many with solid answers22:40
PetengyDasEI: ??22:40
adam-ITI working through Ubuntu docs and trying to create a XEN virtual machine using VMbuilder and am looking for some help. I keep getting the error: "Domain is undefined and host has no domain set". When I run all that vmbuilder jazz to create a XEN virtual machine. Any help?22:40
adam-ITI working through Ubuntu docs and trying to create a XEN virtual machine using VMbuilder and am looking for some help. I keep getting the error: "Domain is undefined and host has no domain set". When I run all that vmbuilder jazz to create a XEN virtual machine. Any help?22:40
Jack_SparrowTheFunkbomb, Yes but you lose the ability to have icons on the desktop.. /join #compiz for more info22:40
FloodBot2adam-IT: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:40
andrew_just do it22:40
MindVirusWhen will OOo 3.0 be included in Ubuntu?22:41
freeDoes anyone know how to use ubuntu linux computers?22:41
DasEIPetengy: what about using synaptic-paketmanager to reinstall it ? simply complet remove all evolution-stuff and then start up with evolution which should install correct libs22:41
MindVirusfree, just ask the question.22:41
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PetengyDasEI: OK :)22:41
andrew_its an os for statrers not a computer per say22:41
jhallDoes Ubuntu support NFS v4 with ACLs?  Information I found on the web site was not clear.22:41
ingwa1hi everyone I've tried using ubuntuforums.com but the site is currently down. I have intrepid and am trying to get my radeon 9250 working but with no joy. In lshw I get display UNCLAIMED22:41
ronhalfdanranyone know why the ubuntu forums have been down for days?22:41
MindVirusWhen will OOo 3.0 be included in Ubuntu?22:41
TheFunkbombJack_Sparrow, thanks but never mind then22:41
comicinkerfree: that's a meta-question, isn't it?22:41
Jack_Sparrow!who > andrew_22:42
ubottuandrew_, please see my private message22:42
SlartMindVirus: perhaps in jaunty.. I'm not sure22:42
adam-ITI working through Ubuntu docs and trying to create a XEN virtual machine using VMbuilder and am looking for some help. I keep getting the error: "Domain is undefined and host has no domain set". When I run all that vmbuilder jazz to create a XEN virtual machine. Any help?22:42
MindVirusWhen's Jaunty coming out?22:42
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases22:42
adam-ITApril 2322:42
ryanakcaWhen making an encrypted HD, should one fill in with /dev/zero or random data from /dev/urandom?22:42
MindVirusadam-IT, quite a long time to wait. :(22:43
andrew_4 months22:43
MindVirusI might die.22:43
ingwa1please can someone help me setup my 9250 radeon card?22:43
Adam_what's 9.04 called?22:43
RainCTMindVirus: you will :P22:43
amikropHello. Any way to fix this? http://tinyurl.com/ubuntu-skype-icon22:43
adam-ITmindvirus, how long?22:43
MindVirusadam-IT, Jaunty.22:43
RainCTAdam_: Jaunty Jackalope22:43
andrew_not too hard to do22:43
DasEIadam-IT: tried joining #xen ?22:43
domuniqueingwa1 install the restricted drivers22:43
MindVirusSorry, wrong name.22:43
=== felix_da_catz is now known as felix-da-catz_zz
MindVirusAdam_, Jaunty.22:43
=== mthe_ is now known as mthe
ingwa1domunique, with the forums down I am not sure on that...where do I get them?22:44
adam-ITDasEI, will do thanks!22:44
RainCTI have installed nvidia-glx-180 from intrepid-backports but it doesn't show up in jockey-gtk. Am I missing something?22:44
ymeHi, could somebody help me with the screen resolution?22:44
ronhalfdanr<----------seriously going nuts trying to find skype and skype phone specific info on the ubuntu forums butit's been down for days22:44
domuniqueSYSTEM | Administration | Hardware drivers22:45
Jack_Sparrow!enter > andrew_22:45
ubottuandrew_, please see my private message22:45
Slartamikrop: I haven't seen anything.. my skype icon is acting weird too.. also azureus does the same thing22:45
andrew_i don't bother with ati or other graphic drivers i use whater ubunutu loads22:45
RainCTdomunique: for whom is that?22:45
ingwa1says no proprietary drivers are in use on this system22:45
DasEI!resolution | yme22:45
amikropSlart: Could that be related to Desktop Effects?22:45
ubottuyme: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution22:45
ingwa1it's for me rainct22:45
adam-ITubuntu forums have been down forever it feels like. Maybe they're using Windows Vista?22:45
rollewhere are the logs saved at?22:45
RainCTadam-IT: from what I've heard, the db got corrupt22:46
Slartamikrop: hmm.. perhaps.. although I suspect it's skype being weird in itself..22:46
comicinkerrolle: which logs?22:46
DasEIadam-IT: what vm you want ? both, virtualbox and vmware work good for me22:46
amikropSlart: It just started happening since one random day. I mean, I didn't updated or changed something, and it started to happen.22:46
rollethis channel is logged yes and saved to a site?22:46
Slartamikrop: it's been doing that for quite some time on my computer..22:46
Slartrolle: irclogs.ubuntu.com22:47
amikropSlart: It gets fixed after a while, but then gets bad again.22:47
rollethanks Slart22:47
olaeHi, after upgrading to 8.10, my keyboard won't work after  booting up.  What can I do ?22:47
FlipFalconhas the screen flipping in linux been fixed I want to go fulltime with linux but there is no screen flipping for my tablet a Tshoba Portege 350022:47
DasEIolae: safe mode ?22:47
olaeno regular boot up22:48
ronhalfdanramikrop: apparently skype for linux, if you're using mic and headset has a disconnect from sound driver problem so it does go bad..............google it and there's a fix or three out there22:48
PetengyDasEI: nothing to do, I have to find somewere evolution 2.24.3 in the official page the il doesn't work....22:48
LateralLinkolae, new keyboard? Switching from ps/2 to usb?22:48
comicinkerolae: another usb port? is keyboard working in safemode?22:48
FlipFalconI need automatic screen flipping22:48
Adam_from the terminal, how do you install downloaded updates after 'sudo apt-get update'22:48
olaelaptop and USB external keybrd22:48
ronhalfdanrhas to do with skype using OSS which is not linux native or something22:48
Chris`Adam_: Sudo apt-get upgrade?22:49
amikropronhalfdanr: No, I don't seem to have that kind of problem. Just the tray icon acting weird.22:49
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=== nih is now known as n1hilist
Adam_Chris`:  thanks!22:49
adam-ITDasE| you have im. but XEN and VMware run OS X and all three, vmware, xen, virtual box, to run win xp and server 2003.22:49
FlipFalconcan someone help me out22:49
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Jack_Sparrow!coc > andrew_22:49
ubottuandrew_, please see my private message22:49
Jack_Sparrow!guidelines > andrew_22:49
ronhalfdanrcould be worse amikrop, my GE skype phone won;t work, I think it's a phone problem because I can get into my router and it sees the base unit22:49
