=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde | ||
LaserJock | anybody know of a ssh-add frontend for KDE? | 01:13 |
jjesse-dell9 | wow 200 channels on satelilite tv and nothing to watch | 01:16 |
claydoh | jjesse-dell9: new survivorman is it for me, else nada to watch :( | 01:17 |
LaserJock | wow, 200 | 01:17 |
* claydoh has about that on cable | 01:17 | |
LaserJock | I just got my DTV converter thingy and I have like 3 new channels, I think I'm up to ~7 :-) | 01:18 |
jjesse-dell9 | i havent received my convertor thingy coupon yet | 01:18 |
jjesse-dell9 | probablly should | 01:18 |
* claydoh just needs showtime, discovery, animal planet and maybe one or 2 more | 01:18 | |
LaserJock | jjesse-dell9: did you sign up for it? | 01:18 |
jjesse-dell9 | nope | 01:19 |
jjesse-dell9 | too lazy | 01:19 |
LaserJock | it takes quite a while to get them | 01:19 |
LaserJock | it's also kinda hard to find cheap converters | 01:19 |
LaserJock | I got mine from Tiger Direct, $0.01 + $7.99 shipping :-) | 01:20 |
claydoh | walmart only has 49 dollar ones, the 'free' ones are getting scarce | 01:20 |
* claydoh has his coupin expiring in a few weeks | 01:20 | |
LaserJock | mine is ok but the audio has like a background buzz that you can hear when the TV is turned down | 01:21 |
claydoh | before the coupons were out they were 20 buck | 01:21 |
* claydoh does not much care for quassel yet :( | 01:22 | |
LaserJock | I don't either, but I haven't tried it much | 01:26 |
LaserJock | I went from konversation to irssi, i tried kvirc and didn't like it either | 01:27 |
claydoh | I am making a vain attempt to be as qt4/kde4 as possible, just to see | 01:32 |
claydoh | tho I will be installing kmymoney2 before long, | 01:33 |
claydoh | and already have miro running | 01:33 |
ScottK-desktop | claydoh: The upstream devs have been very open to suggestions from us. | 01:52 |
* LaserJock goes to give it another go | 01:54 | |
LaserJock | I have yet to get through the configuration | 01:54 |
ScottK-desktop | vorian: Do we still need to do Universe plasmoid rebuilds again? | 01:55 |
vorian | ScottK-desktop: yep | 01:56 |
vorian | i was just getting ready to do that | 01:56 |
vorian | odd | 01:56 |
ScottK-desktop | OK. Great. | 01:56 |
ScottK-desktop | I'll be here to help out in a bit. | 01:57 |
vorian | ok | 01:57 |
ScottK-desktop | I've still got all the ones I did last time on my hard drive. | 01:57 |
vorian | i don't :( | 01:57 |
vorian | ScottK-desktop: can you tell me which ones you have? | 01:59 |
ScottK-desktop | vorian: Not right now. $ELDEST_CHILD has posession of my laptop (It's got the only copy of XP we own and she's doing iTunes on her iPod Touch). | 02:00 |
vorian | ok | 02:00 |
ScottK-desktop | I should be able to retrieve it in ~20 minutes or so. | 02:00 |
vorian | when you are ready just shout | 02:00 |
ScottK-desktop | Will do. | 02:00 |
LaserJock | ScottK-desktop: this quassel thing is pretty non-intuitive. Why is there a huge logo thing and like 2 lines of chat at the top? | 02:01 |
claydoh | ScottK-desktop: same here, it is mostly just confusing to saet up as a standalone client still | 02:01 |
neversfelde | ScottK-desktop: do we need a quassel guide for kubuntu docs? | 02:02 |
claydoh | neversfelde: I am checking it out just for that purlose (hopefully) | 02:03 |
claydoh | umm purpose | 02:03 |
LaserJock | I see a nick list thing, but no nicks in it | 02:03 |
LaserJock | I can't figure out how to set what channels to join | 02:03 |
claydoh | but am still confused by the setup and options, and very little documentation anywhere | 02:04 |
neversfelde | claydoh: I wrote a german one | 02:04 |
neversfelde | http://wiki.kubuntu-de.org/Kubuntu_benutzen/Internet/Quassel | 02:04 |
neversfelde | probably I can find some translators | 02:04 |
LaserJock | it took me a while to figure out how to connect to the server (I just started clicking on things) | 02:04 |
claydoh | well I can look at it to get the rough idea | 02:04 |
vorian | gaaah | 02:05 |
claydoh | LaserJock: lol thats how I got in :) | 02:05 |
vorian | my screen keeps freezing | 02:05 |
* Hobbsee puts it in front of the heater | 02:05 | |
vorian | :) | 02:05 |
JontheEchidna | \o | 02:07 |
* JontheEchidna was playing volleyball with some friends at the gym | 02:08 | |
* Hobbsee picks JontheEchidna up, and serves him over the net | 02:08 | |
* claydoh hugs his laptop, its -1F/-18C here in maine, and he is feeling drafts :( | 02:08 | |
Hobbsee | impromptu volleyball game in #kubuntu-devel? | 02:09 |
* vorian spikes it | 02:09 | |
JontheEchidna | claydoh: I heard it got down to -40 in maine a few days ago | 02:09 |
JontheEchidna | -40 C and F :P | 02:09 |
neversfelde | claydoh: if you need help for documentation, call me. My english is not very good, but I think I can translate it and you can guess the meaning :) | 02:10 |
claydoh | JontheEchidna: yeah, waaay up north, but here in Bangor *only* -23 | 02:12 |
JontheEchidna | near Concord we got -17F | 02:12 |
claydoh | neversfelde: cool, thanks! my german is pretty nonexistent, but i will see how I can do, good that there are graphics to go with it, which helps alot | 02:12 |
ScottK-desktop | Please everyone take notes so we can get stuff fixed/documented. | 02:13 |
* ScottK-desktop points Sput about 10 - 15 minutes ago .... | 02:13 | |
Sput | yay :) | 02:14 |
LaserJock | this thing is too .... KDE | 02:14 |
ScottK | vorian: http://pastebin.com/f5c800005 (I have seized controlof the laptop). | 02:14 |
Sput | I think the welcome screen will help with that first-time-users stuff :) | 02:14 |
* Sput pokes seele about a mockup/suggestions how that could look like again | 02:14 | |
neversfelde | claydoh: k, I will ask if someone from kubuntu-de.org can translate this document. | 02:14 |
ScottK | Actually $ELDEST_CHILD announced "I'm done, thanks and handed it back with 5% battery. | 02:14 |
vorian | ScottK: ok (i already did kbstate) | 02:14 |
ScottK | vorian: OK. I won't do it again, again. | 02:15 |
ScottK | First I have to push $YOUNGEST_CHILD into bed. | 02:15 |
LaserJock | how do I change what channels are joined at startup? | 02:15 |
vorian | alrighty | 02:15 |
Sput | ah, also I'm currently moving all config files to the XDG location (in ~/.config I guess), and make sure quassel won't need a $HOME anymore by providing a --configdir switch | 02:15 |
claydoh | neversfelde: thanks! I will focus mastly on the standalone version, and not the 'core' and 'client' parts probably | 02:15 |
neversfelde | LaserJock: quassel should remember | 02:15 |
ryanakca | LaserJock: In irssi? | 02:16 |
LaserJock | can I tell it to not do that? | 02:16 |
ryanakca | nevermind :) | 02:16 |
Sput | LaserJock: start it with --norestore | 02:16 |
LaserJock | ryanakca: no, I know how to do that | 02:16 |
Sput | (or -n) | 02:16 |
LaserJock | Sput: that's rather unfortunate | 02:16 |
neversfelde | claydoh: I should have a look at this, currently using client - core | 02:16 |
LaserJock | I don't want my IRC client to remember what channels I was in, I want to tell which ones to join | 02:17 |
claydoh | neversfelde: yes, we need something to assist us 'normal' users in setting this up :) | 02:17 |
neversfelde | claydoh: where are you writing the documentation? | 02:18 |
ryanakca | Could someone provide me with some inspiration as to the source of my defective Jaunty (Kubuntu, current daily, alternative, i386) CD? The md5sums of the downloaded image and the server image match, and the md5sum of the local image and the burned image match according to k3b. I've tried burning it three times across two CDs, but it fails every time I put it through verify CD on its boot menu. Any ideas as to the source of the problem? | 02:18 |
Sput | note: we are still working on streamlining the UI | 02:18 |
Sput | in particular the welcome experience | 02:18 |
