
mylistoIs there any kind of program that can record audio (in and out)...00:00
p4_well now not even the owner can access it, i don't know what that 660 did00:00
rodolfojken146: exactly00:00
druntarDoes anyone know if pulseaudio HAS to be used with 8.10? I've been having some problems with it.00:00
mylistothat is similar to total recorder for windows?00:00
krazyfingerz47DasEI: 72mb of archives00:00
krazyfingerz47DasEI: ok?00:00
mandragora22can anyone help me how do i connect to other server?00:00
DasEIkrazyfingerz47: go ahead00:00
druntarAnd if not does anyone know of any alternatives?00:00
rodolfojken146: did u know that?00:00
nukisenmandragora wich irc program u use00:00
jken146rodolfo, that's exactly what I have, and I can change my av00:01
al__jinja-sheep, | hey, are you still there?00:01
Anacranomdruntar, have you tried OSS?00:01
krazyfingerz47DasEI: kk arround 20 mins, you will be here?00:01
jedi06sudo fdisk -l | grep NTFS | awk '{print $1}'  does not return anything?00:01
nukisenwich irc client is best in ubuntu00:01
DasEIkrazyfingerz47: k, slow connection..00:01
mylistonukisen: I'm using chatzilla for firefox00:02
rodolfojken146: do u have static installation of skype, isn't it?00:02
mylistoworks fine for me00:02
DasEI!best | nukisen00:02
ubottunukisen: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.00:02
ST47nukisen: irssi, xchat00:02
krazyfingerz47DasEI: its coz im in a network (4 pcs downloading)00:02
druntarAnacranom: No, Just been dealing with it.00:02
DasEI nukisen: pidgin, irrsi, xchat are most common00:02
gnutronp4_: chmod 700 or 755 the directory, chmod the files 600 or 660 for owner and group00:02
nukisenok i have it :)00:02
nukisenYes pdgin should be fine thx00:02
jken146rodolfo, no, I am using the package called skype, which uses the system's own qt libraries instead of skype's.  That works for me.00:02
p4_ahhhh thanks gnutron :)00:02
p4_ok i'll try that00:03
bthompsonhey guys i have a SB audigy card that I cannot get the microphone to work....anybody have any ideas..it works fine in windows..00:03
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nukisendidnt thought about it works for irc as well00:03
lstarnesnukisen: pidgin's IRC support is very incomplete00:03
druntarActually, to be honest, I'm not even sure it's pulse. All I know for sure is that nothing seems to recognize my laptops built in microphone.00:03
Anacranomdruntar, i'm using OSS on my main box, my game box, and am very happy with the 5 channel audio and the ossmixer interface00:03
krazyfingerz47DasEI: thanks a lot btw ;)00:03
krazyfingerz47DasEI: ill pm u when ready00:03
rodolfojken146: just works for me in static package..00:03
bthompsonits is an sb009000:03
rodolfojken146: i can change in static package00:03
nukisenOki i find out00:03
mylistodoes anyone know how to record skype calls in ubuntu?00:04
Anacranomdruntar, but i am using 8.04, not sure how it does in 8.1000:04
jken146rodolfo, I thought you said you found a bug in skype static?00:04
MatBoyis there a way to set a new password on the commandline without retyping the password for verification ?00:04
zerwas_There is a process which consumpts 100% cpu and which i cannot even kill with "kill -9". Is there any chance to kill it?00:04
jken146MatBoy, not to my knowledge00:04
SlartMatBoy: I think root can set passwords without having to type the old one00:04
jedi06ActionParsnip I don't have any NTFS partition linux is aware of00:04
SlartMatBoy: check man passwd00:04
gnutronp4_: in octals the read bit = 2  write = 4  execute = 1, just add them up to your liking. three fields user, group, others.00:05
rodolfojken146: sorry.. normal package00:05
MatBoySlart: yes, without the old one, but I don't want to type the new ones twice00:05
MatBoyjken146: I think the same, but I need to integrate it into a bash script :S00:05
rodolfojken146: static skype no problems..00:05
runderwobthompson: could it be related to this?  http://www.mail-archive.com/alsa-user@lists.sourceforge.net/msg23852.html00:05
jken146rodolfo, which package do you have: skype or skype-static?00:05
ActionParsnipjedi06: if you want to access the host fs from the guest, theres options in vbox to allow access00:05
SlartMatBoy: then make a script that enters it twice ... call it lazy_passwd =)00:05
Netham46"[notice caught SIGWINCH, shutting down gracefully"  I'm getting that in my Apache error log, and nothing works. Anyone know how I can fix this?00:06
gnutronp4_: ugo+rwx would be 777  get it?00:06
MatBoySlart: mhh, I can try that it echo's it twice00:06
cplusplushow could i unzip a bz2?00:06
jedi06Wait ActionParsnip that is what I am trying to do access the host from the guest but to use ntfs-3g it wants me to locate NTFS partitions which there are none00:06
rodolfojken146: now i installed skype-static.. and i can change my avatar.. but in skype package i can't change my avatr00:06
runderwocplusplus: tar jxf <bz2>00:06
runderwocplusplus: or bzip2 -d if it's not a tar00:06
kitchecplusplus: bunzip <bz2>00:06
jken146rodolfo, for me it is the other way around! lol00:07
gnutroncplusplus: tar -xvjf file.tar.bz200:07
BCampbellcan I get some help with mounting an ntfs drive please?00:07
rodolfojken146: what's your arch?00:07
runderwocplusplus: j = bz2, x = extract, f = file00:07
jken146rodolfo, sorry, I don't understand you?00:07
bthompsonrunderwo, do i need to restart any service once i edit this file..00:07
gnutroncplusplus: the -v is verbose00:07
kitcherunderwo: just easier to omit the j last typing by one letter really00:07
n8tuserBCampbell -> can we get you started with man mount00:07
rodolfojken146: amd64, x86?00:07
jedi06Action Parsnip the only access vbox i know of is installing guest additions which is apprently hard or impossible from a livecd environment00:08
ActionParsnipjedi06: shutdown the guest and check ALL of the guest options, one option will be local folders which you can add00:08
p4_gnutron, are the numbers due to flag bits being set?00:08
runderwobthompson: it looks like it's a problem in the driver that has recently been fixed.  So you might need to wait for a new kernel release.00:08
bthompsonrunderwo, my card is an audigy1 so i don't know if that matters..00:08
jken146rodolfo, x8600:08
jedi06Ok I'll try that then ActionParsnip00:08
rodolfojken146: so.. mine is amd6400:08
jken146rodolfo, so that's why there are two packages!00:08
BCampbelllooked that over n8tuser...questions is why the ntfs config doesn't tool see it, only the windows drive00:09
gnutronBCampbell: mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1  /media/mountpoint-dir i believe00:09
jedi06how do you tell it to shutdown from in livecd command line?00:09
bthompsonrunderwo, i really don't get any sound at all....it says on this one it is low...but i get nothing at all when trying to record with sound recorder or audacity..00:09
gnutronp4_: exactly if i understand you00:09
jken146jedi06, sudo shutdown -h now00:09
runderwobthompson: I don't know if it matters either.  But assuming you have enabled the mic and the record volume is up, then there seems to be a drivers/hardware problem.00:09
gnutronp4_: a 6 is read/write where a 7 is read/write/execute00:09
StargazerHow do i use 'ssh' to get into my VPS ?00:09
runderwobthompson: you could also try arecord.00:10
n8tuserBCampbell -> what ntfs config tool?  what command have you issued?00:10
cplusplusyasm is not existing in version 0.6.1 for kubuntu 6?00:10
BCampbellapt-get install ntfs-config00:10
n8tuserStargazer -> is your VPS running an sshd server?00:10
p4_i see, thanks alot gnutron00:10
BCampbellgives me a ntfs config tool under apps -> system tools00:10
chanweiyeecheck your fstab file00:10
cplusplusFound yasm 0.4.000:10
cplusplusMinimum version is yasm-0.6.100:10
gnutronBCampbell: you'll finf ntfs-config in your menu after installed.00:10
bthompsonrunderwo, how do i run that...i tried in terminal and i get a bunch of question marks scrolling by..00:11
BCampbellgnutron - I can see it, but it doesn't see all the ntfs drives00:11
StargazerN8tuser, most likely.00:11
Netham46"[notice] caught SIGWINCH, shutting down gracefully"  I'm getting that in my Apache error log, and nothing works. Anyone know how I can fix this?00:11
n8tuserBCampbell -> and did you attempt to configure? and what about mount? did you try to mount the partition?00:11
RediXeIs there a way to host a local repo with ubuntu packages?00:11
gnutronjedi06: sudo shutdown -h now00:11
n8tuserStargazer -> most likely?  you have to be sure, can you not verify?00:12
DarkWolf29New to linux need help! Downloaded Skype for linux and it gives me a .tar.gz file. How do I install this program? I am using Flux as my wm of choice currently.00:12
StargazerN8tuser, how would i verify ?00:12
gnutronBCampbell: sudo fdisk -l  and examine which ones need mounting then add them to fstab00:12
Guest_571nukisennow i will try to install ubuntu on that amilo crap00:12
AceBlade258how do i boot into a command line00:12
bthompsonrunderwo, i don't know what happened but after i ran arecord the mic is working was that supposed to happen..00:12
n8tuserStargazer -> well where is this VPS? did you install it yourself? look at the configs ?00:13
AceBlade258not the grub command line, the actual ubuntu command line00:13
StargazerN8tuser, it's on x10hosting.00:13
unopDarkWolf29,  /msg ubottu skype00:13
rascal999i have a tc1100 and im trying to turn the backlight on it off. The methods described here (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=571696&page=2) don't work and ive tried modprobe tc1100-wmi, anymore suggestions?00:13
streenzWhen I power up my PC GRUB loads Ubuntu by default.. is there a way within Ubuntu when I'm restarting to change the default to WinXP, but just for that one time?00:13
runderwobthompson: arecord uses alsa, and those other things may be using OSS, which might be the issue.00:13
rascal999i have Intrepid ibex00:13
n8tuserStargazer -> why not ask them if their VPS is really running an sshd server so you can ssh into it?00:13
runderwobthompson: OSS mode is only an emulation mode in ubuntu.00:13
DarkWolf29thank you00:13
gnutronAceBlade258: its simpler to exit the desktop environment to get to the console, or prevent gdm/kde from launching on boot00:13
bthompsoni am looking for an app like quicksilver for mac and or launchy for pc...what is the best solution for a program like this for ubuntu00:13
StargazerN8tuser, they say i can use ssh into it. :<00:14
AceBlade258streenz: when grub starts to load press escape00:14
n8tuserStargazer -> okay, and what happens when you do ssh in?00:14
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StargazerN8tuser, what's the syntax ? >.<00:14
gnutronstreenz: no, unless you re-edit /boot/grub/menu.lst00:14
AceBlade258the gui dosn't load, i need to boot into a command line to install my graphics card driver00:14
n8tuserAceBlade258 -> boot into single user mode and fix it?00:15
ziggleshi all, i am having problems using vmbuilder -- "domain is undefined and host has no domain set"  could someone point me in the right direction as to how i define a domain?  thx00:15
AceBlade258how so?00:15
streenzAceBlade258 - what I want to do is when Ubuntu is running, do something so that when I click "restart" I can walk away and the PC will log out of Ubuntu and power down, then power up and load windows without any input00:15
Dr_willisstreenz,  ive seen some distros thjat let you sort of do that.. but i think it can cause probvlems. its best to just set a 20-30 sec wait/menu delay on grub and select what you want. Its also possible to have it rember the last os you selected.. and always default to that00:15
n8tuserStargazer -> if you ever get stuck someday, google is your friend, but typically   ssh -l username remotehostipaddress00:15
AceBlade258streenz: sorry, cant help you there, i'm kinda newbish00:15
streenzDr_willis - ah, but there is no sort of option to choose the one I DIDNT load last?00:16
AceBlade258rather how do i get into single user mode00:16
bthompsoni am looking for an app like quicksilver for mac and or launchy for pc...what is the best solution for a program like this for ubuntu00:16
zerwas_There is a process which consumpts 100% cpu and which i cannot even kill with "kill -9". Is there any chance to kill it?00:17
gnutronAceBlade258: do you see a boot menu ? if so just use recovery mode00:17
Dr_willisstreenz,  niot that ive noticed.. You could go to the grub homepage and start reading the docs.. i may ov overlooked somthing like what you are wanting to do.  its possible to set the 'default' line from a script  i imagine. but ive not seen any tools in ubuntu that automate that00:17
runderwozerwas_: probably not, but you can try kill -STOP00:17
gnutronAceBlade258: note your path and stuff may be different00:17
drashstreenz: maybe grub-choose-default could help you out with , never tried it myself .. just an idea00:18
BCampbelln8tuser:   fsdtab should read "/dev/sda1 /home/bruce/storage ntfs default 2,0"?  that will give user the read write permissions?00:18
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Dr_willis!info grub-choose-default00:18
ubottugrub-choose-default (source: grub-choose-default): Control Grub Default through a GUI. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.2-6 (intrepid), package size 8 kB, installed size 100 kB00:18
runderwozerwas_: usually, this is a kernel bug that causes it.00:18
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zerwas_runderwo> thank you very much for your hint. it didn't work though00:18
zerwas_runderwo> by the way, the process is "totem"00:19
Dante123I have a zydas zd1211 usb wireless dongle.  I want to use it as an Access Point (software AP).  I think this message here indicates that this is possible under linux:  http://linux.softpedia.com/get/System/Hardware/ZD1211-Driver-12712.shtml  How do I figure out what version of the driver I am currently running under Ubuntu 8.10????00:19
p4_ok thats fixed, now i need to thoroughly learn what actually happened :D00:19
gnutronBCampbell: like this: /dev/sda1 /media/windows ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 000:19
Claw6zerwas_, totem is the "explorer" of ubuntu00:19
streenzzerwas_, /usr/bin/killall totem     .. that work?00:19
n8tuserBCampbell -> perhaps its   ntfs-3g and defaults   but to confirm, kindly man fstab  sometimes i forget things too00:19
BCampbellgnutron thanks00:19
zerwas_streenz> no00:19
runderwozerwas_: check this bug.  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/totem/+bug/21305300:19
gnutronBCampbell: two zeros at the end you dont want fsck running on that drive/partition.00:20
BCampbelln8tuser:  thanks also00:20
runderwozerwas_: check your kernel log (dmesg) for oops messages.00:20
Asaranahi everyone00:20
streenzzerwas_,  sorry thats all I know.. haha .. personally I dont use Totem, I use VLC00:20
n8tuserBCampbell -> you're welcome, anyhow, sometimes you have to use man pages to confirm the options00:20
EmacsFanAsarana hi!00:20
hsalemhi all00:20
zigglesVLC rocks00:20
hsalemcan anyone help me please?00:20
jedi06ActionParsnip you cannot access those shared folders without installing guestadditions and you must reboot after installing guest addtions although i found this http://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/73400:20
zerwas_runderwo> oh yes, many useful output there about totem00:21
hsalemi am new in here and i need help00:21
zerwas_runderwo> like "INFO: task totem:17042 blocked for more than 120 seconds."00:21
EmacsFanhsalem: what's your problem?00:21
jedi06unfortunately Parsnip they don't say how to do it00:21
hsalemi installed ubuntu 8.10 and i can't play any movies :(00:21
runderwozerwas_: it sounds like you should subscribe to that bug and await a resolution.00:21
Claw6hsalem, you need the codecs00:21
zerwas_runderwo> i will do so, thank you very very much. In the meantime i should switch my media player00:21
runderwozerwas_: VLC is suggested many times here :-)00:22
BCampbellthanks for the help....00:22
EmacsFanhaselm: what kind of software are you using for playing movies?00:22
hsalemClaw I installed the codeces00:22
ActionParsnipjedi06: then install the guest additions00:22
hsalemstill all players shuts down00:22
DasEI EmacsFan:vlc00:22
zerwas_runderwo> i'll stay with mplayer, but vlc is also ok ;)00:22
Claw6hsalem, well you see a black screen get an error msg or what?00:22
streenzanyone else using Pidgin find that it randomly closes with no error given.. nothing.. just all of a sudden its gone?00:23
hsalemClaw no just double clicking on the movie it starts a player and then shuts down00:23
Claw6hsalem, which player you are using ?00:23
Claw6hsalem, may you should give a try to VLC?00:23
drashdisappearing pidgins ?00:23
hsalemVLC, MPlayer, Movie Player all players do the same00:24
Guest_571nukisenhmmm itried to install the ubuntu but my screen was black. Now i have to try in failsafe graph00:24
cweigleMplayer is Movie Player isn't it?00:24
ziggleshsalem: VLC has codecs embedded with it as far as i know00:24
Guest_571nukisenA sort of00:24
zigglescwillu yes00:24
Claw6ziggles, you're right00:24
hsalemziggles i do not think it is a problem of codecs00:24
=== Guest_571nukisen is now known as nukisen
streenzanyone have a recommendation for a messenger program for my MSN account, other than Pidgin?00:25
cweigleDoes anyone know if touchscreens work with Ubuntu?00:25
zigglesstreenz do you not like pidgin?00:25
hsalemClaws check this out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32422100:25
nukisenHmm i prefer pidgin00:25
Claw6hsalem, what videocard do you use?00:25
Claw6cweigle, they do00:25
workingchairHey guys, I'm having a problem viewing flash video like YouTube and stuff.  Nothing is showing up.  It has been working ever since I installed Ubuntu and the flash player a week or two ago, but as of last night it stopped working00:25
kitchecweigle: yes00:25
jedi06ActionParsnip did you hear what i said you have to reboot after installing guest additions i'm tyring to use it in livecd environment00:25
hsalemClaws it says that i have to modify a file called gui.conf00:25
Claw6cweigle, dont know rly how but they will00:25
streenzziggles, I find it randomly closes itself and I cant figure out why.. that, plus im open to any other programs that might be out there00:25
p4_thanks again, i'm off00:26
hsalemClaw but i can't find that file00:26
n8tuserhsalem have you look at some tutorials on how to watch video on ubuntu?00:26
cweigleOk, my cousin is interested in trying and she has a Fujitsu Lifebook, so I wanted to make sure.00:26
hsalemit is an ATI00:26
hsalemClaws it is an ATI VGA on a laptop00:26
Claw6hsalem, sry cant help you00:27
Claw6check the wiki00:27
nukisenlooks like it works in failsafe graph00:27
n8tusercweigle -> dont know, but you can ask her to try the livecd ?00:27
krazyfingerz47DasEI: all done00:28
dsnaikehsalem did u install dvd support00:28
DasEIkrazyfingerz47: beep 5000:28
linxuz3rwhats a good way to backup home folder?00:28
ruhaan_jsliphow do i create a ad hoc network in ubuntu?00:29
linxuz3rwhats a good way to backup home folder??00:29
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto00:29
DasEIlinxuz3r:to where ?00:29
hsalemdsnaike do i need it for avi movies?00:29
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dsnaikedid u try starting avi from player menu00:30
gnutronhsalem: do you have this file if so run it. /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh00:30
linxuz3rDasEI: home folder to another folder Linux/ and then copy home folder from Linux/ to /home00:30
n8tuserlinxuz3r -> usage of tar is adequate00:30
ActionParsnipjedi06: i'd sk in #vbox about that, they may be able to advise00:30
ActionParsnip!backup | linxuz3r00:30
ubottulinxuz3r: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning00:30
_cbShould I go to Sun to download Java or should I use synaptic? If synaptic what package?00:31
jedi06i have been thank you anyway i may have gotten my usb to work though00:31
franckmaxhola alguien habla español?00:31
DasEIlinxuz3r:sudo cp -r  /home   /path/to-copy-to  (mind it's got enough space)00:31
rww!es | franckmax00:31
RediXeHow to I upgrade from 8.04.1 to 8.1000:31
ubottufranckmax: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:31
rww!upgrade | RediXe00:31
ubottuRediXe: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes00:31
hsalemgnutron Yes i do have that file00:31
RediXerww: thx00:31
DasEIkrazyfingerz47: heard a beep ?00:31
gnutronhsalem: run it with sudo00:31
kitche_cb: well ubuntu uses openjava by default but if you want the commerical java yu want sun-java-jre or close to that name anyways00:31
gnutronhsalem: sudo  /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh00:32
krazyfingerz47DasEI: no =s00:32
jedi06where do the usb's get mounted ?00:32
gnutronjedi06: in /media/usb typically00:32
nukisenI am beginning to fall in love with Ubuntu00:32
nukisenI have tried xp00:33
DasEIjedi06: /media, unless you specified other00:33
nukisenand win 700:33
nukisenAll failed to install my laptop00:33
Asarananukisen:how was your experience with them00:33
hsalemgnutron and then what?00:33
streenzjedi06, my USB stick shows up in /media/disk00:33
gnutronhsalem: it should play dvd's now00:34
nukisenUbuntu got a blank screen00:34
hsalemgnutron but i need to run avi movies :(00:34
nukisenThen i just put the installation in failsafe graphik mode00:34
DasEIhsalem: install vlc00:34
jedi06does it automatically go to /media/usb/usb00:34
nukisenVoila it worked00:34
hsalemgnutron or dvdrip files00:34
gnutronhsalem: hrm, a few players run avi's i thought.00:34
cweigleWho all uses a laptop in here just wondering00:34
hsalemDasEI it is installed00:34
linxuz3ris this still possible i could not find the program in synaptic: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup00:35
kitchenukisen: probably have to configure Xorg up since the autoconfig most likely can not work correctly for your hardware00:35
DasEIhsalem: it plays avi00:35
nukisenI think so to00:35
hsalemDasEI it shuts down00:35
R0b0t1How do I remove the server image? Somehow it got installed and it autoboots to that, but I want to autoboot to generic.00:35
nukisenI have to wait until it is installed00:36
L-argiplexlinxuz3r: US leetz0rz use Gadmin-Rsync00:36
LeventersoYhow can i clearing a dns cache on ubuntu?00:36
LeventersoYplease help me00:36
L-argiplexlinxuz3r: Whats wrong with you son! :=()00:36
jedi06I don't see anything in /media/usb I enabled usb in vbox and it installed some virtual usb driver and its not showing up anywhere00:36
dsnaikehsalem is compiz installed and running00:36
LeventersoYhow can i clear dns cache on ubuntu?00:36
hsalemdsnaike what is compiz?00:37
n8tuserR0b0t1 -> adjust your menu.lst  for whatever the default you wanted00:37
L-argiplexlinxuz3r: Follow the Powertrails my friend00:37
PSiL0!compiz | hsalem00:37
ubottuhsalem: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion00:37
DasEIhsalem: if you just call vlc, does it shut down ?00:37
gnutronhsalem: got w32codecs installed? could be in that package, proper codecs, then xine, vlc etc should would. you might install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly also.00:37
n8tuserLeventersoY -> you have to ifdown eth0   assuming it is eth0 you're after00:37
streenzL-argiplex, does Gadmin-Rsync work to back up data from a local directory to a samba share? I tried a different program and it didnt register a "smb://directoryname" location as a valid directory00:37
n8tuserLeventersoY -> then ifup eth000:37
dsnaikeyou don't so not the problem00:37
DasEIgnutron: vlc brigs it's own codecs00:37
hsalemi start vlc and starts00:37
linxuz3rL-argiplex: is there a package for gadmin-rsync00:37
Dr_willisstreenz,  what app dident like smb://  ?? that would be most likely only working for gnome apps.00:38
hsalemas soon as i drag the avi over it and drop it it shuts down00:38
Netham46"[notice caught SIGWINCH, shutting down gracefully"  I'm getting that in my Apache error log, and nothing works. Anyone know how I can fix this?00:38
gnutronDasEI: ok, appreciate that.00:38
hsalemi do not have compzi00:38
n8tuserNetham46 -> what triggered this?00:38
R0b0t1n8tuser: is there a way to completely remove it?00:38
streenzDr_willis, I cant remember off the top of my head, I tried it a month or so ago and gave up or got distracted00:38
DasEIhsalem: with vlc open  media>openfile> blabla.avi ?00:38
drashLeventersoY: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-clearflush-dns-cache-in-ubuntu.html00:38
dsnaikehsalem try using the menu in the player to see if that works00:38
Netham46n8tuser, semingly nothing. It was running perfectly for almost a year, then it went down earlier, and this is what I'm getting.00:39
n8tuserR0b0t1 -> easily, refer to your menu.lst of where this kernel and initrd resides, the unreference them and delete afterwards00:39
L-argiplexstreenz: I have some admins running those across continents. They say its rsync, differential backups every day and its also encrypted via ssh/crypto00:39
Dr_willisstreenz,  the thing to rember is the smb:// and other fancy whatever://  stuff is pretty much gnomes speciual way of accesing special files/places :) kde uses kioslaves to do a similer thing. Not sure what gnome calls it.00:39
L-argiplexstreenz: Im confident girl00:39
hsalemdsnaike/DasEI ever from File/Open/filename.avi it shuts down00:39
n8tuserNetham46 -> anyone was hitting your apache when it broke or just out of the blue?00:39
Netham46n8tuser, I was browsing some forums I host when it started.00:40
DasEIhsalem: try a different avi ?00:40
streenzDr_willis, so a smb://sharedfolder  would be in my filesystem under a different name? or should rsync accept "smb://sharedfolder" as a directory?00:40
dsnaikehsalem u said you installed codecs can u specify00:40
hsalemDasEI same problem00:40
apocolyps1i still cant get my grub menu to fit on my widescreen 1366x76800:40
n8tuserNetham46 -> wait a second, browsing some forums?  that is not your apache server, it is someone else at the remote site.. am confused00:40
hsalemthe w32codes and others00:41
Netham46n8tuser, it's my server, I host some forums that I was looking at.00:41
Netham46n8tuser, I'll brb.00:41
L-argiplexhsalem: trolling are we ?00:41
Dr_willisstreenz,  gnome file manager 'browses' shares - it may or may not be 'mounting' them. use the mount command to see.. If its MOUNTED to a local directrory then every program would be able to access the things as if they were a local directrory. If its just browsing - then you canhave issues with non-gnome apps00:41
hsalemL-argiplex what do you mean by trolling?00:41
DasEIhsalem: can it play mp3 ?00:42
hsalemDasEI let me check00:42
DasEIhsalem: ownership of the avi's ?00:42
StargazerI'm trying to enable repos on my VPS, how do i do this via the terminal ?00:42
L-argiplexhsalem: You are on irc so you logged on and joined #ubuntu, right ?00:43
jrib!repos > Stargazer00:43
ubottuStargazer, please see my private message00:43
hsalemL-argiplex yep00:43
n8tuserStargazer -> were you able to ssh in to that remote VPS yet?00:43
throwtare there source packages like srpms?  I want to modify the default kernel but I want it packaged-like not just ad-oc00:43
nukisenhmm the screen is black again00:43
dsnaikehsalem try one more thing install smplayer and try it00:43
nukisenhope it is temporary00:43
streenzDr_willis, okay I dont see it using the mount command, so I will have to mount it first, and then I should have no issues.. thanks, I didnt realize it might not be mounted00:43
ActionParsnipStargazer: you can sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list and add whatever you wish, or uncomment what's already in there00:44
StargazerYeah, n8tuser. i just had to restart it.00:44
ZeniturI'm sorry, what is the name of russian language Ubuntu channel?00:44
DasEIkrazyfingerz47: so no further idea then, maybe play around with the preferences, you should have sound00:44
hsalemdsnaike same problem with smplayer00:44
theory_I'd like to isolate the sound streams of several apps .. like Ekiga, Skype .. the goal is to hear Skype in Ekiga ... hear Ekiga in another app ... does someone know how I can do it ?00:44
ActionParsnip!ru | Zenitur00:44
jrib!ru | Zenitur00:44
ubottuZenitur: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke00:44
gnutronNetham46: its really not wise to browse the web with a web server, thats debateable but sigwinch is signal window change size signal. it may have tripped on something00:44
Dr_willisstreenz,   ages ago there were gui tools that browed/mounted  the shares..  but gnome sort of tries to be smarter :) which works.. unitllyou start using non-gnome stuff00:44
n8tuserStargazer -> umm, you can restart the vps remotely? or you're ssh00:44
n8tuserin to the host?00:44
apocolyps1any1:.......cant get my grub menu to fit on my widescreen 1366x76800:44
L-argiplexhsalem: You downloaded, burned, installed ubuntu but have no clue as to what OlMacDonold had on his farms ? :=)00:44
Zeniturjrub, ty.00:45
Dr_willisstreenz,  there MAY be some .gvfs directroy/path that you could access to get to the  shres.. bt ive never explored it much00:45
StargazerN8tuser, the host has a nice panel i use... it's seperate from the VPS so i can do it from there.00:45
hsalemL-argiplex i do not follow00:45
theory_I tried to configure my ALSA and PulseAudio, but I can't find how to to it :/00:45
DasEIhsalem: avis are broken sometimes, but the vlc won't shut down, but tell you, if the ownership is the prob, do :00:45
n8tuserapocolyps1 -> frb seems to max out at 1280x800 ?  see what vga=795  resolution is00:45
krazyfingerz47DasEI: =[00:45
hsalemDasEI no, the avi works fine on windows00:45
DasEIhsalem: sudo hsalem chown /path/to/avi  , assuming username is hsalem00:46
hsalemDasEI and also work fine on ubuntu under windows00:46
dsnaikehsalem I solved every video & audio problem by installing gstreamer&ffmpeg codecs in synaptic00:46
n8tuserStargazer -> ah okay, sometimes without those additional info, we get confused as how people do things,00:46
DasEIhsalem: sudo chown hsalem /path/to/avi  , assuming username is hsalem  ,sorry00:46
StargazerSorry, n8tuser.00:46
apocolyps1n8tuser: ok, have been trying heaps of vga= options but havent kept a record00:46
theory_please ... can someone help me ?00:46
Dr_willisapocolyps1,  try vga=ask   :) and try them all.00:47
DasEI!ask | theory_00:47
ubottutheory_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:47
ActionParsnip!ask | theory_00:47
n8tuserapocolyps1 -> i dont know the mapping by heart, but if you google for it, you may get your anwer or a hint00:47
gnutrontheory_: click system - preferences - sound  ...test it out00:47
hsalemdsnaike how can i do that?00:47
L-argiplexhsalem: Once you learn. Im guessing in 10 years from now maybe. Ill come back00:47
theory_!ask I'd like to isolate the sound streams of several apps .. like Ekiga, Skype .. the goal is to hear Skype in Ekiga ... hear Ekiga in another app ... does someone know how I can do it ?00:47
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:47
DasEIhsalem:system > paketmanager,  search for the given packages & install00:48
DasEI!DVD | hsalem00:49
ubottuhsalem: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:49
nukisenAhahahaha lool it was the screen saver that blanked the screen:)00:49
gnutronhsalem: you have a desktop running, open synaptic, use search function, find gstreamer pluhins and ffmpeg ad install them.00:49
n8tuserwhose using vlc to listen to shoutcast? do you find that sometimes you're unable to listen to them? is it the connection that prevents it?00:49
n8tusernukisen -> fooled you eh? lol00:49
nukisenThe installation was ready00:49
DasEIn8tuser: that works ? I use amarok for it00:49
apocolyps1Dr_willis: all my xserver stuff comes up fine its just the grub menu at the start(i need the menu for multiple booting) every vga= settings i try only affect the xserver and splash screens00:49
nukisenI am so stupid sometimees00:50
n8tuserDasEI -> yes, shoutcast works in VLC, its just sometimes my connection i guess is far too slow00:50
n8tuserliek right now00:50
DasEInukisen: let's meet again ;-)00:50
YamanekoHello! I'm with a problem with .rmvb. When I try to execute it via MPlayer it give the message: "mplayer interrupted by signal 11 in module: init_audio_codec". Can someone help me?00:51
DasEIn8tuser: bandwith can be a reason, but also some servers are real weak00:52
nukisensee u inside ubuntu instead00:52
nukisenit is ready00:52
nukisenand steady :)00:52
henriHi everyone, i'm an ubuntu user - I recently thought i'd try and upgrade my nvidia drivers to the latest .run (rather than an apt packaged) version, two hours later and I think apt's managed to remove xserver-xorg which I think i've now reinstalled - i'm now using envy-ng to install my drivers (as i'd just like my desktop back to be honest!) - there are no errors, indeed nvidia stuff seems to load fine - but when gdm starts all the right s00:52
henriso i can't get to a login prompt with the nvidia drivers anymore, despite the configuration being quite similar00:52
henriif not the same before00:52
Billydoes anyone know how to change ownership from root to the user00:52
nukisenlets see if i can get it out in the net00:52
henriBilly: chown user.group file1 file200:52
n8tuserDasEl i introduced this to a friend, and he was elated to find out there practically thousands of channels streaming via shoutcast. now all he has to have is to find time.. lol00:53
Netham46<gnutron> Netham46: its really not wise to browse the web with a web server, thats debateable but sigwinch is signal window change size signal. it may have tripped on something   I wasn't on the webserver, I was at school.00:53
DasEIhenri:8.10 ?00:53
Billyis that the same for a directory00:53
Netham46n8tuser, I'm back, btw.00:53
henriDasEI, yep00:53
henriBilly: yes, yoiu can also do it recursively (chown -R ...)00:53
gnutronhenri: i think you need to run nvidia-settings from terminal but i would check the docs on that.00:53
streenzwhere is the option to stop it showing mounted disks/USB/CDs etc on the desktop as icons?00:54
henrignutron: Interesting, i'm using the same config i've always used00:54
pelegIs this a known bug? I've seen some reports on the web, but I couldn't understand the resolution: evolution send my stuff in plaintext (!), even if I define a SSL/TLS connection, and hence dovecot refuses it.00:54
n8tuserNetham46 -> okay, did you bring snacks? am hungry..lol00:54
henriyou think my xorg.conf needs remaking?00:54
Netham46n8tuser, lol.00:54
StargazerI need to FIX an issue that has been a pain in my side: beeping. like an error, ubuntu beeps ? yeah. instead of using my sound card it uses my speakers/headphones. anyone know how to permanently turn this off ?00:54
Netham46n8tuser, but, know what's going on? =/00:54
gnutronhenri: you could back it up and try that.00:54
DasEIhenri:.. uses xorg 7.4, often nasty to firmware, depends on card (me ati-user), backup xorg.conf and sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg00:54
pelegThis is what I saw, for example: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+bug/25790600:54
henrithat'll just restore default xorg.conf (i.e. minimal, vesa)00:54
henrifrom what i've seen00:55
n8tuserNetham46 -> about that sigwinch?  i think gnutron is correct about that00:55
hsalemguys .... I am much grateful for you trying to help me00:55
henriso that'll work00:55
DasEIhsalem ? mp3 ?00:55
l3dis there a way to back up the teme I have made with out backing up the whole .theme folder?00:55
henribut still no nvidia, and only one screen (DasEl)00:55
hsalemI'll try to install the gstreamer and ffmpeg and see what I can do00:55
boot_loopheya folka00:55
hsalemDasEI i just can find a single mp3 on my laptop to check it out :)00:55
DasEI!dualhead | henri00:55
ubottuhenri: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama00:55
Netham46n8tuser, I wasn't web browsing on the server, it's headless and CLI only.00:55
Doonzsorry wron gwindow00:56
DasEIhsalem : music.download.com00:56
henriDasEI, As i say it was working before, and i've now got this black screen issue..00:56
Netham46n8tuser, and the error reoccurs every time I try to start my website00:56
Billyit tells me its not permitted00:56
henriBilly: You'll have to use sudo if you're not aleady root..00:56
henrisudo chown ...00:56
n8tuserNetham46 -> umm can you post in pastebin the logs of apache or perhaps ask the nice folks at #apache to help troubleshoot?00:56
kitcheStargazer: you can rmmod pcspkr I believe that is the kernel module for that been a while00:56
dsnaikehsalem did u install ubuntu-restricted -extras00:57
Netham46n8tuser, logs'll be hard right now, but I'll ask in apache.00:57
StargazerKitche, that will stop the beeping from errupting my eardrums ?00:57
n8tuserNetham46 -> okay good luck00:57
Netham46n8tuser, thanks, heh.00:57
yakuzcan someone please explain to me how to add a resolution to ati catalyst control center?00:57
henridoes anyone know the tune2fs command to reset the check number for drives off the top of their head?00:57
kitcheStargazer: should even though windows does the same thing really :) but windows usually stops after you install the sound drivers00:58
Zenituranna, hi! Where are you from and what is your distro?00:59
Billyroot@Ubuntu:/# chown william.william /home/william/BACKUP00:59
Billychown: changing ownership of `/home/william/BACKUP': Operation not permitted00:59
DasEIhenri: you mean auto-check at startup ?01:00
gnutronStargazer: you should be able to toggle that in system/preferences/sound sounds tab01:00
henriDasEI, yep01:00
pelegThis is a serious bug, and its resolution in launchpad is "We are closing this bug report as it lacks the information"... did *anyone* here have this issue? It's not something that shoul be skipped01:00
DasEIhenri: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30047701:00
hsalemdsnaike yes i did install ubuntu-restricted-extras01:00
brianwillis1984hey everyone i have a question01:00
brianwillis1984i have a old system pent II 400mhz with 192mb01:01
kitchepeleg: well add more information hence what that bug report is asking for01:01
brianwillis1984could i use ubuntu or even xubuntu01:01
DasEI!minimal | brianwillis198401:01
hsalemDasEI you want me to try mp3 with vlc?01:01
ubottubrianwillis1984: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD01:01
tecredrahow can i rename a .desktop file? i can only change its alias from nautilus and terminal doesn't take too kindly to the mu character01:01
DasEIhsalem : yo, just to check installation01:01
Billyim root and it still says operation not permited01:01
pelegkitche, I don't see what other information I can add. it's as simple as that, really. I tell evolution to send my login information using SSL/TLS, but it does it in plaintext; completely ignores me. End of story...01:02
Zeniturbrianwillis1984, use 2 Gb SWAP and you can install Ubuntu on any PC.01:02
StargazerOmg, gnutron, TY.01:02
DasEItecredra: sudo mv file.1  file.2   (including path)01:02
squirt33I just updated to 8.10 and compiz isn't working. Here's the x-session log error. http://pastebin.com/m1e5c4773. WHat do I do?01:02
tecredraDasEI: thanks, i'll try that.01:03
brianwillis1984would i be pulling out my hair about getting this online cause i tried debian and i was pulling out my hair trying to even get to the desktop and try to get online01:03
Krstnsnwhats the most common reason for an app not to open?01:03
graysonZenitur, 2 GB swap! thank you.01:03
YamanekoWhen I try to execute .rmvb on MPlayer it gives me back: "mplayer interrupted by signal 11 in module: init_audio_codec". Can someone help me?01:04
Zeniturbilly, maybe, lets try to use LiveCD to apply your command?01:04
gnutronbrianwillis1984: sure you can, try xubuntu and be patient with that 400 mhz processor01:04
DasEIbrianwillis1984: you want have much fun with x, fluxbox after no software installed from minimal wiould do, better consider dsl01:04
brianwillis1984tried dsl01:04
n8tuserBilly -> what is the current perms for that file or dir you're attempting to chown ?01:04
brianwillis1984cant get online with that either01:05
brianwillis1984ran smoothly but that was the only prob01:05
gnutronbrianwillis1984: i have a 400mhz pII that took 4 hours to compile a debian kernel but it runs it01:05
n8tuserBilly -> list the one liner01:05
Krstnsnanyone? know why an application wouldnt open up unless i reboot.. but if i close it again it wont open01:05
n8tuserBilly -> ls -la  /home/william/BACKUP01:05
gnutronbrianwillis1984: play with ifconfig and ifup ifdown01:06
dsnaikehsalem can u post your system specs01:06
brianwillis1984no luck01:06
Dr_willisKrstnsn,  run it from a terminal - look for error messages01:06
Zeniturgnutron, AMD K6-2 with 64 MiB RAM, Debian Etch and 2 GiB SWAP, and I have a wireless router.01:06
temppyKrstnsn: sounds like what happens when firefox locks up.  The previous instance is locked up, and hidden.  New instances refuse to open, since they detect an already open instance...01:06
brianwillis1984im trying to use  a wireless card thats why i keep failing01:06
Billytotal 34001:06
Billydrwxr-xr-x 11 root    root     16384 2009-01-16 19:19 .01:06
Billydrwxr-xr-x 36 william william   4096 2009-01-16 19:02 ..01:06
Billydrwxr-xr-x  5 root    root     16384 2009-01-13 11:27 Bills computer files01:06
Billydrwxr-xr-x  2 root    root     16384 2009-01-16 19:19 Drop file01:06
FloodBot1Billy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:06
Billydrwxr-xr-x  2 root    root     16384 2009-01-12 22:31 Games01:06
Krstnsntempy ... i looked at my running processes and theres nothing there01:07
n8tuserBilly ->  chow -R  william:william  /home/william/BACKUP01:07
Zeniturcan somebody compile PCSX2 Playground 1.0.0395?01:08
DasEI Billy ->  chown -R  william:william  /home/william/BACKUP01:08
DasEI Billy ->sudo  chown -R  william:william  /home/william/BACKUP   ,lol01:08
gnutronKrstnsn: firefox loves to crash when certain addons and or extensions are installed, disabled everything you do not need.01:08
brianwillis1984gnutron, couldnt i use this http://www.elivecd.org/01:09
Billyit goes through them but still says  operation not premeditated01:09
||cw2my ff love to crash no matter01:09
Krstnsngnutron, its not firefox though its deluge01:09
=== ___mikem is now known as __mikem
Krstnsnitll only open if i reboot01:09
||cw2only thing it doens't crash on is the default start page01:10
||cw2I don't have this problem on 8.04, just 8.1001:10
gnutronKrstnsn: is that a p2p client?  must be buggy, tail -f your /home/user/.xsession-eror log01:10
Dr_willisive had no problems with Firefox under 8.10  - samba on the other hand......01:10
onexusedI did a clean install of Ubuntu 8.10, and installed kppp from the kubuntu 8.10 CD.   When I try to dial to my ISP with kppp, kppp will get to where the log window says "CONNECT 45333<whatever>" and then restart the dial process.  When I had Ubuntu 8.04 installed, this did not happen.  What can I try to fix this?01:10
DezineI have absolutely no sound, I've tried looking around online and none of the methods get it to work. The sound device is HDA Nvidia if that helps01:11
Billyi will try doing it from a live cd01:11
brianwillis1984hey guys couldnt i use elive linux01:12
Krstnsngnutron, dont know i cant get that command to return anything but an error01:12
=== Friend is now known as Friend|cool_down
gnutronbrianwillis1984: just a ethernet connection problem still or what?01:12
gnutronKrstnsn: whats the error? tried reinstalling deluge?01:13
DezineOk, that's weird, I can hear sound coming out of the speakers but very faint and it's turned up all the way01:13
brianwillis1984yea with the pcmia card is the problem this laptop dont have a onboard ethernet01:13
ZeniturWhen I am using BluetoothDialup with "pon BluetoothDialup" script, FireFox think that I am working offline. "sudo pon BluetoothDialup" fix this. Ubuntu 7.04-8.10. Please, fix this problem.01:13
vertanaDezine try alsa mixer and see if you have all your "different" volumes up.01:13
Anacranompeleg, that does seem to be very serious issue, but is it only on ubuntu? - a ubuntu specific issue? if not, may need to see if there is a #evolution , but thanks for the notice, i am gonna check it out more01:13
jp_sfDezine: I had the same problem on my ubuntu and alsmixer fixed it by tuning the levels01:14
Krstnsngnutron, trying to reinstall as we speaks01:14
MiescoMy sound capture isn't working :/01:14
MiescoWhat should I do?01:14
zuberothow to setup my windows to be shown on te screen center? i use metacity01:14
gnutronbrianwillis1984: arrr, laptop cards can be monsters you need the proper module and config, google the card/chipset01:14
jp_sfDezine: if you don't like alsamixer there is a gui Gnome Alsa Mixer01:15
DezineLooking in volume control everything is turned up01:15
pelegAnacranom, there is no #evolution as far as I know, but I didn't do a long research about it. I don't know if it is ubuntu-specific: I have found in the web mostly about ubuntu, but also one complaint with fedore, something quite similar01:15
jp_sfDezine: I had to put everything in red to start to hear something01:15
abouchershould i upgrade to 8.10 with ubuntu server cd?01:15
vertanaDezine, I had that problem before and the culprit was that while my Alsa volumes were up my OSS ones were not01:15
aboucheror go clean install01:15
vertanaThis shouldn't be as much as a problem these days but you could still be using OSS drivers (which are fed through Alsa, which is why it may affect it)01:16
Anacranompeleg, i'm doing some testing on sled11, will compare to my Ubuntu stats01:16
pelegAnacranom, hey, if you find out anything, let me know :-)01:17
onexusedaboucher: I don't know how it is for others, but I had problems trying to upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10.01:17
DezineAlright, sweet, I got it. I install the gnome alsa mixer and there was some settings that weren't in the other one01:17
=== nikrud is now known as nickrud
vertanaonexused: I had no problems doing a software upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10 through update-manager, what was your error?01:17
DezineThanks everyone01:17
vertanaNo problem, Dezine.01:17
maxxistquick question for flash 64 bit folks.  which folders do I copy the plugin into for all users to use?01:17
rwwDezine: Yeah, gnome-alsamixer has everything, as far as I can see. I couldn't get any sound at all yesterday because a control that appears to only be in g-am was muted.01:17
vertanaGlad you got it fixed.01:17
DezineAll four speakers are working now :D01:18
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onexusedvertana: The first time I booted after upgrade, the screen was black and I couldn't do anything with the keyboard including switching to another terminal.  Also, I couldn't ssh in.01:19
mrpocketswhat the hell happened when I pressed Windows+R01:19
tom0360Do I have to( or can I ) disable SSH root login on a default Ubuntu 8.10 (intrepid) install, or is it off by default or something not to be concerned with as it is not a server?01:19
mrpocketsand how the hell do i disable it?01:19
linux_guyI have installed virtualbox-ose and I cannot seem to get it to start under apps>accs>vboxose01:19
vertanaOnexused: Have you tried booting into other kernels/os or otherwise verified it is NOT a hardware issue?01:20
istvan_i need to ssh to a mac, how might I do this?01:20
onexusedvertana: It's not.  When I did a clean install, it was fine.01:20
vertanaOnexused: Another way is to try a usb keyboard (assuming it's either hardware issue or driver issue)01:20
istvan_i'm on the lan, and it's ip is
Dr_willisistvan_,  install a ssh server on the mac01:20
onexusedvertana: A clean install of 8.10 after that, that is.01:20
istvan_so I do need to install a ssh server? does the os come with one?01:20
gnutronmrpockets: it should be off by default unless you enabled root, if sshd is not running its a moot issue, not to worry.01:20
rwwtom0360: Default Ubuntu installs don't have the root account enabled, so you can't login to it over ssh even if PermitRootLogin (or whatever it is) is enabled in sshd_config.01:21
Dr_willisistvan_,  go ask in a mac channel perhaps?01:21
eseven73linux_guy: try typing 'VirtualBox' in a terminal it is case sensitive01:21
vertanaOnexused: I had that happen to me on a 8.04 install and I had to use a usb keyboard because of a driver issue.01:21
mrpocketsgnutron,  what the hell're you talking about?01:21
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tom0360Ok thanks gnutron and rww01:21
onexusedvertana: Well, like I said, it's fine now, after a clean install (all the same hardware).01:21
vertanaMrpockets: Please watch your language sometimes children come in here for help as well.01:22
linux_guyeseven73:  could not find 'VirtualBox'  please reinstall01:22
gnutronmrpockets: um what part didnt  you get? rww was correct answering you also.01:22
rwwgnutron: mrpockets wasn't the one with the ssh problem, tom0360 was.01:22
mrpocketsits like theres a magnification glass01:22
mrpocketsmy SSH works fine thank you :-p01:22
eseven73linux_guy: O.o how did you install it exactly?01:22
gnutronrww: argh, thanks01:23
gnutronmrpockets: sorry01:23
mrpocketsnot a problem01:23
rwwgnutron: no problem, happens to me all the time :)01:23
vertanaOnexused: The only thing that jumps out at me as obvious is that (If I remember right) from 8.04 to 8.10 Ubuntu switched to the evdev driver to improve hotplugging and so your drivers may have not uninstalled for the new one to come in and your X may have gotten "confused" between the two.01:23
linux_guyi tried add/remove, didnt work, then removed it.  then i got the package from virtualbox.org01:23
gnutronrww: i spilled coffee and got side tracked01:23
tom0360rww is there anything in a default install that I might need to disable or change to secure the system.01:24
linux_guyesev, i've tried every way i know how, it shows up in the apps menu01:24
onexusedvertana: I see.  That might be a useful thing to look into if it happens again.01:24
eseven73linux_guy: ah it's best to use the one in the repos...01:24
linux_guyfrom add/remove?01:24
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becksterhey guys, so I hit windows + r and it does a crazy thing to my screen.. how do I undo it?01:24
linux_guyor apt-get?01:24
vertanaOnexused: That's not 100% , just what jumps out at me as an abvious culrpit, so YMMV. BUt next time trydoing an lsmod and seeing if your old driver is still trying to be used.01:24
eseven73linux_guy: i dont think it matters01:25
Dr_willisbeckster,  crazty as in? Sounds like a compiz thing also..01:25
rwwtom0360: Nope, the defaults are pretty secure as they are.01:25
onexusedvertana: okay.  thanks for the info.01:25
vertanaOnexused: No problem. ^^01:25
becksterDr_willis: umm it makes my screen move around with my mouse, and my screen to big for the monitor01:25
tom0360rww, ok thanks. read through some online checklists, but most seemed to be none existant, or already set01:25
vertanaBeckster: I apologize I came in late, what is the problem?01:26
Dr_willisbeckster,  you meant o say it 'zoomed' in on the desktop?01:26
Dr_willisthats a compiz feature. :) try windowshey+mousewheel  to zoom in/out perhaps?01:26
gnutronbeckster: i think Dr_willis is right, sounds like a compiz key-binding01:26
Dr_willisi will say that win+r dont do anything here.. buti do disable a lot of the compiz extras01:27
Dr_williswin+mousewheel does zoom however in and out :)01:27
becksterthanks guys!01:27
Dr_willisthere really need to be a nice tool that reads the compiz settings/conmfigs and shows a  guide to what all keys are bound to what featrues.01:28
gnutroni never use the 'windows' key..... bad mojo01:28
Dr_willisgnutron,  its the only key on this keyboard thats not got all the letters wornm off :)01:28
vertanaThere is dr_willis, it's just no installed by default. CCMS if i remember right.01:28
gnutronDr_willis: no doubt i can understand why.!01:28
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion01:29
vertanaI never use the Windows key either, supers always lead me jacked up settings :)01:29
Dr_willisvertana,  ccsm dosent give a nice clean 'all the keys being used are ....' type  sheet i could print out /look out to fgure out what bindings are in use. :) ive had to excplore ccsm befor to figure them out. which is not that good a way to do it01:29
vertanarww: Thanks, not ccms, but ccsm.01:29
operahello ,everyone,who can tell me how change the resolusion of monitor?01:30
DasEIhow do I put a letter from ascii tab in terminal ?01:30
vertanaDr_Willis: Ah, I thought were talking more of a compartmented guide to the keys that are assigned. In which case CCSM works, but for a nice list of them, you're right.01:31
InterGalactic010I'd like to know the same information as opera.  Thanks01:31
DasEI!resolution | opera01:31
ubottuopera: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution01:31
gnutronopera: good place to check out- https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions#Screen%20Resolution01:31
silentContenderWhat module does a Trendnet wireless usb adapter use ( the chipset is rtl8187b)?01:31
Dr_willisvertana,  yea - a tool that would just print out a html page of  'zoom in/out    mouse+winkey'    and so forth.. would be handy fo these new guys at work01:31
ph8what's xinerama a part of? xserver-xorg01:32
gnutronopera: also in the menu system/preferences/screen resolution.01:32
vertanaDr_Willis: Either that or even a simple inclusion of CCSM so that we could give people a place to start would be nice. As it stands in Ubuntu, while Compiz is enabled by default, there is no default tool to help with Compiz key bindings (just general Gnome bindings).01:32
gnutronph8: thats for multiple monitors i believe.. not xserver01:32
DasEIµ  is 230 is deci and E6h in hex, how to print in trml ?01:33
ph8will i have a xinerama package then?01:33
silentContenderI'm having trouble getting the Trendnet usb adapter to work.  (Have connection, but no internet or pings)01:33
InterGalactic010Hi all, I have to boot into Safe Graphics Mode each time I start the system, I load the Nvidia drivers successfully in Safe Graphics Mode, but after a reboot it will only work if I boot into Safe Graphics Mode again, and this seems to bypass the Nvidia graphics drivers I installed.  Any help really appreciated.  Thanks.01:33
DasEI!xinerama | ph801:33
ubottuph8: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead01:33
operawhen ,i reboot my computer, i find the resolusion has change,and  i can't find the fit resolusion01:33
gnutronph8: in a terminal type dpkg -s xinerama   that will tell you.01:34
CoUrPsE|DeAdopera, System/Prefeneces/Screen Resolution.01:34
vertanasilentcontender: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=linux+module+rtl8187b&btnG=Google+Search&aq=f&oq=  << Google is your friend in these situations.01:35
vertanaSilentcontender: Try the instructions on the first hit.01:35
MiescoYo what do I use to scan shit?01:35
rww!scan | Miesco01:35
ubottuMiesco: Scanning software: XSane, the GIMP (GNOME), Kooka (KDE). For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners - See also !OCR01:36
Dr_willisMiesco,  care to clarify that a bit more and use better language..01:36
rww!ohmy | Miesco01:36
ubottuMiesco: Please watch your language, attitude and topic to help keep this channel friendly and helpful. Remember, there are kids here!01:36
vertanaMiesco: Please watch language here. And what type of stuff?01:36
InterGalactic010opera did you manage to install the graphics drivers in Safe Graphics mode???01:36
operacourps3, I do this ,but can't find the fit .i need 1024*768, but there are only have 800*60001:36
silentContendervertana: I'll try it, but on http://wireless.kernel.org they list my wireless (TEW-424UB) as using zd1211rw01:37
wati got a metallic blue ds lite :D01:37
linxuz3rhow do i copy files and folder with rights owner and permission?01:39
watright click+copy01:39
InterGalactic010Hi everyone, would anyone be free to help on a quick question I have please?01:39
vertanaSilent: I don't know too much about that (as I Have not tried that USB adaptor myself), but I do know zd1211rw is more tailored for another chipset, and the chipset you are trying to use has its own specific driver. In almost all cases it makes more sense to use the driver specifically made for it. Also, the first hit someone had to modify the source so while YMMV it is a good idea to try the instructions first hit and if not just keep a tab on what modul01:39
vertanaes it inserted so you can take them out if they do not work as promised. (keep tabs with lsmod before and after installation)01:39
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InterGalactic010Hi everyone01:41
wathi intergalactic01001:41
vertanaInter: Hi! How may we help you? ^^01:41
InterGalactic010Hi Wat, thought I was talking to myself back then.01:41
squirt33where is the jaunty jackalope source repository?01:41
watwhats the problem01:41
gnutronlinxuz3r: cp -p  preserves permissions01:41
InterGalactic010I have to boot into Safe Graphics Mode each time I start the system, I load the Nvidia drivers successfully in Safe Graphics Mode, but after a reboot it will only work if I boot into Safe Graphics Mode again, and this seems to bypass the Nvidia graphics drivers I installed.  Any help really appreciated.  Thanks.01:41
vertanaInter: I apologize for that; I was helping someone else momentarily :)01:41
wati dont have ubuntu installed so i will help the best i can01:41
InterGalactic010Hi Vertana01:41
silentContendervertana: How would I get the build-essentials download (the wireless is for another computer, no internet connection)01:41
watwhat happens if you dont boot safe graphics01:42
InterGalactic010I'm new to this IRC chat, didn't know if I was coming through.  All good.01:42
linxuz3rgnutron: what about user and owner01:42
InterGalactic010Wat, the computer screen goes black after loading up, I can get to a terminal screen01:42
vertanaSilent: The only thing I can tell you to get packages with no 'net connection would be to go packages.ubuntu.com and find the build-essentials pkg for your architecture and distro version. Then take it back to the original computer.01:42
InterGalactic010by pressing CTRL+ALT+F101:43
kesiCan anyone recommend an alternative bittorrent client to vuze that has a plugin like moblock, safepeer, or peerguardian and that runs on ubuntu?01:43
gnutronlinxuz3r: yeah it should preserve those also01:43
vertanaSilent: the packages on the website are the same ones you can get from official repositories.01:43
silentContenderinter: sorry about interrupting01:43
KetrelHas anyone figured out anything about the problem with blank TTYs with nvidia drivers?01:43
temppykesi: have you tried deluge?  I don't know what those are...01:43
drashkesi: transmission and deluge seems to fit that bill01:43
InterGalactic010I have spent 9hrs so far, getting the drivers installed, and setting up Ubuntu.  Good fun, but not getting very far at present01:43
kesitemppy, drash, I'll look into those thanks01:44
operai always want to know how you type the name whom you talk to ?01:44
vertanaInter: What graphics card do you have? I have a 6150LE and I cannot restart X or even logout (A bug with the actual hardware).01:44
gnutronopera: type the first few letters and hit the tab key01:44
vertanaopera: it's more a custom/courtesy thing to do to avoid confusion.01:45
gnutronvertana: well put01:45
InterGalactic010I have NVidia 8600 GTX - I have downloaded the drivers from the nvidia site, and they install well, and the screen then goes to maximum res.  Only problem is, it doesn't seem to save the config to disk.01:45
operagun_ ,thank you01:45
joe2hi guys been using ubuntu for a week and I love it, but I am having a little trouble with it, I have a intel 64 bit processor so I need help installing the 64 bit swfdec drivers.01:45
jedi06I'm on vbox host:XP guest:ubuntu  I'm trying to make a shared folder on XP that both can access.  I am trying to use ntfs-3g but it has almost non-existent usage docs: http://www.ntfs-3g.org/index.html#usage  Can someone help me set this up?01:46
vertanaInter: Have you tried the drivers in the repo?01:46
tecredrahow do i put a .desktop file to a certain category of the applications menu? i've added Category=AudioVideo; to it but it will not appear there. do i need to somehow refresh it?01:46
vertanagnutron: Thank you.01:46
gnutronInterGalactic010: have you run nvidia-settings, i dont run nvidia but i think its a good thing01:46
InterGalactic010I ought to point out, I'm running of a 4gb usb drive.  It has all the space available on it.01:46
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joe2yeah I cant find though01:46
joe2dont know how to search for them01:46
InterGalactic010vertana, I have.01:46
linux_guywat, you here?01:46
InterGalactic010gnutron, I have.01:46
vertanaInter: Did you have the same issues with that driver?01:46
linux_guydivxjunky is a cool nick01:47
gnutronInterGalactic010: that could be a flash drive issue, i have no experience with that.01:47
Brack10Hi is it possible to set the balance of audio output via the mplayer command?  the man page only tells you how to do it on video capture and after the program starts as far as I can tell01:47
DivXjunkyhi guys01:47
drashInterGalactic010: did you activate the restricted driver applet and checked if something isn't activated ?01:47
CoUrPsE|DeAderm, i feel extreamly newb, folder vnc* is owneed by courpse, yet i cant rm -r it, denied permission.01:47
DasEIhow do I put a letter from ascii tab in terminal ?01:47
InterGalactic010Those drivers, plus the ones under [hardware driver] update do not work at all, even under safe graphics mode.01:47
vertanaInter: Notice we all want to know if you have tried more than one driver (to see if it is a hardware issure)01:47
kesidrash, transmission doesn't seem to support any blocklists01:48
rebelhi, where can I find information about ubuntu-supported monitors? in particular, I need to know if the Samsung Ubisync 7" USB monitor (ships with SyncMaster 2263DX) works01:48
dayo_tecredra: .desktop file would be a hidden file. any file beginning with dot it hidden01:48
drashkesi: it sure does, look under prefs, i believe it's the network tab01:48
DasEI!hardware | rebel01:48
ubotturebel: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection01:48
gnutronCoUrPsE|DeAd: try rm -rf  or sudo rm -rf01:48
__dean__DasEI: CTRL-SHIFT-U, then asicc code in hex01:48
InterGalactic010drash, what do you mean isn't activated?  The drivers I DL from nvidia are activated in safe graphics mode, just not after a reboot.01:48
CoUrPsE|DeAdyeah, but cant empty it from trash.01:48
CoUrPsE|DeAdhow can i empty trash as root?01:48
tecredradayo_: that's not what i meant. i have a shortcut to my media player in wine, foobar2000.desktop, and i want to put it into the sound & video menu01:48
Brack10man moc01:48
drashInterGalactic010: I meant to ask if they are active in that hardware drivers thingy, on xubuntu here, migth differ somewhat01:49
dayo_CoUrPsE|DeAd: careful with that rm -rf01:49
CoUrPsE|DeAdyeah anno.01:49
gnutronCoUrPsE|DeAd: the trash is buggy usually it will be empty when x restarts, i never use the trash myself01:49
InterGalactic010vertana, don't believe it is a hardware issue.  As in the graphics card works well, under windows, and also in safe graphics mode with nvidia drivers installed.01:49
joe2I need help finding the swfdec drivers from the repo,01:49
CoUrPsE|DeAdahh right, k sorted then.01:49
rebelDasEI: thx, though there's no information about monitors01:49
CoUrPsE|DeAdTheres prob my problem then.01:50
InterGalactic010drash, they seem activated to me.01:50
gnutronCoUrPsE|DeAd: yeah be very careful using sudo, shouldnt need it01:50
SJr|WorkWhy does anyone care about how long it takes Ubuntu to get started, I think either your machine stays on all the time, or it is in standby or hibernate and already fast.01:50
rodolfo_hello there01:50
drashInterGalactic010: any clues in your /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?01:50
CoUrPsE|DeAdyep, im not that noob, just something that was buging me.01:50
dayo_tecredra: don't have any real experience with wine. sorry01:50
gnu2it2can you use nice  on an already running process ?01:50
lifenovaSJr|Work: some people use laptops and keep their computer on01:50
CoUrPsE|DeAdthanks guys, :)01:50
InterGalactic010drash, interesting, I'll give it another go, and then check the log.01:50
DasEI__dean__:googled that before, doesn't work (E6h) http://users.physik.fu-berlin.de/~goerz/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/09/ascii.gif01:50
gnutronCoUrPsE|DeAd: its definetly buggy, the trash business that is.01:50
lifenovaSJr|Work: can't* keep their computer on01:50
NodeRazorHi guys =)01:51
vertanaInter: Have you tried running nvidia-xconfig? IF that does not work dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg (as root and only if you're in 8.10 should you use that switch) and then manually insert "nvidia" under driver.01:51
tecredradayo_: well it shouldn't really matter if it's wine or not in regard of adding a .desktop file to the applications menu01:51
SJr|Worklifenova why not standby or hibernate?01:51
bonhofferwhat is the best way to create an iso in gnome?01:51
dayo_lifenova: yes i rarely switch of my laptop01:51
bonhofferwould rather not use command prompt?01:51
CoUrPsE|DeAdRight, didnt know that.01:51
NodeRazorAny one know how to extract rar and zip files in multiple folders ?01:51
NodeRazorI know I need to use something like exec()01:51
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drashInterGalactic010: gdluck, can be quite the log but lok for (WW) and esp. (EE) lines01:51
lifenovaSJr|Work: I'm not sure as I don't have a laptop, but personally using standby/hibernate on my desktop is very buggy01:51
__dean__bonhoffer: dd if=/dev/cdrom0 of=image.iso bs=2k01:52
CoUrPsE|DeAdNodeRazor, trying using `rar` sudo apt-get install rar01:52
vertanalifenova: This is a common problem, especially if you use an NVIDIA card.01:52
__dean__bonhoffer: in terminal01:52
NodeRazor=) Thanks but I already have rar01:52
backenfutterI was wondering, can somebody here explain to me the color codes of the diagrams in htop?01:52
vertanaNodeRazor: Don't forget unrar also.01:52
NodeRazorWhat I am asking is how to extract files from sub-folders01:52
NodeRazorI have unrar01:52
dayo_lifenova: exactly. i don't standy/hibernate. just lock screen and close my lid for transport.01:52
__dean__bohoffer: or use rightclick on icon, copy disk01:53
jedi06Not even one person can help me?01:53
temppydayo_: isnt that bad for HDDs?01:53
InterGalactic010Thanks everyone for your help!  I'm off to try Vertana's advice, and also check the log file Drash mentions.  Thanks again.01:53
NodeRazorso if I write a shell script for example and run like unrar [folder] it will unrar all the files in the folder and sub-folders automaticly.01:53
dayo_temppy: it is? how come?01:53
vertanaNodeRazor: When you say subfolders, are we talking about going into a rar file and extracting sub directory B w/o directory A?01:53
vertanaInterGalactic010: Goodluck!01:53
mib_xmowur6ki am getting this error on  start up "failed to load the nvidia kernel module" anyone know why or how to fix it01:54
NodeRazorIts ok, I'll find it.01:54
NodeRazorI found this small script before, just need to due more digging.01:54
vertanamib_xmowur6k: sudo modprobe nvidia01:54
NodeRazorextract all Folders Recursively01:54
NodeRazorand sub-folders01:55
temppydayo_: well, a HDD has the spinning disc, with the magnetic head.  I thought that if you jostle it (like transporting a running laptop), you risk having the head run into the disk.01:55
CoUrPsE|DeAdusing rar e file.rar01:55
vertanamib_xmowur6k: IF that does not work try reinstalling the nvidia drivers and making sure they are enabled under Restricted Drivers.01:55
CoUrPsE|DeAdit extracts files + subdirs.01:55
dayo_temppy: i hadn't even considered that01:55
CoUrPsE|DeAdassumeing you have 'rar' installed.01:55
NodeRazorit extracts files + files in subfolders yes01:55
watunrar hehe01:55
vertanaCoUrPsE|DeAd: He had rar and unrar installed.01:56
NodeRazor=) thanks wat but I know that much LOL01:56
wati was saying hehe at unrar01:56
mib_xmowur6kvertana: thanks but i get this error "FATAL: Module nvidia not found."01:56
vertanamib_xmowur6k: If that is the case you do not have the NVIDIA drivers properly installed.01:56
CoUrPsE|DeAdthen weird, coz rar e filenzme.rar has always doe it for me.,01:56
dayo_temppy: but i read somewhere recently that laptops now have some kind of anti-fall protection for the hdd. like when there is sudden motion, the head backs off the disk. not sure how it works. i'll see if i can find the article. saw it on reddit.01:57
temppydayo_: I guess just make sure to have backups.  I mean, if it works for you, why not?  But, I think there is some sort of risk.  I don't know at all how big it is.  I think its why SSDs are becoming popular for laptops/netbooks; no moving parts.01:57
NodeRazornot if you want to extract lots of files...01:57
kesidrash, in transmission?01:57
vertanamib_xmowur6k: Have you tried to install them Administration > Hardware Drivers?01:57
temppydayo_: probably an accelerometer.01:57
dayo_temppy: SSDs still have the size issue, tho01:57
lifenovadayo: I've read that before too... problem with that I've heard is that sometimes it's a little sensitive and slows you down when you're legitimately working01:57
dayo_temppy: yeah01:57
kesidrash, nevermind, think I found it.01:57
vertanamib_xmowur6k: Just go under there and it should say Nvidia driver (recommended) and make sure it is activated and it may require a restart.01:57
MiescoI messed up alsa, I deleted .asoundrc.asoundconf01:58
MiescoHow do I get it to work again?01:58
NodeRazorthis will extract rar files in the folder01:58
drashkesi: it's the "peers" tab sorry in transmission prefs01:58
dayo_lifenova: yeah i was wondering about that01:58
NodeRazorbut now I need to be able to extract files in sub-folders too01:58
NodeRazorwithout changing to that folder manually =)01:58
mib_xmowur6kvertana: hmmmm i installed them in synaptic package manager, what else can i do to install or check there installed01:58
vertanamib_xmowur6k: Give me one second and I'll look for you.01:58
gnutronMiesco: run asoundconf from a terminal,  asoundconf --help01:59
illumehi.  how to install realtime-lsm in intrepid?01:59
mib_xmowur6kvertana: thanks alot, this is giving me such a headache01:59
illumerealtime-lsm-source doesn't appear to exist anymore in intrepid?01:59
vertanamib_xmowur6k: The MAIN package you need is nvidia-glx-177 (If you have a newer card, which most do) and it's no problem. SYnaptic should tell you all the other packages you need to make the glx one work.02:00
linux_guyim downloading vmware for linux, should i get tar image or rpm image?02:00
illumehrmm... maybe a reboot will fix it!   brb02:00
vertanamib_xmowur6k: Generally though it's MUCH easier to do under Hardware Drivers (or Restricted Drivers if you have an older Ubuntu)02:00
__dean__linux_guy: get the tarball02:00
n8tuserlinux_guy -> for ubuntu, it is deb, for other linux maybe rpm02:00
lifenovaCan anyone help with usplash troubles? It hasn't worked for me since I install ubuntu hardy... I've now upgraded to 8.10 and it still hasn't worked... I've tried removing the package and reinstalling, and I've changed the theme too to no avail. I remember that the splash did show when I was using the LiveCD. Not a major problem, but something I want to try to fix02:00
__dean__linux_guy: you could get the rpm and convert it with alien also02:01
linux_guyim so confused i know a prog called alien that can convert rpm to deb02:01
lifenovaBy not working, I mean that there is no splash screen, just a black screen while the system boots02:01
NodeRazorFound one for tar.z files, now will recoded it http://paste2.org/p/13104702:01
Cpudan80lifenova: easy fix02:01
ScuniziI'm trying to configure a fax modem.. how do I discover it tty location?02:01
Cpudan80!broken-usplash | lifenova02:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about broken-usplash02:01
__dean__linux_guy: You can use alien or you can use the tarball and compile from source02:01
__dean__linux_guy: either one will work02:01
Cpudan80lifenova: uno momento por favor02:01
linux_guyok thanks02:01
mib_xmowur6kvertana: ok i will have a try, i am using a fresh install of 10.8 (not upgrade) and its a Geforce 8600M GT02:01
linux_guythanks guys02:01
lifenovaCpudan80: sure thing, thanks for your help02:01
Cpudan80lifenova: that used to be the factoid.....02:02
vertanamib_xmowur6k: Yes, 177 is the driver you need.02:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about about02:02
Cpudan80lifenova: I didnt need the -02:02
ubottuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork02:02
Cpudan80!brokenusplash | lifenova02:02
ubottulifenova: Supported screen resolutions are sometimes detected incorrectly, causing the splash screen to not appear and slowing down boot. Edit /etc/usplash.conf and change "xres" and "yres" to a resolution that your graphics system certainly supports, then run « sudo update-usplash-theme usplash-theme-ubuntu »02:02
annafor a dektop that has 8GB of ram which version of linux kernel is best 64 bit or 32bit with PAE ?02:03
lifenovaCpudan80: hehe, I just found that myself on the factoids page. Thanks for your assistance :)02:03
Cpudan80lifenova: thats my factoid! :-P02:03
Cpudan80That was a pain in the butt to find the answer too02:03
dayo_anna: anything above 4gb is 64bit territory02:03
vertanaanna: to utilize the RAM 64-bit.02:03
varunguys how do you change what interface the system sounds use?02:03
Cpudan80A lot of people with laptops seem to have the usplash prob02:03
dayo_anna: i have that issue on our servers. they're upwards of 8gb ram but on 32bit. need to migrate them to 64bit02:04
lifenovaCpudan80: desktop here, but whatever02:04
vertanaCpudan80: That's weird. That's the only problem I've never had on a laptop lol.02:04
Alex_21Hi, all. Is there a guide for configuring Dansgardian and another server to limit the use of bandwidth for particular computers?02:04
FloodBot1Alex_21: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:04
varunlike the sound in rythmbox works, but not the sound from the system (eg Login sound) or firefox, any ideas?02:04
Cpudan80lifenova: well that seems to fit your description anyway (the problem that is)02:04
dayo_Alex_21: squid?02:04
annadayo:would a 32 bit enable kernel use all the 8GB of ram ?02:04
linux_guywhen i use apt-get do i ALWAYS need to use 'sudo'?02:04
temppyanna: I thinks both have their problems.  Ive heard pae is buggy, but so is 64bit.  Do you really need all that RAM?  Are you running a server or something?02:04
dayo_anna: not that i know of02:05
vertanavarun: does the sound work on other program even when rhythmbox is not on?02:05
lifenovalinux_guy: you don't need sudo if you type apt-get moo or apt-get --help, if I recall correctly02:05
nickrudlinux_guy, yes02:05
lifenovaHm, the xres and yres parameters in my usplash.conf file match the resolution I'm currently using02:06
gnutronvarun: in the menu system/preferences/sound sound tab and run the tests. also ensure you use alsa in general tab settings.02:06
Alex_21Hey, maybe Squid, but a tutorial is greatly appreciated, or at least suggestions for search keywords would be appreciated02:06
mib_xmowur6kvertana: although it says done at the end, if get this error in the details section02:06
andypls1guys my resolution is screwed02:06
annatemppy:its my brother's gaming PC that he had vista on i am going to use as a desktop for developing apps (postgresql, mysql,etc..)02:06
andypls1can anyone help me fix it?02:06
vertanavarun: Sometimes Gstreamer conflicts with some other sound systems (This happens to me if  I have VLC up and then try to play a song on rhythmbox with VLC still up)02:06
__dean__linux_guy: not for apt-get moo but you for installing stuff because that needs root02:06
vertanamib_xmowur6k:  Which error?02:06
varunvertana: it dosnt work with rythmbox turned off02:07
dayo_Alex_21: hang on, let me give u some of my squid bookmarks02:07
lifenova!ask | andypls102:07
ubottuandypls1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:07
nickrudlinux_guy, a rule of thumb is anything that alters/adds any file outside of your home requires root access, either with sudo or gksu02:07
mib_xmowur6kvertana: error could not locate nvidia.ko for module nvidia in the dkms tree02:07
linxuz3rwhats a good way to copy directories and files while preserving root and permission?02:07
gnutronlifenova: moo  = command not found, my box is broked :(  j/k02:07
varunvertana: i think it is an interface issue,02:07
lifenovagnutron: haha02:07
mib_xmowur6kvertana: then is goes on about running a dkms build for the kernel02:07
andypls1lifenova: my resolution got stuck at 800x600 and there's no way to fix it. i am using Nvidia02:08
vertanamib_xmowur6k: sudo aptitude install dkms02:08
__dean__gnutron: apt-get moo just draws an ASCII art picture of a Ccow02:08
varunvertana: like that is, only one of the interface works, in Soud Preferences in gnome, sound only works if i put it in HDA Intel OSS02:08
varunvertana: on the other interfaces, it makes a clicky noise02:08
vertanamib_xmowur6k: Yes, DKMS is so stuff can be inserted into kernel while it's running. You need this to insert modules dynamically.02:08
gnutron__dean__: i wouldnt be surprised if it actually did!02:08
varunvertana: and thats exactly the same noise i get with ubuntu system sounds such as the login sound02:08
Jack_Sparrowandypls1, HAve you installed nvidia-settings02:09
temppyanna: personally, I would forget about the 5g of ram you loose, and just go with 32bit for starters (I have never used much more and 0.5g.  The rest of my 2g just goes to caching).  If you need more, reinstall.  Anyway, good luck02:09
vertanavarun: So, rhythmbox works fine for sound, but NOTHING else does?02:09
andypls1Jack_Sparrow: yes i did02:09
linxuz3rwhats a good way to copy directories and files while preserving root and permission?02:09
andypls1apt-get install nvidia-glx-new02:09
Jack_Sparrowandypls1, what happened when you ran it02:09
andypls1well at first the resolution was too high02:09
vertanalinuxuz3r: Just use the cp command as root.02:09
andypls1and i didn't like it02:09
varunvertana: oh no most of the applications works with sound like vlc..etc....but sound dosnt work from firefox and system sounds (again such as when i login the noise dosnt work)02:10
usserlinxuz3r: cp -R -p02:10
gnutronlinxuz3r: cp -p  didnt preserve stuff for you?02:10
Jack_Sparrowandypls1, Keep it on one line please, dont break it up02:10
andypls1so then i tried to get to a better resolution by changing some settings, and now it got stuck at 800X60002:10
varunvertana: i hear clicky noises instead02:10
usserlinxuz3r: -p tells cp to preserve permissions -R, tells to copy recursively02:10
vertanavarun: I don't know off the top of my head but give me a few minutes and hopefully the 'net helps us here :)02:10
linxuz3rguys cp: failed to preserve ownership02:11
bthompsoni am looking for an app like quicksilver for mac and or launchy for pc...what is the best solution for a program like this for ubuntu02:11
=== Cpudan80_ is now known as Cpudan80
__dean__linxuz3r: cp -rp also works -- you can combine the arguments and the r can be lowercase02:11
linxuz3rguys cp: failed to preserve ownership02:11
Jack_Sparrowandypls1, run nvidia-settings and set the res you want02:11
__dean__linxuz3r: try it as root02:11
mib_xmowur6kvertana: still saying "Module nvidia not found." when i run sudo modprobe nvidia02:12
nickrudlinxuz3r, are you copying to an ntfs/vfat partition?02:12
mib_xmowur6kvertana: should i restart first02:12
usserbthompson: gnome-do i think is what you looking for, for kde3 katapult does it, kde4 has it built in02:12
vertanamib_xmowur6k: Once you have DKMS then try to install Nvidia from Square 1.02:12
varunvertana: i remember reading an article about something similar, it went on about the sound card not supporting a frequency....i'll try to find that link, not sure if i can02:12
linxuz3rnickrud: yes02:12
andypls1Jack_Sparrow: its telling me that i am not using the Nvidia driver, and i have to edit the X cofiguration file02:13
__dean__linxuz3r: then do just cp -r02:13
nickrudlinxuz3r, those don't use unix file permissions, it's normal02:13
linxuz3rim copying to fat3202:13
linxuz3rbut im copying it back to ext302:13
drashvarun: concerning system sounds, there's this interesting bug at launchpad you might have a look at --> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libcanberra/+bug/27350702:13
nickrudlinxuz3r, using vfat as sort of a backup?02:13
vertanavarun: under Sound preferences make sure all sound tests work. IF not select proper system and then test to make sure all work.02:14
mib_xmowur6kvertana: how can i check if i have the dkms installed properly cus i think it is messing up and that is why i am having so many problems.02:14
gnutronandypls1: grep nv /etc/X11/xorg.conf  see if you get any ouput02:14
__dean__linuxuz3r: use tar instead02:14
joe_-I've using the Partition Editor in the Alternate CD and it's not showing all of my partitions I've previously setup02:14
AtomX1211can someone help me02:14
joe_-Not even all of my disks.02:14
nickrudlinxuz3r, same thing for what we're talking about02:14
AtomX1211my wife set my resolution so low I can't set it back02:14
vertanamib_xmowur6k: lsmod | grep dkms    << that should tell you that dkms is loaded02:14
linxuz3rvfat is fat3202:14
Cpudan80what did she set it to?02:14
AtomX1211I don't have axcess to the ok button and hitting enter isint working02:14
linxuz3ri thought their different02:14
dayo_Alex_21: http://paste.ubuntu.com/105772/02:14
__dean__linxuz3r: tar -xzpf backup.tar files02:14
nickrudlinxuz3r, no, vfat is fat16 or fat32 :)02:14
bthompsonusser, thanks so much02:14
Dr_willisAtomX1211,  to drag a window you cant eget to the titlebar/bottom buttons  hold the ALT KEY and click in the middle of the window. You can then grab/move it around. :) if thats the case02:14
andypls1    Driver         "nv"02:14
gnutronAtomX1211: apt-get remove wife  ok, enough attempted humor, no offense intended02:14
Jack_Sparrowandypls1, reinstall the driver so you get the too high of a res again then run nvidia-settings02:15
mib_xmowur6kvertana: yer i tryed that , but nothing is returned02:15
linxuz3r__dean__:  thanks02:15
andypls1gnutron: yes i do get some output02:15
AtomX1211lol it's cool02:15
AtomX1211ty willis02:15
vertanamib_xmowur6k: One second. I'll look into it.02:15
linxuz3rnickrud: do i need to preserve permission and owners?02:15
varunvertana: yeap they are all working02:15
dayo_Alex_21: the commentary in the main config file /etc/squid/squid.conf is great. u learn a lot from that alone.02:15
vertanavarun: Ok, give me one second to help mib.02:15
AtomX1211you guys are life savers02:15
vertanaWe try :)02:15
AtomX1211Thank you Dr_willis02:15
varuni'am installing libcanberra-gnome as recommended by drash. hope this works =P02:15
nickrudlinxuz3r, it's never a bad idea; if you're just storing the files on the vfat for later return and use in ext3 __dean__ has the best advice02:15
Dr_willisAtomX1211,  that feature has been in Linux for Years. :) i found a tool that adds it to winjdows also. :)02:16
lifenovaCpudan80: well, that didn't solve it unfortunately. ah well02:16
vertanavarun: OK, let me know if that works for you :)02:16
dayo_Alex_21: so far the config files of squid and of BackupPC are the best commented that i've seen02:16
AtomX1211I just started using linux last week02:16
AtomX1211so it's all still really new to me02:16
gnutronandypls1: weird it should load, maybe sudo modprobe nv  i'm not an nvidia expert.02:16
Cpudan80lifenova: yeah sorry - I saw that before my client went on the fritz02:16
andypls1Jack_Sparrow: should i remove it and then install it again?02:16
Cpudan80lifenova: you sure x and y aren't reversed?02:16
varunoh forgot to mention something important, i think this problem arised when i installed KDE package on ubuntu, i'm not sure thou thats just guess, and all the sound works perfectly on KDE but not on gnome02:16
lifenovaCpudan80: Fairly certain... y should be 768 and x should be 1024, correct?02:17
frederikhello! how can i define a script to be run on pressing fn+f5?02:17
grindkingvarun: because it takes some extra work to get sound working properly sometimes in gnome02:17
Cpudan80lifenova: ehhh... that's a good question02:17
lifenovaCpudan80: I even tried lowering it to 800 x 60002:17
grindkingvarun: esd runs sounds properly, but isn't better, and that's what kde uses02:17
Cpudan80lifenova: lemme check02:17
Jack_Sparrowandypls1, if you install and run nvidia-xconfig it will remove stuff that you will need to put back.  I still dont have a handle on all the ways to untangle these02:17
Cpudan80!brokenusplash > Cpudan8002:17
ubottuCpudan80, please see my private message02:17
usserfrederik: u think those are hardwired, they dont rely on operating system02:17
mib_xmowur6kvertana: really appreciate you going to so much trouble. i think this could be the root of the problem. the models not getting loaded into the kernal properly / dkms02:17
Cpudan80lifenova: yeah that's right02:18
Cpudan80lifenova: So -- is it just that the splash screen doesnt show up?02:18
varungrindking: haha yeah nah i dont really like kde, just installed to give it a go, it feels really bloated02:18
andypls1Jack_Sparrow: nvidia-xcofig is installed02:18
lifenovaCpudan80: yeah.02:18
grindkingvarun: i just spent the past two days getting all my sound perfectly setup in gnome02:18
frederikusser: hm, but other applications (aumixer afair) can intercept fn+volume down.02:18
Jack_Sparrowandypls1, runit02:18
Jack_Sparrowandypls1, run it02:18
grindkingvarun: multiple sounds at the same time, sound with flash, dts/ac3, x264, etc02:18
andypls1Jack_Sparrow:: when i run a get too many info i don't make any sense of it02:18
grindking5.1 output of course, with spdif02:18
Cpudan80lifenova: And you're running the default screen? IE. No modifications to it or anything02:18
lifenovaCpudan80: Fairly certain, but I'll verify that02:19
nickrudfrederik, you can write the script, then use  gconf-editor /apps/metacity/global_keybinds and keybinding_commands02:19
lifenova!usplash > lifenova02:19
vertanaDoes anyone here have the "restricted" Nvidia driver installed through Hardware Drivers / Synaptic? Could you please give us a list of  packages that are installed when you search nvidia in Synaptic? (I'm running UBuntu-unsupported drivers so I cannot)02:19
ubottulifenova, please see my private message02:19
varungrindking: yeah sound was working flawlessly on gnome before the kde install i rekon02:19
nickrudfrederik, use xev to determine the 0x??? char for the fn-f5 key (hopefully it registers)02:19
varunguys i might have to purge this install to get it to work haha02:19
Cpudan80lifenova: thats very odd... when I had the usplash problem, it also booted very slow - do you have that problem ?02:19
ygorHello guys...does anyone know how the cedega application works and try to explain me a lilttle bit of it?02:19
vertanamib_xmowur6k: When someone lists those packages make sure that you have them all installed.02:19
linxuz3r__dean__: i get errors on the command that you gave me02:19
grindkingvertana: i have them installed i think02:19
Jack_Sparrowandypls1, it should just rebuild xorg.conf.. so restart X and try nvidia settings again02:20
usserfrederik: i may be wrong02:20
lifenovaCpudan80: From time to time, it seems somewhat slow. I haven't really timed it per se02:20
nickrudygor, a better question for #winehq , cedega is just a version of wine02:20
vertanagrindking: Please provide those packages to mib... he's the one who needs to know if all his packages are installed. I appreciate it :)02:20
frederiknickrud: usser was right, the keystroke is not being registered :(02:20
frederikthanks for the help though.02:20
usserygor: it translates winAPI to unix system calls basically02:20
mib_xmowur6kvertana: sorry u list me02:20
grindkingmib_xmowur6k: do you want me to do dpkg -l | grep nvidia and paste that to you or a screenshot of me searching ffor nvidia in synaptic?02:21
vertanamib_xmowur6k: SHortly grindking should tell you all his packages that he has under nvidia. Make sure they are all installed02:21
Cpudan80lifenova: hrm..... are you sure you did the file right? should be like xres=1024 <enter key> yres=76802:21
linxuz3rnickrud: how do i tar it properly02:21
Cpudan80lifenova: maybe remove the file and see what happens02:21
ygornickrud: yeah i have wine and its similars... but im trying to install and play games with cedega, with no sucess..02:21
Cpudan80lifenova: worst case you have to boot in recovery mode and recreate it02:21
Alex_21Hi, I want to limit bandwidth usage. What kinds of programs will do this?02:21
vertanagrindking: a screenshot would be nice or just list them with txt to save us from uploading/downloading.02:21
backenfutterI was wondering, can somebody here explain to me the color codes of the diagrams in htop?02:22
nickrudlinxuz3r, I cd into the dir I'm saving in and   tar cf <filename>.tar /path/to/dir/to/archive02:22
dayo_Alex_21: http://paste.ubuntu.com/105772/02:22
lifenovaCpudan80: yes, that's the exact text of the file02:22
Cpudan80lifenova: hrm.... thats odd .... no other gfx problems ?02:23
linxuz3rnickrud: whats the difference between .tar and .tar.gz .tar.xy xz and so on?02:23
nickrudfrederik, try ctl-atl-f2, log in and run showkey , then press the fn-5 key, see if you get anything02:23
Jack_Sparrowlinxuz3r, It can be a problem if your *.tar is in the path of your archive as it will try to archive itself --exclude=path/file02:23
grindkingmib_xmowur6k: im uploading the pic now02:23
lifenovaCpudan80: not to my knowledge. I think I may have forgotten to run one command (oops!)02:23
__dean__linxuz3r: tar.gz uses gzip compression02:23
__dean__linxuz3r: tar.bz3 uses bzip2 compression02:23
Rapture2k4I'm having a heck of a time with Samba, Swat, and Windows.. anyone have experience?02:24
__dean__linkuz3r: sorry tar.bz202:24
linxuz3r__dean__: whats a good compression to use?02:24
__dean__linxuz3r: tar.bz2 seems to compress best02:24
Cpudan80lifenova: lol you forgot to run the command to rebuild the file?02:24
linxeh__dean__: 7zip is better02:24
Dr_willisRapture2k4,  samba can be a rather complex topic. :) the 'samba-doc' package has several books on the topic. Tell the channel your specific problem and we can try to help.02:24
linxuz3ri think gz is good02:24
wims!kde > wims02:24
ubottuwims, please see my private message02:24
lifenovaCpudan80: I forgot to run sudo update-usplash-theme usplash-theme-ubuntu02:24
nickrudlinxeh, tar is an uncompressed archive of the directory tree (Tape ARchive), the others are various types of compression applied to the tar (GZip or BZip)02:24
grindkingmib_xmowur6k: http://img211.imageshack.us/img211/6346/screenshot1za8.png02:24
=== MatBoy is now known as MatGirl
linxuz3r7zip is gz?????02:25
__dean__linxuz3r: tar.gz is faster02:25
mib_xmowur6kvertana: ok i will wait to get the list, then i will uninstall all nvidia packages and install the same as him02:25
Cpudan80lifenova: prob dont need it if the file is correct ... but what the hell, can't hurt02:25
linxehlinxuz3r: bz2 is about 20% better than gz. 7zip is about 10-15% better again02:25
lifenovaCpudan80: Alright, let me try it again02:25
runderwogzip -902:25
varunsudo make me coffee02:25
tux9778hello which one of ubuntu should I get for a x64?02:25
=== MatGirl is now known as MatBoy
linxeher,, I know what tar is02:25
vertanamib_xmowur6k: ignore the screendimmer and envy entries on that screenshot.02:25
frederiknickrud: no luck, even with no x-server running02:25
vertanagrindking: THank you, very much!02:25
grindkingim glad i was able to upload the pic02:25
grindkingflash sometimes randomly will crash tinypic and other sites :D02:26
nickrudok, you're out of luck it seems02:26
linxehnickrud: many thanks for telling me (I've only been using tars for 15 years :-))02:26
mib_xmowur6kgrindking: thanks alot, i Will try this and reset the computer back in about 5 min02:26
nickrudlinxeh, change your nick for a bit, will you? I've backspaced over and over it all evening :)02:26
vertanagrindking: I know what you mean. between flickr and imageshack... pretty sure we have 70% of all photographic material mankind ahs to offer :p02:26
bthompsonanybody have any recommendations for video editing software for ubuntu?02:26
vertanamib_xmowur6k: Alright, let us know how it works out :)02:26
grindkingvertana: yah i have to wait on this bugfix on flash 10, im running d21, and apparently since i have an older 64bit proc without lahf flag i get random crashes haha02:27
grindkingso all my browsing is an adventure02:27
yimerhey how do i get java to work for online games on ubuntu02:27
=== linxeh is now known as james
usserbthompson: cinelerra, kino02:27
=== james is now known as james|
gnutrontux9778: which what for x64?  i think you want the amd64 iso02:27
vertanagrindking: Why don't you downgrade to Flash 9? Same bug or just stubborn? Lol.02:27
mib_xmowur6kvertana: ok going to try this and back in 5min THANKS ALOT u guys have been alot of help02:27
yimerhey how do i get java to work for online games on ubuntu02:27
mib_xmowur6kgrindking: BIG HELP, BRB02:28
vertanamib_xmowur6k:  No problem, it's what the channel is here for :)02:28
grindkingwell, im not positive i can get it to work but i guess i COULD do it02:28
Rapture2k4ok... so i've got a simple topology (2 Vista clients, 1 Ubuntu Server 8.10 [no gui]). On this server I have a WD MyBook USB HD fstabed to /media/WD250. All I want to do is allow ANYONE with a valid ip in my subnet (10.0.0.x/30) to see and read/write to it. I thought I had it up and running, but I cannot write to the drive via network. I have set 'chmod -R 777 /media/WD250'02:28
grindkingalso im thinking i can just wait out a fix02:28
tux9778i tried the x64 alternate hardy but seemed like there was alot of stuff missing in it gnutrom02:28
nickrudyimer, install   sun-java6-plugin02:28
grindkingit can't be THAT long i wouldn't think02:28
usserRapture2k4: use nfs02:28
vertanagrindking: Didn't they just come out with a 64-bit flash?02:28
usserRapture2k4: samba is a pain in the neck02:28
grindkingvertana: haha yah like a month ago :/02:28
grindkingbut there's been one release update!02:28
andypls1who's the guy i was talking with?02:28
__dean__linxvertana: yes02:29
yimernickrud where do i type that02:29
grindkingso i mean, would best bet be that wrapper thing with flash 9?02:29
vertanagrindking: Then it shouldn't be too long for at least a beta of that client. Or at least the next Ubuntu release :p02:29
Rapture2k4usser: i am a linux newbie, and everything i've read on NFS goes way over my head (which is odd, considering I do networking for a living)02:29
grindkingi could easily try it now that im familar with where all those libs go02:29
gnutrontux9778: you want the intrepid version of this iso probably- ubuntu-8.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso02:29
nickrud!synaptic | yimer (your master control for installing software, ctl-f to search)02:29
ubottuyimer (your master control for installing software, ctl-f to search): synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto02:29
vertanagrindking: Lol, I run 64-bit also. Lemme know how that works out! =p02:29
tux9778u mean gnutrom 8.10 alternate02:29
Rapture2k4usser: do you have any good newbie-friendly sites on NFS?02:29
grindkingif you have a newer proc or if you cat cpuinfo and it shows lahf02:29
grindkingyou won't get the crash02:29
gnutrontux9778: the amd64 works for intel pc's also btw02:29
linux_guyhow can i tell if i have alien or not?02:30
usserRapture2k4: yea sure02:30
grindkingim on an fx5502:30
nickrudyimer, synaptic can be found at system->admin->synaptic package manager02:30
usserRapture2k4: hang on a sec02:30
grindkinglinux_guy: the package?02:30
vertanagrindking: I know I don't get the crash. I've been good ever since Flash 9.02:30
grindkinglinxuz3r: dpkg -l | grep alien02:30
Rapture2k4usser: thanx02:30
andypls1Jack_Sparrow:  are you there?02:30
nickrudlinux_guy, dpkg -l alien , if it is the first two chars will be ii02:30
grindkingvertana: but are you using the native 64bit flash 10, or still with the wrapper?02:30
gnutrontux9778: 8.10 yes if you want intrepid, as for alternative i'm not sure, thats the iso i use02:30
Jack_Sparrowandypls1, yes, one sec02:30
linux_guyyeah i need to convert an rpm to deb02:30
tux9778i have a amd gnutrom just was wondering if 8.10 is up to date and is there devs on the project x64?02:30
nickrud!alien | linux_guy02:30
ubottulinux_guy: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)02:30
vertanagrindking: Still using the wrapper : /02:31
lifenovaCpudan80: that didn't work, but I may have just found out why it's not working02:31
nickrudlinux_guy, are you sure you need the rpm? What are you installing?02:31
grindkingvertana: but it works fine? like not choppy, etc?02:31
usserRapture2k4: take a look at this, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=249889 and nfs is supported on windows natively, u just have to install microsoft nfs services or something like that02:31
Cpudan80lifenova: whats that?02:31
Rapture2k4much luv02:31
tux9778ok gnutrom i'll try 8.10 see if that helps with my ipod issuses02:31
vertanagrindking: Works just as well as a native 32-bit Windows version (from what I've seen based on Vista).02:31
linux_guynick: i need to install vmware.. available in tar or rpm02:31
lifenovaCpudan80: I found this link http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-937527.html and one of the posts on it says to use sudo usplash to test it... did that and I got a message about a missing console font02:31
grindkingsigh, i was right about to watch a movie too02:31
grindkingnow im goign to have to try it :D02:31
vertanagrindking: At least for me... as always YMMV.02:31
rww!vmware | linux_guy: use these instructions instead02:32
ubottulinux_guy: use these instructions instead: VMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware02:32
nickrudlinux_guy, get the tar!!! the rpm will break02:32
grindkingwell i tihnk the reason i gave up was cuz i was having sound issues02:32
usserRapture2k4: and here http://support.microsoft.com/kb/32405502:32
grindkingbut that was because i didn't have my .asoundrc file setup right02:32
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grindkingill go back to the wrapper for sure02:32
