=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde === neversfelde is now known as neversfelde_ === neversfelde_ is now known as neversfelde === neversfelde is now known as neversfelde_ === neversfelde_ is now known as neversfelde === bazhang_ is now known as bazhang === antdedyet_ is now known as antdedyet === thekorn_ is now known as thekorn [14:15] @time berlin [14:15] Current time in Europe/Berlin: January 14 2009, 15:15:07 - Next meeting: Foundation Team in 1 hour 44 minutes === ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Foundation Team Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 14 Jan 17:00: QA Team | 15 Jan 00:30: Forum Council | 15 Jan 12:00: Ubuntu Mobile Team | 15 Jan 13:00: Desktop Team | 15 Jan 14:00: Ubuntu Java [15:58] * mvo_ looks around [15:58] * robbiew waves [15:59] #startmeeting [15:59] hi [15:59] Hey folks. [15:59] hmm...Mootbot is broken [16:00] I can pretend to be mootbot [16:00] heh...it's not like this channel isn't logged [16:00] lol [16:00] Agenda is here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FoundationsTeam/Meetings/2009/0114#Agenda [16:00] hi [16:01] waiting on doko, james_w, slangasek, and cjwatson [16:01] * james_w waves [16:01] :) [16:01] hi [16:01] * slangasek waves [16:01] hi [16:02] great...folks are here and I don't have to use mootbot :P [16:02] heh [16:02] first topic is Jaunty Alpha 3 [16:02] how's that going? [16:02] * TheMuso is kind of glad he is working early today, going to be stinking hot... [16:03] silence [16:03] robbiew: I was very restrained and expressly didn't break things today ;) [16:03] I'm going to wait until Friday [16:04] heh...thanks [16:04] one installer glitch (bug 316618) fixed today, which I've asked slangasek to respin for [16:04] Launchpad bug 316618 in apt-setup "jaunty alternate cd media change error" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/316618 [16:04] encrypted home directory support in the desktop installer is broken. On it, but it may end up being a release note. [16:04] I'm holding off a system-cleaner upload until Friday, too; spec for that should be ready, waiting for approval (and package waits for third and last name) [16:04] images grossly oversized due to new OOo Java dependencies [16:04] OOo has us a bit behind schedule, java snuck back into the CD dependencies with the latest upload and that puts us a little oversized [16:04] 90M is a little? :-) [16:05] whoa [16:05] heh [16:05] OUCH! [16:05] the OOo-l10n build should finish in a few hours at which point we should have some right-sized images again [16:05] cjwatson: smaller than a DVD! [16:05] I have a pending upload for update-manager to fix system where nvidia binary drivers got removed during the upgrade [16:05] it's the "taller than Ronnie Corbett" competition - you can be very short and still win [16:05] ah, no - OOo-l10n is already built [16:06] so I'll start respinning the desktop images now and see where we get [16:06] and asac and I debugged a upgrade issue with libnspr today [16:06] so Alpha 3 most likely released sometime Friday evening? [16:06] I had trouble getting the upgrade tester going, kvm in jaunty is not my friend currently [16:06] good news for a3 is that I spent a kind of a skunkworks day doing ext4 support in the installer [16:06] robbiew: still aiming for Thursday evening [16:06] which seems to be popular [16:07] slangasek: ok, thnx [16:07] there are already some images posted and ready for validation [16:07] cjwatson: I bet Ted still didn't change his wiki page? :p [16:07] not last I checked ;-) [16:07] so moving on, I've been steadily adding to the 9.04 status page [16:08] https://wiki.canonical.com/UbuntuPlatform/Foundations/9.04 [16:08] should be complete by tomorrow [16:08] hmm, are the java deps really needed for OOo? [16:08] gives me a single point of tracking status...and a place for others to quickly check [16:09] doko: same as before, I think [16:09] they crept in now because Tuesday was the first day OOo 3 was on the daily builds [16:09] calc uploaded to take them out again [16:10] 1:3.0.1~rc1-2ubuntu3 [16:10] * slangasek nods [16:10] mvo_: (kvm in jaunty has been working fine for me, for the record ...) [16:10] So does openoffice lose much functionality without those deps? [16:11] TheMuso: AIUI, the answer is "no moreso than before" [16:11] slangasek: Right. [16:11] cjwatson: it freeze for me when I do a upgrade test (interpid->jaunty) at random places (amd64 host) [16:11] ugh. (I'm on i386) [16:11] cjwatson: usually after ~45min or so :/ [16:11] though the mailing list suggests it may be a little more than before [16:11] cjwatson: aha, I shall try on a i386 machine [16:12] amd64 here and no issues with kvm thusfar [16:12] OOo certainly isn't full-featured without Java, and people using it substantially are still going to need to be advised to install the openoffice.org metapackage (as before, only maybe just more so) [16:12] evand: hmm, how strnage. do you use virtio? [16:12] but I think it's still at a basic useful level on the CD without Java [16:14] if nothing else, it's nice to let users only have to download 100MB to get a usable OOo instead of 250MB :) [16:14] Agreed. [16:14] mumble, OOo also hasn't finished building on amd64 [16:14] TheMuso: you can't search help without java, so some functionality is lost [16:14] so the current desktop CD build is just a smoketest to see if it sizes right on i386, then [16:15] calc: Right. [16:15] calc: oh, in that case perhaps we should be taking the help packages off the CD instead of breaking the java dep? or is there a useful non-search mode for help? [16:15] mvo_: Possibly. I certainly do not pass such an option to kvm on the command line but the virtio modules are loaded in the VM [16:15] slangasek: i think i may have to take a knife to suitesparse packaging because I have a feeling that demoting lpsolve may break calc [16:16] (also, are upstream unaware that people have implemented 'searching' before in C? :) [16:16] calc: hmm, ok [16:16] slangasek: it appears there is a lib in suitesparse that isn't currently broken out that could be to allow it to work without pulling all of it in [16:16] calc: what are the *additional* bits that require java in 3.0? [16:16] slangasek: upstream wrote Java and needs to justify its existence [16:16] calc: can you file a bug asking for the split, and target it to alpha-4? [16:17] doko: i don't have the specific details but help apparently uses lucene for searching which in turn is a java library [16:17] robbiew: have we derailed sufficiently yet? :) [16:17] slangasek: i will once i can look into what it takes, i will probably end up splitting it in the process myself [16:17] heh...about to jump in ;) [16:18] but always think a healthy discussion is good, too [16:18] so there's a link to the targeted bugs for Jaunty in the Agenda...no need to discuss it. however, I would like to briefly chat about http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ogasawara/jaunty-buglist.html [16:19] mvo and cjwatson look lonely on the Foundations list [16:19] :P [16:20] perhaps I should assign these to the ubuntu-foundations LP team...then we work them from there [16:20] mdz has suggested taking on the 'apport-package' bugs (mostly upgrade bugs) and farming them out, which would flesh it out somewhat [16:20] similar to what Desktop has done [16:20] there are nearly 700 of those in main and restricted [16:20] probably a lot of gardening to be done there [16:21] I can have a look at those [16:21] robbiew: I don't think farming out the existing list will improve matters; personally, I think it would be better to add more to that list that correspond to the expertise of other members of the team [16:21] (but its probably good to have more people looking at them, there are *many* :) [16:21] cjwatson: ok [16:21] i.e. I think the existing ones are basically appropriately assigned [16:22] robbiew, I was looking for instructions about how to deal with bugs for the bug fixing initiative the other day, and tried to get a consensus out of the related discussion on the distro list last year... without much luck :( [16:22] those are pretty much all installer + package manager bugs atm [16:22] exactly [16:22] which is just a reflection of how only me and mvo have been using those tags, I think :) [16:23] 78552 is an interesting bug to have there, the fact that /sbin/update-grub complains is part of a deliberate transition plan by the Debian maintainers [16:23] tags? [16:23] liw: yes, I'll take that as a ToDo [16:23] robbiew, thanks [16:23] so, there are a couple of things that tie into the bug-fixing initiative [16:23] there still seems to be some cloudiness on how we approach this effort [16:23] https://wiki.canonical.com/UbuntuPlatform/QA/BugFixing/TeamBugLists describes the different approaches one might take [16:24] Keybuk: tags defined there ^ [16:24] number 3 on that list is what corresponds to the jaunty-buglist URL robbiew posted above [16:24] i.e. things tagged with qa-jaunty-foundations end up on that list; I've been using that as a way to say "our team ought to be addressing this for jaunty" [16:25] would we add these tags if we were intending to address it? [16:25] or are they for finding bugs nobody's assigned to, and getting someone assigned to them? [16:25] cjwatson, so: add tag to get on that list Leann produces, and assign to a person to get one's name onto the list as well? [16:25] there is a separate notion that came up on distro-team, which is the "I'd love to have some time to fix this ancient crufty bug" thing [16:25] Martin Pitt proposed the "pet-bug" tag for that [16:25] these are confusingly similar notions (IMO), but I think they can be distinguished [16:26] it would be nice if we had a central point to refer to for the bug fix effort...and maybe https://wiki.canonical.com/UbuntuPlatform/QA/BugFixing/TeamBugLists is it [16:26] Keybuk: I would say that if it's something you'd like to fix just because it's been annoying you (wishlist bugs would often fall into this category), then "pet-bug"; if it's something that you think is important and basically it's a disgrace that our team has been slacking at fixing it :-), then "qa-jaunty-foundations" [16:27] regardless of whether that means you or somebody else [16:27] however, things like the "pet-bug" tag aren't documented there...and that's where confusion creeps in [16:27] some of my bugs on that list are mistagged because they predated "pet-bug", but I was planning to solve this by fixing the bugs [16:28] * slangasek grins [16:29] * robbiew will get the "pet-bug" tag stuff added to the TeamBugList page [16:29] moving on to 8.04.2 [16:29] cjwatson: do you have an ETA for the manifest list? [16:30] end of the week [16:30] ok, thanks [16:30] which conveniently coincides with the drop-dead date for updates [16:30] :) [16:31] looking at bugs, I see 33...right? [16:31] milestoned [16:31] so am I to assume that all 33 will be resolved by release? or that some may get bumped [16:31] almost everything on there that's not already 'fix committed' are going to be deferred [16:32] gotcha [16:32] thnx [16:32] then moving on [16:32] reminder for the sponsorship queue :) [16:33] I realize with Alphas, LTS, Distro Sprint coming...can get pushed to the side [16:33] is everyone in the habit of listing their sponsorship activity for the week in their activity report, by now? [16:33] the queue length is quite stable currently, but there are some long standing items that need addressing from what I can see [16:33] it's either no...or just don't have many people doing it [16:33] cjwatson: yes [16:34] heh [16:34] * mvo_ tries to do it [16:34] I usually just list "sponsoring", I can't always be bothered to look up the list [16:34] I only managed one item this week, which I consider a failure [16:34] I do write it down as I go along [16:34] james_w: that's acceptable [16:34] I can always look at the list ;) [16:35] * mvo_ has done only a small number too (at least compared to the sponsoring masters james_w and dholbach :) [16:35] I haven't yet habit-formed checking the sponsoring queue [16:35] ohh...Keybuk is shamed! lol [16:35] I got some in this past week, however I find that by the time I get to it, its usually taken care of, due to the whole time zone thing I think. [16:35] Depends on how early I get to it./ === mvo_ is now known as mvo [16:36] ok, just want folks to keep it in mind during the week...which is why I always bring it up ;) [16:36] TheMuso: but... but... your timezone is earlier :) [16:36] lol [16:37] next topic is the Objectives Guidance [16:37] just want to point out that they are only guidelines...so no need to think yours have to be like them [16:38] I didn't know the PDR tool locks them in stone once submitted and approved [16:38] so it would be better to