claydoh | neversfelde: nowhere yet, just decided to look at it and maybe try out a wiki page | 02:18 |
LaserJock | Sput: sure, just trying to give some feedback | 02:19 |
Sput | sure :) | 02:19 |
Sput | also, our wiki has grown the past couple days: http://bugs.quassel-irc.org/wiki/quassel-irc | 02:19 |
neversfelde | claydoh: if you try out the wiki page, tell me | 02:19 |
neversfelde | Sput: I#d like to help with documentation, probably we can port http://wiki.kubuntu-de.org/Kubuntu_benutzen/Internet/Quassel to a more general version? | 02:21 |
claydoh | neversfelde: google translator is terrible :) | 02:21 |
neversfelde | as I told before, my english is not so ggod | 02:22 |
neversfelde | claydoh: I could have told you before | 02:22 |
neversfelde | :) | 02:22 |
claydoh | had to try :) | 02:22 |
neversfelde | hehe | 02:22 |
* claydoh likes the notifications in quassel | 02:22 | |
Sput | well, people over in #quassel are working on that (mainly sph, I think), so if you like to collaborate, I'm all for it :) | 02:23 |
* neversfelde too | 02:23 | |
LaserJock | notifications? | 02:23 |
neversfelde | Sput: k, I will ask there tomorrow | 02:23 |
Sput | cool :) | 02:23 |
Sput | I need to go to bed too, it's 3:20 already | 02:23 |
neversfelde | oh, wow | 02:24 |
claydoh | LaserJock: quassel is using the kde4.2 notification thingy | 02:25 |
LaserJock | hmm, I guess I turned off notifications | 02:26 |
LaserJock | I generally really dislike notifications | 02:28 |
vorian | ScottK: i'm finished with everything not on your list, i'll start at le bottom | 02:28 |
vorian | LaserJock: i'm in the same boat | 02:28 |
LaserJock | I've wondered how possible it would be to have like a "disable all notifications" option in System Settings | 02:28 |
vorian | <3 irssi + flashy screen | 02:28 |
* ScottK tosses out http://aseigo.blogspot.com/2009/01/todays-tip-turning-off-fancy-schmancy.html | 02:30 | |
claydoh | I should do that, as they are getting annoying in a Vista-uac-like way | 02:30 |
* neversfelde asked for ztranslators in our foruj | 02:31 | |
neversfelde | gnah | 02:31 |
neversfelde | batterie power is low | 02:31 |
LaserJock | ScottK: is that *all* notifications, I can't quite tell what he's saying | 02:32 |
ScottK | LaserJock: You now know as much as I do. | 02:32 |
LaserJock | plasma_applet_systemtray, that looks like maybe it'd be right | 02:32 |
ScottK | vorian: You did kbstate already. right? | 02:34 |
vorian | ScottK: knock rsibreak off your list | 02:34 |
vorian | ScottK: yep | 02:34 |
vorian | hmmm | 02:35 |
vorian | kepas was not fixed | 02:35 |
ScottK | vorian: Did you do plasmoid-toggle-compositing? | 02:40 |
* ScottK did the others above that. | 02:40 | |
vorian | no | 02:40 |
ScottK | OK. I got that one. | 02:40 |
vorian | im trying to fix kepas at the moment :) | 02:41 |
K`zan | I'm no dev and I am RATHER *frustrated* after a week of KDE4, but I really need to say this to someone? | 02:42 |
ScottK | vorian: I'm also rather proud of how I made that list: ls | grep tar | pastebinit | 02:42 |
vorian | ScottK: that was impressive :) | 02:43 |
ScottK | ;-) | 02:43 |
* vorian needs pastebinit | 02:43 | |
* ScottK has only recently started using it and is finding it very handy. | 02:43 | |
vorian | oh, we have batpaste! | 02:44 |
vorian | http://paste.ubuntu.com/106179/ | 02:44 |
vorian | woot! | 02:44 |
K`zan | KDE4 is bloodly useless other than being, perhaps, "pretty". What in God's name were you thinking to force 4 on us in the state that it is in? I've been with kubuntu for a good while, but I need to go someplace where people are still providing the functionality in 3.5. Releasing 4 with no options is simply unacceptable. I *do* appreciate your efforts, but this is absurd. | 02:44 |
seele | fyi there is an option in system settings to configure notifcations on the application level | 02:44 |
vorian | ScottK: if you have bat-tools, you have batpaste | 02:44 |
K`zan | Thanks for letting me get that off my chest, hopefully 4 will catch up someday and I can come back to kubuntu. | 02:45 |
claydoh | :o | 02:46 |
K`zan | Off to gnome or some other distro, sigh, cry... | 02:47 |
claydoh | seele: but not necessarily for plasmoids, afaik. for example, my weather plasmoid pops one up for every update | 02:48 |
seele | claydoh: ah.. yes, i think aaron blogged about how to configure that stuff | 02:49 |
vorian | yay! kepas is fix0red | 02:50 |
claydoh | seele: not sure, but it still showed an 'old-style' poup | 02:51 |
claydoh | I just set my refresf time to something more sane than the 10 minutes i set it to :) | 02:52 |
seele | it should really even be using a popup.. weather information is like time. information on demand | 02:53 |
seele | *shouldnt | 02:53 |
claydoh | I am not 10 percent, that was this morning when I tried it out, and got a notification that I thought was the weather info download | 02:54 |
ScottK | vorian: The bat stuff is far too magical for me so far. | 03:00 |
vorian | patpase is simple | 03:00 |
vorian | batpaste, even | 03:00 |
vorian | batpaste your.file | 03:00 |
ScottK | Same as pastebinit | 03:01 |
ScottK | vorian: With your "I want to do more server team stuff" hat on, want a security update to do? | 03:04 |
vorian | sure | 03:04 |
ScottK | OK. I'll mail you some stuff. What address? | 03:04 |
vorian | vorian@ubuntu.com | 03:04 |
ScottK | OK. Queuing it up now. | 03:05 |
vorian | got it | 03:07 |
vorian | or part | 03:08 |
ScottK | vorian: Should be 3. | 03:12 |
ScottK | Just sent the last. | 03:12 |
vorian | alrighty | 03:12 |
vorian | yep, have them all | 03:12 |
* vorian gets busy | 03:12 | |
ScottK | I'll catch the -backports releases via an updated backport. | 03:12 |
* ScottK fixed Jaunty already. | 03:12 | |
ScottK | vorian: Let me know if you have any questions. | 03:18 |
vorian | I'm sure i will, i'm reading over the process now | 03:18 |
ScottK | OK. Great. | 03:27 |
ScottK | NCommander: Any chance you could look at kde4bindings FTBFS on Sparc (It built on armel, BTW) | 03:27 |
NCommander | Can you just check to make sure its not an ICE? | 03:28 |
* NCommander is seeing if he can kick his MacBook PRO alive | 03:28 | |
ScottK | NCommander: It didn't seem to be. It looked like some kind of unknown type error | 03:29 |
NCommander | link? | 03:29 |
ScottK | Getting | 03:29 |
ScottK | NCommander: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde4bindings/4%3A4.1.96-0ubuntu1/+build/835052/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-sparc.kde4bindings_4:4.1.96-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz | 03:30 |
ScottK | seele: We may be a little late tomorrow. | 03:31 |
ScottK | $YOUNGEST has a birthday party to attend and the math doesn't quite work. | 03:31 |
NCommander | ScottK, this is a KDE4 release party? | 03:32 |
ScottK | NCommander: No. This is taking my teenage daughter to Linux Chicks. | 03:32 |
NCommander | Oh | 03:32 |
* NCommander remembers seele saying something about that on her blog | 03:32 | |
ScottK | Release party is in a week or two. | 03:32 |
NCommander | Ugh, I'd love to attend (and meet you in person) but I'll be in germany :-/ | 03:33 |
ScottK | We'll manage it at some point. | 03:33 |
ScottK | My wife left town for $WORK stuff for 6 weeks today, so I'll be due some time off from the kids when the next UDS comes around. | 03:34 |
ScottK | Does anyone else get a preview window when you hover over a link in Quassel? | 03:37 |
astromme | Sk yes I do | 03:37 |
ScottK | I'm still trying to decide if it's really cool or really annoying. | 03:37 |
astromme | ScottK: ^^ is for you | 03:37 |
ScottK | Yes. | 03:37 |
astromme | Yeah, I'm undecided as well | 03:38 |
vorian | ScottK: you need these from gutsy on, correct? | 03:39 |
astromme | You can disable it in the preferences | 03:39 |
ScottK | vorian: The security issue that came with 2.8.1 only needs to go to Intrepid. It doesn't affect Gutsy/Hardy | 03:39 |