FlipFalconI want to be able to screenflip between portriat and landscape22:50
=== audrey is now known as audrey_b
cjvannHey all!!!!!!!22:50
ronhalfdanrand of course everything useful for troubleshooting skype in on the ubuntu forums22:51
amikropronhalfdanr: Well, Skype's developers only care about the Windows version. Just think about Windows having the 4 major release/version, and us having only version number 2.22:51
=== Guest5565 is now known as eights
ScottGI'm having trouble connecting to my colleges wifi while im using ubuntu on my laptop. I went there and the tech support guy gave me the XP guide to use since it explains what kind of authentication and encription to use. So I set up a custom network but it still won't connect. The only thing I see that the guide explains to use but I can't designate is that it asks to use AES for the Data Encription. There isn't anywhere to designate the type of encription22:51
ScottGin the wireless configureation though. Any help?22:51
ghost3I have a question. im living in the usa and im wanting to use dish network for internet service. the web site says they require windows or mac. does any one know if it will work with ubuntu?22:51
cjvannWow a room full of people and not a person replies22:51
FlipFalconcan someone help me I have a toshiba portege 3500 that I am trying to get on linux fulltime22:51
andrew_google it22:51
Adam_hola cjvann22:51
FlipFalcon<cjvann> Wow a room full of people and not a person replies--------> tell me about it22:52
ghost3I checked the forums but the server is down22:52
cjvannHowdy YA'll22:52
ingwa1hi everyone I've tried using ubuntuforums.com but the site is currently down. I have intrepid and am trying to get my radeon 9250 working but with no joy. In lshw I get display UNCLAIMED. System > Admin > Hardware Drivers doesn't list anything at all. OMG, I'm loosing hair over this please help.22:52
comicinkerplease help: how can I do parameter expansion on this comannd: xterm -fn 9x15 mocp -T green_theme; where mocp is called whith the -T option in xterm. however this option is ignored...22:52
[TiZ]Hi. I just tried to copy an ext3 partition with GParted. All seemed to go well, until it was nearly finished with the first one. I want to make it bigger than the original, so it tried to do resize2fs /dev/sda1. It errored out and told me to do e2fsck -f /dev/sda1. I did so, with sudo. But I still can't resize2fs it. It continues to give the same message. What's going on? How do I fix it?22:52
Adam_ingwa1: try downloading the drivers directly from ATI and installing them manually22:52
amikropronhalfdanr: And of course, that numeric difference in versions is really a real difference in features, bugs fixed, support, etc...22:52
cjvannI'm taking the leap from windows to Ubuntu but I gots a question and the forums are down22:53
amikropcjvann: use Google cache22:53
z0manI've a simple question need answering, "When installing Ubuntu:Server, u select packages LAMP, Samba"....What does "Virtual Machine Host" software mean?22:53
ghost3 I have a question. im living in the usa and im wanting to use dish network for internet service. the web site says they require windows or mac. does any one know if it will work with ubuntu? I tried google with no help.22:53
cjvannhow do I use google cache22:54
eseven73the forums are always down or extremly slow, time for a new host?22:54
ingwa1Adam_ thanks for the pointer, the linux drivers page provided a shell script but when I run it it said "X Server: unable to detect"22:54
Adam_ingwa1:  what card are you installing again?22:54
brk3hi, my pulseaudio has just started crackling when it worked fine this morning.. what could have happened?22:54
adam-ITran this in the terminal got the same error. vmbuilder vmserver ubuntu --suite=intrepid --flavour=virtual --arch=i386 --mirror= -o --tmpfs=- --ip= --part=/root/vm7/vmbuilder.partition --templates=mytemplates --user=administrator --name=Administrator --pass=howtoforge --addpkg=vim-nox --addpkg=unattended-upgrades --addpkg=acpid --firstboot=boot.sh --mem=256 --hostname=vm722:54
trollhai gays !!22:54
RanyAlbegSlart: Its me again. i need that wget will do the same thing as i go view-> view web page source22:54
=== troll is now known as Boxxy
PSiL0I'm looking for a way or implementation that would make firefox and banshee play nice with each other22:54
brk3is ubuntuforums down?22:54
SlartRanyAlbeg: it does22:54
=== john_ is now known as BillieTheKiddie
The_Rebeldid anyone watch 24 this week?22:54
ingwa1Adam_ It's the Radeon 925022:55
The_Rebelnotice how the FBI uses Windows Vista and not Linux!22:55
PSiL0The answer is in ubuntuforums, but it is down and google cache only brings up the thread that references the one I want22:55
comicinkerghost3: I would refrain from network providers which stick to a certain operating system22:55
Slart!ot | The_Rebel22:55
ubottuThe_Rebel: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:55
cjvannI want to load Ubuntu on my windows machine, will Ubuntu partition my drive and setup the dual boot for me?22:55
ghost3comicinker its that or direct tv for internet where I live. no cable or dsl here yet.22:55
Jack_Sparrowcjvann, yes22:55
JohnAndersonhello everyone, how do you remove unneeded folders from the Applications menu on the taskbar?22:56
Adam_ingwa1: bad news, looking at the binary ati doc, it appears only the 9500 or higher is supported22:56
cjvannSo just go through the steps and it will be ready when its done22:56
BillieTheKiddiehi, I have no sound with 8.10, can anyone help? I've checked the mixer and it's not muted or smth22:56
zambais it possible to point the special Documents folder to a network share?22:56
z0manJust a thought cjvann, might be wise to defrag your windows partition.22:56
Adam_ingwa1: take a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI22:56
ingwa1Adam_ owch :( I just bought this...dropped $80 for it :((22:57
comicinkerghost3: you should call them and demand for ubuntu/linux support22:57
Jack_Sparrowcjvann, defrag twice and make sure you have plenty of free space after the resize22:57
laggerbearany idea what to do for :  Cannot Unmount volume .You r not privileged to unmount the volume . Detail:only root can unmount /dev/scd0 from /media/cdrom022:57
RanyAlbegSlart: no . when i do view->view web page source it prints the current html source. when i do wget "address" it generates a new html file contains different thing.22:57
RanyAlbegalso html but different22:57
Adam_ingwa1: it says you already have working 2D, and may be able to have accelerated 3D22:57
ghost3comicinker ill try that and see what I can get.22:57
cjvannI gots 150GB free22:57
z0manOR cjvann22:57
z0manU could start splitting your partition up manually22:57
cjvannI going to try the 64bit version22:58
BillieTheKiddiehi, I have no sound with 8.10, can anyone help? I've checked the mixer and it's not muted or smth22:58
