ruffles | hi | 00:48 |
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DanaG | | 00:54 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 315922 in linux "2.6.27-11 makes brightness not work" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 00:54 |
DanaG | Okay, so that makes TWO laptops that now have broken brightness control with the latest kernel. | 00:54 |
DanaG | I'd like to say, that's a rather big regression. | 00:58 |
DanaG | s/big/BIG/ | 01:03 |
fosco__ | jaunty has 2.6.28-3.4 kernel | 01:11 |
fosco__ | does it still hapening? | 01:11 |
hggdh | fosco_, current kernel is 2.6.28-4.10 | 01:28 |
hggdh | post alpha3 is 2.6.28-4.11 | 01:28 |
fosco__ | so i need an upgrade :) | 01:28 |
Volkodav | how come evolution filters only work on folders and not subfolders ? | 01:38 |
DanaG | But anyway, yes, the .28 is broken just like the .26. | 01:46 |
* x1250 wonders how many bug reports are not being reported because of apport bug 314212 | 02:09 | |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 314212 in apport "Apport unable to report crash - urlopen error timed out" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 02:09 |
ryanakca | Could someone provide me with some inspiration as to the source of my defective Jaunty (Kubuntu, current daily, alternative, i386) CD? The md5sums of the downloaded image and the server image match, and the md5sum of the local image and the burned image match according to k3b. I've tried burning it three times across two CDs, but it fails every time I put it through verify CD on its boot menu. Any ideas as to the source of the problem? | 02:24 |
DanaG | -- argh, it frustrates me that this is not getting any sort of response. | 02:45 |
ubottu | Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out ( | 02:45 |
x1250 | ryanakca, maybe you could try burning at a very low speed? | 02:46 |
charlie-tca | Is that the same as bug 314212 ? | 02:54 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 314212 in apport "Apport unable to report crash - urlopen error timed out" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 02:54 |
charlie-tca | Nevermind, DanaG . I see the bot made a mistake | 02:56 |
DanaG | =P | 02:56 |
x1250 | launchpad is really slow. They should fix that :/ | 02:57 |
* charlie-tca nods in agreement | 02:58 | |
x1250 | maybe the PPA's are slowing down the server? (compilation, etc) | 02:59 |
DanaG | What I meant by "not any response" was that nobody had responded to my comments. | 03:00 |
x1250 | DanaG, I hadn't read your message :P | 03:03 |
CarlFK | ryanakca: boot the .iso in qemu, run the 'check disk' | 03:03 |
CarlFK | if that fails, I bet the md5's are wrong | 03:04 |
DanaG | That bug really is rather irritating -- it means my battery life goes down the drain. | 03:09 |
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kole | hi | 04:46 |
* kole finally hears and echo | 04:47 | |
kole | wow... big empty room | 04:48 |
DanaG | ugh, wtf.... I just randomly flipped through a bunch of windows. | 04:51 |
legodude | any mods in here? | 04:54 |
rww | legodude: do you mean "mods" as in "channel operators"? | 04:55 |
legodude | yup | 04:55 |
legodude | actually, looking for someone for #kubuntu | 04:56 |
tritium | legodude: what do you need? | 04:56 |
rww | legodude: ask in #ubuntu-ops or, if it's an emergency, type "!ops" in the #kubuntu channel. | 04:56 |
legodude | thanks | 04:56 |
legodude | thanks | 04:58 |
kole | sooooooo | 05:01 |
kole | if i upgrade to the alpha.... will it break my laptop? | 05:01 |
tritium | kole: see the topic | 05:01 |
kole | it was a joke mate :P | 05:01 |