grindkingi think tehre's even a walkthrough on the ubuntu forums for it02:32
vertanagrindking: To be honest I just this computer from my girlfriend's house (Haven't used it since 2006) and everything worked Out of the box. EVERYTHING. Except for Nvidia driver of course.02:33
Rapture2k4usser: thanx alot, i'm gonna give it a shot02:33
grindkingim trying to use this as my main machine02:33
grindkinggave up a couple years back, trying again now02:33
bthompsonim in add/remove program how do i tell what version of the software im searching is going to install...example i did a search for kino...how do i tell what version is going to install..02:33
vertanagrindking: I did a clean install of 8.10 (last used was 7.04 I think) and flash worked perfect after a ubuntu-restricted-extras install.02:33
guestguestnewdo u guys know of any pdf reader that has a good bookmarking feature that i can install from the repos?02:33
tux9778is there a a atheros driver availbe for ar5009 wifi?02:33
linxuz3rtar.gz is the same as tgz?02:34
nickrud!hardysources | yimer (good for hardy on up)02:34
ubottuyimer (good for hardy on up): In System->Admin->Software Sources, enable (main) (universe) (restricted) and (multiverse) and disable the Cdrom on the Ubuntu Software tab. On the Updates tab, enable (hardy-security) and (hardy-updates).02:34
Cpudan80lifenova: interesting ...02:34
andypls1Jack_Sparrow: things are  better now. the resolutiong is the highest possible, but that's too high for me, it's not like that that it used to be. when i decrease the resolution things get a little better but they are still ugly .when i run "nvidia-settings" it's saying that i am not using Nvidia X driver02:34
vertanatux9778: I believe mad5k would for that, just google. (I am NOT sure on that)02:34
roddI have something weird to ask you02:34
nickrudyimer, do that, then check synaptic again. You'll need to close synaptic temporarily02:34
vertanarodd: Shoot.02:34
gnutronbthompson: apt-cache search [package] will say what version the repo's have.02:34
yimerkk ty02:34
roddDo you know how to develop games for Linux?02:34
linxuz3rcan you append tar files?02:34
linxuz3rappened to tar files?02:35
Jack_Sparrowandypls1, How did you install the driver02:35
tux9778i been googleing it up vertana nothing seems to pop up just posts for it02:35
gnutronbthompson: dpkg -s package will show installed version of same.02:35
roddI've been searching for a while and didn't find anything all over the net....02:35
lifenovaCpudan80: Just tried to get the error message again, and couldn't. What had happened was that the whole screen went black (I assume it was simulating what usplash should look like) and then I saw plain white text that said something about a missing console font and an invalid argument02:35
vertanarodd: Sorry, I do not.02:35
bthompsongnutron,  apt-cache search kino02:35
bthompsonkino - Non-linear editor for Digital Video data02:35
roddvertana: I thought it would be hard to find02:35
vertanatux9778: Sometimes forum posts are the most valuable.02:35
gnutronlinxuz3r: yes you can02:35
bthompsondoesn't show version...i want to make sure that it is the latest version..02:35
andypls1Jack_Sparrow: apt-get install nvidia-glx-new02:35
vertanarodd: Actually you would be surprised try googling something developing games for linux or programming game linux.02:36
vertanasomething ^like02:36
linxuz3rgnutron: thanks02:36
gnutronbthompson: ah, no version info, go into synaptic it will show the version there.02:36
Jack_Sparrowandypls1, Go through the nvidia install tutorial again..02:36
tux9778ok thanks so i should bookmark the ones that people ased for it and see what happens vertana?02:36
Cpudan80lifenova: mine just goes black02:36
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:36
linxuz3ris there a tar viewer that shows you the permission and owner of files and folders?02:36
vertanarodd: You could even do something such as downloading the source for Battle for Wesnoth or Super Maryo Chronicles and take a look for yourself :)02:36
Cpudan80lifenova: I assume it will give some error if its bad02:36
roddvertana: I've already done that...the point is that I can't find the most simple stuff, like what programming language suits best...LOL02:36
vertanarodd: That's the beauty of it all ^^02:36
__dean__linuxuz3r: emacs the tar file02:36
gnutronlinxuz3r: read any tar tutorial, plenty of tricks02:37
nickrudlinxuz3r, right click the file, open with archive manager02:37
andypls1Jack_Sparrow: what do you mean, i just installed it from adept manger?? i don't have any tutorial02:37
lifenovacpudan80: hmmm02:37
andypls1Jack_Sparrow:what did i do wrong?02:37
linxuz3rnickrud: but it does not show owner and permissions02:37
Jack_Sparrow!nvidia > andypls102:37
ubottuandypls1, please see my private message02:37
vertanarodd: Which language is best for what is always a hot topic. It's best to just go with what you already know. At least if you're just starting out. Learn to optimize large projects later :)02:37
roddvertana: I would totally agree if I knew something about programming for linux at all...LOL02:37
lifenovaCpudan80: I'm going to try restarting one more time, then googling around. if not, no biggie, just a minor aesthetics problem02:37
greenskyI recently upgraded to 4gb of ram and got a dvd burner, but my dvd burner wont work in ubuntu...  "wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/scd0" any idas?02:37
andypls1Jack_Sparrow: now i don't have the drivers installed?02:38
Cpudan80lifenova: well if you're missing the font -- its easy to get that back02:38
__dean__linuxuz3r: open it with emacs.02:38
Jack_Sparrowandypls1, Just looking to have you install them correctly so we can work from there02:38
roddvertana: I've been programming for windows for too long...LOL...and I'm afraid of using Java for large projects, if you know what I mean...02:38
__dean__linxuz3r: if you don't have emacs, do sudo apt-get install emacs02:38
themindnoob here... i need help getting wow to run in WINE02:38
vertanatux9778: Sorry, I missed your comment earlier. But yes or better, you could go to ubuntuforums.com and search. If nothing comes up post the question yourself. Generally the Ubuntu community if very helpful.02:39
__dean__linuxuz3r: It will list the files in the archive02:39
themindif anyone has done it plz msg me02:39
usserrodd: use C++/qt02:39
Jack_Sparrowthemind, /join #Winehq02:39
lifenovathemind, you might try asking at #winehq02:39
nickrudlinxuz3r, bummer, you're right02:39
__mikemrod, don't use C++/qt, Use C++/wxWidgets02:39
Dr_willisOk.. With the Gnome File manager.. if you are in a List View of a Folder.. How do you make a 'New Folder'  - that entry seems to not be there unless you are in ICON view... or i am totally missing it.02:39
__mikemrodd, ^02:39
tux9778ok vertana what happens if things dont work in x64 intrepid then what?02:39
roddusser: C++ ins an awesome language, but still not the best for programming and testing easily02:40
vertanarodd: Notice, how people have already chimed in on that... told you, hot topic. Whatever is comfortable amiko ^^02:40
guestguestnewdo u guys know of any pdf reader that has a good bookmarking feature that i can install from the repos?02:40
rodd__mikem same as  for usser, sire02:40
__dean__linxuz3r: http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/File-Archives.html02:40
vertanatux9778: What wouldn't work? Usually the solution is the same as 32-bit, but depends on what "breaks" :)02:40
roddvertana: indeed...I dodn't know that Linux was able to support these languages02:40
__mikemrodd, its just qt doesn't even use standard C++, qt has to employ its own special preprocessor02:40
vertanarodd: Sir, Linux supports EVERY language I've heard of.02:41
__mikemvertana, visual basic 6?02:41
tux9778ok thans vertana so 64 bit is up to date with the 32 bit version?02:41
vertanarodd: You just have to sarch the net for good documentation.02:41
roddvertana: That's awesome to here...I just need to get myself ready for programming, then...xD02:41
andypls1Jack_Sparrow: i clicked "enable" in KMenu->System Settings, go to the Advanced tab and click Restricted Drivers.  should i restart to see the changes?02:41
roddvertana: hear*02:41
vertanamikem: Ok, fine anything that MS is not attached to. Better? :p02:41
Jack_Sparrowandypls1, Sure02:42
__dean__Dr_willis: do right click, new folder02:42
__mikemvertana, :)02:42
Dr_willis__dean__,  its not there in the LIST view..  i will look again for the 10th time. :)02:42
greenskydo I need to do something differently to get a sata cd-burner to mount a drive vs. an ata drive?02:42
andypls1Jack_Sparrow: ok02:42
greenskyother than the /dev entry?02:42
linxuz3rthanks guys02:42
__dean__Dr_willis: File -> Create Folder02:43
__dean__Dr_willis: Or C-N02:43
vertanarodd: Ok, Java is cross platform, but C++ is fast (just harder to learn) and python is pretty decent (Once again, subjective everybody has their own opinion).02:43
__dean__Dr_willis: Ctrl-Shift-N02:43
Dr_willis__dean__,   the ISSUE seems to be the right click menu  has to Not be over an icon/item to get that menu..  so you do the right click in the blank spaces in Icon view.. but in List view.. theres no blank spaces.. Or so it seems02:43
vertanagrindking: I know I'm late, but nice Desktop btw :p02:44
roddvertana: Yeah, I'm a bit sick of Java for huge programs with lots of different classes in different source-codes....C++ is fast but needs either to be distributed on source code or recompiled for every system. and Python is almost the same as C++ in this point...02:44
roddvertana: I guess every language has their pros and cons....02:44
__dean__Dr_willis: You can do it in list view if you right click in a blank space02:45
__dean__Dr_willis: but there is only a blank space if there is not many files02:45
Dr_willis__dean__,  what blank space? i right click where it looks like its blank and it select the thing. :) heh  yea...02:45
vertanarodd: As is always the case. I'm partial to Python, but I like Source Code to look all pretty. Java, the only real hit that comes to mind is speed. And unless you plan on going commercial with your software, distributing source code is no big :)02:46
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gnutronguestguestnew: pdf reader du jour= http://get.adobe.com/reader/otherversions/   they have a .deb that works well.02:46
__dean__Dr_willis: If you go to a folder where there isn't enough files to fill the window, then there will be a blonk space athe bottom where you can right click and it will work02:46
guestguestnewgnutron: ok thanks:)02:46
Dr_willis__dean__,  :) sounds like  a  rough edge.  heh02:47
roddvertana: I don't plan on going commercial right now...but I have some source coding I created that I have a special love for it...xD....cant just leave it for everyone to see...xDDD02:47
__dean__Dr_willis: But otherwise, you can create a new folder from the File menu or using the keyboard shortcut.02:47
vertanarodd: I won't lie, that's horrible :p  But to each his own ^^02:47
andypls1Jack_Sparrow: after i did that, xserver couldn't even start, so i had to type "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"02:48
AeonisNew prob w/ firefox.  It is opening larger than my res and java doesnt appear to be working.  I just upgraded to 8.1002:48
Aeonisany ideas?02:48
Dr_willis__dean__,  where in the file menu? let me look again there02:48
andypls1Jack_Sparrow:: so now the card is not "enabled", but it is "in use", whereas previously, when i clicked "enable" it was "not in use". what do i do now?02:49
__dean__Dr_willis: It is below New Tab and New Window02:49
roddvertana: I know it's totally horrible :p...even more in the open source community....But I'm still in love with how lovely a nice programming scheme can be02:49
__dean__Dr_willis: and above Create Document02:49
Rapture2k4what does this mean? "exportfs: /etc/exports [2]: Neither 'subtree_check' or 'no_subtree_check' specified for export '10.X.X.X/24:/media/WD250'"?02:49
Jack_Sparrowandypls1, nvidia-settings   tells you what02:50
greenskywhat does this mean? isofs_fill_super: bread failed, dev=sr0, iso_blknum=16, block=16  get that when trying to mount a dvd02:50
vertanarodd: That's ok. The most infuriating thing to ever happen to me was when I was a student in high school and made some 'decent' (Ok I thought it was awesome...), but the second the school found out I was going to put it on the internet as OSS, they claimed the source for their own! Evil... but since I was in 'student' status, they called it a school project and there she goes... It made me mad at the time, but I'm smarter these days :p02:51
vertanarodd: (Or I"d like to think so anyway) =p02:51
usserRapture2k4: its a warning not an error, thats fine it'll work without it02:51
Dr_willis__dean__,  yea. seems some of the entries in the FILE menu could amost go alongside similer items in the EDIT menu..    Ya move to trash in one.. but empty the trash in the other..02:51
AeonisWait...  java got disabled...but how?02:51
jinja-sheepvertana: What did you create? ;o02:52
Rapture2k4what's the warning mean?02:52
andypls1Jack_Sparrow: that's not helping, i am always getting the same message02:52
__dean__Dr:willis: using the terminal for file manipulation is better02:52
linxuz3ris 9.04 released already?02:52
jinja-sheep!jaunty | linxuz3r02:52
ubottulinxuz3r: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.02:52
__dean__linkuz3r: you can upgrade to it but it is an alpha02:52
Dr_willis__dean__,  shame! turn in your gnome-merit badge! :P02:52
gnutronvertana: that should be under intellectual property, yours not theirs. sue them they'll back off02:52
ardchoillelinxuz3r: no, it isn't 9.04 yet (April 2009)02:52
roddvertana: Interesting thing02:53
__dean__linkuz3r: to upgrade: sed -i 's/intrepid/jaunty/g' /etc/apt/sources.list02:53
__dean__rlinxuz3r; but it is alpha so it might not be a good idea02:53
Jack_Sparrowandypls1, SInce I am not sure what all you have done or tried so far I dont know where to go from here.  I am working on a set of instructions but they are not finished.  If you are not getting an answer and want to continue in PM for a couple minutes I am willing to try02:53
andypls1Using X configuration file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf".02:53
andypls1VALIDATION ERROR: Data incomplete in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.02:53
andypls1                  Device section "Configured Video Device" must have a Driver02:53
andypls1                  line.02:53
andypls1Backed up file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' as '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup'02:53
FloodBot1andypls1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:53
andypls1New X configuration file written to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf02:53
jinja-sheep!pastebin | andypls102:54
Rapture2k4anyone know if it is possible to turn the serial port (9-pin joystick COM1) into a 'console' port like on routers?02:54
ubottuandypls1: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:54
vertanajinja-sheep: Just some basic calculators, a nice interface, and a friend made them able to communicate through irc (when the school had its own irc channel). Therefore all the teachers could enter their grades into a website download the students grades as spreadsheets and then be able to enter into calcs to find totals, gpa's, etc. and the irc allowed to teachers to talk amongst each other in a passworded room. And it was in Java, so worked just as well02:54
vertanain Windows and Mac (which the school used).02:54
mib_0hcvon6qvertana: hello again, you was just helping me with my nvidia card install02:54
n8tuserRapture2k4 -> am sure it is possible02:55
jinja-sheepvertana: Sounds like a nice app. :o02:55
Rapture2k4i haven't found much on the topic02:55
vertanagnutron: It wasn't too much, just a High School Senior project. If it was more then yes, but as it stands it was no big deal.02:55
Rapture2k4trying to turn my old P4 into a 1U rack mount server02:55
vertanajinja-sheep: I thought it was nice (especially as my first 'big' project with a 'team' (myself and a friend).02:56
gnutronandypls1: so all you should need to do is edit xorg.conf and edit in the device driver 'nv'02:56
vertanamib_0hcvon6q: Hey, did it work yet?02:56
triplchi all02:57
cuonglbyes :D02:57
andypls1gnutron: edit it to what?02:57
gnutronvertana: its a matter of principle, the school doesnt pay you for your ideas, you own those not them.02:57
roddvertana: It's really terrible to be stolen in our code...no matter WHO steals us....02:57
gnutronandypls1: pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:58
vertanagnutron: I understand, but I was 17 at the team and it was mostly for a grade and I proved my principle. Minors aren't useless contrary to what the American education system leads the "children" to believe.02:58
roddvertana: it's funny to think that on an open source community, if someone goes wrong, he/she can steal everyone's code and claim their on or release a commercial software with it....02:58
ardchoille!ot | vertana02:58
ubottuvertana: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!02:58
n8tuserRapture2k4 -> http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Remote-Serial-Console-HOWTO/configure-kernel-grub.html  to setup your com1 as console with grub02:58
gnutronvertana: *sigh*02:59
Rapture2k4ooo, ty02:59
vertanaardchoille: I got sidetracked :p02:59
triplcHow to get "run" in Gnome? It is OK to get "run" dialog by pressing "Alt-F2". Now I do not use Gnome desktop environment (as my computer is slow) so I switch to a slimmer Window Manager. However I still want to get that "run". What program I need to call to get it? (I am not quite happy with program like grun,... I prefer the one of Gnome)02:59
mib_0hcvon6qvertana: after the install i checked details a got an error same as before "error could not locate nvidia.ko for modudle nvidiav in the DKMS tree"03:00
mib_0hcvon6qvertana: "you must run a DKMSm bmumild for kernel 2.627-9-generic (i686) first"03:00
joe_-I used the alternate CD to install everything, how do I install Gnome now?03:01
gnutronandypls1: your device driver says nvidia, which i would think would work but 'nv' instead should. anyone know if 'nv' still works?03:01
triplcHow to get "run" in Gnome? It is OK to get "run" dialog by pressing "Alt-F2". Now I do not use Gnome desktop environment (as my computer is slow) so I switch to a slimmer Window Manager. However I still want to get that "run". What program I need to call to get it? (I am not quite happy with program like grun,... I prefer the one of Gnome) (re ask)03:01
vertanamib_0hcvon6q: What version of Ubuntu are you running?03:01
mib_0hcvon6qvertana: "you must run a DKMS build for kernel 2.627-9-generic (i686) first"03:01
mib_0hcvon6qvertana: 10.803:01
linux_guyhow should i install vmware?  its a tar.gz file03:02
gnutronandypls1: you have nothing to lose, change nvidia to nv if it doesnt work, change it back.03:02
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vertanamib_0hcvon6q: The latest? 8.10.  Go under Administration > Hardware Drivers and see if it tells you the Nvidia 177 driver is disabled. If it is, then try enabling it in that same menu.03:03
lifenova1linux_guy: extract the files into a folder, then tell me the name of that was created03:03
lstarneslinux_guy: there will most likely be a readme or install file contained in it03:03
gnutronandypls1: you should consult your restricted drivers menu also, i'm not up on that subject.03:04
andypls1i don't know....03:04
vertanamib_0hcvon6q: The reason I point you to the HArdware Drivers menu is because it should automatically download software that the drivers depend on.03:04
vertanamib_0hcvon6q: And it should trigger the right scripts (I.e. put everything in the right places and make the correct changes)03:05
* Panarchy says Hi03:05
gnutronandypls1: have you installed proprietary drivers?03:05
mib_0hcvon6qvertana: ok i will try it and reset :D03:06
andypls1gnutron: i don't know what that is03:06
shavinmy compaq 6710b laptop is just six months old and battery is troubling. It wont charge when plugged in. I took it out and plugged in again(did not start the OS yet) and the battery LED came on. I was able to charge it to almost 100%, then i started ubuntu and used it for a while and switched it off. Now again i started ubuntu in the morning the LED will not burn. I guess i might still be...03:06
shavin...able to charge it with laptop off. please help.03:06
linux_guylife:  I extracted it to a folder called vmware-server-distrib03:06
gnutronandypls1: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf   type in nv  instead of nvidia, i bet it'll work.03:07
lifenova1linux_guy: open up a terminal (Applications->Accessories->Terminal) and type cd vmware-server-distrib03:07
Rapture2k4hmm, I can no longer see my Ubuntu server in my network (Vista) since I removed samba... I have NFS setup on it...03:07
Rapture2k4did i break something?03:07
puneethwill i face hardware compatability issues with a MAC for ubuntu?03:07
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phrostbiteIs there a difference between installing wine through the add/remove programs or using the sudo apt-get?03:07
andypls1gnutron: ok gimme a sec03:07
linux_guyno such file or dir?03:07
vertanamib_0hcvon6q: Ok After reboot, let me know how it works out for you. And if anyone asks you how to install Nvidia drivers in ubuntu it's always safe to tell them to do it through Hardware Drivers menu.03:07
shavinSo i guess what i have to is this 1. switch iff the laptop 2. take the battery out for a few second 3. put it back in and charge offline, 4 then switch on the laptop.03:07
lifenova1linux_guy: is the vmware-server-distrib folder in your home folder?03:08
shavinI am not able to charge online03:08
PanarchyI'm using the server version of ubuntu. I installed the GUI (sudo apt-get GNOME). However the icons aren't the same as Ubuntu's GNOME. How do I make them the same?03:08
rwwphrostbite: nope. Add/Remove is just a front-end for apt-get03:08
vertanaphrostbite: Not to my knowledge, no there is not. The Add/Remove programs is only there to make life easier on people.03:08
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lifenova1linux_guy: What's the location of the vmware-server-distrib folder in relation to your home folder03:08
FlannelPanarchy: install ubuntu-desktop, not gnome03:08
phrostbiteOh ok. And what is the link so i can learn how to use wine? Is it this one?03:08
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help03:08
recon69anyone know what the name of the dbdesigner4 biniary is? I installed it from repos but cant find menu item or bin?03:08
rwwPanarchy: You're missing the package human-icon-theme. Either install ubuntu-desktop to get that and other stuff, or install just the package and change your icon theme in Appearance Preferences.03:09
mib_0hcvon6qvertana: ok i tryed to active version 177, it finished 100% but not sure is its active. there is no green light next to it03:09
vertanaWhen you cannot find something sudo updatedb; locate "whatever you need"03:09
linux_guylifenoval: its in home folder now03:09
cereusHello, I'm trying to install ffmpeg with support for aac and mp3 and darn-it, this time I'm going to learn tricks about how to compile. I downloaded the source fine. Also, ./configure and make went without an obvious error. However, when I install it complains that /usr/local/include/libavdevice is not there (which it isn't). Does anyone have suggestions? Thanks.03:09
andypls1gnutron: should i restart now? what do i do?03:09
vertanamib_0hcvon6q: There should be a blue circle in the top right, click on it and it should ask for you to reboot.03:09
lifenova1linux_guy: are you sure that's the exact name of the folder?03:09
mib_0hcvon6qvertana: its still gray should i just restart anywayw03:10
joe_-I used the alternate CD to install everything, how do I install Gnome now?03:10
Dr_williscereus,  it may want some libavdevice-dev package.03:10
gnutronandypls1: yes reboot it03:10
Dr_willis!find libavdevice03:10
ubottuFound: libavdevice-dev, libavdevice52, libavdevice-unstripped-5203:10
linux_guyyes im in the folder in terminal now03:10
Dr_williscereus,  :) see :)03:10
lifenova1linux_guy: ok, type ./configure03:10
cereusThanks Dr_willis, I'll look in synaptic.03:10
Dr_williscereus,  <ubottu> Found: libavdevice-dev, libavdevice52, libavdevice-unstripped-5203:10
cereus(BTW, first time on IRC)03:10
gnutronandypls1: good luck i hope i didnt steer you wrong03:10
recon69anyone know what the name of the dbdesigner4 biniary is? I installed it from repos but cant find menu item or bin?03:10
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)03:10
Dr_williscereus,  thats the problem with source.. :) finding all the stuff it might/could use..   There is the ffmpeg on Medibunjtu that may have all the features in it.. but it may not be  as up to date03:11
themindwhat would the path be to get to my NTFS drives via the terminal03:11
mib_0hcvon6qvertana: if you mean the reset thing like after a normal ubuntu update that asks you to reset its not there03:11
linux_guylifenoval:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/105776/03:11
vertanamib_0hcvon6q: Yes, it should've said a reboot may be needed to activate it.03:12
Killeroidthemind: cd /media/name_of_drive03:12
linux_guylifenoval:  sudo?03:12
CoUrPsE|DeAdthemind, Is the drive mounted?03:12
PanarchyFlannel: This is taking a while to remove it all03:12
tweakdoes anyone know the proper way to install google earth?03:12
lifenova1linux_guy: shouldn't need to, as you're only in your home folder.03:12
mib_0hcvon6qvertana: nope it didnt do it03:12
themindyeah drive is mounted but i don't see it in the mnt directory03:12
CoUrPsE|DeAdit wont be.03:12
linux_guyive been trying to get a vm up seriously for 8 hours03:13
cereusHmmm, turns out I had already tried that option, I have libadevice52 and libavdevice-dev installed (trying to install unstripped removes those other two packages). Any other suggestions about what to check out?03:13
gnutrontweak: is it a .bin file?03:13
* linux_guy apparently sucks at linux03:13
Panarchyhow did you do italics CoUrPsE|DeAd03:13
lifenova1linux_guy: type ls and put the result in pastebin for me03:13
gnutrontweak: put it in your home folder first03:13
DarkWolf29Is there a driver for the Logitech Quickcam for Ubuntu?03:13
recon69anyone know what the name of the dbdesigner4 biniary is? I installed it from repos but cant find menu item or bin?03:13
andypls1ok i rebooted03:13
andypls1now what?03:13
tweakis there no apt-get for it?03:13
CoUrPsE|DeAdPanarchy, ? i used /'s. Its not italics.03:13
gnutronandypls1: hows it work, any errors03:14
vertanamib_0hcvon6q: As long as it said everything is 100% done. I think it should be ok to reboot. In case it doesn't come up (Prolly won't happen to you) in a console run sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf and under the driver section look for something like "driver" (won't be driver, but whatever is there) change to "nvidia" if that doesn't work then "nv" will.03:14
linux_guylifenoval:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/105777/03:14
gnutrontweak: say when03:14
tweaki just want to be able to uninstall it easily if it doesn't work03:14
jinja-sheeptweak:  Install / uninstall it from the repos.03:15
vertanatweak: If you download from website you can put all the files in one folder and if you don't like or w/e you can just delete that folder and you're done.03:15
gnutrontweak: chmod +x thefilename.bin03:15
lifenova1linux_guy: sudo vmware-install.pl03:15
andypls1gnutron:  i get the same error when i run nvidia-settings03:15
gnutrontweak: type exactly  ./filesname.bin   dot slash filename03:15
PanarchyCoUrPsE|DeAd: Well it shows as italics on mibbit03:16
mib_0hcvon6qvertana: do you think it is a problem with the dkms03:16
linux_guylifenoval:  cmd not found03:16
jinja-sheeptweak: Use the repos.  Do you know how to install things in terminal? apt-get?  aptitude?03:16
CoUrPsE|DeAdPanarchy, Then thats a function of mibbit, i surrounded text by /'s. to show a directory.03:16
gnutronandypls1: did you need to run settings, i dont think the drivers installed properly.03:16
themindshould the terminal be giving me a response after I tell it to copy 3 gigs of files, or will it not respond until they've finished moving?03:16
DarkWolf29Is there an apt-get install for the Logitech quickcams? Or do I need to get it elsewhere?03:16
morghanphoenixHow do you change the permissions of a directory to only allow user 1000 & 1001 to access it, I know how you change the ownership but that doesn't seem to work with two users. Currently I have it set to 777 and I'd like to close it back up to guests but not to the two primary users of this system.03:17
kalosaurusrexhey guys. ugh..been trying to find this. but how do i play mp3 in terminal (only system)?03:17
vertanamib_0hcvon6q: To be honest I think we confused the package manager with the stuff from synaptic and the Hardware Drivers. If you wanna be Extra extra safe I would reboot and then delete Everything nvidia off your computer. THEN use the hardware driver menu to do it.03:17
CoUrPsE|DeAdthemind,  Wont reposnd tell tis finished.03:17
lifenova1themind: if you see username@hostname:$, it's done03:17
andypls1gnutron:  in System->Hardware Drivers Manager, the Nvidia Card is not Enabled. When  i enable it and restart, the x server can not start03:17
themindAlright, so its not freezing up :O03:17
gnutronandypls1: thats gotta be the problem.03:18
raz0o0xhello, can i ask someone for help with 'mount'?03:18
lifenova1linux_guy: I'm a little unsure about how to help you, but you might try http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu_feisty_fawn_vmware_server_howto03:18
CoUrPsE|DeAd3GB could take some time thou, so dont get impatient.03:18
lifenova1!ask | raz0o0x03:18
linux_guylifenoval:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/105778/03:18
ubotturaz0o0x: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:18
CoUrPsE|DeAdraz0o0x, You can ask everyone, State your question.03:18
andypls1gnutron:  how do i solve it?03:18
* linux_guy parks at the edge of a cliff03:18
* linux_guy throws laptop over03:18
kristian_is there a terminal command that can tell me what wireless networks (ssid) the machine picks up? if the command gives additional information that would be great. or do i need to get some package?03:19
vertanaandy: running sudo nvidia-xconfig in a console should fix that (perhaps not at best resolution but a temporary fix to get to a gui). if that does not work sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg (only for 8.10).03:19
kalosaurusrexraz0o0x: what's yoru questions about mount?03:19
raz0o0xi was trying to mount one of my external drives through the terminal a few months ago, and then I unmounted it. but I think it did not finish successfully03:19
dayo_* calls environmentalists on linux_guy03:19
raz0o0xso now when I do: "dir /media/"03:19
* linux_guy makes 6:00 news03:19
raz0o0xI see "cdrom  cdrom0  one  System  zero"03:19
* dayo_ messed that up03:19
gnutronandypls1: i wish i knew for sure03:19
andypls1vertana: you mean after the x is not starting, or now?03:19
Claire2009want to thank everyone here for helping me with my reinstall issues earlier!03:19
raz0o0x"zero" was the name of the name of the old drive03:19
Killeroidlinux_guy: the command you tried in that paste should be   sudo ./vmware-install.pl03:19
raz0o0xbut it doesn't exist anymore03:19
CoUrPsE|DeAdraz0o0x, the folder still stays there unless you delete it.03:19
vertanaandypls1:  the dpkg-reconfigure option WILL change the driver so you'll have to put it back to nvidia later.03:19
CoUrPsE|DeAdraz0o0x, You would of had to mkdir the folder in the first place.03:20
raz0o0xdo I just say 'rm zero'?03:20
CoUrPsE|DeAdls -l zero03:20
CoUrPsE|DeAdto be sure its empty.03:20
zod21whats up yall03:20
themindk, how about gnome... the theme manager doesn't seem to be installed, its not showing up in System>Preference03:20
CoUrPsE|DeAdthen rm -r zero03:20
CoUrPsE|DeAdif it is.03:20
andypls1vertana: ok so that's what scewed up everything. Now i don't know what to do. what's the first step you said i should do?03:20
jinja-sheepraz0o0x: Look inside.  It's an empty folder.  It's just a place to mount the directory to.03:20
vertanaandypls1: Those commands can be run on any terminal. For instance after x does not work press control + alt + f1, login and then run them.03:20
linux_guykilleroid, that worked thanks03:20
kalosaurusrexanyone? mp3 in terminal?03:20
zod21themind how could your theme manager not be installed03:20
Killeroidthemind: system>preferences> appearance03:20
raz0o0x"total 0"03:21
lifenova1themind: Doesn't theme manager show up as a part of System -> Prefs -> Appearance03:21
linux_guykilleroid, in which dir do i want to install the binaries?03:21
saiyhello everyone03:21
raz0o0xi got that from the ls -l command03:21
raz0o0xso i'll proceed to delete it03:21
andypls1vertana: yeah do i fix it without restarting? i mean, *now* what do i type in the console?03:21
DarkWolf29Anyone know how to get the drivers for the Logitech quickcam?03:21
vertanaandypls1: When mine didn't work i ran sudo nvidia-xconfig (this will replace configuration with nvidia provided ones)03:21
CoUrPsE|DeAdraz0o0x, then rm -r /media/zero03:21
themindK there it is... but how do I add the GTK theme i downloaded to the list :\03:21
mib_0hcvon6qvertana: ok about to reboot again, and in the xorg03:21
raz0o0xthat worked!03:21
* CoUrPsE|DeAd nods.03:21
raz0o0xI have one more question about the 'man' pages03:22
themindnevermind i'm a nub03:22
lifenova1themind: Click install and find the theme file03:22
vertanamib_0hcvon6q: Ok, did you delete everything nvidia? trying from Sqaure 1? or just restarting?03:22
* CoUrPsE|DeAd hides.03:22
lifenova1themind: hehe03:22
Killeroidlinux_guy: i wasnt really following your convo but its standard to install binaries in /usr/bin03:22
mib_0hcvon6qvertana: ok about to reboot again, and in the xorg.conf the driver is set to nvidia "Driver"nvidia""03:22
raz0o0x"man dir03:22
raz0o0xNo manual entry for dir03:22
raz0o0xSee 'man 7 undocumented' for help when manual pages are not available."03:22
andypls1ok i'll just reboot03:22
raz0o0xwhen I do03:22
raz0o0xunset MANPATH03:22
raz0o0xman starts to work03:22
dude7064how to write a for loop in bash ??03:22
gnutronandypls1: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf   put nvidia back in, then sudo depmod in a terminal03:22
raz0o0xsome guy was messing with my computer a month ago03:22
kristian_is there a terminal command that can tell me what wireless networks (ssid) the machine picks up? if the command gives additional information that would be great. or do i need to get some package?03:23
dude7064for loop that counts from 151 to 35003:23
vertanamib_0hcvon6q: Ok. If that does not work sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg. Make sure you remember that command if it does not work.03:23
raz0o0xto install ROOT51803:23
pentasideWhat's a good program to partition with?03:23
vertanapentaside: gparted.03:23
usservertana: that doesnt work anymore03:23
lifenova1!gparted | pentaside03:23
ubottupentaside: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php03:23
gnutronandypls1: reboot after the edit then sudo depmod03:23
raz0o0xeyurtsev@Wigner:~$ echo $MANPATH03:23
usservertana: all x config is now done on the fly with xrandr03:23
CoUrPsE|DeAdraz0o0x, To make it easier on people trying t o help you, could you please not use enter as puncuiation.03:23
pentasideTried that... didn't like it... any others?03:23
vertanausser: With the switch -phigh it resets driver to VESA so it's a safe backup.03:23
dude7064anybdoy please ?03:23
raz0o0xYes, sorry.03:23
usservertana: oh i see03:24
CoUrPsE|DeAdraz0o0x, try: set -u MANPATH03:24
Killeroiddude7064: for(blah blah);do blah blah;done;   next time, use google, its way easier to google for stuff like this03:24
vertanausser: I had to break my X to hunt that command down lol. But ultimately it just resets driver to VESA.03:24
andypls1gnutron: after that?03:24
gnutronpentaside: gparted livecd is best03:24
linux_guykilleroid:  you rock dude03:24
raz0o0xCoUrPsE|DeAd, that does not work03:24
themind*sigh* i want to make Ubuntu work for me so I don't have to buy windows... but I feel like such a nooob03:24
Killeroidlinux_guy: glad, everything is working out03:25
RaptureAnyone know how to mount an NFS share in Vista? I've installed Servies/Client for NFS...03:25
vertanathemind: It's ok. Just ask questions on the forums, or here, or Google. Between them all you'll have all the help you need.03:25
gnutronandypls1: have you rebooted paste /var/log/Xorg.0.log03:25
vertanathemind: Or could want for that matter...03:25
andypls1wait i think something good is going on...03:25
themindHow do I install porn on Ubuntu?03:25
Killeroidthemind: everyone is a noob when they are trying something new, you will become proficient as you use it more and more03:25
andypls1ok i'll reboot now03:26
puneethhow can i get KDE?03:26
Killeroidthemind: sudo apt-get install porn    ;)03:26
vertanathemind: Think of the children. Leave that outta here please.03:26
CoUrPsE|DeAddont know.03:26
DarkWolf29Is anyone else using a Logitech quick cam on their linux systems? I need to get the drivers for the Logitech quickcam. Any help is greatly appreciated.03:26
goexplodepuneeth: sudo apt-get install kde03:26
pentasidegnutron: Well, I haven't tried with the Live CD, we'll see what happens.03:26
theminddarkwolf i'll let you know when i get my webcam working03:27
ale1hello all03:27
temppyDarkWolf29: maybe try easycam?03:27
themindits not high on priority list (wow junky without his fix)03:27
vertanaalel: Hi.03:27
gnutronpentaside: gparted is on ubuntu cd's and your hdd but the real deal is sweeter imho03:27
DarkWolf29temppy, easycam? is that in apt-get do you know?03:27
puneethgoesplode; thx03:27
erickarenmush mush making a Ruby cave on Ibex how's evrybdy doin?03:27
ale1i need major help with my cdrom for some reason linux BROKE MY CD ROM it does not even work in vista now dual boot03:27
temppy!webcam | DarkWolf2903:27
ubottuDarkWolf29: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras03:27
ale1it has done this with 2 optical drives03:28
temppy1st link03:28
tweakdon't blame linux03:28
gnutrontweak: you get googleearth loaded up?03:28
ale1well when i bought the new drive from new egg it worked until i booted into linux03:28
tweaki have to wait for synaptic to finish before i can do the apt-get lol03:28
themind=_= i tried to install the GTK theme tar and its not showing up in the list03:28
erickarenanybody here work with RUby?03:28
ale1it worked in vista all day03:28
vertanaalel: An operating system itself cannot damage hardware to the point of being physically useless. This includes Windows as well.03:29
lifenova1themind: Try extracting the tar you downloaded03:29
ale1i thought so too03:29
gnutrontweak: oh i thought you had the binary install file03:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about acpi03:29
tweakWindows should count as a swear!03:29
ale1i have been building machines for 12 years03:29
benhsomebody who understands NetworkMangler around ?03:29
benhie, I used to have my eth0 in /etc/network/interfaces03:29
gnutrontweak: its all good then you dont need any help :)03:29
goexplodevertana: you sure about that? :-p i remember a certain kernel version that was doing some bad things to some types of gigabit ethernet cards recently03:29
ale1and it will not even see disks ...i can not even reinstall ANY OS03:29
benhso NM. basically kept away from it03:29
benhthis had the side effect that various things though I was offline etc...03:30
tweaki tried to download it from the site and save it in my /home/ directory but I clicked save and then the file wasn't there.. did that a few times.. still not there.. can I not write to /home/?03:30
vertanagoexplode: Ok, well not these days...03:30
benhnow I want to put it back under NM. controlk03:30
temppybenh: whats the problem?03:30
benhtemppy: well, I removed it from interfaces03:30
usserRapture: did u install that microsoft package? services for unix or whatnot?03:30
CoUrPsE|DeAdUsing System/prefecences/Sessions How can i tell applictions to get send to a different virtual desktop?03:30
usserRapture: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/windows2000serv/reskit/prork/prci_unx_qnhb.mspx?mfr=true03:30
raz0o0xis there an easy way to just reinstall the man pages if they fail to work?03:30
benhtemppy: but NM still thinks it's "unmanaged"03:30
ale1I am talking about from the bios out ....no disk can be seen03:30
benhtemppy: and won't pick it up03:30
NarcishaHow can I close down gnome/x to access the normal terminal? anything I try lead me to a blinking underscore, and only ctrl+alt+f7 brings me back to gnome03:30
vertanaalel: make sure all cables are connected, etc.03:30
benhtemppy: is there some other remaining bit of setting somewhere I need to ditch ?03:30
gnutrontweak: first you should tell firefox to ask where to save files, its probably on your desktop by default03:31
tweaki have it set to ask me every time03:31
ale1i am thinking it is locked (mounted) with a perm flag  ...like what sometimes happens on USB drives03:31
rwwbenh: Did you restart the computer after doing that? I don't think it'll pick up that it's not in /etc/network/interfaces until you do that, or restart the networking and NetworkManager services.03:31
CoUrPsE|DeAdraz0o0x, You COULD try sudo apt-get --reinstall install man03:31
temppybenh: I dunno.  I thought that was what you had to do, remove it from interfaces03:31
andypls1GUYSSS :( :.(03:31
kristian_is there a terminal command that can show me what wireless networks my wireless reciever on my box picks up? aka the ssid, encryption, channel, etc, etc. thanks. :-)03:31
benhrww: I restarted /etc/init.d/networking & NM03:31
gnutrontweak: cant you save it to /home/user/ ?03:31
vertanaalel: If your CD Drive can't even be seen before starting up an OS it is 100% sure a hardware problem. Cables, Damaged Discs, or something otherwise physical.03:31
benhrww: I would have expected not to have to reboot the whole machine :-) man, it's not windows !03:31
benhbut I suppose I can try03:31
temppykristian_: iwscan maybe03:31
Dante123can you set a usb wireless dongle to ad-hoc mode and then bridge the ethernet internet connection so that it is shared with anyone else connecting with the usb wireless dongle?03:31
tweakgnutron: checking.........03:32
andypls1i am still getting the same problem, the sxerver could not start, and i had to run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:32
benhlet me restart hal03:32
benhnah, same03:32
rwwbenh: Hrm. Probably something else you need to restart, then; I'm just not sure what. I happened to need to restart the computer for something else anyway, so I didn't really investigate.03:32
ussertemppy: try sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart03:32
n3m0kristian_ its iwlist <iface> scan03:32
vertanaandypls1: If you're running 8.10 it's dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg03:32
temppykristian_: no, its iwlist iface scanning03:32
gnutrontweak: open a terminal dont use file-manager03:32
ale1all cables are connected fine ...It first happened with the first drive.....then I ordered a new drive off of new egg ...and i used it all day in vista ...then booted into linux mint (ubuntu) ....now this (drive #2) is broken03:33
n3m0man you guys both got it wrong03:33
andypls1vertana i am on 7.1003:33
vertanaandypls1: Don't forget the -phigh switch. It will boot you into a sort of safe graphics mode.03:33
temppyale1: maybe its your mobo/psu03:33
andypls1vertana: if i update to 8.10 will my problems get fixed?03:33
tweakgnutron: It worked yes03:33
Raptureusser: I can't even see my Ubuntu box from Networks (in vista), is this normal behavior? also, I did mount the NFS share, but it times out when I try to access it03:33
ale1no cuz the drive is seen by both OS03:33
vertanaalel: In the VERY OFF chance that this happened due to software google your cd model and see if anyone has reports.03:33
benhbah, now NM sees eth1 twice :-)03:34
raz0o0xin which file can someone set the PATH variable to some default value each time the terminal is opened?03:34
benhallright, I'll reboot the box03:34
gnutrontweak: define 'worked'? its installed?03:34
benhI need to change something with the kernel anyway03:34
vertanaandypls1: That is always probable, but YMMV as always.03:34
tweakno I got the file lol03:34
themindso i bet u linux guyz r real sad abot steve jobz huh03:34
usserRapture: yes with nfs it will not show up in networks03:34
andypls1what is YMMV?03:34
ale1i have but this happened with TWO diff drives ...two diff manuf.03:34
Dante123can you set a usb wireless dongle to ad-hoc mode and then bridge the ethernet internet connection so that it is shared with anyone else connecting with the usb wireless dongle?03:34
usserRapture: try connecting by ip. name resolutions might not work properly03:34
vertanaandypls1: If you do upgrade, a clean install is best if you can lose files or back them up. YMMV means your mileage may very. Meaning it may be different for you then everybody else.03:35
gnutronandypls1: you got a nvidia glitch is all03:35
gnutronandypls1: have you booted a frsh xorg.conf?03:35
ale1the drive it self works ...opens ...closed ....LED on the front checks and looks at what disk is put in...its like LINUX is blocking the laser inside03:35
linux_guyhow do you start vmware?03:35
andypls1gnutron: i don't know what that is03:35
ale1and yes i am kind of a nub03:35
andypls1vertana: do you suggest a clean install or an upgrade?03:35
benhtemppy / rww : rebooting did it, damn ! looks like we are regressing down to win95 level :-)03:36
benhthanks anyway, bbl03:36
ari_stressmorning all :)03:36
gnutronandypls1: did you edit nvidia back in03:36
CoUrPsE|DeAdkristian_, could look in lshw -C Network03:36
The_Zlinux_guy: point your web browser to port 822203:36
goexplodeari_stress: good evening :-p03:36
vertanaandypls1: if you can help it do a clean install (since xorg changed a lot), but yes you did boot into a fresh xorg.conf.03:36
andypls1gnutron: yes i did03:36
lifenova1linux_guy: type vmware in a terminal :)03:36
The_Zlinux_guy: ..or, ./vmware03:36
mib_9obidclevertana: back again ok, after updating to the  177 nvida driver, i now get an error message and have to run thev gui in low res mode 800*600. the error is failed to load kernal modual03:36
Raptureusser: i did mount -o rsize=32,wsize=32 10.X.X.X:/media/WD250 Z:03:36
gnutronandypls1: open a terminal type lsmod |grep nvidia03:37
DarkWolf29temppy: Thanks for the tip on the webcam, works perfect. Thanks again.03:37
mib_9obidclevertana: module03:37
hnhello... East Timor03:37
andypls1vertana: i am afraid i will screw up wit a clean install , it's easier to upgrade03:37
The_Zlinux_guy: did you install vix?03:37
temppyDarkWolf29: cool, glad it worked out03:37
ale1is there a linux version of Device man. that i can "uninstall" the optical drive then scan for hardware changes03:37
Raptureusser: it just fails to connect to the server03:37
andypls1gnutron: ok03:37
andypls1nvidia               3934028  003:37
andypls1agpgart                34760  2 nvidia,intel_agp03:37
The_Zlinux_guy: like: http://localhost:8222"03:37
usserRapture: hm can u ping it?03:37
CoUrPsE|DeAdkristian_, sudo iwlist will tell you info as well.03:37
hnhave someone hre...03:37
sagredoI upgraded to the latest build and my apache is no longer working, can someone help me troubleshoot?03:38
Raptureand ping both ways03:38
ale1is there a linux version of Device man. that i can "uninstall" the optical drive then scan for hardware changes03:38
raz0o0xis there any other file except for .bashrc where one might set PATH when the terminal loads?03:38
vertanaandypls1: It's better to do a clean install, because you can start from square one and any changes beyond default will be wiped. In other words, anything changed by you or anyone else won't matter and you can just enable the driver via Hardware Drivers.03:38
kristian_temppy & n3m0 : couldn't get any of those commands to work. sorry about the slow response.03:39
vertanamib_9obidcle: What do you mean module?03:39
usserRapture: did u sudo exportfs -a, after modifying your /etc/exports? restart nfs server on ubuntu as well, sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-server restart03:39
Killeroidsagredo: are you using ubuntu 8.10 or ubuntu 9.04?03:39
* The_Z is TheZ03:39
andypls1vertana: so i have to make a bootable cd etc etc03:39
Rapturei believe i did, lemme try again03:39
ttmrichterHow does one add archive types to file-roller: specifically I'd like to be able to compress/decompress/tar/etc. using lzma, not just gzip and bzip2.03:39
gnutronandypls1: well, the module looks ok.03:39
usserRapture: try mounting it from another linux machine, if u have one :)03:39
hnwelcome to my blogsite www.cristalopensource.blogspot.com, i hope just fun 2 u all03:39
Rapturei don't right now :/03:39
andypls1gnutron: what else do you want me to do'?03:39
vertanaandypls1: Yessir. Just download the cd and then right click on the resulting .iso and write cd. I honestly don't think you're current install is beyond repair though.03:40
sagredocan someone help me get my apache server running?03:40
Raptureafk... lemme try rebooting both my server and my box03:40
CoUrPsE|DeAdroxazer, env --unset=MANPATH03:40
Raptureer.. brb that is03:40
temppykristian_: what command?  I forgot03:40
Killeroidttmrichter: sudo apt-get install lzma03:40
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hnr u all linux members... plase confirm my chat..03:40
andypls1vertana: yes i prefer to repair it than upgrade03:40
gnutronandypls1: run sudo depmod  ..but it looks like its loaded, i need to see your /var/log/Xorg.0.log  to know for sure03:41
ttmrichterKilleroid: lzma is installed.  File-roller knows nothing about it.03:41
ale1is there a linux version of Device man. that i can "uninstall" the optical drive then scan for hardware changes03:41
Guest92610how do you install the movie/music codecs?03:41
kristian_CoUrPsE|DeAd : i am already connected to wlan, so it doesn't give me info on other nearby wireless. :-/ or maybeim doing something wrong.03:41
andypls1gnutron: my /var/log/Xorg.0.log is:03:41
CoUrPsE|DeAdSo what eaxtly are you trying to figure out?03:41
Jack_Sparrowhn, Please stay on topic.. This is Ubuntu-Support03:41
gnutronandypls1: dont paste here03:41
ale1Guest92610 just down load VLC03:41
sagredo can anyone help me with my apache203:41
gnutronandypls1: yes03:41
temppyale1: I don't think there is such a device manager... sorry03:41
vertanaandypls1: Then just provide us with link.03:41
lifenova1!ask | sagredo03:41
ubottusagredo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:41
ale1i do i "reinstall" drivers for my CDROM03:42
usserale1: how do you figure your cdrom doesnt work?03:42
* CoUrPsE|DeAd waits for an answer.03:42
usserale1: whats the error?03:42
temppykristian_: now I remember.  But you were only given a single command.  We both gave the same command03:42
vertanaale1: That shouldn't be needed in Linux. It is NOT a driver issue if your BIOS cannot even see the drive.03:42
sagredoI updated to the latest build of Ubuntu and now my apache2 server config is not servering files: what gives?!?!?!?!?!?03:43
hnhave new version from ubuntu 4 hackers nubuntu... plase downlods in www.nubuntu.org03:43
ale1it does not see ANY Disks  in any OS03:43
ale1vista xp or linux mint03:43
ale1it sees the drive just fine03:43
mib_9obidcleusser: put the ubuntu boot cd in there and see if u can boot ubuntu, :P03:43
CoUrPsE|DeAdUm, it physcially broke?03:43
vertanaale1: I understand that, but seeing as it crosses both OS's and even the BIOS it is a physical problem to be sure.03:43
runderwosagredo: what's the error message?03:43
CoUrPsE|DeAdHow do you know its not if it doesnt work on ny03:43
CoUrPsE|DeAdHow do you know its not if it doesnt work on any OS?03:43
sagredorunderwo:Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at localhost.03:44
albuntuale1: its a physical problem or your bios has a problem. have you tried your cdrom in another pc ?03:44
ale1the bios sees it and so does the drive itself...you can hear the Disks spool up and the LED on the front acts normal03:44
raz0o0xCoUrPsE|DeAd: typing env --unset=MANPATH does not work. When I echo $MANPATH it remains set to "/home/eyurtsev/root_518/man". Whenever I load a new terminal, that's the default value it gets.03:44
ale1yes ....03:44
Jack_Sparrowale1, Did you just put that drive in yourself03:44
ale1i used a USB to sata cable03:44
ale1yes i did ...both of the drives did the same thing...worked until i booted into linux03:45
Jack_Sparrowale1, that is the problem03:45
kristian_temppy : yeah. let my say it more correctly. i want terminal to print what ssid's it can find. (however i am already connected to my wireless and dont want to drop)03:45
ale1then it made all disk unreadable03:45
andypls1gnutron: i pastebined it03:45
vertanaandypls1: Under hardware Drivers is Nvidia 169 the "recommended" driver?03:45
andypls1vertana: no it's 803:45
tweakok i'm running google earth but the graphics are all garbled on the actual earth. the menu's look fine though. i know this pc can run it.... it's works great under XP.. but i'm trying to get rid of xp! help please?03:45
Genius314How can I install Amarok 2 in Ubuntu? All the guides tell me to add a repository... But when I add it, and reload the repos, I don't see Amarok2 or Amarok-kde4 (or anything related to Amarok 2) in Synaptic.03:45
vertanaandypls1: 8?03:45
ale1haah no its not ..i have been building my own boxes for a very long time03:45
mib_9obidclevertana: ok i have been at this nvida card problem for hours and it like 3am. i am going to bed. thanks for all your help. i will do a fresh install 2mora of 10.8 and 10.4 and see if i get them same problems. and if your about 2mora i will let wyowu wknow howw it going03:45
gnutronandypls1: problem:#03:46
gnutron(EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)03:46
vertanamib_9obidcle: Before you go.03:46
hnhow can install wine in Ubuntu 8.1003:46
temppykristian_: did you get anything from the command?03:46
mib_9obidclevertana: yes still here03:46
andypls1vertana: yes nvidia series 803:46
goexplode!wine | hn03:46
tweakhn: synaptic03:46
ubottuhn: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help03:46
albuntu!wine | hn03:46
andypls1gnutron: ?03:46
ale1I booted into linux now both CDROM drives do not read ANY disks03:46
vertanamib_9obidcle: If you do a fresh install, do 8.10 and then just go under Administration > Hardware Drivers and enable Nvidia from there. the 177 driver. It will ask for a reboot. Just reboot and it should work fine.03:46
ale1even trying to reinstall any OS from a CD'03:46
CoUrPsE|DeAdroxazer, Tried setting MANPATH again rather than trying to get rid ofi t.03:46
gnutronandypls1: i'm looking03:47
raz0o0xCoUrPsE|DeAd:  what should I set it to?03:47
hnok. thanx 2 all. i have problems with my notebook, webcam no have software, what can i do 2 this problems...03:47
raz0o0xCoUrPsE|DeAd: I just began using linux, so I'm not really sure what the default values should be03:47
CoUrPsE|DeAdraz0o0x, Looking at my env, there is no default variable for MANPATH.03:47
vertanaandypls1: For a series 8 card I believe you need the 177 driver. And in your Xorg file you uploaded it says you have the 169 driver.03:47
ale1you know how if you use a USB drive to quick between windows and linux.....it put certain flags on the drive...thats what my CDROM is acting link03:47
CoUrPsE|DeAdraz0o0x, type env03:47
mib_9obidclevertana: ok will do, thanks again :D03:47
CoUrPsE|DeAdis there your man varaible in there?03:47
kristian_temppy : "iwlist iface scanning" gave "iface     Interface doesn't support scanning."03:48
andypls1vertana: that's way too techical for me...03:48
vertanamib_9obidcle:  No problem :)03:48
tweakok i'm running google earth but the graphics are all garbled on the actual earth. the menu's look fine though. i know this pc can run it.... it's works great under XP.. but i'm trying to get rid of xp! help please?03:48
hnmy notebook device toshiba u405 not campatiblity with webcam Chancony software, can somw1 hlp me..03:48
temppykristian_: yes, you need to replace iface with the name of your interface (iface for short)03:48
vertanaandypls1: In the Hardware DRiver menu it should say Nvidia 177. That's the one you should have enabled.03:48
raz0o0xCoUrPsE|DeAd: yes. "MANPATH=/home/eyurtsev/root_518/man" However, there's a whole bunch of other programs also set to /home/eyurtsev/root_518. For example, "PYTHONPATH=/home/eyurtsev/root_518/lib"03:49
mib_9obidclegrindking: ok i am off its 3am here thanks for the help. i will do a fresh install 2mora and let you know what happends if your about. THANK AGAIN03:49
ale1alex@alex-desktop ~ $ sudo mount /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom003:49
ale1mount: No medium foun03:49
andypls1vertana: there is only *one* option there03:49
hnalbuntu... can u hlp me...03:49
mib_9obidclevertana: THANKS AGAIN, cya     &:-D03:49
vertanamib_9obidcle: No problem and good luck.03:49
oddjobanyone know if a quick howto on migrating from ubuntu to xubuntu?03:49
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albuntuhn state your problem here. if i cant someone other will03:49
andypls1vertana: Hardware Drivers Manager, that's what i am talking about03:49
kristian_temppy : ok, but that is not what im trying to do. sorry about my bad english. im trying to find other wireless networks.03:49
ale1alex@alex-desktop ~ $ grep cdrom /etc/fstab03:49
ale1/dev/scd0       /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0       003:49
Killeroidttmrichter: if you installed the lzma package and you still cant open lzma archives, someone suggested installed the p7zip package03:50
raz0o0xCoUrPsE|DeAd: This happened after a guy edited some script on my computer, so that I can load the ROOT518 system by typing "root" from any folder in the desktop03:50
raz0o0xCoUrPsE|DeAd: I mean from any folder in the terminal03:50
vertanaandypls1: Yes, that's the same one. Just a small name change in the new one.03:50
temppykristian_: use 'iwconfig' to see the name of your wireless interface, then run 'sudo iwlist [the name of your wireless interface] scanning'            that will trigger a scan, and list all networks in range03:50
andypls1it doesnt mention those numbers03:50
albuntuhn whats your problem ?03:50
CoUrPsE|DeAdraz0o0x, Hummm.03:50
CoUrPsE|DeAdDonno sorry.03:50
erossi was trying to run alien arena, but i'm getting this error on 64-bit amd and i've already sudo apt-installed it.  libXxf86dga.so.1: cannot open share03:51
gnutronvertana: can you help andypls1 with his nvidia module not loading properly?03:51
raz0o0xCoUrPsE|DeAd:  OK :) Thanks for the help anyway!03:51
erossi tried copying it to /usr/lib32 and /usr/lib64, but it doesn't work03:51
CoUrPsE|DeAddoes root518 still exist?03:51
hnok... my notebook TOSHIBA U405, i UZe ubuntu 8.10, cos webcam not detect... webcam software from chincony...03:51
temppy!purexfce | oddjob maybe this works03:51
ubottuoddjob maybe this works: If you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »03:51
raz0o0xCoUrPsE|DeAd: Yes. I use it all the time. It's an analysis package for high energy physics03:51
vertanagnutron: I'm thinking myself. But I'm dealing with employer at same time :p03:51
gnutronvertana: thats cool. np03:52
andypls1vertana: i don't have an option to choose between those numbers03:52
CoUrPsE|DeAdSo the man pages arent working?03:52
vertanahn: I had that problem myself. Make sure you have the webcam turned on. (there is no indicator for it) Then use vl2 and load the webcam as a generic usb webcam.03:52
gnutronandypls1: heres the page im looking at, i dont know how comfortable you are with modules. one sec03:52
ale1how do uninstall my CDROM03:52
gnutronandypls1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia03:53
kristian_temppy : such as "sudo iwlist wlan0 scanning"? well, the only result i get is the wireless network im already connected to, even though i know there are at least 1 more visable network in range. :-/03:53
raz0o0xCoUrPsE|DeAd:  they are not working until I do "unset MANPATH" each time I load a new terminal. after I do that they work. It's just annoying and I thought there was a simple way to diagnose where this variable was being set03:53
erossi'm almost ready to go back to 32bit, 64bit doesn't offer me much it seems besides the 4g of ram03:53
rdw200169ale1: unplug the cables?03:53
CoUrPsE|DeAdahh i see.03:53
CoUrPsE|DeAdYes, that is a pain in the ass.03:53
ale1no i mean through software03:53
Killeroidale1: eject a cd or uninstall a cdrom drive?03:53
vertanaandypls1: Where are we at? I'm sorry I keep getting sidetracked, but I need to know what you did so far and the results.03:53
rdw200169ale1: what software?03:53
andypls1gnutron: at the point it's telling you to enable your card, i can't do that, because the xserver will not start on reboot03:53
ale1in terminal how do i uninstall the cdrom03:53
CoUrPsE|DeAdwhoops, sorry bout laung.03:54
tightlineslooking for bitchx for ubuntu 8.10.  can't find it in apt-get search (uncommented universe repos).  bitchx.org flames bitchx.com03:54
rdw200169ale1: you mean pop out the tray?03:54
andypls1vertana: at the point it's telling you to enable your card, i can't do that, because the xserver will not start on reboot <- that's where we are03:54
temppykristian_: I dunno.  Thats the only command I know, and it works for me.  But, for what its worth, you now seem to be using the correct command.03:54
ale1no ..like remove the mount point/drivers03:54
mike1980When Burning DVD media(all makes and brands) I can only record at 4X max when the drive and media can record four times that. Can anyone help please?03:54
ttmrichterKilleroid: p7zip is also installed.  I'm not sure what p7zip has to do with .tar.lzma formats.  More oddity: I can *MAKE* .tar.lzma files with file-roller.  I just can't open them.03:54
rdw200169ale1: you don't want/need to do that... do you?03:54
rdw200169ale1: a lot of work went into making it plug and play!03:55
raz0o0xCoUrPsE|DeAd: OK. Thanks! I'm off to sleep this is not worth the trouble right now.03:55
ale1mike1980 is the disk a DVD-RW or DVD-R  ?03:55
tweakok i'm running google earth but the graphics are all garbled on the actual earth. the menu's look fine though. i know this pc can run it.... it's works great under XP.. but i'm trying to get rid of xp! help please?03:55
vertanaandypls1 / gnutron: and the modules are loaded correct? and does it say the driver is activated in the hardware driver menu?03:55
mike1980ale1: it is a DVD-R03:55
kristian_temppy : alright, thanks. :-) i will look into it. i guess it will only give one wireless network, if your connected to one, and maybe several if your not connected to any. just guessing.03:55
rdw200169ale1: if it's a driver issue, you should google the brand name with 'ubuntu' and see if someone has a fix03:55
andypls1vertana: yes now it does say that03:55
andypls1but the enable box is not clicked03:55
mike1980well using growisofs or anything else03:56
goexplodeale1: have you tried not using it with usb to sata? to me, that seems like it would be a red flag as a possible root cause for it not working03:56
goexplodeale1: without*03:56
linux_guyinstalled vmware successfully, its asking for a username / password on the page03:56
rdw200169ale1: if you want to remove a mount point, just comment out the cd (lines) in /etc/fstab03:56
gnutronandypls1: what card do you have03:56
ale1its not a driver issue ..its a linux OS issue ...it did this with two totally different optial drives03:56
rdw200169ale1: and restart03:56
andypls1gnutron: 8600GT03:57
themindWoW is working for the most part03:57
themindanyone else run wow in ubuntu?03:57
ale1rdw200169: comment out ?  remove that whole line ?03:57
rdw200169themind: if you want it to run better, check out the Config.wtf tweaks for wine03:57
rdw200169themind: yeah, i played it today, runs very very well03:57
gnutronandypls1: its supported...hrm03:58
themindMain problem i see atm is the multisample, it won't let me switch it off 1x03:58
linux_guywhen i put in my system user + pass, it says you do not have permissions to access03:58
ale1goexplode no it doesnt work with usb or sata right to the MOBO03:58
rdw200169themind: the most important tweak is setting the resolution, and whether or not it uses d3d03:58
mike1980When Burning DVD media(all makes and brands) I can only record at 4X max when the drive and media can record four times that. Can anyone help please? I have also tryed "speed=16" in growisofs03:58
rdw200169themind: you're talking about in the config settings while the game is running?03:59
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ale1if i remove my comment lines in fstab will the drive be automatically reinstalled ?03:59
gnutronandypls1: i don't wanna break your system03:59
ale1after i reboot  ?04:00
rdw200169themind: because that is known to cause problems, really, it's the only problem, most hardware related configurations should be done in Config.wtf for WoW04:00
Flannelale1: you have to run `sudo mount -a` (or reboot, sure)04:00
rdw200169themind: that, and make sure you run winecfg to make sure sound works there first04:00
Killeroidttmrichter: sorry it took me to respond, i was making a sandwich whilst watching the screen. what error do you get when trying to ope n a tar.lzma file with file-roller04:00
rdw200169themind: if sound works in winecfg, it will work w/all wine apps04:00
ale1i will give it a try04:00
goexplodeale1: the drivers are still going to be loaded by the kernel regardless of what is in fstab04:00
kristian_i have installed openssh-server on my ubuntu machine. i can access my machine via ssh/sftp over wlan using my account created on install. is it possible to setup a a sftp (not ssh) that can access a certain dir and all lower dir and download content, but not delete or add content? as a single terminal command?04:00
rdw200169themind: b/c wine is going to trick the application anyway into thinking it's using direct sound04:00
ttmrichterKilleroid: it just plain doesn't recognize the file type.04:00
vertanaandypls1: Neither one of us do, but I have a feeling it's a conflict of packages... I have nothing to back that up except my NVIDIA driver breaking many times back in the day. my advice is to start from square one just so we know it's nothing you did or tried (not to insult you, it's just I broke my own drivers MANY times doing same thing)04:01
andypls1gnutron is there anything else i should do?04:01
ttmrichterKilleroid: I open up a directory with several .lzma and .tar.lzma files.  They're not flagged as archive file types.  Right-clicking on them doesn't give file-roller as an option to open them.04:01
linux_guyhow can i login to vmware?  it says i dont have permissions?04:02
andypls1vertana that's means install a fress distro?04:02
themindhow do I make hidden folders visible04:02
vertanaandypls1: in a terminal run sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change under driver "nvidia" (or whichever driver you're running) to "nv" and under synaptic search nvidia and uninstall everything you see marked and afterwards reboot. This will start us from square one.04:02
Killeroidttmrichter: ah, what version of ubuntu are you using? i know for a fact that there was a problem with file-roller recognzing .lzma files but ti was fixed in ubuntu 8.10(intrepid)04:03
vertanaandypls1: This is the only thing I can think of before a fresh install (trying to avoid that)04:03
andypls1vertana: is the xserver going to start?04:03
jedi06how do you check ip stuff?04:03
vertanaandypls1: Yes, that's why I told you to change that word in paranthesis to "nv". It will load that driver instead of the one in question.04:03
rdw200169themind: ls -a04:03
goexplode!ifconfig | jedi0604:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ifconfig04:04
vertanaThat way when you boot it loads up the safe "nv" driver. And after you change that, delete everything nvidia.04:04
ttmrichterKilleroid: 8.04.  8.10 breaks my video card, so upgrading is not an option.  (This is an increasing problem with Ubuntu: later versions break things that worked fine in earlier versions.)  Is there a backport of an unbroken file-roller for 8.04 perhaps?04:04
andypls1vertana:  synaptic search nvidia <- where do i do that? i mean... how?04:04
rdw200169ttmrichter: have you tried restoring your old xorg.conf file?04:04
goexplodejedi06: ifconfig -a ...depends on what you're looking fod04:05
tightlinestry sudo /sbin/ifconfig -a04:05
rdw200169ttmrichter: the biggest problem has to do with the new xorg.conf-less server04:05
ale1my CDROM can still not see the media inside it04:05
vertanago to System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager and at the top click searh.04:05
gnutronthemind: in nautilus ctrl+h04:05
rdw200169ttmrichter: when xorg can't detect the screen resolutions, it goes with the default 800x60004:05
kattollikisdsomeone here can tell me the channel for Open Offices pleases? And thank you...04:05
gnutronandypls1: run sudo depmod in a terminal04:05
vertanaandypls1: All the packages that are installed and have to do with nvidia will show up. All the ones that are dark are installed. click on them and choose remove.04:06
quiksilverhow do i update my version of python?04:06
ttmrichterrdw200169: The issue isn't resolution.  The issue is that it doubles up the columns with one column of coloured pixels, one column of black.04:06
rwwkattollikisd: /join #openoffice.org04:06
vertanagnutron: I'm starting us from square one. I have him defaulting to nv driver and deleting everything nvidia. afterwards we will reboot and try enabling via hardware driver menu04:06
rdw200169ttmrichter: wow, that's pretty rough04:06
ttmrichterrdw200169: It is the driver that is broken, not the xorg.conf.  Basically SiS support is broken completely in 8.10 -- there's at least a dozen (ignored) bug reports on it already.04:06
rdw200169ttmrichter: in 8.10, there's no xorg.conf file?04:06
gnutronvertana: good idea04:06
vertanagnutron: This is to avoid the user errors that may have happened.04:06
andypls1gnutron i did that. vertana: i am on KDE, i can't find it04:07
quiksilverhow do i get my python to version 2.604:07
rdw200169ttmrichter: ohhh, i didn't know that! i was assuming either fglrx or nvidia...04:07
rdw200169quiksilver: it should already be 2.604:07
=== marsha is now known as mdg
ttmrichterrdw200169: There is, yes.  It's basically empty.  There's no more video modes and all that stuff.04:07
vertanaandypls1: Ok, I'm sorry. I believe it's under System Tools in KDE. (I use Gnome so not too sure) But it's called synaptic.04:07
ale1how do i turn off APCI04:07
quiksilverrdw200169:  it's 2.5.204:07
Killeroidttmrichter: should be fixed since the package shared-mime-info 0.30   but if you prefer to fix on your own , save this file (http://launchpadlibrarian.net/15421448/x-lzma.xml) to /usr/local/share/mime/     and then run     sudo update-mime-database /usr/local/share/mime04:07
andypls1vertana: Do you mean Adept Manager?04:08
ttmrichterKilleroid: I'll give that a shot right now.04:08
chrolsHello, does anyone here know how to load Common Lisp third party packages successfully?04:08
jedi06well geoexplode i got ubuntu in vbox and xp host all i'm trying to do is get some files from ubuntu onto windows so i was going to try winscp, guest additions is out of question and usb is out, so left is network stuff04:08
vertanaandypls1: Can you open a terminal? You can just type sudo synaptic04:08
rdw200169quicksilver_: hm, i thought they went 2.6 in 8.10, i was wrong, i wonder if there is a backport from jaunty...04:08
gnutronandypls1: synaptic would be nice, not sure about kde04:08
vertanagnutron: Will adept provide the search function we need to find nvidia packages?04:09
andypls1verana: sudo: synaptic: command not found04:09
gnutronvertana: ive never used adept04:09
kattollikisdsomeone here can tell me the channel for Open Offices pleases? And thank you...04:09
vertanaandypls1: Ok then just try adept. If it has a search that's all we need. Search for "nvidia" and remove all packages that are marked as install.04:09
ttmrichterKilleroid: no change it seems.04:10
gnutronandypls1: system-administration-synaptic package manager04:10
rdw200169quiksilver: oh, nevermind, there's no 2.6!04:10
rdw200169quiksilver: in the repositories anyway...04:10
jp_sfkattollikisd: openoffice.org04:10
vertanaandypls1: I hate to do this to you but with adept you're slightly on your own for knowing how to search and determine which packages are installed.04:10
kattollikisdthanks jp_sf04:10
andypls1vertana: ok i know how to do that, i use it all the time. but that mean is also remove nvidia-settings?04:10
Narcishahi, i can't close down X and open a normal terminal, all I get is a blinking underscore, any ideas? :/04:10
andypls1ALL of them?04:10
goexplodejedi06: the easiest solution, from my perspective, would be to set up a smb share in ubuntu with everything you need , then just browse to it in the vm and copy everything you need04:10
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vertanaandypls1: ONLY the ones that have to do with NVIDIA.04:11
Raptureusser: I've got a nice new problem... when I log into the server (putty) and do ls /media/WD250, it will lock up the drive... any idea why?04:11
vertanaandypls1: The point here is to get nvidia off your computer.04:11
andypls1vertana: nvidia-settings is one of them04:11
vertanaandypls1: Get rid of all of it. (just to be safe)04:11
Raptureusser: i booted my laptop into ubuntu (thumb drive) and I was able to mount the NFS share and do an ls, but once I mounted Vista to it, it locked the drive...04:12
quiksilvercertainly someone has to know how to update my version of python?04:12
andypls1vertana: i am doing it now, but i am not sure if it's going to help us...04:12
goexplodejedi06: although there might be more simple solutions that exist...04:12
jedi06geoexplode might be easier from your perspective but not mine i don't know how to set that up04:12
andypls1vertana: after that?04:13
=== Cymblot is now known as Mimpi_Buruk_Scra
vertanaandypls1: The point here is that we are deleting nvidia off your computer and eliminating the possibility of user error. Not just yourself but what I and gnutron have been telling you as well. If we start from square one we are all on same page :)04:13
Raptureis there a command in linux to see why I cannot access a USB HD?04:13
CoUrPsE|DeAdUsing System/prefecences/Sessions How can i tell applictions to get send to a different virtual desktop?04:13
rdw200169quiksilver: it's not really that simple, python upgrades require all the code to be changed04:13
jedi06usb wont work and file sharing wont work becuase i can't get guest additions so only thing i can do is use some kind of network solution04:13
jp_sfquiksilver: honnestly if I wanted to upgrade to 2. I would take the tar04:13
rdw200169quiksilver: that means all (i mean *all*) the modules have to work w/2.504:13
andypls1vertana: ok now i am nvidia free, starting from page 1. what do i do?04:13
rdw200169quiksilver: i mean 2.604:13
vertanaandypls1: Ok did you put "nv" in your xorg.conf? And saved it? Everything nvidia deleted from adept?04:13
kyleRquestion: i got a program that is only available as source code, how do i compile and run it?04:14
ziroday`!compile | kyleR04:14
ubottukyleR: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)04:14
ziroday`kyleR: what program is it?04:14
rdw200169quiksilver: personally, i'm waiting for 3.0, then i'll learn all the new wacky stuff they've changed and added04:14
jp_sfkyleR: is there a README in the directory of the program04:14
vertanaandypls1: Ok, reboot and you will be completely nvidia free :)04:14
Rapturewhat does this mean? "exportfs: could not open /var/lib/nfs/etab for locking"04:14
rdw200169quiksilver: like getting rid of my "print test" in favor of print('test')04:14
andypls1vertana: where is xorg.conf located?04:15
usserRapture: try different options on vista side like -o soft04:15
vertanaandypls1: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:15
=== ziroday` is now known as ziroday
kj-victoryquestion: I installed ubuntu-desktop on an ubuntu server to get the gui. Now I want to uninstal the gui. How do i do this?04:15
gnutronandypls1: /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:15
Raptureusser: how do I fix the locked drive?04:15
Killeroidttmrichter: hmm, i am stumped, because I recall this exact probme, imfact, i am looking at the same exact bug on bugzilla right now, try creating a new test lzma archive and then try again with file-roller, it should work.04:15
sukiminnahello.i want to learn writing a kernel driver module.does anyone know where to start?04:15
vertanaandypls1: It is the line that says Driver "WHATEVER" replace the word inside the quotes with nv so it should look like Driver    "nv"04:15
zirodaykyleR: um there are packages for ktorrent04:15
andypls1Section "InputDevice"04:16
andypls1        Identifier      "Generic Keyboard"04:16
andypls1        Driver          "kbd"04:16
FloodBot1andypls1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:16
themindthose of you who use wow, have you had any success increasing the multisample above 1x04:16
geniisukiminna: Perhaps visit #ubuntu-motu04:16
Name141Is it possible to still download the 8.04 , the LTS versions ?04:16
CoUrPsE|DeAdUsing System/prefecences/Sessions How can i tell applictions to get send to a different virtual desktop?04:16
vertanaandypls1: Go down further. Section Device.04:16
ttmrichterKilleroid: Making a .tar.lzma from right-clicking a directory, got my .tar.lzma file which has no icon showing it to be an archive and which does not open.04:16
zirodaysukiminna: or #kernelnewbies04:17
andypls1vertana: it doesn't say anything about Driver under Device04:17
Bllasaeis there a dvd player for ubuntu?04:17
vertanaandypls1: My fault, I overlooked that part ;)   It's down in the Section Device, that's where video cards are04:17
andypls1it's not like before04:17
jp_sfCoUrPsE|DeAd: click on the window bar and select send to another workspace ?04:17
zirodayCoUrPsE|DeAd: I believe you can do that with devils pie, however its not easy to configure04:17
ttmrichterKilleroid: same archive can be uncompressed easily using the lzma command line.04:17
andypls1vertana: there's nothing i should modify i think04:17
sukiminnakj-victory: sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop?04:17
CoUrPsE|DeAdWell yeah, but im trying to do it via cmd line.04:17
Bllasaeis there a dvd player for ubuntu?04:18
usserRapture: restart nfs-server that should disconnect all the clients04:18
zirodayCoUrPsE|DeAd: right, well devils pie does that for you04:18
vertanaandypls1: Hold on. I'll send you a screenshot of my xorg.conf so you know what it should look like (But for you "nv" instead of "nvidia")04:18
kj-victorysuki: tried that and ubuntu-desktop uninstalled, but I still have the gui04:18
ziroday!dvd | Bllasae the normal video player can play dvd's04:18
CoUrPsE|DeAdziroday, Ta, i'll take a look at it.04:18
ubottuBllasae the normal video player can play dvd's: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:18
sukiminnagenii: thanks04:18
Raptureusser: exportfs: could not open /var/lib/nfs/etab for locking04:18
Bllasaeziroday: What's the "Normal04:18
CoUrPsE|DeAdziroday, can i stick devils pie cmds into System/prefences/sessions?04:19
Bllasae" dvd player04:19
zirodayBllasae: totem aka Movie Player04:19
sukiminnaziroday: thanks04:19
zirodayCoUrPsE|DeAd: I am not really sure. Install it and find out.04:19
CoUrPsE|DeAdYep, well do, thanks.,04:19
tweakanyone know how to update or tweak video drivers?04:19
vertanaandypls1: This is my screenshot of my terminal. If you'd rather me post it on imageshack that is ok too.04:19
zirodayBllasae: that is the default dvd/video player. However you may need to install dvd codecs to make them play04:19
Bllasaeziroday: where would I find this?04:20
usserRapture: hm, try to force unmount it. sudo umount -f /media/yourdisk04:20
andypls1verdana: i want to pastebi04:20
ziroday!dvd | Bllasae read this04:20
ubottuBllasae read this: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:20
andypls1verdana: i clicked enter on something i didn't see so it failed04:20
jp_sfCoUrPsE|DeAd: you will have basically a configuration file where you set what application start where04:20
zirodayBllasae: visit the first link. It explains how to set it up.04:20
andypls1verdana: i can't even pastbing you my config file because i don't know why, i can't copy and paste it04:20
CoUrPsE|DeAdyeah, i'm trying to figure out how to tell it which desktop to gotto thou.04:21
Raptureusser: umount2: Device or resource busy04:21
jp_sfCoUrPsE|DeAd: devilspie is doing just that04:21
andypls1verdana: there is nothing like 'Device "something" ' in my file04:21
andypls1Section "Screen"04:22
andypls1        Identifier      "Default Screen"04:22
andypls1        Monitor         "Configured Monitor"04:22
andypls1        Device          "Configured Video Device"04:22
FloodBot1andypls1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:22
vertanaandypls1: It's uploading.04:22
usserRapture: hm nice... you disconnected other linux client right? i guess windows tries to mount it still. try restarting windows machine04:22
useruseruseruserhelo everyone04:22
andypls1vertana: is it that that i have to change?04:22
Rapturei tried to umount on the laptop and it is failing to unmount too04:22
jp_sf!ask | useruseruseruser04:22
ubottuuseruseruseruser: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:23
chilli0hello alll04:23
albuntuok i managed to find a file to edit so editing that file i can edit the gnome panels positions etc in the Live CD. dont tell me about gconf-editor because i CANT use guis and i have to edit everything by terminal. the file i edited is in /etc/gconf/schemas/panel-default-setup.entries Now my question is : do i have to do any other thing ? or this is the only file to edit for editing the live cd panels ? please if anyone can help me will do me a favor04:23
albuntubecause its all day reading and reading about this and cant figure it out. thank you anyways04:23
andypls1vertana: did you get my message?04:23
Bllasaeziroday: i tried to install it, but this came up: "This application conflicts with other installed software. To install 'ubuntu-restricted-extras' the conflicting software must be removed first."04:23
dmizerhow do i import my ppk key into filezilla on my ubuntu client?04:23
chilli0im planing on installing freebsd , But keep ubuntu Does anyone know if it might screw up grub and not show ubuntu04:23
tweakanyone know how to update or tweak video drivers?04:23
vertanaandypls1: Wrong one. http://img520.imageshack.us/my.php?image=xorgel2.png Look at my terminal.04:23
nickrudalbuntu, my hat's off to you :)04:23
HarassmentPandaAny one know whats required to package a program and get it added to the Ubuntu repositories?04:23
albuntunickrud: lol :)04:24
zirodayBllasae: okay, you are using default ubuntu right. Not a derivative of some sort? What is the conflicting package04:24
Bllasaeno clue04:24
usserRapture: gotta play with the switches on the windows side, dont specify the buffer sizes, try something like that mount -o timeout=100 -o mtype=soft -o anon -o nolock04:24
Bllasaeziroday: I'm using the original ubuntu. 8.10.04:24
vertanaandypls1: Find that section in yours, but instead of "nvidia" it'll be "nv".04:24
zirodayBllasae: err okay. Can you pastebin the exact output of sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras please04:24
DiiPhantom___in synaptic, what java do i install?04:25
andypls1vertana: ok i have done that04:25
vertanaandypls1: Don't forget to make sure it is saved.04:25
andypls1it is04:25
Bllasaeziroday: Never mind, used the terminal and got it04:25
BllasaeThe conflicting this was lib or something04:25
Rapture2k4well, i managed to disconnect the Vista box, and the laptop, but the drive is still busy04:25
goexplode!java | DiiPhantom___04:25
ubottuDiiPhantom___: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository04:25
vertanaandypls1: Ok, now that you have "nv" driver selected and nothing Nvidia on your computer go ahead and restart. When you come back you'll be nvidia free for a bit.04:26
dmizerhow do i import my keypair into filezilla on my linux client?04:26
Bllasaeziroday: libavcodec5104:26
vertanaandypls1: Just let me and tron know when you're back :)04:26
jp_sfchilli0: I had a problem installing Freebsd after a Ubuntu partition04:26
zirodayBllasae: okay. did you install that from mediabuntu or somewhere?04:26
chilli0jp_sf: did u get it to work?04:26
Bllasaewtf is mediabuntu04:26
runderwo!medibuntu | Bllasae04:27
=== w0ng|towork is now known as w0ng|zzz
ubottuBllasae: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org04:27
jp_sfchilli0: well in fact I'm not very strong with the bootmanager of freebsd usually I stick to grub04:27
vertanaBllasae: It is an unofficial repository which has some software which Ubuntu cannot provide legally (like Skype).04:27
rdw200169Bllasae: mostly, it's the repositories that store all the stuff the regular ubuntu repos won't, like restricted things04:28
chilli0jp_sf:  ok then04:28
albuntunickrud: i made it . got that to work :)04:28
rohilHi friends. Where should I place the installed jre folder to make jre work through out the system ? Thanks.04:28
Rapture2k4anyone know how to unmount a device that is busy?04:28
jp_sfchilli0: on my laptop dell D620 I had some problems to install it I had the same problem with opensolaris now I usually do is XP then opensolaris then ubuntu the swap04:28
nickrudalbuntu, you should write that up somewhere so it's on the net. I don't remember anyone doing it from the command line04:28
abhayi had problem with my inbuit laptop mic can anybody help me04:29
vertanarohil: Unless you need something special it's usually much safer to use the repositories. (i.e. install java via synaptic)04:29
andypls1vertana: ok i did that04:29
=== cs278|laptop_ is now known as cs278|laptop
dmizerhow do i use my dsa keypair with filezilla in my linux client?04:29
albuntunickrud: its really simple. when you figure it out :)04:29
jp_sfchilli0: if I want freebsd I will put it in second then it works04:29
sukiminnakj-victory: how about sudo apt-get remove gdm04:29
vertanaandypls1: That was actually pretty fast lol. Ok, now just try to enable the driver via Hardware Driver Manager.04:29
ryan_can anyone help me with pidgin? i am trying to connect a gmail account and when i click connect it just hangs on connecting no errors or anything i tried to uninstall pigin and then install again but i still get the same thing04:29
rohilvertana, ok. I downloaded the ,bin from Sun's site and installed on Desktop. I will try Synaptics. Thanks04:29
eno-el_tkHello... Whats the diference between Ubuntu & Kubuntu & Xubuntu & Mythbuntu????04:30
andypls1vertana: every time i do that, xserver doesn't start04:30
Y-TownWhen using terminal server client on ubuntu to view a win xp box in full screen is there a way to toggle back anf forth from one system to the other?04:30
chilli0jp_sf: K thanks, im gonna install it on a VB04:30
BllasaeWhat do I do to watch a DVD? This is too stupid. You have to download like 10 things to get the software to watch a video04:30
HarassmentPandaI've written a .net application and ported it to Mono to compile under Ubuntu, could any one point me in the direction of packaging the application such that it can be included in the repositories? My project is here https://sourceforge.net/projects/vscalenotes/04:30
vertanarohil: sudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-extras < Will install lotsa media codecs, flash, java, and a few other things.04:30
usserBllasae: vlc and libdvdcss2 is all you need04:30
Bllasaei have vlc04:30
ramirowhy does gnome-screensaver take so much memory? I don't want any screensaver, how do I disable it?04:30
eyehatesludgehas anyone else had trouble getting zsnes to work in ubuntu04:30
jedi06does ubuntu come with smb?04:30
andypls1vertana: every time i try to do that the x server doesn't start04:30
usserBllasae: for libdvdcss2 look at medibuntu04:30
eyehatesludgesorry if its a dumb question i just installed this today04:30
jp_sfchilli0: VB ?04:31
vertanaandypls1: Ok, do you have a lot of custom programs on your computer?04:31
Bllasaei tried to download dvd or whatever but it wouldn't work04:31
eno-el_tkHello... Whats the diference between Ubuntu & Kubuntu & Xubuntu & Mythbuntu??????04:31
Bllasaewhere else would i get it04:31
usser!medibuntu | Bllasae04:31
dmizerjedi06: the client or the server?04:31
Rapture2k4eno-el_tk: Kubuntu uses KDE as a desktop, Xubuntu uses XFCE, Mythbuntu is usually a media computer OS, and Ubuntu uses Gnome04:31
ubottuBllasae: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org04:31
vertanaeyehatesludge: Do you use 64-bit?04:31
eyehatesludge32 bit i think04:31
Y-TownWhen using terminal server client on ubuntu to view a win xp box in full screen is there a way to toggle back anf forth from one system to the other?04:31
chilli0jp_sf:  virtual box04:31
gnutronandypls1: does it give you a choice of drivers?04:31
eyehatesludgei installed the i386 version, thats 32 bit, right?04:31
rohilThanks Vertana ! Thanks a lot.04:31
jp_sfchilli0: ah ok, yes sure that a good alternative04:31
kyleRi cant find a package for the latest version of ktorrent04:31
eno-el_tkRapture2k4: im a normal user... i dont know about Linux / Ubuntu Xubuntu or what ever... what should i instal on my machine ?04:31
eyehatesludgei used sudo apt-get install zsnes and it appeared in my list of applications but when i click the icon nothing happens04:31
w8jkcyes i386 or i586 are 32bit04:31
vertanaeyehatesludge: Yes, that is 32-bit. Zsnes is sometimes really buggy... run it in terminal. Then tell us what error you get.04:32
eyehatesludgejust open up terminal and type zsnes?04:32
Bllasaehttp://packages.medibuntu.org/intrepid/libdvdcss2.html okay now what do i do/04:32
vertanarohil: No problem :)04:32
andypls1gnutron: no04:32
Killeroidttmrichter: hmm, thats really weird. i am honestly stumped, my instructions s hould have fixed it. the only last instructions i can give is, open /usr/share/mime/packages/freedesktop.org.xml                seach for <mime-type type="application/x-magicpoint">           and on a new line right before it   add the contents of this  http://pastebin.ca/131061504:32
andypls1vertna: what do you mean?04:32
vertanaeyehatesludge: Yes. The error message will help a LOT.04:32
eyehatesludgealright let me reinstall it, hold on04:32
dmizerhow do i import my dsa.ppk key into filezilla on my linux client?04:32
vertanaandypls1: Do you have a lot of stuff installed on Ubuntu (Besides the stuff it comes with)04:32
andypls1vertana: now it doesn't appear in the least04:33
Killeroidttmrichter: that should work because thats how its done on ubuntu 8.1004:33
Bllasaeusser: http://packages.medibuntu.org/intrepid/libdvdcss2.html okay now what do i do/04:33
andypls1vertana: i have some04:33
vertanaandypls1: Are any of them server software?04:33
Y-TownWhen using terminal server client on ubuntu to view a win xp box in full screen is there a way to toggle back and forth from one system to the other without having to disconnect from the win xp box to go back to ubuntu?04:33
andypls1gnutron: it doesn't appear in the list of the hardware... the list is empty now04:33
ryan_can anyone help me with pidgin? i am trying to connect a gmail account and when i click connect it just hangs on connecting no errors or anything i tried to uninstall pigin and then install again but i still get the same thing04:33
eyehatesludge"buffer overflow detected, zsnes terminated"04:33
gnutronandypls1: try reloading the list04:33
vertanaandypls1: What I'm getting at here is a distro upgrade but through update-manager (so you don't lose all your programs and data)04:33
andypls1vertana: no... i don't understand how that is helping. and why nvidia doesn't appear in the list?04:33
gnutronandypls1: in synaptic that is04:34
=== fuxxy is now known as unimaginative
a_I installed a program, but ubuntu can't find it. How can I get it into the search path?04:34
Bllasaeusser: http://packages.medibuntu.org/intrepid/libdvdcss2.html okay now what do i do/04:34
eyehatesludgeand before that it says "unable to poll blah blah blah, make sure you have permission to it" like 6 times04:34
jedi06i don't know porbably the client so i can access shared folder on my windows os04:34
kj-victorysukiminna: That worked! Thanks!04:34
vertanaandypls1: Go with gnutron for a bit. See what he's got :)04:34
usserBllasae: follow this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu04:34
sukiminnakj-victory: welcome04:34
eyehatesludgewait i didnt know you can copy from terminal heres to whole thing04:35
eyehatesludgeStarting Mouse detection.04:35
eyehatesludgeUnable to poll /dev/input/event3. Make sure you have read permissions to it.04:35
eyehatesludgeUnable to poll /dev/input/event1. Make sure you have read permissions to it.04:35
eyehatesludgeUnable to poll /dev/input/event2. Make sure you have read permissions to it.04:35
eyehatesludgeUnable to poll /dev/input/event4. Make sure you have read permissions to it.04:35
FloodBot1eyehatesludge: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:35
andypls1guys i don't know what to do04:35
usserBllasae: once done install libdvdcss2 by typing sudo apt-get instal libdvdcss204:35
andypls1gnutron: it doesn't appear in the list. what do i do from there?04:35
vertanaeyehatesludge: I think I remember having this problem... If I remember right (years ago...) run it as root and then disable the polling of 'controllers' in zsnes and it should be fine if that's the only error.04:35
dmizerjedi06: have a look here -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28853404:35
vertanaeyehatesludge: For the future running stuff as root unnecessarily is NEVER a good idea.04:35
eyehatesludgevertana: so just type sudo zsnes?04:36
gnutronandypls1: open a terminal and copy/paste this: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade04:36
eyehatesludgethats what ive heard04:36
ttmrichterKilleroid: once I've got the data in there, do I then have to kill nautilus or something?04:36
Bllasaeusser: sudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/intrepid.list --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list where do i put this?04:36
vertanagnutron: for a distro he'll have to gksudo "update-manager -d"04:36
vertanaeyehatesludge: Yes.04:36
andypls1gnutron: ok i did. is it upgrading to 8.10?04:36
gnutronBllasae: the command does the work,keep on truckin'04:36
eyehatesludgedifferent error message now04:37
dmizeranyone at all know how to import dsa.ppk keys into filezilla on a linux client?04:37
Bllasaegnutron: Where do i put it though? in the terminal04:37
usserBllasae: on the terminal, press ALT+F2 type gnome-terminal paste that line in a window that opens04:37
eyehatesludgewas there anything i was supposed to have installed before i installed zsnes04:37
Rapture2k4usser: ok, as soon as I mount the NFS with Ubuntu-LiveCD, I can ls once, do a cd and the next ls locks the drive..04:37
kyleRwhats sidux? cause i get it for ubuntu 8.1004:37
gnutronandypls1: ok, just for kicks see if your restricted drivers show anything04:37
andypls1gnutron: it finised. after that?04:37
vertanaandypls1: after you put in the command gnutron does it only does a 'regular' upgrade. If it STILL does not work then we will upgrade your distribution :)04:37
gnutronBllasae: yes paste it in a terminal04:37
vertanaandypls1: Is it in the list now?04:37
ttmrichterKilleroid: yeah, adding the data changes nothing.  I'll just chalk it up to Yet Another Mysterious Ubuntu Failure and give up at this point.04:37
Bllasaeusser: doesn't work04:38
usserRapture2k4: that is weird. maybe it has something to do with nfs share being a mounted drive, try sharing a different directory see if that changes anything04:38
usser!doesn't work04:38
Barridushey all, is there a good place to get scripts for xchat?  i'm having trouble finding one with an autorejoin in the event of a prank kick from a devious op XD04:38
ubottuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.04:38
andypls1vertana gnutron: no it's not in the list04:38
Killeroidttmrichter:sudo update-mime-database /usr/share/mime/packages/   run that after you edit that xml file04:38
eyehatesludgevertana: heres the error now: http://paste.ubuntu.com/105791/04:38
usserBllasae: whats the error?04:38
gnutronvertana: we dist-upgrade him nd  50/50 chance it will break something04:38
* nickrud lies in wait for Barridus ;)04:38
vertanaandypls1: Ok, copy/paste into your terminal.   gksudo "update-manager -d"  That will do a distro upgrade.04:39
Killeroidttmrichter: and then kill all instances of file-roller and nautilus, that should work04:39
Bllasaeusser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/105792/04:39
sukiminnaGenii: #ubuntu-motu is so silent..04:39
Barridusnickrud, lies in wait?  XD04:39
vertanagnutron: CHances are low. Only thing outside of default he had was that nvidia driver. Now he's on NV it should be fine.04:39
jmspeexAnyone knows why the Load_Cycle_Count of my disk keeps increasing (several times per minute) despite the fact that I did an "hdparm -B 255" on my disk?04:39
ttmrichterKilleroid: "sudo update-mime-database -V /usr/share/mime/packages/" "Directory '/usr/share/mime/packages/packages' does not exist!"  Should I get rid of "packages" at the end?04:39
andypls1vertana: ok i did04:39
vertanagnutron: Earlier I asked if he had custom programs: a few. Server software? no. IT'll be ok, I think.04:40
Y-TownWhen using terminal server client on ubuntu to view a win xp box in full screen is there a way to toggle back and forth from one system to the other without having to disconnect from the win xp box to go back to ubuntu?04:40
andypls1vertana: after that?04:40
usserBllasae: that was fine, not paste this line sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get update04:40
vertanaandypls1: Update manager should come up with a button to upgrade to 8.10 :)04:40
usserBllasae: after this one is done, paste sudo apt-get install libdvdcss204:40
andypls1vertana : it didn't!04:40
Killeroidttmrichter: oops, i added one last slash it should be                    sudo update-mime-databse /usr/share/mime/packages04:40