kantlivelongcan anyone help me w/ a sound issue?22:58
klarbarsound drivers22:58
ingwa1Adam_ I'll read through the page you gave me...thanks :) I'll let you know what happens.22:58
z0man64bit :/ it can get by some things, yet I feel they are slow there.22:58
comicinkerlaggerbear: are you working on a terminal or in the gui?22:58
eseven73z0man: or U could just type out the rest of the two letters to spell 'you' ;)22:58
whoopwhat the hell is up with the ubuntu forums?22:58
BillieTheKiddieklarbar, where can I get them?22:58
Adam_ingwa1: cool, try some of the suggestions below22:58
SlartRanyAlbeg: ok, try this... I'll pick a swedish site for testing.. sunet is the swedish university network.. run this in a terminal "wget www.sunet.se -O source.html && gedit source.html", go the http://www.sunet.se in firefox, look at the source code..22:58
ikoniawhoop: join #ubuntuforums22:58
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SlartRanyAlbeg: on my computer they look the same22:59
BoxxyI installed Ubuntu today22:59
cjvannzoman, so I need to defrag twice and then load Ubuntu and it will partition and move windows data over and load Ubuntu on the other half?22:59
Boxxyit's really hard !!22:59
z0manUse "GPart"22:59
ScottGI'm having trouble connecting to my colleges wifi while im using ubuntu on my laptop. I went there and the tech support guy gave me the XP guide to use since it explains what kind of authentication and encription to use. So I set up a custom network but it still won't connect. The only thing I see that the guide explains to use but I can't designate is that it asks to use AES for the Data Encription. There isn't anywhere to designate the type of encription22:59
ScottGin the wireless configureation though. Any help?22:59
Boxxymy mp3's don't work22:59
Boxxyand my movies either22:59
z0manGPart will split the drive.22:59
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:59
ikoniaScottG: your card's linux "driver" may not support it22:59
z0manI'll answer that question u asked...23:00
ikoniaScottG: just a thought23:00
PSiL0!mp3 | Boxxy23:00
ubottuBoxxy: please see above23:00
Adam_ScottG: Do you see your college network listed?23:00
DasEIBoxxy: instal vlc and see :23:00
cjvanndoes Ubuntu utilize dual cores?23:00
Slartcjvann: yes23:00
z0manTechnically ya23:00
ikoniacjvann: yes23:00
R0b0t1For some reason my Ubuntu had to start in limited graphics mode, while it had usually worked normally. The only thing I might connect this to is my installation of a MacBook fix to fix the Fn key (I misread the article, I am actually on an iMac, there is no Fn key). Anyhow, possible fixes?23:00
DasEIcjvann: yes23:00
z0manlol on the amount of "yeses" :P23:00
Slartgood evening, ikonia23:00
ScottGikonia: I originally was able to connect to the schools wireless network when I had Vista installed on my laptop and I followed the instructions23:00
ikoniaScottG: ye, but your not using vista now,23:01
ScottGAdam_: Yes I do see them listed.23:01
cjvannSo you guys are 100% sure that Ubuntu will partition my drive with windows already on it and load to the other half without losing my windows?23:01
NomexousR0b0t1: Did you try the xfix option when you boot in recovery mode?23:01
ScottGikonia: Well I know my card supports AES23:01
ikoniaScottG: as I said the linux module for your card may not support the encyption level you need, that does happen23:01
ikoniaScottG: I didn't say your card23:01
ikoniaScottG: I said your linux "driver" for it23:01
ScottGikonia: Is there a way I can check into this?23:01
ikoniaScottG: is it a closed source card,23:01
RanyAlbegSlart: i forgot to bound the address with " ".23:01
RanyAlbegSlart: thanks alot23:01
R0b0t1Nomexous: There was no recovery mode... There was this thing that let me view logs, etc, but I must've missed the option if that was it.23:01
Jack_Sparrowcjvann, There are never guarantees while working at the partition level.. Have a backup of anything you cant afford to lose23:01
ScottGikonia: Not sure. Its a dell card. Let me paste the type of card I have.23:01
Slartcjvann: noone can be 100% sure.. I've seen it not work on rare occasions.. but I would use it on my own computer.. always do backups first23:02
ikoniaScottG: no such thing as a dell card, it must have a chipset on it, dell useually uses broadcom as I recall23:02
SlartRanyAlbeg: you're welcome23:02
NomexousR0b0t1: No, I mean the recovery mode in grub23:02
protocol1there a quick way to screen capture in ubuntu23:02
ScottGikonia: Dell 1510 Wireless-N Card23:02
z0manIF you want to be safe cjvann23:02
ikoniaScottG: need to check the chipset on that card23:02
R0b0t1Er, no, I was never given an option to go there.23:02
Adam_cjvann: i had to use the gparted live cd to 'peel' off a chunk of my mounted partition to install win723:02
ScottGikonia: Yea it is broadcom im fairly sure.23:02
NomexousR0b0t1: GRUB presents a list of kernels to boot from23:02
Slartprotocol1: just a screenshot?23:02
Jack_Sparrowprotocol1, It is already installed under accessories23:02
z0manif you want to play it safe cjvann, use GParted23:02
R0b0t1Nomexous: Yes....?23:02
protocol1im using xubuntu actually23:02
NomexousR0b0t1: There's one that says "(recovery mode)" at the end23:02
R0b0t1I see.23:03
ikoniaScottG: ok, I have seen the problem with some broadcom cards due to them being closed source, not all the functionality works23:03
cjvannis it free too?23:03
ikoniaScottG: that doesn't mean your card won't work, just some cards23:03
z0manburnable to bootable cd too23:03
NomexousR0b0t1: Once you boot up, it should ask what you want to do23:03
Slartprotocol1: check the accessories menu.. isn't there a "Take screenshot" thingy there?23:03
Adam_cjvann: i agree with z0man, burn the gparted iso to a cd and use that23:03
ScottGikonia: So what should I do?23:03
Jack_Sparrowcjvann, I'll third that response gparted livecd23:03
ikoniaScottG: maybe log a request on launchpad to see if the package maintainers know if this card is fully supported23:04
Adam_i have heard that gparted does not play well with NTFS though23:04
Adam_but never expierenced it in person23:04
cjvanngotcha. I'll backup my data, then run gparted and then load Ubuntu23:04
ActionParsnipyo yo yo23:04
Slartyo ActionParsnip23:04
z0manOne more ....ya that it :) NO Backup no sympathy :P23:04
head_fonehello first time user of icr channels and well i found that this may acutaly be helpful. i am interested in the latest edition of ubuntu 8.1.0 i want to know is there any programs like vertual pc that can run ISOs in a vertual envieroment in ubuntu because i like experimenting with everything while in ubuntu23:05
winmutthow can i setup sendmail with auth + ssl23:05
Jack_Sparrowcjvann, Partition Magic inside windows should also work just fine for you23:05
