[00:00] Chris`: What part didn't work, they look pretty accurate [00:00] Under method: sf.net/grdc doesn't exist [00:00] It's a sf project however [00:01] Where does it say sf.net/grdc? [00:01] I see sf.net/mooedit [00:01] My project is grdc [00:02] Chris`: sf.net/grdc won't work in a browser. Did it work in the watch file? [00:03] Nope [00:03] try "uscan --verbose" from debian/.. [00:03] http://pastebin.com/d6cdb14a [00:03] * directhex uses mirrorservice for sf projects, it's more reliable [00:04] Chris`: http://sourceforge.net/projects/grcd, invalid project [00:04] http://sourceforge.net/projects/grdc <----- Works for me =\ [00:05] ah, I typoed it [00:05] Anyway I've fixed it but I don't find that guide too user friendly [00:05] feel free to improve it :) [00:06] Chris`: Look at some of the irc logs from past Open Weeks and Developer Weeks. I think we had a few guides that covered watch files [00:06] Now I'm tasked with a manpage, again, the wiki wasn't much help do you know for any other resources? =\ The wiki was far too confusing [00:23] When writing manpages should I use American or British English? [00:26] Chris`: Either one, but avoid obvious Americanisms or Britishisms -- you are writing for an international audience. [00:27] How can I use the word utilise? [00:27] Maybe use the word use instead? :) [00:27] Too boring but OK [00:28] The simpler the language you use the easier you make translation into other languages, too. [00:28] You can get French manpages? [00:28] Sure. [00:29] Cool well I just authored a file called debian/manpage [00:29] What should I save it as when using pod formatting? [00:29] I'm not sure... I've only ever used pod format within a Perl script... [00:32] Is there anything in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/StyleGuide about different documentation formats?? [00:32] Might be worth a look, anyway. [00:34] I think that I have finally finished that binary :D [00:35] This is really annoying. For some reason, ever since I went back to intrepid, I can no longer create a jaunty pbuilder. I have tried several times, but it always complains about not being able to resolve archive.ubuntu.com. Anyone have any ideas? [00:36] If anyone has the time could you please revu/review http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=grdc for me please? :) [00:42] Chris`, avoid cockney rhyming slang in man pages, that's good advice [00:42] directhex: I used Cockney? [00:43] * Chris` double checks [00:43] nah, just following on from " Chris`: Either one, but avoid obvious Americanisms or Britishisms -- you are writing for an international audience." [00:43] Ah ok :p [00:43] in a faintly humerous mann... know what? never mind. it's late [00:43] Faily humourous man...page :)? [00:44] Ah damn, I forgot a little tiny thing [00:44] Gotta reupload [00:46] Upload finished if anyone wants to revu my package :) [01:22] does any motu can resolve this https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/deluge-torrent/+bug/316305 [01:22] Launchpad bug 316305 in deluge-torrent "please sync to deluge 1.1.0" [Undecided,In progress] [03:30] ive got a question about mono apps [03:30] Shoot. [03:30] i assume they need to build in debian to be in the archive? [03:31] even though published builds are cross platform [03:31] Ah, _that's_ what you mean. [03:31] Yes, very much so. Everything in the archive needs to build from source, barring multiverse. [03:31] do you know much about mono apps? [03:32] ie paint.net? [03:32] A bit. [03:32] RAOF, everything needs to be built from a source package, including multiverse [03:32] cody-somerville: then you'll remove pq? [03:32] cody-somerville: Are you _sure_? A source package, yes, but that source package can just copy binaires in place, right? [03:32] RAOF, Right [03:33] well duh === leleobhz is now known as LOLeobhz [03:33] pwnguin: Paint.net isn't _really_ a mono app; it p/invokes a bunch of windows stuff, IIRC. [03:33] RAOF: it seems we have a windows forms library [03:33] However, by that definition, you would say barring multiverse and restricted [03:33] which i thought meant ms only [03:33] No. [03:33] but apparently not [03:34] RAOF: does paint.net go above and beyond winForms then? [03:34] Yes. [03:34] I