andypls1it didn't come, i am on KDE04:40
gnutronvertana: just my opinion but i've had best performance with default drivers and ive tried them all. but they are all ATI.04:40
usserRapture2k4: i'm sorry, im running out of ideas, it used to just work for me back in the day04:40
ttmrichterKilleroid: When I try it without "/packages/" at the end, I get an error on all three added types (x-lzma, x-lzma-compressed-tar, x-lzop) complaining about unknown freedesktop.org field 'generic-icon'.04:40
jp_sfdmizer: have you imported your jeys ?04:40
usserRapture2k4: the only difference being i didnt use external hdd04:41
Rapture2k4usser: it's all good... this is a wonderful learning experience04:41
jp_sfdmizer: have you imported your keys ?04:41
vertanagnutron: With Nvidia, sad to say but the best performance is with Nvidia Proprietary :(04:41
CoUrPsE|DeAdHow do i find the xid of a window?04:41
BllasaeE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)04:41
BllasaeE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?04:41
vertanaeyehatesludge: Only thing I can think of is using one mouse : /04:41
Bllasaeblakegoodwin@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install medibuntu-keyring04:41
FloodBot1Bllasae: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:41
BllasaeE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)04:41
BllasaeE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?04:41
dmizerjp_sf ... i don't know how to import them,or where to put them to make it work. this is the core of my problem.04:41
gnutronandypls1: go to software sources in your system/admin menu04:41
usserBllasae: do you have package manager open? synaptic, add/remove software program?04:41
andypls1gnutron: i don't have that, i am on KDE04:41
Bllasaethat's not even the right name04:42
zivanyone here?04:42
nickrudjmspeex, maybe https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/acpi-support/+bug/5969504:42
vertanaandypls1: In a terminal copy and paste sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list04:42
Killeroidttmrichter: one sec, whilst i ask someone else exactly why this isnt working04:42
jp_sfdmizer: filezilla ? edit settings connection ftp sftp04:42
gnutronandypls1: one sec04:42
vertanaandypls1: That is what he means when he says "sources"04:42
Bllasaeusser: no04:42
andypls1vertana: i did after that...?04:42
dmizerjp_sf ... okay, that's how to connect, but how to i make it use the keys?04:42
Barridusis there a channel for xchat help?  i have little idea of what i am doing here04:42
zivi cann't play rmvb vedio  anyone could help?04:42
usserBllasae: hm are u sure?04:42
CoUrPsE|DeAdHow exactly do i trigger this devilspie?04:42
jedi06dmizer it doesn't look like they are on the same subnet?? XP: 192.168... Vbox Ubuntu:
CoUrPsE|DeAdI have it configured.04:43
Bllasaeusser: yes04:43
CoUrPsE|DeAdam i surpose to use devilspie app name?04:43
CoUrPsE|DeAdor just open the window?04:43
vertanaandypls1: That is just a list of servers where you magically download software to install :)   Next he'll probably tell you replace the words Hardy with intrepid.04:43
jmspeexnickrud: Still doesn't explain why -B 255 doesn't prevent load/unload04:43
usserBllasae: try this sudo apt-get update04:43
vertanagnutron: That what you were going for?04:43
dmizerjedi06, that's going to be a problem for any client windows or ubuntu. is there no way for you to get on the same subnet?04:43
zivjuxis~  no one can help?04:43
bullgard4What files are to be stored in /etc/default/?04:44
ziv- -'04:44
tweakanyone using ubuntu 8.10? you see the icon beside applications at the top? how do I change it?04:44
bazhangziv, with realplayer?04:44
zivi am using04:44
themindHow do I go about turning on digital vibrance/adjusting the saturation on my screen?04:44
jedi06well they are on the same computer dmizer they use the same internet ... I'm just confused04:44
Bllasaeusser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/105793/04:44
jp_sfdmizer: you will have to connect via sftp with the port that you are supposed to use04:44
themindthey still update realplayer?04:44
zivfor linux?04:44
kyleRplease help, im dumb and need the latest version of ktorrent on my machine!04:44
bazhangziv, yes04:44
zivi havn't heard that04:44
usserthemind: still at version 10 as 2 years before04:44
zivthx so much04:45
kyleRthe pakcage manager has an older version04:45
nickrudbullgard4, that dir's purpose is to be a central location for setting system variables; see rcS for an example04:45
bazhangkyleR, why do you need the latest04:45
zivdoes anyone speak chinese04:45
Bllasaeusser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/105793/04:45
ziv- -'04:45
usserBllasae: you have another instance of package manager running, does ps -Al | grep apt list anything04:45
bazhangziv, in #ubuntu-cn04:45
Rapture2k4usser: if I mount /home/server via NFS, everything is all goodf04:45
dmizerjp_sf ... okay, i can't connect. i can't connect because filezilla is not using my dsa.ppk key.  it's not using my keys because i don't know where to put the key to make it work with filezilla. i se no option anywhere at all for importing the key.]04:46
kyleRcause one of my trackers sees it as outdated, therefore wont allow it04:46
themindomg my idiot roommates had the heat turned down04:46
Bllasaeusser: 4 S     0  6213     1  0  80   0 -  5353 select ?        00:00:01 apt-get04:46
jedi06dmizer have you use vbox?04:46
zivdifficult 4 me  2 speak eng04:46
themindits 25 degrees outside :\04:46
usserRapture2k4: its an external drive issue then04:46
andypls1vertana, gnutron: what am i supposed to do?04:46
dayo_!hk | ziv04:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hk04:46
dmizerjedi06: are you using a virtual machine?04:46
rdw200169themind: wow, you have control of the heat!04:46
tweakanone good with graphics problems?04:46
dayo_!cn | ziv04:46
ubottuziv: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk04:46
zivi am hk  2~~04:46
=== alberto is now known as Guest9823
tweakanyone good with graphics problems?04:46
ttmrichterKilleroid: When I get rid of the "generic-icon" stuff it works.  I don't get the archive icons, but I do get at least the ability to open .LZMA files.04:46
jp_sfdmizer: you have put your private key in the import right ? then after you connect vi sftp via the manager04:46
Bllasaeusser: 4 S     0  6213     1  0  80   0 -  5353 select ?        00:00:01 apt-get That's what showed up04:46
jedi06dmizer yes04:46
rdw200169themind: i live in a prewar walkup in upper manhattan where the heat is the whim of the super, coming out of ancient steam radiators!04:47
bullgard4nickrud: But my Ubuntu 8.04.1 includes there two executable files also: klogd and syslogd. How does this fit into your general picture?04:47
gnutronandypls1: alt+f2 and paste this: kdesu "adept_manager --dist-upgrade-devel04:47
mike1980I get write a iso to a dvd faster then 4x can anyone help please I am stuck?04:47
ziv- -04:47
vertanaandypls1: Since gnutron isn't responding, I'm giving the go ahead. IN that sources file replace every hardy with intrepid but MAKE SURE you don't touch anything else and all the spaces remain intact.04:47
gnutronandypls1: thats the directions but the -devel bothers me04:47
ziv没人哦 ?04:47
dmizerjp_sf what do you mean by "in the import"?04:47
ziv- -04:47
dayo_ziv: join #ubuntu-hk04:47
dayo_!cn | ziv04:47
mca2hai nama saya ali04:47
gnutronandypls1: no quotes by the way04:48
Killeroidttmrichter: yeah, i am trying to figure out why it doesnt allow you to assign a generic icon to lzma packages. cant figure it out yet but i guess you can manually assign an icon to lzma packages04:48
sukiminnamca2: hello04:48
dmizerjedi06: then both your virtual client and your host ARE on the same subnet.04:48
vertanagnutron: Are you advising the same thing?04:48
bazhang!themes | tweak04:48
ubottutweak: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy04:48
andypls1gnutron: i did it04:48
ttmrichterKilleroid: Which I will do now.  Thanks for the help and the patience!04:48
sukiminnamca2: u from malaysia?04:48
andypls1gnutron and nothing happens04:48
mca2kamu mau jadi pacar aku04:48
vertanaandypls1: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade04:48
jedi06dmize that is what i thought bout one ip is 192.168... and other is 10.0.2...04:48
sukiminnamca2: err...04:48
vertanaandypls1: Copy/paste that into a terminal.04:48
jedi06dmizer ^04:48
bazhangmca2, indonesia?04:49
mike1980anyone here having write speed problems04:49
andypls1vertana: i have done that before04:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about changetheme04:49
ubottuTo change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubottu xfce-themes04:49
gnutronvertana: whatcha mean, we did update/upgrade, but whats with the dist-upgrade-devel business i wonder04:49
bazhangtweak, gnome-look.org04:49
CoUrPsE|DeAdCan i set which monitor i send the an appliction to with devilspie? (I have dual heads)04:49
Killeroidttmrichter: well, i'm gla at least we got one of your problems fixed, i hope your video card driver problems gets fixed04:49
vertanagnutron: What are you advising? Are we on different pages here?04:49
vertanagnutron: I was in the middle of a distro-upgrade...04:50
dmizerjedi06: trust me, your host and virtual guest are on a shared subnet.04:50
Rapture2k4guess i'm gonna have to rip this HD out of its case and slap it on an IDE port04:50
ttmrichterKilleroid: the video card problem will never be fixed.  Much like the audio card problem I've had (SiS again) hasn't been fixed since Dapper Drake.  8.04 is the last version of Ubuntu I'll be able to use on this computer.04:50
zivjoin #ubuntu-hk04:50
ttmrichterAfter that, I'll probably have to switch distributions.04:50
Rapture2k4i've never heard of this... i'm gonna put it up on the bugs04:51
bazhangziv, /join #channel04:51
gnutronandypls1: the intrepid upgrade says do this, press alt+f2 then  kdesu adept_manager --dist-upgrade-devel04:51
Killeroidttmrichter: file a bug on bugzilla and keep updating the bug and sooner or later someone will notice04:51
gnutronvertana: does that command look right?04:51
LakesProseOk I know this is like talking about morality in #lawyer but I need some help: I forgot my root/sudo passwd. When I boot into recovery mode, the system still asks for the password as in "Enter password to perform maintenance"04:51
dmizerjedi06: if your guest and host did not have a shared subnet, then the guest would be unable to access the internet.04:51
LakesProsewhat else can I do ?04:51
vertanagnutron: Ah, I was telling him to do it via sources.list.  Ok, we're on same page just confusing each other lol.04:51
dayo_ziv nobobdy is in #ubuntu-hk at the momen. try #ubuntu-cn or #ubuntu-tw04:51
ziv- - thx04:52
vertanagnutron: I think devel will send him to 9.04...04:52
dayo_u're welcome04:52
gnutronvertana: agreed sorry,i dont know kde04:52
gnutronandypls1: stop04:52
jedi06yes i know dmizer but their ip addresses are not from the same subnet it doing something to solve that04:52
Barridusargh, i need some script help - namely getting some basic ones.  where can i go?04:52
andypls1gnutron: i am listening04:52
=== gregory is now known as Guest35698
ttmrichterKilleroid: they "noticed" the bug on the audio card by marking it fixed a half-dozen times before I finally gave up in disgust.  The bug with the video card is mentioned a dozen different ways now on launchpad and isn't even marked as accepted yet -- apparently having many people say "yes, I'm seeing problems with SiS video" isn't proof enough that there's actually a problem.04:52
rdw200169\msg quiksilver dangit, i closed the window, you still there?04:53
vertanaandypls1:  sudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:53
ttmrichterI'm just basically sticking with 8.04 until it doesn't do the job anymore and then switching to whichever distro is more responsive thereafter.04:53
zivnot one here04:53
vertanagnutron: That will get the job done.04:53
dmizerjedi06: you can still transfer files between your guest and host. if you need them to be on the same subnet, you'll need to configure virtualbox for bridged networking.04:53
andypls1vertana: ok04:53
tweakanyone good with graphics problems?04:53
zivdoes any one can tell me   what difference between dist-upgrade and upgrade?04:54
Killeroidttmrichter: do you have a link for the video car bug on bugzilla04:54
gnutronandypls1: i'm looking at 8.04 to 8.10 upgrade for kde, it says type that command, so go ahead.04:54
Flannelziv: dist-upgrade will bring in new dependencies, upgrade won't.04:54
tweakmy videocard is bugzilla lol04:54
vertanaandypls1: Type that in a terminal and it should upgrade you to 8.10. It will take a while though and you'll have to restart afterwards. I have cable internet and it took about an hour and 20 minutes.04:54
bullgard4ziv: dist-upgrade is via the Internet. upgrade is via a CD locally.04:54
ttmrichterKilleroid: Hang on.  Let me look again.  (And it was launchpad I was searching, not bugzilla.  What's bugzilla?)04:54
andypls1vertana: maybe i should do it when i have more time?04:55
Flannelziv: Most of the time, you'll only experience this with kernel versions.  Since the kernel packages will change names (linux-image-version1 to linux-image-version2) with just "upgrade" your metapackages will be held back, because it won't automatically install -version2, dist-upgrade will.04:55
vertanagnutron: apt-get is desktop independent which is why I said that one. your command would work too but without the devel option.04:55
gnutronandypls1: it will probably prompt you a few times, one may say delete obsolete packages, could be triple digits, go ahead and do it.04:55
vertanaandypls1: It's fine, you can just let it run :)04:55
zivoh  i  used  upgrade last second...04:55
linux_guyinstalled vmware successfully (thanks you guys) and i would like to install my guest OS which is an ISO file on the desktop ATM.... how can i mount the ISO rather than burn it?04:55
Killeroidttmrichter: dammit, i really suck a multitasking. yes, i meant launchpad,  bugzilla is a bug tracker tool a  lot of otehr projects use04:55
ttmrichterKilleroid: Here is one of many: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-sis/+bug/29129404:56
vertanaandypls1: I think I had to download 1025 packages... it'll be a minute :)   (I did this last week myself and had no problems)04:56
andypls1thanks for ALL the help04:56
gnutronvertana: i dont know why nor never seen the -devel option for normal dist-upgrades before04:56
andypls1! :)04:56
ttmrichterKilleroid: just search for 8.10 or Intrepid and SiS and look for the list of complaints.04:56
zivam i supports to using dist-upgrade 2 upgrade once??04:56
tweakhm.. so I can't fix my graphics card..04:56
kyleRhow do i know the path to prefix of kde4 installation?04:56
vertanagnutron: That's how you upgrade to the latest... the betas or alphas lol. The development versions :D04:56
tweakback to windows i guess04:56
gnutrontweak: i dont think theres much you can do, googleearth is really intensive04:57
ttmrichterKilleroid: Ooh!  Change since I last checked: they finally acknowledged it as "confirmed".  They haven't decided if a show-stopper video bug is important or not, though....04:57
vertanatweak: what graphics card you have?04:57
ttmrichterAnd haven't assigned it to anybody.04:57
tweak00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)04:57
linux_guyanybody know vmware?04:58
gnutronvertana: the update notes dont say thats the recommended way for desktops.... hrm.04:58
dmizerlinux_guy, all you have to do is add the iso file to the guest settings after you create the initial disk.04:58
vertanatweak: With just a built in card google earth will be SLOW (Which I assume is your problem?), but that is OS independent. Just need a better card :)04:58
usserRapture2k4: does nfs client for windows work with that other directory that u exported?04:58
kyleRhow do i know the path to prefix of kde4 installation?04:58
gnutronvertana: damnit, rather they do say, do it that way.04:59
rwwkyleR: what do you need it for?04:59
CoUrPsE|DeAdWho ever susgested devilspie to me is a legand, works exactly what i wanted, thanks alot.04:59
zivi just done that~~04:59
Killeroidttmrichter: yeah, that sucks, well, i hope its gets fixed soon04:59
kyleRi need to do this in order to install ktorrent: cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix`..04:59
vertanagnutron: I'm telling you he woulda been at 9.04 then REALLY confused as why it's broken :p04:59
linux_guydmizer, i'm a first timer with vmware04:59
tweakvertana : nope it's not slow at all.. the earth just appears all garbled04:59
crdlbtweak: if you're still trying to run google earth, make sure compiz is disabled04:59
linux_guydmizer:  i created a guest os in vmware04:59
Rapture2k4usser: give me just a second04:59
ttmrichterKilleroid: I'm not exactly holding my breath on this.  ;)  I'm investigating Slackware as an alternative instead.  (They don't break my video card.:D)04:59
gnutrontweak: its the program not your machine05:00
dmizerlinux_guy: then click on the settings for cdrom and tell it to use the iso instead of the actual disk.05:00
vertanatweak: Once again still graphics card. It's not driver because intel generally speaking has very good drivers for their products. I'm inclined to say that it's the low VRAM on that graphics chip.05:00
gnutronvertana: oh i see, no it says 8.04 to 8.1005:00
tweakcrdlb : how do I disable/enable  it?05:00
Rapture2k4usser: Yep, works just fine05:00
zivhow 2 install w32codecs?05:00
tweakvertana : it works under xp05:00
vertanagnutron: You sure about that? I had that problem with a built-in nvidia card. It was just a low vram problem05:01
Rapture2k4well, actually, i can't write to the drive05:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about atipi05:01
Rapture2k4access denied05:01
crdlbtweak: system > preferences > appearance > visual effects > none05:01
vertanatweak: If that's the case... does compiz work?05:01
vertanacrdlb: Thanks, beat me to it :)05:01
gnutronvertana: at this juncture im not sure of anything!05:01
binarymu1antdoes anyone know an alternative to dzen2?05:01
tweakvertana: I have desktop effects.... i could give you my compiz output?05:01
usserRapture2k4: try specifying your username with mount command on windows, i believe the switch is -o username05:02
vertanagnutron: We seem to have hit that point quite a few times tonight :)05:02
linux_guydmizer: for vmware 2.0?05:02
jedi06dmizer i don't think i can do that tutorial becuase i can't reboot i'm using livecd05:02
vertanatweak: Just turn off effects and then retry google earth.05:02
gnutrontweak: disable compiz! i didnt think of that05:02
usserRapture2k4: so the issue is nfs export on external harddrive then05:02
linux_guydmizer: when I run vmware from terminal, it takes me to port 822205:02
* eno-el_tk UBUNTU FTW!!!!!05:02
dmizerjedi06: try places > connect to server, if that doesn't work i'm not sure what to tell you.05:03
linux_guydmizer: vmware infrastructure web access05:03
gnutronvertana: this stuff is easy to do, just hard to teach/coach.05:03
tweakI LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!05:03
vertanagnutron: Yeah, it was kind of hard even telling andy basic stuff that we just assume people know :p05:03
jedi06dmizer i'm using ubuntu_recovery_remix it is only command line05:03
vertanatweak: Glad we could all help :)05:04
tweakbeen working on this for two days and all I had to do was take off my vidual effects!05:04
gnutronvertana: exactly05:04
dmizerlinux_guy, there is a web interface for all the settings. use the web interface to change the settings for the cdrom.05:04
eno-el_tkGuys... Ubuntu when been instaled have IRC Client & Messengers??? i need download anything ????05:04
eno-el_tkGuys... Ubuntu when been instaled have IRC Client & Messengers??? i need download anything ????05:04
tweaki can hardly wait to format my windows partition mwhah05:04
Killeroidttmrichter: someone recommended this:    http://www.winischhofer.eu/linuxsisvga.shtml05:04
vertanagnutron: Oh well, next time we'll know a bit better :)05:04
ari_stresshi guys, i heart that the next ubuntu will use EXT4?05:05
gnutronvertana: live and learn, roger that05:05
Flannelari_stress: Perhaps.  You should ask in #ubuntu+105:05
=== HarassmentPanda is now known as HarassmentPanda|
vertanagnutron: And actually andy had a lot of patience with us... and asked the right questions too!05:05
tweakeno-el_tk it doesn't come with irc, you have to download it. but it has pidgeon instant messenger.. i don't like it though, so I installed Kopete05:05
Killeroidttmrichter: something about blacklisting the old driver an using sisfb driver05:05
ari_stressthanks Flannel05:05
gnutronari_stress: thats the word yup, ext4 i hear it smokes05:05
tweakNOW. I have a very interesting question.... how do you patch a kernel?05:06
dmizerjedi06, you'll have to configure the host for bridged networking. if once you do that, then you should be able to follow the howto without rebooting.05:06
ttmrichterKilleroid: interesting.  I'll flag that and when I'm next in a position to test I'll give it a shot.  Thanks.05:06
Rapture2k4usser: same issue05:06
sukiminnais there any way that i can play games like ra3 on ubuntu05:06
linux_guydmizer:  i have the virtual machines tab selected, and my options for the selected vm are:  remove vm, power off, suspend, reset, shut down, restart, etc05:07
vertanasukiminna: ra3?05:07
usserRapture2k4: im sorry, im lost here...05:07
gnutrontweak: you dont wanna do that, stick with the rpeo's05:07
dmizerlinux_guy: i don't recall the web access client very well. i only used it briefly. but it's easy enough to do just by clicking in the settings of the guess.]05:07
Rapture2k4me too05:07
linux_guydmizer: so far i have named and identified it but not installed05:07
Rapture2k4gonna post on the forums05:07
sukiminnavertana: red alert 305:07
gnutrontweak: repositories05:07
vertanasukiminna: I'll assume that's windows only. Best bet is wine or www.playonlinux.com05:07
usserRapture2k4: they gonna suggest samba :)05:07
dmizerlinux_guy: even if you're not installed yet, you can still change the settings for the virtual guest in the web interface unless you didn't configure the base drive correctly.05:08
tweaki'm trying to get Ubuntu to read a fatx filesystem from an xbox, and everything i look up points to patching the kernel?05:08
rdw200169sukiminna: have you checked the wine appdb?05:08
mike1980anyone know anything about this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/k3b/+bug/3170905:08
chrisbdaemonhey, i have a question.. i'm wanting to use ubuntu to learn x86 assembler and i'm told that theres probably some protections in place that would make reading disassembled apps overly complex.. what kind of protections would that be05:08
vertanatweak: I won't lie, that'll probably take skills. MS Secrets and Linux don't work so well together...05:08
sukiminnavertana: tried wine before..even old games rise of nation doesnt really work05:08
rdw200169chrisbdaemon: if i'm not mistaken, protected memory makes assembly difficult05:08
vertanasukiminna: Also depends on your graphics card and which drivers you need and such.05:09
dmizerlinux_guy jedi06: sorry i have to cut out.05:09
rdw200169chrisbdaemon: it's both a processor and a software feature working together05:09
tweakdunno bout that, I had my fatx partition mounted on gentoox (xbox linux)05:09
linux_guydmizer: thanks05:09
jedi06dmizer thanks05:09
sukiminnavertana: it runs on xp.05:09
chrisbdaemonrdw200169: is there a way to disable it?05:09
Rapture2k4usser: figured it out... forgot to do chmod -R 777 /directory05:09
sukiminnavertana: still need dual booting for gaming i guess. :(05:10
Rapture2k4lemme try it on the USB drive...05:10
rdw200169chrisbdaemon: hah, no, if you had full access with assembler code, who's to say that hackers don't also have that access?05:10
gnutrontweak: you can mount fat filesystems but i know nothing about xboxes, ps2's etc.05:10
vertanasukiminna: Unfortunately, thats more common than you think : /05:10
tweakyou want gaming go get an Xbox 36005:10
hellhound_i just downgraded my flash player to version 9 and everything works fine except sound .. i found that I need "flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound" installed but when I try to do that it wants to reinstall flash 10, is there anywhere I can find the old version of this plugin?05:10
tweakit's fatx... a modification of fat32...05:10
=== gizmo is now known as clark
superkuhOn 8.04.1 64bit I encountered an error (seemingly a architecture sub-naming triviality) that does not allow the recommended update for 'util-linux' to install. I think a fix can be had by editing a perl, Errno.pl, but I am not sure if this will influence other things. In detail: http://paste.ubuntu.com/105079/ Regardless, I can't install any updates with util-linux causing a failure. So, can I manually edit this file? Is there another way aroun05:10
superkuhd this?05:10
tweakjust a different filesystem05:11
Cpudan80Does anyone know when OO 3 is going to be pushed to Intrepid?05:11
sukiminnavertana: is there any commercial games build for linux platform?05:11
On0bihellhound: try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=77673905:11
chrisbdaemonrdw200169: even as root?05:11
rdw200169chrisbdaemon: the only real uses for assembly these days is for extremely low level work that requires ultra high speed05:11
=== clark is now known as gizmo
rdw200169chrisbdaemon: yes, even as root05:11
=== gizmo is now known as clarks
tweakfor a .bin file, why use chmod instead of sh?05:11
rdw200169chrisbdaemon: trust me, the linux kernel is not gonna let you go in there and screw around with the interrupts05:12
chrisbdaemonrdw200169: and for security work like malcode analysis05:12
chrisbdaemonrdw200169: i just meant looking at the code, not changing a bunch of stuff05:12
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:13
gnutrontweak: chmod sets permission bits, sh invokes shell interpretation05:13
rdw200169chrisbdaemon: well then, you have a stronger constitution than I... I would puke after trying to decifer one billion pushes and pulls...05:13
gnutrontweak: my best definition anyway05:13
tweaksgnutron: oooh. ok I gotcha05:13
tweakwhat's the command chmod+ ?05:14
rdw200169chrisbdaemon: then again, i hate trying to figure out obscure C pointers...05:14
Rapture2k4usser: WOOT! Partial success!05:14
gnutrontweak: thing to know is 99 per cent of this stuff is the same in all distro's some things are done differently tho'05:14
chrisbdaemonrdw200169: from what i've learned so far you don't have to read the whole thing, just be able to use other methods to find the interesting bits and decipher those05:15
tweakwell thank you all very much. I'm sure i will return for one reason or another :)05:16
gnutrontweak: chmod can use octal format or ascii characters e.g., chmod 777  =  chmod ugo+rwx  same thing.05:16
tweakfor the google earth launch icon, could I use a command line compiz cin from of it to turn compiz off?05:17
Rapture2k4ok, I fixed one problem... Windows no longer locks the USB HD, but I still can't create files on the NFS share... i set chmod -R 777 /media/WD250 (on the server)05:17
gnutrontweak: not to mention the sticky bit +t or chmod 177705:17
Rapture2k4i can create files from Ubuntu-LiveCD05:17
tweakinstead of chmod why not sudo ./file.bin?05:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about scsi05:18
tweakmy old amiga used scsi lol05:18
themind_WoW is working but its not 100% yet :(05:18
rokr1hello all05:19
gnutrontweak: the file needs to executable first05:19
tweakrokr1: Hello05:19
clarksi need help...my laptop not detech wireless again..anyone can help me to solve this?05:19
tweakso to make it executeable I do chmod +x file.bin?05:19
gnutrontweak: sudo isnt needed at all unless the install is system wide or needs that permission.05:19
rokr13945 is a problem in UBUNTU i dono y i used ndiswrapper05:19
gnutrontweak: correct05:20
tweakgnutron: Got it :p05:20
rdw200169themind_: what are you having problems with?05:20
tweakI havn't had to use comman line since unix in the 90's lol05:20
vertanarokr1: It's a kernel problem (At least when 8.10 first came out it was).05:20
cexiwhoi whats up/05:20
rokr1still problem i cant create a connection nor can get connected05:20
vertanarokr1: Give me a second... I remember seeing a fix for this somewhere...05:21
tweaki remember diakup telnetting and using the internet purely by text on an amiga lmao05:21
rokr1i use UBUNTU 8.10 intrepid05:21
rokr1latest kernel05:21
themind_What do you guys suggest as a music/video player?05:21
rokr1themind_ go for VLC05:21
histo!best | themind05:21
ubottuxmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious, bmpx, or xmms2 instead.05:21
ubottuthemind: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.05:21
rdw200169themind_: foobar2000 or songbird05:22
jrolland-MacBookIs something wrong with ports.ubuntu.com?05:22
gnutrontweak: xmms is audacious now, but you can get xmms2 i think05:22
Shangrilahello i'm looking for configurations files like .bashrc, screenrc and such, i'm willing to share mine of course, but i'm curious to see what peoples do with those05:22
clarksjrolland-MacBook, use port :800005:22
tweakgnutron: that's why I couldn't find it.. lmao.. used to use it in gentoox05:22
Rapture2k4ARG! it's brokeded again :(05:22
Dr_willistweak,  you can compile xmms if you want from source.05:22
jrolland-MacBookclarks: that's worse05:22
jrolland-MacBookThanks tho05:23
w0ng|zzzthemind_ kmplayer if you're on windows05:23
vertanarokr1: Go to the webpage and install the package listed under other known issues (first paragraph). Might work. http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/81005:23
tweakdr_willis: good point!05:23
=== eric is now known as talntid
Dr_willistweak,  but you may as well explore the other players.. Compileing it wasent hard.. but it was an annoyance05:23
rokr1using ndiswrapper i have solved the kill switch problem05:24
tweaki'm so used to compiling from source that I didn't know how to use a bin lmao05:24
clarkscan anyone help me?my wireless not detech after i shut down my laptop this morning..05:24
tweakused portage for the longest time...05:24
vertanarokr1: I was actually talking about that backport package. There might be one for your chipset as well.05:24
tweakvertana is a genius!05:25
clarksvertana, can u help me?05:25
rokr1man i use restricted kernel package of UBUNTU vertana05:25
vertanatweak: Thank you? I'm not sure what I did but eh... no problem!!! Lol.05:25
vertanaclarks: What's the problem?05:25
clarksvertana, my wireless not detech after i shut down my laptop lastnite...05:25
clarkscan you help me to solve it?05:25
tweakquestion : why does everything look so much nicer in linux compared to windows?05:26
Dr_willistweak,  thats the 'joy of freedom'05:26
vertanaclarks: What chipset do you have?05:26
zgoldHi!  I just did a fresh install of 8.10 and am attempting to enable the nvidia restricted driver.  I click the activate button, type my password and it thinks for maybe half a second then does nothing.  (The text still says the driver is inactive)05:26
clarksi think so..05:26
vertanatweak: Not everything crashes at once? Objects may appear to work :p05:26
vertanaclarks: visit that page I posted above and see if the same thing will work for you :)05:27
tweakanyone know what the art of plastic canvas is? I got my girlfriend to make me a 3d penguin with a red hat and linux across his belly lol05:27
tweakvertana: hahah yeah why does linux work? I thought operating systems were built for agitation?05:28
vertanatweak: Take a picture and imageshack it! :p05:28
tweakVertana: Will do, I'll letcha know!05:28
eyehatesludgehas anyone else had trouble installing zsnes05:28
Ahadielzgold, Make sure you're up to date and try again.05:28
jrolland-MacBookIs something wrong with ports.ubuntu.com?05:28
vertanatweak: Apparantly you've never tried to install an nvidia driver by hand (easier these days) or had a broken Xorg... those are the best!05:28
Ahadielzgold, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade05:28
clarksvertana, i dont get it..05:28
rdw200169vertana: oh yes,05:29
vertanaeyehatesludge: To be honest, zsnes is cool, but it's ALWAYS had problems, even on Windows.05:29
vertanardw200169: Hm?05:29
rdw200169vertana: it is *much* better nowdays05:29
clarksvertana can you help me how?05:29
eyehatesludgeoh, vertana: dto leave did you see the error message i got when i ran it as root05:29
zgoldAhadiel: aha, that seemed to have done something.  Now its "Downloading and installing driver..." (sitting at 0%...)05:29
eyehatesludgei had to leave*05:29
rdw200169vertana: i remember trying to get fglrx working on 5.10...05:29
clarkshow to check my chipset in terminal?05:29
zgoldAhadiel: there it goes. Thanks!05:29
vertanaclarks: Go to the webpage and install the package listed under other known issues (first paragraph). Might work. http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/81005:29
Ahadielzgold, No problem.05:29
eyehatesludgeare there any other good snes emulators for linux05:29
rdw200169vertana: and 5.0405:29
vertanardw200169: I remember installing nvidia by hand before Driver Manager... And that was only 2 years ago! (or roundabout)05:30
rdw200169vertana: ah, those were the days... many hours trying to get wireless working when there were no drivers05:30
kyleRanyone run vuze?05:30
gnutronclarks: lspci in a terminal05:30
tweakvertana: I tried installing an intel driver by hand earlier and ended up spending 3 hours re-installing and updating. :p05:30
rdw200169vertana: i learned a lot about linux then just trying to get it to work!05:30
Brack10How can I send f10 to the Ubuntu terminal without it activating the file menu?05:30
tweakrdw200169: Me too!05:31
rokr1man how to reduce authentication for each and ever program05:31
rokr1like firestarter05:31
rdw200169Brack10: Pun following: Ctrl + Alt + F105:31
vertanardw200169: And now it's paying off... I get to help in here :)05:31
rokr1man how to reduce authentication for each and every program05:32
vertanatweak: Now imagine that but with *gulp* wireless drivers...05:32
tweakVertana: omg lo thanks lmao05:32
rdw200169vertana: yeah, my trials and tribulations with the nvidia drivers make me weary about upgrading... once i got dual monitors working with 3D acceleration and compiz on only one monitor...05:32
tweakno thanks rather05:32
FlareDS!language | tweak05:33
ubottutweak: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.05:33
FlareDS!omg > tweak05:33
ubottutweak, please see my private message05:33
vertanardw200169: I have my laptop with nvidia drivers and three monitors one of which is an hdtv all at different resolutions... worked almost out of the box (installed driver via manager and did settings via nvidia-settings... worked perfectly).05:33
gnutronintel earnings dropped 90 per cent this year, i wonder why05:34
tweaki remember compiling wine from source on a 733mhz xbox..... 8 hours!05:34
rdw200169vertana: ah, but, do you have compiz working, with different screens, i.e. none of that 'stretched desktop' stuff?05:34
rokr1ru sure gnutron05:34
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:34
rdw200169vertana: i found that compiz only runs reliably one one of the screens, so i run metacity on the other05:34
zivany girls here?05:34
ziv- -'05:34
sukiminna_sory for posting this again. how to check wat version is my ubuntu kernel?05:34
tritiumziv: stay on topic05:34
rdw200169vertana: good for me: no loss in performance05:34
gnutronrokr1: thats what cnn said, and it was expected said wall street05:35
rokr1haha ziv]05:35
ziv= ='05:35
tweakziv: what does it matter this is a help channel!05:35
rokr1ziv have u ever used UBUNTU05:35
zivi need a girl05:35
bazhangziv, please stop.05:35
gnutronI'm offtopic sorry.05:35
rokr1go find some where else05:35
vertanardw200169: Compiz worked fine too! (although I no longer use it... I've grown out of eyecandy and like performance)05:35
FlareDSziv: don't make me get the ops (hehe)05:35
vertanaCan anyone here speak Malay?05:35
Madpilotsukiminna, "uname -r" in a terminal05:36
ubottubantuan bahasa melayu? sila join #ubuntu-my05:36
rdw200169vertana: yeah, i like cairo-dock05:36
Jack_SparrowFlareDS, He is   gone05:36
sukiminna_vertana : i can05:36
MadpilotFlareDS, too late, ops happened :)05:36
rdw200169vertana: it's a sick addiction i have, i need that mac-ness05:36
bazhangvertana, #ubuntu-my05:36
tweakFlareDS do it! i got in trouble for using the acronym laugh out loud05:36
zivsorry  i don't no that05:36
vertanasukiminna: Can you please help clarks.05:36
lonelhey any one played with openldap here,looks like ldap users cannot chdir to their home,and the home directory still exists05:36
rohil@rdw200169 , did you try Mac4Lin ?05:36
zivi don't no that05:36
bazhangziv, dont chat here. It is support ONLY05:36
vertanaHe has a problem with wireless card but not so well with English.05:36
=== rar is now known as Guest93528
vertanaThanks baz.05:36
Madpilotziv, #ubuntu-offtopic for just chatting05:37
rdw200169rohil: no, i just want it to 'feel' a bit like a mac, with the bottom toolbar ;)05:37
zivOK  thx~05:37
sukiminna_vertana : ic what i can do05:37
vertanaThanks suki.05:37
rokr1man any one with solution for 394505:37
rdw200169lonel: it seems like there's something missing in pam05:37
Jack_Sparrowrdw200169, cairo-dock gives you decent mac bottom bar05:37
rdw200169Jack_Sparrow: yes, and it doesn't ever crash, unlike awn05:38
rokr1will 3945 issue be solved in UBUNTU 9.0405:38
lonelrdw200169: good point,can you point me to something exactly? :)05:38
rdw200169lonel: lemme look it up real quick05:39
rdw200169lonel: it's on the tip of my tongue05:39
Jack_Sparrowsudo apt-get install cairo-dock05:39
razaccourhow do i stream from my tv to my laptop? my tv has the white, yellow, and red plug holes and my laptop had the normal hdmi prong port05:39
lonelrdw200169: thanks :)05:39
PeoplesAdvocateI was wondering if anyone knows how to install a printer on Kubuntu KDE 4.105:40
jedi06is pine available?05:40
PeoplesAdvocatenoone seems to be talking in #kubuntu irc05:40
hubarHow do you configure kde4 to use konqeror as default web browser? under intrepid.05:40
razaccouri tried kde and hated it, i'm a gnome guy05:40
hubarlol, people, we meet again. :)05:40
rdw200169lonel: i'm assuming that linux is not creating the user directories the first time they log in05:41
rdw200169lonel: that's what this is for:05:41
gnutronhubar: in your menu find preferred applications05:41
rdw200169lonel: http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/pam/Linux-PAM-html/sag-pam_mkhomedir.html05:41
razaccourhow do i stream from my tv to my laptop? my tv has the white, yellow, and red plug holes and my laptop has the normal hdmi prong port05:41
grindkingit's hilarous since i can't use flash10 64bit smoothly fullscreen, i can just use zoom desktop in compiz and it works just as good05:41
gnutronhubar: but that could be a gnome thing.05:41
rdw200169lonel: that should go in /etc/pam.d/common-session05:42
vertanagrindking: Good results from flash?05:42
rdw200169lonel: session required pam_mkhomedir.so skel=/etc/skel/ umask=002205:42
lonelrdw200169: i agree,there is a pam module to do that05:42
rdw200169lonel: that should do it05:42
rdw200169lonel: that's what the link pasted points to05:43
lonelrdw200169: yeah right,but i have the same issue even if i have the home directory created manually..looks like ldap users home directory is not visible to sshd or something05:43
lonelrdw200169: Could not chdir to home directory : No such file or directory05:43
grindkingvertana: i didn't try that much, i followed the ubuntu steps on the main page, and installed what i think was 32bit ff and flash plugin05:43
bret-when I orig installed ubuntu, my bluetooth adapter on my laptop worked perfectly05:43
lonelrdw200169: but the directory exists05:44
rdw200169lonel: you're using pam_ldap and pam_nss?05:44
bret-now I updated to 8.10 and she's no longer agreeing with me!05:44
vertanagrindking: These days you shouldn't even need 32-bit FF.05:44
grindkingvertana: and although pages do load that normally would crash in ff 64bit, if i try full screen it crashes05:44
vertanagrindking: Hm... so 80% victory? :p05:44
rdw200169lonel: this might help: http://www.saas.nsw.edu.au/solutions/ldap-auth-pam.html05:44
vertanagnutron: I assume andy just restarted lol.05:44
lonelrdw200169: let me check05:44
bazhangjigglypuff_, please stop05:45
grindkingvertana: http://bugs.adobe.com/jira/browse/FP-102605:45
gnutronvertana: on a fast box....maybe05:45
grindkingvertana: you said it pretty much perfectly, 80%05:45
chiehhello, i recently upgrade to 8.1 from 8.04, and all of the sudden my programs won't compile05:45
grindkingif im scared of browsing pages that might crash, i can use ff3205:45
rdw200169lonel: that, and you still need all the pam_unix.so stuff, even if you're using ldap05:45
grindkingif not, 64bit all the awy05:45
grindkingeither way im so happy vertana05:45
chiehit says that system is undeclared? has anyone run into this problem?05:45
grindkingi just watched step brothers, x264, dts, 1080p, perfectly quality05:45
vertanagrindking: Ah, I see. At least it's reported and all.05:45
grindkingno vsync issues, video quality phenomenal05:45
grindkingdrank the whole movie, so i shouldn't even be irciing05:46
rdw200169lonel: like the example in section of that last link i pasted05:46
grindkingvertana: it's just funny cuz you have an 'older' 64bit proc too05:46
Ace2016_-hi all05:46
PeoplesAdvocategrindking: from a torrent even though i do not condone illegal file sharing?05:46
grindkingvertana: but dont have the problem05:46
rdw200169lonel: b/c pam_unix sets up all the session variables for the shell (etc...)05:46
grindkingpeoplesadvocate: yes. do you really have to say that afterwards in here?05:46
rhonda_NVIDIA OpenGL Driver requires CPUs with SSE to run.05:46
rhonda_The current CPU does not support SSE.05:46
rhonda_can ne one tell me what that error means05:47
grindkingpeoplesadvocate: i mean seriously, if the movie's worth it, ill buy it on bd05:47
grindkingpeoplesadvocate: but watching it in a shit theater, with shit quality video, and not proper sound?05:47
PeoplesAdvocateme too05:47
grindkingpeoplesadvocate: no thanks.05:47
grindkingso ill gladly watch it on my setup05:47
bsusahello all05:47
grindkingit's better than a theater05:47
FloodBot1grindking: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:47
eyehatesludgealright i have an extremely nooby question, i downloaded the source for a program, how on earth do i compile it05:47
rdw200169lonel: just make sure you have a backup account available in the normal files, i.e. /etc/password /etc/shadow etc.. just in case the ldap server is inaccesible05:47
zivdoes any one knew gnomelooks?05:47
grindkingi guess i type faster than normal humans05:47
PeoplesAdvocateI like streaming my movie to my 3605:47
PeoplesAdvocatexbox 36005:48
Ace2016_-i need a simple image viewer, very simple, something that can open lots of image formats but loads fast, doesn't need to rotate images, just open them and zoom them05:48
grindkingi triggerd the flood bot05:48
grindkingpeoplesadvocate: yah but see05:48
grindkingpeoplesadvocate: streaming to 360 is only good for wmvhd05:48
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:48
rdw200169lonel: and make sure you don't *disable* logging in the old-school way; this also applies to the hosts file05:48
grindkingpeoplesadvocate: i have a wii, ps3, and n36005:48
Jack_Sparrowgrindking, Please keep it on one line and On-Topic05:48
rdw200169lonel: follow the warning about the hosts file, i burned myself on that one once05:48
PeoplesAdvocatei know but i rather watch them on my tv than theaters like you05:48
grindkingjack_sparrow: im sorry, my irssi isn't showing how many people are in here, and usually i accomodate for that stuff05:48
rdw200169lonel: if linux can't find localhost, it will NOT boot05:48
Jack_Sparrowgrindking, 127905:49
grindkingjack_sparrow: you probably aren't even on efnet, but it's become sort of a common day occurence to type massive amounts of lines for one topic,05:49
ubottuWEP is totally insecure, don't use it, the full Wireless Documentation for Ubuntu can be found at:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:49
lonelrdw200169: sure,i guess my issue is ldap+pam+ssh can see the ldap user's home directory05:49
rhonda_can someone help me zsnes05:49
grindkingjack_sparrow: what's 127905:49
PeoplesAdvocatethe people in room05:49
lonelrdw200169: it says no such file or directory05:49
Jack_Sparrowgrindking, This issnt efnet. so please keep it on topic05:49
bsusaim having abit of an issue when playing videos in ubuntu when compiz  effects are enabled in window mode. when i play the video in window mode its just black with sound, then when i make the video fullscreen i can see the video fine. I dont understand why it wont show the video in window mode only sound.05:49
gnutronPeoplesAdvocate: channel not room, thats too 'aol'ish' ;)05:50
gnutronPeoplesAdvocate: i'm kidding dude.05:50
tweakanyone know how the progress bar moves like a barbers pole? my system did that during install, and doesn't do it anymore.05:50
rhonda_my comp won't launch zsnes can someone help me05:51
grindkingpeoplesadvocate: anyway, im so happy that everything works perfectly, except for flash, but im patiently waiting on adobe for that fix05:51
grindkingand everything i've typed has been ON TOPIC05:51
rdw200169lonel: but it lets you log in via ssh?05:51
caveman26how to I turn on vsync on an ATi video card?05:51
rdw200169lonel: i.e. you get a bash prompt?05:51
lonelrdw200169: exactly05:51
Jack_Sparrow<grindking> peoplesadvocate: streaming to 360 is only good for wmvhd             is not ontopic05:51
lonelrdw200169: Could not chdir to home directory : No such file or directory05:51
caveman26I have screen tearing, and cant find a vsync setting for my card05:52
rdw200169lonel: i bet it's chrooting to the home directory, i.e. / is actually /home/user05:52
grindkingjack_sparrow: he mentioned it first, call him out not me05:52
rdw200169lonel: and locking the user out of /05:52
lonelrdw200169: looks like what you said is right05:52
Jack_SparrowTelling you both to stop it05:52
rdw200169rdw200169: you should check the sshd configuration05:52
usserrhonda_: zsnes is broken, in intrepid, some nasty bug, try a .deb from hardy or compile it from source05:53
lonelrdw200169: alright05:53
=== tome is now known as Guest17752
lonelrdw200169: UsePrivilegeSeparation yes05:53
rhonda_how can i get a .deb from hardy05:53
rdw200169lonel: i'm looking it up right now in man sshd_config05:53
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rdw200169lonel: do you have UsePAM set to yes?05:54
rdw200169lonel: in sshd_config?05:54
caveman26How do I turn on vsync for an ati card?05:55
ubottuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/05:55
lonelrdw200169: yes it is05:55
CaneToadI find that copying files from DVD to hard drive with nautilus in Ubuntu 8.10 consistently uses 90% CPU and makes the system perform really lousy.  That seems weird.  Copying files shouldn't be CPU intensive, but I/O intensive.    Any ideas?05:55
rdw200169lonel: ah, right, that's the ubuntu default05:56
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines05:56
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lonelrdw200169: need to change it?05:56
lonelJack_Sparrow: hey thats pointing towards us?05:56
tweakyou know the ubuntu symbol in the top left corner? I just want it to be blue. does anyone know where the image is stored so I can edit it?05:56
gnutronCaneToad: use the command line, its thee fastest method possible.05:57
rdw200169lonel: nope05:57
bret-anyone know why when I go to setup my bluetooth, it shows no adpaters?05:57
Jack_Sparrowlonel, No, for another user05:57
anuhi, i am writing in C++ . ? any tool can record all the behaviors of variables , function , objects ; and ... output a record-file for that ?05:57
lonelrdw200169: i am pretty sure users home directory is set in ldap,and this ssh+pam is doing something weird05:58
lonelrdw200169: it even cat se the user's home dir05:58
rdw200169lonel: the home directory is just like the home directory thing in /etc/passwords05:58
clarksJack_Sparrow, i need help about my wireless...last night before i shut down my laptop my wireless is detech..when i open my wireless this morning its not detech..can anyone help me?05:58
gompadoes one of you have expiriance installing ubuntu on asus m2m-e sli? (on a sata hardive)05:59
lonelrdw200169: yeah like /home/alex etc05:59
clarksJack_Sparrow, someone said you know how to fixed it..05:59
rhonda_how can i get a .deb from hardy05:59
Jack_Sparrowclarks I am off duty for the night and not up to handling much...05:59
Jack_Sparrowrhonda_, What are you trying to get?06:00
rhonda_im tryin to get zsnes to work on interpid06:00
tweakanyone experienced with costomizing the look of ubuntu? please /msg me06:00
rdw200169lonel: right06:00
clarksJack_Sparrow, so you dont want to help me on this?06:00
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy06:00
tweakyes I know where to get them06:01
Jack_Sparrowclarks, Not tonight.. Ask a good question with the info they need like hardware setup, version of Ubuntu etc and you will get an answer06:01
AnacranomJack_Sparrow, take a leave bro, g'night, you were here when i came in this morning, get rest06:02
Jack_SparrowAnacranom, Yea, still need to keep an eye on things... even if not answering tech issues06:02
gnutronrhonda_: try http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/allpackages06:03
clarksJack_Sparrow, Im using ubuntu 8.10 and my chipset is  Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection (rev 02). My problem is my wireless is not detech...this is the most problem is have since i use ubuntu...06:03
tweakyou know the loading p[rogress bar when you start ubuntu? I'd like to change it. i'm not sure what it's even called?06:03
rww!usplash | tweak06:03
ubottutweak: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork06:03
gompai installed ubuntu 8.10 on my m2n e sli but i get a  ata1 comreset faild end drop to buzy box can some one help me boot ubuntu ?06:04
Jack_Sparrowgompa, Are you runnind two video cards sli mode.. as that wisnt supported and  may be your issue06:05
gompajack_Sparrow nope only one 8800gt06:05
gompacheckt the bios and its in singel card mode06:05
gompahad the same issu on installing to but changed a not used ata port to raid and where able to boot06:06
Guest62899I'm trying to install ubuntu, i just deleted windows and formatted my hdd, when i try the live cd it won't run as live or install, it just gives me a blank screen. when i try the alternate installer disk, it gives me a {aperture beyond 4gb. ignoring... error. anyone know the problem?06:06
superkuhThere is a package (util-linux) that failed to install as part of an auto update. It prevents me from installing/removing/etc any other packages since it's added/prepended to the list of changes. How do I remove a package update from the queue of actions performed when using apt-get?06:06
NarcishaHi, I installed the latest nvidia drivers, and they wont stick after a reboot, newbie here, any suggestions on what to do? :/06:06
hubarGuest62899: try burning the image on a dvd?06:06
hubarGuest62899: I had a lot of problems with a cdrom copy, so I had to use dvd, and it worked perfectly.06:07
AnacranomCanonical updates Ubuntu every 6 months, because there has to be cycles of growth and reflection, fix whats broke, etc., but there must be rest, i have watched today for 16 hours, you were here then, and are here now, i only have to watch, you have DONE, get rest Jack_Sparrow06:07
tweakI like my Usplash i just want it to be blue!06:08
histo!splash > tweak06:08
ubottutweak, please see my private message06:08
StargazerHow do i extract a '*.BZ2' not "*.tar.bz2' ?06:08
histoStargazer, -j06:08
=== zkinion is now known as thebleh
histoStargazer, man tar06:09
Jack_SparrowAnacranom, I have spent as much as 20 hrs in a day and averaged over 1000 responses / lines a day every day for months at a time06:09
AnacranomStargazer, add -j06:09
=== thebleh is now known as zkinion
histoStargazer, will show you all the switches06:09
w8jkcStargazer "tar -xvfj <filename>"06:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gconf-editor06:09
AnacranomStargazer, add -j and not -z06:09
gnutrontweak: the xubuntu splash is 'blue-ish'06:09
rohil1Hi all, is there a good web dev IDE for linux equivalent to Aptana or Dreamweaver. I am having troubles installing Aptana on Ubuntu. Thanks.06:09
Dr_willisStargazer,   the extension should be .bz2  i would change it06:10
robert__Narcisha! | is it when you adjust the settings they wont stick correct06:10
infernal_jesusIs it possible to add another item to the menu in gnome panel?06:10
chilli0Hello all , Is there away to see peoples ips that im connected to with pidgen?06:10
Dr_willis`bunzip2 --help'.06:10
DasEIcan I bind the interface to a certain nic (ip or mac-address) when setting up a vsFTPd  ?06:10
Narcisharobert__: i installed the 180 version, it worked perfectly, then i rebooted, and i cant even get into the desktop06:10
infernal_jesusSo: Applications, Places, System, Foo, Bar06:10
Narcishai'm on the livecd now06:10
gompainfernal jesus06:11
Jack_SparrowAnacranom, You are right.. I need some rest...  Everyone play nice...  I review the logs too.. :)             Goodnight06:11
gompatry right clicking the pannel06:11
infernal_jesusgompa, yeah, I've exhausted that option. :P06:11
gompaad to pannel06:11
infernal_jesusAlacarte doesn't do it.06:11
infernal_jesusYou can add another menu.06:11
gompaoh :P06:11
infernal_jesusBut not another item to the menu.06:12
tweaki just can't figure out how to edit the splash...06:12
AnacranomJack_Sparrow, g'night bro, just remember,,, !patience06:12
robert__It sounds like a the settings in X are messed up i had issues with this a little too, i'll see if i can find the solution i used06:12
jedi06is there a pine?06:12
jedi06sudo aptitude install pine06:12
albuntuinfernal_jesus: when you right click the menus you have an option Edit Menus06:13
albuntuthat would do what you want06:13
Narcisharobert__: first problem is that i need somewhere to get into the system, all i an do is some bogus radiobutton selections, which all leads to a lightblack screen and no further access except rebooting, its like the system cant find the updated things :/06:13
robert__So on boot do you get the Verbose messages - These are the list of things as they start06:14
Jack_SparrowNarcisha, at the black screen ctrl-alt F1 and see if you get a term06:14
ZemusHey, I've done this many times in the past, but I forgot the command to display a list of running processes?06:14
gnutronjedi06: pine isn't i the repo's but mutt is similiar. or you could build pine06:14
* clarks headache..dont know how to find the wireless problem..06:14
NarcishaJack_Sparrow: nothing worse on those06:14
robert__yes Jack_Sparrow06:14
gompatop htop06:14
rwwjedi06: pine isn't under active development any more. Consider using its direct successor, alpine.06:14
robert__that was my next steps06:15
n8tuserZemus-> ps06:15
Narcisharobert__: i get the splash screen, then it dissapears, i see the tty thingy, it flashes and stuff, and after 1'2 flashes it goes to the checkbox thingy which i cant get out from06:15
n8tuserZemus-> ps -aux06:15
Zemusn8tuser: that's what I was looking for, thanks06:15
infernal_jesusn8tuser, without -.06:15
raylun8tuser: ps -e06:15
robert__as jack said do u get the terminal when you press Ctrl+alt+F106:15
Narcishano, i dont06:16
tweakDoes anyone know how to edit usplash?06:16
Narcishahence my problem06:16
n8tuserinfernal_jesus-> try it with a dash and see if it makes a difference on ubuntu06:16
robert__bugger it's really sick06:16
infernal_jesusn8tuser, oh right. Ubuntu.. oops. :D06:16
gnutronNarcisha: your usplash is broken06:16
gnutronNarcisha: try re-installing - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplash06:17
Narcishai've reinstalled 4 times, this time it finally worked, until a reboot, which is when the gfx drivers stop working :/06:17
n8tuserinfernal_jesus-> btw, as unix based system, all commands ought to have -  for opt06:17
infernal_jesusn8tuser, Warning: bad syntax, perhaps a bogus '-'? See /usr/share/doc/procps-3.2.7/FAQ06:18
gnutrontweak: thats wouldn't be easy, i surely don't know how, never tried.06:18
robert__gnutron how would this be done if the only access is via live disk is there an easy way to fix these things running from a live disk??? just as a currious side note06:18
tweakgnutron: Couldn't I just open the images and paint them different colours?06:18
Dr_willisI was thinkign the use of - was clarified  a few years back - i recall ps, and tar, no longer needing - for  the 'commands' to the command.   but just for the 'arguments' to the commands... (or so i recall reading at the time)06:18
supravatcan I see other user's pwd using shell script ?06:18
SamIAManyone know how I might be able to fix a stuttering mouse06:18
infernal_jesusSamIAM, speech therapist?06:19
n8tuserinfernal_jesus-> no, try to write a program without using - for opt,  look to optargs as a hint06:19
infernal_jesusOh, write a program.. :P06:19
SamIAMWho didn't know I'd get a smart remark :)06:19
On0biSamIAM: stop jerking06:19
SamIAMok, laggy mouse06:19
gnutronrobert__: ive never used a livecd but some things can be fixed but the hdd must be mounted because youre running off the cd not the hdd. unless your using gparted or something.06:19
infernal_jesusSamIAM, you sure it's a software issue?06:19
robert__ok i'll play with it at some time06:20
gnutrontweak: i dont think its that easy but maybe06:20
SamIAMruns fine on 2 other machines06:20
SamIAMrunning ubuntu06:20
robert__something i just thought maybe worth looking at and since we were near the topic i thought i'd through it up06:20
circuitanybody there ?06:20
gnutronrobert__: what are you trying to fix?06:20
circuithi all06:21
QubitsHey guys06:21
circuithi guys06:21
QubitsHi circuit06:21
jedi06how would i scp to a computer on the same subnet?06:21
QubitsCan someone help me with a problem I'm having with gettin ggrub installed06:21
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circuithey can any on help me regardin ubuntu8.1006:21
gompastill no one who can help booting 8.10 on m2n sli ?06:21
QubitsI am using the livecd06:21
On0bicircuit: what kind of help06:22
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?06:22
robert__anything - ie the usplash that Narcisha is trying to fix i guess things like this should be easy enough to fix from the live disk once you mount the hard disk06:22
gnutronjedi06: scp /path/to/file   user@ip-address:  smash enter06:22
supravatcan any body tell me how can I see the working shell of other loged in user in Linux ?06:22
QubitsIs there a list of options06:22
* Qubits anticipated !anyone06:22
QubitsIs there list of boot options06:22
albuntudoes anyone knows if there is any problem when you write a how to in the forums ? because i just wrote one now and it didnt showed up. or the moderators have to check that before ?06:22
robert__as i said i had similar issue before and the way i fixed it probably wasn't the best06:22
Narcisharobert__: the thing id like fixed is so the nvidia driver sticks after a reboot :D06:22
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jedi06gnutron what is the user?06:22
squirrel75gparted won't let me resize an ntfs partition with over 50 GB free,  any ideas?06:22
Narcishaive tried the 177 one, and all that got me was a reinstall :p06:22
torrancewhi all, having audio trouble with a newly built machine running intrepid x64 - can provide further specs as needed06:22
rwwalbuntu: ask in #ubuntuforums06:23
albunturww: ok thanks06:23
gnutronjedi06: you need to know that ahead of time06:23
histo!sound | torrancew06:23
ubottutorrancew: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP306:23
Dr_willisalbuntu,  you may also want to do a wiki page on it. the forums have had some issues lately06:23
jedi06well at the command prompt it says ubuntu@ubuntu06:23
QubitsHey rww, it would be easier to boot off the HD install of ubuntu and run grub-install from there06:23
jedi06can i just use ubuntu as the user?06:23
jedi06gnutron ^06:23
histoalbuntu, I believe the howtos have to be approved but #ubuntuforums would know for sure06:23
histojedi06, yes06:23
gompawhent trying to boot to ubuntu 8.10 i drop to buzy box becouse ata1 comreset faild what to do ?06:23
robert__Narcisha - my problems with nvidia drivers comes after that where by it's application doesn't have the rights to write changes out to the config file thus06:24
histo!sudo | jedi0606:24
ubottujedi06: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)06:24
albuntuhisto: ok thanks :)06:24
gnutronrobert__: boot to recovery mode to fix most things06:24
un_davehey all. i just realised my sources.list in /etc/apt references hardy everywhere06:24
torrancewwhen i click the volume control, i get the following error - "No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found." audio worked fine after install, then i upgraded to the nvidia restricted driver 17306:24
un_daveand i'm running intrepid06:24
cuddlefishanyone know how to make a blank package?06:24
histoun_dave, is intrepid in there at all?06:24
un_daveshould i change it all to reference intrepid, and update?06:24
histo!easysource | un_dave06:24
rwwun_dave: copy your sources.list to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ and link here.06:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about easysource06:24
robert__the resolution given to the monitor i use ends up making the thing not work so i had to manually reconfigure these settings so they are more appropriate06:25
jedi06ok histo i tried that didn't work i'm going from windows to ubuntu06:25
=== clarks is now known as gizmo
QubitsAlright  does anyone know the boot params one can use to have the cd boot to the HD install06:25
gnutronjedi06: ubuntu@ubuntu is your machine right? you need to know the username and password of the remote06:25
histojedi06, what are you trying to do?06:25
Qubitsfor instance on /dev/sda306:25
jedi06scp from windows to ubuntu06:25
un_daverww: ok06:25
histoQubits, the install cd boots to desktop and you have to run the GUI installer.06:25
=== gizmo is now known as clarks
robert__i believe though that ur issue is similar which card is it in the nvidia's06:25
cuddlefishanyone know how to make a metapackage?06:25
transporterhey can somebody recommend me a good personal diary06:25
histoQubits, there is no text install on the default cd you need the alternate iso or the net cd06:25
histo!install > Qubits06:26
ubottuQubits, please see my private message06:26
un_davehisto: doesnt seem to mention intrepid, except where i've added a custom source06:26
robert__i know mine is the 8600GT06:26
histoun_dave, can you pastebin your sources.list and the output of uname -r06:26
gnutronjedi06: get putty on the windows box and i'll walk you through it06:26
histoun_dave, err. cat /etc/issue   sry06:26
jedi06i have putty06:26
un_davehisto: doesnt seem to mention intrepid, except where i've added a custom source06:26
histoun_dave, paste sources.list to paste bin and paste cat /etc/issue in here06:26
un_davehisto, rww: http://paste.ubuntu.com/105811/06:27
histojedi06, ahh you are trying to log in remotely?06:27
gnutronjedi06: pscp.exe will do, its part of the putty package for windows06:27
rwwun_dave: what's the output of "lsb_release -a"? hardy or intrepid?06:27
torrancewdoes anyone know if there's a known bug with the nvidia 173 driver that breaks realtek audio?06:27
histoun_dave, what is the output of cat /etc/issue06:27
sukiminna_how to disable kill-switch in ubuntu 8.1006:27
histojedi06, is your ubuntu machine set to answer? did you install ssh?06:27
un_davehisto, rww: cat /etc/issue says 8.04 :S06:27
jedi06doing that now histo06:28
histoun_dave, isn't that hardy?06:28
gnutronjedi06: ok get into the windows directory where the files are you want to transfer06:28
histoun_dave, yes you are running hardy06:28
un_davedamn. i guess it is... but i thought i updated!06:28
histo!upgrade | un_dave06:28
ubottuun_dave: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes06:28
gnutronjedi06: or do you want to recurse the whole dir06:28
rwwun_dave: Doesn't look like it. Try following the upgrade instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IntrepidUpgrades06:29
histojedi06, after you install ssh you can then use putty and connect using your regular user06:29
Qubitsrww can I pm you06:29
un_davehisto. rww: thanks06:29
un_davewill do06:29
QubitsIt's hard to read06:29
histojedi06, I would change the default port by editing the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file   So you don't get ppl trying to break in.06:29
chrisinajar_dpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 26039 package `ghostscript-x': `Depends' field, syntax error after reference to package `libice6'06:29
gnutronjedi06: histo is right, you need ssh-server running on the ubuntu box06:29
rwwQubits: I'm useless at GRUB issues, if that's what your problem is.06:29
chrisinajar_i can't install or remove any packages06:29
chrisinajar_i get that error06:30
histognu2it2, install the ssh package will get it going06:30
QubitsIt's just that I need to access my installation then I can get grub to install frmo there rww06:30
QubitsDo you know how I can boot into my linux install from the cd options06:30
powneris it me, or does networkmanager have a bug that prevents me from using the MAC text field on my interface.. google is failing me.06:30
rwwQubits: no. Ask the channel in general.06:30
histoQubits, ahh well boot the live cd then you can chroot and reinstall grub06:30
histo!grub | Qubits06:30
ubottuQubits: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:30
pownerwhen I put a new mac, the network doesn't start at all - when i remove it, it connects06:30
gompaok becouse i cant install natively does someone know the best supported virtual macine ?06:31
pownerbut it's fine if i use ip, ifconfig or macchanger06:31
gnutronhisto: she mentioned subnet so i dont think tcp 22 is open to the WAN06:31
rwwpowner: it's possible that your hardware or the kernel module/driver doesn't support using a custom MAC address.06:31
rwwpowner: ah. nvm then.06:31
histognutron, tru dat06:31
ThreetimesHi, I formatted  usb-drive. How can I restore the data?06:31
rww!recover | Threetimes06:32
ubottuThreetimes: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel06:32
tweakwhat is a gtk 2.x theme?06:32
QubitsThreetimes try GetDataBack06:32
Qubitsor @active partition recovery06:32
ydnhtuyrnsnot good06:32
Threetimesok, btw is was fat3206:32
torrancewsorry if i'm being a bother, but this is a rather odd problem - i have sound modules loaded, lspci returns my proper sound card, but alsa just isn't seeing it06:32
quiksilverbash: django-admin.py: command not found06:32
Qubitstorrancew did you try running alsaconfig06:32
quiksilverim certain that i symlinked everything correctly06:33
quiksilvercan someone please help me?06:33
gnutrontweak: I assume theme for gtk version 2.x06:33
torrancewqubits - command not found, and couldn't find it with apt either06:33
QubitsOk guys I mounted my install in /media, I need to install grub, is there a way to change into my installation with some commands like chroot and more06:33
Qubitstorrancew google what package its in06:33
QubitsIt's really handy06:33
QubitsSets it all up06:33
tweak<---- idiot. am I using that? I have no idea? Ubuntu8.1006:34
bamhm182hey, I was running Ubuntu a while back, and it was really good, however, every time I turned on my computer, I'd have to disconnect and reconnect my bluetooth keyboard/mouse, does anyone know if that has been fixed yet?06:34
rwwtweak: Most programs in Ubuntu 8.10 use GTK 2, yes.06:34
QubitsOk heres my issue! ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ grub-install --root-directory=/media /dev/sda206:34
vertanatweak: We know :p   I just got back, what's the problem?06:34
Qubits /dev/sda2 does not have any corresponding BIOS drive.06:34
powneris 8.10 "bleeding-edge" or is there a devel repository i can put somewhere?06:34
tweakwhat is a gtk 2.x theme?06:34
gompatweak its for gtk apps06:35
gnutrontorrancew: use asoundconf in a terminal and set default sound card, should be in your menu also06:35
vertanapowner: 8.10 is not 'bleeding edge', but 9.04 is.06:35
gompalike vlc06:35
tweakwhat's a gtk app?06:35
QubitsDoes anyone know another way to get grub installed? What about something even like fdisk -B? I'll take any bootloader06:35
gompavlc ?06:35
pownerthanks vertana06:35
Qubitstweak just about any desktop app06:35
torrancewgnutron - what's the parameter for the card?06:35
Qubitsgompa: the videolan media player06:35
vertanatweak: GTK is what QT is to KDE. Just the toolset used to make the apps (Over simplified MUCH).06:36
rww!gtk | tweak06:36
ubottutweak: GTK is the !GIMP toolkit, which forms the base of !GNOME and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI06:36
FibonacciHello. I have an Epson Stylus C67 which up until now had been working perfectly under Ubuntu. Now I've got no cyan ink, but the darned machine refuses to print even in greyscale. What can I do?06:36
gnutrontorrancew: try asoundconf -list06:36
vertanapowner: No problem, gksudo "update-manager -d" to get 9.04 (in ubuntu, not kubuntu).06:36
infernal_jesusFibonacci, I love your work! The sequence, genius!06:36
infernal_jesusWait a second! The _real_ Fibonacci is dead!06:37
infernal_jesusYou're a phony!06:37
Fibonacciinfernal_jesus: why no, I'm not, I'm immortal!06:37
tweakon the gnome-look site there's all kinds of links to themes and stuff on the left, but I understand none of it lol06:37
bamhm182Does anyone know?06:37
torrancewgnutron - done that - the command is "asoundconf set-default-card PARAMETER"06:37
torrancewscanning the man pages to try to find the format of PARAMETER06:37
infernal_jesusFibonacci, lol.06:37
gnutrontorrancew: try system/preferences/set default sound card, its easier06:37
Fibonacciinfernal_jesus: I might be immortal, but I can't get a damn printer to work again.06:37
vertanatweak: On the newer distro's you want GTK 2.x themes (not 1.x).06:37
Madpilottweak, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy will explain much06:38
DezineWhat is the best way to move from Ubuntu 32 to 64? Am I stuck reinstalling completely or will it allow me to move things over with an upgrade of sorts?06:38
torrancewgnutron: there is no "set default sound card", but the sound menu only lets me select the software backend (alsa/pulse/oss/etc)06:38
bamhm182Does anyone here use a bluetooth keyboard?06:39
gnutrontorrancew: try asoundconf list   drop the hyphen you'll see the devices06:39
torrancewgnutron - returns none06:39
binskipy2uhey guys.. anyone in here using 8.04 INSTEAD of 8.10 ? since  its supported a year longer, its not so bleeding edge, and if you do, do you think its more "stable" and "tested" then 8.10 and the latest?06:39
tweakwhat's a Metacity?06:39
torrancewwhich is odd.06:39
gompawhat  does ubuntu 9.04 alpha add ?06:39
QubitsSomeone could have told me about super-grub-disk06:39
gnutrontorrancew:  lspci   does it show up06:39
torrancewgnutron: sure does06:39
vertanaDezine: The best thing to do would be complete reinstall (So that all the apps are 64-bit also), but you can also just get the 64-bit kernel. (But the kernel way won't be fastest as the apps are still only 32-bit).06:39
inktrihey guys i've got a Switch and i'd like to set up a small network of computers. the switch doesn't have DHCP. how would i set up the static ip's for the computers? thanks06:40
bamhm182Alright, I'll just go ask on the forums06:40
Madpilotgompa, the chance to test an alpha release and keep all the bits if/when it breaks?06:40
pownerheh i just looked up update-manager -d on google and then read your response XD  hate when i do that06:40
torrancewgnutron: it was working after install, but it disappeared after i upgraded video drivers06:40
DezineAlright, this may seem backwards but could I just install the kernal.. remove all the old programs and then install the 64bit?06:40
gnutrontorrancew: asoundconf list  shows nothing!?06:40
arvind_khadribinskipy2u,  i do, but take this to #ubuntu-offtopic06:40
DezineI ask because I installed with unetbootin and would rather do it that way06:40
vertanainktri: right click on networkmanager and select edit connections and then make a static wired.06:40
dayo_j ]06:41
Robert_Surcoufbinskipy2u: on desktop I usually go for the latest version06:41
torrancew"torrancew@tray-desktop:~$ asoundconf list06:41
torrancewNames of available sound cards:06:41
torrancewtorrancew@tray-desktop:~$ "06:41
gnutrontorrancew: dmesg |less  look for it there or reboot06:41
FloodBot1torrancew: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:41
dayo_inktri: http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-ubuntu8.04-lts-p306:41
gompamadpilot do you know if they changed the kernal or some ting ? (ps having truble booting 8.10 becouse of ata comresetfaild so i hoped that install might fix it )06:41
pownerdoes 9.04 really boot in ~20 seconds or do i need to change something or is it environmental06:41
torrancewreboot hasn't solved anything06:41
vertanaDezine: That way is a LOT of unnecessary work. Theoretically it could work, but reinstalling is much easier.06:41
shearok, very quick question. Does pretty much everything work on amd64 now? I'm talking flash, win32 codecs, etc. I remember the last time I tried it, I had to spend hours trying (and failing) to get some basic stuff to work.06:41
Madpilotgompa, no idea, actually06:41
Dezinelol ok, I'll just switch over and download the 64bit with unetbootin06:41
gnutrontorrancew: freaking video drivers!!  [expletives galore here]06:42
Robert_Surcoufshear: being on amd64 everything is just fine at least for my usage06:42
torrancewgnutron: indeed06:42
DezineI don't have a cd drive or usb so it's the only way.. works well anyway06:42
arvind_khadrigompa, the kernel changed from 8.04 to 8.1006:42
vertanapowner: The 9.04 stats about the 20 second bootup you've heard of is due to increased r/w speeds from ext4 (as opposed to ext3 in use now).06:42
rwwshear: in my experience, yeah06:42
bamhm182you guys can see my messages, right?06:42
* dayo_ ears are bleeding06:42
Madpilotgompa, #ubuntu+1 is the channel for the alpha release discussions06:42
FibonacciAlso, ever since the upgrade to Intrepid, escputil segfaults no matter what I'm trying to do with the printer - even reading the ink levels.06:42
pownerahh i see06:42
gompaah thanks madpilot06:42
Dezinethank for the help06:42
Robert_Surcoufbamhm182: what is your message sorry I joined late06:42
pownerim trying to stay away from journaling as i'm using flash06:42
pownerstill ext206:42
torrancewgnutron: i've found that others have had similar problems, but haven't found a solution that works for me. on a side note, 64 bit intrepid is much.... wonkier than 3206:42
shearok, thanks, I'll give it a shot here. It *was* admittedly close to 4 years ago that I last tried amd64. I expect things have changed.06:43
bamhm182alright, cool, I was just wondering if I was actually posting because nobody was acknowledging me06:43
vertanapowner: To be honest, if all you're looking for is a way to boot faster, wait until 9.04 is in beta at least so not as much stuff breaks. (or now if you like to submit bug reports and such)06:43
Robert_Surcoufbamhm182: and your question/problem is ?06:43
gompaarvind_khadri if i recall corectly 8.04 wouldt boot either06:43
gnutrontorrancew: i wont put 8.10 on my 64 bit box anytime soon it works too good to break.06:43
arvind_khadrigompa, boot where?? on a desktop?06:44
maxxisttorrancew  loving 64bit here...06:44
torrancewgnutron: what version are you running?06:44
vertanagnutron: I did an update manager upgrade and it worked flawlessly.06:44
bamhm182Robert_Surcouf: I have a bluetooth keyboard, last time I was on Ubuntu, EVERY time I turned on my computer, I would have to disconnect it and plug it back in, which really isn't that big of a problem, but it is annoying, does anyone know if this has been fixed yet?06:44
vertanagnutron: To 8.10 I should clarify.06:44
Guest62899trying to mount cd-rom to install ubuntu. Nothing lets it detect my drive. im trying to use the alternate instller06:44
gompaarvind_khadri yeah on a asus m2n e sli with one ide drive and one sata drive to be exact06:44
yo_linuxhi, how do I install a minimal but working X server on ubuntu-server 8.1. I have xserver-xorg, but I think I need some sort of display manager?06:44
gnutrontorrancew: on this box, 8.10, been dist upgrading it since buntu was invented06:44
gompaand a ide dvd drive06:45
pownernaw the boot time was just something i noticed now - i actually want to test for bugs in packages using newer upstream sources06:45
arvind_khadrigompa, oh ... no idea06:45
gnutronvertana: i'll keep that in mind, thanks.06:45
torrancewgnutron: and your 64 bit?06:45
gompaarvind_khadri ahw to baad06:45
Robert_Surcoufbamhm182: I would assume it because Linux send a message to shut it down, a quick but not nice things to do would be to avoid to shutdown the bluetooth in rc.d06:45
pownerto see if an upstream fix has made it down already06:45
vertanapowner: Well, I'm not sure if Alpha2 is out yet, but that's the one with ext4 included in it.06:45
ThreetimesQubits: GetDataBack is a windows app?06:46
tweakhey when I try to install a gtk theme it says that it will not look proper because the theme "Default" is not installed06:46
torrancewwhat's even stranger is that all the sound modules for the kernel are loaded, and i believe they are the correct modules06:46
gnutrontorrancew: the 64 bit is still 8.04 hardy and java/flash ff-64 work great with sound, dvd et al06:46
vertanatorrancew: I'm on 8.10 (distro upgraded from 8.04) and I'm on 64 bit and all my applications work flawlessly, but as always YMMV depending on all the extra programs you have installed.06:46
bamhm182what would that do?06:46
bamhm182just have my keyboard on 24/7?06:46
maxxisttorrancew you are having issues with 64bit 8.10?06:46
torrancewmaxxist: mainly this sound problem, other than that i've overcome everything else06:47
torrancewi've just noticed that it requires many restarts to get installs to "take", if you will06:47
maxxisttorrancew  what is the sound problem?  what sound chipset are you using?06:47
gompavertana powner  apha 2 is out06:47
Robert_Surcouftorrancew: you tried to fixed it with alsamixer ?06:47
vertanagompa: Thank you, very much. There ya go powner. Ext4 at your fingertips ^^06:47
torrancewRobert_Surcouf: there is no device to configure anymore06:48
pownertx guys =)06:48
powneror girls06:48
vertanatorrancew: I had to restart twice. Once after upgrade. Once after Nvidia drivers. That was it ^^06:48
torrancewmaxxist: Realtek integrated - it was working fine until i upgraded video drivers06:48
torrancewvertana: that makes me sad.06:48
jedi06gnutron i installed dropbear still can't get it06:48
maxxisttorrancew  using pulseaudio or alsa?06:49
torrancewdropbox wouldn't initialize without one, and i believe that on my 32 bit machine it picked up fine06:49
vertanatorrancew: If you don't use proprietary drivers then it's only one restart, due to kernel upgrade.06:49
torrancewmaxxist: tried both06:49
torrancewvertana: yeah, the nvidia proprietary driver is (i believe) what broke my sound06:49
QubitsThere is informations about how to restore grub from a livecd here :06:49
QubitsI also found something showing how to install grub frmo the grub command line06:49
vertanatorrancew: There is no way a video driver broke your sound. What makes you think that?06:49
gnutronjedi06: dropbear?  you need sshd running on ubuntu and puTTy on windows. dropbear im not familiar with.06:50
maxxisttorrancew  you did just a video driver upgrade and it went away?06:50
Qubitsroot (hd0,1)06:50
=== binarymutt_ is now known as binarymutt
torrancewmaxxist: yes06:50
Qubitssetup (hd0)06:50
QubitsThat did it I think FYI06:50
jedi06dropbear is a lightweight SSH2 server06:50
QubitsPlease try to actually help people with grub problems now06:50
vertanatorrancew: Interesting... And it stayed that way even after x/computer restarted?06:50
torrancewthe volume control, when clicked, gives this error: "No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found."06:50
rdw200169gnutron: wow, last time i saw dropbear was on openwert06:50
jedi06how do i install sshd then gnutron?06:50
torrancewit worked until the restart06:50
rdw200169gnutron: openwrt06:50
torrancewbut all the modules are loaded06:50
gnutronjedi06: on the ubuntu box? is it running?06:50
vertanajedi06: sudo aptitude install opensshd (I believe)06:51
torrancewit just doesn't see my card anymore. in certain places06:51
maxxisttorrancew  can you open sound in preferences?06:51
jedi06yes on ubuntu06:51
vertanatorrancew: Make sure all those sound tests work.06:51
torrancewthey freeze the machine06:51
gnutronjedi06: openssh-server is the package im pretty sure but we can try dropbear if your ready06:51
torrancewmaxxist: yes06:51
jedi06ok i have both now06:52
maxxisttorrancew  is there any sound chips listed in there?06:52
gnutronjedi06: how many files do you wanna transfer to the buntu box06:52
vertanatorrancew: Do they freeze up even when you select other options? Try pulseaudio or alsa (two most likely to work).06:52
jedi06actually i want to save some to windows06:52
Robert_Surcouftorrancew: aplay -ILv will give you the configuration you could post also you can dmesg | grep -i alsa and dmesg | grep -i snd06:53
torrancewvertana: tried alsa, switched to pulseaudio, but didn't run the tests. still nothing though06:53
gnutronjedi06: open a dos box06:53
torrancewmaxxist: no06:53
torrancewRobert_Surcouf: aplay returns absolutely nothing06:53
gnutronjedi06: type pscp  does it show help info?06:53
torrancewnor does dmesg | grep -i alsa06:54
jedi06nope i have putty and winscp06:54
maxxisttorrancew what are the chances you want to do a reinstall?  unless someone knows how to do an audio hardware reconfigure.....06:54
Guest62899ubuntu really doesnt want to install on my computer. Does anyone know of any other linux variations that support dual monitors?06:54
torrancewmaxxist: i'm not keen on it, esp. given i'm 99% certain that when i re-upgrade my video drivers, this will happen all over again06:54
maxxisttorrancew  i dont see how a video driver would do this...06:54
gnutronjedi06: the putty package should include pscp.exe, you can grab it in seconds, want the url?06:55
mrpocketsis there no way to send CTRL+ALT+DEL in VNC through terminal server ?06:55
torrancewmaxxist: it doesn't make sense to me either, but i've found that others have had the same problem, just haven't found a solution that works fo rme06:55
jedi06ok gnutron sure06:55
Robert_Surcouftorrancew: you don't see it in the lscpi as well ?06:55
torrancewmaxxist: also, given that this is my first go-round with a 64 bit, i was very careful, and restarted after nearly every upgrade06:56
Robert_Surcouftorrancew: lspci06:56
jedi06gnutron but i already have putty.exe06:56
gnutronjedi06: sec06:56
maxxisttorrancew  i would honestly think a reinstall would be a great idea.  if you can reproduce the issue I would say it would be a bug to be submitted.06:56
torrancewRobert_Surcouf: lspci | grep -i snd returns nothing06:56
gnutronjedi06: that just opens a session06:56
Robert_Surcouftorrancew: you have a nvidia as sound and graphic card ?06:56
torrancewmaxxist: if it is the driver, it's a bug for nvidia06:56
jedi06well i got winscp probably the same thing06:56
torrancewRobert_Surcouf: nVidia nForce chipset on mobo (integrated sound), and nVidia geForce 8 card06:57
maxxisttorrancew  reboot after every upgrade is excessive.  you should really only need to when a kernel gets upgraded.  but i just installed 64 bit.  and did an nvidia driver install 180.  no probs here06:57
gnutronjedi06: download pscp.exe and put it in your path \windows will do. http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html06:57
torrancewmaxxist: where can i get 180? the distro only recognized up to 17306:58
Robert_Surcouftorrancew: I do too on a hpslim box what is the version of your graphic driver ?06:58
NarcishaHow can I check which graphics drivers I'm using? I *think* I managed to roll back the updates, just need to be sure06:58
Robert_Surcouftorrancew: dmesg | grep NVRM06:58
torrancewRobert_Surcouf: if i do a straight lspci, i can dig through and find it06:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ssid06:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about SSID06:58
maxxisttorrancew and my system is integrated audio also.  my nvidia card is a 9600gt.  I found 180 in synaptic...06:58
torrancewRobert_Surcouf: nVidia proprietary 17306:59
gnutronNarcisha: lsmod in a terminal06:59
jedi06ok done gnutron06:59
ItaciousCan someone please direct me in how to set up internet connection sharing in (x)ubuntu using Firestarter? I want to have a computer (namely and Xbox 360) connect through eth0 (ethernet) to the internet via eth1 (wifi). Any ideas? Thanks.06:59
maxxisttorrancew   do a search for nvidia in synaptic.  there should be an 180 driver in there...07:00
Itacious*name an07:00
Itacious**namely an Xbox 36007:00
Melikhow can i see hidden folders in bash?07:00
Robert_Surcouftorrancew: as maxxist pointed out the last one on synaptic is 180 on the nvidia website they have the 180.22 both of them works well07:00
Dr_willis!ics | Itacious07:00
ubottuItacious: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php07:00
torrancewRobert_Surcouf: "00:07.0 Audio device: nVidia Corporation Realtek ALC1200 8-Channel High Definition Audio Codec (rev a1)" turns up with a plain lspci07:00
gnutronjedi06: so what dir or file do you want from the ubnutu box, it needs to be in the user /home/user/ dir07:00
torrancewwill look into it07:00
jedi06say foo.txt gnutron for now07:01
gnutronjedi06: open a dos box, then mkdir \temp07:01
Brack10anyone know if it's possible to stream pandora, last.fm, xm radio or any similar service with mplayer?07:01
Robert_Surcouftorrancew: mine is a MCP7307:01
gnutronjedi06: pscp wont copy to your personal dir07:01
Dr_willisBrack10,  you want to stream a stream?07:01
torrancewBrack10: pandora and last.fm both use proprietary flash streams, i believe07:01
gnutronjedi06: cd \temp07:02
FirefisheI'm using ubuntu 8.10 on an Asus G50v-X1 laptop.  Have a dvd burner that I can't access.  When I put a dvd movie in the drive, it initially will show it as being mounted and available.  After a while, though--usually after the first attempt at accessing it through whatever file manager I'm using (doesn't matter which), the drive locks up and the system stops recognizing it.07:02
jedi06ok gnutron07:02
MHz128Hello! Is there a modifiable setting that defines the mouse over gnome-panel-menu delay?07:02
maxxisttorrancew I would say try the 180 nvidia driver.  if that doesnt work.  a reinstall would be best.  if you can reproduce the problem it would be a good bug report to submit.07:02
torrancewmaxxist: which package(s) should i use?07:02
gnutronjedi06: then pscp ubuntu@ubuntu:foo.txt .   smash enter  [dont forget the dot or colon07:03
maxxisttorrancew   sec07:03
Robert_Surcouftorrancew: seems that there is a workaround for your problem07:03
jedi06do i need to start the ssh deamon on ubuntu?07:03
torrancewRobert_Surcouf: what would that be?07:04
gnutronjedi06: sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start07:04
Robert_Surcouftorrancew: adding a line in /etc/modprobe.d/asla-base adding options snd-hda-intel probe_mask=107:04
maxxisttorrancew  nvidia-glx-180 should be the one.07:04
Robert_Surcouftorrancew: did you tried it ?07:04
torrancewmaxxist thanks07:04
maxxisttorrancew  nvidia-glx-180 should be the one.    should autoremove the old one.07:04
torrancewRobert_Surcouf: not yet07:04
maxxisttorrancew   you may have to restart after that one though.07:05
gnutronjedi06: then pscp ubuntu@192.168.1.x:foo.txt .   smash enter  use the ip address unless you hosts file has ubuntu in it07:05
torrancewmaxxist: i'm sure i will07:05
maxxisttorrancew  come back and let us know07:05
gnutronjedi06: where 'x' is the last address bit07:05
jedi06we are not on the same subnet07:06
Robert_Surcouftorrancew: also you could check you /var/log/messages to see if you can find something complaining about the ALSA07:06
torrancewRobert_Surcouf: does it matter where i add it?07:06
Robert_Surcouftorrancew: no07:06
gnutronjedi06: then pscp ubuntu@ip-address:foo.txt  .  [enter]  firewall dependant07:07
jedi06my address is 192.168... ubuntu is 10.0.2...07:07
SingAlongHi all!07:07
torrancewRobert_Surcouf: can i reload those modules without a reboot?07:07
=== nancy is now known as eeble
jedi06they use the same network interfce though ubuntu is virtual uses nat07:08
SingAlongI trying to compiling a lib gives me Xrender.h errors. Says Xrender.h isnt found. But I verified the location I specified and the file is there07:08
=== mans is now known as Guest89646
Some_uxHi, is there a way to update/upgrade only a single (as in only that specific) package using apt-get ?07:08
gnutronjedi06: i dont think it'll work without routing/port forwardinh07:08
SingAlongoh sorry! seems like my question is meant for #ubuntu-dev07:08
gnutrontorrancew: yes you can modprobe module  good to go07:09
Robert_Surcouftorrancew: /etc/rc.d/init/alsa start07:09
jedi06i can get on the same subnet but for some reason i can't get outside the subnet so i couldn't install all that crap i need07:09
Robert_Surcouftorrancew: sorry07:09
Robert_Surcouftorrancew: /etc/rc.d/init/alsa stop07:09
eebleHi, I just updated my girlfriends laptop to ubuntu and tried to copy over her firefox bookmarks.html file, but firefox under ubuntu isn't loading the bookmarks.html file. what gives? am I doing something wrong?07:09
Robert_Surcouftorrancew: modprobe -r snd-something I'm not sure07:09
torrancewRobert_Surcouf: command not found07:10
jedi06the ssh-server07:10
Some_uxIt seems that-> apt-get update && apt-get upgrade , is a potentially fatal thing to do, as it upgrade way more than one bargains for07:10
gnutronjedi06: can you temporarily open port 22 to the net and use the internet address?07:10
Robert_Surcouftorrancew: /etc/init.d07:10
torrancewRobert_Surcouf: already tried that one too07:11
jedi06how do i do that07:11
vertanaSome_ux: You can upgrade pakcages selectively through Synaptic.07:11
torrancewRobert_Surcouf: we may have something here07:11
SingAlongI'm trying to compile a lib gives me Xrender.h errors. Says Xrender.h isnt found. But I verified the location I specified and the file is present. Has anyone got such errors?07:11
Some_uxvertana: I don't have GUI only commandline07:11
bashcahi there all07:11
Robert_Surcouftorrancew: /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base ?07:12
gnutronjedi06: you would need to access the router07:12
torrancewRobert_Surcouf: found it at /etc/init.d/alsa-utils, and the work-around worked07:12
Robert_Surcouftorrancew: I don't know07:12
torrancewthanks a million07:12
gompasome_ux hoe did you install ?07:12
Robert_Surcouftorrancew: cool07:12
vertanaSome_ux: Ok, use apt-get. If I remember right it will say some recommendations but you can ignore those (I may be confusing this with aptitude).07:12
jedi06you mean port forward 22 to ubuntu07:12
torrancewmaxxist: thanks also for your help07:12
Some_uxgompa: via the CD07:12
Robert_Surcouftorrancew: I don't know if when you reboot how it's gonna hold up07:13
Robert_Surcouftorrancew: so you have sound now ?07:13
gompalive disk07:13
gompaor install disk ?07:13
maxxisttorrancew  I think Robert helped more07:13
jedi06and then use my router ip address?07:13
Some_uxI think the install CD07:13
torrancewRobert_Surcouf: i do, when you found it, did you find anything about what caused it?07:13
gnutronjedi06: well, if ubuntu listens on port 22 to the world, then use its i-net address07:13
torrancewmaxxist: all the same, you dedicated time to helping me07:13
vertanaSome_ux: sudo dpkg --install --force-all <packagename>   << I found this on the forums.07:13
zmanning_can someone point me towards the mono .net package?07:13
Robert_Surcouftorrancew: but I would agree with maxxist 180 are stable enough (ok ok I run 172 but still)07:13
gompadid you select the could tou try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop07:14
gnutronjedi06: but yeah you'd need to forwrd the traffic on 22 to that box07:14
gnutronjedi06: i thought you were on the same subnet07:14
jedi06the problem is that its not on the same subet as the router07:14
jedi06its using nat07:14
gompadid you sellect the ubutu desktop pakage ? if not you can install it by doing sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop07:14
Ace2016_-Hi all07:15
torrancewwhile i'm here, i may as well ask if everyone finds linux flash drivers are nearly incapable of displaying fullscreen videos that are watchable?07:15
Some_uxvertana : where do i get the debian installation file from ?07:15
Ace2016_-anyone know a gimp alternative, can't force it to behave like i want07:15
mrpocketsAce2016_-, Photoshop07:15
torrancewi've only used ubuntu for the past year or so, and i know it's not their fault - it's adobe's, but has anyone found a way to fix that?07:15
SingAlongI'm trying to compile a lib and it gives me Xrender.h errors. Says Xrender.h isnt found. But I verified the location I specified and the file is present. Has anyone got such errors?07:16
vertanaSome_ux: repository. To find package name you can do aptitude search "keyword in package", but aptitude only searches package names, NOT description.07:16
Ace2016_-mrpockets: one that runs on linux if possible without using wine or a vm07:16
gnutronjedi06: are you connected to the same router?07:16
mrpockets'heh Ace2016_- nah i don't07:16
Some_uxSurely there must be a way to download the latest update of a single package using the commandline ?07:17
jedi06yes they are on the same machine07:17
jedi06but the vbox network is private and is invisible to the host07:17
gnutronjedi06: can you ping the remote box07:17
vertanaSome_ux: I just told you how. dpkg force install. You just need to know the package name. dpkg and aptitude are command line programs.07:17
Robert_Surcouftorrancew: flash is proprietary it is bad but widely used until now, so you are at the mercy of their willing07:17
vertanaRobert_Surcouf: Until now?07:18
Some_uxvertana: afaik dpkg requires a .deb file ?07:18
Robert_Surcoufvertana: things to come and go isn't it ?07:18
Robert_Surcoufvertana: things tend to come and go isn't it ?07:18
torrancewRobert_Surcouf: yeah, i knew about the whole proprietary business, just wondering if everyone has the same crappy framerates as me - i don't know any other linux users irl07:18
vertanaRobert_Surcouf: Yes, but flash is by no means gone right now. Maybe in a few years or so, but not right now.07:18
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
jedi06no gnutron07:19
vertanaSome_ux: Are you trying to get the source code? Or are you trying to install a "package" like in synaptic?07:19
Robert_Surcouftorrancew: while I don't measure the framerate I think it is pretty good with the latest one from their website maybe it is me07:19
=== tome is now known as Guest91081
torranceweverything is watchable until fullscreen07:19
zmanning_anyone know how to fix this: install the Windows version of Mono to run .NET executables07:19
gnutronjedi06: then without fancy routing youre d00med07:19
jedi06they don't use the same router ubuntu uses the vbox router07:19
torrancewat that point it lags firefox and just generally performs terribly07:20
jedi06i can port forward vbox to make services available in the private netword07:20
jedi06let me try that07:20
tweakthe window manager theme 'default' is not installed. does this mean anything to anyone?07:20
Some_uxVertana: I have not yet installed this package, but i did notice that the Update page contains a newer version of the package. I am afraid that if i use: sudo apt-get, I will get the old dated package07:20
Robert_Surcoufvertana: it will die... it will die (maybe Adobe will close before it dies :-) )07:20
gnutronjedi06: if you can, it may work07:21
Bikeguyi'm having a lot of problems with sound, for amarok i get the message that xine was unable to initialize audio drivers. Could it be a pulseaudio issue?07:21
vertanaRobert_Surcouf: I believe it will die (As there is now silverlight, javascript is increasing speed, etc.), but the time is not here yet sir... but yes, one day...07:21
gompahmpf my only bet is booting ubuntu on vmware :/07:22
torrancewwell, thanks all, and goodnight07:22
vertanaSome_ux: When it says newer packages it is according to the database, so unless you installed via source code compiling it is guaranteed to be newer.07:22
Some_uxvertana: It does not say that there is a newer version, It is implied, since the packages is listed in the Hardy-update section07:23
Robert_Surcoufvertana: this kind of proprietary will die and maybe sooner that one would believe, imagine that somebody would have said you know what HTML is a proprietary language you can use it only with mosaic, you might laugh now but at the end of the 80's a university copyrighted Gopher a widely used means to search the information do you use often gopher ?07:23
maxxistRobert_Surcouf  I was just gonna ask him if he was using the 64 bit flash 10.  its pretty much flawless on my system.07:23
vertanaSome_ux: Not necessarily, it may just be a bump in the version but not in the source code.07:23
Robert_Surcoufmaxxist: can you use a 32bits flash ? on 64 ?07:24
Some_uxvertana: it is listed as a critical security flaw update07:24
vertanaSome_ux: I advise you install security updates, but that's just me...07:24
maxxistRobert_Surcouf  yeah you can use the nspluginwrapper thingy...  it installs when you install ubuntu-restricted-extras07:24
Robert_Surcoufmaxxist: ouch I see well I use the proprietary one and I agree with you it works well07:25
maxxistRobert_Surcouf  but i find the new adobe 64 bit flash is just fine.07:25
vertanaRobert_Surcouf: While yes, it is propietary; the fact of the matter is, it's used widely and available on all OS's. For the general public to move away, it would require a utility just as easy to use and fast. The general public doesn't care if it's open or closed.07:25
vertanaRobert_Surcouf: Think about Windows... it has to "just work"(TM). :p07:26