ActionParsnipIn ubuntu (or any OS for any fact) that will simulate a cisco switch and give a CLI interface to some software based virtual switch so I can practice for my CCNA??23:05
cjvannhow much room does Ubuntu need, the other half will have Vista on it which is a hog. I have a 200GB HDD?23:05
ikonia!virtualization > head_fone23:05
ubottuhead_fone, please see my private message23:05
rolleugh i cant find it in the logs23:05
Nomexouswinmutt: VirtualBox23:05
Jack_Sparrowcjvann, free up 20 or 30 gig23:05
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Adam_virtualbox is the shiz, way easier to setup/use than vmware server 223:05
ActionParsnipcjvann: the minimal you'll need for ubuntu is about 3Gb23:05
ScottGikonia: Sorry, I'm not sure what a log request or what launchpad is23:05
head_fonethanks very much that was very helpful23:06
ikonia!launchpad > ScottG23:06
ubottuScottG, please see my private message23:06
Slarthead_fone: try virtualbox23:06
Adam_head_fone: slart is right, VB is the best23:06
z0manMy setup space and still managed to have space is 40gb Ubuntu, 40gb XP23:06
ActionParsnipAdam_: vmware performs better than vbix on dual core cpus23:06
cjvannSo 30 should be more than I could ever use23:06
ActionParsnipcjvann: should be fine23:07
z0manI've almost filled my space cjvann23:07
kitcheAdam_: have to tried xVM server :) that thing is a bit ugly to setup23:07
z0manBut that is fine :)23:07
winmuttnot really waht i am looking for23:07
Adam_ActionParsnip: but it's so bloated and difficult to setup23:07
cjvanndoes itunes work with it?23:07
z0manYou can have the mininum....23:07
Adam_kitche: i agree23:07
ActionParsnipAdam_: ive found it painless23:07
z0manSearch wine application database23:07
z0manBelievably garbabge :/23:07
Adam_ActionParsnip: maybe i had bad documentation, but it was not a good time =(23:07
rollethere was a website i went to that had some simple sudo apt-gets that set up my wifi card (atheros) on 8.1023:07
Foxgguy2001If anyones available or inclined, I'm having an issue having just installed ubuntu onto my external HD, when I boot my system it says Grub hard disk error, and will not boot into my vista os, or ubuntu...and the ubuntu forums are currently down :/23:08
ActionParsnipAdam_: its no way as easy as vbox though23:08
z0manThe alternative to itunes is, "Songbirg"23:08
z0manThe alternative to itunes is, "Songbird"23:08
cjvanncan I use Office 2008 with it?23:08
poontHi, I am trying to install R statistics package using the synaptic package manager but having downloaded and installed R-base and a load of other ones I am unable to find it on my laptop. Anyone know anything about installing it on Ubuntu?23:08
ActionParsnip!grub | Foxgguy200123:08
ubottuFoxgguy2001: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto23:08
Adam_ActionParsnip: lol i had netbook remix, xp and win7 up and running in 20 minutes on VB23:08
ActionParsnipcjvann: check wine23:08
ActionParsnip!winedb | cjvann23:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about winedb23:08
Adam_ActionParsnip: well minus the installation time.23:08
Jack_Sparrowcjvann, I doubt it23:08
R0b0t1OK, who was helping me before? Anyhow, for some reason I had booted into the "Server" kernel. Any way to remove it, perhaps?23:08
SmokeyDHey people. Is there a way in views to group the displayed fields/nodes according to a variable (parent taxonomy for instance)?23:08
SmokeyDwrong channel23:08
ActionParsnip!appdb | cjvann23:08
ubottucjvann: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help23:08
cjvannwhat does wine do?23:08
FloodBot2SmokeyD: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:08
SmokeyDSorry FloodBot2 I just type fast23:09
z0manRemember cjvann, that open source is sometimes a little behind but gets there in the end :)23:09
carlinhoshello, guys!23:09
Jack_SparrowSmokeyD, Please stop23:09
z0manWine u install and u can install microsoft software.23:09
Adam_heh, open source always gets it, in the end23:10
ScottGikonia: ok thanks im looking into it23:10
cjvannthat cool guys. I'm in college taking a Unix class I want to get Linux on my laptop23:10
carlinhostem alguem do brasil aqui?23:10
rollethere was a website i went to that had some simple sudo apt-gets that set up my wifi card (atheros) on 8.1023:10
carlinhostem algum canal brasileiro pro ubuntu?23:10
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.23:10
[Muel]EliotIs there any ways to connect an ipod touch and transfer music to in from ubuntu?23:11
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod23:11
cjvannthanks for all the help! Maybe I'll see you on here tomorrow and I'll let you know how it went23:11
rolle[Muel]Eliot i think it depends on your firmare23:11
odoyleruleshttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-trident/+bug/162312 ----> this is the brick wall that skews my linux experience is there any other way to do screen rotation23:11
[Muel]Eliotrolle, thanks ill check it out23:11
Jack_Sparrowodoylerules, Please lose the extra ??  and the easiest is to get a better video card/hardware23:12
rolleeliot:  i think you need to connect to it via wifi23:12
workingchairHey, guys.  I'm using XChat on ubuntu and every other time I try to connect to the FreeNode server it says my nickname is already in use.  Is this because somehow I didn't "logout" from my past session or something?23:12
rollei got a wifi touch in dec but i don't feel like goin through the hoops23:12
[Muel]Eliotrolle, yes, thanks...lucky me its already jail broke :P23:12
odoylerules<Jack_Sparrow> odoylerules, Please lose the extra ??  and the easiest is to get a better video card/hardware ---------------> its a tablet pc23:12
Jack_Sparrowworkingchair, Are you registered with that nick.. there are ghosts which you can kill if it was you23:13
eseven73workingchair: i think you have to do /msg nickserv GHOST <password goes here>23:13
rollevery nice eliot :)  i'm too worried to jailbreak it yet23:13
odoylerulesanybody here know what to do?23:13
Adam_how old is that bug odoyle?23:13
portzHey guys, what's going on? I'm having a bit of trouble with my install of ubuntu on a new system.23:14
dreamyActionParsnip: hi there.. nice to c u agayn.. u there ?23:14
rolleportz: what's the problem?23:14
Jack_Sparrowportz, Whats the issue23:14
eseven73!u | dreamy23:14
ubottudreamy: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officer, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..23:14
workingchairJack_Sparrow, I have registered that nickname.  What does GHOST do?  it just lets the nickserv know that I AM that screenname?23:14
Adam_you must be adamcrume23:14
odoylerulesseems nobody fixed it since there are posts there from 200823:14
z0mancjvann :)23:14
BotLobstaso i just reinstalled ubuntu and now im getting this weird error message saying '/bin/sh: bad interpreter: Permission denied'. Any ideas as to what it is?23:14
ActionParsnipdreamy: aye23:14
