[00:00] I accidentially pressed the Close button... Stupid me. [00:00] runderwo: this is the only linux system have. the others are all windows [00:00] Jack_Sparrow: What did you say? [00:00] Hok, the other will suggest resizing windows partition.. and in your case.. you dont want that one either [00:00] Jack_Sparrow: What does the first one do? [00:00] Hok, Use entire drive is the option you want [00:00] perillux: okay, so smbclient to your localhost doesn't work either? what's the error? [00:01] Hok, tries to resize your existing (and broken) windows install === nicolas__ is now known as [NikO] [00:01] Jack_Sparrow: What option? All I see is like delete partition and add partition. [00:01] runderwo: let me try and get the error again so I can see. [00:01] Hok, then you are still in manual or guided [00:01] im really having a heck of a time with installing some applications.. what is that dpkg way of fixing broken packages. [00:01] Jack_Sparrow: Yes, manual. What should I be in? (Sorry about being such a noob with this, thanks for bearing with me) [00:02] runderwo: I have no users or anything, security = share and guests are allowed so passwords/permissions shouldn't be a problem [00:02] Hok, Understood, but I have said repeatedly.. not using manual partitiong [00:02] Jack_Sparrow: FYI : http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/810#Hard%20disks%20potentially%20not%20shown%20when%20installing%20in%20Live%20CD%20mode [00:02] Jack_Sparrow: OK... are there other options other then Manual and Guided? [00:02] jef_untu1, Yes, I have seen it.. [00:02] Is there a setting somewhere that I need to actually set to get my s-video port to work? [00:02] perillux: I agree [00:03] Hok, yes, 4 options if I remember correctly, scroll back as I have described each of them to you [00:03] then i have to unmont my HD [00:03] !dpkg [00:03] dpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. [00:03] runderwo: "could not display "smb://keiths/ubuntu-laptop1/shared" [00:03] !broken [00:03] Sorry, I don't know anything about broken [00:03] Jack_Sparrow: Actually my IRC client quit so I missed that... =( [00:03] !apt [00:03] APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE) === zc000gii is now known as zc00gii [00:04] hey does anyone know if there is a program that is like boot camp that lets you run windows in native === zc00gii is now known as zc000gii [00:04] perillux: is the hostname keiths? [00:04] Hok, when you hit step 4 .. the partitioner. tell it to use the entire drive [00:04] snarkster: you can msg the bot === zc000gii is now known as zc00gii [00:04] snarkster: what is your problem ? [00:04] snarkster: with the package manager [00:04] perillux: try smbclient //ubuntu-laptop1/shared [00:04] !nickspam | zc00gii [00:04] zc00gii: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead. See also « /msg ubottu Guidelines » [00:04] runderwo: when I go to the workgroup it just shows up empty, if I type the path to "shared" manually I get that error. However, on my windows machines when I view workgroup computers I can actually see the samba server (just can't connect). so it's strange that windows can see my server, but this machine that the server is running on can't even see itself. [00:04] Hi [00:05] i got some conflicts that apt-get -f install wont fix [00:05] secret [00:05] runderwo: the workgroup is keiths [00:05] eseven73: sorry, was grouping my other nick to my accoun [00:05] account* [00:05] Can someone give me a hand with ssh? [00:05] Jack_Sparrow: Hmm [00:05] Do I have to set something somewhere to get my s-video port to work? [00:05] snarkster, were you trying to install things from outside our supported repos? [00:05] rubygems still cant compile a gem, have i missunderstood rubygems or failed to install the relevant headers? output of install command: http://pastebin.com/d10e3c4fd [00:05] Jack_Sparrow: So what your saying is that there are two more radio buttons next to Guided and Manual that I'm not seeing? [00:05] tekstacy: sure :D [00:05] hey does anyone know if there is a program that is like boot camp that lets you run windows in native (so i can play games [00:06] no [00:06] zc00gii: ah you ddid it like 3 times so i was like yeah. :) [00:06] can you just tell me the dpkg line [00:06] Hok, what version or release of ubuntu are you using or trying to install [00:06] perillux: it sounds like a browse master issue, but we need to know if you can actually connect first [00:06] randal - wine runs some games, depending on what you need. [00:06] It's installed on 2 machines on my lan. I can ssh localhost, but not to the other machine. Port 22 is open [00:06] Jack_Sparrow: Intrepid Ibex [00:06] Jack_Sparrow: See this if you want: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1038462 [00:07] snarkster: what sudo dpkg -C is giving you [00:07] tekstacy: make sure the ssh daemon is running on the remote machine [00:07] snarkster: depends on what is broken, and how broken it is. [00:07] Jack_Sparrow: It might explain my problem better. [00:07] help - my xwindows is broken after the ubuntu nvidia driver update. how do I get it to start with the default drivers? [00:07] wassy121 im looking for a vm that can run a os native like boot camp is there even suck a program === [NikO] is now known as nicolas_ [00:07] um, isn't there an easy cli way to do that? [00:07] randal: not a good (complete/stable) one, no. Maybe Xen is what you are looking for? [00:08] Hok, Is this a dell or hp and did you do the self test of the cd for errors [00:08] randal: maybe virtualbox from Sun? Maybe vmware? [00:08] randal: but, I have had decent luck with wine just running the game through a "fake" api. [00:08] pwhipp: in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf, change Driver 'nvidia' to Driver 'nv' [00:08] Jack_Sparrow: Dell Desktop. Yeah I tested the CD for errors and it was fine. [00:08] wassy121 wine sucks it never works for me [00:08] runderwo: thanks I'll try that now [00:08] wassy121 virtual box does not run native its virtual [00:09] runderwo: check your private message [00:09] Sun's virtualbox is nice randal try that. [00:09] Hok, Reburn a new cd at the slowest possible speed.. Dells and HP .. I dont know why, but they are fussy about the speed at which the disks are burned [00:09] randal: boot camp doesn't run it native. [00:09] tekstacy: make sure you state the person you are talking to, anyway, try installin the servr, not just the client on the remoter machine [00:09] randal: short answer is "what you are looking for doesn't exist, run Windows if you need native Windows" [00:09] Hok, My pizza is ready, time for me to go [00:09] wassy121 yes it does it runs from hardware not virtualy [00:09] Jack_Sparrow: OK. I'll try that. Will you still be here in like 30-45 mins? [00:09] possibly [00:10] wassy121 im going to try vmware [00:10] Jack_Sparrow: OK. I'll download it and burn it. [00:10] Jack_Sparrow: no you mean you leave irc sometimes ? no way [00:10] Is there something I have to set to get my s-video port to work [00:10] zcOOgi, the daemon, is that /usr/bin/sshd? [00:10] jp_sf: -.- [00:10] haha even the pirate lord must eat (refering to Jack_Sparrow ) :) [00:10] im making the change to linux i was just wondering if i type a paper with openoffice and save it as a doc will it open correctly in ms word? [00:11] Faded0ne, it should.. When in doubt keep the paper 'simple' no fancy features [00:11] you could save it as a pdf [00:12] all OS's read pdf i think [00:12] Would saving it as an RTF make a difference? [00:12] Rapscallion, that should work. but may lose some formatting. [00:12] Rapscallion, when in doubt.. keep things simple. [00:12] True :) [00:12] zc00gii, i have the client/server metapackage. Should I add something else? [00:13] tekstacy: idk, ask someone else, sorry, got busy :\ [00:13] no prob [00:14] It worked until an "update". Reminds me of Windows [00:14] . [00:15] runderwo: that resulted in a completely blank screen [00:16] I have an interseting question... My ISP turned off my internet the other day because i was connecting to undernet a lot and they submitted an abuse case. I have blocked the IRC ports in iptables so it can't connect out but i can not find what is starting the process that keeps spawning the IRC connections [00:16] can you get vm fusion on linux [00:16] pwhipp: interesting [00:16] i can't find anything in the logs, i have killed every process but SSH [00:16] randal, if you are looking for decent 3d in vm.. not really [00:16] runderwo: system is in a mess I think. How do I get out of the blank screen without making things worse [00:16] Kalan, some viruses can do that.. but you are running Linux correct? [00:16] www-data is the user running them, as far as i'm aware i have no IRC client [00:17] yes ubuntu :) [00:17] Kalan: netstat -a -p [00:17] Kalan, thats weird.. this is a home lan? or some other setup? [00:17] Hello #ubuntu [00:17] pwhipp: try changing 'nv' to 'vesa' :) [00:17] Jack_Sparrow: Hey, do you know how to set the burn speed in BurnAware professional? [00:18] no [00:18] runderwo: ok - will have to try to get in first... [00:18] pwhipp: ctrl-alt-F1 ? [00:18] runderwo: does nothing [00:18] Can someone tell me how WoW compatability is developing, especially with Compiz? Wanting to put Ubuntu back on my desktop, and WoW is the -only- thing my GF does on there [00:18] Okay, so, I've made a little progress, but now I've got MORE cryptic errors from cdrecord: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d72c6a990. [00:18] Can anyone shed light on these new developments? [00:18] http://www.newbierpg.com/~tschulte/ubuntu.txt for the info [00:19] Ferram, thats more of a WINE question.. when in doubt.. just turn off compiz.. you game should run faster anyway with it off. [00:19] pwhipp: you can reboot into single user mode, too [00:19] !appds | Ferram [00:19] Sorry, I don't know anything about appds [00:19] !appdb | Ferram [00:19] Ferram: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help [00:19] Hey, so, when are you going to release a new Ubuntu? [00:19] runderwo: what is single user mode? [00:19] beren_: tomorrow [00:19] !releases [00:19] Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases [00:20] pwhipp: reboot and choose the recovery option at the boot menu [00:20] runderwo: I've just used the top recovery mode to get back in [00:20] lolcakes: cool [00:20] I'll download it [00:20] pwhipp: yep === Guest25509 is now known as Near [00:20] I was wanting more of anybody's personal experiences with it than Wine help. I had it working, but not -well-, was wanting to talk to Ubuntu users specifically about it [00:21] runderwo: i think I know why it was a blank screen - dual monitors [00:21] Ferram, #ubuntu-offtopic is the right channel for discussions etc [00:21] Bachiir: OPC failure usually means bad media, but you'll also see that with a worn out burner [00:21] pwhipp: that would complicate things [00:22] Bachiir: one way you can check what is going on is by trying to burn at a slower speed [00:22] Does it seem to other people that dvd-cd-burners these days just dont seem to last very long? [00:22] Bachiir: if OPC fails at the higher speed but works at slower speeds, then your burner is on the way out. [00:22] Im about ready to buy a 3rd one for this machine.. I burn perhaps 100 dvd's a month [00:22] dr_willis: #ubuntu-offtopic for such questions [00:23] runderwo: indeed. so... I'll try commenting out the twin view and other option under screen [00:23] How do I fi synaptic permanently. Why do I have to keep doing sudo update-apt-xapian-index eveytime I add a repo? [00:23] How do I fix synaptic permanently. Why do I have to keep doing sudo update-apt-xapian-index eveytime I add a repo? [00:23] what is a good app to record your screen and create a video file? I want to record a walk through demo of an application but can't find the app to do it. [00:23] shiv_j, Please dont repeat [00:23] can jsut anyone amke an ubuntu mailing list or do you have to go through some admin member thing? [00:24] im sorry to interrupt but is this the place to ask if I'm having a problem connecting my wireless? It was working then I switched connections and when I went to switch back, it wouldn't work. [00:24] shiv_j, If you dont update the list of files after you add a repo how will apt-get / synaptic know what files are there to download === linuxv is now known as vlad [00:25] mib_lb962v: this is the right place. you don't interrupt anybody [00:25] is there any way to let my VPS server download torrent files, and i can somehow monitor it on ssh ? looking for something light. [00:25] patx: as with any organization i'd assume there's a huge heirarchy to go through lol have fun with that [00:25] Jack_Sparrow: I know but even reload does not workin synaptic. I have to use the xapian command all the time instead of the usual reload [00:25] mib_lb962v: try to disable networking and re-enable it. [00:25] k ty [00:25] mib_lb962v: by right-click on network manager [00:25] okay ill try ty [00:26] hey ppl can somebody tell me how can i in stall flash player on ubuntu 64 bits? [00:26] runderwo: still black. will try vesa as driver... [00:26] vlad, i just install 'ubuntu-restricted-extras' and it install sit and java and more [00:26] pwhipp: :) [00:26] !flash64 | vlad [00:26] vlad: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava [00:26] shiv_j, sounds like those unsupported repos have already started breaking your system [00:27] anybody know where i can find an online guide that will help me pick out computer parts that are actually ubuntu 8.10 compatible? i'm considering building a custom box from scratch [00:27] perillux: any luck? [00:27] hey. [00:27] Jack_Sparrow: I don't think so, this even happens with clean install it was a bug with intrepid to begin with [00:28] runderwo: just came back up checking... [00:28] Cymage in ##windows is saying you all are rude. [00:28] Hey guys, whenever I boot up ubuntu, it gives me this distorted image when it's loading with the orange bar [00:28] i dont think so. [00:28] perillux: don't forget to check if \\\share can be connected from windows [00:28] is there a way to repair it to the original image? [00:28] shiv_j, it isnt a bug .. Supported repos update just fine [00:29] space_cadet, At least he is in the right room [00:29] !windows | space_cadet [00:29] space_cadet: For discussion on Microsoft Windows, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents [00:29] runderwo: exactly how do I do that? do I just open command prompt and type \\\shared ?? [00:29] Jack_Sparrow: this is waht I am talking about after a clean install https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt-xapian-index/+bug/261423 [00:29] patx: here's a hint of just how big said heirarchy is lol i was right: http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes [00:29] perillux: use the run dialog [00:29] space_cadet, :) heh.. they removed the funny bot windows responce.. bummer... [00:29] shiv_j, Ask someone else I an going to eat [00:29] dr_willis you dont need to tell me about windows. [00:29] dr_willis i didnt ask about windows. [00:29] hi! any second lifers here who use ubuntu? [00:30] does anyone know how to fix that image? or am I stuck with a distorted ubuntu booting up image? [00:30] space_cadet, read the bug #1 url it gives. and you will see why they think we are rude [00:30] Jack_Sparrow: nop probs, enjoy [00:30] jp_sf: http://pastebin.com/m1971d7ea [00:31] dr_willis Timeout error [00:31] runderwo: it worked! :) thank you! [00:31] space_cadet, bummer.. the forums and launchpad have been having issues all week. :( [00:31] dr_willis: are the forums still down?! [00:31] space_cadet, basicailly bug #1 - is 'windows has too much market share' :) its humerous to read [00:32] eseven73, it seems they are up/down for me.. ive been having issues with otehr forum sites also online [00:32] lol [00:32] !bug 1 | dr_willis (i love this factoid) [00:32] dr_willis (i love this factoid): For discussion on Microsoft Windows, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents [00:33] hehe [00:33] eseven73, i cant find the factod that tells windows users to seek professional help. :) [00:33] perillux: y/w :) [00:33] can somebody help me with installation of flashplayer for firefox 3.0? [00:33] lol dr_willis havent seen that one yet! [00:33] I personally think that every pc should come blank, then at the register, they should have two piles of cd [00:33] Launcpad does seem down for me [00:33] runderwo: so you think it's just a matter of time before everything shows up properly in network places for example? [00:34] one (free) ubuntu and the other (150+) windows [00:34] Kalan: you were suspecting an irc server was running on your computer ? [00:34] Runderwo: Burning at 4x now, just to test it out. It seems to be working. I guess the drive is on the way out, if not already shot. I looked up my particular drive online and it looks like it's an inferior component, so I wouldn't be surprised if it is shot after all. [00:34] space_cadet, at the local BestBUy here they will 'remove' unwanted software/crud for ONLY $50 [00:34] space_cadet, talk about a scam. :) [00:34] yep [00:34] perillux: that should be the case, but it depends on how the other computers are setup. samba browsing is sometimes really picky to get right [00:34] i do it free [00:34] I am testing this IRC chat app [00:34] included in my repair [00:35] jp_sf: no if you look you can see that the proccess that was running was owned by www-data and opening 6 connectinos to different undernet irc servers, not sure what keeps restarting that bash process [00:35] Can anyone give me advice on items vanishing from my System menu in Gnome on Ubuntu? They still appear in the Main Menu app although they are italicized and unchecked, and they uncheck themselves if you manually enable them. Anyone? === TMM_ is now known as TMM [00:35] perillux, ive had samba shares not show up for a few min (5-10) then suddenly they all appear... go figure... [00:35] How can I get .config file for 2.6.27 kernel? [00:35] runderwo: well I could do with out it really. One final question. I don't have passwords or any users setup. Is this insecure? [00:35] i have killed all the services but SSH [00:36] perillux, samba has some really 'complex' things that goes on in thebackground. that Using-Samba book. thats in the samba-doc package give some info on it all. A lot of it is way over my head [00:36] Ferram: just turn it off (metacity --replace, with compiz --replace to turn it back on)to run WoW (or just disable it on her account in general) [00:36] okay the disabling networking didn't work so i went into the Network Settings, I've got the SSID entered correctly, the Password type is WPA, and all of my connection settings are accurate, but as for the password, I enter it correctly, but once i click OK the Netowkr Settings box becomes deselected for a second and i cant click on it. Once it comes back if I go into the properties for my connection, the password is lon [00:36] perillux: it's only insecure if someone can connect to port 139 [00:36] Weeaboo: type in zcat /proc/config.gz > .config [00:36] any postfix experts here? I edited my virtual file in Postfix. What do I need to do besides "postmap /etc/postfix/virtual", "postfix reload", restarting the daemon, and creating a user account on the box with a ~/Maildir? [00:36] td123: no such file [00:36] perillux: usually, ISPs block that port, but it's worth a check anyway [00:36] Flannel: Thanks, but not exactly the solution I was looking for [00:36] runderwo: I don't think they can, ok :) thanks again! [00:36] Weeaboo: read the kernel compilation and getting sources tutorial on the ubuntu wiki, it tells you how to get it [00:37] Kalan: when you do a top do you see on the top something that should not be started ? [00:37] hum.. hello, i need to update my intem 965GM driver, i got de tarball, but i dont know what i have to do now.. can someone help-me? [00:37] Ferram: the issue isn't "an issue" it has to do with using OpenGL (and the hardware) for two different things at the same time [00:37] can someone point me in the right direction for tomboy support? [00:37] thenetduck, is there a #tomboy on freenode? [00:38] jp_sf: nope nothing special running [00:38] Has anyone noticed that the "download server edition" link on the Ubuntu site goes to the wrong version? [00:38] CoJaBo-Dell: which wrong version? [00:38] Hah! Whichwrong version.... [00:38] jp_sf: other than that one bash shell owned by www-data that is [00:38] The desktop edition. [00:38] Hello. [00:38] craigbass1976: Eh? [00:38] Flannel: I wasn't addressing it as a real issue; I know the software works together, I've done it before, I was just wondering about how people's experiences have been lately compared to, say, a year ago when it was really buggy. I just want to talk to someone who's had experienced with it lately [00:38] How can I convert Apple Lossless to FLAC in Ubuntu? [00:39] Flannel, I just got a kick out of your reply... [00:39] I am just confused about syncing my notes with webDAV vs ssh [00:39] CoJaBo-Dell: It just brings you to the regular download page, doesn't it? [00:39] best place to get wifi help? [00:40] Kalan: but if you never connect to undernet it doesn't looks good [00:40] jimi_hendrix, what are you trying to do? [00:40] hey guys...question...if i use the ext4 DEV settings will i get the speed increase from ext4 [00:40] Tetracomm: mencoder can transcode lots of things [00:40] or do i actually have to switch to ext4 [00:40] what's an alt for amarok [00:40] craigbass1976, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1027153 [00:40] jp_sf: i know... that's the issue i think i just found something though [00:40] Ok. [00:40] gtk [00:40] Ferram, Feel free to /join #Ubuntu-offtopic for discussions.. this is support [00:40] CoJaBo-Dell: yeah. u got to click the server tab [00:40] Kalan: lastime I caught a irc non authorized access I found with nmap som port was open [00:40] Ferram: You're more likely to find someone whos knowledgable on that particular issue in #winehq actually [00:40] basically having trouble getting a wifi adapter to work [00:41] any light audio players? [00:41] hey, someone know how to install intell 965GM driver? (graphic) [00:41] !wifi [00:41] Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [00:41] jp_sf: 2 processes by www-data "./19876" and "ps-x" [00:41] Tetracomm: it's possible ffmpeg might have the appropriate plugins too. [00:41] dayo_: Try this: Go to Ubunut.com, click "Server Edition", click "Download Ubuntu Server Edition", click "Begin Download", watch what version you end up with. === chuck_ is now known as zul [00:41] mencoder won't do it. [00:41] If you click server edition, it should default to the server edition tab. [00:42] runderwo: tried a default config from http://forums.msiwind.net/default-msiwind/xorg-conf-for-ubuntu-t6963.html - and unplugged second monitor - I have windows! [00:42] Kalan: I don't know any process ps-x === mike is now known as Guest58806 [00:42] CoJaBo-Dell: i know. u got to switch to Server tab before clicking Download. flaw, i guess [00:42] jp_sf: i think that's it just found the folder buried in temp [00:42] pwhipp: slow and steady from here :) [00:42] im trying to copy a folder from one debian box to my ubuntu box at home. each box has different user account for ssh [00:42] jp_sf: course just takes me to ask someone else to find the stuff hehe [00:42] Kalan: you can try pstree to see it as well [00:43] CoJaBo-Dell: That's just the generic download page, however I see what you mean. You should file a bug report here about it: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website [00:43] Kalan: I wouldn't trust a machine that as been compromised [00:43] jp_sf: yeah that's the command i was looking for and yes those are the proccess [00:44] ok [00:44] Kalan: also a better command would be lsof -i -n -P -l to have a direct overview [00:45] any reason that youtube not working with flash 9 player in firefox, ubuntu 8.04? [00:45] i just installed 8.04 and it made me do all these updates that took forever... now when i try to log in, it just shows me a white screen with the pointer in the middle [00:45] Kalan: remember, a root kit will sometimes replace commands like lsof with versions that hide the malicious programs [00:46] Kalan: so you might want to apt-get --reinstall install lsof first [00:46] what is a .la file? [00:46] but the failsafe gnome works, just not my normal gnome session [00:47] giacomo_c: try rebooting and getting the boot menu up and selecting recovery mode [00:47] cplusplus: it is a description of what libraries are statically linked into a .a file IIRC. [00:47] Kalan: doing a lsof -n -P -l look for everything in from /usr/bin/ having a working directory in /tmp [00:47] giacomo_c: think it F4 to get the menu up but not sure [00:47] f4? [00:47] okay, ill give it a shot i guess [00:47] jp_sf: thanks doing so now... some how there is a blank folder in my tmp [00:47] I have a pcchip MB wita a LAN - VIA VT6103 10/100Mbps Fast Ethernet PHY [00:48] jp_sf: has 2 spaces but unsure how to get in there [00:48] giacomo_c: try a lot of f key while its booting, one should work :) [00:48] how do i setup networking [00:48] hi. i need some help. [00:48] Kalan: with quotes [00:48] wassy121, where is the .lib dir in /cxcore/src http://rafb.net/p/rlunBc44.html [00:48] sidney: it should be automatic, if the chip is enabled. [00:48] Claire2009: we all need help :( [00:48] sidney: when you lspci, does it show up? [00:49] wassy121 there should be a ./cxcore/src/.libs/libcxcore.so [00:49] recon, i don't this that's a good idea [00:49] I'm trying to get dual-moniters working on my Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron installation with an nVidia 8600 GT XXX. I have the latest nVidia binary drivers installed. And I read on the forums that it should be easy to configure with "gksudo nvidia-settings". But when I run it a program starts in the bottom bar with the caption "Starting Administrati..." and then it closes a few seconds later. Does anyone know why it would do this? (Both mon [00:49] plugged in through DVI by the way) [00:49] Kalan: ls -a [00:49] cplusplus: ls -la [00:49] well, i need help with understanding why after exiting mozilla sometimes, it never loads backup until i restart system, and i can't sometimes logoff without physically holding down power button, and why Pidgin crashes my audio card when i'm watching youtube.... [00:49] cplusplus: dir is for windows, and doesn't include "hidden" files (those that begin with a . ) [00:49] FUCK!!! [00:49] sorry... [00:49] oh lol [00:50] jp_sf: yeah i got it... i was looking in the wrong tmp folder... "Mech-linux" is in here [00:50] just stressed out! [00:50] Claire2009 & wassy121: the guys are trying to help. Try to state your question (the thing you need help) clearly and be patient please [00:50] this is my only computer! [00:50] pwhipp - k [00:50] Claire2009: after exiting mozilla, maybe the process is hanging around [00:50] runderwo: it shows up [00:51] runderwo - i try closing all the processes in system monitor, and then even still sometimes it still doesn't wanna load it === root is now known as igol [00:51] does anyone know why my gnome session only gives me a white screen after updating 8.04 from a fresh install? [00:51] even if it shows up [00:51] in system monitor [00:51] sidney: what does ifconfig eth0 show? [00:51] can someoen help me with ntfsresize and fdisk ? [00:51] jp_sf: thanks a ton man i got it now i'm sure [00:51] how do i log into a remote server and through ssh grab a file and transfer a folder to my local machine [00:51] Claire2009: try running it from a terminal and seeing if it gives you any errors. [00:51] giacomo_c: would guess vedio card driver trouble [00:51] Doonz: places -> connect to server, change type to SSH. [00:51] Kalan: use checkrootkit [00:52] runderwo - i have to physically hold down power button just to log out after modizilla hangs.... [00:52] i've installed the latest ati drivers, and it worked before the update [00:52] runderwo - now it works... but how long after i close it? [00:52] nm figured it out [00:52] can someone help me with ntfsresize and fdisk ? [00:52] Kalan: http://www.google.com.au/search?q=%2Fvar%2Ftmp%2F+mech+stealth [00:52] jp_sf: it's chkrootkit [00:52] Claire2009: if you do things from terminal, it will sometimes give you more informative messages about problems the program is having. [00:52] runderwo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/105381/ [00:52] gnutron: true [00:52] Claire2009: so, try that for a while. [00:52] giacomo_c: you should get into recover mode so the stock drivers are loaded, see if it a driver issue [00:53] how do you ensure that a specific user read has only permissions to an ext3 volume? [00:53] gnutron: thanks [00:53] runderwo - how to i run modzilla from terminal in 8.04? [00:53] Claire2009: I would also try creating a fresh user account and seeing if the problem still occurs. [00:53] jp_sf: and thank you too [00:53] i may do that..... [00:53] recon69: ill try using the ones under hardware and see if maybe that will fix it [00:53] Claire2009: you mean firefox, or mozilla? Usually you can just open a command terminal (under accessories), and type 'mozilla' [00:53] jp_sf: i was blind :P [00:54] i'm running modzilla firefox [00:54] modzilla! [00:54] Mozilla firefox :) [00:54] No 'd' ;-) [00:54] i resized a partition with ntfsresize and the device is smaller in windows but i cant figure out how to create a new partition, i still see one partition (using gparted) [00:54] Kalan: well it happens a lot in fact also chkrootkit check rkhunter [00:54] <_dean> how do i configure intelfb [00:54] nothing found [00:54] time to reboot and see if it works [00:54] hey guys [00:54] sorry - i'm just having alot of frustration today at computer... [00:54] i have a prob with evolution' [00:54] anyhow, onto question #2 [00:54] when i try to connect to my hotmail account [00:55] i get "check junk failed" [00:55] sidney: it looks like it is working. [00:55] my second question is this : how do you copy data to 2nd hd and ensure it'll not be lost if you need to reinstall ubuntu? [00:55] <_dean> How do I fet the framebuffer working uisng intelfb? [00:55] and it says "Pipe to Bogofilter failed, error code: 3." [00:55] yeah rebooting now :) [00:55] what is the best way to install qemu+kqemu on ubuntu 8.10 ? [00:55] Kalan: from my experience recovering from a machine exposed is ... well pointless I would do a full back for a later analysis if you want but I would not trust this machine anymore [00:55] runderwo: i see the other computer but no files [00:55] the /msg ubottu qemu gives the old link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo [00:56] my 2nd HD Is there, but it says can't write to it [00:56] Okay, so the "burn" completed at 4x. I got these errors: http://debian.pastebin.com/d4e13bf0b and I can't read the disc as per my original nautilus issues. [00:56] even after i formatted it [00:56] using ubuntu [00:56] What is the best way to mass symlink files in an entire directory? I want to symlink all files inside /foo/ into /bar/ [00:56] Claire2009: what is the specific error? [00:56] how do you set your locale? [00:56] sidney: so you're trying to share files with windows? [00:56] Claire2009 just make sure u don't touch that 2nd drive when u're setting up the partitions for the new install [00:56] i've got a fresh 8.04 install that's LANG=en_US, but i've got an in-place upgrade from 6.06 that's LANG=en_US.UTF-8 [00:57] it's a linux machine [00:57] how can i change my fresh one to utf8? [00:57] sorry to ask again..but do i have to reformat to get teh perks of ext4 [00:57] WebcamWonder: you can use a wildcard (*) like so: 'ln -s /tmp/folder1/*.sh /tmp/folder2/' [00:57] i can see the windows files on this dual boot [00:57] WebcamWonder: symlink the folder not the files? [00:57] I FUCKING CAN'T PASTE ANYTHING ONTO MY 2ND HD IN UBUNTU!! [00:57] WebcamWonder: remember, ln (just like cp or mv) goes source first, destination second. [00:57] doug___: look at the wiki, it looks like you don't. But also, you should ask in +1 I think [00:58] Claire2009: language. [00:58] axisys: apt-get install qemu kqemu-source [00:58] !language [00:58] Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [00:58] i need some help with partitioning! [00:58] sorry. [00:58] Claire2009: is it mounted? [00:58] wassy121_: hmm hold up. Let me try tha t:) [00:58] np [00:58] yes. [00:58] dayo_ it's mounted [00:58] and it's clean [00:58] StuckMojo: dpkg-reconfigure locales ? [00:58] what is plus 1 [00:58] dayo_ but i can't paste/copy anything. [00:58] !jaunty | doug___ [00:58] doug___: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support. [00:59] Claire2009 can u at least read from the hd? [00:59] Claire2009: do you get an error message? [00:59] WebcamWonder: man lndir [00:59] runderwo: that just generates them [00:59] runderwo: thnx.. someone should add the to ubottu [00:59] runderwo: I already have files inside the folder I want to symlink to [00:59] recon69 - i can't even get an error message as it can't even give me paste option [00:59] update-locale i think [00:59] runderwo: And I just want to symlink the files [00:59] axisys: you'll also have to use module-assistant to build the kqemu module. [00:59] Jan 16 02:52:05 mail postfix/postdrop[6399]: warning: mail_queue_enter: create file maildrop/765735.6399: Permission denied [01:00] can anyone help me pls [01:00] aha /etc/default/locale [01:00] Claire2009: have you look at properties to see what permissions are on that drive [01:00] Hi -- I've been having loads of trouble with network connections & have seen comments online that this may be an Ibex weakness. Should I go back to Heron until the hardcore have sorted this out? [01:00] is it not possible to start more than one instance of gedit? [01:00] Is there a way to give a user read only rights to an ext3 volume EXCEPT for the ability to set the archive bit? [01:00] WebcamWonder: I'm not sure exactly what you're doing, but lndir will link a whole directory tree into another "shadow" tree. [01:01] usta: postfix set-permissions [01:01] recon69 - how do i check the properties? [01:01] runderwo: I installed pidgin inside a prefix. Pidgin plugin pack inside another. I now wanted to symlink the plugins into the pidgin's prefix :) [01:01] how do i get help ???? [01:01] jp_sf, i did [01:01] jp_sf: well yes who knows what they have done or setup and finding it all it way more taxing than re-creating it [01:01] biot023: what network connections? I have no problem. Where are you reading about these problems? [01:01] !help [01:01] runderwo: sudo apt-get install kqemu-source did not ask for module-assistant [01:01] Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [01:01] hey guys [01:01] usta: no complains ? [01:02] runderwo: should I still need to install it? [01:02] i was wondering if i can run ubuntu off a secondary slave hard drive [01:02] peace! [01:02] axisys: did it built the module automatically? [01:02] Claire2009: right click on a folder in the drive and select properties [01:02] anyone know if its possible to run firefox with root permissions, like maybe this way?: gksu firefox will that work without messing up anything in /home? [01:02] axisys: if it didn't, then you'll need to build it with module-assistant [01:02] runderwo: wait looks like it was laready installed.. doh! [01:02] Kalan: yeah it's black magic, forget about this one, sorry but I think you cannot recover from a compromised host [01:02] Well, I'm struggling with a new laptop's wireless at home, and am stuck in the office with an admittedly old desktop now, not even recognising the ethernet connection. [01:02] runderwo: yes.. all completed.. no complain [01:02] temppy: Don't do that. People have messed up a lot of things by gksu'in firefox [01:03] recon69 - did that. now what i'm looking for in properties [01:03] Hey all, I was trying to compile my own version of VLC to have support for 3g2 files and I forget what I need but somehow I forced synaptic to think vlc 0.9.4 is the newest version always, i think it locked somehow, does anyone know how I can remove that === Taladan_ is now known as Taladan [01:03] The comments were on a number of boards that came up looking into the problems on google. [01:03] Someis-- depends on what os is on your main drive and if you can install grub or grub4dos [01:03] sidney: so you're trying to use the machine with the VIA chip as a file server? [01:03] Someoneis: Sure you can. Just have to get it to boot, and it will run off primary/master/whatever. [01:03] WebcamWonder: do you have any links? or know any specifics? (I really want to know a safe way to run ff with root privileges) [01:03] usta: what version of postfix are your running ? [01:04] Claire2009 permissions [01:04] temppy: Why do you want to run it with root priv.? [01:04] Someoneis: depends n what your main os is on the primary drive and also if you can use grub or grub4dos or a grub boot floppy (or usb drive) [01:04] recon69 - it says i'm not the owner, can't change permissions === yacc_ is now known as yacc [01:04] runderwo: i just want it tobe part of my home network [01:05] Claire2009: that why you cant paste onto thatr drive [01:05] WebcamWonder: http://www.kaspersky.com/kos/eng/partner/us/languages/english/check.html?n=1228622027273 I'm trying to get that site working [01:05] recon69 - so, how do i fix this???? [01:05] sidney: have you installed samba? [01:05] temppy: Why do you want to run an antivirus check? You don't need one in Windows [01:05] Arggh Linux* [01:06] runderwo: i think it is installed this is super ubuntu [01:06] temppy: probably the only way though-- is to install ies4linux and or run through wine using a firefox wine [01:06] I think that site uses activex [01:06] WebcamWonder: to be able to scan a windows partition [01:06] runderwo: i can see even windows machines [01:06] temppy: Though I think in the repository there is clam (antivirus) [01:07] temppy: I know this for sure, that if you gksu your firefox, the permissions on your home folder mess up [01:07] sidney: then you need to read about configuring samba. The network is working, but the server has to be set up and told what shares to make available and who has permission to view them. [01:07] Can anyone point me at a guide to help newbies get a fresh install of Ibex's ethernet connection configured/working? I'm floundering, rather. [01:07] !networking [01:07] Sorry, I don't know anything about networking [01:07] !samba [01:07] Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/212098 [01:07] !networkmanager [01:07] networkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager [01:07] redvamp128: no, Im sure about it, it uses java, and running it with root permissions makes it happy. Thats why I'm trying to figure a safe way to elevate ff's permissions. At the worst, I'll just create a separate user account [01:07] biot023: ^ [01:08] is the command ls samba? to see if it's installed\ === eric is now known as talntid [01:08] temppy why not run the wine standalone [01:08] i have some sound delays when i'm playing games, how do i fix this? [01:08] version of firefox [01:08] recon69 - how do i make my 2nd HD accessible again? [01:09] wassi121_: cheers -- I'll have a look at that later -- is there something equivalent for ethernet, or am I being dumb? [01:09] thanks for the links but how can i see if samba is installed [01:09] redvamp128: I dunno. making a separate user account, and gksu firefox seems simpler... [01:09] sidney: dpkg -s samba [01:10] sidney: or 'dpkg -l | grep samba' [01:10] wassy121 thank you [01:10] temppy its not good to run things as root usually, especially something that access the internet like firefox [01:10] temppy: If you check the repository -- they have Clam antivirus [01:10] Claire2009: easy way is to "sudo nautilus" to get root access to the folders and change the owner. probably a better way though, has to do with how you mounted the drive [01:10] biot023: it is the same thing. Use network-manager, and all your connections should just work. [01:11] eseven73: I know, but its the only apparent way. Consider me warned [01:11] okay.. i've a question with resolution... how do i set my resolution to wide screen resolution in ubuntu 6.06 [01:11] recon69 - i just formatted it when i copied all my stuff to main drive. [01:11] Claire2009, recon69: use `gksu nautilus` (don't use sudo with graphical programs); and be extremely careful with that nautilus window, and close it as soon as you're finished. [01:11] 6.06? wow, that is years ago. I think you need to edit the X config file. [01:11] it only has the 4:3 aspect ratio [01:11] woh [01:11] !fixres | Lamerion [01:11] Lamerion: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution [01:12] recon69 - not sure how i mounted it. it was my former ubuntu OS drive before i lost winXP [01:12] okay thx [01:12] temppy: open up symantic do a search for "virus" there should be one that says gui front end for (clam) should do the trick and once installed you can update the virus defiinitions... then there is even a plugin on the same that does it over the network [01:12] redvamp128: clam sucks, no offense to them. Clam only catches old viruses in my experience. Anyway, thanks for the input [01:12] Lamerion: http://howto-pages.org/ModeLines/ lays out what modelines are, and the (basic) math behind how to write your own. [01:12] if someone is currently connected to a pp2pd tunnel, how can I see it? [01:12] temppy: What about F-prot [01:13] no idea [01:13] i'd have to write my own? [01:13] hi everybody, i have a gtk theme and i like to change the text color of the apps menu (ex : File, edit ...) where should i go ? [01:13] temppy: they have a debian installer -- [01:13] Lamerion: I don't recall how to do it with the older version of ubuntu. I just remember writing my own. [01:13] hello I upgraded to ubuntu ibex and I can no longer access local servers on my network but the internet works fine. Has anyone seen this issue [01:13] Lamerion: multiplication is easy, promise :) [01:13] Claire2009: O , in that case just change the permissions on the files, you will find that the all root except for the ones in Home folder [01:14] Can someone help me? When I boot up ubuntu, the ubuntu image is not the original color; it looks awkward and it's been skewed. Does anyone know how to either remove it or restore the original image? [01:14] wokay i'll give it a look.. thanks too wassy121_ [01:14] temppy: kapersky is a good commercial option for linux. [01:14] recon69 - is there a way to do massive change of permissions? [01:14] how do I move the bar that's on the top of the screen BACK to the top of the screen? for some reason I moved it to the left side now [01:15] can someone help me [01:15] helo efriends [01:15] hi,when i am installing a package thru apt-get,its configuratuion file is not coming up,anyways? [01:15] temppy: there is avast [01:15] caboosE: what is the issue [01:15] i resized a partition with ntfsresize and the device is smaller in windows but i cant figure out how to create a new partition, i still see one partition (using gparted) [01:16] hi when i am doing apt-get the configurations file is not coming up [01:16] temppy: avast! Linux Home Edition Download [01:16] I have a hardware RAID setup through my motherboard but when I go to install Ubuntu it sees each drive seperately, I would like to have it see one large drive. [01:16] redvamp128: interesting [01:16] caboosE: sorry I am not an expert in partitions [01:16] Though you have to register it-- by confirming your email though -- [01:16] temppy: avast is good...I use in on my wife's windows machine [01:17] ? [01:17] whoops [01:17] avast better than clam on linux? [01:17] lonel: you mean you are missing a file ? [01:17] anyone here good with partitioning ? [01:17] So how do I get Ubuntu to see my hardware RAID as one large drive? [01:17] Is there something a little more better looking/functioning than Putty for SSHing ? [01:17] temppy: you submit your email then you confirm it -- then they send you the full free key good for one year-- and each year you get a new key .. (home use only) [01:17] jp_sf: yeah i am trying to install slapd,adnd there is no slapd.conf in /etc/ldap :( [01:17] can someone help me with ntfsresize? [01:18] Joe_: it should automatically. Is it seeing multiple small drives? Is this a SATA RAID, or SCSI? [01:18] Claire2009: the cmd is chown --help [01:18] !chown [01:18] wassy121: SATA RAID [01:18] The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal [01:18] Stargazer: putty is a windows-only program. Not sure what else is out there for windows. How ugly can a command prompt get? [01:18] can someone help me with ntfsresize? [01:18] I installed OSS4 due to PulseAudio crashing too often. Most apps work, but the taskbar volume control doesn't work === sheep is now known as lstarnes [01:19] Also, ossxmix won't appear in the tray [01:19] eyecandy for CLI stuff Stargazer ? Seems oxymoron to me :) [01:19] caboosE: have you tried gparted? [01:19] Stargazer: There's a shoot-off of PuTTy called KiTTy that makes it look nicer [01:19] Joe_: most SATA RAID is really software RAID. Linux doesn't do SATA RAID well as far as I know. [01:19] Gabriel === ghost is now known as Guest42063 [01:19] Hi can anyone help with network manager issue. I cannot browse local file shares via wireless but it works fine with a wired connection and the internet works as well [01:19] jp_sf: yeah i am trying to install slapd,adnd there is no slapd.conf in /etc/ldap :( [01:19] wassy121_: I set it up on the board. It is part of the motherboard. [01:19] Hi -- it looks like the network manager does not just work in this instance. I don't think the ethernet is even configured. [01:20] wassy121_: Stargazer: I am quite sure that PuTTY is not a Windows-only app [01:20] Gabriel [01:20] Wassy121_, there's a Putty for X. [01:20] DT5 [01:20] lonel: I'm confused I was thinking of slapd.args for the conf [01:20] lonel: sudo dpkg-reconfigure slapd [01:20] god, wireless and ubuntu is just flaky , got two computer that crash on large dl's [01:20] upon installing samba i get an error [01:21] Eseven73, i was thinking something that i could use in Gnome terminal rather than something that resembles Xterm. [01:21] recon69: Weird. Works perfectly for me and it spends all day downloading from Usenet. [01:21] !chmod [01:21] An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview [01:21] g [01:21] lonel: the slapd.conf i in /etc/ldap [01:21] lockd: Stargazer: wow, you are right. I never even thought to look. I run 'ssh user@hostname' from gnome-terminal. [01:21] gnome-terminal is pretty enough for me. [01:21] jp_sf: yeah,but its not their after doing an apt-get install slapd [01:21] wassy121_: Well I'm using this as a media box and I'd like to have one big drive as opposed to multiple smaller ones. [01:21] Same here wassy121_. [01:21] installing ubuntu for the first time, will 64bit be harder to learn than 32bit? [01:21] Stargazer: i donno, im a minimalist myself. zero eyecandy for me :) [01:22] i have some sound delays when i'm playing games, how do i fix this? [01:22] Stargazer: why not install xterm --should be in the repository [01:22] dayo_: so a reconfigure will create that file? [01:22] lonel: yes [01:22] Are people having more network & wireless problems in Ibex? I've had a couple of happy Heron installs, and not been able to get a single Ibex working fully yet. [01:22] joe_-: thought for ages it was just a funky driver for my card, got a new computer and it crashes also. problem must be deeper that wlan driver [01:22] dayo_: let me try [01:22] Redvamp128, i'm against xterm. can't copy/paste from/to it. [01:22] biot023: yes [01:22] lonel: i had the same problem once, too [01:22] Joe_: I read in the past (8-12 months ago) that SATA RAID just wasn't what it is advertised to be, and the "controller card" on the MB just abstracts it out to be software-controlled by windows. [01:22] lonel: I think it is coming from openldap [01:22] Stargazer, select/ middle click.. to paste.. [01:23] wassy121_: yes, putty is of limited use on Unix type systems :P [01:23] wassy121_: Huh. That's dumb. [01:23] biot023: My Intrepid install wireless works fine [01:23] dayo_: i see,also i got some issues integrating pam with ldap,did you tried that before? [01:23] biot023: I have an issue with wireless where I cannot browse local servers or file shares. Wired works and internet works [01:23] Dr_willis: and to copy ? [01:23] lonel: don't you have one in /etc/openldap/ ? [01:23] neurotope: I see no difference in 32 versus 64 in learning [01:23] Right -- I'm gonna try going back to Heron & seeing if those machines are any happier there. [01:23] Joe_: This is in contrast to a SCSI RAID, which takes the input on one SCSI channel, and the card itself writes the data to both disks. [01:23] lonel: /etc/openldap/slapd.conf.default [01:23] lonel: haven't got that far yet. i'm still new with installing ldap, myself [01:23] BCampbell: so the 64bit has similar driver / software support? [01:23] biot023: I am using static addresses which is a a pain [01:24] Stargazer, once you 'select' it is copied to the 'x selection' buffer.. you then middle click topaste the selection whever.. there are some clipboard tools that can controll how the 'selection' buffer works with the 'clipboard' buffer. [01:24] I've managed to fix my OSS problem. I just uninstalled gstreamer-alsa and the Bad and Ugly plugins [01:24] jp_sf: let em check ,i beleive it is in /etc/ldap [01:24] err, installed bad and ugly [01:24] jp_sf: nothing like that [01:24] anyone seen an issue where you cannot browse local file shares over wireless but wired works [01:24] lonel: you don't use openldap ? [01:24] neurotope: 64-bit is missing some things like good flash support (though it should be fixed real soon), and some other stuff like proprietary hardware drivers (think nvidia/ati). [01:24] anyone knows how to completely remove photoshop from wine [01:24] jp_sf: its same ,its known as slapd [01:24] neurotope: as far as I can see yes. I just installed Mythbunutu64 today and everything is running fine. All hardware is working and after running apt-get to install the gnome desktop everything is great. [01:25] Wassy121_, epiphany runs YouTube's flash fine... as well as other flash apps. [01:25] wassy121_: there are a few good ATA RAID cards, but most of the motherboard stuff is junk. [01:25] alexvd, ive noticed that befor inder windows also.. im wondering if some wireless routers/settings block samba over sireless by default for security [01:25] wcdl: do yo9u have anything else installed in wine? [01:25] jp_sf: slapd is the server in openldap [01:25] Speaking of which, why isn't there a package for OSS in apt? Sometimes alsa support is non-existant or shoddy, and the other way around [01:25] no [01:25] what version of warsow is in the ubuntu repo? [01:25] lonel: what I mean is that slapd.conf is coming with the installation of openldap as sldap.conf.default [01:25] !info warsow [01:25] warsow (source: warsow): fast paced 3D first person shooter. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.42.dfsg1-1 (intrepid), package size 2083 kB, installed size 3592 kB [01:25] Stargazer: absolutely on 32-bit. I have heard horror stories about 64-bit flash support though. [01:26] eseven73: no [01:26] dr_willis: it is not just samba. i cant get to any servers via ssh or even http to webpages [01:26] jp_sf: yeah but its not in .y /etc/ldap [01:26] Wassy121_.... i'm ON 64bit. [01:26] Stargazer: (I don't have a 64-bit system, so I can't speak to experience). [01:26] wcdl: i'd reinstall wine maybe as a last resort [01:26] is there a package GTK+ for apt-get? [01:26] ping [01:26] lonel: have you installed the clients ? [01:26] cplusplus: you want the library or you want a GTK frontend to apt-get? [01:27] eseven73: there isn't another way? [01:27] cplusplus: Should be an add/remove programs link in your start bar. [01:27] will someone tak a look http://paste.ubuntu.com/105388/ [01:27] dr_willis: samba is a whole other issue in ibex. Its broken and i cant fix that either [01:27] is there any convenient way to force a driver to load earlier than another on the ubuntu boot disk? I think there's a driver race condition which is causing the system to hang when I attempt to install 8.04 [01:27] GTK frontend [01:27] 17 mins until the Heron image downloads ... [01:27] lonel: because 'm pretty sure if you install the openldap-servers you have a sldap.conf [01:27] cplusplus: Applications->Add/Remove [01:27] cplusplus: or in system-admin, synaptic package manager. [01:27] what is the gui tool to generate ssh keys? [01:27] i wanted to unninstall cs2 and install cs3 [01:27] ok [01:27] dr_willis: !info warsow yields "bash: !info: event not found" [01:27] alexvd, i find samba works for me on Ibex.. but you dont want to know the fightinb ive been doing with it on my windows vista -> windws xp systems... [01:27] anyone installed wikid? [01:27] jp_sf: oh is it [01:27] Fjss, read what the BOT said when I used that command in here. [01:27] dick-richardson: don't know of one. Use 'ssh-keygen -t dsa' [01:27] Well is there someway in Ubuntu to say "Combine the space of drives/partitions into one" ? [01:28] !info warsow | Fjss [01:28] warsow (source: warsow): fast paced 3D first person shooter. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.42.dfsg1-1 (intrepid), package size 2083 kB, installed size 3592 kB [01:28] lonel: well you know this kind of things you do once and after you keep using it [01:28] lonel: I'm pretty sure yes [01:28] !info warsow [01:28] warsow (source: warsow): fast paced 3D first person shooter. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.42.dfsg1-1 (intrepid), package size 2083 kB, installed size 3592 kB [01:28] dr_willis: some update must have fixed it for me because now it is working :) [01:29] sidney: Appears to be nothing to worry about. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/samba/+bug/24741 [01:29] Has anyone had issue with static address and wireless issues with ibex accessing local file shares [01:29] runderwo: thanks [01:30] joe_-: LVM might be what you are looking for, but Im totally unsure of that [01:30] wcdl: have you looked under your .wine folder? It's hidden Ctrl+h to view it if youre using a GUI file manager, or 'ls -A' your home directory on a terminal [01:30] temppy: Haha, yeah I saw someone post that while Googling for it, helped zilch. I guess I can play with LVM and check it out. [01:30] wassy121, if I specify dsa when generating a key...do i need to do anything when connecting, or will it get figured out automatically? [01:30] joe_-: I think you just want a RAID0. mdtools can take care of that without LVM. [01:31] alexvd: I'm too green to have been messing with static addresses, but the other machine I'm trying to get working with ibex won't read the wireless. [01:31] dick-richardson: it gets figured out automatically. [01:31] !LVM > joe_- [01:31] joe_-, please see my private message [01:31] runderwo: Yes, I do want a RAID0. How would I go about that? [01:31] wassy121, thank you :) [01:31] dick-richardson: but, you have to be _super_ careful with the file and folder permissions in order to get key-based authentication working between machines. [01:31] !raid | joe_- [01:31] joe_-: raid is Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID wto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto [01:31] temppy: "This page does not exist yet. You can create a new empty page, or use one of the page templates." [01:32] k thanks. [01:32] biot023: I understand and for what its worth in Ibex the wireless works for me but I have this very annoying issue [01:32] joe_-: Looks like that first link is messed up. Should be SoftwareRAIDHowto [01:32] joe_-: look at the LVM page [01:32] wassy121, i got http://rafb.net/p/J2WpB333.html [01:32] wassy121, authorized_keys should be 600, the .ssh folder itself 700...anything else to be aware of? [01:32] OpenCV ERROR: Unspecified error (The function is not implemented. Rebuild the library with Windows, GTK+ 2.x or Carbon support) [01:33] joe_-: actually, omit the Howto entirely. [01:33] k. Thanks. Looks like 8.1 says it supports SATA RAIDs now.. may have to redownload that. [01:33] which lib will i need? [01:34] joe_-: Yeah, it depends on your controller, but most of the RAID configurations can be parsed out now. It's set up as a generic software RAID. [01:34] Well, I'll get 8.10 real quick and check it out. [01:34] joe_-: Check into dmraid for that [01:34] dayo_: still no luck with slapd.conf [01:34] will i need to update gtk? [01:34] library [01:35] cplusplus: is this a lib you built manually? [01:35] which lib? [01:35] !clone [01:35] To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude --disable-columns --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate [01:35] cplusplus: cxcore [01:35] does anyone know how to make a tray icon of something like ossxmix? [01:35] its part of opencv [01:35] i only run .configure and make [01:36] cplusplus: which you built manually? [01:36] !help [01:36] Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [01:36] anybody set up succesfuly vnc4server? It works for me but instead of desktop I see raw console!? [01:36] cplusplus: right. So, you need to pass flags to ./configure enabling the GTK support. [01:36] cplusplus: ./configure --help [01:36] oh [01:36] Hi folks. I'm running intrepid ibex. When I enable 3d acceleration on my graphics card with recommended restricted NVDIA restricted driver (graphics card is an evga e-geforce 7200 GS) my wireless will not connect (wireless card is a lynksis 54g). Any ideas or suggestions? If I disable the acceleration wireless connection to the internet works fine but I want to be able to play 3d games and use the internet at the same time with the [01:36] lonel: hmm === sheep is now known as lstarnes [01:36] lonel: how did u install openldap? [01:36] bengoshi: is the wireless in a pci card or onboard? [01:37] dayo_: /win 10 [01:37] sorry lol [01:37] runderwo its apci card [01:37] bengoshi: move it to the next slot over. [01:37] runderwo, --with-gtk use gtk+ 2.0 windows [automatic] [01:37] dayo_: apt-get install slapd [01:37] is enabled by default [01:37] runderwo: tried that and it didnt work [01:38] cplusplus: so do you have the gtk devel libs installed? [01:38] lonel: sudo aptitude install slapd ldap-utils db4.2-util [01:38] Before I give up on Ibex & see if going back to Heron fixes things, could anyone point me at any resources that might help me figure out how to get a wireless connection working on one machine, and/or an ethernet connection on another? It's a standard Ibex install. [01:38] bengoshi: cat /proc/interrupts [01:38] runderwo, aptget install gtk devel libs ? [01:38] dayo_:let me try [01:38] maybe aptitude purg slapd first [01:38] cplusplus: dpkg -l |grep libgtk [01:38] Hi, I am trying to install passenger on ubuntu with ruby enterprise [01:38] can anyone help me? [01:38] lonel sudo aptitude purge slapd [01:39] lonel: and then install the whole thing [01:39] I follow a lot of instructions from the internet but none of them work [01:39] runderwo, http://rafb.net/p/JLCqcW30.html [01:39] runderwo: is cat /proc/interrupts a terminal command? sorry I'm somewhat of a newbie [01:39] Hello all. I'm running 7.04 liveCD so I can use testdisk and recover my fakeraid RAID0 structure... I've done this before recently and it worked well... I installed dmraid previously and it worked... but now I get an error when I try to install dmraid: [01:39] invoke-rc.d: initscript dmraid, action "start" failed. [01:39] I always get: Ruby on Rails application could not be started [01:39] cplusplus: apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev [01:40] biot023: I found this very helpfull https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide [01:40] so testdisk can't see my raid [01:40] cplusplus: then configure and make [01:40] Nunes: have you looked at the railscasts podcast on it? I'm no expert, but I got it sort-of going from tthat. [01:40] bengoshi: yes [01:40] hey, i just installed ubuntu for the first time in my life [01:40] runderwo: thanks :) I will try now [01:40] runderwo, http://rafb.net/p/WBoHMY23.html [01:40] oh [01:40] hi quiksilver [01:40] strage [01:40] how do i transfer things from my windows installation to this [01:40] cplusplus: use sudo :/ [01:40] runderwo: cheers -- I'll have a look, now. [01:41] and also, is there a way to disable having to enter my password for everything administrative [01:41] biot023 I do not have the link for the production screencast [01:41] quiksilver go to system and click on filesystem [01:41] E: Invalid operation libgtk2.0-dev [01:41] i dont have ubuntu so yeah =/ [01:41] oh [01:41] quicksilver a bad idea. learn to use sudo properly and your system will live a long life. ;) [01:42] anyone know why dmraid woud fail to install using apt-get? [01:42] dr_willis [01:42] can i use ubuntu for my music [01:42] or should i realy only use it for developing? [01:42] partialinfinity: is that all the errors you get? that's while installing dmraid? [01:43] runderwo, its still root [01:43] quiksilver - 'use' as in what? Play? I play music files all the time on ubuntu. and videos.. i use it mainly for video/music player stuff. I rarely devlope things [01:43] quiksilver: try out amarok [01:43] quiksilver yes music and no if you want to [01:43] http://rafb.net/p/WBoHMY23.html [01:43] runderwo: ok I ran cat /proc/interrupts - alot of detail. What should I be looking for? [01:43] quiksilver linux is for everything but gaming [01:43] basically [01:43] -_- [01:43] bengoshi: who is sharing interrupts with the wireless card === UdontKnow is now known as e [01:43] quiksilver: look in places->network , and share the windows folder you want to comput from [01:43] quiksilver you did install a dual boot right [01:43] Nunes: http://railscasts.com/episodes/122-passenger-in-development [01:43] yo [01:43] * dr_willis games under Linux. :) [01:43] is there a stopwatch utility [01:43] idk [01:43] I get that message while installing here is the full: Setting up dmraid (1.0.0.rc13-2ubuntu5) ... [01:43] * Setting up DMRAID devices... invoke-rc.d: initscript dmraid, action "start" failed. [01:43] dpkg: error processing dmraid (--configure): [01:43] subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 [01:43] Errors were encountered while processing: [01:43] dmraid [01:43] partialinfinity: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [01:43] i installed ubntu via wubi [01:43] cplusplus: you must be running another apt-get, synaptic or something like that. [01:43] partialinifnity fpaste.org [01:43] cplusplus: ps ax |grep apt [01:43] biot023 Thanks! [01:44] quiksilver - is somthing i tend to suggest Avoideing. [01:44] infinity* [01:44] quiksilver - WUBI is somthing i tend to suggest Avoideing. [01:44] oh quiksilver [01:44] whats wrong with wubi? [01:44] yeah one hard reboot that sucker is GONE [01:44] wtf!? wat i am pm u lol [01:44] ok [01:44] soz for off topic thing [01:44] !wubi [01:44] Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. [01:44] +1 to avoiding wubi [01:44] quiksilver no hibernate, if you hard reboot like a 70% chance your installation will get hosed [01:44] anyone know of a stopwatch utility [01:44] !wireless [01:44] WUBI is why I am here asking about how to fix my RAID-0... AVOID AT ALL COSTS! [01:45] Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [01:45] quiksilver - I perfer to do 'real/full' installs - or use ubuntui inside virtualbox if i cant.. [01:45] never tried wubi but it seems like a dangerous idea :/ [01:45] its good for trying ubuntu but anything but that yeah right [01:45] so what do i do? [01:45] jedi06: stopwatch [01:45] how ever.. it can slow your computer down [01:45] netsurf3 i have reinstalled wubi countless times till i said "fuck it" and did a partition install [01:45] jedi06: timer-applet, it sits on a gnome panel [01:45] jedi06: sudo apt-get install stopwatch [01:45] quiksilver boot a live cd and install it :) [01:45] partialinfinity: if you have a raid card instead of onboard garbage fakeraid its awesome [01:45] just don't use Wubi. [01:45] wat, Please watch your language in this channel, thank you. [01:45] dayo_: still no luck [01:45] lonel: damn :-( [01:45] quiksilver you could play with ubuntu a while with wubi and if you like it.. do a real/install and dual boot. later. [01:46] wat i dont understand why you wouldnt want to do a partition install its so easy to do if you've installed windows xp even once [01:46] quiksilver: back everything up before you do though :) [01:46] dayo_: can you give me your slapd.conf? [01:46] quiksilver hard reboot real quick and tell me what happens :P [01:46] runderwo: how can I tell who is sharing interrupts? what letters/numbers on left designate the wireless card? [01:46] where do i get the real thing from [01:46] on cd [01:46] actionparsnip: yes I know fakeraid sucks... doesn't change the fact that I'm hosed. :) [01:46] lonel: did u try this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer [01:46] !g UBUNTU LIVE CD [01:46] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [01:46] quiksilver pop in cd.. reboot.. boot from cd.. [01:46] ubottu <_< [01:46] yes where do iget the cd [01:47] quiksilver how did you install without a cd? [01:47] !getubuntu | quiksilver [01:47] Sorry, I don't know anything about getubuntu [01:47] quiksilver i recommend not using linux [01:47] dayo_: trying the very same [01:47] ubuntu* [01:47] lonel: hm [01:47] quiksilver for starting i recommend slackware or gentoo :P [01:47] wat: Please don't. This is a support channel. [01:47] quiksilver: http://www.ubuntu.com/download [01:47] im kidding. just go to ubuntu.com and click on live cd [01:47] lonel: that's what i usually follow, when installing ldap [01:47] bengoshi: you'd have to know the name of your wireless driver. [01:47] wat: i got into gentoo quite early, its not hard [01:47] bengoshi: /msg me and paste it [01:47] im trying to use network manager to connect to a VPN, but nothing appears to happen. is there something im missing? [01:47] dayo_: i see [01:48] lonel: weird that your slapd.conf is not showing up [01:48] actionparsnip he is new to linux [01:48] hehue [01:48] but anyway, I've already fixed the problems Wubi cause before using dmraid and testdisk... but now in a new livecd session with the same disk and computer, dmraid won't install [01:48] hehe [01:48] wat: gentoo for getting started on linux , you must be mad, 50 page install guide [01:48] its all point and click though [01:48] lonel: try #ldap [01:48] !ot [01:48] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [01:48] I have two monitors and ubuntu 8.10, How can I use them both? It's an Nvidia card [01:48] wat: theres a handbook that guides you through the install if you are new to gentoo installs [01:48] dayo_: can you gimme ur slapd.conf,so that i can try placing it there? [01:48] ActionParsnip: Please take the offtopic conversation elsewhere, thanks. [01:48] quiksilver all point in click? what? [01:48] damn kids, we installed by hand back in the day... [01:48] lonel: hang on. [01:48] Pici: np man [01:48] Wips, i normally enable the nvidia drivers then install and run 'sudo nvidia-settings' enable both monitors as i like.. then restrt the X server [01:48] try installing gentoo via the command line installer [01:49] dayo_: thanks [01:49] so should i use virtual box instead/ [01:49] dr_willis: gksudo nvidia-settings dude ;) [01:49] quiksilver no [01:49] do what you want. this is linux [01:49] hey guys im going to install gentoo on dial up :D [01:49] !ot | wat [01:49] wat: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [01:49] O.o good luck with that [01:49] quiksilver: Lets start over. What are you looking to do. [01:49] partialinfinity: see the last message in this topic: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=195432 [01:50] I reccomend a 'full' normal install. instead of Wubi. you can use WUBI if you want. [01:50] runderwo: I'm on my laptop because wireless disabled on the desktop! I will deactivate driver, get on internet on desktop, and then cut/paste to you [01:50] wat: gentoo is made for dialup [01:50] runderwo: thanks but I've been there, tried that [01:50] bengoshi: okay, hope I'm still around when you're back. [01:50] gentoo on dialup would take forever to install [01:51] runderwo: I hope so too [01:51] @seek Affluenza [01:51] wat: it'd be quicker, source code its quicker to download than binary as source is only text files [01:51] wat, ActionParsnip: Please take the offtopic conversation elsewhere, this is the UBUNTU support channel. You may join #ubuntu-offtopic and discuss there if you want. [01:51] ok well im done :) [01:52] pici is srs biz === rachel is now known as Guest83290 [01:53] lonel: http://pastebin.com/m44a600d6 [01:53] lonel: u'll need to edit the dn and such [01:54] partialinfinity: the only thing I could suggest is try dpkg --purge dmraid and then install it again. === osxdude|laptop is now known as osxdude|l [01:54] partialinfinity: otherwise, you'd have to strace -f invoke-rc.d dmraid start and try to figure out why it's failing. [01:54] runderwo: tried that and purge fails too :/ [01:55] partialinfinity: you can force it to work by editing /var/lib/dpkg/info/dmraid.prerm and adding an 'exit 0' line near the top. [01:55] Is anyone else multibooting ubuntu? [01:55] runderwo: did that before and it will purge... but the install just fails again like before [01:56] ikan you again :P [01:56] you fix your problem === squiddy is now known as Guest55845 [01:56] Well yeah but then it got messed up again [01:56] im trying to use network manager to connect to a VPN, but nothing appears to happen. is there something im missing? [01:56] i dont have any linux installed but i still can help :P, what happened ikan [01:56] hello, everyone, please someone give me a hand, my broadcom disappeared... nothing that I do make I can see it [01:56] Ikan: I have windows xp, and 2 installs of ubuntu [01:56] partialinfinity: try bash -v /etc/init.d/dmraid start [01:57] greetings, does anyone uses the sysmonitor screenlet, i' encountering problems on showing my ip [01:57] why 2 installs temppy [01:57] It's more of a W7 and ubuntu ordeal [01:57] partialinfinity: that may at least give you an idea where the problem is. [01:57] runderwo: what am I looking for? [01:57] partialinfinity: sudo, of course. [01:57] my ubuntu sometimes freezes when i'm afk, but i can't find anything in the logs, ideas? [01:57] Hi, does anyone here have installer passenger with ruby enterprise on ubuntu 8.04? [01:57] partialinfinity: look at what it does last before exiting with error. [01:57] wat: one is my regular account. The other is for testing the alphas/betas [01:58] biot023 That link did not help, but thanks a lot! [01:58] Hi, does anyone here have installer passenger with ruby enterprise on ubuntu 8.04? [01:58] runderwo: * Setting up DMRAID devices... $EXPR $COLS - 1 [01:58] runderwo: I don't see any error messages, it looks like it's printing the script... ? [01:59] partialinfinity: yes, it should print the script up until the point where it exits with error. [01:59] runderwo: the line I pasted is the last line I see [02:01] Nunes: sorry to hear that -- good luck! [02:01] biot023 np [02:01] hey everyone got a quick theme question. I tried to install Elegant Brit theme on ubuntu and i am getting this error "The theme will not look as intended because the required GTK+ theme engine is not installed" Can anyone please help me? [02:02] i would appreciate any help. I am fairly new to Linux [02:03] does anyone have a cheat sheet for ubuntu CLI commands ... i keep forgetting stuff? [02:03] !cli | Area300 [02:03] Area300: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal [02:03] i downloaded the gtk and metacity theme one [02:03] Area300, theres doesens of bash quick referance guides listed on google. :) [02:03] but im getting this error :( [02:03] Area300, thjey are not 'ubuntu cli commands' they are Linux shell commands. [02:03] Flannel: Thank you very much [02:04] dayo_: hey thanks :) [02:04] I am having problems mounting an "in-use" ntfs volume [02:04] When i attempt to mount it, I get an error: You are not privileged to mount the volume 'GofG's500gb'. [02:04] :) sorry for my ignronce ... im trying to ditch my MS thinking lol [02:04] lonel: u're welcome [02:04] when i -o force it, i get fuse: failed to access mountpoint /media/GofG's500gb: No such file or directory [02:05] Jhonnyboy: Try installing the GTK engine from Synaptic package manager in System > Admin. Then, scroll down the list to GTK2-engines [02:05] this was after messing with my /dev/fdisk file [02:05] How do I mount it? [02:06] ok works [02:06] Oh, and this just popped up: [02:06] DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken. [02:06] thanks [02:06] gofg: that second error is nothing, ignore it [02:06] gofg: run sudo fdisk -l to show partitions [02:06] !mount | gofg [02:06] gofg: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QtParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap [02:06] three line paste: [02:06] gofg@gofgeee:/media$ fdisk -l [02:06] Cannot open /dev/sda [02:06] Cannot open /dev/sdb [02:06] gofg: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [02:07] :( sorry floodbot. [02:07] <||cw2> goffio: sudo [02:07] I'm getting this error after installing a theme... "The theme will not look as intended because the required GTK+ theme engine is not installed" Can anyone please help me? [02:07] Jhonnyboy: Try installing the GTK engine from Synaptic package manager in System > Admin. Then, scroll down the list to GTK2-engines [02:08] can anyone point me in the right direction of downgrading nvidia drivers from 173, to 169? [02:08] this looks like it: /dev/sdb1 1 60802 488386552+ 7 HPFS/NTFS [02:08] help, please, my broadcom was erased from the map [02:08] what aught I do now? [02:09] is there any way to make this ntfs drive think it's not being used through wine? [02:09] make it, through wine, think that it is not being used. [02:10] gofg: it needs sudo [02:10] 785r467475e3 [02:10] gi pa? [02:10] anyone good with pulse audio? [02:10] ActionParsnip, which command? I already got the fdisk. [02:10] gofg: sudo fdisk -l [02:10] yes [02:10] i pasted the line that describes this drive [02:10] /dev/sdb1 1 60802 488386552+ 7 HPFS/NTFS [02:11] i need to figure out how to set defaults permanently [02:11] gofg: ok cool [02:11] !ntfs3g | gofg [02:11] gofg: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions [02:11] uhkghkjk [02:11] uiuyiyio [02:11] vuhiuiouio [02:11] njioioiop [02:11] op[hoph[porhgh [02:11] cwo_lhutu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [02:12] The_Rebel: systemwide pulseaudio files are in /etc/pulse, is that what your'e looking for? [02:12] ActionParsnip, Already have it installed, attempted to mount with sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media/gofg's500gb -o force [02:13] well goffio.. i just want to know how to make my default choices presistant [02:13] how to check if hw is present if lshw doesn't show anything about it????? [02:13] every time i reboot my default outputs get set back to pulse audio's defaults. [02:13] I'm getting this error after installing a theme... "The theme will not look as intended because the required GTK+ theme engine is not installed" Can anyone please help me? [02:13] gofg: looks ok, what was the output of the command? did you make the folder to mount to? [02:14] Anyone? I kind of need access to this drive right now, and being unable to mount it kind of sucks. [02:14] gofg: i wouldnt use ' characters in folder names, it can cause complications === DarkSmoke is now known as DS-Sleepin [02:14] yeah, but it has worked up until this point [02:14] sec, let me get the output [02:14] gofg: use pastebin [02:14] one line >.< [02:15] use quotes gofg [02:15] !qtstalker [02:15] Sorry, I don't know anything about qtstalker [02:15] gah [02:15] http://paste2.org/p/130647 [02:15] would anyone know where I could go to find out more abou qtstalker and how to set it up properly [02:15] hello, im currently having issues getting a external usb wifi adapter to work on my desktop using centos and am thinking about switching to ubuntu [02:15] need some help [02:15] hey all, anyone have any experience with installing with wine? [02:16] i want to set up a NFS server [02:16] gofg: you havent made the mount point dude. try this instead [02:16] should i get the desktop or server edition [02:16] The_Rebel: afaict, what you need is to use the config files in /etc/pulse. Perhaps (i'm no expert on this) take a look at /etc/pulse/default.pa, last two lines pray "set-default-source" and "set-default-sink" [02:16] sifuschwager: sudo apt-get install wine [02:16] sifuschwager, I installed a couple of programs, It´s quite simple [02:16] hmm [02:16] Im trying to install fallout 3 [02:16] !info qtstalker [02:16] qtstalker (source: qtstalker): commodity and stock market charting and technical analysis. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.32-3.1ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 1571 kB, installed size 4992 kB [02:16] Stargazer: check this out -- but you do have to go to the nvidia site to download the older version of the nvidia driver [02:16] alright goffio, i'll check it out [02:16] any1 havea suggestion? [02:16] with wine 1.1.12, but it hangs on the install [02:17] gofg: sudo mkdir /media/500gb; sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media/500gb -o force,uid=1000 [02:17] Gnea: thanks but I have it installed and it works. I just need help adding extra components [02:17] sifuschwager, dx10 trouble i think [02:17] !nfs | grkblood13 [02:17] grkblood13: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS. [02:17] Redvamp128...? [02:17] if i have 2 HD and want both of them to function how will i set them up in the partitioner when i do a fresh insall [02:17] grkblood13: I believe the desktop and server edition are basically the same, where the desktop is equal to the server edition plus gnome, etc === squiddy is now known as Guest72162 [02:17] Tyrath: aah... haven't used it, i usually use the little gnome applet [02:17] grkblood13: what is the problem under centos? do you know who made the adapter? [02:17] i know what it is, im just wondering if i would be better suited with the ubuntu server edition over the desktop edition [02:17] Gnea: well this one does have a GUI :) [02:17] yea, belkin [02:18] gofg: you need to make the folder to mount to BEFORE mounting to it, the error shows this [02:18] hi guys, I'm facing a wierd problem my ubuntu doesn't recognize my bcm4318, at all [02:18] ActionParsnip, worked marvelously. Since it was telling me the media didn't exist, not the mount point, I didn't think of that. [02:18] grkblood13: doesn't really matter, although you should consider how often you'd be likely to reboot the machine [02:18] grkblood13: if you want a GUI, go with the desktop version [02:18] Gnea: one thing to note though is that installing qtstalker any other way than adding it to the repositories in ibex will fail [02:18] hi! I did a apt-get update this morning and was told security.ubuntu.com could not be resolved. dig seems to have stopped responding to any queries. Oddly, I'm still able to connect to external sites through the windows box on the same router. how do i fix this? [02:18] grkblood13: it could need some strange firmware in order to operate [02:18] Stargazer: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Intrepid#Install_Latest_Nvidia.2FATI_drivers (what you need is almost the bottom of the page) [02:18] well, i tried installing wicd [02:18] how do i make a backup of this file /etc/samba/smb.conf file [02:19] Tyrath: dude, gnome is all about gui ;) but i'm game for anything that'll help [02:19] !broadcom | easotokr [02:19] easotokr: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx [02:19] and that didnt work [02:19] ithey pointed to to a linux driver page [02:19] and i found the driver it uses [02:19] so it must be in the distro i have [02:19] it just wont work [02:19] !enter | grkblood13 [02:19] grkblood13: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [02:19] and i dont care about guis, i like the terminal [02:19] ActionParsnip, broadom, yeah, the weird thing is last night i used my notebook perfectly [02:19] gofg: yeah, you mount to a folder, if you specify a mount point that doesnt exist, the mount will fail [02:19] today, nothing looks show it up [02:19] Aggrav8d: have you lost all conectivity to internet or just specific sites? [02:19] easotokr: reset it up then [02:19] even no lspci [02:19] grkblood13: what's the model number? [02:20] Stargazer: NVidia Driver If you have problems with Nvidia drivers after upgrading, check This guide for common solutions to problems with nvidia. Please make a backup of xorg.conf before following this method. Install the nvidia-settings package: (I KNOW IT IS FOR INTREPID) but commands should work on all ubuntu [02:20] I already tried, nothing [02:20] FD59050 [02:20] Gnea: if you want it add deb http://www.zwets.com/debs unstable/ to your /etc/apt/sources.list [02:20] grkblood13: then go with server, it works just fine [02:20] easotokr: is the wifi turned on and enabled in the bios (if its laptop) [02:20] oops, F5D9050 [02:20] Stargazer: though you have to download the .run you want from NVIDIA [02:20] its a desktop, this is external [02:20] sup peeps [02:20] Tyrath: sec, i'm installing the base from ibex to see how bad it is [02:20] Redvamp128, ever think everything on my machine may be Intel ? :< [02:20] ActionParsnip, yes, absolutely even the bluetooth it's working [02:20] ActionParsnip, ah. That makes more sense now. Here I was thinking I was getting the hang of a non-Fischer-Price OS >.< [02:21] Gnea: it will install it just won't get the quotes for you [02:21] ActionParsnip, I guess both com ein the same card :S [02:21] Gnea: which defeats the purpose of having the program lol [02:21] so i cannot set value higher than what ' xrandr ' states as maximum, correct? [02:21] grkblood13: looks like rt73 driver is needed. [02:21] Stargazer: that gets to this command (sudo ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.80-pkg1.run ) [02:21] Gnea: other than having a gui is there anything the desktop is better at? [02:21] anyhow I'm off [02:21] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/RalinkRT73 [02:21] gofg: as long as you learn dude, on a side not you can mount to ANY folder, if the folder contains data it will not be readable as the mount will override it, the data will still be on the partition though [02:21] hope you like the program Gnea [02:21] grkblood13: --^ [02:21] which just replace with the version of Nvidia you want to run [02:22] ActionParsnip, when i unmount the drive will the data reappear in nautilus? [02:22] Gnea: I would personally like it a lot better if I could set it up the way I like butI don't know how to :/ [02:22] redvamp128: most nv cards are supported by the open drivers in repos [02:22] tyler_d1: uhm, it updated them [02:22] im on centos but i will def. check that out, thanks [02:22] oops [02:22] gofg: if its unmounted then no, the partition must be mounted to be read [02:23] Stargazer: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Intrepid#NVidia_Driver [02:23] No, I mean, let's say I mount a CD to my home folder. When I remove the CD, will my home folder be back? >.< [02:23] gofg: if you want it mounting at boot, add a line for it in /etc/fstab [02:23] grkblood13: it all depends what you want to do with it. i can still run a gui without a gui using server. [02:23] gofg: yes [02:23] Stargazer: though you go to the nvidia site and download the .run of the Nvidia you want to run [02:23] ah [02:23] cool [02:23] gofg, what is in the folder you mount somthing to is 'hidden' while the mount exists [02:23] gofg: you should not do that mounting into non empty directories can yield unpredictable results [02:23] Redvamp128... my machine is intel not NVidia or AMD. [02:24] goffio - i haven't lost outbound. it's still serving pages. [02:24] where is 9.04 alpha 3? [02:24] I had to leave earlier ActionParsnip. Sorry. [02:24] gofg: yes, but its advised to mount stuff to a different folder, like /media/cdrom0 or make a folder for it someplace [02:24] but i can't seem to resolve anything. i USED to run a DNS server on this machine but I turned it off. [02:24] gofg, i tend to makle a single file in m y mountpoints that basicially is called "this_device_is_not_Mounted" [02:24] Stargazer: -- sorry the autocomplete names is messing up [02:24] why is the standard sdbn? [02:24] gofg: you can mount anywhere in the filesystem you like, just not in /proc [02:24] Oh, epic failure, redvamp128. [02:24] Aggrav8d: what kind of devices are in the middle, routers etc? [02:24] gofg: its just how its being detected, its really not important [02:24] gofg, drives are named 'sdXY' where X = a b c d e and so on.. Y is # of he partitionj [02:25] I'm getting this error after installing a theme... "The theme will not look as intended because the required GTK+ theme engine is not installed" Can anyone please help me? [02:25] im going to go ahead and d/l it. thanks guys, yall were more willing to help with centos than the centos chat was [02:25] gofg: sdb is usually primary slave [02:25] Stargazer: that one was supposed to be for the person who wanted to run an earlier nvidia driver [02:25] I need to get my video back to where I can make my resolution better and get desktop effects [02:25] sorry, xubuntu (but network related, and noone on xubuntu could help): i have fresh installation of xubuntu 8.10 from alternative cd. default network config. the machine properly obtains dhcp information, ip is assigned, route is set, dns servers are set. but no network conectivity at all. i can not even ping the gateway. no restrictions on the gateway itself. ifconfig does not report any... [02:25] ...transm. errors. what to check next? [02:25] Aggrav8d: did you have firewalls on your box, netfilter etc? [02:26] also, i used mii-tool to restart and reset the transmitter. after each such restart it renegotiates the link ok, the dhcp log on the router displays the new assigment. dhcpclient runs ok as well, renegotiating properly the ip lease [02:26] gofg: I'd read up on mount points, mounting and what its all about [02:26] if i have 2 HD and want both of them to function how will i set them up in the partitioner when i do a fresh install [02:26] the routing table looks ok (gateway for trough eth0, default to but is unreachable (ping report) [02:26] !resolution | Aeonis [02:26] Aeonis: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution [02:26] Niki_: install wireshark and capture the whole process of obtaining ip, pinging etc [02:26] Niki_: should give you some info [02:26] so like windows drives are named C:/, F:/, etc, linux just names their drives sda, sdb, etc? [02:26] but really you can "name" them whatever [02:26] I think I will [02:26] wikipedia/wiki/Mount (computers)? [02:26] gofg: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [02:27] goffio - no. [02:27] wackarnolds: install to one partitions, you can add the mounting to fstab if it doesnt get added for you so both are accessible [02:27] lol... just recovered from a misconfiguration in the xorg.conf file.. not messing with that for a while [02:27] gofg, linux uses a more logical schemd for he device names. [02:27] gofg: not quite [02:27] gofg: man mount is a good start [02:27] do that after he os install? [02:27] Lamerion: heh, me too. I hate xorg so much >.> [02:27] hi [02:27] usser: is there any commandline tool? [02:28] wackarnolds: you may find it gets added for you, if one is ntfs formatted you will need ntfs-3g to write to it [02:28] =(( [02:28] I'll go ask somewhere else; I hate cluttering up the ubuntu irc channel. [02:28] what is the default group in Intrepid for Apache2? The webserver is running, but I do not see a group associated with it. Do i need to reboot? [02:28] someone know how to change the time tor use to change of ip [02:28] goffio - apparently a reboot fixed it. i guess I should have tried flushing my dns cache first. [02:28] Aggrav8d: lol, yes that helps [02:29] gofg: it's pretty simple, actually: C: is not a drive, it's a formatted partition. Windows doesn't see C: until it has formatted it. /dev/sda is the name of the whole first disk. /dev/sda1 is just the first partition. C: can be a partition, but not the whole disk. [02:29] Niki_: tcpdump [02:29] Anyone happen to know how to make that "System restart required" icon go away? [02:29] Anyone have any success getting Windows to access an ext3 filesystem within a luks container using FreeOTFE and ext2ifs - or at all? === MegaJim_ is now known as MegaJim [02:30] ugh which channel i can ask about www technology stuff [02:30] gofg, windows tends to use the term 'drive' where linux would use the term 'filesystem' [02:30] rww: restart the system [02:30] !ext2 [02:30] Sorry, I don't know anything about ext2 [02:30] Gnea, oh, that's easy. External disks can be mounted to /dev/sdb or /dev/sdc, and they are by default, but that's just for naming convenience. You could mount to anywhere. [02:30] Lamerion: mayve #www [02:30] !ext3 [02:30] ext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org [02:30] its invite only [02:30] damm [02:30] Gnea: well duh. Does anyone know how to make that "System restart required" icon go away without restarting the system? [02:30] gofg: wrong, /dev/whatever is just the name of the devices, they aren't mount points [02:30] http://www.fs-driver.org works decently well.. but i always disable/unmount the linux volumes befor i exit windows. just to be safe [02:30] Niki_: something like tcpdump -i eth0 -vv [02:31] can anyone help me install a theme? I am having trouble installing a theme on ubuntu and am getting errors [02:31] Where does it mount, then? [02:31] gofg: mount points are an actual directory that the partition of the disk gets mounted to [02:31] gofg: wherever. [02:31] gofg, can mount anywhere. :) You mount devices TO mountpoints [02:31] rww: click the 'X' on the baloon. [02:31] !fstab | wackarnolds [02:31] wackarnolds: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions [02:31] rww: what runderwo said [02:31] thankd dr_willis , the problems is with the encryption though. I the driver works great on normal partitions, but can't seem to open a mapped device [02:31] somedrew: i don't know about luks, but i've been able to access LVM/xfs and whatever using colinux under windows [02:31] I understand, but I have mounted my devices before now, not knowing this. Where did ubuntu mount them to? /media/[device name]? [02:31] (and ubuntu on it) [02:31] somedrew, no idea on that. [02:31] gofg: as long as it's a directory, not a file. [02:31] goffio: thanks [02:32] gofg: that's usually where the automated ones go, yes. otherwise, they get specified in /etc/fstab [02:32] Okay [02:32] Cool. [02:32] !fstab [02:32] The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions [02:32] !resolution [02:32] The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution [02:32] rww: basically, they want to annoy you until you restart. Not restarting is _bad_ on laptops that hibernate. [02:33] !partitions > gofg [02:33] gofg, please see my private message [02:33] runderwo: I'm aware of why it's there; I'm trying to figure out how to make it go away ;) [02:33] gofg: good stuff to read [02:34] rww: I guess if you kill update-notifier, it shouldn't come back until you update again. [02:34] I did a net install on my friend's computer for kubuntu. Is there a meta-package or something to install a more complete desktop system? (sorry for the lame question, long time linux user, just not debian based distros) [02:34] hey I'm trying to add syntax highlighting to gedit for another language. I have a pretty good understanding of how it works(have to create an xml file, and put it in some directory), I just don't know where to put it [02:35] Has anyone here done a Windows Vista/Windows 7/Ubuntu Multiboot? [02:35] zashi: install the kubuntu-desktop package [02:35] zashi: how do you mean "more complete"? [02:35] rww, thanks [02:35] i need someone who use tor [02:35] closer to what installing the kubuntu dvd would provide [02:35] zashi: 'more complete'? [02:35] runderwo: Yup. Looks like that plus deleting /var/run/reboot-required did it. Thanks :) [02:36] zashi: aaah.. well that would probably install everything under the sun [02:36] zashi: i can think of ubuntustudio, ubuntu ultimate edition, and other "subdistros" is that what you mean? [02:36] I'm ran that command and my Ubuntu shut down to some kind of screen wit ha lot of >26 or something like that and wouldn't do anything else. [02:36] goffio: no, he's talking about every last piece of software available on the dvd [02:36] zashi: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop gives you the exact same apps / system as the kubuntu dvd, if you log out of gnome, change your session to kde and log in, its identical in every way [02:36] Before, I just went to tell my computer to see the driver for my video card and then enable it. [02:37] morning all :) [02:37] zashi: am I correct in what you're asking? [02:37] outofthemadness: used to be ~/.gnome2/gtksourceview-1.0/language-specs/ (gedit was using gtksouceview) should still be current, but not sure [02:37] How can I tell what the model of webcam is build into my lappy? (I'm grepping for drivers atm) [02:38] Gnea, close, but not quite. not /everything/ on the dvd is required [02:38] bleh... how is ubuntu 8.04 setting video mode timing? there's nothing useful in the xorg.conf file [02:38] I think installing the *-desktop *-studio packages will do what I want [02:38] zashi: you can open up the synaptic package manager and select what you'd like to install that way... [02:38] is there an expressgate equivilant for ubuntu? [02:38] lfaraone: try lsusb -v [02:39] zashi: those would install other desktop environments that you can choose from the session selector at login [02:39] Adam_: whats it do? [02:39] zashi: kubuntu-desktop, ubuntu-standard and ubuntu-minimal will, between them, install everything that would be installed by a regular Kubuntu desktop install. [02:39] it's a quickboot bios option that gets you into internet/skype like 5 seconds after powering on [02:39] rww, thanks. that about perfectly answers my original question. [02:40] its an option on asus motherboards for linux, just wanted to know if there was an alternative for non asus mobos on ubuntu [02:40] Before, I just went to tell my computer to see the driver for my video card and then enable it. [02:40] Adam_: theres bios linux which is quite risky but puts the kernel and some modules in bios so your system boots faster [02:40] Adam_: never heard of that [02:41] hmm [02:41] Adam_, Are you talking about the new mb's with the onboard chip.. There is no alternative [02:41] Adam_: sounds like its very specific to the hardware [02:41] Adam_, most new boards in 2009 are supposed to be adding them [02:41] ah okay. [02:42] Adam_: theres magnetic ram (i think its called that) coming soon which will act like an SSD on the mobo so will be really fast for boots and access [02:42] Can anyone tell me what exactly ubuntu runs (with gnome) that xubuntu doesn't that makes xubuntu/xfce "lighter weight"? I'm asking about background processes and such, rather than installing abiword/gnumeric instead of openoffice. [02:43] ActionParsnip: im looking forward to it, i saw expressgate in action today, preboot OS, was sexy [02:43] somedrew: The gtksourceview directory isn't in gnome2.