read that one guy ported Paint.net to *nix [03:34] heh [03:34] that one guy is probably the mono author [03:34] http://tirania.org/blog/archive/2007/May-15-1.html [03:34] Yes, possibly this one; http://tirania.org/blog/archive/2007/May-15-1.html === LOLeobhz is now known as leleobhz [03:34] But it wasn't public when I read about it. ^_^ [03:35] One of the awesome things about the .NET runtime is how tremendously easy it is to call C libraries; Paint.NET does it for some stuff - calling out to native win32 libs. [03:35] That's p/invoke. [03:35] Is Paint.Net opensource? [03:35] yea [03:35] Yes, I believe so. === hyperair1 is now known as hyperair [03:35] its like the only open source c# app ;) [03:36] anyways [03:36] keepass 2.x seems to work fine in jaunty [03:37] Paint.Net was open source until version 3.2, but has been closed since then. [03:37] Hm. [03:37] heh [03:37] pwnguin: That was sarcasm, right? [03:37] RAOF: yes [03:37] well, keepass works [03:37] Good. Difficult to tell on IRC :) [03:37] but the c# part was sarcastic [03:37] hence the ;) [03:39] anyways, there's no keepass package yet. if i can figure out how to build from source [03:39] it'd be nifty to have that in jaunty as well [03:39] What's keepass? [03:40] its a cross platform keyring, really [03:40] you can put passwords etc in it [03:41] the benefit is that unlike say gnome-keyring, i can put credentials in a database and share them with my coworkers [03:41] right now we have a stupid pgp encrypted file [03:42] that lists notes, account names and passwords [03:42] keepass basically formalizes this practice [03:43] Õ.o [03:43] anyways, getting it into jaunty would probably help convince my team to adopt it [03:45] one of my problems is i have no idea how to build mono apps though =/ [03:45] * pochu didn't get the difference between gnome-keyring and keepass [03:45] keepass runs on windows and osx [03:46] yeah, I mean the credentials and database you mentioned :) [03:47] pwnguin: Generally pretty simple, depending on how friendly they are. [03:47] gnome-keyring is just a key manager, but you can encrypt/decrypt/sign/etc files from nautilus [03:47] it's well integrated [03:47] pochu: can i add notes? [03:47] isn't keepass already in Jaunty? http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/keepassx [03:47] keepassX is different [03:47] to gnome-keyring? no, it's a keyring manager, use tomboy for that ;) [03:48] ah [03:48] its something like a fork of the old, non .net code base [03:48] pwnguin: oh, I thought you were comparing them as if they were similar apps, and saying which one was better :) [03:49] pochu: gnome keyring does what it does well [03:49] it just lacks sync and cross plaformness [03:49] I see [03:50] i got a job as a system administrator recently, and we basically do everything [03:50] in parallel. [03:50] windows, osx, solaris, linux [03:51] with gnome-keyring you can synchronise keys with a keyserver, but I guess that's not what you want :) [03:51] we need more than rsa encryption keys [03:53] pochu: in jaunty, there's a gui, that has "passwords" [03:53] pochu: do you know a way to actually add such a password? [03:53] wait, I was confusing seahorse and gnome-keyring! [03:54] seahorse, the browser? [03:54] no, the key manager [03:55] actually, the old gnome-keyring has been integrated into seahorse [03:55] that's probably the gui you're talking about [03:55] which has a passwords tab [03:55] yes it does [03:55] the tab doesn't seem to work though [03:57] it does here [03:57] and I have a few passwords [03:58] the root password and mail account passwords for evolution [04:00] i cant add new ones though =/ [04:02] yeah, I don't see how to add new ones from seahorse itself [04:02] you can from applications that use gnome-keyring though [04:02] e.g. if you create a mail account in Evolution, it will ask you if you want to store it in the keyring [04:03] pochu: right, but if i wanted to say store a login for a windows box [04:03] I see [04:04] someone would have to bother patching tsclient [04:04] so your use case is that you don't want gnome-keyring for access some applications that use it, but rather to store securily a set of passwords [04:04] indeed [04:04] its a popular use case [04:04] yeah [04:05] someone was saying keepass is in the top 10 sf projects [04:05] well, its in the top 50 right now [04:06] pochu: but my use case also involves sharing those secrets with a limited set of people, who might not be running linux / ubuntu [04:07] i don't think the guy in charge of admining the windows class servers is about to accept "run GNOME" as a solution [04:07] pwnguin: looks like there's an API to gnome-keyring to add passwords, so it would be a matter of extending Seahorse to allow that: http://live.gnome.org/GnomeKeyring/StoringPasswords [04:08] yet, that wouldn't solve your other problem... [04:08] pochu: im sure. but unless it uses schnier's format underneath and didnt tell anyone [04:08] its yet another incompatible tool [04:11] there's another program called password safe, started by bruce schnieier, with a documented format. password gorilla uses it [04:11] but sync isn't handled [04:12] pwnguin: aha! http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=525832 [04:12] Gnome bug 525832 in general "allow creation of arbitrary passwords" [Enhancement,New] [04:30] I'm getting an issue with "debuild -S" where it trys to sign with the original package maintainer's gpg key. This is even when I have specified mine with -k, and also DEBSIGN_KEYID, DEBEMAIL, & DEBFULLNAME in my ~/.bashrc. I'm just making a quick source package for personal use, so I don't want to have to edit the debian/control or changelog files... is this possible? [04:31] You can just leave the package unsigned; pass -us -uc to debuild, and it won't try to sign the source, changes respectively. [04:31] nice netsplit :) [04:31] trinitronx: what did you pass as -k ? [04:31] my key id [04:32] as in "dpkg-buildpackage -k4A08B2FE" ? [04:32] s/dpkg-buildpackage/debuild/ [04:32] does debuild pass -k through? [04:33] if you put it at the end of the call, it will pass everything to dpkg-buildpackage [04:33] SYNOPSIS debuild [debuild options] [dpkg-buildpackage options] [--lintian-opts lintian options] [04:33] hmm, maybe I should try at the end? [04:33] try it :) [04:34] and try it before -S too [04:35] I've seen dpkg-buildpackage fail sometimes if the arguments were in a certain order [04:35] e.g. dpkg-buildpackage -S -sa -us -uc would sign things, while -us -uc -S -sa wouldn't [04:35] woohoo! it worked at the end :D [04:35] :) [04:36] I think I'll try changing my DEBUILD_DPKG_BUILDPACKAGE_OPTS to have that at the end too [04:38] btw as RAOF said, you can just pass -us -uc to not sign it at all [04:38] yeah, I like signing stuff though just for practice [04:38] and to make sure it works ok [05:23] RAOF: i see a lot of .csproj files in this thing. i assume this is visual studio? [05:26] pwnguin: yah. But I think mdtool should be able to build it for you. [05:40] Hello. It has been a while since I've built a package. I used to use pbuilder, but it seems working/testing in a virtual machine, and building with a PPA is valid approach today. Is that a fair assessment? [05:41] I'm hoping to package the new version of ngspice, as well as hdhomerun_config_gui prior to feature freeze. [05:45] tritium: PPA is fine, VM not so much [05:45] pochu: not so much for what? building? testing? [05:45] building [05:45] for testing it's perfectly fine [05:46] Fair enough. I don't intend to use it for building. Thanks! [05:46] welcome :) [05:48] pochu: well, alpha 3's kernel won't boot as a virtualbox guest, so perhaps I'll consider another approach. [05:48] tritium: try with alpha 2 ;) [05:50] I see the same caveat for alpha 2: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/intrepid/alpha2 (bug 243677) [05:50] Launchpad bug 243677 in kvm "intrepid kernel 2.6.26-2-generic won't boot as kvm guest" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/243677 [05:50] Sorry, but 246067 [05:50] s/but/bug [05:50] bug 246067 [05:51] Launchpad bug 246067 in linux "Kernel panic during boot in VirtualBox with kernel 2.6.26.