rolleand are you trying to dual boot or just install on the entire harddrive?23:15
Jack_Sparrowworkingchair, Read up on freenode / irc and ghost nicks and how to kill them23:15
dr_willisBotLobsta,  weird error where exactly?23:15
dreamyokey ill type the whole letters23:15
workingchairwill do, thanks23:15
kinja-sheepworkingchair:  When your nicknick becomes frozen, it's called a ghost.23:15
eseven73workingchair: i think you have to do /msg nickserv GHOST <password goes here>23:15
portzI just put 8.10 Ibex on a new SSD. I went to update it, and when I rebooted, my monitor couldn't display.23:15
odoyleruleswhere can I download lycoris23:15
BotLobstadr_willis, whenever I try to run any bash script in the terminal23:15
dreamyActionParsnip: can i ask for the huge favor.. of having the apt command that turns my ubuntu to ubuntu studio ? i lost it :S sorry..23:16
odoylerulesthat seems to be the only linux os that will work with rotation23:16
BotLobstaor rather any script, not necessarily bash23:16
rolleportz: how did you install it?23:16
Jack_Sparrowportz, what video card.. and does ctrl-alt F2 get you a cli23:16
dr_willisBotLobsta,  what text editor did you use to make the bash script? Last i saw an issue like that was when i used notepad.exe to make them, or some other way that they got 'altered' and had extra  cr/lf characters at the end of each line23:16
portzLive CD to disk23:16
ActionParsnipdreamy: you'll still have ubuntu, just with some / all studio packages installed23:16
portzAnd my graphics card is an onborad Geforce 710023:16
portzEDIT: onboard23:17
=== jordan is now known as Jordan_U
ActionParsnipdreamy: apt-cache search ubuntustudio23:17
dreamyActionParsnip: okey23:17
BotLobstadr_willis, i downloaded the latest nightly firefox and was trying to run that script.  i didnt make it23:17
rollei assume a desktop?23:17
dr_willisBotLobsta,  You said it affects every script> Even ones you make? Could be the download is goofed up.23:17
BotLobstadr_willis, i tried to make a simple one as well in vim that just echoed something and it didnt work either23:18
=== jgoguen is now known as LinuxFredBot
=== LinuxFredBot is now known as jgoguen
BunnyAnyone able to help me get my comp to connect to the net?23:18
dr_willisBotLobsta,  you are not  storeing these on a ntfs/vfat filesystem are you?23:18
rollewhat card bunny23:18
BotLobstadr_willis, nope, theyre all in my /home directory which is its own ext3 partition23:19
rolleportz: i don't know your answer i'm just a noob--but just double check your connections and such i can only say23:19
BunnyOnboard ethernet, matsonic mainboard23:19
ActionParsnipBunny: run lspci and you will see all hardware, websearch for the hardware you wish to configure23:19
JohnAndersonBunny is it a cable modem, dsl or what?23:20
BunnyCable modem23:20
dreamyActionParsnip: i typed that.. i goten a result with alot of packages.. (should i change to another command that proceeds to install ) ?23:20
dr_willisBotLobsta,  try changing the first #! line to #!/bin/bash perhaps  -   also try an editor like fte or geany or one that can show CR/LF/Extra white space characters    Im not sure if VIM can do that or not.23:20
portzrolle: I've unplugged everything, replugged. Tried starting in gnome. Tried to enter GRUB, but my mobo doesn't let me use my keyboard when that option shows, for some reason23:20
ActionParsnipdreamy: install whichever you need23:20
JohnAndersonBunny so it doesnt require any authentification?23:21
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JohnAndersonusually cable connections are automatically detected and setup in ubuntu..23:21
wepeelHi everyone. How do I set up permissions so that another user on a machine can access (read/execute) files in a folder in my home directory?23:21
JohnAndersonmight try resetting your modem23:21
JohnAndersonand seeing if that helps..23:21
dreamyActionParsnip:  replacing "search" by "install" i guess23:22
BunnyI'm not even sure it's seeing the ethernet card. It says it's a SiS9000 PCI Fast Ethernet card23:22
ActionParsnipdreamy: sudo apt-get install <something>23:22
dreamyActionParsnip: cool23:22
BotLobstadr_willis, i think i found it.  /home was mounted with the user option which implies noexec23:22
qcjnwhat is the command to see all disk that are connected23:22
portzForgot to mention: I just installed all updates from the update manager. And enabled the Geforce 177 restricted driver23:22
qcjnexcuse me , hi :)23:22
dr_willisBotLobsta,  that could be it. :)23:23
IkanCan someone assist me with the installation of ubuntu?23:23
BunnyI do have a router on the system, but it's not even letting me see it.23:23
gnutronqcjn: df -h23:23
dr_willisBotLobsta,  but ive never noticed user, implying noexec. but then again. i dont use user option much.23:23
JohnAndersontry what ActionParsnip said, bunny.. you can also try turning the power of your modem off for ten secs, reconnecting and seering if that helps23:23
qcjnhi, gnutron ...thanks23:23
gnutronqcjn: welcome bonjour23:24
BotLobstadr_willis, ive never noticed that either.  but i read that it does. so im going to try to remount it without it23:24
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:24
qcjngnutron: merci !23:24
IkanCan someone help me figure something out with the ubuntu installation?23:24
watyes ikan?23:25
portzAm I just going to have to reinstall, and not enable graphics drivers?23:25
ActionParsnipbunny, is it not a sis900?23:25
qcjngnutron: if it's not mounted, it doesn't see it..23:25
qcjngnutron: i need the one that sees event not mounted ?23:26
qcjngnutron: because ubuntu doesn't see my mp3 player23:26
gnutronqcjn: sudo fdisk -l23:26
Jack_Sparrowportz, it will work, just needs some adjustment23:26
qcjngnutron: ok23:27
portzJack: I'm open to suggestions23:27
IkanI'm trying to dual-boot Vista and Ubuntu, but when I get to the option for preparing disk space it shows -Before: /dev/sda1 0%, /dev/sda2 10%, /dev/sda3 69%, /dev/sda4 1%, Free Space 18% ---- After: Ubuntu 8.1 100%23:27
Jack_Sparrowportz, May we take this to pm23:27
dreamyActionParsnip: what about a command to isntall them all ? possible ?23:27
ActionParsnipBunny: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-hardware-18/sis900-pci-ethernet-wont-connect-to-network-617944/23:27
portzJack: Absolutely23:27
ActionParsnipdreamy: sudo apt-get install ubuntustudio*23:27
watikan are you using custom installation or what?23:27
dreamyActionParsnip: tryng not to be too boring here .. :)23:27
Jonny0starsMore of Gnome question really but how can i store a wifi password rather than it asking every session i start23:27
dreamyActionParsnip: great . thanks23:28
ActionParsnipdreamy: its cool man23:28
watselect the automatic and there is a slider that lets you configure the size for your vista/ubuntu partition23:28
watbut select the dual boot option!23:28
ActionParsnipBunny: theres a driver on www.sis.com23:28