kole | so when it actually goes to beta and i get it.... what will be some of the big improvements? | 05:04 |
rww | kole: new versions of GNOME, KDE, and other programs, as always. Developers are also working on decreasing boot times, and various other things. | 05:07 |
kole | new gnome.... hmmmm | 05:07 |
kole | what about new packages.... i CRAVE open office 3 | 05:08 |
rww | Oh, yeah, Jaunty has that too :) | 05:08 |
kole | yay! | 05:09 |
kole | hows the new gnome look? | 05:09 |
kole | got any screenshots? | 05:09 |
rww | kole: the same as the old gnome ;) | 05:10 |
kole | dang | 05:10 |
DanaG | -- big bug for me. | 05:11 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 315922 in linux "2.6.27-11 makes brightness not work" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 05:11 |
tritium | kole: each release always has a new gnome | 05:11 |
kole | whats the diff between the new gnome and my old gnome? | 05:14 |
tritium | kole: details that kind of thing | 05:17 |
DanaG | The new volume control sucks rather horribly, for one. | 05:24 |
rww | DanaG: Seconded. Damn thing had me thinking my sound was broken until I installed a better one >.> | 05:25 |
DanaG | Every time I boot, my onboard audio device's PCM slider is muted. | 05:25 |
Volkodav | I do not like it neither | 05:33 |
Volkodav | mine is muted every other time | 05:33 |
Volkodav | is there a bug with skype posted yet ? | 05:34 |
DanaG | They say the new volume control "supersedes pavucontrol" -- I call it bull. | 05:35 |
DanaG | Can you move streams to networked devices? Nope. | 05:35 |
DanaG | Can you move different apps to different devices? Nope. | 05:35 |
DanaG | Can you control per-channel volumes? Nope. | 05:35 |
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lucent | x1250: lol @ 314212, it's so horrible | 07:13 |
lucent | x1250: I think it's ipv6 related | 07:13 |
hggdh | bug 314212 | 07:18 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 314212 in apport "Apport unable to report crash - urlopen error timed out" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 07:18 |
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DanaG | | 08:54 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 315922 in linux "2.6.27-11 makes brightness not work [2.6.28-4.10 also affected]" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 08:54 |
DanaG | Oh yay, another laptop this breaks. | 08:54 |
DanaG | That thing in brackets is my change to the title; I didn't want to significantly alter the original post. | 08:55 |
DanaG | Looks like something is fundamentally broken. | 08:55 |
DanaG | Pleeeeeease take a look into this, anyone who is in a developer position! | 08:58 |
DanaG | "risk of regressions" in the other bug report I linked to..... | 09:36 |
DanaG | risk? Damn straight. I count 3 of 3 laptops here that have brightness control broken by that patch. | 09:36 |
DanaG | Some "fix" -- hah! | 09:37 |
DanaG | -- they fixed this... and those broke all non-thinkpad laptops. Lovely. | 09:37 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 311716 in linux "The slider brightness Applet has value inverted after the last update (2.6.27-11)" [Medium,Fix committed] | 09:37 |
DanaG | That rather irritates me -- that, and the lack of response on the "brightness [entirely] broken" bug. | 09:38 |
DanaG | Now, I'm not about to go raving mad about it, but I rather do feel like "mumbling and grumbling" about it. | 09:39 |
DanaG | Grr. | 09:39 |
Alexia_Death | DanaG: debug it then? | 09:51 |
* Alexia_Death finds that the best way to fix a bug is to find out exactly what it is and then feed to developers. | 09:51 | |