vorian | ok | 03:40 |
ScottK | vorian: The other one is just Hardy/Intrepid. | 03:40 |
ScottK | The Guty version doesn't even have the functions in question. | 03:40 |
ScottK | Guty/Gutsy | 03:40 |
vorian | there is one in gutsy backports | 03:41 |
ScottK | Yes, I'm working on testing 2.8.1 backports now. | 03:41 |
ScottK | Generally in backports unless there's a good reason not we do security stuff by just doing a new backport | 03:42 |
vorian | ok | 03:42 |
ScottK | vorian: Actually now that I think about it, don't bother with Hardy. The crash issue has a workaround and so an SRU is probable excessive. | 03:44 |
ScottK | So just Intrepid. | 03:44 |
vorian | alrighty | 03:44 |
seele | ScottK: no worries, we'll probably be there for several hours :) | 03:47 |
ScottK | Great. | 03:47 |
vorian | 03:51 | |
vorian | that was a control O | 03:51 |
ScottK | Any suggestions on how to get my mouse back (It's locked in place and won't move)? Keyboard (obviously) works fine. | 03:56 |
seele | did you restart x or trying to avoid that? | 04:00 |
ScottK | Trying to avoid that | 04:00 |
ScottK | Although since I'm still on Intrepid, at least ctrl-alt-backspace works. | 04:00 |
* ScottK says what the heck and restarts it. | 04:01 | |
seele | :-/ | 04:03 |
ScottK-desktop | Restarting X didn't do it either. | 04:05 |
ScottK-desktop | Rebooting that box now. | 04:06 |
seele | huh.. is it a usb mouse or a touchpad? | 04:06 |
* ScottK-desktop is not a fan of 2.6.27 | 04:06 | |
ScottK-desktop | Touchpad | 04:06 |
seele | hope reboot works | 04:06 |
ScottK-desktop | I choose to blame the kernel. | 04:06 |
ScottK-desktop | Yep. Coming back up working now. | 04:07 |
ScottK-desktop | It's funny, I'm reading headlines like "Washington visitors looking to be part of history" and thinking all of the people I've met that live in the area are just looking to avoid traffic. | 04:10 |
seele | yeah really | 04:16 |
seele | the grocery store was crazy today.. usually sunday is the busy day | 04:17 |
ScottK | I'm liking Konqueror as a web browser a lot more now that I switched the default font to 8 pt. | 04:19 |
ScottK | NCommander: kdebase-workspace FTBFS on armel due to your standard Qreal type problem. | 04:51 |
NCommander | -_-; | 04:51 |
ScottK-desktop | https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-workspace/4:4.1.96-0ubuntu3/+build/838024/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-armel.kdebase-workspace_4:4.1.96-0ubuntu3_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz | 04:53 |
ScottK | vorian: You still up? | 05:16 |
* ScottK blows the dust off his dapper pbuilder. | 05:16 | |
* ScottK heads to bed. Good night all. | 05:35 | |
ScottK-desktop | OK. Not quite. | 05:37 |
ScottK-desktop | NCommander: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/21301859/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-armel.plasmoid-toggle-compositing_0.2.1-0ubuntu4_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz is in Universe, but I'd appreciate it if you'd have a look at that one too (same type of failure). | 05:37 |
NCommander | ScottK-desktop, sure | 05:39 |
ScottK-desktop | Thanks. | 05:40 |
ScottK-desktop | NCommander: I kicked off retries on everything that didn't need kdebase or -workspace, so we should have a decent idea of where we stand tomorrow. | 05:41 |
NCommander | THanks ScottK | 05:42 |
NCommander | Riddell, EPING | 06:48 |
apachelogger | ~twitter update I feel like an elephant slept on my head | 10:16 |
kubotu | status updated | 10:16 |
jussi01 | lol | 10:16 |
apachelogger | los would be preferred | 10:17 |
apachelogger | TaskJugglerUI: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libkhtml.so.4: undefined symbol: _ZN6KParts16BrowserExtension10setURLArgsERKNS_7URLArgsE | 12:42 |
apachelogger | I wonder how that is possible with a change that is not even related to any KPart | 12:43 |
* apachelogger seriously hates kdelibs | 12:50 | |
wesley | the bug that in wont come in kde4.2 rc is still not fixed | 12:52 |
wesley | !aptfix | 12:52 |
ubottu | If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » | 12:52 |
wesley | http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/106414/ guys still the same errors as last time | 13:25 |
wesley | going see if there are updates | 13:26 |
jussi01 | wesley: tried sudo apt-get install -f | 13:28 |
wesley | i am refreshing apt so going try that, and hope i can comfirm this as fixed | 13:29 |
wesley | http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/106415/ same | 13:32 |
Arby | afternoon folks, I'm trying to triage bug 307323 | 13:32 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 307323 in kdepim "KMail's OpenGPG module fail because don't found "/usr/local/bin/chiasmus" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/307323 | 13:32 |
Arby | this seems to be the same as kde bug 132515 | 13:32 |
ubottu | KDE bug 132515 in encryption ""Chiasmus support": File "/usr/local/bin/chiasmus" does not exist or is not executable" [Normal,New] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=132515 | 13:33 |
Arby | is this something that needs to be fixed in our packages | 13:33 |
jussi01 | wesley: though may I remind you support is in #kubuntu | 13:33 |
Arby | or something that needs to be fixed upstream | 13:33 |
wesley | jussi01 i am a tester | 13:35 |
wesley | https://launchpad.net/~velroy1 | 13:36 |
cbr | wtf is up with mplayerplug-in.. god damnit.. after every 8 release of 10 it experiences crashing problems after pressing "back" at a page that has media content.. i've even reported bugs.. and they've gotten fixed.. and then they're there again | 13:56 |
cbr | how can that still be the norm of the embedded media player world | 13:56 |
cbr | dont mind my frustration :p | 13:56 |
cbr | and mplayerplug-in triggers kwin to go to 70% cpu usage almost every time | 14:00 |
cbr | even after i close the media | 14:00 |
cbr | o nice, found a bug report on launchpad where i can concentrate my anger on :D | 14:04 |
JontheEchidna | whoa, new kdebluetooth4 | 14:06 |
=== markey_ is now known as markey | ||
cbr | hmm.. with 22 open and 21 unassigned bugs it's probably not a surprise why it crashes so often :p | 14:07 |
JontheEchidna | yeah, it's incompatible with the latest bluetooth :P | 14:10 |
JontheEchidna | you get a nice big crash | 14:10 |
cbr | i was talking about mplayerplug-in :p | 14:10 |
JontheEchidna | oh | 14:10 |
cbr | or were you just thinking out loud? | 14:10 |
JontheEchidna | nope, I thought you were talking about kdebluetooth since it has a similar amount of open/unassigned bugs | 14:11 |
Arby | 22 isn't very many :) I'm looking at kdepim and it has 155 unassigned | 14:11 |
cbr | well, that package had like 70 reported ever | 14:11 |
Arby | heh | 14:11 |
cbr | pfft.. turned off kwin compositing and now mplayerplug-in wont crash | 14:17 |
cbr | and kwin wont go 70% cpu either | 14:17 |
cbr | now how the hell am i going to debug that :p | 14:17 |
Arby | JontheEchidna: you know cmake/buildsystems better than me, could you have a look at my question on bug 307323 back up there ^^ a bit | 14:17 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 307323 in kdepim "KMail's OpenGPG module fail because don't found "/usr/local/bin/chiasmus" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/307323 | 14:17 |
Arby | (about 50 minutes back) | 14:17 |
apachelogger | Arby: why do you think this is a packaging issue? | 15:07 |
apachelogger | or cmake related for that matter? | 15:07 |
Arby | apachelogger: I don't know that is either, I'm just going off ingo's reference to 'the build' in the kde bug | 15:07 |
Arby | to me that means either the kde build or the building of our packages | 15:08 |
apachelogger | build in general I assume | 15:08 |
apachelogger | probably that backend is crap or something | 15:08 |