(not anymore, anyway) there is one in /usr/share , and I put it in there, and now it is an option in the syntax highlighting menu, but when I do that there is no highlighting, just plain text. Any ideas? [02:43] Adam_: just dont turn off the pc ;) [02:44] what is the user and group for apache in Intrepid? [02:44] jbuncher, xubuntu dosent run all the gnome stuff. that whats make it lighter. install gnome on xubuntu and run gnome - and its the same. [02:44] jbuncher: gnome is just a fatter system, xfce apps are smaller in ram but offer slightly less ease of config in my experience [02:44] I'm getting this error after installing a theme... "The theme will not look as intended because the required GTK+ theme engine is not installed" Can anyone please help me? [02:44] jbuncher: i think gnome alone is heavier than xfce coz its underlying libs [02:45] ActionParsnip: That was the explanation I gave a friend, though I guess I'm asking what specifically is "all the gnome stuff". A few examples would be sufficient. [02:45] what's the best free game I can get for linux? [02:45] I've installed fluxbox and xdm, removing gdm, and for some reason now the totem plugin under firefox does not play movies. I'm assuming something with Gnome, but what? Any ideas? [02:45] jbuncher: just smaller ram footprint in memory when you run stuff [02:45] hello [02:45] !restartx [02:45] The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution [02:45] i have some problem [02:45] Hello anyone here? [02:45] ActionParsnip: Would this be a reason for firefox to start a few seconds faster in xfce than in gnome? [02:45] ThePub, why did you bother removing gdm? that may of removed some other gnome related bits. [02:45] Tokie: yes [02:46] ? [02:46] dr_willis: gdm has no gnome tidbits. [02:46] Alright [02:46] Literally today [02:46] I just bought the Ubuntu 8.10 Desktop Edition [02:46] and... [02:46] Hello, A question about Pidgin. Where the program store the image/icon associated to an account ? [02:46] When I pick the option [02:46] jbuncher: if you have enough free ram i wouldnt imagine it loading faster, if you use a lighter firefox clone like firepup or swiftfox it will load faster [02:46] !restartx | Area300 [02:46] Area300, please see my private message [02:46] Try Ubuntu Without Changing Any Software [02:46] or w/e [02:46] I pick that [02:46] jbuncher: or have fewer plugins to load [02:46] and it freezes [02:46] after like 5 mins [02:46] Tokie: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [02:46] Before, I just went to tell my computer to see the driver for my video card and then enable it. [02:46] ThePub, if you say so. then following your logic gdm couldent of affected anything.. guess ya could prove it by reinstalling gdm and see. [02:47] I want to play a sound off a usb drive with aplay, but it's taking too long to load it, any ideas? [02:47] My Firefox says it's using the en-GB language, does anyone know how to change it to en_us? It doesn't show that en_us is installed? [02:47] I installed gnome-do using the bzr source to install Docky, but I don't know how to get it to run Docky (only Gnome-Do) [02:47] Tokie> I just bought the Ubuntu 8.10 Desktop Edition [02:47] pdelgallego: ~/.purple [02:47] Lolwut? [02:47] how do i get my internet connection settings to save so i dont have to reconfig after a restart? [02:47] hi - i have question - can you have 2nd HD In ubuntu storing data, then keep data on it, while you reinstall ubuntu on 1st HD? [02:47] ActionParsnip: the machine he's running on is a 2.66 GHz Celeron with 1 GB ram. Shouldn't that be enough to not have a big startup time difference? [02:48] outofthemadness: try just creating the directories if they don't exist, the one in usr/share probably isn't set up for proper parsing [02:48] Claire2009, yes. you can. i do that all the time. I even keep /home on its own hd a lot of times [02:48] Tokie: Why did you buy it? It's free [02:48] Why can't I see the nimbus typeface family with xfontsel? I need the XFLD name of that typeface. [02:48] hey how do I know whether I am using madwifi or atheros? [02:48] I meant I received it in the mail... Via free shipping it to my house. [02:48] dr_willis - so is there any problems transferring data after? [02:48] jbuncher: i run similar but i like fluxbox as its clean and sleek, you could easily run a gnome desktop if you like gnome apps [02:48] Claire2009: no [02:48] is there any support here for compiling the latest kernel in 8.04 or 8.10? [02:48] dr_willis - or any special things i gotta do after reinstalling ubuntu? [02:48] !ntfs3g > wackarnolds [02:48] wackarnolds, please see my private message [02:49] disappearedng: you use some variant of lshw I thinks [02:49] temppy how do I check ? [02:49] Claire2009, why should there be? :) you may need to keep track of file ownership/permissions depending on the data [02:49] how do i get my internet connection settings to save so i dont have to reconfig after a restart? [02:49] dr_willis - k. well, i just reconfig'd permissions on 2hd to my own username [02:49] i have ICS setup and on the server the settings revert to automatic after a restart [02:49] disappearedng: sudo lshw -c network [02:50] ActionParsnip: Thanks for hte info. I prefer gnome myself (my first 2 years of linux were with debian and fluxbox, a great way to learn!), but I've come to enjoy the "featured-ness" of ubuntu/gnome. I was just curious as to what isn't running in xubuntu/xfce that is in ubuntu/gnome that would make a big difference. [02:50] R1cochet: are you getting internet trough windoze ICS? [02:50] !aptitude [02:50] aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies (on Dapper and earlier, however, only aptitude keeps track of unused dependencies). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide [02:50] My wireless has been working and suddenly it stopped now, when I iwlist scan it show's me wlan0 but it say's it doesn't support scanning netowkr down. Can anyone help? [02:50] no [02:50] dr_willis - thanks for the info. so, basically when reinstalling ubuntu you just format 1st HD? [02:50] I have 8.10 [02:50] server is on xubuntu and client is on xubuntu [02:50] how can I find the username and group the Apache2 webserver belongs to? [02:50] sin: try rightclick network manager, disable, then re-enable [02:51] jbuncher: try xfce, see what you think. Its worth a try at least. You may prefer it [02:51] goffio, you are right thanks [02:51] sin: if that doesn't work, go to a terminal, type dmesg, and look for possible hardware/driver errors. [02:51] How can I get my video driver to list as a propietary driver as it did before? === uuuuuuuuuuu is now known as syn-fin-fin-ack [02:51] Hi. What version is GIMP supposed to be on? [02:52] ActionParsnip: Last time I really tried it was with dapper, and found printing to be much harder to set up than with gnome. I may have to give it another whirl though. Thanks! [02:52] temppy: what card driver is this then? pastebin.com/m783f212c [02:52] runderwo: I did that rebooted I even uninstalled and installed wicd [02:52] whileimhere: depends on which version of ubuntu you have installed [02:52] Does Ubuntu support .m4a audio file formats? [02:52] recon69 - u here? [02:52] jbuncher: im on xubuntu and print setup is nice [02:52] Tokie: I can play them, but I've installed some packages that aren't default [02:52] I have 2.6 installed for GIMP but for some reason I keep thinking that it should be up to 3.0 now. [02:53] R1cochet: lemme get it right, it's the *server* what's loosing config between reboots? [02:53] disappearedng: iwl4965 [02:53] goffio: server and client are on xubuntu [02:53] Claire2009, yep [02:53] yea [02:53] As far as I can tell... [02:53] dr_willis - thanks. [02:53] goffio: yea its the server [02:53] R1cochet, thanks for the info. I just remember there not being a nice "printers" config app for nice gui setup of the printers in xubuntu dapper. That may well have changed by now. [02:54] whileimhere: I don't think so, 2.6 is the latest version on gimp.org [02:54] dr_willis - now, final question - will ubuntu remember the nautilis settings on 2nd hd when done reinstall? [02:54] jbuncher: very nice app now [02:54] runderwo: My drivers ath5k has errors gain calibration timeout and can't reset hardware any ideas [02:54] dr_willis - also, do i need to keep same username? [02:54] sin: are you using 8.10? have you tried LBM? [02:54] temppy thx [02:55] I selected the install option after I inserted the Ubuntu live disc, and now it is at a screen with some pretty sweet dark red/orange/black abstract image, and I can see my mouse, and move it around, is it loading all up? [02:55] Thanks jbuncher [02:55] temppy: Yes I'm using 8.10. What's LBM? [02:55] R1cochet: if you have ICS by configuring netfilter/iptables, it should keep your config. But to make sure you can put the iptables stuff on a script and call it from /etc/rc.local , it will run at every boot [02:55] disappearedng: np, thats neither atheros, nor madwifi. Its from intel, and it looks like it has a native driver. I've heard intel is good about that on linux [02:56] sin: that sounds bad. did this happen after upgrading your kernel? [02:56] goffio: the server was setup using firestarter but i dont have it on autostart [02:56] sin: sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-intrepid that package may contain better drivers for ath5k [02:56] can anyone tell me why when i click Detect Displays it dosnt tell me anything ? [02:57] temppy: I'll try them thanks [02:57] has anyone gotten a thinkpad scrollbutton to... scroll, in 7.10? [02:57] runderwo: thanks [02:57] pastebin.com/m35759200 [02:59] How do I check if I have a a kernel of 2.6.25 or higher, [02:59] disappearedng: uname -r [02:59] configure: error: Your intltool is too old. You need intltool 0.35.0 or later. [02:59] disappearedng: uname -r [02:59] ok how do I upgrade it? [03:00] temppy: I just installed them and I'm still getting the same error [03:00] disappearedng: what version of ubuntu are you using? [03:00] somedrew: I tried that, and it also didn't work. Still had the menu option though [03:00] 8.04 [03:00] is there any support here for compiling the latest kernel in 8.04 or 8.10? [03:00] I need to do aircrackng [03:00] disappearedng: 8.10 has a newer kernel [03:00] what you need: a kernel of 2.6.25 or higher, [03:00] R1cochet: i've never used firestarter, but it seems to have an option to add it to start the fw on dialup, dhcp lease, etc [03:00] i have 2.6.24 [03:01] if i want to uninstall my DNS server (which is no longer needed) it might break my ability to resolve domain names. What do I need to check before I sudo apt-get uninstall bind? [03:01] sin: you should reboot before you try [03:01] lstarnes, but 8.04 is still supported, and has 2.6.24 [03:01] Aggrav8d: check that you have working nameservers listed in /etc/resolv.conf [03:01] ok [03:01] How can I get my video driver to list as a propietary driver as it did before? [03:02] lstarnes - nope. search just has nameserver and search my domain name. [03:02] No package 'gtk+-2.0' found [03:03] biouser: look for libgtk2.0 [03:03] Aggrav8d: add some other nameservers to that. Your local DNS server is likely set to use some external ones that you can use in /etc/resolv.conf [03:03] hey how can I get firefox 2 back on my ubuntu system? [03:04] thank you lstarnes lifesaver (-dev) [03:04] Interesting problem. I lost the top bar for Firefox. I used synaptic to remove completely. I rebooted. I click the icon on the taskbar and Firefox came right up without the top bar again. I had to use sudo and remove .mozilla from my user. Rebooted click the icon and Firefox is still there but now with the top bar. FYI - I did not install Firefox manually [03:04] how is it the hd with install ubuntu by wubi? My friend receve error 1 [03:05] GOOGLE is your friend. [03:05] :-/ === five is now known as Guest67734 [03:05] sounds like a bugreport Jack_Sparrow [03:05] Andre_Gondim, We have seen this before. Wubi does not install Ubuntu on a partition [03:06] Hi again. I want to rip MP3s for my little mp3 player what is a good program for that? [03:06] Jack_Sparrow, yeah i know, but the error is in menu.list [03:06] lstarnes - thanks, that did the trick. [03:06] i need to move a file into my /etc folder but says i cant dont have permissin [03:06] How can I get my video driver to list as a propietary driver as it did before? [03:07] how do i fix this [03:07] hey guys, i am looking for somebody to help me migrate qmail, I am willing to pay on paypal [03:07] wackarnolds - sudo? [03:07] wackarnolds - be careful what you move! [03:07] i dont know how to move a file using the terminal [03:07] I'm having trouble with the menubar, screenshot is at http://thar.us/view/2404 [03:07] * runderwo introduces sin to SinII [03:07] wackarnolds - sudo mv [from] [to] [03:08] !proprietary [03:08] Sorry, I don't know anything about proprietary [03:08] wackarnolds: sudo mv foo.foo /etc [03:08] im having trouble with sound [03:08] Anacranom, I think one of the sites visited trashed firefox. Ill look into it more tomorrow. JUst a fyi in case we see ore of this. And it was only Firefox that lost the top bar. [03:08] !hot dudes [03:08] Sorry, I don't know anything about hot dudes [03:08] wackarnolds - also, google. [03:08] no sound after installing Sound Blaster PCI [03:08] is sound blaster still in business?! [03:08] coky: does it show up in lspci? [03:08] hello, i need help connecting to my wireless network on ubuntu :s [03:09] No package 'libxml-2.0' found [03:09] are these not in build-essential? [03:09] !wireless | Charles0 [03:09] Charles0: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [03:09] is there any support here for compiling the latest kernel in 8.04, ? [03:09] Anacranom, No [03:10] !kernel [03:10] The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages [03:10] biouser: try libxml2-dev [03:10] runderwo indeed, I was just wondering if there was a fat meta-package of some sort [03:10] OI GENTE [03:11] oh dear [03:11] I like avis 's exit message, but it's you're [03:11] IGOR, Ital? [03:11] "you shouldn't have to compile your own" [03:11] FALA EM PORTUGUES [03:11] runderwo : what is lspci? [03:11] !pt [03:11] Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. [03:11] IGOR, /join #Ubuntu-pt [03:11] SIM [03:11] :) [03:12] biouser: if you're building some package ubuntu knows about, apt-get build-dep will fetch its build dependencies [03:12] NO UMBENTO ENTRA CABO DE MP5 === e is now known as UdontKnow [03:12] IGOR, Engles soamente aqui por favor /join #Ubuntu-pt [03:12] Wow I am no good at pt [03:13] Jack_Sparrow: maybe you should google an english>pt translator..lol [03:13] I've been going through the release notes and I still cant see how to enable my Proprietary Video driver as I had in 8.04. [03:13] hehe [03:13] runderwo good call [03:13] IndyGunFreak, Be nice.. I think he got it [03:13] but seriously, I'm having trouble with the menubar, screenshot is at http://thar.us/view/2404 [03:13] what's ps reader is ubuntu shipped with? [03:13] mrwizard: whats the problem? [03:14] How do I uninstall something I installed from source? (I still have the source directory) [03:14] see the screenshot [03:14] problem solved after restart [03:14] mrwizard: i lookedat it, i still don't see a problem [03:14] there's a big blank space between the time and the little whatever they're called [03:14] trojatra: I think "make uninstall" and then the program name [03:14] where update shows up [03:14] trojatra: I may have made that up though [03:14] mrwizard, Looks like another guys after he tried to replace the ubuntu start bar icon [03:14] hey guys i have a sound blaster sb0090 and I can't seem to get the microphone working...it works in windows...just not ubuntu....any ideas...i can play sound just not record with sound record or audacity [03:14] mrwizard: beside it you'll sea little "line".. right click it, unlike it, and move it to where you want it, its called "notification area" [03:15] Alright, thanks for pointing me to the documentation - I don't know whether I should choose 'open' or 'shared' as my authentication type? Does it matter.. ? [03:15] IndyGunFreak: thanks! [03:15] hey folks, getting errors on install - input output error ubuntu, anyone able to assist [03:15] bthompson: have you turned it on in alsamixer? [03:15] Charles0: it's usually 'open' [03:15] oholiab, nah, that's not it, heh. [03:15] mrwizard: i meant unlock it, not unlike it, but i guess you got the message [03:15] indeed [03:16] does the update notification area thing only appear when there's updates? [03:16] mrwizard: yes [03:16] ok guys i am almost there .... i have 2 nvidia cards and 4 monitors. one of my monitors is saying its 1024 x 768 but rest are 12xx x 1024 that one monitor dosnt allow me to even manualy set it to 12xx x 1024. they are all the same monitors ... any suggestions [03:16] trojatra: heh, sorry :P I should really keep guesses to myself [03:16] My Firefox says it's using the en-GB language, does anyone know how to change it to en_us? It doesn't show that en_us is installed? [03:16] IndyGunFreak: thanks! [03:16] temppy:I'm still getting the same error mesg [03:16] mrwizard: or you can check manually, by going to system/admin/update manager [03:16] Ok thank you - I'll restart now and follow the instructions here.. hopefully it'll work :D [03:16] trojatra: it's because I've been coding in perl, where guessing is so frequently rewarded [03:16] :P [03:16] How do I uninstall something I installed from source? (I still have the source directory) [03:17] trojatra: most programs, cd into the source directory, sudo make uninstall when its done, delet ethe source directory [03:18] Heh, forgot sudo for that, thanks. [03:18] Aeonis: System->Administration->Hardware Drivers [03:18] anyone at all ? [03:18] I am having serious difficultly installing safesquid :( [03:18] trojatra: guess guessing works after all :D [03:18] bthompson: did that work? [03:18] oholiab, yeah, just forgot sudo, haha. [03:18] trojatra: story of my life [03:19] oholiab, yes i have turned it on [03:19] does anyone here own a thinkpad, and happen to be running 7.10? [03:19] Vulcanis: just state your question.. [03:20] i have microphone under plaback..and then under recording i have microphone capture... [03:20] Middlemouse scroll problems [03:20] ok ... one more question ... why cant i get 32bit color out of ubuntu but same hardware does 32bit in win [03:20] but its such an obscure middlemouse [03:20] bthompson: definitely got volume up and not muted then... that's usually the problem with my mic when it doesn't work [03:20] already tried all of the suggested xorg.conf settings google brings up [03:20] oholiab, which one do you use playback tab or recording tab.. [03:20] I did a lspci and see that I have a VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV350 [Mobility Radeon 9600 M10] [03:21] bthompson: in alsamixer? [03:21] Area300: The 24 bit color in ubuntu is the same as 32bit in win, I think it's really 24 bits of color with 8 bits of either alpha or b/w, not sure which. [03:21] How do I enable this if it doesn't show up? [03:21] how to enable middle mouse buttton? [03:21] jbuncher: ty [03:21] coky: system/pref/mouse ? [03:21] !buttons [03:21] Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto [03:21] Er, I meant set it to scroll [03:21] not middlemouse [03:22] !ati | Aeonis [03:22] Aeonis: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [03:22] i use logitech serial mouse w/ 3 button [03:22] oholiab: im assuming that is what it is called...its when you right click the speaker by the time and go to properties [03:22] the midle isnt working [03:22] coky, HAve you read the link above on mouse buttons [03:22] bthompson: try opening a terminal and typing alsamixer [03:22] Hi. I'm having an issue with firefox 3.0.5 Flash has stopped working completely. I cannot watch any youtube videos at all. I tried uninstalling then reinstalling flash, but it's still not working. I am using the latest version of firefox and im using 8.10 x64. What can I do to fix this? [03:22] oholiab, or i mean right click and go to open volume control [03:22] Thank you runderwo [03:23] BinaryBoy000: you'll need to install nspluginwrapper before you install flash player [03:23] really? [03:23] allows 32 bit plugins to run on 64 bit browser [03:23] what does the nspluginwrapper do? [03:23] oholiab, i takes me to screen called pulse audio [03:23] oh [03:23] I'm guessing no one here can help with safesquid? [03:23] hm [03:23] lemme try..i'll brb [03:23] !chroot [03:23] ill work on this for now [03:23] chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot) [03:23] Tidus: nspluginwrapper is automatically installed with flashplugin-nonfree [03:23] bthompson: what, when you type alsamixer? o.o [03:24] Mal: best to just ask the channel your question. If someone knows the answer, they will try to help you [03:24] jack_sparrow: the pages is loading [03:24] jrib: it's been my experience that it doesn't auto-install [03:24] thanks for the info [03:24] Tidus: it does, for a few versions now [03:24] ty jrib [03:24] oholiab, it says also mixer v1.0.17 card pulse audio...which is not correct should be audigy sb0090 [03:25] bthompson: are any of the bars empty with an "MM" at the bottome? [03:25] and if so, which ones? [03:25] oholiab, no [03:25] still not working Tidus [03:26] im using the flashplugin-nonfree [03:26] how can I get root permission to install/extract a tar.gz folder for safesquid? [03:26] heloo [03:26] bthompson: :S I don't really know what the problem is then I'm afraid [03:26] Mal, sudo? [03:26] bthompson: you'll have to ask the channel again and see if anyone else can help [03:27] the walkthrough I found says to copy the folder to usr/local/src [03:27] but it won't let me [03:27] not even sudo [03:27] Mal: pastebin what you are doing and the output [03:27] anybody wifi card with ubunut [03:27] hey guys i have a sound blaster sb0090 and I can't seem to get the microphone working...it works in windows...just not ubuntu....any ideas...i can play sound just not record with sound record or audacity [03:27] !wireless > mankash [03:27] mankash, please see my private message [03:27] Mal, be sure the path is correct, that doesn't look absolute [03:27] not sure what absolute, and I've been guessing all sorts of paths :-P [03:27] where can I obtain the linux kernel source code? [03:28] not good to guess [03:28] !kernel > BinaryBoy000 [03:28] BinaryBoy000, please see my private message [03:28] I don't understand linux filesystems yet :( [03:28] if you favor system stability... [03:28] mankash: what wifi card is it? [03:28] !absolute [03:28] Sorry, I don't know anything about absolute [03:28] checking for PTLIB... configure: error: Package requirements (ptlib >= 2.4.4) were not met: No package 'ptlib' found [03:28] des francais sil vous plait [03:28] !fr [03:28] Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr [03:29] biouser: what are you compiling? [03:29] !pt [03:29] Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. [03:29] jrib the latest ekiga [03:29] prism [03:29] Mal, there is difference between: /usr/local/src and usr/local/src , depending on your working directory [03:29] biouser: why aren't you using the ekiga from the repositories?- [03:29] the step I'm having the most trouble with is using the tar command [03:29] !tar | Mal [03:29] Mal: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression [03:29] /home/christopher/Desktop [03:29] mankash: is it an internal device? [03:29] jrib it is old and broken [03:29] yes [03:29] how can I make 8.10 intrepid connect to my home wireless network automatically? [03:29] mankash: how does lspci identify the device [03:30] um, I'm not sure if you guys are busy or not [03:30] How would I get my ubuntu running ee to use a higher resolution for my external monitor than its internal one? [03:30] I need some help installing [03:30] Mal, if that's your working directory, then use the first path I mentioned above, not the second one which you were using [03:30] is this the right place? [03:30] Hey all, I use a lot of gnome themes, whenever I use an application that requires root privileges such as synaptic it uses whatever root theme I have setup. Is there a way to make my root theme mirror my current user theme without installing the theme for root each time I change my user theme? [03:30] biouser: sudo apt-get build-dep ekiga will /probably/ sort you out. Otherwise, read: [03:30] !compile > biouser [03:30] biouser, please see my private message [03:30] Circs, Are you running ubuntu or the eee version [03:30] !ask | CaptainKrung [03:30] CaptainKrung: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) === Monkey__ is now known as porter1 [03:31] Jack_Sparrow: The EEE version [03:31] christopher@t-laptop:~$ sudo /home/christopher/Desktop/safesquid (2)/install.sh [03:31] bash: syntax error near unexpected token `(' [03:31] i dont get that [03:31] !eee [03:31] Information about installing Ubuntu on an Asus EeePC can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC [03:31] hey guys i have a sound blaster sb0090 and I can't seem to get the microphone working...it works in windows...just not ubuntu....any ideas...i can play sound just not record with sound record or audacity [03:31] I'm trying to install Ubuntu on my usb flash drive, but I can't seem to find a guide [03:31] so I'm attempting to build a source pkg with debuild, but it keeps failing to sign with my key (I set DEBSIGN_KEYID in my .bashrc, but it keeps looking for the original maintainer's key which fails) [03:31] Jack_Sparrow: Yeah wasn't any help, I just need to add another resoltuion choice [03:31] all I find is how to install onto your computer with a flash drive [03:32] hey.. I am really unable to connect to wireless :s I tried setting up all the information in the network configuartion box, but then it won't let me enable the connection :s [03:32] Hey, when I press "fn+f2" (display battery status), notifications overflow on the screen not stopping appearing until I press another key. Any idea why this is, and how I can stop it from happening? [03:32] Charles7: is your wireless device working" [03:33] ibex, how do I blacklist ath_hal ? [03:33] CaptainKrung: try this http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-install-ubuntu-linux-on-usb-bar [03:33] Hi. My dektop system has trouble with suspend. Is there a starter point to troubleshoot this feature?. My OS is Ubuntu 8.10 [03:33] vim /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist ... yay. [03:33] alright, thanks for that [03:33] CarlFK1: most of the time you shouldn't have to, what atheros device are you setting up? [03:33] How would I test that? At an earlier stage I told it to connect to my network and it came up with a notification saynig I needed the WEP passphrase.. so I assumed that means its working somewhere? (sorry I can't be more specific - have to reboot to windows to use the net) [03:34] IndyGunFreak: AR242x 802.11abg [03:34] how do you get 8.10 intrepid to connect to my home wireless network on bootup? [03:34] CarlFK1: ok, that device is pretty easy to setup... you can do it the way yu're talking about, or just disable it in restricted driver manager, which will disable the module [03:34] Hey all, I use a lot of gnome themes, whenever I use an application that requires root privileges such as synaptic it uses whatever root theme I have setup. Is there a way to make my root theme mirror my current user theme without installing the theme for root each time I change my user theme? [03:35] isl3890 [03:35] IndyGunFreak: will it then load ath5k? [03:35] CarlFK1: what have you done to try and make the device work, and are you using 32bit or 64bit [03:36] * Mal hits his forehead [03:36] sudo worked [03:36] * linux_guy taps his foot [03:36] the second time [03:36] jrib yeah I did that [03:36] =) [03:36] build-dep that is [03:36] no luck [03:36] * linux_guy has an easy question... [03:36] dano_: try copyting .gnome from your home folder to /root [03:36] biouser: did you try the steps the wiki explains? [03:36] jrib I suppose that I will [03:36] biouser: what is ptlib? [03:37] jrib no idea [03:37] usser, I want a perminant solution not have to do it each time I change my user theme [03:37] the ones in the repos are like 1.1 and ekiga want 2.4 [03:37] CarlFK1: what have you done to try and get that device to work, ? [03:37] linux_guy: you have to set it up in /etc/network/interfaces [03:37] dano_: make a symbolic link [03:38] biouser: see if the ekiga documentation lists the deps you need. If it's the same as libpt in the repos, then those versions look to old so you probably have to build that too. [03:38] !ptlib [03:38] ok, if I have 8 usb's, how do I know which one to use for boot install? [03:38] Sorry, I don't know anything about ptlib [03:38] dano_: from /root to your home but that may screw up your permissions [03:38] I'm trying to use Compiz but the number of of desktops is grayed out [03:38] Chaorain: set horizontal and vertical virtual size instead [03:39] Is there any reasonable option to create a "Shared Documents" folder where all users on a single machine can read, write and execute. I've had real difficulties doing this. [03:39] rogermudd: of course. /tmp is such a folder. [03:39] create the folder, and chmod 4755 [03:39] 4777 that is [03:39] Is /tmp cleared with each re-boot? [03:39] I'm trying to make a hold music server. The idea is to have one process play audio files randomly from the "music" directory and then at a set interval, reduce the volume and launch another process to play audio files from the "announcements" directory on top of the process playing from the "music" directory. Is this possible, and if so what could I use to accomplish this? [03:40] what was that command someone posted in here to make linux think you were running as root? [03:40] my computer crashed in the middle of an update, now I get the message "Could not open file /var/lib/dpkg/status - open (2 No such file or directory)" what do I do? [03:40] before i switch over to ubuntu i was wondering if ubuntu releases security patches and where i can get them if they do [03:40] choot? [03:40] rogermudd: /tmp is. What I'm saying is that you can create another folder, but using /tmp as an example. [03:40] Mal: sudo [03:40] haha [03:40] grkblood13: update-manager automatically informs you of them and then you click "update" [03:40] yeah I know that one [03:40] mal: runs it as root [03:41] got it [03:41] runderwo: I've tried that, but it doesn't apply permissions to files dumped into that folder at a later date. Only to existing files. [03:41] jrib: cn u install them any other way? like if my PC is connected to a secure network that doesnt have access to the internet [03:41] rogermudd: ACLs or change everyone's umask to give group write permissions and set setgid on a directory [03:42] !chroot [03:42] ill work on this for now [03:42] chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot) [03:42] Mal: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [03:42] Does the directory have to be outside /home? [03:42] ^^what I was looking for [03:42] rogermudd: no [03:42] sorry [03:42] when I list the file I get "-????????? ? ? ? ? ? status" :( what do I do? [03:42] :s Ok - so on Ubuntu is there no way for it to automatically detect wireless networks in range?? [03:42] neil_d: is it on a network volume? [03:43] runderwo: no! local HDD === NiHachi is now known as Scunizi_ [03:43] hey guys so i'm dual booting ubuntu and mac os x, any ideas on how I can get my touchpad to fully sync with Ubuntu? [03:43] neil_d: have you allowed fsck to run? [03:43] when I pressdown I just get a line of screens but I want the 3d cube [03:43] grkblood13: you would probably need to grab them from some other computer that did have internet [03:43] !offline | grkblood13 [03:43] grkblood13: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ (now with Intrepid support) [03:43] jrib: any documentation for this? [03:43] does anybody help me with this menu.list http://paste.ubuntu.com/105409/ what is wrong? [03:43] Charles7: NetworkManager will find the networks within range and make them available in the drop-down, unless something is wrong. [03:43] Charles7: if there's networks in your range, it shoudl see them, assuming your device is working [03:43] runderwo: I haven't stoped it, is there a way to get it to run? [03:43] rogermudd: the umasks are set in /etc/profile [03:44] neil_d: do you know what disk device /var is on? [03:44] rogermudd: I don't know of any offhand. google 'linux acl' or read 'man chmod' I guess [03:44] rogermudd: umask 022 means default create permissions are 755 it is essentiall reversed [03:44] rogermudd: 'man setfacl' too [03:44] runderwo: yes [03:44] does anybody help me with this menu.list http://paste.ubuntu.com/105409/ what is wrong? installed by wubi [03:44] IndyGunFreak: it is isl3890 [03:44] rogermudd: so if u want to give the owner and group all rights set it to 002 [03:45] I see, thanks.. So if I'm using Windows now, is there any place I can go to find out what hardware I have exactly and then download files that will install the correct driver on ubuntu? [03:45] mankash: that tells me nothing.. whats the exact output that lspci gives of your wireless device [03:45] does anyone know if it's safe to 'chmod -R 700 /etc/rc*' on Ubuntu? [03:45] usser et al: And this will affect all future files too? [03:45] i bought one of these http://arduino.cc/ [03:45] anyone know how to get debsign/debuild to pay attention to the DEBSIGN_KEYID environment var? [03:46] when I pressdown I just get a line of screens but I want the 3d cube [03:46] rogermudd: yes but it will not be bound to one directory, umask applies to every file a user creates [03:46] hey runderwo - this doesnt cover 8.10 [03:46] runderwo: the /var is part of / and that is on a raid 1->lvm [03:46] chaorain: press ctl+alt+left [03:47] usser: Not exactly what I was hoping to do, though. I want to keep individual user directories private. [03:47] ah hem.. if I did a bone head move and accidently revoked my pgp key on my machine but haven't updated any key servers .. is there a way to reinstate my keys? I have files for both the public and private keys saved [03:47] I thought I saw a picture where you could see the top? [03:47] hi all, just moved my ~/ to a new partition and everything is working EXCEPT for my trash, the icon on the desktop shows empty trash, opening it in nautilus (using gnome btw) shows it as empty, browsing to ~/.local/share/Trash/files shows all my trash. anyone have any ideas what could be going on, im guessing this is a nautilus issue? [03:47] chaorain: go private [03:47] how? [03:48] neil_d: you have to tell it to force a fsck next time you reboot [03:48] neil_d: shutdown -F -r should do it [03:48] runderwo: I figured it would be something like that, but how do you do it. [03:49] neil_d: trying to find out specifically. [03:49] rogermudd: they will be you only modifying group and owner, not everyone. every user has his own primary group to which all files he creates default, now i dont know about setgid that someone suggested but i think what it does is essentially forces newly created files to certain other group different from user's primary [03:49] neil_d: or, touch /forcefsck [03:49] neil_d: then reboot [03:50] mankash: did you figure out what chipset you're using? [03:50] runderwo: shutdown doesn't appear to have a -F option [03:50] ok i need help ... i am so close ... i have one monitor left that isnt working right... can somone take a look at my xorg.conf file and tell me if you see the problem ? http://pastebin.com/f1f09d999 [03:50] I have one monitor that is showing up as 1024x 768 and cant change [03:51] <_MattB> What is a good program to rip dvds in intrepid? (cmd line only) [03:51] Scunizi, i'd say you're screwed but i'm a n00b, so i'd start new and try a rescue ;-) [03:51] Area300: i always just use nvidia-settings to set the resolutions on my monitors, works fine [03:51] _MattB: dvdbackup [03:51] neil_d: or, touch /forcefsck [03:51] rogermudd: that was kinda unclear :) [03:51] <_MattB> jrib, thx, i'll check it out [03:51] chaorain:look for the private message bellow [03:52] i have 4 monitors [03:52] The following packages are BROKEN: ubuntu-desktop [03:52] Scunizi: I think if you have a backed up ~/.gnupg folder, you can just remove the pubring.gpg/secring.gpg and replace with the old ones [03:52] runderwo: having a hard time find forcecheck file [03:52] Area300: ok, well, thats irrelevant i would think you can still set the res in nvidia-settings [03:52] usser: I'll give it a shot. Have you done this? I can't believe it's not baked into the OS. I know it's on the Ideastorm (?) web site. [03:53] Scunizi: if you don't have those backed up... you might be screwd [03:53] m0sh3 [03:54] when is the next LTS release due ? [03:54] rogermudd: theres these permissions on every file in linux: owner - the user that creates the file, group - his primary group, and other - everybody else umask of 002 gives owner and group read/write/execute permissions on every file he creates, and setgid sets the default group id of a directory to a group that you create and of which all users are part of. so that any member of that group has all permissions in that directory [03:54] yes you are right that makes it very easy. the problam i am haveing is this. the resolution 1280x1024 does not show up for this one monitor. it is the same as the others. oddly enouf it is monitor 3. [03:54] rogermudd: i tried something like that yes [03:54] Area300: hmm, that is strange [03:54] it dosnt even give me a manual option to change it and only Hz it will run at is 60 [03:54] yes very. [03:54] rogermudd: only i didnt use setgid, i simply set my users primary group to the one they are part of. [03:55] How do I know for sure that the recommended video drivers are activated? Using "Hardware Drivers" I'm unable to activate the recommended driver (or so it seems). Nvidia accelerated graphics driver (version 173) [Recommended] [03:55] rogermudd: ie user1's and user's primary group is CompUsers for example [03:55] LL: why can you not activate it? [03:55] i am new to linux. this leads me to bleave i need a second set of eyes looking over my xorg.conf . It very well could be a mestake I have made getting two 8600gt's to work at all lol [03:55] rogermudd: sorry im not good at explaining stuff [03:56] I don' tknow why I can't activate it. It doesn't activate... [03:56] Area300: i wish i was more familiar w/ xorg files, i'd help.. but i'd not be much use to you [03:56] HI all! [03:56] hi. My name is Hung. I just have a little question about ubuntu. I edited the ~/.profile to include two variables that I want whenever I log on. The variables are basically the path of about 8 folders. After I changed the file, I logged off, and then logged back on. When I get back on, the folder's colors changed, and the kde's menu at the top look weird. Restarting worked, but this keeps happening. Any ideas? Thank you for your time. [03:56] ok. thanks for trying [03:56] I tried install the Aurora GTK Engine from the downloaded pacvkage [03:56] Hey all, I installed a new theme on my ubuntu, and whenever i run synaptic it follows my old theme, but all other applications follow my new one. Does anyone know why this happens? [03:57] does anyone else have any ideas that may be of use ? [03:57] yo IGF :) [03:57] neil_d: or, touch /forcefsck <-- [03:57] X-722: ?.. hello [03:57] clicking the activate button, next it asks for my password, and finally it shows that I still need to activate... [03:57] not forcecheck, and you don't need to find it, because it is created when you issue the command [03:57] <- AR-Jim [03:57] oh..lol [03:57] forgot. [03:57] hehehe [03:57] hi all, just moved my ~/ to a new partition and everything is working EXCEPT for my trash, the icon on the desktop shows empty trash, opening it in nautilus (using gnome btw) shows it as empty, browsing to ~/.local/share/Trash/files shows all my trash. anyone have any ideas what could be going on, im guessing this is a nautilus issue? [03:57] dano_: synaptic uses root theme [03:57] I did ./configure after untaring Aurora GTK Engine. IT worked. BUt later when I do "sudo make install". The error says "no rule make 'install' " [03:57] dano_: which is different from yours [03:58] usser: No. I appreciate the help. I've been trying to get this going for a while. Can never seem to get it going, though. It's a necessity, however, as I share the machine with my wife and she would like to have access to photos and such. No need to have copies in each user's directory. Again, wish it was baked into the OS. Windows and OSX do it out of the box. I think it should be a priority for Ubuntu. [03:58] LL are you sure its not telling you you need to restart after activating it? [03:58] usser, thanks, do you know how i can make my root theme match me user theme [03:59] can someone help me with partioning for the installer [03:59] IGF: it says: This driver not activated on the left and on the right there is a green button. Should I just reboot and see what happens? [03:59] anyone please? [03:59] How do you get the numpad to work in ubuntu? [03:59] use your fingers [03:59] :) [03:59] nono [03:59] what does this error mean "*** No rule to make target `install' " [03:59] usser, need to make a common group and add all needed to it, set umask how you like but o dont personally care for 022 on a shared issue, 007 is my pref, then chown the common with user:common-group and then chmod that dir with 770 [04:00] use the CORRECT fingers [04:00] LL: that would be my suggestion, most of the time when you activate a restricted driver, you have to restart [04:00] Joker_-_, Is this a regular keyboard [04:00] I am sure I have to restart, but I was expecting more of a helpful hint than absolutely nothing! See you guys in about 5 minutes. [04:00] Jack_Sparrow: not your usual keyboard no, it's a USB Logitech G15 (gaming keyboard) [04:00] rogermudd: thats not going to change anytime soon though, since those are unix permissions and changing that model would break the POSIX compatibility [04:00] Joker_-_, Ok, then no [04:01] Jack_Sparrow: then what no? [04:01] Jack_Sparrow: there is no way to get that numpad to work? [04:01] Anacranom: yea but new files created in that directory would be chowned to the primary group of each user not the common one, aren't they? [04:01] usser: OSX does it with a UNIX foundation. Should be possible. [04:01] Joker_-_, Then.. since it is usb logitec,, No, I dont have an answer [04:01] my keyboard layout keeps resetting, i have to install another one and remove it to "snap" it back to work. what's up with that? [04:01] !keys [04:01] Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts [04:01] usser, correct [04:01] Jack_Sparrow: k, ill google ont hat, thx for the help, you pointed me in the right direction [04:02] Joker_-_: I have G15 numpad works fine nothing special is required [04:02] Joker_-_: sometimes you have to press NumLock on/off even though the light is on ... [04:02] ushimitsudoki: strange, I've done nothing special... it's a fresh 8.10 install [04:02] Joker_-_: that's all [04:02] ushimitsudoki: wow, true [04:02] rogermudd: osx is one mess of a unix, case insentivity is one big issue [04:02] Joker_-_, does the keypad act like a mouse.. does pushing any of the outside numbers and hold them make the mouse move? [04:02] rogermudd: if you are trying to share files between users, add those users to a group, and then change group permissions to read (or read/write if you need both) [04:02] usser, thats why you set at the directory level [04:02] ushimitsudoki: wow... so stupid of me, the numpad was lighted, but still it wasnt working, pressed it twice and poof [04:02] ushimitsudoki: it just works [04:02] Anacranom: with setgid? [04:02] Joker_-_: yeah, it's a bit of a annoyance [04:03] when i backup a file in the terminal where is it stored [04:03] ushimitsudoki: I have no prob with a minor annoyance, as long as it works in the end ;) [04:03] ushimitsudoki: thanks! [04:03] Joker_-_: quite welcome [04:03] testing 123 ... [04:03] test: works [04:03] yeah [04:03] ok i need help ... i am so close ... i have one monitor left that isnt working right... can somone take a look at my xorg.conf file and tell me if you see the problem ? http://pastebin.com/f1f09d999 [04:03] sidney, What comand are you using, and what folder are you in when you run it [04:04] sudo cp /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf.original [04:04] usser, going beyond me now, i just do for a common share here, .. [04:04] i am stupid in IRC channel ... [04:04] trinitronx: The issue then becomes all files created at a future date. They get different permissions applied (more restricitive). Ultimately, I think ACLs are the issue. [04:04] !ot > test [04:04] test, please see my private message [04:04] Jack_Sparrow: sudo cp /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf.original [04:04] how do i set the keyboard layout for the console (as in outside of gnome)? [04:05] rogermudd: simply use the "chown -R user:group folder" to Recursively change file ownership on all files within the directory [04:05] sidney, It should be in /etc/samba [04:05] anyways guys .. my laptop is dying in 15 mins of being on .. im thinking it is my nvidia card .. there a way to disable it and still have video / regular graphics [04:05] May i ask a question ?? [04:05] can anyone help me with partitioning in the installation processs [04:05] macman: is there a secondary graphic card on the box? [04:05] trinitronx, does that apply to future saves to that dir? [04:05] rogermudd: then use "chmod -R g+rw folder" to recursively change group permissions to read/write [04:05] Jack_Sparrow: when i edit it just in case it dosent work [04:06] rogermudd: for future saves, you need to set a umask [04:06] np [04:06] test: you can ask anytime you want [04:06] May i ask a question ??? [04:06] yes [04:06] ok > RDove [04:06] trinitronx: Every time I add files? That would probably work, but it seems to be a bit of hassle. I know that sounds lazy... [04:06] ok here goes [04:06] ok > Jack_Sparrow [04:06] RDove, i don't know [04:06] ah hem.. I did a bone head move and accidentally revoked my pgp key on my machine but haven't updated any key servers .. is there a way to reinstate my keys? I have files for both the public and private keys saved [04:06] is there a place for Ubuntu installs on Macs? [04:06] i am creating a new partition for ubuntu, can someone tell me whether i should use primary or logical ?? [04:07] primary caboose-sm [04:07] MrPockets, the harddrive [04:07] and what file system should i use ? [04:07] caboose-sm, EXT3 [04:07] ty [04:07] can i [ su root ] in UBUNTU ? [04:07] Scunizi I got her running, but i'm having touch pad issues, and sound issues [04:07] trinitronx, how do you set a umask on a single directory? [04:07] test su - [04:07] test: yes [04:07] can u install linux from another source other than the one you booted in on? i.e. an xternal usb hd [04:07] macman: you can use text mode... as long as you just disable to the graphics portion. if you disable the entire card, your monitor might not display [04:08] MrPockets: what about mount point [04:08] caboose-sm, for the ease of your first install, use / [04:08] sidney, cp /etc/samba/smb.conf ~/Desktop/samba.conf.orig.$(date +%m-%d-%Y-%T) [04:08] just type [ su ] right ? > Area300 > MrPockets [04:08] test: yes but you should use sudo if at all possible [04:08] test: su root .... enter password [04:08] test [04:08] test, Not the best choice.. [04:08] type su - [04:08] how do i set keyboard layout for console? [04:08] what package(s) is responsible for automounting usb connected drives? [04:08] rogermudd: set in your ~/.bashrc a line "umask 002" [04:08] [su -] ? [04:08] test, Sudo SU: Instead of sudo su please suggest sudo -i as properly sets up the environment variable in the resulting shell. [04:09] MrPockets, i have a second OS on my first partition, if i use the / mount point will that run fine ? [04:09] yes [04:09] !noroot > Area300 [04:09] Area300, please see my private message [04:09] rogermudd: yea gid bit works [04:09] okay thks [04:09] what you're doing, is telling it to install all of ubuntus directories to this partition [04:09] !noroot [04:09] We don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-) [04:09] trinitronx: Won't that affect all files created thereafter? [04:09] oh okay that explains it better [04:09] test, sudo or sudo -i to hold it for a session [04:09] rogermudd: just tested it, so basically create a group, add all your users, change mask to 002 or 007 [04:10] caboose-sm, when you get more advanced, and want to set /var or /boot to seperate partitions, this is what these other options are for [04:10] What happen it said [ su: Authentication failure] ??? [04:10] Hi, i seem to be having a problem. Im having resolution problems, and in the past ive always used "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" to set my resolution. But this time when i tried that command it started up fine, went though a few of the first steps, and then it got to the keyboard setup, after the keyboard setup finished it just closed (instead of going to the next step which is graphics configuration). What would cause it to skip all [04:10] these steps and just terminate after the keyboard steup, and how could i go about fixing this? [04:10] test you ever set a root password? [04:10] rogermudd: yes, that should take care of all files created by your user... it will mask off the last bit (the "others" permissions to only r--). Make sure for security reasons you don't set root's umask to that! [04:10] peepsalot theres a program called automount [04:10] test Please setup root access as I showed you [04:10] rogermudd: run a file manager with sudo, find your dir go to properties -> permissions, change primary group of that dir to the one common to all users and set gid bit [04:10] rogermudd: that should do it [04:10] MrPockets, i am getting an error for not picking a swapspace, whats that about ? [04:11] i do not know :) > MrPockets [04:11] how? > Jack_Sparrow ? [04:11] test, sudo or sudo -i to hold it for a session [04:11] usser and trinitronx: Thanks for the help. I'll give it a shot in the morning. But first, off to sleep ;-) [04:12] OH YES!!! i did it !!! > Jack_Sparrow [04:12] if I install 32 bit version [04:12] rogermudd, gksudo is required for gui apps like file managers [04:12] MrPockets, i am getting an error for not picking a swapspace, whats that about ? [04:12] hiiii [04:12] rogermudd, gksudo is required for gui apps like file managers gksudo nautilus etc [04:12] thx :) > Jack_Sparrow [04:12] caboose-sm, yes [04:13] do you know what Page Files are (or virtual RAM ) ? [04:13] yeah [04:13] thats what SWAP is [04:13] I'm reinstalling 8.10 - I have the iso I downloaded when it was released. Is it worth downloading a new iso or should I just install the one I have and pull down the updates? [04:13] test, np [04:13] so you're going to want to make a 1-2 gig partition for SWAP [04:13] the minimum i can do is 8 i thinl [04:13] if I install32 bit version, and want to install 64 bit later, can I just install over the 32 bit? [04:13] why np? > Jack_Sparrow [04:13] Jack_Sparrow, MrPockets is showing test how to set root password, and to use "su -" [04:13] test [04:13] sudo passwd root [04:13] thx > MrPockets [04:13] enter a root password [04:14] repete [04:14] the variables that I put in /etc/environment don't show up in my xterm inside X11 -- how do I fix this? [04:14] so does anyone know how to build a package with debuild, and actually get it to sign with my key without looking for the original maintainer's key? (I've tried the -k option, and the DEBSIGN_KEYID environment variable already to no avail) [04:14] ic > MrPockets [04:14] then to excilate to root privledges, ~$su - [04:14] lets try [04:14] root password [04:14] repete [04:14] MrPockets, should i make the swap space ext3 and primary as well ? [04:14] no [04:14] make swap SWAP [04:14] :-p [04:14] oh rite [04:14] but primary ? [04:14] rooby racks [04:14] MrPockets, STOP [04:14] but yes, primary [04:14] !noroot [04:14] We don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-) [04:15] i can not browse my DVR from firefox. it works fine with IE. Can some one help me on this [04:15] :-X sorry Jack_Sparrow [04:15] test disreguard [04:15] and yeah, you really should be doing everything as yourself as sudo anyway... [04:16] [passwd: password updated successfully] > MrPockets [04:16] np :) [04:16] test thats good, but like Jack_Sparrow said, you shouldn't be using root really [04:16] noooooo..! [04:16] test, That is strongly not advised [04:17] yup, it's considered bad practice to run as root [04:17] ic [04:17] test [04:17] ok > Jack_Sparrow [04:17] instead, just run the shit you need to run as root by typing sudo before hand.. [04:18] In order to run a 64 bit operating system, i just need a 64 bit processor right? [04:18] * trinitronx admits he sometimes does anyway cause sudo gets annoying for long /etc file editing sessions :P [04:18] thank you all 88 [04:18] pentaside, yes [04:19] holy hell [04:19] !netsplit [04:19] netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit [04:19] Server split? [04:19] Lawd. [04:19] ? [04:19] * trinitronx likes how irssi only shows 3 lines for netsplits :D [04:19] haha wow [04:19] Im watching Scooby Doo [04:20] i have an issue with my numpad keys (/,*,-,+) not working when i attach my screen, anyone got some tips ? === ThePub1 is now known as ThePub [04:21] Jack_Sparrow, sorry about that man, I'm not really used to protecting users from themselves [04:22] when i configure samba do i have to input all of these options? [04:22] which options.... [04:22] http://pastebin.com/f44f1da4a [04:22] this site has an entire page === Gnea_ is now known as Gnea__ [04:23] np.. but so many are wrom Windows they feel they need to be able to write anywhere anytime and it just isnt safe [04:23] goodnight all [04:23] since my question seems unanswered... is there a channel here for help for developer type questions? (problems with packaging, etc...) [04:23] trinitronx, #ubuntu-motu [04:23] thanks :D [04:23] !packaging [04:23] The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports [04:24] what is that all about [04:24] !Intrepid Ibex [04:24] the netsplit? [04:24] Sorry, I don't know anything about Intrepid Ibex [04:24] !backports [04:24] If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging [04:25] !intrepid | opera [04:25] opera: Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) is the current release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ - Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/810 === Gnea__ is now known as Gnea [04:25] 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G71GL [Quadro FX 3500] (rev a1) [04:26] weird, i have 4 boxes on, the other 3 got split [04:26] weird, i have 4 boxes on, the other 3 got split [04:27] its like an Aurora Borealis [04:27] enjoy it [04:27] Is there a way to identify my network card chipset [04:27] woo netsplit [04:27] lspci -l [04:27] thewayofzen: lspci [04:27] i normally use linux but my gfs computer died.. needed an install of xp.. and the network card isnt recognised and i have NO CLUE how to find it.. figured linux always saved me before (and no she wont let me install it but xubuntu works fine on it.) [04:28] service network restart [04:28] trying to bring IRC online === caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log [04:28] # ./configure --with-ssl should i get an output? === sleepy_cat is now known as c_webkit [04:28] how can i know which version i am using? [04:28] IndyGunFreak, i used lscpi but was unable to determin which of the outputs was in fact the NIC [04:28] 00:14.0 Bridge: nVidia Corporation MCP51 Ethernet Controller (rev a3) [04:28] would that be it? [04:29] thewayofzen: looks like it. [04:29] thewayofzen, tried lshw -C network ? [04:29] hello [04:29] can someone help me with a problem with wine? [04:29] Anacranom, nothing... [04:30] thewayofzen, add sudo? [04:30] sudo su lol [04:30] thewayofzen, then i agree with IndyGunFreak [04:31] thewayofzen: right click my computer and select properties, then navigate to device manager [04:31] who can tell me [04:31] <_MattB> ok, dumb question, i've installed dvdbackup but how can I find what device my dvd drive is? :) [04:31] LL with no installed network card will that even let me know whats there? [04:31] thewayofzen: i've read about problems w/ that device before, but I can't remember where.. i'm trying some googleease now. [04:31] is this the OS that is going to replace windows ? [04:31] !version | opera [04:31] opera: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy » [04:32] how do I download only the past version of wine I think its wine version 1.18 [04:32] it worked fine up until an hour when nothing would boot at all.. a reinstall has fixed the boot but now its got no drivers for it (she bought it second hand) [04:32] Area300: whats amazing, is how well it works, considering linux gets very little co-operation from vendors [04:32] thank you two [04:33] Area300: windows sucks, and ther'es not a vendor out there that doesn't make a windows driver. [04:33] thewayofzen: you mean the card isn't physically connected or no drivers have been installed yet? [04:33] windows was stolen by a damn script kiddie [04:33] IndyGunFreak: aside from pcHDTV [04:33] bill gates lmao [04:33] thewayofzen: is this a PC or a laptop? [04:34] thewayofzen, did you have to use ndiswrapper or something before? [04:34] industrialbs, pc [04:34] IndyGunFreak: I was just wondering becouse for an os that is suposto be on its way up people sure get shut down alot when trying to learn things about this os. Like people are suposto say oh hell linux is better i know it now [04:34] so does this mean its impossible to isntall or download wine version 1.18? === onyx_ is now known as Guest70988 [04:35] Anacranom, it never had linux.. linux works outta the box. im on it righ tnow on a livecd.. she wont use linux she refuses to accept anything but XP and the software for school.. thats what they teach her [04:35] if the card is physically installed, then device manager should still see it even if it doesn't ahve any drivers yet [04:35] LL: the device shows installed (thus why it shows up in lspci).. [04:35] just to make sure here: thewayofzen is trying to use windows?? [04:35] thewayofzen: i am ok with xp ... what do you need ot know about your nic ? [04:36] thousands of comedians struggling to make it big and LL is trying to be funny [04:36] LL, thewayofzen's GF is.. thewayofzen uses Ubuntu and Arch and knows his way around those fantastically [04:36] tenang http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/archive/index.html [04:36] all I know is since I switched to linux my graphics are sucking more than usual with my geforce 6200 [04:36] I just needed help using LINUX to fix a WINDOWS problem.. cause face it.. isnt that what you ALWAYS DO to fix a windows problem [04:36] lol [04:36] tenang: are you using one of the nvidia-glx packages? [04:36] admit it im right :) [04:36] !LTS [04:36] I installed the driver from nvidia site as well =( [04:36] LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. [04:37] ty rdove [04:37] tenang: don't do that -- use ubuntu packages [04:37] thewayofzen: well if the problem is Windows, this is Linux support... just google the driver for the device and download it. [04:37] hey guys [04:37] thewayofzen: wish i knew enouf about linux to say yes i am trying to make the leap === eric is now known as Guest57716 [04:37] thewayofzen: if you are trying to find your nic model just read the side of the card [04:38] ubuntu pakages? but will they be able to hand a fast paced realistic game like nexons combat arms? [04:38] So i tried to hibernate ubuntu before and it just said it didn't have enough swap then just didn't let me do anything. Just left me with a blinking cursor and a black screen. Its done this before too. I'm guessing I had too many programs open for it to be able to hibernate. The caps lock light was also flashing which is a common problem when my computer seems to freeze up. Anyone know whats up with this? I have about as many [04:38] freezing problems with ubuntu then I have with my XP PC. [04:38] IndyGunFreak, as i am doing. i just needed help with a command needed to find out what it was.. which you helped me with quickly as i expected you all would :) [04:38] thewayofzen: have you got to device manager? [04:38] LL im on pc livecd now.. im gonna head there and check [04:38] tenang: ubuntu has version 180 packaged. [04:38] thanks for the help.. [04:38] ScottG489, how much swap do you have? [04:38] ScottG489: happened to be me when my hard drive died [04:38] all I saw was 177 [04:39] I reinstalled ubuntu earlier, but when I just tried to boot it up it says "checking root file system"... 989 fsck 1.41.3 (12-oct-2008) [04:39] !info nvidia-glx-180 | tenang [04:39] is there a way to manually execute from terminal? [04:39] tenang: i've got an Nvidia card too, and can't get Hardware Drivers to use the recommended drivers... [04:39] nvidia-glx-180 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-180): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 180.11-0ubuntu1~intrepid1 (intrepid), package size 9046 kB, installed size 26444 kB (Only available for i386 amd64) [04:39] any idea how to fix that? [04:39] RDove: i really doubt my hd is about to die. i probably dont have enough swap, i just dont understand why the hell its freezing my keyboard on me once it finds out I dont have enough [04:39] Ikan, just let irt run. It should finish eventually [04:39] jken146: I think 1.5 gigs? [04:40] ScottG489, type 'free' to find out [04:40] it happened to me when my second hard drive, which i mounted, died [04:40] tritium, how long has 180 been packaged ;( [04:40] free [04:40] So I'm downloading MythBuntu 9.04. If I don't want to lose anything of my files, how do I install it? [04:40] nickrud: I don't know for certain [04:40] I just found something called new sfs applications. and ntfs configuration tools [04:40] just kidding :) [04:40] ScottG489, in ther terminal [04:40] well it says after that jken146, Ubuntu: UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY; RUN fsck MANUALLY (i.e., without -a or -p options) fsck died with exit status 4 [04:41] jken146: lol i know :P [04:41] [fail] [04:41] nickrud: do you have intrepid-updates enabled? [04:41] ScottG489, phew! [04:41] jke [04:41] tritium, yes [04:41] allrighty, I just updated to 8.10 from 8.04. And now I have no sound. nothing. All I did was update. [04:41] jken146: Its in bytes I think :/ [04:41] tritium, I understand why it wasn't an automatic upgrade, just would have been nice to get a notice of it [04:42] I'm running an audigy of some kind [04:42] nickrud: I agree [04:42] Anyone know what to do? [04:42] AndyIB, but you have vid and wireless? [04:42] yup [04:42] Ikan: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=256949 [04:42] ScottG489, it's in kB [04:42] does that help? [04:42] jken146: yea it looks like around 1.5 gigs though: "Swap: 1494004 518520 975484" total, used, free respecivly [04:42] which just confounds me to no end Anacranom [04:42] usually it's the wireless that cocks up. [04:42] ScottG489, that should be *plenty* [04:42] * nickrud goes off to see if his X is now broken [04:43] AndyIB, me too, i lost all 3 [04:43] hmmm... [04:43] is there a magic way to get Nvidia drivers running on 8.10? [04:43] jken146: So...what the hell? [04:43] indeed [04:43] <|_ocke> sup guys [04:43] LL: no, it's pretty straightforward [04:44] tritium: using Hardware Drivers doesn't work [04:44] Ikan: type your error message in google, looks like a lot of people have issues with this [04:44] <|_ocke> i have a new ubuntu convert from windows [04:44] I installed some automatic upgrades a few days ago, and ever since a few of my applets including the weather applet will not run. They pop up an error saying "The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_GWeatherApplet"." I have found the list of upgrades that were installed, and went through a few of them that looked promising forcing previous versions, then logged out and back in, but still got the error when I logged back in. I [04:44] 've tried searching google with the error message, and for "panel encountered a problem while loading after update" and found lots of posts about a libbonobo, but that is not one of the things on the list of updates. Any ideas? [04:44] A huge string of things came up and said to press y to continue [04:44] yay I scammed mc donalds for the first time lol [04:44] LL: yes, it does. [04:44] |_ocke, hope you set him on 8.04 [04:44] but the thing is that there's literally 100s of them [04:45] I guess I'll just format and try again [04:45] <|_ocke> i tried to install on his laptop yesterday but i was using the regular 7.10 cd and 6the livecd wouldnt boot into gui live [04:45] Anacranom: whats it matter? [04:45] jken146: I'm not sure, but would it matter if I still have VBox open which uses 2GB or my total 4GB of RAM? [04:45] Ikan, do you get a root prompt? [04:45] LL: you can also use synaptic, apt-get or aptitude to install them also [04:45] it says root@ak-lt [04:45] tritium: I mean it doesn't seem to work for me. I have Nvidia card and can't activate the recommended drivers [04:45] ScottG489, maybe [04:45] so im a former windows person and im new to linux [04:45] I guess so, jken? [04:45] <|_ocke> i just downloaded 8.10 to 5try that but i'm gonna try it in a little while today [04:45] I'm gonna go downgrade myself back to 8.04 Anacranom, wish me luck. [04:45] but why does linux start up so slow? [04:45] Ikan, I mean after fsck dies. If you do, try typing 'fsck' and see what happens [04:45] tenang: what do you mean? [04:45] AndyIB: you'll need it [04:46] !downgrade | AndyIB [04:46] AndyIB: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system. [04:46] I know, I know. [04:46] <|_ocke> he's got an athlon x2 64 with a nvidia 8400 or 8600 forget which [04:46] I mean the boot up screen where you wood see windows xp logo and you see ubuntu logo takes like 1-2 minutes [04:46] But I've got to do something, no sound and sketchy loadtimes all over the place is not for me. [04:46] So, what do I do if I can't activate the recommended drivers through Hardware Drivers? [04:46] with windows it took like 10 seconds [04:46] tenang: 1-2min?.. geez.. mine is usually complete booted in about 30-40sec.. i timed it yesterday out of curiosity [04:46] so it's back to 8.04 [04:47] fsck.ext3: group descriptors look bad... trying backup blocks... Resize inode not valid. Recreate ? jken146? [04:47] tenang: mine is a bit faster than that, about 30-40 seconds before I can log in [04:47] L3Tum: some guy has the same problem, he mentions "Does it happen if you stop bonono-activation-server and evolution-data-server before the new login?".... apparently they killed those processes and it stopped? [04:47] yah I mean I no 1 gig isn't much ram but seriously what do I need to change here lol [04:47] how do i set a custom keyboard layout for the console? [04:47] tenang: that's not normal. Boot time is far less than that on the average install. [04:47] this is entirely too much reading to do something that should be simple [04:47] AndyIB: i would recommend going back the right way, but thats just my opinion [04:47] L3Tum: here is the bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel/+bug/141593 [04:47] <|_ocke> 7.10 wouldnt even boot into a regular cli, it would be on tty8 but just be some diafnostic mode i couldtn do anyrhinf in [04:47] IndyGunFreak, ? not sure i'm the one you need to ask that, is 8.04 still supported? if it works from fresh install of 8.04 but doesn't in 8.10, that not a problem? [04:47] jken146: My system freezes a lot in general though. Like when I open my laptop up after its been closed long enough for the monitor to shut off. And a few times it has just froze randomly and I couldnt do anything, [04:47] now i need to learn french [04:48] sidney: please stay on topic [04:48] tenang: what system did you install it on? (how fast is processor, etc.) [04:48] RDove, I'll take a look [04:48] 32 bit [04:48] Anacranom: well, you said you hoped he installd 8.04, i asked why should he install 8.04, when 8.10 is available. [04:48] I don't have a 64 bit motherboard yet lol [04:48] the topic is french if the program is in french [04:48] Ikan, if the data on the partition in question isn't valuable, press y and go with it. Otherwise, I'm not sure how's best to backup..... [04:48] sidney: no, the topic is ubuntu support [04:48] Is there a better chat room to ask my question about video driver activation? [04:49] LL : what was your question again? [04:49] jbuncher: I can't activate the Nvidia drivers [04:49] well i just did what was instructed and now i jhave a program that will not open [04:49] LL: try the command line, as I suggested, if the gui method has failed for some reason [04:49] i made a custom keyboard layout for X11, how do i set it for the console? [04:50] I pressed y, jken146 this comes up. /dev/sda3 was not cleanly mounted, check forced. Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes - Group 0's inode table at 4 conflicts with some other fs block. Relocate ? [04:50] IndyGunFreak, sorry, your question wasn't clear, my answer to that would have had to be done in private, for now obvious reasons [04:50] LL : What exactly happens? [04:50] i386 32 bit system processor is an amd athalon +1100 mhz [04:50] sambas icon is a large cube? [04:51] im running ubuntu 8.10 intrepid [04:51] tenang: hmm, that's a bit on the slow side, but 1-2 minutes still seems long [04:51] tenang: have you actually timed it? [04:52] I can say I've counted past sixty sixty thousand and then gave up [04:52] RDove, how do I get the list of processes up I can't remember. I tried top but they are not in that list [04:52] it stalls at the last 5% a lot [04:52] Using Hardware Drivers I get the option to activate Nvidia accellrated graphics driver (173) [Recommended]. I click activate, enter my password, and then nothing seems to happen. I try Hardware Drivers again, and get exactly the same scenario. [04:52] ps auxwww [04:52] tritium: is the samba icon a large cube? [04:52] sidney: I don't know [04:52] sorry [04:52] LL: then I'd recommend you follow the previous advice given, and try installing them via the command line [04:53] back to xandros [04:53] Synaptic shows that the files are already on the computer. What is the command to do it through terminal? [04:53] does anyone know a good noob linux tutorial site by chance? [04:53] id like to learn but I sorta need instructions lol [04:54] LL : what do you mean by "synaptic shows that hte files are already on the computer"? [04:54] tenang: there is a lot to learn about linux (I'm still learning :D) [04:55] tenang, this is old but alot still applies... http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Gutsy [04:55] I know lol but I mean just the basics installing compiling ect lol [04:55] I open Synaptic Package Manager and look for the Nvidia files and they are already installed. [04:55] ty [04:55] tenang, http://psychocats.net/ubuntu [04:55] im bookmarking everything =) [04:55] L3Tum: do a kill -9 on the PID of the process you find, if you find something you think needs to be killed. Also, at the end of that page was some possible fixed with doing something to a home directory. i don't know how it relates though [04:56] LL : well, if it says nvidia-glx or nvidia-glx-new is already installed, you should just need to reboot [04:56] I tried rebooting already. But I'll give it another shot... [04:56] Later [04:56] LL: run cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep nvidia [04:56] crap [04:56] tenang, that one has everything from running a nintendo emulator to setting up common tasks ;-) [04:57] yay just what I need [04:57] ty [04:57] im well on my way to hacking the dish network for free tv now lmao jk [04:57] tenang: I find it's always helpful to learn about commands in bash using the manpages, just try any command you're wondering about like "man commandname" [04:57] hi indygunfrek: are you there? [04:58] tenang, there is also http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Intrepid which is more up to date but doesn't seem as full [04:58] What does "Tainted GM" mean in: Pid: 6523, comm: dvswitch Tainted: G M 2.6.27-11-generic #1 - full dump: http://dpaste.com/109665/ [04:58] tenang: careful with the jokes, please [04:58] lol thing is the only command I truly understand so far is sudo and sudo su === nubuntu is now known as MajedRayan [04:58] RDove, I'm gonna try killing the processes then logging out and back in and see if it works. If it does work then I'll try the home folder thing, but I will have to do some more searching since I don't know how to remove an account without removing the home folder. [04:58] L3Tum: Type "ps auxwww | grep -i bonobo" to find the bono activation server... and "ps auxwww | grep -i evolution" evolution processes. Then do a kill -9 on those processes [04:58] k [04:58] RDove: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [04:58] any program to make mp3 [04:58] kk tritium [04:59] I am using a GeForce Ti 4200 nvidia graphic card and it works with 8.04 but will it work if I up grade to 8.10? [04:59] hi everyone anyone know how to extract .bin file or is there any software to do that in ubuntu hardy 8.04 [04:59] tenang: what you want to know about is "sudo passwd" [04:59] !noroot [04:59] aaa: that should be an executable file. What is it? [04:59] We don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-) [04:59] Rocking-W, try running the 8.10 live cd and see [04:59] anybody has exprience with wifi card [05:00] does anyone know if the kernel had release with the ext4??? [05:00] it's bunch of files [05:00] ok wii try that thanks [05:00] Question, I ran: apt-get install ntpd <-- Now, my assumption is that the time will be kept up to date. However, that is not occurring. What other steps do I need to do? [05:00] about cbt vide training [05:00] tenang: try this one too for an online version of a lot of manpages/tutorials: http://unixhelp.ed.ac.uk/ [05:00] mankash what is the problem [05:00] I have his 00:01.0 Network controller: Harris Semiconductor: Unknown device 3890 (rev 01) [05:00] sudo password? does that just set my password? [05:00] Gigaamd, ext4 will be in Jaunty. see #ubuntu+1 [05:00] arrggg [05:00] ok === c_webkit is now known as dragon_flam [05:00] CapaH: You may need to configure it (/etc/ntp.conf) [05:00] How to enable wifi card and do the confufuration [05:01] tenang, you dont want that [05:01] I did [05:01] tenang: if you run the "passwd" program in sudo, it will set a root password... this is unsupported [05:01] lmao nice [05:01] what version r u using? [05:01] I like my sudo password the way it is lol [05:01] tenang, passwd sets your password. The other thing sets the root password (don't do that for security's sake) [05:01] (at least unsupported in Ubuntu) [05:01] lol [05:01] tenang: `sudo passwd -l root` to go back. [05:01] kk [05:02] aaa: sudo apt-get install ccd2iso; ccd2iso file.bin file.iso; sudo mkdir -p /mnt/disk; sudo mount -o loop file.iso /mnt/file; cd /mnt/file; ls [05:02] I don't want to change any passwords so we're good lol [05:02] aaa: take out the sudo if you hsve root access [05:02] Gigaamd, Intrepid is the current release [05:02] RDove that's the only way? [05:02] and there is no way to convert the file as well in iso? [05:03] jk: okay... [05:03] can someone tell me what program is good to make mp3 [05:03] gustavo, from what? [05:03] aaa: ccd2iso converts the .bin to .iso [05:03] gusyavo: you could try audacity [05:03] ok [05:03] is that the only software ubuntu provides? is it gui or command [05:04] can anyone help me to add windows to a second harddrive in my system [05:04] RDove, I killed the processes, logged in and out. When I logged back in and the applet tried to load I get the same error. I deleted the applet from the panel, killed the process again and logged out/in. Same thing again. [05:04] <|_ocke> is it a good idea to install the 64 bit ubuntu 8.10 on a brand new linux user's laptop [05:04] does anyone know what font package I would need to render lucida small caps text? [05:05] <|_ocke> i was going to install the 32 bit version [05:05] BotLobsta, msttcorefonts could be it [05:05] hello everyone, can someone help me. i have a dell inspiron 1545 notebook and the webcam won't work could someone please give me a suggestion [05:05] selamdýr! [05:05] aaa: technically theres multiple ways to do it, but you would have to google it. there's different software to do it. for example, someone says http://he.fi/bchunk/ does it [05:05] <|_ocke> to avoid having any problems with getting any software he might want to use [05:06] BotLobsta, http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=default§ion=all&arch=any&searchon=all&keywords=lucida [05:07] L3Tum: thinking [05:07] jken146, im pretty sure i didnt have any of those packages installed before and it used to work. but after I reinstalled yesterday it doesnt anymore [05:07] <[[thufir]]> are these good instructions for installing tomcat? [05:07] <|_ocke> is there any reason i should install 8.04 instead of 8.10 on my friend's laptop? [05:07] could someone lend me a hand by chance [05:08] |_ocke, not unless 8.10 doesn't work for him [05:08] why is my ati/amd proprietery driver hanging on install for 3d? [05:08] BotLobsta, did you have ubuntu-restricted-extras or Sun's java installed previously? [05:09] I even installed the ati envyng core to eliminate the issue [05:09] |_ocke: sometimes there are problems with 64bit packages (more frequently than with 32-bit) [05:09] |_ocke, i'd run both live cd's on it first, and see which is preferred [05:09] |_ocke: however, I have had no real problems with 8.10 x64 on my machines... your mileage may vary [05:09] jken146, i didnt have -restricted-extras and i dont think i had suns java. and msttcorefonts didnt work [05:10] <[[thufir]]> is sun's java and open-jdk pretty much the same? [05:10] L3Tum might want to think about a full reboot; other than that, im stumped. sorry [05:10] BotLobsta, well, then you could google for the font and download it on its own. Stick the ttf in ~/.fonts [05:11] jken146, is there a font for just small caps letters? [05:11] does anyone know witch partion contains the boot record on my harddrive [05:11] <|_ocke> jken146, well 7.10 livecd wouldnt boot and i couldnt even get a prompt on tty1 [05:11] RDove, I've done that a couple times. I just put a new fan in tonight and rebooted twice then, also I rebooted last night when switching between Vista, but that made no difference [05:11] BotLobsta, reduce the size and use capslock? [05:12] <|_ocke> so i downloaded 8.10 iso and burned it [05:12] |_ocke, 7.10?? [05:12] <|_ocke> he's gonna bring over the laptop in a little bit and i'll try it [05:12] yay installing windows xp on virtualbox lol [05:12] RDove, I'll do some more searching and see if maybe I can find anything else. Thanks [05:12] |_ocke, ok I see [05:13] jken146, no. im trying to view xkcd and only the capital letters and punctuation appear. but i havent found any bug in firefox for it. [05:13] <|_ocke> jken146, i had the iso on my computer already and he didnt have enough time for me to download a newer version at the time so i figured i'd just intall it and upgrade from there [05:13] is there any other sip phone besides ekiga? [05:13] <|_ocke> but it didnt work so i'm gonna try 8.10 today [05:13] will ubuntu ever get a new version of ekiga in the repos? [05:13] why does ubuntu ship with broken software? [05:13] <|_ocke> i'm gonna download 8.04 as well now so i have it if i need it [05:13] |_ocke, may have to edit the kernel line to noacpi acpi=off [05:14] so fanboys and the few fangirls in here [05:14] biouser: ekiga works for me. What bug are you referring to exactly? [05:14] biouser, yes, in Jaunty it will be 3.01 [05:14] good luck [05:14] <|_ocke> Anacranom, but i can't do anything at all since it wont boot to install === RDove is now known as RDove|sleep [05:14] what are the key points as to why linux is better than windows and windows is better than linux facts only please [05:14] !away > RDove|sleep [05:14] RDove|sleep, please see my private message [05:14] !ot | tenang [05:14] <|_ocke> i was thinking of getting the alternate cd [05:14] tenang: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [05:15] BotLobsta, xkcd works for me [05:15] |_ocke, does it get to the screen to choose install? [05:15] BotLobsta, and it doesn't seem to need lucida fonts [05:16] <|_ocke> Anacranom, it gets to the boot screen when i can choose 'start to try or install' and check cd and memory and stuff [05:16] <|_ocke> the cd checks out and the laptop is brand new and running vista with no problems [05:16] |_ocke, hit f6 and edit the kernel line to add noacpi acpi=off [05:16] im getting errors about having to many files open [05:16] jrib: your command line redirect bot thing spams more than someone changing a nick name [05:17] how can i make it so i can have more files open? [05:17] <|_ocke> i'm going to resize the partition and give vista and ubuntu 60gb each [05:17] |_ocke, add to the kernel line [05:18] RDove|sleep: please just abide by the rules. They are there to help make the channel more usable [05:18] <[[thufir]]> any pointers on installing tomcat? [05:18] <|_ocke> i had him over yesterday and i showed him my ubuntu with compiz running and he was totally blown away and he wants it bad, especially after i told him the benefits and showed him synaptic and the updating system [05:18] jken146, it does seem to be a bug in firefox after all. It just didnt come up in my search. thanks [05:19] so who has experience with virtualbox? [05:19] [[thufir]]: there are tons of Tomcat tutorial === distinctblur_ is now known as distinctblur [05:19] I need to know how to save the machine after an os is installed [05:19] BotLobsta, strange [05:19] tenang, what do you mean? [05:19] tenang: you mean backup ? backup the entire system ? if so I use clonezilla [05:19] no not backup [05:20] I like this game called combat arms [05:20] <[[thufir]]> jp_sf: right, but when I installed from aptitude it said that java_home had been set, when it hadn't so... [05:20] you can only run it in windows as far as I no [05:20] so instead of duual booting [05:20] [[thufir]]: did you installed Java first ? [05:20] im installing xp to a virtualbox [05:20] !enter | tenang [05:20] tenang: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [05:20] then ill install the game [05:20] one of my clients using Ubuntu Hardy went into Users and Groups and changed the name of her Home Directory ... now she can no longer login ... [05:20] what to do?> [05:20] <[[thufir]]> jp_sf: yup, sun jdk was installed first [05:21] how do I save the virtual machine I create though? [05:21] Anyone know if there's been any new updates in regards to the flash for Ubuntu 8.10 64-bit? [05:21] <[TiZ]> I know it's technically offtopic, but I'm not sure where else to go to ask. I'm trying to find a new hard drive for my laptop, a Gateway MT6452, since mine is starting to die. I need to figure out what to look for when looking for a new hard drive. Can anyone help me, or redirect me to a channel that can? [05:21] [[thufir]]: sorry I'm a kind of saint thomas when speaking about those issues could do a sudo dpkg -get-selections | grep sun-java [05:21] [TiZ]: ##hardware, perhaps? [05:22] <[TiZ]> Thank you, rww [05:22] <[[thufir]]> jp_sf: np. what's saint thomas? as in a doubter? don't get the reference. [05:23] hello [05:23] [[thufir]]: yes and I made a typo (don't believe all I type) sudo dpkg --get-selections | grep sun-java [05:23] do I just take a snapshot? [05:23] [TiZ], just about any 2.5" drive will do [05:23] illmortal, theres a native working one you can download from the adobe website but its not in the repositories last i saw [05:24] where do you come from? [05:24] anyone here? [05:24] no [05:24] hi ,greeland. [05:25] chen, we're from all over; this is the support channel. #ubuntu-offtopic is the chat one [05:25] <[TiZ]> nickrud: Really? I don't have to look out for like... SATA type? Thickness? Etc? [05:25] [TiZ], is the one you have sata? pata? That's a must of course. 2.5" are standard size (all the ones I've seen) [05:26] I use the unbuntu for the firest time. Xchat is interesting [05:26] [TiZ], but rww is right that ##hardware people focus on things like that [05:26] chen, then welcome to #ubuntu. Everything working so far? [05:26] <[[thufir]]> jp_sf: np [05:26] <[TiZ]> The one I have now... actually, this is weird. The website for the MT6452 says it's PATA. But... In hardy, it appeared as /dev/hda. And in intrepid, it appears as /dev/sda. [05:27] <[TiZ]> Isn't hda/sda for IDE/SATA? [05:27] !libata | [TiZ] (for a quick reason why) [05:27] Sorry, I don't know anything about libata [05:27] yes, I look better than redhat [05:27] hm, what happened to that? [05:27] [TiZ], it's a PATA/ide drive.. in ibex everything is sdX [05:27] [[thufir]]: could you give the output ? [05:27] [TiZ]: This is normal [05:27] it looks better than redhat [05:27] Hey guys, I've been trying to get connected to wireless on Ubuntu.. I finally got the drivers working and can select my network - but nothing seems to change when I select it and connect to it? [05:28] [TiZ], the driver now renames all as sda, (exept for some seriously old hardware) [05:28] <[[thufir]]> jp_sf: one sec [05:28] [[thufir]]: np :-) [05:28] <[TiZ]> Oh, okay. I just thought of that, and it worried me a little bit. *whew.