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naught101 | is it just me, or is it not possible to install amarok from the jaunty repos at the moment? | 10:21 |
DanaG | Debug it? Well, I know which marked changeset broke things. | 10:24 |
Alexia_Death | naught101: installable for me... I cant install kmail tho | 10:27 |
user___ | wow, just killed a tightvncserver host instance and now cant start the gnome-console program | 10:30 |
naught101 | hrmm... maybe a medibuntu issue... | 10:32 |
user___ | why is sshd not started automatically after reboot? | 12:34 |
mnemo | user___: exposing a minimal attack surface makes ubuntu more secure by default.. many people never use sshd... and it | 12:36 |
mnemo | 's easy to install | 12:36 |
user___ | mnemo: understandable, i have installed it manually though | 12:37 |
mnemo | yeah me too, first thing I do on any ubuntu installation | 12:37 |
user___ | mnemo: but still the miminite attack vector thought holds validso to protect users who accidently installed openssh-server? | 12:38 |
mnemo | user___: i think so... I mean just think about the ssh key generation bug last spring... many people who just use gnome games (and never sshd) or whatever they were never exposed to this bug... of course you can still install it but.. | 12:40 |
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boris- | hello | 15:04 |
boris- | i'm asking will ubuntu most certainly break my system in bad ways or will it be able to hold on with my comp for 3 months till it's released ? | 15:04 |
x1250 | boris-, who knows. No one sees the future :P | 15:07 |
boris- | well is it really "in alpha" in terms of functionality or is it usable ? | 15:08 |
boris- | can you install fglrx on it ? | 15:09 |
x1250 | boris-, you can't | 15:09 |
boris- | are you using it ? | 15:09 |
x1250 | fglrx? nope. | 15:09 |
boris- | 9.04 | 15:10 |
boris- | ? | 15:10 |
x1250 | sure. | 15:10 |
Amaranth | There is no fglrx for 2.6.28 ye? | 15:10 |
Amaranth | yet* | 15:10 |
boris- | what graphics card have you got ? | 15:10 |
boris- | dont know, been on windoze for a long time | 15:10 |
Amaranth | I've got Intel and nVidia | 15:11 |
x1250 | boris-, x1400 working with xserver-xorg-video-ati | 15:11 |
x1250 | boris-, I guess you'd better try intrepid. Jaunty may give you big headaches, really. | 15:11 |
boris- | well it does have ext 4 | 15:13 |
charlie-tca | Amaranth: I don't think there is | 15:15 |
x1250 | boris-, check this bug | 15:15 |
x1250 | | 15:15 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 317781 in linux "Ext4 data loss" [High,Triaged] | 15:15 |
boris- | wont load | 15:18 |
boris- | what does it say ? | 15:18 |
boris- | ah loaded | 15:18 |
tgpraveen123 | so an yone here | 16:13 |
tgpraveen123 | using alpha 3 | 16:13 |
fosco__ | yep | 16:14 |
tgpraveen123 | does the notifications in that work as shown in the mockup video on mark's site | 16:14 |
tgpraveen123 | is it that good looking ? does it work wih empathy? | 16:14 |
x1250 | tgpraveen123, nope | 16:14 |
fosco__ | no, it works, but not so nice | 16:14 |
tgpraveen123 | x1250: :-( why what is the problem | 16:15 |
x1250 | tgpraveen123, notifications are not like that yet. | 16:15 |
tgpraveen123 | does it work with empathy?which all apps does it work with currently? | 16:15 |
fosco__ | <- notifications look in alpha3 | 16:16 |
fosco__ | any app supporting libnotify will use it | 16:17 |
fosco__ | I still trying to activate nvidia restricted driver with no luck | 16:17 |
* charlie-tca did not know restricted drivers for ati and nvidia were supported already | 16:19 | |
tgpraveen123 | fosco_ the restricted drivers are not supported | 16:19 |
tgpraveen123 | read the release notes | 16:20 |
fosco__ | yes I know it | 16:20 |