Robert_Surcoufvertana: because it is closed it will die, I know seems hard to believe but it will, if somebody would have said in 1989 gopher will die in 10 years everybody would have laugh at it07:26
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maxxistRobert_Surcouf  usually i love the ubuntu-restricted-extras meta package.  but I am finding it needs some love on 64 bit now.  It also installs 32 bit libraries so you can run 32 bit apps on 64bit kernel.  it works well.  but i didnt want that.   but i did want all the codecs and such,  so i had to do manual install on those.07:27
kingsleyWhat's your favorite audio player?07:27
maxxistkingsley Audacious07:27
Robert_Surcoufmaxxist: yes you might loose some performance using 32 bits code, I haven't looked in details but the 64 applications seems to me a little bit faster07:28
vertanaRobert_Surcouf: That's true of anything. Evolve as the times and people evolve or die. So either, Flash will have to be open source (eventually) or Linux support will have to evolve greatly. Or something open source and multiplatform will outseat it as a de facto 'net video player.07:28
maxxistRobert_Surcouf  Handbrake on 64bit linux is waaaay faster at transcoding dvds07:28
vertanakingsley: Rhythmbox or Amarok. Depends on your needs/wants and cpu.07:29
Robert_Surcoufkingsley: try songbird you might like it07:29
tux9778is there a 64bit ver. of skype?07:29
kingsleymaxxist, vertana, Robert_Surcouf; Do they support jack?07:29
Some_uxwhat is the purpose of http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy-updates ? is it a new distribution ? or is it enough to apt-get install - to use these updates ?07:30
maxxistkingsley i think audacious is pulseaudio only07:30
vertanakingsley: Songbird is also a good one, although early to say if it meets all your needs. And I believe Amarok does, not sure about rhythmbox.07:30
maxxistSome_ux hardy is older.07:30
Some_uxmaxxist: afaik Hardy is still a tad bit more stable than intrepid07:32
kingsleyvertana: Which engine do you use in amarok?07:32
gnutronmaxxist: no its not pulse only07:32
maxxistSome_ux yes.07:32
maxxistgnutron really?07:32
vertanakingsley: I haven't used it in a long time, but I used the xine engine it came with and for audio output Alsa, suited me just fine.07:33
jedi06gnutron forget i'll just email them to myself it is possible to port forward but docs aren't that good07:33
kingsleyvertana: FWIW, mine warns me that xine-engine doesn't support mp3, which is what I need.07:34
gnutronmaxxist: i have pulseaudio uninstalled and use vlc, amarok, audacious everything all works, two sources at once using esound and alsa on intrepid07:34
maxxistgnutron good to know.  I had pulse installed on my hardy install.  and when I tried to install audacious it wanted to install pulse again...  so i just assumed.07:35
gnutronjedi06: yeah, tarball them and mail.  separate subnets complicate things07:35
Some_uxThe thing is, I labored very hard to config Hardy, and i am now mortified by the prospect of a command which will update/upgrade indiscriminately. I only want very specific updates.07:35
maxxistgnutron i meant pulse was uninstalled.07:35
gnutronmaxxist: intrepid whacked my sound totally, thats how i fixed it.07:35
vertanakingsley: You'll need to install restricted codecs. That's all. I think the package is xine-extras or alternatively ubuntu-restricted-extras will download all restricted stuff you'll most likely need.07:36
maxxistgnutron  pulse buggared my hardy and wine install.  when i removed it everything was glorious.07:36
gnutronmaxxist: pulse needs a defibrillater07:37
gnutronmaxxist: joke07:37
maxxistgnutron lol.  seems to be working for me right now.  hehe.07:37
vertanakingsley: libxine1-ffmpeg I think is your package. (Just looked at a list real quick.)07:37
gnutronmaxxist: i'll try it again when they fix something or other07:38
Bikeguyi have no sound, under preferences:sound when i click test on any of the buttons i get this message : audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Failed to connect: Connection refused07:38
vertanaBikeguy: Try moving your options from auto to pulse or alsa or oss (whichever will work for you)07:39
vertanaThat's the only thing that really bothers me personally about Linux. I can live with a lot of stuff... but 3 audio systems on almost every install crossing all distros? Come on *offtopic I know, sorry*07:40
Bikeguyvertana: none of them are outputting sound07:40
vertanaBikeguy: Do you know what sound card you have?07:40
Bikeguyvertana: i have an onboard sound card that came on my evga 780i board, intel07:41
vertanaBikeguy: It's intel and still not working? Hm... google your soundcard and make sure it's not a general linux or hardware problem (Should always be the first thing you try)07:42
Bikeguyvertana: sounds good, i'm new to linux, still trying to figure out the ropes07:42
rohilHi Guys..is there a way I could create a common kinda folder in both windows and Linux partitions ? So, that I don't have to maintain two copies ... thanks07:43
vertanaBikeguy: I understand. Ubuntu community is really good for support. After google try ubuntuforums.com and always search forums before possibly making a duplicate thread. But if you ask in here or on forums people will really try to help you.07:43
Boohbahrohil: you could mount your ntfs partition in linux07:43
rohilB.oohbah, I did that but there is a wamp folder in windows and a xampp one in Linux. Both need their folder (namely www and htdocs) where the files are put. I want same files in both these installations. So, incase if I ever have to access them from Windows, I can do so07:45
Bikeguyvertana: so, nothing came up as far as my board goes, there aren't any sound issues reported. sound has been working, but there have been a few odd things going on, for one mplayer takes a really long time to boot up07:45
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vertanaBikeguy: This makes me think that it MIGHT be hardware problem??  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=67488207:46
vertanaBikeguy: Unless I'm mistaken, is that not the same board?07:46
Bikeguyvertana: it is, i just read that thread07:46
=== Dompie is now known as Do-m-pie
eebleHi, in evolution i have a gmail imap account set up, is there any way to make that show up first in the folder list?07:46
vertanaBikeguy: Weird... Does it work in another OS? Is this a fresh install or did it "just stop working"?07:46
Bikeguyit works in windows, it is a relatively new install, but sound just stopped working today07:47
Bikeguyvertana: i was having mplayer issues, and system halt issues from the start though07:47
humadoes 8.10 live cd support ntfs?07:47
YankDownUnderhuma, Yes.07:48
Boohbahrohil: so what is the problem?07:48
humaYankDownUnder, ok. thanks. want to recover one broken windows box.07:48
vertanaIf anybody knows more about ALSA and soundsystems could you please help bikeguy? I don't know too much about those.07:48
YankDownUnderhuma, ntfs-3g is a read/write driver07:49
rohilSuppose there is an index.php file in C:/wamp/www/ and I want my xampp to read it in linux. So, I will have to create a copy of it in my lampp folder in linux.07:49
rohilso there are two copies of same file07:49
rockyrockguys, how to see what ports are open in a wireless network?? Torrent isn't avaialbe in my university, all ports are closed. How can i see what ports are open so  i can use them?Is there any tool in Ubuntu to do that?07:49
Bikeguyvertana: thanks, i appreciate it. I have a good buddy who had some suspicions that pulseaudio might be causing some issues07:49
Some_uxOk, so apparently synaptic can install/upgrade a single package. and since synaptic is only a gui interface for apt-get, I suppose there is a way to upgrade only a single package. The problem is how ?07:50
vertanaBikeguy: That did it to me on this at first. I had to switch from OSS to ALSA so it could be piped through Pulseaudio... but Linux sound systems are my Achilles's Heel.. never could get them. Sorry, I couldn't be of much help.07:50
MckitrickHi guys07:50
maxxistrockyrock network tools under admin would be a good place to start...07:50
Bikeguyvertana: no, you've been of help, at least we might be narrowing down the problem07:51
MckitrickAnyone have any idea why my drive is mounting read only?  I've rebooted and it's done an fsck but it's still coming up read only.07:51
Melikwhat is a good lightweight window manager that you guys would recommend??07:51
vertanaBikeguy: If I can think of anything I'll let you know ^^07:51
Meliki'm getting sick of gnome's bloatware.07:51
Bikeguyvertana: k thanks07:51
maxxistMelik Fluxbox07:51
rockyrockmaxxist: can you please tell me what should i put in the "Network address" field in the Port Scan tap in Network tools?07:52
YankDownUnderMckitrick, Have you tried to modify the /etc/fstab in relation to the drive?07:53
Bikeguyvertana: i'm going to try and do a full restart, see if that does the trick07:53
maxxistrockyrock  i have no idea man.  I just knew network tools has a port scanner and such...07:53
* Panarchy says Hi07:53
Robert_Surcoufrockyrock: are you on your own network or somewhere else ?07:53
ThreetimesHi, I accidently formstted a usb-drive, how do I get my information back?07:54
ThreetimesI did cat /dev/sdb > sdb07:54
Threetimeswith grep -a something sdb I can see my data07:54
Threetimeshttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery diesn't help me07:54
FloodBot1Threetimes: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:54
gnutronrockyrock left07:54
maxxistRobert_Surcouf wouldnt he need to port scan his own ip from outside the universtiy network?07:54
ThreetimesIt was a fat32 drive07:55
Robert_Surcoufmaxxist: yeah, without asking the administrator, and even they will not open a port just like that but yes and nmap on the ip of the university would have been a good start but without propr authorization ...07:55
Bikeguyvertana: yeah....sound works now....this is so odd07:55
ThreetimesFloodBot1: sorry (why do I talk to a bot)07:56
Some_uxHmm, If i understand apt-get correctly, To get a package which has updates all you need to do is>  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install <package-name> ?07:56
vertanaBikeguy: Could be any number of things if a restart fixed it. Coulda been a program that didn't agree with your audio.. lotsa stuff : /07:56
* Panarchy says Hi07:57
* YankDownUnder thinks that talking to bots is good for one's mental instability07:57
* Threetimes says hi too :p07:57
PanarchyDoes anyone know which command properly list all installed software?07:57
Bikeguyvertana: grrr, i hate sound issues07:57
PanarchyI know of dpkg -l07:57
PanarchyAre there others?07:57
vertanaBikeguy: I ranted earlier myself :p07:57
MckitrickIs anyone here familiar with 3ware raid controllers?07:58
* Threetimes questions himself what "mental instability" should mean...07:58
tux9778how do i fix my audio playback?07:58
YankDownUnderDon't play audio.07:58
PanarchyWhat's the command to list dpkg -l at 1 'page' at a time07:58
Threetimestux9778: depends on the problem, what's wrong07:58
YankDownUnderPanarchy, dpkg -l | less07:59
gnutronPanarchy: dpkg =l |less07:59
gnutronPanarchy: dpkg -l |less07:59
tux9778skype says probleam with audio playback07:59
Bikeguyvertana: hahah07:59
YankDownUnderYeah, that.07:59
Panarchythanks guys07:59
quiksilvercan i Install apache, mysql-server from the synaptic package manager?07:59
Threetimestux9778: ah, dou you use pulseaudio?07:59
tux9778and i have intrepid 6407:59
quiksilveris that the best way to install the software i need?07:59
tux9778just the default threetimes07:59
YankDownUnderquicksilver, Ya.07:59
quiksilverhow do i do it?08:00
Flannelquiksilver: tasksel is the easest.  but see the following wiki page:08:00
Flannel!lamp | quiksilver08:00
ubottuquiksilver: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)08:00
Fuzzyguys how to install beryl?08:00
PanarchyIs there a command to install just GNOME with the ubuntu icons and nothing extra?08:00
WIGGMPkhow can I create a shortcut in my applications menu that will open the program in a terminal?? I am trying to make a quick launch shortcut for "kismet" which has no GUI frontend, and I Need it to open in a terminal and stay open..08:00
WIGGMPkhow can I create a shortcut in my applications menu that will open the program in a terminal?? I am trying to make a quick launch shortcut for "kismet" which has no GUI frontend, and I Need it to open in a terminal and stay open..08:00
FloodBot1WIGGMPk: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:00
quiksilverFlannel: thanks,  i dont need that though08:00
quiksilverim using python instead of php08:00
Panarchyquicksilver: XAMPP08:01
Flannelquiksilver: Alright, then you won't use the PHP part, but the other stuff is all the same.08:01
FlannelPanarchy: No, that's a horrible idea.08:01
Threetimestux9778: Go to skype's options, choose sound devices and tell me what you see08:01
quiksilveri need all of this08:01
quiksilverInstall apache, mysql-server, mysql-client08:01
PanarchyFlannel: I'm trying to remove everything from ubuntu except network capabilites, apt, terminal and GNOME with ubuntu icons08:02
YankDownUnderapt-get install apache mysql mysql-client08:02
Dr_willis<quiksilver> so fire up the package manager and install them...08:02
FlannelPanarchy: It might be easier to go the other way around.  Start with a terminal only install, etc.08:02
PanarchyHI! I'm trying to remove everything from ubuntu except network capabilites, apt, terminal and GNOME with ubuntu icons. Does anyone know how I can do this?08:02
quiksilverthis is my first day usng linxus08:02
PanarchyRemember someone saying something about debootstrap08:02
Flannel!synaptic | quiksilver08:02
ubottuquiksilver: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto08:02
PanarchyFlannel: Currently in a server install08:03
baizhiweihello everyone08:03
YankDownUnderPanarchy, Patience. Wait for an answer before BLASTING away with the same question and/or statement over and over08:03
tux9778sound in sound out and ringing make a test call make a test sound check mark in allow skype to adjust my mixer levels threetimes08:03
quiksilverFlannel:  what's the difference between the installs08:03
quiksilverif i do it terminally08:03
YankDownUnderbaizhiwei, Very helpful to speak in English and write in English mate.08:03
quiksilveror with the gui?08:03
Threetimestux9778: what is in the first three drop-down boxes?08:04
Flannelquiksilver: Which installs?08:04
tux9778default choiches threetimes08:04
PanarchyYankDownUnder: I have a better statement written nicer, I'll log of now then come back with it08:04
vertanaHey, does anybody know where the icon next to the applications menu in top left can be located (so we can change it and/or point it to another icon)?08:04
YankDownUnderOh joy.08:04
quiksilverthe methods of installing08:04
Dr_willisvertana,  dont like the little ubuntu circle of friends?08:04
quiksilverif i use apt-get08:04
Threetimestux9778: what are all the options in the box?08:04
quiksilveror use synaptic08:04
tweakno it's me lmao08:04
quiksilverapt-get accesses from synaptic right?08:05
rwwbaizhiwei: #ubuntu is English language only. If you'd like help or discussion in another language, let us know which one and we can point you towards another channel :)08:05
Flannelquiksilver: Oh, they're all front ends to the same thing.  So use whichever is most comfortable for you.08:05
Dr_willisquiksilver apt-get and synaptic do the same thing.. they just are different front ends08:05
vertanaDr_willis: Actually, we love it. There was another theme but it changed that icon from Ubuntu to a Play Button :p08:05
Fuzzyanyone wil answer my question???08:05
Flannelquiksilver: You can switch at will, etc.08:05
YankDownUnderFuzzy, What was the question?08:05
gnutronquiksilver: they both use APT sources.list08:05
FuzzyYankDownUnder, how to install beryl08:05
FlynsarmyIs there any diff between the open source and proprietry nvidia driver? Is one better than the other?08:05
tux9778pulse  hda hdmI and headset threetimes08:05
Threetimestry "pulse"08:06
tux9778alot of hda ones threetimes08:06
tux9778pulse for all of em threetimes?08:06
gnutronFuzzy: beryl is no more, its compiz08:06
Fuzzygnutron, how to install it08:06
tux9778ok threetimes it works but i have a mic on the monitor not working08:07
maxxistgnutron what do you think of emerald these days?  is it stable?08:07
gnutronFuzzy: open synaptic and click search, type compiz, also install what it suggests.08:07
Threetimestux9778: Difficult, my mic also doesn't work properly. It does work, but it is not amplified.08:08
Fuzzygnutron, ty08:08
tux9778ok threetimes is urs on the monitor also?08:08
gnutronThreetimes: in sound preferences in the tabs you'll see mic boost +20db or so. check it08:09
ThreetimesNope, but if it is just a anolog mic, shape doesn't matter. It's about the drivers, alsa or pulseaudio,08:09
quiksilveri must say, after only a few hours of trying ubunty08:09
quiksilverthis os is the best ive ever seen08:09
quiksilverim very impressed08:09
ice_creamubunty rofl08:09
tux9778anything i can try threetimes08:10
vertanaquiksilver: I believe you'll fit in here... =p08:10
Threetimesgnutron: is checked, when I speak into it, it works. But when recording it isn't amplified.08:10
gnutronmaxxist: i dont use compiz but its installed, i think its coupled w/emerald but i'm noy up on yhat.08:10
Threetimestux9778: i don't know08:10
ice_creamhumpty ubunty sat on a wall =D08:10
vertanaThreetimes: Under volume control, right click and select preferences and see if you have a digital gain or mic boost option and check it (then enable it)08:10
gnutronThreetimes: i cant explain that but its a common issue with others also.08:10
Panarchydoes the floodbot block you for writing three lines in quick succession?08:11
Robert_Surcoufquiksilver: wait to test all the 26000 programs freely available ...08:11
maxxistgnutron i think its just different window frames and such.  but i know it was kinda buggy before.  but that was a couple years ago.08:11
Robert_SurcoufPanarchy,: yes08:11
PanarchyI have been creating and recreating my linux distrbituion for quite some time now ,(well not compared to other distro's... maybe been working on it for 1-2 months), and I am about to recreate it from scratch (clean Ubuntu installation) for the 7th or 8th time.08:12
PanarchyTo make this as minimal as possible, I would like to remove everything from it, except for the following: GNOME, Ubuntu icons for GNOME, DPKG, Apt-Get (think the real name is Aptitude?), Network Capabilites (for access to internet), Generic Drivers, manpages (unless this can installed via apt-get), GNOME Terminal Emulator08:12
PanarchyPlease tell me what to do in order to limit my Ubuntu installation in that way. Thanks.08:12
Robert_Surcouf!pastebin | Panarchy08:12
FloodBot1Panarchy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:12
ubottuPanarchy: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)08:12
Threetimesvertana: I already tried everything in that window.08:12
Threetimesgnutron: why can't you explain?08:12
gnutronmaxxist: they seem to improve bells and whistles while everything else like sound gets whacked..08:12
PanarchyPS:I Have been recommended debootstrap in the past. Do you think it's a good idea? If so, how do I use it?08:12
gnutronThreetimes: because i'm not well informed on the subject.08:13
Threetimesgnutron: ah...08:13
Threetimesanybody: who is?!08:13
PanarchyBeen having connection issues, can someone say they hear me?08:13
maxxistgnutron I think ubuntu needs to add a package with a bunch of community maintained sound themes in it.  like they did with the gnome themes.  Dust is beautiful.08:14
FlannelPanarchy: Why are you trying to make it minimal?08:14
PanarchyFlannel: So that I can add on to it with only what I need08:14
PanarchyYou see, I'm creating my own distribution08:14
C4N-S|SEAL45hey guys08:14
FlynsarmyIs there any diff between the open source and proprietry nvidia driver? Is one better than the other?08:14
roccity_hi guys08:15
=== C4N-S|SEAL45 is now known as Vipsta
Panarchyproprietry probably better08:15
FlannelPanarchy: You may be more interested in modifying an alternate CD, it's the easiest method of doing that sort of thing:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization08:15
PanarchyFlannel: I've tried that, and minimal CD, and server CD08:15
Panarchyoh, and alternate CD08:15
Robert_SurcoufFlynsarmy: the version available on synaptic are usually good08:15
gnutronmaxxist: you have a good idea there. sound themes would be nice.08:15
jinja-sheepmaxxist: If you love Dust, you can install it... community-themes, i believe.08:15
PanarchyBut still, am running into this problem... that no matter what I do, it still wants so much more!!!08:16
PanarchyIt's like my first gf, she just keeps wanting more08:16
maxxistjinja-sheep  it is..  and i am using it.  but thanx.  ;D08:16
FlynsarmyRobert_Surcouf, if the proprietry one is working fine for me, would it be worth upgrading to an open source one? I wouldn't mind being able to play videos on my laptop without 100% cpu08:16
gnutronmaxxist: i would gladly settle for stable sound period.08:16
jinja-sheepmaxxist: There is a reason.  That theme isn't a property of Ubuntu nor is it a reflection of Ubunut.  It's just a theme.  You know?08:16
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jinja-sheepmaxxist: Got it. :)08:16
quiksilverwhat's this gnome everyone is talking about?08:17
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Flannelquiksilver: Gnome is the desktop environment for Ubuntu08:17
Dr_willis!gnome | quiksilver08:17
ubottuquiksilver: GNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.08:17
gnutronquiksilver: gnome is a popular linux desktop environment08:17
quiksilveri guess id need to know what  a desktop environment is to understand08:17
jinja-sheepDr_willis: That auto-bot quote was biased. :\08:18
quiksilveroff to wiki-pedia08:18
Robert_SurcoufFlynsarmy: never tried the open source one like nouveau08:18
codenameHey, how do I check my NVIDIA card08:18
maxxistgnutron I just wonder sometimes why so many distros had to jump to pulseaudio.   like it was the best thing since sliced bread.  I havent had much luck with it since they started using it in ubuntu...08:18
codenameI wanna make sure my 9800  is being seen08:18
maxxistcodename  nvidia-settings08:18
tux9778threetimes if i get a headset mic i should be fine?08:18
jinja-sheepcodename: Try System --> Admin --> Nvidia something.08:18
codenameUnder GPU, Graphics Processor: GeForce 9800 GT08:19
codenameSo is it seen?08:19
Dr_williswell its seen.. if its using the nvidia drivers is the big question codename08:19
maxxistif nvidia-settings opens.  then chances are the driver is working fine.08:19
Robert_Surcoufcodename: dmesg | grep NVRM08:19
codenameWell I did install via Restrcted08:19
Flannelquiksilver: Do you have a desktop install? (you're using a mouse, etc?)08:19
codename[   10.855062] NVRM: loading NVIDIA UNIX x86_64 Kernel Module  177.82  Tue Nov  4 16:50:05 PST 200808:19
Robert_Surcoufcodename: looks good08:20
jinja-sheepcodename: Ooh... 64 bits.   Leet.08:20
Threetimestux9778: i don't know, try it. If there's any boost 20dB option in Volume Control, try it.08:20
codenameOh thanks!08:20
Robert_Surcoufcodename: the 180 are available on synaptic08:20
quiksilverFlannel: so its the interface  that makes using the desktop possible, and functional08:21
maxxistcodename  I have noticed a performance increase by installing the newer 180 drivers.  some say stability is less though.   they are in synaptic.  install nvidia-glx-18008:21
codenameI'd rather compile it from NVIDIA08:21
Robert_Surcoufcodename: don't ask me what it brings08:21
tux9778ok thanks i'll try it i tried all the setings i have but how would set skype for wich one sound is coming from mic sound in or out? threetimes08:21
Robert_Surcoufcodename: the last on from nvidia is the the 180.2208:21
codenameoh i see08:21
Flannelquiksilver: Not exactly, but it does everything that's *useful* for your GUI yeah.08:21
codenameThanks for the help, I'm pretty fluent with Linux, but wasn't sure if my card was being seen08:21
codenameWell I know it is now08:22
w0ng|zzzcodename: "lshw -short" in terminal08:22
Robert_Surcoufcodename: if you want to sh the one from nvidia make sure you deinstall all the nvidia package08:22
codenameyeah i know08:22
jinja-sheepmaxxist: What increased performance? (Nvidia 180).08:22
mtholdensshey anyone here know if hp c6380 works with ubuntu over ip printing?08:22
maxxistjinja-sheep  yeah compiz seems quicker now.  less artifacts when wobbly windows are moving...08:23
PanarchyI have been creating and recreating my linux distrbituion for quite some time now ,(well not compared to other distro's... maybe been working on it for 1-2 months), and I am about to recreate it from scratch (clean Ubuntu installation) for the 7th or 8th time.08:24
PanarchyTo make this as minimal as possible, I would like to remove everything from it, except for the following: GNOME, Ubuntu icons for GNOME, DPKG, Apt-Get (think the real name is Aptitude?), Network Capabilites (for access to internet), Generic Drivers, manpages (unless this can installed via apt-get) & the GNOME Terminal Emulator.08:24
PanarchyPlease tell me what to do in order to limit my Ubuntu installation in that way. Thanks.08:24
Robert_Surcoufcodename: I always said dmesg | grep NVRM but you can do cat /proc/driver/nvidia/version08:24
codenameThanks a lot Robert08:24
jinja-sheep!aptitude | Panarchy08:24
ubottuPanarchy: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies (on Dapper and earlier, however, only aptitude keeps track of unused dependencies). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide08:24
codenameYou post on the forums my friend?08:25
PanarchyI Have also been recommended debootstrap in the past. Do you think it's a recommendation? If so, how do I implement it?08:25
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jinja-sheepPanarchy: It's different (Better IMO).08:25
workingchairhey can anyone tell me the command to open up GUI apps as a superuser?  I'm trying to open the NVIDIA X Server Settings and sudo doesn't work08:25
Panarchycodename: Yes08:25
lstarnesworkingchair: tey gksudo08:25
jinja-sheepmaxxist: Giving 180 a try.08:25
Panarchyjinja-sheep: Do any of these have a remove feature that will remove everything EXCEPT "*"08:26
vertanaHey, does anybody know where the icon next to the applications menu in top left can be located (so we can change it and/or point it to another icon)?08:26
vertanaOr how it is defined in a given theme?08:26
maxxistjina-sheep  its seems fine on my end...08:26
Panarchyvertana: gnome-panel08:26
jinja-sheepPanarchy: Let me find you an image.08:26
workingchairlstarnes, thanks. that's it.  I just couldn't remember the gk prefix08:26
* Robert_Surcouf thinks that you could check the version of the nvidia by runnign nvidia-settings too08:26
Panarchyjinja-sheep: Okay08:26
PanarchyI'd also like to know if there is a program that will remove everything from your ubuntu operating system except for ''''''''''08:27
vertanaPanarchy: Not sure I understand entirely. Would I just use gconf to change that?08:27
jinja-sheepPanarchy: Be back in 30min.08:27
tweakis anyone good with GIMP even a little?08:27
Panarchyjinja-sheep: If I'm not here, please send it via PM08:28
bazhangPanarchy, please stop08:28
Panarchy(might be online but asleep!)08:28
Panarchybazhang: Why?08:28
Panarchyaww: ice-cream08:28
* Robert_Surcouf . o O ($sudo apt-get install '''''''''' $E: Couldn't find package )08:28
inktrihey guys i've got two computers networked with a switch, using static ips... how can i set one computer as the display manager and the other login with xdmcp?08:28
inktrihow do i set up the display manager? thanks08:28
maxxistahhhh I love compiz cube08:32
Robert_Surcoufinktri: http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/671308:32
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kosharimaxxist scale is the killer plugin for me :-)08:34
maxxistscale?  must check it08:34
abchirkhm is there an app which can record from mic to a video?08:35
roccity_abchirk: doesn't cheese fo that08:35
abchirkroccity_ I mean, watching the video and record the sound live08:35
maxxistkoshari  ahh its like expose08:36
|ntegra|how can I reset my sound?08:36
roccity_abchirk: like ripping it live08:36
kosharimaxxist yes, axcept all the apps scale to comparitable sizes08:36
abchirkroccity_ hm yes... so to speak to the video or else :)08:36
maxxistkoshari agreed scale is sweet too08:36
|ntegra|oh, I'm on gutsy so no pulse audio or whatever08:36
roccity_abchirk: do you want to rip from a web browser or from a video on your hard drive08:37
kosharimaxxist its great to call it from mouse curser  beyond top right corner, select the app you lost and your back in town, i often forget what desktop some things i have open are at08:37
abchirkroccity_ from my hard drive... just play it and record my voice to it :)08:38
maxxistquestion for compiz cube.   I remember back in the day you could have transparent caps on the top and bottom.  i dont know where this option is....08:38
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|ntegra|I've tried $sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart ,,with no luxk08:39
|ntegra|heya qsrv08:39
qsrvI have a question - what sound server does ubuntu use?08:39
|ntegra|alsa / pulse audio08:40
knut_hi, how can i change the name of the mounted drives shown on my desktop? it says "234,3 GB Medium", i want it to be "Macintosh HD"08:40
abchirkqsrv pulse audio08:40
lstarnesqsrv: I think pluseaudio and alsa08:40
Dr_willisknut_,  what filesystem is the drive?08:40
|ntegra|how do I restart my sound?08:41
|ntegra|I play a song in xmms and then I've got no sound in youtube until I reboot08:41
knut_Dr willis: when i got to the volume tab is says: fuseblk08:41
Dr_willisknut_,  tghats because its using the fuse system to access the disk..  thats not its filesystem08:42
Dr_willisknut_,  if its NTFS or windows VFAT - use windows to set a proper volume labvel on the drive.08:42
qsrvand does xubuntu use pulseaudio too?08:42
|ntegra|knut_: when will you be earning your 'h'08:42
maxxist|ntegra|  try going into your preferences pull down menu and clicking sound.  and change all the autodetects to alsa.08:43
knut_Integra: i dont understand08:43
knut_Dr Willis: i only have xp in vbox08:44
maxxistgnut_ yeah that was an obscure comment.  heeh08:44
knut_Dr Willis: ubuntu 8.10 is the host system08:44
maxxistknut_ ...08:44
tweakis anyone good enough with an image editor to change the colours of a simple image?08:45
irpapabearhello all08:45
jinja-sheepmaxxist: How do you install Nvidia 180? It's not showing up in Hardware list for me.08:45
Ivoinstall drivers from synaptic08:46
Ivothe packages begin with nvidia-08:46
maxxistjinja-sheep   open synaptic.  search for nvidia.   install nvidia-glx-180   it should remove the older version you have installed08:46
jinja-sheepmaxxist: Right.  nvidia-glx-180 is installed.08:46
jinja-sheepAnd it did mentioned the removal of older drivers.08:46
|ntegra|bummer for me I'm on xubuntu08:47
maxxistjinja0sheep ok now open nvidia-settings  and you should be able to see the driver version number,.08:47
|ntegra|j #xubuntu08:47
jinja-sheepmaxxist: Meh.  I see it.  <_<08:47
|ntegra|lol I am knuth the bad(dist)ro08:47
opensourceje2is every usb-harddrive supporterd by Ubuntu?08:47
jinja-sheepmaxxist: I guess it wouldn't show up in Hardware Drivers list... but I see the version.   Never mind then. :)08:47
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maxxist|ntegra|  go into synaptic and remove pulseaudio   it will probably fix you problem.08:47
Ivoto check if you have working nvidia drivers, type "glxinfo | grep direct"08:48
squigglyellen is the fifth cylon08:48
maxxistjinja-sheep  no it is considered experimental still.08:48
Ivoit should output "direct rendering: yes"08:48
squigglyhave a good day08:48
jinja-sheepIvo: Will check it out.08:48
jinja-sheepIvo: direct rendering: Yes08:49
jinja-sheep    GL_EXT_direct_state_access, GL_EXT_draw_range_elements, GL_EXT_fog_coord,08:49
jinja-sheep(direct rendering:  yes)  too.08:49
Ivoso you have drivers :)08:49
Ivoor you can check /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:50
opensourceje2people every usb-harddrive is supported by Ubuntu?08:50
jinja-sheepIvo: Good!  It wasn't showing up as usually as it should.  I'll look into the xorg now.08:50
Dr_willisopensourceje2,  those things are prtty miuch standard.. now the extra features  may not be.08:50
Ivoit should say "generated by nvidia-xconfig" somewhere in the beginning08:50
* Panarchy says Hi08:50
PanarchyI have recreated my linux distribution from scratch at least 7 times. The main reason I recreate it is because of size, and unneeded programs. I wish to make this as minimal as possible, in that I would like all EXCEPT these removed: GNOME, Ubuntu icons for GNOME, DPKG, Apt-Get, Network Capabilites, Generic Drivers, manpages (unless this can installed via apt-get) & the GNOME Terminal Emulator.Please tell me what to do in08:50
opensourceje2ok cool tnx08:50
datak_hello U all, good morning from Malaga; I just updated my nvidia driver with envy and X is dead. How can I go back to the old driver?Thanx in advance :(08:50
Dr_willisopensourceje2,   features like buttons/launchers/ fancy displays.. No.08:50
opensourceje2but the storage works?08:51
jinja-sheepPanarchy: Just keep a note of what apps you uninstalled.  Otherwise, if you were to start from the scratch, you wouldn't ask us in first place.08:51
Ivodatak_: what's the X error?08:52
Ivoand do you have bulletproof X?08:52
Panarchyjinja-sheep: The main problem I have with removing everything but those is the whole dependency thing08:52
datak_X just cannot start08:52
Ivoif you do, just select the default configuration :)08:52
PanarchyWhich is why I am asking about debootstrap08:52
datak_@Ivo How?08:52
FlannelPanarchy: You can't remove the dependencies of packages without removing those packages.  That's why they're dependencies.08:52
FlannelPanarchy: bootstrapping still honors depends.  You can't get around them.08:52
Ivothere should be a menu when X doesn't start properly08:53
bazanyone know how to stop displaying quits/parts/joins in xChat?08:53
jinja-sheepPanarchy: Is this what you're looking for?  http://tomfichtner.de/linux/wiki/Home  -- If you don't like it... .then you know why (the dependencies).08:53
Ivodatak_: boot Ubuntu in recovery mode!08:53
Ivoand select "start X in safe mode" or something like this08:53
datak_Aha! Sorry, Im so stupid, @Ivo08:53
gnutronbaz: right click in the nick window i think08:53
jinja-sheepPanarchy: I have learned to live with it.  Uninstall everything as you humanly could... then enjoy the life. :)08:54
datak_I m trying.. I tried to mod xorg.conf, and t with Vesa, but no and lots of errors...star08:54
baznot there gnutron08:54
Panarchyjinja-sheep: Seems very interesting... however it is not exactly what I am looking for. Seems more of a GNOME equivalent08:54
Ivoand what exactly are the errors about?08:54
FlannelPanarchy: One 'easy' way would just be to enumerate all the packages you want, and then make a list of their depends (and then a list of the depends of the depends, etc).  Another, would be to mark a package for removal, and then see what it yanks otu with it (when you remove a dependency, the main package will be removed) if it is removed, you know you need that package.08:54
bazhangbaz right click channel name08:55
jinja-sheepPanarchy: And if you really want minimal desktop, go with Gentoo.  Good luck.08:55
Ivodatak_: if it's not the driver, the fonts may be broken for example08:55
bazbazhang, thats it! thanks08:55
datak_@Ivo Im rebooting in recovery mode...and I select  option "try to fix X sever"¿¿08:55
Ivoyes :)08:55
datak_@Ivo It is driver for sure08:55
Panarchyjinja-sheep: The main reason I'm going with ubuntu (other than the icons) is for GNOME, dpkg, apt-get and the other advantages gotten from being debian based. The reason I'm not using debian is because not all .deb works on debian, but all .deb's work on Ubuntu. Also the icons!08:56
jinja-sheepPanarchy: I know you want the barebone Ubuntu with no packages.  The problem is that... packages and their dependencies is what made Ubuntu a Ubuntu.    If you were to remove something.... you're going to remove the dependencies (unintentionally, of course).08:56
IvoPanarchy: not exactly. Ubuntu is not 100 % compatible to Debian08:56
Panarchyjinja-sheep: Is there someway you can tell me that I can remove everything except what I want, them being: GNOME, Ubuntu icons for GNOME, DPKG, Apt-Get, Network Capabilites, Generic Drivers, manpages (unless this can installed via apt-get) & the GNOME Terminal Emulator.08:56
Dr_willisPanarchy,  all debs work on ubuntu? Huh?08:57
FlannelPanarchy: That's not true.  debian and ubuntu aren't binary compatable.  "all debs" won't work on Ubuntu.  Take a command line install, yank out what you dont want, and then add the GUI stuff you do want.  That's the only "easy" way you're going to get it finished.08:57
jinja-sheepPanarchy:  You always could go for Ubuntu Server.  It had no GUI. Then from there.  You build from a scratch, sorta.08:57
datak_ım used to debian more08:57
PanarchyWell that's what they told me on #debian08:57
PanarchyThat not all .deb's work on Debian, because some of them are made for ubuntu08:57
Ivouse ubuntu alternative install08:57
FlannelPanarchy: They were mistaken.08:57
datak_@Ivo: Fixed :D08:57
Dr_willisPanarchy,  i think they are  confused.. there are Ubuntu and Debian specifi debs.08:57
Ivodatak_: glad I helped you08:57
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FlannelPanarchy: well, what they said is correct.  But the other way is also true.  Not all debs work on Ubuntu, because some are made for debian.08:58
IvoPanarchy: use ubuntu alternative install08:58
PanarchyYes, well whatever the case, I think that the first step will be in knowing the exact packages that I want in.08:58
Dr_willisOlder Deb for older ubuntuss wont work on the newer ones either...08:58
Ivoor install basic Ubuntu fron the alternative install and type:08:58
Ivoapt-get install ubuntu-desktop08:58
datak_Yeah, the fact is this prop. drivers work, ut u never now HOW08:58
PanarchyIvo: I have tried (and am trying) the Minimal install, the normal install, the alternate install & the server install08:58
PanarchyYet none do exactly what I want08:58
jinja-sheepIvo: What do you mean?  Alternative install?  I used that.  It's pretty much same thing -- but with more choices -- and lvm encrypted (in my case).08:58
Ivodon't use the server install :D08:58
Ivoit will install more things that you don't need08:58
bashcai  have installed Gparted but wont  work to  parted my HDD ??   it just  open  and i can't  parted HDD ??  how  can resolve it ?08:58
FlannelPanarchy: *none* will do exactly what you want.  That's already been mentioned.08:59
quleaplol banned from remote-exploit for commenting on anti off topic 'trollery'08:59
PanarchyIvo: Sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop takes up an incredible amount of space and dependencies08:59
Ivoisn't alternative install providing package selection?08:59
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PanarchyIvo: Unfortunately, no08:59
jinja-sheepPanarchy: You have unbelievable lot of spaces.  Why bothering shaving off few MBS?08:59
FlannelPanarchy: there is an "expert" mode on the alternate/minimal installs which will give you a dselect interface, yes.08:59
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Panarchyjinja-sheep: The main reason is because I am writing my own distribution, and the more space I have for Rainbow Tables, the better09:00
IvoFlannel: it should be that way. Because if it isn't, what's the point of installing from packages at all? :D09:00
Flannel!nickspam > foxtror09:00
ubottufoxtror, please see my private message09:00
datak_@bashka U run as sudo¿09:00
bashcalibparted : 1.8.909:00
bashca but  i can't resize the partition ??? how do that09:00
IvoPanarchy: just make package lists for your distro ;)09:00
bashcadatak_,  yes #root ?09:00
PanarchyFlannel: Ah! Expert mode, okay, I'll have a look at that. BRB09:00
jinja-sheep!nickspam > jinja-sheep09:00
ubottujinja-sheep, please see my private message09:00
PanarchyIs there a smaller package then ubuntu-desktop which will install GNOME with Ubuntu icons?09:01
FlannelPanarchy: No.09:01
datak_@bashka try unmounting all partitions, then open gparte or qtparted09:01
Ivojust do it manualy09:01
Ivoinstall gnome and then install the icons09:01
Ivoand the themes09:01
PanarchyNot much space is saved that way09:02
PanarchyI checked09:02
FlannelPanarchy: then you're not going to be able to save much space and still accomplish what you want.09:02
Ivoif you want to save space look at slitaz :D09:02
bashcadatak_, i have 1 partition which i have intrepid on  it ??09:02
jinja-sheepIvo: Did I say Thanks?  I'll hope to notice the better performances in Nvida 180?09:02
tweakis anyone good at editing images????????? just a simple image?09:02
jinja-sheep(The last one wasn't a question, pardon).09:02
Ivotweak: this is not a place to ask.09:03
tweaksorry.... if it helps any it's the ubuntu logo :)09:03
datak_@bash...of course dont unmount your current system partition...09:03
krishmishhow do i restrict downloads for specific users?09:03
Flanneltweak: Try #ubuntu-offtopic09:03
krishmishhow do i restrict downloads in squid for specific users?09:04
Gautamhi can you please tell me any ftp for which i can not see the password ?09:04
jinja-sheepGautam: My guess would be openssl-server09:04
jinja-sheepGautam: Then again, it's my guess.09:05
datak_@Gautam lol :D09:05
Gautami have used filezilla but i can view my password as xml file....any other gui based ftp which i can use09:05
bashcadatak_, so  how can free space ??09:06
salhello all09:06
bazanyone know of a good postfix GUI to config it09:06
datak_@bash reboot on "recovery mode", "try to free some space"09:06
FlannelGautam: FTP clients that store your password *have* to store it somewhere that's readable (and decryptable) because they have to save it as plaintext to send over FTP09:06
Ivobashca: use the LiveCD and09:07
Ivobashca: free some space by cleaning /tmp09:07
datak_@Gautam u always can sniff passwords, u just have to encrypt them well09:07
FlannelGautam: really, reading your xml file isn't the weakest link in an FTP connection.  Anyone sniffing your data can see your password in plain text.09:07
Ivobashca: or removing the logs in /var/log09:07
datak_Ivo is so right09:07
Ivoif you are not using seperate /home partition,09:08
Ivoclean your home ;)09:08
datak_Just gave solution 4 newbies, sorry im pretentious w**ker09:08
Gautamyes that is what i don't want...i am working here in company and if i installed to all computers then they can view my password. any solution ?09:08
Dr_willisother then learn to use ssh/scp/sftp? :)09:09
FlannelGautam: Don't save your passwords09:09
Ivodatak_: I am glad to help :)09:09
Dr_willisor dont save passwords.. heh09:09
bashcaIvo, hmm     what ab  removing  logs in var /log ???  i didn't get that ??09:09
Dr_willisJot them down on a post-it-note!09:09
datak_U see...09:09
Ivobashca: in /var/log, you have some system logs. they may be growing too big :)09:10
datak_rm /var/log/*09:10
Ivodatak_: noo09:10
bashcajust  remove the  logs  right !??09:10
datak_sorry, dont do it09:10
Ivojust the big and unneaded logs ;)09:10
datak_just joking :D09:10
bashcadatak_, i have some programs there ;)09:10
Ivoremoving everything in /var/log may be deadly in some distros :D09:10
Ivolike slackware :D09:10
bashcaIvo, thanks  i got  u09:10
datak_like all09:11
datak_evil command09:11
Ivodatak: no, it's not evil09:11
bashcadatak_, don't joking with  fatal  command ;)09:11
datak_ubuntu is gone¿09:11
Ivoif you want to kill pkgtools in slackware, you have to do rm -Rf /var/log/*09:11
Ivobecause you will have to remove the directories + their subdirectories and files09:11
Ivothere is /var/log/packages which is the package database09:12
Gautamyes it may be easy to search my password in ftp...but in filezilla its easy to find...but i need any gui based ftp in which its not easy to find password09:12
heroplease help me how can i compile XFCE in ubuntu 8.10?09:12
FlannelGautam: No.  Not storing your passwords with the client is the only way.09:12
LoganPayneyou want to compile it yourself?09:12
herowhich package i need to compile and install first?09:12
Brack10Hi.  Is it possible to add the XFCE window manager to an existing ubuntu install so that you can use it when you need to conserve resources for something that uses a lot of them?  Like virtualization?09:13
Flannelhero: Why do you want to compile it?09:13
FlannelBrack10: Of course.  install the xubuntu-desktop package09:13
bandanakinghey there every body hows it going09:13
herobecause i haven't ever compile it :(09:13
Brack10Flannel: sweet09:13
bashcaIvo, 1 other thing  please  ,  i tried using  aptoncd but  it will close when  it  arrived to  20 % ??  any idea why  that ??09:13
BodhicittaHey guys09:14
Ivobashca: no...09:14
Gautamo.k flannel...also i have installed successfully FileRunner but its not showing anywhere..where can i find this application installed so that i can run it ?09:14
bandanakingany one like to chat09:14
BodhicittaI'm using vino, and I need a good client for windows09:14
workingchairHey, what torrent program do you guys use?  Do most of you just use Transmission?09:14
BodhicittaWould an X client be more securre09:14
bashcaIvo, thanks :)09:14
Flannel!poll | workingchair09:14
ubottuworkingchair: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.09:14
Bodhicittaworkingchair azureus is good09:14
datak_@gautam, really, you can make what u want just with ssh09:14
IvoFlannel: xubuntu-desktop will not only install XFCE09:14
Ivoit will install a lot of other things09:14
FlannelIvo: that's correct.09:14
Brack10workingchair: azureus is the only bittorrent client I can get to break the 100 kb/s barrier09:14
BodhicittaGautam, as in gautama buddha?09:14
Ivobashca: sorry that I couldn't help you09:15
heroi want build XFCE myself09:15
bashcaIvo,  np   thanks09:15
Flannelhero: Why?09:15
Bodhicittaah installing GFI Languard 909:15
FlannelGautam: There's no menu entry for it, you start it by typing "fr" or "filerunner" in a terminal09:15
Dr_willisfilerunner? that old 2 pane file manager that was written in.. err.. tcl/tk ?09:16
heroi only want to know how to build a window manager enviroment?09:16
workingchairbrack10, why is that?  I'm not that familiar with torrent programs, but use them occasionally and yeah, I've never gotten anything better than maybe 50kb/s on Transmission (or BitTorrent on Windows, haven't tried BT with ubuntu yet)09:16
tweakwhat is the command line rename commad?09:16
Flannelhero: You don't learn much from compiling stuff.09:16
lstarnestweak: mv09:16
Dr_willishero,  clarify that a bit.. You can compile stuff easially enouhg..09:16
Gautamo.k it runs.09:16
datak_@hero http://www.xfce.org/documentation/installers/xfce/index.html09:17
roccity_tweak mv09:17
Dr_willistweak,  mv or rename. but renameis for special cases I belive09:17
Brack10workingchair:  Do you have a router?09:17
roccity_tweak: mv /name/of/file /new/name/of/file09:17
krishmishhow do i restrict downloads in squid for specific users?09:17
tweakthank you09:17
Brack10workingchair:  you need to setup port forwarding to get it to go fast09:17
Melikis there any music players that stream to icecast/shoutcast?09:17
Brack10workingchair:  What kind of router do you have?09:17
workingchairbrack10, it's a linksys09:18
=== gofg_ is now known as johnwittle
roccity_Melik: exaile does shoutcast09:18
rabzi cant get my logitech cam to work on aMSN09:18
Melikroccity_, i'm looking for icecast mostly :/09:18
roccity_Melik: and it will rip it as well with streamripper09:18
Melikroccity_,  you know any that might do icecast?09:18
Brack10workingchair:  Are you familiar with port forwarding?09:19
FlannelMelik: try mpd09:19
workingchairnot really09:19
Melikive tried mpd09:19
roccity_Melik: amarok 2 maybe09:19
rabzcan anyone help me?09:19
rabzi no nothing about it09:19
Brack10workingchair:  Basically  you have a "NAT" firewall which needs to be explicitly configured to allow exceptions for programs bittorrent09:20
Flannel!helpme | rabz09:20
ubotturabz: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience09:20
rabzsorry dud e09:20
Brack10workingchair: programs LIKE bittorrent, sorry09:21
Brack10workingchair:  http://portforward.com/ this site is your friend09:21
workingchairhmm.. okay I'll look into this, brack1009:21
litongsomebody have the  ALC660-VD Analog sound device ? because I cant make work the system sounds, everithing working, music, skype, flash......just the clicking on the window or buttons09:21
Brack10no problem09:22
workingchairalso, I just looked... is Vuze the same as azureus?09:22
Brack10click advanced button :)09:22
Dr_willisworkingchair,  they have changed the name a bit09:22
roccity_Melik: http://www.icecast.org/ices.php09:22
roccity_Melik: it's a tar file so you will have to compile it yourself09:23
Melikthanks a lot mate! :)09:24
gerberHelp me to find out network and local network and propertys, just like in windows09:24
Ivoroccity_: isn't there ready scripts to build Xfce and make a deb package. Like the slackware's slackbuilds?09:24
litong somebody have the  ALC660-VD Analog sound device ? because I cant make work the system sounds, everithing working, music, skype, flash......just the clicking on the window or buttons09:25
PanarchyOkay, sorry guys, I'm back now. Mibbit was having some issues, so I downloaded and installed an IRC client09:25
Panarchywell anyways, I'll ask my question again09:25
* Panarchy says Hi09:25
PanarchyI have recreated my linux distribution from scratch at least 7 times. The main reason I recreate it is because of size, and unneeded programs. I wish to make my distribution as minimal as possible, before adding any of the programs and features that I would specifically like in my distribution. So I'd like everything removed, EXCEPT: GNOME, Ubuntu icons for GNOME, DPKG, Apt-Get, Network Capabilites, Generic Drivers, manpages (unless 09:25
FloodBot1Panarchy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:25
PanarchyThanks in advance for any extra help in this09:26
gerbernetwoek question need help pls?09:26
gnutronPanarchy: http://damnsmalllinux.org/download.html09:26
Panarchygnutron: I need it to be debian and GNOME based with ubuntu's GNOME icons09:27
eseven73gnutron: i was gonna suggest the same thing, that or puppy09:27
Panarchyand I also need it to have easability features such as apt-get09:27
IvoPanarchy: you can just make a mini-debian with the icon packages of Ubuntu09:27
PanarchyIvo: Alright, how would I go about doing that?09:28
IvoI'm sure that there must be mini distribution based on debian somewhere09:28
IvoDamn Small Linux :D09:28
ymeHi, I've got an external 1 TB disk. Is it ok to format it as ext3, or shall I use FAT32?09:28
IvoBut it's outdated09:28
PanarchyI'll have a search for one like that09:28
eseven73Panarchy: have you searched for small live cd's? some of these are based on Debian http://www.livecdlist.com/09:28
Panarchyyme: Use ext309:28
Ivoyme: if you are using windows, FAT3209:28
Ivobut it's a lot better to use ext309:28
PanarchyNever FAT3209:28
ymePanarchy, Ivo, thanks09:28
IvoPanarchy: I agree it ***, but windows doesn't support ext309:29
ymeI'll use ext309:29
PanarchyWe're talking about 1TB here! Remember, you can't have a 1TB FAT32 partition09:29
Panarchyyme: Good to know! Have fun09:29
litong somebody have the  ALC660-VD Analog sound device ? because I cant make work the system sounds, everithing working, music, skype, flash......just the clicking on the window or buttons09:29
ymeIvo, I can connect from Windows to another external ext3 plugged in my Ubuntu through Samba09:29
phnomIvo, There are ext-drivers for windows...09:29
ezerhodenis there an issue with vmware disappearing when clicking the title bar? it is still running a session but has disappeared. it is listed in top. is there a way to bring it back to foreground?09:29
IvoPanarchy: FAT32 also has a nasty file size restriction (all FS have, but FAT32 supports very small files)09:29
Panarchyyme: Here is the way I am going to partition my 1TB hard-drive: http://i42.tinypic.com/5xmkpc.jpg09:29
Ivophnom: they don't support journaling09:29
gonewestcoastPanarchy: You get to screw with extened partitions that way...09:30
Panarchyyme: there is a driver for windows that make windows support ext3 & ext209:30
gonewestcoastGood luck. :)09:30
tweakdoes anyone know the location of the little .png image beside applications?09:30
Ivobut it doesn't support journaling09:30
Panarchygonewestcoast: Thanks :P09:30
ymePanarchy, I'd like to use it all for backups on Linux09:30
Ivoext3 and ext2 are basicly the same but 3 has journaling09:30
PanarchyHow about 4?09:30
Ivothe driver is for ext2, so it doesn't support journaling09:30
Ivo4 is a lot different09:31
Ivoand I don't think windows will have drivers for it soon :D09:31
ymePanarchy, so what do you suggest? Can I create a single partition?09:31
tweakdoes ubuntu support ext4? it wasn't a partitioning option..09:31
roger_when i go to uninstall something and it lists gnome to uninstall, will it uninstall gnome or just the part it needs to09:32
rwwtweak: The next version, Jaunty, will. Intrepid doesn't.09:32
Panarchyyme: Yes, make a single ext3 partition09:32
Panarchyyme: Will you be bring your hard-drive to any Mac's?09:32
Ivotweak: you must be running 2.6.28 (or above) kernel to support ext409:33
rabzhow do i make my logitech quickcam work on aMSN09:33
tweakhow do I find out my kernel version?09:33
rwwroger_: "gnome" is a metapackage. It doesn't install anything in and of itself; it just depends on other packages. If you remove it, it won't uninstall anything.09:33
rwwtweak: uname -r09:33
BadElvishello, on this other computer, i want to set a static ip address. i added it to /etc/network/interfaces but now the network doesn't work at all. how can i set a static ip adress?09:33
Ivorabz: gspca drivers ;)09:33
tweaki'm using 2.6.27.. lol09:34
daredevilthereHey all I cant record sound using mic.How to configure it?09:34
roger_i'm trying to uninstall transmission bittorrent client, and it lists gnome to uninstall to when i select to uninstall that09:34
Ivodaredebilthere: alsaconf in the terminal09:34
PanarchyWhat is the smallest debian based linux distribution?09:34
IvoPanarchy: damn small linux09:34
PanarchyIvo: Is DVL debian based?09:35
Ivodaredevilthere: "sudo alsamixer" in terminal09:35
IvoPanarchy: yes, but it's outdated I think09:35
roger_you don't need sudo for alsamixer09:35
rabzwhere do i find that?09:35
tweakdoes anyone know the location of the little .png image beside applications menu?09:35
Ivowhen you run it as root you globalize this settings I think...09:35
rwwroger_: Yes, because the gnome package depends on Transmission.09:35
PanarchySo DamnSmallLinux is based off of debian, but it's outdated?09:35
daredevilthereIvo: I have Intel ICH5 device09:35
IvoPanarchy: yes09:35
Ivoit's based on old packages09:36
Ivostill, it can be useful09:36
roger_rww, can i uninstall that safely though09:36
Panarchynot for me09:36
Panarchythanks though09:36
FloodBot1Panarchy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:36
PanarchyI'll rephrase my question!!!09:36
rwwroger_: as I already said, yes.09:36
PanarchyWhat's the smallest debian based linux distribution with GNOME?09:36
Ivodaredevilthere: just unmute the mic in alsamixer09:37
FlannelPanarchy: This isn't really on topic for this channel.09:37
roccity_Panarchy: I don't think there is one09:37
IvoPanarchy: google it09:37
daredevilthereIvo: alrite09:37
Panarchyroccity_: THere isn't one?09:37
PanarchyHow difficult would it be to add what I want to DSL? (them being GNOME, dpkg and apt-get)09:37
IvoGNOME is very heavy09:37
Ivoforget making a small distro with it09:38
FlannelPanarchy: This isn't the right channel for this.  Please take it elsewhere.09:38
rwwBadElvis: copy the contents of /etc/network/interfaces to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ and link it here, please.09:38
rabzdo i look for gspca drivers in the synaptic packages?09:38
ChousukePanarchy: the smallest debian distribution with Gnome is probably Debian09:38
Ivorabz: I think there are build-in the kernel now09:38
BadElvisrww: ok09:38
Gautamhello, i dont about SSH. like what it can do and all...can you please give me any best tutorial (url) from where i can learn basics of SSH.09:39
rwwGautam: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto09:39
Ivobut in Slackware, I had a problem: I had to replace gspca_main kernel module with another, that I had to build from a SlackBuild09:39
rabzi'm sorry whats a kernal? i'm not used to ubuntu at all09:39
Ivoso in your case, that might be the issue09:39
tweakis there an easy way to change the image beside applications on the menu?09:39
Chousukerabz: the kernel is the core of the operating system.09:39
BadElvisrww: http://paste.ubuntu.com/105832/09:39
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages09:39
kosharirabz its not a grey haired fella that sells chicken either09:40
rabzso in order to get my cam running i just go to places and keep going until i find gspca driver? lol09:41
daredevilthereIvo: its still not working. wht is microphone capture09:41
rwwBadElvis: okay, that looks right. Did you issue "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" after editing /etc/network/interfaces?09:41
rabzi have only used ubuntu for like a week...i know absolutley nothing about linux or computers09:42
BadElvisrww: yes. i can however ssh to the machine, but it cannot connect to the internet09:43
rwwBadElvis: Have you tried connecting to an IP address, like (google)? That'd tell us whether it's a DNS problem.09:45
BadElvisrww: this works09:46
dackI've compile a custom 2.6.24 kernel with -rt patch, but I'm still getting really poor realtime support.  anyone got any thoughts as to why?09:46
thrillERboyhey guys09:46
rwwBadElvis: connecting to the IP address works?09:46
BadElvisrww: yes09:46
Flanneldack: Why didn't you just use the -rt kernel in the repos?09:47
ymeI used e2label to assign a label to my external HD. I can see that the label has been assigned, however when I mount the drive it doesn't show. Do I need to restart the system?09:47
thrillERboyhow good is virtual box for Xp. I'm thinking of using ubuntu as my main OS and xp under virtualbox to use it occasionally09:47
dackFlannel: because it's broken in everything after 2.6.2409:47
atlefthrillERboy: very good09:47
rwwBadElvis: awesome, that narrows it down to a DNS problem. Take a look in /etc/resolv.conf. Is there anything in there?09:47
rakeshi hav prblm in my net connection sometimes its got disconnected09:47
ichbinesderelchthrillERboy: works without any problems, just don't expect wathcing 3d graphics n games n stuff ;)09:48
BadElvisrww: it says: # Generated by NetworkManager09:48
thrillERboythanks atlef and ichbinesderelch09:48
rwwBadElvis: nothing else?09:48
BadElvisrww: no09:48
dackFlannel: is there a repo I can add to get an older one?  with the default ones I only see 2.6.2709:49
thrillERboyI'm not a gamer... But, I might need photoshop and stuffs like that........09:49
tweakanyone know how to change the "start menu" image?09:49
thrillERboylet us see how these things work.....09:49
bazIf X Windows is its own server that renders GUIs, why can't I use X on my machine to use ubuntu server (that has no desktop installed)?09:49
thrillERboyis there a online page... to check how many users use linux or ubuntu as of now.....09:50
Flanneldack: not for later versions of Ubuntu, no.09:50
Dr_willisbaz,  Huh? You could ssh to the server and run an X app - it would appear locally.. or did i missread what you asked.09:50
rakeshcan someone help me? i hav prblm in my net settings ?sometimes its got disconnected09:50
ronnyi got a weird issue with gstreamer based apps always stopping playback of internet radio after each song09:51
atlefthrillERboy: be sure to add yourself to the vbox usergroup after installing it09:51
ronnyanyone got an idea what could be wrong?09:51
Slart /away09:51
Slartoops.. sorry09:51
thrillERboysure atlef09:51
bazDr_willis, I would like to have an entire desktop for the server - but without installing it on the server - is that not possible?09:51
atlefthrillERboy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox09:51
rwwBadElvis: okay. So, the problem is that you don't have any DNS servers set up. To fix it, you'll need to add one or more lines to /etc/resolv.conf of the format "nameserver xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx", where xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is the IP address of a DNS server. If you have another computer that's accessing the Internet okay on the same subnet, you could copy what's in there. Or, you can put in your ISP's or another DNS provider's server addresses.09:51
Dr_willisbaz,  with xdmcp its very possible. :)09:51
thrillERboyanybody know how to connect to two channels in different server at the same time?09:52
bazDr_willis, googling :)09:52
Dr_willisbaz,  you want a minimal X on the server to run the display and have the SERVER connect somewhere else to get a desktop? thats sort of backwards09:52
atlefthrillERboy: what client are you using?09:52
atlef!xchat | thrillERboy09:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xchat09:53
thrillERboyI've mIRC installed... But, I kinda don't like it without Nonamescript09:53
dackFlannel: hence the custom kernel.  which I've got up and running just fine, but for some reasone the realtime is still terrible.  Jack is throwing xruns constantly.09:53
thrillERboyNo problem guys!!09:53
atlefthrillERboy: ok09:53
tweakI FOUND IT!09:53
BadElvisrww: in the configuration of the computer im currently on, it says "Primary DNS:" but that is a local address...09:54
tweakyou have to change the icon for your icon theme09:54
thrillERboyis there any guides to build custom themes for ubuntu...... Coz, I like to contribute some nice themes :)09:54
bazDr_willis, I want my ubuntu production webserver to be clean and pure and simple - however I really want to be able to use a gui or desktop from time-to-time to do certain tasks - since I have the entire desktop installed locally, can I not simply connect it to the server box rather than my local machine?09:54
bazSince X was designed in such a way...09:55
rwwBadElvis: Some routers will act as little DNS servers, forwarding on requests to your ISP. Mine's set up like that, too; it's valid. You should be able to just put nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf and it'll work (might need to restart networking again, I'm not sure).09:55
user____baz: not sure, but i think X is a client server model: you need the client on your "server" machine, ssh -X is only "forwarding"09:56
atlefthrillERboy: http://art.gnome.org/09:56
Dr_willisbaz,    X apps would be uisntalled and running on the 'server' and appearing on the local client.09:56
rabzi'll just use ekiga. thnx for ur time09:56
bazDr_willis, yes exactly09:56
bazDr_willis, basically a remote desktop solution... kind'of09:57
BadElvisrww: thanks, now it works. strange, until now, this was always done automatically for me09:57
Dr_willisbaz,  thats  allready how X works.. but you will need to install the apps on the server.  just dont let it run kdm/gdm/whateverdm09:58
rwwBadElvis: If you do DHCP with Static IP, it gets done automatically. Non-DHCP static isn't. I'm not too sure on the details, but it's possible that's why. Glad to hear it's working now, though :)09:58
Dr_willisbaz,  you could enve set up vnc on the server to spawn as needed if your vnc client tries to connect.09:58
BadElvisrww:  yeah, im glad too thx!!09:59
tweakwhat is the login screen theme called? it's a gtk  theme or somethiung?09:59
Dr_willistweak,  a GDM theme09:59
bazDr_willis, does that not require a desktop to exist on the server? i.e. 2gb of files09:59
tweakTHANK YOU!09:59
Dr_willisbaz,   You need the clients you wish to run - to be on the server..   a ubuntu install is under 4gb,, so  ive no idea how big the X stuff would be10:00
metaxyAnyone know what the channel is for network geekery in general? (Setting up routers, etc.)10:00
bazDr_willis, excuse my obtuseness but are you saying that the server has to have the desktop installed on it?10:01
Dr_willisbaz,  if you ssh to the server and run 'xterm' then yes the server has to have xterm installed on it...10:02
arcad3wow no chatting at all on #ubuntu10:04
tweakonce i have a gdm theme, what's the propper way of installing it?10:04
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.10:04
bazDr_willis, for example lets say I wanted to copy and move many files around... I can do it thru the command line of course, but I could also do it thru nautilus... nautilus has lots of gui code but what it interacts with is a file system10:04
bazmy server has a filesystem...10:05
bazso i want to point nautilus to my server's files system10:05
Dr_willisbaz,   nautilus if you ran it after you did 'ssh -x' would ghave to be isntalled on the server then...    OR you can use some local app to access the remote servers filesystems10:05
Dr_willisbaz,    thats what 'nfs' is all about. :)10:05
arcad3tweak System>Administration>Login Window >> Local Tab10:05
Dr_willisbaz,  or ssh in, and use 'mc' :)  or some other console based file manager.. that may be safer10:06
Bodhicittayay all setup with pwless ssh logins10:06
tweaksweet thank you!10:06
Bodhicittanight folks10:06
bazDr_willis, so why the -x if I am installing everything on the server anyway?10:06
RichiHor use konqureror and fish://youruser@yourserver10:06
RichiHwhich is he most convenient, by far10:06
arcad3or putty apt-get install putty10:07
Dr_willisbaz,   how are you going to get the apps to appear LOCALLY.. :) thas the  trick.10:07
bazDr_willis, would X have to be installed on the server too?10:08
Dr_willisbaz,   isntalling the X apps would pull in and install quite a bit of X.  but you do not need to be running X or kdm/gdm/xdm10:08
earthmeLonHey guys, I downloaded a cursor theme for x11 and I found where in Compiz Manager to change my theme, but I don't know where I need to put the theme files.  Could someone throw me a bone here?10:08
baz"The X is built with network in mind with the capability to run a (graphical) session on a remote computer"10:09
bazthat quote sounds like something super-cool... but its really nothing?10:10
bazit sounds a lot like u could have a dumb terminal with only X installed and attach that to any server u like10:10
bazbut really X and all its progs have to be installed everywhere anyways?10:11
Dr_willisbaz,   you can have a 'dumb terminal' that is just the X display.. and have allt he apps running on the server10:11
Dr_willisbaz,  Not all the apps...  just the X display/server10:11
Dr_willisbaz,  theres been X terminals out for years that do just that..  a big server - serving up 1000+ X terminals to the clients10:11
bazDr_willis, that would be great... thats kind of what i am looking for - is it not?10:12
Dr_willis$300 X terminal,   and a $30,000+  server10:12
bazusing my local X to connect to my server?10:12
Dr_willisbaz,  you seem to be obsessed about not installing stuff ont eh server.. IF you run stuff ON the server.. it has to be installed On the server.. the CLIENT just needs X10:12
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bazDr_willis, in these dumb terminal environments you speak of, how does one choose a program?10:13
bazDr_willis, how does one interact with files?10:13
bazis there a duplicate program installed for each instance?10:13
baznautlius 30,000 times, firefox duplicated 30,000 times?10:14
Dr_willisbaz,  yoyu sit down at it.. you see a KDM login/gdm login..  and  type in the user name/paswword.. and  away it goes..10:14
Dr_willis baz  if 1000 clients are all runnign  firefox.. then the server is running firefox 10000 times...10:14
Dr_willis the clients are just displaying the output of the program to the screen10:14
cweigleDoes anyone know of a good ruby compiler?10:14
Dr_willisbaz,  the 'client' can  be totally without a hard drive..  or just a minimal local drive10:15
bazDr_willis, thats making a lot of sense to me actually and making me angry at the same time10:15
simplexiobaz: check ltsp ubuntun howto10:15
MrEgg964hi all :) I'm trying to rsync (with ssh) /usr/share/fonts/truetype from one computer to another, but I'm getting a 'Permission denied' error. How can I give rsync the necessary privileges for the operation to complete? TIA10:15
Dr_willisbaz,  ages ago we had 'serial' terminals that just did text. :) basicially the same idea.10:16
MrEgg964tweak: no, sudo doesn't work10:16
Dr_willisi still have a serial terminal or 210:16
cweiglesudo apt-get install opera10:16
ubottuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser10:16
cweigleoops sorry accidently clicked over from terminal10:16
simplexioMrEgg964: you need right permission on both machines to write/read those path10:17
Dr_willisI dont think oprea is in the repos10:17
cweigleI didn't mean to post that10:17
cweigleYes it is willis10:17
Ivoopera is not free software ;)10:17
Ivoso it won't be in the repos10:17
cweigleOpera is free im getting it right now10:17
simplexiothere is .deb packages in opera site10:17
MrEgg964simplexio: right! so what should I do? create an rsync account on both computers?10:17
simplexiowork nicely10:17
nvrpunkhow do I script ulimit -HSn 16384 to run at start?10:18
Guest51856I'm having problems registering a username, so I'm posting a C question here (apologies).  Can anyone help with this: http://rafb.net/p/p7KXye69.html10:18
nvrpunkif I add it to rc.local it says command not found10:18
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Ivocweigle: but it's not open source10:18
Dr_willisi recall opera used to be on medibuntu but dident see it there lately10:19
Ivoby "free" I mean open source10:19
rwwDr_willis: it's in Ubuntu's Partner repositoriy, if I remember correctly.10:19
simplexioMrEgg964: root own all those files so...10:19
cweigleIvo, its still in the repos10:19
Ivonvrpunk: it might be not in $PATH, so specify the full path to the executable10:19
Dr_willisrww,  i recall it used to be there..  but i havent checked lately :)  i was testing out the opera beta the other day10:19
simplexioopera 9.63 .deb package is latest package10:20
rwwGuest51856: If you need nickserv help, please /join #freenode and ask there. C programming questions are off-topic for this channel; you'd be much better off getting your registration problem sorted and then asking elsewhere.10:20
user____Guest51856: (maybe) the space between uint8_t and * looks a bit fishy10:20
bazDr_willis, so what about this... I have installed locally the ubuntu desktop... this desktop runs programs that are installed on it, it knows what programs to display in the menu based on apt data (right?) and then ofcourse there are utility programs like network manager installed10:20
kernelMaybe , Can i use the 4 GB RAM in 32 bit??10:21
Dr_williskernel,  not all of it will get used. Most. but not all10:21
cweigleOk, so does anyone know about a good ruby compiler10:21
bazDr_willis, my remote server has apt installed on it10:21
Ivokernel: yes10:21
Ivoenable highmem10:21
Ivoin the kernel configuration10:21
kernelkernel recomplie?10:22
doseryderWhat's that package/program that gives me the Program launcher at the middle bottom of the screen whcih resembles the one avaibable in OSX?10:22
bazDr_willis, is it atleast theoretically possible that my local desktop simply use what is available on the server to run the programs installed on the server10:22
kernelBy the way, if Server kernel use, then Use 4GB RAM?10:22
user____cweigle: try #ruby and search their channel topic for links to FAQ's etc10:22
simplexiokernel: $ zgrep -i highmem /proc/config.gz10:23
kerneloh Thanks..10:23
cweigleOh and weird thing, the flash bug in Intrepid is nonexistant in opera10:23
simplexiokernel: if no, then recompile10:23
rwwdoseryder: Avant Window Navigator?10:23
cweigleSo if you have a flash item you need to view use opera browser10:23
kernelsimplexio Thanks Very much10:23
Dr_willisbaz,  they run on the server. and appear locally.  the apps wold be accessing the files  on the server.10:24
Ivokernel: just download the kernel version you need,10:24
kernelOk, Thanks.10:25
bazDr_willis, exactly, we are on the same page...10:25
doseryderrww: ty, I think thats what I need.  What is that "program launher" called?10:25
Ivocopy /boot/config (or something like this) to .config in the kernel source dir10:25
Dr_willisbaz,  thats what i have been sayinf ro the last hr+ :)10:25
doseryderi'm referring to it with a wrong term10:25
tweakwhat is beryl?10:25
ubottuBeryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz10:25
Ivothen edit .config with your text editor and enable highmem10:25
rwwdoseryder: it's called a "dock", according to OS X.10:25
simplexiobaz: yes. there is many ways to do it... mount  /usr/ from server to destop /usr/, then all programs are in server but desktop runs them. or you can use for an example ssh -X user@server and run apps installed in server. in that case programs are run in server but display is on your computer. Also there is ltsp option which is again little different10:25
Ivoberyl is a compozing window manager, like compiz10:25
Ivobut now it's a part of compiz fusion10:26
rwwtweak: one of the parents of Compiz Fusion. You should use Compiz Fusion instead.10:26
doseryderrww: ty.  u have urself a good day =D10:26
tweaki'm using compiz... don't know about fusion?10:26
bazhangtweak, its the same10:26
Ivokernel: add CONFIG_HIGHMEM4G=y to the kernel configuration and comment out "CONFIG_NOHIGHMEM"10:26
tweakwhat's a VLC theme?10:27
bazhangtweak, help in #compiz-fusion10:27
Dr_willis<tweak>  compiz actually IS 'compiz-fusion' now a days :)10:27
Ivotweak: there is no updated distro that uses compiz instead of compiz-fusion :)10:27
bazsimplexio, is mounting /usr a viable safe option!?10:27
kernelIvo // Very Thanks, I will use it.10:27
rwwtweak: Compiz is the name of the compositing window manager. Compiz Fusion is the name of the plugins and configuration system it uses.10:27
Ivoin some distributions, the starting binary isn't compiz, but it's compiz-fusion10:27
IvoIf it's compiz, it's still compiz fusion :D10:27
simplexiobaz: yes, for using server /usr/ on another computer10:28
tweakanyone know what a VLC theme is?10:28
rwwtweak: it's a theme for the program VLC10:28
rww!info vlc | tweak10:28
ubottuvlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.9.4-1ubuntu3 (intrepid), package size 1628 kB, installed size 3616 kB10:28
tweakoh lol10:28
bazsimplexio, how do i do it?10:28
bazsimplexio, without screwing anything up locally10:29
msl!man zcat10:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about man zcat10:29
simplexiobaz: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=249889 ,, and google nfs howto ubuntu10:29
bazsimplexio, ok cool10:29
DjonSex Cool10:30
bazis it ludacris to install the desktop on a server and remote into it? Are there other disadvantages besides the 1.9gb of space consumed?10:30
bazhang!ru | Djon10:31
ubottuDjon: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke10:31
Ivobaz: you should not do this.. just use ssh, not remote10:31
bazivo, i have definitly heard that before... but why? windows seems to work with a remoting model...10:31
nathan-_anyone familiar with atftpd?  I have a weird problem where it simply doesn't start - no errors in syslog10:31
bazIvo: is it a security issue?10:32
tweakdoes anyone know how to autoclear the downloads window in firefox?10:32
phnomCan I start vino without using gnome, if so, how?10:33
rwwtweak: Firefox Preferences > Privacy > uncheck "Remember what I've downloaded"10:33
tweakrww: Thanks. :)10:33
forcesdos anyone know how can I synchronize my zune with ubuntu?10:33
arusselI am trying to install scim but I don't have the language Support option: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SCIM#Quick Setup , how can I install it ?10:35
vertanaforces: You're outta luck. I've never seen anyone sync a Zune before (unless you google and I'm proved wrong) *shrugs*10:35
bazis nfs the linux equivalent of samba10:35
sarmisakbaz: no, different protocols but nfs is much faster but windoze machines cannot connect to it properly10:36
sarmisakbaz: if you have a mixed environment, prefer samba10:36
sarmisakbaz: also 'samba' is linux10:37
nathan-_although if you are using Windows 2003 R2 it can do NFS10:37
mattias_how can i make wget crawl wikipedia?10:37
bazsarmisak, thank u10:37
dzuphi, is there a program p2p compatible with the gtella network? like kazza in windows??10:37
arusselmattias_: what do you mean ? getting all of wikipidia pages ?10:38
kosharidzup frostwire10:38
ubottuPeer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information10:38
ubottuGnutella clients: GTK-Gnutella (GTK, stand-alone), gifTui, giFToxic (GTK, based on giFT), Apollon (KDE, based on giFT), mldonkey-gui (GTK, based on MLDonkey), KMLDonkey (KDE, based on MLDonkey), !Limewire, !Frostwire (Java, not in the !repositories) - See also !P2P10:38
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mylistoanyone have problems with skype dropping calls in ubuntu10:38
Mohammad[B]hi all, i have a question about w3m, how to i can refresh a page every 1 minutes in this browser ?10:38
Ivomattias_: just "wget [the link]" :D10:38
mictorive had a few dropped calls10:38
linduxedi was wondering what to do if i put in an sd-card into my laptop, and it doesnt recognize it10:38
mictorafter like 3o mins10:39
Ivomylisto: it's an internet connection problem10:39
mylistothere is this hypnosis conference that is going on now10:39
mylistoand I keep on getting dropped10:39
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mylistoDoub't it Ivo...10:39
mylistoI've had other conference calls...np10:39
linduxedany sd project around that google doesnt know about?10:39
dzupDC++ cant makeit work, isthere a manual?10:40
* Panarchy says Hi10:40
arusselmattias_: keep it on the chan, this can be of interest to everyone (and usually considered bad manner to pm people you don't know)10:40
mylistowhat were you syaing10:40
mictorhow long are you calls before you get dropped10:40
PanarchyIs there any distribution which has only GNOME, Ubuntu icons for GNOME, DPKG, Apt-Get, Network Capabilites, Generic Drivers & the GNOME Terminal Emulator? Or is there a way for me to slim down a distribution to contain just those? As I've been creating my own distribution, and want to start off with only the bare minimum, before adding the features and programs that I want to have on my distribution. But I DEFINITELY need those featu10:41
mylistolike 2 minutes if that10:41
mylistoonly happens on conf calls10:41
mattias_fine, w/e...10:41
* sukiminna my connection is so slow rite now :(10:41
bazhang!minimal | Panarchy10:41
ubottuPanarchy: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD10:41
mylistothere are a few people who are getting dropped10:41
arusselmattias_: you can make a script the download the main astronomy page and then get link from there10:41
mylistothis is sooo frustrating10:41
Ivomylisto: skype is bad...10:41
arusselbut parsing a google search would probably give better result10:42
PanarchyThanks, but I've already tried with the Original version, alternate version, server version and minimal version10:42
Koordinhi. how can i tell to apt-get / aptitude that i don't want this package to be upgraded ?10:42
mictordo you have video running at the same time?10:42
bazhangPanarchy, then you have tried them all. those are the choices with ubuntu10:42
PanarchyIs there any distribution that has only GNOME, Ubuntu icons for GNOME, DPKG, Apt-Get, Network Capabilites, Generic Drivers & the GNOME Terminal Emulator? Or is there a way for me to slim down a distribution to contain just those?10:42
rwwKoordin: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto#Introduction%20to%20Holding%20Packages10:42
arusselmattias_: what language can you program ?10:42
mattias_none whatsoever10:42
mattias_ive had linux for a week10:42
bazhangPanarchy, please dont keep repeating the same question. you need to do it a non-ubuntu way at this point10:43
arusselmattias_: :-) that's not a lot10:43
jeponghello... i'm wondering why transmission won't start download as fast as other bittorrent client like deluge?10:43
mattias_so cant i do this in wget or smth?10:43
skitzwarePanarchy: Best try Arch... install what you want10:43
simplexiomylisto: define conference calls. app you use, infra is there * somewhere, does app say why connection was lost10:43
arusselmattias_: yes but some script knowledge would help a lot10:43
nathan-_Panarchy: try jigdo, Debian10:43
Koordinok thanks rww. and why does apt-get does not upgrade some packages ("have been kept back") whereas aptitude safe-upgrade update them ?10:43
bazhangPanarchy, you should ask in ##linux as it is offtopic here10:44
mattias_well, if you show me a script, i can generally understand it, but though not write one. yet10:44
mylistoconference call in skype10:44
rwwKoordin: apt-get and aptitude have different dependency-resolution engines. Perhaps that's why. I'm not sure, though; I only use aptitude.10:44
simplexiomylisto: its skype problem.. you have it working? mine missbehaves and uses all cpu from one core10:45
khelllhi guys, i have a problem, the fan of the processor keeps working, and the battery life is only 20 mins, any suggestions?10:45
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Panarchynathank: jigdo?10:45
simplexiomylisto: you could try start skype from terminal and see if it gives some error duting call10:45
Panarchybazhang: I'm on ##linux and #debian as well10:45
mylistohow do I do that10:45
simplexiomylisto: you start terminal and type skype10:46
arusselmattias_: if you're willing to learn, you probably could do what you want in a couple of day (for learning a scripting language + get your stuff)10:46
linduxedi was wondering what to do if i put in an sd-card into my laptop, and it doesnt recognize it10:46
mattias_that is inevitable, however, im in need of a wget spider10:47
mictoris there an addon for skype to adjust the webcam settings, i have an eee pc 901 and the webcam sucks in low light10:47
Perfexlin .. first try trbooting with it in,, if not then you have to mount it10:47
simplexiomattias_: wget -r if i recall it eight10:47
sarmisakmattias_: you should be able download a complete site with wget, have you checked 'man wget'10:47
khelllhi guys, i have a problem, the fan of the processor keeps working, and the battery life is only 20 mins, any suggestions?10:47
sarmisaksimplexio: probably that ;)10:47
mattias_i typed wget --help in terminal10:48
Perfexlooked into power settings ? khelll10:48
sarmisakmattias_: try 'man wget', it's a more complete manual10:48
simplexiomattias_: google will give you some nice howto for it10:48
arusselsarmisak: in his case the site is wikipedia. a bit big isn't it ...10:48
mattias_oh right10:48
PanarchyAh, Nathan I see what you mean by jigdo. It's not the file size so much that worries me, it's that I'll be adding more programs to it... enough for 700MB CD iso. Eventually enough to completely take up a DVD10:48
sarmisakarussel: it should be like downloading whole internet, but that's his call :D10:48
PanarchySo I don't want to have a lot of unneeded programs clogging up space and complicating things10:49
FlannelPanarchy: Please stop asking this.  You have already been answereda number of times.10:49
falloreis there a program i can use to mess with my partitions? the one i used when i installed ubuntu worked fine, but i dont know how to get it back open10:49
lillyzhey I have a problem on ubuntu 8.10 amd64 on install it gets to after copy files then it updates time from server and just quits and ubiquity seems to be closing unexpectedly just right after that. Can someone give me any ideas on how to fix. (md5sum on cd is fine, burnt twice now low speed, cd check said no errors i have a 64bit cpu)10:49
PanarchyFlannel: Well I really need to figure/find all of this stuff out10:50
Panarchyand the sooner the better!10:50
khelllPanarchy : there is Power management, but it's all about display and sleep nothing more10:50
skitzwarefallore: install gparted10:50
rww!gparted | fallore10:50
ubottufallore: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php10:50
FlannelPanarchy: You need to do it in the proper channels.  I will not allow you to continue to ask in here.10:50
sarmisakkhelll: maybe you should pop a terminal window and type 'killall trackerd'10:50
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shavinwhy does my battery indicator on the menu bar disappear sometimes? like when ac shuts down. how do i bring it back on. i tried "adding" battery indicator by right clicking on panel but then that is different from the one existing earlier. And sometimes when the original one comes back on there become two indicators.10:50
sarmisakshavin: when you see the indicator right click to it, there are settings when to display it10:51
rwwshavin: Have you tried System > Preferences > Power Management > General > Always display an icon.10:51
mylistohow can I install ventrilo10:51
shavinlet me see that10:52
falloreis it possible to resize a partition? i see the option but it's greyed out10:52
Flannelfallore: You can't resize mounted partitions.  You'll need a liveCD10:52
fallorecan i unmount it? it isn't my ubuntu partition?10:52
Flannelfallore: Ah, yes you can.10:52
khelllsarmisak and what does that suppose to do?10:52
bazhang!give me a test10:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about give me a test10:52
* Guest75603 gives me James Dean10:52
rwwfallore: right-click it and hit unmount if it isn't your Ubuntu partition.10:52
fallorethanks :D10:52
bazhangGuest75603, disable that script10:52
ubottuPeer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information10:53
bazis there a way to remote into a box using the credentials already on that box? VNC, for example, simply uses its own password that u define rather than accounts already on the computer....10:53
fallorehow do i unmount it with root permission?10:53
rwwfallore: To resize the root partition, you'll need to boot from an Ubuntu or GParted Live CD, as Flannel said.10:53
skitzwaresudo umount /dev/whatever10:53
fallorei took care of it10:53
shavinokay i chose 'always display battery indicator' how do i bring it to effect(tge indicator did not come on yet), Do i have to restart??10:54
PanarchyFlannel: As in John Flannel from the band They Might Be Giants?10:55
timc``hey - i'm trying to add a in grub to the boot options, but it won't stay (if i go back to the menu, or reboot, it's gone). any ideas?10:56
timc``i'm trying to add a line*10:56
Dr_willistimc``,  you are editing the file as root? /boot/grub/menu.lst ?10:56
jeponghello... i'm wondering why transmission won't start download as fast as other bittorrent client like deluge?10:56
PanarchyCan the ubuntu icons/visual improvements for GNOME be added to any linux distribution's GNOME?10:57
fallorejepong: it could be that transmission uses different ports, and so you have ports opened for deluge but not xmission10:57
bazhang!offtopic | Panarchy10:57
ubottuPanarchy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!10:57
bazhangPanarchy, please take non-support related questions to #ubuntu-offtopic10:57
Dr_willisI was thinking ive seen ubuntu-gnome-themes on gnome-look.org10:57
timc``ah, good call, Dr_willis. let me try that. i was just hitting esc at the grub loading menu10:58
timc``didn't know the location of that file10:58
Dr_willistimc``,  err.. editing stuff ont eh grub menus that way will NOT NOT NOT save changes. :)10:58
Panarchybazhang: That seems pretty much like the kind of question I can ask on this channel10:58
PanarchyHOw isn't it?10:59
Dr_willistimc``,  you must alter the  menu.lst and you can make it where you dont need to hit escape to see the menu also.10:59
pwuertzhi.. can I install ubuntu to a second partition from a running system using Ubiquity so I don't have to download/boot a livecd?10:59
Flannel!install | pwuertz10:59
ubottupwuertz: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate10:59
bazhangPanarchy, this is not about any linux distributions gnome, it is ubuntu support ONLY.  Please take it elsewhere. Thanks.10:59
Flannelpwuertz: that page (first link) has a number of methods for installingw without a CD11:00
timc``good :)11:00
pwuertzFlannel: thanks11:00
Panarchybazhang: But I have some questions about the distribution of ubuntu's gnome improvements/icons11:00
Dr_willistimc``,  back up your original menu.lst just in case also11:01
bazhangPanarchy, then discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic not here.11:01
rwwPanarchy: and for some light, related, reading material, install the package ubuntu-artwork and read /usr/share/doc/ubuntu-artwork/copyright. If you're planning on redistributing Ubuntu stuff, have your lawyer read it too.11:02
PanarchyThanks rww11:03
PanarchyI'll look into ubuntu-artwork11:03
mattias_woooo i got it working!!!11:04
mattias_wget -r -e robots=off --wait=1 <http://address>11:04
PanarchyWhat's the command to sort installed packages by size?11:06
Smokey012What the hell! sorry what is this about plz?11:06
Smokey012As you may have gatherd by my very technical question that I am new to this11:07
Dr_willis!irc | Smokey01211:07
ubottuSmokey012: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines11:07
Dr_willisSmokey012,  you are in a chat room with 1000+ other people11:08
FlannelSmokey012: This is IRC, Internet Relay Chat.  You're in #ubuntu, which is the primary support channel for Ubuntu technical support.  Welcome!11:08
Smokey012That is what I thought, so where is all the chat lol11:08
Smokey012Hey Froggy11:08
Panarchyhi froggy11:09
shavinif i add another battery icon to the menu panel, the original one and the second one show different minutes left to full charge. One is showing 18 minutes until charged and the original one is showing 20 minutes until charged. Howis this happening?11:09
Dr_willisSmokey012,  well it is 6 am  in the usa :P11:09
PanarchyWhat's the command to sort installed packages by size?11:09
Smokey012Aahhh I see. well 11 am here, so just getting going lol11:10
trancefatHi All, can I create a regular backup of a particular folder with a timestamped name for it? If I must do this thru cron then does crontab take a command?11:10
zirodayshavin: they both get thier battery information from different places. gnome-power-manager also monitors your battery life over time and tries to find a more realistic figure as to how much battery time you have left whilst the other one just reads it straight from the battery11:10
zirodaySmokey012: you should probably note that this is for support queries whilst #ubuntu-offtopic is just for general chat11:11
FlannelPanarchy: There is no single command11:11
rwwPanarchy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=60227011:11
shavinziroday: the original one takes it directly from the battery? or the new one?11:11
Smokey012Aahh I see, well that makes sense then11:12
zirodayshavin: depends, the one that is blue takes it from the battery and then monitors your battery life over time and tries to make it more realistic. The green one gets it direct from the battery. its recommended you use the blue one11:12
PanarchyFlannel: Actually there is. I just forgot it. Think it was dpkg [then something I forgot] or dpkg--query [then something I forgot]11:13
gnusardoes anyone know where i can find the source of the default panel clock on gnome?11:15
shavinziroday: okay i just checked.one is 'Power manager for gnome'. the other one is 'Battery Charge Monitor', Why is one recommended over the other?11:15
bazwhats the name of the command to launch the gnome menu?11:15
zirodayshavin: power manager for gnome. It should be blue-ish11:15
bazor the ubuntu menu11:15
shavinokay thanks11:16
bazhow can u run a program from the terminal but still be able to use the terminal?11:16
zirodayshavin: any time :)11:16
zirodaybaz: <programname> &11:16
shavinziroday: which laptop do u use?11:17
skitzwaregnusar: gconf-editor apps - panel - applets - clock_screen011:17
rwwbaz: put an & at the end of the command (e.g. firefox &)11:17
bazthanks guys11:17
zirodaybaz: or <programname> & disown which has it so if you close the terminal the program still runs11:17
zirodayshavin: I use an old thinkpad T6011:17
bazhmm... i am actually ssh'ing -X into my server and that doesn't seem to work11:18
trancefatCan I give a timestamped value to a folder name while copying it?11:18
zirodaybaz: after executing the program hit enter for a command line11:18
bazoh there we go!11:19
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
Dr_willisbaz,    also read up on bash job controll and the 'screen' program11:19
bazis it possible to run gnome through ssh -x :)11:19
leoncino240buon giorno11:19
bazscreen program? reading....11:20
Dr_willisbaz,  you can have the whole desktop  forwareded..11:20
shavini think the old machines are the best. the new ones are just so weak to every thing. the old ones are sturdy. I had an assembeld P-III desktop. Its processor fan stopped running, and if my guess is correct it went on for a full duration of indian summer(i cannot be sure) and the processor did not burn. The repair guy said it should have burnt the processor in matter of hours11:20
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots11:20
Dr_willisbaz, X  runs locally... all the apps on on server11:20
bazDr_willis, i installed ubuntu-desktop (in my VM)11:21
rww!ot | shavin11:21
ubottushavin: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:21
bazDr_willis, so i guess everything is there right11:21
Dr_willisbaz,  should be11:21
bazDr_willis, u think it will work?11:21
shavinubottu: :-)11:21
Dr_willisbaz  it can... but  it may be a bit slow.. Or if the machine is real close ont eh same lan.. You could use XDMCP11:22
BlackAeronautHowdy all.  Having a problem with Audacious in Ubuntu Hardy Heron - damn thing won't play MP3s.11:22
bazDr_willis, looking into that too now - you are giving me a lot of homework!!! thanks11:22
user____trancefat: hmm, maybe cp /home/user/tmp/ /home/user/`date`tmp211:22
Dr_willisbaz,  theres also 'vnc'11:22
zirodayBlackAeronaut: I trust you have the mp3 codecs installed?11:23
BlackAeronautWhoops, scratch that,  I'm on Ibex.  ^_^;;11:23
zirodayBlackAeronaut: do the files play in Movie Player (totem)?11:23
bazDr_willis, vnc doesn't use the local accounts and only logs onto sessions already running - its more like "remote asistance" on windows where i am looking for a true remote desktop11:23
mohamedI've problem in bidgin messenger it's not want to open after i installed the KED and XFAC ?11:23
trancefatuser____: I need to copy a full directory/ i tried adding -r to the command you gave11:24
bazwhats the command to start gnome?11:24
Dr_willisbaz,  thas 100% incorrect.. :) in many ways...11:24
BlackAeronautziroday: they'll play in Amarok.11:24
baz"gnome" doesn't seem to be it11:24
bootcamp911anything wrong MP3 codecs ? > ziroday11:24
Dr_willisbaz,  you can configure vnc to work like that.. or not.. :)11:24
zirodayBlackAeronaut: right, running audacious from the terminal and playing the files shows any errors?11:25
bazDr_willis, would i need a different client then? the one that comes with 8.10 has very limited options and a silly manual password to ype in11:25
zirodaybootcamp911: pardon?11:25
Dr_willisbaz,  you can have totally hidden 'vnc sessions' on the vncserver. or it 'can'  share the currently seen desktop.. or it can spawn vnc sessions on the fly..or you can ssh in and start one...11:25
Ward1983my friend seems to have a whole lot of trouble getting ubuntu server installed on a software raid aray, is there a common problem or something people commonly miss?11:25
Dr_willisbaz,  any vnc client should work with any vncserver.11:25
mohamedI've problem in bidgin messenger it's not want to open after i installed the KED and XFAC ?11:25
bootcamp911mp3 not good? > ziroday11:25
Ward1983im getting tired of waiting for him to install :p we want to make our servers redundant11:25
froggy_kiero hacer popo11:25
Dr_willisbaz,  vnc is a very flexiable tool. it does much more then 'share the current desktop' :)11:25
user____trancefat: man find has excellent examples at the end of the man page. you need to recursively find the files and then pipe them individually trough the "add-date-modifier" and then call the cp command11:25
zirodaybootcamp911: mp3 is fine11:25
BlackAeronautziroday: haven't tried that yet.  I'm still new to Linux and I haven't gotten the hang of running apps from Terminal.11:25
bazDr_willis, interesting again11:25
zirodayBlackAeronaut: no worries. Just type in audacious and hit enter11:26
zirodayBlackAeronaut: and if anything comes out copy and pastebin it11:26
bootcamp911i am change ogg to mp3 tomorrow :-/ .... > ziroday11:26
zirodaybootcamp911: great11:26
BlackAeronautziroday: wait one.11:26
=== tavish is now known as i_want_lol
zirodayBlackAeronaut: no problem :)11:26
PanarchyWhat's the command to sort installed packages by size?11:26
trancefatuser____: can i create a name by installing the timestamp program?11:27
rwwPanarchy: Once again, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=60227011:27
ThomasRDKUbuntu 8.04, ProFTPd, - i can't transfer files with a name in special characters (æøå) through FTP or see them correctly via SSH, they show up like ?? in local terminal and æ in FTP client, although they show up just fine in Gnome GUI. How do i transfer those files with special characters?11:27
bootcamp911i hv never use mp3 bf till tomorrow (really) > ziroday11:27
transportercan somebody help with a good diary software for hardy11:27
Panarchyrww: Gonna bookmark that site11:27
BlackAeronautInternet traffic's murder out here where I'm at.  It's a miracle I'm not getting boote all the damn time.11:28
mohamedhow i can find a Arabic Chat about Ubunto?11:28
zirodaytransporter: you can try almanah, never used it myself but it looks like it does what you want11:28
user____trancefat: you can include the output of any program aka: "echo today is `date`", where date is the terminal command11:28
Flannel!sa | mohamed11:28