apachelogger | + the path is hardcoded ./libkleo/backends/chiasmus/config_data.c: { PATH "/usr/local/bin/chiasmus" }, /* in the absence of C99, we assume path is first in the union here */ | 15:08 |
apachelogger | so the original issue needs to be addressed upstream anyway | 15:08 |
Arby | apachelogger: ok that answers my question then | 15:09 |
Arby | if it was our packages I was going to tackle it | 15:09 |
Arby | now I can just add a bug watch and forget about it | 15:09 |
JontheEchidna | yeah | 15:09 |
JontheEchidna | what apachelogger said | 15:09 |
JontheEchidna | :P | 15:09 |
apachelogger | wah | 15:13 |
apachelogger | I am so motu | 15:13 |
* JontheEchidna so isn't yet :P | 15:13 | |
apachelogger | lol | 15:15 |
apachelogger | true | 15:15 |
JontheEchidna | !find logitechmouse.rules | 15:17 |
ubottu | Package/file logitechmouse.rules does not exist in intrepid | 15:17 |
apachelogger | ohhh | 15:18 |
apachelogger | btw | 15:18 |
smarter | nice command | 15:18 |
apachelogger | apparently hal as a pretty decent way of handling special buttons with non-standard key codes | 15:18 |
apachelogger | http://aplg.kollide.net/screencasts/kde3+khc.ogv | 15:22 |
Arby | does anybody know what plug-in bug 296412 is on about? | 15:29 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 296412 in kdepim "no other plugins available in korganizer" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/296412 | 15:29 |
Arby | is this something that akonadi is supposed to handle now? | 15:30 |
apachelogger | hm | 15:31 |
apachelogger | Arby: maybe 4.1 had no plugin support? | 15:31 |
apachelogger | Arby: anyway, since he seems to be out for the exchange plugin => support was dropped | 15:31 |
apachelogger | like completely ... if he wants to have that thing return he better funds development | 15:32 |
apachelogger | at least that is what the kdepim site suggested back in the days ;-) | 15:32 |
Arby | apachelogger: I suppose that makes the bug invalid then | 15:32 |
Arby | actually I think I just found the answer http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/3740 | 15:33 |
apachelogger | oh, akondi and it's abstraction goodness | 15:34 |
apachelogger | akonadi++ | 15:34 |
apachelogger | kinda | 15:34 |
apachelogger | kdelibs with khelpcenter patch uploaded | 15:34 |
apachelogger | lets hope it doesn't break ;-) | 15:34 |
apachelogger | ~twitter update kdelibs (KDE 3) uploaded ... now I am waiting for the failed to build ;-) | 15:38 |
kubotu | status updated | 15:38 |
apachelogger | Arby: you are not motu yet? | 15:41 |
Arby | apachelogger: erm, no not even close :) | 15:42 |
apachelogger | Arby: you are the new minion then | 15:43 |
Arby | I'm probably missing a number of requirements | 15:43 |
apachelogger | bug 289504 needs to be forwarded | 15:43 |
ubottu | Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/289504/+text) | 15:43 |
apachelogger | omg | 15:43 |
Arby | like the fact that I rarely touch universe | 15:44 |
apachelogger | https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-runtime/+bug/289504 | 15:44 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 289504 in kdebase-runtime "Desktop and trash KIO slaves report unkown size" [Low,Confirmed] | 15:44 |
apachelogger | Arby: first triage then touching packages in naughty ways | 15:44 |
Arby | and I haven't done enough packaging of new apps | 15:44 |
apachelogger | inkscape pulls in 41 new packages! | 15:44 |
apachelogger | \o/ | 15:44 |
apachelogger | gnome-mount | 15:45 |
apachelogger | and they complain about our deps being not dynamic enough | 15:45 |
* smarter has inkscape and no gnome-mount | 15:46 | |
apachelogger | weird | 15:46 |
smarter | try with --without-recommends? :P | 15:46 |
apachelogger | Riddell: you rebroke koffice :P | 15:46 |
apachelogger | conflicts with oxygen again | 15:46 |
apachelogger | smarter: I didn't take that as valid argument for firefox, nor will I for inkscape | 15:47 |
apachelogger | anyway | 15:47 |
apachelogger | karbon \o/ | 15:47 |
apachelogger | http://aplg.kollide.net/images/osiris/snapshot013.png | 15:49 |
apachelogger | almost correct rendering ;-) | 15:49 |
smarter | report bug :p | 15:51 |
apachelogger | smarter: haha, aptitude wants to remove all my dev packages | 15:51 |
apachelogger | what a biatch | 15:51 |
smarter | why don't they use Qt stuff for rendering? | 15:51 |
apachelogger | the might do... which is the problem | 15:51 |
apachelogger | Qt's plain SVG rendering doesn't even get all of oxygen right | 15:52 |
smarter | hmm | 15:53 |
* smarter wonders why there isn't a libsvg shared by everybody instead of all these implementations which don't matter since everyone uses Inkscape in the end | 15:54 | |
apachelogger | *shrug* | 15:56 |
apachelogger | I think SVG is a phony standard, just like HTML | 15:56 |
apachelogger | everyone claims it's SVG while it is in fact not | 15:57 |
smarter | SVG is cool | 15:57 |
apachelogger | inkscape certainly has some stuff specific to itself | 15:57 |
apachelogger | so | 15:57 |
* smarter once made a part of an image blink for a certain amount of times with fade in/out just by adding two lines of svg :p | 15:57 | |
smarter | yyup | 15:57 |
apachelogger | how do I make our shiny logo fit twitter | 15:57 |
smarter | it's "inkscape svg" | 15:58 |
smarter | it warns you if you try to save as plain svg | 15:58 |
* smarter notes that finding what lines he should add and where took him more than an hour of search on the net, thanks to the lack of tutorial and unclear spec | 15:59 | |
* apachelogger always thought the idea of animated SVG was kinda cool | 16:00 | |
apachelogger | just imagine ... an SVG wallpaper of suse's gecko with rolling eyes | 16:00 |
apachelogger | or constantly feeding on insects | 16:00 |
smarter | hehe | 16:00 |
apachelogger | suse could make loads of cool stuff with their mascot | 16:01 |
\sh | apachelogger: you are watching too much of this jungle camp on rtl,-> | 16:01 |
smarter | and Qt rendered my animated stuff properly (: | 16:01 |
apachelogger | \sh: sure, with mausi lugner it is bound to be interesting :P | 16:01 |
apachelogger | smarter: if it only woud be as nice to key codes | 16:02 |
Sput | that ugly thinny person? | 16:02 |
apachelogger | *shrug* | 16:02 |
apachelogger | I never actually saw her :P | 16:02 |
\sh | Sput: yepp | 16:02 |
Sput | yeah, just listening to her is bad enough | 16:02 |
\sh | apachelogger: shiver | 16:02 |
Sput | not that the other girls in the camp are much nicer to look at or listen too | 16:02 |
apachelogger | smarter: Qt gets all kind of attacks when you try to make use of a key that it's hardcoded table doesn't support | 16:02 |
apachelogger | my dell's lightbulb key would be one of them | 16:03 |
\sh | Sput: girls? you mean those renovated pieces of flesh? | 16:03 |
apachelogger | haha | 16:03 |
smarter | lightbulb key? | 16:03 |
smarter | it gives you ideas? | 16:03 |
Sput | \sh: yeah, exactly | 16:03 |
Sput | gundis zambo was much more attractive 20 years ago when she was still on TV | 16:04 |
\sh | Sput: read my flex/red5 workshops and tell me if it's usable | 16:04 |
\sh | Sput: yeah...gundis was nice in the past... | 16:04 |
Sput | in a past where even you were young.. | 16:04 |
\sh | Sput: grmpf | 16:05 |
Sput | \sh: btw, how was your beer with the swedish guy? | 16:05 |
Sput | I came back from Frankfurt at 2230 that day :/ | 16:05 |
\sh | Sput: cool...we had a nice chat about sysadmin stuff and some hardware related things... | 16:06 |
ScottK | Arby: I know at least one person who made core-dev and never did a new package from scratch. Don't feel you HAVE to. | 16:18 |
Arby | ScottK: really, I find that quite surprising actually | 16:20 |
Arby | still, nice to know | 16:20 |
apachelogger | ScottK: that was back in the days :P | 16:26 |
ScottK | True, but I don't think it's a hard requirement. | 16:27 |
ScottK | I don't see "Didn't shove more unmaintained crap into the archive" as a reason to reject an app. | 16:27 |