Ikanthere isn't a slider though23:28
wathmm, can you screenshot your installation window?23:28
IkanThe only options I have are-23:28
gilothodd question maybe but can someone tell me how i can get xchat-gnome to show a list of all the users in the channel?23:29
kdoggHello, When I put the 64 bit install disc in, and select install, the loading screen comes up then the progress bar will stop moving until I press a button. if I keep pressing buttons it makes it to the install dialogue, but I am scared to install with that problem.23:29
IkanGuided - use entire disk, SCSl1 (0,0,0) (sda) - 320.1GB ATA WDC, Manual23:29
IkanI'll see if I can23:29
kdogggiloth, you can enable that in preferences23:29
watthanks ikan23:29
dr_williskdogg,  try hitting the esc/f1/f2 keys to see if you can get to the text/error message window  perhaps?23:29
ActionParsnipBunny: as far as i can see it works out of the box, just needs some config23:29
wata screenshot would make my help a lot better23:30
kdoggdr_willis, i will give that a try, bbiaf23:30
gilothkdogg: you say its in prefs but i don't see that option anywhere o_O23:30
Ranakahhow can i check distribution name in terminal?23:30
kdogggiloth one sec ill find it23:31
giloththanks :)23:31
IkanI don't know how I'd be able to give you the screenshot, I can't get wireless with my system when I'm installing it23:31
Ikanor wired23:31
Decepticonwhats the rsync command so that it loks at dir X on pc_A and compares to dir_Y on pc_B, ifthere are files in dir_X on pc_A that do not exist on dir_Y on pc_B, to upload such files to dir_Y on pc_B and then delete these files on dir_X on pc_A23:31
Commie_CaryI think I messed up my /home partition, all of my permitions in my home partition have been changed to user "1000" how do I fix this?23:31
watikan, are you on the internet on the box you are installing ubuntu on23:31
IkanNo I am not23:31
watdo you have a flash drive23:31
wator an equivalent23:32
wator a camera23:32
IkanI have an SD card23:32
ScuniziCommie_Cary: if you are the only user on the system then 1000 is typically what your user id is.23:32
dr_willisCommie_Cary,  normally your first user is user '1000' thats his uie.23:32
\Kirahow can I tell how many packages need upgrading from the command line?23:32
Bunny_Still no good. I've reset the modem, the router, and the computer and it still isn't recognizing any connection23:32
dr_willisCommie_Cary,  uid. If you use other disrtos to access/make/share the Home/username dir. that may not be the case. and the permissions maybe incorrect23:32
watIkan take the screenshot, and put it on the sd card, plug the sd card into your computer with internet and upload the screenshot23:32
kdogggiloth. under View>show user list23:32
Scunizi\Kira: man apt23:32
ActionParsnipCommie_Cary: sudo chmod -R 755 ~/; sudo chown -R <yourusername>:<yourusername> ~/23:33
Commie_Carydr_willis: Scunizi: no It was organily my user(cary) but it changed for some odd reason23:33
kdogggiloth or ctrl+f723:33
Decepticonwhats the rsync command so that it looks at dir X on pc_A and compares to dir_Y on pc_B, if there are files in dir_X on pc_A that do not exist on dir_Y on pc_B, to upload such files to dir_Y on pc_B and then delete these files on dir_X on pc_A and disconnect?23:33
JohnAndersonthen u need to setup the ethernet card in the settings, bunny. u **might** need to download some drivers for it as well.. though i doubt it.23:33
qcjnok, i see it. to mount it , i have to make the directory first ? mkdir /media/nextar ? right ?23:33
gilothkdogg: i don't have that option... i'm not using xchat but xchat-gnome - ctrl-f7 doesn't work either23:33
Ikanwat, It's not recognizing it when I put in the SD card23:33
Ikanshould I just make you a drawing?23:33
ScottGHuh, i just randomly noticed that by default ubuntu doesnt let me "capture video from TV or webcams" in my user priviges by default...23:33
kdogggiloth, xchat-gnome Su$%^23:33
watikan no haha, it should recognize though23:33
kdogggiloth, any particular reason for using it?23:34
watdo you have a camera23:34
Bunny_I figured the ethernet card might need to be configured but I'm not exactly sure how to do that23:34
gilothnah not really are they that different?23:34
IkanI have a phone camera,  but the quality is very shoddy23:34
ActionParsnipBunny_: i gave you a link23:34
kdogggiloth, chat is way better23:34
watikan try the phone camera at least23:34
IkanI don't know if you'll be able to get the information you need23:34
gilothkk i'll get that :)23:34
kdogggiloth, sorry xchat*23:34
watand did the sd card recgonize yet?23:34
IkanI'll try that then23:34
Bunny_Sorry I must have missed it ActionParsnip23:34
giloththanks again23:34
IkanIt didn't recognize the SD23:34
ActionParsnipBunny_: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-hardware-18/sis900-pci-ethernet-wont-connect-to-network-617944/23:34
watikan just try the phone camera then23:35
ActionParsnipIkan: does it show up in: sudo fdisk -l23:35
Bunny_Thanks I'll give that a look23:35
Decepticonwhats the rsync command so that it looks at dir X on pc_A and compares to dir_Y on pc_B, if there are files in dir_X on pc_A that do not exist on dir_Y on pc_B, to upload such files to dir_Y on pc_B and then delete these files on dir_X on pc_A and disconnect?23:35
AceBlade258My computer won't boot while i have my SATA drives connected23:35
hyperspaceanyone with a dell mini9 here? having problems connecting to WPA2 Personal wireless network...23:35
JohnAndersonnow i have have an ubuntu question23:35
ScuniziAceBlade258: what happens.. and is this on a live cd or an actual install?23:35
JohnAndersonhow do i make it so i dont have to login everytime my comp starts up?23:36
JohnAndersonis it possible?23:36
crfHi, I tried creating a class in CUPS. And I tried printing a test document. And it says "pending". I'm not sure why it is not printing. Can anyone help please?23:36
ActionParsnipAceBlade258: check your bios settings for bootable devices, its offtopic for this channel23:36
watcrf what kind of printer?23:36
ActionParsnipAceBlade258: unless its grub with the issue23:36
koshar1Decepticon try this rsync -r --del -u /bigmutha/music /removable --progress23:36
AceBlade258Scunizi: Both, i currently am talking to you from installed on a ~old PATA drive23:36
ScuniziActionParsnip: diagnosis isn't.. he might need pci=nomsi in the kernel line like I do..23:36
crfwat, it is a samsung. When I just use cups (without a class) it prints23:36
ScuniziAceBlade258: is this a newer motherboard.. nvidia chipset?23:37
watbut are the settings saved if you dont use a class crf?23:37
qcjnsudo fdisk -l sees the disk, but not it's format ????23:37
AceBlade258yes NF4 Ultra23:37
lanasehi all i need some help . i have installed ubuntu 8.08 on my system and after installing the ATI driver i lost all sound . can anyone help me ?23:37