ubottumohamed: For the Saudi Arabia team : /join #ubuntu-sa : للانظمام الى قناة الفريق السعودي - For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية11:28
ziroday!arabic | mohamed11:28
transporterziroday: almanah does not show up in my repos11:28
ubottumohamed: For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية11:28
Panarchymohamed: #ubuntu-sa11:29
Makdaamhi, how do I get the current configuration of Xorg? it detects everything automatically and I need to make minor changes to the config11:29
bazDr_willis, xdmcp seems to boil down to ssh -X... right11:29
zirodaytransporter: you need to enable the universe repo11:29
trancefatuser____: but that results in a string date format... i was looking at an int11:29
BlackAeronautziroday: http://paste.ubuntu.com/105854/11:29
YohoooHow to be a hacker?11:29
zirodayMakdaam: it should be in /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:29
transporterziroday: how do i do that11:30
ziroday!contribute | Yohooo11:30
ubottuYohooo: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate11:30
rww!hacker | Yohooo11:30
ubottuYohooo: A hacker is a person who delights in having an intimate understanding of the internal workings of a system, computers and computer networks in particular, as defined by Request for Comments (RFC) 1392 - i.e. a good programmer  -- crackers on the other hand break systems!11:30
zirodaytransporter: one sec11:30
Ward1983my friend seems to have a whole lot of trouble getting ubuntu server installed on a software raid aray, is there a common problem or something people commonly miss?11:30
Ward1983im getting tired of waiting for him to install :p we want to make our servers redundant11:30
Makdaamziroday: my xorg.conf has 1 line and it's a newline11:30
trancefatuser____: maybe like i want to copy a folder called project to backups/121093913_project11:30
Dr_willisbaz,  Not really..  xdmcp was around way befor ssh was..   gdm/kdm/xdm can 'query' the network and see what machines are   there and which have xdmcp service.    The effect is similer in ways.. but not the same. also  it is proberly not as secure.. but may be  a little faster11:30
rwwYohooo: http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/hacker-howto.html is also instructive11:30
user____trancefat: man date, you need to add control switches, which are not at the top of my head11:30
zirodayMakdaam: right, well then I have no idea where the config is sorry. The people in #ubuntu-x might know.11:30
Flannel!raid | Ward198311:30
ubottuWard1983: raid is Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID wto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto11:30
kosharitrancefat do you want unix time?11:30
Stalker72What do I type to join the Kubuntu channel?11:30
Ward1983thanx a bunch Flannel11:30
trancefatkoshari: yes11:30
rwwStalker72: /join #kubuntu11:30
FlannelStalker72: /join #kubuntu11:30
Stalker72rww and Flannel: thanks11:31
Makdaamziroday: thanks11:31
Ward1983Flannel, can you explain how LVM is related to software RIAD?11:31
andi_can anyone tell me how to install podsleuth?11:31
ikoniaWard1983: it's not - they are two seperate technologies, which can be used together, or not11:31
FlannelWard1983: Sometimes people think of one when they mean the other.11:31
andi_please. :)11:31
bazDr_willis, the document i found is long and thick - is really worth reading or should i better start with: Advanced VNC config, SCREEN, BASH Job Control11:31
ziroday!universe | transporter please read this11:31
ubottutransporter please read this: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories11:31
Ward1983Flannel, ikonia ah ok, so no advantages of LVM with RAID then? its the same as on a signel disk?11:32
ikoniaWard1983: no - they are not the same thing11:32
zirodayandi_: its in the repos so sudo apt-get install podsleuth should work11:32
ikoniaWard1983: there are massive advantages to either system, but both are totally different11:32
ikoniaWard1983: there is also an administration over head as a draw back11:32
bazhow do u start gnome desktop from a command - is it possible?11:32
rwwandi_: If you're using hardy or intrepid, you can just install the podsleuth package11:32
Ward1983ikonia, so there's no advantage of using them together if i dont feel like using LVM?11:32
Dr_willisbaz,  learn bash first. :)   its more fundamental.11:33
BlackAeronautziroday: did you get a look at my paste?11:33
ikoniaWard1983: there are massive advantages to using them together IF you need those advantages11:33
Flannelbaz: That'd depend on your system.. You can try 'startx'11:33
engemechi buddy!11:33
ikoniaWard1983: but the more you use eg: raid = +1 over head, lvm = +1 overhead, raid and lvm = +3 over head in adminstration11:33
zirodayBlackAeronaut: sorry I forgot, everything looks fine there. And thats after selecting an mp3 file to play?11:33
andi_rww- thanks!11:33
Panarchybrb pizza!11:34
engemecbuddies! I would like to reduce my memory ram busy.11:34
Ward1983ikonia, ok then im not gonan recommend it, thanx11:34
rwwbaz: You want gnome-session, I think11:34
BlackAeronautNo, I don't know how to do that in terminal.11:34
rww!away > Panarchy11:34
ubottuPanarchy, please see my private message11:34
ikoniaWard1983: both are VERY powerful and can provide amazing benifits IF used in the right way with the right tools11:34
BlackAeronautziroday: No, I don't know how to do that in terminal.11:34
zirodayBlackAeronaut: no, no not in the terminal. Using audacious, when selecting an mp3 file does do any errors pop up in the terminal?11:34
ikoniaWard1983: if you don't have a need or use the wrong setup - it can be a real pain and at worst fatal to your system11:34
bazFlannel, rww, sudo startx (sudo was required) through my ssh -X seemed to start but nothing is visible - i will try gnome-session11:34
Ward1983ikonia, one more thing: software raid is better / faster then fakeraid right?11:34
BlackAeronautziroday: OH!  Wait one...11:35
Panarchy!ubottu pizza11:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubottu pizza11:35
ikoniaWard1983: no - again they are different technologyes, software raid is %100 in the linux kerneal and controlable, fakeraid is a setup of reverse engineered windows driver that (in my opinion) is a disgrace11:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pizza11:35
ikoniaPanarchy: stop11:35
engemeci'm using ubuntu 8.04 without graphics efects and my system using 330mb11:35
Ward1983ikonia, well its for a home server, mainly to learn, but its also gonna have some KVM VMs running11:36
Ward1983ikonia, also its a xeon with 8GB or RAM :p11:36
Stalker72When I try to install Kubuntu using the minimal installer, it says "boot:". What do I do?11:36
FlannelStalker72: Hit enter.11:36
Ward1983ikonia, yeah so fakraid is the best option in linux :)11:36
ikoniaWard1983: I'd advise against using fake raid for anything, esepcially a learning situation as it is not relevant (again in my opinion) to any real world situation11:36
BlackAeronautziroday: http://paste.ubuntu.com/105855/  Got an interesting looking error here.11:36
zirodayengemec: you can use top/htop to find out where all the ram is going to11:36
Stalker72Flannel: OK, thanks! :D11:36
Ward1983ikonia, i must add though that in windows fakeraid works pretty nice :) i still use windows sometime when i want to play a game11:36
zirodayBlackAeronaut: hmm it seems to be an error with pulseaudio. Can you play the .ogg files in ~/Examples?11:37
ikoniaWard1983: as I've said, as a technology, I find it a disgrace11:37
=== djihed is now known as kalila
BlackAeronautZiroday: Wait one...11:37
kosharitrancefat date --date="Wed Aug 22 07:51:04 UTC 2007" +%s11:39
BlackAeronautziroday: No ogg in there, but they got an spx.11:39
bazhehe running gnome-session crashed my desktop11:40
zirodayBlackAeronaut: thats fine. Does that audio file play?11:40
BlackAeronautziroday: the files won't load.  No messages show up in terminal.11:42
zirodayBlackAeronaut: right, it seems like audacious isn't working with pulseaudio. You are running intrepid?11:42
engemecziroday, i don't undestand. top command show me somethigs, but can't follow it. top command does't show me everything.11:43
BlackAeronautziroday: yes.  I'm not using pulse audio, though.  I got everything pointing to ALSA.11:43
zirodayBlackAeronaut: when you go to Preferences -> Audio -> Audio System is  the PulseAudio Output Plugin selected?11:43
BlackAeronautZiroday: ALSA Output.11:43
leandroribeiroHi you all! Is there any repo that would allow me to install KDE 4.3 on top of Ubuntu 8.04?11:43
fuzzel_ irc.abjects.net11:44
engemecziroday: everything is important. I will try use fluxbox or blackbox11:44
Ward1983ikonia, do you happen to know if this will work in a KVM guest? then i can make him a little howto11:44
engemecziroday: thanks a lot11:44
rwwleandroribeiro: Did you mean KDE 4.2?11:45
Ward1983ikonia, (dont have anough disks for raid here)11:45
zirodayengemec: it shows you the _top_ programs. To sort by memory you can hit F and then n11:45
leandroribeirorww: yes! :)11:45
zirodayBlackAeronaut: can you change it to pulseaudio?11:45
BlackAeronautSure, but that wasn't working before either.11:45
tavishwhat command makes the output of some command to show one page at a time11:45
Flanneltavish: less11:45
BlackAeronautziroday: Sure, but that wasn't working before either.11:45
ikoniaWard1983: it will work within a kvm guest, however it will work very badly due to the disks being a virtualised disk, common practice is to present a singel disk to a virtual machine that is configured at the host rather than the guest11:46
zirodayWhat is the difference between less and more?11:46
Ward1983ikonia, ok doesnt mather if its slow its only to show how to set it up :)11:46
Dr_willisziroday,  more is less then less.. and less is more then more. :)11:46
=== charlie is now known as Guest14418
Ward1983ikonia, plus then i did this once myself i never did it11:46
Ward1983ikonia, thanx for the info again :)11:47
Dr_willisziroday,  more was out years ago.. less came out with more features then more.. :)11:47
rwwziroday: see the first line of the Description section of "man less" ;)11:47
SolariumGood afternoon guys11:47
Dr_willisziroday,  and less memory/cpu ussage. :)11:47
zirodayrww: Dr_willis: right, thanks!11:47
Dr_willisUNIX Command History lessons. :)11:47
BlackAeronautziroday: No such luck.11:47
trancefatkoshari: thanks11:47
zirodayBlackAeronaut: hmm11:47
SolariumA little wierd question but i am counting on you :P  There is a debian based distro called satux, does any one know how i turn it to be in english ? (default is brasilian)11:48
zirodayBlackAeronaut: hmm well it "just works" over here. So I'm really not that sure. Sorry11:48
rwwleandroribeiro: I'm not sure how to do it in Hardy. Try asking in #kubuntu; they deal with this sort of thing more than this channel.11:49
BlackAeronautziroday: It's okay.  I guess some programs are just weird in certain combinations.  *sighs*11:49
leandroribeirorww: thanks! I'll do that!11:49
user____Solarium: does it still login as root by default? http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-691762.html11:50
Solariumuser____, yes11:50
Solariumuser____, yes11:50
Solariumuser____, well i geuss so, it doesn't have terminal installed ^^ and alt+f dont work :D11:51
user____Solarium: so thats a good reason not to use satux :-)11:51
Solariumuser____, well i have the sis curse @_@ and seems like the satux is the only distro that has 3D support for my VGA card11:51
kosharitrancefat or for current unix time, date +%s11:51
Dr_willisSolarium,  and what video card is that?11:52
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)11:52
trancefatkoshari: thanks... thats exactly what i wanted11:52
Dr_willisSolarium,  it would seem odd that its some how doing somthing special to get that card going.. if its using the normal X  packages/drivers...11:52
SolariumDr_willis,   SiS 771/671 Mirage 311:53
trancefatkoshari: so that means i can take a backup of a folder by cp path/to/project path/to/backup/date+%s11:53
DeadPandatrancefat: cp -r11:53
trancefatDeadPanda: yes of course...11:54
antonio__i installed monodevelop and apache on ubuntu, now when i try to build in monodevelop it builds but still wants to run from xsp2, how do i change it so it runs on apache ?11:54
SolariumDr_willis, well its a long story that goes like this, sis has 3d driver but wont release it to end users, brasil has some company that makes cheap laptops with same card, and the company develops the satux linux11:54
user____trancefat: cp path path/backup/`date+%s`11:54
SolariumDr_willis, so sis released the driver to them11:54
CCRMAlitehi I'm trying to use gparted to create a HFS+ partition on my external drive11:54
user____trancefat: and also what DeadPanda said11:54
trancefatuser____: thanks11:55
CCRMAliteHFS is blocked out though11:55
SolariumDr_willis, from my understanding they have some agreement with sis so they cant release the source code for it11:55
CCRMAliteand yes the drive is unmounted11:55
koshariuser____ recursive switch,11:55
rwwCCRMAlite: try installing the hfsprogs package.11:56
rwwCCRMAlite: http://gparted.sourceforge.net/features.php claims that gparted needs it to create HFS+ partitions11:56
BattleStarJesusI am having difficulty with the NVDIA graphics driver.  It only provides me with resolution optins for 640x480 and 320x240, how do I enable more resolution settings?11:56
CCRMAlitedoes ubuntu use apt-get?11:56
_2what's the default boot loader in the new ubuntu ?11:56
_2CCRMAlite yes or aptitude11:57
_2!apt | CCRMAlite11:57
ubottuCCRMAlite: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)11:57
_2so is the default boot loader grub or grub2  ???11:58
Hagge2Where is a good place to have shared dokuments in the Linux file system?11:59
kosharitrancefat as user____ said but with space between "date" and " +%s11:59
koshariHagge2 /var/www11:59
trancefatkoshari: yeah, i just figured that out11:59
_2Hagge2 or /mnt11:59
trancefatkoshari: do you think can i stick this line in crontab?12:00
mslHagge2, I always put it in either /media/stuff or /home/shared12:00
kosharitrancefat cant see why not if it works,12:00
kosharitrancefat make a little script if it dont12:00
_2Hagge2 /usr/local/documents  would be good12:00
Hagge2msl: thanks, and set some group rights to apply, cheers mate12:01
trancefatkoshari: can i make the script in a text editor and save it as a .sh?12:01
CCRMAliterww: so in short I can install hfsprogs with apt-get right? I'd rather avoid any compiling if I can.12:01
_2so what's the default boot loader in the new ubuntu ?12:01
Hagge2_2: thanks, and set some group rights to apply, cheers mate12:01
SlimeyPete_2: you mean Intrepid, or Jaunty?12:01
kosharitrancefat just make it executable12:01
rwwCCRMAlite: sudo apt-get install hfsprogs should work fine12:01
SlimeyPete(define "new" :) )12:01
_2SlimeyPete both12:02
trancefatkoshari: by right clicking and selecting that option?12:02
rww_2: Umm. Grub.12:02
rww_2: same as it's been for a while12:02
Hagge2msl: sorry there too fast on the tab key12:02
SlimeyPete_2: intrepid uses grub. I presume Jaunty does too but I'm not certain. You could ask in #ubuntu+1.12:02
kosharitrancefat yes and add a comment12:02
_2rww grub or grub2 ?12:02
trancefatkoshari: comment for me to understand later right? or is it for the crontab12:02
_2SlimeyPete asking because grub is weak but grub2 has been fixed12:02
kosharitrancefat first like of the script, #!/bin/bash and place the script somewhere in your path12:03
_2SlimeyPete i use partitionless systems and grub can't be installed there.  grub2 can however.12:03
Flannel_2: GRUB12:03
kosharitrancefat otherwise create a bid dir in ~/ and restart the session12:03
rww_2: Not sure, but I think grub. grub2 is in the repositories in intrepid and jaunty, though.12:04
_2Flannel someone needs to put in a word for grub2,  much more flexable12:04
Flannel_2: You can use GRUB2, its just not default (also I don't know if its installable during install, but it is in the repos)12:04
kosharitrancefat sorry, freate a "bin" dir in ~/12:04
* piotr is now playing: Nieznany - Nieznany - 10. Angelique Kidjo (Benin) - Bala Bala.mp3 - (3:41)12:04
Flannel_2: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubTwo12:04
Flannelpiotr: Please turn that off12:04
kosharitrancefat tells the editor its a bash script12:04
bazif u installed ubuntu server (without the desktop), there is no reason to ssh -X into, right?12:05
_2Flannel ok   and drop a hint about grub2    :)12:05
kosharitrancefat and you for that matter12:05
trancefatkoshari: should the script file be placed inside this bin directory?12:05
=== marko__ is now known as marko-_-
kosharitrancefat it dont have to be, anywherein your path so you dont have to call the absolute path to the script, or you can call the absolute path to your script in cron12:06
lianimatorhow to get wacom intuos3 buttons working in intrepid?12:06
lianimatoralso the eraser and tilt?12:06
root_athey, does the ubuntu kernel have block2mtd jffs2 and mtdblock for sure? and does it have the "losetup -f" command?12:07
trancefatkoshari: ok, thanks for your help12:07
kosharitrancefat if you just drom it in your home ~/ will be the absolute path anyrate12:07
sparciooh my god just see this http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/4638483/Empire_of_the_City___Ring_of_Power___All_Files_            this will tell what's happenning in world12:07
Argus1can someboby help me with ubuntu instalastion?12:07
kosharitrancefat no worries, bed 4 me now12:07
rww!warez | sparcio12:07
ubottusparcio: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o12:07
trancefatkoshari: good night12:08
=== alberto is now known as Guest26222
root_athey, does the ubuntu kernel have block2mtd jffs2 and mtdblock for sure? and does it have the "losetup -f" command?12:08
jason_ok i got CrossOver pro. 7.1.012:12
jason_how i install it12:12
user____root_at: (you could check the kernel package build file via packages.ubuntu.com)12:12
=== Guest26222 is now known as WTFisWTF
zirodayjason_: you need to ask crossover support, we don't support that here sorry.12:13
=== WTFisWTF is now known as feLiZ_NaVidAD
lyhana8hi, where are the hisotory of the konsole kept ?12:14
rwwlyhana8: /home/username/.bash_history12:14
lyhana8rww is there any other ?12:16
NET||abuseHi guys, just checking out my little brothers laptop, it's a pretty old(~2003) compaq, running ibex, is there a way to profile the startup time? it's really dog slow12:16
rwwlyhana8: not sure about konsole, but that's the only place they're kept in gnome-terminal12:16
rwwNET||abuse: check out bootchartd12:16
rww!info bootchart | NET||abuse12:17
ubottubootchart (source: bootchart): boot sequence auditing and chart generator. In component main, is extra. Version 0.9-0ubuntu7 (intrepid), package size 97 kB, installed size 192 kB12:17
NET||abuseok, that's a good start, will do, thanks :)12:17
joycetickhow can you get a launcher to execute something in the terminal and then leave the terminal open?12:17
ber2hi everybody12:18
joyceticknot many people on?12:19
primskii dunno what happened with msn, pidgin, pecan and all this stuff in the last week or so, but somehow between switching to wdl account type, all my contatcs got deleted :o now, no matter what msn client - no contancts - wtf, anyone else with simmilar problem?12:19
joyceticknope mines all good12:20
primskiweird, made me quit msn altogether, its better this way, waste of time anyways :p12:20
user____joycetick: create a bash script with two commands: #1: program #2: sleep program12:20
cwillujoycetick, tack a "; read" on to the end of the line, and the window will stay open until you hit enter12:22
Guest_571nukisenHow To create a wireless connection in 8.10 Ubuntu?12:23
Guest_571nukisenI Cant reach internet12:23
joycetickcwillu: thanks that worked12:24
=== kb is now known as Guest63719
Guest_571nukisenif i Edit wireless connection i cant save12:27
Guest_571nukisenThe ok button is grey12:27
lesshastehi.. I want to use use Data::Dumper; and  use Geo::Google;  in perl.. is there a way to install them using apt-get?12:27
aniketi need some network health12:28
Guest_571nukisenmaybe you cabn run it in wine12:28
* N3bunel brb12:28
primary_I am having trouble configuring proper resolution with NVIDIA driver version 173.  I only have two resolutions to choose from.  How do I enable more resolutions?12:29
IceWindhi! does anyone know the name of an app that list me graphically all the folders and it's sizes?12:30
tvgvhello everyone i am trying to install beryl on ubuntu eee it can be done and i have installed repository manager but i cannot find it12:30
tvgvanyone please help???12:30
rwwIceWind: Applications > Accessories > Disk Usage Analyzer12:30
aniketwhere can i get network help in IRC..12:31
aniketim new to it12:31
tvgvthen icewind?12:31
IceWindrww, alright! It's not installed. Thnaks!12:31
ortsvorsteher!details | aniket12:31
ubottuaniket: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:31
IceWindtvgv, ?12:31
tvgvAnyone nstalled beryl yet?12:32
rwwIceWind: Disk Usage Analyzer is installed by the package "gnome-utils". Try installing that.12:32
rww!beryl | tvgv12:32
ubottutvgv: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz12:32
tvgvyes rww can u help me12:32
rwwaniket: For help with the Freenode network, ask in #freenode.12:32
rwwaniket: (you can get there by typing /join #freenode)12:32
IceWindrww, i just needed a name! I'm installing it now!12:32
tvgvi loaded from syn but i cannot find it on the desktop icons12:32
tvgvwhat and how do u use beryl12:33
rwwtvgv: with what? Beryl? No, because you should be using Compiz instead. If you're using Compiz, install compiz-config-settings-manager12:33
rww!ccsm | tvgv12:33
ubottutvgv: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion12:33
primary_tvgv start here: http://www.compiz-fusion.org/12:34
tvgvduck im missing the full terminal addy please onlynew to all this like five days lol12:34
primary_ I am having trouble configuring proper resolution with NVIDIA driver version 173.  I only have two resolutions to choose from.  How do I enable more resolutions?12:35
aniketubottu: i need help to configure ad hoc in Ubuntu12:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:36
tvgvok thaat worked now what dudes12:36
ortsvorsteherprimary_: may you try displayconfig-gtk12:36
aniketubottu: i need help to configure ad hoc in Ubuntu12:36
emorrisHi, I'm trying to set up JACK, etc, and have looked around the internet on how to do so, primarily focussing on the page at help.ubuntu.com . I'm on Intrepid, rt kernel. However, I get at least 50 XRUNS per second, however high I increase the Frames/Period. Any ideas?12:36
aniketubottu: i tried command "sudo iwconfig wlan0 mode ad-hoc" but facing problem12:37
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:37
jajohello, how can I download video (format: flash) from webpage?12:38
emorrisaniket: you can click on the network manager icon in the system tray, then click create new wireless network12:38
primary_ortsvorsteher: what is displayconfig-gtk12:39
ortsvorsteherprimary_: sry, it was a package in hardy to set your resolution for display12:40
Dre4mGood afternoon people, would someone be able to please point me in the right direction for a MSN compatible program for linux that has webcam support (that doesn't make it look dark and terrible like AMSN) ? thankyou very much in advanced12:41
tvgvgot amsn12:41
quibblerjajo, try: http://keepvid.com/ , http://vixy.net/ , http://youtubeloader.com/ and many more.... use google to find12:42
tvgvor skype12:42
ber2Dre4M: yeah, aMSN would be my choice too12:42
ortsvorsteher!who | tvgv12:42
ubottutvgv: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)12:42
primary_ortsvorsteher:  I am running Xubuntu and I'm not seeing it.12:42
ortsvorsteherprimary_: which distribution? hardy? intrepid?12:42
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)12:43
Dre4mthankyou guys, . . . the thing is AMSN makes the webcam look unusable you know? . . . awfull cam looks great in xp . . in ubuntu it looks like a joke you know?12:43
primary_ortsvorsteher: 8.1012:43
primary_ortsvorsteher: 8.10, is that intrepid?12:43
Dre4mso im having to dual boot or go back to using windows just to use a webcam which is rediculous . . . any driver tweaks or anythign i can do?12:43
ortsvorsteherprimary_: yes, 8.10 is intrepid. which resolution do you have now?12:44
jajoquibbler: I have found a few but they are oriented on few servers for video streaming like youtube, and the one which I am interested in is not in list; thanks I try to look at those you mentioned12:44
anikethelp me help me... command for wireless ad hoc connection on ubuntu12:44
emorrisaniket: you can click on the network manager icon in the system tray, then click create new wireless network12:44
quibblerjajo what is the url you are trying to download?12:45
primary_ortsvorsteher: resolution is 640x480 but panning 1024x76812:45
toaderHi, I want to ftp huge files from a server to another server. How to make it to continue to transfer even i disconnect to the server one ?12:45
Dre4mi cant be the only person  thats had this problem12:45
DkySvenhello people12:45
emorrisDre4m: I don't think it's to do with AMSN, unless it has options. It's either your webcam or the module for it. I have the same problem with webcam on SKype12:46
ortsvorsteherprimary_: sorry, i have to go now... ask again your complete question please in the channel12:46
DkySvenI've installed ubuntu 8.10 on a laptop and messed around too much with GDM, now if I log in I hear the sound of the desktop, but i see only the background color of the login manager12:46
jajoquibbler: http://plus.joj.sk/plus-tv-archiv/lampa/08-01-2009/1842394.html12:46
DkySvenhow can I fix this?12:46
primary_ortsvorsteher: thats cool, thanks12:47
user___Dre4m: frankly speaking, and still meant honest and helpful, people here dont think much about msn, becasue it is the most ms-centric chat protocol. i know that its a peer group issue..12:47
bthompsonhey guys how can i make sure that i see ntfs volumes from programs...for instance when i use amarok i can't see my ntfs volumes where my music is stored...12:47
emorrisbthompson: are they mounted?12:48
wolfgangok guys12:48
bthompsonsame with open office...yes they are...12:48
wolfgangI think ubunt messed up my windows installation12:48
toaderHI, anybody know how to make ftp continue to work even i disconnect to server??12:48
bthompsonemorris, i guess open office is fine amarok only looks at /12:48
aniketemorris: thanx for the reply but i need a terminal command.12:48
emorrisbthompson: it should be in /media12:49
toaderhi,  how to make ftp continue to work even i disconnect to the server????12:50
user___toader: wikipedia mentions the "reget" command in the ftp-article12:50
bthompsonah ok..12:50
yueHi, I'm using wubi on one machine and want to transfer the installation into another machine, what should I do?12:50
user___toader: search for string "REST"12:50
Neremori've a problem with alsa12:50
bthompsonemorris, thats my problem possibly..give me a sec..12:50
Neremorthis configuration file works, that means i hear sound out of my 4 boxes12:50
BattleStarJesusI am running Xubuntu and having trouble configuring proper resolution with NVIDIA driver version 173.  I only have two resolutions to choose from.  Currently the resolution is 648x480 and panning 1024x768.  How do I enable more resolutions?12:51
Neremorbut the sound has the same loudness out of every box12:51
bthompsonemorris, that is my problem...12:51
wolfgangI can't boot windows or ubuntu, I just get the blue screen of death or a "starting up" message from ubuntu that never goes anywhere, I'm running off the live disk and I can't access anything12:51
DkySvenwhen using dpkg-reconfigure I get 'invoke-rc.d: initscript gdm, action "reload" failed12:51
DkySvenwhat does that mean?12:51
Neremorthe front-boxes should be louder than the rear boxes12:51
user___DkySven: "gdm" is the gnome display manager == login screen12:52
minghagsHello, can anyone help my with that problem: "apt-get: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"?12:52
DkySvenI know12:52
user___ok :-)12:52
miikhow can ubuntu servers be so fast? i download a 691 mb ISO file in 1 minute, at 10.7 megabyte/s12:52
DkySvenbut what does the error file mean?12:52
DkySvenerror emssage*12:52
wolfganganyone know how I can access my windows partion from ubuntu when my win partion wont boot from bios?12:53
emorrisbthompson: ubuntu mounts stuff in /media by default, but shows it in the 'Computer' location. However, some apps don't know about this so you have to point them directly to /media12:53
bazis ok to use emacs on a production server?12:54
tvoet_anyone know how i can re-install iptables ufw without internet access?12:54
CCRMAliteI'm trying to use gparted to create a HFS+ partition on an external harddrive12:54
aniketwhat is the command for setting up an adhoc connection in Ubuntu12:54
tvoet_it's not on the download cd12:54
aniketwhat is the command for setting up an adhoc connection in Ubuntu ?12:54
CCRMAliteI loaded the hfsprogs utility12:55
glymphbaz: that depends how you use it12:55
CCRMAlitebut this has only made hfs appear to be available12:55
minghags"apt-get: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" I had downgraded my gcc compiler to 3.3 and lot of my programs need 4.X but i don't know where to get it manually, I don't know if that is the problem but i assume12:55
siddu_tejahow to keep my wall paer fixed12:55
bthompsonemorris, next question...i have 3 160 gb drives...i just came from a windows world...so bare with me...i completely wiped out windows an am loving ubuntu by the way...i want to convert the other 2 drives that are ntfs...to linux....im used to just formating the whole things ntfs and make folders and saving data on those drives..do i just do the same thing with ubuntu and format them and create ext3..12:56
bazglymph, it is not pure console requiring some gui libs - is that recommended? A lot of people for example do not recommend installing the desktop12:56
CCRMAlitewhen I try to format the partition to hfs it says "error filesize can't be bigger than 2gb"12:56
minghagsanyone can help?12:56
emorrisbthompson: yep, although Ubuntu can read ntfs too12:56
CCRMAlitewhich doesn't make sense since there are no files and I'm formatting12:56
glymphbaz: there is an entirely text-based version of emacs12:57
rascal999i have a tablet computer and im wondering if making it alternate between the battery and mains would save power, and, if so, are there any programs out there that let me do this12:57
bazglymph, oh really, how do i fire it up?12:57
CCRMAliteas for HFS+, which is what I really want, I can't even TRY formatting to that12:57
emorrisemorris: although if you wanted to install linux on them, they would need to be a linux filesystem for example ext312:57
glymphbaz: search the repositories for the relevant package, there are several12:57
CCRMAliteeven though the utility I installed is supposed to be for HFS+12:57
bthompsonemorris, so is there even a need to do that?  I guess what would be the benefit of me moving on that data around so i could get to ext3 on all my drives..12:58
glymphbaz: I would imagine "nox" (as in no X) would suffice12:58
bazglymph, installing 26mb for gedit on a remote production server is not something people do is it?12:58
emorrisbthompson: you only need to use a linux filesystem if you want to put linux on it12:58
emorrisinstalll linux on it **12:58
glymph26 MB is a tiny amount of data by today's standards.12:59
bazglymph, emacs22 or emacs21?12:59
emorrisbthompson: unless you want the benefits of ext3...12:59
bthompsonemorris, ok thats cool..i guess it would be go to leave the one drive ntfs as it is a portable drive that i often take to a friends house...he wouldn't be able to read it...12:59
bthompsonemorris, what would be the benefits...12:59
bazglymph, i agree 26mb is very little - even 2gb is very little when you have terrabytes but for some reason people highly suggest not to install the desktop13:00
=== FriedCPU is now known as FRiEd|BnC
james|they say dont install desktop not because of space but because of security13:01
james|dont install stuff you dont need to have13:01
badboy111a little help please. can somebody point me to the apt-get sourcelist for ppc. pls13:01
james|plus you shouldnt be editing files on a production server anyway13:01
emorrisbthompson: no need to defrag, journaling support (less likely to become corrupted), quieter13:01
CCRMAliteanyone familiar with gparted?13:01
bazjames|, you should edit locally and deploy?13:01
CCRMAliteand hfs+ partition formats13:02
james|baz: yes, via your configuration management/tracking and version control tool13:02
daredevilthereHow do i convert songs from wma to mp3 in ubuntu13:02
james|baz: so you know *exactly* what state that production server is in, so you can rebuild a new one if necessary13:02
dayo_baz: if u have a test server do it there. or, at least backup before editing13:02
bazjames|, does that include apache conf?13:02
bthompsonemorris, well that sounds like a lot better option to me then...is there anyway for a user to read ext3 in windows...maybe if i put an app on the portable drive that they have to install...13:02
fernandoalguem anda por ai?13:03
james|baz: it includes anything you changed / added from the bare server install - changes to ssh config, apache config, new directories, extra server mounts, etc13:03
=== fernando is now known as Guest21008
armadillioanyone know how to do a shared connection between wireless and ethernet?13:03
=== james| is now known as linxeh
user___badboy111: #ubuntu-powerpc (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat)13:03
bazjames|, i use svn for versioning - are there any other suggested tools for conf files?13:03
bthompsonanybody have any idea how to make amarok your default music player.....i tried to go system and preferred application and putting in the command line but it still opens totem..13:04
mattias__i made a recursive download with wget, and when i open one of the downloaded webpages and click on a link, it says the page is not found, although the page is in the same dir with the other page i tried to acces it from.13:04
quibblerdaredevilthere, look here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3779313:04
daredeviltherequibbler: thanks13:04
emorrisbthompson: Ext2Fsd, but I think it must be installed rather than run from the disk. If you still need Windows to access it on a regular basis, you may as well stay with NTFS though.13:05
mattias__where is file:/// ?13:05
user___mattias__: does the html source code contain an absolut or relative link?13:05
emorrismattias__: /13:05
dayo_bthompson: right-click on your media file and click 'Open with other app'. Then make default13:05
mattias__err, i think relative. I told wget to convert links for offline use13:06
bthompsonemorris, its not a regular basis...maybe 2 times a year..i have taken it to a friends how to copy movies on to or whatever...13:06
emorris<cough> yes... errm13:06
emorriswell it's up to you i guess13:06
ubuntuhi. can anyone tell me if there is a program that i can use to see the speed, signal level of my wireless connection ?13:07
CCRMAliteanyone familiar with gparted?13:07
ubuntufor now i'm using the live cd13:07
bazi installed RoundCube (mail web interface) thru apt-get... how can I know "where" it is, so to speak - that is how to run it, if it integrated with apache, etc.13:07
tvgvis shell terminal? y or n13:07
tvgvty user13:08
bthompsondayo_, it didn't ask me to make it default..13:08
emorrisubuntu: you can see the speed in system monitor (System>Administration>System Monitor>Resources tab)13:08
=== DarkSmoke is now known as DS-Away
daredeviltherehow can i decorate tty consoles with images?13:08
DeadPandabaz: dpkg -L 'package-name'13:09
dayo_bthompson: when u right-click to open with a different app, there's a checkbox at the bottom left that says 'Make default'13:09
=== cowo_stress is now known as co_setress
bthompsondayo_, i don't see that option...13:09
dayo_bthompson: bottom left of the app-chooser menu13:09
dayo_bthompson: which ubuntu?13:09
user___daredevilthere: you mean *.png, etc. or ascii graphics?13:09
bazDeadPanda, cool!13:09
ubuntuemorris: thanks13:10
bthompsondayo_, 8.1013:10
DeadPandabaz: You're welcome :)13:10
bthompsondayo_, only option i have is use a custom command..13:10
daredevilthereuser___: anyone would do . do u knw how?13:10
BattleStarJesusI currently have a video resolution crisis and after searching forums I have discovered that there is a solution here: http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Latest_Nvidia_Dapper#PROBLEMS_SECTION but that page is no longer.  I am trying to find where it has gone or if there is a new site with the same information.13:10
bthompsondayo_, and there is a list of applications...i select amarok..and nothing else comes up..13:10
bazhow can u search the filesystem thru terminal13:11
dayo_bthompson: below that custom command should be 'Use as default for this kind of file'. In 8.04 at least :/13:11
bthompsondayo_, nope i don't see that option..13:11
dayo_bthompson: that's weird. hmmm. hang on13:11
bthompsondayo_, i wonder if it is because im opening from ntfs volume13:11
dayo_bthompson: ?13:12
bthompsondayo_, well i copied to desktop..and still nothing..13:12
hyperairhow advisable is it to use a separate partition for /etc13:13
whocaresGod Day All!13:13
bn43hi I have a konica minolta fax scanner printer 2900 I need to get working on ubuntu13:13
bn43can anyone help please?13:13
dayo_bthompson: i'm stumped. no idea why it won't show 'Use as default app' :-(13:14
user___daredevilthere: gnome terminal: edit -> profiles - edit - background..13:14
ezerhodenbn43: System > Administration > Printing13:14
bthompsondayo_, i just looked at an install of 8.04 i have on an old machine and it doesn't have the option either...13:15
=== Sorcererb0b is now known as Sorcererbob
whocaresgot a problem with media player in Firefox i cant get the music to play from my radio station web site it shows it is playing (streaming) but no sound13:15
bn43ezerhoden: yeah I got that far - printer is recognised but no driver for it13:15
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit13:15
bn43been trying generic pcl drivers - printer says receiving but does not print13:15
dayo_bthompson: that's creepy. what desktop are u using on the 8.04?13:16
whocaresHey ezerhoden  dont you be in Mepis channel too13:16
=== Night-Off is now known as Nightchill
bthompsondayo_, gnome13:17
ezerhodenwhocares: yes, i have idled in there for years13:17
whocaresits me Barber bill13:17
ezerhodenwhocares: cut my linux teeth with mepis13:17
bn43ezerhoden: did u get my last message?  printer recognised but no driver13:17
whocaresme too13:17
ezerhodenbn43: sorry, look on manufacturers website for a linux driver. i dont know if cups does not have one listed13:18
ezerhodenwhocares: i remember you13:18
bn43um ok cool13:18
=== FRiEd|BnC is now known as FriedCPU
bn43does anyone else have experience with konica minolta printers?13:18
toaderHi, how to nohup ftp? thanks13:19
whocaresezerhoden, can you help me with this got a problem with media player in Firefox i cant get the music to play from my radio station web site it shows it is playing (streaming) but no sound13:19
ikoniabn43: he gave you pretty sound advice13:19
bn43ikonia: I've looked and no driver13:19
dayo_bthompson: have u tried this: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Intrepid#Associate_default_applications13:19
ikoniawhocares: what player is it using ? a flash based one?13:19
leleobhzsomeone can tell-me if its possible to change the arch of a system?13:19
ikoniabn43: have you checked if it's supported at all ?13:19
jribtoader: why not use screen?13:19
whocaresI got banned from there you know13:19
toaderjrib: what is screen?13:19
jrib!screen | toader13:19
ubottutoader: screen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen13:19
jribleleobhz: only by reinstalling13:20
whocaresdidn't like my old name bibleman Bill13:20
bn43this particular printer is not listed as supported13:20
leleobhzi think can be done changing apt arch and using aptitude to reinstall all packages13:20
leleobhzits possible?13:20
ikoniabn43: ok - so there is your answer13:20
whocaresI dont know that player13:20
ikonialeleobhz: you can't change architechture13:20
ikoniawhocares: do you want to give us the website so we can see which player ?13:20
bn43but I've learned that that does not necessarily mean it does not work under linux - someone may have found a way13:20
leleobhzikonia: why?13:20
bn43which is why I'm asking here13:20
ikoniabn43: if it's not supported - it won't work as there will be no driver for it13:21
ikonialeleobhz: because you can't13:21
bthompsondayo_, no..thanks i will review and try13:21
ikonialeleobhz: the two different archs work in different ways13:21
user___leleobhz: the kernel is arch dependent. its the fixed root of the whole system13:21
leleobhzforget the kernel13:21
whocaresi think flash13:21
the[V]oidomg it took me about half an hour to kill them all -,- http://evoid.de/page/devblog/?p=20713:21
leleobhzi need only know if can i reinstall all userland with another arch13:21
ikonialeleobhz: no - you can't13:22
jribleleobhz: reinstall the operating system.  That is the only supported way to change arch13:22
user___leleobhz: how is userland going to work without the appropiate kernel?13:22
whocaresok back13:22
leleobhzLinux zorg.leleobhz.org #7 SMP Sat Jan 17 08:22:19 BRST 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux13:22
ikoniawhocares: I can listen to it fine, it must be a codec issue, let me see if I can find out what its steaming with, out of interest have you got all the audio codecs installed13:22
leleobhzthe kernel is amd64 (ive compiled it to support xen)13:23
ikonialeleobhz: showing us your uname output won't change anything13:23
leleobhzuser___: so my problem now is only userland13:23
ikonialeleobhz: you can't do it -13:23
whocaresI think i do13:23
ikonia!codec | whocares13:23
ubottuwhocares: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats13:23
shahroozHi guys13:23
shahroozI need a quick help13:23
ikoniawhocares: worth checking those13:23
whocaresWill give it a try13:24
ikoniawhocares: worth checking at leasst13:24
ikoniashahrooz: you don't need to use caps lock13:24
ikoniashahrooz: use a CD install media13:24
r_natoHi can someone help me ? I m a brazilian !!!13:25
srv"sudo apt-get update" returns "Failed to fetch http://ir.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/intrepid-updates/main/source/Sources.bz2  Hash Sum mismatch" but "sudo aptitude update" completes with no error! what's wrong?13:25
jrib!offline | shahrooz13:25
leleobhzr_nato: and...?13:25
ubottushahrooz: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ (now with Intrepid support)13:25
jribshahrooz: please don't use caps13:25
shahroozok !13:25
shahroozwhat's wrong !13:25
dayo_r_nato: there's nothing wrong with being brazillian. embrace your brazillianness13:25
quibblerr_nato, can't help you with that13:25
shahroozWhat cd ?13:25
srvshahrooz: salam13:26
ikoniashahrooz: the one available from http://www.ubuntu.com13:26
r_natoleleobhz, my ubuntu didnt leave me install programs13:26
=== FriedCPU is now known as FRiEd|BnC
shahroozsrv: salam ikonia: you mean Ubuntu CD !?13:26
ikoniashahrooz: yes - the ubuntu install cd as I said13:26
bazanyone have an image of a working Ubuntu/Postfix/Dovecot/OpenLDAP/SpamAssasin/ClamAV?13:26
whocaresi have installed ichthux desktop on ubuntu Ce 8.0413:26
r_natowhit the apt-get its ok13:26
ikoniabaz: working exim/dovecot/openldap/spamassisin setting here13:26
shahroozikonia: i have it ! but there is no wine13:27
r_natobut if i download some program and try install13:27
r_natoi got a problem13:27
srvshahrooz: mitooni package e wine ro besoorate file e .deb download koni o ba'd nasbesh koni, albatte fekr konam kolli dependency dare13:27
r_natolet me see the messege13:27
transmissiond-pri have a proble with transmissiond13:27
bazikonia, can i have it :)13:27
shahroozsrv: dl kardam vali mogheye nasb , koli dl kard !13:27
dayo_r_nato: pastebin.com13:27
ikoniawhocares: ubuntu CE is not supported here as it's not packaged by the official ubuntu development team13:28
shahroozikonia: i download deb file from getdeb but when i install it , it going to dl another fils !13:28
whileimhereCan anyone tell me how to use the command line to copy a whole dir of files to another folder?13:28
bazi really like linux but windows is soooooooooooo much easier13:28
dayo_r_nato: or http://paste.ubuntu.com13:28
whocaresI have got both ubuntu and kubuntu the restricted ones13:28
jribwhileimhere: cp -a13:28
* Panarchy says Hi13:28
PanarchyIs there any distribution that has only GNOME, Ubuntu icons for GNOME, DPKG, Apt-Get, Network Capabilites, Generic Drivers & the GNOME Terminal Emulator? Or is there a way for me to slim down a distribution to contain just those? As I've been creating my own distribution, and want to start off with only the bare minimum, before adding the features and programs that I want to have on my distribution. But I DEFINITELY need those featur13:28
ikoniawhocares: cp -R source destination13:28
jribbaz: what are you finding difficulty doing?13:28
shahroozikonia : Hello !!13:28
transmissiond-pri have 3 process with diferent pid 2 aways sleeping and 1 running13:28
ikoniashahrooz: yes ?13:28
jrib!minimal | Panarchy13:29
ubottuPanarchy: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD13:29
shahroozikonia : :) i told you my problem13:29
dayo_Panarchy: eeeewww gnome. Xubuntu is were it's at! :P13:29
r_natolook the terminal just say it for me ... make: ** [install-dirs] Erro 113:29
shahroozikonia: how can help me ?13:29
dayo_uh oh13:29
user___baz: the linux learning curve is steeper, once you have mastered it, you will love unix13:29
simplexiobaz: so you started suing computers sowhere 95.. for old dos/4dos people linux is much easier and faster to use13:29
simplexiobaz: s/suing/using13:29
ikoniashahrooz: you need to download the dependencies too - see the note that jrib asked ubottu to show you13:29
jribr_nato: what are you trying to install exactly?13:30
=== dayo_ is now known as dayo_away
ugliefrogim still new and i love it...still have to learn new things but I can say its great13:30
jrib!away > dayo_away13:30
ubottudayo_away, please see my private message13:30
=== dayo_away is now known as dayo_
BattleStarJesusWhat channel do I go to for Ubuntu chat?13:30
dayo_how do i view the PM?13:30
shahroozikonia: ok jrib: hi , where i can download the WINE dependencies ?13:31
dayo_i'm still newbish when it comes to irc, u know?13:31
ardchoille!ot | BattleStarJesus13:31
ubottuBattleStarJesus: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:31
simplexioafter windows get something good as bash and easy unix like filesystem using i can consider changing back. i mean has anyone ever tried move whole desktop & settings folder to another harddisk ?13:31
jribshahrooz: did you see the message ubottu gave you?13:31
shahroozjrib: no !13:31
jrib!offline > shahrooz13:31
ubottushahrooz, please see my private message13:31
dayo_jrib: how do i view the PM?13:31
bazjrib: i'm definitly doing something complicated - installing mail server, ldap, spam block etc... but i must say if u do it in windows, and you have no idea what you are doing, something pops up in the startmenu, you likely click configure, it guides you thru an expert system (wizard) asking you to configure stuff that 99.9% people need - u may look up a couple of things here and there for clarification but thats it - and thats without havi13:31
bazng prior knowledge of what u are doing! just a rant sorry13:31
tvgv  Depends: kicker (<=4: but 4:3.5.10-0ubuntu1~hardy2 is to be installed13:32
tvgv  Depends: ksmserver (<=4: but 4:3.5.10-0ubuntu1~hardy2 is to be installed13:32
shahroozubottu : yes, now13:32
FloodBot1tvgv: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about yes, now13:32
ikoniatvgv: they are called dependencies13:32
tvgvhow do i fix them mate13:32
Ward1983ikonia, i can see now why he is so confused, that link you gave me is total crap, its not clear at all13:32
jribdayo_: depends on your client13:32
Ward1983that was the same link i gave him13:32
ikoniaWard1983: which one ?13:32
dayo_jrib: irssi over screen13:32
ikoniaWard1983: which link, I don't remember giving you one13:33
zetheroois there an app that I can use to do a thorough scan of a hdd?13:33
zetheroolooking for bad sectors etc ..13:33
shahroozjrib: now i have a shell script file, how i can use it !?13:34
Ward1983ikonia, installing on software raid13:34
Ward1983ikonia, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID13:34
jribshahrooz: what method are you using?  How did you generate the shell script?13:34
ikoniaWard1983: I agree those links are very bad, I'm in the process (as of yesterday) of re-writing them13:34
ikoniaWard1983: there will be new ones by the end of the weekend13:34
dayo_does anyone know how to view PMs with irrsi?13:35
shahroozjrib: synaptic package manager -> file -> generate ...13:35
Ward1983ikonia, wow nice :)13:35
ikoniadayo_: use alt+left/right arrors to scroll the windows13:35
viki44how can I install WavaAccess PCMCIA using terminal13:35
jribshahrooz: now you use the script on another debian/ubuntu system that has internet access13:35
Ward1983ikonia, the thing thats not very clear is swap, is that just spreak over the array aswell? (RAID5)13:35
shahroozjrib: the another system i told , has no internet access !13:36
ikoniaWard1983: if you make it on a raid 5 array - yes it's spread out13:36
dayo_ikonia: thank u! :o)13:36
ikonia!jp | hp13:36
ubottuhp: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい13:36
unopshahrooz, you need atleast one system that is connected to the internet.13:36
Ward1983ikonia, ah thanx, i think / hope i understand the rest more or less13:36
ikoniaWard1983: ask if your not clear13:36
jribshahrooz: you have to generate the script on the system that has no internet access.  Then you use the script on a system that does have internet access13:36
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bazhow come running 'ps' in my ssh session only shows "bash" and "ps"13:36
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shahroozunop : :D13:36
unopshahrooz, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OfflinePackageDownload13:36
CCRMAliteanyone familiar with gparted?13:36
shahroozunop : sorry pal but the another system has no modem13:36
Ward1983ikonia, if i understand correctly i just setup the same partitioning layout on all disks to start with?13:36
dayo_ikonia: and how do i send PMs?13:36
jribbaz: you probably want something like: ps -ef13:36
rtew4535baz: try  ps x  or  ps aux13:36
bazhow can i know if my mail server process is running13:36
unopshahrooz, do you have any computers that have internet access??13:37
quibblerzetheroo, fsck13:37
maxbaldwindayo_:  /msg <user> <message>13:37
iJohCCRMAlite, how familiar? :o13:37
ikoniadayo_: use the "/msg $username" command13:37
shahroozunop : ye , my pc13:37
ruhaan_jslipis there a way to sync my ipod touch to ubuntu?13:37
unopshahrooz, so use that PC to download the packages then13:37
ruhaan_jslipor a data transfer wud do fine to13:37
ikoniaWard1983: what level of raid are you using (just to be clear)13:37
bazps -ef sure does show it13:37
jribruhaan_jslip: jailbroken?13:38
Ward1983ikonia, just software raid13:38
dayo_ikonia: great. thank u!13:38
shahroozunop : ! i want install wine or another software on a internet-less pc13:38
Ward1983ikonia, and RAID513:38
ruhaan_jslipi am running the stock firmware13:38
shahroozunop: no my pc !13:38
jribruhaan_jslip: what version?13:38
Ward1983ikonia, RAID5 over 4 disks to be specific13:38
jribruhaan_jslip: then no, not without jailbreaking afaik13:38
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ruhaan_jslipeven running windows in a VM wont work?13:38
unopshahrooz, yes, on your ubuntu machine - generate the shell script - take that shell script to the machine which has internet access, use it to download the packages - take the packages back to your ubuntu machine and install them13:38
ikoniaWard1983: ok - so your partitions don't have to be the "same" just as much disk as you want to use13:39
unopshahrooz, does that make things clearer now?13:39
bsusacould someone help me please, when i play videos they get out of sync. how can i fix this?13:39
jribruhaan_jslip: the 1.x hash used by apple was broken, but the 2.x hash, people are still working on (and apple doesn't help)13:39
bthompsondayo_, i don't know i don't see any of these options under system administration...13:39
shahroozunop : yes , now, thanks13:39
Ward1983ikonia, that sounds confusing again lol13:39
bazin the ps help, what is a ttys: "x  processes w/o controlling ttys"13:39
unopshahrooz, i've written some instructions here - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OfflinePackageDownload13:39
jribruhaan_jslip: you might be able to do it with a vm with wondows like you said, but I've never tried13:39
shahroozunop : i should select for example wine on aother system and generate script and dl it by my pc ?13:40
Ward1983ikonia, oh wait no i understand i think :)13:40
jrib!tty | baz13:40
ubottubaz: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution.13:40
bthompsondayo_, i don't have system -> administration -> advanced or file association...13:40
Ward1983ikonia, you mean if i decide to use half of the deisk as raid and other half as regular partition thats possible?13:40
LeChacalI am new to compiling programs from source and I was wondering if i could compile from source a version of a program that I made changes to but still leave the version that I got from the repository installed and have both work. If so how would I go about doing that?13:40
pwuertzFlannel: hm.. these instructions https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromLinux have lots of errors.. there are path inconsistencies and some vital steps are missing completely... I would not recommend that to people searching for a installing guide13:40
ikoniaWard1983: mirroring your partitions have to be the same as it's a "copy" 5 is spanning multiple disks so your partitions could be 1 meg, 1000000meg and 20 meg, and you'd just have them all added together13:40
unopshahrooz, yea, if you want to install wine on that system .. and your PC is the machine that is connected to the internet.13:40
ikoniaWard1983: thats it' - correct13:40
jribLeChacal: put your version in /usr/local/13:40
shahroozunop : gott13:40
shahroozunop : thank you so much13:41
Ward1983ikonia, so if i decide to make a partition with mount point /boot i need to do it 4 times?13:41
Ward1983ikonia, also 4 times boot flag?13:41
jrib!defaultapp | bthompson13:41
ubottubthompson: To change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting.13:41
CCRMAliteijoh: familiar enough to make HFS+ partitions13:41
ikoniaWard1983: no no no13:41
Ward1983ikonia, lol ok thats what i tohught, the confusing part :p13:41
ikoniaWard1983: first thing to know is /boot cannot be raid 0 or raid 5 - keep that in mind up front13:41
SMEPTbòåñò ....  ìåíÿ âèäíî ?13:41
LeChacaljrib: how would i do compile and have it end up in  /usr/local/?13:42
SMEPTbêîäèðîâêà íàìàíàÿ?13:42
ikoniaWard1983: you make the partitions as you want on the disk, then you make a "virtual" partition spanning the physical partitions, you then put the mount points you want on your virtual partiton, so it doesn't matter the layout of the "real" partition13:42
bazikonia, he does have to make identical partitions on each drive...13:42
jribLeChacal: usually you can pass --prefix /usr/local/ to ./configure.  Why do you want to do this?13:42
jrib!ru | SMEPTb13:42
ubottuSMEPTb: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke13:42
* jrib guesses13:42
ikoniabaz: no he doesn't for raid 513:42
SMEPTb<ubottu>  ñïñ)13:42
bthompsonjrib: thanks so much13:43
NooKiawhy is ubuntu using xorg 1.6 if on the xorg page states 7.4 ?13:43
jribSMEPTb: what language?13:43
bazikonia: sorry, not necessarily identical but he does have to make all the partitions he needs manually13:43
Ward1983ikonia, he means the size i think :)13:43
ikoniaWard1983: the size doesn't have to be the same13:43
jribSMEPTb: /join #ubuntu-ru13:43
Ward1983ikonia, wtf :s13:43
bazikonia, Ward1983, but its much prettier when the size is identical :)13:43
ikoniaWard1983: come on, don't need that sort of langauge13:43
bazWard1983, how many drives u got?13:44
ikoniabaz: it really doesn't matter13:44
Ward1983ikonia, so one 1GB disk with 1 TBdisk and one 500GB one can be raid5 ?13:44
LeChacaljrib: i need to remove the timestamping ability of wget to use it in one scrip, but i still want to get official updates for it when they come out.13:44
NooKiawhy is ubuntu using xorg 1.6 ? on the xorg site states 7.4 ?13:44
NooKiawhy is ubuntu using xorg 1.6 ? on the xorg site states 7.4 !13:44
CCRMAliteijoh are you still with me?13:44
Ward1983ikonia, lol i type it before i realise, this is the only channel im going to that freaks about that word...13:44
jribLeChacal: you really need to recompile for that?13:44
ikoniaWard1983: they can, but the parity will be limited to the smallest disk13:44
iJohCCRMAlite: I am, but I can't find any answers anywhere :p13:44
CCRMAliteright on13:44
maxbaldwinNookia: Don't be flooding. We saw your post, wait until someone else has an answer. or look it up yourself if nobody know.13:45
Ward1983ikonia, lol yeah thats what i thought13:45
Ward1983so the size ideally is the same13:45
LeChacaljrib: yes that is what i got from talking to the people in the wget irc channel. wget has a bug in it that does not allow you to turn off timestamping13:45
jribNooKia: please don't repeat.  Ubuntu does use xorg 7.4.  1.6 is the version of the xorg-server iirc13:45
ikoniaWard1983: in terms of not wasting space, yes that is better, sorry I should have made that clear13:45
NooKiaxorg-server iirc ?13:45
NooKiawhats that ?13:45
Ward1983ikonia, no problem its very clear now13:45
jribNooKia: if I recall correctly13:45
CCRMAliteactually I would settle for anyway of partitioning an HFS+ format13:45
CCRMAliteon an external13:45
CCRMAlitewithout erasing the volume13:46
CCRMAliteand without using osx13:46
jribNooKia: ubuntu has 1.5.2 from X -version.  Not sure where you are getting 1.613:46
bazWard1983, one thing that ikonia said that is very important is that grub can't read RAID5, so u know what u need to do?13:46
howtoohello, I've got a problem with an old laptop here. I had ubuntu installed on it, and it worked like a charm for a couple of months. Then I got what I thought was a harddisk crash due to being an old harddisk in an old computer13:46
Ward1983baz, offcourse else i would ask :)13:46
NooKiao mean the new release13:46
NooKiai mean the new release13:46
howtoogot a new HD, and it crashed again after a week13:46
bazWard1983, what?13:46
jribNooKia: what new release?  8.10 is the newest release13:46
NooKiaits not13:47
NooKiaits jounty13:47
=== capricornnn is now known as CapriCoRN^80
howtoois there any known problems with ext3fs on ubuntu?13:47
ikoniaNooKia: thats not released, and is supported in #ubuntu+113:47
ikoniahowtoo: no13:47
Ward1983baz, i do not need to prove to you i understood ikonia 's explenations do i?13:47
jribNooKia: yes, it is.  jaunty won't be released until april.  Jaunty is for development13:47
bazWard1983, i am curious, there are different ways13:47
Ward1983baz, im testing this in a virtual envirenment, dont worry im not screwing up my system13:47
CCRMAlitewill os x install on anything other than HFS+?13:47
iJohCCRMAlite: it seems to me that GPartEd can create HFS+ easily, but yours is greyed out?13:47
bn43does the live cd support printing? via cups?13:47
jribNooKia: apt-cache policy xserver-xorg will show you the version of xorg13:47
howtoowierd to get bad blocks on a brand new hard disk13:47
NooKiaso if it wasnt release what was it ?13:47
bazWard1983, haha, i'm not testing u man, trying to learn myself13:48
NooKiaits out to download13:48
ikoniaNooKia: a development platform that is discussed in the channel #ubuntu+113:48
ikoniaNooKia: please join #ubuntu+1 to talk about jaunty13:48
Ward1983baz, lol ok it looked like you were13:48
NooKiaits out to download so it has been released13:48
Ward1983baz, wait untill im done, ill make a screenie :)13:48
iJohCCRMAlite: Probably some other mac format like HFS, so the answer must be a sort of "no". You can create a FAT32 partition and repartition that with an OS X DVD with the disk utility13:48
CCRMAliteyes iJoh13:48
bhaskarkhi, just now i updated my system to 8.10, but my System freezes before login screen, any help?? btw i removed compiz and compiz-core13:48
maxbaldwinno, beta's out for download, NooKia.13:48
bazWard1983, okidoki13:48
jribLeChacal: ok.  Your other option is to just edit the wget source package from ubuntu.  But if you really want two version, one with timestamping and one without then installing to /usr/local/ is the way to go13:48
CCRMAliteand I installed the hfsprogs utility13:48
CapriCoRN^80i have installed cairo-dock but i am not getting it working13:48
iJohCCRMAlite: At least, that's what I've tried13:48
calaveraDeluxehi all, i have13:48
maxbaldwinor the Alpha I think.13:49
CapriCoRN^80i did its settings13:49
toaderjrib: My case is: I ssh to server 1, then server 1 need to ftp upload file to server 2. Now I disconnect to server1, how to make server1 continue to upload files to server2. But Screen seems not be able to achieve this.13:49
NooKia pasted from DW 2009-01-16  NEW • Development Release: Ubuntu 9.04 Alpha 313:49
jribtoader: screen can do that.  What did you try?13:49
LeChacaljrib: yes because i have another script that uses timestamping and since i cant use an option to just turn it off i need two versions13:49
CCRMAliteiJoh I don't know of anyway of using disk utility to convert fat32 to HFS+13:49
NooKiaits a development  RELEASE13:50
CCRMAlitenot without erasing data on the volume13:50
toaderjrib: so, I issue screen command on my computer, or on server1?13:50
jribLeChacal: you may not want to put the new wget binary in /usr/local/bin/ since then it will be preferred to the "standard" one and some programs may need the timestamping13:50
iJohCCRMAlite: Yes, you'll lose everything on the FAT32 because you're going to format it again, into HFS+13:50
maxbaldwinNookia: go to #ubuntu+1 and discuss it. This is for 8.10 only.13:50
CCRMAliteno iJoh I mean on the volume13:50
CCRMAliteI have a seperate partition on the same volume13:51
bazevery mail server tutorial integrates with MySQL but someone in this channel the other day highly suggested against using MySQL as a store for email... what are people's general thoughts on this? does it add an unnecessarily complex dependency for little reward, or is it fine to use MySQL for the store?13:51
jribtoader: you ssh, you run screen, you do whatever you need to do with ftp, you disconnect.  Screen stays running and you can even ssh back and reattach the screen later if you want with 'screen -r'13:51
CCRMAlitethere is a fat32 partition and an ms-dos partition with windows files13:51
LeChacaljrib: ok thank you13:51
CCRMAliteI don't want to lose my windows files13:51
maxbaldwinCCRMAlite: then back them up to a server, USB, or a CD or something.13:51
CCRMAliteusing disk utility I would have to change my 'volume scheme'13:52
CCRMAlitethis external IS my backup lol13:52
iJohhmm, maybe it's a while since I've tried disk utility then :o13:52
toaderjrib: ok, thanks. I will try13:52
CCRMAliteI could potentially back up the windows files but I was trying to avoid it13:53
maxbaldwinyou should always back up files. :\13:53
iJohCCRMAlite, but I tried creating an HFS+ partition once (tried OSx86 project) by formating a FAT32 into HFS+ on my HDD - Which also contained a windows partition. I did not break anything13:53
ikoniaNooKia: please stop discussing it here13:53
ikoniaNooKia: I won't ask again13:53
calaveraDeluxehi all, i have trouble connecting to my airport express, it worked flawlessly the last few month, and today it just stoped working. it asked me for the password, i retyped and it didn't work. i removed the protection, now it can connect but all i can do send out one ping, after that i do not get any response whatsoever. could someone point me to where to start looking?13:53
CCRMAliteit would be exceptionally nice if there were a way to re-partition, keep the data, and be compatible between windows, mac, and linux.13:54
badseriiHi. How to make such that all files created by a user to be of speciffic permissions. Thank you!13:55
CCRMAliteyeah I managed to do that with a sony vaio umpc but I can't remember how13:55
CCRMAliteI think it was because it was a special type of os x install13:55
CCRMAlitemaybe if I can find that disc I'll be able to do it with that13:55
user___badserii: file from the past of the future?13:55
jribbadserii: set the umask you want13:56
jribbadserii: though user___ asks a good question you should answer13:56
iJohCCRMAlite, a patched OS X install?13:56
badseriiuser___: from future13:56
user___badserii: so jrib was 100% correct :-)13:56
CCRMAliteit has to do with bridging the gap between PPC and intel13:57
CCRMAlitethe basis of the osx86 project13:57
Ward1983ikonia, it keeps telling me i dont have defined a root filesystem but thats the raid array13:57
badseriiuser___ , jrib:Thank you!13:57
ikoniaWard1983: have you made a / file system mount point on the raid array ?13:57
Ward1983ikonia, cannot seem to tell it the muntpoint of the raid array13:57
ikoniaWard1983: your using the alternative cD to install yes ?13:57
Ward1983ikonia, nope i cannot fidn where to do that13:57
ikoniaWard1983: your using the alternative CD to install yes ?13:58
Ward1983ikonia, server13:58
Ward1983ikonia, (server also supports soft raid)13:59
ikoniaWard1983: so you've made multiple partitions in the partitioner, and then made a device (say md0) across those devices, yes/no13:59
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Ward1983ikonia, yep13:59
Ward1983ikonia, oops i mean yes :p13:59
ikoniaWard1983: so in that same menu you should be able to mark /dev/md0 as say / file system13:59
Ward1983ikonia, ok then i just nee to look better :p thanx14:00
tvgvhow do i add keys through terminal14:00
ikoniaWard1983: if your really stuck hang on until the weekend ends when I have the document finished, its just turned out to be bigger updates than I thought14:01
ulisse'lo guys14:01
tvgvuli u know much mate14:01
tvgv??? reposi14:01
ulissewhy isn't there any trace of airprime modue in ubuntu 8.10? is there a module that replaces it?14:01
mattgriffinwhen i set the Login Window to automatically log me in, i get a window to auth my keychain. there isn't a "remember" option. is there a way to get it to remember my keychain password. i think it prompts me b/c it needs it to log into my wifi connection at home. thanks.14:02
iJohCCRMAlite, I uncovered some more. Seems HFS+ must be at the end of a volume14:02
clarksanyone know about evolution mail?14:03
scunizimattgriffin, is this machine accessable by anyone else?14:03
Stalker72I accidentally removed the menu bar. How can I restore it?14:03
maxbaldwinclarks: lots of people do. what do you need?14:03
mattgriffinscunizi: i'm the only user14:03
whileimhereIs there an easy way to take about 100 files and make the file names all lower case?14:03
scunizimattgriffin, 'cause you realize that doing that is a security risk?14:03
quibblerStalker72, right click on panel add menu bar14:04
clarksmaxbaldwin, i need the email that avaible for evolution other than gmail..14:04
oholiabwhileimhere: give me a minute and I can help you with that14:04
tvgvmatt griffin from shepp14:04
unopmattgriffin,  set a blank passphrase for the keychain - it seems to be the only solution14:04
mattgriffinscunizi: yeah. i'm willing to take the risk. this is just a play computer (dell mini) at my home.14:04
Stalker72quibbler: thanks14:04
bhaskarkhi, just now i updated my system to 8.10, but my System freezes before login screen, any help?? btw i removed compiz and compiz-core14:04
whileimhereoholiab cooool14:04
tvgvmatt are u from shepp14:04
oholiabwhileimhere: Are they all in the same directory with no files you DON'T want to change in?14:05
clarksmaxbaldwin, you know?14:05
scunizimattgriffin, System>Admin>Login Window should have the option to do that.14:05
mattgriffintvgv: in chicago14:05
mattgriffinscunizi: awesome. thanks.14:05
unopwhileimhere, cd directory && rename '$_ = lc' *14:05
maxbaldwinclarks: your looking for a webmail that's compatible with evoluion other that gmail?14:05
tvgvok cool14:05
clarksmaxbaldwin, yes..you know?14:06
yakuzI installed ubuntu and then created a partion to install win xp on. Then xp always booted but I fixed it so now Grub is booting. And I added xp in the menu.lst file but when I try to boot from it I get -Error13: invalid or unsupported executable format. I think it might be that I said the xp to be hd0,0 but I think that is where my ubuntu ext3 partion is. How can I see which my ntfs partion is?14:06
Ward1983ikonia, no ill probably manage just fine :)14:06
scunizimattgriffin, np, yw14:06
maxbaldwinI dunno... I don't use evolution, but I guess if you get msn there's an email package for that.14:06
ugliefrogis compiz bad?14:06
maxbaldwinnot at all14:06
tvgvuglie i dont know i just installed14:06
tvgvcant activate14:07
scuniziugliefrog, sometimes it behaves badly and you have to give it a timeout14:07
Ward1983ikonia, if i get it to work ill send you some usefull screenshots or movies of the process so you can add them in your manual if you feel like it14:07
tvgvikonia have u got vids for this stuff it would be a real help14:07
ugliefrogk whew just turned it on see what it does all ive noticed is the windows when u drag them14:07
ugliefrogi c14:08
scuniziyakuz, sudo fdisk -l will show all your partitions14:08
Ranakahhow can i change path where is wtmp file?14:08
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tvgvhow did u turn it on uglie14:08
unopwhileimhere,  or:  cd directory && for i in *; do j=$(tr [A-Z] [a-z] <<<"$i");  mv "$i" "$j"; done14:08
tvgvUGS how u turn on mate14:08
scuniziyakuz, but remember that sda2 for grub is really hd(0,1)14:08
ugliefrogunder system go to apperance14:08
unopwhileimhere, make a backup of your files first tho.14:09
ugliefrogpreferences then to appearance14:09
tvgvyes then14:09
simo_hello every1, i need some help with xubuntu panels. Is this the right place?14:09
scunizi!ccsm | ugliefrog14:09
ugliefrogthen visual effect14:09
ubottuugliefrog: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion14:09
ugliefrogsweet ill try it14:10
tvgvso install simple-ccsm'14:10
tvgvis it sudo apt get install14:10
quibblersimo_, yes14:11
whocaresstill Have problem with sound14:11
pipegeek_How does uname determine your hostname?  What it's reporting (localhost.localdomain) is not what's in /etc/hostname, or what's returned by 'hostname'.14:11
scunizitvgv, if you want to find the package name then you could apt-cache search <package>, otherwise it's easier to use synaptic to search for the two different ccsm's14:11
pipegeek_ever since I upgraded to intrepid.14:11
unoppipegeek,  hostname --fqdn  #perhaps14:12
simo_quibbler, great man- can you please help me?14:12
quibblersimo_, what is the problem?14:12
yakuzscunizi: thanks for the command. I only have one hdd so it's always hd0,0 ? or is hd0,1 another partion etc? This is my menu.lst http://pastebin.com/d192f52ce14:12
tvgvscunizi my problem is the gaps mate here i need videos sent for this stuff14:12
tvgvim going crazy14:13
simo_in the past i used ubuntu and it was very easy to move around cursors in gnome panel14:13
yakuzscunizi: and this is what I get from fdisk -l http://pastebin.com/d6514bec614:13
pipegeek_unop, thx14:13
simo_prob with xubuntu is that i cannot put icons in panels wherever i want14:13
leinad_Hi there, is there any distro that still support php4 (i does not want to compile apache by myself with php4 support - need distro with packages) ????14:13
oholiabwhileimhere: Are they all in the same directory with no files you DON'T want to change in?14:13
quibblersimo_, right clicking you can't choose move?14:14
Stalker72Is there a way to make everything in (K)ubuntu run with GStreamer? My speakers don't work with anything else than OSS.14:14
yakuzscunizi: so I should write (hd0,1) ?14:14
unopoholiab, i've given him a couple of suggestions already14:14
JampiterHow do I change the computer name? I mis-spelt it ¬¬14:14
unop!hostname | Jampiter14:14
ubottuJampiter: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at System > Administration > Networking on the "General" tab14:14
scuniziyakuz, with one drive it will always be known as sda<something>... the <something> represents the partition.  grub starts counting at 0 (zero), so the first partiiton on the drive would be sda1 or hd(0,0), the second would be sda2 or hd(0,1), etc.14:14
JampiterThanks unop :)14:15
simo_quibbler, I did but it wont place the icon whereever i please, it will stack it on the left14:15
simo_basically it stacked one icon after another14:15
elostioleinad php4 is supported until 6.1014:15
whocaresMy sound from cd Plays but system sounds dont14:15
yakuzscunizi: ah okey. then it's not strange that I get an error. sda2 is my ntfs partion so I will replace it with hd0,1 in the menu.lst14:15
yakuzgoing tro try it now14:15
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whocaresand the web site dont work either14:16
whocaresmy cd playes with rythem box14:16
quibblersimo_, if you add a new icon it may go to the left but normally if you then right click choose move then move your mouse it should move for you14:16
scuniziyakuz, might work. typically it's much easier to install windows first then ubuntu and you'll avoid this mess.. windows really likes to be the first thing on the drive (install order as well as location on the harddrive)14:16
simo_quibbler, Yea I know at least thats what i use to do in ubuntu and it worked14:17
scunizitvgv, so you want to install ccsm?  from the terminal?  easier to go to System>Admin>Synaptic Package Manager14:18
simo_but here it just wont work i tried many times14:18
whocareswhen i test the sound sytem that works14:18
oCean_simo_: when you right-click the icon, does menu appear, and option "lock to panel" is ticked?14:18
tvgvyer broi di i got that running14:18
oholiabunop: fair enough :)14:19
tvgvbut how do i make it work do i retart my comp14:19
whocaresezerhoden, can you help me with this got a problem with media player in Firefox i cant get the music to play from my radio station web site it shows it is playing (streaming) but no sound14:19
quibblersimo_, i,m using ubuntu and i thought the xubuntu acted the same.14:19
whocaresmy cd playes with rythem box14:19
whocareswhen i test the sound sytem that works14:19
scunizi!who |  tvgv14:19
ubottutvgv: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)14:19
whocaresMy sound from cd Plays but system sounds dont14:19
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP314:19
chilli0Hello all14:19
simo_"lock to panel" is not there in xubuntu, Xubuntu uses xfce instead of gnome14:20
tvgvscunizi> you mate14:20
chilli0Avm stays on top of my windows, and i have set it to go under them14:20
scunizitvgv, couple questions... did you enable the restricted driver in System>Admin>Hardware drivers (if you have an ati or nvidia, possibly another)?14:20
oCean_simo_: ah, ok.14:20
tvgvscunizi> after u tick things how do u make it work14:20
simo_its quite fast but this prob is making me crazy14:20
bazhangtvgv, check the keybindings14:20
tvgvi have an ubuntu eee 4g14:21
tvgvscunizi> sorry14:21
chilli0Avm stays on top of my windows, and i have set it to go under them14:21
quibblersimo_, you could try in #xubuntu14:21
tvgvscunizi> i have an ubuntu 4g14:21
tvgvso its possibly another14:21
quibblersimo_, maybe it is different!14:21
simo_thanx quibbler, I'll go there and see what happens14:22
tvgvscunizi> soz14:22
ikoniatvgv: 4g ?14:22
scunizitvgv, what's an ubuntu 4g?14:22
tvgvscunizi> check out ubuntu eee14:22
ubottusoundblaster is If you need help with setting up your soundblaster card, then visit https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundcardsWithHardwareSynth14:22
ikoniatvgv: what are you talking about ?14:22
ikoniatvgv: what is ubuntu 4g ?14:22
scunizitvgv, oh an eeeeee pc right?14:22
tvgvscunizi> i run a human netbook14:22
tvgvscunizi> i run wine14:22
scunizitvgv, so you're looking for the cube?14:23
tvgvscunizi> yes man that cube14:23
bazhangtvgv, is this eeebuntu, netbook remix, base install or full install; or is it just straight up ubuntu14:23
tvgvscunizi> ubuntu-eee14:23
scunizitvgv, did you install the full ccsm or the light version ?14:23
kane77is it possible to grep for some string and output also couple of lines before and after found line?14:23
bazhangtvgv, which version of eeebuntu14:24
tvgvscunizi> yes14:24
tvgvscunizi> full install 2.5g14:24
oCean_kane77: yes, use -C option (=context, see man grep)14:24
tvgvits from ubuntu-eee.com14:24
kane77oCean_, thank you!14:24
scunizitvgv, no .. I mean the full or light version of ccsm.. compiz config settings manager14:24
bazhangtvgv, normal kernel or one from array.org14:25
calaveraDeluxeI'm still having trouble connecting to my airport express, i get an ip (, my airport is at, i can ping it but i only get 3 or 4 reply's, after that there is nothing. if i reconnect i get again 3-4 replys, than all goes silent. does anyone know wehre to start looking?14:25
oCean_kane77: moment, not sure if i gave right option.14:25
tvgvscunizi> sorry um dont know seems big14:25
tvgvscunizi>um dont know not array from youtubelol14:25
bazhangcalaveraDeluxe, you have encryption set or no14:25
kane77oCean_, yes, that does what I need14:25
oCean_kane77: yes it is. -A is for lines After, -B is for lines Before.. C = both14:25
scunizitvgv, k. go to system>preferences>advanced desktop settings manager14:25
calaveraDeluxeusally yes, but i have removed it to see if that is the problem, but no luck14:26
bazhangcalaveraDeluxe, what wifi chipset14:26
scunizitvgv, then in the "Desktop" section enable "cube"14:26
calaveraDeluxean intel one, let me have a look14:27
bazhangcalaveraDeluxe, open a terminal and type ifconfig what entries are there14:27
bazhangcalaveraDeluxe, something like wlan0 ?14:27
Jack_Sparrowtvgv, On the first page  put check next to rotate cube and desktop cube.. dbl click general options... up closer to the top...  click on desktop size  and set them to 4, 1 and 1  top to bottom... ctrl+alt+(Left Mouse Button) then move mouse14:27
calaveraDeluxeit always worked, it stoped to do so this morning14:27
tvgvscunizi>ok cool i have a problem with one thingback soon14:27
Jack_SparrowoCean_, Can you give an example of that -c etc.. very cool..14:28
tvgvjack sparrow>14:28
bazhangcalaveraDeluxe, I have one of those as well, sometimes they need a restart to get them going again (the airport dongle)14:28
tvgvjack sparrow>this is a killer14:28
scuniziJack_Sparrow, that explaination should be accessable from ubutto :)14:28
calaveraDeluxebazhang: nope, eth0 and eth1 . eth1 got the ip address14:28
oCean_Jack_Sparrow: well "grep -C 2 <string>" also outputs 2 lines before and after the line where the string is found14:29
whocaresGod Day Jack_Sparrow14:29
tvgvjack sparrow>will it work in a net book theme or do i have to change14:29
scuniziJack_Sparrow, from something like !rotate14:29
Ranakahhow can i change path where is wtmp file?14:29
Jack_Sparrowscunizi, I have the whole thing I use .. one sec14:29
bazhangcalaveraDeluxe, try bringing down eth1 and bringing up again then sudo dhclient eth114:29
Jack_Sparrowscunizi, Install ccsm  sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager Next go to system...pref..advanced desktop effects....  On the first page  put check next to rotate cube and desktop cube.. dbl click general options... up closer to the top...  click on desktop size  and set them to 4, 1 and 1  top to bottom... ctrl+alt+(Left Mouse Button) then move mouse14:29
ikoniaRanakah: you'd have to rebuild that package, it's hardcoded14:29
Ranakahokay tnx14:29
scuniziJack_Sparrow, nice..14:29
Jack_Sparrowscunizi, the other one I use is for animations.. one sec14:29
Jack_SparrowFor Animations like Burning windows..Open CCSM  Under Effects.. Enable Animations and Animations add-ons... Close CCSM, Reopen CCSM, Double click Animations.. You will see tabs for Open, Close, Minimize etc... On the tab marked Open Select.. New.. Where it says open Effect Select... Burn.. Set Duration to 150.. For Window Match.. Type (type=Normal | Menu | PopupMenu | DropdownMenu | Dialog | ModalDialog)14:30
whocaresHow do i get mixer in terminal14:30
scunizitvgv, shouldn't make a difference14:30
bazhangwhocares, alsamixer14:30
ikoniawhocares: as I said earlier ubuntu CE is not supported here14:30
ikoniawhocares: please use the ubuntu ce support resources14:30
whocaresthere are none14:30
scuniziJack_Sparrow, you keep those in a key combo? or in a file for cut and paste?14:30
ikoniawhocares: there are - but #ubuntu does not support it as it is modified14:31
Jack_SparrowOcethanks.  I love how this works.. I help others and learn at the same time.. :)14:31
whocaresI am Using Ubuntu with kubuntu14:31
calaveraDeluxebazhang: did that, same behavior like before, can send out 4 pings, than not14:31
Jack_Sparrowscunizi, I keep a notepad open. cut and paste..14:31
whocaresubuntu 8.0414:31
ikoniawhocares: you're not - your using ubuntu CE 8.04 as you said earlier14:31
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bazhangcalaveraDeluxe, well I would try and resetting (ie turning on and then off) the dongle14:32
oCean_Jack_Sparrow: same here :)14:32
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calaveraDeluxeehm, how wuld i do that? :)14:32
* scunizi is going to get some14:32
thadthudpuckerthis is going to sound really dumb, but i need to put the contents of a folder (subdirectories and all) into a folder that the owner is root and i dont have permissions for. I am trying to put some savegames into their appropriate folder14:32
ikoniawhocares: read the FAQ http://ubuntuce.com/faq.htm14:33
Jack_Sparrowthadthudpucker, sudo or gksudo14:33
bazhangcalaveraDeluxe, its just a plug; unplug, wait one minute or so, then replug14:33
thadthudpuckeri know sudo, but i am flummoxed on the proper command to get everything in there14:33
bthompsonis there a keybody shortcut to minimize all windows at once..14:34
Jack_Sparrowthadthudpucker, If you must.. use the very dangerous command gksudo nautilus then exit that file manager asap14:34
atlefJack_Sparrow: thank you for the ccsm tip14:34
thadthudpuckerAh I will try that14:34
jribbthompson: system -> preferences -> keyboard shortcuts14:34
thadthudpuckerThanks...doing it now14:34
jordi_hi everyone14:34
Jack_Sparrowbthompson, isnt there an icon bottom left to show desktop14:34
calaveraDeluxebazhang: its an onboard chip ;) i'm sorry if i didn't make that clear, my english isn't perfect...14:34
scuniziJack_Sparrow, for info purposes, at terminal how would you move a directory and all it's contents (doesn't matter if sudo or not) just curious?14:35
bthompsonjrib, i tried that didn't see an option to minimize all windows on screen..in windows it is windows key and M14:35
bazhangcalaveraDeluxe, airport express?14:35
jribbthompson: it's probably referred to as "show desktop"14:35
Jack_Sparrowscunizi, -R for folder and all folders  inside   but man mv for details.. Still waiting for first cup of coffee to brew so I can wake up  :)14:36
jribbthompson: "Hide all windows and focus desktop" under Window Management14:36
scuniziJack_Sparrow, just poured mine :)14:36
chilli0Avm stays on top of my windows, and i have set it to go under them14:36
jordi_i've got 2 ubuntu computers at home: 1 is an apache webserver, and the other one my personal computer. in the router i set up the port 80 to redirect to the server. This is fine from outsite home, but when i want to visit my website from my personal computer, it keeps sending me to the router website. how can i work around this?14:37
calaveraDeluxeoh, my bad :) you mean the ape, already tried that... didn't help14:37
tvgvjack sparrow>well i selected it and nothing really happened butmy pages burning up lol14:37
chilli0Avm stays on top of my windows, and i have set it to go under them14:37
scunizijordi_, use the internal ip14:37
Boohbahjordi_: place an entry in your hosts file14:37
jordi_it doesn't work either, and that's the strange thing, it also sends me to the router website14:38
ugliefrogman there is alot of settings in compiz i had no idea14:38
jordi_and i have nothing in my /etc/hosts that tells the browser to do so14:38
thadthudpuckerJack_Sparrow: Thank you cap'n I had bee trying to do this for about 3 hours (intersparsed with other things.)14:38
chilli0Avm stays on top of my windows, and i have set it to go under them14:38
Boohbahjordi_: " my.web.server"14:38
scunizijordi_, how do you mean the "router web site"  .. you only have one on the server14:38
bazhangchilli0, you mean awn?14:38
bthompsoni just tried to assign windows an M key and it made all screen grey and black for the background..is that some kind of key to alter desktop14:39
Jack_Sparrowthadthudpucker, no, please use that with extreme caution.. it is not forgiving14:39
chilli0bazhang:  i mean awn avant windows manager14:39
jordi_Boohbah: if i do that, it also redirects me to the administration interface of the router14:39
thadthudpuckerI did what i needed and exited, i shall save that for only when i am absolutely sure what i am doing.14:39
jordi_scunzi: only one website, yes, but it's the administration router's website i'm pointed to14:39
jordi_it's so weird14:39
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Ward1983ikonia, lol i cannot ind where i can set the mountpoint of my raid device, allthough the device definitely exists14:40
Boohbahjordi_: hmm what sort of router is it?14:40
scunizijordi_, you mean from your desktop you get the routers admin page?14:40
Jack_Sparrowthadthudpucker, That should have read no problem...14:40
ryanakcaWhile installing with the alternate CD, I get errors that some .debs are corrupt, and that it fails to download them. Is it trying to ``download'' them from the CD? If so, can I have it download the corrupt ones from the web, since I have the network setup?14:40
Jack_Sparrowryanakca, remove the cd as one of  your software sources..14:41
Jack_Sparrowryanakca, system...admin...software sources14:41
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Ward1983ikonia, never mind now i found it14:41
calaveraDeluxebazhang: btw, thank you for for helping, i appreciate it. i'm really stuck on this .one...14:42
ryanakcaJack_Sparrow: ... cat `/etc/apt/sources.list': `/etc/apt/sources.list': No such file or directory14:42
chilli0Avm stays on top of my windows, and i have set it to go under them help please?14:42
Ward1983ikonia, because i rebooted and didnt make the device again the lines of the raid device were gone, probably a small bug of the installer14:42
ryanakcaJack_Sparrow: I'm in the process of installing the base system  from the alternate CD.14:42
Jack_Sparrowryanakca, What version of ubuntu14:42
Jack_Sparrowryanakca, ah.. sounds like you need a new cd..  is ths an hp or a dell you are trying to install on?14:43
whocaresIm going back to mepis14:43
Jack_Sparrowwhocares, exactly, hope it works for you14:43
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ryanakcaJack_Sparrow: No, well, HP bought Gateway which bought eMachines last I heard, so indirectly, now, yes.14:44
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ryanakcaJack_Sparrow: but, since I have networking setup, shouldn't it be possible to download the packages from the WWW?14:44
Jack_Sparrowryanakca, If I can make a silly suggestion, reburn the same iso but at the slowest possible speed14:44
Jack_Sparrowryanakca, If one of the corrupt files is your sources list. that would be a problem14:45
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk14:45
ryanakcaJack_Sparrow: no, it's telling me that some of the .deb files are corrupt. What's the cdrecord option? It defaults to 4x on my drive, but, ``No manual entry for cdrecord''14:46
ikonialiangyi: please stop14:46
ikoniaWard1983: no - the raid devices arn't made until you start the install14:46
ikoniaWard1983: its not a bug, its how it is meant to work14:46
Jack_Sparrow!jp > liangyi14:46
ubottuliangyi, please see my private message14:46
ikonialiangyi: please stop ???????????????14:47
jrib!cn | liangyi14:47
ubottuliangyi: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk14:47
scuniziliangyi, englich here14:47
Ward1983ikonia, you dont know what i mean, i meant something else14:47
Jack_SparrowMuted him for a sec14:47
Ward1983ikonia, but it doesnt mather its not important :)14:47
grayson! paste bin14:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about paste bin14:48
IceWindif(text == ??) user.mute(). :D14:48
scunizi!pastebin > grayson14:48
ubottugrayson, please see my private message14:49
D0Ndoes anyone know how to save a process priority and affinity ?14:49
graysonscunizi, thanks!14:49
scunizigrayson, also from terminal you can use pastebinit which is in the repos14:50
D0Ndoes anyone know how to save a process priority and affinity ?14:52
scunizifuji, don't do that14:52
ross_tI am trying to boot from CD to test (Ubuntu 8.10) out on an old Sony Vaio before installing but after logging on I get nothing but the mouse pointer.  Any ideas?14:53
Mugshotso...How do I calculate my own upload & download ratio?14:53
fujiscunizi u r is?14:53
dattacan anyone tell me how to delete my partition14:53
Mugshotagain... how do i calculate my upload/download ratio?14:54
graysonscunizi, thanks again14:54
scunizigrayson, np :)14:54
Claire2009mugshot - hey14:54
MugshotThanks for letting me in.14:54
dattai am going to reinstall ubuntu after that14:54
martin__@ ross_t have you tried to restart x again? ctrl + alt + backspace14:54
Mugshothi claire. ;)14:54
tvgvTVGV> madness bangs head into wall14:54
Claire2009anyone here know how to uninstall / reinstall pidgin?14:54
Mugshotagain... how do i calculate my upload/download ratio?14:54
tvgvclaire> yes14:55
Mugshotagain... how do i calculate my upload/download ratio?14:55
Mugshotagain... how do i calculate my upload/download ratio?14:55
FloodBot1Mugshot: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:55
Claire2009tvgv - can you tell me how?14:55
fujihy what with me?14:55
tvgvclaire> go to program manager and untick it14:55
scunizitvgv, you can use "TAB" to complete nicks14:55
Claire2009tvgv - thanks14:55
tvgvscunizi. what u mean bro14:56
tvgvscuniiz>i got flame screen working but not cube how please once again14:57
tvgvi got all the thing we need i just got to tick and it wont let me14:57
scunizitvgv, type the first few characters of someone's nick and hit the TAB key.  It should auto complete for you.. if you don't use a persons full nick then they won't be notified that you're talking to them and you might get lost in the noise of the channel14:57
dattaplease help me with the partition from windows14:57
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode14:57
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Nodinahaa... =)14:58
scunizitvgv, ctrl+alt+click and drag mouse14:58
Jack_Sparrowscunizi, I thought he got that earlier?14:58
scuniziJack_Sparrow, me too.. :/14:59
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lesshasteHi.. how do I install perl modules such as http://search.cpan.org/~nmueller/HTML-GoogleMaps/lib/HTML/GoogleMaps.pm ?14:59
usersamHi I am in UK using oo3 on ubuntu intrepid. I understand that UK dictionary should be installed by default. I have gone; Tools >Language> for all text> English (UK)  Spellcheck still does not work14:59
usersam<usersam> what else can I do please?14:59
lesshasteas far as I can tell there isn't an ubuntu package for it.. but I could be wrong14:59
Jack_Sparrowlesshaste, Are you trying to install google-earth  by chance15:00
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henry1echo "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ intrepid main restricted" >> sudo /etc/apt/sources.list15:00
henry1How can get this to work15:00
jribhenry1: echo FOO | sudo tee -a FILE15:00
unophenry1, echo "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ intrepid main restricted" >> sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list15:00
scunizilesshaste, I seem to remember a bug about that.. not sure if it's oo3 related or just oo3 on intrepid..  check synaptic and search for dictionary and see if it's installed.15:01
henry1that is quik15:01
gabriel__Hi everyone15:01
vigoI was going to try WorldWhind today,,,,?spelling/?15:01
lesshastescunizi, dictionary??15:02
lesshastescunizi, is that for me?15:02
usr13I'm having trouble with flashplugin.  When I go to youtube and try to play a video the video screen area comes up as a black square for couple seconds and then just goes away and I'm just left with white area up there.  I've run firefox ubuntu.com from terminal and am posting terminal ouptut at http://paste.ubuntu.com/105913/  (OS is Ubuntu 8.04)15:02
scunizilesshaste, sorry.. no15:02
tvgvscunizi> nope lol15:02
scuniziusersam, sorry I answered you but addressed it to lesshaste .. see my post above.15:02
usr13I ment to say firefox youtube.com  not firefox ubuntu.com15:02
gabriel__I have a problem with the DigiPro graphics tablet, i cant install it in ubuntu 8.1015:02
gabriel__i tried this website http://digitalbluewave.blogspot.com/2008/10/genius-wizardpen-with-intrepid-ibex.html15:03
vigousr13: Java amd scripts turned on?15:03
martin__usr13 what flash plugin do you use or have you installed?15:03
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gabriel__but i dont know how to make the pre compiled driver work, can somebody help me?15:03
ross_tmartin__, sorry for the delay Have just tried ctrl + alt + backspace and nothing happens.15:03
usr13vigo: I don't know15:04
usr13martin__: I don't know.15:04
vigousr13: on mine java and java script have to be active, also downloaded and installed the adobeflash from synaptic15:05
gabriel__can somebody help me? I have a Digipro graphic tablet and downloaded the pre compiled driver, but i dont know how to make it work15:05
scunizigabriel__, if the extension on the driver is .deb just double click it.... if it's .rpm it won't work15:06
gabriel__its .so15:06
Jack_Sparrowgabriel__, Please hold down the repeats, you have a rare piece of hardware and you will need to have the best questions possible and ask only every couple minutes not every few seconds15:07
JimmyDeeQuestion: what was the last release that did NOT have python2.5 installed stock? I am attempting to use destar and it fails miserably when 2.5 is installed?15:07
martin__ross_t give me a second... i'm going to try something...15:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Digipro15:07
scunizigabriel__, try.... sudo ./<filename>15:07
gabriel__ill try15:07
scunizigabriel__, if that doesn't work try ... sudo sh ./<filename>15:07
vigoDidnt that use to be an fglrx thing?15:07
martin__ross_t have you tried to start with SAFE GRAPHICS?15:08
mrgohappyI'm installing 7.07 (will upgrade but i dont have the 8.04 or 10 disk) and i would like it to transfer my settings and files from Windows XP pro. Ive seen it done before but i don't see any option in the partitioning window on install to perform it. Why would it not show up?15:08
usr13vigo: apt-cache search  adobeflash returns nothing15:09
scunizimrgohappy, transferring bookmarks, email etc it done later in the install I believe.. not durning the partitioning phase15:09
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vigousr13: just type adobe in the search text of Synaptic, it comes up as non-free15:10
mrgohappyscunizi: ok well i do believe their is a tool to transfer account settings over such as the name and password...   so how do i get that to show up?15:10
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JimmyDeegotta have that repos selected or it wont show at all15:11
scunizimrgohappy, during the install?15:11
mrgohappyscunizi: Yes.15:11
ZmAYhello, i want to mount .bin file, do i need any program for that, or is it possible to mount it without any things in konsole? beginner here15:11
Jack_Sparrowmrgohappy, It is part of the install process.. lets you select accounts15:11
jrib!iso | ZmAY15:11
ross_tmartin__, It's booting now with safe graphics mode.15:11
ubottuZmAY: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.15:11
henry1apt-get install -y or apt-get -y install       ?????????????? (just want to assume yes as the answer15:11
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scunizimrgohappy, I think it's typically towards the end of the install.. partitioning first, then system & programs then when it get's to grub in in that area that it will ask you15:12
mrgohappyYeah Jack_Sparrow got it. But i dont see that options for it. i dont think it sees my windows stuff. Would using a higher version of ubuntu be better15:12
lwizardlis there anyway to keep my hostname just a local name only? example "compaq" not "compaq.ispname.tld"15:12
Jack_Sparrowmrgohappy, Yes, it is in the newer version, did not notice you were out of date15:13
mrgohappyI knew i was WAY out of date but i didnt think it would matter. Oh well. Going to go download 8.10 i guess and burn it. Thanks!15:13
scunizimrgohappy, also there is no option for it directly.. it's part of a different option.15:14
solexiousHello, I followed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox#Networking and got it working, but now on the gnome networking manager eth0 is grayed out as device is unmanaged, how can I fix this?15:14
scunizisolexious, this time of the morning #vbox might be active15:14
mrgohappyThanks scunizi15:14
Jack_Sparrowsolexious, /join #vbox15:14
henry1apt-get install -y or apt-get -y install       ?????????????? (just want to assume yes as the answer)15:15
Ward1983ikonia, erm if i leave 1gb at the end i cannot use it as swap partition its "unusable"15:15
solexiousscunizi, Jack_Sparrow, Oh, sorry I thought it was a ubuntu thing being network manager, thanks15:15
usr13vigo: Java is enabled15:15
lwizardlhenry1, i think its apt-get install applicationname -y15:15
vigousr13: Is java script enabled also?15:15
lwizardlatleast thats what i use15:16
lwizardlhenry1, no problem15:16
Jack_Sparrowsolexious, It was simple to enable, but dont remember how.  I got the answer in vbox15:16