* ScottK starts to wonder if some CUPS fix broke his printing or if maybe the printer/scanner/fax is now just scanner/fax. | 16:28 | |
smarter | sudo aptitude install siggen && fsynth | 16:30 |
smarter | that stuff is cool | 16:30 |
apachelogger | screw aptitude :P | 16:30 |
apachelogger | any app that wants to uninstall -dev packages is seriuosly broken IMHO | 16:30 |
apachelogger | look like debian wants to go doc/kde/ for KDE 4 apps | 16:31 |
* apachelogger looks for clashes | 16:31 | |
apachelogger | ScottK, Riddell: I think we should go to doc/kde/ ... the only clash is in HTML/common, so we would want to drop it from KDE3's libs | 16:33 |
apachelogger | this probably renders KDE 3 docs ugly, but stil usable | 16:33 |
apachelogger | taskjuggler doesn't look very attractive, but it's useable ;-) | 16:34 |
apachelogger | might also be limited to taskjuggler though | 16:34 |
* ScottK struggles to care about documentation and fails. | 16:43 | |
* Sput knows that feeling | 16:51 | |
ScottK | Ohhh. I can haz printing. | 16:55 |
ScottK | One page, anyway. Urgh. | 16:56 |
apachelogger | meh | 17:10 |
apachelogger | ScottK: do you care about rebuilding packages? :P | 17:10 |
* neversfelde is not clever enough for quilt | 17:10 | |
apachelogger | in this case what I proposed would mean rebuilding all of KDE 4 | 17:10 |
apachelogger | or at least everything that comes with documentation, which luckily excludes all plasmoid-* packages | 17:10 |
apachelogger | neversfelde: what is the problem? | 17:10 |
ScottK | apachelogger: Rebuilding isn't such a big thing. | 17:11 |
apachelogger | my thinking exactly | 17:11 |
apachelogger | neversfelde: just think of it as a kind of VCS, each patch is a revision, the unpatches source is the first source imported to the VCS, the patches source is the VCS HEAD | 17:12 |
neversfelde | apachelogger: I would like to create a new patch, but quilt seems not remember the path of the added files | 17:12 |
ScottK | It drives up Canonica'ls electricity bill a bit, but that's it. | 17:12 |
apachelogger | neversfelde: unlike with a VCS by default you have the origin, then you can applie revisions to it ... if you apply revision 3 (e.g. kubuntu_03_fix_crash.diff) quilt will apply all revisions before that | 17:12 |
ScottK | neversfelde: Google debian quilt patch and there's a good HOWTO first or second. | 17:12 |
apachelogger | neversfelde: like any VCS you have to tell it which files to monitor | 17:13 |
apachelogger | neversfelde: which would be quilt add | 17:13 |
neversfelde | ok quilt add | 17:13 |
apachelogger | which needs to be done per patch | 17:13 |
apachelogger | in order to create a new patch or revision you use quilt new | 17:13 |
neversfelde | quilt edit and quilt refresh | 17:13 |
apachelogger | so you would go | 17:13 |
apachelogger | quilt new kubuntu_04_fix_another_crash.diff | 17:13 |
apachelogger | quilt add src/main.cpp | 17:13 |
apachelogger | kate src/main.cpp | 17:14 |
apachelogger | *edit* | 17:14 |
apachelogger | *save* | 17:14 |
apachelogger | *quit* | 17:14 |
apachelogger | quilt refresh <-- that updates the patch | 17:14 |
apachelogger | quilt pop -a <-- that unapplies all patches and goes back to original tree | 17:14 |
neversfelde | but then it sais that the patch is empty | 17:14 |
apachelogger | neversfelde: then you didn't do quilt add | 17:14 |
apachelogger | or you edited the wrong file | 17:14 |
neversfelde | and it is, something is wrong | 17:15 |
apachelogger | there are only those two options | 17:15 |
apachelogger | add will create a copy of the file before patching, then when you do refresh it will diff the copy with the version in the source tree | 17:15 |
neversfelde | i Am in debian dir and then for example I add a file with quilt add ../CMakeLists.txt | 17:15 |
apachelogger | ah | 17:15 |
apachelogger | bad practice :D | 17:15 |
neversfelde | ah :) | 17:15 |
apachelogger | that is the only tricky thing about quilt | 17:15 |
apachelogger | neversfelde: you should be in main source | 17:16 |
apachelogger | ln -s debian/patches | 17:16 |
apachelogger | another option is to edit your quiltrc in a fancy way (described in the quilt readme in usr/share/doc/quilt | 17:16 |
apachelogger | ) | 17:16 |
neversfelde | but quilt creates a .pc dircetory, can I do it in the source directory? | 17:16 |
apachelogger | yes | 17:16 |
apachelogger | .pc will be removed once all patches are unapplied | 17:17 |
neversfelde | ok, I will try it, thanks | 17:17 |
apachelogger | neversfelde: don't forget to rm patches if you go with the ln approach | 17:17 |
apachelogger | otherwise debuild/dpkg-buildpackage will cry you a river because it can't diff a link ;-) | 17:17 |
apachelogger | oh man | 17:18 |
apachelogger | only half way through the l10n updates | 17:18 |
* ScottK totally fails to understand how this is better than cdbs-edit-patch $PATCHNAME, edit your stuff, exit. | 17:18 | |
apachelogger | if my connection goes down I have to start all over again -.- | 17:18 |
apachelogger | ScottK: it gives you more control, you could just as well implement cdbs-edit-patch for quilt | 17:19 |
ScottK | apachelogger: I get quilt has all kinds of wonderful shiny knobs. I just never seem to happen to need them. | 17:20 |
* ScottK would appreciate it if some quilt fanboy would implement that. | 17:21 | |
* apachelogger would only do that with ruby :P | 17:21 | |
ScottK | Perfect. If it's implemented in a language I don't know, I can't be expected to fix it. | 17:21 |
apachelogger | no | 17:22 |
apachelogger | _I_ would only do -edit-patch in ruby | 17:22 |
Arby | does anybody know which package has debugging stuff for libQtXml? | 17:22 |
apachelogger | libqt4-dbg | 17:22 |
Arby | I'm looking at bug 294654 | 17:22 |
ubottu | Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/294654/+text) | 17:22 |
apachelogger | broken bot | 17:23 |
NamShub | hello | 17:23 |
apachelogger | http://twitter.com/apachelogger design feedback plz | 17:23 |
Arby | apachelogger: I have that and I'm still missing the symbols | 17:23 |
apachelogger | Arby: are you sure you need the QtXml symbols and not libxml? | 17:24 |
Arby | apachelogger: that's the backtrace -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/106531/ | 17:24 |
apachelogger | ah | 17:25 |
apachelogger | Arby: libqt4-xmlpatterns-dbg | 17:25 |
Arby | apachelogger: thanks | 17:26 |
apachelogger | 2009-01-18 18:23:50 FEHLER 502: Bad Gateway. | 17:27 |
apachelogger | aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh | 17:27 |
apachelogger | launchpad-- | 17:27 |
apachelogger | launchpad-- | 17:27 |
apachelogger | launchpad-- | 17:27 |
apachelogger | launchpad-- | 17:27 |
* apachelogger fires a taepodong-2 at launchpad | 17:28 | |
apachelogger | the whole l10n shit again | 17:28 |
apachelogger | bah | 17:28 |
Tm_T | apachelogger: crap | 17:28 |
seele | ~karma launchpad | 17:30 |
kubotu | karma for launchpad: -4 | 17:30 |
seele | lol | 17:30 |
seele | ~karma kubuntu | 17:31 |
kubotu | kubuntu has neutral karma | 17:31 |
seele | ~karma stats | 17:31 |
kubotu | karma for stats: -3 | 17:31 |
seele | ~karma | 17:31 |
kubotu | karma for seele: 2 | 17:31 |
seele | how do you get the statistics? | 17:31 |
smarter | neversfelde: appropriate ~/.quiltrc for debs: http://pastebin.com/m7dfa715 | 17:31 |
smarter | seele++ | 17:31 |
smarter | ~karma | 17:31 |
kubotu | karma for smarter: 2 | 17:31 |
smarter | ~karma seele | 17:31 |
kubotu | karma for seele: 3 | 17:31 |
seele | no, the high and low | 17:32 |
smarter | that way :] | 17:32 |
seele | something has like +77 and -37 | 17:32 |
JontheEchidna | ~karma statistics | 17:32 |
kubotu | statistics has neutral karma | 17:32 |
JontheEchidna | ~karma stats | 17:32 |
kubotu | karma for stats: -3 | 17:32 |
seele | ~karma help | 17:32 |
JontheEchidna | ~stats karma | 17:32 |