have self-development style objectives [16:38] versus business/project related ones...as those can change [16:38] oh, was meaning to mention something [16:38] my PDR has gone a bit wibbly [16:39] wibbly??? [16:39] lol [16:39] it seems to think I report to you now [16:39] which is fine [16:39] but it also seems to think lots of people report to me [16:39] oh [16:39] and, well, that seems to upset it a lot [16:39] promotion for me!! [16:39] lol [16:39] Keybuk: talk to bongrad [16:39] yeah [16:41] anyways, if you have business related goals...and they change along the way, don't worry about it [16:41] I would expect common sense to prevail, and not meeting that objective would not count against you [16:41] ;) [16:42] last thing on my list [16:42] EC2! [16:42] :) [16:42] https://wiki.canonical.com/UbuntuPlatform/Foundations/AmazonEC2 [16:42] I've listed the only idea there, on the main list that will be reviewed tomorrow [16:42] anyone else have anything? [16:43] mvo: you had the update testing idea, right? [16:43] robbiew: yes [16:43] james_w had an idea too, I think [16:43] right [16:43] well, it was liw's idea [16:43] robbiew: its a bit cloudy to me still how exactly to do it without using a big amounts of resources on the ec2 [16:43] james_w and mvo: you can directly add to https://wiki.canonical.com/CoP/EngineeringManagement/AmazonEC2 [16:43] mvo: that's ok [16:43] but rebuilds + piuparts + other things [16:44] mvo: just a brainstorm list at the moment [16:44] I would love to have install/remove testing, that kind of basic testing is already pretty helpful [16:44] mvo: could upgrade tests be run every day without too much handholding? [16:44] I'm not sure if it fits the model of EC2, but I've wanted to do automatic installation testing for a while now. [16:44] james_w: absolutely, the thing that run them now is totally non-interactive etc - its just that is uses kvm and not ec2/xen currently [16:45] erm, nevermind [16:45] mvo: cool. With an in-amazon mirror it may not be too expensive. [16:45] james_w: yeah, if that can be done, that would be cool [16:45] fyi - that is being setup [16:45] in-amazon mirror [16:45] aha, nice [16:45] mvo: I like your kvm test-upgrade my machine thing [16:46] then it should indeed be less pain, if the base image can be cached in-amazon too that means even less resource usage [16:46] mvo: would it be possible ro have some of that without massive amounts of bandwidth being needed between me and ec2? [16:46] james_w: thanks :) evand had this idea to make it even more spectacular by using aufs overlay on the real system [16:46] ooh [16:46] james_w: I have a branch and some code, its a bit scary but it seems to be working [16:46] wonderful! [16:46] e.g. upload package list + tarball of /etc/ or something? [16:47] james_w: that is a interessting idea too [16:47] james_w: yeah, that should be doable [16:47] mvo, james_w, evand: make sure to capture this idea here: https://wiki.canonical.com/CoP/EngineeringManagement/AmazonEC2 [16:47] under Foundations [16:47] got it open :-) [16:47] right now, I had a generic "Test Upgrades" line :/ [16:47] sweet [16:47] james_w: thanks [16:48] that's all I got. [16:48] AOB? [16:48] daily packages? [16:48] sure...the POC, right? [16:49] I'd appreciate suggestions for packages that would be good to have dailies of that aren't going to be too temperamental [16:49] I imagine kernel, firefox, OOo would break too often [16:49] I think I mailed a few to Robbie a while back [16:49] james_w: I would love to see compiz here [16:49] I think evolution would be good to have. [16:49] ah, compiz cool. [16:49] cjwatson: hmm...really? [16:49] * robbiew checks [16:50] james_w: Don't the kernel team have their own daily build stuff anyway? [16:50] just trying to find it [16:50] I certainly suggested some constraints that should be applied [16:50] yes...I remember that [16:50] TheMuso: probably, I don't fancy taking that one on [16:51] One could actually be pulseaudio. I was going to do it myself into my PPA, but if we have this daily build spec, then it may be worthwhile doing for that. [16:51] Pulseaudio is in git however. [16:51] there's a project called 'ubuntu-bleedingedge' that started trying to do this, and it would be a useful banner [16:51] it even has