* [05:28] <[TiZ]> Well, thank you, guys! :D [05:28] hey guys my audio doesnt work on my Mac install, and it seems as though there are no drivers for the device, where do I start? [05:28] Hello, If I'm using an external usb hd on a system that dual boots, and try to use it in another system with only ubuntu, it won't mount, anyone have any ideas? [05:29] how do I change the permissions of a folder in the failsafe terminal? [05:29] How do I automatically reply "n" to any question asked in a bash command (copy files: overwrite? no!) : something like cp somthing somewhere | n [05:29] bye, everyone [05:29] !uuid | [TiZ] (this was the factoid I was looking for) [05:29] [TiZ] (this was the factoid I was looking for): To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID) [05:29] I need it to be 644 and owned by a user called rachael [05:29] <[[thufir]]> jp_sf: http://pastebin.com/m272a8a9 for java [05:30] So does anyone have any ideas why it won't connect to the network properly? [05:30] [[thufir]]: looks good [05:30] zetheroo, chmod [05:30] zetheroo, chown rachael:rachael ... [05:30] jrib so if I installed the svn version of PTLIB, OPAL and EKIGA do I have any chance of going back to the repo versions? [05:30] !permissions | zetheroo [05:30] zetheroo: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions [05:30] hey guys my audio doesnt work on my Mac install, and it seems as though there are no drivers for the device, where do I start? [05:30] <[[thufir]]> jp_sf: thanks [05:31] !sound | beckster [05:31] <[TiZ]> nickrud: uuid? I guess I'll give it a look-see. Thank you. [05:31] beckster: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [05:31] darius__, start by running tail -f /var/log/syslog in a terminal, and plugging in the drive. It will spit out some messages about the device [05:31] [[thufir]]: I need to go but you need to make sure that your .bashrc is having the line export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun [05:31] thanks [05:32] [TiZ], the link in that factoid explains the device naming change, briefly [05:33] Question, I ran an "aplay -l" to find some answers as to why I'm getting no sound after upgrading to 8.10. everything seems fine, but when I go "alsamixer" the onboard NVidia chipsetsoundcrd pops up as main instead of my Audigy 4 [05:33] IRQ issue or what? [05:34] Scunizi_: I have a folder called rachel and it need to be given permission 644 and owned by user "rachael" ... whats the command for that? [05:35] Question: I downloaded the 8.10 iso, but it's 2mb too large to burn to a 700mb CD (apparently). Is there a lighter weight version available? [05:36] Tonamel: Try the alternate CD instead of the desktop CD [05:36] LL IS GONE =( [05:36] zetheroo, sudo chown -R rachel:rachel rachel && sudo chmod -R 644 rachel [05:37] zetheroo, make that: sudo chown -R rachel:rachel rachel && sudo chmod 644 rachel [05:38] Since noones helping I'll just type what I've done (I seriously am trying :o I'm just so lost) In the network settings I went to the properties and selected my network, typed in the WEP key and chose open (the router settings has both for authentication).. I chose DHCP as the connection mode because my router properties says it assigns IPs automatically.. then I save that, it updates the interface, then I close network properties and [05:38] quick question: how do i get back the office 2007 entry under the wine menu in Applications? I deleted it accidentally but now it won't show up === jacob_ is now known as Guest89530 [05:39] why if I can get 7.28mb/s down speed, when I'm download new packages I get 27.6k/sec? [05:39] and yes, I know the server I download from matters === ari_stre1s is now known as ari_stress [05:39] What is the correct way to enable SHMConfig for ubuntu 8.10? I have tried both HAL and xorg.conf but I cant seem to get either to work [05:40] darius__, try the thing in Software Sources that finds you the fastest mirror [05:40] darius__: There could be quite a few machines between you and the servers, any of which could be a bottleneck [05:40] what do you prefix a command with to run without pulseaudio? [05:40] hello [05:41] hello bootcamp911 [05:41] * deagle waves [05:41] kk, thanks [05:41] jken146: ok ... I need to change the users home dir back to the original ... how do i do this in the failsafe terminal? [05:41] Hm. Unfortunately, I need to use the disk as a liveCD, so the alternate version isn't going to work. [05:41] is there any better PDF reader under Ubuntu? i am now using the official release of acroread. but it is really slow! [05:41] the first update takes forever to downloadkes forever to k [05:41] why i can´t mount my ifp player with USB (IRIVER E100) [05:42] zetheroo, I think I just told you [05:42] huwenfeng: evince is installed by default. xpdf is also available [05:42] jken146: the original home dir was called rachael .... [05:42] huwenfeng, evince [05:42] huwenfeng, or xpdf [05:43] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio <-- audactiy and pulse audio work together now? [05:43] the system said [can´t mount USB deivce] [05:44] hi [05:44] zetheroo, rachael? not rachel? If so, then: chown -R rachael:rachael /home/rachael && chmod -R 644 /home/rachael [05:44] :( [05:45] :| === jacob_ is now known as Guest9661 [05:45] oh, evince is good with small files, but with big files. it is even slower than acroread [05:45] and the result is not as good as the official software [05:45] My Ubuntu 8.10 Desktop x86 CD... I put it in the computer, boot it up, but it won't let me choose choise 1, 2, and 3.. (livecd, install, test cd) ... I press enter but nothing happens... only thing that works is test memory .. ? :( [05:45] hi , [05:46] jken146: the original home dir is being ignored because the user changed it in Users and Groups and can no longer get into it [05:46] can no longer login [05:46] Could somebody please tell me what it means if underneath Wireless Networks a network has a dark circle (what looks like a select radio box) next to it as opposed to an empty one.. [05:46] maybe your CD wasn't completely downloaded. [05:46] i use the command line tool on the livecd and i typed umm.. "install" i think it was, and it said "Kernel error" [05:47] ekiga + ubuntu = pile of bugs [05:47] zetheroo, what exactly was changed? [05:47] Guest9661: Aww heck, that mighta been it. :P I was DLing as a torrent, recently reformatted computer, so very possible :) [05:47] jken146: in user properties the user changed her home directory name from "rachael" to "rachel" ... [05:47] jken146: now she can no longer login [05:48] Shoopuf, torrents should be ok. perhaps it was the burning [05:48] yeah .maybe. [05:48] jken146: is there a way to revert this back to the original? [05:48] hello ? :s [05:48] greetings, are there any recommended CAD programs similar to AutoCAD? thanks :-) [05:48] zetheroo, then change it back. sudo mv /home/rachel /home/rachael [05:48] hi [05:49] hi [05:49] Jan 16 06:24:48 core sshd[8537]: pam_mkhomedir(sshd:session): unable to create directory : No such file or directory [05:49] jken146: but /home/rachel does not exist ... only home/rachael [05:49] ubuntu + audacity = pile of bugs [05:49] ubuntu + sound = pile of bugs [05:49] zetheroo, I know. Did you type what I gave you? [05:49] ubuntustudio = bug metapackage [05:49] Could somebody please tell me what it means if underneath Wireless Networks a network has a dark circle (what looks like a select radio box) next to it as opposed to an empty one.. [05:49] :( [05:49] i am trying to autocreate homedir for users suing pam_makehomedir.so,its not working? [05:49] anyone know if the latest ubuntu includes the madwifi patch for the newer atheros cards? [05:50] why i cant mount the USB drive ?? but see the Icon [05:50] how do you run something sans pulse audio? [05:50] charklii, that is a selected radio button. That network is the one you're connected to (or trying to connect to) [05:50] jken146: yes and it says /home/rachel does not exist [05:50] hey any good games [05:50] rshakin tremulous [05:50] for ubuntu [05:50] jken146: thats just moving one folder to another .. [05:50] it's in the repos [05:50] tremulous = OLD Game [05:51] who know, probably doesn't work with default sound config these days though [05:51] jken146: ahh thank you - is there any more information on it? like a status or how far it is through connecting..? [05:51] Would any help me figure out why the heck I cant get SHMConfig working in Ubuntu 8.10? I am trying to use gsynaptics and am having no luck. [05:51] zetheroo, then she can;t have changed her home dir to rachel [05:51] jken146: all it does is change the path ... it does not actually create the folders [05:51] tehquickness does it have anything to do with sound, if so expect it not to work [05:51] charklii, right click -> connection information [05:52] dayo_: around? [05:52] she need to change her home dir back to /home/rachael [05:52] quit [05:52] charklii, there is also Network Connections and the command 'iwconfig' [05:52] biouser: i agree on ubuntu + sound :( [05:52] biouser: what would it have to do with sound? It is a configuration for the touchpad [05:53] hi, how to i turn off font smoothing in gnome-terminal under ubuntu hardy ? [05:53] tehquickness I'm just bitter, I don't actually have any idea of what you are talking about sorry [05:53] biouser: what sound problem are you having? [05:53] zetheroo, oh I see. Sorry for the confusion. You want usermod then. [05:53] jken146: ok .... [05:53] zetheroo, usermod -d /home/rachael rachael [05:54] tehquickness everything, ekiga, audacity, how do I run without pulse audio... I feel that linux is about to have a break-through but right now just about everything is broken except for watching a flash video [05:54] jken146, evertime I right click it just says a passphrase is required.. I'm certain I'm entering the right key too.. [05:54] can I still do that? [05:54] charklii, check you have the right kind of encryption selected [05:54] biouser: hmm pulse has been a little screwy lately. Are you on 8.10? or 8.04? [05:55] 8.04 [05:55] speaking of which, how to upgrade to 8.10? [05:55] hi [05:55] biouser: sounds like lots of problems. I usually prefer a clean install myself. [05:56] biouser, update-manager -d [05:56] jken146: ok ... should I tell her to reboot afte rthat? [05:56] jken146 do you like 8.10 better than 8.04? do you think that it might help with some sound problems? [05:56] zetheroo, no, just log in again [05:57] hi. I want to install ubuntu, but when I boot the installer CD the display shifts L to R about 10 pixels a couple of times a second. [05:57] jken146: ok she tried and it says that the folder "rachael" does not exist [05:57] biouser, hard to say. Neither has given me any real problems. Sound is always a bit of a gamble [05:57] mike0011 all of the good things that you heard are lies leave now while you still have your sanity.. (j/k I think...) [05:58] display works fine under mac or windows. It's a nec 2090uxi [05:58] zetheroo, ask her to type: ls /home and see what her home dir is actually called [05:58] biouser: thanks for that :) [05:58] jken146, well my router is set to WEP with a 128 bit cipher and both authentication types.. neither WEP 64/128 hex key or WEP 128 passphrase options work :s [05:59] jken146: she has /home/rachael/ and in the terminal she can get in no problems [05:59] mike0011, don't worry about the live CD. Once you;ve installed it'll be better,. [05:59] !wireless | charklii [05:59] charklii: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [05:59] while i was in vista, it gave me a bsod. i don't want to boot into vista again because it'll do that again eventually. in ubuntu, i tried to mount the ntfs partition with vista on it, but i couldn't. what can i do to fix the disk? [05:59] alright, rolling the dice on update-manager -d [05:59] jken146: really? [06:00] Does anyone have tor vidalia set up in Intrepid? [06:00] mike0011, should be [06:00] tor && [06:00] zetheroo, I don't understand. /home/rachael exists but usermod is saying it doesn't? [06:00] jken146: why would it be rocking around like this, it's har to read? [06:01] mike0011, the LiveCd doesn't always display properly, for various reasons to do with your graphics card. Try installing from the alternate Cd/ [06:01] jken146: I think she did the command wrong .. [06:01] jken146: what is the alternate cd? [06:01] jken146: I am getting her to do it again [06:02] jken146: ok she did it again and its worked this time ... [06:02] zetheroo, must have mistyped it [06:02] how may i check for data integrity of multiple files, in subdirectories for approximately 500 gigs of data? [06:02] jken146: if you think it will be ok anyway, I'll just continue with this one. [06:02] jken146: thanks so much [06:03] !alternate | mike0011 [06:03] mike0011: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. Look for the alternate link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ubuntu-8.10-alternate-i386.iso.torrent [06:03] zetheroo, you're welcome [06:03] hey I have a small issue. well several hoping someone can help me out.. I keep getting: "printk: 3 messages suppressed" and " wlan0: CTS protection disabled/enabled " messages filling my logs [06:04] question being how to I stop it [06:04] mike0011, but if you can install from the live Cd, do so [06:04] funky_c_: [06:04] :s [06:05] ahh well thanks for helping [06:05] cya [06:05] !BulletProof X [06:05] hi, my mouse just crashed [06:05] jken146: I've found if I rock my head side to side, I don't notice the display wierdness - brain must be filtering it out that way... [06:05] the pointer disappeared [06:05] how can I restart that in console? [06:05] mike0011, lol [06:05] plz...can anyone tell me how to create php file in www root ? [06:05] !BulletProof X [06:05] Sorry, I don't know anything about BulletProof X [06:05] just create use vi ? [06:05] how can i repair a ntfs partition [06:05] surjeet, what do you mean? === Cc2iscooL_ is now known as Cc2iscooL [06:06] hey I have a small issue. well several hoping someone can help me out.. I keep getting: "printk: 3 messages suppressed" and " wlan0: CTS protection disabled/enabled " messages filling my logs [06:06] question being how to I stop it [06:06] surjeet, /var/www is the default folder for apache [06:06] jken146: do you know where the trash folder is located for user "root"? [06:07] zetheroo, no [06:07] but why? [06:08] !blueproof [06:08] Sorry, I don't know anything about blueproof [06:08] opera: please investigate the bot in private [06:09] jken146 i can not create a new php file in www root folder ? [06:09] surjeet, do you mean /var/www ? You;d need to do that with sudo [06:10] sorry, i make a mistake operate [06:10] hey guys, I need to ask something... is there any apt-get search cmd? I remember yum searching in fedora... [06:11] npobajl: apt-cache search terms [06:11] surjeet, see also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP#Virtual%20Hosts [06:11] Flannel: thanks! [06:12] how do i find out the processes of a specfic name? [06:12] ruhaan_jslip, pgrep [06:13] hey guys I was wondering how I could move my 8.10 Server to a new hard drive [06:13] how can I run terminal as root? when I do "su" and type my password "su: Authentication failure", when I "sudo cmd" my password is accepted [06:13] Sajuuk, you could use gparted to copy the entire partition [06:13] my server has no graphics card :\ [06:13] npobajl, sudo -j [06:13] npobajl, sudo -i [06:14] pgrep lists just the PID numbers [06:14] jken146: thanks! [06:14] i need somethin that will ist the user name as well [06:14] gparted won't work, so im using fdisk to do that part of the procedure [06:14] Sajuuk, parted may be able to do it [06:14] Sajuuk, pull the disk, put both disks in a machine that does [06:15] maybe I haven't expressed my question fully [06:15] ruhaan_jslip, pgrep -l is it I think [06:15] hi is there someone who could give me a quick bit of help with permissions? [06:15] i've read the tutorial but can't make sense of 1 thing. [06:15] ruhaan_jslip, sorry that's wrong [06:16] I have installed my server, done that a month ago, and I have a 40 gig hdd that is prepared, I htink for, my linux OS to be transferred to the hard drive, but its a bit confusing to go from there [06:16] I rather preserve my settings on my server as well [06:17] jken i have installed php5 already...from terminal it shows done....now i need to create a file i.e php file...but how can i create it....i was in windows ...and dont know any step to follow here..and also i can not paste any file to var/www [06:17] oh btw, Im doing this all by command line [06:18] surjeet, Ok, follow the instructions in that link I gave [06:19] surjeet, I mean, under the section Virtual Hosts. Where it says /home/user use your username instead of user [06:19] o.k [06:19] buenas [06:21] if i add a user to a group [06:21] and then use sudo chown -R :groupName /path [06:21] shouldn't the user people able to read/write everything from /path/ downwards? [06:22] hey I have a small issue. well several hoping someone can help me out.. I keep getting: "printk: 3 messages suppressed" and " wlan0: CTS protection disabled/enabled " messages filling my logs [06:22] question being how to I stop it [06:23] afallenhope: what exactly do the messages say? [06:23] [118230.100251] printk: 1 messages suppressed. [06:23] [118230.100257] wlan0: CTS protection disabled [06:23] p4_, try setting chmod g+w groupname /path [06:23] jken, do i need to run these instruction which are on tat link in terminal command ? [06:24] p4_, with =R [06:24] -R [06:24] p4_, a group owner could still be set to readonly [06:25] afallenhope: are there any other messages that seem to be associated? [06:25] james_ not that I can see but it's filling up my logs [06:26] afallenhope: i.e. what's the message that comes directly before the 'printk()' one? [06:26] [118321.474646] wlan0: CTS protection disabled (BSSID=00:1e:c7:a1:03:21) [06:26] [118323.323497] printk: 1 messages suppressed. [06:26] [118323.323505] wlan0: CTS protection disabled (BSSID=00:1e:c7:a1:03:21) [06:27] afallenhope: okey doke, we've established that something to do with your nic is suppressing kernel log messages [06:27] how do i check disk space usage for a specfic folder? [06:28] hey everyone, just started with Ubuntu. have an aspire one and am following this guide here... going to buy a book tomorrow on using ubuntu...i cant seem to get my wireless card to work using this guide...im just not sure what to do.... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AspireOne [06:28] how do u tell how much disk space is left ? [06:28] df [06:28] i use that command [06:28] i wana know for specfic folders [06:28] hi james [06:28] yaris123456789, du [06:29] can u help me out...i want to run an simple index.php file in localhost [06:29] my graphics card is not configured properly. can anyone help? [06:29] ruhaan_jslip, du /path/to/folder [06:29] i have just installed ubuntu and then php5 [06:29] james_, how do I stop them === Charitwo is now known as sorrow [06:30] hey folks, after my vista install, my usb hd is not mountable in ubuntu, anyone know a fix? [06:30] afallenhope: according to google it's a kernel issue, what kernel version / nic do you use [06:31] 2.6.24-23-generic and b43 driver of a broadcom 4311 [06:31] afallenhope: `uname -a` [06:31] my graphics card is not configured properly. can anyone help? [06:33] ryanCH: press windows key and scroll the mouse [06:33] if I have a file with permissions 666 and I want them to be 700 for an executable I should be able to type "chmod 700 a.out" right? It's not setting the permissions though. [06:34] thanks alot BobCFC [06:35] what's the "Gnome Desktop" for apt-get again? [06:35] Sirisian: try with sudo in front [06:35] Sajuuk: apt-get install ubuntu-desktop [06:36] Sajuuk: you mean the ubuntu desktop and all its settings or just gnome? [06:36] thx [06:36] ziroday, I'm running as root. I even dropped down to admin and tried. Nothing [06:36] gnome [06:36] I run a server and I want to move it to a new hard drive that I have prepared for it [06:36] Sirisian: how are you running as root? [06:36] oh hmmm [06:36] still didn't work.... [06:36] ziroday, sudo su? [06:37] Hi, I need to search my hard drive recursively for a file and gnome search apparently doesn't want to find it....what's the best command for that? df? [06:37] Sirisian: err okay, try doing leaving that and doing sudo chmod ugo=rwx ./file. Does that change it to rwx for everyone? [06:37] ziroday, I'm running ubuntu in a VM and the files in a folder that's shared with windows. Could that be a problem? [06:37] ziroday so yeah, just gnome [06:38] Sirisian: err probably. However I am not samba expert [06:38] Brack10: man find [06:38] hola === Chris_ is now known as spudmonkey === spudmonkey is now known as spudmonkey___ [06:38] can anyone help with my videodriver? [06:39] Sajuuk: in that case you want sudo apt-get install gnome. However that is _just_ gnome, nothing else [06:39] tweak: what video card do you have? [06:39] ziroday, nah that didn't affect it. One moment. I'm going to move the files out of the shared folder [06:39] Sirisian: sure [06:39] How do I find and install the IBM PC Camera driver (0x0545, 0x8080) ? [06:39] Usage: find [-H] [-L] [-P] [-Olevel] [-D help|tree|search|stat|rates|opt|exec] [path...] [expression]............jesus H christ [06:39] 00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation 82865G/PE/P DRAM Controller/Host-Hub Interface (rev 02) [06:40] afallenhope: I can't really help from here. Try google and look at: http://ubuntu-virginia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=860600 [06:40] how many are you guys is using ubuntu on real PC ,not on VMware? [06:40] me [06:40] tweak: okay, drivers for that video card should be installed by default. What is not working? [06:40] I am [06:40] jacober I am [06:40] Brack10: lol man pages can be a little intimidating. but it's good to get used to them [06:40] jacober: most of us, what is wrong? [06:40] was that cool? 8.10 seems have so many bugs... [06:40] i have no idea [06:40] jacober: I wish I could afford something that could run Xen [06:40] jacober: I use _NO_ proprietary software at all [06:40] it works, but the 3d acceleration doesn't? [06:41] jacober: It seems to work for me. [06:41] ziroday, thanks for you help. Must be something with how virtualbox handles the shared folders. It worked when I took it out. :/ [06:41] tweak: err your card is quite old. How do you know 3D acceleration doesn't work? [06:41] Brack10: scroll way down to the examples. [06:41] ziroday I saw what i did wrong... i didn't have install lol, I have a new problem, the only PC in the house that has a graphis card is my AMD comp... I dont think it will boot up on that processor, and if it gets past that, I have to figure out how to get linux to like my Nvidia 9800gt, unless someone here knows how to transfer my OS to another hdd via command line [06:41] dayo_ It's cool that find is so incredibly powerful, but I wish there was an "idiot" section for people who want to do simple stuff [06:41] when i try to run google earth it tells me my video card is not configured properly [06:42] Sajuuk: erm, it should boot up fine on that processor. And then you can install the nvidia drivers [06:42] Is Google Earth released in source form? [06:42] ...or just a binary for Linux? [06:42] ball: no, its propriatery software [06:42] Brack10: that would be the examples at the bottom [06:42] Ah okay. [06:42] maybe ...not..it's not open source [06:42] tweak: okay, it could be that your video card is too old. One sec [06:42] dayo_ ok finally found it, line 1300 ;) [06:43] Brack10: lol [06:43] ziroday where do i find the 9800gt drivers? [06:43] <\Kira> would mounting a encrypted volume more often cause a bigger chance of a security problem? [06:43] ziroday : GoogleEarth will run on the same PC running Windowsxp [06:43] Where should I look for webcam drivers? [06:43] tweak: actually could you please paste the output of lspci | grep VGA [06:43] \Kira: why should it? [06:43] Sajuuk: the same place you find other graphics drivers. In System > Administration > Hardware Drivers [06:44] 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02) [06:44] <\Kira> sarmisak: I remember reading somewere that mounting your hidden volume can cause it to be noticed, therfore removing the purpose of the hidden volume [06:44] wow this is by far the most mature find command in the history of software [06:44] without a doubt [06:44] anybody know where I can find information about developing a gnome lock dialog? [06:44] tweak: okay one sec [06:44] <\Kira> sarmisak: or, mounting your hidden volume more often [06:44] thanks [06:45] ziroday if I could do that, I would... im running on command line at the moment until I have gnome installed on my server, why im asking to do it on command line is that I tried booting up with a live session on the 9800gt and it didn't work [06:46] Sajuuk: okay, to install the nvidia drivers from the command line do sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-177 and then restart X [06:46] does this do what I want? find / | grep myfile.txt [06:46] how many of you have bought Windows XP or Vista? [06:47] tweak: what does glxinfo | grep rendering output? [06:47] can someone tell me if there's an easy way to have root access in the graphical file browser? i keep getting permission denied errors [06:47] came with the pc [06:47] garrettheel: try the command gksudo nautilus [06:47] ziroday I should also add, that the two comps have 2 diff processors, are you sure that it will be fine? [06:47] what would be the best way to run diagnostics on an hdd. I feels like my system is either slow at the seeking or paging like mad which is causing moments of lag/lock up [06:48] glxinfo | grep rendering [06:48] Sajuuk: erm you should be doing a fresh install, why don't you just backup your old data and copy it across [06:48] X Error of failed request: BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation) [06:48] Major opcode of failed request: 143 (GLX) [06:48] thanks ziroday [06:48] Minor opcode of failed request: 19 (X_GLXQueryServerString) [06:48] Serial number of failed request: 10 [06:48] tweak: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [06:48] Current serial number in output stream: 10 [06:48] !pastebin | tweak [06:48] tweak: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [06:48] ziroday its running samba stuff and print server that took ages to configure, I don't want to do it again === cakey_ is now known as birthdatealready === birthdatealready is now known as cakey [06:48] Sajuuk: you can copy across the samba.conf files... [06:49] !pastebin | tweak paste the output here. [06:49] tweak paste the output here.: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [06:50] tweak: also can you verify that you have the xserver-xorg-video-intel package installed [06:50] ziroday: How? [06:51] What is the best way to share files from a linux box with Mac and Windows clients? [06:51] hello? [06:51] ah finally [06:51] using QQ [06:51] can share [06:51] there hundreds of #ubuntu rooms [06:51] ziroday can u help me out...i can not create a new php file in var/www [06:51] ziroday well live disc boot I can't do cos I will have to do it via my amd machine, although the install is going to be run on the intel machine, and the amd machine is the only one with a graphics card === mehteenager is now known as MrObvious [06:51] how is networking between a vista ubuntu computer? [06:52] tweak: the command apt-cache policy xserver-xorg-video-intel will tell you. [06:52] how do i upgrade my current Kernel in ubuntu? [06:52] Sajuuk: why can't you do live install on the amd machine? [06:52] LunatikBtikBunni: as long as you keep with the updates its done automatically [06:53] ziroday it wouldn't load, it complained about the VGA card (9800gt) and then went black then the CD idled and didn't do anything for 15 min [06:53] help! i typed sudo chown -hR deagle /usr and now i can't sudo anything :( [06:53] Sajuuk: right, try in safe graphics mode [06:53] how easy is networking ubuntu and vista computer [06:54] ziroday I think I set that but still no luck [06:54] ziroday: xserver-xorg-video-intel: Installed: 2:2.4.1-1ubuntu10.1 [06:54] deagle: you've changed the permissions on potentially hundreds of files. the quicker you hit ^C the better [06:54] xserver...emmm....why that? [06:54] tweak: okay [06:54] Probelm with ettercap [06:54] /etc/etter.conf [06:54] Solver: already happened :( [06:54] is not taking the lines [06:54] deagle: you may need to use su, login as root or force your way in to get root back [06:55] i need to update it because my built-in webcam isnt working like how its supposed to be [06:55] #redir_command_on = "iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i%iface -p tcp –dport%port -j [06:55] deagle: su or login as root assumes you set a root password of course [06:55] ettercap problem [06:55] can someone kindly assist me? [06:55] HFlksdajglds [06:55] adsf;lgdghd [06:55] ghdf [06:55] hsfhsfj [06:55] hgj [06:55] sdfa: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [06:55] Solver: sudo: must be setuid root [06:55] crap [06:55] deagle: if you have backups you may wish to invoke a DR [06:55] vista froze again [06:55] DR? [06:55] I'm trying to find a file using find, and supposedly redirecting the output to /dev/null supresses "permission denied" errors, but they still show up. Anyone know how to fix this? [06:55] deagle: disaster recovery. that constitutes a "disaster" [06:56] :( [06:56] disaster [06:56] ah [06:56] vista sucks [06:56] damnit and i just installed [06:56] does any one well with ettercap ? [06:56] so there's no workaround? [06:56] deagle: well if you just installed you are better off [06:56] boot up argument? [06:56] madhu wots wrong with ettercap? [06:56] can anyone hear me> [06:56] Somoene assist me in updating my kernel D: [06:56] don't feel like going through this all over again :S [06:56] deagle: you changed a lot of permissions, you'd need to set them back as they were - alot of work [06:57] it's not taking the etter.conf with two lines i added [06:57] helo everybody [06:57] chown -hR root /usr? :D [06:57] deagle: an ubuntu install is usually fairly painless [06:57] likne [06:57] Where would I look on my computer to find applications? Ubuntu 8.10 [06:57] redir_command_on = "iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i%iface -p tcp –dport%port -j REDIRECT –to-port%rport" [06:57] deagle: you know what that command does right [06:57] umm... [06:57] deagle: recursively change ownership on /usr all the way down [06:57] r u der ? [06:58] exactly [06:58] bring it back to how it was? [06:58] deagle: in effect it breaks a lot of apps [06:58] :( [06:58] deagle: former file ownership is not recorded in the FS [06:58] What folder are my applications stored in on Ubuntu 8.10? [06:58] undo? [06:58] deagle: so the options include reinstall, recover from backup [06:59] deagle, no, some stuff under /usr are owned by users other than root. [06:59] but... wait a minute [06:59] deagle: you could chown back as root - that would get alot of it [06:59] i can still launch apps [06:59] deagle: but stuff would be broken [06:59] deagle: yeah some stuff will still work [06:59] Sajuuk r u der ? [06:59] deagle, yeah, but there's some subtle bugs that will crop up [06:59] you have my attention now [06:59] ok [06:59] exactly as nickrud says [07:00] lot of stuff would be broken [07:00] is ubuntu 9.04 stable? [07:00] madhu yes, but i do not know ettercap to that extent === Sajuuk is now known as Sajuuk|afk [07:00] deagle, may be an interesting environment to work in. As bugs pop up, figure them out and learn more about the system :) [07:00] nickrud: :) [07:00] ... [07:00] hi [07:00] -_- [07:00] means ,,,is it used for ARP Poisng ? [07:00] is ubuntu 9.04 stable? [07:00] hmm... [07:00] #xajax [07:01] !jaunty | sdfa [07:01] lemme restart X [07:01] sdfa: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support. [07:01] it's okay [07:01] deagle: since you are just this side of an install - a reinstall may be the least painful option === rob is now known as Guest49788 [07:01] how to check which distro im running ? [07:01] Sajuuk, How much you know atleast let me know,,, it helps me better ? [07:01] heh... and all of this just to be able to copy a Skin to /usr/share/audacious/Skins [07:01] please someone help me find this god damn file [07:01] :( [07:01] deagle: yeah sorry there is no better option [07:02] alright [07:02] I installed openoffice 3 from the openoffice.org installer but I cant seem to find a way to run it. Any suggestions? [07:02] http://tinyurl.com/a2pdnv [07:02] What folder are my applications stored in on Ubuntu 8.10? How do I tell my computer what programs to launch at logon? [07:02] well... guess i better pop in the cd [07:02] :S [07:02] deagle: take it as a learning experience. i first install linux in 1994 and I broke it total within 24 hours in a situation much like yours [07:02] i have a wacom tablet, should i use 8.10 or 9.04 or vista [07:02] deagle: in my case I buggered up /dev [07:02] the buttons dont work in ubuntu ;( [07:02] can anyone tell me how to set permission to paste file to var/www ? [07:02] meh... last time it was a program that needed gcc and other important stuff to be removed prior to install [07:02] how do i get yum ? [07:02] (debian system in 2002) [07:02] deagle, so, that taught you the most important thing: sudo. And like Solver I borked mine within a day also. I think I borked at least a half dozen in the first month, mucking about. Learned a lot, though [07:03] deagle: in general reinstallation is not a good solution for unix [07:03] it shouldn't be [07:03] VISTA SHALL RULE THE EARTH< DOWN WITH UBUNTU [07:03] Has anyone solved the Intrepid flash bug yet [07:03] * cweigle kicks sdfa [07:03] deagle, if something wants to remove something, understand why first. [07:03] ouch [07:03] lmao [07:03] deagle: also, get regular backups going (if you don't already). it is worth its weight in gold [07:03] * nickrud kicks sdfa to prevent contamination [07:03] why? [07:03] yeh... already learned that the hard way [07:04] How do I get KAlarm to launch automatically in Ubuntu 8.10? [07:04] ive tried ubuntu, but it never worked [07:04] sdfa, jk [07:04] anyways... wish me luck! [07:04] * shivamib kicks sdfa for no apparent reason too [07:04] I want it to work [07:04] deagle: goodluck :) [07:04] but things just dont [07:04] sdfa ubuntu works great about 99.999999999999% of the time [07:04] Compared to windows working 71% [07:04] sdfa, heh. I've always had at least one thing that took stroking. But, every scratch install of windows has also [07:04] all softwae sux - it's just a matter of degrees :) [07:05] i just dont get how to install stuff [07:05] where are the .exe? [07:05] why must you compare it to windows. is it not enough to say that ubuntu works great most of the time? windows need not be a qualifier. [07:05] !synaptic | sdfa [07:05] sdfa: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto [07:05] sdfa: synaptic [07:05] you don't use exe in linux [07:05] sdfa: in linux we don't use extensions to signify file types much [07:05] L( [07:05] you use .tar.gz, .sh, .so etc [07:05] sdfa, start with that link. No exe's, no going out to the net to get random software [07:05] that's for the user [07:05] sdfa: executables are in /bin, /usr/bin, /sbin & /usr/sbin and even other places [07:05] not the operating system [07:05] I like random software though [07:06] click .exe and magical things happen [07:06] if you are having trouble running software that you downloaded, try setting it's permissions +x [07:06] Hello, is this thing on? Can anyone help me? I am trying to use KAlarm to remind me to do things throughout my day, but I can't get it to auto-launch when I log in. Please help me. [07:06] er its* [07:06] /j grind [07:06] sfda it's in synaptic, 98% of the time. All wrapped up nicely to work with ubuntu, two click install [07:06] ok [07:06] hello [07:06] I just use alarm in Exaile jksroll [07:06] cweigle: true but the system uses the magic number to figure out filetype. good point though - they are used in some cases [07:06] jskroll* [07:06] hi! [07:06] im getting a new harddrive, so I will set up a virtual machine and try ubuntu again [07:07] i have a problem connecting to wireless internet [07:07] im using broadcom [07:07] I'm trying to install GSynaptics to configure my laptop's touch pad... the thing is that it tells me to turn SHMConfig to TRUE in xorg.conf or in XF86Config... I found xorg.conf, but I don't know where to put the option... anyone ould give me a cue? thanks! [07:07] it is odd when vista just decides to be slow, and mouse gets parkinsons [07:07] anyone can help [07:07] sdfa: the key to remember with ubuntu or debian is to look to the repository first [07:07] sonoblaise, in the mouse section [07:07] brb, im seeing if there is a bios update for my old old laptop [07:07] sonoblaise, if you are using nano to edit xorg.conf, hit ctrl+w, and search for shmconfig [07:07] sdfa: a lot of stuff is there and if you use it you can get security updates more easily\ [07:07] sonoblaise, doh, in the touchpad section :) [07:07] haha, its about 3 years old, i haven't updated the bios once [07:07] anyone know if i can use eyecandy in vmware? [07:08] I rebooted the system and grub isn't working, this is my hard disk layout : http://pastebin.com/m47ca65f6 [07:08] sdfa, no [07:08] sdfa: really, you're doing it wrong [07:08] i am. [07:08] I just need to know how to auto-launch a program. I have this "Session" thing where I can specify a program to auto-launch, but I don't know how to set the command or find the program on the harddrive. [07:08] how. [07:08] sdfa, no, you're fine, putting it in a vm to start with. No eye candy, but easily cloned and mucked about with. [07:08] oh its 5 years old [07:09] lol i just know i got it at a garage sale for 100 [07:09] jskroll: whereis kalarm [07:09] jskroll, what program? [07:09] which kalarm is clearer [07:09] KAlarm is a great program for using mp3's as alarms, just can't get it to auto-launch [07:09] nickrud: the thing is that my xorg.conf is pretty empty... I'll go check again to be sure [07:09] anyone? [07:09] jskroll, type which kalarm in a terminal, that will give you the command [07:09] jskroll [07:09] atom: tthat's the problem [07:09] shoaibi: hi [07:10] jskroll [07:10] no eye candy? [07:10] sonoblaise, if there's no synaptic touchpad section (I don't have my laptop handy) it's easy to create one [07:10] cweigle: yes? [07:10] just use exaile or amarok, they have an alarm plugin [07:10] jskroll: no, that was a command for you to try [07:10] if you configure it right ( i did) it will autostart at the assigned time [07:10] without having to leave it open [07:10] cweigle: why the bulky program when I use gmail and only need the alarm? [07:10] well its also a great media organizer [07:10] lol [07:11] no eye candy in vmware? [07:11] can anyone help me? I have an intel graphics card and can't get it working properly [07:11] can some1 help me with vlc?? [07:11] can anyone help me....i can not copy n paste any file to var/www .....i am new to ubuntu [07:11] can anyone help me....i can not copy n paste any file to var/www .....i am new to ubuntu [07:11] yadav: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [07:11] sdfa, google vmware-tools [07:11] nickrud: where is xorg.conf supposed to be already.é.. i forgot (sorry!) [07:11] sonoblaise, /etc/X11/xorg.conf [07:11] ok i have the ultimate question [07:11] nickrud: thanks! [07:11] how can you update a bios in ubuntu [07:12] when i play hd videos, 720p, i get blue bars on the right sides... [07:12] yadav: you have write permissions to /var/www [07:12] why is this ?? [07:12] well. [07:12] all i want to do is click .exe and have it install [07:12] yadav: don't * [07:12] sdfa [07:12] but i have to compile vmware install? [07:13] linux is _not_ like that [07:13] what is that bs? [07:13] sdfa, won't happen. this is not Windows. And no, there's a deb available from vmware [07:13] can anyone tell me how to run a bios update in ubuntu? [07:13] sdfa: vmware needs to be compiled so the proprietary network drivers can work with your specific kernel [07:13] my bios is 5 years old and needs updating bad [07:13] can anyone help me....i can not copy n paste any file to var/www .....i am new to ubuntu [07:13] nickrud: thanks... I'm always looking in /usr/... so now im in it, there is nothing about touchpad or mouse [07:13] that is why I stick with windows [07:13] thank you, goodbye [07:13] cweigle depends on your motherboard/bios maker, see the motherboard manufacturer's web site. [07:13] sonoblaise, ok, put a copy on http://paste.ubuntu.com [07:13] yadav, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP#Virtual%20Hosts [07:14] sdfa, no pain, no gain. See you later [07:14] its dell [07:14] theirs is windows files though [07:14] nickrud: http://paste.ubuntu.com/105441/ [07:16] can anyone help me? I have an intel graphics card and can't get it working properly [07:16] Question, has anyone figured out anything about the problem with blank TTYs with nvidia drivers? [07:16] tweak: you should find some driver install on Intel's website [07:17] Unable to mount the volume 'External'. - Tried running /f command twice and still can't mount my external hd, had no problems until today [07:17] anyone have any ideas? [07:17] ok will check [07:17] sonoblaise, a sec [07:17] nickrud: no prob! thanks! [07:17] I did a complete install of ubuntu on another system and this hd was connected at themt time as well [07:17] Solver: I know you didn't mean ill, but linux will always be better than windows: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=219767 [07:18] reinstall, therefore, isn't the easiest way all the time :P [07:18] does anyone knwo how to check which bios verion you have [07:18] sorry for this guys......but how do i set to write permission ? [07:18] go to bios on startup [07:18] cweigle -> try sudo dmidecode [07:18] how i can add drivers of IDE controller at ubuntu bootup? [07:18] yadav: chmod +r === lipsin_ is now known as lipsin === KEtrel is now known as Ketrel [07:19] If there's no solution, is there a workaround? [07:19] how to wifi internet in ubuntu? [07:19] yadav: chmod +w [07:19] can't mount external hd, anyone have any ideas? [07:19] ya, im at version a06 and version a32 for my system has been released [07:19] Mayank -> come again? [07:20] yadav: specifically, sudo chmod o+w /var/www [07:20] dman -> is it on a usb adapter? [07:20] naw intel's site is useless [07:20] permission to var/www folder is disabled...i can not change to read or write....what can i do ? [07:20] n8tuser, i am using wifi...what setting do i have to do yo use internet on my ubuntu? [07:21] ya [07:21] Mayank: did you try clicking on the network manager icon in the upper right, selecting "Edit connections..." and then adding your wireless info in the wireless tab? [07:22] weird thing is that I installed ubuntu on another system with this hd attached, so did it switch something? And vista was also installed w/this hd attached ??? [07:22] Mayank -> is the AP connected to the internet? does your box gets an ip address? perhaps you can tell us your network layout? [07:23] wait.. [07:23] ouch [07:23] yadav, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP#Virtual Hosts [07:23] can anyone help me get my intel graphics card working properly? [07:23] It was originally attached to a system that had xp/ubuntu, got a new system - attached it to that and installed vista/ubuntu [07:23] yadav, that is the Virtual Hosts section. xchat won't link the url properly [07:23] I have install Ubuntu 8.10 in compaq presario C751NR but my wireless card does not work. I'm a beginner, could you help me in this. [07:23] dman -> you have a hd in one of those usb adapters? is it detected? check dmesg [07:24] sonoblaise, http://paste.ubuntu.com/105444/ . Got distracted by an admin issue in another channel, sorry. This should do the job [07:24] for anyone else interested i found instructions on updateing a dell bios on linux [07:24] http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/Tech/libsmbios_dellBiosUpdate [07:24] yes now can change the file permission with sudo chmod o+w /var/www [07:24] thanks jken [07:24] yadav, ok that will work too [07:24] cweigle -> does your dell happen to do spanish language in bios? [07:24] how i can add drivers at bootup? [07:24] i don't know [07:24] now shud i paste my whole project to tat folder...and run localhost ? [07:24] yadav, be aware that that command allows any user on your machine to write to /var/www [07:25] i'll jken [07:25] yadav, yes, you can put the files you want to serve there and direct your browser to http://localhost [07:25] drkop -> you can add to /etc/modprobe.d/aliases ? [07:25] nickrud: Thanks a lot! I'm still learning the tircks of linux slowly but surely [07:25] Hello, I have a problem with Remote Desktop. From Windows I can't connect to my Ubuntu box. In windows I am using realvnc. Can somebody guide me in the right direction? :) [07:26] sonoblaise, enjoy. With ubuntu, you should only need to learn as you go. If you lose your mouse (not likely, but I couldn't actually test that xorg.conf) let me kno0w [07:26] http://pastebin.ca/1309891 [07:26] o.k [07:27] ok that didn't work [07:27] n8t, just pasted [07:27] it said could not instantiate smbios table [07:27] dman -> if that was for me, complete my whole nick so i can detect it [07:28] but i think it's a drivers issues. The card is Artheros 5007. I have search over the internet but i didn't get any driver compatible with this card. May be if you know any link that i can download drivers to figure out this issue. [07:28] nickrud, that wont be right now: I'm running low on battery and my AC adapter is at home and downloads ar on the way... but if you can tell me what the device and protocol options represent it would help me really understand :) [07:29] does anyone know anything about fixing an smbios error [07:29] how can i update my ubuntu kernel? [07:29] ok, the device is where the mouse presents it's raw output. The protocol is detected automatically [07:29] n8tuser: ow - wrong explain =( im need add drivers of IDE controller at ubuntu install cd boot =) [07:30] n8tuser http://pastebin.ca/1309891 [07:30] dman -> and what that should tell me? [07:30] hold on [07:30] quesiton [07:30] question* [07:30] sonoblaise, man xorg.conf goes into some detail [07:31] didn't they just release an acpi update 2 days ago [07:31] if that? [07:31] was [07:31] drkop -> oh i have not done those where you require an additional driver during livecd booting [07:31] pleeaase... [07:31] the new update annoys me [07:31] I can't wait for 9.04 [07:32] please god, let this update-manager -d work and not break my whole system... [07:32] Has anyone synced an iphone with ubuntu [07:32] I did for my friend [07:32] n8tuser - try again - sorry http://pastebin.ca/1309892 [07:32] nickrud: ok, i'll read it.. i already redirected the man output to a textfile for later reading [07:32] all i did was install it on their simcard [07:32] dman again what should that tell me? [07:33] :) - I thought you could tell me [07:33] sonoblaise, all man is doing is formatting files in /usr/share/man [07:33] have to go... if something go wrong with my mouse I'll just comment the lines and restart to get it right? [07:33] hello [07:33] I am trying to set up my smtp to send using my gmail account but I keep getting nd_via_gmail T=gmail_smtp defer (-53): retry time not reached for any host [07:33] sonoblaise, another interesting place for docs is /usr/share/doc/. Some have more than others, all have the changelogs [07:34] nickrud: yeah I knonw, but man xorg.conf > something.txt still works ;) [07:34] ok, I'll take a look! [07:34] dman -> thats bunch of lines from dmesg, so look for the entry when you plugged in your usb device(hd) [07:34] anyone? :( [07:34] !help [07:34] Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [07:34] datarecal, go on your gmail settings and look for the pop forwarding section. There are instructions there. [07:34] datarecal: gmail smtp use ssl so difrent port [07:35] !language [07:35] Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [07:35] lol [07:35] cweigle: please stop playing with the bot [07:35] or do it in private [07:35] im configing it with exim [07:35] not a mail client [07:35] sorry [07:35] i just thought that was a funny reply [07:36] so thanks for everything!! good evening/morning/night all! [07:36] should I let /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf be replaced by the ditribution upgrade? [07:36] datarecal, I see. I take it you have got the settings right as described on the gmail site? [07:36] biouser: did you modify it yourself? [07:36] disks [07:36] !rm [07:36] The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal [07:36] !kernel [07:36] The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages [07:36] when i have multiple "screens", how do i navigate between them? ctrl+a ? [07:36] can somoene help me real quick [07:36] !bios [07:37] Sorry, I don't know anything about bios [07:37] ok [07:37] well i was hoping for some help there [07:37] cweigle: I asked you to stop playing with the bot [07:37] yaris123456789, ctrl+alt+left/right arrows [07:37] tritium pretty sure that I didn't, I did set up a static IP on this box.. but that is like /etc/network/interfaces I think... [07:37] I was just asking it about bios [07:37] jken146: thanks [07:37] how is that playing with it [07:37] jken, i was using dreamweaver in windows....is it possible to run dreamweaver in linux ?if not any best editor...actually i m php developer [07:37] biouser: that's correct. If you've not modified it, you're safe letting it be replaced. [07:37] !botabuse | cweigle [07:37] cweigle: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots. Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid". [07:38] yup port 587 with tls auth [07:38] tritium thanks, here goes nothing :) [07:38] hello! [07:38] i'm having a problem with vlc [07:39] help join [07:39] kshlmster: whats the problem? [07:39] when i play hd videos on vlc ( 720p) i have a blue bar covering part of the video on the right side [07:40] after a new vista install, if I installed ubuntu over it, would it unmount my usb drive in some way - does vista change the usb partition in some way on install [07:40] b/c 2 computers can't mount the same usb external drive [07:40] kshlmster: does that happen when you play it in other media players? [07:41] miranda_psi, yes [07:41] this happens when i use xvideo output [07:41] kshlmster: have you tried using direct rendering? [07:41] i have put test.php in var/www folder....but on http://localhost this error is coming out.......Warning: Unknown: failed to open stream: Permission denied in Unknown on line 0 [07:41] Fatal error: Unknown: Failed opening required '/var/www/test.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in Unknown on line 0 [07:42] yadav: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [07:42] miranda_psi, if i use x11 out the bar disappears but the video bcoms choppy [07:42] i m not flooding ....i havent...i m put one question at a time [07:42] yadav, you need to give that file read permissions for all... sudo chmod a+r /var/www/test.php [07:43] miranda_psi, how do i set direct rendering [07:43] something I learned, darn Sony laptop is not easy to resize with gparted it fouled it up, so i have to spend extra 4 hours to recover windows on it, grrrr [07:43] kshlmster: just a sec - I'll see how to do it in vlc... [07:43] miranda_psi, ok :) [07:44] can I dl vlc movie player on linux? [07:44] tenang, it's in the repositories. type 'sudo apt-get install vlc' [07:44] really? [07:44] how do I find out what's in the repositories? [07:44] jken it runs...yahoooo [07:44] yadav, a better solution is to create your own site: "https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP#Virtual Hosts" [07:44] is there a list command [07:45] thanks jken...i realy appreciate your help [07:45] tenang, use Synaptic or Applications -> Add/Remove for the graphical way.. Otherwise, type 'apt-cache search somethingYouWant' [07:46] What is /dev/sda6 called in GRUB's language? [07:46] I downloaded ubuntu 8.10 i386 instead of i686 but it seems to be doing great and graphics are good also for a GeForce Ti 4200 nvidiacard [07:46] Muhammad_Saad, (hd0,5) probably [07:46] ha ty jken [07:47] is the live cd running off the 8.04 graphics? [07:47] i need someone to assist me in updating my linux kernel, because im using a netbook, i cant seem to use the webcam with my current kernel [07:47] Rocking-W, there is only one 23 bit release [07:47] btw is there a way to make my resolution bigger like forcibly? and if not does anyone know a good icon pack to download that has smaller icons? [07:47] 32 you mean? [07:47] jken146: its relative to the drive that it is installed on - the drive it is installed on is hd0,* and then they are in alphabetical order [07:47] I feel retarded lookn at giant folders and boxes lol [07:48] buongiorno gente! [07:48] jken is it possible to run dreamweaver in linux ? [07:48] miranda_psi, thanks, that solves a mystery for me! [07:48] bungholio? [07:48] nope glxgears doesn't work :( [07:49] jken146: that caused me a lot of problems until i figured out what was going on by trial and error... [07:49] yadav, I'm not sure. I hear that nvu and bluefish are similar though. I would recommend learning html though [07:49] I have the amd 64 cpu and I thought that the 8.04 was 64 bit [07:50] Rocking-W, there is a 32 bit (i386) and a 64 bit (amd-64) version. either should work [07:50] ok [07:50] thanks [07:50] o.k i'll learn both nvu and bluefish...i think these are the best one for linux ? === desti_T2 is now known as desti [07:51] tenang, you can change the size of folder icons in nautilus (the file manager) in the View menu. http://gnome-look.org has icons etc [07:51] kshlmster: try the openGL output - should work nicely if your gpu supports it... [07:51] yadav, I don't know. Search in Add/Remove or Synaptic for programs you want [07:52] o.k jken [07:52] miranda_psi, tried it but its choppy too, only xvideo gives unchoppy video but its got those bars [07:52] miranda_psi, guess i'll ask on the vlc forums [07:53] kshlmster: what video card do you have? [07:53] miranda_psi, thanks fr the help :) [07:53] modified config file Renviron... what is renviron? [07:53] miranda_psi, onboard intel 845 gv [07:53] biouser, if you don't know what it is, chances are you haven't modified it yourself, so just say yes. [07:54] kshlmster: that would be why the openGL is slow - no gpu support for opengl... [07:54] miranda_psi, i've gotta fast enuff processor for xvideo to run without choppiness [07:55] miranda_psi, but those bars are only the problem [07:55] kshlmster: try mplayer and see if you get the same problem, could be something to do with vlc... [07:56] miranda_psi, mplayer doesn't even open hd files [07:56] kshlmster: what do you mean? I use it to watch full 1080p 20MB/s videos... [07:57] im getting this error because of the theme I have on right now, how do I get asnd install?won't look right because you don't currently have GTK + Themes Engine ubuntulooks installed [07:57] Sorry for repeating (accidently cleared): Question, has anyone figured out anything about the problem with blank TTYs with nvidia drivers? [07:57] miranda_psi, mplayer says max resolution is some x*y and cant play video [07:58] tenang, it sounds like you need to install gtk2-engines-ubuntulooks [07:58] kshlmster: that is strange... is that through the gui or from the shell/ [07:59] HUmm, when i try to turn on desktop effects, it says dekstop effects can not be enabled. [07:59] suggestions anyone? [07:59] TOO MANY LOGIN AND LOGOUT,why .... [07:59] CoUrPsE|DeAd: what video card do you have? [07:59] radeon 9700 pro. [07:59] miranda_psi, i get that error when mplayer i run frm the shell, thru the gui mplayer just quits [08:00] CoUrPsE|DeAd: installed the propreitary ati drivers? [08:00] jacober, please don't shout. What do you mean? [08:00] so jken would I type in sudo apt -get instal gtk2-engines-ubuntulooks ? [08:00] na, they wont install, i cant find em. [08:00] i have radeon drivers installed thou. [08:00] kshlmster: can you run it and put the mplayer output up on pastebin? [08:01] tenang, yes but apt-get has no space. [08:01] hey [08:01] oh [08:01] lol [08:01] hi, i have a intex night vision cam, i tried easy cam and kopete, they dont detect it, can windows drivers be somehow used to make it work? [08:01] learning slowly thank you very much jken [08:01] tenang, you're welcome [08:01] miranda_psi, right now i'vent got mplayer installed... [08:02] For some odd reason mplayer is taking exceedingly long to load, also all across the board .wmv's have very bad support with no audio [08:02] any idea? [08:02] is there any game irc or chat irc ? [08:02] I am using Xinerama on Ubuntu 8.10. Recently after working for about an hour or so my mouse goes on the fritz. I can move the pointer around but clicking doesn't work and sometimes I get the finger cursor. It seems like the mouse is mapped to a different area than what is being displayed. If I enter a full-screen RDP session the mouse is mapped correctly, but only on fullscreen. [08:02] any ideas? [08:02] kshlmster: ok, well good luck with the vlc [08:03] miranda_psi, thanks fr the help :) [08:04] jacober, #ubuntu-off-topic [08:04] anyone around here know how to configure 3d graphics accelerator for intel chipsets? [08:04] Bikeguy: what does mplayer output about the sound in the wmv files? [08:05] miranda_psi: let me get that error message for you, also mplayer with any media file takes a really long time to load [08:06] Hey, I've stumbled upon quite a predicament! [08:06] how could i change the first screen during the booting of live cd? [08:06] miranda_psi: cannot find codec for audio format 0x162 [08:07] miranda_psi, In hardware drivers, it says no device is using propriety drivers. [08:07] I can't access the edit users and groups thing with my normal user [08:07] it says i'm not allowed :( [08:07] but im in the admin group [08:08] Jub: click on unlock [08:08] i cant even get to that screen [08:08] I can't even access system configurations [08:08] grr [08:08] Jub: use the menu editor to find the program name and launch with sudo [08:10] CoUrPsE|DeAd: try searching for ati in synaptic and see if you can find a 3D driver for your card there - you might only be using a generic driver right now... [08:10] how could i edit a linux live cd [08:10] Bikeguy: can you play those files in other media players? [08:12] I'm trying to install ubuntu with VirtualBox on a windows machine just to play around with. I got it all set up and it loads the image just fine but when I try to install, try it, or check to see if the download was good it just freezes and doesn't do anything. Any suggestions. I've tried both the 32 and 64 bit versions and there are no other virtual machines using the same disk image. [08:12] yes, but with no sound [08:12] miranda_psi: yes but with no sound, could it be the w32codecs package needs to be installed? [08:12] does ultimate ubuntu 2.0 has full disk encryption? [08:13] Zero_FeniX: you're not using alpha releases of jaunty (9.04), are you? [08:13] hi, does anyone know where can i get the last ubuntu release iso in bittorent? [08:13] syn-fin: this channel is not for ultimate ubuntu [08:13] tritium: I'm using 8.10 [08:13] mespejel: http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/ ? [08:13] ultimate? [08:13] mespejel, http://www.tuxdistro.com/ [08:13] shivamib, yeah [08:14] Zero_FeniX: just checking, as the release notes state that the kernel used in the jaunty alphas won't boot as a virtualbox guest [08:14] dapper is 8.10?? [08:14] Yea, it boots up I just can't get it to install or anything unfortunately. [08:14] mespejel: no, intrepid is 8.10 [08:14] mespejel, http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ [08:14] mespejel, releases.ubuntu.com/8.10 , there's a torrent there [08:15] miranda_psi: hey, that worked [08:15] miranda_psi: thanks for the help [08:15] one last question and I'll leave you guys alone how do I install the gtk + themes engine for overglossed? [08:15] miranda_psi: any idea on why mplayer is opening so slow though/ [08:16] tenang, Usually you just download a theme from gnome-look.org, then drag the archive to the Themes tab in System -> Preferences -> Appearance [08:17] Bikeguy: are you using the default mplayer from the repository? 1rc2? [08:18] how do i prevent X from recovering me back to my X terminal everytime i try to go to a text terminal? [08:18] scientes, if I understand you correctly, you'd have to stop the x server: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop [08:19] nonoo [08:19] i do ctrtl-alt-f1 [08:19] but X grabs me back [08:19] till i hit it a second time [08:19] hello, what is the meaning of the UBUNTU ? === hij is now known as detnuomnu [08:19] something is thinking it knows what i want more than me [08:20] scientes, I just tried it. You're right! it does do that, the first time. then it's normal again. how weird. [08:20] that is annoying [08:20] restart the system to complete the upgrade, wish me luck! here goes nothing.... [08:20] biouser, luck! [08:21] I did what you said but its still saying I need to install it [08:21] tenng: :) [08:21] tenang, try to install it then, whatever it is. Go to System > Administration > Synaptic and search for it. [08:22] hello [08:25] could anybody tell me how to get getimagesize for php5 [08:25] well, looks like the system is not completely broken :) [08:26] hello [08:26] snuxoll: oh hay [08:26] snuxoll: you're already here [08:26] Tim__Reichhart: #php is >> thataway [08:26] kk im tryn to install community themes [08:26] Tim__Reichhart #php is probably pretty active, but you should use a python framewerk [08:26] how to install ftp [08:26] I believe that's where I got the theme lol [08:27] yadav: an ftp server (so that other people can connect to you) or an ftp client (so that you can connect to a server)? [08:28] hello [08:29] just i want install ftp [08:29] yadav: we can't help you unless we know what you want, 'ftp' does not give us enough information to do that [08:30] yadav: are you trying to serve files over FTP or download them [08:30] HI, how to mount a ISO file? thanks [08:30] !iso | toader [08:30] !f-spot [08:30] toader: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. [08:30] Sorry, I don't know anything about f-spot [08:30] yadav: google FireFTP and get the plugin for firefox, great FTP client [08:30] !msgthebot > opera [08:30] opera, please see my private message [08:30] fireftp is very nice [08:30] Places > Connect to Server... seems to work fine for most people, though. [08:31] Hi! I have a problem with suspending my system. When I try to suspend it, it shuts down completely, and when I turn it on again it boots straight to my desktop with an error messages that says there was a problem suspending the system, nothing else. Any ideas? How can I found out what's wrong? [08:31] Anyone know of a great book to learn about Linux in general, mainly on how everything works? I already purchased the Ubuntu Linux Bible from amazon. [08:32] tommi: is this on a laptop or desktop computer? what is the make and model (assuming it's an OEM machine) [08:32] PeoplesAdvocate, learn as you go. google is your friend. Find something you don't know how to do and learn it. [08:32] hey jken maybe this might help you help me here's where it came from http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Overglossed?content=74813 [08:32] !documentation | PeoplesAdvocate: not sure about books, but these sites are useful to me [08:32] PeoplesAdvocate: not sure about books, but these sites are useful to me: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com [08:33] tenang, did you follow the instructions on that page? [08:33] Yeah, I have many great sites but I wanted books for my library [08:34] th ubuntu bible is very good in itself [08:34] I appreciate your answers though I will list those sites for reference. [08:35] I have not read any books myself, I have learned everything from google [08:35] Yeah I like the book, Im tryna convert my friends so I try to through material at them that will help them learn with more ease [08:35] lol [08:35] well, i have reade the ubuntu bible [08:36] since he's not resaying it here [08:36] It's HP Pavilion dv6615eo laptop computer [08:36] I've always had bad experiences with HP desktops, anyone else got some info on his suspend issues? [08:36] give your friends some live cds [08:36] I did [08:36] :D [08:36] I have suspend issues with my dell [08:37] you're awesome [08:37] how do they like it? [08:37] suspend works quite well on my machine, video drivers are the most probable cause of issues and since I run the open source ATI drivers... [08:37] they like it but have trouble learning where everything is at. [08:37] but mine's an older dell, so :/ [08:37] yep followed the directions 1-4 [08:37] its really easy but they are not to computer literate [08:38] yeah, finding everything was hard for me at first too, but you'll get used to it [08:38] or they [08:38] YAY! I upgraded from 8.04 to 8.10 and my PulseAudio + ekiga problems are VERY MUCH better! Nice, ubuntu can come back out of the doghouse and go back to being the greatest thing ever! [08:38] PeoplesAdvocate: http://www.linuxhaxor.net/2007/09/05/68-linux-related-free-e-books/ [08:38] I use the latest nVidia driver. [08:38] cool, thanks dayo_ [08:38] PeoplesAdvocate: u're welcome :-) [08:39] I think that the newer Pulse Audio is way better from what I see already :) [08:39] I have tried all the distros, and ubuntu worked the best, so they are off to a good start [08:39] But suspending has worked on this very same laptop the last time I had Ubuntu installed on it, about 2 months ago... [08:39] people might suggest that audio problems might be improved by moving toward the bleeding edge? [08:39] ogg audio format good or not ? [08:39] biouser: pulseaudio itself hasn't changed. Ubuntu just configured it better (aka: not horribly wrong) [08:39] ogg is better than mp3 [08:39] bootcamp911: better than MP3, but the lack of standalone portable media players that support it is a downer [08:40] the only problem is very little player support [08:40] I have a pdf music score which has two pages per A4. Is there any way to split and rotate them so that each page is on it's own A4 page? [08:40] it does work with rockbox, however [08:40] how about Iriver? > snuxoll [08:40] bootcamp911: I keep most of my music in MP3's encoded with LAME -V0 [08:40] snuxoll seems to be a lot of potential but that doesn't mean that I can put up with TOO much flat-out brokenness [08:40] ic > demizer [08:41] i am a newbie in portable audio [08:41] I'd rather use AAC personally, but it's too painful to rip to it under linux [08:41] true that [08:41] since my phone, iPod, wii, etc all play MP3 [08:41] *AAC [08:41] hi all, I am here (http://kubuntuway.net/forum/showthread.php?t=241) and Still Can't figure out how to use the repos. because the "deb" command was not Found :) [08:41] how about FFFFFFFFLLLLLAAAAACCCCC ? [08:41] bootcamp911: flac is good for archival, not playback [08:41] yeah, I didn't like rockbox much over the original ipod firmware [08:41] demizer: rockbox doesn't even run on my classic [08:42] flac is very high quality, large filesizes [08:42] ic, I have 5th gen [08:42] demizer: I see no need to bother with it though, I really could care less about OGG support myself [08:42] MP3 good for u > snuxoll [08:42] any suggestions? [08:42] yes, mp3 work just fine. :) [08:43] !gnome-pilot [08:43] Sorry, I don't know anything about gnome-pilot [08:43] but i will obtain Ubuntu default OGG [08:43] Hello, what should I do if apt/dpkg is stuck like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/105072/ [08:43] bootcamp911: like I said, I use mp3's encoded with lame -v0, the audio quality is as good as it gets for MP3 while being about the size of a 256Kbps VBR MP3 [08:43] VieQ: Those aren't commands that you run. They're lines that you put into your /etc/apt/sources.list file [08:43] Hello, can you help me? My pc speakers aren't working anymore [08:43] are they plugged in [08:44] kidding [08:44] rww, thanks for the tip [08:44] ogg = less support or = no support in future ? [08:44] I could'nt resist [08:44] but will that work without the GPG key? [08:44] bootcamp911: I wouldn't say no support in the future, but for now not much supports it [08:44] bootcamp911: I mean, there *are* devices that support it, and if they appeal to you then OGG is by far the best choice [08:44] hi,any one here using a webmin can share their webmin,pam.d file? [08:45] !ops oh noes, is ikonia madddd? Y SO MAD :D [08:45] bootcamp911: I know that cowon players are ok, I don't like them myself but I know a lot of people that do [08:45] !webmin | LoneWlf [08:45] LoneWlf: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead. [08:45] well, how about WMA vs AAC ? [08:45] er, lonel ^^^ [08:45] bad tab complete [08:45] hi,i cant login after i configured webmin [08:45] bootcamp911: WMA is absolute garbage [08:45] bootcamp911: AAC [08:45] snuxoll: YES [08:46] bootcamp911: don't ever use wma [08:46] bootcamp911: AAC is by far my personal favorite, but it's a pain to rip under linux without dipping down to the shell or using some obscure app to do it (because gstreamer can't mux a MP4 container to save its life) [08:46] :) [08:46] um. can someone help me? [08:46] * snuxoll kicks gstreamer in the shins [08:46] Kuroneko-chan: I'm sure we can, what's your problem [08:46] lol [08:46] absolute garbage ??? === tweak is now known as totallystumped [08:46] bootcamp911: proprietary [08:46] nikolam: Looks like update-initramfs isn't happy about the "2.6.28-rc1-custom" kernel you appear to be using. Considering that's an unofficial kernel, you'll need to go to wherever you got it from to get support. [08:46] Hello, can you help me? My notebook speakers aren't working anymore [08:47] joerack: did you check your volume levels in the mixer? [08:47] rww i never installed that kernel [08:47] ACC only support iPOD??? [08:47] joerack: are you trying to hear flash movies? [08:47] AAC [08:47] bootcamp911: AAC is supported on a lot of devices [08:47] I can't install ubuntu.....my system meets recomended requirements...but it always gets an error in the partitioning...I have winXP professional and I dont want to get rid of it..... [08:47] bootcamp911: my N75, iPod classic, wii, etc can all play it [08:47] well. want to. but cant [08:48] Kuroneko-chan: try the wubi installer [08:48] snuxoll: Yes ... my headphones are working and I'm using mp3 [08:48] alright. [08:48] but i never seeing this format in Linux... [08:48] Kuroneko-chan: what is the exact Error? [08:48] joerack: maybe you're having pulseaudio conflicts, have you tried rebooting the machine? [08:48] yes [08:48] restart the sound system [08:48] An error has occurred during partioning.....nothing fancy lol [08:49] sudo /etc/init.d/alsa restart [08:49] nikolam: Well, something thinks that you have, since initramfs is looking for it. I'd probably start by removing some of the unofficial repositories you have installed and seeing if that helps. Considering that at least two of them are repositories for a different (albeit Xubuntu-based) distribution, though, I doubt we'll be able to help you much. [08:49] Sound Juicer can´t conv Mp3 ?????????? [08:49] Kuroneko-chan: I would recommend a second hard drive [08:49] when I reboot in windows I have to go through the whole chkdsk thing....I was so worried I had accidently formatted the drive... [08:49] its a lot easier [08:49] I need help [08:49] bootcamp911: sound juicer can rip MP3 [08:49] snuxoll: This problem started when I installed the plantronics usb sound card [08:49] ??? > snuxoll [08:49] Kuroneko-chan: BACKUP YOUR DATA [08:50] quiero expresar mi enorme alegria de que pude usar la tarjeta Wi-fi en mi ubuntu 8.10 [08:50] Mplayer works fine when playing files from my desktop, but it wont play them from the videos folder [08:50] meh. I dont wanna use an external harddrive and Im using a laptop with no slots left... [08:50] Kuroneko-chan: don't mess around, especially with formatting [08:50] oh I see [08:50] rww ok. I removed other repos temporarely but I realize i need to contact the repo where it is coming from [08:50] i do not found MP3 [08:50] !en [08:50] The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat [08:50] !es [08:50] En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [08:50] bootcamp911: do you have the ubuntu-restricted-extras package installed? [08:50] use virtualization from window [08:50] windows [08:51] and install ubuntu that way [08:51] i do not know ... > snuxoll [08:51] yea. Im going to make a bootdisk for windows sp3......but Ill try the one installer thing.... [08:51] i am using 8.04 version > snuxoll [08:51] moin [08:51] bootcamp911: open a terminal and type the following in: 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras' (without the quotes) [08:51] buenos días! quiero expresar mi enorme alegria de que pude usar la tarjeta Wi-fi en mi ubuntu 8.10 [08:51] damn I need to go to bed. See you all later! [08:51] moin [08:51] !es | horux [08:51] horux: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [08:52] !es | horux [08:52] sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras <<< whats that > snuxoll [08:52] Hi, how to use the 7zip to comprese a directory to a specificed file name? [08:53] I have trid many ways but it failed [08:53] has anyone tried google earth on ubuntu? [08:53] totallystumped yes [08:53] totallystumped: yes. I got it from Medibuntu's repositories. [08:53] I need help please [08:53] toader: any reason you need to use 7zip and why tar won't work? [08:53] mediabuntu? [08:53] cweigle: ask your question and we might be able to help you with it :) [08:54] totallystumped i think he means medibuntu [08:54] bootcamp911: that will install the ubuntu-restricted-extras package on your machine [08:54] bootcamp911: which installs the gstreamer MP3 support needed by sound juicer to rip audio CD's to MP3 [08:54] Greetings! [08:54] omg my videos wont work [08:54] ok, trying that > snuxoll [08:54] !medibuntu [08:54] medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org [08:54] !medibuntu | totallystumped [08:54] totallystumped: please see above [08:54] can someone help me [08:54] waiut [08:54] wait* [08:54] im gonna try a reboot [08:54] cweigle: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [08:54] thx [08:55] :-* [08:55] ... i didnt flood [08:55] cweigle: consider the "don't use Enter as punctuation" part ;) [08:56] can anyone tell me why the Update Mangaer (under Proposed updates) wants to update my kernel to linux-image-2.6.27-11 when I have2.6.27-11 already installed? [08:56] I've noticed this a few times now [08:56] how do I install a .deb in ubuntu? [08:56] totallystumped: any reason you are trying to manually install a .deb file? [08:57] totallystumped, gdebi or dkpg -i file.deb [08:57] dpkg -i *.deb [08:57] totallystumped: man dpkg [08:57] totallystumped, best to find in repos first though [08:57] totallystumped: or double-click it if you're in GNOME. [08:57] totallystumped: sudo dpkg -i packagename.deb [08:57] i installed my wifi drivers with NDIS in ubuntu 8.10 [08:58] i can find the wireless networks but i cant connect to em [08:58] what cud the problem be? [08:59] What is the executable file of Take_Screenshot? [08:59] Kbarcode help me please [08:59] Kbarcode help me please [08:59] plz help [09:00] i installed my wifi drivers with NDIS in ubuntu 8.10 [09:00] i can find the wireless networks but i cant connect to em [09:00] bullgard4: gnome-screenshot, perhaps? [09:00] what cud the problem be? [09:00] bullgard4: in gnome screenshots are taken with gnome-screenshot [09:00] !repeat | ruhaan_jslip [09:00] ruhaan_jslip: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [09:01] yahooooo.... [09:02] rww: Your answer is wrong. Test it. [09:02] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs ruhaan_jslip [09:02] Gnome-Do question. I installed gnome-do (metapackage) but i cant seem to bring up the dock [09:02] bullgard4: I did. Works for me. [09:02] snuxoll: hm [09:03] indonesia!!!!!!!!!!!!! [09:03] !id [09:03] join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia [09:03] bullgard4: If your question is something other than "what's the name of the GNOME program that lets you take screenshots", you might want to rephrase it. [09:03] oiy [09:03] bakabon, #ubuntu-id [09:03] I'm trying to do a fresh install of kubuntu on my lappy. Everything is fine after the installation but the first set of updates always has a bunch of corrupted deb files that either don't install or mess up the system [09:03] Delvien: docky is a new feature in the gnome-do development build [09:03] Delvien: it is not currently in the version in the repositories, and likely won't be until 9.10 [09:04] Delvien: since docky is still very much alpha, says the lead developer for Do [09:04] snuxoll its in repos :p [09:04] Delvien: yes, gnome-do is in the repos, but the specific feature you are looking for is not in the version we have [09:04] Delvien, which repos [09:04] oh gnome-do [09:04] shrug, :p [09:05] looked for docky [09:05] Hi - is it easy/possible to install ubuntu (server) from a remote computer.... Im about to purchase a server( for personal home use) and wanted to avoid having to purchase a CD drive in it. I would connect to it via ethernet via my computer [09:05] i tried everythin in the docs page [09:05] nothin works [09:05] Well i keep seeing things about docky, but have yet to find how to get it. [09:05] PC_Nerd: you should be able to install it via unetbootin, but I don't see why you couldn't just borrow a CDROM drive from another machine [09:05] Hi, in Ubuntu, is there any good GUI ftp tools for recommended? [09:05] PC_Nerd why dont you install from a usb key [09:05] Hi guys. When I look at the output from the command free, I can see some bytes from cached/buffer. What is this? [09:05] PC_Nerd: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation#Installation%20without%20a%20CD [09:05] Delvien: because docky is a new feature in the development build of gnome-do [09:06] PC_Nerd: you could use an usb stick to install from... you might be able to conjure up some voodoo with tftp and boot over ethernet but I doubt it will save you any time [09:06] rww: Yes. Thank you. [09:06] snuxoll: i see, guess ill be building it from tarball then [09:06] Delvien: the only way to get it is to manually get the sources for Do from launchpad and compile it yourself, which is something I don't reccomend, especially since docky is still alpha [09:06] koshar2: so would that mean taking the ubuntu~.iso and simpyl making the usb bootable? (in which case it is possible to remove the "bootable" from teh usb for storage again yes?) [09:07] how can i boot without nvidia without uninstalling it [09:07] ? [09:07] PC_Nerd or pop the hdd into another machine and install OS and retern to server [09:07] Delvien: and when I say alpha I mean 'buggier than all hell and it will crash and leave nasty stack traces that you don't want to look at' [09:07] ah ok ( except I dont want to have to be playing with HDD's) Ill read through the usb section on that page - thanks! [09:07] Delvien: so really, don't :) [09:07] Ok, just so whoever cares, I just restarted and now videos are working fine [09:07] snuxoll but the curious cat inside me wants to play with it [09:07] New question: does anyone know how to build a deb package? [09:08] PC_Nerd you can make a live usb key with a live cd but iam not sure about server edition, === dragon_flam is now known as xandro_beilen [09:08] PC_Nerd as suggested earlier you may be able to with netbootin [09:08] Delvien: even *I* won't play with it, and I'm running the Win7 beta right now -_- [09:08] !packaging | cweigle [09:08] cweigle: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports [09:08] thank you rww [09:08] koshar2: thanks - ill look at netbootin as well! [09:08] snuxoll win7.. laf [09:08] Hi, in Ubuntu, is there any good GUI ftp tools for recommended? [09:08] toader: gftp [09:08] !ftp | toader [09:08] toader: FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd [09:09] I just want to compile a songbird package, for simpler install [09:09] PC_Nerd unetbootin sorry my [09:09] toader: Nautilus's "Connect to Server..." option (in the Places menu) works for me [09:09] toader: nautilus' build in FTP support does nicely for file downloads, for uploading I tend to use gFTP or FileZilla [09:09] PC_Nerd: if you can someway to boot into livecd enviroment, yes. using usb, boot over ethernet, etc.. [09:09] i can see the wireless netwok in ubuntu 8.10 but i cant connect to em [09:09] is there a solution? [09:09] PC_Nerd: found this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD [09:10] ruhaan_jslip: please stop repeating your question so frequently [09:10] the network manager gets stuck at attempting to connect [09:10] hi,i have installed vsftpd from terminal....can anyone tell me how run ftp ? === sleepy_cat is now known as rosberg_nick [09:10] with "boot over ethernet" do there have to be specific bios settings to allow it ( because of the TCP stack etc for network?) [09:10] yadav: we still don't have enough information to help you [09:10] sorry but i really need a solution [09:10] wat information u need frm me [09:10] i can give u whatever i have done [09:11] join kubuntu [09:11] yadav: I still don't know whether you are trying to host an FTP server or connect to one [09:11] i m trying to host n then connect as well [09:11] but first need to host [09:12] is there a way to connect to a wifi network via terminal? [09:12] When I finish building the package, would anyone like to test it? I've had times where something worked on the computer it was built/burned and not worked anywhere else [09:12] so i can see what the problem is [09:12] yadav: unfortunately I haven't done much with FTP servers due to their general insecurities [09:12] i m trying to upload files to client's server .... [09:12] cweigle: to avoid bad packaging you might want to attempt to build it with pbuilder [09:12] so how can i upload files to client server ? [09:12] any solution ? [09:12] cweigle: since pubilder will throw errors if your build dependencies are bad [09:12] well i was gonna follow the guide on the website but ok [09:12] yadav: if you just want to upload files to a client server why not use SFTP? [09:12] lol did anyone see this? http://www.hardocp.com/news.html?news=MzcyOTgsLCxoZW50aHVzaWFzdCwsLDE= [09:13] yadav: use gftp [09:13] Ubuntu Makes You Drop Out Of School [09:13] yadav: if you already have SSH installed (I assume you do) you can just use SFTP [09:13] acidicbase: not in here please [09:13] o.k sftp....how ? [09:13] acidicbase dont start with that article please. [09:13] what shud i do first to install these [09:13] yadav: do you have SSH installed on you clients machine? [09:13] i dont know... [09:13] yadav: ok, what OS/distro is your clients server running first and foremost [09:14] frm where do i confirm SSH ? [09:14] yadav you know, ubuntuforums.org is a great place for information [09:14] yadav: tpye this ssh username@ip address [09:14] from where do you confirm ssh? [09:14] ssh --help [09:15] yadav read this https://help.ubuntu.com/6.06/ubuntu/serverguide/C/ftp-server.html [09:15] I know it says 6.06 :P ignore that, most of the info is still good [09:16] hi folks! [09:16] !hi | temudjin_ [09:16] temudjin_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [09:16] here we are https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/ftp-server.html [09:16] !in | yadav [09:16] yadav: #ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India [09:16] yadav: in case you need non-English help. [09:16] ubottu: thks [09:16] Sorry, I don't know anything about thks [09:17] thks for all [09:17] is there a ubuntu channel discussing specifically ubuntu server and server setup? [09:17] PC_Nerd: #ubuntu-server [09:17] well i don't know about all above stuff...but i will first go to the link what Delvien gave me [09:17] ikonia: thanks! [09:17] what software should i use with my itouch ? [09:17] PC_Nerd: be aware that ubuntu desktop makes an excellent server [09:17] coz i m totally new to ubuntu...BUT really want to learn asap [09:17] i want to access it as a filesystem [09:18] but...a question, to add support a log in other file, I need add a line in the syslog.conf....yes? [09:18] yadav: you can't rush it [09:18] I keep getting corrupted debs when I update. Tested memory and hard drive with no errors, network seems fine too. Any ideas? [09:18] how to get rid of the grub of open suse installed over the grub of ubuntu ? [09:18] predder: tried another mirror? [09:18] can someone help me mount my itouch ? [09:18] maxagaz [09:19] !repeat | bouma [09:19] bouma: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [09:19] maxagaz: in console type grub [09:19] bouma itouch has next to no support in linux. [09:19] bouma: all I can tell you is to jailbreak it at which point you can access the filesystem via SFTP, from what I've heard [09:19] maxagaz: find the desired root u want to use [09:19] bouma: this is not a practice I, nor Ubuntu support, however [09:19] bouma: try typing !ipod here in the channel.. not sure if that can be used for an itouch too but perhaps [09:19] maxagaz: set the grub to use that [09:19] bouma blame apple and their crappy way of business. [09:19] acidicbase: but i have two grubs [09:20] Delvien: that's a little harsh ;( [09:20] !ipod [09:20] For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod [09:20] maxagaz: sudo grub [09:20] ikonia: Ive been playing with ubuntu for a while, and ive got a VPS running ubuntu server. I'm partially looking to have a duplicate install ( mmight even run the VM) [09:20] snuxoll well, yes, but its the truth. [09:20] maxagaz: find /boot/grub/stage1 [09:20] maxagaz: should return 2 places [09:20] Slart: I'll try a new repo when my reinstall finishes [09:20] maxagaz: then root (hd?, ?) [09:20] Delvien: you can't go blaming apple because thier product only works as advertised [09:20] maxagaz: depending on which grub u want [09:20] PC_Nerd: how is that relevant ? === jai is now known as Guest38066 [09:21] maxagaz: finally setup (hd0) [09:21] Delvien: they never advertised linux support on their box, if you bought one assuming otherwise you're a fool [09:21] maxagaz: and quit + restart [09:21] it'd be really nice to force apt to perform an md5sum on all downloaded packages [09:21] snuxoll I never said such a thing. [09:21] !RockBox [09:21] rockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started! [09:21] snuxoll: to add support a log in other file, I need add a line in the syslog.conf....yes? [09:21] do NOT install rockbox [09:21] acidicbase: find returns: (hd0,1) and (hd0,4) [09:21] Delvien: please don't make such a general comment [09:21] ok thanks [09:21] Delvien: rockbox works for many people [09:21] delcoyote: I'm simply saying that Apple's business practices are just fine, people's expecations aren't :) [09:21] maxagaz: correct one is suse and one is wtvr other OS u installed [09:21] well i wouldnt mind [09:21] ikonia: rockbox doesn't work an an iPod touch [09:22] i mean i cant find the firmware images to patch [09:22] snuxoll: no, but rockbox is fine [09:22] sigh [09:22] h3lp [09:22] ikonia what snux said, and "works" is barely the word i would describe it as. [09:22] bouma: again, I don't condone it, but jailbreak it, that's the only way you'll be able to do anything [09:22] rww i didnt meant to english ....i meant to SSH,OS/distro... [09:22] Delvien: thanks, well so can i dd to it ? [09:22] Delvien: for you, others find it fine [09:22] Doesnt GTKpod work with a jailbroken itouch? === chilli0_ is now known as chilli0 [09:23] Delvien: I believe libgpod does, yes [09:23] acidicbase, i first installed ubuntu, then i installed suse on a different partition, and suse installed a grub which runs before the grub of ubuntu [09:23] snuxoll Well thats good. *pats his Android phone* [09:23] ikonia: basically explaining why I wanted to run ubuntu serve rnot desktop ( since you said "ubuntu desktop makes a great server" - which im not disputing, jsut personal preference) [09:23] Delvien: android, yuck -_- [09:23] bouma you need to look up jailbreakl [09:24] Hi everyone. I know it is not the right place to ask but I did'nt find a better one. How can I fit an html cell in a table with the content? My problem is not weight but height. Thanks. [09:24] maxagaz: Suse's grub should auto detect ubuntu [09:24] snuxoll It's nice [09:24] acidicbase, it did [09:24] Delvien: am quite happy with Symbian S60, kthnx :) [09:24] ikonia: so can i install rockbox on my itouch ? [09:24] PC_Nerd: ahh I see [09:24] maxagaz: so whats the problem? [09:24] bouma: no, you can't [09:24] acidicbase, but it detects the grub of ubuntu actually [09:24] Gianpon: Ask in #html. This channel is for Ubuntu Linux support only. [09:24] bouma: I don't know, snuxoll suggest it doesn't work [09:24] snuxoll to each their own, personally i think symbian is a piece :p [09:24] Delvien: I'd advise you to listen to someone who has done it or knows it won't work [09:24] Delvien: sorry - not you [09:24] Delvien: typo [09:25] lies! [09:25] maxagaz: so you just select ubuntu -> ubuntu grub -> ubuntu? Its just one extra step [09:25] :P [09:25] bouma: that was for you [09:25] maxagaz: if you want to change that behavior you would need to look into your /boot/grub/menu.lst in suse [09:25] rwat rww: thak you [09:25] snuxoll hmm i must be missing something, compiled alpha2 of gnome-do. No docky [09:25] acidicbase, the problem is that when i run my laptop, i have to choose ubuntu, then it goes to the grub of ubuntu where i have to choose ubuntu again [09:25] snuxoll: i may just try rtfm, for a bit, but i you know, have you tried to install roxbox on a itouch ? [09:26] acidicbase, i want to get rid of suse [09:26] bouma: the rockbox website doesn't list compatibility for the iPod touch, so I assume it's not possible [09:26] acidicbase, and its grub [09:26] snuxoll, bouma: It's not. [09:26] maxagaz: so you don't want suse at all? Then just reinstall grub again [09:26] bouma: I haven't dealt with jailbreaking them either, but there are quite a few guides a quick google away [09:26] maxagaz: find out which partition you setup ubuntu [09:26] bouma The itouch firmware is good stuff, you will not want to install rockbox, first rockbox doesnt support touch input on the itouch, and is meant for older (only older be generations) ipods. [09:26] hey guys im trying to migrate my ubuntu 8.10 server to a brand new hdd, I have geparted up and linux sees the destination hdd, how do I do what I want to do? [09:27] maxagaz: i'm guessing you probably did it on hd1 [09:27] sajuuk: are you just trying to clone the disk? [09:27] sajuuk: I'd advise you to install ubuntu server onto your new disk, then migrate your data across [09:27] Can I boot with grub if I'm using XFS? [09:27] bouma secondly, look up jailbreaking your itouch and using it with libgpod (as stated by someone in this channel) or GTKpod [09:27] Source: only if your /boot is on a non-xfs partition [09:27] hmm [09:27] bouma when I had an ipod i used GTKpod, it worked well. [09:27] maxagaz: so just follow the step above: sudo grub , root(hd0, 1), setup (hd0), quit [09:27] can I reiserfs in my /boot? [09:28] Source: I would suggest ext3 for compatability [09:28] Source: yes, but I don't see why you'd want to do that, just use ext3 for it [09:28] maxagaz: you will now default to ubuntu's grub [09:28] snuxoll: pretty much, just copying the partitions over [09:28] Source: it should only be 50meg - so not a waste [09:28] is anyone running a server from a CF card? [09:28] sajuuk: dd if=/dev/sdX of=/dev/sdX [09:28] snuxoll, what was that file you told me for package building? [09:28] snuxoll: can't do that if the disk sizes are different [09:28] sajuuk: where the former is the drive that want to clone from, and the latter is the destination [09:28] i had to put more wood on the fireplace [09:28] just a question [09:28] :P [09:28] ikonia: if the drive is larger it will work fine [09:29] cweigle: pbuilder [09:29] ikonia: I suppose I should have checked that first [09:29] Thank you delvien [09:29] snuxoll: but cause problems with the spare space when you try to add partitions [09:29] Yw [09:29] Is it available through terminal download? [09:29] ikonia: eh? no problems caused, just expand the partitions, I've done it many times [09:29] cweigle: good way to check "sudo apt-cache search package" [09:29] cweigle: replace "package" with the name of the package [09:30] Delvien: apt-cache policy is more useful for checking a specific package [09:30] ext3 in my /boot and everything is gonna be alright [09:30] snuxoll: ahhh, yes, I suppose gparted could work, fdisk throws errors as the geomirty is off [09:30] snuxoll: good point [09:30] ikonia: parted is a little smarter than fdisk :) [09:30] i havent slept in 48 hours [09:30] snuxoll: so 'dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb' is the command? [09:30] and ive never felt better [09:30] snuxoll for all intensive purposes, its exactly what he needs [09:30] sajuuk: yes, just make sure /dev/sdb is as large or larger [09:30] snuxoll: I have made sure of that heheh :) [09:31] huh weird [09:31] sajuuk: trying to clone drives to a smaller disk generally results in uber failure, but yeah, that's it (double check to make sure you put the right drives in though) [09:31] my terminal froze at building dependency tree [09:31] sajuuk: since cloning a blank disk to your disk full of data would be a bad thing to do [09:31] cweigle: that feeling will end. Its how your body reacts to lack of sleep. [09:31] snuxoll: yeah Im very confident this is gonna pull off alright [09:31] yo yo yo [09:32] sajuuk: well, have fun then [09:32] im just gonna free up this 160 gig hdd for my windows comp [09:32] I was kidding delvien, I slept 3 hours [09:32] snuxoll: you will be on for the next hour at most? [09:32] cweigle: Well... its 4:30 am here and I havent slept yet. Pardon my inability to pick up jokes/sarcasm. [09:32] cweigle: its quality not quantity that counts [09:32] anyone has any experience with tv tuners???... [09:33] well i dreamt of my fiancee so i think it was good quality [09:33] MY notebook speakers aren't working: I've tested in windows and they work [09:33] ActionParsnip: actually, quantity, when it comes to sleep [09:33] sajuuk: it's 02:32 and I'm trying to get up before 12:00, but since I still have some cleaning to do I'd say it's a pretty safe bet I wil be [09:33] I get lots of bttv0: timeout: drop=281 irq=80360/80360, risc=345eb5ac, bits: VSYNC HSYNC OFLOW ...is that harmfull?? [09:33] Does sudo have a variable for passwords? [09:33] ActionParsnip: REM cycle. [09:33] Digital7: define variable [09:33] Digital7: no, it does not [09:33] e.g. sudo -u somename -p password [09:33] cweigle too much REM might be bad :) [09:33] Delvien: you could sleep 8 hours but if you never hit deep sleep you wont be overly rested [09:34] Digital7: you can do thatif -p is a valid argument [09:34] ikonia: which it's not [09:34] Lol this is a computer room and we are talking about sleeping [09:34] ActionParsnip that was probably a better way of saying what I meant :) [09:34] snuxoll: not checked [09:34] ikonia: neither sudo nor su accept passwords as arguments to prevent people from putting them in scripts [09:34] My notebook speakers aren't working with ubuntu : I've tested in windows and they work Please help === Swish[\] is now known as Swish === Servietsky is now known as Guest77383 [09:34] joe [09:34] ActionParsnip: On behalf of comparisons. 8 hours of craptacular sleep > 2 hours of solid sleep [09:35] double click the speaker and check to make sure absolutely nohting is muted [09:35] -p is to use a custom password prompt [09:35] Plus, you dont hit deep sleep for some time after you "fall" to sleep [09:35] snuxoll: ok my destination drive is sdb2 and my drive that im cloning from is sda5, so all i have to do is simply sub in? [09:35] well the mic if you have one [09:35] I had the best nights sleep I've had this week if anyone want s to know :) [09:35] someone can use a bar code software [09:35] tremmolow: no thanks [09:35] sajuuk: erm, using partitions isn't probably what you want, unless you really only want to clone the partition [09:35] Delvien: id rather have a short but hugely dep sleep, makes me feel awesome [09:35] kiskool_: Wut? [09:35] how can i find out why a certain program is giving me segmentation fault? [09:35] sajuuk: in which case, make sure the size of both partitions are *exactly* the same size (to the byte) [09:36] ActionParsnip: naps make me feel sick, so :p [09:36] Delvien: if im up half the night and have many catnaps I feel nasty [09:36] sleeping sucks [09:36] I am watching a weird movie [09:36] Kartagis: when you launch it - it will segfault [09:36] Kartagis: by installing gdb and debugging it [09:36] its called 1201 [09:36] snuxoll: i dont want to copy the whole hdd, just the OS [09:36] does anyone know if you can run Hardware Drivers (restricted drivers) from the command line? Or how to search for the available commands like that? [09:36] Kartagis: report the output to the developers [09:36] I produced an applet on my upper panel by right-click to Panel > Add to Panel > Invest. But click or right-click on it has no effect. How can I get rid of this Invest applet? [09:36] sajuuk: all, well, amke sure the partitions are the same size then [09:36] sajuuk: that command will work just fine in that case [09:36] rxbandit: it's a gui [09:36] ikonia: can you ascertain as to what that prompt does? it does not function in a manner that is helpful in this situation, no? [09:36] someone can use a bar code software [09:36] thanks snuxoll and ikonia [09:37] ikonia: yeah but i need to launch it over SSH forwarding X [09:37] Digital7: it's just different ways of "asking" you to input a password [09:37] ikonia: perhaps i just answered my own question [09:37] rxbandit I can't remember the cli but there are linux restricted modules in the the package manager [09:37] rxbandit: Hardware Drivers is also known as jockey, to run the GTK interface from the command line use jockey-gtk [09:37] rxbandit: just install the package you want [09:37] snuxoll: alright, but how would I be able to make them bigger apart from formatting the drive to get a bigger space? [09:37] rxbandit: rather than using the gui is your trying to use ssh [09:37] ikonia rxbandit "/usr/bin/jockey-gtk" [09:37] rxbandit: tremmolow: apt-cache search restricted [09:37] sajuuk: most linux filesystems have the ability to grow [09:37] ActionParsnip ah cheers [09:37] sajuuk: just copy the partition then use gparted to expand it [09:38] someone use a bar code software [09:38] sajuuk: you'll need to remember to set the partition type to 0x80 (linux) if you haven't already though [09:38] kiskool_: We have no idea what you are saying.... [09:38] can anyone tell me why the Update Mangaer (under Proposed updates) wants to update my kernel to linux-image-2.6.27-11 when I have 2.6.27-11 already installed? [09:38] acidicbase, yes, i don't want suse at all, i just reinstalled grub using synaptics, after trying your command "root(hd0, 1)" which didn't work [09:38] snuxoll: i find the exact size through terminal yeah? [09:38] carrera: i had that a few times a while back, i just rolled with it [09:39] sajuuk: yeah, fdisk /dev/sda and entering 'm' to print the partition map will tell you === acuster is now known as avc_afk [09:39] maxagaz: you must do it after typing: sudo grub [09:39] kiskool_, you want to generate barcode, read it, or other [09:39] thanks ActionParsnip, I've seen it a few times too and I'm on a slow connection - 128 Kb/s [09:40] acidicbase, that's what i did [09:40] snuxoll: ok i got into it and press p for print, im reading blocks, that useful? [09:40] maxagaz: did you do setup(hd0) [09:40] acidicbase, i typed it in the grub [09:40] ActionParsnip, that's what I decided to do after I didn't get a reply the first time I asked [09:40] carrera: after about twice mine went away, do updates manually overnight (you could cron a job for 6am say) [09:40] I was curious about Suse but of all the distros it's the hardest to make work with my broadcom wifi :( [09:40] maxagaz: you must type setup(hd0) after [09:40] hmmm well i guess the real problem is i need to install the CX18 (IVTV) driver and I know i've seen it under restricted drivers before...can't seem to find what its called to install it will apt.... [09:40] acidicbase, Error 27: Unrecognized command [09:40] maxagaz: inside grub [09:40] Well of all the ones I tried I ought to add [09:41] is there a better wireless manager for gnome/kde than wifi-radar? [09:41] acidicbase, grub> setup(hd0) [09:41] rxbandit: like I said, jockey-gtk will lauch the restricted drivers manager [09:41] maxagaz: add a space prolly setup (hd0) [09:41] i want generated barcode [09:41] ActionParsnip, good idea, but I thought I had to wait to be informed of updates, otherwise there's no point to update [09:41] acidicbase, Error 12: Invalid device requested [09:41] !info barcode | kiskool_ [09:41] barcode (source: barcode): Utility and library for barcode generation. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.98+debian-6 (intrepid), package size 71 kB, installed size 204 kB [09:41] snuxoll: thanks [09:42] Digital7 people seem to recommend mad wifi and wicd [09:42] !info barcode [09:42] barcode (source: barcode): Utility and library for barcode generation. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.98+debian-6 (intrepid), package size 71 kB, installed size 204 kB [09:42] ? [09:42] carrera: you can run: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade at any time to check for full updates [09:42] I haven't tried them though [09:42] ??? [09:42] kiskool_, install that package [09:42] ha? [09:42] ActionParsnip: should be using && instead of ; [09:42] acidicbase, i tried setup (sd0), it returned: grub> 23: Error while parsing number === Servietsky is now known as Guest29198 [09:43] tremmolow: thanks [09:43] ActionParsnip: running the next command in that chain is not generally a good idea if the last one failed :) [09:43] never mind on me building that package, the work is already in progress [09:43] maxagaz: try doing root (hd0, 1) [09:43] i use Kbarcode [09:43] I have a live cd question [09:43] maxagaz: then setup again [09:43] what is read error 10? [09:43] Digital7 wicd works on all the major desktops cos it only uses GTK [09:43] thanks ActionParsnip, I pretty much know what update does, but what's the diff between upgrade and dist-upgrade please? [09:43] snuxoll: on top of getting exact numbers for my partitions, how do I partition to those exact sizes with fdisk? [09:43] bouma: anabuddy anabuddy hashishi [09:43] Hey [09:43] acidicbase, grub> 11: Unrecognized device string [09:44] sajuuk: ah crap, I can't remember what the fdisk partition table looks like right now, mind pastebinning it for me? [09:44] tremmolow: does it support auto connection at boot level? or does it require a custom script [09:44] Can i install windows from ubuntu? Like, not virtual but for dual boot [09:44] benjick_: no [09:44] yes ben === Guest29198 is now known as Guest29197 [09:44] yes you can snux [09:44] :o [09:44] there are like 60 tutorials online about it [09:44] maxagaz: Well I don't know, but heres a pretty good thread on a how-to that should help you [09:44] maxagaz: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224351 [09:44] Digital7 http://wicd.sourceforge.net/features.php [09:44] benjick_: yes, very simple [09:44] Is it a know bug on AMD64 that the server instalation stops and rerequests the 20081028.1 cdrom? [09:44] cweigle: no you can't. Windows can't be booted from a loopmount === Guest29197 is now known as S [09:45] cweigle: I think you got the order mixed up [09:45] cweigle: I've googled for like "install windows from linux/ubuntu" etc [09:45] benjick_: or use virtualbox if you are not going to game, etc. === S is now known as S-e-r-v-i-e-t-s- [09:45] carrera: dist-upgrade updates stuff like gcc and kernels, upgrade just upgrades the apps installed [09:45] sarmisak: My box is too slow for that tho. Any heads up where to read about it? [09:45] acidicbase, ok, thanks [09:45] windows questions for ##windows benjick_ [09:45] alrighty then [09:45] you guys ever hear of a .dev domain name? [09:45] so how do I get root access to files from graphic file system? [09:45] bazhang: he's not asking a windows question === S-e-r-v-i-e-t-s- is now known as Servietskyyyyyyy [09:45] bazhang> i use a soft kbarcode === Servietskyyyyyyy is now known as Servietskyyy [09:46] snuxoll, installing windows is a windows question [09:46] benjick_: I am not sure, but you can google about it but you should fdisk first [09:46] benjick_: you can tell grub to boot from a windows ISO and start the install procedure, but thats grub and not linux [09:46] Servietskyyy, please stop [09:46] bazhang: Doing it inside ubuntu is not [09:46] Digital7 the madwifi site is too disorganised to read easily but it's here http://madwifi-project.org/wiki/news/20081106/new-primary-project-domain [09:46] tremmolow: excellent [09:46] sarmisak, ActionParsnip: thanks :> [09:46] benjick_: no problem :) [09:46] ActionParsnip, then what's update for? [09:46] * cweigle kicks himself out of the chat [09:46] Morning aall [09:47] hii all I have installed snmpd everything is working I poll some information from smpd but snmp cant response some oids [09:47] example . [09:47] HOST-RESOURCES-V2-MIB SNMP MIB [09:47] have you any idea ? [09:47] snuxoll: can't connect to the internet with the server :\ is it possible to do so with a cross over cable connecting from it to my laptop? [09:47] EE_BB: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [09:47] carrera: update updates your systems knowledge of available packages and on what repo they are available [09:47] I need help getting my blackberry phone bluetooth setup in intrepid [09:47] ? [09:47] sajuuk: eh? [09:48] rong_ I seem to remember that just worked [09:48] * snuxoll really needs to finish writing his support tracker so he gets less lossed when juggling multiple issues at once [09:48] ... at least in Hardy it did [09:48] snuxoll: I use wireless and ubuntu doesn't see my wireless belkin device [09:48] ActionParsnip, ah, so update doesn't actually "upgrade" any of the system compnents? [09:48] snuxoll: is there an easy way to get filesystem access to an itouch from the commandline ?? [09:48] the default pin is 1234 if that's what you need to know [09:48] can I have the attention of an op please? [09:48] how do i install acrobat reader in ubuntu? [09:48] bouma: aside frome jailbreaking it and using sshfs, no [09:48] what is the package name [09:48] carrera: no, it just makes your system realise there are newer versions of stuff on the repos [09:48] I assume you need to change that for safety? [09:48] !op [09:48] Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia! [09:48] sh1: there is no need for acrobat reader [09:49] adalhelm: WHAT [09:49] adalhelm, ?? [09:49] sh1: there is already software included with Ubuntu that can read PDF's (evince) [09:49] Myrtti: yeesh, don't yell :( [09:49] how do i view .pdf files [09:49] carrera: if you simply use apt-get upgrade without updating, your system will not upgrade even if there are newer packages as it has no idea they exist [09:49] adalhelm: well it better be important [09:49] sh1: you can read them out of the box [09:49] snuxoll: so what I could do is connect the non- internet comp to my laptop which has internet, sorta like a bridge [09:49] sh1: open them with xpdf [09:49] !pdf | sh1 [09:49] sh1: pdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/okular/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source) [09:49] Myrtti: I'd just like to be unbanned. I've waited a few days, and I was banned for a silly reason. I was banned because I was discussing xorg in offtopic. [09:49] adalhelm, since that is for channel emergencies only, you had better have a channel emergency === eric is now known as Guest32104 [09:49] snuxoll I thin it's included with the desktops [09:49] adalhelm: join #ubuntu-ops [09:49] this is the wrong place for that [09:49] I'm there. [09:50] sajuuk: ugh, network bridging :/ === Guest32104 is now known as talntid [09:50] thanks ActionParsnip, you're Awesome => AwesomeParsnip [09:50] sajuuk: there's something I haven't dealt with in ages [09:50] adalhelm: then you needed not to use the ops trigger [09:50] is there a msword reader [09:50] lo everybody! since i did a fresh install to 8.10 on my inspiron 1501 the key-combination ALT-GR+Q for the (at) doesnt work anymore! [09:50] Myrtti: see me in ops. [09:50] anyone got a clue? [09:50] i want to read ms word files [09:50] join #ubuntu-laptop [09:50] tremmolow, I though I had it set up but could seem to connect [09:50] carrera: just helping, i'm sure you'll be answering questions for me some day [09:50] snuxoll sorry I meant to answer someone else there [09:50] sh1: yes use openoffice [09:50] carrera: it makes the ubuntu world go round [09:50] sh1: openoffice can read those [09:50] acidicbase, my ubuntu looks to be (hd0, 4) [09:50] sh1: MS word files can be viewed with openoffice [09:50] snuxoll: could you describe how to do fdisk exact formatting for me? [09:50] sh1: powerful as msoffice ... and can read .doc .docx [09:51] acidicbase, this was written just after i booted again on ubuntu [09:51] I think it the authori thing [09:51] okay i will check that [09:51] thanks [09:51] rong_ the trouble is I don't have a bluetooth device to hand to walk through it [09:51] sajuuk: fdisk is pretty simple, it just asks where to create the partition and how big to make it [09:51] ActionParsnip, it sure does. I was a Red Hat user for almost 10 years, but now I have Ubuntu even on my server [09:51] sh1: they are preinstalled on ubuntu.... check ur application mentu [09:51] sajuuk: it should say the size of the partition when you printed the partition list [09:52] sajuuk: run sudo fdisk /dev/sdb, then type 'c' to create a new partition [09:52] Anyone here setup there blackberry or other bluetooth phone working in intrepid? [09:52] sajuuk: put it wherever you want and make it the same size [09:52] how do I remove a theme? [09:52] hello there,i have installed vsftpd....but can not find application to run...can anybody help me...how to run application ? [09:52] ActionParsnip, just one more question regarding system upgrades. Why doesn't the upgrade switch automatically do an update first? [09:53] snuxoll: ok so i read the blocks for size? [09:53] Gautam: vsftpd is a daemon, it's launched by the system init scripts [09:53] Gautam: try in console /etc/init.d/programname start [09:53] sajuuk: yes === Arsaneri1 is now known as Arsanerit [09:53] rong_ you know the settings are under system > preferences ? [09:53] hi everyone. Is there anyone in here who can help me get the wifi function key on my Asus laptop to work? I am sick of having to boot to Windows to turn on my wifi. [09:54] carrera: it hopes its already done, I gues because update uses bandwidth, you could alias it so it does both [09:54] snuxoll : ok cool but when I partition it, it wants me to go from the start of the drive and mentions cylinders, so its obviously not letting me, at the moment, setting size by bytes [09:54] I only say cos that didn't seem like a sensible place to put it to me :) [09:54] chris_: what model of wifi you got in laptop [09:54] it says permission denied...how to set permission for it ? [09:54] carrera: redhat is pretty decent if a bit bloated [09:54] sajuuk: you can just use gparted to create the partitions [09:54] Gautam: try sudo in form of the commandf [09:54] sajuuk: probably easier that way [09:54] ActionParsnip, thanks... bbl, have to restart after my extraneous kernel upgrade :) [09:55] Gautam: sudo invoke-rc.d vsftpd start [09:55] Gautam: *in front of the command* [09:55] ActionParsnip, and that causes problems when you're on an extra slow connection [09:55] the CPU monitor on my dock gets as low as -9.5%. Why does it get into the negatives? *using AMD duel core* [09:56] kbarcode info ... [09:56] it says /etc/init.d/programname start /usr/sbin/vsftpd already running. [09:56] Intel 2200BG chipset I believe [09:56] when it is activated it works fine [09:56] Gautam: then your ftp is already running [09:56] I produced an applet on my upper panel by right-click to Panel > Add to Panel > Invest. But click or right-click on it has no effect. How can I get rid of this Invest applet? === MrRobbit_ is now known as mrrobbit [09:56] but if, for some reason it goes off, I have to boot into windows to get it going again [09:56] how can i view application like i do in windows ? [09:57] Gautam: vsftpd is a daemon, it has no graphical interface [09:57] Gautam: to configure it you'll need to edit it's config files located in /etc/vsftpd if I recall correctly [09:57] snuxoll : gparted only works in gigs [09:57] stefan then can you tell me which ftp would i use ...for GUI [09:58] Gautam: there isn't a GUI FTP server, that's kind of the point -_- [09:58] i can not use command base ftp all the time [09:58] sajuuk_: hrm :/ [09:58] snuxoll : ok network bridging isn't gonna work [09:58] Gautam: I have a feeling you want a FTP client and not a FTP server [09:58] anyone might got a solution for my problem? (My ALT-GR Q or E combination dont work since 8.10) [09:58] rong_ there do appear to be some Bluetooth issues in Intrepid https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+source/linux/+bug/249448 [09:58] snuxoll: you get my last message about gparted only reading in gigs? [09:58] whats GR [09:58] sajuuk_: yes [09:58] I didn't notice these in Hardy [09:59] u mean i can not have gui ftp ...any ftp...i'll have to use command to access it ? [09:59] Gautam: gftp [09:59] i just need functionality like i did with core ftp \ [09:59] Gautam: filezilla [09:59] when i was with window [09:59] Gautam: no, I'm saying there aren't gui FTP *SERVERS*, you want a FTP *CLIENT* [09:59] Gautam: you have to take a difference between an server/demon and a client [09:59] yes filezilla like [09:59] Gautam: filezilla is i the repos [09:59] gourdin: vsftpd is a FTP server, not a client [09:59] !info filezilla | Gautam [09:59] filezilla (source: filezilla): Port of the famous Win32 graphical FTP client. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.2-0ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 1038 kB, installed size 2652 kB [09:59] er, Gautam ^^^^^ [09:59] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6549497 mentions more rong_ [09:59] is it possible to use filezilla here [10:00] ? [10:00] Gautam: yes... [10:00] Gautam: yes, its in the repos [10:00] snuxoll: gparted gives me the option of unmounting the sda5 partion, which is the linux system thats currently on, could i just unmount it, which would allow me to copy and paste the partition to the next drive? [10:00] so i need to enable it first ? [10:00] Gautam: sudo apt-get install filezilla [10:00] !info filezilla | Gautam [10:00] filezilla (source: filezilla): Port of the famous Win32 graphical FTP client. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.2-0ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 1038 kB, installed size 2652 kB [10:00] sajuuk_: no :/ [10:00] but im guess it will end in massive failure === DS-Sleepin is now known as DarkSmoke [10:00] sajuuk_: *sigh* what a pain, you might just want to tar up the filesystem and untar it at the destination [10:00] sajuuk_: that'll work [10:00] now i read about that [10:01] it sounds really scary [10:01] anyone with thoughts about how i can get my wifi function key to work properly? [10:01] sajuuk_: tar preserves file permissions [10:01] good morning [10:01] chris_: do they generate codes in xev? [10:01] sajuuk_: are you going to move it to another disk, or another pc? [10:01] i ran the command and it says E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) [10:01] E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? [10:01] i have a vnc problem that i have googled on for quite some time now [10:01] back later [10:01] i would like to login with vnc without having to login locally first on the machine [10:02] snuxoll : basically the OS is on a 160 gig drive, and i got 40 gig drive, i want it on the 40 gig drive so i can use the 160 gig drive for better things [10:02] i have created a a password file with vncpasswd but i cant get i to work === sleepy_cat is now known as linux_freak [10:02] Gautam: do you have another apt application opened? (Synaptic, updates...) [10:02] sajuuk_: just tar and untar the filesystem [10:02] Gautam: do you have synaptic / aptitude open? [10:02] Gautam: you have to run as root [10:02] snuxoll: would i need a bit of room to do that? [10:02] sajuuk_: yes [10:02] snuxoll: and what is the first command? === Swish[\] is now known as Swish [10:03] sajuuk_: mount the first disk wherever [10:03] sajuuk_: if you install the 40 gig disk you don't [10:03] Gautam: yeah, or you have a package manager open [10:03] ActionParsnip: what is xev? [10:03] ohh event tester [10:03] sajuuk_: then it's simply cd /path/to/mount && tar cvzf backup.tar.gz ./* [10:03] chris_: it shows codes for system inputs like mouse and keyboard [10:04] ActionParsnip: No [10:04] snuxoll: he can use rsync also instead of tar'ing, it might take less time. [10:04] chris_: if the keypress generates its own code, you can use your shortcut manager to use that code and do whatever you want [10:04] sarmisak: it might [10:04] sarmisak: hadn't thought of rsync :/ [10:04] snuxoll: ok so when I tar, I just have = or > the same size of the old partition to where im untarring to? if you understand that, so in other words, no exact partitioning? [10:05] ActionParsnip: just realised I had to have the event tester in focus when pressing the F keys [10:05] yes synaptic was open [10:05] ActionParsnip: yes key codes come up for the F buttons [10:05] sajuuk_: actually, do what sarmisak suggested and use rsync instead, will be much faster [10:05] ActionParsnip: how do I configure the shortcut manager? [10:05] snuxoll: rsync? [10:05] sajuuk_: format your other disk and mount it [10:05] sajuuk_: rsync is a file synchronization tool [10:06] sajuuk_: it duplicaties files while maintaining permissions and all sorts of other goodies [10:06] do i need a boot partition or can i just have 1 ext 3 partition and a swap parittion and have boot flags on the ext 3 partition? [10:06] sajuuk_: rsync /path/to/source/disk /path/to/dest/disk [10:06] is rsync come standard with ubuntu server? [10:06] sajuuk_: you'll need to put your /boot in a place where grub can read it and install grub to the disks MBR [10:06] sajuuk_: rsync comes standard with ubuntu period [10:06] right [10:07] lets just get the part'ing done [10:07] !shortcut | chris_ [10:07] chris_: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts [10:07] sarmisak: I think I'm going to hit the hay, would you mind taking over sajuuk_ for me? [10:08] sarmisak: he'll just need help running rsync once he's done partitioning his disks [10:08] how to access my computer hdd info in ubuntu [10:08] i am using 8.04 [10:08] snuxoll is he moving his OS? [10:08] koshar2: yeah [10:08] snuxoll : thanks for your attentive help dude, you have been awesome [10:08] yes [10:08] i can't move a directory -- i get cp /home/tim/Documents/rails/ . [10:08] cp: omitting directory `/home/tim/Documents/rails/' [10:08] sajuuk_: it's what I'm here for [10:08] bonhoffer: pass cp the -r or recursive flag [10:09] bonhoffer: cp -r /source destination [10:09] snuxoll: ok :) [10:09] snuxoll, thanks [10:09] terminal showing filezilla is installed...plz tell me how to access filezilla ? will it be run like in windows i.e gui based ? [10:10] Gautam: Yes. It'll be in your menues somewhere (Internet perhaps? I don't know) [10:10] I don't know what's happened [10:10] sarmisak: ok i have to go through fstab to mount my new hdd? [10:10] sajuuk_: have you installed your other 40 g disk? [10:11] xev is now ignoring the function buttons (but some of them are still triggering vol up/down etc) [10:11] really frustraiting I cannot see the key codes any more [10:11] chris_: rerun xev [10:11] yes it is showing as gui....thank flannel ...thanks all of u [10:12] sarmisak: yes i have, one ext3 and one linuxswap and a few gig left over, all i need? [10:12] Silly question, is it possible to do full disk encyption during install from the Desktop Intrepid CD? [10:12] i tried that [10:12] I can't find the option anywhere! [10:12] now my email client has opened itself 20 times [10:13] sajuuk_: have you mounted it in the system? [10:13] exit [10:13] ropetin: I don't think it is [10:13] quit [10:13] exit [10:13] ropetin: I'm not sure if the alternate cd can do it though [10:13] !alternate | ropetin [10:13] ropetin: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. Look for the alternate link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ubuntu-8.10-alternate-i386.iso.torrent [10:13] sarmisak: i tried mounting it but fstab doesn't see it so im gonna tweak it so it can [10:14] is there any way I can quickly kill or close all tasks with the same binary (Evolution?)? [10:14] chris_: pkill perhaps [10:14] Slart: thanks, the Alternate CD can do it, I was just hoping to not have to DL it! [10:14] chris_: killall evolution [10:14] Thanks though :) [10:14] Hi, suddenly my applets has moved away from the top bar and is on the bottom bar but not attached to it, the applets are on my desktop, some are, but not all. Why is that? Ubuntu/gnome [10:15] chris_: or ps -ef | grep evolution [10:15] sajuuk_: for now let's just mount it temporarily, do you know the device id of the new disk like /dev/sdc1 ? [10:15] sarmisak: yep sdb1 [10:15] ropetin: I can't promise that the alternate cd can do it.. but it does other "weird" things.. install to raid and such [10:15] any thoughts on whether this new computer with Ubuntu and MythTV would make a suitable media centre? http://www.nvidia.com/object/sff_ion.html [10:15] ropetin: the desktop install cd is pretty limited when it comes to install options [10:15] thank you for that - especially ActionParsnip - killall worked! [10:15] i'll try xev again... [10:15] sajuuk_: great, then try this; sudo mkdir /media/new_disk; sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb1 /media/new_disk [10:16] ne2k__: make sure the nvidia linux drivers support the 9400 card first [10:17] sarmisak: done [10:17] no - xev is not recognising the Fn + Fx keys [10:17] sajuuk_: have you installed rsync? [10:17] sarmisak: how would I know if i did? [10:17] ne2k__: also.. if it plans on using CUDA to help decode stuff you might want to make sure it work in linux [10:18] sajuuk_: try this; rsync --help [10:18] Slart: yeah, but it's nice to install from a GUI, makes it look really easy [10:18] nope [10:18] Thanks for your help [10:18] sajuuk_: then try this; sudo apt-get install rsync [10:18] sarmisak: no internet access [10:18] !CUDA [10:18] Sorry, I don't know anything about CUDA [10:18] sajuuk_: how are you chatting here then? [10:19] ropetin: yup.. but it's just the install you have to suffer through.. after that it's the same as the regular install [10:19] Does this font spacing look wierd to you? http://picpaste.com/Screenshot-Inbox_for_john_geonix.com_-_Thunderbird.png [10:19] sarmisak: my laptop runs a network card that can actually be seen by linux [10:19] sarmisak: where as linux doesn't see the belkin [10:19] Is there a problem with gconf-editor's nautilus settings in intrepid? [10:19] sarmisak: which is a usb wifi card [10:19] sajuuk_: so you are connected from a win machine right? [10:20] how to play rmvb files in ubuntui [10:20] sajuuk_: the linux box is a different pc? [10:20] *ubuntu [10:20] VSpike: yes, a little... [10:20] Hello. I have a little problem regarding total disk space. I have two 500 GB disks from WD, WDC WD5000AAKS-00YGA0 and WD5000AAKS-22YGA0, and df -h reports different total free space for them - 459GB and 463GB. Both of them are ext3 and have reserved blocks set to 0. I pasted the output of a few commands on http://paste.ubuntu.com/105484/ [10:20] I finally got the stupid thing [10:20] sarmisak: can I get rsynch from source? and no im connected to my ubuntu laptop and the other comp that im operating on is the other linux comp [10:20] Slart: Any idea what might be causing it? [10:20] VSpike: I mean.. the text in the list of mails.. not the folder view or the mail content view [10:20] addeboy: they are different models -- they probably have different sizes [10:20] Slart: yes, it's not all fonts - just some. Bold ones look the worst [10:21] sajuuk_ you may be able to get the deb , i wouldnt think rsync has a lot of dependencys. [10:21] how to play rmvb files in ubuntui [10:21] s_abirami: mplayer, probably [10:21] its not playing [10:21] koshar2: just looking on the site [10:21] okay, is there a repo I need to enable in order to use skype? [10:21] addeboy: oh, hang on, they both have 500097024000 bytes [10:21] sajuuk_: I have no idea about that, sorry, do you have the install cd available? it might be installed from there [10:21] ne2k__, df -h reports 500097024000 bytes for both [10:21] i am getting error like "cannot find codec matching -vo and video format 0X30345652" VSpike [10:22] VSpike: I think it looks the same here.. although I've never had as many unread mails as you have there so I haven't noticed [10:22] I'll be right back... [10:22] Slart: I made them unread to make a good screenshot :) [10:22] addeboy: they have different inode count -- does this mean they have different parameters? [10:22] Anyone on know much about fileshareing and networking? [10:22] addeboy: yes, they have different inodes per group [10:22] http://samba.anu.edu.au/ftp/rsync/ which one do i get? koshar2, sarmisak? [10:22] Slart: I have other font oddities too - that was just an easy one to grab [10:23] addeboy: and different inode blocks per group [10:23] ne2k__, now I noticed this, but could affect free space? [10:23] sajuuk_ personally oi would get the deb from the pools of your dist [10:23] okay, is there a repo I need to enable in order to use skype? [10:23] VSpike: have you tried playing around with the settings in preferences, display, fonts? [10:23] koshar2: how would i do that? [10:23] Slart: to some extent, yeah [10:23] sajuuk_ your unlikely to have build essentuals installed to compile if you dont have rsync [10:24] sajuuk_ what OS is the live session your in ? [10:24] koshar2: its not in live session, its running off hdd [10:24] addeboy: were they both created with the the same command? [10:24] addeboy: yes, I think it could affect free space. I don't know exactly how [10:24] just tried keytouch and it does not work either [10:25] koshar2: sarmisak: what about just tarring? [10:25] guys I have to go - thanks for your help [10:25] sajuuk_ where are you going to tar to, do you have a 3rd partition available? [10:25] how do i force my changes to /etc/fstab to take (mount) [10:25] ne2k__, filesystems were created with gparted, and I think I had different settings there. [10:25] bonhoffer: sudo mount -a [10:26] koshar2: 3rd partition where? on the 1st harddrive ? [10:26] thanks [10:26] addeboy: there you go. without reading about how ext2/3 actually works, I can't give you any more info! [10:26] sajuuk_ anywhere to temperarily store the archive, [10:27] can you dual boot a USB drive for both server and desktop editions of ubuntu? [10:27] ne2k__, thanks for infos. Next time I'll try to use the same number of inodes per group on different hdd's to see if the problem persists [10:27] koshar2: yeah i got plenty of room, i can spare nother 100 gig although i only have 20 gig of linux parts to fit [10:27] PC_Nerd: as long as your motherboard supports booting from USB, you should be good to go [10:27] sajuuk_ source files >tar to temr archive somewhere > untar the destination dir, actually you may be able to use the destination drive as the temp tar location, [10:27] hi when i reinstalled webmin,not a single module s showing up [10:27] why is that? [10:27] PC_Nerd: and assuming you plan your bootloader accordingly [10:28] how woudl I go about that using a tool likeunetbootin? [10:28] PC_Nerd: haven't ever used unetbootin, sorry [10:28] koshar2: ok i made a partition that will fit the tar [10:29] np [10:29] I will need to mount it and stuff, the drive is called sda2 [10:29] partition is called sda2 [10:29] sajuuk_ i dont know the tar switches to preserve permissions and timestamps, [10:29] how can i get nm-applet to reload? [10:30] it disappeared on me [10:30] guys i have just install filezilla gui based...but now i need to install coreftp gui based...coz filezilla is not allowed here [10:30] Anyone know a good guide for networking 2 ubutnu 8.10 boxes? [10:30] PC_Nerd: sorry, got disconnected [10:30] PC_Nerd: try here: PC_Nerd: http://www.google.com/search?source=ig&hl=en&rlz=&=&q=site%3Aubuntuforums.org+UNetbootin&btnG=Google+Search&aq=f [10:30] * Bacta lol'd at Slashdot [10:30] killmonky07: do you want to share file / connection / what ? [10:30] that dumb blonde couldn't work out how to get internet [10:30] koshar2: i got the temporary partition up [10:31] Share files, yes. [10:31] koshar2: bare with me while i try to do something else :\ [10:31] how do i automate irssi to come directly here when i type irssi instead of all the annoying stuff [10:31] killmonky07: install and configure samba on the system that is to share files [10:31] !samba | killmonky07 [10:31] killmonky07: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/212098 [10:31] killmonky07: obviously you will need a logical link between [10:32] can anyone plz tell me how to install core ftp gui based ? [10:32] killmonky07: when asking for help pleasae be as descriptive as possible. "network 2 ubuntu boxes" doesnt meana right lot [10:33] can anyone tell me whats wrong with my ubuntu 8.10 - after install the nvidia driver my pc just goes too a blank screen and sorta frozen after the load bar finishes the keyboard works (num lock and caps lock) but its very slow [10:33] any ideas? [10:34] ActionParsnip: Right sorry, I have a desktop with some data on it that i need on the laptop. I have installed samba on both computers and just cannot get them to show up in the workgroup. [10:34] bannik: did you run: gksudo nvidia-settings [10:34] oh crap [10:34] sarmisak, koshar2: you guys still here? I got rsync [10:34] killmonky07: read guides on samba, you need to configure what folders are shared, you dont simply install samba and its all done [10:35] how? after i install the driver it always goes blank and i cant do anything no terminal no nothing, i have too use live cd to use my pc, this is a new install of intrepid but i have already reinstalled 3 times already same results with same driver [10:35] its the same for hardy install i did yesterday [10:35] can anyone plz tell me how to install core ftp gui based ? [10:35] Greetings Earthlings! [10:36] sajuuk you right to go then [10:36] sajuuk_: ok, now we can sync your folders [10:36] sarmisak: how do we do that? [10:36] woot, i finally got Korean + Latex + UTF-8 working... woot! [10:36] bannik: you install the driver via repos, then run the command, it will moan saying you need to run a command as root (use sudo), you will then restart x server and then you can configure your display [10:36] oh you guys prob don't want to know how I got rsync working.... [10:36] sudo rsync mount destination [10:37] sajuuk_ do tell [10:37] okay i'll give it a go [10:37] but what if it goes blank again [10:37] it was there all along, i just typed rsych into command, not rsync... :| [10:37] Gautam: isn't core ftp Windows only? [10:37] how will i be able too use ubuntu [10:38] bit like unmount where its umount XD [10:38] koshar2: so what is the exact command? [10:38] i used there...but dont know abt to run here [10:39] sajuuk_ whats your destinations mountpoint? [10:39] sajuuk_: just run rsync -uaAH --progress / /media/new_disk/ --exclude /media/new_disk/ [10:39] sajuuk_: that should do it for you [10:39] oCean, is vsftpd also gui based ? [10:39] how can I check which display driver I am using? [10:40] <_Lucretia_> I just did a load of updates (system now up to date) for my 8.04 version and now all videos (flash, totem, mpolayer) won't play properly, they start and then stop, just freeze. [10:40] sarmisak dont you need -r for recersive? [10:40] * sajuuk_ looks away from terminal vomit [10:40] koshar2: -uaAH handles it all ;) [10:41] 30 seconds [10:41] ok so wots next ? [10:42] is it possible to use vsftpd as gui based ? [10:43] Gautam: no need, vsftpd.conf will setup all you need [10:43] sarmisak: ok i had to cancel it cos i noticed it was copying stuff from my memory stick and CD [10:43] does it write over? [10:43] Gautam: i dont know of a single ftpd that uses a gui. [10:43] sajuuk_ because they were mounted :-) [10:43] sajuuk_: no, it was just copying it to your new disk [10:43] sajuuk_: just unmount or remove them [10:44] there we go [10:44] sajuuk_: maybe you would like to add --exclude /dev/ and --exclude /proc/ to that command also ;) [10:44] then how to run it ? [10:44] Gautam: ActionParsnip gftp-gtk is gui based [10:45] Gautam: try gftp-gtk (command to install: sudo apt-get install gftp-gtk) [10:45] !info gftp-gtk [10:45] gftp-gtk (source: gftp): X/GTK+ FTP client. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.18-17ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 270 kB, installed size 740 kB [10:45] oCean_: its a client, not a server [10:45] how can i format the unformatted partition in unbuntu [10:45] sarmisak iam beginning to see why i prefer the partimage methood, although rsync, tar and cp with preservation are flexable and fast if you want to downsize partition size before rather than after a move [10:46] linux_freak: run sudo fdisk -l to identify the partition [10:46] linux_freak gparted [10:46] how to edit the title of a pdf file in ubuntu? [10:46] ciao all [10:47] but these partitions are NTFS [10:47] and i want to do an NTFS partition only [10:47] forse OT ma provo e confido nella vostra bontà.. [10:47] ops sorry [10:47] ActionParsnip: yes.. Since Gautam was asking for "core ftp" which is a windows ftp client (I think) [10:47] not right channel [10:48] Hello [10:48] ? [10:48] koshar2: yes, that's another path you can take, I have never had to move to another disk like this, I usually install on a new disk and reinstall all packages from scratch, and just move the /etc/, so everything works like a charm [10:48] hmm just gotta wait and see, thx koshar2 and sarmisak [10:48] you guys were the bomb in helping me [10:48] oCean it is installed....thank you! [10:48] so was snuxoll [10:48] oCean_: we've been here before. s/he cant seem to work out if its a client or server that s/he wants [10:48] sajuuk_: no problem. [10:49] having an issue with flash video and firefox. Anyone in here willing to help with it or point me in the right direction? None of the guides on the forum have solved the issue. [10:49] ActionParsnip: its an external HDD and there is 2 unpartioned space there i want to format and make a partition of NTFS [10:49] Gautam: happy ftp'ing :) [10:49] Gautam: did filezilla not work for you? [10:49] ActionParsnip: indeed [10:49] linux_freak: im not sure linux can format ntfs, its a proprietary format [10:49] so i can only format from XP [10:50] linux can format ntfs if you have the ntfs-3g and gparted [10:50] linux_freak: and 2000 and vista [10:50] druntar: can it, neat, i guess thats the answer [10:50] but when i had installed Ubuntu i had seen partition format types consisting of NTFS and the ubuntu type ext3 [10:51] Since Ubuntu uses gparted for partitioning it can format to ntfs. [10:51] linux_freak: oh it can see and read them, i just dont think it can format a blank partition to ntfs, druntar says it can though [10:51] i've used gparted to make an ntfs partition [10:51] I did it yesterday. [10:51] there we go, i have learned today [10:52] ActionParsnip: say thank you ;-) [10:52] And I've helped my first person since moving to Linux [10:52] hi guys: I have a lot of files in my trash:/// folder that I can't delete completely for permissions reasons. I know how to use chown and chmod, but not how to access the trash frm the commandline [10:52] not that i use ntfs but its another feather in my hat [10:52] cheers druntar [10:52] !trash [10:52] The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash [10:52] it wasn't a bootable disk until I rebooted with a windows setup disk and ran bootcfg, fixmbr etc. in recovery console [10:52] linux_freak: run the command "$ sudo apt-get install gparted ntfsprogs" then you can format a partition/drive to ntfs using GParted. [10:53] bazhang: thanks [10:53] how can I change the title of a pdf file on ubuntu? [10:53] WyHiWyL: rename the file do you mean? [10:54] !info pdfedit [10:54] pdfedit (source: pdfedit): Editor for manipulating PDF documents. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.1-2 (intrepid), package size 2481 kB, installed size 7564 kB [10:54] ok i have deleted the stuff that shouldn't be syncing but its still syncing via the 0.trash or something, how do i get to it? === acuster is now known as avc_afk [10:54] linux_freak I would go with WyHiWyL's suggestion. If you can boot from a livecd of Ubuntu, you can "sudo apt-get install ntfsprogs ntfs-3g" in the command line then go to system->administration->Partition Editor [10:54] druntar: can u guide me how i can get UBUNTU to format the partition by NTFS [10:54] ActionParsnip: no, the title on the title bar when i open it. i received a pdf with a title like "blahblah.doc" which was very annoying! [10:55] WyHiWyL: i guess pdfedit is the solution, didnt know it did that, i tend to just read the body [10:55] bazhang: installed pdfedit, but didn't know how to just change the title :( [10:55] But i dont have a live cd here [10:55] WyHiWyL, with .doc it is not a pdf [10:56] ok, are you trying to partition the drive you're on now? [10:56] linux_freak: you dont have to format it in livecd, just make sure the partition is unmounted and you can do it from your installed system [10:56] help :) my screen resolution settings are completly fucked in ubuntu 8.10. used boxee, it crashed and since then i havent been able to set the correct hz for my monitor. [10:56] linux_freak: as long as you arent trying to format the partition you currently running linux is using you are fine [10:57] i am confused [10:57] its a USB HDD [10:57] snooo, watch the language [10:57] its got 3 partitions [10:57] Ok linux_freak what are you trying to reformat? [10:57] sorry [10:57] linux_freak: is the linux you are currntly running installed on the usb hdd? [10:57] since i deleted the first and thrid now there are 2 unpartitioned spaces created [10:57] yes filezilla also installed...But now i have instructions to remove it... [10:57] no [10:57] dopes anyone know how to reconfigure screen resolutions? [10:57] bazhang: no, the ugly title comes from a doc file (someone made the pdf from the doc file). and now i want to delete it [10:58] ok so it's not the active harddrive [10:58] linux_freak: then thats fine, you dont need the live cd, you can format it from your installed system [10:58] does [10:58] WyHiWyL, just the title? let me try [10:58] snooo: what video card? [10:58] He's right. [10:58] ok linux_freak you have gparted already correct? [10:58] can you also tell me how to remove filezilla ..which i installed [10:58] snooo : use recovery video resolution 640x480 in installation ;) [10:58] Gautam: to remove it: sudo apt-get --purge remove filezilla [10:59] bazhang: yes, just the tilte, i want to delete it. so the title bar will show the file name [10:59] i dont know [10:59] can u guide me how i can find tht out [10:59] Gautam: both those apps are ftp clients and will do pretty much the same job, if you prefer the other client then thats cool [10:59] ActionParsnip: nvidia [10:59] koshar2: im noticing from my syncing, that its syncing stuff that i have deleted and its coming from .trash, wot do i do about it? [10:59] linux_freak what are you using to look at the partitions now? [11:00] snooo: run: gksudo nvidia-settings [11:00] WyHiWyL, does not right click (properties) allow you to do this? [11:00] nm just system monitor [11:00] snooo: you can set refresh rates and resolutions there provided you have installed a suitable driver [11:00] After I change the resolution,and theb set to ex resolution, my tool bar color has change from white to grey. I mean all the screens(firefox,thunderbird).How can I change the color? [11:00] ActionParsnip: they don't stay on reboots tho [11:00] sajuuk_ just empty the trash when your up and running [11:00] which is not showing me the partitions [11:00] ActionParsnip: and my screen res dialouge in system was fine until the crash [11:00] linux_freak click on system ->Administraton [11:01] snooo: do you run nvidia-settings ith gksudo each time? [11:01] do you see partiition editor in the list? [11:01] ActionParsnip: ah, hang on [11:01] koshari but nothing is in the trash can that i can access from the gui [11:01] bazhang: no, it shows the title but doesn't allow to edit! [11:01] linux_freak admin > partition editor, from a live session otherwise you will need to install it to an installed session [11:01] WyHiWyL, what are the permissions on the pdf [11:01] snooo: gksudo is for gui apps, sudo is for cli apps only [11:02] Hi, suddenly my applets has moved away from the top bar and is on the bottom bar but not attached to it, the applets are on my desktop, some are, but not all. Why is that? Ubuntu/gnome [11:02] sajuuk_ its not a big issue, whatever was in the trash will get coppied over , it will just take a little longer [11:02] koshari: i just find it irritating, you know wot i mean? [11:02] ActionParsnip: dont have partition editor [11:03] from where should i get .. ? synaptic or ..? [11:03] linux_freak: sudo apt-get install gparted; gksudo gparted & [11:03] yes its removed...thanks purple [11:03] bazhang: i have full permission, but Gnome does not have the function to edit the title of pdf files, as i know. maybe i need a tool [11:03] linux_freak open a terminal and type in "sudo apt-get install gparted ntfsprogs ntfs-3g" [11:04] WyHiWyL, I think I may have misunderstood; you mean the title bar, or the title page (ie page one) [11:04] first is this sudo apt-get install gparte [11:04] d [11:04] i removed filezilla coz here some people believe that filezilla can be hacked...due its xml file which is created...and can be passed [11:04] sajuuk_ yes, so next time delete empty trash before rsyncing [11:04] then gksudo gparted [11:04] right [11:04] Gautam: can be passed? [11:04] linux_freak: i gave you the whole command, paste the line to terminal, it will install then run [11:04] just type it in exactly like the quotes [11:05] bazhang: i mean the text shown in the title bar (i.e. the title of the document) [11:05] linux_freak open a terminal and type in "sudo apt-get install gparted ntfsprogs ntfs-3g" [11:05] yes doing tht [11:05] WyHiWyL, not sure there, it works here with right click properties --enter new name [11:05] the earlier cmd opened something [11:05] ActionParsnip nice advice , however smaller steps are often a little easier to take for les experianced [11:05] if you want you can just copy and paste [11:06] now should i redo the earlier cmd ie. open gparted [11:06] no [11:07] click on system->administration->partition editor [11:07] can i just remove pulse audio and everything will be rosy? [11:07] ok [11:07] so it will by default get it [11:08] means xml file can be passed which stores username and password [11:08] no its not taking NTFS [11:08] why does ubuntu ship with pulse when it clearly doesn't work? [11:08] the NTFS column is hidden [11:08] linux_freak and MAKE DAMN SURE gparted is pointing to the CORRECT partition before changing anything, the pull down menu at the right MAY default tou your boot partition [11:08] bazhang: wait, you can edit the text in the "Document" tab after right click > Properties ? [11:08] Gautam: You can just use it without storing your login information. [11:09] Did you type in the entire command including the ntfsprogs and ntfs-3g? [11:09] WyHiWyL, yep; dont know why you cant [11:09] Gautam: However, the hash salt issue with filezilla was resolved many years ago. [11:09] is there a way to reload the gnome-panels? [11:09] koshari: i always give the full command so it can be copied / pastd to terminal, just makes sense [11:09] !resetpanels [11:09] To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel » [11:09] balrog__ yes [11:09] hi, I have installed the latest 64bit version of ubuntu. Since now everything worked, but today the network devices weren't recognized anymore. Has anyone had similar experiences? [11:10] koshari: killall gnome-panel will just reload the panels without killing any of my panel settings, correct? [11:10] s/Since/Untill/ [11:10] Good Morning! [11:10] koshari: yes [11:10] i know [11:10] balrog__: *tick* [11:11] hi. I got my ubuntu box from under the dust. it's an old computer, so i don't really want to update Ubuntu (i'm now running 6.06 LTS). Firefox version 1.5. how can i update firefox to 2.x ? [11:11] <_anu> how to debug in C++ of G++ [11:11] balrog__: it will load the current gconf shema so if you have changed it it will reload with changes [11:11] thanks flannel :) [11:11] koshari: ah, thanks. [11:11] QuestionMark backports? [11:11] thanks bazhang [11:12] <_anu> what shall i install to debug in c++ [11:12] koshari: explain yourself? :) i'm a n00b :( [11:12] let me go! Noboby wants to talk to me... 8( [11:13] QuestionMark, he means that you should enable the backports repository [11:13] !backports [11:13] If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging [11:14] i'll take a look at it, thanks koshari [11:15] hi everybody .... yesterdaz someone spoke about installing ubuntu from hard disk .... anyone who can help? [11:15] ct529 care to eleborate? [11:17] koshari: if i get it right, i just download the .deb package to my destop, then do sudo dpkg -i path-to-package ? [11:18] QuestionMark except the backported package may need other packages or dependencys as they are called, best way is yo add the backports repo and let apt install it for you with all the dependencys if required [11:18] whats sda sdb i know a and b [11:18] and d for disk [11:18] but whts s :? [11:18] QuestionMark also you can install a deb from gui by double clicking [11:18] Good morning folks, I was wondering if anyone has any experience here with Bacula on Ubuntu. I want to install Bacula on Ubuntu server but allow a GUI from another machine ... is that possible? [11:19] linux_freak sda is your first physical harddrive/usbstick ect and sdb is your second [11:19] what's a good gui ftp client? [11:19] koshari: I need to install ubuntu on a laptop .... no cd /dvd /usb .... but I have downloaded the image on the hard disk .... I want to install from the image [11:19] koshari: i don't see firefox here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper-backports/web/ that means i can just do it with the .deb right ? [11:20] badfish69: i prefer filezilla, because it can handle sftp, but everyone prefers another program... [11:20] linux_freak the sd meand scsi sevice, linux treats usb and sata devices as scsi devices === yiolo is now known as `yiolo [11:20] QuestionMark: you can give it a go, gdebi will tell you if its not campatible [11:21] ok [11:21] <_anu> what is libwxgtk2.6-0 [11:21] QuestionMark: sorry, scsi device, my bad typing [11:21] koshari: I know it is possible, and yesterday they were discussing here .... but I cannot find the documentation they were referring to [11:21] i tried editing ubuntu live cd...which file to be edited for first menu? [11:21] Hi I'm having issues installing the Verizon CD and MS Word on my Ubunto laptop. Any ideas? [11:22] ct529 is the hard drive usb mounted? [11:22] ct529 sorry i just read you have no usb [11:23] koshari: it's .tar.gz not .deb how do i do this ? [11:23] koshari: no usb .... just on the hard drive .... if it is possible .... [11:24] can I somehow get an old kernel through apt-get or do i have to get the source from kernel.org and do it the oldfashioned way ? [11:24] QuestionMark it is rather complex, you will need to compile the source into binarys and then install, [11:24] Hi I'm having issues installing the Verizon CD and MS Word on my Ubunto laptop. Any ideas? [11:24] QuestionMark which will be hit and miss. [11:25] koshari: hmm :) i'll stick with the old browser then [11:25] ct529 personally i thing your best bet would be to remove the hard drive from the lappie, install in another puter , install linux, and replace back into the lappie, [11:25] I badly need to get this stuff going for my course [11:25] it's like totally online and also requires MS Word [11:26] I feel if I can't get this going I'm going to have to drop the course :( [11:26] ct529 unless you can install 2 hard drives in the lappie at ones teperarily [11:27] <_Nike_> I trying compile one program in ubuntu, I insalled the mysql but: [11:27] <_Nike_> login.c:189: error: invalid application of âsizeofâ to incomplete type âstruct gm_accountâ [11:27] <_Nike_> login.c:199: error: invalid use of undefined type âstruct gm_accountâ [11:27] <_Nike_> why ? [11:27] _Nike_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [11:27] koshari: no, it is much easier than that, I have done it once in the past .... if not I go the fedora way, it is very easy ....http://docs.fedoraproject.org/install-guide/f10/en_US/sn-installing-from-harddrive.html [11:28] no bites? [11:28] QuestionMark while the newest firefox may not be avail there may be a newer one in the backports === grubby is now known as Guest78799 [11:28] Bacta vm? [11:28] what is wine gecko ? [11:28] Bacta wine? [11:28] goddammit [11:28] koshari: i don't reallly get that backports thing. can you explain more? === ahmed is now known as Guest89272 [11:30] Can I check something? I want to change the behaviour of the xchat windows so that when I close it it minimizes to tray. It's currently set to exit. I thought I remembered that this setting was accessed by right clicking the xchat tray icon and go to settings but there is no settings menu item. Where has it gone and how esle to you change this switch? [11:30] QuestionMark can i im you? [11:30] koshari: you mean private chat here ? yes === chaky_ is now known as chaky [11:31] hi everyone. how can I make shorter launcher's names on desktop? is there a nautiuls settings? [11:34] hi, i'm having problem with my sl400 ge graphic card. it seems that the opengl flicker and its not displaying correctly when i open a game... [11:35] i just installed wine again, i have Ubuntu 8.10, when i open firefox for windows it comes up but parts of the firefox window is black so i cannot see what im doing, anyone know how i can resolve this issue ? [11:35] i've figured it out, its compiz [11:35] I am having a problem with my file sharing. When i go to smb://Workgroup/ it just hang up, then after a few second shows nothing. on the other computer i have connected it shows both are in there but when i try to open the folder being shaded by the computer that wont work i get the same sort of error, and ideas? [11:36] Sorry for the typo, its late 8| [11:36] I'm having Gnome issues >.> The settings daemon repeatedly restarts until it gives up. Only thing that changed was the Virtual Screen size. ;( [11:37] my touchpad is acting funny, although it still works [11:38] any idea on how to test it/diagonise it? [11:38] Hi .. I have console-terminus and xfonts-terminus installed, but I can't select it in any apps. I was googling and I realise bitmap fonts are disabled by default and I dont want to enable them all or it can cause probs... [11:38] hello [11:38] hi, can you tell me how to install msn ? [11:38] but it looks like terminus pkg installs an exception rule in /etc/fonts/conf.d/50-enable-terminus.conf so why is it not working? I have run sudo fc-cache and sudo defoma [11:38] i? not [11:38] I have an issue with a simple script and cron. The script does what it's supposed to when executed from the command line, but when cron executes it, a corrupt file is generated rather than the expected file. Everything I could think of that would help someone understand what's happenning is pasted here: http://pastebin.ca/1309974 [11:39] Gautam: sudo apt-get install amsn [11:39] sorry [11:39] Gautam: can you use pidgin? [11:39] uʍop-ǝpısdn ǝʇıɹʍ sǝop ǝuo ʍoɥ ƃuıɹǝpuoʍ ǝq ʎɐɯ noʎ [11:40] blouf: that is insane [11:40] Dreamglider why would you use firefox for windows on native linux? [11:40] !ru | blouf [11:40] blouf: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke [11:40] koshari: firefox isnt for windows ;) [11:40] koshari: shockwave could be my only thought.. [11:41] or any other alternative massenger like msn i used in windows ? [11:41] blouf: but I guess with utf anything is possible [11:41] blouf: and very offtopic [11:41] Gautam: if you have an MSN account, just go to applications/accessories/Pidgin Instant Messenger, and configure it w/ your MSN credentials [11:42] @info pidgin | Gautam [11:42] Gautam what indy said cos the only real advantage you would get running msn would be webcam and its unlikely you would get the hardware working any rate [11:42] oops. [11:42] qdb: what's your question? [11:42] amsn does webcam tho, for msn [11:43] blouf ʍoɥ [11:43] hateball: this is true, but the problem is, a lot of webcams don't work under linux, so it becomes redundant [11:43] <_anu> how to install code::blocks [11:43] Hello, I am downloading intrepid repo dvd.I want to extract those dvds in a local folder then use the local files as apt source so that I can install by synaptic or apt. How can I make a local repository in hard disk? [11:43] <_anu> i meet with trouble [11:43] IndyGunFreak: fair enough, tho the kernel in intrepid added quite a bit of support [11:43] koshari : how did you do ? :) [11:43] hateball: webcams are still very shaky though [11:43] blouf char map [11:44] dio444: what kind of file *are* created when the script is run from crontab? [11:44] héhé [11:44] _anu: press add/remove under Applications and write in Code bloks in seacrh field. and chek in the checkbos and press instal [11:45] is there any body here [11:45] slart: a corrupt tar file that is 300k rather than 2.1m in size that when you try to tar -lvf it says "enexpected end of file" [11:45] <_anu> thanks kurrata [11:46] I have a LENOVO 3000 N200, and i've installed with the help of a friend, ubuntu 8.04! My problem is i d'ont here any sound, when i play MP3! [11:46] hazem: do you have sound when playing... anything else? [11:46] any help please === sean is now known as Guest75402 [11:47] <_anu> it said a package is broken "use broken filter to search" where is broken filter ? [11:47] no i donot have [11:47] thanks [11:48] hazem: open a terminal and type "lspci" (thas a lowercase L), hit enter, then pastebin the results [11:48] !pastebin | hazem [11:48] hazem: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [11:48] hazem do you have a little speaker in the sys tray without an exc mark? [11:48] _anu, in synaptic [11:48] slart: you can see it in the paste I posted, lines 35&36 show files created by cron running /root/arc, and lines 34&37 show ones from a manual run of /root/arc [11:48] dio444: ah.. yes.. I see === alberto is now known as Guest47062 [11:48] <_anu> ^^ quibbler :) ok let me search more carefully [11:49] what is useful of pidgin over amsn ? [11:49] dio444: let me give it a try here on my machine.. give me a sec [11:49] nick kusanagi_ [11:49] hazem: the other solution, would be to install the current version of Ubuntu, and see if the problem is fixed in 8.10 === Guest47062 is now known as kusanagi_ [11:49] _anu, it's under custom filters [11:49] Gautam: you can have one app for multiple protocols [11:49] am wrote ur line [11:50] alot of lines have appeared [11:50] slart: np, take your time. I have plenty of patience for IRC support. [11:50] hazem: i know... [11:50] _anu: just download code::block from their site http://www.codeblocks.org/downloads/5 [11:50] !paste | hazem paste those lines here then give the link.. [11:50] hazem paste those lines here then give the link..: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [11:50] i suspect its intelhda. [11:50] 00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile PM965/GM965/GL960 Memory Controller Hub (rev 0c) [11:50] 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c) [11:50] 00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c) [11:50] 00:1a.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) USB UHCI Controller #4 (rev 03) [11:50] 00:1a.1 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) USB UHCI Controller #5 (rev 03) [11:50] 00:1a.7 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) USB2 EHCI Controller #2 (rev 03) [11:50] hazem: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [11:51] IndyGunFreak: lol, well he gave it a try :) [11:51] lol failed [11:51] * IndyGunFreak sighs.. some people are to dense to breathe, i told him twice what to do with it. [11:52] howdy, after installing ubuntu i am faced with just an empty screen and blinking cursor, as if grub isn't even loading [11:52] i've dd'd the first sectors on all hdd's and rewritten grub but still no go [11:52] http://paste.ubuntu.com/105524/ [11:52] andy this the link of the lines [11:53] piksi: some BIOS options prevent ubuntu from booting... native/legacy sata etc [11:53] i am COOL [11:54] hazem: that device should work fine under 8.04, check your volume settings and your speakers [11:54] hateball: well the thing i'm wondering is that ubuntu is asking "some sata drives have raid configs, activate them?" (and i know that the mobo has fake sata and it's turned off... === gizmo is now known as clarks [11:56] every thing is turned on and not muted [11:56] what can i do [11:56] ? [11:56] hazem: did sound work on the live CD? [11:57] i don,t remember [11:57] but i think the problem in the alsa mixer [11:57] dio444: ok.. it worked when run from the command line.. now I'm testing crontab [11:57] hazem: what makes you think that? [11:58] Is it possible to send SMS using pidgin [11:58] cause u said that the hardware card run good === gnu is now known as Guest24692 [11:58] dio444: hmm.. worked form crontab too, create the same file as when run from the command line.. same size etc [11:58] what is happened [11:59] ? [11:59] slart: hmmmm [11:59] hazem: well, i know that device had a lot of problem w/ versions prior to 8.04, are you sure you installed 8.04 [11:59] yes [12:00] is there any way to know the version of ubuntu [12:00] ? [12:00] hazem: i dunno.. doesn't make much sense, you have the exact sound device i have on two laptops, and i don't recall a problem w/ hardy on either of them [12:00] hazem: in a terminal lsb_release -a [12:00] dio444: it's not something else in the /root/documents folder? strange files that don't work when you're root or similar [12:00] Is it possible to send SMS using pidgin [12:00] slart: there are about 500 files in my "documents" directory. Any chance that the "large" number of files might have something to do with it? [12:01] I think this guy is screwing with me. [12:01] Prathibha: pidgin itself can't do it [12:01] dio444: I doubt it.. but I can check that too.. hang on.. let me create some random files [12:01] Please help.. when i started the installtion on windows then ubuntu installation just started downloading about 698 mb of data from the net. how could i stop this. [12:01] EliteHunter: you don't want to install ubuntu? [12:02] lol === clarks is now known as gizmo [12:02] i want to install [12:02] Hello, I have this problem. A lot of page do not submit data anymroe (POST method) and what is even more weird is that there are no more LOGS available (/var/log/syslog is empty!) the last what is logged is usually http://pastebin.com/m184e739f [12:02] What is happening?! [12:02] dio444: when tar fails, there should be some (error)output as to what went wrong. Did you capture any output? [12:02] slart: as to strangeness, they are all just .doc, .xls, and pdf files. I've not noticed any of them acting funny [12:02] dio444: when command is run from cron, I mean [12:02] EliteHunter: if you do it from windows like that, it downloads the cd. [12:02] all things are happening good but before the installtion it just showing downloading installtion file from the net [12:02] dio444: try running your script as root using sudo... see if that fails too [12:03] Myrtti: so what i do [12:03] EliteHunter: well, its gotta download hte ISO i do believe. [12:03] I have cd [12:03] anyone have experience patching kernels? [12:03] of ubuntu [12:03] oCean_ no, I haven't . I'll capture that output now. [12:03] indy [12:03] http://paste.ubuntu.com/105528/ [12:03] dio444: oh.. never mind.. I see that's what you're doing [12:03] Myrtti, Is it possible to sent messages to group in pidgin [12:03] slart: line 25 of my origional post [12:03] how can i make initrd file in intrepid? [12:03] Myrtti: should i boot frm the cd [12:04] EliteHunter: that's one option, yes [12:04] or run cd directly in windows [12:04] EliteHunter: that's also an option [12:04] Well I just pissed someone off [12:04] hazem: i really can't explain it, like i said, i have that device on two laptops, and i don't recall any problems w/ it under 8.04.. maybe try installing the current verison of ubuntu. [12:04] Tried to help him move a partition and like an idiot he pressed cancel mid process and lost his data. [12:04] Now he's mad at me. [12:05] thanks am sorry for wasting ur time [12:05] Myrtti: i had choose the d second option but it showing downloading about whole ISO once again. [12:05] i will try ubuntu 8.10 [12:05] druntar: well, hopefully before doing any sort of partition work, you told him of the absolute importance to backup his data [12:05] I did. [12:05] thanks indy and goodbye [12:05] anyone have experience patching kernels? [12:05] He said he had a backup but who knows. [12:05] druntar, gparted was this? [12:05] druntar: well, then you're absolved... if he has a problem w/ it, tell him to do it himself next time [12:06] Yeah [12:06] Is it best to modify my PATH var in .bashrc or .profile? [12:06] Prathibha: depends on the protocol you're using [12:06] druntar: depending on how far in the repartioning process he got he might use testdisk to retrieve some info [12:06] hazem, do you get sound when you test it. [12:06] I've moved and resized drives a hundred times with gparted no problems [12:06] exit [12:06] He quit and left chat. No way for me to help him now. [12:06] lol [12:07] druntar: let this also be a lesson for you, always keep the support you're giving on the channel, no matter how busy it seems [12:07] Myrtti, I am yahoo, gmail. For this Is it possible to use group messaging. If so how? [12:07] Makes me feel bad though, because this was the first time I actually KNEW the answer to someones issue. [12:07] where could my logs go to? http://pastebin.com/m184e739f <-- tail /var/log/syslog [12:07] Myrtti: i've helped people privately a lot, the key, is that they understand what they're doing, you understand what you're doing, and absolutely stress to them they must have a backup [12:07] Ahh, well life goes on. [12:07] Anyone want to help me with adding dmraid to initialize [12:07] Myrtti: http://clip2net.com/clip/m12364/1232107651-clip-18kb.png [12:07] druntar: you can't prepare for everything.. especially when there's users involved [12:07] druntar: yeah, if he says anything to you, just tell him your PC works fine [12:08] slart, oCean_: just adding >> cron.log to the end of the crontab makes it work. Maybe the problem is about it stopping because there was no place for the output to go? [12:08] Now to see if I can get help with the issue I came in here for. LOL [12:08] EliteHunter: I'm sorry but I don't know the details. It should work with either rebooting from the cd or by running wubi from it. [12:08] dio444: hmm.. I doubt it.. [12:08] So anyone know how I might fix flash video in firefox in ubuntu 8.10 64bit? [12:08] Myrtti: ok thanks [12:08] I've tried the fixes in the forums to no avail [12:09] I've reinstalled both [12:09] druntar: did you try installing 64bit flash from adobe.com? [12:09] !seen bot [12:09] dio444: saw that before, however cron output should (if not redirected) be send to the owner of the crontab (to their mailbox) [12:09] I have no seen command [12:09] druntar: first tell us what is wrong with it... it actually works for most people, I think [12:09] How can i mkinitrd in intrepid? [12:09] didn't know they'd released it [12:09] lol [12:09] Well the videos play for about 10-20 seconds then stop [12:10] hello, are there any people in China? [12:10] ubottu: http://clip2net.com/clip/m12364/1232107651-clip-18kb.png i got this problem while installing [12:10] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [12:10] !cn | sailingcai [12:10] sailingcai: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk [12:10] oCean_ except that this box has no mail support.... [12:10] o, thank you, that's very helpful for me [12:11] dio444: maybe that has something to do with it. Not sure. [12:11] dio444: come to think of it.. perhaps it just halts since it wants to mail the output and can't.. but that seems kind of.. bad as a default behavious [12:11] I just went to adobe.com and tried to download from there but it popped up saying there wasn't room on the drive to download. [12:12] I have 3.9 gigs free in the linux part and 160 in /home [12:12] wtf? [12:12] slart, oCean_ well, I don't really care too much, and now I'm just sending it to /dev/null and it seem to work like I need. So thanks for your help. [12:12] you couldn't download the zip file? (and please don't use expressions as wtf) [12:13] dio444: you're welcome.. glad it worked out for you (even if we don't know why =) [12:13] druntar: lol, thats impressive [12:13] what is the use of /dev/null ? [12:13] Is it best to modify my PATH var in .bashrc or .profile? [12:13] mankash: somewhere to send stuff you dont want [12:13] mankash: it's just discared afaik [12:13] dio444: Slart: it bugs me (a little) so, I'm checking this out. It's raining anyway ;) [12:14] Correct I can't download it. and I appologize for the wtf [12:14] !xmms [12:14] xmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details. Consider using audacious, bmpx, or xmms2 instead. [12:14] druntar: you're downloading the 64 bit beta from adobe labs? [12:14] mankash: e.g. find / -iname '*foo*' will give a lot of errors you dont care about when it tries to search /tmp, /proc and other locations... so you do find / -iname '*foo*' 2>/dev/null [12:15] druntar: from this page http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html [12:15] thx Vspike [12:15] so what's a good iso emulator for ubuntu or does it not use iso? [12:15] tenang: no need to emulate iso.. type !mountiso in the channel for more info [12:15] There is not enough room on the disk to save /tmp/dE5WUbv7.part. [12:15] Remove unnecessary files from the disk and try again, or try saving in a different location. [12:16] !mountiso [12:16] That's the error I get from the adobelabs site [12:16] To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop » or use the "gmountiso" package - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify downloaded ISO images using !MD5 before !burning. [12:16] druntar: run a dh -h in a terminal, please [12:16] wow nifty lmao not bad [12:16] ty [12:16] druntar: sorry.. that's "df -h" [12:16] * pct-IIlll Joining # ubuntu-th :-a-c-o-u-X-s-t-i-c-: [12:16] à¢éÒ ubuntu-th [12:16] tenang: you're welcome [12:16] druntar, have a look here: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/install-flash-10-ubuntu-linux-64bit.html [12:17] OK, I ran sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig-config and said "yes" to bitmap fonts. It has created the appropriate symlink in /etc/fonts/conf.d. I've run fc-cache and defoma and sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig and *still* no bitmap font choices appear. What am I doing wrong? [12:17] http://pastebin.com/m4122b861 [12:17] there's df -h [12:18] <|neon|> is there a how to to setup a laptop connected to an ext lcd to use both screens as "separate x screens" not twin view [12:18] . [12:18] carrera: it doesn't really matter, as long as the appropriate file is invoked consistently for you. .profile is only sourced when bash acts as a login shell. some folks just source it directly from .bashrc; whatever works best for your setup. [12:18] hi, i added a user with userad, i created a password, but i cannot connect from other host via ssh... what can i do? [12:18] druntar: your /tmp is 1mb [12:18] Vspike: how to use grep so that it doesn't get stuck in the loop? [12:18] marek_: do you have openssh-server installed? [12:18] mankash: how do you mean stuck in the loop? [12:18] Well, I have no idea how it got that way. [12:19] Or how to fix it lol. [12:19] sipior yup [12:19] I think when it has links in it [12:19] i can connect to other users [12:19] marek_: and is sshd running? [12:19] druntar: can you pastebin your /etc/fstab too? [12:19] sipior yup [12:19] marek_: also, you can invoke ssh with the -v switch to get a bit more feedback about the problem. [12:19] !theme [12:19] Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy [12:20] please need help setting firestarter to share connections btw ubuntu and windows ??? [12:20] so just out of curiosity anyone know how to remove a theme? [12:20] http://pastebin.com/mb4c9466 [12:20] mankash: you have circular symlinks? [12:20] uninstall [12:20] ye [12:20] druntar: having a small /tmp will bite you in the behind sooner or later.. but if you don't want to deal with that right now you can always use wget to download the file.. wget http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer10/libflashplayer-10.0.d21.1.linux-x86_64.so.tar.gz will get it for you [12:21] so lay it on me how do you do it? lol [12:21] I'll fix it now if someone will tell me how. [12:21] druntar: do you have a /tmp folder on your root drive? [12:21] sipior http://pastebin.com/m4a73938a [12:21] As of recently I've discovered that anything I delete while in nautilus after doing ; sudo nautilus > that I am not actually deleting files... Rather when I ask it to move files to trash they just disappear ... but the space that they took up still remains yet I look in trash and NOTHING is there... so I was wandering wtf I should do or if this is a known bug ? [12:21] yes [12:21] makkbe: I'm not sure that grep has a suitable option.. maybe do "find -print 0 | xargs -0 grep stuff" [12:21] mankash: sorry ^ [12:22] mankash: find by default does not follow symlinks [12:22] Ximal: it probably ends up in the root users trash [12:22] where might I find that slart ? [12:22] marek_: looks like you're typing in the wrong password. [12:22] Ximal: take a look in /root/.local or something like that [12:22] cause I have 130 gigs sitting idle somewhere [12:22] !trash [12:22] The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash [12:22] ok [12:22] mankash: sorry "find -print0 | xargs -0 grep stuff" [12:22] Ximal: so /root/local/share/Trash [12:23] yes I have a tmp folder in my / directory [12:23] Slart: is there a command to EMPTY all trash bins on the system ? [12:23] /root/.local/ [12:23] <|neon|> is there a how to to setup a laptop connected to an ext lcd to use both screens as "separate x screens" not twin view xrandr is definetly broke on intrepid and nvidia-setting is useless [12:23] Ximal, none that i have ever seen [12:23] Ximal: not that I know of.. there is a command line trash application you could use with sudo though [12:23] I wonder if that could be the cause of videos only playing 10-20 seconds. [12:23] !info trash-cli | Ximal [12:23] trash-cli (source: trash-cli): command line trashcan utility. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.10.r55-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 14 kB, installed size 140 kB [12:23] They were playing fine just a few days ago.....? [12:23] sipior i get it, i pasted sudo useradd -d /home/torr -m testuser, but i havent changed last word :( im so stupid [12:23] druntar: that might very well be it [12:23] cool slart... you are sooo helpful and I thank you for it ! [12:23] druntar: yep, youtube et al, use /tmp for storage [12:24] druntar: what happens if you run "sudo umount /tmp" ? [12:24] marek_: happens to all of us at one time or another :-) [12:24] What could have changed it though? [12:24] Ximal: you're welcome [12:24] please need help setting firestarter to share connections btw ubuntu and windows ??? [12:24] says that /tmp is busy [12:24] anyone know how to uninstall a theme file? [12:25] druntar: have you tried an old fashioned "the way we do it in windows-land"-reboot ? [12:25] I would hate to reinstall just to get rid of it but at this rate it might be faster lol [12:25] Yeah I've tried that too [12:25] !orbit [12:25] Sorry, I don't know anything about orbit [12:25] !orbit [12:26] yo yo yo [12:26] !info orbit [12:26] orbit (source: orbit): A CORBA ORB (used with Gnome). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.17-11.1ubuntu4 (intrepid), package size 143 kB, installed size 504 kB [12:26] please need help setting firestarter to share connections btw ubuntu and windows ??? [12:26] ActionParsnip: thx ;P [12:26] druntar: hang on.. let me google a bit.. see if I can't find something useful [12:26] tenang: if its a package, use !info first [12:26] anyone familiar with nfs? got a few questions there... [12:27] !info [12:27] Retrieve information on a package: !info [12:27] !ics | bashca [12:27] bashca: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php [12:27] !info Overglossed [12:27] Package Overglossed does not exist in intrepid [12:27] Okay, so now I have two questions a) How can I increase the size of that /tmp directory, and b) Did something make it smaller which is why flash video worked fine 3-4 days ago, but now won't work. [12:28] Package Overglossed does not exist in intrepid [12:28] moin [12:28] !info overglossed [12:28] Package overglossed does not exist in intrepid [12:28] Oh, and is that even the problem? LOL [12:28] whats that command to reconfigure xorg when display is messed up, im using virtualbox with 8.10 in, somehow the display wont go higher than 800x600 anymore (guest additions installed fine) [12:34] irc://irc.101-freedom.org/xilence [12:34] judgen: i'd use dd [12:34] that was weird [12:35] had to restart my wireless router to get connected back to the network [12:35] ran df -h again [12:35] druntar: I think I found another solution for you [12:35] druntar: sudo /etc/init.d/mountoverflowtmp stop [12:35] ActionParsnip so from the active partition i sue DD an put it on the larger disk without issues? [12:36] ActionParsnip doent DD require the partitions to be the same size [12:36] judgen: from live cd, yes you should be fine. You will need to reinstall grub manually thi=ough [12:36] druntar: of course, you need to make sure there is enough space on /tmp or things might start failing [12:36] http://pastebin.com/m19432e7f [12:36] ActionParsnip i cant use a livecd. [12:36] judgen: no, it just copies the bits until it runs out [12:36] that's the new df -h [12:36] hey guys i did a rsync of my other hdd to my second hdd and its not booting up... what could I have done wrong? [12:36] druntar: also I would run "sudo apt-get clean" to clear up some more space [12:37] druntar: so now it's working =) [12:37] sajuuk_: have you reinstalled grub so that it looks in the new location? [12:37] Slart: hey m8... I can't find the dern command for trash-cli ... I mean rather ... trash-cli brings up the no command found response ... [12:37] haven't tried yet [12:37] going to try getting adobe 10 [12:37] first [12:37] sipior: how do i do that? [12:37] ActionParsnip Is there some way i can do it from within the booter partition? [12:37] judgen: download a minimal cd, its like 10mb and will give you a command line [12:37] ActionParsnip i cant use a CD [12:37] Ximal: there are lots of commands.. "trash-cli" is just a package, not a command.. try empty-trash [12:38] sajuuk_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [12:38] well it let me download the archive [12:38] now where do I put libflashplayer.so? [12:38] ActionParsnip this computer does not havea floppy or CD. [12:38] Ximal: there's also list-trash, restore-trash, trash [12:38] judgen: use usb then [12:38] well is there a manual command for me to read up on it ? [12:39] druntar: I put mine in ~/mozilla/plugins/ [12:39] ActionParsnip not the answer i was hoping for... so i have to buy more hardware... isnt there a way to do a direct copy... [12:39] That's crazy [12:39] Ximal: man trash or man empty-trash [12:39] I've rebooted like 5 times since this started to no avail [12:39] Just out of curiosity I tried a video before installing the new adobe [12:39] judgen: i wouldnt dd a mounted partition as the data may change during the copy so its not so safe [12:39] and it's working fine [12:40] druntar: and now it works, right? [12:40] druntar: its' the tmp thingy [12:40] ActionParsnip i cant just copy the folders to the other Ext3 partition? [12:40] druntar: there are some threads about it in the forums.. it affects all kinds of stuff [12:40] judgen: you can always install the same apps and copy over xorg.conf and smb.conf and your ~/ folder I guess [12:40] I don't understand why it didn't fix it the first 5 times I rebooted though. [12:40] judgen: try it, see if it flys [12:40] after installing php and mysql, does anyone know why i'd get a fatal error when calling the mysql_connect() function? this would assume that php isn't working with mysql [12:40] I'm having weird trouble with brasero. When I'm trying to burn a dvd from an iso, I get speeds of about 1x (1000kb/sec), or in other words, it takes an hour to burn a disk. This is despite selecting faster speeds. What's even weirder, when I burn my load-averages are at about 3, and the system is really slow, despite top saying my cpu is 90% idle. Before I upgraded to8.10, I could easily burn dvd's at 16x or so. [12:41] ActionParsnip i want the whole OS... the drive im migrating for is too small. [12:41] please need help setting firestarter to share connections btw ubuntu and windows ??? [12:41] !ics | bashca [12:41] bashca: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php [12:41] i did all that but firestarter dosn't open [12:41] Slart Any clue why it didn't work the first 5 times I rebooted? [12:42] judgen: then ty cp the data over then [12:42] sipior: is it better to modify grub in live session with the hard drive im going to use in? [12:42] druntar: no idea.. for some reason it thought you didn't have enough space on your regular /tmp drive [12:42] wget rules! any way to make wget to get links from txt file? [12:42] archman_: you've read the man pages, right? [12:42] Slart, External network device eth0 is not ready. Aborting. i got this [12:43] Hey slart I don't have a ~/.mozilla/plugins folder [12:43] archman_: you could use grep with exec [12:43] Someone have an idea how can i restore file that been deleted with shift+del ? [12:43] archman_: possibly [12:43] Slart: sorry, will look now... [12:43] sajuuk_: this is an external hard drive? [12:43] OK, I ran sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig-config and said "yes" to bitmap fonts. It has created the appropriate symlink in /etc/fonts/conf.d. I've run fc-cache and defoma and sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig and *still* no bitmap font choices appear. What am I doing wrong? [12:43] druntar: hmm.. you do have a .mozilla folder? [12:43] I have a .mozilla [12:43] druntar, try ~/.mozilla/firefox/plugins [12:43] Wich folders are automatically created during bootup? [12:43] has two folders named firefox and extensions [12:43] no its a hdd with which i have migrated to so i have freed up the latter drive so i can use it to store data on my windows machine [12:43] druntar: try creating a plugins folder.. see if it works [12:43] no plugins folder in firefox either quibbler [12:44] druntar: or try whatever quibbler said [12:44] Should I even worry about it since its working the way it is? [12:44] that and its an internal, just to finally answer ur question [12:44] sajuuk_: so, what did you mean by: "with the hard drive im going to use in?" [12:44] <|neon|> can i share the wire internet connection via wireless by creating an ad hoc connection to be able to use my ipod wirelessly? [12:44] druntar: if you're happy then there's no reason to mess with it [12:44] Slart, External network device eth0 is not ready. Aborting. i got this ???? [12:44] druntar, if it works don't fix it! [12:44] archman_: oh you are in luck: its a standard option: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-wget-your-ultimate-command-line-downloader.html [12:45] sipior: the one im booting from [12:45] bashca: I have no idea, I've never used firestarter [12:45] That's what I'm thinking. Thanks guys, we may never know what happened but at least it's working. [12:45] archman_: wget -i /path/to/files.txt [12:45] druntar, maybe you have to increase your / partition [12:45] sajuuk_: you should be able to install grub from the live cd, or from the running system, whichever you feel more comfortable with. [12:45] any 1 using firestarter ?? [12:46] ActionParsnip: yes, i read it now in man, thanks! ;) [12:46] I have 3.9 gigs free on the root partition. [12:46] why would none of the mysql functions exist with php? i keep getting a fatal error [12:46] ActionParsnip: give a man a fish... teach him to fish... bla bla ;) [12:46] and 160 on my /home partition. [12:46] i prefer the live, cos im in it right now [12:46] sipior: which part of the guide do i follow for that bit? [12:47] Slart: teach a man to fish and he'll sit fishing every day instead of doing his job / going to the pub [12:47] Slart: ;) [12:47] <|neon|> can i share the wire internet connection via wireless by creating an ad hoc connection to be able to use my ipod wirelessly? [12:47] ActionParsnip: or "Give a man a fish and he'll have food for a day, teach a man to fish and he'll say "Where is my fish!!"" =) [12:48] Slart: like it [12:48] !ics | |neon| [12:48] |neon|: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php [12:48] Slart: i know how to 'fish' very much, but i was just lazzy now, so i asked for maybe someone could tell; thanks for pointing me to man...i never use it, i just google...hehe; btw.: hate pubs ;) [12:48] slt [12:48] |neon|: yes you can [12:48] how can i use the +x mode command in irc? [12:48] archman_: you're welcome =) [12:48] thanks [12:48] archman_: ww.ask.com is pretty decent too [12:48] speak french ? [12:48] <|neon|> ActionParsnip: thx [12:48] ! fr | lisi [12:48] lisi: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr [12:49] ! fr [12:49] sajuuk_: i would imagine "Backup, Repairing and Reinstalling GRUB". Be sure to read that document carefully, so that you don't make your system unbootable. in particular, be sure you have the correct value for "root" and "setup" [12:49] trance: you mean chmod? to make something executable? [12:49] Slart, I caught one <--------------------------------------> this big [12:49] sipior: I am getting an error 15 in the grub when i do find /boot/grub/stage1 [12:49] Slart: for could i not know how to fish, i'm here on gutsy for over a year and a half, and for me to get it all running, required a lot of fishing...hehe; cheers! [12:49] how* [12:50] sajuuk_: did you invoke grub via sudo? [12:50] no i want to hide the first part of my ip [12:50] sipior: yep [12:50] archman_: indeed.. there is a lot of fishing the first year =) [12:50] mode +x [12:50] Slart: i somehow 'hate' man, it's ugly and sometimes 'unreadable'...depends on docs thou... [12:50] trance: huh.. never heard of this.. [12:51] archman_, and fish is so healthy too [12:51] archman_: some man pages are really horrible.. indeed [12:51] archman_: if you put "man wget" in nautilus you should get something nicer [12:51] Slart thats why i google! [12:52] ActionParsnip: oh.. it works in nautilus?? why doesn't people tell me these things.. where is my fish?!? [12:52] ok thx some1 else to help me with the +x mode command in irc? [12:52] ActionParsnip: ugh, i need to get that address bar shown already... [12:52] it says unknown MODE flag [12:53] trance: ahhhh.. in irc.. [12:53] yep [12:53] sipior: no wonder, nothings on it :S [12:53] Slart: i dunno if it does but it seems like a multifunction thing so i imagined it would [12:53] sajuuk_: do you get a "Checking if ... exists" error? [12:53] kkkk [12:53] sajuuk_: well, that would do it. [12:53] but but but btu i spent half an hour syncing to it [12:53] :( [12:53] Slart will u help me man? [12:54] trance: I think that might be dependant on the irc-server.. if it doesn't work here perhaps freenode doesn't use it [12:54] ok man got it thx :> [12:55] ActionParsnip: ctrl+L did the job... [12:55] sipior: can you run through rsync for me? [12:55] sajuuk_: "man rsync" :-) [12:55] only if its supported [12:57] sipior: wots that do? [12:57] sajuuk_: it shows you the manual for the rsync program. it's pretty straightforward, with plenty of examples that probably cover what you want to do. [12:58] sipior: ok cool :) [12:59] hi guys. [12:59] hi === root___ is now known as iNtERrUpT [12:59] :) [13:00] i have some problems with evolution and thunderbird in ubuntu with an account of jazztel [13:00] can anyone help with a few mods to a live usb? [13:01] i configured like it says but, i cant send emails, (only receive) [13:02] sipior: what am I looking for? [13:02] i just need to change it so that I can save in a home directory, at the moment its just like a cd and wont save anything [13:03] is there an evolution # ? [13:03] sajuuk_: the sections "Usage" and "Advanced Usage" would be obvious choices. === Lenin_Cat is now known as Commie_CAry === Commie_CAry is now known as Commie_Cary === DarkSmoke is now known as DS-Away [13:06] !it [13:06] Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) [13:08] hi all... not really a newbie to linux but this one has got me stuck [13:08] hello. I have an account on an ubuntu machine on which I am not root. I would like to install a package (emacs-snapshot). is it doable ? [13:09] Xubuntu.... Thunar > "Open With" always defaults to "Always Use this..." my question is... How do i edit the code to NOT Always open with? [13:09] koa, you could try, worst case it will say NO [13:10] koa, if you know the root password [13:10] yeah or that :-) [13:10] quibbler, I don't. so there's no way to just install it for me ? [13:10] <|O|Sad> how can I raise volume in Gnome from the terminal??? With some sort of visual display [13:11] |O|Sad, run alsamixer [13:11] sipior: ok im still kinda lost you have rsync -options /(first drive) /(destination drive) [13:11] <|O|Sad> it won't display anything...I want something that would raise the volume like a multimedia keyboard does [13:12] koa: you can always grab the source code and build it, or ask the administrator to give you sudo access for apt-get (which he almost certainly won't give you :-). there might also be a way to convince dpkg to install the package in your home directory. might be worth googling for that possibility. [13:12] anyone on this: Thunar > "Open With" always defaults to "Always Use this..." my question is... How do i edit the code to NOT Always open with? [13:13] koa, i don't think so [13:13] sajuuk_: you probably want something like "sudo rsync -avz /foo /bar" [13:13] can anyone help with a mod to a live usb?i need to change it so that I can save in a home directory, at the moment its just like a cd and wont save anything [13:14] How to install KDE3 on Ubuntu (not kubuntu) 8.10 ? [13:14] Hello, when i try to boot with my own kernel 2.6.28, i get kernel panic - not syncing: no init found try passing init= option to kernel kernel panic... [13:14] any help? [13:14] wont save my settings or installs after reboot [13:16] nUbuntu 8.12 "Instigating Insecurity" Release i386 === izibi__ is now known as izibi [13:17] sipior: ok its doing that but im getting weird things happen... 