kubotu | karma for help: -3 | 17:32 |
JontheEchidna | ~help karma | 17:32 |
kubotu | karma module: Listens to everyone's chat. <thing>++/<thing>-- => increase/decrease karma for <thing>, karma for <thing>? => show karma for <thing>, karmastats => show stats. Karma is a community rating system - only in-channel messages can affect karma and you cannot adjust your own. | 17:32 |
JontheEchidna | ~karmastats | 17:33 |
kubotu | 254 items. Best: C (78); Worst: > (-25) | 17:33 |
seele | ~karma c | 17:33 |
kubotu | karma for c: 78 | 17:33 |
seele | ~karma > | 17:33 |
kubotu | karma for >: -25 | 17:33 |
neversfelde | smarter: thanks | 17:33 |
neversfelde | I think it worked now | 17:33 |
apachelogger | smarter: that is undynamic | 17:34 |
apachelogger | smarter: the quilt documentation has a more senisble approach | 17:34 |
smarter | apachelogger: you use quilt for something else than debian/patches? | 17:34 |
apachelogger | aye | 17:34 |
apachelogger | everything I don't have in a bzr brnach is using quilt | 17:35 |
apachelogger | well, almost everything | 17:35 |
apachelogger | *wondering about the lag while uploading* | 17:35 |
neversfelde | haha, it builds now | 17:35 |
* neversfelde has patched his first package :) | 17:35 | |
Arby | apachelogger: even with libqt4-xmlpatterns-dbg installed I'm still missing the debugging symbols:( | 17:37 |
apachelogger | that is impossible | 17:37 |
apachelogger | packages.ubuntu sezs that package includes the .debug for libqtxml | 17:37 |
* Arby looks | 17:37 | |
JontheEchidna | oh, for some reason our debug packages for qt4 are stripped | 17:38 |
JontheEchidna | or for some reason or another don't actually work | 17:39 |
Arby | ah, that's not good | 17:39 |
Arby | does anybody have a trunk build that can reproduce https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdepim/+bug/294654 | 17:40 |
ubottu | Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: HTTP Error 502: Bad Gateway (https://launchpad.net/bugs/294654/+text) | 17:40 |
* JontheEchidna opens up konq to find the qt4 bug | 17:40 | |
JontheEchidna | bug 294654 | 17:40 |
ubottu | Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/294654/+text) | 17:41 |
Arby | launchpad really is fail today | 17:41 |
JontheEchidna | :/ | 17:41 |
JontheEchidna | launchpad-- | 17:41 |
smarter | try the dbgsym from http://ddebs.ubuntu.com ? | 17:41 |
JontheEchidna | https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-x11/+bug/261380 | 17:41 |
JontheEchidna | ^qt4 debug packages bug | 17:42 |
ubottu | Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/261380/+text) | 17:42 |
* Arby reads | 17:42 | |
Arby | I don't understand most of that but it sounds ugly | 17:46 |
apachelogger | simply put our qt got crappy debug symbols | 17:46 |
apachelogger | JontheEchidna: did anyone ever diff our Qt to Debian's? | 17:46 |
apachelogger | gagern claims it works in Debian so either our packaging has a bug or our cdbs does | 17:47 |
apachelogger | in case that eve uses cdbs | 17:47 |
JontheEchidna | not that I recall | 17:48 |
Arby | so if I were to test the version from this guys ppa and show they work we could use the patch for our packages? | 17:50 |
JontheEchidna | I think his approach will just make the normal libs have debugging symbols | 17:52 |
JontheEchidna | not quite sure yet though | 17:52 |
* JontheEchidna downloads 107 MB orig.tar.gz so he can diff | 17:53 | |
seele | anyone else having strange problems with konsole? the scrollbar is on the left side and the term is messed up | 17:54 |
ras | hall | 17:58 |
ras | Is the knetworkmanager plasmoid packaged or planned on being packaged? | 17:58 |
JontheEchidna | not packaged at the moment, probably will be though | 17:59 |
ras | ok is there as way I can pull it? there is supposed to be a version for distros to use on 4.2 right? | 18:01 |
JontheEchidna | current trunk works with 4.2 | 18:01 |
JontheEchidna | I don't have the exact svn checkout command though | 18:01 |
ScottK | Tonio_ gave a link to his draft package yesterday. Look at the logs | 18:02 |
JontheEchidna | ooh, nice | 18:02 |
smarter | except it isn't supposed to be usable nor used | 18:03 |
smarter | according to the devs | 18:04 |
JontheEchidna | it sorta works, barely | 18:05 |
smarter | but don't complain if it fries your network card :p | 18:06 |
smarter | hey | 18:06 |
JontheEchidna | smarter: oh, by the way. I committed a new upstream snapshot of webkitkde to bzr | 18:08 |
smarter | JontheEchidna: oh, you should have told me | 18:08 |
smarter | I've changed lots of things in the packaging | 18:08 |
ScottK | Tonio_ was using it with WPA. | 18:08 |
smarter | since their's now lots more libs in it | 18:08 |
JontheEchidna | I didn't change much | 18:08 |
smarter | libkdenetwork, libkdewebkit, libwebkitkde (talks about confusing names!) | 18:09 |
smarter | JontheEchidna: I'll look into it, but that means I have to remember what was missing from my package + fix it + merge it with your stuff, your giving me extra work :p | 18:09 |
ScottK | libkdewebkitkdelib | 18:09 |
JontheEchidna | smarter: I removed quilt as a build-dep, bumped the svn revision in changelog, and removed THIS_SHOULD_GO_TO_UNSTABLE from rules | 18:10 |
smarter | ok | 18:10 |
smarter | didn't touch the .installs? | 18:11 |
JontheEchidna | nope | 18:11 |
JontheEchidna | list-missing said nothing was missing | 18:11 |
smarter | kay, will look at that | 18:12 |
JontheEchidna | sorry for any inconvenience | 18:12 |
smarter | but if you had used lintian, it would have insulted you :P | 18:13 |
Riddell | NCommander: you wanted a favour? | 18:13 |
Riddell | apachelogger: docs move fine with me | 18:13 |
apachelogger | Riddell: ok, I think we should start with 4.2.0 to get all of core KDE recompiled | 18:14 |
* apachelogger is eating the buildds again :P | 19:09 | |
nixternal | does digikam not work at all on intrepid? | 19:31 |
Lure | nixternal: it may be, have heard from others | 19:34 |
Lure | nixternal: I think it does not find kio's and plugins propelry (location of .desktop files) | 19:34 |
nixternal | something about marble, and lib this or that | 19:34 |
apachelogger | nixternal: do you think I should drop KDE 3's api docs? they would clash with KDE 4's ...if we would build them for KDE 4 | 19:34 |
Lure | nixternal: the one from digikam-experimental? that one works only with kubuntu-experimental | 19:35 |
nixternal | digikam: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libdigikamcore.so.1: undefined symbol: _ZN6Marble12MarbleWidget16addPlaceMarkDataERK7QString | 19:35 |
nixternal | apachelogger: I think we should...no need for them anymore | 19:35 |
apachelogger | aye aye | 19:35 |
Lure | nixternal: do you have kde from -experimental? | 19:35 |
nixternal | Lure: groovy, I will try digikam-experimental | 19:35 |
nixternal | yes, I have the one from kubuntu-experimental | 19:35 |
Lure | nixternal: then digikam-experimental is the right thing | 19:35 |
nixternal | than you sir, will set that up now | 19:36 |
Lure | nixternal: and on Wed you can expect RC version there (and jaunty of course) | 19:36 |
apachelogger | nixternal: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdelibs/+bug/284915/comments/5 course of action for documentation path ... you might want to move kubuntu-doc's path accordingly :) | 19:36 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 284915 in kdelibs "Khelpcenter missing docs list" [Medium,In progress] | 19:36 |
nixternal | apachelogger: kubuntu-docs already use /usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/$cc/* | 19:38 |
apachelogger | nixternal: so they didn't work with KDE 4? | 19:38 |
apachelogger | or did you symlink? | 19:38 |
nixternal | they did...no symlinks | 19:38 |
apachelogger | Oo | 19:38 |
apachelogger | nixternal: that sounds weird | 19:38 |
nixternal | well, they worked with the whole /usr/lib/kde4 thing | 19:38 |