tgpraveen123 | nvidia team are working on it the whole new xserver is causing probs | 16:20 |
fosco__ | but there is a way, always :) | 16:20 |
fosco__ | just trying to find it | 16:20 |
x1250 | fosco__, try Option "IgnoreABI" "True" in Section "ServerFlags". Makes nvidia works. | 16:20 |
x1250 | work* | 16:20 |
fosco__ | restarting, let's see | 16:21 |
tgpraveen123 | so ppl lets summarise what all new features we know are coming in 9.04 shall we | 16:22 |
tgpraveen123 | ext4 support faster bootup | 16:22 |
tgpraveen123 | new notifications | 16:22 |
tgpraveen123 | what else | 16:22 |
x1250 | tgpraveen123, new bugs | 16:22 |
tgpraveen123 | new sound settings menu | 16:23 |
x1250 | new versions for almost every package. I don't know what else. Try searchng or | 16:23 |
tgpraveen123 | x1250: yeah ofcourse that is always part of the package ;-) | 16:23 |
tgpraveen123 | yeah oo3 finally in | 16:23 |
tgpraveen123 | anyne knws if empathy will be default client in 9.04? | 16:24 |
charlie-tca | Xubuntu is trying to put xfce4.6 ! | 16:24 |
x1250 | tgpraveen123, I don't think so | 16:24 |
tgpraveen123 | x1250: why do u say so? | 16:24 |
x1250 | tgpraveen123, because pidgin is far more mature, and has more features. | 16:25 |
tgpraveen123 | x1250: could u tell me what features pidgin has that empathy does not? | 16:26 |
x1250 | tgpraveen123, research for yourself. | 16:26 |
tgpraveen123 | well i think there are none so thats why asking for ur opinion | 16:27 |
tgpraveen123 | empathy currently has video/ voice support for jingle,sip,gtalk | 16:28 |
x1250 | tgpraveen123, if it is default or not, is not my call. Try opening a bug report, or post in the forums. | 16:30 |
tgpraveen123 | k.peace | 16:30 |
charlie-tca | Does empathy support evolution? | 16:30 |
tgpraveen123 | charlie-tca: support it in what way? | 16:35 |
tgpraveen123 | pls elaborate | 16:35 |
charlie-tca | pidgin will interface with evolution data server and addres book | 16:36 |
charlie-tca | For a distro that relies on evolution, that counts heavy | 16:36 |
tgpraveen123 | am not sure but i did rea about a blueprint in ubuntu-telepathy team that will use telepathy to do this very thing and its status was approved | 16:37 |
SwedeMike | hm, so, I have a Thinkpad X200. Everything looks great with 9.04, apart from the fact that playback with mplayer is kind of jerky, which I didn't see with 8.10. This even while top doesn't show CPU being pegged (not even close). Any ideas? I'm having a hard time coming up with a good symptom description for this problem... | 17:24 |
SwedeMike | it's especially noticable when I do skipping with "arrow up" for instance | 17:25 |
SwedeMike | takes 1-2 seconds before video starts flowing again | 17:25 |
charlie-tca | I think it is reported as jerky video already | 17:26 |
hfsplus | Hey, I'm having an odd issue. With NetworkManager, my wireless doesn't work at all in jaunty (ath9k driver), but with wicd, it works just fine. Is this something I ought to file a bug on, or something of that sort? I'm kind of clueless as to *why* this is, however. | 17:40 |
user___ | hfsplus: networkmanager seems to be broken generally. expect a package upgrade very soon | 17:45 |
user___ | i am using ifconfig instead of nm right now.. | 17:45 |
hfsplus | user___: ahh okay. I have similar issues in 8.10 except my ath9k wireless doesn't work at *all*, so i'm basically stuck with 9.04 if I want to run ubuntu at all :) | 17:46 |
isaac | uhm, just upgraded to jaunty and the computer hangs launching either kde or gnome, works fine with other wms such as blackbox | 17:57 |
isaac | i'd say it's related to xrandr or something like that | 17:57 |