'media/newhome/.Trash-0/files/media/newhome/media/newhome/media/newhome/media/newhome/wotever [13:17] sipior: its as if its creating the same thing over and over [13:17] sajuuk_: well, what is the precise command that you executed? [13:17] hi [13:18] i have some problems with the network manager [13:18] sipior sudo rsync -avz / /media/newhome [13:19] sipior: plus im not hearing either hard drive writing while its doing this [13:19] sajuuk_: and /media is mounted under root, so...you see the problem? [13:20] Must be some linux gurus in here.... [13:20] Thunar > "Open With" always defaults to "Always Use this..." my question is... How do i edit the code to NOT Always open with? [13:20] sipior: not precisely... btw the destination hdd is writing [13:20] sipior: am i meant to not run the command under root? [13:20] djmrsmith: maybe in #thunar [13:21] djmrsmith: maybe in ##linux [13:21] djmrsmith: if you can wait a bit for the answer I'm willing to take a look [13:21] sajuuk_: btw, if the goal is to copy your entire partition, best to do that by booting from the live CD. you could mount the two partitions under completely unrelated mount points, avoiding the problem here. [13:21] do you know about a howto for installaing ubuntu on a computer with xp? Done this a lot of times, suddenly I can't format the ubuntu partition. I use ubuntu 8.04 [13:21] i am in #thunar....... all sleeping [13:21] not tried linux, will add in there also [13:21] i ahve time :-) [13:21] sipior and with the live cd do what? [13:21] sajuuk_: run rsync, as before [13:21] embrik: do you mean wubi or resizing the partition to do a dual boot? [13:22] sajuuk_: mount the partitions as /mnt/old and /mnt/new, and copy away. [13:22] rightio [13:22] ActionParsnip, Tesizing partition to do a dual boot [13:23] Hi, I'm able to connect to the wifi at home, but my school uses a ASCII wep password (with multiple access points, not sure if it's WDS) and I cannot authenticate on ubuntu, although I can on my iPod and Windows computer. [13:23] what other apps are there to record the destop apart from recordmydesktop [13:23] embrik: then you need gparted in the live cd [13:23] If I wanted to start learning python what is a good IDE? [13:23] sajuuk_: the problem i alluded to earlier: what happens when rsync reaches the /media directory? where does it put that stuff? the answer is: /media/new/media/... rsync can get itself into a loop. [13:23] whileimhere: try asking in #python, but I reccomend Eric3. [13:23] ActionParsnip, OK and make a new partition manually. Is that safe? [13:24] thanks that is what I was thinking [13:24] embrik: no, you use it to resize the windows partition to make space [13:24] whileimhere: I like SPE.. Stans Python Editor or somethnig [13:24] Jaffarkelshac: try googling it. :) [13:24] ActionParsnip, OK, thanks :-) [13:24] Jaffarkelshac: I use "istanbul" [13:24] greetings. [13:24] Ive got 2 Xorg running --> http://rafb.net/p/2MIpmw42.html (PIDs=5389 & 5551) I restart the computer and they are still there, Anybody knows why? [13:25] should I go for x64 if I have the possibility? Will it be faster? Does it have same/worse compatibility with drivers and hardware? [13:25] embrik: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot [13:25] i have a recurring problem mounting an external USB hard disk. it mounts fine on the Mac, but on Ubuntu it's got issues. any help? [13:25] sipior: can't you just make it 'stop' at /media/new? [13:25] iJoh: Works well for me. Sometimes if your driver is proprietary there won't be a 64bit option, but NVIDIA, intel, and ATI all work with 64x [13:25] embrik: you may wish to backup important data, the community docs are pretty decent but the whole process comes with no guaruntees [13:25] i will give it a try, lfaraone [13:25] ActionParsnip, I know, already done that [13:26] Guys, what does the following command do? (grep p*) [13:26] embrik: good lad, millions dont then cry when their data is missing [13:26] it's recently been formatted for MS-DOS filesystem, it normally mounts on MacOS X, Linux and Windows. [13:26] Has anyone been able to figure out how to fix the Bugs with the ATI Drivers within Ubuntu? [13:26] sajuuk_: well, rsync is just doing what you told it to do. that's why it's better to do this from the live cd, and mount the two partitions at separate mount points (i.e. neither filesystem is mounted below the other) [13:26] Is there any polish man?? [13:27] ActionParsnip: i think u DID help me with this problem, a while back, but i've never had it again, until now. [13:27] sipior: fair enough [13:27] Omar87, You can pipe output to grep and grep pick everythin starting with a p? [13:27] ActionParsnip: what is the command that will show me the mounted and unmounted devices? [13:27] lfaraone, so if my laptop is pretty new and powerful intel/nvidia it should work flawlessly? [13:27] sipior: its taking a long time to load up the live disc... im a little worried that the graphics driver won't load up [13:28] iJoh: Yes. [13:28] sajuuk_: how did you install ubuntu to begin with? [13:28] iJoh: although do try it out with Wubi/livecd first, please. [13:28] hi... anyone want to help me get a Makefile script to work on Gentoo since it was designed for Redhat / Suse and afaik it shoudl work on Ubuntu, Debian, Gentoo etc no problem [13:28] sipior: its ubuntu server [13:28] sajuuk_: i think the text install also can get you to a shell, iirc [13:28] Mpole: what issue? [13:29] tenehawk: this is the ubuntu channel. try asking on #gentoo [13:29] sajuuk_: how long is "a while" [13:29] ActionParsnip, But the hd on this computer is parted in three, Only 45 gb are use by XP [13:29] ActionParsnip: mounting (with the force option) an external USB drive that refuses to mount on Linux, but mounts on MacOS X and Windows [13:29] Anyone can help with "kernel panic - not syncing: no init found try passing init= option to kernel" ? [13:29] ActionParsnip: i need to first determine what devices are mounted and unmounted... right? [13:29] embrik: if you have unpartitioned space, ubuntu can use it and you dont have to do anything. If its all partitioned you must make space if you want to dual boot [13:30] Mpole: `mount` tells you what's mounted. [13:30] Mpole: sudo fdisk -l will show you the partitions you can mount [13:30] lfaraone: like 4-6 minutes, i pressed start live session with safe graphics drivers or something along those lines and now my screen is black, not receiving signal [13:30] Mpole: mount will show you what is currently mounted where [13:30] sajuuk_: wait longer, up to 10 on older hw [13:31] ActionParsnip: can i pastebin for u, the results for mount and fdisk? [13:31] lfaraone: this is on a brand new comp, I get problems with the 9800gt and linux [13:31] Mpole: if you run: history | grep mount you will see the mount command you ran [13:31] Mpole: sure [13:31] Lenin-chan: try to generate an init file with sudo update-initramfs -c -k 2.6.28 [13:31] have labtop monitor broken had to hook up to a 22inch computer monitor any possible way to keep resolution the same [13:31] on root directory? [13:32] anywhere [13:32] sajuuk_: [13:32] sajuuk_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6134148#post6134148 [13:32] lfaraone: infact the whole comp has gone silent, as if it has finished loading up [13:33] sajuuk_: ah. can you switch to a tty? ctrlaltf1 [13:33] sajuuk_: or f2 [13:33] lfaraone: nope, nothing [13:33] lfaraone: it worked with the one drive in but not with both... weird [13:34] sajuuk_: odd. try the text-based installer. if you have a relatively good inetconnection, use the "unetbootin" tool to get the netinstall. [13:34] sajuuk_: http://www.pcmech.com/article/how-to-install-ubuntu-linux-with-no-optical-drive/ === jgoguen is now known as jgoguen|work [13:35] sigh all i want to do is copy the main OS partition to the next drive.... [13:35] ActionParsnip: this pastebin is for the sudo mount -- > http://pastebin.ca/1310032 === acuster is now known as avc_afk [13:35] Mpole: users can run mount, no need for sudo [13:37] ok im at the text installer screen [13:38] thanks ActionParsnip ... didnt know that,... now am gonna give u pastebin for the sudo fdisk -l [13:38] Mpole: cool [13:38] ActionParsnip: http://pastebin.ca/1310033 [13:38] how about this; how about I just install the server OS and copy my samba and stuff over? [13:39] ActionParsnip: i am at the moment upgrading - Synaptic - to 8.10, could this have anything to do with it? [13:39] Mpole: you only have a single disk there, with 4 partitions [13:39] Mpole: could be if its upgrading any usb / disky stuff [13:39] sajuuk_: that should be fine. [13:39] Mpole: your fdisk output is only showing a single disk [13:40] ActionParsnip: well, our bandwidth is very small down here, it takes days to do such an upgrade... yesterday i finished at 564 files out of 1254 files... i doubt whether i'll manage to finish today [13:40] Mpole: i'd get full updates then run from there [13:40] Mpole: updates fix a lot [13:40] sipior: now i only have the filesharing system up, a openssl server working as well, so what .conf files do i need to copy over? [13:41] ActionParsnip: how do i dig and find the device id for the unmounted external drive [13:41] Mpole: its not showing up in the fdisk output so its not mountable [13:41] Mpole: try detatching, waiting 30 seconds and reattatching [13:41] well, i guess i better finish the update, first... lol === Servietsky is now known as Guest27544 [13:41] ActionParsnip: i will do that... thanks man [13:41] Mpole: if its still not shoing up in sudo fdisk -l, read dmesg | tail to see whats shakin [13:42] lemme try the read dmesg bit... brb [13:42] sajuuk_: easier just to set things up again with the new install, frankly, unless you've done a great deal of customisation. [13:42] well it took me a few days cos it was first go [13:43] sipior: i do it with new drives, gives it a minty fresh feel [13:43] hello guys, i am trying to install hydra-5.4 source file, so when i hit ./configure i got that i don't have two libs libssh and librfc/sparfc.h , i fetched the libssh but i can't find the librfc [13:44] ActionParsnip: i just hang one of those pine tree air fresheners from my monitor [13:44] Abed: apt-cache search libssh [13:44] hi all, I'm running 8.10 on a eee pc and I'm having issues with WPA wifi and (possibly related) slow boot up times due to hardware drivers and network interfaces, any ideas? [13:44] Abed: apt-file cache search librfc [13:44] Abed: It's not in our repos [13:46] sipior would you know what i would have to copy if i had setup a samba fileshare server, a static IP on a LAN on the first linux server? [13:46] Help I've no sound after a recent update in Hardy! [13:46] ActionParsnip: strange... read dmesg | tail is not producing any output.... however, dmesg itself DID produce some results a while back [13:46] alsa mixer returns "No mixer elems found" [13:47] ActionParsnip: what does the | tail command do? [13:47] sajuuk_: i'd probably forget at least one file. seriously, easier just to set it up again. most of what you need would be in /etc, so /etc/samba is a good starting point. [13:47] UF down again....$()*!@#@! [13:49] where is interfaces.conf? [13:49] Can someone help me please, I've lost all sound after my last update in Hardy [13:50] ActionParsnip: this could be of some use to us... [ 96.307324] hub 5-0:1.0: Cannot enable port 1. Maybe the USB cable is bad? [13:50] sajuuk_, it's in /etc/network/interfaces [13:50] sajuuk_, but it's not a .conf file [13:50] sajuuk_, well, it is a .conf file but it doesn't end in .conf [13:50] How can I fix my volume control, when I click on it, I get a popup telling me "No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found" [13:51] is there vmware-tools for ubuntu 8.10 ? [13:51] Blaise, did you go to System -> Preferences -> Sound and select different sound drivers ? [13:51] hello again... how do i install Thunar Sources? [13:51] Blaise: are all the GStreamer plugins installed? [13:52] I cannot setup grub on my MBR of hdd. It says "Cannot Mount selected partition" [13:52] strAlan: No, this has only happened after I recently updated [13:52] Mpole: indeed, looks suspect [13:52] hi there, anyone here installed 3.0.2 version of ekiga? it wont upgrade.. i removed it from package manager and doing sudo apt-get install ekiga and it still gets the old version [13:52] ActionParsnip: we're trying to see if another cable will do [13:52] Blaise, can you try that and see if any of the other sound drivers work ? [13:52] Mpole: I do as far as I'm aware, at least I did before I recently performed a system updated [13:53] Hi all. Can someone help me. I installed linux on my laptop 2 years ago and now am selling it and have discovered that the CD that comes with it isnt a full windows instal disk, just a kind of windows xp lite cd. Can I use my friends OEM windows xp disk and then just register it with the code I already have or will this mess up his windows. I buying Dell with Ubuntu in a few days... [13:53] Hi! I'm doing a voice conference, does anyone have tried to multicast using speak-freely? [13:53] strAlan: I can open the panel and everything is set to autodetect, if I try test I get an error "... Failed to connect stream: invalid argument" this is the same if I select a driver [13:53] Mpole: i think its due to the update, you could always attatch it to another system on your LAN and access it that way ;) [13:54] ActionParsnip: thanks. you're a real guru man! :-) === chilli0_ is now known as chilli0 [13:54] Harvey9848769, did you reboot your machine ? [13:54] I cannot setup grub on my MBR of hdd. It says "Cannot Mount selected partition". anybody???? === aria is now known as Guest69970 [13:54] Mpole: I just think outside the box [13:54] Harvey9848769: Thats not really a topic for an Ubuntu support channel. Try asking in ##windows [13:55] hey guys, ho can i set up or start a virtual keyboard in ubuntu 8.10 [13:55] paritosh1010: check /etc/fstab is correct [13:55] Harvey9848769: while you'll probably get a better answer in ##windows (hint;), I believe it's kosher to apply your licence to any copy of the same product your licence covers [13:55] strAlan i completely stripped windows off it with a clean ubuntu install...:( [13:55] ActionParsnip: yea... i try to do the same also, that's why i prefer Linux to Windows... erm, for the graphics it MacOS X [13:55] strAlan: Do you have any other ideas? [13:55] !info florence | mib_qsl36e7h [13:55] Package florence does not exist in intrepid [13:55] Blaise, can you post the output of lspci | grep Audio in pastebin.com? [13:56] ActionParsnip: im in the live cd. I don't think the fstab would matter there? [13:56] Blaise, I just want to see if Ubuntu recognizes your sound card [13:56] ok guys, fair enough I forget, just cause I'm a ubuntu convert...doesnt mean thats the right question for here....thanks anyway [13:56] is there a virtual keyboard built into intrepid or do i hae to install one [13:56] !info gok [13:56] gok (source: gok): GNOME Onscreen Keyboard. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.24.0-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 1606 kB, installed size 13260 kB [13:56] strAlan: I have no output [13:56] mib_qsl36e7h: its got to be installed [13:57] ActionParsnip: im in the livecd environment...does the fsbtab matter there? [13:57] Blaise, when you type just lspci it prints a long list - do you see anything recognizing an audio card ? [13:58] paritosh1010: no i wouldnt imagine so, did you md5 check the iso before burning? [13:58] ubottu: thanks alot, y keyboard is broken :P [13:58] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [13:58] * Mpole wonders what on earth is a virtual keyboard! [13:58] hey all, I'm looking for recommendations for open source projects that are in need of documentation for my software engineering class. they should preferably be on the small side. any suggestions? [13:59] geremy, did you reboot your pc and if so, how many times ? [13:59] geremy: have you tried sourceforge.net? [13:59] geremy: #ubuntu-offtopic is more appropriate [13:59] cannot install grub guys......it says cannot mount selected partition...anybody???? [13:59] what is the second best internet browser for ubuntu? in case firefox has problems with a webpage [13:59] Mpole: a software, or onscreen keyboard, rather than a physical peripheral. Useful for everything from touchscreens, to disabillities, to broken keyboards [13:59] sipior: so copying my /etc/ folder to my new server should give it most of the old settings? [13:59] george_clooney, opera is nice [14:00] shauno: but dont you need a screen with touch capabilities to use it? lol [14:00] <_Nike_> hello I've one dedicated server (ubuntu) and I've access with ssh, when I open the server ./server and close the client ssh (PuTTy) he program close too =[ [14:00] sajuuk_: yes, but you want to make sure not to overwrite anything that's already there. [14:00] !screen | _Nike_ [14:00] _Nike_: screen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen [14:00] Guys, ipconfig/all linux alternative is ? plz , ty. :) [14:00] Mpole: or a mouse [14:00] hello people [14:00] any ideas on how to speed up boot time? It seems to get stuck on loading hardware drivers and configuring network interfaces === ajp is now known as AngelFace [14:01] как удалить апачи и nginx ? [14:01] _Nike_: Run the program within a screen session or use: nohup yourprogramname & [14:01] _Nike_, its not clear on what you mean by open the server ./server.. [14:01] !ru | kenter [14:01] kenter: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke [14:01] ndo: ifconfig [14:01] ok [14:02] sipior: its not letting me paste [14:02] Pici: ty, but ifconfig dont show me my default name server. Anything elsE? [14:02] error 17 cannot mount selected partition? first time install of ubuntu? any help guys? [14:02] hey all, i am looking for help to fix a logitech mouse issue on ubunto intrepid, http://tinyurl.com/7rvp4a, can anyone help with this? [14:02] sajuuk_: paste what? [14:02] sipior as in copy my /etc/ from the old server installation to the new one [14:02] Does Nautilus have any specific flags/options set when compiled for Ubuntu? [14:03] I want to try changing some source code and recompiling it, but am a bit worried [14:03] whatsinthename: your link does not work for me [14:03] sproaty: maybe have a look at the source package [14:03] sproaty: apt-get source nautilus [14:03] yeah I downloaded the source [14:03] or whatever the actual packagename is [14:03] from GNOME's FTP [14:03] damn forum database maintainence [14:03] but apt-get might get a more....specific version? [14:04] sproaty: it gets you the source package used to compile the packages [14:04] i just installed GNOME Onscreen Keyboard, but i cant see ho to start it [14:04] hi i'm a bewb and i got probably stupid promlemm i can't uninstall ubuntu maybee some one could help me? [14:04] kadet1, i'm a bewb too [14:04] can I help you? [14:04] kadet1: are you trying to install windows or something? [14:04] yes [14:04] hello [14:05] kadet1, clarify exactly how you installed and what you are wanting to do [14:05] <_Nike_> toi list the process is "ps" ???????? [14:05] to all [14:05] i got ubunty yhat i installed from cd image [14:05] <_Nike_> is very strange [14:05] _Nike_: ps -ef is usually more useful [14:05] _Nike_, the ps command can do that.. and it has a lot of options [14:05] <_Nike_> jrib because "ps" don't show the server , and the server is running [14:05] with daemon tools [14:05] _Nike_, learn to use the 'ps' command.. [14:06] ndo: cat /etc/resolv.conf for your nameserver [14:06] _Nike_: what is it that you want to do? [14:06] kadet1: we know that already. Tell us what other operating systems you have installed. Did you install ubuntu *inside* windows using wubi? [14:06] no ill try explain it more cerfully [14:06] i recently added an additional hd as a slave drive,would two hard disks add additional heat on my cpu? === sale_ is now known as sale [14:06] anyone else here using an imac? [14:06] prosecuted, a little more in the case, but proberly not much. [14:06] DefamedPrawn: best to just ask the channel your question. If someone knows the answer, they will try to help you [14:06] <_Nike_> oCean_ I want see the process running [14:07] sipior: it looks good [14:07] jrib that was my question. [14:07] Hello, I want to list the contents of a directory and I only want to see the files from Oct 2007, I know I can ls -l | grep Oct, but how would I go to just get the files from 2007? [14:07] DefamedPrawn: yes, i am [14:07] DefamedPrawn: "yes". Now you see why your question is not really a question. Anyway, I have to go now [14:07] Mpole how's the audio? I have heaps of problems with mine. [14:07] i see coz my computer keeps restarting just a while ago and i ended up removing the side panels [14:07] _Nike_: normally "ps auxww |grep commandname" would do. However, you also said something about remote server and closing the connection... [14:07] Pici: ty [14:08] Mpole ps, there's an #ubuntu-mactel channel. there's two of us. [14:08] is this the location where i can post questions regarding ubuntu server? [14:08] DefamedPrawn: what problems? generally, iMac's internal speakers arent really good for anything, that's why external speakers are recommended. [14:08] techlife: Here and/or #ubuntu-server [14:08] thnx [14:08] Before I ask, I should say, I'm relatively new to Ubuntu and Linux. Can anyone tell me if update-apt-xapian-index needs to run? I've been seeing massive slowdowns lately, and have traced it to update-apt-xapian-index - currently 40% of cpu and 15% of RAM, running for 67 minutes [14:09] jrib it was installation on vista and it said that is will be like another porogramm which afterr all i can unninstall i made spetial partition for that system now there just this os there unninstall file as well but it doesn't work [14:09] Mpole well for a start, when I try running apps like Audacity, sometimes the audio just dies. And I can't get it to come back up. not even with pulseaudio -D [14:09] strAlan: Hi, yes, there is a report of an Aduio device: Intel High Definition Audio Controller [14:10] DefamedPrawn: r u running ubuntu on ur iMac? [14:10] Mpole I am indeed madam/sir. Yes. [14:10] 8.10 [14:10] strAlan: http://pastebin.com/m6be291e9 [14:10] Pici: you know "NETSTAT -R" is what i was searching for i guess. :) [14:10] since im here..i am running ubuntu server 7.04 feisty and when i go to run apt-get update i receive errors back regarding 404 not found and the ip..basically what i am looking for is a working sources.list file for this version. any suggestions? [14:11] hello what does an VNET0 interface mean in ifconfig? [14:11] DefamedPrawn: wow! i havent tried... it's sir... how did u set it up? i'd like to know. [14:11] jrib i dont now what wubi is)) sorry [14:11] techlife, upgrade to 7.10? or better yey 8.10 [14:11] kadet1, WUBI is the 'feature' to install Ubuntu 'under' windows as if it was a normakl program. [14:11] !wubi | kadet1 [14:11] kadet1: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. [14:12] Mpole there's some app you install in OSX to give you a grubb like menu at the beginning. Why not come into #ubuntu-mactel and we can talk about it there? [14:12] kadet1, a lot of people really HATE wubi. [14:12] how can I install adobe flash player 10 for ubuntu x64 ? [14:12] yes i think it was wubi [14:12] whaats wrong with wubee? [14:12] DefamedPrawn: ok [14:12] i used cd image that i opend with daemon tools and i did that from there [14:12] right..but since the urls are no longer valid in da sources.list file it will not be possible to upgrade. [14:13] kadet1, them it should have a add/remove feature... from what i hear.. whats the actual propglem with it? You should be able to remve it as you remove any thing else in windows [14:13] strAlan: So it seems I do have my Audio card detected, any ideas what to do next? [14:13] are we allowed to ask questions about games in here? for example, how do i install Open Arena on my Ubuntu laptop? [14:14] remuve it using some kind ov unninstaller? [14:14] or bcause bild in unninstaller doesn't work proorley [14:14] kadet1, it should have an icon in the add/remove programs tool of windows.. same as any other windows application you have installed.. thats sort of the whole point of wubi [14:14] properly)) sorry about my english [14:14] Mpole: You can install Open Arena through the Add/Remove Applications program in your Applications launcher [14:15] kadet1, ive never used it. so cant tell you how well it works.. check the http://wubi-installer.org/support.php pages for help i guess. [14:15] dr_willis cheers [14:15] is the forum real in maintenace or hacked??: http://ubuntuforums.org/ [14:16] Hi guys, I don't have any sound after a recent update, it seems to fail to open the audio device, lspci does detect my audio card though (Intel) http://pastebin.com/m6be291e9 Can anyone offer any help on this? === avc_afk is now known as acuster [14:16] Blaise: by searching for it, right? what are the graphics requirement for it? am not sure whether i have a 3D graphics card on my laptop [14:17] Mpole: the best way to find out is to install it and try it [14:18] How to install KDE3 on Ubuntu (not kubuntu) 8.10 ? [14:18] Blaise: sounds like a winner. (does your nickname refer to the super spy Modesty Blaise by the way? lol) [14:18] hi, what is your opinion about this server: http://www.bytemark.co.uk/page/Live/hosting/dedicated/atom [14:18] can it serve a big websites with php, mysql and apache? do you think that how many visitors can visit from our sites in one time? [14:18] shal3r: kde3 is no longer a supported under 8.10. You can find out your option in #kubuntu [14:18] Mpole: no, it's the name for the saint of soar throats and coughs [14:19] shal3r: I believe there is a kde3 repo, but am not certain :) [14:19] ziroday, ok, thanks. By the way, that ruined 8.10 :) [14:19] why are my windows always sticking to the border of the screen? it is so f...ing annoying [14:19] Hello all [14:19] george_clooney: its a setting. You can change it in ccsm [14:19] Blaise: lol. [14:19] Is there a program that can make all of my music files smaller? [14:19] can anyone please help me with the following problem http://paste.ubuntu.com/105553/ [14:20] chilli0: gzip? [14:20] ziroday, if you mean "snapping windows" i have disabled it [14:20] Pici: i need it to stay in a folder normal one , i want the files smaller [14:21] yo yo yo [14:21] Hi, is there a central setting with which I can set my sound output from stereo to mono? [14:21] I'm using Gnome [14:21] george_clooney: well thats the setting. You sure that its actually disabled? [14:21] george_clooney: ccsm - wobly windows - dissable snap inverted checkbox [14:21] chilli0: you could convert them to a different format or a lower bitrate [14:22] chilli0: Smaller files generally means lower quality, you are aware of that, right? [14:22] ziroday: i wanna do that , but is there a program that will do it in bulk? i have over 500 songs here [14:22] and yes Pici [14:22] chilli0: find and exec ;) [14:22] fosco_, thx, much better now [14:23] ActionParsnip: pardon? [14:23] chilli0: err you could look into soundconverter/soundkonverter. Can't remember if it does exactly what you want [14:23] k [14:23] Is there a possibility to set sound-output to mono in Gnome? [14:23] chilli0: find -name '*.mp3' -exec (do conversion on file found which will be named {} ) [14:24] i have over 500 songs [14:24] what i ended up doing is changing da word feisty to gutsy in da sources.list file and an update appears to be working..thnx [14:24] to many [14:24] The Ubuntu forums are down, is there a mirror or cached version I can see them on? [14:24] Blaise: google cache [14:24] chilli0: the command will rifle throug the folder and subfolders and do whatever you say in the exec bit to any 8.mp3 files [14:25] Blaise: you can try google cache or archive.org. However there is not official cache [14:25] jrib: ziroday: thanks [14:26] * lenin anyone knows how I can uninstall or remove FireFox2 ? I am running Intrepid Ibex with latest firefox upgraded [14:26] <|O|Sad> is there a way to raise volume in gnome from the terminal and have a display thing on the screen as if it were from the multimedia keys on the keyboard??? [14:26] lenin: how did you install firefox 2? [14:26] God Day All!!I need Help with firefox not connecting to internet but my updater is downloading updates i am running Ubuntu CE 8.04 on a olde dell desktop with ethernet connection [14:27] Hi [14:27] lenin: sudo apt-get remove firefox-2.0 [14:27] Runpain2: how old? [14:27] is there a way to run apple applications on ubuntu? like itunes? [14:27] thanks ActionParsnip im trying [14:28] knut: an old version of windows itunes can be run with wine, why do you want to run it? [14:28] about 6years Mpole [14:28] !itunes | knut [14:28] knut: itunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee [14:28] knut: well, there is a pretty good iTunes alternative... sudo apt-get install songbird will work [14:28] The sound on my ubuntu 8.10 64bit has stopped working. It was fine for a few installs and then no more sound [14:28] it runs great though a little slow [14:28] ziroday, because rhythmbox has no coverflow [14:28] it is a realtek HD audio thing [14:28] works fine in vista [14:28] ActionParsnip: hey man...im still stuck on that grub error 17. it keeps saying cannot mount selected partition when i say setup (hd0) [14:28] Runpain2: what's the CPU? [14:28] i want coverflow for nautilus [14:28] :) [14:28] lenin: you'll probably find that 3 upgrade 2, you could always uninstall both then just install 3 if its a no go [14:28] knut: ah, I think the only linux app with coverflow is songbird. [14:29] 1.8ghz mpole === peleg_ is now known as peleg [14:29] why would sound disappear all of a sudden? [14:29] why is there no appliction like wine for mac? [14:29] ziroday, knut maybe amorak [14:29] Runpain2: RAM? [14:29] to meulate mac [14:29] knut: because there isn't. You can start one if you like. [14:29] @ActionParsnip E: Couldn't find package firefox-2.0 [14:29] 256 [14:30] paritosh1010: do you get that error when booting live cd is weird [14:30] sonbird virtually emulates iTunes... it's the best player ever! [14:30] lenin: dpkg -l | grep firefox will help [14:30] knut, why would you need wine for mac? what is it you need to run on a mac that might require wine? [14:30] any ideas on how to get my sound back :/ [14:30] ActionParsnip : that would uninstall all instance of firefox I'll lose data of the latest version [14:30] scunizi: i mean an application the emulates mac instead of windows [14:30] Is it possible to remove the ubuntu splash screen st boot time? [14:30] at [14:30] actully how do find out system info mpole [14:31] knut, ah.. [14:31] [jack.c:201] error: Failed to open jack client: 0x1 / [pulse.c:85] error: Failed to open pulse audio output: Connection refused / [audio.c:561] error: failed to open audio device / [audio.c:179] error: Unable to find a working output module in this list: alsa,oss,esd,jack,pulse,nas,arts / [audio.c:463] error: Failed to open audio output module / [mpg123.c:757] error: Failed to initialize output, goodbye. <--- i get this [14:31] Absolute0: what would you rather instead? [14:31] hello [14:31] Absolute0: yes, remove any "splash" word in menu.lst [14:31] Runpain2: oh, that's why u r using CE. i'd advise - if u can - upping the ram to 1GB then u will be "home free" [14:31] Absolute0: install startupmanager and disable splashscreen [14:31] * lenin anyone can help me about KDE keyboard-shortcut settings? [14:31] scunizi: u know one? [14:31] :) [14:32] any help for me? [14:32] I am using GeForce Go 7300 TurboCache VGA with Hardy, I recently upgraded from Fiesty and after that I can not find any suitable VGA driver, can anyone suggest me one, please? I am using it with Acer Aspire 5585WXMi. [14:32] i don't want to have to reboot just to get sound working [14:32] how do i find out about System Info in term [14:32] Runpain2: sudo lshw [14:32] Runpain2: r u on GNOME? [14:32] is it possible to avoid a certain physical memory range to being used? [14:32] imyousuf: System > Administration > Hardware Drivers doesn't showing anything? [14:32] Kartagis: you can log out and in [14:33] lenin: You'd probably be better off asking in #kubuntu [14:33] knut, I don't want to have to do that either [14:33] ziroday: yes it does [14:33] <|O|Sad> is there any sound related Ubuntu channel?? [14:33] imyousuf: okay, well have you installed the graphics drivers for it? [14:33] Kartagis: dont know how to solve you problem then [14:33] <|O|Sad> or gnome? [14:34] imyousuf: you can try "nv" as a driver.. then perform the upgrade to intrepid and with that I would just try removing the xorg.conf since the X-Server is supposed to manage everything by itself then. [14:34] Runpain2: try System / Administration / System Monitor [14:34] It shows NVidia driver, but even that does not work properly [14:34] knut, nope.. but mac is based in unix with apple's personal tweeks.. their system is very similar to linux.. so if you're a programmer or tinker-er, you might be able to port programs over, develop something that will allow them to run like wine or simply use a different program that is designed for linux. That's why I've stayed away from ipod's/touches etc.. to locked it. [14:34] imyousuf: well what does not work? Is the driver even installed? [14:35] yes I installed it and it was showing In use and enabled ziroday but when the system reboots it complains of inappropriate vga card and moves into the backup selector mode [14:35] knut, not sure if it's available for the touch but rockbox is available for ipods.. I understand it's a good alternative to apples interface and opens the ipod up so even ogg files will play [14:35] does anyone know how to solve my problem? [14:35] imyousuf: in the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf in the device section you set the driver to "nv" (instead of "nvidia").. that is some kind of a failsafe.. now upgrade to intrepid and then delete the file alltogether [14:35] dakira: I want to stick to Hardy because its LTS [14:36] ok i got hardware says memory:501.6MB processor:Celeron(coppermine) [14:36] imyousuf: okay, can you login and logout after installing the graphics drivers [14:36] dakira: IIRC nv is the OpenSource NVidia driver right? [14:36] imyousuf: right [14:36] ziroday: I can try that [14:37] yay for sounds problems [14:37] ziroday: trying that now [14:37] its just that firefox will not connect to internet through ethernet [14:37] scunizi: i need it on my laptop [14:37] imyousuf, the 7 series cards, some had issues with the 173 & 177 driver. You might need to do what I did and install the 180.xx driver you get directly from nvidia.. helped me bunches.. I have an 8200 gforce [14:37] scunizi: simply ubuntuhave itunes for [14:37] every thing elese runs fine sound disply [14:37] Quick question on samba server where should the none user specific shares go? /var /home etc [14:38] Runpain2: it's NOT firefox that connects to the internet, rather, your entire PC... is it a desktop? perhaps ur network card is kaputt! [14:38] scunizi: can you provide me with some pointers? [14:38] knut, virtual box and an install of windows will allow you to install itunes [14:38] can someone please tell me what the best audio player for ubuntu is? [14:38] no cause i am right now updating and it is working [14:38] scunizi, ziroday & dakira, rebooting [14:38] i cant seem to get a good answer [14:39] amarok? [14:39] Runpain2: bravo! [14:39] !poll | Dre4m [14:39] Dre4m: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. [14:39] eoke, Huh? You can edit the smb.conf file and make shares whever you want.. Why do you wan tto 'share' system directries like /var/ ? that could be a big secuity issue [14:39] the updater not firefox [14:39] wtf [14:39] scunizi: i dont want to start a virtual pc just to listen to music [14:39] fire fox comes up and any web page i go to will not load [14:40] scunizi: then rhythmbox would be neough [14:40] Dre4m, Please dont use the rude shorthand. It isnt needed or allowed [14:40] knut, naw.. just to sync there are tools to rip the music out of the ipod database in linux and play it. drm is an issue [14:40] lmao [14:40] !lol [14:40] Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks. [14:40] friendly linux community, [14:40] why has ubuntu missed the alpha 3 schedule? [14:40] dr_willis: Sorry I didn't explain that so well, I'm about to partition a machine for serving up files. I would like to know whether none user specific file shares should be created in something like /var/Music or something like /home/samba/Music. It's so I can size the partition appropriately if that makes any sense. [14:40] HEy Jack_Sparrow [14:40] does any one know anything about synce i keep getting this error Nautilus cannot handle "synce" locations [14:41] Morning (here) Runpain2 [14:41] Here here also [14:41] why does Gedit always leave these [filename]~ files of what I've been editing after I close it [14:41] sun's just coming up here. [14:41] if this isnt to OMG OR LMAO like nor to "poll like" . . would someone be able to tell me how to set a particular music player as a default appplication? [14:41] My Firefox says failed to connect [14:42] Dre4m, system, pref, preferd applications [14:42] Dr4m: right click the file, properties, open with and then select the radio button for that application [14:42] Dre4m, System/preferences/multimedia [14:42] sproaty: its a safety measure in case gedit crashes whilst editing a file [14:42] Runpain2, untick work offline? [14:42] eoke, samba shares could be made to go anywhere.. so it dosent matter. [14:42] cuold it be dansgaurd [14:42] where do i find that tick [14:42] ty very much OMG LMAO BRB TY [14:42] cheers guys [14:42] Runpain2, under file menue [14:42] menu [14:43] someone help me where can i download apache for ubuntu? [14:43] dr_willis: Ok cheers, I figured there would be a standard place but I guess not. It'd explain why I couldn't find an answer with google as well. Thanks for your times most appreciated. [14:43] it is [14:43] sproaty: the files that end with ~ are generally backup files. a lot of editors do that, but you can disable it [14:43] ah thanks [14:43] it never seems to delete them [14:44] Runpain2, then if your sure you are connected to internet on that machine i would guess something blocking port 80 [14:44] hi there... have a problem with samba, i cant start the samba daemon... [14:44] where can i download apache2 for ubuntu?????????????? [14:44] i will check but how [14:44] synthe_ciser: can you pastebing the error message? [14:44] sproaty: nope.. it won't ;) imagine you edit a system file and something goes wrong.. in that case you still have the backup that was autogenerated.. if you want to handle backups yourself you can disable that stuff [14:44] !lamp > hero [14:44] hero, please see my private message [14:45] hero: you can do sudo apt-get install apache2 [14:45] scunizi: http://moobu.free.fr [14:45] ok guys wait, under STYSTEM> PREFFRENCES I have no multimedia . . ? [14:45] i only saw it when i was starting my pc, -> Starting Samba Daemons [FAIL] [14:45] ahh but i do have preferd applications [14:45] When i go to help and click get help on line it goes to launchpad web site [14:45] its ok ty [14:45] question: since i started upgrading to 8.10, via synaptic, i've been getting - at random - a stead beep. anyone knows why? [14:45] Jeruvy, i only saw it when i was starting my pc, -> Starting Samba Daemons [FAIL] [14:46] hi i need help with festival [14:46] i am trying to make a picture slide show video what app does this in ubuntu [14:46] mattias_, What is festival [14:46] mass music! [14:46] I come in here and ask ubuntu related questions refering to a ubuntu media player and I get fucking raped by ubbuto . . i have had linux 2 days and irc for about 16 hours give me a break man chikll out fuckig hell [14:46] supposed to help people in to the community [14:46] jeeze [14:47] Jaffarkelshac, I used manslide from getdeb.net === rstrub is now known as Natim [14:47] !attitude | Dre4m [14:47] Dre4m: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [14:47] synthe_ciser: check in /var/log/samba/log.smbd for errors [14:47] i will give it a try thanks [14:47] <_anu> sudo apt-get install lesstif-devel ? [14:47] <_anu> how to ? [14:48] mattias_: What sort of help do you need? [14:48] Where are Festival systems located in the Filesystem? [14:48] sorry, festival files [14:48] Jeruvy, ERROR: Could not determine network interfaces, you must use a interfaces config line [14:48] Hello, I'm pretty new to this. I'm looking for a way to make changes to menu.lst from within th GUI. I have been able to do it using sudu gedit from the terminal window but is there a way to stay in GUI? [14:48] how do i get a basic installation of gnome on my ubuntu server? [14:49] mattias_: dpkg -L festival will show you [14:49] does anyone know how to solve my problem? [14:49] i don't want to have to reboot just to get sound working [14:49] nice, thanks [14:49] ill try it [14:49] Bokenrosie, no.. [14:49] or log out and back in [14:49] is something like that possible: I have small home network (4-5 PC's) and PC's get addresses by dhcp. I would like to know if it would be possible to map name for device (eg. "computer in my room" :) ) to it's mac address and then use that instead of ip (which changes for each device) [14:49] what does dpkg mean? [14:49] Bokenrosie: not that it's much of a difference but you can press Alt+F2 and then run gksudo gedit... [14:49] synthe_ciser: there you go, it cannot find your network. Review 'adding interfaces' in documentation, should be in /etc/networks/samba.conf (if I recalled the file name correctly) [14:49] mattias_: Its a command. [14:49] hi i have very low volume in front headphone which is connected to my front slot what could be the problem [14:49] could someone please tell me why most java apps crash firefox? [14:49] i know, but it must be an abbrevation of something [14:50] Bokenrosie: there is also a gui dialog that lets you change some of the stuff in the menu.lst.. hang on, let me check the name [14:50] could someone please tell me why most java apps crash FF? [14:50] Kartagis: You may want to ask in #ubuntustudio as well, as jack comes with a studio install. [14:50] scunizi, ziroday, dakira: back online, the restricted driver seems to be able to render 1024x768 [14:50] !info startupmanager | Bokenrosie [14:50] whe is the german link for irc chat [14:50] startupmanager (source: startupmanager): Grub and Splash screen configuration. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9.11-1 (intrepid), package size 88 kB, installed size 1016 kB [14:50] !de | crack88 [14:50] crack88: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis. [14:50] Bokenrosie, yes open a terminal and type gksudo nautilus [14:50] thanx [14:50] hi [14:50] but system can start from suspend and neither does hibernate work :( ( ziroday, scunizi, dakira ) any hits? [14:50] does anyone know why has ubuntu missed the alpha 3 schedule? [14:51] ade nk c2c' [14:51] Slart: Thanks, I'll give that a try. [14:51] #ubuntu-de [14:51] bmunger: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion. [14:51] Can I change fwbuilder default drop policy somewhere? [14:51] thanks [14:51] imyousuf, can or cannot start from suspend.. you might need to increase your swap size to 1.5x of your ram to make that happen smoothly [14:51] <_anu> DDD error http://codepad.org/0yzKOvbS [14:52] <_anu> how to fix it ? [14:52] ok so you know how if a machines host key changes, you need to remove `$HOME/.ssh/known_hosts` in order to connect, I was hoping that there would be a way to just remove the one key that does not match... however I don't see any way of cyphering the content... anyone? [14:52] !jaunty [14:52] Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support. [14:52] scunizi: I see, but even then it used to work fine on fiesty :( [14:53] hi i have very low volume in front headphone which is connected to my front slot what could be the problem [14:53] i know this isn' an ubuntu-specific problem, but everything on my screen seems darker than it should be, and the brightness and contrast are set to Max on my monitor. Any ideas? [14:53] walpopaz... where would i find the file so I can start it automatically.. dont know where the executable is.............. [14:53] KenBW2: the power is dirty (to the monitor) or its on its way out [14:53] quibbler, thanks. that worked. [14:54] Bokenrosie, you are welcome [14:54] tyler_d1: no, not really dark, just a bit === Swish[\] is now known as Swish [14:54] can i ask how to use evolution mail in ubuntu? [14:54] KenBW2: still... my first guess would be on its way out... mine started that 2 months ago and just died last week [14:55] gizmo: with which email provider? [14:55] Hello, I am having a problem with Firefox in Ubuntu 8.10, should I join a different discussion or is this the place to be? [14:55] tyler_d1: well it's been like this for years# [14:55] KenBW2, hotmail can? [14:55] heatmzzr, I think what you really need is just the name of the executable to start it.. there's a way to find that using grep but I've forgotten.. most executable's are in /bin or /usr/bin but even that's no guarantee [14:55] KandK, what is the problem [14:56] gizmo: hotmail doesn't allow viewing email outside hotmail (or outlook) [14:56] <_anu> hi :) [14:56] <_anu> anyone can help me ? [14:56] <_anu> http://codepad.org/0yzKOvbS [14:56] quibbler: whenever a video comes up, it will play for about 2 seconds, then it will stop playing and Firefox will freeze up [14:56] KenBW2: you could try a different connection ie. analog vs digital, outside of that don't think there's much you can do. [14:56] KenBW2, what emel that i can use for launchpad? [14:56] scunizi, thanks I'll start there... [14:56] gizmo: i use gmail [14:56] i am trying to get Extra vistual working in Preferences > Appearance working but i keep getting the error "Desktop effects could not be enabled" i am using a nvida 8600M GT [14:56] KandK, are you using 32 or 64 bits ubuntu? [14:57] 32biy [14:57] tyler_d1: ive played with Nvidia's settings, but can't seem to get it quite right [14:57] tyler_d1: do you know what gamma is? [14:57] mib_36bxh1y4, first go to system>admin>hardware drivers and enable the restricted driver. [14:57] quibbler: I think 32, but how do I check? [14:57] <_anu> http://paste.ubuntu.com/105567/ , help !!!!! [14:57] gizmo: i highly recommend gmail over hotmail [14:58] ok.. [14:58] hi i am having problem installing intrepid on my laptop ,, installation starts but when it comes to view my partitions nothing appear even the partition editor can see all well an i just had installed hardy on same laptop 3 weeks ago [14:58] scunizi: that optinal is not there, it is recommending NVIDIA ersion 180 [14:58] KenBW2: unfortunately no, sorry I couldn't be more help [14:59] tyler_d1: ok, thanks anyway [14:59] <_anu> DDD problem help please ... [14:59] mib_36bxh1y4, where do you see the recommendation? [14:59] !repeat | _anu [14:59] _anu: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [14:59] scunizi: yes, and i have tryed selecting that one, installed fine, but still not 3D effects [15:00] mib_36bxh1y4, did you restart after installing it? [15:00] scunizi: yes i tryed that [15:00] plz i cant install intrepid on my laptop the installer dont show me partitions [15:01] KandK, does ff freeze when you watch all videos? [15:01] mib_36bxh1y4, so when you go to System>preferences>Appearance you can't select the bottom option for effects? [15:01] mib_36bxh1y4, or you can select it but nothing happens? [15:01] scunizi: i went into package manager to try and get all the latest drivers and stuff, but i am not sure what i should be downloading , soejjjjjjme say drivers other say kernal source, is that for the ubuntu kernal dwhat does it do [15:01] KenBW2, i make a new account for launchpad..what server type should i write? [15:01] KenBW2, i make a new account for launchpad..what server type should i choose? [15:02] scunizi: i select and get the following error "Desktop effects could not be enabled" [15:02] quibbler: yes, the video still loads, but it just stops playing, but it does not show that it is paused [15:02] KandK, do you have a lot of addons? [15:02] mib_36bxh1y4, sorry. I'm stuck.. and unfortunatly gotta go.. I hope someone else picks up this thread to help you. [15:02] quibbler: just a minimal amount I believe [15:03] scunizi: thanks [15:03] quibbler: YouTube videos don't freeze up the computer it seems like, but they still only play for a couple of seconds [15:03] mib_36bxh1y4: try downloading the compiz-check script from this site.. pastebin the output so we ca see it http://forlong.blogage.de/entries/pages/Compiz-Check [15:04] KandK, try running firefox -safe from the terminal [15:04] i've seen many users using windows programs as windowed mode [15:05] quibbler: I closed Firefox and tried that, but it says Firefox is still open, not sure why [15:05] but so far i have not be able to do so... how i can fix this? :( [15:05] eraggo: you mean using wine? [15:05] no... [15:05] quibbler: it says firefox is open but not responding, but I do not see it anywhere on my screen [15:05] eraggo: in a vm? [15:05] i have wine installed and also starcraft but it starts fullscreen [15:06] KandK: killall firefox [15:06] KandK, open system monitor and kill any instances of firefox [15:06] <_anu> http://paste.ubuntu.com/105567/ [15:07] <_anu> help !!! [15:07] Slart o.O? [15:07] eraggo: ok, lets start again.. you're asking about program running using wine? [15:07] quibbler: still doing it in safe mode [15:07] yes [15:07] KenBW2, thank you...beter [15:07] sorry to bother but i am a redhat user helping out some friends with ubuntu, does ubuntu divide its library packages into say glibc and glibc-devel like redhat does, and if so, what are the devel packages named? (Or are they just named devel?) [15:07] it starts, runs and anythubng else... [15:07] quibbler: it freezes Firefox and I have to force quit [15:08] eraggo: you've tried looking in the wine configuration app? [15:08] !eva [15:08] Sorry, I don't know anything about eva [15:08] yea [15:08] eraggo: tried enableing the "Emulate a virtual desktop" option? [15:08] i think so... lets try.. [15:09] 800x600 should be fine [15:09] crazy_pete: yes it does [15:09] crazy_pete: usually just libfoo-dev [15:09] who can tell me what software the 'eva' is [15:09] still gone to full screen [15:09] crazy_pete: see https://packages.ubuntu.com for information on packages or online searches or use synaptic on ubuntu [15:09] xmyuan_: you mean the space mmorpg game? [15:09] hi! who can hwlp with lirc setup? [15:10] ty very very much Jeruvy [15:10] eraggo: wine starts fullscreen, or the game starts fullscreen? [15:10] hm damn disconnect... [15:10] Firstly can I just apologise to any one I offended with my language I didn't mean to, especially jack_sparrow ty for unbanning me, I had no idea about not using "ENTER" to kinda space out what i was saying was so annoying, nor did I about swearing, I love ubuntu IRC ad linux IRC . . sorry to all of you if I offended anyone [15:10] idk :D [15:10] http://www.ihasaids.com/upload/data/1229313488.gif [15:10] Jeruvy, mh there is no /etc/networks/samba.conf? :x [15:10] no,i am install 'eva. and i don't know how to stop it [15:10] game is atleast fullscreen [15:10] Jeruvy, you probably meant /etc/samba/smb.conf right? [15:10] KandK, how much free space do you have on your / partition? [15:10] eraggo: hmm.. have you checked the application database? http://appdb.winehq.org? [15:11] synthe_ciser: my bad memory, doh...ok let me get you the right name. [15:11] quibbler: 112 GB [15:11] eraggo: isn't there an option in the game, *not* to run fullscreen? [15:11] Dre4m: nice to see someone actually apologizing [15:11] Dre4m, Welcome back.. apology accepted and appreciated.. Thanks.. Now on with the Q & A 's yaaaaaay [15:11] Jeruvy, interface names are normally preferred [15:11] ; interfaces = eth0 is this right? [15:11] Dre4m: =) [15:11] synthe_ciser: ok, /etc/samba/samba.conf. [15:11] no options menu or so :D [15:12] KandK, what version of flash are you using? [15:12] or wait :d [15:12] ye sorry guys, wont ever happen again I assure you. I should have read the rules first [15:12] quibbler: not sure, how do I check? [15:12] synthe_ciser: no [15:13] what's "gamma" wrt graphics? [15:13] quibbler: found it, 10.0 r15 [15:13] Dre4m, SO what would you like to work on first.. the cool cube spinning thing .. adding apps, ask away [15:13] not even config files :(:( [15:13] KenBW2: it's a value that says something about how bright stuff is [15:13] Slart: as opposed to, er, brightness? [15:13] KenBW2: higer value means brighter things [15:13] Jeruvy, i use static ip's here.. I have two connections, Auto eth0 with DHCP and another with my static ip configuration. [15:13] slart, how can i stop installing it [15:13] ehehehehe, I got the spinning cube working yesterday :), scared me though hehe I was just writting my question . . [15:13] KenBW2: brightness also has to do with.. ahem.. brightness.. but it's a different thing [15:14] Jeruvy, thats not right? do i have to change it ? [15:14] Ok I was wondering if someone could help . . . I have downloaded exaile music player and I can't seem to find out how to set it as a default music player for when I double click an MP3 for example it loads up exaile. im using ubuntu [15:14] Slart: is brightness a way of adding more white, whereas gamma is brightening the actual colours?? [15:14] Dre4m, ctrl-alt-left mouse move mouse will thrill your windows friends [15:14] KenBW2: read here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamma_correction [15:14] KandK, enough room newest flash....did this just happen now or has it been always so? [15:15] Slart: d'oh, shouldve thought of looking there :) thanks [15:15] quibbler: just started last week, been running 8.10 since a couple of weeks after it came out [15:15] KenBW2: you're welcome [15:15] haha!, I just did it omg that was amazing ty jack sparrow can't wait to show my gf hehe (a vista user), ty [15:15] np [15:16] Dre4m, You have 4 sides to your cube right [15:16] KenBW2: it seems, after reading that page, that it is a value describing contrast not brightness.. I'll go sit in the corner with the pointy hat until I've read it =) [15:17] synthe_ciser: you need to edit the interfaces line (and use bind-interfaces) to specify the network. So whichever adapter is handling your connections (eth0) should be there with the network cidr there also [15:17] jack_sparrow . . You wont belive this, (firstly yes I do have 4 sides) I spent a whole evening yesterday trying to get help and all I needed to know was the CTRL ALT thing you just said lol, im soooooooooooooooo happy now ty so much omg spent so long trying to do that. [15:17] KandK, I've been looking on the internet however the ubuntu forums are down [15:18] Hi, can i add to iptables a filter on an interface that is not yet up (ppp0) ? [15:18] Jeruvy, network cidr? [15:18] Dre4m, See your pm. [15:18] quibbler: I tried clearing the cache and cookies and all of that, but it didn't help [15:19] synthe_ciser: the example gives a local network of, you will probably need to change that to your network [15:19] <_anu> ddd: Symbol `_XmStrings' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking [15:19] <_anu> ?? [15:19] Slart: teehee [15:19] KandK, disable all your addons and try === N is now known as Guest50384 [15:20] Slart: im trying to make darker pages less dark without making colours look washed out [15:20] hi - i have a question - if i copy all my data to my 2nd HD, can ubuntu remember permissions setup prior to reinstallation? [15:20] KenBW2: in Gimp? [15:20] Claire2009: if you use the right tool to copy them [15:20] Claire2009: rsync for one can. [15:20] start - what's the right tool to use? [15:20] or the right switches Claire2009 [15:21] rsync, is one , cp -a is another [15:21] Jeruvy, so i have to enter the ip of my PC ? Or do i need to enter the ip of my router? [15:21] Slart: in everything - it's my monitor with the problem :) [15:21] Claire2009: I'm not really sure.. (or I would have told you), I just know that there are tools that preserve permissions and there are tools that don't [15:21] hey guys, how can i get mysql in my ubuntu [15:21] Jeruvy, eth0 <- this is the ip of my router. [15:21] Jeruvy, and the netmask [15:21] all i know is i want to copy all my data to 2nd HD, then recopy it to my 1st HD after reinstall. can i do that no problem??? [15:21] synthe_ciser: thats what you want. [15:22] KenBW2: ah.. well.. can't really help you with that..sorry [15:22] Slart: you already have [15:22] Jeruvy, and now it'll work? [15:22] KenBW2: oh? yay for me then.. =) [15:23] KandK, disable all your addons and try [15:23] quibbler: didn't help, should I disable extensions too? [15:23] hero: start by installing the server (for example "sudo apt-get install mysql-server") [15:23] Jeruvy, it works, thank you :D [15:23] KandK, yes [15:24] help! - can i copy all my data to my 2nd HD, then copy back to 1st HD no problem after resintall? [15:24] hey all, the latest kernel upgrade in ubuntu-proposed broke my boot, can anybody help or is anyone having this problem too? [15:24] can i add a rule to iptables on an interface that is not yet up - ppp0 [15:24] Claire2009: yes [15:24] synthe_ciser: cheers [15:24] aheckler - thanks. [15:24] aheckler - i'm guessing you had to do this before. [15:24] Question: I have problems logging on to a Flash chatroom... could it be (a) my bandwidth is too small or (b) because I am in the process of upgrading to 8.10? [15:25] Claire2009: reinstall? [15:25] aheckler - yeah. [15:25] quibbler: now the videos won't show up, should I reenable java or flash? [15:25] Claire2009: yeah just a few times :-P [15:25] KandK, yes [15:25] Some_ux1: yes and no. You can 'manage' rules but they typically will not load until the interface is up. [15:26] aheckler - so, before i go - i just format 1st HD to reinstall ubuntu? then after reinstall, mount 2nd HD, and just copy data?? [15:26] Mpole: I doubt bandwidth would keep you from logging in.. but since someone decided to make a flash chatroom the probability of them being lacking in the brain department does get bigger.. so it might also be a .. "we only support windows" thing [15:26] Claire2009: yep, just be careful you've moved everything onto the 2nd HD and be careful what you format [15:27] quibbler: enabled flash, video is still freezing after a couple of seconds [15:27] KandK, type firefox -p in terminal...make a new profile and run that profile [15:27] aheckler - thanks so much. i'm quite familiar with install process, and i'll make sure to copy everything i need to 2nd HD [15:27] hello, what is the way to install ubuntu in c:\ ? [15:27] what is the name [15:27] or the web [15:27] Jeruvy I am making a router out of my ubuntu but since the dialup connection is not always up, how can i place filters on it [15:27] ? [15:27] myeggo: wubi? [15:27] !wubi | myeggo [15:27] myeggo: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. [15:27] wubi, yes [15:27] thank [15:27] Slart: that seems to be the most reasonable explanation. i could be a browser incompatibility issue also, because it seems M$SOFT is king in some parts of the world. [15:28] I am from iran [15:28] i am from canada. microsoft can go down in flames [15:28] lols [15:28] Mpole: yup [15:28] Claire2009: i second that emotion! lol [15:28] !ir | Artin [15:28] Artin: #ubuntu-ir baraye Farsi zabanan mibashad ke channele rasmie goroohe Iran-ie ubuntu ast. #ubuntu-ir برای فارسی زبانان می‌باشد که کانال رسمی گروه ایرانی اوبونتو است. [15:28] mpole - lols / ^_^ [15:28] am having a real hard time converting people to Ubuntu... but they will come around [15:29] hi i just converted [15:29] quibbler: still freezing, I have no idea whats going on, sorry this is such a hassle [15:29] mpole - ubuntu 8.04 is rocking -/ loving it better than XP on older 900mhz p3s [15:29] vaghean? [15:29] Claire2009: what part of canada r u from? am glad to meet a "female" member of the ubuntu community. [15:29] kabukan: good for u! [15:29] mpole - ontario [15:29] im using 8.10 is 8.4.1 better [15:29] Claire2009: wow. ncie, but cold, but i LOVE cold, so it's great! [15:29] hey all, the latest kernel upgrade in ubuntu-proposed broke my boot, can anybody help or is anyone having this problem too? [15:29] Sorry had to do a couple haircuts [15:30] hello [15:30] kabukan: 8.10 was released in October of 2008. 8.04 was released in April of 2008. [15:30] kabukan: 8.4.1? is that a higher version? [15:30] . [15:30] i'm looking for a new theme for my ubuntu 8.10, because i see under preferences>appearance that you can install a new theme. but what type of theme do i need? like for instance gnome-look.org has a whole bunch of different types, what do I download to change the appearance of windows and such? [15:30] farsi sohbat konid [15:30] lol... typo [15:30] mpole - yep. it's chilly. but mild where i am next week [15:30] maybe 8.04 idk like i said im new [15:30] Claire2009, Mpole: there is an offtopic channel.. let's try to keep this channel for support only [15:30] Mpole: no. Release numbers are from the date they are released. so: 2008/04 or 2008/10 [15:30] !ot [15:30] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [15:30] well, gotta go [15:30] busyboc starts after i disconnected a hard drive (which doesnt contain any linuxOS) === greg_sleepings is now known as greg_universe [15:30] Claire2009: moving to where? [15:30] cant get passed it [15:30] Some_ux: same as all others, are you using a front end? [15:30] busybox* [15:30] <_anu> please translate them in Ubuntu : "rpm -iv ddd.src.rpm" and "rpmbuild -bb ddd.spec" and "rpm -iv ddd.rpm" [15:31] Ricket: http://www.gnome-look.org [15:31] Jeruvy : eth0 is connected to a cable modem, eth1 to a hub [15:31] KandK, I'm running out of ideas and with the forums down I can't check there...the only other idea which is radical is to uninstall firefox delete the .mozilla [15:31] slart: where do i get instructions on how to install packages that are in tar format, step by step? [15:31] Kerio: it probably renumbered the hard drives.. you need to setup your mbr accordingly [15:31] _anu: What are you trying to do? Ubuntu does not support installing from RPM files. [15:31] !compile | Mpole [15:31] Mpole: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) [15:31] IndyGunFreak: yes but there are a whole slew of different types of themes on the left side, what do i look for? [15:31] thanks slart [15:31] _anu: Did you install ddd from an RPM? [15:31] Ricket: well.... what do you want to do? [15:32] Mpole: but there is no general, works-for-all way.. there's usually instructions included [15:32] quibbler: I appreciate all of your help, I will try to search the forums when they are up, thank you anyways [15:32] Slart, what should i do? try to reinstall GRUB? [15:32] IndyGunFreak: i have a black background and i want to find a theme that makes window titlebars and just other colors all over more black than human-brown [15:32] KandK, or you can wait for the forums to come on line and check there or ask again here [15:32] !grub | Kerio [15:32] Kerio: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [15:32] kabukan: 8.04.2 is the major upgrade release to the 8.04 long-term support version (Hardy), 8.10 is meant to be more cutting edge, but less stable. [15:32] Kerio: check the "restore grub" link.. [15:32] i enabled dansguardian and firefox worked [15:33] Some_ux: you don't have to specify a target, you can leave that open [15:33] okay thx [15:33] lenorand> less stable? [15:33] Kerio: I don't think you need to reinstall the entire grub.. just the mbr [15:33] the latest kernel upgrade in ubuntu-proposed broke my boot, can anybody help or is anyone having this problem too? [15:33] Ienorand: I don't think it's intended to be less stable. it's just not supported for updates and via cannonical for the same length lifetime [15:33] quibbler: thanks for you help, I will try again later, bye! [15:34] shauno: i have already started the upgrade. what do i expect? [15:34] Jeruvy: eth0 connects to a dialup which in turn creates a new ppp0 interface when a link is established. So should the rules specify eth0 or ppp0 ? [15:34] aheckler: The "proposed" repos are not a good idea [15:34] ardchoille: so i have discovered :( [15:35] Well, yea. But isn't LTS supposed to be somewhat more stable because of the extended support, so it works in reverse...? [15:35] KandK, bye [15:35] Kerio: you might also have to edit your grub configuration file.. but we can do that once you're finished with the mbr [15:35] Some_ux: they should specify whatever device is bound on your pc, if thats eth0 then use that...but you don't have to specify either. [15:35] i cant remove a folder from Applications tab [15:35] mattias_: which folder? [15:35] What version of Flash is currently the latest? Where do I get it? [15:36] !flash | Mpole [15:36] Mpole: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash [15:36] how can i install the 3.1beta version of firefox (i'm havin the 3.05)? [15:36] okay, so first i should boot with livecd i guess? [15:36] Ienorand: I think it's just to limit how many different configurations they're supporting at once. if every release had fives years support, releasing every 6 months, they'd quickly be supporting 10 different products [15:37] slart: u r a gem! :-) [15:37] Jeruvy: eth1 is the interface which connects to the internal network [15:37] Ienorand: LTS releases are just supported longer to minimize the upgrade frequency, good for production systems [15:37] Mpole: just one of many who hangs out here [15:38] mattias_: Right click on ubuntu logo, select edit menus? [15:38] does anyone here use exaile>? if so and they know how to set it as the default music player would you please let me know thank you in advanced? [15:38] Slart: And one of the many who hangs out here who is very knowledgeable, such as ActionParsnip. [15:39] Is there some web service out there that'll render LaTeX for you so you don't have to install it? [15:39] Dre4m: System > Preferences > Preferred Applications > Multimedia tab [15:39] ConstantineXVI: http://nirvana.informatik.uni-halle.de/~thuering/php/latex-online/latex.php?sprachauswahl=2&aufruf=21839 === Swish[\] is now known as Swish [15:40] ardchoille: ty very much for your reply, however it doesn't show up in the list for some reason . . the drop down menu only shows rythembox and totem . . [15:40] Mpole: indeed... and let's not forget the ops and admins who actually keep this channel, and many more, working [15:40] Slart: Exactomundo! lol === BurkZzZ is now known as burkmat [15:41] Dre4m: No "Custom" option? [15:41] elashish, sweet. thank you [15:41] ye custom option then it says command . . . [15:41] whats that mean? sorry i just did that "ENTER" as punctuatoin thing [15:41] ardchoille: so i downgraded to the 2.6.27-9-generic kernel but I'm still not booting correctly. it seems as if my daemons wont start, like HAL, ALSA, etc. I can't mount anything or get sound. [15:41] Dre4m: yeah, you can add the proper command for exaile there [15:42] whats the command? how do I kknow what that is? [15:42] Dre4m: run your edit menu app and see how exaile gets started when you click the menu item for exaile [15:43] whats the command to see how fragged my partition is/ === richard is now known as Guest67163 [15:43] ext3 (home) [15:43] omg :(, im so sorry i must be such an idiot . . . edit menu app? [15:43] deany: you don't need to worry about defragging Linux === Guest67163 is now known as chandz [15:43] what is it anyway [15:44] !defrag | deany [15:44] deany: The default Ubuntu filesystem (ext3) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see http://linkpot.net/behead/ for a simple example on how it achieves this. [15:44] anyone have any good resources for setting up a nvidia mx video card on a PowerPC MAC ?? [15:44] ardchoille: where do I find my edit menu map>? [15:44] deany: http://www2.lut.fi/~ilonen/ext3_fragmentation.html [15:44] I have a db2 process that when it runs on some occasions, it will eat up resources so badly i cant even login via ssh or telnet... is there any way to guarantee ssh/telnet will be responsive in this event? [15:44] i installed kubuntu-desktop package in intrepid. how can i uninstall it with all dependencies? [15:44] hello all, in ubuntu on nvidia X server setting, I choose a good resolution, but when I reboot my pc, it always goes back to the wrong one, who knows what to do? [15:44] Dre4m: right click the menu button and choose Edit Menus [15:44] deany: don't worry about it.. [15:44] simple answer to my question would do, not a tech doc explaining how it doesnt get fragmented... [15:44] darkham: apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop [15:44] deany: just keep about 15% empty space and it will be ok [15:45] quibbler, are you still here? [15:45] darkham: myabe with a sudo [15:45] ardchoille: can we go from the start? . . . right click the menu button . . whats a menu button? [15:45] nevermind..... [15:45] oh found it . . . kk im in edit menu [15:45] i`ll look it up.. [15:45] k [15:45] Boohbah: i typed it, but it remove only the package named kubuntu-desktop, no dependencies [15:46] deany: Well if there's a tech doc explaining how it doesn't get fragmented then maybe we don't need to worry about defrag? [15:46] Boohbah: i typed apt-get autoremove, but nothing [15:46] hello, I am having trouble with videos played in Firefox on Ubuntu 8.10 [15:46] Dre4m: alt+f2, type in "alacarte" (without quotes) and click Run [15:46] nobody familiar with nvidea x server? [15:46] How can I get my internal hard drive to mount correctly? I keep getting this msg "mount point cannot contain characters" newline, G_DIR_SEPARATOR(usually /)" [15:46] i dont need people telling me i dont need to be asking a question.. i only asked what the command was to see what % it was... [15:47] im testing something [15:47] darkham: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome [15:47] deany sometimes it shows after running fsck [15:47] ardchoille: have al ook at your pm [15:48] will it on a mounted drive? [15:48] dont wanna reboot really. [15:48] you cannot run fsck on a mounted drive [15:48] deany: Even if you know what % it is, the file system takes care of it behind the scenes so you don't have to mess with it. So knowing the % isn't really useful. [15:49] Can anyone tell a program that will allow me to download a website (and links down to a certain death) for offline viewing? (i've tried scrapbook for firefox buts its implementation is slooooow) [15:49] death=depth [15:49] chimp: wget [15:49] wget will download through links? [15:50] chimp: yep, obviously have to look up the command line options, but yes it has that capability [15:50] chimp: yes you can tell it to crawl. [15:50] ooh, thats well cool [15:50] saw it in man page [15:50] deany try filefrag [15:50] chimp: wget or httrack [15:50] chimp: http://www.devarticles.com/c/a/Web-Services/Website-Mirroring-With-wget/ [15:50] Pici: oh thats a great tool, forgot about that one. [15:51] hello, I'm looking for help getting my 9x12 intuos wacom tablet working under Ubuntu Studio [15:51] I do have one issue, the website I'm downloading off is password protected, can I get around that? [15:51] Boohbah: apt-get can only do this if user specify the packages ? [15:51] thx elashish for helping.. [15:52] Anyone have experience with nvidia cards on PowerPC Macs? [15:52] and willing to help? [15:52] the ony reason im asking is i heard people talkin about backing up and restoring has the same results of a defrag, well lessens the % anyway,.. i just tried.. [15:52] jeremy_, /join #ubuntu-powerpc [15:52] darkham: just copy and paste the line, worked for me [15:52] ah thank you very much [15:52] i just used clonezilla do full partition image, and restored. guess i`ll reboot and do a fsck [15:52] np [15:52] I have a partition table which is physically out of order, and I need to swap the partition definitions without losing any of the data. Is this possible? and if so, how? [15:54] which of the following service is most likely to interfere with the mounting of a MTP mp3 player: apmd, atd, or bluetooth ? [15:54] Shishire, Can you explain more about what you hope to accomplish [15:54] Shishire: if you'd be so kind, could you explain what 'physically out of order' means? [15:55] which of the following service is most likely to interfere with the mounting of a MTP mp3 player: apmd, atd, or bluetooth, if that service is turned off (sorry had to include that those services were turned off) [15:57] Shishire: Hmm, if you know exactly what block dimensions you need, I guess you could just hack away with sfdisk or similar...? [15:57] hey guys is there a way from in a shell to rename a folder that contains spaces? [15:58] when I run lsusb, I get this, http://pastebin.com/m483e7c95 that means my webcam is located at /dev/what? [15:58] Doonz: use quotes "" [15:58] can you give me an example of say howto rename My Documents to my.documents [15:58] http://pastebin.com/d116b27ab [15:59] * Doonz is sorry im a noob [15:59] Doonz: man mv [15:59] Doonz: mv "My Documents" my.documents [15:59] isnt that move? [15:59] * Doonz confused [15:59] Doonz: use for namecompletion: command would be "mv M" (and hit tab key) [16:00] Doonz, you can also escape whitespace with a \ so it becomes >mv My\ Documents my.documents [16:00] Doonz: in linux, in order to rename something, you move it from one name to another in the same folder. [16:00] Doonz: after that hit space and enter new name "mv Mblah" [16:00] whoa info overload [16:00] Shishire, Ok, and what are you wanting to do with those partitions [16:00] ok thanx guys /me prints out convo [16:01] when I run lsusb, I get this, http://pastebin.com/m483e7c95 that means my webcam is located at /dev/what? [16:01] Jack_Sparrow: I want the partitions to be in disk order [16:02] Shishire, Still not understanding. You can rename the mount points to anything you want no need to mess with the partition themselves [16:02] Ho scoperto ubuntu da pochissimo....è una figata!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [16:03] !it | DaTorino [16:03] DaTorino: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) [16:03] Jack_Sparrow: I know, but I'm trying to keep my partition table clean, so that my bootloader reads it correctly. I've had problems in the past with this, and I want to get this right. [16:04] hi folks i have a domain name ubuntumanager.com is any one interested on this domain name? [16:04] it is possible to adjust the partition table so that entries are in disk order, but unless you have a good reason to do it theres no benefit and just causes hassle [16:04] Shishire, Sorry, but it seems like the wrong approach to the issue [16:04] hi folks i have a domain name ubuntumanager.com is any one interested on this domain name? [16:05] i think i have the weidest problem in here right now. I cant boot from bd even! [16:05] cd [16:05] hi, i installed the linux dropbox client, but now i can't disable it's startup trigger... it is not under the sessions preference. where should i look? [16:05] busybox starts [16:06] !lts [16:06] LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. [16:06] !eig [16:06] Sorry, I don't know anything about eig [16:07] !thank ubottu [16:07] Sorry, I don't know anything about thank ubottu === Sirisian_ is now known as Sirisian [16:09] hey guys i am having some problems with my graphics card, can anyone point me in the right direction, i need to install the best driver for my graphics card NVIDIA Gforce 8600M GT [16:09] guys someone tell me a software similar to GOM Player [16:09] running 10.8 [16:10] hey all i still have a breezy running here, someone knows where i can find an rsync package for it? [16:10] someone will tell me or no? [16:11] Fuzzy: what is "GOM player"? [16:11] if i use the v180 driver i can not get 3d visual effects support i get the error "Desktop effects could not be enabled" [16:11] Fuzzy: What is this "GOM player"? [16:11] tuna, Video Player [16:11] AJC_Z0, Video Player [16:12] Fuzzy: There are many video players, including totem, xine, mplayer and vlc [16:12] sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome [16:12] AJC_Z0, When You're Downloading a Video File You can watch & Download that file... [16:12] where can i get a list of all the screensavers in hardy? [16:12] AJC_Z0, and i want something similar [16:12] and if i use version v173 driver i get an error at startup saying "screens found, but non of them have a use able config" [16:12] hi any one here played with ldap [16:12] Fuzzy: if you are downloading the file normally (sequentially) I cannot see why you can't do that with any video player [16:12] Fuzzy: So try each of those and see which one best fits all your requirements. You probably already have totem installed with Gnome [16:13] my ldap users cant chdir to home [16:13] I've been putting off upgrading to ubuntu 8.10, but I'm starting to find that I want to upgrade now... should I be OK to use the "upgrade distribution" option, or would I be better off installing fresh? [16:13] just open the partially dled file with the player of your choice [16:13] tuna, because the current video player not showing the video properly like gom [16:14] try vlc? === dimm is now known as user1 [16:14] really stuck here guys, i know its a driver issue, i just dont know howw to fix it, should i install "nvidia binary kernal module source", also what is thawt :P [16:15] its last years mac book pro, if that helps [16:15] how can i install counter strike on ubuntu 8.10.... do someone has a good howto please? [16:16] anyone here uses linux-phc ? i have ran the test, but mine fails ... however i managed to set the settings to: 12:0 10:0 8:0 6:0 the note seems to run very good at this settings. It was heating a lot when some process which used much cpu like a kernel compile was started... and so everything took much longer to finish. so what i think is very weird is i am using all 0 .. is this normal? [16:18] anyone know what email can use for evolution mail? [16:18] why is there no documentation about how to make a gfs FS on ubuntu ? [16:18] hello people [16:18] a question [16:18] I upgraded to intrepid yesterday [16:18] gizmo: gmail for examle [16:18] arc, dont ask to ask [16:19] but my machine now is too slow [16:19] oCean_, other than gmail? [16:19] ' [16:19] ArcSighter: slow how [16:19] ArcSighter: what kind of machine [16:19] I couldn't manage to get thunderbird, firefox, pidgin and a terminal [16:19] without huge delays [16:19] !enter > ArcSighter [16:19] ArcSighter, please see my private message [16:19] it didn't happened to me in hardy [16:19] terribily slow [16:20] well [16:20] how do I limit how much space tmpfs can use? [16:20] hardy is better [16:20] oCean_, other than gmail? [16:20] :) [16:20] gizmo: well, the mail service should allow pop or imap acccess [16:20] well, that's the fact mi pc is now terribly slow after upgrading to hardy, the only new is that avahi-daemon is running anything else [16:20] i'm following an acer aspire one tutorial, and it doesn;t really give details on how much ram the tmpfs change is using, but i think it's slowing down the system === MTecknology is now known as MTeck [16:20] any ideas? [16:20] ArcSighter: what kind of pc are you talking about? a desktop or a notebook or what [16:21] can anyone help me or point me in me in the right direction to setup my gforce 8600m gt in ubuntu 10.8 [16:21] i tryed install the propriatery drivers, but i can enable 3d effects [16:21] gizmo: I'm on gmail.. don't know about all those other services. [16:21] mib_mok1sv82: instal the nvidia drivers [16:21] can not enable the 3d effects [16:21] jokkah a desktop pc [16:22] mib_mok1sv82: then you must enable the driver [16:22] funny, i was reading yesterday in slashdot an article about lots of people reporting exactly the same as ArcSighter [16:22] jokkah: if i use the v180 driver i can not get 3d visual effects support i get the error "Desktop effects could not be enabled" [16:22] mib_mok1sv82: then you can use th effects [16:22] Juaco1 the article gave solutions??? [16:22] mib_mok1sv82: try other driver... [16:22] mib_mok1sv82: v179 [16:23] mib_mok1sv82: i dont know, i dont have an nvidia, but thats what you should do... [16:23] hi [16:23] it enabled effects by default after upgrading but I set them to none, so I don't know [16:23] jokkah: if i use version v173 driver i get an error at startup saying "screens found, but non of them have a use able config" [16:23] xorg itself is consuming a lot of more memory than I'm used to [16:23] nope, just guessings, a few said it was that the last kernels have too many new features (mainly in task/mem management), others blamed software bloat [16:24] jokkah: i tryed all drivers, should i install "nvidia binary kernal module source", also what is thawt :P [16:24] or does tmpfs only "use" memory when files are copied to the virtual ramdrive? [16:24] well uname -r [16:24] 2.6.27-9-generic [16:24] it it unstable branch [16:24] in hardy i was at 2.6.26 [16:24] something wrong with the kernel? [16:25] ArcSighter: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [16:25] well anyway what do you recommend? [16:25] dunno, wait i'll see if i get the post for ya [16:25] mib_mok1sv82: yes i think you should.. [16:26] mib_mok1sv82: it comes with the driver? [16:26] jokkah: thanks for the help i have beven trying for hours [16:26] I'm using ubuntu server kernel [16:26] ArcSighter: nothing's wrong with it, 2.6.17-9 is the kernel in intrepid [16:26] harish [16:26] 2.6.27-9, that is [16:26] because server kernel use, then 4GB RAM be used. [16:26] mib_mok1sv82: i have installed a nvidia on deb based distros, and i dont remember having any problem at al... [16:26] hi [16:26] not 64bit. [16:27] jokkah: what does it mean [16:27] Ahem. [16:27] mib_mok1sv82: oh btw id your 64bit?¿ [16:27] hiiiiiii [16:27] ArcSighter, my conclusion on that was that ubuntu is a system where you are making a choice, if your choice is performance over everything else, maybe you'll feel better with other, lower level distros [16:27] jokkah: what does it mean binary kernel module [16:27] i cant boot from live cd [16:27] busybox starts [16:27] yes I know is the intrepid's kernel, I was just .27 in unstable branch, and maybe its an issue [16:27] why in evolutione dont have pop3? [16:27] yes [16:27] is it pop3 same like pop? [16:27] Kerio: Busybox isn't good, did you verify the live-cd was burned correctly? [16:28] mib_mok1sv82: it means the driver will add some modules, so your kernel will be prepared to use all the graphics card functions for example the 3d stuff [16:28] please serch in internet [16:28] kernel, yes in waht? [16:28] Juaco1 I came from debian [16:28] it depends on your hardware and what do you want to do with your system and how much effort do you want to put in order to do it [16:28] and no it's not performance [16:28] gizmo, Please, use the Google.. :) [16:28] but I can't possibly work in a machine that suddenly became so slow [16:28] mib_mok1sv82: so you sure want to install that too.... [16:29] ASULutzy yes, i installed from that cd previously [16:29] Juaco1 pv [16:29] k [16:29] Kerio: Then some piece of hardware on your system must not be very happy with Ubuntu for some reason [16:29] How to install amarok 2 in Ubuntu? Do I have to use backports? [16:30] sancho21: just use add/remove programs, type in amarok in search field. [16:30] jokkah: it seems i can onlm have one of thevm at a time, is mtmhims correct? [16:31] mib_mok1sv82: choose the new one then [16:31] thats very strange, cause i have been using ubuntu for quite some thime [16:31] Hi [16:31] and it worked fined til i disconnected a hard drive [16:31] mib_mok1sv82: type correct, or are you drunk? [16:31] gaping_goatse, Amarok 2 is not found. [16:31] maybe it remapped the drive i disconnected [16:32] but the drive i disconnected didn't have any linuxOS on it [16:32] where can I submit an Ubuntu wallpaper I created for possible use in the next Ubuntu release? [16:32] just one old winOS [16:32] jokkah: i split tea over my keyboard it does random things lol [16:32] Kerio: Sounds like the BIOS reset the boot order after you changed the drive. Check the BIOS to make sure the order is 1. CDrom 2. USB sdrive 3. HD === MTeck is now known as MTecknology [16:32] in the console emulator (gnome terminal) when I press ctrl+left arrow it doesn t select the word on the left but writes ;5D instead [16:32] mib_mok1sv82: thats why your card wont work.. the tea hit the graphics card aswell [16:33] in the console emulator (gnome terminal) when I press ctrl+left arrow it doesn t select the word on the left but writes ;5D instead [16:34] gaping_goatse: the grub loads fine [16:34] jokkah: na it didnt, works fine in windows [16:34] amnay: ui, that sux [16:34] sorry? [16:34] amnay: must be some bashrc settings [16:34] its after i have selected a kernel and after the ubuntu splashscreen the busybox starts [16:34] is there a decent editor for linux? gui one [16:34] besides kate and gnome edit? [16:34] I know [16:34] hellos [16:34] II mean [16:34] hellow [16:34] I m not sure [16:34] hi all [16:35] Harlin: what do you mean decent? [16:35] Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: open(/var/lib/php5/sess_8adb03e79d7a540e4f486a0a5d9e6f5a, O_RDWR) failed: Permission denied (13) in /var/www/web33/web/templates/joomla_hosting/styleswitcher.php on line 10 [16:35] usta: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [16:35] Harlin: both vim and emacs have gui versions :-) [16:35] when I am root , it doesn t have the same issue [16:35] thanls [16:35] besides either one of those two [16:35] so I replaced my .bashrc with root's and it didn t fixed it [16:35] Harlin: so, a bad editor, then? [16:35] amnay: add a new user, see if its working under his acc and get his bashrc and copy over yours and test... and make a backup before, of course.. [16:35] I did [16:35] k [16:35] it didn t work out [16:35] heres a wierd question. Is it possible to run firefox or another gui based web browser through the sehll. Not w3m, elink, lynx but Firefox or similar [16:36] can anyone help me there is link ? [16:36] http://paste.ubuntu.com/105609/ [16:36] Harlin: leafpad :) [16:36] hmm.. Busybox would indicate that GRUB doesnt know where the / partition is.. Try loading up the boot cd and using Partition Editor to VIEW which device the / partition is on. [16:36] nothing light [16:36] Permission denied (13) in /var/www/web33/web/templates/joomla_hosting/styleswitcher.php on line 10 [16:36] Permission denied (13) in /var/www/web33/web/templates/joomla_hosting/styleswitcher.php on line 10 [16:37] jokkah: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [16:37] something that can be used for writing scripts .. almost an ide [16:37] can anyone help me there is link http://paste.ubuntu.com/105609/ [16:37] Doonz: u mean starting ff from the shell? [16:37] but a light ide [16:37] lik running it through the ssh shell [16:37] usta: ^ [16:37] Doonz: In what way? running a gui-based program without a gui? [16:37] does tmpfs only use space when files are copied to it? [16:37] Joker_-_, yes [16:37] usta: its a little obvious [16:37] usta: looks like the permissions are not set right? [16:37] Doonz: Nope. There is a library to run via ASCII art, but it's slow, and is more of a joke. [16:37] Harlin: geany, scribes from the top of my head [16:37] gaping_goatse: thanx [16:38] dayo_, what can i do ? [16:38] geany [16:38] thats it [16:38] usta: change the permissions? [16:38] yes [16:38] Doonz: if you get aalib (the library for ascii art) you can run some things through it. For example, there's a plugin for AAlib for mplayer. [16:38] Harlin: there's also scite if you need light [16:38] dayo_, but i do not know what must i do now [16:38] yeah that one's ok [16:38] geany though [16:39] that's the one i was looking [16:39] ok :) [16:39] hi. [16:39] gaping_goatse: i just want to be able to use firefox in my ssh so i can view all websites cause w3m and elinks dont handle alot of the ones i frequent properly [16:39] Can someone help me find this bug - I'm sure I've seen a bug on launchpad concerning microphone volume on a Dell Inpiron 1420N being very low in Ubuntu 8.10 (Intel HD Audio Controller - 82801H - ICH8). [16:40] Doonz, use ssh -X user@host to forward X11 [16:40] then launch firefox normally from CLI === chandz is now known as chand [16:40] which pdf reader is good for marking pdfs with a yellow marker on linux? like you can do with foxit... [16:40] dayo_, i solved thanks all [16:40] i use lynx instead of firefox... [16:41] elashish: this server is headless so there is no gui at all [16:41] usta: ok [16:41] why can't i use vnc in the terminal server client? it's greyed out in interpred [16:42] Hello everyone, I am having trouble getting my sound to work. I am currently using Realtek ALC889A; which is onboard. A fellow told me yesterday he had it working well. aplay -l Reconizes my sound, so does lspci. Anyone have suggestions? Im fairly new to Linux btw. [16:42] On that note, brb 1 moment! [16:43] hi [16:43] jerr: have you checked mixer/mute settings? [16:43] how could i connect bluetooth headset to ubuntu [16:43] it could browse it but is unable to connect [16:44] what is the command to remove non empty directories? [16:44] dundel: not sure about that. It isn't in my ts client.. however there is also a "remote desktop viewer" in applications > internet menu [16:45] mynameistux: rm -rf [16:45] mynameistux: "rm -rf " Be careful :) [16:45] thank you [16:45] I feel powerful now [16:45] mynameistux: append -r switch to rm === Swish[\] is now known as Swish [16:46] hi [16:46] Juaco: yeah, but then it asks if I want to remove each induvidual file, and that is a pain [16:46] mynameistux: you might want to start with rm -r the -f option tells it to do it without asking which has been a bad experience for many a new user. [16:46] yeah, I know, but its done now [16:46] I was careful [16:46] mynameistux: ditto scampbell [16:47] hey could any one help me [16:47] !ask | sahil_ [16:47] sahil_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [16:47] my bluetooth headset (dell bh200) is unable to connect to ubuntu [16:47] what is Ubuntu's equivalent of c:/program files/ ? [16:48] lasivian: most binaries are stored in /usr/bin [16:48] lasivian: binaries are installed in /usr/bin /usr/sbin /bin and /sbin mainly, but there are other folders with config, program data etc [16:48] lasivian i think its /usr/bin [16:48] oh, I must be thinking wrong... [16:49] Hi, Ive just installed dnsutils on my hardy server, and when configuring bind9, it says /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.named is different from what the package wants to install. Here are the diff: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/105610/. What should I do? [16:49] any news on jaunty alpha 3? its delayed i guess? [16:49] hi! How can I prevent my usb disks from being automounted? [16:49] gui stuff is stored seperately I assume [16:49] laslivan: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard <- have a look at that, it should enlighten you. [16:49] is there an app that can quickly convert image formats? Like a mini-gimp? [16:49] DefamedPrawn: imagemagick [16:49] (or if not preventing from automounting, at least prevent them from popping up windows) [16:49] for example, if I want to find an icon a program is using I would look for it's running directory. But in Linux the icon is part of the windows system and the binary is seperate [16:50] DEfamedPrawn: imagemagick is a collection of image manipulation programs. It comes with 'convert' which does as you ask. [16:50] DefamedPrawn: use convert/mogrify form imagemagik in command line [16:50] lasivian: There is a good description of what goes in what directories on Linux systems here: http://www.comptechdoc.org/os/linux/usersguide/linux_ugfilestruct.html [16:50] so is there any solution to my problem or not [16:50] thanks guys. Is there a grapical one? [16:50] DefamedPrawn: gimp [16:50] DefamedPrawn: also in the extras plugin package for gimp there is a batch converter [16:50] genii: thanks. it's the re-alignment in how basic things are done that's taking some getting used to :) [16:51] DefamedPrawn: er, "gimp" Gnu Image Manipulation Program... I wasn't name calling :) [16:51] ooh, I wouldn;t mind a gui for Imagemagick myself [16:51] lasivian: Yes, it's hard to shift paradigms easily [16:52] possible to get geany to open a file using scp or ftp? [16:52] how to connect bluetooth headset to ubuntu [16:52] how to connect bluetooth headset to ubuntu [16:52] Hi. How to get PPA to compile also on hardy ? [16:52] how to connect bluetooth headset to ubuntu [16:52] what exactly should I call the base Ubuntu "windows" system, I hear KDE, Gnome and X [16:52] how to connect bluetooth headset to ubuntu [16:52] sahil_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [16:52] how to connect bluetooth headset to ubuntu [16:52] guys .. nVidia Corporation G71GL [Quadro FX 3500] < -- i think this is killing my battery .. anyone ever heard of a video card eating up battery ? [16:52] Can someone tell me if I can accept those changes safely in /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.named ? diff: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/105610/ [16:53] !patience | sahil_ [16:53] sahil_: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [16:53] sorry folks [16:53] i apologize [16:54] i got the firefoox to connect [16:54] but i am trying to find a solution from 1 week, forums, google and i am still at it so you know, it just [16:54] How can I get privilege to permanently mount an internal hard drive? [16:54] sahil: patience, many of he rest of us have ongoing problems we have not solved either [16:54] Im back. [16:54] no how do i get a removeable drive to be reconized when i plug it in [16:55] Anyone able to get Realtek ALC889A working in 8.10? === Swish[\] is now known as Swish [16:55] this is the line in my /etc/fstab UUID=f71cc15a-1c83-4198-9b2f-fd3a1a6c1acb /media/disk ext2 0 0 [16:55] mount it [16:56] sahil_: I can't it says I have no privileges to do so [16:56] use su [16:56] reya276: It doesn't look like you have the right number of columns [16:56] to become root first [16:56] sahil_, no [16:56] !fstab [16:56] The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions [16:56] reya276: You're missing an options column? [16:56] sahil_: I need this drive to be mounted as soon as I login [16:56] !noroot | sahil_ [16:56] sahil_: We don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-) [16:57] in options you can specify which users are able to mount it [16:57] such as user,noauto,exec [16:57] s [16:57] Hello everyone, I am having trouble getting my sound to work. I am currently using Realtek ALC889A; which is onboard. A fellow told me yesterday he had it working well. aplay -l Reconizes my sound, so does lspci. Anyone have suggestions? Im fairly new to Linux btw. [16:58] bazhang: thanks, that's good to know :) [16:58] Are those changes safe to accept: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/105610/ ? on a hardy server. Thanks. [16:58] hey, im trying to use masquerading in order to give another pc internet via ethernet, this pc gets internet via wlan, dhcp. it worked yesterday after executing echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward and iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE. and after install dnsmasq and ipmasq. when rebooting this pc unfortunately i didnt have internet anymore, so i removed them again. but even after reinstalling them the masquerading does not work, there i [16:58] s a connection between the two pcs, but no internet forwarding. any idea anyone? :) [16:59] s/install/installing [16:59] hy [16:59] Any Ideas? [17:00] jerr, stupid idea maybe, but did you check the alsamixer? maybe just something muted [17:00] use a graphical tool look in synaptic ntfs-3g [17:00] c369 : I have everything turned up. Im using a USB headset. [17:01] use it reya [17:01] c369: Someone told me they had theirs working yesterday [17:01] MegaJim: ok I added defaults to that missing column but I still can't access it, do I have reboot the system [17:02] sahil_: graphical interface, what? really [17:02] reya276: Try 'sudo mount -a' [17:02] a graphical tool to mount [17:02] Nomexous: this is not a one time thing, I need this drive to automatically show and function on login [17:02] look it in synaptic [17:03] Whenever I reboot, the sound is muted. I have to go into alsamixer and turn up the volume for the 'Front' channel. [17:03] reya276: Yes, but if you just changed the fstab, then you'll need to mount it manually the first time. Next time you boot up, it should automatically mount. [17:03] is there any workround [17:03] How do i get ubuntu to reconize an external ide harddrive fromated to fat when i plug it in [17:03] reya276: edit /etc/fstab [17:03] hey all [17:03] i've got a very strange problem [17:03] i should be able to ping a debian installer if the connection was setup correctly, right? [17:03] Anyone know where I can see what driver my sound is using? [17:04] Nomexous: oh I c [17:04] i've set up a dhcp/tftp-hpa server to allow me to do a PXE install [17:04] testing went fine [17:04] i.e. i can get files using tftp [17:04] Nomexous: this is the result mount: mount point /media/disk does not exist [17:04] but the syslog keeps saying that the client is searching for a file that doesn't exist [17:04] the file most definitely exists [17:05] i've even set 777 on it and its parent [17:05] catmando: tftp is often chrooted [17:05] it's running as root [17:05] catmando: so you need to take into account the path a the file is called [17:05] Anyone ever have their XRandR just disappear for no apparent reason? [17:05] reya276: Does the folder /media/disk exist? If not, sudo mkdir /media/disk [17:05] What does debuild -sa mean ? [17:06] it's set as an absolute path [17:06] some tftp servers (and hpa iirc) will chroot [17:06] reya276: Then sudo mount -a again [17:06] so /tftpboot/foo should be fetched as /foo [17:06] so I've got a panel in Gnome with the fast-user-switch applet on it. if I switch the orientation of the panel so it's docked on either side of my screen, the icon is displayed in the wrong spot (you can try it yourself). any idea how to fix this? === You're now known as ubuntulog [17:06] dhcp.conf has it as an absolute path though... [17:06] and it's failing right? [17:06] Nomexous: well that is where the disk suppose to mount [17:07] Solver, yeah [17:07] can't hurt to try it assuming a chroot. I have seen issues like that before where the path was a bit non-obvious [17:07] Nomexous: so before I change my fstab file I would mount it manually from nautilus and that is the path it would use /media/disk [17:08] if you use a tftp client would you fetch the file as /foo or /tftpboot/foo ? [17:08] reya276: So the folder exists and mount is giving you that error? [17:08] given that I have no idea about the real files involved :) === user1 is now known as user1_ [17:08] how do I change gnome-terminal to use white on black instead of black on white [17:08] morning folks - anyone have any experience with usb mouse stuttering? [17:09] Nope [17:09] reya276: I think if you mount it from Nautilus, it creates the folder, then deletes it when you unmount [17:09] please help: when I try to copy a dvd, the copy process stops after 200MB. however the dvd has a 4GB size. are there any tools to copy the complete dvd? (dvdrescue didn't work) [17:09] I'm trying to figure out why XRandR disappeared on me for no apparent reason ;( [17:09] reya276: But fstab and mount don't do that. [17:09] darius__: edit your profile, then go to the Colors tab [17:09] comicinker: dd [17:09] reya276: Just run 'sudo mkdir /media/disk; mount -a' and see if it works. [17:09] Solver, let me run a couple tests and provide a pastebin [17:09] Nomexous: ok [17:09] catmando: cool [17:09] ok [17:10] roflcopter: dd does also stop after 200MB [17:10] comicinker: try ddrescue instead [17:11] rg [17:11] The "developemnet" version of Wine 1.1.13 just became available today from winehq.org. Generally speaking, how long does it take for it to show up in the repositories? [17:11] half a year :p [17:12] there anything i can do to speed up the UI a little bit. i have a decent system, dont have compiz enabled but lot of the time when i have a few apps open, switchin between em is a little slow in that it shows the app you were using for like 1/2 a second.. [17:12] unless it goes to backports. [17:12] skydart: [17:12] skydart: use the winehq repo [17:12] skydart: for wine, it's usually best to use the repos provided by winehq [17:12] Has anyone had success making a bootable USB flash drive with/ 8.10? [17:13] skydart: ubuntu only have whats considered stable by wine.. (1.0.1 now). everything else is considered beta. by wine [17:13] sorry for my ignorance but where do I go to edit profiles? [17:13] ranec: I have [17:13] Chousuke, I am using the repo's from Wine, and I would have thought that it would automatically update it for me, but it doesn't. [17:13] Hi jsquared [17:13] darius__: Edit > Profiles... from the terminal menu [17:13] skydart: well, the winehq repos might take a while to update. [17:13] oh.. have they made a deb for it yet [17:13] I've done it twice with/ 2 different flash drives [17:13] and each failes differently [17:13] skydart: but you should ask the wine devs about that [17:13] how can i connect to wireless network with wpa encryption through the command line. I read that with wep it would be iwconfig eth1 essid X key Y, but I don't know how to do it with wpa. [17:14] ranec: never experienced anything like that [17:14] Chousuke, yes, I figured perhaps, but thought someone here might know. Perhaps a couple of days. Thanks, I'll check out the Wine devs about that. [17:14] How do i get ubuntu to reconize an external ide harddrive fromated to fat when i plug it in [17:14] jsquared: What should I change in the colours sections? [17:14] ranec: I just used the widget both times and it worked flawlessly [17:14] the process completes and claims to work, but neither actually boots [17:14] Does Ubuntu use GNOME 2.24? [17:14] Hello,,,,,,,does anyone have a Windows 98 theme for Ubuntu? [17:14] darius__: change it to whatever colors you want :) [17:14] hi guys [17:15] hey [17:15] Does Ubuntu use i686 binaries? [17:15] you are all typing fast! [17:15] i searched gnome look and couldnt find one!! [17:15] My 1GB flash drive says that syslinux cannot find vesa.c32 [17:15] seems they havent compiled binaries yet.. [17:15] and that's what's causing the mouse to be jumpy? [17:15] how many wpm? average? [17:15] john_anderson: not me sorry :) [17:15] Woden: no [17:15] solver,,, /me cries [17:15] and my 8GB flash drive says "missing operating system" [17:15] it_croud: I'm about 60 or 70 I think [17:15] anyone knows why my download rate (before abt. 1mt/s to 800kt/s) after i downgraded from 8.10 to 7.10? also when im running winxp i can download faster. [17:15] tritium: No to which question? [17:15] it_croud: irc makes you type fast [17:15] Hello all, first time ever on IRC figured out how to install Ubuntu and learned enuf about sudo to get myself in trouble. how y'all doin' [17:15] Is there anythin specific about the drives I should know / prepare? [17:15] darius__: for example, if you want black-on-white like you said before, pick "black on white" from the built-in-schemes list [17:15] i can type 32- 40 wpm ONLY [17:15] ranec: well I'd definitely format them first [17:16] Woden: i686 binaries [17:16] LOL [17:16] OK, with/ what FS? [17:16] it_croud: I used to type songs in to irc as they were playing on the radio [17:16] I think you have me confused w/someone else - I'm the one that's having mouse stuttering issues [17:16] it_croud: it made me fast :) [17:16] I heard FAT16 [17:16] how much time i need to type fast like 50 -60 wpm?? [17:16] darius__: oh, I'm an idiot [17:16] how can i connect to wireless network with wpa encryption through the command line. I read that with wep it would be iwconfig eth1 essid X key Y, but I don't know how to do it with wpa. [17:16] tritium: Why not? Do many people use a CPU older than the Pentium Pro? [17:16] darius__: I meant to be sending those to roflcopter [17:16] No you're not > You were trying to help :) [17:16] it_croud: doesn't take that long if you practice [17:16] Solver:Cool well done [17:17] install_device not specified. < is what I get trying to do: rub-install --root-directory=/mnt/foo < and wondering if someone could PM me on what I am doing wrong ? ;)) [17:17] ranec: fat32 would be better imo [17:17] it_croud: a few months, even weeks if you tried hard [17:17] how do you select the user name only in xhat? [17:17] ranec: particularly for larger images [17:17] please take wpm discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic [17:17] s/rub/grub :) [17:17] Solver: ok thanks man [17:17] anyone? [17:17] Woden: a study was done, and the performance gains were so minimal, that it wasn't it [17:17] wasn't _worth_ it [17:17] anyone have any experience with mounting external usb hd? [17:17] it_croud: good luck :) [17:17] darius__: plug it in, should be automatic for all recent drives [17:17] Can I format it from within Ubuntu? (I'm currently in XP) [17:18] I there! | I'm runing Ubuntu 8.10 and I was trying to install official ATI Drivers. Is there any known issue with Intrepid? With 8.04 everything was fine, but now not even with the binary (8.12) from ATI site works. [17:18] darius__: automatically for me [17:18] so, funny story. As soon as I turned on my firewall, my internet connection broke [17:18] ranec: oh, you're making it from XP? [17:18] No, I'm just currently *in* XP [17:18] it's not [17:18] it [17:18] I'll boot form CD-ROM into Ubuntu & make it there [17:18] darius__: does it work with another computer? [17:18] i am bit in a trouble. when i login with GDM, it shows "Error" in a popped dialog [17:18] it will work if I'm in xp [17:18] ranec: that works. you could also try the wubi installer [17:19] but not in ubuntu on 2 dif computers [17:19] darius__: okay. well, mounting is also straightforward [17:19] when I do sudo, first output is "error", then the thing works [17:19] I've tried terminal mounting it as well [17:19] darius__: do you see it in the list of drives in nautilus? [17:19] also, when I open graphical apps, which require user authentication, it hangs [17:19] So i can use wubi in XP from the CD-ROM to make the USB flash drive? :-O [17:19] can someone suggest me how to get out of this [17:19] ra21vi: have you been screwing with PAM or nsswitch.conf? :) [17:20] ranec: er, sorry [17:20] doesn't see it in nautlus [17:20] Solver: i may not have, but I once used LikeWise app for Domain joining [17:20] I meant UNetbootin, not wubi [17:20] ranec: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent#UNetbootin%20(GUI-based,%20runs%20from%20either%20Windows%20or%20Linux) [17:20] if I reconnect it, it shows for about 2 seconds [17:20] how do i get flash working in ubuntu? (never used linux before) [17:21] darius__: hmm [17:21] this is the app : domainjoin-gui by LikeWise [17:21] darius__: do you see it in /media ? [17:21] anyone can help me about how to use new os..im now using ubuntu..and want to install vista.. [17:21] jsquared: TVM will try that :D [17:21] ra21vi: check what /etc/nsswitch.conf says. compare it to a working box. be very careful when editing that file - don't change it unless you are sure your fix is right or you can easily lock yourself out entirely [17:21] ra21vi: also, check the logs for sudo [17:21] gizmo, dual boot? [17:21] it shows cdrom cdrom0 and ntfs [17:21] ra21vi: it may give a clue [17:21] switchin between apps in gnome is a little slow, like 1/2 a second delay or so between showin the app in front to the app ive switched to, is this just "life" with gnome .. dont have compiz enabled, have a decent laptop tho. [17:21] darius__: ah, it's ntfs [17:21] bazhang, i want to use 2 os.. [17:21] frankS2: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree [17:21] ra21vi: it really sounds like the user authentication is a bit broken [17:21] darius__: can you browse it? [17:22] you mean do a dir? [17:22] I've got an issue sending files from / browsing my camera phone with ubuntu bluetooth. anyone able to help me debug? [17:22] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo gizmo [17:22] Solver: how can I see sudo log [17:22] darius__: well, ls, but yeah [17:22] I'm in terminaal [17:22] was wondering if I could get a hand with printing, CUPS is way over my head I'm a desktop user running 8.10 on a rather ancient machine with an HP LaserJet 4000 on LPT01 paralell, it installed flawlessly and fuctioned, then disappeared now cups won't function with hp software to install it and commands from forums end in denied error from cups attempts at restart of cups fail also [17:22] nothing in ntfs [17:22] ciao, I'll be back if I get stuck again ;) [17:22] ra21vi: /var/log/authlog (check exact name). if possible set debug logs on and look in /var/log/debug [17:23] darius__: you probably need to follow these steps: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions/ThirdPartyNTFS3G [17:23] ra21vi: auth.log sorry [17:23] darius__: ntfs isn't the greatest file system to work with [17:23] what is the name of the xine package? [17:23] will try now - thanks [17:23] Solver: i dont have any other working machine, just this Ubuntu workstation [17:23] kk [17:23] ra21vi: download a live cdrom incase you need to use it to rescue the system [17:23] ra21vi: I like knoppix [17:23] darius__: good luck! [17:24] i want to use dial up but gnomeppp couldnt find device file i m using motorola sm56 data faxmodem so how do i install modem file [17:24] Solver, i think I know what it is [17:24] sending files with bluetooth to the phone works fine, and so does using it as a modem (using it now) [17:24] how do i get flash working in ubuntu? (never used linux before) [17:24] catmando: cool [17:24] Solver: in auth.conf, here is the error sudo: pam_lwidentity(sudo:account): cannot contact daemon [17:24] Solver, it seems that tftp-hpa can't handle symlinks [17:24] Solver, which is a new bug :( [17:24] Nomexous: that worked, but I had to change my UUID for /dev/sdb5 [17:24] it seems i dont have the nvidia mkms on my new install of 10.8 i tryed "rpm -qa | grep dkms " and it returned nothing, how would i go about ddownloading them [17:24] ra21vi: right so you are trying to authenticate outside the local system [17:24] Nomexous: thanks [17:24] I have an item called 'xine' in my media menu but I can't find the package for it in synaptic [17:25] Solver: any way to correct it? [17:25] Solver, since all the tutorials use tftp-hpa and a symlink for the configuration folder [17:25] mib_qn9ny3j2: Are you using Ubuntu? We use apt to manage packages, not rpm. [17:25] ra21vi: you need to figure out what sort of auth you want and make sure that is right. local auth is by far the easiest to use [17:25] bah... [17:25] how can i connect to wireless network with wpa encryption through the command line. I read that with wep it would be iwconfig eth1 essid X key Y, but I don't know how to do it with wpa. [17:25] are there any other tools that I can try to copy dvd? dd, dd_rescue won't help to copy the (recently bought, brand new) dvd. please help [17:25] Solver: also this - sudo: rskumar : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/home/rskumar ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/domainjoin-gui [17:25] catmando: ah. I wonder if it is for security [17:25] comicinker: dvd::rip or k9copy [17:26] catmando: check the man page to see if there is a way to allow symlinks [17:26] ra21vi: so you want to auth to a domain [17:26] i have a couple of accounts set up on my xubuntu 8.10 machine and all of a sudden one account will not load any of the panels but the other works perfectly fine. any clues? [17:26] is it logical to mount a lvm partition using nfs ? [17:26] Solver: I was using localauth, but just got this likewise app domainjoin for try to connect in my company domain [17:26] ra21vi: is this an Active Directory domain? [17:26] pici: i see i thought i could you both , how do i check my dkms modules using apt, [17:26] Solver: I want localauth [17:26] ra21vi: so you want to do back to local [17:26] cool [17:26] or should I place a partition on lvm and share that using nfs ? [17:26] pici: use both [17:26] Solver: yes [17:26] i want to use dial up but gnomeppp couldnt find device file i m using motorola sm56 data faxmodem so how do i install modem file [17:26] ra21vi: one sec.. [17:26] Pici: I think I need a tool to surpass some "limitation" of that dvd... [17:27] * suki sukiminna [17:27] anyone got a suggestions for where to start when I got sluggish playback of raw mpeg data in linuxmce? both live tv and playing dvd/xvid is crap when there is more than 20-30% change in picture.. it is like there is a small delay drawiing the lines from around the middle and to the bottom.. It gets worse with higher resolution (HD stream is worse).. and seems to worsen when I perform data moving/copy on the disks simultaniously [17:27] ra21vi: checkout http://pastebin.com/m8cbad86 [17:27] Solver: that would be great, if my everything works fine,. just installed latest ubuntu 5 days ago, and updated, install many apps for my work... so now I dont want to install [17:27] hi Ubuntu 8.10, trying to use Likewise to join to an AD domain. When I use my FQDN "midco.local", it says CENTERROR_DOMAINJOIN_UNRESOLVED_DOMAIN_NAME but I can resolve that name just fine via CLI. Anyone know why it would say that? [17:27] ra21vi: that is a vanilla nsswitch.conf from ubuntu 8.04 [17:27] how do i get flash working in ubuntu? (never used linux before) [17:28] ra21vi: before copying it in, compare to your existing one [17:28] Create an NTFS partition for windows (using fdisk or whatever tool you are familiar with) <--whats this mean? [17:28] ra21vi: it ispossible the problem is in PAM (programable authenticate modules) and not nsswitch [17:28] Solver: ahh, I should also use the pastebin rather than pasting here [17:28] but it is a good place to start [17:28] Solver: let me compare it [17:28] ra21vi: backup any file you change [17:28] !flash >frankS2 [17:28] frankS2, please see my private message [17:28] ra21vi: ideally run a full backup [17:28] Solver: yup sure [17:28] john_anderson: http://art.gnome.org/themes/metacity/1342 ?? [17:28] mib_qn9ny3j2: I'm not sure of the command, sorry :/ [17:29] ra21vi: nsswitch.conf is not known for tolerating mistakes :) [17:29] ubottu, thank you :) [17:29] Sorry, I don't know anything about thank you :) [17:29] frankS2: :) [17:29] whats wrong with installing ubuntu via wubi? [17:29] Solver: that is exactly the same in my nsswitch.conf [17:30] Solver: no diff, [17:30] ra21vi: ok you'll need to dig into PAM. [17:30] ra21vi: assuming I'm on the right track. do you have backups? [17:30] Hey all [17:30] how can i connect to wireless network with wpa encryption through the command line. I read that with wep it would be iwconfig eth1 essid X key Y, but I don't know how to do it with wpa. [17:31] Solver: not yet [17:31] ok tryed just got the error "Error! DKMS tree does not contain: nvidia-177.70", where can i download it [17:31] Solver: do I have to take the whole system backup [17:31] ra21vi: ok. you need to compare to a vanilla ubuntu box of the same version [17:31] cd /tmp/firefox [17:31] doh! [17:31] ra21vi: if you care about the system then you should have backups [17:31] y [17:31] trying somethin [17:31] lol sorry [17:31] ra21vi: your presence here implies you do since you are spending time to fix it === CodeGuru is now known as SolidLiq [17:31] Solver: uhh yes, now I understand the importance of backups [17:32] ra21vi: if you installed a working ubuntu in say vmware you could compare the two systems [17:32] l [17:32] ra21vi: once you have backups you could consider a DR - disaster recovery - to revert the broken configuration [17:32] hi there, i've just turned on my acer aspire one (ath5k wireless chipset) and the wireless refuses to see access points or connect to the remember access point [17:33] Solver: any good tool for easy backup and recovery [17:33] ? [17:33] *remembered [17:33] hi can anybody please help [17:33] it seems to be scrambling the wpa2-psk key in network-manager [17:33] ra21vi: there are a lot. I use the XFS filesystem so use xfsdump. Tar is good but you really should have the filesystem read-only or unmounted. if you use LVM you can take a snapshot & back that up [17:33] i keep putting it in but it changes it to a much longer string of hex [17:33] ra21vi: there are almost as many answers to that question as unix users :) [17:34] Solver: haha, right [17:34] i've just bought a laptop, and im on the live ubunut, but sound doesnt work on the speakers just on the headphones its a HP6380, has anybody had any expirience like this? [17:34] ra21vi: tar is good place to start though. if it is a workstation you could just boot from knoppix and tar it all up once a week [17:34] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=571188 jacobw-uk [17:34] ra21vi: automated backups are better but start simple :) [17:34] Solver: well, since I did mistake, === N is now known as Guest95577 [17:35] C] [17:35] ra21vi: start the backups anyway assuming you care about the personal data [17:35] Solver: hmm, when I was using Gentoo, I used to take backup snapshots [17:35] cool [17:35] When I try to install Kubuntu, there comes a screen saying something with BusyBox and (initramfs). It's a fresh computer build. I just finished it. [17:35] david_brent1: Try running gnome-volume-control and check the ALSA settings for the speakers [17:35] does anyone know a good tutorial on freeing up disk space? [17:35] Stalker72, did you md5 the iso [17:35] i've got 8GB of SSD in my notebook and I want to keep as much empty as I can :) [17:36] I need help getting my blackberry bluetooth phone syn in ubuntu. I already fallow my howto by installing gnome-blue and obex-vfs-ftp something, but still can't access phone. The error message I get when trying to connect is could not display obex:///xxxx with also a message want me to tried select another viewer. Any I dea here and your help is appreciated. [17:36] Solver: who would like recompiling when you do a little mistakes. But I got much comfort with Ubuntu, and forgot the practice of backups [17:36] ra21vi: so good luck. that is a tricky situation to untangle. PAM is not simple [17:36] lasivian, netbooK? [17:36] bazhang: Probably no. I don't even know what it is. Does md5 have something to do with checksums? [17:36] hello !! [17:36] Solver: yup, thanks :) [17:36] ra21vi: well at least it wasn't lost personal data. could have been worse [17:36] Stalker72, yep /msg ubottu md5 [17:36] ra21vi: no. good luck again :) [17:36] * Solver goes back to work :) [17:37] AJC_Z0: did that, alsamixer only gives me one channel pulseaudio [17:37] Solver: yes, thats in Different partition, even my /home has different parititon [17:37] lasivian: That's a bit narrow for a tutorial. Remove archives, downloaded files (especially ISOs), unused temporary files, etc. Then look at unwanted packages [17:37] anyone know how to findout the size of pci-e port? is it x16 or what? [17:37] bazhang: Do I type something in the console? [17:37] ive turned up everything in the volume control [17:37] I have a blackberry pearl 8100 [17:37] any able to help out with the printing issue, noob drowning in cups [17:37] david_brent1: Right. That's why I suggested gnome-volume-control [17:37] Stalker72, right here in irc : /msg ubottu md5 [17:37] hiiiiiii [17:38] mysticdarkhack: the blackberry is not syncable with linux, there are tools in development but they are quite beta [17:38] Stalker72, failing that (ie its okay) then reburn at low speed and do the disk integrity check at startup [17:38] bazhang: Thx! Is it most likely a problem with the installation disc? I could always try Ubuntu. [17:38] anyone has solved the ubuntu intrepid slowdown problems? [17:38] Stalker72, makes no difference kubuntu/ubuntu [17:38] my ubuntu sound is very much low . can anyone help me? [17:38] bazhang: But if it [17:38] Stalker72, likely a bad burn [17:38] ArcSighter: I'm not aware of any problem with "slow down" [17:38] bazhang: ok [17:38] ikonia, oh now you tell me [17:39] ikonia, you tried it before? [17:39] bazhang: I could try another installation disc. That could fix it. Right? [17:39] rakesh: Check pulseaudio bar in alsamixer and sliders in gnome-volume-control [17:39] mysticdarkhack: I did some big research into it before purchasing a black berry and decided against it for this very reason [17:39] Stalker72, you are burning in windows or other linux [17:39] mysticdarkhack: it uses a propriatary bluetooth stack and the cable is not standard even for sync [17:39] bazhang: I think I burned it in Ubuntu. [17:39] david_brent1: Is there any sounds from the speakers? [17:39] bazhang: A while ago. [17:40] Stalker72, usually make a few coasters before I get it right myself :) [17:40] iuddlenly expereienced big slowdowns with desktop ubuntu after upgrading from 8.04.1 [17:40] mysticdarkhack: sorry to bring you bad news [17:40] AJC_Z0: none [17:40] ikonia, well it seem it work when connected with usb cable directly. [17:40] bazhang: brb, I'll try what you said. I'll report back. ;) [17:40] ArcSighter, please be much more specific [17:40] AJC_Z0: its freaking me out [17:40] mysticdarkhack: really ? you can sync it with the cable, I read it as a diffeent pin out [17:40] Solver, nah, it's a bug [17:40] Solver, thanks for the guidance [17:41] * catmando goes off to submit the bug [17:41] david_brent1: Sounds like it thinks you still have the headphones plugged in. Do you see any log entries when you insert and remove the headphone jack? [I don't know what, if any log, would have this] [17:41] david_brent1: Do the speakers work? [17:41] AJC_Z0: dunno now [17:41] hi [17:41] ikonia, actually is like a media, or reconize as storage, but I can that a different matter of a sort [17:42] mysticdarkhack: yes, it will see it as a dumb disk [17:42] AJC_Z0: gonna go try arch or something live to see if theres any luck there [17:42] david_brent1: Best test them by booting something else which makes noise === julio_ is now known as JulioNeto [17:42] mysticdarkhack: shouldn't be syncable though [17:42] AJC_Z0: thanks anyway man [17:42] mysticdarkhack: (unless you use the development tools, which where hit and miss when I tried them with my demo phone) [17:42] there is a dguitar package in gutsy, but not in hardy or interpid. how can i find out what happened, why it was removed? [17:43] does anyone know if you can run 2 monitors off a video card and third off the onbaord mb video in hardy heron ? [17:43] I'm following this wiki: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Intrepid_Installation_Guide#Installation_Guide_for_Ubuntu_Intrepid_.28v_8.10.29 | When I run aticonfig --initial -f I get a Segmentation Fault [17:43] is there a way to specify that I only want to upgrade certain files and their dependencies? [17:43] ikonia, well suck for my blackbery [17:43] I've googled, but with no luck :| [17:43] david_brent1: Good luck. The one time I lost sound on Ubuntu 8.04 I ended up re-installing because I could not work out how to get it back [17:43] how to delete my log-in terminal? [17:43] I only want to upgrade certain packages rather (not files) [17:43] mysticdarkhack: I know - it's bad news, there is a protest filed with rim over it, but nothing will be changing [17:43] ikonia, don't feel like getting another phone and I still like my blackberry [17:44] anyone connecting bluetooth headset in ubuntu [17:44] bazhang I've upgraded from 8.04.01 [17:44] gizmo, why would you want to do that? [17:44] mysticdarkhack: I concur - I liked mine, but swapped it within 14 days due to this problem [17:44] and after that I couldn't manage to get 3 applications opened without freezing [17:44] bazhang, i mean the log that i dont need and from trash bin. [17:44] ikonia, what phone work with ubuntu? [17:45] mysticdarkhack: nokie E71 [17:45] ArcSighter, so have I, and no worries; it would be helpful if you gave pertinent details, links to forums threads and/or bug reports [17:45] even the latest one n? [17:45] mysticdarkhack: that was my replacment for the blackberry bold, just as good, smaller lighter and supported with linux [17:45] and for those with the audio issue try compiling alsa drivers [17:45] bazhang [17:46] I don't think t-mobile have an Nokia N series yet [17:46] I got loadavg of 12 [17:46] ArcSighter, yes? [17:46] mysticdarkhack: no idea [17:46] after i upgraded I couldn't manage to get firefox, thunderbird and pidgin running at the same time, it's terribily slow [17:47] ikonia, thank for the help and info. Now I'm going to get my finger reader working [17:47] Hello Again again i am back with yet another question.... [17:47] as I said I'm a day off downgrading to hardy or maybe upgrading to jaunty but this is unaceptable [17:47] I downloaded a couple of window borders and ive having problems using them [17:47] bazhang: I tried with a Linux Mint 5 installation disc and got the same problem. [17:47] which mua apart from evolution can download mail from ms exchange using the ms proprietary protocol? [17:47] ArcSighter, just saying 'its slower' wont get it fixed. [17:47] Anyone knows if there is a silent switch for dpkg? So it doesn't give any output on operations? I can't seem to find anything about it. [17:48] they are in .xml form.. [17:48] bazhang pv [17:48] gouki: Just pipe the output to /dev/null [17:48] ArcSighter, you need to point to specific bugs, instances of crashes etc [17:48] Pici, that's what I've bee using. Was just looking for a prettier way :) But that works, indeed :) [17:49] I got no crashes besides sigkills I've usually send to this software when are frozen [17:49] ArcSighter, please keep this in channel, more eyes to solve the problem once you give pertinent details [17:49] ok [17:49] well define pertinent details [17:49] what do you need [17:49] ? [17:49] does anyone know how to make a full format (overwrite with zeros) in gparted? [17:50] hi, i have a little problem with cmake in ubuntu.... [17:50] hi to everyone [17:51] -- checking for module 'fftw3f>=3.0.0' [17:51] -- package 'fftw3f>=3.0.0' not found [17:51] where do I find fftw3f??? [17:51] what is that, at all? [17:51] well I've already searched at http://ubuntuforums.org many people had the issue, but there aren't solutions that worked for me [17:51] for system name should i use a FQDN or just short name? [17:51] i just noticed that zenoss is not in the ubuntu repos. any reason why? [17:51] and I'm still slow :( [17:51] Has anyone figured out anything about the problem with blank TTYs with nvidia drivers? [17:51] !info libfftw3-3 [17:51] libfftw3-3 (source: fftw3): library for computing Fast Fourier Transforms. In component main, is optional. Version 3.1.2-3.1ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 1045 kB, installed size 2608 kB [17:52] antox: ^ [17:52] eightyeight, check if its in multiverse then submit a [needs-packaging] bug if you wish, at ubuntu or debian [17:52] bazhang: Is Check CD for Defects the same thing as verifying checksums? [17:52] thx!! [17:52] ArcSighter, what are system specs; what graphic card and how was driver installed, [17:52] AJC_Z0: hi i've just put 8.04 in it and the sound works [17:52] scientes: i've checked. ubuntu isn't packaging it [17:52] ArcSighter, have you tried with effects off and running vesa driver instead of prop. one for a test [17:52] AJC_Z0: :D [17:52] ArcSighter, using compiz or not [17:52] well now that you mention [17:52] it's ATI [17:52] eightyeight, then thats how you request packaging [17:53] could I get a hand with a printing/CUPS problem? [17:53] but I haven't installed restricted drivers, but it worked quite well in hardy [17:53] fglrx? [17:53] not using compiz [17:53] eightyeight, see this bug of minehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/313642 [17:53] set to none [17:53] visual effects [17:53] !enter [17:53] Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [17:54] hey [17:54] It is really tough to follow this chat [17:54] i decided to buy new laptop but i need a model ubuntu (or in general linux) compatible in a most part of its components (especially for video cards). I had a bad experience with hp where videocards seems compatible at 100% and there are also official driver (instable, very instable) [17:54] ArcSighter, ArcSighter, what are system specs; what graphic card and how was driver installed, [17:54] ArcSighter, please give system specs, and other details such as when you get the crashes etc (open Terminal and type top to see what is eating cpu cycles) [17:54] please let me yours experiences [17:54] ok I have 2.6 intel, 312 ram 200 hdd [17:54] Sofistio: For Linux, I would not use a HP laptop! I've had lots of problems with it. [17:55] ArcSighter, 312 ram? [17:55] ArcSighter, swapping alot [17:55] Thanks Stalker72 [17:55] bazhang: He probably means MB. [17:55] scientes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/251404 [17:55] scientes: already requested [17:55] Sofistio: I'd recommend something like System76. They sell computers with Ubuntu pre-installed. [17:55] on top by cpu i got pidgin, xorg, and smbd [17:55] Stalker72, yep [17:55] Stalker72, the md5 is distinct from integrity check [17:55] by memory i got firefox , pidgin, xorg [17:55] Stalker72: i'm going to see that pc [17:56] what does compat means in /etc/nsswitch.conf [17:56] ArcSighter, and this was speedy using hardy? with 312 ram? [17:56] but this time I'm not experiencing slows because I have almost no apps opened I have 0.35 load avg === guest1001 is now known as obamaluv [17:56] bazhang: This is a freshly made PC. I don't have an OS on it currently. [17:57] 312 mb of ram hardy runned excelently [17:57] never used IRC before today is my connection to chat working? [17:57] bazhang: Could it be a HDD problem? [17:57] ryker65: Yes. This is the Official Ubuntu Support channel. [17:57] ryker65: yes [17:57] Hello I have a problem with Ubuntu 8.10 and samba: it's started at boot time but not accessible. I have to restart is as root first. Is it a permission problem? [17:57] tyvm [17:57] Stalker72, doubt it; most likely the burning issue [17:57] bazhang: Should I try a 3rd CD? [17:58] Stalker72, what are you using to burn it with [17:58] if i have a core duo processor would i want to download ubuntu 64-bit? [17:58] mamaro, need core2 [17:58] bazhang: As far as I remember, I've used Infrarecorder (in Winblows), Brasero and the integrated burning tool in Ubuntu. [17:58] mamaro: yes [17:59] any sugestion on a simple way to remotely configure/supprt a unbuntu 8.10 system? basicaly i have ubuntu setup for a friend of mines mum .. adn occasionally i have to admin it.. adn woudl prefer nto to have to drive over there.. [17:59] Afrohealer: Remote desktop tool [17:59] is 64-bit still buggy? [17:59] mamaro: No [17:59] Afrohealer, setup DynamicDNS and then use SSH to connect to his box. Don't forget to enable port forwarding on his router. [17:59] Stalker72, you may wish to try isorecorder2 or the built in one on gnome (set to low speed when possible) [17:59] Afrohealer ssh will do fine for me :D [17:59] afrohealer: have you tried the integrated remote desktop? [18:00] the issue isn't my own only, check: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1014087&highlight=intrepid+slow [18:00] bazhang: I always burn CDs with the lowest possible speed. [18:00] Afrohealer: You can log into the system with ssh and use both the shall and X11 tools. usually the tricky part is tracking the dynamic IP (with which dynamic DNS services can help) [18:00] sub101: no i have not tried the remote deskto [18:00] Stalker72, then keep burning, or you can try some boot parameters such as removing quiet and splash to see the exact errors [18:00] Afrohealer: is that not an option for you? [18:01] I want something liek maybe VNC ,.., [18:01] Afrohealer then get a vncserver lol [18:01] that way i can take control fo the sytem .. when she has problems.. [18:01] ArcSighter, not sure what the problem is, though ram is the most likely culprit imo [18:01] how can i start samba at boot time ? [18:01] Stalker72: k3b never let me down, whereas brasero has lots of times, i uninstalled.. worth a try anyway [18:01] Unix platforms aren't Windows systems. You don't need or want a desktop to administer them [18:01] hi, my user is in the admin group but cannot run sudo. my sudoers file shows this: admin ALL=(ALL) ALL [18:01] just wondering what peeps sugestiogn are [18:01] bazhang: I've used the discs I just tried to install Linux on other machines, flawlessly. [18:01] what could be wrong with my sudoers? [18:01] deany: Yeah, I don't like Brasero either. :P [18:02] Stalker72, then try the boot paremeter adjustments [18:02] err parameter [18:02] Does anyone know how I can remove users from a hamachi group, without being able to join because there are 15 users already? My home PC is on, and when I try to connect from my laptop, 1000 miles away it says network full. [18:02] Any VNC server that you guys recomend? [18:02] bazhang: How? [18:02] Berto: should be %admin not admin [18:02] well its still in its infancy, maybe 1 day.. [18:02] Berto is actually %admin ALL ... because it's a group [18:03] How can in install German as a spellchecking language_ [18:03] ? [18:03] runderwo, ArcSighter thanks!! i thought that was a comment :) [18:03] Milosz: In Firefox? [18:03] I tried to do it, and I thought I *had* done it, but apparently not [18:03] runderwo, ArcSighter perfect thanks again! *hug* ;-) [18:03] Stalker72, no in for example OpenOffice and GEdit [18:03] Stalker72, you know how to get into grub at startup? the 3 2 1 countdown? edit it there (e to edit) then remove quiet and splash at the end) [18:03] Milosz: install aspell-de ? [18:03] Berto: %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL [18:03] Milosz: I think you can manually install dictionaries for OpenOffice. [18:03] Berto: is the right line [18:03] well people I'm almost downgrading to hardy anyone knows how to solve this [18:04] intrepid issue? [18:04] bazhang: Remember that the OS is not installed at all. The HDDs are completely empty. ;) [18:04] bazhang: It's a new PC build. [18:04] arcsighter: whats your problem? [18:04] is dapper the lasted ubuntu? [18:04] runderwo, well you say that as if this were the most normal thing in the world but I don't think normal users, and not even me (I'm using Linux for 15 years now, and develop software on it on my own) can just "guess" that for spelling in openoffice and gedit they need to "install" "aspell-de" [18:04] I said, intrepid running very slowly [18:04] just pointing it out ;) [18:04] Stalker72, on the live cd [18:04] hello guys! I downloaded Google Earth in .bin format.. how to install it on my ubuntu? === Night-Off is now known as Nightchill [18:05] Gigacore: enable the medibuntu repository, and sudo apt-get install it [18:05] bazhang: When I launch a live session with the CD, does the countdown come up? [18:05] mamaro, No that is quite old [18:05] Stalker72, yep === marko__ is now known as marko-_- [18:05] tritium: where to enable medibuntu? [18:05] bazhang: brb, let me try. :) [18:05] gigacore: sudo ./name.bin or just ./name.bin [18:05] !medibuntu | Gigacore [18:05] Gigacore: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org [18:05] printing/CUPS issue here any help greatly appreciated....wife and kids angry.....want windows back so they can print [18:05] Gigacore: another way is just sh whatever.bin , but removing package will be much harder [18:06] language-support-de [18:06] i think that's the right metapackage [18:06] ok [18:06] !de [18:06] In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis. [18:06] thanks guys [18:06] hello samba is started at boot time but i have to restart it before its accessible where can I look for reported errors? [18:06] well German is not my primary language [18:06] ryker65: ye yes.. we all have issues, but noone cant help if you dont specify problem [18:06] i just need it for some documents [18:06] ryker65: If you have no time, actually DO boot back into windows and solve it later? [18:06] but thanks for pointing it out [18:06] np [18:07] Hello I have a wireless question. Anyone here who can help? [18:07] anyone how to connect bluetooth headset ito ubuntu [18:07] this is dam frustrating [18:07] ryker65: If you got a few minutes... check if your printer is supported first. http://www.openprinting.org/printer_list.cgi [18:07] i am here asking same question for 2 hrs with no response [18:07] I'm just curious if folks are working on automated testing, or have they dropped it already? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/automated-testing [18:07] sahil: i have had problems with this [18:08] so what u did [18:08] !anyone | sahil_ [18:08] Milosz: I used a question mark because I'm not sure if the program you're using uses libaspell or not... [18:08] sahil_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [18:08] I'd be interested in contributing to it as I am working on similar efforts at my job [18:08] sahil_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup [18:08] sahil_, The best questions make for the best answers. Providing info on your hardware, the nature of the problem all help in solving your issues [18:08] sahil_: i know it is to do with enabling a2dp forwarding, but i could never make it work [18:08] sahil_: if you had that time to google, try those solutions and then came here to ask some questions.. [18:09] Jeruvy, are you there? :x [18:09] is there anyway to install flashplayer on ubuntu 8.04 now? I need it for some sites [18:09] I could need assistance because I made a mess in changing the fstab [18:09] simplexio [18:09] !flash [18:09] To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash [18:09] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash AnaisCareMaiz [18:09] search google and you could easily find my posts in forums with no result [18:09] I have a log file i got that I don't quite get [18:09] bazhang: The countdown didn't show up, only a flashing underscore for a few seconds. [18:09] gnash doesnt work well [18:09] sahil_: btw.. it should work automaticly if you have bluetooth connection [18:10] i do have [18:10] it works fine in vista [18:10] I recall reading that X can be configured to run a single application instead of running a full-fledged window manager or DE, however this was a long time ago that I had found instructions on how to do it, and have since lost the bookmark... can anyone point me in the right direction? [18:10] Situation is this: I changed an ntfs partition to ext3 and changed the fstab, but now it won't boot properly and can't find the /home [18:10] Running Ubuntu 8.10 with an HP LaserJet 4000 have been to forums and tried solutions, printer is conneted via parallel port on LPT01 installed flawlessly then 2 days later disappeared error range from CUPS scheduler not running to denied in command line [18:10] srid: Get into contact with the devs. #ubuntu-devel [18:10] I just opened thunderbird after my lae, the system was freeze until now [18:10] http://paste.ubuntu.com/105649/ [18:11] the link i was given says 7.04 or earlier [18:11] i am on 8.10 [18:11] I had advice for the change in fstab but it was apparently wrong [18:11] ryker65: what does denied in command line mean? [18:11] firecrotch: x && xterm [18:11] Question? vmware continues to fail vmmon.ko error.. and ideas? [18:11] firecrotch: X :1 -- or something like that, iirc [18:12] firecrotch: oh sorry command is 'X' , && xterm [18:12] hey im trying to install prozilla and i get this error: "702: Syntax error: "(" unexpected" why is that? [18:12] can anyone tell me how to edit the gnome panels in chroot ? i mean not graphically but using gconf etc. thank you [18:12] cannot seem to install by any means at this point give me a sec and I'll look at the command/response I got [18:12] i think i got a solution after searching 10-12 days for the same bluetooth headset problem [18:12] if you can't do it leave it [18:12] hieu_: is this error when running ./configure ? [18:13] Stalker72: what type of laptopo u have? [18:13] later all . thank for yoru help [18:13] Question: vmware-config.pl fail with vmmon.ko Error 2 .. any ideas? Thx [18:13] Sofistio: I don't have a laptop, but my mom has one. It's a HP dv9000. [18:13] so, can you tell me how to safely uninstall ubuntu so that i could log in to vista without grub [18:13] sahil_, simply delete the partition then fix the mbr in windows [18:14] hi [18:14] what is mbr [18:14] smoovep: (you might also look into virtualbox as a replacement) [18:14] !mbr [18:14] GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [18:14] sahil_: Master Boot Record [18:14] master boot record sahil_ [18:14] someone here who has some skills in c++ and already concerned about .dlls? [18:14] ok [18:14] tnx Stalker72 [18:14] so thats it ubuntu is speaking for itself === nickrud_ is now known as nickrud [18:14] sahil_: you dont help much speicifying problem.. how about clicking system->prefs->bluetooth and tell what is problem [18:14] jeff@jeff-desktop:~$ lsmod | grep lp [18:14] lp 17156 0 [18:14] parport 42604 2 lp,parport_pc [18:14] jeff@jeff-desktop:~$ dmesg | grep par [18:14] [ 0.692409] Booting paravirtualized kernel on bare hardware [18:14] [ 8.442354] PM: Resume from partition 8:5 [18:14] ryker65: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [18:15] can anyone recommend me a good linux html editor? [18:15] i'll update u of my choice Stalker72;) [18:15] trying to solve a bluetooth problem in ubuntu takes 10-12 days without result [18:15] fL`y: maybe you can try /join #c++ [18:15] Sofistio: Ok, thx! :) [18:15] !html > a-stray-cat` [18:15] a-stray-cat`, please see my private message [18:15] people I started thunderbird it consumed %20.9MEM and I ogt load avg of 13.42 I killed with signal 15 still there, it's terribly slow [18:15] tnx to u [18:15] and looking to uninstall it takes 10-12 seconds to come up [18:15] oh great thakns [18:15] lpinfo: Unable to connect to server: Connection refused [18:15] ryker65: you can /msg me [18:15] eh, i was looking for for a text editor with like tag completion and stuff [18:15] ArcSighter: kill -9 [18:15] a-stray-cat`: just use gedit [18:15] ryker65: but it still might flood-kick you ;) [18:16] frustrated [18:16] frustrated [18:16] hmm [18:16] ill try gedit then, was using gvim [18:16] a-stray-cat`, eclipse will do that, but it's a big swiss knife java app [18:16] sahil_, Please lose the running commentarty [18:16] a-stray-cat`: you can try bluefish [18:16] ah, eclipse [18:16] bluefish? [18:16] ryker65: ps ax |grep cupsd [18:16] simplexio I've done it a lot of times i just let it there in the case that the slow downs problem I'm experienced may be related with thunderbird [18:16] i have not safe-mode like in windows [18:16] ill take a look, thanks [18:17] also, i heard there was a gimp patch or configuration file that lays out its controls to be more like photoshop? would anyone happen to knwo the name of that? [18:17] hello, everybody! I want to download the alpha 3 of kubuntu (jaunty), but the download server says "not found". When is the release of the cd images? [18:17] i have ubuntu server installed in an old machine but it says no wvdial installed so how i am supposed to connect it to net [18:17] people, any experiences with jaunty??? [18:18] #ubuntu+1 for jaunty discussion ArcSighter [18:18] if im just messing around to learn python etc is wubi okay for me to install? [18:18] a-stray-cat`: gimpshop but I think there ain't been a release for a long time... krita actually IS more like photoshop [18:18] !dialup [18:18] You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up [18:18] a-stray-cat`: I think it's called gimpshop [18:18] a-stray-cat`, that's called gimpshop, but isn't supported by the gimp people so I hear [18:18] krita? [18:19] bazhang: So basically I should just do a re-burn with K3b, with lowest writing speed? [18:19] gimpshop eh, thanks for the info :3 [18:19] hey men & ladies, Im using compiz fusion with manager and plugins etc etc, im trying to get my desktop to just look like a cube . . not when i rotate it not zooming out . . as if im looking inside the cube . . but when im not rotating . . so if you took the front face of a cube off . . . I have looked everywhere and cant seem to do it yet I have seen others like it any ideas? [18:19] a-stray-cat`: GIMP is a great editor... even without photoshop type UI. Problem is, it ain't like photoshop in the way it doesn't really support vectors and all. Might want to try koffice's krita. [18:19] quiksilver, Personally I wont use it, I would rather see you do a regular install on its' own partition [18:19] I got loadavg of 15.42 this is impossible! [18:19] is anybody here running a bluetooth headset with ubuntu [18:19] i just have trouble finding my tools in gimp [18:19] im just editing a couple of screencaps, but its slow going because all my buttons are in the wrong place ;/ [18:20] Stalker72, odd that you get dropped to busybox like that, the burn is the culprit imo [18:20] a-stray-cat`: http://www.koffice.org/krita/pics/girl_by_enkhitan.png <- krita screenshot [18:20] suggest any partition manager for ubuntu [18:20] oh, neat [18:20] sahil_: gparted [18:20] moi oon surkka [18:20] Hello, what is happening with a freshly reinstalled (apt remove with --purge and then apt install) FireFox here? I get no starting page while i have clearly defined it as in screenshot: http://earthian.g3r.org/null/Nuotrauka-2.png [18:21] sahil_: System > Administration > Partition Editor [18:21] i am doing gksu gparted but nothing happens [18:21] bazhang: One more thing that MIGHT be the problem. The BIOS detect my HDD (Western Digital Black, 1 TB, 32 MB cache), but somewhere in the boot it says something about hard drive not detected, only for half a second. [18:21] ArcSighter: does top tell you what programs missbehave [18:21] sahil_: try sudo apt-get install gparted first [18:21] Jack_Sparrow: i cant seem to burn the iso to disc [18:21] Stalker72, then you need to find and mount it [18:21] my burner wont read the cd's i put in [18:21] so i cant partition [18:21] it asks for password and when i provide it nothing happens [18:22] bazhang: Do you mean auto-detect in BIOS? [18:22] System > Administration > Partition Editor there is no partition editor here [18:22] sahil_: try sudo gparted [18:22] sahil_: sudo apt-get gparted [18:22] and tell us what the terminal output says [18:22] sukiminna: sudo apt-get _install_ gparted [18:22] albuntu, gskudo for gui apps === Exposure` is now known as Exposure [18:22] bazhang: The boot devicy priority thing finds the HDD, but not somewhere else in the BIOS. Weird! [18:23] thanx [18:23] bazhang: right , my fault [18:23] runderwo: hehe..forgot the install part got me ther [18:23] bazhang: The boot both detects and don't detect them...... [18:23] for apt-get suggestion, i shouldt have thought tha [18:23] quiksilver, isorecorder is free quick and easy.. (for burning in windows) [18:23] Stalker72, that is very odd; do other cd's have the same issue? [18:23] bazhang: Yes [18:23] so people I have no experience downgrading, editing sources.list will do it, or I have to go futher? [18:23] Jack_Sparrow: yes, but my burning device wont read my cd [18:23] ArcSighter, complete reinstall [18:23] coming back is anyone here have connected bluetooth headset with ubuntu [18:24] bazhang: My MB is an Asus P6T Deluxe, if that helps. I know there is an integrated RAID controller from Marvell. [18:24] ArcSighter: there is no supported downgrade path [18:24] can we downgrade from ubuntu 8.10 to 8.04? [18:24] sukiminna: see above [18:24] runderwo not used to IRC and how to message indiv., learning but this is the output from las command you suggested: 6759 pts/0 S+ 0:00 grep cupsd [18:24] sukiminna, sure, with a complete reinstall [18:24] hey, when i have a menu open, the print screen key no longer takes a picture [18:24] tritium if I change source preferences [18:24] is there any way around that? [18:24] of apt [18:24] ArcSighter, no [18:25] sukiminna why would you wantto do that [18:25] I could downgrade? [18:25] My minimize,maximize, and close button disappeared on firefox, also when i open firefox it maximize fully and i cant see applications or dock bar? [18:25] quiksilver, External I assume [18:25] ryker65: sudo /etc/init.d/cups restart [18:25] (i need to take a screencap of the menu) [18:25] ArcSighter: did you find which caused that load, io wait or ? [18:25] bazhang : having problems with nvidia driver [18:25] is anyone here have connected bluetooth headset with ubuntu [18:25] quiksilver, Sorry but I need to run.. good luck [18:25] processes consuming a lot of memory such as firefox and thunderbird [18:25] no answers!!!! [18:25] is no one have ever done this [18:25] sahil_, dont repeat every 60 seconds [18:25] sahil_, You need a better question [18:25] bazhang [18:25] a-stray-cat`: might want to use a screenshot program with a timer or a different snapshot key... like gnome-screenshot. [18:26] alright, thanks [18:26] sahil_, The best questions make for the best answers. Providing info on your hardware, the nature of the problem, what you have tried etc. will help in solving your issues [18:26] its a better Question because it is yet to be answered [18:26] sahil_: it should be plug and play. but we cant help you if you dont tell us what error it gives [18:26] m in [18:26] bazhang, i am made to repeat because there is no solution for me [18:26] sahil_, repeating like that every 60 seconds will not get an answer quicker [18:27] sahil_, so please stop. [18:27] so what is with firefox? where are my pages? [18:27] runderwo, ok it accepted my passwd with no output should i try installing the printer now? [18:27] does anybody else have problems with firefox since around 3 days???? [18:27] obex error [18:27] bazhang: Could a re-burn solve the problem? [18:28] Stalker72, likely yes; using the cd/dvd creator in gnome has best results here [18:28] bazhang: Brasero or the integrated one? [18:29] Stalker72, brasero always fails for me :) [18:29] sahil_: http://www.sharpee.com/wordpress/?p=36 there, explains what is problem and what you need to do [18:29] bazhang: Me too. :P [18:29] earthian: no idea past that you may want to make ~/.mozilla writable and at worst, move it somewhere so a new folder may be created for testing purposes. (Old trick also was to delete the chrome file it contained... but it may not be applicable this time) [18:29] hi [18:29] thanx simplexio for your efforts [18:29] try command line [18:29] whats are some differences between nagios and munin for server monitoring ? [18:29] Does anyone know when Gnome 2.25.x/2.26 will be packaged for jaunty? I'm dying to try evolution-mapi, but I'm stuck at recompiling evolution for intrepid or jaunty. [18:29] What's that program (applet) that pops up by default that handles wifi connections called? [18:30] bazhang: I'll report back later. [18:30] hello. [18:30] bazhang: Thanks for all your help! [18:30] Baughn: nm-applet ? [18:30] sahil_: btw.,. first hit in google with "ubuntu bluetooth obex error headset" [18:30] runderwo tyvm for walking me through this [18:30] My minimize,maximize, and close button disappeared on firefox, also when i open firefox it maximize fully and i cant see applications or dock bar [18:30] webframp: Hmm [18:30] does anyone know how to get my desktop to look like im in a cube without having to rotate the thing? [18:30] webframp: ...I'd ask you about it, but I'm actually trying to make it work on gentoo right now. ^^; [18:31] so I'm lost why this processes are consuming that much CPU/RAM if they ran succesfully on hardy? [18:31] is it possible to make a DEB file from windows -- it's just an archive with md5 hashes isn't it? [18:31] iluminator: press Alt-F2 and rund "metacity --replace". After that, just disable desktop effects... [18:31] Baughn: hehe, well i couldn't help i use arch ;) [18:31] sahil_: and actually this one is probably better howto get headset working http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=786640 [18:31] ArcSighter, I would try to create another user, and barring any improvements there try lxde / fluxbox or something lighter [18:32] ok. thanks. apt-get remove firefox-3.0 --purge && apt-get install opera will solve the problem :( [18:32] earthian: you have seen the light [18:32] bazhang: it will log on in another user wait a second [18:32] ciao [18:32] i have installed kubuntu and the screen always goes off and on, what can i do? [18:33] I resized my / and made another ext3 partition to dump all my user files into now I want to reinstall ubuntu using that new partition as a separate /home but will it delete my files? will there be permissions issues? [18:33] xvidcap just dies when I click the record button [18:33] i couldnt use any other browser without the plugins in FF... [18:33] ciao a tutti [18:33] runderwo, should I be seeing CUPS running in system monitor, it does not appear there [18:33] as webcams are totally awfull to be kind to linux . . does anyone know of any webcams that are good for linux I.E come with drivers or drivers have been made for? [18:34] ryker65: /etc/init.d/cupsys start [18:34] Dre4m: Any cam that uses the standard USB camera/video protocol will work [18:34] ahh...thanks MARKUST :) [18:34] ye work , , and look like a joke lol [18:34] iluminator: You're welcome [18:34] mine "works" but it looks rediculous . . no good drivers or anything [18:35] dark and dingy and totally awfull un usable [18:35] Dre4m: "Dark"? [18:35] ye [18:35] dark [18:35] Dre4m: Probably the program reading it just doesn't do brightness adjustment [18:35] Baughn: dark . . . [18:36] hmmm [18:36] when I input that I get command not found [18:36] well whats a program I can test it? as in just view it? [18:36] Most webcams don't have any exposure adjustments === Charitwo_ is now known as sorrow [18:36] Dre4m, cheese [18:36] cheese? ty bazhang [18:36] ill go try ti [18:36] Hi all. Is there a way to set up ubuntu to boot in bash? [18:37] is there a simpler way of doing this? http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome [18:37] h4mx0r: plz be more specific [18:37] dimberti: you mean boot without a gui? [18:37] Right. [18:37] how do I symlink one directory to another? [18:38] and will a binary be fooled? [18:38] bazhang I'm in another user I'll test [18:38] dimberti: you can set the run level to be say 3 instead of 5. 5 normally is defined as starting the gui [18:38] lasivian: Same way as you symlink anything else, and any program that doesn't explicitly check for symlinks will be "fooled". [18:38] this is gonna sound like an insane question BAZHANG . . . but where is the program now its installed? [18:38] I cant find it [18:38] Solver, dimberti: Ubuntu does not setup runlevels like that. [18:38] cpu maxes out when playing mp4 files and makes movie skip, is it worth burning to dvd and playing from there? would that be ledd cpu intensive? [18:38] dimberti: nowe historially this was done by editing /etc/inittab [18:38] Dre4m: dpkg -L cheese | grep bin [18:38] Baughn: do I need a "real" directory to link from? [18:38] less? [18:38] Pici: I was just about to ask if there had been some change [18:38] I would like to know how to turn off HDD spindown, ever since the past two acpi updates, my HDD spins down several times in a minute, and spins back up only a few seconds later (this is on a laptop) [18:38] lasivian: As opposed to? [18:39] Baughn: im new to ubuntu that makes no sense lol? [18:39] mkdir directory, symlink -l directory directory2 [18:39] hi all, i want to upgrade my hardy to intrepid. last time i tried the proprietary fglrx (ati) driver wasn't available. is it available now? [18:39] Solver: And I'm assuming you can't do that anymore? [18:39] dimberti: If you want to always boot to text mode, sudo update-rc.d gdm remove [18:39] hi guys. if i execute hcitool scan i get "no such device" i don't get bt working. i always find howtos getting it working with a dongle but not with built-in bluetooth as i have. [18:39] found it [18:39] how do i replace the ubuntu icon in the taskbar with the original Gnome 'foot' icon?? (asked before but lost logs of howto) [18:39] lasivian: no [18:39] hi i was trying to install prozilla and this error come up "./configure: 702: Syntax error: "(" unexpected" what to do? [18:39] lasivian: in fact, it shouldn't exist prior to linking [18:39] dimberti: they changed stuff and I haven't caught up yet :) i use ubuntu/debian/solaris/etc :) [18:39] thanks [18:39] Dre4m: It's a terminal command. "dpkg -L cheese" lists all the files in cheese, | pipes its output into grep's input, "grep bin" discards all lines that don't contain bin, eg. don't refer to an executable. [18:39] Solver: Ah. [18:40] Dre4m: type what Baughn gave you in a terminal and it will tell you where it's located and what the binary name is to start the program [18:40] Pici: I got nothing to lose, I'll give it a try, thanks. [18:40] John`anderson: try this http://www.ubuntu-tweak.com download that program, within its settings you can change the icon to anything you wish [18:40] bazhang : this sucks: I'm in another user with visual effects enabled and I dont get slowdowns [18:40] I fond it now man [18:40] ty [18:40] I would like to know how to turn off HDD spindown, ever since the past two acpi updates, my HDD spins down several times in a minute, and spins back up only a few seconds later (this is on a laptop) [18:40] Baughn: it looks dark and dingy . . its proved my point its not the program im using the cam just looks totally terrible on ubuntu why would that be? whats a fix? [18:40] how can I get the newest version of ONE package? [18:40] h4mx0r: not really.. you may have problems with right but those are quite easy to fix [18:41] what does the "./" command do? [18:41] arcsighter, so the new user has a more reasonable response rate? [18:41] Dre4m: could be just the drivers. The cam might be one that they have struggled with to reverse engineer the drivers for. [18:41] hieu_ it executes the program you put after the command [18:41] hieu_: references the current working direcort. [18:41] Hey guys, I'm trying to rip an audio cd using lame in command line mode [18:41] hieu_: so ./ls in /bin would execute /bin/ls [18:42] apparently its "FULLY SUPPORTED" this cam . . . im using no installed drivers just ubuntu default you know? [18:42] neosuki: you sure you don't want to use some helper like k3b? :) [18:42] any advice? [18:42] Dre4m: Whatever makes you think it's not the program? [18:42] its totally gay im having to dual boot to windows to just to use a webcam [18:42] Dre4m: It could just be that the windows program automatically adjusts brightness, and cheese doesn't [18:42] but though i can see in nautilus browser the audio cd content, how can I ls the files in the terminal? [18:42] damn, read a story about that girl and Ubuntu..,hope people will try to find more about Ubuntu now... [18:42] akravets: :) [18:42] so stuff that are in green are "programs"? [18:42] can anyone tell me how to edit the gnome panels in chroot ? i mean not graphically but using gconf etc. thank you [18:43] if she gave up on school so easily she'd drop out for some other reason later [18:43] i mean, my wife and 5 year old daughter use Ubuntu and no problems there... [18:43] arcsighter: probably your config are messed on another account.. easiest way to "fix" it is "sudo cp ~olduser/* ~newuser/ -R" [18:43] wot could be the right path for an audio cd if i want to browse from the terminal/cmd line? [18:43] my mom uses it, really [18:43] No, when i use msn its fine, AMCAP its fine, record agent its fine preview mode its fine . . . . as soon as its in ubuntu its dark and looks awfull :(, im having to duel boot to use msn if I cant get this sorted :( [18:43] Dre4m: try a different program to control the cam.. digicam or check it out in ekiga (voip client, already installed) [18:43] akravets: Please join #ubuntu-offtopic for non-support discussion. [18:43] arcsighter: probably some . starting directory has some insane config option turned on [18:43] hieu_: depends on your setup. if you do ls -l you will see the permissions on the left [18:43] hieu_: "x" means execute. worth doing some reading on permissions [18:43] Dre4m: also try in aMSN (in the repo's) [18:43] Pici, ok. didn't know that channel existed [18:44] i use AMSN [18:44] simplexio: how to clean [18:44] no like in ubuntu after i do a ls command, stuff appears in different colors [18:44] and wondering which one are "executable" [18:44] hieu_: green [18:44] guys teach me what does chmod do and how should you use it correctly, with sudo or not? [18:44] ok [18:44] neosuki: Audio cds don't really have files... you can show tracks with say, cdparanoia, but... [18:44] tenang: Start with https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions [18:44] ubuntu has auto mounted my audio cd, what's the absolute path? [18:45] tenang: change permissions on a file. I recommend starting here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chmod [18:45] is there a way to change the resolution manually into non standard resolutions in inteprid? [18:45] neosuki: most likely /media/cdrom [18:45] neosuki: /media/cdrom [18:45] and i was trying to install prozilla, and i did ./configure command, but it come up error " 702: Syntax error: "(" unexpected" what's htis mean? [18:45] tenang: seriously, it can say it better than we can on irc [18:45] Radtoo: but I need to process those tracks using lame [18:45] arcsighter: like i said easiest way is just move all "importand" files to newuser, check that all needed stuff is there and remove olduser [18:45] neosuki: probably /media/cdrom0 [18:45] im a little baffled why your telling me its the program lol, . . . if the basic default preview is dark and horrible on my webcam and every app i use in ubuntu then surly thats conclusive its the ubuntu driver . . . xp run its perfect in many apps too [18:45] /media/cdrom0 doesn't show any files when i did ls [18:45] neosuki: /media/cdrom [18:45] kk ty [18:46] is there a command to set the dns server(s)? [18:46] simplexio: permissions, it will take a lot, sorry, not an option [18:46] neosuki, audio cds don't really mount like an audio cd does [18:46] arcsighter: not really.. in new user direntory just do 'chown newuser:newuser * -R [18:46] neosuki: Well, they're not files yet... cdparanoia can do the ripping, lame the encoding. Seriously tho, use a gui [18:46] albuntu, Scunizi, Pici, both ls /media/cdrom /media/cdrom0 is showing nothing [18:46] neosuki, erm, *like a data disk does [18:46] yes sure [18:46] but I wasn't talking about home dir here [18:47] neosuki: see Radtoo's comment [18:47] my entire harddrive a [18:47] !enter | arcsighter [18:47] arcsighter: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [18:47] arcsighter: what you were talking ? [18:47] Radtoo: if not thru gui, no means of doing that using cmd line? [18:47] simplexio: the entire hdd has established permissions [18:47] neosuki: go to computer > cdrom and find the path and the files there [18:47] neosuki: that's because audio cd's are really files. rip them first if you want to see them. or look at them via rhythmbox [18:47] neosuki, sound-juicer works nicely; if you want fine control, look at grip [18:47] neosuki: No... actually I just told you what the other program would be, but... [18:47] and also I don't wanna loose thunderbird-firefox-etc configuration files [18:47] I'll try to remove gnome configuration files [18:48] ok give 10 mins [18:48] JC_Denton_: your local dns servers are defined in /etc/resolv.conf [18:48] Radtoo: Ubuntu has some default extractor of tracks. but if i wish to use lame encoder, how can i achieve? [18:48] so now anyone here know how to gain access to /root/usr/ from terminal because it's not letting me what am I doing wrong (cd /usr/) [18:48] tenang: do you have permission to enter the directory? [18:49] you do if you are using sudo su right? [18:49] Solver: thanks [18:49] tenang: sudo -s [18:49] neosuki: Use abcde (thats an actual application) if you really need to get it done on the console... It does what you want. Yes. Lame as well. [18:49] exactly [18:49] tenang: that will give you a root shell and you can then cd into /root and under it [18:49] hey there, anyone have any experience with libper-perl in 8.10? I just ran into a strange report when I performed an apt-get install that reported a "Broken package" [18:49] that would be libpar-perl [18:50] god I love you [18:50] JC_Denton_: NP. DHCP normally sets them for you, if that is relevant [18:50] im gonna have to go bk to xp I can't believe it [18:50] Radtoo: but for lame we need to provide the path of the track files, isn't it? [18:50] and what's the command to delete say a folder from shell? [18:50] tenang, rm -r [18:50] rmdir to delete an empty directory [18:50] tenang: rmdir for empty dir, rm -rf directory if there is stuff, use with care [18:50] tenang: be careful with rm -r or rm -rf. I mean it [18:51] Solver: I was aware but the local dns server is unreliable [18:51] web browsing in ubuntu is extremely slow? common issue? [18:51] tenang: rm -rf / for example deletes everything [18:51] !danger | simplexio [18:51] simplexio: DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you! [18:51] neosuki: No. Lame works on files, not tracks. Synopsis: lame [options] [18:51] JC_Denton_: ah :) dhcp will try to over-write them for you later. that can be stopped [18:51] Solver dns host addresses are white space seperated? [18:51] i need lil help with Festival [18:51] !ask | mattias_ [18:51] mattias_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [18:51] I need to delete a theme file so I think ill use that command lol [18:51] JC_Denton_: one per line preceded by the word nameserver [18:51] ciao [18:51] !list [18:51] Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [18:51] neosuki: if you're trying to rip an audio cd use "ripperX" .. should be in the repo's. [18:52] !list [18:52] Radtoo: so ur suggestion is to use cdparanoia for extracting the tracks then can encode using lame? [18:52] tenang: like i said use with care -r means that it removes all stuff under that directory [18:52] should the cups, start/restart commands I've entered have an output or show cups running in system monitor, neither happened after password [18:52] tenang: btw - that's directory not folder in unix speak ;) [18:52] in what folder do i have to place text files in to make festival read them with terminal command (tts "filename" nil) [18:52] need help installing prozilla, i do ./configure and come up with "702: Syntax error: "(" unexpected" [18:52] guys what's the name of that program you can setup a password for your kernel on the bios?? [18:52] HI! [18:52] mattias_: The current directory. [18:52] ah I see [18:53] same as in dos speak [18:53] indeed [18:53] ill try that [18:53] harlemdavvey: that really seems like an error in the configure script [18:53] Solver: how would you stop dhcp from modifying the file? [18:53] Pici, simplexio: http://pthree.org/2009/01/07/rm-rf/ [18:53] harlemdavvey: sorry, wrong person [18:53] neosuki: Thats not my suggestion, but an option. The suggestion is that you skip learning on how to operate this part-by-part and use some helper application like abcde (console) or k3b or sound-juicer that lets you focus on the important things. [18:53] hieu_: that really seems like an error in the configure script [18:53] jpds: Irregardless, its still not something we want to enourange. [18:53] faulty package? [18:53] wooo! [18:53] it works! [18:53] thanks [18:53] Pici: ;-) [18:53] JC_Denton_: if you are using dhclient which is likely you can edit /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf and tell it not to update nameservers [18:53] JC_Denton_: there is a more drastic way :) [18:54] you can make the file immutable so not even root will alter it [18:54] I'm from Ukraine [18:54] ))) [18:54] Crimea [18:54] ) [18:54] so thats it the conclusion is webcam support for linux sucks so I read on the forums . . . I can't belive im gonna have to dual boot or uninstall ubuntu and use xp from now on to use a webcam such a shame [18:54] muzanaka: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [18:54] Solver: that sounds like just the solution, the former [18:54] i've used a program i setup a bios password yesterday but i don't know how it is named and i don't remember its name... can you help me find it?? [18:54] JC_Denton_: it is preferable [18:54] Русские есть? [18:54] JC_Denton_: know about how to set and clear immutability is useful though [18:54] !ru > muzanaka [18:54] muzanaka, please see my private message [18:54] Dre4m: find another cheap webcam and try it.. [18:54] JC_Denton_: useful for stoopid closed source apps that over-write files [18:54] keep buying webcams untill one works? [18:55] Radtoo: ok, i'll use abcde. thanks! [18:55] lol your joking? [18:55] JC_Denton_: man chattr & lsattr if you want to read about it [18:55] !al > albuntu [18:55] hi:D [18:55] Sorry, I don't know anything about al [18:55] :S [18:55] iin xp = perfect in ubuntu = sucks [18:55] neosuki: Np. Have fun. :) [18:55] what do I need to do to prevent my computer from booting to X, I just want it to boot to the terminal [18:55] !sq > albuntu [18:55] Sorry, I don't know anything about sq [18:55] any one has got any idea why i am unable to download a.torrent file in order to start my torrent client? [18:55] jpds: nice.. havent noticed that [18:56] Solver: thanks, will do. Every bit of knowledge comes in handy... [18:56] if only for showing off :p [18:56] jonathan_: what do you mean you cant download a torrent file ? [18:56] jonathan_: you cant download the .torrent file or cant open one with a client ? [18:56] JC_Denton_: for sure. chattr/lsattr are hardly know but they are useful [18:56] hello guys [18:57] anyone can send me the bootlog of ubuntu ? [18:57] People [18:57] help me [18:57] muzanaka: state your problem [18:57] Thanks for the help solver [18:57] muzanaka, #ubuntu-ru [18:57] is there any way to see what applications you installed yesterday?? [18:57] JC_Denton_: np. good luck :) [18:58] harlemdavvey: you could check /var/cache/apt for files with a write date of <24 hrs [18:58] harlemdavvey: unless you've cleaned it [18:58] solver: the problem is that i've cleaned it..:( [18:58] oh [18:58] harlemdavvey: maybe some advanced apt feature I don't know then sorry :) [18:59] Just installed Ubuntu on a software RAID5, but I keep getting a checkfs error nearly each time I boot [18:59] harlemdavvey: or use find -mtime -1 -print to shoe files that are modified last day [18:59] harlemdavvey: try aptitude search name [18:59] albuntu: i cant download the .torrent file [18:59] harlemdavvey: or use ctime which is for create time if i recall right [19:00] guys anyone can send me the boot log of ubuntu ? [19:00] jonathan_: than i think its an isp problem. its not ubuntus. what does the browser says when you try to download one ? [19:00] <_brujo> hi [19:01] albuntu: it sometimes loads till a random % and just hangs and sometimes it just does not d/l at all [19:01] i don't know guys.. i have ubuntu tweak but i don't have the function to setup the bios password [19:01] and i'm sure there are not so many programs that accomplish this task [19:02] I know this is not the appropriate channel to ask this, but I do not know where else to do it. Anyone knows of an emulator to check if a usb drive made bootable works without restarting the computer? [19:02] jonathan_: i think that has to do with the file you are downloading or with your internet connection. it doesnt has to do with ubuntu at all [19:02] albuntu: any direction you can point me towards? [19:02] so I've navigated to my themes dir in shell can anyone give me an example of how to use that -r command on a dir called example? [19:03] jonathan_: try downloading another torrent file , from another place [19:03] albuntu : i am sure it might be in my settings? [19:03] danes_: not sure but qemu / virtualbox or vmware could help [19:04] might sound peculiar but I noticed my torrent files downloaded super slow on ubuntu when I used to dual boot [19:04] simplexio, thanks, that was the one I was looking for, but I couldnt remember the name [19:04] im trying to install subversion [19:04] danes_: i know for fact that virtualbox binary release allow using usb as "raw" device [19:04] web browsing in ubuntu is extremely slow? common issue? [19:04] when i type apt-get install subversion in the terminal i get an error and it asks me if im root [19:04] quicksilver_, add sudo before apt-get [19:04] quiksilver: sudo before that [19:05] tenang: are you using the same torrent client [19:05] <_brujo> quicksilver have you tried to execute "sudo apt-get instal subversion"? [19:05] no I wasn't and no im not dual booting anymore [19:05] frankS2: mine is ok. maybe its a problem of your internet connection [19:05] I was using the standard client with ubuntu [19:05] tenang: perhaps you need to forward ports or similar so you can be in active mode? [19:06] possibly could someone tell me how to find the proper "device node" for the printer to manually find the device using the HP software, dmg | grep par outputs mention both "lp0: using paraport0" and "paraport_pc" but they are, associated with device url's. I'm not sure how to work with this and cannot connect to the web interface for cups [19:06] I need to install the latest version of libmagick10, how do I do it without affect the rest of the system? [19:06] albuntu: i always used to use piratebay and now it seems to be idle but i just tried another file using mininova and straight away worked. Any idea why? [19:07] jonathan_: isp blocking tpb trackers ? [19:07] guys really , anyone can send me ubuntu boot log ? [19:07] albuntu: any work around? [19:07] jonathan_: than its a piratebay problem. i dont know [19:07] Just installed Ubuntu on a software RAID5, but I keep getting a checkfs error nearly each time I boot. Can someone give me some advise on fixing it ? This is the error log : http://baltakov.dyndns.org/noBots/ubuntu/checkfs.txt [19:08] jonathan_: usually isp use dns blocking. so get tbp tracker ip addresees and add them to hosts is one solution [19:08] albuntu: thanks for the info. [19:08] whats the best video player for linux [19:09] jonathan_: np :) [19:09] The one with gnome is decent. Otherwise you have vlc for linux [19:09] simplexio: i 'll try that. Any idea how to find out the ip address of tpb tracker? [19:09] Slack_: it really depends on what you like [19:09] albuntu: right now i just have movie player [19:09] :( [19:09] Hi guys, I'm willing to upgrade Feisty. Looks like it became very complex since Gutsy is also outdated. [19:09] Any hint ? [19:09] Slack_: i like kaffeine even if i am using gnome [19:10] !upgrade | bouteill [19:10] bouteill: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes [19:10] albuntu: does it stream .asx [19:11] Does not work. Its all complaining about missing repositories (they've been removed as the target is also outdated). [19:11] what's best terminal app with clickable links [19:11] Slack_: never heard of .asx [19:11] rm -rt don't work deleting a directory what does? [19:11] rm -rf [19:11] bouteill: you did not read what ubottu sent you [19:12] bouteill: /home/ on own partition ? [19:12] bouteill: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades [19:12] tenang, rmdir [19:13] is it possible to edit x11org.conf in inteprid? [19:13] xorg.conf [19:13] bouteill: that link tells you how to upgrade your sources [19:13] Simplexio: I can make a rsync, not an issue. Temppy: read this, does not work anymore (both feisty and gutsy are outdated. I get 404 everywhere) [19:13] kkkduifjalsdd: there's no such file, but you can edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf. Why do you want to though? [19:13] yes i meant that ;) [19:13] you can edit it all you want [19:13] kkkduifjalsdd: i think you mean xorg.conf, and answer is yes but you probably dont need to [19:13] bouteill: look at the link I posted, I sent it to you for that reason === thebleh is now known as zkinion [19:14] bouteill: pastebin the errors you are getting after reading the links you have been given [19:14] jrib: i need a non standard resolution for starting a game [19:14] bouteill: then fastest and easiest way probably is just reinstall usinf latest livecd [19:14] kkkduifjalsdd: you can probably just use xrandr before starting the game [19:14] kkkduifjalsdd: are you using nvidia [19:14] Temppy: I did it. It fixed the errors when updating to the latest feisty. [19:15] jrib: how do i do that [19:15] It does not fix the problem with missing gutsy parts [19:15] grindking: no intel [19:15] oh nm [19:15] get-apt command not found in my terminal? [19:15] !apt > quiksilver [19:15] quiksilver, please see my private message [19:15] quiksilver: its apt-get [19:15] how can i fix my audio? i installed ubuntu soon and i get no audio [19:15] bouteill: did you try using the update manager? [19:15] kkkduifjalsdd: I don't the syntax offhand. wiki.ubuntu.com/X has some documentation on it I think (and its man page of course) [19:16] im full upgraded already [19:16] albuntu: gconftool is the cli tool for modifying gconf [19:16] krazyfingerz47: check sound levels, and raise all of them to middle [19:16] bouteill: Feisty is no longer being updated, and I hope you aren't mixing Feisty and Gutsy packages [19:16] jrib: thx [19:16] Pici: thank you [19:16] Its a server with only ssh access. I use the do-release-upgrade command [19:16] Hello please anyone knows how to convert wmv to avi?, i used this command : mencoder infile.wmv -ofps 23.976 -ovc lavc -oac copy -o outfile.avi but it didn't work [19:17] simplexio: sound levels are good but i get no sound [19:17] i am saddened by how many crashes i get in firefox with amd64 :/ [19:17] kk im doing rm -rf Overglossed so what is wrong with this command? I even used the variant /Overglossed/ [19:17] two questions: 1. will "aptitude install kde" give me kde4? 2. if ive done "aptitude install kde", will "aptitude purge kde" remove ALL of the previously installed packages? [19:17] tenang: what are you trying to delete? [19:17] !kde4 | linduxed__ [19:17] linduxed__: kde4 is KDE 4.1.3 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1.3 | 4.2 Beta 2 packages http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2-beta-2 | Support in #kubuntu [19:17] linduxed__: I think you rather want kubuntu-desktop and not just kde [19:17] krazyfingerz47: probably u can try changing the device and see [19:17] !amap [19:17] Sorry, I don't know anything about amap [19:17] a theme dir [19:18] tenang: where is it located? [19:18] danu you have to install restricted codecs first [19:18] does pidgin messenger autolog? [19:18] bouteill: yeah, you may have to start pastbining errors [19:18] neosuki: im good with xp, maybe i need proper drivers [19:18] Anyone know why my monitor takes up to 5 minutes to come back on after the screen is shutdown. I'm using Ubuntu 8.04 [19:18] Mr. sahil_ i have them [19:18] hey guys.. this is kinda out there i know.. but ive been messing with festival and perlbox-voice.. and im wondering if there is a way to implement a chatbot with festival (so I can converse with it) [19:18] I just installed Intrepid on a software RAID5, but I keep getting a checkfs error nearly each time I boot. Can someone give me some advise on fixing it ? This is the error log : http://baltakov.dyndns.org/noBots/ubuntu/checkfs.txt [19:18] genii: hmmm, that might be true [19:18] usr/share/themes/ [19:18] krazyfingerz47: is alsa installed? [19:18] genii: but what about my second question? [19:18] can i get help with installing adobe photoshop [19:19] Mr. sahil_ i can see them (not very good though),. but i wanna convert it to avi [19:19] jrib: ok, what about my second question? [19:19] install avidemux [19:19] tenang: how did it end up there? [19:19] neosuki: no whats that? [19:19] !who | tenang [19:19] tenang: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [19:19] I installed it lol [19:19] linduxed__: no [19:19] linduxed__: I didn't make any attempt to answer your second question. [19:19] you have tried avidemux!! [19:19] !tab [19:19] You can use for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. [19:19] genii: thats why i hoped for a followup :-P [19:20] krazyfingerz47: it's an audio library which is generic [19:20] !tab tenang [19:20] Sorry, I don't know anything about tab tenang [19:20] !tenang [19:20] Sorry, I don't know anything about tenang [19:20] Thanks guys. I think I'll try to fix it myself. I was just curious if a known fix existed for this "outdated" problem [19:20] running Ubuntu 8.10 need to find filesystem device node to attempt to manually find my HP LaserJet 4000, printer was installed and working had an error and diappeared. how can I find the node to manually find device? [19:20] tenang: just put "jrib: " before your responses to me [19:20] vortei...tá mó tempestade aqui, meu computer reiniciou! [19:20] Mr sahil_ avidemux :S isn't an Editor? [19:20] quit [19:20] holy cow it takes forever to install subversion [19:20] !Br | edyBUNTU [19:20] edyBUNTU: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. [19:21] its a video editor [19:21] look in synaptic [19:21] jrib I installed it and it went there by default on its own [19:21] ok [19:21] hi guys.this is a strange one...is there any software available in linux that cvan tell me what an encrypted password is? I want to take my details from my router to a wireless router, but it's so long ago that I dont know what the password is? [19:21] tenang: how did you install it? [19:21] neosuki: so what should i do [19:21] system.apperance theme manager I dragged it into it [19:21] mikebeecham: reset the router [19:22] I'm running Hardy with an nvidia card. I need help figuring out why it takes my display up to 5 minutes to wake up. All the logs I have check revealed no immediately obvious errors. [19:22] just seen there is a google software repo.. anything good on it? [19:22] tenang: that wouldn't install it there [19:22] grindking...not the password to the router, my login password for the internet connection [19:22] deb http://dl.google.com/linux/deb/ stable non-free [19:22] call your isp? [19:22] how can i find hard links on a filesystem? [19:23] i am only interested in hardlinks in general, not hardlinks to a specific file [19:23] well it did in my case I don't know what to say all my other themes are there too [19:23] grindking: so, you're not aware of anything, because I've actually thought of those things, but you're not answering my question!!! [19:23] to jrib [19:23] i have a script that uses parted to remove partitions and re-create them dynamically based on drive cylinder size. But I am getting different cylinder counts before and after the process? [19:23] tenang: are you running stuff with sudo or what? [19:23] hello [19:24] it makes no sense to try to crack an encrypted passwd to use the internet connection provided by your isp when you could simply have your password changed or reset or told to you if you would just call them [19:24] jrib running with sudo -s yep [19:24] no wvdial pre installed in server so how am i suppose to connect it to internet [19:24] tenang: don't do that.... that's BAD [19:24] ubuntu page told me to install some other software, but i have no net [19:24] I am experiencing problems with my notebook speakers, I am about to remove linux and Install Windows again, because I've tried everything... Does anybody have a solution for this? [19:24] Thanks [19:24] krazyfingerz47: install alsa-base alsa-source alsa-tools alsa-utils [19:24] sahil_: getting packages ther by another means [19:24] sahil_: check if it's on the live cd, otherwise: [19:24] joerack whats the problem [19:24] !offline | sahil_ [19:24] sahil_: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ (now with Intrepid support) [19:25] Joecrack explain your problem please [19:25] is it bad when 8.10 64bit beeps at you when you try to boot by pressing F1 it after a fresh install? [19:25] I am experiencing problems with my notebook speakers, I am about to remove linux and Install Windows again, because I've tried everything... Does anybody have a solution for this? [19:25] oops sry [19:25] tenang: use 'gksudo nautilus' to delete that directory you were talking about. In the future, don't sudo stuff you shouldn't [19:25] and it keeps on beeping at me [19:25] every 30 seconds or so [19:25] jrib so how do I delete the dir? [19:25] i will try that [19:25] sahil_: nowdays standart way to connect to net is using ethernet or wifi [19:25] neosuki: Downloading ;) [19:25] joerack are you sure your soundcard is working? [19:25] joeracj will u tell ur prob [19:25] jrib how do I access gksudo nautilus? [19:25] or u gonna just cry [19:25] I am experiencing problems with my notebook speakers, I am about to remove linux and Install Windows again, because I've tried everything...PROBLEM: No sound is heard . I have tried everything, and yes my sound works under windows [19:26] does anyone know how to completely reset compiz and all the eyecandy stuff for ubuntu? [19:26] tenang: type 'gksudo nautilus' in a terminal without the quotes [19:26] iv tryed almost everything [19:26] whats the prob joerack [19:26] ? [19:26] wall-e_: ccsm has profiles. create a new one? [19:26] sahil_: NO sound from notebook speakers [19:26] wall-e have you installed ccsm? It will allow you to alter the settings. [19:26] wall-e_: or press "reset to defaults" i guess [19:26] hi all [19:26] neosuki: what should i do now? it should work? [19:27] joerack: did u tried troubleshooting? [19:27] Hello everyone =D I've installed ubuntu and when grub boots (I hear music) my monitor says: out of frequency, VF should be below 160, but it is 174. Can you please help me to fix this. Right now I'm using tty (emacs+erc). [19:27] try alsamixer [19:27] sorry not grub but gdm [19:27] What does it mean when a file have a padlock icon? === obamaluv is now known as obamasaves [19:27] iv tryed making new profiles and the settings either stay or dont change [19:27] xnox: run the xconfigure [19:27] pentaside: means you can't write to it I think [19:27] pentaside it means that file is locked to you. [19:27] anyone got any idea on how i continue? [19:27] krazyfingerz47: use alsamixer or alsamixergui to configure ur settings [19:27] iv tryed purg the system but its like the files are perment [19:27] xnox: sudo dpkg xserver-xorg [19:28] Cpudan80: thankx I'll try that now [19:28] jrib kk ill use it from now on and ty it worked like a charm [19:28] xnox: sorry thats wrong [19:28] pentaside ie you don't have permissions to view or alter the file/directory. [19:28] xnox: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [19:28] Lostchild: Anyway to unlock that file? === acuster is now known as avc_afk [19:28] sudo? [19:28] anybody have any good recommendations for checking the health of an ntfs partition on my drive from ubuntu? i've read a little about SMART, how do i check the SMART info on my drive? [19:28] pentaside, you can change permissions with chmod or open a root nautilus window "sudo nautilus" [19:29] Lostchild: sudo nautilus is not a good idea [19:29] pentaside, obviously you should be careful [19:29] pentaside: what file exactly? You shouldn't need to do this [19:29] gksudo nautilus would be better ...... but still not a good idea [19:29] Cpudan80 your right, thus the warning. [19:29] I just installed Intrepid and keep getting a checkfs error nearly each time I boot. Can someone give me some advise/help please ? This is the error log : http://baltakov.dyndns.org/noBots/ubuntu/checkfs.txt [19:29] I'm trying to install Photoshop via wine... the setup.exe file shows a lock. [19:30] use gimp [19:30] neosuki: I have tried this WORKAROUND: [19:30] Press Alt+F2 [19:30] Write: gksu gedit /etc/modprobe.d/options [19:30] Enter your password [19:30] Add this line in the end of the document: [19:30] joerack: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [19:30] That ws directed towads jrib... [19:30] options snd-hda-intel model=laptop But no dice [19:30] pentaside: you don't need to be able to write to the file [19:30] neosuki: doesnt work [19:30] can i please get help with installing photoshop on ubuntu? [19:30] hola [19:30] So that isn't what is preventing me from executing the file? [19:30] use wine [19:30] barisha, you can't unless you use wine [19:30] barisha, pentaside: check appdb.winehq.org for their entry on photoshop [19:30] anyone? [19:30] Hey, what's a CLI command that will give me the details of a file/folder? (I'm trying to determine what the user:group is, I'm not sure if ls -l is giving me the group or the user) [19:30] Barisha: Try Wine, that's what I'm doing right now. [19:30] i have used it [19:30] pentaside: how are you trying exactly? [19:31] !wine | barisha [19:31] barisha: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help [19:31] what happened [19:31] pentaside, what command are you using to run the program === bubble is now known as Kauwgom [19:31] barisha, just install gimp.. it's open source and it's imho by far better [19:31] and i installed photoshop [19:31] hovis: ls -ld whatever user comes first [19:31] then [19:31] and then i get error [19:31] hovis: ls -l should give you both first user then group [19:31] hello, I have a question about upstart [19:31] Mr. sahil_ i can't see nothing about wmv in avidemux [19:31] Wine and Photoshop don't really get along well [19:31] Hello guys... [19:31] Does anyone know of a place that I can get Envy to work for my Geforce FX 5500 in ubuntu, Im running Intrepid as we speak [19:31] what's the recommended procedure for changing the order of init scripts? is there something that manages it, or should i just do the symlink renaming dance? [19:31] Rhythmbox breaks my ipod library, is it happening with someone else? [19:31] photoshop cs 3 and cs 4 [19:31] i cant install [19:31] tangentially, why does networkmanager start after postfix? [19:31] (by default) [19:32] but cs2 i can install but it doesnt work [19:32] icegod: symlink renaming dance afaik [19:32] krazyfingerz47: wot u've tried? [19:32] jrib: thx [19:32] jrib, Flannel: wierd... it's only one - I'll work on it, thanks. [19:32] Barisha: You can also try using vmware and running windows inside of linux. then run photoshop in linux. Not as efficient as wine, but that's a work around if you give up on wine. [19:32] barisha, I would recommend using gimp. Photoshop and wine don't really get alone well. [19:32] hovis: paste what you see [19:32] then danu restricted codecs must be downloaded first [19:32] !upstart | icegod [19:32] icegod: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model. For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/ [19:32] Photoshop 7 works fine with Wine. here. [19:32] Mr. sahil_ i have them! [19:32] 7 is all ive ever used tho [19:32] photoshop 7 is a bit older [19:32] Sorry should have said cs2 and up [19:32] and i am a web designer [19:32] neosuki: i installed it, then i go to preferences/audio and set all to alsa mixer right? [19:33] urmel291: thanks; is upstart in good working order now? last thing i saw on the internets said it was still in development... [19:33] i dont know whats different in the new versions, but 7 does what i need it to do. [19:33] I wouldnt use VMWare [19:33] Use VirtualBox instead [19:33] chmod 777 -r directory is the right structure for this command right? [19:33] Cpudan80: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg. I've completed it but it is still out of frequency. BTW i'm running server kernel (i did apt-get install ubuntu-desktop), someone else was using it as a server before me. [19:33] !gconftool [19:33] well, try the newer one in the newer Wine.. 1.1.3 [19:33] Sorry, I don't know anything about gconftool [19:33] wait danu [19:33] Cpudan80 What's wrong with VMWare? [19:33] thanks guys :) [19:33] icegod: well, it used by ubuntu [19:33] Can anyone point me in the Direction of the NVIDIA support for Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex? [19:33] you never know [19:33] *nod* [19:33] Doonz: I've never seen that command be a good idea. What are you doing? [19:33] Lostchild: that stupid new web interface for one thing [19:33] jrib: http://rafb.net/p/vLNizC44.html [19:33] xnox: hrm... [19:34] just allowing everyone access to a specific folder [19:34] how can I kill daemon if its sigterm signal overriden? [19:34] xnox: and did you change the monitor setting? [19:34] * deany loyal virtualbox user now. [19:34] hovis: hrmm, you're on ubuntu? [19:34] Doonz: what folder? [19:34] Lostchild: It also seemed to be much slower -- and had permissions problems for me [19:34] i accidently rm * [19:34] ohe in a home directory [19:34] Cpudan80: it didn't ask me for one. I'll do it again just in case i've missed it =\ [19:34] sergeykish: what daemon? [19:34] join [19:34] i take it there's noone with any idea of how to actually boot ubuntu when the keyboad keeps beeping at you at the boot screen? [19:34] how in the FUCK to i get my shit BACK [19:34] Lostchild: it would constantly tell me I didnt have rights to startup the VMs [19:34] Rhythmbox breaks my ipod library everytime I use it... [19:35] Can anyone point me in the Direction of the NVIDIA support for Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex? [19:35] !recover | jedi06 [19:35] jedi06: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel [19:35] krazyfingerz47: is all set to max? [19:35] my sound is stuck... looking for help diagosing... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio seems out of date w.r.t 8.10... libflashsupport seems to be flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound === avc_afk is now known as acuster [19:35] jedi06: please watch your language [19:35] neosuki: yes [19:35] icegod: i guess u can use "update-rc.d" to change the symlinks [19:35] how do i update python using the terminal on ubuntu? [19:35] jrib: lol, I'm on the wrong box, this one's debian. I'll ask them, thanks for your help. [19:35] jrib, created by myself [19:35] how do i install .deb file? [19:35] quiksilver: update-manager handles that for you [19:35] pJok, can you use a different keyboard [19:35] hrm [19:35] probably [19:35] how do i access that jrib? [19:35] barisha: what .deb file? Why are you not using the repositories? [19:35] going to see if i have another usb keyboard [19:36] Barbosa_, dpkg -i package name [19:36] or man dpkg [19:36] quicksilver_: sudo apt-get install python [19:36] first [19:36] sergeykish: you can send -9 with kill I guess [19:36] I'm in a virtual os [19:36] what are repositories? [19:36] quicksilver_: but as jrib said, the updatemanager will tell you if there are updates to the python packages [19:36] for virtual machine [19:36] quiksilver: it shows up in your system tray when you have updates if you are using GNOME [19:36] Cpudan80: it only asked for framebuffer and like 5 keyboard settings. nothing about monitor/video related [19:36] its deb file [19:36] I'm having some problems with OpenGL in Intrepid 64-bit. Using an OpenGL widget in one of my QT programs sometimes results in corruption on draws. glxgears also leaves behind an image even after moving the window [19:36] xnox: hrm... [19:36] krazyfingerz47: try using lsmod command, to check ur hardware [19:36] sudo apt-get install mencoder do this danu [19:37] sure it gonna help [19:37] It also seems like my input freezes up when I switch to another terminal (alt+Ctrl+F2) and then back to X [19:37] zleap, same [19:37] hm === jason32 is now known as DBO [19:37] and there's no PS2 interface [19:37] so it just beeps when you try and boot [19:37] i have installed it thanks [19:37] it beeps every 30 seconds, its at the F1 Linux Disk1 screen [19:38] could someone give me the proper syntax to use to message an individual in IRC chat I don't think I'm doing it right? [19:38] and wont go past that [19:38] xnox: sudo apt-get install gdm [19:38] any keypress will just cause it to beep at me [19:38] xnox: see if that's installed [19:38] I installed Intrepid (64-bit) and keep getting a checkfs error nearly each time I boot. Can someone give me some advise/help, please ? [19:38] Well I need major help right now. I have ubuntu in vbox what I accidently deleted some important files how do i get them back. [19:38] !enter | pJok [19:38] pJok: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [19:38] pJok, that normally happens when the keyboard buffer is full [19:38] jedi06: did you read what ubottu told you? Use your backups basically [19:38] jedi06: have u used rm command? [19:38] hola [19:38] jedi06: depending on the filesystem you might be out of luck [19:38] yes rm * [19:39] methinx: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia [19:39] zleap, it happens with any keypress as well as it keeping beeping at me every 30 seconds [19:39] methinx: u need to install nvidia-glx === methinx is now known as MethinX [19:39] jrib, thanks its work :-) [19:39] jedi06: what filesystem? [19:39] i don't know how do i find out [19:39] pJok, what distro are you using [19:39] jedi06: i guess it's hard to recover then [19:39] zleap, 8.10 64bit server [19:39] ok [19:39] jedi06: type mount in console [19:39] Doonz: there's probably a better way to accomplish what you are doing if you explain what you are doing exactly [19:39] is it bad to make one's home partition in ntfs? [19:39] if it is xfs you can forget your files [19:39] Wolter: yes, very [19:39] Wolter: yes [19:40] i mean, for linux applications [19:40] Wolter: yes [19:40] pJok, not sure, when did the problem start [19:40] jrib, icewaterman, why? what happens? [19:40] Cpudan80: it is install, cause I did login without seeing anything, and I've heard the login music. Apt is locked (maybe the update manager is running on the tty7). Shall I reboot and come back? [19:40] jrib: isnt 777 for read write execute [19:40] Wolter: ntfs does not have unix permissions [19:40] xnox: oh ok - yeah do that [19:40] ntfs has ACLs [19:40] jrib, you mean, i cannot protect files? [19:40] zleap, well, i just installed it... 3 times to see if the installation was a problem, but it still keeps doing that after installing [19:40] Doonz, yes, 777 gives readl write executable for everyone [19:40] how do I add a user for ssh (one not using this machine but sshing in) === MethinX is now known as ColdCircuit [19:40] Hm...it seems compiz is causing my openGL problems [19:40] jrib, with my password [19:40] Doonz: yes, but if you do that recursively, you'll be setting many files like pictures executable... [19:41] Wolter: it is both slow and not fully supported. as a result you do not have proper permissions support and only can use fuse (because kernel-side ntfs support is not safe for writing) [19:41] hmm, so it could be a hardware problem or a corrupted cd === ColdCircuit is now known as Neurotic_Buddha [19:41] thas fine [19:41] Cpudan80: ok see ya hopefully in 5 minutes or so. === Neurotic_Buddha is now known as Twitch [19:41] k [19:41] When I try to install Kubuntu, there comes a black screen saying something with BusyBox and (initramfs). What do I do? [19:41] I thought NTFS did have an option for unix permissions, but those aren't implemented in any driver for Linux [19:41] Wolter: no. I mean linux programs require the use of file permissions and ntfs does not use them. It's a bad idea. Stick with ext3 [19:41] !permissions > Wolter [19:41] Wolter, please see my private message [19:41] Stalker72: Have you tried to use the Alternate CD? [19:41] Wolter: what you want is ext3 because you can mount that on windows as well [19:41] jrib, well its hard, now that i have dual boot and want to have access to my documents from windows [19:41] !alternate | Stalker72 [19:41] Stalker72: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. Look for the alternate link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ubuntu-8.10-alternate-i386.iso.torrent [19:41] Wolter: via ext2 IFS [19:42] zleap, well, the machine ran FreeBSD just fine (with a wireless driver crashing the kernel randomly)... so the hardware works and the cd checked out fine === Twitch is now known as Twitch_ [19:42] i get this error in audacity any clue? Error while opening sound device. Please check the output device settings and the project sample rate. [19:42] !ext | Wolter [19:42] Sorry, I don't know anything about ext [19:42] !ext3 | Wolter [19:42] Wolter: ext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org [19:42] Pici: Nope. How do I install Kubuntu using that? === Twitch_ is now known as methinx_ [19:42] !nickspam | methinx_ [19:42] methinx_: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead. See also « /msg ubottu Guidelines » [19:42] icewaterman, i tried that but it didn't work, because the new ext3 uses 256 byte block size, ext2ifs uses 128... [19:42] pJok, not sure, can anyone else help here === methinx_ is now known as Methinx__ [19:42] didn't have that problem with my old machine that ran 8.04 31bit [19:42] 32* === Methinx__ is now known as Methinks [19:43] film [19:43] Weems: Add a user to your local system and enable the ssh server if you want a user to access ssh. If you only want the certain user to access your system via ssh, add "AllowUsers [username]@*" to the end of your /etc/ssh/sshd_config file [19:43] Stalker72: Follow the prompts, See the checkbox on http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download [19:43] Wolter: then try this: use any linux filesystem for your home and create a separate data partition. if you only store your own files there you will not run into any permission problems, as you can only allow access to the ntfs-data-partition to a specific user [19:43] Stalker72: Its like the regular CD but does not have a 'live' version. [19:44] i get this error in audacity any clue? Error while opening sound device. Please check the output device settings and the project sample rate. [19:44] Pici: I prefer BitTorrent. Do I click on Alternate 64Bit then? [19:44] Stalker72: Yes. [19:44] jrib, ubottu, http://www.fs-driver.org/troubleshoot.html (problem #1) [19:44] I am deleting my non working linux: Possible no-one can come up with a solution? [19:44] about my non working laptop speakers [19:44] and yes, i know ubottu is not a human being. [19:44] Pici: Will that fix the problem? [19:44] Stalker72: It may. [19:45] manufacturer of your laptop [19:45] Pici: Have you had the same problem yourself? [19:45] joerack [19:45] manufacturer [19:45] Stalker72: I have not. But the alternate CD installs on a wider range of hardware than the live CD does. [19:45] Pici: Cool, nice to know! :D [19:46] i get this error in audacity any clue? Error while opening sound device. Please check the output device settings and the project sample rate. [19:46] http://pastie.org/362725 <-- timedroid, any idea about this error? [19:46] hey guys, so my sound isn't working. I'm dual booting on the aluminum macbook. I've read tons of forums and dont know what to do next. Any suggestions? [19:47] hi [19:48] Pici: I'll try the Alternate CD and report back! :) [19:48] beckster check in wiki [19:48] anyone had any luck getting the mic working on a dell xps m1330? [19:48] Weems, do you have something already listening on port 9050? [19:49] Cpudan80: heya. I've rebooted. Had spash screen with ubuntu loading bar. Tthen a little bit of text saying apparmor started, ntp started, GNOME desktop manager started, then too quick for me to read, and then monitor showed out of frequency thingy. back at tty1. I really want to install normal desktop kernel, cause I think that might be a problem (although I'm clueless). sudo apt install gdm said it is already the latest version. [19:49] yes [19:49] I just formatted one of my XP partition using ext3 using GParted. I now have a new empty volume coming up.. but I don't have any permissions to create file/folders - know why? [19:49] well its tor [19:49] sahil : Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03) [19:49] hey guys [19:49] but I uninstalled it [19:49] :p [19:49] prison_break: I think I tried that, this is the one I'm going off of now.. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting i get to the part where it says to change my bios and a wise friend said not to do that so I'm stuck [19:49] wait!! [19:49] Also an FYI.. I am logged in as neo... the vol properties shows root has permissions.. [19:50] xnox: sounds like something is wrong with your desktop settings... [19:50] xnox: try removing /etc/x11/xorg.conf [19:50] xnox: well - do this [19:50] don't mess up with the bios what sound device do u have? [19:50] beckster? [19:50] i get this error in audacity any clue? Error while opening sound device. Please check the output device settings and the project sample rate. [19:50] xnox: sudo mv /etc/x11/xorg.conf xorg.conf.backup [19:50] joerack look at this http://linuxtechie.wordpress.com/2007/10/19/getting-intel-ich8-family-rev-3-sound-card-to-work-in-gutsy/ [19:50] Cpudan80: ok [19:50] hey guys, im a new ubuntu user, having some issues with my dual monitors and my mic, i have an ATI video card, can anyone help? [19:50] xnox: that will force a new one [19:51] xnox: then run that reconfigure thing again [19:51] http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/fedora-35/configuring-sound-acer-4720-laptop-82801h-ich8-family-hd-audio-controller-627831/ [19:51] prison_break: I think ALC883 [19:51] joerack, i hope theese link will get you done [19:51] xnox: That should be: sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup [19:51] !hdaintel | joerack [19:51] joerack: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto [19:51] Cpudan80: moved [19:51] do u mean alsa mixer? [19:51] i get this error in audacity any clue? Error while opening sound device. Please check the output device settings and the project sample rate. [19:52] ermm yea [19:52] Hi. Is anyone here familiar with NVIDIA X Server Settings and setting up two screens? i have set one to extend the other one, and now one has the top panel and another one a dock I've at the bottom, and I'd like to have them at both screens [19:52] thanks guys [19:52] Cpudan80: he won't have a /etc/x11/xorg.conf file ;) [19:52] ubottu, any help? [19:52] Sorry, I don't know anything about any help? [19:52] !bot | neodarwinian [19:52] neodarwinian: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [19:52] ardchoille: thankx =D === ueland is now known as Dueland [19:52] hehe lol [19:53] i get this error in audacity any clue? Error while opening sound device. Please check the output device settings and the project sample rate. [19:53] prison_break, please dont repeat so often [19:53] ubottu, dualmonitor [19:53] !repeat | prison_break [19:53] Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama [19:53] prison_break: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [19:54] ard, any help? My newly formatted volume doesn't allow me any permissions. [19:54] Pici: can i pm you for something ? [19:54] albuntu: sure [19:54] ardchoille: well when he runs the reconfig thing [19:54] Cpudan80: x11 != X11 [19:54] why in gparted i get only option for unmounting & manage flags, other options are dead [19:54] ardchoille: oh - my bad lol [19:55] Windows has been teaching me bad things! :-P [19:55] hehe [19:55] * Cpudan80 is messin with Windows 7 [19:55] sahil_, is the partition mounted? [19:55] sahil, you got to unmount to see them enabled.. [19:55] yeah [19:55] even ext3 [19:55] sahil_, much better to use live cd or gparted livecd [19:56] Cpudan80: I'm back. the reconfigure again asked only about keyboard. [19:56] baz is right.. I'm downloading one myself as I chat to resize my current / partition [19:56] thanx folks [19:56] xnox: ok... but can you at least get into the thing? [19:56] but do i have to unmount even linux partitions [19:56] sahil_, of course yes [19:57] ok thanx [19:57] windows is for gay people [19:57] i get this error in audacity any clue? Error while opening sound device. Please check the output device settings and the project sample rate. [19:57] prison_break, stop [19:57] baz, i have a quick question.. [19:57] hey bazhang [19:57] prison_break, and dont repeat so often === roozbehonline is now known as RoozbehOnline|Aw [19:57] iam not a racist === RoozbehOnline|Aw is now known as roozbehonline [19:57] see, I formatted /media/disk-1 using gparted.. now it is empty.. But I do not have any permissions creation folder / file.. [19:57] Cpudan80: I can login into tty1 and see everything on the screen. I can login into tty7 (graphical) and it does work, except I can't see anything. [19:57] know why? [19:57] !ot | prison_break [19:57] prison_break: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [19:58] xnox: what kind of gfx card do you have? === roozbehonline is now known as Roozbeh|Away [19:58] !nickspam > Roozbeh|Away [19:58] Roozbeh|Away, please see my private message [19:58] i am running out of space both in ubuntu and vista but i want to remove vista but keep some important files and use the remaining space in existing ubuntu. is it possible?? [19:58] Cpudan80: theoreticly I should be able to change it via GUI except that I will have to use keyboard to navigate blidly to the correct window [19:58] sahil_ I had exactly the same situation.. [19:58] lol [19:58] xnox: well if you have nvidia or something you should enable the correct driver [19:58] My C:\ had windows (/media/disk-1_ [19:58] Cpudan80: no clue =( How do a check [19:59] I simply formatted it using GParted... [19:59] ok [19:59] I used ext3 so it is no longer ntfs [19:59] xnox: lspci | grep VGA === Roozbeh|Away is now known as roozbehonline === roozbehonline is now known as RoozbehOffline [19:59] !fstab | neodarwinian [19:59] neodarwinian: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions [19:59] xnox: ex. 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility M7 LW [Radeon Mobility 7500] [19:59] but neodarwinian i need to preserve some documents [19:59] now the prob is .. I am unable to use it .. coz only root has permissions (that is what I see in properties) [19:59] Yeah I know - my computer sucks [19:59] oh fstab !!! Thanks urmel [20:00] Cpudan80: very similar [20:00] sahil_, move them before you format.. [20:00] xnox: what does it say? [20:00] have enough space, though? [20:00] Cpudan80: I've double checked EXACTLY what you have typed [20:00] i know that but its 80 gb and i don't have external hdd [20:00] xnox: you have the same exact gfx card? [20:00] Cpudan80: YES =D [20:00] xnox: Its an Nvidia laptop? [20:01] err ATI laptop? [20:01] Cpudan80: IBM Thinkpad T30 [20:01] oh ... [20:01] interesting... [20:01] hmm I never had any problems installing ubuntu [20:01] Cpudan80: but the screen on the laptop doesn't work. And I have to / am using external monitor [20:02] xnox: oh ... external monitors ... those give me problems [20:02] Well, then delete, WINDOWS, Program Files, and all those folders you do not need anymore :P I know it is not right.. but just to keep it simpler :) [20:02] anyway neo if we format windows partition with ext3, will ubuntu take that automaticly, & where and how will it place in the file structure [20:02] Cpudan80: and I do remember it working of the livecd with the external monitor [20:02] Cpudan80: it was hardy though [20:02] the file structure.. is still the same.. as in if it is /media/disk-1 it is still the same.. [20:03] xnox: hmmm [20:03] xnox: I can post my xorg.conf file [20:03] i get this error in audacity any clue? Error while opening sound device. Please check the output device settings and the project sample rate. [20:03] neodarwinian: /media/disk-1 is just the mountpoint [20:03] yep.. right - mountpoint.. [20:03] I'm not sure what he meant by file structure.. [20:04] Cpudan80: ermmm I only know how to use wget so could you please put it on http or ftp [20:04] linux file structure [20:05] niway, so now you could access that disk as a root only [20:05] xnox: http://pastebin.ca/1310304 [20:05] well take a look at GParted.. how it relates your mountpoint and /sda/xxx etc.. [20:05] you will then get the idea.. [20:05] xnox: thats gonna grab a lot of bs with it [20:05] xnox: hang on [20:06] Good Moring ! :D [20:06] xnox: pm with URL [20:07] ;) [20:07] hey guys, im a new ubuntu user, having some issues with my dual monitors and my mic, i have an ATI video card, can anyone help? [20:08] hello everybody [20:08] h [20:08] i [20:08] Hello ! :D [20:08] I was the guy with the intrepid slowdown problem now I have a new user and solved [20:08] How are you? :) [20:08] sahil_, I'm trying to resolve that root only access using fstab.. take a look at the link urmil gave me. [20:08] i have a script that uses parted to remove partitions and re-create them dynamically based on drive cylinder size. But I am getting different cylinder counts before and after the process? [20:08] i am looking for a download accelerator that works with megashares and ubuntu [20:08] hello [20:08] now another issue I'm a new user and I've added myselft to /etc/sudoers but in the gnome desktop it doesn't let me access to the administrative tools [20:08] urmel291: Thanks.. Never mind the mis-spelling :) [20:09] Hello everyone any body succefuly installed CoD5 on Ubuntu ?! [20:09] i get this error in audacity any clue? Error while opening sound device. Please check the output device settings and the project sample rate. [20:09] zleap, reinstalling grub from the rescue terminal worked... now that step is bypassed [20:09] Hello everyone any body succefuly installed CoD5 on Ubuntu ?! [20:09] !fstab | sahil_ [20:09] sahil_: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions [20:09] Cpudan80: it WORKED =DDDDDDD!!!!!!! [20:09] Cpudan80: THANK YOU VERY MUCH [20:09] any clues? [20:09] xnox: Lol ... interesting that we had the same xorg.conf file... [20:09] prison_break: You might try posting on http://ubuntuforums.org/ [20:09] neodarwinian: no problem [20:09] Hey People! I always forget this: How do i mount a directory from another machine? "mount" ? [20:10] Ge_ [20:10] is there any font that would make two gnome-terminal tile up the whole 1280 wide. (80char wide, both of them) [20:10] can anyone help with dual monitor problem? i've got an ati card [20:10] thanx ubottu [20:10] Anon, check the appdb [20:10] after creating a new user I couldn't access the administrative apps from the system menu in gnome, why? [20:10] Cpudan80: it is funny. =D now I can get back to making debs to finally get sponsored. I want to get a new packages into Jaunty for the first time =D [20:10] did you try mount //xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx /Dir [20:10] ?? [20:10] !bot | sahil_ [20:10] sahil_: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [20:10] ;] [20:10] hey can someone help me [20:10] Anon: yes, thats not the right command [20:11] ok neo [20:11] Cpudan80: thank you very much again. I'm off now. [20:11] Writing to a gnome session, similar to the way you get a popup when shutting down, how can this be done? [20:11] Hm... [20:11] Ha! Got it! "mount dir" [20:11] youre using jaunty xnox ? [20:11] what version of alsa comes out of the box in intrepid? i'd like to try a newer version [20:11] ge_: Nice :D [20:11] having some problems with dual monitors, anyone got some time to troubleshoot? :D [20:11] Im trying to install java but I dont know the remote password....I thought it would be what I log in with but I dunno [20:11] burkmat: if you're talking about message boxes, man zenity [20:11] ardchoille, Thank you. [20:11] feeling much better now [20:12] Cpudan80: no. I only have pbuilder set up for intrepid and jaunty. [20:12] sstoveld: http://en.gibney.org/switch_internal_and_external_monitor/ [20:12] great! [20:12] please help I created a new user, added it to /etc/sudoers but I can't access administrative applications from gnome's system menu. [20:12] Cpudan80: I'm running intrepid [20:12] Hi - If I install Hardy on a Windows desktop - will I have any foreseeable problems ? ? [20:12] hi [20:12] ge_, thanks, ill take a look [20:12] no nite [20:12] hi [20:12] oh [20:12] hi [20:12] nite_johnboy, you will still be running windows [20:12] nite_johnboy: why ? [20:12] arcsighter: add it to admin and adm [20:12] sstoveld: thats how it works on my amilo notebook [20:12] could someone help me? [20:12] i need to reinstall windows on a dual-boot setup. i know it's going to overwrite the boot sector so what do i need to do to backup and reinstall grub and my menu.lst file after i reinstall windows? [20:12] hello! i'm using ubuntu in a 22 inch monitor, but the splash screen at boot looks out of place... is there a way to fix this? [20:12] i get this error in audacity any clue? Error while opening sound device. Please check the output device settings and the project sample rate. [20:12] I've a more "developer" question, I'm developing and application, this application is a set of binaries all controlled by another binary. I guess I should put the one that the user have to start in /usr/bin but how can I keep the directory clean, where should I put the other binaries ? [20:12] arcsighter: in addition to sudoers [20:12] nite are u installing ubuntu for first time [20:12] i have aproblem whit nautilus [20:13] blah my cpu doesn't have that lahf flag so that's why flash10 is crashing [20:13] Cpudan80: I'll try jaunty on my other machine later onin the cycle. [20:13] can someone help me? [20:13] thanks dayo_ i'll try [20:13] Cpudan80: thanks again and bye =D [20:13] any one know anything about synce [20:13] helllo [20:13] i grt this error [20:13] could someone help [20:13] Nautilus cannot handle "synce" locations. [20:14] installing java using? [20:14] the instructions on the java website... [20:14] sadistcynic; Yes I know - I personally run only linux - doing this for someone that needs to be weened off windows slowly - linux would be totally new to them. [20:14] is there a linux product that competes with adobe illustrator? adobe illustrator use *.ai extension [20:14] !java | Kuroneko-chan [20:14] !patience | prison_break [20:14] prison_break: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [20:14] starfruit: inkscape [20:14] Kuroneko-chan: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository [20:14] ge_, lol i dont understand, im new to ubuntu. right now my monitors are cloned, but in my screen resolution utility it detects my monitor as unknown, maybe because i have ati catalyst control center? [20:15] when i mount with "moun archives " utility, where is mounted in file system? [20:15] you could use weboo nite [20:15] Kuroneko-chan: just the Java runtime right? Did you try Applications->Add/Remove... [20:15] it will install ubuntu within your windows just like another software [20:15] and then by typing in java in the search box? [20:16] sstoveld: xrandr is the tool to configure all that. do "man xrandr" to see how it works. [20:16] starfruit: http://www.inkscape.org/ it uses svg which is the universal vector graphics file format [20:16] when i mount with "moun archives " utility, where is mounted in file system? [20:16] sstoveld: i assume you know how to use a terminal. if not, i cant help. i do it all in a terminal. [20:17] when i mount with "moun archives " utility, where is mounted in file system? [20:17] how do i reinstall grub? [20:17] ge_, yes, i can use terminal :P [20:17] !grub [20:17] GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [20:17] ardchoille, Hmm, man doesn't seem to specify anything about writing to someone elses screen, that's what I'm attempting to accomplish. Any suggestions? [20:17] when i mount with "moun archives " utility, where is mounted in file system? [20:17] sstoveld: ok. then "man xrandr" should give you some nice infos. [20:17] DasEI; I usually install linux on a separate partition but this fellow I doing this for does not want me to partition his hard drive - have never done an install of Hardy without doing a partition. [20:17] burkmat: Ah, that is different.. no ideas I'm afraid [20:17] ge_, thanks [20:18] nite_johnboy: you want to use wubi ? [20:18] Ok my problem is i just accidently deleted some files in ubuntu. Ubuntu is in virtual box and host os is windows XP. I just downloaded the ubuntu-rescue-remix.iso how do i use it? [20:18] DasTO; Yes - not really - but only way if can not partition. [20:18] use wubi nite as i told [20:19] amirman, thx [20:19] wubi will install ubuntu in windows machine just like and as another software [20:19] DasEI; Does the wubi work fairly well? [20:19] yup [20:20] do i need to burn it on a cd and then run it? [20:20] !wubi | nite_johnboy [20:20] nite_johnboy: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. [20:20] nite_johnboy: hmm, to try ubuntu it' s alright, but in the end just sth to try ubuntu [20:20] then mount the vbox partition? [20:21] jedi06: what are you trying to do? [20:21] jedi06: If you've deleted files off a file system you ought to immediately get the file system in a read only state [20:21] nite_johnboy: You can ACTUALL install Ubuntu without doing a partition using VM (Virtual boxes). But thats a whole altogether different animal. If you are planning to use a VM, it will let you create a self-growing Virtual Hard-disk file.. That becomes your primary partition/volume. [20:21] ACTUALLY* [20:21] dayo; Thanks - forgot about using bottu. [20:21] ASULutzy i turned of the guest os [20:21] it should be safe [20:22] nite_johnboy:if no partition wanted, why not install on an extra drive ? safest way [20:22] nite_johnboy: u're welcome [20:22] Attempting to contact someone logged in on a computer I'm SSH'd into without using audio, any ideas how I could write to the gnome session? [20:22] I'm asking what do after i turn it off and download the iso [20:23] burkmat: just touch files on their Desktop :P [20:23] burkmat, what kind of message do you want to send? [20:23] burkmat: I found something that might interest you; man write [20:23] ASULutzy, I'm afraid I need some sort of more direct way of communicating... Even though that will eventually wake 'em up. :P [20:23] Is there a "task manager" equivalent in Linux? I have Ekiga session that seems to have crashed and will not close. [20:23] yes [20:23] burkmat: sudo touch /home/theirUser/HAI2U ;) but also write might work [20:23] how do i restart X server? [20:23] do ctrl + esc [20:23] ardchoille, Yeah, tried using that but I can't write to a gnome session with it cause even root gets permission denied on tty7 =/ [20:23] melik, ctrl + alt + backspace [20:24] burkmat: ok [20:24] Bokenrosie: pkill or xkill will give you a nice killer cursor to click with [20:24] burkmat: Too bad you said no sound... Doing sudo cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp would DEFINITELY get their attention [20:24] Bokenrosie: but yes there is a task manager gui under system options i think [20:24] Bokenrosie:do ctrl + esc [20:24] Bokenrosie: try top [20:24] ASULutzy, hehe, used that one earlier today... :P highly efficient. [20:24] it will bring a task manager equ [20:24] trying ctrl + esc but not seeming to work. [20:24] neodarwinian; Yea - looked at this possibility as well - this is proprietary HP box that so far is not looking like is going to be friendly with linux running on it anyway. [20:25] u r using kde right [20:25] Hmm, new approach: How do I enable VNC through the CLI? :D [20:25] sorry, it was meant for kde [20:25] does gksu use the libpam authorization method? [20:25] Bokenrosie: ps -A | grep -i ekiga | awk "{print $ 1}" | xargs -i kill -9 {} ;-p [20:25] it works in kde only [20:25] i want to use my finger whenever i get asked for my password [20:26] wolter, what kind of computer [20:26] Bokenrosie go to the panel of gnome [20:26] sadistcynic, dell xps m1530 (upex touchstrip) [20:27] right click and select add to panel then add force quit [20:27] it will help!! [20:27] sadistcynic, it now works, i have also learned how to swipe my finger, but gksu asks for my standard password, but not for a fingerprint [20:27] wolter, i recently failed at getting the scanner on my lenovo 3000 v200 [20:27] wolter, look at thinkfinger [20:28] sadistcynic, ah yes, i have it configure with that tool... but no, mine does work [20:28] DasEI; Thanks for idea - thought about that already - This fellow is already paying me for a hours & hours of spyware removal - I think this whole thing would be an uphill battle - will recommend he get a custom built Clone for about $350 US that would be more compatible. [20:28] #zsnes [20:29] so anyone want to answer a crazy question? [20:29] nite_johnboy:nah, just give him a try on usb first, then move win to it later ... [20:29] wolter, did you do this: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/How_to_enable_the_fingerprint_reader_with_ThinkFinger#Configuring_PAM_to_use_ThinkFinger [20:29] using ubuntu 8.10 just put the xscreensaver back on it, and i'm trying to find where the text file for phosphor is [20:29] can anyone tell me if there is a to add more desktop to ubuntu? i was doing something with compiz and now i can only have two!?! [20:29] wolter, remember i failed [20:29] ctr-alt-back cured the problem alright [20:29] is there a package who help handling a system configure this way: /usr on compact flash read only; /etc and /var on harddisk; automatically handling if the harddisk is broken and use RAM instead (perhaps backup of /etc/ stored on compact flash) ??? :))))) === benjamin_ is now known as Pignoufou [20:30] NVIDIA OpenGL Driver requires CPUs with SSE to run. [20:30] The current CPU does not support SSE. [20:30] Is there a less destructive way of killing just one program? [20:30] megashares download manager/accelerator for linux, anyone? [20:30] join #ubuntu-es [20:30] sadistcynic, i used another guide. [20:31] will ubuntu have abetter kde integration in the future or are they still fixed on gnome? [20:31] rhonda_: what cpu? [20:31] vexue: right click on "window" key on taskbar and right click->Properties and change the number how many desktops you want [20:31] Bokenrosie: less destructive then what ? [20:31] clou: try asking in #kubuntu [20:31] DasEI; Umm - I think you might have something there - have been to busy to look into setting up a USB Hardy boot - could you point in a direction that be of help - appreciate it.... === DS-Away is now known as DarkSmoke [20:31] clou: kde will be getting more and more support. specifically qt === squiddy is now known as Guest34073 [20:31] can someone help me with znes [20:31] sadistcynic, on login i get asked both for my password, and then for either my password or my fingerprint, but i think that is because i did not delete anything from the common-auth file, i just appended some lines that the ubuntu wiki said. [20:31] !usb | nite_johnboy [20:31] nite_johnboy: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent [20:31] !away > DarkSmoke [20:31] DarkSmoke, please see my private message [20:32] can someone help me znes [20:32] anyone run 7.04 fiesty ? Im getting bad links when I run apt-get update.. [20:32] wolter, keep trying untill you can't login anymore, then get back to me [20:32] !repeat | rhonda_ [20:32] rhonda_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [20:32] DasEI; sweet - you guys are always there for help - I really appreciate it ! [20:32] I made it now for the easy question of the day ..whats the name of the pulseaudio channel? [20:32] !feisty | slashzul [20:32] slashzul: Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) was the sixth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 19th, 2008. See !eol and !upgrade for more details. [20:32] rhonda_, 64bit? [20:32] Would a single run with dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/hda be enough to wipe the harddrive or is there a suggested number of sweeps one should do when properly nuking data? [20:32] nite_johnboy: feel welcome [20:32] slashzul: It is no longer supported, see ubottu's message above. [20:32] slashzul: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources might be of help [20:32] hi there "S" [20:32] wolter, but it sounds like your on the right track with the pam configuration file [20:32] * Cedara sighs [20:33] hey guys, need a hand getting ethernet working on a new install. I'm definately plugged in but i can't get online [20:33] slashzul: there is no more updates for it [20:33] archivator lofl , im not using long colourfull fulll of adverts away system.. its just a 4words line it wont slow you from helping people.. [20:33] TriBeCa99, try sudo dhclient eth0 from a terminal [20:33] humm. so can I just apt-get dist-upgrade ? [20:33] slashzul, you need to read the link [20:33] im not sure but i keep getting this error in the terminal [20:33] slashzul: only incremental updates [20:33] NVIDIA OpenGL Driver requires CPUs with SSE to run. [20:33] The current CPU does not support SSE. [20:33] thanks [20:34] yw [20:34] sadistcynic, do you think i should delete the first lines? if you know anything about the common-auth file, i'd be happy to pastebin it [20:34] TriBeCa99: wired or wlan ? [20:34] slashzul, first update the system using old-releases.ubuntu.com [20:34] slashzul: an incremental update would seem to be a pain assuming it worked ok. id just backup /home and install the latest lts then restore /home.. just my 2 cents [20:34] anyone know how i can get a chatbot in linux? [20:34] does anyone run Ubuntu in VMWare/VirtualPC? I have had issues with both, I cannot get Ubuntu to install in neither. Looking for comments from others who have had success. [20:34] A google search has helped me none, i'm trying to find out how to install the 64-bit flash 10 plugin, it came in a so.tar.gz package [20:34] rhonda_, check if it is 64bit [20:34] Ok running Ubuntu 8.10 having some trouble with CUPS is it possible (advisable) to try and remove/reinstall or will that just be a bigger nightmare? [20:34] profXavier: works in both for me. virtualpc is always a bit of a pain though [20:34] tightvnc - how do I send a ctrl-alt-del or reboot signal to the remote box? [20:34] true, it would be a waste of time, from 7.04\ [20:34] shooooooooooo [20:35] wolter, i have no idea, make a backup, set some permissions on the file, and then start messing with it [20:35] profXavier: sure, get free vmplayer and dld a image for vm, no prob, pm me [20:35] meistergrado, why do you not use synaptics flash-plugin-nonfree ? [20:35] pike_ what OS are you using? [20:35] wolter, prepare the file to be fixed [20:35] shoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo [20:35] bazhang: it's doing DHCPDISCOVER over and over again [20:35] gaza: stop [20:35] shoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo [20:35] ... [20:35] I installed Intrepid (64-bit) and keep getting a checkfs error nearly each time I boot. Can someone give me some advise/help, please ? [20:35] !ops gaza [20:35] Sorry, I don't know anything about ops gaza [20:35] DasEI: wired [20:35] no [20:35] profXavier: on vmware freebsd, openbsd, arch linux, ubuntu 8.10 etc :) [20:35] wolter: is that the best way to work it? i've messed up my flash player install before, and it screwed up sound for my entire system... [20:35] you can get pass the interface directly to dhclient [20:35] TriBeCa99:8.10 ? [20:35] e.g dhclient eth0 [20:35] pike_, running 64 bit Server 2008 [20:36] hummmm. so it might be easier just to backup old home/directories , then install latest ? [20:36] DasEI; Looks like the second link will be best - also I will tell him he will only get so much life out of USB thumb and will eventually die - by that time I'm sure he will have a nice little IBM clone that would be a piece of cake to setup linux on - will of course recommend a Nvidia video card - thanks again. [20:36] profXavier: ah no im on 32 bit xp and then server 2003 [20:36] wolter: I just stepped in, I have thinkfinger working on my IBM T60 (with PAM) [20:36] bazhang: yes. it gave up as it received no DHCP offers [20:36] meistergrado, that is the default way for ubuntu, therefore, that one that is guaranteed to work, in fact, that's how i installed it in my 64bit 8.10 system [20:36] bazhang: it was trying which i'm ont sure is correct [20:36] *not [20:36] how do I change the rights on a partition that has recently been changed from ntfs to ext3, and which I have to mount by hand? (btw; I messed up the rights already because I used bad advice) [20:36] guntbert, oh nice, let me ask you a couple of questions then [20:36] pike_ i have tried to install both 32bit and 64 bit Ubuntu, neither had a success [20:36] ryker65: reinstalling is probably not the solution, and no idea what "some trouble" is. [20:36] wolter: shoot [20:36] TriBeCa99, this is connected to a router or directly to the adsl modem [20:36] wolter: so just go into synaptic and search for flash-plugin-nonfree? [20:37] maybe ill need to install VMware inside my VMware :D [20:37] guntbert, can you use your finger in every occasion that you get asked for a password? [20:37] bazhang: router [20:37] meistergrado, i am not sure thats the exact name, but look for flash plugin, or flash plugin nonfree [20:37] Cedara: ext3 supports partitions so you dont need to edit mount settings just use chmod and/or chown [20:37] pike_ do you create customized partitioning ? [20:37] Cedara: er partitions/permissions [20:37] hi [20:37] anyone had any luck getting the mic working on a dell xps m1330? [20:38] pike_ : they were root and I couldn't copy anything in nautilus to that [20:38] wolter: mostly, only screensaver makes trouble, and when returning from sleep (but thats the screensaver too) [20:38] profXavier: it could be some userland prob in 32bit under 64bit windows dunno [20:38] doc|home, not on a 1330, but on a 1530 =D [20:38] wolter: probably much the same. how did you do it? [20:38] doc|home: if the sound is working otherwise a) its just muted b) the driver didn't support it yet and you might need (to wait for?) a newer kernel [20:38] doc|home, hold a sec. and yes, pretty much the same. [20:38] pike_: any custom partitioning though? swap space ? [20:38] profXavier: have you check to make sure the discs are good or are you mounting the ISOs? [20:39] Cedara: gksu nautilus <-- and you still cant copy? does the mount command say it is mounted rw or ro? [20:39] hi looked in google & forums no joy, done an auto update recently and now have two problems Error : Opening the cash could not open file /var/cache/apt/srcpkgcache.bin open(13 permission denied) [20:39] anyone here use megashares/rapidshares? [20:39] guntbert, but for example, when you are trying to access an item from system > administration, do you get a chance to sweep your finger? [20:39] pike_ : I messed a chmod command up earlier (sudo chmod 644 -R /media/disk) - now everything is unknown format [20:39] pike_ : or something to that amound in German [20:40] JessicaParker: check the permissions on that file [20:40] wolter: yes, thats the really conveniant part :) [20:40] bazhang: the router is at and the subnet mask is; but i don't know how to tell ubuntu to look there [20:40] open system or shared key? [20:40] checking the .iso for errors [20:40] doc|home, go to your sound recorder, and check the volume control (you can also access it from the volume control on the panel) [20:40] TriBeCa99:open a terminal .. [20:40] secondly bloomberg is not working properly with the media player (mplayer plug in for mozilla) [20:40] hi, i got xsensor aplication to show sensor readings with lm-sensor and now im wondering if i can run some command with witch i could figure out what exactly are those sensors showing (cpu temp,case temp,etc) [20:40] guntbert, oh, did you follow a guide in specific? [20:40] DasEI: ya... [20:40] TriBeCa99:gksudo /etc/network/interfaces [20:40] dayo checked the whole folder and gave full permissions === w0ng is now known as w0ng|towork [20:41] DasEI: you need an editor in that command [20:41] yep, .iso is just fine [20:41] this is the second time an update has broken something that was working, last time it was 6 months ago and i had to do a full install [20:41] TriBeCa99:have a line there saying 'bout etho 0 || thanks ardchoille [20:41] Hi, I have a really odd problem. I'm trying to install Ibex on a HP Compaq 6715s, it uses an AMD/ATi combo and is dual core with 1 gb of ram. However, when I boot ibex, either from a memorystick or CD it's just so incredibly SLOW! It's like dancing tango in liquid concrete.. However if I boot with Hardy it's snappy and responsive, at least from the memory stick. I'm trying to install Ibex now, but it's just so slow that I sometimes wonder if t [20:41] TriBeCa99:gksudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces [20:41] YAY, flash works for the first time in Ubuntu! [20:42] with sound! thanks all :) [20:42] wolter: sure, but I'm afraid thats a bit long ago - wait maybe I have it delicious [20:42] profXavier: bad burns can be quite annoying. also, with an iso image, on winXXXX, use 'md5summer' to test the iso's integrity. [20:42] Cedara: do a ls -l /media and also a mount command and pastebin em if you can. also perhaps a umount /media/disk and then sudo fsck.ext3 /dev/whatever [20:42] guntbert, ok [20:42] JessicaParker: srcpkgcache.bin is 644 and owned by root [20:42] does Ubuntu require a minimum partition/RAM size to install, perhaps ? [20:42] yeah [20:42] guys, I cant boot from the bootable usb created from System -> Administration -> Create a bootable usb [20:42] shall i change ownerhsip [20:42] ? [20:42] doc|home, when you are there, go to the options tab, and select digital mic 1 as the digital input source === mcasadevall is now known as NCommander [20:42] CUPS does not appear in the Amin.>Services list, I get errors upon trying to install my HP LaserJet 4000 printer connected to a Paralell port, commands to start cups generate no output after password entered (I don't know if it's supposed to) and I cannot connect to the website to admin printing from there, I get CUPS scheduler not running and encryption failed errors, the printer initially installed flawlessly, 2 days later son tried to [20:42] !list [20:42] Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [20:43] profXavier: most of my VMs are minimum 5 gig and then 128 or 256MB ram. with gnome 128MB is pretty low especially for the livecd install [20:43] JessucaParker: who owns your srcpkgcache.bin ? [20:43] pike_ i have alot more allocated than that [20:43] root [20:43] TriBeCa99:? [20:43] pike_ i am running outta ideas [20:44] JessicaParker: Be careful when usinf recursive chmod on directories.. if you remove the "x" bit, then you won't be able to access the files inside that dir [20:44] JessicaParker: and it's 644 ? [20:44] hi [20:44] i use natuailius :-D [20:44] profXavier: try the server install iso maybe. you can always then sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop to get al lthe gooodies [20:44] I cant move the selection up or down in the live boot screen [20:44] DasEI: hmmm... i edited it to point instead of but it's still not working [20:44] you know what i hate about ubuntu. it comes with this POS totem player and i cant uninstall it [20:44] pike_ true [20:44] profXavier: yes, depending on the type (workstation vs. server), check here: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu [20:44] TriBeCa99:go to terminal again... [20:44] same with the bluetooth analyzer.. i dont have bluetooth [20:44] I just installed Intrepid on a software RAID5, but I keep getting a checkfs error nearly each time I boot. Can someone give me some advise on fixing it ? This is the error log : http://baltakov.dyndns.org/noBots/ubuntu/checkfs.txt [20:44] wolter: my setup seems different. Where do you see sound recorder? [20:44] pike_ : I just figured it out with a good google page: sudo chmod 755 -R /media/disk did what I wanted [20:44] JessicaParker: the directory apt is also root-owned and 755 [20:45] TriBeCa99:sudo apt-get install pastebinit [20:45] pike_ : Still, thanks [20:45] doc|home, Applications > Sound and Video > Sound Recorder [20:45] ok i will check [20:45] TriBeCa99:pastebinit /etc/network/interfaces >give resulting url here [20:45] TriBeCa99: pastebinit /etc/network/interfaces >give resulting url here [20:45] I tried without success to use ssh between my home computer (server), and my office computer (client). server listen to a different port (eg. 4517). I want to use a secured way by using keys; From client I try "ssh" but it doesn't work. Where is my mistake ? [20:45] thanks pike_ ill give the other .iso a try [20:45] DasEI: can't find package [20:46] DasEI: apt-get can't find it [20:46] wolter: sorry, I cannot find it but if you like we can compare config-files :) [20:46] guntbert, found it? if not i would just need your /etc/pam.d/common-auth [20:46] TriBeCa99: which ubuntu ? [20:46] arvernes: try ssh -p 4517 [20:46] apt is also root and read write access to all files inside [20:46] ok [20:46] DasEI: 8.10 64-bit [20:47] wolter: I'm seeing playback and switches as tabs. No options [20:47] wolter: I also see 'preferences' as a button at the bottom [20:47] JessicaParker: chmod -R 644 <-- this removes the "x" bit on folders, not a good idea [20:47] is there a way around the issue where gnome session doesn't restore in 8.10? === Niamor7 is now known as Niamor [20:47] TriBeCa99:it's got it, one moment [20:47] wolter: 1 moment [20:47] sisisi. [20:47] JessicaParker: are u trying to install something? [20:47] doc|home, ok, i think that is normal,... go to preferences and check the digital input source item [20:47] hey anyone know where the alpha-3 images are... it's mentioned on the jaunty page but only alpha-2 appears to be there [20:47] what is the vnc client used for gnome remote desktop? [20:47] guntbert, i think i have a solution for your screensaver issue, http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/How_to_enable_the_fingerprint_reader_with_ThinkFinger#Configuring_PAM_to_use_ThinkFinger [20:48] Liantedan: ;-( "connection refused [20:48] Is there an apt install log? [20:48] TriBeCa99:( your sources list ?) try again: sudo apt-get install pastebinit [20:48] guntbert, scroll down or look for "xscreensaver/gnome-screensaver" === nackynoo is now known as thicknick [20:48] * doc|home passes wolter a beer [20:48] arvernes: Maybe your office has blocked the port, or you don't have your home router not set to forward that port to your home server ? [20:48] wolter: thanks, that did it :) [20:48] I find that copying files from DVD to hard drive with nautilus in Ubuntu 8.10 consistently uses 90% CPU. That seems weird. Copying files isn't CPU intensive, but I/O intensive. [20:49] doc|home, you can now record? thanks for the beer lol [20:49] wolter: if I remember correctly it worked until several weeks ago, I'm not too concerned though :) [20:49] DasEI: If TriBeCa99 can't get online, they cannot install something frop apt. [20:49] could use a beer [20:49] DasEI: no, couldn't get package [20:49] sorry my English is not good but have problem with microphone. Have ubuntu 8.10 and acer TravelMate 5310. lspci : 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02) [20:49] Liantedan: I guess it's because I'm wrong with the settings of my "server" /etc/ssh/sshd_config file [20:49] guntbert, maybe an update harmed the file [20:49] DasEI: indeed [20:49] Is the lastest long term release 8.04 ? [20:49] thanks Pici, was wondering that myself [20:49] TriBeCa99:you're online now how ? [20:49] wolter: I can :) thanks [20:49] guntbert, but you can still login with your print right? [20:49] DasEI: from a windows rig [20:49] doc|home, nice, a pleasure [20:50] DasEI: i've got 4 rigs behind a KVM [20:50] wolter: yes, I can [20:50] slashzul: yes [20:50] guntbert, so could you pastebin me that file i told you? [20:50] slashzul: Yes. [20:50] TriBeCa99:I see, so no live, wait a mom, I give you a paste , wanted dhcp for a router, right ? [20:50] dayo_ no but i've got a red no entry sign on the top left of my screen [20:50] DasEI: yeah... it's not finding my router at all [20:51] arvernes: Good luck reconfiguring it, then ;) If possible, check if you can connect over your home LAN first. [20:51] is it safe to uninstall "totem" [20:51] why is it that I get spam messages from my msn account when running pidgin on my ubuntu box but not trillian on windows? I installed the sentry that asks a question but I keep getting annoying popups. is there anyway to prevent messages from unauthorized msn users? [20:52] jpastore, sounds like a question for the pidgin people [20:52] Krstnsn: yes [20:52] DasEI: wait... in the interfaces file it says static === Niamor7 is now known as Niamor [20:52] Krstnsn, is there a better channel for that? [20:52] TriBeCa99:IP of router again ? [20:52] wolter: http://paste.ubuntu.com/105688/ [20:52] DasEI: it shouldn't be static... it needs to dynamically request an address fromt he router [20:52] DasEI: [20:52] captainm, so just mark all dependencies "complete" removal? [20:52] Krstnsn, sorry didn't realize there was a pidgin channel [20:53] wolter: it works on the command line too :) [20:53] jpastore, is there? [20:53] JessicaParker: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-299705.html [20:53] I seem to have borked my gnome-panel, when it loads, the top panel is blank. This only happenes under enlightenment, works fine in gnome. [20:53] Krstnsn, evidently I jsut joined =) going to repost there =) [20:53] for some unknown reason, ubuntu has been locking up on me lately forcing hard reboots. how can i go about diagnosing the problem? [20:53] TriBeCa99:http://paste.ubuntu.com/105689/ [20:53] I have a really odd problem. I'm trying to install Ibex on a HP Compaq 6715s, it uses an AMD/ATi combo and is dual core with 1 gb of ram. However, when I boot ibex, either from a memorystick or CD it's just so incredibly SLOW! It's like dancing tango in liquid concrete.. However if I boot with Hardy it's snappy and responsive, at least from the memory stick. I'm trying to install Ibex now, but it's just so slow that I sometimes wonder if the w [20:53] Krstnsn: I don't know what you mean with save, but sure you can uninstall totem. [20:53] dayo_ deleted the files does it say to delete the entire directory ? [20:54] JessicaParker: they're saying remove srcpkgcache.bin and pkgcache.bin, then run sudo aptitude update [20:54] yeah have done that can try again [20:54] JessicaParker: JUST the files [20:54] TriBeCa99:Save the file, close gedit , in trml : sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart [20:54] captainm, i didnt say anything about say [20:54] JessicaParker: it didn't work? [20:54] I could also need help getting gnome-panel to load when enlightenment starts up. [20:55] Is the Adobe Flashplayer 64 bit beta or gold? [20:55] Hey do you guys recommend buying a Dell laptop with ubuntu pre installed on it? [20:55] DasEI: ok one sec [20:55] HELLO MY FRIENDS [20:55] HOW ARE YOU [20:55] jonatantambor: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [20:55] no the red turned to black [20:55] then it has turned to a orange star with the same message [20:55] WHAT SHOULD I USE SUSE OR UBUNTU? [20:55] My wireless was working fine 6.06, when I upgraded my internet screwed up and keeps going in and out. How do I fix it? [20:55] WHAT YOU RECOMMEND [20:55] thanks guntbert, i am now modifying the thing... also, did you have to install the thinkfinger version that avoids the need of pressing enter? [20:55] jonatantambor: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [20:56] JessicaParker: did u click it? [20:56] !caps | jonatantambor [20:56] jonatantambor: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. [20:56] JessicaParker: ls -l /var/cache | grep apt [20:56] wolter: let me look [20:56] Doonz: Why not :) Youll get a good PC with our fav. OS preinstalled and working just perfect! [20:56] what difference between ubuntu and suses [20:56] suse [20:56] ls -l /var/cache | grep apt [20:56] Doonz: i would get one [20:56] jonatantambor: Its not really within the scope of this channel. Please join #ubuntu-offtopic or ##Linux [20:56] drwxrwxrwx 3 root root 4096 2009-01-16 20:56 apt [20:57] Ok i just wasnt sure. it ships with 8.04 on it when i get it should i move to 8.10 [20:57] JessicaParker: Ok, I just wanted to check the perms [20:57] Computers! [20:57] that was after the recent update i did after deleting the files [20:57] JessicaParker: apt dir should be 755 not 777 [20:57] JessicaParker: Mine is: drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 2009-01-16 07:54 apt [20:57] jonatantambor: this is an ubuntu channel. We don't track the latest suse news. [20:57] Doonz: that would be a personal choice [20:58] jonatantambor: but rpm sucks :) [20:58] ok [20:58] guntbert, well, i am going to relog to see what happens [20:58] Doonz:8.04 is a LTS (long time support) and more stable, if you don't want hassle, stay with it, especially on a lap [20:58] pike_: Please take the conversation to #ubuntu-offtopic if you wish to continue. [20:58] thats what i was thinking [20:58] is there some sort of php command line intrepreter i can run for ubuntu hardy? [20:58] My wireless was working fine 6.06 Dapper Drake, when I upgraded to Hardy Heron, my internet screwed up and keeps going in and out. How do I fix it? [20:59] wolter: I have libpam-thinkfinger, thinkfinger-tools and libthinkfinger0 from ppa.launchpad.net main [20:59] is it chmod 755 will do it ? [20:59] Doonz: i'm interested in System76, myself. http://system76.com/ [20:59] Doonz:could try ibex in alive-cd, then google, then decide [20:59] JessicaParker: yes, but i don't know if that will solve the issue. [20:59] Doonz: however if ya know linux well and want to get ya hands dirty, go for 8.10 [20:59] JessicaParker: sudo chmod go-w /var/cache/apt [20:59] kansan, isn't php already a command line interpreter [21:00] panels for enlightenment? I like gnome-panel, but its giving me greif, and I cant find no relief. [21:00] guntbert, well, if you dont have to press enter after each swipe dont worry then =D [21:00] DasEI: still nothing... [21:00] Hard reboot, bad for 8.10?' [21:00] guntbert, if you do, see the section for ubuntu intrepid of the article's link i sent you [21:00] DasEI: I take it i was to replace the stuff in the networking file with the stuff you pasted [21:00] dayo_: quite a bit more than i need [21:01] anyone familiar with VPNs? [21:01] TriBeCa99:the 2 or lines concerning eth0, yes [21:01] Does anyone know why the libfile-temp-perl package was deleted from the 8.10 repository? [21:01] drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 2009-01-16 20:56 apt [21:01] DasEI: yeah... nothing [21:01] trying to connect to a work VPN with openswan and getting error 022 "work-vpn": We cannot identify ourselves with either end of this connection. [21:01] is there a way to make gnome session restore work in 8.10? [21:01] My wireless was working fine 6.06 Dapper Drake, when I upgraded to Hardy Heron, my internet screwed up and keeps going in and out. How do I fix it? [21:01] JessicaParker: That's better :) [21:01] JessicaParker: now it's 755. When did this issue first crop up? [21:01] !info libfile-temp-perl [21:01] Package libfile-temp-perl does not exist in intrepid [21:02] Intelli: what make/model of wireless adapter? [21:02] last update i had done one for a month or so [21:02] what do i do in the ubuntu recovery remix? I sitting at a command line? what do i do now? [21:02] Xae8koo, shouldn't be too bad... but I wouldn't make a habit out of it [21:02] l337ingDisorder, I don't know. [21:02] I've made a few attempts to install a webcam to use with Skype in Ubuntu 8.10. I get close, I think, but haven't been successful. Any suggestions? [21:02] i'm trying to recover files that i deleted [21:02] CaptainMorgan: You lying **** now nothings happens when I press the power button! [21:02] TriBeCa99:it's 8.10, right ? do you have a green ball for network in the lower panel ? [21:02] l337ingDisorder, it is some no-name pci wireless card I got years ago. [21:02] Intelli: System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers should show it [21:02] !polite | Xae8koo, [21:02] Sorry, I don't know anything about polite [21:03] it works!!! my finger reader works!! [21:03] I'm not on that computer at the moment, l337ingDisorder. [21:03] Xae8koo: calm down [21:03] how many nerds does it take to make a panel work in enlightenment (e16) [21:03] JessicaParker: u did a month's worth of updates? is that right? [21:03] my Xchat is making system beeps everytime i press a key. [21:03] yeah [21:03] anyone know how to stop this crap? [21:03] can I create an image of a hard drive running linux the operating system is running? [21:03] But my computer is dead. I pressed the button in the back. The button on the computer does nothing. [21:03] getting anoyying, :( [21:03] What should I do? [21:03] Xae8koo: that's no excuse to be rude [21:03] Intelli: well when you are, check out the make/model and then google 'ubuntu wireless ' [21:03] Ok, so I just booted up my computer, and after all the applications started everything froze up and the caps lock light started flashing like it has before when I freeze up. I looked at my messages and syslog and looked at the time that my system froze but it doesn't seem to report anything and the logs are just empty during the time it was frozen (although I don't really know what to look for in the logs). This is happening a [21:03] lot and I really want to get to the bottom of this problem! [21:03] Xae8koo: button in the back - on the power supply, or the general on off button [21:04] crackintosh_: what please ? [21:04] wolter: nice :) and try it on the command line (with sudo) [21:04] ikonia: It is off, it wont come on. [21:04] Xae8koo: button in the back - on the power supply, or the general on off button === NeT_DeMoN_ is now known as NeT_DeMoN [21:04] hi [21:04] just running it now again [21:04] l337ingDisorder, ok, thanks for the advice. I will try that later and see if I can get it working. The problem might be something else though, as the wireless is just now super weak and cuts off in a few minutes, and doesn't come back. [21:04] ikonia: No response... [21:04] Xae8koo: button in the back - the one on the power supply, or the general on / off button for your PC that you normally use [21:05] thats great thank you [21:05] DasEI: I need to make an iso of this computers hard drive, im not able to boot into a live cd or usb, i was wondering if i can make an image of ubuntu, while it is running. [21:05] its sorted and gone [21:05] crackintosh_: im guessing no. [21:05] So I'm not sure if it is a driver issue or what, l337ingDisorder. [21:05] ikonia: It does nothing, just makes a click. No fan, no noise, nothing. [21:05] my Xchat is making system beeps everytime i press a key to type, anyone know bout this? [21:05] * CaptainMorgan is quite offended... fine start to a nice day [21:05] Xae8koo: I'll ask you one more time - READ the question I'm asking [21:05] Xae8koo: button in the back - the one on the power supply, or the general on / off button for your PC that you normally use [21:05] crackintosh_: ah might not be the best idea. you could boot into recovery mode or single user shell and then use dd to make the iso [21:05] maybe [21:05] i get asked for a password each time i log in for the network... how do i solve that? [21:06] am I invisible? [21:06] JessicaParker: cool :-) [21:06] bubba: nope [21:06] no bubba [21:06] tks [21:06] ikonia: Neither works. I turned it off with the button in the back. But no neither button does anything... [21:06] bubba, are you? [21:06] Xae8koo: button in the back - the one on the power supply, or the general on / off button for your PC that you normally use [21:06] Xae8koo: answer the question [21:06] wolter: are asked for the passphrase for gnome-keyring? [21:06] wolter: lol... [21:06] guntbert, correct [21:07] Help; after upgrading to 8.10, most of my special keys don't work correctly, or all. (Like Volume +/-/mute, Play/Pause, Email, etc.) [21:07] bubba, i doubt that some invisible man would be in an irc at this time of the day [21:07] why would my monitor blank out after a few hours when I have every power management setting set to "never" ?? [21:07] ikonia: Button in the back = power supply button. [21:07] crackintosh_: why would you want a iso ? too large to burn, anyway.. I don't know how dd handles files being in use, but coud try [21:07] hello all, anyone want to answer a few questions regarding boot screen resolutions [21:07] Xae8koo: ok - that is normally an on / off switch for the PSU - not the PC [21:07] i want an iso that i can put on a usb hard drive. [21:07] Dear got what do i do at this ubuntu recovery remix How do I get back the files i deleted? [21:07] so i can image it onto another computer, without having to take the hard drive out. [21:07] DasEI: no green ball [21:07] wolter: I didnt want to say "can you read the words I am typing?" [21:07] Xae8koo: so what I suggest you do is flick it one more time, then press your normal on/off button on the front [21:07] !ask | apocolyps1 [21:07] apocolyps1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [21:07] ikonia: Nothing happens:( [21:08] Xae8koo: if that does noting, flick the PSU switch again and press the on / off button on the front [21:08] for some unknown reason, ubuntu has been locking up on me lately forcing hard reboots. how can i go about diagnosing the problem? [21:08] ikonia, I would suggest #hardware... just curious how that is #ubuntu... ? [21:08] CUPS does not appear in the Amin.>Services list, I get errors upon trying to install my HP LaserJet 4000 printer connected to a Paralell port, commands to start cups generate no output after password entered (I don't know if it's supposed to) and I cannot connect to the website to admin printing from there, I get CUPS scheduler not running and encryption failed errors, the printer initially installed flawlessly, 2 days later son tried to [21:08] When I go to System>Administration>Hardware Drivers I get the notice: No proprietary drivers are in use in this system. How can I install one for my webcam? [21:08] CaptainMorgan: this started off as an ubuntu question as I understood, [21:08] wolter: I don't recommend my solution (depending on what you have stored in your key-ring): I set an empty passphrase for the key-ring, but then thats the only key I have there :) [21:08] TriBeCa99:running kde or gnome ? [21:08] I looked in ~.nautilus and it shows hundreds of items listed as "saved-session-" .. these files date back to Nov. of 2007. Can I safely delete them? [21:09] ikonia, sure, but it doesn't look that way anymore... [21:09] hi, I'm missing 460MB of my 4096MB [21:09] http://koti.kapsi.fi/~bogey/answer_from_gigabyte.html [21:09] CaptainMorgan: and it will be moved on once it's clear the situation [21:09] Can someone help me throght this or give me proper documentation https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery this isn't helping me [21:09] Scunizi: I have an update script that removes them daily and I've not suffered any ill effects [21:09] running 2.6.27-9-generic x86_64 [21:09] captainm: sorry..... my grub screen is only half on the screen since getting new widescreen [21:09] Xae8koo: how's it looking after you've flicked the switch again and pressed the front bit [21:09] i also have one more problem with bloombeg i cant get bloomberg tv http://imagebin.ca/view/zg3LYBGn.html [21:09] Also, my joystick makes my mouse move/click. No idea why. [21:09] have set 512MB or 256MB for integrated graphics, 460MB is not remmapped [21:10] guntbert, oh but my problem is real new... i just chose once an option that said 'allow once', and since there. i've been having to insert my password on each login to connect to the internet... [21:10] ardchoille: ah.. thanks.. do you do the same thing with the ~/.thumbnails folder? [21:10] only 1024MB is remapped [21:10] Scunizi: yes, I remove that daily too [21:10] ikonia: No sound, no ligth, nothing happesn. I take the psu button off, try power button in front, nothing. Then turn it the other side, then power button in the front, still nothing. [21:10] ardchoille: care to share your script and how to implement it? [21:10] guntbert, its the network manager applet... [21:10] gnome-panel under enlightenment is borked somehow, shows no icons on top bar. running from command line shows this error [21:10] Gigabyte answers: From what you write I think you use 64 bit Linux so there shouldn't be such a limitation, but I don't know how Linux handles memory. Under 64 bit Windows you would see 3.5GB available under the same conditions [21:10] crackintosh_: why would you want a iso ? you can try a copy , if the usb is large enough [21:10] I don't think i have a lost partition [21:10] Xae8koo: sounds like a dead component then, contact a PC repair guy [21:10] I see only 3GB [21:11] 127 MB updates! wtf! [21:11] all i want to do is search for the files i deleted!!!! [21:11] Scunizi: it simply uses tar to package $HOME and move the package to another drive, but yeah can share it hold on.. [21:11] Xae8koo: yes, your PSU may have died. [21:11] Xae8koo: or try one of the hardware channels such as ##hardware suggested [21:11] tritium: CaptainMorgan is evil! [21:11] crap, cpy/pst not working :( [21:11] crashflow: that's not much.. also wtXXX is not considered good language here. [21:11] Xae8koo: no, your hardward failed [21:11] wolter: yes, because when you login with your finger instead of your pw, the session doesn't know the pw and so cannot unlock your key-ring [21:11] tritium: Because of his advice? [21:11] excuse me? [21:11] guntbert, is that right? [21:11] TriBeCa99:if kde, then sudo apt-get install network-manager-kde ,for ubuntu : sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome [21:11] oh [21:11] Im trying to setup an ethernet connection between to pcs using a crossover cable, when pinging from A to B nothing happens at all, it just waits, when pinging from B to A I get 'Destination Host Unreachable', my configuration looks like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/105696/ - ideas anyone? [21:11] Scunizi, you are right. sorry about the f. [21:11] Xae8koo: no, there is no way your hardware failed because of his advice. [21:12] is jaunty alpha 3 being released today? [21:12] Xae8koo: what ever - your current situation can not be fixed by this channel, [21:12] s/to/two [21:12] apocolyps1: what resolution is your monitor? [21:12] Xae8koo: quit blaming others for your misfortune [21:12] Xae8koo: we have given you advice on how to progress it, or you can find your own way [21:12] captainm: 1366x768 [21:12] jnjackins: #ubuntu+1 [21:13] wolter: but as I said: if there is nothing else in THIS key-ring then an empty.... [21:13] DasEI: iso is how images are saved [21:13] someone familiar with memory mapping in linux? [21:13] please see this: http://koti.kapsi.fi/~bogey/answer_from_gigabyte.html [21:13] Wnck-WARNING ***: Property _NET_STARTUP_ID contained invalid UTF-8 [21:13] DasEI: thats why I said iso. i just need to clone the drive and put it on another computer but my ability to use a live cd is not there. [21:14] I googled that, but didnt find any help. [21:14] anything that worked :( [21:14] guntbert, wait, i found something, perhaps you can help me solve it out... go to system > administration > authorizations, and scroll down to org > gnome > freedesktop > network-man(...) [21:14] crackintosh_: k, then you could try dd, but I don't know how this behaves on files in use, like: [21:14] is there a way to make gnome session restore work in 8.10? [21:15] bogey, when use 32bit yes- not all the 4gb will be used. from what ive researched it depends on the exact hardware/bios setups. Losting 500mb is not uncommon. ive seen it range from 800 to 200mb. [21:15] crackintosh_: ghost4linux [21:15] dr_willis: using 64bit [21:15] anyone know if iPhone apps can be developed on Ubuntu [21:15] !recovery [21:15] Linux bogey 2.6.27-9-generic #1 SMP Thu Nov 20 22:15:32 UTC 2008 x86_64 GNU/Linux [21:15] To rescue a broken system, boot the alternate install CD and select "Rescue a broken system" [21:15] Xae8koo: you should instead be thankful that we help you, even though you're running debian [21:15] wolter: ok [21:15] crackintosh_: dd if=/dev/sda (ubuntu-system) of /dev/sdc (usb-drive) [21:15] tritium: Why would you think that? [21:15] !datarecovery [21:15] Sorry, I don't know anything about datarecovery [21:15] guntbert, there i added a Grant with the constraint that must be in the active session.. let me relog to see if it happens... [21:16] bogey, its very likely a bios limitation then. or some way the bios is handling the video memory [21:16] nightrid3r: thanks [21:16] Xae8koo: so, I suggest you apologize to CaptainMorgan for the outlandish accusations. [21:16] apocolyps1: gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst and add "vga=0x31A" (without the quotes) to the end of the entry you boot with [21:16] dr_willis: video memory is that 512MB reserved [21:16] dr_willis: but still missing 460MB [21:16] tritium: I am on his ignore list. So I can't. [21:16] tritium, probably no use as he's already attacked my privately- but I appreciate your concern [21:17] guntbert, it worked!! that way you may remove your empty keyring, if so you desire. [21:17] dr_willis: if you see the question that I wrote http://koti.kapsi.fi/~bogey/answer_from_gigabyte.html [21:17] Does someone mind helping me out to recover some deleted files? [21:17] apocolyps1: so it'll look likt "kernel [bunch of text] splash vga=0x31A" [21:18] jedi06: how did you loose them ? [21:18] rm * [21:18] where does ubuntu keep it's networking info? I modified /etc/network/interfaces to not use dhcp and then restarted with /etc/init.d/networking restart and nothing changes [21:18] wolter: hey, not so fast please, I haven't seen that dialog before, what did yoou set there? [21:18] jedi06: bad, no way then [21:18] DasEI rm * should be abolished [21:18] anyone know if iPhone apps can be developed on Ubuntu === Swish[\] is now known as Swish [21:18] bogey, yes. and the question is a little vague on the details. all i can say is that in addatiion to the memory used by the video card taken from your 4gb. some of it is also getting reserved/used by other hardware [21:19] captainm: cheers have been trying different vga= numbers.... but dont think tried that one yet. [21:19] well I'm going to try anyway i downloaded the ubuntu recovery remix and booted from the image [21:19] jedi06: you would have to take a trip to forensic, no real chance, sorry [21:19] i'm sitting at ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ [21:19] guntbert, well, every login, well, like the last 3 logins, i got asked for a password to connect to the network, and i didn't like that for it was not necessary, and i recalled that it was someting i did myself, when i chose to allow only once the automatic connection [21:19] apocolyps1: here's a handy table http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=258484&highlight=grub+resolution [21:19] bogey, there are some Hardware web sites/info sites that go in to all sorts of detauls on the whole '4gb of ram but some is missing' issue. and from what ive read on the VERY long threads there . basicially 'it depends on the exact hardware' [21:19] they were text files so it might be easier [21:19] guntbert, wasn't that your problem also? [21:20] bogey: from what I recall, memory also gets reserved if you have extra cards install in your system (ie PCI) [21:20] is there a way to import system users into samba, i see that it did it when the package was installed but since then i have added more users and don't want to have to type them in manually with smbpass [21:20] wolter: I understand your reason :) what I'm asking now is a bit more detail on your last steps to fix it [21:20] fumanchu182: smbconf === tyfoo2 is now known as tyfoo [21:20] guntbert, oh ok [21:21] dr_willis, goexplode: but should it be shown as reserved in memory map? [21:21] guntbert, go to system > administration > authorizations [21:21] if it's used by pci [21:21] wolter: ok, IÄm there [21:21] DasEl yeah i had one of those files before but that would mean i still have to add them with smbpass or is that not needed if their passwords should be authenticated against the system? [21:21] http://pasthis.com/zb59d3d [21:21] guntbert, now look for network-manager [21:21] bogey, no idea. I never explored it in that much depth. [21:21] guntbert, or something similar [21:22] guntbert, network-manager-settings [21:22] there is a hole between 00000000e2000000 - 00000000fec00000 [21:22] anyone here use the embeded desktop terminal [21:22] not mapped anywhere [21:22] bogey: i believe that is where the bios remapping comes in, although i may be wrong [21:22] wolter: ok [21:22] exactly 460MB [21:22] fumanchu182: if the users already exist as you described, samba will use their authenification [21:22] guntbert, see the modify system connection item? enter it [21:22] wolter: ok [21:22] how does Vista show available memory, does it include the integrated memory? [21:22] guntbert, now add a grant [21:22] guntbert, Alt+G === Swish[\] is now known as Swish [21:23] wolter: opened it [21:23] quick question about the marketing of Ubuntu [21:23] fumanchu182: etc/samba/smb.conf [21:23] guntbert, are you adding the grant now? [21:23] hello [21:23] is Ubuntu being marketed as "an alternative to windows"? [21:23] The_Rebel: You're probably better off asking in #ubuntu-marketing or #ubuntu-offtopic [21:23] every os is an alternative to windows.. :) [21:23] wolter: and here I set "myself" as beneficiary? [21:24] bogey: question for ##windows [21:24] bogey: from my experience, Vista used to show the amount of installed memory minus anything that was reserved for VGA etc, but microsoft put out an update at some time that changed it so that it would show the true amount of memory installed, regardless of what is reserved [21:24] yeah but is it being makreted as so [21:24] The_Rebel: Obviously it is an alternative to Windows. [21:24] The_Rebel: ubuntu stands on its own merits, without comparison to Windows at all. [21:24] goexplode: yes that I was thinking [21:24] Im trying to setup an ethernet connection between to pcs using a crossover cable, when pinging from A to B nothing happens at all, it just waits, when pinging from B to A I get 'Destination Host Unreachable', my configuration looks like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/105696/ - ideas anyone? <-- please? ;) [21:24] guntbert, correct, the next thing you will do is add the "must be in active ...." constraint, or just press Alt+A [21:24] that's not what i asked Chousuke [21:24] TriBeCa99:figured it out ? [21:24] The_Rebel, its offtopic here [21:24] guntbert, no, forget that, chose the alt+i [21:25] guntbert, the one that does not require console [21:25] i think tritium got it right :) [21:25] goexplode: so the gigabytes answer is that 3.5GB is shown on vista, but it includes the graphics reserved memory [21:25] so basically same what in linux [21:25] wolter: ok, got it (active session) but won't relog for some time, thanx for sharing :) [21:26] guntbert, no problem, i warranty that it works. [21:26] Hi i installed with Wubi, how do i see inside ubuntu with xp? i install extifs [21:27] wolter: fine - now we have two (better) working systems :) [21:27] bogey: for vista it will depend on whether you're using 32 or 54 [21:27] bogey: 64* [21:27] a514, im not sure you can. Since Wubi sort of isntlls inside a 'file' on the windows drive.. not on a drive. [21:27] a514: got to install ext2ntfs AND run it, give ubuntu a drive-letter [21:27] guntbert, indeed [21:28] HELP = i installed Ubuntu 8.10 with Wubi on xp, how do i access files in xp? Thanks [21:28] DasEI: no sorry, gf came in in tears had to walk away [21:28] Thanks DasEl for the info [21:28] bogey: but in any case, any extra cards installed are going to cause there to be some holes in the memory [21:28] DasEI: anyway back now... still can't reach the router from that box, network-manager-gnome is already current version [21:28] i am getting "failed to mount windows share, please select another viewer" while trying to browse a folder on a windows machine, what does the "please select another viewer" mean? [21:29] TriBeCa99:what does ifconfig says on the ubu-machine ? [21:29] Anyone used xubuntu with xmonad? [21:29] goexplode: I have just 2x dvb cards [21:29] DasEI: a bunch... it has eth0 if that's what you're asking [21:30] TriBeCa99:ip assiigned ? [21:30] bogey: then that may be where your 460MB went "missing" [21:30] DasEl where do i get ext2ntfs for xp? will it open the wubi file in xp? [21:30] wolter, ive noticed a lot of times i have to enter the 'share name' when i am trying to access windows shares vis the gnome file manager. ie: smb://fileserver/thesharename [21:30] anybody having problems with the title bar flickering or not displaying correctly with NVIDIA drivers and 3D enabled? [21:30] DasEI: no... where it says inet address it just gives some hex code [21:31] eth0:avahi has an ip, but it's not one i've seen before [21:31] dr_willis, yes, i did notice that as well, but when i enter it, i get that error message... [21:31] bogey: although i don't know exactly how much is usually remapped like that [21:31] it's a 169 autoconfig address [21:31] I want to find a work around if anybody knows of one [21:31] a514: not sure for wubi, but think so : http://www.fs-driver.org/ [21:31] anybody having problems with the title bar flickering or not displaying correctly with NVIDIA drivers and 3D enabled? [21:32] TriBeCa99:if it's installed (gnome I assume) left-click on nm-applet > configure [21:33] anybody having problems with the title bar flickering or not displaying correctly with NVIDIA drivers and 3D enabled? [21:33] hi all, I wan't to install ksnapshot (and minimal kde libs); Can that be done, as it's not in the repos? [21:34] ubuntu 8.10, running gnome, of course [21:34] anybody having problems with the title bar flickering or not displaying correctly with NVIDIA drivers and 3D enabled? [21:34] anybody having problems with the title bar flickering or not displaying correctly with NVIDIA drivers and 3D enabled? [21:34] Thanks From Montreal!! [21:34] trying hard to reinstall a printer that disappeared after working fine please help working with Ubuntu 8.10 [21:34] !repeat | steve42 [21:34] steve42: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [21:34] ike_: try kgrab ;-) [21:34] ike_: no [21:34] dr_willis, this is supposed to fix it, navigate to post #81 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=964564&page=9 [21:35] ike_: ksnapshot is in the repo indeed, maybe you just missed it at first sight [21:35] user___, it will install 26 packages :( [21:35] user___, the name of the package? [21:35] ike_: ksnapshot (apt-cache search ksnapshot) [21:36] whats the cleanest way to upgrade a users ubuntu workstation? just copy their full home directory ? I would like their exact same desktop etc from 7.02 to 8.04 LTS [21:36] user1_, sorry, found it (thought the name was kscreenshot, akin to gnome-screenshot); my mistake [21:36] hello there... i've got a digital movie recording camera, and it uses a microSD card... i can see the movies that i recorded in my machine, but when i load this card into the computer with an usb adapter, it mounts correctly, shows the size of the microSD card, but shows no files... and it happens under windows too... what could be wrong? [21:36] dr_willis, its an update for samba, and some other libs [21:36] user1_, pardon, that wen't to user___ [21:36] user___, , sorry, found it (thought the name was kscreenshot, akin to gnome-screenshot); my mistake, but the deps are still 26 packages, 35 mb of stuff :( [21:36] DasEI: where is nm-applet? [21:37] ah well [21:37] TriBeCa99, $which nm-applet [21:37] captainm: i slow reader...... does the vga= setting apply to the grub menu itself, currently my xserver all runs fine its just my grub menu and prior to that the nvdia card bois screen dont fit.... I wont even start on what my dual boot to winblows does. my bios has no video size settings either. [21:37] haole: microSD or microSDHC [21:37] DasEI: I did get a network manager open... === jak0b is now known as kobbi [21:37] Is CUPS supposed to appear in the System>Administration>Services menu? [21:37] steve42: nvidia drivers with compiz an nvidi geforce 5 or 6 series card? [21:37] I can't make ssh to work on my machine, but looking at auth log file, I see lines like this one, when I restart ssh : "Jan 16 22:34:45 serv sshd[12379]: error: Bind to port 5317 on failed: Address already in use." [21:37] TriBeCa99:configure > unlock > type pass >set eth0 to dhcp [21:38] tc111, microSDHC === kobbi is now known as jakobjs [21:38] DasEI: i really have no idea what you're talking about... i found a network manager in one of the windows, but it has no configure tab or option [21:38] tc111, sorry, i read the wrong thing in the adapter... it's just microSD [21:38] hello [21:38] is your usb reader 'HC' compatible [21:38] tc111, and my usb reader says it is compatible with SD and SDHC [21:39] DasEI: I tried setting ifisupdown(eth0) to DHCP from Manual, but it gives an error saying it's read-only [21:39] how can i remove all the files from a dir with rm? [21:39] every time Ubuntu starts up, bridge and stp are started. How can I disable this? [21:39] Help, sound broke after morning actualization :( [21:39] csc_: rm -r .. but be careful [21:39] csc_: rm -r but be careful [21:39] ardchoille, it does not work with hidden files .something try [21:39] hi: i followed the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba for mounting smb shares, but i still can't mount as user [21:40] TriBeCa99:it's in the upper or lower panel, icon of two little dsiplays, I think (sitting in front of kde right now) [21:40] haole: immediately following the insertion, what does 'dmesg' show [21:40] csc_: works here [21:40] hi anyone knows where can i find wine 1.1.11 in .deb form??? [21:40] were there any recent updates that could have killed the key mapping? [21:40] csc_: be VERY careful, we had just one who was not [21:40] i kno [21:40] wait. the problem is how can i remove the hidden files as well? [21:40] you can get wine on repo [21:40] several keys aren't working, I really can't even type on my laptop [21:40] be sure your rm command is not an 'alias' to some other rm command with some options... [21:40] the ones beginning with . [21:40] is there a web controllable CLI bittorrent client? i have a file server that i would like to do all my torrenting from so that it all happens from one machine rather than every machine on my LAN.. that way its easier to manage [21:40] ill give you deb line. [21:40] does anyone at all know why networkmanager now bridges automatically? [21:40] are you on ubuntu? [21:40] MrNaz: yes, but idon't remember what it's called :/ [21:41] rtorrent [21:41] Tekno: there you go [21:41] csc_: DON'T use rm .* !!!! DON'T [21:41] haole: in a terminal windows (Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal), type: dmesg [21:41] hi, anyone knows where can i find wine 1.1.11 in .deb form??? it seams that it is the only version that supports photoshop cs3 [21:41] hey wcdl you can get wine on a repo whats your os [21:41] ubuntu 8.10? [21:41] yes [21:41] anyone have an idea why i can't mount a samba share as a user after following the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba#Samba%20Client%20Manual%20Configuration instructions? [21:41] ubuntu 8.10 [21:41] guntbert, no.. i tried rf -rf ./* or *.* but hidden files are still here === evilbug_ is now known as evilbug [21:42] MrNaz: apt-cache search bittorrent | grep cli [21:42] http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/archive/ubuntu/intrepid/wine_1.1.11~winehq0~ubuntu~8.10-0ubuntu1_i386.deb [21:42] just click that link and poof [21:42] csc_: .[!.]* [21:42] csc_: that's not right. Try removing 1 of the files "rm .examplefile" [21:42] wcdl: Stick with VirtualBox for all your Windows needs. :) [21:42] csc_, linux 'wild cards' are not the same as dos.. *.* most likely does NOT match what you think it should be matching. :) [21:42] Racecar56 i have ubuntu 8.10 but the repo only give me the 1.1.12 [21:43] ok [21:43] csc_, test such wildcards with 'echo' ie echo *.* vs echo .* [21:43] Flannel, i ll try that one [21:43] ok, a usb keyboard works, if the keymaping for letters is wack, is there a .file I can remove to get it to default again? [21:43] tc111, did that... everything seems ok... >> [ 5034.522632] scsi 7:0:0:0: Direct-Access Generic- SD/MMC 1.00 PQ: 0 ANSI: 0 CCS [21:43] jinja-sheep: i already have virtualbox but i don't like windows at all [21:43] DasEI: i had to add it... so i did. when i click on it, it gives an error says could not find information on 'eth0:avahi' in /proc/net/dev [21:43] and it runs faster in ubuntu than the virtualbox [21:44] deb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt intrepid main #WineHQ - Ubuntu 8.10 "Intrepid Ibex" [21:44] csc_: the danger lies in the fact that . is the current dir, and .. the parent, I remember a tutorial - try searchin the web for "bash remove hidden" or so [21:44] thats 1.1.13 [21:44] repo gives latest [21:44] but wcdl needs 1.1.11 [21:44] guntbert, that's ok. but i would expect .* include hidden files as well [21:44] and here is the link to a deb file of 1.1.11 http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/archive/ubuntu/intrepid/wine_1.1.11~winehq0~ubuntu~8.10-0ubuntu1_i386.deb [21:44] haole: post all the pertinent info related to mmcblkX to a pastebin for review [21:44] i have to brb so brb [21:45] !pastebin | haole [21:45] haole: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [21:45] wcdl : add this to your sources.list : deb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt intrepid main #WineHQ - Ubuntu 8.10 "Intrepid Ibex" [21:45] TriBeCa99:does lspci find your nic ? [21:45] does* [21:45] guntbert: but shouldn't rm .* try and fail to remove . and ..? [21:45] tc111, it worked with the cam's usb cable... must be a problem with the adapter [21:45] thanks [21:45] csc_: but try first as dr_willis said with echo [21:45] guntbert: also, you shouldn't be able to remove the working directory or directories above it [21:46] atlef i already have that repo but it gives me the latest and i want the 1.1.11 [21:46] haole: definitely a strong possibility, glad its functioning via your workaround [21:46] I installed Intrepid (64-bit) and keep getting a checkfs error nearly each time I boot. Can someone give me some advise/help, please ? [21:46] but racecar56 has given it to me [21:46] raylu, rm .