apachelogger | /usr/share/doc/kde4/HTML/en/kubuntu/system-settings/ln-id2514610.html | 19:39 |
apachelogger | hm | 19:39 |
apachelogger | what do you know :) | 19:39 |
nixternal | that is the copyright stuff more than likely | 19:41 |
apachelogger | nixternal: all the content of kubuntu-docs is in there | 19:41 |
apachelogger | well, besides the KHC desktop file and the package documentation | 19:41 |
nixternal | dunno, I will have to look at docs | 19:41 |
apachelogger | http://paste.ubuntu.com/106604/ | 19:41 |
apachelogger | dpkg -L | 19:41 |
nixternal | right now I am trying to get pictures off of my damn kamera :) | 19:41 |
apachelogger | :) | 19:42 |
apachelogger | *preparing kdelibs upload* | 19:43 |
apachelogger | oh, and apparently the remaining l10n packages are also ready for upload | 19:43 |
nixternal | anyone file a bug about that systems notifier thing not working with cameras? | 19:43 |
nixternal | would be nice if KDE would do something when I plug my camera in | 19:43 |
apachelogger | nixternal: there already is one AFAIK | 19:44 |
apachelogger | maybe we should write one | 19:44 |
nixternal | OK, I figured there would be | 19:44 |
apachelogger | though I am not exaclty sure how I would go about that for a camera | 19:44 |
nixternal | I don't think it would be difficult to get the camera stuff showing up | 19:44 |
apachelogger | dude, you should read my blog | 19:44 |
nixternal | I do if it gets to one of the planets :) | 19:45 |
apachelogger | implementing that kind of stuff is kinda nifty + redundant + pointless + ewww | 19:45 |
ScottK | http://blog.rakekniven.de/2009/01/18/banner-selection-for-kde-42/ <-- Thinks kubuntu.org ought to have some of that. | 19:45 |
apachelogger | nixternal: http://apachelog.blogspot.com/2008/08/dragons-dvds-and-new-device-notifiers.html | 19:45 |
nixternal | why is apport so stupid? | 19:47 |
* apachelogger always deactivates apport | 19:47 | |
nixternal | I have a damn crash and the box is longer than 8 of my screens side-by-side | 19:47 |
apachelogger | in jaunty it still comes poping up at times | 19:47 |
apachelogger | asking me for password | 19:47 |
nixternal | I thought I disabled it | 19:47 |
apachelogger | apport has a mind of its own ;-) | 19:47 |
Arby | having spent a chunk of today on bug triage I'd like apport to learn to recognise a useless backtrace :) | 19:48 |
Arby | I'm a bit bored of typing please install kdepim-dbg and try again | 19:49 |
apachelogger | lift me up. lift me up. higher now ama. | 19:49 |
apachelogger | Arby: if KDE was a bit less busy with ranting about downstream not providing dbg symbols out of the box and instead implement a way how downstream can suggest the user what package to install when a backtrace is unusable they would be happier and you would as well ;-) | 19:50 |
apachelogger | kdelibs uploaded | 19:51 |
Tm_T | to repeat myself... | 19:51 |
Tm_T | BAAAAAH | 19:51 |
apachelogger | (again) | 19:51 |
Tm_T | I want to go to Akademy! | 19:51 |
* apachelogger wants to go everywhere | 19:51 | |
apachelogger | can't go anywhere | 19:51 |
* apachelogger is a poor unicorn ninja | 19:51 | |
Arby | apachelogger: agreed :) | 19:51 |
Tm_T | apachelogger: is libmsn and kopete updated in experimental? | 19:51 |
apachelogger | vorian: we still need to get started on our talk | 19:51 |
apachelogger | Tm_T: unlikely | 19:51 |
Tm_T | apachelogger: please do, son | 19:51 |
apachelogger | Tm_T: 4.2.0 is coming anyway | 19:51 |
Tm_T | bah | 19:52 |
apachelogger | JontheEchidna: don't forget to bump libmsn | 19:52 |
Tm_T | beta3 thank you (:) | 19:52 |
* apachelogger thinks he should mention that JontheEchidna is doing most of the backports in his motu application thread | 19:53 | |
* JontheEchidna backports | 19:53 | |
ScottK | apachelogger should just walk north a bit and pay geser and soren a visit. | 19:53 |
* apachelogger is a poor unicorn ninja and can't do that | 19:54 | |
apachelogger | one day, I will have stopped working for no good reason and dropped into university then I can go visit as many people and events as I like | 19:54 |
apachelogger | and when i am 40 I will probably have finished my studies and can retire | 19:55 |
apachelogger | then I can devote day and night to poking motu council members :P | 19:55 |
jussi01 | grumble fissh | 19:57 |
Arby | ScottK: does bug 276307 still occur for you? (just chasing up incomplete bugs) | 19:57 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 276307 in kdepim "kontact crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/276307 | 19:57 |
ScottK | Arby: I haven't seen that one in a while. | 19:59 |
Arby | hmm, I think I'll make one last request for useful info from the other reporters then kill it if not | 19:59 |
Arby | the backtraces are all empty | 20:00 |
apachelogger | Nightrose: bug 257089 | 20:05 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 257089 in amarok "amarok does not save the playlist between computer restarts" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/257089 | 20:05 |
Nightrose | apachelogger: hmmm | 20:07 |
apachelogger | JontheEchidna: bug 318094 ... nvidia maybe? | 20:07 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 318094 in kdebase-workspace "after making panel height bigger desktop goes black" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/318094 | 20:07 |
JontheEchidna | maybe | 20:08 |
JontheEchidna | I used to see this from time to time in the KDE 4.1 releases | 20:08 |
JontheEchidna | now I can do it always with KDE 4.2 | 20:08 |
apachelogger | JontheEchidna: doesn't happen on intel | 20:22 |
apachelogger | scaling is just very slow here, which might also be due to my completely filled up ram ;-) | 20:22 |
yuriy | my desktop has done that as well with nvidia on 4.2, not sure what I did though | 20:38 |
yuriy | haven't seen it on ATi | 20:38 |
NCommander | WTF | 20:42 |
NCommander | who the heck packaging kdebase-workspace?! | 20:42 |
NCommander | My patches from the previous release weren't merged across from 0ubuntu2 | 20:42 |
NCommander | kdebase-workspace (4:4.1.85-0ubuntu2) UNRELEASED; urgency=low | 20:42 |
NCommander | WTF?! | 20:42 |
jpds | NCommander: Good evening. | 20:43 |
NCommander | Hey jpds | 20:43 |
* NCommander fumes | 20:43 | |
jpds | Surely it's not as bad as the NULL stuff? :) | 20:44 |
smarter | " It's the right decision not to install KDE 4 on Ubuntu systems. Ubuntu ships broken KDE packages. Try openSUSE in VirtualBox. An updated live CD should also be available soon: http://home.kde.org/~binner/kde-four-live/ | 20:44 |
smarter | 20:44 | |
NCommander | o_o; | 20:44 |
* smarter should probably not read Dot comments | 20:44 | |
Tm_T | smarter: who wrote that comment? | 20:45 |
Tm_T | smarter: and where? | 20:45 |
smarter | http://dot.kde.org/1231970398/ | 20:45 |
smarter | "by The Devil on Thursday 15/Jan/2009, @02:49" | 20:45 |
jpds | smarter: Name says it all. | 20:45 |
smarter | hehe | 20:45 |
Tm_T | indeed | 20:49 |
* ScottK-palm ponders what to do. The games @ the birthday are ETOSCARY for $YOUNGEST. | 21:19 | |
ScottK-palm | Her older sister seems to have gotten her past some of it. I doubt it'll stick. | 21:20 |
Riddell | play ratchett screwdriver! | 21:31 |
* smarter finally discovered the svn feature he was desperately searching for, svn blame | 21:32 | |
* seele hopes most people plan on riding the Metro to tonights inagural festivities and leaving the roads clear | 21:39 | |
Nightrose | hehe | 21:39 |
Nightrose | you going there as well seele? | 21:39 |
* Arby decides he can't face the kdepim bug list any longer | 21:41 | |
smarter | are we going to drop amarok 1.4 from the repos for 8.10? | 21:41 |
seele | Nightrose: no i'm not a crazy person. i've got something to do on the other side of the city i have to drive to | 21:41 |
* seele grumbles something about damn tourists | 21:42 | |
Nightrose | hehe | 21:42 |