ross_tmatt__, The laptop has finally booted up in safe graphics mode.  Desktop is displayed fine but just really small.15:16
scunizisolexious, networking is pretty automatic on my vbox install.. nothing extra I really needed to do.15:17
solexiousJack_Sparrow, Thanks, ive asked them15:17
Jack_Sparrowsolexious, They are slow like me, but they will answer in a bit15:17
ross_tI guess I can go ahead and install then edit a config file, any pointers to what file needs edited?15:17
Ward1983ikonia, actually im gonan give up lol, KVM keeps crashing on me15:18
scunizisolexious, if you need usb support you're going to have to reinstall it anyway from the version available on their site.15:18
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solexiousscunizi, Just networking is good, but than you15:19
Jack_Sparrowscunizi, What are the addons for in vbox?15:19
ugliefroghow do i update blender in the terminal?15:19
scuniziJack_Sparrow, addons ..?  where do you see that?15:19
Ward1983Jack_Sparrow, do you mean guest additions?15:19
Jack_Sparrowscunizi, additions.15:20
jribugliefrog: sudo apt-get install blender15:20
Jack_Sparrowscunizi, Sorry, Im still with our chinese friend in pm..  :)15:21
scuniziJack_Sparrow, that helps screen writes, mouse actions and makes the program more seemless.15:21
ugliefrogit will copy over it15:21
jribugliefrog: what?15:21
Ward1983Jack_Sparrow, they make a guest aware of vbox, for instance it will scale the resolution to the size of your window (evne when you resize it)15:21
Jack_Sparrowscunizi, cool, thanks..15:21
Ward1983Jack_Sparrow, it generally makes life easyer, mouse is not even integrated without them15:21
ugliefrogi need to update blende.. i was wandering if i could do it in the  terminal with a sudo something15:22
Jack_SparrowWard1983, Yea, got that, much nicer15:22
usr13vigo: Dont come up with anything doing search for adobe15:22
vigousr13: Are you on Synaptic: All ?15:22
scuniziJack_Sparrow, you should also install DKMS to help vbox maintain the kernel driver on kernel upgrades15:23
Jack_Sparrowugliefrog, Do you mean a newer version than our repos?15:23
toaderhi, where to find the DNS setting in Ubuntu?15:23
ugliefrogyes yes15:23
jribugliefrog: the command I gave you will update blender to the latest version in the repositories15:23
Jack_Sparrowscunizi, Is that a package from repos?15:23
dundeltoader: /etc/resolv.conf15:23
scuniziJack_Sparrow, yes.. something that I understand we got from Dell15:24
vigousr13: Synaptic>All-search adobe,,it comes up15:24
toaderdundel: is it dynamic? or static?15:24
clarksanyone know how to unzip in terminal15:24
clarksor what15:24
usr13vigo: Yes, snaptic  all   and I do a search for adobe and clsest it comes up with is AutoTrace15:25
scuniziJack_Sparrow, to make it functional you install it then recompile the vbox kernel driver.. sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup15:25
ugliefrogim using ubuntu studio and i just reinstalled this morning and i noticed blender is 2.46 and not 2.48a. Last time i messed with updating it it was a nightmare cuz the synaptic thing didnt show the updated one15:25
hateballclarks: man unzip15:25
usr13vigo: Wonder if I might have a repository problem?15:25
vigousr13: let me try again,,,15:25
Some_uxI'm having trouble understanding the dnsmasq application. where can i find good documentation on it ?15:27
usr13apt-cache search adobe reports:  flashplugin-nonfree - Adobe Flash Player plugin installer15:27
Silverwingsome_us, try this site http://downloads.openwrt.org/people/nico/man/man8/dnsmasq.8.html15:27
dotblankAnyone got a ldap server in 8.10 to authenticate 8.10 clients15:27
vigousr13: whooops! I do not have it installed,,let me check my Firefox settings15:28
usr13vigo: Which is (in fact) installed15:28
usr13vigo: flashplugin-nonfree - Adobe Flash Player plugin is what I have installed on this system.15:29
usr13vigo: Maybe that is what is broken?15:29
Silverwingusr13, do you have trouble with sound in flash?15:29
ugliefrogErr this what it said last time too...      I know the one I have is out Of Date  ---> 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded15:29
Some_uxI have a complicated isp connection where i connect via vpn through a cable modem. during the connection process the /etc/resolv.conf file is updated twice. How do i make dnsmasq work with such a weird setup15:29
vigousr13: must be, I have default install of FirefoxUbuntu15:30
jribugliefrog: you have the latest version in the repositories15:30
ugliefrogno the one in there says 2.4615:30
vigousr13: youtube is working fine without Adobe .......still looking at stuff15:32
Some_uxbasically, both the dhcp client and pppoe change the /etc/resolv.conf file. First to connect to the cable company, then tunnel via vpn to the isp. Can dnsmasq work with this ?15:32
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ugliefrogOk i think i understand.............if i want something new than what is shown in the repos i have to download it15:32
hateballugliefrog: yep. the versions in the repos are fixed per release15:33
dude7064In my java application, I have a very big file that needs to be loaded only once,, and then queries are passed to the program which reads specific locations in the file and output the result,, how can this be transformed in a web application ?? In particular,, how to load the big file only once ,, and use the loaded file refernce in future queries ??15:33
jribugliefrog: well, you should have a good reason to go outside the repositories.  Newer is not necessarily better15:33
liangyiplease press "space",because i can not see the last letter . Thanks15:33
Some_uxdoes anyone here use dnsmasq ?15:33
Silverwingdude, looks like this is a java problem, not linux15:33
dude7064I need to implement it in php,,15:34
scuniziphp problem15:34
oCean_usr13: check directory /usr/lib/firefox/plugins to see whether any .so file is (correctly!) linked there15:34
usr13vigo: Maybe I should try to unintall flashplugin-nonfree?15:34
ugliefrogits just i use the newest one on my laptop and i wanted to them to match...But you did clear something up for me that was driving me crazy.....didnt know the repo was fixed per release15:35
linux_guytoday im getting started in vmware, it says operating system not found, anyone know how to install?15:35
linux_guyi have a cd and an iso15:35
Silverwingusr13, do you have a sound problem?15:35
oCean_linux_guy: do you mean you already installed vmware? And you are about to install guest OS?15:35
jribugliefrog: yep, generally there are only updates for security issues and big bugs15:36
linux_guyoC, thats right15:36
vigousr13: that sounds like a good plan15:36
usr13Silverwing: No, sound works ok.15:36
ugliefrogjrib: Lol thank you very much...you dont know the hoours ive spent trying to fix something that wasnt broke15:37
oCean_linux_guy: you were able to browse to vmware webaccess?15:37
linux_guyyes im in the web infrastructure15:37
neurobuntuwhen you use the alternate install CD do Gnome and X get installed as well?15:37
oCean_usr13: did you check your /usr/lib/firefox/plugins directory?15:37
scunizineurobuntu, yes15:37
neurobuntuty scunizi15:37
oCean_linux_guy: then you have to go (use menus) and "create new vm"15:38
linux_guyok, ive done that15:38
linux_guyoc, i've allocated the memory / hdd space etc15:38
woltermy nm-applet asks for password to unlock the default keyring on each boot, how do i fix that?15:38
scunizineurobuntu, the alternate cd give you some options that the live cd doesn't.. it also allows you to install the system on a machine with lower than optimal resources for the live cd.15:39
IhateRecursioncout << "father = "<<t->getTagname();15:39
oCean_linux_guy: then you should be able to start installation by starting-up the vm15:39
IhateRecursionSiaM VeNuTi FiN QuA!  SiaM VeNuTi FiN QuA!  PeR VeDeRe SeGNaRe KaaaKàààà!  oooooH ooooH oooooooH!15:39
wolteryesterday i thought i had found the solution, but i guess tough luck proved me wrong15:39
linux_guyok it's started15:39
oCean_linux_guy: when you've got your cd drive connected, it should start the installation process15:40
linux_guyoc, i just dont know WHERE to press install or start installation, or ...?15:40
Narkotikanybody can help me?  i cant change my wired connection in network manager.. even in root15:40
portzTrying to open a .rar file with archive manager, saying it's not supported. Suggestions?15:40
linux_guyoc, i put the cd in, and it was going to "auto start"  i didnt want to overwrite the host15:40
SilverwingNarkotik, what do you want to change15:40
scunizilinux_guy, if you have the live cd installer for ubuntu then you have to tell vmware to mount the cd and the rest will be self explainitory.. this is a vmware issue no ubuntu15:41
Narkotiki want change all my preferences..15:41
usr13oCean_:  Here are my plugins  http://paste.ubuntu.com/105930/15:41
Narkotikset auto dhcp, etc15:41
linux_guythank you scunizi, i really appreciate that15:41
oCean_linux_guy: when configured correctly, the startup of the vm will spin up your cd to OS installation15:42
Silverwingnarkotik, what about right click on the connections icon in the tray?15:42
newhow to enable 3d effects on ubuntu 8.10?15:42
Narkotikit's all working, but he dont give me to save changes15:42
hateball!ccsm | new15:42
ubottunew: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion15:42
Silverwingnew, go to system -> administration -> hardware drivers15:43
Silverwingand press enable15:43
IndyGunFreaknew: syst/pref/appearance/visual effects.. change to "extra".15:43
IndyGunFreakSilverwing: he'd nly need to do that if his grahics driver wasn't enabled15:43
oCean_usr13: ok, one moment15:43
Silverwingnarkotik, simply pressing OK doesnt do the job?15:43
sschillachihello, i'm running hardy and firefox 3 and when I click 'open containing folder' in the firefox download manager i get the message 'This link needs to be opened with an application' and an option to choose an application. Can anyone help to get this to load the folder using nautilus as it should?15:43
NarkotikSilverwing - Yes15:44
* linux_guy leaves15:44
portzTrying to open a .rar file with archive manager, saying it's not supported. Suggestions?15:45
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free15:45
oCean_usr13: this way I cannot see if the link is valid. So you should check the /etc/alternatives/firefox-flashplugin (this is also a link to (most likely) the 'actual' .so file) Can you check that?15:45
andrew_portz: do you have "unrar"?15:45
portzNope. I thought Archive Manager would have supported rar by default.15:46
vigoDoesn't 7-zip do that?15:46
usr13oCean_:  /etc/alternatives/firefox-flashplugin    does in fact exist15:47
andrew_vigo: dunno15:47
oCean_usr13: ok. But *that* is a link to the actual .so file. Mine is linked to /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/libflashplayer.so15:48
andrew_portz: do this: sudo apt-get install unrar-free15:48
vigoandrew: http://sourceforge.net/projects/sevenzip/15:48
usr13oCean_:  /etc/alternatives/firefox-flashplugin -> /usr/lib/gnash/libgnashplugin.so15:48
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod15:48
oCean_usr13: ok. So you may want to point that to the nonfree plugin15:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sex0r15:49
portzAndrew: Just did.15:49
usr13oCean_: Where is the nonfree plugin?15:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about my-pussy15:49
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saxinMonkeyBlack: stop.15:50
oCean_usr13: well in my case it was in /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree15:50
iqson716how to keep /etc/resolv.conf from rewritting15:50
portzThanks, guys.15:51
user___iqson716: wild guess: set the immutable bit, would that make sense?15:51
CrocoJethi for all15:51
iqson716i want a static DNS with DHCP15:51
Dionixi've been running debian for a long time and am about to do a reinstall, so i'm thinking about trying another distro, i thought about gentoo, but i tihnk i'm too lazy for that, so i thought about ubuntu, but i'm not sure, for one, i hate kde and gnome....15:51
scunizijust trying kubuntu 4.x in vbox.. nice artwork.. looks appealing.15:51
usr13oCean_:  ln -s /etc/alternatives/firefox-flashplugin /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree15:51
oCean_usr13: btw, galternatives is pretty cool to change the /etc/alternatives settings!15:51
CrocoJetsomeone knows if exist software to show information abouyt memory .. like CAS, FSB, etc15:52
vigoMy bad, 7z is only a windows thing,,,use that rar thing Jack_Sparrow said.15:52
iqson716user___:  yes15:52
oCean_usr13: no, that wouldl link directories, you have to link the files15:52
* cristian2380 hac...lumeee lumeee...hac bhaaa...care mai da o bere ca mi s-a uscat gatul15:52
Jack_Sparrowvigo, p7zip15:52
Jack_Sparrow!info p7zip15:52
ubottup7zip (source: p7zip): 7zr file archiver with high compression ratio. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.58~dfsg.1-1 (intrepid), package size 317 kB, installed size 936 kB15:52
wolteri cant mount a windows drive...15:52
vigoJack_Sparrow: Thank you15:53
Dionixyeah p7zip is the shizzle15:53
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bcgrownI am on Ubuntu 8.10 on an old Vaio laptop and I don't get any sound from the previews on a DVD.  The movie sound and title block (Warner Brothers logo) play sound fine.  What gives?15:54
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=== MyIRCNick is now known as MyIRc
funkyHatI've just replaced that motherboard and processor in my PC because the old motherboard died, and now Intrepid is crashing every 10 or 15 minutes. The 'new' board and processor are completely different (was an Athlon XP 2000, now P4 HT 2.8GHz). Is it worthwhile reinstalling ubuntu to see if that helps, or does it configure all of it's hardware every boot?15:54
oCean_usr13: you know how to do it?15:55
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=== MYIRCabhilah is now known as MYIRC
funkyHatI suspect it's a problem with the new board/bios (I've read about problems with APIC etc.) but I'm not certain15:55
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Jack_SparrowfunkyHat, add noapic acpi=off to your grub boot line.. see if it helps15:56
usr13oCean_: sudo ln -sf /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/libflashplayer.so  /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/15:56
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oCean_usr13: try this: "cd /etc/alternatives" and remove the existing link "rm -i firefox-flashplugin"15:57
melodiccan anyone advise a newb on how to export audio files to my Ipod using Ubuntu?  is Rythmbox able to do it?15:57
oCean_usr13: after that "ln -s /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/libflashplayer.so firefox-flashplugin"15:57
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod15:57
oCean_usr13: btw, as sudo indeed15:57
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk15:58
=== Guest85611 is now known as marine1`
delionthank you15:58
marine1`im currently running about 40 apps at start up is that 2 much and it could be slowng down my startup15:59
ssdtcan anyone help me unpartition my computer15:59
scunizifunkyHat, I had to use pci=nomsi15:59
ssdti was going to install ubuntu but i partitioned it wrong amount15:59
scunizifunkyHat, I have a gforce 8200 chipset board16:00
ssdtnow i am trying to delete the partition and can't add it to my c drive16:00
usr13oCean_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/105940/16:00
scunizissdt, are you in windows now?16:00
ssdtand it the computer management16:00
usr13oCean_: I did  sudo rm -i firefox-flashplugin16:01
scunizigo to /join ##windows for windows help..16:01
ssdtand the disk management trying delete a partition16:01
marine1`im currently running about 40 apps at start up is that 2 much and it could be slowng down my startup16:01
oCean_usr13: and then the new link as i said?16:01
usr13 sudo ln -sf /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/libflashplayer.so  /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/16:01
scunizimarine1`, that's good logic.. 40 apps on startup would slow you system start..16:01
marine1`ok scunizi which ones are neccessary16:02
scunizimarine1`, are you talking about programs or services ?16:02
oCean_usr13: no, "cd /etc/alternatives" then "ln -s /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/libflashplayer.so<space here>firefox-flashplugin"16:03
marine1`system monitor 40 resources/services16:03
oCean_usr13: it's important to get the link to point correctly to the .so file16:03
marine1`Scunizi let's say 40 processes16:04
scunizimarine1`, 40 services won't slow your boot time.. if you have a lot of "extras" on your panels, like weather, system monitor, tracker etc.. that would slow it by some.16:04
kinkokinko\connect irc.ashnet.org16:05
marine1`what are some fast tweaks for start up after i sign in the page hangs up for about 30 seconds to long before i see my desktop16:05
marine1`i'm currently running amd x4 9450 quad core 4 giggs of ram and riad16:05
marine1`looking to oveclock also16:06
hateballmarine1`: do you launch 40 different apps through the sessions-managment?16:06
scunizimarine1`, might just be your video driver.. what kind of card do you have ?16:07
marine1`no that's just what i see in the system monitor16:07
Jack_Sparrowmarine1`, If you have big drives, there is a lag16:07
scunizimarine1`, which version?16:07
marine1`yes but 30 seconds is to long16:07
scunizimarine1`, is it 30 secs from the time you enter your uname and password16:08
marine1`how do i access that info because i forget which graphics card  i have16:08
Jack_Sparrowmarine1`, I have 1.5 tb and it takes a sec..16:08
Jack_Sparrow30 or so16:08
scunizimarine1`, lspci16:08
oCean_usr13: you got the link correct?16:08
usr13I did as you said and it's still doing the same thing.16:08
irpapabearcut you big partitions smaller16:08
marine1`lspci what???16:09
YankeeTankhi !16:09
Jack_Sparrowirpapabear, I did and it helped16:09
hateballmarine1`: in a terminal, type lspci16:09
hateballmarine1`: and if you feel like pasting it, please use pastebin...16:09
scunizimarine1`, in a terminal type lspci and it will give you info that you can find which card you have.16:09
marine1`yes it tkaes 30 seconds for the time in type in my password16:09
Jack_Sparrowirpapabear, I also stopped mounting all of my windows partitions on boot/login16:09
usr13/etc/alternatives/firefox-flashplugin -> /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/libflashplayer.so16:09
scunizimarine1`, that's not long..16:10
usr13oCean_:   ^ is that right?16:10
oCean_usr13: yes, that's the one. Now kill firefox, and restart16:10
oCean_usr13: restart ff i mean16:10
marine1`ok in the terminal what exactly describe the card16:10
scunizimarine1`, look for the nvidia references16:11
treatsDilema: I want to get ubuntu installed but I am on kubuntu.  I have no cdrom drive only usb.  I have a usb bootable ubuntu but i cant get it to boot for the life of me... any suggestions?16:11
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wolteris everybody with intrepid ibex getting asked for the default keyring everytime you log in to connect to the internet?16:11
marine1`nVidia Corporation MCP51 Host Bridge (rev a2)16:11
marine1`is that it16:11
scunizitreats, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop... then on the user name screen change "sessions"16:11
Ward1983ikonia, lol i recorded a start to end install on a 3 disk RAID5 array (4disks crashed KVM) let me know if you can use it16:12
sschillachiif i select 'open containing folder' from the firefox download manager nautilus doesn't select the file in the opened folder, does anyone know why?16:12
scunizimarine1`, close.. you're looking for something like "gforce 8200" 6100 etc.16:12
treatsscunizi: E: The package linux-image-2.6.24-19-generic needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.""16:13
marine1`[GeForce 6150]16:13
marine1` VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C51PV [GeForce 6150] (rev a2)16:13
scunizimarine1`, you're fine with that and the preinstalled restricted drivers.. the 6000 series cards are pretty solid.16:14
funkyHatJack_Sparrow: I've tried noapic, that didn't seem to help at all, I'll try acpi=off (I've tried with acpi and apic off in the bios already)16:14
scunizitreats, did that come up when you tried sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop ??16:14
marine1`so what do you recommended16:14
treatsscunizi: yes16:14
usr13sudo apt-get install --reinstall firefox16:15
usr13oCean_:   ^ is that right?16:15
scunizimarine1`, nothing.. you system seems to be just fine.. if you're looking to tweek it .. google.16:15
Jack_SparrowfunkyHat, use both the options I suggested and have the bios power mgmnet off16:15
activebetahi, can i minimize xchat-gnome to tray?16:15
oCean_usr13: yes it is16:15
usr13oCean_: Same behaviour  ???!!!!16:15
usr13No change...16:15
marine1`which ones do you prefer16:15
treatsscunizi: it seems like i get that error on any package i try to install...16:15
scunizitreats, that's weird.. sorry I don't have an answer for that.16:15
activebetahi, can i minimize xchat-gnome to tray?16:15
marine1`how about overclocking just sllighty16:15
usr13oCean_: It just displays an empty white area where the video should be playing.16:15
activebetahi, can i minimize xchat-gnome to tray?16:15
oCean_usr13: for all vids?16:16
activebetafuck it16:16
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »16:16
usr13oCean_: I don't know,  just doing firefox youtube and click on one  at the top16:16
_cbUbuntu 8.1  my kid goes to a web site and is told he needs a java plug in. What should I install using Synaptic?16:16
treatsWhen I try to install packages terminal throws the following error.  "E: The package linux-image-2.6.24-19-generic needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it."  Any ideas??16:16
scunizitreats, in a terminal try sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade after doing the aptfix links stuff that Jack_Sparrow gave you16:17
AslanManHI, anyone can tell me some repositories form which I can download the latest files that ubuntu usually is late to upgrade such as php5.2.8 ?16:17
oCean_usr13: you restarted ff? I have same plugin, and vids on youtube are running fine16:17
marine1`scunizi any ones16:17
chilli0how can i make evolution show only the emails from on account?16:17
scunizitreats, check above for ubottu's answer to apt16:17
chilli0but also have an option to show the other messages?16:17
chilli0from a nother account16:17
simion314hi, i want to try kde4.2 , i found the instructions on kubuntu.org but it does not tell what package to install(i am on ubuntu with gnome), it would be nice to install only the base I do not need 2 archivers, package managers, players, ...16:18
scunizisimion314, do it in a vm like me.. use virtual box or vmware16:18
marine1`scunizi how do i make your namee appear i front message oard16:18
scunizimarine1`, I don't know what you're talking about.16:19
usr13oCean_: Well, when I came here, the system was pretty far out of date.  I tried to fix it, then I noticed it was out of date and did updates, (several months worht) and am trying again.  So I just don't know.  ONe thing I do know is that install --reinstall does not seem to do much of anything that I can tell... But I also tried to just remove and then install, and still no change.16:19
treatscan terminal have its own proxy settings?16:19
marine1`you see how my nick appears before you begin to type16:19
usr13Any Ideas?16:19
usr13Before I pull all my hair out?16:19
scunizimarine1`, yes.. I type it .. or part of it and hit TAB16:19
ProjectShadowok pals, how can I download the open source flash player with apt-get?16:19
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash16:20
marine1`scunizi, like this16:20
usr13This is a pretty good friend of mine, and I'm trying to be the big hero and fix it, but am fixing nothing, nada, zip  !  :(16:20
scunizimarine1`, yep16:20
ProjectShadowJack_Sparrow, isn't that Adobe's version?16:20
scuniziProjectShadow, sudo apt-get install gnash16:20
Jack_SparrowProjectShadow, The link should also cover gnash16:20
marine1`scunizi, any tweaks you recommenede16:20
scunizimarine1`, nope.. I like to keep a stable system without pushing it too much16:21
ProjectShadowis gnash the open flash?16:21
oCean_usr13: don't know. Since I have same plugin and you've got the link configured.. it should work, as it does here.16:21
marine1`faster is always better that's whay they keep coming ut with faster processors and hard drives16:21
usr13wonder if I should try dist-upgrade ?16:22
usr13oCean_: I really don't understand it either.16:22
dominiqueWhy does my kwin crash if execute i 'kill -s HUP' on it?16:22
mOrO^a BIG thank you , to those who help in here. it is much appreciated :)16:22
usr13oCean_: are you using 8.10?16:22
usr13oCean_: Maybe I'll reboot, see if that does anything.16:22
usr13or depmod -a16:22
treatsis it possible for terminal to have a seperate proxy to that of system settings??16:23
Arelis1 How do i try out ubuntu in a live environment saving all the settings AND installed (through Synaptic) programs on a USB stick?16:23
oCean_usr13: 8.10, yes. Don't think reboot will fix, sorry. You've checked the edit >preferences menu, the applicationtab?16:23
jdahlhas anyone here installed the Nvidia 180.11 drivers from medibuntu on 8.10?  I am would like to hear if worked ok,  since I am interested in the new Cuda 2.1 version that requires the 180 drivers16:23
Jack_SparrowArelis1, It is called persistent mode16:24
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent16:24
cumulus007does a kernel module unload itself when it crashes?16:24
oCean_usr13: sorry, I'm kind of out of options..16:24
scunizijdahl, I've installed them direct.. they work better than the 177 drivers for my gforce 820016:24
Arelis1Jack_Sparrow: Will that also save all the installed programs through apt?16:24
Jack_SparrowArelis1, yes16:25
jdahlscunizi, did you uninstall the 177 drivers first?16:25
usr13oCean_: u & me both!16:25
funkyHatJack_Sparrow: tried it with acpi+apic off in the bios + both off on the grub command line :( still no dice16:25
scunizijdahl, if you download from nvidia you have to uninstall all references to nvidia in synaptic before installing from a tty16:25
Jack_SparrowfunkyHat, Id do a fresh install for your new mb and cpu16:25
usr13Kinda getting bored with it.  I think I'll take it for a little distruction experiment - run over it a few times in the driveway!  ?)16:26
ssdthow do i leave swap space in my installation?16:26
jdahlscunizi, OK,  I was actually for experiences using the medibuntu repository16:26
jdahlscunizi, actually asking for...16:26
Jack_Sparrowjdahl, Medibuntu is fine16:27
scunizijdahl, that should be simply installilng it and then making the change in System>Admn>hardware drivers16:27
rodenohello buddies16:27
treatshow do i edit my terminal's proxy settings??16:27
ssdtcan anyone help me with the swap memory i can't make it more than zero16:27
scunizissdt, swap needs it's own partition16:28
ssdtok thanks for the information16:28
clarksi need help16:29
clarksi clik ctrl _ (it become small16:29
=== ianmbp is now known as ianjm
irpapabear_cd search the ubuntu forums16:29
clarkshow to make it big?16:29
Frezeeersomething very strange just happend to me, a full partition got erased, with ut my intervention, all of a sudden all mp3's I have them in another partition, and pictures got erased...16:29
rodenoexport http_proxy='' for16:29
Frezeeerhas ever happend the same to someone else16:30
ianjmhi there, i just downloaded the ubuntu ISV server image for VMWare player from http://isv-image.ubuntu.com/vmware/16:30
ianjmcould someone tell me the default login/password?16:30
ianjmi can't locate this information on the wiki16:30
scuniziFrezeeer, you mean that the partition is totally gone or that you can't see it to access?16:30
Jack_Sparrowianjm, there is not default user-password16:30
FrezeeerI can access it, but nothing inside16:30
woltercan anybody with hardy heron do me a favor? i want to see what's the name of a screensaver i had that exists no more on intrepid ibex...16:30
jsjonesIf I do a complete reinstall of ubuntu, or another linux distro, will it change anything to the grub bootloader? I would be installing in the same partition as old ubuntu is currently installed. I have another windows partition that loads with grub that I do not want affected16:31
Frezeeernot even .zzz files16:31
Frezeeereverything gone16:31
clarksanyone can help me/16:31
Jack_Sparrowianjm, Some variations / spinoffs use them.  But not the real Uubuntu16:31
marine1`overclocking anyone16:31
scuniziFrezeeer, if you're using nautilus hit ctrl+h to reveal any hidden files.. maybe you accidently hid them somehow.16:31
marine1`stay away or slight tweak16:31
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marine1`Jack_Sparrow, what do you think16:31
cwillumarine1`, sounds like a good way to enter unsupportable territory :p16:32
jsjonesclarks: try ctrl +16:32
marine1`i know alot of people that have been succesful doing that16:32
Jack_Sparrowmarine1`, Overclocking.. I avoid it. I buy a processor that is designed for the speed I use it at16:32
treatswhat is the terminal config file??16:32
kevjavaFrezeeer: are you sure the partition is mounted?  If it isn't you'll just see an empty directory.16:32
scuniziFrezeeer, unless your drive is going out and your partition table is messed up16:32
marine1`amd x4 9450 quad core16:32
Frezeeerscunizi: already done, is all gone, and I didn't move them or erase them16:32
marine1`that's what i'm running with 4 gigs16:33
clarks^_      (F13)   (M-G)   Go to line and column number<--how to use this one?16:33
usr13what about dist-upgrade?16:33
deanyjust had a complete lockup, powered on 2nd machine in vbox.. worked this time tho, still unhappy16:33
ignuklatuWhenever I play a video file, just the videos colors are reversed. This is true in totem, vlc, whatever. If I open the NVIDIA X Server settings, the colors go back to normal until I open another video...16:33
Jack_Sparrowmarine1`, And they will burn theirs up while mine will be fine16:33
marine1`Jack_Sparrow, so the votes out stay away16:33
ianjmah, it's ubuntu/ubuntu16:33
usr13I'm really out of options here16:33
marine1`Jack_Sparrow, so what twaeks are out there16:33
ianjmsomeone ought to put that on your wiki16:34
marine1`Jack_Sparrow, that you like16:34
jsjonesclarks, I have no idea16:34
marine1`Jack_Sparrow, can i move over some apps from my windows side to here i dual boot16:34
Jack_Sparrowmarine1`, Please find them yourself.. as it isnt really a ubuntu support issue16:34
usr13Anyone tell me how to get flash player working on Firefox again?16:34
Frezeeerscunizi: already done, is all gone, and I didn't move them or erase the "dmesg" from before16:34
usr13It's broken.16:35
funkyHatJack_Sparrow: It's just crashed on the LiveCD so I don't think doing a fresh install is likely to help :(16:35
Jack_SparrowfunkyHat, To get live cd to run this often helps..At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--"16:35
jaf1230I downloaded and burned 8.04.1-powerpc, and am attempting to boot it on my g4.  I've tried video=ofonly, but it doesn't seem to make a difference.  I get to the boot menu, boot live video=ofonly, the screen goes from black with white text to white with black text, then goes black and displays _ in the upper left corner.  Ideas?16:35
jsjonesIf I do a complete reinstall of ubuntu, or another linux distro, will it change anything to the grub bootloader? I would be installing in the same partition as old ubuntu is currently installed. I have another windows partition that loads with grub that I do not want affected16:35
scuniziFrezeeer, unless you're no longer looking at the partition that you think you are.. sorry I don't have any answers for you. never heard of that happening.16:35
marine1`Jack_Sparrow, when i pull up my gb media16:35
deanyusr13: remove and purge it, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras   always worked for me, never done any linking16:35
Jack_Sparrowmarine1`, Run wine or vbox and install a copy of windows inside that16:35
Jack_Sparrowmarine1`, If you just want to access moovies and music. that is diofferent than apps16:36
tvgvISNT WINE JUST A windows lookalikw16:36
marine1`no im loking to move over apps like convertxtodvd, join mpeg's and things like that16:37
funkyHatJack_Sparrow: it boots fine, it crashes after 5 or 10 minutes of working fine (or sometimes just before GDM shows up)16:37
ProjectShadowok guys, I'm going to be honest. I need flash 916:37
Jack_Sparrowtvgv, No16:37
ryanakcaHow can one make cdrecord verify a burned disk? Or, how can I verify that an iso was properly burned from the command line?16:37
Frezeeerscunizi: how can I have a look at older dmesg?16:37
hateball!wine | tvgv16:37
ubottutvgv: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help16:37
tvgvuse one from synaptic16:37
marine1`Jack_Sparrow, `> no im loking to move over apps like convertxtodvd, join mpeg's and things like that16:37
Jack_SparrowfunkyHat, Did you use thermal grease between cpu and fan16:37
scuniziFrezeeer, I don't know.. maybe Jack_Sparrow could answer that one.16:37
marine1`Jack_Sparrow, is it possile16:38
ProjectShadowanyone know where I can get f9?16:38
Jack_Sparrowmarine1`, No, that isnt how you do it.  join #winehq or vbox to learn how to use win apps in ubuntu16:38
tvgvscunizi> i got what i think will work but no cube is it only for tab alt menu16:38
FrezeeerJack_Sparrow: how can I see old dmesg???16:38
elvis@ryanakca md5sum -c your-iso-name.iso.sum16:38
Newfie_richHey all, When i watch video full screen its very choppy... just wondering if there is anything i can do to improve my video quality16:38
Jack_Sparrowfreeman__, Please address the room, I am quite busy16:38
scunizitvgv, try ctrl+alt+right or left arrow16:39
Jack_SparrowNewfie_rich, Turn off effects..16:39
jsjonesIf I do a complete reinstall of ubuntu, or another linux distro, will it change anything to the grub bootloader? I would be installing in the same partition as old ubuntu is currently installed. I have another windows partition that loads with grub that I do not want affected16:39
tvgvwow as u said before16:39
ryanakcaelvis: Won't that only verify that I properly downloaded the ISO? I'm trying to verify that it was burned successfully.16:39
maverick340which channel for jaunty ?16:39
severbDoes anyone knows the XML file used by gnome-keyboard-properties to display the layouts list?16:39
ryanakcamaverick340: #ubuntu+116:39
deanyNewfie_rich: also if you have ATI card add overlay to your xorg.conf16:39
tvgvscunizi> ty now howdo i make a cube lol16:39
gompastill knowone who knows what to do with ata1 com reset faild dropping to buzzy box  ? (on a m2n-e sli)16:39
usr13What is this about 8.04 having long time support and 8.10 not... ?16:39
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto16:39
maverick340many thanks :-)16:40
usr13I'm tring to decide if I should upgrade from 8.04 to 8.1016:40
Newfie_richi have a nevida a nvidia card16:40
tvgvscunizi> do i need more windows open16:40
usr13Any good reason not to upgrade 8.04 to 8.10?16:40
ProjectShadowusr13, nope16:41
Jack_Sparrowgompa, try  At start or install press F6 and add all_generic_ide before the "--"16:41
rabrhotznptzusr13, upgrade, if you need the newer gimp for example16:41
ProjectShadow8.10 is way better than 8.0416:41
tvgvppl> not supported well 8.1016:41
Newfie_richwhere do i turn off effects while watching video, i am a bit of a newbie to ubuntu16:41
clarks[16:36] invalid command name "irc.bruneichat.org:6667"16:41
clarks    while executing16:41
clarksanyone can help me on this?16:41
gompajack thanks wil try it right now16:41
Jack_SparrowNewfie_rich, right click background, go to wallpaper, last tab on right set effects to none16:41
elvisyes thats right16:42
clarkssorry wrong window16:42
Newfie_richJack_Sparrow: thx16:42
=== BurkZzZ is now known as burkmat
usr13Thanks for the replies, I think I'll do the update. (Flash player is broken in firefox and am hoping that will get fixed in the process - I have no idea how to fix it).16:42
ProjectShadowflash 9 for ubuntu? Can't use flash 10.16:42
chartreusehow can i setup my xchat systray icon in ubuntu? i have custom icons in .png16:43
deanyi know nothing about nvidia but it might be the same as ATI, my ati is is much better with relevant xorg config16:43
tvgvjack sparrow> whats to do to make a cube mate how now i got everytthing16:43
Newfie_richJack_Sparrow: you mean visual effects?16:43
Jack_Sparrowtvgv, one sec16:43
shamscan you tell me that which is more power? 'Athlon le-1620' or 'sempron 64 2800'16:43
Jack_SparrowNewfie_rich, yes16:43
Newfie_richJack_Sparrow: yeah it was already off..16:43
Jack_Sparrowtvgv, go to system...pref..advanced desktop effects....  On the first page  put check next to rotate cube and desktop cube.. dbl click general options... up closer to the top...  click on desktop size  and set them to 4, 1 and 1  top to bottom... ctrl+alt+(Left Mouse Button) then move mous16:43
funkyHatJack_Sparrow: I think that could be the problem, I was lazy and just left the old thermal paste on. hope i haven't done any permanent damage (if that is the issue)16:43
Jack_SparrowNewfie_rich, then you dont have your video drivers installed and you are running under vesa mode..generic video mode16:44
Jack_SparrowfunkyHat, Bad boy.. never do that16:44
Newfie_richJack_Sparrow: that could be it, I will see if I can get a better video driver16:45
Jack_SparrowfunkyHat, I use artic silver exclusivley.. it is a huge issue and I hope you have not damaged your cpu16:45
ProjectShadowIs there any way to get Flash 9 on Ubuntu 8.10?16:45
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash16:45
deanyi "may" turn effects on now i got wine full screen apps displaying properly...16:45
ProjectShadowJack_Sparrow, that's only flash 1016:45
ProjectShadowI need flash 916:46
jribProjectShadow: umm, you don't want 10?16:46
ProjectShadowjrib nope16:46
Jack_SparrowProjectShadow, What version of ubuntu16:46
deanyis there a way to rotate cube without key combo? i wanna left click mouse and drag desktop...  and not draw a selection box16:46
jribProjectShadow: don't install any flash from the repositories.  Download the tar.gz from adobe.  copy libflashplayer.so into ~/.mozilla/plugins/ and restart firefox16:46
ProjectShadowjrib: you can get flash 9 from them still?16:47
Jack_Sparrowdeany, point to background and roll the wheel16:47
ProjectShadowjrib: Flash 10's security is to high and it won't load clubpenguin16:47
jribProjectShadow: no idea.  the tar.gz should be somewhere16:47
deanythat`ll rotate it cube or just flick across ?16:47
cwilludeany, desktop is just a nautilus window.  In principle, it's possible to do what you want, but there's no configuration option, you'd have to go in and modify the source code, and so forth16:47
shamsdo you suggest ubuntu for server use? if yes can you please tell me your reasons?16:47
deanyoh ok then16:48
cwillushams: "why not?"16:48
Jack_Sparrowdeany, I keep a bit of desktop showing around my windows just for that purpose16:48
funkyHatThere's a perfectly ciruclar hole in the top of the CPU *looks for a picture to see if this is normal*16:48
jabagaweeuh oh16:49
shamscwillu: reason?16:49
deanyJack_Sparrow: true..  no point having advanced effects on then, normal will do that much16:49
cwillushams, "because I want to"16:49
Jack_SparrowfunkyHat, That does not sound good..16:49
funkyHatYes it is, that's good I guess16:49
jabagaweeeth0 refuses to auto up at the command of network-manager, how do i troubleshoot?16:49
cwillushams, why are you asking the question? (serious question, there's so many possible uses for 'server' that without knowing the context, it's impossible to give a useful answer)16:49
funkyHatJack_Sparrow: http://techreport.com/r.x/pentium4-2.53/p4-2.53-top.jpg just like that, only gummed up with paste16:50
Jack_SparrowfunkyHat, pricewatch.com will have a cpu pic16:50
funkyHatLooks ok16:50
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ProjectShadowman this is a pain16:50
Jack_SparrowfunkyHat, Ok, I had visions of burnt mess16:50
Jack_SparrowfunkyHat, dont go crazy with the paste either..16:51
ProjectShadowOk, I think you can still get flash 9 from Adboe16:51
Jack_SparrowProjectShadow, http://www.adobe.com/support/flashplayer/downloads.html#fp9               right there16:52
yuriy_кто может объяснить с чем связана проблема с увеличением расстояния между буквами в openwriter? Как только выделяю какую то часть текста жирным расстояние между буквами увеличивается в разы16:53
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke16:53
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tvgvjack sparrow>16:53
tvgvjack sparrow> wheres general options mate16:53
Jack_Sparrowtvgv, Yes16:53
ProjectShadowJack_Sparrow, the debugger version will work?16:53
Jack_Sparrowtvgv, Top of page in BOLD16:54
ryanakcaHow can one make cdrecord verify a burned disk? Or, how can I verify that an iso was properly burned to a CD from the command line?16:54
gompajack_sparrow still same problem drop to buzzy box now with rood device not responding16:54
ProjectShadowin FireFox?16:54
Jack_SparrowProjectShadow, Top of page, downloading older versions of flash16:55
calaveraDeluxebazhang: you still here?16:55
Jack_Sparrowgompa, Sorry, kinda busy..16:55
gompano problem16:55
user___ryanakca: just an idea: you can mount the newly burn cd, create an iso file and diff that iso file with the original one16:55
Jack_SparrowProjectShadow, then http://kb.adobe.com/selfservice/viewContent.do?externalId=tn_14266&sliceId=216:56
ProjectShadowHey Jack_Sparrow, try downloading Flash 9 through there and watch.16:56
=== Tim__ is now known as nvrpunk
Jack_SparrowProjectShadow, Ok, I got fp9 downloading now16:56
Jack_SparrowI am not going to install and test it for you16:57
ProjectShadowI get this: DNS lookup error16:57
tvgvjack sparrow> cool mate nearly there im in general and i got this horiz and ?16:57
ProjectShadowdude i know that16:57
ProjectShadowWhat's up with the DNS lookup error?16:57
Jack_SparrowProjectShadow, Did you follow the links I gave16:57
Jack_SparrowProjectShadow, http://kb.adobe.com/selfservice/viewContent.do?externalId=tn_14266&sliceId=216:58
ProjectShadowSame thing16:58
ProjectShadowAre you using XChat?16:58
wolterwhich skype can one install in a 64bit system16:59
AgionI've got a problem with compiz. Compiz works with 'unsetLD_LIBRARY_PATH; compiz --replace & ', LD LIBRARY PATH is being set to /usr/lib/xorg which isn't right. Can someone help me fixing that?16:59
tvgvjack sparrow> cool mate nearly there im in general and i got this horizontal how many?16:59
nite_johnboyHi - Is there a noticeable difference in performance or speed using the 64bit version of Ibex - compared to running the 32bit version - I'am currently running the 32bit version ? ?16:59
tvgvjack sparrow> cool mate nearly there im in general and i got this vertical how many?16:59
gompanite_johnboy it works betteer with 64 bit aplications (but is a bit bigger)17:00
parahi. how do I boot Ubuntu into text mode without X but with networking enabled?17:00
atlefnite_johnboy: do you have 4gib or more ram?17:00
JackWinteris there a limit on how many files can be opened by an app ?17:00
tvgvwow it bloody works17:01
Jack_Sparrowtvgv, Only when you follow the directions..17:02
ProjectShadowI got F9 for Windows and I'm trying CP in a VM.17:03
=== xtr-II is now known as XTR
nite_johnboyattlef; yes - running a powerhouse 64bit dual core Intel with very nice PCI-Express Nvidia card.17:03
atlefnite_johnboy: then you will benefit from 64bit17:04
nite_johnboygompa; Is there many 64bit apps for linux?17:04
eltesehello. I want to switch from XP too Ubuntu. But I need Ventrilo 2.1.4 working... I know I have seen people get it to work before. The most essential part being able to speak when in games. Anyone who knows where Ive read about this ? (and yeah I googled my ass off)17:04
user___JackWinter: http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/Ulimit17:04
tvgvjack sparrow> its not that missing pices and the tutorial uses other apps and i had other versions17:04
gompanite_johnboy to behonnest i wouldnt know17:04
tvgvjack sparrow> and ty u mate u got a site17:04
nite_johnboyatlef; Would I need to do a ground up reload or is it possible to a net install upgrade?17:05
atlefnite_johnboy: i belive you need to do a clean install17:06
atlefnite_johnboy: but do not take my word for it, ask17:06
eltesehello. I want to switch from XP too Ubuntu. But I need Ventrilo 2.1.4 working... I know I have seen people get it to work before. The most essential part being able to speak when in games. Anyone who knows where Ive read about this ? (and yeah I googled my ass off)17:07
FlareDS!language | eltese17:07
ubottueltese: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:07
atlefeltese: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=9832&iTestingId=1765717:08
marine1`what are correct settings for basero17:08
nite_johnboygompa; atlef; Thanks for comments - if it would be an improvement might just do that. Using slide in SATA HDrive trays - would not be a big deal to setup another drive and check it out - thanks.....17:09
marine1`when i open it to burn a dvd it doesn't let me start17:09
tvgvjack sparrow> how doi use the tops i cannot i17:09
elteseatlef: its this Im after http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=366817:09
Jack_Sparrowtvgv, I am taking a break and eating breakfast.  no more answers from me for a bit17:09
tvgvty mate but u could of answeredmy last q17:10
soothAnyone can point me to directions on how to setup a router to use 6-to-4 ipv6?17:10
JackWinterhow do i see how many files are currently open in my shell ?17:10
rabrhotznptzJack_Sparrow, where do you live? Breakfast... where i am it's getting pretty dark17:11
atlefeltese: and the info had no effect on your trials?17:11
AgionI've got a problem with compiz. Compiz works with 'unsetLD_LIBRARY_PATH; compiz --replace & ', LD LIBRARY PATH is being set to /usr/lib/xorg which isn't right. Can someone help me fixing that?17:11
Jack_Sparrowrabrhotznptz, World is round after all17:11
mydoghaswormsI have a problem with Brasero in that any blank disc I insert is reported to have no space on it.17:11
FlareDS!who | rabrhotznptz17:11
ubotturabrhotznptz: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about why17:11
Jack_Sparrowrabrhotznptz, Remember that if I am eating I can only hit the K-Line key  :)17:12
oasis2It's lunchtime here.  Oh noes, what's happening?17:12
HSOdiQanyone can tell me why I get  "TCP: Treason uncloaked!" from dmesg??? is that harmful??17:12
IceWindanyone running EVE online on Ubuntu?17:12
ignuklatuWhenever I play a video file, just the videos colors are reversed. This is true in totem, vlc, whatever. If I open the NVIDIA X Server settings, the colors go back to normal until I open another video...17:12
rabrhotznptzjack_sparrow, enjoy your breakfast mate17:12
elteseatlef : sadly no. I can hear everybody in vent , but I cant talk to them. Only if I have P2T (push too talk) wich is fine. But when Im ingame (i.e Counter-Strike) I need to tab and mark ventrilo otherwise I cant hear nor talk.17:12
bcgrowncan anybody help me with making the ATI driver work on 8.10?  I have a mobility radeon 9200.  I installed Catalyst control center and fglrx but no drivers show up in "Hardware Drivers",  and now I cant pick the right resolutions from the Screen Resolution app17:12
X-SetiHas anyone used remastersys for ubuntu, because ive getting the error message, you have to reduce the size of data used for the iso. is there a tool to help you so you do delete whats needed17:13
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ProjectShadowbcgrown, you using Windows?17:13
atlefeltese: then dual boot for your gaming needs17:13
IceWinddoes it run any good?17:13
spasticteapotDoes anyone know where Ubuntu puts CDs in the filesystem? I'm playing my Ben Folds CD through the Listen music player, but /media/cdrom0 is empty.17:14
FlareDSbcgrown: Try running ths: sudo modprobe fglrx17:14
elteseatlef: Yeah that would work , but it would have been way much nicer to be on Ubuntu all the time17:14
spasticteapotShouldn't there be some AIFF files or some such?17:14
FlareDSspasticteapot: Depends on the drive order17:15
gompais there a special kernel for nv17:15
atlefeltese: do you have the latest version of wine?17:15
spasticteapotFlareDS: I've only got one optical drive.17:15
elteseatlef: yes17:15
gompais there a special kernel for nforce sata controllers ?17:15
Balkrahhi all 1393 people17:15
jonaskoelkerhi all.  I'm having network issues.  I'm having two boxes connected with a crossover cable.  I try to ping one from the other, but nothing goes through17:16
jonaskoelkerwhat gives?17:16
atlefeltese: i really do not know what to say, if the instructions on the page you linked to does not work for you, then i do not know17:16
* FlareDS reminds everyone that he can't do much while he on his DS17:16
n8tuserjonaskoelker -> time to learn about networking... when you ping a remote end, what does it take to you think?17:17
elteseatlef: We are in the same boat then, thanks anyway17:17
jonaskoelkern8tuser: "take to you think" <--- not understood17:17
* Agion has a problem with compiz. Compiz works with 'unsetLD_LIBRARY_PATH; compiz --replace & ', LD LIBRARY PATH is being set to /usr/lib/xorg which isn't right.17:17
n8tuserjonaskoelker -> thats just a typo.. do*17:18
atlefeltese: look at this http://www.flyninja.net/linux/installing-ventrilo-on-ubuntu-linux-804-under-wine and see if that helps17:18
tbrockguys, how do i write an iso to a flash drive17:18
jonaskoelkern8tuser: a cable, ip addresses, arp table entries, arp replies to create the arp table entries17:18
tbrockso i can boot off of it17:18
gompaunetbootin tbrock (from windows)17:18
jaf1230tbrock: check out unetbootin17:18
gompaow aah wait thats linux to :P17:19
tbrockis there a ubuntu equivilent17:19
bcgrownFlareDS: that gives me: FATAL: Error inserting fglrx (/lib/modules/2.6.27-9-generic/updates/dkms/fglrx.ko): Cannot allocate memory17:19
jonaskoelkern8tuser: am I leaving anything important out?17:19
gompatbrock srry its for ubuntu too17:19
n8tuserjonaskoelker -> okay, you forgot about the route17:19
MarshallBananaIs Hardy -> Intrepid worth the switch?17:19
elteseatlef: thanks17:19
ArelisJack_Sparrow: Well, what you said didn't work. I got the errors again. No space left on device, it says with everything i do. What now?17:19
tbrockgompa, what is the package name17:20
gompatbrock: http://lubi.sourceforge.net/unetbootin.html17:20
n8tuserjonaskoelker -> you are missing the route17:20
jonaskoelkern8tuser: " dev eth0  proto kernel  scope link  src" and " dev eth0  proto kernel  scope link  src"  <--- would they do?17:20
tbrockcan't seem to find it17:20
atlefeltese: no problem, do not know if it helps17:20
n8tuserjonaskoelker -> post your   route -rn  results17:20
jonaskoelkern8tuser: route : invalid option -r17:20
n8tuserjonaskoelker -> remove the -r17:21
gompatbrock did you find it ?17:21
tbrockits on that website17:22
tbrockbut is there a package i can install?17:22
gompayou could download the .deb17:22
n8tuserjonaskoelker -> which ip addr are you trying to ping?17:22
tvgvi cant believw i did it with 2.2 g17:22
jonaskoelkern8tuser: that's fore; then .2 has only one line, identical to the `eth0' line of .117:22
jonaskoelkern8tuser: 192.168.0.[3 - n]17:22
jonaskoelkern8tuser: for n in {1,2}17:23
n8tuserjonaskoelker -> jonaskoelker i cannot guess, post it what route for  .217:23
HSOdiQanyone can tell me why I get  "TCP: Treason uncloaked!" from dmesg??? is that harmful??17:24
jonaskoelkern8tuser: http://rafb.net/p/jvEFHL37.html17:24
n8tuserjonaskoelker -> it is missing a gateway17:25
fracturewhat should I do to get rid of that annoying ubuntu firewall!17:25
miteshfracture, ufw disable17:25
n8tuserfracture -> annoying? are you sure you have it on? you have rules?17:26
fractureI have portforwarding  on router17:26
fractureeverything works ok on windows17:26
n8tuseriptables is compiled in, i dont believe you can easily remove iptables17:26
ramviWhy is there no UNR based on 8.10?17:26
GaMbi2k_Hi guys.. I just scanned a manual from a book Iw borrowed on the lab.. was about to edit every single page(200) in the gimp, when I noticed the existance of OCR.. anyone knows a good program for that? free or one that can be found with a crack..?17:26
jonaskoelkern8tuser: really?  Isn't it possible to not have one--it limits your reachability to your own subnet, of course, but...17:26
fracturebut ubuntu blocks everything17:26
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ArelisHello people. I have used the USB disk installer included with the Live CD to create a Live USB persistent system. I booted it using a custom cd from www.pendrivelinux.com. However now that i'm in it, and i started the update, after a while it gave the error No space left on device on nearly everything. And now most things don't even work anymore. How do i solve this?17:26
jonaskoelkern8tuser: in any case, I've added ... via dev eth0 as a default gateway, and I still get no arp replies17:27
n8tuserjonaskoelker -> how does your route -n  looks like now on both sides?17:27
n8tuserfracture -> look at your rules and default Policy ..  sudo iptables -vL17:28
WalexArelis: easiest way: get a larger pen drive, reinstall17:28
jonaskoelkern8tuser: unchanged on .1, on .2 it's http://rafb.net/p/haKKzj87.html17:28
ArelisWalex: it has about 1.1gb free17:29
ArelisWalex: so why would it then fill up so fast?17:29
gompagonna check if 9.04 boots on m2n e sli17:29
n8tuserjonaskoelker -> that should be about okay now,  do you think your nic card can handle the straight cable? or was it cross cable. i forgot what you said earlier17:30
fracture"Firewall stopped and disabled on system startup" so reboot?17:30
jonaskoelkern8tuser: it's a cross17:30
WalexArelis: update may involve first updating everything, then installing everything.17:30
n8tuserfracture -> post the results of  sudo iptables -vL17:30
WalexArelis: update may involve first downloading everything, then installing everything.17:30
ramviIs there a Ubuntu Netbook Remix 8.10 build? Or only 8.04?17:31
n8tuserjonaskoelker -> it can ping itself? using the ip address not the
jonaskoelkern8tuser: both can, perfectly well17:31
atleframvi: is this for an eeepc?17:31
ramviatlef: why?17:32
ArelisWalex: Yes, okay, but even installing supertux used around 10%17:32
atleframvi: if it was then eeebuntu iwould be my suggestion17:32
ramviatlef: isn't Easy Peasy better?17:32
n8tuserjonaskoelker -> does the other one with the 84.x.x. has a gateway too for getting to ?  it seems it shouldnt but, you may have to add the gateway anyways17:32
parahow do I start networking in single user mode?17:32
AETE_KRAUUDha ha17:33
atleframvi: have only tried eeebuntu17:33
Tweakquestion : If I have grub installed to multiboot ubuntu as well as windows xp, if I install Vista (or whatever) on a seperate partition will that system override grub or will grub recognize it?17:33
Ward1983para, i dunno the difference between single user mode but try sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart17:33
jonaskoelkern8tuser: that sounds _really_ strange17:33
ramviatlef: You should try Easy Peasy, former Ubuntu Eee: www.geteasypeasy.com . It's really really good :)17:33
GaMbi2k_[5~[5[6~Anyone who knows a good OCR program? I nned to convert 200 scanned pages (with pics) to text (with pics)..17:33
AETE_KRAUUDatlef, : bubuntu is better :-)17:33
jonaskoelkern8tuser: which gateway should I add?17:33
n8tuserjonaskoelker -> yes, try to add the  to get to the other side17:34
Svish|Laptopcan anyone suggest a good ubuntu friendly alternative to DVD Shrink?17:34
paraWard1983: nothing happens, and ifconfig only shows the lo interface after that. when I try ifup eth0, it appears there, but doesn't have an ip17:34
jonaskoelkern8tuser: "ip route add default via" ?17:34
Ward1983para, you use DHCP ?17:34
Ward1983para, sudo dhclient eth017:34
n8tuserWard1983 -> single user mode does not have networking enabled17:34
Ward1983n8tuser, thanx, para what n8tuser said17:35
jonaskoelkern8tuser: isn't that going to bump me off the net?  If all packets end up on my laptop instead of at freenode?17:35
atlefAETE_KRAUUD: never heard of bubuntu:-)17:35
jonaskoelkern8tuser: in any case, `ip route add default via' says "RTNETLINK answers: File exists"17:35
paraWard1983: actually, that worked. thanks. I wonder why it doesn't do dhcp in the networking script though17:35
Ward1983n8tuser, but its possible to enable networking i guess? since he can up his interface17:35
n8tuserjonaskoelker -> it shouldnt, you are only telling that to get to subnet is via that
p0l0na1s3hello i am trying to understand how to use iwconfig. iwlist wlan0 scan shows my network in cell 01.17:35
Ward1983para, probably because of what n8tuser said17:36
Tweakquestion : If I have grub installed to multiboot ubuntu as well as windows xp, if I install Vista (or whatever) on a seperate partition will that OS override grub or will grub recognize it?17:36
p0l0na1s3so i do iwconfig wlan0 essid "<essid>" key "<key>" and then sudo dhclient?17:36
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jonaskoelkern8tuser: okay.  What's the command?17:36
atleframvi: why the question if you have already found your distro?17:36
n8tuserWard1983 -> not so sure, if the ip stack and the whole shabang is enabled by having a nic up17:36
linduxedi want to run a "sudo aptitude install kde", but also be able to do the reverse, ie. "sudo aptitude purge kde" and hope to remove all that was installed with the first command. Any way to do that?17:36
Ward1983n8tuser, he managed to get it work with sudo dhclient eth0 :)17:37
ramviatlef: I want to make a distro from the UNR build17:37
GaMbi2k_Anyone who knows a good OCR(Optical Charecter Recogniton17:37
paraWard1983: well when "service networking start; dhclient eth0" is enough, I wouldn't call that disabled really, just not started...17:37
n8tuserjonaskoelker -> try  sudo route add default gateway
Ward1983n8tuser, so just disabled by default then i guess17:37
enzotib!puregnome > linduxed17:37
ubottulinduxed, please see my private message17:37
p0l0na1s3is that correct?17:37
mirakwhat can I use to share the content of my harddrive on the web, in a presentable way ? can druppal do this or is there some lighter stuffs ?17:38
lrdApexanyone have the problem with firefox whenever you close it and open it, that it resets all your settings?17:38
n8tuserpara  i dont believe  service   is an ubuntu utilities17:38
n8tusermirak -> apache,  tomcat6 bunch of other webapps servers out there17:38
atleframvi: try to /join #eeepc channel17:38
jonaskoelkern8tuser: no change.17:38
linduxedenzotib: but that wont remove stuff like kate and konversation and so on right? thats what im concerned about...17:39
jonaskoelkern8tuser: I've been seeing some broadcast traffic across the link the whole time.  Mostly pulseaudio, a DHCP Offer here and there17:39
ramviIs there a Ubuntu Netbook Remix 8.10 build? Or only 8.04?17:39
Ward1983para, disabled means "not enabled"17:39
n8tuserjonaskoelker -> i suspect next is the cable17:39
enzotiblinduxed, i think it will, because they depends on kdelibs17:39
Supranoh ithere17:39
Suprano*hi there17:39
HovefirseHiya folks. I have an Ubuntu-installation (Hardy) on a server, running in command line mode. Many different sites have stated that 3-5G should be enough for the partition Ubuntu is installed on. I decided to play it safe, and gave it 10G. Now 9.2G are ocupied, and theres only a few hundred Megs left. /home recides on another partition. Where and how should  I check where the space has gone?17:39
Ward1983para, so i actually said just what you said....17:40
jonaskoelkern8tuser: doesn't the delivery of broadcast traffic argue against the cable being b0rked?17:40
oscarhey do someone know how can I play the rmvb files in ubuntu hardy with gnome? totem doesn't find any proper codec for it....or is there any way to convert these king of files to avi, mpg, etc..?17:40
Tweakquestion : If I have grub installed to multiboot ubuntu as well as windows xp, if I install Vista (or whatever) on a seperate partition will that OS override grub or will grub recognize it?17:40
Supranoon my /boot partition is nearly no space left (2.3mb) which is a problem because i can't update the kernel now. i also can't remove existing kernels because dpkg first wants to complete the installation of the new kernel which fails (gzip: no space left)17:40
GaMbi2k_OK.. Looks like no one in here knows any OCR programs.. so, anyone knows where to ask? :)17:40
linduxedenzotib: ok17:40
atlefTweak: grub will be overwritten17:41
atlef!grub | Tweak17:41
ubottuTweak: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto17:41
mirakn8tuser: like what ?17:41
GaMbi2k_-_- never mind then....17:41
n8tuserjonaskoelker -> am not even sure if the broadcast goes into the cable if the cable was bad17:41
n8tusermirak -> apache,  tomcat6 bunch of other webapps servers out there17:42
Tweakcheck in the add/remove programs17:42
n8tusermirak -> my preference is tomcat17:42
jonaskoelkern8tuser: hmm... I waved the cable around a bit, untangled it some, and apparently the hosts talk together17:42
tvgvim bloody flame king anyone know of some goodflame screensavers17:42
GaMbi2k_If I wanted to find a program for hire or filed with bugs I could use Google.. so guess why Im askin here? :)17:42
parant8user: /usr/bin/service comes from sysvinit-utils, that's one of the core packages isn't it17:43
mirakn8tuser: yes but I don't want to design a site17:43
jribGaMbi2k_: what version of ubuntu are you using?17:43
n8tusermirak -> you dont need to design a site, you just have to configure the webapp server to serve your contents17:43
mirakn8tuser: I just want to make accessible files on my harddrive on the web through my computer ip. in a presentable way17:43
n8tusermirak -> what the heck is presentable way to you meant?17:44
mirakn8tuser: ok, but can it handle acounts, rights and such ?17:44
n8tusermirak -> it can be as complex as you want, you have to decide and design your server what services or content you want to serve17:44
GaMbi2k_cya around :) GaMb out..17:45
Hoffenhey. does anyone know of an easy way to install the  xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-libs.i386 driver and still keep the 64-bit one?17:45
mirakn8tuser: well, I could use ~/public_html of apache in my home, it works, I can use links to my files to organise content, or use .htacces to handle the authorisations, but that's really not pretty and practical17:45
n8tuserpara -> i dont know, unless one installs the sysv-utils ?17:46
mirakn8tuser: I already used that in fact, but I would like something more manageable.17:46
mrICEHi! im trying to update my older Ubuntu 7.04 (Fiesty) into 7.10 via the "update manager" but im running into some problems there when running the update application. Seams that he has problem finding some progam sources. Can i download this per manual or update the source-list with some supportive ftp/html server?17:46
jonaskoelkern8tuser: wtf, now they don't talk together17:46
Supranocan i get ubuntu to remove the older kernel when installing a new one?17:46
n8tusermirak -> you have to design and carefully think what you want done, doing an adhoc questioning here will not solve your issues, you have to spend time designing it17:46
mirakn8tuser: I read things about drupal, but this is probably too heavy. and I am not sure I can serve my files from the /home and not them stored in the database17:46
tbrockguys, im tryin to use unetbootin to make a bootable usb drive17:46
tbrockbut it just installs the bootloader and then says finished17:47
n8tuserjonaskoelker -> are you sure you've got a good cable?17:47
atleftbrock: did you format it first?17:47
mirakn8tuser: well I asked because wondered if there was already such an application. What I want to do is simple in fact.17:47
n8tusermirak -> designing a web server takes some analyzing to design a good one17:47
[[Ciolivera]]help cc17:47
tbrockno, should i?17:47
tbrockits a windows 7 boot cd17:48
tbrockfor the beta17:48
jonaskoelkern8tuser: I recall it having worked fine before17:48
tbrockbut im doing this in ubuntu17:48
webaskahello..anyone knows the program to record screen ? not pictures, but while im working.17:48
n8tusermirak -> i advised you of apache and tomcat they have the basic services, now all you do is read up on them, or get a book on them17:48
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ardchoille!info istanbul17:48
ubottuistanbul (source: istanbul): Desktop session recorder producing Ogg Theora video. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.2-4 (intrepid), package size 73 kB, installed size 616 kB (Only available for alpha amd64 arm armel i386 ia64 powerpc s390 sparc)17:48
ardchoillewebaska: ^^17:48
atleftbrock: tyou are lost as this is the ubuntu channel17:48
n8tuserjonaskoelker -> well things can break, get a cheap hub and use straight cables..17:48
tbrockI am doing this in ubuntu17:49
PriceChild!windows | tbrock17:49
mirakn8tuser: don't know, you can present your stuffs on facebook quite easily, it's just they are stored on a webserver that is not your computer. if you see what I mean17:49
ubottutbrock: For discussion on Microsoft Windows, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents17:49
ubottuRetrieve information on a package: !info <package>17:49
tbrocki have an iso that i need to make a bootable usb drive from17:49
webaskaadchoille ive tried it but it crashes always.. :|17:49
lorenzosalve, chiudo17:49
[[Ciolivera]]help me cc!17:49
webaskaardchoille ive tried it but it crashes always.. :|17:49
PriceChildtbrock: that's a windows question, not us.17:49
tbrockno it isnt17:49
mirakn8tuser: I am probably asking something too out of the box and handy17:49
tbrockit doesn't matter what iso it is17:49
tbrockit could be anything17:49
miraksomething simple17:49
tails1Is anyone here familiar with nvidia tv-out? I've been trying to get my GeForce4 MX4000 to display to my tv, but after reading several guides and editing xorg.conf several times, still the TV and computer fail to recognise each other.17:50
PriceChildtbrock: hmm, actually i might have been being silly17:50
PriceChildtbrock: i guess maybe dd, but i dont know whether the installer will like it one bit17:50
n8tusermirak -> your concept of presentable seems to escape me, you have to really define what that means17:50
tbrocki'm in ubuntu trying to make a bootable usb drive, how is that a windows q17:50
ardchoillewebaska:  apt-cache search record | grep screen17:50
tbrocki have used unetbootin in windows to do this successfully before17:50
tbrockso i know that the program can do it17:50
Hoffen@tbrock google "unetbootin" it will make an usb-dongle bootable witha  linux live cd on it17:51
mirakn8tuser: something prettier than what you have when you do http://localhost/~username/17:51
n8tuserjonaskoelker -> just for kicks, i fired up a windows 7 and looked at the route table, phew.. way too complex its like 15 lines for a simple dual nic pc17:51
fleckpeterHi guys - does anyone know how to get the RealPlayer plugin to work in the Flock browser (http://flock.com/)? I've got it working in Firefox but not Flock. Cheers. (I'm on 8.10).17:51
jonaskoelkern8tuser: buying a hub: I'm going to buy a new AP anyways, it's just that I'd like a working netwwork today as well :)17:51
n8tusermirak -> prettier is subjective,  you want animation of you file content? just a file displayed? script playing?17:52
mirakn8tuser: also have a web admin interface that help you to manage your files17:52
jtajimirak: a plain apache installation can show directory indexes... beyond that you might look at this php script http://autoindex.sourceforge.net/17:52
tails1does anyone know of an agp card with good tv-out capabilities? Ubuntu 8.1017:52
n8tuserjonaskoelker -> sowee we are not able to resolve it quickly today.. get another working cross cable perhaps?17:52
mirakn8tuser: I want to be able to create accounts, groups etcetera17:53
jonaskoelkern8tuser: the cross-cable shops are also closed :P17:53
mirakn8tuser: I doubt nobody ever though about that17:53
n8tusermirak -> i advised you apache and tomcat can do those17:53
jonaskoelkern8tuser: I'm trying a straight cable now--I seem to get arp replies17:53
tails1wait, better question... if I found a good video card, could i just run a dvi>component cable to the tv?17:53
mirakn8tuser: yes, ok but with what application ???17:53
mikebeechamhi guys...can someone tell me what the command is to join two avi's together?17:53
n8tuserjonaskoelker -> okay, try that, perhaps your nic can handle that auto sensing and switch tx and rx automatically17:54
Neverminddoes anyone know if there is already some development regarding the free broadcom wifi chipset drivers?17:54
n8tusermirak -> again once more, you seem not to understand the serving part, you want scripts running? animation? or just file names displayed?17:54
mirakn8tuser: thanks, I doubt I can make my self understood17:54
jonaskoelkern8tuser: apparently everytime I ping, the arp entry dies, and I get Destination Host Unreachable :(17:54
n8tusermirak you need to read up on what a webapp server do or a plain old apache17:55
mirakn8tuser: it depends. if it's an image, why not just show a thumnail ?17:55
gogoodguyIm using Ubuntu 8.10 install im at the disk partitioning session of it but i dont see anything to allow me to keep my windows partition. Its Xp Pro. did i do something wrong or is it something that windows did17:55
n8tusermirak i forget now if the client or the server actually renders that as thumbnails, again please read an apache or tomcat book17:56
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mirakn8tuser: I don't want to code anything17:57
n8tuserjonaskoelker -> an arp dies eh? that new to me, perhaps you can activate some kind of tcpdump tools to monitor each packet?17:57
mirakn8tuser: my request is simple. but it doesn't seems to exist. or i don't know what webapplication can do that17:57
n8tusermirak -> you dont have to serve simple files, now to display pretty or prettier  then thats where the programming perhaps comes in17:57
tvgvwhats the short cut to activate cube anyone?17:57
jonaskoelkern8tuser: I have wireshark running on both boxes17:58
n8tusermirak -> you have not tried reading yet about apache or tomcat, once you do, come back and lets have a well thought out convo17:58
gogoodguytvgv try your middle mouse button17:58
atlefctrl + alt + mousebutton 117:58
tvgvgogo> i got a eee-pc17:58
gogoodguyWhy doesnt ubuntu detect my xp partiton. I cant install because it will wipe out windows17:58
n8tuserjonaskoelker -> and the wireshark tells you that packets never made it to the destination? so if it is true, dont you narrow it to the cable as you knew your nic is working?17:59
gogoodguytvgv: ctrl + alt + mousebutton one17:59
tvgvdidnt work boyzz17:59
tvgvgogo> no good17:59
gogoodguytvgv, did you enable the cube in the control panel of compiz?17:59
atleftvgv: have you activated the cube then?17:59
tvgvthat makes it work i know but how do i turniit on lol17:59
tvgvshort cut18:00
mirakn8tuser: I am looking for an application. you don't have to learn irc protocol when you want to use xchat18:00
gogoodguyyou need to install the compiz manager18:00
atlefthe short cut is : ctrl + alt + mousebutton 118:00
mirakn8tuser: I guess you I can't explain you what I am looking for18:00
mirakthanks anyway18:00
tvgvlol i only get lil boxes now18:00
tvgvwhat have i done18:01
jonaskoelkern8tuser: it can't be *completely* broken--sometimes I get an arp entry...18:01
arthurmacielhi there. I'm trying to use a usb 3g modem, but this error occurs: http://pastebin.com/m12b7fdb218:01
mirakn8tuser: I already looked some months ago to apache, but couldn't find a module that does it all18:01
mikebeechamhi guys...can someone tell me what the command is to join two avi's together?18:01
gogoodguytvgv, go to system prefs and compiz config18:01
gogoodguyNow with my problem. Anyone know why ububtu install isnt detecting my xp?18:02
arthurmacieldoes anyone use a 3G usb modem for internet connection? http://pastebin.com/m12b7fdb2 (error described here)18:03
gogoodguyive only had xp for 3 months and its already got a bad bad virus18:03
gogoodguywould having a SATA drive account for it18:04
tvgvgogoo u got wine18:04
tvgvu need wine18:04
gogoodguytvgv, not at the moment im trying to get ubuntu installed18:04
gogoodguyi need a glass of it alright :D18:04
tvgvthe program wine18:04
thadthudpuckeranybody know about configuring skype?18:04
tvgvu need it18:04
gogoodguyafter im done here lol18:04
n8tuserjonaskoelker -> perhaps the contact between the connectors and nic card is not snug -- a bit loose?18:04
soothAnyone can point me to directions on how to setup a router to use 6-to-4 ipv6?18:04
webaskahow to modify xorg.conf ?18:04
tvgvget wine installation18:05
gnutrongogoodguy: do you have an empty partition on the primary hdd? just a guess18:05
tvgvgogo> its still not working18:05
tvgvi have done some error18:05
gogoodguygnutron: its like 8mb18:05
joe_-So I'm setting up a media center with Ubuntu. It uses wireless. I'd like it to automatically connect to my WPA network without asking for a password to unlock the keyring.18:05
gogoodguytvgv, is it enabled though?18:05
n8tusermirak -> no you dont need to learn the irc protocol, but you are just a user and not a server serving eh?18:05
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thadthudpuckergogoodguy: you need 2 parts on the HDD, one for ext3 about 85% total and the other swap, about 15% total18:06
gogoodguygnutron: its unallocated18:06
MrWindexhey all, I copied a directory as root. how can I change the permissions so I can read as a non-root user?18:06
n8tuserJoe_ -> 1st thing is make sure your wifi card driver supports wpa18:06
joe_-MrWindex: chmod18:06
gnutrongogoodguy: so xp is virtually using the whole drive? shrink the ntfs partition, defrag it first, leave half the drive empty and try it18:06
joe_-n8tuser: It does. I got it here hooked up manually for now for setup.18:06
MrWindexjoe: yes, I've tried chmod but I can't get the command right18:06
gsuvegive problem with my acer one, the gnome-battery / acpi applet is dead :(18:06
CheesyMcPuffsHelp, my trying to compile a C++ program using g++, for some reason it is not recognizing my header file, although i have the correct syntax and also have it in the same directory.18:06
joe_-MrWindex: It's chmod <octal or representation> <file name>18:06
gnutrongogoodguy: if you have a boot sector virus all bets are off18:07
joe_-MrWindex: So, to allow anyone to read the file is chmod u+r <file>18:07
MrWindexchmod u+rw -R <directory>18:07
tvgvmy cubes gone18:07
jonaskoelkern8tuser: they seem fine18:07
gogoodguygnutron: so go back to windows defrag it, resize the partition to half the drive then go back here and try it again?18:07
joe_-MrWindex: chmod -R u+rw <dir>18:07
thadthudpuckergogoodguy: I'd say just use a different HDD18:07
gogoodguygnutron: i do have viruses on the hd but none are too serious18:07
hajmolaxine tells me I can't play a dvd because of region code. Is there a way I can turn this off? It's a legit dvd I bought on a trip18:07
gnutrongogoodguy: thats how i do them.18:07
spasticteapotWhenever I run Rhythmbox under Ubuntu, I get this error message:  Gtk-WARNING **: AudioCdSourcePopupCopyCd: missing action MusicAudioCDDuplicate18:07
spasticteapotDoes anyone know what's causing this?18:07
mirakn8tuser: no but on facebook, pickasa or youtube, for exemple you can share and organise content without coding anything. What I want is the same but on my computer, to organise my content.18:07
thadthudpuckergogoodguy: that way you can leave you XP for "just in case"18:08
gogoodguythadthudpucker: not going to appen dont have another one18:08
mirakn8tuser: and make it available18:08
MrWindexjoe: thank you for your help. it still won't let me in to view it in the graphical interface though18:08
joe_-MrWindex: No problem. Whats the folder? Something you made?18:08
allsystemsaregomirak, install drupal18:08
chrisdoneanyone know of a program that runs in the background and produces statistics about your typing speed, accuracy, etc.?18:08
MrWindexjoe: yeah, I copied it from my windows partition18:08
gogoodguytvgv id suggest you go find a tutorial.18:08
thadthudpuckergogoodguy: what is the size of the HDD?18:08
hajmolaanyone know how to get xine to play another region dvd?18:08
joe_-MrWindex: Try this, for testing. chmod -R 775 <dir>18:08
gogoodguy320 i belive thadthudpucker18:09
MrWindexjoe: if it's relevent it's now highlighted in green in the shell18:09
thadthudpuckerhajmola: region is encoded in the drive itself18:09
iirois there any easy way to update to 8.10 version from insaid a earlyer version of Ubuntu, or should I just reinstall over last OS? I donät have much t lose here so I can just clean the root partition without worries.18:09
joe_-MrWindex: Try closing the GUI window and reopening it.18:09
hajmolathadthudpucker, is there anyway around that?18:09
mirakallsystemsarego: It seemed to be what I wanted, however can it serve files from my /home , or are they necessarily stored in the database ?18:09
chrisdoneiiro: there is a way to do that, let me get the link for you18:09
MrWindexjoe: that fixed it18:09
MrWindexjoe: the 77518:09
joe_-iiro: I believe theres a flag for apt-get to do that18:09
joe_-MrWindex: Awesome.18:09
gogoodguyIm rebooting be back latter18:09
boscoslifei have a laptop and it keeps saying PXE Media test failure when i try and boot how hard is it to fix18:09
joe_-MrWindex: Read up on permissions, its pretty neat stuff the whole octal thing.18:10
allsystemsaregomirak, you make it show files in /var/www if you like18:10
chrisdoneiiro: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading18:10
MrWindexjoe: thank you very much!! that was frustrating. what's the difference between 775 and u+r18:10
thadthudpuckerhajmola: I would say resize the ntfs to current +about 5 gb, ext3 to 85% of remaining and the other 15% left over (of the remainder) make that swap18:10
iirochrisdone: Thank you.18:10
MrWindexjoe: I know it's octal but how come the letters didn't work?18:10
MrWindexjoe: yeah I'm going to have to learn about them18:10
joe_-MrWindex: 775 says "Everyone can read, write. Owner can execute and group can execute"18:10
hajmolathadthudpucker, are you sure that message was for me?18:11
n8tuserJoe_ -> then its your /etc/network/interfaces file you configure to do this auto connect at boot18:11
iirofor some reason I could not be able to open partition manager with 8.10 install CD.18:11
thadthudpuckerhajmola: ha, sorry, no...18:11
MrWindexjoe: thanks man18:11
joe_-MrWindex: No problem.18:11
joe_-n8tuser: What do I have to do in there?18:11
n8tuserJoe_ -> man interfaces, man iwconfig18:12
thadthudpuckerhajmola: in windows, i know it is possible to change the region setting of the drive18:12
qqxhow do you download flash videos and convert them to other formats in ubuntu?18:12
hajmolathadthudpucker, so, i have to flash the drive's firmware or something?18:12
joe_-n8tuser: Thing is, Ubuntu sees the network and goes "Yeah I know that!" but has to get permission to connect.18:12
thadthudpuckerhajmola: that i am not sure of18:12
n8tusermirak -> ahh it is called content management system - CMS  there are plenty out there, but the baseline is still you require a web-app server, like tomcat18:12
thadthudpuckerhajmola: as far as doing it ubuntu, i do not know. Maybe acquire another dvd drive (they are a dime a dozen these days) and reset the region, if you regularly play different region dvd's18:13
n8tuserJoe_ -> there are tutorials on how to get ubuntu to boot with wpa2 activated18:13
joe_-n8tuser: Okay, I'll try looking around and see what I can do.18:13
iiroI'm realy getting to like this OS a lot after two years fighting with Gentoo18:13
mirakn8tuser: yes lol, I never doubted that it needed webserver. so ok we misunderstood.18:13
hajmolathadthudpucker, are there region-free dvd drives?18:13
iirothis looks like working :P18:13
joe_-iiro: Amen to that.18:13
thadthudpuckerhajmola: alas, that i do not know.18:14
mirakn8tuser: so ok I will google the web with the term cms18:14
_dougquestion: how does Ubunti handle remote update18:14
mirakn8tuser: and see what is available. I installed drupal though and will try what it can do18:14
joe_-_doug: What do you mean?18:14
n8tusermirak -> you dont believe it requires a webapp server?  drupal does not just run native on any os, it requires a web-app server18:14
iirojoe_-: tho there is realy much t learn for me as I have used to do thisngs with Gentoo.18:14
iirosorry not realy for this channel18:14
qqxhow do you download flash videos and convert them to other formats in ubuntu?18:14
_dougLIke, lets say I have 20 client Ubuntu desktops, can I update them from a central server?18:15
gsuvegthe gnome-power-manager is kill me :(18:15
joe_-iiro: I came from Fedora and some RHEL, wasnt terribly good at it but I like Ubuntu better.18:15
joe_-_doug: You can. But you'd have to setup a repo.18:15
_dougyea, I figure, but it is doable yea ?18:15
thadthudpuckeris there a differnt channel to ask about Skype on Ubuntu?18:15
iirois there a channel for crap-talking about ubuntu, afaik this is a support channel right?18:15
joe_-_doug: Of course. You setup a repo on a main server, then on the boxes you add that repo.18:16
ConstantineXVIqqx, there should be firefox extensions to download.  converting can be done via VLC.18:16
_dougsomeone was going on about Windows amazing group policy tools :)18:16
joe_-iiro: lol. what problems are you having?18:16
n8tuser_doug -> you can tailor your LDAP system with your server to provide such services18:16
ConstantineXVIiiro, #ubuntu-offtopic18:16
Claire2009hi - trying to install DVD playback capability.18:16
PokerFacePenguinqqx - you can use winff to convert them18:16
gogoodguyOK im back in windows. Now how do i go about changing the drive partition size?18:17
PokerFacePenguinqqx: which is really just a front end to ffmpeg18:17
iirojoe_-: not realy nothing I just don't wish to disturb this cannel as this channel is minely ment to be for sloving broblems with Ubintu.18:17
Claire2009can someone help me with DVD play back in ubuntu 8.04?18:17
joe_-_doug: Yeah, our syadmin at work does the dumbest things for something simple like, static IP. We had a good chuckle. He's all windows.18:17
iiroConstantineXVI: thanks18:17
thadthudpuckergogoodguy: the best way i know of offhand is the partition manager in the ubuntu setup :)18:17
gogoodguyClaire2009: get xine, get the dvd support files and your done18:17
_dougI'll go look it up, I was an openSuSE user up to recently, Ubuntu is fairly now to me ..18:17
Claire2009gogodguy - how do you i do that?18:17
gogoodguyAh man..... Could have told me that18:17
qqxwinff no such package18:17
arno-tHi I can access a share with nautilus smb://sharename, but cannot mount it with cifs. That is, the mount command exits cleanly and mount shows the share mounted, but there are no visible files. I can create files on the share, but they become invisible... Suggestions?18:17
thadthudpuckergogoodguy: :) you left before i could!18:18
gnutrongogoodguy: administration tools unless its xp home which doesnt have it.18:18
joe_-arno-t: Sounds like a problem with the server kindof.18:18
hobomanis anyone able to discuss with me, possibilities about sound quality in linux being lossy when compared to the same equptment used to play the same files on a windows boot? is it perhaps the mp3 decoder?18:18
PokerFacePenguinqqx: google it18:18
ConstantineXVIClaire2009, install this package: http://packages.medibuntu.org/pool/free/libd/libdvdcss/libdvdcss2_1.2.9-2medibuntu4_i386.deb18:18
hobomani've noticed rhythymbox has no eq.18:18
gogoodguythadthudpucker: well maby not...   The ubuntu installer couldent break it so how can that18:18
joe_-hoboman: Most likely.18:18
tails1hey someone was asking about editing xorg.conf, right? sudo gedit/etc/X11/xorg.conf18:18
thadthudpuckergogoodguy: hmm...18:18
qqxill just use VLC18:18
gogoodguygnutron: im in that but i dont see anything in the drive administer to change the size18:18
Slarttails1: never use sudo with gui stuff..18:18
Claire2009constantineXVI - how do i install that via terminal?18:19
Slart!gksudo | tails118:19
ubottutails1: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)18:19
ConstantineXVIClaire2009, and if you havent already, also install ubuntu restricted extras from add/remove18:19
arno-tJoe_, yes for now i open nautilus and copy the files in "gui mode". But I'd like to mount it to be able to rsync to it instead...18:19
_dougjoe: teach them scripting !!18:19
ConstantineXVIClaire2009, don't need to.  just double-click it18:19
tails1oh. so gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf , then?18:19
joe_-_doug: Haha.18:19
qqxor can i, PokerFacePenguin ?18:19
Slarttails1: much better =)18:19
thadthudpuckerSlart: never use sudo with gui - would that be where gksudo comes in?18:19
solexious_Hello, My eth0 undernetwork manager is showng up as greyed out showing this deice is unmanaged18:19
qqxwith flash?18:19
Slartthadthudpucker: indeed18:19
PokerFacePenguinqqx: winff.org will tell you how to add the ubuntu repos and install18:19
hobomando you have anything you can recommend for a music player thats fast and lightweight, that has an eq, aswell as one that possibly i could alter the decoding plugin used ?18:20
hajarhi .. how to increase the brightness of screen?18:20
gogoodguyhey ill go to #windows and ask guys18:20
joe_-solexious_: Is it plugged in?18:20
tails1my cup, it runeth over with fail today.18:20
joe_-hoboman: Tried Rythimbox?18:20
thadthudpuckerSlart: ah, i was wondering the difference18:20
gnutrongogoodguy: its there somewhere i havent used it in ages, you could d/l a gparted live cd or use partition magic but xp does have a tool somewhere, i just forget where.18:20
solexious_Joe_- Yup18:20
Slartthadthudpucker: I'm not quite sure what it is that gksudo does differently.. but apparently the world might just explode if you use sudo.. or something like that18:20
leandroalI'm trying to install ubuntu 8.10 and it is not detecting the serial mouse... how to solve?18:20
hobomanjoe: rythymbox is about all i have tried, it has NO eq btw18:20
thadthudpuckerSlart: figures :P18:20
joe_-hoboman: Hmm. Try going to Add/Remove and seeing what else is out there.18:20
_dougjoe: I'm on xubuntu with the XFCE, less is more in my opinion ...18:20
Claire2009ConstantineXVI - installign it18:20
gogoodguygnutron: thats last resort. im talking to windows right now so one minut:D18:21
joe_-_doug: Naturally. I have to run GDM because mine is to be a media server for my TV18:21
Claire2009ConstantineXVI - now, what else should i do to play DVD?18:21
thadthudpuckerso I have a ca0106 sound card and skype cant hear my microphone, any ideas on what setting to muck with?18:21
gnutrongogoodguy: its in disk management18:21
ConstantineXVIClaire2009, you installed ubuntu restricted extras, right?18:21
hobomani guess thats what i'll do. does anyone know what decoding scheme ubuntu 8.10's restricted extras or whatever package it was i installed with mp3 decoder actually uses?18:21
hajarhi... any one know how to in crease the brightness of screen??18:21
=== solexious_ is now known as solexious
Claire2009ConstantineXVI - how do i do that?18:21
gogoodguygnutron: im their been their. but i checked the drive i dont know how to manage it18:22
ConstantineXVIClaire2009, go to add/remove programs, search for it, check the box, hit apply18:22
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_dougjoe: even though I run konqueror for file manager ..18:22
hobomanand, whats your guys experiences with WINE ? anyone? +/-  etc?18:22
thadthudpuckergogoodguy: Administrative tools -> device manager, on the left side it says disk manager18:22
bsdgrouphello I need help with installing ubuntu 9.04 i have question about partitioning disc, I'm trying to use ext4 for partition but every time when this is partition under ext4 after reading disk it says ext3 is this a bug or what? what is the problem???18:22
ConstantineXVIClaire2009, er, just add/remove18:22
solexiousHello, My eth0 under network manager is showng up as greyed out showing this deice is unmanaged, it is plugged in and showing a link light etc18:22
ConstantineXVIbsdgroup, #ubuntu+118:22
gogoodguythadthudpucker: their18:23
_douggtg ..18:23
kaeferadepthi guys ... after some upgrade my sound doesn't work anymore. how can i get ubuntu to search for my sound card again?18:23
Claire2009ConstantineXVI - installing18:23
eebleHi, I'm using evolution with a gmail IMAP account, but the gmail account always show up second even though I will never (almost never) have any 'local' mail on this laptop. is there any way to get the mail from gmail to show up in the "On This Computer" inbox or just remove that inbox altogether?18:24
Claire2009ConstantineXVI - final question, should all this enable my DVD-rom drive to play dvds now?18:24
victorbrcaAnyone know if I can 'chmod -R 700 /etc/rc*' my system and keep it functional?18:24
Claire2009I'm a newbie.... ahh!18:24
gnutrongogoodguy: http://www.minix3.org/doc/partitions.html  this has a small section for xp18:24
jedi06how come i install alpine then try to send something and it gets stuck trying to send the message and can't do anything but power off18:24
ConstantineXVIClaire2009, yes, movie player should handle them just fine18:24
Claire2009ConstantineXVI - thanks for your help. i'm such a newbie....18:24
cqcHi all18:24
Claire2009ConstantineXVI - but getting better everyday!18:24
cqcI'm looking for a software for design network.18:25
duhhrecently installed ubuntu on my aspire one, noticing my wireless is bad when im on battery power18:25
gnutronvictorbrca: i would not even consider doing that.18:25
cqcAnybody hava any sugestions.18:25
duhhany idea how to boost power or turn off power management?18:25
Claire2009ConstantineXVI - do i need to restart once all the installation s are done?18:25
gogoodguygnutron: that virus of tmine is acting up give me a minute18:25
ConstantineXVIClaire2009, shouldnt need to18:26
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Claire2009ConstantineXVI - k. thanks.18:26
victorbrcagnutron: Why not?18:26
Claire2009i'm off!18:26
gnutrongogoodguy: lose the bugs and defrag first, try this site- http://housecall.trendmicro.com/18:26
gnutronvictorbrca: playing with filesystem permissions is borderline insanity.18:27
iJohis ubuntu down on some servers? I can't download my updates18:27
YankeeTanksomeone can help me with emesene ?18:27
eyehatesludgedoes anyone know how to fix this error message in zsnes: http://paste.ubuntu.com/105993/18:27
bsdgroupon channel ubuntu+1 there is no one to help me... problem is about partitioning disk with ext4 partitioning table...18:27
victorbrcagnutron: Not really. This is something common on slack when you want to lock down a system (more on the paranoid borderline)18:28
bsdgroupeverytime when I chose ext4 for main partition and when I want to partition it, it says ext3 is this a bug or what???18:29
YankeeTankwhen I try to send a file with msnlive to a emesene client, the emesene user doesn't receive any question. Why?18:29
gnutronvictorbrca: i'm not saying you can't but it's risky and i've never heard of re-setting /etc/ to lock it down.18:29
IntelliWhy can't I find anything on Amule anymore?18:29
ConstantineXVIbsdgroup, jaunty is development software.  expect bugs.  lots of them.18:29
bsdgroupok but the same distro was installed on lots of PCs and they didn't have that problem...18:30
solexiousHello, My eth0 under network manager is showing up as greyed out showing this device is unmanaged, it is plugged in and showing a link light etc18:30
bsdgroupI partition my disk under ext4 but when it refreshes the list of partitions it says ext3??? wtf=?18:31
td123blah blah blah blah vagina18:31
Jack_Sparrowbsdgroup, lost the wtf..18:31
victorbrcagnutron: I saw it on a couple of slack security articles. I'm building a Ubuntu vm machine for security browsing. I wanted to apply the same procedure.18:32
jedi06why won't either alpine or mutt work sending my messages i'm clearly connected to internet18:32
ShapeshifterIf I want to specify another path for $HOME (e.g. /home/myusername/somefolder instead of /home/myusername), where would I best put the assignment?18:32
gnutronvictorbrca: if it can work on slack then go for it.18:32
bsdgroupis this only a problem with written text or it is a bug?18:32
jedi06alpine gets stuck in an infinite loop all i can do is shutdown mutt says mail is sent but i never recieve anything18:33
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LorgonJortleHey everyon.18:33
gnutronShapeshifter: mkdir ~/bin  and edit ~/.bashrc and un-comment the line making /home/$USER/bin part of your search path18:33
furydoes anyone know a help-channel for kontact?18:34
LorgonJortleNope, sorry.18:34
duhhWhen im on battery my wireless card really dies out, cant use TSC at all and can hardly browse. How do I change that?18:34
gnutronShapeshifter: or edit /etc/environment18:34
victorbrcagnutron: True... it's a virtual machine anyways!! :)18:34
UsamaAkkadhello , I have gsm modem and I bought 5 giga , but it seems like it go very fast. it seems like there is no data compression in my wvdial.conf . how to add data compression .18:34
jedi06anyone know why its not actually sending my mail18:34
gnutronvictorbrca: let me know if it works!18:34
Metatronis there a bug in the wireless stuff in 8.1 desktop?18:35
joe_-Metatron: Why?18:36
Jack_SparrowMetatron, Not a bug in Ubuntu as much as lack of hardware mfg not supplying/suppoting Linux with drivers18:36
|neon|xrandr is broke on intrepid, no way  that i can configure two different screen other than twin view, can't configure them as separate x screens, any ideas?18:36
gnutronjedi06: read /var/log/mail.log for the error18:36
Metatroni use the gui for ndiswrapper and it says network manager not found...ive read several articles about some problem with network manager .7 which is the one included, but havent been able to get it to connect18:36
oCean_Shapeshifter: gnutron was explaining about modifying your searchpath (for executables) Do you want to change you actual homedir, or only the HOME variable??18:36
leandroalIn the installation interface, ubuntu does not recognize my serial mouse, why?18:36
victorbrcagnutron: I'm not gonna try it right now. But I'll keep the topic I opened updated!!18:37
leandroalhow to fix the problem?18:37
victorbrcagnutron: Here's the link: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m19314e5418:37
solexiousHello, My eth0 under network manager is showing up as greyed out showing this device is unmanaged, it is plugged in and showing a link light etc18:37
Metatronwifi radar will see a conneciton but it and network manager both seem to have a problem with wpa18:37
oCean_Shapeshifter: that could be done in your actual homedirectory. Edit the ~/.profile adding a line (before all else) "export HOME=/path/to/newhomedir"18:38
bullgard4/etc/default/klogd includes the headline: "top configuration file for klogd". All lines are commented out. Why is this file marked as executable?18:38
Metatronthat it is repeatedly prompts me for the network key, ive entered it correctly 2 dozen times and it still wont connect18:38
jedi06gnutron cannot connect to hotmail.com etc etc18:38
Metatronthe old ubuntu 8.04 had settings in the network manager diffrent from what 8.1 shows18:38
|neon|xrandr is broke on intrepid, no way  that i can configure two different screen other than twin view, can't configure them as separate x screens, any ideas?, any how to on setting this up?18:38
joe_-|neon|: Define broken18:39
yakuzif I got a usb hdd connected. What should I type to get the name of it? because I installed xp and didn't unmount it properly so ubuntu complains because I didn't do it right in xp. but I have never manually mounted before, just went with the automaticly.18:39
gnutronjedi06: its probably your /etc/hosts file not using an FQDN and hotmail rejects it18:39
jedi06so i can try a different email then or what18:40
jedi06what is a FQDN18:40
Gerinychhas anyone seen opensuse 11's grub? if so, is it that same one ubuntu uses?18:40
gnutronyakuz: lsusb18:40
_Cidfully qualified doamin name18:40
gnutronjedi06: fully qualified domain name18:40
|neon|joe_-: i have a laptop connected to an external LCD, the only way i can get it to work is using twin view which doesn look good because the laptop res is 1440x900 and the lcd is 1900x120018:40
Agionhow can I install ncurses library?18:41
usser_|neon|: look into xrandr18:41
joe_-|neon|: Well, I doubt thats xrandr. Sorry though, I can't terribly help you with that. I've been through my own personal hell with the same issue. Haha.18:41
gnutronjedi06: will evolution or thunderbird send ok18:41
jakehow do i tell the comp to delete all but a certain file type from  a directory?18:41
|neon|joe_-: so you know :)18:42
jakei know rm -r *.mp3 will get rid of all mp3's... how do i delete all APART from mp3's?18:42
jedi06let me try18:42
n8tuserjake->  look for the option --exclude18:42
sysdoc|neon|, what display driver/vid card are you running?18:42
ShapeshifteroCean_: well, what I'm trying to to is to have _all_ ".dot-files" in /home/shapeshifter/.config instead of /home/shapeshifter/ So if I change my home dir to ~/.config, all the apps will put their stuff there, while I still want to use my /home/shapeshifter as usual for personal files (but all configs should go in .config)18:43
jedi06306 mb for evolution18:43
Gerinychhas anyone seen opensuse 11's grub? if so, is it that same one ubuntu uses?18:43
yakuzgnutron: hm okey it told me all other info other then that I needed. Do you know how to force mount?18:43
amd007anybody tell me the package name which is used to show boot process msgs duting startup & shutdown18:43
n8tuserGerinych-> I have not, but why would it that much anymore different?18:43
jedi0685 mb for thunderbird i'll go with that18:43
nbeebomade fresh install then installed latest driver from ati.com and theyre now in use, but 1920x1200 doesnt work as it should, just 1600x1200; 1920x1200 has worked about a year ago when i last used them18:43
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Shapeshiftergnutron: ah and no, I'm not talking about search path.18:44