*-generic" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/246067 [05:51] I have a jaunty VM, but I think I installed it from alpha1 [05:52] or a daily image, rather [05:52] ~/.VirtualBox/jaunty-alternate-i386.iso [05:52] but it won't be available on cdimage.u.c anymore, as it's a bit old ;) [05:54] :) [05:55] Perhaps I'll not worry about the VM for now, and just worry about building the packages. [05:55] that's a good start :) [05:55] Thanks again! === Halph is now known as coppro [06:01] RAOF__: is mdtool part of a package? [06:01] ah [06:01] monodevelop nvm [06:25] good morning [06:29] morning dholbach ! [06:30] Morning dholbach, fabrice_sp. [06:30] Hi iulian :-) [06:30] How's it going guys? [06:31] hiya iulian, hi fabrice_sp [06:31] iulian: very good, just waiting for the coffee to be ready :) [06:32] iulian, very good too: it's friday! :-) (and waiting for the chocolate :-) ) [06:33] Heh, that's good. [06:33] * pochu waves good morning [06:33] Hiya pochu. [06:33] hey pochu [06:33] Hi pochu ;-) [06:33] * iulian yawns [06:33] hey iulian, dholbach and fabrice_sp :) [06:33] Good morning, dholbach. [06:34] hey tritium [06:34] * pochu just read his motu application again [06:35] nice memories :) [06:35] Good morning dholbach [06:35] hey scottK [06:36] hiya ScottK [06:36] iulian: BTW, congrats for your MOTU-ship! :-) [06:36] heya pochu. [06:40] pochu: Thanks ;) [07:03] any python gurus here? [07:05] slytherin, perhaps [07:06] slytherin, but us non-gurus might be able to help you too [07:09] I want to write a simple python script which downloads files from a site based on certain parameters. Also the site uses http basic authentication. What modules should I look into? [07:11] i don't know python... but I do know curl should be able to do that. Look for a python curl module? [07:11] slytherin, from file:///usr/share/doc/python2.5/html/lib/index.html I would suggest urllib2 as a starting point [07:12] liw: ok. looking into that. [07:26] how do i cleartext sign the ucoc using a key different of the default one, gpg --clearsign UbuntuCodeofConduct-1.0.1.txt automatically uses the default [07:27] am i overlooking it in the man page? [07:31] lynxie: look for an option key-id === hyperair1 is now known as hyperair [07:35] slytherin, thanks, it turned out to be gpg --default-key id --etc. [07:36] morning [07:37] dholbach: happy birthday :) [07:45] thank you dholbach ;) [07:50] Hmm, birthday? [07:50] Yay! [07:51] Happy Birthday dholbach! [07:51] * iulian has just seen planet ubuntu. [07:55] dholbach: apparantly, alles gute zum geburtstag! [07:59] dholbach: happy birthday :) [08:00] didrocks, iulian, stefanlsd, pochu: THANKS A LOT GUYS [08:00] stefanlsd: good german! :) [08:00] dholbach: haha. i am taking german lessons. [08:00] * dholbach hugs y'all [08:01] stefanlsd: how does it go? :) [08:01] * pochu is taking the TOEFL tomorrow [08:01] and my English sucks :( [08:02] pochu: no it doesn't - I'm sure it'll work out well! [08:02] dholbach: umm. brauchbar. sprechen is leicther as schreiben. my grammer is terrible! [08:02] ist / als [08:02] heh [08:02] and spelling for that matter [08:02] stefanlsd: German grammar is a bitch :-/ [08:02] I hope so :) at least I need to obtain more than 70 out of 120... the requirement could be worse :) [08:03] dholbach: yeah. i always thought native german speakers are lucky that they just get it, but i was thinking bout learning english, and im not sure i would want to do that either. [08:03] soo, whats the birthday plans?? [08:04] stefanlsd: whenever somebody says "hey, I'm learning German" I have to stifle a "you have my sympathies" :) [08:04] stefanlsd: I think this will be the first time where I move my birthday party into summer - I really couldn't get myself to organise a party this time when it's freezing outside :) [08:05] so in summer, I'd like to have a big party with barbecue-ing in one of Berlin's parks ... or something like that [08:05] (that won't keep me from going out tonight though :-)) [08:06] stefanlsd: whenever somebody says "hey, I'm learning German" I have to stifle a "you have my sympathies" :) -> that's why, even after 6 years of German learning, my level is so bad :/ [08:06] didrocks: yeah, gotta practice.. [08:07] stefanlsd: thinks it's too late, 5 years without practicing... [08:07] dholbach: mm. cool. u gotta let us all know. i wanna go visit germany sometime soon again [08:07] didrocks: ask Seb - he learned it in school for like 23 years (I might be exaggerating), but he does not speak German very well :) [08:07] stefanlsd: let me know when you make it to Berlin :) [08:08] * dholbach won't repeat the one sentence Seb liked saying a lot in here :) [08:08] dholbach: was in nuremberg last time. was awesome. will def visit berlin thou. [08:08] stefanlsd: nice... although both are very different :) [08:08] dholbach: you have to repeat it. you told too much or not enough :) [08:09] didrocks: ask him about his favorite german sentence [08:09] dholbach: ok, I will ^^ [08:23] stefanlsd: do you know of any plans of the ZA loco participating in the Global Bug Jam? [08:24] dholbach: no fixed plans atm, but i did bring it up in the channel yesterday about holding one in johannesburg. i'll get something going [08:25] stefanlsd: you ROCK [08:25] that's awesome! [08:26] dholbach: we had a "demo" one in december, just to see how to organize a wider one, we plan to have another one soon, probably we can partecipate in the global bug jam too [08:27] DktrKranz: that's excellent! [08:28] DktrKranz: where are you going to have it? [08:28] mr_pouit: fixed avidemux uploaded, current dep-waited on your x264 upload (which is in NEW) [08:28] hi dholbach! [08:28] hi siretart [08:28] dholbach: probably at University of Boulogne [08:29] there are some DDs living there, they could lend a hand too [08:29] nice [08:29] so, we can squash some RCs too :) [08:29] :) [08:50] liw: any idea how can I download a certain file using urllib2? I could not find any method that talks about saving data form the url. [08:50] slytherin: urllib.urlretrieve? [08:51] dholbach: is that method present in urllib2 as well? [08:51] oh, it's not [08:52] slytherin, urlopen gives you a file-like object, so you can use its read method to read the entire contents of the page [08:52] slytherin, http://paste.ubuntu.com/105464/ [08:53] liw: right, but then I will need another handler to save it to a local file. [08:53] sure [08:53] that's easy, though [08:53] import urllib2; f = open("content", "w"); f.write(urllib2.urlopen("http://www.ubuntu.com").read()); f.close() [08:54] or some such [08:54] dholbach: hmm , let me try. [08:55] that's one way of doing it, though I prefer to split stuff into simpler statements, so that _when_ there is a problem, it's clear what part causes it [08:55] http://paste.ubuntu.com/105466/ [08:55] slytherin: listen to liw - he has clearly debugged more code than I did :) [08:57] dholbach, is there anywhere i should be telling people what they'll need for me & meebey's session next week? [08:58] directhex: what do you mean? like preparation the audience needs to do? [08:58] directhex: or a mail from me explaining what's going to be going on? [08:58] (for the presenters) [08:58] dholbach, in terms of "have a jaunty chroot with mono-devel" so no time is wasted installing it [09:00] directhex: if you could create a small page with instructions at UbuntuDeveloperWeek/MonoPreparation I'll link to it from various places and announce it [09:02] liw: that worked for text file at least. Now I have to check if t works for binary files. [09:05] dholbach: http://wiki.ubuntu-za.org/GlobalBugJam - i also posted to the list [09:06] stefanlsd: nice [09:06] now you just need to add yourself to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GlobalBugJam too :) [09:07] kk :) [09:12] stefanlsd ftw [09:17] highvoltage: heys! you gonna be around for the jam? [09:17] stefanlsd: I'm not sure. I'd like to be there, I'm in Cape Town for most of feb [09:17] highvoltage: ooh. then we have a cape town one also :P [09:17] Today is REVU day! [09:18] We have > 100 packages waiting for review! [09:18] stefanlsd: not a bad idea... I'm not sure how to host one though [09:18] highvoltage: there's a wiki page on it, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RunningBugJam [09:19] highvoltage: also, check out the bugsquad pages. it doesnt need to be technical at all [09:19] highvoltage: ordinary people reporting bugs, confirming bugs, traiging bugs, finding out more information bout bugs [09:20] stefanlsd: awesome. perhaps I can do it as part of a clug meeting. I'll see where I am at that stage and then we can do it close to the same time [09:21] highvoltage: kk. is sometime between the 20-22 feb === mok0 changed the topic of #ubuntu-motu to: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | Want to get involved with the MOTUs? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | Grab a merge: http://dad.dunnewind.net http://merges.ubuntu.com | http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/uehs | http://revu.ubuntuwire.com - Today is REVU Day, go review! :) [09:23] stefanlsd: ok, that won't work for a clug talk, but I'll get them involved anyway. I think the saturday will work best there [09:24] highvoltage: cool. see who u can grab, and maybe see if CT has any interest. can be as simple as meeting at a coffee shop and just hacking away [09:24] stefanlsd: ok, cool [10:06] Does anybody know a simple way of telling which files are loaded by an application? I think I am missing a dependency in my package winff (BTS 511505) but don't know how to find it. (winff is needs X11, I don't know how to use a chroot to test it) Any ideas? [10:09] Elbrus, lsof can tell you which files a process has open, and strace can tell you which files are opened during a run. [10:10] persia: thanks [10:10] Elbrus, http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/566 describes how to run an X program in a schroot. [10:11] Hrm. xhost + doesn't seem best though :( [10:32] i resort to Xnest === asac_ is now known as asac [10:52] * mok0 reviews bcv4 [11:06] sebner, apachelogger: do you know of any plans of the Austrian mafia to participate in the Global Bug Jam? [11:08] Is the mafia going to the bug jam? [11:08] *shudder* [11:09] mok0: there's nothing about "making offers that you can not refuse" in the CoC ;-) [11:09] :-) hehe [11:10] "This bug.... it's business. Not personal" [11:10] hehe, exactly [11:11] not sure what our Italian friends in the channel think about it :) [11:11] They're busy skateboarding around the sewers... [11:22] * mok0 reviews ultrastardx [11:44] hi === mib_dkvv32kr is now known as shankhs [11:46] I am new to all this developing stuff Can you please suggest me some tutorial or something to begin with...(i know c/c++) [11:48] shankhs, have you read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu ? === _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde [17:28] urgh, using "locate" in configure to find the headers it needs === jmarsden__ is now known as jmarsden|work [17:32] When someone has the time, can you please review my first 2 packages to REVU: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=grdc-gnome & http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=grdc [17:52] Hello are there any MOTUs available for a review of my packages? [17:54] Hi Chris. I'm not a MOTU, but I can have a look at your package [17:54] Chris`, [17:54] You are able to review or just give out pointers? :) [17:54] I'm able to review [17:54] http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=grdc-gnome & http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=grdc [17:54] just give me the url [17:54] ok [17:55] One is reliant on the other one [17:55] which one is first? [17:55] grdc? [17:55] grdc is the first [17:55] Yeah [17:55] ok [17:55] I'll begin with this one [17:56] goodluck :) [17:56] :-) [17:57] * Chris` knows when he is in the company of geeks, most of us insist on using the -'s :P [18:17] Hi everybody. Can someone please review my package of pgfplots: [18:17] http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=pgfplots [18:17] I addressed all mentioned issues. But if someone could check whether I got the watch file and the tex stuff right, I would be thankful. [18:18] Chris`, I've been able to have a look before I left (compiles fast! :-) ) to grdc: it looks very good!. I just put some comments [18:19] Chris`, nice job! I'll have a look at the other one when back. CU [18:19] fabrice_sp: Great thanks :) [18:19] See ya === paul__ is now known as Elbrus [18:51] bobbo: REVU has a ubiquity command (which is broken right now, but well :P). perhaps you want to add to the ubuntu/LP thing you say you're working on [18:51] RainCT: have you got a link? [18:52] bobbo: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/ubiquity-plugin.py [18:52] RainCT: I'm yet to talk to Jorge about getting it properly "started", but something should be happening "properly" soonish [18:54] RainCT: having a look now :) [19:11] hello to all [19:11] hello to all [19:12] i wanted to ask if someone can help me on how to edit the gnome panel via terminal [19:13] albuntu: I think you're more likely to get answers over in #ubuntu rather than #ubuntu-motu [19:14] Chris`: ok sorry. i tried there but i got no response [19:14] anyways thank you [19:14] albuntu: What are you trying to alter anyway? [19:15] the gnome-panel [19:15] What part of it? [19:15] i just said "rotfl" out loud. help [19:15] i am looking i want to edit its position [19:15] and some things inside [19:16] like putting menus plasces and system in applications [19:16] RainCT: hi! http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=4516 [19:16] going away, bye :) [19:16] albuntu: I'm not sure about the terminal command however you could try System > Preferences > Main Menu [19:17] i know that but i wanted to edit it from terminal. thank you anyways :) [19:17] !because [19:17] Sorry, I don't know anything about because [19:17] Anyone around who can teach the bot? [19:20] ScottK: I guess you'll find someone in #ubuntu-ops [19:21] Thanks. Trying. [19:21] Any reviewers out there? :) [19:22] * ScottK tosses RainCT in Chris`s direction. [19:22] Diolch ScottK [19:22] * RainCT tells ScottK that mok0 is about to beat him in the Top Commenters :P [19:23] * ScottK is trying to get $WORK done. [19:25] Well, when a reviewer is free, I've got two packages that I'd really like reviewed :) (My first ones) [19:25] Chris`: if you point to them you may get someone interested (/me is also about to start getting some work done, btw :P) [19:25] !because is Just because you can't get help in #ubuntu does not make this a help channel. [19:25] http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=grdc && http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=grdc-gnome [19:26] !because [19:26] Sorry, I don't know anything about because [19:26] * RainCT watches ScottK fight with ubottu [19:27] * ScottK needs to wait to get it approved. [19:27] man that uck thing has a really ugly interface :P [19:29] * RainCT advocates it nevertheless, and now goes to do some coding === fabrice_sp_ is now known as fabrice_sp [19:59] Excuse me but can beta software be included in the repos? [20:01] Chris`: yes, of course. but don't package something which crashes all the time :P [20:01] Ok cool === ivoks_ is now known as ivoks [20:06] Hi. Is there some reviewer to have a look at dvdstyler (http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=dvdstyler). It only miss another advocate :-) [20:07] How do I label an archave called 1.0.0-BETA1b? [20:07] *archive [20:08] messy, but I think acceptable as is [20:08] nope [20:08] 1.0.0~beta1 (or ~b1 or whatever) [20:08] RainCT: Thanks ;) [20:08] the "~" means "less than, before" [20:08] Ah ok [20:09] if you used "-" then the package wouldn't be updated once the final version is out [20:09] ugh, I was so busy about thinking... yes you can have an - in the version, release is split on the final - character, that I missed that [20:09] hehe [20:21] partitionmanager (1.0.0~beta1a-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low <---- Is that acceptable? === mcasadevall is now known as NCommander [21:07] Chris`, looks good to me === fabrice_sp_ is now known as fabrice_sp [22:35] Any reviewers about that could review this for me please? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=grdc [23:03] Hi, if anyone has the time to review my updated packages, http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=charm, I would be very grateful. Thanks [23:03] woho, my python bindings for espeak are working \o/ [23:26] how many advocations are needed before upload? 3? also does the advocation count restart for every different version? [23:27] binarymutant: 2. Yes. [23:28] * jpds => bed. Night all. [23:28] night thanks [23:28] good night jpds [23:28] binarymutant: yes, it is reset whenever you upload a new revision or you get a negative advocate [23:30] thanks for the info RainCT [23:31] yw [23:33] https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/deluge-torrent/+bug/316305 [23:33] Launchpad bug 316305 in deluge-torrent "please sync to deluge 1.1.0" [Undecided,In progress] [23:53] mok0: Hello, how are you today?