* does not touch . or .. :) [21:46] dr_willis: oh, ok then :D [21:47] and . is the current directroy [21:47] raylu: I was not quite exact, but s/working directory/target directory/ [21:47] hey has anyone here used netbook-remix with intrepid lpia arch and can vouch that it works? [21:47] wcdl: sorry, thought it would be best with the latest [21:47] guntbert: oh [21:47] thanks anyway [21:47] DasEI: one of the entries is nVidia corporation NCP51 ethernet controller; if that's what you mean [21:47] i accidently kicked the menu bar off my terminal window, how would i get that back [21:48] Slack_: right click on the terminal window [21:48] Slack_: Right-click on the terminal and configure the profile. [21:48] you don't even have to do that, it's just a tick option thing [21:48] hi :) is there any reason for me to keep consolekit & dbus on my console only jaunty server install? consolekit keeps segfaulting (there's tons of bugreports for this, but no fix yet) [21:49] wcdl: wine 1.1.12 is the most recent [21:49] so is there a ubuntu utility made for fast OS Switching? I'm downloading TinyXP so I can play a couple windows only games and I want a fast way of switching between both OS's [21:50] tc111: no the 1.1.13 is the most recent but photoshop is runing only in 1.1.11 [21:50] tenang: how fast? a reboot's too slow ? [21:50] wcdl: correction, 1.1.13 is current, follow instructions here: http://winehq.org/download/deb [21:50] anyone around that can help with CUPS problem? basic desktop setup here running Ubuntu 8.10 in way over my head please help, installed an HP LaserJet 4000 with no problems 2 days later son tried to print something got an error and the printer disappeared all attemps at reinstalling have failed [21:50] reboots to slow lol [21:50] how can i allow a user to mount a samba share? [21:50] tenang, too bad i guess. :) or play your games in wine... [21:50] tenang: suspend to disk for windows and jaunty for linux ? [21:50] I want maybe about a 30 second wait like the windows switch users utility [21:50] tenang: buy 2nd machine [21:50] tenang: VirtualBox --or-- Dualboot. You should not be able to play Windows-based games because of lack in graphic card. You have to consider dual-booting. [21:51] i cannot figure out why I flash player for youtube or the like goes very slow in full screen (except audio goes normal) and to exit out of full screen it takes almost 30 seconds [21:51] !jaunty | alexb2283 [21:51] alexb2283: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support. [21:51] TriBeCa99:that should be s-card, maybe integrated, you can do a : lspci > ls.txt and then open ls.txt with gedit, use search function for network [21:51] kk I guess I have no choice but to dual boot just wanted to see if there was another way [21:51] guntbert: thanks for not helping me at all :) the console-kit bugs are unrelated to jaunty and appear in hardy and intrepid as well [21:51] atleast its Tiny XP lol and not standard xp [21:52] sup all. [21:52] Hi I have a problem with two things #1 I can't get 8.10 to show firefox or the terminal on the bottm when I hit the - button? Can anyone had this problem? [21:52] want to chat? [21:52] guntbert: my question was more like: "what do i need dbus/consolekit for on an xless server install" or "can i get rid of them without breaking anything important" [21:52] I had that problem too [21:52] Hello, where do I find "Ubuntu 9.04 Alfa 3"? According to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule it should be released as of yesterday but this page does not work: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/jaunty/alpha-3/ [21:53] dr_willis, did you try it out? [21:53] #2 I have no audio? [21:53] ironfoot_495. It sucked. I fixed it by installing windows xp. [21:53] alexb2283: sorry, I misread [21:53] Hagg1: its not out yet [21:53] Hagg1: you could dist-upgrade from intrepid ? [21:53] Hagg1: if you're familiar with the procedure and don't mind the hassle [21:53] Hagg1: but psst, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ [21:53] can anyone recomment a good antivirus program for free download? [21:53] !jaunty | Hagg1 [21:53] Hagg1: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support. [21:53] sorry all, ubuntu is bomb, but not ready for mainstream yet [21:53] sifuschwager: is that the only way?? [21:53] ? [21:53] jun: for what you need it? [21:54] jun: samba? [21:54] jun: clamav [21:54] user___: ok, do you know how much it is delayed? [21:54] sifuschwager: you're not really being... productive there [21:54] Hagg1: no, sorry === rob is now known as Guest85287 [21:54] jun:can install antivir for cmd-line use [21:54] hello! [21:54] wolter, not yet. backing up some stuff right now. and i cant restart the samba server. its in use [21:54] DasEI: phrase not found [21:55] i'm searching for a program that lists all files and directorys in two or more folders [21:55] thanks... will try clamav [21:55] dr_willis, ah.. it didn't work for me.. maybe because i chose to keep the configuration files i had already... [21:55] Neremor: try find or tree [21:55] alexb2283: I would like to use a live-cd, because I just want to confirm a bug.. I don't want to reinstall my computer [21:55] dr_willis, but i am still unable to browse... [21:55] no [21:55] a gui [21:55] Neremor: man ls in trml [21:55] for a film-night [21:55] Hagg1: sorry, nevermind then [21:55] to list all films on several hard drives [21:56] wolter, from what i gather the 'browing from the gnome file manager' is a gnome file manager issue.. but then again.. ive seen a dozen 'how to fix' tings on the topic.. its getting rather annoying. === Guest85287 is now known as robtp === sArGE is now known as Guest85724 [21:56] alexb2283: np, I'll just go with alfa2 then.. [21:56] dr_willis, is there like a command way to access the network shared? [21:56] my samba share mounts on startup, but users can't browse it [21:56] only as root [21:56] I installed Intrepid and keep getting a checkfs error nearly each time I boot. A little help would be appreciated [21:57] sorry alexb2283 [21:57] wolter, theres dozens of commands to manage/access network shares. the gnome file manager is one way. its NOT the only way. :) i normally mount the shares via the command like, or fstab lately. [21:57] !info samba-doc | wolter [21:57] samba-doc (source: samba): Samba documentation. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.2.3-1ubuntu3.4 (intrepid), package size 7768 kB, installed size 15976 kB [21:57] wolter, the samba-doc package has books on the topic and admining samba via the command line [21:58] sifuschwager: no need to apologize to mee, i'm just a user, too. but the point of the channel is to help people :P [21:58] Liantedan: can you pastebin the errors you're getting? [21:58] Liantedan: do you know the complete error message? [21:58] Liantedan: or you can't even login? [21:58] Liantedan: if it asks you for your root password, can you paste /etc/fstab to pastebin as well ? [21:58] dr_willis, do i have to edit the fstab to temporarily mount a share? [21:59] anyone on that can tell me if CUPS is supposed to appear in the System>Administration>Sevices menu in Ubuntu 8.10 installation just trying to figure out if my CUPS install is broken [21:59] TriBeCa99:sudo apt-get install lshw [21:59] Liantedan: if fstab references nonexistant uuids you get checkfs errors on boot. that can happen (it did to me) on complicated disk configurations [21:59] Liantedan: right after installation, that is ^ [21:59] TriBeCa99:lshw | grep network [21:59] Hagg1: are you looking for duplicate files? [21:59] Slart, user___, alexb2283 : This is the error log : http://baltakov.dyndns.org/noBots/linux/checkfs.txt [21:59] wolter, you could..or you could use the proper mount command to mount it. [21:59] when im playing mp3's, the sound is kinda fuzzy, how do i fix this? [22:00] dr_willis, like sudo mount smb:// ... [22:00] Hagg1: if so, kleensweep might be an option [22:00] alexb2283: http://baltakov.dyndns.org/noBots/linux/fstab.txt [22:00] ryker65: i'd say no [22:00] wolter, 100% WRONG... smb:// is the GNOME file managers 'browsing the network' feature. it has NOTHING todo with mounting the shares. the big 'term' here is 'browse vs mount' [22:00] Liantedan: yeah, that's what i thought, it can't find your /boot partition [22:00] Liantedan: oh.. you've got a raid volume [22:00] ty [22:00] Liantedan: is /dev/md6 there at the time ? [22:01] alexb2283: I'm on it right now, so it does boot... [22:01] dr_willis, well, dont obfuscate yourself.. [22:01] Slart: Yes, my /boot is in RAID1, /root, /home and swap are in RAID5 ( softwareRAID all ) [22:01] Liantedan: grub finding the partition and the booted kernel finding it are two different things - it might be gone by the time you get to the shell [22:01] Liantedan: for whatever reason [22:01] Liantedan: what does file /dev/md6 say ? [22:01] wolter, you are confusing the gnome 'features' with the way the OS can also handle things. Browseing the network/shares is not the same as 'mounting' the shares. they are 2 different ways to sort of do the same thing [22:01] alexb2283: Oh, how do I check that ? [22:02] tc111: what is "kleensweep"? any url or other description? [22:02] alexb2283: /dev/md6: block special [22:02] Liantedan: you might want to check if the raid stuff is being loaded *before* it's supposed to be used.. that might be the problem here [22:02] dr_willis: could you advise me how to allow usersto browse samba shares? [22:02] dr_willis: it's already mounting in fstab [22:02] Liantedan: good, now try vol_id /dev/md6 [22:02] am I confused or is 8.10 64bit only available for AMD? [22:02] does anyone know how to disable multiple active devices in NetworkManager? http://live.gnome.org/NetworkManagerToDo [22:02] Slart: Sorry, I'm quite new to this. How do I do that ? [22:03] wolter: syntax is like: sudo mount -t smbf //place/share /mountpoint [22:03] detrate: it says amd64 but is for intel cpus as well [22:03] detrate: it will run on all 64-bit systems [22:03] thanks [22:03] wolter, the samba-doc package has books on the topic and admining samba via the command line - i strongly suggest reading them. You learn a lot.. and yes they are a bit overkill/large.. but its the defacto info on the topic. i would guess offhand you need the 'user' option in the fstab [22:03] oops that was to robtp :) sorry wolter [22:03] alexb2283: /dev/md6: error opening volume [22:03] dr_willis: i have // /media/Mac cifs credentials=/etc/samba/user,noexec,user 0 0 so far [22:03] Liantedan: see if the displayed uuid matches the b6c in /dev/fstab [22:03] alexb2283: Weird though, since I'm working in my /home at the moment too [22:03] alexb2283: ah there you go, your raid is having issues [22:03] Hello I was just here a moment ago I have a few problems I need to solve like why I can't get any page to go to the bottom of the screen they just disappear? [22:04] DasEI: *-network DISABLED [22:04] dr_willis: i've read (bits and pieces) of that, i'm very close!!! [22:04] alexb2283: cat /proc/mdstat ? [22:04] has anyone ever had this problem [22:04] ? [22:04] robtp, ive rarely messed with that stuff. i tend to enable the home shares. and a few public shares and thats it. Been meaning to trouble shoot this more..but right now this windows box seems tobe crashing on me. [22:04] just installed. screwed up the username. to fix, is it just rename /home/foo, change the line in /etc/passwd. anything else? [22:04] alexb2283: Any suggestions on how to fix it ? [22:04] TriBeCa99:k, got a vm with gnome-ubuntu up meanwhile , so ... [22:04] does anyone at all know how to disable multiple active devices in NetworkManager? [22:04] dr_willis: i'm actually sharing from a mac :) [22:05] DasEI: hmmm? [22:05] TriBeCa99:system > network [22:05] Liantedan: I'm not sure.. I've never used a raid volume for system stuff... [22:05] can anyone help me with allowing users to browse mounted samba volumes? === bazhang_ is now known as bazhang [22:05] alexb2283: http://baltakov.dyndns.org/noBots/linux/mdstat.txt [22:05] CarlFK1: there might be more to it.. but by all means.. try [22:05] CarlFK1: not sure.. try cd /home/user; grep -R -n "$username".. [22:06] DasEI: what are you saying? [22:06] Slart: Ok, thanks anyway. I'm glad to get a response after over an hour of asking =) [22:06] DasEI: i had the network working on this rig on a previous install a few weeks ago.. but for various reasons i had to tear it down [22:07] DasEI: although the installer has NEVER been able to correctly set up the DHCP === sarah is now known as Guest21554 [22:07] Liantedan: mm.. thought so =) .. but try searching for howto's on booting from raid... they have to take care of that too [22:07] alexb2283: i'm not running a software raid right now and i'm not *that* familiar with it, but you definitely have a direction to investigate in now. [22:07] Hello ! Is there any way to keep Gnome only apps on Ubuntu ? any special way ? So wont acciadently install those apps. But however few good apps which I desire to use mustn't be restricted or uninstalled. [22:07] Liantedan: hm [22:07] Liantedan: i'm somewhat certain booting from raid5 isn't supported [22:08] is there anyone at all using NetworkManager? [22:08] CarlFK1: you primary group may also have the name of your current user. So if making changes to /etc/passwd, you should also look at /etc/group (if you decide to go that way... you could also add a new user en removing the current one) [22:08] alexb2283: Ok, thanks though =) [22:08] Rohan_SM: you want to disable installing of non-gnome apps? [22:08] video [22:08] Does anyone know if fglrx supports RandRRotation yet? [22:08] Liantedan: i did a quick google on your situation and found a few hits: http://www.google.com/search?client=opera&rls=en&q=boot+raid5+ubuntu&sourceid=opera&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-general-1/raid-5-soft-os-drive-no-boot-553920/ http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=616497 [22:08] alexb2283: My boot partition is RAID1 [22:08] <`krstnsn> whats the directory that applications are in? [22:08] Liantedan: try these [22:08] alexb2283: Ok, thank you [22:08] oCean_: right. thanks [22:08] sound's fuzzy on mp3's, how do i fix it? [22:09] `krstnsn: they are all over the place.. it's not like windows [22:09] Liantedan: nope, your mdstat says otherwise. it detects it as raid 5: md6 : active raid5 [22:09] `krstnsn: many, /usr/bin, etc... [22:09] I have seen many articles dor software raid 5 [22:09] though who would really want it [22:09] <`krstnsn> so hypothetically if i downloaded a file in firefox and wanted a specific application to open it.. where would i look [22:09] <`krstnsn> ive seen a folder with tons of application icons [22:09] yes but only permit the KDEones I currently use. however I'm unsure which of them are KDE and Which of em are Gnome [22:09] ksnake: for some kind of security against hardware failure.. although some people argue that raid-5 is useless for that too [22:09] alexb2283: no, my boot partition is md7, and doesn't even show [22:10] alexb2283: I have 4 partitions. /boot is RAID1, /root, /home and swap are RAID5 [22:10] `krstnsn: /bin or /usr/bin is where most binaries(executables) are located [22:10] How do I clean my ubuntu? [22:10] <`krstnsn> thanks [22:10] <`krstnsn> clean? [22:10] Sorry to interrupt, but can someone help me get internet. Using a Trendnet USB Adapter (have connection, but no internet) [22:10] I'm the Cadillac kid [22:10] I'd like to clean my Ubuntu. [22:10] Liantedan: oh crap, i misread your fstab, md6 is /home and md6 is /boot. sorry [22:10] Necrosan: explain what you mean by 'dirty' then [22:11] silentContender, I had issues with this [22:11] it wireless connection? [22:11] Liantedan: makes it even weirder [22:11] Slart: the install is filthy [22:11] and what you mean by "cadillac kid" [22:11] Yes, It uses RTL8187B chipset. [22:11] Liantedan: why would it find the r5 but not the r1 [22:11] I installed it [22:11] robtp: See here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba for samba doc, think you may find right config there... [22:11] And it got so slow X would not start [22:11] alexb2283: No problem. I'm glad you are even bothering to try to help me =) [22:11] silentContender, try it with NO security at all and see if it connects [22:11] now my GDM is down the tubes [22:11] I'm having another sort of internet connection issue.. does anyone at all use NetworkManager? [22:12] silentContender, just to check it [22:12] oCean_: followed that earlier, no help [22:12] Liantedan: what devices are involved in the raid1 ? sda/sdb ? (i've only seen raid configs till now, but no physical devs) [22:12] Necrosan: look.. I'm not really in the mood to play 20 questions with you.. sorry [22:12] robtp: ah, ok. Your user can't browse the share at all? Only root can? [22:12] No security does not work. My lsmod list rtl8187 and I think my wireless driver is rtl8187b (model # tew-424ub) [22:12] btw... i'll ask again - is anyone familiar with consolekit and dbus? [22:12] hmmm [22:13] Necrosan: ask your entire problem/question in one line. That makes it a lot easier for all of us to help you. [22:13] silentContender, let me go check my settings on my main rig, on my old PII 300 now [22:13] Slart: I'm serious, dude. [22:13] alexb2283: I have 4 hdds. Each partitioned in 4. The first slice I put in RAID1 for /boot. The other three slices are RAID5 for /root, /home and swap. I've noted their names down while I was partitioning them, though [22:13] Okay [22:13] basically I net installed 8.08/sparc64 [22:13] The install was horrible, very very bugged [22:13] oCean_: exactly [22:14] Necrosan: I'm serious tome too.. explain in one message what the problem is [22:14] Instead of using "System › Administration › Users & Groups" how can i get to Users & Groups through the command line ? [22:14] Got it to boot once, installed ubuntu-desktop and then rebooted [22:14] Necrosan: I'm serious too.. explain in one message what the problem is [22:14] System won't boot at all [22:14] can you help me, Slart? [22:15] alexb2283: SCSI1 ( first hdd ) is partioned into sda1 ( boot ), sda2 ( root ), sda6 ( home ) and sda5 ( swap ). The other hdd's are partitioned into sdb#, sdc# and sdd# respectively [22:15] Necrosan: what part of "ONE LINE" don't you understand? With all the activity here it's very confusing and annoying to try to follow you when you use enter as punctuation [22:15] Liantedan: i might not be able to make much of it, but anyone else you ask will want to see them as well, so could you post /etc/mdadm.conf and fdisk -l ? [22:15] filthpig: Can't you just temporarily ignore everyone but me? [22:15] Stargazer: http://www.techotopia.com/index.php/Managing_Ubuntu_Linux_Users_and_Groups [22:15] This is a problem that takes prcedence.. [22:15] brb [22:15] Necrosan: an example of a problem might be, "my computer takes a long time booting. It's a standard install of Ubuntu 8.04, 32bit. I've installed some extra programs but nothing that starts when I login. It isn't slow when it's started except for some webpages in firefox" [22:16] I cant get sound, i've tried some ways and i cant get it working, someone helps? [22:16] !patience | Necrosan [22:16] Necrosan: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [22:16] Necrosan: no. Your problem is not more important than anybody elses. [22:16] hey guys is there a way to modify the buffer in a terminal? how? [22:16] filthpig: How can you say that seriously? [22:16] I have no system as it is.. [22:16] Liantedan: oh i forgot, i believe there's a new raid config file that supersedes mdadm.conf. i think it was mdtab or something like that. it's in /etc/ as well. [22:16] With the latest updates Nautilus works a bit more. Now, the first thing it will need is list the samba computers. Why doesnt this work ? [22:16] brb for real now [22:17] Necrosan: try doing something like that and your chances of getting an answer increases a lot [22:17] oCean_: any ideas? [22:17] robtp: well, while mounting the share you should use the "dir_mode=" option to the mount command [22:17] Does anyone else know why a wireless USB has a connection but no internet? [22:17] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery#Extract%20individual%20files%20from%20recovered%20image can someone please help me with this? [22:17] silent, can you ping your router? [22:17] i'm using vbox as well making it more tricky and 8.10 ubunut [22:18] It give destination host unreachable [22:18] when I made a clone of a vm, my nic can't start, can I replace the mac address automaticly or do I always need to do it manually ? [22:18] silentContender: what kind of usb connection thingy is it? wireless? external network card? something else? [22:18] robtp: and maybe even the file_mode= .. this is not the same as umask, but like unix filepermissions (e.g. 744 = rwxr--r--) [22:18] Trendnet USB wireless USB ieee802.11b/g (model no. TEW-424UB) [22:18] MatBoy: you need to specify what application you're using for that vm.. [22:19] silentContender: are you authenticated to the wifi? [22:19] Necrosan: If you would kindly state all your previous actions, choices and results, along with current status in ONE LINE/POST, it will be better for us to help you. We're not glued to this channel and we do have lives outside the computer, so if your problem really is that important to you, please do as I say, because that will increase you chance of a good, helping answer a LOT [22:19] Currently I have OpenBSD 4.4/sparc64 on my Sun Ultra 60; I would like to install Ubuntu on it, but have no cd burner. I tried writing a bootable install image to a spare hard disk, booting it, and installing. It failed 3 times trying to install, finally got it on, then did apt-get install ubuntu-desktop. It downloads, finishes. I reboot, ubuntu won't boot. [22:19] I'm basically just looking to reinstall. [22:19] sudo foremost -i /dev/hda -o /recovery/foremost I don't have a /dev/hda [22:19] i cannot figure out why I flash player for youtube or the like goes very slow in full screen (except audio goes normal) and to exit out of full screen it takes almost 30 seconds [22:19] stormblue: test currently with a open network [22:19] Wondering if I can dd the alt install cd to a hard disk and boot it? [22:19] Slart: nope I don't because itś in ubuntu, in the z24_persisten-net.rules === phantomcircuit_ is now known as phantomcircuit [22:20] alexb2283: I cannot find mdtab, but the other things are here : http://baltakov.dyndns.org/noBots/linux/ [22:20] MatBoy: you need to edit the 70-persistent-net rules file in /etc/udev/rules.d/ [22:20] I need to change the mac address there manually, but I wondered if I can do it by a script or so ? [22:20] It sounds like a networking issues, silentContender. [22:20] back now. [22:20] is their a sudo apt-get for compizconfig [22:20] oh, indeed, the 70 [22:20] Can I please pm someone to help me recover some data? [22:20] MatBoy: should be self-explaining [22:20] alexb2283: is there a decent way to do it automaticly ? [22:20] Could be your drivers....You wouldn't happen to be using a dell 1501 ? [22:20] Necrosan: I think I've talked to people that have created usb installs that way... don't think I've seen one do it to a hard drive.. but type !usb to see what you have to do to a usb stick.. perhaps the same applies to a hard drive [22:20] jedi06: pastebin the output of "mount" and we can help you further [22:20] Silent, do you just want a USB boot disk? [22:21] ok user__ it will have to be a screenshot [22:21] hang on [22:21] MatBoy: none that i know of :/ [22:21] stormblue: I am on the same network on my laptop (I using it now). It's my desktop that's using the usb [22:21] MatBoy: if you clone it in using the vm tools you might be able to change the mac address from there.. it is part of the hardware that the vm "emulates".. [22:21] Hmmm, have you tried using the device on your laptop? What OS is your laptop. [22:21] stormblue: the driver module load is rtl8187, but I think my chipset is rtl8187b [22:21] any one tryed windows 7 ? [22:22] !usb [22:22] For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent [22:22] sWitch: wrong channel [22:22] !ot | sWitch [22:22] stormblue: both are ubuntu 8.10 [22:22] sWitch: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [22:22] Liantedan: fdisk -l is screwed. what's the device under the disks ? onboard controller? what model? [22:22] user__ anything else you want before i take the screenshot? [22:22] Hey guys, what's the command to logout in the terminal ? [22:22] That's probably your issue. [22:22] Necrosan: what system are you on right now? A nice app called unetbootin will download and extract ubuntu (or any other Linux OS) on a usb stick for you. I think that's the way to go when you don't have a cdrom. I'm actually using unetbootin right now [22:22] 8187, 8187b, and 8187l are all different. [22:22] silentContender: sorry.. got sidetracked.. when you connect the usb thing.. do you get any extra network interfaces? does your install recognize that it is a network device? [22:23] stormblue: how would I load the rtl8187b driver instead of rtl8187 [22:23] jedi06: are you running from livecd? [22:23] Stargazer: exit usually quits the active terminal.. you've tried logout, right? [22:23] slart: the usb wireless is recognized [22:23] I'll second filthpig, unetbootin, is awesome, Necrosan [22:23] alexb2283: fdisk -l just lists the 4 physical hdd's I have. I don't see any other thing there ? [22:23] filthpig: OSX 10.5 [22:23] Slart, i'll try that now, thanks. [22:24] user__ yes it is that ubuntu_recovery_remix [22:24] !unetboot [22:24] Sorry, I don't know anything about unetboot [22:24] Slart: yep, but the mac it seen in dmesg, so thatś why I thought... maybe I can automaticly replace it [22:24] I see two huge problems: 1: Ubuntu/Debian/Fedora/all others using xorg get openchrome driver choosen by xrog server by default and hence if using "VIA chrome Pro Rev 1 svga card" the users must enter "text" on the gub commandline to even be able to install the dists. When they have made a text install (Joe_Beer will not do this) they will have to run: "xorg --configure" so that an xorg.conf file is written to /root/xorg.conf.new and then edit this fi [22:24] le and change the driver line from Driver "chrome" to "vesa" and then switch runlevel to 5 in /etc/inittab (This must be fixed ASAP! Peoples!) [22:24] Stargazer: also check the man page for shutdown.. perhaps there is a switch to make it logout instead [22:24] !unetbootin [22:24] Sorry, I don't know anything about unetbootin [22:24] xorg [22:24] is there a way i can mute 1 specific application? [22:24] Liantedan: just compare it with output from my server. you'll quickly see what's missing: http://alexbartok.pastebin.com/m10a5f78c [22:24] Have to go. I'll look into loading the right module [22:24] the sound that is [22:24] Liantedan: something is wrong with those devices in some way [22:24] The OS running on the future ubuntu system is OpenBSD 4.4 [22:24] MatBoy: I think you can replace the mac address.. I've never done it myself but I've read about it a few times.. not really sure where to look though [22:25] L-argiplex: log a bug report [22:25] <|ntegra|> hey guys [22:25] jedi06: ok, i think a ss is helpful [22:25] gub/grub. [22:25] MatBoy: I still think it's far easier to do it in the vm management software [22:25] ok ss hold on [22:25] ActionParsnip: Im doing so... on irc [22:25] <|ntegra|> I've played around with nm-applet a bit too much >I've got 4 of them when I boot! [22:25] Necrosan: openbsd is bsd based, ubuntu is linux, totally different system [22:25] user__ here is the mount http://imagebin.ca/view/5lvashA.html [22:25] Slart: I think not because Ubuntu has to change it... not the vm management software [22:25] L-argiplex: cool [22:25] ActionParsnip: Ive always seen this work very well. Since 1992 [22:25] Np [22:25] Necrosan: ah, unetbootin only exists for windows and linux currently :( [22:25] ActionParsnip: Sure, but dd is the same [22:26] alexb2283: Ok, I'm starting to see why "Cannot open" is awkward when yours prints out so much data, yes. [22:26] filthpig: I can't just dd it over to the disk? [22:26] L-argiplex: im personally happy to edit xorg.conf [22:26] What's fundamentally different to not allow me to do this? [22:26] You basically stick a USB drive in your computer and it makes it a bootable USB drive, ubottu. I suggesting getting the ISO off bittorent though. [22:26] And there is no hd-image on ports.ubuntu.com. [22:26] ActionParsnip: Youre with writing demoes for the playscenes ? [22:26] <|ntegra|> how can I boot to only 'one' nm-applet? [22:26] user__ ss just give State Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address:Port Peer Address:Port [22:26] Slart / MatBoy : there is no automated way for host virtualization software to automatically edit the device mappings because it simply can't know for sure what to edit where, the ubuntu location of the file doesn't have to match that of any other distribution [22:26] L-argiplex: huh? [22:26] hey guys i need a closer yahoo client then gaim, any ideas? [22:26] hello there ppl. Anyone know anything about isight installation? [22:27] chills: kopete? [22:27] Necrosan: you need to make it bootable. There might be other ways to do that, but I don't know how [22:27] user__ you may have to zoom in your browser to make it clearer [22:27] MatBoy: well.. I'm looking at my virtualbox manager right now and amongst the other settings for the vm I can set the MAC address for the network card.. or use a random one.. [22:27] jsfoxton: if you run lsusb and lspci it will identify itself, you can websearch from there [22:27] ActionParsnip: They switched from driver "via" to "chrome" and i think the new driver is a good thing but it needs a bit more coding power [22:27] jedi06: which foremost command doesnt work for you? [22:27] slat / matboy: the only "automated" way i see is to automatically throw away hard mapped network devices (if it's only one) and re-map on every boot [22:27] DIFH-iceroot, i need something like amsn [22:27] Slart: indeed, but you don't want to the same one every time when you clone :) [22:27] slat / matboy: in case you're cloning x times [22:27] Slart, can't you change mac in ifconfig. [22:27] slat / matboy: from the client side that is [22:28] so a new one is good, but I need to parse the dmesg mac to the 70 file [22:28] chills: i dont know amsn or any yahoo client, just have seen that kopete supports yahoo [22:28] alexb2283: I guess that means I'm back to yet another reinstall ? Something in particular I should look out for ? [22:28] ActionParsnip: Rock on! [22:28] I haven't tried it yet becuase for one I can't mount a usb i'm using vbox 2 i don't have a /dev/hda to mount [22:28] alexb2283: I just meant that it's easier to edit the "physical address" in the virtualization software and make ubuntu use the hardware address [22:28] filthpig: I don't know if you are familir with sparc64, but I can boot a different disk just by typing "boot disk1" (for disk 2, disk 1 is disk0) [22:28] in OBP [22:28] ah okay thanks, would yahoo work under wine? [22:28] gys can anyone help me? [22:28] chills: then why not use amsn? [22:28] guys* [22:28] oCean_, for yahoo ? [22:28] !ask | andypls1 [22:28] andypls1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [22:29] Slart: not really good if you're setting up a distributed test environment with 10 vms or more (or any other scenario where you clone more than once) - it works for one clone but it's awkward IMO [22:29] user__ but it looks like foremost is installed [22:29] MatBoy: nope.. so I'll just generate a new one for each new clone.. how many vm's are you going to use? [22:29] Liantedan: what controller is under the disks ? === osxdude|laptop is now known as osxdude|l [22:29] 9.04 alpha 3 out yet? [22:29] Liantedan: if you told already i must have missed it [22:29] chills: ah! well.. I just read 'something like amsn' [22:29] Slart: yes, but it seems that Ubuntu doesn't change the mac in the 70 file automaticly !! [22:29] I have seen that before [22:29] what is the best tool for querying memory speed to determine which type I need to buy? [22:29] jedi06: you mentioned you were running a command with included addressing a hard disk, what command was this? [22:29] silentContender, mine isnt based off intel, have u checked all the forums for hardware compatability, and what exacly happens when u turn it on? [22:29] haha np oCean_ [22:29] ok when i turn the wireless button on, Linux doesn't recognise it, even though it works under Windows. When I dmesg, this is the output: [22:29] alexb2283: Not sure what you mean by controller, sorry. If you are talking about a RAID controller, I have softwareRAID. [22:30] chills: Pidgin? [22:30] [ 94.212021] iwl3945: Radio Frequency Kill Switch is On: [22:30] [ 94.212025] Kill switch must be turned off for wireless networking to work. [22:30] ? [22:30] guess I lost him [22:30] i think it is foremost i'm using https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery#Extract%20individual%20files%20from%20recovered%20image [22:30] MatBoy: that's the point. it ensures persistence of devices. imagine if you had 3 net devs on a 3-legged firewall and the network devices switch on every boot [22:30] stormblue, yea used tht didnt like it [22:30] so much for live help eh? [22:30] Actionparsnip....how do i get the firmware????? [22:30] Necrosan: I've never even seen a sparc computer afaik ;) if you know that you can boot an iso image off an usb stick with sparc64, feel free to try. I have no knowledge of it, but please report back with your findings :) [22:30] can anyone tell me where to find the "filesystem device node" for my HP LaserJet 4000 in Ubuntu 8.10 so I can attempt to find it manually? [22:31] alexb2283: ok, true, but I need to automate it in some way, maybe with a script [22:31] jedi06: which exact command doesnt work? :-) [22:31] anybody any idea? [22:31] Liantedan: that's fine, but even without raid you have a disk controller. for example on mainboards with intel chipsets it should be something like ICH8/9/10/... or nvidia-something on nvidia chipsets, etc. in short: what mainboard are you using, and what did you configure in the bios? [22:31] you are failing to understand my conundrum [22:31] jsfoxton: manufacturers website, or websearch for the laptop make / model with respect to ubuntu [22:31] Necrosan: Type your conundrum in one big line. [22:31] ryker65: the "device node" for a printer on LPT1 should be /dev/lp0 [22:32] well to be frank user__ mount /dev/sdb1 becuase usb doesn't work in vbox and formes -i /dev/hda becuase I don't have a /dev/hda [22:32] MatBoy: i'd do it like this: [22:32] s/formes/foremost [22:32] well i broke my ubuntu [22:32] tyvm [22:32] is there a way to "repair" ? [22:32] alexb2283: macchanger ;) [22:32] apt-get install macchanger ;) [22:32] how could you break ubuntu ? [22:33] well [22:33] file browser doesnt open [22:33] so user__ i need to know where my files are located? [22:33] the little task bar thing is gone [22:33] here's another for you guys....how do i reconnect my bluetooth mouse?? [22:33] I cant get sound, i've tried some ways and i cant get it working, someone helps?? [22:33] !sound | krazyfingerz47: [22:33] krazyfingerz47:: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [22:33] is ubuntu sound as good has windows7 ? [22:34] how do i know where my files are located? [22:34] jsfoxton: tried restarting the bluetooth connection? sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth restart [22:34] hello [22:34] Brack101: you tried "lshw" ? [22:34] krazyfingerz47: alsamixer installed ? [22:34] MatBoy: erg i can't find it - there was a tool to read out hardware macs. ethersomething [22:34] user__ it is too noisy in here [22:34] one question!! [22:34] jedi06: are the files to be recovered in the virtual machine you are running also the live-cd? or are they on the host == windows with vbox program? [22:34] alexb2283: Ah, right. I'm using a MSI P45 Neo3-FIR, so that's a ICH10R controller. Have had to set the drives to AHCI in the BIOS to be able to get to the option of Software RAID, though. Without that setting, the installer kept asking for drivers for the fakeRAID and the drives [22:34] Krstnsn: how did you do that? [22:34] sWitch: if you tell us what windows 7 can do perhaps we can tell you if ubuntu can do it too [22:34] aleX-:: macchanger? [22:34] MatBoy: macchanger won't really help since all your clones will have the same mac - if you want networking between them you're screwed [22:34] it can read... [22:34] can anyone help me? My graphics card isn't set up properly.. can't even use desktop effects [22:34] all you have to do is sudo macchanger device [22:34] user__ the files to be recovered are on vbox and that is were i am running live-cd (recovery_remix) [22:35] windows 7 as good sound [22:35] tweak: what kind of gfx card? [22:35] tweak, what graphics card? [22:35] jedi06: (theres a scroll up and down line in the chat program) [22:35] alexb2283: you can change mac as the vm has another mac every time [22:35] how install dbase support for php5.2.6, i have ubuntu intrepid [22:35] sWitch: ok, ubuntu can do good sound too [22:35] is it the same in ubuntu ? [22:35] ?? [22:35] how install dbase support for php5.2.6, i have ubuntu intrepid ?? [22:35] DasEI: Yes, its installed [22:35] can do ? [22:35] XolYnrac: install php5-mysql, php5-pgsql, etc [22:35] but does it ? [22:35] filthpig, i deleted some shit. everyone told me it was safe to delete this stuff. I deleted BlueZ, Totem, and some other stuff [22:35] user__ yes thank you [22:35] jedi06: does the live cd recognize the hd? f.e. does nautilus offer the disk to mount? [22:35] shibbz_: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02) [22:35] krazyfingerz47: does your s-card show up correctly in the gui ? [22:35] runderwo, package not exist [22:35] sWitch: yes [22:35] is there anyway of installing everything that i deleted? [22:36] runderwo, package not exist for dbase [22:36] tweak, it is included in gnome [22:36] <|ntegra|> hmm, lets try that then [22:36] MatBoy: correct, but macchanger will do exactly what vmware or whatever solution you use - it'll change the mac. and udev won't recognize it as eth0 and therefore not bring it up [22:36] XolYnrac: lol, literally dBase? :-) [22:36] asd good as xp or as good as windows 7 ? [22:36] user__ i don't know what you mean recognize the hd I don't know which is the one where the files are? [22:36] DasEI: I guess so [22:36] tweak, you do not need to download drivers. try sudo apt-get install compiz [22:36] ^you use, does. [22:36] Krstnsn: pop up a terminal and so sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop [22:36] alexb2283: it detects it [22:36] let me test [22:36] that's what I keep hearing but 3d graphics don't work at all [22:36] sWitch: now you're there again.. tell us what kind of sound performance you want and perhaps we can tell you if ubuntu can do it to [22:36] krazyfingerz47: no guess, if you call it, you can see it [22:36] tweak, once compiz is installed you should be able to change desktop effects. [22:36] tweak, is it greyed out? [22:37] DasEI: How? [22:37] how can i downgrade from flash to 9.x? [22:37] krazyfingerz47: multimedia > alsamixer [22:37] The PDF at this URL crashes evince for me every time.. http://www.levenez.com/unix/unix.pdf [22:37] when i click the desktop effects it says that I can't turn them on [22:37] shibbz_: compiz is installed by default... restricted drivers do need to be activated tho [22:37] tweak, is this a new installation of ubuntu? [22:37] jedi06: ok, one moment [22:37] how do you start virtualbox ose? I just installed it, and would like to get started =) [22:37] yes [22:37] I've asked others to test it and it doesn't for any of them - any idea why it does for me? Ubuntu 8.04 [22:37] user__ ls /dev/ | egrep '(sd|hd)' gives ptysd sda sda1 sda2 sda5 ttysd [22:37] 8.10 [22:37] hellhound_: uninstall 10 and find libflashplayer.so fo 9 [22:37] hateball, you'd be surprised, i installed a box today with an intel card and compiz was not included. [22:37] 8.10 intrepid [22:37] go to applications/system tools/virtualbox [22:37] filthpig, mostlikely this will install all the standard stuff that came on ubuntu that i ended up deleting? [22:38] VSpike: works here.. it's a pretty big document though [22:38] tweak, did you update? [22:38] its not there for me wat [22:38] XolYnrac: If you literally need the dBase module, go here: http://www.marksanborn.net/php/adding-dbase-support-to-php5-on-ubuntu/ [22:38] Slart: yeah - the error is an X11 error [22:38] krazyfingerz47: or alsamixergui from trml [22:38] sure did [22:38] maybe i should restart? [22:38] you get the installer from the vb website or did you use synaptic [22:38] VSpike: try opening it from a terminal so you can see what kind of error message it prints out [22:38] Slart: wonder if it's driver or resolution specific? [22:38] shibbz_: it should be, but you need !cssm to configure it [22:38] wat: i used add/remove [22:38] try that linux_guy you probably didnt install correctly [22:38] Krstnsn: yes, it will install the deafult ubuntu packages. It'll get you up and running again. [22:38] linux_guy get the installer from the vb website [22:38] DasEI: yes but it says its on pulseaudio [22:38] runderwo, i need working whith .dbf files [22:38] tweak, is compiz enabled? [22:39] how can I tell? [22:39] jedi06: so it would be sda (which i dont understand, because you said that it didnt work) [22:39] filthpig, thanks.. i dont know exactly what caused it but i was unistalling all this stuff i dont want or need to lighten up. i should have done some googling or something [22:39] Slart: http://pastebin.com/m6f012895 [22:39] VSpike: if it helps you in any way I'm running 64 bit 8.10 with a nvidia 8800 with driver 177.82 [22:39] tweak, sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager [22:39] jedi06: depends on how the foremost command works [22:39] the command given is /dev/hda [22:39] Liantedan: had to read up a little. theoretically it looks flawless - other people don't seem to have issues (http://forum.msi.com.tw/index.php?topic=117746.msg902264). you could try without ahci mode and switch the sata controller to native mode [22:39] oCean_: lshw does not list my memory speed. any others? [22:39] jedi06: step one is creating the usb.. [22:39] tweak, do that, log out and back in. that should fix it. [22:39] Hi All, just curious, I just discovered a "Grub 2" in synaptic, is this a working thing or? [22:39] krazyfingerz47: so switch it to alsa [22:40] ok done, i'll try logging out [22:40] brb [22:40] Liantedan: another idea would be, [22:40] VSpike: hmm.. not enough resources for operation.. are you running out of memory? [22:40] jedi06: i suggest creating a network file system location which you can mount instead of a usb location [22:40] user__ ok so how do you know is sda did you instictively know that? [22:40] DasEI: i can see 3 types of alsa [22:40] Formode:prbly yes, ask in #grub [22:40] i have 32 bit 8.10 with my amd64 processor, i should download virtualbox for i386 right? [22:40] user__ i thought of that like a shared folder on the host but you need to install guest additions and vbox tells me you cannot in livecd [22:40] Brack101: it did not? In the memory section? per bank it should read something like "SODIMM Synchronous 667 MHz" [22:41] my bluetooth still isnt connecting to my mouse even after a restart...any ideas? === Noites is now known as foo_ [22:41] <|ntegra|> apparently you have to go into ~/.cache/sessions/ and rm -rf xfce... and reboot [22:41] alexb2283: Is I don't put the controller to AHCI, I have to supply drivers to be able to use my hdd's. The installer lists maybe a hundred drivers, and I have no clue which one to pick. And I don't want to use the fakeRAID, either. [22:41] How do I install Kubuntu using the Alternate CD? [22:41] Liantedan: to just use a plain /boot partition on /dev/sda and mirror that regularily to an identical partition (exact same size) using dd - theoretically, since /boot rarely changes you could do a manual clone (maybe per shell script on boot) [22:41] filthpig, one of the dependencies of soemthing i uninstalled. was nautilus... haha [22:41] krazyfingerz47: as there are ? [22:41] Slart: got 1331MB free [22:41] tweak, ? [22:41] Brack101: wait, run the lshw command as "sudo" === foo_ is now known as noites [22:41] anything change? [22:41] desktop effects could not be enabled is what I am told [22:41] hmm [22:41] hang on a sec tweak [22:41] jedi06: "shared folder on the host" is not a real network file system i think, which means other could still work very well [22:41] whats new in jaunty? [22:41] Brack101: You can also try 'dmidecode' and look for Memory device in the output [22:41] DasEI: HDA Intel ALC888 Digital (ALSA) , HDA Intel LAC888 Analog (ALSA), ALSA - Advanced Linux Sound Architecture [22:41] VSpike: hmm.. it only uses about 50Mb of memory to open it for me.. perhaps it's not ordinary memory but graphics memory.. or something else [22:41] Liantedan: i'm not talking about setting it to raid mode, but to plain sata, with is "one step lower" [22:41] certainly thank you [22:42] Slart: I'd guess graphics memory, agreed [22:42] !jaunty | joejc [22:42] joejc: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support. [22:42] ok user__ how do i do that make a network file [22:42] hi [22:42] tweak, lspci -v | grep -i vga post in private [22:42] krazyfingerz47: take the first [22:42] Slart: I wonder if it's trying to allocate a very large offscreen bitmap, for example? [22:42] jedi06: btw did you say that sda worked for you? [22:42] VSpike: I'm not really sure how the pdf viewer does what it does.. but what you said seems reasonable [22:42] Liantedan: anyway, as i was saying. cloning it manually (including grub/the boot sector) might do the trick, in case of disk failure you would edit the boot line in grub to say /dev/sdb instead of sda [22:42] how to close a "window" in irrsi? :O [22:42] when ever i try to use gdebi, synaptic, aptitude, etc, at the end it gives me an error messages about python-setuptool or something [22:42] DasEI: done [22:42] tobzel: /q for pm, /part for channels [22:42] tobzel: /wc or /window close [22:42] tobzel: /part [22:43] how do i fix this? [22:43] user__ i can't try that untill i can mount another external folder [22:43] Brack101: there's a lot of output, so you might want to redirect to a file "sudo lshw >my_hw.txt" [22:43] DasEI: nosound still [22:43] [ 269.704944] CIFS VFS: Error 0xfffffff3 on cifs_get_inode_info in [22:43] lookup of /.Trash-1000/files [22:43] krazyfingerz47:if you rise alsamixer, card n chip correctly displayed in top of gui ? [22:43] can anyone help me with my bluetooth mouse please?? [22:43] jedi06: alright, one moment [22:43] Krstnsn: haha, that explains why it doesn't start ;) [22:43] why does this scroll in my virtual terminal [22:43] Slart: nice ;) [22:43] alexb2283: I only have the option between AHCI or noAHCI. It took me hours to figure out I needed to enable AHCI to disable the fakeRAID, so I could actually install anything. But ok, I'll try unRAID'ing the /boot partition on my next install, and see what happens. Thank you for your time and help =) [22:43] hello? anyone? [22:43] did wcdl get the problem solved [22:43] and cause my computer to not respond [22:43] nvm [22:43] jsfoxton: What's wrong with your mouse? [22:43] ActionParsnip: huh? [22:43] DasEI: no =s ... the same it says [22:44] goodbye everybody and have a good time with ubuntu! [22:44] ActionParsnip: you disapprove of my irssi-voodoo? =) [22:44] What would cause me to get this line intermittently, "ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused" [22:44] " [22:44] Slart: the /part /q thig [22:44] cya [22:44] !ask > Spreadsheet [22:44] DasEI: hey, i got 1 "possible" fix [22:44] Spreadsheet, please see my private message [22:44] When I click on a window (say Opera under xchat), the opera window doesn't move on top until I click on the Opera titlebar. Is this a Compiz setting? [22:44] jinja it wont connect. paired nicely then when i restart ubuntu it never connects [22:44] DasEI: but when i run it it says something wrong with the permissions (when installing) [22:44] Liantedan: glad i could (to some extent) [22:44] * Doonz new laptop http://configure.dell.com/dellstore/config.aspx?c=ca&CS=cadhs1&l=en&OC=N1525PDN_UB_E [22:44] krazyfingerz47:? [22:44] Anonymous: doesn't work like that for me.. but I think that's a setting you can change.. type !ccsm for more info [22:44] DasEI: its some kind of update === FRAENK-THE-REAL- is now known as nzeroxX [22:45] jedi06: hmm, the question is, how can i setup network shares, which you could repost to the channel when things have calmed down a bit, they will give you a keyword (factoid) which i dont remember at this moment [22:45] krazyfingerz47:what update ? [22:45] !ccsm [22:45] To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion [22:45] DasEI: but i get error installing (coz of permission), an alsa update (to latest versio) [22:45] jsfoxton: Did you look in Bluetooth preferences / settings? You should remove all the connection then attempt to connect again. [22:45] !who | jsfoxton [22:45] jsfoxton: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [22:45] krazyfingerz47:sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade [22:46] !who jsfoxton [22:46] Sorry, I don't know anything about who jsfoxton [22:46] lol [22:46] user__ where would the folder exist in a network share? [22:46] mhm again: do i need consolekit on an xless server install ? anyone ? [22:46] ubottu: can you explain the "!" stuff? What does it mean? [22:46] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [22:46] its me [22:46] DasEI: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded [22:46] krazyfingerz47:what shows alsamixer as s-card in it's top ? [22:47] stormblue: try !factoid [22:47] jedi06: dont know sorry, no relevant experience by myself.. [22:47] !samba | jedi06 [22:47] jedi06: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/212098 [22:47] DasEI: .. w00ttt.. now i cant get alsamixer cmd working.. "alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device" [22:48] oCean_ it no it didn't tell me the speed, just the description, ID, slot, size and width [22:48] krazyfingerz47:k, so driver isn't installed correctly, try the analog option again [22:48] krazyfingerz47: alsamixer -c 0 [22:48] !factoid [22:48] Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [22:48] hateball: "wrong -c argument '0'" [22:49] krazyfingerz47: odd, go with DasEI's advice :) [22:49] hi [22:49] modprobe capability [22:49] echo 'capability' >> /etc/modules [22:49] DasEI: same with analog [22:49] anyone know what i need to do with them guys? [22:49] DasEI: alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device [22:49] krazyfingerz47:sudo apt-get install pastebinit [22:49] krazyfingerz47:sudo apt-get install lshw [22:50] krazyfingerz47:sudo lshw | pastebinit < phenner: gksudo gedit /etc/modules [22:50] that it? [22:50] why does this consistently scroll my other virtual terminal and bring my computer to a halt of unresponsiveness [22:50] [ 269.704944] CIFS VFS: Error 0xfffffff3 on cifs_get_inode_info in [22:50] lookup of /.Trash-1000/files [22:50] I want to SSH into my Ubuntu machine from another machine, how would I do this? [22:50] DasEI: done [22:50] Peddy, by installing ssh server [22:50] peddy sudo apt-get openssh-server [22:50] Peddy: install the ssh server.. configure it.. start it [22:50] krazyfingerz47:url from 3rd cmd ? [22:51] Brack101: did you run command "sudo" ? As user, you will not see all the information. Ran with sudo it should output detailed information on memory banks [22:51] phenner: and write 'capability' without 's to the bottom of the file and press enter on the end of the line [22:51] gr8 thx [22:51] Peddy: install openssh-server [22:51] phenner: save the file and exit (if its already in there, don't add it again) [22:51] DasEI: i dont get the question [22:51] thanks quaal phenner and Slart :) [22:51] ok thx [22:51] Is opera available in the repositories? [22:51] krazyfingerz47:sudo lshw | pastebinit [22:51] and mrwes [22:51] phenner: that file dictates what modules are loaded at boot [22:51] wat: i removed virtualbox ose from add/remove and downloaded the package file from virtualbox.org and I still have the same results. Nothing under applications > system tools [22:51] virtualbox is installed, i just need to start it [22:51] !info opera [22:51] Package opera does not exist in intrepid [22:51] krazyfingerz47:url from trml ? [22:51] !opera [22:52] opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser. Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser [22:52] Can someone explain why PCSX stopped working in intrepid? It automatically closes the video window when running [22:52] thanks guys [22:52] DasEI: with sudo lshw | pastebinit, i get - Error no arguments specified! [22:52] ActionParsnip: Doesn't work :s Gtk-WARNING **; Cannot open display: [22:52] Linuturk, open term and type virtualbox [22:52] this is very strange, my wireless networks have tripled [22:52] phenner: or sudo nano /etc/modules [22:53] oh and T.G.I.F. [22:53] ok [22:53] krazyfingerz47:sudo lshw > lsh.txt && pastebinit lsh.txt && rm lsh.txt [22:53] oCean_: ran it as sudo, no speed. It's a really old computer btw so maybe that's why [22:53] phenner: add the line, ctrl+x to exit, press Y to save and press enter to use the same filename [22:53] yep thx [22:53] it was already there :p [22:53] how can i download music 4 my ubuntu [22:53] Can someone explain why PCSX stopped working in intrepid? It automatically closes the video window when running [22:54] DasEI: http://pastebin.com/f520effec [22:54] phenner: then thats fine [22:54] what does ubuntu 8.04 and sabayon have in common? [22:54] omaruko, that is illegal, don't ask again [22:54] Brack101: that might be it. Sorry, I have no other options [22:54] omaruko: find somewhere to download from.. I don't think itunes runs in ubuntu unless you want to use wine [22:54] ActionParsnip: When I run modprobe capability it gives this: FATAL: module capability not found. [22:54] :S [22:54] Slart, the latest itunes update doesn't work in wine [22:54] I have tried [22:54] :( [22:54] cweigle: hrmpf..thanks [22:54] pl [22:54] ok [22:55] so how can i bring my music from windows to my ubuntu? [22:55] omaruko: I think amarok has some kind of music store attached to it.. very limited offerings though [22:55] phenner: then yuo need the package that gives that module or compile the source for the module [22:55] i've downloaded a new font and i dont know how to use it can/will anyone help? [22:55] phenner: are you sure the module name is called "capability"? [22:55] it is a .ttf file [22:55] omaruko: what music? mp3's you can just copy over.. or play where they are now.. [22:55] yep [22:55] !fonts [22:55] Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer [22:55] !font | hole_ [22:55] hole_: please see above [22:55] krazyfingerz47:close alsamixer, then :sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel [22:55] ActionParsnip: 4) Install pure-ftpd and quota [22:55] First we have to make sure that the capability module is loaded in the kernel [22:55] modprobe capability [22:55] echo 'capability' >> /etc/modules [22:55] Then we install pureftpd and quota. [22:55] phenner: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [22:55] thx [22:55] apt-get install pure-ftpd-common pure-ftpd-mysql quota quotatool [22:56] hole_: copy it to ~/.fonts then see if openoffice and the rest picks it up [22:56] krazyfingerz47:alsamixergui [22:56] Songbird has a few addons you can install which allow you to access music stores through it [22:56] !paste > phenner [22:56] phenner, please see my private message [22:56] krazyfingerz47:card there ? [22:56] ok [22:56] k [22:56] hi all [22:56] !itunes [22:56] itunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee [22:56] I'm trying to install Ibex on a HP Compaq 6715s, it uses an AMD/ATi combo and is dual core with 1 gb of ram. However, when I boot ibex, either from a memorystick or CD, and either 32 or 64 bits, it's just so incredibly SLOW! It's like dancing tango in liquid concrete.. However if I boot with Hardy it's snappy and responsive, at least from the memory stick. I'm trying to install Ibex now, but it's just so slow that I sometimes wonder if the who [22:56] phenner: i dont think the module is called "capability" I think its just a guide on how to populate the modules file [22:57] DasEI: i get the no driver error [22:57] I need help =) [22:57] oh right... so what do it do? [22:57] DasEI: weird... [22:57] i have another good one... my udevd is trying to access /etc/udev/rules.d before dm-crypt kicks in to decrypt / - it's more of a cosmetical thing, but does someone know how to tell udev to wait ? [22:57] hi [22:57] krazyfingerz47:sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart , then try again [22:57] filthpig: "dancing tango in liquid concrete" -- I like your analogies =) [22:57] filthpig: hmm.. any interesting error messages during boot? [22:57] i have need to know my extract files problem [22:57] !hi | Microsux [22:57] Microsux: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [22:57] Inappropriate ioctl for device [22:57] filthpig: you'll find the installed system embraces the system better. The liove cd has to be hugely generic so may run slow. If you add !bootoptions to the livecd you can improve performance [22:57] filthpig: are you able to view the system monitor and see if there is anything eating 100% cpu? [22:58] what dose this mean " Inappropriate ioctl for device ? [22:58] DasEI: same [22:58] thanks for the welcome filthpig [22:58] Microsux: It's usually a problem with a driver or a program using the driver in an unexpected way. Sometimes a version mismatch. [22:58] is there reason to Compile WINE 1.1.13 from Source or wait for *.deb realise? (sorry for my bad English) [22:58] hello. im running tomcat5.5 on kubuntu 8.10. my problem is that System.out.println statements in servlets are not getting logged, more specifically i cannot find a catalina.out file. How can i enable logging to catalina.out? [22:58] filthpig: oh.. sorry.. yes.. the live cd can be a bit slow.. after all.. it uses much of that memory for creating a ram disk to run from [22:59] Microsux: what are you extracting files to? [22:59] StarLegend: if the current wine doesnt do all you need then theres no reason to upgrade [22:59] runderwo, a driver problem ? what kind of driver could be causing problems with file extraction ? [22:59] runderwo, desktop [22:59] ActionParsnip: what I find weird is that even from memory stick ibex is hilariously slow, while hardy from the exact same memstick works ~ as good as an installed system.. [22:59] !info wine [22:59] wine (source: wine): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-0ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 7330 kB, installed size 54492 kB [22:59] which app in ubuntu should I install to get that default printer admin tool? [22:59] I plugged in a volume and I don't know what it's named, so I don't know how to mount it. [22:59] it's a standard external drive. [22:59] filthpig: check config of your ibex [23:00] filthpig: if you prefer hardy, stick with it. Its LTS so is still supported [23:00] /ping gofg [23:00] oops [23:00] hey it's ActionParsnip again :D Hey ActionParsnip, I remember what you said earlier, but I can't quite remember how you told it what to mount [23:00] ActionParsnip: But if I compile wine in my Hardware, is there a good effect? [23:00] gofg: run this in a terminal, "tail -f /var/log/syslog".. then connect your drive and see what the log says about it [23:00] StarLegend: you can give the compile some options which may give better performance [23:00] DasEI: maybe i must try reinstalling, how? [23:00] virtualbox-ose is installed, how can i start it? it is NOT under apps>sys tools [23:00] Microsux: try checking dmesg after it fails. [23:01] i have a problem with multiple ubuntu 21-23-24-25 with updates. I think that in my system i have so much operating systems that fill my disk.How can i have in grub only the last update Ubuntu? [23:01] whats dmesg? [23:01] ActionParsnip: well the comp is not for me, and I actually do want people to use ibex mainly because of the vastly improved networkmanager.. I use 8.04 on this computer :) [23:01] linux_guy: it's in applications, accessories now [23:01] Microsux: what is it that you're attempting to do when you get the error? [23:01] slart, im a moron [23:01] ActionParsnip: Ok. Thank's [23:01] oCean_, extract a .rar file [23:01] thanks [23:01] linux_guy: I wouldn't go so far.. we've only just met.. =) [23:01] krazyfingerz47:sudo modprobe -v sound ,output ? [23:01] ok one more thing, how can i change the konversation font [23:01] Slart, apparently nothing. When I plug it in it says that I don't have permission. [23:01] filthpig: ive seen a lot of issues in here with nm-applpet, i always advise wifi-radar [23:02] Microsux: using what command? [23:02] can anyone tell me what will happen if i do: kill -HUP [23:02] i dont know how to use command [23:02] nevermind [23:02] i just right click [23:02] slart: lol. my book IS about 8.04 was it under sys tools for 8.04? [23:02] and press extract here [23:02] gofg: that's all?.. hang on.. let me show you what it says when I plug in my external drive [23:02] linux_guy: yes.. I think it was moved for 8.10 [23:02] When I try to install Kubuntu using the Alternative CD, at the CD-ROM step, I have to manually write something. The default is "/dev/cdrom". What do I do? My CD-ROM is SATA and it's very new (fresh PC build). [23:02] Microsux: rar x [23:02] DasEI: "insmod /lib/modules/2.6.27-9-generic/kernel/sound/oss/sound.ko " [23:02] Microsux: after you get that error message, go to a terminal and type 'dmesg'. See what the errors at the end are. [23:03] Microsux: sorry, unrar x [23:03] ok thank you, one sec [23:03] krazyfingerz47:gksudo gedit /etc/modules ,insert line : snd_hda_intel [23:03] krazyfingerz47:save the file [23:03] runderwo: it takes forever to get sysmon up and running, but now I have it. The only thing using cpu now is ubiquity and sysman. But the system is slow from the get go. [23:03] gofg: here's what gets printed when I connect my external drive.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/105723/ [23:04] DasEI: now? [23:04] filthpig: but it's close to 100% idle? [23:04] hello everybody , does anybody know what frontend cheese webcam use ?? here it has too much brightness, i adjusted mplayer and totem to use colors right but cheese does not accpet [23:04] When I try to install Kubuntu using the Alternative CD, at the CD-ROM step, I have to manually write something. The default is "/dev/cdrom". What do I do? My CD-ROM is SATA and it's very new (fresh PC build). [23:04] Slart, I got nothing like that. All I have in that log from the past hour is some stuff about my wlan [23:05] Slart: http://pastebin.com/m1fd10e08 [23:05] runderwo, i type dmesg and theres a shit load of stuff come up [23:05] runderwo: well, it's dual core, and one of the cpus are 80-90, while the other is ~30 [23:05] Stalker72: ask in #kubuntu [23:05] can i run dx10 games using wine ? [23:05] oh wait [23:05] Microsux: try: dmesg | less [23:05] Slart, lsusb can see it [23:05] what do I do from here? [23:05] ardchoille: ok [23:05] gofg: so.. nothing at all when you connect it??? that's very odd [23:05] !appdb | sWitch [23:05] sWitch: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help [23:05] runderwo: and that seems to be with both 32 and 64 bit [23:05] sWitch: no [23:05] Slart: XCreatePixmap (dpy=0x695240, d=67109133, width=35995, height=2122, depth=24) at ../../src/CrPixmap.c:60 [23:05] I have a terminal question [23:06] krazyfingerz47: though it should be already : sudo apt-get install alsa-utils alsa-base alsa-oss [23:06] Slart: big old bitmap, that :) [23:06] !ask | cweigle [23:06] cweigle: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [23:06] Microsux: I'm only interested what's at the end. [23:06] nvm dx10 is too slow [23:06] krazyfingerz47: sudo reboot [23:06] filthpig: what process is using all that CPU? [23:06] cweigle: terminal, as in "final" ? :) [23:06] sWitch: dx10 support is still very experimental in wine, and you probably won't get anything working with it [23:06] filthpig: Sort the processes by CPU usage. [23:06] Holy shit [23:06] Why does it only say continue Y/n if the file is in mb instead of kb [23:06] VSpike: yup.. but.. does it create it in videomemory? I thought it could do that in system memory.. [23:06] DasEI: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. [23:06] Slart: not sure, tbh [23:06] VSpike: seems kind of wasteful to use my expensive graphics memory for huuugge bitmaps of pdfs [23:07] runderwo, shall I pase it somewhere ? [23:07] *paste [23:07] cweigle, that was a decision made by the guys who made apt [23:07] runderwo: I did, and ubiquity used ~30% and sys.man. ~30%... nothing else used cpu [23:07] krazyfingerz47: sudo reboot [23:07] Microsux: /msg me the last 5 lines [23:07] ok [23:07] filthpig: That still seems quite high for idle, but it should not be pegged out. Weird. [23:07] slart: when i go under apps>acc virtualbox ose will not start [23:08] runderwo: yes, the cpu fan runs close to max speed all the time... not good. [23:08] Well since the only real question I have seems to be unknown I'm gone [23:08] Linux_guy open term and type virtualbox [23:08] anyone experience with vbox and getting guest additions installed in a livecd environment? [23:08] Peace, and may we all fix Bug #1 one day [23:09] linux_guy: hmm.. ok.. have you installed the kernel module for it? [23:09] runderwo: I'm installing ibex 64 bit right now, so we'll just see how it works out after install.. but I can tell you this install is not gonna take 20 mins, more like 2 hrs :( [23:09] slart: no [23:09] how can i disable dcc chat auto reconnect on xchat irc [23:09] jack: it asks me to reinstall [23:09] linux_guy: try running it from a terminal.. see what kind of error messages you get [23:09] slart: could not find vbox please reinstall [23:10] is there something like kgrubeditor for gnome? [23:10] could not find virtualbox installation* [23:10] anyone experience with vbox and getting guest additions installed in a livecd environment or setting up some external folder residing on a network or host? [23:10] linux_guy, Are you typing what I said in term? and it says to reinstall? [23:10] My apache server stopped working, when I have top open when I request a page, I get "miniserv " showing up, anyone know what may be causing this? [23:10] linux_guy the package is called virtualbox-ose [23:11] This is inside of a VMWare VM on Win2k3. [23:11] jack i typed in virtualbox and got "could not find virtualbox installation, please reinstall" [23:11] jedi06: What is it that you're trying to do? [23:11] linux_guy: what did you run to start it? [23:11] GasEI: ok now i dont get the error [23:12] jinja-sheep i am trying to follow this tutorial http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&rls=com.microsoft%3Aen-us&q=virtualbox+network+folder+livecd the problem is i cannot moust a usb i'm in vbox and i would need to install guest additions to at least get to a shared folder [23:12] i got it from add/remove AND from virtualbox.org (deb package) [23:12] krazyfingerz47:soundcard displayed correctly ? [23:12] sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose [23:12] DasEI: yes [23:13] linux_guy: did you reboot after you installed virtualbox? [23:13] slart: i clicked apps>accs>virtualbox-ose [23:13] i'll try another restart [23:13] jedi06 -- You use virtualbox or virtualbox-ose ? [23:13] linux_guy: I think you need to reboot to make the kernel module load properly [23:13] krazyfingerz47:click on the speaker icons above the sliders in alsamixers (unmute), have sound ! [23:13] jinja-sheep well i don't pay for it so its probably ose [23:14] any1 knows howto disable dcc-chat auto reconnect on xchat? === eitreach__ is now known as eitreach [23:14] krazyfingerz47:just to be sure, give url from : pastebinit /proc/asound/cards [23:14] lotuspsychje, /join #Xchat if you dont get an answer here [23:14] http://pastebin.com/f7b89b70e [23:14] ok tnx jack [23:14] DasEI: http://pastebin.com/f7b89b70e [23:15] Hello, I need help installing Belkin wireless usb fsd705e adapter, make keeps failing with 2 errors. [23:15] !yay | krazyfingerz47 [23:15] krazyfingerz47: Glad you made it! :-) [23:15] Hey all. I've set up a Samba server and I'm trying to share some of the folders, but it keeps throwing me the error "'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare add: cannot share"path /home/william/BACKUP as we are restricted to only sharing directories we own. Been looking around for the right command but can't seem to find, any ideas? [23:15] DasEI: why i cant change/move the level of the headset sound?, and its all the way down [23:15] My apache server stopped working, when I have top open when I request a page, I get "miniserv " showing up, anyone know what may be causing this? The PC is in VMware on a Win2k3 host. [23:16] krazyfingerz47:just a hint: rise pcm, too [23:16] i'm trying to get a dvd running. I already added medibuntu to my package-source list and installed libdvdcss2. But i can't play dvds, neither in vlc nor in kaffeine... [23:16] DasEI: thanks ^^ lol but im trying with music and still nosound =s [23:16] lotuspsychje, Look at: http://t0x.in/xchatsetvars.html [23:16] any ideas why? [23:16] Neremor: there's more than just installing libdvdcss.. there is a command line to run too [23:16] !dvd | Neremor [23:16] Neremor: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [23:16] DasEI: the headset level cant edit it [23:16] i did run this command line [23:16] and nothing changed [23:17] krazyfingerz47:where is it connected ? no sound at all ? icons green ? [23:17] courpse|dead i looked at those, turned all options to 0 but dcc chat keeps reconnecting on main chat then [23:17] Neremor: hmm.. then I don't really know.. that was all it took to get my dvd's playing [23:17] Then i cant help you, have you asked in #xchat ? [23:17] im in it tnx [23:18] anyone can help me setup a network folder so both my host and guest os can access them [23:18] DasEI: nosound at all, yes on the green one, in XP it works fine [23:18] ok thanks anyway [23:18] is there something like kgrubeditor for gnome? [23:18] krazyfingerz47:what do you use for input ? mp3 ? [23:19] DasEI: now im trying with some youtube vids [23:19] Gerinych:kate or gedit [23:19] how can I downgrade my flash in Ubuntu? I want to go back to Flash 9 [23:19] hellhound_: why do you want that? [23:20] krazyfingerz47:just get a free mp3 from music.donload.com and play with amarok, to have a visual control [23:20] *down [23:20] DasEI: those are text editors, i'm looking for something that can customize my grub bootloader [23:20] Gerinych:the can, commandline ? nano or pico [23:20] Gerinych, Like background graphic etc? [23:20] filthpig, because 10.x is not working in fullscreen mode and after googling for sometime it seems that 9.x works best with full screen [23:20] hellhound_: anyway, sudo apt-get remove flashplayer-nonfree is what you should do. then you'll have to fetch FP9 from adobe's homepage and install that [23:21] jack_sparrow: yeah, something like that [23:21] Gerinych, I have a short tutorial I made up for grub splash, but it isnt a program that does it for you [23:21] jack_sparrow: that'll do, thanks [23:22] Gerinych, Hold on [23:22] DasEI: same with mp3 files [23:22] DasEI: nosound at all [23:23] what is the full kernel version that is packaged in the 8.10 cd? [23:23] filthpig, i have uninstalled the old version and I downloaded the archive 9.x version.. i tried running "sudo ./flashplayer-installer" and it asks for the installation path of Mozilla but I do not know what to put. I tried /usr/lib/mozilla and /home/hellhound/.mozilla but both return "Warning: Please enter a valid installation path" [23:23] Gerinych, http://paste.ubuntu.com/105727/ [23:23] !info linux-generic [23:23] linux-generic (source: linux-meta): Complete Generic Linux kernel. In component restricted, is optional. Version (intrepid), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB [23:23] krazyfingerz47:you can see the file playing (amarok), pcm and master are up and not muted, you connected to the output of s-card ?? amarok rised volume, too ? [23:23] jack_sparrow: alright, thanks [23:24] np [23:24] hellhound_: try /usr/lib/firefox [23:24] DasEI: i dont play it with amarok, should i? [23:25] krazyfingerz47:just sth to have visual control [23:25] <|signornessuno|> !list [23:25] Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [23:25] filthpig, i got the same warning [23:25] gpe [23:25] <|signornessuno|> !list [23:25] DasEI: i tried with alsaplayer, totem and vlc [23:26] <|signornessuno|> sorry, how can i get a list? [23:26] krazyfingerz47: run lspci and one line will identify your soundcard, you can websearch the card and find out how to install it [23:26] |signornessuno|: list of what? [23:26] using 8.10 on an ATI card. Something weird is happening with my windows. Every time I open a program like firefox or xchat, the window takes up the top half of the screen when maximized. Anybody know how I can fix the maximum window size setting? === jpsantacreu is now known as mickx [23:26] <|signornessuno|> list of file to dowload from irc [23:27] |signornessuno|: there are no files to download here [23:27] |signornessuno|, We dont serve files [23:27] |signornessuno|, What can we help you with [23:27] <|signornessuno|> ok thanks [23:27] omg guys you must see experiment with kernel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5737qtNpFc [23:27] The input of arbitrary Unicode characters doesn't work -- is there an alternative way?: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ComposeKey#Unicode%20composition === pepe__ is now known as D4r13tt1n0 [23:27] hellhound_: I dont have a good answer for you, then. /usr/lib/mozilla should be the correct option [23:28] Ivis: not here.. [23:28] i created folder in windows xp make it check marked share thes folder on the network and allow network user to change files now how do i access it in livecd? [23:28] Slart!!! [23:28] Jack_Sparrow: please do something bad to Ivis [23:28] druntar: hey again [23:28] i have the ip address of the computer [23:28] DasEI: the Headphone volume is all the way down and cant move it how can i fix that? [23:29] jedi06: providing the livecd has picked up you network adapter: smb://servername/sharename in you file browser [23:29] Ivis, What are you doing.. [23:29] jedi06: I'm back. Sorry. Got a company. [23:29] Hey, what channel do I need to be in to get advice on linux games? [23:29] rick and roll [23:29] I'm bored and what something to do. [23:29] :D [23:29] hi, why is totem the default dvd player when it can't play dvd? :-) [23:29] druntar: you could try getting apt-build running on your system, can make apps run a little slicker [23:29] it can if you get the codecs [23:29] pheeror: because it can play dvd's [23:30] ActionParsnip how do i know if 1 it picked up the network addapter and 2 what is the file browser in livecd it is all command line [23:30] jedi06: Menu : Places > Network, than browse 'Windows Network'... [23:30] pheeror: it can if yiou have dvd codecs [23:30] it is all command line stuff cybergabber [23:30] druntar: you can ask here, I guess.. or the offtopic channel #ubuntu-offtopic [23:30] jedi06: You're trying to share a folder between two machines? [23:30] pheeror: any lpayer can play anything with codecs [23:30] !ntfs [23:30] jedi06: nope, its gui [23:30] To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE [23:30] krazyfingerz47:does the s-card have a separate headphone jack ? [23:30] filthpig, ah hah it was /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.5 [23:30] jinja-sheep well it is the same machine but they think they are different [23:30] DasEI: yes [23:30] !fuse [23:30] FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE. Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here: http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems [23:31] ActionParsnip, kitche: gstreamer is pretty bad when it comes to dvd menus [23:31] jedi06: if its on the same local machine, you dont have to share it, just mount it with ntfs-3g [23:31] Jack_Sparrow, are you running 8.10 and if so what is the kernel version that it has? [23:31] i.e. there are no codecs for it in ubuntu [23:31] jedi06: You're trying to create a folder (on linux) that your Windows (on VirtualBox) can access to... ? [23:31] ActionParsnip I downloaded this ubuntu-recovery-remix are you saying install something else that has a gui [23:31] can anyone tell me what file do i have to edit for editing the gnome-panel? for example how to change gnome panel position from top to bottom but without using gui. from terminal. thank you [23:31] pheeror: it can still play it is the fact though [23:31] pheeror: bad or not is down to config [23:31] pheeror: totem-xine does dvd menus just fine (the codec remark still stands though) [23:32] Anacranom, Ubuntu 8.10, kernel 2.6.27-9-generic on this one [23:32] jinja-sheep i created the folder in windows that i will need to save stuff to from linux [23:32] ActionParsnip: rather down to code ;-) [23:32] Does anyone know of a music composition program for linux that is reminiscent of Finale or Cakewalk? [23:32] pheeror: ive had no issues with it. I personally use mplayer [23:32] jedi06: What are you running? And what is VirtualBox running? (Host/Guest0. [23:32] Jack_Sparrow, you didnt compie that- it came with it, right? [23:32] cweigle: lmms maybe? [23:32] yes [23:32] *compile [23:33] Thank you Parsnip, I will check and see if it is what I'm looking for, if not I'll come back and see if something else is available [23:33] I am running virtual-box 2.1.0 free version. Host XP/ Guest Ubuntu 8.10 [23:33] drash: so let's rephrase it for zealots: Why is a player that uses a gstreamer the default dvd player while they is not gstreamer dvd codec in ubuntu [23:33] there [23:34] krazyfingerz47:I#am not sure about that, maybe there is a setting system>preferences sound for which channels to show up, else go to use general output [23:34] That doesn't make sense pheror [23:34] jedi06: then you access it via your XP IP address / share name [23:34] pheeror: ubuntu by default can't use the dvd codec you have to install it using another repo [23:34] jedi06: the VM will be on a 10.x.x.x network [23:34] kitche: and do you have the name of the package? [23:34] jedi06: Okay. My situation is opposite. I think it is similar. First, you set up. On VirtualBox, do you see (Devices --> Shared Folders -->)? Set that to point to your folder. [23:34] kitche I thought dvd playback was in the restricted extras package? [23:35] pheeror: personally i stepped back from gstreamer since i tried totem-xine .. but there's some config options to consider as well [23:35] krazyfingerz47: it might be you got to re-install alsamixer, as alsa couldn't find the card before an chip is now correctly found [23:35] pheeror: yes libdvdcss2(3) it could be 3 by now [23:35] kitche: is it a gstreamer plugin? [23:35] !libdvdcss [23:35] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [23:35] anyone here familiar with apache? especially deciphering the logs [23:35] !info libdvdcss [23:35] DasEI: maybe.. i've tried so many different things i dont know what to do now [23:35] Package libdvdcss does not exist in intrepid [23:35] ok with the smb://servername/sharename jinja-sheep [23:35] druntar: it is but I doubt that ubuntu has libdvdcss2(3) in it since it can be illegal in some countries [23:36] hi [23:36] evenin [23:36] jedi06: Turn off the sharing feature on the folder. [23:36] krazyfingerz47: have you got sound on the regular output ? [23:36] Ok, I am currently running 8.10 on an self built machine. I recently installed a new hard drive, and now the computer will randomly shut down. But I run the computer as a server, so I am not really sure what is happening when it dies [23:36] jinja-sheep that seems counter productive [23:36] druntar, see the ubottu provided link above to get css'd dvd's to play in totem. Ubuntu doesn't provide it in any repo [23:36] btw. of course, I have libdvdcss and regionset installed and I can play dvd without problems but not using totem-gstreamer [23:36] DasEI: no, i've never heard anything on this OS [23:36] I already can play dvds [23:37] derferman: check system logs [23:37] jedi06: Not if you're running both OS on a same machine. [23:37] !info ubuntu-restricted-extras | pheeror [23:37] ubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 25 (intrepid), package size 4 kB, installed size 32 kB [23:37] jinja-sheep they think they are on different don't they ok so what do I do after that [23:38] jedi06: Let me find a link that can explain everything for you. [23:38] hey, can anyone help me setup my wacom tablet? [23:38] nickrud, kitche, ActionParsnip, drash: http://blogs.gnome.org/uraeus/2008/08/04/gstreamer-dvd-support/ [23:38] al__: Plug in and try it. It worked for my friend. [23:38] krazyfingerz47: sudo apt-get remove --purge alsamixergui alsa-utils alsa-oss alsa-base [23:38] glx-gears doesn't work... hwo do i know what nvidia-glx driver to install? It seems there is like 7 of them... [23:38] krazyfingerz47: sudo apt-get install alsamixergui alsa-utils alsa-oss alsa-base [23:38] you know that thing on your taskbar where it says your name and an icon and when you click on it it gives you a lot of options, like log off, shut down? well, mine's gone and i dont know how to restore it [23:38] Hello I have a problem with pages and terminal go to the desk top instead of the botom of the screen? [23:38] its a tablet laptop, I sorta dont know how to turn it on [23:39] Can I get some ideas on how to fix this? [23:39] wonder if someone can help me. I have ubuntu desktop on this laptop and trying to access shared folders on a win 2003 server. I can connect to shared folders with the "Connect to server" option as long as the shares have no spaces in the names. how do I connect to those with spaces? e.g. \\servername\pauls docs ? [23:39] krazyfingerz47: for usual, a desktop has three audio jacks : line, mic and out at the back and maybe a front panel connected to the board [23:39] can anyone tell me what channel i could ask this question-> is there a reason why i shouldn't compile kernel 2.6.27-9-generic on ubuntu 8.04 with kernel 2.6.24~ ? [23:39] Gerinych: it's called fast user switch applet [23:39] pheeror: mplayer plays dvds fine [23:39] Gerinych: just right click on the panel, select Add and find it [23:40] pheeror, the gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad[-multiverse] packages will be installed by ubuntu-restricted-extras I info'd you about above [23:40] al__: Plug the tablet in. And write something. You may see the mouse moving. [23:40] ActionParsnip: so does vlc ;-) [23:40] http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?a0gx01ygmyt it wunt open? [23:40] jinja-sheep that would great [23:40] Hi all [23:40] pheeror: i think its overrated, plus it needs x [23:40] slart: oh boy am i stupid [23:41] Someone know if i can install Ubuntu on an amilo pc [23:41] Guest_571nukisen: should be fine [23:41] DasEI: yea i know, but i think that the headset is good when its plugged [23:41] Anacranom: generally speaking.. I think they test the kernel with the different apps so it all works.. I'm not sure if the newer kernel behaves just the same as the original on in every way.. I don't know of any specific software that breaks on the newer kernel though [23:41] DasEI: coz it works on Xp [23:41] When i am booting ubuntu i got a blank screen [23:41] jedi06: Meanwhile, try your luck in #vbox [23:41] jinja, the problem is, there is nothing to plug in, the tablet is the monitor itself, and when I try to write on it, nothing [23:41] Hmm, what does --MARK-- mean in the syslog? [23:42] Gerinych: nah.. don't be to hard on yourself =) [23:42] DasEI: done, removes, and installed [23:42] DasEI: done, removed*, and installed [23:42] krazyfingerz47: so is there a separate headphone or do you use the standard out ? [23:42] derferman: that translates as 'nothing to report' [23:42] DasEI: i use the standard out [23:42] thatnk you Slart , do you a know a channel that would know? [23:42] !tab | al__ [23:42] al__: You can use for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. [23:42] krazyfingerz47: so it should work then [23:42] al__: Did you install the wacom-tool? Try "sudo aptitude search wacom" [23:43] Anacranom: no idea really.. I would guess an ubuntu channel of some sorts since the kernel has to play nice with the other ubuntu packages.. [23:43] al__: Once you find the said package -- use "sudo aptitude install " [23:43] I'm looking for a bash script that asks me to change the password for 2 known users that I set in the script... I'm playing with bash ones, but can't find out really [23:43] DasEI: no it doesnt :S [23:43] Wich program in Ubuntu is best for Ja´va compiling [23:43] krazyfingerz47: in alsamixer above the volume sliders the speaker icons have to bee green (clickable) [23:43] jinja-sheep i have [23:43] derferman: I'm not quite sure.. but I think it's your computers way of letting you know that nothing new has happened [23:43] jinja-sheep, oh ya, thats installed, doesnt help, I dont know how to turn it on [23:43] or if there's a way i could back up my system (like ghost image clone) before i do? Slart [23:44] Guest_571nukisen: umm maybe the java-jdk [23:44] hello guys [23:44] derferman: but it still feels it has to put something in the log.. so it does a --MARK-- [23:44] jinja-sheep, | test? [23:44] what's the best way to test the RW permissions for all users in bash? [23:44] :) i have tried JDK [23:44] if (ls -l /my/file | grep rw-rw-rw), is it ok? [23:44] DasEI: yes its green, and all the way up [23:44] Anacranom: if you compile a new kernel you can always use the older kernel when you boot.. that's what the grub menu is all about [23:44] wonder if someone can help me. I have ubuntu desktop on this laptop and trying to access shared folders on a win 2003 server. I can connect to shared folders with the "Connect to server" option as long as the shares have no spaces in the names. how do I connect to those with spaces? e.g. "\\servername\pauls docs" ? [23:44] It works fine but is nt that user friendly for me [23:44] Anacranom: just don't remove the older kernels [23:44] krazyfingerz47:40% is enough, save the phones :D [23:45] I am a little stupid about programming yet :) [23:45] DasEI: lol ^^ [23:45] al__: Good. I got your message. I'm looking at... forums -- You might have luck with Ubuntu-Mobile. I'll find a link. Still looking. [23:45] hi [23:45] krazyfingerz47:and again, both, digital and audio don't work ? [23:45] G1ZmO: use \\servername\pauls/ docs [23:45] G1ZmO: i'd reshare the folder personally [23:45] derferman: here's a thread about it.. and a way to turn it off if you want to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=513850 [23:45] al__: Is this what you're looking for -- http://www.ubuntu.com/products/mobile [23:45] Slart, ok-- duhhh, sorry, been a long day compiling and watching stuff either break or get fixed on a diff distro, thanks again [23:45] al__: Finger friendly, touch driven. [23:46] Anacranom: no worries.. happy to help [23:46] thanks ActionParsnip [23:46] DasEI: no:s, i've tried all the types in the list [23:46] trying that [23:46] weird, I seemed to have fixed my windows maximization issue after fiddling with the screen settings, even though in the end I came full circle to my original settings. Guess it was the ati card hiccuping. [23:46] jinja-sheep, | would that be a synaptic meta pkg? [23:46] is there a channel to discuss permissions please? I need some help with permissions. I have read the community documentation [23:46] Hey Slart were you here last night when linux_freak screwed up his partition? [23:46] ok i'm trying to install ntsf-3g [23:46] krazyfingerz47:pastebinit /var/log/syslog [23:47] krazyfingerz47 pastebinit /var/log/syslog [23:47] Slart, 1 last thing, if i do have to use older kernel, can i simply edit the menu.lst to not have that option? [23:47] druntar: yup..I think you told me about that [23:47] SrcEdit [23:47] G1ZmO: you can also use smb://severname in nautilus [23:47] Slart: wasn't sure if you were around for the aftermath of that one or not. [23:47] Anacranom: you can edit the menu.lst to only show the kernels you want.. but read the grub man page.. it has all the info [23:47] al__: Possible. I wouldn't know as I never played with the monitor tablet, but rather the wacom tablet for drawing / artist. [23:47] yes ActionParsnip I'm coming to the conclusion that I'd be better resharing the folders [23:47] ActionParsnip, is it // or /// ? [23:48] druntar: the last I heard was you getting yelled at for killing her/her system [23:48] cool, thanks Slart [23:48] DasEI: it doesnt response to that cmd [23:48] jinja-sheep, | ahhhh [23:49] Slart: Pretty much, but I KNOW I was giving clear and concise instructions. I'm thinking either I was dealing with a complete moron, or they were just screwing with me. [23:49] krazyfingerz47: pastebinit /var/log/syslog [23:50] jinja-sheep | bout to install now, Thank you for all the help [23:50] DasEI: nothing, it seems like its processing the info but i get no response [23:50] ActionParsnip how do i setup the ntsf-3g? [23:50] druntar: mm.. that's how I understood it from what you said, yes [23:50] druntar: logging can savew your life !;-) [23:50] jedi06: install ntfs-config with it [23:50] al__: I'm glad to guide you to somewhere. :) [23:50] i put a folder on my windows xp desktop not how to i point to that location [23:50] jedi06: I found something -- http://www.giannistsakiris.com/index.php/2008/04/09/virtualbox-access-windows-host-shared-folders-from-ubuntu-guest/ [23:51] krazyfingerz47: gedit /var/log/syslog [23:51] I just don't get it, if a user is a part of a group, and I've used "sudo chown -R :groupname /path" why can't the user even read folders inside the path? [23:51] krazyfingerz47: file there ? [23:51] !ntfs3g | jedi06 [23:51] jedi06: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions [23:51] DasEI: yes, now i realize that its too big, let me try again [23:51] jinja-sheep i cannot install guest additions from livecd [23:51] p4_: chown only changes which group owns it.. it says nothing about what the permissions on the files are [23:52] !paste | krazyfingerz47 [23:52] krazyfingerz47: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [23:52] "caught SIGWINCH, shutting down gracefully " I have alot of those in my apache config, and it's no longer serving webpages, anyone know why? [23:52] p4_, and its sudo chown -R :groupname /path [23:52] p4_: its chown user:group [23:52] p4_: you can have files not even the owner can read [23:52] DasEI: well it was the first time I actually knew the answer to someones question. I tried my best to be patient and painstakenly explained every little step. If nothing else I learned to log any time I help someone, and to always keep it in the main channel. Yes, I was dumb enough to take it to a private chat. [23:52] jedi06: You can download the guest addition from the website and place it in the correct directory. [23:52] I must be one of the most stupido in the north [23:52] When a you to open a file but a suitable app is not bounded to it, you get nautilius with the home dir. There is little chance to find a suitable app there. Is it possible to get the menu instead like in KDE? [23:52] i would test my skype. can anyone help me? [23:53] I see, but I need for more than one user to be able to access the files! [23:53] I hav downloaded Ubuntu 32 And forgot where i saved it :S [23:53] rodolfo: test your skype how? [23:53] and this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions [23:53] indicates you can leave the username blank and just go :groupname [23:53] p4_: what are the permissions on the files? === Anwender is now known as Claw6 [23:53] druntar: i want to test my calls [23:53] p4_, proll a typo [23:53] y [23:54] p4_: you have to do a chmod g+rw too.. so the group members can read/write, if that's what you want [23:54] druntar: don't take it too serious if you did it carefully, and it wasn't otr, or ? [23:54] Slart, as in "sudo chmod -R g+rw /path" ? [23:54] how i switch to a different server on here? [23:54] rodolfo: just use the test call in your friends list [23:54] druntar: can u help me? [23:54] DasEI: 1 sec [23:54] yimer: /server someserver.net [23:54] p4_: that looks correct, yes [23:54] whats the name of the svn package? [23:54] I've tried that : ( [23:55] cplusplus: maybe subversion [23:55] permissions are "drwxrwxr-x" atm [23:55] yimer: Bring up the Network List with XChat > Network List, or type "/server servername" [23:55] rodolfo: All you have to do to test if it's working is to make a test call. There should be a contact in your skype list called "Skype Test Call" [23:55] yes ;) [23:55] as in sudo chmod -R ### path/to/filename [23:55] p4_: and still people in the group can't read the files? [23:55] DasEI: http://paste.ubuntu.com/105745/ [23:55] rodolfo: just double click it and follow the prompts. [23:56] ifconfig says that ath0(my wifi NIC) is up with an IP address, but my router says it is not, and i can't get online with it [23:56] anything I can try? [23:56] p4_: try chmod 660 -R /path/path/ that gives the owner and group read/write permissions but the directory needs the exec bit, i.e. 755 [23:56] thasp: Have you tried rebooting the router? [23:56] n [23:56] *no [23:56] I can connect with my windows machine to it [23:56] but not with the ubuntu one [23:56] thasp: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. === G1ZmO is now known as G1Z|bbs [23:57] ahh ok thanks gnutron, i'll try that [23:57] p4_: be in the dir to chmod 660 the files [23:57] druntar: ok.. i found a bug in skype's package.. i can't change my avatar.. [23:57] thasp: I have that same issue sometimes. I don't know exactly what causes it, but usually rebooting the router and the ubuntu machine usually fixes it for me. [23:57] rodolfo, dont belive xD [23:57] Are there any statistics available on ubuntu use over the years? Download rates, anything like that? [23:57] p4_: chmod can use characters or octal format [23:58] Claw6: why? [23:58] Slart: Welcome back. [23:58] I can change my avatar in static installation.. [23:58] druntar: hehe.. thanks [23:58] man now i can't even get into the directory, let alone the other user [23:58] rodolfo: which skype package do you have? The one from medibuntu? [23:59] ls -l === Guest_571nukisen is now known as nukisen [23:59] oh sorry [23:59] krazyfingerz47: no errors in snd, if playback works correctly, should have sound, try something different : [23:59] thought i was in terminal lol [23:59] jken146: yes [23:59] Alguien habla español? [23:59] no [23:59] krazyfingerz47: sudo apt-get install beep ubuntu-restricted-extras [23:59] !es | mandragora22 [23:59] hey everyone.... [23:59] mandragora22: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [23:59] I'm wnodering... [23:59] krazyfingerz47: beep 50