AceBlade258i can get the drive's to mount hot in linux23:37
lanase8.04 aory23:37
IkanIf you need help deciphering the photo, I'll tell you what it says wat23:37
crfwat, yes.23:38
Real_Ubothyperspace: I had problem connect to wireless Internet with my Acer Aspire One. I solved the problem by downloading a new kernel for Acer Aspire One. But another time when I used Ubuntu 8.10 it worked out of the box. Strange it didn't work in a new installation though. But as I said, I installed a special kernel made for AA1 and then it bagan to work again.23:38
Gaming4JClanase: wow that's an old version23:38
watcrf why do you need cups exactly?23:38
ScuniziAceBlade258: you might be suffering the same issue I did on my recent build on an AMD gforce 8200.. were you able to install with the live cd or did you have to use the alternate?23:38
AceBlade258with a little trouble23:38
lanaseim having problem with 8.1023:38
crfwat, in order to print from a network23:38
watoh =/23:38
hyperspaceReal_Ubot: thanks... updating packages from dell repo atm... just pulled it out of box23:38
crf(wat, another computer on the network)23:38
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows23:38
koshar1JohnAnderson admin>loginwindow>security23:38
AceBlade258i just ended up unpluging the sata drives and installing23:39
crfthanks regeya23:39
Jonny0starsHow can i set it to store the wifi password and quit prompting me everytime i login23:39
crfregeya, I will look23:39
Decepticonkoshar1 ill try23:39
lanasehow can i know what is the problem with the sound ?23:39
regeyaif you use osx, that uses cups as well23:39
Jonny0starsits very annoying having to type a 10 digit passphrase everything i want to join my wireless network23:39
ScuniziAceBlade258: the way I fixed it was to add pci=nomsi at the end of the kernel line.  does that make sense to you or are you not familure with linux at all.23:40
watlanase go to the programs drop down menu and click on add/remove programs, when that opens in the search bar search for sound23:40
IkanThe picture came out quite well, actually.23:40
Ikanwat, http://i41.tinypic.com/2kq7pg.jpg23:40
AceBlade258i know a bit about linux, but if you could guide me through that would help (that's one of the many thing i don't know)23:40
ScuniziAceBlade258: hang on and I'll get the reference for the file we need to open and add to.23:41
Decepticonkoshar1 what about rsync -ravz --del -u /home/bizinichi/public_html/Media/ decepticon@decepticon.rlogin.org:/home/decepticon/public_html/media/tazeat/ >>/home/bizinichi/rsync.log 2>&123:41
watwow the installer looks different with 8.1023:41
lanasewat : what do i need to install ?23:41
watikan when you click forward with guided:use entire disk what do you see? and same for manual. on that screen can you slide anything on those bars, and same question with the next screen23:42
watlanase im not on ubuntu im not sure =/, do you see anything check marked23:42
Bunny_I think I messed with too much, so I'm going to wipe and start over again23:42
roeis there a table tracking the system requirements over time?23:43
lanasewat: my problem is after i installed the ATI drivers i lost the sound23:43
watikan dont worry about pressing forward there will be a "make sure everything is correct" menu before installing the operating system23:43
watlanase you tried restarting?23:43
lanasewat: yep23:43
Ikanwat, when I pick guided it says "Ubuntu 8.10 100%" when I pick manual it says "Manual 100%"23:43
wati dont know im not on ubuntu23:43
lanasewat: ok thanks23:44
watikan try clicking forward and going to the next menu for each option23:44
IkanThere are no bars for me to slide anything with wat23:44
[TiZ]So, my ntfs data partition apparently has some bad sectors on it, so GParted won't detect any important information about it. I just deleted windows, so I can't chkdisk it. What should I do next?23:44
lanasecan any one help me find what is the problem with my sound ?23:44
ScuniziAceBlade258: Ok.. go to terminal and gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst .. then in this line add the last bit I mentioned before... save.. shutdown.. attach drive .. reboot and see if it works.. you could also delete "quiet splash" so on boot you can watch the errors.  kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-9-generic root=UUID=744dc156-ab29-48f4-86a2-8042d1dcfc13 ro quiet splash pci=nomsi23:44
AceBlade258lanase: what kind of soundcard or chipset is it?23:44
phunyguyhello there!23:45
phunyguyi seem to have lost my permissions23:45
phunyguycan anyone help me?23:45
IkanWhen I do guided - entire disk, it's going to format it it ask for my information; with manual I see /dev/sda1 - /dev/sda4 with their types and size23:45
lanaseAceBlade258: Realtek ALC88323:45
phunyguysomehow i lost everything including sudo.  i figured out how to get that back23:45
ActionParsnipphunyguy: what files have you lost permissions on?23:45
phunyguynot really files23:45
crfregeya, thanks for the link. It helped. I had to add a particular printer to the class. What I needed to do was easily visible within system config printer.23:45
lanaseAceBlade258 : on board23:45
phunyguymore like i fell out of a group23:45
watikan can you take a picture of both menus please?23:45
koshar1Decepticon dunno, the line i suggessted was one i worked out about 2 years aga23:46
watif its not too much work23:46
phunyguyI ran some updates, and then had no permission to access the cdrom, etc.23:46
ActionParsnipphunyguy: then add yourself to the group agani23:46
phunyguyi got sudo back...23:46
watalso i have been in that situation and restarting the computer then trying the installation again has worked23:46
ryanakcaHow can a test if a device is mounted in a shell script? I can test if a block device exists... would I need to grep the output of mount -l ?23:46
phunyguyi dont know which group\23:46
phunyguythats the thing23:46
phunyguyi ran sudo users-admin, and everything is grayed out23:46
ActionParsnipphunyguy: add yourself to the cdrom group23:46
phunyguyi did,23:46
phunyguysomething is hosed up bad23:47
ActionParsnipphunyguy: did you log off and on?23:47
phunyguyits been like this for weeks23:47
phunyguygot tired of running everything as sudo then running around fixing file permissions23:47
[TiZ]I need to use Windows' chkdisk, but I just deleted my windows partition. Is there a copy of it on the Windows XP install cd? Can I use it somehow?23:47
kdoggdr_willis, I tried hitting esc, f1, and f2 right after the progress bar stops moving and it just makes the progress bar move about a quarter inch each time, so like I said earlier, if i were to keep hitting the esc key, or any other key repeatedly, it will continu loading. Its as if the cpu will only function if a key is being pressed23:47
ActionParsnipphunyguy: you dont have to run everything as sudo, only when you need it23:47