some code with an initial proof of concept [16:51] TheMuso: I'll add it to the list, thanks [16:52] thanks cjwatson, I'll check it out [16:52] that project seems moribund at the moment, but could be revived [16:52] lp:~ubuntu-bleedingedge/bleedingedge/trunk and there's a wiki page [16:52] robbiew: Subject: Re: [Fwd: Daily upstream packages (Re: Laptop hotkey support)] [16:53] cjwatson: ah, thnx [16:53] james_w: I'll forward you this mail [16:53] thanks [16:53] as this is Ubuntu-external I'll be starting after feature freeze on it [16:53] cjwatson: found it ;) [16:54] james_w: ok, and you mentioned a spec for this right? Figure we should at least have a documented plan [16:54] yeah, I'll write up a spec, or find an existing one to co-opt [16:55] ok...just shoot me the link in an email [16:55] sure [16:55] anything else? cjwatson: campaign speech for Tech Board? lol [16:55] * cjwatson grins [16:56] did we skip "Good News"? [16:56] that is Good News :) [16:56] liw: on it now [16:56] my good news was ext4 [16:56] ah, yes [16:56] oh, I'm going through the archive reorg videos now and trying to shore up the spec [16:56] my good news for today is that I managed to survive an encounter with a screwdriver [16:56] liw: lol...what? [16:57] I have been a naming fascist and nailed down a single set of nomenclature [16:57] * mvo advices liw to stay away from hardware [16:57] (had to tweak my desktop machines a bit) [16:57] cjwatson: name nazi [16:57] mvo, I try, I try... [16:57] * TheMuso is starting to get the hang of dealing with alsa hda quirks, and maanged to get an Ubuntu originated quirk patch applied upstream, with many more to come hopefully. [16:58] (screw "lobes", I went with "layers") [16:58] bad news, my typing sucks. :p [16:58] cjwatson: yeah...lobes was nasty [16:58] cjwatson, if you run out of English words, I can send you a Finnish dictionary ;) [16:58] and realised that layers are in fact identical to Mark's package sets [16:58] so have been trying to make the spec reflect that [16:59] #endmeeting ....for Keybuck-bot :P [16:59] I thought it was "cells" [17:00] ohwell :) [17:00] thanks [17:00] * mvo likes cells [17:00] thanks all [17:00] thanks! [17:00] thanks [17:00] thanks [17:00] * Keybuk likes pies [17:00] lol [17:00] thanks all === ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: QA Team Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 15 Jan 00:30: Forum Council | 15 Jan 12:00: Ubuntu Mobile Team | 15 Jan 13:00: Desktop Team | 15 Jan 14:00: Ubuntu Java [17:00] * TheMuso goes and syncs ubunt and studio isos. [17:02] * heno waves [17:02] * ara waves [17:02] hey [17:02] * ogasawara waves [17:02] hello [17:02] * sbeattie disappears for a second to replentish his caffiene supply [17:02] hello everybody [17:02] hello [17:03] charlie-tca: hello [17:03] hello everybody [17:04] * schwuk waves [17:04] welcome all! [17:04] #startmeeting [17:04] no bot [17:05] agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Meetings [17:05] * Jaunty spec review [17:06] I've updated https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/RoadMap with Jaunty spec info [17:06] davmor2: you could pretend to be the bot [17:06] There are a few bits missing (ran short of time) [17:06] schwuk: :P [17:07] heno: looks good [17:07] please add other items you are working on that are not registered as specs to the bottom of that page [17:08] and please review it for general sanity [17:08] There are still a few specs that need more drafting and approval - please try to get that wrapped up this week [17:09] Let's not go through the whole list at this meeting though [17:09] we can cover it briefly on the c.c call [17:10] instead lets focus on Hardy and Jaunty release testing [17:10] * Hardy point release testing [17:11] sbeattie: can you give an update on 8.04.2 SRU testing? [17:11] esp areas you are blocked and could use some help [17:12] sure, I've been working on the base-installer one (bug 306356) which looks good for hardy (and intrepid), but I'd like cjwatson to verify my results, because they didn'tmatch his testcase. [17:12] I've done some testing on bugs past me by slangasek to help clear those [17:12] Launchpad bug 306356 in base-installer "apt-setup/security_host is ignored" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/306356 [17:12] (one moment, looking) [17:13] davmor2: also installer bugs right? [17:13] I was also poking at the ntfs-3g one (bug 204133) as it affects wubi, but couldn't reproduce it, so I left a ping asking for soeone affected by it to try testing it out. [17:13] Launchpad bug 204133 in wubi/8.04 "wubi install unusable - Buffer I/O error on device loop0" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/204133 [17:13] heno: yes [17:13] regarding the QA roadmap, the blueprints section mentions "Intrepid". shouldn't it mention "Jaunty"? [17:14] FYI there's an issue with evolution 2.24.3 package; bug 316726, which should be fixed pretty soon [17:14] Launchpad bug 316726 in evolution-exchange "startup crash after 2.24.3 update" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/316726 [17:14] 2.24.3 from proposed. [17:15] Note - the cut-off for SRU testing is Monday - at that point we start rolling ISOs and testing those [17:15] sbeattie: the test case is incorrect in that it leaves it implicit that all tests of proposed d-i component changes need to be run with apt-setup/proposed=true [17:15] sbeattie: I think that got fixed to a degree [17:15] davmor2: have you had a chance to smoke test any hardy ISOs? [17:15] ones I could use help with are the hardware specific ones, bug 59695, bug 204483, bug 288859 and bug 267570 [17:15] sbeattie: I could try the wubi one I guess... [17:15] Launchpad bug 59695 in dell "High frequency of load/unload cycles on some hard disks may shorten lifetime" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59695 [17:15] Launchpad bug 204483 in xserver-xorg-video-ati "[Hardy] Closing Laptop lid corrupts screen and beeps" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/204483 [17:15] Launchpad bug 288859 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "Need Pipe-A quirk for 855 and earlier chipsets (like 1014:0513)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/288859 [17:16] Launchpad bug 267570 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "Dell C400 (i830) freezes in Hardy - Needs PipeA Quirk" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/267570 [17:16] heno: I've had a quick look at them once installed for the case I was given [17:16] sbeattie: oh, but do you just mean that the host name you saw was different from the test case - us.archive rather than security? [17:16] cjwatson: yes, that part. [17:16] sbeattie: I think that's a mistake in the test case, yes, and also a not very serious pre-existing bug in base-installer [17:16] heno: there was an issue with umenu and wubi but that should be fixed in today's image [17:17] cr3: could you have a look at sbeattie's hw-specific bugs and see if we have the hardware in Montreal? [17:18] cjwatson: hrm, that's what I thought the patch was fixing, that $MIRROR (us.archive) would get used, rather than $SECMIRROR (aka apt-setup/security_host) [17:18] heno: noted [17:18] which brings us to ... [17:18] * cert lab hw data dump status (schwuk) [17:19] sbeattie: oh, err - yeah, you're right. insufficient coffee [17:19] cjwatson: no worries, wanted to make sure it wasn't insufficient coffee on my end. [17:19] sbeattie: I've corrected the test case. I *think* it passes now given your comments? [17:20] cjwatson: yes, I agree, I think it passes. [17:21] heno: can you add a bit more detail to that? [17:21] hardware dump: ogasawara and I were hoping, as an interim thing, if we could get just a raw dump (possibly a tarball) of the current hardware we have in the certification lab, at a more detailed level than just model number, but listing components. [17:21] schwuk: are you able to generate a dump of the hardware info from the machines we have that can be searched locally? [17:22] stuff that has already been gathered during various testing [17:22] heno: sure - I'll cook something up [17:22] but needs to be mined from the db [17:22] schwuk: basically something we can grep for things like pci ids locally, to use in identifying whether we have hw available for testing specific issues. [17:23] a tarball with a dir for each system perhaps, with various files in each [17:23] sbeattie: I thought cr3 made the database available once [17:23] sbeattie, heno: sure [17:23] we could then use local tools