|neon|sysdoc: running an nvidia 9800 go nvidia driver 1.7718:44
gnutronShapeshifter: i mean $PATH statement. environment18:44
amd007anybody tell me the package name which is used to show boot process msgs during system startup & shutdown??18:44
sysdoc|neon|, u have nvidia-settings installed?18:44
Shapeshiftergnutron: yeah not that. $HOME, not $PATH ^^18:45
oCean_Shapeshifter: well changing $HOME for that purpose (or any) is tricky, since several programs depend on that18:45
gnutronShapeshifter: i mis-understood you, sorry.18:45
ShapeshifteroCean_: that's why I'd like to put it as early as possible (possibly init scripts or something)18:45
|neon|sysdoc: yes that is what i am using to configure the screens18:46
oCean_Shapeshifter: seems too tricky to me.18:46
n8tuserShapeshifter -> umm what are you trying to accomplish?18:47
Shapeshiftern8tuser:  what I'm trying to to is to have _all_ ".dot-files" in /home/shapeshifter/.config instead of /home/shapeshifter/ So if I change my home dir to ~/.config, all the apps will put their stuff there, while I still want to use my /home/shapeshifter as usual for personal files (but all configs should go in .config)18:48
solexiousHello, My eth0 under network manager is showing up as greyed out showing this device is unmanaged, it is plugged in and showing a link light etc18:49
deepfriedsquirreI resized a partition (sda7) and added a new one (sda8) and my Ubuntu partition (sda9) won't boot because its partition ID is wrong. I had a similar problem with OpenSUSE (sda7), but it asked me if I wanted to fall back to sda7 and I said 'yes' - it booted. What shall I don about my Ubuntu (sda9)?18:49
kaeferadepthi guys, my sound card stopped working after some upgrades. normally you can try autodetection for soundcards using alsaconf but it isn't installed. where can i find alsaconf or how do i trigger a new hardware detection in ubuntu?18:50
n8tuserShapeshifter -> i dont think there are any .dotfiles in /home/shapeshifter/.config18:50
jedi06how do you start thunderbird, i just installed thunderbird but there is not thunderbird command18:50
Shapeshiftern8tuser: huh18:50
gnutronjedi06: in your menu, its GUI18:51
n8tuserShapeshifter -> i dont think there are any .dotfiles in /home/shapeshifter/.config   <-- look and tell me what .dotfiles are here ?18:51
jedi06gnutron i can't use a gui18:51
gnutronjedi06: unless youre on a server, no desktop.?18:51
jedi06no desktop18:51
Jack_Sparrowjedi06, type thunderbird from cli18:51
n8tuserjedi06 -> isnt thunderbird gui based?18:52
Shapeshiftern8tuser: files with a . in front. hidden files where apps made by ignorant devs put their config in. like .wine .geany etc etc18:52
Jack_Sparrowjedi06, no  gui at all.. then no18:52
n8tuserShapeshifter -> but they are not in ~/.config  they are in ~/18:52
Shapeshiftern8tuser: lol. read what I told you in the beginning again. and again.18:52
solexiousWHen clicking on edit connections the wired list is blank, how can I tell it to find eth0?18:53
gnutronjedi06: this might work, edit /etc/hosts to read like this localhost.localdomain localhost myhostname18:53
solexiousWHen clicking on edit connections within networkmanager, the wired list is blank, how can I tell it to find eth0?18:53
jedi06alright lets try that18:54
gnutronjedi06: the myhostname insert your fqdn18:54
jedi06how do i find that out18:54
n8tuserShapeshifter -> what you're trying seems not to make sense, partial of $HOME contents in one dir and partial on another18:55
tails1anyone ever see your terminal come up as a big white rectangle?18:55
gnutronjedi06: try 74-140-187-35.dhcp.insightbb.com or just the numeric ip.18:55
tails1w/ no text or title bar?18:55
tails1still fully functional, just looks crappy.18:55
Shapeshiftern8tuser: it makes sense. but nevermind18:55
Supranocan i tell ubuntu to update the linux headers as well when doing a normal system update?18:56
fracturehow can I open port 113 to incomming connections18:56
gnutronjedi06: its tricky, is the numeric but it might not work.18:56
LorgonJortleHere is a question for anyone willing to help: I have gone through plenty of Ubuntu tutorials. I know my way around, and how to do basic things like file management and stuff. What's next? I want to know everything there is to know about Linux.18:57
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tails1@tails1: oh, yeah dude, just get to a terminal with ctrl+alt+f1 and replace your xorg.conf with the backup.18:57
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tails1@tails1: Wow, thanks dude.18:57
LorgonJortleNobody willing to help?18:58
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HovefirseHi folks. Any good (command line) utility out there that shows how the occupied space on a hard disk is distributed in the different folders? Or somesuch.18:58
russohey guys my gdm stopped running and i'm getting the following in my dmesg18:58
russo[   42.625331] type=1505 audit(1232218224.639:2): operation="profile_load" name="/usr/share/gdm/guest-session/Xsession" name2="default" pid=498518:58
jedi06still saying cannot connect to hotmail18:58
al4onscoOkay, this is, like, my 6th cd, two of them were graphic installers, the other 4 were alternates, each from different machines at various friends'/family homes each checksum'd just fine. I install them, it freezes after login. I remove compiz and still the same, I xfix, still the same, my computer is broken since I installed Ubuntu. I'm starting to miss Windows. Anyone know how to fix this broken thing?18:59
shadow98what is the best torrent client for ubuntu18:59
n8tuserLorgonJortle -> you want then to learn programming in bash and pythong and C18:59
enzotib!best > shadow9818:59
ubottushadow98, please see my private message18:59
tails1tails, it seems like you've been having trouble with tv out; have you tried installing envy? I hear good things about it.18:59
tails1oh, i'll have to do that.18:59
FelipeS_Hovefirse: "DIsk Usage Analyzer" under Applications>Accessories does just that,.18:59
ConstantineXVIshadow98, i prefer Transmission, but a lot of people like deluge and vuze18:59
n8tuseral4onsco -> huh? you installed from the livecd or alternatecd and then what happened?19:00
LorgonJortlen8tuser -> I've been doing C++ for a while. I was thinking about learning Python, but how would I go about learning to program in bash?19:00
HovefirseFelipeS: Thx - is there a similar command line utility?19:00
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al4onscoLive cd won't work at all. Install freezes up. Alternate will boot to login, I log in then freezes up.19:00
al4onscoUbuntu just freezes up on me.19:00
al4onscoWindows works just fine though.19:00
n8tuserLorgonJortle -> visit #bash  and to get started look at the bash scripts in /etc/init.d/  or even your .bashrc19:01
joe_-I'm trying to stop the network manager from requiring me to unlock my keyring19:01
al4onscoOnly thing is, I got so excited about Ubuntu being so great that I formatted away my Windows. Now I miss it. I want Ubuntu to work so bad though.19:01
LorgonJortleOk, thanks.19:01
ConstantineXVILorgonJortle, also, "man bash" is a good place to look19:01
HovefirseFelipeS: Never mid - it does ssh!19:01
ConstantineXVInever underestimate the power of the man pages19:02
bomanizer*** Connecting to port 6667 of server change_this_in_etc_irc_servers19:02
bomanizer*** Unable to connect to port 6667 of server change_this_in_etc_irc_servers: Unknown host19:02
bomanizer*** Use /SERVER to connect to a server19:02
bomanizer*** Connecting to port 6667 of server irc.freenode.net19:02
bomanizer*** Looking up your hostname...19:02
bomanizer*** Checking ident19:02
FloodBot1bomanizer: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:02
n8tuseral4onsco -> you are able to boot to the livecd or not?19:02
FelipeS_Hovefirse: ok ;)19:02
al4onscoI googled it up to see if anyone else had the same problem, seems it's pretty normal for 8.10 to freeze up on people. Everyone suggested removing compiz, which I did. That didn't work.19:02
al4onscoLivecd won't boot.19:02
jedi06gnutron still not working tried first and only ip19:02
al4onscoFreezes up.19:02
benjamin_sorry to bother... anyone know where to find the updates for compatibility with office 2007 file extensions?19:02
bomanizersorry, FloodBot1, I accidently pressed the middle mouse button :(19:03
n8tuseral4onsco -> you tried different options at boot? like  vga=791, noapci  ?19:03
gnutronjedi06: instead of myhostname try  your email username@insightbb.com  but i doubt it'll work. it can be done though.19:03
al4onscoYep. Didn't work. The alternate will install just fine, but when I login, it freezes up.19:03
LorgonJortlen8tuser & Constantine: Bash before Python, or which do you think first?19:03
n8tuseral4onsco -> what is in your pc? what cpu? memory?19:04
n8tuserLorgonJortle -> do both at same time, you wont go wrong much doing both at same time19:04
Supranohow can i force the alsa modules to unload?19:04
al4onsco2.6 ghz Pentium. 1.5 gigs ram, geforce 620019:04
freddy_engelsI'm having a dpkg error, similar to the bug here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dpkg/+bug/26245119:04
n8tuseral4onsco -> you tried different options at boot? like  vga=791, noapci  ?19:04
al4onscoDid'nt work.19:04
al4onscoDidn't* sorry.19:04
freddy_engelsI've tried dpkg --configure -a, and it still gives the error.19:04
n8tuser!who | al4onsco19:05
ubottual4onsco: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:05
LorgonJortleAlright, so getting better at programming... What else do you think? Is it worth it getting my CompTIA Linux+?19:05
On0biwhere can i learn basic irc commands?19:05
deepfriedsquirreI resized a partition (sda7) and added a new one (sda8) and my Ubuntu partition (sda9) won't boot because its partition ID is wrong. I had a similar problem with OpenSUSE (sda7), but it asked me if I wanted to fall back to sda7 and I said 'yes' - it booted. What shall I don about my Ubuntu (sda9)?19:05
sugiI can't get sound within my WMA files on my Mplayer?  any ideas?19:05
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LorgonJortleOn0bi: Google "IRC commands"19:05
freddy_engelsWhat should I do to get dpkg working again?19:05
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al4onscoI really just want it to work. I don't even want to *say* the "W" word again. I just don't know what to do.19:06
benjamin_!Anyone Sorry to bother... anyone know where to find the updates for compatibility with office 2007 file extensions?19:06
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:06
n8tuserdeepfriedsquirre -> use the /dev/sdX  instead of UUID in menu.lst19:06
* On0bi waves hello19:06
LorgonJortle@Benjamin: Just save the file as a .doc.19:07
TamaleHey all, I have a pretty strange help request.  I have a really old install of Ubuntu 5.10 and I'd like to completely re-install 8.10 over it.  The catch is I don't want to have to re-partition my disks, because I have a pretty complicated RAID5 array setup on it..  what's the best way for me to do this?19:07
gnutronsugi: i use realplayer to do .wma files, works fine19:07
ConstantineXVIwhile im thinking about, isn't there a way to pipe out a man page as PDF or somesuch?19:07
TamaleThe partitioner built into the 8.10 install doesn't seem to find my array upon boot19:07
JimmyDeehey guys, what was the last release before python2.5 got in the mix?19:07
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linduxed_what app is it that changes themes in kde?19:07
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LorgonJortle@Benjamin: Don't save the file as a .docx, which it wants to. When you click to save it, go to save as, then choose "97-200 word document"19:07
gnutronConstantineXVI: man command > file.txt works i think19:08
sugignutron: check my pastebin http://pastebin.com/m565d584619:08
al4onscoHas anyone else had these issues with 8.10? Just plain doesn't work? Freezes after login when you finally install with alternate cd. Removing compiz won't make it work? None of the boot/install options help? I'm hoping for a different angle because I'm either getting Ubuntu to install and work or I'm done with computers because I can't stand apple and I refuse to go back to Microsoft.19:08
niereConstantineXVI: sure, it's even in the man manpage ;) (there's an example for dvi output, but you can easily transform that to ps/pdf/etc)19:08
sugiI can't get sound within my WMA files on my Mplayer?  any ideas?  pastebin: http://pastebin.com/m565d584619:08
tvgvdoes anyone know how to take video footage of there desktop please19:08
n8tuseral4onsco -> what are you using now to chat?19:08
freddy_engelshttp://paste.ubuntu.com/106008/ this is the specific output from the dpkg error I'm having19:08
al4onscoPidgin on a friends computer.19:08
freddy_engelsI cannot install any packages19:08
tvgvsugi> its usally either microphone setting19:09
al4onscoI had to come over to a friends' place to try to get help.19:09
n8tuser!who | al4onsco19:09
ubottual4onsco: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:09
LorgonJortlen8tuser: Programming... what else? I know that'll take a while, but I can do other things too. Just "man" anything I don't know? haha19:09
al4onsco@n8tuser, sorry I keep forgetting to address you directly.19:09
nieremy problem is that a pin in /etc/apt/preferences is being ignored: Package:*\nPin: origin ppa.launchpad.net\nPin-Priority: 50019:09
TamaleHey all, I have a pretty strange help request.  I have a really old install of Ubuntu 5.10 and I'd like to completely re-install 8.10 over it.  The catch is I don't want to have to re-partition my disks, because I have a pretty complicated RAID5 array setup on it..  what's the best way for me to do this?  Can I just put in the 8.10 install disc from the 5.10 desktop and do it all from 'within' the old install somehow?19:09
LorgonJortleI find the manuals really dry and hard to stick with19:09
sugitvgv: i have a mic pluggined in but i have worked movies with it before.  should i just try disabling it in the volume control?19:10
gnutronsugi: looks like mplayer won'tplay nice with wma files, install realplayer its in the ubuntu wiki's19:10
n8tuserLorgonJortle -> what do you want to do in life?  :P19:10
nierewith apt-cache policy it just states the "default" priority (990) instead of 50019:10
freddy_engelsTamale: You should be able to upgrade through the update manager....19:10
LorgonJortlen8tuser: I want to know as much about computers as possible, and see where it takes me.19:10
Tamalefreddy_engels: The whole reason I'm trying to do this is because the current package management is completely destroyed19:10
Tamalefreddy_engels: I can't apt-get anything19:11
sugignutron: totem, won't even play at all.19:11
tvgvand check in your start up prompts two sometimes they disable19:11
n8tuserfreddy_engels -> it may not be possible, he has to go through 6.1, 7.x, 7.x and then 8.04... some of the repositories are not available19:11
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freddy_engelsTamale: Ah, I have a similar problem then...strangely enough.19:11
niereif i use a certain package (e.g. Package: librapi2) i can see it with apt-cache policy librapi219:11
freddy_engelsAh, that's true.19:11
Tamaleso I'm willing to start over, but I want to keep my RAID5 partition setup the way it currently is19:11
tvgvanyone know of a screen capture video device19:11
gnutronsugi: does Any multi-media work?19:11
Richard_RUsing a fresh install of Ubuntu 8.10, my keyboard doesn't work past the login screen. Also, my mouse won't activate controls on most windows, won't right click, and the Applications, Places, System menu won't work. When I click them, they highlight but don't open. Both installation and live CD have this problem. Already redownloaded and reburned.  Ubuntu 6.06 didn't have this problem.19:11
Tamalealthough if the data was lost, that'd be ok - I have it all backed up19:11
n8tuserLorgonJortle -> from the realm of Programming you will discover many things, so take it from there19:12
LorgonJortle#tvgv: Google "Ubuntu screen capture"19:12
freddy_engelsTamale: Out of curiosity, what kernel vesion are you running?19:12
n8tuserLorgonJortle -> perhaps be on this channel to help out once you have the know how19:12
Metatronim having problems with wireless in 8.1, after much reading it seems the network manager 0.7 doesnt handle wpa correctly with my usb net adapater, the suggestion is it use wicd instaed, the box has no net connectivity without the wireless, unless as now i boot into xp, suggestions where i can find a precompiled for 8.1 of wicd?19:12
LorgonJortlen8tuser: Thanks for the help, I'll do Python and bash scripting. Cheers.19:12
Tamalecurrently?  It's on 2.6.12-819:12
sugignutron: what format did you have in mind?19:12
gnutronsugi: everything you need is here- https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/musicvideophotos/C/index.html19:12
fractureomg! how do I open port 113... for humans....19:12
n8tuserLorgonJortle -> good luck19:12
Richard_Rfracture, what are you trying to do with port 113? Be more specific.19:13
gnutronfracture: thats the identd port, use iptables to manage it19:13
n8tuserfracture -> open it? and then do what?19:13
Tamalefreddy_engels: So, how do I use the 8.10 installer and 'keep' the current partitioning system?19:13
fractureI need to learn iptables just to open a port...???19:13
al4onscoHas no one else experience these issues? 8.10 livecd won't work at all. Alternate cd will install but freezes on log-in. Removing compiz doesn't do anything. Xfix doesn't help. It boots up but just freezes.19:14
deepfriedsquirreTamale: I have a feeling that there are different upgrade methods depending on what you need to go from to. I think you'll have to do it bit by bit.19:14
prankyanyone know much about autofs/nis combinations19:14
n8tuseral4onsco -> what do you mean freezes on login, you are just trying to install it? no login while you are trying to install eh?19:14
gnutronfracture: its a priveleged port, what do you want it for? use a frontend like firestarter to manage iptables19:14
prankycan't seem to get it working19:15
Volker mit BAM Kontakt aufgenommen19:15
fractureI need for identd19:15
Tamaledeepfriedsquirre: I'm really not too interested in 'upgrading'.. a fresh start was more what I was hoping for.  The *only* catch is I want the RAID5 array to keep its current layout of 8 active disks, one active spare, and one active hot-spare19:15
al4onsco@n8tuser Nope, it's installed already. I can put in my user name and pw, but it just won't do anything. Login happens, but only to a tan screen with a mouse cursor, which is frozen.19:15
Tamaledeepfriedsquirre: the OS alone is on a completely separate drive19:15
freddy_engelsTamale: From 5.10, I'm really not sure how you can have a fresh start without repartitioning.19:15
freddy_engelsIf you have separate partitions for certain directories, perhaps you won't have to format them.19:16
zleapbut that is not really a fresh start19:16
TamaleI do19:16
n8tuseral4onsco -> can you login via ctrl+atl+f1 to f6 ? and work in command line environment til you fix the X server issue?19:16
Tamaleboot and / are on a separate drive19:16
deepfriedsquirreTamale: Can't you just mount the partition from LiveCD, wipe it with rm -rf /mnt/Tamalesubuntupartition, umount it and run the installer using a custom partition layout, setting the mount point of the partition as /?19:16
freddy_engelsTamale: do you have separate /home /tmp /usr....etc19:16
deepfriedsquirreI resized a partition (sda7) and added a new one (sda8) and my Ubuntu partition (sda9) won't boot because its partition ID is wrong. I had a similar problem with OpenSUSE (sda7), but it asked me if I wanted to fall back to sda7 and I said 'yes' - it booted. What shall I don about my Ubuntu (sda9)?19:16
n8tuserTamale -> then the rest can just be mounted after you install a fresh 8.0419:17
Tamaleahh now we're talking19:17
niereanyone know why a priority setting in /etc/apt/preferences with a Pin: origin ppa.launchpad.net is being ignored?19:17
al4onsco@n8tuser I haven't tried that, but that's because I only have about an hour's worth of knowledge in Linux. I know nothing about the command line.19:17
n8tuserdeepfriedsquirre -> use the /dev/sdX  instead of UUID in menu.lst19:17
Tamalewhat's disconcerning is when I start the LiveCD the partitioner doesn't see the mda array19:17
pkruminsanyone got vmware tools working on Ubuntu 8.10?19:17
deepfriedsquirreTamale: Remember to back up anything you want19:18
pkruminsI found a patch that compiled the vmware tools and they installed ok, but nothing works19:18
pkruminslike mouse does not get shared19:18
deepfriedsquirren8tuser: I used (hd0,8), yes19:18
pkruminsneither i can drag files.19:18
n8tuseral4onsco -> you're jiving me, you claimed to spend doing lots of tutorials and now you tell me only an hour?19:18
Tamaledeepfriedsquirre: it's all backed up on another computer already19:18
sysdocpkrumins, yea with Xp and win2003 as guest OS's19:18
Tamaledeepfriedsquirre: PM ?19:18
Richard_RUsing a fresh install of Ubuntu 8.10, my keyboard doesn't work past the login screen. Also, my mouse won't activate controls on most windows, won't right click, and the Applications, Places, System menu won't work. When I click them, they highlight but don't open. Both installation and live CD have this problem. Already redownloaded and reburned.  Ubuntu 6.06 didn't have this problem. Does...19:18
Richard_R...anyone know what might cause this?19:18
pkruminssysdoc, no, ubuntu is guest.19:18
deepfriedsquirreBut it wouldn't boot, probably because of a bad UUID in my /etc/fstab19:18
pkruminssysdoc, and win xp is master.19:19
al4onsco@n8tuser I SWEAR to you I'm telling the absolute truth. I've done all this stuff using google.19:19
pkruminssysdoc, can't get ubuntu work as guest in vmware running on windows.19:19
freddy_engelsis it possible to re-install dpkg without using dpkg?19:19
sysdocpkrumins, can Xp really ever be the host os?19:19
deepfriedsquirreI'm just a bit scared to go editting that in case I half-do the job and end up with my system getting confused and damaging stuff.19:19
al4onsco@n8tuser Will using the 8.04 LTS work for me since 8.10 just plain doesn't?19:19
n8tuseral4onsco -> be patient with cli,  you will get the best out of linux if you do, versus all those gui, so work on the cli and get yourself comfy19:19
al4onsco@n8tuser But I can't get anything to work and I don't know how.19:20
n8tuseral4onsco -> i personally would not recommend 8.10, i find it too  troublesome, but thats just me19:20
DVA5912I just installed ubuntu on my system. I have an NvIdia Geforece 7200 GS graphics card in windows it was running at 120C with nothing and in linux it is running at less than 95C  is this normal? or something wrong with the card?19:20
n8tuseral4onsco -> if you can login via a console, thats the cli, go and play around there19:20
dr3mroplz help me i installed ubuntu intrepid every thing is ok except bluetooth dont send or recieve and it works well on vista on same machine19:21
DVA5912ok nvm it is warming up now19:21
n8tuseral4onsco -> its already working for you, except the X server part, so spend time getting cozy with linux via cli19:21
al4onsco@n8tuser Okay, I'm getting 8.04 and if it doesn't work Linux can say goodbye. But, as I said, I'm not going back to the "W" word and I refuse to get an expensive and entirely useless piece of fruit... so I'll just recycle the darned thing and go on about my life using my cellphone for the web.19:22
deepfriedsquirreI resized a partition (sda7) and added a new one (sda8) and my Ubuntu partition (sda9) won't boot because its partition ID is wrong. I had a similar problem with OpenSUSE (sda7), but it asked me if I wanted to fall back to sda7 and I said 'yes' - it booted. What shall I do about my Ubuntu (sda9)? I was going to edit the /etc/fstab to use a device filename rather than a partition Id. Good idea?19:22
n8tuseral4onsco -> or you can donate that piece of art to me, ill make use of it :P19:22
dr3mroplz help me i installed ubuntu intrepid every thing is ok except bluetooth dont send or recieve and it works well on vista on same machine19:23
n8tuserdeepfriedsquirre -> yes i've already suggested that eh?  use /dev/sdX instead of UUID19:23
al4onsco@n8tuser You got a deal! IM me your email, if it doesn't work, I'll ship it to you. I'll even PAY to ship it to you.19:23
deepfriedsquirreAnd I said that I'm scared of doing it because I'm afraid that I may need to do something else as well. Is that a safe bet?19:23
n8tuseral4onsco -> my address is your local  salvation army store -- we will take it anytime19:24
al4onsco@n8tuser Cute. Okay, wish me luck.19:24
dr3mroplz help me i installed ubuntu intrepid every thing is ok except bluetooth dont send or recieve and it works well on vista on same machine19:24
deepfriedsquirreI mean, you suggested I used that in the /boot/grub/menu.lst, not the /etc/fstab. Is there anything else I need to do?19:24
n8tuseral4onsco ->  i really am wishing you the best19:24
deepfriedsquirreHey dr3mro!19:24
Tamaleany RAID  / mdadm experts in here?19:25
deepfriedsquirreIn fact, I can't help with that... sorry.19:25
n8tuserdeepfriedsquirre -> yeah both, on menu.lst and also fstab  to rid of the UUID issue, and correct it once you get the correct uuid19:25
dr3mro plz help me i installed ubuntu intrepid every thing is ok except bluetooth dont send or recieve and it works well on vista on same machine19:25
DrknezzzHi guys! What happened to ubuntu-restricted-extras on Intrepid?19:25
n8tuserDrknezzz -> i heard it was not ported.. but you can confirm via google19:26
Drknezzzn8tuser: oh!, ok, thx19:26
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freddy_engelshttp://paste.ubuntu.com/106008/ can anybody help with this dpkg error? I have no idea where to start with fixing it19:26
freddy_engelsI've tried dpkg --configure -a, and it still gives the error.19:26
dr3mro plz help me i installed ubuntu intrepid every thing is ok except bluetooth dont send or recieve and it works well on vista on same machine19:26
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Slartfreddy_engels: you might need to run "sudo dpkg --configure -a"19:27
freddy_engelsI did it as root.19:27
kabukanhello all19:27
prankyneed desperate help with nis/nfs combination ... tried finding my errors everywhere and no luck.  Can someone help?19:27
carl-anybody here got a working "apple wireless keyboard" in linux19:27
freddy_engelsSlart: I think an update didn't finish so I have broken packages that are making bugs in dpkg19:27
Slartfreddy_engels: and you get the same error? "Assertion 'dependtry <= 4' failed" ?19:27
n8tuserfreddy_engels -> may i suggest commenting out the sources from the sources.list , you dont really need the src files to run unless you are compiling?19:28
kabukancould anyone tell me how to access files on a cd through terminal?19:28
Slartkabukan: cd /media/cdrom  ls19:28
n8tuserkabukan -> if the cd is mounted, you can cd to it19:28
sugiI can't get sound within my WMA files on my Mplayer?  any ideas?  pastebin: http://pastebin.com/m565d584619:28
dr3mro plz help me i installed ubuntu intrepid every thing is ok except bluetooth dont send or recieve and it works well on vista on same machine19:28
freddy_engelsn8tuser: Do you think that has anything to do with the problem?19:28
Slart!language | tails119:29
ubottutails1: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:29
n8tuserfreddy_engels -> i'd try anything to get things working, if not, i learn something.. :P19:29
freddy_engelsn8tuser: good point19:29
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gena11today i am installing xubuntu :DDDDDDDDD19:29
Slartfreddy_engels: if I were you I would select another mirror and do "sudo apt-get install --reinstall menu"19:30
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freddy_engelsSlart: I'll try that.19:30
gena11how install games for Xubuntu??19:31
Abedguys i am trying to install hydra-5.4 but it needs librfc/saprfc.h and "googled" it but i found that i must have a sap system installed so any ideas?19:31
matt___Tell me...is Bluetooth really completely screwed up in the newest Ubuntu/Kubuntu/possibly Linux kernel?19:31
freddy_engelsAlthough commenting out the src repositories seemed to work19:31
Drknezzzmatt___: How could it be screwed?19:31
Slartmatt___: it's wasted on my computer afaik.. don't know if it's a general thing or just for me19:31
matt___Drknezzz: Dunno...not working?19:31
dr3mro plz help me i installed ubuntu intrepid every thing is ok except bluetooth dont send or recieve and it works well on vista on same machine19:31
n8tuserkabukan -> normally if you insert the cdrom in, those get automatically mounted, you may even get a prompt of burning it or copying it i guess, i dont know if that is the case with 8.0419:31
kabukanim new to linux.  I am using ubuntu server 8.04.1 how do mount a cd manually??19:31
Slartmatt___: have you checked the bug list on launchpad for the bluetooth system?19:31
Drknezzzmatt___: why you say so?19:31
matt___Slart: I've never tried bluetooth on a computer before...so dunno.19:32
matt___Drknezzz: Dunno.19:32
freddy_engelsOh, nevermind. Trying to install a package gives the error. I'll try a new mirror.19:32
matt___Slart: Nope...not used to that...letme try.19:32
Abedguys i am trying to install hydra-5.4 but it needs librfc/saprfc.h and "googled" it but i found that i must have a sap system installed so any ideas?19:32
n8tuserkabukan -> normally if you insert the cdrom in, those get automatically mounted, you may even get a prompt of burning it or copying it i guess, i dont know if that is the case with 8.0419:32
Sa[i]nTAnyone tell me how to do the 360 media center thing with ubuntu? Or is it impossible?19:32
sugiI can't get sound within my WMA files on my Mplayer?  any ideas?  pastebin: http://pastebin.com/m565d584619:32
matt___Slart: WOrks.....19:32
kabukanits terminal only server edition19:32
Drknezzzsugi: install ubuntu-restricted-extras19:32
matt___Slart: But very difficult for video/photos.19:32
Slartsugi: have you installed the w32codecs? do you get any errors if you try running the media player from terminal?19:33
n8tuserkabukan -> then insert the cdrom and do a   sudo fdisk -l    to see if it is detected and listed19:33
matt___Slart: Try this...I wrote it...works perfect for audio19:33
matt___Slart: http://linuxhack3r.com/2008/04/07/x360mediaserve-stream-music-to-your-360-in-linux/19:33
lore_buon giorno19:33
sugiDrknezzz: already installed, i have gotten wmas to play, but something about this one doesn't play sound.19:33
n8tuserkabukan -> or type  mount  to see if it ever got mounted19:33
Slartmatt___: not me.. wrong nick19:33
matt___Sa[i]nT: Try this http://linuxhack3r.com/2008/04/07/x360mediaserve-stream-music-to-your-360-in-linux/19:34
matt___Sa[i]nT: Try this http://linuxhack3r.com/2008/04/07/x360mediaserve-stream-music-to-your-360-in-linux/19:34
Slartmatt___: Sa[i]nT  is the one with the 360 media system19:34
sugiSlart: pastebin: http://pastebin.com/m565d584619:34
Drknezzzsugi: then it's badly encoded or it is one of those WMA-EXE's19:34
matt___Sa[i]nT: Try this http://linuxhack3r.com/2008/04/07/x360mediaserve-stream-music-to-your-360-in-linux/19:34
Sa[i]nTmatt___, I'm trying it.19:34
lore_! list19:34
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots19:34
EdicoI'm in the games group and I can't enter in a directory that has permisions for games group19:34
matt___Sa[i]nT: Audio works perfect...I'm experimenting with photos/videos now. I've got both working..but something "stops" working after a while. Sa[i]nT BTW...I wrote that post and scripts...so if something doesn't quite work...well you get the idea.19:34
Abedguys i am trying to install hydra-5.4 but it needs librfc/saprfc.h and "googled" it but i found that i must have a sap system installed so any ideas?19:35
mdcastroj/ #ubuntu-br19:35
Slartsugi: hmm.. no idea what to do about that.. sorry19:35
sugiDrknezzz: im not too sure what you mean by wma.exe, but some type of window's version.... and i have gotten the audio to work on a microsoft end OS...19:35
n8tusermatt___ -> out of curiosity, the server side uses something like Icecast to stream it and then one can use a client on xbox like vlc  to listen to it?19:35
freddy_engelsSlart: I switched to a different mirror, did sudo apt-get update, and then apt-get install --reinstall menu19:35
sugiSlart: thanks anyways19:35
freddy_engelsand it still gives the dpkg error19:35
SlartAbed: please wait at least 5 minutes before repeating your question..19:35
deanycan you browse the web on a 360?19:35
Abedsorry Slart19:36
davydelore sai cme si entra in ubuntu italiano?19:36
Drknezzzsugi: some WMA's use a vulnerability in WMP to run as EXE's and install viruses19:36
lore_no sorry19:36
freddy_engelsdpkg: ../../src/packages.c:221: process_queue: Assertion `dependtry <= 4' failed.19:36
freddy_engelsE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg exited unexpectedly19:36
Slartfreddy_engels: hmm..ok.. lets see what google has to say about that error19:36
Drknezzzsugi: that is, there is no audio on them, just executable data19:36
justnabed: could you give more details ?19:36
Slart!it | davyde19:36
ubottudavyde: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)19:36
freddy_engelsSlart: I found https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dpkg/+bug/26245119:36
matt___n8tuser: well...dunno. I used the built media player device in xbox360...but I suppose if you were to mod/install xboxmedia center on your xbox it could be easier. But short answer...no...you can't just install vlc on an xbox?19:36
n8tuserfreddy_engels -> not sure, try dpkg-reconfigure  ?19:37
sugiDrknezzz: nope it worked in window's.19:37
freddy_engelscan I dpkg-reconfigure dpkg?19:37
n8tusermatt___ -> oh okay, i dont own an xbox, so i would never able to try it out19:37
Drknezzzsugi: weird then, maybe it uses some weird variation of WMA then19:37
Abedjustn: ok i was trying to configure hydra-5.4 source files so i got two errors one was about libssh which i got and one librfc/saprfc.h which i didn't find and i google it but got nth19:37
Slartfreddy_engels: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dpkg/+bug/26245119:37
Slartfreddy_engels: ahh.. you found it too.. nice19:37
deanysugi: if you are using mplayer then use smplayer.19:38
freddy_engelsslart: It appears someone fixed it by uninstalling and reinstalling cups?19:38
n8tusermatt___ -> curious, try  shoutcast.com  as the source of music for xbox see it it can play whats in that site19:38
matt___n8tuser: Ooh...ok. but the stuff Microsoft wrote in xbox is picky..but if it DOES work..it works well. So it is sufficient IF you take forever to set it up.19:38
Slartfreddy_engels: well.. you can always give it a try.. it's a pretty quick process19:38
aibhow do i create a list of my package selections so that i can recreate my system in a virtual machine?19:38
gnutronjedi06: still here? try installing pine, last time i sent mail from terminal i used redhat and pine to send.19:39
matt___n8tuser: Oh..no no no. I don't think that's possible at all...unless you heavily scripted something in linux to make it create a "changing" mp3 file...that may work.19:39
linduxed_how do i change the theme of konversation without installing KDE?19:39
Slart!clone | aib19:39
ubottuaib: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude --disable-columns --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate19:39
freddy_engelsSlart: The problem with this is even if a fix is issued, I don't think update manager will be able to catch it since dpkg is broken19:39
aibthanks Slart19:39
freddy_engelsIs that correct?19:39
ZeniturI have ADSL-router ZyXEL and don't remember the name. My ping is 200. Can I do something to set ping < 200? For example, set off buffer?19:39
n8tusermatt___ -> oh okay, thanks for the insights19:40
Slartfreddy_engels: hmm.. sounds reasonable.. unless they somehow find a way around that.. they are sneaky, the ubuntu people19:40
matt___n8tuser: NP.19:40
matt___Sa[i]nT: Just wondering...how bouts you working for it?19:40
Sa[i]nTmatt___, Well, I got it installed and whatnot. What should I do on my 360's end. I am scanning for PC's right now. It finds nothing.19:41
sugideany: i would have to install it....19:41
aibSlart, 'aptitude: unrecognized option --disable-columns'19:41
matt___Sa[i]nT: Well...it *should go exactly as shown. Did you configure it and start it?19:41
deanyyup.. its only another frontend, but a better one..19:41
Sa[i]nTmatt___, And where do I put the setup key at?19:41
BellinXFeloncan anyone help me change the permissions/owner of my seagate external hdd19:42
matt___okokok. Tell me what you've done. which steps did you get to on my page?19:42
Sa[i]nTmatt___, Yeah, I just pasted my mp3's dir into the given space in my browser.19:42
Slartaib: oh.. bad bot.. I have no idea what to do instead though.. never used aptitude19:42
aibSlart, just remove that parameter from the command19:42
deanysugi:  wanna send me the wma ?19:42
WinterWeaverwhere can I find documentation on calibrating my macbook screen colors?19:42
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning19:42
Slartaib: sure.. give it a try19:42
matt___Sa[i]nT: That update thing is a little confusing...it takes some tinkering is all I can say.19:42
aib!automate | aib19:42
ubottuaib, please see my private message19:43
aibslart, I did, but how do you fix the bot?19:43
Slart!factoid | aib19:43
ubottuaib: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots19:43
shadow98when i go to edit connection i don't have ability to set static ip..how do i set a static ip.19:43
sugideany, I don't mean to be rude.  But how would that change my outcome for an different front-end gui system?19:43
matt___Sa[i]nT: BUT...I think this may be the problem. 1) What did you click on in the xbox? music, or media center?19:43
BellinXFeloni need to change the "owner" setting of my seagate external hard drive so I can enable read/write permissions19:43
Slartaib:  check the usage page.. there is a command for replacing factoids19:43
Sa[i]nTmatt___, Media center.19:43
deanysugi: i get more options to play with..19:44
Zeniturshadow98, use NetworkManager, Unlock button and set this19:44
matt___Sa[i]nT: try music...that's the way you're supposed to do it.19:44
Sa[i]nTmatt___, Holy shit it works.19:44
sugideany: the audio was formed in wma10 pro19:44
matt___Sa[i]nT: really? ;)19:44
deanygive it a try..  send me the wma if you like.19:44
matt___Sa[i]nT: actual streaming work?19:44
Sa[i]nTmatt___, Dude, I wanna make love to YOU. LmAo. Thank you.19:44
Sylvia_cd-----------------------------------------procuro maxo act 35-43 discreto q curta lingerie------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19:44
matt___Sa[i]nT: Do me this instead:19:44
Zeniturholy shit, это я так понимаю, святой чёрт?19:45
Zenituri'm sorry19:45
shadow98Zenitur, where is network manager19:45
Sa[i]nTmatt___, Yeah, i'm listening to music right now. I see the friendly name and all.19:45
matt___Sa[i]nT: Subscribe by email or rss...and I'm write a post for this program that allows for photo and video.19:45
Zeniturforgot to change window19:45
Zeniturshadow98, at the system tray19:46
matt___I've gotten photo and videos to work for my xbox's, but it requires HEAVY configuration that is confusing. So subscribe to linuxhack3r.com, if I ever figure out a way to do it easily...i'll post. Thanks mr. Sa[i]nT19:46
shadow98Zenitur, is that the 2 computer icons i did right click and edit connections19:46
mib_24tfoq7fI had to uninstall Ubuntu :(19:46
Sa[i]nTNo, Thank you matt___ .19:46
davydehi i can't see my desktop on tv i should use any program?19:46
Sa[i]nTmatt___, You are a life saver.19:46
matt___Sa[i]nT: I try to be.19:47
matt___Sa[i]nT: If I do write a post such as that..it'll be a couple days. Right now I'm trying to figure out bluetooth.19:47
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Sa[i]nTmatt___, Got path Music Requested Playing mp3 playing song 424419:48
matt___Sa[i]nT: what do you mean? In terminal?19:49
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Sa[i]nTmatt___, yeah, showing you that it does work.19:49
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matt___Sa[i]nT: So you weren't showing an error messsage ;). It helps if all your songs are correctly id3 tagged too.19:49
the_squircledoes anybody know how to get up-to-date mono 2.2 in intrepid?19:49
themindmy F* keys aren't working, does anyone know what might be wrong and how to fix them19:49
Sa[i]nTmatt___, It's showing the right names and all.19:49
=== Guest53704 is now known as EgPaRaDoX
the_squircle!hi | Styx99319:50
ubottuStyx993: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!19:50
Styx993why does gnome require loads of random crap to run?19:50
matt___Sa[i]nT: great!19:50
shadow98when i go to edit connection i don't have ability to set static ip..how do i set a static ip.19:50
matt___Styx993: because it's complex?19:50
klingonHello, I am having an issue with standby (s3) mode that is not the fault of ubuntu, but I was wondering if there were any log files Ubuntu generates when attempting standby that I could take a look at19:50
Styx993so gnome has to have a mail reader with it?19:50
Styx993i cant use my own?19:50
Sa[i]nTStyx993, It's part of the "package".19:51
davydewhich program i have to use to see my monitor on the tv?19:51
Styx993is there any way i can get rid of the crap?19:51
PhotoguyHow do I format a memory card or other USB device in Ubuntu 8.10?19:51
kabukann8tuser-> the drive isnt mounted19:51
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themindmy F* keys aren't working, does anyone know what might be wrong and how to fix them19:52
Styx993in console do sudo mkfs -t <fstype> /dev/<device name>19:52
EgPaRaDoXhow can i select a paragraph form an html page to be narrated using orca?19:52
PhotoguyIsn't they're another way to format?19:53
klingonthemind: Ive had that happen b4, turned out F-Mode/F-lock got turned on..19:53
maxbaldwinthemind: House keys?19:53
maxbaldwinthemind: Try hiring a locksmith.19:53
n8tuserkabukan -> fdisk -l  or  mount   does not show it?19:53
shadow98Photoguy, gparted might work for you..19:53
davydequalcuno parla italiano?19:54
Photoguyshadow98 is it in the add/remove apps?19:54
andrew_hey, can somebody check a torrent link for me that i just created19:55
shadow98Photoguy, sudo apt-get install gparted19:55
klingonPhotoguy: you may have a look at this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=46821219:55
themindhrm it was Flock19:55
themindswear i'd already tried it :(19:55
shadow98Photoguy: then go to system, administration, and partition editor19:56
d0htemi installed minimal 8.04 full install , and ive installed kde-core kdm xorg knetworkmanager ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 but i cant seem to be able to get network manager to find wlan0 although it says it shuts wlan0 down during reboot19:56
shadow98Photoguy, right hand of the application you can drop it down and select the drive you are working with..19:56
linnyi have a really strange problem ive installed ubuntu on my laptop and at first it all seemed fine until i tryed to update its connected via ethernet and it wont connect to the repos also firefox will goto the homepage and sucsessfully search but then when you click somthing it times out same if i type a address in the addy bar pidgin works ok so im obviously oti any ideas ?19:57
andrew_can somebody check a torrent link for me real quick19:57
andrew_just wanna see if i did it right19:57
Joker_-_How do you copy hidden files? (ONLY hidden files - cp -R .* doesnt work: it copies everyfiles including hidden files)19:57
shadow98when i right click on the network connections in system try and go to edit connection i don't have ability to set static ip..how do i set a static ip....19:57
null_headHello, everyone...I've been having trouble hooking up a GE microphone to Ubuntu.  I was wondering if anyone can help me.  I opened up "volume control preferences," but I wasn't able to turn on input.19:57
themindum ok... ventrilo on WINE, anyone done it? need a quick walkthrough19:58
null_headSorry...I opened "Volume Control"19:58
burnernull_head: usb or mic port?19:58
kkathmancan anyone help with why my monitor just shuts off after a certain period of time?19:58
Appl3Korkanyone know if the Zune software is compatible with Ubuntu 8.10?19:58
Zenitur2themind, serarch on appdb.winehq.org19:58
null_headMic port.19:59
burnerAppl3Kork: i don't think so... maybe via wine19:59
Appl3Korkwell that's what i mean19:59
Appl3Korkwith wine19:59
burnernull_head: just look for microphone in volume control?  Have you tried using the gnome sound recorder to test?  or skype?19:59
Zenitur2null_head, is your soundcard one in the list of soundcards?19:59
sugiI can't get sound within my WMA files on my Mplayer?  any ideas?  pastebin: http://pastebin.com/m565d584619:59
burnerAppl3Kork: best advice, don't buy a zune19:59
burner!wine | Appl3Kork20:00
ubottuAppl3Kork: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help20:00
Zenitur2sugi, win32 codecs?20:00
sagredoYO YO YO programmers/hackers I upgraded mys ubuntu to 8.10 ibex and now my apache responds: The requested URL /index.php was not found on this server.20:00
sagredoWhat gives?20:00
Appl3Korkthanks ubottu20:00
Sa[i]nTWhat the..20:00
jedi06is it ifconfig eth1 add 192.168... to change an ipaddress?20:00
Storm3ycan I install Ubuntu Server on Amazon?20:00
sugiZenitur2: I installed them through the ubuntu-restricted-extrtas20:00
kkathmancan anyone help with why my monitor just shuts off after a certain period of time?20:00
jedi06doesn't seem to work20:01
Styx993ubuntu wanted to install 220 updates20:01
Zenitur2sugi, I am using last win32 codecs from MPlayer site20:01
burnersagredo: ps ax |grep apache <--is it running?  can you just do http://localhost ?20:01
deanyi dont know, but the w32codecs might not be as upto date as wmp10 codecs20:01
null_headZenitur2: Yes, it is. burner: I see "capture" and "digital".  If I unmute digital, I record desktop sounds...if I unmute "capture," I get nothing.20:01
Jonydoes anyone know how to make my speakers go louder. i need to change the pulse audio driver i think but i have no idea20:01
burnerjedi06: you need to set the gateway and dns if you set the ip through ifconfig20:02
deanysugi:  messy but will work.. you got winamp?20:02
Jonydoes anyone know how to make my speakers go louder. i need to change the pulse audio driver i think but i have no idea20:02
Storm3ycan I install Ubuntu Server on Amazon EC2?20:02
deanyand windows20:02
sugiZenitur2 did this conflict with the ubuntu's installation of ubuntu-restricted-extra?20:02
klingonDoes anyone know where I might find a log file that would contain information relating to standby errors20:02
sagredoburner: that returned about 5 processes20:02
jedi06no need burner i just need on the subnet don't need to get out20:02
Zenitur2Styx993, first 200 updates was created on the first month. The reason of this - 6 month cycle20:02
burnernull_head: unfortunately, mine just works and i'm not hip to troubleshooting sound cards too well... can you google your sound card and ubuntu?  it might be that you need to add an option to the alsa-base file to support you sound card fully20:03
Zenitur2sugi, no. this is not a deb, this is tar.gz with binaries20:03
rory096does anyone know why network manager or my network connection in general would just disconnect and stop working unless i restart whenever i'm downloading something using bittorrent? it seems to do it faster the higher my download speed, if that helps20:03
burnersagredo: localhost give you anything?20:03
null_headOkay.  Thanks.20:03
EgPaRaDoXhow can i select a paragraph form an html page to be narrated using orca?20:04
sagredoburner: No20:04
sugiZenitur2 will it mess with the ubuntu's restricted extra??20:04
ActionParsnipyo yo yo20:04
deanythe codecs on mplayer site Linux x86 20071007     look a little old to me20:04
sagredoburner: but look, it returns this: Apache/2.2.9 (Ubuntu) PHP/5.2.6-2ubuntu4 with Suhosin-Patch Server at Port 1000120:04
Zenitur2sugi, no20:04
Storm3ycan I install Ubuntu Server on Amazon EC2?20:04
Jonydoes anyone know how to make my speakers go louder. i need to change the pulse audio driver i think but i have no idea20:04
Zenitur2sugi, only newest version of files20:05
sagredoJony: try alsamixer ?20:05
sugiZenitur2: what did you installed?  you haven't told us what you installed? and have you tested this with WMA 10 Pro?20:05
Storm3ycan I install Ubuntu Server on Amazon EC2?20:05
nbeebowhat /dev does microphones use in ubuntu?20:05
ActionParsnipStorm3y: whats Amazon EC2?20:06
maxbaldwinwhat do you need, syncom?20:06
Jonydoes anyone know how to make my speakers go louder. i need to change the pulse audio driver i think but i have no idea20:06
draedayhey hey20:06
Storm3ycan I install Ubuntu Server on Amazon EC2?20:07
Zenitur3Jony, kill pulseaudio process20:07
draedaydoes anyone know any good vmware software20:07
ActionParsnipStorm3y: I dont think anyone knows what that is20:07
draedayvirtual machine20:07
deanythere a fix yet for using effects and watching video20:07
tnekI've created a group, added my account to it, assigned the group a directory (chown) and given the group rwd permissions.. STILL i can't write a file to it. :-/ I posted some command line: http://www.nodespace.com/2225  I'm not that good at Linux, I hope someone can give me some insight and help.20:07
JenkStorm3y: try googling for it.20:08
kaeferadeptdraeday, VirtualBox is quite nice.20:08
Zenitur3Jony, kill pulseaudio process20:08
tweakdoes anyone know how i get my partition numbers on the cli? (Hd0,0 HD0,1 etc?20:08
ActionParsnipStorm3y: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/177420:08
draedayi was using virtual box but neva worked out so good20:08
deanydraeday: which version20:08
deany2.1 is a heap better than 2.020:09
kaeferadeptdraeday, 2.1 works without any problems here. i am not using ubuntu though.20:09
Zenitur3tweak, cd /dev, ls hd*, ls sd*20:09
draedayversion 220:09
rory096does anyone know why network manager or my network connection in general would just disconnect and stop working unless i restart whenever i'm downloading something using bittorrent? it seems to do it faster the higher my download speed. my wireless card is a Broadcom Corporation BCM4311, if that helps.20:09
draedayfrom i updated it it was running slow20:09
deanydraeday: what was not working for you20:09
draedaywen i run windows it moves slow20:09
draedayboth in seamless mode and regular mode20:10
themindDoes anyone use Ventrilo in Wine?20:10
deanyinstall guest additions?20:10
draedayi did20:10
tweakthat didn't work.20:10
Zenitur3themind, http://appdb.winehq.org/20:10
deanyi got xp sp3 installed in it and it flies20:10
draedayi cant use usb20:11
deanythats easy20:11
draedayplus it moves kinda slow20:11
Jenkdraeday:how come20:11
ActionParsnip!broadcom | rory09620:11
ubotturory096: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx20:11
kaeferadeptdraeday, well you won't get native performance but in general the performance is quite well.20:11
draedayoh ok20:11
klingonrory096: Wireless tends to have more issues with high traffic.  Do you know if the router is crashing or just your adapter?20:11
deanynone /proc/bus/usb usbfs devgid=126,devmode=664 0 0    in etc/fstab      devgid=whatever the vbox group id is20:11
ActionParsnip!grub | tweak20:11
ubottutweak: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:11
tweakdoes anyone know how i get my partition numbers on the prompt?? (Hd0,0) (HD0,1) etc listed with volume labels?20:11
draedaywat u think about qtemu20:12
ActionParsniptweak: it may help you identify20:12
deanyits as fast as vmware for me. in fact, faster20:12
deanyboots up in seconds..20:12
taoistextremistI am new to Ubuntu, I used Wubi installer to get it, would somebody be willing to help me figure out this small problem I'm having when I attempt to connect to my media from my Windows OS?20:12
Jenkdraeday: not much 120:12
rory096klingon: just the adapter. the router stays up, and other computers are unaffected. once i restart, it's back to normal.20:12
tdnCan I create a LUKS encrypted partition in a file and mount it? Just like I can mount a file as a loop back device? If I use cryptsetup luksFormat on a file, it does not work.20:12
draedayso do you think i should go back to virtual box20:13
tweakI need to add a line to grub but i'm not sure how to address the partition20:13
taoistextremistI was able to access it for a while, but recently I've been getting an error when I try to access it, saying it can't mount it.20:13
Jenkdraeday: try going back for a while20:13
deanyinstall 2.1    and not the ose version either20:14
draedayone other problem i had was graphics20:14
klingonrory096: what bittorrent application are you using20:14
rory096klingon: azureus20:14
draedayi couldnt play any games on it20:14
Jenkdraeday: what with the graphics ?20:14
spankyDoes anyone know of a tool that auto updates the menu in Gnome/Ubuntu?  Sort of like what KDE menu updater does?20:15
sapi need big help20:15
Zenitur3Does somebody want to get russian sysadmin into foreing job?20:15
draedayno direct x20:15
ActionParsniptweak: i think if you run sudo fdisk -l, the first disk listed will be hd(0,x) and the second is hd(1,x)20:15
SlartZenitur3: wrong channel.. try #ubuntu-offtopic20:15
Zenitur3Slark, k20:15
deany2.1 has hardware accel option... dont bother tho if you want speed20:15
paulievoxI'm running Zoneminder (linux security camera platform) on an Intrepid 8.1 PC (xubuntu)20:15
paulievoxwith two NIC cards. I have 6 "IP" security cameras, which i placed20:15
paulievoxon their own network (10.0.1.x) with its own router.20:15
ActionParsniptweak: the partition number (minus 1 as disk numbers start at 0) will be the second number20:15
paulievoxThe "Front Of House" connection lives on a 192.168.1.x network20:15
paulievoxwith its own router.20:15
FloodBot1paulievox: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:15
paulievoxCurrently i'm bridging the connections on the Linux PC,20:15
sapi am using a router and connectin to the internet using pppoe from command line though my gnome network manager shows that lan and wlan is unmanaged while both are actually working20:15
draedayi try to play need for speed porche unleash and it said something about graphics20:15
Slart!enter | paulievox20:16
ubottupaulievox: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:16
saphow do i get network manager to work i need my wireless to work20:16
deanyvirtual machines arent really for playing 3d games in..20:16
Jenkdraeday: try this..http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/7473/20:16
Slart!ot | wes20:16
ubottuwes: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:16
klingonrory096:  I would lower the values of the connection settings to prevent azureus from overloading your adapter20:17
weswow really slart?20:17
Slartwes: yes, really20:17
rory096klingon: what do you mean?20:17
paulievoxI have a general routing question (2 NICs, subnets) http://paste.ubuntu.com/106036/plain/20:17
spankydeany, lol.  what you want performance?  xD20:17
draedayso what if i want to play games from windows what do i do20:17
sapay help20:17
peppodoes anyone here know any solutions for the problems with RTSP stream dumping/playing (VLC, mplayer etc) in Ubuntu 8.10?20:17
ActionParsnipsap: dont worry aboy nmanager, if the link works then dont sweat it20:17
draedaybecause wine no working with graphics either20:18
nbeebojony, enable all mixers in the gnome mixer20:18
spankydraeday, crossover games20:18
n8tuserpaulievox -> can you draw a layout? pictures is worht a thousand words20:18
paulievoxOk. hang on20:18
sapActionParsnip: the prob is i cant search for wireless lans and i need to use ip msg which doesnt work uless my lan starts working20:18
spankyDoes anyone know of a tool that auto updates the menu in Gnome/Ubuntu?  Sort of like what KDE menu updater does?20:18
Jenkdraeday: simple..instaessary fonts. ne sp. games in mind ?ll wine(x) and nec20:18
Storm3ycan I install Ubuntu Server on Amazon EC2?20:19
deanyi`d rather boot into windows, i want all the fps i can get...slowing it down running a wine type compat layer is not an option forme20:19
FlannelStorm3y: I believe so.  You should ask in #ubuntu-ec220:19
sapActionParsnip: the thing is its like nmanager has gone bonkers20:19
spankyStorm3y, http://www.ubuntu.com/ec220:19
ActionParsnipsap: use wifi radar instead20:19
draedayi want to run some music production software20:19
quaxidoes anyone know how to change the virtualbox 800x600 resolution to 1280x1024, or any suggestions?20:19
klingonrory096: Do you know how to adjust Azureus settings?20:19
NiTehaving problems with wifi on macbook any suggestions20:20
Slartquaxi: if you install the host extras you can just drag the window20:20
NiTereal bad packet loss20:20
Jenkdraeday: like what ?20:20
deanyeven with native game like UT2k4, until ATI wake up and smell the ubuntu its not good enough.20:20
draedayand don't want to boot into windows i hate windows since switching to ubuntu20:20
sapActionParsnip: is there any other network manager program i can use for lan also20:20
rory096klingon: sort of. what exactly should i adjust?20:20
deanyquaxi:  drag the window larger/smaller20:20
ActionParsnipsap: apt-cache search manager | less20:20
draedayadobe audition20:20
Jenkdraeday: try Ubuntu studio20:21
klingonrory096: I think lowering max connections to 60 should help the most20:21
deanyquaxi:  if you have screen resolution util in an ubuntu guest while you do it, it even updates to show what resolution it is20:21
Newfie_richHey all, Just wanted to let you know that i got my video running really smooth... just installed ubuntu(use to use it about two years ago), I must say the install was even easier  then before and I love the new simplistic look.20:21
boscoslifeok i have a problem it lets me ftp to my site in firefox but in ie it says no connection found am i doing something wrong on my server to not have ftp enabled20:21
sapActionParsnip: thanks20:21
rory096klingon: it's already at 5020:21
StargazerWhat's the command to check how much hard drive space i have ?20:21
Bodsdaboscoslife, you have IE on ubuntu?20:21
SPFStargazer: df20:21
boscoslifeStargazer: du-h20:21
SlartStargazer: df20:21
SlartStargazer: df -h is even better20:22
draedaywould i need to partition my drive for it20:22
spankyIE = xD20:22
deanyboscoslife: do you need passive ftp option set in IE ?20:22
Hilikushey guys20:22
danfgi'm using a custom keyboard layout, but ubuntu ignores it everytime i boot up. i have to run keyboard settings and toggle it on and off (or any other keyboard option) so that my settings work again. what's up with that?20:22
boscoslifeBodsda for web testing yes and that is it20:22
Hilikuswhat can i use in ubuntu to sync an ipod touch??20:22
Jenkdraeday: idun think so although i'm not 2 sur20:22
SlartHilikus: I don't think there is anything.. try typing !ipod in the channel for generic ipod help20:23
spankyboscoslife, why are you using IE for FTP?  There are tons of open source ftp clients20:23
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod20:23
StargazerHilikus, nothing afaik. i have an ipod nano, 4G. i can't so far.20:23
Bodsdaboscoslife, not sure then, there may be some conflicts if your running it through wine, but im not to sure20:23
Hilikusthanks Slart20:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about filezilla20:23
gompaso ubuntu 9.04 boots on the m2n-e sli but my sata drive is not there ?20:23
Slart!jaunty | gompa20:23
ubottugompa: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.20:23
HilikusStargazer mmm thats what i thought, tanks20:23
quaxideany: ok, i try it with vbox addons20:23
treats1i have mysteriously set terminal to a proxy (now i can't apt-get and such) and i do not know how to disable this.. does anyone have any idea??20:23
gompaoh ty20:23
spankyboscoslife, filezilla, gftp, etc20:23
klingonrory096: Do you know if DHT is enabled.  DHT uses a ton of traffic to communicate with peers, I would try disabling that.20:24
JackWinterdo changes take effect directly after editing /etc/security/linmits.conf or do i have to do something special ?20:24
draedayoh ok20:24
deanyfireftp plugin in FF rocks20:24
gompabut does 8.10 need some special support for my nforce chipset ?20:24
Bodsdatreats, your terminal is a proxy? i doubt it, what exactly doesnt it do20:24
draedayi had a problem recently when burning dvd's20:24
Bodsdatreats1,  , your terminal is a proxy? i doubt it, what exactly doesnt it do20:24
Jenkdraeday: what app did u use ?20:24
draedayi downloaded the latest ubuntu and burnt it to a dvd and it dint boot20:24
DVA5912I used a program called Dev-C++ in windows, is their anything like that for ubuntu? i need a development environment with the compiler built in. preferably.20:25
ActionParsnipdeany: firefox can already access ftp servers20:25
soothCan someone tell me how to use /etc/ppp/ip-up to run scripts after a DSL connection is established?20:25
rory096klingon: where would i find that in the options?20:25
draedaythats the app i used20:25
deanyActionParsnip:  true but its more like a traditional client..20:25
taidghmy sounds gone on 8.10, anyone know what to do?20:25
deanyuses a tab to display20:25
Jenkdraeday: u shd verify your download.20:25
klingonrory096: Go to Tools -> Options -> Plugins -> Distributed DB20:25
ActionParsnipdeany: yeah just websearched it, whatever floats your boat20:25
draedayis brasero a good program20:25
deanyand i`ll never use a browser for ftp lol20:25
Jenkdraeday: it is.20:26
jinja-sheepdraeday: Very good.20:26
deanywell, it works and its one less program to run..  small and handy20:26
Jenkdraeday: use K3B, it's also good.20:26
HovefirseHiya folks. When examining my hard drive I noticed that I have two versions of the linux source code, linux-source-2.6.22-2.6.22 and linux-source-2.6.24. Is it safe to just remove these directories (they take a lot of space), or should I do some fancy uninstalling?20:26
treats1Bodsda: it is going thoguht a proxy.. when i try to apt-get it tells me host cannot be reached through (i am positive i set this a long time ago)20:26
jinja-sheep!burn | draeday20:27
ubottudraeday: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto20:27
rory096klingon: done. i'm turning off my max upload and download speeds to see if it breaks again.20:27
jinja-sheepdraeday: Those are the list you could try. ;)20:27
klingonrory096: ok, gl!20:27
Jenkubottu: that's a huge list u got there20:27
martiiinWhat privileges does the normal adduser give?20:27
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:27
=== BlackWolf_ is now known as BlackWolf90
rory096klingon: thanks20:27
tweakfrustrating : Can not save edited system files.. gr....20:28
* jinja-sheep looks into wodim (terminal-based) :)20:28
deanytweak: sudo20:28
draedayi brun movies with it and they turn out good but i tried burning mandriva20:28
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
tweakhow can i sudo save a text file in a window?20:28
draedayand it never booted but i ran it in virtual box and the image worked fine20:29
Jenkdraeday: n what happened ?20:29
BerzerkerI'm having a problem getting my sound working. (Unibody 15" Macbook Pro on Ibex)20:29
digitalvectorzhey, how do i check for errors/bad sectors on an ntfs partition disk using the live cd?  fsck didn't like the ntfs fs20:29
jinja-sheeptweak: What do you mean?20:29
VSpiketweak: gksudo gedit, then copy/paste into the new one and save20:29
draedayso what could be the problem20:29
Berzerkerdigitalvectorz: try ntfs-3g20:29
paulievoxOk n8tuser -> here's my layout http://img504.imageshack.us/my.php?image=cameraservertopologyme0.pdf20:29
Jenkdraeday: probably ur download file was maybe corrupted20:29
Jonyhow do i increase the max volume on my audio20:29
Jonyhow do i increase the max volume on my audio?20:30
tweakthanks VSpike!20:30
VSpiketweak: welcome :)20:30
Jonyhow do i increase the max volume on my audio20:30
draedaywhat could b the problem when my usb works on an off20:30
matt___are xine and also "competitors" so to say?20:31
Jenkdraeday: loose connection!20:31
Jonyhow do i increase the max volume on my audio?20:31
draedaysometimes i have to restart my computer for it to read my usb20:31
n8tuserpaulievox -> and what is the issue ?20:31
ActionParsnipdraeday: power saving in bios maybe, or a loose connection someplace20:31
draedayand im using a acer 5100 laptop\20:31
Jonyhow do i increase the max volume on my audio? can anyone help me?20:31
ActionParsnipdraeday: have you tried a different usb port?20:31
paulievoxis the a good way to set this up?  should i add a static route in the 192 gateway to the 10.0 network?20:31
draedayyea same thing20:32
Jenkdraeday: more details ?20:32
ActionParsnipJony: jump into your volume management app and crank20:32
n8tuser!who | paulievox20:32
ubottupaulievox: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:32
draedaywhat im saying is that sometimes my usb ports dont respond20:32
draedayand i have to reboot for it to respond20:33
deanytryin to help this asus Eeeee pc user..  it uses some kind of debian/ubuntu doesnt it?  looks like hell from the screenshot ive seen.., like a tomy my first computer GUI20:33
Jenkdraeday: yes , but how old is ur machine or usb card ?20:33
paulievoxn8tuser: sorry, i haven't used IRC in years.20:33
draedaymy machine is a year old20:33
Brack10Pressing f1 in gnome term opens the help screen... How to pass it to the console instead?20:34
draedayi got it in october of 200720:34
n8tuserpaulievox -> and what is the issue  with your setup?20:34
ubottuUnsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !Caps, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...20:34
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".20:34
Jenkdraeday: then normally it shouldn't give a problem.try cleaning(brush,blow air)20:34
paulievoxn8tuser: is the most intelligent way to got about this, or should i setup static routes on the gateways?20:34
Jonyubottu i need help20:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about i need help20:35
Jonyubottu incease max volume20:35
draedayoh ok thanks20:35
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:35
Jonyubottu volume20:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about volume20:35
n8tuserpaulievox -> i dont know about most intelligent way, the goals is for your server to see the captured pix of the cameras ?20:35
Jenkdraeday: tell me if it worked.20:35
draedayi wiil20:36
Jack_SparrowJony, Please ask your question. and ubottu is a bot.. not a real person20:36
paulievoxn8tuser: yeah, to capture mjpgs off the cams and serve them on apache via the FOH network.20:36
Jenkdraeday: when? how?20:36
TheMindhmm, back on XP for the moment... anyone familiar with the Ext2 driver for XP?  I had it installed and working before, but I formatted/reinstalled my ubuntu partition and its not recognizing it now20:36
ActionParsnipJony: if you tell me the line lspci says what sound card you have i can websearch for an answer20:36
paulievoxn8tuser: which is working, i just want to know what the best setup is for performance issues20:36
draedayim in class now so i will have to do it later20:36
draedaybut it is working fine at the moment20:37
JenkJony: give some details.20:37
draedaybut at times that happens20:37
Jack_SparrowActionParsnip, HAve him run all the controls all the way down then back up..20:37
Joker_-_I just mooved my home folder to a new hard drive, then mounted it at the right place and all but when I try to login in gnome it says the folder doesnt exists... The folder DOES exists so my question would be: What the hell?20:37
soothWhat does /etc/ppp/ip-up.local do?20:37
danfgi'm using a custom keyboard layout, but ubuntu ignores it everytime i boot up. i have to run keyboard settings and toggle it on and off (or any other keyboard option) so that my settings work again. what's up with that?20:37
draedayis there a way to prevent overeheating20:37
Jenkdraeday: then whenever u have trouble, clean it.20:37
draedaycuase my machine heats up alot20:37
Jack_SparrowJoker_-_, Pastebin your fstab20:37
Jenkdraeday: get a fan.20:38
danfgdraeday: ventilation, underclocking20:38
n8tuserpaulievox -> if you have a working layout i would not interfere with it, unless there is a complain of not able to see the pics20:38
Jack_Sparrowdraeday, Please keep your questions all on one line and dont break them up by pressing enter20:38
VSpikeBrack10: probably best to change the shortcut key in gnome terminal to something else or delete the binding20:38
aegisubuntu is cool20:38
JenkHey Jack, how'd ya doin' ?20:38
draedayi'm wondering if the overall computer wants to be cleaned becuase i havent changed the system settings just the os20:38
Joker_-_Jack_Sparrow: Im in console right now, listing the home directory, seing the files. My fstab contains network drives mapped with password, do you realy need it... ?20:39
Brack10VSpike:  THat shortcut key is not configurable20:39
LiENUSis there an easy way to add wireless connectons to ubuntu from the command line?20:39
Jack_SparrowJoker_-_, to have home on sep partition you need to edit fstab20:39
LiENUSi'm working on a tool that'll import all the wireless settings from a windows machine into a linux machine20:39
WDCHello. I am trying to install Amarok 2 on Ubuntu with XFCE. How would I do that? I am currently using an older version of it.20:39
WDCTHis is NOT Xubuntu BTW20:39
ubottuYour home folder is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home folder to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome20:39
Jenkdraeday: need not be , unless it is v.v. dirty.20:39
VSpikeBrack10: it is in mine, afaict20:39
capricorn^80Starting Asterisk PBX: Unable to open pid file '/var/run/asterisk.pid': Permission denied asterisk. i have changed its ownership to root20:40
DVA5912whats a good IDE for developing C++. I want something similar to Dev-C++20:40
Jack_SparrowJoker_-_, Feel free to edit out the passwords or just edit it per that link I ust gave20:40
capricorn^80which should i do ?20:40
Brack10oh nm you're right20:40
hajarhi.. can any one tell me how to increase bright screen??20:40
draedaybut i found out that one of the rubbers on the bottom of the machine has fallen out where the fan takes in air so im wondering if that can cause any problems20:40
Joker_-_Jack_Sparrow: as said, I<m in console and I dont have much to navigate other than links, but I edites fstab to mount the drive at the right place... anyway, ill change the passwords and pastebin my fstab if you need that.20:41
kurratahi, when i type ls -h -l in terminal it gives me wrong size for directories. Any ideas why?20:41
Jenkdraeday: jus check if the ventilation of ur box is not obstructed.20:41
Jack_SparrowJoker_-_, Have you made sure uuid is correct etc20:42
VSpikekurrata: expand on "wrong"?20:42
VSpikekurrata: the size it shows it not meant to be the total size of directory contents20:42
oskar-Joker_-_, are the folders containing your home folder also accesible for the user? / and /home ?20:42
LiENUSis there an easy way to configure wireless connectons on ubuntu from the command line?20:42
Jack_SparrowJoker_-_, make a copy edit the pass and sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && pastebinit /etc/fstab20:42
kurrataVSpike:  oh, i see20:43
JenkLiENUS: try googling20:43
carlosI need help installing Smartcam please20:43
Joker_-_oskar-: folder home is 664, folder home#user is owned by owner:owner20:43
carlosI need help installing Smartcam please20:43
=== carlos is now known as Guest99372
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras20:43
Jenkcarlos: yes20:43
ActionParsnipCarlFK: dont repeat within 3 seconds, its pointless20:43
draedayno it isn't but  on that side it seemed a bit lower than the other sides and right now im in a fairly cool  room20:43
ActionParsnipCarlFK: sorry, wrong target20:43
LiENUSJenk, i want to configure them into networkmanager not iwconfig20:43
DrknezzzHow can i make apt download DEBS but not install them?20:43
aegisi run both arch linux and ubuntu linux20:43
VSpikekurrata: it shows the size of the actual directory node in the file system, the space taken to store the *info* about the contents20:43
=== DS-Away is now known as DarkSmoke
oskar-Joker_-_, set it to 7XX, for example with: chmod u+x /home/folder20:43
ActionParsnipGuest99372: dont repeat within 3 seconds of asking, its pointless20:43
VSpikekurrata: if you want the size of contents, try du -sh *20:44
Jenkdraeday: fairly cool? how much ne idea?20:44
kurrataVSpike:  ok20:44
Jack_SparrowDrknezzz, there is an option in synaptic for that.  from cli I dont remember20:44
draedayim not sure of the setting on the ac20:44
DrknezzzJack_Sparrow: does install <package> -d work?20:44
ActionParsnipGuest99372: if you run lsusb you will get an identifier for the cam, you can websearch taht20:44
Joker_-_oskar-: trying that20:44
JenkLiENUS: allright. have you tried google ?20:44
Joker_-_oskar-: doesnt change anything20:45
Jack_SparrowJoker_-_, Hold for a sec..  let me edit that20:45
Jenkdraeday: ur ac might hav a display. the display might hav some nos in degrees centigrade20:45
Joker_-_Jack_Sparrow: could you just tell me in msg what to change, I<d prefer that to a copy#paste...20:46
Joker_-_Jack_Sparrow: can<t be THAT much!20:46
Guest99372can help me how to join to ubuntu spanish channel?20:46
ActionParsnip!es | Guest9937220:46
ubottuGuest99372: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:46
JenkLiENUS: ne thing working ?20:46
ActionParsnipGuest99372: try: /j #kubuntu-es20:46
LiENUSJenk, i dont really see anything pertaining to network manager :/20:47
draedaynot this one its a vintage ac with only nobs no display of any degrees20:47
istvan_i'm looking for some software to help me design a php script. i need a layout type program where I can drag wires from dots, so for example make a box for an array, and then have 3 labled dots on the side of it which i can connect to other shapes20:47
JenkLiENUS: i;m sorry if i trouble u a bit but could u restate ur problem giving more details ?20:47
LiENUSJenk, i'm bored at work and trying to make a tool to import settings from a windows xp install into ubuntu20:48
Jack_SparrowJoker_-_, http://pastebin.com/d55c591f020:48
Jenkdraeday: well!20:48
draedayim gonna adjust to it20:49
ActionParsnip!info phped20:49
JenkLiENUS: what settings :20:49
ubottuPackage phped does not exist in intrepid20:49
hajarhow to increase brightness.. it's so dark20:49
Jack_SparrowLiENUS, You can look at a similar module in the ubuntu livecd installer.. DOnt ask which module. but it is there20:49
VSpikehajar: on a laptop?20:49
ActionParsnip!info geany | istvan_20:49
ubottugeany (source: geany): A fast and lightweight IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.14-1ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 2047 kB, installed size 6064 kB20:49
Joker_-_Jack_Sparrow:  checking it, thx20:49
LiENUSJenk, wireless encryption and whatnot20:49
ActionParsnip!info screem | istvan_20:50
ubottuscreem (source: screem): A GNOME website development environment. In component main, is optional. Version 0.16.1-4.2ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 1962 kB, installed size 7624 kB20:50
VSpikehajar: there's a brightness control you can add to the gnome panel20:50
oskar-Joker_-_, how did you copy the files? have you preserved the permissions or were they lost?20:50
jinja-sheepWhat's Linux Mint -- really? :o20:50
JenkLiENUS :wat capt. J. Sparrow says is right. !!20:50
hajarfrom where??20:50
LiENUSi had to write a tool to do this from windows to windows machine so i thought id make it do it in linux as well heh20:50
istvan_ActionParsnip: is there an ubuntu version?20:50
LiENUSJack_Sparrow, to import wireless settings?20:50
VSpikehajar: right-click panel, select "add to panel", select "Brightness applet"20:50
draedayhey jenk is it possible to just have the cario dock boot and show on the desktop without the panels20:50
ActionParsnipistvan_: those are linux php designing apps20:50
Jack_Sparrowah.. no20:50
LiENUSohh you mean to configure them in the installer?20:51
hajarthanx so much20:51
ActionParsnipistvan_: you can run php designer 2008 in wine with some tweaking: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-796701.html20:51
sektor1952is this the channel for dhcp server help?20:51
Jenkdraeday: i'm not familiar with ur query, ne thing else ?20:51
istvan_ActionParsnip: what i'm looking for is a tool that lets me make a graphical layout of my script - a flowchart really20:51
Jack_SparrowJoker_-_,         Lost permissions on /home.. sudo chmod 755 /home/20:51
Joker_-_oskar-:  cp -R ...20:51
MHz128Does anyone use find that Firefox runs slightly slower in linux than it does in XP or OSX?20:52
JenkLiENUS: YUP20:52
MHz128or am i just imagining things20:52
ActionParsnipistvan_: thats all i got, i dont code php, try in #php20:52
ActionParsnipMHz128: not sine i apt-built it ;)20:52
Dr_willisMHz128,  cant say that ive noticed20:52
istvan_ActionParsnip: do you know of a good flowchart type layout program I can use?20:52
ActionParsnipMHz128: but yes the standard is dog slow, try opera if you want fast20:52
MHz128ActionParsnip, apt-built? explain20:52
sektor1952I keep getting unknown key rndckey and I know my key matches my dns server key20:52
oskar-Joker_-_, and you copied it to a file system that knows of linux-like permissions20:52
ActionParsnipistvan_: no idea man, sorry20:52
Joker_-_Jack_Sparrow: fixed it! chmod 675520:53
=== L3PP3RS is now known as Leppers_
MHz128ActionParsnip, opera is java based?20:53
Jack_SparrowJoker_-_, Cool glad that helped20:53
Joker_-_oskar-: it was a ext3 fs, thx I think its fine20:53
CyberGabberistvan_: Maybe program 'dia' (for Gnome), see : http://projects.gnome.org/dia/ ?20:53
Joker_-_Jack_Sparrow: thx, hope everyhthing is in shape20:53
oskar-Joker_-_, ok20:53
ActionParsnipMHz128: no, its coded in C and C++ (and I think some assembly)20:53
Joker_-_Jack_Sparrow: I  had troubles with the gvfs or something file aswell but got the answer on google20:53
Joker_-_oskar-: thx again20:53
Jack_SparrowJoker_-_, You should be good to go from here20:53
ActionParsnipMHz128: its like emerge for gentoo, it uses deb-src and compiles source to make deb files which can make apps run nicer)20:54
CyberGabberisejimas: It supports UML / ERD etc.20:54
Joker_-_Jack_Sparrow: should be! thx ;)20:54
deanyi still dont get the extra bit on the permissions lol...20:54
Jenkbye jack20:54
deanynever had a use for it. therefore dont know it20:54
draedaywhich desktop r u running kde xfce r gnome20:54
VSpikedeany: extra bit?20:55
MHz128ActionParsnip, the apps run faster because they were compiled on your own machine?20:55
Jenkdraeday: whom r u asking ?20:55
ActionParsnipMHz128: it can help, give it a try. its a good laugh20:55
DrknezzzMHz128: yes and no20:56
VSpikedeany: they're for SUID, SGID and sticky :)20:56
ActionParsnipMHz128: sudo apt-get install apt-build; sudo apt-build update; sudo apt-build install firefox-3.020:56
DrknezzzMHz128: they would only run faster if you know exact technical data 'bout your processor20:56
MHz128ActionParsnip, have you used Firefox in Windows XP? its much faster than it is in linux.... at least in my installation20:56
MHz128ah i c20:56
DrknezzzMHz128: And you compile everything manually20:56
ActionParsnipMHz128: its all confiog my friend20:56
deanyyeah.. but sticky why.. never needed it so not bothered to look up20:57
draedaywhats the best software for instant messaging20:57
ActionParsnipMHz128: read some guides, th commands i gave you will give you what you already have but you can set optomisation levels higher to see if its better20:57
deanydepends what you want it to do20:57
VSpikeMHz128: you could try swiftfox if you don't want to compile yourself20:57
ActionParsnipMHz128: personally i think firefox is too fat, swiftfox is much nicer20:57
tweakanyone framilliar with using grub and windows 7?20:58
pressherethere is no best.. i recomend pidgin20:58
nukisenhmm im beginning to get sick of the wireless lan on the other pc20:58
Jenkdraeday: use a variety, draeday, and decide what suits you.20:58
MHz128interesting, ill have a look!20:58
saxintweak: what you wanna know?20:58
DrknezzzActionParsnip: Optimisations take more time into compiling, and usually dont make apps run better, dont do it MHz12820:58
ActionParsnipMHz128: dont be firefox brainwashed, there are lots of browsers out there20:58
tweaksaxin: how to add it as a boot option in grub20:58
deanyi tried swift.. didnt start any faster, looked at resources, no diff..20:58
nukisenI installed Ubuntu on my wifes pc and cant get it out to internet20:58
saxintweak: just like you would do with XP20:58
On0bitweak: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-24113.html20:58
saxinI just installed ubuntu after Windows7, and it worked like a charm :)20:59
ActionParsnipDrknezzz: runs my whole system about 10% faster here and I ran the compile overnight so I lost nothing20:59
MHz128ActionParsnip, i've tried epiphany and midori... neither seem to produce 'accurate' looking web pages20:59
DrknezzzActionParsnip: lol, Gentoo?20:59
deanybut i used one from the repo .. not one my machine made love to and gave birth to a deb :)20:59
ActionParsnipDrknezzz: system would have sat idle otherwise20:59
ActionParsnipDrknezzz: yeah i have a gentoo box20:59
On0bisaxin: are you useing win7 beta?20:59
tweaksee my hard drive has 4 partitions.. win XP, ext3 ubuntu, windows 7, then a storage partition..20:59
DrknezzzActionParsnip: It's fast, blazin' fast, but compiling is slow :(21:00
VSpikedeany: sticky is most use for directories.  It forces files created in that directory to inherit group ownership of the parent. Quite useful if you ever want to create a public file area, for example.  Set sticky on the directory, chgrp -R users /home/public, and set the umask to 00221:00
phrostbiteSince I have wine installed does that mean I can install stuff from a cd?21:00
saxinOn0bi: yep21:00
Dr_willisphrostbite,  in theory yes.21:00
nukisendraeday pidgin resolves most chat program21:00
tweakwhat's the fdisk command to list the partitions again?21:01
Dr_willisphrostbite,  i often find it better to copy all the windows installs files from the cd to a directrroy and use wine to install from there.21:01
dotblankfdisk -l21:01
nukisenfor an example i am using it right now21:01
Dr_willistweak,   use 'sudo fdisk -l'21:01
ActionParsnipDrknezzz: well its from an age when bandwidth was slow so downloading source compared to binary is much more attractive21:01
phrostbiteOk. Dr_willis That was about to be my next question :)21:01
deanydraeday: compile your own if I were you, ubuntu fell asleep 2 versions ago21:01
DrknezzzActionParsnip: Umm... i have fast internet21:01
DrknezzzActionParsnip: But still, compiling is a bit slow, especially if you do it from the ground-up21:01
deanythose msn problems sorted out yet?21:01
Dr_willisphrostbite,  and of course Not ll windows apps/games will work properly with wine.. sadly21:02
deanyi dont use msn so no idea21:02
ActionParsnipDrknezzz: you wouldnt have when gentoo was first appearing21:02
nukisenI dont have any probs with msn in pidgin21:02
DrknezzzActionParsnip: lol, that's true21:02
lime4x4how can i get awn to start on xscreen #2 instead of xscreen 0 when using multi lcd panels21:02
phrostbiteOnce you have wine installed does that make your computer more susceptible to virus's?21:02
ActionParsnipDrknezzz: so a few kb for text files or a few mb or so for binary over 9kb/s baud modem21:02
DrknezzzActionParsnip: Anyways, i like ubuntu over gentoo bbecause ubuntu is easier to use21:02
ActionParsnipDrknezzz: and yuo gotta setup a whole os21:02
phrostbiteOh I was not aware that not all will work?21:02
DrknezzzActionParsnip: xD21:03
ActionParsnipDrknezzz: i see them as tools for the job so like both21:03
On0biphrostbite: no21:03
ActionParsnipDrknezzz: personally I prefer mandriva over ubuntu but it was my first distro so i'm more used to it21:03
DrknezzzActionParsnip: they both do the same, but with different methods21:03
phrostbiteWould it be easier to find out which programs will work or which won't work? Like is it a huge list of things that won't work?21:03
ActionParsnipDrknezzz: depends how you compile gentoo21:03
DrknezzzActionParsnip: ubuntu was my first dristro, still, i followed the entire handbook21:04
On0biphrostbite: viruses modify part of windows registery and thngs like that. think of wine like a little box that magically lets you use windows things. it's not windows, just a box21:04
DrknezzzActionParsnip: And i compiled kde and X in my machine21:04
VSpikeMHz128: epiphany uses the same engine as firefox so shoudl render the same.  And midori uses webkit, same as konqueror (I think) and safari.  So if the pages render wrong, they are badly made pages.21:04
phrostbiteOh On0bi, thank you very much for that analogy.21:04
tweakwhat does /dev/sda3 mean in grub terms? (hd0,2)? that's what i have set as my option, set up just like windows xp.. but it doesn't work21:04
ActionParsnipDrknezzz: my gentoo uses fluxbox, kde is too fat21:04
DrknezzzVSpike: midori DOES use webkit21:04
On0biphrostbite: lol no problem21:04
JenkLiENUS: u alive?21:04
MHz128VSpike, cool, what do you use?21:05
DrknezzzActionParsnip: KDe looks cool21:05
ActionParsnipDrknezzz: it runs samba, file backups and torrent client with web interface only. no need for fat kde21:05
ActionParsnipDrknezzz: its headless21:05
DrknezzzActionParsnip: KDE4 is over-done with gfx21:05
VSpikeDrknezzz: my query was over konqueror :) but I thnk I was wrong.. it uses khtml which is related but not the same21:05
DrknezzzActionParsnip: lol21:05
DrknezzzVSpike: I think Safari uses khtml21:06
JenkLi: great man ! i thought u had popped off!21:06
djm62Hi, all, I have English, Russian, and Russian Tatar keyboard layouts set in GNOME in Ubuntu 8.10: Russian Tatar has a few keys where you have to press alt to get the normal Russian letter.  I want the reverse: a Russian keyboard where I can press alt to get Tatar21:06
LiENUSim about to reboot into linux i think and dick around to see about importing these settings heh21:06
LiENUSsee if network manager stores things in some easily accessed format in my home dir21:06
phrostbiteSo how do I know if an application is wine compatable? To be honest I really wanna install world of warcraft so my little brothers can play when they come over.21:06
djm62(implied question: how can I attain this?)21:06
VSpikeDrknezzz: nope, webkit for sure21:06
LiENUSphrostbite, check the wine app db21:06
JackWinterdo changes take effect directly after editing /etc/security/limits.conf or do i have to do something special ?21:07
DrknezzzVSpike: srsly?21:07
Slart!appdb | phrostbite21:07
ubottuphrostbite: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help21:07
LiENUSthey include information on what it takes to make it work as well21:07
JenkLiENUS: all the best !!21:07
phrostbiteThank you.21:07
LiENUSheh i know it wont import my eap settings no matter what i do but hopefully i can get it working with wpapsk and wep21:07
DrknezzzVSpike: Wikipedia says Safari uses Webkit21:08
LiENUSdamned binary blobs21:08
oskar-JackWinter, they should be applied at each new login, afaik21:08
DrknezzzVSpike: and webkit COMES from khtml ;)21:08
SvenstaroSome laptop user with working suspend please do this: ls /lib/initcpio/hooks and tell me if there's a IDE/PATA/SATA/SCSI hook, pleeeease :)21:08
JenkLiENUS: Keep ur cool ,boy !!21:08
VSpikeMHz128: Always seem to come back to firefox, but am trying midori (needs more work but promising), opera (used it for years a way back, having another look, seems good), and I did use epiphany for a long time too just for kicks21:08
profXavierlooking for help installing Ubuntu in VirtualPC/VMware on a windows Vista system.  Could someone offer some specs in their current setup?21:08
corey__under what package name would I find the development files for ncurses?21:08
VSpikeMHz128: I miss the add-ons21:09
VSpikeDrknezzz: sure does :)21:09
Jenkphrostbite: has ur prob been solved ?21:09
Svenstarocorey__ ncurses-dev21:09
Slartcorey__: have you searched in synaptic for ncurses dev?21:09
djm62Svenstaro: I have great suspend, but no /lib/initcpio/21:09
MHz128Why aren't there more browsers using webkit? midori seems almost tooo basic21:10
Dave4i need help installing ubuntu properly21:10
jinja-sheepUbuntu Tribe -- http://ubuntutribe.com/  -- Fail. :|21:10
LiENUSMHz128, because apple arent the best at open source co operation21:10
jinja-sheepDave4: What's the issue?21:10
corey__Svenstaro, Slart, yes I've been unable to find it21:10
djm62Dave4: the more specific you can be, the better21:11
AMEUREnter text here...HIIIIIIIIIIIII21:11
Dave4ok when i start up ubuntu all i get is a black screen21:11
VSpikeMHz128: epiphany made a webkit version I think, but not sure if they will switch.  But it's not much less basic than midori21:11
MHz128LiENUS, apple owns webkit?21:11
Dave4with white text21:11
phrostbiteJenk, yes it has been solved. You guys/gals always help me so much. I appreciate it21:11
LiENUSMHz128, webkit is the apple fork of khtml21:11
Dave4where it tells me to log in i do and then i dont know what to do21:11
jinja-sheepDave4: Keep everything in one line.21:11
LiENUSforked long ago though so its very diff now21:11
JenkGive credit to the almighty !!21:11
Dave4lol sorry21:11
ActionParsnipDave4: if you press ctrl+alt+backspace and log in does it do it again?21:11
MHz128LiENUS, what is khtml?21:11
LiENUSMHz128, the kde html rendering engine used in konqueror21:11
MHz128ohhh ic21:12
Dave4ok when i start up ubuntu it takes me to black screen with white text where it tells me to log in, i do and then i dont know what to do after that i want to know how to actually use it like you would suse which im on right now21:12
LiENUSi think apples improved on their open source co operation with webkit now so you may see more browsers using it21:12
ActionParsnipMHz128: apt-cache search web | grep -i browser21:12
LiENUSdoesnt chrome use webkit?21:12
EraZWhich version have u installed?21:12
VSpikeMHz128 / LiENUS: Google chrome uses it21:12
Slart!info libcurses5-dev | corey__21:12
ubottuPackage libcurses5-dev does not exist in intrepid21:12
LiENUSand isnt chrome coming to linux soon?21:13
VSpikeMHz128: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_web_browsers#KHTML_and_WebKit-based_browsers21:13
EraZThe server doesn't come with a GUI :)21:13
FloodBot1Dave4: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:13
Slart!info libncurses5-dev | corey__21:13
ubottulibncurses5-dev (source: ncurses): Developer's libraries and docs for ncurses. In component main, is optional. Version 5.6+20071124-1ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 1448 kB, installed size 6328 kB21:13
Dave4erm sorry21:13
EraZAre you really trying to use your PC as a server?21:13
EraZOtherwise the desktop edition would do just fine for you i think :)21:13
jinja-sheepDave4: You installed the wrong edition.  You're looking for Desktop edition.  How are you online anyway?  Evil Windows? :(21:13
Dave4idk :)21:13
Slartthere it is, corey__ .. you should have found that if you had searched in synaptic21:13
Dave4i dont know honestly and windows is not evil21:13
ActionParsnipDave4: as a new ubuntu user id recommend installing the desktop until you get used to the system21:14
EraZu will learn that over time dave21:14
bob3000oi pessoal21:14
jrgpyes it is21:14
corey__Slart, E: Couldn't find package libncurses5-dev21:14
ActionParsnipDave4: it can be21:14
profXavierlooking for help installing Ubuntu in VirtualPC/VMware on a windows Vista system.  Could someone offer some specs in their current setup?21:14
Dave4yeah but i prefer it =P21:14
Dave4brb lemme reinstall ubuntu21:14
Slartcorey__: are you using intrepid? have you enabled the repos?21:14
xTheGoat121_So, I'm having an odd situation with Intrepid.  The computer just seems to randomly lock up.  I don't even know where to begin troubleshooting this one.21:14
ActionParsnipprofXavier: 1gb ddr2, amd semp 3000 soc Am221:14
EraZDave, a tip21:14
EraZIf you want it to be really easy21:15
ActionParsnipprofXavier: runs vms fine21:15
EraZuse wubi :)21:15
Dave4no i liyed itworks21:15
djm62Dave4: I suspect you may be able to install package ubuntu-desktop21:15
ActionParsnipprofXavier: but i dont run windows, its ubuntu running the vm21:15
Dr_willisI would suggest trying Ubuntu in virtualbox instead of Wubi.21:15
Dave4no sorry that was my gay friend21:15
thomasiteHi. Does anyone know any package that is similar to a Nokia PC Suite? I have a Nokia 6120 classic phone and my laptop runs on Ubuntu 8.10. Thanks!21:15
ActionParsnipprofXavier: if you are running a windows host then head to ##windows21:15
EraZthomasite, tried wammu before?21:16
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jinja-sheepDave4: Are you leaving the dark side or you just want a taste of the holy grail?  If you only want a taste of the holy grail, then install Wubi.  If you want the freedom, install Ubuntu Desktop Edition.21:16
profXavierActionParsnip ill take my chances here, if you dont mind21:16
Tom2Hi, I could use some help with mounting a volume, if any body has the time?21:16
EraZsearch for it in synaptic :)21:16
simo_hello , how can  I change the gnome language for for only one user ?!21:16
ActionParsnipprofXavier: if you are running a linux host you dont need much really21:16
profXavierActionParsnip do you have a similar setup ?21:17
thomasiteNo. Haven't tried wammu.21:17
ActionParsnipprofXavier: just depends what the vm is going to be performing as21:17
thomasiteIs it any good?21:17
EraZyou should :) good piece of software21:17
ActionParsnipprofXavier: the only win system i have is my work lappy21:17
EraZworks perfectly with my SE k700i21:17
profXavierso you do not21:17
oskar-Dave4, yes, it should be enough to log in with the specified user name and then type: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop21:17
EraZnot with my w950i, but that one has bluetooth issues, so i blame the phone :)21:17
djm62Dave4: in any case, don't just reinstall what you installed, you need the desktop edition21:17
ActionParsnipprofXavier: you are asking a windows question so is offtopic for the room21:17
user___xTheGoat121_: hmm, already done a memtest?21:17
djm62oskar-: cheers for confirmation, I wasn't sure21:17
Dave4btw the reason i tried server version was because desktop took waaaaaay too long21:17
profXavierwhy is installing Ubuntu a 'windows question'21:18
profXavierpiss off ActionParsnip21:18
oskar-djm62, i never tried it, but it sounds good for me ;-)21:18
Jack_Sparrow!attitude > profXavier21:18
ubottuprofXavier, please see my private message21:18
profXavierim free to talk, just like everyone else21:18
profXavierlooking for help installing Ubuntu in VirtualPC/VMware on a windows Vista system.  Could someone offer some specs in their current setup?21:18
Jack_SparrowprofXavier, Not like that you are not21:18
ActionParsnipprofXavier: this isnt some lil room dude, this is the official support channel for ubuntu so watch yourself21:18
profXavierActionParsnip read above21:18
djm62oskar-: the only thing I was worried about was that -server would have some weird significant kernel variation or similar, although I doubt it21:18
ActionParsnipprofXavier: you arent free to talk if the OPs kick and ban you21:19
Jack_Sparrow!attitude > profXavier  Stop it .. now21:19
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!21:19
ubottuprofXavier, please see my private message21:19
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profXavierActionParsnip stop sturring the pot21:19
jinja-sheepprofXavier: It's a privilege to be here, not a right.21:19
ActionParsnipprofXavier: you'll see21:19
oskar-djm62, that maybe, and perhaps other apt definitions in the sources.list21:19
ActionParsnipprofXavier: keep going, see what happens21:19
shearok, are the repos getting pounded right now? I'm only getting 20k max download upgrading a fresh install of 8.1021:19
Jack_SparrowprofXavier,I asked twice nicely.. the next time it wont be as nice21:19
profXavierJack_Sparrow what did you ask ?21:19
treatsI am trying to mover from kubuntu to ubuntu.. can anyone help me out?21:20
Jack_SparrowLose tha attitude21:20
ActionParsniptreats: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop21:20
profXavierJack_Sparrow ActionParsnip is the one with the attitude21:20
Dr_willistreats,  whats to move? install ubuntu-desktop, select gnome at the LOGIN screen.. done.. ya got both to play with21:20
profXavierhe is mis-leading me21:20
rory096klingon: it seems to be working. thanks for your help!21:20
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Dr_willisprofXavier,  i find ubuntu runs great for me in VirtualBox. ive not tried the latest vmware in ages...21:21
Dr_willisprofXavier,  i use Ubuntu + virtualbox under vista all the time21:21
profXaviervirtual box is available for windows ?21:21
alexandergaetaHey everyone! Quick question: do Ubuntu, Kubuntu, and Xubuntu all support 64bit systems, and if so, which one is the best?21:21
jinja-sheep!best | alexandergaeta21:22
Slartalexandergaeta: they all support 64 bit yes.. and the difference is mostly up to taste21:22
ubottualexandergaeta: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.21:22
ActionParsnipprofXavier: http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads21:22
Dr_willisprofXavier,  yes... has been for ages.21:22
jussi01alexandergaeta: all of them are supported21:22
deanprofXavier: Yes, it has a Windows,version21:22
shearalexandergaeta: yeah, they all do. The x/k/ubuntu part is just icing on top of the 64 bit cake21:22
deanyDr_willis: ubuntu 81.0 is junk for vmware21:22
Dr_willisalexandergaeta,  yes they have - and use whatever one you want.21:22
profXavierDr_willis what is your setup configure like ?21:22
Dr_willisdeany,   I dont use vmware. i use virtualbox.21:22
deanyvmware tools yet again dont install for a new ubuntu release21:22
deanyi know,  I was replying to your comment about vmware :)21:23
nickrudalexandergaeta, install one, add the others with apt-get, then test until you decide best for yourself21:23
Dr_willisprofXavier,  setup? I just made a 10gb hard drive in  virtualbox.. had virtualbox mount the .iso and boot it..and installed..  nothing special at all about it.21:23
djm62alexandergaeta: they're all free! they all work! they all have people who will claim they're the best thing since sliced bread...21:23