isaac | i have an intel 945 graphics card | 17:57 |
isaac | is it a known problem? | 17:57 |
crdlb | you could test that hypothesis by changing your resolution with xrandr while in blackbox | 18:00 |
isaac | yeah, i was going to do that | 18:00 |
crdlb | gnome and kde might both be starting a GL composite manager by default | 18:00 |
isaac | yeah, i guess that might be the problem | 18:00 |
crdlb | compiz and kwin | 18:00 |
isaac | instead of the xrandr thing | 18:00 |
isaac | gonna remove compiz-core and try again | 18:02 |
isaac | it was definitely the composite thing | 18:05 |
isaac | it works fine without compiz | 18:05 |
crdlb | I think jaunty has some rather new intel stuff in now | 18:06 |
isaac | yeah, i have been having a look and there are loads of reports about problems with intel cards | 18:07 |
isaac | well, i'll live without compiz for a while | 18:07 |
isaac | uhm, launchpad seems dead | 18:08 |
fosco__ | yes | 18:09 |
ToHellWithGA | isaac: it was taking forever earlier | 18:11 |
Ienorand | Is it possible to upgrade directly to 9.04 from 7.10 or would one have to go the long way round there?? | 18:26 |
pwnguin | Ienorand: i think there's a few extra scripts on dist-upgrade you'd miss | 18:27 |
pwnguin | there's an LTS to LTS tool, but it wont help you ant | 18:27 |
pwnguin | any | 18:27 |
Ienorand | pwnguin: okay, so I'd need to go step-wise then... | 18:28 |
Ienorand | pwnguin: By the way, could I ask you: Are gnome-bugs normally very slow to be confirmed? (I've got this enhancement bug/idea that's been lying unconfirmed since april 2008...) | 18:35 |
__dean__ | hellp | 18:37 |
Ienorand | !ask | 18:38 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 18:38 |
__dean__ | The cal program displays the week with Saturday as the first day instead of Sunday | 18:38 |
__dean__ | !help | 18:38 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #ubuntu+1's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at - Usage info: | 18:38 |
Ienorand | __dean__: Ah, there should definitely be a setting somewhere for that... I don't have it in front of me atm, have you checked though preferences? | 18:40 |
__dean__ | Is it "Language Support" | 18:41 |
__dean__ | I only have English installed | 18:41 |
user___ | __dean__: have you enabled anything jewish? location, keyboard, etc? | 18:42 |
__dean__ | No, I have USA Central Time as location and dvorak keyboard | 18:43 |
hggdh | user___, on the Jewish calendar Saturday is the last day of the week | 18:45 |
hggdh | __dean__, try running 'env LC_ALL=en_US.UTF8 cal' | 18:47 |
hggdh | set | grep LC | 18:47 |
hggdh | damn, wrong window | 18:47 |
__dean__ | That works | 18:48 |
hggdh | now run set | grep LC | 18:48 |
hggdh | and pastebin the result | 18:49 |
hggdh | !pastebin | 18:49 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 18:49 |
__dean__ | | 18:49 |
hggdh | heh. not much there ;-) | 18:50 |
hggdh | please run 'locale' & pastebin the result | 18:50 |
__dean__ | | 18:51 |
hggdh | yes, this is it | 18:51 |
hggdh | your LANG is set as C | 18:51 |
__dean__ | Oh I found the bug report on debian's site | 18:51 |
__dean__ | | 18:52 |
ubottu | Debian bug 327025 in locales "C locale has bad default for _NL_TIME_FIRST_WEEKDAY" [Normal,Closed] | 18:52 |
hggdh | this is old... | 18:54 |
hggdh | __dean__, what Ubuntu version are you running? | 18:54 |
__dean__ | 9.10 | 18:54 |
x1250 | you must be the only one :D | 18:54 |
__dean__ | sorry 9.04 | 18:55 |
__dean__ | "Jaunty Jackalope" | 18:55 |
hggdh | I can repeat it for LANG=C. Weird... regression? | 18:55 |
hggdh | __dean__, can you please open a bug on launchpad for that? | 18:55 |
hggdh | (or I can do it, if you do not feel confortable) | 18:56 |