seele | it's not even the amount of people (well.. 3 million extra people *is* a lot..) but they dont know how to ride the train | 21:42 |
seele | so even if the metro normally has a capacity to move 1 million people in a day, if most of those people dont know the rules then tehy cause delays, backups, and other problems | 21:43 |
Riddell | seele: is that tonight? | 21:45 |
Riddell | when's the main ceremony? | 21:45 |
seele | Riddell: Tonight is a free concert downtown | 21:47 |
seele | i think earlier today there were religulous sessions at the national athedral | 21:47 |
seele | *cathedral | 21:47 |
seele | there's something going on tomorrow | 21:48 |
seele | Riddell: Tueday is the official part with the swearing in | 21:48 |
apachelogger | smarter: eh? | 21:50 |
smarter | s/8.10/9.04/ | 21:51 |
* smarter <-- tired :p | 21:51 | |
apachelogger | smarter: why? | 21:51 |
apachelogger | oh | 21:51 |
apachelogger | smarter: there is no 1.4 in 9.04 | 21:52 |
smarter | apachelogger: ok | 21:52 |
smarter | apachelogger: related to the issue with rosetta and translated strings which could cause crashes if all entities like %x are not shown in the translation or something | 21:54 |
smarter | amarok 1.4 had a lot of those | 21:54 |
smarter | is it me, or is klipper stupid in 4.2rc1 | 21:58 |
smarter | ? | 21:58 |
apachelogger | smarter: there was no such issue | 22:00 |
apachelogger | was there? | 22:00 |
smarter | apachelogger: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-fr-l10n/2009-January/002749.html | 22:02 |
smarter | absolutely no idea wth this is | 22:03 |
apachelogger | me neither | 22:03 |
smarter | bah, enough German for today | 22:10 |
* smarter is not motivated to learn the differences between bevor, vor and vorher | 22:10 | |
smarter | 'night | 22:10 |
seele | wow.. it' looks like alfred hitchcok's the birds out there | 22:15 |
seele | hmm.. wrong channel, but you might want to know too :P | 22:16 |
apachelogger | Oo | 22:16 |
apachelogger | oh dear | 22:16 |
* apachelogger better hides under the table | 22:17 | |
seele | ok.. hungry.. heading out | 22:17 |
seele | ScottK: see you in a bit | 22:17 |
apachelogger | ~twitter update back in the days, when I didn't triage bugs, I was a happier person :| | 22:24 |
kubotu | status updated | 22:24 |
LaserJock | apachelogger: oh, what was that really interesting one the other day | 22:25 |
LaserJock | where JontheEchidna I think it was closed it and a person went nuts on him | 22:25 |
apachelogger | they do that all the time | 22:26 |
Nightrose | LaserJock: the one about rio karma? | 22:26 |
Nightrose | ;-) | 22:26 |
LaserJock | yeah, I found it | 22:26 |
apachelogger | if you don't fix it you are an arse, if you don't comment you are one, if you comment but they don't like the comment, if you comment and talk badly about their commented nonesense.... | 22:27 |
LaserJock | if you fix it but know with the syntax they like ... ;-) | 22:27 |
LaserJock | *not | 22:27 |
Nightrose | hehe | 22:27 |
LaserJock | if you fix it in all releases but feisty ... | 22:28 |
apachelogger | actually, yeah, I think once a guy complained about my changelog entry being too verbose | 22:28 |
apachelogger | LaserJock: well, KDE 3 makes this fun | 22:28 |
apachelogger | if you close it stating that it's never going to be fixed because KDE 3 is pretty much you will be eaten alive | 22:29 |
LaserJock | haha | 22:29 |
apachelogger | most reports are way too self-centered, demanding fixes for completely useless stuff, which probably would take you half a day to do anyway and if you tell them that it's not worth the effort, they might flood you with redundant reasons why it is worth fixing | 22:31 |
LaserJock | for me the ones that are the most frustrating are the ones that assume you personally write all code that's found in Ubuntu | 22:32 |
apachelogger | hm, never had any of those, they only expect me to fix all the code found in ubuntu ^_^ | 22:33 |
Nightrose | for me the ones asking you to implement $totallyuselesscrapfeature are the most annoying ones | 22:33 |
LaserJock | well, sometimes they feel the are one in the same | 22:33 |
Nightrose | and people completely fail to see that other people should be bothered with it | 22:33 |
apachelogger | bug 258861 was awesome | 22:34 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 258861 in ubuntu "Plasma crashes with some widgets" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/258861 | 22:34 |
Nightrose | hehe yea | 22:34 |
* apachelogger didn't even bother reading | 22:34 | |
apachelogger | uhh | 22:37 |
apachelogger | actually is more fun than I though | 22:37 |
apachelogger | t | 22:37 |
* apachelogger gets a cup of bedtime tea | 22:38 | |
* Nightrose has a glass of bedtime wine | 22:39 | |
LaserJock | apachelogger: so mean, "that saddens me cause I wrote it with all my soul" | 22:40 |
danimo | Nightrose: good idea. I still have a bottle around. But if I open that up it will a) get pretty empty b) I won't be able to get out of bed tomorrow :) | 22:40 |
Nightrose | haha | 22:40 |
Nightrose | too bad | 22:40 |
danimo | Nightrose: Since I started working I managed to get up at 7 every morning. Makes me kinda proud | 22:41 |
danimo | Nightrose: well, except for the day where I stood at the office until 1am of course :) | 22:41 |
Nightrose | danimo: scary... | 22:42 |
Nightrose | ;-) | 22:42 |
* Sput has a glass of bed-time tomato juice | 22:42 | |
danimo | Nightrose: when dedication becomes your job... | 22:42 |
Nightrose | hehe | 22:42 |
apachelogger | LaserJock: pardon? | 22:43 |
apachelogger | Sput: had that earlier :D | 22:43 |
LaserJock | apachelogger: you were so mean, after all he was writing that with all his soul ;-) | 22:44 |
apachelogger | yup | 22:44 |
* apachelogger is usually mean when triaging | 22:44 | |
apachelogger | lowers my overall happieness by about 300% :S | 22:45 |
apachelogger | LaserJock: he was meaner though :P | 22:45 |
apachelogger | I like the part where Chris cautions him and he goes completely wocka | 22:46 |
Nightrose | he started it!!! | 22:46 |
Nightrose | ;-) | 22:46 |
LaserJock | well, it was interesting to me that the only comprensible thing I could understand from him were the insults | 22:47 |
apachelogger | LaserJock: yeah, lots of information none of it related and none of it making sense | 22:51 |
apachelogger | my understanding of that whole posting at least | 22:52 |
* nixternal kicks Jaunty Alternate in the ass | 22:58 | |
cbr | hmm... okular has this really retarded default window size now.. and i resize it and close it and it doesnt help | 22:59 |
cbr | but when i once resized it to be retarded, it remembered that in a heartbeat :p | 22:59 |
* apachelogger is too tired to make kate not change half the changelog due to bad formatting | 22:59 | |
apachelogger | ah, day just changed | 23:00 |
apachelogger | time for bed :P | 23:00 |
* apachelogger hands everyone a cookie | 23:00 | |
apachelogger | ~order bed | 23:00 |
* kubotu is placing a cot for apachelogger in the corner of #kubuntu-devel. | 23:00 | |
apachelogger | nini | 23:00 |
jussi01 | nini apachelogger | 23:05 |
Nightrose | anyone else got a similar email? | 23:51 |
Nightrose | Hello, | 23:51 |
Nightrose | Tonight I started developing a GNU/Linux distribution based on Kubuntu | 23:51 |
Nightrose | Jaunty Alpha 3 and KDE 4.1.96. I need you help with creating meta | 23:51 |
Nightrose | packages for pirate-desktop, pirate-entertainment and pirate-games. | 23:51 |
Nightrose | Maybe you could help me with deciding which pages should be in these | 23:51 |
Nightrose | meta packages? | 23:51 |
* Nightrose wonders why that person send it to her | 23:51 | |
LaserJock | Nightrose: because you're a pirate? | 23:51 |
Nightrose | *lol* | 23:52 |
Nightrose | i am a cat herder | 23:52 |
Nightrose | not so much a pirate :P | 23:52 |
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