shearso nobody can tell me the status of the repos? Did a major update come out today or something?21:23
xTheGoat121xHa sanyone noticed any instability with Intrepid?21:23
Dr_willisdeany,  i couldent even figure out how to use the latest vmware. :)  they totally goofedup the interface. heh21:23
Slartshear: I haven't seen anything21:23
nickruddjm62, collectively true :)21:23
shearhmm thanks21:23
user___xTheGoat121_: hmm, already done a memtest?21:23
Slartshear: you've tried using another mirror?21:23
Dr_willisshear,  i see 97 updates.. but i had 70 updates yesterday i ignored.21:24
xTheGoat121xuser___, yeah, my system's RAM is good.21:24
nickrudshear, try another mirror; if you're using us.archives they're often slow21:24
jinja-sheepDr_willis: Are you using Jaunty updates?21:24
ActionParsnipxTheGoat121x: is it general instability or in just one app or 221:24
deanyI installed it fine..21:24
deanyjust useless21:24
shearDr_willis, Slart, thanks. Looks like this might be my end. nickrud: already did.21:24
Dr_willisjinja-sheep,   nO. :)21:25
runderwoxTheGoat121x: only wireless drivers crash my system :p21:25
jinja-sheepDr_willis:  Good.  :)21:25
Dr_willisi have a lot of unofficial repos added also.. so your # may vary21:25
ActionParsnipxTheGoat121x: is it the same for all users?21:25
xTheGoat121xActionParsnip, most of the time, it seems to occur when I'm listening to music with Audacious.  It's a brand-new install21:25
deanyplus the virtual networking module takes an age at bootup21:25
xTheGoat121xActionParsnip, and I only have one user.  It's hard to recreate, that's really what bothers me about it.21:25
profXavierDr_willis I have had the .iso tested, the media is fine, but when I launch both VMWARE/VirtualPC on Server 2008 (64bit) and Vista (64), its fails after I select English then Install21:25
arezeyhey, i'm on a laptop here. when i pull my power plug and switch to battery, why does the display brightness drop, and charge back when i put it back?21:26
Zombie_GazHaving trouble getting identd to work... I've tried every package I can find with no luck. At one point (last weekish) oidentd worked on and off (mostly on). Any ideas?21:26
ActionParsnipxTheGoat121x: make a new one and log in, see if its any different21:26
runderwoxTheGoat121x: do you have another computer?21:26
Slartarezey: power saving.. scren brightness uses power21:26
jinja-sheeparezey: Saving your battery, yo.21:26
nutzerman was für nee scheisse hier21:26
profXavierI setup the RAM to be 1GB and 1.5GB, and allocationed 15-20GBs to space21:26
djm62xTheGoat121x: is it overheating?21:26
xTheGoat121xarezey, that's a setting in System -> Preferences -> Power Management21:26
Slartarezey: there is a setting somewhere.. look for power saving stuff21:26
shearnickrud: although i might try a few other mirrors. do you have a list?21:26
Dr_willisprofXavier,  i use virtualbox - so cant help you  with those tools..  I do run virtualbox onmy Vista 64 system. but i think i run the 32bit ubuntu IN virtualbox.21:26
arezeyhmm yeah, had toughts about that.21:27
oskar-nutzer, bleib geschmeidig21:27
treatsdisplay manager: gdm vs kdm?21:27
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xTheGoat121xrunderwo, yeah, I have a laptop, running Hardy21:27
Slart!de  | nutzer21:27
ubottunutzer: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.21:27
ActionParsniptreats: if you are running ubuntu, gdm21:27
=== bigga-nigga is now known as Blaay
profXaviernothing seems to be working, so as for your specs, I would like to know RAM/HD space, and possibly a partition table allocation ?21:27
xTheGoat121xdjm62, if it's overheating, it's news to me.21:27
jinja-sheeparezey: You can configure your power management -- Or use FN + (Icon of your screen-something) to flick the power up.21:27
nutzeroskar meinte das programm21:27
treatsActionParsnip: thanks21:27
runderwoxTheGoat121x: You could try leaving a shell open from the other machine while tailing /var/log/dmesg21:27
nickrudshear, on the dropdown in software sources, I've found the kernel.org to never be slow21:27
runderwoxTheGoat121x: if you're lucky, you may catch the crash red handed.21:27
xTheGoat121xrunderwo, hm, how would I go about setting something like that up?21:28
oskar-nutzer, ok ;)  we should stay at english in this channel21:28
arezeyokay... what does suspending and hibernating mean?21:28
runderwoxTheGoat121x: also, check 'sensors' to make sure there aren't any fan/temp alarms21:28
xTheGoat121xrunderwo, yeah, that's something I'm about to check out right now21:28
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runderwoxTheGoat121x: Just ssh in as root from another machine.  Then, tail -f /var/log/dmesg, and then go back and use your other machine as usual until it crashes.21:29
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profXavierDr_willis I have used 32 and 64 bit Ubuntu as well21:29
Zombie_GazHaving trouble getting identd to work... I've tried every package I can find with no luck. At one point (last weekish) oidentd worked on and off (mostly on). Any ideas?21:29
Slartarezey: suspending is just almost shutting the computer down.. it's still using power and running.. hibernation is saving everything to the hard drive, then shutting down, not using power21:29
djm62xTheGoat121x: the only problems I've had with instability (random shutdowns/crashes) have been due to overheating - suggestion from personal experience, if for example you're running cpu-heavy visualisations while listening to mp3s21:29
jinja-sheeparezey: Suspend -- Sleeping... and running at same time.  Whatever you have open... won't be lost.    Hibernating -- Save everything to the RAM and... "shut down"  -- uses no power.  Again, will save everything (the state) on your Windows.21:30
runderwoxTheGoat121x: If nothing else, also try booting the kernel with noacpi noapic nolapic21:30
arezeyjinja-sheep, Slart, thanks.21:30
takagamianyone have a few mins to help me with a simple problem21:30
jinja-sheeptakagami: Ask away already.21:30
runderwo!ask | takagami21:31
ubottutakagami: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:31
xTheGoat121xrunderwo, all right.  Those are all great suggestions.  I doubt it's overheating, though you can never be too sure.  I'm not doing anything CPU-intensive.21:31
shearnickrud: awesome, kernel.org is working fine. for some reason all the canadian mirrors i tried were slow.21:31
takagamiRunning Ibex 64bit server installed xorg and openbox... when I startx my wireless keyboard and touchpad combo no longer works except for ctrl-alt-delete21:31
oskar-Zombie_Gaz, can you be more specific? is it perhaps a network related problem, that ident doesn't work?21:31
Slarttakagami: hmm.. odd that ctrl+alt+delete works and nothing else.. that clearly means it does connect and send register keys21:32
takagamithat's what I thought21:32
oskar-takagami, are they referenced correctly in the xorg.conf?21:32
profXavieris there some settings, before I press 'install', that will allow my Ubuntu to install in VMware/VirtualPC ?21:32
klingonAnyone have any idea where I should check to see a verbose log of my computer while its attempting standby?21:32
takagamixorg.conf is empty21:33
runderwotakagami: This may be a problem I have seen before21:33
runderwols -l /var/cache/hald21:33
Zombie_Gazoskar-: I'm not sure if I can be more specifc... I need help with that even... I have port 113 open on my router, when I run nmap the port is there and open. I'm using oidentd... it worked before.21:33
SlartprofXavier: I didn't have to use any special setting in virtualbox..  don't know about vmware and friends21:33
Dr_willisprofXavier,  you could check out the various vmware sites.. there may be premade vmware images for it. i recall some being at the vmware-appliances  site21:33
Jenkklingon: try a search engine .!21:33
Dr_willisprofXavier,  or you could go get virutalbox - for free.21:33
ActionParsnipklingon: dmesg may help21:34
runderwoJenk: That's not helpful.21:34
Slartklingon: /var/log/syslog would be my choice21:34
lyraeis there an app that allows me to flip my screen?21:34
oskar-Zombie_Gaz, does "open on the router" mean, that it forwards incoming packages/connections to you computer on the inner side?21:34
lyraerotate the display, kinda21:34
klingonSlart: thankyou21:34
ubottuXRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1221:34
Zombie_Gazoskar- port forward21:34
ExAstrisHi all.21:35
deanyprofXavier: latest vmware doesnt not like ubuntu 8.10 so dont bother, unless you dont want to use vmware tools21:35
ExAstrisI'm having some problems; I am on a Macbook pro and just upgraded to Windows 7.21:35
jedi06sudo dls -f ext /dev/sda > outputimage says Invalid magic value (not an EXTxFS file system (magic))21:35
ExAstrisI also have Ubuntu, and, obviously, OS X.21:35
oskar-Zombie_Gaz, i meant packets^. ok. can you then look, if packets arrive there? sudo tcpdump -i ethX "port 113"21:35
deanyvirtualbox does not have the same problem21:35
ExAstrisBut Windows overwrote my MBR21:35
ExAstrisand I cannot access ubuntu21:35
ExAstrisI tried fixing GRUB21:35
ExAstrisbut that did not work.21:35
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto21:35
FloodBot1ExAstris: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:35
ExAstrisAny suggestions21:35
ExAstrisI already did that, Jack_Sparrow21:36
ExAstrisit did not change anything.21:36
runderwojedi06: why would you use /dev/sda (the whole disk)?  Don't you want /dev/sda1 or something like that?21:36
Dr_willisExAstris,  the fix grub wiki page has like 12 different ways to reinstall grub.. you tried them all?21:36
apimplWho else had problem with Flash streaming video ?21:36
ExAstrisNo, but I did try what it did for my particular situation.21:36
jedi06whas is the difference again?21:36
pr0fXavierwow, I think I know the issue21:36
djm62How can I edit a current keyboard setting to create a new one (I want Russian/Tatar/Bashkir with Russian default and Tatar etc accessible via alt-gr rather than Tatar default and Russian by alt-gr because it messes with touch-typing)21:37
ExAstrisI assumed that randomly attempting to install somethingl ike a bootloader wasn't a good idea.21:37
pr0fXaviermy C: is < 2GB free space21:37
chippymy laptop is a bit slow, and firefox takes a bit of time to close down, so long that ubuntu throws up a Wait/Force Quit dialog box. How can I change stuff?21:37
runderwojedi06: /dev/sda is the whole disk, /dev/sda1 is a partition on the disk21:37
Zombie_Gazoskar- I don't think it's getting anything.21:37
Dr_willisGrub is the kind of tool - thats its worth reading up on and learning..21:37
Zombie_Gazoskar- Just sitting there.21:37
runderwojedi06: sometimes a whole disk has a filesystem on it, but very rarely.  Most always it is a partition that contains the filesystem.21:37
jedi06how do i know whats on all the partitions21:37
runderwojedi06: cfdisk /dev/sda21:37
djm62chippy: firefox will close anyway, don't worry about it.  or do you want to change the timeout for that dialog?21:37
jinja-sheepchippy: You might have a better luck with Xubuntu (lightweight) since you said your laptop is a bit slow.   My thought.21:38
ExAstrisThe thing is that I'm on OS X21:38
chippydjm62, yes, that would be better21:38
ExAstrisand I don't want to accidentally overwrite EFI21:38
ExAstrisor rEFIt21:38
runderwo!flash | apimpl21:38
ubottuapimpl: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash21:38
=== Drknezzz_ is now known as Drknezzz
ExAstrisOn a mac, not OS X, sorry.21:38
Dr_willisExAstris mac? efi? hmm... out of my experience then. Sorry.21:38
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:38
djm62chippy: I also have a slow laptop, and since the dialog doesn't require me to do anything, I just ignore it.  no idea how to change it, sorry21:38
ubottuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ21:38
jedi06runderwo ok it says sda1=Boot Primary and sda5= logical21:38
ExAstrisNot PowerPC.21:38
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:38
apimplrunderwo, I have a flash... but sometimes video stopping...21:39
chippydjm62, ok :) thanks21:39
ExAstrisThis is an Intel-based MAcbook Pro21:39
runderwojedi06: so, you probably want to use /dev/sda521:39
ExAstrisAbout a year and a half old.21:39
deanyapimpl: thats called buffering :)21:39
Jack_SparrowActionParsnip, Check your pm21:39
Zombie_Gazoskar- http://paste.ubuntu.com/106065/21:39
runderwoapimpl: Ensure that /tmp is not filled up.21:39
Drknezzzapimpl: flash code isn't so optimized, that's normal under heavy load conditions21:39
danfgguys, my keyboard setting are not "sticking", i have to toggle them on and off so that they are applied, everytime i reboot. why that happens?21:39
jedi06runderwo but there is an sda sda1 sda2 and sda5  cfdisk doesn't say anything about sda221:40
djm62danfg: what settings?21:40
runderwojedi06: sda2 is probably the "extended partition" that houses the "logical drives" of which sda5 is the first.21:40
runderwojedi06: You can't use an "extended partition" directly.21:40
ExAstrisI'm going to try this "auto-grub-super-disk" thing on that fixing grub page.21:40
jedi06so my filesystem is on sda5 and sda2?21:40
DrknezzzExAstris: Grub issues?21:40
DrknezzzExAstris: did you overwrite grub?21:41
ExAstrisThe problem is that I'm on a Mac21:41
ExAstrisand I don't want to kill EFI or rEFIt by accident when I reinstall21:41
Jack_SparrowTime for lunch so I will be lurking.. Please behave and have fun.. The only key I can hit while eating is K..Line  :)21:41
runderwojedi06: sda5 is contained within sda2 which is contained within sda21:41
ExAstrisI already tried the basic root, setup thing21:41
runderwojedi06: The filesystem should be on sda5.21:41
ExAstrisfrom a livecd21:41
DrknezzzExAstris: it's easy to put GRUB back in place21:41
ExAstrisno help thar.21:41
DrknezzzExAstris: do you have a livecd?21:41
ExAstrisI does.21:42
ExAstrisI have three... Mint, Puppy, and Ubuntu. I've been using the Ubuntu one, however.21:42
oskar-Zombie_Gaz, eth1 is the network device on a computer in the interior network, where the ident server shall listen, and where the router forwards requests to, right? did you activate traffic from outside to tcp port 113?21:42
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DrknezzzExAstris: did you try doing what the wiki says?21:42
DrknezzzExAstris: No go?21:42
ExAstrisgrub, find /boot/grub/stage1, etc21:42
ExAstrisNothin. Booted right back into Windows 7 after I selected Windows from EFI21:42
danfgdjm62: i'm using a custom keyboard layout, but it's being reset everytime. if i change any keyboard settings, like add then remove a new layout, change layout properties (toggle them on and off), *then* my keyboard layout starts working. everytime i boot it's the same thing21:42
Zombie_Gazoskar- I have port forward for 113 in my router. Is that what you're asking?21:42
oskar-Zombie_Gaz, yes21:43
DrknezzzExAstris: There IS an EFI loader for linux21:43
Zombie_Gazoskar- Yup.21:43
ExAstrishrm. I could use that.21:43
oskar-Zombie_Gaz, if it works, and you for example log into some irc server, you should be able to see traffic at you ident server21:43
ExAstrisbut I did want to try this auto_super_grub_disk thing21:43
DrknezzzExAstris: GRUB isn't likely to work with EFI21:44
ExAstrisIt does.21:44
ExAstrisIt was before...21:44
oskar-Zombie_Gaz, if nothing arrives, it is intercepted earlier21:44
djm62danfg: the fates are smiling - I'm in here to ask how to create a custom keyboard layout.  Let me see if I can duplicate the problem21:44
ExAstrisyou boot into EFI21:44
storrgieDoes anyone know how to host multiple domains and subdomains on ubuntu with apache? I am using webmin.21:44
ExAstristhen boot into Grub by selecting 'linux' in rEFIt21:44
ExAstristhen grub handles it from there.21:44
chippywould it be a gnome thing, the Wait / Force Quit dialog?21:44
DrknezzzExAstris: Then just reinstall grub into the linux partition, not the MBR21:45
ExAstrisHrm, perhaps.21:45
Slartstorrgie: I don't think you need to look for ubuntu documentation but apache documentation.. I think it works the same on most large distros21:45
ExAstriswhat if I installed it to C:\ like this super_auto_grub thing says I can?21:45
ExAstriswoudl that do it?21:45
storrgieSlart: yea i know its apache, but i figured i would start here21:45
runderwo!ask | Talia21:45
ubottuTalia: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:45
jinja-sheep!hello | Talia21:45
ubottuTalia: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!21:45
Zombie_Gazoskar- I see incoming identd traffic with the tcdump command? If so, I see nothing when I try to connect to an irc server.21:45
danfgdjm62: i edited /etc/X11/xkb/symbols/us adding a new layout, then added the layout to /etc/X11/xkb/rules/xorg.lst and xorg.xml21:45
storrgieSlart: I figured it out just now anyways, thanks man21:46
TaliaSorry, i'm new to ubuntu, i'm not quite sure how to load clamtk21:46
storrgieTalia: there is a gui for clamtk, let me get you a link21:46
Taliai've read several forums, still new at this21:46
jinja-sheepTalia: Windows Virii doesn't affect linux.21:46
djm62danfg: how do you change layout?21:46
ExAstrisHrm, well, I'm gonna go and try this UNetBootin thing.21:46
djm62danfg: switch layout, I mean21:46
twiadpawslo guys21:47
ExAstrisif that's a no-go, I'll install grub to my linux partiton21:47
Taliaat all?21:47
jinja-sheepTalia: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/security21:47
ExAstrisand see if that wakes 'em up.21:47
ExAstrisThanks for your help, all.21:47
twiadpawsi have a problem installing ubuntu, it freezes when it says loading usb-modules21:47
lyraeis there an app that allows me to pivot the x display?21:47
Zombie_Gazoskar- http://paste.ubuntu.com/106067/21:47
=== GameManager is now known as maxbaldwin
jinja-sheepTalia: Read the link and it'll help you understand the concept of security between Evil Windows and Godspeed Linux.21:47
runderwotwiadpaws: Have you tried disconnecting all USB devices?21:47
danfgdjm62: there are options in System > Preferences > Keyboard. i'm currently using Scroll Lock to switch between regular qwerty and dvorak21:47
boot_loopI am having a hard time installing themes in ubuntu. I want to add that icon bar at the bottom of the screen that looks like a Mac icon bar... anyone have any advice?21:47
=== maxbaldwin is now known as Guest5601
rdw200169boot_loop: cairo-dock21:48
boot_loopooh cool, thanks rdw, is it easy to set up?21:48
ActionParsnip!awm | boot_loop21:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about awm21:48
ardchoilleboot_loop: avant window navgator21:48
Dr_willisboot_loop,  theres several docks that can do that.. and i hate them all. :)21:48
Zombie_Gazoskar- When I see the process it runs as 192.168.1.x but my machine is really .y. Suggestions?21:48
djm62danfg: and it boots into qwerty? isn't there a standard gnome dvorak layout that might let you sidestep this problem?21:48
rdw200169boot_loop: no, and it works better than awn (it doesn't crash)21:48
ActionParsnip!info avant-window-navigator | boot_loop21:48
ubottuavant-window-navigator (source: avant-window-navigator): A MacOS X like panel for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.6-7ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 62 kB, installed size 292 kB21:48
jinja-sheepboot_loop: It's very easy to install anything on Linux.  Once you got the handle on it, you'll be amazed. :)21:49
twiadpawsthe onlyl usb device i have connected is the keyboard, which i cant even use in the setupd, therefore i have connected a ps2 keyboard, i try now to disable usb devices via bios21:49
rdw200169ActionParsnip: avant crashes too much21:49
danfgdjm62: it boots into some standard dvorak which i don't like because it has no dead keys for accents21:49
ActionParsniprdw200169: its an option21:49
danfgdjm62: that gave me an idea, i'll just change the standard dvorak layout, maybe that'll work21:49
storrgieTalia: you know i just cant find it, you installed it from the add remove menu"21:49
rdw200169boot_loop: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CairoDock21:49
rdw200169ActionParsnip: of course ;)21:50
runderwotwiadpaws: Good idea.21:50
Taliai'm not sure what you mean by that21:50
ActionParsniprdw200169: i dont use either21:50
ActionParsniprdw200169: or for that fact, any21:50
=== Guest5601 is now known as maxbaldwin
rdw200169ActionParsnip: well, i suggest cairo-dock because i've tried both, and i prefer cairo'21:51
ActionParsnipkooldock is ok21:51
Dr_williswbar is fun21:51
djm62danfg: if you wouldn't mind, how does one change a standard keyboard layout? I want normal Russian but with modifier keys for Bashkir and Tatar21:51
Dr_willisbut i really find most of the doks - more troubble then tehy are worth21:51
oskar-Zombie_Gaz,  as i read, after the -P options a proxy is given21:51
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* djm62 is seriously not part of a priority user group in this aspect21:52
oskar-Zombie_Gaz, so it is normal, that the ip differs from the one on your computer21:52
rdw200169djm62: system -> preferences -> keyboard -> Layouts tab21:52
Bizzehhey, does anyone have any experiance setting up pure-ftpd with mysql as the auth system?21:52
aaaaCan anyone help me get wireless on ubuntu?21:52
Zombie_Gazoskar- Ok... any other ideas?21:52
=== aaaa is now known as Guest96295
rdw200169Bizzeh: try #ubuntu-server21:53
oskar-Zombie_Gaz, do you need an ident server, or do you just want to circumvent the time out at irc connection start?21:53
danfgdjm62: edit /etc/X11/xkb/symbols/ru, there are tutorials out there on how to create custom layouts, there's also a program with a GUI to help you with that. it's kinda' tricky though, i wish it was easier under linux to do this stuff21:53
ActionParsnipGuest96295: is it pci or usb?21:53
jedi06runderwo couldn't determind file system type using sda521:53
Guest96295I have no idea21:53
twiadpawsonce i've been able to boot from my sata-cdrom it wont be reached durint the ubuntu installation21:53
Guest96295it's netgear wireless21:53
runderwojedi06: file /dev/sda521:53
twiadpawsusb-thingy is gone after disabling it in the bios21:53
Guest96295I can't plug in to the modem directly21:53
Zombie_Gazoskar- I'd like both... but I guess I could just deal with the latter.21:54
djm62rdw200169: that lets me choose from set keyboards that do the opposite of what I want - usually I type in Russian.  Also there is no Bashkir keyboard although the font glyphs exist.21:54
jedi06runderwo block special21:54
runderwotwiadpaws: is the problem gone?21:54
twiadpawsinstall ubuntu: we dont want to make it easy for you, please solve several problems yourself first !21:54
twiadpawsone is gone21:54
twiadpawsnext has come :b21:54
me__Ubuntu 8.10 My kid goes to a web site and is told he needs Java. Java enabled on the browser. Do I need to download Java via synaptic?21:54
alexandergaetaHey quick question: if I install Ubuntu on a new system, can I also install the KDE environment on top of it?21:54
runderwojedi06: sorry, file -s /dev/sda521:54
rdw200169djm62: then i don't know, i only type in korean, and that uses scim21:54
Guest96295I need to install a driver for my wireless, can anyone help me??????????????????21:55
w0rdsling3ralexandergaeta:  yeah you can:  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop in the CLI21:55
Flannelalexandergaeta: Yes.  Install the kubuntu-desktop package21:55
alexandergaetaIs there a KDE IRC channl?21:55
Guest96295Broadcom B43, need to download firmware, anyone help?21:55
runderwotwiadpaws: Of course ubuntu would like to be easy to install, but sometimes there are bugs that only occur on a few systems.  Users must report these bugs to fix them.21:55
Flannelalexandergaeta: #kubuntu21:55
danfgme__: download a jre from synaptic21:55
jedi06runderwo linux/i386 swap file (new style)21:56
runderwo!wireless | Guest9629521:56
ubottuGuest96295: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs21:56
sauvinThere's also #kde21:56
Guest96295what runderwo?21:56
runderwojedi06: Okay, so you must actually have wanted /dev/sda1 in that case.21:56
ActionParsnip!broadcom | Guest9629521:56
ubottuGuest96295: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx21:56
Taliashould I be logged on, to ubuntu, as an admin or an additional user21:56
oskar-Zombie_Gaz, if no packets arrive despite forwarding, they are intercepted earlier. then you should investigate in your router. if they arrive in your inner network, you can also set iptables to "reject" an ident request. then the irc server gives up and you don't have to wait for a timeout21:56
Guest96295ive been there21:56
Guest96295I've never used linux before21:56
Guest96295know nothing21:56
=== GameManager is now known as maxbaldwin
Taliaor will I be ok with a stong password21:57
Guest96295I don't know how to download the firmware21:57
=== maxbaldwin is now known as GameManager
runderwoGuest96295: You have to use the fwcutter tool on a windows driver, or find some website offering firmware.  It's the only way.21:57
JenkGuest96295,: Hi21:57
me__danfg thanks!21:57
runderwoGuest96295: Broadcom doesn't allow Ubuntu to distribute their firmware.21:57
Guest96295Can you link me somewhere?21:57
JenkWhere ?21:57
twiadpawsi have installed ubuntu on a msi neo-4 with a athlond 3500+ (with the cdrom too, which would be a blu-ray drive), now the hardware has changed and i've got a m3a32 mainboard and a phenom 9850... there the problems come, guess this stuff is too new for linux ;)21:58
runderwo!broadcom | Guest9629521:58
ubottuGuest96295: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx21:58
runderwoGuest96295: have you been there?21:58
ActionParsnipGuest96295: thats the official doc, the only way to learn is to try21:58
Jenkor to search21:58
Guest96295I've tried and i've messed something up21:58
TaliaUbuntu Studio, worth getting?21:58
rdw200169djm62: maybe this could help: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-588386.html21:58
Guest96295when ubuntu shuts down21:58
Zombie_Gazoskar- So you think this is my router that is the issue here?21:58
Guest96295I get error messages21:58
runderwotwiadpaws: Also, the kernel in Intrepid is a bit older, so there may be a problem with the USB controller on that board which is fixed in newer kernels.21:58
oskar-Talia, a fundamental security principle is that of the least privilege. set only as much as needed. don't work as root, except shortly for administration21:58
runderwotwiadpaws: Unfortunately, vendors rarely test their hardware with Ubuntu.21:59
Taliathat makes sense. thanks21:59
=== GameManager is now known as maxbaldwin
JenkGuest96295,  what msgs21:59
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jallonaHi I've set up a sftp user but it disconnects right after a successfull connection.21:59
Guest96295They are only shown for a second21:59
Guest96295so I can't not them21:59
Guest96295I only can write JS and basic languages21:59
Guest96295but there are functions named21:59
runderwoGuest96295: You can attempt to use Scroll-Lock to freeze the screen.21:59
ActionParsnipGuest96295: check dmesg | less21:59
FloodBot1Guest96295: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:59
twiadpawsunfortunately, yes : <21:59
Guest96295to do with wireless22:00
Flannel!enter | Guest9629522:00
ubottuGuest96295: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:00
runderwoGuest96295: Yep, that sounds like the wireless driver has crashing.22:00
oskar-Zombie_Gaz, it can also be the internet provider, as ident is a source of information leakage22:00
Guest96295I can't I'm using vista on the partition22:00
JenkGuest96295,  give details22:00
Guest96295of the error messages?22:00
runderwoGuest96295: what does vista have to do with it?22:00
JenkGuest96295,  yes22:00
Guest96295I have 1 computer22:00
Guest96295i am using vista22:01
Guest96295on a partition to talk22:01
runderwoGuest96295: So, when you shutdown Ubuntu, try to freeze the error message with Scroll-Lock so that you have enough time to write it down.22:01
JenkGuest96295,  yes what else ?22:01
FlannelGuest96295: please stop using the enter key as punctuation.22:01
iJohhow/where do I change a single icon of an icon theme?22:01
Taliamy harddrive is partitioned to run windows xp and Ubuntu, if my harddrive gives out, will I still be able to use the partitioned portion of the HD for Ubuntu?22:01
blockyokay so whats all this about a new io scheduler in kernel 2.6.18 that slows down everybodys desktop22:01
peppodoes anyone here know any solutions for the problems with RTSP stream dumping/playing (VLC, mplayer etc) in Ubuntu 8.10?22:02
JenkGuest96295,  yes22:02
JenkGuest96295,  can u read me ?22:02
Guest96295sorry habit I'll try to stop, let me boot up ubuntu and see if I can write them down, the error messages are because I've been messing around with wireless22:02
oskar-iJoh, i suggest to make a copy of the icon theme, rename and customize it. but i don't know how ;)22:02
jallonaI've set up a sftp user but it disconnects right after a succesfull connection. I've been done some reading on google but it didn't help. has anyone has a clue how can i solve this?22:02
iJohoskar, hmm yeah... I'll give it a go I guess22:02
Zombie_Gazoskar- Last question... I promise. Any idea why it would work for a week and suddenly stop, though?22:02
JenkGuest96295,  good luck then!22:02
Zombie_Gazoskar- If it was my ISP wouldn't it always be the case?22:03
djm62jallona: perhaps the shell you're using for remote users is crashing for some reason? what shell is it?22:03
runderwoTalia: Not usually.  If a harddrive "gives out" in a serious way, nothing on it can be used and it must be recovered.22:03
rdw200169jallona: have you tried a shell connection, to see how long that lasts? (ssh)22:03
oskar-Zombie_Gaz, i don't know... sorry22:03
jallonahappens the same thing22:03
djm62jallona: oh, never mind, I misread ssh/sftp22:03
blabbityi can't find it in google, but what's the dd command to copy from a smaller drive to a larger drive?22:03
blabbityis it the addition of rsync to the conv param?22:04
jallonathe shell openssh 5.1 (that's it right?)22:04
runderwojallona: On the server, sudo /etc/init.d/sshd stop, and then /usr/sbin/sshd -vvv22:04
runderwojallona: Then watch for interesting output when you try to connect with the client.22:04
smithzvOkay. How can I change the DPI in X.  I tried changing .xserverrc and even editing startx to include -dpi xxx, but neither seems to work.  If I disable graphical login, and run startx -- -dpi 112 then things seem to work fine, but how can I get it when I use graphical login?22:04
twiadpawscan i mount the cdrom drive manually using shell?22:04
JenkGnuSense, HI22:04
GnuSenseHi Jenk22:05
oskar-jallona, tried option "-v"?22:05
runderwosmithzv: Are you actually trying to change the DPI or the screen resolution?22:05
JenkHOw's life ref 2 linux !!22:05
Lexsusto mound the cdrom - just try typing 'mount cdrom' in shell and see what happeness22:05
JenkGnuSense,Nice name22:05
Rocking-Wwhen I forward an email with images the person receiving the email does not get anything but text22:06
runderwoRocking-W: What email client are you using?22:06
=== digitalvectorz is now known as edo32mb
smithzvThe DPI (almost certain), I have an LCD that runs at 1366x768 on a 40" screen.  This makes things very small, but it should fun at that native resolution22:06
GnuSenseThanks, Jenk, it describes me pretty well.22:06
twiadpawsor can i use wubi to actually install ubuntu on another harddisk than windows is?22:06
runderwoRocking-W: See if there is an option to forward as an attachment rather than inline.22:06
JenkGnuSense, Could ya give me some elp ?22:07
=== edo32mb is now known as digitalvectorz
Dr_willistwiadpaws,  i would avoide Wubi if you can.22:07
GnuSenseWhat's your issue, Jenk?22:07
JenkTrying to save my ubuntu. Backing it up. I've read bout it n got more confused.22:08
Rocking-Wok changed it to attachment is that all I need?22:08
runderwoRocking-W: That should work.22:08
Rocking-W ok thank you very much22:08
JenkGnuSense, Trying to save my ubuntu. Backing it up. I've read bout it n got more confused.22:08
totzillahi im trying to add a user and allow that user to startx can someone point me to the right man pages or how-to22:08
=== travis is now known as Guest58908
runderwoRocking-W: yw :)22:09
smithzvrunderwo: also, I should say that things are find in GNOME, things are too small in BlackBox.22:09
runderwosmithzv: 1366x768 on a 40" screen would seem to me that things would appear very "big".22:09
GnuSenseYou are trying to back up your whole system, Jenk?  I what program are you trying to use?22:10
smithzvrunderwo: okay, hmmm... not sure what to make of that...  I will try to give to a screen shot.22:10
Guest58908new to linux (xubuntu) and i'm trying to turn off 'tap to click' for my synaptic touch pad.  i tried following some instructions on adding lines to shmconfig.fdi, but i don't have that file here.  i tried creating it and got an error message.  any ideas?22:10
GnuSensesbackup seens to work well22:10
runderwosmithzv: That's about 34 DPI, which should appear humongous :-)22:10
twiadpawswell i failed installing ubuntu, gonna try it another day again, im booting windows right now, try to imagine how im feeling : ((((22:11
JenkGnuSense,No ,how can i have a copy of all programs i download ? if i have to install on another 2 pc's do i have to download again ?22:11
Robert_Surcouftwiadpaws: Try to find an installfest close from your home22:11
runderwoGuest58908: System->Preferences->Mouse->Touchpad->Enable mouse clicks with touchpad22:11
oskar-Guest58908, i suggest doing it in the gnome menu for the mouse settings, tab touchpad22:11
twiadpawsinstall what?22:11
Guest58908runderwo, i don't have that here.22:12
Flare183!hi | newguy1722:12
ubottunewguy17: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!22:12
twiadpawsRobert_Surcouf, what's that supposed to be? :b22:12
JenkGnuSense,I'm referring to extra applications i download. eg XChat22:12
runderwototzilla: /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config->allowed_users22:12
sarmisakGuest58908: you should install gsynaptics22:12
runderwoGuest58908: What version of ubuntu are you using?22:12
totzillathank you runderwo22:13
newguy17i have one question... is it possible to set up samba to act like an nt server?22:13
Guest58908runderwo, i did.  i didn't find a gui, afterward.22:13
JenkGnuSense, Any ideas ?22:13
sarmisaknewguy17: what do you mean?22:13
Flare183newguy17: I think so22:13
Robert_Surcouftwiadpaws: there must be a local linux group where you live installfest are usually a gathering of people helping to install linux22:13
smithzvrunderwo: https://webfiles.colorado.edu/smithzv/tiny-fonts.png Mainly the fonts are small, but everything is smaller than I would like at 8 feet away...22:13
Guest58908runderwo, xubuntu, latest version22:13
Robert_Surcouftwiadpaws: look for a LUG in your area22:13
twiadpawsRobert_Surcouf, nah, i wont let them touch my hardware :b22:13
newguy17sarmisak, Flare183 well basically what i need is to sync all the files on the clients with the server22:14
GnuSenseJenk, are you trying to clone your system to a new box or are you trying to transfer programs you have installed over from one Ubuntu to another?22:14
=== digitalvectorz is now known as dvz
Robert_Surcouftwiadpaws: well it is sometimes usefull22:14
runderwosmithzv: Do you have both xfonts-75dpi and xfonts-100dpi installed?22:14
smithzvrunderwo: let me check22:14
JenkGnuSense, Both options.22:14
StargazerHow do i install a DNS Server to my Ubuntu server ?22:14
xTheGoat121xrunderwo, so I've got the SSH/Tail running... let's see if this goes anywhere.  But on the laptop, should it show the most recent dmesg output?22:14
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twiadpawsRobert_Surcouf, thank you for your help, i'm gone o/22:15
deanyAnyone got a fix for compiz/videos blank screen yet?22:15
rdw200169Stargazer: you have several options, BIND being the biggest one22:15
aaaaI was the person who had the error messages22:15
=== aaaa is now known as Guest38647
crdlbdeany: what video card and driver?22:16
Guest38647The problems were with nm_signal_handler, mn_dbus_init(), mn_print_open_socks() and nm_hal_deinit()22:16
deanyfglrx and ATI.22:16
deanyyeah.. I know.. ugh. ATI22:16
crdlbdeany: ATI what, exactly?22:16
Guest58908should i have a gui available after installing gsynaptic?22:16
deanyprimarily ising Mplayer/Smplayer22:16
crdlbdeany: if you use the radeon driver and EXA, video will work22:16
crdlbotherwise, fglrx's Xvideo is completely broken22:17
smithzvrunderwo: yes, they are both installed (checked via aptitude)22:17
JenkGnuSense, Can you read me ?22:17
deanyyeah, but i`d like to have 3d too.  a game or 222:17
Guest38647anyone help me install firmware for Broadcom B34 ??????????22:17
deanyi expected it to be.. thanks anyhow..22:17
crdlbdeany: if the radeon driver didn't support 3d, compiz wouldn't work :) (it's just not as good at is as fglrx)22:17
deanyI can live without compiz.22:18
JenkGnuSense, Can you still read me ?22:18
deanycrdlb:  yeah,  like i said, games..22:18
jinja-sheepdeany: How can you?  It's like living without the water... or the women. :(22:18
newguy17so, basically what i need is to map the whole home directory to a samba share... is that a good idea?22:18
deanyjinja-sheep: i`ll survive22:18
jinja-sheepnewguy17: What are you trying to do?22:18
GnuSenseJenk, to copy over all the packages from a more complete system to a newly installed system I guess the first thing I would do is make a list of all the installed programs on the mature install.22:18
JenkGnuSense,Ok, then ?22:19
runderwosmithzv: I don't think it's a dpi problem with your X server.  It's just using the wrong fonts for some reason.22:19
newguy17jinja-sheep, I'm not sure, but i heard that in windows, if you have a domain, the clients join the domain and all the work they do is stored in the server22:19
me__Ubuntu 8.1 installed Sun JRE 6 via Synaptic Java Enabled in Firefox www.runescape.com is prompting me to install Java. Suggestions?22:19
deanythere is a fusion-icon package however... quick enable/disable might work for me22:19
runderwoxTheGoat121x: yes, it should22:19
yakuzCan someone help me understand how to add a resolution in ati catalyst control center? (for my external monitor)22:19
Guest38647Does anyone know how I can install the firmware for Broadcom B34????22:20
deanyworth a try.22:20
runderwoGuest38647: Was that the shutdown problem?22:20
GnuSenseI'm trying to figure out the best "dpkg" command.  Then I'd copy the apt cache from the older system to the newer system, Jenk22:20
jinja-sheepnewguy17: Hmm.  Out of my league.  I am one-man army.22:20
Guest38647i only got the functions, they were:22:20
JenkGnuSense,All right.Then  how do i..?22:21
xTheGoat121xrunderwo, hmmmm interesting.  On my laptop, it only shows the first 10 or so.22:21
jinja-sheepme__: Did you google?  I'm sure the solution is in ubuntu forums.22:21
Guest38647nm_signal_handler() nm_dbus_init() nm_print_open_socks and nm_hal_deinit()22:21
runderwoxTheGoat121x: It will start with about 10 lines (the last 10), then it will show everything new.22:21
newguy17anyone knows?22:21
shoeunited_awayI've an odd question: Is there an xchat script that works like ubottu available?  I would like one like ubottu, but customized for a different room&server.22:21
xTheGoat121xrunderwo, hmm, okay.22:22
me__jinja-sheep I have had good luck in this channel and thought I would try first. Google if channel fails me.22:22
joeb3_Guest38647, install b43-fwcutter22:22
runderwoxTheGoat121x: You can prove it by, e.g., switching your rfkill switch on and then back off.22:22
Guest38647I think i tried that btw22:22
Guest38647maybe I installed the wrong version idk22:22
runderwoGuest38647: Those crashes you are seeing are NetworkManager doing something bad.22:23
yakuzI need help adding a resolution for my external monitor. Please help, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6567576#post656757622:23
runderwoGuest38647: Probably related to wireless misbehavior.22:23
StargazerAnyone know how to install LXAdmin on ubuntu ?22:23
Guest38647Any way I can reset them to undo what I did?22:23
totzillarunderwo, now x is complaining about permissions on .Xauthority atm its owned by root so if i chown myusername .Xauthority and chmod +ug rw .Xauthority that should work shouldnt it22:23
joeb3_Guest38647, use package manager or 'apt -get install b43-fwcutter' .22:23
JenkGnuSense, You there?22:23
Guest38647By the way my wireless card is 802.11 or something22:24
GnuSenseYes,. Jenk, I'm just trying to figure stuff out.22:24
runderwototzilla: .Xauthority is in your home directory.  It should be unique for each user who wants to start the X server.22:24
quibblerJenk, is the hardware exactly the same for all 3 boxes?22:24
Guest38647joeb3_, I do that cold? or do I need to download something first?22:24
smithzvrunderwo: Okay.  In the past I have explicitly set the gtk fonts to be bigger (in .gtkrc or something), which solved some of the problem, but caused another.  When ever I ran a ssh tunnelled X app, the fonts on the remote machine would appear humongous.  All I know is that I seem to pretty reasonable behavior if I "startx -- -dpi 112".  Maybe I should disable GDM and put that in in a script run upon login?22:24
runderwoxTheGoat121x: You can try using logger to print something to the log and see if it shows up on the tail output.22:25
Jenkquibbler, no, not exactly.22:25
xTheGoat121xrunderwo, yeah, it's not updating. dmesg on the tower I'm troubleshooting shows new messages when I put in a flash drive, but nothing on the laptop I'm using SSH from22:25
GnuSenseThe command "dpkg -l" will tell you what is installed on your current system.22:25
totzillaok thanks runderwo22:25
yaris123456789hey guys how do i use mv but let it overwrite the existing folder ?22:25
runderwoxTheGoat121x: And you used tail -f, not just tail?22:25
joeb3_Guest38647, after installing it you run the b43-fwcutter command.  I'm not on my laptop, so I don't have the exact commands.22:25
runderwoxTheGoat121x: I'm sorry, it's /var/log/messages you want, not dmesg22:26
xTheGoat121xrunderwo, yup.  But it just dawned on me... you needed me to log in as root, as well, right?22:26
GnuSenseJenk, you can make a text file with all the programs you have installed with this command:22:26
GnuSensedpkg -l|awk '/^ii/{print $2}'|awk '!/^lib/ {print}'>apps_installed.txt22:26
runderwoxTheGoat121x: Shouldn't matter.22:26
runderwoxTheGoat121x: As long as you aren't getting a permission denied.22:26
xTheGoat121xrunderwo, okay.  I'll tail that other file then22:26
smithzvrunderwo: Thanks for your thoughts, I am still here as smithzv_ if you have any others...22:27
Guest38647what version of b43-fwcutter do I need to download someone?22:27
Jenkquibbler, i mean i've got intrepid on two boxes.One has a whole lot o apps that i downloaded.I'd like to transfer them to the other box22:27
runderwoyaris123456789: You must use cp -R, not mv.22:27
jinja-sheep!clone | Jenk22:27
ubottuJenk: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude --disable-columns --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate22:27
JenkGnuSense, thanks, where do i head to from there ?22:27
elen39server otrere.irc.gr22:27
yaris123456789runderwo: oh ?22:27
runderwoyaris123456789: Then delete the source directory afterwards.22:27
runderwocp -aR will preserve modification times.22:27
Rocking-Wshoeunited_away:  have you tried konversation22:27
yaris123456789runderwo: what is the option for overwriting existing files22:27
exodus_msI've been installing console applications. I have installed a few, some are diffenent applications for the same purpose. When using these command line applications, how can I get a list of these applications (not everyting installed on my system), just the command line programs installed22:27
newguy17any samba expert in here?22:28
xTheGoat121xrunderwo, all right, got it working.  And I've got it set up to keep the connection alive.  So we'll see.22:28
runderwoyaris123456789: cp will automatically overwrite existing files.22:28
runderwoxTheGoat121x: Good luck.  Sometimes you get it that way, sometimes you end up having to go serial with it.22:28
jinja-sheepexodus_ms: Look in ~/.bash_history -- It'll show the list of *ALL* commands you made on your machine.22:28
shoeunited_awayRocking-W: No, I have no idea where to start.  I just really like the bot.  :)  I'd like one I could modify for another chatroom.22:28
yaris123456789runderwo: ok22:28
xTheGoat121xrunderwo, well, here's hoping.  Appreciate your input on all this.22:28
Jenkjinja-sheep, i didn't quite understand. plz explain .22:28
poblawhat nvidia drivers do i use for  nVidia Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200]22:29
exodus_msjinja-sheep: true, i was just wondering if there was a way to acces a list without using grep or memorizing all the applications i have installed22:29
jinja-sheepJenk: Basically, you create a list of packages that are on your machine.  Then you move the file to "newly" clean install machine... and command away... it'll install all of the packages on the list.22:29
Rocking-Wshoeunited_away:  I used konversation it lets you configure several servers22:29
runderwo!nvidia | pobla22:29
ubottupobla: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto22:29
=== ana is now known as AnA
GnuSenseThat will create a text file in your current directory with all the programs you have.  On your news system you could try something like "apt-get install < apps-installed.txt", I believe, Jenk22:30
shoeunited_awayRocking-W: I'll grab it from apt and give it a shot :)22:30
jinja-sheepexodus_ms: The problem is it probably will list all the packages on the machine.  You say you don't want that.  The reasonable solution would be taking notes of the installed packages you made.22:30
JenkGnuSense, is it going to download all the packages from the text file ?22:31
jinja-sheepJenk: Pretty much yes.  The text file will have the list of packages in them.22:31
dr_Willisif im useing dd to  try to rescue a messed up parittion should i dd /dev/sda or /dev/sda1 to a file to try to reover from tha tfile?22:31
arezeyhow do you change the directory the desktop is showing?22:31
runderwoexodus_ms: You could do something silly like this.22:31
Jenkjinja-sheep, thanks for the idea. Can u spoon-feed me the commands ?22:31
GnuSenseIt will download all the files off the server.  If you are trying to install a bunch of systems I'd set up some sort of proxy like apt-proxy or apt-cacher-ng, Jenk.22:32
jinja-sheepJenk: No.  I didn't try this yet.  However, the commands is on !clone22:32
sellyoursoulstill trying to figure out this touch pad thing in xubuntu.  i reinstalled gsynaptic but i don't see a gui available.22:32
runderwoexodus_ms: for temp in /usr/bin/*; do ldd $temp |grep X11 >/dev/null || echo $temp may be a console application; done22:32
exodus_msjinja-sheep: ok, ty22:32
jinja-sheep!clone > Jenk22:32
ubottuJenk, please see my private message22:32
Jenkjinja-sheep, my whole point is to avoid downloading again. The 2 pc's are unconnected.22:33
jinja-sheep!search apt-on-cd22:33
jinja-sheep!search apt22:34
ubottuFound: aptfix, qtparted, aptproxy, brokenmsn, adeptcrash, fixapt, kde, laptop, adeptcrashfix, adept fix22:34
StargazerI need to install LXAdmin, how do i do this ?22:34
Jenkjinja-sheep, i was wondering if i could copy the packages and do something with them.22:34
yaris123456789runderwo: hey it prompts for overwrite22:34
GnuSenseOr you could copy all your installation files from your '/var/cache/apt/archives' to your new system, I believe.  I'm not sure about that.  You do that using sshfs, I guess.22:34
yaris123456789cp -R22:34
jinja-sheepJenk: I'm looking for it.22:34
yaris123456789runderwo: how can i make it automatically overwrite without prompting22:34
yaris123456789runderwo: when running cp -R22:34
jinja-sheep!info aptoncd | Jenk22:35
ubottuaptoncd (source: aptoncd): Installation disc creator for packages downloaded via APT. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.98-0ubuntu3 (intrepid), package size 207 kB, installed size 1528 kB22:35
arezeyyaris123456789, cp -fR22:35
gofgI get a "xine cannot initialize any sound drivers" with Ubuntu 8.10 when opening Amarok. What can I do?22:35
mib_a0bh8uhi all!22:35
jinja-sheepJenk: This is what you're looking for.22:35
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biouseram I here?22:35
Jenkjinja-sheep, plz explain  !info aptoncd |22:35
yaris123456789arezey: still prompts for overwrite22:36
arezeyyaris123456789, weird.22:36
exodus_msrunderwo: thanks, but that is a very long list, how could a narrow down the search to applications installed in the past two weeks22:36
hobomanbiouser: im not sure, are you?22:36
jinja-sheepIt'll put all said packages on the ISO.  You can burn the ISO or place the ISO on usb stick (if enough space) and move to the other machine.  You may want to install .deb package of aptoncd so you can install all said packages on other 2 PCs.22:36
jribyaris123456789: do you have some cp alias setup or something?22:36
jinja-sheepJenk: See ^^22:36
arezeyyaris123456789, what does "type cp" say?22:36
yaris123456789cp is aliased to `cp -i'22:36
yaris123456789i donno what that means aliaised22:37
arezeyyaris123456789, that explains it... check your ~/.bashrc22:37
exodus_msrunderwo: should I take this on over to #bash?22:37
arezeyyaris123456789, look for something like 'alias cp="cp -i"' and delete such lines22:37
yaris123456789oh ok22:37
jinja-sheepWhat's the correct command to create deb file of <package?>22:37
mib_a0bh8ui edited my /etc/issue with an Ubuntu ASCII art,  but the art is twisted... line1 is okay but the other lines are shifted22:37
Jenkjinja-sheep, spoonfeeeding required, i can't figure out. ^^22:37
yaris123456789no such directory22:37
arezeyyaris123456789, it's a file22:38
jribyaris123456789: it's a good idea to have it aliased, you can use /bin/cp instead of cp for this time22:38
jinja-sheepJenk: You may not be ready for Linux. =\22:38
jinja-sheepJenk: sudo aptitude install aptoncd22:38
biouserhoboman indeed it appears that I am :)22:38
yaris123456789jrib: so how to do this22:38
runderwoexodus_ms: You'd have to take each file, pass it to dpkg -S to find what package it belong sto, and then check the mtime on /var/lib/dpkg/info/<package>.* to find when installed.22:38
jinja-sheepJenk: After installation, look for APT-ON-CD somewhere in the menu.  Run it.  Save the ISO.22:38
runderwoexodus_ms: probably a job for perl.22:38
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude --disable-columns --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate22:39
jribyaris123456789: if you are sure you know what you are doing, just write '/bin/cp' instead of 'cp' in your command22:39
exodus_msrunderwo: ok, I'll certainly look into it, thank you!22:39
yaris123456789'/bin/cp -fR ?'22:39
arezeyyaris123456789, that could do it.. without the quotes of course.22:39
runderwojinja-sheep: You need devscripts to build deb packages.22:39
Jenkjinja-sheep, thanks a lot. Then what to do with the iso. ?22:39
runderwo!info devscripts22:39
ubottudevscripts (source: devscripts): scripts to make the life of a Debian Package maintainer easier. In component main, is optional. Version 2.10.26ubuntu15.1 (intrepid), package size 458 kB, installed size 1432 kB22:39
jinja-sheepJenk: How much is the ISO?  Can you fit it on the USB stick?22:40
runderwo!info dpkg-dev22:40
ubottudpkg-dev (source: dpkg): Debian package development tools. In component main, is optional. Version 1.14.20ubuntu6 (intrepid), package size 597 kB, installed size 1904 kB22:40
jribyaris123456789: what are you copying exactly?22:40
* arezey notes to yaris123456789 that -any- file with the execute permission (all in /usr/bin and /bin should have) can be executed as a command by addressing it by full path.22:40
Adam_debian netinst cd says it wont work from a pci network card - what kind of devices use a pci network card? laptops?22:40
Jenkjinja-sheep, Possible22:40
yaris123456789jrib: bunch of text files in a folder to another folder containig text files....there are some duplicate files that wants overwrite22:40
jinja-sheeprunderwo: Thanks.  How about obtaining the deb package from the server?22:40
quibblerjinja-sheep, aptoncd nice.....learn something everyday ...thanks22:40
jinja-sheepquibbler: Welcome. :>22:40
runderwojinja-sheep: You mean creating an apt repository, or using someone else's?22:41
exodus_msgot it ^^22:41
jinja-sheeprunderwo: The first one.  Downloading the deb from the repos.  Install it later.22:41
runderwojinja-sheep: apt-get --download-only install <package>22:42
jinja-sheeprunderwo: Will test it now.22:42
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jinja-sheeprunderwo: It worked beautiful. :)22:43
runderwojinja-sheep: gg22:43
runderwoyaris123456789: cp /usr/bin/cp /usr/bin/cp-f22:43
jinja-sheepJenk: "cd ~/Desktop && sudo aptitude download aptoncd"  -- Put the aptoncd.deb file on the USB too if you can.22:43
runderwocp-f -aR ... ...22:43
yaris123456789runderwo: eh ?22:44
runderwoyaris123456789: Basically, copy the 'cp' program to a different name, so that the alias does not function.22:44
Jenkjinja-sheep, ne help ? What do i do with the iso and aptoncd.deb on the pendrive ? ?22:44
=== phone is now known as parrot
jribyaris123456789: just use /bin/cp like I said22:45
parrotim a parrot22:45
parrotje suis un parrot22:45
arezeyyaris123456789, or, remove the alias line from .bashrc... will be a cleaner solution22:45
jribparrot: do you have an ubuntu support question?22:45
yaris123456789runderwo: okay now what22:45
yaris123456789cp -fR ?22:45
parrothow do i compile cracker?22:45
jrib!ot | parrot22:45
ubottuparrot: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:45
jinja-sheepJenk: They both are on it?   Good.  Two PCs are running Ubuntu too, right?22:45
runderwoyaris123456789: cp /usr/bin/cp /usr/bin/cp_f22:45
parrotsudo apt-get cracker22:45
runderwoyaris123456789: Then use cp_f instead of cp22:45
arezeyparrot, buy crackers from a grocery store.22:45
Jenkjinja-sheep, Right !!22:45
spastic_teapotIs there a way to set Ubuntu to mount a partition at start-up without having to edit /etc/fstab? And if there isn't, can someone explain what I should write in for the UUID?22:46
* runderwo refrains from any Polly jokes.22:46
jribyaris123456789, runderwo: there really isn't much point in copying cp like that22:46
* arezey seconds that22:46
biouserhow to prevent firestarter starting at boot?22:46
jinja-sheepJenk: Mount the USB on the two PCs.  Run the deb first to install aptoncd.  After installation is completed, you look for APT-ON-CD in the menu... start installing files from .ISO (or Image).22:46
m3thadoneIs it possible to make avant-window-navigator's Stacks applet's display file icons? I've made three scripts to run 'nautilus /path/' and chmod a+x'd them files, assigned them an icon w/ nautilus (via file properties) but they still display as page icons (i.e. text files). Stacks is set on 'Folder backend' to the path where I have these script files.22:46
runderwojrib: He can't figure out where his alias is, to permanently unalias it.22:46
deaglehello all22:47
jribrunderwo: he doesn't need to.  He just uses /bin/cp in his command instead of cp22:47
Bomber87hello all22:47
Jenkjinja-sheep, Plz. some more details, configurations, huh?22:47
linxehare there any decent circuit design and pcb layout tools in the repos ?22:47
runderwojrib: Better idea, thanks.22:47
arezeyhow do you change the directory the desktop is showing?22:47
jinja-sheepJenk: I'm doing this from the top of my head.  What configurations?22:47
joeb3_spastic_teapot, Add the mount commands to the bottom of /etc/rc.local22:47
biousersudo update-rc.d firestarter remove I suppose will prevent firestarter starting at boot22:47
jribarezey: why?22:47
runderwolinxeh: Try eagle.22:47
linxehok thanks22:48
arezeyjrib, mine is now pointing to ~, not ~/Desktop22:48
jribarezey: ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs probably22:48
arezeyjrib, found it, thanks.22:48
runderwo!info eagle | linxeh22:48
ubottueagle (source: eagle): Printed circuit board design tool. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4.16r2-1 (intrepid), package size 2826 kB, installed size 6924 kB22:48
linxehrunderwo: yeah I just googled thanks :)22:48
Jenkjinja-sheep, sorry if i got u overclocked but could you give me some more details ?22:48
dominique!dou you know | pipe?22:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dou you know22:48
jinja-sheepJenk: What?  Put the USB stick in the different computer.  Run the aptoncd.deb first to install APT-ON-CD.  Look for APT-ON-CD on the menu.  Run the APT-ON-CD.  Start installing the package using the ISO (image) on your USB stick.22:49
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spastic_teapotjoeb3_: What's the mount command I'd want to use?22:49
Jenkjinja-sheep, thanks, on the lighter side, has the top floor cooled ?22:50
jinja-sheepJenk:  ?22:50
Jenkjinja-sheep, I'm on my way to try it out.22:50
Jenkjinja-sheep, I hope you didn't take offense ?22:50
javagamerIs there a way to move from a window from one monitor to another?22:51
faqun 22:51
jinja-sheepJenk: I'm not. (Fortunately for you).22:51
shoeunited_awayRocking-W: So, how do I script to take text from in chat in Konversation  to output to chat.  Like: <nickname> ! media  <me> Displays media info22:51
jinja-sheepjavagamer: Dual-monitor?22:51
Jenkjinja-sheep, thank god !!22:51
GnuSensejenk, this looks like a workable method of transfering your install from one disk to another: http://www.arsgeek.com/2008/01/22/how-to-clone-your-bootable-ubuntu-install-to-another-drive/22:52
Jenkjinja-sheep, great to have a dash of humour.22:52
jinja-sheep!dualboot | javagamer22:52
ubottujavagamer: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot22:52
booksbuggyanyone know why the recent updates for pidgin is trying to remove and break itself?22:52
GnuSenseIf you have different hardware you'll probably have to mess with a few more commands to get everything squared away.22:52
duninhoHello. I need help with setting up SAMBA on ubuntu, anyone has some time?22:53
Jenkjinja-sheep, i'm trying out the link. Thanks once again.22:53
Rods_TigerI've managed to create a usbstick livecd, but when it updates all the software, there's a repeating error about the kernel update not working.22:53
jinja-sheep!samba | duninho22:53
ubottuduninho: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.  Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/21209822:53
javagamerDual screens, not dual boot22:53
jinja-sheep!dual monitors | javagamer22:53
ubottujavagamer: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama22:53
jinja-sheepjavagamer: My mistake. :)22:53
quibblerjinja-sheep, you are a patient fellow! :-)22:53
jinja-sheepjavagamer: Also, take a look in... System --> Admin --> Nvidia.22:54
javagamerI have it set as different X-sessions it appears, so does that mean I can't?22:54
jinja-sheepquibbler: Am I?  (boiling inside) :)22:54
jinja-sheepjavagamer: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22117422:55
jinja-sheepjavagamer: Looks like you want TwinView.22:55
Jenkquibbler, thank god jinja-sheep is.22:55
thenakaiiHi room I am a noob at linux but a power user in windows22:55
quibblerjinja-sheep, I could hardly tell!!!22:55
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boot_loopWhile in ubuntu/gnome, how do I set it so all the currently running applications run automatically on startup22:55
javagamerWith twin-view do fullscreen games run on both monitors?22:55
jinja-sheepJenk: Things going well for you? :)22:55
jinja-sheepjavagamer: I don't know.  Probably on one screen when you maximize the window.22:56
duninhook so my guess is that i connection isn't setted up as it should be. I only setted it so other pc could get internet, what else should i do to make the files exchange possible?22:56
lyraeis there an app that allows me to pivot the x display?22:56
thenakaiiwhy doesn't the 8.04 and the 8.10 have no sound22:56
Rods_Tigerwhich is recommended for an AAO? Ubuntu-netbook-remix 1.0.1 or the new easy-peasy? I've just asked the question in the netbook channel but as I'm the only one in there, nobody else replied.22:56
jinja-sheepquibbler: <_<  I'm good.22:56
ravaloxAnyone here have a good experience with an X-fi soundcard?22:56
capricorn^80my cairo-dock is not working22:56
capricorn^80need help22:56
quibblerboot_loop, system>preferences>sessions22:57
thenakaiiand ubuntu won't dual boot with my vista22:57
boot_loopquibbler: thanks.... duh I forgot where that was22:57
Jenkquibbler, not much luck , I get a robo looking at me following ur link .Got more muddled up! U were a great help.22:57
andi5hi... my ubuntu intrepid dpkg database seems to be completely broken... everytime i try install something, i get an error about "dependtry <= 4".. i have read somewhere to uninstall cups, but i simply cannot do that... i seems that hplib depends on cups, but there is no hplib available or installed... any help greatly! appreciated22:57
eno-el_tksomeone help me please i am desapointed.......22:58
Jenkjinja-sheep, not much luck , I get a robo looking at me following ur link .Got more muddled up! U were a great help.22:58
baryonihi all...22:58
thenakaiiI found out finaly that vista SP1 changed it's bootloader so that no other o.s. can dualboot22:58
jinja-sheepJenk: No problem.  What robot is looking at you? :o22:58
thenakaiiway to go the Gate$s Gang22:58
user___thenakaii: are you surprised about this? :-)22:58
linxehrunderwo: is there anything that can create bigger boards than eagle ?22:59
Jenkjinja-sheep, this robot : http://www.arsgeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/01/clone.jpg22:59
jinja-sheepthenakaii: Leave the dark side.  Switch over to the bright side.22:59
baryoniwhat is topic here?22:59
user___thenakaii: M$ plays dirty tricks, they have always done22:59
user___baryoni: y22:59
thenakaiiand why does ubuntu try to grab off so much space when I try to dual boot with XP22:59
baryonihi user22:59
Jenkjinja-sheep, news my friend, what news ?23:00
jinja-sheepthenakaii: It doesn't.  You must have configured to use the remaining space.23:00
eno-el_tki instaled Ubuntu on my machine....... with dual boot.. something wrong happends... windows its not starting.. i cant instal or open website from ubuntu.. i have enter the CD now and donwload instal is working.. when i open the pc i see 2 versions of ubuntu... Ubuntu Linux and the file recovery.. and   Ubuntu Linux and the file recovery of that.. someone send me private message please..........!!!23:00
thenakaiiand why does the 8 series ubuntu have no sound23:00
baryoniare we discuss on ubuntu here23:00
eno-el_tkone of my partition dosent work... now C:/ its not mounting.. E:/ its lost...23:00
jinja-sheepthenakaii: We do have sounds.  Looks like you have sound issues.23:00
eno-el_tkwhen i try open Mozilla its says i dont have enought space.... and delete something... omg SOME HELP ME. please!23:01
jinja-sheepJenk: What news?  I'm lost.23:01
oskar-thenakaii, maybe it is a driver problem. 8.10 has sound, works excellent on all cards i have used it (10+)23:01
thenakaiiI have a Dell Dimension 840023:01
linxehthenakaii: it does.23:01
thenakaiino sound23:01
eno-el_tkcan anyone help me ?23:02
thenakaiibut when I try ubuntu 6.06 the dapper drake everything works23:02
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP323:02
Jenkjinja-sheep, a friend in need is a friend indeed. Tell me , where are you lost ? Have you strayed too far from the road my friend ?23:02
jinja-sheepTry that, thenakaii23:02
eno-el_tk i instaled Ubuntu on my machine....... with dual boot.. something wrong happends... windows its not starting.. i cant instal or open website from ubuntu.. i have enter the CD now and donwload instal is working.. when i open the pc i see 2 versions of ubuntu... Ubuntu Linux and the file recovery.. and   Ubuntu Linux and the file recovery of that.. someone send me private message please..........!!!23:02
jinja-sheepJenk: Sinner!  >_>23:03
Jenkjinja-sheep, I'm there !! (for spoon=feeding)23:03
thenakaiiA friend of mine said the new mixer in 8.04 and 8.10 sux23:03
jinja-sheepeno-el_tk: You can run Ubuntu but you can't run Windows?23:04
thenakaiisomething about pulse sound something23:04
Jenkjinja-sheep, me ??? What I've Done (Linkin Park, Minutes to Midnight) !!23:04
oskar-thenakaii, i agree, if he is talking about the new pulseaudio23:04
baryoniyep ubuntu it is23:04
juliananyone know how to download hulu video23:04
baryoniok, how to config wireless on ubuntu warty23:05
thenakaiiYou cannot dual boot Linux and Vista SP123:05
whyameyewarty? wow...23:05
baryoniyes warty23:05
Flannelbaryoni: Are you actually on Warty?23:05
jinja-sheepeno-el_tk: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot23:05
baryoniyes i am23:05
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Jenkjinja-sheep, keeping low-profile huh jinja ?23:06
jinja-sheepbaryoni: You need to upgrade to Ubuntu 8.04 LTS or Ubuntu 8.10.  :)23:06
baryonii decided to try it but it's too old23:06
drubinbaryoni: I would suggest a re-install23:06
thenakaiiYou CAN dual boot ubuntu with the first vista release and with XP23:06
baryonii have them on other machine23:06
CircsI'm trying to image my boot drive onto a new drive, I know windows users use acronis trueimage, but what should I use on Ubuntu?23:06
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit23:06
jinja-sheepJenk: Oh dear...23:06
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eno-el_tkjinja-sheep: yes... something whose wrong with instalation and i lost on of my hard DISMOUNTED. i tryed to mount again i restarted from win xp pro.. and they couldent open again.. after when i tryed get irc from help from ubuntu Mozzila dosent let me open website it whose saying that im full of memory and delete something.... i inserd the CD-ISO and now its working kinda.. and now Ubuntu dont open C:/ dont mount... only the space that23:06
eno-el_tk i have maked... 60 gb.. windows open start... loading... and a blue screen with letters apair and Rebooting again...23:06
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so4546546could someone help a noob here23:07
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Jenkjinja-sheep, what can the matter be ?23:07
baryoniguys guys slow down everything is so fast here23:07
so4546546i am trying to get the mobile version of ubuntu for my nokia n81023:07
jinja-sheepJenk: Still maintaining the barrier?23:07
lymecais there a place I can go to read exactly where the main and universe components contain non-free data and/or firmware blobs?23:07
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thenakaiiSo Micro$soft has changed its boot loader so when you install Grub bootloader ubuntu only sees ubuntu no Vista23:08
Jenkjinja-sheep, me ? No!! Once  friends always friends. So ???23:08
so4546546vista sucks23:08
eno-el_tkjinja-sheep: yes... something whose wrong with instalation and i lost on of my hard DISMOUNTED. i tryed to mount again i restarted from win xp pro.. and they couldent open again.. after when i tryed get irc from help from ubuntu Mozzila dosent let me open website it whose saying that im full of memory and delete something.... i inserd the CD-ISO and now its working kinda.. and now Ubuntu dont open C:/ dont mount... only the space that23:08
eno-el_tk  i have maked... 60 gb.. windows open start... loading... and a blue screen with letters apair and Rebooting again...23:08
eno-el_tkjinja-sheep: yes... something whose wrong with instalation and i lost on of my hard DISMOUNTED. i tryed to mount again i restarted from win xp pro.. and they couldent open again.. after when i tryed get irc from help from ubuntu Mozzila dosent let me open website it whose saying that im full of memory and delete something.... i inserd the CD-ISO and now its working kinda.. and now Ubuntu dont open C:/ dont mount... only the space that23:08
qqxthe worm destroyed windows in my dual-boot system. can it affect grub?23:08
FloodBot2eno-el_tk: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:08
FloodBot1eno-el_tk: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:08
so4546546i still use xp23:08
eno-el_tk  i have maked... 60 gb.. windows open start... loading... and a blue screen with letters apair and Rebooting again...23:08
eno-el_tkHELP PLEASE !23:08
Jenkso4546546, mind lang23:09
so4546546anyone here know anything about the nokia n810?23:09
so4546546im trying to get ubuntu mobile on it23:09
Jenkso4546546,it's a mobile !!23:09
thenakaiiYou can use Wubi 8.04 or Wubi 8.10 to run ubuntu inside windows. Then all is fine23:09
so4546546yes i know23:09
eno-el_tkjinja-sheep: yes... something whose wrong with instalation and i lost on of my hard DISMOUNTED. i tryed to mount again i restarted from win xp pro.. and they couldent open again.. after when i tryed get irc from help from ubuntu Mozzila dosent let me open website it whose saying that im full of memory and delete something.... i inserd the CD-ISO and now its working kinda.. and now Ubuntu dont open C:/ dont mount... only the space that23:09
eno-el_tk  i have maked... 60 gb.. windows open start... loading... and a blue screen with letters apair and Rebooting again...23:09
Circsqqx: It's exceptionally unlikely that it could23:09
Cyberaidoes anyone know how to fix it when your trash can is no longer associated with .Trash?23:09
so4546546isn't there a mobile versoin of ubuntu"23:09
eno-el_tkHelp me anyone ?23:09
so4546546ubuntu mid right?23:09
Jenkso4546546,then what do you want to know ?23:10
deanydont need trash.. just be more careful :23:10
baryonii have old machine and i don't trust wubi23:10
jinja-sheepeno-el_tk: You have Windows Vista / XP and Ubuntu?  You say you installed Ubuntu recently?  If that's the case, see -- https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot23:10
thenakaiihey eno23:10
SteelflintThenakaii: I installed Ubuntu last night on my Toshiba laptop, dualboot with Vista and both boot fine. I would have just wiped the Vista, but it's a work/personal system.23:10
so4546546well i can't find a download link and I don't know where to start23:10
Jenkso4546546,google ??23:10
so4546546i have23:10
eno-el_tki have windows xp pro.23:10
Jenkso4546546,yahoo ??23:11
eno-el_tkjinja-sheep i have winxp pro23:11
jinja-sheepeno-el_tk: You installed Ubuntu and everything went wrong.... right ?23:11
baryonii have xp pro too23:11
jinja-sheepScrew the XP Pro.  I have Windows Server 2003.  :)23:11
simplexioeno-el_tk: yes. its very good idea23:11
eno-el_tkubuntu its like instaled twice or something.23:11
jinja-sheepeno-el_tk: Did you see the link I gave you? Windows Dualboot.23:11
Jenkjinja-sheep,r u bugged ??23:11
jinja-sheepeno-el_tk: Why do you think Ubuntu is installed twice?23:11
jinja-sheepeno-el_tk: What do you see?23:11
elkbuntuguys, this does not look like support.23:12
dopehow do i configure mysql to be accessable to the outside world?23:12
dopei have ubuntu server edition23:12
baryonimen my eyes please heeelpp23:12
jinja-sheep!info Jenk23:12
ubottuPackage Jenk does not exist in intrepid23:12
oskar-elkbuntu, why not?23:12
thenakaiiVista Ultimate SP1 will not dual boot with ubuntu,steelflint23:12
Jenkjinja-sheep,funny huh?23:12
Phreakazoidthenakaii: it does for me23:12
baryonihow could you read and write so fast23:13
elkbuntuoskar-, becuaue it looks more like windows hate time, which is not support, or productive.23:13
Jenk!info jinja-sheep23:13
ubottuPackage jinja-sheep does not exist in intrepid23:13
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thenakaiiit will boot with any other Vista but business and ultimate SP123:13
Phreakazoidthenakaii: it works with Ultimate SP1 for me23:13
thenakaiinot boot rathe23:13
Phreakazoidthenakaii: worked automatically too23:13
yertosaurusHello. I'm doing research for an article... can I get info on what the lastest releases of Ubuntu, Kubuntu, and Xubuntu are and the web browser they each come bundled with versions of those too?23:13
yertosaurusi.e. iirc Ubuntu is 8.10 with Firefox 323:14
jinja-sheepelkbuntu: People have issues with dual-boot.  Installing Ubuntu after Windows, that is.23:14
thenakaiithen you fixed the boot loader23:14
user___yertosaurus: distrowatch.com23:14
Jenkjinja-sheep, ne thing else ? u said u were lost some time back.23:14
Jenkjinja-sheep, have you found the way ??23:14
baryonii don't get it, im new here and i dont understand how this chat is working23:14
jinja-sheepJenk: You're the lost one, son.23:14
yertosaurususer___: I already checked the respective websites for each... they don't provide browser info23:14
elkbuntujinja-sheep, how does that translate to the need to go '<jinja-sheep> Screw the XP Pro.  I have Windows Server 2003.  :)'23:14
eno-el_tkjinja-sheepi start pc... i see 5 options the one its for testing Ubuntu so my other options for start boot is 4,,, 2 its Ubuntu Linux and the other its the (Recovery of That).. the other OPtions is.. Ubuntu Linux Higest Version of the other.. and the (Recovery of that)... and ... Other Operating Systems is windows Xp Proffesional...23:14
ziggleshi guys, i'm trying to ssh to a host on my local network but i just got the following warning: "IT IS POSSIBLE THAT SOMEONE IS DOING SOMETHING NASTY!"    what does this mean???23:14
jinja-sheepelkbuntu: Lol.  It doesn't.  :)23:14
eno-el_tkjinja-sheep see what i write to u.23:15
Jenkjinja-sheep, if so, then find me , father !!23:15
AnneShirleyFlash editions: Adobe, gnash, and what was the other one?23:15
elkbuntuziggles, it means the IP address/hostname combination changed. you might want to set it to a static ip23:15
thenakaiinot trying to argue here23:15
jinja-sheepeno-el_tk: It's the kernel.23:15
Jenkjinja-sheep, if so, then find me , father-sheep !!23:15
jinja-sheep!ot | Jenk23:15
ubottuJenk: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:15
ziggleselkbuntu: ok thank you, that's what i was thinking.... all dhcp here with only like 3 hosts23:15
ziggleselkbuntu: how can i fix it?  is ssh-keygen -R   the right solution?23:15
Jenkjinja-sheep, meaning ??23:15
quibblerJenk, give it a rest!23:16
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash23:16
elkbuntuziggles, no, it told you a file, just go empty that file23:16
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash23:16
jinja-sheepeno-el_tk: You're fine.  It's... the kernel.  It happened when you're updating your Ubuntu.  Nothing to be concerned about.23:16
eno-el_tkjinja-sheep: ok ok why my other Drive E:/ unmounted then.. and when i opened windows it whose unmounted.. i tryed to mount.. and windows dont open again.. just blue screen......23:16
Jenkquibbler, hi ,long time no see ??23:16
tracedracan somebody talk me through installing and configuring grub to boot windows xp and ubuntu?23:16
elkbuntuJenk, this isnt a social chat channel23:16
ziggleselkbuntu: if i dump that file, i lose ALL of my keys, right?23:16
thenakaiiWhat I had to do after an alnight session was install XP Pro SP3 and Ubuntu 6.06 LTS23:16
eno-el_tkjinja-sheep: why ubuntu tells me you cannot open mozilla download some thins first memory is full....23:17
eno-el_tk60 gb is not enought ?23:17
donavan_anyone know why when I press the ctrl key in a window I get a little hand that lets me move the window around ... how do I fix it so that I can make it select multiple items23:17
CircsCan gparted be used to image one disk onto another?23:17
yertosaurususer___: Scratch that. Thanks... forgot about that site.23:17
damaltorhi everybody. i am searching for a math program wich is able to integrate mathematical functions while showing the steps it does. is there such program for ubuntu?23:17
thenakaiinow everything works as it should23:17
oskar-ziggles, it could mean, that the host key has changed. you may want to delete the matching line in the ~/.ssh/known_hosts and verify the key identification at the next login23:17
jinja-sheepeno-el_tk: 60GB is more than enough.  How much RAM do you have?23:17
Jenkelkbuntu, Yes Sir. I agree with you, any thing that i can help you out with ?23:17
eno-el_tkjinja-sheep: 2gb ram...23:17
jinja-sheep!ops | Jenk23:17
ubottuJenk: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!23:17
eno-el_tkdual core.23:17
zigglesoskar-: i was actually trying to do that just now.... but i dont knw how to figure out which key it actually is?23:17
eno-el_tkjinja-sheep: my machine is beast..23:18
skorasaurushi, how do i export my terminal's output ?23:18
hellmitrepipe it23:18
thenakaiiMy geek guru friend says that Vista sux anyway and that I am better off with XP23:18
hellmitrewhatever the command23:18
skorasauruscommand > myfilename.txt23:18
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oskar-ziggles, the line should have been mentioned23:18
Jenkjinja-sheep,could you help me out ?23:18
jinja-sheepeno-el_tk: Sounds like you did something you shouldn't be doing.  What are you trying to do?  What is E:\ ?23:18
AskHLI am trying to increase the keyboard repeat rate and lower the delay before repeating, since I am an impatient person.  However the controls are behaving weirdly:  I can't set a very high repeat rate - the slider has no apparent effect, and I cannot make Gconf do this either.  Is this a known issue, are there any fixes, etc.?  Am I the only one having this problem?23:18
jinja-sheepJenk: Help you out with what?  I already gave you the instruction.23:18
jinja-sheepDBO: Yes?23:18
DBOjinja-sheep, why did you ping the ops?23:18
eno-el_tkjinja-sheep: E:/ is second hard drive... now i cant even mount C:/ first drive from ubuntu....23:19
thenakaiiI always did like Ubuntu 6.06 LTS anyways23:19
jinja-sheepDBO: Letting Jenk know who's the ops.  He was getting out of control.23:19
fr34klinuxis ubuntu good ?23:19
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eno-el_tkjinja-sheep: i couldet open and instal anything from ubuntu.. i entered th CD and now i can instal.. Strange.... why that. ?23:19
jinja-sheepfr34klinux: Yes.   You should test drive it.23:19
fr34klinuxhmm i hear something bad about ubuntu23:19
thenakaiiubuntu is ranked number 1 by Distrowatch23:19
zigglesoskar-: it's not... i only get the finger print: http://pastie.org/36350723:20
elkbuntuDBO, i suspect it was because jenk was giving me attitude. jinja-sheep that's not the right way to use !ops. it was not an emergency23:20
jinja-sheepeno-el_tk: You can't mount the C:\ because that's for Windows.23:20
fr34klinuxkanotix is ranked 85 and its better -.-23:20
hellmitrethey're not called C or D in linux23:20
thenakaiieven with the new LTS's problems23:20
Jenkjinja-sheep,yes.Thanks a million. I wanting to know what does ops and DBO mean ? Help ??23:20
Flannelthenakaii, fr34klinux: That's not really on topic forr this channel.23:20
fr34klinuxhmm.. the world is a scary place.23:20
hellmitrethey're sda1 and sda2, numerically assigned depending on your partitions23:20
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eno-el_tkjinja-sheep: ubuntu is on C:/ to... i maked a space on C:/ 60 GB... p.s. my C:/ is 250 gb`s.....23:20
jinja-sheepelkbuntu: What's the correct command to display the list of ops?  My condolences.  i23:20
eno-el_tksomething is very strange here..23:20
DBOJenk, what is your native language?23:20
thenakaiiisn,t this the ubuntu channel?23:20
oskar-ziggles, it should be line 923:20
ziggleseno-el_tk: if it's a smell, that's me23:20
Jenkelkbuntu, I apologise sir.23:21
jinja-sheepeno-el_tk: I think you did something really really weird.23:21
elkbuntujinja-sheep, you dont show the list of ops to everyone, because it pings every op to get their attention, sometimes disrupting their work and sleep.23:21
eno-el_tkwhy my windows are not opening why i cant mount anything... why i cant instal anything on ubuntu..23:21
Flannelthenakaii: this is the ubuntu support channel.  For discussion about Ubuntu, try #ubuntu-offtopic23:21
thenakaiiI was talking about ubuntu23:21
zigglesoskar-: OH i seeeee thank you sir!!   that was stupid :X23:21
oskar-ziggles, no problem, hope it works23:21
thenakaiioh, thanks sorry23:21
Flannelthenakaii: Right, disussion *about* ubuntu belongs in #ubuntu-offtopic23:21
jinja-sheepelkbuntu: Understood.  He need to know who he's speaking to. :)23:21
elkbuntujinja-sheep, /msg chanserv access #channel list usually shows you a list privately23:21
JenkDBO, yes sir, you queried me ?23:21
DBOJenk, what language do you normally speak?23:22
eno-el_tkjinja-sheep i think i did something very weird to...... i cant instal on ubuntu i entered CD of ubuntu on CD-ROM and i can instal irc client... i cant open windows a blue screen apair on me... something goes realy wrong...23:22
zigglesoskar-: do i need to reload the known_hosts file some how?23:22
obake-sanhey, im using ubuntu server with just terminal, i deleted some files from the root partition and the space is still taken up. i tried looking for the recycling bin in ~/.local and ~/.trash but neither folder exists (and ~ is on another partition). where have my files gone so i can delete them fully?23:22
oskar-ziggles, no, at the next login to that server you ill be asked to verify the key23:22
eno-el_tkjinja-sheep: please one think only... how i can uninstall ubuntu... so i can reinstal it later after i see what happend..23:22
jinja-sheepeno-el_tk:  You can't run Windows, right?23:22
oskar-ziggles, if you are not sure, whether it should have changed at the server, you should do it carefully23:23
eno-el_tkjinja-sheep: yes i cant run windows.23:23
zigglesoskar-: i think what happened is that IP used to be used by a different host (which is now offline) so the ip was reassigned to my new server23:23
oskar-ziggles, that seems to be a good explanation23:24
jinja-sheepeno-el_tk: Usually... to remove Ubuntu, you'd be installing over the HDD or... remove the Ubuntu partition from Windows.23:24
Melikany programs on ubuntu that can stream to an icecast server?23:24
zigglesoskar-: hey, thanks again for the help... i'm in now!23:24
jinja-sheepelkbuntu: Thank you.23:24
Bizzehziggles: that is a really bad router if that happened23:24
oskar-Melik, ices223:24
eno-el_tkjinja-sheep: can i remove ubuntu from install CD of ubuntu.. at step: 4 to delete the partition of ubuntu and after eject the CD : ?23:25
tracedrahow can i find out on which partition grub is installed23:25
Melikoskar-,  im looking for a GUI mostly :/23:25
Sylphidobake-san, rm deletes the files completely, it does not use a recycle bin23:25
jinja-sheepeno-el_tk: Probable.  But it wouldn't bring your Windows back.23:25
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CircsI'm trying to find a better way that booting off live media to clone my harddrive to a new one, could some recommend a better alternative?23:25
zigglesBizzeh: this router has been undergoing a lot of changes... i just bridged it with another router today and maybe that has something to do with it23:25
eno-el_tkjinja-sheep: any think hmmm like partition magic or something ?23:26
obake-santhats what i thought, but then what happened to my diskspace? i deleted 2 275mb files, and now i only have 100mb free23:26
zigglesBizzeh: it's just a little personal dlink... nothing special23:26
Bizzeheno-el_tk: if you installed over it with ubuntu, your pretty much, never getting it back23:26
Bizzehziggles: i have a £70 dlink as my router23:26
jinja-sheepBizzeh: I have no idea if he did that.  He ran Windows and get the BSOD.23:26
oskar-obake-san, did you delete them as root, and looked for free space as a user?23:26
donavan_anyone know why when I press the ctrl key in a window I get a little hand that lets me move the window around ... how do I fix it so that I can make it select multiple items23:27
Bizzehit records mac addresses against ips in its dhcpd so when that mac requests an ip, it always gets the same one23:27
Sylphidobake-san, are the files that you deleted on a different partition from the one you have low space on23:27
obake-sanno, but even as root it still says only 100mb free23:27
Bizzeheno-el_tk: did you remove your windows partition when you installed ubuntu?23:27
troythetechguyRunning 8.04.  having sound issues with Logitech Premium USB Headset 350.  When I adjust volume with sound icon in upper right, nothing happens.  Also, I only have sound coming from left speaker.23:28
oskar-obake-san, i don't know exactly, but it could have to do something with the reserved blocks for uid 023:28
Sylphidobake-san, is there a program accessing the files you deleted23:28
andronicuswhat is the syntax for groupid, is it just a number?23:28
obake-santhere is apache running, but apache says the files r gone, and ls -a says the files r gone no matter which user does it23:29
jedi06 how do i determine my ip address using host interface?23:29
jedi06<jedi06> ifconfig just says BROADCAST RUNING MULTICAST23:29
obake-sananyways, i will be back23:29
Sylphidobake-san,  use sudo lsof to see if anything is using it23:30
oskar-obake-san, does lsof say the same? sudo lsof | grep filename23:30
jc6hi i/m using dell inspiron1501 can someone help me to conifigure wireless23:30
CaptainMorganjedi06, if there's no IP listed, then chances are you're not connected...23:30
Sylphid!broadcom | jc623:31
ubottujc6: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx23:31
habitWhere is stored appearance settings for qt4?23:31
habitSome qt applications looks very horrible.23:31
Perfex@ jc6 http://www.ubuntu1501.com/2007/12/overview-of-ubuntu-710-gutsy-gibbon-on.html23:32
ivangarciahi everybody, I have a  Broadcom Corporation BCM4401-B0 100Base-TX , but ubuntu 8.10 cannot recognize, it says it uses the kernel module b44, but ifconfig is not showing any eth0, eth1 interface,23:33
antonehammershey all. i'm very close to being able to use my file server. but i cannot get permission to copy files onto my hard drive. i'm lost23:33
kitchehabit: well it will if your using Qt apps in a gtk desktop environment the same can be said for gtk apps in a Qt DE23:33
ivangarciait doesn't work sudo ifconfig eth0 up23:33
habitivangarcia, maybe just networking settings?23:33
ivangarcianeither eth123:33
oskar-ivangarcia, have you tried "ifconfig -a"? does the output of dmesg mention it?23:33
ivangarciathe -a shows only lo,pan0,wlan0 and wmaster023:34
K`zanHas ubuntu overall dumped KDE3?  KDE4 is *not* ready for prime time and 8.04 will not run on the new box?  I really don't want to dump ubuntu, but it looks like I don't have a choice :-( ;-( :-(23:34
habitkitche, nope, when I'm using kde4 - gtk applications looks perfectly same, but here I can see bad adaptation and not for all applications.23:34
miranda_psiantonehammers: is the drive you are trying to copy to different from the installation?23:34
habitkitche, just looking for config files.23:34
K`zanJust tried 8.10 to see if I could load 3.5 on top of that, not eve n here :-(.23:35
miranda_psiantonehammers: how did you mount the drive?23:35
CircsHow do you clone your boot partition?23:35
ivangarciahabit, i am on kubuntu,23:35
antonehammersmiranda_psi: used gparted and then some CLI given a documentation on ubuntu website23:36
habitivangarcia, are you using interfaces file for networking or networkmanager?23:36
zetherooI just got an mp5 player and plugged it into Ubuntu hardy and its not mounting ...23:36
miranda_psiantonehammers: did you add the drive into fstab? or mount it with the mount command?23:36
oskar-Circs, if needed i don't clone, i copy with "cp -ax" and reinstall grub23:36
zetherooplease help23:36
Circsoskar-: That sounds kind of heavy23:37
antonehammersyes, the drive is in fstab and mounted miranda_psi.23:37
Circsoskar-: Kind of like stabbing forth into the darkness sort of dealie.23:37
K`zanI'm all for KDE4, but it needs to be an update in some respect other than "pretty" over 3.5.  The Kubuntu folks done screwed the pooch on this one :-(.23:37
ivangarciahabit, i'm using knetworkmanager23:37
ivangarciabut it cannot detect eth0, same than ifconfig23:37
miranda_psiantonehammers: can you put your fstab file up on pastebin and I'll see if i can figure out whats missing23:38
kitchehabit: well there is no config file it's more of an option for a theme-engine like gtk-qt4-engine or something like that23:38
K`zanNew distro time, I guess then, sigh.  THanks anyhow folks.23:39
Circsoskar-: What is involved in reinstalling grub? Aneurysms?23:39
oskar-!grub | Circs23:40
ubottuCircs: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto23:40
jhirleypeople join, people leave, nobody talks ?23:40
oskar-Circs, hope that helps23:40
meow1hi, anyone know how i could copy an ubuntu install from a bootable usb drive to my internal drive?23:40
dsdeizhi, how do i know what groups have access to a certain dir? e.g. www has access to /var/www/23:40
antonehammersmiranda_psi: http://pastebin.com/d21276fa923:41
Circsoskar-: Hopefully, this is sounding like I'm in over my head. :)23:41
oskar-Circs, maybe you can avoid it? why do you think you have to clone the boot partition?23:42
soreauHey, how do you add stuff to the default run level in ubuntu, like stuff in /etc/init.d/blah with rc-update in gentoo?23:42
Circsoskar-: I have a mini 9 and am upgrading the SSD23:42
antonehammersmiranda_psi: well i just noticed the partition types don't match.... need to fix that at least23:42
Circsoskar-: They provide a nicely paved path for windows users and a kick in the teeth for linux users.23:43
RaylzCircs: who23:43
oskar-Circs, is it a quite normal pc?23:43
miranda_psiantonehammers: i see you have sda1 and adb1 - which one is causing the problem? or is it both?23:43
dayo_dsdeiz: check /etc/group23:43
troythetechguyIf I type alasamixer in a terminal, I can control both left & right speakers of USB headset, but if I try using the GNOME GUI to control volume only one channel increases. Ideas?23:43
antonehammersmiranda_psi: sda123:43
Circsoskar-: No, unfortunately it's a netbook, meaning I lack an optical drive.23:43
runderwosoreau: update-rc.d <initfile> defaults23:44
runderwosoreau: update-rc.d <initfile> start 9923:44
habitivangarcia, advice me please - which package contains part of color and style settings for kde @ systemsettings?23:44
runderwosoreau: etc23:44
Circsoskar-: Otherwise i would have booted with a live cd and just had at it with gparted and seen if it worked.23:44
jedi06why does smbclient -L //server -U user try to connect to 63.251.179... some ip not on my subnet?23:44
oskar-Circs, yes... maybe that make it a bit more difficult. but you can try to copy data and try it without loosing anything (except time ;-) ), right?23:45
jasonWagstaffi have had three drive fail on me in the past 2 weeks they are all within 3 monhts old and was curious if there are any good testing tools to see if there is a real problem with the drive or something retarded i have done23:46
oskar-jedi06, the syntax is: smbclient -L server   or smbclient //server/share23:46
jedi06all i'm trying to do is mount a folder on my windows machine on my linux machine23:46
=== dr0ppy is now known as dr0pknutz
Circsoskar-: Hopefully. Ty for help23:46
runderwo!info smartmontools | jasonWagstaff23:46
ubottusmartmontools (source: smartmontools): control and monitor storage systems using S.M.A.R.T.. In component main, is optional. Version 5.38-1ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 322 kB, installed size 792 kB23:46
tsukasa_hey all, my raid 0 lvm array has a bad harddrive, and spinrite cant fix it, what should i do?23:46
tsukasa_boot a livecd and copy over what i can?23:46
runderwojedi06: what does 'host server' tell you?23:46
jedi06oskar- i was going by https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba23:46
soreaurunderwo: Thanks, but it's telling me the file simply does not exist (when it most certainly does)23:46
jasonWagstaffrunderwo:  can i run this from ubuntu live?23:47
oskar-jedi06, if you use a newer ubuntu, it is some sort of "mounted" under ~/.gvfs23:47
runderwojasonWagstaff: See if it has smartctl.  I don't think it did last time I tried.23:47
oskar-jedi06, after accessing the share in nautilus23:47
runderwosoreau: which file doesn't exist?23:47
jedi06gives me 63.251.179... and 8.15...23:47
jasonWagstaffruderwo: thanks for the advice23:47
soreaurunderwo: The one I just created23:47
jedi06i think that is my isp dns23:47
soreaurunderwo: /etc/init.d/my.file23:47
=== nickrud_ is now known as nickrud
jedi06oskar- it is using the wrong network23:48
runderwosoreau: paste the exact command you typed23:48
jedi06i have two ethernets interfaces oskar-23:48
runderwojedi06: Put an entry for 'server' in /etc/hosts23:48
antonehammersi forgot that edit fstab command23:48
runderwojedi06: So that it doesn't go ask the ISP who 'server' is.23:49
antonehammerssudo nano something23:49
oskar-jedi06, smb is not only for local networks, does the name somehow resolve to the ip?23:49
soreaurunderwo: I didn't notice it prefixes /etc/init.d automagically ;)23:49
runderwosoreau: yep ;)23:49
Nomexousantonehammers: sudo nano /etc/fstab23:49
soreaurunderwo: Ok, now it's giving --help23:49
antonehammersNomexous: ty23:49
runderwosoreau: what's your command?23:49
miranda_psiantonehammers: have a look at the change i made on pastebin and try that23:50
jhirleyfolks, can anyone recommend a good ubuntu/Nautalus wallpaper script ?23:50
soreaurunderwo: update-rc.d my.file defaults (do I need to use -n?)23:50
dsdeizhmm, how do i know the current permission of a folder?23:50
unopdsdeiz, ls -ld directory/23:50
unopdsdeiz, or.  stat -c %A directory/23:51
runderwosoreau: thatshould work, strange.23:51
antonehammersmiranda_psi: ty, one sec23:51
Jaffarkelshaci have been having a peculiar problem with my graphics and so far no one can suggest what's wrong. screen shot here http://paste.ubuntu.com/104338/23:51
capricorn^80my cairo-dock is not working .. need help23:52
capricorn^80my cairo-dock is not working .. need help23:53
dsdeizarg, well, how do i know what groups own a certain folder?23:53
TiZI've been trying to get some help in assessing the realistic health of my hard drive. So far, I haven't yet had any. I have a forum thread... can I bother anyone to look at it? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1041839 I apologize if this is not an accepted thing to do.23:53
antonehammersmiranda_psi: no, it didn't work23:53
miranda_psiantonehammers: did you unmount it and remount it?23:53
deagledoes anyone here use Tilda?23:53
Mar--tindeagle: Yea.23:53
antonehammersno.  k one sec again23:53
jedi06ok i added jordanXP to my address of my machine and i can ping it but it timesout connecting23:53
soreaurunderwo: Yea, according to the man page it should :p23:54
deagleMar--tin: do you sometimes get a white terminal with nothing showing when you pull it down?23:54
oskar-Jaffarkelshac, you mean the letters and colours, right?23:54
Mar--tindeagle: Never had that problem.23:54
Jaffarkelshacyeah, its all sorta messed up oskar-23:55
Dante123i am running 8.10, what do I need to download (source,headers) to compile a wireless driver?23:55
Mar--tindeagle: I now remember once.23:55
deaglehow'd you solve it?23:55
TiZdeagle, I use it too. And yes, I occasionally do.23:55
Mar--tinJust collapsed it and restored it and it worked.23:55
nickrudDante123, sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) will get you the headers need23:55
TiZI just scroll in the window, and it comes back23:55
oskar-Jaffarkelshac, i had something like that once with a defect ati 960023:55
ivangarciahabit , i don't know which package contains part of color and style23:55
deagleTiZ, Mar--Tin: I get nothing after doing that23:56
antonehammersmiranda_psi: still no luck!23:56
Jaffarkelshaci have a nvidia 7300gt23:56
deagleTiZ, Mar--Tin: happens often too :S23:56
oskar-Jaffarkelshac, does it occur also with deactivated desktop effects?23:56
Mar--tindeagle: In that case I don't know, sorry.23:56
Dante123nickrud just exactly that sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) or do I have to put something in the parenthesis23:56
TiZdeagle, what version of ubuntu are you using?23:56
miranda_psiantonehammers: ok - what fo you get from "ls -l" for the folder its mounted in?23:56
deagleTiZ: 8.1023:56
Jaffarkelshacthat is what i thought, but it still happens oskar-23:57
jedi06should i try to connect directly to the machine or to the router?23:57
TiZThat's the one I'm using. Hmm.23:57
jedi06using smbclient23:57
deagleMar--tin: oh well, thanks anyways23:57
Snipermaster002hi could somone help me?23:57
=== Mar--tin is now known as Marty
antonehammersmiranda_psi: not sure what that mean.  i'm still pretty linux dumb23:58
nickrudDante123, if you run uname -r in a terminal, you'll see it lists the running kernel. The $(uname -r) runs the command, and tacks it onto the linux-headers to complete the package name. You can run   echo linux-headers-$(uname -r) to check23:58
jinja-sheep!ask | Snipermaster00223:58
ubottuSnipermaster002: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:58
oskar-Jaffarkelshac, ok... but i would although have a look, if maybe the gpu is getting too hot, a defect fan or something23:58
Snipermaster002ok srry23:58
Snipermaster002ok so23:58
antonehammersi ran ls -l but don't get anything about drives23:58
Snipermaster002I'm using Ubuntu and Windows XP as OS on my computer. Ubuntu is running well but my Windows could not start ( suspected infected by virus). Can anyone out there, help me fixing this problems using Ubuntu. it loads fine and its about to start up and you know how its a blue screen with a windows logo. yah it gets stuck tehr.23:58
oskar-Jaffarkelshac, it seems to be a hardware issue to me23:58
miranda_psiantonehammers: ok - go "cd /media" then "ls -l" and tell me what the output is for the line for server123:58
jhirleydo you know it is a virus ?23:59
TiZI've been trying to get some help in assessing the realistic health of my hard drive. So far, I haven't yet had any. I have a forum thread... can I bother anyone to look at it? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1041839 I apologize if this is not an accepted thing to do.23:59
Jaffarkelshaci thought it was intrepid related, coz it started when i upgraded oskar-23:59
jhirleycan you mount the partition ?23:59
Snipermaster002no i dont but im like 70 percent sure its a virus23:59
jedi06can someone help me set up filesharing using smbclient windows host/ubuntu client (no desktop)23:59
jinja-sheepSnipermaster002: Sounds like Windows issue.  You may have better luck with #windows because they would know how to fix the MBR.  This is more of Ubuntu-oriented.23:59
Dante123nickrud okay I did that.  then tried running make again.  here is the error log from terminal http://pastebin.ca/131124423:59

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