__dean__ | OK | 18:59 |
__dean__ | | 19:00 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 318507 in ubuntu "Wrong first day of week for "C" locale" [Undecided,New] | 19:00 |
maco | hi guys | 19:13 |
maco | can anyone reproduce the following? | 19:14 |
maco | 1. if a vpn connection fails in network manager, the NetworkManager service crashes | 19:14 |
maco | 2. hitting alt+f2 *both* opens a run dialog *and* goes to tty2 as if ctrl+alt+f2 had been hit | 19:14 |
hggdh | maco, I cannot reproduce (2); I cannot test (1), sorry | 19:15 |
x1250 | cannot confirm 2, can't test 1 also. | 19:16 |
maco | darn | 19:17 |
maco | i could do both twice :P | 19:18 |
Volkodav | anybody has problem installing googleearth-package ? | 19:23 |
x1250 | just installed it, no problems here (didn't use it though) | 19:26 |
DanaG | My biggest bugs: | 19:56 |
DanaG | | 19:56 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 314600 in fglrx-installer "fglrx versions newer than 8.543 cause system hang and panic" [Undecided,Incomplete] | 19:56 |
DanaG | | 19:56 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 315922 in linux "2.6.27-11 makes brightness not work [2.6.28-4.10 also affected]" [Undecided,Fix released] | 19:56 |
DanaG | I am also using ext4 for root and for home, and I have auto-backup in place (one of thise things people know they should do, but often don't do). | 19:56 |
DanaG | Backup drive is ext3. | 19:56 |
fosco__ | ext4 performance is amazing, hope it has no bugs | 19:58 |
DanaG | (7:15:33 AM) x1250: boris-, check this bug | 19:59 |
DanaG | (7:15:41 AM) x1250: | 19:59 |
DanaG | (7:15:47 AM) ubottu: Launchpad bug 317781 in linux "Ext4 data loss" [High,Triaged] | 19:59 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 317781 in linux "Ext4 data loss" [High,Triaged] | 19:59 |
DanaG | Just make sure to have backups in place, at least of the most critical files. | 19:59 |
dmajnem2_ | where can I get the latest ubuntu iso? | 20:02 |
fosco__ | dmajnem2_: jaunty? | 20:03 |
fosco__ | | 20:04 |
dmajnem2_ | fosco__: does alpha 3 get updated packages? | 20:04 |
dmajnem2_ | I don't know the ubuntu release system, I am more familiar with the debian system | 20:05 |
fosco__ | yes | 20:05 |
dmajnem2_ | my goal is to find the closest thing to debian sid | 20:05 |
fosco__ | try intrepid | 20:05 |
dmajnem2_ | fosco__: isn't intrepid stable? | 20:06 |
fosco__ | intrepid = ubuntu 8.10 (stable) | 20:06 |
x1250 | I guess jaunty is a mix very much like sid + experimental | 20:06 |
dmajnem2_ | sid is the same thing as debian unstable | 20:06 |
fosco__ | jaunty = ubuntu 9.04 (develop) | 20:07 |
dmajnem2_ | sid is always the latest debian packages | 20:07 |
dmajnem2_ | so jaunty is the latest release | 20:07 |
fosco__ | jaunty is not released yet | 20:07 |
dmajnem2_ | fosco__: well, its alpha release | 20:07 |
x1250 | dmajnem2_, try jaunty, if you're used to sid, jaunty will not be much different, just a little more bumpy I guess. | 20:08 |
||cw2 | I just installed 8.10 in a vmware guest, then upgraded it to 9.04, once X loads I only gte a blank screen and can't switch to a text console. booted it single user and installed ssh, I can ssh to it, no cpu or disk usage going on, X logs seem normal too | 20:31 |
x1250 | ||cw2, tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg ? | 20:42 |
Melik | anyone know why my sound is always muted when i restart my computer? | 20:55 |
Melik | or at least anyone else experiencing something similiar? | 20:55 |
x1250 | kown bug, there is info about it on and | 20:57 |
DanaG | linky? | 20:58 |
DanaG | I'm getting the same thing -- PCM starts out muted. | 20:58 |