to search [17:24] bdmurray: if so, I've forgotten the details. I've access to the website, but there's no easy way to search for whether we have specific hardware through it. [17:24] I think extracting it from the raw database is not trivial without knowledge of it's structure [17:24] bdmurray: the database is more complicated to query than flat text files [17:24] because of the way results are stored [17:25] schwuk: can you not sudo lshw -html each device it will give you something like http://www.davmor2.co.uk/64test.html [17:25] davmor2: the information is extracted from the database which contains structured information, so the output will have to be generated based on that information [17:26] schwuk: ok, thanks [17:26] davmor2: we already have the info, we just have to re-constitute it [17:26] * Testcase wiki migration; automated scripts [17:26] ogasawara and I looked at this yesterday [17:27] the structure of the pages we have and want are quite different [17:27] go on [17:27] so writing sensible scripts might be more work than copying the content across [17:28] I suggest we get a dump of the pages from IS from the server and paste it in and refactor from there [17:28] schwuk: do we have access to the moin data dir? [17:29] (on the testcases wiki) [17:29] * schwuk checks [17:29] that way we would have the attachments and history [17:30] heno: if that solutions is possible, it would be great === ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: QA Team Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 15 Jan 00:30: Forum Council | 15 Jan 12:00: Ubuntu Mobile Team | 15 Jan 13:00: Desktop Team | 15 Jan 14:00: Ubuntu Java | 19 Jan 22:00: IRC Council [17:30] schwuk: can you coordinate that with IS, getting the dump and getting it uploaded? [17:30] heno: no. We'll need either an RT to get acces, or the content copied accross [17:31] heno: sure [17:31] davmor2: can we speak tomorrow about the refactoring we need to do afterward? [17:31] schwuk: both would be ideal [17:31] yes no probs [17:31] Where do we want the pages put? [17:32] under their current names [17:32] then we can rename from there [17:33] that's the end of the agenda [17:33] So basically the whole of /Testing right? [17:33] schwuk: Testing/Cases only [17:34] heno: Got it. [17:34] any other business for the meeting? [17:34] yes [17:35] is there a way to stop the dl-ubuntu-test-iso script exiting when it hits an issue with md5sum? [17:35] davmor2: yes, one sec [17:35] davmor2: what's this script? [17:36] Xubuntu is the cause this time but it is in the live which means the alternate section can't be downloaded using it [17:36] davmor2: you could turn off verification of md5sums [17:36] cr3: used for ISO testing - would be worth looking at for the satellite servers too [17:36] cr3: it's a script which pulls all the isos [17:37] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Isoscript [17:37] davmor2: give me a bit and I think I can fix it up so that it doesn't abort on the md5sum error. [17:38] heno: the images/archives that need to be tested are communicated to the satellite servers from the web server, so I'm not sure how useful this might be but I'll nonetheless look into the script [17:38] cr3: I have it as a cron job so I get the latest daily each morning before I sit down to test :) [17:39] davmor2: do you have the latest hardy daily too? [17:39] yes [17:39] script does it all :) [17:40] if I run the bzr command on the wiki, I get: bzr: ERROR: Connection error: curl connection error (Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?)) [17:41] WFM [17:41] ok, let's wrap it up [17:41] #endmeeting [17:41] thanks heno [17:41] thanks everyone! [17:41] cr3: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugcontrol/ubuntu-qa-tools/master [17:41] thanks! [17:41] thanks. [17:42] cr3: works for me [17:42] 51 revisions [17:43] thanks [17:43] this works for me: bzr branch lp:ubuntu-qa-tools === asac_ is now known as asac === ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 15 Jan 00:30: Forum Council | 15 Jan 12:00: Ubuntu Mobile Team | 15 Jan 13:00: Desktop Team | 15 Jan 14:00: Ubuntu Java | 19 Jan 22:00: IRC Council === thekorn_ is now known as thekorn === lamont` is now known as lamont [22:08] what's the bot in here?