[TiZ]Oh crap, never mind. This is offtopic.23:47
AceBlade258lanase: and what's happening23:48
ScuniziAceBlade258: just curious.. did you catch my post above?23:48
AceBlade258Scunizi: ahh, which line is the kernel line?23:48
lanaseAceBlade258: after installing the ATI video card drivers i lost the sound23:48
ActionParsnipphunyguy: which is probably why you are in this mess23:48
ScuniziAceBlade258: the one that says "kernel"23:48
AceBlade258Scunizi: oh... duh23:49
ScuniziAceBlade258: never got around to trying this but there was another suggestion I found to change SATA to ahci.. but not sure where to do that.23:49
AceBlade258lanase: go to terminal and type in sudo lspci23:50
grizlo42hey i have a ati radeon 3650hd, but i am having problems with compiz and opengl23:50
grizlo42any way to fix this?23:50
AceBlade258Scunizi: i read that too onling but couldnt figure it out23:50
ScuniziAceBlade258: I think it's done in the bios.23:50
Decepticonkoshar1 i tried it but it does not delete the file on the dir+X on pc_A23:50
lanaseAceBlade258 : ok , what are we looking for in there ?23:50
AceBlade258i'll check on reboot23:50
ActionParsnipphunyguy: try: sudo umount /media/cdrom0; sudo chmod 755 /media/cdrom023:50
Ikanwat, if I choose guided - entire disk this is the next menu23:51
AceBlade258is your card listed23:51
Decepticonkoshar1: are you there. i did rsync -ravz --del -u /home/bizinichi/public_html/media/ decepticon@decepticon.rlogin.org:/home/decepticon/public_html/media/tazeat/ --progress ..... but it does not delete the file from local hdd after transfering23:51
Ikanif I choose manual wat, this is my next menu http://i43.tinypic.com/357kp3s.jpg23:51
AceBlade258pastbin the results23:51
IkanI would want to install it on /dev/sda423:51
ScuniziAceBlade258: what video card do you have .. seperate? or onboard.. and must be nvidia?  if it's the 8000 series or higher the latest nvidia driver off their site really helps screen writes.23:51
lanasesudo lspci |grep Audio23:51
ActionParsnipphunyguy: also run: "ls -laFh /media/cdrom0" (without "s and make sure its owned by root root23:52
AceBlade2588800 GTS offboard, latest being 177 ?23:52
lanase00:14.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia23:52
lanase01:05.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon X1200 Series Audio Controller23:52
ScuniziAceBlade258: nope.. latest being 180.xx23:52
watikan ive never seen that before O_o, this is different than the 8.04 installer23:52
IkanIt's 8.1023:52
watsorry never used 8.10 =/23:53
grizlo42is there a compiz/opengl problem in 64 bit too, or is it just 32?23:53
wattry restarting the computer and the installation =/23:53
Ikanand because it says manual 100% i'm afraid to try and install23:53
AceBlade258oh, i should go get that23:53
koshar1Decepticon that command deletes the file that is redundant on the backup not the cource, i misunderstood your requirements23:53
ActionParsnip!intrepid | wat23:53
IkanThe same thing shows up :x23:53
ubottuwat: Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) is the current release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ - Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/81023:53
ScuniziAceBlade258: 177 is pretty horrible.. 173 worked better for lots of cards.. my 8200 is still slow but functional on the new driver.. It was like running through mollassis with the 173 & 17723:53
Decepticonwhats the rsync command so that it looks at dir X on pc_A and compares to dir_Y on pc_B, if there are files in dir_X on pc_A that do not exist on dir_Y on pc_B, to upload such files to dir_Y on pc_B and then delete these files on dir_X on pc_A and disconnect? right now i am using rsync -ravz --del -u /home/bizinichi/public_html/media/ decepticon@decepticon.rlogin.org:/home/decepticon/public_html/media/tazeat/ --progress ....... but it does not d23:53
wathomework g2g23:53
lanaseAceBlade258: did you see the 2 line that i get from lspci | grep Audio ?23:53
Decepticoner local file23:54
Decepticonnot local hdd23:54
Decepticonkoshar1: oh23:54
AceBlade258no, i don't see them posted23:54
=== FRiEd|BnC is now known as FriedCPU
ScuniziAceBlade258: scroll up and you'll see them23:54
lanase00:14.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia23:54
lanase01:05.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon X1200 Series Audio Controller23:54
Scunizior look now :)23:54
ubuntui need help im trying to delete partitions on my drive..........gparted says that the drive is mounted but konsole says it isnt23:55
Decepticonkoshar1: how to modify it then?23:55
Scuniziubuntu: use gparted to unmount it then23:55
AceBlade258umm... is your video pci express?23:55
ubuntui dont have that option Scunizi23:55
ActionParsnipubuntu: run mount to see where its mounted, then run: sudo umount /mount/point23:56
lanaseAceBlade258: its a extension card of my board asus m2a-vm hdmi23:56
Scuniziubuntu: you can "sudo umount /media/<drive>" or "sudo umount /dev/<drive>"23:56
ubuntuiit says that its not mounted23:56
burkmatCrontab looks like this: "* * * * *     mplayer /wakeup.mp3", cron is running, wakeup.mp3 has chmod 777. Why is this not working?23:57
JohnAndersonokay got another question23:57
CanonEOSis there a way to uncheck the kernel upgrade and not have it show up again23:57
workingchairhow did you score the name ubuntu on this server?  haha23:57
JohnAndersonhow do i make certain programs run on startup23:57
ubuntui didnt score anything the live cd gives it to u23:57
Decepticonburkmat: maybe full path to mplayer is needed23:57
JohnAndersonfor example when the comp starts .... the program 'firefox' would load up automagically23:57
burkmatDecepticon, Good thinking. Will try.23:57
ScuniziJohnAnderson: list the program in System>Admin>service23:58
ubottuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot23:58
Reformer81What application would work well for finding duplicate IMAGE files (regardless of filename/size)?23:58
Decepticonburkmat: that would seem to launch that mplayer mp3 every minute of every day of every weekday of every year23:58
Decepticonburkmat: are you trying to get it to launch on boot23:58
ScuniziJohnAnderson: sorry.. Jack_Sparrow is right.. again.. look at ubottu's links23:58
burkmatDecepticon, I know, just testing with this before I set my real parameters. :)23:58
Decepticonburkmat: theres also something @reboot23:59
Itakuwhats the windows equivilant to rm -rf /(dont try it)23:59
Decepticonburkmat: it takes the place of specifying a time afaik23:59
burkmatDecepticon, I know, just using this for my alarm clock so reboot is a nono. :P I know how all that works, just don't know why it wont play my music.23:59
AceBlade258lanase: that means ubuntu is somhow mixing up PCI and PCI-Ex ports...23:59
Decepticonburkmat: cool23:59
jgoguenItaku: format C:23:59
Reformer81Itaku: format c:23:59

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