DanaG | And the volume slider doesn't control the PCM slider! | 20:58 |
charlie-tca | Melik: bug in jaunty | 21:01 |
DanaG | .... link? | 21:01 |
Melik | mine the PCM and Master starts out muted | 21:02 |
Melik | allright thanks guys | 21:02 |
x1250 | DanaG, there is some discussion in here (I don't know if it is the thread I remember looking at, don't know if the bug report is there either): | 21:03 |
charlie-tca | I don't know if it is filed, but it seems to common and often | 21:04 |
x1250 | IIRC it was, but I can't find it. It would be a very strange dream, if it was a dream :) | 21:05 |
Melik | x1250, also i experience a dev error at start up | 21:07 |
Melik | something like mknod failed for /dev/pktcdvd/control | 21:08 |
Melik | know anything about that? | 21:08 |
x1250 | Melik, no idea about that, sorry | 21:08 |
dean | help | 21:27 |
dean | sorry | 21:27 |
dean | never mind | 21:27 |
x1250 | DanaG, | 21:31 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 316430 in alsa-utils "[Jaunty] Sound channels are muted after reboot" [Low,Fix committed] | 21:31 |
DanaG | x1250: thanks. | 21:31 |
=== bluesmoke_ is now known as Amaranth | ||
||cw2 | reconfig didn't help | 21:37 |
||cw2 | nor hurt, i guess | 21:37 |
toresbe | Damnit. | 22:41 |
toresbe | Upgrading to jaunty on my work machine completely hosed X. | 22:41 |
toresbe | nvidia doesn't work, nv doesn't work, not even vesa | 22:43 |
x1250 | toresbe, use sudo dpkg-reconfgure -phigh xserver-xorg, and retry. For problems, look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 22:46 |
* scizzo- would have pointed to the testing site actually saying that there is a problem with those drivers.. :) | 22:52 | |
fosco__ | x1250: finally i succeeded installing nvidia restricted drivers :) | 22:53 |
toresbe | x1250: I ended up having to powercycle the system. That worked. | 22:54 |
x1250 | scizzo-, what are you talking about? | 22:54 |
x1250 | fosco__, good :D | 22:54 |
fosco__ | now compiz is working great in my jaunty desktop | 22:55 |
scizzo- | x1250: the problem with nvidia drivers in the xorg stuff | 22:55 |
zniavre | fosco can i,ask wich drivers and how did you make ? | 22:55 |
fosco__ | zniavre: i've used nvidia-glx-180 | 22:56 |
fosco__ | from repos | 22:56 |
x1250 | scizzo-, nvidia drivers do work, with some hand work. | 22:56 |
scizzo- | x1250: well yes | 22:56 |
scizzo- | o well | 22:56 |
zniavre | when i try it want to uninstall all xorg stuff | 22:56 |
fosco__ | zniavre: that was with an early version, alpha3 works ok | 22:57 |
zniavre | mmm im with alpha3 i guess it's may be cause i hav to use 173.xx ? | 22:57 |
fosco__ | not sure, i've only tryed 180 | 22:58 |
DanaG | I'm using fglrx 8.543 with Intrepid X server. | 22:58 |
* x1250 is using x86-video-ati with 3D hardware acceleration. Do that nv! >:) | 22:59 | |
* DanaG has RV635. | 23:00 | |
fosco__ | the power of open source :) | 23:01 |
DanaG | I just wish ATI had at least thought this way: | 23:01 |
DanaG | "Oh hey, we haven't completed cleaning out the specs for 3D on R600, but here's how to at least put the thing in low-power mode so your battery life doesn't go to shit." | 23:02 |
jussi01 | !ohmy | DanaG | 23:02 |
ubottu | DanaG: Please watch your language, attitude and topic to help keep this channel friendly and helpful. Remember, there are kids here! | 23:02 |
DanaG | ah. | 23:02 |
fosco__ | :) | 23:02 |
zniavre | !nvidia | 23:35 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | The ATI and nVidia binary drivers may not be currently installable at the moment | 23:35 |
Skiessi | how do I make ext3 partition ext4? | 23:59 |
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